
英文名稱 中文名稱
56756801 resonance overvoltage 諧振過電壓
56756802 resonance state [in spectroscopy] [光譜學中的]共振狀態
56756803 resonance [absorption] isolator 共振[吸收]式隔離器
56756804 resonance [method of] measurement 諧振測量法
56756805 resonant absorption 諧振吸收
56756806 resonant cavity wavemeter 諧振腔波長計
56756807 resonant circuit 諧振電路
56756808 resonant converter 諧振轉換器
56756809 resonant current rise 諧振電流上升
56756810 resonant earthed [neutral] system; arc-suppression-coil earthed [neutral] system 中性點諧振接地系統
56756811 resonant feeder 諧振饋線
56756812 resonant frequency 諧振頻率
56756813 resonant load commutation 諧振負載換相
56756814 resonant peak 諧振峰值
56756815 resonant slope varactor amplifier 諧振斜率變容放大器
56756816 resonant slot 諧振槽孔
56756817 resonant voltage rise 諧振電壓上升
56756818 resonating tube 共振管,諧振管
56756819 resonator 諧振器,共振器
56756820 resonator stability criterion 諧振器穩度準則
56756821 resource 資源
56756822 resource manager 資源管理程式
56756823 response curve 響應曲線
56756824 response delay 響應延遲
56756825 response function 響應函數
56756826 response threshold [to pulses] (對脈衝的)回應閾
56756827 response time for user browsing 用戶瀏覽回應時間
56756828 response [of a radiation measuring assembly] [輻射測量裝置的]回應
56756829 responsibility system of project legal person 專案法人責任制
56756830 rest and de-energized 停機和斷能
56756831 restart capability 再啟動能力
56756832 restart point 重作點
56756833 restart routine 重作常式
56756834 restart time 再啟動時間
56756835 resting state 靜態
56756836 restituted signal 復原信號
56756837 restoration circuit 復原電路
56756838 restoration process [of an electric power system] (電力系統的)恢復過程
56756839 restoration state of power system 電力系統恢復狀態
56756840 restoration technique 復原技術
56756841 restoration time 復原時間
56756842 restoration time after system failure 系統故障恢復時間
56756843 restorer pulse generator 回置器脈波產生器
56756844 restraint coefficient 約束係數;制動係數
56756845 restraint current 約束電流;制動電流
56756846 restricke 復擊
56756847 restricted access area 限制接近區域
56756848 restricted hour tariff 限定時段電價
56756849 restricted radiation frequency 有限輻射頻率
56756850 restricted speed repeating signal 限速中繼號誌(機)
總共 28901 筆,顯示第 23151 到第 23200 筆