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31828192 106 Aluminum Sulfate and 66 Other Pollution Control Agents not to be Listed Toxic Substance Management  On February 21, 1998, in accordance with Article 52 of the Environmental Agents Control Act, the EPA announced the first round of agents to be listed as controlled. These do not include aluminum sulfate and 66 other pollution c Toxic Substance Management  On February 21, 1998, in accordance with Article 52 of the Environmental Agents Control Act, the EPA announced the first round of agents to be listed as controlled. These do not include aluminum sulfate and 66 other pollution c 1998 9 1 9 1 2 Toxic Substance Management print/V1/V1-09
31828193 105 A Word from the Office of Science and Technology Advisors: International Environmental Cooperation and Exchange International Affairs  As societies have economically developed, the impact of environmental pollution has expanded beyond the scope of individual lives and evolved into an of regional and even global concern. In response, the Environmental Protection International Affairs  As societies have economically developed, the impact of environmental pollution has expanded beyond the scope of individual lives and evolved into an of regional and even global concern. In response, the Environmental Protection Adm 1998 9 1 9 1 2 international cooperation print/V1/V1-09
31828194 104 Structure of Marine Pollution Control Act to be Drafted Water Quality  Marine resource welfare and protection from pollution is becoming increasingly important as evidenced by a recent rash of marine pollution issues and given that 1998 was named International Year of the Sea by the United Nations. The EPA rec Water Quality  Marine resource welfare and protection from pollution is becoming increasingly important as evidenced by a recent rash of marine pollution issues and given that 1998 was named International Year of the Sea by the United Nations. The EPA rec 1998 8 1 8 1 2 Water Quality print/V1/V1-08
31828195 103 Standards for Fluorescent Light Eco-label Specifications Announced Eco-labeling  On December 31, 1998, the EPA announced the "Green Mark" specification standards for fluorescent lights. In addition to setting criteria for efficiency and life of the light tube, the standards also set restrictions on mercury content within Eco-labeling  On December 31, 1998, the EPA announced the "Green Mark" specification standards for fluorescent lights. In addition to setting criteria for efficiency and life of the light tube, the standards also set restrictions on mercury content within 1998 8 1 8 1 2 Eco-labeling print/V1/V1-08
31828196 102 EPA to Establish Legislative Streamlining Committee General Policy  According to a National Development Committee summary report on economic development, the speed of “government reengineering” in Taiwan must be accelerated to raise administrative efficiency as part of the effort to create a new “small but General Policy  According to a National Development Committee summary report on economic development, the speed of “government reengineering” in Taiwan must be accelerated to raise administrative efficiency as part of the effort to create a new “small but 1998 8 1 8 1 2 General Policy print/V1/V1-08
31828197 101 EPA to Determine Type of Oil Storage Tanks Requiring EIAs Soil and Groundwater  Although current regulations require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for oil or gas pipelines exceeding 50 kilometers in length, the construction of oil storage tanks is currently exempt from EIA requirements. The Taiwan Pro Soil and Groundwater  Although current regulations require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for oil or gas pipelines exceeding 50 kilometers in length, the construction of oil storage tanks is currently exempt from EIA requirements. The Taiwan Pro 1998 8 1 8 1 2 Soil and Groundwater print/V1/V1-08
31828198 100 EPA Strengthens Communication with Foreign Business Community International Affairs  At the invitation of the American Chamber of Commerce, the Director General of the EPA's Office of Science and Technology Advisors, Dr. Cheau-Yuan Yang, made a presentation to the Chamber's Environmental Protection Committee at International Affairs  At the invitation of the American Chamber of Commerce, the Director General of the EPA's Office of Science and Technology Advisors, Dr. Cheau-Yuan Yang, made a presentation to the Chamber's Environmental Protection Committee at a Ja 1998 8 1 8 1 2 international cooperation print/V1/V1-08
31828199 99 Environmental Impact Assessment Work Standards for Development Activities Announced Environmental Impact Assessment  A regulation entitled Work Procedures for the Environmental Impact Assessment of Development Activities, combining 21 Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) operational criteria categories was announced on December 31, 199 Environmental Impact Assessment  A regulation entitled Work Procedures for the Environmental Impact Assessment of Development Activities, combining 21 Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) operational criteria categories was announced on December 31, 199 1998 8 1 8 1 2 Environmental Impact Assessment print/V1/V1-08
31828200 98 Enforcement Rules for Environmental Agents Control Act Submitted to Executive Yuan Toxic Substance Management  On January 9, 1998, a draft version of the Environmental Agents Control Act Enforcement Guidelines passed the Executive Yuan. The regulations in the draft include provisions enabling the competent authority to enforce the Act, Toxic Substance Management  On January 9, 1998, a draft version of the Environmental Agents Control Act Enforcement Guidelines passed the Executive Yuan. The regulations in the draft include provisions enabling the competent authority to enforce the Act, 1998 8 1 8 1 2 Toxic Substance Management print/V1/V1-08
31828201 97 EIA Required for Development of Media Park Environmental Impact Assessment  On January 3, 1998, the EPA publicly announced that a proposed Media Park must perform an environmental impact assessment (EIA) that includes details and scope, as well as the standards for collecting EIA review fees. The Environmental Impact Assessment  On January 3, 1998, the EPA publicly announced that a proposed Media Park must perform an environmental impact assessment (EIA) that includes details and scope, as well as the standards for collecting EIA review fees. The 1998 8 1 8 1 2 Environmental Impact Assessment print/V1/V1-08
31828202 96 EIA Air Pollution Technology Criteria to be Studied Environmental Impact Assessment  According to Article 49 of the recently announced Work Procedures for Environmental Impact Assessments, the EPA is required to define the standards for techniques related to environmental impact assessments (EIAs). In orde Environmental Impact Assessment  According to Article 49 of the recently announced Work Procedures for Environmental Impact Assessments, the EPA is required to define the standards for techniques related to environmental impact assessments (EIAs). In orde 1998 8 1 8 1 2 Environmental Impact Assessment print/V1/V1-08
31828203 95 Drinking Water Equipment Maintenance Regulations Announced Water Quality  The Regulations Governing the Maintenance of Drinking Water Equipment were formally announced on December 31, 1997, and will be implemented beginning on July 1, 1998. The regulations stipulate that any drinking water machines installed in The Regulations Governing the Maintenance of Drinking Water Equipment were formally announced on December 31, 1997, and will be implemented beginning on July 1, 1998. The regulations stipulate that any drinking water machines installed in public or priva 1998 8 1 8 1 2 Water Quality print/V1/V1-08
31828204 94 Definition of Petrochemicals Industry Within Water Pollution Act Expanded Water Quality  On December 27, 1997, the EPA amended the Water Pollution Control Act to merge several industry groups into the group defined as the "petrochemicals industry." These included oil refining (formerly mineral oil refining) and other industry g Water Quality  On December 27, 1997, the EPA amended the Water Pollution Control Act to merge several industry groups into the group defined as the "petrochemicals industry." These included oil refining (formerly mineral oil refining) and other industry g 1998 8 1 8 1 2 Water Quality print/V1/V1-08
31828205 93 Amendments to the Enforcement Rules for Toxics Act Submitted to Executive Yuan Toxic Substance Management  On November 19, 1997, the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act was amended and announced. The EPA held consultations and a public hearing on a draft of implementation guidelines for the Act on January 12, 1998, and submitted t Toxic Substance Management  On November 19, 1997, the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act was amended and announced. The EPA held consultations and a public hearing on a draft of implementation guidelines for the Act on January 12, 1998, and submitted t 1998 8 1 8 1 2 Toxic Substance Management print/V1/V1-08
31828206 92 A Word from the Bureau of Environmental Monitoring and Data Processing: Promoting Individual and Community Air Quality Monitoring Efforts Environmental Information  Since its establishment, the EPA has effectively monitored and controlled air quality conditions throughout Taiwan, and has actively promoted comprehensive air quality monitoring and forecasting work. In 1996, following years of Environmental Information  Since its establishment, the EPA has effectively monitored and controlled air quality conditions throughout Taiwan, and has actively promoted comprehensive air quality monitoring and forecasting work. In 1996, following years of 1998 8 1 8 1 2 Environmental Information print/V1/V1-08
31828207 91 1998 General Containers Recycling Fee Rates Formally Announced Recycling  The 1998 recycling fee rates for general containers examined and approved by the Fee Review Committee on December 17, 1997 were an of concern to industry, environmental groups, and the general public. Of these, particularly industry Recycling  The 1998 recycling fee rates for general containers examined and approved by the Fee Review Committee on December 17, 1997 were an of concern to industry, environmental groups, and the general public. Of these, particularly industry groups expr 1998 8 1 7 1 2 Recycling print/V1/V1-08
31828208 90 Small-scale Stationary Pollution Sources Made Exempt from Air Pollution Fee Air Quality  In an amendment to the Regulations Governing the Collection of Air Pollution Control Fees, air pollution fees of stationary pollution sources that total less than NT$200 will be exempt from payment. Additionally, methods for calculating air p Air Quality  In an amendment to the Regulations Governing the Collection of Air Pollution Control Fees, air pollution fees of stationary pollution sources that total less than NT$200 will be exempt from payment. Additionally, methods for calculating air p 1998 7 1 7 1 2 Air Quality print/V1/V1-07
31828209 89 Reusable Industrial Waste Category to be Expanded Waste Management  According to the laws and regulations governing reuse, "resource recycling factories" that use non-hazardous industrial waste as a raw material must apply for a "reuse permit" before they can process waste. To simplify the process, EPA B Waste Management  According to the laws and regulations governing reuse, "resource recycling factories" that use non-hazardous industrial waste as a raw material must apply for a "reuse permit" before they can process waste. To simplify the process, EPA B 1998 7 1 7 1 2 waste print/V1/V1-07
31828210 88 Regulations Regarding Drinking Water Treatment Additives Announced Water Quality  On November 24, 1997, the EPA announced that tap water companies, small-scale tap water providers, communities with self-installed water supply systems, and drinking water dispenser manufacturers, importers and vendors can treat drinking wa Water Quality  On November 24, 1997, the EPA announced that tap water companies, small-scale tap water providers, communities with self-installed water supply systems, and drinking water dispenser manufacturers, importers and vendors can treat drinking wa 1998 7 1 7 1 2 Water Quality print/V1/V1-07
31828211 87 Regulations Concerning Public Nuisance Prevention Agreements to be Amended Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution  On November 5, amendments to the Public Dispute Settlement Act passed the first of three readings in the Legislative Yuan. The EPA indicated that since the act was promulgated and implemented in February 1992, Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution  On November 5, amendments to the Public Dispute Settlement Act passed the first of three readings in the Legislative Yuan. The EPA indicated that since the act was promulgated and implemented in February 1992, 1998 7 1 7 1 2 Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution print/V1/V1-07
31828212 86 NOx Emission Fees to Undergo Further Reductions Air Quality  In July of this year, the EPA decided to collect air pollution fees for nitrogen oxide (Nox) emissions drawing concerns that industry competitiveness would be weakened. Following numerous communications with industry, however, the EPA Air Quality  In July of this year, the EPA decided to collect air pollution fees for nitrogen oxide (Nox) emissions drawing concerns that industry competitiveness would be weakened. Following numerous communications with industry, however, the EPA maintai 1998 7 1 7 1 2 Air Quality print/V1/V1-07
31828213 85 Industries Eligible for Transitional Effluent Standards Required to Submit Improvement Plans Water Quality  The 1998 Effluent Standards took affect on January 1, 1998. Because many industries voiced concerns about the severity of the standards, the EPA offered a two-year transition period to the petrochemical industry and six other key Water Quality  The 1998 Effluent Standards took affect on January 1, 1998. Because many industries voiced concerns about the severity of the standards, the EPA offered a two-year transition period to the petrochemical industry and six other key industries 1998 7 1 7 1 2 Water Quality print/V1/V1-07
31828214 84 Implementation Plan for Drinking Water Source Water Quality Protection Zones Readied Water Quality  To protect the quality of drinking water sources, the Drinking Water Management Statute was amended in May of 1997 charging environmental protection agencies with new duties and obligations including the delineation of drinking water Water Quality  To protect the quality of drinking water sources, the Drinking Water Management Statute was amended in May of 1997 charging environmental protection agencies with new duties and obligations including the delineation of drinking water source 1998 7 1 7 1 2 Water Quality print/V1/V1-07
31828215 83 EPA Policies Following Kyoto Climate Change Convention Climate Change  In response to the problem of climate change, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), passed by the UN in 1992, outlines targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. However, lack of Climate Change  In response to the problem of climate change, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), passed by the UN in 1992, outlines targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. However, lack of binding agreements 1998 7 1 7 1 2 Climate Change print/V1/V1-07
31828216 82 EPA Broadens Scope of Battery Recycling Recycling  On November 27, 1997, the EPA announced that the scope of spent battery recycling would be broadened and that "spent dry cell batteries" would be defined as general waste articles that are difficult to dispose of, process, or contain harmful su Recycling  On November 27, 1997, the EPA announced that the scope of spent battery recycling would be broadened and that "spent dry cell batteries" would be defined as general waste articles that are difficult to dispose of, process, or contain harmful su 1998 7 1 7 1 2 Recycling print/V1/V1-07
31828217 81 Compulsory Recycling of Discarded Electronic Products and Computers to Commence in March '98 Recycling  Despite the efforts of consumer electronics industry to seek a delay, the EPA announced on December 5, 1997 that discarded electronic products and computers must be recycled beginning on March 1, 1998. The announcement also listed the items tha Recycling  Despite the efforts of consumer electronics industry to seek a delay, the EPA announced on December 5, 1997 that discarded electronic products and computers must be recycled beginning on March 1, 1998. The announcement also listed the items tha 1998 7 1 7 1 2 Recycling print/V1/V1-07
31828218 80 Certain Users of Waste Lubricants and Tires to be Recognized as Resource Recycling Factories Recycling  Factories that use waste lubricants to manufacture refined oil products or as fuel to manufacture steel or cement will be recognized as "resource recycling factories." Moreover, factories that use discarded tires as a raw material, for fuel in Recycling  Factories that use waste lubricants to manufacture refined oil products or as fuel to manufacture steel or cement will be recognized as "resource recycling factories." Moreover, factories that use discarded tires as a raw material, for fuel in 1998 7 1 7 1 2 Recycling print/V1/V1-07
31828219 79 Amendment to Air Pollution Control Act Includes Addition of Civil Suit Clause Air Pollution  Committee of the Legislative Yuan. Passage of the clause into law Air Pollution  On December 17, a draft amendment to the Air Pollution Control Act that includes the addition of a civil suite clause passed the first reading in the Joint Interior and Judicial Committee of the Legislative Yuan. Passage of the clause into 1998 7 1 7 1 2 Air Pollution print/V1/V1-07
31828220 78 A Word From the Bureau of Performance Evaluation and Dispute Settlement: The EPA's Policy on Eco-labeling Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution  In 1993, the EPA launched an eco-labeling program in Taiwan following an evaluation of related systems in other countries throughout the world. Taiwan's eco-labeling program was created to achieve the following Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution  In 1993, the EPA launched an eco-labeling program in Taiwan following an evaluation of related systems in other countries throughout the world. Taiwan's eco-labeling program was created to achieve the following 1998 7 1 7 1 2 Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution print/V1/V1-07
31828221 77 1998 Recycling Rate Targets Set Recycling  As compulsory payment of waste disposal fees will be used in place of recycling rates to regulate recycling according to Article 10-1 of the Waste Disposal Act, the Recycling Fund Management Committee for General Waste and Waste Recycling  As compulsory payment of waste disposal fees will be used in place of recycling rates to regulate recycling according to Article 10-1 of the Waste Disposal Act, the Recycling Fund Management Committee for General Waste and Waste Containers (Fun 1998 7 1 6 1 2 Recycling print/V1/V1-07
31828222 76 Toxic Chemicals Control Act Substantially Amended Toxic Substance Management  On November 19, the Toxic Chemicals Control Act was amended and promulgated by presidential order. The EPA commented that over the 11 years since the act was first promulgated in 1986, technological developments have lead to a Toxic Substance Management  On November 19, the Toxic Chemicals Control Act was amended and promulgated by presidential order. The EPA commented that over the 11 years since the act was first promulgated in 1986, technological developments have lead to a 1998 6 1 6 1 2 Toxic Substance Management print/V1/V1-06
31828223 75 Resource Recycling Factory Approval Method Announced Recycling  On November 4, the EPA announced the method for approving "Resource Recycling Factories" of general waste and waste containers. To be considered a "Resource Recycling Factory," the company must be registered as a factory and use general waste a Recycling  On November 4, the EPA announced the method for approving "Resource Recycling Factories" of general waste and waste containers. To be considered a "Resource Recycling Factory," the company must be registered as a factory and use general waste a 1998 6 1 6 1 2 Recycling print/V1/V1-06
31828224 74 Regulations Concerning Public Nuisance Prevention Agreements to be Amended Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution  On November 5, amendments to the Public Dispute Settlement Act passed the first of three readings in the Legislative Yuan. The EPA indicated that since the act was promulgated and implemented in February 1992, Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution  On November 5, amendments to the Public Dispute Settlement Act passed the first of three readings in the Legislative Yuan. The EPA indicated that since the act was promulgated and implemented in February 1992, 1998 6 1 6 1 2 Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution print/V1/V1-06
31828225 73 Modifications Made to Reward Incentives for Motor Vehicle Recycling Recycling  The EPA has formally announced that beginning November 1 manufacturers and importers of motor vehicles are now required to use a reward incentive method to promote collection and recycling of unwanted and/or discarded motor vehicles. The EPA al Recycling  The EPA has formally announced that beginning November 1 manufacturers and importers of motor vehicles are now required to use a reward incentive method to promote collection and recycling of unwanted and/or discarded motor vehicles. The EPA al 1998 6 1 6 1 2 Recycling print/V1/V1-06
31828226 72 IP Factories that Refuse Sewer Hook-up to be Penalized Environmental inspection  The Taichung City Government recently issued a citation to two factories in the Taichung Industrial Park (IP) for violating sewer regulations, the first citations to be issued since the implementation of the Industrial Park Waste Environmental inspection  The Taichung City Government recently issued a citation to two factories in the Taichung Industrial Park (IP) for violating sewer regulations, the first citations to be issued since the implementation of the Industrial Park Waste 1998 6 1 6 1 2 Environmental inspection print/V1/V1-06
31828227 71 EPA Considers Classifying the Lack of Fuel Vapor Recycling Systems as Air Pollution Activity Air Quality  The EPA is currently offering subsidies to gas stations for the cost of installing vapor recycling fuel nozzles. Subsidies vary depending on when the nozzles were installed. To ensure that such air pollution continues to be reduced, the EPA i Air Quality  The EPA is currently offering subsidies to gas stations for the cost of installing vapor recycling fuel nozzles. Subsidies vary depending on when the nozzles were installed. To ensure that such air pollution continues to be reduced, the EPA i 1998 6 1 6 1 2 Air Quality print/V1/V1-06
31828228 70 EPA Assists Companies to Achieve ISO 14000 Certification Others  To encourage companies to voluntarily comply with environmental protection laws and to continue to reduce pollution levels, the EPA will assist a number of companies in Taiwan achieve ISO 14000 certification. The Bureau of Performance Others  To encourage companies to voluntarily comply with environmental protection laws and to continue to reduce pollution levels, the EPA will assist a number of companies in Taiwan achieve ISO 14000 certification. The Bureau of Performance Evaluation a 1998 6 1 6 1 2 Others print/V1/V1-06
31828229 69 EPA Announces First Round of Vendors Required to Install Recycling Equipment Recycling  On November 4 and 11, the EPA announced the first group of vendors that are required to install equipment for the collection and recycling of general waste articles and waste containers, and the scope of such equipment. This announcement is Recycling  On November 4 and 11, the EPA announced the first group of vendors that are required to install equipment for the collection and recycling of general waste articles and waste containers, and the scope of such equipment. This announcement is bas 1998 6 1 6 1 2 Recycling print/V1/V1-06
31828230 68 Drinking Water Quality Source Protection Zones Delineated Water Quality  On May 21 of this year, amendments to the Drinking Water Management Statute were implemented to more strictly protect the quality of drinking water. The statute specifically authorizes environmental protection bodies to delineate and Water Quality  On May 21 of this year, amendments to the Drinking Water Management Statute were implemented to more strictly protect the quality of drinking water. The statute specifically authorizes environmental protection bodies to delineate and formal 1998 6 1 6 1 2 Water Quality print/V1/V1-06
31828231 67 Air Pollution Emissions Standards for Power Generation Facilities to be Tightened Air Pollution  According to the current standard governing the emissions of power generation facilities, the emissions limits for sulfur oxides (Sox) and nitrogen oxides (Nox) differ depending on what type of fuel is used. In particular, the relatively st Air Pollution  According to the current standard governing the emissions of power generation facilities, the emissions limits for sulfur oxides (Sox) and nitrogen oxides (Nox) differ depending on what type of fuel is used. In particular, the relatively st 1998 6 1 6 1 2 Air Pollution print/V1/V1-06
31828232 66 Additions and Amendments to General Waste and Waste Containers Fee Announced Waste Management  On October 28, the EPA amended this year's General Waste and Waste Container Fee (see Figure 6-4). Additions and amendments will take affect on June 6 and November 1 respectively. Waste Management  On October 28, the EPA amended this year's General Waste and Waste Container Fee (see Figure 6-4). Additions and amendments will take affect on June 6 and November 1 respectively. 1998 6 1 6 1 2 waste print/V1/V1-06
31828233 65 A Word from the Bureau of Environmental Sanitation and Toxic Chemicals Control: Policies for Managing Environmental Agents Environmental Sanitation  Situated in the sub-tropics, Taiwan's climate supports a host of pests, including mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, and rats, that transmit disease and are a risk to the environment. In response, the public's use of environmental p Environmental Sanitation   Situated in the sub-tropics, Taiwan's climate supports a host of pests, including mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, and rats, that transmit disease and are a risk to the environment. In response, the public's use of environmental 1998 6 1 5 1 2 Environmental Sanitation print/V1/V1-06
31828234 64 Vinyl Chloride and Four Other Chemicals Listed as Toxic Substances Toxic Substance Management  Five more chemicals have been added to Taiwan's list of toxic substances. On October 6, the EPA announced that 1,3-butadiene, tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene, vinyl chloride, and formaldehyde are to be considered toxic c Toxic Substance Management  Five more chemicals have been added to Taiwan's list of toxic substances. On October 6, the EPA announced that 1,3-butadiene, tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene, vinyl chloride, and formaldehyde are to be considered toxic c 1998 5 1 5 1 2 Toxic Substance Management print/V1/V1-05
31828235 63 Technical White Paper Plots Development of Sustainable Technologies Sustainable Development  In a recently completed technical white paper, the National Science Council has plotted a course for the R.O.C. to become a nation with a high-technology industrial base. Sustainable development technology has been included as one Sustainable Development  In a recently completed technical white paper, the National Science Council has plotted a course for the R.O.C. to become a nation with a high-technology industrial base. Sustainable development technology has been included as one 1998 5 1 5 1 2 Sustainable Development print/V1/V1-05
31828236 62 Structure of National Council for Sustainable Development to be Modified Sustainable Development  To set and promote comprehensive domestic strategies for environmental protection and sustainable development, the Executive Yuan in August this year approved the establishment of the Executive Yuan National Council for Sustainabl Sustainable Development  To set and promote comprehensive domestic strategies for environmental protection and sustainable development, the Executive Yuan in August this year approved the establishment of the Executive Yuan National Council for Sustainabl 1998 5 1 5 1 2 Sustainable Development print/V1/V1-05
31828237 61 Responsible Care Association Soon to be Established Toxic Substance Management  The Ministry of Economic Affairs Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) and chemical manufacturers are currently promoting a Responsible Care system in Taiwan and will soon establish a Responsible Care Association. This will coinc Toxic Substance Management  The Ministry of Economic Affairs Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) and chemical manufacturers are currently promoting a Responsible Care system in Taiwan and will soon establish a Responsible Care Association. This will coinc 1998 5 1 5 1 2 Toxic Substance Management print/V1/V1-05
31828238 60 Periodic Motorcycle Inspections Fully Implemented Air Quality  Motorcycles are a major pollution source in urban areas. Although Taiwan has the world's strictest emissions standards for new motorcycles, even the most stringent standards are useless if the owner neglects to maintain his vehicle. To better Air Quality  Motorcycles are a major pollution source in urban areas. Although Taiwan has the world's strictest emissions standards for new motorcycles, even the most stringent standards are useless if the owner neglects to maintain his vehicle. To better 1998 5 1 5 1 2 Air Quality print/V1/V1-05
31828239 59 Non-Point Source River Pollution to Come Under Control Water Quality  The focus of river water quality protection has traditionally been on point source pollution. Now that these pollution sources have gradually been brought under control, the importance of non-point source pollution is growing. According to Water Quality  The focus of river water quality protection has traditionally been on point source pollution. Now that these pollution sources have gradually been brought under control, the importance of non-point source pollution is growing. According to 1998 5 1 5 1 2 Water Quality print/V1/V1-05
31828240 58 New List of Industries Required to Obtain Air Pollution Control Permits Announced Air Quality  The EPA has announced the 7th round of industries with stationary pollution sources which must apply for air pollution control permits. These include the following businesses: dry cleaners, adhesives manufacturers, rubber products manufacture Air Quality  The EPA has announced the 7th round of industries with stationary pollution sources which must apply for air pollution control permits. These include the following businesses: dry cleaners, adhesives manufacturers, rubber products manufacture 1998 5 1 5 1 2 Air Quality print/V1/V1-05
31828241 57 Mandatory Periodic Testing Planned for Stationary Air Pollution Sources Air Quality  Stationary pollution sources will soon be subject to periodic emissions tests, as cars and motorcycles are currently. Article 12 of the Air Pollution Control Act not only authorizes the EPA to require stationary pollution sources to install a Air Quality  Stationary pollution sources will soon be subject to periodic emissions tests, as cars and motorcycles are currently. Article 12 of the Air Pollution Control Act not only authorizes the EPA to require stationary pollution sources to install a 1998 5 1 5 1 2 Air Quality print/V1/V1-05
總共 3256 筆,顯示第 151 到第 200 筆