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31828242 56 EPA to Enforce Recycling Logo Requirements Recycling  In accordance with the “Four-in-one” recycling plan, the EPA announced in June of this year the types of containers which must display the “Four-in-one” recycling logo. Many products currently on the market have yet to display the logo, however Recycling  In accordance with the “Four-in-one” recycling plan, the EPA announced in June of this year the types of containers which must display the “Four-in-one” recycling logo. Many products currently on the market have yet to display the logo, however 1998 5 1 5 1 2 Recycling print/V1/V1-05
31828243 55 EPA to Assess Awareness of Environmental Protection Issues Others  As part of its efforts to enhance environmental education, the EPA recently completed the System for Indicators of Environmental Education Knowledge and Behavior Among Students and the General Public. Results of initial surveys indicate that adult Others  As part of its efforts to enhance environmental education, the EPA recently completed the System for Indicators of Environmental Education Knowledge and Behavior Among Students and the General Public. Results of initial surveys indicate that adult 1998 5 1 5 1 2 Others print/V1/V1-05
31828244 54 EPA Promotes Coastal Clean-up and Protection Plan Environmental Sanitation  Through coordination with coastal management units of city environmental protection agencies, the EPA will implement the Coastal Area Environmental Clean-up and Protection Plan. Public organizations will also be invited to partic Environmental Sanitation  Through coordination with coastal management units of city environmental protection agencies, the EPA will implement the Coastal Area Environmental Clean-up and Protection Plan. Public organizations will also be invited to partic 1998 5 1 5 1 2 Environmental Sanitation print/V1/V1-05
31828245 53 EPA Predicts Zero Garbage Growth by 2002 Waste Management  The draft amendments to the Waste Disposal Act passed by the Legislative Yuan in March 1997 mandate major changes to the nation's recycling management system. In order to better understand the current status and future development of Waste Management  The draft amendments to the Waste Disposal Act passed by the Legislative Yuan in March 1997 mandate major changes to the nation's recycling management system. In order to better understand the current status and future development of act 1998 5 1 5 1 2 waste print/V1/V1-05
31828246 52 EPA Assesses AmCham Suggestions on Regulatory Affairs International Affairs  The American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan issued a “Taiwan White Paper” in September, 1997 that, among other topics, offered opinions on environmental protection issues. The white paper suggested that Taiwan should actively partici International Affairs  The American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan issued a “Taiwan White Paper” in September, 1997 that, among other topics, offered opinions on environmental protection issues. The white paper suggested that Taiwan should actively partici 1998 5 1 5 1 2 international cooperation print/V1/V1-05
31828247 51 Bottled Water Sources to be Investigated Water Quality  The EPA has announced the Working Guidelines for the Application of an Inspection Certificate Attesting to the Source Water Quality of Drinking Water in Bottles and from Dispensing Machines as a means to ensure the quality of bottled drinki Water Quality  The EPA has announced the Working Guidelines for the Application of an Inspection Certificate Attesting to the Source Water Quality of Drinking Water in Bottles and from Dispensing Machines as a means to ensure the quality of bottled drinki 1998 5 1 5 1 2 Water Quality print/V1/V1-05
31828248 50 A Word from the Bureau of Solid Waste Control Waste Management  In 1996, the Taiwan area produced over 8.7 million metric tons of garbage, or 23,748 tons per day on average. This means that the land area burden per square kilometer is as high as 240 tons of garbage, and that twenty-eight 900 ton per Waste Management  In 1996, the Taiwan area produced over 8.7 million metric tons of garbage, or 23,748 tons per day on average. This means that the land area burden per square kilometer is as high as 240 tons of garbage, and that twenty-eight 900 ton per 1998 5 1 4 1 2 waste print/V1/V1-05
31828249 49 Waste Treatment Land Increased Waste Management  In response to the lack of land that can be used for waste treatment purposes in industrial parks, last month the EPA formally expanded the regulations regarding the conversion of industrial park land. Sites with completed buildings tha Waste Management  In response to the lack of land that can be used for waste treatment purposes in industrial parks, last month the EPA formally expanded the regulations regarding the conversion of industrial park land. Sites with completed buildings tha 1998 4 1 4 1 2 waste print/V1/V1-04
31828250 48 Regulations Governing Incinerator Privatization Amended Waste Management  To provide county and city level governments in Taiwan with the legal guidelines for promoting the privatization of incinerator ownership and construction, the EPA promulgated the Working Guidelines for the Encouragement of Private Waste Management  To provide county and city level governments in Taiwan with the legal guidelines for promoting the privatization of incinerator ownership and construction, the EPA promulgated the Working Guidelines for the Encouragement of Private Organ 1998 4 1 4 1 2 waste print/V1/V1-04
31828251 47 Premier Orders Quick Resolution to Garbage Disposal Problems Waste Management  Shortly after taking office, Premier Vincent Siew, paid a visit to the EPA on September 11 to hear a report on recent efforts to deal with Taiwan’s garbage disposal problems. In response to the report, Siew directed the EPA to strengthen Waste Management  Shortly after taking office, Premier Vincent Siew, paid a visit to the EPA on September 11 to hear a report on recent efforts to deal with Taiwan’s garbage disposal problems. In response to the report, Siew directed the EPA to strengthen 1998 4 1 4 1 2 waste print/V1/V1-04
31828252 46 First Version of EIA Review Reference Items Completed Environmental Impact Assessment  To enhance the efficiency, quality, and consistency of the EIA review process, the EPA has compiled results from previous EIA review cases and research activities. These experiences have been used by the EPA in putting to Environmental Impact Assessment  To enhance the efficiency, quality, and consistency of the EIA review process, the EPA has compiled results from previous EIA review cases and research activities. These experiences have been used by the EPA in putting to 1998 4 1 4 1 2 Environmental Impact Assessment print/V1/V1-04
31828253 45 Executive Yuan Ratifies Draft Regulations on Policy EIA's Environmental Impact Assessment  Article 26 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act stipulates that government policies with environmental ramifications shall be subject to environmental impact assessments to be carried out as designated by the central Environmental Impact Assessment  Article 26 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act stipulates that government policies with environmental ramifications shall be subject to environmental impact assessments to be carried out as designated by the central 1998 4 1 4 1 2 Environmental Impact Assessment print/V1/V1-04
31828254 44 Executive Yuan Passes Amendments to Air Pollution Act Air Quality  The Air Pollution Control Act was last revised in February, 1992, more than five years ago. Since there are many areas in the current law which demand improvement, the EPA drafted some amendments to the law which it submitted to the Air Quality  The Air Pollution Control Act was last revised in February, 1992, more than five years ago. Since there are many areas in the current law which demand improvement, the EPA drafted some amendments to the law which it submitted to the Executive 1998 4 1 4 1 2 Air Quality print/V1/V1-04
31828255 43 EPA Readies Regulations for Second Stage Air Pollution Control Fee Collection Air Quality  Beginning July 1, 1998, fees for air emissions from fixed pollution sources will be collected according the actual amount of pollution emitted. In preparation, the EPA has already drawn up draft amendments to the Regulations Governing the Air Quality  Beginning July 1, 1998, fees for air emissions from fixed pollution sources will be collected according the actual amount of pollution emitted. In preparation, the EPA has already drawn up draft amendments to the Regulations Governing the Co 1998 4 1 4 1 2 Air Quality print/V1/V1-04
31828256 42 EPA Announces Recycling Fees for Containers and General Articles Recycling  To encourage recycling, the legislature revised the Waste Disposal Act in March of this year, requiring designated vendors to pay fees based on their business . The rates assessed on these companies were to be decided by a Fee Recycling  To encourage recycling, the legislature revised the Waste Disposal Act in March of this year, requiring designated vendors to pay fees based on their business . The rates assessed on these companies were to be decided by a Fee Review Committee 1998 4 1 4 1 2 Recycling print/V1/V1-04
31828257 41 EPA Amends Definitions and Types of Businesses Regulated by Water Pollution Control Act Water Quality  The EPA has announced amendments to the definition and classification of businesses regulated by the Water Pollution Control Act. Amendments include classifying printed circuit board manufacturers separately and bringing gas stations withi Water Quality  The EPA has announced amendments to the definition and classification of businesses regulated by the Water Pollution Control Act. Amendments include classifying printed circuit board manufacturers separately and bringing gas stations withi 1998 4 1 4 1 2 Water Quality print/V1/V1-04
31828258 40 Effluent Standards to be Substantially Amended Water Quality  The EPA has recently made several significant amendments to Taiwan’s Effluent Standards. Bureau of Water Quality Protection personnel noted that the revised standards are nearing completion, and that barring unforeseen circumstances, the Water Quality  The EPA has recently made several significant amendments to Taiwan’s Effluent Standards. Bureau of Water Quality Protection personnel noted that the revised standards are nearing completion, and that barring unforeseen circumstances, the E 1998 4 1 4 1 2 Water Quality print/V1/V1-04
31828259 39 A Word from the Bureau of Air Quality p and Noise Control: Air Pollution Control Fees for Fixed Source Emissions Air Quality  Beginning July 1, 1995, the EPA began collecting fees for fixed source emissions generated from the burning of fuels. This policy was enacted as a means to improve Taiwan’s air quality by providing industry an economic incentive to reduce ai Air Quality  Beginning July 1, 1995, the EPA began collecting fees for fixed source emissions generated from the burning of fuels. This policy was enacted as a means to improve Taiwan’s air quality by providing industry an economic incentive to reduce ai 1998 4 1 3 1 2 Air Quality print/V1/V1-04
31828260 38 Vendors Targeted for Recycling Requirements Recycling  To increase recycling activities, vendors recently specified within amended clauses of the Waste Clearance and Disposal Act must comply with requirements for implementing recycling facilities. On August 5th, the EPA convened a Recycling  To increase recycling activities, vendors recently specified within amended clauses of the Waste Clearance and Disposal Act must comply with requirements for implementing recycling facilities. On August 5th, the EPA convened a discussion meetin 1998 3 1 3 1 2 Recycling print/V1/V1-03
31828261 37 Toxic Chemical Selection Principles Promulgated Toxic Substance Management  Of the large number of chemical substances, those that are harmful to humans number in the thousands. To help the public understand the process of legally identifying chemical substances as toxic, the EPA on August 1st officia Toxic Substance Management  Of the large number of chemical substances, those that are harmful to humans number in the thousands. To help the public understand the process of legally identifying chemical substances as toxic, the EPA on August 1st officia 1998 3 1 3 1 2 Toxic Substance Management print/V1/V1-03
31828262 36 Taiwan Responds to Climate Change Convention Climate Change  To address the problem of global warming, in 1992 world leaders signed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This convention committed signatories to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to 1990 levels by the year Climate Change  To address the problem of global warming, in 1992 world leaders signed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This convention committed signatories to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000. Alth 1998 3 1 3 1 2 Climate Change print/V1/V1-03
31828263 35 National Sustainable Development Committee to be Established Sustainable Development  Sustainable Development  To promote global environmental protection activities, in 1992 Taiwan established the Global Environment Change Task Force under the Executive Yuan's External Working Meeting Report. In 1994 the task forc Sustainable Development  Sustainable Development  To promote global environmental protection activities, in 1992 Taiwan established the Global Environment Change Task Force under the Executive Yuan's External Working Meeting Report. In 1994 the task forc 1998 3 1 3 1 2 Sustainable Development print/V1/V1-03
31828264 34 Hazardous Waste Import, Export, and Transshipment Regulations Promulgated Toxic Substance Management  The cross-border transfer of hazardous waste is gradually receiving more attention these days. So that Taiwan's regulations governing the import and export of hazardous waste adhere more closely to the spirit of the Basel Conve Toxic Substance Management  The cross-border transfer of hazardous waste is gradually receiving more attention these days. So that Taiwan's regulations governing the import and export of hazardous waste adhere more closely to the spirit of the Basel Conve 1998 3 1 3 1 2 Toxic Substance Management print/V1/V1-03
31828265 33 First Stage Tamshui River Basin Cleanup Plan to Undergo Trial Run Water Quality  After ten years of construction, the first-stage project of the Tamshui River Basin Cleanup Plan has been completed. The first-stage project has been a joint provincial and city government sewage system construction project. This system i Water Quality  After ten years of construction, the first-stage project of the Tamshui River Basin Cleanup Plan has been completed. The first-stage project has been a joint provincial and city government sewage system construction project. This system i 1998 3 1 3 1 2 Water Quality print/V1/V1-03
31828266 32 EPA Subsidizes Gas Station Fume Recycling Equipment Air Quality  As ozone pollution becomes a more serious concern, the EPA has decided to subsidize the installation of fume recycling equipment at gas stations. In addition, to encourage consumer support, the EPA has also awarded gas stations that install Air Quality  As ozone pollution becomes a more serious concern, the EPA has decided to subsidize the installation of fume recycling equipment at gas stations. In addition, to encourage consumer support, the EPA has also awarded gas stations that install 1998 3 1 3 1 2 Air Quality print/V1/V1-03
31828267 31 EPA Studies Feasibility of Total Pollution Quantity Control Measures for Kaohsiung-Pingtung Area Rivers Water Quality  To improve the quality of drinking water in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area, the EPA is currently planning to implement total pollutant control measures in Kao-ping river, using ammonium nitrogen as the target indicator. Officials at the Bureau Water Quality  To improve the quality of drinking water in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area, the EPA is currently planning to implement total pollutant control measures in Kao-ping river, using ammonium nitrogen as the target indicator. Officials at the Bureau 1998 3 1 3 1 2 Water Quality print/V1/V1-03
31828268 30 EPA Enhances Transparency of Regulatory Process General Policy  The scope of environmental issues is extremely broad, and solutions to environmental problems frequently require specialized technology. To comprehensively raise environmental quality, the EPA has been rapidly amending environmental General Policy  The scope of environmental issues is extremely broad, and solutions to environmental problems frequently require specialized technology. To comprehensively raise environmental quality, the EPA has been rapidly amending environmental prote 1998 3 1 3 1 2 General Policy print/V1/V1-03
31828269 29 EPA Announces the Results of EIA Consultant Evaluation Environmental Impact Assessment  Quality of service among Taiwan's EIA consulting bodies varies widely. To enhance the quality of EIA work, the EPA established the EIA Consultancy Assessment Program. Recently published results from the first assessment Environmental Impact Assessment  Quality of service among Taiwan's EIA consulting bodies varies widely. To enhance the quality of EIA work, the EPA established the EIA Consultancy Assessment Program. Recently published results from the first assessment 1998 3 1 3 1 2 Environmental Impact Assessment print/V1/V1-03
31828270 28 Environmental Protection Consumes Growing Portion of GNP Others  In cooperation with the Executive Yuan's "Working Plan to Improve the Nation's Competitiveness," the EPA has examined the history of Taiwan's environmental expenditures and set targets for "environmental investment as a proportion of Others  In cooperation with the Executive Yuan's "Working Plan to Improve the Nation's Competitiveness," the EPA has examined the history of Taiwan's environmental expenditures and set targets for "environmental investment as a proportion of GNP" over the 1998 3 1 3 1 2 Others print/V1/V1-03
31828271 27 Dioxin Emission Standards for Large-scale Incinerators Promulgated Air Quality  To resolve public concerns regarding dioxin emissions from large-scale incinerators, the EPA on August 6th promulgated relevant standards. These standards require new incinerators to comply with an emission limit of 0.1ng of toxicity equival Air Quality  To resolve public concerns regarding dioxin emissions from large-scale incinerators, the EPA on August 6th promulgated relevant standards. These standards require new incinerators to comply with an emission limit of 0.1ng of toxicity equival 1998 3 1 3 1 2 Air Quality print/V1/V1-03
31828272 26 As New Premier Takes Office, EPA Specifies Four Key Activities General Policy  During his fist day in office, September 1st, the new Premier set out the guiding principles of his administration. To members of the Cabinet, Premier Siew emphasized the importance of an active government that strives to enhance public General Policy  During his fist day in office, September 1st, the new Premier set out the guiding principles of his administration. To members of the Cabinet, Premier Siew emphasized the importance of an active government that strives to enhance public p 1998 3 1 3 1 2 General Policy print/V1/V1-03
31828273 25 Amendments to EIA Standards Implemented Environmental Impact Assessment  To clarify the scope of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the EPA on October 18, 1995 promulgated the Standards for Determining Items and Scope of Environmental Impact Assessments for Development Activities to Environmental Impact Assessment  To clarify the scope of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the EPA on October 18, 1995 promulgated the Standards for Determining Items and Scope of Environmental Impact Assessments for Development Activities to becom 1998 3 1 3 1 2 Environmental Impact Assessment print/V1/V1-03
31828274 24 A Word from the Bureau of Comprehensive Planning: Trends in Taiwan's Environmental Impact Assessment Framework General Policy  General Policy  Taiwan's environmental impact assessment (EIA) system began to take shape in 1984, and on December 30, 1994, the Environmental Impact Assessment Act was promulgated. This legislation has since been followed by the Guideline General Policy  Taiwan's environmental impact assessment (EIA) system began to take shape in 1984, and on December 30, 1994, the Environmental Impact Assessment Act was promulgated. This legislation has since been followed by the Guidelines for the Implem 1998 3 1 2 1 2 General Policy print/V1/V1-03
31828275 23 VOCs from PU Synthetic Leather Industry to Be Controlled Air Quality  Taiwan is the world's leading polyurethane (PU) synthetic leather producer, controlling 40 of the global market. This industry, however, emits over 15.000 tons of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Air Quality  Taiwan is the world's leading polyurethane (PU) synthetic leather producer, controlling 40 of the global market. This industry, however, emits over 15.000 tons of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) per year. This amount comprises 14 of all VOC 1998 2 1 2 1 2 Air Quality print/V1/V1-02
31828276 22 Translation of Environmental Laws Moves Forward Others  As environmental affairs become increasingly in ternational, EPA Administrator Hsung-Hsiung Tsai has instructed the EPA to launch the Environmental Law International Exchange Plan. The plan will Others  As environmental affairs become increasingly in ternational, EPA Administrator Hsung-Hsiung Tsai has instructed the EPA to launch the Environmental Law International Exchange Plan. The plan will further the government's intentions to boost interna 1998 2 1 2 1 2 Others print/V1/V1-02
31828277 21 Taiwan to Hold Meeting on APEC Marine Modeling Process Others  The APEC Committee on Marine Modeling Processes convened its first meeting in Taipei on August 15. The meeting focused on how to mutually develop appropriate marine models in the Asia Pacific region for application in environmental protection and Others  The APEC Committee on Marine Modeling Processes convened its first meeting in Taipei on August 15. The meeting focused on how to mutually develop appropriate marine models in the Asia Pacific region for application in environmental protection and 1998 2 1 2 1 2 Others print/V1/V1-02
31828278 20 Remote Monitoring of Automobile Emissions to Be Actively Pushed Air Quality  Of the current methods to control automobile air missions, the major method is to require compliance with air emission standards through regular and irregular inspections. Because automobile Air Quality  Of the current methods to control automobile air missions, the major method is to require compliance with air emission standards through regular and irregular inspections. Because automobile inspections only occur once per year, environmental 1998 2 1 2 1 2 Air Quality print/V1/V1-02
31828279 19 New Recycling System Nears Completion Recycling  The EPA, in accordance with recent amendments to the Waste Disposal Act, has been actively establishing a new island-wide recycling system. After numerous discussions with interested parties, Recycling  The EPA, in accordance with recent amendments to the Waste Disposal Act, has been actively establishing a new island-wide recycling system. After numerous discussions with interested parties, the EPA has completed the initial steps of setting u 1998 2 1 2 1 2 Recycling print/V1/V1-02
31828280 18 IDE Offers APEC Cleaner Production Training Others  The pollution control industry ranks among Taiwan's top ten new industries. Limitations of the local market and demand in other Southeast Asian countries have spurred local pollution control Others  The pollution control industry ranks among Taiwan's top ten new industries. Limitations of the local market and demand in other Southeast Asian countries have spurred local pollution control technology providers to expand beyond Taiwan. To facilit 1998 2 1 2 1 2 Others print/V1/V1-02
31828281 17 Four Appliances, One Computer Recycling Program Publicly Announced Recycling  New recycling regulations currently under development will require manufacturers of computers, televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners to pay into a resource recycling, collecting, and processing fund. The required am Recycling  New recycling regulations currently under development will require manufacturers of computers, televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners to pay into a resource recycling, collecting, and processing fund. The required am 1998 2 1 2 1 2 Recycling print/V1/V1-02
31828282 16 EPA to promote Total Quantity Control of Air Pollution in Kaohsiung-Pingtung Area Air Quality  Currently, air pollution control efforts rely on regulations that set standards for the concentration of emitted air pollutants. As long as air pollution sources emit concentrations below these standards, the total quantity of pollution emiss Air Quality  Currently, air pollution control efforts rely on regulations that set standards for the concentration of emitted air pollutants. As long as air pollution sources emit concentrations below these standards, the total quantity of pollution emiss 1998 2 1 2 1 2 Air Quality print/V1/V1-02
31828283 15 EPA Launches EMS Planning and Assistance Projects General Policy  Domestic ISO 14000 promotional activities are managed under the auspices of the ISO 14000 Working Group within the Executive Yuan's Committee on Global Change Policy. According to the General Policy  Domestic ISO 14000 promotional activities are managed under the auspices of the ISO 14000 Working Group within the Executive Yuan's Committee on Global Change Policy. According to the Working Group's structure, the EPA's major responsibili 1998 2 1 2 1 2 General Policy print/V1/V1-02
31828284 14 EPA Announces General Container Recycling Label Recycling  The EPA has publicly announced the official design of the recycling label to be displayed on general containers (bottles, cans, drink boxes, etc.). The label must be a single color and displayed in a readily visible area on the product and/or t Recycling  The EPA has publicly announced the official design of the recycling label to be displayed on general containers (bottles, cans, drink boxes, etc.). The label must be a single color and displayed in a readily visible area on the product and/or t 1998 2 1 2 1 2 Recycling print/V1/V1-02
31828285 13 Environmental Protection Budgets for FY 1997 Analyzed Others  In an effort to understand environmental protection expenditures by agencies and organizations at all levels of government, the EPA recently completed a 1997 fiscal year investigation. The study Others  In an effort to understand environmental protection expenditures by agencies and organizations at all levels of government, the EPA recently completed a 1997 fiscal year investigation. The study targeted central, provincial, municipal, and county 1998 2 1 2 1 2 Others print/V1/V1-02
31828286 12 Council for Sustainable Development Bylaws Approved Sustainable Development  On August 14, the Executive Yuan approved bylaws for the establishment of the National Council for Sustainable Development. This Council will replace the existing Committee on Global Change Policy and oversee promotion and impleme Sustainable Development  On August 14, the Executive Yuan approved bylaws for the establishment of the National Council for Sustainable Development. This Council will replace the existing Committee on Global Change Policy and oversee promotion and impleme 1998 2 1 2 1 2 Sustainable Development print/V1/V1-02
31828287 11 A Word from Gwo-Dong Roam, Director General of the Bureau of Water Quality Protection Water Quality  In-line with the "polluter pays" principle, the EPA plans to use economic incentives for both firms and households to reduce the amount of wastewater pollutants discharged. The EPA has recently Water Quality  In-line with the "polluter pays" principle, the EPA plans to use economic incentives for both firms and households to reduce the amount of wastewater pollutants discharged. The EPA has recently established regulations concerning water pollu 1998 2 1 2 1 2 Water Quality print/V1/V1-02
31828288 10 New Recycling System to Begin in August Recycling  In order to promote recycling, the legislature passed amendments to the Waste Disposal Act in March, 1997. The law stipulates that companies with products on an EPA list must pay a recycling fee Recycling  In order to promote recycling, the legislature passed amendments to the Waste Disposal Act in March, 1997. The law stipulates that companies with products on an EPA list must pay a recycling fee based on 100 of the product's sales revenue. The 1998 1 1 1 1 2 Recycling print/V1/V1-01
31828289 9 Launch of Fuel Improvement Plan Accelerated Air Quality  The problem of air pollution due to car and motorcycle emissions is drawing increased attention. According to Ministry of Transportation and Communications statistics, Taiwan had 14.27 million Air Quality  The problem of air pollution due to car and motorcycle emissions is drawing increased attention. According to Ministry of Transportation and Communications statistics, Taiwan had 14.27 million vehicles at the end of 1996, and the density of v 1998 1 1 1 1 2 Air Quality print/V1/V1-01
31828290 8 IDB Promotes Environmental Management Guidance Others  Taiwan's primary Chinese-language source of in formation on IS014000 has been the IS014000 Update issued by ITRI. The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) Department of Industrial Others  Taiwan's primary Chinese-language source of in formation on IS014000 has been the IS014000 Update issued by ITRI. The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) Department of Industrial Technology, which provided funding for the publication, has decided 1998 1 1 1 1 2 Others print/V1/V1-01
31828291 7 Hsung-Hsiung Tsai Reviews Year's Accomplishments Others  Having completed his first year in office, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Administrator Hsung-Hsiung Tsai recently reviewed his performance over the last year and explained Others  Having completed his first year in office, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Administrator Hsung-Hsiung Tsai recently reviewed his performance over the last year and explained his administration's current policies and future policy dir 1998 1 1 1 1 2 Others print/V1/V1-01
總共 3256 筆,顯示第 201 到第 250 筆