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18831929 2012 應用綠肥營造環境親和型水旱田輪作經營模式 The establishment of environmental friendly crop rotation model using green manure 101農科-14.1.2-種-X1 101AS -14.1.2-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 鄭梨櫻 Lee-Ying Cheng 為降低氣候變遷對台灣飼料玉米生產之衝擊,調整玉米品種並利用輪作綠肥設計低投入環境親合型輪作模式,評估各模式對土壤環境及農民收益之效力。試驗結果,輪作綠肥可提升土壤有效性氮含量並降低土壤總體密度,所增加之氮素可讓後續作物減施化肥,甚而因土壤肥力改善而提高後續水稻產量,雖然減少一個期作現金收入而降低收益,惟其整體效益仍待後續評估。 To reduce climate change impact on Taiwan feed corn production adjust the corn varieties and use green manure to design low-input environmental friendly crop rotation model assessing the effect of modes on soil environment and farmers ' income. The results indicated green manure rotation will increase effective nitrogen content in soil and reduce soil density the increase of nitrogen for subsequent crop fertilizer reduction even increased follow-up of rice production due to improved soil fertility.Although one less as cash income while reducing total income but their overall benefits remain to be follow-up assessments.
18831930 2012 冬作耐溼馬鈴薯品種選育 Wet resistant breeding for potato in winter 101農科-14.1.2-種-X2 101AS -14.1.2-SS-X2 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 薛佑光 Yu-Kuang Hsueh 已由國際馬鈴薯中心(International Potato Center,ICP)獲得之雜交種子繁殖二千株實生苗,並從中選拔具有生長勢強、種薯產量高及品質佳之營養系48個,進行冬季耐濕品系選拔。100/101年期冬作馬鈴薯耐濕試驗,以低溫及高濕環境作為汰選方法,經調查及評估48個營養系,在生長勢、生育中期之株高及葉色、葉綠素含量、生育後期之罹病與倒伏比例、採收後單株薯重等結果,馬鈴薯代碼為1 8 3、91N80、470、91A179、T75、462、317等7個參試營養系具有最佳的表現。擬參考本次初步汰選資料,持續進行選拔與評估。 We selected the 48 clones by the International Potato Center of two thousand hybrid seedlings which are strong growth potential high tuber production and good quality. We selected better growth tuber yield and quality clones on wet and low temperature in winter. In this project we used the low temperature and high wet environment to investigate 48 clones. The potato number are 183 91N80 470 91A179 T75 462 317 etc. They have the better growth potential
18831931 2012 氣候變遷對授粉昆蟲行為模式與生態影響及生產因應對策-設施內茄科蔬菜利用蜜蜂授粉生產之研究 Study on influence of climate changing on the pollinator behavior model ecological impacts and produce countermeasures-Study on honeybee pollinaiton for Solanaceae vegetable production in the greenhouse 101農科-14.1.2-種-X3 101AS -14.1.2-SS-X3 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 郭宏遠 Horng-Yeuan Kuo 於密閉網室內施放蜜蜂進行番茄果實生產時,蜂箱需於第一花序開花前一星期放入網室內使蜂群馴化適應。網室內之溫濕度影響蜜蜂離巢及訪花之頻率。蜜蜂授粉之番茄果實生長速率高於自然授粉者,以授粉後3-4週內尤其顯著。蜜蜂授粉處理之果長、果寬、果肉厚度、單果重及種子數均優於自然授粉者,僅糖度略低。 Honeybee hive should be put into the net-house one week before blossom of first inflorescence for honeybee acclimation when tomato fruit production in the close house. Temperature and relative humidity in the net-house would affect the honeybee activities of leaving hive and foraging. In addition the growth rate of tomato fruit of honeybee pollination treatment was better than that of self-pollinated especially during the 3-4 weeks after pollination. Furthermore the fruit length fruit width flesh thickness fruit weight and seed numbers per fruit were better than those of self-pollinated besides sugar of fruit
18831932 2012 組織培養節能設備及技術之開發 Energy-saving equipment and technology development for tissue culture 101農科-14.1.5-種-X1 101AS -14.1.5-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 文紀鑾 Chi-Luan Wen 本計畫結果如下1.在培養室中建立一套10種不同型式(T5- fluorescent lamps)之光線控制系統。2.利用3種不同不週期調查對2種彩色海芋(cv. Florex and Pacific pink)及一種石斛蘭對芽體增殖之影響。彩色海芋之芽體置於3種不同光週期(8、12、16-h光期),30天後,2種彩色海芋在12及16-h光期下培養之芽體高度高於8-h光期,Florex and Pacific pink芽體增殖倍率在12及16-h光期下培養明顯高於8-h光期。芽體鮮重與乾重在8-h光期下明顯降低,在12-h及16-h二種光週期比較下在芽體高度、芽體增殖倍率、鮮重及乾重均不影響。在石斛蘭(cv. Taiseed Tosnobile)上,在8-h及12-h二種光週期下培養芽體高度、芽體增殖倍率、鮮重及乾重均會明顯比在16-h光期下降低。3.在2種彩色海芋發根培養於塑膠培養瓶中以單層或雙層封膜試驗中,雙層封膜可顯著降低瓶苗之污染,而且雙層封膜不影響芽體高度、發根的數量及芽體鮮乾重。 The results of this program are examined see below:1. Set one auto-control system of 10 different lights (T5- fluorescent lamps) for tissue culture in culture room.2. The effects of 3 different photoperiods on shoot proliferation from 2 calla lily cultivars (cv. Florex and Pacific pink) and 1 dendrobium micro-shoots were tested. Shoot cluster of calla lily were cultured in culture room under 8 12 and 16-h photoperiods. After 30 d The shoots of 2 calla lily cultivars cultured under the 12 and 16-h photoperiods were taller than those grown under 8 h. The shoot proliferation rate of Florex and Pacific pink increased when plants were grown at 12 and 16-h photoperiods. Reduction in fresh and dry weights of shoots was significant already under 8-h photoperiods. 12 and 16-h photoperiods had no significant in shoot height shoot proliferation rate fresh and dry weights. In dendrobium (cv. Taiseed Tosnobile) Reduction in shoot height shoot proliferation rate fresh and dry weights of shoots was significant under 8-h and 12-h photoperiods.3. In this experiment of sealing with membrane for tissue culture. 2 calla lily cultivars (cv. Florex and Pacific pink) rooting culture by plastic vessels and sealing with one or two layer membrane. Reduction contamination was significant by plastic vessels sealing with two layer membrane. Furthermore sealing with two layer membranes had no significant in shoot height the number of rooting fresh and dry weights.
18831933 2012 健康種苗生產供應與健康管理體系之建立 Establishment of health seedlings production and health management system 101農科-14.2.2-種-X1 101AS -14.2.2-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 王至正 Jhih-Jheng Wang 不公開 Not public
18831934 2011 植物種苗團隊-作物特定性狀分子標誌建立及選殖 The establishment and application of specific molecular markers for the crops species 100農科-1.1.1-種-X1 100AS-1.1.1-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 莊淑貞 Su-Jean Chuang a.番茄抗斑點萎凋病毒基因型之分子鑑定:番茄斑點萎凋病毒病,為番茄溫室栽培的主要病害之一,近年更有蔓延的趨勢。危害症狀變化大,從苗期到成株各部位均可感染呈現症狀, Sw5抗性基因控制下接種TSWV的反應呈現無病斑或僅限制性過敏反應。本試驗完成在Sw5基因位置上建立分子標誌並利用F2族群分析抗性基因之分離情形,結果栽培種中之Sw5a與Sw5b抗性基因表現連鎖關係,分離比為1:2:1並已運用於大量樣品基因型檢定。b.木瓜性別相關基因及其分子標誌之建立:由DNA層次進行分子標誌的篩選工作,希望能獲得與木瓜全兩性性狀相關之分子標誌。經過多組的SSR及RAPD引子PCR試驗篩選,電泳分析發現:目前所設計之SSR引子對在各試驗材料間,並無篩選出具差異性的條帶。利用RAPD-PCR試驗分析,試驗結果發現有一組UBC-726引子在具全兩性性狀之(A1-3+A1-4+A1-5+A1-7)、(A68-6+A68-7)與不具全兩性性狀之 A1-1 、(A68-4+A68-5)的試驗材料間具有差異性條帶,未來將進一步分析此差異性條帶的序列資料與鑑別性確認。c.番椒抗炭疽病基因型之分子鑑定:以種苗公司提供之番椒品種,選定同一父母本後代之抗病性及感病性的番椒之葉片及果實,萃取蛋白質進行二維電泳分析,篩選出差異性蛋白質點期望作為分子標誌。目前已將於約19kDa處發現的蛋白質點(感病品種的特有而抗病品種沒有),重複進行數次二維電泳分析,將此蛋白質點取出送至生技公司進行定序工作,並已比對出此蛋白質點為抗、感病的相關基因PR10。 The projects of this program have three components including.The first is the establishment and application molecular markers of the resistance to sport wilt virus in tomato analysis system. An allelicspecific markers SCAR-Sw 5-1313 and SCAR-sw 5-676 were developed for differentiating allelic variation at Sw5 locus. It amplifies fragmentsfrom both resistant and susceptible tomato accessions with different molecular sizes that corresponding to the presence of Sw5/Sw5 Sw5/sw5 and sw5/sw5 alleles. Sw5a and Sw5b were resistance gene to sport wilt virus in chromosome 9 of tomato. Genes (Sw 5a and Sw 5b) could be identified by molecular markers Tss#SW5a and Tss#SW5b respectively. F2 segreation rate of Sw5/Sw5 Sw5/sw5 and sw5/sw5 was 1:2:1.The second is to establishment the molecular markers for sex determination in Carica papaya (papaya) by using RAPDand SCAR analysis.Marker Napf76/77-800 was specific to hermaphrodite and maleness. MarkerCFw/CRv-700 was specific to female.Marker Ypa7F/Ypa7R-1000 was specific to maleness. The markers could be applied for sexual identification in papaya seedling stage.The third is studing in multi-genes of agricultural anthracanose disease resistance in Capsicum spp by proteiomic analysis using twodimention electrophoresis. We utilized 2-D electrophoresis to screen the variational point of proteins between anthracnose- resistant and susceptible line extracted from the leaves and fruits of hot pepper.Partial point sequencing has been accomplished and we are currently undergoing protein type analysis and sequence conversions to establish the molecular markers differentiating anthrancnose-resistant lines.
18831978 2011 植物種苗團隊-作物種苗微體繁殖技術之開發與改進 The study of healthy seedling production by tissue culture 100農科-1.1.1-種-X2 100AS -1.1.1-SS-X2 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 文紀鑾 Chi-Luan Wen 不公開 Not public
18831979 2011 植物種苗團隊-仙履蘭產業技術開發及應用 Paphiopedilum industry technologydevelopment and application 100農科-1.1.1-種-X3 100AS-1.1.1-SS-X3 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 廖玉珠 Yu-Ju Liao 不公開 Not public
18831980 2011 植物種苗團隊-基因轉殖作物種苗檢測監測體系之建立 The establishment of detection and monitors system for genetically modified seedling 100農科-1.1.6-種-X1 100AS-1.1.6-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 張珈琦 Jia-Ci Chang 已蒐集基因轉殖玉米種苗Bt11、E176、GA21、MON810、NK603、MON863、TC1507、T25等8個品系,並構築PCR檢測片段至核酸載體為標準樣品。基因轉殖大豆Roundup Ready 品系參考樣品,並建立標準檢測流程。另嘗試開發以螢光偵測分子儀建立基因轉殖作物nptII gene快速檢測方法,初步試驗結果顯示,應用螢光偵測技術可大幅縮短檢測時間,1分鐘內即可得到結果,唯結果判讀上,雖基因轉殖作物之螢光值可達非轉殖作物2倍以上,然尚無法穩定。在執行基因轉殖作物種苗TAF檢測實驗室方面,本(100)年度6月份確認通過延展評鑑,認證有效期至103年7月21日,11月份完成TAF增項申請,將基因轉殖玉米檢測、西瓜果斑病菌檢測、十字花科黑腐病菌檢測和海芋病毒檢測等4項納入ISO/IEC 17025檢測項目,並於12月份完成本年度認證實驗室內部稽核和年度管理審查會議。另外,已完成實驗室電腦條碼管理系統軟體升級和套裝化。本年度亦配合農糧署辦理一場基因轉殖作物檢測討論會。 The increasing presence of transgenic plant in the international markets has provoked a strong demand for appropriate detection methods to evaluate the existence of transgenic plants. The major objective of this study was to establish a detection technique for the GM maize soybean and broccoli. The events of GM maize are Bt11 E176 GA21 MON810 NK603 MON863 TC1507 T25 etc. The event of GM soybean is Roundup Ready Soy.For this purpose some screening methods based on target gene and select marker was development. The results showed that the GM crops could be detected through PCR-based markers. We constructed the reference materials of GM maize with the PCR products. And we prepared the reference materials of GM soybean with seed powder. The fluorescent detector could be detected the nptII gene in 1 minute. In addition our aboratory has acquired TAF accreditation and increased four detection projects. And establish the computer management system for laboratory records management.
18831981 2011 植物種苗團隊-基因轉殖及非基因轉殖種苗驗證及共存體系之建構 Construct the certification and Coexistence system for GM and Non-GM seedlings 100農科-1.1.6-種-X2 100AS-1.1.6-SS-X2 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 沈翰祖 Han-Tsu Shen 基因轉殖作物檢監測體系由農糧署委託種苗改良繁殖場邀集農業試驗所、桃園區農業改良場、台南區農業改良場、花蓮區農業改良場、國立中興大學等單位建立「基因轉殖作物檢測監測小組」,藉由「檢測技術建立」、「儀器與檢測精準度試驗」、「檢測樣品檢出能力試驗」、「能力試驗」等,已建立抗輪點病毒病木瓜、雙重抗木瓜輪點病毒及木瓜畸葉嵌紋病毒性狀基因轉殖木瓜、衛生署公告許可之上市品項之基因轉殖玉米及大豆等建立標準化檢監測模式,並利用multiplex PCR技術進行基因轉殖木瓜檢測,可在1次PCR反應中同時檢測papain gene、nptII gene、py16-cp gene與prsv-cp gene。其中基因轉殖木瓜及大豆種苗場已依據國際品保標準I S O / I E C 17025取得「財團法人全國認證基金會(Taiwan Accreditation Foundation TAF)」之生物領域測試實驗室認證,建立基因轉殖作物種苗認驗證體系。另蒐集國內外核酸定量檢測之量測不確定度(measurement uncertainty MU)、國內外基因轉殖玉米與大豆花粉飄散與傳統農業共存(coexistence)栽培模式研究成果,建立基因轉殖作物標準化取樣及監測模式並以田間試驗模擬基因轉殖玉米飄散趨勢,建立預測模式。亦配合種苗改良繁殖場利用衛星定位(GPS)調查台灣玉米、大豆栽培區資料,以地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System GIS)分析是否受到污染,並完成 GIS 規劃報告及 舉辦「基因轉殖作物生物安全座談會」。 The detecting and monitoring system of transgenic crops in Taiwan was entrusted by the Council of Agriculture which invited Agricultural Research institute Taoyuan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station Tainan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station Hualien District Agricultural Research and Extension Station NationalChung Hsing University and Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station to form the team of detecting and monitoring transgenic crops. By means of accuracy detection capability and ability test the standard detecting and monitoring model have already been built up. In addition the technique of multiple PCR was employed to detect transgenic papaya.The papain gene
18831982 2011 植物種苗團隊-種苗生技廠商企業化經營輔導 Guiding agro-biotech manufactor of phalaenopsis for mass production of healthy seedling 100農科-1.1.8-種-X1 100AS-1.1.8-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 廖玉珠 Yu-Ju Liao (一)聘請經營管理顧問針對無菌操作台10台以上之組織培養業者。輔導業者建立標準化生產作業程序:建立植物組織培養生產作業基本條件,包括作業程序、硬體設備、環境與設備維護等。輔導業者於組織培養生產作業的基本條件下建立自己的作業標準程序及落實管理文件化。(二)輔導業者提升蝴蝶蘭種苗品質:協助業者篩檢蝴蝶蘭分生苗母本病毒。1.以ELISA及RT-PCR檢測蝴蝶蘭病毒及協助業者建立無病毒母瓶。2.病蟲害監測及防治服務,蝴蝶蘭瓶苗出瓶後移植至開花苗階段之病蟲害監測記錄及防治諮詢。專案輔導5家無菌操作台10台以上之組織培養業者,提昇經營管理效益、產程作業管理、種苗品質,提升全方位競爭力。 The plan object is to match with the mission of bio-technique industry instruction group of Administration Yuan which is to promote development of bio-technique industry. The promotion objects are orchid seedlings growers with enterprise production scale. The instruction cases are aim at healthy management of maternal stock production procedure and quality control mechanism of healthy seedling seedling patent and international marketing etc. And hope to expand the scale of enterprise and increase product profits then achieve the object to promote successful investment cases.
18831983 2011 番木瓜種苗七號全兩性株調控基因分析與產業應用 Analysis of regulation genes of allhemaphrodite papaya cv. TSS No.7 and its application on industry 100農科-1.1.8-種-X2 100AS -1.1.8-SS-X2 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 李美娟 Mei-Jiuan Lee 不公開 Not public
18831984 2011 控制木瓜全兩性株分子機制探討(委辦) Study on molecular mechanisms controlling all hermaphorodite papaya cultivar 100農科-1.1.8-種-X3 100AS-1.1.8-SS-X3 生物技術課(屏東科技大學) Biotechnology Section(National Pingtung University of Science and Technology) 張惠如(陳福旗) Hui-Ju Chang(Fure-Chyi Chen) 不公開 Not public
18831985 2011 木瓜全兩性株基因體定序研究(委辦) Study on the whole genome sequence of all hermaphorodite papaya cultivar 100農科-1.1.8-種-X4 100AS-1.1.8-SS-X4 生物技術課(中興大學) Biotechnology Section(National Chung Hsing University) 張惠如(劉俊吉) Hui-Ju Chang(Chun-Chi Liu) 不公開 Not public
18831986 2011 植物種苗團隊-植物品種檢定流程分析、人員訓練及分子標誌開發 plant seed/seedling team – Analyzing the examining process flow training faculty members and developing molecular marker of plant variety right 100農科-1.1.9-種-X1 100AS-1.1.9-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 張惠如 Hui-Ju Chang (一) 建立蝴蝶蘭新品種或商業品種DNA-PCR鑑定分析等相關資料,以對此產業的發展提供較為深入、充足及直接可用的相關訊息。並對品種育種權利的保護及侵權鑑定提供即時有利證據。(二) 使本場從事品種檢定相關業務之人員能熟悉品種檢定相關技術及品種保護制度面之了解,並進而提昇品種檢定及鑑定之技術水準。實際參與品種檢定之工作人員皆參加相關之技術講習會及參與聆聽專題演講。(三)透過分子標誌研究成果盤點,能確實掌握本相關核心技術與需進一步補強之技術缺口。配合國際上相關研究與應用分析資訊,將有助於我國相關研究之發展。而對以分子標誌進行侵權鑑定之流程,能有更明確之規劃與目標。 The projects of this program have three components. One of the components is to establish varieties identification through SSR molecular marker of new and/or commercial varieties of Phalaenopsis. The second is to training the faculty members to know the relative technologies of DUS test and system of plant variety protection through technique short-term training and keynote speech. The other one is to inventory count of molecular marker research that can help us to know the core technologies and reinforcement of the technical gap.The results of this program will provide helpfully informations of plantvariety protection.
18832019 2011 植物種苗團隊-建立茄科重要性狀之分子標誌-番茄抗黃化捲葉病毒基因 The establishment of molecular markers platform by marker-assisted selection-Tomato yellow leaf curl virus TYLCV 100農科-1.1.10-種-X1 100AS-1.1.10-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 孫永偉 Yung-Wei Sun 已建立Ty1-SCAR分子標誌,可擴增Ty-1抗病基因300 bp之DNA條帶,可擴增ty-1感病基因200 bp之DNA條帶。已建立Ty2-TYLCV-SCAR分子標誌,可擴增Ty-2抗病基因850bp之DNA條帶,可擴增ty-2感病基因750 bp之DNA條帶,可擴增TYLCV病毒基因550bp之DNA條帶。已建立Ty3-SCAR分子標誌,可擴增Ty-3抗病基因550 bp之DNA條帶,可擴增Ty-3感病基因250 bp之DNA條帶。上述分子標誌可協助育種者早期篩選抗病植株及確認抗病基因型(R/R、R/S、S/S),提高育種效率。 In this study we designed primers of TYLCV Ty-1 Ty-2 Ty-3 genes. The results showed we has been established Ty1-SCAR molecular marker could be amplified resistance gene Ty-1 300 bp of DNA band could be amplified ty-1 susceptibility gene 200 bp of DNA bands. Established Ty2-TYLCV-SCAR molecular marker could be amplified Ty-2 resistance gene 850 bp of DNA band could be amplified ty-2 susceptibility gene 750 bp of DNA band andcould be amplified TYLCV virus gene 550 bp of DNA band. Established Ty3-SCAR molecular marker could be amplified resistance gene Ty-3 550 bp of DNA band could be amplified Ty-3 susceptibility gene 250 bp of DNA band.The molecular markers could help breeders early screening and confirmation disease resistant plant genotypes (R / R R / S S / S)
18832028 2011 植物種苗團隊-植物種苗產業發展服務平台 Development and Service Platform forPlant Seed/Seedlings Industry 100農科-1.1.11-種-X1 100AS-1.1.11-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 李美娟 Mei-Jiuan Lee 基因轉殖木瓜multiplex PCR檢測技術與一般PCR檢測共累積715個檢測檢體資料,結果與原通過認證之檢測方式一致;於本年辦理基因轉殖大豆與玉米定性檢測訓練;認證實驗室輔導提供基因轉殖檢測監測小組成員TAF認證實驗室申請之資料與諮詢,並協助防檢局台中分局與禾鑫企業開發社等進行TAF測試實驗室認證申請,動植物防疫檢疫局台中分局於100年11月23日通過TAF認證。經網路搜尋盤點共13篇海芋病毒檢測技術論文,檢測對象以TuMV、DsMV為主,檢測方法以ELISA與RT-PCR較多,檢測技術研發單位為台大、興大、農試所、台中場、種苗場及美國農部。依據indirect-ELISA流程建立海芋病毒(TuMV、DsMV) 檢測作業標準1式。完成各廠牌病毒檢測標準品與試劑之品質查核,經本場申請,TAF於11月2日派員評鑑。完成標的使用者之需求訪查,多數使用者(個人)期望透過本產業服務資訊平台取得「產品資訊(含產品目錄)」(佔14.5%)、「品種資訊」(佔13.8%)及「專利資訊」(佔11.7%)等重要資訊;從組織/單位角度來看使用者期望之產業服務功能方面,多數使用者認為「品種資訊」(佔14.7%)、「技術服務」(佔11.8%)、「種子種苗相關產品供應」(佔11.8%)、「市場行銷」(佔10.3%)及「產業輔導資訊」(佔10.3%)是重要資訊服務,其分析結果可配合訪談進一步明確使用者之資訊服務需求。植物種苗繁殖技術盤點以專利文獻為主,學術文獻為輔之技術盤點分析手段,選擇植物種苗相關繁殖技術為研究標的,進行技術盤點分析。研究結果得知近三年國內外植物種苗相關繁殖之專利申請數量已逐漸降低,本研究推論該技術領域已逐漸成熟;而在學術研發能量上,1993年起政府開始投入大量研究經費支持植物種苗繁殖相關研究,此舉也帶動我國博碩士論文相關研究,相關研究也逐漸增加。從技術知識分析來看,全球植物種苗繁殖相關專利以新植物或獲得新植物之方法;藉由組織培養技術之植物再生為主要應用技術,佔35.9%。 The most common way of Genetically Modified (GM) or transgenic papaya inspecting method is Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) inspecting method to amplify the sample target DNA fragment. We used the Multiplex PCR can reduce the testing costs. Held training for detected the GM soybean and maize with PCR. And we helped government units or company to apply the laboratory accreditation.13 papers related with calla lily viruses detection techniques were searched on websites and checked. The main detected targets are TuMV and DsMV. The most used techniques are ELISA and RT-PCR which are developed by NTU NCHU ARI TDAIS TSS and USDA. We have setted up the SOP of calla lily viruses (TuMV and DsMV) detection according to indirect-ELISA procedures. Also we have finished the quality checking of standards andreagents from 4 brands. After replying TAF has dispatched officials to estimate on Nov. 2.
18832038 2011 植物種苗團隊-生物技術於植物品種開發及種苗驗證之應用研究-植物種苗認驗證體系建構 Construct the Accreditation system for plant seedlings 100農科-1.1.12-種-X1 100AS-1.1.12-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 莊淑貞 Su-Jean Chuang 1.植物種苗產業發展服務平台--標準檢測隔離設施建構:依據健康種苗檢測研發與基礎驗證之需求,進行隔離環境維修規劃並完成兩間隔離溫室自動門之維修,及克尼伯馬鈴薯G 1基本薯之生產,經檢驗為合格種薯共274.8kg。在G2種薯生產部分,已利用符合G2種薯生產標準之隔離網室(32目網室)1棟,完成G2種薯1 400公斤之繁殖並通過驗證。另外依照防檢局100年9月7日1001485525號令修正發布之「馬鈴薯種薯病害驗證作業須知」標準,進行兩間G2繁殖圃隔離網室雙門的改善維護及完成種苗認驗證隔離溫室之高床製作及水牆、RO水供應系統運作。2.十字花科黑腐病及西瓜果斑病種子驗證體系建構::參酌技術盤點之國內外文獻,以不同的樣品進行各種檢測方法的方法及靈敏度測試,目前已完成十字花科黑腐病及西瓜果斑病的標準檢測作業流程(SOP),並與國內相關機構學校合作,完成檢測能力試驗,建立符合TAF檢測實驗室認證文件各一式送交TAF認證基金會進行增項認證的審核工作。3.種子(苗)品質純度分子檢測技術研發及標準化:種苗公司自有4個小果番茄雜交品種之雜交組合(兩親本及雜交一代)為材料,100組ISSR通用引子中篩選出6組DNA標誌分別存在父本與F1或母本與F1,無法對F1材料單獨進行識別。利用SCAR方法對6組DNA標誌進行條帶回收、定序及專一性引子設計並對引子專一性進行確認。本計畫並進行Multiplex-PCR最佳反應條件建立,共開發1組Multiplex-PCR具條帶專一性的引子組,可同時對所收集的種苗公司自有4個小果番茄雜交品種之F1種子純度進行自交母本種子及父本種子之檢出。4. 種子健康檢查驗證體系之建立:為達到國際種子檢查協會(ISTA)要求各種子檢查室檢驗品質的精準度、整體性與一致性,本計畫依據ISTA發佈之國際種子檢查規則(International Rules for Seed Testing),建立「種子健康檢查」品質手冊。並根據品質手冊規範制定「十字花科蔬菜種子黑腐病檢測」標準作業流程,進行行政管理與試驗技術過程並記錄表單,然後透過內部稽核達到品質與能力控管。本計畫除已完成「十字花科蔬菜種子黑腐病檢測」,之加項認證文件及檢測能力訓練等準備外,亦遵循ISTA檢查規則第7章之附錄(Seed Health Testing Methods)所列各病害檢測方法積極逐項建立標準作業流程以應將來業務運作時加項認證之須。(附錄中目前經ISTA認可之檢測方法共26項。) The purpose of this plan is to promote the plant pathogens detection and isolation efficiency of the green house.This year we promoted the function of the two plant pathogens detection and isolation green horses to fit in the certification requirements of the pathogens detection (The main detection methods of cruciferous black rot bacteria(Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris) and watermelon bacterial fruit blotch (Acidovorax avenae subsp. Citrulli)). These pathogens detected methods will be tested and then developed into a standardized screening process also accreditated by Taiwan Accreditation Foundation. One required index of high quality of seed/seedling is genetic purity. One of the objects of this program is through four directions to setup the control mode in seed/seedling industry by using molecular markers. Last object of this program is to set up the establishment conforms to the health testing international certification laboratory. To complete the seed testing quality control system instrument data. The information of accreditation of seed health testing has been collected from international Seed Testing Association (ISTA) National Seed Health System (NSHS) of USDA-APHIS and the International Seed Health Initiative (ISHI-Veg). That information will be used to complete the task of accreditation on seed health testing by Taiwan seed testing laboratory.
18832053 2011 赴荷蘭研習植物品種保護技術 The study on technique used for plant variety protection by attending to Netherlands 100農科-4.1.1-種-X1 100AS-4.1.1-SS-X1 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 郭孄婷 Lan-Ting Kuo 本次研習主要在荷蘭Naktuinbouw進行。Naktuinbouw為荷蘭植物品種檢定之專責單位,除負責荷蘭國內之植物品種申請案件檢定之外,並負責歐盟申請案件之檢定。此次研習實際參與蝴蝶蘭、其他蘭花及其他觀賞植物等作物之品種檢定技術,包括實務操作、植物檢定方法之開發訂定及更新、資料庫建置等,並參訪實驗室部門了解DNA標誌在品種權上的應用。 The study was mainly done in Naktuinbouw Netherland. Naktuinbouw is the only authorized organization in the Netherlands which is responsible for DUS – testing of all varieties of ornamental vegetable and agricultural crops. And Naktuinbouw is not only responsible for domestic applications but also for applications in EU. This study included doing thedescriptions learning how to develop a test guideline and revise it and establishing database of varieties etc. The learning was especially involved in Phalaenopsis other orchids and other ornamentals. And the study also included visiting the Laboratories to learn about applications of DNA markers in plant variety right.
18832054 2011 種子檢查技術研習 Study on seed testing technology 100農科-4.1.1-種-X2 100AS-4.1.1-SS-X2 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 許鐈云 Ciao-Yun Syu 今年度共有2員分別參加國際種子檢查協會(International Seed Testing Association,ISTA)研討會,其中一員參加品保制度研習於100年8月8~12日在印度 邦加羅爾舉辦,由Indo-American hybrid Seeds(India)種子公司承辦。研習由主席 Rasha El-Khadem博士主持,並與Ronald Don博士共同擔任本次研習講師。本次5日的研習包含品保制度簡介-顧客抱怨等25項課程及8月9日至編號IN07之ISTA認證實驗室進行實際操作,課程中並進行超過10次的小組討論與報告。另一員參加種子純度研習於9月27~29日於加拿大薩斯卡通(Saskatoon)舉行,由加拿大食品檢驗局(Canadian Food Inspection Agency,CFIA)承辦。研習內容包含: ISTA的目標、組織架構、檢查規則介紹; 「純潔種子定義( Pure Seed Definition PSD) 」探討;風選程序(Uniform Blowing Procedure)的使用、規範與校正;常見「其他種子(Other Seeds)」的鑑定與實習;純度分析相關植物學、品保制度及國際檢驗證核發之介紹等。研習結束後,參觀薩斯卡通CFIA種子實驗室的種子發芽與純度分析等業務,及前往渥太華拜訪CFIA植物病理實驗室的ISTA種子健康檢查與植物病害檢疫業務。 In this year two persons of TSS participated in different ISTA workshops individually. One attended the 2011 workshop on quality assurance in India which Indo-American hybrid Seeds(India) company held at Bangalore during August 8 to 12. The workshop was began by the Chairman of Dr.Rasha El-Khadem and co-chaired with Dr. Ronald Don lecturer in this study. The five-day study contained Introduction to quality assurance system - customer complaints and other 25 courses and more than 10 panel discussions and reports were include. At August 9 all of the Study participants went to No.IN07 of the ISTA laboratory for experimental operation and quality assurance exercises.The other attended the 2011 workshop on seed purity in Canada was held by Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) at Saskatoon during September 27th-29th. The content of this workshop was including the introduction of ISTA and seed testing rules pure seed definition (PSD) botany about seed purity analysis uniform blowing procedure calibration identification of other seeds
18832055 2011 因應氣候變遷建立玉米採種體系 Setting up F1 seeds production system of feed corn for coping with climate change 100農科-4.2.1-種-X1 100AS-4.2.1-SS-X1 農場 Research Farm 陳學文 Hsueh-Wen Chen 不公開 Not public
18832056 2011 優質番木瓜品種選育、採種及栽培技術改進 Good quality varieties selection and improvement the technology of cultivation and seed production on papaya 100農科-4.2.2-種-X1 100AS-4.2.2-SS-X1 屏東種苗中心 Pingtung Seed & Seeding Research Center 邱展台 邱展台 本年度持續進行引進之耐儲運黃肉品系之雜交第四代新選拔純化,選拔優良優良單株。另以果皮斑點少之品系為親本,進行雜交後代觀察。耐儲運品系雜交第4代,選拔出15個單株,其中有1個單株為黃肉,14個單株為紅肉,果實重量從363公克至1181克左右的小型至中型果,果實總可溶性物10-14 % Brix,果實品質優良,經雜交分離選拔後至F4已獲得紅肉耐儲運之小果品系。以Golden為親本之雜交一代的果皮生理性斑點仍相當多,有待進一步分離選拔。以幼年期及結果初期度過颱風多雨,以植株幼年期或結果初期,對疫病之抗性較強,在未特別增加農藥施用的情況下,植株及幼果未罹患疫病。 This year is ongoing selecting transportation- enduring character of fourth generation of the yellow strain crossed with mu1 strain. Use the skin flecks smaller lines as parents observation of the hybrids. Obtain 15 single plants from the 4th generation of transportation- enduring crossed with mu1 strain. There are 14 single plants possesses red flesh and 1 plant is yellow flesh fruit weight from 363 grams to around 1181 gramsof small to medium-sized fruit fruit total soluble solid 10-14%Brix with excellent quality. F4 via hybrid separation and the selection of resistant storage and transportation the small fruits with red flesh has been obtained. Golden strain for the parents of the hybrids peel of physiological fleck is still a considerable number. It is need further separation and selection. Due to plant and fruit young stage have strongresistance to the blight planting seedlings in early summer plants and young fruits are not suffering from epidemic diseases.
18832057 2011 植物種苗團隊-蔬菜品種改良及採種技術研究 Study on improvement of vegetable varities and technology of seed production 100農科-4.2.2-種-X2 100AS-4.2.2-SS-X2 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 郭宏遠 Horng-Yeuan Kuo 不公開 Not public
18832058 2011 仙履蘭及熱帶球根花卉品種改良與種苗生產技術開發 Improvement on slipper orchid and tropic bulb flowers breeding and establishment the seedling productiontechnique 100農科-4.2.2-種-X3 100AS-4.2.2-SS-X3 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 劉明宗 Ming-Chung Liu 球根花卉品種選育在彩色海芋方面,94及95年雜交後裔中已選出具潛力單株共8株,進行單株性狀比較,結果以紫黑色系之品系95080具有花型佳之優點,可作為盆花品系,鵝黃色之單株29-2-(4)具花莖及花苞長之特色,但是花苞會有張開現象,需進行進一步評估與觀察。孤挺花方面,以具潛力9重瓣單株進行性狀比較觀察,其中白色系列以4X31-(1)表現最佳,為中小花系,屬於半重瓣,花梗長約38.2公分,具有種球小即可順利抽梗之特性。粉色系中以單株83X144之花色表現較佳,為花瓣中心呈粉紅色並向外暈白色,單株167X31為較特殊之重瓣品系,屬喇叭型重瓣,具有花型奇特之優勢。仙履蘭品種選育方面,依照仙履蘭育種四大目標進行雜交授粉工作,以Maudiae Type hybrids、標準型之交配種(complex Type hybrids)、多花與單花交配種、單花交配種(非complex及Maudiae Type)等四類雜交,本年度成功雜交共9組合。在雜交後裔篩選方面本年度共篩選出2個雜交組合之單株分別是PA94098及PA94116,具有花期長花型圓整、花梗長、栽培容易及生長速度快等優點。以孤挺花種苗二號-紅豔之周徑10~12公分種球為材料,進行開花球養成之肥培試驗,試驗結果顯示供試之不同施肥比例對於種球的增大上沒有顯著差異,而種球增大的速率以高頻率的施肥較佳。孤挺花種苗二號-紅豔之周徑13~14公分之生育,在定植後自第一片葉至第四片葉的抽出,平均所需時間依序分別約為12.3、24.6、28.0及35.5天,在完全生長葉片長度以第三、第四片葉表現較長,葉寬以第一、第二葉片較寬,定植60天之生育期間每粒小球平均可生長4.5±0.4片葉片。以BA及 Kinetin 50ppm、100 ppm及200 ppm浸泡金花石蒜雙鱗片10 min及40 min進行金花石蒜雙鱗片之繁殖,結果以BA藥劑處理100ppm浸泡10min小鱗球增生效果比較好,但經藥劑處理不同濃度及浸泡時間其效果並未比不經藥劑處理者佳,因此如能在蛭石中殺菌處理良好,即可達到良好的繁殖率。宮燈百合種球養成試驗,結果於黑籃中養成方面切球處理的子球重量為7.1g、次生球發生率為6.7%;未切球處理的子球重量為11.7g、次生球發生率為1.5%。在田間栽培方面未切球處理的子球重量為11.7g、次生球發生率為3.5%;切球處理的子球重量為7.5g、次生球發生率為6.7%。 Bulbous flowers in calla lilies breeding during in 2005 and 2006 hybrids we have selected potential progeny of ‘95080’ with dark-purple spathe and good horticultural characteristics. It can be used as potted flower. Another potential progeny of ‘29-2-(4)’ with bright yellow color spathe and long peduncle and spathe length but the spathe shape is not good .It needs to improve the spathe shape in the future.Bulbous flowers in amaryllis we have selected 9 potential hybrid progenies of doubleflower.The white line of ‘4X31-(1)’ the best performance of flower shape belonging to medium-small flower size pink color line of ‘83X 144’ is better performance for the center of pink petals and white shaded and ‘167X31’ line is unique of flower type. According to four goals in slipper orchids breeding we have selected 2 superior progenies‘PA94098’ and ‘PA94116’ with with a long flowering period round flowers long peduncle length easy cultivation and growth etc. For the cultivation test in amaryllis of TSS No.2-Red Splendor
18832059 2011 花卉團隊-以化學性誘變法進行馬拉巴栗新品系選育 Chemical mutagens mutagenesis in Pachira macrocarpa 100農科-4.2.2-種-X4 100AS-4.2.2-SS-X4 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 郭孄婷 Lan-Ting Kuo 將採收之馬拉巴栗果子剖開,取出種子,以NAN3不同濃度進行浸種,分別為1mM、2mM及5mM,處理24hr、48hr後,將已開裂之種子與未開裂之種子分開種植,計算其發芽率並觀察誘變之結果,1mM、2mM及5mM NaN3處理24hr,已開裂種子之發芽率分別為50%、34.88%及22.2%,處理48hr後,所有處理之發芽率皆為0%。目前已有二株變異株,變異之性狀分別為葉脈中間具有淺色斑紋及節間短縮,葉形細長捲曲。組織培養建立方面,未成熟種子切段進行癒合組織誘導,可觀察到各段節於傷口處有癒合組織產生,以含2 4-D 1mg/L之培養基效果較佳,2 4-D 2mg/L之處理,其培殖體易褐化,其他處理則有子葉轉綠之情形,逆分化效果較輕微。所產生之癒合組織多發生於切口處,呈現鬆散狀,無觀察到擬胚的產生,需進一步觀察。 The seeds of Pachira macrocarpa were collected and treated with 1mM、2mM and 5mM NaN3 for 24hrs or 48hrs. After treatments the hygrochastic seeds were planted apart. Then counted the germination rates of seeds and observed if there was mutation. The germination rate of hygrachastic seeds treated with 1、2、5mM NaN3 for 24hrs wre 50% 34.88% and 22.2%.After 48hr the germination rate of all treated seeds were 0%. There have been two mutated plants induced by NaN3 treatment. One is with leaf variegation along the central vines and the other is with thinner and undulated leaves. As to callus induction medium with 1 2 4-D 1mg/L had the best effect on callus induction and 2 4-D 1mg/L caused browningfrequently. Under the other treatments
18832105 2011 植物種苗團隊-植物育種研發成果移轉機制建構及媒合平台建置 Study on mechanism and platform for matching and transfer of COA's plant breeding achievements 100農科-4.2.2-種-X5 100AS-4.2.2-SS-X5 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 郭宏遠 Horng-Yeuan Kuo 1.強化植物育種半成品媒合平台及資料庫功能及整併至農業技術交易網由種苗場、中興大學、工研院及農業策進辦公室共同合作,將植物育種半成品媒合平台整併至農業技術交易網。目前試驗良場所育種人員可至成果網(修正確認資料並作正式上線前之測試。2.充實半成品資料庫內容由農委會所屬各研究單位提報具發展潛力之半成品資料共30筆,上傳供農業技術交易網進行先期功能測試之用。3.教育訓練本年7月18日於種苗改良繁殖場舉辦半成品媒合平台推廣說明會。會中介紹本計畫執行內容,並展示網站合併後之介面與使用說明,與會人員充分交流,提供修正之建議。4.訪談種苗協會,並舉辦半成品媒合平台座談會本年10月19日與種苗改進協會施理事長訪談,討論業者對半成品媒合平台之意見,12月7日舉辦半成品媒合平台座談會,邀請試驗改良場所與種苗業者,研商植物育種半成品商品化之連結。5.半成品材料移轉合約草稿完成半成品材料移轉合約草稿乙份,可供未來進行半成品移轉參考之用。 1.Plant Materials Matching Platform website up-graded and emerged With the assistance of Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station (TSIPS) the team of Law Department of National Chung-Hsing University (NCHU) Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has successfully emerged the NCHU developed platform to the Agriculture TechnoMart of ITRI. All member researchers can now test upload and edit their data Through the following link : ( collectionAll research institutions of Council of Agriculture provide their potential plant material data to TSIPS on their demand and then transfer data to NCHU and ITRI for uploading and collecting. Then the researchers can check the data and test the function before formal operation next year.3.Training sessionThe team of NCHU held a training session at Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station on July the 18th. The session began with the introduction of the research project and then the instruction of the Plant Material Matching Platform and ended with an open Q&A.4. Interview and SeminarThe team interviewed the chairman of Taiwan Seeds Trade Association to discuss about plant materials and the platform. After the interview TSIPS and the team hold a seminar at December 7th to connect research institutes and commercial enterprises. 5.Trasfer Agreement Draft Completed drafting the plant materials transfer agreement
18832106 2011 植物種苗團隊-種子品質及處理技術研發 Developed the seed processing techniques to promoting seed quality 100農科-4.2.3-種-X1 100AS-4.2.3-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 黃玉梅 Yu-Mei Huang 不公開 Not public
18832107 2011 植物種苗團隊-植物新品種檢定技術之開發與執行 The Technical Development and DUS Test Execution of Plant Variety Protection System 100農科-4.2.3-種-X2 100AS-4.2.3-SS-X2 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 安志豪 Chih-Hao An 本年度已完成草擬仙客萊、觀音蓮及草擬修訂仙客萊品種性狀表與試驗檢定方法初稿。關於蝴蝶蘭及番茄等作物資料庫建立方面,已收集15個蝴蝶蘭及10個番茄商業品種並完成品種性狀調查及資料庫建置。本年度受理新品種性狀檢定工作計蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭103件、文心蘭1件、蕙蘭2件及玫瑰8件;正進行性狀檢定中之案件為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭26件、文心蘭1件、蕙蘭1件及捧心蘭1件;檢定完成資料整理中為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭12件;已完成品種檢定報告為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭5件;檢定完成且審查結束為蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭42件、文心蘭1件及石斛蘭1件。孤挺花色素分析經分析後橘色、紅色、粉紅及紫色系孤挺花花青素影響呈色有色素1與色素2,經由兩種色素含量比例的差異使花朵呈現不同顏色,不同品種間具有不同色素種類及含量之變化。 0
18832108 2011 優質植物種苗量產體系建立 Establishment of production system ofhigh quality seedlings 100農科-4.2.3-種-X3 100AS-4.2.3-SS-X3 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 林上湖 Shang-Hu Lin 於3月、6月、9月擷取燈秤花、苦藍盤頂芽及次節位之插穗,分別處理不同濃度IBA進行扦插試驗。苦藍盤之扦插較燈秤花易發根,且頂芽插穗有較佳之發根率,春(3月)、夏(6月)二季扦插發根率較秋季(9月)佳。燈秤花則以秋季扦插發根率較佳,不論插穗節位,皆具有較佳的發根率,但需要較長的發根時間。台灣欒樹與光臘樹種子發芽試驗中不論是泡水一天處理或亦直接播種者,在介質處理上,泥炭土與田土兩者在發芽率上並無差異。台灣欒樹種子發芽後128格穴盤苗在不同介質生育比較上,在泥炭土處理組之株高上比田土較高且有明顯的差異。台灣欒樹不論是24格穴盤苗亦或4.5吋膠袋苗,以泥炭土為介質者,各項生長表現亦優於田土。台灣欒樹4.5吋盆苗及24格穴盤苗移植至6吋塑膠盆後,以泥炭土為介質者不論在株高、葉片數、植株莖徑、大於10cm主根長數量及根重均比以田土為介質者表現較佳。在光臘樹部份,128格穴盤苗階段不同介質間,株高表現無顯著差異,但在葉片數上,田土高於泥炭土。在24格穴盤苗亦或4.5吋膠袋苗階段,則以田土為介質者,各項生長表現優於泥炭土。光蠟樹4.5吋膠袋苗與24格穴盤苗,移植至6吋塑膠盆後,以田土為介質者不管在株高、葉片數、植株莖徑、大於10cm主根長數量及根重上,均比泥炭土為介質者佳且有明顯差異。不同繼代次數馬鈴薯-克尼伯品種組織培養苗間植株生長及薯球產量在二代之間差異並不明顯。惟四代之間因種植時間受到不同環境因子之影響,薯球產量差異明顯。此外本試驗收集19個盆菊品種,檢測得知以Chrysanthemum virus B為菊花主要之病毒種類,約佔25%之危害率,無病毒株進行隔離並養成採穗株,於38/28℃之高溫處理比25/18℃影響植株葉片大小及節間長度,亦影響取穗品質。菊花施用必達肥30-10-10 可得較多的花朵數,以20-20-20及15-10-30比例可得較多的插穗數目。 The cuttings of shoot positions (Apical sub-apical) of Elaeagnus macrophylla Thunb. and Ficus formosana Maxim.that were taken cuttings and IBA treatment in March June and September. The result showed that the rooting rates of Ficus formosana Maxim. were easier than Elaeagnus macrophylla Thunb.The rooting rates of Apical shoot portions were easierthan sub-apical shoots of regardless of cutting collection season cutting position and IBA concentrations The rooting rates of Elaeagnus macrophylla Thunb. were high in September. But the higher rooting rates of Ficus formosana Maxim. need more time.In germination test of Taiwan goldenrain tree and Light sacrificial tree seeds the results of germination rates demonstrated that there was no significant difference between seeds accepted water soaking for one day and those with no soaking treatment whether seeding in soil or in peat moss mix. The averaged plant height of Taiwan goldenrain tree seedlings which germinated in 128-cell plug with peatmoss mix was significantlyhigher than the result with soil medium. The performance of Taiwan goldenrain tree seedlings grown in 24-cell plug with peat moss mix was better than those with soil medium. It was also the same in the result of seedlings grown in 4.5-inch plastic bags. After transplanting to 6-inch pots from 4.5-inch pots or 24-cell plug the performance of plantheight leaf number stem diameter the number of roots longer than 10 cm and root weight of plants grown in peat moss mix was better than those in soil medium. In the stage of 128-cell plug seedlings the leaf number of Light sacrificial tree seedlings grown in soil medium was more than those in peat moss mix. The averaged plant heights of both treatments were not significantly different. In the stage of 24-cell plug or 4.5-inch plastic bag seedlings
18832109 2011 植物種苗團隊-亞太地區植物種苗產業研究與應用 Plant nursery research group- Studying and application on plant seedling industry in Asia- Pacific region 100農科-4.2.3-種-X4 100AS-4.2.3-SS-X4 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 周明燕 Ming-Yenn Chou 不公開 Not public
18832110 2011 種子調製倉儲技術 Seed process and storage improvementtechniques 100農科-4.2.3-種-X5 100AS-4.2.3-SS-X5 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 洪建民 Chien-Min Hung 不公開 Not public
18832111 2011 綠肥作物開發與利用 The exploitation of green manure crop 100農科-4.2.4-種-X1 100AS-4.2.4-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 鄭梨櫻 Lee-Ying Cheng 土壤是植物根群生長與發育重要的場所,土壤理化性好壞將影響植株生長與發育。本計畫為了解種植景觀綠肥對土壤肥力之影響,以作為休閒農場花海栽培管理模式之參考。本計畫調查結果,經過種植景觀綠肥的田區土壤容重較道路土壤容重為小;土壤孔隙度則為大。不同品種波斯菊以混合種波斯菊維護土壤理化性效益最佳。 Physical and chemical properties of soil affect plant root growth and development. The aim of the project is to understand the effect of landscape green manure corps on soil fertility. The project survey found that the volume weight is lowest in mix cosmos the porosity is highest。 The volume weight is lowest in parking lot and trails.
18832143 2011 有機團隊-有機種衣劑開發及種子苗管理機制之建立 Establishment of organic coating material and seedling management 100農科-4.2.5-種-X1 100AS-4.2.5-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 黃玉梅 Yu-Mei Huang 一、重要有機種子生產國制度研究1.本計畫位瞭解部前國內有機種苗供需雙方的現狀以及意見,進行問卷調查。經驗証有機農場部分發函件回收39件。種苗業者部分分發函件回收17件。2.整體而言,約83%的有機農家有在自行留種作業,沒有者17%。水稻秧苗自備者僅18%,向外面購買秧苗者82%;其中買到有機秧苗約36%,買不到有機秧苗71%有向驗證單位報告。有機農家外購雜糧種苗時60%有指定「有機種苗」。指定「有機種苗」,可買到的農家有42%,買不到的有58%。外購雜糧種苗時68%有指定「無農藥處理」。約44%的農家表示買到經藥劑處理的種子;其中有一半未向驗證單位報告。覆函的問卷中,就全部蔬菜種苗而言,自行採種留種的部分佔31%,與其他農友交換所得來的佔12%,外購種苗佔57%。外購種苗沒有一家能購買到有機種苗,而購買到的種苗中約三分之二沒有經過化學藥劑處理(41%),約三分之一有經過藥劑處理(16%)。無法購到未經藥劑處理的蔬菜作物種子,只能買到經藥劑處理的種子時,有63%有事先向驗證單位報告,37%未事先報告。3.政府有機農法目前對種苗的規範,有48%的有農家認為合理。認為不合理者有52%。有23%認為政府應該強制規定須使用有機生產的種苗,若無法購買,則可以使用非有機生產,但絕對不可以經農藥處理的種苗。大體同前述的意見,但不得以主張可以用經農藥處理種苗者,有35.9%。有25.6%認為不需強制使用有機種苗,但絕對不可以經農藥處理的種苗。4.種苗業者僅6%有在國內販賣有機種苗,但有接受到詢問的業者有41%。未有出口有機種苗者,有接受到國外詢問的業者僅12%。有在進行採種工作的業者,並無一個在國內外進行有機採種,但有35%接到國內詢問,17%接到國外詢問。有意願嚐試在國內進行有機採種者有24%,在海外採種者有17%。若政府成立有機種苗資料庫,有65%業者願意提供資料。二、蔬菜種子有機種衣劑及添加物之開發以高嶺土與麥飯石及滑石粉與皂土依100:0、25:75、75:25及0:100等不同比例混合披衣於油菜種子,以100:0的高嶺土:麥飯石及0:100的高嶺土:麥飯石粉在紙上法皆為98%,砂床法為93%,田間萌芽率96%,與對照組無顯著差異。未披衣種子平均發芽日數為1.0天,顯著低於各處理,經披衣處理者,以100%高嶺土處理者為1.7天最低。以珍珠石粉為披衣基質添加機能性材質在十字花科種子披衣處理中,添加甲殼素及竹碳粉不影響披衣種子紙上法發芽率。添加不同機能性材質對油菜幼苗生育影響差異不顯著;在結球白菜上添加木徽菌、蘇力菌及甲殼素能提高其鮮重、乾重、莖長及莖徑;在甘藍上,經披衣處理者其幼苗生長皆較未披衣處理者高;花椰菜添加蘇力菌及苦茶粕對鮮重有顯著增加,乾重及莖長則各有高低,莖徑經披衣處理者皆較未披衣者高。各處理間對黑斑病之罹病效果不顯著。試驗中所用之添加物皆為市售商品化之產品,其濃度較高,未來朝向不同稀釋比例期能減少添加物對種子發芽影響。在茄科作物披衣處理試驗上,以高嶺土與滑石粉50:50之比例及SA在番茄及辣椒在各種發芽率表現上最為穩定,添加其他膠類雖表現對辣椒無明顯差異,來年將以及SA配方之底衣液為基礎,添加各機能性材質,期能對番茄幼苗生長有所助益。 In Taiwan about 83% of the certified organic farms experience seedsaving activities. Bur in organic rice producers only 18% grew their ownseedlings in their farm those purchased from outside only 36% acquiredorganic rice seedlings. Those purchased seeds of other field crops fromoutside only 25% acquired organic seeds. In organic vegetable production 31% farms grew their own seeds 12% got seeds from other organic farm.There were 57% organic vegetable producers acquired seeds from seedcompanies none of them were organic seeds. Forty-eight percent organicfarmers were satisfied with current organic regulations on seedsrequirements. Twenty-three percent organic farmers favoured regulationsthat designate the use of organic seeds. Only 6% of seed/seedlingsuppliers sold organic seeds/seedlings; 41% suppliers received enquires of organic seeds domestically 17% received enquires from abroad. None of the investigated seed producers produced organic seeds. As high as 65% seed/seedling suppliers interested in joining a organic seeds database.By using the rate of 100:0 25:75 75:25 0:100 kaolinite and maifan stone talc and bentonite coated on the rape seed. The germination rate of pure kaolinite and maifan stone were 98% on top paper
18832144 2011 作物種苗教育訓練效益評估之研究 Benefit appraisal of crops seedling technical training 100農科-5.2.1-種-X1 100AS-5.2.1-SS-X1 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 鍾依萍 I-Ping Chung 本計畫係針對種苗業者以及農民施以種苗技術之輔導訓練,並對本場辦理之農業技術訓練班在訓及結訓學員實施意見調查。在訓練輔導方面,本年度計辦理植物組織培養技術訓練班2梯次;蔬菜穴盤育苗技術訓練班1梯次、專題講座6場、發行種苗科技專訊四期。在訓學員訓練成效反應層次評估,非常好及好者達86.47%,學習層次評估上則由50分(100%)進步至72.75分(146%)。學員得知農業訓練相關訊息,以農政單位網站及當地農會為主要訊息來源,兩者佔70.26%。「朋友告知」亦佔有相當之比例(19.62%)。大部分結訓學員(84.81%)在受訓前無組織培養相關經驗。訓練後有23.42%之學員從事組織培養相關工作。有62.81%學員未來有意願投入,不會投入者10.74%,尚未決定者26.45%,亦佔相當之比例。最需要農政單位輔導的項目依序為生產技術、資金融通、財務管理、行銷管理、農地利用管理、人事管理、產銷組織等項目。目前從事農業工作中碰到並迫切需要解決的問題, 有達70.89%,(112人)的學員對「專業知識與技術」之需求,其次依序為土地、資金,產銷組織及行銷通路。 This plan is serves with counselling training the seedling technology in view of the seedling entrepreneur as well as the farmer and handles the opinion in .The student result to respond level extremely good and good reaches86.47% the study level appraised on progresses by 50(100%) score to 72.75(146%).The website of politics agricultural station and the local farmer association are the main sourses where student got the trainingmesseges both account for70.26 % . “ The friend informs ” also holds quite proportion(19.62%).The majority of the student (84.81%) are nontissue culture experience before the training but 23.42% students are engaged in the tissue culture work after the training . 62.81% students will future have the wish investment but 10.74%will not be still have 26.45% students are not yet make the decision. Most needs the projectwhich the agricultural politics unit counsels is production technology farmland funds marketing
18832145 2011 植物種苗團隊-提升植物種苗產業經營管理能力輔導策略研究 Enhance the ability of plant seed industry management counseling Strategy 100農科-5.2.1-種-X2 100AS-5.2.1-SS-X2 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 周明燕 Ming-Yenn Chou 植物種苗產業管理模式會因其在產業價值鏈所在位階差異而有不同需求。種子業需要更多的研發管理及行銷管理能量,以提升企業研發及產品行銷能力;育苗業較類似服務業型態,因此更需要品質管理及顧客管理觀念導入。組織培養業及蘭花生技業著重在量產及產品品質,產程管理及品質管控是最必要的能力。 Plant seedling industry management in the industry value chain due to their rank differences where there are different needs. Seed industry needs more energy R & D management and marketing management to enhance research and development and product marketing capabilities; nursery industry than a similar service type and therefore need the concept of quality management and customer management to import. Tissue culture andorchid industry biotechnology industry focused on mass production and product quality production process management and quality control is the most necessary capacity.
18832146 2011 植物種苗團隊-以知識密集服務為導向之種苗產業服務網站建置研究 Establishment of the Knowledge-Intensive Service Website for Seedling Industry 100農科-6.1.1-種-X1 100AS-6.1.1-SS-X1 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 蔡瑜卿 Yu-Ching Tsai 1.1-12月進行種苗網站資料維護603筆資料,辦理100年度種苗科技專訊4期之線上出刊作業。2.蒐集新增國內園藝景觀苗木業者、仙履蘭業者包含基本資料及主要產品、服務項目等資料143筆;台灣流通新品種資料107筆;植物繁殖技術相關文獻等3 807筆等書目資料及電子全文。3.完成台灣園藝景觀苗圃產業概況分析報告一篇。4.辦理2場種苗業者座談會、4梯次提升種苗企業經營能力講習會及1場植物種苗科技研發成果研討會及海報展示,提供種苗業者及研究人員最新訊息與促進交流。調查參加種苗相關活動之種苗業者接受訊息管道,仍以書面紙本為主(68.4%)。5.不同類型種苗業對網路訊息傳遞應用情形調查:顯示種苗業產業類型不同,銷售對象與地區範圍不同,應用網路的情形有很大差異,以內需型且為銷售行為屬於地區性的種苗業類型網路應用的比例較低。6.種苗產銷資訊平台建立意願調查:以景觀苗圃業為調查對象,因其產銷資訊複雜不易取得,結果顯示83%業者願意加入資訊交流平台,多數業者對於景觀苗圃生產資訊的透明化皆持贊成態度,期望能增加曝光以及行銷之機會,但大部份需要協助整理資料上網。 The plan has compiled the information of seedling industry techniques activities and continued to check to evaluate to analyze in being system to investigate the opinion of users and to improve the function of website system. The plan provides the academia the industrial circles and the government departments with knowledge service about seedling industry.
18832147 2011 建構亞太植物種苗產業服務資訊平台 Construction for Asia Pacific Seedlings Industry Services Platform 100農科-6.2.1-種-X1 100AS-6.2.1-SS-X1 技術服務室 Technical Service Section 蔡瑜卿 Yu-Ching Tsai 不公開 Not public
18832148 2011 RFID及二維條碼應用於種子產銷管理之研究與開發 Study and development on RFID and QR code technology for the seed production and marketing management 100農科-6.3.1-種-X1 100AS-6.3.1-SS-X1 種苗經營課 Seed & Seedling Management Section 許鐈云 Ciao-Yun Syu 種苗場擁有9座種子冷藏庫,長年配合政府政策負責生產供應全省雜糧、綠肥及蔬菜作物種子,操作從契作生產及外購種子、調製、加工、倉儲、運輸至推廣銷售等一系列種子產銷流程作業。本年度針對種子倉儲部分建構「種子倉儲管理系統」部分,並結合無線射頻辨識(RFID)應用,達成種子倉儲流程作業電子化,除可供本場內部良好管理,增加種子倉儲管理透明性及即時性,此外結合RFID監控倉儲溫溼度環境情況,同時亦減少種子損耗,降低購買者損失。 Taiwan seed improvement and propagation station (TSS) has 9 seed refrigerated storages and is responsible for the seed production of cereal green manure and vegetable. Moreover there are a series of seed producing and marketing procedure operation including producing purchasing processing packaging storage transportation and marketing. In this year it’s aim to accomplishment of the efficient method of seed storage management by RFID technology in order to maintain the seed of quality to decrease the waste of manpower and time and to enhance the check time of the inventory in the seed storage effectively.
18832149 2011 作物遺傳種原收集、保存與利用 preservation collection and application of germplasm 100農科-8.1.1-種-X1 100AS-8.1.1-SS-X1 品種改良保護課 Plant Breeding Section 林正雄 Cheng-Hsiung Lin (一) 進行萵苣種原32個品種、十字花科蔬菜40個品種、瓜類30個品種等更新繁殖。(二) 持續台農種苗二號蜜雪梨之種原管理與保存。(三) 收集及保存本土綠美化種原20種,建立其繁殖技術及親本園。 1. Propagate and regenerate 100 vegetable varieties also investigate their properties.2. Continuing to keep and preservate the parents of Tainon No.2 pear.3. Collecting and preservating 20 varieties of local landscaping trees;developing its propagative technics and parent farm.
18832150 2011 台灣香藥草植物資源開發利用 Development and utilization of indigenous aromatic herbs resources inTaiwan 100農科-8.4.1-種-X1 100AS-8.4.1-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 羅英妃 Ying-Fei Lo 不公開 Not public
18832151 2011 作物種苗病害檢測、驗證及防治技術之開發與應用 Application and development of detection certification and control of crop diseases 100農科-9.2.1-種-X1 100AS-9.2.1-SS-X1 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 邱燕欣 Yen-Hsin Chiu a.作物抗病育種之病害檢定技術建立:完成番椒44品系167株果實接種炭疽病菌Colletotrichum acutatum,接種結果顯示有5品系植株病斑大小在4㎜以下,其他所有品系病斑均在4㎜以上;番椒29品系73株果實接種炭疽病菌Colletotrichum gloeosporioides,接種結果顯示有3品系植株不發病,有12品系植株病斑大小在4㎜以下,其他所有品系病斑均在4㎜以上;番椒9品系16株果實接種炭疽病菌Colletotrichum capsici,接種結果顯示有1品系植株不發病,有4品系植株病斑大小在4㎜以下,其他所有品系病斑均在4㎜以上。有抗性之植株種子將進行下一世代之選種。完成20瓶海芋瓶苗之POTY、CMV、TuMV、DsMV、ZaMV、ZaMMV、DsMV病毒檢測。完成馬鈴薯12瓶瓶苗之PLRV、PVS、PVX、PVY病毒檢測。完成61個馬鈴薯臺農一號G1種薯之PLRV、PVS、PVX、PVY病毒檢測。b.無病原種子種苗生產、處理及驗證技術之研究:以20株根圈微生物澆灌西瓜幼苗,評估微生物對西瓜幼苗生長之影響,發現微生物澆灌對西瓜幼苗株高有些微抑制;但其中12株對西瓜幼苗鮮重及乾重有促進的作用,可較對照組增加50%的重量。其中2支微生物(14-5及14-9)澆灌可以有效抑制西瓜幼苗果斑病罹病度。經試驗微生物對種子污染的西瓜幼苗果斑病防治效果較差,僅2支微生物(14-12、15-24)處理可有50%植株存活率,未來可進一步探討微生物與植物交互作用機制,分析其拮抗物質,以研製病害防治用生物製劑。c.抗病毒血清製備技術之開發與利用:完成蘭花病毒CymMV、ORSV 、CaCV鞘蛋白基因選殖,經誘導表現及免疫轉漬,確認所生產蛋白。進行蘭花病毒鞘蛋白大量生產及純化,送廠商進行動物(紐西蘭兔)免疫。未來所獲得的抗血清將應用於蘭花病毒檢測工作上。d. 作物病蟲害防治用 藥調查、研析及其 合理化應用技術開 發、改進:茄子栽培期間以窄域油500倍、苦棟油500倍、窄域油500倍+苦棟油500倍進行防治處理,並以不噴施藥劑做為對照,調查不同藥劑處理對茄子蟲害防治的效果,結果顯示上述藥劑處理對浮塵子、薊馬、銀葉粉蝨之防治效果並不明顯,對葉蟎雖然具短期防治效果,但效果亦不理想。在疫病防冶調查結果,使用亞磷酸500倍與1000倍溶液噴施4次後皆具有減緩或抑制疫病發生的效果,而亞磷酸溶液500倍處理對疫病的防治效果則較亞磷酸溶液1000倍處理效果為佳。 a.b. The influence on watermelon seedlings growth of 20 rhizobacteria were evaluated by watering the seedlings with overnight culture. And it is showed that by watering rhizobacteria the length of seedlings were suppressed a little. But 12 rhizobacteria have promoted the fresh weight and dry weight of the seedlings by 50% comparing with the untreated control. Among them 2 rhizobacteria (14-5 14-9)have suppressed bacteria blotch disease on watermelon seedlings effectively. After testing we discovered most rhizobacteria could not cure the pathogen-polluted seedlings. Only rhizobacteria No. 14-12 and 15-24 made 50% seedlings surviving.c. Three coat protein genes of orchid viruses-CymMV、ORSV 、CaCV have been cloned and confirmed by induced expression and wetern blotting with antivirus serum. After mass production and purification these virus coat proteins have been sent to immune rabbits.d. The eggplant treated with the narrow range oil(2㏄/l) China-berry oil(2㏄/l) narrow range oil(2㏄/l) plus China-berry(2㏄/l) investigated the effect for the insect pest of eggplant during cultivated period.Result showed that the effect of these treatments were not good for Leafhopper Thrips
18832152 2011 花卉團隊-生產蕙蘭無特定病毒之種苗檢測系統之建立 The establishment of detection system of Cymbidium Specific-Pathogen-Freeseedling 100農科-9.2.1-種-X2 100AS-9.2.1-SS-X2 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 邱燕欣 Yen-Hsin Chiu 本計畫擬建立蕙蘭生產繁殖流程內病毒管控之檢測點 以協助農民避免生產流程可能造成之病毒感染 影響產品價值。使用ELISA技術進行蕙蘭病毒檢測 檢測病毒包括ORSV與CymMV。檢測對象為分株苗之蕙蘭母本 結果顯示田間病毒普遍 農民必須慎選種苗來源.為因應未來蕙蘭組培模式 並依照組培模式擬定一檢測系統以供參考。 By this plan we try to establish the virus disease detection and management of Cymbidium production proceed. To avoid the value of Cymbidium Orchids been lower and lower cause by the virus infection.The ELISA was used as the detection method. And we also try to establish one virus detection and management model which is suitable for Cymbidium orchid tissue culture propagation system.
18832153 2011 植物種苗團隊-符合外銷國之種子苗驗證技術研發、制度研究與建置 Establishment and Research of Seed and Seedling Certification Techniques and Regulations 100農科-9.2.1-種-X3 100AS-9.2.1-SS-X3 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 袁雅芬 Ya-fen Yuan 為協助業者將優質植物種苗(子)行銷國外市場,提升農產業競爭力,本研究規劃一完整且即時能提供各國植物種苗(子)檢疫資料庫,蒐集相關法規,共計836條條文,期能縮短資料檢索時間。文獻搜尋並比較國際試驗室間檢測番茄嵌紋病毒(Tomato Mosaic Virus,ToMV)的檢測方式保括ELISA、RT-PCR、ICRT-PCR等檢測技術,本計畫前期合成針對ToMV專一之引子對以及植體之Internal control primer set 可建立RT-PCR偵測受檢檢體內之ToMV,確定檢測之正確率。研究發現H2O2及乾熱處理對黑腐病污染及田間收取之種子皆有良好的減菌效果,藉由處理條件之最佳化調整,可有效殺滅表面攜帶之菌類。苦瓜種子發芽最適合之處理為60℃溫湯浸種10分鐘,發芽率可達80 %以上,沙床法與捲紙法可提高發芽率至90%以上。建立胜肽親和性篩選系統(peptides c7c peptides 7 peptides 12)對於標地蛋白之親和性汰選技術,建立及生產與ORSV病毒鞘蛋白具親和性之噬菌體,篩選出可利用於ELIS檢測ORSV之噬菌體。 For the purposes to help entrepreneurs marketing high grade crop seeds and seedlings overseas and upgrading competitive power of agricultural industries we have mapped out a complete database collecting 836 articles in total which provides various countries’ quarantine regulations immediately. Hopefully this can reduce time for data searching.By papers literature research we selected the RT-PCR as the major tech as our TAF testing method for Tomato Mosaic Virus. At the first we design a set of RT-PCR primer for ToMV specific primer set. We also design the internal control primer set for more reliable detection result.The protocol of H2O2 treatment followed by heating dry for killing Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (XCC) on cabbage seeds were evaluated to show better effects. A more précised H2O2 treatment will also be a pursuit.Bitter gourd seeds immersed in ℃ water for 10 min the germination rate could be reached above 80 %. The seeds at the sand bad or the paper roll were increased the germination rate above 90 %.By phage display system there were three kinds of phage library being selected by affinity panning selection including phage c7c library phage 7 library and phage 12 library. In phage c7c system
18832154 2010 植物種苗團隊-作物特定性狀分子標誌建立及選殖 The establishment and application of specific molecular markers for the crops species 99農科-1.1.1-種-X1 99AS-1.1.1-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 莊淑貞 Su-Jean Chuang 不公開 Not public
18832155 2010 植物種苗團隊-作物種苗微體繁殖技術之開發與改進 The study of healthy seedling production by tissue culture 99農科-1.1.1-種-X2 99AS-1.1.1-SS-X2 繁殖技術課 Propagation Technology Section 文紀鑾 Chi-Luan Wen 不公開 Not public
18832156 2010 植物種苗團隊-仙履蘭重要病害之分子監測及防治管理 Establishment of disease detection prevention and cure method in slipper orchids 99農科-1.1.5-種-X1 99AS-1.1.5-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 張珈錡 Jia-Ci Chang 為獲得穩定的仙履蘭炭疽病菌(C. gloeosporioides)的接種源,已合成一個能有效促進產胞的培養基。針對仙履蘭炭疽病菌對蘭科或非蘭科寄主的專一性,得知該菌可為害蝴蝶蘭、嘉得利亞蘭、國蘭及文心蘭等蘭科植物,但不會為害非蘭科的作物。評估仙履蘭四品種對炭疽病的抗感性,結果顯示四品種均可被此病原感染,其中以iveum x sib和Hung Sheng Glow x Incantation雜交後裔最為感病。測試七種精油對仙履蘭炭疽病菌生長之影響,結果顯示草果與冬青精油抑菌的效果最佳。網室評估三種不同精油配方防治炭疽病菌的效果,結果顯示施用AF1-99配方配合撲克拉錳(6000倍)的防治的效果比單獨施用AF1-99配方或撲克拉錳的防治效果較佳。網室評估四支木黴菌防治炭疽病菌的效果,結果顯示T. viride與 T. harzianum兩支木黴菌可有效降低炭疽病的發生率。為達到早期病害檢測之目標,本試驗針對仙履蘭炭疽病菌設計專一性引子對90F/328R:(3'-GAC TTT GAA ATG CGA CTA CAG-5')/ (3'- GCC TTG CGA CGG AAC ATG GCG-5')可專一性偵測仙履蘭炭疽病菌,於300 bp可擴增一特異性條帶。進一步利用孢子懸浮液、菌株以及健康植株與菌株DNA不同混合比例,測試此專一性引子對之靈敏度。結果指出,於孢子濃度約100顆孢子/μl,或菌株DNA濃度約1 ng/μl,或植菌比為50:1,皆可有效檢測出仙履蘭炭疽病菌。 In order to obtain a stable inocula of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides a medium was formulated for enhancing sporulation of C. gloeosporioides. Orchid or nonorchid plants were inoculated to etermine host specificity of C. gloeosporioides. C.gloeosporioides was mainly pathogenic on Phalaenopsis Cattleya Cymbidium and Oncidium orchids. Four cultivars of Paphiopedilum were evaluated for their response to C . gloeosporioides. Among four cultivars tested two hybrid descendants niveum x siband and Hung Sheng Glow x Incantation were the most susceptible. Seven essential oils were investigated for their antifungal activities on C. gloeosporioides. Essential oils obtained from Amomum tsao-ko and Ilex were the most effective for suppressing mycelial growth of C. gloeosporioides. Three essential oil formulations were studied their antifungal activities on C.gloeosporioides in greenhouse. Results showed combination of AF1-99 oil formula and prochloraz manganese (6000 times) was the most effective for controlling the incidence of anthracnose disease compared with AF1-99 formula alone or prochloraz manganese (6000 times) alone. In greenhouse experiment four isolates of Trichoderma were tested for their abilities for control of anthracnose.Among four Trichoderma isolates tested T. viride and T. harzianum effectively reduced the incidence of anthracnose disease. A set of specific primers 90F/328R:(3’-GAC TTT GAA ATG CGA CTA CAG-5’)/ (3’- GCC TTG CGA CGG AAC ATG GCG -5’) was desiged to amplify a portion of the β-tubulin gene for the detection of C. gloeosporioides from slipper orchid. Results showed that a DNA fragment of about 300 bp was only amplified in slipper orchid
18832157 2010 植物種苗團隊-基因轉殖作物種苗檢測監測體系之建立 Establishment of detection and monitors system for genetically modified seed 99農科-1.1.6-種-X1 99AS-1.1.6-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 沈翰祖 Han-Tsu Shen 已蒐集基因轉殖玉米種苗Bt11、E176、GA21、MON810、NK603、MON863、TC1507、T25等8個品系,並構築PCR檢測片段至核酸載體為標準樣品。基因轉殖大豆Roundup Ready 品系參考樣品,並建立標準檢測流程,。執行基因轉殖作物種苗TAF檢測實驗室已完成本年度監督評鑑,並進行實驗室電腦條碼管理系統套裝化測試,且完成二次認證實驗室附加稽核、一次認證實驗室內部稽核與一次認證實驗室年度管理審查會議。並配合農糧署辦理二場基因轉殖作物檢測討論會。 The increasing presence of transgenic plant in the international markets has provoked a strong demand for appropriate detection methods to evaluate the existence of transgenic plants. The major objective of this study was to establish a detection technique for the GM maize soy and broccoli. The events of GM maize are Bt11 E176 GA21 MON810 NK603 MON863 TC1507 T25 etc. The event of GM soybean is Roundup Ready Soy.For this purpose some screening methods based on target gene and select marker was development. The results showed that the GM crops could be detected through PCR-based markers. We constructed the reference materials of GM maize with the PCR products. And we prepared the reference materials of GM soybean with seed powder. The fluorescent detector could be detected the nptII gene in 1 minute.
18832158 2010 植物種苗團隊-種苗生技廠商企業化經營輔導 Guiding agro-biotech manufactor of phalaenopsis for mass production of healthy seedling 99農科-1.1.8-種-X1 99AS-1.1.8-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 廖玉珠 Yu-Ju Liao 不公開 Not public
18832159 2010 植物種苗團隊-植物品種檢定流程分析、人員訓練及分子標誌開發 plant seed/seedling team – Analyzing the examining process flow training faculty members and developing molecular marker of plant variety right 99農科-1.1.9-種-X1 99 AS -1.1.9- SS -X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 張惠如 Hui-Ju Chang (a)重要蘭科花卉品種及球根花卉品種分子標誌技術開發:將所設計86組SCAR引子,篩選30種紅花系商業品種(受品種權保護或其對照之品種)。目前10個引子組成六個引子對組合,可產生不同的差異性條帶,進一步將差異性條帶的有無給予0或1的編碼。經過識別編碼的組合而可區分紅花30個蝴蝶蘭商業品種。未來將擴大試驗材料族群,依花色粗分成四組,進一步進行SSR引子對之篩選工作。由種苗場種原圃取得31個品種(系)參試材料,包括花色為桔色系的14個品種(系)(含種苗二號-香吉士),及紅色系的品種(系)(含種苗一號-桃姬)的17個品種(系)共31個品種(系)。DNA-PCR分析運用於親緣相似性分析,桔色花系或紅色花系單獨或合併分析,均有少數品種(系)無法由篩選出的32條再現性及穩定性高之分子標誌作完全區分。(a-1)委託嘉義大學生物農業科技系張助理教授岳隆針對蝴蝶蘭(Phalaenopsis spp.)品種分子標誌技術開發。本年度收集商業品種及雜交品系共52種,以AFLP及SCAR方法進行篩選品種間差異性。(b)檢定人員訓練:已於99年4月29日於中興大學舉辦「植物品種檢定流程及品種資料庫建制」之教育訓練,主要參與對象為農糧署、農業試驗所、林業試驗所、各農業改良場及學校機關等之實際參與植物品種檢定之人員,共有70人參與。另與中華種苗學會合辦於99年10月20日在種苗改良繁殖場舉辦「作物新品種檢定講習會」,講授者將執行過程及經驗與參與植物檢定人員分享,彼此熱烈討論。此次參與講習會之成員共有80人,對於作物新品種檢定技術有顯著提昇效果。(C)建置植物品種權檢定及鑑定整合平台:已完成品種權整合服務平台系統開發,並於「植物品種檢定流程及品種資料庫建制」之教育訓練,開放行政管理人員、技術管理人員及技術檢定人員上線操作。完成品種權整合服務平台系統雙軌試測,預定於12/10正式上線服務。另於性狀檢定資料庫內108項作物檢定性狀表建置工作,之後將透過檢定人員講習會,持續推動檢定人員將各作物之性狀資料建置上網,擴增資料庫內容。建立蝴蝶蘭影像取樣標準作業流程,初步建置蝴蝶蘭屬花朵性狀影像之色彩特徵擷取與資料庫平台。(d)分子標誌運用於育種、品種保護、品種純度與基因轉植作物安全管理之技術盤點與產業應用研究:本研究針對具外銷市場發展潛力與目前重要輸出之作物品項,將研究資料區分成三大項:輔助育種〈茄科、葫蘆科、十字花科〉、品種鑑定與分析〈毛豆與蘭科〉、純度鑑定等,其中在輔助育種項目中再細分成生理指標及病害兩細項,進行收集分析。目前已完成輔助育種:24篇、品種鑑定:14篇、純度鑑定:17篇等,共55篇資料整理分析。 The projects of this program have four components. One of the fourcomponents is to establish varieties identification through molecularmarker of new and/or commercial varieties of Phalaenopsis and calla lily.The second is to training the faculty members to know the relativetechnologies of DUS test and system of plant variety protection throughtechnique short-term training and keynote speech. The other one is toinventory supporting information system of character examine managementof plant breed right and plant variety identification of “Plant Varietyand Seed Law” for buildup the platform of infringement service. The lastone is knowledge management of molecular markers were used in breeding variety protection and purity test.
18832160 2010 植物種苗團隊-利用分子標誌輔助育種技術平台 The establishment of technique platform by marker-assisted selection 99農科-1.1.10-種-X1 99AS-1.1.10-SS-X1 生物技術課 Biotechnology Section 張惠如 Hui-Ju Chang 本研究係於文獻上及基因庫中發表之序列資料,設計合成偵測TYLCV病毒基因及Ty-1、Ty-2、Ty-3基因引子對,利用收集之試驗材料進行篩選。經過PCR試驗及電泳分析後,試驗結果顯示在目前的材料中,已建立偵測TYLCV與跟Ty-1、Ty-2、Ty-3基因連鎖之分子標誌各一組。另外,也將Ty-2及TYLCV之偵測引子對,進行建立Multiplex-PCR測試試驗,經試驗證實已可以在同一PCR條件反應下,同時偵測Ty-2及TYLCV。 The whitefly-transmitted Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is major pathogen of tomatoes. In this study using the information from literature and published sequence databases design and synthesis primers.Based on our results the polymerase chain reaction-based markers were developed for detection of three major resistance genes of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus Ty-1/Ty-2/Ty-3 and a gene fragment of TYLCV. On theother hand the detection Ty-2 and TYLCV primer pairs were tested to establish Multiplex-PCR test. The result confirmed the reaction could be in the same PCR conditions to simultaneous detection of Ty-2 and TYLCV.
總共 179 筆,顯示第 101 到第 150 筆