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32120874 98年度臺南縣空氣品質人工監測站操作維護暨採樣分析作業計畫 本計畫主要藉由加強空氣品質監測站之儀器維護,以提高各測站儀器設備使用之妥善率,有效掌握臺南縣空氣品質動態。此外,透過增加PM10、PM2.5及空品劣化採樣量測,藉以提升監測之廣度並提供更完整之粒狀物監測資料。98年計畫相關成果簡述如下:一、統計98年6月至99年5月維護資料,每月均對各人工監測站進行操作維護作業,內容包括定期維護、不定期維護、流量校正、計時器校正及結果記錄等,並建立相關標準作業程序。二、本年度高量採樣器之定期校正皆依照合約要求,每半年進行一次追溯一級(98年10月及99年4月),每季進行一次多點校正(98年7月、98年10月、99年1月及99年4月),所有之校正結果皆符合回歸線性相關係數應大於0.995以上。此外每站上、下旬採樣前與採樣後執行乙次單點流量檢查,檢查之流量及誤差結果亦均符合標準。三、針對各人工監測站之基本資料、周圍環境狀況及可能之污染來源執行完整蒐集與調查,以便於掌握各空氣品質人工監測站之各項資料。計畫執行中亦不定期更新「監測站資料卡」及「監測站周圍環境資料表」以便於各空氣品質人工監測站資料之存取及查閱,並加強對各人工監測站周圍環境狀況之瞭解掌握。四、本年度TSP監測結果顯示,所有測站自98年6月至99年5月之監測值介於39~202μg/Nm3間,均符合空氣品質24小時值250μg/m3。五、98年度PM10及PM2.5監測結果可發現環保署自動測站之測值與各人工站測值趨勢大抵一致。六、落塵量部分,99年1~5月測值平均為歷年同期平均最低,顯示99上半年度測值有降低的趨勢。七、在TSP成分部分,以單位TSP空間序列變化而言,於單位TSP正己烷抽出物部分,以新市國小站為相對較高;單位TSP氯鹽部分,以新市國小站為相對較高;單位TSP硝酸鹽,以新市國小站為相對較高;單位TSP硫酸鹽,以新市國小站為相對較高;單位TSP鉛含量,以學甲鎮公所站為相對較高。就時間序列變化觀之,單位TSP正己烷抽出物在98年7月為最高,98年12月為最低;單位TSP氯鹽在99年1月為最高,98年10月為最低;單位TSP硝酸鹽在98年7月為最高,98年10月為最低;單位TSP硫酸鹽在99年1月為最高,98年10月為最低;單位TSP鉛含量以98年7月為最高,98年10月為最低。八、計畫分別於98年10月21日、98年10月29日、98年11月18日、98年11月27日、99年02月05日、99年04月23日及99年05月05日辦理教育訓練,參加人員包括環保局及本計畫相關執行參與人員,共計24小時,以提升檢驗人員之專業技術實務能力。九、在 貴局同意下,本計畫已於98年11月完成西港、麻豆及仁德三站設備更新作業,並完成驗收事宜。十、彙整計畫工作內容及其量化目標與執行實際達成率如表1所示,期末規定應達成之工作內容均已完成。 98 Tainan County air quality inspection station maintenance plan This plan mainly strengthens instrument maintenance of the air quality inspection station so as to increase in using properly of instruments in every station and control Tainan County air quality effectively. It can expand range of monitoring and provide complete granular monitoring data according to add PM10, PM2.5 and sampling of air quality. Moreover, it also can realize information management and situation of air quality effectively by maintaining electronic monitoring system and related training or activity of Tainan County.Plan of 2009 related achievements are as follows:1.According to information of June, 2009 to May, 2010, it proceeds with maintenance every month which includes routine and unscheduled maintenance, adjustment of current, adjustment of time, record and set up SOP.2.This year high quantity sampling instrument the regular adjustment all defers to the contract request, every half year carries on a backward first-level (October of 2009 and April of 2010), every quarter carries on more than a time spot adjustment (July of 2009, October of 2009, January of 2010 and April of 2010). All adjustment result all conforms to the return linear correlation coefficient to be bigger than above 0.995. In addition various survey stations carry on a next best simple point inspection respectively every month, current capacity and the erroneous result also meet standards the inspection.3.In view of each artificial inspection station basic document, environment condition and possible pollution origin execution complete collection and investigation, is advantageous grasps the various air quality artificial inspection station each item of material. In the plan execution also non-periodically renews “the inspection station material card” and “the inspection station environment material table” is advantageous for deposit and the consult the various air quality artificial inspection station material, and strengthens to understanding of each artificial inspection station environment condition grasps.4.TSP monitoring result showed that monitoring value of all survey stations is between 39~202μg/Nm3, average value is 95μg/Nm3 from June, 2009 to May, 2010 which can not meet value of 24 hours air quality is 250μg/m3.5.The monitoring result of PM10 and PM2.5 in 2009 detected value tendencies of automatic survey station and operation station of environmental protection bureau are consistent.6.From 2004, the lowest average concentration of dust fall quantity is 2009; the higher value in recent years is 2004. The values of January to April, 2010 are lowest. The information showed that reduction tendency of values in 2010.7.In the composition of TSP, judge according to the time change, the own alkane in per unit TSP spares things highest in July of 2009, it is lowest in December of 2009; The chlorine salt in per unit TSP is highest in January of 2010, and lowest in October of 2009; The nitrate in per unit TSP is highest in July of 2009, and lowest in October of 2009; The sulphate in per unit TSP is highest in January of 2010, and lowest in October of 2009; The lead content in per unit TSP is highest with July of 2009, and lowest in October of 2009. Judge according to the space change, the own alkane in per unit TSP takes things out, it is highest in Sinshih station; The chlorine salt part of per unit TSP, it is highest in Sinshih station; The nitrate of per unit TSP, it is highest in Sinshih station; The sulphate of per unit TSP, it is highest in Sinshih station; The lead content of per unit TSP, it is highest in Syuejia station.8.We Collected content, object and execution in Table 1 and content which should be achieved before the end of term had completed. 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 祥威環境科技有限公司
32120875 98年桃園縣低碳垃圾清運路線執行計畫 本計畫茲因配合環境變遷響應政府節能減碳政策,完成垃圾車及資源回收車GPS定位車機之安裝、系統開發、評估分析公所現行清運路線與理想之清運路線進行規劃排程,藉助資訊科學技術,可達到較目前垃圾清運路線平均約41% 之清運距離縮短效益,蘆竹鄉與八德市每台車之碳節省效益為7,261公斤。未來環保局清潔隊可透過多頻道通知服務與多管道查詢平台,與民眾主動溝通,精準掌握垃圾車到點時間,突破時間與空間限制。 Carbon footprint saving route planning for garbage truck in TaoYuan County By following the government carbon footprint saving policy, this project completed the GPS installation on garbage truck, garbage truck tracking system development, current garbage collection route evaluation and carbon foorprint saving route plans. With the assistance of informatics, the carbon foorprint saving route can have the average benefit of 41% distance saving than current garbage collection route and reduces the carbon footprint for 7,261 kg. In the future, the EPA will be able to aggressively commucates to the public through the multichannel information query and notice service. With the help of IT technology, it breaks through the time and space limitation to get the real time location of gargabe trucks. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 資拓科技股份有限公司
32120876 98年臺中縣河川流域稽查管制及裸露地揚塵改善計畫 「98年臺中縣河川流域稽查管制及裸露地揚塵改善計畫」,其計畫執行期程自簽約日98年3月1日起至99年2月28日止。本計畫各工作項目包括管制點現勘作業、稽巡查管制作業、空中稽查任務教育訓練、空中稽查任務、污染地圖、裸露地揚塵業務聯繫會議、宣導暨說明會、媒體傳播宣導等,整體工作量達成率為100.0%,本計畫執行摘要如下:本計畫於計畫執行期間新聞稿共計見報26則,為空品科98年度所有計畫之冠,並協助環保局獲得縣府舉辦之「98年度提供新聞資料績優」丙組第2名。本計畫協助提供98年度環保署成效會議海報,獲得最佳海報獎。臺中縣環保局98年度SIP計畫考核,本計畫榮獲空品科考核第1名。98年11月27日環保署監資處之「強化河川揚塵監測及空氣品質監測會議」,以及98年12月9日環保署空保處「全國河川揚塵防制會議」,獲得監資處長及空保處長於會議中口頭表揚。於98年3月完成管制點30處之建置,並於每月進行管制點現勘作業,3~7月各流域裸露地無太大之變化,因8月遭逢颱風侵襲,各溪流域之原始植生遭沖毀。執行637場次稽巡查管制作業,包括東北季風巡查237場次,有效掌握河川現地狀況。於6月辦理空中稽查任務教育訓練1場次,並分別於7月、9月、10月、12月及1月執行6次空中稽查任務。製作污染地圖,約掌握1,498.3公頃之河川裸露地,推估其排放量約111.2公噸/季。為解決臺中縣河港揚塵問題,召開跨部會協商會議4場次,會中協商各單位提出解決方案,針對所提方案具體實施,今年度進行揚塵防制施作194.4公頃,推估施作後TSP削減量合計1275.78公噸,為歷年之最。協商第三河川局於大甲溪及大安溪進行揚塵防制施作18公頃,推估施作後TSP削減量合計7.79公噸。協商第三河川局針對大甲溪砂石車專用便道進行維護及灑水作業,長度為33公里,面積為26.4公頃,推估施作後TSP削減量合計312.19公噸。輔導臺中港務局規劃相關揚塵改善計畫,合計150公頃,推估鋪設粗級配及植生覆蓋施作後TSP削減量合計955.8公噸。協調林務局相關種植防風林之規劃,只需土地管理機關提出要求,並提供土地位址、地號、面積及土地管理機關之同意函即可,種植後林務局代為育林6年,成林後撥還土地管理機關繼續照護。協商水利署召開「研商河川公(私)地使用許可書(種植)增列抑制揚塵協力義務規範相關事宜」會議,訂定「河川使用者協力義務」,對於河川內之許可使用人使用河川,應配合採取揚塵防制措施,其有違反環保相關法令之情形者,河川局得廢止其許可。後續規劃-臺中港務局規劃「98~103年漂飛沙區第三期整治工程」;第三河川局於99年編列8百萬規劃揚塵改善計畫;經濟部水利署規劃河川揚塵改善5年計畫。成立揚塵防制聯繫網,成員包括行政院農委會林務局、經濟部水利署、經濟部水利署第三河川局、經濟部水利署中區水資源局、臺中農田水利會、交通部臺中港務局、臺中縣政府農業處、臺中縣環保局等單位,並於11月2日揚塵事件日啟動緊急應變作業,針對海線鄉鎮及港區加強道路灑水作業,執行灑水31輛次,灑水量181公噸。於后里鄉及東勢鎮召開2場次宣導暨說明會,共計467人參與,針對民眾辦理教育宣導活動,並同時以媒體傳播的方式進行全面性宣導,希望能藉由這2方面的合作,使河川揚塵防制工作能永續發展,以徹底解決臺中縣空氣品質問題。 This project was conducted for one year, since initiation date from March 1, 2009 to completion date Feb 28th, 2010. The progress of project is 100% achievement. The major work of this project was to reduce the pollution caused by fly dust which is from the bare land of rivers in Taichung County. The items of this project including audit-control work,sky audit mission,the education and training of sky audit mission and study on feasible prevention of river fly dust. And the final result abstract as follow: In this project, our executive team is the champion in the department of quality about air, which purposes the news manuscript for 26 articles appear on the newspaper. In addition, we are the number two about “provide data of news” which held in Taichung County. And we get not only the prize about the best poster but also the number one in the assessment of SIP. Also, the director of air quality and Supervisor Information Office commended well by verbally for our executive team which about the meeting of “To Strengthen and Monitored the Dust of River even the Quality of the Air” on Nov 11th, 2009 and the other one was “The National Prevention of River Dust” on Dec 9th, 2009. Thirty control points were established in March, 2009. In addition, the control points were checked in every month. As we know, the bare lands of river in each place are not change too much during March to July. Unfortunately, all conducted sites have been destroyed by the storm in Aug. During the project, the audit-control work has been held 637 times. Among this work, there are 237 times that had been held about North East seasonal wind. The sky audit emissions have been finished in July, Sep, Oct, Dec and Feb of 2010. Furthermore, the executive team also provided the training for the education. The training was the mission which is in the sky that is to audit the emission the dust of fly from exposed lands of river bed. Take advantage of the pollution map to control around 1,498.3 hectares of exposed lands of river basins and the total qualities of emission that is amount 111.2 tons per season. We invited the professionals and scholars form related fields were invited to attend four meetings, in order to solve the problems, that the dust from exposed lands of river bed in rivers and harbors in the Taichung County. In 2009, the conducted places for the prevention of dust, the area has been executed was 194.4 hectares. And the professionals inference was that the total reduces quality of TSP were 1275.78 metric tones which were the best over the years. The 3rd River Bureau control points were thus the conducted places for the prevention of fly dust, that derived from exposed lands from Tachia and Taan Rivers about 18 hectares. And total reduced quantity of TSP was 7.78 metric tones. Moreover, the way supply for the sand and crushed stone vehicle has been sprinkled water. The length of the way is 33 km and the measure of area was 26.4 hectares. And the quantity of TSP has been reduced 312.19 metric tones. We also guidance the Taichung Harbor Bureau to plan improvement proposal for prevention of dust was 36.67 hectares. It is estimated that this gravel coverage with vegetation could reduce amount of 955.8 tons of TSP. In harmony with the Forestry Bureau, all we need to request the address, number, area and the letter of approval from the management of land. The Forestry Bureau will help you to plan the trees about six years, than the management of land would keep on taking care of forest. The meeting is about “Study of the permission of planting which is the rule to control the dust for the public (private) rivers”, in order to set the rule of “the duty to the users”. Regardless of any person who uses the river should be observed the rule for the prevention of fly dust. On the other hands, the license would be cancel, if the person offend the law of the environment. The Taichung Harbor Bureau has planned the proposal regarding the improvement of dust from exposed lands of river bed. The plan named ” the third project is to rebuild an area of sand since years of 2009 to 2114. Also, it was noted that it has been approved by the 3rd River Bureau to grant NT$8 million dollars in 2010; likewise that the plan of the Water Resource Administration that is about dust of five years. The members of connect network as follow :the Forestry Bureau, the Water Resource Administration, the 3rd River Bureau, Central Region Water Resources Office, Taichung Irrigation Association, Taichung Harbor Bureau, Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Bureau Taichung County…etc. The network with reference to the fly of dust. As regards the emergency day of dust, the accumulated sprinkling water quantity was 181 metric tones, and total about 31 cars at the towns which is near to the sea and the harbors in the Nov 12th. Two times-places of governmental policy declaration and explanation of effective step have been held in Houli and Dong-shih, and totally about 467 people participated in this meeting. Furthermore, this meeting would be spread by the mass media. The cooperation which were combined the audience and the media, in order to solve a through problems about the quality of air in Taichung County. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 思維環境科技有限公司
32120877 廢機動車輛回收清除處理體系檢討暨源頭減量再利用分析規劃專案計畫 本計畫執行目標為調查廢機動車輛回收處理業成本,並建立估算機制;規劃推動廢車回收處理源頭減量與安全拆解,並研擬拆解標準作業及可行去化管道;建置廢車回收二手零件資訊管理系統以提昇回收業者競爭力;配合「先回收車體後報廢車籍」制度推動執行宣導活動。在處理業者成本調查分析方面,建議經營能力及獲利能力納入處理業者差別補貼費率計算因子。鐵、鋁與廢車回收關連性較高,其價格好壞會影響廢車廢棄機率變動,蒐集中國大陸、印尼、馬來西亞、印度、俄羅斯與美國對鋼鐵價格管制措施供環保署參考。建議未來基金規劃可考量持續定期更新各項費率因子、危害物質妥善處理率、強化廢車去化管道及用經濟誘因以鼓勵粉碎廠等措施。在安全拆解方面,經團隊分析後建議環保署針對冷媒、安全氣囊納入明年廢車回收管制重點;而具有含汞開關及感應器車款高峰期約在17~22年間,目前回收之廢車含汞開關已稀少,未能達處理經濟規模,建議不納入管制;車用HID已納入廢照明光源公告應回收項目,建議加強宣導回收;在車用LCD部分,國際未有相關管制規定,且因尺寸較小其回收經濟效益須再評估,建議視國際趨勢再做管制。提供塑膠回收改質技術,以增進塑膠回收經濟效益,並建議下一階段針對PP材質進行回收。在二手零件方面,完成建置廢車二手零件集合式管理系統,以協助業者二手零件銷售,增加業者之營收。在政策宣導方面,配合「先回收車體後報廢車籍」制度,規劃並辦理「合法回收汽機車 百輛小摺幸運抽」抽獎宣導活動。 The Project of Recycling System Review and Reducing, Recycling Investigation for wasted car The objectives of this project include: the cost investigation for the End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) recycling enterprises and the establishment of estimation mechanism; the planning of ELV recycling, source reduction and safe dismantling and the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) development for vehicle dismantling and possible elimination channels; the planning and establishment of information management SOP for ELV recycling and used parts, and the improvement of the recycling business’ competitiveness; promotional activities in conjunction with the system of “recycle first, de-registration later”. For the cost investigation of recycling and processing, it is recommended the capability of running a successful business and making profits be considered as a factor of differential subsidy for processing business. Steel and aluminum are highly related to ELV recycling, and the recycling percentage of ELV depends on their possible prices. The steel price controls in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Russia and the US were gathered for EPA’s reference. It is recommended the planning of future foundation take into consideration the regular update of fee charging factors, increased reuse of recycled materials, improvement of proper hazardous substance disposal, promotion of ELV recycling markets, and the use of financial measures like subsidies and financial incentives. In hazardous substance management and safe dismantling, it is recommended materials, such as coolant and air bags, be included in the next year’s control priorities for ELV recycling. For mercury-containing switches, the production peak for cars carrying such switches and sensors was 17-22 years ago. Currently, not many mercury-containing switches are left, and the recycling of such items may be economically unprofitable. Thus, it is recommended not to include as a controlled item. Vehicle High-intensity discharge (HID) has been included as one of the items to be recycled as specified in the spent lighting fixture recycling announcement, and, therefore, extended promotion and dissemination are recommended. For Liquid crystal display (LCD) used in cars, there has not yet been a worldwide control measure. The recycling of this device requires further economic benefit evaluation for its small size. It is recommended to consider as the international control trends go. Plastic recycling technology has been provided for the improvement of economic benefits in plastic recycling. Also, it is recommended to recycle Polypropylene (PP) in the next stage. A concentrated management system for used parts taken from ELV was established to help used part sales of these businesses as to increase the recyclers’ profits. As a cooperating measure for the system of “recycle first, de-registration later,” the sweepstake of “recycled vehicles win you 100 folding bikes” was organized for better promotion. 098 基管會 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司
32120878 屏東縣流域及水污染稽查管制計畫-高屏溪流域 本計畫延續屏東縣流域事業單位管制方向,加強事業、畜牧業及砂石業者之廢水處理設施及放流水質、暗管查核作業,針對高屏溪流域所有列管事業單位進行稽巡查及放流水採樣檢測作業,期以積極輔導及告發督促方法並行,以具體改善高屏溪流域水體水質。本計畫依行政院環保署所訂各工作項目,進行事業稽巡查作業、事業水質檢測作業、暗管查核、功能評鑑及違規處分等工作項目,需達3,800積點以上之計畫目標,而自98.06.02~99.03.05止,本工作團隊已達成3,851積點,達成率101.3%。另水源保護區拆後復養查核項目另需達2,500積點,截至99.03.05止,水源保護區已達成2,513積點,達成率101.1%。各工作項目均按原規劃進度順利執行,以下針對計畫中各工作項目進行工作成果摘要說明:一、高屏溪流域事業分級稽巡查、放流水採樣分析作業(一)水污染源列管事業截至99.03.05止,針對交辦列管事業名單188家事業(除畜牧業外),共計執行374件次稽巡查作業(含夜間稽巡查及假日稽巡查作業)。另針對營運中且有排放廢水之事業單位進行155場次放流水採樣,其中共計有1個事業單位(餐飲業)因放流水不符合排放標準遭受處分,其餘事業單位放流水檢測結果均可符合放流水標準。(二) 重點交辦事業查核成果-公共污水下水道及專用下水道針對縣內公共污水下水道系統交辦事業共3家,分別為屏東市污水下水道系統六塊厝污水處理廠、墾丁污水下水道及南灣污水下水道系統,計畫內規劃每月至少巡(複)查乙次及採樣乙次。截至99.03.05止共計巡(複)查33件次,均依工作進度規劃如期完成;除公共污水下水道稽查作業外,另針對縣內第一級工業區專用下水道系統進行查核工作,截至99.03.05止共計巡(複)查12件次。(三)畜牧業本年度計畫各列管畜牧業,依在養頭數、違規記錄及處分情形分級列管,以彰顯稽查成效,其中列為第一級重點管制4場,第二級重點管制288場,第三級重點管制164場,各畜牧場之分級視營運情形、畜養頭數及現場稽巡查情形隨時進行調整。為求掌握管制成效及後續追蹤,計畫執行期間著手針對畜牧業進行一戶一卡資料庫之修正,以更詳細、更符合現況之表單更新,更將一戶一卡以電子檔power point呈現,以利審閱。表單內容除包括事業地址、位置、負責人、聯絡電話及許可證號等基本資料外,亦包括現場稽巡查記錄、各槽體尺寸、各槽體照片及現場綜合評估等資料。截至99.03.05止,本工作團隊針對畜牧業交辦名單已完成456件次一戶一卡更新建置。在查核次數部份,截至99.03.05止,共計查核畜牧業1,893件次(含晨夜間及假日稽巡查),合計共完成608件水質採樣檢測作業,其中有8件未符合放流水標準,放流水合格率98%,其餘事業單位放流水檢測結果均可符合放流水標準,不符放流水標準之事業單位已立即呈送環保局進行後續依法處分作業。(四)不明管線查核作業計畫執行期間共計完成不明管線查核作業3件,其中一件為事業廢水,另二件為畜牧廢水。本工作團隊於發現不明管線後立即進行採樣檢測及提報作業,後續依法進行不明管線公告廢止或開單處分等作業。(五)許可文件換證、廢止及定期申報宣導作業本年度計畫中除了協辦三場事業單位法令說明會之外,亦隨時配合宣導許可文件換發、許可證廢止陳述意見及定期申報宣導等相關工作,截至99.03.05日止,共計完成147件,期能有效地控制污染源之排放及掌握事業單位營運現況,建立完整確實之資料檔案。二、高屏溪水源保護區已(未)依法拆除補償之養豬戶稽巡查作業(一)已拆遷養豬戶本工作團隊截至99.03.05日止,針對已申辦拆遷養豬戶完成清查2,513場次,工作達成率101.1%,截至目前為止水源保護區內未發現已拆遷養豬戶原地復養情形。(二)未拆遷養豬戶本年度交辦之未拆遷養豬戶名單包括:已申辦未拆除74戶、未申辦未拆除畜養21戶、未申辦未拆除但停養119戶、未申辦已自行拆除30戶,總計244戶;針對各類未拆遷養豬戶已進行530場次清查作業,達成率217%。查核結果目前仍有21戶養豬戶仍有少量畜養情形,平均飼養頭數5頭。三、高屏溪指定流域污染源、污染量調查及季水質採樣檢測作業本年度計畫內指定殺蛇溪、武洛溪為主要監測水體,依水路分佈訂出上、中、下游三測點進行採樣檢測作業,並將殺蛇溪、武洛溪之支流、水路及分流污染源、污染量及污染削減率彙整報告提送環保局,以作為年度環保署考核資料之成果。本計畫截至99.03.05止共計完成三次季採樣檢測作業,依98年8月檢測結果顯示,殺蛇溪之水體水質在氨氮項目上表現較差;武洛溪之水體水質在溶氧、生化需氧量及氨氮等項目表現均差;依98年10月檢測結果顯示,殺蛇溪之水體水質在溶氧項目上表現較98年8月份採樣時有明顯增加;武洛溪之水體水質在溶氧、生化需氧量及氨氮等項目有下降之趨勢;依98年12月檢測結果顯示,殺蛇溪之水體水質在生化需氧量項目上表現較較98年10月份採樣時有下降之趨勢;武洛溪之水體水質在懸浮固體、生化需氧量及氨氮等項目表現均差,分析原因為殺蛇溪上游污染來自於畜牧業密集之長治鄉,再流經人口密集之屏東市區及屏東工業區,以致於深受生活污水及畜牧廢水之影響,水體水質呈現中度~嚴重污染之情形。而武洛溪則是流經屏北地區畜牧密集之里港鄉、鹽埔鄉、九如鄉等,水體水質深受畜牧廢水之影響,水體水質歷年來均呈現嚴重污染之情形。五、其他配合事項(1)本計畫於98.07.08~98.07.10配合屏東縣環保局及其他相關計畫,辦理縣內畜牧業法規說明會共計三場次。內容主要為法令宣導課程(水污染防治法事業分類及定義、應先檢具水污染防治措施計畫之事業種類、範圍及規模、水污染防治法罰緩額度裁罰準則說明及廢污水檢測申報表說明)、三段式廢水處理設備維護操作說明等,另於本年度宣導會中增加生活污水減量暨節能減碳宣導及畜牧業廢棄物生質能再利用暨污泥集中清運處理等議題。(2)為配合大統畜牧場辦理復工試車作業,於98.12.14~98.12.28期間,連續15日針對其放流口排放之放流水及場區四周管線、溝渠及附近大排進行監測,以確定是否有違法事件發生。(3)計畫期間成立牡丹鄉石門國小巡守隊,於99.01.07完成巡守隊授旗典禮,並辦理教育訓練及牡丹水庫戶外活動各一場次。(4)計畫期間分別於中正國中(98.11.11)、公正國中(98.11.23)及舊寮國小(98.12.22)配合辦理宣導「素食減碳、環保及拯救地球」之活動共計3場次,以配合環保署1天減碳1公斤(每人)宣導政策。 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 環佑實業有限公司
32120879 98年度責任業者、販賣業者與限用對象管理稽查取締工作計畫 為落實指定業者之輔導、查報、巡查及建檔,推動減量包裝及可重複清洗餐具之使用,加強宣導及勸導本計畫相關法令、制度及未來政策導向,使民眾及業者均能充分瞭解本計畫相關法令及資源回收之重要性,彰化縣環保局特辦理「98年度責任業者、販賣業者與限用對象管理稽查取締工作計畫」,進行責任業者、販賣業者與限用對象稽查及輔導工作,以及辦理相關宣導活動,以促使彰化縣垃圾分類、資源回收業務更具績效,達成政府推動垃圾全分類零排放之目標。本計畫執行期程自98年5月1日至98年12月31日止,主要之工作項目則包括:一、辦理責任業者違反資源回收相關法令之稽查、處分及相關法務作業二、應設置資源回收設施11大販賣業者稽查取締三、指定電池管制及含汞體溫計限制輸入、販賣與回收稽查作業四、辦理塑膠類托盤、購物用塑膠袋及免洗餐具限用對象稽查管制工作五、辦理限制產品過度包裝工作 2009, Inspection and Management, on Producers, Sellers and User-limited in Chang-Hua County The project aim to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau of Chang-Hua County as follows, “auditing for producers’and sellers’ recycling scheme” and “guidance and auditing to marked effect in local authorities”, those works were achieved. Finally, several conclusions and suggestions have been made based on the results of our study and performance. 098 彰化縣環境保護局 上浩工程顧問有限公司
32120880 98年空氣污染緊急應變公害陳情案件處理計畫 桃園縣政府環境保護局為迅速處理公害陳情案件,有效化解環保紛爭,以提高民眾對於施政之滿意度,故委託執行本專案計畫,期可透過環保報案中心之運作、陳情案件受理後稽巡查、空氣污染陳情來源之檢測及不明空氣污染源定性分析等工作,達成源頭減案目標。本工作報告係撰寫各相關工作成果,亦蒐集分析歷年陳情案件建檔情資、陳情案件處理品質指標及環境背景資訊進行探討,主要成果摘要如下。一、協助環保報案中心運作:投入充足之人物力資源,24小時全年無休受理民眾陳情案件,計畫期間共受理3,275件陳情案件。二、受理陳情案件數明顯減少:每月平均受理件數自96年之高峰期994件/月減少98年之940件/月,再減少為99年之674件/月。三、一再陳情案件比例提升:在環保局源頭減案之政策下,強化陳情案件處理及民眾滿意度調查及民怨撫平技巧,整體一再陳情案件比例自97年之3.7%,減少至98年之0.7%,計畫期間則再大幅減少至0.2%。四、陳情案件處理效能:單一案件之平均處理時間由96年之0.89日/件、97年1.08日/件,提升至98年0.75日/件,計畫期間之處理時效僅需花費0.7天,時間的縮短比例為6.7%。五、重大空氣污染源檢測、調查:針對屢遭民眾陳情之異味污染物來源執行10廠次入廠輔導、10點次周界空氣污染物採樣分析及10根次排放管道空氣污染物檢測。六、不明空氣污染源掌握:藉由異味強度調查作業及不明空氣污染源(異味)定性分析,完成5處不明來源區塊之定性採樣分析作業。本計畫歷經四個月之執行,經調查計畫期間之民眾滿意度與前兩年度同期相較,民眾滿意度有明顯上升的趨勢,調查結果為滿意以上等級,由97年同期之20.7%,逐年提升至98年62.4%,本計畫期間則再提升至81.5%,整體滿意度大幅上升且在不滿意度部分亦明顯下降至6.3%,顯示處理情形已可獲得民眾認同。 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司
32120881 「屏東縣流域及水污染稽查管制計畫」 -東港溪流域 本計畫延續屏東縣東港溪流域河川事業管制方向,並加強事業水污染源之偷排及暗管查核作業,並全面執行東港溪流域事業單位稽查及放流水質採樣檢測作業,利用輔導及告發等方式並行,以改善東港溪流域河川內事業單位違法偷排行為,截至99年2月28日各工作目標及項目均均符合預定進度,執行成果摘要如下說明:一、本計畫共完成2,518件次的稽查工作,包含放流水水質採樣檢測702件、處分作業6件、功能評鑑作業1場次、暗管公告廢止及封閉1件次,稽查積分已達3,884.5積分,積分達成率102%。二、完成702件放流水水質採樣檢測工作,有700件符合放流水排放標準,僅2件超過法規標準,合格率99%。三、協助環保局進行審查畜牧業水污染許可申請、審查作業案件共計23件,其中新申請許可證為18件、重新申請許可證4件及展延許可證1件。四、完成東港溪流域767家事業單位定位作業。五、完成767家列管事業稽查事業單位缺失查核,缺失項目以管線流向或處理單元名稱標示不清缺失數最高共349件佔53.8%,其次是水錶故障共137件佔21.1%;放流口告示牌損壞未設置共107件佔16.5%;偷排與繞流排放53家佔8.2%;電表故障2家佔0.3%;未設獨立電錶1家佔0.2%。年度稽查事業缺失計464家,本計畫因人力能量限制因數,計複查360家事業改善狀況,佔缺失家數77%,其中19家偷排與34家繞流事業均完成改善,水錶修復11家、告示牌復原33家、槽體管線標示有47家完成自行標示改善,本計畫巡查人員協助53家事業標示槽體名稱或管線流向。六、完成588家畜牧業一戶一卡資料更新及建置。目前依據稽巡查結果無第一級管制標準畜牧業,第二級管制標準畜牧業有48家,應列為未來優先加強管制對象。此外亦加強龍頸溪支流20家與竹田一號大排10家畜牧業稽查管制,藉以降低流域支流污染負荷,提升支流水質。七、截至99年1月31日止工作團隊共計查獲19家列管事業有偷排行為,其中16家為畜牧業(一),3家為畜牧業(二),依據事業最近一期申報放流水水量與本計畫執行輔導後放流水COD值,來推估年度削減量,總計輔導19家畜牧業改善廢水偷排行為後,COD削減量為627106公斤/年。另在事業廢水處理設備操作現況上及廠外承受水體之排水溝內之環境,判斷事業平時是否有偷排之疑慮,計有41家列管事業有此情形,其中36家為畜牧業(一),4家為畜牧業(二),1家為食品製造,經複查後,22家已完成改善,18家污水處理設施槽體產生藻類未改善,但未發現有無違規偷排行為;另查獲1家萬丹鄉畜牧業(二)有偷排行為,經追蹤複查輔導後,均無持續違規行為,完成輔導改善。八、查獲34家事業廢水處理設備單元有設置不明管線繞流,以畜牧業(一)28家最多,其次為食品製造業3家、化工業1家、金屬表面處理業1家及醫事機構1家。本計畫依據事業最近一期申報放流水水量與本計畫執行輔導後放流水COD值,來推估年度削減量,總計輔導18家畜牧業改善廢水繞流排放行為,COD削減量為443353公斤/年。九、查獲1支河岸暗管,並完成公告認領及封管作業。十、完成東港溪流域龍頸溪及竹田一號大排之匯入之水路污染量進行調查掌握,執行3次龍頸溪及竹田一號大排上、中、下游水質檢測作業。十一、截至99年1月31日止工作團隊協助運作14支水環境河川巡守隊,並以1月1主題方式辦理各項活動,包括辦理屏東縣河川巡守隊隊員大會暨教育訓練活動、屏東縣麟洛鄉溼地公園現地植栽及認養單位授證活動、屏東縣守望相助河川巡守隊隊長及幹部研習會議活動、巡守幹部交流座談、局(科)長查訪巡守隊活動、參與巡守隊辦理社區關懷行動、河川巡守隊巡守河段責任區域水質監測活動、河川巡守隊協助災後消毒行動及配合河川保育中心辦理『Eco-life說明會暨河川巡守隊巡守地圖工作坊』。十二、完成協助環保局辦理三場次水污染法規說明會,藉由會議的辦理輔導事業單位瞭解水污法相關規定及宣導畜牧業節能減碳。十三、辦理各級學校「素食減碳、環保及拯救地球活動」3場次及結合社區辦理1場次減碳宣導,共計4場次,另發佈媒體文宣2則。 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司
32120882 98年度農工業異味暨露天燃燒巡查管制計畫 本計畫自98年1月17日起執行至99年1月16日為止。本計畫於98年1月17日計畫執行期初,即延續聘用「九十七年度農工業臭味暨露天燃燒巡查管制計畫」所屬之45位巡守隊員,並依各流域及隊員所在鄉鎮區域不同,規劃11個小隊,並推舉一人為總隊長。為持續提升巡守人員之專業素養,本工作團隊於每2個月召開工作檢討暨在職訓練課程,並於會後進行測考。計畫於98年1月17日執行至99年1月16日已完成12次內部考核。隊員平均考核成績,優等有1位,甲等有31位,乙等為12位。本計畫執行迄今,六大流域回報案件,98年1月17日至99年1月16日回報之污染件數,其中露天燃燒巡查件數達806件,廢棄物堆置巡查案1,519件,水污染回報件數達5,197件,臭味巡查案件,共回報2,320件。 2009 Patrol and Control Project for Agricultural and Industrial Stinky Smell and Open Burning This project was carried out from January 17, 2009 to January 16, 2010. This project was implemented on January 17, 2009 and 45 patrol members from the “2008 Patrol and Control Project for Agricultural and Industrial Stinky Smell and Open Burning” have continued to be hired. Based on each basin and the different areas where the members are from, 11 sub-teams were set up and one member was elected as the team leader.In order to persistently promote the patrol members’ professional techniques, the team holds a performance review meeting and on-the-job training course every two months and a test would be conducted after the meeting.During the period from January 17, 2009 to January 16, 2010, internal performance review has been held 12 times. One member received an A+; 31 members received an A and 12 received a B.Since the implementation of this project, cases reported from the six major river basins. From January 17, 2009 to January 16, 2010, there were 806 cases reported concerning open burning; 1,519 cases reported as waste dumping, 5,197 cases reported concerning water pollution and a total of 2,320 cases reported as stinky smell issues. 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 新系環境技術有限公司
32120883 98年臺中縣環境品質監測站操作維護工作計畫 本計畫執行期間為98年5月4日至99年5月3日,截至目前為止皆能完成環保局交付之各項任務與職責,包括空氣品質人工測站之採樣分析與保養維護、自動測站之定期維護、固定式噪音監測站校正維護、移動式噪音測站監測、噪音設備管理、使用中車輛原地噪音量測及非屬原子能游離輻射監測等。空氣品質人工測站方面,每月針對豐原、梧棲、霧峰3座測站進行1次落塵採樣與分析、2次TSP採樣與分析及維護保養、1次流量單點校正與每季執行1次流量多點校正,目前各測站儀器設備狀況皆良好。測值與97年比較,98年豐原、梧棲、霧峰3測站之TSP平均濃度均明顯較97年同期平均值降低。在自動測站部份,經由本計畫定期之每週、月、季、半年與年度維護保養,各測站各監測項目皆能正常運作,且資料可用率均達90%以上。於8月份本計畫敦請專家學者進行儀器現場功能驗證及品保查核,已針對查核意見回覆並進行改善。由監測資料發現,98年度之空氣品質不合格率較97年同期增加1站日,依據環保署測站之監測資料,截至98年12月止,臺中縣之空氣品質不良率為2.47%,其中空氣品質不良指標物以臭氧所佔比例較高(81.5%)。而臺中縣山、海、屯三區則以山區之空氣品質不良率最高,海區之空氣品質不良率最低。98年中部空品區各縣市不良率以南投縣(3.44%)最高,其次為臺中市(2.74%)、臺中縣(2.47%)與彰化縣(1.23%)。在噪音監測方面,固定式噪音監測站之校正維護作業依預定進度執行,資料可用率均達90%以上。移動是噪音監測每站每季監測二次,共完成32點次。噪音陳情監測部份,已完成8件陳情案件監測,陳情案件地點主要分布在交通流量較大之道路沿線旁,噪音陳情案件監測結果皆符合管制標準。在高速鐵路噪音監測部分,目前於高鐵沿線完成1點次監測,符合高速鐵路噪音標準。其餘4點次 貴局同意以噪音陳情案件監測4點次抵換高速鐵路噪音監測,亦已執行完畢。在使用中車輛原地噪音量測部分,配合國道警察防飆勤務(路邊攔檢)及車輛噪音陳情案件與複驗通知到檢目前共執行34場次,共檢測140輛次,不合格率45%,若僅統計路邊攔檢之不合格率則高達75.9%,不合格車輛多半為改裝車。另外,在儀器設備管理方面,於每月15日前至山、海、屯區各稽查隊及空噪科執行噪音計校正查驗,並將15部音位校正器送財團法人電子檢驗中心校正。在整合軟體操作維護與資料更新部份,除每月提送管制考評表、更新「噪音管制系統」之資料庫之外,每季並協助環保局計算管制考評成績並上傳「噪音管制系統」。 2009Taichung County Environmental Quality Monitoring Station Operation Project This project was implemented from May. 4, 2009 to Mar. 3, 2010. All the tasks defined in the contract had been completed including the sampling analysis, maintenance of the Manual Operation Air Monitoring Stations, regular maintenance of Auto-Monitoring Stations, calibration and maintenance of Fixed Noise Monitoring Stations, Mobile Noise Monitoring, Equipment Management, the Stationary Noise Measurement of running vehicles, and Non-Ionizing Radiation Monitoring, et cetera. In the section of Manual Operation Air Monitoring Stations, this project had covered the following missions in Fengyuan, Wuchi and Wufeng. There are monthly sampling and analysis of dust fall, monthly one-point flow rate calibration, every half months TSP sampling analysis and maintenance, quarterly multiple-point flow rate calibration. All equipments in Manual Operation Air Monitoring Stations are in good working conditions. In contrast with year 2008, the mean concentration of TSP in year 2009 was obviously lower than that in year 2008.In the section of Auto-Monitoring Stations, all measurement items were functioning well under weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual maintenance scheme. The data validity all achieved above 90%. In the project, we invited experts to perform functions verification and QA check, and we had improved instruments based on critical comments. In 2009, the PSI (Pollutant Standards Index) of Taichung County revealing in Taiwan EPA report was 2.47%. As to the Maximum Index Pollutants, ozone contributed the big part(81.5%). Among Shan, Hai, and Tun, three districts of Taichung County, Shan had the worst air quality from its highest PSI and Hai had the better air quality from its lowest PSI. The measurement data for the mid-Taiwan, the worst one was Nantou County standing for 3.44%, followed by Taichung City (2.74%), Taichung County(2.47%), and then Changhua County (1.23%).In the section of Noise Monitoring, the regular calibration and maintenance of Fixed Noise Monitoring Stations were completed according to the contract. The calibration report and monitoring data were submitted monthly and the data validity was above 90%. In the section of the Mobile Noise Monitoring, that took twice quarterly monitoring tests at each spot, made totally 32 times monitoring. In the section of Petition Case Noise Monitoring, we had completed 8 cases times. Most of petition cases spreading along heavy traffic roadsides. The monitoring results showed all cases complied with noise regulation standard. In the section of the Noise Monitoring of High Speed Rail, 5 spots had been accomplished. In the section of Stationary Noise Measurement of running vehicles, including in coordination with the federal highway police to guard against the car racing mission and Vehicles noise sentiment cases, we had performed 34 times including 140 vehicles’ inspection. The disqualified rate was 45% and the disqualified vehicles were mostly stock cars.In the section of the Equipment Management, all the sound level calbrators were certificate by Electronics Test Center. In addition to this, all the noise monitors had to be sent to the auditing teams in Shan, Hai and Tun districts for testing on 15th of every month. In the section of the Integrated Software Operation/Maintenance and Data Update, apart from submitting the self- evaluation forms and updating the database of the Noise Control Information System monthly, it provided Taichung County EPB with the assistance of calculating and uploading the self-evaluation results to EPA’s Noise Control Information System quarterly. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 祥威環境科技有限公司
32120884 嘉義市遠東段435、471、472地號土壤污染控制場址污染控制計畫 本計畫為「嘉義市遠東段 435、471、472 地號土壤污染控制場址污染控制計畫」,係針對嘉義市政府所公告之農地土壤重金屬污染控制場址,依據所核定之污染改善工作計畫書執行土壤污染改善工作,將遭受重金屬鉻、鋅污染之污染場址農地重金屬含量降低至食用作物農地監測基準值以下。該計畫場址位於嘉義市保忠三街與保順路交叉路口,其範圍為遠東段435、471、472地號,共計1.0852公頃。改善完成後並依據『土壤及地下水污染整治法』辦理相關後續解除列管事宜,以達成土地永續利用及維護人民健康之目標。 098 嘉義市政府環境保護局 陸藝環境有限公司
32120885 98年度台南市柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫 截至99年初的統計數據顯示:臺南市籍總機動車輛數高達796,568輛次,並根據監理單位提供柴油車輛數資料柴油車總數約13,299輛,其中大型客、貨車登記總數約達4,979輛,小型柴油客貨車約8,271輛。台南市檢測站自89年以來,一直都具有ISO14001認證,維持良好的環境管理。於95年開始導入實驗室認證之管制系統後,96年3月也正式取得全國認證基金會(TAF)之檢測實驗室認證,本年度計畫中也通過TAF之三年延展認證重新評鑑取得證書,檢測品質具相當的公信力;在環保署評鑑取得A級成績,更名列全國第一,顯示執行品質相當確實。未來在品質方面繼續維持,讓檢測站檢測品質能受到肯定。本計畫執行期間投入人力共9人,具柴油車排放煙度儀器檢測證照者6人、具柴油車目視判煙證照4人。一、計畫執行期程本計畫執行期程由98年5月12日至99年5月11日止,共計12個月整。 二、工作進度成果工作進度表工作項目 目標數 月份 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 達成累計目視判煙通知 1600 規劃 150 170 150 150 200 200 200 130 100 100 50 0 1651 達成 235 169 129 179 263 275 218 94 39 38 15 柴油車動力計檢測 2000 規劃 60 150 180 200 200 200 200 200 180 180 150 100 2534 達成 114 264 254 181 262 256 297 294 209 112 208 83 路邊攔檢不合格數 135 規劃 10 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 10 10 10 139 達成 0 11 23 9 11 19 9 18 24 3 10 2 路邊油品採樣 200 規劃 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 200 達成 0 12 16 2 0 20 4 12 18 0 13 到站油品採樣 規劃 15 12 10 7 7 8 8 8 8 7 達成 2 17 11 10 12 6 7 5 4 1 14 2 加油站油品採樣 規劃 4 4 達成 4 4 柴油芳香烴檢驗 5 規劃 1 1 1 1 1 5 達成 1 1 1 2 宣導說明會 3 規劃 1 1 1 3 達成 1 1 1 宣導折頁海報 1100 規劃 1110 1110 達成 1110 動畫、賀卡、塗鴉 5 規劃 5 5 達成 4 1 品保測試 12 規劃 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 達成 2 2 2 2 2 2 相關性測試 1 規劃 1 1 達成 1 ISO14001認證 維持中 98年12月進行年度覆核,已經通過TAF實驗室認證 維持中 系統維持有效運作中,98年12月3日接受三年延展評鑑,99年2月取得新證書 三、主要工作之階段性執行成果(一)資料統計自98年5月12日至99年4月15日,共計檢驗柴油車2,641輛(含無負載107輛),計畫目標達100%。(二)本年度計畫自98年5月12日至99年4月15日止已執行目測判煙通知1,651輛,計畫目標達100%。(三)柴油車檢測2,641輛次,全負載2,534輛次,目標達成率已達到100%。受檢測之柴油車中有166輛不合格、不合格率約6.3%。(四)到站檢測隨機針對車輛抽驗油品已採取90件及路邊攔查採樣已採樣102件,加油站油品抽測8件,共計200件,工作進度達100%。檢驗結果僅有一件不合格。油品芳香烴採樣送檢驗5件,全數均合格。(五)路邊排煙稽查共計檢測271輛次,不合格139輛次,其不合格率為51.3%,不合格數工作進度達100%。(六)環保署排煙檢測站評鑑於10月21日完成,本年度延續前95、96及97年連續三年取得A等之佳績,98年亦取得A級佳績,成績更達全國第一。(七)98年9月23日、99年2月3日辦理柴油車宣導說明會2場,99年3月底協助辦理422世界地球日系列活動之我繪愛地球徵畫比賽為第三場宣導。工作進度達100%。(八)98年8月已完成一次相關性測試,工作進度達100%。(九)ISO14001於98年12月22日接受年度評鑑完成,認證持續維持有效中。(十)TAF實驗室認證98年12月4日進行三年延展評鑑,99年2月通過並取得新證書,目前系統維持有效中。(十一)計畫應完成之動畫、小遊戲、電子賀卡與塗鴉均已經完成並提交。四、污染物削減量計畫執行檢測不合格車輛數為305輛次(檢測站166,路檢139)削減量:TSP=3050.465g/km5000010-6=7.09Ton/Yr五、統計分析彙整(一)本市都會型態,小型柴油車設籍多。(二)油品使用已經有很大改善,轄區內亦未發現非法油行。(三)一、二期高車齡車是柴油車污染最大來源。(四)污染度隨車齡及行駛里程增加而升高,應加強高車齡車輛稽查。(五)市區小型車行駛頻繁,應加強稽查。(六)路邊攔檢污染度高於站內檢測,路檢再加強。(七)特定廠牌高車齡車輛列稽查重點對象。(八)不當擅調到檢應該杜絕或輔導改善。(九)實際高污染車輛查獲率逐年降低,管制有明確成效。六、未來執行建議(一)老舊柴油車輛加強稽查與篩選攔檢。(二)市中心區小型柴油車輛排煙稽查。(三)輔導改善不當調修之陋習。(四)宣導或補助老舊柴油車輛汰舊。 Emission inspection& Testing by Dynamometer for Diesel vehicles Abstract According to the statistical data by the beginning in 2010, it is shown that: the number of operating vehicles registered to the Tainan City reaches up to 796, 568 vehicles in total; and there are about a total number of 13,299 diesel vehicles therein in accordance with the data pertaining to the number of diesel vehicle provided by the Supervising Unit; wherein, the sum total of registered bus and heavy truck are as high as up to 4,979 vehicles and a total number of 8,271 diesel light-notchbacks approximately. The Inspection & Testing Stations in Tainan City have been awarded the ISO14001 authentication all the time since 2000 that maintains an excellent environmental management. A lead-in of control system for laboratory accreditation was incepted in 2006 while an accreditation for laboratory of inspection & testing was granted from the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) in March 2007; and a certificate to extend the accreditation for three years was obtained after passing the appraisement of TAF once again as part of the program in this year, and that makes thereof inspection & testing quality comparatively creditable; furthermore, a Class-A achievement to be the first place nationwide was honored from the evaluation of Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to prove that the quality of performance is very reliable. In the future, the Stations will continue to maintain the quality in this regard so that the affirmation for the quality of inspection & testing from the Inspection & Testing Station is achievable. Nine persons in total as manpower were input into this program during thereof runtime; therein, six of them were in possession of the certificate for inspecting & testing the smoke emission from diesel vehicle by instrument while four of them had the certificate for visually inspecting the smoke emission from the diesel vehicle. 1. Runtime of program The runtime of this program is twelve months in full from May 12, 2009 to May 11, 2010. 2. Achievements of work scheduleProgress ChartWork item Targeted number Month May June July August Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May Total achievedNotice for visual inspection of smokeemission 1600 Planned 150 170 150 150 200 200 200 130 100 100 50 0 1651 Achieved 235 169 129 179 263 275 218 94 39 38 15 Emission inspection& Testing by Dynamometer forDiesel vehicles 2000 Planned 60 150 180 200 200 200 200 200 180 180 150 100 2534 Achieved 114 264 254 181 262 256 297 294 209 112 208 83 Number of Nonconforming Vehicles by blocking Vehicle for inspection At road side 135 Planned 10 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 10 10 10 139 Achieved 0 11 23 9 11 19 9 18 24 3 10 2 Oil sample takenAt road side 200 Planned 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 200 Achieved 0 12 16 2 0 20 4 12 18 0 13 Oil sample taken At designated Station Planned 15 12 10 7 7 8 8 8 8 7 Achieved 2 17 11 10 12 6 7 5 4 1 14 2 Oil sample taken From gas station Planned 4 4 Achieved 4 4 Inspection for Aromatic hydrocarbonsOf diesel 5 Planned 1 1 1 1 1 5 Achieved 1 1 1 2 Public AwarenessConference 3 Planned 1 1 1 3 Achieved 1 1 1 Foldout posterFor dissemination 1100 Planned 1110 1110 Achieved 1110 AnimationGreeting cardsgraffiti 5 Planned 5 5 Achieved 4 1 Quality assurancetest 12 Planned 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 Achieved 2 2 2 2 2 2 Relevance test 1 Planned 1 1 Achieved 1 ISO14001 certification In force Reviewed and passed the certification in December 2009TAF LaboratoryAccreditation In Force The operation of system is still in force after having passed the appraisement for 3-year extension on December 3, 2009 and obtained a new certificate in February 2010.3. Results from phrasal implementation of primary works (1) The statistical data show that 2,641 diesel vehicles (107 non-loaded vehicles therein) in total were inspected from May 12, 2009 to April 15, 2010 that achieves the objective of this program up to 100%.(2) Performed the Notice of Visual Smoke Inspection for 1,651 vehicles from May 12, 2009 to April 15, 2010 that achieves the objective of this program up to 100%.(3) Inspected & tested 2,641 diesel vehicles with 2,534 vehicles therein fully loaded to achieve the objective up to 100%. Amongst the inspected &tested vehicles, 166 vehicles failed at a rate of nonconformity about 6.3%. (4) Taken 200 oil samples in total, including 90 samples randomly sampled and performed the in-station inspection & testing mainly focusing on the subject vehicles, 102 samples taken from blocking & sampling the samples from vehicles for inspection and 8 samples taken from gas station for spot check test that achieves progress of work up to 100%. According to the results of inspection, only one sample failed. 5 oil samples of aromatic hydrocarbon were taken for inspection and all of them passed the inspection. (5) Performed the inspection for smoke emission at roadside for 271 vehicles, 139 vehicles therein failed at a rate of nonconformity of 51.3% that achieves the progress of work for nonconforming count up to 100%. (6) Finished the assessment for the Smoke Emission Inspection & Testing Station on October 21 by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA); continued the excellent performance of Class-A in previously consecutive three years; 2006, 2007 and 2008; and honored the Class-A performance as well in 2009 with the performance won the first place nationwide.(7) Conducted to held two Public Awareness Conferences pertaining to the diesel vehicles on September 23, 2009 and February 3, 2010; and cosponsored the third public awareness conference to organize the invitation to the drawing contest of “I draw to love Earth” activity around the end of March 2010 as part of the series of activities for 422 Earth Day. The progress of work reaches 100%. (8) Finished the Relevance Test once in August 2009 that reaches 100% progress of work.(9) Accepted and completed the yearly assessment for ISO14001 on December 22, 2009 that continues to maintain the validity of accreditation.(10) Performed the assessment for 3-year extension of accreditation by Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) on December 4, 2009; passed the assessment and obtained the new certificate in February 2010 that keeps the system in effect currently.(11) Finished and submitted the scheduled animation, video game, electronic greeting cards and graffiti, etc.4. Reduction volume of pollutantsNumber of nonconforming vehicles that have been performed the inspection & testing in the program is 305 vehicles (Inspection & Testing Station: 166 vehicles, roadside inspection: 139 vehicles).Reduction volume of Total Suspended Particulate:TSP=305x0.465g/km x 50000x10-6=7.09 Ton/Yr5. Summary of statistical analysis(1) The City is a city of metropolis model so that a lot of small diesel vehicles registered here. (2) The oil products have been greatly improved, and there is no illegal service provider of oil product founded in the area under administration.(3) The biggest source of pollution from diesel vehicles is the vehicle of old vintage at stage 1 and stage 2.(4) Pollution degree will heighten along with the increase of age of vehicle; and inspection against the vehicle of old age shall be enhanced. (5) Since the small vehicles drive around the downtown very frequent, inspection shall be reinforced.(6) The pollution degree inspected by blocking vehicles at roadside is higher than the degree inspected in station, the inspection at roadside shall be reinforced. (7) Certain specific brands of vehicle at old age shall be stressed their inspection.(8) Inappropriately or purposelessly set to inspection shall be stopped or help correct it. (9) The actual percentage to track down the highly polluted vehicles goes lower year by year that evidences an effect of control clearly.6. Proposal for future implementation (1) To reinforce the blocking & inspection and screening against the old diesel vehicles at roadside.(2) To conduct an inspection for smoke emission against the small diesel vehicles driving around the downtown area in city.(3) To help correct the bad habits of improper tuning and repair.(4) Disseminate or subsidize the old diesel vehicles for discard. 098 台南市環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司
32120886 台東縣空氣品質管理計畫 有感於空氣品質改善維護計畫之種類有漸趨複雜之現象,且各計畫間缺乏完整的統籌性,台東縣環保局為能隨時統掌各計畫之執行狀況及結果,乃提列「台東縣空氣品質管理計畫」,扮演台東縣境內各空污相關計畫間之溝通、協調角色,並且進行各計畫間之監督與統整工作,以協助相關業務之聯繫與推動。除外,整體性之空氣品質管理工作,是以空氣品質維護改善為整體策略目標,因此針對花東空品區污染源排放狀況重新檢討與分析,針對不同污染問題及其發生原因,研訂不同減量方案,綜合考量各項減量對策之行政執行性、技術可行性、經濟成本效益及減量改善值等因素,做為未來管制策略研擬與年度空污計畫執行方向規劃。本計畫自98年3月13日簽約後開始執行,統計至目前為止,計畫執行期間針對空氣品質進行逐月分析與掌握,並提交10次空品分析月(季)報,工作量達成率為100%。98年1~8月未發生空品不良日,9~11月份因受到8月8日莫拉克颱風襲台後續影響,多次大規模卑南溪揚塵造成PSI超過100達到空品不良等級,總計台東測站8站日及關山測站1站日空品不良日出現,同時造成本年度空品良好比例(PSI<50)下降,台東及關山測站分別為79.7及89.5%均為近幾年最低。另本年度持續維護空氣品質自動監測及通報系統正常運作,並修訂本縣緊急應變流程及相關內容,98年4、9~11月均曾因空品接近不良而順利啟動執行緊急應變作業。為提昇本縣98年環保署考評成績,本計畫於執行初期即協助局內針對本縣97年考評結果進行檢討,同時針對98年考評辦法進行細項分析。並邀集各計畫共同參與討論,另外本計畫執行期間,每月追蹤檢討台東縣空污基金計畫辦理成效,並辦理工作檢討會,會中針對各計畫上月份工作執行成果進行報告及檢討,以即時修正、掌握各項工作量及考評成績分數,計畫執行期間共計完成9場次督導考核作業及9場次工作檢討會辦理,工作達成率為100%。本計畫於今年度協助完成98年污染防制計畫書編撰工作,並如期於6月底前提交初稿至環保署進行審核,後續亦協助完成定稿工作。此外,本年持續協助更新及維護「維護重大空氣污染事件應變處理作業注意事項」相關資料表、人員名冊及排放源地圖,以期於污染事件發生時,能有效迅速掌握事件背景資料及採行應變措施。另外持續協助參與「花東空氣品質改善3年行動計畫」相關工作會議,並協助台東縣環保局準備各項會議資料及簡報。同時為響應政府積極推動節能減碳措施,本年度持續協助辦理各項節能減碳宣導活動,並將台東縣有關節能減碳之相關資料進行蒐集及彙整,並協助予以建檔保存,以提供後續執行相關工作之依據及參考。另完成推估97年臺東縣溫室氣體排放量為1153.748千公噸,近三年排放量呈現下降趨勢。 The Taitung County Air Quality Management Project Taitung county's environmental protection bureau (EPB) raises "The Taitung County Air Quality Management Project " (AQMP), it acts communication and the coordinated role in each air pollution control plan of Taitung, and check to see their work load and the quality. Additionally, the AQMP assist Taitung EPB in contact and impetus the related service.The integrity air quality control work in Huatung spatial area is take the air quality maintenance improvement as the overall strategy goal, it needs to review and analysis the source of air pollution discharges, to constitute the different decrement strategy, and to consider the technical feasibility, the economic cost, the benefit and the effect of the decrement. This plan starts to carry out on March 3 from 2009. During the period of the plan carry out, it analysis the Taitung air quality by the month and submit 10 reports. According to the 2009 statistics of Taitung county's Pollutant Standard Index (PSI) – PSI>100 indicating excellent air quality – the percentage of days with PSI>100 were 2.2%. The primary cause is the typhoon (2009/8/8) causes inferior Bainan riverbed to raise the dust. In conclusion, the air quality in Taitung area is “FINE” (PSI<50) in most time.In order to promote this county’s examination result of environmental protection administration (EPA) in 2009, the AQMP assist to review this county 2008’s examination result in initial period. The AQMP also completed 9 times of inspection work and 9 times of the work critique meetings. The estimated score in this year approached with last year, the partial worse project in last year also had the distinct improvement. 098 台東縣環境保護局 澔宇工程顧問股份有限公司
32120887 98年度垃圾減量、資源回收綜合管理計畫 本計畫自98年5月執行迄今,按月提出報告,說明辦理查核各公所每月執行垃圾減量、資源回收績效工作及本局交辦事項之進度與各項委辦計畫進度。此外,並依據環保署考核需求,分別於4月、7月與10月辦理公所資源回收申報數據查核。在限制產品過度包裝方面,除配合於中秋、端午、母親節及父親節4大節慶本縣禮盒販賣業與於7月1日與9月7日辦理兩場次限制產品過度包裝說明會外,並與桃園縣復興鄉農會合作,針對拉拉山水蜜桃辦理綠色包裝設計競賽,並輔導取得優勝的正隆紙業與農會合作,提出新的水蜜桃包裝。為推動餐飲廢棄物分類回收工作,本計畫分別於餐飲工會、中壢區漁會與中壢市觀光夜市管理委員會合作共同推動餐飲廢棄物分類回收宣導活動,呼籲業者、民眾配合進行免洗筷分類回收作業。在綠色消費方面,除配合配合世界地球日、世界環境日國際志工日辦理綠色消費宣導活動外,並輔導大潤發平鎮店、大潤發八德店、龍潭鄉高原商店、楊梅鎮景美商店參與綠色行銷獎,並自計畫開始時,即指派專人協助環保局辦理輔導/審查綠色商店登錄、民間業者綠色採購成果等相關工作。末了,為協助清潔隊強化垃圾減量、資源回收相關稽查作業執行能力,本計畫製作多媒體教案與相關宣導簡報,協助公所執行業務。 - 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 永發環境科技管理有限公司
32120888 98年度加強廢棄物分類貯存清除處理及流向管理計畫 1.執行列管事業例行性查核作業每月至少50件次。2.執行事業機構網路申報資料定期查核勾稽作業,列管事業每季至少查核1次。3.審查事業廢棄物清理計畫書。4.審查廢棄物輸入、輸出、過境及轉口之許可申請案件。5.辦理再利用機構檢核申請案件之審查作業,包括書面審查及現場查核作業。6.執行解除列管事業現場查核確認作業。7.執行土石業專案稽查管制計畫之查核作業,每月至少5件次。8.執行民生竊盜專案工作之查核作業,每月至少20件次。9.辦理2場次事業廢棄物法規宣導說明會。10. 100年度完成至少24件次養豬業斃死豬現場查核作業、環保署交下EP專案複查改善率至少90%以上。11.執行列管清除處理機構例行性查核作業每月至少15件次。12.執行清除處理機構網路申報資料定期查核勾稽作業,列管清除處理機構每季查核至少1次13.協助辦理公民營廢棄物清除處理機構許可(新設、變更、展延)申請案件之審查及核發作業14.協助辦理事業廢棄物清運機具GPS系統審驗作業、GPS車輛行車軌跡資料網路查核作業,列管GPS車輛每月查核至少1次15.執行清除車輛道路攔檢作業每月至少30輛次,檢查項目包括車體標示、外觀整潔、是否洩漏及惡臭等項目16.配合監警單位每月執行砂石車、廢棄物清除車輛聯合路檢作業17.辦理1場次清除處理機構法規宣導說明會。 098 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問有限公司
32120889 98年度汽機車污染稽查管制計畫 本計畫工作小組依計畫契約書內容規定,相關計畫工作量統計至99年2月28日止,包括未定檢機車攔查作業12場次,總計攔查6,765輛次,其中已定檢車輛4,996輛次,新車1,052輛次,未定檢車輛717輛次,未定檢率18.0%,定檢率82.0%。利用辨識系統辦理未定檢車輛拍照工作10場次,總辨識機車數為9,371件,有效辨識度為7,566件,辨識率80.7%;其中含辨識錯誤更正之正確有效辨識數達9,046件,未定檢車輛數為1,148件,已回檢為691件,回檢率為60.2%。依各項稽查及公文寄發等提升回檢作為致使機車回檢64,982輛次:未定檢告發車輛1,260輛次。攔檢作業共計攔檢1,040輛次,其中不合格車輛172輛次,不合格率16.5%;不合格車輛中截至99年2月底止已有147輛次已完成調修並複驗合格,不合格複驗率達85.5%。並每月印製定檢通知單及郵簡郵寄通知到檢。宣導品製作3,000份;發布新聞稿25篇;見報新聞稿8篇。98年7月份於清水鎮-紫雲巖觀音廟辦理機車定檢及老舊車輛汰舊宣導活動1場次;98年9月份於清水鎮-港區藝術中心辦理低污染車輛試乘、宣導推廣展示活動1場次;98年11月份辦理大型自行車減碳通勤推廣活動1場次。依文稿製作提交廣播宣導帶2式,於98年8月至99年1月播放120則次。辦理跑馬燈機車定檢業務宣導,並查核配合辦理地點20站次。製作定檢業務宣導海報1,000份。辦理偏遠地區及校園定檢服務工作服務597輛次。執行停車熄火宣導查核2,016件次,並協助環保局建立車輛停車熄火禁止惰轉相關作業稽查巡查等標準作業流程。定檢站檢測人員教育訓練2場次;辦理各大機車經銷商座談會3場次;辦理優良定檢站檢測人員健康檢查60人次;定檢站之定期查核890站次;定檢站之標準氣體查核175站次;定檢站之不定期實車查核176站次;定檢站查核方面,其查核結果以「未依規定汰換耗材」24家次及「無影像攝影紀錄或車牌影像攝影記錄模糊」24家次為最多,統計至98年1月31日止,總計79家次定檢站查核缺失。並於99年2月辦理優良定檢站表揚評鑑暨業務研討會議1場次。汽車代驗廠座談會1場次;汽車代檢驗機構查核47站次。 The project of pollution inspecting and controlling of automobiles and motorcycles in Taichung County in 2009 The project of pollution inspecting and controlling of automobiles and motorcycles started from March 2009 to February 2010. During this year, the checking if motorcycle didn’t inspect on time was held in 12 times on the roadside. The total number of checked motorcycles was 6,765, including of 1,052 brand new cars. In term of the work, there are 4,996 motorcycles which had been examined, and the rate of regular examined is 82.0%. On the contrary, 717 motorcycles didn’t examine before, and the rate is 18%. Our team held in ten times about the system of recognizing whether motorcycles examined regularly or not by taking pictures, and the total cases number was 9,371. As we can see, there were 7,566 effectively identified photos, and the rate was 80.7%; moreover, there were 9,046 cases which had been corrected and effectively identified. Among the number, 691 motorcycles returned to inspect, the rate of that was 60.2%. Besides, the measures of auditing and sending official documents promoted 64,982 motorcycles returning to examine and reported 1,260 irregular examined motorcycles. And inspecting 64,982 motorcycles on the roadside, there were 172 unqualified ones, and the rate was 16.5%. Those unqualified motorcycle later was repaired to measure up the standard until February in 2010, the rate was up to 85.5%. And we reminded back to inspect by sending the notification and mail every months.During the year of this plan, we provided 3,000 publicity gifts. And also 25 news releases which has been reported, among these news that were 8 news has been published on the newspapers. On July, 2009 we held a promotion activity. In this activity, the motif was about the owner who has inspected their motorcycles on time and the owner has weed out the motorcycles which are too old in Qing-shui Township. And our executive team also transacts propaganda about to travel by a low pollution motorcycle for free and also held an activity to notify the people about uses the low pollution is as important as normal motorcycle. During the year of this plan, we provided 3,000 publicity gifts, announced 25 news releases and issued 8 ones. In 2009, we held in the campaign of inspecting regularly and weeding out the old motorcycles in Qing-shui Township. And our executive team also transacted propaganda about guidance spreading and traveling low pollution motorcycle on September; and transacted a large campaign of Carbon reduction by riding bicycle on November. According to the draft, we submitted two tapes and played 120 times from 2009 August to 2010 January. Besides, we promoted the regular examination by news ticker, not only check 20 stations but also produced 1,000 guidance posters. Our executive team gave the inspecting service to far away village or campus 597 cars. And we also helped the Department of Environmental Protection to build up the SOP of inhibition cars stopping without off the engine, and executed the audit of this. We held in two training of inspector; three symposium of motorcycle dealer; the health examination of the station inspector 60 peoples ; regular auditing the station of inspecting 890 times; auditing the standard of gases 175 times; the station of inspection irregularly auditing 176 times. Until 31, Jan. 09, the conclusion of auditing 79 stations, 24 stations disobeyed the provides to weed out the supplies, and other 24 stations didn’t record the image, or the record of license plate was blurred, above situations happened at most. And we held a symposium to cite the best inspecting station; a car informal discussion meeting; auditing 47 times car inspecting of replacement. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 思維環境科技有限公司
32120890 宜蘭縣98年度農地土壤重金屬污染控制場址改善工作計畫 計畫名稱:宜蘭縣98年度農地土壤重金屬污染控制場址改善工作計畫 執行單位:峰將工程顧問股份有限公司 計畫主持人:張至上 聯絡人:張至上 聯絡電話:04-22476976 傳真號碼:04-22476982 計畫期程:98年10月7日至99年6月6日 計畫經費:4,541,501元 計畫目標:本計畫已完成4筆列管地號土壤重金屬污染控制場址之污染改善整治作業,經由驗證工作,確認各筆地號之土壤重金屬濃度全數低於食用作物土壤污染監測標準值。 The remediation project of Ilan county’s agricultural soil metal pollution control sites at 98 fisca Project name: The remediation project of Ilan county’s agricultural soil metal pollution control sites at 98 fiscal year Implementing company: Capla Engineering Consultants CO. LTD. Project controller : Chang, Chi-Shang Contact person : Chang, Chi-Shang Contact Telephong : 04-22476979 Fax number : 04-22476982 Project Period : Oct. 7, 2009 to Jun. 6, 2010 Project Cost : 4,541,501 Dollars Project Goal : The project must remediate four agricultural soil metal pollution control sites and by verification process, assure the soil metal concentraions lower than food crop soil monitoring standards. 098 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 峰將工程顧問股份有限公司
32120891 98年度彰化縣揮發性有機物調查及管制計畫 本年度主要工作項目包括更新維護及擴充揮發性有機物資料庫、行業別法規符合度查核、異味陳情案件後續追蹤及複查、稽查檢測、新設加油站資料審查、加油站油氣回收設施功能查核及宣導工作等,執行期間承蒙環保署、環保局及多位學者專家給予指導、建議,使各項工作執行與進度均能符合原先之規劃。下表為本計畫工作執行成果摘要,各項工作內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。 Project of Volatile organic compounds investigation and control Plan I. Updating, maintenance and expansion of the database for VOCs A. From 2009/10/01~2010/09/30, we inspected and completed 204 public and private companies information update. Moreover, we discovered that maximum incremental reactivity (MIR) materials were used in 78 companies and 83 manufacturing procedures; such materials including Xylene and Toluene, which were also the most extensively used.B. After the inspection worked on 204 companies, the emission amount of particulate pollutants were 122.4 tons/year, sulfur oxides were 662.2 tons/year, nitrogen oxides were 1,871.7 tons/year, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were 746.1 tons/year.II. Industries laws and regulations degree of conformity inspection and control on volatile organic compoundsA. Regulations for other industries (PU synthetic leather industry, petrochemical industry, dry cleaning industry, surface coating in automotive industry and semiconductor manufacturing) were all audited, where Pony Leather, Shang Feng, Hung Sheng, Jing Shang in the petrochemical industry and He Fa in PU synthetic leather industry failed to comply with the legal regulations for the dates of their submission of quarterly report. Chia Yong and Fu Li in PU synthetic leather industry have been subjected to disposal for inconsistence of efficiency of control equipment with the permit. III. Functional test of NMHC, ducts or peripheral odors, or air pollutants tests and petrochemical process equipment components testsA. A total of 10 times of NMHC flue tests were conducted, representing 100% achievement rate, with purpose of test aiming at the verification of efficiency of control equipment and legal standards for emission by industries, where Chia Yong has been subjected to disposal for its failure of P401 control equipment efficiency to be consistent with that specified by the permit.B. In functional test of ducts or peripheral odors or air pollutants tests, 5 tests of air pollutants in emission ducts (PSN and duct odors were tested) and 25 functional tests were conducted, resulting in a total of 30 tests. In duct odor test, Chi Yi and Tai Yong, which did not meet the standards for emission, and in functional test, J.B. plastic building materials, Yu Fei and Heng Long, that did not meet the standards for emission, have all been subjected to proposal and completed their improvement.C. In petrochemical process equipment components sampling tests, a total of 2,005 tests were conducted on 25 firms, which results all met the standards for emission. IV. Follow-up and reexamination of complaints of odorsA. 21 reexaminations were made for complaints of odors, where the examiners have given advices on the reason of the complaints on the public and private facilities and they have conducted relevant improvements. Taihsin environmental protection, Hsin Fa and Ting Hsin Oil have not been audited since 2010, while Hong Kwang Electrodeposition Coating at Huatan, Jing Mao and Jing Wei Yuan plastics have already installed control equipment. Ton Yee Industrial has incorporated E007 low frequency induction furnace to replace the existed E001 furnace and changed fuel to electricity. The combinations of the above 4 firms have reduced VOCs by 7.98 tons. V. Tests and control of air pollutants emission at gas stationA. Test of vapor recovery facility were conducted at 102 gas stations (gas-oil ratio at 102 stations and gas leakage test at 101 stations); the averaged compliance rate of the vapor-oil ratio of fueling gun was 94.3%, and the compliance rate of the air leakage test was 94%. The firms failing to comply have been given timeline to improve and were re-tested without advance notice; the re-test results all met legal specifications.B. Review of Phase in the new establishment of Lu Hai gas station in Chang-Shui Rd. was completed. VI. Other related practicesA. Gave 3 presentations of “Control regulations and control techniques of odors in stationery source of pollution”, “Levy system and declaration method for Stage 2 air pollution fee for VOCs” and 1 presentation of “Procedure for online reporting failure of vapor recovery facility and regulations on prevention of air pollution at gas stations”, respectively, each with attendance rate and participants that met the specification of the contract. B. Made 500 promotional materials (thermo cup).C. Launched 3 ads for related policies on newspaper:1. 2010/01/29- Changhua Times: ●Propaganda of EPB ● “Stop right there and the air is clean”. 2. 2010/05/29 – People’s Times: Multi-control of gas station effectively reduces vapor odor.3. 2010/09/10 –Changhua Times: “Say ‘stop right there’ to save money and stay healthy”. 098 彰化縣環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
32120892 桃園縣廚餘多元再利用場暨轉運站設置規劃設計服務案 本計畫目的在提升桃園縣之廚餘堆肥化回收再利用量及比例。依據各鄉鎮市之環境條件,評估設置廚餘堆肥場或轉運站之條件,並完成基本規劃。本計畫主要工作項目包含四大工作項目: (1)2處廚餘堆肥場及1處廚餘轉運站之規劃;(2)國內既有堆肥場之案例評估;(3)桃園縣既有兩處堆肥場性能評估與輔導改善; (4) 9鄉鎮市興建廚餘堆肥場之基地勘察及評估。本計畫已完成桃園市及新屋鄉堆肥場及觀音鄉廚餘轉運站規劃設計,包含場地配置、流程規劃以及主要設備、規格與功能說明等。並提供初步之經費估算,與立體透視圖提供參考。兩處堆肥場一處轉運站之規劃設計皆採目前最成熟且運作良好之處理方式,考慮破碎前處理、醱酵翻堆、污水收集(液肥醱酵)等必須單元,及廚餘收集、空污設備等週邊系統。在評估全國各縣市/鄉鎮市之廚餘堆肥場部分,本計畫篩選十處具代表性且目前操作營運情況良好之堆肥場進行評估,並提出包括處理流程、處理效益等之分析報告,提供桃園縣各鄉鎮視其狀況,對照類似規模之鄉鎮作為未來設置規劃之參考。在桃園縣既有之復興鄉及龍潭鄉兩處堆肥場效能提升部分,針對設施與操作狀況進行勘察評估,提供該二堆肥場改善建議,以提昇堆肥化性能。復興鄉堆肥場由於空間不足,設備不適用,流程規劃亦欠當,操作人力負荷大,局部改善效果有限。建議可於焚化場下方,復育後之灰渣掩埋場空地另行興建廚餘堆肥場。龍潭鄉堆肥場場區狹小,人力負荷重,破碎機缺乏脫水功能,建議增設鏟裝機以代替人工翻堆,進出門加大,場地及動線需重新調整。9鄉鎮再利用基地勘查部分,分別與鄉鎮市公所人員聯絡討論並至可能之再利用場地進行實地現勘,完成規劃作為廚餘堆肥場之優缺點分析與評估報告。本計畫雖已針對各鄉鎮市可能作為堆肥場之用地進行調查評估,但基於資源有效利用考量,並不建議每一鄉鎮皆興建廚餘堆肥場。應發揮合作機制,於適中地點興建處理場,提供跨鄉鎮處理之功能,處理量大較符經濟效益。為全面提昇桃園縣廚餘堆肥再利用成效,建議未來應完成推動廚餘回收再利用推動策略。此外,有鑑於跨區域清運時污水臭味造成之污染,建議未來可於廚餘轉運站部份規劃脫水減量前處理設施,以利後續之清運及堆肥化再利用。 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 財團法人環境與發展基金會
32120893 98年度柴油車排煙管制計畫 為改善桃園縣之空氣品質,給予縣民乾淨清新之生活環境,桃園縣政府環境保護局本年度也依據「空氣污染防制法」之目標與精神,在柴油車污染方面,透過不定期檢驗管制,以有效提升桃園縣之空氣品質狀況,達成污染減量及環境保護之成效。本計畫以行駛桃園縣柴油車為主,由民眾檢舉、目視判煙等方式,通知轄區內柴油車到站檢測;而油品抽測部分,則以站內採油、路邊攔檢及到砂石場及營建工地稽查方式進行,以管制含硫量過高之非法油品。依據工作契約書內容,本計畫執行期間自98年7月8日起至99年3月7日止。本計畫主要工作內容計有4大項,內容包括柴油車通知到檢、柴油車路邊攔檢及場站稽查、油品抽測管制、民眾檢舉案件處理、柴油車主動到檢制度推動、舉行一場次主動到檢及自主管理宣導說明會、二場次跨局處協商會議及一場次專家諮詢會議、建置網路目判照片查詢系統,以及車輛檢驗資料之統計分析等。 2009 Diesel vehicles emission control project In an effort to improve the air quality in Taoyuan County and offer the citizens a clean and fresh living environment. In this year Taoyuan County Government Environmental Protection Bureau also in accordance with the objectives and spirits of “Air Pollution Control Act”, in the diesel car pollution aspect via irregular emission inspection affair to effectively improve air quality conditions in Taoyuan County, to reach the effectiveness of pollution reduction and environmental protection. The motor vehicles with diesel engine within the Taoyuan County area were targeted in this project., Through the approaches of citizens’ violation reporting and judgment by visual determination of smoke, motor vehicles with diesel engine were notified to report to the station for testing, as for the sampling inspection of fuel product, the methods of in-station fuel sampling and block-to-test on the roadside were carried out for the purpose of controlling the illegal fuel in possession of excessive sulfur content.According to the contract, the execution period of this project was from July 8, 2009 to March 7, 2010. There are 4 major items in this project, including inspection notifying of the diesel vehicle, the diesel vehicles block-to-test on the roadside, the diesel vehicles inspection on the location, the oil ingredients spot check and management, to handle citizens’ violation reporting, the diesel vehicles to examine the system impetus, to hold a meeting of initiative guidance and self-management meeting, two numbers of consultations across bureaus and a number of expert consultation meeting, to establish internet query system about the pictures of visual judgment, and the statistical analysis of vehicle inspection results, etc. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 新研車輛科技有限公司
32120894 宜蘭縣98年度推動河川義工巡守計畫 環保署於91年訂定為「河川污染整治」年起,全面性推動規劃辦理河川巡守隊,藉由民眾參與河川污染巡守及污染通報,以遏止河川流域偷倒或偷排情事。本縣環保局於93年3月25日(星期四)於宜蘭縣運動公園辦理「宜蘭縣環境保護巡守隊」的成軍授旗典禮,協助執行縣內有關之環境保護巡守工作。為延續河川巡守工作,故此計畫之主要目的為建立完整的河川巡守體系,相關巡守組織架構、通報流程的檢討建立與追蹤考評。同時成立河川保育中心,以作為河川巡守推廣、溝通、義工教育訓練、巡守隊考核及成效評估等工作的平台。本計畫期程自簽約日起至98年12月31日止,相關輔導則持續至99年4月30日止。河川保育中心成立後,持續輔導現有環境保護巡守隊,定期與巡守隊晤談、規劃巡守隊有關年度工作事項、行事曆及考核、製發教育訓練手冊,及攜帶型巡守卡等事宜。在各鄉鎮市公所及環保局的協助努力下,今年度的各項作業,均能予以完成。截至目前為止,本縣計有環境保護巡守隊23隊,隊員共計275位(含鐵騎兵甲、乙隊)。今年度各環境保護巡守隊總巡守時數為6903小時,較去年度同時期增加86.6%。陸續通報之髒亂點或棄置垃圾共71處,均已清理完畢。相關的教育訓練及年度成果檢討會(共計13場次)所需之量化數均依約完成,同時輔導宜蘭社區大學、力行國小及深溝國小等校之學生參與河川水質檢測與生活污水減量之活動。在巡守隊參與活動部分,各鄉鎮之巡守隊,均輔導積極參與訓練「清淨家園、淨溪淨川及水質檢測HAPPY GO」,及地球環境日活動,擴大義工的參與面。重新檢討並修正「宜蘭縣推動環境保護巡守計畫」中有關隊伍及隊員退出條款。教育訓練手冊依現況修正,攜帶型巡守手冊已製交給巡守隊。巡守隊相關的考評工作已完成,並於成果檢討會上頒發績優巡守隊隊伍及隊員,為延續有關的巡守工作事宜,保育中心會持續進行有關之工作。依合約目前已完成及持續中之工作項目及進度如下表:項次 項目 說明 進度(%)1 「宜蘭縣推動河川巡守計畫」之檢討,必要時修訂 內容。 已完成,參閱第四章P4-3。 1002 維持並運作河川保育中心。 持續運作中 1003 在環保局建置河川巡守專屬網站,並適時更新。 已成立,參閱第四章P4-7 1004 污染較嚴重或污染源較多之河川,依現有之河川巡守隊調配,視情形不足者再行籌組,優先結合學校、社區執行。 持續執行中。 1005 巡視含重點河川及河川整治重點河段執行 持續執行中。 1006 巡守隊成員基本配備購置:1.手電筒6支。2.腳踏車6輛。 已送交環保局。參閱P4-36。 1007 修正及製作本縣河川巡守隊之訓練手冊及巡守手冊 已完成,參閱第四章P4-9。 1008 辦理河川巡守隊人員之教育訓練至少10 場次,成果檢討會至少1 場次,並協助義工轉型成志工。活動內容並需經本局同意後執行。 已完成教育訓練13場次,成果檢討會於98年9月30日辦理,參閱第四章P4-13。 1009 建立巡守隊訪談機制,協同公所訪談,並做成書面紀錄與拍照。 已完成20隊之晤談,參閱第四章P4-11。 10010 績優巡守隊考評競賽辦法檢討,必要時修訂。 已完成,參閱附件六 10011 協助建立巡守隊與鄉(鎮、市)公所及環保局間之聯繫管道 持續執行中 10012 巡守隊值勤運作之規劃與輔導 持續執行中,參閱第四章P4-29。 10013 彙整巡守成果資料,並配合河川及水污染等相關考核之資料收集、彙整、簡報製作及報告等,進度依據環保局要求時效辦理。 持續協助執行中 10014 巡守通報案件、處理結果、追蹤等統計分析 參閱第四章。 100 The project of river volunteer cruising of Yilan county in 2009 The Environmental Protection Administration schedules 「the river pollution improvement」projects from 2002. The integrity plans give an impetus to handle the river cruise workshop. By participating of river pollution cruising and pollution notification of people to suppresses the illegal dumpling to river basin. Environmental Protection Bureau of Yilan county gave an 「Yilan Environmental Protection Cruise Teams」army ceremony in Yilan sporty park on March 25 (Thursday) 2004. The environmental protection cruise teams give an assistance to execute a cruising works including open-burning, illegal dumping, messy and dirty spot, river pollution, illegal drainage of wastewater, the unclear pipeline, and the underground pipe and so on. In order to continue the river cruise work, the purpose of the plan is to setup integrity of environmental protection cruise system, construction of a cruise organization, examination of notification process and assessment. At the same time, it established the river-care-center to do the platforms of relative works, such as population of environmental protection cruising, the communication, the volunteer education and training, inspection of cruise teams and assessment of the effect. The project started from an contact-signing day to December 31,2009. The related counseling will be continued to April 30 2010. After the river care center was established, counseling the existing environmental protection cruise teams, meeting with all cruise teams, planning year round schedule and assessment of cruise teams. An education and training handbook and a carrying cruising card were made. It total has 23 environmental protection cruising teams in Yi-lan County. The totally cruising member is 275. The cruising time was 6903 hours which increase 86.6% comparison with 2008. The notifications of messy and dirty spots were 71 which were cleaned up. The educational trainings were held 13 times which satisfied the contract needed. We also help the communities participate the inspection of river quality and reduction of domestic water. It revised the inspection and the reward part of the “Yilan County to impel the river cruising volunteers plan”. It renamed the reward part to “The competition standard of excellent environmental protection cruising team of Yilan County”. It can reward personal and team according to the competition standard. It had finished the evaluation works about the cruising terms and gave the rewards to the excellent cruising terms and members at the achievement critique meeting. In order to extent the cruising works, the care center will continue the related works. The working items and progresses had been finished and continuing items are listed in the following No item chapter scheduled1 Revised「Yilan County to impel the river cruising volunteers plan」。 Chapter 4,p4-3。 100%2 Maintains and operates the river-care-center。 Continuing operation。 100%3 Setup and revised the website of river cruising in EPB。 Chapter 4,p 4-7。 100%4 Recruit cruising tams based on the serious pollution area 。 Continuing operation 100%5 Inspect the priority and rebuild river。 Continuing operation 100%6 Equipment purchasing:1. 6 electric lamp。2.bicycle 6。 Delivered to EPB。 100%7 Revised and making training and cruising handbook Chapter 4,p 4-9。 100%8 Educational training at least 10 times and an achievement critique meeting 。 It held 13 educational training and an achievement critique meeting in 9/30,Chapter 4,p4-13。 100%9 Setup the meeting mechanisms and paper works It meets 20 cruising teams,Chapter 4,4-11。 100%10 Revised the competition standard of excellent environmental protection cruising teams。 Reference 6。 100%12 Assist to built the communication pathway among cruising teams, city government and EPB。 Chapter 4,p4-29。 100%13 Planning and counseling the cruising teams。 Continuing operation 100%14 The analysis of cruising notification of treatment results and tracing。 Chapter 4.8。 100% 098 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 國立宜蘭大學
32120895 屏東縣固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制及空污費審查計畫 本年度許可及空污費審查計畫作業項目包含:(1)許可審查、核發(2)許可查核、(3)巡查、(4)資料庫更新與擴充、(5)排放量申報查核、(6)CEMS查核及抽測(7)特殊行業別法規符合度查核(8)定期檢測監督作業 (9)空污費審查及查核作業(10)稽查檢測作業(11)許可制度說明會等作業項目。在各項作業執行進度方面,整體而言計畫工作進度符合預期目標。本報告分為七個章節,第一章概述計畫緣起與本計畫各項作業項目、內容與執行進度;第二章敘述許可制度目前執行情形;第三章說明本計畫針對固定污染源法規管制工作之執行情形,包含定期檢測、稽查檢測、連續監測查核與巡查等作業情形。第四章說明固定源排放量清查管制工作。第五章說明固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收現況、審查及查核情形。第六章說明固定污染源其他相關配合事項。第七章則針對本計畫執行成果及檢討建議作一綜合性檢討與檢討建議。茲將成果摘要說明如下:(1) 許可作業本計畫執行固定污染源許可審查作業,截稿為止,各批次許可申請狀況包括設置/變更、操作/異動、展延、及補換發共計141件,依申請類別區分,以許可展延最多計有36件,其次為設置/變更30件、許可操作/異動分別為24/27件。在各類許可申請案件中,本年度已完成審查並發證者共119張(合約工作期間不含許可換補發已核發70張),其餘則仍處於各階段之審查及補件中。自計畫簽約日至98.11.25止完成許可現場查核133條製程,及許可審查發證70製程,總計許可審查及查核共203製程,本計畫目標數為200條製程,達成率為102﹪,而其中許可查核不符的有9製程,佔6.8﹪。(2)污染源巡查作業執行412廠次巡查達成率165%,今年度主要為配合各項查核作業進行,而針對現場巡查發現到有空氣污染事項時,將巡查結果通報環保局進行現場稽查動作,本年度巡查之地區仍以屏東、內埔與枋寮三大工業區為主。(3)定期檢測監督作業本年度針對公告應定期檢測報告及許可次頁第七項檢測相關規定所規範之檢測,完成建檔作業,目前屏東縣許可列管製程計347條,符合定檢應申報家數為74廠113根次排放管道(本年度需執行定檢監督檢測作業54根次),截至98年11月25日完成許可定期檢測監督共55根次,達成率為102%,所有完成檢測之煙道其檢測濃度均符合排放標準。(4)污染源抽測作業本年度稽查檢測作業由本計畫負責執行,而委託檢測公司分別為,排放管道無機物及連續自動監測設施RATA檢測為南台灣環境科技股份有限公司,油品檢測為上準環境科技股份有限公司,臭味官能測定及排放管道揮發性有機物為台宇環境科技股份有限公司。並由本計畫進行現場監督檢測工作,至11月25日為止已完成排放管道無機物15根次煙道檢測、油品檢測40件(包含固定源油品檢測20件及大型機具引擎用油檢測20件)、RATA抽測2根次、排放管道揮發性有機物3根次及臭味官能測定10點,檢測不符標準之公私場所皆已完成告發作業。(5)資料庫更新/擴充作業本年度預計完成200家資料庫更新與擴充作業,截至98年11月25日止共完成201家,達成率101%。根據環保署98年11月2日提供檢核結果,更新欄位不完整共有463筆,檢視為新設置工廠欄位未建置完成,至截稿為止已完成不完整欄位修正作業;而許可資料不完整及不正確有203筆資料,檢視發現為新發案件,已依規定於發證30天內完成資料庫建置作業。(6)CEMS相對準確度查核執行2根次CEMS查核,委託南台灣檢測公司進行RATA檢測,並將檢測結果與現場查核意見提供給業者作為CEMS改善之參考,使得CEMS所測得數據能夠更加準確。(7)空污費審查統計至98年11月25日止97年第四季及98年第三季已完成658件SOx及NOx空污費申報審查, VOCs申報案件96第一季至97年第三季為止,申報資料建置由各縣市環保局負責,申報審查則由環保署負責;為因應99年度VOCs建檔與審查作業將轉由縣市環保局負責,由98年1月起轄區內申報案件,由縣市環保局負責全面建檔、初審及結算作業,環保署將針對縣市執行VOCs空污費審查及結算成果進行考評作業,故統計至98年11月25日止97年第四季及98年第三季已完成272件VOCs空污費申報審查。(8)空污費查核從98年3月25日計劃開始至98年11月25日為止,SOx及NOx空污費現場查核共178家,統計接續環保署96年第二季至98年11月25日為止,工廠如尚有溢補繳情形則列為查核不符,故查核結果有86家工廠無溢補繳情形佔49%,而查核有溢繳情形計有59家佔33%,查核結果有缺繳情形計有33家佔19%。查核結果總計缺繳金額為75,077元,溢繳金額為231,425元。而VOC空污費現場查核作業則是針對97年度1~4季申報小於1公噸之工廠進行查核,從98年3月25日計劃開始至98年11月25日為止已完成52廠次VOC空污費申報查核作業,目標量為40家,合約達成率為130%。(9)排放量現場查核作業本年度針對需申報排放量之公私場所進行現場查核,目前已完成47廠之現場查核,計畫目標46廠,達成率102%,查核結果為30家申報正確,17家申報需進行資料補正,而針對於需要進行資料補正之公私場所,也都要求限期補件,並全部完成確認作業。(10)舉辦許可制度講習會本計畫已於98年6月17日辦理1場次許可制度講習會,本次說明會目的主要向業者宣導固定污染源新公告許可制度說明,本次說明會參與廠家發文204人出席147人,出席率為72%,並於簡報中穿插範例加強說明,讓業者更容易瞭解(11)特殊行業別法規符合度查核本年度計畫執行70件特殊行業別法規符合度查核作業,而工作內容則以加油站氣漏及油氣回收設備A/L比為主,至11月25日止總計已完成70站次抽測作業,總計抽測油槍數為645支合格643支,合格率為99.7%,氣漏測試則無不合格情形。 各項計畫合約規定工作量與實際執行工作量如表所示:合約作業項目 計畫目標 執行成果 完成率許可審查及查核 200件 203件 102%定期檢測監督與線上審查 54件 55件 102%排放量申報查核 46廠 47廠 102%許可制度講習會 1場 1場 100%資料庫更新與擴充作業 200家 201家 101%空污費審查作業 600件 658件 110%SOx及NOx空污費查核作業 160家 178家 111%VOC空污費查核 40件 52件 130%巡查作業 250廠次 412廠次 165%CEMS查核(包含RATA檢測) 2根次 2根次 100%煙道無機物抽測 15根次 15根次 100%臭味抽測 10件 10件 100%固定源油品含硫份抽測 20件 20件 100%大型機具引擎用油抽測 20件 20件 100%石化業及汽車表面塗裝業法規符合度煙道抽測 3根次 3根次 100%特殊行業別法規符合度查核 70件 70件 100%民眾滿意度問卷調查 500份 845 169% Stationary Sources Permit and Air pollution Fee project The main work items of Stationary Sources Permit and Air pollution Fee project are: (1) Stationary Sources Permit application documents exam and issue, including permit inquisition and elaboration conference. (2)Pollution sources control, including patrol, stack inorganic content inspection, sulfur content inspection of fuel oil, regular inspection surveillance, accuracy reviewed of CEMS and dioxins inspection of incinerators. (3) Database establishment, system function upgrade and data QA/QC. (4) Air Pollution Fee payment review and audit.(5) Training for Air Pollution Responsibility Personnel and so on.In permit program, there are 30 processes for new located applications, 51 for operation permit and 36 for permit extension in the year. By on-site checking, 9 processes do not pass the examination. These companies were asked to correct their documents to follow the Air Pollution regulations.Pollutants inspection also held in this program. We inspected regular air pollutants of 15 stacks, 40 sulfate components of oil and 10 odor test, they would get the penalty when these samples exceeded standards. And we take RATA inspection for CEMS too. By this way, we can give the right data to the companies that they can modify the CEMS programs.This year, the main conferences were held for introducing fee rates for stationary pollution source air pollution control fees.We invited environmental personnel to have education lessons for Fee rates and fee calculation method for volatile organic compounds,Calculation method and fee rates for sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides,Applicable conditions and calculation formula incentive coefficient bracket ratio and etc.The other subject was introducing the permitted regulations, education lessons for new regulations, modeling criteria, BACT and the declaration of pollutants emission quantity and etc. All these teachings would improve those people’s acquaintance on their routine works.In emission quantity update, we renewed 201 factories’ data. The results showed the particulate emissions totally are about 2146 ton/year, SOx 368 ton/year, NOx 568 ton/year and VOC 453 ton/year. 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司
32120896 歐盟CPD及荷蘭BMD指令引進計畫 本計畫主要目標有二,分別為,(一)引進歐盟CPD及荷蘭BMD指令,健全再生材料管理機制。(二)落實推動再生材料應用機制,展現執行成果。主要包含以下五大成果:一、歐盟CPD 及荷蘭BMD指令之資料收集,包括法源依據、政策形成流程、指令組成分工、評估流程、現況及案例之分析與介紹等。蒐集完整歐盟建築產品指令(CPD)及其相關解釋性文件,進行法源依據政策形成流程、指令分工以及建築產品評估流程分析。並進行歐盟產品主要要求資料彙整,其中於解釋性文件三「衛生、健康及環境」(ER No.3)中所規範,建築工程的設計及營造過程中,皆不得對居住者或鄰近之鄰居公共衛生及健康產生以下之疑慮,(1)釋放有毒氣體、(2)產生危害性粒狀物或氣體、(3)輻射、(4)污染或土壤、(5)不當排放廢水、固體或液體廢棄物、及(6)部份工程或工程的表面因受潮而毀損,對於後續歐盟各國建築產品環境性要求影響甚大。另外亦蒐集完整荷蘭建材法令(BMD)及其相關解釋文件,進行法源依據、政策形成流程、指令分工、建築材料評估流程及案例分析等。因建材法令主要為保護土壤及地下水,故BMD中建材使用規則僅涵蓋建築材料在使用階段所產生環境性要求,其餘工程性要求則不在BMD管制範圍;另為顧及不使其中特殊類別建材有散佈的風險,特別設立最低使用量規範,以求能集中管理、方便後續產生污染之移除。二、歐盟CPD及荷蘭BMD指令溶出試驗要求與我國之比較與分析。我國TCLP溶出方法基本上都是由有害廢棄物鑑定發展出的試驗方法,試驗條件並不能適度模擬出資源化產品在工程場合應用時現場條件。試驗中係以醋酸模擬垃圾掩埋場中,垃圾腐化反應過程所產生醋酸及有機酸。而這種情境在工程應用場合幾乎不適用,因為工程應用場合幾乎不可能出現有機物質。相較於計畫中所蒐集整理歐盟荷蘭溶出方法,仍缺少了適當方法作為長期溶出評估過程,亦無法瞭解廢棄物或資源化產品在環境中重金屬長期溶出潛勢及累積量,因此也無法評估重金屬溶出對環境所造成可能風險。故TCLP試驗適用於廢棄物檢測而非資源化產品檢測;對於資源化產品而言,以TCLP判定其是否適合再利用則未盡合理。三、本土化再生材料管理機制(如法規標準)之初步建議。在成分含量標準方面,目前「土壤及地下水污染整治法」現有土壤污染管制標準,與BMD中土壤介入值觀念相同。為求引入過程不引起相關標準間衝突,建議可以現有土壤污染管制標準替代其他土砂類成分含量限值為暫行標準,並爰引土壤監測基準為其它土砂類成分含量暫定標準。在溶出標準方面,首先需建立檢驗方法,未來進一步訂定相關溶出標準前,仍需儘速加快驗證方法建立、審核與公告。而釋入量之溶出標準係使用相關建材之100 年期間,無機污染物經與水接觸,溶出進入1m 深土壤之環境釋入量,不得超過規定釋出最大容許值。在目前國內尚未有乾淨土砂含量標準以及後續釋入量標準前,以荷蘭BMD中釋入量標準為暫行標準或為可行模式。四、辦理各項再生材料採用歐盟CPD及荷蘭BMD指令之配套檢驗/驗證標準(如專家系統、資料庫、測試方法及供需平台)相關事宜。荷蘭ECN實驗室經過多年發展開發出LeachXS專家系統,提供使用者進行環境地質化學的最佳化資料庫,以做為環境衝擊評估模式工具。此專家系統可搭配相關歐盟環境性溶出標準試驗方法後所獲得的實驗數據,可推導預估100年環境釋入量。五、研提前述分析報告至再生資源回收再利用促進委員會討論,建立本土化之制度及資訊平台。本計畫已於99年五月研提分析報告至再生資源回收再利用促進委員會討論,討論議案重點如下,(1)資源化產品檢核評估流程及管理制度建立。(2)歐盟與荷蘭四種溶出驗證方法建立、審核與公告為標準方法。(3)爰引土壤管制標準為土砂類成分含量暫訂標準。(4)爰引荷蘭釋入量管制標準為國內釋入量管制暫行標準。(5)管制標的範圍。(6)本土標準建立。 Introduction of Construction Product Directive (CPD) and Building Material Decree (BMD) to Taiwan There are two major tasks in this project, including,(1) Introduction of Construction Product Directive (CPD, 89/106/EEC) and Building Material Decree (BMD, staatsblad van het koninkrijk der Nerderland), improving the management system of secondary material.(2) Promotion of secondary materials reusing system, demonstration of the project performanceFive major achievements could be presented as follows,1.Information collection of CPD and BMD, including legal basis, law formation. process, directive division instruction, assessment process of materials and case study analysis.Complete text, essential requirements and guideline papers of CPD were downloaded and collected via internet. Analysis of legal basis, law formation process, directive division instruction and the assessment process of construction products were done. In Interpretative document No. 3: Hygiene, health and the environment (ER No.3) requires that “The construction work must be designed and built in such a way that it will not be a threat to the hygiene or health of the occupants or neighbours, in particular as a result of any of the following:the giving-off of toxic gas,the presence of dangerous particles or gases in the air,the emission of dangerous radiation,pollution or poisoning of the water or soil,faulty elimination of waste water, smoke, solid or liquid wastes,the presence of damp in parts of the works or on surfaces within the works.”These requirements have brought huge influence on the environmental requirements of construction products in the EU countries.At the same time, texts and explanatory notes and guidelines of BMD were also downloaded via internet. Analysis of legal basis, law formation process, directive division instruction and the assessment process of construction products were also done. The purpose of the Decree is to prevent the pollution of surface water, groundwater and the soil. Therefore, the BMD covers the use of materials and earth only, but not their storage or transport nor the working conditions, civil-engineering requirements or other aspects unrelated to their use. These are governed by other - statutory - rules. In addition, to avoid small quantities of category 2 building materials being found all over the Netherlands, a minimum quantity of building material to be used in a work are required.2.Comparison and analysis of leaching tests between Taiwan and tests in CPD and BMD.TCLP (toxicity characteristic leaching procedure) was originally developed for the identification of hazardous wastes. The test conditions do not properly simulate the conditions at construction sites where recycled resources are used. Because the extraction with 0.5 N acetic acid in the TCLP testis to simulate the important chemical reaction stages which generate acetic and other organic acids in the formation of methane in a municipal waste landfill. Such conditions are not always relevant to construction sites where there is hardly any organic material available. In comparison with the leaching test methods with proper risk assessment basis collected in this project, TCLP could not present the long term leachability and cumulative leaching quantities of heavy metals. Hence Risk could be assessed via TCLP tests. TCLP is only suitable for the characterization of hazardous waste, but not the suitability of recycling resources.3.Preliminary suggestion of local environmental suitability of resources.In composition standard aspect, the concept of soil Pollution Control Standard in current Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act is quite similar to the intervention value in Netherland which is the used as composition standard for clean soil in BMD. In order not to conflict with the relative regulation in Taiwan now, we suggest that the composition standard for earth could be replaced with soil Pollution Control Standard as temporarily standard. Also the composition the composition standard for clean earth could be replaced with soil Pollution Monitoring Standard as temporarily standard.In solubility standard aspect, test methods should be established in order to retrieve corresponding data. Therefore, audition and announcement of the test methods should be processed before the setting new solubility standard. The immission standard is defined as a burdening due to leaching from a construction material which leads to a 1% increase of a compound in the solid phase of the soil compared to the target value for soil quality in 100 years averaged over the first meter of a soil which is considered to be homogeneous. Before the soil quality and further immission calculation methods been defined, using the BMD immission standard could be an applicable temporarily way.4.Providing supporting test methods, simulating systems and standards for secondary material.ECN (Netherland) has spent decades on the development of expert system called LeachXS. The system could provide the user with environmental geochemical database for the environmental impact assessment modeling. The system could also be combined with the data acquired from the CEN/NEN leaching tests; immission value up to 100 years could easily be calculated.5.Providing corresponding report to the Resource Recovery and Recycling Committee.Corresponding materials has been presented in the Resource Recovery and Recycling Committee in May 8th, 2010. The suggested topics proposed to committee members for further discussion are (a)Constructing evaluation processes and management systems for recycling products; (b)Establishment, evaluation and announcement of standard test methods for leachability; (c)Temporarily standards for environmental suitability standard in Taiwan and (d)Suggested plan for establishing the environmental suitability standard in Taiwan. 098 廢管處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會
32120897 98年空品淨化區、裸露地查核及紙錢集中燃燒管制計畫 摘 要本計畫於執行期間推動各項之工作,統計自98年3月1日執行至99年2月28日止,在計畫執行人員努力及環保局長官協助下,本計畫按照預定進度完成相關成果,其主要計畫執行重點列述如下: 一、空氣品質淨化區維護管理相關作業本計畫至99年2月28日止,共辦理各空氣品質淨化區月查核208場次,包括莫拉克風災損失複查及環保署考核前查核,並特聘專家學者針對縣內暨設之空氣品質淨化區進行植栽健檢共14場次,另邀請環保署長官及學者蒞臨舉辦空品淨化區設置維護管理說明會議1場次。另協助空污基金補助綠化植栽作業共完成補助14件,合計補助5,253,200元,並針對94年起已完成綠化補助設置單位進行複查作業以確認其維護成效,共巡查67家次。二、裸露地調查及輔導改善作業裸露地清查及建檔作業,包括98年新增列管之19筆裸露地(120,727㎡)及清查97年7筆未完成改善之裸露地(26,469㎡)總計列管26筆裸露地總面積147,196㎡。本計畫至99年2月28日止,共23筆裸露地完成改善作業,14筆為經本計畫輔導協助進行改善(102,223㎡),其中9筆為未經輔導即自行改善(28,991㎡),實際面談輔導作業共20場次,主要輔導改善方式為植生及鋪面。另協助縣內公司工廠進行裸露地綠化作業,共分成四批總計12家工廠苗木種植申請,共計植樹5,450棵,預計可增加縣內3.448公頃綠覆面積,其每年約可吸收二氧化碳79.304公噸。三、推動紙錢集中及減量作業本計畫紙錢集中焚燒活動訂定目標為收集500公噸各式金銀紙錢,並於98年4月份協助進行清明節紙錢集中燃燒作業活動,及於7月份辦理完成中元節紙錢集中作業座談會1場次、三區紙錢集中規劃方案說明會3場次及相關配套作業,完成中元節加強紙錢集中燃燒作業,且於99年1月辦理完成99年清明節紙錢集中分工及權責劃分座談會,分配協調99年清明節公墓紙錢集中燃燒事宜。自98年3月1日至99年2月28日止共收集556.07公噸紙錢集中燃燒,已超出500公噸之計畫目標,且與97年同期相比有明顯成長,顯示民眾已漸能接受紙錢集中焚燒減少空氣污染物排放之觀念。依據各焚化廠污染物之處理效率估算,估計可減少因紙錢露天燃燒所產生之總懸浮微粒6.107公噸、硫氧化物1.037公噸、氮氧化物0.788公噸。四、餐飲業陳情改善處理本計畫協助「98年固定污染源稽查管制及減量輔導計畫」,針對縣內9鄉鎮列管名單之161家及受陳情或具嚴重污染事實餐飲業進行巡查及輔導改善油煙設備,截至99年2月28日止,共計完成203家(221次)餐飲業污染源巡查及基本管制資料建檔作業,並已輔導完成10家餐飲業者改善空氣污染情事。 ABSTRACTDuring the execution of this project, from 2009 March 1st to 2010 February 28, the main focus of the implementation plan are as follows.1. The Clean Air Zone management:Until Feb 2010, this project had handled a total 208 times of the Clean Air Zone check, including pre-audit review of Typhoon MORAKOT damages Loss and the EPA assessment. We also had held plant health check by experts inside the Clean Air Zone for 14 times. Moreover we had invited EPA officers and scholars to join the orientation of Clean Air Zone management.Besides, this project had assisted 14 examinations of plant subvention from the air pollution fund, the total amount is NTD 5,253,200. We also completed 67 times of the checking work to make sure the effect of the plant subvention.2. Exposed lands investigation and instruction improvement:Exposed lands uncovering and filing work including 2008 7 exposed lands (26,469㎡)and 19 exposed lands added in 2009(120,727㎡), total 26 exposed lands, 147,196㎡.23 out of above the 26 exposed lands are completed improvement work. 9 of the 23 are self-improved without assistance. The rest 14 are assisted by this project for 20 times(102,223㎡), and the main course are plants cropping and land surface unfolding.This project had also assisted the factories in side the county to process the exposed land to green. Total 12 factories had applied for the seeding. Total planted 5,450 trees, expected to increase 3.448 ha of green cover areas which will absorb around 79.304 tones CO2 per year.3. Promote the joss paper centralization and reductionThe goal of this project is to collect 500 tones of all kinds of joss paper. Also to assist the centralized burning work during Ching Ming Festival in April, and one symposium during Chinese Ghost Festival ,3 times of explanatory session for central planning program and other Related methods to complete Chinese Ghost Festival symposium. We had completed the plan of joss paper centralization and incineration for 2010 Tomb sweeping Day.From March 1st 2009 till 2010 February, total collect amount joss paper is 556.07 tones. We had surpassed the anticipated target and already improved compare with 2008. This can indicate that people have gradually accepted the concept that centralized incineration can reduce air pollution. Based on the incineration plant pollutant treatment efficiency estimate can be reduced due to open burning of joss paper produced 6.107 tones of total suspended particulates, and 1.037 tones of sulfur oxides, 0.788 tones of nitrogen oxides.4. Improvement of the catering industry state one's caseThis project had assisted for the county's 9 townships roll 161 to conduct inspections of restaurants and counsel to improve fume equipment. Until 2010 February, we had completed a total of 203 (221 times) catering industry sources inspections and basic control information archiving operations, and has been counseling the completion of 10 restaurants to improve their air pollution violations. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 上境科技股份有限公司
32120898 98年度固定污染源管制及公私場所(工廠)設置操作許可審查及查核計畫 本年度主要工作項目包括協助辦理固定污染源資料庫維護更新及擴充、許可相關作業、空污費宣導、催補繳及查核、稽查檢測、定期檢測管理審核及建檔等十餘項,執行期間承蒙環保署、環保局及多位學者專家給予之指導、建議與監督考核,另為配合計畫作業需要增加執行人力與時間,使各項作業執行與進度均能符合原先之規劃。下表為本計畫工作成果進度表,各相關作業內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。 Stationary Source Control and Facility Operation Permission Examination Plan of Public & Private Places (factories) I. Permit control practices A. A total of 323 installation and operation permits have been issued during the program implementation period, including 43 installation permits, 15 alternation of permits, 9 renewal of installation permits, 55 operation permits, 79 alternation of operation permits, 41 operation extensions, and 81 renewal of operation permits. B. Complete monitoring and testing of 102 smoke channels and 42 ambient operations prior to issuance of permit. C. Complete on-site inspection of 233 operations prior to issuance of permit. D. All air pollutants in the county jurisdiction are generated from coal, hence a total of 13 permits for coal usage were issued, among them, 4 permits for coal usage, and 1 permit for sales of coal are issued this year. E. Currently, a total of 189 factories/plants are required and have completed reporting of emission volume, amounting to 100% reporting rate. F. Complete a total of 204post-issuance inspections, reaching a completion rate of over100%. G. At present, a total of 149 public/private locations that are required to staff with responsible personnel, reaching a staffing rate of 100%, a total of 54 applications for personnel staffing have received assistance during the program implementation period. II. Management of continuous emission monitoring system of stationary source A total of 9 function inspections of continuous auto monitoring facilities and 1 inspection of CGA standard gas have completed this year. The result shows that CGA of PG01 (SO2, NOx, and O2) of Changhua Plant of Formosa Chemicals and Fiber Corporation is below 15% of the regulatory standards, and is rated as an A level. From the monthly monitoring statistic data, emissions of all 9 cases meet regulatory standards. III. Regular patrol and control of stationary source A. Complete a total of 57 inspections on county industries, all meeting trade standards. B. To date, 204 and 129 candidates are subject to regular inspection of the publicized 1st group and 2nd group, respectively. This year, a total of 111 publicized candidates have completed monitoring/inspection during the program implementation period. C. Complete 5 inspections on dioxin testing, all meeting emission standards. D. Complete 10 organic functions test of malodor pollution source, all meeting regulatory standards. E. Complete 15 inspections/analyses on plants liquid fuel, all meeting regulatory standards. F. Complete 10 point inspections on plant in corresponding to the emergency response policy of inferior air quality. G. Complete a total of 2,631 data auditing, and documentation of 50 files. IV. Collecting system of air pollution fee A. Until today, a total of 741 public/private locations are subject to submission of 2009 1st quarter air pollution fee. A total of NT$44,016,396 have been collected in 2008. B. A total of 351 plants have been inspected for air pollution fee payment. Among them, 71 plants are required for an emission of over one ton of SOx and NOx per quarter. A total of 96 plants are reporting with correct data, occupying 27% of the total inspection cases. A total of 123 plants were found of data errors, having a direct impact on the payment amount. Amount errors include simple miscalculation, raw fuel reporting error, wrong emission parameters, or miscalculation of emission volume. 72 plants are over-submission, other 51 are subject to a submission of NT$511,280. V. Databank maintenance and management of stationary source A. Complete census and data maintenance/update of a total of 61 listed plants. B. The processing equipment conditions pre- and post-checking are found to be on a decreasing trend: 1. Number of processing step: total decreased number of 8, from 92 to 83; 2. Number of pollution source: total decreased number of 32, from 361 to 326; 3. Number of air pollution control equipments: total decreased number of 14, from 157 to 143; 4. Number of emission: total decreased number of 7, from 79 to 72.. Various pollutants are also found to be decreasing since reduced productivity is seen at most of the plants: Particular matters (PM) - 16.968 metric ton/year less; SOx –22.519 metric ton/year less; NOx –58.171 metric ton/year less; VOCs: 26.629 metric ton/year less. VI. Other related practices A. Complete 5 sessions of publication/guidance of air pollution fee related laws and regulations. B. Provide related consultation and guidance services to industries from time to time. C. Complete publication of 7 articles on related policies on e-newspaper or hard copy newspaper. 1. The Commons Daily, September 25, 2008 – Changhua EP Bureau raids asphalt plant found in violation of mandatory operation. 2. The Commons Daily, October 21, 2008 – Efficient application procedure for electronization of stationary source.3. The Commons Daily, November 26, 2008 – Conducting regular inspection of dioxin to maintain fresh and healthy air quality. 4. The Commons Daily, February 19, 2009 – Launching fugitive emission control on stationary pollution source. 5. Changhua Times, April 1, 2009 - Launching fugitive particulate matters control on stationary source. 6. The Liberty Times, May 26, 2009 – Changhua EP Bureau resolves to eliminate illegal oily smoke connecting with public drain. 7. Changhua Times, May 27, 2009 – Oily smokes are prohibited from discharging into ditches. 098 彰化縣環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
32120899 98年參與亞太經濟合作海洋資源保育工作小組 本計畫之執行係回應亞太經濟合作(APEC)海洋相關部長之宣言及行動計畫,以推動公私部門夥伴關係。本計畫完成派員出席於98年6月1-3日在加拿大溫哥華舉行之第22屆APEC海洋資源保育工作小組(MRCWG)年度會議,於會議中報告我國於2008年所舉行之第9屆企業/私人部門參與海洋環境永續性圓桌會議之成果,並提出我國自費辦理2010年第11屆APEC企業/私人部門參與海洋永續性圓桌會議之計畫;本計畫亦完成於98年10月14日至16日在台北舉辦第10屆亞太經濟合作(APEC)企業/私人部門參與海洋環境永續性圓桌會議,計有APEC會員體印尼、韓國、馬來西亞、美國、越南及我國等公私部門專家出席,討論海洋資源保育議題,以加強政府及私人部門的合作。此外,本計畫亦完成發行APEC Bulletin on Marine Resource Conservation and Fisheries第十一卷第1期及第2期刊物以及網路維護等工作。 The Project on the Involvement of APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group -2009 This project was implemented in response to the Declaration and the Plan of Action of the Ocean-related Ministers of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in order to promote partnership between the public and private sectors. Under this project, the 22nd meeting of the APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group (MRCWG), held June 1-3, 2009, in Vancouver, Canada, was attended by the principal investigator of this project. In the meeting, the results of the 9th APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector held in 2008 were reported. The 2010 project proposal for the 11th APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector was put forward at the meeting. Furthermore, under this project, the 10th APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector was held in Taipei on October 14-16, 2009. Representatives from Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, USA, Vietnam and Chinese Taipei attended the meeting to discuss issues related to marine conservation. In addition, Volume XI Issues I and II of the APEC Bulletin on Marine Resource Conservation and Fisheries as well as maintenance work for the project web pages were completed. 098 永續發展室 國立臺灣海洋大學
32120900 98年度移動性污染源管制計畫 雲林縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫係針對本縣轄區內之機車是否完成定期檢驗,藉由加強路邊稽查、辦理機車排氣免費檢測宣導活動及協助環保局輔導查核民間機車定檢站等工作,經由這些措施之配合,達到督促車輛使用人加強車輛保養維修管理,並且教育車輛駕駛人正確之操作觀念,進而減低車輛廢氣排放之污染,有效改善空氣品質。至99年3月25日止執行成果,已完成未定檢機車稽查數2,710輛次,當中回檢共2,379輛次,回檢率約87.8%;機車攔檢數1,212輛次,檢測不合格共386輛次,不合格率約31.8%;本縣88家定檢站共完成342家次定期查核、342家次標準氣體查核、2場次檢測人員教育訓練。協助雲林縣環境保護局辦理民眾陳情案件處理及告發處分相關作業其他工作成果。 The moving pollution sources controlled the plan in 98 The Mobile Source Inspection and Management Project in Yunlin County focused on the inspection and management of motors in the county. By reinforcing to check at the roadside, to conduct activities for free to check the exhaust of motors, and to help Environment Protection Bureau to review the motors’ checking stations, this project has successfully pushed the car user to have fortified maintenance of their motors and taught the drivers correct operation concept to reduce the pollution from motors’ exhaust to improve air quality effectively. By March 25, 2010, this project finished checking 2710 un-inspected motors and 2379 motors have returned for inspection. The rate of returning to check was about 87.8 %. There were 386 motors not passing the check among the 1212 motors for block-checking. The un-passing rate was about 31.8 %. This project achieved 342 periodical reviews for 88 Inspecting Stations, 342 reviews of standard gas, two training course for inspecting staffs. This project also assisted the Environment Protection Bureau of Yunlin County to handle peoples’ state and plead, and to report the results. 098 雲林縣環境保護局 華門工程顧問股份有限公司
32120901 98年度嘉義縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測暨油品檢測計畫 098 嘉義縣環境保護局 華門工程顧問股份有限公司
32120902 98年度桃園縣一般廢棄物處理設施綜合管理計畫 本計畫為桃園縣政府環境保護局(以下統稱為桃園縣環保局)一般廢棄物管理科之專案計畫,主要協助桃園縣環保局針對一般廢棄物處理設施進行營運管理,執行內容共分為五大工作項目:一、強化掩埋場營運管理及確保掩埋場改善品質工程;二、落實焚化底渣與飛灰穩定化物管制及查核監督工作;三、建置並輔導桃園縣之裝潢修繕廢棄物收集、清運、處理及回收再利用體系及監督管理機制;四、協助桃園縣環保局監督管理桃園縣垃圾焚化廠及辦理焚化廠查核評鑑;五、綜合事項及相關交辦工作。第一項工作項目主要針對桃園縣6場營運中掩埋場及5場已封閉復育場進行總體檢作業。因目前衛生掩埋場之操作營運上仍存在許多缺失,有必要透過考核及輔導,督促其改善,其工作內容包含:1.調查作業、2.輔導管制作業。在執行成果部份,本年度已完成桃園縣11場掩埋場體檢工作,以及進行後續追蹤複查。多數掩埋場因由各公所自行營運管理,礙於經費問題,體檢缺失涉及工程改善部份目前尚無法著手改善,需請桃園縣環保局協助申請改善經費;在人員管理及現場記錄部份,多數掩埋場於追蹤複檢時已有明顯改善,未來仍需持續追蹤。除掩埋場體檢工作,亦針對各掩埋場評估後,提出工程改善方案,包括:龍潭鄉店子湖垃圾衛生掩埋場地基掏空改善方案、觀音鄉保障村垃圾衛生掩埋場工程改善方案,以及進行掩埋場監測設施規劃(含大溪鎮、龍潭鄉、龜山鄉及觀音鄉四場掩埋場)。第二項有關焚化底渣與飛灰穩定化物管制及查核監督工作,為協助桃園縣環保局辦理桃園縣垃圾焚化底渣再利用與飛灰穩定化物處理之二級品質管制監督制度,其辦理事項包含:1.協助成立監督小組每季進行查核工作。2.每月現場查核工作。3.協助桃園縣環保局審查再利用機構之品質計畫並監督執行。計畫期間完成之查核工作包含:完成焚化廠委託之底渣再利用廠12場次、底渣再利用地點每月查核工作8場次、成立焚化底渣監督小組進行每季查核作業4場次、針對本年度底渣查核作業進行底渣再利用查核作業檢討會2場次,以及對飛灰穩定化物最終處置場進行12場次每月查核工作。另,委託合格檢測公司,每月進行焚化底渣再利用原料(e級配)採樣檢驗工作,共完成12次採樣檢測(檢測項目包含:每月重金屬TCLP及戴奧辛檢測1次、每季另加測1次水溶性氯離子濃度),全年度各項檢測結果均未超出法規標準。第三項工作項目為「建置並輔導桃園縣之裝潢修繕廢棄物收集、清運、處理及回收再利用體系及監督管理機制」。規劃工作內容包含有:1.先期作業計畫、2.建置裝潢修繕廢棄物收集體系、3.處理及再利用計畫、4.教育宣導計畫、5架構監督管制系統。本計畫執行期間完成工作:回收再利用業務講習會1場次、至嘉義縣及台中縣進行家戶裝潢修繕廢棄物回收再利用觀摩會1場次、楊梅市員本公有掩埋場進場管制說明會1場次、針對大溪鎮等四鄉鎮市公所進行實地訪談等。經彙整各方建議,並參考其他縣市裝潢修繕廢棄物再利用體制執行經驗,完成桃園縣一般家戶裝潢修繕廢棄物申請、清運等制度之建立。為確保收受之廢棄物獲得妥善處理,並避免其中夾雜其他事業或有害廢棄物,造成末端處置之困擾,亦研擬各式申請及進場管制表單。於99年12月份桃園市清潔隊已完成第一批裝潢修繕廢棄物之申請、清運作業。另外,依據裝潢修繕廢棄物清運再利用規劃內容,以及評估執行期間之各項機具、人力、經費需求,協助桃園縣環保局撰寫「桃園縣裝潢修繕廢棄物再利用計畫經費申請書」,向環保署申請執行期間所需之補助經費。第四項有關協助桃園縣環保局監督管理桃園縣垃圾焚化廠及辦理焚化廠查核評鑑,本廠為國內首座也是唯一商轉之最大的BOO(興建-營運-擁有)垃圾焚化廠。為持續監督管理桃園縣焚化廠營運情形,遂成立焚化廠查核委員會,辦理桃園縣焚化廠1場次查核評鑑工作。雖然查核評鑑結果,各項污染物排放均遠低於法規標準,評鑑委員仍建議焚化廠方針對各項污染物的變化趨勢,應加以分析探討。第五項為綜合事項,包含:1.每月一次工作檢討會議。2.配合環保署考核之協助事項。3.其他行政作業應辦事項等。於計畫期間完成多項協助辦理事項,包含有:掩埋場基本資料庫建置、巡查資料彙整、底渣再利用網路申報系統定期更新與彙整、底渣再利用資料檔案建置、底渣再利用申報書面資料核對與確認,並配合環保署查核活動,協助桃園縣環保局準備各項查核書面資料、焚化廠及掩埋場垃圾落地檢查不合格率統計、環保署定期申報事項等各項桃園縣環保局交辦事項。 This is the General Waste Management project plan for Taoyuan County Government Environmental Protection Bureau (Taoyuan County Environmental Bureau), mainly to assit Taoyuan County Environmental Bureau with general waste disposal facility operations management, implementation of which is divided into five main projects: First, strengthen the landfill Operations management and quality improvement projects for landfill site operation; Second, the implementation of bottom ash and fly ash stabilization compounds control and inspection and supervision work; Third, build and mentor the renovation waste collection, removal, disposal and recycling system, and supervision mechanism in Taoyuan County; Fourth, to help Taoyuan County Environmental Bureau supervising and managing incineration plants and waste incineration plant audit evaluation in Taoyuan County; Five, miscellaneous matters and related assignments.The first task focuses on examining the 6 active landfill sites and the 5 closed restoration sites in Taoyuan County. Due to many existing defects in the current operation of sanitary landfills, it’s necessary to urge them to improve by evaluating and mentoring the work, which includes: 1. Survey operations. 2. Mentoring control operation. The execution results suggest the examination of the 11 landfill sites in Taoyuan County has been completed, as well as the follow-up review. Most of the landfill operations are self-managed by the local authorities. Due to funding problems, currently the work for correcting the defects and construction improvement has not commenced. Taoyuan Country Environmental Bureau’s assistance is required for applying funding for improvement. For personnel management and field records, most of the landfill sites have improved significantly according to the follow-up examination, but still need to keep checking in the future. In addition to landfill site examination, the proposed improvement plans have been submitted after the evaluation against each landfill site was completed. The plans including: Hollowed foundation improvement proposal for Longtan Township Dianzihu waste landfill site, construction improvement programme for the waste landfill site in Baochang village, Guanyin Township, as well as the landfill site monitoring facilities plans (including four landfill sites: Daxi Township, Longtan Township, Guanyin Township, Guishan Township.)The second task is about bottom ash and fly ash stabilization compounds control and checking of supervision. To assist Taoyuan County Environmental Bureau to monitor the grade-two quality control system for recycling combustion waste bottom ash and fly ash stabilization compounds process.The outstanding tasks include:1. Assit to set up the Monitoring Group for quarterly audit work.2. Monthly on-site audit work.3. Assit Taoyuan County Environmental Bureau to review the quality of recycling plan and monitor implementation.Audit work completed during the project period include: completion of 12 sessions of the incineration plant with consigned bottom ash recycling plants, bottom ash reuse sites checking 8 sessions per month, bottom ash monitoring group set up to check the work 4 sessions per quarter, two review and audit sessions this year to check operations for bottom ash recycling, and 12 sessions per month for checking the fly ash stabilization compounds for the final disposal site. Also, consigned qualified testing company for conducting sampling and testing the combustion bottom ash recycled raw materials every month, 12 times completed. (inspected items include: TCLP heavy metals and dioxin testing once per month, plus a quarterly basis test on water-soluble chloride ion concentration), all the test results did not exceed the annual regulatory standardsThe third task is to build and mentor the renovation waste collection, removal, disposal and recycling system, and supervision mechanism in Taoyuan County. The planned work contains: 1. Preliminary work plan, 2. Establish renovation waste collection system, 3. Process and recycling project, 4. Education awareness programmes, 5 Set up monitoring control system. Work completed during the project period: One session of recycling business workshop, one session of household renovation waste recycling workshop in Chiayi County and Taichung County, one seminar session about access control in public landfill site in Yangmei City, conducted field interviews in town halls/City offices in four townships inc. Daxi. After compiled the recommendations from all parties and referred to the execution experience of recycling renovation waste in the other counties, the system for household renovation waste application and removal in the Taoyuan County has been established. To ensure that the received waste is handled properly and to avoid having hazardous waste mixed in, which could cause problems in the final disposal, assorted application and access control forms were developed. In December 2010, Taoyuan City Cleaning Team has completed the first batch of renovation waste application and removal.In addition, according to renovation waste removal plan and evaluation of the needs of equipments, labor, and funding during implementation period, assit Taoyuan County Environmental Bureau in writting, "Taoyuan County renovation waste recycling project funding applications ". It’s to apply for funding required during the execution period under EPD.The fourth task is about helping Taoyuan County Environmental Bureau supervising and managing waste incineration plants and waste incineration plant audit evaluation in Taoyuan County. This is Taiwan's first and only provider of the largest transfer BOO (Build - Operate - Own) waste Incineration Plant. For continuing supervision and management of incineration plant operating status in Taoyuan County, the incineration plant audit committee was set up for an evaluation in Taoyuan County incineration plant. Even though the evaluation results show the pollutant emissions are well below regulatory standards, evaluation committee members still recommended that the incineration plant should analyse and discuss against the changes and tendencies of the pollutants.The fifth task is about miscellaneous matters and related assignments, including: 1. Work review meetings once a month. 2. Coordinate with the matters from EPD assessment. 3. other administrative operations and assignments. Many assignments completed during the project period include: built the basic database of landfill sites, Compiled inspection data, regular update and compile bottom ash recycling online application system, and built bottom ash recycling data files, bottom ash recycling application paper work check and validation, and coordinated with EPD audit activities. Helped Taoyuan County Environmental Bureau to prepare assessment documents, failure rate statistics of incineration plants and landfill site field inspections, and periodic reporting to the EPD and other tasks assigned by Taoyuan County Environmental Bureau. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 尚竑工程顧問有限公司
32120903 98年綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉環境衛生管理計畫 本計畫統計98 年7 月15 日~98 年11 月20 日為止,已陸續完成綠島鄉環境清潔維護工作、環境衛生相關宣導會議及活動(綠島鄉、蘭嶼鄉各四場次)、大型淨灘淨海活動、滿意度問卷調查及其他環境衛生業務相關配合事項等工作,整體進度達成率為100%。在綠島鄉環境清潔維護工作部份,於98 年7 月20 日~98 年9 月30 日期間總計清掃120 段次,執行人力為120 人日,共完成344.6公里(環島公路+海岸線)之維護長度,總清運垃圾約3356 公斤;此外由於八月份莫拉克颱風襲台,造成離島地區港灣因大量漂流木而嚴重堵塞,本工作團隊亦協助投入部分人力協助清除工作之執行。在環境衛生相關宣導會議及活動部份,本計畫已於8~10 月份在綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉分別辦理環境衛生相關宣導教育2 場次、資源回收宣導教育2 場次、病媒防治宣導教育2 場次及綠色採購宣導教育2 場次,並且以多元而生活化之方式來辦理,整體執行成效相當良好。在大型淨灘淨海活動部份本計畫於98 年10 月13 日協助環保局辦理綠島鄉大型淨灘淨海活動,當日民眾參與情形相當踴躍高達466 人。問券調查部分本計畫於8~9 月份於機場、碼頭、觀光景點、民宿、餐廳、社區發展協會…等人群聚集地點進行遊客及當地居民之滿意度問卷調查作業,依據分析結果顯示遊客及居民大多滿意離島地區之衛生環境(6~7 成),但遊客對於綠島之淨灘、蘭嶼之狗(羊)便清理等認為可再加強;當地居民則認為在垃圾蒐集及公廁管理仍有改善之空間。在其他環境衛生業務相關配合事項,本計畫則主要協助環保局彙整離島環境衛生計畫成果、協助規劃未來離島環境衛生項目以及相關考核與宣導工作之辦理。 “The Environmental Sanitation Management Project” of Liudau township and Lanyu township was July 15, 2009 to December 31,2009 . Implementation of this project has been providing 120 manpower , cleaning up 344.6 km of coastline and the highway, removing a total of 3,356 kg of garbage. Furthermore, the Morakot Typhoon inflicted catastrophic damages in Taitung on Aug 8, 2009 and our team provide the manpower to assist post-disaster cleanup work.In the propaganda activities and meetings , this project has transacted 8 meetings in diversifying and life-oriented way , comprised “the recycling and reuse promotion meeting, the green procurement meeting, the pest control meeting, the environmental sanitation publicizing meeting…” and hold a large-scale activity of beach cleanup in Liudau with 466 participants .In the civil service satisfactory survey, this project has completed 800 questionnaires of residents and travelers at the airport, wharf, scenic spots,hotel and restaurant. According to survey results, most people feel “great”of the environmental sanitation quality of islands(60~70%), but the travelers deemed that the beach clean and the excrement cleanup can be further strengthened, and the local residents feel that garbage collection and public toilets still need to improve management.In addition, this project has compiled the results of environmental sanitation work , planned future work, and assist the other related work. 098 台東縣環境保護局 澔宇工程顧問股份有限公司
32120904 98年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護執行追蹤檢討計畫 本計畫自簽約執行後,即著手瞭解本市空氣品質改善維護計畫各子計畫工作目標、內容與執行成果,以評估執行成效,並進一步透過召開工作檢討會議,檢討執行情形並作成建議。爲了掌握本市空氣污染源特性及其來源,本計畫更廣泛收集本市氣象資料及各污染源排放清單,推估分析本市污染源排放特性。計畫執行期間為了掌握各計畫執行進度,達成環保署考評目標,並制定轄區空氣品質改善維護各子計畫考評要點,定期透過成果報告與進度資料,針對各計畫執行現場稽核各計畫執行成效與追蹤檢討,以展現本市空氣污染防制作業績效。本年度本計畫執行之成果量化表,請參考表1,以下針對本計畫之工作項目成果逐項摘要說明:一、環境負荷及變化趨勢本市轄區共分為東、西2區,11個聯合里辦公處,人口總數自88年起至98年度歷年平均成長率為3.33%,呈現緩慢成長趨勢,人口數為273,930人(東區127,969人;西區145,961人),人口密度為每平方公里4,563人,全省排名第4,省轄市排名第2。本市98年車輛登記共281,588輛,轄區車輛密度部份,以機車每平方公里3,316輛為最高,亦為台灣地區8倍,車輛密度全省排名第4,省轄市排名第2,各類車輛自88年至98年總數為成長趨勢,變化率為24%。本市列管工廠計有364家,呈現逐年遞減之趨勢,其間以93年度削減趨勢20.44%最高,其各年度削減情形則較為趨緩,整體變化部分截至98年為較88年負成長47%。二、空氣品質現況統計嘉義市90至98年PSI發生大於100之不良日數分別為10日、8日、15日、26日、21日、30日、12日、8日及11日。98年度空氣品質不良站日數為11站日與歷年相較,本年度於6月發生之2日不良站日,為該月份之首例,指標污染物為臭氧,10月份計2站日(1日懸浮微粒;1日臭氧)、 11月份1站日及12月份2站日,本年度不良站日主要於6月及10月份較往年為差,較往年不良日平均為高,整體PSI不良日數與97年相較下稍增3站日。三、各子計畫成效評析本(98)年度共計執行11項相關計畫,補助計畫之執行經費為24,458仟元,自編計畫執行經費為3,542仟元,執行經費比例約為署補計畫占87%,自編經費比例占13%。依據本年度規劃之嘉義市空氣品質改善維護各子計畫考評要點內容,得分方面共計4項計畫得分90分以上,3項計畫得分80分以上,以「移動污染源稽查管制暨機車排氣檢驗站管理查核計畫」得分最高,計92.5分,其次為「空氣污染夜間陳情案件處理計畫」,得分91.5分,得分偏低之計畫為「固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核暨揮發性有機污染物稽查管制計畫」及「嘉義市逸散污染源稽查管制計畫」此2計畫多項目得分較低,主要因此兩項計畫考核文件較多,且皆需配合環保署規劃系統建置電子資料,故於資料正確性、完整性及系統建檔部份,得分偏低,應加強建檔資料控管及文件品質管考作業。本年度分別於4月29日(三)、8月3日(一)及10月12日(一),完成召開3場次的季工作檢討會議,會中作成各項決議,如:「本年度地方特色管制成效工作」、「空氣污染防制計畫書修訂內容」、「空氣品質通報與應變之方式流程」、「稽查程序及屢遭陳情作業內容」等,會後本計畫針對各項建議及意見,皆完成後續追蹤,據以掌握各項管制策略施行情形及提升稽查現場作業品質。四、空氣品質惡化應變本計畫98年度1至12月共計通報96次,其中以臭氧居多占49次,比例為51%,指標污染物為懸浮微粒者共計47次,應變比例為49%,其中空氣品質不良站日數為11日,指標污染物是懸浮微粒者計7站日與臭氧者計4站日。五、空氣品質目標達成情形98年度目標值為67(無單位),統計1至12月底止PSI月平均值為67(無單位),達成率100%,達成本年度既定目標,但月均值較往年63(無單位)高,探討其中原因,為本年度轄區1、2、5月降雨日數(6日)較往年(22日)為低,並因2月少雨及暖春氣候,造成空氣品質不良日數增加,且4月發生大陸砂塵暴來襲與6月、10月氣溫較往年高,且11及12月份因東北季風影響造成懸浮微粒濃度上升等因素,導致目前整體PSI值之上昇,PSI值大致分布於50~100間。98年度空氣品質不良率為3.01%,不良站日數為11日(懸浮微粒7站日及臭氧4站日),較本年度之污染防制目標3.55% (12站日)為佳,達成率100%。98年度PM10年平均濃度為75 μg/ m3,超過本年度之防制目標70μg/ m3,未能達成目標,較往年同期平均濃度(71.9μg/ m3)有增加現象。98年度本市O3年平均濃度為29.9 ppb,較本年度防制目標28 ppb高,達成率-6.7%。六、空氣污染物減量98年度統計1至12月(年度時間進程約100%),各污染減量情形,目前各污染物削減量為TSP 839.14公噸、PM10 219.69公噸、SOX 3.88公噸、NOX 64.43公噸、NMHC 147.79公噸、CO 794.13公噸,達成率100%。七、雲嘉南空品區協同管制:本年度雲嘉南共執行8次柴油車聯合攔檢作業,總計各縣市攔檢成果,計檢測467輛,不合格數236輛次,不合格率為50.54%,油品檢驗方面,計篩選1,299輛,送驗油品52瓶,僅1瓶油品不合格。八、節能減碳推廣及宣導活動:98年度針對學校單位、各里里幹事及市政府各處室,特規劃辦理3場次之宣導說明會議,並配合地球日活動辦理大型宣導活動,促使各與會人員及民眾,能將節能減碳觀念帶入家庭。藉由本年度辦理之各項宣導活動與會議,本市簽署人數共計12,585人,簽署比例為4.59%,全國排名為第11名。 98 annual Chiayi City to maintain the air quality improvement program to review the implementation of the heap trace After the execution of this project since the contract that the city begin to understand the air quality improvement plan to safeguard the work of each sub-project objectives, content and implementation of the results, in order to assess the effectiveness of implementation and further review of the work, through the convening of a meeting to review the situation and make recommendations for the implementation of . In order to grasp the characteristics of the city and its source of air pollution, the city plans to also collect meteorological data and the sources of pollution emission inventories, emission characteristics of pollution sources estimate analysis of the city.During the project implementation plan in order to acquire all the progress of implementation to achieve the EPD evaluation objectives are to assist the EPA to develop air quality improvement district to maintain the main points of each sub-project evaluation, regular reports and information on the progress through the results for each project on-site audit the implementation of the plan and track the effectiveness of the review, to showcase the city's air pollution control operating performance. This year the implementation of this project to quantify the results of the table, please refer to Table 1, the following work program for this project was itemized summary of the results:1, Environmental load and trend The city area is divided into East and West 2 area, 11 the office of the joint where the total population from 88 till 98 years, the annual average growth rate for the calendar year 3.33%, showing the slow growth trend, the population number of 273,930 persons (127,969 persons Eastern ; Western District 145,961 people), the population density of 4,563 persons per square kilometer, the province ranked No. 4, No. 2 provincial cities. City registered a total of 281,588 vehicles, 98 vehicles, area density of vehicles, parts, to 3,316 vehicles per square kilometer motorcycle was highest in the Taiwan area is also eight times the density of vehicles, the province ranked No. 4, No. 2 provincial cities, all kinds of vehicle from 88 years to 98 years, growth in the total number of trends, the rate of change for 24%. City tube plant include 364, showing the trend of decreasing year by year, during which the 93 year trend of 20.44% reduction of the highest annual reduction of its situation is more slowed down, the total change in part as of 98-year negative growth of over 88 years, 47% . 2, the status of air quality Statistics Chiayi City 90-98 years, PSI took place more than 100 days of non-performing were 10, 8, 15, 26, 21, 30, 12, 8 and 11.Annual air quality is poor 98 points to 11 points on the number of days compared with the calendar year, this year in June occurred on the 2nd day bad points for the first month of the indicator pollutant, ozone, total 2 points in October Day (1 Japan suspended particles; 1, ozone), November 1 and December 2 station on Station days, this year's negative stand on the major in June and October than in previous years, worse than the bad in previous years, the average daily high, the overall PSI bad days In contrast with the 97-year rose slightly by 3 points on. 3, the effectiveness of each sub-project assessment of The (98) the implementation of the annual total of 11 related projects, grant funding for the implementation of plans of 24,458 thousands, self-compiled program amounted to 3,542 thousand implementation, implementation plan funding ratio of approximately 87% of the Department of fill, self-compiled funds accounted for 13%. Chiayi City planning based on the year to improve the maintenance of air quality elements for each sub-project appraisal, scoring a total of four projects scoring 90 points or more three projects scoring 80 points or more in order to "Mobile Source Emissions Locomotive Test Control and Inspection station management audit plan "with the highest scores, namely, 92.5 points, followed by" night-time air pollution, plans to petition the handling of cases ", scoring 91.5 points, scoring on the low side of the program part, which shows that the" fixed sources of pollution control and air pollution permit inspection fee reminders to check in back-cum-volatile organic pollutants Inspection Control Plan "and" Chiayi City, oven Source Inspection Control Plan "in this plan more than two items a low score, the main project appraisal document so two more, and are required to build electronic planning system with the EPA data, we are in the information accuracy, completeness and system archiving part of the score is low, we should strengthen the quality of archiving data and documents management control test operations. This year, respectively, April 29 (3), August 3 (1) and 10 12 (a), held three screenings of the season to complete the work of review meeting will be in the resolutions, such as: "This year local flavor Control of the effectiveness of work "," air pollution control plan be amended, "" air quality notification process and the contingency approach "," Inspection procedures and repeatedly petitioned the work content "and so on, after the recommendations of this plan and for views, all completed follow-up, as far as to keep abreast of the situation and the implementation of control strategies to enhance the quality of audit field work. 4, air quality deteriorated strain This project 98 years from January to December total of notification 96 times, of which the majority of ozone 49 times, compared to 51%, target pollutants are suspended particles in a total of 47 times, strain ratio of 49%, of which station on the air quality is poor number 11, the target pollutants are total suspended particles were seven points on four points with ozone on those terms. 5, air quality objectives to achieve the situation 98 year target to 67 (no units), statistics from 1 to 12 end of last month PSI on average 67 (no units), reached a rate of 100%, to reach the established goals this year, but on average higher than in previous years, 63 (no units) high, to explore the reasons why, for this year's district 1, 2, May rainy days (6) than in previous years (22 days) was lower, and in February due to dry and warm spring weather, resulting in bad air quality days increase, and in April Sand and dust storms struck the mainland took place in June, higher than usual temperatures in October, and 11 and December due to the impact caused by the northeast monsoon, increased the concentration of suspended particles and other factors, led to the current rise in the overall PSI value, PSI value is roughly distributed in the 50 ~ 100 Inter. 98 year air quality is poor rate of 3.01%, bad days for 11 stations (seven stations on suspended particles and ozone in the four stations days), compared with the current year's goal of 3.55% Pollution Control (12 points days) is better to reach the rate of 100 %. 98 Annual average PM 10 concentration of 75 μg / m 3, more than the current year's control objectives 70μg / m 3, failed to achieve their goals, compared with the same period in previous years, the average concentration (71.9μg / m 3) an increase in the phenomenon. 98, city O 3-year annual average concentration of 29.9 ppb, compared with this year's goal of 28 ppb control high, and reached the rate of -6.7%. 6, reduction of air pollutants 98 year statistics from January to December (annual time course of approximately 100%), the pollution reduction scenario, the current amount of each pollutant reduction TSP 839.14 million tonnes, PM 10 219.69 tonnes, SO X 3.88 metric tons, NO X 64.43 million tonnes, NMHC 147.79 tonnes , CO 794.13 tons, and reached the rate of 100%. 7, Southwest Area Air Products synergy control Southwest this year a total of eight times the joint stopped diesel vehicle inspection operations, a total of cities and counties stopped inspection results, namely, detection of 467, the number of 236 vehicles a failure, the failure rate of 50.54%, oil test, the total screening 1,299 cars and get 52 bottles of oil inspection, only one bottle of oil failure. 8, energy saving and carbon reduction promotion and advocacy activities 98 years for the schools, units, and all officers and city-ri, all offices, handle special plan shows three screenings of the advocacy meetings, and in line with Earth Day activities, handling large-scale propaganda campaign to promote the various participants and the public, can save energy and reduce carbon concepts into the home.By the year of the handling of the advocacy activities and meetings, the city signed with a total of 12,585 people, signed by the ratio of 4.59%, the country ranked No. 11. 098 嘉義市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32120905 災後重建推動環境永續部落示範策略規劃專案工作計畫 本計畫選定阿禮與社頂兩處作為示範部落,並針對部落特性進行策略規劃,其主要工作內容包括:(1)蒐集並評析國內外研究原住民型環境永續部落之概念、理論與個案經驗。(2)研析環境永續部落建設輔導指引。(3)邀請至少二名原住民文化專家學者參與,針對國內個案進行比較,並至少選擇兩處災後部落,研提推廣環境永續家園示範部落重建之策略規劃建議。本計畫完成(1)國內外環境永續部落案例彙整,各地區雖然推動永續發展的方法都不盡相同,但最終目標都是希望邁向「環境」、「經濟」與「社會」永續願景。(2)完成兩場專家會議與部落共識會議。(3)完成環境永續部落指標的訂定與輔導指引手冊草案的編寫。(4)依照訂定之指標與輔導指引手冊研提示範部落策略規劃建議。 Reconstruction strategies for promoting environmental sustainability of tribes after the 88 flood This project selected tribes of Adiri and Sheding as two exemplary cases, and proposed strategies according to guidance manual. The main tasks of our project include: 1)Collect and assess the domestic and foreign environmental sustained concepts, theories, and experiences of aboriginal tribes; 2)Study the construction instruction of the environmental sustained tribes.; 3) Invite experts of aboriginal cultural to assist in comparing domestic cases, and select two or more tribes damaged by the 88 flood. Then propose strategies for “Sustainable Homes Plan”. In this project we have done with 1)Collected cases of domestic and international environmental sustained tribes. 2)Held two expert conferences and tribal consensus conferences. 3)Established environmental sustained tribes indicators and guidance manual. 4)Completed proposed strategies according to guidance manual. 098 生態社區推動方案室 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會
32120906 南投縣98年度台灣鋏蠓〈俗稱:小黑蚊〉防治工作計畫 本年度小黑蚊防治計畫將有系統進行南投縣內小黑蚊危害現況調查、危害影響評估、防治現況調查、綜合防治規劃與環境教育宣導等方向,對於南投縣目前小黑蚊肆虐的問題能較深入了解,並提出設計出適合南投縣環境條件的綜合防治策略,以期解決小黑蚊的危害問題。於小黑蚊綜合防治教育宣導規畫方面完成:(1) 製作20分鐘的小黑蚊偶劇宣導短片,另剪輯成2~3個壓縮檔單元,以利各需求學校與民眾於網路下載與播放;(2) 小黑蚊防治工作年誌3000份;(3) 維護及不定期更新無障礙之「小黑蚊環境衛生與防治宣導」專屬網站;(4) 辦理學校及社區之小黑蚊防治教育宣導計5場(含南投縣市教師、民眾、清潔隊、義工人員)總參加人數為512人;(5) 完成5則小黑蚊防治宣導新聞稿;(6) 研發小黑蚊防治技術(如:小黑蚊忌避劑、捕蚊裝置等),均達到一定防治小黑蚊之成效。 098 南投縣政府環境保護局 國立彰化師範大學
32120907 土壤及地下水污染場址健康風險評估評析方法延續性檢討修正計畫 本計畫以擴大健康風險評估制度應用層面與追求制度效益的思維下,配合土污法以風險為基準進行污染場址管理的概念,針對現行健康風險評估配套措施進行強化工作,完成多項指引之研擬,以及針對現行評析方法與風險評估參數值進行檢討與更新,以使整體風險評估執行面的工具更加完善。同時,參考先進國家健康風險評估方法,完成食物鏈相關之風險評估方法。另針對健康風險模擬系統完成服務功能強化,以及配合「土壤與地下水資訊系統整併作業」整合工作,加強國內有關污染場址健康風險評估執行工具的功能性。另為將應用工具進一步實務化,也以強化本土性的執行實務為目標,完成國內二處場址的第三層次健康風險評估實作,呈現以現行評析方法進行健康風險評估的完整面貌,縮小評析方法與執行實務之間的落差。針對以風險為基準之污染場址管理架構,本計畫建構從場址發現、危害評估、整治決策到整治過程之監控機制的污染場址管理雛型。藉由風險溝通指南與民眾參與執行辦法的建置,進一步將風險溝通機制納入整體制度,以使權責人員於污染事件中,在與利害關係人溝通時,能獲得必要之資訊以及執行溝通的參考。在協助健康風險評估制度之實際推動與執行方面,本計畫藉由專家諮詢會議,獲得不同領域與不同特質之利害關係人的意見,對於整體健康風險評估制度的長期發展、風險溝通制度的整合,以及現有制度與執行工具的強化方向等均獲致豐碩的成果,也為整體健康風險評估制度,確立與污染土地再利用結合的發展願景。本計畫除建構以風險為基準的污染場址管理藍圖,亦為污染土地再利用與健康風險評估制度,規劃出二者結合之途徑與整合架構,可作為長期制度與政策發展之參考。在面對環境永續的意識高漲之時,建議應以國土永續利用為目標,積極建立土壤與地下水污染場址的風險分析系統與相關制度,以作為污染土地再生與國土永續發展的重要基礎。 Amendment of the Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol for Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Sites This study has focused on expanding the human health risk assessment (HHRA) application and on enhancing the framework of contaminated site management with regard to the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act (SGPRA). To further strengthened the HHRA related system, several new guidelines were drafted. For the existing assessment protocol, the food-chain related risk assessment method was added to the HHRA Guideline and new functions were added to the risk simulation system. Thus, the tools for conducting HHRA under the SGPRA are improved. In order to provide information to practitioners about the procedure of conducting Tier 3 HHRA, two contaminated sites were selected and the case studies were completed. The results of these case studies should also exhibit the functionality of narrowing the gap between the HHRP protocol and practicing.With respect to establishing a risk-based contaminated site management framework, this study has proposed a framework which would be able to assist authority to manage contaminated sites from discovery to closure based on risk. To make progress in risk analysis system, a risk communication guideline and a public involvement procedure were established. With the guidelines, the stakeholders and responsible parties will have a consistent reference when conducting a risk communication task. Furthermore, this has also integrated the risk communication with existing risk assessment framework and makes progress in establishing the risk analysis system for contaminated sites.To steer the development of the risk assessment application under SGPRA, a roadmap for risk-based site management and risk assessment protocols was plotted out. The roadmap has collectively bring together opinions and suggestions from experts of related fields. The roadmap has explicitly connected the HHRA and contaminated site revitalization. It can not only be the vision for future development of the risk assessment and analysis system for contaminated sites, but also becomes a foundation of sustainable land use and brownfield program. 098 土污基管會 財團法人中興工程顧問社
32120908 97年河川疏濬土石運輸道路委託加強洗掃專案計畫 本「97年度河川疏濬土石運輸道路委託加強洗掃專案計畫」,執行期程自98年3月19日至99年3月18日止,共歷時十二個月,由南投縣政府環境保護局委辦單位理虹工程顧問股份有限公司協助辦理執行:洗街作業、掃街作業、洗掃街工作查核及管理、成效評估及路邊積土清除等工作,量化執行成果如計畫執行成果摘要表所示,並摘要說明如后,詳細工作執行方法及執行成果分述于各章。 一、洗街作業 總計執行道路洗街長度合計43,618.9公里,總計畫進度達成率為109.0%,推估TSP削減量為646.5公噸,洗街用水總量達54,614.4公噸,平均用水量為1.25公噸/公里,作業機具及作業方式皆符合合約規範。 二、掃街作業 道路掃街長度合計41,075.2公里,總計畫進度達成率為102.7%,作業總集塵量為570.9公噸,每公里平均單位集塵量為14.02公斤,若依據環保署排放係數推估,TSP削減量為566.8公噸。 三、洗街作業現場查核 台16線由98年4月份 B級69.7%、C級27.3%、D級3%,至99年2月份提升為A級20%、B級73.3%、C級6.7%;產業運輸道路由B級11.1%、C級22.6%、D級66.7%,提升為A級5%、B級55%、C級20%、D級20%。 四、道路髒污等級調查 台16縣由98年4月份,A級道路佔查核總公里數的25.6%、B級道路38.5%、C級道路35.9%,經由本計畫之執行後,至99年2月份提升至A級92.3%、B級3.6%,C級4.1%;執行12個月期間有7個月份無C級髒污等級之道路。 產業運輸道路由98年4月份時,無A級道路、B級54.8%、C級45.2%,經由本計畫之執行後98年9月至11月A級比例皆維持在70%左右,C級比例則降至平均1.7%,98年12月後受八八風災擴大疏濬工程影響,A級比例平均降至15%、B級道路平均佔62.4%、C級道路平均則升高22.6%。 五、路邊積土清除作業 本計畫每季實施乙次積土剷除作業,截至計畫期程結束總計實施七次積土剷除作業藉此迅速提升道路潔淨度,執勤人數達45人、小型鏟裝車出勤6車次、小型貨卡車7車次,總清除重量為43.21噸。 六、空氣管理模式模擬分析 本計畫利用系統動態軟體STELLA模擬南投縣之PM10濃度並探討空氣品質相關影響因子及管制策略,其中以金融海嘯導致固定污染源減少影響最大,貢獻量增加10%,PSI減少1.5。在管制策略上推測揚塵洗掃對降低PSI影響效果是最大的,貢獻量增加10%,PSI減少2.18。 七、積極管制作業 本計畫亦執行多項積極管制作業,包括:1.建立髒污道路污染源聯合通報查處機制;2.協助局內進行宣導作業;3.洗掃車輛機具設備維護更新;4.協助髒亂點通報及建檔作業;5.支援莫拉克災後環境清理作業;6.撰擬新聞稿提高媒體能見度;7.辦理車體彩繪設計比賽與美化作業等。 The 97 years river dredges the road of the ground conveyance to entrust to strengthen to wash to sweep a project project 098 南投縣政府環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司
32120909 98年度臺南市移動污染源稽查管制計畫 計畫執行成果摘要1.臺南市未定檢機車稽查作業,計畫期程中,巡查未定檢機車輛數為23,611輛,其回檢率為86.1 %;車辨稽查未定檢機車輛數為27,370輛,其回檢率為90.1 %,未定檢車輛稽查共計50,981輛,回檢率為88%,而在定檢通知明信片寄發數量則達391,332件,符合計畫目標391,000件之數量。依據環保署公布98年度定檢率,達到109.96%,全國排名第三名,遠大於合約中承諾定檢率88﹪;納管率也高達99.3%,全國排名第六名,也超出計畫承諾的90%許多。路邊攔檢數為1541輛,包含二行程機車檢驗629輛次,四行程機車檢測912輛次。其中二行程不合格90輛,不合格率14.31 %;四行程機車不合格29輛,不合格率3.18 %,平均不合格率7.72 %,經分析發現不合格比例最高之族群,為從來未實施定期檢驗之車輛。。2.本計畫共完成定檢站定期查核352站次、不定期查核97站次、實車查核88站次、氣體查核88站次、定檢站教育說明會3場次及表揚大會1場次,其中實車查核在98年度查獲重大違規3站次,其餘查核項目皆無重大缺失,以上工作量皆與合約要求相符合。3.98年度老舊車輛汰舊及低污染車輛補助計畫推動,二行程汰舊部分共計申請5,000件;電動輔助自行車補助共計申請500件;LPG雙燃料改裝補助共計申請49件,此項補助已於98年7月31日移交環保署辦理,若以電動輔助自行車替代四行程機車加上二行程汰舊削減及定檢不合格機車複驗合格之削減,則提供污染物削減量:TSP 0.07 公噸/年、NOX 2.85公噸/年、NMHC 378.65公噸/年、CO 1,636.73公噸/年及THC 55.24公噸/年。99年度在低污染車輛推廣方面,除既有之電動輔助自行車補助外,尚增加電動自行車及電動機車補助,而在二行程汰舊方面,則針對20年以上老舊車輛加碼2,000元補助。4.根據環保署公布之資料,臺南市在四月份成績相當優良,通知檢驗率為分組第2名,案件處分率為分組第1名,案件處理日數為分組第2名,自評成績為全國第1名。5.本計畫於期程中,共辦理大型宣導活動3場次,小型宣導活動5場次,內容包括低污染車輛推廣及試乘活動、機車預約定檢、機車定期檢好康獎不完、99年補助案宣導等多種政策宣導。且完成四則動畫,賀卡、塗鴉及小遊戲各一則之製作提交,上述之動畫皆可以在臺南市環保局網頁中的動畫錦集內觀看。 98Year The audit and control project for the mobile pollution sources The annual project ”Tainan City mobile sources of pollution control business“ Since the plan period-May 5, 98 to May 4, 99. The main planning execution work is focused on the roadside inspection of the motorcycle, regular and irregular audit of the inspection-station, education and training ,propagating activity and monthly mailing. The main purpose is to inform the Tainan City no regular inspection of the motorcycle to the seizure of the motorcycle exhaust regular inspection.1.The inspection work of no regularly test motorcycle , the roadside inspection has completed 50,981 vehicles untested motorcycles, the seizure rate is 100.98%.(Statistics to December 98)2.According to the contract provisions , we have completed regular audit for each inspection-station every three months and irregular audit for 8 inspection-stations every month. All of the checking tasks are 352-station regular assess and 97-station nonscheduled assess. 3.As to the propagating activity, we have held 8 of propaganda activities.All the advertising activities are to remind and propagate the concept of annual inspection , promoting anti-idling and replacement of old motorcycles.4.We held 3 set points seizure of the education and training , invited scholars, experts, EPA officers, inspection-station workers, representatives of manufacture’s service station and motorcycle trade-association to discuss the execution of the inspection business, and strengthen the QA/QC of the test of the inspection station.5.We help to mail the 391,332 inspection notification during the period of the project.6.According to Tainan City January 98 to December , the re-test and qualified data, we get 65,837 vehicles motorcycles passed. Therefore, we can estimate pollution reductions for CO with 1543 tonnes / year and NMHC with 329.4 tonnes / year 098 台南市環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32120910 98年度環境檢測機構管理作業服務計畫 1、完成檢測機構許可申請案件文件審查原訂目標100件次,執行成效126件次,達成率126%。2、完成檢測機構許可申請案件系統評鑑原訂目標40件次,執行成效41件次,達成率102.5%。3、完成檢測機構許可申請案件盲樣測試(含實地比測)原訂目標70件次,執行成效74件次,達成率105.7%。4、完成檢測機構許可申請案件術科考試原訂目標50件次,執行成效269件次,達成率538%。5、完成召開檢測機構評鑑技術委員會原訂目標6次,執行成效10次,達成率166.7%。6、完成發送水質水量檢測類等相關類別盲樣測試樣品及其複測原訂目標2梯次,執行成效1梯次,達成率50%。辦理許可檢驗室許可項目及環保機關盲樣發送及盲樣測試結果數據分析工作原訂目標3,500項次,執行成效5,478項次,達成率156.5%。7、舉辦現場評鑑專家與評鑑技術委員之評鑑技術研討會原訂目標1場次,預計8月舉辦,因風災取消本年度會議。8、於10月14日舉辦環境檢驗測定機構業者座談會原訂目標1場次。9、更新主管機關檢測機構管理系統之檢測機構基本資料、許可、處分資料執行成效204件次。10、更新主管機關檢測機構管理系統之人員異動資料執行成效440筆。11、於本年度11月內部稽核。 FY 2009 ENVIRONMENT TEST LABORATORIES OPERATION SERVICE PROJECT 1、A total of 126 effective applications submitted by the environment test laboratories in Taiwan before 5/11/2009, 110% of the original target. All cases completed on the documentary compliance by the secretariat team respectively on these general applications which includes permit, extension, restoration for business, additional laboratory, additional test items and additional test category filed by environment test laboratories. 2、41 cases of system assessment (102.5% of the target). have been conducted and completed respectively on these general applications. 3、74 cases of proficiency test (105.7% of the target) have been conducted and completed respectively on these general applications.4、269 cases of a technical assessment (538% of the target) have been conducted and completed respectively on these general applications.5、10 technical committee meetings for the environmental test laboratories assessment have been conducted.6、5,478 items of scheduled proficiency tests (156.5% of the target) have been conducted for the certified environmental test laboratories on their permit items. The results have been statistically evaluated.7、One workshop for these environmental test laboratories was conducted on October 14th 2009.8、One workshop on assessment technology participated by site assessment experts and technical committee members , because the wind-caused disaster cancels this year conference.9、Updated 204 lots of data on Environmental Test Laboratories Information System, test laboratories on permit and disposition.10、Updated 440 lots of date on changed personnel from test laboratories as approved by National Institute of Environmental Analysis.11、The improvement actions and a follow up internal audit by the secretariat were performed on November 2009. 098 環檢所 鑫聯網國際股份有限公司
32120911 98年度彰化縣線西及伸港地區環境戴奧辛定期監測計畫 本年度持續對彰化縣線西及伸港地區及附近污染源之煙道排放污染物質、環境空氣、落塵、土壤、底泥及植物加以監測並評估影響範圍,以提供潛在風險資訊與決策預防。由3季調查結果顯示,煙道中戴奧辛總毒性當量(1)台灣鋼聯股份有限公司介於0.122~0.288 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,(2)慶欣欣鋼鐵股份有限公司-彰化鋼鐵廠介於0.122~0.243 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,(3)榮民工程股份有限公司-中區事業廢棄物綜合處理中心介於0.010~0.055 ng I-TEQ/Nm3;台灣鋼聯公司集塵灰、爐渣及氧化鋅總毒性當量分別介於0.179~0.511、0.0004~0.009、2.50~8.88 ng I-TEQ/g;環境空氣總毒性當量(1)台灣鋼聯股份有限公司分別介於0.028~ 0.549 pg I-TEQ/m3,(2)鄰近養鴨場等地點介於0.013~0.077 pg I-TEQ/m3;戴奧辛沈降量總毒性當量(1)台灣鋼聯股份有限公司分別介於0.028~0.549 pg I-TEQ/m3,(2)鄰近養鴨場等地點介於0.02~0.077 pg I-TEQ/m3;土壤總毒性當量介於0.560~5.16 ng I-TEQ/kg d.w;植物總毒性當量第1季及第3季各鴨場介於0.563~3.30 ng I-TEQ/kg d.w,底泥總毒性當量介於1~5 ng I-TEQ/kg。由本計畫所測得資料配合該地特定污染源煙道排放,利用主成分分析統計方法進行可能污染源與受體間戴奧辛特徵剖面之比對,分析圖譜因子1及因子2佔總變化量百分比總和均達90%以上,歸納結果顯示,榮工公司事業廢棄物綜合處理中心3次分析的戴奧辛和呋喃同源物型態的關聯性較佳,且排放管道廢氣與環境空氣、落塵土壤、底泥及植物樣品的戴奧辛和呋喃同源物型態的關聯性在同一群集中;台灣鋼聯股份有限公司環境空氣第3次分析資料與台灣鋼聯之集塵灰原料有密切關聯性。本計畫在模式應用上,以ISCST3模式模擬台灣鋼聯股份有限公司、榮工公司事業廢棄物綜合處理中心及慶欣欣鋼鐵股份有限公司-彰化鋼鐵廠鄰近地區之大氣PCDD/Fs平均濃度,該地區最大時平均著地濃度出現於慶欣欣附近,達139.57fg I-TEQ/m3。另假設鋼聯廠內之PCDD/Fs沈降量均來自面源逸散,利用實際檢測值與模擬值之差異,重設廠區排放量,當模擬值與鋼聯廠內檢測沈降量相同時推算出台灣鋼聯面源PCDD/Fs逸散速率為379 pg I-TEQ/m2/sec。對該區域進行風險評估,經由模式估算出單一污染源即戴奧辛之致癌風險值為9.90×10-07小於致癌性之風險值10-6,顯示應無危及環境之虞。 Environmental dioxin monitoring project in Xianxi and Shengang township of Chang-hua county The main objective of this report is to provide information of potential risk and preventative policy by investigating and monitoring dioxin pollution of stack air、ambient air、dust fall、soil、sediment and vegetation in the area of Hsien His and Sengang in Changhua County. The third-quarter investigation result shows that the total dioxin toxicity equivalency quotients(TEQ) of the stack air in (1) Taiwan Steel Union Co.、Ltd. are between 0.122 and 0.288 ng I-TEQ/Nm3、(2) E-TOP Metal Co.、Ltd. - the Changhua Ironworks、between 0.122 and 0.243 ng I-TEQ/Nm3、(3) RSEA Engineering Co.、Ltd. – the Mid-Taiwan Waste Disposal Center、between 0.010 and 0.055 ng I-TEQ/Nm3. Next、the mean of dioxin TEQ of dust fall、cinder and zinc oxide of Taiwan Steel Union Co.、Ltd. is 0.179 ~ 0.511 ng I-TEQ/g、0.0004~0.009 ng I-TEQ/g、and 2.50~8.88 ng I-TEQ/g respectively. The means of dioxin TEQ of ambient air are as the followings: (1) Taiwan Steel Union Co.、Ltd.: 0.028~0.549 pg I-TEQ/m3、(2)other adjacent locations、e.g. the duck farms: 0.013~0.077 pg I-TEQ/m3. As for total toxicity of dioxin、the means are: (1) Taiwan Steel Union Co.、Ltd.: 0.028~0.549 pg I-TEQ/m3、(2) other adjacent locations、e.g. the duck farms: 0.02~0.077 pg I-TEQ/m3. Regarding dioxin TEQ of soil、the mean is between 0.560 and 5.16ng I-TEQ/kg d.w. Furthermore、the first-quarter and third-quarter means of dioxin TEQ of vegetation in all duck farms are 0.563~3.30 ng I-TEQ/kg d.w、and the mean of dioxin TEQ of sediments is 1~5 ng I-TEQ/kg. Using the collected data in this project to match the local polluted stack air and adapting principal component analysis(PCA) to examine the contrast between the possible pollutants and dioxin cross-section features、our monitoring result demonstrates that factor 1 and factor 2 in the spectrum occupy over 90 percent in the total variation. The results imply that the correlation between the three dioxin tests and furan congener of RSEA Engineering Corporation – the Mid-Taiwan Waste Disposal Center is higher. Moreover、the correlations among exhaust、dioxin from ambient air、sediments、dust fall、soil and vegetation sample、and furan congener fall in the same cluster. In addition、the data from ambient air analysis of the third quarter in Taiwan Steel Union Co.、Ltd. is highly-correlated to raw materials of dust fall. This project adapts the ISCST3 model to simulate the average atmosphere concentration in the neighboring areas of Taiwan Steel Union Co.、Ltd.、,RSEA Engineering Co.、Ltd. – the Mid-Taiwan Waste Disposal Center、and E-TOP Metal Co.、Ltd. - Changhua Ironworks、the maximum hour concentration of which simulated near E-TOP Metal Co.、Ltd. reaches 139.57fg I-TEQ/m3. Another assumption is that all PCDD/Fs deposition in the Taiwan Steel Union Co.、Ltd. is from surface emission、and the difference between the measured and the simulated values is used to reset the drain amount. When the simulation and the amount of measured deposition are consistent、it can be calculated that the rate of PCDD/Fs surface divergence from Taiwan Steel Union Co.、Ltd. is 379 pg I-TEQ/m2/sec. To assess the risk in this area with this model、the rate we estimate with having cancer caused by single pollutant、i.e. dioxin、is 9.90×10-7,which is less than 10-6 of the risk of having cancer. The result suggests that it does not seem to harm the environment. 098 彰化縣環境保護局 澳新科技股份有限公司
32120912 98年度屏東縣柴油車排煙檢測計畫 一、動力計檢測作業自98年3月5日計畫開始執行起至98年12月31日止,共計執行柴油車動力計檢測1184輛次,場站檢測49輛次,而路邊攔檢共執行362輛次,合計執行1595輛次。各項工作執行目標皆符合預期進度。二、路邊攔檢共完成稽查54場次,完成檢驗362輛次,不合格車輛88輛,不合格率由95年~98年逐年提昇,98年不合格率更高達24.3%,為歷年最高,有效查獲高污染車輛。三、本縣轄內所目視判煙稽查到之車輛,多為設籍屏東縣之車輛,比例約佔46.9%,其次為鄰近地區高雄縣21.8%及高雄市13.4%,此三縣市合計約佔了82.1%。四、到檢車輛來源當中以代驗外縣市所佔比例為最大,達47.0%;其次是目測判煙車輛35.1%。五、到檢的車種中以大貨車595輛次為最多,佔了57.0%,其次是小貨車佔了325輛,佔31.1%,曳引車佔了6.5%,而小客貨車最少,僅佔了1.3%。六、小客貨車不論全負載100%、60%、40%以及無負載污染度均為最高,而汙染度最低為曳引車的全負載100%、60%、40%,然而曳引車的無負載污染度反而極高,僅次於小客貨車。七、不同到檢來源柴油車之平均污染度中,以民眾檢舉車輛平均污染度最高。而無負載以目視判煙最低,100%及40%平均污染度最低為代驗外縣市,60%平均污染度最低為自動到檢。八、退驗車輛中以大貨車為主佔了50.0%,其次是小貨車,佔了37.1%。另計算退驗比率,最高為大客車的20.8%,其次為小貨車的18.8%。而總退驗率為16.2%。九、計畫期間油品採樣計有路邊攔車稽查1,564輛次,動力計站內稽查101輛次,抽驗加油站15站次,配合地檢署執行抽油13輛次,業者場站稽查1輛次以及其他1輛次,共計完成柴油車攔查車輛數1,695輛次。其中送樣300輛次,檢驗不合格者有4輛次,送驗不合格率為1.3%。顯見在高罰鍰及高稽查頻率的政策下,已確實收到減少非法油品使用的情形。十、歷年稽查非法油品成效最佳之方式,為配合地檢署抽油,然而今年度稽查到運載非法油品之油罐車數量亦為歷年最低,顯見在環保局強力稽查,漁業署亦依據航程記錄器,針對漁船發油量進行控管之下,現階段柴油車使用漁船用油之情形已大幅改善。十一、推估執行本計畫之柴油車污染改善之削減量,估計TSP每年削減24.44公噸,PM10每年削減24.44公噸。 2009 Diesel Vehicle Emission Inspection Project 1. Diesel vehicle emission inspection:During the executing period to Dcecmber 31, 1184diesel vehicles were inspected in the diesel vehicle emission inspection station, and 362 diesel vehicles were examined by roadside inspection, 49 diesel vehicles were examined by location inspection. Since 1,595 vehicles were inspected totally.The main goal of this project was achieved..2. Illegal diesel fuel examination:The project was asked to coordinate with “Diesel Fuel Qualities Examining Plan. During the executing period to Dcecmber 31, there were fuel sampling 300 sent to analysis, and examines unqualified 4, unqualified rate 1.3%.3. The dealing of high-pollution vehicle report:359 high pollutant diesel vehicles report were received, and 359 were accepted. All accepted cases were informed to inspect their diesel vehicle. The average case processing time was 35 days.4.A smoke-meter comparison testCompleted rightly compared to smoke-meter comparison for maintenance depot , in the future were collection examination material, Counsels the maintenance depot to pollute the improvement truly.5.Independent management joint pledgeThere were 43 entrepreneurs, 712 vehicles coordinations independent management joint pledge,in the futurewere ask motorcade of the consultation county government jurisdiction, the coordination manages the joint pledge sign independently. 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32120913 金門縣98年度固定污染源許可管制及餐飲業異味稽查輔導計畫 098 金門縣環境保護局 澤豐環境工程技師事務所
32120914 屏東縣98年度資源回收形象改造工作計畫 本工作團隊執行本縣98年度「資源回收形象改造工作計畫」。本計畫執行期程自98年4月16日至98年12月31日止,截至目前(98年11月30日)計畫工作內容執行情況摘要如下:一、協助推動資源回收形象改造暨物業管理工作98年度資源回收業者已輔導42家次,而個體業者已輔導76家次,相較於去年整年度(97年度),輔導總數增加48家(68.6%)。資源回收形象改造方面,改造項目包括回收招牌設置,讓附近的民眾了解有個可以放置資源物的地點。部份回收場資源物無遮雨設施或是無隔間區分各種回收物,且回收物任意擺放造成現場有些凌亂的感覺,經由形象改造後可使整體制度較完完善,亦可美化環境。另於98年11月29日舉辦成果發表會,活動地點為屏東縣枋寮鄉東海環境保護協會的聚會所,透過資源回收形象改造之活動,使民眾對於資源回收場舊有觀念,認定該環境髒亂不堪及物品堆置雜亂等負面評價,因形象改造活動有耳目一新的看法及想法。二、協助推動機關、學校、團體辦理資源回收工作社區、學校及機關資源回收查核工作,計畫執行期間共完成53家垃圾強制分類稽查作業,其中以是否有配合資源回收宣傳資料違規率較高,佔63.8%,其次為未定期回報資源回收量58.6%。完成屏東市大同高中、枋寮鄉枋寮高中及枋寮鄉東海社區垃圾減量資源回收模範單位運動,活動成果包括:1.舉辦各式輔導會議及宣導活動、2.於活動期間針對附近髒亂點及廢棄空地進行打掃及美綠化,提供社區居民及學生更良好的環境、3.針對學校內進行資源回收競賽以及回收創作再利用活動,不但可激發學生的榮譽心,並可連帶喚起家長對此資源回收活動之重視、4.資源回收室整理及設備更新,乾淨、整齊的資源回收室,可增加學生的回收意願。三、提升資源回收率工作針對98年回收率低於29%之鄉鎮市公所進行訪查,將相關訪查資料整理後,各鄉鎮市公所可區分為3類,第一類為人口密集區,該區隊長認為因人口數較多,資源回收物相對產生也較為豐富,但是欠缺宣導及強制性稽查,少數民眾無法達到資源回收分類的需求,未來有必要加派人力針對分類宣導及落實稽查兩部分進行加強,使民眾能確實了解並且改變原本的心態,養成資源回收分類的好習慣。第二類分為偏遠山區,此地區因人口數較少且人口外移嚴重,導致在鄉鎮裡多數為老年人與婦孺,使得資源回收工作遇到瓶頸,也正因為如此,此類型鄉鎮的垃圾量及回收量較沒有那麼高,而且經由各鄉鎮隊長敘述,要落實每個地方的資源回收工作都有相當多的困難,像是宣導不佳、民眾對於分類不實等等。第三類為觀光業發達之地區,除了當地居民產生之垃圾,大量垃圾來源主要來自於假日所湧進的觀光人潮,因遊客過多,垃圾分類無法落實,園區管理人員亦無法隨時進行管理,因此建議在每次清潔隊於垃圾清運時,可將垃圾袋解包再行檢查,以避免資源物錯置於一搬垃圾當中。四、加強推動資源回收再生品(料)之再利用與宣導工作98年度本團隊針對轄區內機關、團體、社區、學校進行採購使用再生製品宣導,部分學校有使用電子採購系統,因此相關調查資料較為完整,採購之產品以再生紙及碳粉匣佔大多數,另外在竹田鄉大明國小有採購使用植草磚。五、協助推動公廁設置廢乾電池回收設施針對各公廁已設置廢乾電池回收筒之名單進行複查,其中屏東市中山公園側門、潮州中山公園、潮州體育公園及潮州火車站等四處皆已遺失2次,本團隊已拜訪此四處列管公廁管理單位,包括屏東縣政府建設處觀光推展課、潮州鎮公所公園路燈管理所、台灣鐵路局潮州火車站,並請該單位協助管理。六、辦理各項宣導說明會、觀摩活動及執行教育、宣導工作已於98年7月期間,針對33個鄉公所清潔隊員進行15次場在職教育訓練工作,藉由教育訓練,讓隊員們瞭解工作安全及資源分類標準,以進而達到增加資源回收率的目的。另外為使資源回收工作能更深入民間,目前已辦理6場次垃圾分類、資源回收宣導說明會、5場次工安環保訓練會議及2場次屏東縣環保業務教師教育訓練。統計6~12月已完成539則電子媒體宣導之刊登。 Pingtung County, 98 the image of the transformation of the annual recycling program The project implementation period range from 98 4 from 16 to 98 years ended December 31, up to now (98 years, November 30) the content of the implementation of the work plan are summarized as follows: First, to help promote the image of transformation of resource recycling-cum-property management work 98 Year Resource Recycling industry has been counseling 42 times, while individual firms have counseling 76 times, compared to last year's full year (97 year), counseling the total number of 48 (68.6%). The image transformation of resource recovery, redevelopment projects, including recycling signs, letting people know there is a nearby resource materials can be placed locations. Part of the recovery of field resources, facilities, materials, or non-compartment non-Zhe Yu distinguish between various recycled materials, and recyclables placed in any of the site caused some messy feeling transformed by the image of the whole system will enable a more finished sound can beautify the environment. The other was 98 years November 29 release of the achievements will be held, activities take place at Fangliao Township, Pingtung County, the Environmental Protection Association, a gathering of the East China Sea through resource recycling and transforming the image of the activities to the public for recycling dumps the old concepts, identify the environmental dirty mess and clutter and other items stacked in a negative evaluation, due to the image reconstruction activities fresh views and ideas. Second, to help promote offices, schools, group processing and recycling work The community, schools and organizations recycling audit work and planning to complete a total of 53 during the execution of a mandatory garbage classification audit operations, of which whether there is promotional material non-compliance with the recycling rates are relatively high, accounting for 63.8%, followed by the return quantity of recyclables collected is not on a regular basis 58.6%. Pingtung Datong complete high school, high school and Fangliao Fangliao Fangliao Township East China Township, the community waste reduction recycling model unit activities will include the following: 1. Organize all kinds of counseling meetings and advocacy activities, 2. In the vicinity of dirty spots during the event for the and disposal of green open space for clean and the United States to provide community residents and students a better environment, 3. against the school for recycling contest creative reuse and recycling activities not only stimulate student's sense of honor, and may arouse the parents have joint and several emphasis on recycling activities, 4. resource recovery room finishing and equipment updates, clean, neat resource recovery room, recovery will increase the students. Third, to enhance resource recovery work Recovery rate for 98 years, less than 29% of the township to conduct visits to City Hall, will sort out the relevant information on visits to various towns and townships City Hall can be divided into three categories, the first category for the densely populated areas, captain of the opinion of the district population over more than the relative contribution of recyclable materials is relatively abundant, but the lack of advocacy and mandatory inspection of a small number of people unable to meet the needs of resource recovery and separation, the future need to deploy more manpower for the classification and implementation of advocacy to strengthen auditing two parts, so that people can actually understand and change the original state of mind, cultivate a good habit of recycling categories. The second category is divided into remote mountainous areas, this area due to small population size and migration of the population severely, resulting in a township where the majority of the elderly and women and children, making recycling work encounter a problem, but also precisely because of this, this type of garbage town higher than the volume and recovery is not so high, and the captain of narrative through their respective towns, to implement recycling in every place there are many difficulties, such as advocacy poor, people are not real, and so the classification. The third category of the region's tourism industry developed, in addition to local residents in the garbage, a lot of rubbish are derived mainly from the influx of tourists in the holiday crowds, because too many visitors, waste separation, unable to implement the park management staff can not be managed at any time, so propose that whenever the cleaning team at the garbage removal, can be garbage bags unpacked for inspection, in order to avoid the wrong resource materials were placed in a rubbish removal. Fourth, to strengthen and promote resource recycling goods (materials) of the re-use and advocacy work 98 years of this team for the area agencies, organizations, communities, schools, the use of recycled products procurement guidance to companies, some schools were using e-procurement systems, more comprehensive survey data related to the procurement of recycled paper and toner products to the majority of , another in the Ming dynasty Jhutian Township Elementary School had the use of planting grass brick purchase. 5, to help promote public toilets set up recycling facilities Waste Dry Batteries For the toilets, waste battery recycling boxes have been set up a list for review, in which the side door, Pingtung City, Zhongshan Park, Zhongshan Park, Chaozhou, Chaozhou Chaozhou railway stations, sports parks and all the others are missing two four times, the team has visited the four tube toilet management unit, including the Tourism Department to promote the building of the Pingtung County Government Division, Chaozhou Town Hall Park, street management, the Taiwan Railway Administration Chaozhou Railway Station, and requested the unit for assistance. 6, handle the various advocacy seminars to observe the activities and implementation of education, advocacy work 7-month period was 98 for 33 town hall cleaners for 15 games-the-job education and training work, through education and training, so that team members understand the work safety and resource classification criteria in order to further increase resources to achieve recovery goals. Also, to make recycling more deeply into the private sector, is now handling six screenings garbage classification and recycling advocacy seminars to five screenings industrial safety and environmental protection training, meetings and two screenings, Pingtung County Environmental business teacher education and training. Statistics 6 to 12 months has completed 539 of the published in the electronic media advocacy. 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司
32120915 98年度桃園縣環境品質監測計畫 本計畫主要針對桃園縣噪音、河川水質及地下水水質監測,掌握各項測值變化趨勢,並進行趨勢分析及檢討結論,以提供環保單位後續管制之參考。  98年度噪音監測合格率68.75%,其中以新屋國小、林務局復興站、武陵高中及水美國小四個監測點不合格率最高,主要之噪音來源為學生及民眾活動、往來車輛所產生之噪音等。地下水水質計有32個場置性監測井及3個戰備水井,豐、枯水期各採樣一次,超過第二類監測基準之項目主要(站次/總站次),計有鐵(18/64)、錳(19/64)、氨氮(16/64)等項,此外,中壢工業區之內定國小三氯乙烯含量測值超過第二類地下水污染管制標準,其超標濃度與歷年測值相近,約在 0.104 mg/L左右。  河川水質計有8條河川主支流17個監測站,由98年度監測結果顯示,15個監測站RPI為中度。其中僅南崁溪之田寮橋及黃墘溪之中福橋屬嚴重污染,另有多數測站經常出現銅超標情形,主要發生在南崁溪之田寮橋,新街溪之五青橋、內圳橋,埔心橋之沙圳橋,黃墘溪中壢休息站(黃墘溪橋)及中福橋等河段。 Abstract This project focuses on monitoring the noise levels, river water and ground water qualities of Tao Yuan County to understand the varying trend of the monitored analytes. The trends of the variations were analyzed and reviewed to provide the environmental protection office a reference for future regulations. There are 18 noise monitoring stations which were monitored twice every quarter. Results of calendar year 2009 indicate that four stations, Hsin Wu Elementary School, Forestry Bureau Fu Hsin office, Wu Lin High School and Suay Mei Elementary School, exceeded the regulation levels most frequently. The noises were caused by the activities of students, the general public and traffic. Using the environmental quality measurement as an index, Tao Yuan County was listed as an area warranting close observation. Thirty-two monitoring wells located in 11 industrial parks and three military reserved wells were monitored for ground water quality. The analytes that exceeded the type II ground water monitoring standards primarily are ammonia nitrogen, iron and manganese. In addition, the concentration of trichloroethene found in Nei Ding Elementary School monitoring well of Chung Li industrial park exceeds the type II ground water pollution standards. The results are consistent with the historical data. Seventeen monitoring stations for eight rivers were sampled once every quarter to monitor the river water qualities. Results of calendar year 2009 indicate that water samples collected on Tien Liao bridge, and Chung Fu bridge were seriously polluted. Monitor period between January to December of 2009 since there was no significant rainfall. Some precipitation in May caused the measured biological oxygen demands and ammonia nitrogen on the low side. In general, the river water qualities are mostly rated as moderately polluted this year, which remain unchanged compared with previous years. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 中環科技事業股份有限公司
32120916 98年臺中縣街道揚塵洗掃計畫 臺中縣環境保護局委辦計畫成果摘要報告□第一期成果摘要□期中成果摘要■期末成果摘要 成果摘要完成日期:99年2月28日一、中文計畫名稱:98年臺中縣街道揚塵洗掃計畫二、計畫契約書文號:環空字第0980053739號三、執行單位:鐛瀧企業社執行單位住址:台中市西屯區西屯路2段惠北巷50號執行單位電話:04-23114992四、計畫主持人(包含共同主持人):陳飛鵬(吳台基)五、契約簽約日期:中華民國98年3月12日六、執行結束時間:中華民國99年2月28日七、中文摘要關鍵詞:洗掃街、懸浮微粒、網路申報八、中文成果摘要(計畫執行內容、創新性、工作成果、工作量…描述)本計畫自簽約日起至99年2月28日止完成之階段性工作成果說明如下:1. 執行機具掃街8401.814公里,達成年度目標之105.02%,集塵量為288,614公斤,TSP、PM10年削減量分為115.42公噸/年、21.74公噸/年,達成率分為104.55%、104.52%。2. 執行機具洗街40730.556公里,達成年度目標之104.44%,平均用水量為1~1.33公噸/公里,TSP及PM10削減量分為562.63公噸/年、105.65公噸/年,達成率分為104.54%、104.19%。3. 人工掃街計完成12個月作業量,共計執行1462.25公里掃街作業;完成洗掃計畫人員及洗掃街車之車輛保險;完成12個月洗掃計畫人員教育訓練課程,其中包含3場外聘講師,針對車輛性能及注意事項、交通安全及勞資糾紛實施授課。4. 「鄉鎮市道路清掃競賽及企業認養」,辦理2場次鄉鎮公所協調會,鄉鎮市道路清掃競賽結果前3名為沙鹿鎮(92.02分)、豐原市(91.64分)、大里市(91.11分)。5. 辦理1場次業外觀摩。6. 完成12個月髒污道路調查,洗掃道路及鄉鎮市道路無C級道路,污染源共計提報營建及固稽24件、路不平20件及髒亂點32件、合計76件,公所洗街作業查核12個月、現場查核129次。7. 每月定期查核具有洗掃機具之鄉鎮公所執行成果,並彙整比較各鄉鎮公所網路申報資料與現場查核資料之一致性。8. 提供新聞稿25篇,登報刊登6篇,廣播文案計3則分於9、10、11月委託中廣撥出,鋪設稻草席4050M2。九、計畫本期完成比率: 100% 公司核章:鐛瀧企業社撰稿人:蔡錦華 Achievement Abstract and Report of Project Commissioned by Environment Protection Bureau,Taichung County Achievement Abstract and Report of Project Commissioned by Environment Protection Bureau, Taichung County□ Midterm Achievement Abstract■ Final Achievement Abstract Achievement Abstract Completion Date: Feb. 28, 2010 I. Title of Project: 2009 Taichung County Street Wind-Borne Dust Sweeping and Washing ProjectII. Project Contract File No.: Huan-kong-zi-0980053739III. Execution Unit: Ying Long Enterprise Co., Ltd. Address of Execution Unit: No. 50, Huibei Lane, Section 2, Xitun Road, Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL of Execution Unit: 04-23114992IV. Project Host (Including Co-Host): Chen, Fei-Peng (Wu, Tai-Chi)V. Contract Signing Date: Mar. 12, 2009 VI. End Time of Execution: Feb. 28, 2010 VII. Abstract Keywords: Street sweeping and washing, airborne particles, reporting through internet. VIII. Achievement Abstract (Project execution content, innovative, work achievement, workload, …, description) The project’s completed phased work achievements from the signing date to Feb. 28, 2010 are explained as follows: 1. The street sweeping by machines and tools has been executed for 8401.84 km, the yearly goal was achieved for 105.02%, and the dust collection volume was 228,614 kg. 2. The street washing by machines and tools has been executed for 40730.56 km, the yearly goal was achieved for 104.44%, and the average used water volume was 1~1.33 ton/ km. 3. The streets were swept by people for twelve months, the insurance for the personnel of street sweeping and washing project and the vehicles of street sweeping and washing have been managed, and the educational training courses of twelve months for the personnel of street sweeping and washing project have been completed. 4. For “township/ city road sweeping contest and enterprise adoption,” two township office coordination meetings have been managed, and the top three of township/ city road sweeping contest were Shalu Township, Fengyuan City, and Dali City. 5. A visit to other county/ city was held. 6. The dirty road investigation, pollution source control, public office inspection, and on-site inspection of twelve months have been finished; there were already no c-level roads among the roads that were swept and washed. 7. The execution achievements of the township offices that have the sweeping and washing machines and tools were inspected periodically in every month, and the data of reporting through internet submitted by each township office and the on-site inspection data were combined and compared to check the identity. 8. 24 pieces of draft news were provided, 6 pieces were published in the newspaper, and straw mat was laid for 4050M2. IX. The project’s completion rate at this period: 100% Company Seal: Ying Long Enterprise Co., Ltd.Written by: Tsai, Chin-Hua (Mobile Phone: 0922801713) 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 鐛瀧企業社
32120917 98年度新虎尾溪現地處理規劃細部設計及支流排水調查計畫 雲林縣政府環境保護局為持續積極推動河川污染整治,擬將「98年度新虎尾溪現地處理規劃細部設計及支流排水調查計畫」評選出1處適當場址,以現地處理方式來改善水質,期望能符合永續發展之願景,使得新虎尾溪未來可達到不缺氧、不發臭及堤岸活化的里程碑,並透過本計畫的實施,以提供居民一休閒、遊憩、教育和自然體驗的最佳去處。本計畫地點新虎尾溪位於濁水溪與舊虎尾溪之間,屬於雲林縣管河川。主要污染源為畜牧廢水、工業廢水、沿岸廢棄物及生活污水。依照契約內容執行各項工作,包括:(一)調查及蒐集國內、外河川污染現地處理污染削減管理之文獻及案例。(二)調查現勘評估新虎尾溪流域適合設置自然淨化系統之場址至少2處,並進行可行方案之研選及效益評估。(三)完成新虎尾溪流域自然淨化系統規劃、設計及監造工作。(四)辦理專家學者或相關單位技術諮詢會至少一次。(五)編製工程完工後之操作、維護手冊。(六)完成初步規劃應辦理說明宣導會至少乙場次,向民眾說明本規劃理念,並聽取民眾之願景,以為規劃之參考。(七)完成新虎尾溪流域現地處理選定規劃1處場址調查分析。(八)製作河川污染整治宣導單張1000份。(九)結合鄉土化特色,並配合漫畫式、圖示或實景拍攝,以淺顯易懂方式編訂適合學校師生或社區民眾之宣導手冊及掛圖。設置地點之研選,經各項綜合評估分析後,決定採用之2處優選規劃場址,分別是新虎尾溪中正橋下游300公尺南岸人工濕地(文教用地),面積約2.0公頃,以及支流新庄子大排台19線附近南岸約220公尺處之台糖馬光農場,第一期土地面積約4公頃。新庄子大排場址(台糖馬光農場)新庄子大排水量(枯水期)約有12,441CMD,每年可削減BOD及SS量約為3,211kg/年與8,302kg/年。新虎尾溪中正橋下游人工濕地場址,新虎尾溪基流量(枯水期)約38,016~270,240CMD,【短程】每年可削減BOD及量約為1,082kg/年與60,378kg/年;【中長程】每年可削減BOD與SS量約為6,684kg/年與11,366kg/年。 Planning and Detail Design for In-Situ Control and its Tributary Drainage Survey of Hsin Hu Wei Chi in 2009 For the sake of its continuous active promotion of river pollution control, a suitable optimal site of 「Planning and Detail Design for In-Situ Control and its Tributary Drainage Survey of Hsin Hu Wei Chi (HHWC) in 2009」 (abbreviated as this project) is to be chosen by Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB), Yun Lin County Government (YLCG), for water quality improvement via in-situ control. It’s expected to meet the prospect of everlasting development that the new milestone of no anaerobe & odor and activation for embankment & slope protection in HHWC is available in the future; the residents’ best site of leisure, sightseeing, education and natural experience is also provided by means of the completion of this project. This project scope is located in HHWC, between Cho Shui Chi (CSC) and Old Hu Wei Chi (OHWC) and belonging to the regional river under YLCG control; main pollution sources include pasturage, industry, sanitary sewage and littoral waste.According to the contract contents, items of execution work include: 1. References and cases survey and collection of pollution site control, reduction and management of domestic and foreign rivers. 2. Survey and assessment at least 2 sites suitable for installation of natural purification system in HHWC basin; also study & selection of feasible cases and benefit assessment. 3. Completion of planning, design and supervising construction for natural purification system in HHWC basin. 4. Technical advising meeting of expert scholar or relevant units at least once. 5. Adaptation of manual for operation and maintenance after engineering completion. 6. Completion of necessary guidance meeting at least once in the preliminarily planning, explaining this planning idea to the audience and also listening to their prospects used for planning reference. 7. Completion of survey and analysis for selection and planning of 1 site of the in-situ control in the HHWC basin. 8. Production of 1,000 guidance lists for river pollution control. 9. Suitable guidance manual and wall chart of school student and teacher or community resident via understandable edition and amendment, in connection with native features and also in match with cartoon, illustration or in-situ phototaking.The option of installation site after comprehensive assessment in every relevant factor, 2 decided sites for optimal planning are wetland with 2.0 hectares area or so (culture & education land use) away from 300 meters in the south bank of downstream of Chung Cheng Bridge (CCB) of HHWC and Ma Kuang Farm (MKF) with approximate 4.0 hectares land area in the 1st phase away from 220 meters or so in the south bank of Hsin Chuang Zi Main Drainage (HCZMD) , around the 19th Taiwan Provincial Highway, separately. At the site of HCZMD, MKF, its drainage is about 12,441 CMD (during dry period), approximate 3,211 and 8,302 kg/yr BOD and SS, individually are annually decreasable.At the wetland site in the CCB downstream of HHWC, its base flow discharge is about 38,016~270,240 CMD (during dry period), 1,082 & 60,378 and 6,684 and 11,366 kg/yr or so BOD and SS are yearly reducible in short term and midterm & long term , respectively. 098 雲林縣環境保護局 德眾工程顧問股問有限公司
32120918 南投縣九十八年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫 南投縣九十八年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫,自九十八年四月十三日開始執行,積極執行合約內容各項業務,並符合合約規範,統計至九十九年四月十二日止,各項工作執行成果摘要說明如下:一、職前教育訓練於計畫期初舉辨計畫執行人員職前教育講習,籍由課程之說明,使計畫執行人員熟悉各項工作之內容及職掌,使人員可勝任各項執行作業並互相配合,提昇工作品質及成果。二、使用中機車不定期檢驗稽查作業稽查成果本計畫執行使用中機車未定期檢驗巡查作業及機車車牌稽查辨識系統作業,總計完成未定檢機車篩選稽查通知20,883輛次,回檢數20,303輛次,回檢率97.20%。三、戶外機車排氣定期檢驗服務成果完成設置移動式機車排氣檢驗站一站;提供偏遠區域、公務單位、宣導活動現場或機車流量密集處等適當地點,進行戶外機車排氣定期檢驗服務活動29場次,共計服務檢驗1,017輛次。四、未定檢機車公文通知作業執行成果每月按時由環保署所提供之定期檢驗通知未到檢名單進行篩選篩選後後寄發未定檢機車通知公文,共執行未定檢公文通知寄發21,251輛次,其中已回檢機車9,272輛次,回檢率為43.63%。五、機車排氣檢驗站查核管理成果本縣69家機車排氣檢驗站(98年9月新設站M02政興機車行)完成4季共4次評鑑查核作業;機車排氣檢驗站標準氣體比對查核2次;完成每2場次實車標準檢驗程序查核、辦理完成1場次機車排氣檢驗站教育訓練及2場次機車定檢業務聯繫會議。六、宣導活動為有效提升本縣之定檢到檢率,每半年舉辦一場次舉機車排氣定期檢驗抽獎活動,已辦理完成2場次,共抽出1,065個獎項;並配合縣內大型活動舉辦4場小型宣導活動。七、削減成效推估依環保署提供之交通工具污染物排放削減量係數推估,統計98年1月至12月,污染物排放削減量在NMHC部份為166.340噸/年、在CO部份為653.824噸/年。八、機車定到檢制度執行成果九十八年度,南投縣機車排氣定檢到檢率分別為89.43%(回歸車籍)及77.22%(依定檢站),於二十四縣市排名分別為第七名及第十五名,九十八年考評納管率採回歸車籍及依定檢站之平均值計算為83.33%(平均值) 於全國二十四縣市排名為第十三名。九十九年三月南投縣機車排氣定檢到檢率分別為82.37%(回歸車籍)及72.20%(依定檢站),於二十四縣市排名分別為第一名及第五名,平均定檢到檢率為77.29%(平均值) 於全國二十四縣市排名為第二名。各項主要工作內容及執行成果詳如摘要表,詳本文各章節。 Final Report of “Inspections and Control Project of Moving Pollutions in Year 2009, Nantou County” Project Name Final Report of “Inspections and Control Project of Moving Pollutions in Year 2009, Nantou County Outsourcing Unit Environmental Protection Bureau, Nantou County GovernmentExecution Unit Hua-Meng Engineering Consulting CooperationProject Period 13/04/2009~12/04/2010Project Amount 7.4 Million NTDProject Leader Chung-Ching HsuProject Manager Chih-Hsuan ChangProject Staff Ming-Wen Chung、Yen-Wei Liu、Gu-Sheng Lin、Shu-An Huang、Wen-Chieh Chen、Hsin-Yi BaiInspections and Control Project of Moving Pollutions in Year 2009, Nantou County” started on April 13, 2009. The execution team finished all items of work in the contract and all were in accordance with the contract. The whole achievements of work from April 13 2009 to April 12 2010 are stated below:I. Pre-vocational trainingPre-vocational trainings were held to project staffs. By these training courses, project staffs were familiar with every content and job scope of all work so as to excel in this project and cooperate well with each other. In the meantime, this also helped to enhance work quality and achievements. II. In-Use Motors Testing and Checks Achievements at a Non-Periodical Basis This Project targeted on in-use motors without doing testing and checks and motors card identification. In total, 20,833 motors without doing testing and checks were given notice. 20,303 motors came and finished testing. The rate is 97.2%. III. Achievements of Periodical Testing and Service of Outdoor Motor Finished setting up a moving motor checking stop; Offered suitable locations for far areas, government agencies, promotion activities or to conduct periodical testing and services of outdoor motors for 29 times. The total of service testing is 1,017 times. IV. Achievements of Noticing Motors without Doing Testing in Official Documents Every moth, according to the list of motors failing to do periodical testing offered by Agency, the project staffs sent out official documents to those motors. The total documents sent out are 21,251 papers. Among them, 9,272 motors came and finished testing. The return rate is 43.63%. V. Achievements of Checks and Management of Motor Examination Stop There are a total of 69 motor examination stops in Nantou county (including the new open M02 Cheng-hsing Motor Stop). In a year, four times of assessment and checking work were finished. Standard Air of Motor examination stops checks were executed twice. Finished 2 times of real motors standard checking procedures. Finished one training course for Motor examination stops.VI. Promotional ActivitiesIn order to enhance the rate of doing testing on time in NaoTao county, one lottery activity of motor periodical testing was held every six months, which finished twice. There are 1,065 awards in total and four small-scale promotional activities were held to cooperate with the county. VII. Forecast on Cut-down Pollutions AchievementsAccording to forecast on cut-down pollutions by motors by Agency, in the whole year 2004, the cut-down pollutions in NMHC were 166.34 tons annually, and CO part were 653.824 tons annually.VIII Achievements of Motors Periodical Checking SystemIn Year 2009, the rate of motor’s periodical checking is 89.43% (for returned motors) and 77.22% by the testing stops. The rates rank distinctively the 7th and the 15th among the 24 counties. In the 2009 Assessment, the average of piping rate of returned motors and by testing stops is 83.33%, which places the 13th national-wide. In March 2010, the rate of motor’s periodical checking is 82.37% (for returned motors) and 72.20% by the testing stops. The rates rank distinctively the 1st and the 5th among the 24 counties. The average of piping rate of returned motors and by testing stops is 77.29%, which places the 2nd national-wide.The main work duties and achievements are stated in the following list. Please refer to each chapter. 098 南投縣政府環境保護局 華門工程顧問股份有限公司
32120919 建置環境檢測機構管理資訊系統專案工作計畫 本計畫工作要項及各項工作之辦理情形,執行成果重點為「建置環境檢測機構管理資訊系統」功能,完成與空水廢毒管理資訊系統(EMS)整合規劃,推動「檢驗測定機構網路申報系統」上線辦理教育訓練及行政支援,並加強相關網路資訊安全作業,概述如下:一、「建置環境檢測機構管理資訊系統」功能為落實電子化政府精神服務及有效管理採樣行程作業,本計畫依97年「檢驗測定機構網路申報系統」架構檢討申報及管理功能,由於原有系統為文件資料庫資料,造成資料分析應用及與其他系統整合不易,並配合管理機制、考量整體申報流程之各式填報資料完整性及友善度,大幅提升原有系統申報及管理功能,遂而建置「環境檢驗機構管理資訊系統」,其功能包含:採樣行程申報功能、盲樣檢測數據申報功能、品質管制數據申報功能及營運業績申報功能等。依每月例行進度報告,持續提升加強系統功能,達成加強系統登入驗證與權限管理架構、強化提升環境檢測機構管理資訊系統功能、現行系統後端資料庫整合等功能。二、環境檢測機構管理資訊系統與空水廢毒管理資訊系統之介接及網路申請許可作業功能開發本計畫已完成與環保署空水廢毒管理資訊系統(EMS)之介接,與EMS整合後可減少填報項目,節省申報時間,更能確認資料的一致性及正確性。目前已完成EMS與檢測機構管制編號比對原則及結果、基線資料共用表單介接規劃、及「環境檢驗測定機構」與「機動車輛排放空氣污染物及噪音檢驗測定機構」之功能開發。三、配合宣導辦理教育訓練與行政支援為避免系統正式上線後,檢測機構因作業不順暢而影響檢測機構使用意願,因此於系統正式上線前進行試運行作業,並已於6月15日、8月25日、8月26日及10月22日,共辦理7場次系統說明會,並於說明會中宣導如何辦理自然人憑證,本計畫並於系統11月16日上線期間,派出環境工程師駐點於環檢所一週,負責接聽客服電話。 Environment Inspection Organization Management System Focuses of this plan include build “Environment Inspection Organization Management System” and integrate with EMS, organize sessions for “Environment Inspection Organization Reporting System” operation, given administration support, and increase system securities. Details as following:1. “Environment Inspection Organization Management System”Follow the idea of electronic government and efficient environment inspection management, this plan has review the “Environment Inspection Organization Reporting System” built in 2008. As the system was lacked in analyzing data and incompatible with other systems, this plan changed its interface, operation process and data inputs, which increase its performance. “Environment Inspection Organization Management System” has also been built, functions includes “environment inspection route planner”, “blind test report”, “quality control report”, and “performance analysis report”.Other works include monthly reports, functions improvement, higher system securities, better environment inspection organization management system, and database integration. 2. Integration of environment inspection organization management system with EMS system, and establishment of electronic permit application function.This plan has integrated environment inspection organization management system with EMS system, less data and time required from users when using the system; it also increases the consistency of data from different sources. So far, data has been match from both EMS system and environment inspection organization management system, and partial integration between the two systems. Functions were also developed for “Environmental inspection organization” and “Automobile pollution and noise inspection organization”3. Sessions organized for “Environment Inspection Organization Reporting System” and administration supports.“Environment Inspection Organization Reporting System” was on trial before it online for users to ensure its services. 7 sessions were hold on the 15th of June, 25th and 26th of August, 22th of October for system operation. Technician was based in Environmental Analysis Laboratory for a week to answer users call. 098 環檢所 環資國際有限公司
32120920 彰化縣98年度營建工程及逸散源污染管制計畫 隨著彰化地區近年來工商業蓬勃發展,各類環境污染問題逐漸浮現,其中又以空氣污染問題最為社會大眾所詬病。有鑑於此,環保局多年來致力於推動本縣空氣污染管制工作,並已初步呈現績效;然而營建工地、裸露地、紙錢燃燒、廢棄物露天燃燒等逸散性污染源仍隨處可見,包括空氣污染、水污染、惡臭、土壤污染及廢棄物污染等問題,嚴重影響附近生活品質。其中又以營建工程所涉及土、石、砂等材料所造成逸散性粉塵污染,更是加強管制之重點;為降低縣境內土木施工、裸露地、紙錢燃燒及廢棄物露天燃燒產生之粒狀污染物排放,環保局特別專案辦理「彰化縣九十八年度營建工程及逸散源污染管制計畫」,針對縣內營建工地、裸露地、紙錢燃燒、廢棄物露天燃燒等,加強稽查及管制,進而有效達到污染物減量及空氣品質改善之目標。 Pollution control project for construction engineering&fugitive sources in Changhua County. Due to the established of Changhua County, accompanied with the economic development and growth, it brings serious environmental problems, especially for the air pollution. Besides, it affects the life quality of the neighborhood and causes a lot of protestation.In order to solve these problems, Changhua Environmental Protection Bureau initiated this project “Pollution Control Project for Construction engineering&fugitive sources in Changhua County”.The purpose of this project is to find out the roots of the construction engineering&fugitive sources pollution and investigates on the public protest application.According to the findings from the investigation to restrain the air pollutants of construction engineering&fugitive sources, and to survey and monitor the emission sources of particles.Simultaneously, to improve the air quality and reduce the impact of the construction engineering&fugitive sources. 098 彰化縣環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司
32120921 桃園縣98年度「營建工程污染管制計畫」 摘 要計畫名稱 :98年度營建工程污染管制計畫計畫編號 :980402020執行單位 :康廷工程顧問企業有限公司計畫主持人 :鄭少玲/趙嘉雍計畫執行期程 :民國 98年4月17日至民國 99 年4月16日止計畫經費 :新台幣 18,500,000元桃園縣位處臺灣北部,土地面積1,220平方公里,鄰近臺灣首都地區臺北縣市及科技重鎮新竹縣市,隨著近年來之工商業發展及人口移入,再加上國門之都在地理位置上的特殊優勢,快速成為臺灣地區兼具人文及科技的發展重鎮。98年度年在桃園縣取得準直轄市資格後,配合航空城建設規劃,地方整體建設蓬勃發展,包括捷運路網、市地重劃、工商藝文特定區域及聯外銜接路網開發等,以促進地方繁榮及經濟發展,而如何在建設同時確保環境品質,減少營建工程施工時所產生之逸散性污染,為本專案計畫的主要工作目標。目前桃園縣平均每年營建工程列管件數高達4,000件以上,隨著營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法之實施(以下簡稱管理辦法),本計畫配合環保局政策,以源頭管理精神配合分級巡查、色單控管、工地巡迴輔導及專區管制等行動方案,推動工地主動做好污染防制及道路認養等工作。計畫年度更著重跨局處之互助管制,推動空污費互助交查、滯納稽催、公共工程合約定型化等管理面作法,以提高營建空污費徵收比率及營建工程法規符合度。計畫期間共完成13,579處次之工地巡查作業,已達本計畫預期進度,污染排放量之掌握率每月亦達80%以上,整體納管率及查核符合度約較97年提升10%以上。在推動工地道路認養及洗掃方面,計畫期間以路網方式針對大型工程為推動對象,全縣營建工地執行道路認養共計71處,累計營建工程企業認養總洗掃街里程47,768公里,執行里程為近三年來最高值,且經由計畫逐月道路洗掃成效查核,確認營建工程認養周邊道路已漸有改善。在營建工程空污費申報作業上,已由申報導向轉為強調提昇服務品質,計畫執行著重於專案整體服務績效,以及簡政便民作為。在空污基金徵收作業方面,本縣營建空氣污染防制費共徵收新申報工程5,282件,徵收金額達138,249,090元,稽催工作以電話通知、簡訊通報及發文方式,來提昇營建空污費申報率。同時也主動查核異動及未申報工程之工地,並加強公共工程採購決標主動查詢,使營建空污費徵收工作更上軌道。在整體減量成效方面,計畫期間針對工地密集、排放量大區域劃分成七處專區進行加強管制,並以專區協商管制制訂削減率目標要求提升區域內的污染減量工作,並針對主要道路劃分路網推動串聯認養,改善工地造成之道路髒污。在計畫積極的管制下,全縣營建工程TSP削減量達4,097公噸,削減率為45.4%,較97年度之39%顯著提升。而在環保署年度考評達成情形方面,依據環保署所公布之「98年度桃園縣執行空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評結果說明」,本計畫在逸散污染源管制之細項指標「營建工程管制及法規符合度查核」考評得分達成率為97.9%,最後本計畫經由執行期間之經驗,提出未來展望及建議,以作為本計畫執行之參考。 The pollution preventing of building engineering 2009. AbstractThe topic of project: The pollution preventing of building engineering 2009.The project number: 980402020The project execution unit: Content Engineering Consulting Services, Ltd.The person in charge the project: 鄭少玲/Jau jia yungThe duration of the project: 2009/4/17~2010/4/16The budget of the project: NTD Eighteen million five hundred thousand dollars.Taoyuan become an important city because the greater geographic condition. It’s well-develop in many parts. The purpose of this project is how to maintain the balance between exploitation and environmental protection.There are over than 4000 cases in supervising per year. As the managing regulations of air pollution preventing equipments executed, we finished a lot of works in this project. In the managing part, this project combined with many departments to improve the air quality. In the duration of the project, we finished 13,579 cases for inspection. The control of emission could reach over than 80% every month. It was better than last year for 10%.There were 71 cases for street cleaning to be achieved. The total mileage was 47,768 kilometers. The income of air pollution fees was 138,249,090 dollars. The reduction of TSP was 4,097 metric ton. It was better than 2008 for 6.4%. In the index of “the exam for construction project”, it finished about 97.9% effects. According to the experience, this project purposed the suggestions and further plans as the reference to execute this project. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司
32120922 臺南市98年空氣品質考核及管理計畫 依據「98年度臺南市空氣品質考核及管理計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)合約規定,本計畫各項工作執行成果摘要如下:一、環境負荷及產經活動變化臺南市從民國90年至99年8月止人口成長率為4.01%;工廠密度為13.44家/km2,高於全國平均2.1家/km2、工廠數由92年之2,308增加至98年之2,599家,約有12.6%之正成長,但99年至8月底止設置工廠數有下降趨勢(2,360家);總車輛數為80萬輛,汽車登記數呈逐年穩定成長的趨勢(91~98年成長率達16%),但96年後汽車數之成長已停滯,甚至微幅下滑;機車登記數則是逐年上升之趨勢(91年~98年成長率達25%)。柴油發油量及加油站設站數皆呈增加之趨勢,汽油發油量自90年261,158公秉增加至98年270,766公秉,成長3.5%;柴油發油量自90年35,858公秉增加至98年45,368公秉,成長21%,加油站設站數則由57站增加為73站,成長22%。94年至98年營建工地所排放的逸散粉塵,以95年所排放之逸散粉塵為最多,而排放逸散粉塵平均削減率以97年為最高,平均削減率約為60.8%。營建工地以建築(房屋)工程-鋼筋混凝土結構及其他工程類別為最高,分別為359處(27%)及483處(37%),其中依行政區別分析,分別落於東區及安南區為最多。二、空氣品質現況及問題分析臺南市自90年至98年之PSI>100比例變化以92年為最佳,不良比例僅2.88%,但92年後不良比例逐年增加直至95年為7.43%為近7年之歷史新高,隨後逐年下降,但在98年時略升至4.79%,99年1至11月則為2.33%。依照歷年空氣品質不良之指標污染物來看,安南站主要受懸浮微粒的影響,推測受當地逸散性污染源(如營建工地、裸露地表等)及境外傳輸影響。而台南站之指標污染物以臭氧為主,因都會型態的市區中,移動污染源為導致整體環境負荷增加的最主要原因,直至97年後,指標污染物漸漸由臭氧轉變為懸浮微粒,且不良日數也開始有逐漸下降之趨勢,顯示環保局對於轄內移動污染源之管制具有相當不錯的成效。以本市歷年空氣品質不良主要指標污染物站日數逐月之變化,懸浮微粒不良以秋末至春季(11~3月)較易發生,主要因為此時期主導之天氣系統為東北季風,而東北季風南下時因山脈阻擋及增溫作用使氣團變性,天氣系統趨於穩定,大氣擴散混合能力較差,不利於污染物擴散稀釋。在臭氧方面,以春季(3~5月)及秋季(9~11月)較易發生不良情形,主要因為此二季節天氣型態為東北季風,因其系統微弱,在大陸高壓出海後,氣壓梯度更小,大氣較穩定,且屬下沈氣流,時常晴空無雲,太陽輻射相對較強,有利於臭氧之生成;而夏季雖然氣溫高,但是雨量亦多,且多屬午後雷雨,可減抑光化反應之作用,冬季則因氣溫較低,太陽輻射弱,光化反應較不易作用。三、分析轄區內各類空氣污染物排放清單本計畫依據環保署所提供之95年TEDS7.0排放量資料庫,檢討更新臺南市97年空氣污染排放總量。四、研擬本市空氣污染管制策略及空氣污染防制計畫本計畫針對99年度空氣品質管制工作,研擬規劃相關管制對策,本年度重點工作為五大方向,分別為民眾關心之議題、固定源污染、移動源污染、逸散源污染、空品淨化區及綠美化等。另本計畫依據台南市地方特性、民眾滿意度等,規劃99年度創新做法及精進做法,包含推動府城蔬食餐廳認證制度及因應台南縣市合併,辦理台南市縣淨化區交流會,以利合併後能快速整合大台南淨化區;而環保署近年注重依據各縣市地方特性,故本計畫協助環保局提報3項具地方特色之管制重點,分別為推動環保夜市、降低陳情就是好事情、府城環保寺廟。五、規劃及追蹤檢討空污防制計畫辦理成效(一)制定98年度本市空氣污染防制計畫考核辦法本計畫針對各空污計畫執行進度之查核、品質管考及成效評估,擬訂「98年度臺南市空氣改善維護計畫管理及考核評分辦法」,考核項目包含進度查核、品質查核、成效查核,並據此對各計畫實施管理及考核評分。(二)98年度整體考評結果本計畫針對各項98年度空氣污染防制計畫整體考評結果,以「柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫」得分最高89.5分,其原因為工作進度達成率都有確實掌握,表現優秀、需繳交之報表及資料正確性均無明顯缺失,其次為「空品測站維護分析計畫」主要原因為計畫工作執行內容較單純,工作執行內容多為測站維護工作,不易延宕或出現困難。(三)98年度環保署考評成績檢討分析針對98年度環保署所公佈之考評成績,扣除環保署未公佈之單項成績之總分為80.2分,本市實際獲得之分數為84.9,評等屬於優等,並針對執行率較低之項目進行相關之檢討分析,共分為固定源、移動源、逸散源、空品淨化區四個方向做檢討改進之建議。六、空污管制工作之民眾滿意度調查本計畫98年度之問卷調查題目以本市地方執行特色為主,並參考環保署考評指標之滿意度調查作業方式,題目設計涵蓋各項有關空氣污染管制工作議題,委託畢肯市場研究股份有限公司執行。民調結果顯示,臺南市民對於環保局應該再加強那一類污染管制回答「汽機車」比例最高(46.7%),其次依序為「路面揚塵」(32.1%)、「工廠」(31.5%),而廠商則覺得在汽、機車(57.7%)、露天燃燒(39.3%)、柴油車(37.3%)及工廠(37.3%)。七、空氣品質淨化區空氣品質淨化區維護管理考核,可分為平時及年終考核。平時考核佔成績之20%;年終考核則聘請學者專家及環保局人員組成考核小組,實地考核空氣品質淨化區維護管理成果,佔成績之80%。本計畫共完成了三次平時考核及二次年終考核。另外,為因應台南縣市合併,辦理台南市縣淨化區交流會,以瞭解目前淨化區現況,以利合併後能快速整合大台南市空氣品質淨化區。目前已於99年3月23日辦理一場次空品淨化區交流觀摩會,本次為臺南縣空品區維護單位至本市觀摩新增空品淨化區-環保教育園區及大同路自行車道等淨化區進行觀摩,當日更前往2010年府城賞花季會場進行交流。八、其他相關辦理事項(一)配合辦理「2010年府成地球月」系列活動為配合「2010年府成地球月」系列活動,分別於99年3月24「大臺南環保共識營議題委員會議」及98年4月22日世界地球日當日辦理「大臺南環保共識營」兩場次活動。環保局為因應縣市合併,辦理『99年大臺南環保共識營 地球久久』環保論壇,擬藉由論壇活動傾聽大臺南居民關心的環保議題。以實驗嶄新民主參與模式,強化資訊公開與民眾參與,促進環保共識之凝聚。會議邀集專家學者、環保聯盟、企業代表及學生代表等領域翹楚成為本次論壇之議題委員,針對「減緩氣候變化如何建構低碳城市」與「大臺南環保議題」提出寶貴思考與議題導向,作為大台南環保共識營綜合討論議題,於論壇中公開討論進而成為議題結論,供台南市作為環保施政指引。(二)紙錢減量宣導臺南市境內廟宇眾多,為提供市民居佳良好生活環境,環保局特推動結合空氣與廢棄物管理推動環保寺廟認證計畫,使臺南市轄內寺廟成為市民的好鄰,以減少民眾陳情件數。99年推動「以米代金」、「環保寺廟」等新做法,結合社會公義推動紙錢減量,提供民眾燒紙錢外的另一種選擇,期能潛移默化,讓臺南市民能真正了解紙錢量與集中燒對於整體環境改善之意義,進而內化成習慣。(三)外縣市績優單位觀摩會為使本市執行政策更趨於完善,於98年12月22日及10月7日~8日辦理二場外縣市績優單位觀摩會,分別觀摩台南科學園區產業觀摩會,參觀南科管理局、台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司、奇美電及高雄縣市容整頓計畫,並邀請相關單位與會,藉由觀摩台灣先進產業對於環保做法,不但可以達到學習的效果,更能擴大效益創造雙贏的優勢,同時也能達成經驗交流之目的;及參觀小琉球低碳生態觀光島,低碳生態觀光島是交通部預定以4年時間將小琉球打造為低碳生態觀光島,包含機車汰換為電動機車,環島公車改為節能電動車,並推動生態旅遊,達成101年減碳2000公噸目標。(四)空氣品質不良通報作業程序及因應措施說明會為避免空氣污染物異常排放或氣象條件不利於擴散時將造成空氣品質之劣化情形,本計畫於99年5月19日辦理「空氣品質不良通報作業程序及因應措施說明會」,對象為污染物排放量前20大公私場所、與市府各局處,進行說明空氣品質嚴重惡化時,各單位因應之措施,與提報空氣品質惡化防制計畫之內容。(五)低碳社區說明會為加速朝向「低碳社會」邁進,「打造低碳家園」的願景目標,本計畫於99年7月2日辦理「申請低碳社區公開說明會」,並邀請環保署及台灣能源技術服務產業發展協會(ESCO),針對如何建構低碳社區及低碳社區經驗分享進行說明,讓本市各里及社區充分瞭解並鼓勵共同打造低碳家園,讓府城成為地碳城市。(六)海佃國小不明空氣污染緊急事件99年4月9日上午海佃國小發生空氣污染緊急事件,本計畫協助環保局組成稽查小組兵分多路至附近工廠、住家進行訪查,尋找污染來源,並協助組成醫療訪視小組對送醫師生進行訪查並將最新調查情況,向緊急應變中心及環保署進行通報。(七)六輕工業區對臺南地區空氣品質影響探討環保署於99年10月28日舉辦「六輕計畫總體評鑑研討會議」,資料顯示六輕建廠後對臺南市空氣品質有顯著影響。本計畫協助製作「離島六輕工業區對臺南地區空氣品質影響探討」針對離島工業區對雲嘉南地區空氣品質影響、雲嘉南各縣市受影響情形及雲嘉南空品區應關注重點進行簡報製作,讓環保局瞭解實際影響情形,並協助環保局撰寫正視六輕污染問題之聲明稿。(八)臺南縣(市)合併改制作業行政院於98年6月29日核定通過臺南縣市之改制計畫,為讓縣市合併後臺南縣、市環保局相關業務能做到無縫接軌,本計畫協助於99年6月30日及10月1日辦理大臺南市合併升格空氣污染防制業務工作前置作業協調會議。 98 Tainan city Air Quality Maintenance and Management Plan In accordance with the ITB of “2009 Tainan City Air Quality Maintenance and Management Plan” (hereinafter “Project”), he execution of each work item is summarized below:1. Environmental Burden and TrendsIn the period of 2001 to August of 2010, the population growth rate was 4.01%, the population is around 770,000 in 2010. The number of factories has been increasing since 2003, and there are 2,360 factories in 2010. The number of Vehicles is around 800,000, automobiles have been decreasing before 2006, but the growth has come to a halt since 2007 whereas motorcycles have increased by 25.2% between 2002 and 2009 and shown no sign of slowing down.The trend of the gasoline, diesel, and service station is increasing between 2001 and 2009, the growth rate is 3.5%, 21%, 22% separately. But they decreased in this few years causing by the increase of oil price and Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction.The comparisons of activities in this few years show that the emissions from the air pollution fee sources are decreased. The construction emission in 2006 is higer than the previous 4 years. 2. Air Quality TrendsThe poor air quality (PSI, Pollutants Standard Index>100 ) ratio increased from 2.88% in 2003 to 7.43% in 2006, but the air quality has been improving in the past 5 years, which decreased 7.43% in 2006 to 4.79% in 2009. The poor air quality ratio is 2.33% till 2009/11/30. The main sources causing poor air quality are suspended particulate matter and ozone pollution. In recent years, the index pollutant is PM10 on Annan station and O3 on Tainan Station. 3. Air Pollution Emission The 2006 emission inventory is based on TEDS-7.0, we updated it to 2008 emission inventory.(1)TSP emission: 4,387 tons per year(2)PM10 emission: 1,652 tons per year(3)SOx emission: 172 tons per year(4)NOx emission: 4,538 tons per year(5)NMHC emission: 13,666 tons per year(6)CO emission: 6,212 tons per year4. Air Quality Management Strategy Review and Air Pollution Control Plan Modification(1) The control strategies have been modified.(2) Revise Air Pollution Control Plan(3) The characteristic practices in 2010:• Environmental protection night market• Reducing pollution reporting• Environmental protection temple5. Auditing the Projects Supported by the Air Pollution Fee Base on the implementation characteristic of the projects, we developed the 2009 auditing rules to enhance the performance. “The diesel vehicles inspection project” got the highest score. “The stationary fugitive pollution source and reporting project” got the lowest score. 6. Satisfactory Investigation We took the satisfactory investigation on “air quality improvement evaluation” in beginning of 2009. There are over 46.7% of people thought the major pollution source is vehicle, 32.1% of people thought the major pollution source is construction, 31.5% of people thought the major pollution source is factories.8. Clean Air Zones Maintenance and Management. 098 台南市環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司
32120923 98年度麟洛人工濕地排水水質改善工程後續監測暨處理成效評估計畫 根據環保署對生態工法場址現場探勘發現,部分場址完工保固不久,若未有適當操作維護,現場將淪於雜草叢生,水質惡臭,有如廢墟之窘境。而本工程建置完成後,為確保能符合原計畫目的,發揮人工濕地應有之效益。本計畫之工作範圍為「98年度麟洛人工濕地排水水質改善工程後續監測暨處理成效評估計畫」,針對已完成設置水質自然淨化系統及景觀生態保育工作,配合系統運轉,執行後續功能維持及驗證,藉由實際操作管理,提升水質淨化功能。依據本計畫書契約工作內容,本計畫工作時程為2009年8月16日至2010年7月31日止,各項工作執行進度及初步成果將於以下各節敘述。 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 大仁科技大學
總共 6048 筆,顯示第 3851 到第 3900 筆