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32120924 98年度嘉義市固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核暨揮發性有機物稽查與減量輔導計畫 98年度計畫目標,主要為落實法規制度、推動許可制度、更新固定源排放清單、稽巡查輔導作業。本計畫自98年3月2日~98年12月31日,各項工作成果摘要如下:一、落實法規制度本計畫今年度執行 5 根次煙道排放標準檢測、 15 點次異味官能測定、5 點次粒狀物排放標準檢測、10 點次油品硫含量稽查抽測作業以及 15 站次加油站油氣比及氣漏抽測,其中,油品1件次不符合法規標準、異味檢測則有1廠次超過管制標準,依法處分。空污費徵收方面,本年度共計完成97年第4季至98年第3季空污費徵收審查作業,總計60廠次空污費徵收作業,平均申報率及到繳率為100%,四季徵收金額為1,008,892元;並完成核收及結算公文寄發作業。硫氧化物及氮氧化物空污費查核方面,本年度共計完成45件次,完成率為100%,查核合格率為98%。揮發性有機物空污費查核方面共計完成30家次查核,完成率100%,VOCs空污費查核正確48%、有誤52%,主要缺失在於控制效率、小數點取捨有誤,但經輔導修正,不影響申報金額。二、推動許可制度本年度收達許可申請資料進行書面審查作業件數已達20件,包括已核發許可證共計16件、補件中計2件、待試車檢測報告1件、逾期未繳納許可申請相關費用予以駁回1件以及試車檢測書面審核通過共計3件資料,本年度計畫在各類許可申請案件審查平均日數為6.9日,均符合法規規定之30日之審查日數,在許可試車檢測報告審查作業上,報告平均審查日數亦符合法規訂定之15日內。為有效落實許可制度,督促廠方確實依許可內容進行操作,本年度執行許可查核60件次,工作達成率100%,依查核結果進行統計,現場與許可核發內容相符者共33件,其所佔比例為69%,而不符者為15件次,在許可查核之整體不符合率約為31%。三、更新固定源排放清單更新及維護作業預計維護資料庫QA/QC作業200件,本年度共計完成203件次的公私場所資料的現場勘查更新與資料庫資料更新建檔及檢核作業,作業達成率100%,各列管公私場所經現場資料更新擴充後,公私場所製程無異動者占83%、停工或無污染源解除列管者占9%、製程設備異動者占1%、污染源異動2%與進行基本資料異動者占3%。經更新後,嘉義市固定污染源總列管公私場所為364家、操作製程413個、污染源1,220個、314根排放管道及151個控制設備。由完成建檔的固定污染源資料庫資料統計顯示,製程污染排放量部分,粒狀污染物為138.03公噸/年、硫氧化物31.24公噸/年、氮氧化物134.05公噸/年、揮發性有機物266.34公噸/年、一氧化碳32.28公噸/年。四、稽巡查作業為落實固定污染源計畫執行與各項管制作業成效,主動稽查掌握轄區內污染源最新動態,計畫目前共完成稽巡查作業674件次,工作達成率為100%。巡查次數以金屬建築組件製造及其製品批發業,巡查比例350%為最多。稽查作業部分,其中陳情稽查佔50%為最高、其次為一般例行稽查佔27%,執行期間將持續加稽查與追蹤改善作業。亦唯有透過稽查管制要求改善,如此才能創造更好的生活環境品質。五、本年度於3月20日於嘉義市垃圾焚化廠簡報室辦理1場次固定污染源法規符合度講習會,出席率52%,會議針對許可線上申請、空污費網路申報作業,以及針對最新頒布之法令規章進行宣導作業,另外,本計畫於6月3日假台灣中油股份有限公司油品行銷事業部嘉義零售服中心8樓會議室辦理1場次之98年度加油站列管事業法規宣導說明會,出席率97%,會議中針對加油站管理辦法、油氣回收宣導及設備維護進行說明,促使業者瞭解相關設施維護及法令規章。本計畫於98年12月14日上午9時,配合辦理98年度度成果發表會議,並於當天下午2時,辦理1場次技術轉移會議,主要議程內容包含固污資料庫、空污費徵收作業以及空污費審查系統操作說明。 Abstract The examination of stationary sources of pollution permission and the air pollution charging fees urge making up plan, also the examination of volatile organic matter and guiding reduction plan, which includes: fulfill the laws and regulations, promote the allowance system, update the stationary resources emission list, and guiding procedure inspection. The abstract of operating achievements are shown as below:I. Fulfill the law and regulation: The exanimation of pollution resources operating system:The plan for this year focuses on the emission standard of stationary pollution sources, also carries out the 5 times of flue check, mainly examines the PAR , SO2, NOx, and the most results of the exam are all qualifies to the laws.As for the foul smell organic sense examination, it has been accomplished on checking the public and private spaces, which had been reported over 15 times. In TSP grainy material examination TSP, aiming at gravel plant, 5 times of check up were carried out. About the measurement in the sulfur content of the oil which is used to the stationary pollution sources in this year; it is finished amount to 10 pieces and carries out progress 100%. About the examination of gas station which has oil gas recycling facility function in this year, altogether checking 15 stations and caring out progress 100%. Air pollution charge urge charging and making up fees planThis annual plan grasps for 60 places public and private to levy Air pollution charge and respectively for declare SO2 and NOx industry 45 public and private places have been incorporated, 30 of VOCs. The statistic shows that in the year of 2008, and the 1-3 quarters of 2009, the racial amount of paid money that it is altogether NT$ 2,065,587. It is to check 74 pieces in the public and private places in this year and reach rate of job is 100%. II. Laws and regulations fulfilling planThis year 20 applications were received for review in writing, which included 16 cases of permit issued, 2 case is in process, 1 cases were turned down for not returning their overdue permits. This annual plan applies for the case to check in all kinds of permission the number of days is 6.9 days on average, 30 days according with the regulations of regulation.60 cases were checked for permits this year, the reaching rate of the job is 100%. By accordance with checking the result is counted that cases which conform with permitting authorizing the content amount to 33 at the scene and its proportion is 69%. Cases which do not accord with are 15, and the coincidence rate is about 31%. III. Stationary pollution resources emission list uniting and confirming:The condition of stationary pollution resources emission has the numerous affect to the air quality in the certain area, in order to completely control the pollution emission condition in certain area, also strengthen the database of the stationary pollution resources in perfection and updating. This year 203 public and private places data were updated and checked. The rate of accomplishment is 100%. where had been carried out the date expanding and updating process by After expending and updating the on-the-spot data, 83% of public and private places remain its manufacturing process, 9% of them shutdown, an 2 % fo them change its manufacturing process. After updating,364 public and private places have been incorporated , 413 making procedures, 1220 pollution spots and 314 discharged flues .Shown from the stationary pollution sources well-fulfilled database statistics, finish upgrading the emission altogether in the current year, 138.03 metric tons of granular pollutant per year, 31.24 tones of sulfur dioxide per year, 134.05 tones of nitrogen oxide per year, volatility266.34 tones of organic matter per year, 32.28 tones of carbon monoxide per year. IV. Guiding procedure inspectionIn order to fulfill the stationary pollution resources the implement with every operation effect, check and grasp the newest trends of pollution sources in the certain area. 674 public and private places examinations have been accomplished; the reaching rate of work is 100%. 098 嘉義市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32120925 98年營建工程污染管制及空汚費徵收執行計畫 南投縣位處台灣中部地區,共有13個鄉鎮市,全境山地佔83 %,觀光資源相當豐富,隨著週休二日的實施,加上國道六號通車,使得遊憩觀光人數增加,加上縣府以觀光為發展主要目標的政策,因此縣內許多觀光設施、聯外道路等工程陸續興建中;加上921地震發生與近年颱風所挾帶之豪雨,使得災後復建工程持續進行著,對境內之空氣品質影響甚鉅。南投縣政府環保局為維持良好空氣品質,特專案辦理「九十八年度營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收執行計畫」,希冀透過執行工地巡查、辦理污染防制宣導等作業,有效控制營建工程污染以維護縣民生活品質,及確保中部地區空氣品質不再惡化。本計畫執行期程自98年3月11日至99年3月10日為止,自計畫起始統計至99年2月28日止,營建工程空氣污染防制費總申報件數計有5,055件,總申報金額為46,758,590元,其中免徵件數佔74件,佔總申報件數之1.5 %,徵收金額前二名為其他營建工程及道路工程,其比例分別為45.4 %、32.8 %。期間施工中工地數計有6,670處,曾進行巡查作業之列管工地為2,641處,完成3,566次巡查工作。營建工程分佈區域多集中於草屯鎮、埔里鎮及南投市,申報件數為全縣之38%,其人口數亦為本縣之前三順位,人口稠密處之工程行為容易對民眾造成影響,所以也較易遭受陳情,因此為計畫列管之重點目標。在計畫期間,上述三處行政區所執行之巡查件數佔所有件數之36%。期間推動營建工程道路認養作業294處,執行總長度達2,577公里,共削減TSP達35.56公噸。統計98年3月至99年2月底TSP產生量為2,553噸、TSP削減量為914噸,其平均削減率為35.8%。營建工程宣導部分,計辦理營建工程大型宣導說明會2場次、小型宣導會共4場次;製作宣導品300份。 Construct pollution control and air pollution fee collection implementation plan 098 南投縣政府環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司
32120926 98年度宜蘭縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 摘 要一、計畫目標1.針對以往經調查發現有超過土壤或地下水監測基準情形之地區,進行污染來源追蹤分析及管制,並建立當地長期土壤及地下水環境品質資料,作為相關政策推動之參考依據,及適時依法作適當處置。2.降低民眾健康及居家環境安全遭受不良影響之風險。3.達到事先防治之功效。4.支援各種緊急應變之所需。5.建立資料庫以長期分析環境品質的目標。二、計畫期程本計畫期程自簽約日 (98年3月23日) 起至98年12月15日。三、計畫成果1.污染場址追蹤調查作業:本團隊針對97專案計畫及相關土壤案件挑選具污染潛勢地區進行污染追蹤工作,共執行10點次追蹤調查採樣作業,主要包含鋐達鑄造廠股份有限公司鄰近地區(2筆)、誼聯機械鑄造股份有限公司鄰近地區(3筆)、羅東鋼鐵廠股份有限公司鄰近地區(2筆)、錦慶鑄造股份有限公司鄰近地區(1筆)及蘇澳鎮永春段155-3地號(2筆)等5個區域: (1)本年度於4家鋼鐵廠鄰近地區共規劃8個採樣點,檢測結果誼聯機械鑄造股份有限公司鄰近地區則有3點位重金屬鉛超過土壤污染監測基準或管制標準。(2)本年度永春段0155-3地號之追蹤調查共規劃2個採樣點,調查結果中主要追蹤調查項目重金屬鋅有2點超過農地土壤污染監測基準。2.場置性監測井水質監測作業:本年度第二季及第四季地下水質分析結果合格率與歷年調查成果相似,合格率偏低之水質項目仍以氨氮、鐵、錳,這三個水質項目為主;氨氮的部份,第二季22口監測井之合格率為45.5%,第四季則上升至68%,而重金屬鐵的部分,本年度檢測結果同樣有合格率上升的情況,從第二季的11口監測井不合格減低至7口,且數值起伏與歷年無明顯差異,皆在歷年之變化範圍內;錳的部分,第二季有7口監測井檢測結果不合格,第四季時則減少為6口,由此可知,本年度地下水污染情形已略有改善。3.4口監測井單點流向分析:本年度單井流向流速分析結果顯示,龍德工業區之監測井05-032-F011流向約為117.4°(正北為零度,順時鐘角度遞增),龍德工業區之監測井05-032-F023流向約為2.1°,蘇澳區域性垃圾掩埋場之監測井05-032-F017流向約為 102.9°,育英國小之監測井05-032-F022流向約為173.0°。4.簡易井設置及水質檢測:宜蘭市梅洲地區點位IL98-YL-W03及IL98-YL-W04之重金屬鐵有超過地下水污染監測基準,其濃度分別為5.26及6.36 mg/L;三星鄉紅柴林地區有3點位之鐵濃度超過監測基準的情況,其中點位IL98-SS-W07的氨氮亦超過法規限值。5.土壤及地下水相關污染案件處理:(1)三星鄉人和村堤防路1-11號附近農地污染調查結果,皆未超過土壤污染監測基準。(2)蘇澳鎮永春段103地號污染確認調查結果,也皆未超過土壤污染監測基準。(3)鈺展清除回收有限公司周遭污染範圍確認案件之檢測結果,發現有1點位(IL98-YL-S36)重金屬鎳超過土壤污染監測基準,及重金屬銅、鋅超過土壤污染管制標準。(4)龍德3、4號抽水機鄰近地區污染調查案件之檢測結果中,點位IL98-SA-S39有重金屬鋅濃度超過土壤污染監測基準之情形。(5)宜蘭市梅洲新段114地號污染範圍確認調查結果,點位IL98-YL-S63重金屬銅及鋅濃度則超過土壤污染管制標準,另點位IL98-YL-S66之多氯聯苯有超過管制標準約48倍之多,除須立即針對此場址進行相關管制,並須再進行污染範圍確認。。(6)龍德工業區龍祥一路周邊地區超過污染監測基準點位追蹤改善調查結果,點位IL98-SA-S67及IL98-SA-S68重金屬鉛雖經改善後有明顯趨降但仍超過土壤污染監測基準。6.具污染潛勢污染源鄰近土地調查:各採樣點位的檢測結果皆未超過監測基準,但其中採樣區(3)的點位IL98-SA-S106及點位IL98-SA107的重金屬砷濃度較為偏高。7.針對宜蘭縣相關行業辦理1場次土壤及地下水污染防治之相關法規說明會,已於98.06.18舉辦第一場法規說明會,有61家加油站業者參與會議,參加情況相當踴躍。8.環保局土壤及地下水污染整治業務網站之更新重點,主要增加無障礙網頁功能並通過A+等級無障礙網頁檢測,此外針對網頁中計畫區內排版格式加以統一,增加未來各年度計畫執行成果之彙整空間,並針對最新法規資訊、歷年計畫資料、歷年檢測數據等內容進行更新及增設英文網頁之內容。 Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Pollution project in Yi Lan County 2009 First, the plan target 1. Aimed at formerly passed through the investigation discovery to have surpasses the soil or area of the ground water monitor datum situation, carried on pollution origin tracing to analyze and to control, and established the local long-term soil and the ground water environment tribute data, took of reference the related policy impetus, and at the right moment legally made suitable handling. 2. Reduces the populace health and the home environmental safety suffers risk of the adverse effect. 3. Achieves beforehand effect of the prevention. 4. Supports each kind of urgent strain to need. 5. Establishment information bank by long-term analysis environment quality goal.Second, plan time Plan time regulation from signing date (98 years on March 23) to 98 years on December 15.Third, plan achievement1. Pollution site follow-up study work: This team chooses in view of 97 special case plans and the related soil case has the pollution to dive the potential area to carry on the pollution tracing work, altogether carries out 10 spot follow-up study sampling work, Dexing 6th Rd., Su’ao Township, Yilan County to be close to the area (2), Longxiang 1st Rd., Su’ao Township, Yilan County to be close to the area (3), Dexing Rd., Su’ao Township, Yilan County to be close to the area (2), Sec. 1, Wubin Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County to be close to the area (1) and the Suao Town Yongchun section 155-3 place numbers (2) and so on 5 regions:(1) This year is close to the area in 4 iron and steel plants altogether to plan 8 sampling points, the test result friendship unites the mechanical casting Limited liability company to be close to the area to have 3 spot position heavy metal lead to surpass the soil pollution monitor datum or the control standard.(2) This year Yongchun section 0155-3 place number altogether plans 2 sampling points, in the survey result the main follow-up study project heavy metal zinc has 2 points to surpass the farmland soil pollution monitor datum.2. Monitoring well underground water quality examination:This year second Ji Ji the fourth season underground water analysis result qualified rate and all previous years investigation achievement is similar, qualified rate somewhat low water quality project still by ammonia nitrogen, iron, manganese, these three water quality project primarily; The ammonia nitrogen part, qualified rate of the second season 22 standard wells logging is 45.5%, the fourth season rises to 68%, but the heavy metal iron's part, this year test result has the situation which similarly the qualified rate rises, from the second season's 11 standard wells logging is unqualified decreases to 7, and value fluctuation and all previous years not obvious difference, all of range of variation in all previous years; The manganese part, the second season has 7 standard wells logging test result not to be unqualified, when the fourth season, then the reduction is 6, thus it may be known, this year underground water contamination situation slightly had the improvement.3. 4 standard wells the water of flow flows to the analysis:This year standard well flows to the speed of flow analysis result to demonstrate that jail of oil well logging 05-032-F011 dragon Germany industrial district flows approximately for 117.4° (due north is a zero degree, along clock angle increasing), jail of oil well logging 05-032-F023 dragon Germany industrial district flows approximately for 2.1°, Suao regional trash buries jail of oil well logging 05-032-F017 field to flow approximately for 102.9°, nurtures British small jail oil well logging 05-032-F022 to flow approximately for 173.0°.4. Simple well establishment and underground water quality examination:Heavy metal of iron Yilan plum continent area position IL98-YL-W03 and the IL98-YL-W04 has surpasses the underground water contamination monitor datum, its density respectively is 5.26 and 6.36 mg/L; The Sanxing Town red firewood forest land area has iron of density 3 spot position to surpass the monitor datum the situation, its center point position IL98-SS-W07 ammonia nitrogen also surpasses the laws and regulations limiting value.5. The soil and the ground water related pollution case processes:(1) Tristar countrymen and the village embankment road 1-11 neighbor farmland pollution survey result, all has not surpassed the soil pollution monitor datum.(2) Suao Town Yongchun section 103 place number pollution confirmation survey result, also all has not surpassed the soil pollution monitor datum.(3) Treasure exhibition eliminates the recycling Limited company all around to pollute of test result the scope confirmation case, discovered that has 1 spot position (IL98-YL-S36) heavy metal nickel to surpass the soil pollution monitor datum, and the heavy metal copper, the zinc surpass the soil pollution control standard.(4) Dragon Germany 3, 4th water pump are close to of test result in the area pollution survey case, selects position IL98-SA-S39 to have the heavy metal zinc density to surpass situation of the soil pollution monitor datum.(5) Yilan Mei Zhouxin the section 114 place number pollution scope confirmation survey result, selects the position IL98-YL-S63 heavy metal copper and the zinc density surpasses the soil pollution control standard, in addition position IL98-YL-S66 the multi-chlorine biphenyl has surpasses the control standard approximately 48 time of many, eliminates must aim at this site to carry on the related control immediately, and must carry on the pollution scope confirmation again. (6) Dragon Germany industrial district Long Xiang a group peripheral locality surpasses the pollution monitor reference point position tracing improvement survey result, although selects position IL98-SA-S67 and the IL98-SA-S68 heavy metal lead after the improvement has hastens obviously falls, but still surpassed the soil pollution monitor datum.6. A pollution dives the potential source of pollution neighbor land investigation: Various sampling points position's test result all has not surpassed the monitor datum, but sampling area (3) spot position IL98-SA-S106 and the position IL98-SA107 heavy metal arsenic concentration is comparatively high.7. Aims at the Yilan County related profession to handle 1 number soil and the underground water contamination prevention the related laws and regulations explanation can, in 98.06.18 has conducted the first laws and regulations explanation to be able, some 61 gas station entrepreneur participates in the conference, participates in the situation quite enthusiastically.8. Environmental protection bureau soil and renewal of the underground water contamination improvement service website key, mainly increases the non-barrier homepage function and through a+ rank non-barrier homepage examination, in addition will aim in the homepage in the plan area the typesetting form to unify, increases various annual plan to carry out the achievement to collect the entire space in the future, and will aim at the newest laws and regulations information, all previous years plan material, contents and so on all previous years examination data to carry on the renewal and content of the addition English homepage. 098 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 峰將工程顧問股份有限公司
32120927 八八水災災區重建環境輔導與建言(台南區)專案工作計畫 本計畫針對八八水災後台南縣市之災區進行環境現況調查與監測,結果顯示安定灰渣掩埋場因為掩埋大批溺死豬,地下水已發現有受到人為污染,需要密切監控以防污染擴大;千興鋼鐵廠因燃料油外洩,周界土壤已受到石油碳氫化合物的污染,需做適當整治;另外,位於玉井鄉之重建區,環境品質則安全無虞。災情控制與評估方面,台南區之特性為大面積淹水及山區土石崩塌,水源濁度飆高造成長時間停水,此外,淹水亦衍生環境汙染問題,例如大批溺死豬掩埋於安定灰渣掩埋場造成地下水污染,千興鋼鐵廠燃料油外洩造成土壤污染。災區復育與規劃方面,有鑒於台南地區的主要災害為水災,因此,本計劃將30年來台南的重大颱風水災同年之計劃重點加以描述,由流域整治的角度提出針對水災、洪患等的建言,主要為易淹水地區水患治理計畫10年重現期應可重新考慮,另需輔導改變利用地下水的方式。災民關懷與輔導部分,災民訪談及101份問卷調查結果發現,幾乎受訪的災區,淹水都是長期問題,大內鄉村民認為每逢曾文水庫洩洪即造成淹水,水庫洩洪時機評估與作法有待商榷,政府有必要加以改善。資訊建置與評析方面,本計劃所建置之福衛二號前後期影像搜尋比對系統,可用於立體影像比對、虛擬勘災,並可做為政策研擬之資訊展示。 A special project of environment counseling for the reconstruction of 88 flood area (Tainan) This project was focus on the investigation and monitoring of environment changes after 88 Flood in Tainan. The results show that the groundwater has been polluted by the An-Ding ash landfill site, which has a large quantities of drowned pigs buried. Therefore, there is a need to closely monitor the transportation of contaminants. It has also been found that the soil around Chien-Hsing Steel factory was polluted by the petroleum hydrocarbons due to the leaking of fuel. However, the environmental quality in the reconstructed area located in Ju-Jing Township is without worry.In the aspects of disaster control and assessment, flood and mud flow was two common phenomena happened in a lot of area in Tainan. The increasing of turbidity in water resource resulted water suspending. Moreover, the contamination problems of the drowned pigs and the fuel leaking of Chien-Hsing Steel factory both resulted from the flood. In the aspects of recovery and planning about the disaster area, since the main disaster is by flood, we considered the key points in the recovery projects of floods in the last 30 years, and then give the suggestions from the points of watershed rebuilding. It focuses on the reconsideration of the 10-year-management in the easy-flood area, and the alteration of the way using groundwater.In the aspects of victim care and assistance, from the results of interviewing with residents and 101 questionnaires, the problem of flood has existed for a long time. Even the discharge of Tseng-Wen Reservoir causes the flood. The time and the way of the reservoir discharge should be reconsidered thoroughly by the government.In the aspects of building and analyzing the data system, the images collected by ROCSAT-2 satellite before and after the flood can be used as the information to set up strategies or policies. 098 綜計處 崑山科技大學
32120928 宜蘭縣98年度垃圾減量、資源回收專案作業查核追蹤管制及宣導活動計畫 本計畫自委辦日起(98年12月16日)至99年5月20日止各階段執行成果分述於后。包括:十一大販賣業者逆向回收查核完成940家次,購物用塑膠袋及塑膠類(含保麗龍)免洗餐具限用對象稽查完成2,168家次,指定電池之事業稽巡查完成810家次,限制塑膠類托盤及包裝盒使用完成稽查39家次,限制產品過度包裝完成稽查579家次,限制水銀體溫計輸入及販賣稽巡查完成663家次,販賣場所之責任業者稽查完成115家次,成果鍵入環保署系統資料庫共5,254件次。垃圾減量、資源回收輔(宣)導工作部分,包括10場次宣導活動,分別1場次大型活動(幸福城市.樂活家園)、8場次小型資源回收宣導,及1場次再生品(料)廢玻璃砂宣導說明會;電子媒體成果共完成433,902則數(電視、網路、廣播及客運車內電視)。針對執行環保署資源回收考核工作部分,99年度宜蘭縣政府獲評為優等;在其他協助辦理項目包括「98年度宜蘭縣加強辦理垃圾減量、資源回收工作績效考核計畫」、「98年度資源回收業及個體業者之形象改造工作成果」及「98年度資源回收考核項目執行成果及資源回收執行成果報告」等均已完成成果提報。 The Plan for Evaluation, Follow-up, Regulation and Introductory Activities of the Waste Reduction and Resource Recycling Program of Yilan County of 2009 Achievements from each stage of implementing the plan, started from been authorized on December 16, 2009 until May 20, 2010, are described separately as follows. For counter recycling, the evaluation has been completed for 940 subjects of the 11 major types of vending. For limiting usages of plastic shopping bags and plastic-type (including polystyrene) of disposable tableware and cutlery, the audit has been completed for 2,168 subjects. For business with designated batteries, the audit has been completed for 810 subjects. For limiting usages of plastic trays and packaging boxes, the audit has been completed for 39 subjects. For limiting excessive packaging of products, the audit has been completed for 579 subjects. For limiting the importation as well as distribution of mercury body temperature thermometers, the audit has been completed for 663 subjects. For retail merchandising area responsibility, the audit has been completed for 115 vendors. For data entry, a total of 5254 outcomes have been entered into the computer system database of the Environmental Protection Administration. For advisory and introductory works related to waste reduction and resource recycling, a total of 10 sessions of introductory activities have been hold. These include one large-scale activity (Joyful City & Lohas Family), 8 sessions of small-scale resource recycling introductory activities, and one introductory workshop for regenerated products (and materials) made by glass sand wastes. Also, a total of 433902 of electronic media achievements (on television, on the Internet, on broadcast, and on television of those passenger buses) have been completed. As for the parts of conducting evaluations for resource recycling of the Environmental Protection Administration, the Yilan County government has been rated as excellent in 2010. Other missions which Yilan County government has assisted in the process include “The Evaluation Plan for Work Efficiency of Yilan County’s Reinforcement on the Process of Waste Reduction and Resource Recycling in 2009,” “The Achievement on Image Renovation of Resource Recycling Business and Scavengers in 2009,” and “The Achievement Report on the Implementation of Resource Recycling Evaluation Criteria and of Resource Recycling in 2009.” These items mentioned above have been completed and reported.Excellent State Technology Co., Ltd. 098 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司
32120929 中部及雲嘉南空品區污染減量推動計畫 本計畫主要工作內容包括整合分析空氣品質資料及污染成因探討、評估空品區減量管制工作推動及推動六輕離島工業區空氣污染減量工作三項。主要成果摘要如下:(一)空氣品質分析及污染成因探討分析中部及雲嘉南空品區近10 年來(89~99 年)空品不良率變化趨勢,中部空品區空氣品質不良率(PSI>100)在民國93 年達最高5.66%,之後即呈下降趨勢;空品區之指標污染物乃以O3 為主,惟彰化縣與台中市PM10 空品不良比例仍高。雲嘉南空品區空氣品質不良率較中部空品區差,各縣市間差異不大。99 年(1~10 月)空品不良率明顯較過去改善許多,區域平均不良率約僅1%;比較污染物變化發現,各類污染物大都有下降情形,僅台中市NO2 近年並無改善趨勢。由光化測站監測資料顯示,台西站明顯受六輕離島工業區排放影響,特定污染物種不定期會發生異常高值;台南測站二甲苯測值亦曾發生高值,比對污染源許可資料發現,部份石化業及溶劑使用工廠,可能是主要來源,特定行業管制應持續加強。由近年PM10 空品惡化事件分析結果,彰化、崙背及朴子站明顯受到河灘揚塵影響,有鑑於污染事件頻傳,除環保單位的管制工作推動外,水利單位近年亦逐步推動相關河灘管制。(二)空品區減量管制工作推動99 年度空品區減量推動工作主要著重於營建工地管制、涵容總量目標達成及VOCs 污染源擴大掌握等,推動成果說明如下。雖然99 年1~9 月各縣市營建工地削減率,除台中縣市及嘉義市未較98 年同期提升外,其餘各縣市削減率皆有增加,其中又以南投縣、彰化縣及嘉義縣削減率增加最多。然由於營建工地數量增加,致管制後排放量仍大幅增加,營建工地管制仍須再加強。為達成空氣涵容總量管制規劃之減量目標,本計畫第一次空品區專案會議,即請鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司說明中部及雲嘉南空品區涵容總量管制策略,中部及雲嘉南空品區分別於99 年3 月31 日及99 年4 月2 日召開之空品區會議中,擬定縣市減量空間及規劃減量目標。彙整各縣市99 年1 月至9 月各項進度,空品區年度減量未達涵容總量目標之項目包含:中部空品區SOx 與NOx,雲嘉南空品區之NOx 及VOCs。但各縣市自訂之減量目標,其累計達成率除雲嘉南空品區之NOx減量未達預期進度外,其餘項目皆已達預期進度。依據其他縣市查核經驗,塑橡膠製品及化學材料製品業之未納管率不低,且其使用有機溶劑之機率相對較高,因此本年度推動各縣市針對前述行業之廠商進行普查。應普查工廠以彰化縣979 家最多,其次為台中縣之869 家與台南縣之438 家。目前各縣市普查進度仍低,其中以台中縣及彰化縣未普查家數較多。由於工作數量較多,台中縣將於99 年底發包專案計畫執行相關工作。各縣市普查成果以彰化縣與台南縣新納管家數最多,分別為242 家與233 家,其次為台中市47 家;而掌握新增排放量前三名依序為彰化縣、台南縣與雲林縣,排放量依序為97.350 公噸、37.470 公噸、7.502 公噸。下年度本計畫將持續追蹤縣市普查成果,及縣市對污染納管狀況。(三)推動六輕離島工業區空氣污染減量由於六輕離島工業區VOCs 計量方式差異及部份污染來源未納入,致目前六輕申報排量屢遭質疑。分析六輕離島工業區排放量資料顯示,在油漆塗佈及冷卻水塔部分,因環評及空污費計量項目未明定,致排放量未計量,初估二項目排放約有1,200 噸/年,建議未來納入相關計量規定。而設備元件因使用排放係數不同,致排放量差異達2,077 公噸/年;另廢氣燃燒塔因削減係數差異,排放量差異亦達191 公噸/年。經本計畫查核後發現,六輕離島工業區污染源操作,仍有部份不符合法規要求。包含廢氣然燒塔H2S 濃度超標、儲槽呼吸閥VOCs 濃度超標及部份申報資料缺漏等,皆已請相關單位處理中。 The plan to reduce the air pollution in the central and south Taiwan The three main tasks of this project include: 1) to integrally analyze air quality data and diagnose the causes of air pollution episode days; 2) to assess the performance of air pollution reduction control for air quality areas; and 3) to promote air pollution reduction for the No.6 Naphtha Cracker off-shore island industrial zone. The critical results are abstracted as bellow:1) Air quality data analysis and air pollution causes diagnosisIn the last ten years, it can be seen that poor air quality rate (PSI>100) of the Middle air quality area reached the highest, which indicated 5.66% in 2004.The key pollutant is O3, but the poor quality rate of PM10 in the Changhua County and the Taichung City are relatively high. The poor air quality rate of the YUN-JIA-NAN air quality area is higher than it in the Middle; however, there are no obvious differences between those counties and cities in this area.Comparing to the poor air quality rate reviously, it has improved in 2010 (from January to October). The average rate of poor air quality is merely 1%, with most of the air pollutants reduced. But the NO2 concentration in theTaichung City was not improved.According to the data from the photochemical monitoring site, it is apparent that air quality at the Taishi site influenced by No.6 Naphtha Cracking Unit of FPCC because the concentration of specific pollutants were especially high.The high concentration of xylene in the Tainan site also occurred. Mapping these symptoms with pollution source registration data, the petrochemical and solvent consuming industry might be the primary sources of the pollution.Therefore, further operation control should be enhanced continuously.In addition, the Changhua, Lunbei and Putzu sites were evidently affected by the wade dusts based on the PM10 episode analysis. It shows that water resource agency should also put more and more efforts on wade control as environmental protection agency on pollution source control to reduce air pollution episodes.2) Air pollution reduction control for air quality areasThis task emphasized on construction sites control, achievement of total mass reduction objectives, and the extent control of VOCs sources. The main results of this part were addressed as followed.Besides the Taichung County, Taichung City and Chiayi City, the reduction rate of construction sites in 2010 (from January to September) of counties and cities were comparatively increased to the same period in 2009. The NantouConunty, Changhua County and Chiayi County increased the most above all.However, the total emission amount increased with the number of construction sites. Therefore, emission control of construction sited should be continuously enhanced.In order to control the total mass under the limit of assimilative capacity and achieve the reduction objectives, the first action meeting of air quality areas was held by this project. The Environmental Volunteer Engineering Consultants, LTD. was invited to introduce the total mass control strategy for the Middle air quality area and the YUN-JIA-NAN air quality area. Thereduction tolerance and objectives of the counties and the cities within the Middle air quality area were planned in the meeting on May 31, 2010, and those of the counties and the cities within the YUN-JIA-NAN air quality areawere planned in the meeting on April 2, 2010. To summarize the progress from January to September in this year, only the reduction objectives of SOx and NOx in the Middle air quality area and NOx and VOCs in the YUN-JIA-NAN air quality area were not met.According to the checking results from other cities and counties, the numbers of plastic and rubber products and chemical products industries that are under supervised are little, and the use of petrochemical products and organic solvents is relatively high. Therefore, to promote the general survey towards the aforementioned industries in each county and city is the criticalwork in this year. 979 factories are scheduled to be investigated in Changhua County, followed by Taichung County 869 factories and Tainan County 438 factories. For the time being, the progress of general survey is still low and lots of factories are left unchecked, especially in Taichung County and Changhua County. As a result of large workload, the parts in Taichung County will be executed by another project contract in the end of 2010.The best outcomes with newly supervised 242 factories and 233 factories are in Changhua County and Tainan County respectively, followed by 47 factories in Taichung City. Moreover, new emission controls as the top three are inChanghua County, Tainan County and Yunlin County. The amounts are 97.350tons, 37.470 tons and 7.502 tons. This project will continue to track the surveyresult and the status of pollution control in countries and cities next year.3) Promotion of air pollution reduction project in the No.6 Naphtha Cracker off-shore island industrial zoneDue to the difference in measurement methods of VOCs and lack of some pollution sources, the emission amount reported by the No.6 Naphtha Cracker are always questioned. Since the environmental impact assessment and measurement of air pollution fee are not identified clearly, the emission amount of paint coating and cooling towers are not calculated. Preliminary estimated amounts of these two pollution sources are about 1,200 tons per year. It is proposed to include them into measurement in the future. In addition, although the equipment components and exhausted gas urning towers are listed items, the coefficient measurement method is in different ways, and the actual operating status of the burning tower is not confirmed, the estimated emission amounts are, in fact, with big discrepancy.The project also found that there are still some violations of regulatory requirements on the operation of air pollution sources in No.6 Naphtha Cracker; for example, exhausted gas burning tower contains excessive concentrations of H2S, tank breather valve contains excessive concentrations of VOCs and parts of the declaration data are missing, etc. The relevant departments are involved in dealing with those problems. However, parts of the violations are caused by the unclear laws and regulations. It is proposed to amend the relevant laws and regulations to implement the control target accordingly. 098 空保處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司
32120930 海域油污染生物指標檢測技術建立(2/2) 漏油污染頻傳,其事件的發生,對環境、生態與經濟造成莫大影響。污染源追蹤與鑑識相關技術亦不斷地被研究與應用發展。由於油品中所含的生物指標化合物如類萜烷與類固烷具有來源穩定、不易受生物降解及其他風化作用影響等特性,因此其指紋相對分佈模式與特徵因子比值對比分析技術,即被廣為應用於油污染源鑑識上。經由生物指標指紋與特徵因子比值分析對比方法,找出污染者或可能的污染者,也是最有效的來源鑑定方法。本報告,依計畫書執行工作內容,持續蒐集彙整相關檢測技術文獻及論文報告,特別是有關於洩漏油品風化過程與其鑑識之研究。於海域油污染檢測技術建立方面,為檢視儀器準確度,以環檢所提供之中東地區進口原油,配製不同的四種濃度,使用自動注射的方式進行分析,結果顯示準確度與再現性皆極佳。有關於國內油公司油品生物指標指紋與特徵因子比值分析油品數據資料庫,本年度計畫共完成由委託單位行政院環保署環境檢驗所提供的20個進口原油樣品及台灣中油公司所提供的6個進口原油樣品分析,完成常用特徵因子比值之建立。同時完成船用燃油、高硫燃料油與重質柴油煉製油品揮發風化作用與溶解風化作用模擬實驗,分析部份指紋與特徵因子比值變化情形。並將建立之油污染生物指標檢測技術,實際應用於巴拿馬貨輪擱淺石門外海海域漏油污染與其他實際案例之檢測分析。最後完成上一年度計畫之海域油污染檢測技術草案之修改。 Establishment of the Biomarker Measuring Technologies for Offshore Oil Spills(2/2) Oil spill accidents occurred frequently that cause great impact on the environmental and ecological systems as well as the economy. For this reason source tracking and identification related technologies are constantly being developed and applied. Oil contained biomarker compounds like steranes and terpanes which are source specific, bio-stability, are more resistant to biodegradation and other physical and chemical weathering effects. Therefore biomarkers analytical technology is widely used in oil spill identification. It is the most effective method for identification of the suspected oil source by comparison of the diagnostic ratios of biomarker and related chemical fingerprinting.This report, in accordance with the proposed plan, has continued to collecting oil spill identification related technologies documents and papers particularly focusing on the weathering process. Regarding the development of the oil spill identification method and technology, the accuracy and repeatability of the GC/MS instrument have been performed and validated. Next, 26 different oil samples from different regions and countries are analyzed to establish the chemical fingerprint distribution and various diagnostic ratios of the biomarkers. As for the investigation of the weathering effects, particularly for the evaporation and dissolution processes, testing of three oil samples were performed as well. Finally the drafted standard procedure for biomarker measuring technologies of offshore oil spill is revised and real applications including the recent Parma’s ship oil spill accident are demonstrated. 098 環檢所 台灣中油公司探採研究所
32120931 九十八年度臺中市街道揚塵洗除計畫 一、計畫名稱:九十八年度臺中市街道揚塵洗除計畫。二、執行期程:自98/2/13日起至99/2/12日止,計12個月。三、工作內容完成進度:1.洗街長度統計至99/2/12止完成執行洗街53,533.31公里,完成進度約為100.2%。本年度共133條路段,日間、夜間洗街長度比例為51.38%及48.62%。2.人工洗街部份,至99/2/12共執行1,038.1公里,達整體進度101.8%。依先前道路調查分級,一級道路需以全程步行將塵土沖洗至排水溝並保持排水溝暢通;二級道路則針對排水孔周遭1公尺為原則,保持排水孔暢通。3.減量評估:累計洗街長度為53,533.31公里,依據環保署減量公式(削減量=洗街長度×減量係數)推估,TSP可削減738.8公噸/年、PM10為139.2公噸/年。4.計畫成效評估:(1)TSP及PM10檢測作業,目前已完成10點次檢測作業,其洗街前TSP濃度介於148~295μg/Nm3,平均為194.2μg/Nm3;洗街後TSP濃度介於85~187μg/Nm3平均為117.4μg/Nm3,洗街前後改善率為39.5%。PM10方面,洗街前濃度介於74~94μg/m3,平均為83.4μg/m3;洗街後PM10介於33~65μg/m3,平均為52μg/m3,其洗街前後改善為37.6%。(2)街塵調查分析作業:針對本市道路寬度15公尺以上之60條道路路段進行街塵 負荷調查作業,目前檢測作業已全部完成共120條次。計畫初期檢測道路其總街塵負荷量介於4.4g/m2~22.3 g/m2,平均為9.1 g/m2、塵土負荷量介於1.1 g/m2~7.6 g/m2,平均2.6 g/m2,坋土負荷量則介於0.1~1.2 g/m2,平均為0.4 g/m2。計畫後期總街塵負荷量介於3.3g/m2~11.7 g/m2,平均為6.5 g/m2、塵土負荷量介於0.9 g/m2~4.5g/m2,平均2.0 g/m2,坋土負荷量則介於0.1~0.8 g/m2,平均為0.3 g/m2。(3)取水點水質分析作業:已全部完成60點次取水點之水質檢測(懸浮固體物濃度及濁度),在現使用取水點中,濁度介於1.2~15 NTU,懸浮固體物濃度則介於3.2~29.2 mg/L。(4)道路普查:每月針對12條重點道路及非重點道路20條進行普查,截止99年2月止累計重點道路共普查150條次道路;非重點道路則260條次道路。在現階段道路普查結果,A級道路佔69%、B級31%,而無C級道路。5. 創新作法:至99/2/12,針對重點道路及15米(含)以上非重點道路,共計調查204條路沿狀況,依路沿難易度而言,有利洗街道路路沿佔27.94%,中等佔53.92%,不利洗街佔18.14%。路沿高度以15~30公分,排水孔徑較大且排水孔離路沿距離不超過5公分為最有利洗街之路沿形式,可供未來路沿設計施工之參考資料。 098 台中市環境保護局 欣欣環保工程股份有限公司
32120932 98年街道揚塵洗掃綜合管理計畫 為維護南投縣空氣品質良好與街道景觀之整潔,南投縣政府環保局持續執行「南投縣街道揚塵洗掃綜合管理計畫」,以加強洗掃作業之監督查核及成效評估,期藉由有效地督導管理及規劃作業,使洗掃作業能發揮最大的效能,並得以降低道路揚塵及改善空氣品質。98年度計畫統計自98年5月20日至99年5月21日本計畫之執行成果摘要分述如下:一、洗掃街作業自98年5月20日至99年5月21日洗街作業已完成28,643公里,平均每車每工作天洗街長度約為37.3公里。掃街作業已完成24,636公里,平均每車每工作天掃街長度約為24.1公里。洗掃作業共執行53,276公里,完成進度105%。二、檢測結果自98年5月20日至99年5月21日已完成四季共24點次之TSP檢測,洗掃前檢測值介於68~355μg/m3,洗掃後削減率介於6.9~65.9%,平均削減率為31.2%。自98年5月20日至99年5月21日已完成四季共24點次之街塵負荷檢測,檢測結果顯示各採樣點洗掃前之總街塵負荷介於1.29~6.57 g/m2之間,洗掃後總街塵負荷削減率介於64.84%~78.95%。三、削減量推估自98年5月20日至99年5月21日本計畫已完成之洗街長度28,643公里、掃街長度24,636公里,洗掃街總長度為53,276公里,TSP削減量約735.2噸、PM10削減量約138.5噸。四、問卷調查前後期洗掃問卷調查結果,在空氣品質方面,有49.2%及58.6%的受訪者認為南投縣街道揚塵狀況不良,大多數受訪者認為車輛揚塵及砂石業為造成南投縣街道揚塵主因,受訪者認為加強砂石業者管制才是改善街道揚塵治本之道。 在洗掃作業方面,有83%的受訪者支持洗掃工作,僅2%受訪者不支持,受訪者不支持的原因主要認為應管制造成污染的原兇、洗掃前後差別不大及噪音太大。有10%的受訪者認為執行洗掃作業時造成把路邊的砂子噴進騎樓以及影響交通等不便。受訪者也建議應加強砂石車行徑路線的清潔工作及管制、執行洗掃作業應避開交通尖鋒時段及使用更好的設備以加強洗掃街的完善性。 Street dust sweeping comprehensive management plan 098 南投縣政府環境保護局 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司
32120933 98年度重大污染源連線監測與查核計畫 本計畫之計畫期程自98年4月22日起至99年3月21日止,計畫目的在於提昇環保局現有通訊架構,以解決公私場所連線所遭遇之困難、配合環保局端系統功能之提昇,輔導協助業者傳輸模組之更新、驗證連續自動監測設施之監測數據可信度,並輔導建立品質保證作業制度、落實監測品保制度與查核作業,提升監測數據可信度及可用率、執行相對準確度測試與標準氣體查核,比對監測數據與檢測數據之相關性及提昇環保局連續自動監測系統運作速率、執行固定污染源管道、周界及使用燃料之稽查檢測,以確保固定污染源排放狀況符合法規規範,並配合環保局執行其他相關之現場查核工作。計畫執行期間,各項工作皆依預定進度執行,至期末報告整體階段工作達成率94.0 %,工作成果摘要及進度表,詳如期末報告本文表1.4-1。計畫執行期間除定期執行局端之資訊系統維護及協助環保局審查各類文件外,於現場查核部分共計完成監測設施功能查核22根次,各廠之查核缺失亦逐一輔導追蹤,以確保各廠之連續自動監測設施皆能符合規範。另執行RATA稽查檢測8根次,僅永豐餘新屋廠P002稽查檢測發現二氧化硫相對準確度超過法規標準,本團隊隨即對該廠進行輔導改善,該廠於99年1月12日進行改善後自行委託檢測公司進行RATA檢測,並由環保局依99年1月26日提送之檢測報告核定其改善完成,其餘各廠檢測結果均符合管理辦法之標準。為確保廠方監測設施之準確度,本年度亦執行標準氣體查核8根次,其中華亞汽電P101氮氧化物及中油P030氧氣監測設施之查核結果偏高,但尚符合法規規格值。由公私場所上傳資料統計,各廠每季有效監測時數百分比皆大於90%,可符合現行CEMS管理辦法規範(85%);而上傳率皆維持95 %以上,亦能達到污染即時管制之成效。另針對光電業之CEMS設置,本團隊除協助環保局進行報告書審查,亦提供公私場所法規實務諮詢服務,計畫執行期間受理友達光電、中華映管、達信科技之相關報告書審查及輔導。在固定源定期檢測及稽查管制作業方面,共計完成固定源管道檢測30樣品數,周界檢測10樣品數,燃料含硫份檢測15樣品數,生煤使用污染源管道檢測10樣品數及完成定檢報告網路審查861根次,其中管道檢測發現9樣品之排放濃度超過法規標準,已由環保局進行告發,並要求進行污染改善作業,以維持良好之空氣品質。府前廣場之大型顯示看板在本團隊維護下,目前狀況良好,除了提供空品資料及CEMS監測數據顯示外,亦配合播放各類政令宣導資料共75件180則,充分利用看板資源達到宣導成效。另本年度亦建制固定污染源稽巡查表單整合系統,提供各固定源相關計畫線上整合平台,以利環保局可即時查詢各委辦業務之查核情形。 The great pollution sources line monitored and checked thx plan in 2009 The execution of the project was scheduled from April 22, 2009 to March 21, 2009; the purpose was to enhance the current communication structure of EPB, resolve linkage difficulties encountered in plants, coordinate the enhanced system functions at EPB, consult and assist plants in the transmission module renewal, verify the creditability of the monitoring data from CEMS, provide consultation and establish quality assurance operation, practice the quality assurance system and auditing operation, execute the Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) and Calibration Gas Audit (CGA), compare the relativity between monitored and inspected data, and improve the efficiency of EPB system, quality assurance operation, and onsite inspection. The project also including flue, area surrounding, and fuel inspections of stationary pollution source. It to ensure that the emissions from stationary pollution source status of compliance standards. All works were executed according to the schedule during project operation, the overall project has greater than 94.0 %. Results and progresses were detailed in table 1.4-1.During the project operation, besides periodical maintenance of EPB information system and assistance in document inspections, 22 onsite inspections for functions of the monitoring system were completed. The inspection-found defects in all plants were separately guided, improved and traced to ensure the full compliance of the operation of CEMS. Additionally, there were 8 RATA inspections performed, all the inspections results met the requirement standards, in addition to Hsinwu Mill of YFY ENTERPRISE CORP (P002) that the relative accuracy of SO2 over the standards of regulations. Our team then counseling for this plant improvement, after implement RATA on January 12, 2010 by itself. By the EPB pursuant to January 26, 2010 RATA report submitted to the approval of its improvement to complete. And also perform 8 CGA, all the results in line with the standard.According to the statistical results of plants uploading their data, the effective monitoring percentage had all been greater than 90 % for each plant in every season. This was in compliance with the CEMS regulation (85 %). The uploading ratio also reached above 95 %, which achieved the real time uploading control effect. For the photo electronic industries, our team also provided plant regulation consultation services in addition to the regular document inspection. During project execution, we inspected and assisted applications from AUO, Changhua picture tube company, and Daxon Technology Inc..The audits of stationary pollution sources have completed 30 stack inspections, 10 area surrounding inspections, 15 fuel analyses, and 861 examinations of analysis reports in internet. There are 9 sample over the standards of regulations and denounced by the EPB, requested to improve the operation of pollution in order to maintain good air quality.The large display at the plaza in front of the Taoyuan County Government was in good condition under our maintenance works; besides the air quality and CEMS monitoring figures display, the screen also promote many government policies, totaling 180 broadcasts. People can get the information of guidance form (the Government by using) digital signage. And set up stationary pollution sources integrated system of forms of investigation, facilitate the EPB to immediately checking business cases. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
32120934 98年度固定污染源管制與查核計畫 本計畫執行期程係自98.4.1至99.3.31止共計12個月,各項工作項目與執行摘要如下:1.一般性巡查及現場查核共執行413家次,經查核後新增列管29家。2.排放量清查及更新共執行100家次,以資料庫中欄位缺漏、排放量不合理與3年內未曾清查為優先清查對象,清查後更新粒狀物減少0.618公噸、硫氧化物增加4.894公噸、氮氧化物增加4.697公噸及揮發性有機物增加46.235公噸。3.法規符合度共完成100家次查核,其中有56家許可不符情形,最多的不符原因是設備數與許可核定內容不符(佔41%)。4.六輕以外的許可申請案件共受理175件,經審查後核發98張設置與操作許可證,審查時程皆符合時程並於規定的發證一個月內建檔。5.經由巡查、排放量清查與法規符合度查核本計畫完成200家次的更新維護擴充作業;另外加油站計畫亦提報232家次加油站清查資料,所以共完成432家次列管工廠資料庫維護更新擴充。6.98年四季空污費共徵收84,923,897元,補繳家次36家次,金額497,413元。7.稽查檢測作業共執行油品含硫份抽測20件次。對象篩選原則以曾抽測不合格或遭民眾陳情為對象。抽測結果皆符合標準。8.固定污染源自動連線監測系統管理,由專人每日負責處理超限或上傳申報資料,每月至少2次資料備份及作業系統管理,每月1次硬體維護及重整系統目錄。9.辦理4家辦理污染減量協談輔導作業,其中2家已完成改善預計可減量粒狀污染物10.633公噸。10.辦理3場次法令說明會。每場出席人數皆達六成以上,亦將說明會簡報資料置放於環保局網站供未能出席的業者下載,並提供諮詢專線回答業者的疑問。11.辦理6廠溫室氣體盤查,估算工廠的溫室氣體排放量。溫室氣體來源主要由範疇一的直接排放源,並有99%以上來自固定式燃燒排放源,可見工廠要降低其溫室氣體排放量,仍需由使用燃料改善著手。 12.加油站管制作業結果,已完成113站次油氣回收設備檢測(合格率86%)及10站次氣漏檢測(合格率90%)。部份加油站仍需經過複驗方能達成法規符合度,可見油氣回收裝置之裝設率雖達到100%,但日常操作維護仍嫌不足。 Project of Year 2009 for controlling and inspecting of stationary sources The execution duration of this project is from April 1st, 2009 to March 31st, 2010. The final results of this project were separately introduced as the following:1. General inspection and on-site examination were executed at 413 institutions. After examination, there are additional of 29 institutions listed in the controlled list.2. Total of 100 institutions were done with the emission amount examination and data renewal. Insufficient data, unreasonable emission, and institutions which have not been examined in the past three years are prioritized in this examination. Upon completion of examination, the following is found: particles pollutant decreased of 0.618 metric tons, SOx increased 4.894 metric tons, NOx increased 4.697 metric tons, and VOCs increased 46.235 metric tons. 3. Total completion of 100 institutions and there are 56 institutions permits not conforming to regulations with most of the reasons which the facilities are not in conformity with the approved content as stated in the permit (occupies 41%). 4. Aside from Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project, there are 175 permit application received. 98 Installation and Operating Permits were issued after evaluation. Investigations were carried out on time and data establishment upon permit issuance is completed within the stipulated one month period.5. Through inspection, emission examination, and regulation conformity; this project completed the renewal, maintenance, and expansion of data of 200 institutions. In addition, gas station project reported the examination information of 232 gas stations. Therefore, the database of 432 controlled institutions is maintained, renewed, and expanded. 6. In year 2009 air pollution fee for all quarters levied NT$84,923,897. Payment reminders were being sent to 36 institutions with the only amount of NT$497,413. 7. Examination operation executed total of 20 of sulphur content in oil products. The principles in object selection are the institutions which previously failed the examination or the institutions complained by public. The result all conformed to standards. 8. For Continuous Emission Monitoring System management of air pollution stationary sources, an assigned personnel is responsible to process over-limit or upload declaration information. In every month, minimum of 2 times of data backup and operating system management need to be done. And, at least one time of hardware maintenance and system defragment are required every month. 9. 4 pollution reduction counseling were conducted. 2 institutions have completed the improvement estimate to be possible the decrement particles pollutant 10.633 metric tons. 10. 3 regulation promotion meetings were held. There were more than 60% of attendees in each of the above mentioned meeting. For those business owners who did make it to the meetings, brief meeting reports are available for download at Environmental Protection Bureau website. Besides, a counseling phone line is set up to answer questions of business owners. 11. GHG check at 6 factories was completed to estimate GHGs emission amount. The main source of GHG is the direct emission of category one, and over 99% resulted from stationary burning emission. This shows that in order to decrease GHGs of factories, improvement on fuel needs to be prioritized.12. There were 113 gas stations that this project had performed Air to Liquid Ratio Recovery Performance Test (qualified ratio 86%) and 10 stations had performed Gas Leakage Test (qualified ratio 90%). The partial gas station must pass through the duplicate proven prescription to be able to achieve the laws and regulations degree of conformity. Obviously although the oil gas reclamation plant installs rate achieves 100%, but operated the maintenance still to dislike the insufficiency daily. 098 雲林縣環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
32120935 被動式半透膜應用於環境採樣檢測之研究 國內現行的採樣標準方法,多用主動式需外加能源及人為控制的抓取採樣方法,短時間內採集離散的少量體積樣品,後續使用標準方法檢驗,得到採樣時段的檢測結果,數據符合品保/品管規範,可以適時找出超出法規管制標準的污染源,達到管制的目的。然而,對於與時俱變、且濃度變異甚鉅的汙染物,則須提高採樣的時間長度和頻率,方有可能釐清汙染者,導致工作量日增、且花費不貲;對於超微量污染物、或是生物累積性及可利用性毒物,也需加長採樣時間,以採集到儀器足以偵測到的數量,也會遇到類似的問題。被動式採樣技術不需用外加能源及人為控制,適合長時間連續的採樣,在歐美先進國家已被積極開發作為一種生物暴露風險評估模擬之工具。本計畫因此研發適合國內污染場址現場長時間被動採集待測污染物質之技術,包括半透膜採樣裝置(semipermeable membrane device, SPMD)和極性有機化合物累積採樣器(polar organic chemical integrative sampler, POCIS)。本計畫選定地下水及工廠放流水中常見之有機溶劑汙染物,提供20篇被動式採樣技術論文之中文摘要,研析25篇近年之論文,確認SPMD和POCIS被動式採樣技術應用的可行性;建立評估半透膜材料和截存材料的程序,挑選出較適用的半透膜和截存材料,SPMD為半透膜LDPE搭配截存材料pump oil,POCIS為半透膜PES搭配截存材料Tenax 吸附劑。成功的自製SPMD和POCIS被動式採樣器,實際應用在模擬實驗和真實樣品(地下水監測井和放流水排入之河水)的採集及檢測,有一致性和相關性結果。但是採樣器易遭不肖人士偷竊的問題,尚待克服。對於未被列入標準方法中的某些待測物具有截存性,提出「水中有機物被動式半透膜採樣方法草案」。建議以水樣為優先適用對象。99年度計畫以鋼鐵、光電半導體、焚化爐及交通源等代表廠址為對象,使用GC-MS檢測周界空氣中常見持久性有機污染物(POPs)和有害性空氣汙染物(HAPs),研究風向、風速、溫度、溼度等動態變化對污染物檢測結果之影響,並作採樣條件最佳化。被動式採樣技術要應用到法規管制,須有完整的驗證數據,初期所需的採樣器,統一由單一單位提供,以降低變異性。 Application of SPMD in Environmental Sampling The domestic standard sampling method usually need external power and controller. Collect a small amount of dispersive samples, and then using standard method to analyze. If the data match the quality control and quality assurance regulation, we can find contaminating source over legal regulation. However, for contaminants which concentration changing with time, we need to prolong sampling time and frequency so that we may recognize the contaminating source. It leads to heavier workload and higher expense. For ultratrace contaminants or bioaccumulating and usable toxin, we also need to prolong sampling time in order to collect detectable quantity. So the same problems happens. passive accumulation technique doesn’t need external power and controller. Besides, it can do consecutive and longtime sampling. It has been used for biological exposure risk evaluation. Therefore this proposal is to develop a technique for long time passive accumulation, including semipermeable membrane device (SPMD) and polar organic chemical integrative sampler ( POCIS)(1) This proposal chose the organic contaminants that usually see in factory waste water and groundwater. Provide 20 chinese paper abstract about passive accumulation. Study 25 paper which in recent years. Insure the workable of SPMD and POCIS technique. Estimate and pick the semipermeable membrane material and sequestration material. For SPMD the semipermeable membrane use LDPE and the sequestration material use pump oil, For POCIS the semipermeable membrane use PES and the sequestration material use tenax adsorbent. we successfully made SPMD and POCIS passive accumulation devices. We used it for lab expose and outside expose.(groundwater and factory waste water ). The data has same tendency between lab data and outside data. It should be mention that the device may be stolen. For some compounds that can be accumulated but not been chose. We bring up [ In water organic matter passive semi-permeable membrane sampling method draft ]. The first half of the year 99 annual plan applies SPMD (including use reagent water),POCIS. (a) Industrial district waste water is our target. Use GC-MS and LC-MS to quantitative analysis. (b) The control pollution site ground water is the object, the SPMD sampling and GC-MS examines widespread qualitative and the semi-quantitative analysis. In the second half of the year establishes the specific category source of pollution ambient air pollutant the passive form sampling technique and the application. The passive form sampling technique must apply the laws and regulations control, must have the complete confirmation data, the sampling instrument which the initial period needs, unifies provides by the sole unit, reduces the changeability. 098 環檢所 國立清華大學
32120936 98年度「固定污染源許可制度及空氣污染防制費催繳稽查管制計畫」 本計畫之執行期程自98/3/23至99/3/22止,共計12個月。計畫執行主要分為三個部分:一、執行各類空氣污染物污染減量工作,包括硫氧化物、氮氧化物、粒狀污染物及揮發性有機物等;二、落實固定污染源許可管理工作;三、擴大經濟誘因策略,包括收費、獎勵、及補助。各單項作業皆依預定執行進度執行,工作項目包括:資料庫維護更新與管理、受理許可申請、審查、發證及現勘作業、執行許可核發後查核作業、法規符合度查核、辦理空污費催補繳、審查及查核、執行排放量網路申報審核、辦理專責人員在職訓練、屢遭陳情案件處裡及各類宣導說明會等。本年度計畫執行期間列管2,767家,相較上年度列管家數小幅度增加,列管製程數以機械設備製造修配業、紡織、印染業金屬基本工業最多。統計計畫執行期間空氣污染物年排放量分別為:粒狀污染物4696.528公噸/年,硫氧化物9236.021公噸/年,氮氧化物19178.132公噸/年,揮發性有機物11830.075公噸/年,各種污染物相較於上年度有些許降低。另本年度重點工作包含強化逸散源污染管制管制工作,管制項目以粒狀污染物及揮發性有機物為主。針對逸散性粒狀污染物管制,配合環保署於98/1/8發布「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」及98/7/17公告「違反固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法之缺失記點及處理原則」,本縣共計納管212家,初期符合率僅72%,經本團隊持續查核及提供相關輔導作業,至計畫結束符合率達96.1%。另在揮發性有機物管制導入FID等檢測儀器進行活性碳防制設備效率驗證,以督促業者能正常進行防制設備之維護與運作,計畫期間共完成55組吸附設備之效率驗證檢測作業,其中計有41組無法符合操作許可證之核定效率,不符合率達75%。除此之外本計畫另以「氣體檢測器」驗證洗滌塔處理效率,已完成8個,不符合數6個,不符合率達75%。另ㄧ重點工作為工業區查核管制作業,本年度已針對觀音工業區及龜山工業區進行,並建立具有潛在風險工業區之受體名單。其它具體工作成果包括:完成327家維護更新作業、完成1466製程許可審查並核發901張許可證、完成403個製程許可查核作業、掌握1,322家空污費徵收對象並執行293家次催補繳(29,836,005元)及872家次之空污費現場查核、完成98年第一季~第三季空污費申報排放量之審核工作等,各項相關作業內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。針對本年度執行許可審查作業,考量本縣受理案件數量一直為全國最大量,倘同時要於期程內完成審查,又要顧及審查品質,現行人力資源與受理案件數量不成比例。且經由本團隊執行許可評比作業,發現投入在文件校稿資源偏高,倘受理案件之文件品質能有所提高,才能進一步提升文件核定品質。因此建議,可研擬許可代辦業者之認證制度,要求代辦業者應負起文件撰寫品質之責,進而提昇本縣許可核發品質。 The project was executed from March 23, 2009 to March 22, 2010, twelve months in total. The main objectives of the project had three sections. First, we executed all kinds of air pollutant reduction, involved sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, particulate matter and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Second, we implemented the stationary pollution source operating permit management. Third, we expanded a strategy of economy-induced, involved air pollution control fees, incentives and subventions. All work and progress were executed based on the contract. Working items were involved maintenance, update and management of database system, handled, examined and certificated permits, and the auditing of the site and implementation, confirmed the coincidence rate of the Act, pursued, examined and audited air pollution control fees, examination of pollution emissions by network, on-the-job training of dedicated air pollution control personnel, handled cases of factories and hold of all kinds of guidance councils, etc.Control factories of this annual project were 2,767 firms, which were higher than last annual. The aim processes of control list are mechanical device manufacturing and repair industry, textile industry, printing and dyeing industry, and basic metal industry. The annual air pollution emissions quantity of the project were 4696.528 tons/year for particle, 9236.021 tons/year for sulfur oxide, 19178.132 tons/year for nitrogen oxide, and 11830.075 tons/year for VOCs. All kinds of air pollutant emissions were a little bit lower than last annual.Other key work of the annual project was strengthened fugitive emission source control, particularly particle and VOCs. Concerning fugitive particle pollutant control, we cooperated to the “Stationary Pollution Source Fugitive Particle Pollution Control Facilities Management Regulations” announced by Environmental Protection Administration on January 8, 2009 and “Error Demerit and Handling Principle for Violation of Stationary Pollution Source Fugitive Particle Pollution Control Facilities Management Regulations” on July 17, 2009. Control factories of our county total 212 firms. The initial coincidence rate was only 72%. After our team kept checking and providing factories with the related regulations, coincidence rate was come to 96.1% until the project finished. Other concerning VOCs control, we introduced FID of testing instruments for proving efficiency of activated carbon control equipments. It could be insisted on normal maintenance and operation of control equipment for factories. We completed to prove efficiency of 55 adsorptive equipments. There were 41 adsorptive equipments to be unable to conform to efficiency of operating permit and rate was come to 75%. Besides, “Gas Detector” was proved treatment efficiency of washing tower. And we completed to test 8 instruments. There were 6 instruments to be unable to conformability and rate was come to 75%. Another key work was check of industrial district control. The annual project had the focus of Guanyin and Gueishan industrial district, and set up lists of potential risk industrial district.Other outcomes of the project included: completed 327 firms for maintenance and update, examined 1466 processes of permit and certificated 901 permits, completed 403 processes of permit audit, detected 1,322 firms of levy subjects and pursued 293 firms of air pollution control fees (29,836,005 NT dollars) and audited 872 firms of air pollution control fees, completed emission audit of air pollution control fees from the first to the third in 2009, etc. All contents and detail results were described on each chapter of this report.Based on carrying out approval and review of cases this year, the quantity of the cases we accepted was always the most of the whole country, the labors was not enough to support the cases. Besides, we had to not only finish reviewing cases before the deadline, but requesting good quality. It took too much resource to revise the manuscripts in terms of the administration assessment of our team. The better quality of the cases we accepted, the higher ability to approve the cases. Therefore, the certification system of approving agents has to be established. Ask the agents to be responsible for writing good manuscripts, and then the ability to granting cases will increase in our county. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
32120937 98年度揮發性空氣污染物調查及管制計畫 本計畫之執行期程自98/6/25至99/3/23止,共計9個月。本報告中各項作業皆依預定執行進度完成相關作業,其中主要工作項目包括:揮發性有機物管制、污染減量輔導作業、稽查檢測作業、中油桃煉廠專案管制、協助空氣污染防制費審查、辦理各類宣導說明會等工作項目;各項作業內容與進度均依原規劃執行並符合合約要求,工作成果摘要及進度表,詳如期末報告本文表1.4-1。本年度計畫重點工作為台灣中油(股)公司煉製事業部桃園煉油廠管制作業,執行成果包括:(1)製程設備元件清點/建檔作業:清點確認完成5製程,並輔導廠方陸續完成9製程之設備元件清點/建置作業,以符合許可、申報(如:空污費、排放量、季申報)之正確性與一致性;(2) 廢氣燃燒塔相關法規符合度查核:包括輔導廠方完成8座低、高架廢氣燃燒塔之流量計裝設,且其流量監測及與2號地面燃燒塔之濃度監測已完成與環保局連線作業、確認完成廢氣燃燒塔使用報告書之廢氣流向及相關參數之正確性與合理性及並要求依法提送異動申請、掌握3座H2S高架廢氣燃燒塔之現況並要求符合相關法規規範;(3)廢水處理廠之油水分離池法規符合度查核:加蓋之6座區域性油水分離池已有5座完成廢氣收集設施有效處理廢氣;(4) 98/10/14完成「台灣中油股份有限公司煉製事業部桃園煉油廠空氣污染防制工作自主改善事項研商會」,並於98/12/2、99/3/11完成「台灣中油股份有限公司煉製事業部桃園煉油廠空氣污染防制工作自主改善事項」進度檢討會,階段性輔導/追蹤中油桃煉廠之改善事項承諾執行進度,確實做好管制工作。其它具體工作成果包括:完成150家全廠清查作業、完成設備元件檢測點次10,127點、完成5製程紅外線影像氣體微漏偵測儀(FLIR)篩選作業、完成管道檢測作業32根次46個樣品數、掌握揮發性有機物行業法規申報符合率(至99年3月之月申報審查符合率皆達100%;98年第一季至第三季之季申報審查符合率皆達100%)、完成5廠家減量輔導作業並達成VOCs減量216.78公噸/年、掌握1,322家空污費徵收對象並執行213家次催補繳(29,045,796元)及872家次之空污費現場查核(包含VOCs小於1公噸/季查核作業659家次)、完成第三季空污費申報排放量之審核工作等,各項相關作業內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。目前有關揮發性有機污染物排放量計算方法與基準落差頗大,尤其是管道檢測之檢驗時間與取樣之代表性,皆對管末濃度之影響頗大。造成申報排放量與空污費徵收排放量差異較大,建議應以質能平衡,要求各行業逐廠建立排放經驗值,以檢核廠家申報之真實性。 Annual Survey of volatile air pollutants and control plan in 2009 The project was executed from June 25, 2009 to March 23, 2010, nine months in total. The main objectives of the project were control of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), guidance of pollution emissions reduction, the auditing of analysis process, investigation on Taoyuan refinement plant of Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC), assistance in examination of air pollution control fees, hold of all kinds of guidance councils, and etc., which were completed on schedule in this project. All work and progress were executed based on the contract and filled the bill. The detailed outcomes and progress were in Table 1.4-1.The aim of this annual project was control of Taoyuan refinement plant of refinement services department of CPC. The results involved (1) making inventories and filing all equipments and operation components: accomplished checking out five processes, and guided the factory to achieve making nine processes inventories/files, to get the accuracy and consistency and fit in with permits and declarations at air pollution control fees, emission and quarterly report; (2) examining the flare obeys the Act or not: guided factory to set up flow meters on eight ground and elevated flares, that flow monitors and concentration monitor of No.2 ground flare had been connected with Environmental Protection Bureau computer, confirmed the accuracy and rationality of exhaust way and the related parameters of flares operation report and asked them to send the change application in legal, and confirmed the present situation of three H2S elevated flares and requested them to meet the Act and regulations; (3) audited the compliance to regulation of oil-water separation tank in waste water processing station: completed five tanks of six regional oil-water separation tanks with cover to dispose of exhaust emissions effectively; (4) completed “Air pollution control and improvement by themselves of Taoyuan refinement plant of refinement services department of Chinese Petroleum Corporation’s consulting conference” on October 14, 2009, and ”Progress report conference of air pollution control and improvement by themselves of Taoyuan refinement plant of refinement services department of Chinese Petroleum Corporation” on December 2, 2009 and March 11, 2010. Phase-guidance/tracing on improvement item and progress of Taoyuan refinement plant of CPC, then make sure of the control indeed.Other outcomes of the project included: completed 150 firms for making inventories, 10,127 spots for testing equipments and components, 5 processes for screen by IR Camera-GasFindIR (FLIR Corp.), and 46 samples of 32 flues for analyzing pollutant, confirmed the coincidence rate of the VOCs trade regulation declaration (monthly coincidence rate were 100% until March 2010; quarterly coincidence rate were 100% from the first to the third in 2009), completed 5 firms for decreasing 216.78 tons/year VOCs emissions, detected 1,322 firms of levy subjects and pursued 213 firms of air pollution control fees (29,045,796 NT dollars) and audited 872 firms of air pollution control fees (included 659 firms for lower than 1 tons/quarterly of VOCs spot audit), completed emission audit of air pollution control fees in quarter three, etc. All contents and detail results were described on each chapter of this report.It is an extremely variation in calculation and criterion of VOCs emissions at present, particularly analysis time of flue and representative of sampling, to influence end-of-pipe concentration seriously. Then, it caused emissions much difference between declaration and air pollution control fees. We suggested that VOCs emissions should be calculated by mass-energy balance. And we asked various industry categories to set up experience values of factory emission to reflect actual conditions. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
32120938 98年度臺南縣營建工地及逸散性污染源管制計畫 本計畫執行期間(98年9月29日至99年9月28日),營建工程申報件數計有6,551件(其中有114件屬需申報但免繳交空污費),申報金額為80,941,086元;至於施工中工地則為8,093處,而其所產生的TSP原始排放量總計為8,923.16噸,經污染管制後TSP實際排放量為4068.71噸,平均污染削減率為54.80%。另外,期間本計畫共進行9,121件次之巡查,並列管5,147處(列管率為63.59%)、推動78處營建工地配合進行道路洗掃認養,洗掃執行總長度為27,642.88公里。至於在稻草露天燃燒管制方面,計畫執行期間共計發現676件稻作露天燃燒案件,燃燒總面積為118.32公頃,協助滅火總面積為35.71公頃,總抑制量為199.23噸,總抑制率為29%。除此之外,並推廣7個契作單位簽訂「勿露天燃燒稻草」條款,總簽約面積為1,012.33公頃,旗下契作農戶共617位。另外,在裸露地改善方面則完成17筆裸露地改善,改善面積約為34.62公頃,改善方式主要以綠化植生為主。而有關相關宣導文宣、活動部分,期間共印製營建工地宣導摺冊5,000本、露天燃燒及紙錢減量宣導海報各500份、夾報文宣60,000份,並辦理10場宣導說明會及45場專案宣導活動協商活動。有關今年度本計畫工作執行項目應完成之數量請詳表一,而執行至98年9月28日止,本計畫已達成計畫執行應完成工作項目之預定目標。 2009 Management and Control Project of Construction Sites and Fugitive Emission in Tainan County. 2009 Management and Control Project of Construction Sites and Fugitive Emission in Tainan County which followed the past years’ rountin on inspecting the construction sites and promoted latest relvent regulations. Until Mid-Term of this project, from Sep. 29, 2009 to Sep 28, 2010, this project completed objectives in the arranged schedule. During this period, total of 6,551 new contruction sites declared Air Pollution Fee which amounted to 80,941,086 NT dollars. Among those sites, 114 sites only needed to delare documatations without paying Air Poillation Fee. Fuhtermore, there are 8,093 construction sites still under contruction, which could produce up to 8,923.16 tons TSP emission acrroding to our estimative calculation . Through this project’s management, the average reducing rate was 54.80 % that casuesed actual TSP emission to 4068.71 tons. In order to increase employers’ awareness on eviromental protection, this project proceeded with 9,121patrols, 5,147 sites were under this project’s observation list. The patrol members not only inspected on-site condition and reported to Bureau of Evironmental Protection (BEP) but also gave suggestion on air pollution control facility installation by the regulations. In addition, we promoted adopting street wash and sweep to construction site’s employers. 78 employers agreed to involve with this movement, and 27,642.88 kilometer (km) was executed as agreement requested. Rice is the major agriculture product of Tainan County, but the traditional open-air straw burning caused air pollution after haverst season. For this reason, this project assited EPB on promoting cocepet of non-open-air straw buring through varity way to general public. We also made agrrement on “Non-Open-Air Straw Burning Article” with contracted farmers and 7 rice manufactures of famers’ association. There were 617 contracted farmer partipated in this agrrement and total rice paddy reached 1,012.33 hectare. However, 676 sites occurred open-air straw buring during the period of this project, burning area were 118.32 hectare. Patrol members assisted to put out fire on 35.71 hectare, amounted to 199.23 tons, control rate was 29 %. Beside issue of open-air-buring, there were 17 uncover-suface sites improved under this project consulted. The mainly improving method was by implanting green covering plant or grass, the improving area arounded 34.62 hectare. Moreover, this project promoted EPB’s regulations by printing relative advertisment and holding conference or activity. During the period of this project, printed 5000 copy of construction site’s handbook, printed 500 posters on non-open-air burning and pray money reducing, and published 60,000 newspaper advertisment. On part of conference and workshop, we held 10 explanatory conference and 45 special-case explantory workshop. 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 堃捷工程股份有限公司
32120939 南投縣空氣污染防制工作綜合管理計畫 南投縣空氣污染防制工作98年度共發包執行10項管制執行計畫,而本計畫就角色定位上為一上位計畫,主要目的為透過控管程序之建立使各計畫執行工作能有效整合及控管,並對本縣空氣品質惡化成因、排放量能確實掌握、民眾感受度及節能減碳宣導等,進而依本縣地方特性提出相關之管制對策,對空氣品質維護或改善工作更有效率進行,並使本縣整體空氣污染管制工作績效提升。一、空氣品質變化分析98年本縣共發生25站日空品不良事件,其中臭氧發生24站日空品不良事件,懸浮微粒則發生1站日空品不良事件,空品不良比例為3.4%,相較97年同期3.8%不良比例有下降之情形,並為近年空氣品質較佳之一年。由本計畫歷年模擬結果比較,雖因不同案例日氣象條件之不同,本縣測站臭氧峰值其貢獻來源會有所差異,但整體而言,本縣污染源貢獻比例相對均明顯較低,主要以受本縣上風處之臺中縣市及彰化縣污染貢獻為主,所佔影響比例分別為臺中縣市21.8%~46.7%,彰化縣為25.3%~26.9%,而受本縣污染源影響均小於11%以下。二、污染物排放量更新在排放量資料掌握方面,本計畫目前已完成(97年)排放量更新作業。本縣TSP年總排放量為18,178公噸,主要來源為縣內車行揚塵、土石採取業(兩者合計約佔有全縣TSP排放量7成以上之比例);SOX年總排放量為407公噸,主要來源以工廠及商業排放為主(約佔有84%排放比例);NOX年總排放量為7,603公噸,其中移動污染源約佔有87%之排放比例。NMHC年總排放量為13,098公噸,其中工廠點源排放及工業有機溶劑使用、工業表面塗裝合計約佔有30%之排放比例,移動污染源則約佔有25%之排放比例,另商業消費方面亦約佔有24%之排放比例。三、計畫成效控管為能使本縣執行之各項空氣品質改善計畫均能達到預期之成效,本年度乃透過文書查核、現場查核、工作進度表、削減量控管表及人員異動表等,進行各計畫之執行品質作一較佳之控管,其他尚有針對資料提交管考、環保署報表提報、相關會議參與情形等進行各空氣品質改善計畫之評核作業,由統計資料就整體得分率來看,重點性計畫以「移動污染源稽查管制計畫」及「固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫」最佳,而「營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收執行計畫」則須於資料提報的準時性及資料內容符合度再加強,且在合約工作量之進度達成率稍有落後的情形,以及環保署績效考評與空氣污染防制計畫之年度目標未達原訂之目標,另外在計畫執行初期人員異動情形頻繁,因此在整體得分率上較其他計畫得分率低。另外地方性計畫方面,則以「砂石場瀝青拌合混擬土廠稽查管制計畫」整體得分率最佳,而在「露天燃燒與空氣品質管制計畫」在計畫前半年執行時計畫部份人員對計畫內容之熟悉度及資料提報的準時性及符合度掌控較差,後續已進行改善。另本年度召開空氣品質淨化區維護管理共完成66處次之空品淨化區查核,其中執行較佳之空品淨化區包括有集集自行車道、日月潭文武廟后山綠化植草計畫、南投縣肉品市場環境綠化美化計畫,並執行列管空品淨化區之碳匯調查,共1101株樹木,靜態碳匯量約為10公噸/年,動態碳匯量約為1.5公噸/年。四、其他配合事項調查本縣96年及97年公部門用電情形,各部門97年用電量均較96年有減少的情形,且以鄉鎮市圖書館、鄉鎮市代表會及南投縣政府減少用電量最高。另外配合環保署推廣節能減碳無悔措施全民行動方案之執行,統計至12月底本縣上網簽署活動人數(44845人)已達全國排名第一名,而辦理宣導活動場次同樣的已達成年度考核滿分之標準(40人以上減碳活動293場)。本計畫定期參與中部空品區跨縣市交流會議,並依會議結論事項配合整合執行相關作業或提供相關資料。配合環保局辦理兩場次環保基金委員會議召開及1場次外縣市業務觀摩,其中包括有臺中縣柴油車動力計檢測資訊站資訊E化、法鼓山綠建築巡禮、臺北市優良營建工程觀摩、臺北市接駁型公共自行車租賃系統等。針對上述之工作流程,本計畫已依規定完成各項工作進度,並持續以改善南投縣空氣品質,維護環境清靜,及保障人民良好生活環境為日後執行目標。 Air pollution in Nantou County defends system work comprehensive the management plan 098 南投縣政府環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司
32120940 彰化縣玉弘企業股份有限公司整治場址調查評估計畫 玉弘企業股份有限公司位於彰濱工業區線西區,該場址前身為和協化學股份有限公司,和協公司於民國88年因火災導致生產過氧化二異丙苯製程區燒毀,且因救災時將儲槽內化學物質(原料為異丙苯)帶入地下而導致地下水污染,惟玉弘公司雖已提具調查及評估計畫書,經查核計畫執行情形明顯落後,環保局擬依據「土壤及地下水污染整治法」第12條第1項規定,代為執行整治場址之土壤及地下水污染範圍調查及評估計畫。本場址為架橋劑(過氧化二異丙苯)生產工廠,所使用之原物料種類主要有異丙苯、1wt%氫氧化鈉及20wt%氫氧化鈉三種。本計畫針對場址製程進行相關文獻與物質安全資料表(MSDS)蒐集,原料異丙苯,密度0.862(小於1),且不溶於水,指標污染物酚pH值6.0,密度1.06 (略大於1),且溶於水。本計畫運用幾項試驗了解現地水文地質狀況如:CPT試驗、土壤物理性質分析、微水試驗與水位計施放等,綜合上述試驗結果顯示,本場址土壤屬砂或粉土質砂土壤質地,水力傳導係數K值約10-3~10-4 cm/s,地下水流向為東北向西南流,現場屬一良好地下水傳流土質,有利於污染物流佈,潮汐的影響以廠區西側影響較明顯(尤其大潮)越往廠區內陸影響愈小。本計畫合計進行10點次土壤採樣與40口次地下水採樣,土壤檢測結果以S07中異丙苯濃度最高為895 mg/kg,地下水則以SW-15監測井(淺水層)總酚濃度最高為3.04 mg/L(法規值0.14 mg/L),另一指標污染物異丙苯以GW-5監測井濃度為最高達177 mg/L(紐澤西環境保護協會工業區建議值為0.7 mg/L),地下水高污染區以結晶區、母液區、UV安定區與區外綠帶等區域為主,其中總酚污染深度為地下-2~-9m,而異丙苯污染深度為地下-2~-5m。並透過地下水自然傳輸、降雨豐枯水期水位變化、潮汐與本場址自行抽水行為等方式,導致污染物由廠內往外逐步擴散。並且,由本場址內高污染區之溶氧、三價鐵、硝酸鹽、硫酸鹽等濃度偏低及氧化還原電位負值(多數<-100mV)等數值顯示:本場址地下環境偏向還原態,具有明顯之厭氧性生物降解作用(Anaerobic Biodegradation)。污染量推估方面,土壤受污染體積約為37,408 m3,而地下水受污染體積為66,795 m3。 Year Fortune Corp. is situated in the region of Hsien His of Changhua Coastal Industrial Park where the previous manufactory was belonged to the predecessor of Year Fortune Corp., named Concord Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd. In 1999, Concord’s processing plant was burned down where the main product in that plant is dicumyl peroxide (DCP). Because of the emergent rescue for the conflagration, the raw material of DCP (cumene) in the storage tank polluted the local groundwater. Although Year Fortune Corp. had already drafted a proposal to investigate and estimate the level of pollution, the implementation was obviously delayed indeed. Therefore, according to Article 12, Paragraph 1 of ‘Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act’, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Changhua County substituted for Year Fortune Corp. to carry out the investigation and estimation of the pollution level.Product of their previous manufactory was a cross-linking reagent (DCP) what the raw materials mainly include cumene and NaOH (1 and 20 wt%). Our investigation has collected the literatures and chemical properties from Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), correlated to these raw materials of DCP. Cumene has a density of 0.862 and is insoluble in water; another pollutant, phenol, has a density of 1.06 but is soluble in water. In addition, there were several experiments performed in our investigation to understand its hydrological and geologic information, such as cone penetration test (CPT), soil characteristics analysis, slug test, and water level measurement. From our survey result, the local soil can be categorized as sand or silty sand. The hydraulic conductivity (K) of groundwater is between 10-3~10-4 cm/s. The direction of groundwater flows from north east to south west. The local soil characteristics facilitate the transmission of pollutant. Moreover, the influence of tide on the groundwater level is more significant in the west side of manufactory than that of inland (east site).Samples of soil and groundwater were taken 10 and 40 times, respectively. The analytical results of soil show that cumene concentration of S07 is 895 mg/kg and those of groundwater show that phenol concentration reaches 3.04 mg/L in the monitoring well of SW-15 (groundwater criteria of Taiwan is 0.14 mg/L). Another pollutant, cumene, exhibits the maximum concentration at 177 mg/L in GW-05 monitoring well (0.7 mg/L, the triennial average of groundwater criteria in the industrial park, suggested by the Department of Environmental Protection of New Jersey State). Hot spots of polluted groundwater are mainly located in the processing areas of crystallization, cumene storage, UV stabilization as well as its greenbelt. The contaminated depth of phenol and cumene ranges between -2 to -9 m and -2 to-5 m in the groundwater, respectively. However, natural diffusion of groundwater, variations of groundwater level between dry and flood season, tidal effect, as well as their own pumping in the manufactory might result in a gradual spread over the region of factory. Besides, not only the relatively low concentration of dissolved oxygen, Fe3+, NO3-, and SO42- but also the negative oxidation-reduction potential (less than -100 mV) indicates that the environment around those hot spots is in a reductive state. Because of the reductive state, an anaerobic biodegradation should evidently occur within those hot spots. With respect to the estimation of contamination, the volume of contaminated soils and groundwater are 37,408 m3 and 66,795 m3, respectively. 098 彰化縣環境保護局 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司
32120941 「基隆市固定污染源許可審核及空污費徵收作業稽查管制計畫」 本計畫期程為98年4月9日起執行99年4月8日止,已完成所有量化工作(見第一章)。專案小組除每月召開1次工作檢討會,依循各項內部教育訓練及品保作業外,在計畫執行中亦配合環保局SIP計畫查核,以確保各項工作進度及品質,本年度各項工作成果說明如下:本計畫共受理48件次申請案件,其中30件已核發許可證、2件製證中、6件試俥中、1件審查中、7件檢還及2件駁回申請。以受理時間來看,98年6月份受理8件(16.6%)申請案件為最多,98年5月份及9月份受理各6件(12.5%)次之,平均每月處理案件4件;若以申請類別來看,則以換補發及展延各11件(22.9%)為最多,異動一款10件(20.8%)次之。計畫期間共核發30張許可證,其中設置許可證7張(佔23.3%)、操作許可證22張(佔73.3%)及生煤許可證1張(佔3%),每件審查案件之平審查日數為18.23日。本計畫共查核66張許可證,查核完成率100%。分析許可證查核結果,查核無誤有36張,符合率60.7%;查核不符有30張,不符率約39.3%。後續追蹤查核不符者多已提出申請(57%);其中改善完成共計6個(張)製程許可證約占20%,申請中共計5個(張)製程許可證約占16.6%,辦理中共計6個(張)製程許可證約占20%,尚未申請共計13個(張)製程許可證約占43.3%。整體查核及缺失改善輔導後之符合率為80.3%。本市轄區內固定污染源符合第一批公告範圍者共計4家16根次,符合第二批公告範圍者共計7家11根次;計畫期間應申報對象共33根(場)次,均已於規定時間內檢測,專案小組共協助33件定檢報告審查。基隆市符合公告應上網申報年排放量之公私場所共12家﹙第一批有10家、第二批有2家﹚,審查結果可分為完成年登錄確認40家次、申報中1家次、未申報0家及申報補件(審核有誤者退回補件)4家次等四部份。其中申報中名單1家次已以公文通知並持續追蹤。本年度亦已辦理2場年排放量缺失輔導說明會。本市應申繳空污費之家數共計43家。其中應申繳硫氧化物及氮氧化物共24家,揮發性有機物共31家,兩者皆須申繳之公私場所共有12家。另依行業分佈以洗衣業13家佔最多,其次為冷凍食品製造業及汽車維修業等。98年度本市各公私場所申繳固定污染源空氣污染防制費金額總計達新台幣82,710,728元,與97年同期相較減少53,481,926元,其主要原因為台電協和廠98年度硫氧化物及氮氧化物空污費申報金額大幅減少。環保署為有效管制工廠之逸散性粒狀物,於98年1月8日正式公告「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」,目前基隆符合列管對象共有4類12家,專案小組已於98年6月30日前完成各廠之輔導,後續查核共處分2家,並已改善完成。本年度共計完成77家清查作業(74家資料庫更新及3家擴充作業)。清查對象以加油站業23家次為最多,佔29.87%;其次為洗衣業14家次,佔18.18%。目前基隆市境內共有台電協和發電廠及基隆市天外天垃圾資源回收(焚化)廠等2廠6根次之煙道完成連續自動監測設施之設置與連線,目前已完成4根次之RATA檢測,結果均合格,專案小組並審查連線系統維護及傳輸資料審核,進行連線資料完整性、合理性檢核及排放量統計分析與檢核。已協辦完成40場次稽查檢測作業,其中2場次檢測不合格,不合格率為5.0%。在本計畫的稽查件數中,分別包括219筆已列管與30筆非列管之公私場所稽查資料,總陳情案件為68件;其中告發處分11件,告發率為4.4%。稽查檢測已協辦完成26場次稽查檢測作業,其中1場次檢測不合格,不合格率為4.0%。基隆市目前列管之加油站共31家,若以油氣回收設備區以裝設Elaflex及Hasstech最多(各6站),其次為NP系統(5站)。已完成加油站氣油比檢測作業25站次,加油槍氣油比平均合格率為75.69%,未達100%者均依法要求於後續改善完成。並協助審查1站新設加油站設置申請案件及於3月12日辦理1場次「固定污染源加油站油氣回收設施保養說明會」。專案小組建議未來各項管制作業仍應持續辦理,以確保基隆市固定污染源管制工作的有效性。 Keelung City「Stationary sources permitting system enforcement and air pollution fee plan」 of Year 2009. Stationary sources permitting system enforcement and air pollution fee plan 098 基隆市環境保護局 衛宇科技股份有限公司
32120942 98年度機動車輛污染檢驗機構查核計畫 本計畫為使環檢所認可檢驗室之運作達到一定之品質水準,故針對各檢驗室進行品保品管之查核作業,工作項目包括(1)對已許可機動輛檢測機構檢驗室進行查核及複查作業、(2)協助本所督導機動車輛污染測定機構執行年度相關性測試83場次、(3)辦理7間噪音測試道場地紋理深度檢驗、(4)辦理1場次機動車輛污染檢測機構業者及評鑑專家研習會、(5)辦理檢測技術訓練及研討1場次、(6)協助機動車輛噪音檢驗室進行五期噪音測試能量置及(7)各測定儀器設備精確性及合適性之探討等七項工作,各項工作均已依原訂時程執行完畢,並已將相關結果提送環檢所。 Checking on motor vehicles emission testing institutions 2009 The project tasks and goals for this year are: (1) Quality system annual audit to the motor vehicle testing laboratories that have been authorized by the EPA.(2) Witness of correlation test between laboratories.(3) MTD (mean texture depth) inspect to 7 noise testing tracks(4) Annual symposium for assessment specialists and laboratories.(5) Testing technical conference.(6) Study of equipment requirements for new TN5 noise regulation.(7) Study of instrument MDL (method detection limit) 098 環檢所 財團法人車輛研究測試中心
32120943 臺中縣重要交通運輸場站室內空氣與突發污染模式模擬計畫 本計畫針對本縣轄區內二大交通樞紐場站-高鐵台中站與台中國際機場-之室內空氣與突發污染模式模擬,結果顯示(1)台中國際機場 及高鐵台中站之室內空氣品質大都符合環保署公告之室內空氣品質 建議值;(2)依據二氧化碳監測結果顯示,台中國際機場的二號登機 門之入口及電扶梯(二樓出境登機門)附近,以及入境處附近二氧化 碳濃度隨人數會有較高濃度之呈現,建議該場可於此二處加強通風設 備以減少二氧化碳累積;高鐵台中站則於 2 樓大廳二處驗票閘門與售票區整區域為二氧化碳最易隨人數增加而累積處,建議可於此處加強通風設備;(3)依據二氧化碳監測數據,分別以單室模式及多室模式 模擬二場站其室內空氣品質模式,結果顯示單室模式比多室模式較為 適用,可據此模擬旅客人數、空調換氣效率與室內空氣品質之關係。 Important transportation sites polluted indoor air and simulated emergency plan in Taichung County The high-speed train of Taichung station and the Taichung international airport are the important transport center in Taichung County. The air quality control is very important based on the numerous passengers. The results of this project could be applied to control and improve the indoor air quality. The examination results showed that the bacteria and fungi indexes of the high-speed train of aichung station during the non-weekend were overthe suggested value. The concentrations of TVOC, PM2.5 and PM10 were increased with the numerous passengers during the weekend.The single room model and multi-room model were used to simulate the indoor air quality based on the CO2 value. The results showed that the single room model was more suitable for modeling the indoor air quality than multi-room model. The single room model can perform very well for the relationship between passengers, fresh air change efficiency and indoor air quality. The model shows that increasing the fresh air change rate could efficiently decrease the concentration of carbon dioxide. However, the needed time for decreasing CO2 concentration to the suggested value was depends on the concentration of carbon dioxide.To establish auto carbon dioxide meter in these two stations was suggested when the concentration of CO2 is over the suggested value. The auto air control system could be started until the indoor air quality was at suggested value. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 中州技術學院
32120944 98年度彰化縣土壤污染範圍調查與查證計畫 098 彰化縣環境保護局 澳新科技股份有限公司
32120945 98年度桃園縣空氣品質監測站操作維護計畫期中報告 本計畫執行自98年6月到11月之期中數據分析結果顯示,空氣品質自動監測站之空氣品質無重大污染事件發生,偶有區域性污染之PM10測值超出空品標準外,其餘測項分析之趨勢變化均為穩定且合理,並與環保署鄰近測站比對,驗證數據於不同特性測站間比較之可信。人工監測站的總懸浮微粒濃度與硫酸鹽濃度均為合理趨勢變化,惟硝酸鹽濃度與鉛濃度變化趨勢較為不穩定,不若氯鹽之情況。落塵水總量分析各站間趨勢,除8月間受到颱風影響,整體測值變化仍屬正常範圍。 Midterm Report of Taoyuan City Air Quality Stations Operation and Maintain Project in 2009 This project execution the data analysis result demonstrated time of from 98 year in June to the November, air of quality not significant pollution event the air quality automatic inspection station occurs, occasionally has PM10 of regional pollution to measure that the value surpasses outside the spatial standard, other measured that tendency of change the analysis is stable and is reasonable, and with environmental protection bureau neighbor survey station compared to right, confirms the data in the different characteristic survey station between credibility the comparison. The artificial inspection station always the suspended particulate matter density and the sulfuric acid salinity are the reasonable tendency changes, only the nitric acid salinity and the lead density change tendency is unstabler, not, if situation of the chlorine salt. The dustfall water total quantity analyzes various interstations tendency, comes under the typhoon influence except August, the whole measured that the value change was still the normal range. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 國際環境科技有限公司
32120946 亞太經濟合作–亞太海洋衛星應用 亞太經合會是我國以會員參加的高階國際組織。本計畫「衛星應用於知識經濟」之目的在於協助APEC會員經濟體發展衛星應用相關的知識經濟,在積極促進海洋資源保育的科技交流之中,建立與維持科技交流的國際管道,提昇我國在APEC的形象與影響力。本計畫以及之前的「海洋模式與資訊系統」計畫都由APEC及環保署共同資助,推展海洋資源保育及經濟發展的平衡。前期計畫是協助鄰國建立小型衛星接收站,我們也因此獲得南海南部的衛星資料。現在,我們與鄰國共同建立衛星應用與海洋資源保育的能力,我方提供福衛二號衛星影像,在胡志明市、印尼的雅加達與龍柏島、菲律賓大學、及中央大學,合辦福衛二號衛星影像分析訓練營。本計畫執行成果包含,諮詢國內專家意見後,完成APEC/ MRCWG年度計畫提案書(Satellite Application on Coral Reef Assessment, SACRA)、SAKE進度報告書以及評估報告書。同時配合我國代表團出席APEC海洋資源保育工作小組於加拿大溫哥華市舉辦之EAF (Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries) 研討會及年度會議 (MRC-22),報告歷年工作進度及備詢,提報與解說SACRA計畫。與國內學者出席印尼舉辦之「2009國際海洋科學、技術及政策研討會」,發表有關本計畫之衛星遙測與海洋監測等相關報告,以加強區域間有關海洋監測國際合作交流,9月份協助中央大學舉辦衛星研習營,並於台灣大學主辦第一屆PACSWIN海底電纜應用研討會,推動以海纜量測太平洋與印度洋之間的海水交換,以及對氣候變遷的影響。透過本計畫的推行,我國所提供的福衛二號影像,已由各國學者應用於菲國箱網數量的監控、越南湄公河的河口生態研究、以及印尼珊瑚礁底質與水質的測繪。他們的經驗也有助於保護我們的海洋環境與資源。 Asia-Pacific Economic Corporation (APEC) is one of high-level international organizations that our country has full membership in. The goal of this project “Satellite Application on Knowledge-based Economy” (SAKE) is to assist member economies of APEC to develop new economy that is based on the knowledge of satellite applications. In the mean time, we may build up channels for science and technology exchange with other member economies, and enhance our image and influence in APEC. Both this and the earlier project “Ocean Models and Information System for the APEC Region” (OMISAR) were sponsored jointly by APEC and Environmental Protection Administration, for promoting the balance between the conservation of marine resources and the economic development. In OMISAR project, we helped neighboring countries to build small satellite ground stations and in return, we received the satellite data of southern South China Sea that was not available to anywhere else. Now, we jointly built the capacity on satellite application to marine resources conservation, by providing Fromosat-2 satellite images to foreign participants, co-organizing training workshops in HoChiMinh City of Vietnam, in Jakarta and Lombok of Indonesia, in Bolinao of the Philippines, and in National Central University. In addition to completing SAKE-2007 Evaluation Report, SAKE-2008 Progress Report, SAKE-2008 Evaluation Report that are requested by APEC, presenting new proposal to APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group. The result of this project were presented in the Symposium of World Ocean Conference in Manado, Indonesia, May 12-14. We also assisted the Capacity Building Program on Satellite Theory and Application in the Center of Space and Remote Sensing Research in National Central University (Sept. 7-15, 2009). Participants of the 3 workshops and 6 training programs since 2006, have used these images to monitor the number of fish cages near Bolinao, to study the marine ecosystem of Meikong River, and to survey the benthic types near coral islands in Indonesia. Their experience shall be useful on the conservation of our marine environment and marine resources. Under co-sponsorship of NTU, NARL/TORI and CGA, we organized the First Submarine Cable Workshop of PACSWIN Project under UN/CLIVAR program in NTU, in September 9-11, 2009. 098 永續發展室 台灣大學全球變遷中心
32120947 98年嘉義縣揮發性有機物稽查管制計畫 098 嘉義縣環境保護局 美城環境科技有限公司
32120948 環境中致病性微生物之生物晶片開發研究(1/2) 台灣位處亞熱帶,氣候溫暖潮濕極適合真菌的生長。飄浮在空氣中的黴菌孢子或代謝物,易成為人類的過敏原,引發支氣管哮喘、蕁麻疹、過敏性鼻炎、結膜炎、腸胃炎、皮膚炎等過敏症,如能及早偵測到這些真菌存在空氣中,應能採取管制,降低風險。傳統真菌鑑定方法往往需要專業的微生物人才與漫長分析時間,開發一套環境中致病真菌的生物檢測晶片,可以同時監測多種致病真菌,兼具簡單、快速與正確的特色。為快速監測空氣中有害黴菌的存在,本研究發展寡核苷酸晶片以鑑定空氣中有害黴菌,利用核糖體核酸基因內轉錄區(internal transcribed spacer, ITS)設計特異性之寡核苷酸探針,並將其點在尼龍膜上製成晶片,待測菌種經PCR放大ITS區域後與晶片上之探針進行雜合反應。本晶片可鑑定21種有害黴菌,總共測試139株菌(73株目標菌株及66株非目標菌株),鑑定率為98.6% (72/73),特異性(specificity)為100% (66/66)。進一步利用此晶片實測空氣樣本的分離株143株,某政府單位樣本由晶片可檢測到Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus flavus, Aureobasidium pullulans, Cladosporium cladosporides。某醫院及某研究大樓樣本由晶片可檢測到Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus versicolor,晶片鑑定率為100% (71/71),特異性為98.6% (71/72)。由目前結果顯示此晶片為一種可鑑定空氣中有害黴菌之良好工具。 Fungi exist in both indoors and outdoors. Exposure to fungi, particularly in water damaged indoor environments, has been thought to exacerbate a number of adverse health effects, ranging from subjective symptoms such as fatigue, cognitive difficulties or memory loss to more definable diseases such as allergy, asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Traditionally, fungi have been recovered by plate cultivation. Fungal identification may require days to weeks and expertise is needed for reliably identification. Recently, DNA microarray technology displays a high potential in the testing and analysis of environmental samples. Recent applications of the DNA microarray in environment studies include the detection of pathogens, environmentally functional genes, specific bacteria and viruses. In this study, based on the sequences of the ITS regions, an oligonucleotide array was developed to identify fungal pathogens in air. A collection of 73 target strains (21 species) were analyzed by the array and a sensitivity of 98.6% (72/73) was obtained. In addition, a total of 66 nontargrt strains (66 species) were also tested and a specificity of 100% (66/66) was obtained. Furthermore, 143 isolates from air samples were analyzed by the array; the correct identification rate was 100% (71/71) and the specificity was 98.6% (71/72). The present method is a rapid and accurate alternative for identification of fungi isolated from air samples. 098 環檢所 國立成功大學醫學檢驗技術研究中心
32120949 98年度空氣污染綜合防制計畫 桃園縣政府環保局為順利推動空氣品質維護或改善工作,並能達到各項管制計畫預期之目標及效益,故委託執行本計畫,其主要工作重點為綜合管理各空氣品質維護或改善計畫之執行進度與品質,並整合其具體成效或提升滿意度之做法提報予環保署爭取較佳的考評績效;另一重點則為掌握並更新本縣環境負荷及污染排放資料,分析境內空氣品質監測結果及空氣品質不良事件日污染成因探討,據以檢討修正近程空氣污染管制策略,籌編99年度桃園縣空氣品質維護或改善工作計畫。本計畫蒐集分析以往空氣污染防制政策及相關研究文獻、檢討建立本縣排放量管理計畫書、彙整歷年公害陳情案件、繪製空氣污染陳情案件之環境熱點地圖,進行空品惡化事件日模式模擬及成因分析,檢討修正本縣空氣污染防制計畫書,並配合各項會議的召開(包括工作檢討會、現場查核、北部空品會議、環保署期中及成效檢討會議、基金管理委員會議及組務會議等等),此外更協助局內辦理多場節能減碳宣導活動,期末階段歸納執行所獲成果分項說明如下。一、空氣品質量化成效 (一)PSI相關指標1.桃園地區98年PSI>100站日數比例為0.69%,較97年0.82%下降0.13%,98年PSI值52低於97年PSI值53。2.桃園一般測站整體較97年為佳,除平鎮測站稍惡化28%之外,龍潭測站持平,桃園及大園測站分別減少0.54%及28%。3.桃園縣98年PM10,PSI>100站日數比例較97年下降0.21%;98年O3,PSI>100站日數比例稍惡化0.07%。 (二)污染物濃度指標1.98年PM10年平均值為53.9μg/m3,較97年54.3μg/m3改善0.1μg/m3。2.桃園地區O3第八高小時平均值98年105.3ppb,較97年105.5ppb改善1.7ppb。3.98年桃園測站SO2年平均值為7.8ppb,較97年9.0ppb改善0.7ppb。二、工作項目成果 (一)有效控管各項空污費補助計畫執行成效1.已訂定桃園縣空污基金各項管制計畫監督控管流程及各計畫橫向聯繫機制,共執行140件橫向通報作業。2.每月定期協助更新環保局網頁,其中包含10項空氣污染管制計畫及其階段性之訊息等。3.依據行政院環境保護署98年「直轄市及縣(市)空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評要點」,每月定期彙整、追蹤及統計,以達提升計畫品質與成效。4.已於98年5月27日、98年7月16日、98年9月2日、98年11月17日、99年1月7日及99年3月19日共辦理六場次工作檢討會,其中四場次邀請兩位專家學者與會給予指導。5.每月定期協助環保局彙整環保署縣(市)執行空氣品質維護或改善工作考評季報表,並按月進行各項文書查核工作,營建及固定現場實地查核已於98年7月31日及8月4日(第一季)、98年10月29日(第二季)、99年1月4日(第三季)及99年4月13日及15日(第四季)辦理完畢。6.依據98年度考評要點,已於98年10月16日召開1場次北部空品區之跨縣市執行經驗交流檢討會。7.於98年7月2日辦理綜合教育訓練會1場次,會中另邀請環保署及專家學者與會指導。8.配合參與環保署於98年6月17日舉辦 之98年各縣(市)執行空氣品質維護或改善工作之空品區座談會、98年8月31日舉辦之99年度「直轄市及縣(市)空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評要點」說明會、98年10月1日舉辦之98年度「各縣(市)執行空氣品質維護或改善工作之空品區期中檢討會」、98年12月2日舉辦之99年度排放量管理計畫說明會、99年1月27日至29日舉辦之98年度各縣(市)執行空氣品質維護或改善工作成效檢討會及99年4月9日舉辦之空氣品質不良因應措施研商會。9.因應98年度考評要點,按實辦理環保局接受環保署考評有關空氣品質改善維護計畫執行績效之工作資料、考評報表統計及製作、公務報表、簡報資料之彙整製作。 (二)評估整體空氣品質改善執行成效1.每月收集測站資料分析,按月附於進度報表。2.完成近年空氣品質不良事件日污染成因分析:分析桃園縣臭氧之空氣品質不良指標值及各類空氣污染物濃度變成情形,並執行VOCs、粒狀物污染成分分析(金屬元素及陰、陽離子),並利用空氣污染模式(軌跡模式GTx)模擬近四年空品不良事件日發生之傳輸軌跡。3.針對空氣品質惡化擬定惡化查處名單,並督導相關計畫執行惡化應變作業,共執行50次緊急惡化通報。4.依據空氣污染防制法及空氣污染防制計畫書,已於99年3月24日因應沙塵暴事件辦理1場次空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急應變程序分工會議。 (三)有效掌握本縣空氣污染排放資訊,研議可行管制策略1.於98年6月11日及98年8月6日辦理2場次空氣污染防制計畫書修訂研商會,並於98年9月底前提交桃園縣空氣污染防制計畫書,環保署於98年10月1日函文核定。2.配合環保署相關排放量調查計畫及本縣各管制計畫調查執行成果,推估未來5年本縣排放量。3.97年各污染排放地圖已納入98年版空氣污染防制計畫書,本計畫依據空氣污染管制相關計畫提供資料,已繪製98年度陳情源熱點情資圖。4.掌握縣內未來重大環評開發案排放量資訊,檢討修正99、100年空氣污染防制策略。 (四)空氣污染管制計畫執行成果宣導及協調1.已於98年9月13日辦理「愛在桃園~鐵馬‧低碳‧幸福遊」暨低污染運具宣導活動,並購置1,000份宣導品因應宣導活動推廣,並於99年3月辦理桃好空氣嘉年華-加油到跳停、健康好縣民暨98年度空氣污染防制績優表揚活動,於聯合報及自由時報各別刊登一式10P版面。2.完成500份年度成果專刊印製工作。3.共完成2,023份之民意問卷調查作業。整體而言,98年度本縣的空氣品質改善或維護工作,在各子計畫的積極配合下,已可有效檢核並掌握目標之達成率,在環保署的績效考評成績亦獲得不錯的成績及委員的肯定。展望下年度,環保署於98年10月公布了「99年度直轄市及縣(市)空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評要點」,因此如何銜接並因應下年度考評重點,加強地方特色管制工作之規劃,將是爭取99年度考評績效的重要關鍵。 Integrated Control of Air Pollutant in Taoyuan,2009 For improving the quality of air condition, the Taoyuan County Government executes this project with two goals. The first, managing all related projects and collects the entire materials to strive for better effects. The second, commanding the pollution load of the environment, and to monitoring the pollutant emission. This project integrated the literatures about preventing of air pollution, created the reports of emission quantity, dealt with the claimed case, and plotted the air pollution spot to analyze the situation. Furthermore, it was not only hold variety conference (including seasoning working discussion, the scene examination, northern Air quality conference, Committee member local examine conference of The Department of Environmental Protection, Foundation managemental conference, Eternal development conference, Organization conference)but also have activities of guidance for Energy Efficiency and Carbon Reduction. The following attachment was the list of the well results.A. Quantification of the air condition.1) PSI indexIn 2009, the proportion of PSI values over than 100 was 0.69%. It had 0.13% reduction comparing with 2008. And the mean value of the PSI in 2009 was 52 (less than 53 in 2008). The analysis of the whole measuring stations in 2009 was better than 2008 except ping-jen station. Furthermore, the measuring station with PSI values over than 100 caused by PM10 reduced 0.21%, and was worse than last year for 0.07% in O3 item.2) The index of pollutant concentration The mean concentration of PM10 in 2009 was 53.9μg/m3, better than 54.3μg/m3 in 2008. The mean hour-concentration of the eighth high was 105.3ppb in 2009. And the average of SO2 was 7.8ppb in the same year. They reduced for 1.7ppb and 0.7ppb respectively comparing with last year. B. The work achievements1) The efficiency performance of the supplement of Air pollution project.I. It had built the processes of supervising mechanism and the connecting channel for every project.II. We updated the information on internet on regular time, including the 10 air pollution preventing projects and messages in every stage.III. In order to improve the quality and efficiency, the integration of every project would be carried out.IV. It had hold six seasoning working discussions. Four of them invited two experts to give advice.V. To finish seasoning working reports. The inspection on site of building project and fixed pollution project were carried out on July 31, 2009, October 29, 2009, January 4, 2010, April 13, 2010 and April 15, 2010.VI. It had held a northern Air quality conference on October 16, 2009.VII. There was a educational activity on July 2, 2009.VIII. The related conferences were held as following: Taiwan air quality conference was on June 17, 2009. The importance of air quality remaining examination was on August 31, 2009. The review conference of Air quality remaining was on October 1, 2009. The emission managing orientation was on December 2, 2009. The documents collection, statistical and official reports was produced on time.2) The whole execution efficiency estimationI. To analyze the data from measuring station every month.II. The reasons of pollutant formation would be assay.III. To deal with a contingency or emergency case for deteriorated air quality.IV. The working division conference of air quality deteriorated seriously was held on March 24, 2010.3) To control the information of pollutant emission and solution.I. The modification of air pollution preventing proposal committee was held on June 11, 2009 and August 6, 2009.II. To estimate the emission in the further 5 years.III. It had plotted the pollution spots map in 2009.IV. To control the messages of great developed case.4) Guidance and coordinationI. The low-pollution transportations propaganda was held on September 13, 2008.II. 500 the year-publications were printed out.III. 2,023 questionnaire surveys.In conclusion that to nuisance and maintaining environmental cleanliness would be the topic to strengthen of environment from the year of 2009. The better living area would be develop and base the effective policy and take effect by everybody. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司
32120950 環保科技園區國內媒體宣導專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署為促進產業與生態平衡永續發展,於桃園、台南、高雄、花蓮四地設置環保科技園區,藉此帶動工業區生態化之風潮,促進產業間投入與產出面之關連性聯結,進而擴展至都市主要生活圈之連結。故委託辦理「環保科技園區國內媒體宣導專案」,本計畫藉媒體整合行銷推廣園區特色、優勢、商機、競爭力及對環境的意義及價值,吸引更多廠商進駐、並促使民眾了解此園區規畫的目的和意義。 本案整合多元化媒體宣傳策略,從報紙、雜誌、電視與網路三波議題執行規畫,用循序漸進之議題包裝方式使媒體發揮最大宣傳效益。在電視部分透過電視訪談節目將環保科技園區未來發展願景、各園區特色與優勢、成功進駐企業案例、政府補助資訊,以專業公關議題操作方式呈現給大眾,使民眾透過多元管道認識環保科技園區。 招商廣編稿部分,凸顯桃園、花蓮、台南、高雄廠區特色、環保署提供廠商進駐之補助優惠資訊,平面媒體鎖定目標對象喜愛雜誌及報紙曝光,並規劃於國內知名入口網站將環保科技園區連結訊息曝光。另製作園區招商宣導品,及本案問卷分析作為未來推廣計畫建議。本案執行自98年8月25日起迄今共吸引6家廠商進駐核准入廠、3家廠商通過初審、6家廠商申請進駐作業、6家廠商進入審查階段,本案以整合全面性跨媒體宣傳策略,促進廠商與大眾對環保科技園區更進一步認識。 Environmental technology park promotion project The Environmental Protection Administration promoted the continuous development of industry and ecology, and found the environmental technology park in Tao Yuan, Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Hualiang to link the industry with environment protection. As a result, ‘environmental technology park promotion project’ were launched to promote the characteristic, advantage, business, competition and the value of ecology of these technology park to attract more exhibitors to let citizen understand the purpose and meaning of this technology park. This project integrated multimedia promotion through news paper, magazine, television, and internet using progressive topics to maximum promotion benefits. In television interviews, the competitive advantage, the results of the companies, government subsidiary would be introduced to the general public in a professional manner, so the public would understand the environment technology parks. In the advertisement for recruiting investors, it emphasized on the special characteristic the parks in Taoyuan, Hwaliang, Tainan, and Kaohsiung. The environment protection administration would provide information on government subsidiaries for investors. For paper media, news papers and magazines favored by the target groups were selected, and the information would be exposed on famous internet entry sites. Promotion and surveys were also made to as a reference for future planning. Since the execution from August 25th, 2009, there were 6 companies approved to move in, and 3 companies passed the initial evaluation, 6 companies applied to move in, 6 companies in the operation evaluation stage. With integrated promotion, both the investors and the public have better understanding of the environment technology park. 098 廢管處 飛凡傳播股份有限公司
32120951 屏東縣加強農業廢棄物露天燃燒稽查管制及紙錢集中焚燒處理計畫 本計畫之目的是要導正農民處理農業廢棄物及紙錢露天燃燒之方式,以維護轄區內之空氣品質。本年度工作內容及說明如下:(1)巡查管制作業:查獲609件露天燃燒之案件,燃燒較嚴重的鄉鎮依序為南州鄉、林邊鄉、萬丹鄉及枋寮鄉等,其中以蓮霧廢枝葉燃燒情形較為嚴重。(2)破碎處理輔導改善:分別以代工班代為處理,面積達110.94公頃及低窪地區離場集中破碎處理,面積為10.16公頃。(3)不露天燃燒自主管理:針對台糖出租地與果園產銷班,由內部自主性管制露天燃燒。台糖今年度於租賃契約中加入禁止露天燃燒條款,並依提供農地之地籍資料662公頃,抽選7筆土地進行查核。(4)GIS系統資料新增及農民資料庫整建置:完成500筆農民資料庫之建檔工作,並將查獲露天燃燒巡查案件609件更新鍵入GIS系統中。(5)完成建置農業廢棄物處理與紙錢專屬網頁。(6)宣導作業:辦理5場紙錢集中焚燒處理與減量宣導會及3場禁止露天燃燒宣導會。(7)紙錢集中焚燒處理:總收運量達70.28公噸。 Pingtung County emphasis on monitoring, inspecting and controlling practice on the open-air burning and collecting and burning of fake paper money project The objective of this project is to guide farmers’ methods on outdoor burning of agricultural wastes and burning ghost money so as to maintain the air quality at the area under control.This year works the content and showing is as follows : (1) In order to inspect and control outdoor burning, there were 609 inspected cases tracked down in this year. Nanjhou County, Linbian Country, Wandan Country and Fangliao Country ranked firstamong the number of cases found. And the most common category for outdoor burning was the wax apple wastes.(2)The crushing treatment and counseling improvement : to be proceeded by OEM group , there were 110.94 hectare and by way of off-site centralized treatment process, there were 10.16 hectare. (3)NO burning on air independent management : in view of the Taiwan Sugar hiring and the orchard production-marketing unit , control open-air burning by internal independent management. This year, Taiwan Sugar join the prohibition open-air burning clause appears contract hire. According to provides cadastre of farmland 662 hectares, samples 7 lands to carry on checks. (4) Addition GIS system material and the information of farmer bank are established: set up about 500 information of farmer, and 609 inspected cases renew to enter in the GIS system. (5) Completes establishes waste agricultural material processing and the paper money exclusive homepage.(6) Guidance work : take place 5 paper money centralism burning and the decrement guidance meets and 3 prohibition open-air burning guidance meeting.(7) Paper money centralism burning down processing : there were to reach 70.28 tons. 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司
32120952 利用化學活化法將澱粉廢料製成高比表面積含硫除汞活性碳新穎技術及其設備之研發 本計畫主要目的及工作項目包括兩大部份:(1)進行澱粉廢料之氣化發電研發,並完成成本估算及經濟影響評估;(2)以價廉而量大之澱粉廢料為原料,經化學活化法來製備高比表面積之活性碳材料,且無需繁複的設備及步驟即可量產高比表面積活性碳之優點,並使用硫含浸法進行表面改質,以提升其吸附去除含汞污染物之特殊能力。實驗結果顯示澱粉廢料經過化學活化處理程序後,比表面積從54提升至923 m2/g。澱粉廢料氣化為二階反應,平均活化能為10.3~18.2 kcal/mol,平均反應次數為2,冷氣效率為73.6%,合成氣產量約95.5%,可回收熱能1.77 × 107 kcal/h;汞吸附量與吸附比表面積略成正比的趨勢,且硫含量愈高,吸附汞能力愈佳。由BET結果顯示此硫化活性碳吸附劑經改質後,比表面積都明顯降低,可能是因改質後披覆在孔洞表面的可能產物如硫或硫醇基之化合物,造成孔洞堵塞而降低比表面積。由EXAFS分析可說明汞之氧化價數主要為二價,可能是因在高溫下Hg(I)較不易形成,其中HgO、HgCl2及HgS之配位數分別為2、4和2,鍵距分別為2.10、2.31及2.42 Å。此外,Hg在高溫下可能與空氣中之氧或尾氣之氯形成HgO或HgCl2,但更容易與吸附劑表面之硫,形成HgS鍵結。此硫化活性碳具有吸附力強而且價格低廉之優點,具有商業競爭優勢及前瞻性經濟效益。 Technical Development for Advanced High-Surface-Area Presulfurized Activated Carbon from Starch Wast The objectives and major tasks of the proposed research were comprised of: (1) starch wastes gasification with syngas (H2 +CO) generation and tested/simulated assessment of the gasification pilot plant and economic estimation; (2) synthesized and characterization of high-surface-area presulfurized activated carbon obtained from starch wastes using chemical activation. The surface area of as-synthesized activated carbon was notably enhanced from 54 to 923 m2/g by chemical activation. In addition, the starch waste gasification was a two-order reaction with an average activation energy of 10.3~18.2 kcal/mol including cold gas efficiency of 73.6% and 1.77 × 107 kcal/h of heat recovery. Moreover, the generation of syngas (H2 + CO>95.5%, dry basis) was also recovered. The Hg adsorption capacity of as-synthesized activated carbon was increased with increasing the surface area and content of sulfur in activated carbon. Since the pore channels of as-synthesized activated carbon may be pluged with sulfur, thiophene, sulfate, sulfone or sulfoxide, the BET surface area was decreased with increasing sulfur content in the pre-sulfurised activated carbon. The postulated mechanisms of the adsorption of HgCl2 and Hg(0) might be chemically and physically adsorbed on the surface of pore channels, respectively. The XANES and EXAFS data showed that the adsorbents possessed Hg(II) species in a higher temperature environment. The main species in adsorbents were HgO, HgCl2, and HgS with the bond distance of 2.10, 2.31, and 2.42 Å and the coordination number of 2, 4, and 4, respectively. The starch wastes wth highly Hg adsorption capacity and cheap would have the particular economic potentials and low-cost advantages in the application of Hg removal. 098 永續發展室 元智大學
32120953 98年度固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫 98年度本計畫工作規劃重點係依據環保署固定源管制重點政策及結合南投縣固定污染源特性及相關評選須知內容進行規劃,其中包括:一、加強南崗工業區空氣污染管制並結合高風險工廠清查工作,辦理專家學者進廠評鑑/體檢,並執行後續改善追蹤及改善完成確認,有效降低污染排放及陳情案件,提升施政滿意度。二、固定源空污費徵收作業(SOX、NOX、VOCS)自98年全部移撥地方執行建檔、審查及查核,相關建檔、審查除依中央訂定之SOP執行,另全面執行空污費現場查核,確認申報正確性。三、延續整廠管制工作,藉由定期訪查與改善輔導,進一步簽署減量協議並確認改善進度,達成污染減量目標。四、檢討改進歷年各項業務執行缺失,據以修正執行方式及內容,辦理人員教育訓練,提昇工作效率與執行品質。五、延續歷年各項工作管制成果,依據南投縣污染特性與環保局管制政策,研擬地方特色之創新做法,並且加強便民服務。本工作團隊已依據上列五大主軸積極進行相關工作規劃與準備,包括:作業對象、各項作業流程及SOP、往年執行缺失與今年應加強改善項目等,各項工作之執行細節請參閱本工作計畫建議書各章節。此外,為能積極提昇本計畫執行績效,工作團隊特別針對部份作業規劃績效提昇精進做法,如強化南崗工業區污染及陳情管制、辦理履遭陳情及重大污染源專案管制及輔導減量等項。本計畫為南投縣環保局延續性重點施政計畫,多年來,台灣曼寧公司工作團隊同仁有幸參與並獲得良好工作績效與豐富經驗,未來參與本計畫的執行人員均有三年以上固定源管制經驗並具有「甲級空氣污染防制專責人員」之資格,同時,本計畫在環保署各年度績效考評成績皆獲「優等」以上成績,更於95年獲得「特優」佳績。展望未來,台灣曼寧公司工作團隊將依南投縣環保局對於固定污染空氣污染管制工作的推動與需求執行各項工作,同時,全體同仁將秉持努力不懈、精益求精的工作態度與精神,積極提昇作業效能與工作品質,全力達成計畫目標,為南投縣空氣品質的維護與改善工作盡我們最大的努力。 Fixedly pollute source permission auditor control and empty the dirty fee urge to repair to pay to examine a project 098 南投縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
32120954 屏東縣固定污染源排放戴奧辛與重金屬檢測計畫 本計劃執行屏東縣固定污染源排放戴奧辛與重金屬檢測計畫,包括調查轄區內固定污染源排放戴奧辛與重金屬之篩選工作,並篩選出一座大型廢棄物焚化爐、一座中小型廢棄物焚化爐及一座可能產生戴奧辛與重金屬作業之製程,依行政院環境檢驗所公告之標準方法進行煙道戴奧辛與重金屬採樣分析工作。由檢測數據推估固定污染源排放係數及排放量,擬定戴奧辛與重金屬之管制策略等。主要檢測成果如下: 本年度固定污染源之檢測對象為崁頂垃圾資源回收廠、台灣電力公司第三核能發電廠及威 翰環保公司等三座。大型垃圾焚化爐煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ濃度值於0.0258~0.0465 ng I-TEQ/Nm3之間,總平均(法規規範之求法)為0.0374 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 (RSD=23.1%),低於法規規範之煙道廢氣PCDD/Fs排放濃度。其煙道廢氣中鉛總平均為0.0136 mg/Nm3;鎘與汞濃度皆低於偵測極限,煙道廢氣中重金屬濃度皆符合法規標準。中小型廢棄物焚化爐煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ平均濃度為0.500 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,符合法規規範之0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3標準。其煙道廢氣中重金屬之鉛、鎘與汞濃度均低於偵測極限。威翰環保公司旋轉爐煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs平均濃度為0.175 ng/Nm3,符合法規規範之0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3標準。其煙道廢氣之鉛平均濃度為0.00797 mg/Nm3、鎘平均濃度為0.000473 mg/Nm3、汞濃度低於偵測極限。 戴奧辛與重金屬排放量與排放係數推估結果如下: 大型垃圾焚化爐煙道戴奧辛排放係數為0.263 μg I-TEQ/ton-waste; 年排放量為0.0630 g I-TEQ /Y。中小型廢棄物焚化爐煙道戴奧辛排放係數為6.89 μg I-TEQ/ton waste;年排放量為0.00344 g I-TEQ /Y。威翰環保公司旋轉爐煙道戴奧辛排放係數為0.0846 μg I-TEQ/ton waste;年排放量為0.000274 g I-TEQ /Y。大型垃圾焚化爐煙道重金屬鉛、汞與鎘之排放係數分別為0.129、0.00332與0.00499 g /ton-固體廢棄物;年排放量分別為35.1、0.0906與1.36 kg /Y。中小型廢棄物焚化爐煙道重金屬鉛、汞與鎘之排放係數分別為0.0541、0.0111與0.00742 g /ton-waste;年排放量分別為0.0811、0.0167與0.0111 kg /Y。威翰環保公司旋轉爐煙道重金屬鉛、汞與鎘之排放係數分別為0.103、0.00496與0.00744 g /ton-waste;年排放量分別為0.321、0.0154與0.0231 kg /Y。 本計畫蒐集環保署有關戴奧辛與重金屬之管制策略與逐年減量目標,並根據環保署之相關管制策略,進一步研擬屏東縣戴奧辛與重金屬管理措施。由歷年屏東縣戴奧辛與重金屬排放量結果顯示,於2003至2006年隨著中小型焚化爐、煉鋼業電弧爐及鋼鐵業燒結工場之排放標準陸續生效,排放量已逐年降低,至2007年排放入大氣之戴奧辛總量已降至0.6 g I-TEQ,約佔該年度全國總排放量之0.7%。由於環保署對於可能產生戴奧辛之固定污染源已列管,透過立法管制、加強檢測稽查與排放減量輔導等手段,屏東縣戴奧辛減量管制已有明顯成效,然而對於排放量大且尚未立法管制之露天燃燒行為,應優先推動教育宣導及強化稽查管制措施。 Investigation on dioxin and heavy metal emissions from stationary sources in Pingtung County The scope of this project includes: to survey existing emission sources of dioxin and heavy metals; to execute the investigation for dioxin and heavy metal emissions from the selected stationary sources; to update and establish the emission inventory of dioxin and heavy metals; to develop control strategy for dioxin and heavy metals. The achievements of this project are described as below: One large scale municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI), one middle/small incinerator and one activated carbon regeneration plant were investigated in this project. The mean total PCDD/F concentration of large scale MSWI, one middle/small incinerator and one activated carbon regeneration plant were 0.0374 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 (range= 0.0258~0.0465 ng I-TEQ/Nm3), 0.500 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 (range= 0.166~0.857 ng I-TEQ/Nm3) and 0.00860 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 (range= 0.00685~0.0108 ng I-TEQ/Nm3), respectively. All of them are lower than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA. The mean content of Pb of the large scale MSWI was 0.0136 mg/Nm3; those of Cd and Hg were below the detection limit. The mean contents of Pb, Cd and Hg of the middle/small incinerator were all below the detection limit, those of Pb, Cd and Hg of the activated carbon regeneration plant were 0.00797 mg/Nm3, 0.000473 mg/Nm3 and ND, respectively. Based on the investigation data, the measured concentrations of heavy metals are far below the limits listed in the “Stationary pollution source air pollutant emissions standards” by Taiwan EPA. The annual PCDD/F emissions of the large scale MSWI, the middle/small incinerator and the activated carbon regeneration plant were 0.0630, 0.00344 and 0.000274 g I-TEQ/Y. The annual emissions of Pb, Cd and Hg of the large scale MSWI were 35.1, 0.0906 and 1.36 kg/Y, respectively. The annual emission of Pb, Cd, and Hg of the middle/small incinerator were 0.0811, 0.0167 and 0.0111 kg/Y, respectively. And that of the activated carbon regeneration plant were 0.321, 0.0154 and 0.0231 kg/Y, respectively. This project reviewed current control and management strategies for dioxin and heavy metals regulated by Taiwan EPA. The management strategy of dioxin and heavy metals in Pingtung County were drafted. 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 正修科技大學
32120955 98年度嘉義市環境介質戴奧辛含量調查計畫 本計畫嘉義市焚化廠第一季周界大氣、植物及土壤之PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.0302 pg I-TEQ/Nm3、1.54及0.618 ng I-TEQ/kg。第二季大氣、植物及土壤之PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.0548 pg I-TEQ/Nm3、2.82及0.838 ng I-TEQ/kg。由嘉義市焚化廠之煙道廢氣PCDD/Fs特徵剖面分別與其各採樣點周界大氣PCDD/Fs特徵剖面進行主要成分分析,結果顯示焚化廠煙道廢氣與其周界大氣之PCDD/Fs並無明顯關聯性,故焚化廠並非周界大氣PCDD/Fs之主要污染源。另外,比較各採樣點之周界大氣、植物及土壤之PCDD/Fs等位濃度圖及風瑰圖,可知周界介質中PCDD/Fs之分佈與焚化廠無明顯之相關性。嘉義市焚化廠周界大氣PCDD/Fs之濃度與國內不同地區都市垃圾焚化爐周界大氣相較,屬於較低範圍之值,若與國外之調查研究做一比較,該焚化廠大氣中PCDD/Fs濃度和國外郊區較為接近,且遠低於日本法規規範之大氣PCDD/Fs加PCB濃度(0.6 pg WHO-TEQ/m3)法規規範值。嘉義市焚化廠周界植物與土壤中PCDD/Fs含量平均值與國內不同地區焚化爐比較皆屬於較低範圍值,若與國外之研究做一比較,本計畫榕樹葉片中PCDD/Fs平均濃度與韓國Gwangju都會區松樹樹葉較為接近,土壤戴奧辛含量則遠低於我國土壤戴奧辛管制標準1000 pg I-TEQ/g。另由t檢定結果可知,嘉義市焚化廠周界大氣PCDD/Fs濃度較七年前有下降趨勢,應是由於環保署各類污染源PCDD/Fs排放標準生效後,使得91年至98年各類污染源總PCDD/Fs排放量下降所致,但周界植物和土壤PCDD/Fs含量七年前後之變化並不顯著。 Investigation on dioxin level of ambient air, vegetation and soil in the vicinity of Chiayi city The mean PCDD/F concentrations in ambient air, banyan leave and soil nearby the Chiayi municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs) are 0.0425 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, 2.18 ng I-TEQ/kg and 0.728 ng I-TEQ/kg, respectively. Based on the PCDD/F concentrations of the three matrices determined at sites upwind and downwind, it was found that the environmental impact of the investigated MSWI was not obvious. PCDD/F concentration isopleths of the three environmental compartments coupled with wind rose of the region proved that the influence of the MSWI on the environment was also rather limited. Consequently, we can conclude that the PCDD/F emission from the MSWI do not have significant impact on the ambient atmosphere.Comparing the PCDD/F I-TEQ concentrations in the ambient air of the selected MSWIs in this study with various areas in Taiwan, we found that the investigated PCDD/F level in ambient air has the loweest PCDD/F I-TEQ concentration. The above results for associated toxicity were significantly lower than 0.6 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, which was the dioxin emission standard in Japan. In addition, the dioxin levels of ambient air, vegetation and soil nearby Chiayi MSWI are lower than those reported in previous study by Taiwan EPA in 2002. The above results indicate government regulation on dioxin emission did inhibit the emission of PCDD/Fs from MSWIs. 098 嘉義市政府環境保護局 正修科技大學
32120956 98年度「臺北市社區環保服務團計畫」 有關「培訓臺北市志工及臺北市環保義工大隊相關活動」工作項目,執行成果分別說明如下:<志工培訓>已完成1場次基礎訓練、1場次河川巡守志工隊特殊訓練及1場次災害應變協查志工特殊訓練,共計出席194人次。共有21位志工成為河川巡守志工隊正式志工,及77位志工成為災後應變協查志工的正式志工。<義工幹部訓練>已完成2場次臺北市環保義工大隊幹部訓練,共計出席164人次。<環保獎章暨十大環保義工隊評選>已完成評選,由委員評選出40位環保獎章得獎人及10隊環保義工隊得獎隊伍。<成果展示活動>已完成1場次成果展示活動,共計約950位臺北市環保義工大隊的幹部、社會及學校環保義工、綠色採購及商店受獎單位參與。<志(義)工資料建檔>已完成臺北市志工資料建檔、臺北市環保義工大隊資料建檔,並配合辦理中央主管機關登錄資料。有關「民間綠色採購推廣」工作項目,主要是以環保署「98年度推動民間企業與團體之綠色採購計畫評比標準定案後調整工作內容」辦理。依據環保署98年4月22日之通知函,於98年7月24日完成與環保局「附約契約書(附件25)」簽訂後,調整工作內容。經環保署審查通過後,相關五大項目工作執行成果分別說明如下:<健全環保產品行銷通路>已完成臺北市99家新增綠色商店設立;同時輔導已達727家次;且協助行銷活動達709場次。<鼓勵民間企業及團體實施綠色採購>協助完成北市民間企業綠色採購申報121家;且金額高達407,235,058元。<推廣綠色消費教育宣導>由臺北市環保局主、協辦綠色消費教育宣導活動人數達434,904人次;同時推廣社區、鄰里、村落達38處數;此外在文宣製作及媒體運用計410次情形;另外公布活動訊息達84則;而且在種子人員運用高達1,899人次。<表現優異及創新作為>表現優異1筆;且有7筆的創新作為。<執行問題與建議>針對本計畫提出5筆執行問題;及4筆建議方案等執行成果。有關「服務團其他推廣及服務工作」工作項目,執行成果分別說明如下:<因應世界相關環保節日推動環保工作>已完成世界地球日、世界環境日、世界清潔日相關活動配合及設攤宣導綠色消費。<配合製作民間企業團體綠色採購成果>已完成更新綠色生活資訊網中的活動資訊及成果登錄。<更新維護臺北市社區環保服務團網站>已將臺北市社區環保服務團網站資料移轉至yam天空部落,並完成所有資料更新。<配合臺北市環保局出席各項工作會議>已配合環保局需求出席多場研商會議,並進行相關規劃報告。 Taipei City Community Environmental Protection Service Corps program, 2009. Taipei City Community Environmental Protection Service Corps program, 2009. 098 台北市政府環境保護局 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會
32120957 98年臺中縣總量管制暨特定污染源影響評估計畫 本計畫執行期程一年,自98年3月2日簽約,至99年2月28日。本計畫主要工作重點包括以現有空氣污染源管制,來研擬本縣未來排放總量管理策略,及調查臺中港鄰近地區對中部空品區空氣污染貢獻量。各作業項目均已推動並完成(成果摘要表Ι),量化之工作項目進度達成率皆達100%。本縣污染源排放特性掌握及分析部分,97年基準年排放量資料顯示,TSP主要以車行揚塵及土木施工排放為主(兩者合計約佔73%排放比例),SOX則以工廠排放為主(約佔92%排放比例),NOX則以工廠及運輸車輛為主(兩者分別約佔56%及37%),NMHC以工廠點源及面源排放約佔59%、運輸車輛及工業外其他面源排放各約佔19%及22%;而就固定源行業別來看,電力業及鋼鐵業為本縣污染物排放量較大之主要行業;在營建工地污染排放方面,排放量較大之區域大都集中在重大開發建設所在之鄉鎮市(如后里鄉、梧棲鎮、龍井鄉及和平市等鄉鎮);在移動污染源排放量方面,柴油車在TSP、PM10及NOX等污染物佔有較大之比例,汽油車及機車則在NMHC及CO兩項污染物佔有較大之比重。另就山、海、屯區總排放量分布來看,台中港特定區所在之海區為本縣污染較為嚴重之區域。 新增污染源變化趨勢掌握分析部分,未來本縣新增重大污染源包含中龍鋼鐵二期、中科園區臺中基地及后里基地開發、神岡豐洲工業區開發案等,預估在102年營運後,屆時TSP增加量將達2,589公噸、SOX增加量達4,697公噸、NOX增加量達6,605公噸、NMHC增加量達4,388公噸。在綜合考量本縣面源及線源未來年變化因子後,預估本縣至105年各污染物成長排放量均呈現上升之趨勢,亦說明未來若需降低成長增量衝擊之影響,需透過涵容總量管理減量方案之執行來降低本縣污染物放量。 鋼鐵業排放標準修正研擬部分,本縣於88年曾頒布「臺中縣鋼鐵業空氣污染物放標準」,由於距今已有十年,因應中隆鋼鐵將於本縣台中港特定區設置煉鐵及煉鋼一貫作業程序,預期其所造成之污染排放將較傳統之電弧爐煉鋼製程明顯增加,因此本計畫乃依據鋼鐵業之管制現況及考量現行可行之控制技術提升,參考國外相關國家之管制標準、國內環保署固定污染源最佳可行控制技術修正草案、歐盟BAT技術來進行原條文不足之調整修正,並考量藉由修正後之排放標準來降低污染物排放濃度,以改善本縣空氣品質問題,草案建議內容包括針對燒結工場、煉焦工場、高爐工場、轉爐工場、電爐工場及熱軋工場針對粒狀污染物、硫氧化物及氮氧化物研擬可行再加嚴之排放濃度管制標準,另針對燒結工場及電爐工場研擬戴奧辛加嚴管制標準,擬建議由現行之0.5ng-TEQ/Nm3降至0.4ng-TEQ/Nm3,在堆置場方面則針對煤堆置區面積在1000m2以上者,亦建議規範應堆置於密閉式建築物儲存設施內,並綜合考量技術面、經濟面及環境面擬定三階段推動期程(100年、102年、108年)。 空氣污染物涵容總量管理部份,考量本縣目前在臭氧及懸浮微粒均為三級防制區,而未來仍有多項重大開發案將陸續營運,因此在本縣未來之空氣品質改善策略研擬上,除加強執行空氣污染管制重點工作外,有必要以總量管制或管理之精神,評估本縣未來排放量變化是否將超過可承載之涵容能力,進而擬定相關可行區域總量管理對策及方案以改善本縣空氣品質。 目前已完成本縣涵容總量管理架構及方案評估,設定現階段以參考環保署涵容總量管制之精神,以本縣縣界為邊界,訂定臺中縣內污染物涵容總量管理制度,並以達成本縣空氣污染防制區提升為二級及環保署設定之中部空品區105年PSI>100比例小於1.37%為為目標,並依此目標估算設定本縣各污染物允許排放量公噸、NMHC:44841公噸),及研擬本縣未來可加強執行推動之相關策略,包含方案一:加強執行之既存管制策略;方案二:配合環保署研擬中之加嚴管制措施;方案三:執行本縣特定污染類別地方加嚴管理措施(如電力業及鋼鐵業加嚴排放標準),初步評估在民國105年管制後本縣淨排放量應可低於允許排放量目標,並經模式模擬驗證臭氧及懸浮微粒濃度亦可符合二級防制區之水準。 排放交易抵換制度評估部分,本計畫參考國外排放量交易及抵換制度之方式及成功經驗,進行臺中縣推動排放量交易相關前置規劃及評估工作,初步可先設定以硫氧化物及氮氧化物為優先推動實施之物種,其中在計算認可排放量及目標核配排放量時,規劃以廠商近年來實際操作之排放量資料作為認可排放量計算基準,及考慮業界目前採行防制設備之效率狀況(評估設備可減量空間)訂定指定削減率,整項草案內容包含污染物削減量申請程序及資格、計算說明,削減量差額保留及抵換交易相關規定,而在執行期程上考量以目前臺中縣污染排放分布情形及市場規模而言,買賣方之規模尚嫌不足,交易市場將不夠活絡,建議列為中長程規劃目標,待中央相關規範及措施較明確後,再行配合中央政策以中部空品區污染源為排放交易對象及範圍,就交易市場來看應為較可行之做法。 兩次高污染事件日採樣驗證部分,分別於98年8月15日~17日、98年11月4日~6日完成採樣分析工作。每次監測採樣無機污染物720組樣本、揮發性有機物96組樣本、粒狀污染物分析調查24組樣本、PM2.5粒狀物及其前趨物氣體採樣24樣本。兩次採樣分析中發現,當縱觀天氣型態受到高壓迴流及高壓出海之狀態下影響,中部地區綜觀風場被微弱的東風所主導,在山脈的背風面形成下沉氣流,使空氣團塊絕熱升溫,形成逆溫層,污染物不易擴散,容易造成大里地區污染物濃度上升。針對高臭氧時段進行分析,結果顯示當大里地區產生高臭氧情況時,其都市熱島強度也明顯提高;但在彰化沿海地區卻不相同,因此顯示氣溫稍高並非是造成臭氧濃度累積之主要原因,其中應包含許多其他的因素,如綜觀風場、混和層高度、逆溫層、地理位置、地形結構、人為活動等,皆可能是造成臭氧濃度累積的因素,因此建議未來可從多方面的因素來探討造成高臭氧之原因。 彙整火力發電廠、鋼鐵廠之PM2.5及PM2.5-10的組成資料,應用於CMB受體模式分析其貢獻量,在PM2.5中四測站來自燃煤電廠的貢獻量介於0.7%~2.6%,另由排放組成資料顯示排放特徵元素為As與Se;而四測站來自鋼鐵廠的貢獻量則介於0.1%~0.5%,其特徵元素為Fe、Zn及Pb等。除了分析燃煤電廠及鋼鐵廠的影響外,亦收集船舶排放粒狀物之特徵元素為Ni與V,但因船舶排放資料未達20種元素,因此無法利用CMB解析船舶排放對粒狀物的貢獻量。 各測點揮發性有機物污染源貢獻組成皆以移動源為主,並以汽車排氣所佔的比例最高,顯示在中部地區一般周界大氣揮發性有機物來源汽機車佔有相當大之貢獻量。港區船舶排放模擬結果可發現,船舶排放之污染物並未傳輸至內陸地區,此可能受地形及距離之影響,由於船舶煙囪高度均不高,因此易受大肚山阻擋,不易傳入內陸地區,且採樣期間西風並非最頻風向,因此更降低傳輸至內陸機率。利用軌跡模式推估中部都會區污染物傳輸路徑,主要受到局部環流所影響,由中部梧棲沿海地區往內陸方向傳輸所造成。 The total quantity control project of given pollution source impact assessment in Taichung county This plan performed from Mar. 2 2009 to Feb. 28 2010. There are two prime goals of this plan: first, using air pollution sources control system to develop the strategy of the management of total emission amount and investigating the amount of air pollution emission around the neighbor area of Taichung Harbor. All projects in the plan are 100% reach its goal.According the county’s 2008 base annual emission data, TSP are mainly emitted from vehicle raised particles and construction sides (both accounts for approximately 73% of total emission), SOx emissions are primary from factories(accounts for approximately 92% of total emission), NOx emission are mostly from factory and transportation vehicles (both accounts for 56% and 37% respectively), NMHC emission are from factory point sources and plane sources accounting for 59%, transport vehicles and sources other than industrial emissions account for approximately 19% and 22% respectively; in addition, electrical power generation industry and steel industry are the main industries for larger pollutant emissions; regarding industrial zones, the most severe pollution zone of Taichung County is the Sea Zone of Taichung Harbor Special Designated Zone.Future major pollution sources of the county that are within grasp include the Second Stage Chun-Long Steel Works, Taichung Technology Park Taichung Base and Ho-Li Base developments, and Shen-Gun-Fun-Jou Industrial Zone development project, it is estimated upon operation in 2013, by then TPS increase will reach 2589 metric tons, SOX increase will reach 4697 metric tons, NOX increase will reach 6605 metric tons, and NMHC increase will reach 4388 metric tons. these increased numbers are likely to create an impact on Taichung’s air qualities, thus it is necessary to grasp the county’s tolerance capacity, through planning set Taichung county’s tolerable zone volume management solutions and strategies, in order to improve the county’s air quality.Taichung county announced in 1999 “Taichung County Steal Industry Air Pollutant Emission Standards”, since then it has been ten years, in response to the planned standard procedures of Chun-Long Steal Works iron and steal furnace establishment within the county’s Taichung Harbor Special Designated Zone, its estimated pollution emission will be significantly more than the traditional electric arc furnace steal refinement production process, thus the current plan is proposed according the current steal industry restrictions and concerns for current feasible control technology advancements, in order to make adjustments and amendments to the current insufficient rules and regulations, it is intended by making amendments to the emission standards to effectively decrease pollutant emission concentrations, in order to improve the county’s air quality problems, the draft content includes measures for sintering factories, coking factories, blast furnace factories, converter factories, electric furnace factories, and hot rolling factories, by particle pollutants, sulfur oxide compounds, and nitrogen oxide compounds to draft feasible and stringent recommended emission concentration restriction standards, in addition to targeting sintering factories and electric factories and draft dioxin stringent restriction standards, it is proposed to decrease the current 0.5ng-TEQ/Nm3 to 0.4ng-TEQ/Nm3, as for designs of coal pile zones with projected area of 1000m2 , it is recommended to regulate piling to storage facilities within closed building structures. Promote the phase-way is in the year 2011, 2013,2019.In consideration for the county’s current ozone and floating particles are both level three restriction zones, and that there are many pending future major development projects going into operation, thus on the basis of necessary strategy implementation for air quality improvements, other than reinforcing execution of air pollution restriction key tasks, it is essential by spirit of total volume restriction or management, estimate the county’s future emission volume changes and whether it will exceed tolerable capacities, and further implement relevant feasible zone total volume management measures and solutions in order to improve the county’s air quality.Currently the Taichung county tolerance volume management system and solution estimate is complete, and a seminar of professionals and academics has been held, the initial plan for the current stay is to refer to the essence of Environment Protection Administration’s tolerance volume management, and use the county’s boarder as the premise, set the Taichung pollutant tolerance volume management system, in order to achieve the Environment Protection Administration’s set central district air quality zone PSI>100 ratio less than 1.37% and the county’s air pollution restriction zone to raise to level two as the goal), and use this target to estimate and set the county’s various pollutant allowed emission level, as well as draft the county’s future five year enforceable and promotable related strategies, including solution one: improved execution of current existing restriction strategies; solution two: co-work with Environment Protection Administration’s existing restriction measures; solution three: execute the county’s specially designated pollution category and local improved management measures (such as power generation and steel industries stringent emission standards), after estimated calculations, simultaneously executing each of the strategies of solutions one, two and three, it is estimated in year 2016 after the restrictions the net emission volume should be under the allowed emission levels target, in other words, the county’s ozone and floating particles pollutant level should meet the concentration value of air quality standards level two in 2016 (restriction level two standards).In addition, in regards to future economy developments, there could be new additions to major development constriction applications being set up, for this it can be considered to create zero emissions verification system, that is, if new additional major development project’s annual target increased emission levels is over the county’s tolerance volume level, then request should be made at the environmental estimations stage for new set pollution sources in the increased volume aspect, seek the county’s other pollution sources through replacement of old for new restriction equipments and proceed with emission redemption reduction, and reach the zero emission/zero increase target.There are two serious air pollution events sampling on Aug. 15~17 2009 and Nov. 4~6 2009, the analysis were all done. There are 720 samples of inorganic pollutants, 96 samples of VOCs, 24 samples of particle matter and 24 samples of PM 2.5 and its precursor’s compounds in each monitor sampling. In these analyses conclude that, under the influence of high pressure condition, the wind field of the central area of Taiwan was dominated by the feeble eastern wind. The downdraught formed at the wind-back side of mountain chain formed the air temperature inversion layer, it made the pollutants diffused uneasy, and the raise of the concentration of air pollutants on Dali area. The result of analysis of high concentration of zone had shown that when the concentration of ozone on Dali area was rising, the intensity of heat island effect was more significant, however, on the coast area of Changhua was not. That means temperature is not the reason of the accumulation of the ozone concentration. According to the data of PM 2.5 and PM2.5-10 of thermal power plant and steel plant, the percentage of PM 2.5 of thermal power plant was between 0.7% ~ 2.6% on 4 air pollutant monitoring stations. And it shows that the feature elements of emissions are As and Se. The percentage of PM 2.5 of steel plant was between 0.1% ~ 0.5%, and it’s feature elements are Fe, Zn and Pb. In addition, the feature elements of the vessels are Ni and V.It shows that the VOCs on 4 monitoring stations come from the mobile source pollution, the most part of pollution come from cars. It means the source of most part of open path VOCs on central area of Taiwan come from vehicles. The result of the simulation of vessels’ emission shows that due to the height of chimney of vessels isn’t high enough and made the transmission of pollutants being blocked by the Mt. Dadu. In the mean time, the most part of wind direction of sampling period was not west wind, and it further reduced the possibility of the transmission to the inland area. Using the tracing model to estimate the trans path of the pollutants of the central metro area of Taiwan, it shows that the ozone pollution events is mainly influenced by the local circumfluence, the pollutants’ transmission path come from Wuchi coast area to inland. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32120958 98年度桃園縣內各流域水污染源稽查管制計畫 桃園縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)在考量本縣轄內仍在持續增加的眾多列管事業,以及環保局有限的稽查人力狀態下,期透過本計畫係以分階段方式進行本縣轄內所有列管水污染源列管資料查核工作【包括印刷電路板製造業、畜牧業(一)及搭排事業等】,並持續針對各工業區專用污水下水道系統進行其雨水道之巡查與水質監控外,另亦針對本縣海洋污染緊急應變計畫加以檢討修改,以因應環保署99年海洋污染防治考核計畫之相關工作推動。本計畫自98年10月18日至99年7月17日止,各項工作進度及執行成果包括:於各指定工業區雨水道480點次巡查與監測,計有18次不合格,其整體合格率由97年度的93.5%提升至98年度的96.3%;至於合格率較低之工業區雨水道,包括林口工三工業區之RD01~RD03、大園工業區之RD05~6等;另追蹤查獲1件雨水道水質異常案件,處新台幣27萬元,追蹤達成率為50%;而水質異常發生頻率則以下班時段不合格率為5.5%,較上班時段不合格率3.8%為高。在轄內重點行業現場查核作業部分,搭排事業124家查核中,以各處理單元及管線未標示和廢水流程圖與許可不符,各28家為最多,其次為廢水流程圖與許可不符者有13家,再者為電量及水量未確實紀錄或超出許可核准量有9家,而屬放流口告示牌及疑似繞流排放或暗管查核未符合者則各7家;另因法令規範或許可履行查核結果不符合而遭開罰者,則有14家事業,合計共裁罰1,280,000元,並有4家提出許可變更申請;在畜牧業(一)30家查核中,屬各處理單元及管線未標示者,分別為7家及9家,其次為SV30檢測污泥量過少或過多或沒有者,則有27家;在印刷電路板製造業30家查核中,則屬各處理單元及管線未標示者,分別為3家及4家,其次為疑似繞流管線為1家。在指定文件審查工作部分,99年1月期之應書面及網路定檢申報事業計有1674家,其均已完成申報,故申報率已達100%,至於勾稽審查則已完成審查有1674,故總審查率則已達100%;新設加油站二階段審查,共協助審理6件加油站申請案,且皆為地下儲槽系統更新案件;其中3件為第一階段申請案件,另3件為第二階段,皆以補正後通過;至於既設加油站線上審查,98年第三季、98年第四季及99年第一季應申報加油站之申報率及審查率則皆達100%;在協助環保局執行水污染源資料管理系統建置之水污染防治措施計畫及廢(污)水排放地面水體許可申請資料建檔,計有2475件(1380家);針對環保署提供之水系統資料庫異常狀況修正部分,則已完成98年第2次1485家(3908筆)之異常資料修正,以及99年第1次419筆之異常資料修正。針對本縣南崁溪流域之河底橋水質淨化工區之礫間接觸氧化槽之反沖洗設施電源位置檢討與修復工作部分,則已完成台電電表移裝及用電戶名變更申請,以及完成試運轉。至於本縣海洋污染防治工作之檢討與規劃部分,則已完成檢討並提出相關建議或草案(見第六章),並協助辦理「桃園縣海域環境保護推動小組」成立暨籌備會議;另配合環保署針對本縣南崁溪及老街溪污染整治督導、協調工作及資料彙整提報等相關事宜,除已配合各4次會議提供或分析或說明約20份資料外,亦協助彙編大漢溪、南崁溪及老街溪等3份重點河川污染整治評鑑成果報告與其簡報製作;而協助彙整本縣河川污染整治及海洋污染防治考核計畫之相關文書作業,則均如期彙編並提交包括「98年海洋污染防治考核成果報告」、「98年河川污染防治考核計畫之成果報告書」、「99年度河川污染整治願景及考核計畫」及其成果報告之簡報製作。另本計畫自98年10月18日開始執行至今橫跨98年與99年度,部分工作項目協助環保局爭取環保署河川污染整治考核計畫稽查積分與考核分數,於98年度可協助爭取5.06分,於99年度則可爭取9.94分。 Water Pollution Auditing and Control Project for Each River Tributary within Taoyuan County in 2009 The Environmental Protection Bureau of Taoyuan County Government (abbreviated as the Environmental Protection Bureau) would, in consideration of ever increasing countless enlisted enterprises within the county and limited auditing manpower of the Environmental Protection Bureau, like to make use of this project to carry out information auditing work for all of the enlisted water pollution sources within the country in stages through this project (including PC board manufacturing industry, husbandry industry (1), and water drainage). In addition, it would, on one hand, continue to focus on patrol and water quality control of rain-water ditch from specialized sewage system in each of the industry parks, but also pinpoint on contingent project for pollutant of this county for review and improvement so as to cope with facilitation of related work to the prevention and evaluation project on marine pollutant from Environment Protection Administration (EPA) in 2010This project will start from 18th October of 2009 to 17th July of 2010, and the progress and implementation results from each item of works are found as follows: First of all, it will conduct 480 times of point inspection and surveillance at rain-water ditch of the designated industry park, and a total of 18 unqualified checks are obtained, with its entire pass rate reaching from 93.5% in 2008 to that of 96.3% in 2009; as for rain-water ditch of industry park with lower pass rate, it includes RD01~RD03 3rd Industry Zone of Linkow Industry Park and RD05~6 to Da-yuan Industry Park. On the other hand, it is found with a case of abnormal water quality at rain-water ditch, and a fine of NT$270,000 was awarded, with achievement rate of follow-up reaching 50%. As for occurrence frequency of abnormal water quality, the rate of unqualified check during off-hour is 5.5%, which is relatively higher than 3.8% during that of office hour. For the part of site auditing operation of focused industry within the county, among those 124 establishments of water drainage business it is found that respective 28 establishments for each of the administration unit and unlabeled pipeline as well as the discrepancy of waste-water flow-chart against permit are reckoned to be the greatest, seconded by 13 establishments of discrepancy of waste-water flow-chart against permit, trailed by 9 establishments that have not kept proper record of power and water consumption or in excess of authorized amount, while there are 7 establishments that are classified as of tributary sign-post and suspicious of release with detoured pipeline or secret pipeline that does not standard. Furthermore, there are 14 establishments which are fined because of legal provisions or the audited results found in discrepancy to the authorized items of permit, and a total of fine money as 1,280,000 is award. Also, 4 establishments have put forth application for permit modification. As for those 30 establishments of husbandry industry (1) audited, there are respectively 7 and 9 establishments that are found with violation of administration unit and unlabeled pipeline, and there are another 27 establishments which are found with lesser or excessive amount or with none of SV30 tested amount of waste soil. For those 30 establishments of PC board manufacturing industry audited, there are respectively 3 and 4 that found of violation for administration unit and unlabeled pipeline, and second by 1 establishment of suspicious detoured pipeline. For the part o f screening work among designated documents, there are in total of 1674 establishments whose written and network fixed-period declaration due for January of 2010 have all been completed, with 100% of declaration rate. As for random screening, 1674 cases are completed, and thus the total screening rate has also achieved 100%. As for second-stage of the newly-established gas station, it has assisted 6 cases of gas station application, and all of them are system renewal case with underground oil-tank; three of the cases are first-stage application, the rest three are second-stage application and they have been approved after making up with supplementary documents. As for online review of existing gas stations, the declaration rate and screening rate for gas station in third and fourth quarter of 2009, and first quarter in 2010 have all reached 100%; besides, there are in total of 2,475 cases (1380 establishments) being conducted assisting Environmental Protection Bureau implementing the construction of water pollution resource information management system for filing application information on the establishment of water pollution prevention measure plan and water (polluted) water emission surface water body. As for the part of modification regarding information anomaly of water supply system by EPA, modification of information anomaly for 1485 establishments (3908 lots) for second time in 2009 are completed, and 419 lots of modification of information anomaly for first time in 2010 are also done. In view of the work for review and repair regarding power supply of anti-washing facilities of inter-gravel contact oxidation sink at the engineering zone of water purification under river bridge of Nan-kang tributary of the country, it is completed of transfer and installation for Taiwan Power Company (TPC) power meter and change application of user name, and so as the trial operation. For part of review and programming regarding marine pollution work of the county, it has completed setting forward review and proposed related suggestions of draft (seen in chapter 6), and has assisted sponsoring the establishment and preparatory meeting on “Protection Facilitation Team of Marine Environment in Taoyuan County.” Besides, it has, in coping with EPA in view of pollution dredging and supervision of Nan-kang Stream and Lao-je Stream of the country, coordination work, and information organization for submission and related matters, not only worked in 4 meetings to provide or analyze or explain 20 copies of information, but also helped compiling report production and presentation on river pollution dredging evaluation result for the three focused streams as Da-han Stream, Nan-kang Stream, and Lao-je Stream. As for assistance rendered to the related document operation for compiling river pollution dredging and marine pollution prevention and evaluation project, they have been done within deadline, and reports as “Report on Marine Pollution Prevention and Evaluation Results in 2009,” “Accomplishment Report on River Pollution Prevention and Evaluation in 2009,” “Prospect and Evaluation Plan on River Pollution Dredging in 2010” and so as the production of presentation.Furthermore, the project has begun its implementation from 18th October of 2009 until today, running through year 2009 and 2010, and some of the work items that assist Environmental Protection Bureau to strive for auditing and evaluation score from EPA for river pollution dredging evaluation project can have helped to obtain score of 5.06 in 2009 and 9.94 in 2010. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
32120959 98年度砂石場瀝青拌合混凝土廠稽查管制計畫 南投縣境內現有土石加工業中,包含砂石場28家、瀝青拌合廠5家、預拌混凝土廠26家,而由各主管機關發包之疏濬工程待清運土石方368萬立方公尺;而本縣逸散性粒狀空氣污染物亦以上述土石方運輸及土石加工作業、再運輸等行為為主,因此,影響本縣環境及空氣品質甚鉅。台灣曼寧工程顧問(股)公司工作團隊已依南投縣政府環境保護局98年度「砂石場瀝青拌合混凝土廠稽查管制計畫」工作需求,完成所有工作執行規劃與作業準備(請參見本工作計畫建議書),其中工作重點除配合達成環保署績效考評要求外,尚包括下列五項:一、完整掌握相關業者作業及污染排放現況、污染防制設施運作效能,除要求業者設置功能足夠的污染防制設施外,並督促業者持續落實操作污染防制措施;二、依據「公告訂定南投縣公私場所申請固定污染源堆置場設置或操作許可證其空氣污染防制措施應符合之指定事項」及「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」之內容輔導業者及執行查核工作。;三、持續推動土石加工業實施廠區環境總體營造計畫,包含:景觀綠美化、認養週邊道路、裸露地及廠區景觀改善等;四、建立土石加工業及疏濬工程業者砂石車污染管制機制,其中包含:禁用非法油品、確實覆蓋車體、車輛確實清洗、設置污水集水桶、拆除自動排水氣閥等作為,執行砂石車滴漏污水跟拍告發取締,以遏止砂石車造成路面污染及車行揚塵等。;五、執行裸露地調查評估作業,掌握本縣裸露地分布情形並宣導改善裸露地粒狀污染物逸散問題。本計畫為南投縣土石加工業污染管制重要之延續性施政計畫,本公司有幸參與工作多年,於過程中除建立豐富的執行經驗外,已完整掌握污染源及其特徵、依地方需求特性持續推動污染管制工作並逐年達成污染改善與減量,歷年之執行績效均獲肯定並協助南投縣政府環境保護局取得環保署考評佳績。在本年度中,本公司工作團隊同仁將秉持努力不懈、精益求精的工作態度與精神,配合南投縣政府環境保護局管制需求並依各項作業規劃全力推動工作、落實污染管制並達成計畫目標,為維護南投縣的環境及空氣品質盡我們最大的努力。 The freestone field asphalt mixs to match a concrete factory's auditor to control a project 098 南投縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
32120960 石門油污染陸岸生物整治初期計畫 於此計畫我們將石門鄉油污染海岸劃定一污染試驗區 (經度121°33'36" E、緯度 25°15'56"N) ,將其分為潮汐區與非每月滿潮潮汐區,此二區又再細分為添加肥料區與非添加肥料區。選用一脂溶性氮磷肥料,每月定期噴灑此肥料於上述二添加肥料區。也定期追蹤這四個試驗區岩石上的藻類生長速率,以及岩石上沉積物與底沙中原油被分解情形,我們也追蹤岩石上沉積物與底沙中氨氮、硝酸氮、總磷濃度與其中微生物去氫酶酵素活性、原油分解菌菌數之變化以及其菌相。研究發現在原油污染海岸岩石上藻類之覆蓋率除了潮汐添加肥料區較不顯著外,其他三區之覆蓋率主要有兩次高峰。不過這些藻類的生長與原油(碳氫化合物)之分解或是肥料的添加似無關聯性。雖然岩石上沉積物與底沙中逐月氨氮、硝酸氮、總磷濃度無明顯趨勢變化,不過其中之油污是逐漸下降,添加肥料區油污濃度下降則較快。而非每月滿潮潮汐區添加肥料區在6月初,潮汐添加肥料區在7月初原油分解菌之菌數達最高點。非每月滿潮潮汐非添加肥料區與潮夕非添加肥料區,菌數無顯著的最高點。可是從7月11日到8月6日間,各區菌數都降低很多。底沙或沉積物中微生物去氫酶活性,不論在潮汐與非每月滿潮潮汐區中、添加肥料區或是非添加肥料區其去氫酶活性,在5月11日至7月11日間都有增加之趨勢,添加肥料區有較高的去氫酶活性。同樣地7月11日至8月6日間各區去氫酶活性皆下降。可能7月11日到8月6日間,環境中的原油量下降,再加上氣溫炎熱造成菌數與去氫酶活性的降低。因此綜觀此研究結果,添加肥料的確增加原油分解菌之菌數與去氫酶活性,也加速原油之分解。以Bushnell-Haas broth培養基,利用MPN方法篩選出耐鹽且具原油分解功能的微生物,並比較每月滿潮潮汐區與非每月滿潮潮汐區的微生物菌相差異,及添加肥料與非添加肥料微生物菌相差異。結果發現潮汐區與非潮汐區之微生物菌相差異不大。添加肥料後珊瑚礁岩沉積物之微生物種類增加,底沙則差異不大。從原油污染之底沙與珊瑚礁岩沉積物中共篩選出15種菌株,其中柴油食烷菌(Alcanivorax dieselolei)、 威尼斯不動桿菌(Acinetobacter venetianu)、堅強芽胞桿菌(Bacillus firmus)、維斯假絲酵母菌(Candida viswanathii)、瑪麗絲迪茨菌(Dietzia maris)、新鞘氨醇單胞菌(Novosphingobium pentaromativorans)、類產鹼假單胞菌(Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes)、施氏假單胞菌(P. stutzeri)、移動醋桿菌(Tistrella mobilis)、纖維化纖維菌(Cellulosimicrobium cellulans)、碘短桿菌(Brevibacterium iodinum)等11株具油分解能力。其餘4株愛希顏氏海洋桿菌(Oceanbacillus iheyensis)、美麗鹽單胞菌(Halomonas venusta)、海藻希瓦氏菌(Shewanella algae)、腐生葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus saprophyticus)等不具原油分解能力,為常見海洋魚類微生物。另經文獻查詢及測試發現稀有芽胞桿菌(Bacillus pumilus)及枯草芽胞桿菌(Bacillus subtilis)等2種菌株可耐乾旱、抗UV且具原油分解之能力。本研究嘗試利用篩選出之15種菌株應用於生物復育整治實驗,發現油污染海岸現地直接添加菌種效果不顯著,但實驗室外加菌種翻堆方式,則有顯著效果,可能是現地試驗易受到氣象天候(如颱風)、潮汐及周圍環境的影響,導致效果不佳。未來可將菌株製成混合製劑用於現地復育,期有助於原油污染海岸油污之清除。 Preliminary research on bioremediation of oil spill in shore of Shihmen township The aim of this study was to examine the effects of lipophilic fertilizers (uric acid and lecithin) on the degradation of crude oil hydrocarbons in the oil-spilled coast. An area of oil-spilled coast was selected and dived into tidal and non tidal zones. These zones were further divided into fertilizer amendment and non-amendment zones. Lipophilic fertilizers were spread into fertilizer amendment zones monthly. Degradation of crude oil in these test zones were investigated by measuring concentration of the total hydrocarbon, NH4+-N, NO3--N, total phosphorus, number of petroleum degraders, and microbial dehydrogenase activity in sands or sediments in these zones monthly. Although there were no any trend in the concentration of NH4+-N, NO3--N, and total phosphorus, concentration of total hydrocarbon in these zones decreased during the test period. The number of petroleum degrader reached the highest in the beginning of June in non tidal-fertilizer amendment zone, while in the beginning of July in the tidal-fertilizer amendment zones. The number of petroleum degraders did not change much in non-fertilizer amendment zones. The number of petroleum degraders in these zones all decreased sharply after July. Dehydrogenase activity increased from May to July and then decreased in sand/sediment of all these zones. However, dehydrogenase activity in sand/sediment was much higher in fertilizer-amended than in fertilizer-non amended zones. Based on these results, we know that fertilizer amendment increased the number of petroleum degraders and microbial activity, and enhanced crude oil removal.In this study, we also used Bushnell-Haas broth to enrich and isolate petroleum degraders from sand/sediment of these oil-spilled zones. We found there was not much difference in the microbial community of tidal and non tidal zones. Amendment of fertilizer increased species of petroleum degraders in sediments but not in sands. We isolated 15 strains. 11 strains, e.g. Alcanivorax dieselolei, Acinetobacter venetianu, Bacillus firmus, Candida viswanathii, Dietzia maris, Novosphingobium pentaromativorans, Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes, P. stutzeri, Tistrella mobilis, Cellulosimicrobium cellulans, Brevibacterium iodinum can degrade crude oil. Four strains, e.g. Oceanbacillus iheyensis, Halomonas venusta, Shewanella algae, Staphylococcus saprophyticus can not degrade crude oil. However, using consortia of these 11 petroleum-degrading bacteria for on site bioremediation did not get good results. Various environmental factors such as weather, tidal might affect these results. Further works are needed to prepare better consortia for bioremediation. 098 環檢所 國立台灣海洋大學
32120961 98年度基隆市廚餘回收再利用宣導稽查管制計畫 一、執行本市餐飲業者、社區、學校等辦理廚餘回收宣導工作,以落實推動廚餘回收工作邁向零廢棄目標。二、藉由落實廚餘回收工作以降低垃圾車輛惡臭產生及二次污染等問題。三、製作廚餘回收宣導短影片藉以加強民眾廚餘回收分類再教育。四、藉由觀摩廚餘堆肥廠以瞭解辦理廚餘回收工作之重要性。五、依據行政院環保署廚餘回收執行成效評鑑相關規定,協助本市考核,並針對環保署最近兩年評鑑提出之相關缺失建議協助本局辦理檢討改進。 098 基隆市環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司
32120962 98年度台東縣流域及水污染稽查管制暨水污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理計畫」(二) 本計畫為98年度台東縣流域及水污染稽查管制暨水污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理計畫(一)之延伸計畫,主要工作為列管事業稽查管制作業,髒亂點清除、海洋演練及相關應變能量整備作業。稽查採樣部分,本計畫合約數量為70點,依合約於99年01月01日~03月31日執行,截至99年03月31日完成162點,其中日峰畜業牧場規避檢查與崑聯股份有限公司未許可排放,裁處積分20點。本年度髒亂點清除以利嘉溪為主,髒亂點共計12處,合計總清理廢棄物重量為12.98噸,所清理出之廢棄物種類包括:塑膠 、建材 、玻璃 、磚瓦 、紙 、傢俱 、布 、一般 、樹枝、 木材 、土石等11項,其中以磚瓦及建材類佔居多。本計畫應辦理一場次海洋污染緊急應變演練,依據環保署函示,本年度將與水污應變演練合併辦理,於98年11月27日份召開演練第一次籌備會議,於98年12月29日份召開演練第二次籌備會議,業於99年01月14日完成海洋污染緊急應變演練,並於演練結束後,分別規劃辦理海洋污染防治設備維護保養教育訓練及船舶污染防治措施教育訓練,並於99年02月09日函文檢送海洋污染緊急應變演練書面成果報告乙式乙份及DVD乙式十份。本工作團隊自計畫開始即著手規劃及評估適宜之擺設位置,經多次與貴局討論後,考量將所有應變能量貨櫃統一擺設於環保局局左前方空地,本工作團隊立即與協力廠商達亨環境科技有限公司,於98年10月05日開始拖吊集中各處貨櫃,於98年10月19日完成緊急應變貨櫃整理及擺設,後續完成緊急應變器材清點及編列貨櫃目錄。本計畫須協助本局辦理海洋考核報告及簡報之製作暨其相關事宜,目前已完成考核書面報告,本事務所依據 貴局於98年10月06日環署水字第0980015980號函辦理協助彙整考核書面報告,本團隊業於98年10月15日函文(綠森字第09810013號)檢送「98年度海洋污染防治考核」書面報告、自評表等資料,貴局並於10月30日前提送環保署。 Abstract This is a supplemental project extended from the aforementioned project specifically for two additional work items, one is field surveys of places with accumulated rubbish and solid waste and to clean them, the other is to organize a practicing drill for handling urgent pollution of oceanic and river water and to offer training on pollution-control measures/actions and maintenance of pollution-control equipment. There are 12 places found in field surveys and 12.98 metric tons of rubbish and solid waste in total, including plastics, rubble, glass, bricks, paper, furniture, cloths, branches of trees, lumber and debris/earth, was removed. A practicing drill for handling urgent pollution of oceanic and river water was held on January 14, 2010. 098 台東縣環境保護局 綠森環境工程技師事務所
32120963 98大里溪大里橋測站上游電鍍及金屬表面處理業暨中部科學工業園區放流水污染物調查及水污染防治專案重點查核計畫 一、大里溪大里橋測站上游電鍍及金屬表面處理業水污染防治專案重點查核(一)調查及分析大里市及太平市地區廢水排入大里溪大里橋測站前之電鍍及金屬表面處理業其重金屬污染現況1.大里溪上游之電鍍業及金屬表面處理業分布狀況大里溪上游之列管電鍍業及金屬表面處理業家數計有149家,大部分集中於頭汴坑溪,約120家(約80%);依鄉鎮分布情形,太平市96家、大里市53家,以太平市設立家數較多;以行業別統計,以電鍍業81家略高於金屬表面處理業68家。2.許可重金屬污染量分析大里溪上游各支流之重金屬貢獻量以頭汴坑溪較高,次之為草湖溪與廍子溪,其各支流貢獻量分述如下:●大坑溪並未有電鍍業及金屬表面處理業設置;旱溪上游(含支流烏牛欄溪)僅有1家電鍍業,此事業目前尚未營運。●廍子溪目前列管電鍍業8家、金屬表面處理業4家,其許可重金屬產生量分別為Cu 1.62 kg/day、Zn 50.00 kg/day、Ni 18.61 kg/day、Cr 22.58 kg/day,許可產生量排放量為Cu 0.08 kg/day、Zn 0.50 kg/day、Ni 0.19 kg/day、Cr 0.35 kg/day。●頭汴坑溪目前列管電鍍業62家、金屬表面處理業58家,其許可重金屬產生量分別為Cu 179.25 kg/day、Zn 219.94 kg/day、Ni 334.09 kg/day、Cr 894.0 kg/day,許可排放量為Cu 1.51 kg/day、Zn 3.00 kg/day、Ni 4.49 kg/day、Cr 9.52 kg/day。●草湖溪目前列管電鍍業10家,金屬表面處理業6家,許可重金屬之產生量分別為Cu 0.56 kg/day、Ni 82.34 kg/day、Cr 35.48 kg/day,許可排放量為Cu 0.07 kg/day、Ni 0.56 kg/day、Cr 0.88 kg/day。3.現場查核重金屬污染量分析各支流之現場查核重金屬產生量及排放量分述如下:●廍子溪現場採樣重金屬產生量為Cu 0.08 kg/day、Zn 0.46 kg/day、Ni 0.02 kg/day、Cr 2.52 kg/day,現場採樣重金屬產生量排放量為Cu 0.0003 kg/day、Zn 0.28 kg/day、Ni 0.0008 kg/day、Cr 0.009 kg/day;●頭汴坑溪現場採樣重金屬產生量為Cu 17.35 kg/day、Zn 58.18 kg/day、Ni 233.49 kg/day、Cr 299.33 kg/day,現場採樣重金屬排放量為Cu 0.36 kg/day、Zn 3.36 kg/day、Ni 6.42 kg/day、Cr 3.11 kg/day;●草湖溪現場採樣重金屬之產生量分別為Cu 0.32 kg/day、Zn 10.57 kg/day、Ni 18.29 kg/day、Cr 33.51 kg/day,現場採樣重金屬排放量為Cu 0.01 kg/day、Zn 0.02 kg/day、Ni 0.12 kg/day、Cr 0.09 kg/day。(二)事業書面資料合理性與現場合理性分析本項書面查核合理性分析內容包括:廢水產生量(排放量)、用電量、加藥量及污泥量等項目,而推估資料來原則為上述列管對象之許可資料及定期申報紀錄為比較基準。原則上,上述兩項資料之比值(DMR定期申報資料除以許可資料)如小於50%者,則將其列入現場查核對象。依據比對分析結果:●廢水產生量之合理性分析:比對結果,單位產品廢水產生量之比值大於0.7以上者有71家(約57.2%),比值小於0.7者則有53家(包括小於0.3有29家、介於0.3~0.5之間者有13家、介於0.5~0.7之間者有11家)。●用電量之合理性分析:比對結果,單位廢水量之用電量比值大於0.7以上者有79家(約63.7%),比值小於0.7者則有45家(包括小於0.3有20家、介於0.3~0.5之間者有10家、介於0.5~0.7之間者有15家)。●加藥量之合理性分析:比對結果,單位廢水量之加藥量比值大於0.7以上者有70家(約56.45%),比值小於0.7者則有54家(包括小於0.3有36家、介於0.3~0.5之間者有10家、介於0.5~0.7之間者有8家)。●污泥產生量之合理性分析:比對結果,單位廢水量之加藥量比值大於0.7以上者有60家(約48.3%),比值小於0.7者則有64家(包括小於0.3有41家、介於0.3~0.5之間者有13家、介於0.5~0.7之間者有10家)。(三)使用科學性儀器協助辦理監測蒐證作業本計畫執行成果,共計舉發40件污染事證,其中現場查處及要求改善和開立處分書告發共20件,另蒐證查處過程使用科學性儀器之案件共計11件。二、中部科學工業園區(含大雅及后里基地)暨大里工業區污水廠放流水污染物調查及管制(一)中科大雅、后里(由於后里污水廠尚未正式運轉,故暫以后里瑞晶電子為採樣對象,待后里污水廠正式運轉再行恢復)及大里工業區污水廠放流水之3季採樣作業,已分別於7、9、11月採樣完成。(二)中部大雅、后里基地及大里工業區污水廠放流水之水質連續自動監測,監測項目至少含水溫、pH值及導電度等三項,每監測點最少需監測80天以上。本年度已針對中科大雅基地完成80天之架設、中科后里基地完成97天(包含瑞晶電子7天)及大里工業區完成87天。三、考核及行政作業配合工作:已辦理發布14則新聞稿(其中2則為見報新聞),其新聞稿內容主要包含水肥定期清理宣導、許可換發作業、暗管查緝、加強污染查緝管理及加強蓄水池(塔)、飲用水管理及水污染防治網路申報修正等。 2009 Plan for review on effluent contaminant investigation and water pollution prevention project in electroplaters and metal surface treatment industry upstream to Dali Bridge Monitoring Station in Dali River and in Central Science Park A. Focused review on water pollution prevention project in electroplaters and metal surface treatment industry upstream to Dali Bridge Monitoring Station in Dali River(A) Current heavy metal pollution by electroplaters and metal surface treatment industry in Dali City and Taiping City region who discharge wastewater into Dali River ahead of Dali Bridge monitoring station1. Distribution of electroplaters and metal surface treatment industry upstream of Dali River Of the 149 controlled electroplaters and metal surface treatment firms upstream of Dali River, a greater part, about 120 (about 80%), is concentrated in Toubiankeng River; 96 in Taiping city and 53 in Dali City, the former outnumbering the latter; by industry category 81 being electroplater is a little more than 69 of metal surface treatment firms.2. Analysis of permitted heavy metal pollutionToubiankeng River contributes most, followed by Caohu River and putzu River, to the heavy metal contribution by upstream branches of Dali River; each branch contributes as follows:●No electroplaters and metal surface treatment firms set up in Dakeng River; only one electroplater in upstream of Han River (including its branch Wuniulan River) which has not operated yet. ●Currently in putzu River, 8 electroplaters and 4 surface treatment firms set up, controlled, whose permitted heavy metal productions are Cu 1.62 kg/day, Zn 50.00 kg/day, Ni 18.61 kg/day and Cr 22.58 kg/day, and permitted discharge of the produced is Cu 0.08 kg/day, Zn 0.50 kg/day, Ni 0.19 kg/day and Cr 0.35 kg/day.●Currently in Toubiankeng River, 62 electroplaters and 58 surface treatment firms set up, controlled, whose permitted heavy metal productions are Cu 179.25 kg/day, Zn 219.94 kg/day, Ni 334.09 kg/day and Cr 894.0 kg/day, and permitted discharge is Cu 1.51 kg/day, Zn 3.00 kg/day, Ni 4.49 kg/day and Cr 9.52 kg/day.●Currently in Caohu River, 10 electroplaters and 6 surface treatment firms set up, controlled, whose permitted heavy metal productions are Cu 0.56 kg/day, Ni 82.34 kg/day and Cr 35.48 kg/day, and permitted discharge is Cu 0.07 kg/day, Ni 0.56 kg/day and Cr 0.88 kg/day.3. Analysis of on-site review on heavy metal pollutionOn-site review on heavy metal production and discharge in each branch is as follows: ●On-site sampled heavy metal production in putzu River is Cu 0.08 kg/day, Zn 0.46 kg/day, Ni 0.02 kg/day and Cr 2.52 kg/day, and on-site sampled heavy metal discharge of production is Cu 0.0003 kg/day, Zn 0.28 kg/day, Ni 0.0008 kg/day and Cr 0.009 kg/day;●On-site sampled heavy metal production in Toubiankeng River is Cu 17.35 kg/day, Zn 58.18 kg/day, Ni 233.49 kg/day and Cr 299.33 kg/day, and on-site sampled heavy metal discharge is Cu 0.36 kg/day, Zn 3.36 kg/day, Ni 6.42 kg/day and Cr 3.11 kg/day;●On-site sampled heavy metal production in Caohu River is Cu 0.32 kg/day, Zn 10.57 kg/day, Ni 18.29 kg/day and Cr 33.51 kg/day, and on-site sampled heavy metal discharge is Cu 0.01 kg/day, Zn 0.02 kg/day, Ni 0.12 kg/day and Cr 0.09 kg/day.(B) Analysis of document rationality and on-site rationality of the businessThe contents of rationality analysis in this document review include: wastewater production (discharge), power consumption, drug addition and sludge volume, and the source for projected documents is based on the comparison of the permission data and regular report records of above-mentioned controlled subjects. In principle, if the ratio of the above two data (DMR’s regular reported data divided by the permission data) is less than 50%, then the subject is taken in the list of on-site review. By the comparison results: ●Rationality analysis of wastewater production: from the comparison result, the number of businesses with product wastewater production ratio greater than 0.7 is 71 (about 57.2%), that with ratio less than 0.7 is 53 (including 29 less than 0.3, 13 in the range of 0.3-0.5 and 11 in the range of 0.5-0.7).●Rationality analysis of power consumption: from the comparison result, the number of businesses with power consumption to wastewater ratio greater than 0.7 is 79 (about 63.7%), that with ratio less than 0.7 is 45 (including 20 less than 0.3, 10 in the range of 0.3-0.5 and 15 in the range of 0.5-0.7).●Rationality analysis of drug addition: from the comparison result, the number of businesses with drug addition to wastewater ratio greater than 0.7 is 70 (about 56.45%), that with ratio less than 0.7 is 54 (including 36 less than 0.3, 10 in the range of 0.3-0.5 and 8 in the range of 0.5-0.7).●Rationality analysis of sludge production: from the comparison result, the number of businesses with drug addition to wastewater ratio greater than 0.7 is 60 (about 48.3%), that with ratio less than 0.7 is 64 (including 41 less than 0.3, 13 in the range of 0.3-0.5 and 10 in the range of 0.5-0.7).(C) Use of scientific instruments to assist in monitoring and evidence collectionOf the executive results of this project, a total of 40 cases of pollution were reported. Of which, 20 cases were investigated on-site, and requested to improve and issued with punishment note; also, 11 cases with scientific instruments having been used in the process of evidence collection and investigation.B. Investigation in and control of effluent contaminants from sewage plant in Central Science Park (including Daya Base and Houli Base) and Dali Industrial Zone (A) The 3-quarter sampling operations from the sewage plant effluent in Central Science Park in Daya and Houli (Rexchip Electronics Corp. being the sampling subject for the time being, as the Houli Sewage Plant has not yet officially been in operation and will replace Rexchip when starting to officially operate), and Dali Industrial Zone have been completed in July, September and November.(B) In the continued and automated monitoring of water quality in effluent of sewage plants in Daya Base, Houli Base and Dali Industrial Zone, at least water temperature, pH value and electric conductivity are measured at every monitoring site for at least 80 days. In this year, the installation has been completed for 80 days at Daya Base, 97 days at Houli Base in Central Science Park (including Rexchip Electronics for 7 days) and 87 days at Dali Industrial Zone. C. Auxiliary tasks of the evaluation and administrative operation:Press release has been published 14 times (two were news on newspaper), the contents of which include promotion of regular night-soil treatment, permits renewal procedure, underground pipe investigation, reinforced investigation and management of pollution, reinforced management of water reservoirs (rooftop tank) and potable water, and revision of on-line declaration for prevention of water pollution. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
32120964 98年度宜蘭縣流域及水污染源稽查管制計畫(含水質監測及水污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理) 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局基於為落實國家環境保護政策,有效管制水污染源以減少污染量的排放及防止轄境內各河川流域遭受破壞與污染,提昇環保局污染源稽查之效率,同時,為因應北宜高速公路通車後便利的交通運輸對宜蘭地區帶來的環境衝擊,擬訂計畫推動----98年度宜蘭縣流域及水污染源稽查管制計畫(含水質監測及水污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理)--以延續近幾年持續推動水污染源排放許可申請、審查制度,及污染源管理單位之主動(定期)申報資料建檔,藉由水污染管制策略之推動及河川、湖泊水質及重要水體生態物種的調查,確實掌握轄境內水體及水污染源之現況。此外,輔以水污染源資料管理系統提供作為轄境內水污染源管制策略規劃之參考,以提昇水污染管制效率。依本計畫執行完成後預期將可達到下列工作目標:一、持續管理、建置、維護及更新水污染防治相關許可文件資料庫作業,以落實水污染源許可管理制度。二、辦理水污染防治法規定各項水污染防治計畫及許可審查、核發等相關作業並藉由現場處理設施功能查核工作提高事業正常操作廢污水處理設施。三、辦理指定水污染源廢水處理設備功能評鑑。四、執行流域沿岸暗管或不明管線拆除或封閉。五、為使事業單位了解水污染相關法規,針對轄內列管事業辦理法規說明會進行法規宣導。六、辦理水污染防治及減量等相關教育宣導活動。七、辦理指定河川生態物種調查。八、定期執行重點河川、湖泊水質監測,分析污染成因據以研擬污染管制策略及實質作法。九、定期提報河川髒亂點,維護河岸景觀。十、定期操作維護冬山河自然水質淨化模場及宜蘭河美福排水水質改善實場以及效益評估。十一、協助 貴局達成環保署98年稽查計畫積分2,400分以上。 Under the distress of global economic disaster, Taiwan cannot insulate itself from it. To save the economics of Taiwan, Taiwan government initiated economic stimulation programs such as increase domestic demand, lower inheritance and gift taxes, and issue spending coupons etc. The objective is to ensure the continuous growth of Taiwan's economics to prevent recession. Under this wave of economic disaster, businesses utilize work reduction, worker lay off and even company close down etc. methods as counter measures. Although the slow down of business activities led to reduced wastewater pollution discharges, however, the issue of environmental protection shall not be stopped due to temporarily reduction in pollution. Especially, our country and worldwide governments have the understanding that economics must be revived. We believe that the global economics will recover quickly. At that time, the high pollution generation industrial and commerce activities will grow quickly. Thus, during the time of identify how to increase income and create economic development, as well as take care of environmental life quality are the important objectives to work on for all the relevant departments in the government. Water pollution has the features that it will affect the life quality of people immediately. It is the first issue concerning our countryman. It is also the priority item to be improved for environmental protection by relevant departments of government.To implement national environmental protection policy, effective control of water pollution sources to reduce pollutant quantity discharges and prevent the degradation and contamination of river basin within the district, increase Environmental Protection Bureau's pollution auditing efficiency, at the same time, responding to the environmental impact of Yilan District caused by the more convenient transportation means through the opening of Hsuehshan Tunnel of the Pei-Yi Highway, Environmental Protection Bureau of Yilan County Government developed program to implement "Year 2009 Yilan County Basins and Water Pollution Auditing Control Program the Environmental Protection Bureau of Yilan Count Government (including Water Quality Monitoring and Private Organization Coordinated Response for Water Pollution Incident Emergency Response)" -- to continue the implementation of water pollution discharge permit application, review system, and the application data filing initiated (regularly) by the pollution source control organization, through the implementation of pollution control strategy and the study of river, and lake water quality and the important water body ecology species to make sure that the current status of the water body and water pollution sources within the governing district. And, water pollution source data management is used as supplementary reference for water pollution source control strategy plan.Program objectivesAfter this program is completed, the following program objectives can be achieved:A.Continuous manage, set up, maintain and update water pollution control related permit document database to implement water pollution source permit management system.B.Carry out water pollution control regulation specified all types water pollution control plan and permit review, issue etc. relevant operations. And, through onsite treatment facility performance auditing work, the degree of businesses to operate wastewater treatment facilities normally will be increased.C.Carry out designated water pollution source wastewater treatment equipment performance evaluation.D.Carry out removal or sealing of hidden or unknown piping along the shores of water basin.E.For business organizations to understand relevant water pollution regulations, carry out regulation seminars for listed businesses within the districted to promote and explain regulations.F.Carry out relevant educational promotion activities for water pollution control and reduction etc.G.Carry out designated river ecology species study.H.Regularly carry out river and lake water quality monitoring, analyze contamination causes to develop pollution control strategy and implementation methods.I.Regularly report dirty locations of rivers to maintain the scenery of shores.J.Regularly operate and maintain Donsan River Natural Water Quality Purification Pilot plant and Yilan River Meifu discharge water quality improvement plant and effectiveness evaluation.K.Assist Environmental Protection Bureau to achieve 2,400 score for EPA's year 2009 auditing plan.Scope of work(A) Assist to carry out auditing work, sampling and assist to send for analysis of listed water pollution businesses or all types sewer systems. The water quality samples shall be sent to designated testing locations in accordance to relevant sample saving regulations. (B) As required, carry out water pollution control related permit document database management, set up, maintenance, update operations and other assigned works. (C) During the program execution period, carry out all types of assigned water pollution control program and permit review, issue etc. related operations. And, if the contents of application cases involve performance change or under the conditions described in Article 25 of the water pollution control measure plan and permit application review guideline, work with the Bureau with the successful bidder hires or works with designated Registered Environmental Engineer to carry out application cases' onsite treatment facility and performance auditing work. (D) Carry out removal or sealing of hidden or unknown piping along the shores of river basins within Yilan County. And, assist the Bureau to prepare announcement, and personnel, materials and equipments required for removal or sealing works. (E) Before September 30, 2009, completed selection or assignment of Registered Environmental Engineers to carry out at least 5 water pollution source wastewater treatment equipment performance evaluation work (including pre-evaluation, onsite evaluation, sampling and consultation etc. works. And, based on the improvement schedule of each individual case, before the completion of program, complete follow up improvement tracking and submit reports). And, shall assist at least one specialist or scholar to carry out written and onsite review. And, based on the 5 businesses that are evaluated in this Bureau's 2008 performance evaluation, carry out follow up evaluation results tracking work. And, work with this bureau to carry out onsite consultation and follow up with the submission of related suggestions. (F) Before October 15, 2009, assist to carry out at least 2 water pollution control regulation seminars. The target participants for each seminar shall be at least 50 persons. Before implementation, the contents of each seminar shall receive agreement from this Bureau. The successful bidder shall provide sufficient quantity (or space) for activity spaces, presentation information, distributed documentations and teas and desserts etc. for each seminar. (G)Work with this Bureau, at designated time and location to carry out 8 education promotion activities (not the regulation seminars described before). At each activity, provide sufficient quantities of activity publications or written information. (H) During the program execution period, regularly carry out water quality monitoring. The monitoring locations should not be the same sampling locations as EPA. And, compare water quality changes against last year. And, after the analysis of contamination causes and trend, submit suggestions for pollution control strategy and implementation methods. Before the first sampling, this work shall complete onsite study at each monitoring station. And, review if it is necessary to adjust monitoring locations. Before implementation, submit the implementation plan for this work to this Bureau for review. (I) During the program execution period, carry out environmental maintenance management work once per month based on this county's "Yilan River Meifu Discharge Water Quality Improvement Plant". (J) During the program execution period, carry out environmental maintenance and operation for this county's "Donsan River Natural Water Quality Purification Pilot Plant". (K) During the program execution period, semiannually, carry out up stream and down stream ecology studies (5 points each, total 10 points) for this county's river sections designated by this Bureau. Two weeks before execution, the scope of work of this study shall be submitted to this Bureau for approval. The locations of the study shall not be the same locations as EPA's study locations. (L) During the program execution period, collect, consolidate and analyze past years' water quality monitoring data for rivers and lakes within this county. Based on rivers, review the impact to the river water body by this county's sewer system construction, and pollution sources. Then, carry out statistical analysis of current water pollution status of this county. (M) During the program execution period, continuously maintain the designated two Chinese and English web sites for this bureau's water pollution control and ocean pollution control etc. businesses. Provide water pollution control regulation related information, water body water quality monitoring data and relevant promotional information. The refresh frequency is once every two weeks. All the web pages in the two designated web sites shall pass Executive Yuan's Research, Development and Evaluation Commission specified obstacle-less web page A+ class requirement and submit test report that demonstrates meeting this classification. During the program period, submit once per two month the test report that demonstrates meeting the above-mentioned classification of obstacle-less requirement. (N) During the program execution period, assist this Bureau to carry out water pollution control and ocean pollution control related businesses review, information consolidation, compile, and analysis and, complete on schedule. And carry out the collection, and filing and compiling works for water pollution control and ocean pollution control related regulations, news and information. (O) During the program execution period, based on this Bureau's requirement carry out sampling and submit for testing of special water quality testing items (such as agricultural chemicals, mercury etc.), maximum 3 times. (P) During the program execution period, carry out patrol work for dirty locations of county's rivers. (Q) Assist to carry out all water pollution emergency response work. 098 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 日揚環境工程有限公司
32120965 98年空氣污染陳情案件監控及輔導計畫 摘 要本計畫主要工作項目分別為:1.畜牧業臭味、餐飲業油煙管制作業、工業惡臭交辦陳情案件處理、稽查。2.清查及巡查餐飲業100家次。3.建置稽巡查資料庫管理系統。4.加油站油氣回收設施管制作業。5.設立埔里分駐點於平日及假日處理各類環保陳情案件。6.空氣污染檢測作業。7.配合空氣污染防制宣導。各工作計畫執行進度與成果說明如下,成果摘要統計如表1、各月工作進度統計如表2所示。一、畜牧業巡查管制作業成果共完成巡查畜牧業148家次,其中養雞業75家次(佔51%)比例最多、養猪業巡查58家次(佔39%)。於17家畜牧業之陳情案件查處(含複查為35件次)中,屬於「經常性原因」有8家、「結構性原因」有5家、「偶發性原因」有1家、不明味道1家,查無污染事實2家。而遭陳情業者經輔導後共計12家次完成改善,改善作為以裝設噴霧、增設黑網、加強管理與飼料添加酵素為主。經分析統計,畜牧場中較易產生惡臭味的地方與臭味強度分別為畜舍、堆肥場、污水處理場與廚餘堆置區。大多數養猪業者因考量清洗畜舍水量之經濟成本,亦或高床式蛋雞舍或傳統平飼肉雞場,導致畜舍較少清洗產生臭味或久久清洗時攪動使發酵異味逸散,另堆肥方式不同臭味強度也會有影響。另調查裝設於畜牧場外圍除臭噴霧系統(家)比例不高,養雞業約7%、養豬業15%的裝設率。二、餐飲業巡查管制作業成果共完成147家餐飲業巡查工作(其中符合餐飲業草案適用對象有124家),巡查類別分為營業規模大與油煙污染量較大之餐飲業者主動巡查及陳情案件追蹤、複查兩類。有前處理設施與管末處理設施者39家(佔26.5%)。另外遭陳情業者經輔導後共計26 家次完成改善。分析結果顯示,本縣餐飲業多屬中小型規模經營型態,於巡查過程中亦發現業者對於油煙污染防制設備的設置觀念缺乏及經濟考量不敷成本,且餐飲業法規仍停留在草案階段,而使業者無改善或增設防制設備意願,使得裝設率無法提升亦無法掌握實際削減率。本計畫藉由與民間協會(南投縣烹飪商業同業公會)合作掌握營業規模大的商家進行巡查及宣導,以建立較具代表性的餐飲業資料庫。除提供餐飲業者相關污染防制技術及資料外,另建議業者使用簡易便利之油煙衝擊箱方式,取代油煙排放口排入溝渠等空氣污染行為,以協助業者提昇污染改善意願。並辦理專家現場輔導,藉以協助業者掌握正確污染改善方式。三、工廠巡查管制作業成果本計畫配合固定源管制計畫,進廠巡查5件次(其中4件次在南崗工業區)。完成南崗工業區近兩年屢遭陳情之工廠名單。四、配合環保局陳情中心即時處理各類環保陳情案件統計本計畫計協助陳情中心處理各類污染陳情案件查處共545件次(含複查件數),與陳情中心資料庫受理登錄的案件數2,642 件次(含複查件數)相較,本計畫協助查處的比例佔21%。其中畜牧業陳情案件38件次、餐飲業陳情案件110件次、工業惡臭陳情案8件次、其餘類別389件次;在大埔里地區平均處理時效上,統計處理效能顯示,由96年的1.36日提升到98年1.08日,平均提升率為21%,成效顯著。五、加油站油氣回收管制與檢測作業成果統計至99年4月,南投縣共有97座加油站,維持營運之加油站已『全數』設置油氣回收設備。加油站氣油比檢測完成30站454槍,平均合格率為96.7%。加油站基本資料清查已完成97座,其中有84座已自願簽署自主管理暨不強迫加油公約(其中包含去年未公開簽署的8家業者,仍有4家尚未簽署不強迫加油公約)。新設加油站油氣回收審查共完成4座,除榮光之星加油站因尚未提送加油站油氣回收設置計畫書與取得核准前即動工,已於98年7月告發外,其餘新設加油站計畫書審查無發現缺失問題(驛田加油站、台一加油站及國道3號南投服務區加油站審查)。六、公私場所周界採樣檢測分析作業成果周界異味污染物採樣皆因應陳情人要求指定時間與地點進行採樣,共完成21點次,其中6件符合法規標準,12件超過法規標準(3件未涉及法規標準)。對違反固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準部分,環保局後續均依法進行告發處分。而本計畫配合工業區空氣污染緊急事件(安順廢棄工廠悶燒),已於98年6月30日至7月3日進行緊急應變作業與相關空氣污染監測,監測結果戴奧辛超出環境背景值。七、宣導說明會與相關宣導及輔導成果(一)針對畜牧業、餐飲業及加油站油氣回收設施各辦理1場次宣導說明會,邀請宜蘭大學張章堂教授(農委會污染防制技術團)、台灣中油公司吳金泉先生、雲林科技大學鄭鑫漢博士擔任講師。(二)篩選12家曾遭民眾陳情之臭味污染源,進行專家學者輔導及後續輔導改善進度追蹤。(三)完成畜牧業、餐飲業及加油站油氣回收宣導摺頁3款各300份,以及更新宣導網頁與建置稽巡查資料庫系統。 For air pollution monitoring and guidance plan case 098 南投縣政府環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司
32120966 雲林縣98年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫 爲降低縣內柴油車輛排放黑煙對空氣品質以及民眾之影響,雲林縣環境保護局持續推動「98年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫」,執行柴油車輛排煙檢測及油品管制工作,以維護本縣之空氣品質。「98年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫」計畫期程為98年4月1日至99年3月31日,為期一年整,各項合約工作目標皆已符合期末報告目標數量,達成率大於100%。本計畫主要係以目測判煙、路邊攔檢及場站檢測等方式稽查高污染烏賊車輛進行檢測,並同時進行縣轄行駛中柴油車輛之油品抽測、地下油行之稽巡查等,以遏阻排放黑煙及使用非法油品之烏賊車輛,並藉由上述稽查作業之執行,共計完成空氣污染物TSP減量5.85公噸。此外本年度為進一步提升貨運業者自主管理,首創「高污染車輛召回檢測」及「推動BE GREEN示範車隊」之執行方案,有效將高污染的B級車輛召回檢測提升至9成以上,11家Be Green車隊皆已完成主動到檢,並有9成以上車輛達成A級標準,執行成效顯著。「98年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫」各項工作皆已如期達成,並針對執行成果進行分析彙整,以作為雲林縣環保局99年度柴油車污染管制的執行參考依據。 2009 Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Smoke Emission and Diesel Oil Quality Monitoring and Testing Plan To reduce Yunlin County’s diesel vehicle smoke emission influencing both air quality and citizens’ living standard, Yunlin County Environmental Protection Bureau continued promoting “2009 Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Smoke Emission and Petrol Quality Monitoring and Testing Plan,” implementing diesel vehicles smoke emission inspection as well as petrol quality monitoring so as to maintain the air quality at Yunlin County. The project, “2009 Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Smoke Emission and Petrol Quality Monitoring and Testing Plan,” held for one year, beginning from April 3rd, 2009 to March, 31st, 2010. With all the tasks reaching exceeding 100% of completion, the figures presenting in the final report conformed to those stipulating in the contract. This project mainly made use of visual inspection of exhaust fume, roadside spot inspection, and station inspection as methods to ask the drivers of the high-pollutant emitting vehicles for inspection. Furthermore, the petrol quality monitoring and testing to the diesel vehicles that passed the County as well as the patrol and checks toward oil businesses, etc were adopted to block the numbers of high-pollutant emitting vehicles from emitting fumes and from using illegal petrol. Due to the execution of the above inspection, 5.85 tons of the air pollutant, TSP has been reduced. In addition, in 2010 to improve freight forwarders’ independent management, we pioneer both in the recall of highly pollutant vehicles for inspection and in proposing the formation of Be GREEN motorcade. Effectively, the two programs succeeded in the recall of over 90 percent of the highly pollutant vehicles in B degree. Also, eleven BE GREEN motorcades have come to the inspection voluntarily, 90 percent of which reached A degree. The effect of the two programs is noteworthy. All tasks contained in “2009 Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Smoke Emission and Petrol Quality Monitoring and Testing Plan” have been completed on time. The results of the project were analyzed and compiled as references for 2010 diesel vehicles pollution control projects in Yunlin County Environmental Protection Bureau. 098 雲林縣環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32120967 98年度加強離島工業區空氣污染物整合執行計畫 「98年度加強離島工業區空氣污染物整合執行計畫」自98年11月2日至99年11月1日止,計12個月,已達到彙整及確認離島工業區近三年排放量前10大製程及其空氣污染物排放量、10廠次委員現場查核、質量平衡方式確認近三年來排放量前20大製程及4場次教育訓練、5場次查核進度會議、掌握儲槽之逸散性污染源排放量推估方法、完成六輕南亞麥寮廢水廠、海豐廢水廠、長春大連綜合廢水廠、合成酚、對苯二甲酸、台塑石化等廢水廠之water 9模式模擬推估及21廠油漆塗裝作業排放量推估、配合離島許可計畫陳情案件進行廠區異味採樣分析36件次等執行目標。排放量前10大製程,由近三年各種排放比對結果各種排放量皆小於許可證核發的排放量,空污費申報資料完整性及一致性尚佳,由檢測資料比對結果,97年度發電廠硫氧化物排放濃度有升高情形,經查係因受景氣影響,為減少燃料成本劣質煤使用比例增加之故;10廠次20個製程的委員現場查核結果及質能平衡,質能平衡閉合性良好,但仍存在中間產品、副原料未申報及廢氣燃燒塔操作法規符合度與實際防制效率的疑慮等問題;目前六輕儲槽之排放量推估方法,經驗證已確認是依據AP-42第五版計算,但部分儲槽經由離島VOC計畫實測結果證實仍有洩漏及實際蒸氣壓與設計蒸氣壓有差異,這將影響排放量推估結果,因此有必要加以驗證;water 9模式模擬推估廢水處理廠VOCs排放量與SCCcod計算結果比對,不如預期water 9推估結果絕對高於SCCcod計算結果,其原因為water 9推估結果主要受到廢水中VOCs物種及濃度、廢水量、處理單元規模等因素影響,因此其推估結果較SCCcod計算結果客觀,但整體推估結果仍大於SCCcod計算結果;21大廠98年油漆及調薄劑用量總計為1166噸,依據環保署96年年度排放更新引用排放係數計算結果為601噸,另依SCC排放係數及台灣區塗料油漆工業同業公會所提出的排放係數個別予以計算結果分別為898噸與700噸,若以離島工業區現行使用油漆固形物比例及調薄劑比例,建議以環保署96年年度排放更新引用排放係數計算較為合理;異味採樣分析本年度已完成31點次陳情案件,12點次污染源製程區及周界採樣分析作業,而31點次陳情案件中有26點次是本計畫負責送驗,統計陳情案件發生的風向以北到西北佔61%最多,其次為西到西南佔16%,陳情頻率最高者為新興國小19%,其次為海豐分校13%,統計陳情案件所測得31種物種中非六輕各廠申報的物種占4種,而31種物種中烷類物種占39%為最多,其次為苯類占23%。指紋資料調查周界採樣分析結果檢測出物種中,有九成幾乎於排放管道成份分析中可測得,其他為製程原料與反應生成物。另從離島工業區所提供排放管道成分析結果共有229種物種,其中有25種物種是有毒物質,有17種物種是優先列管之(HAPs)有害污染物。離島工業區自7月至9月發生4大陳情事件,其中7月兩件分別檢出丙烯醛超過周界排放標準(2 ppb),9月兩件六個點分別檢出二氯甲烷遠高於近二年陳情案採樣分析結果最高值(98.10.30新興國小)5.53ppb。另外藉由六輕查核工作進度會議及教育訓練的辦理,經由專家學長的經驗傳承,確實有助於提升對整體六輕空氣污染管制的執行績效,執行人員較能具體掌握六輕全廠揮發性有機物的合理排放量,使本年度各項工作能順利完成並獲致預期成果,進而有效協助提昇整體空氣品質管理之成效。 The Enhancement of Air Pollutants Control Integration in Coastal Industrial Park According to the comparing results between various emissions in last three years, all amounts are less than the allowance of permit in the top 10 emission processes. The integrity and consistency of reported data of air pollution fee are comparatively good. As the comparing results of testing data showed, the SOx emission concentration of power plant increased in 2008. Due to the impact of economic downturn, the usage rate of lower-quality coals increased for decreasing the fuel cost. 10 plants 20 members process the results of committee site inspections, Results, material and energy balance closed well, but there are intermediate products, raw materials undeclared vice flare operating regulations and conformity with the actual control efficiency concerns and other issues; Currently Sixth Naphtha tank emission estimation method is based on proven has confirmed that the fifth edition of AP-42 calculation, AP-42 fifth edition and fourth edition of the most important difference is that the loss of sealing the edge of the impact of wind, the Sixth Naphtha floating roof tanks are stamped, is not affected by wind speed, and therefore, Fourth Edition or the fifth edition, as calculated on the basis of their results are consistent, but some of the Islands by the VOCs storage tank program and the experimental results confirm that there are leaks and design of the actual vapor pressure vapor pressure are different, this will affect the results of emission estimation, it is need to be verified; water 9 wastewater treatment plant modeling and simulation to estimate the amount of VOCs emissions calculated with SCC cod comparison of the predicted results as expected water 9 SCC cod result is far greater than its estimated results due to water 9 VOCs mainly by wastewater species and concentration, waste water, processing unit scale factors, so the predicted results calculated over SCC cod objective, but the overall result is still greater than the estimated results SCC cod ; 21 manufacturers and 2009 of paint thinner total dosage 1166 tons, according to EPA 96 emission factor annual emission update the reference evaluates to 601 tons, and the other in accordance with SCC emission factor and Taiwan Paint Industry Association paints made by the individual emission factors were calculated to be 898 tons and 700 tons, if to offshore industrial zone and the proportion of the existing use of paint thinner agent solids ratio of 96 recommendations to EPA emission factor annual emission update the reference to calculate a more reasonable; Odor sampling and analysis for the year has completed 31 complaint cases, 12 item sources of pollution process area and perimeter sampling and analysis operations, statistics of the cases not measured 31 kinds of species, not the Sixth Naphtha the plant to declare the species accounted for 4 species and 31 species of methane accounted for 39% of species, followed by 23% benzene. The perimeter of the fingerprint data to investigate the results of sample analysis to detect species Ninety per cent of component analysis is almost in the discharge pipe can be measured, the other to process raw materials and reaction products. With the analysis results of the discharge pipe which provided by the outlying islands industrial park, there were 225 kinds of substances in total. Within those substances, there were 25 toxic and 17 were the priority regulated of hazard air pollutants (HAPs). Four petitions were proposed in outlying industrial park since July to September. With the two in July, acrolein were found out, exceeding the peripheral boundary emissions standard (2 ppb) while in two cases in September methylene chloride in six locations were highest in sample analyzing results of petition cases in last two years. Besides, by the means of Sixth Naphtha Audit work scheduling meeting and the training courses taught by the experienced experts is conducive to improve the overall performance of the air pollution control of Sixth Naphtha. Enforcement agents can grasp the reasonable emissions of volatile organic compounds of the whole plant of Sixth Naphtha better. It’s not only helpful to succeed in the every work of this year to achieve anticipated target, but also good for improve effect of overall air quality management. 098 雲林縣環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司
32120968 移動污染源稽查管制計畫 098 金門縣環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司
32120969 98年臺中縣「農業廢棄物露天燃燒改善策略評估計畫」 成果摘要:本計畫工作內容係針對稻草直接於田園執行醱酵或稻草再生利用進行可行性研究評估,減少農業廢棄物露天燃燒,增加農業廢棄物之資源化,作為本縣施政之參考。主要工作項目可分為調查作業、研究作業及其他應辦作業等三大項。專案小組於計畫初期即架設網頁已供民眾隨時了解執行情形,並完成宣導單及海報設計與印製以利於各類宣導活動中發送;宣導品亦依合約規定購買後置於環保局之倉庫;專案小組統整計畫中各項工作項目所獲得的資料及成果,臺中縣自97年一期作起農民以就地翻耕掩埋方式處理稻草的比例逐漸增加中,但部分農民仍習慣以較方便省事的焚燒方式處理稻草,此外配合作期進行廣播宣導辦理的6場次『臺中縣98年度稻草勿露天燃燒暨替代處理技術』宣導說明會及配合農會或公所活動進行的宣導活動與問卷調查結果顯示除3%農民認為燃燒稻草對空氣品質沒有影響外,其原因主要為二期將改種旱田作物、認為未經焚燒方式處理病蟲害無法抑制及掩埋處理稻草分解時間過長等。由本計畫枯草桿菌分解稻草之現地研究顯示,添加枯草桿菌可縮短稻草分解時間至3-10天,並且可增加稻米產量;厭氧醱酵稻草雖然確實可產生乙醇,但就目前的技術而言,1公噸的稻桿約可生產200公升的生質酒精,其目地偏重於示範效果,需再提昇纖維素水解效率與乙醇產量才能合乎經濟效益;而堆肥處理農業廢棄物,應注意建築物設施及機械設備是否能充分利用,此為堆肥單位成本提高的主因,利用外埔鄉堆肥場改建可降低其成本,但與其他技術相較成本仍舊偏高,成本約5,018元/公噸。而在農業廢棄物採用露天燃燒方式處理所產生之物質,無論是本計畫進行的採樣分析或由環保署空品測站資料解析,皆顯示農業廢棄物採露天燃燒方式處理會增加空氣中之懸浮微粒濃度,對於空氣污染情形有明顯影響。考量本縣特色及各項調查及研究,建議輔導推廣添加枯草桿菌進行現地掩埋、輔導轉作經濟作物之農民利用稻草作保護覆蓋材、持續輔導推廣遍地開花及透過社區的力量以影響改變農民耕作習慣,藉以改善本縣於農廢期間因露天燃燒所造成之空氣品質惡化問題。 Evaluation of alternative agricultural wastes disposal strategies instead of agricultural wastes burning in Taichung county」 of Year 2009 This project focus on evaluating the process of how to make use of straw for ferment in the farmland or other recycling feasibility, in order to reduce the agricultural wastes burning and converting them into resources, then reforming them into policies. This project includes field investigation, research and administrative work.In the early stage of the project, we implemented project website. We designed, printed and passed fliers and posters when holding project activities and meetings. 6 meetings are held for the purpose of alternative agricultural wastes disposal techniques.We collect the statistical data for this project. For the disposal methods of straw, the proportion of choosing on-site buried of straw increases since 2008. And for the impact of agricultural wastes burning, 3% of the farmers considered it not affecting the air quality. And because most farmers would plant the economy crops, and they also think that plant diseases or bugs could be burn to vanish, and on-site buried of straw were considered decomposed too slow.However, we found that the straw decompose process can be accelerated, and reduce the whole process to 3-10 days by adding Bacillus Subtilis(枯草桿菌) into the rotten straws in this project. In the anaerobic ferment study, the process could also produced 200 L bio-ethanol per metric ton straw in our pilot study, but future research are strongly recommended. We also suggested that an off-site disposal may be another way to manage the straw issue in rice harvest season by proper use of the compost plant in Waipu Township. Either the on-site sampling analysis of the project and the EPA air quality monitoring data analysis shows that the agricultural straw burning increases the concentrations of suspended particulate matter in the air, it indicates that it is important to deal with this issue.After investigation and research, in order to improve the agriculture waste burning issue in the rice harvest seasons, and prevent the air quality from deterioration, we suggested the following methods: (1) Increasing the usage of Bacillus Subtilis when using on-site buried of straw, (2) Advising the farmers who replants the economy crops that they can use straw as protection cover material of their economy crops,(3) Advising the farmers to plant green manures after second seasonal harvest, and(4) Promoting the community the strength to affect changes the farmer to change the cultivating custom 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 衛宇科技股份有限公司
32120970 98年度資源回收形象改造及物業管理計畫 本計畫自98年8月執行迄今,進行資源回收場的全面普查。經本年度調查結果顯示目前全縣約有362家資源回收場,數據較去年為低,顯示出外部環境所帶來的影響。依計畫工作項目要求,本計畫分別於11月2日與11月3 日假桃園縣勞工育樂中心與平鎮市青少年活動中心辦理公告應回收廢棄物回收處理業相關法令及稽查要點說明會。此外,並於10月8日辦理本年度社區資源回收示範站評選會議,自34個參與社區中篩選出昇捷荷堂社區、竹城代官山社區、南崁家天下、香榭堤景社區、時尚風閣社區、昇捷水芭蕾社區、康橋別墅社區、輕井花道社區、菁英會社區、愛上杜拜、遠東雙星大廈、乾隆鎮社區、桃園國際大郡巴黎花都社區、育達明園社區與寶第社區等15處社區為本年度資源回收形象改造與連鎖經營輔導對象。在12月3號與12月4號分別於昇捷水芭蕾社區與愛上杜拜社區辦理資源回收站形象改造與連鎖經營觀摩會。本計畫自計畫開始時便持續由專人協助進行協助辦理應回收廢棄物回收處理業登記申請相關作業,並依計畫工作項目要求協助辦理「非都市土地申請變更為應回收廢棄物回收業設施使用之興辦事業計畫」各項時程控管作業與應回收廢棄物回收處理業之宣導手冊。 - 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 永發環境科技管理有限公司
32120971 98年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫 098 新竹市環境保護局 新竹市環境保護局(瑩諮科技股份有限公司)
32120972 98年度臺南市噪音監測計畫 本計畫目標旨在完成臺南市噪音移動式環境及交通噪音監測站操作工作及相關陳情案件監測工作、使用中車輛原地噪音量測及航空噪音量測作業,並配合達成行政院環境保護署環保機關績效考評中噪音管制項目。在移動式環境及交通噪音監測中,因應98年9月8日本市噪音管制區重新劃分公告,重新修正本市噪音監測站位址,原第1類億載金城環境測點改為第2類測點,另重新選定第1類及第2類環境測點各1處;道路交通測點則重新選定第1類1處及第2類測點2處。於期程內共完成98年第3、4季及99年第1、2季的環境及交通噪音監測,監測結果均符合管制標準。環境與交通噪音陳情案件監測,計畫期程內共執行7件次監測作業,其中2件次為交通音量陳情案件,5件次為環境音量陳情,監測結果均符合管制標準。在使用中車輛原地噪音量測部分,於98年9月24日與警察單位及監理單位辦理協商會,確定監、警、環三單位的合作模式。計畫期程內共計辦理45場次,其中18場次為監理站召回檢測,總檢測數為439次,檢測不合格為136次,改善完成共80輛,經檢測不合格或網站檢舉而尚未回檢者共82輛。改裝排氣管車輛經檢測不合格之比率為100%,且族群以學生為主。宣導作業部分,共完成5場次宣導作業。第1場宣導會辦理日期為98年10月21日,針對營建工地噪音進行宣導;第2場宣導會辦理日期為98年12月10日,旨在推廣室內植栽,除擺放於噪音易穿透地點可削減噪音外,亦具有降低落塵、二氧化碳並淨化揮發性有機污染物的功效;第3場宣導會辦理日期為99年03月24日,區分為議題一「為減緩氣候變化,如何建構低碳城市」及議題二「民眾關切的大臺南環保議題」。第4場宣導會辦理日期為99年07月01日,會議名稱為「廟會活動噪音協商暨99年度紙錢集中燒政策宣導會」,因應廟會活動燃放鞭炮造成噪音陳情,此次宣導會特別邀集警察局、消防局及各廟宇代表,針對噪音法規及公告、噪音陳情現況予以說明並列舉相關議題進行討論。第5場宣導會辦理日期為99年08月23日,主題為「99年度暑期航空噪音環境教育宣導暨參訪活動」,透過與軍方的合作,規劃辦理此次參訪及敦親睦鄰活動,可讓參訪民眾對國軍精良武器及其對航空噪音之努力有更深的體會。航空噪音監測部分,共執行8點次的航空噪音臨時監測,其中7點次位於第二級航空噪音防制區,1點次位於第三級航空噪音防制區;在地理位置上,6點次位於機場北邊,1點次位於機場西邊,而1點次位於機場南邊。監測結果中僅有1點次監測結果與所處管制區等級相同,其餘7點次均是低於其現有管制區等級。本市陳情案件統計部分,96年之噪音陳情件數較95年大幅成長了345件,98年度總數更達1,639件,99年度(1至8月)前3大噪音陳情項目以固定動力363件(佔32.3%)為最高,其次為動力機具202件(佔18%),擴音設備為169件(佔15%)。由總件數及噪音所佔比例之統計,可以了解臺南市因固定源較少,空污陳情件數極少,整體陳情總數則會遠低於轄內有工業區的縣市,而另外的都市化因素則會導致陳情類別偏向於噪音及環境衛生。 98 Tainan City noise monitoring plan This plan is to complete the operation and public pleads in the noise monitoring of Tainan City applied in the mobile environment, the traffic sounds inspection, the vehicles operating in-situ noise gauging and the aviation noise gauging. It also coordinates to achieve the noise regulations done by the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan. In the mobile environment and in the traffic sounds monitoring sections, this city noise regulation zone was redefined and relocated the noise monitoring stations from dated September 8th of 2009. The original 1st kind of historic spot, Yizai-Jincheng environment monitoring spot was changed into the 2nd kind of monitoring spot, and designated one more 1st kind and one more 2nd kind of environment monitoring spots respectively. Further to this, the road traffic monitoring spot designated the 1st kind one measuring spot and the 2nd kind two measuring spots. The monitoring result in the environment and the traffic sounds conformed to the control standard in the 3rd and 4th seasons of year 2009 and the 1st and 2nd seasons of year 2010.The environment and the traffic sound pleading cases; monitoring were 7 times monitoring operation. There were 2 cases resulting from traffic sounds and 5 cases from environmental noise volumes which all conformed the control standard. In the vehicles operating in-situ noise gauging part, Tainan City Environmental Protection Bureau, the police section and the traffic regulation section hold a meeting to assure the cooperation pattern of three parties on September 24th of 2009. There were requested 45 times Public Educational Guidance in the Noise Monitoring of Vehicles, in which 18 times recalled the examination from the regulation section.The total examination number was 439 times, unqualified was 136 times, the improved vehicle numbers altogether was 80, unqualified or the website reporting not yet returned for examining altogether was 82. The unqualified ratio of the re-equipping exhaust pipe vehicles after the examination were 100% which were mostly students. There were all together 5 times Public Educational Guidance of the Noise Monitoring of Vehicles. The 1st guidance held on October 21st 2009, stressed on the construction site noise to carry out the guidance; The 2nd guidance held on December 10th 2009, targeted to promote indoor plants which would reduce the noise, the dusts , CO2 and purified the volatile organic pollutants. The 3rd guidance held on March 24th 2010, classified into two subjects. The first one is “ how to construct the low-carbon city to slow down the climatic change” and the second one is “Tainan environmental issues related to the general public concern”. The 4th guidance held one July 1st 2010, the conference name was “The Temple Fair Activities in Noise Negotiation and 2010 Paper Money Burning Policy Guidance”, which particularly invited the police stations, the fire fighter departments and various temples representative to review the noise laws, regulations, pleads and related issues. The 5th guidance held on August 23rd 2010, the subject was “ Year 2010 Summer Aviation Noise Environmental Education Guidance and Visit Activity”, cooperated with military, which would gave the public impression about the military excellent weapons and their diligent work on the aviation noise. The aviation noise monitoring part, altogether carried out 8 spots to conduct temporarily aviation noise monitor, in which 7 spots located at second level of aviation noise control zone, 1 spot located at third level of aviation noise control zone; In geographical position, 6 spots located at airport north side, 1 spot located at airport west side, but 1 spot time located at airport south side. In the noise monitoring result, there was only some 1 spot monitoring results ranked to be the same as the control standard and other 7 spots were lower than its existing control standard. To gather noise pleading statistic cases, there were increasing 345 cases from year 2007 to year 2007, there were up to 1639 cases in year 2009. From January to August in year 2010, there were first three big noise pleading classifications. The first were the fixed power which took 32.3% with 363 cases, the second were power machines which took 18% with 202 cases and the third were amplified equipments which took 15% with 169 cases. 098 台南市環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司
32120973 98年度台南縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢測計畫 依據監理單位提供柴油車輛數資料顯示臺南縣柴油車總數約28,777輛,其中大型客、貨車登記總數約達9,153輛,小型柴油客貨車約19,626輛。因此臺南縣環境保護局自88年度起執行柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫委託具專業能力之顧問公司代為操作,藉此來督促柴油車主、駕駛人真正注意車輛保養之重要性以提昇臺南縣的空氣品質。92年12月環保署修正公告檢測方式增加馬力比未達車輛最大額定馬力退驗條款後,早期較多的轉速不足退驗情形已經減少,但93年開始實施馬力退驗,馬力比不足退驗車輛數就開始逐漸增加,實施多年至今因馬力比退驗條件未加嚴依舊有約19%到檢車輛遭退驗,可見不當調整情形至今仍然存在。本年度實施之路邊攔檢工作,持續進行車輛攔下後試踩油門進行目視判煙篩選作業,針對有污染之虞車輛進行檢測,檢測不合格車輛逕行告發處分,對於車輛到動力計檢測時不當調整之車輛有極大赫阻效果,故本計畫利用有限檢測數,發揮最大檢測效益。另外;也針對車輛使用柴油油品加強稽查,以杜絕使用非法高含硫量之柴油,防止燃燒後硫化物污染空氣。本縣動力計檢測站自90年申請通過CNLA認證,均維持良好之檢測品質,有效提高檢測公信力。並於於98年9月再次通過全國認證基金會(TAF)之監督評鑑,99年7月通過三年一次展延評鑑,未來也將在品質持續努力,讓檢測品質能繼續受到肯定。 一、計畫執行期程本計畫執行期程自98年8月18日至99年8月17日止,執行期間共計十二個月整。三、主要工作執行成果(一)資料統計自98年8月18日至99年8月17日止,共計檢驗柴油車2530輛(含無負載409輛)。(二)本年度計畫自98年8月18日至99年8月17日止已執行目測判煙通知2353輛(含跟車目視判煙通知271輛)。(三)柴油車檢測2530輛次,全負載2121輛次,目標達成率為117.8%。受檢測之柴油車中有121輛不合格、不合格率約4.78%。(四)到站檢測隨機針對車輛抽驗油品已採取113件、路邊攔查採樣已採樣7件及加油站採樣40件,共計160件,工作進度達100%。(五)路邊排煙稽查不合格為224輛次,工作進度達101.8%。(六)完成大客貨運業者油品追蹤管制22家。(七)積極參與雲嘉南聯合稽查,並與臺南縣每月臺南縣市聯合稽查共計14次,有效提升空氣品質改善效益。(八)與嘉義市及臺南市聯合執行夜間油品稽查共計4次。(九)完成永康焚化爐每兩個月1次共計6次攔檢作業。(十)完成6次於高速公路夜間油品稽查作業。(十一)提交新聞稿10則有7則見報達成合約要求。(十二)辦理宣導說明會兩場次。(十三)執行依此次至少兩站間相關性測試,14次品保測試並繪製成管制圖。(十四)TAF實驗室認證90年取得認證,98年9月29日通過年度監督評鑑,99年7月8日通過三年展延評鑑目前系統維持有效中。(十五)開放假日每月兩次週六預約檢測24天,計有17天有車輛預約,預約車輛數為48輛。(十六)99年民眾檢舉298件,附影片或照片者76件通過初審為54件,複審完成40件有30件通過複審。四、污染物削減量里程依據 項目 TSP(公噸/年)環保署建議 檢測不合格改善 8.021 事前調修 52.94 依建議行駛里程合計減量 60.96 Emission inspection on Diesel vehicles According to the diesel vehicle data provided by the vehicle department, there are 28,779 diesel-fueled vehicles registered in Tainan County, and 9,153 of them are buses and trucks, and 19,626 are small vehicles. Therefore, the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan County started the diesel-fueled vehicle exhaust emission program by dynamometer in 1999 by entrusting the work to a consultant company that is professionally capable. The programs were carried out to encourage the owners and drivers of diesel vehicles to pay attention to the importance of vehicle maintenance for the improvement of air quality in Tainan County. Dec 2003, the Environmental Protection Administration amended the announced test methods and added the requirement of disqualification of the horsepower ratio failing to reach the rated maximum vehicle horsepower, and as a result, the common cause of disqualification due to insufficient rpm started to reduce. However, the number of vehicles disqualified for insufficient horsepower and horsepower ratio started to climb after the implementation in 2004, and there is still 19% of vehicles inspected failing to pass the horsepower ratio test. It is obvious that the inappropriate tuning of engine still exists. For the roadside random inspections carried out this year, the vehicles were pulled over and the drivers were asked to push the gas pedal for visual determination of exhaust. Tests were carried out on vehicles suspicious of pollution, and once determined, the owners were given a citation for the disqualification. This served as an effective deterrence to owners who tried inappropriate tuning for the dynamometer tests. Therefore, the programs achieved the maximum inspection effects with a limited number of roadside inspections. In addition, the diesel fuel used by these vehicles was inspected as well in order to stop the illegal use of diesel of high sulfide level and to prevent the sulfuric combustion products from polluting the air. The dynamometer test station of Tainan County acquired its CNLA certification in 2001, and maintains a good quality of inspection since then for the improvement of inspection credibility. Also in Sep 2009, the station was approved by the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF), and again in Jul 2010 for the 3-year extension of accreditation. The Bureau will continue the efforts for maintaining the quality of inspection and winning the positive response for doing so. 1. Program durationThe program lasted from Aug 18 2009 to Aug 17 2010 for a total of 12 months. 3. Major achievements(1) 2,530 diesel-fueled vehicles went through the inspections from Aug 18 2009 to Aug 17 2010 (including 409 no-loading vehicles). (2) 2,353 vehicles were notified for visual exhaust inspection (including 271 notified by trailing cars) from Aug 18 2009 to Aug 17 2010 for this year’s program. (3) 2,530 vehicle-times were inspected, and 2,121 were tested at full loading, which is 117.8% of the purposed number. 121 diesel vehicle tested failed the test with the failure rate of 4.78%. (4) 113 fuel samples were taken from vehicles arriving at the station for the test, 7 from vehicles pulled over at roadside, and 40 from gas stations. In total 160 samples were taken, accounting for 100% of achievement rate. (5) 224 vehicle-times were failing the roadside exhaust tests, accounting for 101.8% of achievement rate.(6) Fuel samples of 22 bus or truck operators were taken for follow-up and control. (7) The Bureau joined force with Chiayi and Yunlin for inspections, and worked with Tainan City every month for 14 times of join-force inspections for effective improvement of air quality. (8) The Bureau worked with Chiayi City and Tainan City for 4 (9) The Bureau completed 6 inspections, once every two months, on the Yungkang Incinerator. (10) The Bureau completed 6 fuel inspections at night time on the freeway. (11) 10 news pieces were proposed and 7 of them were published on news media, fulfilling the contract requirement. (12) 2 sessions of propaganda presentations were provided. (13) The correlation test between at least 2 stations and 14 QA tests were performed, and the control diagrams were plotted. (14) The TAF lab certification was acquired in 2001. The annual supervisory assessment was successful on Sep 29 2009, and the 3-year extension was obtained on Jul 8 2010. The system is currently up and running effectively. (15) Vehicle inspections were available 24 days every month by reservation, including 2 of the Saturdays, and 48 vehicles booked the service in 17 days. (16) 298 reports filed by the public were received in 2010, 76 of which came with short films or photos. 54 passed the first reviews and 40 went through the second review, where 30 passed the second review. 4. Pollutant reductionMileage Item TSP (tons/year)As suggested by EPA Improvement of failure to pass the inspections 8.021 Tuning in advance 52.94 Total reduction based on the suggested mileage 60.96 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 春迪企業股份有限公司
總共 6048 筆,顯示第 3901 到第 3950 筆