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32120974 「98年廢棄物源頭減量與資源回收宣導專案工作計畫」 臺灣人口密集而資源短缺,過去數十年來,隨著經濟發展所衍生出來的廢棄物問題,已嚴重衝擊到環境品質與人民舒適生活的權利。面對全球暖化氣候變遷的衝擊、有限的地球資源逐漸耗竭的問題,如何有效地減少廢棄物的產生,並妥善運用有限的資源與能源,建立一個永續循環的社會,已成為我們不可忽視且迫切的任務。近年來環保署參考各先進國家作法,檢討國內廢棄物管理現況,摒棄傳統廢棄物管理方法,不再強調焚化與掩埋等管末處理,而朝向減少資源消耗、抑制源頭廢棄物產生,強調回收再生利用之前端管理,並鼓勵企業從事生態化設計,期望能達到資源再利用最大化,與廢棄物最小化「零廢棄」之願景,管理思維已進一步轉變成為以永續物質循環方向發展。此外,環保署亦規劃永續的廢棄物管理願景,分別針對一般廢棄物與事業廢棄物提出「零廢棄」政策,由過去末端「妥善處理」,漸改採以「源頭減量」為優先,無法源頭減量者則分別採再使用及回收再利用等方式,提倡以減量、減毒、綠色消費等方式,促進資源循環再利用,以建立永續發展的零廢棄社會。同時,因為臺灣垃圾零廢棄政策,包括廢棄物源頭減量及資源回收等,都與民眾生活習習相關,因此,本計畫規劃了多元宣傳管道,透過電視、雜誌、戶外廣告、網站行銷、記者會辦理、特別企畫等多項政策宣傳。在電視方面,透過十一分鐘的宣導短片「為了永續生存 建構資源物質循環」,完整闡述廢棄物源頭減量、資源回收、資源再使用的重要性,陳述建立一個循環型、永續發展的社會,人人都有責任,同時人人都可以做得到;另外也藉由兩支三十秒鐘的宣導短片「自備環保筷‧環保又實在」、「寶貝我們的地球‧寶貝我的未來」,深入淺出的介紹循環型的社會為一國際趨勢,同時國內的百貨公司、量販店、美食街、四大超商均已加入不主動提供免洗筷等重要民生訊息,廣告訊息並於國內無線、有線電視台以及戶外廣告強力播送。雜誌部分,分別於國內最知名的兩大雜誌『遠見雜誌』、『天下雜誌』報導『10億綠行動—永續物質管理與循環型社會「改變自己」,你就是環境英雄』與『前瞻台灣,造出希望』議題,以知性、理性為訴求,宣導廢棄物源頭減量的重要性。網站行銷部分,建置「3R,資源循環永續利用」網站,並在主要入口網站(如Yahoo, MSN, Google, Sina, PCHome等)刊登廣告Banner ,創造瀏覽率100萬以上人次。在記者會辦理部分,辦理「一筷做環保,時尚又有型」、「飲料杯減量,環保百分百」兩場記者會,總計創造超過99家媒體報導203篇以上訊息露出。而在特別企畫方面,臺灣電視公司主動結合11家百貨業者與2家連鎖超市,主動提出『做環保享優惠』的方案,所有主動攜帶環保袋到相關量販店消費的民眾,都可以享受集點與現金優惠。 The dissemination of waste minimization and resource recycling project With a dense population but limited resources, the rapid economic growth in Taiwan has brought in a serious waste disposal problem that not only annihilates the quality of the environment but also rips of our right for a comfort living. Confronted by global warming, climate change, and the gradually depleted earth resources, at this stage, we have no choice but must take immediate actions in effectively minimizing waste production, making a good use of our finite resources and energy, and eventually, building up a sustainable community.Take waste disposal approaches adopted by the most advanced countries in the world as an example, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in recent years has investigated the domestic waste disposal management. Now EPA has abandoned the traditional waste disposal management approach and switched its emphasis from end-of-pipe control such as incineration and landfill to front-end management—reduce, recycle, and reuse. EPA has also been working on minimizing resource exhaustion and suppressing waste source production. Furthermore, to realize its vision of a zero waste disposal, EPA has been encouraging the corporations to participate in ecological design to maximize resource recycling while minimize waste production. In sum, the direction of EPA management has shifted toward a sustainable resource recycling.In addition, EPA has set up a sustainable waste disposal management outlook, launching the zero waste disposal policy for general wastes and industrial wastes respectively. Its waste management has gradually advanced from giving a sound handling at the end side toward prioritizing on source minimization. In areas where source minimization is not applicable, a reuse or recycle approach is adopted to promote waste reduction, toxics reduction, and green consumption to facilitate resource recycle and reuse, and ultimately, to build up a sustainable, zero waste community. Meanwhile, because the zero waste disposal policy in Taiwan, including waste source minimization and resource recycle, is closely related to the everyday life of the people, this project has set up multiple dissemination channels, including TV, magazines, outdoor advertisements, website marketing, press conferences, special event planning, and more. For TV, a promotional short film “Construct Resource Recycling for a Sustainable Living” had been prepared, illustrating the importance of waste source minimization, resource recycle, and resource reuse. This film narrated that establishing a recycle, sustainable community is our responsibility and we can make it. There were two more 30-sec promotional short films “Using Reusable Chopsticks is Environmental Friendly and Frugal” and “Cherish Our Earth, Cherish Our Future,” which were both easy and comprehensible. These two films introduced the concept that a recycling community was a global trend, and sent important messages related to our everyday life, such as some department stores, warehouse clubs, food courts, as well as the four major convenient stores have now all joined the activity of not offering disposable chopsticks without request. These films were intensely broadcasted by over-the-air and cable TV stations as well as outdoor advertisements. As for the magazines, the two most well-known magazines in Taiwan, Global Views Monthly and Common Wealth Magazine, had, as in their usual intellectual and rational appeal, reported about the significance of waste source minimization in these two articles “Zillions of Green Actions: Sustainable Material Management and Recycling Community; Change Yourself and Be the Environmental Hero” and “Taiwan Outlook, Create Our Future,” respectively.For website marketing, the “3R: Resource, Recycle and Sustainable Reuse” website was created for the purpose. It had web banners run on major search engines (including Yahoo. MSN, Google, Sina, PCHome) bringing in more than 100 million people to the website.For press conferences, two conferences had been held; one was “Make Reusable Chopsticks Your Fashion Statement” and the other was “Reduce Disposable Cups for a Better Environment.” From these two conferences, over 99 media had released a total of more than 203 pieces of messages to the public.As for the special event planning, Taiwan Television Enterprise, Ltd. had initiated a collaborative project called “Get Shopping Discount from Joining Environmental Protection” with 11 department stores and 2 franchise supermarkets. In this event, people who shopped in those stores with reusable shopping bags were given bonus points or cash rewards. 098 廢管處 台灣電視事業股份有限公司
32120975 碳足跡計算準則與低碳會議 一、中文計畫名稱:98年度碳足跡計算準則與低碳會議推動策略二、英文計畫名稱:2009 Carbon Footprint Quantification Standard and Strategies to Promote Low-Carbon Meeting三、計畫編號EPA-98-FA11-03-A106四、執行單位財團法人台灣產業服務基金會五、計畫主持人(包括共同主持人)蔡宏達、林萊娣、黃啟峰六、執行開始時間98/4/8七、執行結束時間99/4/7八、報告完成時間99/4/7九、報告總頁數296頁(附錄、附件未計)十、使用語文中文、英文十一、報告電子檔名稱EPA-98-FA11-03-A106.pdf十二、報告電子檔格式PDF十三、中文摘要關鍵詞溫室氣體;碳足跡;碳標示;計算指引;查驗指引;綠色會議;低碳會議十四、英文摘要關鍵詞:Greenhouse gases, GHG, Carbon footprint, Specification, Validation and verification requirements, Green meeting, Low-carbon meeting, 十五、中文摘要本計畫為建立我國碳足跡標示制度之基礎,將研析碳標示發展趨勢,研擬我國碳足跡計算準則及規劃查驗管理作業指引,並研提環保低碳活動推動策略。本計畫成果簡要說明如下:(一)研析碳標示發展趨勢:為掌握各國碳標示制度趨勢及脈動,提供我國推動碳標示制度之具體建議,本計畫已完成彙整10個國家,包括英國、法國、德國、澳洲、日本、韓國、泰國、瑞士、美國、加拿大等13個案例,並研析各國碳標示制度之趨勢與異同,共分為4個模式。本計畫建議以模式2由政府發起,委託非營利機構推動,為我國未來碳標示制度之推動模式。(二)研擬我國碳足跡計算準則:本計畫已探討英國Carbon Trust PAS 2050、日本經產省TS Q 0010、澳洲採用之ISO 14040系列、ISO/WD.3 14067-1以及WRI/WBCSD的產品生命週期計算與報告標準,針對碳標示系統下數據建立方式分析。本計畫已完成我國「產品與服務碳足跡計算指引」之研擬並分別於9月及11月完成2場專家研商會議。並完成3家示範廠商「○○企業品牌台灣綠茶系列」、「⓪⓪科技光碟片」以及「□□夾心酥」之碳足跡計算。(三)研提我國標示查驗管理作業指引:本計畫蒐集日本、韓國,及英國等3個國家產品碳足跡查驗機制,發現各國查驗屬性多為第二者查驗,相異處為日本及韓國碳足跡係由企業自行計算後送至官方(PCR委員會)或其委託之單位(韓國環境產業與技術研究院)進行查驗及核發。英國則由Carbon Label Company負責計算、查驗及核發等工作。本計畫完成我國碳足跡標示管理作業指引規劃,內容包括查驗機構資格、查驗人員資格、查驗指導原則、查驗程序及步驟及其他相關規定等。查證機構及人員資格規劃以環保署與全國認證基金會(TAF)所研訂之溫室氣體相關管理規範為參考基礎,並具備生命週期評估專業能力。(四)研提環保低碳活動推動策略:本計畫完成辦理環保低碳活動研商會、分別研討環保低碳活動指引及低碳飲食等議題,並編輯完成適用於會議、活動及展覽之環保低碳活動指引,協助建置環保低碳活動申請核發管理平台,完成環保署「節能無悔,牽手減碳」第三階段抽獎活動,以及教育部「2009全國校園節能減碳CEO會議」等低碳活動/集會示範案例。並完成辦理1場次,共計兩日之「跟隨碳足跡—發現減碳新道路」國際論壇。 Carbon Footprint Quantification Standard and Strategies to Promote Low-Carbon Meeting The goal of the project is to build up a foundation for the nation’s carbon footprint labeling system. Through analyzing the developing trend of current carbon labelling systems around the world, the project has developed a quantification specification for carbon footprint of product and service. In adittion, guidelines to the validation and varification management of carbon footprint label were also proposed. Meanwhile, the project has devised strategies to promote environment-friendly low-carbon meetings. Overall, the project has accomplished the following achievements (as of 7th March, 2009):1. Analyzed developing trend of 13 carbn labelling cases:In order to give practical recommendations to the nation’s carbon labelling system by means of mastering the current carbon labelling system in various countries, the project has compiled 13 labelling cases from 10 countries, including the United Kingdon, France, Germany, Austrila, Japan, Korea, Tailand, Switzerland, the United States, and Canada. The Project also analyzed the differences and similarities of each case and discovered 4 major patterns to promote carbon labelling. Findings of this project support the recommendation that pattern 2, in which the government initiates the system but authorizes a non-profit organization to actually implemente it, to be the promotion model for the nation’s future carbon labelling system.2. Developed the nation’s carbon footprint quantification specification:The project has expolerd and analyzed the requirements associated with LCA methodology, data collection, quantification, and data quality from the following standards: PAS 2050 of the United Kingdom, TS Q 0010 of Japan, ISO 14040 series adopted by Austrila, and ISO/WD.3 14067-1. The project has completed the task of developing the nation’s carbon footprint quantification specification and successfully convened two Expert Technical Consultation Meetings in September and November 2009, respectively. The project also worked with three domestic companies to quantify products as demonstration cases—○○’s Taiwan Green Tea, ⓪⓪ CD/DVD, and □□’s Wafers.3. Proposed guidelines to the nation’s management of label validation and verification:The project has analyzed the validation and verification mechanisms of Japan, Korea and the UKAS Pilot Project in the United Kingdom. It is found out that verification by other party is more common than by third party or self-verification. Japan and Korean mechanisms require that companies submit their calculation results to a government’s committee (such as PCR committee) or a delegated organization (such as KEITI) for verification and issuance of label. In UK, Carbon Label Company is the main organization in charge of the quantification and verification of carbon footprint, and the issuance of carbon label. A plan for the nation’s validation and verification mechanism was proposed, including the requirements for verification bodies and personnel, as well as principles, procedures and steps of undertatking verification. It is recommended that relevant GHG management regulations established by EPA and Taiwan Arreditation Foundation (TAF) could be referenced as the basic requirements for verification bodies and personnel.4. Proposed strategies to promote environment-friendly low-carbon events:The project has completed the following tasks: holding an Expert Consultation Meeting for environment-friendly low-carbon events, composing Guide to Environment-Friendly Low-Carbon Events which is applicable to activities, meetings and expositions, and convening an Expert Consultation Meeting for Low-Carbon Diet. In addition, a website to manage the applicaton and issuance of environment-friendly low-carbon event label was constructed. Measures to achieve low-carbon events were successfully demonstrated through EPA’s third phase lottery for “No-Regret Policy”activities and the 2009 Energy Saving Campus CEO Conference sponsored by Ministry of Education. Moreover, the project has successfully held the International Forum on Following Carbon Footprints: A New Road to Carbon Reduction. 098 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會
32120976 98基隆營建工程污染源稽查管制及空品淨化計畫 098 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司
32120977 98年度桃園縣廚餘多元再利用教育宣導計畫 桃園縣政府環保局為提升資源回收、廚餘多元再利用以降低進入焚化爐的一般垃圾量,特推動辦理『98年度桃園縣廚餘多元再利用教育宣導計畫』,委託桃園縣環境保護協會協助執行計畫工作項目,並派駐環保局一位專職人力共同推動本計畫。期使更多人落實廚餘分類回收,人不吃豬可吃的廚餘交由各地清潔隊回收,豬也不吃的有機廢棄物分類出來做堆肥。這樣不但可以減輕垃圾處理的壓力,更可以減少二氧化碳的排放,使更符合廿一世紀資源永續經營之環保潮流。以下茲就工作項目量化成果說明如下:(一)家戶、社區、學校廚餘堆肥宣導計畫1、蒐集並彙整全縣廚餘堆肥講師資料1件(共51名)。2、構想本計畫具地方特色名稱1件。3、彙整講師資料製作廚餘堆肥實績、並協助各講師製作廚餘堆肥書面講義或宣導教材1件。4、製作「家戶、學校、社區製作廚餘堆肥流程」宣導影片教材各版本光碟共60份。(二)結合宣導計畫募集之講師,實地輔導並補助家戶、社區、學校辦理枯枝落葉及廚餘堆肥再利用工作1、完成輔導家戶256戶堆肥再利用點,每戶提供20公升廚餘桶2個及菌種3個月使用量(4包)。2、完成輔導並補助社區設置11處堆肥再利用點。3、完成輔導並補助學校設置13處堆肥再利用點。4、進行上述社區堆肥成品抽樣(抽驗5點)成分檢測,分析堆肥成品是否重金屬含量過高、氯鹽或其他成份含量異常等問題並提出相關改善對策。(三)辦理廚餘回收再利用推廣活動1、規劃辦理推廣活動(1)辦理1場次廚餘回收再利用宣導說明會。(2)廚餘再利用分類項目:彙整可回收及不可回收項目。2、製作宣導資料(1)中英文海報設計及印製:堆肥廚餘製作流程、廚餘再利用分類項目各印製1000份。(2)中英文宣導摺頁共2000份。(3)選購廚餘回收再利用宣導品1000份及廚餘菌種100公克包裝2000份。3、辦理1場次外縣市廚餘再利用宣導觀摩活動(四)廚餘再利用基本資料蒐集1、蒐集並彙整本縣養豬場及堆肥廚餘再利用場相關資料。2、協助本縣轄內鄉鎮市公所與養豬場(廠)及堆肥廚餘再利用單位辦理委託或合作等作業1件。3、辦理養豬場(廠)及堆肥廚餘再利用場現場查核作業1次。4、蒐集並彙整製作廚餘堆肥副資材及菌種採購基本資料及價格1件。5、辦理龍潭鄉及復興鄉堆肥成分檢測一次,並分析成份內容是否有異常或其他問題並提出改善對策。(五)建置廚餘回收宣導專網(六)協助本縣各鄉鎮市公所辦理廚餘回收再利用宣導活動,以及本局辦理考(查)核所須相關文件整理及製作相關書面及簡報檔等相關作業及其他交辦事項。 To enhance the recycling of resources, and the multiple reuse of kitchen waste, so as to reduce the common garbage quantity into the incinerator, the Environment Protection Bureau of Taoyuan County Government (hereinafter referred to as the EPBT)particularly promoted “The Year 2009’s Educational Guidance Plan Regarding the Multiple Reuse of Kitchen Waste in Taoyuan County”, commissioning the Taoyuan County Environment Protection Association (hereinafter referred to as TCEP) to assist in the implementation of relative works, assigning special personnel from the EPBT to jointly push the said plan. In order to facilitate the physical recycling of kitchen waste, those kitchen waste uneatable for man but eatable for pig would be recycled by local cleaning agency, while the uneatable organic waste for pig would be categorized for further composting. It could not only release the pressure of garbage-handling, but would also reduce the exhaust of CO2, so as to better meet the sustainable demands concerning resources with respect to environmental protection trend in the 21th century.the termquantitative achievements of work were as following instructions:(一)Guidance Plan of Kitchen Waste Composting for Households, Communities and Schools:1. To collect and prepare the informational list of county-wide instructors concerning kitchen waste composting (total 51 persons).2. To construct a plan’s title with local features (1 title).3. To prepare instructors’ data and the physical achievements regarding kitchen waste composting, as well as to help those instructors create the instructing or guidance materials (one set).4. To produce the guidance CD/DVD with respect to “Composting Procedure of Kitchen Waste for Households, Schools and Communities”(total 60 sets).(二)To jointly appoint the instructors of guidance plan to physically teach and subsidize the works regarding the composing and reuse of kitchen waste, deadwood and fallen leaf for households, communities and schools:1. To establish 256 composting locations for household, each of them respectively provided two composting barrels of 20 liter, as well as the zymogen for 3 months’ consumption (4 bags).2. To help and subsidize communities to establish 11 composting and reuse locations.3. To help and subsidize schools to establish 13 composting and reuse locations.4. To perform random sampling and ingredient test of finished composts, in order to realize the composition in relation to the heavy metal, chlorine salt, or other ingredients, and ultimately presented relative improvement solutions.(三)To undertake the promotional activities with respect to the recycling and reuse of kitchen waste:1. The Planning of Promotional Activities:(1) To undertake one guidance seminar regarding the recycling and reuse of kitchen waste.(2) Recycled and reused items of kitchen waste: to categorize and prepare the recyclable and unrecyclable items.2. The Production of Guidance Materials:(1) Poster design and print in Chinese/English versions,including Composting procedure and Categorized items of kitchen waste amount 2000 posters.(2) Guidance folders in Chinese/English versions, including Composting procedure and Categorized items of kitchen waste amount 2000 sheets.(3) Guidance materials concerning of kitchen waste for recycling and reuse amount 1000 sets, and zymogen for Composting of kitchen waste (100g package) amount 2000 packages.(四)To undertake one guidance and exhibition concerning the reuse of kitchen waste outside the county/city.Collection of elementary information regarding the reuse of kitchen waste:1. To collect and prepare the relevant data regarding the pig farm and the reuse of composting kitchen waste in this county,and take photos and produce the VCR introducing the process of recycling kitchen waste in pig farms and composting yards.2. To help the cooperating matters between local governments/authorities and pig farms in relation to the compost and reuse of kitchen waste.3. To undertake the inspection on site of pig farm and composting yard.4. To collect and prepare the elementary data and price list of composting supplies/materials and zymogens.5. To test the composting ingredients in Lungtang and Fusin Towns once respectively, to see if there is any abnormality or other issues, and presented relative improvement solutions.(五)To build the guidance net for kitchen waste recycling ,and help local authorities/agencies in the county undertake the guidance activities concerning kitchen waste recycling, and assisted the EPBT to audit/approve the relative documentation issues and brief instruction as well as other assigned works. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 桃園
32120978 98年台中市清潔隊車輛裝置後處理器(濾煙器)示範運行計畫 本計畫為執行台中市清潔隊車輛加裝濾煙器示範運行之專案,並於98 年3 月14 日簽約後開始執行,目前已完成包括清潔隊車輛篩選與評估15 輛、濾煙器最適化評估15 套、濾煙器再生標準作業程序建立以及再生站設備的設置,並蒐集到國內外相關執行濾煙器執行經驗與實績。藉由清潔隊車輛安裝濾煙器,評估對於粒狀污染物、氣狀污染物(CO、HC 等)或其他可能致癌的汙染物之減量成效,以規劃未來台中市公部門推廣濾煙器裝設之可行性依據;而目前篩選的15 輛清潔隊車輛,已涵括所有台中市清潔隊車輛之車型、廠牌及車齡,並針對車輛之短程行駛的特性,選用鎰德科技改良式的濾煙器、中華環保的自動再生型濾煙器及具有國外認證的瑞典proventia 系統。本計畫經數個月以來的測試結果,雖車輛里程數累計不如預期,但在粒狀物檢測結果上都符合要求,以國內兩家廠牌濾煙器系統而言,粒狀物減量達9 成以上,國外的proventia 也有近4 成以上,這也是半直通式濾煙器的特點,並且在一定里程數內不需人工再生及維護。此外不論廠牌基於所篩選柴油車檢測到的氣狀污染物,特別是CO 與HC初始數值並不高,因此減量效果不明顯,這同時也是柴油車的性,唯一較有參考意義的項目是NO 與CO2,但是NO 產生機制相當複雜,因此也僅供參考。 098 台中市環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32120979 98年嘉義市寺廟神壇空氣污染調查與輔導改善暨露天燃燒(含農業廢棄物)稽查管制、餐飲業空氣污染管制與輔導減量及室內空氣品質調查與管制推動計畫 一、寺廟神壇污染調查本年度,本計畫已執行轄區內寺廟神壇基本資料更新、空氣污染源調查與政策意願配合調查200家次(重複寺廟有31間),其中,以道教居多,佔總巡查件數96%;而巡查之169家寺廟神壇中(無重複寺廟),僅有6家次金爐裝設防制設備,裝設率僅5%。由調查資料顯示,推估此169家次寺廟神壇,平均每月售出5,038.875公斤紙錢量,造成空氣中粒狀污染物增加0.055公噸、硫氧化物0.013公噸、氮氧化物0.014公噸與一氧化碳0.61公噸。本年度紙錢集中燒作業方面,首次辦於清明節時期,針對有供奉先人骨灰的佛寺推動紙錢集中燒,並提供參與佛寺紙錢集中箱供民眾放置欲焚燒之紙錢。本次活動除了平日配合常態性紙錢集中焚燒的廟宇外,另增加5家廟宇,分別為彌陀寺、普德寺、增光寺、圓福寺與天龍寺,共計收集3.16公噸紙錢,推估促成空氣污染物PM10削減0.03噸、SOX削減0.01、NOX削減0.01、CO削減0.38噸。農曆7月中元普渡期間,今年總計除了有39個單位配合以外,更針對嘉義市轄區寺廟與大樓的分布,詢問參與意願,在願意配合的廟宇或大樓,設置「紙錢收集站」,以利民眾進行集中燒活動。而今年於中元時期的紙錢收集量更高達67.15公噸,推估促成空氣污染物PM10削減0.739噸、SOX削減0.168、NOX削減0.188、CO削減8.125噸。本年度亦持續進行自主管理作業,今年共有3家廟宇(天龍禪寺、朝天宮、南興宮)參與自主管理措施。天龍禪寺本身不但不贊同燃燒紙錢,廟方亦不提供紙錢給民眾,每個香爐使用香的支數也從3支改成1支,並且配合常態性的紙錢集中燃燒;朝天宮與南興宮兩間寺廟亦在簽訂自主管理後對於紙錢方面也有作一減量(朝天宮0.3公斤減至0.23公斤,南興宮0.54公斤減至0.39公斤),而香的支數與香爐兩部份也有明顯的減量,另外朝天宮於節慶時亦會配合本局做紙錢集中燃燒。二、露天燃燒稽巡查管制作業自1月至98年12月31日,總計接獲露天燃燒相關案件陳情數157件次,執行稽查157件次,稽查執行比例100%。查獲燃燒中情形件數為43件次,佔總陳情件數為24%。查獲情形為已燃盡有燃燒痕跡者共計39件次,佔總陳情件數為21%。露天燃燒巡查作業共計執行2056件次,查獲為燃燒中之案件為15件,已燃盡之案件87件次。其主要燃燒物質前三項為植物、樹枝葉以及固體廢棄物。針對露天燃燒宣導作業,本計畫一期稻作收割時期已於6月8日~6月12日進行宣導車巡迴播放禁止露天燃燒宣導錄音帶,二期稻作收割時期將於11月9日~11月13日進行宣導播放。提醒民眾勿任意焚燒廢棄物。計畫工作團隊透過露天燃燒稽巡查作業有效撲滅17,002.61平方公尺之燃燒面積、156.52立方公尺之燃燒物質體積,總計促成空氣污染物總量削減4.43公噸。三、餐飲業空氣污染物管制作業:本年度餐飲業資料普查,統計至12月為止,共計普查105家次,作業執行率為100%,依普查所得資料經營類型以中式餐飲業為最多佔40%,其次是複合式佔20%與日式(12%)及西式(11%),此外亦有17家次餐飲業者為停業。在污染防制設備方面,前處理部份,扣除停業後,設有油煙處理設施者佔92%,未設者佔8%,由此可見,油煙收集之觀念相當普及,而在前處理以檔板式居多,佔88%,其次為濾材式2%,另外使用水洗油煙罩(1%)及風扇(1%),未無裝設者亦占8%;油煙防制末端處理部份,裝設者佔40%,未裝設者佔43.8%歇業佔16.2%。經訪查得知,多數業者認為水洗設備之油煙處理效率與價格較易接受。本年度統計12月,共計完成稽、巡查370件次,作業達成率100%,依案件稽查內容,分別為民眾陳情稽查202件(55.3%),陳情改善追蹤166件(43.8%),其它4件(0.9%)。經稽查後續輔導及追蹤,截至12月止,共計48家業者完成污染防制設施裝設、3家污染源移除,提昇防制及處理餐飲油煙效率,促成TSP共計減量4.82公噸及VOCs 7.73公噸。今年度於98年4月30日、10月5日,假嘉義市垃圾焚化廠簡報室辦理2場「餐飲業污染防制技術講習會」,邀請轄區內取得營利事業登記證之餐飲業者及屢遭陳情之業者,講習會議程以餐飲業相關法規與餐飲業污染防制技術及原理為主。講習會後,篩選屢遭陳情及宣導會時提出需要進行輔導改善業者,邀請中山大學環工所 周明顯教授,進行餐飲業者現場輔導10家次,已針對業者油煙異味問題提出建議改善方法及相關改善圖說供業者參考。四、室內空氣品質調查與管理:本年度室內空氣品質宣導會議於4月29日下午2時,假嘉義市垃圾焚化廠2樓訓練室召開,會中邀請長榮大學職業安全與衛生學系許德仁教授,及中國醫藥大學環境醫學研究所周子傑教授,分別講授「室內空氣品質管理及政策推動概論」與「室內空氣品質改善管理與控制技術」,共計35單位41人員參與。本年度截至12月為止,共計完成21家次公共場所,參與室內空氣品質自主管理,並全數完成巡檢作業,執行率100%,其中,篩選5處二氧化碳濃度高、人群密集場所,執行場所室內外空氣品質監測作業5處次。 Abstract This project were carried out from February 27th to December 31st, 2009. We inspected 200 temples and the complete ratio is 100%. In according with statistic, the temple sold 5038.88 kg ghost money each month, which may bring pollution quantity about 0.06 ton of PM10、0.013 ton of SOx、0.61 ton of CO and 0.014 ton of NOx every month.71% of the temples are willing to cope with the policy and reduce or stop the usage of ghost money and incense.The ghost money gathered to burn in festivals this year is 205.13 ton. 2.26 ton of PM10、0.51 ton of SOx、28.82 ton of CO and 0.57 ton of NOx are reduced. For the guidance and assistance, except for those signed in 2007, there are 4 temples, Wen-cai Dian, Yi- huang Gong, Jiu- hua Di-cang An, Cheng-huang Miao, agreed to gather ghost money regularly and burn in an incinerator and also maintain the pollution control instrument. For the outdoor burning, up to end of Dec 31st, 2009, 2056 times of inspection were carried out, the ratio is 100%. During the inspection, 15 count of on- the-spot burning cases, 87 count of after burning cases. IThere are 157 accusing cases. All of them were inspected. The rate of execution is 100%. Among the cases, 43 of them are on-the-spot burning,39 are of after burning cases. To enhance public awareness of outdoor burning prohibition, propaganda cars broadcasted the tape around the rice fields and villages which often found outdoor burning a week before the first and second rice harvest season during June to October 2009. In addition, flags said to forbid outdoor burning were set up in the major rice fields, and straw re-use brochures were handed out to the farmers.There are 406 registered restaurants in this city. We planed to inspect 100 restaurants. Till the end of December, 105 restaurants were inspected, the rate of completing is 100%. Among them, 40% of them were Chinese restaurants. 12% of them were Japanese and fast food restaurants. And also, there were 17 restaurants were shutdown.In the preventing facility area, except for those already shutdown, 92% of the restaurants have facility to process the fumes, only 8% of them didn’t deal with fume. As for the post-processing facility, only 40% of the restaurants installed it, 60% of the restaurant do not have it. As for restaurant improving and onsulting, we have already finished all 10 restaurants as planed. The restaurants all agreed to review and improve according to our consulting suggestions in order to decrease the accusing from the neighbor. In gas station oil gas recycling, a propaganda was held to enhance the gas station owners to understand oil gas recycle system and its distinguishing feature. It helps them to run basic check-up and maintenance by themselves, therefore to reduce the chances of system failure and disqualified recycle work and to preventing oil gas release to the air. 098 嘉義市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32120980 98年臺中縣固定污染源許可、空污費審查及資料庫管理計畫 本計畫執行期程自98年3月1日至99年2月28日止,共計12個月。其中主要工作項目包括:資料庫維護更新與管理、執行許可制度、辦理空污費催補繳及查核、連續自動監測設施管制、執行排放量網路申報審核及各類宣導說明會等工作項目,各作業項目均已依工作進度規劃期程進行。計畫執行期間,共核發251張許可證,其中包括設置23張、變更2張、操作38張、異動70張、展延67張、換補證39張及生煤許可12張,平均審查日數為9.61日,平均補正日數為20.41日。本年度許可審查作業延續ISO9001及為民服務精神,落實許可前查、督測及核證前的協商,因此在許可審查日數及申請案件的錯誤率方面持續有良好績效。同時現階段已完成276張證(279製程)許可查核,其中97製程與許可核定內容不符,不符合率為34.77%,查核不符合項目比例較高者為污染源製程異動,卻未送件申請許可異動,目前已完成改善者為81件,改善完成率為83.51﹪,尚在改善中者計16個製程,本團隊皆定時提報予環保局備查,並不定時以電話追蹤與督促,敦促業者儘速完成改善。資料庫清查更新部分,計完成256家清查建檔作業,清查後其中有212家工廠屬於有污染排放行為且需持續列管之固定污染源,暫時停工者2家,篩除列管之污染源計41家。清查結果顯示,大部分公私場所受到97年度第3、第4季金融海嘯影響,產能大幅減低,因此製程設備申請停工或拆除,造成廠內設備減少,清查更新之排放量亦呈現下降趨勢,其中以一氧化碳及揮發性有機物排放量分別較清查前下降71%及21%,下降幅度最大。空污費移撥地方執行後,本計畫積極協助完成空污費審查、核收及結算作業,自98年起揮發性有機物空污費審查亦交由地方主管機關審查,本團隊依規定時限完成審查工作,目前97第4季至98第3季申報率為100%,98第4季尚有50餘家尚未完成申報,後續將持續協助進行催繳,務必使申報率達100%。在徵收金額方面,97年第4季起空污費徵收金額有下降趨勢,除了在空污費經濟誘因下,業者藉由製程改善或選用低污染性原物料,降低揮發性有機物排放量外,公私場所明顯受97年下旬全球景氣不佳影響,原物料使用及排放量皆下降。計畫執行期間,本團每月定期完整備份連續自動監測資料庫及公私場所上傳原始資料,以確保監測資料完整;同時每日檢查上傳狀況,檢核結果每月彙整提交環保局備查。本團隊除每日檢核公私場所上傳資料之合理性及正確性外,亦定期統計分析公私場所之上傳率及有效監測時數百分比,目前各廠之連線皆無異常狀況,上傳率及有效率皆能符合法規規範,同時本團隊開發維護之監測設施管理系統入圍98年度環保公僕創意王既有環保措施類競賽決選,系統開發及維護成果獲得環保署肯定。配合環保署於98年1月公告「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」,環保局於98年5月26日公告96年12月24日公告之「臺中縣公私場所申請固定污染源操作許可證其防制措施應符合指定之事項」自98年7月1日起停止適用,使業者有統一之遵循依據,同時本團隊推動堆置場地籍套印比對,完成1場次量測,並依據量測結果要求業者移除超量堆置物,顯示採用現場量測可達到管制目的。 2009 Stationary Pollution Source of Taichung County for Permit, Air Pollution Control Fee Review, and Database Management Plan The project was executed from March 1, 2009 to February 28, 2010, twelve months in total. Working items were involved maintenance, update and management of database system, handled, examined and certificated permits, and the auditing of the site and implementation, confirmed the coincidence rate of the Act, pursued, examined and audited air pollution control fees, examination of pollution emissions by network, on-the-job training of dedicated air pollution control personnel, handled cases of factories and hold of all kinds of guidance councils, and etc., which were completed on schedule in this project.Control factories of this annual project were higher than last annual. The aim processes of control list are basic metal industry, mechanical device manufacturing and repair industry, and textile industry, printing and dyeing industry. The annual air pollution emissions quantities of the project were a little bit lower than last annual.Other outcomes of the project included: completed 256 firms for maintenance and update, certificated 251 permits, completed 279 processes of permit audit and examined 279 processes of permit, detected factories of levy subjects and pursued factories of air pollution control fees, and audited factories of air pollution control fees, and completed emission audit of air pollution control fees from the first to the third in 2009, etc. All contents and detail results were described on each chapter of this report.Other key work of the annual project was strengthened fugitive emission source control, particularly particle and VOCs. Concerning fugitive particle pollutant control, we cooperated to the “Stationary Pollution Source Fugitive Particle Pollution Control Facilities Management Regulations” announced by Environmental Protection Administration on January 8, 2009 and “Error Demerit and Handling Principle for Violation of Stationary Pollution Source Fugitive Particle Pollution Control Facilities Management Regulations” on July 17, 2009. Our team kept checking and providing factories with the related regulations. We asked factories to remove excess particle piling based on the measurement result.Based on carrying out approval and review of cases this year, the quantity of the cases we accepted was always the most of the whole country, the labors was not enough to support the cases. Besides, we had to not only finish reviewing cases before the deadline, but requesting good quality. It took too much resource to revise the manuscripts in terms of the administration assessment of our team. Therefore, the better quality of the cases we accepted, the higher ability to approve the cases. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
32120981 98年度地方政府辦理一般廢棄物資源循環推動計畫 本計畫針對屏東縣之鄉鎮廚餘堆肥場,林邊鄉、恆春鎮、新埤鄉、琉球鄉、崁頂鄉、三地門鄉等六處廚餘堆肥場進行性能評估及改善建議。除三地門場液肥已暫停操作,固肥醱酵設備尚未進場,各堆肥場尚有極大的餘裕空間。除琉球鄉堆肥場因位於離島只能處理當地廚餘外,各堆肥場皆應提升為區域型處理場,處理其他鄉鎮市的廚餘,以提高全縣整體之回收再利用率。本計畫曾於期中報告前針對各堆肥場之硬體設施與操作狀況,提出改善建議。期末再追蹤其相關改善情形,發現新埤場改善成效最顯著,林邊場維持良好之操作。崁頂場則協助硬體改善規劃,將請承包廠商改善。琉球及崁頂場皆協助提送計改善計畫書向環保署申請相關經費補助。三地門場已進行液肥操作,但成效尚欠佳,故督促其速進行固肥部份工程發包,避免液肥系統不堪負荷。恆春場整體性能良好,未來跨區域合作順利推動後,將可提高處理量以發揮經濟效益。宣導說明會部份,分別針對屏北、屏南及濱海各鄉鎮市進行廚餘與巨大廢棄物回收再利用之宣導,並與各鄉鎮市清潔隊長進行面對面之討論,瞭解其推動廚餘與巨大廢棄物回收再利用所遭遇之困難,包括行政面、技術面及財務面等。其中行政面以民眾配合分類及跨區域合作處理為最主要之困難,而技術面則為推動廚餘堆肥之現場操作問題,尤其是液肥處理方面。財務面則涉及經費補助,垃圾清運費用的分攤等。本計畫扮演協調之功能,盡可能提供說明,及適當反映上級機關協助。「提升全縣廚餘回收再利用之推動策略規劃」部分,已蒐集各鄉鎮市對於廚餘回收再利用之意見,作為研擬策略之參考,並完成推動策略規劃及提出具體措施,包含:1.行政管理措施,請鄉鎮市配合,2. 強化統計數據,避免已回收廚餘未計入統計,3. 多元化之宣導以提高廚餘回收率,4. 強化分類,提高廚餘回收率,5. 再利用方式多元化等,期能提升全縣廚餘回收量。厭氧消化系統之操作測試部分,前期之計畫至99年三月底,本計畫於四月起持續進行六個月之操作測試,並提出性能測試報告。配合推動再生能源之國際趨勢,有機廢棄物厭氧消化能源回收之工作,將是屏東縣領先全國之創新做法。未來將可為屏東縣在綠色能源之推動上,奠定良好之基礎。 FY 2009 Local Governments’ General Waste Recycling Promotion Plan This project conducted performance evaluation and provided improvement recommendations to kitchen waste composting plants located in 6 townships in Pingtung County, including Linbian Township, Hengchun Township, Sinpi Township, Liuqiu Township, Kanding Township, and Sandimen Township. With the exception of Sandimen composting plant which the liquid fertilizer process has been suspended and solid fertilizer/manure fermentation equipment had not been installed, all other composting facilities have plenty of reserve capacity. Due to its remote island location, the Liuqui composting plant can only handle kitchen waste; all other composting plants shall be elevated to regional disposal plant status, so that they can handle other townships’ kitchen waste and improve the County’s overall waste recycling rate. Before the submission of mid-term report, this project has provided recommendations for improvement on the composting plants’ hardware infrastructure and operating conditions. The status of improvement has also been followed and found that Sinpi plant has shown the most significant improvement while the Linbian plant is able to maintain excellent operation. The project is providing assistance in planning for the hardware improvement in the Kanding plant, and is asking the contractors to work on the improvement project. The project is also providing assistance to Kanding plant and Liuqui plant in preparing improvement plan for submission to the EPA in applying for financial assistance. The Sandimen plant’s liquid fertilizer process is in operation but the performance is still poor, therefore the project has urged the plant to accelerate its contracting of solid fertilizer processing facility construction to avoid overloading the liquid fertilizer process. The overall performance of the Hengchun plant is good, and once inter-regional cooperation is fully implemented in the future, its processing load can be increased to improve economic efficiency. On the part of conducting promotional activities, promotional events were held in northern Pingtung, southern Pingtung and coastal townships to promote the benefits of kitchen waste and bulk waste recycling. Face to face discussions were also conducted with captains of the township waste collection teams to understand the difficulties they face in conducting recycling of kitchen waste and bulk waste regarding the administrative, technical and financial aspects. On the administrative aspect, the most difficult tasks are seeking residents’ cooperation in waste sorting and inter-regional cooperation; on the technical aspect, the field operation of kitchen waste composting and treatment of liquid fertilizer is most difficult. The challenging issues on the financial aspect include securing subsidies and cost sharing of garbage transportation. The project has served as a coordinator to provide supporting information and reporting the difficulty to competent authorities to ask for assistance. On the part of "Planning of promotional strategy to enhance the County’s recycling of kitchen waste," comments on kitchen waste recycling have been collected from the townships and villages to serve as references in developing coping strategy. The following promotional strategy and implementation measures have also been proposed, including: 1. Ask townships to cooperate in implementing administrative measures; 2. Strengthen the statistical data, to avoid omission of kitchen waste already been recycled; 3. Conduct diversified promotions to improve the recycling rate; 4. Enhance waste sorting to improve kitchen waste recycling rate; 5. Diversify reuse methods to increase County’s overall recycled kitchen waste.On the operational test of anaerobic digestion system, the last project has ended in March 2010, and this project will continue to conduct operational testing for 6 months and will submit the performance testing report. In line with the international trend of promoting renewable energy, the energy recovery through anaerobic digestion of organic waste will be Pingtung’s leading innovative approach of the nation, and will serve as a good foundation for Pingtung’s promotion of green energy in the future. 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 財團法人環境與發展基金會
32120982 垃圾蒸煮分選技術評估計畫   都市生活廢棄物可以做為衍生燃料(refuse derived fuel, RDF)用以發電或產生蒸氣。然而此RDF其成分複雜使得須使用特殊規格鍋爐,且燃燒狀況不穩定,並有衍生汙染排放問題。臺灣生活垃圾中有近40%的有機纖維,包含無法回收的紙類廢棄物與庭園廢棄物。蒸煮程序搭配其後之機械分選所組合之機械熱處理技術已被驗證為可有效將垃圾中有機纖維分離之處理程序。蒸煮程序除了有助於垃圾分選外,其主要功效亦包括:減積、殺菌,且可將單位體積能源密度提高1.5至3倍。經機械分選後之有機纖維並可製成安定化之生質碳燃料或氣化原料。  本計畫使用容積530 L之迴轉式高壓蒸煮爐進行垃圾蒸煮。此蒸煮爐設置於宜蘭縣利澤焚化廠。計畫中針對蒸煮處理程序應用於處理宜蘭縣內生活垃圾,將其中有機纖維純化分離轉製衍生生質碳燃料及對其應用於臺灣生活垃圾處理之適用性與最適操作參數進行探討。此外並針對塑膠、紙類廢棄物、落葉植栽與生廚餘分別進行探討。研究成果顯示以155 ℃處理生活垃圾可以有效達到減積、脫臭之效果,且可製成品質良好之生質碳燃料。根據實廠蒸煮生活垃圾結果顯示,在不考慮投入生活垃圾之熱值的情況下,能量投入回收比(energy return on investment, EROI)平均約為1.5。評估結果顯示,二氧化碳減量的潛力與生質碳產物熱值和蒸氣使用量有密切關係,且若能抽取垃圾焚化廠汽輪機後端之飽和或過熱蒸氣進行蒸煮分選程序,能達到物盡其用及節能減碳之效益,是一具有潛力之發展方向。 The Evaluation of Autoclaving Process for Municipal Solid Waste Separation The municipal solid waste (MSW) can be made as refuse derived fuel (RDF) for power generation or steam production. However, the complexity and variation of composition of components make the MSW and RDF become low grade fuels which result in unsteady combustion and high pollution emission. In Taiwan, there are over 40 wt.% organic fiber in the reclaimed MSW, including un-recycled paper and garden waste. These organic fibers are biomass. The present study has assessed the performance of mechanical heat treatment (MHT) of MSW, aiming at the feasibility of recovery and reutilization of organic fiber. The MHT consists of autoclaving and mechanical separation.The pretreatment of MSW via autoclaving greatly assists its further separation and reutilization. After autoclaving process, the properties of constituents of MSW are significantly changed. For example, the mass decreases while the volume density increases and the plastic constituents are softened and shrunk. Thus, the energy density per unit volume increases 1.5 to 3 times. Therefore, the MSW after autoclaving can be properly separated into different fractions such as metals, plastics, compost-like and primary RDF or bio-char for further reutilization. In this study, a 530 L batch autoclave reactor was used to treat the wastes with steam. The target wastes are MSW, garden waste, waste paper, plastic waste and kitchen waste. The results indicate that the most suitable conditions for autoclaving MSW are at 155 ℃ and 30 min. Without counting the heating value of input waste, the energy return on investment (EROI) of MSW via autoclaving process is 1.5. The results show that the use of reused down-stream steam from incinerator for the autoclaving process of MSW can offer a better beneficial use of energy, achieving better carbon reduction. 098 環檢所 國立臺灣大學(環境工程學研究所)
32120983 南投縣露天燃燒與空氣品質管制計畫 本計畫自98年5月8日起至99年5月7日止,累計共查獲露天燃燒稽巡查538場次,包括稽查23場次、主動巡查229場次及陳情案286場次。查獲露天燃燒行政區以草屯鎮為主,共210場次(佔41%),露天燃燒物種以稻草為最大宗,計有256場次(佔48%)。陳情案件發生行政區區域,大多集中在人口密度高且農業活動頻繁的轄區內,以南投市及草屯鎮受理件數最多,分別佔受理案件之43%(119場次)及36%(85場次),以燃燒稻草為發現露天燃燒污染點最大宗,計有71場次(佔26%),樹皮或木材發現比例次之,計發現露天燃燒污染點65場次(佔24%)。總控制面積達547,044.14平方公尺(約54.7公頃),為97年度總控制面積(10.7公頃)的5.1倍,而總控制燃燒體積有2,590.08立方公尺;共削減TSP 6,063公斤、PM10 4,973公斤、NOx 560公斤、SOx 1,561公斤、CO 45,123公斤、THC 7,720公斤及NMHC 5,562公斤。 針對全年三大節日(春節、清明節、中元節)辦理紙錢集中燃燒作業,總共收集49,260公斤紙錢(中元節紙錢集中達35,250公噸、春節收集5,760噸紙錢、清明節收集8,250噸紙錢),紙錢集中燃燒成果顯著,且較97年成長2.65倍,集中送往烏日資源回收(焚化)廠委託處理。其消減量分別為TSP:492.6公斤、SOx:113.30公斤、NOx:123.15公斤、CO:5,369.34公斤、CO2:73,890公斤。 於98年12月4日假南投縣立婦幼館辦理『室內空氣品質自主管理宣導說明會』,函文請縣內25家公私場所代表與會,並邀請行政院環境保護署空保處長官及專家學者-台灣大學園藝系,介紹我國室內空氣品質管理政策推動及室內植物淨化空氣等議題,並於98年12月14日起至12月22日止,完成25家公私場所CO2檢測作業,有南投醫院(收發櫃台:645 ppm、領藥處:650 ppm、家醫科:764 ppm)、南投縣文化局圖書館(4F普閱室:1130 ppm)、中興國中(電腦教室(三):647)及竹山秀傳醫院(洗腎中心(A):608 ppm)超過『我國室內空氣品質建議值-CO2』,建議加強通風及針對場所的污染特性來擺放不同室內植物來淨化空氣,以提升及改善室內空氣品質、提高工作效率、保障民眾身體健康及生活品質等。 本年度見報新聞稿共12則,包括禁止露天燃燒相關新聞稿5則、紙錢集中然燃燒新聞稿6則及室內空氣品質相關新聞稿1則,另委託中投有線電視台、山城廣播電台連續播放宣導帶及透過電子看板與廣播車等方式加強宣導,另在第一期及第二期稻作收割期前各辦理2場次『禁止露天燃燒稻草宣導說明會』,且針對高露燃地區結合學校辦理8場次『禁止露天燃燒校園教育宣導說明會』,以達環保向下扎根。 Nantou County burns to plan with the control of the air quality in the open 098 南投縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32120984 98年度彰化縣污染源稽查管制及河川、海洋污染防治計畫 由於本縣主要區域排水及河川均為本縣農業灌溉用水主要來源,基於保障人民生命財產及維護環境安全,因此對於水質的維護更加顯得格外重要。有鑑於此,本縣環境保護局於(98)年度特規劃推動「98年度彰化縣污染源稽查管制及河川、海洋污染防治計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),冀望藉由本計畫之執行,落實許可管理制度,以掌握本縣境內各污染源之污染狀況並持續削減污染,查封非法排放及暗管,追查確認來源業者並加以告發取締,杜絕不法,落實本縣境內各河川水體水質改善工作,提昇整體環境品質及河川親水之空間及成效,給予本縣全體縣民一個既乾淨又清澈之自然河川生態。 Changhua County’s 2009 Project of Pollution Source Control and Prevention of River & Ocean Pollution The drains and rivers in the main areas of this county are the main source of irrigating water in this county. The maintenance of water quality is thus the more important considering the protection of people’s life and property as well as the maintenance of environmental safety. The Environmental Protection Bureau of Changhua County thus planned in 2009 on facilitating the “2009 Project of Pollution Source Control and Prevention of River & Ocean Pollution” (hereinafter called the “Project”) hoping to implement the system of permit control. The pollution by the polluting sources in the County will be fully heeded and continued to be reduced, the illegal discharge and secret piping will be blocked, and their specific sources will be traced and reported for crack-down, to really make the improvement on water quality in all rivers in the County happen. So, the whole environmental quality and the water-front space will be upgraded, offering all the County’s citizens the clean and clear natural river ecology. 098 彰化縣環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
32120985 潮寮國小OP-FTIR監測及臭味監測計畫 「潮寮國小OP-FTIR監測及臭味監測計畫」係針對潮寮國小,以長期固定站方式設置一套OP-FTIR(開徑式傅立葉轉換紅外光 , Open-Path Fourier transform infrared ),監測期間八個月,全天候24小時連續監測,以確實掌握了解當地空氣品質狀況;此外,亦規劃揮發性有機物(VOCs , Volatile Organic Compounds )和臭味物質之微量採樣分析,以獲得空氣中含硫臭味物質及VOCs成份;進一步規劃利用追蹤氣體於可能之污染源進行釋放,模擬污染源擴散,判讀分析追蹤氣體濃度;建置本計畫監測數據資料庫,以供查詢歷史監測資料。98年6月至99年2月期間,監測光徑共測得26種物質,其中甲醇、一氯二氟甲烷和氨每個月均被測得。此期間所測得化合物僅乙醇、二甲基甲醯胺和氨之濃度超出嗅味閾值標準。本計畫共計進行五場追蹤氣體模擬擴散實驗,第一、二場實驗中並未測得追蹤氣體,其餘三場於下風處三條測線(大發聯合污水處理廠、潮寮國小、潮寮國中),均有測得追蹤氣體濃度。相關模擬對象、資訊和模擬實驗結果,彙整如報告表5.4.3-2所示。執行期間共計進行10點次之VOCs微量分析檢測,前五次採樣係配合本計畫追蹤氣體模擬釋放實驗,進行廠區周界採樣。相關周界之檢測結果均未超過周界排放標準。此外,進行10點次之臭味物質微量分析檢測,並依委員意見採用GC/PFPD(脈衝式火焰光度偵測器)進行檢測分析,以降低方法偵測極限。10點次之臭味物質微量分析中,大發聯合污水處理廠(2點次)和榮民工程(股)公司特殊性廢棄物焚化處理廠(1點次),其周界均測出硫化氫有超出嗅覺閾值的情形。此三個樣品採樣點上風處並無明顯使用硫化氫物質作業之工廠,但三點位置均鄰近大排水溝,所測得之硫化氫濃度有可能係水溝所逸散而出。除硫化氫外,其他物質之檢測結果均未超過嗅覺閾值。本計畫所使用OP-FTIR設備,參考國內環檢所公告之NIEA A002.10C標準方法及美國環保署(USEPA)之Method TO-16方法進行,委託國立台灣大學公共衛生學院分別於98年12月和99年3月進行外部查核,查核結果均符合相關規範。計畫執行後期,利用彙整分析本計畫監測數據,比對工廠相關資料,研判揮發性有機物及有害空氣污染物來源方向及排放形式,邀集業者、工業區管理單位,於99年3月19日,辦理一場空氣品質監測成果說明會,說明本計畫監測期間當地空氣品質現況及污染事件發生程度,並督促工廠加強自我管理。 The Project for Chaoliao elementary school of OP-FTIR Monitoring and Odor Monitoring The project set a long-term and fixed OP-FTIR in the Chaoliao elementary school were eight months. The purpose of certainty to local air quality conditions. In addition, the planning of trace VOCs and odor material sampling and analysis, informed the air sulfur composition of substances and VOCs. Further use of trace gases in the release of possible pollution sources, pollution diffusion modeling, interpretation of trace gas concentrations. Build the database project monitoring data, historical monitoring data as a query.In June 2009 to February 2010, OP-FTIR to 26 compounds was measured, including methanol, chlorodifluoromethane and ammonia was measured every month. Compounds measured during this period only ethanol, N,N-dimethylmethanamide and ammonia concentrations exceeding the odor threshold.In this project, five trace gas diffusion simulation experiment, the first and second field experiment was not measured trace gas, only detected at downwind trace gas concentrations (including the Dafa industrial parks combined wastewater treatment plant, Chaoliao elementary school, Chaoliao junior high school). The report set out in detail in the relevant simulation objects, information and experimental results.In the trace analysis of VOCs in gas simulation with the release of this project is to track the perimeter of the sampling plant experiments, a total of half of the sample. The results are in line with regulatory standards.In addition, the use of GC/PFPD were detected and analyzed in order to reduce the method detection limit. Trace analysis of odor substances, measured hydrogen sulfide odor thresholds are exceeded, including Dafa industrial parks combined wastewater treatment plant (twice) and RSEA engineering corporation (once).The three samples upwind of the sampling point there is no significant use of hydrogen sulfide material plant operations, but the three locations are near major waterways, the measured concentrations of hydrogen sulfide could ditch the dispersion system. In addition to hydrogen sulfide, other substances in the test results did not exceed the odor threshold.This project used OP-FTIR equipment; refer to domestic NIEA A002. 10C standard methods and the US EPA Method TO-16 method, commissioned the National Taiwan University College of Public Health to check in December 2009 and March 2010. The results meet the relevant specifications.Finally, analysis of monitoring data compiled relevant information than the plant, determine the sources of VOCs and hazardous air pollutants emission patterns and direction. On March 19, 2010, invited the managers of factories and industrial areas, air quality monitoring points to the publication, the contents of the status of the local air quality monitoring and pollution incidents affecting the scope of supervision to reach the factory self-management. 098 高雄市政府環境保護局(原高雄縣政府環境保護局) 慧群環境科技股份有限公司
32120986 98年度桃園地區航空噪音監測、分析與宣導計畫 本計畫之工作將依計畫目標與工作項目之需求,建立各工作項目之執行,主要工作內容有五大目標完成各項工作項目,主要包括:桃園縣轄內各機場每季噪音監測作業申報資料統計分析作業、各機場防制區變異檢討分析、各機場噪音監測網巡查作業、執行民眾陳情航空噪音之移動式航空噪音監測業務及辦理桃園縣依噪音管制法相關法規公告作業。本計畫自98年9月起執行一年,針對各項工作之執行,皆依預定工作項目及進度執行。主要成果摘要如下:1.本計畫中共計完成各機場四季之申報資料審查作業,針對各機場98年第3季至99年第2季申報之噪音監測結果,除進行申報資料完整性及正確性審查作業提送相關意見,進一步針對各機場之噪音監測結果進行資料分析作業。(1)就桃園國際機場各季航空噪音影響情形中,各站之各季平均監測結果皆符合其所在之防制區。機場起降以05、06跑道頭為主。等噪音線涵蓋面積,其六十分貝以上面積以98年第1季申報等噪音線影響範圍最大,影響範圍達塔腳村、廣福村、大同村及崙坪村等.(2)就海軍桃園基地申報資料分析結果來看:以場內各測站之航空噪音較高,而場外各測站則受海軍桃園基地之航空噪音影響較小,各季申報之等噪音線之涵蓋範圍幾乎只包含在軍機場內。(3)就陸軍龍潭基地申報資料分析結果,各測站之監測結果皆已超出第一級航空噪音防制區標準。2.各季針對機場航空噪音防制區影響情形提出分析報告,並針對各機場進行二次噪音監測網之巡查作業。3.針對桃園機場附近地區執行共計十點次之移動式航空噪音監測作業。4.重新檢討各項依最新噪音管制法公告之各項法規並配合桃園縣轄內國營國際機場園區股份有限公司成立所需進行之相關法規草案之擬定。5.本計畫配合進行相關宣導作業,完成噪音專屬網頁之定期資料更新。 2009 Taoyuan area Air noise monitoring, analysis and promotion This plan, according to the goal of the plan and demand for the working project, the groundwork content has five major goals to finish each working items, include mainly: Examining and declare the analysis report for the seasonal noise report of all airport in Taoyuan county and to patrol and investigate working every season for each airport, to execute a survey for airport around area noise influence and a advertisement item, handle the portable aviation noise monitoring work, reviewing every airports control zone . Since this plan was carried out for one year since September 2009 , have all already been scheduled to finish in working project and progress to the execution of every work. The main achievement summary is as follows:1.This plan has already finished the declaration materials in four seasons of all airport and examined work, monitor the result to the noise that was declared in the third season of 2009 to the second season of 2010 of every airport, except is it declare materials integrality and exactness check work is it give the examination reports to propose to go on, and monitor the result and carry on the analysis report to the noise of every airport further, and it influences the situation to put forward the analysis report to defend the making area to the aviation noise of the airport every season. 2.carry on noise monitoring system patrol and investigate working to every airport season while being every. 3.About the promoted work, has been finished a noise public Web site. 4.About the airport noise monitoring has been finished 10 points for 10 days continuity monitoring.5. For reviewing noise control laws and regulations for Tao-Yuan International Airport Zones, handled the official public consultant meeting and made a formal announcement, and also help the EPB to cooperate with every noise business policy of the environmental protection administration of executive organ to work when the plan is carried out finally. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台灣思百吉股份有限公司
32120987 98年臺中縣「固定污染源空氣污染物稽查管制及減量輔導計畫」 本計畫工作重點為協辦空氣污染物稽查檢測作業、加油站實施行為管制等相關作業,並執行特定行業別及相關法規符合度查核、定期檢測管理、審核及建檔作業,逸散源及堆置場相關管制作業等,確實掌握固定污染源管制工作之執行、保存固定空氣污染源完整最新資料外,並可做為管制成效之評量及相關政策擬定之參考。本項工作之成果更可作為日後固定空氣污染源稽查管制、追蹤管理根據,做為達成空氣污染物削減目標之資料來源。本年度計畫期程為98年3月1日至99年2月28日;工作量化成果統計至99年2月28日,共執行12個月,平均量化進度為100%,有關各項工作重要成果於空氣污染物稽查檢測作業,完成煙道或周界檢測,執行58根次,工廠燃料油抽檢,柴油已執行15點次,重油已執行16點次,檢測結果2家煙道檢測不合格,一家柴油硫份不合格;加油站氣油比稽查檢測,已完成60站次,不合格之站次目前皆已完成改善,已完成之氣漏檢測及油品含硫量抽驗,本年度全數合格,另於執行加油站空氣污染行為查核已完成288站次,尚未發現不符情形;另完成加油站(加油機)禁止『強迫加油』人型宣導立牌製作及發送;另特定行業別及相關法規符合度查核完成51家次;為有效管制臺中縣電力設施之汽力機組,本計畫協助研訂臺中縣「電力設施空氣污染物排放標準」修正加嚴草案,該草案已於98年6月19日、98年9月11日召開二次專家學者諮詢會,並於98年11月30日完成一場次公聽會,目前草案已完成預告。另於定期檢測管理、審核及建檔作業共協助審查864件次(其中審查通過者為860件次);固定污染源煙道無預警監督檢測,已完成97根次;逸散源及堆置場相關管制作業:法規符合度查核,整體法規符合度為72%;露天燃燒巡查作業應執行一般露天燃燒巡查作業共完成417件巡查並完成31點次告示牌之設置工作;於餐飲業清查管制作業進行100家次查核,改善追縱已完成11家次;追蹤歷年重大污染源公私場所之減量已完成13家次;普查非法(地下)工廠普查資料建立及更新,共執行63家次;並完成2場次公私場所現場減量管制協商會。而辦理空氣污染防制稽查、處分管制資料建檔及陳情案追蹤輔導:對於ㄧ再被陳情或環保局指定之公私場所進行稽巡查或追蹤輔導,達成率為100%;節能減碳宣導,已完成2場次;室內空氣品質宣導會議完成2場次、宣導活動1場次及印製室內空氣品質管理相關摺頁2,000份;另二氧化碳(CO2)濃度檢測工作共完成50處次,合格率為70%,全項目檢測6處次,全數合格率為0%,主要為細菌不合格;各工作應達成減量成效,已完成420.74公噸;於其他宣導作業上,已完成加油站油氣回收暨法規宣導說明會1場次及『固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法法規』及固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法法規暨缺失記點及處理原則』宣導說明會各1場;並提供新聞稿39則其中見報17則;另專案小組已完成1,000份宣導品及4項廣播文案主題並請環保局發文廣播電台進行公益宣導。 Taichung county「Stationary sources air pollutant inspection, control and emission reduction guidance plan」 of Year 2009 This project focus on air pollutants patrol and inspection in stationary sources and the performance of special industrial regulation check within Taichung county, for example, air pollutants annual testing examination and regulation check testing etc. The goal is to gather the most updated information of the stationary sources within Taichung county and as the reference of the effectiveness of the inspection results. Finally, it may provide the basic information of future emission reduction potential of different pollutants in Taichung County.Main results of the project are below :(1)Patrol and inspection of air pollutants: 58 times of pipe or ambient air quality inspection, 15 times of diesel fuel and 16 times of heavy oil inspection in factories. The results showed that 2 pipe inspections and 1 of the diesel fuel sulfur content check failed to meet the standards.(2)We’ve performed air to liquid volume ratio testing in 60 gas stations. Those who failed the tests were required to improve. All the completed tests of vapor leak testing and sulfur content in oil have been passed this year. We’ve also finished checking 288 stations if they had done anything to pollute the air and no violation was found. Besides, we made stands “No forcing fueling” stands and dispatched them to every gas station in order to remind the public of the policy.(3)Special industrial regulation check : 51 factories had been checked. We also bring up with “ Emission standards of air pollutants in power plant ” regulation revision draft, which consulted experts and was held public hearing for twice.(4)Annual testing policy and it’s management : we examined 864 reports . And we gave 97 times in-situ no alarm inspection when stationary sources were performing their annual testing.(5)Fugitive sources control patrol: the regulation compliance ratio of fugitive sources were above 72%.(6)Open fire inspection: 417 times open fire patrol were taken for business day as usual, 20 spots of no open fire warming were signed.(7)Air pollution control in restaurants: 100 times of air pollution control inspections were performed. We also check 11 restaurants for their improvement in air pollution device.(8)13 times of emission reduction promise tracking of the major stationary sources, 63 times of checking and updating information of unregistered factories, and 2 times pollutant reduction meetings were held.We handled air pollution inspection and established disciplinary action data and traced. Tracing and inspecting appointed sites completion is 100%. 2 meetings were held for the purpose of Energy Efficiency and Carbon Reduction. 2 meetings and 1 publication were held for the purpose of indoor air pollution, and printed 2000 of DM. 50 times of inspecting carbon dioxide concentration which 70% qualified were finished. Other guidance such as “ Gas Station Gasoline Vapor Recovery Facility Management Regulations ” and “ Fugitive Air Pollution Control Act ”. Besides, we provided 39 newsletter and dispatched 1000 DM and 4 broadcasting lines to the Bureau. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 衛宇
32120988 全國性空氣污染物排放量趨勢資料之管理與建置檢討計畫 為掌握全國排放量趨勢作為管制之參考,對於排放清冊之更新規劃為每三年進行一次,目前最新一版為TEDS 7.0排放量資料庫,以96年為基準年所建置的排放量(98年度完成)。在三年一循環之排放清冊計畫中,本計畫為第二年度計畫,本年度計畫工作成果如下:(一)完成TEDS7.0異常排放量之檢核,並將結果修正為TEDS7.1版之排放量,其污染物排放量較TEDS7.0排放量差異除SOx略為減少外,其餘污染物(TSP、PM10、NOx、THC及NMHC)排放量修正後增加0.04%~5.9%之間,又以TSP修正排放量為最多。(二)資料庫不確定性與敏感度分析結果為:1、點源之SOx與NOx排放量準確度較高,優於TSP與VOCs之推估結果,當中又以逸散性排放不確定性與敏感度最高;2、線源推估受制於模式限制,準確度略低於點源,其中又以車行里程之調查統計值為推估過程中影響排放結果最敏感之因子;3、面源之不確定性源自於係數引用、活動強度統計與分配指標,分析結果為燃燒性面源排放量準確度較高;敏感度分析結果顯示SOx與NOx最敏感源為商船用油燃燒源、TSP為鋪面道路之車行揚塵排放源、THC則是為一般消費用品污染源。(三)以衛星資料方式,調查98年8月之後之全國主要河川地形裸露地,作為下一版本排放量計算時之活動強度估算依據,本計畫以含水裸地之土地型態作為各河川潛在揚塵面積,分析結果濁水溪含水裸地之土地型態佔濁水溪區域達38.6 %,卑南溪更高達51.9 %,尤其以河口地區所佔之區域面積更為廣泛。(四)97年排放量推估結果,TSP總量為522,823公噸/年、SOx總量為129,511公噸/年、NOx總量為448,105公噸/年及NMHC總量為713,440公噸/年。(五) 藉由AirControlNet空氣污染控制成本系統,應用於本土的前處理程序建立與試算及建議未來推動方向,後續將進行應用於管制策略之研擬工作。(六)全國排放量更新提報制度規劃及自動提報網路系統之建置:針對目前我國排放量管理計畫制度與方法之困難點與TEDS本身存在之問題,藉由縣市相關之提報工作成果,將各項排放減量值回饋於地方,點源提報內容為:1、前20大指定對象排放量確認;2、特定指定對象污染源之排放條件確認;3、自訂對象列管狀態確認。面源提報內容為針對不確定性低落與敏感度高之參數作提報,主要項目為車行揚塵-鋪面道路、露天燃燒、餐飲業、乾洗業、垃圾掩埋、裸露地表、金紙燃燒。(七)其他執行成果包括:綠色國民所得帳空氣品質質損量推估,已提供主計處做為編製年度綠色國民所得帳參考、協助98年度縣市SIP考核空氣品質改善指標相關資料審核與統計分析,作為年度縣市計分參考應用、相關網頁資料更新及技術與行政支援作業等。 National Air emission trends inventory system management and review Emission inventory is very important in developing control strategies for air-quality management. The national emission inventory must be updated every 3 years due to the variation characteristics of emission in time and area. The up-to-date inventory, based on the emission in Year 2007, was first developed in 2009 as TEDS 7.0. It is reviewed by this project. Mistakes and errors are corrected and Version 7.1 of TEDS is then proposed. In addition, TEDS based on the emission in 2010 is prepared as well in this project. This is the first year of this two-year project. Major achievements are as followed.1. Completion of validating abnormal emissions entries and amended these entries into TEDS 7.1. The resulted pollutant emission difference is 0.04% to 5.9% increased emissions in all pollutants (TSP, PM10, NOx, THC, and NMHC) except slight reduction in SOx emission. TSP has the highest correction among all. 2. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis results are the followings. (a) Among point sources, SOx and NOx emission estimates have higher accuracy than TSP and VOCs. Fugitive emissions have the highest uncertainty and sensitivity. (b) Line source estimates are limited by the model applied. These estimate are slightly lower in accuracy than point source estimates. Statistics from vehicle mileage survey is the most sensitive factor to the resulted estimates. (c) uncertainty in area source estimates derived from coefficient parameterization, activity statistics and distribution indexes. Analysis results suggest combustion area source emission estimates are more accurate. Sensitivity analyses indicate SOx and NOx estimates are most sensitive to fuel combustion from commercial vessels. TSP is most sensitive to road dust from paved road and THC is most sensitive to the usage of general consumer products. 3. Investigation of river bank bare ground after August 2009 using satellite data will be the basis of activity estimate for dust emitted from river bank bare ground. This project assumes moist bare ground as potential dust emitting area. The resulted analysis suggests 38.6% of Zhuoshuixi River area is river bank bare ground, up to 51.9% for Pennan River. Estuarine has particularly greater bare ground area than others. 4. Emission estimates for 2008 inventory cycle gives total TSP emission estimate is 522,823 tons/year, total SOx is 129,511 tons/year, total NOx is 448,105 tons/year, total NMHC is 713,440 tons/year.5. Through the effort in localizing AirControlNet, an air pollution control cost system, using a pre processing program and test run, this project recommends applying the resulted AirControlNet in the formulation of air pollution control strategy and policy. 6. Planning of emission inventory update submission methodology and establishing automatic submission network system will focus on the difficulties in the current national emission control system and methodology and existing faults in TEDS. The suggested system will return emission reduction targets to relevant local agencies based on the emissions submitted. The suggested point source submission includes (a) Confirmation of the designated 20 highest emission sources, (b) Confirmation of the designated pollutant emission condition, and (c) Confirmation of sources flagged as on probation by the submitter. Area source submissions focus on parameters with high uncertainty and sensitivity. These parameters are mostly activities related to road dust on paved road, open burning, restaurants, dry cleaning, landfills, bare ground, and joss paper burning. 7. Other results include estimates for balance of green accounting in air quality gross domestic income(GDI) and assist in 2009 SIP evaluation and statistics analyses for counties and cities(the results will used in yearly performance evaluation, updating relevant web resources, administration support operation and etc. The green accounting results have submitted to the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics to take into consideration for the annul green accounting in GDI. 098 空保處 景丰科技股份有限公司
32120989 屏東縣河川疏浚工程及砂石場清查列管暨逸散源稽查管制計畫 摘 要一、 清查與列管屏東縣列管63家砂石場,正常運作中45家、停工18家。列管廠家之污染源設備設置現況方面總計土石料倉72個、立篩24台、顎碎機64台、震動篩191台、錐碎機129台、洗選機118台、石庫56個及輸送帶581條。污染防制設備方面,灑水設備有62家設置,1家停工廠家故障;洗車設備有62家設置,4家停工故障,1家停工未設置;廠區出入口鋪面有62家設置,1家停工破損,1家停工未鋪面;圍籬有50家設置,2家停工損壞,7家未設置,其中7家目前申請合法中無法設置;61家設有破碎機之砂石場均有加裝噴水設備。二、加強追蹤管制輔導42家砂石場改建洗車設施、堆置場覆蓋防塵網或定期噴灑三仙膠穩定劑、灑水設備設置水錶、洗車設備設置水錶或電錶、廠區堆置區通行路徑及裸露區鋪設碎石級配等,符合「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」,符合率由0%提升至93%。本年度計有43家砂石場在查核過程有發生污染情形,主要以洗車設備故障、灑水設施故障、廠區出入口鋪面破損、未落實使用洗車設備、廠內外灑水工作未落實、廠區進出入口與聯外道路有色差、車輛運輸揚塵等情形為主。在本計畫持續追蹤輔導各砂石廠之污染改善後,各廠家均能夠依照改善期程完成改善。三、廠區內原物料來源掌握及管制屏東縣砂石原物料總堆置量約為109萬M3,而在列管之63家砂石場中,目前廠區有堆置砂石原物料者有45家,18家廠區無任何砂石原物料堆置,其中7家為砂石原物料進廠後立即破碎洗選,11家為停工狀態。四、推行聯外道路認養 本計畫持續輔導列管砂石場進行廠區外聯外道路認養工作,個別認養範圍至少進行廠區前左右側各50至100公尺;認養工作包括每日灑水、定期沖洗道路及定期維護道路等。截至11/30日止共計輔導聯合認養完成20條聯外道路,長度14.7公里之認養工作,累計洗掃長度為3445.4公里。五、輔導提送廠區周邊綠化計畫書截至11/30日止,本計畫完成輔導6家砂石場提送綠化計畫書,推估6家提送廠區周邊綠化計畫書未來完成植栽後預估減量效益為 4270.5㎏/年。六、河川疏浚污染管制本年度共計掌握屏東縣中央管河川高屏溪流域執行疏浚工程計有28處,其中13處位於屏東縣境內,另15處區域屬高雄縣境,砂石疏浚量預估為2486.6萬立方米,其中屏東縣境13處疏浚工程疏浚量為1325.3萬立方米,截至11/30為止總計河川疏浚量為229.2萬m3,砂石運輸車輛數預估為163,714輛次。完成輔導5處河川疏浚工程設置洗車設備、洗車設備故障修復、增設灑水車輛、落實灑水工作、運輸便道鋪面、運輸便道破損修復、運輸卡車落實覆蓋防塵罩等,改善車行揚塵情形。另本年度分別於4/10、5/20、6/12、7/10、10/27與高雄縣環保局執行五次聯合稽查作業,執行頻率為1次/月。七、餐飲業調查與輔導本年度完成242家餐飲業清查資料庫之擴充建檔作業,其中中式餐廳佔158家、速食餐飲40家、西式餐廳21家、複合式餐飲14家、日式餐廳6家、其他餐飲5家。有163家有設置前處理設備,有84家有裝設管末處理設備。輔導15家餐飲業提出污染改善計畫書並設置油煙污染防污措施完成改善。八、建立砂石場空品不良應變機制本年度將砂石場空品不良機制列為宣導重點,計畫初期即與業者溝通協調,並向砂石業者說明建立本縣空品不良應變機制之重要性及廣為宣導空品不良緊急應變措施,讓業者了解在各級空品不良或惡化發生時,須如何配合環保單位進行廠區污染源作業之應變機制。計畫初期至11月30日止共發佈36次空品監測站PM空品不良預報,19次PM不良即時通報,本計畫均在啟動空品不良應變機制時配合現場查核。現場查核結果,各砂石場均能落實配合執行本計畫所研擬之空品不良應變措施。九、排放量與削減量本計畫在完成清查作業後,隨即將最新更新資料提供「固定污染源管制計畫」鍵入「固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統」資料庫中,進行TSP排放量更新之推估,總計列管63家砂石場TSP排放量2095.4公噸/年。河川疏浚工程排放量計算即依據稽查管制結果由營建工地污染管制計畫自環保署「營建工地污染管制及收費管理資訊系統」進行排放量推估。截至11/30止,本縣共計有5處河川疏浚工程執行疏浚作業,排放量為314.5公噸/年。本年度砂石場(廠)之削減量來源,主要為輔導廠家加裝污染防制設備。依執行本計畫至11/30為止,各項防制措施減量效率計算出削減量151.8公噸/年,河川疏浚工程削減量264公噸/年,合計總削減量為415.8公噸/年。 Pingtung County, river dredging and gravel pits checking out the source tube-cum-oven control inspection program Abstract1. Checking and Governing Pingtung County governs 63 sand and gravel processing plants, wherein 45 plants are under normal operation, 18 plants have been shut down. Facilities of Sand and Gravel Processing Plant include 72 soil and stone warehouses, 24 sets of sieve, 64 sets of jaw crusher, 191 sets of vibrating sieve, 129 sets of cone crusher, 118 sets of stone and sand washing machine, 56 stone depots and581 pieces of conveying belt. As to pollution prevention facilities, 62 plants have been equipped with watering machine, 1 shutdown plants have got into trouble; 62 plants have been equipped with washing equipment, 4 shutdown plants have got into trouble, 1 shutdown plants have not yet equipped; 62 plants have established stores at entrance of plant, stores of 1 shutdown plants have been damaged and one shutdown plant has not built stores at all; 50 plants have built fence, and fence of 2 shutdown plants have been damaged, another 7 shutdown plants have not built and 7 operating plants have also not built; 61 plants equipped with crusher have all installed water-jetting equipment. 2. Strengthens the tracing control Counseling 42 gravel pits converted vehicle washing facilities, stacked in fields covered by dust-proof mesh or plastic stabilizer regular spraying Sansen, watering equipment, set the meter, car washing equipment, water meter or a meter to set the factory stacked area access path and exposed areas such as the laying of gravel grading , in line with the "fixed pollution sources Fugitive particulate pollutants Air Pollution Control Facilities Management Measures", in line with rates from 0% to 93%. This year include 43 gravel pits have occurred in the checking process of pollution cases, mainly in car-washing equipment failures, watering facilities, failure, factory entrance pavement damage, before the implementation of the use of car wash equipment, plant watering inside and outside the work before the implementation of the factory into the entrance with the United color outside the roads, vehicular transport situations such as the main dust. In this project, keep track of all sand and gravel plant pollution counseling improved, the manufacturers are able to be completed in accordance with process improvements to improve the view.3. Control of Source of Raw Materials and Establishment of Regulations on Material Yard within Plants Sand and gravel stored in Pingtung County are about 109 million m3, 45 plants of the 63 governed sand and gravel processing plants have at present stored sand gravel in plant area,,, 18 plant without any gravel Duizhi raw materials, of which 7 gravel for the raw materials into the plant immediately after the broken washing, and 11 for the lay-off status.4. To Push Forward the Maintenance for Connecting Transportation Systems In this column counseling program continued to control the market for sand and gravel plant outreach adopt the road outside, the scope of the individual to adopt at least before the plant around the side of 50-100 meters; adopted include daily watering on a regular basis to clean the roads and road maintenance, and so on a regular basis . Up to date 11/30 counseling to complete a total of 20 roads to the outside, the length of 14.7 km of the work of adoption.Total length of 3445.4 kilometers wash brush.5.Counseling Submit Surrounding Green Plant Plan Up to date 11/30 , the plan has been completed counseling six gravel pits submit green plan, estimate 6 submitted to plant around the green plan the future, after the completion of Zhizai estimated reduction efficiency 4270.5 kg / year.6. River Dredging and Pollution Control This year a total grasp of Pingtung County, the implementation of the central canal dredging river Kao-Ping River Basin include 28, of which 13 is located in Pingtung County, and the other 15 regions are in Kaohsiung county, the amount of sand and gravel dredging estimated at 24.866 million cubic meters which Pingtung county 13 maintenance dredging dredging volume of 13.253 million cubic meters,. As of November 30, the total dredging volume of rivers and streams came to 229.2million metric meters, and the number of gravel transport trucks estimated at 163,714 vehicle dispatches. A total of 5 river/stream developmental dredging projects have been completed through installing truck hosing equipment, truck hosing equipment malfunction repair, and the addition of sprinkler vehicles to enforce the sprinkling work, together with asphalt laying on transport access roads, repairing damaged transport access roads, enforcing the dust cover on transport trucks and so forth for improving traffic dust. Another year, respectively, 4 / 10, 5 / 20, 6 / 12, 7 / 10, 10/27 and Kaohsiung County Environmental Protection Bureau jointly audit the implementation of the five operations, the implementation of a frequency of 1 times / month. 7. Catering Survey and counseling 242 restaurants this year to complete an inventory of the expansion of the database archiving operations, which accounted for 158 Chinese restaurants, 40 fast-food restaurants, western restaurants 21, combined 14 restaurants, six Japanese restaurants and other catering 5. There are 163 to install the pre-processing equipment, there are 84 pipes are installed in the end of processing equipment. Counseling 15 restaurants made pollution to improve the plan and set up pollution control measures to complete the improvement of soot pollution.The completion of 242 restaurants this year's inventory of the expansion of the database archiving operations.Counseling 15 restaurants made pollution to improve the plan and complete the improvements.8. To Establish Response System for Defective Air Quality of Sand and Gravel Processing Plant The current year has enlisted the gravel site poor air quality response mechanism as a promotional focus, under which the initial stage of the project calls for communicating and coordinating with the operators, and explaining to the gravel operators the importance of the poor air quality response mechanism, as well as a broad-based campaigning for poor air quality response measures, which would avail the operators to understand how best to collaborate with the environmental protection agencies in conducting an onsite pollution source response mechanism at the onset of poor or deteriorating air quality levels. From the initial stage of the project up to November30, a total of 36 poor PM air quality forecast have been reported at the air quality monitoring statements, and 19 PM poor real-time reporting made, in which the program has consistently been able to support the onsite audit by activating the poor air quality response mechanism. The onsite audit findings show that the participating gravel sites are able to support the program’s poor air quality response measures.9. Drainage and Reduction The project, upon completing the audit work, has uploaded the latest updated information of the “Fixed pollution source control plan” onto the “Fixed air pollution source management information system” database for updating the TSP discharge estimate4, which put the TSWP discharge volume on the 63 gravel sites enlisted for monitoring at 2,095.4 tons / year. The calculation of the discharge volume of the river/stream dredging project has the discharge volume estimated based on the audit findings deriving from the construction site pollution control plan using the Environmental Protection Administration’s “Construction site pollution control and surcharge management information system”. As of November 30, the county has completed the dredging work on a total of 5 river/stream dredging projects, with a total discharge volume tallied at 314.5 tons/ year.The current year’s source volume reduction at gravel sites (plants) primarily calls for spearheading the operators to add pollution prevention equipment and improvement of the exposed grounds. As per the project implementation as of November 30, the reduction volume derived from computing the volume reduction efficiency by various prevention equipment came to 151.8 tons/ year, the reduction volume from the river/stream dredging projects came to 264 tons/ year, putting the total reduction volume at 415.8 tons/ year. 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司
32120990 98年度台東縣流域及水污染稽查管制暨水污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理計畫 本計畫為徹底執行列管事業稽查管制作業,自簽約日起至99年03月31日止,共完成6家數之許可審查,其中新申請業者2家,變更申請4家;資料庫系統部分,除一般許可申請及稽查建檔外,資料庫異常及更新作業,本年度環保署水污染源管理系統共發佈兩季異常名單已完成修正作業。稽查採樣部分,本計畫合約數量為700點,而鑒於計畫執行期間較短及達成台東縣年度總目標1,400點尚有差距,本計畫視需求加派一車及兩人力短期加強稽巡查工作,截自98年11月底為止,總計稽查或採樣1,291家次,得積分1442.5點。其中含98年度裁處積分成果共計205點;98年度巡守隊配合稽巡查作業合計 執行74家數 累積150點。暗管及不明管線查處部分,本年度環保署北區督察大隊會同環保局及本公司稽查人員於98年9月17日前往順源養豬場稽查,發現該場曝氣池槽體裝設軟管,現場告知業者立即拆除管線,並立即告發裁處,目前均已改善完成。功能評鑑部分,評鑑對象為賴永美養豬場,於98年9月份至11月份實施功能評鑑,並邀請環工技師及專家學者進行現場評鑑、協助評析及撰寫功能評鑑報告等工作,檢討本次功能評鑑成果顯示賴永美養豬場無嚴重缺失項目及無違法情形發生,僅現場部分標示不明處或標示脫落,目前已完成改善,另外,許可證尚需變更部分,已進入許可證審查作業階段。河川巡守隊淨溪活動已於98年6月10日、98年8月2日辦理,號召全體巡守隊隊員與民眾一起來參與打掃,整理河岸周遭環境,以提供民眾一個優質的親水環境還給市民乾淨的休閒場所。教育宣導活動於98年8月10日、98年10月20日辦理完成,以提升河川巡守隊員的稽查成效、河川生態之認識、生活污水減量措施宣導、偷排與暗管稽查等相關訓練。另外,本年度觀摩活動安排參訪高雄市愛河、西子灣、高雄港及屏東縣新園鄉十二犛頭鏢河川巡守隊,藉由本次觀摩行程,與新園鄉十二犛頭鏢之河川巡守隊相互交流,進一步了解其他地區河川巡守隊之發展與經營成果,讓學員藉以學習其他河川巡守隊之長處,有效達到互相交流之成果。本計畫之二場法規說明會已於98年9月24日及98年10月30日各辦理一場次,在參酌事業及實際效益需求下,主要規劃目標以提升事業廢水處理操作能力,另針對事業類別屬性,如醫院、飯店及餐飲業一場次,畜牧業一場次,以該業別廢水處理設施各項操作及效能提升議題實施教育訓練及法令宣導工作,透過此二場次法規說明會之辦理,配合本年度稽查過程中所遇到之困難提出討論,提供明年度作業之改進方向,也讓各列管事業有提問討論之機會。彙整及撰寫河川污染整治考核相關文件、成果報告、考核計畫書及製作簡報等工作,並協助訂定99年河川考核願景,99年以「青山淨水、新溪望;親水健康、好家庭」為願景,並以落實水污染源管制、維持水源水質潔淨、提升省水減污效益、提升河岸環境品質為四大整治目標。河川污染整治考核相關事項,彙整環保署2007年及2008年各月水質測站RPI值進行比較,卑南溪皆維持在未(稍)受污染之等級;利嘉溪及知本溪皆維持在未(稍)受污染~輕度污染之等級;太平溪流域上游維持未(稍)受污染等級、中游段維持輕度污染之等級、下游段豐里橋仍維持在中度污染情形。合計上述各得分率除了豐里橋為60%外,其餘皆為100%,以權重15分計算,98年度河川污染改善得分可得14.4分。針對列管業者進行事業廢水減量成果分析得知,各行業皆可達成今年度事業廢水減量目標35%,唯有畜牧業(一)與畜牧業(二)廢水減量成果不理想,皆無法達到今年度事業廢水減量目標35%,未來需加強輔導業者廢水處理設施操作能力,以提升廢水處理設施之效能。本計畫應辦理一場次水污染緊急應變演練,依據環保署指示本年度將與海洋應變演練合併辦理,於98年11月27日召開演練第一次籌備會議,於98年12月29日召開演練第二次籌備會議,與各單位協調完成後,業於99年01月14日完成演練作業,並於演練前及演練結束後,分別規劃辦理水污染緊急應變相關課程及人員器材訓練3場次,包含水污染緊急應變器材操作維護、現場除污作業技巧講習及實務訓練等,此外,98年度清點保養緊急應變器材工作亦已於98年10月份辦理完成。本團隊完成「台東縣水污染緊急應變計畫」編撰,並於99年03月03日函文檢送台東縣水污染緊急應變計畫。 This project is to help Taitung County Government control river water pollution and handle urgent water pollutions due to accidents, with the following working goals: (1) Administration for licensing of water pollution, including examination of applications for pollution licenses and declaration of pollution conditions by pollution-generating businesses such as pig-raising farms, hotels, restaurants as well as establishment and maintenance of relevant databases; (2) Field work to check discharge of wastewater and thereby prosecute violations of regulations, including illegally installed pipes to discharge wastewater;(3) Support to the county’s river pollution patrol team formed by private organizations, including personnel training and clean-river promoting activities to strengthen civic sense of environmental protection;(4) Establishment of an implementing mechanism for the joint pollution-control system formed by Taitung, Hualien and Yilan Counties in eastern Taiwan to handle urgent pollution of rivers and other water bodies by oil, chemicals, toxicants and other pollutants due to accidents, including standard procedures and appropriate measure/actions to remove or minimize pollution;(5) Training and practicing drills for handling urgent water pollution accidents to enhance cross-county collaboration and the overall efficiency of handling. During April 2009-March 2010, the project examines applications filed by two business units for water pollution licenses and those by four businesses for changing licensed water pollution. From April-November 2009, the project undertook field checks of 1,291 business unit-times and additionally checked 74 business units along with the county’s patrol team. 098 台東縣環境保護局 綠森環境工程技師事務所
32120991 宜蘭縣98年度農地土壤重金屬污染控制場址改善工作驗證計畫 壹、計畫名稱:宜蘭縣98年度農地土壤重金屬污染控制場址改善工作驗證計畫。貳、計畫期程:自簽約日(98年10月7日)起8個月(99年6月6日)。參、計畫主持人:謝聖嫄。肆、計畫目標:本計畫已執行完成4處列管農地(4筆地號)土壤重金屬污染控制場址之污染改善成果之驗證工作,確認原本超過食用作物土壤污染管制標準之各筆土地之重金屬項目濃度低於該項目之食用作物土壤污染監測基準。 The verification plan for the remediation of Ilan country`s agriculture`s soil heavy metal pollution control sites in 2009 Project Name:The verification plan for the remediation of Ilan country`s agriculture`s soil heavy metal pollution control sites in 2009.Project Period:Oct. 7, 2009 to Jun. 6, 2010Project Director:Hsieh, Sheng-YuanProject Goal:The project goal is to verify the heavy metals concentration of agricultural soil lower than the EPA Soil Pollution Monitoring Standards(for food crops). After the verified process, the heavy metals concentration of soil were all lower than Soil Pollution Monitoring Standards(for food crops). 098 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 嘉德技術顧問股份有限公司
32120992 台南市98年度固定污染源稽查管制計畫 98年度固定污染源稽查管制計畫,計畫期程為98年10月19至99年10月18日,工作內容主要包含:落實法規制度、推動許可制度、更新固定源排放清單、稽巡查輔導作業。各項工作成果摘要如下:一、固定污染源許可管制作業許可申請案件數達44件,已核發許可證34件,許可現場查核總計完成許可查核173件次,工作達成率100%,不符合率約為13.3%;許可不符的公私場所已完成改善者為21件。二、固定源排放量及定檢申報審查臺南市符合應申報排放量之公私場所,第1批為12廠次、第2批為32廠次,98年排放量申報廠家共計44廠次,均已全數完成申報作業。本市符合公告應定檢範圍者計25家35根次,已全數完成定檢申報作業。執行監督檢測共計完成40根次,作業達成率100%。三、清查更新及維護資料庫作業已列管清查更新及維護資料庫作業需執行450件,完成482件現場清查與資料庫更新建檔及檢核作業,製程、停工或暫時停工者占13.4 %、製程設備異動者占0.3 %,基本資料異動者占2.4%;新增列管30家次。四、空污費查核目前列管應申報空污費之公私場所共計158家,其中需申報硫氧化物與氮氧化物空污費業者共89家,需申報揮發性有機物空污費業者104家。統計本年度申繳金額,SOx與NOx共計974,984元、VOCs共計10,808,873元。於空污費催補繳作業部分,本年度共計完成26件次,總催補繳金額為3,832,092元,並輔導1家申請分期繳納。 本年度針對申報空污費之公私場所進行SOx及NOx現場查核89件次、VOCs現場查核112件次;本年度亦積極宣導網路申報,目前轄區內空污費網路申報率已達100%。五、稽巡查作業完成稽巡查作業628件次,工作達成率達100%。巡查結果統計共有592件次符合狀況良好。法規符合度查核完成100件次,皆符合法規規定,法規符合率100%。本年度稽查檢測部分,煙道檢測執行10根次公私場所粒狀物、硫氧化物及氮氧化物之稽查檢測,其檢測結果皆符合法規標準;臭味官能測定方面,完成30點次異味檢測作業,其中共12點(根)次超過排放標準;設備元件檢測部分,現階段已全數完成合約工作量820點檢測,檢測結果均符合法規標準。在油品硫含量檢測作業方面,已完成採樣檢測20件次,作業達成率100%,所檢測之油品皆符合法規標準。在TSP檢測部分,共完成5點次,檢測結果皆符合法規標準。六、其他污染源稽查管制加油站油氣回收設施功能稽查檢測方面,共計完成檢測50站次,檢測結果皆符合標準。於99年4月2日辦理「環保友善加油站表揚暨加油站法規宣導說明會」,會中除宣導加強加油站自行檢查與落實簡易保養工作,並表揚此次獲得環保友善加油站認證計畫之加油站。完成餐飲業巡查505家次,工作達成率100%。在餐飲輔導改善部分,目前完成33家次餐飲業者之輔導作業,達成率為100%。現階段裸露地巡查部分,共計巡查30處次,改善17個地區共3.96公頃。露天燃燒巡查作業,完成巡查50處次。七、固定源法規宣導說明會本年度宣導活動部份,於99年2月9日假臺南市政府10樓會議室辦理1場次的「環保夜市宣導」說明會;於99年3月9日在臺南市政府10樓大禮堂舉辦;99年3月24日配合環保局辦理一場次『99年大臺南環保共識營 地球久久』環保論壇,此論壇為因應縣市合併,藉由論壇活動傾聽大臺南居民關心的環保議題;於99年3月27日在臺南市公園主舞台舉辦『地球齊減碳 關燈愛地球』活動;99年4月2日舉辦加油站法規宣導說明會;99年10月14日假臺南市勞工育樂中心舉辦固定污染源法規宣導說明會。八、其他相關作業推動企業道路認養,目前共計簽署11家次,認養道路長為5.53km,現階段道路洗掃狀況統計至99年9月底止,共計總洗掃長度達603.45km,總削減量TSP6.702ton/yr,其中PM10為1.27ton/yr。新聞稿共完成14則新聞的發佈。 The examination of stationary sources of pollution permission and the air pollution charging fees urge making up plan The examination of stationary sources of pollution permission and the air pollution charging fees urge making up plan, also the examination of volatile organic matter and guiding reduction plan, which includes: fulfill the laws and regulations, promote the allowance system, update the stationary resources emission list, and guiding procedure inspection. The abstract of operating achievements are shown as below:I. Fulfill the law and regulation: The exanimation of pollution resources operating system:The plan for this year focuses on the emission standard of stationary pollution sources, also carries out the 10 times of flue check, mainly examines the PAR , SO2, NOx, and the most results of the exam are all qualifies to the laws.As for the foul smell organic sense examination, it has been accomplished on checking the public and private spaces, which had been reported over 15 times. In TSP grainy material examination TSP, aiming at gravel plant, 5 times of check up were carried out. All TSP examinations are accord with the regulation standard in the other public and private places.About the measurement in the sulfur content of the oil which is used to the stationary pollution sources in this year; it is finished amount to 10 pieces and carries out progress 100%. About the examination of gas station which has oil gas recycling facility function in this year, altogether checking 10 stations and caring out progress 100%, the measurement all accords with the Regulations of Management of gas station. Among them there is only Wei-sheng gas station below the standard, we will follow-up checking to meet the Regulations of Management of gas station. Air pollution charge urge charging and making up fees planThis annual plan grasps for 163 places public and private to levy Air pollution charge and respectively for declare SO2 and NOx industry 93 public and private places have been incorporated, 101 of VOCs. The statistic shows that in the year of 2009, and 3 quarters of 2010, the racial amount of paid money that it is altogether NT$ 4,246,592. It is to check 217 pieces in the public and private places in this year and reach rate of job is 100%. II. Laws and regulations fulfilling planThis year 48 applications were received for review in writing, which included 37 cases of permit issued, 2 case is in process. This annual plan applies for the case to check in all kinds of permission the number of days is 8.2 days on average, 30 days according with the regulations of regulation.III. Stationary pollution resources emission list uniting and confirming:The condition of stationary pollution resources emission has the numerous affect to the air quality in the certain area, in order to completely control the pollution emission condition in certain area, also strengthen the database of the stationary pollution resources in perfection and updating. This year 450 public and private places data were updated and checked. The rate of accomplishment is 100%. where had been carried out the date expanding and updating process by After expending and updating the on-the-spot data, 78% of public and private places remain its manufacturing process, 10% of them shutdown, an 10 % of them change its manufacturing process. After updating, 735 public and private places have been incorporated, 869 making procedures, 2979 pollution spots. Shown from the stationary pollution sources well-fulfilled database statistics, finish upgrading the emission altogether in the current year, 95.1 metric tons of granular pollutant per year, 111.9 tones of sulfur dioxide per year, 361.8 tones of nitrogen oxide per year, volatility1054.1 tones of organic matter per year, 27.4 tones of carbon monoxide per year.IV. Restaurants inspection 、 consulting and improvement and Gas stations oil gas recycling control procedure Till the end, 505 restaurants were inspected, the rate of completing is 100%. Among them, 76% of them were Chinese restaurants. In the preventing facility area, except for those already shutdown, 68% of the restaurants have facility to process the fumes. As for restaurant improving and consulting, we have already finished all 33 restaurants as planed. 098 台南市環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32120993 98年度建置臺南縣溫室氣體減量交易平台評估可行性計畫 摘 要本案係希望了解縣內溫室氣體排放情形以及推動畜牧業具體溫室氣體減量,最後的目標係希冀將減少的溫室氣體透過VCS管道將PD文件確證後進入國際交易平台。本計畫執行期間自98年4月28日開始,截自99年4月27日止。本計畫已完成合約規定之各項工作,包括調查推估台南縣溫室氣體排放量、規劃減量策略方案、輔導本縣畜牧業者自願減量、推動畜牧業具體減碳行動及評估輔導減量成效及規劃未來推動方案等。在調查推估台南縣溫室氣體排放量及規劃減量策略方案部份,本計畫收集台南縣境內溫室氣體排放統計所需各項資料,並彙整IPCC及國內(包含台北市、基隆市、台中縣、南投縣、台南市、高雄市及屏東縣)推估方式,完成溫室氣體資料庫之建立(1998~2008);同時亦完成台南縣政府組織溫室氣體排放量之調查。透過前述工作之執行及可行性評估後擬定可推動方案,各項方案包括推動採用公車可考慮採用低污染車輛、LED燈具……等,詳細內容如4.2節內容說明所示,預期經由溫室氣體減量技術與管制策略之執行後,台南縣政府組織之溫室氣體排放量每年將可減少918.95公噸。另於輔導本縣畜牧業者自願減量部份,本計畫執行期間已輔導台灣糖業股份有限公司畜殖事業部(南沙崙畜殖場)參加自願減量試辦,並完成PD文件撰寫,相關計畫書並經SGS公司確證完畢,證明畜牧業可經由VCS管道進入國際交易市場,對國內畜牧業而言,未來將可依循本計畫完成之PD文件範本撰寫及規劃,從而進入國際交易市場。同時本年度在推動畜牧業具體減碳行動上,本計畫已完成27個畜牧業現場節能減碳查核及輔導,並選定成果較佳之3家次(包含甲合、順賢、佳泰)畜牧場完成輔導減量成效評估,計畫執行期間本計畫亦提供畜牧業碳交易之諮詢與推動管理輔導。最後於評估輔導減量成效及規劃未來推動方案部份,經評估3家次畜牧場之輔導成效每年將可減少272.63公噸溫室氣體排放;短期目標方面,畜牧業可先將沼氣進行利用,或將農業廢棄物交由專業堆肥製造公司妥善處理作為堆肥,後者將可取代化學氮肥使用,降低氧化亞氮之排放量;在中、長期目標部份,則可透過政府與學術單位的研究,提高污水處理廠處理效能,增加沼氣再利用率,或可透過將畜牧業糞便統一收集處理,再一次申請其溫室氣體減量作業,降低確證及監測成本,如此應可獲得更多畜牧業者之認同與參與。 By this project, we hope to understand the emission behavior of the greenhouse gases in Tainan County and promote the animal husbandry to reduce the greenhouse gases concretely, the final goal is the PD can be certified and to prove that animal husbandry can enter international trading market through VCS channel.Project schedule is from April 28th, 2009 to April 27th, 2010. We have completed the estimate of Tainan County greenhouse gases emission and reduction strategy scheme, Tainan County animal husbandry reduction voluntary guidance, animal husbandry carbon emission reduction promotion, the result of guidance reduction estimate and strategy promotion scheme for the future.About the part of investigation and estimate of Tainan County greenhouse gases emission and reduction strategy scheme, we collect the Tainan County domestic greenhouse gases emissions statistics material. We also collect the ways of entire IPCC and Taiwan (Taipei city, Keelung City , Taichung County, Nantou County, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City and Pingtung County ) estimate. We have already created the greenhouse gases data base from 1998 to 2008 and completed greenhouse gases emission investigation of Tainan County government organization. Through execution of the above actions and then estimating the feasibility, we propose reduction methods, goals and profits in the proposal. The promotion include using the low pollution bus or LED light, the details shown in the statement as 4.2 content, we expect that annual emissions of greenhouse gases in government organization can be reduced about 918.95 tons of CO2 after using greenhouse gases reduction technique.About another part of counseling animal husbandry on voluntary reduction in Tainan County, we have completed guidance for Taiwan Sugar Corporation Pasturage and cultivation department (South Sharon pasturage and cultivation field) to join voluntary tri-run and the Voluntary reduction strategy proposal (PD) has been certified by SGS, to prove that animal husbandry can enter international trading market through VCS channel. As to animal husbandry in Taiwan, they can follow the Voluntary reduction strategy proposal (PD) of this project to make it as a model.In promoting the animal husbandry carbon emission reduction, we have completed 27 animal husbandry carbon emission reduction assess and guidance in site and chosen three animal husbandry fields(Jia He, Shun Xian, Ja Tai) to complete reduction guidance result evaluation. During project, we provide animal husbandry carbon trading guidance and promote management guidance.Finally, about the guidance reduction estimate and strategy promotion scheme for the future, there are three animal husbandry fields can reduce annual emissions of greenhouse gases about 272.63 tons of CO2 after counseling. Short-term goals, animal husbandry can reuse biogas or give agriculture disposal to professional compost manufacturing companies to make agriculture disposal to compost; to replace chemical nitrogenous fertilizers and reduce nitrous oxide emissions. Mid-term and Long-term goals, reduceing biogas emission through the research from government and academic units. Furthermore, to collect animal husbandry stool and apply once only to reduce the cost of textual research and monitor. Therefore, more animal husbandry industries would like to join. 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 澔宇工程顧問股份有限公司
32120994 98年度澎湖縣自然淨化系統效益評估計畫 98年度澎湖縣自然淨化系統效益評估計畫執行期程為98年7月15日至99年3月31日,各項作業進度摘要說明如下:一、計畫執行期間針對計畫管理的4個場址共計進行118次現場巡查作業,其中缺失提報督導改善共計41次。統計區間:98/7/15~99/03/31項目  紅羅 東北角 火燒坪 同心湖總巡查次數 27 27 41 23提報次數 5 3 21 12改善次數 4 2 19 11另配合環保局,協助觀音亭及通信營巡查作業,其查核統計如下:項目 觀音亭 通信營總巡查次數 24 21提報次數 12 9改善次數 12 9二、完成各自然淨化場址水質採樣分析,並依水質檢測結果進行各場址水質改善效益評析作業。計畫執行期間各場址去除效率:各場址去除率 BOD5 COD 氨氮 TN TP SS同心湖 平均進流 4.08 17.83 0.21 0.49 0.17 22.20 平均出流 1.83 10.43 0.07 0.43 0.14 5.00 去除效率 55.21% 41.51% 67.07% 12.69% 16.29% 77.48%紅羅 平均進流 2.45 12.18 0.33 0.99 0.33 17.38 平均出流 1.20 4.98 0.15 0.82 0.07 5.08 去除效率 51.02% 59.14% 54.14% 17.01% 77.47% 70.79%水庫東北角 平均進流 4.04 15.65 0.73 1.28 0.84 33.40 平均出流 1.66 7.05 0.29 0.49 0.25 9.32 去除效率 58.91% 54.94% 60.76% 61.53% 70.79% 72.10%火燒坪 平均進流 29.08 66.13 5.56 6.71 1.43 47.05 平均出流 3.18 9.23 2.20 3.32 0.50 7.00 去除效率 89.08% 86.05% 60.52% 50.54% 64.86% 85.12%*平均進流及平均出流單位為mg/L三、完成兩次紅羅及水庫東北角植體及底泥採樣作業。四、紅羅越域引水、水庫東北角工程、同心湖及火燒坪場址生態調查資料歷年資料,完成彙整作業,印製生物多樣性圖鑑與製作各場址生態教學磁鐵板。五、完成2場示範場址學校種子教師研習培訓活動。六、購置水質監測包30組,完成種子教師培訓活動,辦理5場水質監測系列活動;並配合縣內於98年9月17日所辦理的2009年世界水質監測日大型活動。七、配合環保署考核作業,除本計畫維護的場址外於考核前配合環保局針對觀音亭自然淨化設施及通訊營自然淨化設施加以教育訓練,給予缺失建議與輔導改善等措施;並於98年8月24日進行自行預查作業(邀請李委員元陞與黃委員益助給與建議),另於98年9月4日完成環保署現地考核作業。 2009 Evaluation of Natural Treatment Systems in Penghu County Evaluation of Natural Treatment Sysetems (NTS) executed from July 11, 2009 to March 31, 2010. A summary of working items are as follows:1. There were total 118 on-site patrols for four sites in this project. Among those patrols, there were 41 defects which reported for further improvement.Table 1: Patrol Details For 4 NTS sitesItem Hong-Lo North-Eastern Converging Entrance Huo-Shaso-Ping Tong -Xin -HuTotal Patrols 27 27 41 23Reported Defects 5 3 21 12Improved Cases 4 2 19 11Period: July 11, 2009 to March 31, 2010During the period of this project, we also assisted Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) to patrol on Guan-Yin-Ting and Communication Barrack of Army. The result is shown as follows:Table 2: Patrol Details of Guan-Yin-Ting and Communication Barrack of Army Item Guan-Yin-Ting Communication Barrack of ArmyTotal Patrol 24 21Reported Defects 12 9Improved Cases 12 9Period: July 11, 2009 to March 31, 20102. Water samples for Non-Point Sources from the NTSs sites have been analyzed. According to water-quality report, the improving results have been evaluated. Table 3: Average Results of Non-Point Sources NTSs SitesEach Site’s Reducing Rate BOD5 COD NH4+ TN TP SSTong -Xin -Hu Influent 4.08 17.83 0.21 0.49 0.17 22.20 Effluent 1.83 10.43 0.07 0.43 0.14 5.00 Efficiency % 55.21% 41.51% 67.07% 12.69% 16.29% 77.48%Hong-Lo Influent 2.45 12.18 0.33 0.99 0.33 17.38 Effluent 1.20 4.98 0.15 0.82 0.07 5.08 Efficiency % 51.02% 59.14% 54.14% 17.01% 77.47% 70.79%North-Eastern Converging Entrance Influent 4.04 15.65 0.73 1.28 0.84 33.40 Effluent 1.66 7.05 0.29 0.49 0.25 9.32 Efficiency % 58.91% 54.94% 60.76% 61.53% 70.79% 72.10%Huo-Shaso-Ping Influent 29.08 66.13 5.56 6.71 1.43 47.05 Effluent 3.18 9.23 2.20 3.32 0.50 7.00 Efficiency % 89.08% 86.05% 60.52% 50.54% 64.86% 85.12%※ The unit of influent and outfluent are both in mg/L Period: July 11, 2009 to March 31, 20103. Samples of sediments and Aquatic Plants collected from Hong-Lo and North-Eastern Converging Entrance have been examined twice. Result of the analysis provided better understanding for the surrounding environment. 4. The previous two-year database on ecological investigation from four NTS sites has been arranged: Hong-Lo, The North-Eastern Converging Entrance, Tong -Xin -Hu and Huo-Shaso-Ping. Moreover, the illustrated handbook of variety organisms and Ecological-Magnet-Billboard for educational propose were made during this project. 5. Top-Seed Teacher Training Conference was held twice at demonstration sites. 6. This project also completed the following contain of work: A. Purchased 30 sets of Water Monitoring (WWMD) Test KitB. Completed Top-Seed Teacher Training Conference C. Proceeded 5 series of Water Monitoring activities D. Assisted EPB in arranging the “World Monitoring Day Carnival, 2009” on Sep. 17, 2009. 7. This project was not only maintained contracted sites but also assisted EPB at Gun-Yi-Ting’s and Communication Barrack of Army’s NTS facilities’ Educational Training in order to cooperate with EPA’s achievement inspection. In Addition, we gave suggestions to correct error and consult on improvement plan. On Aug. 24, 2009, we have completed the self-checked procedure by inviting Prof. Lee and Prof. Huang to give professional comments, and the EPA on-site checked and accepted on Sep. 4, 2009. 098 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 堃捷工程股份有限公司
32120995 97至99年環境水質北區監測計畫 本計畫主要針對北區十縣市河川、海域、海灘、水庫、地下水等水體,進行定期水質監測及污染評估分析,掌握水體水質變化趨勢,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。河川水質計有36條河川主支流,134個監測站,於每月監測一次,今年度監測結果顯示,東北部宜蘭與花蓮普遍污染不大,未(稍)受污染比例佔67%,水質較佳;淡水河流域於上游水質較佳,下游之污染濃度較高,未(稍)受污染佔56%,嚴重污染佔9%;西北部桃園與新竹地區未(稍)受污染佔49%,嚴重污染佔6%,中度污染比例達38%,以頭前溪流域水質較佳,以南崁溪、老街溪、新豐溪及客雅溪流域污染較嚴重。整體而言,今年度河川水質屬未(稍)受污染等級佔最高比例為48%,中度污染等級次之佔36%,水質狀況與歷年差異不大。海域水質計有8個沿海區域,43個監測站,於每季監測一次,各縣市沿海監測結果皆符合海洋環境品質標準。河口測站因受河川匯流影響,鹽度普遍較低及無機鹽類濃度較高,整體而言,非河口測站水質較河口測站為佳,東半部海域較西半部海域為佳,本島海域較外島海域為佳。海灘水質計有6處海灘,18個監測站,於5月下旬至9月每一至兩週監測一次,各週次水質除除福隆海水浴場於7月20日曾受河川匯流與採樣前累積降雨影響,監測結果及試分級結果屬於不宜親水活動,及花蓮縣七星潭於7月13日之試分級結果亦屬於不宜親水活動之情形外,其餘之水質狀況均屬普通至優良。水庫水質計有34個水庫,48個監測站,於每季監測一次,本島之新山、西勢、石門及寶山水庫大致屬於普養至優養,翡翠水庫屬於貧養至普養,外島金門及馬祖水庫多為優養。地下水水質計有7縣市,130個監測井,各縣市超過監測基準之比率介於3%至68%,其中超過地下水第二類監測基準之項目與歷年結果相近,主要以氨氮、鐵及錳為主,亦與各環保單位歷年對台北盆地、桃園台地及新竹沿海地下水之監測結果相符合。各監測井之水質,以Stiff水質形狀圖方式評估,屬Ca2+及HCO3-凸出型佔最高比例約為65%,Piper圖解則屬I區佔最高比例約為70%,與近年之評析結果大致呈現一致趨勢。 The Enviroment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Northern Area of Taiwan from 2008 to 2010 (200 This project carries on water quality monitoring to five kinds of water bodies of ten counties and cities in the northern Taiwan. The changes of water quality to the time and pollution assessment for those water bodies could be provided to the relevant environmental agencies for making a sound pollution control decision. For river quality, 134 sampling sites covering 36 rivers (including main streams and tributaries) were monitored monthly. The monitored results in water quality of rivers and creeks in 2009 showed that the water quality in Yilan and Hualien cities was good, the percentage of assessed result classified into the non(slight)-polluted grade was 67%; a critical difference between upstream and downstream water quality was shown in Danshuei-river, the downstream water quality got a high pollution concentration of organic matter, the percentage of assessed result in Danshuei-river classified into the non(slight)-polluted grade was 56%, the heavy-polluted grade was 9%; in Taoyuan and Hsinchu cities, Touchien-stream got the best water quality, the water quality in Nankan-stream, Laochieh-stream, Xinfeng-stream and Keya-stream was worse. The percentage of assessed result in Taoyuan & Hsinchu cities classified into the non(slight)-polluted grade was 49%, the heavy-polluted grade was 6%, the middle-polluted grade was up to 38%. As a whole, the highest percentage of the water quality was 48%, it belonged to unpolluted rivers. The secondary percentage of the water quality was 36%, it belonged to intermediately polluted rivers. Overall, water quality in this year was nondifference between the recent years.For ocean monitoring, 43 sampling sites covering 8 coastal areas were monitored quarterly. Since the estuary areas were affected by the river during high tide, the salinity were low, and the concentrations of the inorganic salts were high. The monitored results appeared that none was ever found exceeding their relative marine water quality standards in all marine regions. The water quality in eastern sea area was better than in western, Taiwan coastal waters was better than off-shore island waters and estuary. Eighteen sampling sites covering 6 beaches were monitored weekly or biweekly from May to September. Six beaches except the Fulong beach and Cisingtan Scenic Area were found exceeding the water quality standard on July 20 and July 13 because of the influence of river and rainfall, the water quality of six beaches was good. Forty-eight sampling sites covering 34 water reservoirs were monitored quarterly. The reservoir water quality monitoring results showed that reservoir in Feitsui Reservoir was oligotrophic to mesotrophic, and Keelung Reservoir, Shihmen Reservoir and Baoshan Reservoir were mesotrophic to eutrophic, and the reservoirs in Kin Men and Matsu were generally eutrophic. The 130 ground water sampling sites for 7 cities and counties were monitored quarterly. Ground water monitoring results showed that as usual, Ammonia-Nitrogen, Manganese and Iron were the major items against the Ground Water Monitoring Standard in second category. The failing rates were between 3% to 68% for different cities and counties. To analyze graphically each monitoring item by Stiff-plotting and Piper-plotting showed a trend as same as last sevesal years, there was no significant difference compared to the past. The highest percentage of Stiff-plotting and Piper-plotting was about 65% and 70%, it belonged to HCO3-- Ca2+ type and area of I. 098 監資處 精湛檢驗科技股份有限公司
32120996 屏東縣『移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動計畫』 移動污染源稽查管制計畫,對於機車應落實定期檢驗制度、加強未定檢機車稽查工作,進而減低車輛廢氣排放之污染,有效改善空氣品質。98年度『屏東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動計畫』自98年3月17日簽約後開始執行,至98年12月31日止,總計完成未定檢機車稽查回檢22,439輛,完成率100.0%;每月車籍資料篩選未依規定實施排氣定檢機車寄發通知到檢公文5,000份,共寄發50,100份,完成率100.0%;機車攔檢作業1,037輛,完成率100.0%;機車免費排氣檢測作業1,179輛,完成率100.0%;檢驗站定期查核5次,完成率100.0%,檢驗站不定期查核40站,完成率100.0%,標準氣體查核比對作業122站,完成率100.0%,機車排氣檢驗站教育說明會辦理1場,完成率100.0%,機車排氣檢驗站業務座談會辦理4場,完成率100.0%;印製及寄發明信片定檢通知13個月;本縣主要道路之車流量、平均車速及行車型態調查;協助環保局處理民眾檢舉案件及建置死車資料庫等。機車定檢資料分析各鄉鎮市總到檢情形,到檢情形較佳之鄉鎮為萬丹鄉(80.51%)、屏東市(75.00%)及麟洛鄉(73.05%),而已設定檢站到檢率較差鄉鎮有恆春、高樹、枋寮及萬巒等鄉鎮到檢率較為偏低。在攔檢作業上總計檢測未定檢機車515輛次,已定檢機車369輛次攔檢新車153輛次,三者合計1,037輛次,攔檢未定檢之二行程機車不合格率25.00%,攔檢未定檢之四行程機車不合格率7.69%,攔檢未定檢之整體平均不合格率為13.20%。攔檢已定檢之二行程機車不合格率9.52%,攔檢已定檢之四行程機車不合格率2.29%,攔檢已定檢之整體平均不合格率為3.52%。攔檢之新車皆為四行程機車,全數合格。122站檢驗站已完成5次定期查核,查核結果其中以動線脫落、檢測區停放機車、耗材未依規定更換及取樣管不潔等情形失較多,再複查缺失都已明顯改善。標準氣體查核比對方面122家檢驗站皆符合規定。至98年10月底止,屏東縣機車排氣定檢到檢率分別為64.59% (回歸車籍)及56.78% (依檢驗站),總平均則於25縣市排名第19名。與歷年同期比較,無論於回歸車籍或依檢驗站之到檢率皆提昇2%~5%以上。依行政院環保署提供之交通工具污染物排放削減量係數推估,本年度計畫執行至11月底,污染物排放削減量在NMHC部份為254.69噸/年,在CO部份為1,187.22噸/年。 Mobile sources of pollution control inspection program for the locomotives inspection system should be implemented on a regular basis to strengthen the auditing work pending inspection locomotives to meet the EPA handling of the advocacy activities and to assist EPA guidance checking civil motorcycle inspection stations, through these measures of cooperation, to supervise vehicles using the tightening of vehicle maintenance and management, and education, driver of the vehicle the correct operation of the concept, thus reducing vehicle emissions of pollution, effectively improve air quality. 98 Year 『Pingtung County inspection control mobile sources of pollution program - motorcycle emissions testing program-cum-propaganda activities』 from 98 March 17 after signing started, 98 years ended December 31, pending the completion of a total of locomotive inspection audit to pick up 22,439 units, the completion rate of 100.0%; monthly membership data filter Weiyi vehicle exhaust will review the implementation of the provisions of motorcycles seized documents sent notifications to 5,000 copies, 50,100 copies were sent to complete a rate of 100.0%; locomotive stopped inspection operations 1,037 units, 100.0 percent completion rate; motorcycle emissions testing operations 1,179 cars free of charge to complete a rate of 100.0%; Inspection Station on a regular basis to check five times, completion rate of 100.0%, Inspection Station, from time to time to check 40 points to complete the rate of 100.0%, the standard gas check more than 122 pairs of work stations, completion rate of 100.0%, motorcycle exhaust note Inspection Station Education will process a field, the completion rate of 100.0%, motorcycle exhaust test terminal business forum handle four games to complete the rate of 100.0%; printing and despatch of Postcards will notify the 13-month review; this county main roads traffic flow, average speed and vehicle type survey; to assist the EPA dealing with the public prosecution cases and building a dead car database. Determined by the locomotive inspection data analysis to review the various townships on the overall situation, to review the situation better for the township 10000 Denmark township (80.51%), Pingtung City (75.00%), and Linluo Township (73.05%), just set up inspection stations to the Inspection rate of poor rural town of Hengchun, high trees, Fangliao and Wanluan Township to review the rate of such relatively low. Detection of vehicles are mainly still Sanyang, Gwangyang, the three major brands of motorcycle Yamaha mainly to 108,513 vehicles a maximum of Yamaha brand, the three major brands of testing a total of 272,089 vehicles a volume, accounting for 93.63% of all detected quantity of the more. The motorcycle brands, whether the concentration of pollutant emissions are CO or HC Vespa, the company worked with high pollution emissions label. The average CO emission concentration: the two-stroke, the average emission concentration of 3.11%, four-stroke, the average emission concentration of 1.74%. HC average emission concentration: the two-stroke, the average emission concentration of 5,866 ppm, four-stroke, the average emission concentration of 747ppm. The average emissions of CO and HC concentration, begin with two-stroke high, especially the HC average emission concentration is about 7.85 times higher than the four-stroke. Inspection operations in the intercept test on a total of 515 vehicles a locomotive undetermined location, has been scheduled for inspection locomotive stopped 369 vehicles a seized 153 vehicles a new car, the three vehicles a total of 1,037, intercept uncertain location of the two-stroke motorcycle inspection failure rate of 25.00%, intercept Inspection undetermined location of the four-stroke motorcycles failure rate of 7.69%, stopped pending review of the inspection the overall average failure rate of 13.20%. Stopped the inspection has been scheduled for inspection failure rate of 9.52% two-stroke motorcycles, intercept inspection has been scheduled for the four-stroke motorcycle inspection failure rate of 2.29%, intercept inspection has been scheduled for review of the overall average failure rate of 3.52%. Inspection of the vehicle stopped Jie Wei four-stroke motorcycles, all qualified. 122 Point Inspection Station, regular checks have been completed five times, checking the result of which the contours off, testing the docking of locomotives, supplies replacement and sampling tubes provided Weiyi situations such as loss of more dirty, and then review the deficiencies have been significantly improved. Than in standard gas check inspection stations are in compliance with 122 requirements. To 98 years by the end of October only, Pingtung County motorcycle exhaust will review the inspection rate was 64.59% (regression cars nationality), and 56.78% (depending on test stations), then the overall average of 25 cities and counties ranked 19. Compared with the calendar year, regardless of nationality or on the return of vehicle inspection stations to check in accordance with both the rate of increase 2% to 5% or more. Transportation provided in accordance with the Environmental Protection Administration to reduce the amount of pollutant emission factor estimates, this year plans to implement to the end of November, pollutant emission reductions in the NMHC majority of 254.69 tons / year, in the CO part is 1,187.22 tons / year . 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司
32120997 98年度澎湖縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫 計畫執行目標一、針對民眾檢舉高污染車輛、路邊巡查未定檢機車或路上攔查未定檢機車或篩選逾期未定檢機車依法通知,並掌控回檢情形及個案查核,落實推動機車定檢制度,以有效管制機車排放廢氣,遏止民眾僥倖心態。二、基於澎湖地方特性,偏遠地區及離島無定檢站,因此藉由移動式定檢車直接下鄉執行檢測服務,以解決這些地區無定檢站檢測之情形,並服務鄉民及增加定檢率。三、對於民眾檢舉車輛、軍車及監理站到檢車輛執行煙度計檢測,對於不合格柴油車加強追蹤工作,並加強宣導老舊車輛定期做好保養。四、舉辦定檢站檢測人員訓練會,確實將中央政策之定檢站管理辦法落實,增進定檢站檢測服務。五、針對轄區內之機車排氣定檢站進行查核工作,包含檢測設備之品保品管以及連線測試等,以確保定檢站檢測與服務品質;藉由定檢站查核結果統計,針對優良之定檢站舉辦表揚,作為其他定檢站之榜樣。六、將工作成果數據化,並估算排放削減量並整合轄區內相關移動污染源管制成果。七、加強辦理低污染車輛之宣導活動。八、針對本縣使用之各型非漁用船舶,增加抽驗油品含硫量之樣本。九、利用公路監理資訊查詢系統,進行車籍資料連線系統,以有效落實車輛之管制。十、配合其他局內計畫訂定之目標。結論一、本計畫各項量化目標,皆已依環保局規劃之預期進度,順利執行完畢。二、統計至98年12月,機車定檢率依回歸車籍計算為73.51%,完成檢驗數達29,778輛,依定檢站定檢率為59.81%,完成檢驗24,227輛,平均定檢率為66.66%,由於現階段定檢率尚未扣除死車、退件與報廢數,預估扣除後平均定檢率可再提昇。三、離島機車定檢服務今年已進入第五年,藉由每年定檢車定期免費服務巡迴服務,已能有效提昇民眾回檢觀念,統計離島實際於島上使用之機車,再扣除新車三年免定檢、無牌車、以及僅剩下車牌之車輛之後,實際於離島使用之應定檢之車輛約2,400輛,本計畫今年度已完成2,009輛機車定檢,離島之定檢率約達到84%以上。四、98年度查核定檢站品質管理各項指標,除了部份定檢站有車主資料不齊全之情形外,成績為歷年最優秀,往年定檢站最常出現之錯誤如里程數未建檔或標籤貼錯之缺失,都已大幅改善,且今年度氣體查核皆無缺失情形,整體之檢測與服務品質已相當穩定。五、本年度油品稽查的不合格率以及平均含硫量濃度均較97年為高,顯示出本縣藉由稽查不同路段或變換稽查時間,並針對不合格車輛較可能行駛之路線提昇稽查數量已有相當成效。六、分析98年度18艘非漁用船舶含硫量抽驗,船種包含16艘有照遊艇及2艘交通船,檢驗結果全部合格,其中重複抽查97年含硫量高於50ppmw之8艘遊艇,今年度已全部複驗合格。顯見經由歷年的油品稽查及加強宣導,已能有效提昇業者使用合法油品之觀年。七、統計府內外共計21個單位配和相應之成果,各單位響應週五環保日不開車活動成效,共181人騎單車、49人坐公車及115人步行上下班,共計每週可減碳90公斤。八、對各定檢站檢驗不合格率異常之情形,工作團隊已確認儀器皆無問題。分析X05定檢站因檢測車輛中老舊車輛及二行程機車檢驗比例偏高,因此不合格率較其他定檢站較高。而X08定檢站除二行程及出廠年份相對低於其他各站外,經實車查核發現該站會先進行暖車的動作,亦有先進行車輛調修後再進行檢驗之情形,使該站定檢率偏低。建議一、統計至99年1月已寄發21,230份催檢通知,其中有6成以上之車輛尚未回檢,顯示以催檢通知來提昇定檢率成效已逐年降低,主要因本縣執行主要以宣導為主,並未配合行政告發處分作業,導致長期以來民眾對定檢觀念的不重視,建議仍應配合告發處分作業,才能有效提昇民眾之定檢觀念,並主動至監理站進行過報廢、註銷等異動作業。二、本年度已於西嶼鄉完成設立1站新定檢站,並於98年10月開始檢驗,後續將每月至少2次至該站進行輔導及加強品保品管及加強查核外,對於新設站未來的相關查核工作和訓練課程的重點,將以提高檢測人員電腦實做能力、法令規定及觀念的強化,和落實檢測數據依規定登錄與傳輸為主。三、現階段澎湖本島之湖西鄉、白沙鄉仍無定檢站設立,分析業者不願設立的主要考量,是基於設置成本及投資回收問題,以及考取證照、檢驗場地空間等。未來仍需持續進行補助措施,由移污計畫提供至少1萬元之考照及耗材更換經費補助,方有可能促使更多機車行進行新設站的申請。四、為增加電動機車普及率,本計畫詢問設置充電站之商家是否有提供電動機車租借及維修等服務意願,其中寶獅機車行在有政府補助經費及優惠方案下願意提供租賃服務,由移污計畫協助局內向環保署申請補助協助此站提供民眾及遊客租賃服務。五、本年度多項特色政策如政策如每週一天不開車、自行車推廣與使用、二行程機車回娘家等,初步皆已有相當具體而且良好之成果,後續應由移污計畫協助向環保署爭取離島之生態能源島建制經費,並透過「澎湖低碳島示範計畫推動方案」創新做法規劃及實行來落實綠色交通、生態旅遊、無污染之概念。六、由於本縣停車熄火措施以宣導與業者自主管理為主,但因較無強制力,雖然工作團隊仍持續於更多地方宣導,以期將停車熄火措施建立為業者與民眾的日常習慣。未來移污計畫將協助局內擬訂地方自治條例,以建立執法之依據與工具,並協調縣府單位以相關租賃管理契約配合約束業者行為。 98 Year of Penghu County Mobile Pollution Source Control Project 1、Administration Goal(1)To against the high-pollution vehicles, find high-pollution vehicles from public petition、roadside inspection and interception、screening not execute periodic examination vehicles to the law,and control review case for manage mobile pollution.(2)According there is no inspection stations in remote districts of Penghu County,to use mobile inspection station to those place for testing services,to provide service of people and increase regular inspection rate. (3)For the public prosecution vehicles, military vehicles and Supervision Station to review the implementation of smoke meter test vehicles, for diesel vehicles failed follow-up and work, and to strengthen the advocacy of old vehicles are regularly carry out proper maintenance.(4)Held fixed inspection stations to detect the training of personnel will indeed be the central policy review station management find ways to implement and enhance testing services scheduled for inspection stations.(5)For the area of motorcycle emissions inspection stations will check the work, including quality assurance quality control testing equipment and connectivity testing to ensure that the scheduled inspection stations to detect and service quality; through scheduled inspection stations to check the results of statistics for quality of the Inspection stations will host recognition, as an example to other fixed inspection stations.(6)The data of the results of the work, and estimate the emission reductions and the integration of area-related mobile sources of pollution control results.(7)Apply for low-pollution vehicles to strengthen advocacy activities.(8)Used for the county to use various types of non-fishing vessels, increase the sulfur content of the sample testing oil.(9)The use of Highway Supervision Information Inquiry System for car membership data connection system to the effective implementation of vehicle control.(10)In conjunction with other Council plans to set the targets.2、Conclusion (1)This plan each quantification goal, all smoothly achieved according to the predetermined progress. (2)Statistics from 98 years in December, motorcycle scheduled for inspection in accordance with the rate of return is calculated as 73.51% Car Ji to complete the inspection and the number reached 29,778 units, according to inspection became firmly fixed inspection rate was 59.81%, 24,227 units have completed the inspection, the average fixed rate for inspection 66.66%, due to be deducted at this stage has not yet determined the rate of death seized car parts and scrapped back the number of estimated after adjusting for an average inspection rate is scheduled to re-enhancement. (3)The Islands locomotive scheduled for this year's inspection services, has entered its fifth year, by setting an annual vehicle inspection tour services, free service on a regular basis, have been able to effectively raise the people to pick up ideas, the actual statistics Islands locomotive used on the island, and then deducting the three-year new car inspection, unlicensed vehicles, and leaving only after the license plates of vehicles actually used in the Islands should be set at about 2,400 vehicles, vehicle inspection, the project has been completed this year's 2,009 locomotives scheduled for inspection, the Islands of the scheduled inspection rate of about 84% or more.(4)Approved inspection stations to check the annual quality management indicators, in addition to part of the scheduled inspection stations where owners of the information is not complete the case, the results for the calendar year, the best and most often occurs in previous years, scheduled to inspection stations to errors, such as mileage is not archiving or label is wrong with the missing, have been greatly improved, and this year's gas checks are no missing cases, the detection and the overall quality of service has been fairly stable. (5)This year's inspection of the failure rate of oil, and the average concentration of sulfur than that 97-year high, indicating that different sections of the county by inspection or change inspection time, and for the failure of vehicles traveling the road are more likely to increase the number of inspectors have been relatively successful. (6)Analysis 98 year 18 for fishing vessels of non-sulfur content testing, the ship contains 16 kinds of yachts and 2 are according to transport ship, the test results are all satisfactory, in which repeated sampling sulfur content higher than 97 years of the eight yachts 50ppmw , this year have all been re-inspection pass. Obvious through the years, the oil inspection and to strengthen advocacy has been effective in enhancing the industry's view of the use of legitimate oil years. (7)Statistics inside and outside the government allocated a total of 21 units and the corresponding results of the various units to respond to Environment Day Friday not to drive operational effectiveness, a total of 181 cyclists, 49 were in the bus or walking to work and 115 people, for a total weekly reduction 90 kg of carbon. (8)For each scheduled inspection stations to test a failure rate of abnormal situations, the working team has confirmed that devices are no problem. Analysis of X05 fixed inspection stations to detect vehicles because of old vehicles and the high proportion of two-stroke motorcycle test, so a failure rate higher than that of other fixed inspection stations. In addition to the X08 fixed inspection stations to the factory two-stroke and the various stations of the year is relatively lower than other things, by the real vehicle check revealed that the station will carry out a warm up movements, also first be tested after repair of vehicles adjusted to conditions so that the low rate of prosecution became firmly established. 3、Suggestion(1)Mail to remind the un-inspected motorbike owners by official documents can move up the inspection rate in very short time, even in winter period.(2)Statistics to 99 years in January has sent 21,230 copies of inspection reminder notice, of which more than six vehicles have not yet returned into the examination, inspection reminder notice to appear to enhance the effectiveness of fixed inspection rate has been gradually reduced, mainly due to the implementation of this county mainly advocacy-based, does not work with the administration denounced sanctions, resulting in a long time people will review the concept of neglect, the proposed punishment should work with the informant in order to effectively raise the people's will review the concept and take the initiative to the supervision station had scrapped cancellation of such transaction operations. (3)This year has been completed Hsiyu a stop to the new schedule set up inspection stations, and in 98 years began testing in October, follow-up will strengthen quality control and enhance quality assurance check, the future of the new station and training courses related to checking the work of the focus will be to improve detection officers to do real computer capabilities, laws and regulations governing the concept of strengthening, and implementation of test data in accordance with the provisions of log and transmission-based. (4)At the present stage of Penghu island Husi Township, Baisha Township, still no fixed inspection stations set up, analyze the industry is unwilling to establish the primary consideration is based on set-up costs and investment recovery, as well as obtain licenses, inspection and site space. Future it will require an ongoing subsidy measures, parties could prompt more locomotives line application for a new station. (5)In order to increase the penetration rate of motor vehicles, the plan set up charging stations of the merchants asked whether there are motor vehicle rental and maintenance of willingness to serve, in which Boser motorcycle line with government funds and preferential subsidies under the program are willing to provide rental services can be applied to the EPA grant to help the public and tourists in this bazaar offers rental service. 5, this year a number of characteristics and policies, such as policies, such as not to drive one day a week, cycling promotion and use of two-stroke motorcycles back to her parents and so on, there are quite specific and that the initial good results of the follow-up should be strengthened with the EPD to fight for the Islands of the eco-energy island establishment of funds to implement the green transportation, eco-tourism, the concept of pollution-free. (6)The future to promote the use of less polluting vehicles, Penghu Island, low-carbon policies, it can give priority to helping the tourism industry as a target of environmental protection, corporate incentives, environmental appraisal, or public recognition, etc., to encourage hotels, accommodation, car rental industry as soon as possible eliminated replaced with less polluting vehicles. In addition, the follow-up to apply for advocacy activities, may also be invited to Tourism Bureau and the related tourism industry, a guesthouse and restaurant co-promotion of electric-assisted bicycle advocacy and the promotion of cycling. (7)As the county parking stall measures to advocacy and private sector self-management based, but more non-mandatory, although the team has continued advocacy in more places with a view to parking stall measures to establish as industry and people's daily habits . However, the county has not, as Tainan City, Taichung City to set local self-government regulations and strict parking stall will be open without penalty, the future may recommend to the EPA to set uniform norms and penalties for parking stall in order to establish the basis for enforcement of local environmental protection bureau and tools. (8)In the promotion of electric-assisted bicycle on the survey results concluded by the more purchasing power to 40 to 80-year-old population is of advocacy targets, and in Hsiyu Makung City and advocacy should be more effective. Another could be and the Pescadores to sell the industry to organize electric-assisted bicycle advocacy will be to provide the public test ride services, and state EPA grant program, improve the people's readiness to buy. 098 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32120998 宜蘭縣98年度營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收計畫 期末報告摘要計畫名稱:98年度營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收計畫委辦單位:康廷工程顧問企業有限公司計畫期程:98年8月1日至99年7月31日宜蘭縣「98年度營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收計畫」期末報告撰寫內容上,由委辦單位康廷工程顧問企業有限公司協助環保局執行宜蘭縣轄境之營建工程稽巡查管制、管理辦法查核、營建空污費徵收、宣導作業等工作,所有工作項目皆依規劃進度執行完成,詳細之工作內容及成果則分述於各章節中。隨著空污費的徵收,在營建工程空污費申報作業上由申報導向轉為強調民眾對於申報品質的滿意導向,今年度持續著重於人員整體服務品質的加強,在污染管制方面,則將有限資源妥善分配於重大工程管制,亦能有效達成污染削減之目標。現階段量化摘要成果條列如下:1.充實空污基金方面,統計自98年8月至99年6月底止,本縣營建工程空氣污染防制費新徵收件數2,208件、收繳30,343,383元,催收後到繳率達100%,在完工結算申報有1,705件,並以簡訊及電話通知便民服務來達到空污費到繳工作。2.計畫巡查記錄依據色單規劃污染查報方式共完成4,190處次,其中白單(無污染情事)佔78%,黃單(無重大污染情形)佔15%,藍單(污染情形嚴重)佔7%,此類工程亦列為建議稽查名單,總計提報301處次,其缺失項目以「工地周界」、「告示牌」及「物料堆置」最多。3.巡查管制污染量估算結果,計畫執行11個月所須管制之營建工程污染總逸散粉塵污染排放量為11,726公噸,經現場管制掌握污染10,566公噸,將本縣平均每月約1,100處左右的工程施工狀況下,由掌握較大污染量之工地逐月安排最佳管制對象及策略亦能有八成七的管制效力。4.依輪替原則篩選178處工地輔導。輔導工地在輔導前,第一次查核有高達74%之工地在接受輔導之初已達到嚴重違規狀態,經輔導後其缺失狀況明顯改善,整體改善率近八成。5.推動道路洗掃認養方面也盡量以大型工程為優先推動之對象,經多月的洗掃成效查核,發現營建工程認養其周邊道路是維護環境、減少粒狀空氣污染物很好的作法之一,累計執行道路認養共計76處,累計總洗掃里程數為19,582公里。經每月查核道路髒污等級,約有七成以上屬A級(乾淨)程度。6.結合文宣、輔導座談會與網際網路E化網站,將營建工程管制作法與成果以多元化宣導周知民眾。另外,本計畫為瞭解工作績效達成情形,以合約達成、宜蘭縣空氣污染防制綜合指標及環保署考核,當作評定工作管理績效目標的依據。計畫並配合環保局政策管制策略下所做的調整。對於合約達成量化工作已有詳細摘述;因此另訂三項整體管制指標,並各達計畫目標設定值。包括:「空污費申報到繳率」達到延續性稽催百分百到繳情形;在「工地巡查排量管制率」由計畫執行前期82%提昇至90%,這歸功於工地普查率的增加;而在「第一級營建工地稽巡查10點以下法規符合度」也由計畫執行前期52%提昇至60%;此三指標皆已達計畫預定目標值,巡查排放量管制率因今年度列管對象增加,使目標達成難度增加,經多重調配巡查能量,依然達成局端要求目標。 The pollution preventing of constructional engineering 2009 AbstractThe topic of project: The pollution preventing of constructional engineering 2009.The project execution unit: Content Engineering Consulting Services, Ltd.The duration of the project: 2009/8/1~2010/7/31As the government levies air pollution fees, the most important part is the satisfaction of declaring quality. We keep improving the service quality. In the other hand, we allot the manpower to important constructional engineering in order to control the pollution emission. The results conclude as following:1. For the income of air pollution fees, there are 2,208 new declaring case. The total revenue is 30,343,383 dollars. There are 1,705 cases for construction-finish.2. It has achieved 4,190 pollution investigates. It contributes 78% for the white documents(with slight pollution), 15% for yellow documents(with general pollution) and 7% for blue documents (with serious pollution). We inspect 301 cases and the most common defects are “the area around the construction site”, “the placard” and “the material piles”.3. The total dust emission are 11,726 metric ton. We modify the quantity to 10,566 metric ton by investigating construction site. 4. There are 178 sites to accept guidance and assistance. The improving rate are near to 80%.5. There are 76 cases to adopt streets for cleaning. The total length are 19,582 kilometers and there are 70% to be A level.6. To combine the poster, symposiums and the internet website for showing the efficiency to people.We make three indexes: “The revenue rate of air pollution fees”, “the rate of modified emission” and “the regulations conforming rate of the first level sites”. And their achieve rate are 100%, 90% (82% grow to 90%) and 60% (52% increase to 60%) respectively. 098 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司
32120999 98年環境保護產品驗證作業專案工作計畫 我國環保標章制度係於民國81年08月25日經行政院正式公告實施,至98年10月止,共計已有1154家廠商4926件產品通過環保標章審查。而為因應機關綠色採購對各類產品之廣泛需求並快速增加環保產品數量,環保署自八十八年起新增第二類環境保護產品驗證作業,提供目前尚未開放環保標章產品規格標準之各類產品一個驗證管道,此部分目前共有74家廠商318件產品通過第二類環境保護產品審查。本年度計畫工作範圍重點集中於環保標章與第二類環保產品之審查驗證作業,與引進電子化審查系統。於產品審查部分,共計完成813件環保標章產品審查作業,其中審議通過704件,審議不通過66件,經現場查核後增列或變更產品43件。另完成59件第二類環保產品申請案,其中審議通過26件,審議不通過33件,皆超越計畫要求。於電子化系統部分,由於8月起本會可實際操作電子化系統進行審查,本會亦已將近期實際使用後產生之建議呈報署內,建請責成開發單位修正,期能協助按預定時程完成環保標章與第二類環境保護產品全面電子化申請與審查。依據本年度之執行經驗,目前業者申請環保標章時最常產生之問題包括1.清潔劑含有害物質、2. 產品於未登記工廠生產、與3. 二類業者缺乏與其它同類型產品之比較資訊。針對以上問題,執行單位已進行規格標準檢討修正,並持續透過環保標章專線電話與環保標章資訊站提供相關說明與最新消息,以協助合格業者取得環保標章。 Certification of Environmentally Preferrable Products of 2009 The Green Mark eco-labeling program was officially promulgated and introduced by the Executive Yuan on August 25, 1992. As of Oct. 2009, 4926 products from 1154 manufactures/dealers are qualified to carry the Green Mark logo. In order to meet the increasing demand for green products due to the government green procurement measures, the ROC Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) initiated the certification operation for Type-II environmental protection products (green products) in 1999, in addition to the Green Mark (Type-I) product categories, as green products recognized by the ROC government. At present, 318 products from 74 manufacturers/dealers qualified as Type-II products. The key points of the program’s requirements in this year are the certification operation for the GreenMark and Type-II products, and the introduction of the electronic certification system. Till the end of August, 707 products applying for GreenMark have been reviewed and 663 of them have been certified. Besides, 59 products applying for Type-II certificate have been reviewed and 26 of them have been certified. The performance has exceeded the requirement of EPA. In the introduction of electronic certification system, EDF has reported all the suggestions made during the operation made to EPA. We expect it can help EPA to digitalize the certification system of GreenMark and Type II products on schedule.Based on the implementation experience obtained throughout 2009, the most often encountered problems for Green Mark applicants are: 1. Hazardous material contained in detergents; 2. Products from unregistered production sites; and 3. Lacking of the comparative information for the products applying for Type II certificate . In order to lessen the above problems, the Implementation Body has conducted review of product criteria, and is continuing to provide latest Green Mark information and news through the dedicated hotline and website, so as to facilitate the processing process for qualified products. 098 管考處 財團法人環境與發展基金會
32121000 九十八年度桃園縣溫室氣體盤查減量計畫 面對全球能源短缺、節能減碳的國際趨勢,推動溫室氣體減量已成為縣府團隊當前重要工作之一,以地方政府的角度來規劃溫室氣體減量工作,初期除須全盤了解排放特性與掌握排放源外,更須訂定具體之溫室氣體減量執行計畫。鑑於此,桃園縣政府已積極展開溫室氣體盤查減量計畫(96年度),今(98)年度延續先前計畫之精神規劃本縣減量目標,研擬環保局各科室之減量措施及合作機制,建立溫室氣體管理指標,以達成溫室氣體管制與減量之目標。並藉由「桃園縣減碳策略白皮書」編撰,整合縣府所屬單位目前及未來的減碳作為,以縣府立場記述溫室氣體減量工作之推動情形、問題剖析、對策擬訂、工作重點及未來期許與展望,作為本縣鑑往迎來、規劃新猷之參考依據。根據桃園縣95年溫室體氣體盤查結果,桃園縣溫室氣體排放以工業為主要排放源,佔全桃園縣排放量69%。為此,本計畫進行桃園縣工業區溫室氣體盤查,利用桃園縣工業區組織之特點進行更為詳實之溫室氣體排放分析,了解工業區排放結構,並利用產值、就業人口與產業結構資料進行排放強度分析,並解析各工業區與桃園縣溫室氣體排放量差異。本計畫以桃園縣七大工業區中之平鎮、幼獅、中壢、龜山與大園工業區為盤查範疇,由盤查結果可知五工業區中以中壢工業區排放量為最高,幼獅工業區最低。若以能源使用效率而言,五工業區中以龜山工業區之單位產值與人均排放量最低。此外,桃園縣工業區單位產值與人均排放量皆較桃園縣工業平均排放量為低,且各產業間單位產值排放強度差異大,顯示各產業能源使用效率差異。本計畫亦以95年桃園縣溫室氣體盤查結果建立桃園縣溫室氣體盤查基線資料庫,整合並彙整各部門之排放量資料、排放源原始資料以及基線推估資料,提供未來使用與參考盤查資料時之平台。此外將於資料庫中比對現行既有之盤查制度及探討差異性,以為未來中央機關推動國內溫室氣體盤查工作之準備因應。本縣住商部門大型排放源調查結果,初步認定大型排放源共121家,依建築型態分類,以學校23家(占1/5)最多,其次政府機關、醫院、辦公大樓、百貨量販店等;其中前十大耗能及溫室氣體排放源依序為桃園航空機場、中央大學、大江購物中心、台茂購物中心、行政院原子能委員會核能研究所、太平洋崇光百貨、中原大學、元智大學、長庚紀念醫院桃園及林口分院。由於目前缺乏溫室氣體盤查數據,暫以經濟部非製造業能源查核統計資料之能源消費量進行分析,除旅館、倉儲之溫室氣體排放量近8成由電力使用間接產生外,大多數建築溫室氣體排放量90~99%是經由電力使用所衍生。計畫研擬之獎勵制度架構,建議成立一專業技術團隊提供各項減碳解決方案來協助企業界與政府部門鑑別減碳機會與尋找可以達成最佳減碳效果之方法,協助規劃具有經濟誘因之改善措施,同時針對參與之績優企業、政府部門公開表揚獎勵,提升住商部門自願減量意願。林業部分之碳匯推估方面,本計畫以台灣本土樹種-台灣杉作一完整推估呈現,假設造林密度2000株/公頃,其總蓄積量與林齡及碳吸存量與林齡之變化趨勢,顯示林齡20年時總蓄積量為4.17×105公噸CO2e/公頃,碳吸收量為4.64×105公噸CO2e/公頃,若以2006年桃園縣溫室氣體總排放量3.66×103萬公噸為基準,則林齡20年之台灣杉將可吸收約1.27%之溫室氣體排放量,據此規劃每年持續造林1公頃,以20年為一週期,則20年後將可吸收約12%之溫室氣體總排放量,惟未考慮輪伐期及林木自然汰換等因素,對其吸收量有高估之虞,但仍可表現林業部門對溫室氣體減量之貢獻。由於台灣杉屬中高海拔樹種,較不適宜運用於平地造林,計畫另蒐集台灣七大造林樹種之資料加以推估,但因計算碳匯之方法不同,故其他樹種之碳匯資料在此僅供參考。林業部門碳吸收量雖其所佔比例不高,但相較於改善產業結構與能源使用所造成的經濟衝擊,造林減碳政策仍有其可行之處。環顧歐美等國於溫室氣體減量政策之規劃,著眼於「發展低碳經濟」(Low-Carbon Economy)以及「增進共同效益」(Co-benefit)兩原則。前者側重於分析溫室氣體排放量與產業結構以及消費型態之關聯性,期藉由提昇產業生產力及推動永續消費型態,達到溫室氣體減量與經濟發展雙贏局面。後者則與溫室氣體主要排放源,亦是其餘環境衝擊之主要來源,建立良好夥伴關係。因此若於規劃節能減碳相關政策時,減少環境衝擊同時又助於區域性污染物減量,則可提昇溫室氣體減量政策之效益。我國單位面積污染負荷量(工廠及車輛數量密度)遠高於其他國家,耗用化石能源為造成環境污染負荷主因;溫室減量議題壓力亦可作為改善污染負荷之動力。根據96年度盤查減量計畫成果,本縣溫室氣體排放量以製造工業之能源使用排放最高,佔全縣排放總量之60%以上,亦為本縣SOx與NOx主要排放源。因此於規劃本縣溫室氣體減量策略時,納入前述兩原則更形重要,結合空氣、水、廢棄物污染管制措施,進行全方位減量行動方案。有關溫室氣體管理指標訂定,本計畫參照國家永續發展指標之D-S-R架構來發展桃園縣溫室氣體管理指標系統,而指標項目則參考美國華盛頓州King County、加拿大City of Prince George之溫室氣體管理指標、行政院國家永續發展指標與台北市、高高屏區域、高雄市、高雄縣,以及桃園縣等永續發展指標項目,期中報告階段初步擬訂六大部門的22個主要指標、與31個輔助指標,並部分計算了2006年桃園縣溫室氣體指標結果。在桃園縣減碳白皮書研擬部分,蒐集國內節能減碳的現況、桃園縣基本概況和城鄉發展趨勢等相關資料,於分析後制定了白皮書的政策目標,以及初步研擬六大盤查部門的減碳方向和桃園縣環保局、城鄉發展處、交通處、工務處、工商發展處、水務處、農業發展處、觀光行銷處、教育處、社會處等10個局處的短、中長期減碳策略建議,並初步設計各局處之減碳策略調查問卷,另建構白皮書策略執行的推動參與機制,以供運作執行之參考。 Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Reduction Plan in Year 2008 The trend of reducing carbon and greenhouse gas emissions has become an important task of the current county team in order to fulfill the local government's point of view of greenhouse gas reduction plan. In addition, a comprehensive understanding of the initial emission characteristics and to control the emission sources to set specific greenhouse gas reduction in the implementation plan. Taoyuan County Government has been actively carrying out greenhouse gas inventory and reduction plan since year 2007. Moreover, this year, 2009, with the ever increasing motivation of the county plan objectives, various sections of the EPA reduction measures and cooperation mechanisms for the greenhouse gas have been focused and developed to achieve the reduction and control of greenhouse gas. By compiling the “Carbon Reduction Strategy in Taoyuan County", all the units in the county department should promote the greenhouse gas emissions strategy in the present and future such as, to analyze the greenhouse gas problem, to develop the solution, to focus the future expectations and prospects, as the references for the new initiatives planning. According to the Taoyuan County greenhouse gas inventory results in 2006, industrial was found as the main source to emit greenhouse gas which accounts 69% of emissions in Taoyuan County. Therefore, in this project, Taoyuan County Industrial Park greenhouse gas inventory, Taoyuan County Industrial Zone was selected as the greenhouse gas emission characteristics with detailed examination to understand structure and use of output, employment, population and industrial data emission intensity analysis, and analysis of various industrial areas and Taoyuan County between greenhouse gas emissions. Five major industrial areas in Taoyuan County were selected in this project. There are Ping-chen, Youth, Chung-li Industrial Park, Gueishan and Dayuan Industrials. The results showed that Chung-Li industrial zone has the highest greenhouse gas emission, whereas Youth, Chung-li Industrial Park, Gueishan and Dayuan Industrials. The results showed Youth, Chung-li Industrial Park, Gueishan and Dayuan Industrials. The results showed released the least greenhouse gas. However, in terms of energy efficiency, Gueishan Industrials had the lowest per capita emissions per unit output value among these industrial zones. As a result, different industries have different emission intensity per unit output value which showed different industrial energy efficiency. This project also established a baseline greenhouse gas inventory and database in Taoyuan County which based on the previous work results (2006), which assimilate the emission information from each sector, raw date sources and baseline data estimation to provide relevant data for references and future use. Besides, the database will be compared with the inventory of existing systems to explore and analysis the differences for national greenhouse gas inventory in the central authority. The results of residential and commercial sector in this project showed that a total of 121 residential and commercial sector as the main emissions sources. 23 schools were found as the highest main emission source, and followed by government offices, hospitals, office buildings, department stores discount stores, etc according to the build type classification. Top ten sources of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions with ordering were Taoyuan International Airport, National Central University, Tam-Kang Mall, Taiwan Mall Shopping Mall, National Nuclear Energy Center, the Pacific Sogo Department Store, Chung Yuan Catholic University, Yuan Ze University, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Lin-Kou and Taoyuan. Since there is no greenhouse gas inventory data at this moment, Ministry of Economic Affairs Non-manufacturing energy audit energy consumption statistical data was temporary applied to analyze. Hotels and storage of greenhouse gas emissions were found nearly 80 percent of greenhouse gas emissions were indirectly by the use of electricity, whereas 90 ~ 99% greenhouse gas emissions in majority of building are derived through the use of electricity.This project also plans to develop a reward system which proposes to set up a professional team to provide the carbon reduction solutions in order to help business and government departments to reduce carbon emissions and provide the best of carbon reduction methods. In addition, it also can assist to plan the economic incentive sand rewards for those participating business and government sector which able to enhance the residential and commercial sectors to reduce the greenhouse gas emission voluntary.As the estimation of forest carbon sequestration, this project focused on one of the native species in Taiwan - Taiwan fir, to estimate complete presentation and assuming planting density 2000/ha. The total growing stock for stand age and forest carbon sequestration, and the change of age trend showed 20 years of age when the total forest stock volume was 4.17 × 105 tones CO2e/ha, carbon absorption capacity of 4.64 × 105 tones CO2e/ha. If Taoyuan County has a total emission of greenhouse gases, 3.66 × 103 million tonnes as a benchmark in 2006, the 20-year-old Taiwan fir will be about 1.27% of the absorption for greenhouse gas emissions, whereby planning sustainable forest 1 hectare per year to 20 year in a cycle, thus it is believed that 20 years in a cycle will absorb approximately 12% of greenhouse gas total emissions, which does not consider the rotation and replacement of natural vegetation and other factors. Although overestimated absorption has its danger, but it still provide the performance of the forestry sector which contribute to greenhouse gas reduction. Although the forestry sector carbon uptake by the proportion is not much high, but compared to the improvement of industrial structure and energy consumption could cause the economic shocks, afforestation and carbon reduction.Two principles in the greenhouse gas emissions policy, Low-Carbon Economy and Co-Benefit are focused by European countries, United States and other countries. Low-Carbon Economy is an economy which has a minimal output of greenhouse gas emissions and focuses on the analysis of greenhouse gas emissions with the industrial structure and consumption patterns in order to promote sustainable consumption patterns and upgrade the industrial productivity. Therefore, it can achieve sustainable greenhouse gas reduction and win-win situation in economic development. Co-Benefit principle is designed to establish a good partnership to find the major sources of greenhouse gases and evaluate the environmental impacts. In addition, it also assists in enhancing and promoting private sector initiatives with capacity development and enhances the effectiveness of greenhouse gas reduction policiesIn Taiwan, it was found that the pollutant load per unit area of China (factory and the number of vehicles density) higher than other countries. Consumption of fossil energy was the main reason of this problem. According to the inventory reduction plan results in 2007, industrials released the highest values of energy use emission in Taoyuan County which accounted 60% of the total county emissions, and SOx and NOx were the main source of the emissions. Therefore, in planning the county greenhouse gas reduction strategies, this project includes the two important principles (Low-Carbon Economy and Co-Benefit) to conduct full-reduction action plan in air, water, waste pollution and control measures.This project follows national framework for sustainable development DSR greenhouse gas management system of indicators to set the targets of greenhouse gas management, and the management indicators are followed to the references from U.S. state of Washington King County and Canada, City of Prince George, sustainable development indicators of the Executive Yuan National sustainable development indicators, Taipei, Ping-Tung area, Kao-hsiung City, Kaoh-siung County, and Taoyuan County. In the mid-term report, the preliminary report calculated the greenhouse gas indicator results in six departments of 22 major indicators, and 31 auxiliary index, and some of Taoyuan County in year 2006.After collecting the domestic carbon reduction status, the development the carbon reduction in Taoyuan County with rural and urban development trends in the basic profile and other related information, this project develops short, mid and long term carbon reduction strategies to Taoyuan County Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Urban and Rural Development, Department of Transportation, Department of Public Works, Department of Business Development, Department of Water Supplies, Department of Agriculture, Department of Marketing, Department of Education and Social Service Agency Office. Besides, preliminary design toreduce carbon questionnaire and the implementation of the strategies to promote the construction and implementation of participatory methods will be referred as references. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台大慶齡工業研究中心
32121001 98年度彰化縣空氣品質改善維護綜合管理暨資訊整合計畫 98年度彰化縣空品不良僅發生9站日,指標污染物為懸浮微粒(PM10)有5站日,指標污染物為臭氧(O3)則有4站日,總計不良率為1.23%,為彰化縣歷年最低。顯示出各項空氣污染管制措施成效良好。考量彰化縣未來將有重大開發案陸續啟動,對於空氣品質影響衝擊將不可避免。所以必須擬定空氣污染防制策略以維護空氣品質。除要求開發單位落實環境影響評估承諾事項外,針對施工期間與營運期間必須分別擬定各種不同的管制策略,方能達成預期目標。此外,為達成環保署所制訂的空氣污染防制目標,並已提出固定污染源及移動污染源等短、中、長期的管制策略。臭氧已為我國主要的指標污染物。彰化縣雖為中部空品區唯一臭氧為二級防制區的縣市,但考量中部空品區與彰化縣臭氧生成前驅物質排放量將會增加,可能使得彰化縣臭氧品質惡化。因此今年度計畫採用網格模式(CMAQ)評估重大污染源的影響衝擊,並作為管制策略研擬之參考依據。 The Comprehensive Management of Air Pollution Improvement and the Integrated Information Control Project for Changhua County in 2009 In 2009, the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) value exceeds 100 is 9 station-days. There are 5 station-days for PM10 and 4 station-days for O3. The percentage of days with PSI>100 were 1.23% which the lowest over the years. That means the result of air pollutants control strategy is good.There have several large-scale development plans to start at Changhua in the future. It is necessary to work out control strategies to keep air quality. The First step requires the development unit have to do the best for their promise of protect measures in EIA. The second step evolves different control strategies to construct period and operation period. Besides, we draw up Short-term, Mid-term, Long-term control strategies for stationary sources and mobile sources in order to reach the air quality goals of EPA already.The major air pollutant of Taiwan is Ozone (O3). The Changhua is the only country that secondary level prevention area of Ozone in Central Air Quality Area. However, the total emission of ozone precursor matter will be increase in Central area and Changhua in the years to come. It is possible to drop the Changhua ozone quality. For the reason, this project takes the grid model (CMAQ) to estimate the impact of important sources. The results of CMAQ modeling also provide the ideas to lay down ozone control strategy. 098 彰化縣環境保護局 東禾工程顧問有限公司
32121002 98年度臺南縣空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫 依據「98年度臺南縣空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)合約規定,本計畫各項工作執行成果摘要如下:一、 環境負荷及變化趨勢(1) 本縣人口數為雲嘉南五縣市中最高,但95年後有逐年降低之趨勢,以永康市人口最多,目前臺南縣人口為1,102,096人,密度為547人/km2。(2) 臺南縣的工廠約6,102家,密度為2.8家/km2,自86年後有降低的趨勢,與本縣產業結構改變與經濟策略、景氣影響有關,目前本縣以以金屬製品製造業、機械設備製造業及塑膠製品製造業較多。(3) 南部科學工業園區自89年以來家數逐年增加,但98年開始趨緩,目前進駐273家。(4) 臺南縣汽車及機車密度各為143輛/km2及404輛/km2,汽車高於全國與雲嘉南平均,機車與全國404輛/km2相同,低於雲嘉南平均453輛/km2。96年後柴油車之成長已停滯。85~98年間機車成長率為55.2%,且無明顯停滯或減緩之趨勢,此一汽車衰退、機車成長之趨勢,可能與油價之提升及政府倡導節能減碳有關。(5) 本縣營建工地數自92年起大幅增加, 94年後開始減少,97~98又呈現成長,目前工地數為5,916處。(6) 本縣陳情案件比例中以工廠、燃燒行為及營建工程原因被陳情最多,有逐年上升之現象,估計與民眾環保意義抬頭有關。 二、 空氣品質現況及問題分析(1) 98年臺南縣空品不良比例為3.70%,低於目標5.41%,達成98年空品管制目標。與97年相比,進步幅度達38%,且各項數據都比97年優異,可能與98年度針對懸浮微粒之改善作法有關。(2) 懸浮微粒與臭氧污染之主因,應為氣候變遷、氣象狀況與大尺度嚴重污染,例如南科、六輕工業區。(3) 懸浮微粒不良比例由83~92年,從3.4%降至0.5%,在94~96年間於3.3~4.6之間;於98年降至2.46%,不良比例明顯呈降低趨勢。(4) 臭氧不良比例由83~92年,從0.4%增至3.3%,在94年降至2.3,95年3.3,96年又升至4.6;於97~98年明顯降低至2.05%,不良比例明顯呈降低趨勢。(5) 臺南縣以跨縣市與跨境傳輸對O3尖峰濃度之影響為主要貢獻源。O3濃度控制以面源優先。臺南縣人為PM10排放貢獻量以面源最大。O3 與PM10皆以跨縣市與跨境傳輸貢獻比例最大,管制策略應以面源為目標,尤其是裸露地之改善。三、 分析各類污染源排放結構依據TEDS 7.0排放量資料庫檢討更新結果,本縣97年點、線、面源之排放清單已更新,各類污染源之排放狀況如下:(一) 總懸浮微粒(TSP)TSP總排放量為34,726公噸/年,主要來自面源之排放。(二) 懸浮微粒(PM10)PM10總排放量為18,291公噸/年,主要來自面源與點源之排放。(三) 硫氧化物(SOX)SOX總排放量7,021公噸/年,絕大部分來自點源之排放。(四) 氮氧化物(NOX)NOX總排放量為30,248公噸/年,主要來自線源之排放。(五) 非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)NMHC總排放量為41,107公噸/年,主要來自面源之排放。(六) 一氧化碳(CO)CO總排放量為66,488公噸/年,主要來自線源之排放。 四、 檢討修正本縣空氣污染管制策略98年度各項空氣污染防制計畫管制目標與實際達成狀況,少數未能達成,主要原因為在計畫執行時訂定新目標,故並未在合約中,且目標訂定數量過多所致;但大致來說達成度頗佳。99年度訂定之各項空氣污染防制計畫工作也應可達成預期目標。建議未來大臺南市執行通用型、都會型及非都會型空品管制策略共108項。五、 99年度空氣品質管理特色目標及創新做法研擬規劃本計畫規劃99年度特色目標及創新做法共有三大項目,包括排毒專案、移污特定族群管制專案及沙塵暴或高懸浮微粒污染時期應變專案,其執行現況符合預定進度。六、 民眾滿意度問卷調查(一) 民眾滿意度問卷調查綜合而言,在政策宣導上是較為不足的;但污染感受上卻比97年進步。(二) 營建工地政風滿意度問卷調查調查結果在政風方面表現非常優良,且民意高漲,有超過8成民眾遇到索賄時會提出檢舉。 2009 Tainan County Air Quality Maintenance and Management Plan In accordance with the ITB of “2009 Tainan County Air Quality Maintenance and Management Plan” (hereinafter “Project”), the execution of each work item is summarized below:1. Environmental Burden and Trends(1) The shift in the activities in the past few years that cause air pollution results in the decrease in emission sources. In the period of 1996 - 2006, the population increased gradually in Tainan County, but since 2006, the population has been on decline. Presently, the population is around 1.1 million (or 547 persons per square km). (2) The number of factories has been decreasing since 1997. Currently, there are 6,102 factories (or 2.8 factories per square km). This has been contributed to by the changes in industry composition, economic policy and general business environment of Tainan County. The dominant industries include manufacturing of metal and plastic products as well as machinery.(3) There had seen increases in the number of companies in Tainan Science Park since opening, up to 2009 after which the growth has slowed down. Currently, there are 273 companies in Tainan Science Park. (4) The number of automobiles and motorcycles per square km in Tainan County is 143 and 404 respectively; while the latter is in line with national but lower than Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan averages, the former is higher than both national and Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan averages. Despite the higher-than-average automobile density and the average-to-lower motorcycle density, the growth of diesel trucks has come to a halt since 2007 whereas motorcycles have increased by 55.2% between 1996 and 2009 and shown no sign of slowing down. This trend may have resulted from the rise in petroleum prices and the promotion of energy savings by the government.(5) There have not persistent trends in the growth of construction in the past decade; it grew significantly between 2003 and 2005, dropped in the period of 2006-2007 and gone back up in the following 2 years. At present, the number of constructions is 5,916. (6) The majority of environmental pleas are factory, burning and construction related and have been on ascent. This may be contributed to by the increasing environmental awareness among the public.2. Air Quality Trends(1) The air quality has been improving in the past 3 years; in 2009 was seen the lowest poor air quality ratio in 5 years. The poor air quality ratio was 3.7% in 2009. which was under the control target 5.41%. The focus on improvement of the suspended populated matter in 2009, might have contributed to that progress. The main sources that cause poor air quality are suspended particulate matter and ozone pollution. (2) Suspended particulate matter and ozone pollution have mostly resulted from climate changes, meteorological conditions, mega developments such as Southern Science Park and No 6. Naphtha Cracking Plant, large-scale pollutant transport between counties, etc.(3) While the poor PM10 ratio dropped from 3.4% to 0.5% in the period of 1994-2003, it rose to the range of 3.3%-4.6%in 2005-2007 and then decrease to 2.46% in 2009. The PM10 improved significantly and the poor PM10 ratio dropped. (4) The poor ozone ratio increased from 0.4% to 3.3% in the period of 1994-2004; it dropped to 2.3% in 2005 but rose again to 3.3% in 2006 and 4.6% in 2007. In 2008-2009 was seen the decrease in the poor ozone ratio ( 2.05% and 1.23% respectively). (5) Based on the sources of pollution in Tainan County, controlling ozone concentrations and PM10 should start with area sources, followed by point and then line sources. Therefore, the control strategy in Tainan county should aim at area sources, in particular the improvement in naked land.3. Air Pollution Emission We have updated 2008 emission inventory based on TEDS-7.0, as follows.(1)TSP emission: 34,726 tons per year, originating mainly from area sources.(2)PM10 emission: 18,291 tons per year, originating mainly from area an line sources.(3)SOX emission: 7,021 tons per year, the majority of which originated from point sources.(4)NOX emission: 30,248 tons per year, originating mainly from line sources.(5)NMHC emission: 41,107 tons per year, originating mainly from area sources.(6)CO emission: 66,488 tons per year, originating mainly from line sources.4. Air Quality Management Strategy Review and Air Pollution Control Plan Modification Some of the goals in the 2009 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Plan have not been achieved. This is attributable to two factors. Firstly, during the execution of the plan, more goals were added. In addition, the number of goals might have been overambitious. Nonetheless, the overall achievement is more than satisfactory. The execution of the 2010 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Plan is expected to carry out as planned.We had been in discussion with the EPB as regards to the assessment of success of the 2009 Tainan County Air Pollution Prevention and Control Plan since the start of the execution, which was finalized after a few revisions and approved by EPB. Based on the approved criteria, the Air Purification Program was the best performer. The Air Source Allowance Program was the worse performer, due to slow progress. We suggested that Tainan city implement air quality control strategies separated into general, urban and rural type for a total of 108.5. Air Quality Management Strategies in 2010• Poisonous substance removal• Control of specific population of vehicles • Improvement of sand storm/ high concentration of TSP6. Survey of people satisfaction• Survey of public satisfaction with air pollution: in general, the public felt that there had not been enough promotion from the government but there had been less pollution than 2008.• Survey of public satisfaction with ethics of construction industry in Tainan County: the public awareness of ethics has greatly improved; more than 80% of people surveyed said that they would report bribery, should it happen. 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 立境環境科技股份有限公司
32121003 98年度雲林縣離島工業區揮發性有機物查核暨減量計畫 本計畫執行期程係自98年12月31日至99年12月30日止,共計12個月,主要工作項目包括:1.配置執行本計畫適切人力執行執行相關查核業務。2.執行設備元件稽查管制作業,其中元件稽查檢測至少50,000點次並至少需完成10製程及離島工業區列管元件數量20%之現場清點作業。3.至少完成固定頂式儲槽及外浮頂式儲槽各200座現場查核作業,且以連續自動監測儀器進行至少35座固定頂式或內外浮頂式儲槽揮發性有機物逸散量測作業。4.進行40個樣品數之廢氣燃燒塔廢氣成分檢測作業,以掌握廢氣燃燒塔之排氣組成。5.辦理離島工業區減量協談會議5場次,以製程改善、增設防制設備或廢氣回收為改善原則。6.協助執行污染源相關管理作業並配合本縣空氣品質惡化或重大空氣污染事件執行固定污染源之相關緊急應變措施。7.計畫開始執行日起10工作天內完成人員進駐,並完成工作人員職前教育訓練。8.若發生空氣污染緊急應變事故,得自行邀請專家學者提供諮詢並協助處理並配合本縣SIP計畫執行項目與本局工作檢討會。截至99年12月20日止,離島工業區內21家工廠已取得操作許可證之製程數有162個,設置許可證有8個,其中試車中而未取得操作許可證之製程數有3個(塑化麥寮一廠M35製程;台化海豐廠M11、M13製程),已完成規劃而在建廠中有2個(南亞海豐廠M06及長春石油M02製程),另外尚未建廠之製程則有27個,正式運轉製程數佔總製程數197的82.2%,試車中之製程數佔1.5%,兩者合佔全部製程數之83.7%。離島工業區各工廠排放口數為383根,儲槽則為1,853個,設備元件數1,759,572個(簽約時1,549,186),裝載場數量153座及廢氣燃燒塔44根。其中排放口數以南亞塑膠麥寮廠及台塑麥寮廠57根次最多,各占總排放口數的14.88%,其次以塑化麥寮一廠45根次佔總排放口數的11.75%。儲槽則以南亞麥寮廠的435座最多佔總數23.48%,其次以塑化麥寮一廠404座佔列管總數21.8%及台塑麥寮廠207座佔列管總數11.17%。設備元件則以塑化麥寮一廠的578,511個最多佔總列管元件數的32.88%,其次是台化海豐廠為244,523個元件佔總數13.9%及台塑麥寮廠234,340個元件佔總數的13.32%。裝載場部份以塑化麥寮一廠65座佔列管總數42.48%最多,其次以南亞麥寮廠24座佔列管總數15.69%及台塑麥寮廠17座佔列管總數11.11%。目前列管中的廢氣燃燒塔共44根,以塑化麥寮一廠9根佔列管總數20.45%最多,其次為塑化麥寮三廠及台化海豐廠各6根佔13.64%。本計畫執行期間具體工作成果包括;共完成完成87個製程的設備元件清點,其中單一製程全數清點完成之製程數共計有10個,累計清點數達320,766顆,佔簽約時之20.71%,查核期間共發現1,011個元件未建檔,其中未建檔之元件,以法蘭為最多,其次為開口閥及閥。設備元件共完成50,017顆稽查檢測作業,其中元件型式有法蘭(F)27930點、閥(V)14260點、開口閥(O)3564點、泵浦(P)327點、釋壓安全閥(R)98點、壓縮機(C)8點、取樣連接裝置(S)22點、其他連接頭(N)3773及鵝型管30點,另外還檢測4點管線,共發現12點濃度超過洩漏管制值10,000ppm,皆依法開單告發共查處180萬元。 紅外線影像氣體微漏偵測儀(FLIR)偵測作業,共完成25天次公私場所41個石化製程設備元件紅外線氣體成像儀之洩漏篩檢,其中發現16件洩漏。洩漏點中以管線洩漏佔最多,計有6件,佔46%;其次為閥,有5件,佔31%;法蘭洩漏則有4件,佔25%;泵浦有1件,佔6%。以洩漏流體區分,則丙烯5件最多;其次為有機廢水2件。儲槽法規符合度作業共查核了400座儲槽,其中外浮頂式儲槽40座、固定頂式儲槽360座,查核結果發現有4座固定頂儲槽違法,其餘列管396座儲槽皆合法,不合格率為1.01%。有機液體儲槽檢測作業,淨檢測值前三名分別為塑化輕油廠內浮頂儲槽TR54檢測濃度40,206ppm最高,其次依序為塑化烯烴二廠內浮頂儲槽T063的13625ppm,及台化芳香烴一廠固定頂儲槽T019的12724ppm,其餘32座儲槽淨檢測值皆未超過10000ppm。若以洩漏定義值2000ppm為洩漏判定基準,總共有13座儲槽最高淨檢測值大於2000ppm。此外,計畫執行期間35座儲槽量測中,最高淨檢測值低於2000ppm的儲槽共有22座,其中內浮頂式與固定頂式儲槽各佔一半;大於2000ppm之儲槽,固定頂式的有7座,內浮頂式也有6座,這顯示內浮頂式儲槽對於逸散濃度的抑制並未優於固定頂,業者一眛將固定頂式儲槽改制為內浮頂式,而不加強儲槽之洩漏維修管理實在值得商榷。廢氣燃燒塔排氣組成掌握方面共完成40根燃燒塔廢氣成分分析,發現含有甲烷者有14根,最高為塑化OL-3廠的P024、P023、P025,含苯者共有9根,最高為台化苯乙烯廠PL01的48.6%、其次為塑化輕油廠AR02的2.84%,含有氫氣者共有23根,最高為塑化輕油廠AR05的60.1%,其次為台化PP廠的49.5%,含有硫化氫者共有14根,最高為塑化輕油廠AR02與AR03的1.46%與1.08%。在硫化氫濃度檢測分析方面,本計畫執行期間發現塑化輕油廠AR02與AR03的燃燒處理前硫化氫濃度大於650ppm,因此於於99.10.20、99.10.25及99.10.28針對塑化輕油廠的燃燒塔AR03、AR05及AR06以管道中硫化氫採法(NIEA A406.71A)進行硫化氫檢測,其檢測結果均超過管制值皆依法告發。 This project involves an execution period that spans 12 months from Dec. 31, 2009 to Dec. 31, 2010. Main tasks include: 1. allocating adequate human power for executing related auditing affairs in this project; 2. carrying out the auditing and control of components, in which a minimum of 50,000 inspections of the components is to be conducted and the on-site counting of at least 10 processes and 20% of the controlled components in offshore industrial zones should be done; 3. Completing on-site inspection of at least 200 each fixed roof tanks and external floating roof tanks and measuring VOC emission in at least 35 fixed roof tanks or internal/external floating roof tanks using continuous automatic monitoring device; 4. conducting content tests on exhaust from flare samples in the number of 40 to comprehend the composition of flare exhaust; 5. holding 5 sessions of counsel on reduction in offshore industrial zones, based on the improvement principles of process improvement, setting up of more controlling equipment or exhaust recycling; 6. assisting in the execution of pollution source-related management and of stationary pollution source-related contingency measures during air quality deterioration or major air pollution incidents in this county; 7. completing the stationing of personnel within 10 days after the execution of project begins and carrying out advance training for staff; and 8. freely inviting experts to provide consultation and assist in handling in case of emergency of air pollution and cooperating on the executive tasks of the County’s SIP program and the Bureau’s work review meeting. Till Dec. 20, 2010, the number of processes that have been given operation permit in 21 firms in offshore industrial zones is 162 and that given installation permit is 8, of which 3 were in test run with operation permit pending (M35 process at Mailiao #1 plant of Formosa Petrochemical Corporation, M11 and M13 processes at Haihong plant, Formosa Chemical), 2 have finished planning and were constructing the plant (M06 process at Haifong plant of Nan Ya, and M02 process of Chang Chun Petroleum), while 27 processes were yet to build plant. Processes that are officially operating account for 82.2% of all 197 processes, and those under test run account for 1.5%; together they account for 83.7% of all processes. There are 383 discharge ports, 1,853 tanks, 1,759,572 components (1,549,186 at time of contract making), 153 loading yards and 44 flares in all plants in the offshore industrial zones. Nan Ya at Mailiao and Formosa Plastics at Mailiao combined have the most, 57, which accounts for 14.88% of all the discharge ports, followed by Mailiao #1 plant of Formosa Petrochemical Corporation, with 45, representing 11.75%. Nan Ya at Mailiao also has the most tanks, 435 of them, accounting for 23.48% of all tanks, which is followed by Mailiao #1 plant of Formosa Petrochemical Corporation, 404, accounting for 21.8% and Formosa Plastics at Mailiao, 207, which is 11.17%. Mailiao #1 plant of Formosa Petrochemical Corporation has the most components, 578,511 of them, which represent 32.88% of all controlled components, followed by Formosa Chemical at Haihong, 244,523, accounting for 13.9% and Formosa Plastics at Mailiao, 234,340, accounting for 13.32%. Mailiao #1 plant of Formosa Petrochemical Corporation leads in the number of loading yards with 65, which represents 42.48% of all controlled number, followed by Nan Ya at Mailiao with 24, which accounts for 15.69% and Formosa Plastics at Mailiao with 17, 11.11%. Currently of the 44 controlled flares, Mailiao #1 plant of Formosa Petrochemical Corporation has 9, accounting for 20.45%, Mailiao #3 plant of Formosa Petrochemical Corporation and Formosa Chemical at Haihong each has 6, which is 13.64%. Concrete results of execution of this project include the counting of components in 87 processes, of which 10 single processes were completed with all components counted, up to 320,766 components, representing 20.71% of the number at time of contract entering. During the inspection, a total of 1,011 components was found to be without filing and the majority of the unfiled components are flanges, open valves and valves, in the order of number. Inspection was made in 50,017 components, the types of which include flange (F) at 27,930 positions, valve (V) at 14,260 positions, open valves (O) at 3,564 positions, pump (P) at 327 positions, pressure relief valve (R) at 98 positions, compressor (C) at 8 positions, sampling connection (S) at 22 positions, other connector (N) at 3,773 positions and tube at 30 positions. Also, tests were conducted in pipelines at 4 positions and resulted in the finding of 12 positions with concentration exceeding controlled leakage of 10,000 ppm; these were subjected to penalty by law for a total of NT$1.8 million. Tests with infra red gas finder (FLIR) were conducted on 25 days at public and private places for leakage at 41 petrochemical process components and found 16 of them with leakage. Of the leaking positions, pipeline leakage was dominating, found at 6 positions, which represents 46%, followed by valve, at 5 positions, 31%, flange, at 4 positions, 25% and pump, at 1 position, 6%. Propylene and organic wastewater are the most common types of fluid leakage; the former was found in 5 cases and the latter 2.Inspections of legal compliance were made in 400 tanks, of which 40 are external floating roof tanks and 360 are fixed roof tanks, resulting in 4 fixed roof tanks found noncompliant. With the rest 396 tanks compliant, the noncompliance rate was 1.01%.In the testing of organic fluid tanks, the most severe three were the internal floating roof tank TR54 of Formosa Petrochemical Corporation Naphtha Cracking Plant with a concentration tested at 40,206 ppm, the internal floating roof tank T063 at Formosa Petrochemical Corporation #2 Olefins plant with 13,625 ppm and the fixed roof tank T019 at Formosa Chemical’s #1 aromatic hydrocarbon plant with 12,724 ppm. None of the remaining 32 tanks was found with testing over 10,000 ppm. If the benchmark for leakage is defined at 2,000 ppm, then a total of 13 tanks turned out with highest net test level above it. In addition, during the execution of this project, 35 tanks were measured and 22 of them were found with highest net values below 2,000 ppm, of which internal floating roof tanks and fixed roof tanks were equal in number; 7 of fixed type and 6 of internal floating type were above 2,000 ppm. This indicated that as the inhibition of concentration of emission in internal floating roof tanks was inferior to that in fixed type, the practice of changing from fixed roof tanks to internal roof type by factories without strengthening the maintenance and management of tank leakage is an issue. Exhaust analysis was conducted in 40 flares to understand the composition of exhaust. Methane was found in 14 flares, the highest being P024, P023 and P025 at Formosa Petrochemical Corporation’s OL-3 plant; benzene was found in 9 flares, the highest being PL01 at Formosa Chemical’s Styrene plant with 48.6% and AR02 at Formosa Petrochemical Corporation Naphtha Cracking Plant with 2.84%. hydrogen was found in 23 flares, the highest being AR05 at Formosa Petrochemical Corporation Naphtha Cracking Plant with 60.1%, and Formosa Chemical’s PP plant with 49.5%; hydrogen sulfide was found in 14 flares, the highest being AR02 and AR03 at Formosa Petrochemical Corporation Naphtha Cracking Plant, 1.46% and 1.08%, respectively. In respect of analysis in hydrogen sulfide concentration, the AR02 and AR03 at Formosa Petrochemical Corporation Naphtha Cracking Plant were found during the execution of this project with pre-burning concentration higher than 650 ppm; hence tests were conducted on AR03, AR05 and AR06 of the same plant by in-duct H2S sampling (NIEA A406.71A) on Oct. 20, Oct. 25 and Oct. 28, 2010. All failing to meet the controlled level, the test results were brought to legal proceeding. 098 雲林縣環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
32121004 98年度勘察我國廢棄物輸出境外接受國處理及管理情形 鑒於國際上日益關注嚴格控制有害廢棄物及其他廢棄物之越境轉移,我國目前依現行「廢棄物清理法」第三十八條規定,凡有關事業廢棄物與國際公約列管之一般廢棄物之輸入、輸出、過境、轉口等皆納入管理,並明定廢棄物禁止輸入相關規定。而環保署自91年開始7年間持續勘察廢棄物輸出境外接受國處理廠,以了解跨國境運送行為及處理情形。本年度計畫針對美國及中國進行勘察,包括World Resource Company鳳凰城處理廠、Sabin Metal Corporation Scottsville處理廠、Xstrata Recycling(Noranda Sampling,Inc)處理廠、連雲港得寶金屬實業有限公司、增城市聯達五金廠、清遠市金運再生資源有限公司、湛江天恆有色金屬有限公司、青海雲興工貿有限公司、天津富勝金屬製品有限公司、瀋陽華瑞釩業有限公司等十家處理機構,執行目標包括勘察我國歷年輸往境外處理之有害事業廢棄物、在國外處理機構接受處理情形、二次污染防治情形及過去操作營運相關記錄。另接受國處理機構所在地環保主管機關過去對於該機構之管理情形,亦為本計畫執行之重點。本計畫完成重要成果包括: 1. 完成勘察美國及中國等十家處理機構之處理情形,評估境外接受國之處理廠接受處理情形、二次污染防治情形及過去操作營運相關記錄,提出後續勘察與管理之重點。 2. 完成彙整國內合格輸出機構及廢棄物輸出狀況,以研析歷年國內事業廢棄物輸出趨勢。 3. 完成勘察接受國處理機構所在地環保機關對於過去相關有害廢棄物處理機構之管理情形,並探討我國廢棄物輸出入政策及許可辦法,及參考國內外對廢棄物輸出入政策及許可辦法之不同,提出修正我國有害廢棄物輸入輸出之具體建議。 4. 完成評析我國歷年主要輸出境外處理之有害廢棄物之處理及營運管理情形,提供環保署即時檢討國內相關法規修訂,使管理方式配合國際公約規定。 5. 本研究歷經七年境外勘察發現各國中央環保單位主要係負責法律政策, 由於考慮其執行層面之一致性,故變動較少,地方環保單位主要負責督導、稽查及管制,對所轄之廢棄物處理機構了解最深,然而對幅員廣闊之歐盟、美國及中國而言,各地方環保單位對廢棄物輸入處理管制流程與處理機構之輔導稽查所採取之策略差異頗大,其中本次勘查美國對人員訓練、健康檢查、文件管制與追蹤管制良好,足堪其它地區之環保單位與處理機構借鏡,而中國近年電腦化文件管理已有進步,各項國際認證(如 ISO9001,ISO14001)及環境監測、教育訓練、勞工健康檢查、環保設施操作以及相關廢棄物進出資料記錄建檔等文件和操作記錄管制仍有改善之空間,因此於未來勘察之重點可側重於處理機構對人員訓練、健康檢查、文件管制與追蹤管制、處理機構之污染防治及環境監測之情形。 6. 持續了解接受國之有害廢棄物之管理策略,與加強有害事業廢棄物輸出之追蹤查訪,確認廢棄物確實依法妥善處理。 Transboundary movement inspecting to the treatment facilities of waste-export accepting country in 2009 The international community is much more concern with the strict control of hazardous and other wastes by cross border transfer. In accordance with existing regulation clause no.38 in the “Waste Disposal Act”, all wastes imported, export and transit, should meet international conventions requirement on waste management, also make the control of waste import regulations. EPA continues to propose to wastes recipient countries to know the transnational transfer and treatment criteria for 7 years, ie, since 2002. The purpose of this year’s project is to visit and investigate how Taiwan’s exported wastes are treated in the treatment plants of foreign countries (i.e., United States and China). Ten foreign plants were visited this year. They are World Resource Company, Sabin Metal Corporation Scottsville, Xstrata Recycling(Noranda Sampling,Inc), Lian-Yun-Gang Depot Metal Industrial Co., Zeng-Cheng-Shi Lian-Da hardware Co., Qing-Yuan Jin-Yun recycling Co., Zhan-Jiang Tin-Heng non-ferrous metals Co., Qing-Hai Yun-Xing Industrial Co., Tian-Jin Fu-Sheng Matal Co., Shen-Yang Hua-Rui. vanadium industry Co.. During each visit, the waste treatment and pollution prevention capabilities as well as the operation records of each visited plant are examined and evaluated. Besides the treatment plant, its local environmental authority was also visited to confirm the performance of each plant. The main results of this year’s project are listed as follows:1. Ten waste treatment facilities in United States and China were visited to investigate their waste treatment and pollution prevention capabilities as well as the past operation records, and to bring up the key point of the following investigations and managements.2. Complete of the analysis of current waste exporting trend in Taiwan by knowing the domestic waste exporting organizations and their exporting situation.3. Completion of the analysis of waste management policy performed by foreign environmental authorities. The comparison between Taiwan and foreign country’s waste management law, suggested for the revision of Taiwan’s waste importation and exportation.4. Completion of the assessment of Taiwan exporting waste’s treatment and management situation. This study also proposes a law revision to enable Taiwan waste management law to comply with international convention. 5. After seven years carry out of this project, It is found that the central environmental agency primarily responsible for and legal policy, due to take into consideration the consistency of its implementation level, nearly no changes of policy, local environmental agencies primarily responsible for supervision, inspection and control, the best knowing of the local facilities, however, the vast of the European, the United States and the China, about local environmental agencies to control wastes input processes and institutions of the strategies adopted by counseling inspectors varies widely, United States in survey personnel training, health checks, document control and tracking control are good, enough for other environmental agencies learn. China in recent years, computer-based document management has been progress, the international certification (eg ISO9001, ISO14001) and environmental monitoring, education and training, health examination, environmental protection and waste facility operators and related access to data records and operational records and other documents on file with the control is improvement, in the future, this project could focus on treatment plants for personnel training, health checks, document control and tracking control, treatment facilities pollution control and environmental monitoring of the situation.6. To Continuously understand the management strategy of hazardous waste of recipient countries, and to enhance, trace and examine the exportation of hazardous waste, to ensure they are properly treated under current laws. 098 廢管處 國立台北科技大學
32121005 98年度臺南市營建工地污染管制查核計畫(環保局) 台南市「98年度營建工地污染管制查核計畫」期末報告撰寫內容上,12個月由委辦單位理虹工程顧問股份有限公司協助環保局執行台南市轄境之營建工程稽巡查管制、管理辦法查核、營建空污費徵收、宣導作業等工作,所有工作項目皆依規劃進度執行完成,詳細之工作內容及成果則分述於各章節中。隨著空污費的徵收邁入了第十三個年頭,在營建工程空污費申報作業上由申報導向轉為強調民眾對於申報品質的滿意導向,今年度持續著重於人員整體服務品質的加強。現階段摘要成果條列如下:1. 充實空污基金方面,統計自98年6月19日至99年5月31日為止,本市營建工程空氣污染防制費新徵收件數1,507件、收繳46,222,852元,並每月執行催辦,催收後到繳率達100%。2. 管制面上,隨著營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法的施行(以下簡稱管理辦法),除以分級巡查、到場輔導等行動方案,推動工地主動做好污染防制及道路認養等工作外,更投入人力逐步清查轄內一、二級工地,第一級工程查核率達合約規定100%、第二級工程查核率達合約規定90%,總體營建工程管理辦法之查核率為八成五。3. 計畫巡查記錄,巡查共完成3,758處次,其中零缺失佔91%,現場無重大污染情形;污染情形有缺失佔了9%。並依據查核結果提報稽查管制,計畫期程內共計提報336處次。複查防制措施設置改善情形約有九成八。4. 巡查管制污染量估算結果,計畫執行12個月所須管制之營建工程污染總逸散粉塵污染排放量為9,739公噸,經現場管制掌握污染8,993公噸,將本市每年在1,000處左右的工程施工狀況下,由掌握較大污染量之工地逐月安排最佳管制對象及策略亦能有九成的管制效力。5. 針對本市重大或屢遭陳情之營建工程進行營建工地周界粒狀污染物(TSP)檢測40點及施工機具進行含硫量檢測30件,除一處TSP檢測超過法規標準已提報環保局告發,其餘皆符合標準。6. 設置空污費與相關規費之便利商店代收系統,上線至今已開出1,200餘張繳費單,初步統計有六成實行便利繳繳費。7. 推動道路洗掃認養方面也盡量以大型工程為優先推動之對象,經多月的洗掃成效查核,發現營建工程認養其週邊道路是維護環境、減少粒狀空氣污染物很好的作法之一,累計執行道路認養共計166處,累計總洗掃街里程為12,566公里。TSP污染物共削減713公噸、PM10削減32.7公噸。8. 整合宣導作業的執行上,則強調環保署頒布之管理辦法及新制空污費制度的推廣,在協助廠商瞭解、適應的前提之下,透過文宣的製作、電子化宣導的建置、以及配合已辦理2場次之大型宣導說明會及8場次協商會,一則深入瞭解工地問題,要求落實管理辦法,二則協助廠商解決污染,請工地重視環境問題。9. 辦理營建工地評鑑:依據「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」暨彙整稽巡查之記錄,建立營建工地之評鑑基準指標,並邀請專家學者針對本市第一級、第二級工地,分別進行優良營建工地評選,並於6/10公開表揚優良之各級工地共六處。10. 整體營建工程污染減量的部分,計畫執行年總逸散粉塵之削減率為60%,削減TSP共1,637公噸。 以歷年排放情形可以看出,本計畫成效較歷年為佳,削減率已逐年提升,足以呈現環保單位對營建工程管制策略,獲得累積的成效。 Abstract In compiling the content of the end of the period report on Tainan City’s “2009 construction sites’ pollution control audit plan”, over the 12 months the underwriter Cosmostek Engineering Consulting Company, Limited has been facilitating the Bureau of Environmental Protection to execute the Tainan City jurisdiction’s construction projects roaming inspection control, audit the management measures, levy the construction air pollution fee, and campaigning work, where all working categories have been completed as per the planned scheduled, with detailed content of work and results described in relevant sections and chapters. With the Air Pollution Fee system moving toward its thirteenth year, and as the declaration of the air pollution surcharge has been shifted toward emphasizing a satisfaction-oriented declaration quality as demanded by the general public, the current year’s work emphasizes specially on stepping up the personnel’s overall service quality. A summary on the current stage’s results is as follows,In the area of strengthening the air pollution fund, statistics covering the period from June 19, 2009 to May 31, 2010 shows that the city’s new levy cases of the construction Air Pollution Fee system1. air pollution prevention surcharges total to 1,507 cases, which collect a total of $46,222,852, complete with dunning implementation on a monthly basis, with the remittance ratio following the dunning efforts tallied to 100%.2. In the aspect of monitoring, following the induction of the construction projects’ air pollution and treatment facility management measures (hereinafter referred to as the Management Measures), the program covers more than the classified roaming inspections, onsite counseling action plan to promote the sites’ voluntary action on pollution prevention and roadway adoption work, but additional manpower has also been injected to steadfastly inspect level-1 and level-2 construction sites within the jurisdiction, where level-1 project audits are 100% compliant to the contractual stipulations, and level-2 project audits are 90% compliant to contractual stipulations, with the audit ratio tallied at 85% according to the overall construction projects’ management measures.3. Of the project roaming inspection records, a total of 3,758 roaming inspections have been completed, of which those found with zero deficiency account for 91%, where no state of major pollution has been found on site; those with some state of pollution account for 9%. The audit results have also been used to enlist for audit control, and within the project period, a total of 336 construction sites have been enlisted and reported. The subsequent inspection finds the state of improvement on pollution prevention facility at approximately 98%.4. Of the estimated results of the pollution volume control by roaming inspection, with the total volume of permeable powder dust of construction projects that needs to be monitored over the 12-month project implementation period set to 9,739 tons, the onsite monitoring has grasped the pollution of 8,993 tons, and under the circumstances where the city has around 1,000 or so of constructions being done per year, by selecting the optimal control subjects and strategies for grasping construction sites with greater pollution volume has been able to demonstrate 90% of the control yield.5. Of 40 spots checked for TSP concentration around the peripheries of construction sites at construction projects throughout the city that have repeatedly been reported of complaints and of 30 cases of sulfuric content screening inspections on construction machinery and equipment, except one location that has the TSP concentration screened to exceed the legal standard that has been reporting to the Bureau of Environmental Protect, the rest have been found to meet the criteria.6. Following the induction of convenience stores’ payment processing system for the air pollution surcharge and other relevant regulatory fees, of more than 1,200 fine and payment slips issued thus far since the system is inducted online, an initial statistics shows that 60% of the remitters have chosen to pay the fees through the convenience stores.7. In promoting the roadway hosing and sweeping adoption, it also broaches from large-scale projects as the priority subjects of promotion, and through audits of hosing and sweeping over several months, it is found that having construction projects adopt their surrounding roadways is one of the fine methods of maintaining the environment and cutting down the granule air pollutants, with the number of roadway adoptions totaling 166 spots, and a cumulative street hosing and sweeping mileage of 12,566km. There is a total reduction of TSP pollutants by 713 tons, and PM10 of 32.7 tons.8. In the execution of the integrated campaigning work, it emphasizes on the management measures promulgated by the Environmental Protection Administration and the promotion of the new Air Pollution Fee system, which airs to facilitate the operators to understand that under the requisite of adaptation, the production of campaign literature and the instilment of an electronic campaign, coordinated with two large-scale campaign presentations and eight sessions of coordination meetings, have been sought, on the one hand, to gain in-depth understanding of the site problems by demanding the operators to enforce the management measures, and on the other hand to facilitate the operators resolve pollution, and urge the sites to emphasize the environmental issues.9. Staging the construction site evaluation: A set of construction site evaluation criteria and indicators have been instilled by referencing the “Construction Site’s Air pollution Prevention Facility Management Measures”, and by sorting the roaming inspection records, together with retaining experts and scholars to conduct excellent construction site evaluation on level-1 and leve-2 sites separately, and an open commendation has been held on June 10 to honor a total of six construction sites on various levels.10. In terms of the overall construction pollution volume reduction, the reduction of permeable powder dust in the project implementation year totals to 60%, with a reduction of TSP totaling to 1,637 tons.As can be told from the state of discharge over the years, the project’s results are found to be superior than the previous years, with the reduction ratios to be steadily improving, which suffices to demonstrate that the environmental protection authorities’ control strategies on the construction projects have received compound effects. 098 台南市環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司
32121006 空氣微粒暴露評估方法建立及驗證 暴露評估是歐盟空氣污染研究計畫的核心部分,主要探討的議題之一為中央測站所收集的資料是否能夠代表空氣污染物對居民或族群(population)的真正暴露,本計畫將延續前期計畫「空氣污染物暴露評估規範先期規劃」之結果,並參考歐盟空氣污染研究計畫之相關環境採樣方法,建立一個空氣微粒(PM2.5)室外微環境監測網,以不同季節之長短期微環境採樣並結合土地利用迴歸模式(Land use regression model; LUR)與地理資訊系統(GIS)方法學,來推論如何使用這些資料,以增加我們對於中央測站量測資料與人群暴露間之關係的瞭解,及進行相關之社區居民之微環境空氣污染暴露評估方法建立與驗證。此外,我國目前亦正在研擬細微粒(PM2.5)之空氣品質標準,為了擬訂PM2.5之空氣品質標準,必須先了解各污染來源及其貢獻度,因此本研究將擬於第二、三年進行微粒金屬成分、無機鹽類以及微粒碳成分分析方法,並以受體模式(receptor model)來了解各污染來源及其貢獻度。 Establish and Verify the Methodology for Exposure Assessment of Particulate Matters Exposure assessment is the core part of the European Union air pollution study. One of its main research topics is whether the information collected by central monitoring stations can represent true population exposures to air pollutants. To better answer this question under current situations in Taiwan, this project will build up a PM2.5 microenvironmental monitoring network, based on our previous project of "Developing criteria for conducting exposure assessments of air pollutants ", as well as the standard operating procedures in the European Union air pollution study. Both long- and short-term outdoor PM2.5 micronenvironmetal samples will be collected in different seasons. Land-use regression models (LUR) and Geographic Information System (GIS) methodology also will be employed for data analyses. Furthermore, the air quality standard for fine particles is currently being developed in Taiwan. In order to set up a reasonable standard for PM2.5, it is important to first identify the related sources and their contributions. During the second and third years of this project, the analytical methods for measuring metals, inorganic salts, and carbon components of PM2.5 will be tested. Receptor models will be applied to analyze the source contributions of PM in one urban area in Taiwan. 098 空保處 國立臺灣大學
32121007 室內空氣品質標準檢討及自主管理診斷機制建立與推動 室內空氣品質政策為近年政府所關切的重大議題之一,因此標準的訂定與完善的自主管理制度建構也為政府的重要施政目標。而為減少未來室內空氣品質管理法執行上的疑慮,本研究團隊針對現行建議值的適用性與否進行探討,並同時就各類場所之優先管制次序進行分析,並藉由專家技術提供場所室內空氣品質之管制參考與咨詢服務。此外,由於現有生物性指標結果變異性大,因此本研究團隊也建構完整的生物性污染調查流程表及初步評估其他生物性指標之替代性。最後,由於甲醛為重要室內污染物且量測不易,本研究亦針對較簡易之甲醛量測法進行評估。 The indoor air quality policy one which of significant subjects is concerned for the recent years government, therefore standard scheduling with consummation independent control system construction also for government's important administration goal. But for the reduction in the indoor air quality control law execution's anxiety, this research team or not will carry on the discussion in the future in view of the present suggestion value's serviceability, simultaneously and first will control the order on each kind of place to carry on the analysis, and will provide control of reference and the advisory service the place indoor air quality because of the expert technology. In addition, because the existing biological target result changeability is big, therefore this research team also constructs the complete biological pollution survey flow sheet and appraises vicariousness of initially the other biological target. Finally, because formaldehyde for important indoor pollutant, and the gauging is not easy, this research also aims at the simple formaldehyde gauging law to carry on the appraisal. 098 空保處 社團法人台灣室內環境品質學會
32121008 98年度南投縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證計畫 本計畫主要內容為進行南投縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作,並協助處理民眾土壤或地下水污染陳情案件,持續掌握南投縣現階段土壤及地下水污染狀況。本計畫除既有南崗工業區13口、鹿谷-清水地區3口及集集隘寮地區3口監測井外,於南崗工業區監測井自強二路11-133-F-013周遭亦設置3口地下水標準監測井、鹿谷-清水地區(BH03)設置1口地下水簡易井,共計23口地下水監測井進行豐、枯水期採樣檢測作業。土壤採樣檢測作業則於鹿谷-清水地區(原921廢棄物貯置場)場內及場外擇定3處進行土壤採樣作業,另於集集鎮隘寮地區原有3口監測井附近進行土壤採樣作業。(一) 南崗工業區自強二路三氯乙烯污染範圍的掌握及污染源的研判本計畫地下水監測結果,自強二路11-133-F-013檢測出三氯乙烯超過地下水污染管制標準約1.6倍(98年8月)、1.1倍(99年2月)及1.4倍(99年3月),而逢成工業11-133-F-016和新設之自強三路圓環M00046及輝達國際內M00047皆測得微量三氯乙烯,並未超過管制標準;綜合本計畫及歷年調查成果,三氯乙烯污染範圍應侷限在安順公司周邊,未擴散至工業區西方及南方。此外,藉由問卷調查及地下水流方向研判昌憲公司、泰億機械、旻鉅公司及逢成工業總廠為地下水三氯乙烯較可能之污染來源。(二) 鹿谷-清水地區地下水質污染源的研判於原921廢棄物貯置場,進行場內及場外土壤採樣作業並設置1口地下水簡易井,由於場內已有3口地下水監測井,故於場外下游處設置1口,除持續監測場址污染狀況外,另可評估該場址地下水污染範圍。地下水監測結果顯示總有機碳、氨氮、總溶解固體物及氯鹽超過地下水污染監測基準;土壤檢測結果,鹿谷-清水地區土壤並未受到921廢棄物棄置之影響,土壤重金屬檢測項目均底於土壤污染監測基準及管制標準。(三) 集集鎮隘寮地區土壤及地下水調查結果根據過去及本次地下水監測結果,除氨氮超出地下水污染監測基準外,其餘地下水檢測項目皆未超過地下水污染監測基準,且本次集集隘寮地區土壤檢測結果,各檢測項目均低於土壤污染監測基準及管制標準。(四) 民眾陳情緊急應變調查成果本計畫共計3次緊急應變,分別為草屯鎮坪頂里地下水緊急應變、南崗工業區地下水重金屬鉻污染之虞監測工作及南投市永興堆置場土壤緊急應變。草屯鎮坪頂里養雞場下游5口民井及1處蓄水池地表水檢測結果,各監測井以鄰近上游養雞場之1號民井,其氨氮及錳超過地下水污染監測基準,另外2號民井及5號民井則為錳超過地下水污染監測基準;南崗工業區內監測井NK07於97年測得地下水重金屬鉻超過地下水污染管制標準,故配合環保局於監測井NK07鄰近之地下水井(民井)進行採樣檢測作業,檢測結果地下水中重金屬鉻均為ND(低於方法偵測極限),顯示NK07附近之民井未受污染。南投市永興堆置場土壤緊急應變土壤XRF篩測結果,土壤中重金屬濃度無異常或偏高現象,初步排除土壤受重金屬污染。(五) 公告列管場址污染源查證南投縣列管農地主要位於南投縣牛運堀段,為查證污染來源及瞭解農地污染場址現況,本公司進行現勘及訪談作業,得知場址周圍過去設有磚窯工廠,製程中使用之釉料含有鉛粉,與該場址土壤污染物相同。初步研判,研判場址周遭之磚窯廠應為農地污染之主要污染源。(六) 法規宣導說明會成果分別於99年2月3日辦理「土壤及地下水污染整治法第八、九條指定公告事業法規宣導」及99年3月17日辦理「加油站法規宣導」,多數業者認為說明會內容充實,對於內容、簡報資料等也多給予正面的肯定。 soil and groundwater quality This project starts from June 1st, 2009 to April 30th, 2010. Its main goal is to understand the soil and groundwater quality in Nantou County and investigate the situation of TCE pollution in Nangang industrial parks. This project scope covers soil and groundwater monitoring and investigation and assistance in emergency response for soil or groundwater cases, and so on.This project is mainly to assist Nantou EPB in investigating groundwater quality of high potential polluted areas, such as the TCE pollution in Nangang industrial parks, Lugu-Cingshuei area and Jiji area. To achieve so, we installed 3 monitoring wells in the TCE polluted area and 1 temporary well in Lugu-Cingshuei area. The groundwater monitoring results in this project are similar with the previous ones, which means total dissolved solid, ammonia nitrogen, Chlorite and TOC exceed EPA monitoring standards. The soil investigation results in Lugu-Cingshuei area and Jiji area show that all the samples are under EPA monitoring standards. In addition, we found that the concentration of TCE in Nangang industrial parks (11-133-F-013) exceeds EPA control standards, and the range of the TCE pollution is limited around Anshun Company.Based on the results mentioned above and other information gathered during investigation, we suggest Nantou EPB install monitoring wells in the factories located in the upstream area of Anshun Company's groundwater in the project of 2010, e.g. Taiyi Machine Company and Minju Company, in order to include or exclude alleged factories that cause pollution.3 cases of soil and groundwater contamination emergency response of this project were accomplished, and the results are as following: (1) The investigation of groundwater from the resident wells in Caotun Town, the results show that the concentrations of manganese and NH3-N are over EPA monitoring standards. (2) The information EPB provided shows that chromium of NK07 monitoring well has exceeded EPA control standards in Nangang industrial parks for several times, so based on the result mentioned above, we sampled groundwater from the resident wells nearby NK07 monitoring well. The results show that there is no significant impact on the groundwater observed. (3) In April of 2010, we also executed the investigation of soil contamination on landfill areas in Nantou City, and selected 6 soil samples as well as screened by XRF. All the analysis results are under EPA standards.In June, 2001, it was found that lead was above the EPA control standards on agricultural fields at Niuyunjue Section 28-15 and 32-6, etc (11 sites). In order to investigate the origins of pollution and understand the present situation of those polluted farmlands, we, therefore, surveyed and interviewed the residents in this locality, and found that those areas were nearby the brick factories, which brought lead a great quantity, few decades ago.Last but not least, we have also hold 2 announce seminars referred to soil and groundwater regulations respectively on February 3rd, and March 17th, 2010. In detail, these seminars are regarding gas stations, article 8th, 9th of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act and the related regulations. The main result indicates that 95 % of participants understand and are satisfied about the seminars. 098 南投縣政府環境保護局 澳新科技股份有限公司
32121009 98年度屏東縣提昇世運期間空氣品質暨溫室氣體減量策略計畫 本計畫執行期程為98年3月23日至98年12月31日止,依照合約原定各項工作進度期程執行至今,相關執行成果摘要說明如下:一、世運會期間空氣污染管制措施規劃推動本縣於世運期間管制作業推動成效包含世運期間大型工地全面停工、第七河川局暫停河川疏浚工程、6家大型固定源簽訂空品不良緊急應變事件承諾、協調固定源10場次於世運期間進行歲修、與高雄縣市進行聯合稽查、檢測等作業,已達成稽巡查714處次之整體管制目標與世運期間空品不良率0 %目標。整體管制成果包括:執行加強稽巡查達781處次、告發7件次,掃街9,538.1公里、洗街1,479.5公里,車輛管制14,104輛次,簽訂自主減量及空污應變承諾168家,整體空氣污染物削減量為325.215公噸(分別為TSP:297.899公噸、SOx:0.311公噸、NOx:1.075公噸及NMHC:25.93公噸)。各執行作業之減量效益彙整,可見粒狀物管制中,以營建工地停工及道路洗掃成效最高,對於空品影響也較大,而其他污染物部分露天燃燒管制、機車抽驗及固定源歲修減量成效較大,惟對空品影響較不明顯。二、推動室內空氣品質管理作業1.推動建立自主管理制度與CO2巡檢本計畫於8月3日召開1場次自主管理宣導,以問卷調查分式進行20家輔導對象之遴選,已於10月底前協助20家場所完成自主管理制度之建置及CO2之巡檢。受輔導單位之CO2巡檢結果,除恆春南門醫院(醫寮區域) CO2檢測濃度皆超過第一類場所建議標準值600 ppm,其餘各場所CO2檢測濃度皆低於第二類場所建議標準值1,000 ppm。2.室內空氣品質檢測作業本計畫已於10月底前完成5家次室內空氣品質檢測作業,包含大學院校圖書館、飯店、辦公大樓、大型量販店及百貨公司等場所,其中大學院校所屬第一類場所,其餘均為第二類場所。除大學院校圖書館所測得之CO2濃度719 ppm,高於室內空氣品質草案之第一類場所建議標準600 ppm;及百貨公司所測得之細菌濃度1,910 CFU/m3,遠高於第二類場所建議標準1,000 CFU/m3,其餘各場所檢測項目之濃度均符合法規建議值。3.室內空氣品質污染案件彙整分析在本年度20家次室內空氣品質自主管理及CO2巡檢過程中,現場並無察覺室內空氣品質污染情形。透過屏東縣政府環保局稽查科相關陳情資料顯示,目前屏東縣轄內並無室內空氣品質相關陳情案件,考慮外部污染源影響室內空氣品質之狀況,主要污染來源為商業行為(餐飲業油煙臭味)、燃燒行為(燃燒塑膠物品臭味)及其他行為(養豬臭味)。針對部份環境用藥在室內空氣品質短期之影響,今年度衛生局共施行7次噴藥作業,目前已減少噴藥次數,非必要時不進行噴藥,主要加強居家環境積水容器清除,抑制病媒蚊孳生源,以徹底消滅登革熱疫情。三、溫室氣體減量行動規劃相關研究資料及政策方向蒐集屏東縣2007年度溫室氣體排放總量約為588.27萬公噸,以運輸部門排放量191.06萬公噸(佔32.48%)為最高,其次為住商部門排放量為164.96萬公噸(佔28.04 %)及工業部門排放量為148.67萬公噸(佔25.27 %),廢棄物部門及農業部門之排放量約佔總排放量之7.26%和6.94%,而本縣人均排放量為4.96公噸/人,與國內現有可蒐集之縣市排放資料比較,相對而言排放貢獻較低。依據本縣排放特性及狀況,本計畫除完成住商部門、運輸部門、工業製程和產品使用部門、廢棄物部門及農業部門等部門溫室氣體減量措施及行動之規劃,亦完成縣轄內7大局行政部門管制措施及成效之彙整。四、推動溫室氣體減量宣導1.辦理溫室氣體管制教育訓練及節能競賽活動本計畫已於5月4日邀集縣政府各單位,召開「清淨家園綠色生活網(Ecolife)網站暨節能減碳系統操作說明會」,說明年度配合環保署考評之推動狀況。配合年度考評作業之推動,擬定「屏東縣政府2009年節能減碳競賽活動」,協助環保局於7月22日辦理1場次節能競賽說明會。2.配合推動環保署年度節能減碳作業及宣導會議辦理配合環保署推動之節能減碳十大宣言簽署及『節能無悔、牽手減碳』抽獎活動,本計畫已協助環保局自98年4月份起至12月份,共計完成24場次相關活動之辦理,宣導對象遍及政府公部門成員、學校師生、村里長伯、美化助理員及社區民眾。3.辦理溫室氣體管制成效優良單位之觀摩會經與環保局討論後,今年度觀摩會因故順延至12月9日及12日10日舉辦,參訪地點為澎湖縣,以該縣富有盛名之空氣品質淨化區措施-青青草原,以及風力發電、自行車道等在節能減碳及在生能源使用上,具有貢獻之管制措施為觀摩標的。4.補助本縣10個社區或村里推廣節能減碳配合環保署98年4月18日提出「節能減碳村里動員-全國村(里)簽署評比活動」,申請補助之 10個社區均已完成辦理1場次節能減碳宣導活動,並檢附活動簽到簿及活動照片提出補助申請。五、建議1.強化縣政府各行政機關對溫室氣體議題之認知及對管制方案之參與建議未來可加強對各局處之教育、訓練及更深入之輔導,使各局處能儘早具備規劃、整合及管考其自身溫室氣體管制策略之能力,藉由永續會、局處交流或整合會議之召開討論,帶動各局處跳脫行政作業及權責界定之窠臼,並針對(1)強化各級主管認知、(2)各項推動措施由相關局處共同討論更細部推動作為及(3)成立溫室氣體管制作業推動相關之輔導團,提出推動建議。2.縣轄各排放源基本活動資料之掌握(1)推動各局處之盤查及排放量建置建議對各局處之排放量進行更細部之區分調查或建置本身之量化架構,進而確認各行政部門所屬之排放量,作為行政單位管制減量方案推動成效之評量依據。(2)可考量逐步納入各部門別排放源實際盤查資訊及細部統計資料,進行清冊修正本計畫已建立本縣之整體排放量估算原則及類別,以本縣整體能源使用進行估算,尚無法細部切分各排放源之真實狀況。建議後續可視本縣各類別排放源盤查清冊之建立狀況或細部資料取得狀況,適度的修正現階段之推估原則,真實呈現溫室氣體排放量。(3)排放清冊建議於討論確認後,取得相關國際機構(如ICLEI)之認可本縣已於今年度成為ICLEI之會員,該組織以推動相關協助各城市建立所屬行動方案之計畫,如城市氣候保護計畫(Cities for Climate Protection,簡稱CCP),建議可善用此資源,將本縣排放量推估,甚或行動方案推向國際化。3.加強教育、宣導及推廣,將有助於提高因應管制措施之推動成效在教育及宣導作業之推動,建議應涵蓋所有排放部門,依各排放部門特性及管制訴求為宣導推廣主題。4.推動生態旅遊或低碳旅遊,持續打造琉球無碳島建設處於98年9月推動「琉球鄉生態交通系統規劃」專案,試行推動電動車租借、清潔燃料或電動巴士等低污染運具,開啟「無碳社區」之打造。建議未來能配合低碳旅遊及對島上能源使用狀況之評估、改造,朝向低碳或無碳島之目標邁進。5.配合環保署欲推動之室內空氣品質自主管理標章制度,持續推動輔導作業本年度已完成對於縣轄內20家次主要公共場所之輔導,建議明年度持續追蹤受輔導單位之辦理情形,協助取得標章。在檢測經費有限狀況下,屏東縣目前只規劃5場次室內空氣品質檢測作業,背景資料較為缺乏。未來,希冀能收集彙整更多屏東縣各類場所檢測數據,建立屏東縣完整室內空氣品質資料庫。 The maintenance the air quality during the periods of the World Games and greenhouse gas mitigation Plan in Ping-Tung County. Although there are less numbers of pollution sources and emissions in Ping-Tung County than those in Kaohsiung County and Kaohsiung City, the air quality in Ping-Tung County is still not good. The 8th World Games were held in Kaohsiung city and participants were estimated up to 5994 in 2009. To maintain the air quality during the periods of the World Games and to match up the enforce of Greenhouse Gas reduction legislation (draft) in the future, it was necessary to drive relevant work. The project’s main work included the guidance and assistance of stationary source, greenhouse gas emission inventory, planning the greenhouse gas mitigation strategy and promoting of indoor air quality voluntary program. The major goals of this project contained two parts, to maintain the air quality during the periods of World Games and to put the strategy of greenhouse gas reduction into action. During the 8th World Game, pollution control measures including suspending of major construction sites and large stationary sources, committing of emergency event response for large stationary sources in air pollution episode, joint inspection with Kaohsiung city and Kaohsiung county, were taken. Ping-Tung County met its “no episode” goal as a result of all the efforts and reduced 325 tons total air pollutants emission during the World Game. We conducted the greenhouse gas emission enventory. The emissions of Ping-Tung county were 5582.7 thousand tons in 2007. The major emission source was transportation department (32.48%). The second was residential and commercial departments (28.04%) and following the industrial department(25.27%),the waste department (7.26%),agriculture,forestry and other land utilization department(6.94 %). We also draft the greenhouse gas control strategies for all emission departments.To drive the self-manangement Program of Indoor Air Quality in public infrastructure, the project called for a meeting to illustrate the program in the beginning. Thus we had help 20 buildings to make their own Indoor Air Quality self-manangement Program. And we also completed the indoor air quality analysis for 5 buildings including a library in college, a hotel, an office building, a shopping mall and a department store in accordance with the analysis measures published by Environmental Protection Bureau. The result showed that the indoor air quality in library and department store exceeded the recommended standard and the other sites met the recommended standard. 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司
32121010 98年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫空氣污染夜間陳情案件處理計畫 本計畫年度各項作業執行至98年12月31日,共計受理及協助陳情案件稽查共986件,以及完成陳情複查、一般及重點等稽巡查計636件,共計1,622件,達成本年度目標之162.2%,各項工作執行成果詳如表摘-1,執行成果摘要說明如下:一、陳情案件受理與稽查績效計畫執行期間共受理陳情案件986件,包括了空氣污染(異味)271件、露天燃燒151件、營建工程33件、噪音案件477件、環境衛生43件。其中以噪音案件數居首,佔總陳情案件數之48.4%,其次為空氣污染(異味)陳情案件佔27.5%。統計上述受理陳情案件至陳情現場所需花費時間平均18.0分鐘;值班期間受理之465件陳情案件中,有64件受理時間影重疊,若剔除不列入統計則所受理陳情案件至陳情現場平均花費時間縮短為15.0分鐘。98年共計受理986件陳情案件,其中72.1%的陳情人表示不須回覆,而未留下聯絡方式。另28.0%的陳情人留有聯絡電話,其中完成回覆並完成滿意度調查計241件,陳情人表示滿意度達90.0%,顯示多數陳情對本計畫處理陳情案件之結果表示肯定。二、歷年屢遭陳情案件分析及追蹤改善情形彙整93年度至98年度累計遭民眾陳情3次以,且於98年持續有發生陳情之案件共計22件,其中近3年內屢遭陳情者計有3處。篩選98年累計陳情超過3次者,計有18處,包括被陳情空氣污染 8處、噪音 9處、露天燃燒1處。按照陳情次數、產生污染之可能性及綜合稽查結果,據以排定持續追蹤或列為次要追蹤之對象,安排複查行程,累計已完成151處次的複查,結果均未發現有污染或違規事實。三、固定污染源一般性巡查作業針對固定污染源進行稽巡查,計完成126家次之巡查,查核結果均未發現有違規情形,其中本年度列管名單中計輔導1家汽車維修業裝設防制設備,以減少空氣污染,其他稽巡查之公私場所即要求加強防制設備保養維護。四、露天燃燒巡查作業成果針對列管15處露天燃燒管制地點,共完成重點巡查167處次,進行一般性巡查計79件次。於重點巡查過程中發現3處露天燃燒情形,由巡查人員主動將污染源及時撲滅,降低污染產生。五、陳情案件後續追蹤管制成果針對陳情案件督促及限期改善案件共計41件,包括空污異味陳情18件,營建工程陳情3件,及噪音陳情20件,除營建工程已完工2處、已歇業或遷移2家,以及1件攤販油煙陳情案件甫於10月30日完成稽查,仍限期改善中之外,其餘案件皆以完成追蹤複查,並督促完成改善。六、其他提升巡查管制成效作業1.露天燃燒制高點觀察成果選取本市露天燃燒重點區域,建立9處制高點進行觀察。累計完成觀察89處次,共發現2處次露天燃燒污染情形,均及時撲滅污染源。2.配合SIP計畫執行空氣品質不良時期管制措施本計畫於接獲空氣品質不良通報時,均加強執行上述管制措施,執行期間共計加強執行空污稽查53處件次,結果均未發現有空氣污染情形,相關查處結果案作業程序規定於翌日上午10時整前傳送予SIP彙整後提報環保署。七、空氣污染削減成果統計露天燃燒改善案件共計53件,推估可減少露天燃燒負荷68.7公噸,並使各項空氣污染物之削減量為懸浮微粒(TSP)計606.27公斤、硫氧化物(SOx)3.75公斤、氮氧化物(NOx)140.99公斤、一氧化碳(CO)4,706.39公斤、總碳氫化合物(THC)849.60公斤、非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)939.14公斤。 98 year Chiayi air quality improvement maintenance plan the time interval air pollution impeachment case processes the plan at night The plan execution to December 31, 2009, total accepts and the assistance impeachment case examines altogether 986, as well as completes the reporting reexamination, general and key and so on checks does an inspection idea 636, total 1,622, achieve 162.2%th plan target, carries out the achievement abstract explanation to be as follows:First, the impeachment case accepts with the examination achievementsPlan execution period altogether accepts impeachment case 986, included the air pollution (unusual smell) 271, open burning 151, to build project 33, noise case 477, environmental sanitation 43. And by the noise case number primarily, accounts for 48.4%th total case number, next (unusual smell) accounts for 27.5% for the air pollution.Counts above accepts the impeachment case to spend the time average to scene is 18.0 minutes; On-duty period accepts in 465 impeachment cases, some 64 accept the time shade to overlap, if the rejection does not include the statistics to accept the impeachment case to report the scene equally to spend the time reduction is 15.0 minutes.In 2009 total accepts 986 impeachment cases, 72.1% offense reporters expressed that cannot reply, but has not left behind the contact way. Another 28.0% offense reporters leave leeway the talk-back, completes replies and completes the degree of satisfaction investigation to count 241, the offense reporter expressed that the degree of satisfaction reaches 90.0%, the demonstration most offense reporters to result of expression affirmation this plan processing case.Second, all previous years suffer the impeachment case analysis and the tracing improvement situation repeatedly2004 year to 2009 year accumulations suffered the populace to report 3 times by, and continued in 98 years to have case of total 22 reporting, in near 3 years suffered the offense reporter idea to have 3 repeatedly. Screens 98 year accumulation reporting to surpass 3 times, the idea has 18, including is reported the air pollution 8, noise 9, open burning 1. According to the reporting number of times, has possibility and the synthesis examination result the pollution, according to sets up traces either lists as object of continually the secondary tracing, the arrangement reexamination traveling schedule, the accumulation has completed 151 inferior reexamination, the result discovery has not had the pollution or the contrary fact.Third, the fixed source of pollution generality does an inspectionCarries on view of the fixed source of pollution checks does an inspection, the idea completes 126 to be next does an inspection, to check the result discovery not to have the contrary situation, this year row tube name list intermediate total counsels 1 automobile Uygur to study at school to install against system equipment, reduces the air pollution, other check do an inspection the public and private place are the request strengthen against system equipment maintenance maintenance.Fourth, the open burning does an inspection the work achievementControls the place in view of the row tube 15 open burnings, altogether completes key does an inspection 167 times, carries on the generality to do an inspection the idea 79 instances. In the process discovered that 3 open burning situations, suppress promptly by the doing an inspection personnel, reduce the pollution production.Fifth, impeachment case following tracing control achievementBy a set time improves case total 41, reports 18 including the air pollution unusual smell, builds project 3, noise 20. Eliminates builds the project to finish 2, to close down business or to migrate 2, and 1 stall keeper lampblack, already completed the reexamination, and supervises to complete the improvement.Sixth, other promotion do an inspection to control the result work1. in high place observation open burning control achievementSelects this city open burning key region, establishes 9 high places to observe the place. The accumulation completes 89 times, altogether discovered that 2 open burning pollution situation, promptly suppresses the source of pollution.2. coordinates the SIP execution air quality bad when controls the measureWhen receives the air quality bad notification, strengthens the execution control measure, execution period total strengthens the execution air pollution to examine 53 times, the result discovery has not had the air pollution situation, the investigation result transmitted according to the stipulation before previous day 10:00 am gives SIP.Seventh, air pollutant decrement achievementCounts open burning improvement case total 53, pushes estimates may reduce the open burning to shoulder 68.7 metric tons, and causes each item of air pollutant to reduce the quantity is: TSP 606.27 kilogram, Sox 3.75 kilogram, NOx 140.99 kilogram, CO 4,706.39 kilogram, THC 849.60 kilogram, NMHC939.14 kilogram. 098 嘉義市政府環境保護局 竫豐工程企業有限公司
32121011 98年度新竹縣頭前溪及鳳山溪流域生態治理區域水質監測暨成效評估計畫 本計畫於新竹縣頭前溪竹東河段高灘地第1、2、3、4、5期生態治理區等區域執行水質、水量與底泥之監測;另外,於於新竹縣頭前溪竹東河段高灘地生態治理區域及鳳山溪左岸麻園堤防段高灘地生態治理區域等區域執行生態治理區各池內及其週邊50公尺內辦理動植物種類、分佈及數量之調查。生物調查共執行三季之調查分析,分別於夏季(5~7月)、秋季(8~10月)及冬季(11~12月)各執行一次。三季調查成果共記錄60科143種維管束植物,並發現有台灣火刺木(臺東火刺木)以及台灣芋蘭兩種為稀有植物;陸域生物調查鳥類12目27科47種,哺乳類4目6科9種,兩棲爬蟲類3目9科15種,蝶類及蜻蛉類共2目8科35種;水域生物調查魚類共記錄4目7科16種,底棲生物5目8科10種,水棲昆蟲5目10科1801隻次,浮游性動物10種,浮游性藻類5門27屬44種。比較96、97年度的水陸域生態調查結果,整體上物種的數量有增加趨勢,因此可推估生態治理區在營運期間,生態環境漸趨穩定,植被豐富度逐漸增加,也吸引更多的生物到治理區中棲息與覓食。底泥調查歷時六個月,各池原本深度僅介於40至120公分之間,其中累積量較大為各期的A池及中興、北大排兩河道,於調查期間皆已累積20至30公分之底泥,因此若要避免底泥累積造成陸化,或是影響到各個池體排水路與水閘門之運作,建議依照不同池體需求於每3~6個月進行底泥清除作業,以維持生態治理池的功能。頭前溪1~5期人工濕地原始設計之處理BOD去除率為16%,而本年度1~6月計畫執行前監測之BOD去除率平均為65%,7~12月計劃執行時監測之BOD去除率平均值為43%、氨氮為60%、總磷為56%、懸浮固體為38%,發現除了總磷去除率與設計值接近外,其餘之各水質項目尚有改進空間,但也有可能是因為當初規劃設計時之污水量與污染程度較高,與現況有差異所導致之結果。以河川污染程度指數(RPI)發現各期生態治理區的水質指數均有明顯改善的現象;而河川水質指數(WQI)除了第三期以外,其餘生態治理區的水質指數均有明顯改善的現象。由於人工濕地去除污染物有其限度存在,其污染物濃度不會隨時間一直降低,而是趨近一定值。根據人工溼地污染削減的一階動力學計算得知頭前溪1、2期生態治理區其k值介於0.43至1.83之間,而3、4期生態治理區其k值介於-0.42至0.24之間,第5期生態治理區k值則介於-1.13至2.36之間。在成果展示與教育宣導方面,本計畫建置頭前溪與鳳山溪之生態治理網頁;並設計印製頭前溪生態公園解說摺頁2,000份,以及辦理生態公園巡守隊之培訓,目前已有39位當地民眾成為頭前溪生態公園巡守隊的一員。而為擴大參與效益,本案於98年10月24日環保局所舉辦之節能減碳宣導活動暨頭前溪竹東生態公園員崠段啟用典禮活動當日同時舉辦本案之成果展示與教育宣導,共有近千人共襄盛舉,成果豐碩。 098 新竹縣環境保護局 弘益生態有限公司
32121012 98年度「加強移動性污染源-機車排放空氣污染物稽查管制計畫」 瑩諮科技股份有限公司承接臺北市政府環境保護局衛生稽查大隊「98年度加強移動性污染源-機車排放空氣汙染物稽查管制計畫」,自98年4月22日執行至99年4月21日止,茲將本計畫目前工作成果摘要如下: 一、稽查作業(一)攔檢作業:截至民國99年4月21日為止,本項工作已完成8,236輛次。不定期檢驗機車中,合格輛次為6,573輛,合格率為79.8%,不合格輛次為1,663輛,不合格率為20.2%。檢驗不合格機車均要求限期改善完成,逾期未回覆之機車已分批進行告發。(二)巡查夾單巡查作業執行地點涵蓋臺北市各重要道路、學校、社區及商圈、加油站等車輛聚集地,巡查作業共計完成125,760輛次,57,723輛次回檢,回檢率為45.9%。 (三)車牌辨識本年度車牌自動辨識系統共計拍攝機車81,373輛次,篩選設籍臺北市未定檢機車進行通知計有6,100輛,並規劃針對不同之未定檢族群,所安排稽查模式如下:1.尖峰通勤族2.跨縣市橋樑3.外縣市回饋未定檢車籍(四)移動式定檢車服務本計畫開始執行即設置移動式機車排氣檢驗站2站,以作為服務各大專院校及社區民眾實施機車定檢之用,並配合定檢站外移,執行宣導服務。98年度共計服務797輛未定檢機車。二、定檢通知行政作業計畫執行期間,共辦理未定檢二次通知製作及寄發作業226,001份,經定檢資料比對結果回檢車輛數為109,158輛次,回檢率48.3%。三、其他行政工作其他行政工作則包括98年6月26日於客家文化會館,辦理稽查人員教育訓練會及99年3月4日於內湖運動中心辦理期末研討會,皆邀請環保署長官及環保局同仁共同參與。 The performance period of the project is from 4/22, 2009 to 4/21, 2010. The followings are what have been done: 1.To inspect project(1).block checkThe block check has been implemented and 8,236 motorcycles have been checked with the tube insertion. 1,663 of them did not pass the test. (2).Patrolling guidanceThe location for implementation covers the major roads, schools, communities, shopping districts and gas stations in Taipei City for holidays patrol. there have been 125,760 motorcycles involved in the patrolling guidance, and 57,723 motorcycles have been returned for checking. (3).Automatic Vehicle Identification SystemAt the end of April-2010, total of 81,373 vehicles have been shooting, and for the inspection of vehicles available at Taipei City . Total send 6,100 copies reminders inspection notice and nearly 45.9% finished for examining.(4).inspectionThe location for implementation covers the major roads, schools, communities, shopping districts and gas stations in Taipei City for holidays patrol. The achievement for the guidance and other administration include holding nine checking services in universities and colleges for 797 motorcycles. 2.Sending inspect notices to motorcycle ownersIt has been planned to send the second 226,001 notices to the non-check motorcycles of this city. After the notices have been sent, 109,158 motorcycles have been returned for checking. After deducting the returned letters, the rate of return for checking is 48.3%. 3.Auditors trainingA training class, including orientation, working methods and job arrangement was provided to the auditors. The auditors who complete the training are expected to execute their job with a higher standard. 098 台北市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32121013 98年度宜蘭縣柴油車污染管制及排煙動力計操作檢測計畫 摘 要一、計畫介紹計畫名稱 98年度「柴油車污染管制及排煙動力計操作檢測計畫」執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司計畫期程 98年9月1日至99年8月31日期末報告修正稿統計期程 98年9月1日至99年8月31日計畫執行經費 陸佰壹拾肆萬玖仟元整計畫主持人 艾文健 職稱 經理 電話 02-8511-0701#31專案經理 張秉華 職稱 專案經理 電話 02-8511-0701#28檢測站站長 陳豐明 職稱 站長 電話 039-907548依據交通部統計月報資料顯示,截至99年7月底為止,本縣大客車及大貨車總設籍數已達4516輛次,小型柴油車亦約達10901輛次,此外在國道5號通車後所帶來之龐大車流量,尤其是高架平原段,已對本縣空氣品質造成程度不一的影響,因此針對行駛於縣內柴油車輛排放污染物的管制工作,需持續加強進行,並構思如何要求轄區內柴油車輛皆參與自主管理及保檢合一措施,以利在稽查人力有限情況下,有效加強柴油車納管比率,並持續列管行經本縣且設籍外縣市之柴油車輛,本計畫契約期程,自98年9月1日起至99年8月31日止,共計約12個月,期末報告修正稿統計期程,自98年9月1日至99年8月31日止,在人力及設備的投入情形如下表所示,共計投入常駐本站檢測人力6名(其中1人負責檢驗通知案件及文書處理業務),另本計畫執行各工作項目,所需之儀器及設備如下表所示。 二、執行人力及設備項次 項目 合約要求 目前執行 備註1 檢測人數(含文書處理及行政助理) 6 6 2 檢測電腦軟硬體(式) 1 1 3 電腦含列表機設備(套) 3 3 4 無線電話組(組) 1 1 5 有線電話(含傳真機功能) 1 1 6 轉速計、大氣壓力計、溫度計(套) 1 1 7 通訊傳輸網址(個) 1 1 8 柴油車煙度計(台) 2 2 9 汽油車排氣分析儀(台) 1 1 10 機動車輛噪音計(台) 1 1 11 風速計(台) 1 1 12 油品比重計(台) 1 1 13 車主呼叫鈴設備(套) 1 1 14 油品比色表(組) 1 2 15 油品採樣設備(式) - - 採抛棄式16 專屬網站架構設備(式) 1 1 17 筆記型電腦(台) 1 1 18 監控錄影設備(套) 1 1 19 數位攝影機(台) 1 1 20 車牌辨識系統(套) 0 1 21 稽查公務車(台) 2 2 三、執行進度說明本計畫期中報末報告定稿本資料統計期程,自98年9月1日至99年8月31日止(計畫期程:自98年9月1日至99年8月31日止),各項工作目標之執行進度如表1。表1 工作項目執行進度表工作項目 年份 98年 99年 總計 達成率(%) 月份 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 一 柴油車不定期檢驗 預計 100 100 150 150 150 50 150 150 150 150 150 50 1500 100 實際 90 111 179 138 141 93 276 257 173 126 82 43 1709 二 路邊攔檢無負載檢測 預計 0 70 70 130 80 30 100 80 80 80 80 0 800 100 實際 0 84 57 147 88 25 120 64 77 108 35 0 805 三 站內油品送驗 預計 5 5 15 15 10 5 10 10 10 10 0 0 95 100 送驗數 4 4 17 15 11 10 10 10 9 5 0 0 95 四 站外油品送驗 預計 5 5 10 15 25 20 10 25 20 20 0 0 155 100 送驗數 7 7 10 16 19 20 14 26 22 14 0 0 155 五 使用中車輛噪音管制 預計 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 100 實際 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 六 問卷調查作業 預計 50 50 150 150 150 50 150 150 150 50 50 50 1200 100 實際 48 52 140 160 150 115 186 149 100 100 58 0 1258 七 非法油品不定期查緝 預計 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 48 100 實際 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 48 八 重要路段車流量彙整 預計 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 100 實際 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 九轄內汽柴油銷售量彙整 預計 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 100 實際 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 十 NOX檢測作業 預計 30 30 30 10 30 60 10 200 100 實際 27 31 33 15 21 64 14 205 十一 自行車推動及大眾運輸資料彙整 預計 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 100 實際 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 十二 專屬網頁更新維護 預計 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 100 實際 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 十三 柴油車減量成效評估 預計 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 100 實際 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 十四 蘇澳港自主管理作業 預計 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 100 實際 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 十五 芳香烴化驗作業 預計 5 5 100 實際 5 5 表1 工作項目執行進度表(續)工作項目 年份 98年 99年 總計 達成率(%) 月份 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 十六 營建工地聯合稽查作業 預計 ※ ※ ※ ※ 4 100 實際 ※ ※ ※ ※ 4 十七 蘇澳港區評鑑會議 預計 ※ 1 100 實際 ※ 1 十八 北縣排煙站相關性測試 預計 ※ 1 100 實際 ※ 1 十九 烏賊車檢舉案件審查 預計 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 100 實際 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 二十 台中縣排煙站觀摩 預計 ※ 1 100 實際 ※ 1 二十一 低污染車輛資料移交 預計 ※ 1 100 實際 ※ 1 二十二 大型客貨運訪談作業 預計 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 5 100 實際 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 5 二十三 TAF認證維持 預計 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 100 實際 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 二十四 停車熄火反怠速推動 預計 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 100 實際 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 12 二十五 排放量管理推估作業 預計 ※ ※ ※ ※ 4 100 實際 ※ ※ ※ ※ 4 二十六 提昇車主服務滿意措施 預計 2 2 100 實際 4 4 二十七 檢測站綠美化作業 預計 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 6 100 實際 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ 6 二十八 港區車牌辨識系統架設 預計 ※ 1 100 實際 ※ 1 二十九 保險及保全作業 預計 ※ 1 100 實際 ※ 1 表1 工作項目執行進度表(續)工作項目 年份 98年 99年 總計 達成率(%) 月份 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 三十 期前及期中末報告 預計 ※ ※ ※ 3 100 實際 ※ ※ ※ 3 四、執行成果為持續管控本縣轄區內,柴油車輛所造成之污染排放,本計畫於98年度計畫中,在柴油車污染管制部份,藉由透過持續進行車輛保檢合一宣導、提昇柴油車納管率、不定期路邊稽查管制、積極輔導業者參與自主管理及主動到檢、落實檢測不合格維修改善等措施,以有效提昇本縣之空氣品質狀況,進而逐年降低老舊柴油車輛設籍數及粒狀污染物排放總量,本年度亦達成以轄區各主要柴油車類別進行區分管制,如轄區大型貨運業者、利澤焚化爐廠區、鄉鎮公所公務車、蘇澳港區及軍事用車等,此外本年度並針對取得國道5號客運營運權之業者,包括首都客運、葛瑪蘭客運及國光客運,要求進行主動到檢之管制對策,檢測合格車輛並發放當年度檢測合格標籤以供識別,以督促客運業者落實維修保養,亦持續控管縣內各型柴油車輛所排放之污染物,以期藉由民眾陳情烏賊車檢舉、路邊攔檢不合格、目視判煙通知到檢及外縣市移入案件通知檢測等方式,通知有污染疑慮之柴油車限期至排煙站進行檢測,並運用相關儀器設備針對柴油車輛所衍生之硫氧化物及氮氧化合物等,進行抽驗管制;在油品抽測化驗部分,則從到檢車輛油箱中隨機採樣並分析含硫量濃度,以管制含硫量超過標準之非法油品,此外,亦針對有不合格疑慮之油品樣件,針對芳香烴是否超過管制標準進行送驗,以利多元化評估後續管制策略及方向,截至99年8月31日為止,主要工作執行量化成果分述如下: (一)柴油車排煙動力計檢測作業本計畫自98年9月1日至99年8月31日止,柴油車到驗共計有1,996輛次,其中馬力比不足退驗者有229輛次,轉速不足退驗者有58輛次,故實際完成污染度排煙測試共計有1,709輛次,排煙檢驗之污染度結果不合格者共計89輛次,檢測平均不合格率為5.2%。合約數量 完成檢測數 馬力比不足退驗數 轉速不足退驗數 不合格率1500輛 1709輛 229輛 58輛 5.2%(二)目視判煙稽查作業本計畫自98年9月1日至99年8月31日止,共計完成15,610輛次目視判煙稽查作業,經嚴密篩選後共計已發單807輛次,其中接獲目視稽查檢驗通知單後,已至排煙檢測站完成檢測共計675輛次,其中檢測結果不合格者共計有34輛次,目視判煙通知到檢平均不合格率為5%。(三)不定期路邊攔檢作業為加強管制路邊行駛之柴油車輛之污染排放,本計畫預定完成縣內不定期路邊攔檢作業800輛次,自98年9月1日至99年8月31日止,共計完成執行路邊攔檢805輛次及廠站排測服務87輛次,其中路邊攔檢共計121輛次檢測不合格,平均檢測不合格率達15%。合約項目 合約數量 執行數量 達成率路邊攔檢 800輛 805輛 100%廠站排測服務 0輛 87輛 --(四)油品採樣化驗作業在油品採樣化驗部分,本計畫預訂完成250件油品採樣化驗作業,自98年9月1日至99年8月31日止,共計完成檢測站內抽查1,358件,完成送驗95件,另站外採樣805件,完成送驗155件,總計油品化驗共計已完成250件,總計共有3件含硫量油品分析報告超過標準,將依法進行告發裁處,另本計畫共計已收取之5件芳香烴化驗報告,皆符合現行法規標準。合約項目 合約數量 抽查數量 送驗數量 達成率站內採樣化驗 100件 1358件 95件 100%站外採樣化驗 150件 805件 155件 100%芳香烴化驗 5件 102件 5件 100%總 計 255件 2265件 255件 100%註:芳香烴化驗單位:台旭環境科技中心股份有限公司(五)機動車輛噪音檢測作業為加強控管轄內車輛噪音源,本計畫自98年9月1日至99年8月31日止,共計配合3週次宜蘭縣警局夜間噪音稽查防飆作業,分別於縣內重要路段等地點,針對改裝車輛予以攔查,執勤時段主要為例假日夜間或凌晨,本計畫另已針對環保署民眾陳情改裝車輛噪音檢舉資料庫案件,分批進行通知噪音量測作業,共計已完成到站檢驗41件。合約項目 合約數量 執行數量 達成率噪音測試 不定期配合 3週次 100%民眾檢舉通知到檢 環保署專案資料庫通知 12月 100% (六)問卷調查作業為有效瞭解到驗車主等對象,對於目前柴油車管制的觀感及成效,截至99年8月31日止,共計完成1258份問卷調查統計作業,進度達成率為100%,藉由進行問卷調查之統計分析,以利擬訂後續管制方向及相關策略。合約項目 合約數量 執行數量 達成率問卷調查 1200份 1258份 100%(七)非法油品不定期查緝作業為有效管制並預防縣內非法油品使用,本計畫每週不定期至梗枋過磅站、南方澳漁港及烏石港等,進行非法油品查緝作業,現場除現勘並予以記錄外,遇可疑事項亦隨即進行通報,本計畫自98年9月1日至99年8月31日止,共計完成執行48週次非法油品不定期查緝作業,進度達成率為100%。合約項目 執行數量 達成率48週 48週 100%(八)轄內汽柴油銷售量彙整為瞭解本縣每月汽柴油銷售量,與空氣品質變化是否有相關性,並瞭解國道5號通車後,例假日外縣市龐大車潮,是否對本縣空氣品質造成影響,故本計畫針對縣內全數加油站,每月汽柴油銷售量進行數據彙整,並針對銷售量變化情形進行分析。合約項目 執行數量 達成率12月 12月 100% (九)氮氧化合物(NOX)檢測作業為掌控柴油車輛之NOX污染排放及與其它污染物之相關性,本計畫自98年9月1日至99年8月31日止,共計完成執行205輛次NOX檢測作業,進度達成率為100%。合約項目 合約數量 執行數量 達成率柴油車NOX檢測 200輛 205輛 100%(十)自行車推動及大眾運輸資料彙整為積極提暢本縣民眾能夠更加多元化瞭解縣內自行車路網及相關資料,本計畫除與宜蘭縣體育會自由車委員會,進行密切聯繫互動外,亦於該會辦理活動時,派員向民眾及騎士加以宣導縣內自行車道綿密路網,以鼓勵民眾多騎乘自行車,截至99年8月31日止,本計畫共計配合舉辦6場次縣內自行車騎乘相關會議及活動,另本計畫亦針對大眾運輸工具承載人數按月予以彙整,進而換算替代使用燃料之機動車輛之污染減量成效。合約項目 執行數量 達成率不定期配合 6場 100% (十一)柴油車污染管制專屬網站建置更新為加強民眾對於柴油車污染管制及相關服務項目瞭解程度,並便利民眾查詢相關最新資訊及查詢預約檢測系統,本計畫建置通過行政院研考會無障礙認證AA等級專屬網站供民眾查詢,除每月維持AA等級之網頁認證外,亦定期提供相關環保新知及法令宣導,藉以吸引民眾及車主的點閱率及瀏覽次數,強化本項作業整體服務效益。合約項目 執行數量 達成率12月 12月 100%(十二)柴油車污染減量成效評估由於執行柴油車污染管制最主要目的,在於達成減量效益,主要減量來源為通知到驗檢測數及不合格維修複驗合格數,截至99年8月31日止,本計畫皆已按月將執行減量成效,提報予SIP計畫彙整。合約項目 執行數量 達成率12月 12月 100%(十三)蘇澳港自主管理作業本年度持續推動港區柴油車輛主動到檢作業,檢測合格者給予識別標籤,98年9月1日起並委由港航課所屬港警局協助管制出入柴油車輛,本計畫亦已於同月起,持續加強蘇澳港區出入口及週界主要道路攔檢稽查作業。合約項目 執行數量 達成率12月 12月 100% (十四)營建工地聯合稽查作業為加強管制營建工地出入土方之柴油車輛排煙污染管控,本年度針對轄區大型營建工地及公共造產疏浚工程等工程,與本縣營建源及逸散源管制計畫進行聯合稽查作業,截至99年8月31日為止,共計進行4次聯合稽查作業。合約項目 執行數量 達成率不定期配合 4次 100%(十五)蘇澳港區評鑑會議作業為配合99年1月12日環保署進行本縣蘇澳港區評鑑作業,本計畫於評鑑前後,分別配合協同逸散污染源計畫,進行港區污染改善協談會,針對蘇澳港區評鑑業務先期作業評鑑後委員意見,給予輔導及提出建議因應管制作為,俾利爭取本年度蘇澳港區評鑑佳績。合約項目 執行數量 達成率1式 1式 100%(十六)台北縣排煙檢測站相關性測試為確保本縣排煙動力計檢測數據品質,本計畫於98年12月16日及17日,完成與台北縣排煙檢測站相關性測試作業,藉由同一部標準車輛,比對不同排煙檢測站所產出之檢測數據,以瞭解本縣柴油車動力計檢測數據,是否與其它縣市排煙檢測站有所差異。合約項目 執行數量 達成率1式 1式 100%(十七)烏賊車檢舉獎勵金發放作業環保署於98年1月起,針對民眾陳情檢舉烏賊車改由發放獎勵金方式,本縣依據相關作業審查規範,持續邀請具目視判煙證照委員及攝影協會專家參與審件,截至99年8月31日止,皆按月完成檢舉案件獎勵金審查作業,經審查通過委員複審之案件,本計畫皆依據環保署及國稅局相關規定,進行烏賊車獎勵金撥款作業。合約項目 執行數量 達成率12月 12月 100%(十八)台中縣排煙檢測站觀摩為瞭解其它縣府排煙檢測站評鑑績優縣市之執行作法,本計畫於99年4月30日,完成1場次至台中縣排煙檢測站觀摩會議,透過本會議之經驗交流、設備操作及檢測實務研討,達成相互學習成長之目的。合約項目 執行數量 達成率-- 1場 100%(十九)低污染改裝車輛移交作業由於目前油氣混合車改裝補助審查業務,已統一移回環保署專案管理,為提昇資料控管率及後續轄區改裝車輛追蹤,本計畫於98年11月13日,與前一委辦執行機構,進行相關業務移交作業,俾利本項作業資料掌握,並提昇未來與環保署配合效益。合約項目 執行數量 達成率1式 1式 100% (二十)轄區大型客貨運業者訪談作業截至目前為止,設籍本縣轄區大型客貨運業者共計55家,為提昇縣內大型客貨運業者自主管理之意願及調查業者柴油車輛現況,截至99年8月31日止,共計已全數完成48家客貨運訪談作業,另外有7家拒絕受訪,整體訪談執行率為87.3%。合約項目 合約數量 規劃訪談數 完成訪談數客貨運訪談作業 訪談率80%以上 55家 48家(二十一)全國認證基金會(TAF)認證維持本年度依據TAF相關作業規範,持續獲得TAF實驗認證體系之認證並取得其認可之證明,將可讓到驗車主對於本縣排煙站之檢測過程、品質管制及操作更具公信力。合約項目 合約數量 執行數量 達成率TAF認證維持 1式 1式 100%(二十二)反怠速作業推動為提昇停車熄火反怠速推動成效,本年度運用宣導看版、布條海報及分發宣導單張等方式加強宣導,此外亦配合2010年綠色博覽會等年度大型活動,架設反怠速看板及免費接駁轉運資料予遊客等宣導措施,提昇本項作業執行成效。合約項目 合約數量 執行數量 達成率反怠速推動 12月 12月 100% (二十三)提昇車主滿意度措施本年度為提昇到驗車主服務滿意度措施,導入一系列包括車主休息室第四台電視觀賞、免費冷熱飲及冰棒提供、檢測車主緊急反應服務鈴、報紙及當期雜誌等服務,讓車主有充分休憩的空間,能夠等待車輛順利檢測完成。合約項目 合約數量 執行數量 達成率提昇車主滿意措施 2項 4項 100%(二十四)蘇澳港區車牌辨識系統架設作業為有效管制進出蘇澳港區業者柴油車輛,是否確實完成主動到檢作業,本計畫於99年6月4日至港區柴油車輛大門出口,進行車牌辨識系統安裝作業,透過此系統以建置常態性進出港區之柴油車輛資料庫,並提供予蘇澳港港航科尚未完成自主管理之清單,以利作為本計畫後續稽查及港務局門禁管制,或港務局與廠商業者合約簽署規範之參考依據。合約項目 執行數量 達成率-- 1式 100%(二十五)保險及保全作業在本計畫執行簽約前,為保障包括執行人員、車輛安全及預防檢測站財產失竊及受損等意外情事,已分別向保險公司完成投保相關保全及意外險。合約項目 執行數量 達成率1式 1式 100 % (二十六)環保教育宣導短片播放為了有效達成宣導效果及維護宜蘭縣內良好空氣品質的決心,本計畫於柴油車動力計檢驗站車主休息室內,播放柴油車管制及地球保護宣導錄影帶,鼓勵到檢之車主或使用人於驗車過程中,進入車主休息室內觀賞;以期達到宣導效果,進而督促柴油車輛使用人,能了解車輛保養的重要性外,亦達成保護地球環境之教育宣導成效。合約項目 執行數量 達成率48週 48週 100%(二十七)轄區車籍資料及檢測資料庫已建立並且持續更新轄區車籍資料及檢測資料庫,以利進行本計畫檢測業務及相關數據統計分析。合約項目 執行數量 達成率1式 1式 100 %(二十八)電腦連線及網路預約掛號系統已建立完成電腦連線及網路預約掛號系統。可以電話預約掛號「(03)990-7548」及至本計畫專屬網頁查詢方式彈性調配運用時間,所有預約檢測作業皆可於網路直接申辦,另本計畫亦提供中午不打烊、夜間及例假日預約等檢測服務,以逹便民之目的。合約項目 執行數量 達成率1式 1式 100 % (二十九)標準作業程序及QA/QC為控管本計畫於執行過程中,除達成合約之基本規定外,更加要求良好的計畫執行品質,亦即檢測數據之準確性與完整性。故於計畫開始之初即導入相關檢測之標準作業程序及完整相關報表記錄。合約項目 執行數量 達成率1式 1式 100 %(三十)焚化爐廠區進行柴油車輛管制作業為加強管控並提昇執行效益,本年度針對出入利澤焚化爐廠區全數柴油車輛,要求於指定期限內完成主動到檢作業,檢測合格者予以發放合格標籤貼紙,截至99年8月31日止,扣除與焚化爐契約已到期之廠商車輛,已全數完成主動到檢作業。合約項目 執行數量 達成率-- 1式 100 % diesel vehicle pollution controls and arranges cigarette motive force to count and operate the plan of measuring ' in 98 Fourth, carry out the achievement Relevant environmental pollution that may cause in order to strengthen and is in charge of accusing of the diesel vehicle and discharge the granular pollutant, this plan controls some in diesel vehicle pollution in 96 annual plans, by controlling maintaining and improving with the vehicle not up to standard positively through checking, in order to effectively improve Yilan air quality state of the counties,and not actively because of should expressway, since November 15, 1996, the air pollution may cause ed to open the large-scale passenger traffic vehicle and open to the traffic is struck completely, it is to obtaining for national road five passenger traffic operation right property not second of go on ' pollution not low, the with low noise ' signature of declaration not environmental, expect by give a full account cuttlefish car inform against, roadside is it examine not up to standard to stop, eye is it sentence cigarette is it examine to notify to depend on and other counties and cities move in case is it measure etc. and control the way in pluralism to notify, notify have diesel vehicle time limit, pollution of doubt to arrange cigarette stand and measure, use relevant instrument and equipment to inspect by random samples controlling to the noise which the diesel oil vehicle derives, nitrogen oxygen chemical compound; Make spot check to test some in the oil, the stochastical sampling from reaching the vehicle fuel tank of examining and analysing the thicknes s of sulphur content, in order to control the illegal oil with above standard sulphur content. 098 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司
32121014 98年度臺中縣空氣污染防制宣導專題製作及託播宣導計畫 本計畫自98年9月1日開始執行,相關計畫工作量執行至99年2月28日止,大眾媒體宣導完成2支30秒短片製作,分別於山、海、屯之有線電視頻道託播共計985檔次;平面媒體之3版宣導海報製作總計完成3,000份,網路媒體宣導新聞專題採寫達85則、59張新聞照片攝影,並於Nownews、Yahoo、Google、Pchome 4頻道曝光;宣導活動則辦理1場次協商討論會議,與會人數共計44人,活動宣導品製作總計完成10,000份,檢附成果光碟片共12份 Plan of Air pollution control promotion monograph and request broadcasts promotion in Taichung county,2009 This project was executed from September 1st , 2009 , all related statistics are till February 28th , 2010 .The Mass Media promotion to complete two 30-second videos , respectively, in the mountains, the sea and the Tuen of the cable television channel broadcast a total of 985 grade . Version 3 of the print media promotion posters produced to complete 3,000 copies of posters .The Internet-based media advocacy news topics and written up to 85 , 59 pages of news photos , and in Nownews, Yahoo, Google, Pchome 4 channel exposure . The promotion of the program activity handles a conference attending population total 44 people . The activities of advocacy materials grand total completes 10,000 , and CD-ROM attached a total of 12 copies of the results . 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 攝輯手影像傳播股份有限公司
32121015 宜蘭縣98年度移動污染源稽查管制及機車排氣定期檢驗服務管理計畫 移動污染源係造成空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,為改善機車排放對於空氣污染所造成的問題,環保局實施多項措施以管制機車排放空氣污染物,包括:執行未定檢機車巡查、機車不定期檢驗、檢測服務、機車排氣檢驗站管理、鼓勵使用低污染車輛,及淘汰高污染老舊機車等,以有效改善空氣品質。 2009 Yi-Lan Moving pollution source inspection control project and locomotive exhaust periodic inspection service management project Mobile pollution sources is the main cause for the air quality decline, in order to improve the air pollution problem caused by motorcycle exhausted emission, The environmental protection bureau has implemented many measures to control motorcycle exhaust discharge air pollutant, include the execution regular inspection locomotive has not done an inspection, the roadside blocks examines, the examination service, and motorcycle exhausted emission inspection station management, encourage use of low-emission vehicle, eliminating old and on-road motorcycle, effective improvement air quality. 098 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司
32121016 98年度北部海域環境品質調查監測計畫暨基隆市海域管理計畫1 一、海氣象資料蒐集調查。二、海域水質及底質採樣分析。三、海域監測資料庫之更新及資料建置。四、港區稽查作業? . . 098 基隆市環境保護局 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
32121017 98年臺中縣戴奧辛監測計畫 本計畫今年持續針對轄內山線、海線、屯區以及台電發電廠附近區域,各設置戴奧辛監測點進行環境介質中戴奧辛濃度分析,以確實掌握臺中縣內戴奧辛背景值,並了解其逐年變化,並由分析數據中提供未來管制措施及方向參考。今年度之監測結果顯示四季次各區空氣中戴奧辛總毒性當量濃度平均值為0.033、0.037、0.062及0.042 pg I-TEQ/Nm3,其中第三季與龍井國小站之測值略高。與去年度監測值比較,發現兩年來大氣中戴奧辛平均濃度並無太大差異,並低於中部地區歷年來環保署之平均值。與國內一般環境與焚化爐周界區大氣中之戴奧辛濃度相比,尚較北部地區一般環境以及高雄市各區為低,而與竹苗地區較為接近。在土壤戴奧辛方面,各測站全年4季次測值平均分別為3.45及3.43、2.29及3.87 ng I-TEQ/kg,季次間並無太大差異,但樣區間之變異較大,其中后里內埔國小測站的平均濃度較為偏高(7.79 ng I-TEQ/kg)並明顯高於他處,但測值範圍大致與國內外周界區域土壤之監測值仍相去不遠,均遠低於環保署現行之管制標準。植物檢測部分以榕樹葉片為代表,各測站四季次測值平均分別為2.10、1.64、3.07及3.78 pg I-TEQ/g,與國內一般區域榕樹的之監測值相近,均低於國內大部分焚化廠周界之測值。本計畫採樣期間並同時收集臺中縣各區域的空品監測資料進行分析,發現第一、四季之空氣品質明顯較第二、三季為差,尤其是懸浮微粒(PM10)部分,應是受東北風盛行之揚塵及沙塵暴所致。但就本年度監測數據,僅顯示風速與植物中戴奧辛濃度有顯著相關,並未發現PM10因子與環境界質中之戴奧辛濃度有明顯的相關性,顯示大氣中固相戴奧辛有可能來自較大粒徑之塵粒。本計畫並彙整製作縣內可能具排放戴奧辛風險之公私場所列表,包含業別類型、排放操作量、排放口、污染防制設備概況,以及歷年戴奧辛檢測濃度資料等,計算縣內戴奧辛之排放總量,以作為擬定管制策略之參考。就縣內固定源依各製程業別,以實測濃度、排氣量與活動強度計算出縣內固定源全年可能排放之戴奧辛最大總量約為7.47克之毒性當量(I-TEQ),根據環保署97年度全國統計資料,此量約佔全台灣全年戴奧辛排放量之百分之三.二,其中鋼鐵冶煉業及電力供應業即佔本縣全體排放量之94.7%。本計畫同時也將環境樣品之檢測資料與各類型戴奧辛排放源之特徵資料,以多變量統計方式進行污染源之研判分析,結果顯示各地大氣中戴奧辛特徵與移動源、廢料鍋爐與大型垃圾焚化爐排放較為相近,而與電弧爐及燃煤電廠排放特徵差距較大。推測汽機車排氣可能是各地主要的戴奧辛物質背景來源。另外,各地區亦可能同時受其他短期事件或局部排放源影響,例如廢棄物衍生燃料之排放源,或稻草、樹枝及紙錢類之燃燒,特別在龍井國小及大甲順天國中測站部分,第三季次調查期間(11月上旬)可能是其影響最為明顯之時期。 Dioxin Monitoring Work of Taichung County 2009 This project surveyed the background level of contamination of PCDD/Fs in Taichung County in 2009. Three sites which were located in Mountain, Coast, and Reclamation regions (Houli, Dacha, and Wufeng Township) and one site near the TPC Taichung Power Plant (Longjing Township) were selected for monitoring the content of PCDD/Fs in environmental matrix. Three types of environmental matrix samples including ambient air, soil and plant (leaves of banyan trees) were seasonally sampled at each site for PCDD/Fs analysis. The annual average of PCDD/Fs toxic equivalency (TEQ) in ambient air was 0.043 pg I-TEQ/Nm3 in all sites. Long-jing Elementary School (Longjing Township) has the highest measured value of ambient air dioxin (0.070 pg I-TEQ/Nm3), especially in the 3rd season (0.128 pg I-TEQ/Nm3). The annual average TEQ in soil was 3.27 ng I-TEQ/kg in all sites. The measured value (7.79 ng I-TEQ/kg) in soil of Nei-pu Elementary School (Houli Township) was significantly higher than the other 3 areas. The annual average TEQ in banyan leaves was 2.65 pg I-TEQ/g in all sites. The measured values of plant samples were similar between 4 sites. Multivariate statistical analysis revealed that the ambient air in most sites was affected by vehicle exhaust, and the higher values in Longjing site might be related to burning of biomass materials. The relatively high content of soil PCDD/Fs in Houli site might be affected by local burning residuals or foreign soil according to the field observation.The estimation of annual PCDD/Fs emission of all running regulated factories in Taichung County was 7.47 g I-TEQ in 2009. The emission from 2 iron smelting electric arc furnace factories (3.29 and 0.57 g I-TEQ/year) and coal-fired TPC power plant (3.22 g I-TEQ/year) occupied about 95% of total emission of Taichung County. However, the emission of 2 municipal solid waste incinerations in Taichung County was few. Additionally, the PCDD/Fs emission is expect to growth because the steelmaking factory in Longjing Township will have two new sinter plants be going into operation in 3 years. Thus, it is suggested to enhance the monitoring works in the ambient area of steelmaking factories and coal-fired plants in the future. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 正修科技大學
32121018 98年度嘉義市逸散污染源稽查管制計畫 本年度計畫開始執行後先清查歷年未完工之工地,先後自營建工程空氣污染防制費收費小組取得營建工程基本資料,篩除已完工之工地,列管工地以排放量較大之工程、有污染之虞、曾受民眾陳情、環保局處分及空氣品質測站附近工地為主。另外並於稽(巡)查管制之過程中進行未申報空氣污染防制費之工地清查提供收費查核組進行催繳。本年度共計實際巡查列管699處營建工地。根據各類營建工程施工面積之統計資料顯示,本年度施工之工地面積共計1,406,161.2平方公尺,其中重大工程東區有財團法人嘉義基督教醫院保健醫療大樓新建工程、新建綜合大樓及活動空間工程、財團法人嘉義基督教醫院東院區門診大樓新建工程、嘉義市文化路文化廣場及景觀風貌工程計畫-嘉義市原署嘉醫院闢建廣場工程;西區有嘉義市後湖抽水站及相關排水工程(二)抽水站、嘉義市先期交通轉運中心新建工程、嘉義市世賢國民小學活動中心新建工程及雲嘉南動物疾病診斷中心新建工程等。市污染量來源主要為RC建築、道路及其他工程,佔全市TSP年排放量之83.71%,故為本計畫管制之重點所在,本年度因有嘉義市後湖抽水站及相關排水工程(二)抽水站等重大工程進行作業,故其他工程之TSP排放量為96.88公噸,亦佔嘉義市TSP排放量之45.37%。在資料庫建檔工作方面可分為文書檔案資料、電腦檔案資料庫二部份,以下將分別摘述說明:一、文書檔案資料文書檔案資料,分為四部份: A.營建工地資料 B.承包單位資料 C.發包單位資料 D.追蹤管制資料。其中承包單位及發包單位之資料較為單純,分別涵蓋其基本資料及其所管轄或承包之工地,至於營建工地資料則包含有基本資料,工程作業時段記錄表、污染稽(巡)查記錄表及稽(巡)查檢查清單等。二、電腦檔案資料庫電腦檔案資料庫之相關工作較為複雜,其所涵蓋之範圍除將文書檔案資料輸入建檔外,尚可執行資料之查詢、統計、排放量推估及報表列印等功能。另外,電腦建檔尚需將數量龐大之電子相簿,依管制編號及日期完整建立電腦檔。在協調作業方面,本年度已完成四場協調會,所邀集之對象為本市營建工程之業主、承包商、建築師等單位。第一場協調會主要針對道路、管線工程單位,出席人數16人(寄發單位數24,出席比率66.7%);第二場協調會主要針對缺失點數較高之建築工程,出席工地數14人(寄發工地數22,出席比率63.6%);第三場協調會主要針對有承接本市興建案之建築師,出席單位7人(寄發單位27,出席比率25.93%);第四場協調會主要針對本市建築業業者及承包商,出席單位24人(寄發單位80,出席比率30%),後續針對未出席單位提供當次協調會相關資料,以提昇本市營建工地管制之一致性。本年度(至98/12/31止)之各項工作目標數與完成情形詳表摘-1與圖摘-1,各項工作成果摘要說明如下:一、巡查列管785處之營建工地。二、依據管理辦法對工地分級列管之標準,對於所列管之工地已完成稽(巡)查2167處次,達成目標100%。三、工地資料庫建立2167筆,每筆資料內容包括有工地基本資料、現況作業調查與防制及每次巡查紀錄等。四、共完成4場次之協調作業。五、本年度新申報列管701處工地中,篩選出10處工地進行輔導,已完成10處工地實施專家學者至現場輔導,後續將進行輔導追蹤作業。六、由稽(巡)查管制現場輔導或電話追蹤輔導達污染改善之比率達100%。七、在本計畫稽巡查管制下,工地因違反空氣污染防制法進行處分者計1件,因違反廢棄物清理法進行處分者計3件,共計告發處分4件,經複查後皆已完成改善,並將加強後續之稽巡查管制。八、本計畫98年度TSP排放量管制前排放量為284.73公噸、削減量為158.19公噸,削減率達48.49%。九、本計畫為提升執行成效,本市工地進行圍籬綠美化方面,本年度共完成輔導圍籬綠美化30處,其中有18處工地施行圍籬廣告化、3處工地以圍籬彩繪,9處工地以種植花卉方式進行綠美化。十、本計畫共持續進行查核及輔導24處的廢土不落地作業,陸續追蹤其後續回填、鋪設狀況共計巡查追蹤29處次,並作為其他工地之示範,以達全面推廣之成效,未來將輔導業主輔導改以CLSM (可塑性低強度)灌漿代替回填土方,以維護道路環境品質。十一、本計畫共計輔導完成17處工地進行施工時或完工時部份裸露地植被綠化,總計執行綠化作法之工地其綠化植被面積達24854.41m2。十二、推廣13處工地執行道路認養作業,認養道路17條,總計認養長度達18.9公里,洗街長度為1203.55km、掃街長度為374.1km,本計畫執行查核46處次,查核結果『良好』佔62.75%、『普通』佔37.25%。 2009 year Chiayi City escape source of pollution examination control plan After this year plans starts the execution, first checks building which in recent years has not completed, from builds project Air pollution against system charge group Obtains the basic document, and deleted the project which already finished, the control object has the withdrawal big construction, either has the pollution possibility, or once by the resident was reported, either once by the environmental protection bureau punishment, or nearby the air quality inspection station the work site primarily. Moreover and in doing an inspection process in the control to carry on had not reported that the air pollution against system spends builds the project check to raise the newspaper environmental protection bureau charge to check the group to carry on the press for payment. This year controls builds the project to amount to 699.Builds of statistical data the project construction area according to each kind to demonstrate that this year constructs the work site area total 1,406,161.2 square meters, east the important project the area has the financial group legal person Chiayi City Christianity hospital health care medical service building new construction, the newly built synthesis building and the activity space project, east the financial group legal person Chiayi City Christianity hospital the courtyard area outpatient service building new construction, the Chiayi City culture road culture square and the landscape style engineering effort - Chiayi City original bureau fine hospital wards off constructs the square project; After west the area has Chiayi City, lake pumping station and related dewatering excavation (2) pumping station, Jiayi ahead of time transportation transportation center new construction, Chiayi City i world virtuous National Elementary school activity center new construction and Yunjiana animal disease diagnostic center new construction and so on. The city level of contamination originates is mainly the RC construction, the path and other projects, accounts for 83.71%th whole city TSP year withdrawal, therefore key is at for this plan control, because after this year has Chiayi City, the lake pumping station and the related dewatering excavation (2) pumping station and so on important project carries on the work, therefore TSP of withdrawal other project is 96.88 metric tons, also accounts for 45.37%th Chiayi City TSP withdrawal.Will construct the files work aspect in the information bank to be possible to divide into the copy clerk reference material, the computer file information bank two parts, the following will pick separately states explained:I. Copy clerk reference materialThe copy clerk reference material, divides into four parts: A. builds work site material B. contract unit material C. the contract award unit material D. tracing control material. And material of the contract unit and the contract award of unit is purer, covers its basic document separately and has jurisdiction over or work site of the contract, as for builds the work site material to contain has the basic document, the engineering work time interval data sheet, the pollution checks (patrols) looks up the data sheet and checks (patrols) consults investigates thoroughly the list and so on.II. Computer file information bankThe computer file information bank the related work is more complex, scope of its covering besides constructs the copy clerk reference material input the files, inquiry, the statistics, the withdrawal the still permissible execution material push estimate and functions and so on report form series printing. Moreover, the computer constructed the files still to quantity huge electron photo album, according to control serial number and date complete establishment computer files.In the coordinated work aspect, this year has completed four coordination meeting, calls together the object to build units and so on project owner, contractor, architect for this city. The first coordination meeting mainly aims at the path, the pipeline Engineer's unit, the number of persons present 16 people (mails number of units 24, attendance ratio 66.7%); The second coordination meeting mainly aims at the flaw points high architectural engineering, attends the work site several 14 people (to mail work site several 22, attendance ratio 63.6%); The third coordination meeting mainly aims at has continues this city to construct architect of the document, the attendance unit 7 people (mails unit 27, attendance ratio 25.93%); The fourth coordination meeting mainly aims at this city architecture industry entrepreneur and the contractor, the attendance unit 24 people (mails unit 80, attendance ratio 30%), following in view of has not attended the unit to provide works as the inferior coordination meeting correlation data, promotes this city to build uniformity of the work site control.This year each work target figure with completes the situation detailed table to pick - 1 picks with the chart - 1, each work achievement abstract showing is as follows:1.Does an inspection row tube 785 to build the work site.2. Based on the policing method to standard of the work site graduation row tube, regarding arranges in order work site of the tube to complete checks (patrols) looks up 2167 times, achieves goal 100%.3. The work site information bank establishes 2167, each material content includes the work site basic document, present situation work investigation and each time does an inspection with against system to record and so on.4. Altogether completes 4 next best coordinated works.5. In this year new declaration row tube 701 work sites, screens 10 work sites to carry on counselling, has completed 10 work sites to implement the experts to the scene counselling, following will carry on the counselling tracing work.6. By checks (patrols) looks up controls the scene counselling or telephone tracing counselling reaches ratio of the pollution improvement to reach 100%.7. In this plan checks does an inspection under the control, because the work site violates the air pollution against facture to carry out the punishment to count 1, because violates the reject cleaning up law to carry out the punishment to count 3, total accuses punishes 4, after reexamination all has completed the improvement, and will strengthen following checks does an inspection to control.8. Before this plan 98 year TSP withdrawal control, the withdrawal is 284.73 metric tons, reduces the quantity is 158.19 metric tons, reduction rate reaches 48.49%.9. This plan carries out the result for the promotion, this city work site carries on the palisade green beautification aspect, this year altogether completes the counselling palisade to beautify 30 green, the including 18 work site execution palisade advertisement, 3 work sites by the palisade colored drawing on pottery, 9 work sites plant the flowers and plants way to carry on the green beautification.10. This plan altogether continues to carry on checks and counsels 24 spent clays not to fall to the ground the work, traces its following backfill, to lay down the condition one after another total to do an inspection to trace 29 times, and demonstration of as the other work site, reaches result of the comprehensive promoted, in the future will counsel the owner to counsel changes by CLSM (plastic low intensity) the grouting replaces the backfill folk recipe, maintains the path environment quality.11. This plan total counsels completes 17 work sites to carry on when construction or finishes when the partial exposed vegetation to afforest, amounts to work site of its afforestation vegetation area the execution afforestation method to reach 24854.41m2.12. Promotes 13 work site execution path to recognize raises the work, recognizes raises path 17, the grand total recognizes raises the length to amount to 18.9 kilometers, washes the street length is 1203.55km, the sweep street length is 374.1km, this plan execution checks 46 times, checks the result 'good' to account for 62.75%, 'ordinary' to account for 37.25%. 098 嘉義市政府環境保護局 竫豐工程企業有限公司
32121019 98年臺中縣含氟溫室氣體使用排放現況調查計畫 本計畫自98年起協助臺中縣環境保護局執行「含氟溫室氣體使用排放現況調查計畫」,為瞭解臺中縣境內含氟溫室氣體(含中部科學園區)使用之排放現況,計畫期間蒐集國際間各國排放減量策略相關資訊及國內各相關產業(含半導體、光電(LCD)、電力及鋁製造業)中使用含氟溫室氣體PFCs及SF6之資料,進而針對本國各產業含氟溫室氣體之排放係數計算公式及彙整。目前計畫階段執行成果可分為四大主軸說明之:(一) 蒐集國內外各產業PFCs及SF6之排放減量策略、技術及相關科技之使用現況完成蒐集含氟溫室氣體期刊、減量管制資訊網、我國氣候變化綱要公約資訊網、產業溫室氣體資訊網、各國大氣層保護主管機關、國際性大氣層保護組織及定期瀏覽聯合國相關網站、歐盟、美國、日本等先進國家之環保部份與大氣層保護網,以及國內外書刊或雜誌並持續蒐集其刊載國內外各產業有關PFCs及SF6等物質的國際管制管制動態、替代技術與研發現況等最新資訊及PFCs及SF6之排放減量策略、技術及相關科技之使用現況資料,並評估國內未來可行之較適處理改善技術,作為臺中縣各相關產業之參考。(二) 調查研析臺中縣相關產業含氟溫室氣體使用排放現況訪查,並邀請2位專家實地輔導及調查已完成3處公私場所半導體業、光電業及電力業之使用現況調查及實地輔導改善。此外,亦聘請專家學者進行含氟溫室氣體使用排放實地輔導改善,以便分析瞭解本縣含氟溫室氣體使用及排放狀況對環境造成之影響。(三) 輔導及評估臺中縣相關產業使用PFCs及SF6的製程及排放量之推估已完成調查臺中縣2008 年工業製程部門(含半導體、光電、及電力)總含氟溫室氣體排放量為201721.858 公噸CO2當量,其中PFCs 總使用排放量為177886.442 公噸CO2 當量(佔全國排放量8.48%)、SF6 總使用排放量為17564.094 公噸CO2 當量(佔全國排放量0.40%)、及HFCs總使用排放量為6271.322 公噸CO2 當量(佔全國排放量4.01%)。本計畫經4 場次實地訪視結果調查得知,該4公私場所廠內均購置有防制破壞設備系統及回收設備;其廠內進行溫室氣體自我盤查及自願減量之作業均有不錯之成果。(四) 推動含氟溫室氣體排放減量宣導教育作業本年度規劃之98 年「臺中縣含氟溫室氣體使用排放現況調查計畫」減量技術說明會,已於99 年6 月23 日辦理,主要邀請對象為台中縣環保局及轄區內各中小企業相關人員參與 (含半導體、光電、電力及鋁製造業等單位) 計畫說明會,本次會議共規劃2 項議題討論,會中邀請工研院能源與環境研究所呂慶慧研究員,就目前針對環保署推動含氟溫室氣體管理策略進行說明;另一項議題亦由另一位工研院能源與環境研究所羅彗瑋副研究員,就目前光電及半導體產業先期減量成果進行說明減量成效效益;PFCs 及SF6 現有之排放減量技術包含化學品替代、製程改善、回收再利用及管末處理等等,進行減量技術相關說明。(五) 科技產業含氟氣體排放係數之建立本團隊已完成所有樣本數之排放量估算,進而完成臺中縣科技產業所推估之排放係數值,本計畫推估所得之係數值係以”產品”為基準之排放係數,單位為「公噸-排放物種/公噸-產量」或「公噸-排放物種/千片-產量」;環保署公告係數值,係以”原料”(氣體)為基準之排放係數,單位為「公噸-排放物種/公噸-使用量」。本計畫推估所得係數值與環保署公告係數值因以不同之活動強度為基準(前者為”產品”,後者為”原料”),但計算依據及假設均同樣以IPCC 公告參考方法。因為所得之排放係數值可為業者及管理單位於不同應用時機(前端物料使用時推估或後端產能時推估)參考使用。 The aim of this project is to understand the usage and emission of fluorinated GHGs in Taichung County (including the Central Taiwan Science Park) Abstract:The aim of this project is to understand the usage and emission of fluorinated GHGs in Taichung County (including the Central Taiwan Science Park). The first stage of the project is to collect information related to emission reduction strategies from various countries as well as data related to the usage of fluorinated GHGs (PFCs and SF6) by domestic industries (including semiconductor, LCD, electricity, and aluminum manufacturing). The next stage is to compile and to derive equations for the fluorinated GHGs emission factors for all the domestic industries. Results of the project can be divided and described in the following four areas:(一) Collected information related to PFCs and SF6 emission reduction strategies, measures, and relevant technologies from domestic as well as oversea industries.Information were collected from the following sources: periodicals for fluorinated GHGs, information networks related to reduction and regulation, the information network of Facing Global Warming–Taiwan’s Response, information networks for industrial GHGs, competent authorities worldwide for atmosphere protection, international organizations for atmosphere protection, relevant websites from the United Nation (browsed regularly), websites for environmental and atmosphere protection from E.U., U.S.A., Japan, and other advanced countries, and domestic as well as international publications and journals related to industrial PFCs and SF6. The target information were: the most updated information from all industries related to international regulation development, replacement technologies, PFCs and SF6 research overseas and domestically, as well as application of the most recent strategies, techniques and relevant technologies for PFCs and SF6 emission reduction. Techniques for treatment that are appropriate and feasible domestically shall be evaluated to provide a reference for relevant industries in Taichung County.(二) Conducted interviews to investigate the usage and emission of fluorinated GHGs among relevant industries in Taichung County. Two experts or scholars were invited for coaching and conducting the investigation.Investigation on the usage and on-site coaching for improvements for three private or public sites related to the industries in semiconductor, photo-electronics, and electricity were completed. Moreover, appointed experts had provided on-site coaching to improve the usage and emission of fluorinated GHGs. They also analyzed the status of fluorinated GHGs usage and emission in Taichung County and its environmental impacts.(三) Coached and evaluated the production process of PFCs and SF6 by relevant industries in Taichung County, and estimated the emission of PFCs and SF6The investigation on the total fluorinated GHGs emission by the industrial manufacturing sector (including semiconductor, photo-electronics, and electricity) in Taichung County in 2008 was completed. The total fluorinated GHGs emission was 201721.858 tonnes of CO2 equivalent, in which the total PFCs emission was 177886.442 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (8.48% of the entire nation), the total SF6 emission was 17564.094 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (0.40% of the entire nation), and the total HFCs emission was 6271.322 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (4.01% of the entire nation).It was found from four on-site outcome interviews that all those four public or private factories in this project had purchased the destruct-controlling or recycling facilities. Also, the implementation of GHGs self-examination and volunteered reduction operation in those factories had been successful.(四) Promoted and educated fluorinated GHGs emission reduction.The 2009 reduction technique workshop was hold on June 23, 2010. The target group for this workshop was personnel involved in medium and small enterprises (including semiconductor, photo-electronics, electricity, and aluminum manufacturing industries) in Taichung County. Two issues were discussed in this workshop. First, Research fellow from the Energy and Environment Research Laboratories of Industrial Technology Research Institute was invited to present the fluorinated GHGs management strategies promoted by the Environmental Protection Administration. Then, Assistant Research Fellow, who is also from the Energy and Environment Research Laboratories of Industrial Technology Research Institute, presented the outcomes from the earlier stage of reduction implementation in photo-electronics and semiconductor industries. PFCs and SF6 emission reduction techniques (e.g., chemical replacement, manufacturing upgrade, recycle and reuse, end-of-pipe control, etc.) were discussed in the workshop as well.(五) Established the fluorinated GHGs emission factor for the technological industry.This project had estimated the emission and the emission factor for the technology industry in Taichung County. The emission factor in this project is a product-based estimation, and the unit is “tonne-emission/tonne-product” or “tonne-emission/thousand-slice-utput”. The factor issued by the Environmental Protection Administration, on the other hand, was material-based, and the unit was “tonne-emission/tonne-input.”The factor estimated by this project and the one issued by the Environmental Protective Administration are based on different activity intensity (the former is product-based and the latter is material-based), but the references and assumptions for calculating the factor are both according to the guideline issued by IPCC. Therefore, the emission factor obtained in this project can be used by business and administrative agencies as a reference for various conditions (e.g., estimation for the usage of the front-end materials or for the back-end production capacity). 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 國立高雄第一科技大學
32121020 98年度台東縣綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉飲用水品質監測計畫   本計畫主要針對台東縣綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉共計13個測點(蘭嶼:8個,綠島:5個)進行自來水水源水質、自來水水質、非自來水水質及簡易自來水水質進行監測,以維護台東縣離島地區民眾飲用水之安全。  本年度分別於98年05月05日~06日、98年07月15日~16日及98年10月13日~14日完成各地區採樣工作。由檢驗結果中發現,除蘭嶼鄉椰油社區簡易自來水水源水質之大腸桿菌群測值超過「飲用水水源水質標準」(合格率為33.3%),其餘水質類別所有測值均符合所屬標準。  由歷年(92年~94年、97~98年)檢測結果看來,綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉水質大致有變佳之趨勢,包括自來水水源水質、自來水水質、非自來水水質及簡易自來水水質多數測項均在92年度及93年度有相對高值,而97年度及98年度相較於92年度及93年度則有明顯下降之情形,而98年度測值偏高之項目包括:1.自來水水源水質部分:(1)化學需氧量:綠島淨水廠98年10月份測值為14.9 mg/L,飲用水水源水質標準為25 mg/L。(2)大腸桿菌群:98年05月份包括綠島淨水廠(7,300CFU/100mL)、東清淨水廠(14,000CFU/100mL)、紅頭淨水廠(15,000CFU/100mL)及朗島淨水廠(13,000CFU/100mL)等,飲用水水源水質標準為20,000 CFU/100mL。2.自來水水質監測項目:(1)氨氮:綠島鄉南寮村208-1號於98年10月份測值為0.07 mg/L,飲用水水質標準為0.1 mg/L。(2)鐵:蘭嶼鄉朗島淨水廠於98年07月份測值為0.123 mg/L,飲用水水質標準為0.3 mg/L。(3)總三鹵甲烷:綠島鄉綠島淨水廠、中寮村186號及南寮村208-1號於98年07月份測值分別為0.0772 mg/L 、0.0732 mg/L 及0.0772,蘭嶼鄉朗島淨水廠於98年10月份測值為0.0748 mg/L,飲用水水質標準為0.08 mg/L。(4)總硬度:蘭嶼鄉東清淨水廠於98年05月份測值為293 mg/L,98年07月份測值為226mg/L,飲用水水質標準為300 mg/L。  建議後續仍應加強監測以掌握水質變化趨勢;針對椰油社區簡易自來水水質之大腸桿菌群有超過標準之情形,如消毒程序可行,建議管理單位加強消毒程序,並宣導使用民眾務必於煮沸後始得飲用。 098 台東縣環境保護局 上準環境科技股份有限公司
32121021 98年度「非營建逸散性污染源管理及評估計畫」 桃園縣近年PM10由二級防制區轉為三級防制區,故對於逸散性污染源所造成之問題更應加以重視。一般如要降低空氣中懸浮微粒所造成之問題,街道洗掃作業乃藉由路面塵土負載之減少,降低道路揚塵之發生機率,為減低懸浮微粒排放之有效方法,另外,藉由空氣品質淨化區之持續管理與改善,以及利用各種可行方式以提昇效率,皆是本計畫應努力與執行之方向。本年度於協助管理街道揚塵洗掃工作部分成效卓著,其中主要道路髒污普查已無C級道路,顯見桃園地區路面髒污狀況較往年為佳,另藉由髒亂點調查亦得知中壢市為所有髒污點最多之區域,佔總查處處次之55%,後續應再協調各環境整潔單位,對於違規廣告物及其他髒亂點進行加強管制,以改善區域環境髒污問題。統計98年度止桃園縣內洗掃街公里數為266,240.6公里,TSP減量為3,674.1公噸/年,已達成環保白皮書之要求,於成效評估及整合性推廣工作中,藉由街塵負荷調查得知本縣代表性道路之總街塵負荷量平均為3.433±0.778g/m2,實有必要進行洗掃工作之整合與推展,主要道路民意問卷則反映出本縣洗掃工作有近六成之支持率,應再努力透過各種宣傳工作,以提升本計畫之能見度,而空品淨化區滿意度問卷亦反映六成以上民眾認為設置空氣品質淨化區可以改善空氣品質,承此本工作亦須戮力執行。本計畫後續除應落實行政院環保署所建議之洗掃作業方式,藉以改善環境整潔、提升洗掃效率,另將持續進行街塵負荷進行省、縣、鄉市道路之評估,並利用採樣分析統計結果,藉以了解道路路面髒污等級變化,且輔以執行民意問卷調查,期藉問卷調查結果了解本計畫之執行作業適切性、民眾滿意度與作業方式變更之研訂,來提升桃園縣縣民對於施政滿意度之印象,以使縣境內空氣品質及環境能永續潔淨與發展。 Non-construction Fugitive management and assessment plan The main road so far this year there is no longer C-class road survey, which shows the situation in Taoyuan dirty the roads than in previous years.Mess of the environment survey 800, which total 553 illegal advertisements, total 109 kinds of construction pollution, other pollution, total 138. Chungli City, for all the dirty spots, where most of the region, followed by 57.8% of total investigation..Implementation of the operation of street 22,038.5 km washing machines, operation of street sweeping equipment 21,814.8 km year,the percentage reached 94.2%, respectively, 93.2%.Types of statistics are washing machines, sweep streets, the average vehicle mileage / fuel ratios were 1.40,0.96 km / liter, indicating a more street-sweeping vehicles, street cleansing vehicles, fuel consumption, the reason for the vehicle power source to sweep the streets for the body and vice respectively, engine motor.Taoyuan County, 98-year estimate of total road pavement Dealers TSP emissions for the 39,553 tonnes / year, estimated to total 110 dealers in the road pavement was 46,167 metric tons of TSP emissions / year.Representative of the county roads in total road dust load average 3.552 ± 0.778g/m2, including fine silt soil load average 0.076 ± 0.022g/m2, large size silt soil load average 0.364 ± 0.095g/m2, large particle dust load average 0.981 ± 0.258g/m2, diameter greater than 297μm of road dust load average 2.131 ± 0.520g/m2.Main road sweeping survey of public opinion showed that 51.6% of the public "know" EPA has commissioned a major street sweeping civil cleaning work.Air purification zones satisfaction survey, the 44.5% of the people that "know" whether the proximity of homes to set air purification zones, 63.2% of the people realized the air purification zones s "can" improve air quality. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 慧群環境科技股份有限公司
32121022 98年度南投縣水污染源稽查管制計畫 計畫成果摘要:一、列管水污染事業之有效稽查:合約數量為542家次(畜牧業至少完成200場次,其他事業至少完成300場次,南崗工業區污水處理廠至少完成12場次,土石加工業(砂石洗選場)至少完成30場次)。本計畫執行期間,己完成1071場次(已完成畜牧業271場次,其他事業738場次,南崗工業區污水處理廠19場次,土石加工業(砂石洗選場)43場次)之有效稽查,完成率為100%。內容請詳本報告第4-1-3節。二、水樣檢驗工作:合約數為290場次,本計畫執行期間,本計畫一共進行了501家次的採樣分析,採樣家次包括畜牧業160家次、其他事業341家次,執行達成率為100%。內容請詳本報告第4-1-3節。三、排放許可證(文件)現場查核及缺失改善輔導工作:已核發之排放許可證(文件)列管家數共有179家,截至99年2月21日止,進行現場查核作業已完成179家次,其中有7家現場與許可內容不一致;水污染源各項許可申請案件審理作業,共審理65件,已認可發證共有51件,有14件正補正中。內容請詳本報告第4-1-4節。四、辦理水質檢驗定期申報審查作業:本計畫執行期間,共計協助執行358件事業廢(污)水處理設施操作維護定期申報書面審查相關作業(上半年度164件,下半年度194件)。內容請詳本報告第4-1-4節。五、暗管查緝及封閉:目前本計畫執行暗管/不明管線查緝已查獲13處暗管/不明管線案件,皆在環保局及本計畫人員輔導追蹤拆除或封閉改善。內容請詳本報告第4-1-5節。六、執行事業單位廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑作業:本計畫執行期間,已完成辦理3場次功能評鑑作業,評鑑對象為經濟部工業局南崗(兼竹山)工業區服務中心、涵碧樓大飯店股份有限公司及臺灣棉紙廠股份有限公司,此項作業完成率為100%。相關辦理方式及成果詳第4-8節。七、進行河岸及河面垃圾清理工作:本計畫於98年12月30日進行河岸及河面垃圾清理工作,清理地點為草屯鎮碧山巖對面涵洞、中二高旁,清除之垃圾多為建築廢棄物或土木混合物,共計清除34,450公斤之垃圾,並將清除之垃圾委託綠山河企業有限公司進行清運,運至溪尾科技股份有限公司處理;清除、清運作業全程皆有環保局及本計畫人員全程監督。此項作業完成率為100%,內容請詳本報告第4-3節。八、水污染防治相關法令宣導說明會工作:本計畫預計辦理五場次水污染防治法相關法令宣導說明會(合約數量5場次),本計畫執行期間已辦理完成五場次;說明會內容主要為「水污染防治法相關規定綜合說明」及「水污染防治單元操作維護技術講習」二大主題。出席人數總計358人次,出席率達86.8%;說明會結束後針對未出席之廠家逐一宣導並發給上課講義,使宣導率達100%。內容請詳本報告第4-4-1節。九、生活污水減量削減宣導工作:本計畫執行期間,本計畫執行期間共辦理5場次之生活污水減量宣導活動,其中1場次邀請500人以上之學校宣導化糞池定期清理作業,4場次配合大型活動擺設攤位宣導;另有5場次配合水污染防治相關法令宣導說明會播放影片宣導辦理,影片內容為環保署製作之「污染防治有一套,生活輕鬆做得到」宣導光碟。十、協助審理事業依「防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備管理辦法」所提供之定期申報文件:第二季申報及審查共計審查有96件,第三季申報及審查共計審查有97件,在本計畫人員之輔導下,均已修正通過; 第四季申報家數共計97家,截至99年2月21日止,本計畫審查有57件,其中因40件業者較後期上網申報,目前仍審查中。內容請詳本報告第4-17-1節。十一、辦理水污費徵收事宜並試算水污費費額作業:若是採用COD費率每公斤12.5元,SS費率每公斤0.62元,排放水量採許可水量,污染物排放水質實際檢驗值(配合放流口水質採樣作業)之基準計算,本計畫預估本縣第一階段徵收對象預估徵收總金額為5,011,085元/年(未考慮費率打折)。內容請詳本報告第4-17-2節。十二、建立河川志工監測及巡守制度:目前維持9隊河川巡守隊,共計有278位隊員,本計畫執行期間,共訪查33次,透過實地訪查各巡守隊隊部,了解各巡守隊特色、運作狀況情形、所遭遇之困難及需要協助之處。執行期間配合辦理一系列之清境家園顧厝邊綠色生活網(Eco-Life)登錄教學及一對一教導河川巡守隊操作; 辦理教育訓練19場次、淨溪活動65場次,共計1,272人參與,合計清除一般垃圾15,305.5公斤、回收垃圾2,393.5公斤;河川巡守隊通報環保局河岸河面髒亂點18件通報案件中,其中2件為巡守隊通報因大雨將巡守路段沖毀; 2件已轉由河川局及交通部公路總局清理,河川局因經費不足先用用消波塊阻止不肖業者傾棄廢棄物,交通部公路總局已清理改善;其餘9件垃圾量少之髒亂點委由巡守隊清除;5件通報不明廢水偷排案件,已會同勘查,並依法稽查採樣告發處分;在媒體報導部分,河川巡守隊相關議題之報導共計有10篇並登載於環保局網站上,彰顯巡守隊辛勞,增進巡守隊榮譽感,擴大社會影響力。十三、協助輔導新增事業符合水污法規定:本計畫經訪查第一階段輔導之新增事業作業經訪查作業認定之65家新增列管事業中,有35家已取得水污法相關許可文件,3家取得水污染防治措施文件,4家仍在申請中,2家未提出申請,7家已永久停工,4家暫時停工,6家為鄉鎮公所垃圾掩埋場或轉運站申請工程改善階段,1家集集鎮公所垃圾簡易轉運站目前垃圾不落地,2家簡易轉運站(國姓鄉、埔里鎮) 已進埔里區域垃圾轉運站,仁愛鄉所收集之垃圾已於99年3月29日前進入埔里區域垃圾轉運站。十四、進行埔里鎮育英橋下方之礫間接觸淨化水質改善設施之環境維護及日月潭人工浮島之環境維護:本計畫執行期間,執行育英橋示範場操作維護共計有31次,針對引水道進水口漂浮物淤積清除及礫間淨化區內之淤積物清除,至少每月進行1次,執行硬體設施之修繕作業共有1次,為設施底部破裂進行補強作業,及利用抽水機進行反沖洗作業共計有13次。日月潭人工浮島環境維護規劃2個月維護1次;日月潭人工浮島環境維護規劃至少2個月維護1次;人工浮島維護方面,執行人工浮島維護或植栽補植作業共計7次,其中浮島進行植栽補植作業, 分別為98年9月30日植栽種類為大安水蔉衣200株、異葉水蔉衣100株、茴香菖蒲200株、水蕉100株; 98年11月30日植栽種類為虎尾藻160株、石菖蒲60株、輪傘草40株、大安水蔉衣160株、澤泄160株、朱蕉160株;99年3月4日植栽種類為狐尾藻240株、異葉水蔉衣240株、大安水蔉衣240株、澤泄30株、朱蕉30株、菖蒲90株、水生焉尾90株。十五、辦理98年度南投縣河川水污染事件緊急應變講習工作:於9月02日辦理98年度南投縣河川水污染事件緊急應變講習1場次,今年度『98年度南投縣河川水污染事件緊急應變演練』之辦理,共計有2場次,分別為98年12月14日辦理南投縣毒性化學物質災害暨水污染緊急應變預演及98年12月18日配合消防局辦理南投縣98年化學災害暨水污染疏散搶救演練,演練地點分別在南投縣南崗工業區南崗工業區工業路與永鳴路交叉口及台灣陶氏化學股份有限公司南崗廠。 十六、辦理98年度全國水污染防治業務檢討會1場次:本計畫於98年12月14日及12月15日於日月潭教師會館辦理98年度全國水污染防治業務檢討會,在環保局及本計畫相關工作人員努力下,檢討會順利圓滿結束。 098 南投縣政府環境保護局 能碩工程煩問股份有限公司
32121023 重大固定污染源評鑑及查核工作計畫 收集完成歷年戴奧辛及異味污染源工廠定性定量檢測資料,並進行比對分析,掌握主要污染源不合格率及陳情次數,進行法規符合度分析及工廠基本資料庫建置,作為本計畫工廠評鑑名單之篩選參考。戴奧辛篩選名單主要以具超標紀錄者為主,並增納電弧爐未積極採管末處理者、民眾陳情或關切之污染源(例如火化場)及環保署指定之污染源。異味篩選名單參酌歷年異味陳情資料庫及環保局提供之名單,經由設定陳情次數、工廠規模……等權重指標,召開專家諮詢會議修正篩選原則及結果。再經由與學者專家及環保局之訪談,依其實務經驗及管制現況獲得30家戴奧辛及50家異味工廠評鑑名單,召開研商會向各縣市環保局說明後續評鑑作業方式及配合事項,會後並與縣市環保局確認最終評鑑工廠名單,環保署並於99年5月28日正式發函給80家評鑑工廠啟動本計畫之現場評鑑工作。本計畫並蒐集戴奧辛及異味污染物國外管制目標及防制策略,包括日本、歐盟、美國、紐西蘭、英國等戴奧辛及異味污染物相關管制歷程及法規現況,作為國內戴奧辛及異味污染物未來管制之參考。依據規劃完成之現場評鑑標準作業程序,已於99年10月完成所有現場評鑑及查核作業,包括30家戴奧辛及51家異味工廠,彙整評鑑委員意見並完成81家受評鑑工廠之書面專檔,將提供給縣市環保局作為後續改善追蹤之參考。本計畫評鑑發現的問題舉例說明如下:火化場之戴奧辛來自於棺木漆料及陪葬品燃燒所產生,且火化場於民俗好日子之使用量大增,導致燃燒效率降低,多數火化爐防制設備老舊或未安裝,無法妥善去除戴奧辛。針對20種行業之異味污染問題,歸納其產生來源包括原料、製程逸散、廢氣收集效率不足、廢水處理廠逸散、防制設備操作設計不當等產生。例如瀝青拌合業,其異味來自於加熱拌合之逸散及管道排氣,需著重良好之防制設備設計及操作維護管理。本計畫已委託學者專家進行2種戴奧辛及3種異味行業別技術手冊之編撰,並透過專家學者提供修正意見並召開專諮會進行手冊編修及定稿。彙整戴奧辛及異味污染物各類製程最佳可行控制技術及防制設備成本資料,並以瀝青拌合業為例進行防制設備單位成本分析,提供相關業者進行污染改善之參考。已依據環保署歷年異味污染物執行成果,研擬畜牧業及堆肥業防制措施管理辦法草案,另針對近2年瀝青拌合業之異味污染問題,綜合北區督察大隊及台北縣環保局之稽查管制成果,提出瀝青拌合業管制規範草案,作為環保署後續推動該行業異味管制工作之參考。 Major Stationary Pollution Evaluation and Examination Project. This plan collected and analyzed yearly test data of quality and quantity for dioxin and odor producing factories. In order to control the unqualified status and reports of major pollution sources, this plan analyzed the application of the law for the data and established a dioxin and odor producing factory database, which was a reference for the factory evaluation list.The dioxin producing factory list mainly contained unqualified status. Later the Arc furnace that has no pollution control device and the public reports or public concerns about pollution sources (ex. crematorium ) were added to the list. The pollution sources which the EPA had specifically listed were also added. The odor producing factory list referenced past reports and to the lists created by the EPB. It also referred to the significant index of the public report frequency and the factory scale in order to adjust the list at the conference. This plan helped scholars, experts and the EPB communicate so that related experiences and present source controls could be provided. There were 30 dioxin and 50 odor factories listed for evaluation. Moreover, a meeting was held to explain the follow-up actions to each local EPB resulting in a final factory list for evaluation. The EPA had sent out an official letter to 80 factories on May 28, 2010 in order to complete an on-the-spot evaluation. This plan collected foreign control targets and strategies of both dioxin and odor pollutants for domestic reference and future control, including pollutant control processes and present regulations in Japan, the European Union, United States, New Zealand and Great Britain.This plan completed an on-the-spot evaluation of standard processes, andcompleted all of the on-the-spot evaluations and examinations in October 2010; these evaluations included 30 dioxin and 51 odor producing factories. It combined opinions from the evaluation committees and established files on 81 evaluated factories. This will be a recommendation to each local EPB for future improvement.The following are the results from the evaluations.1) Dioxin is produced at the crematorium due to the combustion of coffin paint and the incineration of various mortuary objects. Furthermore, the crematorium is utilized at high capacity during auspicious days resulting in lower combustion efficiency. Most cremators have exceeded their equipment’s designed life span, or lack the appropriate equipment resulting in dioxin pollution.2) Concerning the odor pollution of 20 different industries, the sources come from materials, fugitive processes, fugitive on waste water processing station, inappropriate operations and poor design of control equipment. For example, when mixing and heating asphalt, the odor comes from fugitive and venting. Therefore, appropriate equipment design, proper operations and regular maintenance are required.This plan requested scholars and subject matter experts to draft the technology manual for two dioxin and three odor producing industries. The manual was amended and a counsel meeting was held to revise and finalize the manual. This plan also combined the information of the best available control technology and cost of control equipment for dioxin and odor pollutants. It also analyzed the unit cost of the proper control equipment in order to provide a reference to other related industries for improvement.According to the past EPA control results for reducing odor pollutants, the draft of control measures was created for the animal husbandry and the compost industry. As to the odor pollution of asphalt mixing in the past two years, this plan combined the control inspection results from the EPA Executive Yuan of north area and the EPB in New Taipei City, and then drafted the control regulations for asphalt mixing. This provides the EPA odor control reference for the follow-up actions. 098 空保處 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司
總共 6048 筆,顯示第 3951 到第 4000 筆