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32121024 環保法規標準化英譯及法規雙語網站資料更新建置維護 鑑於環保法規之英譯,具有高度專業性及複雜性,法規英譯亟需力求嚴謹,故英譯環保法規無法與最新環保法規同步更新,爰於本雙語網站提供「最新的中文法規原文」之連結,以利知悉英譯環保法規之最新現行規定之中文內容。並讓國人對環保法規最新異動資訊可以及時取得。今年工作仍繼續進行環保法規英譯工作、製作中英環保法規AAA無障礙標準的網頁並擴充網站內容;進行系統軟體維運與資安管理。 R.O.C. Environmental Law Standardized Translation and Bilingual Web Search System Data and Software The translation of environmental laws and regulations into English is a complex process that requires a high degree of expertise. The English translation of laws and regulations also requires careful review and attention to detail. For this reason, the English translations cannot be concurrently completed in the same timeframe as the new and revised laws in Chinese. Thus, the R.O.C. (Taiwan) Environmental Law Library website provides a link to the “most recent original laws and regulations in Chinese” on the site to familiarize users with the source regulations in Chinese with respect to the most recent English version of the corresponding law or regulation, while also providing R.O.C. citizens with timely access to the latest information on changes to various laws and regulations. This year’s work continued the English translation work, AAA Priority English and Chinese web page production, further expanded the overall content of the website and implemented software updates, system maintenance and network security protocols.This year’s work continued the English translation work, AAA Priority English and Chinese web page production, and further expanded the overall content of the website. 101 法規會 精粹有限公司
32121025 101年度澎湖縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫 1.依環保署公佈統計至101年11月底,通知應到檢車輛數為46,544輛,回歸車籍計算完成檢驗車輛數30,958輛,機車定檢到檢率回歸車籍計算為66.51%,回歸定檢站完成檢驗車輛數25,335輛,回歸定檢站到檢率計算為54.12%,今年在回歸車籍在全國22縣市已排名至第7名,比去年度全國排名第14名進步7名。2.從3月開始正式執行車牌辨識,至12月31日已成功辨識49,259輛次的車輛,未定檢比率平均為12.28%,設籍本縣的車輛稽查數佔總稽查數的85.45%,設籍本縣的未定檢車輛數佔總稽查未定檢車輛數的77.75%,若以3~10月份寄出的車辨催檢通知來看,回檢率約有71.15%左右,顯示效果不錯,只要能確實拍到車輛在使用,民眾的回檢意願相對較高。3.移定車服務本年度在上個計畫101年1月至2月有執行385輛,101年計畫從101年2月21日計畫開始至101年12月10日共計檢測5,076輛,合計完成5,461輛次,今年平均月檢測數約496輛次。4.依101年度環保署提供之車籍資料分析及計畫要求,預計郵寄50,000輛次通知明信片,各鄉市通知數量的統計如表所列,統計至101年12月31日已完成寄出50,302件完成比率達100.6%。5.完成巡查作業計4,033輛,截至101年12月10日,完成定檢率達76.52%。6.路邊執行攔檢機車596輛(包含已定檢機車80輛),合格458輛、合格邊綠116輛、不合格22輛,整體不合格率為3.69%。7.101年度1~11月定檢站氣體查核結果,誤差皆在標準值範圍內,皆無氣體比對不合格的情況發生,定檢合格標籤藍標部分共24筆貼錯之情形發生,分別是光億機車行21筆、西北行2筆及移定車2筆,而黃標部份共3筆,分別為鈤立車行2筆及西北行有1筆貼錯紀錄。8.本縣定檢站檢測每個月不合格率低於3%,今年1~11月分別有鈤立車行(X03)、西北行(X06)、全能車行(X10)及勁揚車行(X11)都是11次,表現最好。9.統計至101年12月10日止,已於縣內柴油車較常出入之重要路段,完成柴油車目視判煙稽查357輛次,經目判人員判煙認定後,所有受目視判煙稽查之車輛,其目判排煙不透光率皆落在20%至30%之間,其中以20%最多佔79.55%。10.統計至101年12月10日止,辦理柴油車排煙檢測,計畫目標250輛次,目前已完成260輛次,完成率100.4%;本年度以參加柴油車自主管理之車隊為主,車輛檢測前大多先進行維修保養,因此不合格數只有5輛次。 11.本年度路邊攔檢抽油,計畫目標為210件,目前已檢查柴油送交化驗210件,完成率100%;已檢驗完成報告數210件,不合格數10件,不合格率為4.76%,其餘含硫量皆符合法規標準。12.至11月30日為止,本計畫已完成2場二行程汰舊宣導活動,共計130人次參加;4場怠速熄火宣導會,共計291人次參加;4場次定檢站教育訓練、2場次宣導車主落實關鍵零件之調修保養說明會、4場保養場座談會、4場內部人員教育訓練及1場世界無車日宣導活動。13.101年度截至11月30日,共完成補助審查二行程補助汰舊300件。 Penghu County Mobile Pollution Source Control Project 1. Published by the EPA statistics on Nov. 30, the notice shall be to check the number of vehicles to 46,544 vehicles, motorcycle scheduled for inspection in accordance with the rate of return is calculated as 66.51%(30,958 motorbikes complete the detection), according to inspection became firmly fixed inspection rate was54.12%(25,335 motorbikes complete the detecton).2. In the tasks of the identification system, this project has completed 49,259 cases and the rate of non-inspection was 12.28%; the rate of the motorcycle that was registered in Penghu County was 85.45% in which the rate of non-inspection was 77.75%; the rate of participation for those motorcycles that when they received the notice with picture and go to inspect was about 71.15% during March to December.3. In the tasks of mobile inspection van, this year has completed 5,461 cases, and the monthly average was 496 cases.4. In the tasks of notice, this project has to complete delivering 50,000 postcards, so far, this project has delivered 50,302 postcards; the accomplishment rate was 100.6%.5. In the tasks of the patrolling, this project has completed 4,033 cases, and retest the rate of participation was 100.8%.6. In the tasks of the inspecting motorcycle on the roadside, this project has completed inspection 596 cases (Include 80 cases that have been inspected), in which, the qualified number was 458, margin number was 116, and unqualified number was 22; the total unqualified rate was 3.69%. 7. In the tasks of the comparing gas concentration, all results were within error range. In the tasks of the inspection mark, there were 3 inspection stations that mislabeled the Blue Mark, they were Hong-Long,Xi-bie-hang,and mobile inspection van respectively; and besides, there were 2 inspection stations that mislabeled the Yellow Mark, they were Ri-Li, and Xi-bie-hang respectively.8. In the tasks of checking inspection station, there were 3 stations that the unqualified rate under 3%. They were the same of Ri-Li,Xi-bie-hang, chiung- neng and Jin-Yang (11 times).9. In the tasks of inspection diesel vehicle, there were 357 cases that have finished the visual judgment of the smoky diesel vehicle. In the survey, the opaque rate ranges between 20% and 30%, in which, 20% was most than else, and that was 79.55% of all cases.10. In the tasks of diesel vehicle emissions inspection,target unmber was 250 cases. This project has submitted 260 cases to inspect, and the accomplishment rate was 100.4%,and only 5 unqualified cases.11. In the tasks of the spot check on the sulfur content,target number was 210.This project has submitted 210 cases to inspect, and the accomplishment rate was 100%. In which, there were 210 cases has finished inspection,and 10 unqualified cases that has completed re-inspection,the unqualified rate was 4.76%; others meet the government regulations.12. This project has finished 12 advocacy activities and 8 manpower of education and training.The big of World Car Free Day advocacy activity.13. This project has finished the review, inspection, and appropriation of the out of age 2-stroke motorcycles subsidy application submitted by people during the period of performing. There were 300 application cases . 101 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 新研車輛科技有限公司
32121026 研析都市分離式雨水下水道系統水質污染管理制度專案計畫 環保署為瞭解都市分離式雨水下水道系統污染負荷現況、並規劃都市地區逕流廢水污染預防及控制,乃於101年度辦理「研析都市分離式雨水下水道系統水質污染管理制度專案計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)。本計畫彙整大臺北雨水下水道系統相關資訊,並執行晴、雨天水質水量量測共計60點次,其結果顯示污水下水道接管率高的地區,其雨水下水道排放水質較佳,在工業區附近的雨水下水道排放水質導電度與重金屬濃度皆較高,即不同土地利用分區之雨水下水道排放水質具有各自特性。經蒐集國外先進國家(美國、日本)對於雨水下水道管制制度,與國內現行法規作比較後,提出後續國內管理制度建議,短期建議可針對特定區域進行試辦計畫,並逐步建立背景資料庫,長期建議將試辦成果回饋作為法令修訂之依據並組織專家顧問團估算水體涵容能力。本計畫並製作技術宣導手冊,內容包含雨水下水道污染來源掌握、最佳管理措施與成效評估建議。為達經驗交流與凝聚共識之目的,本計畫亦舉辦專家學者座談會,與會人員提出優先擇定試辦區域、對環保從業人員優先推廣教育訓練再逐步向一般民眾宣導等建議。 Study of Municipal Stormwater Separate Sewer System (MS4) Water Pollution Management In order to understand Taiwan’s current municipal stormwater separate sewer system contamination condition and plan for better effluent discharge prevention and control, Taiwan EPA initiated this “Study of Municipal Stormwater Sewer System (MS4) Water Quality Pollution Management” Project in 2012. In this Project, major tasks include 1. Compilation of the Great Taipei Area stormwater system existing information and advance country MS4 management regulations and control methods; 2. The design and implementation of a stormwater sampling program; and 3. The design of Stormwater outreach brochures; and 4. Conducting a symposium.Sixty stormwater samples were collected and analyzed. Results indicated different stormwater characteristics corresponding to different landuse types. Specifically, results showed - 1. Better water quality was found in the areas with higher density of separate waste water sewer system. 2. In the neighborhood of industrial area, conductivity and heavy metal concentration were found to be higher.Based on the lessons learned from USA and Japan’s Storm water management systems, and Taiwan’s current conditions/characteristics, suggestions of how to develop Taiwan stormwater management system were made. Short term plan includes pilot studies in key priority areas for baseline database development. Long term plan comprises feedback mechanism from pilot studies and an expert panel guiding stormwater pollution controls and related regulation development, and waterbody loading capacity calculations.Stormwater outreach brochures were also developed with contents including stormwater source controls, best management practices and cost-benefit evaluation methods. Last but not least, a symposium was also conducted to share all information collected and compiled. Suggestions on conducting pilot studies in key priority areas, developing training programs for environmental professional and then conducting public outreach were made. 101 水保處 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司
32121027 100年度土淨水清宣導活動企劃與執行計畫 101 土污基管會 國立臺灣師範大學
32121028 金門縣101年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫 本年度『移動污染源稽查管制計畫』執行期程自101年2月17日至101年12月20日止,完成機車排氣路邊攔檢700輛、未到檢機車車牌辨識501輛、巡查715輛、訪查1,000輛、定檢站定期查核70站、實車查核7站、定檢站人員教育訓練1場及稽查人員教育訓練3場、定期檢驗通知單27,890件及二次通知10,465件寄發、充電站巡查4次112站;柴油車路邊攔檢250輛及場站檢測255輛、油品檢驗60瓶、目視判煙合格400輛、不合格30輛次、烏賊車案件處理、完成製作摺頁文宣2,500份、宣導品1,000份、紅布條100條、機車定檢小貼紙18,000份,並舉辦4場宣導活動1場柴油車綠色駕駛說明會、1場柴油車維修保養觀摩會及新聞見報4則。 2012 Penghu County Mobile Pollution Source Control Project “2012 Penghu County Mobile Pollution Source Control Project” had begun from Feb.-17- 2012 to Dec.-20-2011. This project has completed 700 inspections for motorcycle emission on the roadside; 501 judgments of identifying the license plate for un-inspection motorcycles; 715 patrolling inspections; 1,000 visiting for those vehicles which didn’t inspect for over 3 year; 70 on-site inspections for inspection stations; 7 on-site inspections by riding motorcycles; holding one education training meeting and 3 seminars of inspectors ; delivering 27,890 period inspection notices and 10,465 second notices; patrolling 4 times and 112 points of charge stations. Moreover, in the tasks of diesel vehicles, this project completed 250 inspections on the roadside and 255 inspections in the diesel inspection; 60 bottles of oil ingredient inspected; 400 visual judgments for smoked vehicles, in which there were 30 cases unqualified; dealing with the cases of smoked vehicles; making 25,000 handbills, 1,000 gifts, 100 red banners, and 18,000 stickers; holding 4 promotions, 1 seminar for diesel vehicles drivers, and 1 demonstration of diesel vehicle maintenance; and publishing 4 press releases on newspaper. 101 金門縣環境保護局 新研車輛科技有限公司
32121029 水體環境水質改善及經營管理規劃與執行計畫 為改善及維護水體環境品質,持續打造宜人樂活之水環境,環保署自101年至106年推動「水體環境水質改善及經營管理計畫」(以下簡稱院核定計畫),期提升環境品質並增進國民健康,而本計畫目標主要為調查及蒐集各級政府推動河川污染整治相關資料及目前推動水質保護工作現況及遭遇之問題,藉以評估達成院核定計畫之水質目標所需採行之策略與方法,妥適規劃未來各項工作辦理期程及執行策略,並綜整過去推動「河川及海洋水質維護改善計畫(第2期)」及「國家重要濕地保育計畫」執行成果,以彰顯政府施政績效。 本計畫分析11條重點河川及本島21座主要水庫中近5年來曾優養化之水庫水體水質變化,並針對11條重點河川篩選出優先整治推動之河段及關鍵測站,與近5年來曾優養化之水庫,提出不同污染來源及特性之研擬執行策略,並據以提出分年分期執行期程,評估河川和水庫水體環境水質改善情形。 在規劃各項工作辦理情形之整治策略方面,包含近自然河川評估準則及標準作業程序、污水下水道建設、污水截流系統操作、現地處理設施、事業水污染稽查管制及水庫活化等,將先進技術、低衝擊開發及聚落式污水處理等納入重點河川污染整治評估,且針對優養化高潛勢水庫推廣合理化施肥,並清查水庫集水區污水下水道建設狀況,評估推動設置聚落式污水處理設施或最佳處理設施。此外,另籌辦重點河川污染改善評估專家會議,藉由會議辦理凝聚各單位之共識,滾動式管理重點河川流域之階段性污染整治策略;本計畫另提出污水截流設施設置及操作策略、聚落式污水處理設施操作策略及設置技術準則、現地處理設施永續經營附加效益評估作業流程等執行要項,做為中央及地方政府未來推動業務之參據。 本計畫亦為提高民眾對政府環保施政的瞭解,本計畫綜整過去推動「河川及海洋水質維護改善計畫(第2期)」及河川整治工程執行成果,包括都會型河川及現地處理設施,將近年河川整治推動成果彙編成冊,做為各地方政府推動參考,以展現政府近年環境保護施政績效。 Improvement and Management of Water Environment and Master Plan In order to improve the water quality and make a hospitable water environment, EPA has impelled “Water Quality and Environmental Improvement and Management Program” from 2012 to 2017(called “Program” for short) to upgrade the living-environment-quality.. The scope of this project contains collecting the previous research data and results, estimating the strategies and methodologies to reach the water quality target in the Program, and planning the future schedule and execution strategy of the Program, investigating the result of “River and sea water quality maintenance and improvement project (phase II)” and “Important Wetlands in Taiwan” to manifest the achievements of the government.In order to focus the resource to execute river pollution control work and to evaluate the improvement of water quality of river, the project analyze last 5 years data to pick up 11 primary rivers, adopt different annual strategies and schedules by different priority sections and different source of pollution.The related strategies of river pollution control include sewer construction, operation of sewage interception systems, on-site treatment facilities of dry weather flow, inspection of industrial wastewater of the environmental. Also, advanced technologies, low impact development and decentralized waste treatment systems would be considered to estimate the effect of river pollution control in primary rivers. The progress meetings are often held to review the outcome on each phase of the pollution remediation by utilizing a rolling management.The results of project, which are operation strategies of interception system, setup criteria of decentralized waste treatment, and additional benefit evaluation of on-site treatment facilities, will also be issued to government for reference.In addition, to improve the public understanding of government environmental policy, a manual would be made, the content include results of “river and sea water quality maintenance and improvement project (phase II)” , river pollution control results in city and on-site treatment data, to manifest the performance of the government. 101 水保處 臺北科技大學水環境中心
32121030 101年度環保標章產品規格標準制訂、驗證技術、產品查核機制技術及環境效益評估方法之研究 本計畫共完成水性塗料、資源回收再利用建材、衛生用紙、清洗衣清潔劑、家用冷氣機計5項環保標章規格標準產品之環境效益評估與綜合指標、12篇環保標章相關資訊研析報告、提出旅館業、電動機車、回收紡織品、回收再利用建材、使用再生紙之紙製文具及書寫用紙、使用回收紙之衛生用紙、電視機、飲水供應機、水性塗料、原生碳粉匣、洗衣清潔劑、資源化磚類建材、自然循環式太陽能熱水器、開飲機、省能源精緻型螢光燈(CFL)、屋外即熱式燃氣熱水器、回收PET服飾紡織品、行動電話、視訊媒體播放機計19項規格標準修正草案;提出鐘錶、機械泡沫滅火器、吸塵器、門窗、電池充電器、地板、地毯、壁紙、黏著劑9相規格標準案及協助財團法人台灣產業服務基金會進行服務業規格研擬及配合相關公聽會與工作會議。包含旅行業、清潔服務業、餐館業、洗車服務業、汽車租賃業等5項,合計13項新增規格標準草案、完成辦理相關會議計32場次、1場檢測機構未經認證檢測項目認可登錄技術審查小組會議及現場查核,以及完成環境保護產品與「生態女性主義」相關課程1場次及環境保護產品檢測業者之說明會1場次等,並協助將規格標準管制方式及細節規定予以統一修正。就短中長期建議上,短期建議包括:與節能標章共用查核結果、開放由廠商自提規格標準建議案、相關訓練課程與環境教育法相關訓練結合、回收基金之綠色差別匯率納入環保標章考量、生命週期較短之產品申請作業調整。中期建議包括環保標章規格標準依其用途進行檢討分類與適用範圍、環保標章抽查檢驗作業方式調整、換發新證簡化程序。長期建議包括:由綠色採購計算與配分方式凸顯環保標章之地位、發行電子刊物之方式加強對於民眾之宣導、構思相關獎勵補助或輔導措施、朝向民生必須用品以及服務業規格之擴大、持續進行環境效益評估研究以配合廠商申請數據計算呈現與民眾宣導。 201 Study on the Development and Revision of Green Mark Product Criteria, Certification and Product This project has successfully accomplished the following tasks: finished environmental performance assessment and composite indexes for 5 categories of Green Mark Specification Products, namely, water-based paint, recycled construction materials, toilet papers, laundry detergents, and household air conditioners; finished 12 investigative reports on eco-label related information; submitted specification revision drafts for 19 categories, namely, hotels, electric motorcycles, recycled fabric, recycled construction materials, stationery papers made with recycled paper, toilet papers, televisions, water fountains, water-based paints, original toner cartridges, laundry detergents, building material made from recovered wastes, natural-convection solar water heater, water dispenser, compact fluorescent lamps(cfl), outdoor gas instant water heater, textile products made from recycled pet plastic, mobile telephones, video media players; submitted specification proposal for 9 categories, namely, clocks and watches, mechanical foam fire extinguisher, vacuum cleaners, doors and windows, battery chargers, flooring, carpets, wallpapers and glues and helped Foundation of Taiwan Industrial Service with drafting of service sector specifications and with the organization of public hearing and work meetings for industries such as travel agency, cleaning service, restaurants, car washing and car rentals. In total, the project has finished 13 new specification proposal, 1 review panel meeting and onsite audit for validation and registration technique of testing items not verified by testing organizations, 1 class about eco-friendly products and "eco-feminism" and 1 explanatory meeting for eco-friendly product testing businesses. The project also assisted with the integration and revision of the management method and detailed regulations of the Specifications. Regarding short, mid and long term suggestions, short term suggestions include: recognize Energy Label audit results, allow businesses to submit Specification proposals, link training curriculum of this project to related training under the Environmental Education Act, take the green differentiated rate of the Recycling Fund into consideration for Green Mark applications, revise application procedure for products with short life cycle. Mid term suggestions include: review the classification and coverage of Green Mark Specifications according to the uses, adjust Green Mark random checking procedure, and simplify certificate renewing procedure. Long term suggestions include: highlight Green Mark by green purchase calculations and score assigning, improve public education by adjusting electronic publication, create reward-related subsidies and assistance measures, expand the Specification coverage for daily amenity products and service sector, continue conducting environmental performance assessment investigations to facilitate the calculation and presentation of application data supplied by the businesses and public education. 101 管考處 財團法人環境與發展基金會
32121031 固定污染源稽查管制及空污費催補繳工作計畫 101 新竹縣環境保護局 康城工程顧問股份有限公司
32121032 檢討修正國內現行固定污染源許可管理制度暨地方主管機關許可審查人員品質提升作業計畫 為強化與落實我國固定污染源管理制,本計畫分為四大重點包括:1.整體管制策略研析。2.固定污染源制度整合與法規研訂。3.提昇縣市執行工作。4. 技術管理工具應用。針對整體管制策略研析部分,本計畫分析彙整國際近期固定污染源管制趨勢及執行現況,參照國際管制趨勢並依據國內縣市環保局執行重點與空氣品質整體管制目標,擬訂落實許可制度、執行有害物種管制、加嚴排放標準及強化BACT、空污費經濟誘因四大面向工作重點。另規劃101年中央政府及地方政府工作重點,分為法規制度與空氣污染改善兩大類,其中法規制度工作重點為持續檢討推動許可管理制度、加嚴行業別排放標準、推動排放量整合作業、強化許可證審核人員訓練制度、檢討生煤許可管理辦法及空污費徵收制度;在空氣污染改善工作重點為推動三級防制區既存污染源排放量削減、擴大污染物種管制,並評析燃料油含硫分降低之可行性與推動PM2.5前驅物削減及逸散源管理。固定污染源制度整合與法規研訂部分,進行現行許可管理制度檢討,研擬推動全廠許可、合理核定排放量、空污費與排放量申報整合、落實許可管理外,並協助完成「空氣污染防制費收費辦法」修正公告、「公私場所固定污染源排放量申報管理辦法」修正草案、「15項行業製程別固定污染源最佳可行控制技術」修正草案、「固定污染源自行或委託檢測及申報管理辦法」修正草案、「稽查裁處作業要點」草案研擬及稽查裁處執行手冊編撰、「公私場所違反空氣污染防制法應處罰鍰額度裁罰準則」修正草案、「違反空氣污染防制法按日連續處罰執行準則」修正草案及「第四批專責人員公告條件」新增草案。提昇縣市執行工作部分,執行縣市許可證書面查核229件(118件許可證核發及展延;111件許可證內容查核)及受委託機關許可評鑑10家,現場輔導119件與20件特定行業別排放標準法規符合度查核;另外,完成規劃許可審核人員訓練教材五門與監督檢測實廠教育訓練。技術管理工具應用部分,除執行21,236家資料庫品質檢核外,配合空水廢毒資訊系統整合(EMS系統)之作業,已開發完成申請電子付費輸入界面、增加記錄許可審查費及證書費功能之電子付費系統,並完成許可申請電子簽章、技師線上確認許可申請資料的功能;另考量資訊系統操作與功能強化之必需性及排放量整合作業新增申報項目,完成排放量申報系統增修、許可申請系統、線上申請系統及許可管制系統等系統更新增修作業。 Project for Stationary Source Permit Controlled Implementation, and Reviewed Cities and Counties Wor In order to strengthen and put the stationary sources management into effect, this project included 4 major parts: 1) Development of stationary sources control strategies, 2) integration of stationary sources management systems and revision of regulations, 3) improvement for the efficiency of the local competent authority management, 4) integration and improvement of the quality and function of management system.In the part of control strategies development, this project is based on latest information of control measures and regulations in foreign countries, accomplishment the permit management program is based on the policies implemented by local competent authorities and the target of air quality, HAPs control, emission standards and BACT strengthening, and air pollution control fee program reviewing. For 2012, this project proposed that central and local competent authorities work on 2 sections. Firstly, regulations amendments which included ongoing review the permit management program, strengthened the emission standards for particular industries, promoted the emission integration strategy, consolidated control measures, strengthened the training system of permit auditors, examined the regulation of bituminous coal and revised air pollution control fee regulation system. Secondly, air pollution abatement which is to screen, control, and reduce emission sources in industrial estate comprehensively, to promote the emission reduction program of Class 3 control regions, to expand the range of regulated pollutant species, to develop the emission standards of production capacity, to assess the possibility of reducing the sulfate content of fuel oil, and to promote the management of reducing the precursor of PM2.5 and escape source. For integration of stationary sources control strategies and revision of regulations it, carried out a comprehensive review of the existing permit management system, developed the whole-plant permit system, rationalized the permit emission quantity, integrated of air pollution control fee system and emission report system, and put permit management program into practice. Additionally, this project helped finishing the revision of 「air pollution control fee collection regulations」and the amendment draft of 「stationary sources emission report control measures」, 「the best available control technology of 15 stationary sources」, 「self- or entrust inspection and declaration regulations of stationary source」, 「amount of violation fines regulation」, 「directions of investigation and punishment for violations of air pollution act」, 「the penalty policy of stationary sources continuing daily violations」, and 「the forth group of dedicated air pollution control personnel」.To reinforce working efficiency on stationary sources of the local competent authority management, this project executed 229 random inspections of city/county government permits by written form, finished evaluation of commissioned authorities issued permits in 10 factories, on-site counseled 119 cases, and 20 cases of reviewing for particular industries emission standards regulations. Besides, this project completed planning 5 permit reviewer training materials and training for inspection of on-site testing.To enhance the quality and function of management system, this project performed examination of database quality for 21,236 factories. Furthermore, in order to coordinate with the integration of EMS system, development of electronic permit payment system, permit application electronic signature function and online technician confirmation function are completed. Moreover, necessity of improvement of system functions and easy-operation, and development of the new function of integrated emission system are taken into consideration. The project accomplished the improvement of emission report system, permit applying online system (for authorities and industries) and permit management system. 101 空保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司
32121033 101年度屏東縣餐飲業空氣污染管制計畫 本計畫工作期程自民國101年8月9日至102年6月30日止,本計畫各項工作進度及執行成果說明如下:一、建置本縣餐飲業基本資料庫 本計畫參考本縣登記有案之餐飲業進行調查及資料建檔,並以大鵬灣、小琉球、恆春半島地區之餐飲業為優先巡查對象。並完成建置餐飲業稽巡查標準作業程序,並編訂餐飲稽巡查標準作業程序,制定各項查核作業表單。本計畫共完成315家餐飲業現場稽巡查作業,若就調查對象之經營型態進行分析,以中式餐廳221家為最高、西式餐廳17家、日式餐廳13家、複合式餐廳19家、速食餐廳25家及其他類型餐廳20家。若以調查對象之污染防制設備設置情形進行解析,僅設有擋板、濾網及水幕式煙罩等前處理設備業者共245家(佔調查比例77.8%),同時裝設前處理設備及管末處理設備業者共139家(佔調查比例44.1%),皆未裝設污染防制設備之餐飲業者共19家(佔調查比例6%)。二、餐飲業污染防制設備廠商名錄彙整收集 本計畫已收集全國119家餐飲業污染防制設備廠商名錄,並分析歸納各類空氣污染防制設備型式、單位造價、防制效率及實績經驗,並於計劃執行期間持續蒐集餐飲油煙污染物之影響、健康研究文獻,協助技術服務及諮詢輔導,供餐飲業者參考。三、餐飲業減量輔導協談 本計畫依環保局報案中心提供之陳情案件資料及環保局指定之餐飲業者,共執行餐飲減量輔導作業共32場(51家)次;經本計畫輔導後安裝管末防制設備之餐飲業者共25家次(佔輔導比例約50%),並於輔導時加強宣導污染防制設備定期維護保養之觀念。四、餐飲業減量輔導專家學者協談 餐飲業減量輔導專家學者協談會議,係以大型餐飲業或屢遭陳情業者為優先執行輔導對象,本計劃共執行7場次減量輔導專家學者協談會議,每場次各邀請2位專家學者至現場進行輔導;專家學者輔導建議之事項包含:管末設備-濕式洗滌塔使用後之廢水如何處理避免2次污染;風車設計馬力過大-應考量降低功率,以減少能源之浪費;本計劃持續督促餐飲業者,主動進行污染防制設備改善之工作。五、研擬餐飲業分級標準完成轄區餐飲業分級作業 本計畫已研擬餐飲業分級標準,並以環保無煙餐廳為訴求重點,並規劃完成縣轄內餐飲業分級作業,並建立大型餐飲業者污染防制作業之相關範例;本計劃搭配縣府兩島一灣之策略,已規劃完成兩島一灣之餐飲業分級作業,經專家學者進行餐飲業各項評鑑後,已選出本年度環保餐廳共4家次,並搭配屏東縣政府舉辦「2013屏東縣黑鮪魚文化觀光季」之大型活動時,進行環保餐廳污染防制成效表揚。六、執行餐飲業周界異味檢測 本計畫已完成20點次異味官能測定及分析,周界異味檢測分析結果,以A臭豆腐濃度值666為最高,其次為B小吃店濃度值為185、第三為C海鮮餐廳濃度值為81,上述三家次均超過周界法規標準值之規定。而管道異味檢測分析結果,以D公司東港店濃度值4,120為最高,其次為E度假村濃度值為1,350,均超過管道(18公尺以下)異味標準1,000之規定,本計畫已針對不符合規定之餐飲業者,請業者自提減量輔導改善計畫書,除要求業者要進行污染防制設備裝設及改善外,本計劃亦持續進行後續改善情形之追蹤。 七、餐飲業污染減量輔導改善說明會 本計畫已完成兩場次餐飲業油煙減量輔導改善說明會,第一場次於101年12月下午14時於本縣墾丁國家公園管理處生態研習中心舉辦,會中邀請輔英科技大學及屏東縣廚具商業同業公會,針對「餐飲業空氣污染防制技術說明」及「屏東縣餐飲業實際案例探討分析」二大主題進行講習,讓與會者了解廚房油煙對空氣污染及對人體傷害的重要性,宣導說明會最後針對現階段執行與未來政策規劃進行說明,請業者改善及配合環保局政策推廣。第二場次於102年4月下午14時於本縣東港鎮公所舉辦,會中邀請工業技術研究院及國立中山大學,針對「餐飲業空氣污染相關法規說明」及「餐飲業空氣污染防制技術說明」二大主題進行演講,使與會業者能了解廚房油煙,對空氣及人體傷害之重要性;並於會中宣導落實污染防制及設備檢查保養作業與各項環境保護對策,確保業者污染防制設備之正常運作,降低油煙排放及異味之情形,減少民眾陳情事件發生,促使大鵬灣國家風景區之景色依舊美麗。八、餐飲業宣導手冊製作 本計畫共完成餐飲業油煙宣導手冊2,000份製作,並於計畫執行期間,發放給接受查核之餐飲業者或參與相關活動之民眾供參。九、規劃環保餐飲示範街之成立 本計畫依實際查核及各種評鑑之結果,訂定本縣東港鎮光復路海產街為本計劃推動環保餐飲示範街之成立地點,並於102年5月搭配屏東縣政府舉辦「2013屏東縣黑鮪魚文化觀光季」之大型活動,於東港鎮光復路成立本縣第一條環保餐飲示範街,期望塑造屏東縣餐飲業之觀光形象,並提出相關改善行為及辦理成果。 十、辦理餐飲示範街之觀摩活動 本計畫已於102年3月辦理環保餐飲示範街之觀摩活動,本次參訪地點為基隆市(信一路環保示範街、廟口仁三路夜市、愛四路夜市),藉由本次觀摩活動發現,基隆市政府不僅能有系統規劃店家與攤販位置及編號的一致性,不論是在店家的外觀及廟口夜市整體的美感,有著大大的加分作用,提高夜市知名度,增加業者之曝光度及觀光購買之人潮。十一、協助環保局執行轄內餐飲業陳情案件後續追蹤巡稽查作業 本計畫已追蹤及輔導44家次陳情業者,經本計劃減量及輔導作業已安裝前處理設備共41家(佔追蹤輔導約93.2%)、並安裝管末設備共32家(佔追蹤輔導約72.7%);經本計畫輔導後,僅有5家業者再被民眾陳情;故本計劃將持續追蹤陳情業者缺失及改善情形,並將尚未改善完成之陳情業者持續追蹤,以有效遏止餐飲業之空氣污染行為。 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 慧群環境科技股份有限公司
32121034 101年度營建工程污染管制及查核計畫 本計畫執行期程一年,自101年3月1日至102年2月28日止,本計畫主要工作重點為協助環保局加強辦理各項營建工地、管線、道路施工之稽、巡查管制工作,並將列管工地資料建檔管理,透過宣導資料發放及污染協商會、工地輔導之進行,加強工地對污染防範之認知,以落實污染改善之目的。為提升環保局空氣污染防制工作執行績效,爭取環保署考核佳績,101年度營建工程排放量削減率達61%,TSP削減量5,282.67公噸,巡查排放量比率97%,巡查納管率76%,排放量抽查正確率100%,資料庫建檔品質100%,告發處分108件,告發改善完成率100%;預估自評成績2.45分,達成率98%,考評成績為歷年最佳。營建工程空氣污染防制費總申報件數計有3,844件,總申報金額為47,441,056元,今年度申報件數為近三年最高。101年度納管工地數4,804處,巡查納管率76%,和去年度相比,空污費申報數增加445件,納管工地數增加310處,巡查納管率下降近11%;後續規劃除再增加一組巡查組及提高巡查次數外,另一案多拆工地將以一管編多序號方式編列,以提升巡查納管率。計畫執行期間,本計畫總計列管4,804處工地,累計巡查數達6,243處次,經由例行性巡查並將工地資料如期建檔外,且辦理10場次營建工地污染協商會說明會,輔導46處營建工地執行道路認養,洗掃總長度達60,166.7公里,TSP削減達830.3公噸。今年度之創新作法:資源回收營建再利用,利用廢棄廣告帆布作為營建工地料堆及裸露地覆蓋,覆蓋面積約達1,000㎡,覆蓋前後平均削減率提升至58%,工地反應良好。為配合雲林縣政府「2013年12月25日農博在雲林」活動,召開農博特定區綠圍籬協商會議,邀請主、副場館周邊工地進行圍籬綠美化設置協談,目前已有1處工地完成150m簡易綠圍籬設置,有4處工地願意設置綠圍籬,計約355公尺;另有3處工地表示因設置綠圍籬經費編列不足,故採取設置廣告帆布及圍籬彩繪,共約270公尺,以響應2013年12月25日農博在雲林。 The project achievement report of Environmental Protection Bureau, Yunlin County This was a one-year term project, which started in March 1, 2012 and ended in February 28, 2013. The primary objects are to give assistance with tighten up construction management business, including inspect and control of building sites, lay pipes and cables, and create governed construction sites information files for the EPB. By the methods, included publicity material, construction pollution conferences, construction site assistance, and educating the knowledge of pollution prevention to achieve the purpose of reduction pollution.To make every effort to raise performance results of air pollution prevention operation of the EPB and improve performance evaluation results from the EPA. The efforts are as follows. The rate of construction emission volume is 61%, and the volume of TSP is 5,828.67 tons. The rate of the emission inspection and governed inspection are 97% and 76%. The correct rate of spot-check for emissions is 100%, and the quality rate of database archiving is 100%. Construction site denounced sanctions are 108 cases, and improvement rate is 100%. The self-assessment results is 2.45 points, and achievement rate is 98%; the evaluation results is the best over the years.The declarations of air pollution fee for construction are 3,844 cases and air pollution fees amounted to 47,441,056 N.T. dollars; the number of air pollution fees declarations of this year is highest in three years. 4,804 construction sites were governed by the EPB in 2012, and the governed inspection rate is 76%. Compared to last year, the air pollution fee declarations increased 445 cases, governed construction sites added 310 places, and the rate of governed inspection decreased 11% in this year. Further, add one inspection team and inspection times; construction sites which were multi-disassembled will be attached multi serial numbers in order to improve under-governed rate.The project implementation results are as follows. Governed construction sites are 4,804 places and the amount of inspection for building sites are 6,243 times; sites information collected during routine inspection was created files on schedule; 10 construction site pollution consultations were held. Constructors (46 sites) were encouraged to join the adopt-a-road program. The street cleaning operation was completed 60,166.7 kilometers, and TSP volume was reduced 830.3 tons.The innovative approach of this year is resource recycling and reuse which the construction materials and exposed area covered with waste advertising canvases in under construction area. This method gets good response, covered area is about to 1,000 m2, and pollution reduction rate is 58%.Attempting to tie in "2013 Yunlin County Agricultural Fair" with Yunlin County government hold the conferences of green fences in specially designed exposition areas which to discuss how to beautify environment with green plants around main exhibition hall and secondary one. A construction site had completed simple green fences which length is 150 meters now. 101 雲林縣環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司
32121035 屏東縣流域及水污染源稽查管制計畫 本計畫自獲得委辦後,立即成立工作小組展開為期3天之人員教育訓練,訓練重點除了水質採樣作業外,對於列管事業單位基本資料比對、廢水處理設施查核、年度工作重點講解及水污染防治法規等,使工作人員能熟悉入廠時的作業順序及流程。以下就計畫自4/3至11/30止執行成果作說明。一、完成列管事業深度稽查家數139家,包括事業52家及畜牧業87家,進度達成率103.7%。二、完成列管事業深度稽查家次447家次,進度達成率111.8%。三、本年度執行事業單位執行52家深度稽查作業,其中納管事業有5家,其餘47家事業深度稽查結果說明如下:本年度執行47家列管事業深度查核後,整體評估疑有違規排放或放流水質未符合廠家計有16家,依規定執行夜間及假日稽查,執行16家查核與放流水採樣分析結果,其中2家夜間稽查放流水不符合標準、1家夜間及假日稽查放流水均不符合標準。雖此3家事業放流水未符合標準,但未發現有原廢水偷排情形,顯示業者仍有操作廠內廢水處理設施,惟在非上班時段顯然操作狀況較不佳。四、本年度執行畜牧業執行87家深度稽查作業,畜牧業深度稽查結果說明如下:本年度執行87家畜牧業現場功能性查核結果,其中以「水量不平衡,疑似廢水未全數納入處理設施處理」最高,且大部分業者均無法提出相關操作紀錄,顯示大部分養豬場業者平時仍有違規排放僥倖心態。此外亦查獲污水處理設施現場有不明活動管線,現場均請業者移除改善;亦有部分業者廠外放流口旁或附近有不明管線,已輔導業者拆除或封閉。另其中有31家畜牧業污水處理設施操作狀況不佳,或放流水未符合標準,本計畫均依規定執行夜間及假日稽查,執行31家查核與放流水採樣分析結果,其中2家夜間稽查放流水不符合標準、8家假日稽查放流水不符合標準、1家夜間及假日稽查放流水均不符合標準。雖廠家放流水未符合標準,但稽查時並未發現業者有原廢水偷排情形,顯示業者仍有操作廠內廢水處理設施,惟操作狀況不佳。五、水質採樣分析本計畫開始執行以來,持續協助環保局進行水質採樣檢測工作,截至101年11月30日為止已完成畜牧業163家次與其他事業100家次,合計263家次水質採樣分析工作,整體合格率為79.8%。在工業區水質採樣分析方面, 本計畫執行3處工業區放流水及雨水道水質採樣檢測作業,總計執行63個樣品數,已達年度目標54個樣品數,達成率為116%。另在水質分析分析成果方面,3處工業區54次放流水採樣分析結果,COD均符合放流水標準。六、繞流暗管稽查成果本計畫查獲5處繞流暗管稽查,並完成處分及封管動作七、功能評鑑本年度功能評鑑事業單位,依據環保署功能評鑑作業原則,並與環保局承辦充分溝通後,選定「國泰皮革工業股份有限公司」、「台灣本田汽車股份有限公司」及「聯夏食品工業股份有限公司」進行功能評鑑作業。評鑑期程為9/19-10/05,包括初評作業、複評作業、無預警稽查作業、水質採樣作業及功能評鑑執行成果等均已完成,另在11/16召開改善協談會議,受評鑑業者亦提出改善措施及改善期程。八、科學儀器蒐證稽查作業本年度以連續水質監測設備,完成執行7場事業水質連續監測作業,編號A02及A03等2家,監測數據部分時段有異常現象,另執行放流水採樣,分析結果有高於標準值,但無偷排跡象。未來可在本年度監測異常時段執行加強稽核作業。另本年度以管型紅外線設備,執行內埔工業區6家納管事業雨水道查核、屏東工業區2家雨水道查核、1家食品製造業放流口排進暗溝、15家畜牧業場外延伸性混凝土水溝蓋查核及4處畜牧業附近排水渠道環境不明管線清查。計查獲1支暗管,並完成公告封管。九、近5年測站水質分析本計畫彙整境內最近5年環保署及環保局各測站水質資料,並完成估算每月RPI及WQI改善程度。十、熱區支流排水水質採樣分析本年度針對熱區支流排水執行水質採樣分析,執行對象為歷年持續執行水質監測之高屏溪流域武洛溪及殺蛇溪、東港溪流域龍頸溪及竹田一號大排等支流,進行每季水質採樣分析,藉以了解之流水之變化,以利環保局針對列管事業之加強管制成效。本計畫依規定於5月份、8月份及11月份完成3次水質採樣與分析。整體水質表現較去年度不佳,部分有進步狀況。十一、水源保護區畜牧業查核成果列管1874家,完成1874家查核作業,進度達成率為100%。十二、推動河川巡守隊運作完成協助運作13支水環境河川巡守隊,並落實以1個月1主題方式辦理各項活動並將成果登錄綠網,包括辦理巡守隊幹部訓練研習、拜訪6所學校成立水質監測網、每月發行巡守隊動態報導電子報、結合NGO執行社區環境或淨溪淨堤活動、完成辦理63場生活污水源頭減量宣導活動。十三、其他協助工作完成協助辦理『發現養豬新$機說明會』、『屏東縣畜牧業熱區水污染法規說明會』、『屏東縣河川及海洋污染事件緊急應變演練』,共計3場。十四、協助考評報告製作本年度4月份完成協助製作「101年河川整治願景考評報告資料」、10月份完成「屏東縣水環境巡守隊經營評核簡報」、「屏東縣水環境巡守隊經營評核報告」及「101年度優良水環境守望襄助巡守隊評選報告」,12月份將協助「102年河川整治願景初評報告」製作。 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司
32121036 四機買新汰舊抽獎活動專案工作計畫 1.舉辦「四機買新汰舊抽獎活動」,規劃活動網站、抽獎獎項及維護消費者登錄資料。 2.運用媒體通路、拍攝短片及記者會活動,進行政策宣導與創造媒體效益。 The Renewal of the Four Household Appliances Lucky Draw Program In order to promote the recycling and reuse of the “Waste Four” (derelict TVs, Washing Machines, Refrigerators, and Air Conditioners), prevent some dealers from charging extra fees for recycling, and avoid environmental pollution caused by random abandoning of the “Waste Four”, from 1st July 2011 onward, the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan (EPA) stipulated that all vendors of these four household appliances must provide their customers with a “Confirmation Note of Consumer’s Rights”, and issue a “Manifest for Recycling and Disposal Management”, while informing customers of their rights and recycling the four appliances free of charge. To comprehensively present the new policies and measures pertaining to the recycling of the Waste Four, the “Million Dollar Lucky Draw for the Renewal of the Four Household Appliances” was the underpinning theme for the following activities: 30-second promotional videos titled “Upgraded Version of the Graduation Ceremony of the Waste Four” and “Nursery Rhyme for the Waste Four”, 176 screenings of a 30-second commercial, establishing a “Million Dollar Lucky Draw for the Renewal of the Four Household Appliances” website, 20-second radio broadcast of “Waste Four Lucky Draw” and 817 screenings of a 20-second commercial. All in all, more than a million people were exposed to these promotional events, which aided in the fostering of goodwill and interest of the general public toward the EPA’s policies.In addition, to enhance the activity’s publicity and public participation, and strengthen vendors’ willingness to cooperate with the recycling policies, the following events were planned: 257 environmental-friendly appliances were set aside for a lucky draw, a press conference, Facebook digital marketing campaign – “It’s Time to Recycle Our Good Friends” and “Love for Environmental Protection – Lucky Draw for Mini Household Appliances”; these publicity activities garnered thousands of people to participate. Further, 10,000 copies of thematic posters were printed for distribution. It is hoped that through this multi-directional marketing method, the general public could be made aware of the actual contents of EPA’s new policies This project aimed to increase consumers’ and vendors’ awareness of the EPA’s new policies through careful planning, media promotion and concrete advertising materials. By maximizing the number of people reached and the scope of the campaign, we could increase the public’s understanding and support of the policies and avenues of resource recycling, thereby enhancing our environmental consciousness as a whole in the pursuit of a clean, sustainable living environment. 101 基管會 東極整合行銷傳播有限公司
32121037 土地品質媒體宣導與活動推動計畫 為推動土壤、地下水保育及污染整治工作,深耕國人及海內外民眾「土地品質即價值」之觀念,並強化國內兒童環境保護知識與態度,進而增進全民環境倫理與責任, 貴署於101年度推動「土地品質媒體宣導與活動推動計畫」,並委託則越多媒體,承辦規劃與執行事務。為此,則越規劃一系列符合署方需求效益之工作項目,規劃有「1分鐘廣告剪輯與後製」、「15分鐘兒童宣導影片製作」、「DVD光碟組製作」、「其他業務辦理作業文宣品設計」、「兩岸三地電視廣告託播」、「國內廣播廣告託播」、「網路廣告委刊」、「平面廣告委刊」、「社群網站經營」「針對兒童辦理500人次以上宣傳活動」,案中並籌備、製作相關宣導製作物與配送相關廣宣品,並應用社群網站執行公關行銷,以達深入民眾感知之宣傳效益;後續於實際執行中,則越亦因應  貴署要求,額外支援案外事務,包括「公益託播事宜」、「土淨水清系列活動開跑記者會」、「紀實新書與動畫發表會」、「土淨水清系列活動頒獎典禮」,過程則越均全力參與配合,以期將本年度之共同宣導效益最大化。「兩岸三地電視廣告託播」,旨在將 貴署既有宣導影片「土地交易篇」及「土地管理篇」,於全國性與兩岸三地可收視之電視頻道中進行一定比例之託播。於101年8月1日至31日,在全球性的中天亞洲臺、全國性的台視、東森等大型電視台,精準播出共167檔電視廣告;另外,「60秒廣告製作與託播」則於101年9月1日至30日於全天播放兒童節目之MOMO親子臺、迪士尼等頻道播送,密集託播共90檔。「15分鐘兒童宣導影片製作」部分,則越為替本案創造超越政令宣導層次的品牌效益,特地打造環保機器人「艾可」等討喜角色,做為全案吉祥物,並在動畫中,安排精彩刺激的地下冒險劇情,帶領兒童藉由人物冒險,瞭解守護土壤、地下水環境的重要性,以此製成15分鐘宣導動畫1部,配和 貴署既有之動畫「土地醫生診療日誌」合製成DVD宣導光組400片。除電視媒體外,為提昇宣導的深度與廣度,則越加值錄製一則30秒廣播廣告「清淨無價篇」,於101年7月30日至8月27日進行廣播媒體託播,播出管道遍及全台,共計250檔。「平面廣宣」部分,針對主要宣導目標之一的兒童,於101年9月5日,將9月23日活動宣導訊息刊登於「國語日報」。另外針對最受土地管理、交易者注目的報紙「蘋果地產王」亦101年9月8日上刊土地交易的注意事項宣導。另外,則越更運用「網路媒體」增加宣導多元性,101年9月16日至22日期間於臺灣最大入口網站「Yahoo!奇摩」刊登首頁關鍵字廣告,搭配土地交易者最常使用的網站「Yes319房屋市集」、「奇集集其他不動產買賣類首頁置頂廣告」進行長達半年之有效曝光。除了付費廣告,則越亦不定期將宣導訊息放置各種免費社群網站。另外,在執行期間更運用全球最多人使用的社群網站,Facebook,建置粉絲團,運用推文贈禮券活動,吸引目標群眾主動加入粉絲團,使宣導更為積極、廣泛。「針對兒童辦理500人次以上宣傳活動」部分,則越規劃長達整日的戶外闖關遊戲活動,於101年9月23日假臺北市動物園舉辦「『艾可大冒險』親子趣味互動營」。活動現場將土壤及地下水防污保育分為六大主題,設計六站關卡,讓現場民眾可以藉由玩遊戲而學習土壤及地下水保育知識。以此遊戲為主軸,串連出活動尾聲之抽「歡樂大獎活動」。現場並邀請最受小朋友歡迎的表演藝人「香蕉哥哥」、「蝴蝶姐姐」以及「High Channel表演舞團」做舞蹈表演,並針對主題做相關的有獎徵答,以增強小朋友對於了解土壤及地下水保育的觀念。「艾可大冒險 親子趣味互動營」接觸人次達10,479人次,其中0歲至10歲佔30%,41-50歲佔21%,由此分析,成員應大多是父母親攜帶著子女,符合則越案前規劃,希望藉由寓教於樂的活動,引起兒童對於土壤及地下水保護、整治觀念的興趣,並透過兒童宣導活動,間接傳遞土地品質及價值的觀念予成人之目標。除上述規劃與執行外,則越至結案以前,持續協助 貴署額外須求,共執行「101年5月分公益託播」達100檔;101年5月23日進行之「土淨水清系列活動開跑記者會」、101年8月15日 貴署署慶系列活動之「土淨水清,家園永青」紀實暨動畫發表會,於兩場活動中,則越皆協助媒體邀請、規劃主持人與活動流程,以及會場用品設計製作;而另外,在101年9月15日 貴署舉辦之「土淨水清系列活動頒獎典禮」活動中,則越並支援提供15分鐘「艾可大冒險」完整動畫於現場播放,並進行9月23日活動前期宣導。本計畫共露出56篇相關新聞報導,原定最高為50篇,因此達成率共計112%,並創造5,263,930 元的新聞價值;另外,電視託播共計357檔、廣播託播共計250檔、報紙廣告2篇、網路廣告5檔、文宣品發送32,415點位、活動接觸10,479人次,總媒體觸及達約165,948,786人次,持續創造國人對土壤、地下水保育重要性的認知。 Land Quality Media Campaigns and Promotion Project In order to promote land & groundwater conservation and pollution remediation, strengthen domestic and overseas Taiwanese's concept of "land quality means wealth", increase knowledge and attitude of children in Taiwan towards environmental protection, and thereby enhance Taiwan people's environmental ethics and responsibility, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) is promoting the "land Quality Media Campaigns and Promotion Project" in 2012 and authorized Tse Yueh Multimedia to be responsible for the planning and execution of related matters.For this reason, Tse Yueh organized a series of effective work items, such as the "1-minute commercial editing and after effects", "15-minute kids campaign video production", "DVD video production", "other businesses and design of print propaganda", "television commercial broadcasting in Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau", "domestic radio commercial broadcasting", "web advertising", "print advertising", "social network management", as well as "kids campaign targeting at over 500 person-times". Additionally,by means of preparation and production of related propaganda items, distribution of related advertising materials, as well as the application of social network into practices of marketing and public relation, the campaign ideas can be effectively implanted into the public. In the subsequent implementation, Tse Yueh also followed the EPA's requests to support matters outside the project, including "advertising services for welfare", "press conference of clean land and clear water series activities", "publication ceremony of documentary book and animation", "award ceremony of clean land and clear water series activities". Tse Yueh participated in all the activities mentioned above and gave full supports, hoping to maximize the effectiveness of collective campaign."Television commercial broadcasting in Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau" covered the EPA's existing campaign videos, namely "Land Deals" and "Land Managements" to be broadcasted in a certain percentage in national television channels that can be also watched in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau. From August 1st to 31st, 2012, these two campaign videos were broadcast in 167 advertising spots in the global CTi-Asia channel and national TTV and EBC channels. With regard to the "1-minute commercial production and advertising", campaign videos were intensively broadcasted from September 1st to 30th, 2012 in 90 advertising spots in MOMO Kids and Disney channels that contain kids TV shows.Concerning the "15-minute kids campaign video production", Tse Yueh created various likeable characters with an attempt to go beyond the branding effects made by pure promotional videos. Among these characters, the Eco robot was created as the mascot of the whole project and designed to have exciting adventures in the animation, through which kids can realize the importance of protecting land and groundwater. This 15-minute animation, along with EPA's animation "Land doctor's diary", will be made into 400 campaign DVDs.In addition to TV programs, Tse Yueh also recorded an additional 30-second radio advertisement - "Cleanliness is priceless" with an attempt to increase the depth and breadth of the campaign. This radio advertisement was broadcast from July 30th to August 27th, 2012 in 250 advertising spots in various national radio channels.In "print advertising", information of the campaign activity held on September 23rd was published on September 5th, 2012 on the "Mandarin Daily News" for the purpose of sending messages to children as part of campaign targets. Additionally, land trade related matters were published on September 8th, 2012 on Apple Daily in the section on Real Estate that has received a lot of attention from land mangers and dealers.Moreover, Tse Yueh adopted the Internet to increase the diversity of campaign. From September 16th to 22nd, 2012, we added various keyword advertisements the homepage of Taiwan's biggest web portal YAHOO! Kimo. Along with the websites such as, the homepage sticky advertisements on Kijiji in the category of other real estate trades, both of which are often visited by land dealers, the effective exposure of the campaign has lasted for half a year. In addition to paid ads, Tse Yueh sometimes would publish the campaign messages on various social websites. Also, in the period of project execution, a fan club was also created on Facebook, the most popular social network in the world. We used “liked to get coupons” activity to attract target people to actively join the fan club, thereby popularizing the campaign concepts. With regard to “kids campaign targeting at over 500 person-times”, Tse Yueh organized a whole day outdoors adventure game in “Eco’s Grand Adventure - Parent-Kids Interactive Camps” held on September 23rd, 2012, at the Taipei Zoo. The adventure game was designed with 6 obstacles concerning land and groundwater pollution prevention and conservation, so that all participants could have a better understanding about land and groundwater conservation through playing games. We used this game as the core to give rise to the “happy big prize” at the end of the activity. Moreover, various entertainers such as “Banana brother”, “Butterfly sister” and “High Channel Dance” who are popular among kinds were all invited to give dancing performances. There were also prize quizzes related to the campaign theme, the purpose of which was to increase kids’ understanding about land and groundwater conservation.The participants of the “Eco’s Grand Adventure - Parents-Kids Interactive Camps” reached 10,479 person-times. With regard to the age of all participants, participants aged 0 to 10 accounted for 30%, whereas participants aged from 41 to 50 accounted for 21%. The statistics showed the phenomenon that parents took their kids to participate in this activity. This also conformed to the prior planning of the project that kids are expected to arise their interest on land and groundwater protection and pollution remediation through edutainment activities. We also attempted to indirectly convey the idea of land quality and value to adults through campaign activities designed for kids.Apart from the above mentioned planning and executions, Tse Yueh, before the end of the project, continuously supported the EPA’s additional demands, including “Advertising for welfare in May 2012” for 100 advertising posts, “Press conference of clean land and clear water series activities” on May 23rd, 2012; publication ceremony of “Clean land and clear water to make our homeland evergreen” documentary books and animation on August 15th, 2012. In the press conference and publication ceremony, Tse Yueh gave assistance concerning media invitation, planning of host and activity flow, as well as site decoration. In the EPA’s “award ceremony of clean land and clear water series activities” held on September 15th, 2012, Tse Yueh offered the 15-minute “Eco’s Grand Adventure” animation to be played in the ceremony, thereby promoting the activity on September 23rd. In general, this project has released 56 related news reports. Compared with the expected maximal 50 news reports, the completion rate reached 112% and thereby created a news value of NTD$5,263,930. Moreover, 357 TV advertising spots, 250 radio advertising spots, 2 newspaper ads, 3 Internet ads, distribution at 32,415 points, activity participants for 10,479 person-times, total media touch for 165,948,786 person-times all continue to build Taiwan people’s recognition towards the importance of land and groundwater conservation. 101 土污基管會 則越多媒體事業有限公司
32121038 排放管道中N-甲基咯酮等有機空氣污染物之調查技術開發 本計畫目的主要是開發排放管道中N-甲基咯酮(NMP)、異丁醇(IBA)、乙二醇(EG)、二乙醇胺(DEA)和甲基異丁基酮(MIBK)等5項空氣污染物檢測技術,提供行政院環保署環境檢驗所參考。 幾經測試與驗證後,主要將N-甲基咯酮 (NMP)、異丁醇 (IBA)、乙二醇 (EG)與二乙醇胺 (DEA)四項目標化合物規劃為兩項吸收調查技術開發,以及參考USEPA Method 18將甲基異丁基酮(MIBK)納入NIEA A722.74B執行調查測試。其中,兩項吸收檢測技術開發均以衝擊瓶進行採樣,再分別以IC進行DEA的分析,IBA 、NMP與EG則以GC-FID進行分析,四項目標化合物標準檢量線性R皆可達0.995。各目標化合物偵測極限測試,其中N-甲基咯酮偵測極限為0.127 mg/L (溶液中),若吸收液50 mL,採樣體積為20 L時,煙氣中方法偵測極限(MDL)可達0.32 mg/m3;在上述相同吸收條件下(吸收液50mL,採樣體積為20 L),異丁醇、乙二醇及二乙醇胺等其他三項於煙氣中MDL可分別達0.04 、0.46、0.0006 mg/m3。保存期限測試中N-甲基咯酮等4目標化合物除了異丁醇外,不論以室溫或冷藏保存14天以上仍有90 %以上的回收率,至於以衝擊瓶採樣之目標化合物,DEA的捕集效率大約為73.2 ~ 111.5 %不等,IBA的捕集效率大約為76.8 ~ 99.3 %,NMP的捕集效率大約為75.3 ~ 108.7 %。準確度分別為113.7± 9.60 % 、107.3± 2.82 %、94.6± 7.24 % 、100.3 ± 1.3 %;精密度分別為4.22 %、2.82 %、3.82 %、0.63 %。再者,考量USEPA Method 18將MIBK納為其中適合分析VOCs化合物種類,以及因應未來NIEA A722.74B之VCM增項。本研究以現行NIEA A722.74B層析條件與化合物種類,加入等濃度之VCM標準氣體與自配MIBK氣體,確認兩成分與原方法21項VOC可確實分離。除標準檢量線性R皆可達0.995外,甲基異丁基酮與氯乙烯偵測極限分別為0.26 ppm與0.53 ppm,準確度分別為98.4± 5.49 % 、94.3± 5.74 %;精密度分別為2.75 %、2.87 %,惟建議VCM因僅具標準氣體,可於NIEA A722.74B方法修訂時說明可單獨配製標準氣體檢量線。另外,本計畫亦運用上述調查技術開發之採樣及分析條件,採集石化業、光電業、油漆化學製造業、機車製造業(表面塗裝)等六廠家/製程煙道真實煙氣,完成國內工廠7處次排放管道之N-甲基咯酮等5種空氣污染物實廠調查。IBA與EG確實存在石化廠、油墨製造廠排放管道,濃度分別介於0.5~1.8 ppm及28.9~59.3 ppm; NMP和MIBK則未檢出於光電業、油漆化學製造業、機車表面塗裝排放管道,但兩項添加回收率皆分別達為99.9~103.4 %與104.9 %,間接印證調查技術開發之可行。此外,計畫執行期間(101年7月、11月)分別視方法開發進度成果完成兩場次調查技術擴散課程,並提出4項排放管道有機污染物方法調查技術草案,提供日後環保署檢測技術援引之參考。 Development of Organic Air Pollutants (N-Methyl Pyrrolidinone, Diethanolamine, Methyl isobutyl keton The major objective of the project is to develop sampling and analysis technology of organic air pollutants N-Methyl Pyrrolidinone (NMP), Diethanolamine (DEA), Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK), Ethylene glycol (EG), Isobutanol (IBA) in discharge pipe and provide testing methods established to Environmental Analysis Laboratory, EPA. Therefore, in the present study, assess Methyl isobutyl ketone and Vinyl chloride ether could be was sampled with bags, analyzing with GC-FID system.. The remaining four air pollutants, such as N-Methyl Pyrrolidinone, Diethanolamine, Isobutanol, Ethylene glycol, Isobutanol. The process was sampled with impingers, and then Diethanolamine analyzed using ion chromatographer. N-Methyl Pyrrolidinone, Ethylene glycol and Isobutanol analyzed using gas chromatographer/flame ionization detector. In the present study for target compounds, to absorb liquid 50 mL, and the sampling volume was 20 L, the method detection limit (MDL) were NMP 0.32 mg/m3; absorbing solution in the same absorption conditions (50mL, sampling volume 20 L), IBA, EG and DEA the MDL can be respectively 0.04, 0.46, 0.0006 mg/m3, MIBK 0.257 ppm and VCM 0.526 ppm. Sampe preserve testing in addition to Isobutanol, including the N-Methyl Pyrrolidinone target compounds, whether it is at room temperature or refrigerated 14 days is still about 90 % recovery. Impinger sampling of target compounds, the collection efficiency of DEA about 73.2 to 111.5 %, the IBA trapping efficiency of about 66.9 to 99.3 %, NMP trapping efficiency of about 75.3 to 108.7 %., accuracy were113.7± 9.60 %, 107.3± 2.82 %, 94.6± 7.24 % and 100.3 ± 1.3 %; precisions were was4.22 %, 2.82 %, 3.82 % and 0.63 %.Considerations USEPA Method 18 will MIBK satisfied which is suitable type of VOCs compound analysis, and increase project in response to future to NIEA A722.74B of VCM. This study to the current NIEA A722.74B chromatographic conditions and the kind of compound concentration of VCM standard gas since with MIBK gas, 21 VOC confirmed that the two components of the original method can indeed separation. In addition to the standard calibration linear R are up to 0.995, methyl isobutyl ketone and vinyl chloride detection limits were 0.26 ppm and 0.53 ppm. accuracy were 98.4 ± 5.49 %, 94.3 ± 5.74 %; precisions were was 2.75 %, 2.87 %. This project is also the sampling and analysis of the conditions of use of the above survey technology development, acquisition petrochemical industry, photoelectric industry, paint, chemical manufacturing, locomotive manufacturing (surface coating), to complete 7 times discharge pipes by NMP five kinds of air pollutants real plant survey. IBA and EG existence of a petrochemical plant, the ink factory emissions pipeline, the concentration range of 0.5~1.8 ppm, respectively, and 28.9 to 59.3 ppm; NMP and MIBK were not detected in the industry, two add recoveries are 99.9 to 103.4 % and 104.9 %, indirect confirmation of the development of viable investigative techniques. In addition, established the draft methods and technological diffusion (101 July and November), respectively, depending on the outcome of the method development progress to complete two survey technology diffusion programs, and made four discharge piping organic pollutants draft survey techniques to providing future reference of the detection technology. 101 環檢所 崑山科技大學
32121039 固定污染源許可、空污費、工業區稽查管制及總量管制先期作業暨室內空氣品質管理計畫 本年度許可及空污費審查計畫作業項目包含:(1)許可審查、核發(2)許可查核、(3)巡查、(4)資料庫更新與擴充、(5)排放量申報查核、(6)CEMS查核及抽測(7)特殊行業別法規符合度查核及陳情案件稽查檢測(8)定期檢測監督作業 (9)空污費審查及查核作業(10)稽查檢測作業(11)許可及增修定法規講習會(12)內部教育訓練(13)室內空品宣導等作業項目(14)陳情案件輔導(15)逸散性粒狀物管理辦法符合度查核(16)工業區管制(17)總量管制說明會。在各項作業執行進度方面,整體而言計畫工作進度符合預期目標。茲將成果摘要說明如下:(一)許可審查及查核作業自計畫簽約日至101.11.30止完成許可現場查核121條製程,及許可審查發證85製程,總計許可審查及查核共206製程,本計畫目標數為200條製程,達成率為103%,而其中許可查核不符的有20製程,佔16.5﹪。(二)定期檢測監督與線上審查作業本年度需執行定檢監督檢測作業54根次,截至101年11月30日完成許可定期檢測監督共56根次,達成率為104%,所有完成檢測之煙道其檢測濃度均符合排放標準。 (三)資料庫更新與擴充作業本年度預計完成200家資料庫更新與擴充作業,截至101年11月30日止共完成202家,達成率101%。(四)排放量現場查核作業本年度針對需申報排放量之公私場所進行現場查核,目前已完成46廠之現場查核,計畫目標46廠,達成率100%,計有33廠申報正確,正確率佔查核數之72%。現場查核作業申報不正確有13廠,皆已完成補正。(五)空污費審查至101年11月30日止空污費申報案件之建檔審查作業(包含SOx、NOx、VOCs及個別物種)合計共完成881件次,目標量為828件次,合約達成率為106%。(六)空污費查核從計畫開始至101年11月30日為止已完成210家次(包含SOx、NOx、VOCs及個別物種)空污費申報查核作業,目標量為207家次,合約達成率為101%。(七)巡查作業統計至101年11月30日為止,本計畫共執行353廠次巡查作業,計劃目標為250廠次,達成率為141%。(八)稽查檢測作業至11月30日止檢測作業已完成小型焚化爐戴奧辛抽測2件、大型焚化爐戴奧辛及重金屬管道抽測1件、油品檢測30件、陳情案件抽測5件及設備元件4086點次。小型焚化爐戴奧辛完成2根次檢測作業,符合排放標準;另外抽測大型焚化爐戴奧辛及重金屬檢測1根次。油品含硫份分析共完成30件樣品,101年預計完成抽測30件,達成率100%,已完成檢測件數皆符合含硫份標準;另外進行陳情案件檢測5件次,皆符合標準。101年度進行共4086點設備元件檢測,其中申豐於第一次抽測時發現元件洩漏已開發告單,並限期將銹蝕或洩漏元件修復,於下半年度進行檢測已無不合格情形。(九)特殊行業別法規符合度查核至101年11月30日止完成50件特殊行業別法規符合度查核作業,工作量為50件達成率100%,合格395支,合格率97.5%,但所抽測之加油站合格率皆高於70%,符合法令規定;至目前為止已完成50站次氣漏測試,無抽測不合格之加油站,合格率100%。(十)室內空氣品質管理已完成20家室內空氣品質自主管理輔導,CO2巡檢結果顯示,已完成巡檢20家公共場所共計82點次中,77點次均符合環保署建議標準,惟有5點超出環保署建議標準,而超過1000ppm者有3家;另外完成5家公共場所室內空品檢測作業,其中二氧化碳不合建議標準有4家、甲醛不合建議標準有3家、真茵數不合建議標準有2家、臭氧不合建議標準有2家、。(十一)逸散性粒狀物管理辦法符合度查核本計畫針對逸散性管理辦法法規內容規範共完成53家公私場所現場查核及輔導作業,目標工作量為50家,達成率106%;其中18家公私場所現場查核時零缺失;1家停工狀態(協震有限公司),34家經現場查核時記點缺失,經後續追蹤均已符合逸散性管理辦法;1家目前仍進行改善中。(十二) 許可及增修訂法規講習會一、加油站油氣回收管理辦法說明會於101年04月03日辦理一場次加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法說明會,本次 說明會目的主要向業者進行加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法及執行檢測應注意事項說明。二、固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法說明會環保署於98年01月08日公告「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」(簡稱本辦法),為讓本縣業者符合本辦法之規範,本計畫特於101年04月05日召開固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法說明會。三、室內空氣品質管理宣導說明會為促使各公私場所建立室內空氣品質自主管理制度,以有效提升室內空氣品質,本計畫於101年10月01日完成辦理一場次空氣品質法規宣導說明會,並邀集所轄各公共場所與會。四、固定污染源許可線上申請系統操作說明會本計畫於101年07月31日辦理一場次固定污染源許可線上申請系統操作說明會,也特別邀請環保署固定污染源計劃委辦單位環科公司為本次會議內容進行許可線上申請系統操作說明。 (十三)連續監測設施功能測試本年度於5/17進行崁頂鄉垃圾資源回收廠P001各項監測項目之評定結果RA值所測試五個項目之評定結果RA值所測試含氧、NOx為A級,SOx及CO為B級,排放流率為D級環保局已完成告發處分作業,並將以替代數據重新核算該廠改善期間之空污費,而該廠改善作為除加強設備校正及維護作業外,另外則進行CEMS更新替換作業。本年度於9/14進行崁頂鄉垃圾資源回收廠P002各項監測項目之評定結果RA值所測試五個項目之評定結果則皆為A級評等。(十四)內部教育訓練為提高專案執行人員作業能力,已辦理4場次內部教育訓練,分別為(一) 空污費審查及系統操作重點(二) 固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法現場查核重點(三) 101年空污費考核重點說明(四)固定污染源許可制度審查重點說明(十五)工業區管制工業區清查本項作業屏東及內埔工業區清查作業,清查完成工廠尚未發現與固定污染源資訊系統不符工廠,完成清查率為100%,將持續進行清查作業,本年度清查結果總計篩除2家列管工廠。減少陳情案件101年度工作目標為陳情件數比100年度減少10%,因此本年度針對100年陳情數較多工廠持續進行輔導及加強稽查,總計100年度工業區陳情件數80件,101年度目標為72件(減少10%),1~11月陳情件數實際共53件,符合目標。另外本年度進行工業區緊急應變演練一場次,預設狀況說明如下:一、空品惡化:民國101年11月22日受大陸沙塵暴影響,下午2時發生潮州測站之PSI值已高達220,經與環保署監資處確認,由於今日氣象條件不利於污染物擴散,空品有惡化情形預計將持續24個小時,並已收到環保署之空氣品質惡化警告通知單,潮州測站已達到初級警告發布的條件,經研判測站涵蓋區域將包含潮州鎮、東港鎮、萬丹鄉、新園鄉、枋寮鄉等十六個鄉鎮。二、重大空氣污染事件:民國101年11月22日,下午2時30分環保局接獲民眾陳情疑似和協工程股份有限公司屏南廠有大量白色煙霧產生飄散,同時間和協工程股份有限公司屏南廠通報環保局該廠區製程管線洩漏事宜,污染物種類為壬烯,暴露於大氣中若吸入會對人體有所危害,環保局研判預見災害性影響,即刻通報屏東縣政府及各級相關單位待命,並啟動緊急應變機制、成立緊急應變小組進行責任分組,屏東縣政府接獲通報後,進行後續蒐證、監控、疏散及復原等作業,藉由有效追蹤及管控污染來源,降低污染逸散狀況,維護民眾健康安全。 (十六) 總量管制說明會於101.4.13召開總量管制宣導說明會,本次說明會目的主要向業者進行「總量管制」未來推動方式及應注意事項說明。(十七) 陳情及減量輔導101年度共輔導3家公私場所減量作業,本計畫年度因輔導及其他作為導致排放量明顯產生削減之公私場所共有2廠次,另一廠次為申豐化學工業股份有限公司屏東廠該廠目前持續擴廠中,輔導削減量將持續追蹤。101年度為有效減少屢遭陳情案件及排放減量,將針對遭陳情工廠進行輔導改善工作,預計完成3家輔導作業,至101.11.30止已完成3廠輔導改善作業,後續建議持續追蹤各廠輔導改善進度(十八) 戴奧辛查核101年度本計畫應執行6根次戴奧辛法規符合度及污染源操作狀況查核作業,查核重點說明如下:一、污染源操作狀況是否符合許可規範內容及防制設備設置及操作參數查核。二、採樣設施是否符合戴奧辛採樣規定。三、定期檢測頻率是否符合規定。本年度查核6家公私場所並無發現不符規定事項,但至截稿為止憬懋企業股份有限公司及新尚道企業有限公司應於101年度進行戴奧辛定檢,但尚未完成,將持續督促上述兩廠於101.12.31前完成檢測。(十九) 民眾滿意度調查委託中山大學民調中心主要針對屏東縣內三十三各鄉鎮,並按照各鄉鎮區之人數進行比例上之分配,訪問年齡在15歲以上之民眾。扣除各項人為因素如停話、故障、傳真機號碼、拒訪或接聽人非屏東居民等,成功訪問1149人份之調查,已達到工作目標。 Stationary Sources Permit and Air pollution Fee project The main work items of Stationary Sources Permit and Air pollution Fee project are: (1) Stationary Sources Permit application documents exam and issue, including permit inquisition and elaboration conference. (2)Pollution sources control, including patrol, stack inorganic content inspection, sulfur content inspection of fuel oil, regular inspection surveillance, accuracy reviewed of CEMS and dioxins inspection of incinerators. (3) Database establishment, system function upgrade and data QA/QC. (4) Air Pollution Fee payment review and audit.(5) Training for Air Pollution Responsibility Personnel and so on.In permit program, there are 23 processes for new located applications, 28 for operation permit and 28 for permit extension in the year. By on-site checking, 20 processes do not pass the examination. These companies were asked to correct their documents to follow the Air Pollution regulations.Pollutants inspection also held in this program. We inspected regular air pollutants of 5 stacks, 30 sulfate components of oil test, they would get the penalty when these samples exceeded standards. And we take RATA inspection for CEMS too. By this way, we can give the right data to the companies that they can modify the CEMS programs.This year, the main conferences were held for introducing fee rates for stationary pollution source air pollution control fees.We invited environmental personnel to have education lessons for Fee rates and fee calculation method for volatile organic compounds,Calculation method and fee rates for sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides,Applicable conditions and calculation formula incentive coefficient bracket ratio and etc.The other subject was introducing the permitted regulations, education lessons for new regulations, modeling criteria, BACT and the declaration of pollutants emission quantity and etc. All these teachings would improve those people’s acquaintance on their routine works.In emission quantity update, we renewed 202 factories’ data. The results showed the particulate emissions totally are about 2974 ton/year, SOx 394 ton/year, NOx 612 ton/year and VOC 497 ton/year. 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司
32121040 101年度嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗街計畫 1.執行洗街工作:增進空氣品質 依據行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)100年空氣品質年報,統計分析全台空氣品質監測網之PSI(Pollutant standards lndex,簡稱PSI,空氣污染指標)得知,臭氧及懸浮微粒為造成台灣地區空氣品質不良的原因,其中臭氧(Ozone,以下簡稱O3)佔空氣品質不良日中的45.16%,懸浮微粒(Particulate matter,以下簡稱PM10)佔54.86%。各項土木營建工程之發包施工、管線工程之埋設及道路之維護、保養、興建、沙土磚塊之任意堆放或運送不當等所產生之粉塵逸散,若不適時予以移除,將藉由乾、溼沈降作用沈降於地面,並將隨地面活動再度揚起,造成空氣品質惡化,車行揚塵即為最主要之污染型態,街道之洗掃作業為解決防制車行揚塵最有效的方法,藉由移除路面塵土,降低道路揚塵之發生機率。 本年度自101年3月6日開始執行洗街工作,至101年12月14日為止,預定規劃對嘉義市各行政區之主要道路及測站周圍道路進行洗街,洗街總長度至少為17,500公里,因受11月17日~12月14日共計16日下雨,以致無法如期完成工作量,實際累計執行洗街17,117.4公里,累計達成率為97.8%。2. 洗街污染削減量效益推估: 本年度累計洗街長度為17,117.4公里,依據環保署減量公式(削減量=洗街長度×減量係數)推估,TSP可削減236.22公噸,PM10為44.51公噸。另依據101年嘉義市空氣污染防制計畫書,本計畫歸屬之管制類別為「逸散污染源」,採行管制策略為「加強街道揚塵洗掃作業」,削減規劃方式為「執行洗掃街作業」(含環保局屬清潔隊作業),預定執行洗掃長度共62,500公里,預期可削減TSP 862.5公噸及PM10 162.5公噸,本計畫執行及環保局屬清潔隊統計共執行洗掃長度共69,371.9公里,預期可削減TSP 956.6公噸及PM10 180.2公噸,已達到預定目標之110.9%。3.道路洗街成效評估: 為分析洗街作業對街塵之去除情形,並估算本計畫粒狀物削減量,評估洗街作業之減量成效,分別於洗街作業前、後進行TSP及街塵分析作業,本計畫以嘉義市交通流量較大及測站週邊之重要道路來進行檢測,依此原則選擇中興路、友愛路及博愛路一二段做為檢測路段,分別於101年5月31日以及101年9月21日進行檢測,共計各執行12點次TSP及PM10檢測及6點次街塵負荷檢測。 TSP檢測結果分析,5月31日洗街前以友愛路最高,洗街後中興路最低,TSP改善率也以中興路最大達到13%。在PM10方面,洗街前以博愛路一、二段最高,洗街後以友愛路最低,在PM10改善率以博愛路一、二段最高達到18%。9月21日洗街前以博愛路一、二段最高,洗街後博愛路一、二段最低。TSP改善率也以博愛路一、二段最大,達到14%,但是在友愛路及中興路部分,則分別呈現-8%及-15%現象,會造成此現象,經查原因為檢測點附近洗街後時段,恰有清潔公司進行人行道綠帶除草,除草過程造成揚塵,以致洗街後TSP測值異常。而由街塵負荷結果分析,6月2日洗街前以博愛路一二段之負荷最大,洗街後以友愛路最低。如以洗街前後改善率來看,以博愛路一二段最高,達到72.2%,其餘兩路段改善率約為65%。而在9月2日洗街前以友愛路及中興路之負荷較大,洗街後以友愛路最低,以前後改善率來看,以友愛路最高達到92.5%,最低為中興路僅為58.3%。由檢測數據綜合來看,如扣除友愛路TSP異常數據外,本計畫之洗街作業對於減低街道揚塵負荷,進而改善空氣品質,初步已達成效。4.道路髒污情況普查: 為加強掌握及提升嘉義市道路髒污等級,並作為定期規劃洗街路線之參考依據,本計畫每月對嘉義市洗街道路進行全面性道路普查工作。從3月起開始進行道路普查工作,統計至12月14日止共計進行410條次,普查總公里數達951.2公里,從各月份道路普查數據來看,101年4月及8月A級道路比例較低外,其餘月份A級道路均達70%以上,平均A級道路平均達72%,道路普查成果除了可了解嘉義市道路情況,也可依據道路普查成果規劃洗街路線。5.洗街現場作業查核: 為確保本計畫之洗街工作可達到預期之執行成效以及查核現場作業人員之執行狀況,乃由本工作團隊依招標須知內容規定規劃每週1次執行洗街作業之執行現況調查工作,並定期向環保局回報作業執行狀況。本年度洗街作業查核,均著重在執行人員及車輛機具是否能依原有設計性能執行,執行查核頻率為每1週進行1次,計畫期間共完成41條道路之洗街現況調查作業,累計的查核總長度為331.9公里,由抽查路段結果顯示,洗街作業執行上,均按標準作業程序符合要求。6.問卷調查提升民眾滿意度: 為瞭解民眾對於嘉義市政府環境保護局加強街道揚塵洗街計畫相關施行看法,進而提供讓釐訂政策及加強服務便民之參考,本次調查共訪問11項議題,分別是8題單選題、1題複選題及2題開放題。調查結果分析部份,受訪者性別以女性的比例較高,佔54.8%;男性比例佔45.2%,在嘉義市目前空氣品質現況部分,有0.4%的受訪者表示良好;有65.6%的受訪者表示尚可,造成街道揚塵的原因?有100%的受訪者認為是「車輛揚塵」;其次為「道路開挖」(74.4%),而在洗掃街道是否有助於空氣品質改善及街道揚塵洗掃的工作是否支持部份,有100.0%的受訪者表示認同及支持。7. 推廣宣導會議: 以嘉義市政府倡導的環保意識「綠能城市 低碳家園」作為主題,公開徵求環保袋彩繪圖樣,創新以往僅徵求圖案樣式,而採活潑生動的方式辦理,直接提供素面環保袋供參加者彩繪,而獲選之作品可作為未來製做環保袋之參考,並響應主題,參加作品不論有無得獎,均發還參加者。由於本次活動民眾反應熱烈,除原規劃400個素面環保袋,另追加1000個素面環保袋提供索取,領取民眾遍及各年齡層,包括國小學童、上班族、主婦及退休人士。 Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Plan of Chiayi City in 2012 I.Plan Name:Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Plan of Chiayi City in 2012.II.Plan Time:The project duration spanned from March 6, 2012 to December 14, 2012.III.Plan Content:(I) Street-washing improves air qualityAccording to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) air quality annual report of R.O.C. (Taiwan), 2011. With statistics and analysis Taiwan's air quality monitoring network of the Pollutant standards index (PSI, it means Pollutant Standard Index) point out that Ozone (O3) and suspended particles both of them caused the poor air quality of Taiwan, and O3 and suspended particles accounted for 45.16 and 54.86 percent of the poor air quality daily (Particulate matter, hereinafter referred to as PM10).The civil construction works such as contract construction, laying of pipeline projects, road maintenance, construction, stacked or transported the sand bricks of any improper arising dust emission, if it not removed timely, it will be subsidence in the ground by dry and wet subsidence, and raised again with the activities on the ground, resulting in deterioration of air quality, the car raises dust that is the most important types of pollution, meanwhile the cleaning and washing operation of streets is the most effective way to control car raises dust probability by a remove road dust, which also reduce the occurrence of road dust.The street-washing had executed since March 6, 2012 until December 14, 2012, and in that time planning the street washing of Chiayi City each administrative region's major roads and stations around the roads, the total length of street-washing is 17,500 km at least, due to November 17 to December 14, 2010, including 16 rainy days, the workload could not be completed as schedule, the actual street-washing executed 17,117.4 km clearing, and cumulative reach a rate of 97.8%.(II) Effective estimation of pollution reducing by street washingThis year street wash accumulated 17,117.4 km length of the year is according to EPD reduction formula (reductions = length of wash × reduction coefficient), estimate the reduction of TSP are 236.22 tones, PM10 are 44.51 tones.Based on the control plan of air pollution in Chiayi City, 2012, the plan vest control category of "fugitive sources of pollution", and the adoption of control strategies are "Strengthening street dust cleaning and sweeping job", cuts planning approach is "the implementation of cleaning and washing Street operations"(including the cleaning units of Chiayi City). The scheduled to perform cleaning and sweeping length is 62,500 km, which is expected can be reduced TSP 862.5 tones and PM10 162.5 tones, while this project execution with the cleaning units of Chiayi City statistics perform cleaning and sweeping the length of a total of 69,371.9 km, expected to reduce TSP 956.6 tones and 180.2 tones of PM10. The target has been reached 110.9%.(III) Effective evaluation of street washing Analysis of street-washing operates the street dust removal case, and it also estimate the particulate matter reductions of this project, to assess the effectiveness of street washing job reductions, respectively, do the TSP and street dust analysis job before and after the street washing operations. This project choose those traffic flow are larger and around the station roads in Chiayi City to detect, and as the principle of Zhong xing Road, You ai Road and Bo ai Road Sec as a detection sections, respectively at May 5, 2012 and September 21, 2012 for testing, each of the executive a total of 12 times of TSP and PM10 detect and 6 times street dust load detection.The TSP test results analysis shows before street washing at May 31, You ai Road is the highest and Zhong xing Road is the lowest. The TSP improvement rate is Zhong xing Road, which up to 13%. In PM10, Sec. 1 and Sec. 2, Bo ai Road are the highest before street washing and You ai Road lowest after street washing, the highest rate of improvement in the PM10 are Sec.1 and Sec.2, Bo ai Road up to 18%. At September 21 street washing Sec.1 and Sec. 2, Bo ai Road are highest before street washing but get minimum after street washing. The improvement rate of TSP at Sec.1 and Sec.2, Bo ai Road are largest that reach to 14%, but in the You ai Road and Zhong xing Road, part of the phenomenon presented -8% and -15%, respectively, the cause of this phenomenon, having examined the reasons for the detection of point nearby street washing period just clean sidewalk Green Belt weeding, weeding process caused by dust, resulting in street washing TSP measured value is abnormal.By road dust load analysis, at June 2 before street washing, the maximum load is Bo ai Road, and the lowest at You ai Road after street washing. According to the improvement rate of street washing before and after, Sec.1 and Sec.2, Bo ai Road are highest, reaching 72.2%. And the improve rate of rest of two sections were about 65%. Before September 2 street washing You ai Road and Zhong xing Road load, the lowest of the street washing You ai Road, the rate of improvement after the previous You ai Road up to 92.5%, the lowest for Zhong xing Road, only 58.3 %. By the detection of data integration, such as You ai Road’s TSP abnormal data, street washing operations for this project to reduce street dust load, thereby improving air quality, is effectiveness preliminary reached.(IV) Census of dirt road circumstances To strengthen mastered and enhance road dirt level in Chiayi City, and as the reference regularly planning wash Street route, this project monthly street washing Road, Chiayi City conducted a comprehensive road census. Road census since March to December 14, statistics a total of 410 times, the census total mileage of 951.2 kilometers, from the road census data of each month, April and August, 2012. A-level roads has lower proportion, rest of the year A-level road reached more than 70%, an average of 72% in the average. Road census could understand more about the road conditions in Chiayi City, also according to the road census results to plane the wash Street route.(V) Operational audit of street-washingIn order to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of street washing in this project can achieve the checking of the status of implementation of the field operations personnel to perform once a week by the team in accordance with the provisions of the tender notified planning survey of the current status of implementation of the work of street washing operations, and on a regular basis job execution status return to the Environmental Protection Agency. The year street washing job audit, focus on whether executives and vehicle equipment in accordance with the original design performance execute and perform the audit frequency of once per week during the project period, a total of 41 roads street washing the status of survey operations, the cumulative checking the total length of 331.9 km, shown by the results of spot checks sections, street washing job execution, according to the standard operating procedures meet the requirements.(VI) Improve public satisfaction by surveyingIn order to understand the people in Chiayi City Environmental Protection Bureau to strengthen the street dust wash Street plan related purposes of view and to provide the Chiayi City Environmental Protection Agency determined policies and strengthen service convenience of reference, the survey interviewed eleven issues were eight multiple - choice questions, one multiple choice questions and two open problems questions. Analysis of the survey part of the sex of the respondents to the proportion of women is higher, accounting for 54.8%; proportion of males accounted for 45.2%, in the current air quality conditions Chiayi City, 0.4% of the respondents said that good; 65.6% respondents said adequate. Resulting in street dust? 100.0% of the respondents believed that the "vehicle dust "; followed by "the road excavation "(74.4%), whether to help the air quality in street cleaning and sweeping whether to support some of the improvements and street dust cleaning and sweeping work, 100.0% of the respondents said they agree with and support.(VII) Meeting of promote advocacy "Green urban low-carbon homes" as the theme to the Chiayi City advocate environmental awareness, public consultation bags painted pattern, innovation painted the only solicit pattern style in the past, while mining lively handle, plain bags directly for participants Winners of works as the future by making the reference of the bags, and respond to the theme, to participate in work regardless of whether the winners are reimbursed to participate. The people in the response, in addition to the original plan of 400 plain bags, and other additional 1000 plain bags provide the requested to receive people throughout all ages, including elementary school students, office workers, housewives and retired people. 101 嘉義市政府環境保護局 欣欣環保工程股份有限公司
32121041 101年「新竹市空氣污染陳情(含露天燃燒及金紙減量)暨砂石場及空污費稽查管制計畫」 101 新竹市環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司
32121042 「環保稽查處分管制系統功能提昇及推廣維護」專案(第1年)工作計畫 本年度依合約所定工作項目,包含了維持系統正常運作與連線品質、系統介接、100年度資料統計分析與配合環保署未來整合為環境資源部系統調整規劃說明,以達到提昇與強化系統服務之計畫目標,首先在維持系統正常運作與連線品質工作上,本計畫定期的監控各項硬體監測數據,發現在尖峰時間,部分監控數值有超過標準值等異常情形,應與使用者人數成長有很大關係,因此本年度提出了系統效能提昇評估規劃,藉以改善系統尖峰時間時之效能,另外,配合監資處定期進行資安檢核作業,詳細說明可參閱第二章,而在系統功能強化上,係依據現有系統功能,提供使用者更好的使用服務,因此除了依需求調整系統或功能開發之外,本年度完成的系統調整,還包含了系統美化改版作業、即時查詢待辦案件、公務報表查詢案件功能以及配合環保署未來整合為環境資源部系統調整規劃等既定工作項目,主動提出服務精進方案。此外,本年度依審查委員建議,進行系統問卷滿意度調查,各項調查結果之滿意度多在90%~95%左右,獲得大多數使用者肯定與認同,而系統功能提昇上,本年度依使用者所提出之需求與問題,共計完成97個,在資料介接工作項目方面,本年度完成與非法棄置案件管理系統、新北市環保派出所系統等系統介接工作,另外,也配合過去已完成介接的系統,調整新增所需介接欄位,如環境教育講習系統、環境保護許可管理資訊網、土壤及地下水管理資訊系統、水環境保育網、回收基金管理系統等。在使用者輔導方面,本年度客服電話量從一月到十月共為4,537通,共完成6場次的教育訓練,並協助縣市環保局自行舉辦之教育訓練,派遣講師到場,共計7場次。綜合以上所述,本年度的工作項目中包含持續功能強化與新增服務二部份,系統不斷地往精益求精的方式進行,不僅要求穩定,更要求讓系統功能更完善,在已完成的系統中加入更多元的服務,讓系統更貼近使用者的業務需求,進而增加使用者使用意願。相信在系統功能不斷提昇與提供附加服務的情形下,能讓本計畫不僅是做一個系統維護工作,而是成為一個能夠作為支援業務與政策擬定的應用工具。以上為本年度之工作說明與成果摘要,其它工作項目之工作內容細節與成果請詳閱本報告書各章節,本系統最終目標希望能在資料建置面、列印面與應用面等三大面向,提供更好的服務,達到系統開發與計畫執行最大效益。 First Year Tasks Associated with “Efficiency Upgrade, System Maintenance, and Promotion of the Envir The work items specified in the contract include maintenance of normal system operational connection quality, system function enhancement, system connection, statistical analysis of the 2011 data, and the plan of the adjustment in the Environmental Protection Administration’s (EPA) integration with the Environmental Resource Department in the future. Details will be addressed below accordingly.Firstly, with regard to the maintenance of normal system operational connection quality, regular monitoring was performed on all hardware monitoring data, and some of the data showed abnormality over the standard value in peak hours. Such a phenomenon could be mainly resulted from and related to the growth of users, and, therefore, the plan of system performance evaluation was proposed this year, in order to improve the system performance in peak hours. Additionally, information security inspection was undertaken periodically in compliance with regulations of the Department of Environmental Monitoring & Information Management. See Chapter 2 for more information.Secondly, the existing system functions were strengthened and enhanced to provide better user experience for visitors. In addition to system adjustments made based on needs and new feature development, a series of improvements was actively proposed this year, including system modification, instant search of to-do lists, government report search, and the plan of the adjustment in the EPA’s integration with the Environmental Resource Department in the future. Moreover, based on reviewers’ suggestions, the survey on system satisfaction was held, and the result of satisfaction was mostly between 90 and 95 percent, acquiring positive responses and acclaim from most users. And on the system enhancement aspect, 97 update requests and problem were addressed to enhance system functionality.Thirdly, regarding data connection, the management of illegal disposal cases and New Taipei City’s Environmental Police Station were completed, and to go with other already connected systems, demand columns were adjusted and updated, such as Environmental Education Instruction System, Environmental Management System website, Soil and Groundwater Management Information website, Water Environmental Conservation website, Recycling Fund Management System, and so on. Fourthly, concerning users’ counsel, there are a total of 4,537 customer services calls between January and October, 6 education trainings, and 7 Department of Environmental Protection’s self-organized education trainings which is assisted by our assigned tutors.To sum up, this year’s work focused on both the pre-existing functions strengthening and newly created services, allowing the system to proceed not only in a stable manner but also in a functionally complete way. With a more diverse range of services offered, the EEMS becomes more capable of meeting the business needs of its user, thereby increasing users’ willingness to use. It is expected the continuous system upgrading and offering of value-added services will enable the effort of the project to go beyond merely performing system maintenance to facilitating work efficiency and policy development. The above summarizes important achievements obtained this year. The contents and outcomes of other work items are detailed in the project report. The ultimate purpose of the EEMS is to provide better services with regard to data establishment, printout, and applicability to maximize the effects of the system and the project. 101 管考處 環資國際有限公司
32121043 101年度機車排氣分析儀巡迴查核檢校計畫 我國自民國85年開始實施機車排氣定期檢驗以來,陸續開放機車排氣檢驗站,以協助民眾執行機車每年定期檢驗,截至民國101年底已開放設立2,667站。為確保機車排氣檢測數據的準確性及政府檢測的公信力,行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所每年皆以不預警方式進行全國機車排氣檢驗站所使用之排氣分析儀查核工作,查核工作內容包括儀器流量及是否漏氣測試、準確度查核及再現性測試等多項儀器查核作業。本年度計畫除加強查核結果不良之排氣分析儀複查作業外,在查核檢校作業執行之前,亦進行機車排放法規標準值之查核工作,評估排氣分析儀於平日執行機車排氣檢測時之數據,以確保機車排氣檢驗站執行機車排氣檢測時數據之準確性,使民眾增加檢測作業的公信力。 The annual audits of the analyzers at the motorcycle inspection stations. Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration has conducted annual inspections of motorcycles since 1996. By the end of2012, 2,667 motorcycle inspection stations have been set up. The Environmental Analysis Laboratory performs unannounced audits of the analyzers at the motorcycle inspection stations every year. The audit items include flow check, leak test, precise measurement test and repeatability test. The analyzer will be re-checked if the analyzer fails the audit. We analyzed the inspected data which fits the motorcycle emission regulations from analyzers before we audit the analyzers to make sure that the accuracy of the inspection data from motorcycle inspection stations. 101 環檢所 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32121044 參與2012年聯合國永續發展大會(RIO+20)諸事宜專案計畫 聯合國永續發展委員會(UNCSD)將於2012年6月20日~22日在巴西里約熱內盧,辦理「聯合國永續發展世界高峰會」(RIO+20),作為1992年聯合國在里約舉辦之環境與發展會議二十週年紀念與2002年在南非約翰尼斯堡舉辦之世界高峰會十週年紀念。為協助永續會參與RIO+20之相關工作,本計畫將完成「我國參與RIO+20書面資料」之製作與我國重要永續發展議題之研討會等前置作業、會議期間協助政府團辦理相關團務工作,與會議決議之發表與檢視工作,以利於我國未來推動永續發展之重要依歸。 Participation in the United Nations Conference on United Nations The UN General Assembly (UNGA) decided in 2009, on the 24th December to organize the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development hold in Rio de Janeiro in 2012. The Conference is so called RIO+20 to reaffirm the commitment made in the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development hold in Rio in 1992. To keep pace with global conference, the NCSD chairman decided in its 24th Council meeting to assign NCSD secretariat to arrange preparatory works for Government representatives of the Executive Yuan in participating in RIO+20.This project has completed two English brochures named as “Institutional Framework and Achievement on Sustainable Development in Taiwan” and “Green Economy Achievement in Taiwan”, as well as an interactive English VCD to promote Taiwan Achievement. Besides, the “Pre-RIO+20 Conference” was hold in April 24th to collect opinions from all stakeholders related to RIO+20 participation. In addition, the project assisted in accumulating conference information, compiling travel manual, and setting up an information-exchange platform in Facebook to assist in preparatory works.There were three assistants assigned to support Government representatives during their participation in RIO+20, such as holding meetings, assembling materials and participating in activities. After RIO+20, the “Post-RIO+20 conference” has hold to outreach the public with great amount of outcomes brought by representatives from government, NGOs and Youth. The project has proposed recommendation with regard to “Participation in International Conference” and “RIO+20 Follow-up” for EPA future references.In order to enhance sustainable development in Taiwan by fulfilling commitments concluded in the RIO+20 outcome documents-“The Future We Want”, the project has revised “National Sustainable Development Policy Guideline”, “National Sustainable Action Plan”, and “National Sustainable Development Indicator System”, and proposing suggestions according to an expert meeting. Those suggestions can be taken as references for EPA and NCSD to bring out programs on Sustainable Development in the future. 101 永續發展室 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會
32121045 101年推動營造永續優質環境衛生計畫 本計畫執行期間自民國101年3月起至101年12月底為止,主要目標為協助環保署持續推動「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」,執行經行政院核定六(98-103)年專案計畫之第四年度,期在過去清淨家園全民運動的執行基礎上,持續擴大公、私部門投入,已改善環境衛生,並透過績優村里及鄉鎮市區之標竿學習,推廣成功經驗,以營造優質居家生活環境。在「建構清淨家園複式動員系統」方面,由綠網資料顯示,至101年12月全國已有5,837隊清淨家園協巡組織,積極參與環境照顧工作,統計101年12月發表之通報、巡檢、清理及活動等日誌,合計達126,924篇。在「全面提昇城鄉環境衛生」方面,609個村里合計達成937項次環境衛生永續指標;另22縣市完成清理342處觀光景點或髒亂點,並辦理病媒蚊孳生源檢查830,000次,以減緩登革熱疫情擴大。在「營造優質環保示範區」方面,補助桃園縣桃園市等21個推動單位,完成65項次環境衛生永續指標,並遴選出新北市萬里區等22處為102年度優質環保示範區推動單位,同時,邀請縣市政府相關單位及民眾,至100年度5處示範區級推動單位進行觀摩學習,合計逾5,700人次參與。在「重塑清淨海岸風貌」方面,1-12月動員環保志義工及企業團體等共計131,876人次,累計清理重點海灘7,412公里,清理海灘垃圾5,711公噸。 2012 Establish Sustainable and High-quality Environment for Sanitation The Project has been implemented over period from March, 2012 to the end of December, 2012 with objectives to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to enforce the ongoing implement of the Creation of Sustainable, high-quality Environmental Sanitation Six-year Plan through the execution of the forth-year work items from this Six-year Plan (which is being implemented over the period 2009-2014), based on the pass executive experience of Clean Up Taiwan, the government improves the environmental sanitation. By promoting the successive experience from model villages and counties, people have learnt how to create the high-quality living environment. According to EcoLife data until December 2012, a combined total of 126,924 reports regarding to circular inspection, clean-up and special activity reports over the period from January to December, 2012. In the Clean Up Taiwan Multi-tiered Remobilization sub-project, environmental inspection and environmental care work was actively supported by 5,837 Clean Up Taiwan sub-teams. In the Improvement in Environmental Sanitation in Urban and Rural Areas sub-project, 639 communities have met the 937 environmental sanitation sustainability criteria; 22 individual counties and cities have completed clean-up of 169 tourist attractions where had previously been noted as particular dirty or untidy. At the same time, 830,000 occasions of potential mosquito breeding area inspection (to combat mosquito-borne diseases) was carried on to reduce the risk of dengue fever outbreaks spreading. In the Building Model Environmental Protection Districts sub-project, financial assistance was provided to help 21 entities achieve compliance with the 65-item environmental sanitation sustainability criteria; 22 localities were selected as FY2013 Model Environmental Protection Districts. A total of 5,700 representatives of county and city government agencies and the public were invited to visit the 5 Model Environmental Protection Districts to participate in hands-on learning activities. In the Cleaning Up Taiwan’s Coastline sub-project, over the period from January – December 2012 a total of 93,191 volunteers from environmental protection groups and employees of participating business enterprises undertook the cleaning up of 7,047 km of key stretches of coastline, with a remarkable clean-up achievement of 4,128 metric tons of refuse. 101 毒管處 環資國際有限公司
32121046 空氣污染物排放清冊建置與提報制度檢討計畫 為掌握全國排放量趨勢作為管制之參考,國家空氣污染物排放清冊之更新制度為每三年進行一次基準年總檢討計算,並在歷年間做局部更新。今年度為全新一版TEDS 8.0排放量資料庫之製作,以99年為基準年所建置的排放量。本年度計畫工作成果如下:(一)完成99年基準年空氣污染物排放量推估工作,以99年實際工業、民生及社經活動行為推估計算排放量,排放量架構分為點、線、面及生物源,所推估之空氣污染物種為具環境空氣品質標準之法規物種及前驅物種,點、線、面總計TSP全國排放量470,033公噸、PM10全國排放量180,540公噸、PM2.5全國排放量81,582公噸、SOx全國排放量122,567公噸、NOx全國排放量443,232公噸、NMHC全國排放量660,786公噸、THC全國排放量757,605公噸、CO全國排放量824,532公噸、Pb全國排放量1,630公噸、NH3全國排放量119,858公噸,生物源排放45.8萬公噸NMHC。(二)所推估出之各物種基準年排放量,根據污染源實際發生位置,進行合理性之分配,其分配方式為點源以直接座標註記,線源與面源解析至1公里網格之排放強度。(三)根據各物種基準年排放量及污染源實際發生位置,參考污染源排放特性或監測資料,將其發生時間變化趨勢做合理之分配,分配後最小之時間尺度為1小時(四)完成本次清冊版本TEDS 8.0之建置方法技術文件,今年度首次加入QA/QC之標準作業程序,並確實按該程序執行。(五)舉辦清冊製作前置專諮會及說明會,結合各方專家學者及地方縣市意見,一併納入本次清冊改版中。並舉辦排放量推估教育訓練會,將中央排放量推估計算及QA/QC方法完整對縣市說明,以俾縣市自行掌握自身排放量。總計今年度本計畫召開專資會、說明會及教育訓練會共六場,(六)完成縣市排放量提報制度推動及網路系統提報功能檢討:1、技術協助縣市執行101年排放量管理計畫工作;2、審查縣市101年排放量管理計畫執行工作成果,評定相關分數並給予建議;3、研擬102年排放量管理計畫工作項目、作業方法及評分標準,並藉由召開102年排放量管理計畫進行縣市公告。(七)完成100年綠色國民所得帳編制,配合主計處編製100年綠色國民所得帳,進行空氣品質質損資料之估算及資料提供。(八)配合執行環保署進行相關網頁資料更新、技術與行政支援作業、空氣污染控制成本基本資料庫(AirControlNET)擴充建置等排放量相關工作。 Review of air pollutant emissions inventory and reporting scheme In order to better understand the variation of national emissions for the management of air quality, Taiwan Emission Inventory Database (TEDS) is partially updated every year and completely reviewed every three years. A whole new version, TEDS 8.0, based on the emission of 2010, is accomplished this year. Several achievements are as followings:1. Emission estimation of 2010, based on the actual industrial, livelihood, and social activities, is completed. All emission sources are categorized into four types, including point, mobile and area. Species in the inventory are the criteria air pollutants with air quality standards, totally including TSP:470,033(Ton), PM10:180,540(Ton), PM2.5:81,582(Ton), SOx:122,567(Ton), NOx:443,232(Ton), NMHC:660,786(Ton), THC:757,605(Ton), CO:824,532, Pb:1,630(Ton), and NH3:119,858(Ton), and biogenic sources discharge NMHC 48.5(MTon)2. The location of emission source is adequately allocated. Point source is directly allocated with its original coordinates. Mobile and area source are allocated into mesh grids with the resolution of 1 km by 1 km.3. Temporal variation of every emission source is also adequately allocated with the resolution of 1 hour, according to its source type, location, or monitoring data.4. Technical and development documentation of TEDS 8.0 is completed. QA/QC is first time implemented into the standard operation procedure, and adequately conducted during the work.5. Totally 6 advisory meeting and description conference were held. Comments and opinions from experts, scholars, local government, and other parties were all considered and implemented into the inventory revision. Training courses and workshops for the administrators of local governments were also organized to established their capability of emission estimation and QA/QC.6. Promotion of emission reporting system and function review of network submitting system is completed. Topics included: a. Assist local government to conduct emission management of 2012. b. Assess the progress of emission management of local government with comments and advises. c. Propose the items of emission management in 2013, as well as the approaches and scoring criteria, which will be announced in the meeting of emission management in 2013.7. Compilation of green GDP in 2012 is accomplished, which is coordinated with the GDBAS to calculate the value loss due to the declined air quality.8. Coordinate with EPA with technical and administrative support to update related web pages, and to establish the AirControlNET. 101 空保處 景丰科技股份有限公司
32121047 「廢棄物棄置場址清理方案評估及經費估算」專案工作計畫 本計畫針對列管場址進行清理方案評估與經費估算,藉由專業顧問在場址污染調查及廢棄物清理之豐富經驗,建立不同棄置廢棄物種類之清理費用計算模式,排定各棄置場址之優先清理順序,並據以研提報行政院計畫,爭取廢棄物棄置場址清理經費,並可做為未來各級環保機關依法代為清理之求償參考依據。 Case Assessment and Budgeting for Waste Illegal Dumping Site Cleanups This project focused on the methodologies of case assessment and budgeting for enlisted waste disposal site cleanups. Based on the rich experiences of the Industrial Technology Research Institute on the relative expertise, cleanup cost estimations of a variety of waste disposals were established and the cleanup priority of the enlisted waste cleanup sites was set up. These can be used to apply for project funding from the Executive Yuan to clean up the wastes on disposal sites, as well as for the claims of the cleanup costs for environmental protection departments. 101 廢管處 財團法人工業技術研究院
32121048 101年國家永續發展資訊與成效推廣計畫 本計畫完成發行101年國家永續發展年報、「行政院國家永續發展委員會全球資訊網」之資料維護更新、「永續發展指標資訊管理系統」功能新增及發布「2011台灣永續發展指標」現況報告、建置及維護「永續發展行動計畫追蹤管考資訊系統」、辦理國家永續發展獎選拔表揚,及協助永續發展委員會庶務工作,彙整成果如下:1.發行101年版國家永續發展年報:完成「101年版國家永續發展年報」之編撰、美編輯印製,並寄送至國內外相關單位。2.更新維護行政院國家永續發展委員會全球資訊網:完成永續發展委員會資訊網維護及資料更新工作,並持續進行36次網站更新工作。3.「2011永續發展指標系統評量」:完成「永續發展指標資訊管理系統」功能新增,協助各部會上線完成「2011永續發展指標系統」之指標初始資料填報,並發布「2011台灣永續發展指標」現況報告。4.建置「永續發展行動計畫追蹤管考資訊系統」:完成建置維護「永續發展行動計畫追蹤管考資訊系統」,維護系統、並舉辦2場教育訓練,共計56人參與。5.辦理「101年國家永續發展獎」選拔表揚工作:協助永續會秘書處辦理「101年國家永續發展獎」選拔表揚相關庶務工作,總計辦理34場次實地複評、決選作業及發行得獎專輯、辦理「101年國家永續發展獎」頒獎典禮。6.協助辦理行政院國家永續發展委員會各項會議及活動之相關庶務工作,及協助行政院國家永續發展委員會秘書處研擬議案及撰寫背景資料:駐署人員於秘書處進行全年度永續會工作協助,包含各次委員會議及工作會議,各項永續會活動,年報資料整理,永續發展行動計畫彙整工作。 2012 National Sustainable Development Information and Achievements Propagation Project This project has accomplished the following tasks: publication of 2012 Annual Report on National Sustainable Development, maintaining and updating contents for National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD) Website, adding new functions to Sustainable Development Indicator Information Management System and publishing the 2011 Status Report on Taiwan Sustainable Development Indicators, establishing and maintaining Sustainable Development Action Plan Tracking Management and Evaluation Information System, implementing the selection and commending works for 2011 National Sustainable Development Award, and assisting NCSD with general works. The achievements are summarized below:1.Publication of the 2012 Annual Report on National Sustainable DevelopmentAccomplished the compilation, graphic designing, and printing of the Annual Report and sent copies to related domestic and overseas organizations. 2.NCSD Website update and maintenanceAccomplished the maintenance and information updating for NCSD Website. Performed 36 website updating operations in total. 3.2011 Sustainable Development Indicator System EvaluationSuccessfully added new functions to the Sustainable Development Indicator Information Management System, assisted all ministries to log in and report their 2011 Sustainable Development Indicator System initial indicator information. Published 2011 Status Report on Taiwan Sustainable Development Indicators.4.Establishment of Sustainable Development Action Plan Tracking Management and Evaluation Information SystemSuccessfully established and maintained Sustainable Development Action Plan Tracking Management and Evaluation Information System and organized two training workshops with 56 participants. 5.Selection and Commending Works for 2012 National Sustainable Development AwardAssisted NCSD Secretariat with selection and commending related works for 2012 National Sustainable Development Award. Organized 34 onsite field re-evaluation, prepared for final selection, published Winners Special Report, and organized the awarding ceremony for 2012 National Sustainable Development Award. 6.Assisting NCSD with General Works related to Meeting and Activity Organization, and Assisting NCSD Secretariat with Proposal Development, and Writing of Background Information The worker allocated to the NCSD Secretariat assisted with the general works related to NCSD, including organizing work meetings and activities for NCSD, as well as compiling information for the Annual Report and Sustainable Development Action Plan. 101 永續發展室 惠國顧問股份有限公司
32121049 101年度水污染源稽查管制及巡守計畫 本年度澎湖縣101年水污染源稽查管制及巡守計畫,分為水污染源管制及巡守隊管理兩大部分。於水污染源管制主要針對事業單位作資料庫更新、巡查、採樣、事業單位許可及申報資料審查及水污染防治之宣導。而資料庫已維護更新至46家次、巡查409家次、採水送驗53家次、審查許可文件計20件、審查申報文件計49件及法規說明會5場次。巡守隊管理部份,除主要淨灘活動已進行10場次外,針對水污染之了解進行教育訓練,並已辦理19場次;巡守隊通報專線通聯測試258次,主要通聯測試對象為各巡守隊隊長。配合各活動發表新聞稿計12篇,計畫執行總進度已達100%。 The management scheme of water pollution and the project of water volunteer cruising in Penghu County The management scheme of water pollution and the project of river volunteer cruising. 2012 executed from July 4,2012 to December 31,2012. The scheme deatails is showed as following: We executed 46 patrols with 409 sites and collected 53 water simples from companies. Hold 19 sessions of professional education training,including 10 times for cleaning beaches with cleared total of garbages, 2700 kg. Published 12 NEWS in EPB of Penghu. 101 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 新研車輛科技有限公司
32121050 101年度「嘉義市流域及水污染防治計畫」 本團隊執行「嘉義市水污染防治計畫」,主要工作內容包含河川水質分析、許可審查及資料建檔、事業污染源稽查管制作業、偷排監錄作業及暗管調查、水環境河川巡守志工隊實施成果及其他配合辦理事項,本計畫執行期程由101年3月26日至101年12月14日止,目前執行成果(統計自101年3月26日至101年12月10日止)摘要如下:(一)污染源許可管制計畫期程內已完成審查之件次計有37件次333件建檔工作,其中稽查採樣資料庫更新完成204件,事業許可申請作業完成37件,事業許可發證作業完成16件以及水污染防治措施計畫1件。(二)事業及污水下水道稽查管制針對列管對象進行稽巡查作業,共稽查96家,採樣53家次,採樣結果除1家不合格之外,皆符合放流水標準。(三)暗管查緝及封管已查獲4支暗管並依違反水污法第16條(事業廢(污)水利用不明排放管排放者,由主管機關公告廢止,經公告一週尚無人認領者,得予以封閉或排除該排放管線)完成封管作業。(四)事業廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑針對轄區違反水污法之列管事業,經現場勘察廢水處理功能異常事業,依局內實際需求篩選2家辦理廢水處理設施功能評鑑工作,已於5月24日執行初評作業,8月20日執行復評,11月22日進行協談會議。(五)經營河川巡守隊共成立6小隊總人數83名,針對各巡守隊均已完成巡守區域的劃分,今年4月14日、9月8日、9月16日及10月20日辦理4場河川淨溪淨潭活動,參與人數達1,456人。(六)其他配合辦理事項1.生活污水減量宣導說明會本年度4月3日及9月1日於興嘉國小及嘉義市立體育館辦理2場生活污水減量說明會,共350人次出席。2. 辦理河川污染整治及海洋污染防治考核計畫於計畫執行期間持續協助環保局提升考評成績,已協助提出101年度嘉義市「河川污染整治(含流域管理)計畫」計畫書至環保署。3.辦理水污染整治規劃推動小組會議邀集相關單位及專家學者組成水污染整治規劃推動小組,已於101年4月26日、7月31日、10月12日、12月4日召開101年度小組會議,請相關單位加強辦理,整合相關部會資源,改善水環境,以打造城南生態休閒空間景觀。4.水體水質監測工作及污染量推估協助辦理嘉義市牛稠溪、八掌溪流堿、蘭潭水庫水體之水質定期監測作業,水質測站共計19站,每一監測站每月均採樣檢驗1次,並進行本市污染量推估。5.嘉義市水污染列管事業衛星定位資訊整合系統本團隊於97年開始陸續將水污染列管事業及河川採樣點其衛星定位資料輸入「Google Earth」軟體中,101年度本團隊亦於合約工作外,持續更新該資料庫,藉由完整的衛星圖協助環保局了解本市轄區各列管事業分佈,另外因嘉義縣比鄰本市其污染影響至本市轄區,故資料建檔中特別增加嘉義縣列管事業,可提升本局於獲陳情案件時研判可疑污染源的時效。 2012 Jia-Yi City Rivers and Water Pollution Prevention Areas Ji-Gia Environmental Consulting Co. Water pollution sources, Investigation and inspection, river cleanup action, emergency response action Jia-Yi city water pollution prevention project covers the following actions, river water quality analysis, environmental permit review and data compilations, investigation and inspection of pollution sources by permitted industrial units, monitoring of illegal wastewater discharges, investigation of illegal discharging pipes, river patrolling volunteers and all the necessary assistant deemed relevant by the EPB. The project is from march, 26thm 2012 to dec. 31st, 2012 and the abstract is as followed,One. Permit Review for Pollution Sources Within the project period, 37 permit applications have been reviewed and 333 data have been compiled. Among the 333, 204 are the inspection and water sampling database update, 37 are the completion of industrial permit applications, 16 are the issuing of industrial permits, 1 is the application of water prevention plan.Two. Investigation and Inspection of Industrial wastewater and Sewage Systems 96 permitted industrial units have been inspected. Among them, 53 wastewater samples were tested. There are 1 industrial units being ticketed.Three. Monitoring and Sealing of Illegal Discharging Pipes 4 illegal discharging pipes were discovered and sealed. In accordance with the Article 16 of Water Pollution Act, once any illegal discharging pipes were discovered, after one week of not being able to identify the proprietor, the EPB has to right to seal them.Four. Operational Assessment of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facilities After initial inspection, operational assessment of industrial wastewater treatment facilities was undertaken to 2 of the permitted industrial units that violated the Water Pollution Act. Second inspections were scheduled at the month of Nov. and Dec.Five. Organizing River Patrolling Teams 6 river patrolling teams, 83 members in total, were organized, 4 river cleanup activities were held at Ba-Zhang riverbank, with the participants totaled 1,456.Six. Others Deemed Relevant1. Info. Session of household water usage reduction was held at April. 3th,Set 1th and Nov 20th.2. River Pollution Remediation and Ocean Pollution Prevention Assess Plan Continuous assisting the EPB in upgrading the score of the assess plan. The Jia-Yi City “River Pollution Remediation and Ocean Pollution Prevention Assess Plan” has been drafted and submitted to Central EPA.3. Water Pollution Remediation Committee Meetings Relevant organizations and scholars were invited to join the water pollution remediation committee and meetings were held at April 26th, July.317th, October. 12th and Dec. 4th for the year of 2012. Resources from relevant organizations shall be integrated to improve the water quality and Cheng-Nan eco-landscape.4. Water Quality Monitoring and Pollution Estimate Periodical water monitoring and sampling were carried out in Niou-Chou river, Ba-Zhang river and Lan-Tan lake, with 16 monitoring stops in total. Monthly water samples were tested to estimate the pollution amount of Jia-Yi City.5. GPS Integration System of Water Pollution Permitted Industrial Units of Jia-Yi City A GPS integration system by Google Earth was setup for the water pollution permitted industrial units at the year of 2008. A continuous updating was carried out this year to assist the EPB in their distribution. The permitted industrial units of Jia-Yi County were also integrated in the system, considering the water pollution influence of the neighboring county, to add the efficiency in regarding the water pollution complaint investigations. 101 嘉義市政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司
32121051 屏東縣工業區臭味物質監測及有害污染物調查計畫 「屏東縣工業區臭味物質監測及有害污染物調查計畫」係針對屏東縣重點管制工業區進行指紋資料之建置作業;此外,亦規劃污染源追蹤監測作業,針對上風可疑之污染工廠的排放管道或製程進行檢測,以瞭解工廠的作業特性及潛在的污染發生問題,確實掌握主要污染物的來源及特性,並研擬空氣污染緊急事件之標準作業程序。本計畫主要執行目標包括下列五項:一、監測轄內工業區臭異味污染物濃度及成分,建置污染源指紋資料,精確掌握可能引起臭異味事件的物質成分及來源,及建立各季節之污染特徵資料。二、針對轄內工業區廠區、周界及鄰近敏感點,應用各式監測方法進行臭異味及相關污染物監測,以瞭解污染潛勢區位之相關性。三、因應工業區空污緊急事件進行污染排放之即時監測與蒐證,並維護空氣污染物採樣系統,利用監測數據配合氣象資料及污染物成份特性,判讀可能之污染來源以採行預防措施管理,以提昇民眾滿意度及維護良好空氣品質及生活環境。四、藉由監測資料分析及臭味模擬及流向解析影響潛勢,作為後續工廠輔導改善之依據。五、建置工業區污染物監測及指紋資料並整合工業區歷年監測資料,以供緊急應變事件發生時可能污染源辨識及採適當管理作為。 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 慧群環境科技股份有限公司
32121052 101年度臺中市固定污染源許可管制及資料庫管理計畫 本計畫執行期程自101年4月21日至102年1月31日止,共計9.3個月。其中主要工作項目包括:資料庫維護更新與管理、執行許可制度、執行排放量網路申報審核、連續自動監測設施管制及各類宣導說明會等工作項目,各作業項目均已依工作進度規劃期程進行。本年度許可審查作業延續ISO9001及為民服務精神,持續落實許可前查、督測及核證前的協商,同時採簡訊方式通知申辦進度,供業者即時掌握退補件狀況,平均補正日數10.01日較100年度10.98日及99年度19.14日顯著縮短。同時,完成500製程許可查核,整體不符合率為4.8%,尚未完成改善之製程,已提報予環保局查處。資料庫清查更新部分,計完成651家清查建檔作業,清查後其中有599家公私場所屬於有污染排放行為且需持續列管之固定污染源。另,清查結果顯示,主要排放量變化原因和個別污染源產能變化有關,而硫氧化物部分,因台中發電廠100年度排放量較99年度增長19.9%,因此差異較大。每日檢核連續自動監測數據並定期備份資料庫,確保上傳數據品質,目前各廠之上傳率及有效率皆能符合法規規範。相對準確度查核稽查檢測執行9根次,稽查檢測皆符合規範。另,計畫執行期間中龍鋼鐵公司計發生1次監測數據超出排放標準且累積時數逾2小時狀況,已協助環保局彙整監測數據,並已完成告發處分。TEDS7.1與固定源清查資料庫比對結果發現硫氧化物與氮氧化物排放量接近,但粒狀污染物及揮發性有機物差異較大,其差異和TEDS資料庫中部分污染物排放量重複計算或係數選用不適當有關,其中TEDS清冊中巨力混凝土工業股份有限公司大里廠粒狀污染物排放量高達2,171公噸/年,差異最大。101年度已配合環保署排放量管理計畫進行排放量更新及確認,屆時TEDS8.0之排放量將與固定源實際排放量趨於一致。配合環保署推動三級防制區既存固定污染源減量改善至二級防制區行動計畫工作重點,辦理容許排放量重新核定作業,計已回收粒狀物585公噸/年、硫氧化物516公噸/年及氮氧化物2,003公噸/年。同時,101年度訂定「燃煤固定污染源許可審查原則」,粒狀物、二氧化硫及氮氧化物分別削減25.7公噸/年、175.1公噸/年及189.2公噸/年。 The scheduled implementation of the Program herein shall be covered from April 21, 2012 to January 31, 2013, a total of 9.3 months, among of which, the tasks mainly include, but not limited to, Maintenance & Management of Database, Permit System Practices, Review of Internet Reporting on Emission Practices, Management & Control of Continuous Automatic Monitoring Facility and a variety of propaganda, which each task has been on schedule.The review for approval operations this year inherits the spirit of ISO9001 and serving the public to carry on discussion on pre-check, monitoring & test prior to the approval, and prior to the issuance of certificate persistently, while any progress in application is with a notice given on SMS service for operator’s seizing rejects/supplements in time resulting in the average number of days in the supplement; that is, 10.01 days, is shorter than that of 2011, 10.98 and 2010, 19.14 in significance. At the mean time, a total of 500 permits of process have been reviewed where overall inconsistency rate accounts for 4.8% and processes yet improved have been reported to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for check.For the checks and updates of database, there are a total of 651 files of premises checked and created, which 599 public/private ones of them behaved in emissions of pollutants and classified as stationary pollution sources needing continuous management. In addition, the result shows that main reasons of changes incurred with volume of emission is connected with individual change made in energy of emission source; for sulfur oxides, larger difference exists because Taichung Power Station’s volume of emission in 2011 was more than that of 2010 by 19.9%. We verify these readings of continuous automatic monitoring measures daily and do back-up for database at regular basis for assurance of uploading quality; currently, each plant’s uploading rate and efficiency rate are both in compliance with laws and regulations. Related Accuracy Audit & Test has been executed for 9 flues, where all results show their compliance. Furthermore, Dragon Steel Corp. had once monitoring data exceeding emission standards for more than 2 hours occurred during the program was executed which we have assisted EPA in aggregated monitoring readings and fulfilled process of sanctions and reporting.The result of comparison between TEDS7.1 and stationery source in the database indicates that the similarity behind volume of emission between sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, yet bigger difference exists between particulate pollutants and volatile organic compounds, where such difference is connected with duplicate calculation in the volume of emission of some pollutants in TEDS Database or improper selection of coefficient, among of which, the biggest difference exists in the volume Dali Plant of Chu Li Concrete Industrial Co., Ltd. emitted the particle pollutants recorded in TEDS List which is up to 2,171 ton/year. The update and confirmation of emission volume has been executed in corporation with Environmental Protection Department (EPD) Emission Volume Management Program in 2012, in which case, the emission volume of TEDS8.0 will consistent with actual one of stationery source.With being in line with focus of tasks in EPD’s promotion of reduction and improvement behind existed stationery pollution source in 3rd grade Control Zone to 2nd grade Control Zone action plan, the review & re-approval for allowance of emission volume is executed where 585 ton/year of particles, 516 ton/year of sulfur oxides and 2,003 ton/year of nitrogen oxides have been recycled. At the mean time, “Principle of Reviewing Permit of Coal-fired Stationery Source of Pollutant” was prescribed in 2012 that these particles such as sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides have been reduced down by 25.7 ton/year, 175.1 ton/year and 189.2 ton/year respectively. 101 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
32121053 排放管道排氣熱值之量測技術開發研究 本計畫旨在建立排放管道中排氣熱值之量測技術,用以提供環保署環檢所標準作業之參考依據。針對排放管道排氣熱值分析方法,經評估後使用ASTM D4891燃燒直測熱值方法進行技術開發。燃燒直測法將排放管道氣體導入燃燒腔體,氣體與燃料混合燃燒,測得火焰溫度變化經計算得排放熱值。燃燒直測法系統需1小時穩定間即可連續量測熱值,最重要的零點及全幅校需約 90 秒的時間讀值達到穩定(T90),總時間約需5分鐘。檢量線範圍由甲烷定之,可由甲烷濃度5%-100%所分析的熱值46-1012BTU/ft3,實測結果與理論值比對介於90.91-99.41%之間,誤差範圍小於10%。利用甲烷實驗結果,利用燃燒直測法建立熱值分析方法準確度100.03±1.35%,精密度0.68%。利用丙烷、氫氣和甲苯作為盲樣分析時,各物種的熱值理論值與實際值差異均可在誤差範圍20%以內。7場次實測分析結果顯示,燃燒直測法所測得的總熱值與層析法連續監測的總熱值有不錯的正相關,相關係數最佳的兩場次達0.926-0.992。然而燃燒直測法熱值分析結果與THC分析連續量測結果大致上有相似的趨勢,但THC與熱值趨勢出現變化時,並非均出現一致的變化。本研究開發的燃燒直測法已可分析排放管道如廢氣燃燒塔上游石化製程的熱值分析方法,對於中、下游石化製程的熱值分析需有更嚴謹的研究證據證明燃燒直測法適用於中下游石化業的熱值實測,建議可針對石化製程上、中、下游廢氣燃燒塔的成分進行檢測分析,並建立廢氣燃燒塔廢氣資料庫,比對熱值分析結果和成分分析結果在不同製程、不同成分廢氣燃燒塔的相關性。基於本計畫的研究技術成果,可建議環檢所建立燃燒直測法應用於排放管道的熱值量測,提供石化工業產業標準檢測技術,作為環保署訂定標準作業草案之參考。 Development of Heating Value Measurement Technology in Stack The purpose of this project is to develop the measurement technology of high heating value in stacks and provide reference of testing methods to Environmental Analysis Laboratory, EPA.Achievements in the implementation: development of direct measurement method for analyzing high heating value of flare emissions which can be more intuitive and high heating value is calculated directly and precisely. Emission gas from stacks is introduced into the analysis units and the gas is mixed with fuel. The measured changes in the flame temperature through a heat value was calculated. Boot to system stability takes 1 hours, zero and full-size correction takes about 90 seconds of time reading to stabilize (T90). Calibration curve from methane to be determined by the methane concentration of the heating value 46-1012 BTU/ft3, the measured results with the theoretical value compared between 90.91-99.41%, the error range is less than 10% of the analyzed. Propane, Hydrogen and Toluene with methane calibration curve analysis the theory value and the actual value can be found in the error range of less than 20%. The method to measure the accuracy of 100.03 ± 1.35%, the precision of 0.68%.Seven performances measured results show good positive correlation (R2 = 0.8572-0.9844) of the high heating value with continuous monitoring method and chromatography method. Continuous monitoring method and results analysis with THC monitoring results generally have the same trend.Implementation of the policy side, based on the research and technological achievements of this project, we proposed that this direct continuous monitoring method can be established in the monitoring of the high heating value in stacks. This project is completed within the schedule and to provide draft standard method. 101 環檢所 工業技術研究院 綠能所
32121054 101年度臺南市空氣品質考核及管理計畫 一、環境負荷及變化趨勢統計至101 年12 月止,臺南市人口數188 萬,密度858.5 人/km2,在直轄市中排名第五;本市工廠約8,636 家,密度為3.94 家/km2,為五都中排名第3,全國排名第4,列管工廠家數2,352 家,以塑膠製品製造業所列管的370 家為最多(15.7%),其次加油站業295 家(12.8%)、金屬工業291 家(12.4%)。本市營建工地數近年呈現成長,101 年工地數為10,074 處。本市總車輛數為204.7 萬輛,每人擁有車輛數為1.09 輛/人,直轄市中排名第二,其中汽車數約51 萬輛、機車數約144.3 萬輛,歷年車輛數都呈現成長之趨勢。本市發油量及加油站設站數皆呈增加之趨勢,發油量自92 年1,165 千公秉增加至101 年1,259 公秉;加油站設站數則由92 年269 站增加到101 年295 站。二、空氣品質現況及問題分析臺南市空氣品質不良比例,自95 年7.62%下降至101 年0.68%,改善幅度達91%,達成本市101 年度空氣品質目標(2.74%, 40 站日)並連續2 年(100、101 年)低於全國平均,且為歷年最佳紀錄,顯示近年來台南市的管制策略具有成效。各項空氣污染物濃度,皆呈現逐年下降之趨勢,其中O3 小時平均第八大值已連續五年低於法規標準值,故O3 在102 年1 月1 日起提升為二級防制區;101 年PM10 日平均第八大值首次低於空品標準(125μg/m3),年平均值則呈現逐年下降趨勢;PM2.5 24 小時值逐年改善,95 年~101 年改善率28.6%;年平均值亦呈現改善趨勢,95 年~101 年改善率18.3%,近年改善策略具有初步之成效。三、分析各類排放源結構依據TEDS 8.1 排放量資料庫及本計畫檢討更新結果,本市99 年點、線、面源之排放清單已更新,各類污染源之排放狀況如下表所示: TSP PM10 SOx NOx NMHC CO點源(公噸/年) 2,715 1,651 4,332 18,120 2,814 3,989面源(公噸/年) 42,655 11,975 651 3,674 36,716 4,703線源(公噸/年) 2,743 1,971 30 20,226 16,929 52,497總排放量(公噸/年) 48,113 15,665 5,013 42,020 56,459 61,189四、檢討修正本市空氣污染防制策略本計畫協助研擬102 年台南市空氣污染防制計畫書,其中規劃了102-103 年之空氣污染管制目標及研擬本市短程(102-103 年)空氣品質管制策略,包含固定、移動、逸散污染源進行管制。PM2.5 推動策略,初步規劃三大架構:1.前置作業:PM2.5 背景資料調查及目標設定。2.基礎管制:主要執行原生及衍生性PM2.5 減量工作。3.熱點區域管制:分為高污染潛勢區(以排放潛勢大為原則)及高危害影響區(以人口密度高及污染濃度高為原則)。五、管理空氣污染防制計畫辦理品質及成效(一) 擬訂「101 年度臺南市空氣改善維護計畫管理及考核評分辦法」,對各計畫實施管理及考核評分。(二) 101 年度各委辦計畫考評結果:以「柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫」得分最高,該計畫皆能依據工作規劃進度執行、每月工作進度達成率佳、人員離職或異動率低、資料庫查核無缺失、AQMP 月查核及重點工作特色執行成效等執行狀況良好,整體表現優異。(三) 環保署考評成績檢討100 年度環保署所公佈之考評成績,本市獲得89.13 分,五都評等中屬於優等,顯示本市各項工作獲得委員及環保署肯定。六、空污管制工作之民眾滿意度調查依據本計畫針對101 年度之問卷調查結論如下:(一)一般民眾滿意度調查:超過半數(55%)民眾認為南市近一年的空氣品質有改善,且有73%民眾對於改善成果感到滿意。(二)營建工地政風問卷滿意度調查:76%的受訪者認為環保局人員品德操守良好;且69%未曾遭遇或聽聞環保局相關人員有不法情事。環保局整體清廉度與廉政形象獲得受訪者78%的肯定。 2012 Tainan City Air Quality Management Plan 1.Environmental load and trendIn 2012, the population of Tainan City is 1.88 million; a density of 858.5 persons /km2;population in the five municipalities is ranked fifth. There are about 8,636 plants, with the density of 3.94 plant/km2, ranking third and fourth in five-municipalities and Taiwan,respectively. 2,352 plants of 8,636 were controlled, most of them are 370 plastic manufacturing (15.7%), following by 295 gas station (12.8%), and 291 metallurgical plants(124.%).At present the city with more the manufacturing of metal products, machinery andequipment manufacturing and plastic products manufacturing. In the construction site, thesites increased year by year, the construction sites reached 10,074in 2012.The total number of vehicles is 2.047 million in Tainan city, a density of 1.09 vehicles /person; of which about 1.443 million motorcycles and 0.51millionautomobiles, andcontinues to grow up each year. In addition, the amount of diesel and gasoline and gasstation sites were increasing trend, from 2003 to 2012, the amount of gasoline and dieselsold increased from 1,165*103 kiloliters to 1,259*103 kiloliters, the gas station increasedfrom 269 to 295sites.2. Air Quality Status and Problems AnalysisThe poor air quality (PSI>100) ratio of Taiwan City dropped from 7.62% in 2006 to0.68% in 2012 to improve as much as 91%, while in 2012 the ratio of poor air quality notonly to achieve air quality objectives (2.74%, 40 station-days) and 2 years (2011, 2012)lower than the national average, hitting the best air quality records over the years, showingthe Tainan City in recent years, the effectiveness of control measures.Currently the trends of concentration of air pollutants is declining, in which the ozoneeighth hour average values less than four consecutive years of standards. Therefore, theozone has been regulated as second control area. For the other pollutant concentrations,including daily average of 8th maximum value and yearly average of PM10 and 24 hourlyaverage and yearly average of PM2.5, show they are in declining trends. It is deserved to2012 Tainan City AQMP AbstractAbs-2mention that PM10 daily average of 8th maximum value is the first time below the airquality standard (125μg/m3). The improvement rate is 28.6% for PM2.5 24 hourly averageand 18.3% for that of yearly average in 95~101. The above results show that the controlstrategies are doable.3.Analysis of Emission InventoryThe emission inventory of Taiwan City in 2010 was updated by this project according toTEDS 8.1. The emissions of point source, area source, and line source are listed in thefollowing table:TSP PM10 SOx NOx NMHC COPoint Source (tons/year) 2,715 1,651 4,332 18,120 2,814 3,989Area Source (tons/year) 42,655 11,975 651 3,674 36,716 4,703Line Source(tons/year) 2,743 1,971 30 20,226 16,929 52,497Total(tons/year) 48,113 15,665 5,013 42,020 56,459 61,1894. Programming the Air Pollution Control Strategies2013 Taiwan City Air Pollution Control Plan was managed and developed by thisproject. The purpose is to draw up the air pollution control measure goals and developed ashort-term control strategy for 2013 to 2014. The targets include the sources of stationary,mobile, and fugitive. Three framework of PM2.5 control strategy are planed: 1. prepreparation,design the target and background information of PM2.5; 2. basic controlstrategy, conduct the reduction of original and derivative sources of PM2.5; 3. control theregions of hot spots., including highly emitted area (based on potentially PM2.5 emittingsources) and strongly affected area (depended on the population density and high PM2.5concentration area).5. Review the effectiveness of air pollution control projects(1) Draw up "2012 Tainan City Air pollution control project management and assessmentmeasures."(2) The "Diesel Dynamometer Smoke Detect Project" got the highest score for theevaluation results in 2012, owing to the following characteristics: 1. the planed workwas conducted on time; 2. lowly changed rate for the staffs of the project; 3. nosignificant errors for the database by the examining; 4. the monthly audited AQMP andimportant works are well.(3) Review of EPA evaluation resultsTainan City got the 89.13 points by the EPA announced evaluation result in 2012,rating excellent in the five municipalities. This shows the works of this project arehighly recognized by EPA and our examining deputies.2012 Tainan City AQMP AbstractAbs-36. Public Satisfaction SurveyBased on the questionnaire of public satisfaction survey results in 2012:(1) Satisfaction survey of the public: More than half of citizen (55%) in Tainan believesthat air quality has improved in 2012, and 73% of the people are satisfied for theresults.(2) Satisfaction and ethics survey of construction site: 76% of questioned people givegood recommend for the well behavior and virtue for the staffs of EPB, and 69% ofthem didn't hear any scandal and illegal behavior for the staffs of EPB. The justice,rectitude and well image of EPB are recognized by the 78% of questioned people. 101 台南市環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司
32121055 101年度垃圾清運體系規劃及協助清運車輛汰換 本計畫主要目的在於協助地方環保機關汰換老舊清運機具,維持垃圾清運能力與提高清運效率, 以確保民眾清潔、衛生、健康之生活環境與品質。本計畫延續歷年(自民國96 年起)推動執行「一般廢棄物資源循環推動計畫」(行政院96 年3 月1 日核定)之「補助地方政府汰換老舊垃圾清運機具工作」,協助環保署辦理補助汰換相關工作, 並研擬提昇清運車輛使用效益之措施, 研訂新型清運機具之規格規範。本(101)年度計畫執行期限自101 年1 月起至101 年12 月止,秉公開、透明、專業與嚴密監督之原則, 研訂密封壓縮式垃圾車採購規範與共同供應契約招標文件,並完成招標採購作業;同時,由地方環保機關提出垃圾清運車輛汰換申請補助計畫書, 經環保署核定後利用共同供應契約進行訂購, 並於完成製作後, 向環保署申請補助撥款及提報汰換成果。本年度共補助地方環保機關完成313 輛各式容積密封壓縮式垃圾車之汰換訂購作業,累計自96年起環保署共補助22 個縣市採購2,027 輛密封壓縮式垃圾車。因本(101)年為一般廢棄物資源循環推動計畫之最後1年,本計畫已協助環保署按行政院規定格式撰寫「一般廢棄物資源循環推動計畫執行成效評估報告」中補助地方政府汰換老舊垃圾車執行成效總結報告; 另外, 因應地方財政困窘, 中央應持續提供補助誘因, 以促使地方政府優先編列相關經費持續辦理垃圾車之正常汰換, 維持既有老舊垃圾車更新成果; 另考量公營垃圾收集清運作業若能率先採用低碳運輸車輛, 將具有帶領示範之正面意義, 有利節能減碳政策之推行, 故本計畫已協助環保署於「資源永續循環利用推動計畫」中納入推動低碳垃圾清運工作, 後續並將配合經建會審查意見持續修訂。 Planning on the Refuse Collection Systems and Assistance to the Renewal of Refuse Trucks The objectives of this project were to assist local governments to renew their refuse collection vehicles so as to maintain their capabilities of refuse collection services and to promote the efficiency for providing people a clean, sanitized and healthy environment to live in with better quality. This project was designed continuously to implement the “Program of financial assistance local governments to renew refuse collection vehicles” included in “General Waste Resource Recycling Promotion Plan”, approved by Executive Yuan in March 31st, 2007. This project contributed to promote the renewing progress and gave support to EPA on the relative tasks. This project also drafted the specifications for new models, improvements on functions and safety requirements. This project started from January 2012 to December 2012. This project finalized the bidding documents for vary capacities of rear loader refuse trucks with advisory supervision of the professionals. The bidding documents had been utilized for the invitation of tenders and the whole procurement procedures had been finished, in accordance with observing the principle of fairness and openness, together an inter-entity supply contract. In the meantime, local governments might deliver the renewal plans with request for financial assistance. As soon as EPA approved the renewal proposals, local government might place the orders via the inter-entity supply contract. In this year, 2012, EPA has granted procurements of 313 vary capacities of refuse trucks to local governments for renewing. And the granted had been accumulating to a total of 2,027 trucks over the years from 2007 to 2012.Considered that “General Waste Resource Recycling Promotion Plan” will end in this year, this project has supported EPA to contribute the assessment report about assisting local governments to renew their refuse collection vehicles. This project suggests central government could provide partial financial assistance in a few years to encourage local governments renews their refuse collection vehicles initiatively, moreover, to maintain the effects of replacing old vehicles with well-functioning new vehicles. If refuse collecting services starts using low carbon emission vehicles, it may set up a positive impression in following central government’s energy conservation and carbon reduction policy. Therefore, this project has assisted EPA to promote low carbon refuse collecting services in “Resource Sustainable Recycling Promotion Plan”. This project will support EPA to revise the promotion plan after Council for Economic Planning and Development reviews. 101 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司
32121056 101年度「嘉義市節能減碳宣導推動計畫」 近年來全球暖化、氣候變遷及溫室氣體管制等議題,已成為全世界共同關心的焦點,聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第15屆締約國大會所提出哥本哈根協議,亦初步達成共識,全球將致力於控制全球溫度上升不高過2ºC為目標,溫室氣體減量已是刻不容緩的工作。現今全球各主要國家均積極推動溫室氣體管制與減量,為使我國未來發展為永續社會,我國於2008年9月核定「永續能源政策綱領-節能減碳行動方案」,以實踐整體節能減碳目標;並宣告2010年為「節能減碳年」,確立國家「節能減碳總計畫」十大標竿方案,並提高減碳目標,因此各行政部門應劍及履及,儘速採取具體行動予以落實;有鑑於此,嘉義市政府環境保護局積極推動節能減碳宣導相關工作,並配合環保署低碳家園發展策略。本計畫依據工作內容規劃,主要工作項目分四大項推動之,各項工作執行成果包括:(一)活動會議辦理:總計完成相關會議活動19場次,1.「節能減碳十大無悔措施」簽署活動1場次、2.「綠網」績效登錄與操作說明會議1場次、3.「節能減碳」宣導與推動用電用水自我管理活動13場次、4.行動標章徵選活動說明會1場次、5.節電(水、油、紙)、低碳交通工具、低碳飲食、低碳生活等宣導推廣園遊會1場次、6.低碳永續家園里長聯誼會活動2場次;(二)資訊管理及更新:1.統計相關局處節能減碳活動共計70場次、2.完成發佈「綠網」之活動25場次、文章151篇及好康訊息1則、3.統計「綠網」被分享次數文章3,854次及活動298次、4.協助嘉義市市民「綠網」水電錶登錄,水號登錄2,589筆及電號登錄4,238筆、5.於Facebook建置「嘉園」節能減碳部落格並發佈節能減碳相關文章134篇、6.統計環保局Facebook粉絲團人數共計593人;(三)行銷宣傳:完成1.廣播宣導360檔次(30秒/次)、2.資源回收車彩繪宣導2輛、3.提交宣導品2,006份、4.租用50部電動輔助自行車,分別提供停車收費員試乘、遊嘉住宿旅客試乘及環保局公務使用並回收有效問卷563份;(四)查核輔導及行政作業:1.協助環保局及10個里長辦公室完成「節能減碳十大無悔措施」填報及執行查核作業,環保局評比成績及推動村里共同參與皆獲得滿分、2.輔導5個單位參與行動標章甄選活動,1個單位獲得特優獎,2個單位獲得績優獎、3.協助1個區公所(東區)及8個里完成節能減碳宣導活動辦理,並協助提出相關文件請領。本計畫工作執行達成率彙整如表1所示。本計畫已完成相關工作項目及內容,透過節能減碳相關宣導活動辦理,將溫室氣體減量之重要性、節能減碳觀念及意識傳遞與民眾,並宣導與生活息息相關節能省水手法,民眾反應熱絡,藉此讓民眾知道如何從日常生活中,自發性的進行節能減碳,進而達到全民落實生活節能減碳的目的;並透過綠網維護管理及更新,將嘉義市環境保護局推動節能減碳之工作及績效具體呈現於綠網;藉由行銷宣傳,將十大無悔措施、低碳運具推廣及補助方案,宣導推廣予民眾,並透過宣導品發送,提高民眾參與節能減碳活動之誘因;經由查核輔導及行政作業,協助環保局及10個里十大無悔措施具體落實、補助區里節能減碳宣導活動辦理、輔導5個單位參與行動標章甄選活動,藉此提昇其環保意識。本計畫各工作項目之推動,在嘉義市民眾積極參與節能減碳相關活動過程中,已逐步將節能減碳觀念傳播於嘉義市每一角落,每位市民均能成為節能減碳之推手,使嘉義市加速邁向「綠能城市 低碳家園」。 In recent years, issues such as global warming, climate change and greenhouse gas control have become global concerns. Preliminary consensus has been reached for Copenhagen Accord proposed on the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15) of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The globe will strive for the goal of preventing global temperature from increasing over 2ºC. It is of great urgency to reduce greenhouse gases. Nowadays, major countries in the world actively promote the control and reduction of greenhouse gases. To make Taiwan a sustainable society, the government ratified “Sustainable Energy Policy Convention—Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Action Plan” in September, 2008 to implement the entire goal of energy saving and carbon reduction. In 2010, it declared the year “energy saving and carbon reduction year,” making 10 benchmark projects in the national “energy saving and carbon reduction plan” and uplifting its goal of carbon reduction. Therefore, each administration departments should follow suit by promoptly taking concrete actions to carry them out. In this regard, Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi City, has actively promoted related affairs on energy saving and carbon reduction and cooperated with the development strategies for a low-carbon home proposed by Environmental Protection Agency.The project was divided into four main tasks on the basis of the contents of the tasks. The results of each task included: (I) organization of activities and conferences: 19 related conferences and activities were held: 1. one signature activity of “10 No-Regret Measures for Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction,” 2. one orientation on achievement registration and operation of “Eco Life website,” 3. thirteen activities on guidance of “energy saving and carbon reduction” and promotion of self-management for utility and water use, 4. one orientation on selection of activity marks, 5. one carnival for guidance and promotion of energy-saving (water, gas, paper), low-carbon transportation, low-carbon diet and low-carbon life; 6. two socials on a low-carbon sustainable home for neighborhood managers. (II) Information Management and Updates: 1. 70 energy saving and carbon reduction activities of related bureaus and offices were held, 2. 25 activities, 151 articles and 1 piece of good news of “Eco Life website” were announced, 3. articles and activities on “Eco Life website” were shared 3,854 and 298 times respectively, 4. residents of Chiayi City were assisted to register their water and utility meters on “Eco Life website,” and 2,589 water numbers and 4,238 utility numbers were registered, 5. blog of “Chiayi, My Home” was established on Facebook with 134 energy saving and carbon reduction related articles being issued; 6. 588 people became fans of Environmental Protection Bureau on Facebook. (III) Marketing Propagation: Completed 1. 360 times (30 seconds/time) of broadcasting announcements, 2. announcements made by 2 colored recycle trucks, 3. proposal of 2,006 propagation samples, 4. rental of 50 electronic bicycles to offer test rides of traffic wardens, tourists in Chiayi City and for public affairs of Environmental Protection Bureau and retrieval of 563 valid questionnaires, (IV) Inspection Guidance and Administration Task: 1. assisted Environmental Protection Bureau and 10 offices of neighborhood managers to complete the submission of “10 No-Regret Measures for Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction” and to conduct the inspection task. The evaluation grades from Environmental Protection Bureau and from co-participation of villages and neighborhoods won full marks, 2. guided 5 units to participate in the selection of activity marks, and one of which won excellent award and 2 others was awarded certificates of merit; 3. assisted one district office (East District) and 8 neighborhoods to complete the guidance activities for energy saving and carbon reduction and assisted the application of related documents. The task achievement rate of the project is shown on table 1.The project has completed related tasks and their contents. Through the activities on carbon reduction, the importance of greenhouse gas reduction, concepts and awareness of energy saving and carbon reduction were transmitted to the public. The public who showed great enthusiasm were taught the methods of energy saving and water conservation which were related to their daily life. By doing so, the public knew how to implement energy saving and carbon reduction spontaneously in their everyday life, and the goal of making everyone carry out energy saving and carbon reduction could thus be achieved. Through the maintenance, management and updates on Eco Life website, the tasks and achievements of energy saving and carbon reduction promoted by Environmental Proteciton Bureau, Chiayi City, could be concretely presented on Eco Life. By marketing propagation, 10 no-regret measures, promotion of low-carbon transportation and subsidy projects were announced to the public. Moreover, through the distribution of propagation samples, people’s incentives to participate in the activities of energy saving and carbon reduction were increased. Through inspection guidance and administration task, Environmental Protection Bureau and 10 neighborhoods were assisted to concretely implement the 10 no-regret measures, districts and neighborhoods were subsidized to hold guidance activities for energy saving and carbon reduction, and 5 units were guided to participate in the selection of action marks for the purpose of enhancing their eco-awareness.Each task of the project, under the active participation of Chiayi City residents in energy saving and carbon reduction related activities, has gradually transmitted the concepts of energy saving and carbon reduction to every corner of the city. Each resident can be an advocate of energy saving and carbon reduction to accelerate the pace of Chiayi City toward “Green Energy City and Low-Carbon Home.” 101 嘉義市政府環境保護局 傳閔工程股份有限公司
32121057 101年度屏東縣柴油車排煙檢測計畫 一、 動力計檢測作業自簽約日起開始執行起至102年2月28日止,共計執行柴油車動力計檢測1165輛次,動力計無負載檢測394輛次,場站檢測312輛次,而路邊攔檢共執行416輛次(4件採用全負載)。各項工作執行目標皆符合計畫進度。二、 屏東縣101年度柴油車總檢舉案件數201件,通過初審75件,比例為37%,而通過複審共21件,有2件未通過複審但檢驗不合格仍發放獎勵金,共完成核發檢舉獎勵金23件,佔總檢舉案件數11%。三、 101年度路邊攔檢共完成稽查100場次,總攔查車輛數1093輛,經判煙後,檢測完成車輛數共374輛次柴油車,不合格車輛122輛,不合格率32.6%。另統計95年~101年檢測不合格率,可發現路攔檢測不合格率逐年提昇。四、 針對油品部份101年度1~12月共攔查2234輛次,採樣305件樣品,其中包括路邊攔車抽油作業180件,2件不合格。動力站抽油117件,7件不合格,配合地檢署抽油8件,5件不合格。五、 計畫期間共完成29次高屏聯合稽查,本縣計柴油車攔查數362輛,排煙檢測141輛,不合格51輛,不合格率36.2%。油品抽樣380輛,疑似非法油品送樣62件,不合格油品1件,不合格率1.6%。六、 屏東縣各大型客貨運業者、各鄉鎮公所清潔隊、軍方單位,皆已要求配合簽訂自主管理公約,現已有101家業者,合計1048輛車輛配合簽訂自主管理公約。七、 針對柴油車保檢合一推動,本計畫至長源(TOYOTA)及裕益(三菱)保養廠進行保檢合一申請、評選、執行、權利及義務等相關規定說明,為102年度屏東縣加強辦理交通管理措施推動暨非法油品查緝計畫執行柴油車保養廠保檢合一,進行事前協商溝通。八、 屏東縣為推動墾丁及小琉球為空氣品質淨化區,現階段措施包含停車熄火、老舊車輛管制進入、環保教育、導覽志工宣導及司機休息室設立等相關作為,並於101年11月至12月於墾丁福華(機車計畫主辦)及本局會議室(本計畫主辦)分別辦理墾丁及小琉球推廣低污染車輛座談會,內容除上述推動之各項事務外,亦加入餐飲管制、二行程車輛管制及電動車推廣等相關事宜,目的於淨化本縣觀光區空氣、提升國際觀光形象。九、 屏東縣動力站於9月經環保署評鑑,考核委員於審查時進行書面資料查核,並檢視站內人員實車測驗與路邊攔檢作業情形,101年評鑑結果,榮獲A級之成績。十、 本縣轄內所目視判煙稽查到之車輛,多為設籍高雄市與屏東縣之車輛,比例約佔38.83%及42.84%,此兩縣市合計約佔了81.66%。十一、 到檢車輛來源當中以主動到檢所佔比例為最大,達37.4%;其次是目測判煙車輛24.9%。十二、 到檢的車種中以大貨車1021輛次為最多,佔了44.7%,其次是小貨車佔了40.2%,另外曳引車佔了6.2%,而最少車種為小客車僅有3輛,僅佔了0.01%。十三、 全負載100%污染度以大貨車最高,曳引車為最低;60%以小客貨車最高,大客車為最低;40%污染度以小客貨車最高,曳引車為最低;另無負載污染度最高的車種為小客貨車,最低為小客車(曳引車及軍車皆採全負載測試)。十四、 不同到檢來源柴油車之平均污染度中,以民眾檢舉及代驗外縣市車輛的全負載平均污染度最高;而自動到檢車輛各檢測項目的污染度幾乎皆為最低。十五、 退驗車輛中以小貨車為主佔了45.7%,其次是大貨車,佔了41.2%。另計算退驗比率,退驗率最高為大客車,達21.4%,而總退驗率為12.8%。十六、 統計柴油車檢驗不合格車輛數248輛,調修車輛數980輛,依環保署TEDS7.0減量推估公式, TSP削減21.183公噸,PM10每年削減21.183公噸。(統計時間101年1月1日至101年12月31日) 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32121058 「低碳永續家園─地下儲熱技術」 本計畫為配合環保署推動「低碳永續家園」藉以收集國外最新地下儲能技術之發展現況以及相關的獎勵措施以提供國內發展地下儲能技術之借鏡外,本計畫還透過3E原則分別以傳統冷凍空調/熱泵系統、地下熱源幫浦(GSHP)、ATES、以及BTES進行技術評估,此外亦將台灣發展儲能技術之障礙,分為機構/部會面(Institutional barrier)、政策/法規面(Regulatory barrier)、技術面(Technological barrier)、以及財務面(Financial barrier)等四大面向進行分析以提供國內發展地下儲能技術之實施策略,並透過舉辦三次的地下儲能專家座談會以及參訪歐洲地下儲能技術的經驗分享進行國內學者的共同討論來達成國內發展地下儲能技術之共識及未來面臨之難題,並邀請挪威地下儲能專家,Dr. Kirsti Midttømme,來台參與會議共同討論台灣地下儲能技術的發展議題,並與國外地下儲能廠商建立橋樑提供未來發展之管道。 Underground Thermal Energy Storage The technologies of underground thermal energy storage (UTES) including GSHP, ATES and BTES have been widely used in the EU countries. The objective of this project is to collect the latest foreign developing status and related policy incentives of UTES for developing the "Low carbon sustainable homeland" policy by Taiwan EPA. The 3E principle assessment model was used to evaluate the suitable technologies on conventional refrigeration/heat pump system, GSHP, ATES and BTES which may be used in Taiwan. Three underground storage expert forums were held to share experiences from an UTES expert, Dr. Kirsti Midttømme, visiting European UTES sites and discussing the direction of development in the future. The report presents some obstacles including institutional, regulatory, technological and financial barriers for the development of UTES in Taiwan. In addition, some implementation strategies and suggestions are proposed to Taiwan EPA for the development of UTES. 101 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會
32121059 公害蒐證調查技術諮詢服務(第2年)專案工作計畫 國內於民國76~100年間,發生四百餘起公害事件,公害問題不容忽視,為了釐清環境污染的來源,並判斷污染源與污染受體的關係,須經過蒐證、調查與鑑定等階段,然而公害鑑定本質上是一種科學鑑定,環保人員需要針對公害事件蒐證流程建立一套標準作業程序,以確保蒐證品質,釐清公害責任歸屬。環保署於100年起實施「公害蒐證調查技術諮詢服務專案工作計畫」二年型計畫,期望提升蒐證調查品質,避免因公害蒐證調查之缺失,導致公害糾紛事件的發生。公害事件之蒐證調查技術涉及科學領域廣泛複雜,非單一鑑定單位所能完成,本計畫已於100年成立公害鑑定蒐證技術諮詢小組,並邀集78位專家學者,在重大或突發污染糾紛案件時,提供環保人員諮詢服務,必要時至現場勘查與建議後續處理方式;此小組成員遴選包括環工、農林作物、水產生物及人體健康、化工、法律與蒐證等領域之專家學者,預期將為公害鑑定此一工作投注更專業的力量,除現有78位專家學者外,本計畫亦預計於101年度邀請輻射、水產生物、人體健康等領域的11位專家進入公害鑑定蒐證技術諮詢小組。 為提供第一線環保人員能依循之準則,本計畫於100年研擬環保人員公害事件蒐證流程標準作業程序,並辦理數次專家學者審查會議,根據專家意見修正後完成第二次修訂稿內容。今年度亦將召開2次共同討論會議及2次專家學者會議,以審視標準作業程序的完整性及適用性,並將邀請地方環保單位試用,參考其實務經驗之回饋修正內容,以能符合現場人員的使用狀況。此外本計畫亦將持續更新各縣市公害糾紛調處委員會及環保署公害糾紛裁決委員會名單,並邀請相關學者專家擔任公害糾紛處理資訊系統之專家諮詢委員,以於事件發生時提供環保人員及一般民眾參考,透過相關領域的專家學者資料尋求協助;持續蒐集國內公害糾紛司法案件,維護更新公害糾紛處理資訊系統,以提供環保人員或民眾查詢。另將辦理地方說明會及教育訓練課程、案例蒐證調查演練及全國性公害糾紛處理工作檢討會,以提升環保人員及相關行政單位人員的事件處理能力。 The Project Plan of Advisory Services for Public Nuisance and Evidence Examination Technology In order to keep the public nuisance dispute information management system up-to-date and lower the occurrence of public nuisance disputes according to the history case analysis, this project has completed several work items as follow: (1) analyzed judicial cases including 6 domestic cases, 3 abroad cases and evaluated reasons of successful and failure compensations of the cases.(2) established the technical advisory group for public nuisance identification and evidence. Up to now, some members of the group were sent out for two times to provide advices in evidence collection and sampling. (3) collected a member list of a 98 expert advisory committee, a mediation committee for each city and county and an EPA adjudication board, and established into the system.(4) held two meetings to revise the standard operation procedures(SOP) of the public nuisance dispute evidence collecting process, and completed the SOP.(5) collected 14 public nuisance dispute related news, in which 9 cases caused soil and groundwater pollution and 2 cases affected human health.(6) held regional seminar in Taipei City, Taichung City and Kaohsiung City.(7) updated and maintained the public nuisance dispute information management system—developed PDA version system.(8) planned public nuisance dispute evidence collection and investigation drill, the subject is about a public nuisance case of a petrochemical plants.(9) held 2012 work review meetings on national public nuisance disputes. 101 管考處 雲林科技大學水土資源及防災科技研究中心
32121060 移動污染源稽查管制計畫 機車屬於高污染之交通工具,又不易加裝昂貴的防制處理設備,而一般車主對於自己的車輛多半是欠缺定期維護保養的觀念,僅注意性能而忽略了廢氣排放情形,若再加上車輛老舊,無形中更會加速空氣品質之惡化,因此數量一多,其所排放之CO與HC等污染物會影響到他人與自己的健康並破壞環境的清新。而本計畫執行最主要目的就是要落實機車定期排氣檢驗及保養制度之推廣,透過平日的稽查、通知與宣導,將定檢的觀念及習慣帶入民眾的生活中,進而改善轄區內機動車輛的空氣品質。本計畫執行期程自101年1月1日至101年12月31日止,本階段報告統計期程自101年1月至101年11月20日止,其各項工作成果茲摘要說明如下。為提升本縣使用中機車管制比例,本計畫針對停放在路邊的機車執行機車巡查作業51,103輛次;針對行駛於路面上之機車進行機車攔檢作業801輛次;另外為了稽查到更多的機車數,本計畫於今年度持續導入車牌辨識作業,共辨識到100,164輛次機車,均已納入機車資料庫內進行後續控管;除了以上稽查手段之外,為提醒車主按時定檢,本計畫於每月份寄出機車定檢明信片及公文函通知,共計寄出188,438件明信片及45,555件公文函;而在偏遠鄉鎮部份,為了提昇偏遠鄉鎮車主的定檢意願,本計畫亦設置一站移動式機車定檢站,除了到尚未設置定檢站之鄉鎮提供免費定檢服務外,亦提供縣內工廠提出定檢服務申請。為提昇新竹縣機車管制成效,除了以稽查及通知之方式提醒車主按時完成機車定檢作業外,本計畫於101年度與風景區、遊樂園、餐廳及名產店結盟,共同舉辦機車定檢結盟優惠活動,以吸引更多在本縣使用之機車車主至新竹縣機車定檢站完成定檢,除可增加機車定檢管制族群外,亦可增加風景區、遊樂園、餐廳及名產店之人數,提昇觀光旅遊之經濟效益,創造雙贏之局面。藉由以上各項稽查管制作業,使本縣101年度機車管制比率從73.5%提昇至86.3%,共計提昇12.8%,若再扣除報廢車輛數,本縣機車管制率則可達92.2%,排名全國第三名,縣排名為全國第一名。而在機車定檢站稽核管理作業方面,本計畫除了透過每個月的定期查核有效控管其檢測及服務品質外,為了提昇機車定檢站業者的知識水平,本計畫也舉辦2場次機車定檢站研習會,藉由研習會的方式將環保署及環保局最新的公告及相關配合作法告知定檢站業者,以期有效提昇本縣機車定檢站檢測及服務的品質。另外為了提昇機車定檢站功能,於今年度導入二項作法,包括「黃標再保養作業」、及「協助推動二行程機車汰舊作業」,期能藉由機車定檢站的宣導推動,有效降低車輛污染排放。另外為了提昇民眾購買及使用低污染運具之意願,本計畫於今年度額外加碼補助新竹縣縣民購買電動(輔助)自行車及電動機車,分別補助2,000元及5,000元,在補助方案公告後,民眾反應熱烈,補助電動(輔助)自行車及電動機車共計120個名額均已申請額滿。而在活動期間為了向民眾宣導此項補助方案,本計畫除了配合辦理8場次宣導活動、印製8,000份宣導相關文宣(包含宣導品、宣導文宣及宣導海報)外,另外也製作了宣導錄音帶,委託廣播電台進行託播作業,以期讓更多的縣民瞭解到低污染車輛及老舊機車淘汰相關補助措施。本計畫藉由機車定檢不合格調修改善、機車攔檢不合格調修改善及淘汰老舊機車等方式,共計達成NMHC削減量93.88噸,CO削減量321.63噸。 101 新竹縣環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司
32121061 101年度輔助空氣品質及沙塵預報系統 本計畫針對台灣地區的空氣品質預報作業進行系統之研發與維護,並提供作業上必要的協助。完成與進行中的工作內容包括(1)完成各工作站運轉的數值預報模式的維運。(2)環保署新購置主機的模式移植設定作業。(3)中央氣象局先購置系統之模式移植作業。(4)本土河川揚塵預警作業期間預警資料與監測資料事後分析。(5)改善東亞沙塵動力系統預報的先期作業,建立處理NDVI資料的能力以及針對大陸沙塵源區的粒徑分佈資料的搜集。 (6)分析TAQM與CMAQ模式輸出結果。 (7)完成高污染事件的個案分析。(8)完成100年11月到101年5月沙塵預報成績評估。(9)本計劃依約指派駐署人員協助分析沙塵預報資訊、彙整氣象局每日會提供署內預報所需之資料,提供署內參考。(10)計畫主持人提供專家諮詢意見並且參加檢討會議。(11)研究發展土壤與氣象模式耦合的動力模擬系統。(12)分析MODIS 氣膠光學厚度,以氣膠光學厚度推估近地面PM2.5的最佳方式,換算成空間濃度分布圖輸出。 (13)針對PM2.5及O3,8hr應用之統計方法計算過程重新配合定義檢校。(14)配合環保署每日空氣品質預報增為兩次,調整輔助預報系統。(15)101年10月22日於環保署舉行教育訓練與預報技術訓練會議。本計劃工作以維持系統運轉、改善現有系統預報能力提高預警的正確性,以及發展新的預報工具,並提供駐署人員與專家諮詢以提高環保署對於空氣品質正確預報的能力。 Auxiliary Air Quality Forecast system and Mineral dust forecast system of 2012 The purpose of this project is to maintain forecasting systems to facilitate daily forecast of air quality over the Taiwan area. The main accomplishments include: (1) Maintain and operate the Mineral Dust Model (China dust and Taiwan local dust) to provide the forecasting message, as well as Air Quality Dynamic Numerical Models (CMAQ、TAQM). (2) To assist to setup the new workstation purchased by EPA to increase the forecast ability.\.(3) Porting the dynamic models to the new sever of CWB (4)Analysis the data of forecasts and monitoring for local mineral dust in 2011. (5)To collect the information of dust size distribution of the source in China and Mongolia and to establish the technique to process the NDVI data by satellite monitoring for China Dust Dynamic Forecasting Model. (6) Develop dynamic numerical models (WRF) coupled with mineral land surface model to increase the ability to estimate the soil moisture. (7) Analyses the ozone condensation by TAQM and CMAQ. (8) Analyses selected episodes for the purpose of improving air quality and China Mineral dust forecasts. (9) Assessment for the forecasting ability of China Mineral Dust Dynamic model. (10) Provide special-duty manpower to EPA for daily forecasts of air pollution. (11) Project coordinate director join the China dust event forecasting examining meeting and provide the expert opinion to EPA. (12) Analyze the relationship between AOD、ground truth of meteorological factor and aerosol vertical distribution, so as to facilitate to transfer AOD to the near surface PM2.5 concentration. (13) To check and adjustment for the statistical method used in auxiliary air quality forecast system. (14) Rebuilt the function of the auxiliary air quality forecast system to suit the ask of EPA to change the forecast times from one to two per day. (15) Held two times of educational and technique training on 22th Oct. in EPA .On-going work for sustainable development of the forecasting systems will focus on: to maintain forecasting systems to facilitate daily forecast of air quality over the Taiwan area. Developing different numerical forecast model systems to offer diverse information for a better objective forecast and to provide special-duty manpower to EPA for daily forecasts of air pollution. 101 監資處 國立台灣大學
32121062 101年度臺中市河川、海域水體水質監測計畫 臺中市政府環境保護局積極推動境內河川水體水質污染整治相關工作,除了加強各類水污染源稽核管制外,亦特別針對境內各種事業單位及新開發杜區污水下水道系統其水污染源之排放許可執行查核管理,並對其水處理設施操作之實際狀況進行查核及輔導。為評估污染整治之成效,長期之河川水質監測工作仍為整個水體水質污染整治工作之重要環節。臺中市政府環境保護局為達上述目標,委託德眾工程顧問股份有限公司執行本市五條主要河川(旱溪、筏子溪、食水嵙溪、頭汴坑溪與草湖溪)及區域排水(綠川、柳川、梅川、麻園頭溪、黎明溝支線、潮洋溪、北屯圳、南屯溪、溫寮溪、梧棲大排、安良港大排、龍井大排及仁民中排)共計38處水質測站之水質監測,並對河川水質變化進行評估。 Monitoring Project for the River & Ocean Water Quality of Taichung City in 2012 To achieve the goal of cleaning river water, several pollution control actions had been enforced by the Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung Government in recent years. It included industrial wastewater and municipal sewage discharge inspection, wastewater discharge permit evaluation and river water quality monitoring program. In the river water quality monitoring program, periodic river water sampling from 28 monitoring stations on 5 rivers and 13 drainage systems have been performed. Analytical data are used to evaluate river pollution index (RPI) and water quality index (WQI). These indices are also served as the criteria for pollution control reinforcement. 101 台中市環境保護局 德眾工程顧問股份有限公司
32121063 101年度嘉義市移動污染源管制及低污染車輛推廣計畫 台灣人口、車輛伴隨著工商業的發展而快速成長,其中因機車有機動、便捷及停車方便等特性,使得其登記數快速成長,嘉義市地小人稠的特性,如無良好的管制措施,極易造成嚴重之污染。有鑑於此,環保署自民國85年開始配合空污費之徵收,訂定相關之移動污染源管制措施,於全國各縣市辦理移動污染源稽查管制計畫。計畫至102年2月17日止,完成攔(巡)查完成7,091輛次,達成率141.8%。攔檢機車2,010輛次,不合格率為13.3%,未定檢車催檢通知合計14,909件,其中退件有359件,回覆8,843輛次,回覆率為59.3%,車牌辨識通知7,752輛,回覆6,428輛,回覆率為82.9%。共寄發定檢通知145,627件,其中退件9,735件,退件率為6.68%。共計完成336家次檢驗站查核。標準氣體比對其各站偏差值均在3%範圍內,亦於每季各進行1次檢驗站分析儀線性查核,大多符合精確性測試允差判定合格。舉辦2場次檢驗站教育訓練,登錄合格人員出席率各為51.9%及70.4%。截102年2月17日止,共辦理5場次戶外定檢宣導活動,免費檢驗490輛次,有35輛次不合格,不合格率有7.14%。101年度鼓勵老舊二行程汰舊完成1,700輛次申請汰舊補助。並辦理9場次低污染車輛宣導活動,計吸引6,480人次參觀,有439人次參與電動車試騎。民眾檢舉2,807輛,已完成複審有1,688輛,複審通過577輛,獎勵金發放率為34.2%。機動車輛原地噪音進行21輛次之檢驗,檢驗結果有2輛次不合格,不合格率為9.52%。本計畫達成效益如下所列一、 嘉義市機車排氣定檢到檢率連續12年居全國機車平均定檢到檢率第一名(以回歸車籍檢測數及轄區檢驗站檢測數平均),嘉義市101年度平均機車到檢率為73.9%於全國22縣市中位居排名第2名。二、 定檢不合格之族群,既已屬定檢完成,則表示應經適當調修改善。經本計畫攔檢之結果發現,攔檢合格者佔65%,而尚有35%攔檢仍不合格,亦即定檢改善確實有一定之成效,不過尚有相當數量之機車改善結果不盡理想。進一步分析得到,攔檢合格者平均車齡為11.2年,攔檢不合格者為14.4年,不合格者仍有車齡較老舊現象。與去年比較發現,最近一次曾檢測不合格而經調整後完成定檢者,攔檢合格車輛比例相當,即顯示保檢合一推行初有成效。應持續注意及追蹤。另一方面本計畫亦統計定檢不合格機車完成定檢轄區之被攔檢合格或不合格之比例,發現於本市檢驗站完成定檢改善者有70.6%攔檢為合格,較上年度升14%,而於其他縣市檢驗站完成定檢改善者僅50.0%攔檢為合格,由以上比較,不論本市或其他縣市檢驗站改善確實性有進步。三、 經由本市推廣機車保檢合一制度,從歷年來透過路邊攔檢不合格率分析,不合格率由20.04%降至今年13.33%,不合格率改善33.5%,初步顯示保檢合一制度顯現成效。但如果在進一步分析,歷年不合格率情形,已定檢車輛不合格已有逐年下降趨勢,由此可見本市推廣機車保檢合一制度方向正確。四、 由於最初提供公用自行車所使用之車輛,係經由資源回收再利用之車隊,故障率較高,使用者使用滿意度較低,本市於101年籌備公用自行車車隊更新作業,導入「微笑嘉義市 自轉向前走」的專屬形象標識,營造本市成為一個安靜、乾淨、健康的自行車友善城市,亦提高市民及旅客對本市努力建構低碳城市滿意度。經統計民眾對於全新公用自行車借用服務,滿意度達9成9,周轉率由1.0車次提昇至1.2車次,達到污染減量及發展低碳城市最佳典範。五、 嘉義市致力著手推廣更高機車檢驗站品質要求,界定品質政策、目標與承諾,且確保此政策為各階層所瞭解、實施及維持。率先於全國首創以嘉義市政府環境保護局名義申請全國認證基金會認證機構之機車排氣檢驗機構,已於101年12月19及24日接受全國認證基金會評鑑小組現場評鑑,本市機車排氣檢驗機構編號為I0029。 2012 Chiayi City Mobile Pollution Source control & Low-Pollution Vehicle Promotion As Taiwan’s population and its vehicle count are steadily increasing rapidly as buoyed by its industrial and commercial prosperity, and of the transportation means the motorcycle, for its attributes of mobility, compactness and easy to park, has seen the number of license registrations soared significantly, Chiayi City, characterized by a dense population, is prone to suffer severe pollution if lacking a set of good control measures. In light of which, the Environmental Protection Administration has since 1996 begun levying the air pollution surcharge by drafting relevant mobile pollution control measures, and implemented the pollution audit control plan in counties and cities across the island.The project, up to February 17, 2013, has completed the intercepting (roaming) audit of 7,091 transportation means, or an achievement ratio at 141.8%. The intercepting inspection on motorcycles tallies to 2,010 motorcycles, with failure ratio at 13.3%, and the total inspection reminder notice for the unscheduled motorcycle inspection tallying to 14,090 cases, and among them, the returned cases tally to 359 cases, the responded cases tally to 8,843 motorcycles, with the response ratio at 59.3%, and of the overall license plate recognition notices tallying 7,752 motorcycles, the responded cases tally to 6,428 motorcycles, with the response ratio at 81.5%. With a total of scheduled inspection notices of 145,627 cases forwarded, and among them, the returned cases tally to 9,735 cases, with the return ratio at 6.68%.With the audit on a total of 336 inspection stations completed, the deviations of the standard gas comparison taken at various stations have fallen within the range of 3%, and with one inspection station’s analytical instrument audit also performed at various stations, a majority of the audits do conform to the permissible tolerance of the accuracy test to be rendered satisfactory. Two sessions of the inspection station’s orientation trainings have been staged, with the certified satisfactory personnel’s attendance ratios at 51.9% and 70.4% respectively.As of February 17, 2013, a total of five sessions of outdoor inspection campaigning activity has been staged, offering free inspection to 490 motorcycles, and 35 are found unsatisfactory, with the fail ratio at 7.14%. In 2012’s incentive aging dual-range motorcycle replacement program, a total of 1,700 motorcycles have taken part in the replacement subsidy, and a total of nine sessions of low-pollution vehicle campaigning event has been staged, drawing a total of 6,480 participants, and 439 participants further participating in the test ride of the electric motorcycle.Among the public tip-off cases totaling to 2,807 motorcycles, 1,688 motorcycles have completed the subsequent inspection, and 494 motorcycles have surpassed the subsequent inspection, with the incentive payout distribution ratio at 34.2%. Of the motorcycle onsite noise inspection, 21 motorcycles have been tested, and the inspection results find 2 motorcycles failing the test, with a fail ratio at 9.52%.The results the project has achieved are as follows:I. Chiayi City’s motorcycle exhaust screening’s inspection reporting ratio has been ranked first place consecutively in the nationwide average motorcycle inspection ratio for twelve years (with the median taken from the number of registered motorcycles’ return inspection ratio and the municipality’s inspection stations’ average figures). Chiayi City’s 2012 average motorcycle inspection reporting ratio is at 73.9%, which ranks second place among the 22 counties and cities island-wide. II. With the group failing the scheduled inspection being considered having undergone the inspection, it suggests that the figure needs to be adjusted and modified. With the project’s verification, it has been found that those succeeding the intercepting inspection account for 65%, yet the improvement result of a significant number of motorcycles still remain lackluster. As derived from further analysis, the average motorcycle age of those surpassing the intercepting inspection is at 11.2 years, and that of those failing the intercepting inspection is at 14.4 years, suggesting that the motorcycle age on those failing the test is still considered too old. When comparing with last year’s figures, the ratio of motorcycles that fail the most recent inspection but are able to surpass after adjustment is rather comparable to those surpassing the intercepting inspection, which indicates that the promotion of the streamlined insurance has received some preliminary positive result, and is to be kept on watch and follow-up. On the other hand, in the project’s tallying the statistics on the ratios of motorcycles failing the routine inspection that surpass or fail the municipality’s intercepting inspection, it has been found that 70.6% of those completing the inspection improvement at the city’s inspection stations has been tested satisfactory, up by 14% than the year before, while only 50.0% of those completing the inspection improvement at other county or city’s inspection stations has been tested satisfactory. By comparing the foresaid figures, the improvement work has indeed been improved whether it be at the city’s inspection stations or other counties/cities’ inspection stations.III. By analyzing the fail ratios at the roadside interception inspection following the city’s promoting the streamlined motorcycle insurance system, the fail ratio has been reduced from 20.04% to this year’s 13.33%, with the fail ratio improving 33.5%, where the preliminary data shows the streamlined insurance system has manifested its result. Yet by further analysis on history fail ratio data, the fail ratio on motorcycles undergoing the routine inspection is on a steadily declining trend, which indicates that the city’s promoting the streamlined motorcycle insurance scheme is a correct move.IV. With the bicycles initially adopted for the public bicycles being the bicycle fleet derived from resource recycling, which has a higher breakdown ratio, marring the users’ desire to operate them, the city has in 2012 begun to seek the public bicycle fleet update work by introducing a “Smiling Chiayi City cycling forward” of an exclusive image campaigning logo, aiming to shape the city into a tranquil, clean, healthy bicycle-friendly city, and to excel the city’s residents and visitors’ satisfaction to the city’s efforts in instilling a low-carbon city. Statistics shows the public’s satisfaction to the brand-new public bicycle loaning service has reached 99%, with the turnover ratio excelling from 1.0 bike ride to 1.2 bike rides, helping to achieve a pinnacle example of pollution reduction and developing into a low-carbon city.V. Chiayi City, vying to embank on continuing to promote a higher quality demand of motorcycle inspection stations with best efforts, has since formulated its quality policy, objective and commitment, and for ensuring that the policy is understood, implemented and upheld by all, has taken the lead by applying with the National Certification Foundation as the certified motorcycle exhaust inspection entity in the name of Chiayi City Government Environmental Protection Bureau. With the onsite assessment conducted by the National Certification Foundation’s assessment team on December 19 and 24, 2012, the city’s motorcycle exhaust inspection entity’s certification number is assigned as I0029. 101 嘉義市政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司
32121064 101-102年度土壤及地下水污染整治費申報、審理、稽核等相關作業計畫 環保署為整治國內土壤及地下水污染,自90年11月起以指定公告物質方式,向產生者及製造者開徵土壤及地下水污染整治費,迄今已歷十年;整治費徵收總額已達79億多元;由於徵收對象多以化學物質為主,故基金來源偏重於石化業者,業界持續反映費基來源應公平合理,為合理回應業界訴求及依據不明場址環境污染現況來進行徵收。環保署100年7月起大幅度修訂徵收方式,除原有化學物質外,將鋼胚、煤、13項行業別產生之事業廢棄物、重金屬銅、鎳均納入徵收對象,同時取消國內產製物質申請出口退費規定。擴大費基實施後,徵收家數從原有約1,200家大幅成長至4,500家,本年度(101年)平均每季徵收金額約2.52億元,實收規模較過去有所成長,出口退費金額大幅度下降,石油系有機物負擔基金比例下降到67%,重金屬及廢棄物部分成長至33%,各類物種負擔比例相較於以往較為平均、合理。本年度進行600家現場查核,已追補繳金額高達894萬元,主要都以未列管對象追繳為主,又以進口銅及煤等物質未申報比例最高,本部份未來將積極辦理法令宣導及加強查核機制;事業廢棄物首次徵收,衍生相當多徵收方面疑義,目前都依據實際現況,個案方式解決;面對申報案件倍增情況下,計畫期間亦完成申報系統及審理資料庫更新,提供業者更便利申報方式,在審理作業方面可以迅速比對、查核功能;對整治費小額繳費業者,自102年起實施,環保署亦實施精簡審理作業程序,以減少審理作業行政支出。 2012-2013Filing for and Verification of Statementsof Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees To remediate the soil and ground water pollution in Taiwan, the Environmental Protection Agency has begun the collection of the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee from the manufacturers and importers of officially announced substances in accordance with the amounts of manufactured and imported by such enterprises. A total of 7.9 billion NT dollars of remediation fee had been collected in the past 10 years. Since, the officially announced chemical substances are mainly organic substances; the remediation fund is mainly collected from the petrochemical industry. Therefore, the industry continued to reflect that the fee sources should be more fair and reasonable. In response with the industries’ demands and to reflect the current statures of illegal dumping sites, a new version of the collection regulations was implemented in the July of 2010. Other than the originally regulated substances, steel, coal, copper, nickel, and industrial wastes from 13 industries were included in the regulated substances. The refunding mechanism of manufactured chemicals was also canceled. After the revision, the number of fee-payers has increased from 1,200 to 4,500. The amount of remediation fee collected each quarter has increased to 252 million NT dollars, mainly due to the cancelation of refund of manufactured chemicals. The portion of organic chemicals in the remediation fee collected was reduced to 67%, and the portion of heavy metal and wastes remediation fee collected has increased to 33%, making the proportion of chemicals in the remediation fee more rational.This year, 600 site inspections were completed, from which a total of 8.94 million dollars was recovered. The targets of these inspections were mostly copper and coal importers who had never paid for the remediation fee. Advocacy of the regulation and strengthening of the verification mechanism is needed to prevent companies from avoiding the remediation fee. Collection of remediation fee from generation of industrial waste was first added after this revision; even though varies arguments had occurred, they were solved in a case by case manner. The online-reporting system and the auditing-database were also updated to provide a more convenient reporting process to the fee-payers. To reduce the administration cost of auditing, the auditing process was simplified in 2013. 101 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司
32121065 綠網(Ecolife)節能減碳平台宣導推動專案計畫 (一)擴增「綠網-節能減碳平台」宣導資訊功能,推動節能減碳環境教育。舉辦低碳校園參訪活動3場次及節能減碳教師研習會2場次,以培育節能減碳種子教師之理念,將節能減碳概念帶入校園,建立起學童從日常生活的節能減碳觀念,共計395人參加,有95%以上的參與者,認同參與本活動能確實了解落實節能減碳的重要性及方法。並將所蒐集的資料匯整,製作「低碳校園」專區。(二)進行「綠網-節能減碳平台」網路及實體宣導,提昇網站宣導效能。1.發行「酷樂電子報」:提供環保署節能減碳政策、熱門活動、生活小幫手、問卷調查、小常識等內容,並邀請學者針對時下減碳趨勢分析與經驗分享,並介紹綠網相關功能,讓民眾可以快速簡單的精進自身節能減碳的常識,共發行12期「酷樂電子報」,每期平均達4萬5千封寄送成功,較100年度多出9,000封。2.辦理經營「酷樂園—節能減碳創意動畫競賽」,計有21件作品投稿,由評分委員及網友共同選出特優的3件及人氣最高的3件作品,吸引5,582位網友前來投票。3.持續Facebook「節能減碳全民行動」粉絲團,粉絲人數達到2,236,透過熱門社群網站平台宣導全民參與節能減碳行動,並增進環保署綠網節能減碳平台曝光及使用。4.完成綠網節能減碳平台之手機版網頁建置,便利民眾隨時關心減碳消息。(三)協助辦理年度節能減碳評比、補助及相關作業。1.協助辦理101年度「101年度直轄市及縣(市)節能減碳推動及宣導執行績效評比」,包括評比內容、說明會舉行及評比結果計算與辦理頒獎典禮等。並完成102年度評比內容訂定。2.協助辦理101年度各縣市申請「節能減碳宣導推動計畫」之彙整作業,並查核20縣市執行情形。3.建置相關評比及補助系統,提供地方單位填報節能減碳計畫執行成果與即時成績查詢,以促進各地方良性競爭,並達到推動成效。4.配合環保署推動全國各機關及學校共同響應低碳飲食行動,並對外展現全國推動情形,101年度共有3,054個單位響應。(四)加強管理維護「綠網-節能減碳平台」,確保平台永續經營。1.本網站提供1,100則以上各類節能減碳網站知識資訊,共提供國內外各種不同媒體之相關議題新聞1,049則、經過審核且發表之節能減碳好康達19筆,蒐集並更新網站影片達22則、於「下載專區」提供之系統操作手冊、宣導資料及教材、文宣等電子檔資料計58個,供民眾查閱下載使用,以積極宣導全球暖化及全民減碳之重要性。2.進行8份線上問卷調查,分成節能減碳意識與落實度、綠網滿意度兩大部分進行調查,藉以參考民眾意見強化系統內容與功能。3.提供多元諮詢管道,並配合客服問題更新網站FAQ題庫內容,101年度客服專線諮詢服務總時數為133.5小時,客服信箱諮詢共500則。(五)其他配合作業。1.藉由各式網頁及電子報發送,成功協助環保署6項相關活動曝光。2.建置相關機關及平台合作及資料申請標準流程等4式表單。 Ecolife Carbon Reduction Platform Promotion Project The following tasks were completed under the project:1. The promotion information was added on the Cooler platform to promote carbon reduction environmental education.3 sessions of low carbon campus visiting activities were held and 2 sessions of low carbon teacher workshops were held, in order to train seed teachers for carbon reduction notion, bring such a notion into campus, and spread the notion to students from daily life. The number of overall participants is 395, among whom 95% agreeing that the activities can certainly help realize the importance and method of carbon reduction. The data are compiled for producing “Low-Carbon Campus” section.2. Promoted the Cooler Platform through the Internet and physical channels to enhance website promotion efficiency (1) Issued “Cooler e-Newspaper”: there are 12 issues of Cooler e-Newspaper being published, 45,000 mails being successfully sent out each issue in average, more than the number of 2011 by 9,000 mails. The e-newspaper not only provided the EPA carbon reduction policies, hot news, life tips, questionnaires, and knowledge sharing, but also invited scholars to analyze the trend of carbon reduction and share their own experience. Additionally, Cooler website is introduced for functions, allowing the public to quickly improve their carbon reduction knowledge.(2) The “Cool Band: Carbon Reduction Creativity Animation Competition” was held. 21 works were collected in the competition and evaluated by committee members and votes on the Internet (5,582 online voters), choosing 3 works for Excellent Award and Most-Popular Award, respectively.(3) The fan page “Carbon Reduction Action” on Facebook is keeping running, and the number of fans reached to 2,236. Trough such a popular social network to promote carbon reduction for the public can increase the platform’s visibility and usage.(4) The establishment of the platform for mobile version webpage was completed, allowing the public to follow carbon reduction news at any time.3. Assisted in organizing yearly carbon reduction evaluation, funds, and related issues.(1) Assisted in organizing “2012 Municipality & Counties/Cities of Carbon Reduction Promotion Implementation Evaluation,” including contents evaluation, holding workshop, calculating evaluation results, and an award ceremony; Evaluation contents for 2013 were regulated at the same time.(2) Assisted in compiling the application of “Carbon Reduction Promotion Projects” for counties/cities in 2012, and checked the implementation results in 20 counties/cities.(3) Established evaluation and funds systems, providing local institution with carbon reduction conducting results and real-time grades checks, thereby improving locals to have positive competition and reach achievements.(4) Promoted low carbon diet in institutions and schools nationally in respond to the EPA, and demonstrated the condition of the promotion to the public. Such an activity was supported by 3,054 institutions/schools in 2012.4. Enhanced the management and maintenance of Cooler Platform to ensure its sustainability.(1) The platform provides more than 1100 carbon reduction knowledge information, 1049 related news from the domestic or international media, 19 discounts for carbon reduction being evaluated and released, 22 videos collected and updated, 58 e-files including system operation manuals, promotion data and teaching materials, and publications for the public’s downloading, enthusiastically promoting greenhouse effects and the importance of carbon reduction.(2) Conducted 8 online questionnaire surveys, divided into two main parts; one is carbon reduction senses and implementation, and the other is the satisfaction of the platform, thereby taking the public’s opinions to strengthen system contents and functions.(3) Provided multiple ways for inquiry, and updated FAQ by questions customer services being asked. The total hours of customer inquiry on the phone is 133.5 hours, and the total number of the inquiry from customer mailbox is 500.5. Others (1) Assisted the EPA in publicizing 6 activities through various types of web pages and e-newspapers.(2) Established 4-type forms for institutions, platform cooperation, and the SOP for application. 101 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 環資國際有限公司
32121066 101年度基隆市飲用水暨社區污水重點稽查管制計畫 1.飲用水水水質保護工作2.飲用水安全管理工作3.社區污水稽查管制及輔導工作4.緊急應變水質採樣相關事宜 101 基隆市環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司
32121067 101年度嘉義縣機動車輛停車怠速熄火宣導 為加強民眾對停車怠速熄火政策的認同及參與,於縣轄區內人口及車流量密地區進行高強度稽查及勸導管制作業,主要目的是呼籲車主養成停車即熄火習慣,共同改善環境空氣品質。 101 嘉義縣環境保護局 華門工程顧問股份有限公司
32121068 執行汽油引擎汽車新車型審驗、新車抽驗、使用中汽車召回改正調查測試與相關措施研訂 為降低汽油汽車空氣污染物排放,本計畫目的在協助環保署執行汽油汽車新車排放管制相關工作,包括:新車排氣管制業務、持續推動審驗電子化、研訂汽油汽車排放管制加嚴標準、及辦理低污染環保車評選推廣等四項工作。在汽油汽車新車排氣管制,2012年計有414件新車排放合格證明申請,核發412張合格證明,涵蓋305個引擎族,其中有90個新車引擎族符合五期排放標準;為確保銷售新車排放品質,查核廠商自行品管測試計有1,826輛,協助環保署新車抽驗計121輛,確認均符合排放標準;召回改正調查,依新車銷售數量及相關排放管制資訊,選取10個引擎族50輛車,執行相關檢查及污染排放測試,排放均符合排放標準,但發現有OBD訓練不足、控制軟體誤植、及零件更換週期過短等問題;國外進口使用中汽車計有6,784輛,佔全部銷售汽車的2.2%,其中78.6%為貿易商進口,測試項目中,行車型態測試有4,941輛次,77.7%以FTP-75檢測,有效運作測試有374輛次,OBD斷線測試有6,656輛次。在推動審驗電子化工作中,除完成審驗作業管理系統之功能如對品管計畫書審核、退件流程的調整,與部分功能如防呆功能、自動作業的新增;再依環保署對資訊系統管理要求,將審驗作業管理系統遷移回環保署網域,並定期維護,以符合申請、管制汽油汽車新車型排放之需求;並配合與噪音二證合一的建置要求,參與整合機制討論並建立整合介面規劃與設計,以便利廠商申請及主管機關管制汽油汽車之排氣及噪音。國內五期排放標準規定與歐盟現行行車型態測試Euro 5b的PM量測方法、標準有差異,且在OBD設置未規定監測觸媒轉換器NOx排放與OBD監測有效率;Euro 6汽油汽車排放管制規定,歐盟將於2014實施,其行車型態CO、THC、NMHC、NOx、PM之排放標準與EU 5b相同,增訂PN排放標準,先期得以6.0 × 10^12 #/km排放標準申請,再於2015、2016年依廠商申請狀況調整;在蒸發測試上,建議依歐盟與美國蒸發測試延伸之相關規定,做為國內蒸發測試延伸之申請、審核的依據;由符合Euro5排放標準之缸內直噴引擎汽油汽車的測試結果看來,於CO、HC、NMHC、NOx、PM的排放是遠低Euro 6排放標準,而在PN的排放,僅符合Euro6先期排放標準,尚無法符合6×10^11#/km的排放標準。本報告並完成2012、2013車型年低污染環保汽油汽車評選相關資料,2012車型年經廠商確認並評選出4款複合動力汽油汽車,12款傳統引擎汽油汽車,經環保署核定後,已於網站增置2012車型年低污染環保汽油汽車相關內容,供民眾查詢。 Implement of the new model certification, conformity of production and the recall relative investiga To reduce emissions from gasoline vehicles, the objectives of this project are helping EPA to execute new gasoline vehicle emissions control related four major tasks, which include: implementation new vehicle emissions control measures; continuous upgrade and promote electronic certification application process; draft more stringent emission standards; select and promote low emission green vehicles, and host the award ceremony.As to the implementation of new vehicle emissions control measures: in 2012, there were 414 applications for the new vehicle emissions compliance certificate, 412 certificates were approved and issued covering 305 engine families, of which 90 were comply with the Stage 5 emission standards; to ensure the emissions control quality for sold new vehicles, 1,826 manufacturers’ conducted Conformity of Production testing were audited, and performed 121 new vehicle selective compliance audit tests, the results showed that all test vehicles were comply with the standards; as to the execution of recall and correction investigation program, referred to the sales number of new vehicles’ and their former emission control related information, 50 vehicles covering 10 engine families were selected to perform inspection and exhaust emission tests, the test results showed that all vehicles comply with the standards, but some issues were found include: test engineers were lack of OBD training; load wrong control software for testing; components change period were too short etc.. There were 6,784 imported in-use vehicles, account for 2.2% of total sales, of which 78.6% were imported by importers. The type and number of tests that being performed were as follows: driving cycle tests: 4,941, of which 77.7% by using FTP-75 driving cycle; effective of emissions control system tests: 374; OBD continuous tests: 6,656.As to the task of upgrade and promote electronic certification application process, this project has added new functions such as COP test plan auditing, rejection process adjustment, fool proof capability, automatic process operation; To meet the requirements for new gasoline vehicle certification application and emissions control needs, this project has moved the electronic certification application system to a new location under EPA’s website domain, and performed maintenance periodically to meet EPA requirements on its information system; This project participated the integration mechanism discussion and interface design planning meetings for the establishment of certification system with combined emission and noise certificate application, which could provide manufacturers a convenient environment for the emission and noise certificate application. There are some differences between Taiwan Stage 5 standards and the European Euro 5b standards such as: For the certification driving cycle test, the regulated Particulate Mater (PM) measurement method and limit value are different, and monitoring the catalytic converter exhaust NOx emission and In-Use-Performance-Ratio (IUPR) are not required by the Taiwan Stage 5 OBD standards; The European Euro 6 emission standards will be implemented in 2014, and the regulated CO, THC, NMHC, NOx, and PM limits for the driving cycle testing are the same as the Euro 5b standards but add additional requirement on Particulate Number (PN) limits, initially the value will be set as 6.0 × 10^12 #/km, and may be under adjustment in 2015 or 2016 according to the compliance status of the applications; As to the evaporative emission standards, it was proposed to the European and US regulatory requirements to implement the carry-over and carry-across certifications’ application and approval process; According to the emission test results for the Euro 5 standards certified gasoline vehicles with direct injection engines, the CO, HC, NMHC, NOx, and PM emissions far lower than the Euro 6 standards, but the PN value could only comply with initial Euro 6 standards, unable to meet 6×10^11#/km standard limit.This project has finished collection of vehicle information for the selection of 2012 and 2013 model year low emission green vehicles. The 2012 model year green vehicles were conformed by manufacturers and approved by EPA, which include 4 hybrid electric gasoline vehicles and 12 conventional gasoline vehicles, and the 2012 model year green vehicle related information is currently posted on the EPA green vehicle website for the Public inquiry. 101 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院
32121069 101-103年度各級環保報案中心公害陳情系統功能提昇暨維護管理專案工作計畫(第1年) 「環保報案中心公害陳情案件管理系統」於82年成立迄今,持續擔任受理全國民眾於各種管道所提出之公害陳情報案,系統將陳情案件依所屬轄區及陳情次數特性即時交辦至對應各級26個環保單位處理,101年統計至11月30日止,平均每月超過1.5萬件的陳情業務,本系統已成為各公害陳情業務單位所依賴之重要工具。本專案除維護系統軟硬體環境以維持相關業務處之正常運作與成長,於今年依業務推動與民意所趨增修19項系統功能,以提昇系統便民與輔助行政績效,計畫期間為確實達到意見整合與政策推動,共辦理2場教育訓練、1場業務檢討會議、5場業務相關會議及11次工作進度報告,會議辦理皆提供會議簡報、講義及說明手冊、講座邀請等,加速計畫目標與政策之達成性。本年於計畫中統整100及101年度公害陳情處理結果統計,並與各環保單位溝通交換意見,擬定提昇辦理品質與突破困難相關政策之推行。除此之外,於今年度有以下幾點計畫執行重點,以期對於現場稽查與決策支援提供更友善與自動化之平台:1. 本年度配合管考處署長信箱訪談機制,制定「署長列管案件」功能,由系統自動篩選符合條件之案件,提供各環保機關首長進行與陳情人之一對一電訪,以深切瞭解陳情人陳情事由,徹底改善或消弭污染源。本功能已於100年8月1日正式上線使用,統計至目前署長列管案件共: 1,570件,已完成處理案件共: 1,191件。2. 為符合時代趨勢,本年度已於9月1日更新公害陳情網路受理系統,並重新整理相關資料,以提供民眾耳目一新之面貌。3. 為節省人力及提高案件處理效率,由公害陳情系統接受所有來自1999派工系統所指派之公害陳情案件,並統一於公害陳情系統處理及回覆陳情民眾,大大減少因重覆鍵檔所造成之人力耗費。4. 為瞭解行政院環境保護署環境督察總隊北、中、南三區環境督察大隊及新北市、臺中市、臺南市及高雄市等直轄市與17個縣市環保報案中心專線接聽人員服務品質,據以辦理電話接聽品質測試,目前已完成4-11月之電話禮貌測試,共計896通。5. 持續追踨一再陳情及民眾滿意度調查不滿意案件之分析,並分別提供一再陳情案件清單交付三區環境督察大隊複查及每二個月一次一再陳情案件妥善處理率交付主辦單位,以同時提昇公害陳情案件處理品質。6. 擴增維護公害陳情案件地理資訊平台;結合全球衛星定位(GPS)技術與應用地理資訊(GIS)系統,利用陳情案件地域性顯示親和度以輔助並提昇稽查人員到達現場案件處理時效,整合端管理者可依公害陳情案件分佈之密度顯示區域警示功能(熱區),達到經驗累積與傳承甚至預測之目的。 National Environmental Nuisance Cases Center MIS Implementation & Maintenance project 2012 Since it was first established in 1993, the Environment Protection Reporting Center’s Public Nuisance Reporting Management System has been responsible for handling the public nuisance complaints that are submitted by members of the public throughout Taiwan via various different channels. Depending on the local government authority that has jurisdiction over the area in question, and the number of complaints received, the System notifies one of the 26 county- and city-level environmental protection agencies to respond to the complaint. During the first eleven months of 2012, the System handled an average of just over 15,000 complaints per month; the System constitutes a vital tool for the various government agencies involved in handling public nuisance cases. The present project involves the maintenance of the System software environment, in order to ensure that System operations can be carried on normally, with room for further expansion; the project also involves adding 19 new functions to the system this year, in line with operational requirements and the general public’s needs, so as to make the system more convenient to use and enhance administrative performance. During the project implementation period, in order to achieve the building of consensus and effective policy implementation, the following activities have been carried out: 2 training sessions, 1 operations review meeting, 5 other operations-related meetings, and 11 progress report presentations. In every case, these activities were supported by the provision of meeting presentations, lecture materials and handbooks, as well as lecture invitations, etc., so as to speed up the successful achievement of the project’s goals. In the current fiscal year, as part of the present project, statistics were compiled regarding the results of public nuisance complaint handling in FY2011 and FY2012, and these results were used in communication and the sharing of views with environmental protection authorities, to facilitate the formulation of strategies for enhancing the quality of complaint handling and overcoming obstacles to improved handling. In addition, project implementation in the current fiscal year has also focused on the following key areas, with the aim of providing a more user-friendly, more highly automated platform for on-site auditing and decision-making support:1. In the present fiscal year, in line with the establishment of the “Minister’s Letter-box Discussion Mechanism” by the Department of Supervision, Evaluation and Dispute Resolution, a “Cases Designated by the Minister for Priority Handling” function has been established. The System automatically selects cases that conform to the relevant criteria, and makes it possible for the heads of individual environmental protection authorities to engage in one-to-one telephone discussions with petitioners, so as to gain a clearer understanding of the grounds for the petitioner’s complaint, thereby making it possible to remedy the situation more thoroughly, eliminate the pollution at source, etc. This new function came online on August 1. So far, a total of 1,570 cases have been designated for priority handling, of which 1,191 have already been dealt with. 2. To keep pace with changing times, on September 1 of this fiscal year the system for handling public nuisance complaints submitted online was overhauled, and the relevant information reorganized, so as to present the general public with a brand-new online complaint service. 3. To reduce the inefficient use of manpower and improve the efficiency with which cases are dealt with, it was decided that the Public Nuisance Reporting Management System would handle all public nuisance complaints received under the 1999 Assignment System, with complaint handling and the process of replying to the members of the public submitting the complaints being centralized under the Public Nuisance Reporting Management System. This has led to a significant reduction in unnecessary waste of effort caused by the creation of duplicate files. 4. In order to gain a clearer understanding of the quality of service provided by the personnel responsible for taking complaint calls at the Bureau of Environmental Inspection’s Northern, Central and Southern regional offices, and at the environmental problem reporting centers of the special municipalities of New Taipei City, Taichung City, Tainan City and Kaohsiung City, and 17 individual counties and cities, telephone call handling quality testing was performed. Telephone courtesy testing has already been completed for the period April – November, with a total of 896 calls being examined. 5. Ongoing follow-up has been performed with respect to repeated complaints, along with analysis of items where low satisfaction has been reported in public opinion surveys. A list of repeated complaint cases has been prepared and submitted to the Bureau of Environmental Inspection’s Northern, Central and Southern regional offices. In addition, every two months details of the percentage of repeated complaint cases that have been successfully dealt with is submitted to the project commissioning party, to help improve the quality of public nuisance complaint handling. 6. Expansion and maintenance of the Public Nuisance Complaint Handling GIS Platform: This involves the integration of GPS (Global Positioning System) and GIS (Geographical Information System) systems, utilizing the revealed locational affinity of complaint cases to support and enhance on-site handling performance by inspection personnel, and making it possible for coordinating managers to designate particular areas as “hotspots” using the zone warning function, on the basis of the density of public nuisance complaints. This new functionality will facilitate the accumulation of experience and the transfer of this experience to new personnel, while also, ideally, making it possible to achieve greater predictive accuracy. 101 督察總隊 振興發科技有限公司
32121070 臺南樹谷科技園區低污染運具及載具推動示範運行計畫 全球第一座液晶電視專區『樹谷園區』(Tree Valley Park)緣起於民國93年,樹谷園區強調生態文化與人類的共生,種植超過三萬棵的台灣原生種樹木,並推動十萬種子計劃,打造國際級的文化地景。為響應行政院環保署推動低碳生態園區之概念,特於臺南樹谷科技園區針對員工或訪客使用交通工具進行調查,藉以研擬臺南樹谷科技園區地區低污染運具及載具推動策略,使園區成為完整之低碳示範園區。低污染運具及載具政策目標「環保」、「綠能」、「科技」等三類面向分析結果以「政策目標分析」以「環保政策」為第一優先,其次為「綠能政策」。低污染運具策略:環保議題(排放減量潛勢)、綠能科技(技術可行性)、永續經營(成本有效性)、消費導向(民眾接受度)及趨勢策略(行政可行性)各項評估指標之相對重要性分析結果以「評估指標重要性比較」以「排放減量潛勢」為第一優先,其次為「技術可行性」。營運規畫未來八大趨勢(政策推展、空氣品質、企業競爭力、公共議題、園區形象、觀光接駁、低碳園區及三生一體)關聯性分析結果在「政策推展」、「空氣品質」、「公共議題」、「園區形象」、「低碳園區」及「三生一體」上「推動公共自行車租賃系統」均為第一優先,惟在「企業競爭力」上「推動電動機車及電池交換系統」為第一優先及「觀光接駁」上「引進電動公車」為第一優先;綜合分析「推動公共自行車租賃系統」、「推動電動機車及電池交換系統」、「推動空氣品質淨區管制」及「引進電動公車」四大策略在未來趨勢上均為優先方案。 The world's first LCD TV zone "Tree Valley Park" (Tree Valley Park) originated in 2004, the Tree Valley Park emphasizes the ecological and cultural human symbiosis, planting more than thirty thousand the Taiwan native species of trees, and promote the 100,000 seedsplans to build a world-class cultural landscape.In response to the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to promote the concept of low-carbon eco-park, special transport survey for employees or visitors Tree Valley Science and Technology Park in Tainan Tainan Tree Valley Science and Technology Park region in order to develop low-pollution vehicles and vehicle to promote the strategy, make the park a complete low-carbon demonstration zone.Less polluting transportation modes and vehicle policy objectives "green", "green energy", "technology" three types of results-oriented "policy objectives" to "environmental policy" as the first priority, followed by green energy policy . "Low-pollution vehicles strategy: environmental issues (emissions reduction potential), Green Energy Technology (technical feasibility), sustainable (cost-effectiveness), consumer-oriented (accepted by the people) and trend strategies (administrative feasibility) various the analysis of the relative importance of the evaluation indicators to compare the importance of "evaluation index" emissions reduction potential as the first priority, followed by "technical feasibility".Operational planning for the next eight trends (policy to promote air quality, the competitiveness of enterprises, public issues, the image of the park sightseeing feeder, low-carbon Park and Sansei one) correlation analysis results in policy promotion "," air quality ", public issues, "park image", "low-carbon Park" and "Sansei one on" the promotion of public bicycle rental system "are the first priority, except on the competitiveness of enterprises" to promote motor vehicles and battery exchange system "as the first priority and sightseeing access" on the introduction of electric bus "as the first priority; comprehensive analysis" promote public bicycle rental system, promote motor vehicles and battery exchange system "," net area to promote air quality control are the priority program "and" the introduction of electric buses to four strategies on future trends. 101 台南市環境保護局 國立高雄第一科技大學
32121071 臺中市中部科學工業園區與臺中港特定區 有害空氣污染物健康風險評估計畫 背景緣由:民國100年,環保署公告「健康風險評估技術規範」,將風險評估的工作法制化。中國醫藥大學風險分析中心(CCRA)去年接受臺中市環保局委託,建構一套「風險導向之決策支援系統」v1,包含4個功能層:資料處理層、資料分析層、風險指標評估層、風險地圖展示層,以利彙整日益龐雜的中市環境數據,提升決策能量,因應本市快速變動的環境議題。本計畫於此基礎上擴增資料庫及系統功能,並以中龍鋼鐵及中科園區排放之4個物種為例,進行一級及二級風險評估。各項結論與建議分述如下:決策支援系統:新增中科、臺中電廠、中龍監測資料共約9萬多筆,建立一套資料庫選單查詢系統,並可依照不同均期,輸出標準報表。建置一套中文轉譯摘要搜尋系統及一套國際毒理網站中文介面系統,並建立一套ISCST空污擴散模擬之組合輸入檔操作介面,將ISCST模擬結果資料,輸入FRAMES多介質模式。修訂風險演算法,增加二級風險地圖及風險溝通表單。建議未來優先開發增量及總量地圖套疊技術。 危害辨識:初步查詢排放資料,共獲得中科20種危害物,中龍6種,查詢IRIS及RAIS國際毒理資料庫,可獲得11種非致癌RfC及3種致癌IUR,再進一步考量:至少有連續3年排放資料及可供比較之監測資料,最後選取中科3種、中龍1種為範例物種。風險評估:模擬近3年(2007-2009)20個點位之P50及P95,發現中龍排放鉛之一級二級增量致癌風險(ELCR),部分點位超過百萬分之一之可接受值,且吸入比食入途徑重要,建議將鉛納入例行周界監測工作,餘3種中科物種非致癌HQ風險皆可接受。物種的物化毒理特性會影響多介質傳輸後,二級風險是否高於一級風險。各種增量風險地圖顯示,臺中基地硫酸及氫氟酸熱點區大致位於基地中段,但甲苯位於北邊。臺中基地氫氟酸97年有A級風險,甲苯97-98有B及A級風險。中龍鉛熱點區位於基地南方及北方,產生2個不常見的熱點區,97-98年均有W級風險。一般而言,增量與總量熱點區並不一致,增量地圖信賴度高於總量地圖,總量地圖因為點位過少容易產生破碎地圖。 加嚴標準分析:模擬臺中電廠PM10增量對臺中電廠PM10總量比,顯示貢獻比不足1%,進行排放量對總量線性迴歸分析,也無法論證其因果。將中龍鋼鐵與臺中電廠排放粒狀污染物(PM)合併,模擬增量對總量比,最大為4%,而目前排放量僅為加嚴標準排放量60%,推論當地有高背景值,加嚴標準無法改善當地超標狀況,建議另案以受體模式驗證。 環評查核:中科臺中及后里基地,近3年基準污染物(CP)均未超標,但七星基地PM10年均值超標2次。中龍鋼鐵近3年CP均未超標,2根煙道戴奧辛測值亦符合中市加嚴加嚴標準之0.4 ngTEQ/Nm3,但每年僅監測一次,與承諾之半年一次不符,建議加強查核。 Background: In 2011, Taiwan EPA announced “Technical guideline of health risk assessment” and its legal status was formerly recognized. China Medical University Center for Risk Analysis (CCRA) was contracted with Taichung EPB to build a Risk-oriented Decision Support System”. The system is comprised of 4 functional layers: Data handling, Data analysis, Risk index computation, and Risk map display. The purpose was to integrate the ever-increasing environmental data for better decision making to the dynamic environmental issues faced in the central Taiwan region. On this basis, our study this year was aiming to advance the databse capacity and function of the system. Four example chemicals emitted from Dragon Steel Inc. (DSI) and Taichung Power Plant (TPP) were selected to model for the primary and secondary risk. Conclusions and recommendations are below:The risk-oriented decision support system: We expand the database with Central Taiwan Scientific Park (CTSC), TPP, and DSI up to about 90,000 records, and build a menu-driven search system to generate a standard report. We build a window-driven interface for the selected Extended Abstract of international paper and international toxicology databases. We build an interface to import the outcome of ISCST modeling into the Frames MMT model. We add the risk computation algorithm for the secondary risk map with the risk communication form. In the future, we urge to develop a new overlaying mapping technique to combine the excess risk with total risk.Hazard identification: The initial check of the emission data identifies 20 chemicals emitted from CTSC and 6 from DSI. Further check on IRIS and RAIS finds only 11 RfC and 3 IUR. Finally, we select 3 chemicals (lead, HF, benzene, xylene) from CTSC and one from DSI so that they all have 3 consecutive years of emission data and ambient air monitoring data for comparison.Risk assessment: Simulating lead emitted from DSI in 2007-2009 and 20 sites finds that the ELCR exceeds the acceptance criteria of 1 to a million at several sites. The inhalation is a more important pathway than ingestion. We suggest that lead be included in the DSI routine monitoring program. The hazard quotient (HQ) simulated for the rest 3 chemicals are all acceptable. The physicochemical and toxicological properties of the chemicals determine if the primary risk will be higher than the secondary risk. For the Taichung base, the excess risk maps, the hot spots of H2SO4 and HF are found to be located around the middle of the base, while the hot spots of xylene is northern to the base. The highest risk grade is Class A for HF in 2008 and Class A-B for Xylene in 2008-09. For DSI, the hot spots are located southern and northern to the base, showing a unusual two hot spots. The highest risk grade is Class W for lead in 2008-09. In general, the hot spots of excess risk maps and total risk maps do not agree to each other. The total risk map is less reliable due to fewer sites of monitoring are available for spatial interpolation.Stricter standards: The question was asked if the newly set Stricter Emission Standards by Taichung Government for steel mill and power plant industries are adequate to improve the ambient air quality of the Special Region of Taichung Harbor. The air dispersion modeling of particle matter (PM) shows a very low PM10 excess to total concentration ratio of 1% or less. Further regression analysis of total concentration vs. emission rates also shows little causal relationship. Air dispersion modeling using the combined emission rates emitted from both TPP and DSI results in a ratio of 4% at most. Currently the emission rates are about 60% of the ones emitted at the stricter PM10 standards. It is speculated that the stricter standards will improve the air quality due to the high background levels of suspended particles on the site. A receptor modeling technique is suggested to verify the hypothesis for future study.EIA audit: For the CTSC site, the results of the check find no violation to the ambient air quality standard of the 4 CPs (PM10, NOx, SOx, O3) monitored in 2009-2011 at the Taichung and Hou-li Base. However the annual average of PM10 monitored was violated twice for the Chi-Hsing base. For the DSI site, we also find no violation to the 4 CPs and dioxin monitored. However, the dioxin was only monitored once a year, while twice a year is required. An onsite audit is suggested as DSI is about to reach a full capacity of operation. 101 台中市環境保護局 律豐科技顧問股份有限公司
32121072 全國廢棄工廠土壤及地下水污染潛勢總體檢第一期計畫(甲) 本計畫為全國廢棄工廠土壤及地下水污染潛勢總體檢第一期計畫。本計畫清查全國34,827家廢棄工廠的土地使用現況與運作特徵資訊,並依據盤查結果,整合環保署「環境風險整合與土地污染篩檢網建置計畫」建置之篩選原則,篩選出風險危害較高的105家廢棄工廠,進行環境場址評估調查。將環境場址評估調查成果,再經本計畫污染調查篩選機制,確認其中20家優先調查的廢棄工廠。在污染調查∕查證階段,針對20家工廠辦理污染調查,並針對16個土壤或地下水污染項目與範圍未能確實掌握之場址辦理污染查證。調查∕查證結果顯示,有15個場址發現土壤或地下水遭受污染,建議依土污法第7條第5項或第12條實施應變必要措施或公告列管。為於短時間內完成數量龐大的現況盤查工作,並確保盤查成果的數據品質,本計畫完成現況盤查及接續環境場址評估、污染調查/查證階段之作業輔助系統,以及可攜式資料處理器與雲端系統之更新與整合開發,提升本計畫現場調查工作與監督管理之效率。此外,本計畫完成宣導摺頁之規劃與印製、各階段調查工作的教育訓練教材、土地品質污染預防管理說明會、計畫成果多媒體動態展示,並研訂後續總體檢管制架構與策略,以供為爾後執行調查及實施廢棄工廠管制之參考。 General physical examination for Soil and Groundwater Potential Contamination of Abandoned Factories The project was the first year of the General Physical Examination for Soil and Groundwater Potential Contamination of Abandoned Factories. It contained two subsidiary projects, which were carried out by MWH Americas Inc., Taiwan Branch and Apollo Technology Co., Ltd respectively. The execution period of the project was from December 30, 2011 to March 29, 2013.In this project, totally 34,827 abandoned factories were surveyed to obtain the current land uses and operation characteristics. Combined with the results from the previous projects “Investigating of Soil and Groundwater Contamination of Abandoned Factories” and “Nationwide Investigation for soil and Groundwater Potential Contamination of Abandoned Factories”, cumulatively 42,000 abandoned factories surveys were completed. That also meant nationwide surveys of abandoned factories with high pollution potential were completed. According to the result of 34,827 abandoned factories surveys in this project and the screening principles in the project of “Environmental Risk Integration and Industrial Sites Screening Risk Map Construction” conducted by Taiwan EPA in 2012, 105 sites were selected as high priority sites for environmental assessments. Base on the assessment results and the quantitative screening system, 20 sites were selected as high priority sites for investigation and further verification if needed.In the investigation stage, the preliminary investigation of soil and groundwater was executed for the 20 sites. There were 222 soil samples sampled and 60 temporary groundwater wells installed. Totally 16 of the 20 sites were selected for further verification in order to confirm the concentration of contaminates and extent of contamination. In the verification stage, 61 soil samples were sampled, 15 standard groundwater monitoring wells were installed, 15 groundwater samples were analyzed. Soil contamination was verified in 15 sites and groundwater contamination was verified in 1 site only. It is recommended that these contaminated sites should be declared as the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Sites according to the Article 12 of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act or necessary response measures should be implemented according to the Article 7, Paragraph 5 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act.For the purpose of completing nationwide abandoned factories surveys, investigations and verifications in limit time, and ensuring the qualities of the results, a computer-assisted system including cloud computing and tablet PCs had been established in previous projects. In this project, the computer-assisted system was updated and integrated with results of the current surveys, environmental assessments, investigations, and verifications. Using the computer-assisted system enabled to enhance the efficiency of investigation and supervising management. Moreover, other tasks including brochure productions, educational materials, workshops of pollution prevention of land, 3- Dimension animation of project achievements, and formulation of strategy and management framework were completed in this project as well. Strategy and management framework could be used as future reference of conducting investigations and controlling of abandoned factories. 100 土污基管會 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司
32121073 100年度臺中市低碳城市發展計畫 環保署依據 馬總統於98年第三次全國能源會議上裁示:「選定適當城市,推動節能減碳策略,作為發展示範重點城市……」,辦理「低碳示範城市競逐遴選」活動。臺中市政府以『一片草地,改變城市;一個城市,改變臺灣』為主軸,訂出臺中市特色低碳願景『無碳無憂Carbon Free Trouble Free』,順利爭取到中區低碳示範城市。另外本計畫依據訂定之計畫目標,除了順利取得我國中區低碳示範城市資格外,並完成以下工作目標,分列如下:(一)完成建立臺中市低碳城市推動小組運作,並訂定減碳關鍵指標並建立管考機制,落實低碳城市建構工作。(二)透過辦理跨局處低碳城市推動會議、專家學者諮商會議及相關記者會,整合凝聚各界資源及共識,訂定各項工作策略及推動方案,共同推動臺中市成為低碳城市。(三)成立「臺中市低碳社區輔導團隊」,輔導社區建立減碳輔導機制,由低碳輔導團隊協助社區推動節能改善工作及提升能源使用效率,達到實際節能減碳之願景及目標。(四)完成擬定「臺中市低碳社區改造」補助計畫,補助推動低碳社區改造,達成住商部門節能減碳之目標。(五)推動低碳社區標章認證,鼓勵社區發揮創意,推動符合自身特性之低碳作為,同時培訓減碳種子教師,擴大減碳推動範圍及效益,並透過參訪其他縣市低碳社區觀摩,汲取相關推動做為及實際經驗交流,提供本市社區學習仿效。(六)依本市轄內各區自然及人文環境特性,完成規劃評估低碳旅遊推動示範區域,並推動臺中市低碳旅遊示範區,作為未來其他縣市或區域之推動經驗分享參考。 100 台中市環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司
總共 6048 筆,顯示第 4001 到第 4050 筆