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32120824 地表下污染物逸散之暴露量評估研究 地表下土壤及地下水的污染,往往由於污染物特性、土壤質地、分層、地質構造的複雜,以及地下水流動等因素,造成複雜的污染物分布形態,例如存在於未飽和土壤及含水層中的自由相與殘餘相,以及溶解於含水層的污染團,會隨地下水的流動而移動。因此,評估具揮發特性污染物的逸散風險,需要考慮由土壤及地下水直接揮發,以及由地下水傳輸至污染場外後揮發至大氣或室內系統的影響。環保署「土壤及地下水污染場址健康風險評估評析方法及撰寫指引」中,分別建議污染物經由這些不同介質的氣體傳輸與暴露量之初步推算方法,並推薦一些解析模式與數值模式能夠於第二與三層次的風險評估中,進一步的分析污染氣體的暴露量,所以必須先行瞭解這些不同的公式與模式能夠應用的系統與限制,才能有效的分析污染物的逸散風險。本計畫目的為評析這些公式與模式的原理與使用限制,並應用現場的土壤氣體與污染特性資料,檢驗公式與模式及其參數的敏感性。本計畫將選擇Jury-finite source、Farmer、BIOSCREEN (或BIOCHLOR) 及MOFAT,進行污染物由土壤及地下水中的垂直向揮發,以及地下水傳輸至場區外的模擬分析之工具。公式與模式的選擇將針對污染場址的污染物與污染分布,適當的評選應用,並與前述環保署「土壤及地下水污染場址健康風險評估評析方法及撰寫指引」中的公式進行比較。此外,本計畫將配合現場數據的取得,驗證模式、調整參數、分析參數敏感度及進行更深入的污染暴露量分析。 Study on exposure assessment for vaporization of subsurface contaminant Volatile contaminants can present in the subsurface with a variety of types, including free and/or residual nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL), sorbed, vapor and dissolved phases. Contaminant vapors emanating from NAPL, sorbed and dissolved phases pose a human health and environmental risk and should be assessed by a rigorous way. Environmental Protection Agency in Taiwan provided a guideline on risk assessment and methodology for contaminated subsurface and groundwater. Human exposure to the vapors are catalogued into three pathways: vapors emanate from soil (surface, shallow or deep soils), from dissolved phase plumes and dissolved phase plumes transport to downstream and then vaporize to ground surface. Exposure amount of the vapors from these pathways, as suggested in the guideline for the first and second tiers of risk assessment, were estimated by some empirical or theoretical methods without considering complexity of environmental system. Some analytical and numerical models were also suggested for the second and third tiers of risk assessment. These methods and models need to be assessed for their theoretical background, limitations and restrictions to adequately apply them to contaminated sites.This project aims at assessing these methods and models for analyzing exposure pathways and amount of vapors emanating from contaminants in the subsurface. Analytical models, including Jury-finite source, Farmer, BIOSCREEN (or BIOCHLOR), and a numerical model, MOFAT, will be used to assess emission rate of contaminant vapor and depletion of contaminant source from different sources and pathways. Several sets of soil gas data obtained from different contaminated sites and provided by MWH will be used to adjust model parameters, calibrate these models and assess model performance. Model parameters will also be tested for their sensitivity on model result to assess sensitive ones required from field study. This work can give valuable insight into model application to the exposure assessment of contaminant vapors emanating from contaminated subsurface and groundwater 099 土污基管會 逢甲大學
32120825 空氣品質淨化區調查評估暨後續追蹤考核計畫 空氣污染防制是環境保護工作中重要的一環,因此,行政院環境保護署將其部分空氣污染防制費之經費用於推動設置空氣品質淨化區,來改善台灣地區之空氣品質。自推動以來,經環保署核定之空品淨化區共計863處,綠化面積共計約1,577.515公頃、自行車道長度約246.06公里。本計畫內容屬持續性工作,主要是對空氣品質淨化區進行調查評估暨後續追蹤考核之工作,協助環境保護署有效推動空氣品質淨化區之建立,以改善並提昇我國的空氣品質,進而提供全國一優質的生活環境品質。本計畫已完成相關要點及準則之修訂作業(提供空氣品質淨化區及環境綠化育苗計畫申請作業與SIP考評作業執行使用,以促使空污費能有效應用)。並進行空氣品質淨化區各項調查現勘、追蹤督導及考核作業,並建立考核標準及評定準則。同時輔導2基地進行改善(以督促地方空氣品質淨化區設置相關作業,提升整體執行效益)。定期更新相關資料,同時進行「空氣品質淨化區及環境綠化育苗計畫」網站更新維護工作。已建置完成自行車綠色路網資訊平台以提供自行車使用者ㄧ完善、便捷的路網及相關資訊查詢系統。協助花東空品區配套減量策略會議之召開,和協助邀請委員進行實地現勘。並另召開討論會共2場以瞭解不同方案之預期效益及應用方式,以確實掌控河川揚塵發生之因素,並作為未來改善之參考。已協助環保署辦理績效考評作業共2次,並於會後辦理1場成效檢討會,用以提昇下一年度之空氣品質淨化區之執行成效。同時以照片比對方式呈現環保署歷年執行空氣品質淨化區之成果、建置空氣品質淨化區電子資訊系統、完成空氣品質淨化區宣導品之製作,並辦理相關活動(包括:宣導推廣活動1場、業務檢討會1場、學術研討會1場、網路平台教育訓練會議1場、優良空品淨化區甄選活動、攝影比賽、網路票選及公開表揚、植樹活動1場、作品發表觀摩活動1場)、媒合2處空品淨化區認養及提供其他行政協助。 Air quality purification area inventory、assessment and maintenance evaluation project Air pollution control is one of the important works to protect our environment. Therefore, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has used a portion of air pollution control fund to establish the air quality purification area(hereinafter called the Aquapu Area)for improving the air quality of Taiwan. Since then, EPA has approved a total of 863 aquapu areas covering an area of about 1,577.515 hectares and the bike trail length of about 246.06 kilometers in total. The content of this project is a continuous work to provide the inventory, assessment and monitoring related works of the aquapu area in order for EPA to establish a quality living environment in Taiwan.The outcomes of this project include (1) the revision of relevant guidelines and criteria used as the basis of aquapu area and plant nursery programs, application process and SIP evaluation works. (2) completion of on-site inventory, monitoring and assessment works of related sites. (3) provided improvement guidelines for 2 less ideal sites so local governments can install future Aquapu Area more effectively. (4) updating related information regularly-updating and maintaining Aquapu Area website and plant nursery website. (5) Establishment of Green Bicycle Trail internet platform and green trail certification process. (6) arranging 2 meetings related to the river basin dust control project. (7)inviting and arranging evaluators for on-site visitation.Our working group have also provided EPA with all needed administrative assistance during SIP evaluation process (twice a year), and held a round table conference to review the evaluation results in order to enhance next year’s implementation processes We have also completed the photo comparison work (i.e. before and after construction)of each Aquapu Area, and also established the Aquapu Area electronic data bank system. We have also completed promotional materials designed; held related activities including one educational seminar, one review meeting, one academic conference, one network platform educational training course, selection of top Aquapu Areas photo compitition, a tree-planting activity, asiding from providing other administrative assistances. 099 空保處 中華民國永續發展學會
32120826 99年度空氣污染防制減碳方案執行計畫-減碳教育推廣計畫 為配合行政院環境保護署節能減碳政策,訂定桃園縣減碳政策、診斷、輔導及推廣教育宣導,以提升具體減碳執行績效,並結合政府公部門與民間力量,深耕節能減碳之觀念於公部門、機關學校、社區、村里、企業、團體及個人,以多元化形態廣泛宣導,增進民眾對桃園縣政府施政之瞭解,進而提升環保意識,並逐步改變生活習慣。本計畫在執行成果部分,分別為推廣縣民節能減碳觀念,規劃全縣推動減碳工作,以及達成的減碳目標,已召開減碳教育教材教法工作坊3場次,編定5套教案,並辦理減碳教育種子講師研習營4場次共305人次參加;共完成宣導說明會506場次,完成輔導12處公司企業、公私立學校、商店、社區等執行減碳工作,建立具體減碳學習示範工作,完成辦理輔導說明會6場次、減碳示範點檢討會6場次、減碳示範觀摩活動1場次、減碳示範宣導短片光碟100片、減碳宣導文宣100份;目前已配合環保局辦理減碳活動4場次,宣導成果內容含教育、示範、減量等成果,並以低碳排放方式舉辦;配合環保局辦理空氣污染或減碳活動,提供媒體宣導,包括運用電子媒體、平面媒體、廣播等各種管道,以專題、報導或廣告等方式進行託播、刊登、播放等宣傳工作,已完成10P平面媒體共15式及活動電子媒體11式;配合行政院環保署年度推動地方政府辦理減碳宣導等工作。 2010 Air Pollution Control and Carbon Emission Reduction Implementation Program---Carbon Reduction Education Promotion Plan The primary purpose of this project is to implement the national policy advocated by the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan. It is expected to set up local policies on reduction of carbon emissions in Taoyuan County, Assessment, guidance, and promotion works were conducted in hopes of enhancing the performance on carbon emission reduction (CER) in Taoyuan. It is acknowledged that governmental departments need to cooperate with private sectors so that the concepts of energy saving and carbon reduction may be instilled into the governments, institutions, schools, communities, townships, corporations, as well as individuals. By means of various promotional tactics, the citizens in Taoyuan County are in a state of better understanding of the policy and have their environmental consciousness boosted further. Hopefully citizens can change their lifestyle progressively.The achievements of this project are as follows. The awareness and knowledge on energy conservation and carbon emission reduction (CER) among Taoyuan County residents have been improved greatly. A county-wise goal on CER has been set. Three workshops were held concerning the pedagogy for CER training courses. Five sets of teaching materials have been complied. As a result, four training workshops for incubation of seed teachers attracted the participation of 305 people. Qualified seed teachers were selected from those participants to complete 506 sessions of community promotional seminars.The project aims to assist twelve entities, including public and private schools, business premises, communities, and industries to evaluate possibilities to reduce their carbon emissions. These entities will also be good examples for demonstration. Two major events have been organized to promote the success of CER education and the outcomes from different business and industry. Activities involved in the events were held in a low carbon way to respond to the policy of the Environmental Protection Bureau in Taoyuan.To facilitate the County to be most easily accessed by the public, electronic media, printed materials, and broadcasting channels. were all invited to report the events. The information of the above activities was presented in various forms through the media, such as special features, news reports, TV commercials, or broadcasts. 10P format on the printed media were published for 15 times. The two activities shown on the electronic media have had 11 reruns. Besides of all the above activities, project team also provided necessary task force to cope with the assignments from the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan to propel local governments into promoting the work of carbon emission reduction. 099 桃園縣政府環境保護局 社團法人台灣環境管理協會
32120827 99 年度南投縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 ㄧ、南崗工業區土壤污染調查作業本計畫分別於99年8月3至5日及11月1日完成南崗工業區20點(既設井16點、新設井3點及旻鉅公司1點)土壤採樣工作。檢測結果顯示,土壤中總有機碳、氯鹽及氨氮並無明顯偏高趨勢;重金屬部分則測得南崗污水廠M00068周圍土壤鎳151 mg/kg,超過土壤污染監測基準(鎳:130 mg/kg);鉻542 mg/kg,超過土壤污染管制標準(鉻:250 mg/kg),其餘監測井周圍土壤重金屬檢測項目均低於法規標準值;VOCs濃度則均低於方法偵測極限。澳新公司於99年9月2日派員針對南崗污水處理廠M00068周圍環境進行勘查,以瞭解土壤重金屬超過管制標準可能原因。現勘結果南崗污水廠M00068監測井位置位於污泥儲存場旁,周圍皆為污泥曬乾床,長期下來無論是在清運過程中無意灑落之污泥、乾燥污泥粉塵隨風飄散或是污泥經雨水沖刷入滲,皆有可能造成監測井周圍土壤重金屬項目超過管制標準,而由污水廠污泥XRF篩測結果,重金屬篩測值均較M00068周圍土壤高。二、地下水監測井設置作業本項工作主要依據澳新公司執行「南投縣98年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證計畫」成果,並考量實際狀況及委員意見,分別於99年8月5日、8月11日及10月5日完成設置3口監測井,並依據環保署土壤及地下水管理資訊系統提供之監測井井號進行編列,分別為「成功三路與自強一路交叉口M00094」、「泰億機械內M00095」及「南崗三路與成功三路交叉口M00098」。三、監測井基本資料更新建置井頂高程為監測井重要基本資料之一,其為計算地下水位絕對高程及研判地下水流向之重要依據。由於監測井設置時間不同,高程量測設備相異,可能造成監測井高程量測基準未能統一或量測時產生不同誤差,澳新公司於99年10月18日額外運用VRS-RTK定位技術執行監測井高程測量工作,並統一彙整經濟部工業局「推動工業區土壤及地下水採樣監測調查計畫」及環保署「運作中工廠土壤及地下水含氯有機溶劑污染潛勢調查及查證計畫」於南崗工業區設置之監測井資料,以利後續資料調閱之便利性。四、更新地下水位等位線一般而言,地下水流向受地質、地勢高地及抽水情況等因素而異,由於確認地下水流向乃為污染評估重要關鍵,澳新公司額外針對環保局於南崗工業區設置之監測井,進行每月之地下水位量測,再利用Surfer繪圖軟體繪製地下水位等水位線,進而推估地下水流向。在剔除可能為棲止水之監測井資訊後,繪製97年至今南崗工業區地下水流向圖,推估工業區內地下水流向大致由西南往東北方流,並發現部分區域地下水流向明顯較為紊亂,經詢問工業區服務中心得知,工業區內部份工廠有抽取地下水之情況,可能為造成地下水紊亂的原因之一,而相關抽水資料收集結果,南崗工業區目前約有40間工廠有設置抽水井抽取地下水使用的情況,抽水井井深約介於50至170 m間。五、場置性地下水監測井豐枯水期調查結果澳新公司於99年7月初及10月底分別完成南崗工業區19口場置性監測井豐、枯水期採樣作業,成果說明如下。1. 現場水質項目僅鈴鹿化工M00040豐水期測得pH值為4.5,較為偏酸,其他並無明顯異常。2. 南崗工業區地下水一般項目中僅測得氨氮超過地下水污染監測基準(氨氮:0.25 mg/L),其餘一般項目皆低於基測基準,其中新豐國小M00005豐水期氨氮測值為1.84 mg/L(為監測基準值7.36倍),為本計畫豐枯水期氨氮最高測值,根據現勘結果,東北方之農作行為可能為氨氮升高原因之一。3. 重金屬項目中,僅發現部分監測井鐵及錳超過地下水污染監測基準。另外,豐水期監測井鈴鹿化工M00040銅測值為2.05 mg/L,達監測基準值0.4倍,而枯水期銅僅測得0.426 m/L,初步判斷無上升趨勢。4. 揮發性有機物濃度皆未超過地下水污染管制標準,但有多達12口監測井皆分別測得1,1-二氯乙烯、二氯甲烷、氯仿、1,2二氯乙烷及三氯乙烯;其中自強二路M00041,本次豐枯水期三氯乙烯測值分別為0.0408 mg/L及0.0314 mg/L,分別為管制標準0.81倍及0.628倍,為歷年來首次發現豐枯水期均未超過管制標準,研判除可能為自然脫氯降解外,亦不排除污染團垂直傳輸造成特定深度井篩中未能採得三氯乙烯之可能性,此尚須待更多科學證據才能據以研判。六、歷年監測井數據及異常值研判1. 氨氮歷年趨勢歷年來曾測得氨氮超過地下水污染監測基準之監測井有:僑建國小M00006、新豐國小M00005、南崗污水處理廠M00068、公路局南投段M00069、達怡實業M00076、南崗勞工托兒所M00038、鈴鹿化工M00040及同源路M00058及台灣銅箔前M00046,共計9口監測井。澳新公司根據周遭環境勘查評估(99年10月25至27日),南崗工業區內部分地下水受到氨氮污染之原因可能與周圍農耕、污水管線洩漏及鄰近工業區排水道有關。2. 鈴鹿化工地下水銅歷年趨勢鈴鹿化工M00040曾在97年8月及98年8月測得重金屬銅超過地下水污染監測基準,而本年度豐水期檢測結果,銅濃度為監測基準之0.4倍,雖已低於法規值但測值仍較工業區內其他監測井高。就歷次監測結果之時序變化而言,該口監測井銅濃度有下降趨勢,顯示污染來源可能已阻斷。額外執行該監測井附近3處抽水井採樣分析,檢測結果重金屬測值皆低於地下水污染監測基準,並且僅測得微量銅濃度,最高測值為0.002 mg/L,顯示此3處抽水井水質尚無受到嚴重污染。3. 地下水三氯乙烯歷年趨勢監測井自強二路M00041於96年4月迄今共計8次檢測結果,前6次檢測三氯乙烯均超過管制標準,而本計畫豐枯水期各1次監測結果,均低於管制標準,整體上,三氯乙烯濃度時序變化呈下降趨勢。另關於三氯乙烯相關衍生物,歷年自強二路M00041亦發現地下水含有1,1-二氯乙烯,濃度介於0.00988~0.0443 mg/L,未超過地下水污染管制標準。4. 工業局NK07監測井鉻污染經濟部工業局監測井NK07於97年至99年共計9次之檢測結果中,僅1次(98年7月) 鉻低於監測基準,其它8次皆超過管制標準,可能污染來源為附近冶鍊、電鍍、製革、印染等工業廢水。七、污染程度及範圍推估結果澳新公司以各監測井豐水期檢測數據為依據,利用surfer繪製監測井範圍內之等濃度曲線圖,繪製之等濃度圖可供污染範圍推估參考。相關結果彙整說明如下。1. 氨氮本計畫豐枯水期地下水監測結果,豐水期氨氮污染範圍與98年8月具相同趨勢,氨氮濃度較高區域位於新豐國小M00005及達怡實業M00075;而枯水期時,僅新豐國小M00005、南崗污水處理廠M00068及達怡實業M00076超過監測基準,污染範圍明顯縮小,且集中於工業區北方及東方。2. 銅歷年來銅超過監測基準之監測井僅鈴鹿化工M00040,其餘監測井銅均低於監測基準。整體上,位於工業區西側之監測井均有測得微量銅濃度,而本次枯水期鈴鹿化工M00040銅濃度測值為0.426 mg/L,較豐水期濃度2.05 mg/L下降,而於所繪製污染範圍圖中已無法辨示污染範圍。3. 三氯乙烯本次豐枯水期地下水監測結果,自強二路M00041三氯乙烯濃度均低於管制標準,另推估污染範圍也因本計畫新設監測井檢測結果而縮小,高污染區域集中於安順公司內及附近。八、監測井設置效益評估作業本計畫已完成三氯乙烯污染處3口監測井設置作業,3口監測井設置目的主要為瞭解三氯乙烯污染範圍及可能污染來源。比較有無新設井數據對於污染範圍之影響,發現有新設井數據之情況下,三氯乙烯污染範圍明顯較小,東北方三氯乙烯污染範圍向內縮減約500 m,污染範圍更加明確。九、三氯乙烯污染源調查1. 污染區域內地下水流向研判為瞭解三氯乙烯污染區域內地下水流向,澳新公司於99年9月3日額外進行2口監測井單井流速流向測定。單井流速流向測定結果監測井MW9802-02地下水約由南南東往北北西流,與評估之南崗工業區地下水流由南往北流呈現一致性,而輝達國際內M00047單井流向約由西向東流,測定結果與大範圍流向及MW9802-02單井測定結果並不一致,研判附近工廠抽取地下水或監測井周遭地質異質性均可能為影響單井流向測定之結果。由南崗工業區地下水流向及MW9802-02單井流向測定結果,研判污染區域內地下水流向大致以南向北流。2. 各計畫監測結果彙整 綜合環保署、工業局之歷年調查及環保局之本計畫結果,地下水三氯乙烯污染濃度有逐漸下降趨勢,且均已低於地下水污染管制標準,顯示三氯乙烯污染釋出已逐漸減少或趨緩,另污染來源可能亦已阻斷。3. 安順公司相關資料收集三氯乙烯主要污染範圍侷限在安順公司周邊,而高濃度區域則落在安順公司廠區內。相關資料收集結果,安順公司設廠年代久遠,回收物廢棄物種類繁多,且回收處理程序亦不盡相同,故雖無明確資料顯示有使用三氯乙烯,但回收廢棄物中仍有可能含有三氯乙烯或其化學合物質,加上大量廢棄物不當堆置、多次火災產生受污染之消防廢水且有多次廢水違規紀錄,故不排除其可能造成地下水三氯乙烯污染。4. 其他可疑污染來源調查根據環保署、工業局計畫建議、環保局98年計畫調查結果、行業產品製程、工廠規模以及工廠相對位置相關性等因子,本計畫共計篩選出5處可疑污染來源工廠進行調查,調查結果,昌憲公司、旻鉅公司及泰億機械均不能排除為三氯乙烯可能污染來源,其中尤以泰億機械可能性最高。十、監測井巡察維護成果澳新公司依合約於99年8月12日~9月2日完成第1次監測井巡察維護工作,另於99年11月17日完成評選簡報承諾額外執行1次,共計執行2次監測井巡查維護工作。第1次巡察維護重點為警示柱歪斜修繕及29口監測井外觀油漆粉刷,第2次則進行例行性之巡查,並針對第1次發現之缺失如井牌損壞、遺失進行更換作業,共計更換7片遺失或字體模糊之井標示牌。十一、永興加油站地下水豐枯水期驗證結果永興加油站地下水驗證結果僅測得氨氮、總有機碳、總溶解固體物超過地下水污染監測基準;而公告污染物苯、甲苯、萘及總酚豐枯水期2次驗證結果均低於地下水污染管制標準,污染物亦無明顯上升趨勢,顯見污染整治成效已達原訂改善目標,建議環保局依土污法辦理該場址解除列管事宜。十二、污染場址監督查核成果針對南投縣內污染場址每2個月進行1次例行性巡查作業,永興加油站於本計畫中完成豐枯水期地下水驗證作業;南投市牛運堀段 現階段無相關整治行為, 農試所於32-6地號進行農作物吸附重金屬試驗;安順公司10月份巡查結果,發現於舊廠房內有新增堆置廢油及廢油漆溶劑情況,已將相關佐證照片彙整並呈報環保局;盈銓公司目前由土地所有權人志皇公司採取應變必要措施,並提出污染改善計畫中;工業局NK07地下水鉻污染區,巡查時並無發現周遭工廠有隨意排放廢污水之情況。十三、法說會及土污法10週年活動99年10月3日於南投縣水里鄉親水公園舉辦土污法10週年宣導活動,總計活動超過300人次參與,且獲得地方民眾一致的贊同。運作中工廠有機溶劑法規宣導說明會共計31家業者報名參加。透過問卷調查,大多數與會人員人員均表示本次說明會有實質上的幫助,並希望環保局日後能多舉辦說明會進行宣導。 This project starts from June 3rd, 2010 to December 31st, 2010. Its main goal is to understand the soil and groundwater quality in Nantou County and investigate the situation of TCE pollution in Nangang industrial parks. This project scope covers soil and groundwater monitoring and investigation and assistance in emergency response for soil or groundwater cases, and so on.This project is mainly to assist Nantou EPB in investigating groundwater quality of high potential polluted areas. We installed 3 monitoring wells in the TCE polluted area, and found that the range of the TCE distribution is limited around Anshun Company, and the TCE concentration seems to decline year after year. By adopting the ESA method for near companies and analyzing with the data from it, we obtained a detailed and effective evaluation result.According to the groundwater analyzing results of Yongxing Gas Station, Benzene, toluene, naphthalene, total phenol of the groundwater are all under the EPA control standards. Therefore, it is suggested that the EPB can remove it from the control site. Besides examining the improvement of Yongxing gas station, we also inspected the following polluted locations in Nantou county: Niuyunjue area, the chromium polluted area on Zhichiang First Road, Yingchuan company, Anshun company, and Yongxing gas station. To assure to acquire a typical groundwater sample, the appearance and function of the monitoring wells need to be maintained; the project, therefore, is also to maintain and repair the 29 wells in the district.About the assisting in business hand-over and technology transfer, according to the content of the project contract, after all the work items have been accomplished, we should process hand-over of all related work items, as well as convey our work experience of the project. We, therefore, proceeded technology transfers on October 26th, 2010, in order to demonstrate the overall achievement of this project.Last but not least, we have also hold announce seminars referred to soil and groundwater regulations respectively on November 9th, 2010. The main result indicates that 95 % of participants understand and are satisfied about the seminars. 099 南投縣政府環境保護局 澳新科技股份有限公司
32120828 99年度雲林縣離島工業區揮發性有機物監測及有害污染物調查計畫 本計畫於99年10月13日開始執行,工作規劃內容包括針對離島工業區鄰近敏感點位進行紅外線連續監測(OP-FTIR)共計90天,及針對本縣20鄉鎮及鄰近離島工業區之四所學校進行有害污染物檢測作業,有害污染物檢測作業內容包括有:揮發性污染物(VOCs)、多環芳香族化合物(PAHs)、重金屬、酸鹼氣體與微粒、極易揮發性有機物等。藉著由本計畫之有效執行,建立離島工業區鄰近敏感點位之背景濃度資料,以作為後續監測資料比對之依據,進而瞭解離島工業區對其鄰近區域之影響程度。 The plan of volatile organic compounds monitoring and the harmful pollutants examination in the No 6 Formosa Petrochemical Plan in Mailiao Industrial Site in year 2010 This project started on October 13th 2010 and it contained following working targets including the 90 days' continuously Open Path FTIR (OP-FTIR) infrared monitoring (OP-FTIR) in the No 6 Formosa Petrochemical Plan in Mailiao Industrial Site , and the analysis of harmful pollutants examination at 20 villages and 4 schools of Yulin county close to the off-shore Island's industrial district. The harmful pollutants examination contents included: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), multi-link aromatic compounds (PAHs), heavy metals, acid and alkali gas and particles and extremely easy volatile compounds and so on. The main purpose of this project is firstly to establish the background data in sensitive sites of the off-shore Island's industrial district for the future follow up comparative monitoring and secondly to understands the impact of pollutants coming from off-shore Island's industrial district. 099 雲林縣環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司
32120829 屏東縣99年度一般廢棄物資源循環推動計畫 本工作團隊執行「屏東縣99年度一般廢棄物資源循環推動計畫」,計畫執行期程自99年06月29日至99年12月31日止,計畫總經費貳佰參拾參萬元,計畫工作內容執行情況摘要如下:本計畫蒐集屏東縣近3年廚餘與巨大廢棄物清運記錄、處理方式,並分析統計。屏東縣廚餘回收率偏低,尤其人口居全縣前八名之鄉鎮市,僅屏東市及恆春鎮之回收率較佳。因此提高全縣廚餘回收再利用率,最有效的方法是由人口較多的鄉鎮市進行宣導及稽查。擁有公設廚餘堆肥場之鄉鎮,堆肥再利用率均較好,可見提高堆肥再利用率必須有足夠的堆肥處理設施,且堆肥場也必須發揮功能正常操作。屏東縣巨大廢棄物回收再利用工作之推動,由於缺乏具規模的破碎廠(枋寮巨大家具再利用廠及南州、恆春之裝潢修繕廢棄物處理廠已完工但尚未驗收)。而修繕再利用方面,亦僅零星推動,其成效不顯著。此為屏東縣未來應加緊趕上的工作重點。為提供屏東縣廚餘及巨大廢棄物回收再利用工作推動之參考,本計畫蒐集並分析全國各縣市推動廚餘與巨大廢棄物回收再利用成效較佳之案例,評估推動之經濟效益與環境效益。並配合環保署之政策目標,考量屏東縣之環境與人文,規劃屏東縣全面提昇廚餘、巨大及裝璜廢棄物回收再利用之推動策略。廚餘回收之整體推動策略為:行政管理措施、強化統計數據、多元化宣導、強化分類及再利用方式多元化。而巨大廢棄物回收再利用之整體推動策略則為:回收對象多元化、清運回收多元化、再利用方式多元化及擴大多元化參與對象等四點。本縣目前各堆肥場進場廚餘量皆不足,為推動廚餘回收再利用跨區合作,本計畫於99年7月6日假屏東縣環保局三樓會議室邀請各鄉鎮市公所辦理「廚餘回收再利用跨區合作處理研商會議」。會中達成初步共識,未來將以既有堆肥場為核心提升為跨區域處理中心,以妥善利用現有廚餘堆肥場並提升全縣廚餘回收率。此外,為提昇本縣99年度資源回收率,以提昇本年度考評成績,本計畫安排跟隨清潔車方式針對民眾排出垃圾實施破袋檢查,並提前宣導垃圾強制分類工作,冀望加強取締工作落實民眾垃圾分類。此項工作自99年7月13日至8月31日為止,共執行35次跟隨垃圾車強制垃圾分類稽查,共檢查338包垃圾,藉由直接與民眾宣導垃圾強制分類之法規及分類重點,能讓民眾更加了解垃圾強制分類的重要性,進一步增加資源回收率,稽查結果共有128包垃圾夾雜資源回收物,佔總稽查件數之37.9%,210包垃圾無資源回收物,佔總稽查件數之62.1%,顯示民眾垃圾分類觀念仍需加強。為使各社區民眾及學校相關業務教師或行政人員了解廚餘自主性堆肥觀念及技術,以減少家庭垃圾中廚餘所佔比例,達到提升廚餘回收再利用成效,本計畫針對社區及學校分別辦理三場次及一場次宣導活動。四場次「廚餘回收自主性堆肥宣導會」之報告內容為「廚餘回收再利用與落葉堆肥」,包含自主性堆肥及落葉堆肥的觀念和技術,由本計畫主持人陳文卿博士進行報告,簡報後播放由本計畫團隊製作的「化腐朽為神奇-落葉堆肥製作」影片,藉由生動的影像讓參加民眾了解落葉堆肥的流程。最後由本計畫團隊成員現場操作自主性堆肥,以提高參加者印象。本計畫另一工作重點為持續進行有機廢棄物生質能回收示範系統之操作測試,並依測試結果提出廚餘厭氧消化與堆肥化處理之效益比較於3.2.5節。厭氧消化系統之操作雖較複雜,但產生之副產物甲烷應用性較高,在現今推廣再生能源的氛圍下,具相當之發展性。為使民眾了解有機廢棄物處理的未來趨勢,及推動節能減碳工作。本計畫於99年11月2日(星期二)邀請社區民眾參觀環保局位於六塊厝污水處理場內之厭氧醱酵示範系統,讓民眾多認識各種不同的廚餘回收再利用方式。配合本縣巨大家具再利用廠及裝潢廢棄物再利用廠即將完工,本計畫針對處理廠進行功能評估,並規劃其可進場處理之各種廢棄物料源,及評估其再利用效益。屏東縣是農業大縣,果樹種植面積廣大。果樹每年修剪樹枝產生廢棄物產生量高居全國之冠,每年至少80萬噸,月平均約7萬噸。以枋寮、南州之破碎廠,最大處理量約每小時1噸,每月最多約176噸,合計二廠之可破碎處理量,每月最多約350噸。恆春廠之木質破碎設備處理規模較小,且僅有粗破碎功能,最多約可處理每月50噸。合計木質廢棄物可破碎處理量約達400噸/月。將這些巨大廢棄物收集清運至本縣設置之巨大家具再利用廠及裝潢修繕廢棄物處理場回收處理,不僅可減少巨大垃圾產生及其處理費用,亦可節約自然資源使用,減輕環境負荷,有助於達成垃圾「全分類、零廢棄」的目標,建立資源永續利用的社會。為使巨大廢棄物回收再利用廠發揮其應有運轉效能,本計畫並協助建立品質管理系統及操作管理手冊。由於本縣幅員廣大,許多區域地屬偏遠。因此建立官方與民間合作機制,將修繕能量厚植於民間,於各鄉鎮廣設小型修繕站為最符合經濟效益且最有效率之做法。本計畫於99年10月5日假屏東縣環保局三樓會議室邀請各鄉鎮市社區發展協會及文化發展、藝術創作等相關協會代表,辦理「推動再生家具及漂流木等回收再利用座談會」,以廣納民間意見、協調合作共識。藉由本計畫蒐集資料進行評析,及歷次研商會議與宣導會議中民眾的反應,可知屏東縣在廚餘與巨大廢棄物回收再利用推動工作上還有許多可努力的空間。為學習其他縣市推動廚餘及巨大廢棄物回收之成功經驗,本計畫辦理外縣市廚餘與巨大廢棄物回收再利用業務交流活動。本次業務交流活動於民國99年9月8日至99年9月9日辦理,由屏東縣環保局林局長雅文帶隊。參訪活動觀摩地點依次為台南市小型廚餘堆肥廠、台南市鳳凰里社區自主性堆肥、台南市佛壇社區自主性堆肥、嘉義縣民雄鄉堆肥廠、嘉義縣巨大廢棄物整理廠及高雄市巨大廢棄物回收再利用廠。各觀摩點除請對方安排導覽人員進行介紹,並由本計畫主持人陳文卿博士對各堆肥廠及巨大再利用廠之操作現況進行性能評估及解說。為實際提供民眾進行資源廢棄物回收再利用之誘因,本計畫藉由廢棄物創作評選活動,激發縣民環保意識,發揮民間力量,鼓勵全民參與回收再利用工作,以達到垃圾減量目標。本次廢棄物創作評選共分漂流木、資源回收物品及廢家具家電等三組進行。共收到81件作品參與此次廢棄物創作評選,其中漂流木有35件、資源回收物品有41件及廢家具家電有5件。比賽優勝作品並於99年12月1日至15日間展示於屏東縣崁頂焚化廠。而為鼓勵政府機關、社區、團體及學校全面推動資源回收(含廚餘、巨大廢棄物回收)工作,落實垃圾減量及資源永續利用目標。本計畫辦理屏東縣資源回收考核暨績優單位評選工作(含資源回收、廚餘多元再利用、巨大廢棄物回收再利用)以評選績優單位,積極推動執行機關辦理垃圾減量、資源回收工作,以期資源永續循環利用,逐步達成垃圾全回收、零廢棄之目標。客觀而言,目前屏東縣有以下不利因素:幅員遼闊、堆肥場僅半數正常操作、養豬頭數高及巨大家具及裝潢修繕廢棄物再利用廠尚未能運轉營運。因此,本計畫規劃從加強鄉鎮市輔導及加強推動社區、學校等之輔導兩方面著手。為提高公務部門之成效,應辦理考核並加強輔導,以提振鄉鎮市之參與意願。此外,在本計畫歷次辦理之宣導會與座談會中,發現民眾參與之熱烈程度超乎預期,未來可借重此部份之力量,成效將十分可觀。屏東縣的廚餘回收率雖尚偏低,但未來可藉由破袋稽查等手段,加強民眾之分類外,並輔導各鄉鎮市清潔隊提列正確的回收量資料。從統計面與實質面,兩方面同時努力,本縣整體之資源回收成效大幅提高將指日可待。 099 屏東縣政府環境保護局 財團法人環境與發展基金會
32120830 99年度水污染源稽查管制及巡守計畫 本計畫辦理澎湖縣事業水污染源查核管制工作,加強輔導各業者及社區污水下水道之污水處理設施操作情形與放流水質查核,執行查緝偷排行為及後續封除作業。並且推動澎湖縣縣水環境愛心巡守隊運作,辦理相關宣導活動及教育訓練,培訓環境種子教師,並同時結合民間義工團體共同守護海洋,環護本縣環境。截至100年2月份為止,各項工作執行項目與數量其完成事項百分比詳見表1。一、水污染源稽查管制(一)澎湖縣目前共計列管79家事業單位(屬於水污法定義範圍內之列管事業),4家指定地區或場所專用下水道;2家社區下水道(其流量大於 250立方公尺/日)及1家建築物污水處理設施。(二)在許可案申請審查作業部分,已協助審查逕流廢水許可申請案共有「國立澎湖高級海事水產職業學校汽車科實習工廠整建工程」、「國立澎湖高級海事水產職業學校教學大樓及動力工廠整建工程」、「一貫道興毅純陽聖道院澎湖道場」及「龍門尖山碼頭區辦公廳舍新建工程」共四件,水污染許可證展延案計有「台灣自來水公司第七區管理處馬公海水淡化廠」乙件。(三)針對事業稽查作業,在99年6月至100年2月間在稽/巡查方面,共進行了600家次的查核及336家次的採水,合計達到1033點,另外針對專用污水下水道進行78家次查核作業。(四)各列管事業依法規定每年需進行2次定檢申報,本計畫人員協助進行審查本縣事業依法提報之廢(污)水處理設施操作定期申報表,除確認各項資料是否填寫完整外,並就數據之正確性、合理性進行審核判斷。若有數據疑異者,將請業者進行說明與補正,若符合規定者,則將申報資料建檔留存,截至目前為止共完成89家次審查,並更新94家次列管機構資料。(五)針對澎湖縣內各列管事業進行懸浮固體抽測作業,其中檢測結果有「X0400141 行政院衛生署澎湖醫院」以及「X0501241 柄森企業有限公司湖西廠」曾超出法規標準,並進行複檢通過。(六)於99年7月30日及99年12月3日辦理2場次宣導說明會,並要求各列管事業進行水污染緊急應變演練,實際完成31家次演練。(七)針對馬公海水淡化廠進行功能評鑑作業,未發現任何不法情事。(八)辦理永畜畜牧場及向榮畜牧場進行抽測及現地查核,未發現不法情事。 二、水環境巡守計畫(一)為推動本縣水環境愛心巡守隊運作,辦理相關宣導活動及教育訓練,培訓環境種子教師,並同時結合民間義工團體共同守護海洋,環護本縣環境。本年度計畫執行之初原有水環境巡守隊19隊677人,因鎖港社區巡守隊及光榮社區巡守隊退出,經詢問退出原因後得知,現有巡守隊已無實際執行巡查作業,故將巡守隊解散,所以至100年2月底止澎湖縣縣內共有水環境巡守隊17隊621人。(二)辦理完成21場次的教育訓練,另外為了更了解各巡守隊的需求,所以平時將主動拜訪並調查各巡守隊,本計畫至今共進行了867電話通聯及23次主動訪查,希望增進與巡守隊間的互動。(三)本縣海岸線長320公里,東北季風強勁,在夏天颱風季節交替影響下,常接受於來自台灣本島或經由海流吹送漂至澎湖海域間之大量垃圾與廢棄物,此外因本縣積極發展觀光產業,大批遊客除帶來經濟收益外,亦帶來不少垃圾及污染,海灘的垃圾的成分繁雜,但大部份為垃圾、飄流木、塑膠瓶、玻璃碎片等成分。有鑑於此,本計畫截至目前為止共計辦理10場淨灘活動。(四)本計畫持續提供各巡守隊巡檢時使用之器材。(五)本年度共有7件巡守隊通報案件,分別由鎖港巡守隊、光明巡守隊、大池巡守隊、西衛巡守隊 、竹灣巡守隊等通報,所有案件應變時間皆在30分鐘內完成。(六)於99年10月12日及99年11月4日針對EcoLife河川保育網進行教育訓練,共計2場次。(七)本年度澎湖縣由「東衛巡守隊」代表澎湖縣參加99年度村里長水環境守望襄助巡守隊全國評選,獲得優勝的殊榮。 Water pollution control and patrolling program audit The business plan for the water to check pollution control, Penghu, strengthen guidance for various industry and community sewage treatment facilities of the operating conditions and effluent quality inspection, implementation and follow-up investigation seal behavior in operating. Penghu County, the water environment and promote love and patrol team operations for the relevant promotion activities and education and training, training environment seed teachers, and private volunteer groups combined with co-guardian of the sea, retaining ring of the county environment. So far as 100 years in February, the number of all work performed for the implementation of projects and the percentage of items shown in Table 1.1. Inspection and control of water pollutionPenghu County is currently regulated by a total of 79 institutions (of the Water Pollution Control Act within the definition of the cause of the tube), four designated zones or sites dedicated sewer; 2 Community sewers (which flows more than 250 cubic meters / day) and A building sewage treatment facilities.1. In the permit application and review some of the case has been assisting in the review a total of runoff water permit application, "the National Marine Fisheries Vocational High School in Penghu Branch practice facility renovation project car","Penghu National Senior Marine and Fishery Vocational School building renovation project power plant "" Kuan Tao Xing Yi Shun Yeung Penghu Hospital Saint temple "and"Dragon Eagle's Nest waterfront office buildings, new construction, "a total of four, cases of water pollution permit extension include"Taiwan Water Corporation Magong Seventh Branch Desalination plant "B pieces.2. For the cause of audit operations, in 99 years in June to 100 in February between the JI / inspection area, were carried out 600 times to check and 336 times the mining of water, the total reached 1033 points, the other for the special use sewage for 78 Times to check operation.3. Prescribed by law and the cause of the tube 2 times each year for regular inspection report, a review of this project to assist the cause of the county shall submit a wastewater (sewage) treatment facilities to return regularly, in addition to the confirmation of the information is completed outside the And to data accuracy, rationality review judge. If differences were suspected of data, business owners will be invited to help and to make corrections, if they meet the regulations, filing claims data will be retained, so far completed a total of 89 review and update the tube body 94 times the information.4. Penghu County within the tube for the cause of the suspended solids sampling tests work, including test results are "X0400141 Penghu Hospital Department of Health"and "X0501241 handle Sen Enterprise Co., Ltd. Kosai plant " was beyond the regulatory standards and the re-examination passed.5. In 99 years July 30 and 99 years on December 3 for 2 promotion and seminar sessions and asked the cause of the pollution tube emergency response exercises, the actual completion of 31 exercises.6. Desalination plant for Ma functional evaluation of public work, found no illegalities.7. For livestock farms, and Heung-Wing livestock carry out sampling tests and livestock farms are to check and found no illegalities.2. the water environment patrol plan1. Water environment to promote the love of this County, the operation of patrol teams, for the relevant promotion activities and education and training, training environment seed teachers, and private volunteer groups combined with co-guardian of the sea, retaining ring of the county environment. The beginning of the year the original project implementation team of 19 teams patrol the water environment 677, because the lock port community patrol teams and the community patrol team honorable exit out the reasons upon inquiry we learned that the actual implementation of existing patrol inspection team is no longer Operations, it will patrol team is disbanded, so to 100 years by the end of February there were only Penghu County Water patrol team of 17 team 621.2. Completion of 21 sessions for education and training, the other teams in order to better understand the needs of the patrol, so usually will take the initiative to visit and investigate the patrol team, the project has conducted a total of 867 active phone call and 23 visits, hoping to enhance And the interaction between the patrol team.3. 320 km long coastline of the county, the strong northeast monsoon in the summer under the influence of the typhoon seasons, often with the island of Taiwan or from blowing through the currents to drift between Penghu lot of rubbish and waste, in addition to positive development for the tourism industry in the county, In addition to economic benefits a large number of tourists, but also bring a lot of waste and pollution, the composition of the beach trash complicated, but most of the garbage, drift wood, plastic bottles, broken glass and other ingredients. Hence, this process so far a total of 10 games and beach activities.4. This project continues to provide inspection of the patrol team to use the equipment.5. Year, a total of seven patrol team reported cases, respectively, by the lock port patrol team, light patrol team, a large pool of patrol teams, West Wei patrol team, Bamboo Bay cruise communications teams, all cases were in the 30-minute response time Complete.6. On 99 October 12 and 99 years on November 4 for EcoLife river conservation network for education and training, a total of 2 matches.7. Penghu County this year by the "East Wei patrol team"for 99 years to participate in Penghu County Water Environment Watch to help in the village long patrol the national team selection, access to the winning of the award. 099 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
32120831 宜蘭縣養豬業源頭減量清潔養豬(豬廁所)及豬糞再利用示範推廣計畫 壹、計畫名稱:宜蘭縣養豬業源頭減量清潔養豬(豬廁所)及豬糞再利用示範推廣計畫。貳、計畫期程:自簽約日(99年12月27日)起至100年12月15日起。參、計畫主持人:謝聖嫄。肆、計畫目標:針對縣轄內10家養豬業者進行「清潔養豬」示範推廣工作,設置250個簡易式集中排糞架,並委託專家學者進行畜舍、三段式廢水處理及糞便固形物廢棄物處理之效能輔導工作。執行過程並監測豬舍原廢水、放流水及流域下游水體之水質狀況,以評估豬糞尿源頭減量之成效。 The popularize plan for the animal husbandry(pig)source reduction, feeds cleanly and recycle excrement in Yilan. Project Name:The popularize plan for the animal husbandry(pig)source reduction, feeds cleanly and recycle excrement in Yilan.Project Period:Dec. 27, 2010 to Dec. 15, 2011Project Director:Hsieh, Sheng-Yuan Project Goal:The project goal for 10 the animal husbandry(pig) which set 250 simple frames and commissioned scholars proceeded to three-stage wastewater treatment and solid waste disposal.Implement and analyze animal husbandry(pig) wastewater, effluent, and river water quality of downstream to assess the effectiveness of excrement source reduction. 099 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 嘉德技術顧問股份有限公司
32120832 99年度桃園縣河川流域污染整治綜合管理計畫 為使桃園縣河川污染整治及海洋污染防治願景目標管理更臻完善,早日達成潔淨桃園主要河川及維護海域生態環境之政策目標,乃辦理本計畫。計畫中工作包含協助辦理考核及管理、協助辦理組織推動及幕僚作業、協助辦理環保署交辦專案計畫、研提三種以上創新作法及執行計畫與協助辦理現地處理計畫。在辦理考核及管理方面,完成各計畫之整合,並撰寫「河川污染績效指標評鑑」成果報告及「海洋污染防治考核計畫」報告書,海洋考核結果,桃園縣列前3名內,為全國特優縣市之一;協助辦理組織推動及幕僚作業方面,完成「桃園縣河川流域管理委員會」及「桃園縣海域環境保護推動小組」之籌設並擔任幕僚作業,河川保育中心亦已召開研商會議;在協助辦理環保署交辦專案計畫方面,完成兩項交辦任務;研提三種以上創新作法及執行計畫方面,則提出八項規劃,並辦理推動作業;協助辦理現地處理計畫方面,完成「桃園縣都會型河川污染整治及河道生態環境改善之評估規劃及細部設計計畫」計畫書及招標文件研擬,順利決標。成果可謂豐碩。 2010 Taoyuan County River Basin Pollution Remediation Management Plan This plan was designed and implemented to perfect the management of targets of Taoyuan County in river pollution remediation and ocean pollution control and achieve the policy goals of cleaning the major rivers and protecting the ocean ecology in Taoyuan. The plan covered the assistance in the performance auditing and management, assistance in organizational promotion and consultation, assistance in the project entrusted by the Environmental Protection Administration, proposal of more than three innovative methods and implementation plans, and assistance in in-situ processing plans. For the performance auditing and management, the integration of various plan was completed, and the achievement report of “river pollution performance index evaluation” and the report of “ocean pollution control auditing plan” were produced, as the ocean auditing results shows that Taoyuan County is one of the top three counties/cities with the best performance in the country; in the assistance in organizational promotion and consultation, the “Taoyuan County river basin management committee” and the “Taoyuan County ocean environment protection facilitation taskforce” were established and consultation provided, and meetings were held for the river conservation center; for the assistance in the project entrusted by the Environmental Protection Administration, two entrusted projects were completed; for the proposal of more than three innovative methods and implementation plans, eight proposal were rolled out and the promotional work provided; for the assistance in in-situ processing plans, the proposal of the “Plan for evaluation, planning and detailed design of metropolitan river pollution remediation and river channel ecology improvement in Taoyuan County” and its tender documentation were produced and the tender successfully finalized. The results are successful and significant. 099 桃園縣政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司
32120833 臺南縣99年度水污染稽查管制計畫 099 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 技佳工程顧問有限公司
32120834 99年度空氣污染指紋調查及輔導減量計畫 本計畫旨在建置本市空氣污染指紋資料並輔以輔導減量,執行方式參考環保署「潛在高風險工業區污染管制篩選準則及指紋資料建置方法」並依「易致空污突發事件之高風險工業區風險潛勢評估手冊」優先進行本市屬經濟部工業局列管之「土城工業區」、「樹林工業區」、「林口工業區」、「五股工業區」及「瑞芳工業區」空氣污染指紋資料建置作業,建置方法除先進行高風險潛勢名單篩選、進廠查核外,並以光學遙測技術(OP-FTIR及CC-FTIR方法)及配合排放管道或周界VOCs與臭味物質之成分和濃度分析(NIEA. A715.14B、NIEA. A701.11C)後將監(檢)測分析結果匯入本計畫建置之污染指紋資料庫,以因應空氣污染緊急應變事件時,可即時篩選出可能之污染源。本市敏感區位或民眾陳情區位亦一併納入監(檢)測規劃對象。首先,依據行政院環保署「易致空污突發事件之高風險工業區風險潛勢評估手冊」進行計算,土城工業區風險潛勢值(RP)為58.5,屬五大工業區中最高值(中度風險),而風險潛勢值(RP)最低為瑞芳工業區6.25(低度風險),其他工業區風險潛勢值(RP)依序為五股工業區(中度風險:54.8)、樹林工業區(中度風險:44.8)及林口工業區(中度風險:42.1)。而由各工業區顯示,土城工業區中度風險為最多有5家,其次為樹林工業區3家,林口工業區1家,另五股、瑞芳工業區則無高、中度風險製程,其中五股工業區主要行業別為機械設備製造修配業、電腦通信及視聽電子產品製造業、金屬製品製造業及塑膠製品製造業等;而瑞芳工業區,其主要行業別為機械設備製造業、電力電子製造業及其他雜項製品製造業等,為風險指標較低之傳統行業別。其中使用物種包含:甲苯、鹽酸、丙烯睛、丁酮、乙醇、乙酸乙酯、丁醇、二氯甲烷等8種。風險製程中原物料使用前三大分別為鹽酸、甲苯及乙醇。彙整工業區排放管道檢測結果顯示,土城工業區主要排放物種為乙酸丁酯、乙醇、二硫化碳、2-甲基戊烷及3-甲基戊烷等5種;林口工業主要排放物種為環己烷。另由排放濃度顯示,土城工業區中為菲力工業(股)公司第二工廠為最高,所排之放污染物為2-甲基-1-丙醇最高為29,900 ppbv,其次是環己酮為19,600 ppbv;林口工業區中為大穩實業(股)公司為最高,所排放之污染物為環己烷最高4,460 ppbv;樹林工業區中為聯賓塑膠(股)公司為最高,所排放之污染物為異丙醇最高28,900 ppbv,其次是乙酸乙酯為9,450 ppm;五股工業區中為勇豪興業有限公司五股廠為最高,所排放之污染物為乙酸乙酯最高8,030 ppbv。另由管道檢測結果顯示不同製程別其特徵污染物均有差異,如印刷電路板製造程序其特徵物種為乙醇、丁酮、二硫化碳及二氯甲烷;凹版、平板印刷作業程序其特徵物種為乙酸乙酯、丁酮、丁醇及甲苯,且甲苯(21ppb)、乙醇(49ppb)嗅味閾值偏低均易造成民眾陳情。此外,亦配合進行陳情區位監檢測作業(如:北大特區,鶯歌鳳鳴國小及林口國小等),監測結果顯示「北大特區」確實受鄰近污染源影響(如:土城工業區及柑園地區等),其中「柑園地區」污染源包含瀝青業、染整業及塗裝業,其特徵物種為苯、甲苯及丙酮。另外「林口工業區」自98年起陳情次數最多三家工廠監測結果顯示,其造成異味污染物種為乙醛、二硫化碳及甲苯。由上述相關監(檢)測資料已完成開發一結合地理資訊系統之指紋資料庫,並將本計畫之查核檢測資料建置入資料庫中。本計畫規劃建置自動採樣系統及簡易氣象站,以利空污事件發生時能發揮即時採樣之功能。評估新北市工業區風險潛勢推估以土城工業區最高,其中以土城工業區管理中心位於工廠與社區交界處,故工業區管理中心頂樓為設置規劃首選。其中北大社區中『桃子腳完全中小學』(三峽區學勤路)位於北大特區東側,如盛行風向為東風或東北風時,則該位置正處污染源(土城工業區及柑園地區)下風處,故若發生空氣污染事件則可於第一時間完成採樣分析作業,以釐清污染物種,故該校為評估設置地點。依環保署「易致空污突發事件之高風險工業區風險潛勢評估手冊」之評估結果,並參考98年度「環保署/國科會空污防制科合作計畫」加強工業區空氣污染預防、減量及應變管制對策研究計畫,規劃使用之即時線上分析監測設備,包括氣相層析質譜儀(GC-MS)、離子分子反應質譜儀(IMR-MS)及開放路徑傅利葉轉換紅外光譜儀(OP-FTIR)為主要考量,並搭配氣象站。依公害陳情系統篩選屢遭陳情及環保署考評林口工業區之公私場所,分別為勝機企業(股)公司、大穩實業(股)公司及榮昱印製廠(股)公司。上述3家公私場所自98年7月份起開始遭民眾陳情,99年度陳情數量以勝機企業61次為最多,其次為榮昱印製廠49次及大穩實業45次,其中被告發次數包含勝機企業(股)公司3次及大穩實業(股)公司6次,因此本計畫將此3家公私場所列為輔導對象。其中勝機企業因於100年6月完成洗滌設備後端新設靜電集塵器及吸附設備,故陳情件數明顯改善,另依99年與100年10月份同期比較,陳情件數亦明顯下降,顯示異味情形應已陸續獲得改善;榮昱印製廠已將油墨改以VOCs含量低於20%之環保型油墨,並預計於100年12月完成集氣方式改善。本工作團隊於計畫執行之初即依環保署「空氣污染事件緊急應變標準作業程序」建置本市之「空氣污染事件緊急應變標準作業程序」,其重點工作項目包含(一)接獲通報、(二)啟動機制、(三)成立緊急應變中心、(四)相關局處應變工作重點、(五)事件解除及(六)檢討報告共六部份。實際空氣污染緊急事件發生類型大致上可分為下列三種情境:1.已知污染源之空污事件、2.未知污染源之空污事件、3.複合性災害衍生空污事件。本計畫於99年10月7日於南亞科技公司三廠辦理之演練情境即屬毒性化學物質災害伴隨空氣污染事件發生(屬類型3),而100年8月18日於新店垃圾焚化廠辦理之演練情境即屬已知污染源之空污事件(屬類型1)模擬演練。於執行期間並未發生空污突發緊急事件,但仍常備Canister鋼瓶及OP-FTIR設備,並已規劃完成本公司及環保局趕赴工業區之最佳路線以抵達現場協助相關應變作業。此外,本計畫利用美國環保署之Other Test Method 10(簡稱OTM-10)並結合輻射型光徑煙流分佈(Radial Plume Mapping,簡稱RPM )技術之應用於逸散性污染源的評估。監測推估儲槽逸散量與儲槽年許可逸散量進行分析比對,儲槽T101&T103(冰醋酸)監測推估結果約為該儲槽年許可逸散量的2.3倍,但儲槽T105 (對二甲苯)比對結果其值差異較大。依據文獻資料其監測推估結果約為VOCs實際逸散量之5~100倍,其推估差異原因可能為(ㄧ)鄰近儲槽干擾及(二)是否低估儲槽年許可逸散量。 099 新北市政府環境保護局 慧群環境科技股份有限公司
32120835 99年度彰化縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 本縣20 口場置性監測井依據合約99 年共進行2 次合計40 口次地下水調查,檢測結果重金屬、揮發性有機物及總酚等濃度都低於地下水污染監測標準。地下水整體水質狀況而言,常見有鐵、錳、總有機碳、硬度、總溶解固體物、氯鹽、硫酸鹽、氨氮等檢測項目超過地下水污染監測標準,應持續定期監測。本年度計畫農地調查合計62 筆地號約13 公頃共100 點土壤樣品,結果發現9 筆地號超過土壤污染管制標準,環保局已進行相關公告並轉由「98 年度彰化縣農地土壤重金屬污染控制場址改善工作計畫」進行改善。有關公園綠地土壤調查,共計11 處公園,完成約16.5公頃共52 點次調查作業,土壤檢測結果,八種重金屬濃度均低於土壤污染管制標準2及監測標準值。針對彰化縣內指定公告事業、廢棄物再利用業者與高污染潛勢工廠調查與查證工作,本計畫共執行10 家工廠調查,分析結果發現4 處污染之工廠均已由環保局依「土壤及地下水污染整治法」進行列管。加油站現場查核工作擇定7 站次進行測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測,有測漏管功能不彰或陰極防蝕電位不良之加油站已通知業者進行改善後並建議於明年度計畫優先複查。 Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Pollution project This project started from May 22nd, 2010 to Dec. 31st 2010. Abiding by the contract ofyear 2010, two groundwater investigations were processed into each of the 20 monitoringwells in this county, which means 40 times of groundwater investigations were executed intotal. The result shows that the concentrations of heavy metal, VOCs, and phenols are allunder the groundwater pollution monitoring standards. The usual examination items such as,Fe, Mn, TOC, hardness, TDS, Cl−, SO42−, and NH4+ are all higher than the groundwaterpollution monitoring standards, which should regularly be continuously monitored. Thefarmland investigations of this year’s project total 62 lot numbers, about 100 soil samples in13 hectares. The result shows that there are 9 fields contaminated, The EnvironmentalProtection Bureau have handed it over to the “The remediation project of Changhuacounty's agricultural soil metal pollution control sites in 2009” for furtherimprovement. The park soil investigations in this year total 11 parks, which means 52investigations in 165 hectares have been processed. The result of the examinationsays that heavy metals are all lower than the soil pollution monitoring Standards. The highpollution potential factories had thoroughly processed 10 factory investigations, and theanalysis result found 4 factories contaminated. All the contaminated factories have beensupervised by the Environmental Protection Bureau, according to the Soil orGroundwater Pollution Regulations. 7 investigations were processed on site in the gasstation, and 6 gas stations were found to have soil gas monitoring well malfunction or thecorrosion prevention equipment malfunction. 5 of the gas stations mentioned above have beennotified for improvement and will be firstly investigated in next year’s project 099 彰化縣環境保護局 澳新科技股份有限公司
32120836 屏南工業區污染巡稽查及減量輔導計畫 摘 要屏南工業區目前設廠家數共83 家,其中屬固定污染源列管的有41家(自行停工2 家)、未列管37 家(自行停工5 家)、暫時停工4 家及設置中1 家。本計畫共執行三季6 點次空氣品質監測,除O3 於99 年5 月24 日13~21 時之間之八小時平均值有高於空氣品質標準之情形外,其餘監測項目均符合空氣品質標準,空氣品質狀況大致介於96 年與97 年之間,而O3 之濃度變化情形主要是受到區域性空氣品質變化之影響。周界空氣中戴奧辛4 次測值平均0.071 pg I-TEQ/m3(約相當於0.077pg W-TEQ/m3)低於96 年度同測點4 次測值平均0.104 pg I-TEQ/m3,亦低於日本環境品質空氣標準年平均0.6 pg W-TEQ/m3,但高於97 年度同測點4 次測值平均0.033 pg I-TEQ/m3,濃度範圍與2004 年義大利焚化廠興建前之農業區周界及2005 年宜蘭利澤垃圾焚化廠周界等地點濃度範圍相似。生物中戴奧辛平均值0.331 pg I-TEQ/g.w.w.低於96 年度平均值0.903 pg I-TEQ/g.w.w.,但高於97 年度平均值0.172 pg I-TEQ/m3,歷次分析結果均低於國內衛生署公佈魚貝類戴奧辛限值4 pgW-TEQ/g.w.w.。植物中戴奧辛平均值2.788 pg I-TEQ/g.d.w.,濃度範圍與2002 年盧森堡都會區之苔蘚及2009 年苗栗縣焚化廠周界榕樹葉較相近。以17 項特徵物種主成份分析、群集分析與指標物種法進行分析,可知各介質中戴奧辛含量應非單一污染源貢獻,而戴奧辛污染源中鋁二次冶煉在本地區影響較為明顯。為建置工廠臭異味來源基本資料,本計畫亦針對屏南工業區內製程原物料包含「應優先建置之高風險物種」之四家工廠與工業區污水處理廠,進行臭異味物種與周界VOCs 之檢測,結果發現各廠臭異味物種均未檢出或僅檢出微量濃度,而周界VOCs 檢測結果中除申豐與宏萊分別有丙烯腈與甲基丙烯酸甲酯超過嗅覺閾值外,其餘各廠各測值均遠低於嗅覺閾值。 ABSTRACTCurrently, there are eighty- three factories in the PingnanIndustrial Park. Among them, forty-one factories are regulatedunder the “Stationary Pollution Source Installation and OperatingPermit Management Regulations” (three of them are suspendedvoluntarily). Thirty-seven factories are not regulated under the“Stationary Pollution Source Installation and Operating PermitManagement Regulations” (five of them are suspendedvoluntarily). Four factories are temporarily suspended. The otherfactory is under construction.This project is conducted air quality monitoring for 6 times atthree consecutive quarters. The results of the air qualitymonitoring indicate that only the average concentration of O3between 1 to 9 pm on the 24th of May, 2010 is higher thanmaximum allowable limits, the rest of the results of the airquality monitoring are lower than maximum allowable limits.The air quality is between the ones assessed in year 2007 and2008, and the changes of the O3 concentration might be due tothe changes of the regional air quality.In this survey, the average concentration of dioxin (fromeight samples at four consecutive quarters) is 0.071 pg I-TEQ/m3(which is 0.077 pg I-TEQ/m3) lower than the average 0.104I-TEQ/m3 sampled at the same area in 2007. It is also lower thanthe Japan’s 0.6 pg I-TEQ/m3 maximum allowable limits, but ishigher than 0.033 pg I-TEQ/m3 at the same area in 2008. Theconcentration range of dixion is similar to the concentrationrange before the construction of incinerator in the agriculturalsurroundings in Italy as well as the similarity of surroundingareas of the Letzer Incineration in Yilan in 2005.The average concentration of dioxin sampled from theaquatic species in 2010 is 0.331 pg I-TEQ/m3, which is lowerthan 0.903 pg I-TEQ/m3 (the average concentration sampled in2007), but is higher than of 0.172 pg I-TEQ/m3 (the averageconcentration sampled in 2008). The overall averageconcentration of dioxin sampled from the aquatic species is lowerthan the maximum allowable limits of 4 pg I-TEQ/g.w.w. set bythe National Department of Health. The overall averageconcentration of dioxin sampled from the plant is 2.788 pgI-TEQ/g.d.w., the result range is similar to the averageconcentration of dioxin sampled from moss of urban areas inLuxembourg and as to the average sampled from the leaves ofBanyan at the surrounding areas of Miaoli Incineration.In addition, This project also analyzed the the results ofdixion survey by using the principal component analysis andcluster analysis and target species analysis. Based on the findingsof the three analysises mentioned above, among all the pollutantsof dixion, the secondary aluminum smelting has influenced thesurroundings of the Park significantly.Hence,this project aimed at the four factories which producethe materials containing “high-risk species that should givepriority to filing” and the industrial district sewege treatmentplants to conduct the examinations of the odor species andsurrounding VOCs. The findings of the study found that nopollutants above the maximum allowable limits of odor speciesor only a trace of concentration. As for the surrounding VOCs,other than Shin Foong and Hsinhwa and Kao Hsing Chang’spropylene nitirle and methyl methacrylate higher than the odorthreshold value, the average concentrations of the rest of thefactories are far lower than the odor threshold value. 099 屏東縣政府環境保護局 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司
32120837 99年度屏東縣營建工程污染管理發展計畫 屏東縣幅員廣大,擁有全國聞名的好山好水,民眾樂於到此遊憩,亦隨之帶動工商業發展,境內各類區域開發、觀光休閒農園、農業科技園區、旅館、飯店與民眾住宅新建等營建工程建設,紛紛選擇在屏東縣落腳。隨著快速道路興築,加速各種開發案之進行,帶動地方經濟開發,若未妥善管制營建工程施工過程或作業所應採行之污染防制設施,減少粒狀物排放,勢必造成環境生態衝擊。為重點掌握屏東地區營建工地粒狀污染情形,實有必要先行掌握縣內各項工程規劃及施工狀況。本年度計畫至今(99.12.31)共完成3,973處巡查管制作業、列管3,089處工地、輔導31處工地、營建工區周圍環境認養8,181公里、觀光路線洗掃3,255公里。執行營建工程TSP總削減量為1423.9公噸,平均削減率為50.5%。協助屏東縣政府環境保護局辦理營建工程空氣污染防制費申繳案件3,820件,收費金額達58,514,478元。針對本年度加強『河川疏濬工程』及『市區道路管線工程』管制作業,降低因施工所造成之環境髒亂,以期有效改變營建工程施工對民眾所造成之不便。 The 2010 Pollution Management Development Plan of Construction Sites in Pintung County Pintung county is well-known for its unrivaled landscapes, which bring lots of tourists and rich industries and commercial activities. Various new construction projects including area development, sightseeing farms, agricultural biotechnology parks, hotels, restaurants, and even houses have been decided to locate in this area. Making new highways accelerated various exploitations, and therefore prospered local economics. It would become a major impact on ecological environment if we don’t take proper pollution prevention measures and try to reduce fugitive particulate emissions during the construction. In order to control the particulate pollution of construction sites in Pintung area, we have to know the current construction plans and their progress. However, up to now (2010/12/31) we have accomplished 3,973 inspection rounds, registered 3,089 construction sites, assisted 31 construction sites, helped construction sites improve peripheral environment with totally 8,181 kilometers long and wash sightseeing routes up to 3,255 kilometers this year. The reduction of the TSP amounts of construction was 1423.9 tons with an average emission reduction rate about 50.5%. We also helped the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Pintung County Government to levy the air pollution control fee. The total number of cases is 3,820 and the total levy amount is NT$58,514,478 from 2010/1/1 to 12/31. This year, we focus on controlling the river dredging projects and the road and pipeline construction projects in urban area to lower the environmental pollution and hope to minimize public inconvenience effectively during the constructions. 099 屏東縣政府環境保護局 環佑實業有限公司
32120838 麟洛人工濕地排水水質改善工程後續監測暨處理成效評估計畫 本計畫由99 年8 月1 日執行至100 年6 月24 日止, 各項工作執行成果說明如下:一、水質監測 1. 地面水 濕地正常進流水量約介於492~1120CMD ,水力負荷在0.04~0.09m/d 之間,水力停留時間約4.71~10.39d 。進流口水質一般特性:水溫介於18.2~28.9℃ 、DO 介於4 .3~5.8mg/L、pH 介於7.5~8.0、EC 介於374~687μmho /cm、TB 介於7.7~27NTU; 進流口污染物檢測結果: SS 介於8.3~37.2mg/L 、BOD 介於2.9~7.7mg/L 、COD 介於21.7~49.7mg/L 、硝酸鹽氮介於0.44~4.33mg/L 、凱氏氮介於1.97~6.23mg/L 、NH3-H 介於1.18~5.7mg/L、亞硝酸鹽氮介於0.44~0.96 mg/L 、總氮介於5.13~11.44mg/L、正磷酸鹽濃度介於0.65~3.96 mg/L 、總磷濃度介於0.708~4.39mg/L 、Chl-a 濃度介於9.2~75.7μg/L,大腸3桿菌群介2×10~6×105CFU/100mL 。放流水質: 一般特性變化不大,針對污染物做說明。放流口污染物檢測結果:SS 濃度介於3.6~16.2mg/L、BOD 濃度介於1.4~3.3mg/L 、COD 介於16.5~29.1 mg/L 、硝酸鹽氮介於<0.032~0.18mg/L 、凱氏氮介於0.26~1.75mg/L、NH3-H 介於<0.043~0.26mg/L 、亞硝酸鹽氮介於<0.00092~0.06mg/L 、總氮介於0.33~1.8mg/L 、正磷酸鹽濃度介於0.037~0.511mg/L 、總磷濃度介於0.078~0.597mg/L 、Chl-a濃度介於4.7~37.4μ g/L,大腸桿菌群介於1.5×103~4.5× 103CFU/100mL。2. 地下水 地下水水質一般特性:DO 介於2.3 mg/L~3.2mg/L、EC 介於528μmho/cm~716μmho/cm 、TB 介0.65NTU~130NTU; 污染物之濃度分別為: SS 介於1.7mg/L~152mg/L 、BOD 濃度均N.D.~3.2mg/L 、NH3-N 濃度介於<0.066mg/L~0.6mg/L 、TP 濃度介於0.027mg/L~0.5mg/L 、大腸桿菌群濃度介於70CFU/100mL ~320CFU/100mL 。本年度與歷年數據相比大多屬無差異及降低之情形,僅總磷由98 年9 月開始有上升之趨勢。 3. 水質淨化效益評估 麟洛人工濕地對於氮及磷的處理成效良好, 大部分單元之去1 除率皆高於原設計。本年度去除率高於歷年去除率有懸浮固體及總氮, 與歷年去除率相比無差異有生化需氧量、氨氮、總磷、正磷酸鹽及大腸桿菌群,比歷年去除率低僅化學需氧量。 利用一階反應模式, 評估濕地各項污染物在濕地中去除效益以及削減情形,由一階反應速率常數(kv) 之計算結果得知,BOD -1-1之kv=0.05d~0.24d-1,COD 之kv=0.02d~0.11d-1,NH3-N 之kv=-1-10.36d-1~0.58d-1,TN 之kv=0.20d~0.34d-1,TP 之kv=0.16d~0.37d-1,與歷年資料相比大多屬無差異或降低。結果顯示,濕地處理效率以氨氮最高, 其次為總氮、總磷、生化需氧量, 以化學需氧量處理效率最差。 4. 水體優養化程度評估 濕地優養化現況以單一參數水質指標法中顯示為普養至優養化程度。依據卡爾森指數計算, 各單元之CTSI 均高於60 屬超優養狀態,其中進流口、密植區(一) 及開放水面區之CTSI 均高於75 ,但至密植區(二) 及放流口之CTSI 值具有明顯下降。 二、重金屬監測 1. 底泥重金屬監測 底泥中重金屬6 種均有檢測出濃度,其中鋅濃度介於91.3mg/kg~187mg/kg、銅濃度介於16.1mg/kg~56.1mg/kg 、鉛濃度介於11.9mg/kg~28.9mg/kg 、鎘濃度介於N .D~0.69mg/kg、鎳濃度介於26.9mg/kg~36.6mg/kg 以及鉻濃度介23.9mg/kg ~39.2mg/kg 。與歷年數據相比鋅、銅、鉻有微量增加, 鉛、鎘、鎳無差異, 但相較於我國土壤監測及管制標準, 均小於標準值。2. 魚體重金屬監測 濕地魚體重金屬監測結果中: 利用濕地各池魚體進行重金屬分析, 分析項目6 種中只有4 種檢測出濃度, 分別為鋅濃度介於73.1mg/kg~80.9mg/kg、銅濃度介於1.14mg/kg~2.55mg/kg 、鎘濃度介於N.D~<0.396mg/kg 以及鉻濃度介於1.74mg/kg~3.47 mg/kg ,鉛與鎳皆為N.D. 。與歷年數據相比僅鋅濃度略微升高,其餘重金屬與歷年數據相比無差異。其中鎘濃度低於「水產動物類衛生標準-魚類」標準值(0.3ppm)。三、生態調查 麟洛濕地之生態,目前仍維持良好狀況目前仍維持良好狀況。生態調查之消長及變化: 陸生及水生植物由97 年32 種逐年2 增加至99 年206 種, 浮游植物97 年66 種, 至98 年最多有148 種, 至99 年減少為57 種。陸域動物部分:軟體動物由97 年1 種增加至98 年3 種, 但至99 年未發現軟體動物、昆蟲97 年16 種逐年增加至99 年21 種、爬行類97 年2 種逐年增加至99 年6 種。鳥類97 年12 種逐年增加至99 年27 種、哺乳類97 年1 種逐年增加至99 年6 種。水生動物:軟體動物97 年4 種逐年增加至99 年6 種、水生昆蟲由97 年3 科增加至98 年9 科, 但至99 年減少至6 科、蝦蟹類97 年至99 年皆為1 種無變化、魚類由97 年5 種增加至98 年7 種,但至99 年減少至3 種、兩棲類由97 年2 種增加至99 年5 種、浮游動物97 年與98 年無發現任何物種,至99 年調查25 種。 四、現場操作維護管理作業 濕地現場操作維護之工作項目均依照合約規定辦理, 且劃分區域進行草花及花木的種植工作。種植花木不僅可以增添景觀生態美學上的豐富感, 也可進行水質淨化。此外, 針對濕地幾處重要區域進行改裝及增設噴灌頭或灌溉水帶的方式, 使現場澆灌工作可以執行。目前已於100 年3 月19 日完成木造設施油漆。 五、技術輔導與教育宣導工作 1. 於計畫期間已辦理4 場次濕地公園導覽解說活動,活動日期為99 年9 月4 日、99 年9 月11 日、99 年10 月14 日及99 年11 月20 日。2. 配合辦理教育訓練或宣導活動或相關活動(技術輔導) 共計2 場次:100 年3 月26 日配合屏東縣國中小能源科技教育推動中心-志工培訓實施計畫及100 年5 月28 日溼地公園認養暨植樹活動, 已授權認養單位: 麟洛水環境守望襄助河川巡守隊、順胜實業股份有限公司、上豪視訊工程、麟洛鄉調解委員會、新田村社區發展協會, 新加入授權認養單位: 四季庭園工程行及屏東市歸來義警分隊投入濕地認養及協助操作維護工作。 3 麟洛人工濕地,排水水質改善工程 099 屏東縣政府環境保護局 昇元工程顧問股份有限公司
32120839 98年度環境空氣品質監測計畫 本計畫於98年2月7日開始執行,工作規劃內容包括維持本縣5座人工測站正常運作與汰換更新2站、執行噪音稽查管制與定期監測維護、辦理機動車輛噪音檢測工作、執行縣內4處特定污染源監測車作業(西螺果菜市場、溪州焚化廠、日友環保科技股份有限公司及六輕工業區等)、中部科學園區虎尾園區監測(H2S、NH3及VOCs)、於濁水溪乾旱季節針對河床揚塵架設PM10連續監測、六輕附近周界VOCs監測與落塵採樣分析,以及電子顯示看板操作維護與文宣製作播放等。藉著由本計畫之有效執行,並透過完整之品保品管(QA/QC)措施,確保良好之數據品質,進而確實掌握雲林地區環境品質變化情形,以作為環保局擬定空氣污染及噪音管制策略之依據,進而達到減少空氣污染與改善環境噪音之目標。 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Plan in year 2009 This plan began to carry out on February 7 2009. The plan content contained to sustain 5 manual monitoring stations function normally, to replace instruments of two monitoring stations, to execute noise quality check and control, to offer regular monitoring maintenance service, to carry out the motors’ noise check plan, to execute 4 particular pollution sources of monitoring van in Yulin county (including xiluo fruits and vegetables market, brook state cremation factory, Sizou Incinerator Plan, Jihyou Environmental Protection Science and Technology Corporation Limited and the No 6 Formosa Petrolchemical Plan in Mailiao Industrial Site and so on), the particular pollutants such as H2S, NH3 and VOCs of Huwei Science park in the Central Science Park, the PM10 continuously monitoring in the Jhuo Shuei River wind-borne dust, the VOCs monitoring and the dust sampling analysis around the No 6 Formosa Petrolchemical Plan in Mailiao Industrial Site, as well as the operation and maintenance of electronic display and the broadcast with propaganda. In sum, the aim of this plan is to have an effective execution, the completion of QA/QC procedure and the good data quality to precisely collect the environmental quality change of Yulin County. The Yulin Environmental Protection Bureau will base on collected data to draw up strategy of the air pollution and the noise control in order to reduce the air pollution and improve the noise quality. 098 雲林縣環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司
32120840 98年臺中縣營建工程管制計畫 臺中縣環境保護局於八十六年七月一日開始執行營建工程污染管制計畫,為使空氣品質得以確實改善,並期待執行本計畫後有效管制營建工程之污染行為與減少公害發生,確切提昇生活環境品質。本計畫推動逾十個年度後,已讓本縣轄境內營建工地深入瞭解施工過程中可能發生之污染行為及其可推動之污染防制措施,對於本縣空氣品質乃至於整體環境都有相當正面的幫助;為延續過去本計畫執行的成效,並更進一步改善維護本縣空氣品質,持續推動本計畫是必要的。本計畫著重於削減率、管辦符合率與巡查納管率的控管,在本年度削減率為49%,管辦符合率為68%,巡查納管率為51%,雖未達到署訂標準,但略高於全國縣市之平均,且比較前年之成果,亦有所增長,足可見台中縣民眾對於生活週邊的生活品質,有日漸重視的趨勢。而其他成效大多都有達到當初計畫所訂定目標。而未達成的部分,未來會對業主與民眾對於防制概念的加強推廣與管制。本計畫工作期程為民國98年03月01日至民國99年02月28日,本報告統計期間為98年3月1日執行至99年2月28日止,在各項精進作法為首要工作前題下,持續於計畫執行期間推動營建空污費徵收作業、營建空污費網路徵收作業、營建工地稽巡查工作、營建工地輔導作業、宣導作業、營建工地粒狀物檢測作業及營建工地污染地圖維護等相關工作,在計畫執行人員努力及環保局長官協助下,本工作團隊按照預定進度完成相關成果(整體進度已完成),工作進度表如下所示: Construction sites air pollution patrol and inspection plan in Taichung County, 2009 SummaryEnvironmental Protection Bureau Taichung County, 1 July, 1997 construction works started pollution control plan, in order to really improve air quality, and look forward to the implementation of the project construction works after the effective control of behavior and reduce the pollution contamination occurred exactly improve the quality of living environment. The plan to promote more than eleven months after the year has to construction sites within the jurisdiction of the county-depth understanding of the construction process may occur in the behavior and can contribute pollution, pollution control measures, for the county air quality and even the overall environment has a considerable positive help; for the continuation of the past, the effectiveness of the implementation of this project and to further improve the maintenance of the county air quality, continue to promote this project is necessary.This project focuses on reducing the rate of inspection of pipe run sewer line rate and the rate control, reduction in the rate of 49% this year, management office compliance rate was 68%, 51% sewer inspections, although not to the Department set standard, but slightly higher than the national county average, and compare the results of the previous year, also went up, Taichung County, the desire to live around people for the quality of life, there is growing attention to trends. Most of the other results are set to achieve the original project objectives. Was reached, the future owners and the people would strengthen the promotion of the concept for the prevention and control.Working on the process of this project was March 1, 2009 to February 28, 2010, during the reporting statistics March 1, 2009 implementation to February 28, 2010 only, continued to promote the construction project during the implementation of air pollution fee collection operations, network construction air pollution fee collection operation, to inspect each construction site, construction site counseling work, advocacy work, construction site inspection particulate operation and maintenance of construction site pollution maps and related work, efforts and program personnel in the Environmental Protection Agency Executive assistance, the team behind schedule-related outcomes (overall progress had been completed). 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 上境科技股份有限公司
32120841 嘉義市98年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 一 、 地 下 水 部 分於 98 年4 月6 至4 月12 日完成6 口次地下水監測井設置作業,分別於後湖工業區上游設置1 口MW1 及下游設置2 口MW2 及MW3、華碁廢棄物處理場(新)MW4、嘉義市魚市場(新)MW5 及中油煉研所(新)MW6 等各設置1 口。調查結果摘要說明如下:1. 後湖地區(MW1~MW3):可能因區域地質造成該區之地下水質鐵及錳有超過監測基準之情形。2. 遠東機械廠及大同國小: 氨氮超過監測基準。3. 華碁廢棄物處理廠(新)MW4:於豐水期採樣時該井水質有臭味傳出,水質偏黑,檢測結果顯示砷達監測基準,而總酚、總有機碳及VOC 部分測項濃度較枯水期相比有上升趨勢。4. 嘉義市魚市場(新)MW5: 該處地下水調查結果主要為氯鹽、導電度、總硬度、總溶解固體物等一般項目超過監測基準,魚市之地下水僅用於魚市清洗地面使用,並無做其他用途。5. 中油煉製研究所(新)及國立嘉義大學蘭潭校區:無異常之項目。二 、 土 壤本 計 畫 於 98 年4 月20 日至4 月22 日執行土壤調查作業, 調查範圍土壤污染控制場址附近地號為遠東段分別為113、121、122、130、130-11、130-3、134、134-2、137、138、141、142、425、426、427、475、475-1、476、477、477-1、477-2、478、480、480-1、481、483、484、485 及486 地號,土壤採樣佈點總計162 點次,採集表土(0~15cm)及裡土(15~30cm)土壤樣品, 分析結果顯示485 地號表土及裡 土 之 鉻 超 過 食 用 作 物 農 地 管 制 標準, 其他土樣分析結果皆低於食用作物農地管制標準。環保局已於98 年9 月14 日公告為控制場址。418-3 地號土壤調查結果顯示鉻及鋅之污染深度達60 公分,且其重金屬濃度變化並無自表土遞減之情形, 於S1 及S2 採樣點其45~60 公分之鉻濃度反而是最高之濃度。470 地號土壤調查結果8 項重金屬均無超過食用作物土壤管制標準。為求謹慎本計畫特另進行97 年度超過管制標準2 個採樣點採樣, 並同步分樣給上準環境科技股份有限公司分析, 分析結果兩家公司8 項重金屬均無超過食用作物土壤管制標準。三 、 加 油 站 說 明 會 辦 理 及 現 場 稽 查已 於 98 年5 月19 日辦理一場次之加油站說明會, 邀請營運中36 家加油站及相關單位共38 個單位,共出席34 站,出席率達89%。加 油 站 現 場 查 核 工 作 共 完 成 5 站83 支測漏管功能檢測及油氣檢測工作, 文化路加油站有1 支測漏管, 因抽氣壓力大於150 mmHg,判定為阻塞;信義路加油站,有2 支測漏管(17%)因抽氣壓力大於150mmHg 判定為阻塞;台亞嘉義交流道站編號A4、A6 真空度過高;統一精工嘉義站於泵島區6 支測漏管皆脫落, 於現場即時告知站方人員進行維護, 后於8 月5 日前往複查, 該站已完成維護; 另扣除測漏管功能不彰11 支,總計完成油氣檢測72 支,PID 與FID 檢測結果皆未超過500ppmV。土 壤 氣 體 採 樣 檢 測 共 完 成 15 點次之採樣檢測工作,本計畫於98年10 月16 日及26 日進行該項工作內容, 共完成5 站15 點土壤氣體之檢測, 檢測結果均低於環保署建議之參考上限值。四 、 北 港 路 加 油 站 緊 急 應 變北 港 路 加 油 站 停 業 前 未 依 土 壤 及 地 下 水 污 染 整 治 法 之 規 定 檢 送土壤檢測資料備查, 環保局於95 年9 月6 日依土水法第32 條第3項規定處罰鍰20 萬元。為瞭解該站是否有造成土壤污染之虞, 乃由本計畫啟動緊急應變進行該站5 點次土壤採樣分析, 檢測項目為土壤污染管制標準之有機物及總石油碳氫化合物, 均低於管制標準。 計畫無要求 098 嘉義市政府環境保護局 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
32120842 減量、資源回收綜合管理計畫 減量、資源回收綜合管理計畫 098 彰化縣環境保護局 晶淨科技股份有限公司
32120843 台東縣營建工程污染管制計畫 隨著近年來工商業蓬勃發展,各類環境污染問題逐漸浮現,其中又以空氣污染問題最為社會大眾所詬病。有鑑於此,環保局多年來致力於推動空氣污染管制工作,並已初步呈現績效;然而轄內受政府大力推展公共工程等影響,境內營建工地四處可見,因施工所產生公害,嚴重影響附近生活品質,其中又以營建工程所造成逸散性粉塵污染為加強管制之重點;為落實管制並降低施工所造成揚塵污染量,環保局特別專案辦理「台東縣營建工程污染管制計畫」,針對境內營建工地,配合空污費徵收,加強稽查及管制,進而有效達到污染物減量及空氣品質改善之目標。本計畫執行期程一年,自2009年3月至2010年2月止,主要工作重點為協助環保局加強辦理各項營建工地、管線、道路施工之稽、巡查工作,並將列管工地資料建檔管理,透過宣導文件發放及輔導工地座談會之進行,加強工地對污染防範之認知,以落實污染改善之目的。計畫執行期間,總計列管1,994處工地,累計巡查數達1,436處次,除經由例行性巡查並將工地資料如期建檔外,一配合辦理1場次營建工地法規宣導說明會,另輔導營建工地認養洗掃道路,洗掃總長度達702.09公里,同時執行TSP粒狀物檢測及油品檢測(8點次TSP粒狀物檢測及20件次油品檢測),而經管制後TSP共削減419公噸,削減率達38.75%。以歷年排放情形可以看出,本計畫成效較歷年為佳,削減率已逐年提升,足以呈現環保單位對營建工程管制策略,獲得累積的成效。 Pollution Control Project for Construction engineering in Taitung Contury Due to the established of Taitung Contury, accompanied with the economic development and growth, it brings serious environmental problems, especially for the air pollution. Besides, it affects the life quality of the neighborhood and causes a lot of protestation. In order to solve these problems, Environmental Protection Bureau of Taitung Contury initiated this project “Pollution Control Project for Construction engineering in Taitung Contury”. The purpose of this project is to find out the roots of the construction pollution and investigate on the public protest application. According to the findings from the investigation to restrain the air pollutants of construction, and to survey and monitor the emission sources of particles. Simultaneously, to improve the air quality and reduce the impact of the constructional engineering process to the surrounding dwellers, the proprietors of construction engineering are required to operate the air pollution control device properly.This project is proceeded in one year from March of 2009 to February of 2010. It focus on assisting the EPB to strengthen checking and inspecting all building sites, pipes and road works for improving the pollutions. We make lists to manage monitorial sites, and strengthen the knowledge for preventing pollutions of building sites by declared documents and forums. In the period of this project, it monitors 1,994 sites. The amounts of inspections are 1,436 times. Not only making lists by routine inspections but also holding 1 forum to announce the laws and regulations. It counsels building sites to clean around roads, they are cleaned for 702.09 Km in amount and tested by particles and oil to support (8 times of TSP test, and 20 times of oil test).After all works of pollution control, this project reduce flying TSP for 419 tones, the rate of reduction is 38.75%. By the emission in these years, it’s the best achievements. The rate of reduction raises year by year to provide the results of EPB’s controlling strategies. 098 台東縣環境保護局 展立工程顧問股份有限公司
32120844 98年度彰化縣加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫 彰化縣環保局98年度彰化縣加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫,自98年5月28日起至99年3月31日止,本年度主要工作項目包括辦理洗掃街作業、街塵負荷分析作業、現場查核作業、道路普查作業、宣導說明會相關作業、緊急支援作業等十餘項,執行期間承蒙環保署、環保局及多位學者專家給予之指導、建議與監督考核,使各項作業執行與進度均能符合原先之規劃,各項工作皆已達成預定目標。而各項作業之執行內容簡述如下:1. 洗街車平均用水量1.052公噸/公里。2. 掃街車垃圾塵土平均蒐集量為3.44公斤/公里。3. 配合環保署、環保局所發佈之空品惡化通報,緊急調洗 街車加強測站附近道路清洗作業9次。4. 緊急支援髒污路段洗掃兩次。5. 每月執行現場查核4次,計畫執行期間共完成現場查核160次。6. 配合環保局舉辦委員現場查核4次。 各項工作項目執行情形簡述說明如下:1. 洗街作業 本計畫執行期間洗街長度達到24,818.94公里。 2. 掃街作業 本計畫執行期間掃街長度達到29,088.72公里。3. 街塵負荷分析作業 完成10次街塵負荷採樣分析。 4. 現場查核作業 計畫執行期間共計完成160次現場查核作業。5. 道路普查作業 今年度計畫每月皆查核九條道路,總計完成90道路普查作業。6. 宣導說明會相關作業 完成洗掃街相關宣導摺頁印製1000份及宣導海報200份。7. 空品惡化緊急應變作業 配合環保署、環保局所發佈之空品惡化通報,緊急調派洗街車加強測站附近清洗作業9次。8. 緊急支援作業 支援非本計畫執行路段之髒污路段清掃作業兩次。9. 即時定位系統 洗掃街車每日出勤記錄皆以衛星定位系統記錄行車軌跡,每三十秒記錄一次,記錄資料包括車速、UTM座標、時間、鄉鎮市及道路名稱等。10. 道路認養 完成30家企業道路認養的目標。11. 新聞稿見報率 發布4則新聞稿,每則均見報。12. 網頁更新維護及洗掃街工作成效資料庫成果資料建檔 每月完成一次網頁更新維護作業及洗掃街工作成效資料庫成果資料建檔。13. 垃圾丟包、分隔島髒污及道路破損通報 計畫期間完成垃圾丟包93次、分隔島髒污40次及道路破損26次通報。 98 year Changhua County plans to enhance street sweeping dust In addition to the above, the program this year also completed the following work items:1. The average water street washing vehicles 1.052 tons / km.2. Van amount of garbage collected dust on average 3.44 kg / km.3. With the EPA, Environmental Protection Agency issued the air quality deterioration in communications,emergency deployment of street washing station near the car wash operation to strengthen 9.4. Two dirt roads for emergency support.5. Implementation of on-site inspection four times per month, plans were completed on-site verification during the implementation of 160.6. EPA site inspections conducted with members of four. Description of the work situation of project implementation as follows:1. Operation of street washing This project was implemented 24,818.94 kilometers length of street washing, the rate reached 113%.2. Street sweeping operations Sweep the streets during the implementation of this project length of 29,088.72 km to reach a rate of 104%.3. Street dust load of work Completed 10 road dust load sampling and analysis.4. On-site audit work During the project period to complete a total of 160 on-site audits.5. Road survey work Plan to check every month this year are nine roads to complete a total of 90 road census operations to a complete grasp of the status of implementation of the road..6. Relevant operational guidance meeting Completion of folding printed propaganda posters 1000 and 200.7. Deterioration of air quality emergency response operations With the EPA, Environmental Protection Agency issued the air quality deterioration in communications, emergency deployment of street washing station near the car wash operation to strengthen 9.8. Emergency support operations Support non-implementation of this project, the dirt road section of clean-up operation twice.9. Real-time location system Car cleaning and washing daily attendance records tailor driving track record of satellite positioning system, each 30 seconds record time, record data, including speed, UTM coordinates, time, townships and road name, etc.. As a reference the approved number of one kilometer.10. Road adoption 30 enterprises completed road adoption goals.11. Reported by the press release rate Completion of four press releases, there are the newspapers.12.Website maintenance and update the effectiveness of cleaning and washing the outcome of data entry database Web page updated monthly Jieyou complete operation and maintenance of the effectiveness of cleaning and washing the outcome of data entry database.13. Garbage packet loss, dirt and road damage separate notification Island Project completed during the garbage packet loss 93 times, separating the island dirt road 40 times and 26 times dirty. 098 彰化縣環境保護局 東禾工程顧問有限公司
32120845 潮寮國中OP-FTIR監測計畫 本計畫預定在潮寮國中校園內設置一開徑式傅立葉轉換紅外光譜儀(OP-FTIR)監測站,執行連續8個月的連續監測,以隨時掌握潮寮國中校園內之空氣品質。OP-FTIR將針對校園空氣中的空氣污染物進行定性定量的分析,量測之污染物的分析結果將和現行的周界標準及嗅覺閾值進行比較,以分析潮寮國中校園的空氣品質。 Monitoring Air Pollutants by OP-FTIR in Chaoliao Junior High School An Open-Path Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (OP-FTIR) monitoring station will be installed on Chaoliao Junior High School campus. The purpose of this monitoring station is to conduct an eight-month continuous measurement of air pollutants on campus. The OP-FTIR will identify and quantify all measured air pollutants. The results will be compared with the existing ambient standards and their odor thresholds to further evaluate the campus air quality. 098 高雄市政府環境保護局(原高雄縣政府環境保護局) 工業技術研究院
32120846 98年度推動離島工業區為柴油車空品淨化區計畫 本計畫執行期程係自98年9月24日至99年9月23日止,共計12個月。本計畫工作目標為藉由規劃離島工業區為柴油車空品淨化區有效管制進出柴油車之污染貢獻、有效提升柴油車輛之自主管理成效,推動柴油車定期檢測作業、藉由有效掌握進出柴油車之污染貢獻,提供作為研擬車輛污染排放總量管制之參考依據、藉由柴油車空品淨化區之推動有效提升本縣空氣品質及形象及建立可行之柴油車污染管制策略,提供雲嘉南空品區共同推動。主要工作項目包括:1.規劃離島工業區為柴油車空品淨化區前置作業,包括:車流量調查、問卷調查及管制區移動污染源現況分析等等。並蒐集國內外相關管制策略,作為本計畫執行之參考依據。2.執行本計畫須辦理事項及會議,包括:召開2場專家學者研討會議、辦理2場溝通協調會議、辦理1場次法制說明會、針對進出離島工業區車輛駕駛或車主與鄰近工業區鄉鎮之民眾分別進行1,000份意見調查及分析。2.推動本計畫規劃之內容,如:推動柴油車空品淨化區之污染減量效益評估、推動區內柴油車自主管理與定期檢測之可行性、擬定配合推動柴油車空品淨化區之車輛進出管制辦法。4.研擬柴油車污染改善相關方案,如:設置車牌辨識系統、規劃柴油車加裝後處理器試行計畫、研擬空品淨化區停車熄火管制、執行空品淨化區綠美化、規劃車輛共乘制度。5.協助配合環保局執行各項管制作業。各項作業內容均依原規劃執行中。 Project of Year 2009 Pushing Offshore Island Industrial Park For The Air Quality Purified Area Of Diesel Vehicle This project was implemented for 12 months from September 24, 2009 to September 23, 2010. By planning the offshore island industrial zone for the air quality purified area of diesel vehicle, this project was effective in controlling pollution of diesel vehicle in this area, and to improve the self-management and to promote the regular inspection of diesel vehicle. The results could be used for the reference to develop a total emission control strategy for diesel vehicle. By the approach of air quality improvement and establishing a feasible strategy for diesel vehicle pollution control, the results could be provided for Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan as the promotion reference for diesel emission control.The major items of work in this project including: 1.Preliminary work of planning offshore island industrial zone for the air quality purified area of diesel vehicle, including survey of traffic flow, questionnaires, and the analysis of the moving pollution sources in control zone, and so on; collecting the relevant domestic and international control strategies as a reference for the implementation of this project. 2.Items and meetings handled in this project, including convening two conferences with invited experts and scholars; holding two conferences of communication and coordination and one legislation seminar; and the survey and analysis of 1000 questionnaires for the drivers or owners of the vehicle in the air quality purified area and the people living in neighboring township with industrial zone. 3.To promote the content planned in the project, such as, the benefit assessment of pollution reduction, evaluating the self-management and regular inspection of diesel vehicle, and planning the control method for the access diesel vehicle.4.To develop a program for diesel pollution improvement, such as, establishing the license plate recognition system, planning the installation of the after treatment processor in diesel vehicle, developing a strategy of idle turning off for diesel vehicle, planning a program to beautify the air quality purified area and car pool system.5.Assisting the Environment Protection Bureau to implement control operation. The operation content was performed according to the original plan of the project. 098 雲林縣環境保護局 新研車輛科技有限公司
32120847 籌辦兩岸大氣與海洋環境管理學術研討會 為推動兩岸大氣及海洋環境學術研究交流,邀請兩岸具有實務經驗的知名專家學者,依主題分別舉辦各一場次學術交流會,藉以提升兩岸的能力建置與合作機會,以下簡要說明兩場會議之成果說明: 『海峽兩岸海洋論壇-海洋環境管理學術研討會』於2010年3月29、30日在集思台大會議中心舉辦,邀請兩岸海洋專家學者代表,針對九大議題(海洋污染政策及緊急應變之執行、海洋環境監測、海洋功能區劃、致災藻類防治、海島可持續發展、海洋生態系統管理、海洋垃圾、海洋保護及海洋之碳封存及碳循環),廣泛交換及分享經驗,為海峽兩岸海洋科技交流做出重大貢獻。 『兩岸因應氣候變遷學術研討會』於2010年7月5、6日在台大醫院國際會議中心舉辦,邀請兩岸具有實務經驗的知名專家學者,針對「兩岸氣候變遷衝擊及因應對策」、「清潔發展機制推動政策與現況」、「氣候變化的科學問題及兩岸氣候變遷調適策略」等三大議題進行專題演講。此外,特安排於2009年代表台灣參加哥本哈根會議的青年環保大使,與陸方貴賓以對談方式汲取相關國際事務經驗。藉由本次會議,建構起兩岸因應氣候變遷議題之交流管道,強化了兩岸合作與交流機會。 Organizing cross-strait Conference on Atmospheric and Marine Environmental Management To promote cross-strait atmosphere and marine environmental academic exchanges, we held 「The first cross-straits ocean forum – the seminar of ocean environmental management」 and 「Cross-strait symposium in response to climate change」.The following brief description of two meetings results shows: The first cross-straits ocean forum – the seminar of ocean environmental management is sponsor by Environmental Protection Administration to be held in Socrates chamber of GIS-NTU convention center, Taipei, March 29-30, 2010. To invite cross-straits ocean expert scholar to represent, and focus on nine important issues, such as the performance of the ocean pollution policy and emergency response, ocean environmental monitoring, ocean zoning management and strategy, prediction of harmful algae blooms, island sustainable development, ocean ecosystem-based management, ocean refuse, ocean protection, and Gas Hydrate and CO2 Sequestration to study and discuss. And the expert’s forum aims at issues of ocean environmental management, coastal area planning impact by climate change, and cross-straits alternating current cooperates to exchange and share experience. It do major contribution for cross-straits ocean science and technology alternating current cooperation. 098 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人台灣綠色生產力基金會
32120848 宜蘭縣98年度推動河川義工巡守計畫 計畫名稱:宜蘭縣98年度推動河川義工巡守計畫執行單位:國立宜蘭大學主持人:李元陞期程:98年5月6日至98年12月31日止經費:409,000元摘 要 環保署於91年訂定為「河川污染整治」年起,全面性推動規劃辦理河川巡守隊,藉由民眾參與河川污染巡守及污染通報,以遏止河川流域偷倒或偷排情事。本縣環保局於93年3月25日(星期四)於宜蘭縣運動公園辦理「宜蘭縣環境保護巡守隊」的成軍授旗典禮,協助執行縣內有關之環境保護巡守工作。為延續河川巡守工作,故此計畫之主要目的為建立完整的河川巡守體系,相關巡守組織架構、通報流程的檢討建立與追蹤考評。同時成立河川保育中心,以作為河川巡守推廣、溝通、義工教育訓練、巡守隊考核及成效評估等工作的平台。本計畫期程自簽約日起至98年12月31日止,相關輔導則持續至99年4月30日止。河川保育中心成立後,持續輔導現有環境保護巡守隊,定期與巡守隊晤談、規劃巡守隊有關年度工作事項、行事曆及考核、製發教育訓練手冊,及攜帶型巡守卡等事宜。在各鄉鎮市公所及環保局的協助努力下,今年度的各項作業,均能予以完成。截至目前為止,本縣計有環境保護巡守隊23隊,隊員共計275位(含鐵騎兵甲、乙隊)。今年度各環境保護巡守隊總巡守時數為6903小時,較去年度同時期增加86.6%。陸續通報之髒亂點或棄置垃圾共71處,均已清理完畢。相關的教育訓練及年度成果檢討會(共計13場次)所需之量化數均依約完成,同時輔導宜蘭社區大學、力行國小及深溝國小等校之學生參與河川水質檢測與生活污水減量之活動。在巡守隊參與活動部分,各鄉鎮之巡守隊,均輔導積極參與訓練「清淨家園、淨溪淨川及水質檢測HAPPY GO」,及地球環境日活動,擴大義工的參與面。重新檢討並修正「宜蘭縣推動環境保護巡守計畫」中有關隊伍及隊員退出條款。教育訓練手冊依現況修正,攜帶型巡守手冊已製交給巡守隊。巡守隊相關的考評工作已完成,並於成果檢討會上頒發績優巡守隊隊伍及隊員,為延續有關的巡守工作事宜,保育中心會持續進行有關之工作。依合約目前已完成及持續中之工作項目及進度如下表:項次 項目 說明 進度(%)1 「宜蘭縣推動河川巡守計畫」之檢討,必要時修訂內容。 已完成,參閱第四章P4-3。 1002 維持並運作河川保育中心。 持續運作中 1003 在環保局建置河川巡守專屬網站,並適時更新。 已成立,參閱第四章P4-7 1004 污染較嚴重或污染源較多之河川,依現有之河川巡守隊調配,視情形不足者再行籌組,優先結合學校、社區執行。 持續執行中。 1005 巡視含重點河川及河川整治重點河段執行 持續執行中。 1006 巡守隊成員基本配備購置:1.手電筒6支。2.腳踏車6輛。 已送交環保局。參閱P4-36。 1007 修正及製作本縣河川巡守隊之訓練手冊及巡守手冊 已完成,參閱第四章P4-9。 1008 辦理河川巡守隊人員之教育訓練至少10 場次,成果檢討會至少1 場次,並協助義工轉型成志工。活動內容並需經本局同意後執行。 已完成教育訓練13場次,成果檢討會於98年9月30日辦理,參閱第四章P4-13。 1009 建立巡守隊訪談機制,協同公所訪談,並做成書面紀錄與拍照。 已完成20隊之晤談,參閱第四章P4-11。 10010 績優巡守隊考評競賽辦法檢討,必要時修訂。 已完成,參閱附件六 10011 協助建立巡守隊與鄉(鎮、市)公所及環保局間之聯繫管道 持續執行中 10012 巡守隊值勤運作之規劃與輔導 持續執行中,參閱第四章P4-29。 10013 彙整巡守成果資料,並配合河川及水污染等相關考核之資料收集、彙整、簡報製作及報告等,進度依據環保局要求時效辦理。 持續協助執行中 10014 巡守通報案件、處理結果、追蹤等統計分析 參閱第四章。 100 The project of river volunteer cruising of Yilan county in 2009 Project:The project of river volunteer cruising of Yilan county in 2009 Execution :National Ilan UniversityManager:Li, YuanshenPeriods:2009/5/6~2009/12/31Budget:$409,000NTABSTRACTThe Environmental Protection Administration schedules 「the river pollution improvement」projects from 2002. The integrity plans give an impetus to handle the river cruise workshop. By participating of river pollution cruising and pollution notification of people to suppresses the illegal dumpling to river basin. Environmental Protection Bureau of Yilan county gave an 「Yilan Environmental Protection Cruise Teams」army ceremony in Yilan sporty park on March 25 (Thursday) 2004. The environmental protection cruise teams give an assistance to execute a cruising works including open-burning, illegal dumping, messy and dirty spot, river pollution, illegal drainage of wastewater, the unclear pipeline, and the underground pipe and so on. In order to continue the river cruise work, the purpose of the plan is to setup integrity of environmental protection cruise system, construction of a cruise organization, examination of notification process and assessment. At the same time, it established the river-care-center to do the platforms of relative works, such as population of environmental protection cruising, the communication, the volunteer education and training, inspection of cruise teams and assessment of the effect. The project started from an contact-signing day to December 31,2009. The related counseling will be continued to April 30 2010. After the river care center was established, counseling the existing environmental protection cruise teams, meeting with all cruise teams, planning year round schedule and assessment of cruise teams. An education and training handbook and a carrying cruising card were made. It total has 23 environmental protection cruising teams in Yi-lan County. The totally cruising member is 275. The cruising time was 6903 hours which increase 86.6% comparison with 2008. The notifications of messy and dirty spots were 71 which were cleaned up. The educational trainings were held 13 times which satisfied the contract needed. We also help the communities participate the inspection of river quality and reduction of domestic water. It revised the inspection and the reward part of the “Yilan County to impel the river cruising volunteers plan”. It renamed the reward part to “The competition standard of excellent environmental protection cruising team of Yilan County”. It can reward personal and team according to the competition standard. It had finished the evaluation works about the cruising terms and gave the rewards to the excellent cruising terms and members at the achievement critique meeting. In order to extent the cruising works, the care center will continue the related works. The working items and progresses had been finished and continuing items are listed in the following No item chapter scheduled1 Revised「Yilan County to impel the river cruising volunteers plan」。 Chapter 4,p4-3。 100%2 Maintains and operates the river-care-center。 Continuing operation。 100%3 Setup and revised the website of river cruising in EPB。 Chapter 4,p 4-7。 100%4 Recruit cruising tams based on the serious pollution area 。 Continuing operation 100%5 Inspect the priority and rebuild river。 Continuing operation 100%6 Equipment purchasing:1. 6 electric lamp。2.bicycle 6。 Delivered to EPB。 100%7 Revised and making training and cruising handbook Chapter 4,p 4-9。 100%8 Educational training at least 10 times and an achievement critique meeting 。 It held 13 educational training and an achievement critique meeting in 9/30,Chapter 4,p4-13。 100%9 Setup the meeting mechanisms and paper works It meets 20 cruising teams,Chapter 4,4-11。 100%10 Revised the competition standard of excellent environmental protection cruising teams。 Reference 6。 100%12 Assist to built the communication pathway among cruising teams, city government and EPB。 Chapter 4,p4-29。 100%13 Planning and counseling the cruising teams。 Continuing operation 100%14 The analysis of cruising notification of treatment results and tracing。 Chapter 4.8。 100% 098 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 國立宜蘭大學
32120849 臺南市九十八年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫 根據環保署台南市台南及安南空氣品質自動監測站統計資料,98年兩測站PSI>100天數中,其中指標污染物為PM10的比率約71%,顯示懸浮微粒為造成本市成空品不良的主因。在環保署上位空品計畫中「加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」之指導下,台南市環保局配合執行「台南市加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」,特針對本市空品測站周邊及人口稠密處、交通流量大及具嚴重揚塵地區,優先執行機具與人力洗掃街作業及相關工作,期能紓解道路揚塵對本市空氣品質惡化之影響並有效提升空氣品質。 2009 'strengthen the wind-borne dust of the washing and sweeping street plan' Based on the statistical data of the auto-monitoring air quality stations of EPA in Tainan city (Tainan and Annan), it was found the days with PSI more than100 of both stations were mostly caused by the PM10. The percentage of PM10 to be the predominant pollutants was 71%. Under the instruction of air quality improvement project established by the EPA, Taiwan, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan city conducted the plan entitled ‘Intensification of street washing and sweeping for the removal of the wind-borne dust in Tainan’. This work set priority to wash and sweep the streets located at places around the air quality stations, with high population density and heavy traffic flow. Hopefully, the air quality of Tainan city could be improved through the implementation of this project. 098 台南市環境保護局 群運環保股份有限公司
32120850 98年度加油站暨餐飲業揮發性污染物管制計畫 近年來由於油品市場之開放,以致加油站不間斷一家接著一家的開設,根據本計畫清查之結果,桃園縣加油站高達289站,為全國第一,而發油量則為全國第二大。以加油站數量持續逐年增加之趨勢,必須加以管制,否則其逸散揮發性有機物污染情形也將越嚴重,造成臭氧惡化問題;另加油站多位於交通繁忙、人口集中之地區,所排放之揮發性有機物對周遭居民健康造成之危害亦益形顯著。為加速推動環境空氣品質改善工作,桃園縣政府環保局於90年度即著手推動加油站污染管制工作,已建立一套完整之加油站管制制度,成效良好。此外,則是餐飲業之油煙污染問題,由於國人對生活環境品質之要求日漸高漲,且餐飲油煙乃是近年來民眾最常陳情檢舉案件主因之一,行政院環保署在各項管制措施上也將其列為空氣污染管制重點。而於此項管制作業上,本計畫將針對98年7月12日開始實施之「桃園縣餐飲業空氣污染防制設施管理自治條例」中,所規範項目作為查核管制上之重點及依據,並適切的配合宣導、輔導改善、改善追蹤及稽查等方式,達到管制桃園縣餐飲業污染之排放情形及改善桃園縣空氣品質。對於加油站之管制方面,本計畫完成311站(含陳情)加油站清查與100站加油站共1249支加油槍氣油比初測作業,並持續執行新設加油站審查及列管加油站之油氣回收管理辦法之法規符合度查核,同時針對本縣已通過油氣回收標章認證之加油站,進行後續追蹤查核作業及持續推動其他尚未通過認證之加油站的輔導工作,在加油站宣導作業方面,亦於98年11月13日當日舉辦油氣回收設備維護保養訓練、法規及油氣回收標章認證制度說明會。在餐飲業管制部分,完成402家餐飲業之清查及建檔作業,同時規劃輔導業者裝設防制設備,也有50家餐飲業者配合完成改善工作,並於98年2月23日舉辦一場餐飲業空氣污染防制技術暨法規說明會邀請縣內餐飲業者與會,相信藉由以上計畫工作來管制餐飲業者加強各項污染防制措施之執行,確實負起餐飲業各項環境維護管理之責,減低餐飲業各項污染對環境之衝擊。在室內空氣品質管制部分,本計畫已於99年1月22日協助完成本縣室內空氣品質自主管理標章認證作業要點之制定及公告作業,並已有20家縣內大型公共場所(第一階段係以百貨公司及賣場為主)取得本縣室內空氣品質標章認證,藉以鼓勵配合認證之百貨商場業者對於室內空氣污染防制工作的努力,並期能夠喚起更多本縣室內公共場所對於室內空氣品質的重視。 2009 Volatile Organic Compounds Pollution Control Project for Gasoline Stations and Food Industry Due to the privatization of oil suppliers in Taiwan, the number of gasoline stations has continued to increase during recent years. According to the survey conducted in this project, the number of gasoline stations in Taoyuan totals 289, ranking first nationwide and second in terms of amount of gasoline dispensed. The increase needs to be curbed in order to prevent the worsening of pollution resulting from volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which may also cause ozone pollution. Besides, most gasoline stations are established in heavy-traffic and densely-populated areas, leading the emission of VOCs to pose a threat to the nearby residents. In an effort to accelerate environment air improvement, Taoyuan County Government put into effect the gasoline station pollution control act in 2001 and has established well-organized control guidelines for the gasoline stations; a substantial positive effect has been achieved. Another source of air pollution arises from the soot of the food industry. As the people in Taiwan put more and more emphasis on living quality, more complaints of soot pollution have been reported to the police by the general public in recent years. The Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan has also listed reducing soot pollution as one of the missions for controlling air pollution. Based on the items and articles specified in “Self-Government Ordinances of Air Pollution Control for the Food Industry in Taoyuan County”, which was implemented on July 12, 2009, this project will involve controlling the emissions of pollutants on the part of the food industry and improving the air quality in Taoyuan County through promotion, counseling, and follow-up supervision in the workplaces. As for the control of gasoline station emissions, this project has completed investigations of 311 stations (including those which were the subject of complaints) and the initial gas-oil ratio examination for 1249 gasoline dispensing pumps in 110 stations. Certification of newly-established stations and examination of the regulations of gas oil recycling applied to the stations subject to the control, as well as follow-up supervision in the stations that have passed the certification of gas oil recycling, as well as counseling for those which have not passed, are constantly being implemented. To promote air control in gasoline stations, training in the maintenance of gas oil recycling equipment and a seminar on the gas oil recycling certification standards were held on Nov. 13, 2009. In regard to controlling the food industry, investigations and archiving work on 402 businesses have been completed. At the same time, counseling related to the installation of air pollution control equipment has elicited response from 50 businesses and the required improvement work has been realized. A seminar on air pollution control technology and the regulations for the food industry was held on Feb. 23, 2009, with the managers of the industry in Taoyuan County invited to attend. It is expected that through the above plans to strengthen the implementation of all the pollution control aspects, the food industry will bear more responsibility in regard to environmental protection and lower the impact from pollution on the environment. As for indoor air quality, this project successfully assisted in the formulation and announcement of the certification guidelines for the self-management of indoor air quality in Taoyuan County on Jan. 22, 2010. A total of 20 large public places (mainly department stores and wholesale supermarkets in the first stage) have passed the certification of indoor air quality. The above instances are expected to encourage the businesses under the certification policy to put more effort into their work, and to enhance the awareness of indoor air quality among more business managers in this county. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司
32120851 桃園縣蘆竹鄉中福地區(中山高速公路北側)土壤污染控制場址污染改善計畫第二部份監督及驗證工作 本計畫主要目的為針對桃園縣蘆竹鄉中福地區受重金屬污染農地之控制場址,為確認改善計畫確依其計畫之進行,特由本計畫進行監督工作,並執行驗證作業,以確保其污染改善成效。計畫範圍包含中興段56筆地號,計畫開始時依合約內容於98年10月8日簽約隔日開始,截至期末報告100/10/08止已完成之內容包含(一)監督工作:已完成48筆地號改善工作之現場監督工作,完成率100%(面積百分比)(二)驗證作業:針對已報請驗證之地號進行驗證,已完成48筆地號七批次之驗證作業;其中第一次驗證之8筆地號均為交通部台灣區國道新建工程局徵收作為五揚高架工程用地,故其驗證標準採用一般土壤管制標準,8筆地號面積為0.2948公頃,共採集18個樣品,其驗證分析結果顯示均符合土壤管制標準;第二~七批次總共驗證40筆地號其驗證標準採用食用作物農地之管制標準,綜合二~七批驗證40筆地號面積為7.9290公頃,共採集268個樣品,其驗證分析結果顯示,有13筆地號未達到污染改善目標。針對13筆驗證未過之地號,污染改善單位已重新改善並均已通過覆驗,目前均已通過驗證共計的有48筆地號面積為8.2238公頃。 The second part of pollution improvement supervising and verification task in the “pollution improvement project for soil pollution control sites at Chung-fu Area (north of Chung-shan Highway), Lu-chu Township, Tao-yuan County” The main purpose of this project is supervising the improvement on the existing heavy metal polluted soil site around Chung-fu Area, Lu-chu Township, Tao-yuan County. The By testing the metal concentration, to ensure the polluted level has decreased to accepted level through the process of turn-over dilution method.The scope of the project includes 56 land sites in Chung-hsing section. The project took two years. It started from 8th Oct, 2009 till 8th Oct., 2011. The working terms were:(1) Supervising the improving process: By the end of the term, It achieved 46 improving land sites supervision, 100% completed scheduler.(2) Heavy metal concentration verification on all 46 improving land: completed all 46 improving land sites verification in 7 batches.The first batch focused on 8 land sites which had been levied by Taiwan Area National Expressway Engineering Bureau. The total area of 0.2948 hectare was tested and had concentration below normal soil pollution standards. The second ~ Seven batched with 268 samples were tested on 40 land site of total area of 7.9290 hectare. The initial result was indicating 13 land sites failed to achieve the improving requirement. After reforming, all 46 improving land sites of total area of 8.2238 hectare achieved soil pollution standards. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 三普環境分析股份有限公司
32120852 基隆市機車排放空氣污染物稽查及定檢站管理計畫 為解決移動污染源所對環境品質之影響,稽查取締與宣導工作刻不容緩,今年度本市環保局持續運用空污基金執行機車排放空氣污染物稽查及定檢站管理計畫,逐步落實車輛之維修保養及定檢制度,以達到改善環境空氣品質之目的。本計畫之各項工作相關成果摘要說明如下:本計畫於期初即辦理職前教育訓練,使計畫內所有成員對於工作項目、工作方法、進度掌控及相關規定等皆充分了解,並不定期實施稽核,以確保各項工作順利推動與執行。在定檢通知作業部分,目前已完成98年6月份至99年3月份發照之通知定檢明信片寄發,共計有117,672件,統計至99年3月份共有60,902件參加定檢,平均到檢率為51.75%,另本計畫針對設籍本市經巡查、自行篩選之未定檢及經定檢不合格未於期限內複驗之機車進行平信二次通知,共寄發46,550件,回檢12,793件,平均到檢率為27.48%。 在定檢站品保品管作業及座談交流部分,共完成2場次定檢站人員教育訓練及座談會之辦理,本市各定檢站檢測人員皆完成環保署每年受訓4小時之要求。本計畫針對本市32站機車定檢站進行每兩個月一次之例行性查核及每站一次之實車查核工作,查核結果發現重大違規缺失,由非合格檢測人員實施定檢之情形,分別是C25-特色機車行、C31-友盛機車行,將查核紀錄提送環保局簽辦處理,已開立罰緩以示懲戒,避免相同情事發生。在定檢站評鑑表揚作業方面,經由委員及環保局人員實地評鑑,遴選出3家優良定檢站,第一名-新宏富車業(C11)、第二名-文禾行(C18)、第三名-玉昌機車(C9),於頒獎典禮上頒發獎牌,表揚1~3名與行政配合優良廠商震陽定檢站(C5),由環保局王夢熊秘書與環保署莊訓城簡任技正代表頒獎。 098 基隆市環境保護局 得眾環境科技有限公司
32120853 98年度柴油車動力計排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫 爲降低台中市柴油車輛排放黑煙對空氣品質影響,台中市環境保護局持續推動「柴油車動力計排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫」,執行柴油車輛排煙檢測、油品管制及相關工作。本計畫以提升檢測及服務品質為本年度執行原則,計畫工作項目包括動力計排煙檢測、路攔排煙檢測、目判高污染車輛以及油品管制等工作,均依預定進度執行。本站已於今年順利取得三年一次之TAF認證展延。截至目前已完成柴油車目視判煙通知作業1,045輛次、動力計全負載排煙檢測4,808輛次、路攔/場站無負載排煙檢測416輛次、油品檢測樣品數共229件、自主管理簽署26家、新聞稿10則、納管率為100.0%,較97年的51.9%提升了48.1%。今年之創新做法為,將試踩油門與目測判煙結合導入路攔作業,截至12月10日止共執行410輛次之無負載排煙檢測,使得路邊攔檢不合格率由97年的32.5%提升至98年的50.5%,成效相當良好。而檢測站於初期即建立品質管制圖,已執行15次品保測試,測試結果均在管制限值內。另環保署已於10月22日至動力站完成評鑑,本站也取得A級之最高等級。今年度各項工作執行成果摘要說明如下:一、目測判煙稽查作業截至12月10日,共完成目測判煙稽查通知作業1,045輛次。扣除車牌繳銷、公告送達等無法到檢96輛次,已到檢完成車輛數為905輛次,其中至本市排煙站檢驗之車輛數533輛次,佔已到檢車輛數58.9%;至外縣市排煙站檢驗數372輛次,佔41.1%,通知到檢率為95.4%。二、動力計排煙檢測作業截至12月10日止,共計重柴檢測線完成2,047輛次,檢測不合格92輛次,不合格率4.5%,馬力比不足退驗數209輛次,退驗率9.1%;輕柴檢測線完成2,761輛次,檢測不合格142輛次,不合格率5.1%,馬力比不足退驗數397輛次,退驗率12.3%。三、路邊及場站無負載急加速排煙檢測作業統計至12月10日止已完成路邊檢測410輛次,不合格207輛次,不合格率50.5%;由於場站是以無負載試踩目判方式稽查,因此到場站檢測只有6輛次。兩者合併計算則為完成416輛次,不合格207輛次,總不合格率49.8%。四、油品抽測作業本年度計畫目標為送驗200件油品,截至12月10日已攔查抽樣柴油車2,763件,轄區公民營加油站巡查114站,送交化驗完成229件,作業達成率100.0%五、轄區內大客貨業者用油管制作業本計畫列管之大客貨運業者共計21家,車輛數共計850輛,因此需完成85件之轄區大客貨油品抽測工作。統計至12月10日止,共計抽測本市大客貨業者車輛87輛,已達成目標數100.0%。六、其他相關作業除上述例行性作業與行政作業外,今年度亦順利取得三年一次之TAF認證展延,另環保署之動力站完成評鑑,本站也取得A級之最高等級。七、後續建議執行方案1.今年將試踩油門與目測判煙結合導入路攔作業,使得路邊攔檢不合格率由97年的32.5%提升至98年的50.5%,成效相當良好,建議後續持續執行。2.由於台中市政府實施跨局處之「中部空品區柴油車申根計畫」,使得相關業者陸續加入並取得合格證,並已慢慢建立柴油車主動到檢制度,後續持續宣導與推動「中部空品區柴油車申根計畫」,並輔導尚未加入之相關業者取得合格證業者,讓相者能順利取得相關之許可證或合約。3.台中市境內約有9000輛之柴油車,為了能達到100%納管率,除了持續推動轄區客貨運自主管理之定期檢驗外,99年建議將動力站全負載檢測數提高至4500輛次,目測判煙3,500輛次,以及路邊攔查2000輛次,如此,可達到全面納管之目標。 098 台中市環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
32120854 事業廢棄物0800諮詢服務及資訊設備維護案 本專案之目的,在協助環保署事業廢棄物管制中心因應政策推動、法令修改及每年公告網路申報家數逐漸增加,為能提供業者所需之諮詢服務及維護網路申報效能之各項軟硬體設備。故本計畫提供諮詢服務及資訊設備維護二部份。諮詢服務部份本專案完成相關之軟硬體建置,並編制有十名之客服人員,接聽0800免付費諮詢專線以提供業者及各級環保機關相關網路申報疑義並協助處理申報者相關之作業處理程序;資訊設備維護部分,提供一名資訊維護工程師駐署,協助於第一時間排除資訊系統與設備之障礙,並配合維護相關資訊系統與設備之資訊安全。本專案之執行,以符合專案管理之程序,提供完善之專案執行內容,並協助訂定完善之管理程序及提供有效率之服務流程,以有效進行監控、查核與管理;輔以建置之軟硬體系統提供有效的解決方案、提報專案之經營成果,並提供工作績效分析,以期完成專案之工作目標。就經營成果與工作績效分析的部分,對績效優良之工作成果予以繼續維持並更精進,對未達服務水平之表現不斷檢討、改進,並提出改善整體績效之建議與可執行之提案,以達成並超越專案需求為目標。本期末報告中提供各項話務、業務與資訊維護之統計數據與圖表,且將相關期間之話務進行統計分析與說明,同時將資訊維護狀況進行說明;並就本專案執行期間,各客服人員承辦之各項業務與業務量予以統計。相關之話務量總計達成111321通,達成率為93%;業務量完成計26819件。經客服人員考核辦法之執行,其所獲得之成效可由話務量與客服人員整體績效之數據中得知,各客服人員之工作表現,經客服管理師不遺餘力的不斷督促與輔導,及持續的與業務單位保持良好之互動與溝通,已可確切的說明各客服人員之工作態度與表現已進入正常之工作軌道。日後除了繼續維持各客服人員之工作表現外,更將持續的精實各項相關工作與作業,並以激勵與提升各客服人員之工作效率為另一個工作方針與目標。 Toll-free consulting service of industrial waste and maintenance plane of technology equipments The objective of this project is to assist Industrial Waste Control Center to serve the enterprise on waste process and control through Internet more efficiently and professionally. With increasing demands on internet waste control service and satisfying the requirement from the latest government amended Waste Disposal Act, the project is designed into two parts, one is to provide waste control consultative service through dedicated customer service center,and the other is to strengthen online waste reporting system through IT maintenance service.In the customer service center, ten customer service personnel are allocated and responding for answering toll free number from enterprise or the environmental related governmental agencies regarding the use of online waste reporting system. All service personnel are well-trained for waste flow and procedure and aimed to assist the applicants with issue arises from online reporting process. In addition, one technical engineer is stationed at EPA responsible for resolving IT related issues of online waste reporting system.The project is carefully planned and implemented in accordance with project management standards, which includes defining project goals and objectives, specifying tasks along with careful controls and management. It also includes implementing computer information system to provide goal achievement report and performance evaluation report.Upon job performance appraisal, good performers will be encouraged and assigned higher goals for future job performance. On the other hand, below-average performers will be continuously evaluated and coached. If necessary, Corrective action to improve work performance will be developed to assist personnel in professional customer service development and in achieving the project goals.In this report, statistics and charts are provided for better understanding on the project results. The service calls have been analyzed and categorized, the amount of calls served by each customer service personnel are quantified, as well as system maintenance status are all presented in the report. The statistic of service calls completed 111321 calls and the result is 93%. And also complede 26819 cases of service requirement.The statistic results and performance appraisal have shown that the objective of the project is achieved. The productivity of the customer service personnel has been increased due to close supervision. Furthermore, the communication channel has been established for better cooperation between sub-units. In the future, the objective of the project will emphasize on higher service level on the consultative process as well as the reporting mechanism. 098 廢管處 訊達電腦股份有限公司
32120855 98年度嘉義市移動污染源稽查管制暨機車排氣檢驗站管理查核計畫 移動污染源計畫於各項定量評估因子中污染分布特徵上之高污染車型(二行程車)及不合格之高污染車輛,經本計畫多年管制後確有得到降低,但因需車主意願決定而非法令可強迫之汰舊,所獲得之成效較有限,建議未來應在老舊機車排放濃度加強注意及注重改善維護,另一方面則建議提高每年到檢次數,促使老舊車輛汰換。而其他如減量效益或各使用群族之管制皆獲得相當不錯之效益,證明本計畫所推行之稽查管制措施有發揮功效。另一方面本計畫亦由民眾主觀之認知方面來評估計畫效益,因此有進行民眾電話訪問調查,其結果在檢驗站維修信任度及滿意度皆達到99%以上之肯定,證明本計畫在行政服務品質提昇上已展現相當好之成效。而且本計畫亦統計歷年民眾檢舉之案件,結果顯示由95年之338輛次逐年增加至98年之2,259輛次。探究原因,可能係目前檢測改善為氣狀污染物,而民眾主觀認知為機車排放白煙(固體狀),因此產生落差,未來應再增加固體物之檢測管制,使管制較符實際,經多年管制後已使民眾對於機車排氣污染有較深入了解且提高改善污染狀況之意願,也是一項相當不錯的效益。本報告資料統計日期自98年2月18日至98年12月31日止,主要工作執行成果分項說明如下,各項執行進度及效益說明如下:1、機車攔巡查作業截至98年12月31完成8,283輛次,其中攔查3,480輛次,巡查回覆4,803輛次,進度達成率為118.3%。嘉義市98年度1-12月份平均機車到檢率為85.78%於全國25縣市中暫居排名第1名。2、機車攔檢作業截至98年12月31完成機車路邊攔檢2,255輛次,不合格452輛次,攔檢天數為35天,平均每天攔檢車輛數為64輛次,攔檢不合格率為20.04%。攔檢不合格率路段以吳鳳南路輔仁中學前最高24.8%,其次為以世賢路一段地下道前24.5%。CO整體濃度之改善率約為56.6%,HC濃度改善率約為48.5%。攔檢排氣平均濃度統計,已定檢二行程CO平均濃度為3.15%,四行程CO平均濃度為1.12%,已定檢二行HC平均濃度為6,314ppm,四行程HC平均濃度為348ppm;未定檢二行程CO平均濃度為3.61%,四行程CO平均濃度為1.49%,未定檢二行程HC平均濃度為7,268ppm,四行程HC平均濃度為382ppm。另在統計攔檢不合格率,已定檢二行程不合格率為28.7%,四行程不合格率為6.2%,未定檢二行程不合格率為44.5%,四行程不合格率為10.7%。3、檢驗站查核評鑑截至98年12月31完成363家次之查核,進度達成率為100%,缺失中以儀器校正及檢驗操作類別最多。另尚有缺失多為未佩帶識別證、採樣管套不潔、過濾器不潔及檢驗過程車牌號碼輸入錯誤等項目。另有檢驗站在檢驗操作上有不熟練及資料不符之情事,經本計畫查核及要求改善後,大部分皆有改善,探究原因可能係其因檢驗人員疏忽,未來應加強檢驗人員之督導及輔導。4、車牌影像辨識系統作業截至12月31共計實施194點次之車牌辨識,完成有效照片稽查334,438輛次,屬本市未定檢車籍有效通知10,401輛次,有效通知率為3.11%,通知後完成定檢有8,460輛次,平均回覆率為81.3%;另經環保署機車定期檢驗資訊管理系統稽查資料交流平台外縣市稽查車籍屬本市回饋829輛,通知後完成定檢有584輛次,平均回覆率為70.5%,因車辨稽查車籍屬其它縣市車輛有9,513,通知後完成定檢有6,264輛次,平均回覆率為65.9%,整體車牌辨識通知20,743輛,回覆15,308輛,回覆率為73.8%。由車牌辨識系統稽查可發現本市因機車定檢率已屬高到檢,以致機車稽查有效率偏低,將鎖定使用中未定檢機車族群加強管制,期有效提高本市機車管制率。5、宣導活動作業截至98年12月31完成8場次宣導活動,並於活動中提供免費檢驗652輛次,經宣導檢驗有129輛次不合格,不合格率有19.8%,完成複驗改善有120輛次,複驗改善完成率為93%。於宣導活動中補助更換空氣濾清器114輛次,CO改善率63.7%、HC改善率48.2%。6、檢驗站品質管制為確實掌握各檢驗站檢驗情形,故安排實車查核,本計畫於5月份及11月份各進行實車查核1次,計完成66家次檢驗站秘密實車查核,其於查核都能符合作業程序,缺失部分已呈報備查,將依規定進行改善。另於4月25日進行乙次檢驗站分析儀線性(經確性查核),收集本市33家機車檢驗站至嘉義市柴油車動力計排煙檢測站進行精確性查核比對,本市機車檢驗站所使用檢驗分析儀經檢測大多符合精確性測試允差判定合格,唯I-17凱輪機車行經檢驗未通過精確性查核,經通知該站請儀器廠商進行線性調整,該站已於4月30日複檢合格。7、車輛原地噪音檢測本年共進行22輛次之檢驗,檢驗結果全部合格。由4/7-6/25共分5天檢驗,稽查地點為柴油車排煙檢驗站內廣場,算術平均噪音量為78dB(A)。另依車種分析,汽油車共計3輛,算術平均噪音量為71dB(A),機車共計18輛,算術平均噪音量為79dB(A),以機車噪音較高。8、機車檢驗站品質管制圖本計畫為確保檢驗站檢驗儀器正確性,透過品管圖作為品質控制的方法,利用管制圖可以顯示測定成果。管制圖是一般生產單位進行產品品質管控的一種工具,也可用於實驗室作為檢驗品質之管控,而構成管制圖的主要要素為中心線和管理界限線。管理界限線又可分為警告上下限及管制上下限,上下限是位於中心線標準差倍數的位置,用來進行誤差之排除。本次標準車建立,以078-DUB(山葉、101cc、四行程)作為測試車輛,該車出廠日期為2008年04月份,行駛里程數達3,000公里,車輛狀態穩定後,進行15次測試以訂定品管控制圖,本年度選定以本市機車檢驗站所使用檢驗分析儀不同廠牌及機型進行檢驗站品質管制圖製作,I01昇陽檢驗站HORIBA MEXA-441JA、I02宏嘉機車檢驗站碩傑EGA-300、I04嘉雲南機車檢驗站HORIBA MEXA-441JE、I08滿金機車檢驗站HORIBA MEXA-544JA、I17凱輪機車檢驗站富士ZKE OM4044T、I21百和機車檢驗站RIKEN RI803ET及I31環保局移定站RIKEN RI803ET等7家參與品質管制圖製作。9、2009第一屆台灣健康城市獎項評選 第一屆台灣健康城市獎項分為3大類議題,分別為健康城市卓越獎、創新成果獎及傑出貢獻獎。此次獎項申請十分踴躍,全國計有122件申請文件,初審邀集10位委員分成5組進行審查,推薦優良的相關文件進入複審,並由5位複審委員進行最後審定,複審結果獲獎件數為26件。嘉義市以嘉義市污染減量-嘉義市機車定檢到檢率連續9年拿下全國第一為題,提出報告申請角逐創新成果獎,嘉義市機車定檢到檢率連續9年拿下全國第一,為城市污染減量做了最佳示範,提供全體市民清淨、健康的生活環境,獲得複審委員高度肯定。評審委員指出,健康環境必須符合健康城市理念,並具有多元營造策略,具體展現營造成果且成效顯著,實屬不易。 2009 Chiayi City moving pollutant source reduction and motorcycle exhaust inspection statement’s management and inspection plan Mobile pollution source project has reduced the high pollution vehicles (two-stroke motorcycles) and unqualified high pollution vehicles defined by the pollution distribution characteristics of each quantitative evaluation factors after years of control. However, it requires vehicle owner’s willingness for the decision rather than forced replacements by regulation, the achievements are limited. We suggest strengthen the attention on the exhaust concentration of old motorcycles and also the improvement and maintenance. On the other side, we suggest increase the on-site inspection numbers to force old vehicles to be replaces. From the aspects such as reduction effectiveness or the control on each using groups, it has very good effect and proves the check & control measures implemented by this project does has it performance. On the other side, this project also evaluates the performance of this project from the subjective cognition from citizens. Therefore, we have phone interview survey with citizens, and the result shows trusts and satisfaction toward the inspection station are both higher than 99%. It proves this project has shown a very good performance on the improvement of administrative service quality. Moreover, this project also calculated the reported cases from citizen for years. The result shows reported cases increased from 338 cases in 2006 to 2,259 cases in 2009. Looking into the cause, it may be that currently the test for improvement is for gas pollution, but citizens think motorcycles exhaust white smoke (solid) from their subjective cognition and therefore causes the difference. In the future, we should increase the control on solid object testing to have the control closer to citizen’s life. On the other hand, after years of control, it also has citizens have more understanding on motorcycle exhaust pollution and improve their willingness to help with the improvement on air quality. It is also considered a good benefit. The data statistic period of this report is from 2009/2/18 to 2009/12/31, achievements of the main task implements are illustrated respectively as follows including the progress and benefits:1.Motorcycle stop and inspection Until 2009/12/31, we have completed 8,283 motorcycles. Among them, 3,480 motorcycles were stopped and searched and 4,803 motorcycles were rechecked. Hit rate of the progress is 118.3%. The ratio of average motorcycles coming for testing from January to December, 2009 in Chiayi City is85.78%, listed No.1 among the 25 cities and countries in Taiwan. 2.Motorcycle stop and inspection Until 2009/12/31, there are 2,255 motorcycles stopped and checked on the road. Among them, 452 motorcycles failed the testing. Total on-road stop and check days are 35days with average 64 motorcycles stopped and checked everyday. The outage probability of stop and inspection is 20.04%. The section of Wufeng South Road before Fu Jen Catholic High School is with the highest outage probability of stop and inspection 24.8%, followed by the road before the underground passage at section 1 of Shixian Road 24.5%. The overall CO concentration improvement rate is about 56.6%, and HC concentration improvement rate is about 48.5%. As for the average exhaust concentration statistics of the stopped and searched motorcycles, the average CO concentration of annually checked two-stoke motorcycles is 3.15% and the average CO concentration of four-stoke motorcycles is 1.12%. The average HC concentration of annually checked two-stoke motorcycles is 6,314ppm and the average HC concentration of four-stoke motorcycles is 348ppm. The average CO concentration of unchecked two-stoke motorcycles is 3.61% and the average CO concentration of four-stoke motorcycles is 1.49%. The average HC concentration of unchecked two-stoke motorcycles is 7,268ppm and the average HC concentration of four-stoke motorcycles is 382ppm. Moreover, for the statistic figures of outrage probability, outrage probability of annually checked two-stroke motorcycles is 28.7%, annually checked four-stroke motorcycles are with 6.2%, unchecked two-stroke motorcycles are with 44.5% and unchecked four-stroke motorcycles are with 10.7%.3.Check and evaluation of inspection stations Until 2009/12/31, we have completed checking for 363 stations with hit rate 100%. For the flaws, most of them belong to the device calibration and inspection operation. Other flaws are mostly not carrying identification card, unclean sampling tubes, unclean filters and input error of motorcycle license numbers during test process, etc. Moreover, it also happened that staff in some test stations were not familiar with the test operation or had incorrect information provided. After checked and asked for improvement through this project, most of them have already been improved. Looking into the cause, it might be caused by the negligence of inspection staff. In the future, we should enhance the supervision and guidance on inspection staff. 4.License plate image identification system taskUntil 12/31, we have implemented license plate identification on 194 locations and effectively completed picture checking for 334,438 motorcycles.10,401 motorcycles belong to valid notification for unchecked motorcycles in Chiayi City and the effective notifying rate is 3.11%. There are 8,460 motorcycles which completed the annual inspection after receipt of notification with the average reply rate 81.3%. Moreover, based on inspection information exchange platform of the annual motorcycle inspection information management system of Environmental Protection Administration , the motorcycles checked out of but belong to Chiayi City are 829 motorcycles. There are 584 motorcycles completed the regular testing after receipt of notification with an average reply rate of 70.5%. The motorcycles checked in Chiayi City but belong to other cities are 9,513 motorcycles. 6,264 among them completed the regular test after receipt of notification with an average reply rate 65.9%. Overall motorcycles notified through license plate identification is 20,743 motorcycles, 15,308 of them have replied the notification with a reply rate 73.8%. Through the license plate identification system checking, we can find that motorcycle annual inspection rate in Chiayi City is high inspection rate which causes a relatively low effectiveness rate of motorcycle inspection. We will focus on the using but the unchecked motorcycles to strengthen the control in a hope of effectively improving the motorcycle control rate in Chiayi City. 5.Guidance activities Until 2009/12/31, we have completed 8 guidance activities and provided free testing for 652 motorcycles during the activities. There are 129 motorcycles which failed the guidance test with an outrage probability 19.8%. 120 motorcycles have improved and completed the second test with improve rate of second test 93%. There are 114 motorcycles which changed air filters during the guidance activities with the subsidy. CO improvement rate is 63.7% and HC improvement rate is 48.2%. 6.Quality control of inspection stationsIn order to truly control the test status in each test stat stations, we arranged the on-site motorcycle checking. We have implemented one on-site motorcycle checking in May and one in November through this project, and totally completed the secret on-site motorcycle checking at 66 stations. They all complied with the operational procedures when checked. Flaws are all reported for record and they will improve as regulated. We also have implemented one liner inspection on the analytical devices at inspection stations( accuracy check) on 4/25 by collecting 33 motorcycle test stations in Chiayi City to Chiayi City Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Exhaust Test Station to process accuracy check and comparison. Most of the test analytical devices used at the motorcycle test stations in Chiayi City comply with accuracy check and qualify by the tolerance judgment exceptI-17 Kailun motorcycle shop. After notification to the station asking for the equipment vendor to process the linear calibration, the station has completed and passed the second test on 4/30. 7.Non-moving motorcycle acoustic test We have implemented the test for 22 motorcycles and all of them passed the test. The test was separated into 5 days during 4/7~6/25. The check locations were the squares at diesel vehicle exhaust test stations. The average acoustic is 78dB (A). Moreover, if analyzed by vehicle types, there are total 3 gasoline cars with average acoustic 71dB (A). There are total 18 motorcycles with average acoustic 79dB(A) which is higher than gasoline cars. 8.Motorcycle inspection station quality control chartIn order to ensure the accuracy of the test equipments at the test stations, this project uses a quality control chart as the quality control method and use control chart to present the inspection result. Control Chart is a tool for general production unit to proceed production quality control and it can be used in labs as the control of test quality. The main factors which consist of the control chart are the central line and management boundary lines. Management boundary lines can be separated as warning up and bottom lines and control up and bottom lines. Up and bottom limit are located at multiples of the standard deviation of the central line and are used to exclude the errors. The standard motorcycles for testing are decided as 078-DUB(YAMAHA, 101cc, four-stroke motorcycles). The motorcycle was manufactured in April of 2008 with driving mileages 3,000kms. After the status of the motorcycle is stable, we completed 15 tests to establish the quality control chart. In this year, the quality control chart of test stations is made according to the different brands and models of the test analysis equipments used at the motorcycle test stations in Chiayi city. And there are 7 test stations which participated in the making of quality control chart as follows: I01 Shengyang inspection station HORIBA MEXA-441JA、I02 Hongchia motorcycle inspection station, Shuojie EGA-300, I04 Chiayunnan motorcycle inspection station HORIBA MEXA-441JE, I08 Manjin motorcycle inspection station HORIBA MEXA-544JA, I17 Kailun motorcycle inspection, Fushi ZKE OM4044T, I21 Baihe motorcycle inspection station RIKEN RI803ET and I31 Environmental Protection Administration inspection station RIKEN RI803ET. 9.2009 the First Award of Healthy Cities in Taiwan The First Award of Healthy Cities in Taiwan is divided into 3 main categories which are healthy city outstanding award, innovation achievement award and outstanding contribution award. The applications of this award competition are as many as 122 applications in the whole country. The initial examination will invite 10 committee members divided into 5 teams to process examination and recommend great related documents to the second examination. The final examination will be judged by 5 reexamination committee members, and there are 26 documents which are awarded. Chiayi City applied for the Innovation Achievement Award with the report that pollution reduction in Chiayi city which is ratio of motorcycles coming for the annual inspection in Chiayi City is No1. in the whole country in a series of 9 years. Ratio of motorcycles coming for the annual inspection in Chiayi City granted the first place in the whole country in a raw of 9 years and presented the best model for city pollution reduction. It provides a clean and healthy living environment for the whole citizens, and therefore granted high recognition from the reexamination committee members. Reexamination committee members addressed that healthy environment must comply with the principles of healthy cities and has diversified development strategies. It is indeed not easy to solidly present the development result and significant effectiveness. 098 嘉義市政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司
32120856 97至99年環境水質南區監測專案工作計畫(98年度)   本計畫主要針對南區九縣市各類水體水質監測,掌握各水體水質時間變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。  河川水質計有31條河川主支流,109個監測站,於每月監測一次,今年度監測結果顯示,以曾文溪流域及屏東縣、台東縣境內河川水質狀況最佳,而將軍溪、二仁溪及阿公店溪流域屬嚴重污染等級佔較高比例。98年1月至5月皆無明顯降雨屬枯水期,河水乾涸,河川污染物濃度偏高,造成嚴重污染比例偏高,8月至10月則因降雨豐沛,懸浮固體偏高,以致未(稍)受污染程度偏低,中度污染程度超過50%。整體而言,今年度河川水水質以未(稍)受污染(33.3%)等級佔最高比例,中度污染等級(30.6%)次之,整體而言水質狀況與歷年差異不大。  海域水質計有8個沿海區域,42個監測站,於每季監測一次,各季沿岸測站受河口感潮影響,無機鹽類濃度較高,除東港溪出海口之溶氧量、氨氮測值外,其餘各季各測站測值均符合其所屬類別之海域海洋環境品質標準。第三季(98年8月)、第四季(98年10月)監測期間受到採樣前颱風過境降雨量增加之影響,鹽度、無機鹽類與歷年略有差異。  海灘水質計有6個休憩海域,18個監測站,於5月至9月監測,各梯次水質除8月10日至24日期間受颱風過境降雨沖刷影響,水質呈現普通等級外,其餘各梯次普遍均為優良等級,其中澎湖縣山水沙灘水質最佳。  水庫水質計有17個水庫,45個監測站,於每季監測一次,除嘉義縣蘭潭水庫、仁義潭水庫、曾文水庫、台南縣之烏山頭水庫及屏東縣之牡丹水庫普遍呈現普養狀態外,其餘各水庫均有超過一半的比例呈現優養狀態,其中以鳳山水庫優養情形最為嚴重。  地下水水質計有9縣市,202個監測井,各縣市超過監測基準之比率介於10%~90%,其中超過地下水第二類監測基準之項目與歷年結果相近,主要以氨氮、鐵及錳為主。各監測井之水質,以Stiff水質形狀圖方式評估,屬HCO3-+CO32-及Ca2+凸出型佔最高比例約為60%,Piper圖解則屬I區佔最高比例約為60%,與近2年評析結果大致呈現一致趨勢。 The Environment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Southern Area of Taiwan from 2008 to 2010 (2009)   The main goal of this project is to monitor the water quality of nine cities and counties in the southern area of Taiwan, and to analyze the degree of pollution in various bodies of water so that trends in water quality can be observed. The result of this investigation can provide grounds for policy making to environmental protection authorities.  For river quality, 109 sampling sites covering 31 rivers (including main streams and tributaries) were monitored monthly. The results of 2009 showed that the water quality in the area of Zeng-Wen river, domestic rivers of Pingdong county and Taidong county were the best, the area of Jiang-Jun river, A-Gong-Dian river and Er-Ren river were found in relatively high extent of pollution. Since there was a major water shortage this year, specifically, a lack of rainfall from January to May, parts of some rivers were nearly dried up, so test results for most pollutants were high, and thus the percentage of serious pollution would tend to look high. Due to a lot of rainfall in August through October, the suspended solids in the rivers tend to be high thus the percentage of unpolluted rivers is low and over 50% of the results indicated the rivers were intermediately polluted. As a whole, the highest percentage of the water quality is 33.3%, it belongs to unpolluted rivers. Overall, water quality in this year is nondifference between the recent years.  For ocean monitoring, 42 sampling sites covering eight coastal areas were monitored quarterly. Since the river affected the estuary areas during high tide, the concentrations of the inorganic salts were high. The results of 2009 showed that most monitoring data could meet quality criteria of each category except the results of dissolved oxygen and ammonia nitrogen monitored at estuary areas of Dong-Gang river. Because of typhoon coming before sampling period in 3rd quarter and 4th quarter, there are some index including salinity and inorganic salts different with the past results.  Eighteen sampling sites covering six beaches were monitored from May to September. The results of 2009 showed that most monitoring data could show excellent level. Due to a lot of rainfall at 10th August to 24th August, the results were showed common level. As a whole, Shan-Shui Beach had the best water quality.  Forty-five sampling sites covering 17 water reservoirs were monitored quarterly. The results of 2009 showed that most results of Lan-Tan Reservoir, Ren-Yi-Tan Reservoir, Zeng-Wen Reservoir, Wu-Shan-Tou Reservoir and Mu-Dan Reservoir were showed mesotrophic level. The other reservoirs belong to eutrophic level over 50%, Feng- Shan Reservoir where the water quality was the worst belonged to eutrophic level.  Ammonia nitrogen, iron, and manganese were the major analytes with results that reached the regulatory monitoring criteria in 202 ground water sampling sites for the nine cities and counties being monitored quarterly. The failing rates are between 10% to 90% for different cities and counties. To analyze graphically each monitoring item by Stiff-plotting and Piper-plotting showed a trend as same as last two years, there is no significant difference compared to the past. The highest percentage of Stiff-plotting and Piper-plotting is about 60%, it belongs to HCO3-+CO32─- Ca2+ type and area of I. 098 監資處 中環科技事業股份有限公司
32120857 98年度農工業臭味及禁止露天燃燒宣導之管制與改善計畫 一、(1)完成異味污染源巡查作業240場,巡查結果廠外散發臭味者佔60.0%,廠內臭味級數分佈以二級能分辨氣味者為主佔45.4 %。(2)執行沅水企業股份有限公司(台西工廠)等40點次之異味採樣官能測定檢測作業,檢測結果共6件超過法規標準。(3)辦理璟美環保科技有限公司等7家工廠之減量協談及後續改善追蹤作業。二、(1)完成露天燃燒巡查管制作業1034件,巡查結果大範圍燃燒案件佔26.4%,燃燒物質主要為稻草並發生在6月至7月及10月至隔年1月中;非大範圍燃燒案件佔73.6%,燃燒物質屬植物及都市垃圾為主。(2)ㄧ二期稻作收成前加強禁止露天燃燒宣導作業,包含辦理10場次禁止露天燃燒夜間宣導說明會、播送電視跑馬燈及宣導錄音帶等。(3)由93年至98年單位燃燒面積及體積數據顯示,單位燃燒面積減及體積已有明顯下降,分別下降64.3%及97.4%。三、(1)完成餐飲業調查管制作業201家,調查結果油煙排放方式,直接排入大氣者佔54.0%,經防治設備排入大氣者佔32.2%,違法直接排入下水道者佔13.8%,而採用之防治設備主要為簡易式吸附桶及濕式洗滌塔主。(2)辦理中興素食等5家餐飲業減量協談及後續改善追蹤作業。四、(1)辦理2場次「寺廟神壇空氣污染改善觀摩活動」,除觀摩嘉義市城隍廟及本縣二崙鄉國興宮之紙錢減量作為外,並配合調查99年度紙錢集中燃燒之廟宇意願。(2)針對「北港武德宮」等4家廟宇,進行廟宇減量協商及輔導設置環保金爐相關作業。五、(1)建置廢樹枝碎木作業申請及執行制度,共計執行本縣廢樹枝碎木作業204件,平均每件之木屑產生量為240.8公斤。(2)辦理「廢樹枝示範作業觀摩活動」,提升本縣各鄉鎮公所清潔隊廢樹枝碎木作業技能。 The Controlling and Improving Plan For Agri-industrial Stink and Outdoor Burning’s Publicity in 2008 1.(1)There are 240 cases of odorous pollutions that have been inspected and 60.0% of the tested cases that have been detected odor outside of the plants. There are 45.4% of the tested cases that are second level of odorous pollutions inside of the plans. (2)The 40 cases of odorous detection were completed including Yuan-shui company ,and 6 cases had exceed the legal value.(3)The 7 companies of the pollution reducing meeting were Performed including Jing-Mei company ,and tracked the improvement of all companies.2.(1)1034 cases of outdoor burning were inspected. 26.4% cases belong to large area of burning, and the material of burning was straw which occurred in June to July and October to January of next year. 73.6% cases belong to small area of burning, and the material of burning was trash and plant. (2)Before the first and second cropping harvest, enhanced the publicity in prohibition of outdoor burning ,including 10 publicity meetings at night and broadcasting of TV tickers & publicity types.(3)According to the data per area and volum in 2004 to 2009, the data per area and volum decreased 64.3% and 97.4% separately.3.(1)201 cases of restaurants were inspected. 54.0% cases exhausted fume to the air, 32.2% exhausted fume throug the treatment equipment, 13.8% illegally exhausted fume into sewer. The type of treatment equipment usually were adsorption can, wet scrubber and spray scrubber. (2) Performed the pollution reducing meeting of 5 restaurants including Chung-Chin restaurant, and tracked the improvement of restaurants.4.(1)Performed 2 cases of the “Observation activities of air pollution improvement for temples”. Observed the doing in reduction of joss paper, and inspected the will of collecting joss paper to burning.(2)Performed the pollution reducing meeting of 4 temples including “Woo-De temple at Beigang”, and counseled the temples to install the environing furnace.5.(1)Completed the petition and performing system of waste branchs smashing. 204 cases of waste branchs smashing were completed, and each case could produce 260.14kg of sawdust. (2)Performed the “Demonstration activities of waste branchs smashing”,which could enhance the ability of waste branchs smashing for all Yunlin townships. 098 雲林縣環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司
32120858 柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫 一、計畫名稱:98年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫二、執行單位:得眾環境科技有限公司三、計畫主持人:陳永勳 四、協同主持人:連元仁 五、計畫督導:鍾堯程 六、計畫經理:曾啟華 七、計畫執行人員:陳穎緒、白翊辰、陳威宏、謝阜儒、林子田、林秋秀 八、計畫期程:民國98年5月8日至99年5月7日 九、經費: 6,750,000元十、成果摘要:1.柴油車動力計檢測數 本工作項目自98 年5 月8 日起至99 年5 月7 日止,合計動力計排煙檢測站檢測柴油車輛數為1,893輛次,計畫目標達成率118.3%。2.目測高污染車輛通知到檢數 計畫目標需完成執行目測高污染柴油車輛並通知到檢至少2,000 輛次以上,累積至99 年5 月7 日止本計畫已完成2,004 輛次通知作業,計畫目標達成率100.2% 3.柴油車油品含硫量檢測數 計畫目標需執行路邊攔檢柴油車輛及非法自設加油站之柴油油品抽測檢驗200 件樣品與油油品抽查作得眾環境科技有限公司1 南投縣政府環境保護局 期末報告 98年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫 摘要業1,000 件。累計至99 年5 月7 日止,本計畫已完成油品含硫量檢測數200 件(包含油品成分分析10 件及加油站抽測10件),油品抽查作業1,744件,油品送驗計畫目標達成率100%,油品抽查作業達成率為174.4%。4.路邊攔車檢測排煙數 路邊攔檢及場站檢測目標數為700輛次,至99年5月7日止,路邊攔檢煙度計檢測586輛次;場站煙度計檢測141輛次,二者合計727輛次,目前目標達成率103.9%。5.客貨運業自主管理與查核 計畫目標需辦理遊覽車及砂石車自主管理措施,並針對參與自主管理業者進行查核。本縣列管提報16家,實際完成18 家自主管理簽訂契約,計畫目標達成率112.5% 6.品保測試 計畫目標應逐月進行品保測試,一年至少15筆資料及提供2 組校正試片。目前已完成品保測試基本15筆品保測試,並依規定提供2組校正試片。計畫目標達成率100% 7.維護檢測站TAF認證 計畫期間應維持本縣柴油車排煙檢測站TAF 認證事宜(含繳納年費等相關費用)。本計畫於98 年5 月底時,已完成本年度煙度計、砝碼、溫度計、壓力計及轉速計等儀器設備例行性委外校正工作。 得眾環境科技有限公司2 南投縣政府環境保護局 期末報告 98年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫 摘要8.內外部稽核與專家學者諮詢會議 計畫期間應邀請專家學者或對柴油車動力站瞭解之技術人員進行外部稽核執行1 場次,內部稽核2 場次, 並檢討改善。並於執行計畫期間內辦理專家學者諮詢會議1場次。 9.業務研討與低污染車輛使用宣導說明會 本計畫於99 年4 月23 日辦理客貨運業檢測業務研討說明會1 場次及辦理低污染車輛使用既主動到檢宣導說明會1場次 10. 宣導品與宣導摺頁 本計畫提供宣導品與宣導摺頁各2,000 份、車輛汰舊換新宣導摺頁2,000份、低污染車輛宣導海報及柴油車主動到檢宣導海報各100份、等停熄火宣導旗幟及宣導片100份。 11. 外縣市檢測站運作觀摩 計畫期間應辦理外縣市柴油車動力計排煙檢測站運作觀摩工作1 場次,已於98 年至臺中縣動力計排煙檢測站完成觀摩工作,計畫目標達成率100.0%。12. 購置煙度計 計畫期間應購置一台煙度計已於99年4月購入一台由三品公司研發並經過認證之煙度計。 表一為本年度計畫合約工作項目至期中之完成量及比率成果表。本專案計畫主要管制績效乃透過各項主動稽查作業(目測高污染車輛中到檢、路邊攔車檢測排煙及得眾環境科技有限公司3 南投縣政府環境保護局 期末報告 98年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫 摘要油品抽測等)與宣導作業(一般媒體、宣導品與摺頁、宣導說明會),達到移動污染源管制與改善空氣品質目的。 The examination of the diesel car row smoke and oil article take out to measure a project 098 南投縣政府環境保護局 得眾環境科技有限公司
32120859 基隆市空氣品質綜合管理計畫 本計畫將本年度之工作項目區分為空氣品質管理策略研擬及修訂、空氣污染管制策略研擬、空氣污染防制工作成效控管及行政管理等四大項,基於此四大項目,本計畫將整體架構劃分為三大主軸,即環境目標改善、民眾滿意度提升及績效考評成效提升等三方向,希望藉由對相關空氣污染管制工作及管制策略之確實掌控與執行,達成空氣污染改善之目的,進而達成基隆市環境保護計畫之永續發展目標。 098 基隆市環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司
32120860 98 年度空氣品質資料庫操作平台維護更新與整合計畫 維護空污相關電腦相關軟硬體設備重要系統平台及個人操作平台,保持局內資訊系統可用性及增加設備維護時效,並隨時保持局內及對外網路的暢通,降低網路故障風險 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 宏聯電腦股份有限公司
32120861 河川及海洋污染緊急應變功能提昇專案工作計畫 海洋污染事件發生時,處理之重擔往往落在主管機關身上,無法有效達成分工原則,且因地方應變資源包含應變人力與應變設備的不足或通報流程之缺漏,常造成錯失第一時間該採行之應變作為。另因目前國內地方主管機關負責水污染應變設備管理之人員,大多未具備屬專業機械背景,易造成設備保養不佳之情況,導致在第一時間未能利用設備之圍堵回收效能,降低污染擴散。因此本計畫藉由檢討「重大海洋油污染緊急應變計畫」之通報流程與各權責單位之應變能量,修正緊急應變通報流程,希冀提高應變之成效。且協助辦理「兩岸海洋污染緊急應變協作」,除建構兩岸海洋污染應變之溝通管道及應援作業流程,另可藉由多樣性策略的規劃提供未來發生事故時之應變參考。本計畫主要工作:檢討「重大海洋油污染緊急應變計畫」之通報、應變層級、分工原則及其他標準作業程序;提升海洋污染緊急應變系統效率,完成海洋污染緊急應變作業專業機構建置及管理之規劃;強化區域性河川及海洋污染緊急應變能量管理模式,完成應變設備存放、使用及保養程序之規劃;繼續調查海洋環境敏感指標分類,以提供海洋污染緊急應變相關資訊。國外多以專責單位或民間應變組織執行海污應變作業,其優點在於動員速率快,除污人員之除污經驗可以累積達到應變作業的提昇。建議成立專責單位或藉由委辦計畫來執行海洋污染緊急應變事宜,並藉由區域聯防之方式,統籌調度、整合區域緊急應變人力及能量,強化區域海洋油污染事件通報及應變能力,縮短海洋油污染緊急應變處理時間,有效完成防堵油污染擴散,避免影響海洋環境敏感區域,造成生態及經濟上之損失。國內海洋污染應變設備自90年起由環保署編列預算購置,再交由海巡署或地方主管機關使用,設備從無到有,逐漸健全應變能量,建議未來需要定期查核各地之應變設備且編列預算購置汰換來更新設備,另外可藉由委辦計畫之方式代為操作及保養維護全省之應變設備,藉由「委外方式」節省政府經費,包含設備之保養維護、教育訓練及應變演練等事宜,均可減少公務部門人力及經費的支出,更可提升應變人員之專業性。為結合民間機構及團體的力量及資源,共同來維護海洋環境、保護海域資源。本計畫舉辦一場次之「海洋污染防治技術及應變講習會」及一場次之兩岸海洋污染防治學術交流研討會,邀請民間機構及團體參加,出席單位包含縣市環保局、海洋局、各地海巡隊、港務局、墾管處、台電公司、台灣中油公司等,邀集各地環保單位及相關應變單位進行海洋污染應變技術及資訊之交流。本計畫舉辦一場次的兩岸海洋污染緊急應變協作,藉由兵棋推演除了模擬應變程序之外,亦評估地方應變設備能量是否足夠及兩岸之協作模式。本計畫完成東部區域(花蓮縣、台東縣)海洋環境敏感指標分類366公里調查,建置環境敏感地圖除了讓決策者根據海岸分類選用適當的除污法,另外生態敏感區及人類利用資源則是幫助決策者決定保護的優先順序。由於生態與漁業資源均是珍貴重要的資產,一但受到破壞需要花費更多的代價或者無法復原之狀況,因此平時的監測更顯重要,建議應持續蒐集生態資料、整合相關單位之調查資料及與溢油模式相結合,以豐富及完善環境敏感地圖。 The Project of Capability promotion of River and Marine Pollution Emergency Response The lead agency is responsible for any marine pollution incident. A break in the response process chain can delay response and lose the opportunity to mitigate any impact in the first instance. The aim of this report is to recommend steps to rectify the current deficiencies in the marine pollution emergency response system and upgrade the response effectiveness.The main issues that are addressed in this report are improving the notification process, defining the tiered response levels, the roles and responsibilities of the difference response agencies, establish the standard operating procedures and enhance the efficiency and capability to respond to pollution in the marine environment including rivers and streams. This is done through a proper model of management of equipment distribution, storage and maintenance.The job of responding to marine emergencies are given to specialized units and agencies or outsourced to professional contractors in many different countries. The main advantage of this is that the people are doing this as their primary job and are more familiar with the processes hence are experienced, better trained and more effective and efficient in responding when activated by the lead agency. The lead agency uses these resources as their advisors and response units but is free from the responsibility of training and the daily upkeep of these qualified professionals.It is recommended that a special response or pollution control unit be set up or have this task outsourced to experienced private contractors to maximize the effectiveness of response to marine pollution matters. Target areas of improvement include notification process, mobilization times, proper and effective response strategies through development of response plans to environmentally sensitive areas and proper prioritizing of these areas to minimize impact to ecology and reduce economical losses.One of the main deficiencies of the marine pollution response system is the improper maintenance of response equipment. Since the acquisition of these equipments in 2001, it is distributed to individual EPBs and CGS units. However these units do not have qualified maintenance professionals and are not given the proper equipment maintenance programs for the equipment. It is highly recommended that a maintenance programme for all equipment be set up and outsourced to maintenance professionals to ensure that all the equipment are in response-ready state. It is also recommended to have a medium and long term plan to renew and enhance the equipment stockpile.The last recommendation is to encourage private response organizations and contractors to set up in Taiwan to enhance the overall response capability. Training and exercises can also be outsourced to these professional companies. Involvement and interaction of oil and other related industries are also recommended.The second part of this project is to assist in organizing the cross-straits marine pollution response mutual aid programme. This includes establishing the process of mobilization and cooperation for future reference. As part of this initiative, a cross-straits Table-top exercise between Taiwan and China is developed and facilitated to ensure the processes and procedures established are tested and both parties are in agreement of this process.The last part of this project is to continue with the investigation and record of coastal environmental sensitivity index mapping. We finished the survey of 366 kilometers coastline in eastern Taiwan; the data is indexed and added to the decision making system database of EPA. This database will ensure that the lead and response agencies can respond with proper supporting data to decide on suitable strategies and set up priorities to respond in different environmental sensitive areas. One area for improvement in the decision making system is to add baseline studies and environmental monitoring and consolidate these with the existing oil spill model as a continual process to capture the ever changing environmental through either natural processes or human activities. 098 水保處 元科科技股份有限公司
32120862 基隆市98年度一般廢棄物清除處理及市容整頓計畫 基隆市環境保護局為促進基隆市觀光產業發展,活絡市政經濟,希望結合民間力量,積極投入市容綠美化工作,營造優質的商業及居住環境.因此規劃執行基隆市一般廢棄物清除處理及市容整頓計畫. 098 基隆市環境保護局 士昌環保服務股份有限公司
32120863 台東縣街道揚塵洗掃計畫 台東縣環境保護局為有效改善車行揚塵污染問題,並延續歷年施政方針,特專案辦理98年度「台東縣街道揚塵洗掃計畫」,本計畫執行期程自98年5月19日起至98年12月31日止已執行8個月。各項工作均順利執行,茲將工作成果摘要彙整如下:本計畫總計完成重點道路洗街路段有中興路、四維路、中華大橋、更生路、更生北路、綠色隧道、太平溪橋、民航路、豐源大橋至荒野加油站、富岡加油站、馬亨亨大道,長度合計8,224.7公里,執行進度達成率為75.36%。重點道路掃街路段有南京路、開封街、中華大橋、豐谷南路至豐源大橋、知本陸橋、四維路、興安路、新興路、志航路、連航路、民航路、馬亨亨大道、中華路、正氣北路、山西路、馬蘭橋至台糖、中興陸橋及永豐餘紙廠至史前博物館、綠色隧道,長度合計7,522.2公里,執行進度達成率為81.35%。人力掃街長度不列入計算,其作業路段包含縣府周圍道路、南京路、綠色隧道、文昌路、正氣北路、中華路、桂林南路、太平溪防汎道路、志航路、興安路、新興路、正氣北路西區、綏遠路、馬亨亨大道。 The project of Taitung street dust sweeping and washing privately owned and privately operated for 98 year In order to improve the pollution of car raises dust effectively and extend previous administration policy, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Taitung county carries out “The project of street dust sweeping and washing ” for 98 year.The project started on May 19, 2009, 8 months of work period has been executed by Decomber 31, 2009. Each work is proceeding smoothly. The work achievements are abstracted as follows. For the street washing, include Jhongsing Rd,Sihwei Rd,Jhonghua bridge,Gengsheng Rd,Gengsheng N. Rd,Green tunnel,Taipingsi bridge,Minhang Rd,Fongyuan bridge until Huangye filling station,Fonggu S. Rd,Fugang filling station and Mahengheng Blvd, so for 8,224.7km of washing work has been executed and total rate of progress achieved 75.36%. For the street sweeping, include Nanjing Rd,Kaifeng St,Jhonghua bridge,Fonggu S. Rd,Fongyuan bridge,Jhihben land bridge,Sihwei Rd,Singan Rd,Sinsing Rd,Jhihhang Rd,Lianhang Rd,Minhang Rd,Mahengheng Blvd,Jhonghua Rd,Zhengqi N. Rd,Shansi Rd,Malan bridge until Taiwan Sugar Corporation,Jhongsing bridge and Yuen Foong Yupaper Mfg. Co. Ltd until National Museum of Prehistory and Green tunnel, 7,522.2km of sweeping work has been executed and the total rates of progress achieved 81.35%. Additionally, the streets include county government surroundings,Nanjing Rd,Green tunnel,Wunchang Rd,Zhengqi N. Rd,Mahengheng Blvd,Jhonghua Rd,Gueilin S. Rd,Taipingsi Rd,Jhihhang Rd,Singan Rd,Sinsing Rd,Zhengqi N. Rd W. area,Sueiyuan Rd,Gengsheng N. Rd and Mahengheng Blvd were also sweeped by manpower. 098 台東縣環境保護局 立達環境事業股份有限公司
32120864 澎湖縣98年固定污染源稽查管制暨室內空氣品質自主管理推動計畫 九十八年度澎湖縣『固定污染源稽查管制暨室內空氣品質自主管理推動計畫』計畫期程自98年6月8日起至99年2月28日止,主要工作項目包含固定污染源許可審查及查核作業、稽巡查/檢測、CEMS查核、空氣汙染防制費徵收及催補繳作業、教育訓練、辦理相關法令宣導、推廣室內空氣品質及室內空氣品質調查,而截至 99年02月28 日止,本計畫之成果量化如表一所示,各項工作執行如下:一、執行許可申請審查發證作業及現場查核作業自本計畫開始執行後,受理各項許可申請案件數共計3件,包括昌億預拌混凝土有限公司(M01)操作許可證異動申請1件,三軍總醫院澎湖分院附設民眾診療服務處(M01)操作許可證負責人異動申請1件及豪信預拌混凝土有限公司(M01)操作許可證異動申請1件,現昌億預拌混凝土有限公司(M01)操作許可證異動申請、三軍總醫院澎湖分院附設民眾診療服務處(M01)操作許可證負責人異動,已分別於98年8月28日及98年8月17日完成審查,豪信預拌混凝土有限公司(M01)操作許可證異申請目前在尚在審查中。針對已核發之許可證進行查核作業,共計查核台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠、和順企業行、台灣電力股份有限公司澎湖區營業處望安發電廠、台灣電力股份有限公司澎湖區營業處七美發電廠、郁洲瀝青工業有限公司、豪信預拌混凝土有限公司等公私場所共計36張操作許可證,查核結果除豪信預拌混凝土有限公司、台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠(M01)製程、泰永企業行水泥預拌混凝土廠(M01)製程、豪信預拌混凝土有限公司林投廠(M01)製程及台灣中油股份有限公司油品行銷事業部嘉南營業處湖西供油服務中心(M01)與許可不符外其他均與許可相符。 二、排放量削減管制本縣境內無大型工廠,各污染物排放之主要來源為電力供應業,故以達到空污法規範需定期提出排放量申報之10家業者進行討論, 98年第1~4季排放量網路申報、空污費排放量申報與許可證排放量值比對,另粒狀污染物為許可、排放量申報之排放量比對。台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠許可排放量大於空污費申報及網路申報量之差異,為該廠之硫氧化物及氮氧化物之年許可排放量乃採污染源之設計量推估,故排放量較大,此一情形已於97年底依據檢測數據重新修訂年許可放量,並於98年2月19日核發許可證,新核定之硫氧化物已由3204公噸下修訂為1295.79公噸及氮氧化物之許可年排放量由6268.8公噸下修至3668.8公噸,已接近實際排放量,減少因係收推估而高估排放量之情事,爾後操作許可證辦理展延將採定期檢測數據計算重新核定許可排放量。歷年排放量變化分析,澎湖縣空氣污染物排放量貢獻量較多之前十大公私場所,自九十三年度至九十八年度歷年來各季所排放之各空氣污染物排放量趨勢,其結果顯示排放量前十大公私場所其粒狀污染物以台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠貢獻量最大,而以台灣電力股份有限公司澎湖區營業處七美發電廠貢獻量最小;硫氧化物、氮氧化物及揮發性有機物皆以台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠貢獻量最大,歷年來硫氧化物貢獻量有下降之趨勢;揮發性有機物以台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠等電力供應業貢獻為主。三、固定污染源法規符合度作業連續自動監測紀錄,已進行98 年5月~99年1月份之月報書面資料審查並將審查結果進行紀錄核備。依合約規定須執行CEMS查核一次,本計劃已於99 年01 月12 日至台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠進行P004 及P008煙道之CEMS 功能抽核作業,查核過程依據行政院環境境保署『固定污染源空氣污染物CEMS 系統與功能查核手冊』及『固定污染源空氣污染物CEMS 監測數據查核手冊』等環保署規範之查核方法進行查核,並參考『固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測設施管理辦法』做為管制依據,查核結果,監測設施設置及管理現況,該廠目前委託維護廠商進行系統之操作及維護,現場人員為外包廠商派駐人力,對於儀器之熟稔度尚佳,廠方之品保紀錄亦保存完整。目前廠方依環保局要求已逐年改善系統,並已建置品保規劃書,且依規劃書內容執行;例行校正及操作,目前委託維護廠商進行系統之操作及維護,現場人員為外包廠商派駐人力,對於儀器之熟稔度尚佳,儀器每日進行自動校正,現場查核標準氣體均符合規定;監測數據處理,數據保存完整,每日校正動作確實,但含氧率及水份校正值採手動輸入,應加以注意正確性。固定污染源定期檢測報告書審查,現以進行台灣電力股份有限公司、台灣電力股份有限公司澎湖區營業處望安發電廠、台灣電力股份有限公司澎湖區營業處七美發電廠、三軍總醫院澎湖分院附設民眾診療服務處、泰永企業行瀝青混凝土廠及和順企業行等55件之審查作業。各廠家依規定陸續完成98年第4季之上網申報作業,第4季排放量申報現審查中,本計畫執行期間將陸續協助進行網路申報輔導及審查。本計畫年度工作協助執行8根次之固定污染源煙道稽查檢測作業,截至目前共計完成8根次,本工作量已執行完成。其中,台灣電力股份有限公司尖山電廠檢測結果皆未超出檢測標準,郁洲瀝青工業有限公司、和順企業行、泰永企業行瀝青混凝土廠檢測結果粒狀污染物濃度超過排放標準,對於超過法規標準之案件已要求限期改善,並另於99.01.19進行複測,其複測結果皆已符合排放標準。固定污染源周界TSP 檢測作業依合約內容規範進行 8 場次檢測作業,至目前為止已完成8場次,本項工作量均已執行完成,檢測結果均符合法令規劃之標準範圍內。燃料油含硫份稽查檢測作業依合約內容規範進行 8 件次檢測作業,至目前為止已完成8件次油品含硫量檢測,其檢測結果均符合法令標準。加油站油氣回收系統抽測依合約內容規範進行 14 家次檢測作業,目前已全數完成共14家次。抽檢結果除大家加油實業有限公司氣漏檢測及中國石油股份有限公司油品行銷事業部嘉南營業處七美加油站油氣比未符合法規要求外,其他均符合法令要求,針對不符廠家已要求限期改善,複測結果皆已符合法令標準。四、固定污染源稽巡查作業統計至99 年02 月28日止,固定源工廠巡查作業,共進行列管工廠巡查92 家293 件次,巡查頻率依行業別來區分的話以非金屬礦物製品製造業(14 廠,130 件次)最高頻率,其次分別為其他石油及煤製品製造業(4 廠,36 件次)、加油站業(14 廠,29 件次)及電力業(5廠,23件次),稽查作業共進行列管工廠稽查 16 家85 件次並將稽查紀錄建檔,皆為一般例行性稽查。主要為配合固定污染源逸散性管理辦法實行列管16家次,共計巡查141處次,加強砂石堆置場管制作業加強巡查及輔導廠家設置逸散性污染防制措施,以符合逸散性管理辦法之規定,並減少陳情及污染情事產生,而其餘之類別如洗衣業、印刷業及觀光旅館業之巡查主要為例行性之固定源資料清查及空污費查核作業。逸散性污染源列管廠家,目前大致皆符合管理辦法規定,但因設置與操作維護不足,後續仍持續進行追蹤改善。五、空污費徵收作業98年度第1~4季空污費繳交情形,共有47家提出空污費繳費及申報,統計98年度第1~4季空污費之繳交情形,空污費總收金額 13,039,441元,業者均依規定繳交及提報完成,到繳率100%。並完成47家次申報空污費審查及現場查核。台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠尖山發電廠需補繳219,509元整,已於98.07.30完成補繳,經查需補繳之原因該廠自95年第3季至96年第1季因填報空污費時,係數小數點應填至第3位,該廠只填至第2位,造成需補繳空污費1,174,970元整,另該廠96年第3季因環保署空污費填報系統錯置,造成溢繳空污費955,461元整,經扣除後,尚需補繳219,509元。98年第4季申報硫氧化物、氮氧化物空污費之檢測係數計算錯誤,須修正。統計結果顯示臺灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠為澎湖縣主要空氣污染排放及空污費徵收來源。目前VOCs空污費列管之造船廠主要進行船體維修作業,大多進行小區塊船體破損處之修補,油漆及樹脂使用量小,統計各業者98 年1~3 季溶劑總使用量多未達應繳費之門檻,僅需進行申報作業,而98年第四季共合造船廠及富勝造船廠等二家達繳費標準1公噸之門檻,需進行繳費。六、資料庫擴充及維護更新管理統計至99年02月28日共進行30家列管之固定污染源清查作業,其中盛煌企業有限公司、振邦企業行、台灣電力股份有限公司澎湖區營業處鳥嶼發電廠等3家因設備損壞與不再運作等原因將其自清查資料庫中篩除,進泉企業社及澎湖防衛指揮部等10家為新增列管,昌億預拌混凝土有限公司、柄森企業有限公司湖西廠、台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠、台灣電力股份有限公司澎湖區營業處七美發電廠及台灣電力股份有限公司澎湖區營業處望安發電廠等9家為基本資料及原物料使用量更新,其餘8家為本縣之民營加油站之清查作業。行政院環保署98年於計劃執行期間釋放出資料檢核結果,依98年8月檢核結果共有192筆資料不完整;83筆資料不正確。資料不完整主要集中於、許可內容次頁不完整、排放口資料欠缺、污染源設備與廢氣流向資料不完整,共約169筆資料,佔全數不完整筆數90%左右,藉由檢核系統已檢核出之不完整資料,計畫仍持續努力進行修正,其99年1月檢核資料已剩59筆資料不符,在資料庫修正部分,已有大幅改善。七、其他配合相關作業依合約規定工作執行期間,需辦理3場次教育訓練,統計至99年2月28日止,已分別於98年6月26日、98年11月18日及99年2月3日共辦理三場次人員教育訓練;宣導會部份於98年7月30日完成辦理一場次固定污染源法規說明暨室內空氣品質宣導會、98年10月21日完成辦理一場次室內空氣品質自主管理宣導會等14場次室內空氣品質宣導會,並辦理固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施及運輸逸散性粒狀污染物質車輛管制檢討說明會一場次,另配合節能減碳推廣宣導說明會共4場次及澎湖縣響應世界無車日活動1場次,宣導新聞發布,統計為23篇新聞見報、12則跑馬燈。 八、室內空氣品質自主管理推動作業篩選本縣5處重要公共場所,分別為三軍總醫院澎湖分院附設民眾診療服務處、澎湖縣中正圖書館、澎湖縣中興電影城、交通部民航局馬公航空站及澎湖縣政府環境保護局,進行室內空氣品質現況之訪查填寫訪談紀錄表,並辦理室內空氣品質檢測,檢測項目包含細菌、真菌、CO2、CO、O3、TVOC、甲醛、PM10、PM2.5及溫溼度,檢測結果顯示三軍總胡醫院澎湖分院附設民眾診療處所檢測之細菌濃度超過室內空氣品質草案之第一類場所建議標準500 CFU/ m3,;澎湖縣政府環境保護局PM10濃度超過建議值150 µg/m3,中正圖書館所檢測之甲醛濃度超過室內空氣品質草案之第一類場所建議標準甲醛:0.1 ppm,針對檢測檢果將建議業者加強自主管理,以提升室內空氣品質。另依合約規定須執行20處室內空氣品質自主管理目前已全數完成,並亦要求業者簽署室內空氣品質自主管理承諾書。九、民眾反應及滿意度調查本計劃進行58家不同業者之滿意度訪調,各業者都能配合及提供意見,訪調結果,業者對於本計劃所執行之各項業務整體而言大多皆為滿意;由於本計劃相關業務繁雜,部分業者建議能提供更多管道及資訊,以供了解各項相關環保法規規範;業者目前較關心且希望未來能提供資訊的項目依次為空污費徵收(39%)、污染防制(21%)、固定源許可證(20%)及環保法令(20%)。 98 Year Stationary Air Pollution Examination and Action to Indoor Air Quality Self-Manangement Plan Executive period: from June 8, 2009 to February 28, 2010Penghu 『98 Year Stationary Air Pollution Examination Plan and Action to Indoor Air Quality Self-Manangement Plan 』, The major operation items including: Establishing database for the emission permit and Checking emission permits . Carry out on-site inspection and examination、set up of continuous monitoring system、Air pollution fee collection 、set up of educational trainings、Coordinate policy plan propaganda activity、Indoor Air Quality Autonomy Management explanation activity. On February 28 stops to 99 years, achievement of quantification as shown in Table this plan one, following work of project item by item abstract explanation in view of this plan 098 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 得眾環境科技有限公司
32120865 潮寮社區OP-FTIR監測計畫 本計畫預定在高雄縣大寮鄉潮寮村和過溪村設置一開徑式傅立葉轉換紅外光譜儀(OP-FTIR)監測站,兩個村落各執行5個月的連續監測,以調查潮寮村和過溪村之空氣品質。OP-FTIR將針對兩個村落的的空氣污染物進行定性定量的分析,污染物的分析結果將和現行的周界標準及嗅覺閾值進行比較,以分析潮寮村和過溪村的空氣品質。 Monitoring Air Pollutants by OP-FTIR in Chaoliao Village An Open-Path Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (OP-FTIR) monitoring station will be installed on Chaoliao Village and Gouxi Village. The purpose of this monitoring station is to conduct a five-month continuous measurement of air pollutants on each village. The OP-FTIR will identify and quantify all measured air pollutants. The results will be compared with the existing ambient standards and their odor thresholds to further evaluate the air quality of these two village. 098 高雄市政府環境保護局(原高雄縣政府環境保護局) 工業技術研究院
32120866 98年度移動污染源稽查管制暨動力計站維護管理計畫 彰化縣長久以來為工業及農業發展的城市,空氣污染主要來源為各產業型態之工廠及各式機動車輛所排放之廢氣,而隨著都市土地利用型態的改變及民眾環保意識提升,工廠總數逐年減少,但使用中之機動車輛總量卻逐年上升,使得機動車輛所排放之廢氣成為都市空氣污染最主要之來源,因此,如何降低機動車輛之廢氣排放,是本縣當前極重要之環保課題。本計畫自98年7月15日統計至99年5月14日,共計完成移動式定檢服務車免費檢測40點次。機車定檢數量為427,831輛次,平均定檢率為81.58%,可見得民眾對機車強制定檢的接受度正逐年提高中,由定檢資料統計得知,定檢數量以設籍彰化縣與台中縣市的機車最多,而外縣市車輛約佔30%,在削減量方面,主要的管控措施來自加速老舊之機車淘汰、機車定檢改善效益、未定檢機車稽查作業等,依環保署減量資料推算98年度彰化縣NMHC年削減量為284.78公噸,CO年削減量則為1390.18公噸。在柴油車管制方面,總計達成柴油車排煙檢測4,212輛次,不合格376輛次,不合格率為8.9%。油品採樣,共計採樣2,846件,篩選送驗302件,已檢驗完成302件,不合格4件,不合格率為1.3%。執行目視判煙不合格數為31,329輛次,進行車籍查詢並篩除報廢、繳銷及停駛等因素,總計已完成1,658件發文通知檢測工作。在削減量方面,主要的來自老舊之柴油車淘汰、柴油車污染改善效益及推動柴油車業者自主管理、推動使用低污染車輛等,依環保署減量資料推算98年度彰化縣TSP年削減量為47.5公噸。本計畫藉由執行各項車輛管制措施及跨局處合作並輔以宣導民眾,進而達到改善彰化縣空氣品質之實際效應及完善績效。 2009 Mobile Pollution Inspection Control and Dynamometer Station Maintenace and Management Project. Changhua County has been a city of industrial and agricultural development for a long time. The primary source of air pollution in this county is the waste gases emitted from diverse types of factory and variety of motor vehicles; and in the wake of the change from the pattern of urban land utilization along with the promotion of populace’s awareness of environmental protection, the total number of factory has been decreasing year by year; contrarily, the total number of motor vehicle in use has been increasing year after year that makes the emission of exhaust gas from motor vehicles the most critical source of urban air pollution. Therefore, how to reduce the emission of exhaust gas from motor vehicles has become the extremely important issue of environmental protection for Changhua County.According to the statistical data from July 15th 2009 to May 14th 2010; this project has achieved a mobile-type scheduled maintenance service to inspect & test the vehicles free of charge at 40 places. 427,831 motorcycles have been conducted the scheduled maintenance at an average scheduled-maintenance rate of 81.58%; apparently the acceptability from the populace toward the compulsorily scheduled maintenance is on the rise year after year. The statistic data of scheduled maintenance show that most of the motorcycles are registered to Changhua County and Taichung County while vehicles from other counties and cities occupy 30% approximately. Regarding the reduction of emission volume, the control measures mainly focused on the acceleration to obsolete the old & used motorcycles, improving the effectiveness of motorcycle through scheduled maintenance, audit operation of irregularly scheduled maintenance for motorcycles, etc. As calculated the data of reduction volume from Environmental Protection Administration, Changhua County has achieved a reduction volume of 284.78 metric tons in year NMHC and 1390.18 metric tons in year CO.In the aspect of controlling the diesel vehicles, 4,212 vehicles inspected & tested thereof smoke emission while 376 vehicles therein failed to pass the inspection at a nonconformity rate of 8.9%. With regard to the oil sampling, 2,846 oil samples were taken while 302 oil samples therein were screened and submitted for inspection. 4 oil samples failed to pass the inspection amongst 302 inspected oil samples at a nonconformity rate of 1.3%. 31,329 vehicles failed to pass the visual determination and followed an inquiry of registration data, screening and report for scrapping, handing in for cancellation, suspension of driving, etc. factors; totally 1,658 letters of notice for inspection & test works were dispatched. As for the reduction volume, primary efforts have been made to obsolete the old & used diesel vehicles, improve the effectiveness against the pollution from diesel vehicle and launch the autonomous management to service providers of diesel vehicle, launch the use of low-pollution vehicles, etc. Consequently, Changhua County achieved a reduction volume of 47.5 metric tons in 2009 according to the data of reduction volume from Environmental Protection Administration.This project, by executing variety of vehicular control measures together with cooperation cross the bureaus and divisions plus a propagation to the populace; Changhua County has achieved a practical effect and a complete performance to improve the air quality. 098 彰化縣環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司
32120867 98年度辦理資源回收宣導計畫 延續過去針對高耗能、高汙然之資源回收活動執行成果,桃園縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)今年針對廢乾電池、廢照明光源類、廢光碟片、廢手機、廢塑膠袋、廢食用油與水銀體溫計等七項資源物加強回收活動,總計配合本活動所累積的資源回收物已達53.5公噸。 不同於過去單純地資源物兌換獎品的活動形式,98年度環保局特別以競賽地方式辦理活動,依國小、國中學校、社區與機關團體進行分組,並提供新台幣100萬總獎金作為誘因,吸引民眾參與。據統計,本次活動一共有464組團隊參與。 此外,並延續過去筷塑減量活動,自去年六大主軸商圈擴大為「九大商圈聯盟」,一共有634家業者共襄盛舉。 - 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 威利傳播有限公司
32120868 98年度第一柴油車排煙檢測站興建及營運示範計畫期末報告 由於經濟的快速成長,使用柴油車輛也急遽增加,造成道路交通之空氣污染愈形嚴重。所以為配合環保局柴油車輛排放管制策略的運作,達成「空氣污染防制法」之目標,從主要污染源柴油車下手:就其使用中的現況,透過定期檢驗管制與調修改善,以有效改善桃園縣空氣污染,達成環境保護之成效。本計畫將以桃園縣柴油車為主,以目視判煙、民眾檢舉、代驗外縣市等方式通知轄區內柴油車到站檢測。 Final Report for the first stage of scheme to construct the diesel vehicle emission inspection station and thereof demonstrative administration in 2009 In the wake of rapid growth in economy, the number of in-use diesel vehicle has been increasingly growing as well which contributes serious air pollution to the road traffic. Consequentially, as an effort to coordinate with the strategy manipulated by Environmental Protection Bureau to control the emission of diesel vehicle and achieve the goal of 「Air Pollution Control Act」, the major source of pollutants, diesel vehicle, was targeted as an inception of control:In view of the existing situation of diesel vehicles currently in use, regular inspection, control, tuning and maintenance have been enforced in a bid to effectively reduce the air pollution around Taoyuan County and accomplish the effect of environmental protection. The Scheme was to mainly focus on the diesel vehicles under the jurisdiction of Taoyuan County. Owners of diesel vehicles were told to drive their vehicles to Station for inspection when notified in a manner of emission violation by visual inspection, accusation to authority by the public and notices from entrusted institutions of other city/county governments, etc. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 茂迪環境有限公司
32120869 98年度臺中市河川水體水質監測計畫 台中市環境保護局近年來積極推動境內河川水體水質污染整治相關工作,除了加強各類水污染源稽核管制外,亦特別針對境內各種事業單位及新開發杜區污水下水道系統其水污染源之排放許可執行查核管理,並對其水處理設施操作之實際狀況進行查核及輔導。為評估污染整治之成效,長期之河川水質監測工作仍為整個水體水質污染整治工作之重要環節。台中市環境保護局為達上述目標,委託德眾工程顧問股份有限公司執行本市兩條主要河川(旱溪及筏子溪)及排水渠(綠川、柳川、梅川、麻園頭溪、黎明溝支線及潮洋溪)共計21處水質測站之水質監測,並對河川水質變化進行評估。 Monitoring Project for the River Water Quality of Taichung City in 2009 To achieve the goal of cleaning river water, several pollution control actions had been enforced by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung City in recent years. It included industrial wastewater and municipal sewage discharge inspection, wastewater discharge permit evaluation and river water quality monitoring program. In the river water quality monitoring program, periodic river water sampling from 21 monitoring stations on 2 rivers and 6 drainage systems have been performed. Analytical data are used to evaluate river pollution index (RPI) and water quality index (WQI). These indices are also served as the criteria for pollution control reinforcement. 098 台中市環境保護局 德眾工程顧問股份有限公司
32120870 南投縣98年度台灣鋏蠓(小黑蚊)防治工作計畫 098 南投縣政府環境保護局 國立彰化師範大學
32120871 98年度臺中市空氣品質管理暨溫室氣體減量宣導計畫 本計畫訂約日期為98年1月23日,履約期限為簽約日起12個月,統計至99年1月22日為止,已完成各項合約工作項目,整體計畫進度達100%,各項工作執行成果如「計畫執行成果摘要表」所示,成果摘要說明如後:一、協助推動環保署考核作業(一)臺中市在97年環保署全國空氣品質維護改善績效考評,總成績為90.44分,已連續兩年榮獲特優,顯示歷年考核績效逐漸進步。(二)本計畫針對環保署考評可量化自評指標進行成績試算,截至12月底止,以固定污染源告發「改善完成率」、移動污染源管制「轄區內大客貨運車隊用油追蹤列管」、逸散污染源管制「改善完成率」、「巡查排放量比率」及「巡查納管工地數比率」成績較佳,但移動污染源管制「取締非法加油站或非法油罐車件數」執行績效仍為0件,較不理想。(三)空品淨化區自行考評作業共查核71處次,缺失意見共106項次,改善率為85.8%,查核主要缺失問題為裸露地、植物乾枯、未設置淨化區告示牌及草皮未修剪等,尚未改善之問題為增設植物解說牌、植栽缺株補植及裸露地補植。另評核計畫實施後主要提昇之績效為管理單位較能重視評核成績、管理單位出席率較佳、委員專業度高及缺失改善情形效率高等。(四)陳平營區碳匯調查結果,依實地測量值來推估CO2碳匯量約為43,429 kg。二、辦理空污計畫督導考核作業(一)「98年臺中市空污基金委辦計畫查核督導評分作業要點」檢討修訂後,總計有目標績效及減量績效(佔65%)及計畫執行力(35%)兩大項評分項目。統計至11月底止,除了紙餐露計畫得分率未達80%之外,其餘計畫整體得分率皆在80%以上,其中以固定源計畫及柴油車計畫得分率95.0%最高。(二)98年1-4季工作量及書面品質查核結果,以「紙餐露計畫」、「柴車計畫」執行品質較佳,「營建計畫」1-2季執行品質較低,第3季起已有明顯改善。(三)固定源、移動源、逸散源計畫督導考核會議,接受考核之7項計畫,平均得分成績均在80分以上,達到臺中市環保局考核基本要求,其中以移污計畫88.8分最高,其次為加油站計畫88.3分。三、溫室氣體減量宣導活動推動(一)臺中市97年溫室氣體總排放量約7,714.5千公噸CO2-e,較96年減少了30.4千公噸CO2-e;98年度依掌握之資料估算總排放量約7741.5千公噸CO2-e。(二)98年12月31日止本市簽署人數96,822人,較簽約前增加68,442人,超出合約規範(30,000人)。(三)國中、國小共93所學校參加「校園節能減碳競賽計畫」,國小組以「惠文國小」、「中正國小」、「鎮平國小」、「泰安國小」績效最佳,國中組為「三光國中」、「東峰國中」得分最高。(四)完成10場次「節能減碳宣導列車」活動,另配合其他局處單位進行節能減碳宣導共17場次,累計宣導人次達5,515人。(五)結合風力與太陽能發電之設計「再生能源小型展示模型」,兼具童趣、實用性、教育性。(六)普查篩選出42家使用冷氣且具有外洩情況(未裝設自動門、手拉門或空氣門)之店家進行宣導,經追蹤複查「仁愛眼鏡行」完成空氣門空間設計作業、「名佳美公司」完成自動門加裝。四、協助辦理其他空氣品質管理業務(一)問卷作業委託第三公正單位「建國科技大學」執行,回收有效問卷2,047份,依據調查結果顯示,「拍照片檢舉烏賊車可以獲得檢舉獎勵金」、「機車免費至檢驗站接受排氣檢驗」及「淘汰舊二行程機車可以申請補助款」等政策為市民認知度最高項目。(二)98年版「空氣污染防制計畫書」已於9月17日核備通過,本版次之計畫目標以都會型態為重點之移動源目標為最大特色共有改善車輛排煙、推廣低污染車輛、降低交通流量等三大策略(15項措施),另配合臺中縣市合併針對100年推動空污計畫與臺中縣達成執行計畫共識。(三)98年空品不良應變啟動71站日,其中臭氧59站日、PM10 12站日,PM應變減量成效為13,598.6公斤。(四)本計畫截至11月底止已完成辦理1場次「臺中市空氣污染管制策略」研商會、2場次「臺中市第六屆空氣污染防制基金管理委員會」、2場次「臺中市第二屆中部科學工業園區環境保護監督委員會」、1場次「98年度中部空品區空氣污染聯合管制推動會議」、1場次「臺中交通污染改善研商會議」等7場次後續並針對各項會議結論進行辦理情形追蹤。 098 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問(股)公司
32120872 98 年臺中縣推動溫室氣體減量及空污管制宣導計畫 「98年臺中縣推動溫室氣體減量及空污管制宣導計畫」,其計畫執行期程自簽約日98年11月23日起至99年11月22日止。本計畫各工作項目包括建立臺中縣溫室氣體排放清冊、推動綠色運輸活動、節能減碳宣導示範設備設置、蒐集國內外碳捕獲與封存相關技術資料、舉辦溫室氣體減量管制策略規劃會議、辦理節能減碳簽署活動、各項宣導作業等本計畫工作團隊自98年11月23日至99年11月22日止,完成更新和分析97、98年臺中縣溫室氣體排放清冊之工業部門、住商部門、運輸部門、農業部門和廢棄物部門溫室氣體排放量建立。並分析臺中縣96、97、98年度電燈用電量和臺中縣政府大樓97、98年度辦公大樓能源使用情況。另外,彙整95至98年臺中火力發電廠排放量、溫室氣體減量措施規劃和國內外碳捕獲與封存相關技術與文獻資料各報告1式。本計畫工作團隊於計畫執行期間辦理2場次臺中縣溫室氣體減量管制策略規劃會議,並由會議結果擬定臺中縣溫室氣體減量策略1式。以及辦理參訪北部空品區節能減碳績優單位觀摩及中部4縣市減碳合作夥伴會議1場次,以瞭解未來規劃和建構大臺中低碳都市願景方向。本計畫工作團隊於計畫執行期間追蹤和彙整臺中縣98、99年內政部「既有市區道路景觀與人本環境改善計畫」之經核定計畫及後續設置情形,並提出大臺中地區自行車道建置現況報告。於8月和10月辦理宣導住商部門省電及簽署節能減碳電子抽獎活動4場次和完成辦理機關、學校及村里溫室氣體減量競賽活動相關工作項目,分別為溫室氣體減量競賽活動說明會和種子教師訓練各1場次,推動機關、學校等單位所屬人員通勤共乘(併入減量競賽作業辦理)1場次和舉辦表揚大會並頒發新臺幣60萬元之獎勵金。本計畫建置相關專屬網站,放置各項溫室氣體減量、氣候變遷等相關訊息,提供民眾閱覽和查詢;於計畫執行間辦理相關工作項目成果,也上傳至專屬網站,並每日定期維護臺中縣網站和Ecolife網站。本計畫租用太陽能電力系統設備,設置於臺中縣環保局1樓大廳外,提供洽公民眾手機或筆記型電腦充電使用。98年度本計畫於計畫執行期間,辦理節能減碳簽署活動共計40場次,並由環保署登錄綠網結果得知,十大宣言簽署人數為17,207人(合約量15,000人)、電表號數量為3,861筆(合約量3,000筆)和節能減碳生活檢核表數量為2,176筆(合約量2,000筆);相關媒體宣導作業方面,新聞稿共計見報44則(含節能減碳宣導和溫室氣體減量、空氣污染防制及氣候變遷宣導,2大類主題),宣導住商部門省電及簽署節能減碳10分和30分鐘專題,各4檔次和1檔次,有線電視跑馬燈40則。 The Guidance Plans for the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Air Pollution Control promoted in Taichung County 2009 「The Guidance Plans for the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Air Pollution Control promoted in Taichung County 2009」 was executed on a one-year contract from November 23, 2009 to November 22, 2010. Work Projects in the Plan included the inventory establishment in Taichung County’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions, the promotion activity in Green Transportation, the facility installation of demonstration of guidance on Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction, the collection of technical information related to domestic and foreign Carbon Capture and Storage, the held conference on strategies and plans for control of Greenhouse Gas reduction, the conducted activity of signing the agreement on Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction, and other tasks with respect to the plan.By the end of October in 2010, our group had completed updating and analyzing the inventories of Taichung County’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions of 2008 and 2009, as well as establishing greenhouse gas footprints for industrial, residential, commercial, transport, agricultural, and waste sectors. We further evaluated energy consumption by lighting in Taichung County during years of 2007 and 2009 as well as energy usage conditions in administration/office buildings in 2008 and 2009. In addition, we collected information and prepared reports on greenhouse gas footprints from Taichung thermal power plant, the plan for greenhouse gas reduction measures, and relevant techniques in domestic and foreign Carbon Capture and Storage, respectively.In order to construct the low-carbon Taichung in the future, our group convened two meetings about the issue that was draft of the plan on greenhouse gas reduction. And the conclusion of the meeting had been collected for the recording which could be used in the future, in order that people could be against the same situations. Besides, we not only held an observation activity in northern Taiwan which was blue chip in the Air quality section, but also convened the carbon emission tactic in four counties cooperation meeting during the executing time of the contract, our group traced and ordered the plan of 「Improve the Urban Road and Environment for people to live」 from Ministry of Interior. After this plan was checked and ratified, we needed to mention the reports about establishing the lane for bicycle in present situation. In August and October, there were four E-lottery activities and the competition of the greenhouse gas reduction from institutions to schools and villages. Those competitions included the greenhouse gas reduction seminars and another activity for training teachers who were technical in the greenhouse gas reduction. Simultaneously, people who belonged to institution and school could be put in practice on carpool. After this activity, we held recognition of the general assembly award to people who responded to this activity. It was amazing that the prize 60 million was awarded from this activity.On the other hand, the website established by the executing team had many kinds of information with regard to the greenhouse gas reduction and issues of the climate change. That information could provide people who were interested in. From the website, we also could find the achievements that our group processed during the implementation period. Moreover, we needed to update and maintain the website of the Taichung County and Ecolife.In order to promote the concepts of greenhouse gas reduction, Taichung County rented the equipments which were solar energy system on the first floor of the Environment Protection Bureau (EPB), for people who needed to recharge the notebook or the cell phone.Our group held about 40 manifestos propagandas that were about the greenhouse gas reduction. In the mean time, we amounted to the Green Net which the Environmental Protection Administration provided and hence, the public could log to sign the manifestos.The quantity of manifestos people who signed the ten manifestos were 17,207. Furthermore, the amount of electric meter was 3,861 groups, and then the life checklists about greenhouse gas reduction were 2,176 sheets.Besides, the propaganda with medium not only had 40 messages shown on the marquee, but also had forty-hour news on the newspapers that were the topic with regard to the greenhouse gas reduction, climate change and air pollution control. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 思維環境科技有限公司
32120873 98年度嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗街計畫 一、計畫名稱:九十八年度嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗街計畫。二、執行期程:自98年3月25日起至98年12月31日止,計9個月。三、工作內容完成進度:1.洗街長度統計至98年12月28日,完成執行洗街17,711.84公里,完成進度為101.21%。2.減量評估:依環保署所認定之削減量公式計算,洗街17,711.84公里可達成之總懸浮微粒(TSP)削減量為244.4公噸,懸浮微粒(PM10)削減量為46.1公噸。3.道路普查:現階段A級道路佔54%、B級道路佔46%。4.洗街查核作業:現階段完成18次,達整體進度100%,總計查核140公里。5.計畫效益評估作業:(1)TSP及PM10檢測作業,已於98年10月27日全部完成,洗街後TSP削減率介於6.02%~20.59%之間,另洗街後PM10削減率介於17.50%~28.89%之間(2)街塵調查分析作業:計畫執行目前完成12點次街塵負荷調查檢測作業。在總街塵負荷削減率平均值為79.72%。(3)街道揚塵洗街作業資料核對與彙整。6. 問卷調查:已於10月份完成計222份問卷調查資料 Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Plan of Chiayi City in 2009 1.Plan Name:Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Plan of Chiayi City in 20092.from 98/3/25 to 98/12/31 stops, counts for 9 months3.Plan content:(1)Washes the street length statistics to 98/12/28 total execution 17,711.84 kilometers, completes the progress to reach 101.21%(2) According to the environmental protection bureau recognized the decrement formula computation, the street washing 17,711.84kilometers to compute decrease TSP 244.4 metric tons and PM1046.1metric tons.(3) The roadway census findings, non class-C level , class-A at 54%, class-B at 46%.(4 )The plan checks:Completes 18 times, reaches the overall progress 100%, the grand total checks 140 kilometers(5) benefit appraisal:a. TSP and PM10 examination work, after washes the street the TSP reduction rate between 6.02%~20.59%;After washes the street the PM10 reduction rate between17.50%~28.89%b. Street dust diagnosis work: According to the analysis result demonstrated washes off the work regarding total street dust reduction rate is 79.72%(6) Questionnaire survey:Completes 222 questionnaire surveys in October 098 嘉義市政府環境保護局 欣欣環保工程股份有限公司
總共 6048 筆,顯示第 3801 到第 3850 筆