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「100年度環保標章產品規格標準制訂、驗證技術、產品查核機制技術及環境效益評估方法之研究」專案研究計畫 所謂綠色產品可簡略地以「低污染、可回收、省資源」之產品來代表,而產品驗證意謂「由第三者執行,檢視產品是否符合某項特定標準之行為」。依據國際標準組織已公告之標準,環保產品驗證服務可區分為:第一類計畫即環保標章計畫,係由ISO/CNS 14024規範;第二類計畫即廠商之自行宣告計畫,規範標準為ISO/CNS 14021;第三類環境宣告計畫則涵蓋定量化之產品生命週期資訊宣告計畫,規範標準為ISO/CNS 14025。行政院環境保護署於1992年8月訂頒「環保標章推動使用作業要點」,促成我國環保標章制度於1993年中正式推出。此制度鼓勵消費者採購具有可回收、低污染及省資源等環保特性之產品,並使得政府機關在採購綠色產品時,具有明確之優先選擇項目。我國環保標章計畫之推動始於1993年底,迄今已開放114項產品規格標準。凡符合特定項目規格標準之要求並通過審查之產品,得於合約期限內(現為三年)使用環保標章,累計共有1650家次 6933件產品通過環保標章審查。歷年來,環保標章產品規格標準之研擬均依據國際標準(ISO 14024)之精神來執行,包括產品項目篩選、草案初擬及審查等。本年度之計畫目標包含:研(修)訂環保標章產品規格標準。辦理環保標章規格標準產品環境效益評估。研析我國環保標章之檢測方法。檢討環保標章之行政管理制度等。 2011 Study on the Development and Revision of Green Mark Product Criteria, Certification and Product The so-called green products can be represented by products which are “clean, recyclable and resource saving," while product certification means subjecting products to third-party verification to see if they conform to specific requirements or standards. In accordance with the standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), environmentally friendly product certification services can be divided into: Type I program: for example the Green Mark Program, which follows the ISO/CNS 14024 standard; Type II Program: self-declaration by manufacturers which follows the ISO/CNS 14021 standard; and Type III program: quantitative declaration of product’s life cycle environmental performance information which follows the ISO/CNS 14025 standard.Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration promulgated in August 1992 the "Green Mark Promotion Guidelines,” which authorized the official launch of Taiwan’s Green Mark eco-labeling Program in 1993. This Program is capable of encouraging consumers to purchase products with the environmental characteristics of recyclable, low pollution and resource saving, as well as providing government agencies with specific targets for preferential selection during their purchasing process. Since 1993, the Green Mark Program has opened 114 product categories for application of Green Mark logo usage. Any applicant whose product meets the specific requirements of applicable Green Mark product category and passed the application review process is allowed to use Green Mark logo on their products during the three-year contract period. At present, a total of 6933 products from 1650 manufacturers are qualified to use the Green Mark logo.Over the years, Green Mark’s product criteria have been developed following the spirit of the ISO 14024 standard, including selection of product categories, development of product criteria and review of Green Mark applications. The goals of this year’s project include: develop/revise Green Mark product criteria; conduct environmental benefit assessment of Green Mark qualified products; develop and analyze Green Mark testing methods; and review the administration scheme of Green Mark Program. 100 管考處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32083
100年基隆市河川流域管理暨海洋污染宣導演練計畫 針對轄區內符合"水污染防治法"定義列管事業進行污染源稽查管制,並審查許可及定期申報案件,舉辦親水活動鼓勵民間參與河川巡守作業及辦理海洋污染專業訓練、海洋污染緊急應變小組成員演練、海洋污染防治宣導說明會、船舶稽查作業及港區稽查作業,藉行政制度,有效維護轄區內水體水質 100 基隆市環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28864
100年度雲林縣六輕工業區鄰近地區農地調查計畫 [計畫目標]本計畫目標旨在建立六輕工業區鄰近的麥寮、臺西、四湖、崙背及東勢5鄉的農地土壤、魚塭底質、河川大排底泥或水井地下水等環境介質的環境背景值。至101年12月28日為止,已依合約規定完成各項工作。各項環境介質採樣工作於4月16日至5月3日及9月6日完成現場採樣作業,檢測分析包括8項重金屬、多環芳香烴、總石油碳氫化合物,其中農地土壤部分則加測10點次戴奧辛分析,以及水井地下水加測總酚等項目。此外,另針對六輕工業區營運特性,建置常用化學物質安全資料庫 (MSDS),並配合環保局需求完成相關緊急應變及民眾陳情等工作。[調查成果] 1、 本計畫蒐集各相關單位針對六輕工業區的相關資料成果,並根據各報告內容作為本計畫各項環境介質採樣規劃及分析之參考資料。2、 根據本計畫調查結果,檢測出部分點位有異常現象:(1)50組農地土壤檢測數據顯示各項檢測值皆無明顯異常情形。根據比對結果,六輕工業區廠區內多項土壤重金屬含量測值高於區外,如:鎳、銅、鋅、鉛、鉻等,顯示六輕工業區仍具有一定的污染潛勢,但是否足以影響區外農地土壤環境,則仍須持續調查以釐清;戴奧辛檢測值大多落於各調查計畫的調查範圍,與本縣其他調查區域相比亦無明顯高值;總石油碳氫化合物於3處點位有檢出一定含量之濃度(大於100 mg/kg),均屬於柴油類(重油類)的物質,至於是否與六輕工業區空氣污染物沉降或鄰近汽機車油氣污染等其他因素所致,仍須進一步釐清;而多環芳香烴則受限於所使用檢測方法的偵測極限,各調查項目均為未檢出。(2)30組魚塭底質檢測結果顯示共16處採樣點位重金屬含量超出底質品質指標下限值,超標項目為砷、銅、鋅、汞,且呈現陸域魚塭污染較沿海魚塭嚴重的現象,顯示陸域魚塭具有較高的重金屬污染情形。其中於3處採樣點位檢出砷、銅超出底質品質指標上限值,推估砷含量偏高應與飼主大量抽用地下水養殖致累積於魚塭底部有關,而銅、鋅含量偏高則可能與飼主使用含硫酸銅成分的除藻劑、投餵含有銅、鋅等物質之飼料等原因有關;總石油碳氫化合物於3處點位有檢出一定含量之濃度(大於100 mg/kg),均屬於柴油類(重油類)的物質,而多環芳香烴則為未檢出。(3)9組河川大排底泥檢測結果顯示8處採樣點位重金屬含量超出底質品質指標下限值,超標項目為鎳、砷、銅、鋅等,其中後安大橋(R03)點位檢出銅、鋅超出底質品質指標上限值,推估砷、銅、鋅含量偏高應與上游陸域污染有關,如農業廻歸水、畜牧業或工廠未妥善處理之廢水等。5處點位的總石油碳氫化合物檢測,其中有3處點位檢出大於100 mg/kg之濃度,均屬於柴油類(重油類)的物質,其污染原因可能為上游或附近人為傾倒廢油品,或是六輕工業區污染物透過乾、濕沉降等機制造成污染。(4)水井地下水檢測結果顯示部分點位檢測出砷、鐵含量超出地下水污染監測標準,一般認為此應與地質組成較為相關,惟其中東勢鄉明崙段2009地號水井(W08)檢出重金屬砷含量接近地下水污染管制標準,經複驗該井水質及調查該農地土壤,其地下水砷含量仍有達監測標準的情形。(5)煉油業製程可能會逸散的污染物質-多環芳香烴,16項法規管制項目受限於本計畫檢測方法的方法偵測極限,各項環境介質的調查均為未檢出,經進一步瞭解其他可疑化學成分,有2-Fluorobiphenyl(SS)、Chrysene-d12(IS)、Naphthalene-d8(IS)、Phenanthrene-d10(IS)以及p-Terphenyl-d14(SS)等5項物質含量偏高,值得持續關注。 3、 本計畫參考「98年度沿海地區空氣污染物及環境健康世代研究計畫」所整理出的六輕工業區常見255種物質,並納入其餘土壤及地下水管制項目及「100年度六輕工業區土壤及地下水污染潛勢調查及查證計畫」所另外蒐集物質計79種,總計蒐集建置了334項化學物質安全資料表,均已編印成冊並製成查詢光碟。4、 本計畫共計完成4件民眾陳情與緊急應變工作,而其中較主要者為自來水淨水場原水砷含量調查工作,共檢測出五處點位超出飲用水水源水質標準,後續自來水公司均已完成封井;再者,根據中科虎尾園區富喬公司南側農地土壤氟含量調查結果,其檢測值已超過一般濃度範圍,據此環保局邀集中科管理局討論並達成共識,由該單位持續辦理此地區的環境監測。[後續建議]1、 本計畫與農業處委辦計畫均有檢測農地土壤,檢測結果均未超過監測標準或管制標準,建議應將前述計畫的調查結果做為環境基準值並持續監測,以追蹤瞭解鄰近地區的污染物累積增量的情形,作為未來求償的有利證據。2、 本計畫於部分魚塭底質檢測出異常重金屬含量,建議可將其結果轉呈農漁單位輔導漁民正確養殖方式,並由有關單位針對數據異常之魚塭加測異常項目,確保生物生長環境安全。3、 新虎尾溪底泥檢測出污染物質,建議可依土污法規定要求目的事業主管機關增加採樣頻率監控污染物變化,並控管上游工廠非法排放的不法行為,其餘排水目前雖無法規規範,但仍應規劃持續調查並通知相關單位因應處理。4、 「土壤及地下水污染整治法」已規範16項底泥PAH之品質指標項目及其上、下限值,其中下限值最低者為0.04 mg/kg,建議日後相關計畫如有調查檢測PAH含量時,應特別考慮檢測技術的限制,且方法偵測極限應至少低於法規限值,所調查數據才有參考比對的意義。5、 本計畫已初步蒐集彙整334項化學物質安全資料表,可供未來相關計畫參考辦理,對於六輕工業區的污染物質作進一步的掌控管理。6、 環保局「100年度沿海地區空氣污染物及環境健康世代研究計畫」成果報告裡建議多項揮發性有機物及重金屬可作為未來調查之指標污染物,本計畫建議可將這些檢測項目轉知農業處,藉以進一步調整農業處相關調查計畫的調查監測項目。7、 本計畫的調查結果尚無法明確釐清六輕工業區空氣污染物對於鄰近地區的環境影響,建議未來可由相關單位專責規劃及進行六輕工業區的懸浮微粒、陰陽離子或關切污染物如重金屬及戴奧辛等物質之主成分分析,經調查比對區域之風速、風向、高空氣場、污染源濃度、受體濃度等參數及指紋資料庫,進行擴散模式及受體模式運算,藉以更精確研判六輕工業區鄰近地區環境受六輕污染物之影響程度。 [Project goals]The goal of this project is to establish environmental background data of the farmland soil, fish farm sediment, river and drainage sediment and groundwater in Mai-liao, Tai-si, Sih-hu, Lun-bei, and Dong-shih Township near the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex. Until December 28, 2012, we had completed the works according to the contract. Various environmental media sampling work was completed from April 16 to May 3 and September 6. The measured content includes eight heavy metals, poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH). Besides, the investigation item of the farmland soil and groundwater had additional measurement of dioxin and total phenols. Furthermore, for the operating characteristics of The No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex, we build a frequently used chemical material safety data sheet (MSDS), and achieved 4 emergency cases with the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB).[Survey results]1, The first work of this project is to collect relevant reports about the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex. The environmental media sampling plan and the subsequent analysis of the reference data were based on the contents of report.2, According to the results of this project, the detected anomalies were found in some locations:(1) From the 50 groups of the farmland soil measured data display all the detected values have no significant abnormal situations. The dioxin detected values compared with the other survey areas of the Yunlin County showed none of the significantly higher value of farmland soil. That means heavy metals may not yet be as indicative of pollutants. 3 TPH samples were detected in the concentration of certain content (higher than 100 mg/kg) and belong to the substance of the diesel class (heavy oil). It is suggested to clarifying what the reason of high TPH values are come from the air pollutants of The No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex air or nearby steam oil pollution.(2) From the 30 samples of the fish-farm sediment, among 16 samples showed the content of heavy metal (such as As, Cu, Zn, Hg) had exceeded the lower limit of the sediment quality guidelines. Among there, there are 3 samples detected and found the content of heavy metal such as As, Cu had exceeded the upper limit of the sediment quality guidelines. The high As content might caused by pumping groundwater and thus accumulated at the bottom of fish farms. The high content of Cu, Zn may be caused by the owners’ using algaecide with copper sulfate component, feeding containing Cu, Zn and other substances in the feed or fish ponds foreign soil (pollution foreign soil). 3 TPH samples were detected and found in the concentration of certain content (higher than 100 mg/kg) and which belongs to the substance of the diesel class (heavy oil). About the abnormal oil content, we conclude preliminarily it may be caused by fishery machinery oil leaking or backfilling polluted soil.(3) The measured results of 8 samples of river and drainage sediment showed the content of heavy metals such as Ni, As, Cu, Zn had exceeded the lower limit of the sediment quality guidelines. Hou-An Bridge (R03 point) was also found that the concentration of Cu, Zn had exceeded the upper limit of the sediment quality guidelines. It is estimated that the content of heavy metal As, Cu, Zn in the sediment were come from polluted substance of upstream, such as agricultural –recycle water, or the wastewater from animal excreta and factories. 3 TPH samples were detected to be higher than the concentration of 100 mg/kg, and the TPH concentration of Hou-An Bridge (R03 point) was 4,830 mg/kg. The oil pollution may be caused by the dumping of waste oil. (4) The measured results of groundwater showed that it were detected As, Fe content exceeds groundwater pollution monitoring standards in some locations. It is generally believed that should be related to the releasing of substances from stratum. The groundwater sampling (W08, land No.2009 Ming-lun paragraph, Dong-shih Township) was detected higher As content, which is close to the groundwater pollution control standards. By further way of detection, it is found that soil quality of this farmland was lower than the standard, but the As concentration of groundwater also met the standard monitoring situations.(5) The detection of 16 restricted PAH content in this project were N.D. (not detected). According to this result, we analysis further other suspected chemical composition. It is found there are other 5 PAH substances which are high levels , such as 2-Fluorobiphenyl(SS)、Chrysene-d12(IS)、Naphthalene-d8(IS)、Phenanthrene-d10(IS) and p-Terphenyl-d14(SS), and we suggest those items should be take attention. 3. This project refers to "Air pollution and health among residents near a petrochemical complex in Yunlin County (2009)", and 255 MSDS of chemical substances commonly used in The No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex had collected. And we also collected other 79 MSDS of chemical substances from "The investigation and verification of soil and groundwater pollution potential on the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex plan (2011)". This work collects 334 MSDS totally and has been published and made CD which have the function of inquiries and selection.4. This project also helps the Yunlin EPB completing 4 emergency cases. One of the main purposes of this work is the detection of heavy metal As content of groundwater (raw water) for tap water purification plants. Finally we found 5 samples what the As concentration are higher than the drinking water quality standards. Therefore, 5 pumping wells had close up upon the law of drinking water source quality standards. Furthermore, this work also detected the fluorine content of agricultural soil in the south side of Fu-jiao Company which is located at Central Taiwan Science Park (Hu-wei Park). According to the detection, the fluorine concentration has exceeded the normal range. Central Taiwan Science Park has been monitoring of this area now.[Recommendations]1. This project and another project of Agriculture Department have done detection about farmland soil. All measured results did not exceed the monitoring standards. It is recommended that the measured results should use for reference data, and the monitoring work around this area should continue for tracking the accumulation of air pollutants.2. There were partly samples of fish farms sediment which is detected and found abnormal heavy metal content. It is recommended that forwarding these results to Agriculture Department for teaching the skill of cultivation to the owners of fish farm, and further investigation about other environmental or biological data are necessary.3. Some contaminants such as heavy metal As, Cu, Zn form the sediment of Hsin Hu Wei River were detected. We recommended those data should forward to Water Resources Department for monitoring and managing. Although there is no regulation about the sediment quality of the drainages, but it should be planed to continue investigating in order to providing the spread of pollution.4. This project has been initially collected 334 species of MSDS. That can be used for future plan and further management of the air contaminants from the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex.5. " Air pollution and health among residents near a petrochemical complex in Yunlin County (2009) "referred to numbers of volatile organic compounds and heavy metals can be used as indicators of pollutants. It is recommended that those indicators of pollutants should be conveyed to the Agriculture Department for adjusting the monitoring substances of further project. 100 雲林縣環境保護局 澳新科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=51682
行政院環境保護署重要政策及文獻彙編 台灣自1950年代開始推動工業化,其所導致的環境污染和破壞,到1970年代已經非常嚴重,台灣環保意識同時也在1970年代末期開始萌芽,1980年代全國民眾環保意識提昇及各地風起雲湧的反公害運動,促使行政院於1987年8月22日將衛生署環境保護局升格為行政院環境保護署,職掌全國污染防治工作。26年前,在國人高度期待下,行政院正式成立了環境保護署,專責負責公害防治的相關業務工作,在這一段間,從山上到平地與海邊,台灣的環境都經歷了前所未見的變化。隨著組織再造工作次第展開,環保署也即將升格成為環境資源部,值此組織再造,本計畫探討26年來環保政策分析,以民眾相關、曾經引起媒體輿論關切、對我國環境政策之演進,機關單位之成立、法規之更迭有重大影響為篩選基本原則,對政策之發生、歷程及處理經過,分析對我國環保政策之演進、機關(單位)成立、法規更迭及環境改善等之重大影響。本計畫參考政府公文書與碩博士等相關論文與資料,透過採訪重要人物,以口述歷史方式掌握政策來龍去脈,製作彙編內容。 The Project of Compiling for Major Environmental Policy of EPA Since the promotion of Taiwan’s industrialization in the 1950’s, the resulting environmental pollution and damage has reached a serious level in the 1970’s. Taiwan’s environmental protection awareness began to spur in the late 1970’s. The domestic increase of environmental protection awareness and rising anti-nuisance campaigns induced the Executive Yuan to upgrade the Department of Health, Environmental Protection Agency into the Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan on August 22, 1987, empowering it with the job of pollution-prevention in Taiwan.26 years ago, under the high-expectations of the citizens, the Executive Yuan established Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), responsible for anti-nuisance-related operations. During this period of time, Taiwan experienced a change never seen before ranging from mountains to plains, and even covering the ocean.This project examines environmental policies from the past 26 years, primarily policies that were related to the public, drew media and public concern, the development of environmental policies, the establishment of departments and units, and change in legislations that created great impacts. Through questionnaire surveys and professional conferences, important policies were selected. The occurrence of these policies, the history and processing procedure, policy evolution, and department (unit) establishment were analyzed to understand the major influences of legislation change and environmental improvement.In addition, government official documents and related dissertations of the R.O.C were referenced, and 86 important figures were interviewed through oral history in order to grasp the policy development and produce the compilation content. The entire book contains five chapters: Blue sky, clear water, green mountains, and sustainability. 100 綜計處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44798
100年度推動營造永續優質環境衛生計畫 本計畫執行期間自民國100年3月起至100年12月底為止,主要目標為協助環保署持續推動「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」,執行經行政院核定六(98-103)年專案計畫之第三年度,期在過去清淨家園全民運動的執行基礎上,持續擴大公、私部門投入,以改善環境衛生,並透過績優村里及鄉鎮市區之標竿學習,推廣成功經驗,以營造優質居家生活環境。100年度基於環保署投入總經費4億7,530萬元補助,及中央與地方環保單位共同努力之下,成果豐碩:在「建構清淨家園複式動員系統」方面,由綠網資料顯示,至100年11月全國已有7,836個村里、24,995個社區、7,825位環保志義工、381,939位學校教職員生及3,271隊清淨家園協巡組織等,積極參與環境巡檢照顧工作,統計100年1-11月發表之通報、巡檢、清理及活動等日誌,合計達1,989,722篇。在「全面提昇城鄉環境衛生」方面,692個村里合計達成878項次環境衛生永續指標;另22縣市完成清理167處觀光景點或髒亂點。在「營造優質環保示範區」方面,補助臺北市南港區等22個推動單位,完成77項次環境衛生永續指標,並遴選出桃園縣桃園市等21處為101年度優質環保示範區推動單位,同時,邀請縣市政府相關單位及民眾,至99年度5處示範區級推動單位進行觀摩學習,合計逾6,500人次參與。在「重塑清淨海岸風貌」方面,1-11月動員環保志義工及企業團體等共計130,247人次,累計清理重點海灘11,177公里,清理海灘垃圾3,973公噸。 2011 Establish Sustainable and High-quality Environment for Sanitation The Project has been implemented over the period from March 2011 to December 31, 2011, with objectives to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to enforce the ongoing implementation of the Creation of Sustainable, High-quality Environmental Sanitation Six-year Plan, through the execution of the Third Year work items from this Six-year Plan (which is being implemented over the period 2009 – 2014). Based on the past executive experience of Clean Up Taiwan, the government and private companies should continue expanding the investment to improve the environmental sanitation. By promoting the successive experience from model villages and counties, people would learn how to build high-quality living environment. In FY2011, thanks to the NT$475.3 million funding from the EPA, and thanks to close collaboration between the EPA and local government EPBs (Environmental Protection Bureaus), some progressive results have been achieved. According to EcoLife data as of November 2011, a combined total of 1,989,722 reports regarding to circular inspection, clean-up and special activity reports over the period through January to November, 2011. In the Clean Up Taiwan Multi-tiered Remobilization sub-project, environmental inspection and environmental care work was actively supported by 7,836 rural communities, 24,995 urban communities, 7,825 environmental protection volunteers, 381,939 staff and students of educational institutions, and 3,271 Clean Up Taiwan sub-teams. In the Improvement in Environmental Sanitation in Urban and Rural Areas sub-project, 692 communities have met the 878 environmental sanitation sustainability criteria; 22 individual counties and cities have completed clean-up of 167 tourist destinations and areas that had previously been noted as being particularly dirty or untidy. In the Building Model Environmental Protection Districts sub-project, financial assistance was provided to help 22 entities achieve compliance with the 77-item environmental sanitation sustainability criteria; 21 localities were selected as FY2012 Model Environmental Protection Districts. A total of 6,500 representatives of county and city government agencies and the public were invited to visit the 5 Model Environmental Protection Districts to participate in hands-on learning activities. In the Cleaning Up Taiwan’s Coastline sub-project, over the period January – November 2011 a total of 130,247 volunteers from environmental protection groups and employees of participating business enterprises undertook the cleaning up of 11,177 km of key stretches of coastline, with a remarkable clean-up achievement of 3,973 metric tons of refuse. 100 毒管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29074
都會型河川整治工程納入租稅增額融通制度之可行性評估—以新北市中港大排及高雄市鳳山溪為例  鑑於都會型河川整治對周邊發展可能產生外部效益,但目前似缺乏外部效益內部化機制,因而本計畫評估租稅增額融通制度(tax increment financing, TIF)納為都會型河川整治之財務機制的可行性。首先,探討TIF制度與國內、外案例,作為財務效益分析與制度建立的基礎。而後以新北市中港大排與高雄市鳳山溪之河川整治工程為例,進行現況調查與資料蒐集,並建立特徵價格模型,藉以分析對地方政府租稅增額之影響及所佔貢獻比例,其實證結果為中港大排貢獻約2%,而鳳山溪則不顯著。繼而估算租稅增額與計畫自償率,中港大排約可獲2,886萬元、鳳山溪則因缺乏貢獻而無租稅增額,顯示都會型河川整治的租稅增額收益偏低,相較於成本,並不具備財務的可行性,且視河川整治情形與地區發展情況而有差異,未來建議配合周邊土地開發,跨域整合為「河廊改造計畫」,方能顯著地提升收益。最後,本計畫建立河川整治TIF運作機制與基金運用流程,並完成辦理南、北部講習會,提供各地方政府執行之參考。 Feasibility Analysis of Tax Increment Financing Applying to the Metropolitan River Restoration: Case It is believed that metropolitan river restorations may create some external benefits. However, current relevant system lacks a mechanism to internalize external benefits. Thus, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of applying tax increment financing recapture the benefits from the metropolitan river restoration. First, this study discusses the institution of tax increment financing and its related cases as a reference to conduct a financial analysis and to establish new TIF institution of Taiwan. Second, it chooses two cases in Taiwan, Zhonggang Drainage and Fengshan River, to investigate the population, land use, land tax, and transacted price, etc. It employs these data to establish the hedonic model and to analyze the influence and contribution of tax increment from river restoration. The empirical result is that there is 2% tax increment contribution from Zhonggang Drainage and the contribution of Fengshan River is not significant. Then it assess the tax increment amount of two selected cases and reveals that the tax revenue from metropolitan river restoration is too low to tell the significance so that it is difficult to make sure its financial feasibility. Accordingly, it is predicted that Zhonggang Drainage will create 28.86 million New Taiwan dollars tax increment, but Fengshan River will not create any tax increment because it could not show any significant contribution of tax increment from river restoration. And it indicates that the degree of contribution depends on the effect of river restoration and development around the river. Therefore, this study suggests that the river restoration plan should integrate with land develop along river which maybe calls “River Gallery redevelopment project.” It is hoped that the tax revenue will increase substantially. Finally, this study holds two staff education training workshops and establishes the TIF mechanism of river restoration and the process of raising TIF fund as a reference for local government staffs. 100 水保處 中華民國都市計劃學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44779
酸雨及有害物質溼沉降監測分析調查工作計畫 本報告研究目的為 一、維護台灣酸雨監測網,進行長期監測與資料分析,掌握時空變化趨勢,估算酸沉降之境內外收支貢獻,並與國際現況比較分析。二、維護有害物質大氣汞溼沉降監測網,估算其沉降之貢獻,並與國際現況比較分析。三、有害物質(砷、鉛、鎘、鋅及釩)溼沉降監測,並與國際現況比較分析。四、更新國家酸雨報告,彙整與更新國內外酸雨相關資料。五、應用區域大氣模式整合系統及分析大氣相關資料,以掌握評估台灣環境受局部與區域大氣污染物輸送之衝擊,以供環保署進行環境品質管理與進行國際跨境污染傳輸責任歸屬評估決策之參考。六、酸雨對台灣生態環境系統影響評估。 Acid Rain Monitoring and Assessment of Acidic Deposition in Taiwan The goals of this study are (1) to establish and maintain an integrated atmospheric modeling system for studying the long-range transport of regional air pollutants in order to predict and assess their impact on Taiwan air quality, and further to provide fundamental information to EPA for air pollution management, (2) to revise the PSI when abnormal air pollution events occur, (3) to maintain acid deposition net work for conducting a long-term monitoring and data analysis, (4) to maintain an integrated atmospheric mercury and heavy metals for studying the long-range transport of regional air pollutants, (5) to update and maintain the web site of acid rain study in Taiwan, and (6) to promote regional international collaborations. To date, our achievements are highlighted below: The passing rate of the acid rain samples by the WMO QA/QC standard is 76 %, showing the quality of the monitoring network is quite well. Maintain an integrated atmospheric mercury and heavy metals for studying the long-range transport of regional air pollutants in order to monitor and assess their impact on Taiwan air quality, and further to provide fundamental information to EPA for air pollution management. The situation of acid rain in urban cities are slightly improving, but getting much more serious in the countryside. Based on a statistic model, the PSI during the abnormal event of the year of 2011 has been recalculated in consideration of Asian dust impact on PM10 measurements. The web site (http://acidrain.epa.gov.tw) of Taiwan acid rain study has been updated with more information Continue to promote participation in international cooperation and technical exchanges. We’ll keep cooperating with Quality Assurance Science Activity Center of UN, participate in the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/Mercury Deposition Network QA/QC program and actively promote participation in World Meteorological Organization Global Precipitation Chemistry and Deposition Science Assessment. 100 空保處 中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34801
陸上運輸系統(高架段伸縮縫)低頻噪音管制方式及改善措施之研究 國內近年來高、快速公路的建設,多數路段採高架工程,新建橋梁多採用長跨度或連續梁橋,因此伸縮縫型式及伸縮量不斷的創新與擴大,構造益形複雜,以致造成伸縮縫之損壞情形亦較為頻繁、顯著。橋梁伸縮縫之維修與換裝不僅施工中交通維持困難,而且相當危險,尤其在通車壓力、車流震動以及有限空間中,要做好維修工作並不容易,同時也必須付出極高的社會成本和代價。目前對行車安全與舒適所遭遇的最大問題就是高、快速公路「伸縮縫」不平順或損壞,除產生噪音影響道路兩側居民生活外,並影響高、快速公路行車之舒適與安全。在高、快速公路橋梁伸縮縫接二連三出現問題,沿線居民不斷陳情抗議車經伸縮縫產生的噪音太大之際,加上經過伸縮縫產生跳動之不舒適感,深覺有必要對伸縮縫跳動及噪音加以探究。計畫內容有蒐集國外有關高速公路與快速道路之高架段伸縮縫之管制方式、完成高速公路與快速道路之高架段伸縮縫低頻噪音測定、依據量測結果研析我國可行改善措施、分析我國高速公路與快速道路之高架段伸縮縫噪音陳情案件之類型、數量與處理情形並提出改善規範之目標。今年度陸上運輸系統(高架段伸縮縫)低頻噪音管制方式及改善措施之研究計畫工作成果包括:一、蒐集國外有關高速公路與快速道路之高架段伸縮縫之管制方式、噪音特性、相關低頻噪音問題、噪音減輕對策、控制技術、噪音量測方法及有關規範。二、完成高速公路與快速道路之高架段伸縮縫低頻噪音測定(一)高速公路之高架段伸縮縫低頻噪音測定7處(合計量測達36點次)並統計分析其結果。(二)快速道路之高架段伸縮縫低頻噪音測定6處(合計量測達22點次)並統計分析其結果。三、依據量測結果研析我國可行改善措施,研提高速公路與快速道路之高架段伸縮縫減輕對策與控制技術、管制方法及改善措施。四、分析我國高速公路與快速道路之高架段伸縮縫噪音陳情案件之類型、數量與處理情形並提出改善規範。 Study of control methods and improvement measures on low frequency noise produced by land transporta In recent years, overpass projects have been frequently seen in the construction of freeways and expressways in our country and long-span or continuous beam bridges have been mostly adopted for new bridges, therefore the type and gap of expansion joints have become increasingly innovative and expansive, and the structure more complicated, resulting in more frequent and obvious damages of expansion joints. As for the maintenance and replacement of bridge expansion joints, it is not only difficult but also very dangerous to maintain traffic during work. Particularly, it is not easy to ensure maintenance quality working under open traffic stress, with vibration caused by traffic flow, and in a confined space. In the meantime, extremely high social cost and price will be paid for the maintenance work. Presently, the biggest problem that challenges driving safety and comfort lies in the unevenness or damage of the expansion joints on freeways and expressways, which not only cause noises affecting the living quality of residents on both sides of the road, but also decrease the comfort and safety of driving on freeways and expressways. In view of the fact that the bridge expansion joints on freeways and expressways have caused problems one after another, the residents along the line have repeatedly petitioned against the noise caused by cars driving pass the expansion joints, and the bumps and jumps produced by the expansion joints have caused discomfort to drivers passing by, it is necessary to make a thorough inquiry of the jumps and noises caused by the expansion joints. Content of the project includes collecting information on the control methods for expansion joints on freeways and expressways adopted by foreign countries, conducting low frequency noise measurement for overpass expansion joints on freeways and expressways, formulating improvement measures for our country based on measuring results, analyzing the type, number, and handling of petitions against noises caused by overpass expansion joints on freeways and expressways in our country, and proposing goals for regulations on improvement. The achievements of the 2011 study of control methods and improvement measures on low frequency noise produced by land transportation system (overpass expansion joints) include:1. Collected information on the control methods, noise properties, low frequency noise-related issues, noise mitigation measures, noise control techniques, noise measuring methods, and related regulations for overpass expansion joints on freeways and expressways in foreign countries.2. Completed low frequency noise measurement for overpass expansion joints on freeways and expressways as follows:(1)Measured low frequency noise of overpass expansion joints on freeways at 7 locations (totally 36 measurements) and statistically analyzed their results.(2)Measured low frequency noise of overpass expansion joints on expressways at 6 locations (totally 22 measurements) and statistically analyzed their results.3.Formulated improvement measures for our country based on measuring results and proposed countermeasures, control techniques, control methods, and improvement measures for overpass expansion joints on freeways and expressways.4.Analyzed the type, number, and handling of petitions against noises caused by overpass expansion joints on freeways and expressways in our country, and proposed improvement regulations. 100 空保處 國立暨南國際大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30641
100年參與亞太經濟合作海洋資源保育工作小組 本計畫之執行係回應亞太經濟合作(APEC)海洋相關部長之宣言及行動計畫,以推動公私部門夥伴關係。本計畫完成派員出席於100年6月6-9日在印尼峇里舉行之第24屆APEC海洋資源保育工作小組(MRCWG)年度會議,於會議中報告我國於2010年所舉行之第11屆亞太經濟合作組織企業/私人部門參與海洋環境永續性圓桌會議之成果,並提出我國自費辦理2012年第13屆亞太經濟合作組織企業/私人部門參與海洋永續性圓桌會議之計畫。本計畫已於100年09月19-21日在台北舉辦第12屆亞太經濟合作(APEC)企業/私人部門參與海洋環境永續性圓桌會議。此外,本計畫亦完成發行APEC Bulletin on Marine Resource Conservation and Fisheries第十三卷第1、2期刊物以及網路維護等工作。 The Project on the Involvement of APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group -2011 This project was implemented in according to the Declaration and the Plan of Action of the Ocean-related Ministers of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) on the promotion of partnership between the public and private sectors. The 24nd meeting of the APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group (MRCWG), held June 6-9, 2011, in Bali, Indonesia. The principal investigator of this project. In the meeting, It reported the 11th APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector held in 2010. The 2012 project proposal for the 13th APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector was put forward at the meeting. Furthermore, the 12th APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector had been held in Taipei on October 19-21, 2011. In addition, Volume XIII Issues I and II of the APEC Bulletin on Marine Resource Conservation and Fisheries as well the project web pages have been completed to fulfill the requirement of the project. 100 永續發展室 國立臺灣海洋大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32669
100年度「CEMS系統管制暨人工測站操作維護業務」計畫 監測儀器功能查核方面:本計畫共計已完成20根次煙道相對準確度測試查核,完成率105%,檢測結果所有測項合格率皆為100%,偏移校正因子(BAF)以排放流率發生率較高,查核後也請廠商留意是否有系統性偏移之情形﹔不透光率校正誤差查核執行19根次煙道,完成率100%,低、中、高範圍合格率均為100%,誤差大部分小於1%﹔而標準氣體查核執行19根次,完成率100%,各測項皆合格,誤差大部分小於5%;二氧化氮查核進行11根次,完成率100%,整體轉化率已達到93.84%較上年提升8.6%,對於轉化率較差之工廠已於查核後建議廠商應自行定期測試,轉化率低時應更換相關耗材。 The CEMS control-cum-manual station operation and maintenance business Monitoring instrument function check aspects: the RATA has been completed 20 times, the completion rate of 105% of the test results for all test items pass rate was 100%; the opacity correction error checking to perform 19 times, the completion rate of 100%, low, medium and high range pass rate are 100%, the error is mostly less than 1%; the CGA perform 19 times, 100% completion rate, measured items are qualified error is mostly less than 5%; nitrogen dioxide audit carried out 11 times, completion rates 100%, the overall conversion rate has reached 93.84 percent over the previous year to 8.6% increase in poor conversion rate of the factory was recommended that manufacturers should check themselves regularly test related supplies should be replaced in the conversion rate is low. The operational aspects of site assessment, at this stage, completed a total of eight games on the factory floor checking, the main problem for the software for data arithmetic processing, there are still some problems exist, such as the gas substance opacity effective when the number of different, MDF RATAmiscalculation missing the same with the previous year, to keep track improve the situation.Regulation compliance inspection part, at this stage, completed a total of 30 times checking work, keep track improvement assistance and for checking the missing part of the job, in order to confirm the plant to improve the situation working group from time to time and traced to the plant operation, take this enhance the connection factory quality assurance quality control, increase the accuracy and reliability of the connection information, and has yet to improve the lack of multi-contractor for factory personnel are not familiar with jobs and delay correction for this part of the working group are also available in addition to actively track the relevant information counseling factory improved MDF emission standards misquoted, leading RATA error calculation error, and have asked the manufacturers to the report provided by the testing company shall check whether the error to avoid such situations. 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40898
100年度「新竹縣養豬業源頭減量清潔養豬(豬廁所)及豬糞再利用示範推廣計畫 100 新竹縣環境保護局 亞太環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28920
100年度嘉義縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測暨油品檢測計畫 摘要 計畫名稱:『嘉義縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測暨油品檢測計畫』 執行期程:100年1月1日至100年12月31日 計畫經費:6,900仟元 計畫主持人:許仲景 計畫人力:計畫經理莊志偉及工程師龔家藝、陳玟憲、施宏勝、黃柄 誠、蔡旭淵、楊貴香、陳盈妙等八人本公司執行100年度嘉義縣柴油車動力計排煙檢暨油品撿測計畫,自100年1月1日起開始執行,截至100年11月22日止,工作項目皆依據原排定工作進度如期完成,各項工作進度及成果摘要說明如表1 及下述:一、依柴油車檢測結果之統計資料,檢測站柴油車檢測共計1,464輛次,檢測平均污染度為無負載14.6%、100%全負載9.8%、60%全負載9.8%、40%全負載12.1%,不合格數為55輛,不合格率3.8%。因馬力不足退驗者共計266輛次,退驗率為15.2%,轉速不足退驗者共計21輛次,退驗率為1.2%。二、檢測不合格車輛以營業大貨車、排氣量8,000~10,000cc、10年以上車齡、福特廠牌及自行到檢車輛及2期車較高。三、站內檢測不合格55輛,大部分不合格項目只有1種不合格,總計有33輛次,比率為60%,2種項目不合格輛數有12輛,3種項目不合格輛數有10輛。檢測不合格以40%全負載測點為最高,總計有35輛次,其次為60%全負載測點有19輛次,在60%全負載測點則有18輛次,檢測不合格最低為無負載測點有15輛次。。四、非站內攔車稽查1,805輛次,完成714輛次路邊攔車煙度計檢測作業,其中不合格車輛數有242輛,不合格率為33.89%,不合格率以大客車、自用小客貨及大型曳引車輛較高,其中自用曳引車之不合格率最高為66.67%,其次為自用大客車及小客貨之不合格率達55.6%,後續應將此些車種列為重點稽查車輛加強攔查。五、柴油油品完成稽查2,547件,抽驗200件,完成檢測193件。其中除1輛自用大貨車送驗不合格外,其餘皆合格,路邊攔車抽油1,515件,送驗147件,檢驗完成143件,全數合格;檢測站抽油1,020件,送驗41件,已檢測40件,合格39件,1件不合格,不合格率2.5%;場站稽查7件,已檢驗5件皆合格;非法油品布袋港聯合稽查4家油輪皆合格。總計完成油品送驗200件,完成檢驗193件,不合格件數1件,不合格率0.5%,目標達成率100.0%;不合格樣品硫含量259ppmw,平均比重值為0.815,合格樣品硫含量小於20ppmw,平均比重值為0.824。六、計畫執行所產生之污染物排放削減量,主要來自於檢測不合格車輛,若依環保署減量方式預估目前本計畫之減量成效,TSP和PM10各削減6.93公噸/年。若依本計畫推估,將檢測前調修及汰舊之污染減量併入計算,TSP和PM10各削減96.46公噸/年,NOx削減702.38公噸/年,CO削減350.89公噸/年。七、由歷年站內檢測執行成果比較,100年度檢測不合格率為3.8%,與96-99年比較偏低,但仍高於部分測站,且本年度目視判煙通知到檢作業方式延續99年度,目視判煙地點嚴格排除上坡路段及紅綠燈口,且通知到檢公文所附照片需經雙重篩選有明顯煙度。八、今年100%全負載測試時,量測之馬力比以35%~45%及45%~55%為最多,分別佔檢測35.7%(99年32.5%)及28.8%(99年27.0%),因此全負載100%測試實測馬力/最大馬力與99年度比較,馬力值於35%~45%略增加,不當調修仍然嚴重,需加強保檢合一之稽查輔導作業,以落實保檢合一目標,目前已進行10家保養廠認證作業。九、以動力站、中洋工業區、阿里山停車場、路欄等檢測不合格率比較,以阿里山停車場最高達48.99%,路欄檢測次之35.71%,中洋工業區為13.89%,動力站為3.8%最低。十、設籍嘉義縣之柴油車已有9,928輛完成檢測,目前設籍本縣之柴油車檢測數約近60.05%(納管率)。十一、自主管理淨區管制,納管柴油車輛71.5%為A級。完成柴油車自主管理208家次,檢測納管910輛次。十二、今年動力計評鑑經環保局及外稽委員輔導及團隊努力已達到A級目標。十三、其他工作項目執行成果包含網路預約與即時監看系統維護、更新檢測資料庫建檔管理、維護管理驗車同步數位攝影系統裝置並定期備份、檢測站TAF認證展延維持、儀器設備檢校與保養、停車等停熄火宣導、柴油車NOx檢測382輛次、阿里山檢測工作18次;保檢合一及保養廠稽查21次、內外部稽核3場次、一場次宣導說明會、一場次相關性測試及26車次品保測試及相關文書建立等。 100 嘉義縣環境保護局 華門工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=33716
100年度臺南市噪音監測暨航空噪音防制區檢討劃定計畫 本計畫目標旨在完成臺南市噪音移動式環境及交通噪音監測站操作工作、環境音量陳情案件監測工作、航空噪音臨時性監測、使用中車輛原地噪音量測作業及宣導作業,並配合達成行政院環境保護署環保機關績效考評中噪音管制項目。在移動式環境及交通噪音監測中,共完成100年第4季及101年第1~3季共計192點次的環境及交通噪音監測,監測結果均符合音量標準。環境與交通噪音陳情案件監測,共執行10件次監測作業,其中4件次為交通音量陳情案件,4件次為環境音量陳情,2件次為高速公路交通噪音陳情。第一件次(臺南市安平區光州路3號)於日間時段超出管制標準,其餘監測結果均符合管制標準。航空噪音臨時性監測,共執行4點次作業,除2個地點為當地里長指定外,其餘2個地點是選定來比對軍方測站數據,每個點次須執行十日,已於101年10月底前完成4點次,監測結果之航空噪音日夜音量均低於監測點所處之該類航空噪音防制區訂定的航空噪音日夜音量範圍。在使用中車輛原地噪音量測部分,共計辦理56場次,總欄檢攔查數為512車次,經檢測不合格車次為114筆,合格車次共178筆,不合格之車輛經回檢後改善完成者共78筆,針對檢測不合格或網站檢舉而尚未回檢之車輛,經兩次通知不到後,即給予處分。此外,配合101年度環保署「使用中機車噪音稽查大執法計畫」的辦理,其結果如表1,評比結果為全國第一。宣導作業部分,共完成5場次宣導作業。於100年11月22、23日辦理『環保寺廟暨鞭炮噪音宣導說明會』會議;於101年04月16日辦理『依噪音管制法第八條及第九條第1項第6款規定之公告條文檢討修訂說明會』會議;於101年06月22日辦理『噪音管制法宣導暨稽查實務協商會』會議;於101年09月25日辦理『歸仁基地航空噪音說明會』會議;於101年09月27日辦理『一般噪音管制區修正檢討說明會』會議。本市陳情案件統計部分,由統計資料可知噪音陳情件數自96年起逐年增加,100年度總數更達3,754件,而101年度截至9月底為止,共有2,716件的噪音陳情案件。101年度1月至9月前3大噪音陳情項目以擴音設備284件(佔29.6 %)為最高,其次為其他217件(佔22.6 %),動力機具為181件(佔18.9 %)。以本市各行政區而言,噪音陳情比例前5大依次為東區(17.42 %)、中西區(13.40 %)、永康區(11.63%)、北區(11.12%)及安南區(8.91%)。大抵而言,陳情比例較高的行政區均與人口密度的多寡有關。 The review plan of Tainan City noise monitoring and aviation noise control area in year 2011 This plan is to complete the operation and public pleads in the noise monitoring of Tainan City applied in the mobile environment, the traffic sounds inspection, the aviation noise gauging and the vehicles operating in-situ noise gauging. It also coordinates to achieve the noise regulations done by the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan.The monitoring result in the environment and the traffic sounds conformed to the control standard in the 4th seasons of year 2011 and the 1st and 2nd and 3rd seasons of year 2012.There were 10 times monitoring operation for environment and the traffic sound pleading cases. In these cases, there were 4 cases resulting from traffic sounds, 4 cases from environmental noise volume and 2 cases from super high way sounds. The first case came from No.3 Tainan Anping District Gwangju St. during daytime beyond the noise control standards, and the rest of the monitoring results were to be compliant with regulatory standards.The temporary aviation noise monitoring had been conducting 4 locations’ operation all together by year 2012 October which took 10 days monitoring. All 4 locations’ monitoring results were compliant with regulatory standards.In the vehicles operating in-situ noise gauging part, there were requested 56 times in the Noise Monitoring of Vehicles, in which there were 512 total examination times, unqualified were 114 times and the improved vehicle numbers altogether were78 times. In addition, followed with the year 2012 TEPA plan listed in below table 1,"the use of a large motorcycle noise enforcement inspection plan statistical table” .There was all together 5 times Public Educational Guidance of the Noise Monitoring of Vehicles. The 1st guidance was held on November 22th and 23th year 2011 with the topic “Environmental meeting in temple-with-firecracker noise guidance”. The 2nd guidance was held on April 16th with the topic “The review meeting of the provisions of Article 8 and item 1 of paragraph 6 of Article 9 of the Noise Control Act “will. The 3rd guidance was held on June 22th 2011 with the topic “Declared the guidance and inspection of Noise Control Act consultations”. The 4nd guidance was held on September 25th 2012 with the topic “The Qui Zen aircraft base noise briefings”. The 5nd guidance was held on September 27th 2012 with the topic “The general noise control zone modification review Meeting”.To gather noise pleading statistic cases, there were increasing 1483 cases from year 2007.There were increasing up to 3754 cases in year 2011. From January to September in year 2012, there were up to 2716 cases in which first three big noises pleading cases classified into the first amplified equipments noise took 29.6% with 284 cases, the second the other noise took 22.6% with 217 cases and finally power machines noise took 18.9% with 181 cases. In Tainan city, the petition noise ratio in the top five followed by Eastern District (17.42%), West Central District (13.40%), Yongkang District (11.63%), North District (11.12%) and Annan District (8.91%). Generally speaking, the higher proportion of petitions borough are related to the amount of population density. 100 台南市環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48667
100年度環境教育行政支援及輔導考核機制建立專案工作計畫 本計畫協助環保署執行環境教育行政支援及輔導考核機制建立,其中,環境教育行政支援的內容,主要為協助辦理會議相關行政作業並於會後依據發言意見協助修正相關資料,而參與協助環境教育相關會議共30場次、其他交辦工作共計4項;在輔導考核機制建立的部份,完成本年度地方環境保護機關績效考評、研訂補助要點、蒐集並分析地方政府環境教育基金編列及運用情形、完成輔導機制研擬並辦理3場次現場及電話訪談,並於100年12月20至21日辦理環境教育法推動年終檢討會議。透過評鑑工作的執行,已完成地方環保機關相關資料彙整及績效考評,並協助規劃補助要點及後續考評項目,提供環保署後續補助及績效考評之參考。 The project of adminiatrative assistance for environmental education and the establishment The project have provided the support of administrative and implemented the performance appraisal of environmental education. In the administrative support, we have participated in the environmental education-related meeting, collected the opinion, made the record and modified related data. We have participated in the environmental education-related meeting about 30 times, and help other work assigned by EPA. The part of the establishment of counseling and performance appraisal is about to complete 2011 performance appraisal in local environmental protection authorities, and provide for subsidies, collect and analyze the budget for environmental education funds of local government and use case, provide the counseling mechanism for 3 times on-site and telephone interviews, and convene the year-end review meeting for promoting environmental education act on December 20 to 21. Through the implementation of evaluation work is to complete the relevant information archiving and performance appraisal for local environmental protection authorities, and assist to plan follow-up subsidies and the project of performance appraisal to provide references for EPA. 100 綜計處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28948
基隆市營建工程污染稽查管制及空品區淨化計畫 一、 加強本市營建工程污染稽查管制工作,藉由勤查重罰加強違規取締,並追蹤後續污染改善情形,以減少本市營建工程各項污染,維護市民生活環境品質。二、 加強辦理營建工程污染防制宣導及輔導工作,期透過輔導及宣導機制,讓業者主動樂意做好污染防制工作,達到營建工程污染減量成效。三、 維護及更新本市營建工程電腦資料庫,推估本市營建工程逸散性污染排放量。四、 辦理圍籬綠美化、植樹、設置空氣品質淨化區等綠美化作業,以達減碳及污染物淨化之功效。 100 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45777
100年一般產品環保標章及第二類環境保護產品驗證作業專案工作計畫 國際間的環保運動在1970年代起開始紛紛興起,其主要訴求在於減少人類對環境破壞的行為,並且透過綠色消費運動的推行來降低過度生產及日常生活消費之行為對環境的衝擊。2008 年環保署委託第三者執行環保標章申請案滿意度調查,其調查結果顯示業界對於環保標章申請案最不滿意部分為申請時程過於冗長,有鑑於此,本年度計畫將會提出有別於已往之改進作法,透過一執行單位在文件檢核階段,同時進行初審階段作業之作法,以達到本計畫之目標。本計畫工作範圍為100.4.27~100.12.31之環保標章與第二類環保產品之審查驗證作業與相關配合作業。於產品審查之部分,目前總處理件數為689件,共計審查完成353件,而排程待審件數為202件。而第二類環保產品申請案所處理之總件數為41件。目前環保標章已採用電子化系統作業,本會雖有提出部分之系統需改進地方,然尚有許多系統之不足部分能待改進,未來期望可將其系統部分修繕完畢以達到電子系統人性化之作業 Certification of Environmentally Preferable Products of 2011 International environmental movement has begun since 1970, which the main appeal is to decrease the destroy behavior of human for environment. The green consumption movement was implemented to decrease the environment impact of the over-production and daily consumption.In 2008, EPA commissioned the third party to do the satisfaction survey of the green mark application. The results indicated that the most dissatisfied of the industry is the long-winded of the application procedures. Therefore, this program in this year will bring an improve method which is going to check the application documents and proceed to the first trial stage at the same time that can reach the aim of this grogram.The key points of the program’s requirements are the certification operation for the Green Mark (Type-I) and Type-II products, and the introduction of the electronic certification system. During 2011.4.27~2011.12.31, we have been totally gotten 689 Type-I products and 353 products have been certificated. However, 202 are waiting to be certificated. For the Type-II products, we have gotten 41 productsGreen Mark is currently using the electronic system has been operating. Although we make some parts of the system needs to be improved, there are still inadequate in many parts of the system can be improved. For the future, we hope that the defect of the system can be removed which can make the system so use-friendly. 100 管考處 財團法人台灣環保文教基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32355
100年度資源回收、源頭管理工作綜合計畫及擴大宣導計畫 桃園縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為持續促進並維護桃園縣生活環境品質,據以辦理「100年度辦理資源回收、源頭管理工作綜合計畫及擴大宣導計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)。本計畫工作內容可概分包括協助環保局各項工作推動、擴大民眾宣導與提升執行機關工作職能等三大面向。在提供環保局各項工作協助成果上,本計畫透過辦理26場次執行機關推動資源回收源頭管理績效考核工作、轄內483村里資源回收工作評比、每月辦理各委辦計畫業務檢討會議與執行機關工作檢討會議,協助環保局與各鄉鎮市公所整合行政資源提升工作績效。在宣導工作部分,本計畫藉由(1)每月相關報表彙整與數據查核作業,檢討各公所垃圾減量資源回收工作成效、(2)辦理資源回收校際競賽、身心障礙福利機構(團體及基金會等)關懷弱勢族群禮品綠色包裝設計競賽及以廢棄物創作藝術設計競賽活動等三項競賽擴大宣導面向。而在提升執行機關工作職能部份上,本計畫係藉由辦理兩場次木工家電修繕訓練與13場次清潔隊在職教育訓練提升各鄉鎮市清潔隊員本職學能,藉此達到一般廢棄物源頭管理、暢通廢棄資源物回收再利用管道,進而減輕對環境負荷及提升執行機關工作成效,冀將桃園縣建構為具減少廢棄物產生及資源再利用之永續發展低碳桃花園 FY2011 Taoyuan County Recycling Source Management and Enhancing Promotion Project To promote and to maintain environment quality in Taoyuan County, Taoyuan County Government Environmental Protection (hereinafter referred to as TYEPB) the " FY2011 Taoyuan County Recycling Source Management and Enhancing Promotion Project"(hereinafter referred to as the project) is commissioned to implement three main tasks, include providing supports to all Implementation Agency(IA) operation, recycling/source reduction promotion and enhancing IA recycling capacity. In supporting Implentation Agency operation topic, 26 on-site audits, 483 local authorities recycling evaluation, monthly discussion meetings for contracted project and Implementation Agencies and Implementation Agencies performance analysis were taken at the project duration. To promote recycling and source reduction works, Taoyuan county Campus Recycling Contest, Welfare Organization Green Packaging Award and Recycled Product Art Competition were organized. On enhancing IA recycling capacity topic, totally 13 training courses and 2 profesisonal carpenter programs were offered to increase waste material reutiliation and achieve low carbon homeland in Taoyuan county. 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 永發環境科技管理有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28686
100年度垃圾減量、資源回收專案作業查核追蹤管制及宣導活動計畫 100 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 晶淨科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27847
嘉義市水資源永續利用之中水回收再利用診斷輔導計畫 「嘉義市水資源永續利用之中水回收再利用診斷輔導計畫」主要工作內容包含水資源使用調查蒐集及規劃、中水系統回收規劃、示範場址設置及辦理宣導說明會,執行期程為100年5月5日至100年12月31日,計畫工作執行成果摘要如下:一、 水資源使用調查蒐集及回收潛勢評估調查蒐集本市所有中小學背景資料,經調查本市共28家國中小,包括8家國中及20家國小,經調查28家中有11家國中小願意設置中水回收系統,進一步訪視有意願之11家國中小並蒐集中水回收系統設置評估所需相關資料,經評估分析結果為港坪國小、嘉義國中及興嘉國小等3處國中小為本市最具有回收潛勢之國中小。二、 針對港坪國小、嘉義國中及興嘉國進行中水回收系統規劃設計,分別規劃港坪國小每年回收雨水418 立方公尺及洗手台污水2,600 立方公尺作為澆灌用水及生態池補注之用;嘉義國中每年可回收約5,534 立方公尺雨水作為綠地噴灌之用;興嘉國小每年可回收約2,000 立方公尺洗菜水,作為澆灌以及生態池植物利用與水池蒸發補充水之用。三、 示範場址設置本計畫示範場址選定為港坪國小,該校設有風力發電、太陽能蓄電、風力給水及生態景觀池,前述教學示範設備均鄰近本計畫設計之中水回收系統示範場,若在此設置示範場址,除可推廣中水回收系統功能,亦可兼具環境教育示範功能,已於12月21日完成工程施作並進行試運轉及功能評估,已確認其功能可正常運轉。四、 辦理宣導說明會及示範成果發表會本團隊已於6月22日辦理1場次「嘉義市中水回收系統設置評估說明會」邀請學校說明本計畫內容,於示範場址設置完畢後,於12月19日辦理「中水回收系統示範成果發表會」,並且針對家庭省水減污及教育宣導擬定推動策略,研提本市水資源永續利用策略及可行方案。 Abstract This project performed Water resource in sustainable use of Chiayi city: Reclaimed water recycle and reuse diagnostic assistance program. Program period started at 5th May, 2010 and ends in 31th Dec, 2010. Summary of performance is as followings:1. Collection of water resource and evaluation of recycling potential:Collecting all elementary schools and junior high schools in Chiayi city, there are 11 schools (from 20 elementary schools and 8 junior high schools) would build reclaimed water recycle system.By our further interviewed, Chiayi junior high school、Xingchia and Kungping elementary schools have better recycling potential in our evaluation.2. Planning of reclaimed water recycle system design:Due to Kungping elementary school, we planned to recycle rainwater 418m3 and washbasin water 2600m3 for bio bond refill and irrigation water per year.For Chiayi junior high school, we plan to recycle 5543m3 rainwater for irrigation water per year.And for Xingchia elementary school, we plan to recycle 2000m3 kitchen water for irrigation water、bio bond refill or water pool refill.3. Building demonstration site:Kungping elementary school was chosen for demonstration site.Because its wind power system、solar power storage system、wind water supply and bio bond are near to our reclaimed water recycle system, we hold demonstration site may not only promotion reclaimed water recycle system, but also have environmental education demonstration effects.According to the agreement from mid-term review, we choose Kungping elementary school to be our demonstration site running build operations.All evaluation and test run has been completed at 30th Nov.4. Holding advocacy briefings and results demonstration: Our group had held one advocacy briefings for our plan and at 30th Jun. The advocacy briefings invited the parties to explain the content of plan.After demonstration site completed, we held reclaimed water recycle system demonstration at 19th Dec, and made feasibility proposal for water resource in sustainable use in family water-saving and pollution protecting for Chiayi city. 100 嘉義市政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32152
執行汽油引擎汽車新車型審驗、新車抽驗、使用中汽車召回改正調查測試與相關措施研訂 新車排氣審驗計核發388件車型排氣合格證明,並定期稽核廠商依核報品管測試,與配合環保署執行新車抽驗。在召回調查測試選取10個符合汽油汽車四期排放標準的引擎族,執行召回改正調查測試,確認均符合排放標準並與新車管制排放狀況相近,並有三家廠商完成自行召回改正。在落實進口之少量或國外使用中汽油汽車的排放管制測試,本計畫定期彚整相關測試資料作為環保署管制參考。推動審驗作業系統全面電子化,完成審驗作業電子收費系統之程式介面建置,解決廠商繳費、郵寄的困擾;並完成新車抽驗/召回改正管制電子化建置,方便管制業務執行。在系统之功能維護上,已完成審驗作業系統與核章資料連結之功能維護、修正,有效提供量產資訊供後續管制參考;另因應環保署污染噪音二證合一管制要求,完成審驗作業系統的功能增置及相關作業間的協議,方便廠商取得合格證明。配合汽油汽車第五期排放標準的實施,於相關廢氣排放測試方法與程序中,增列相關條文,以使汽油汽車相關排放管制,與先進國家管制措施一致,並符合國內管制的需求;另依歐盟OBD測試程序,對一輛符合五期排放標準車輛,執行EOBD功能及排放測試,確認該車OBD系統設置功能及污染排放符合管制規定;再依歐盟及美國混合動力汽油汽車排放污染測試程序,對三輛不可車外充電式混合動力汽油汽車進行排放污染研究測試,確認車輛之電池電位與CO2排放及油耗有高度的相關性,對空氣污染物排放則無相關,及測試期間能量變化。於探討汽油汽車排放總量推估上,為反應車輛於行駛道路的平均車速之排放狀況,以10輛車於FTP-75及NEDC測試之各暫態排放測試結果,計算在不同平均車速之排放狀況。分別完成2011及2012車型年低污染環保汽油汽車的表揚及評選,更新資料庫中低污染環保汽油汽車評選資料與定期修訂網站中的相關連結路徑,再配合配環保署刊登如:認識OBD車上診斷系統、停車怠速熄火相關規定、選購低排碳車輛-齊力守護地球等專欄,以使消費者在使用車輛時能有更對環境友善的行為模式。 Implement of the new model certification, conformity of production and the recall relative investiga This project has issued 388 vehicle emissions compliance certificates, audited periodically on the Compliance of Production tests reported by manufacturers and cooperated with EPA to carry out new vehicle selective audit tests. As to the In-Use Motor Vehicle Recall and Correction test, 10 Stage 4 emissions standards compliance engine families of gasoline vehicles were selected and tested to verify their compliance and emissions conditions close to their new vehicle certification test results, and three manufacturers has performed self recall and correction procedures. To ensure the compliance of emissions standards for small production volume or in-use imported gasoline vehicles, this project has provided test results periodically to EPA as control measure reference.To promote electronic certification process, this project has established the interface of electronic certification application fee collection system, to solve the problems of fee collection and mailing process for manufacturers; this project also established the new vehicle selective audit test/ recall and correction test electronic system to facilitate the process of related control measures. As to the system functionality maintenance, this project has finished the maintenance and revision of connection between certification process and certificate issuance achieves effectively provide reference information for future emissions control measure implementation. To fulfill the request of EPA this project has combined emissions and noise certificates into one certificate, finished functionality addition and operation protocol for the certification process system for the convenience of manufacturers to apply for their certificates.With the implementation of gasoline vehicle emissions Stage 5 standards, this project has carried out amendment and addition of related articles on Gasoline vehicle emissions related test methods and procedures to harmonize the standards with the measures being executed in advanced countries and also meet domestic emissions control needs. This project also has performed EOBD functionality and emissions tests on a Stage 5 standards compliance vehicle in accordance with the EU OBD test procedure to verify the design of the vehicle’s OBD system. This project also has performed research emissions tests on 3 non plug-in rechargeable hybrid gasoline vehicles in accordance with both the EU and US emissions test procedures for hybrid electric vehicle. The test results have shown that the status of SOC is highly correlated with CO2 emission and fuel consumption, but not correlated with other pollutants. As to the work item of “Investigate gasoline automobile air pollution emissions estimate in Taiwan”, to reflect real exhaust emissions from vehicles when driving with average speed, 10 vehicle emissions tests were performed using both FTP-75 and NEDC drive cycles to get the transient test results for different average speeds. This project has held the 2011 vehicle model year green vehicle award press conference and accomplished the evaluation of 2012 vehicle model year green ranking. The rank evaluation related achieves and linkage pathway to the green vehicle website was updated periodically. Cooperated with EPA to write columns and published inside vehicle magazines such as: To know the functionalities of OBD system; idle engine stop related regulations; specific columns on purchase low carbon emission vehicles to protect our mother earth and educate the public on how to drive cars environmental friendly. 100 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36899
100年度臺南市營建工地污染管制查核計畫 計畫執行期間(100年07月01日至100年12月31日),營建工程申報件數計有4,169件(其中有187件屬需申報但免繳交空污費),總申報金額為51,187,484元;至於總施工工地為6,446處,而其所產生的TSP原始排放量總計為6,046.27噸,經污染管制後TSP實際排放量為2,472.5噸,平均污染削減率為60.85%。另外,期間本計畫共進行7,344件次之巡查,並列管4,632處,列管率為71.85%。另外,計畫執行期間,共計有32處營建工地進行道路洗掃認養,總認養長度為60.6公里,其執行洗掃長度達20,922.51公里,其TSP削減量約為288.73公噸。本年度提出申請替代方案申請案件共有8件,6件已通過申請,2件則因申請原因不符而予以駁回。至於在宣導方面,本計畫分別於100年9月21日及100年11月9日辦理2場次宣導說明會,並配合環保局發佈相關空氣污染之環保新聞,共計發佈6則新聞稿。 2011 Management and Control Project of Construction Sites in Tainan City 2011 Management and Control Project of Construction Sites in Tainan City which followed the past years’ rountin on inspecting the construction sites and promoted latest relvent regulations. Until Mid-Term of this project, from Jul. 01, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011, this project completed objectives in the arranged schedule. During this period, total of 4,169 new contruction sites declared Air Pollution Fee which amounted to 51,187,484 NT dollars. Fuhtermore, there are 6,446 construction sites still under contruction, which could produce up to 6,046.27 tons TSP emission acrroding to our estimative calculation. In order to increase employers’ awareness on eviromental protection, this project proceeded with 7,344 patrols, 4,632 sites were under this project’s observation list, and control rate was 71.85% . Through this project’s management, the average reducing rate was 60.85 % that casuesed actual TSP emission to 3,687.02 tons, and law coincidence rate was 73.64%. In addition, we promoted adopting street wash and sweep to construction site’s employers. 32 employers agreed to involve with this movement. Moreover, sampling tests 15 times of diesel engine oil on construction sites, 30 spots with measuring TSP, published 6 news, held 1 staff training meeting ,and 2 explanatory conference. 100 台南市環境保護局 堃捷工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=35432
100年度臺南市環境教育宣導推動執行工作計畫 本團隊承接臺南市政府環境保護局「100年度臺南市環境教育宣導推動執行工作計畫」,本計畫執行期間自100年9月15日至101年3月14日。執行至今合約工作事項已履行完畢。於執行環境教育法推動工作上,本團隊於計畫執行期間一共輔導12個場域,有11個單位已送出設施場所認證申請,其中9個場域已通過程序審查,分別為「臺南市玉井區天埔社區發展協會」、「府城天下觀雲社區甲區管理委員會」、「臺南市七股區龍山社區發展協會」、「臺南市南瀛科學教育館」、「臺南市環保教育園區」、「臺南市城西垃圾焚化廠」、「臺南市永康垃圾資源回收焚化廠」、「臺南縣農會走馬瀨農場」及「南元花園休閒農場」,另外「臺南市後壁區後廍社區發展協會」與「臺南市東區富強社區發展協會」也已提出申請並進行程序審查修正補件中。另外本團隊亦完成101年度臺南市既有建物場所適合認證設施、場所32處提供環保局篩選;以及協助臺南市政府環境保護局推動各項環境教育活動,例如「臺南市輔導設施場所申請認證之經驗報告」、「建國百年 篇篇起舞 臺南環保大收成 年終記者會技聯合頒獎典禮」、「臺南市環境教育審議會 第一次會議」…等。此外對於環境教育人員認證及環境教育機構認證也提供諮詢服務。在辦理環境教育講習及宣導活動上,本團隊配合臺南市環境保護局綜合企劃科已完成辦理6場次環境教育講習,6場次的環境教育講習課程共計有165名違反業者與個人接受環境講習。對於環境教育相關法令宣導說明會,本團隊已於臺南市政府環保局新營區辦公室第二會議室、大港社區活動中心、七股龍山村漁民活動中心、臺南市政府永華市政中心1樓東哲廳及中華醫事科技大學K棟地下一樓國際會議廳完成;活動人數每場次皆達80人以上,總參與人數為461人。本計畫執行期間一共有5篇新聞稿被刊登於平面媒體上。另外於建置環境教育講師群上,本計畫執行單位將各類講師依專業領域區分為8大類,分別為學校及社會環境教育、氣候變遷、自然保育、公害防治、環境及資源管理、文化保存與社區參與。環境教育講師之推薦名冊已完成,並於100年12月28日華祕字1000101782號函發文至環保局。於各項環境教育推動機制上,環境教育補助機制辦法、環境教育行動方案及環境教育實施計畫皆已完成,並函送環保局在案。本團隊協助環保局推動環境教育,輔導設施場所申請認證工作,篩選101年度臺南市既有建物場所適合進行環境教育的地點。辦理臺南市環境教育講習及環境教育法令及相關宣導活動,並且依據臺南市地方特性擬定環境教育補助辦法、環境教育行動方案以及環境教育實施計畫…等,促使市民了解個人與環境的相互依存關係,促使民眾重視環境與了解環保之責任,進而培養環境公民與學習社群,以達到從生活中落實環境保護之行為是為本計畫之成果效益。 Our team executed “100 Year Tainan Environmental Education Advocacy, Promote and Implementation Project” of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government. During the project, we assisted twelve institutes in applying for the facilities workplace certificate. Among twelve institutes, nine institutes which have passed the examination of process were Tien-Pu Community Development Association, Kuan-Yun Management Committee, Long-Shan Community Development Association, Tainan Science Education Museum, Tainan Environmental Education Park, Tainan Refuse Incineration Plant, Yong-Kang Waste-to-energy (Incineration) Plant, Tsou-Ma-Lai Farm, Nan-Yuan Garden Resort Farm, and two institutes which have revised were Hou-Bu Community Development Association and Fu-Chiang Community Development Association. In addition, we also completed total of 32 Tainan existing building spaces for certified facilities and sites and helped the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government to hold many environmental education activities, such as “the Tainan counseling facilities place to apply for certificate experience report,” “the end of the year press and awards ceremony,” and “Tainan City Environmental Education Meeting." For Environmental Education workshops, we have held 6 environmental education workshops and 165 traders participated. Furthermore, we held many Act conferences in the second meeting room of the Tainan City Environmental Protection Bureau, Ta-Kang community activities center, Long-Shan fishermen activities center, 1st Floor East Zhe Hall of Tainan City Government, and K building International Conference Hall of Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology. The participators of Each activity were above 80 and the total of participators were 461.During the project, there were five press released in the printed media. Moreover, we trained 8 kinds of the environmental education lecturers, including schools and social environmental education, climate change, conservation, pollution prevention, environment and resource management, cultural preservation and community involvement. We have completed environmental education mechanism, act program and environmental education implementation plan.We hoped to promote the public to understanding the relationships between individual and environment relations, take account of the environment, understand the responsibility of environmental protection, and cultivate environmental citizenship. 100 台南市環境保護局 中華醫事科技大學水環境守護中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41602
100至101年環境水質北區監測計畫(100年度) 本計畫主要針對北區10縣市河川、海域、海灘、水庫、地下水等水體,進行定期水質監測及污染評估分析,掌握水體水質變化趨勢,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。河川水質計有36條河川主支流,134個監測站,於每月監測1次,100年度監測結果顯示,東北部宜蘭與花蓮普遍污染不大,未(稍)受污染比例佔61.0%,水質較佳;淡水河流域於上游水質較佳,下游之污染濃度較高,未(稍)受污染佔51.7%,嚴重污染佔8.1%;西北部桃園與新竹地區未(稍)受污染佔34.4%,嚴重污染佔8.7%,中度污染比例達50.2%,以頭前溪流域水質較佳,以南崁溪、老街溪、新豐溪及客雅溪流域污染較嚴重。整體而言,100年度河川水質屬未(稍)受污染等級佔最高比例為48%,中度污染等級次之佔34%,水質狀況與歷年差異不大。海域水質計有8個沿海區域,43個監測站,於每季監測1次,各縣市沿海監測結果皆符合海洋環境品質標準。河口測站因受河川匯流影響,鹽度普遍較低及無機鹽類濃度較高,整體而言,北區海域水質監測結果,非河口測站水質較河口測站為佳,東半部海域較西半部海域為佳,本島海域較外島金門及馬祖海域為佳。海灘水質計有8處海灘,24個監測站,於6月下旬至8月每週監測1次,各週次水質除福隆海水浴場於7月11日及白沙灣與淺水灣於7月18日曾受河川匯流與採樣前累積降雨影響,監測結果及海灘水質分級結果屬於不宜親水活動之情形外,其餘之水質狀況均屬普通至優良。水庫水質計有35座水庫,52個監測站,於每季監測1次,本島之新山水庫屬於普養,西勢水庫介於貧養至優養,翡翠水庫屬於貧養至普養,石門、寶山及寶二水庫屬於普養至優養,外島金門及馬祖水庫多為優養。地下水水質計有7縣市,132個監測井,每季執行25個監測井,每半年執行107個監測井測站。各縣市超過監測標準項目之比率介於0.3%至43.6%,其中超過地下水第二類監測標準之項目與歷年結果相近,主要以氨氮、鐵及錳為主,亦與各環保單位歷年對台北盆地、桃園台地及新竹沿海地下水之監測結果相符合。各監測井之水質分類,以Stiff水質形狀圖方式評估,屬Ca2+及HCO3-凸出型佔最高比例約為63.6%,Piper圖解則屬I區佔最高比例約為66.0%,與近年之評析結果大致呈現一致趨勢。 The Enviroment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Northern Area of Taiwan from 2011 to 2012 (201 This project carries on water quality monitoring to five kinds of water bodies of ten counties and cities in the northern Taiwan. The changes of water quality to the time and pollution assessment for those water bodies could be provided to the relevant environmental agencies for making a pollution control decision.For river quality, the 134 sampling sites covering 36 rivers (including main streams and tributaries) were monitored monthly. The monitored results in water quality of rivers and creeks in 2011 showed that the water quality in Yilan and Hualien cities was good, the percentage of assessed result classified into the non(slight)-polluted grade was 61.0%; a critical difference between upstream and downstream water quality was shown in Danshuei-river, the downstream water quality got a high pollution concentration of organic matter, the percentage of assessed result in Danshuei-river classified into the non(slight)-polluted grade was 51.7%, the heavy-polluted grade was 8.1%; in Taoyuan and Hsinchu cities, Touchien-stream got the best water quality, the water quality in Nankan-stream, Laochieh-stream, Xinfeng-stream and Keya-stream was worse. The percentage of assessed result in Taoyuan & Hsinchu cities classified into the non(slight)-polluted grade was 34.4%, the heavy-polluted grade was 8.7%, the middle-polluted grade was up to 50.2%. As a whole, the highest percentage of the water quality was 48%, it belonged to unpolluted rivers. The secondary percentage of the water quality was 34%, it belonged to intermediately polluted rivers. Overall, water quality in this year was nondifference between the recent years.For ocean monitoring, the 43 sampling sites covering 8 coastal areas were monitored quarterly. Since the estuary areas were affected by the river during high tide, the salinity were low, and the concentrations of the inorganic salts were high. The monitored results appeared that none was ever found exceeding their relative marine water quality standards in the marine regions. The water quality in the northern area of Taiwan in eastern sea area was better than in western, Taiwan coastal waters was better than off-shore island waters in Kin Men and Matsu and estuary.The 24 sampling sites covering 8 beaches were monitored weekly from June to August. 10 beaches except the Fulong beach, Baisha Bay and Qianshui Bay were found exceeding the water quality standard on July 11 and 18 because of the influence of river and rainfall, the water quality of 8 beaches was good.The 52 sampling sites covering 35 water reservoirs were monitored quarterly. The reservoir water quality monitoring results showed that reservoir in Feitsui Reservoir and Keelung Reservoir were oligotrophic to mesotrophic, Shihmen Reservoir, Baoshan Reservoir and Baoshan Second Reservoir were mesotrophic to eutrophic, and the reservoirs in Kin Men and Matsu were generally eutrophic.The 132 ground water sampling sites for 7 cities and counties were monitored quarterly. Ground water monitoring results showed that as usual, Ammonia-Nitrogen, Manganese and Iron were the major items against the Ground Water Monitoring Standard in second category. The failing rates were between 0.3% to 43.6% for different cities and counties. To analyze graphically each monitoring item by Stiff-plotting and Piper-plotting showed a trend as same as last sevesal years, there was no significant difference compared to the past. The highest percentage of Stiff-plotting and Piper-plotting was about 63.6% and 66.0%, it belonged to HCO3-- Ca2+ type and area of I. 100 監資處 精湛檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28562
100年度委託辦理勞工安全衛生管理 100 台中市環境保護局 弘光科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=33304
加強推動事業廢棄物再利用管理計畫 本計畫執行成果主要分為三大部分:(一)持續加強推動事業廢棄物再利用管理:完成國內再利用產業現況與運作問題分析,以及蒐集國外事業廢棄物再利用管理制度,並分析各中央目的事業主管機關事業廢棄物再利用管理辦法研訂情形與相關之推動策略,評析國內事業廢棄物再利用管理制度之問題。此外,完成環保署事業廢棄物再利用管理辦法及相關執行措施之研擬,以作為推動所轄事業之廢棄物再利用依據。另因應廢清法及資再法整合法案之進度研提廢棄物資源物再生管理相關條文,並依據整合法案之內容研擬可再生物再利用及其產品管理辦法。(二)落實再利用產品流向管理機制,避免因去化管道問題造成污染:完成再利用用途產品歸屬與權責範圍之分析,並蒐集國內外再利用產品驗證制度,完成國內再利用產品驗證及複檢機制可行之作法研擬。(三)加強廢棄物非法棄置場址列管,並落實法規規定:完成國內廢棄物非法棄置場址資訊之蒐集,並研析棄置場址土地型態與棄置廢棄物種類。此外,蒐集國外非法棄置場址管理機制相關資訊,以及分析國內現行非法棄置場址應變處理機制,完成防止場址二次污染控管機制之研擬。另藉由研析非法棄置場址清理責任,完成非法棄置場址查處原則之研訂與私有土地遭棄置廢棄物之清理作業程序草案研擬。 Project on improvement and promotion of industrial waste recycling management This project consists of three main components, and the achievements on each component are as follows:(1)Continuous improve and promote the industrial waste recycling management:(a)Accomplished that analyzing the current status for recycling industry and problems from operate, and research foreign industrial waste management system.(b)Reviewed and analyzed the management regulations and related strategies on the recycling of industrial waste drafted by each competent agency at the central government level, and review the problems of domestic industrial waste recycling management system.(c)Draft the management regulations and enforcement measures on recycling of industrial waste under the environmental protection agency, above components will provide the foundation to implement industrial waste recycling.(d)Because the waste recycling management will be influenced by the progress of combing with ”Waste Disposal Act” and ”Resource Recycling Act”, the project also proposed related laws in accordance with the state. And according to the act which integrated ”Waste Disposal Act” and ”Resource Recycling Act”, the project has drafted management regulations on recycling material and product.(2)Implementation of recycling products distribution management, and prevent the pollution caused by inappropriate use:(a)Recognized the responsibilities of recycling products.(b)Studied domestic and foreign certification system of recycling products.(c)Set the method of certification and examination in domestic recycling products.(3)Improvement the control of illegal waste disposal sites and the implementation of the act, including:(a)To survey the information domestic illegal waste disposal, and audited the types of waste and land.(b)Collected the information of management system of foreign illegal waste disposal site, and analyzed current domestic response mechanism in illegal waste disposal sites.(c)For avoid secondary pollution, to draft the control and management mechanism of disposal sites.(d)According to the responsibility of cleaning waste disposed sites to complete the inspection and guideline of illegal waste disposal sites, and draft the cleaning procedure for private-owned land that used for waste disposal. 100 廢管處 財團法人綠色生產力基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29756
廢潤滑油停止補貼後展延稽核認證專案工作計畫 為推動廢潤滑油解除應回收廢棄物列管,環保署已於99年8月12日公告自101年7月1日起,將廢潤滑油回收清除處理補貼費率調整為0,本計畫之主要目的為順利完成廢潤滑油停止補貼程序,並提供廢潤滑油回收業及處理業合理進場認證及處理時間,於停止補貼後3個月內(即100年9月30日止),以公開之稽核認證方式及標準作業流程,針對廢潤滑油受補貼回收業及處理業者進行回收量、處理量、作業程序、環境稽核及異常事件等進行查核工作。本年度計畫之執行期限自民國100年7月1日起至100年9月30日止。根據本計畫執行結果顯示,本計畫累計執行稽核場次為78場次,已符合合約最高級距之目標。在廢潤滑油100年1~6月認證回收量計15,290,081公升,認證處理量計15,566,121公升。截至100年9月30日止,各回收業100年所領用之100年收油聯單共計12,468張已全數繳回,聯單繳回比例達100%;另5家處理業均已完成結案盤點,已認證廢潤滑油均全數完成處理。於回收業作業程序查核不合格次數計有1次,主要原因為清運車輛標示牌未妥善固定,至於處理業設施標準查核不合格次數計有1次,主要原因為現場廢潤滑油貯存區堆置空油桶影響進出動線,另處理業環境工安查核結果未發生異常情形。有關異常事件查核共計有5件異常,其發生原因包含回收業進場文件填寫內容不完整、臨時取消進場行程、清運車輛標示牌未妥善固定及廢潤滑油貯存區堆置空油桶影響進出動線等,針對此情形已要求業者進行改善並持續追蹤至改善完成。 The Inspection and Certification Party on Due Recycled Waste(Waste Lubricants) The main purposes of this project were auditing the amounts of collected and recycled materials, operation procedure, environment safety, and abnormal events of the subsidized collecting and recycling industries for waste lubricants. The project period was from January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011. A total of 289 field inspections were accomplished during the project period. The number of field inspections reached the contract’s highest target. The certified volumes of collected and recycled waste lubricants were 10,797,655 and 10,466,071 liters, respectively. No abnormal event was observed during the equipment standard inspection on the waste lubricant collecting entities. This result was due to the Environmental Protection Administration’s continuous effort of guiding and assisting the transporting trucks to comply with the equipment standards in recent years. The inspection on facility standards as well as environmental and industrial safety for the waste lubricant recycling entities also found no abnormal situation. The full compliment was reached because most of the entities were specific on treating only waste lubricant and appointed people cooperating with the auditing. However, seven abnormal events were found, including incomplete collection receipts, schedule cancelled unexpectedly, malfunction of waste liquid furnace, and a fire incident caused by accidental discharge of electric wire in the centrifuge room. All the cases had been monitored and traced until the improvements made. In addition, the project provided the educational training for the field inspectors. These trainings included the pre-job training, the professional training, and the periodical training. During the project period, all the inspectors received one professional training and five periodical trainings. Those trainings effectively raised the capacity of the team members and the quality of project execution. 100 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27166
100年度「校園學生環境衛生推動計畫」 為加強「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」,落實環保教育,施辦「校園學生環境衛生推動計畫」,編印清掃學習手冊於校園發送,讓學生們體驗環境維護的重要性,並培養學生愛物惜物的觀念,辦理校園二手物品交換活動。另辦理「金秋地球日-村里環境巡檢總動員」,希望引導村里、鄉市與縣府共同推動環境整頓,喚起民眾注意生活環境與健康品質,並宣導5S運動精神。 編撰及印製「營造永續優質環境衛生-村里周遭清掃學習手冊」4,200本,A5尺寸,內容包括巷道清掃、側邊溝清疏、盆栽整理、居家清掃、廁所清掃及清潔劑等6項主題。編撰及印製金秋地球日成果專輯80本,A4尺寸,內容附載全國各縣市執行金秋地球日文字記錄與成果照片。 R.O.C Year 100 “The Environmental Sanitation Campus Promotion Plan” In order to reinforce “Establishing Sustainable, High-quality Environmental Sanitation Program” and implement environmental protection Education, “Promoting Environmental Sanitation to School Student Project” was carried out and the cleaning learning booklets were compiled and published to distribute at schools, so that students can learn the importance of environmental protection. Also, activities of second hand goods exchange were held on campus to cultivate the idea of cherishing. In addition, “Golden Autumn Earth Day-General Mobilization to Patrol and Inspect Environment in Villages” activities were enforced nationally to guide all administrative areas to propose environmental cleaning, arouse attention to our living environment and promote 5S movement. “Establishing Sustainable, High-quality Environment Sanitation-Cleaning Learning Booklets” were compiled and published with 4,200 copies. The pamphlets were of A5 size and included 6 topics such as street sweeping, gutter dredging, pot plants arranging, indoor cleaning, toilet cleaning and cleanser. The achievements on Golden Autumn Earth Day were also compiled and 80 copies were printed. The pamphlets were of A4 size and included records and pictures of nationwide achievements on executing Golden Autumn Earth Day activities. 100 毒管處 社團法人台灣環保生活協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28105
100年臺北市空氣品質改善計畫規劃整合暨成效評核計畫 為了積極有效運用空污費以改善本市空氣品質,並於行政院環境保護署制定的績效考評制度中爭取佳績,對於各項空氣污染防制基金補助執行之空氣品質改善計畫的監督管控工作,實為重要,因此本計畫擔任此一綜合彙辦之職責,協助環保局執行各計畫查核管制,整合各項計畫之成果及展現,並協助「臺北市空氣污染防制基金」之運作執行。本計畫自100年6月17日起執行,迄101.5.16執行已達11個月,依據合約規定提送期末報告初稿,本計畫已依據合約規定執行完成各項工作,整體成果摘要說明如下:一、空氣品質指標已達到年度預定目標(一)空氣品質指標歷年最佳:本市空氣品質在近年來執行各項污染防制措施的努力下,空氣品質不良(PSI值大於100)比率於99年、100年度降分別至0.55%及0.88%,顯示本市空氣品質逐漸改善,並創下自83年空氣品質監測網建置以來歷史新低紀錄,呈現歷年最佳。(二)懸浮微粒年平均濃度持續下降:由空氣污染物觀之,本市近年來懸浮微粒(PM10)年平均濃度由民國96年52.8μg/m3、至97年降為50.0μg/m3,到了98與99年分別下降到49.7μg/m3與47.9μg/m3,懸浮微粒濃度已連續兩年低於50μg/m3以下,100年平均值為45.4μg/m3,顯示在本市在懸浮微粒的年平均濃度呈現持續的改善。(三)臭氧防制區由三級變為二級:計算本市臭氧污染防制區等級,依據公式計算各站每年每日最大小時平均值取第八高值,計算連續三年之算術平均值,前百分之五十測站分別為古亭站(119ppb)、松山站(117ppb)、萬華站(114ppb),三站平均為114ppb<120ppb,本項平均值小於臭氧標準之小時平均值,依據此判定原則,本市之臭氧空氣污染防制區自99年及100年度均已達到臭氧二級防制區的標準,並繼續維持改善趨勢。二、100年度空氣污染管制工作獲評特優本市100年度考評總成績90.02分,獲評為特優縣市,此為本市空氣污染執行業務單位及相關執行計畫共同努力的成果。本計畫除了定期追蹤分析空氣品質變化,每月召開工作檢討會檢討工作成效之外,配合環保署績效考評作業進行3次空氣污染防制計畫書面查核作業;完成召開空氣品質淨化區維護管理說明會(1場次)並完成進行21處次之現場查核及重點複查,協助污染管制工作之推動。三、推動臺北市公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理分級標章鼓勵各公共場所能對自身之室內空氣品質予以自主管理維護,本計畫積極輔導場所落實自主管理機制,透過知識培訓,協助場所推動室內空氣品質提升。100年度推動之成果摘要如下:(一)持續推動臺北市公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理和分級標章制度:本計畫以「場所」或事業單位為推動主體,100年度針對臺北市金融機構、大型飯店旅館業以及連鎖性餐飲店等,辦理室內空氣品質管理及法規宣導說明會1場次,參加單位35處,人數40人。(二)擴大推動室內空氣品質自主管理,完成三顆星標章認證:針對本市之圖書館、政府辦公大樓、及學校等20場所,進行二氧化碳(CO2)直讀式儀器現場巡檢。巡檢結果,第一類場所的學校及教育場所共2處,有2處符合標準。第2類場所共18處,辦公場所則有13處符合建議值。對於巡檢高於建議值的場所,本計畫持續輔導各場所完成本市室內空氣品質自主管理三顆星標章認證。(三)完成5場次四顆星場所之室內空氣品質調查,北投區公所、萬華區公所、南港區公所、市圖城中分館及市圖松山分館等受檢單位均可符合行政院環保署「室內空氣品質建議值」,並頒發五顆星標章。綜合100年度推動室內空氣品質自主管理之推動成果,頒發一顆星76個場所(16個場所為新增),二顆星10個場所、三顆星34個場所、四顆星2個場所以及五顆星5個場所。(四)持續培訓臺北市公共場所室內空氣品質管理人員:針對場所市府一級單位、區公所、市立聯合醫院、市立文化教育展館、市立圖書館、中央政府機構單位與市立圖書館等,辦理室內空氣品質管理人員訓練課程,總計共152人參加,輔導事業單位申請室內空氣品質自主管理分級標章並取得一顆星標章。(五)研訂臺北市各類型公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理分級標章作業手冊:檢討各星等有效性之原則,並研訂各項公共場所之各星級場所查核程序規定。由目前臺北市五顆星標章計畫之執行過程與查驗結果,在三~五顆星的分級中,取得「四顆星」標章的公共場所資格是以完成制度建置為認定依據,在此等狀況下,室內空氣品質仍有未符合環保署建議值之可能,會造成名不符實之疑慮。為避免民眾誤解第四顆星代表市政府保證該場所室內空氣品質在所有場所中已達平均以上水準,故四顆星標章工作內容修正為不僅認證室內空氣品質管理行為,同時認證場所室內空氣品質。四、完成100年度臺北市空氣污染防制計畫依據「空氣污染防制法」第7條規定,地方政府應每兩年檢討修正所屬之空氣污染防制計畫,並提報行政院環保署核備,爰此,本計畫完成了100年度「臺北市空氣污染防制計畫」,彙整各界所提出之建議改善措施對策,也將子計畫研提的管制對策與未來工作目標加以研究與整併,並針對固定污染源、機車/汽車/柴油車等移動污染源的管制,提出近程與中程的管制實施方案。各項管制對策中,因本市主要污染源為機動車輛特別加以強化,由於捷運系統開通之後,臺北市的機車數量依然呈現逐年成長的情形,貨運車輛的柴油使用量也在增加之中。因此,對於移動污染源的管制勢必需要有突破性的作法,才能達到實際的減量效果。五、未來更積極的管制作為 (一)短期以逐步降低懸浮微粒濃度為目標:邁向國際都會城市,在UNEP(聯合國環境保護署)全球都會區懸浮微粒比較,本市濃度在亞洲略高於東京及香港新加坡,99年度本市平均濃度47.9μg/m3,連續兩年達成降低懸浮微粒的濃度到50μg/m3以下之目標。為持續保持達成本項目標,需加強管制之重點為:1.持續擴大柴油車管制的對象,陸續推廣到遊覽車業者及中小型貨運車輛。2.固定污染源之逸散性粒狀物管制,透過獎勵方式鼓勵廠商設置防制設備,輔導有設備基礎廠商的提升為密閉式防制措施。(二)中長期對於機動車輛污染管制策略推動建議:1.污染排放管制:(1)機車:淘汰二行程機車,加嚴使用中車輛HC濃度標準。(2)柴油車:針對公車專用道上的公車排放,邀請交通管理單位研商透過公車業者評鑑制度來鼓勵業者採用排放濃度較低之公車來行駛。2.推廣使用低污染車輛:(1)配合環保署政策推動補助計程車改裝為油氣雙燃料車;(2)持續鼓勵並補助公車業者採購油電混合清潔公車。(3)整合淘汰二行程機車,補助購置電動機車。 (三)推動固定及營建逸散污染源管制措施:1.持續推動本市大型印刷廠進行減量輔導作業。2.配合固定源逸散性排放源的管制,輔導轄內土資場、混凝土預拌廠、瀝青拌合廠等具粉粒狀物堆置之製程,加強防塵措施。3.加油站油氣回收管制:強制新加油站設置油氣回收設施並持續針對所有已設立加油站符合操作維護管制規範。4.揮發性有機物管制:推動汽車修護業使用低揮發性溶劑及塗料,並進行污染物收集及妥善處理。5.持續辦理企業認養道路洗掃作業,擴大參與對象。 100 台北市政府環境保護局 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41254
地下水有害物質環境傳輸調查及管制標準檢討計畫(第一期) 一、基於地下水監測及管制標準三階段管理實施方案,評估檢討現行地下水污染監測及管制項目適宜性,並研擬現階段管制方式。二、蒐集國內外新興產業使用之毒化物或放流水管制方式,並考量其訂定之背景、實施效益,研析後續地下水有害物質污染調查對象及方法,並提供地下水監測及管制項目檢討依據。三、針對國內現行地下水中常見鐵、錳及砷濃度較高之區域,進行土壤及地質採樣調查及組成分析,並評析其在土壤、地下水含量之相關性及環境傳輸方式以及管理方法。四、針對濁水溪沖積扇扇頂區域,研析地下水可能遭受污染之區域,篩選既設地下水井進行調查,並研擬地下水水質保護建議事項及未來補充調查之策略。五、建立特定產業地下水有害物質物性、化性、毒性及健康危害資料等基本性質資料,作為後續評估地下水污染監測及管制標準之項目及限值檢討研析之參考依據。 The purposes of this project were to investigate the groundwater contamination potential of hazardous materials from sunrise industries and concerned catchments and to establish the controlling strategies of groundwater pollution. The tasks of this project were to revise the groundwater pollution monitoring/ controlling standards, to evaluate the contamination potential of sunrise industries, to assess and manage the contamination of groundwater Fe, Mn, As, and to conduct the groundwater quality survey in proximal area of Choshui river alluvial fan.Since the promulgation of groundwater pollution monitoring/ controlling standards on November 2001, the monitoring/ controlling items and standards did not substantive amended. Hence the contents of monitoring/controlling standards were reviewed and revised in this project. In addition, the international trends and internal industrial development were considered to develop amendment plans. During the execution of this project, three consultation meetings had been held. The comments were deliberated for achieving the draft amendment of groundwater pollution monitoring/controlling standards. The political briefing and the pre-announcement of the draft amendment had been completed on December 2012 and February 2013, respectively.The production of high-tech and sunrise industries, the exercise of chemicals, and the generation of wastewater situation were also investigated in this project. According to the factors, including production characteristics, the use of chemicals, amount of wastewater emissions, and public concern, the site inspection, interview, and a two-stage groundwater quality survey of manufacturing industry of wafer fabrication, semiconductor, optoelectronic materials and components were firstly conducted. The results showed that the trace elements, such as indium (In) and molybdenum (Mo) might cause groundwater contamination by infiltration via underground pipelines damaged or effluents discharged to receiving water body. Hence the chemicals were amended as the items of the groundwater pollution monitoring/controlling standards.Additionlly, the results of chemical compositions of groundwater and sediment, sequential extraction and XRD analysis of sediment in high groundwater Fe, Mn, As catchments implied that the As-contained Fe/Mn oxyhydroxides was the primary source of groundwater As. The reductive dissolution of the As-contained Fe/Mn oxyhydroxides, causing by reduction condition of subsurface lead to the release of Fe, Mn, As. Moreover, the distribution of As contamination potential and the procedure of anthropogenic/ geogenic source discrimination of groundwater As were established for further application in the groundwater pollution monitoring/ controlling standards.The elevated nitrate content in groundwater of proximal area of Choshui river alluvial fan was critical. Based on the site inspection, interview, and groundwater quality survey, the extended agricultural practice was the main land use of this area. Chemical or organic fertilizers were often administered overdose during cultivation, accompanying with the thick gravel sedimentary and oxidation condition lead to the accumulation of nitrate contents in groundwater. Besides, pesticides were not amended as the items of the groundwater pollution monitoring/controlling standards, because pesticides were not detected in groundwater in this project.The results of groundwater investigation in this project were used for the review and modification of the groundwater pollution monitoring/controlling standards and for the development the physico-chemical characteristics and toxicities of concerned pollutants groundwater. This project also provided suggestions of the groundwater pollution monitoring/controlling standards and information of global environmental issues. 100 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49476
提升應變諮詢監控能量、整訓、毒災聯防及化學品專業諮詢推動暨執行毒化物運作災害評析專案工作計畫 本計畫因應99至102年之「強化毒化物安全管理及災害應變第二期」規劃與延續既有毒災應變體系功能之需求,持續維持諮詢及監控中心全年無休24小時進行化學品等災害專業諮詢服務與災害通報作業、輔導籌組全國業界聯防組織、辦理應變人員年度整合訓練課程、高風險毒化物「危害預防及應變計畫」落實與推動、參與POPs相關會議及國際應變交流,以及更新防救災應變資料與毒災簡訊電子報等項目,以強化國內環境災害事故處置作為之目標。全年無休24小時應變監控及化學品專業諮詢服務方面,監控及諮詢總服務件數為1,591件(合約要求850件以上),其中包括媒體監控案件845件及一般諮詢案件746件,向環保署相關業務處執行489件次的環境事故環保通報作業,以空保處的105件居首,緊急事故應變案件為63件,更提供現場救災單位268點建議,辦理「毒災中央災害應變中心」人員基本資料,並進行辦理169人次電話及傳真通聯測試,通聯成功比例100%,針對應變隊召開7次「應變隊工作會議報告暨應變視訊會議」並獲致60項結論;對於整體研析規劃綜整工作,則提交「天然災害衍生污染事件高風險毒化物篩選原則」、「311地震後日本政府環境作為」、「毒化災訓練場址設置與資材調度設置基本需求」、「美國化學安全委員會」、「泰國中部遭遇二十年最嚴重水患之環境議題資料蒐集與綜整」以及「毒化物密集運作區域之危害研析與應變策略」等6項研析資料;協助辦理「國內外責任與保險與毒性化學物質運作責任」、「違反毒性化學物質管理法處罰鍰額度裁量基準」建議調整表單以及「運送行為應變計劃書線上申報措施」供研議參考;完成新列管27種毒化物、271種毒化物應變資料更新及執行2次37位諮詢專家群無預警測試,接通率為100%,本年度環境毒災簡訊電子報已發行6期,訂閱人數為5,002份數,總瀏覽人數累積為232,345人;為確保系統正常操作及資安妥善維護,除每日點檢測試外,因應本年度計畫及業務推動需求,於「毒性化學物質災害防救查詢系統」網頁「因應五都區域異動修正」、「緊急事故通報進階查詢」及「增加毒管法列管資料」等功能開發,完成毒災系統主機虛擬化及系統移轉作業;配合監資處資安攻防演練及資安通報事項等,持續確保系統正常運作。針對國際交流、參訪與會議參與方面工作,於04/22至05/01參加斯德哥爾摩公約持久性有機污染物締約方大會第5次會議,安殺番及其相關異構物納入公約附件A列管;05/31至06/09至德國Bayer、BASF及DuPont之環境應變訓練及資材調度設施部門進行參訪,並進行業者推動聯防組織與運送規範等議題之討論,辦理2場次國際交流會議,邀請講師包括國內專家學者、Dupont及BASF公司集團講師,參與人數為295人次。對於毒災聯防暨運作評鑑推動方面,輔導方式則包括提供業者聯防組織制式文件、既有聯防組織資訊供業者加入、相同化學品運作業者尋覓適合廠商、提供法規諮詢與建議以及聯防籌組諮詢等,總計輔導176廠家次、協助聯防文件審查83份、辦理6場次聯防工作圈說明會、送發1,060份聯防工作圈宣導文宣、辦理完成3場次無預警測試與6場次實場觀摩演練、辦理運作廠場輔導說明會、文件審查以及36場次現場輔導現勘等工作。國內防救災體系應變傳承與訓練方面,辦理3梯次常訓與進階訓練(參與人數214人次)、研析27場次應變隊出勤案例報告、舉辦6場次應變事故案例之應變程序專家檢討會議(參與人數166人次),其相關研析資料於全國毒災案例研討會上分享,參與人數708人次,辦理應變隊設備管理手冊協調管理會議、建置管理系統功能規劃,完成28場次現場應變監測數值分析查核以及1,775筆監測數值分析,辦理6梯次環保單位危害預防及應變計畫審查訓練課程(參訓人數166人次),辦理年度毒災業務檢討會,參與人數126人次。高風險毒化物「危害預防及應變計畫」落實與推動方面工作,援引99年03月25日召開高風險毒性化學物質篩選原則會議制訂之方法,完成10種次高風險毒化物,並依據「健康風險評估技術規範」內容,完成第1、2類毒化物風險評估研析工作,並結合GIS系統VBA程式運算功能,提供毒化物之相關區域管制建議;技術資料包括第3類「事故災害模擬分析及管制距離」輔導指引、危害預防及應變計畫書撰寫指引、辦理5場次運送危害預防及應變計畫撰寫說明會以及10場次上機實做教學(參與人數1,190人),以及運送危害預防及應變計畫10場次臨廠現勘與資料審閱等工作。 The project of enhancing the capacities for incident monitoring and consulting, integrated training, This project was designed to address the needs of the existing toxic chemical accident response system laid out in the 2010-2013 "Phase II Reinforced Toxic Chemical Substance Safety Management and Accident Response Project" and to strengthen domestic environmental accident response actions by maintaining 24-hour year-round chemical accident consulting and accident notification services in conjunction with consulting and monitoring centers, organizing a nationwide industrial joint prevention organization, providing combined annual training classes for response personnel, providing and implementing hazard prevention and response plans for high-risk toxic chemical substances, participating in POPs-related conferences and international response interchange activities, and updating accident prevention and response information and toxic chemical accident text message e-bulletins.With regard to 24-hour year-round chemical accident monitoring and professional chemical product consulting services, this year the project provided 1,591 monitoring and consulting service sessions (the contractual requirement is 850 or more sessions), including 845 media monitoring actions and 746 general consulting service sessions; 489 environmental accident/environmental protection notifications of relevant service offices at the EPA (the Bureau of Air Quality Protection and Noise Control received the greatest number of notifications – 105); 63 emergency accident response actions; and 268 recommendations to on-site disaster relief units; updated basic information files for "toxic chemical accident central accident response center" personnel; implemented telephone and fax connection tests 169 person-times; held seven response team work conferences and response videoconferences, which resulted in 60 conclusions. With regard to study, planning, and organization work, the project submitted six sets of analytical data on the "High Risk Toxic Chemical Substance Selection Principles in Pollution Incidents Derived from Natural Disasters," "Environmental Actions of the Japanese Government after the March 11 Earthquake," "Establishment of a Toxic Chemical Accident Training Site and Basic Asset Allocation and Establishment Needs," and "U.S. Chemical Safety Board" respectively,” “data collection and compiling on the environmental issues related to the most severe flooding in central Thailand in 20 years”, and “Toxic Chemical Substances and “Risk Analysis and Response Strategies with regard to the Concentrated Handling of Toxic Chemical Substances”.The project also assisted in conducting research and consultation to provide reference with regard to “domestic and international liabilities and insurance and toxic chemical substance handling liabilities”, made recommendations on adjustments to “criteria for assessing fine amounts for violating the Toxic Chemical Substance Control Act”, and conducted research and consultation to provide reference for “Online Reporting Measures for Transport Activity Response Plans”; completed response data updates for 27 newly regulated toxic chemical substances and 271 toxic chemical substances and carried out two no-early-warning tests of 37 consultants and experts at a 100% call success rate; issued six environmental toxic chemical accident text message e-bulletins (with 5,002 subscribers and a total of 232,345 viewers); and, in order to maintain normal system operation and adequate information security, conducted daily point testing, completed development of "revision of status changes in five urban areas," "advanced emergency accident notification query," and "toxic chemical substance regulatory listing data query" functions. The project also completed the virtualization of the toxic chemical substance accident server and system migration work; worked with the data monitoring department to carry out drills to prevent data security attacks and data security reporting matters, thus continuing to ensure normal system operation.With regard to international interchange, visits, and participation in conferences, project personnel participated in the SC POPs COP5 conference from April 22 to May 1, during which time endosulfan and its relevant isomers were listed for regulatory control in the Annex A of the convention; and visited the environmental response training and assets deployment facilities and departments of Germany's Bayer, BASF, and DuPont from May 31 to Jun 9, and participated in discussions concerning issues such as transport regulations and establishment of a joint prevention organization by the companies. Furthermore, the project plans to hold an international interchange conference at which lecturers will consist of domestic experts and scholars and personnel from the DuPont and BASF companies; 295 people participated in this conference.With regard to the promotion of toxic chemical accident joint prevention and operation assessment work, the project's assistance methods included providing companies with uniform joint prevention organization documents, providing existing joint prevention organization information to companies who are joining the organization, helping companies to perform joint prevention harmonization, and providing legal, regulatory, and joint prevention organization consulting services; these services were provided a total of 176 times. In addition, the project also assisted with the review of 83 joint prevention documents, conducted six explanatory meetings concerning joint prevention work circles, issued 1,060 pieces of joint prevention work circle literature; completed three no-early-warning tests and six on-site joint prevention work circle exercises for toxic chemical accident joint prevention organizations; held explanatory meeting on assistance to operating plants and facilities, performed document review work, and conducted 36 on-site assistance surveys.With regard to domestic disaster prevention and relief system response propagation and training work, the project held three sessions of routine and advanced training (214 people participated); studied 27 response team deployment case reports; held six accident case response procedure expert review conferences (166 people participated), research and analytical data for which was shared at a national toxic chemical substance accident case studies conference attended by 708 people; held a response team equipment management handbook coordination and management conference; established a management system functional planning and assets management interface and continued to collect and post assets data; completed 28 on-site quantitative audits of response and monitoring work and performed 1,775 quantitative analyses of monitoring data; and held six hazard prevention and response plan review training classes for environmental protection units (166 people participated); and held one toxic chemical substance management operation review conference attended by 126 people.With regard to the promotion and implementation of high risk toxic chemical substance "hazard prevention and response plans," the project completed work for ten high-risk toxic chemical substances employing the methods drafted at the March 25, 2010 conference on high-risk toxic chemical substance selection principles; performed risk assessment analysis work for Class 1 and 2 toxic chemical substances in accordance with the content of "Technical Regulations for Assessment of Health Risk"; provided regional control recommendations for toxic chemical substances in conjunction with the functions of a VBA GIS system program; completed "Accident Model Analysis and Control Distance" guidelines for Class 3 substances, drafted reference guidelines for hazard prevention and emergency response plans; held five explanatory meetings on transport hazard prevention and response plan writing and 10 on-site hands-on system operation instruction sessions (1,190 people participated); and conducted ten in-plant transport hazard prevention and response plan surveys and data review work. 100 毒管處 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30366
臺南市柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫 原臺南市於99年12月25日起縣市合併升格為直轄市,本計畫為合併後第一年計畫,其轄區範圍及車輛數都大幅提升,而截至100年11月交通部交通統計月報數據顯示:臺南市籍總機動車輛數高達2,036,119輛次,並根據監理單位提供柴油車輛數資料柴油車總數約43,547輛,其中大型客、貨車登記總數約達14,391輛,小型柴油客貨車約29,156輛。臺南市柳營排煙檢測站於89年取得TAF實驗室系統認證,為全國最早取得TAF認證的檢測站,喜樹檢測站則於96年3月取得全國認證基金會(TAF)之檢測實驗室認證,加上環保署評鑑臺南市長年來均取得A級,兩座檢測之檢測品質具一定的公信力,未來將繼續維持,讓檢測品質維持一定的水準。本計畫執行期間投入人力共20人,具柴油車排放煙度儀器檢測證照者10人、具柴油車目視判煙證照7人。一、計畫執行期程本計畫執行期程由100年7月11日至100年12月16日止,共計約為5.2個月。二、主要工作執行成果(一)動力計全負載檢測2,982輛次及無負載檢測394輛次,依合約規無負載檢測僅能計入全負載檢測之10%,因此全負載檢測為2,982輛次及無負載檢測295輛次,共計檢測3,277輛次,其目標達成率為100%。受檢測之柴油車中,有242輛不合格、不合格率約7.17%。馬力比不足退驗386輛次,轉速不足退驗48輛次。(二)執行目測判煙通知3,015輛,計畫目標達100%。目視判煙發出檢測通知之車輛中,通知設籍外縣市車輛佔47.3%,通知臺南市車輛佔52.7%。。(三)自動車牌辨識系統,總辨識數為11,200輛次,目標達成率為100%,經比對後扣除車牌重複2,768輛,再藉由監理單位提供之車籍與扣除重複數後之8,432輛進行比對分析後發現,5,193輛車輛設籍於臺南市,佔辨視成功扣除重複數後的8,432輛的61.6%,其餘3,239輛車屬外縣市車籍。(四)自計畫開始至100年12月20日止,路邊排煙稽查執行嚴格篩選機制,共計檢測497輛次,不合格300輛次,其不合格率為60.4%,檢測不合格數工作進度為100%。(五)到站檢測隨機針對車輛油箱採樣以完成119件及路邊攔查採樣已採樣202件,加油站油品採樣31件,共計352件,路邊攔查採樣中有1件不合格,另芳香烴檢測數為10件,工作進度達100%。(六)柳營及喜樹站各完成品保次數15次,且在無負載、全負載100%、全負載60%或是全負載40%,檢測值皆落在管制上下限內,表示排煙站測試系統作業能力及檢驗品質皆屬正常。 Tainan at diesel emissions testing program The Provincial Taiana City was merged with adjacent Tainan County and elevated to Special municipality on 25 Dec 2010. This project is one of the first year projects after the merger, which largely increases the administrative area and the number of motor vehicles. As of November 2011, the Monthly Statistics of Transportation & Communications published by MOTC (Ministry of Transportation and Communications) showed that there are totally 2,036,119 motor vehicles registered in Tainan City. Among them, 43,547 are diesel vehicles according to the information provided by the MVO (Motor Vehicle Office), 14,391 of those are buses and trucks, 29,156 are passenger cars and light trucks. The Liuying Diesel Vehicle Inspection Station was accredited by the TAF (Taiwan Accreditation Foundation) in 2000; the first accredited Diesel Vehicle Inspection Station in the Country. The Xishu Diesel Vehicle Inspection Station was accredited by the TAF as an approved inspection laboratory in March 2007. Also Tainan City has continuously achieved Class A in EPA accreditations for many years. The inspection qualities of these two Inspection Stations have high credibility, which should be maintained in the future for high standard inspection quality.This project has been employed 20 personnels in the execution period with 10 licensed diesel vehicle exhaust smoke inspection instrument inspector and 7 licensed licensed diesel vehicle exhaust smoke visual inspector.I. Project Execution PeriodThe execution period for this project is from 11 July to 16 December 2011, lasting for 5.2 months in total.II. Execution performance of key tasks1. In total, 2,982vehicles had been conducted full load dynamometer inspection and 394 for no load inspection. According to the contract, the maximum countable no load inspection number can only be 10% of the full load inspection number. Therefore, the full load inspection count is 2,982, and no load inspection is 295. Total inspection count is 3,277, achieving 100% completion rate. Among all the inspected diesel vehicles, 242 of them had failed. The failure rate is 7.17%. 386 vehicles were rejected from inspection for insufficient power ration, 48 for insufficient revolutions.2. 3,015 smoke visual inspection notifications had been made, achieving 100% completion rate. Among all the notification issuances, 47.3% are for vehicles registered in other counties and cities, 52.7% are for those registered in Tainan City.3. The automatic number plate recognition system has a recognition count of 11,200 vehicles, achieving 100% completion rate. The comparison had found and deducted 2,768 repeated recognition counts. Analysing the remaining 8,432 vehicles with registration information provided by MVO revealed that 5,193 of them are registered in Tainan City, accounting for 61.6%, the remaining 3,239 vehicles are registered in other counties and cities.4. From the beginning of the project to 20 December 2011, we had conducted a strict road side exhaust smoke inspection. The total inspection count was 497 vehicles, among them 300 were failed. The failure rate is 60.4%. The failed count completion rate is 100%.5. We have randomly sampled the fuel from the tank of 119 vehicles in the inspection stations and 202 vehicles at road side wave down, together with other 31 sampling from fuel stations, in total 352 samples were taken. One of the samples from road side wave down was failed. Also 10 aromatic hydrocarbons inspections have been conducted, achieving 100% completion rate.6. The Liuying and Xishu Station have done 15 QA inspections respectively, and the test results for no load, full load 100%, full load 60%, or full load 40% were all within limit. This means the systematic operation capability an inspection quality of the exhaust smoke inspection stations are normal.7. Three advocacy workshops and one environmental education seminar had been held. Also 6 press releases had been published, achieving 100% completion rate.8. 3,000 advocacy leaflet and 300 posters were printed, achieving 100% completion rate.9. One e-card, graphic, animation, and mini game were made.10. 500 rechargeable flash lights and 500 cap lights were purchased as advocacy items.11. The Xishu Station had been approved for the annual TAF accreditation on 5 August 2011, and Luiying Station had been approved on 21 October 2011. The system remains effectively.12. The speed survey has been done on 6 road sections with the final one done on 7 October 2011. All the associated information was submitted to EPB (Environmental Protection Bureau). The completion rate is 100%.13. One soil sample and four water sample have been taken from new stations. All passed without any abnormal.14. The 2011 driver satisfaction survey is done and submitted to EPB for future reference. 100 台南市環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=35466
輔助空氣品質及沙塵預報系統 空氣品質預報與沙塵的預警資訊近年來已是環保署例行性為民服務的一部份,本專案工作計畫主要係維護與運轉環保署空氣品質預報與沙塵預報相關動力系統維護與作業運轉,主要工作內容包括(1)各種動力模擬系統每日運轉與維護改進動力預報模式並配合建置備援系統。(2)動力模式作業文件化並提供署內技術訓練。(3)配合環保署新增工作主機的設置安裝,提高署內預報能量。(4)評估分析不同動力預報模式平行運轉模擬的結果,並進行高污染事件日與沙塵事件個案分析。(5)東亞沙塵活躍期間,協助署內整合分析沙塵預報資訊及氣象局提供的氣象預報,以供署內沙塵預警決策參考,並支援及提供沙塵預報諮詢。(6) 分析PM10/PM2.5與MODIS 氣膠光學厚度的相關性,提高氣膠光學厚度對污染物的預報範圍與能力。(7)專人駐署1人(至少二專級第八年以上),全年協助署內整合分析主客觀空氣品質預報資訊及氣象局提供的氣象預報。(8)改進PM2.5及O3,8hr之統計預報方法,包括迴歸、類比、氣候及持續等統計方法。(9)發展土壤模式,改進沙塵動力預報系統的預報能力。(10) 引用常用之臭氧、PM2.5微粒模擬模式,擴展預報能力。 100 監資處 國立臺灣大學全球變遷研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=54555
100年度空氣品質資料庫操作平台維護更新與整合計畫 為確保本局空氣品質資料庫相關操作平台運作穩定度,避免因資訊系統軟硬體或網路不穩定而影響相關業務推動。委由專業廠商專責維護本局空氣品質資料庫相關操作平台,以保持本局相關資訊系統軟體之可用性及可靠性、隨時保持局內及對外網路的暢通、降低網路故障風險;並提供相關資訊硬體設備之保養維護、零件換修、故障排除與技術諮詢服務,以加強設備維護效率縮短維修時間。預期藉由本計畫可確保本局空氣品質資料庫相關操作平台軟硬體之正常運作。 To ensure that the operation of the air quality database platform stability, avoid affected due to instability in the hardware, software, or network of information systems and related business to promote. Air quality database platform is maintained by professional manufacturer, in order to maintain the availability and reliability of the information system software, keep smooth and the external network, reduce the risk of network failure. To provide information hard equipment maintenance, parts replacement and repair, troubleshooting and technical advisory, services to enhance equipment maintenance efficiency and reduce maintenance time. Through this project, the expected to ensure the normal operation of our air quality database platform hardware and software. 100 台南市環境保護局 大同股份有限公司台南分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37028
工業區專用下水道系統水污染管制綜合管理計畫 本計畫為ㄧ年期之工業區水污染管理規劃計畫,主要工作包括:辦理工業區污水處理廠功能查核及追蹤後續改善情形、評估分析工業區污水下水道系統污染總量削減管理作業、協助辦理工業區自動連續監測法制作業及提供技術協助、依據水污染相關法規更新維護水污染源管制資料庫及提供管制資料勾稽分析、協助對水污染違規不法利得案件進行評釋分析並發表於期刊,與其他等七大類工作內容。本計畫完成之執行成果摘要如下:(一)完成20處工業區污水下水道系統查核名單篩選、功能查核及追蹤改善作業(二)完成工業區集污管理自評表設計、回報資料分析,與10處工業區放流水水質長期趨勢調查(三)完成工業區定檢排放水量、重金屬排放總量與工業區上下游重金屬水質分析,並提出應優先實施總量削減之工業區與水質項目之建議(四)完成工業區自動連續水質監測規劃與辦理相關專家諮詢會及工業區、環保局之執行說明會(五)依據水污法許可、定檢相關修正內容完成資料庫系統修正、完成相關行政管制資料與指標分析(六)協助針對違反水污法追繳不法利得案例完成論文評釋,並召開專諮會蒐集專家學者建議(七)其他行政協助工作。 The water pollution control and management project for the industrial park sewer system This is a one-year master regulatory and management planning project for industrial park water pollution control planning, with its major tasks on: conducting functional inspections for the industrial park’s wastewater treatment plants and tracking the follow-up improvement conditions; evaluating the priorities for total quantity limits of water pollution reduction at industrial parks; assisting to establish the industrial parks’ CWMS protocol and to provide technical support; upgrading the Managing System for Water Pollution according to the revisions of relevant water pollution control regulations and assessing the control auditing data; making comments on specific case study about illegal profits from water pollution violation by presenting papers on periodicals; and other administrative assistance works including seven different kinds of works. This project has accomplished the following outcomes:(1)assisting the selections of 20 industrial park wastewater sewer systems for functional inspection to complete the functional inspections as well as tracking the follow-up improvement conditions, (2)completing the assessment forms for self-evaluation of industrial park facilities according to Supplementary Provisions of the Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management Regulations and conducting analysis of the returned data and 10 industrial parks’ effluent water quality long-term variations survey, (3)completing the analysis for industrial parks’ effluent quantity and total heavy metals, as well as the water quality analysis for heavy metals at upstream/downstream, and the provision of suggestions regarding priority for total quantity limits control of water pollution, (4)establishing the industrial parks’ CWMS planning, expert consultation meeting, and making implementation presentations to industrial parks and EPBs respectively, (5)upgrading the water pollution management systems according to the revisions of permit/DMR of industrial parks, and analyzing administrative management data/index, (6)assisting to make comments on specific case study for the surrendering of illegal profits from water pollution violation by presenting papers on periodical, and holding expert consultation meeting to gather experts suggestion, (7)other administrative assistances. 100 水保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29770
100年度空品不良期間濁水溪沿岸街道揚塵管制計畫 一、 本計畫統計至101.3.31已執行洗街長度累積達14,168公里,達成率為100%;人力掃街作業共計執行505人次,累積人力掃街長度共2,488.6公里,總達成率為100 %;推估可削減TSP 195.6公噸、PM10可削減36.83公噸。二、 本計畫總計洗街長度為14,168公里,總計用水量為17,128公噸,各月單位長度(公里)平均用水量介於1.19~1.25公噸之間,總平均用水量則為1.20公噸/公里,符合環保署規範數值(單位用水量須大於0.9公噸/公里)。三、 完成街塵(坋土)負荷量評估作業,採樣10點次,可作為本計畫執行成效分析與執行過程品質驗證之重要參考依據;執行2次水質檢測分析,共計採樣分析14點次,累計達成率皆為100 %。四、 執行濁水溪沿岸居民前期滿意度調查512份,評選承諾增加至1024份,前期調查實際調查份數為536份,後期調查實際調查份數為554份已完成前後期調查資料,達成率100%。問卷調查中,近五成的沿岸民眾於該年度,仍對濁水溪揚塵造成之生活困擾保持保留態度,顯示其相關單位確實應予以高度重視。並應於揚塵好發時期加強街道的洗掃作業,建議於下年度揚塵好發時期加強洗街長度及頻率,其建議頻率每周至少兩次。五、 於100年10月5日假環保局四樓會議室辦理洗掃作業人員教育訓練一場次,達成率為100%。六、 於100年12月22日辦理外部稽核1場次,針對委員意見亦有回覆及說明,作為後續執行作業之改善與提昇之準則,達成率為100%。七、 於計畫執行初期完成洗街車輛GPS行車監控管理系統連線及標準作業程序手冊擬訂等,達成率皆為100%。八、 計畫執行期間分別於麥寮鄉(74人)、崙背鄉(72人)、莿桐鄉(197人)、二崙鄉(48人)、西螺鎮(41人)、林內鄉(42人)等地各辦理宣導會,總共已辦理7場次宣導說明會,參與人數總共有474人,達成率為100%。 The project began on October 01, 2011 and ended on March 31, 2012. The execution achievements and schedule met the contract requirements. The related achievements are as follow:1. The length of street cleaned was completed 10,520.5 kilometers and the total achieved rate is 100%; the total length of labor street cleaning work which organized 505 street cleaners was finished 2,488.6 kilometers and the achieved rate is 100%. The reduction volume of total suspended particulate matter (TSP) estimated 195.6 tons and the volume of PM10 is about to 36.83 tons.2. The total street cleaning length is 14,168 kilometers and total water consumption is 17,128 tons in this project. The average water consumption per month is about to 1.19~1.25 tons per kilometer, and total average water consumption is 1.20 tons/km. It exceeds the EPA′s standards (a unit of water consumption should be more than 0.9 tons/one kilometer).3. The load of street dust estimation task that took samples from ten places was completed. It could be a major reference for project execution effect analysis and execution process quality verification. The water quality testing which took samples for 14 places was performed two times. Both of achievement rates are 100%.4. The satisfaction questionnaire for residents who live in riverside of the Cho-Shui-Hsi was done, and the achievement rate is 100%. 536 questionnaires were filled out in earlier period, and 554 questionnaires were filled out in late period; the achievement rate is 100%. According to questionnaires result, nearly 50% of residents who live in riverside hold off making comments about that their daily life are disturbed by aeolian dust. The related authorities should be pay much attention to improve better air quality, and increase street cleaning operation during aeolian dust happening periods. The suggestions are increase street length and cleaning times which about a week at the least two times.5. An education and training for street cleaners was hold on October 5th, 2011 in EPA′s building, and the achievement rate is 100%.6. An external audit was hold on December 22, 2011. Based on committee members′ comments to establish a standard for improving the next operations. The achievement rate is 100%.7. Early in project executing period, the street cleaning vehicles was set GPS navigation devices and established a standard operation procedure for street cleaning; both of achievement rates are 100%.8. During the executing period, the workshops was hold seven times at Mailiao Township (74 persons), Lunbei Township (72 persons), Cihtong Township (197 persons), Erlun Township (48 persons), Siluo Township (41 persons) and Linnei Township (42 persons). There are 474 persons who attended workshops, and the achievement rate is 100%. 100 雲林縣環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37381
100年度新竹市揮發性有機物及餐飲業稽查管制計畫 計畫自100 年2 月25 日至100 年11 月30 日完成科學園區之稽巡查共計121 家次(巡查51 家次、稽查45 家次、陳情25 件),巡查51家廠商VOCs 排放量全年總計138.86 公噸,排放量前三名廠商分別是台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司8 廠(13.09t/year)、巨擘科技股份有限公司(12.76 t/year)、力晶科技股份有限公司P1 廠(10.571 t/year)。排放管道末端VOCs 定性定量檢測作業6 根次, 各廠排放主要物種為乙稀+乙炔+乙烷、丙烷、乙醇、丙酮及異丙醇; 科園排放管道(NMHC)檢測16 點次, 皆未超出法規標準值。園區周界完成6 點次VOCs 定性定量, 主要為丙酮、間/對二甲苯、乙烯+乙炔+乙烷、異丁烷及甲苯。煙道臭味閥值分析結果顯示, 丙酮、甲苯、氯苯、2,2,3,3,-四氟-1-丙醇、異丙醇為最主要成分; 經常陳情區, FTIR 周界檢測作業顯示最常出現之污染物為氨、一氧化碳、甲醇、一氧化二氮。FTIR 煙道檢測主要物質為全氟己烷、四氯化矽、丙二醇甲醚、六氟化硫。餐飲業巡查業705 家次, 已執行陳情案件及再陳情共187 件, 陳情案件衍生複查298 件,陳情案件主動稽查16 件,已進行相關處份作業及後續輔導改善, 共501 件餐飲陳情之文書資料檔案建置。陶板屋新竹北大分公司異味官能測定檢測值為55, 已予以處分。加油站完成109 家次之稽巡查作業,針對有缺失之加油站進行輔導改善。加油站汽油比測試(A/LRatio test)及油氣管線密閉性測試10 家次, 全國明湖及台亞中山加油站有油槍不合格情形, 均已完成改善及相關行政程序。20 點處油品含硫份與芳香烴檢測檢測結果皆未超過法規標準。於100 年4 月8 日舉辦「加油站油氣回收法規及檢測維護要點說明」,100 年6 月30 日舉辦「高科技產業VOC 廢氣監測與控制技術暨空氣污染防制法規說明會」說明會,並於會中發放不強迫加油宣導品。園區陳情案件共25 件,主要陳情地點為研新一路及力行路路段, 其他零星分布於金山一街、靜心湖、工業東一路等地區,其中晶元光電8 廠許可證變更中,P002~P005尚未同意試車, 依規定污染源及防制設備不應進行操作, 已違反空污法第二十四條之規定並開立處份。 100 新竹市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29764
澎湖縣100年度固定污染源(含室內空氣品質)稽查管制計畫 固定污染源、粒狀污染物、加油站、室內空氣品質 Penghu County 100 annual fixed sources of pollution (including indoor air quality) audit control plan Stationary sources of pollution, particulate pollutants, gas stations, indoor air quality 100 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32315
100年度基隆市機車排放空氣污染物稽查及定檢站管理計畫 計畫目標藉本計畫之實施,經由宣導與加強取締兩種方式之配合,督促車輛使用人養成車輛保養維修之習慣,進而降低車輛廢氣之排放,有效改善空氣品質。計畫目標包括:1.執行路邊不定期欄檢巡查作業及車牌辨識系統稽查。2.加強宣導機車定期檢驗及淘汰老舊機車。3.加強機車排氣定檢站教育與檢測品質管理。4.持續維護管理本市檢驗站即時連線系統、車籍資料查詢連線系統及戶政查詢系統。5.辦理烏賊車檢舉案件處理,提升民眾滿意度。6.推廣電動機車、自行車及使用大眾交通工具。工作內容(一)人員需求(二)稽查管制工作及通知到檢作業(三) 機車排氣定檢站教育與檢測品質管理(四)總量管制稽查系統(五)宣導活動相關作業(六)本年度(100)應使基隆市「使用中機車納管比率」及「定檢率」達85%以上,以環保署考評成績公布為主。(七)車輛租賃(八)於簽約日起3個月內,完成助理工程師標準型健康檢查(呼吸系統檢查等)。(九)人員工作服製作(十)相關辦公用品及設備(十一) 其他事項(十二)額外承諾工作事項 100 基隆市環境保護局 得眾環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45749
推動廢電子電器及廢資訊物品受補貼機構管理制度操作改善專案工作計畫 本計畫依工作契約完成(1)探討現行廢電子電器及廢資訊物品類受補貼機構處理技術及設施標準,並提出相關建議改善措施。(2)掌握廢電子電器及廢資訊物品受補貼機構溫室氣體排放現況,提出溫室氣體排放減量策略。(3)探討分級管理指標及制度,推動受補貼機構管理制度操作改善。在探討現行處理技術及設施標準部分,分別進行11家次312台廢冷暖氣機及337台廢電冰箱冷媒資料調查、前10大冷暖氣機及電冰箱製造輸入業者之市售產品冷媒資料調查、6家次冷媒收集設備成效評估作業、2家次印刷電路板粉碎分選含銅率分析、2家次冷陰極燈管拆解作業汞濃度分析等作業,並蒐集日本及歐盟相關處理規範標準,重新檢視我國廢電子電器及廢資訊物品回收貯存清除處理方法及設施標準,並提出建議增修訂內容。在溫室氣體盤查盤部分,參考環保署及工業局相關技術手冊及ISO/CNS 14064-1等相關技術方法與規範,實地輔導3家受補貼機構進行溫室氣體盤查作業,及完成盤查清冊製作,並針對盤查結果進行排放源熱點分析,及提出減量方案,另本研究製作受補貼機構溫室氣體盤查輔導手冊,以供業者執行參考。在探討分級管理指標及制度方面,依前年度試評鑑結果與參考專家學者會議意見,探討分級管理指標內容(1)提升作業品質要求,提高分級級別門檻標準及調整4項指標評判標準。(2)探討較不具意義之指標,刪除7項財務面指標。(3)依分級作業流程,設計7份作業表單,以供作業使用。(4)並以研擬後之分級標準,進行18家受補貼機構試評鑑及落點預測作業與1場次業者制度說明會,以推動受補貼機構管理制度操作改善作業。 The improvement of management system for waste household appliances and waste electronics IT objects In respect of the contract, this project has completed the following objectives: 1) Reviewing the treatment process and facility standards for waste household appliances and waste electronics IT products. We also proposed some measures for further improvement. 2) Investigating greenhouse-gas emission in waste household appliances and waste electronics IT products. As above, we provided furthermore some carbon-reducing measures. 3) Studying the rating indicators and systems in light of improving the management quality in waste household appliances and waste electronics IT products.Accordingly, the project has undergone 11 investigations of refrigerant on conditioners and refrigerators (including 312 conditioners, 337 refrigerators, 10 conditioner and refrigerator manufactures), 6 evaluations of on-site refrigerant collection facilities, 2 analyses of PCB powder seperators, and 2 studies of mercury sampling and recycling plant for LCD monitor. Besides, the projects adopted norms used in Japan and in the European Union to recommend disposal and treatment facilitiy standards of Taiwan.Secondly, regarding to the investigation of greenhouse gas emission, the project has referred to the official manuals of greenhouse gases emission inventory (Environmental Proctection Agency, Industrial Development Bureau... etc.). This includes educating 3 recycling plants, editing greenhouse gases inventory report, analyzing the hotspots of greenhouse gases emission facilities or activities, and redacting the manuals of greenhouse gases emission inventory for recycling plants.As for revising rating indicators and system, the project has referred to to last year’s evaluation of WEEE recycling plant as well as to experts’ opinion. Accordingly, 1) the level for each class has been raised. 2) Four standards of rating management indicator have been established. 3) Seven rating management indicators have been abandoned. 4) Seven norms for the rating operation process have been established. 5) The revised rating standards, which enable to, assess 18 recycling plants for waste household appliances and waste electronics IT, have been applied. We also held a seminar with stakeholders and collected their opinions in view of improving the management quality in WEEE recycling plant. 100 基管會 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=35849
桃園農地污染之環境資料蒐集與污染關聯性分析計畫 100 土污基管會 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28987
環境檢測機構管理作業服務計畫 本年度環境檢測機構管理作業服務計畫係依據 「環境檢驗測定機構管理辦法」及「機動車輛排放空氣污染物及噪音檢驗測定機構管理辦法」對營運中或新設置之環境檢測機構、機動車輛測定機構檢驗室欲申請之項目,進行其品管系統與檢測技術評鑑工作。執行方式包括邀請現場評鑑專家至現場進行系統評鑑、術科考試績效評鑑、或執行其他績效評鑑,例如盲樣測試與實地比測等方式,並由評鑑技術委員會對各申請案評鑑結果執行審查,每年1次對各檢驗室許可項目進行例行性盲樣測試或實地比測。本年度申請案中,完成文件審查137件次、辦理系統評鑑70件次、盲樣測試與實地比測62件次、術科考試(採樣、上機)227件次,及檢測報告簽署人評鑑201場次、召開11次評鑑技術委員會審查、各舉辦1場次現場評鑑專家與評鑑技術委員之評鑑技術研討會及環境檢驗測定機構業者座談會。本年度將每1申請案件之處理期程由原110至180天,縮短在60天內完成,大幅提升對檢測機構的服務效能,顯著減少檢測機構展延申請案件的評鑑場次,同時減少評鑑專家與檢測機構的人力負荷。另有鑑於檢測機構年度性盲樣測試近年來合格率均在90%以上,為提升行政管理效能,減輕檢測機構負荷,自本年度起,檢測機構例行盲樣測試頻率由每年2次改為1次,共計101個受測單位,發送盲樣2425件次,合格率達96.4 %;本年度辦理水量比測,共計36家檢測機構,容器法合格率94.4%、流速計法合格率88.5%,與去年測試結果比較,合格率皆呈現平穩情況,顯示檢驗室對檢測技術與數據品質管理持續精進中。 FY 2011 Authorized Environmental Analysis Organization Management Services Project This was the report of "Authorized Environmental Analysis Organization Management Services Project of year 2011" of Environment Analysis Laboratory, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan. The accreditation works of quality system and testing techniques of applied items for both new-setup and in-operation laboratories had arranged based on the "Management Regulations of Environmental Analysis Organization" and the "Management Regulations of the Motor Vehicle Emissions and Noise testing organizations". These auditing works included laboratory quality management system auditing, testing techniques auditing (in-lab instrumentation and in-field sampling), and performancy tests (in-lab and in-field). After these auditing works had been done, the Technical Assessment Committee evaluated the records of these auditing works and made the final decision of approval of the application of new-setup or/and in-operation laboratories. One auditing methodology conference for the auditing specialist and the members of Technical Assessment Committee and a conference for the authorized environmental analysis organization were held in this year. There were 137 cases of documentation evaluation, 70 cases of quality system auditing, 62 cases of performance testing (in-lab and in-field), 227 cases of testing techniques auditing(in-lab instrumentation and in-field sampling) and 201 cases of report signatory qualification had been evaluated within 11 Technical Assessment Committee meetings. In order to further improved the efficiency of the accreditation working processes and reduced the workload of auditing specialists and administrative staffs, a modified management system had been announced. To finish all the application processes takes 110 to 180 days in the old management system, and only takes less than 60 days in the new management system by combining the related in-field auditing and reduced the performancy test frequency of the qualified authorized environmental testing laboratories. There were 2,425 performancy test samples sent to 101 laboratories this year, the satisfactory rate of performancy test was 96.4%. There were 36 laboratories participated the test flow rate measurement, the satisfactory rate of container method was 94.4% and that of tachometer method was 88.5%. There were no significant differences in the statistic information of auditing reports and performancy test results after the new policy of management system. 100 環檢所 鑫聯網國際股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=31810
事業廢水檢測申報許可管理及資料庫維護管理計畫(第三年) 本計畫預計以三年時間,完成四項計畫目標,包括:1.檢討事業廢水稽查裁罰制度,研修相關行政管制程序與規定、2.研訂事業廢水分業分級管理法制作業,以強化水污染防治管理措施、3.配合空水廢毒資料整合,協助推動許可管理與檢測申報制度、4.新增及維護資料庫管制資料,並強化預警、自動通知、連線及即時傳輸系統與功能運用。 The Industrial Wastewater Management and Database Maintenance Project(The Third Year) This project was intended to achieve four goals in three years, which included: 1. to review the industrial wastewater inspection and punishment system and to make amendments to its relevant administrative control procedures and regulations, 2. to establish the industrial wastewater enforcement procedures for categorized and classified management, 3. to assist the promotion of the permit management and test reporting system in association with the integration of the air, water, waste, and toxics databank, 4. to update and maintain the control information in the databank and to upgrade its functions in advance warning, auto message forwarding, on-line linkage, and real-time transmitting system as well as the application of the functions. 100 水保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=31042
台灣嬰幼兒暴露參數-土壤及落塵經口攝取及口部行為頻率研究   土壤、灰塵中的有害物質能透過直接吸入、攝入及皮膚接觸進入人體並造成有害的健康效應,其中土壤、灰塵的攝入量對於年幼孩童而言是一重要暴露參數。本研究目的為建立污染場址鄰近嬰幼兒生活環境之土壤基本資料庫,篩選台灣北、中、南及東部各選取一個污染場址與無污染之對照組為樣區,進行土壤、灰塵及孩童糞便的採集,估算本土性嬰幼兒口部為及攝取土壤與灰塵之量化資訊。台灣北、中、南及東部研究區域的污染場址及對照場址內之土壤質地皆為壤質砂土至砂質壤土。污染場址及對照場址土壤及灰塵中鈦、鋁、矽的濃度範圍分別為3.33 - 15.5、0.49 - 47.4及0.07 – 328 g/kg及2050 -2180、ND -1490及ND -105000 mg/kg,孩童糞便中鈦、鋁及矽的濃度範圍分別為137 -3770、ND -510及14.0 -14800 mg/kg。本研究中48位孩童的全部物體每小時口部觸碰頻率的中位數為36.7 events/h,手及非飲食物體每小時口部觸碰頻率的中位數分別為8.58及10.0 events/h。48位孩童的全部物體每小時口部觸碰時間的中位數為2.50 min/h,手及非飲食物體每小時口部觸碰時間的中位數分別為0.29及0.35 min/h。孩童手到口及非飲食物體到口的觸碰頻率及時間,不論在性別、地區、污染場址及對照組、家庭平均月收入及有無使用奶嘴各組間,中位數皆沒有達到顯著地差異,非飲食物體每小時口部觸碰頻率及時間僅與年齡有關,即年齡越大,中位數有減少的趨勢,達統計上顯著差異。嬰幼兒的土壤/灰塵攝入量經鈦、鋁及矽估算後土壤攝入量中位數(平均值)分別為878(960)、21.0(31.4)及145(681) mg/day。當扣除食物中追蹤元素濃度時,鈦與矽的土壤攝入量中位數(平均值)分別為957(1980)及177(284) mg/day,北、中、南及東部間孩童的土壤攝入量皆沒有顯著地差異。根據本年度的結果建議鈦及矽較適合作為土壤/灰塵攝入量之標記元素,建議未來應收集孩童的食物樣本,能更精確估算孩童之土壤及灰塵攝入量。 Child Exposure Facotrs in Taiwan -- Research on children for non-dietary exposure and mouthing frequ   Harmful substances in soil and dust may enter human body through the direct inhalation, digestion, and dermal contact and cause adverse health effects. For children, the extent of soil and dust ingestion is an important exposure factor. The objective of this study is to establish a soil exposure database for infants and toddlers living around the contaminated sites. We selected a contaminated site and a control site at northern, middle, southern and eastern parts of Taiwan respectively and collected the soil, dust and children’s feces to estimate the localized mouthing information and quantify soil/dust ingestion for infants and toddlers. The soil texture was classified as loamy sand to sandy loam in the contaminated and control sites of the northern, middle, southern and eastern parts of Taiwan. The concentrations of titanium, aluminum and silicon in the soils from contaminated and control sites soil were within 3.33- 15.5, 0.49- 47.4 and 0.07– 328 g/kg, and 2050- 2180 mg/kg, <13.2- 1490 mg/kg, and <17.8-105000 mg/kg, respectively. The concentrations of titanium, aluminum and silicon in the feces were within 137- 3770, <13.2- 510 and 14.0- 14800 mg/kg, respectively. For the 48 children in this study, the median total objects/surface mouthing frequency was 36.7 events/h. The median hand-to-mouth and object-to-mouth frequencies were 8.58 and 10.0 events/h. Additionally, the median total objects/surface mouthing duration was 2.50 min/h. The median hand-to-mouth and object-to-mouth duration was 0.29 and 0.35 min/h. The median hand-to-moth and object-to-mouth frequencies and duration were not significantly different in terms of gender, location, living around a contaminated site or a control site, income, and pacifier use. The object-to-mouth frequency and duration was only correlated to age, namely, the median object-to-mouth frequency and duration were smaller in the older children, which was significantly different. The median (mean) infant and toddler soil ingestion were estimated 878(960), 21.0(31.4) and 145(681) mg/day, based on the content of titanium, aluminum and silicon, respectively. When the contribution of these tracers from food was excluded, the median (mean) soil ingestion were estimated 957(1980) and 177(284) mg/day, based on the content of titanium and silicon, respectively. These analytical results also suggest that the soil ingestions for children living in the northern, middle, southern and eastern part s of Taiwan were not significantly different. According to the results in this phase I project, we suggest that titanium and silicon were suitable tracer elements for evaluating soil and dust ingestion of infants and toddlers. We also suggest that the dietary samples should be collected and counted to more accurately estimate the soil and dust ingestion in our phase II study. 100 土污基管會 臺北醫學大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=35015
100年度臺中市綠能交通推廣計畫 「100年度臺中市綠能交通推廣計畫」,其計畫期程自簽約日起至101年8月24日止,執行期程共12個月。本團隊自100年8月25日起至101年8月24日止,各項工作執行成果說明如下:1.於計畫執行期間辦理油氣雙燃料車推廣,完成申請臺中市改裝油氣雙燃料車補助案件初審共計410件;協助申請通過案件核發8,000元加氣卷共計403件,核發金額總計3,224,000元;完成『臺中市97年~100年LPG車補助成效推估報告』提交。2.完成老舊二行程機車報廢審核及撥款作業,收件共計12,001件,協助請通過案件核發1,500元補助金共計11,288件,核發金額總計16,932,000元。並完成製作大眾運輸付費卡及發放12,000張;協助汰舊換購低污染車輛審核及行政作業,收件861件審核通過共806件,核發金額總計7,620,000元。3.研擬臺中市老舊汽機柴車資料進行分析及削減策略,完成『臺中市老舊車輛管制策略』規劃報告;針對目前電動車、充電模式及低污染車輛相關資料進行蒐集並完成『臺中市電動車輛推動策略』規劃報告。4.依據臺中市中、長期建設計畫並蒐集自行車使用者意見,完成『臺中市自行車路網規劃』報告及『臺中市自行車使用者意見蒐集與分析』報告,提供相關主政單位作為施政參考。5.為降低機動車輛排放溫室氣體引響環境,協助研擬臺中市獎勵內燃機種機車製造廠植(盆)栽綠美化要點草案,於100年12月28日邀集國內各大機車製造廠商,召開『臺中市獎勵內燃機種機車廠植栽綠化協商會』第1次會議,邀集所有相關內燃機車廠業者召開第1次協商會進行討論,鼓勵內燃機種機車製造廠或進口商主動提供本市綠美化植栽,並作出相關修正結論,而於101年7月16日召開第2次會議,針對依前次會議決論所修正之草案內容,『臺中市獎勵內燃機種機車廠植栽綠化執行計畫』。6.配合經濟部工業局電動機車能源補充設施補助、環保署低碳社區建置補助方案、環保局低碳城市設施設置補助,分別於100年9月8日、12月1日、12月2日,假臺中州廳、豐原陽明大樓及沙鹿勞工育樂中心,邀請相關機關、法人召開電動汽車與電動機車充電站設置說明會4場次。7.為有效於本市推廣電動車輛,於101年1月31日、2月23日召開『臺中市電動車輛推廣策略研商會議』,會中邀請產官學研各界代表,針對臺中市電動汽車購置補助計畫草案以及智慧電動車先導運行計畫後續執行分工進行商討。8.協助環保局完成64站電動汽車充電站設置場地現勘及後續設置完成驗收作業,並於100年10月14日辦理『智慧電動車先導運行計畫』啟動記者會以及於101年2月7日辦理『智慧電動車實車運行暨充電站啟動儀式』記者會。9.辦理電動汽機車試乘體驗及推廣解說活動,藉由進行電動汽車及電動機車之性能講解與實際試乘體驗以及宣導本市所推動之綠能交通相關措施,計畫執行期間共計舉辦100場次,參與宣導試乘活動之民眾合計7,821人次。10.製作廣播電臺廣告及主持人口播稿各3則,並於太陽電台、臺中廣播及城市廣播進行宣導撥放;廣播媒體宣導2,468次,主持人口播1,000次。11.而配合環境教育法的執行,規劃設計適用於國中及國小學生之教材,其中包括:全球氣候變遷影響、認識綠能車輛、低碳運輸概念及電動車輛推廣等相關內容,並編列授課教師手冊,供授課教師之參考。 Taichung City Green Transport Promotion Project “2011 Green Transport Promotion Project in Taichung City" had begun from Aug.-25- 2011 to Aug.-24-2012. Its implementation timetable is 12 months. The results as below:1. This project has finished 410 cases of initial audit for re-equipping gasoline vehicles into vehicles with LPG and gasoline dual fuel systems. In which, there were 403 cases passed audit and got NT $8,000 coupons for Gas. The total subsidy amount was NT$ 3,224,000. Furthermore, this project proposed an “effectiveness analyze report of 1998 - 2011 LPG promotion in Taichung city”.2. This project completed 12,001 cases of initial audit for 2-stroke old scooter scrapped. In which, there were 11,288 cases passed audit and got NT$ 1,500 subsidy amount. The total subsidy amount was NT$ 16,932,000. Also, this project offered 12,000 public transportation payment cards and post to people. Furthermore, this project completed 806 cases of audit for elimination old vehicle to buy less pollution vehicle which total subsidy amount were NT$7,620,000,3. Based on analyzing the data of old vehicle in Taichung city and planning the air pollution reduction strategy, this project proposed a “planning report for old vehicle control strategy in Taichung city”. Furthermore, this project collected the literatures in electric scooter and its charge mode, and low-pollution vehicle to propose a “planning report for electric scooter promotion strategy in Taichung city”.4. Based on the medium and long-term construction plan in Taichung city and collect the opinion of bicycle riders, this project proposed a “bicycle ride network planning report in Taichung city” and a “report of collection and analysis their bicycle rider’s opinion of in Taichung city”, which can provided the relevant government unit as reference.5. In order to reduce the motor vehicle emission greenhouse gas to lower the environmental impact. This project assisted Taichung government to plan and write a “Draft of Reward Internal Combustion Engine Motorcycle Manufacturer in Environmental Greenification Planted in Taichung”. So, this project invited the major motorcycle manufacturers and motorcycle importers to have 1st consultative meeting to discuss the reward of internal Combustion engine motorcycle manufacturer in environmental greenification planted on Dec.-28- 2011. For the 1st consultative meeting, we encouraged they offer planting. For the 2nd consultative meeting on July-16- 2012, based on the resolution of 1st consultative meeting, this project proposed the “Execution Plan of Reward Internal Combustion Engine Motorcycle Manufactures in Environmental Greenification Planted in Taichung”.6. For the electric scooter energy supplement allowance plan of Industrial Development Bureau of Ministry of Economic, build-up the low-carbon community allowance plan of EPA and build-up the equipments of low-carbon city allowance plan of EPB. This project held 4 seminars of build-up the electric motor and electric scooter charge station and invited relative government unit and foundations to participate, which were held at Taichung City Hall, Fengyuan Yang-Ming Building and Shalu district labor-Recreation Center of Taichung, on 09-08-2011, 12-01-2012 and 12-02-2011 respectively.7. This project held two consultative meetings of “electric scooter promotion strategy in Taichung” on Jan-31-2012 and Feb-23-2012. For the above two consultative meetings, this project invited representative of Industry, government, academic and research to discuss the “Draft of Electric Vehicle Purchase Subsidy” and the follow-up work division of “Pilot Run Plan of Wisdom Electric Vehicle”. 8. This project assisted Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung City Government to complete 64 electric scooter charge points of site reconnaissance and acceptance. Moreover, this project held a press conference of “Electric Vehicle Pilot Run Plan” on Oct.-14-2011, and held a press conference of “Wisdom Electric Vehicle Running and Battery Charge Station Launching Ceremony” on Feb.-7-2012.9. For the promotion, test-ride/ drive, and explaining the function and relevant policy of electric vehicle, this project held 100 seminars and there were 7,821 people participated.10. There were 3 radio advertising articles and 3 anchorperson articles, which were broadcasted via Sunny Radio Station FM 89.1, Taichung Broadcasting Co. Ltd. FM 100.7 and CITYFM 92.9.11. With the Environment Education Act, this project proposed teaching plans for the students of junior high school, and low, medium and high grade of elementary school to learn. The teaching plans included the greenhouse reason, climate change and impact, green transport instructions. 100 台中市環境保護局 新研車輛科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=39279
100年度臺南市空氣品質監測站資訊顯示系統操作維護及分析作業計畫 本計畫主要執行目標係藉著臺南市空氣品質監測站顯示系統設備維護工作,確保運轉正常及數據品質,同時彙整維修紀錄表及改善建議報告,提供環保局掌握維修狀況。並修訂測站維護之標準作業程序及維護檢查表格以確保維護品質,配合達成環保署監測站考核標準。計畫執行成果簡述如下:一、城西里測站部分(一)監測站操作維護定期進行包括每週維護(48次)、每月維護(12次)、季維護(4次)、半年維護(2次)及年維護(1次),所有作業皆依工作進度進行,計畫執行期間各設備之妥善率均達到100%。季維護執行之分析儀多點校正如表1,其第1~4季之相關係數皆在0.995以上,斜率皆在0.9~1.1之間,截距皆介於±2%F.S.,均符合測站績效查核標準。表1 季維護多點校正結果項目 季別 斜率 截距 相關係數二氧化硫 第1季 1.0083 -2.6046 0.9999 第2季 0.9992 -0.5395 0.9999 第3季 1.0076 -2.2921 0.9998 第4季 1.0001 -0.4711 0.9999一氧化碳 第1季 0.9949 -0.1428 0.9998 第2季 1.0110 -0.1490 0.9999 第3季 0.9991 0.0362 0.9999 第4季 1.0033 0.0437 0.9999臭氧 第1季 0.9978 -0.9005 0.9999 第2季 1.0067 0.1564 0.9999 第3季 1.0096 -0.8936 0.9999 第4季 1.0074 0.2161 0.9999氮氧化物 第1季 0.9953 -0.2474 0.9999 第2季 1.0007 -0.3008 0.9999 第3季 1.0078 -1.3671 0.9999 第4季 1.0019 -1.6130 0.9999一氧化氮 第1季 0.9947 0.3007 0.9999 第2季 1.0017 0.4507 0.9999 第3季 1.0086 -0.1069 0.9999 第4季 1.0086 -0.1069 0.9999總碳氫化合物/甲烷 第1季 0.9998 -0.1242 0.9993 第2季 1.0179 -0.1421 0.9999 第3季 1.0099 0.0203 0.9999 第4季 1.0019 0.0405 0.9999非甲烷碳氫化合物 第1季 1.0228 -0.1221 0.9999 第2季 1.0200 -0.1824 0.9999 第3季 1.0079 0.0002 0.9999 第4季 1.0079 0.0005 0.9999(二)數據管理100年07月至101年06月為止,各項分析儀及氣象設備之資料獲取率皆符合合約規範之85%以上。(三)查核作業由AQMP計畫於100年11月17日聘請成大吳義林老師至現場進行查核,查核地點選定城西里自動測站、仁德區區公所人工站及永康區衛生所人工站。相關查核結果已修正並於現場確認完畢。(四)監測結果1.PSI大於100之事件日100年07月至101年06月間,本市共發生9日的臭氧事件日,分別為新營站2日、安南站1日、善化與臺南站同1日、臺南站與城西里同1日及城西里站4日;微粒事件日則安南站2日,其中1日為沙塵暴。2.空氣品質標準在臭氧部分,臺南市自動測站之PSI不良日數雖自95年度64站日數逐年降低,100年度僅為7站日,但在臭氧八小時最大值(>60 ppb)日數中,於93年度608站日數之後雖有較為減少,但於98年度卻為歷年最多,達637站日數,而99年度403站日數雖為歷年相對較低,100年度卻又達到487站日數,顯示若單以空氣污染指標(PSI)來作為評估O3影響的指標,似有低估,因為由空氣品質標準的觀點來看,近年來O3所造成的影響並未明顯減少。在懸浮微粒部分,與PSI不良日相同,各測站懸浮微粒超出>125 μg/m3日數主要發生於10月至隔年2月,且均自97年起逐年降低,顯示懸浮微粒管制上之成效。二、小西門資訊看板部分(一)定期線路檢查及環境清潔各月份檢查次數皆在4次以上。(二)顯示看板資料更新作業計畫執行期程製作之相關文宣檔統計及撥放內容合計共達410筆,其中環保局共78筆。三、人工監測站部分(一)監測站操作維護每月上、下半月定期進行監測站之操作及維護工作,並於次月10日前提交報表以供備查;計畫執行期間各設備之妥善率均達到100%。(二)校正作業每次採樣前、後之單點檢查、每季一次之多點校正(100/07/22、100/07/25共2日)、(100/10/03~100/10/06共4日)及(101年01月03日至06日共4日) (101/04/03~101/04/06日及101/04/09共4日);每半年一次之追溯一級校正作業(100/07/21、101/01/02),各項校正結果均符合規範要求。(三)監測結果本年度TSP監測結果中,自100年07月至101年06月各人工監測站監測結果並無超過空氣品質標準24小時值(250 μg/m3);歷年(93年~100年度)本市TSP監測結果顯示各年度之趨勢大抵一致,均呈現冬季高、夏季低之趨勢;歷年之年幾何平均值均未超過空氣品質標準年幾何平均值130 μg/m3。在落塵量監測部分,自100年07月至101年06月各人工監測站落塵量監測屬於極輕微污染124站次(91.2 %)為主,其次為輕微污染13站次(8.8 %);另外統計歷年(93年~100年度)之各站落塵量平均值,顯示落塵量年均值逐年下降,而與101年1至6月同期比較,101年測值平均為1.85公噸/平方公里/月則為歷年最低。在PM10部分,本計畫所測得之懸浮微粒監測值與環保署自動監測站之測值變化趨勢皆相當一致,以10月至隔年3月測值普遍較高,應以大氣擴散條件有關,呈現季節性變化。各人工站數據均符合空氣品質標準PM10日平均值標準(125 μg/m3)。在PM2.5部分,彙整同監測期間環保署4站自動測站之PM2.5測值,其變化趨勢與本計畫監測結果大抵一致,且與PM10測值趨勢亦是呈現一致性,以10月至隔年3月測值普遍較高。在PM2.5/PM10比值部分,各人工測站之比值介於0.19~0.98,而各自動站之比值則介於0.29~0.89,兩者差異不大。另外,針對整體平均而言,人工測站為0.67,自動測站則為0.49,明顯以人工測站比值相對較高,考量人工測站與自動測站之分析原理不同,兩者之比對僅作參考。(四)精密度測試每季依序完成本市12座人工測站的精密度測試,計畫自100年07月至101年06月共完成7站次的併行採樣作業,整體誤差百分比介於-9.24 %至8.74 %之間,均符合誤差10 %以內之要求。 100 year air quality monitoring stations Tainan information display system operation and maintenance and analysis of operations plans This plan mainly executed the maintenance service of Tainan Air Quality Monitoring Display System to make sure the equipments’ normal operation and the data quality y, it also collected the entire service log sheet and the improvement suggestions provided to the Tainan Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) the service conditions. Further to this, it offered revised standard of operational procedure and the maintenance test to guarantee the maintenance quality and met the inspection monitoring station assessment criteria from Central Environmental Administration Bureau.The achievement of this project is stated below:First, Chencily Auto-Monitoring Station(1)Monitoring Station’s operation and maintenance Regular Maintenance included weekly maintenance (48 times), monthly maintenance (12 times), and quarterly maintenance (4 times), and half-yearly maintenance (2 times) and yearly maintenance (1 time), all works based on this plan schedule to carry on and all equipments in the execution period led to achieve 100% properly. Quarterly maintenance in analyzers’ of multi-spot calibration result shown in table 1, its correlation coefficient all above 0.995, the slope all between 0.9~1.1, the intercept was between ±2%F.S., conformed to the Quality Check of survey Air Monitoring Standard. (2)Data ManagementAll the data acquisition rate of all analyzers was all above 85%, the meteorological equipments were above 85%.(3)Quality Control ProcessIt was based on AQMP plan from November 17th of 2011 and appointed Professor Wu,Yi-Ling of National Chengkung University to carry on sites quality check including Chencily Auto-Monitoring Station, Rende Manual Station and Yongkang Manual Station. All related quality check results were revised and confirmed in the sites. (4)Explanation of monitoring resultChencily Auto-Monitoring Station showed 5 episode day (O3 counted for 5 episode days); Annan station showed 3 episode days (O3 counted for 1 episode days and PM10 counted for 2 episode days); Tainan station showed 2 episode days (O3 counted for 2 episode days) ; Sinying station showed 2 episode days (O3 counted for 2 episode days) ; Shanhua station showed 1 episode days (O3 counted for 1 episode days). Second, Xiaosimeng information electronic monitoring system(1)Regular line inspection and environment clean checkVarious months’ inspection frequency was all above 4 times. (2)Information electronic display renewal operationThis plan in the execution period did 410 times advertisements in which the EPB took 78 times all together. Third, the manual monitoring stationThere were following stations including EPB, Mingde Secondary School, ShiehchinPrimary School, Chongshan Secondary School, Anping Waste Water Factory, South Administration Office stations. (1)Monitoring station operation maintenanceIt had to conduct the first half and second half monthly regular service and maintenance job and on 10th in next month to submit the report and make sure all various equipments led to 100% properly. (2)Calibration ProcessFor single point check before and after sampling, the flow should be between 40 to 60 CFM and the error was between ±7%. For quarterly multi-spot calibration (100/7/22~100/7/25, 100/10/3~100/10/6, 101/1/3~101/1/6, 101/4/3~101/4/9) showed in Table 2, each error was between ±5%, and the R value was bigger than 0.995. Every half year conducted primary standard calibration (100/7/21, 101/1/2) the R value was 0.9999. All the calibration result in this plan met the code requirement. (3) Monitoring resultIn this year TSP monitoring result from July 2011 to June 2012, were complied with the air quality standard 24 hourly value (250 μg/m3). All previous years (from 2004 to 2011) this city TSP monitoring result showed that consistent tendency, presented the winter was high and the summer was low.In the dust fall quantity monitoring part, from July 2011 to June 2012, each manual station classified as the extremely slight pollution class. All previous years from 2004 to 2011 each station dust fall demonstrated that The measured values declining. However, in year 2012 from January to June’s dust fall were also somewhat low.(4)Accuracy test This plan completed 12 manual stations for the accuracy quarterly tests in which all the present stage did 12 times parallel sampling work and the whole error percentage was between – 9.24% to 8.74%, meets the erroneous within 10% requirement. 100 台南市環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38701
100年度廢機動車輛回收獎勵金審核執行專案工作計畫 近年來機動車輛為人們不可或缺的交通工具,而國人車輛持有數及換車速率也逐漸提升,機動車輛的大量使用會造成許多環境問題,如老舊機動車輛排放之廢氣所造成之空氣汙染,廢機動車輛處置不當有礙環境美觀及整潔,廢機動車輛於拆解過程中所產生之衍生廢棄物(如廢潤滑油、廢輪胎、廢鉛蓄電池及冷媒等)隨意處置等,均對環境造成一定程度之負面影響。因此鼓勵民眾加速淘汰老舊之機動車輛及建立健全的廢機動車輛回收體制,將民眾報廢之廢機動車輛導入體合法制內並妥善處理,才可有效降低廢機動車輛處理不當衍生的環境問題。環保署於88年以獎勵金獎勵車主報廢車體方式導入經環保署稽核認證之合法回收體系,希望提昇廢機動車輛回收之意願及妥善處理之數量,在基管會努力的宣導推動下,統計自92年迄今經由本項政策導入合法回收體系的廢機動車輛約為194萬輛。 另外從96年起基管會針對回收獎勵金第6次修正發放標準與獎勵金額,其中對於報廢車齡的縮限(汽車10以上機車7年以上)、需檢附監理單位核發之「報廢」或「繳銷」異動證明影本、非公務單位者,符合以上三項條件,始得申領獎勵金。建立完善的獎勵金發放標準除能妥善利用廢車回收基金之外,更能實質獎勵民眾主動將老舊車體回歸合法回收體系。 Incentive Bonus Application Review Procedure for Recycling Obsolete Vehicles For decades, vehicles have become a necessary tool in terms of transportation in Taiwan. With Taiwan’s economy growing steadily, more and more people here have replaced their obsolescent vehicles with new ones. However, more vehicles mean more severe environmental problems, such as the pollutants exhausted by obsolescent vehicles. The improper disposal of obsolete vehicles tends to make negative impacts on our beautiful environment. Disassembling obsolete vehicles improperly is very likely to produce a lot of wastes (i.e., wasted fuel, tires, batteries, and cool agents, etc.) All these useless wastes, without proper disposal, might cause a lot of damage to our environment. As a result, to dispose of the obsolete vehicles in Taiwan properly, the EPA has developed an incentive prcedure to encourage people to take their obsolescent vehicles to a certified recycling plant. In 1999, the EPA began to carry out the policy stipulating that people be entitled to receive an incentive bonus if they have their obsolescent vehicles disposed in a certified recycling plant. Starting from 2003, there have been more than 2500 thousand obsolete vehicles recycled and disposed of properly at the certified plants.In 2007, EPA made its sixth amendment to the procedure in terms of the incentive bonus and recycling requirements: vehicles should be old enough to be eligible for the bonus (cars should be 10 years old or above and motorcycles should be 7 years old or above.), and the application document should include the license plate discard or invalidation issued by the MVD. The governmental owners shall not be awarded any bonus. The policy was developed to encourage the car owners here in Taiwan to dispose of their obsolescent vehicles along a legal procedure.This procedure aims to review the application for incentive bonus to meet the requirements set by the EPA, and it also serves as a facilitator of better communication between the applicants and the recycling plants. As of Dec.31 this year, 250,224 applications have been accomplished, including 250/mon communication phone calls to recycling plants and applicants 24,183/mon respectively. In sum, this project has been executed with high accuracy and efficiency in the hope of meeting the public’s expectation 100 基管會 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34295
100年度臺中市營建工程空氣污染管制暨營建空污費收費管理計畫 臺中市政府環境保護局於八十六年七月一日開始執行營建工程污染管制計畫,為使空氣品質得以確實改善,並期待執行本計畫後有效管制營建工程之污染行為與減少公害發生,確切提昇生活環境品質。100年度計畫執行期間(100年3月25日至101年3月24日),已蒐集分析營建工程徵收、管制、污染排放削減情形及執行成果資訊進行探討,執行期間之成果摘要說明如下。一、執行期間總徵收金額為134,135,262元,徵收件數共計5,863件(含免徵件數170件),計畫初期建置雲端網路申報系統及便民繳費系統,並分別於100年4月25日、100年5月25日啟用,網路申報件數共計2,229件。執行期間有6,116件透過新式便民服務繳款單繳費完成,其中2,277件採便利超商繳費(佔繳納類型37%)。二、營建工地管制成果方面,持續針對區域開發及大型道路橋樑工程擴大實施查核,以「揪」「察」「對」三重奏方式管制,辦理10場區域開發高空遙控飛機拍攝,舉辦輔導座談會8場次,協商座談會4場次,並輔導其中10處大型營建工程舖設稻草及植生進行污染防制。此外,加強道路管線工程查處,巡查率為96.99%,稽查告發情節重大者35處次,法規符合度從99年82%提昇至100年87.32%。各項精進作為使得本市工地TSP產生量為13,757公噸,削減量為5,698公噸,現況排放量為8,059公噸,平均削減率為58%,較縣市合併前成長4%。三、執行期間評比對象名單共計300處,扣除已完工及未動工54處,經篩選施工中受評對象公共工程為48處,民間工程為198處,評比成績最高分為91.43分的龍寶建設誠臻邸第一期新建工程,工程類別分數平均部份來看公共工程的差距較大,平均分數介於65.96~54.43之間,顯示公共工程在評鑑標準各項的達成差異;民間工程主要以建築工程為主,平均分數介於64.96~68.57之間。四、加強污染工地之提報作業,提報揚塵(136處次)及告發路污件數(279處次)共計415處次,大部分已輔導改善完成,改善率90%以上。五、本計畫與洗掃計畫建立橫向通報機制,洗掃街計畫通報59處有污染之虞工地,其中9處工地經本計畫現場查核路污嚴重,予告發路面污染,其餘屬輕微給予現場立即改善機會,隔次複查均未發現污染。六、委託弘光科技大學進行電話及現場調查方式,進行空污費櫃檯申報1500份及網路申報500份民眾滿意度調查問卷調查及分析,共2000份,兩項調查回收之有效問卷1,800份。第一部分臨櫃申報滿意度-面訪調查,有效件數為503件(年度500件),整體服務品質滿意度為93.14%;第二部分臨櫃申報滿意度-電訪調查,有效件數為1,019件(年度1000件),整體服務品質滿意度為90.03%;第三部分網路申報滿意度-電訪調查,有效件數為506件(年度500件),使用網路申報服務滿意度為91.50%,整體滿意度為91.56%,針對民眾反應事項與建議,將列入未來計畫便民服務改善方針,以提高民眾滿意度。 2011 Taichung City Construction Engineering Air Pollution Control-cum-construction air pollution fee charges management plan The Environmental Protection BUREAU, Taichung City began the implementation of Air Pollution Control Fee Construction Engineering since July 1ST, 1997. Not only make the air quality can be ameliorate certainly but also expect after starting this project the pollution affair can be control effectually and less the social effects of pollution to give the better life environment quality precisely. The final report offered the project information (2009.1.1~2009.12.31), already analysis the construction of the impose, control, particles1.to sharply reduce,and get the achievement over the years to study and compare this year different from past years. The year of excerpt as follow:1. During the execution of total charge amount of $ 134,135,262, a total of 5,863 pieces of the collection of the number of (including exempted from parts 170), the initial stages to build cloud online reporting system, and convenient payment system, respectively, in April, 100 years 25, on May 25, 100 years, the number of internet reporting a total of 2,229 pieces. During the execution of 6,116 pieces by new convenience service payment single payment completed, including 2,277 pieces of mining convenience store to pay (pay type 37%).2. Second, control the outcome of the construction site, continued to expand for regional development and major roads and bridges projects implementation audit, counseling forum held to "kick" "police" Trio way the control handle 10 games of the regional development of remote high-altitude aircraft photography, 8 screening, consultation forum sessions, and counseling including 10 large-scale construction projects laying straw and vegetation pollution control. In addition, to strengthen the road pipeline project investigation, inspection rate of 96.99%, inspectors denounced the severe circumstances, 35 the compliance degree from 82% in 1999 increased to 87.32% in 100 years. The sophisticated as making the city site TSP production was 13,757 tonnes, a reduction of 5,698 tonnes, the status of emissions of 8,059 tonnes, the average reduction rate of 58%, compared with counties prior to the merger growth of 4%.3. During the execution of appraisal object list 300 deduction have been completed and did not start 54, the public works of the assessment object 48 through the filter construction, civil engineering for the 198, the evaluation results, the highest score of 91.43 points Longbao construction Cheng Zhen Di first phase of new construction, engineering category scores the average part of the point of view larger gap between the public works, the average scores ranged from 65.96 to 54.43, showing the achievement of public works in the evaluation criteria the difference; civil engineering main the main construction works, the average scores ranged from 64.96 to 68.57.4. Strengthening the operations of the contamination site submit, submit a dust (136) and information to road dirt number (279), a total of 415 times, most counseling improvements have been completed to improve the rate of more than 90%.5. This project with the cleaning and sweeping plan to establish a horizontal notification mechanism, wash street sweeping plan Bulletin 59 has likely been polluted site 9 site of this project site to check road dirt, I denounce the road pollution, and the remaining minor given to the scene immediately improve the opportunity to every review times were not found in pollution.6. Commissioned, Hung Kuang University of telephone and on-site survey method to counter air pollution fee declaration of 1500 and the online reporting 500 people satisfaction survey questionnaire and analyze a total of 2,000 copies, 1,800 copies of the valid questionnaires of the two surveys. The first part of the counter and declare satisfaction - interview survey, the effective number of 503 (annual 500), overall service quality, satisfaction was 93.14%; second part of the counter and declare satisfaction - telephone interview survey, the effective number of 1,019 (year 1000), the overall quality of service satisfaction was 90.03%; third part of the online reporting satisfaction - telephone interview survey, the effective number of 506 (annual 500), use the online reporting service satisfaction 91.50%, the overall satisfaction of 91.56%, issues and recommendations for the public reaction, convenient service improvement initiatives will be included in future plans to improve public satisfaction. 100 台中市環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36855
加油站及餐飲業空氣污染物管制計畫 近年來由於油品市場之開放,以致加油站不間斷一家接著一家的開設,根據本計畫清查之結果,桃園縣加油站高達293站(含停歇業),為全國第三,而發油量則為全國前三大。以加油站數量持續逐年增加之趨勢,必須加以管制,否則其逸散揮發性有機物污染情形也將越嚴重,造成臭氧惡化問題;另加油站多位於交通繁忙、人口集中之地區,所排放之揮發性有機物對周遭居民健康造成之危害亦益形顯著。為加速推動環境空氣品質改善工作,桃園縣政府環保局於90年度即著手推動加油站污染管制工作,已建立一套完整之加油站管制制度,成效良好。此外,則是餐飲業之油煙污染問題,由於國人對生活環境品質之要求日漸高漲,且餐飲油煙乃是近年來民眾最常陳情檢舉案件主因之一,行政院環保署在各項管制措施上也將其列為空氣污染管制重點。而於此項管制作業上,本計畫針98年7月12日開始實施之「桃園縣餐飲業空氣污染防制設施管理自治條例」中,所規範項目作為查核管制上之重點及依據,並適切的配合宣導、輔導改善、改善追蹤及稽查等方式,達到管制桃園縣餐飲業污染之排放情形及改善桃園縣空氣品質。對於加油站之管制方面,本計畫已完成293站加油站清查與80站加油站共868支加油槍氣油比初測作業,並持續執行新設加油站審查及列管加油站之油氣回收管理辦法之法規符合度查核,同時針對本縣264座(含展延)通過油氣回收標章認證之加油站,進行後續追蹤查核作業及持續推動其他尚未通過認證之加油站的輔導工作。在餐飲業管制部分,已完成815家餐飲業之清查及建檔作業,同時規劃輔導業者裝設防制設備,目前亦已有56家餐飲業者完成改善工作,本計畫持續針對受民眾陳情之業者加強輔導,相信藉由以上計畫工作來管制餐飲業者加強各項污染防制措施之執行,確實負起餐飲業各項環境維護管理之責,減低餐飲業各項污染對環境之衝擊。 Since refined gasoline products were deregulated, gas stations have sprung up. According to our investigation, there are currently 293 gas stations (including the ones no longer in business) in Taoyuan County, or the third highest number in Taiwan, and the amount of gas consumption is ranked third nationwide. As this worrisome trend seems irreversible, gas stations need to be closely scrutinized, or the VOC (volatile organic compounds) pollution will aggravate the situation as ozone depletes; on the other hand, most gas stations are located in busy streets and densely congregated regions, and the associated public health hazards are becoming severe. To accelerate air quality improvement, the Environmental Protection Bureau, Taoyuan County started to enforce air pollution control and prevention measures in 2001, has established a complete gas station control and prevention system and has seen great results.The next worst pollution is the soot pollution from the food and beverage service (FBS) industry. As the public has higher requirements for living and environmental quality and the FBS industry has been the most reported industry for air pollution in recent years, the Environmental Protection Administration has focused on the FSB industry for air pollution control initiatives. As for air pollution control and prevention, this plan has followed the Self-Government Ordinance of Air Pollution Control and Prevention Facilities for the Food and Beverage Service Sectors in Taoyuan County as the key emphasis and basis to properly promote and provide remedial guidance, follow up remedial progress and conduct audits to improve air quality and control air pollution from the FBS industry in Taoyuan County.As for control and prevention measures, we have completed reviews on 293 gas stations and initial air-gas ratio tests of 868 refueling guns from 80 stations, are accelerating the investigation progress on newly registered gas stations for their compliance status of the Gasoline Vapor Recovery from Fuel Pumps regulation (GVRFP), continuing our auditing effort on the 264 GVRFP certified gas stations (including ones provided with extensions) and followed up on gas stations that have yet to pass GVRFP certification. In terms of the FBS industry, we have completed the reviewing and filing processes for 815 restaurants and provided guidance on control and prevention equipment for the industry. Currently, 56 restaurants have completed remedial implementation. We will continue to strengthen counseling efforts for reported restaurants. We firmly believe that with the above listed initiatives to enforce control and prevention measures on air pollution and urge restaurants to adopt and thoroughly enforce the recommended measures, we can alleviate the environmental impacts generated from the FBS industry. 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 新紀工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=39135
澎湖縣99 年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 亞太環境科技股份有限公司承接澎湖縣政府環境保護局「99 年度澎湖縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」,為監測澎湖縣境內地下水環境狀況,本計畫對於澎湖縣既有之29 口場置性地下水監測井進行維護及水質檢驗,以掌握確切之地下水狀況,另對無需進行監測之兩口監測場置性監測井進行廢井作業;對於縣內4 處污染場址進行巡查作業,此外,針對縣內14座加油站進行每月例行性稽查,另增加每座加油站之測漏管進行檢測作業;為配合土污法公告十週年及今年2 月公佈新修之條文辦理2 場法規說明會、1 場土壤及地下水污染防治種子深耕教育宣導會,並加強業者對於法規之認識。本計畫執行期間自決標日99 年4 月16 日起至99 年12 月31 日止,完成之重點成果敘述如下:一、 地下水監測針對澎湖縣境內既設29 口場置性監測井,於6 月進行一次豐水期採樣及檢測分析工作,11 月進行一次枯水期採樣及檢測分析工作,29口井檢測分析項目均包括行政院環境保護署所訂定之「地下水污染監測標準」及「地下水污染管制標準」中一般項目(8 項)、揮發性有機物(21 項)、總酚及柴油總碳氫化合物,而興崁掩埋場5 口監測井、天祥加油站6 口監測井則加測重金屬(鉛、鎘、鉻、銅、鋅、鎳等六項)。本年度地下水監測結果達第一類地下水監測基準之項目有總硬度、總溶解固體、總鉻、硫酸鹽、氯鹽、氨氮、硝酸鹽氮及總有機碳等,達第一類地下水管制標準之項目有硝酸鹽氮。本年度地下水監測結果達第二類地下水監測基準之項目有總硬度、總溶解固體、氯鹽、硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽氮、氨氮、總有機碳,達第二類地下水管制標準之項目有統一精工澎湖加油站之苯及天祥加油站之鎳。二、 地下水監測井設置與維護本計畫至四月中開始執行至12 月,於5 月、6 月、8 月、10 月及11 月於29 口場置性監測井及11 口區域性監測井進行巡查作業,並針對監測井有損壞之部分(如雜草覆蓋、掉漆、平台式監測井警示柱生鏽或斷裂、遺失井蓋及井鎖等)進行維護作業。8 月30 日於馬公市石泉里進行兩口場置性監測井封井作業。三、 污染場址稽查驗證本計畫每月進行兩次縣內四處污染場址之巡查作業,並於5 月進行一次尖山發電廠之污染控制計畫變更及展延審查會、6 月進行一次聯勤烏崁漏油案之污染改善計畫書審查會,11 月9 日進行各污染場址監督查核會議,並同意統一精工澎湖加油站及天祥加油站改善期限展延至民國100 年6 月底。四、 加油站之稽查及輔導本計畫針對縣內14 座營業之加油站於每個月進行一次巡查作業,8 月進行一次加油站測漏管功能檢查,其測漏管檢查結果共有8 座加油站有異常,其中3 座加油站之測漏管抽氣檢測達警戒值。11 月針對測漏管異常之加油站再進行一次測漏管複查作業,其中澎大加油站之測漏管抽氣檢測結果仍達到警戒值。五、 辦理兩場土壤及地下水法規說明會、一場宣導會本計畫於計畫期程中共進行2 次法規說明會、1 次宣導會,第一次說明會於8 月17 日進行,說明會議題為「土污法條文及其今年修改之部分」與「加油站地下水污染預防及處理方式」;第二次於11 月30 日進行,說明會議題為「土壤及地下水法規及E 化管理說明會」。以及於100 年2 月24 日辦理1 次「土壤及地下水污染防治種子深耕教育宣導會」。六、 緊急應變本計畫於11 月8 日至11 月10 日,共三天,於統一精工澎湖加油站、馬公加油站及澎大加油站進行緊急應變土壤採樣作業。其中統一精工澎湖加油站因已屆原改善期限,馬公加油站及澎大加油站則因測漏管檢測結果達警戒值,故啟動緊急應變瞭解其場址污染程度。七、 規劃針對台電公司污染案件求償機制本計協助環保局於99 年11 月29 日召開第一次「台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠土壤污染-求償研商會議」,依會議研商結論後續請台電尖山發電廠依會議報告內容及結論事項進行研議回覆,並於99 年12 月8 日前提出意見,以進行後續求償事宜憑辦。尖山電廠於99 年12 月9 日函覆環保局彙整其意見回覆,環保局於100 年1 月19 日召開第二次「台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠土壤污染案代墊費用繳納協調會議」,於此次會議結論取得本案求償費用之共識。相關費用之繳納,澎湖縣政府於100 年2 月22 日來函環保局,說明已收到尖山發電廠繳納檢測費用新台幣20 萬5360 元支票(AD5578890)1 紙。環保署於100 年3 月21 日函文告知收到款項,並開立檢測費用新台幣20 萬5360 元之收據乙紙予尖山發電廠,本求償案即為辦理完畢。 Investigating of Soil and Groundwater Contamination of Penghu County (Year 2010 Project) This project mainly focus monitoring 29 site monitoring wells of the qualityof groundwater in Penghu area, and continue to inspect 14 gas stations to checkthe data and soil gas. The main result s from this project are as following :A. Groundwater monitoring29 site monitoring wells were monitored in this project for 2 season.The items reached the “1st class groundwater pollution monitorstandard” include total hardness, total dissolved solid, total chromium,sulfate, chloride, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, total organiccarbon. The items reached the “2nd class groundwater pollutionmonitor standard” include total hardness, total dissolved solid, chloride,sulfate, nitrate-nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, total organic carbon. Theitems reached the “2nd class groundwater pollution control standard”include benzene of Smile gas station and nickel of Tian Xiang gasstation.B. Monitoring wells maintaining40 monitoring wells on Penghu area have be patrolled in May, June,August, October, and November. More than 10 broken monitoringwells which covered by grass, rusty, and destroyed, are maintained.C. The gas station inspectionThe inspections were carried monthly in this project for 14 gas stations;and soil gas was monitored twice in this project.D. The actions holdingThe actions were held twice in this project, the theme of the one onAugust 17 is concerning the “Soil Pollution Law”, and another onNovember 30 is concerning “soil and groundwater information management system”.E. Emergency handlingIn November 8 to 10, the emergency handling has executed at Magonggas station, Tian Xiang gas station, and Pengda gas station..F. Ask to recompense for Taiwan Power CompanyThis project assists Environmental Protection Bureau in Penghu Countyto ask recompense for Taiwan Power Company by holding a meeting onNovember 29. Taiwan Power Company has agreed to pay $205,360. 100 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
99暨100年度固定污染源許可及管理計畫 高雄縣市自99年12月24日正式合併為大高雄市,然本計畫仍舊針對原高雄市轄區(包括新興、前金、苓雅、鹽埕、楠梓、左營、鼓山、旗津、前鎮、三民與小港區),進行各項管制作業。具統計固定污染源許可證列管之公私場所共270家,共計有612條製程領有許可證,另統計100年度原高雄市市排放量為粒狀物4,654公噸/年、硫氧化物25,338公噸/年、氮氧化物24,342公噸/年、揮發性有機物5,038公噸/年、戴奧辛5.74 g-TEQ/年。符合排放量列管須每年申報排放量之公私場所共132家,屬第一批列管共67家、屬第二批列管共65家。而符合須定期檢測之煙道,第一批共234根次、第二批共133根次,具有戴奧辛排放之污染源共66根次。然隨著現場操作現況改變,其各項管制資料也會有所變化。高雄市「99暨100年度固定污染源許可及管理計畫」工作共區分為兩年度(99年度及100年度),計畫內容如協助環保局執行原高雄市轄內固定污染源許可審查作業、現場執行許可證查核作業、公私場所現場巡查作業、排放量申報現場查核作業、煙道監督檢測作業、煙道稽查檢測作業、資料庫更新維護作業、戴奧辛查核作業,另待環保署實施總量管制後配合相關管制作業。本計畫合約工作內容共區分為二年度,99年度各工作項目已於99年12月底完成,100年度執行至12月底為止,已執行283件許可審查案件、核發許可證188製程、完成現場許可查核518條製程、349廠次公私場所現場巡查作業、132家排放量申報現場查核作業、許可現場監督檢測142根次煙道與16場次周界檢測、各項稽查檢測100根次與油品含硫份分析60件次、公私場所定期檢測監督作業104根次、具戴奧辛污染排放源現場查核66根次與戴奧辛定期檢測監督作業37根次、資料庫更新擴充維護511製程,另亦協助局內完成100年度ISO外部稽核認證,協助媒體宣導,舉辦總量管制宣導說明會二場次、技術轉移二場次與法規宣導說明會三場次等工作,100年度合約外勤規定之工作量已全數於12月份完成。本計畫延續99年度執行做法於許可審查期間協談業者以降低原(燃)料使用量或增設防制設備已達到實質減量效果,至100年12月底為止也已完成17製程許可核發,總減量達粒狀物169.55公噸、硫氧化物790.04公噸、氮氧化物87.08公噸、揮發性有機物達22.42公噸。另本年度因排放量達一定規模須召開審查會的製程有壹東實業M02與中鋼碳素M08製程;另本計畫也注意海光公司將有一煉鋼設備更新計畫之環評核可,可能於近日內便會提出許可申請。而現場查核作業中,本年度也查核到有公私場所99年度操作量已超過許可核定量,也協請環保局針對此一狀況進行複查確認後告發處分,其他外勤作業並未明顯發現有公私場所嚴重違規事項。 The Project of stationary sources of air pollution permission and management in 2010 and 2011. To implement air pollution control strategy, intensify air pollution source management, ensure to levy the air pollution fee fairly, and to improve the air quality of Kaohsiung and Pin tong areas effectively, “The Stationary Source Permitting and Management Plan (SSPMP)” was executed to assist the Kaohsiung Municipal Government Environmental Protection Bureau (KMGEPB) to carry out the permitting administration in 2011. We accomplished the examination of 283 permitting documents, most of them are operating process and to extend the term of permitting licenses.We had executed inspection of air pollution permit of 518 Processes. The results that we had 20 processes not obey the permit and percentage is 3.86%. In 2011, we had recounted 48 factories that air pollution fee over 1,000 dollars per season.We had updated 511 processes in 2011. According to the recent year’s emission database, the yearly average emission amount of particles is about 4,653 ton, SOx is about 25,338 ton, NOx is about 24,342 ton and VOCs is about 5,038 ton. For now, we have fewer particles but more VOCs pollutants. The main pollutants are still both SOx and NOx. 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=35447
100年度臺中市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫(臺中縣) 工作成果方面:一、高污染潛勢農地調查工作執行成果 本團隊彙整本計畫轄內(原臺中縣)近年土壤及地下水污染調查相關資料後,選篩出烏日區同安厝段;后里區墩北段、后里段、文化段、民富段等區域進行調查。採樣佈點原則為(1)主觀判斷採樣於入水口佈點為主(2)農糧署100年度作物採樣調查比對(3)歷年調查現況追蹤等3種方式。烏日區同安厝段採樣檢測結果顯示皆無超過現行土壤第二類監測標準與管制標準或食用作物農地監測標準與管制標準。后里區后里段、墩北段、文化段、民富段採樣檢測結果顯示12筆農地土壤樣品中,文化段1266南北側(2.59 mg/kg、2.78 mg/kg)、墩北段368(4.17 mg/kg)等3筆地號重金屬鎘超過現行土壤食用作物農地監測標準。重金屬鋅於文化段1266 南北側坵塊(315 mg/kg、351 mg/kg)、文化段1262(318 mg/kg)、文化段1307(281 mg/kg)、文化段1306(291 mg/kg) 、墩北段368(296 mg/kg)等5筆地號超過土壤食用作物農地監測標準。神岡區三角子段已於100年8月16日完成採樣,共採集約2.53公頃(10筆地號,14點次樣品) ,檢測結果測值皆低於食用作物農地土壤監測標準與管制標準。潭子區大埔厝段牛埔子小段、大埔厝段大埔厝小段、東寶一段已於8月23日完成採樣,共計2.88公頃12筆地號,佈設19採樣點,檢測結果東寶一段1051地號重金屬鋅測值887 mg/kg超過土壤食用作物農地管制標準(600 mg/kg)。潭子區東寶一段1051地號已於100年10月3日再次進行5點次之重金屬檢測確認土壤污染情形。本次採樣1051地號中樣品編號1051-1與100年8月23日採樣之1051-1樣品為同一採樣點。由採樣結果研判第一次土壤樣品為零星之點狀污染,本次其他四點與1051-1檢測結果皆無超過土壤食用作物農地監測標準。后里區后里段306-1地號及306-3地號已於100年10月3日完成採樣,共採集6點次樣品。採樣檢測結果顯示2筆農地土壤樣品中,檢測分析結果顯示皆無超過土壤食用作物農地監測標準。二、污染場址驗證本年度計畫於100年8月~12月期間已完成污染場址驗證共計11場次,包含5處工廠及3處加油站,驗證場址計有連乙鑄造股份有限公司二廠、行政院退除役官兵輔導委員會「前台中木材加工廠」、金忠加油站、太平區忠平段151等12筆地號(原台託實業股份有限公司)、台糖月眉加油站、迪勝工業股份有限公司、金旺加油站、豐穫工業股份有限公司等。驗證結果為,行政院退除役官兵輔導委員會「前台中木材加工廠」、金忠加油站、台糖月眉加油站、太平區忠平段151等12筆地號(原台託實業股份有限公司)、迪勝工業股份有限公司等通過驗證。連乙鑄造股份有限公司二廠、金旺加油站、豐穫工業股份有限公司等尚有部分污染未完成改善,驗證未通過。三、地下水定期監測成果本計畫於100年6月及10~12月間期間進行計畫區域內監測井巡查工作,巡查數量七十餘口,本計畫根據巡查結果,進行地下水定期監測工作。本年度地下水定期監測作業選定24口次,採樣分析內容為24組一般項目、14組八大重金屬、10組VOCs、10組總酚,採樣方式為微洗井取樣。第一次地下水定期監測結果(超過管制標準)為亞東印鐵製罐(股)公司內L00066(GZR-2與MW9713-01)地下水重金屬鉻測值分別為0.88 mg/L與5.34 mg/L,前者超過第二類地下水管制標準1.76倍,後者超過10.68倍,另MW9713-01地下水重金屬鎳測值6.92 mg/L,超過第二類地下水管制標準6.92倍。另L00049、L00053、L00055、L00058、L00061、L00073、L00076、L00077皆有項目檢測超過監測標準。第二次24口次地下水定期監測結果在超過管制標準的場址有興農王田廠及大里光正路場址。其中興農王田廠內監測井MW9928-01地下水氯苯測值為1.92 mg/L,超過第二類地下水管制標準1.92倍;總酚測值為0.794 mg/L,超過第二類地下水管制標準5.67倍。大里光正路場址監測井L00065(GZR-W1)地下水鉻測值為1.11 mg/L,超過第二類地下水管制標準2.22倍;L00066(GZR-W2) 地下水鉻測值為0.78 mg/L,超過第二類地下水管制標準1.56倍;MW9713-01地下水鉻測值為3.00 mg/L,超過第二類地下水管制標準6倍; MW9713-03地下水鉻測值為3.58 mg/L,超過第二類地下水管制標準7.16倍。大里光正路場址監測井L00092地下水鎳測值為1.62 mg/L,超過第二類地下水管制標準1.62倍; MW9713-01地下水鎳測值為4.86 mg/L,超過第二類地下水管制標準4.86倍。另L00027、L00049、L00053、L00054、L00055、L00058、L00061、L00073、L00074、L00076、L00092、L00103、GZR-W11、MW9928-01皆有項目檢測超過監測標準。四、地下儲槽系統稽查地下儲槽系統法規宣導說明會已於100年8月26日假臺中市政府環境保護局四樓大型會議室辦理,邀請對象為地下儲槽系統列管業者,包含176家次加油站及40家次事業單位。課程內容為地下儲槽污染防治與自主管理、地下儲槽法規與申報常見缺失等二大主題。本工作團隊於計畫期間協助地下儲槽系統定期申報審查作業,已完成第二季申報審查作業共計214件次。網路申報統計缺失部分,主要為平面配置圖與申報內容不符,共計58件佔71.6%;其次是漏報液密性檢測,共計14件佔17.3%;總量管制資料不合理共計6件,佔7.4%;監測資料申報錯誤共計3件,僅佔3.7%。以上缺失案件已請業者確認缺失後進行補件並重新申報,直至無缺失才算完成申報作業。100年第三季地下儲槽系統網路申報於10月1日~10月31日間由事業主體主動申報,工作團隊已於11月完成審查。審查原則與7月份審查相同,針對缺失部份進行統計,並輔導業主進行缺失改善與複查。本計畫之地下儲槽土壤氣體監測作業是針對計畫區域內的加油站業者及廠內有地下儲槽的列管事業,篩選出25家次進行全站土壤氣體監測井調查,其中發現異常者選出10點次進行直接貫入式間隙氣體調查,已經由篩選原則篩選出25家地下儲槽系統業者,九月下旬已依工作內容與方法進行查核。測漏管功能檢測結果顯示在管蓋方面,僅12家標記完全,有3家共5支測漏管無法開啟。有效深度不足的有3家共8支測漏管。透氣度方面,共計3家15支測漏管阻塞。測漏管功能不正常數量所檢測之432 支測漏管中,計有26 支測漏管功能不正常,約佔總檢測數之6 %。土壤氣體檢測結果顯示LEL檢測結果,有三家共6支測漏管超過警戒值25%,佔所有測漏管總數1.4%(6支/432支);PID檢測結果,有四家共11支測漏管超過警戒值500 ppmV,佔所有測漏管總數2.5%(11支/432支);FID檢測結果,有八家共25支測漏管超過警戒值500 ppmV,佔所有測漏管總數5.8%(25支/432支)。直接貫入式土壤氣體採樣,總計執行三點次,分別為沙鹿交流道加油站、豐原交流道加油站、大安加油站。現場檢測結果,其LEL、PID、FID均無超過警戒值25家次地下儲槽系統土壤氣體檢測調查結果,建議將土壤氣體檢測值超過警戒值之測漏管數20%以上之地下儲槽系統列為具高污染潛勢,進行現場採樣查證,故本團隊建議針對鯨世界沙鹿交流道加油站及霧峰加油站進行現場土壤採樣查證作業。另鐵砧山加油站及沙鹿交流道加油站測漏管功能不正常比例皆高達59%,超過半數,建議給與兩家業主改善期間至11月底,並於12月初進行複查,並重新檢測測漏管土壤氣體項目。複查結果為:(一)鯨世界沙鹿交流道加油站:所有檢測值(總石油碳氫化合物與揮發性有機物)皆未超過土壤污染管制標準及監測標準。(二)霧峰加油站: 所有檢測值(總石油碳氫化合物與揮發性有機物)皆未超過土壤污染管制標準及監測標準。(三)鐵砧山加油站:土壤氣體檢測值皆無超過警戒值,但平面配置圖及監測紀錄留存仍未改善,須再做後續追蹤其改善情形。(四)金井加油站:仍有一支測漏管淤積及PID超過警戒值,該加油站目前申請歇業中,已辦理歇業前土壤污染評估調查,後續視調查報告結果再依程序辦理。五、緊急應變成果本計畫目前已進行多次土壤、底泥、地下水、地面水之緊急應變措施採樣分析,計有(1)廣福企業社;(2)臺中市清水區三美路陳情事故應變措施;(3)中科海洋放流管沿線大甲區德化里及江南里陳情事故及沙鹿區廢棄物堆置場下游緊急應變措施;(4)中科海洋放流管沿線外埔區土城里及廍子里陳情事故應變措施;(5)永日公司、興農公司周圍民井檢測應變措施;(6)沙鹿區現有石業周圍農地土壤緊急應變調查;(7)臺中市大甲區幼獅工業區陸昌化工;(8)興農(股)公司南面烏溪沿岸地面水與底泥採樣檢測應變措施;(9)臺中市潭子區臺中加工出口區緊急應變措施-監測井等9場次應變措施。緊急應變措施的成果如下:(一)廣福企業社採樣數量為3點次土壤採樣(3組八大重金屬),採樣結果為:S3檢出重金屬鎳測值為1350 mg/kg,超過土壤監測標準(130 mg/kg)與管制標準(200 mg/kg)。對於本場址的建議為:本場址S3測點土壤檢測出鎳超過現行管制標準6.75倍,符合土壤地下水污染整治法第7條第5項,得命污染行為人、潛在污染責任人、場所使用人、管理人或所有人採取應變必要措施,並於30日內提出應變必要措施計畫由環保局核備,並以12個月內執行完畢者為限。若第一點所述污染行為人、潛在污染責任人、場所使用人、管理人或所有人未遵循第7條第5項者,則可依第12條第2項公告為控制場址,並於公告前依據行政程序法第102條由污染行為人、潛在污染責任人、場所使用人、管理人或所有人提出陳述意見書,為事實及法律上之陳述。(二)臺中市清水區三美路陳情事故應變措施採樣數量為2點次地下水採樣(2組八大重金屬),採樣結果為所有樣品皆無超過地下水第二類監測標準與管制標準。(三)中科海洋放流管沿線大甲區德化里及江南里陳情事故及沙鹿區廢棄物堆置場下游緊急應變措施採樣數量為7點次地下水採樣(7組八大重金屬,1組VOC),採樣結果為所有樣品皆無超過地下水第二類監測標準與管制標準。(四)永日公司、興農公司周圍民井檢測應變措施採樣數量為6次地下水採樣(6組VOC、3組八大重金屬、3組總酚),採樣結果為所有樣品皆無超過地下水第二類監測標準與管制標準。(五)沙鹿區現有石業周圍農地土壤緊急應變調查採樣數量為完成2次土壤採樣(2組八大重金屬),採樣結果為所有樣品皆無超過土壤監測標準與管制標準及食用作物農地之監測基準與管制標準。(六)臺中市大甲區幼獅工業區陸昌化工採樣數量為1次地下水採樣(1組八大重金屬),採樣結果為所有樣品皆無超過地下水第二類監測標準與管制標準。(七)興農(股)公司南面烏溪沿岸地面水與底泥採樣檢測應變措施採樣數量為4次地面水採樣(W1~W4,4組八大重金屬、4組VOCs及4組總酚)及4次底泥採樣(S1~S4,4組八大重金屬及4組VOCs),地面水檢測結果顯示烏溪沿岸旁之水體確實受到1,2-二氯乙烷的污染。S4底泥中鉻檢測值330 mg/kg,由於採樣點附近有民眾種植芭蕉等作物,若認定為食用作物農地,則亦超過食用作物農地標準(200 mg/kg)。另鎳於S4樣品中分別檢出246 mg/kg,超過土壤管制標準(200 mg/kg)。目前國內底泥尚無標準,茲以土壤標準作為參考。S2採樣點為興農公司放流口旁之底泥,揮發性有機物檢出多種物質,其中以以1,2-二氯乙烷測值0.80 mg/kg為最高。對於本次緊急應變場址的建議為:本場址鄰近中和里長期皆有飲用地下水,烏溪沿岸下游引用烏溪水體進行作物種植,由本次緊急應變調查結果顯示,烏溪水體有遭1,2-二氯乙烷污染之現象。建議環保局應謹慎面對此一情形,由於此區域受體長期暴露,途徑多元,且涉及可能之地面水與地下水污染之補注,具高敏感性與污染傳輸流佈複雜,應與環保署研議是否以專案方式申請針對興農公司之監督查核計畫。另由於興農公司對廠區外無民井,並無地下水調查,本團隊建議於興農公司廠外下游區設置一口標準監測井確認地下水污染擴散至場外之情形。(八)臺中市潭子區臺中加工出口區緊急應變措施-監測井採樣數量為5次地下水採樣(BMW03~ BMW05:MW-2~MW-3) (5組VOCs)。地下水採樣結果顯示氯甲烷於MW-2、MW-3有檢出;1,1-二氯乙烯於BMW04有檢出;順1,2-二氯乙烯、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯於BMW03、BMW04、BMW05、MW-3皆有檢出;甲苯於BMW03、BMW04、BMW05皆有檢出。由於BMW03、BMW04、BMW05、MW-3皆有檢出順1,2-二氯乙烯、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯,其檢測結果顯示這些污染物質的存在與地緣性有相當的關連性。氯甲烷於MW-2、MW-3有檢出約0.01~0.02 mg/L之測值,且水質導電度偏高,三氯乙烯測值分別為ND與0.0251 mg/L,此應與加工出口區管理單位於此兩口投入過氧化氫與過硫酸鹽氧化劑有關。另外BMW03、BMW05地下水樣品中,其三氯乙烯超過地下水第二類監測標準與管制標準(0.05 mg/L)的現象,目前該井所在地號皆已公告為地下水污染控制場址,應持續進行該地區地下水的管制措施,禁止民眾使用地下水與用水安全宣導。由加工出口區區外最接近園區南側之BMW05於本次測值為5口中最高之情形顯示,加工出口區進行之投藥動作僅對於南側影響局部降低污染物濃度之現象,但MW-3已回升至0.0251 mg/L,對於加工區進行之侷限行為建議臺中市環保局仍應審慎審查。六、監測井維護本團隊於100年6月期間進行計畫區域內監測井巡查工作,巡查數量將近四十口,依據監測井巡查結果,篩選出10口次施作井下攝影及6口次洗井與維護管理,完井後進行井下攝影並記錄。本團隊於100年10~12月期間進行計畫區域內第二次監測井巡查工作,並彙整監測井巡察工作成果及更新監測井最新狀況。七、協助辦理事項(一)順泰興企業有限公司土壤污染調查:以主觀判斷方式採土壤1點(取15cm~30cm一組),分析八大重金屬,檢測結果顯示所有檢測值(八大重金屬)皆未超過土壤管制標準及監測標準。(二)漢翔沙鹿區場外放流口附近底泥採樣:分析VOCs及八大重金屬。分析結果顯示漢翔沙鹿區場外放流口附近底泥VOCs無檢出,八大重金屬測值小於土壤管制標準。(三)會同農地剷除本團隊協助環保局配合農糧署100年度農作物污染監測與損害查察計畫,會同環保局、農糧署及后里區公所進行農地剷除作業。剷除地段地號為后里段373-4地號,墩北段384地號,墩北段367地號(中間農地與左側農地),墩北段368地號,墩北段388地號;文化段1261、1262、1266(局部)地號、1306、1307地號,民富段1211地號。待稻米剷除後,再進行稻桿清運作業。(四)沙鹿區現有石業地下水上下游區域緊急應變-民井地下水採樣採樣數量為3次地下水採樣(3組八大重金屬),採樣檢測皆無超過地下水第二類監測標準。(五)潭子地下水污染專案報告彙整本團隊配合議會專案報告時程,協助環保局彙整「針對潭子加工出口區及鄰近區域土壤地下水污染現況及改善情形」專案報告,報告內容分為:一、緣起;二、潭子加工出口區及鄰近區域地下水污染現況;三、污染整治作業辦理進度;四、未來工作重點;五、結論等五項。(六)興農污染案水力控制方法探討興農股份有限公司王田廠因行政院環保署執行「運作中工廠土壤及地下水含氯有機溶劑污染潛勢調查及查證計畫(第2期)(甲、乙)」查證結果發現地下水已遭重金屬及含氯有機物污染,臺中市政府發文函知興農公司儘速採取緊急應變必要措施。興農公司並於100年7月18日以前將此緊急應變計畫書送臺中市政府環境保護局審核。根據緊急計畫書內容,興農公司提出在廠區的最南端圍牆旁,設置抽水井,使之形成水力牆以阻攔受污染地下水繼續流出廠區外,本計畫利用興農公司所提出的設計參數,參酌水文地質條件,進行案例模擬,以驗證該公司提出的方案是否可行。根據模擬結果,本計畫提出興農污染案的水力控制方法可以進行兩點修正:(1)增加抽水井密度;(2)加大抽水量。至於最佳的抽水井數量及抽水量,可以先進行更精確的現地調查及更多場次的情境模擬後來決定之。 (七)臺中市龍井區締旺加油站中港站土壤污染驗證締旺加油站中港站於環保署委託中興工程公司執行「99年度加油站防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備查核暨網路申報諮詢計畫」中,於本場址油槽區土壤氣體監測井A3發現浮油,A6土壤氣體濃度超過警戒值,本場址於100年9月2日完成5點次土壤採樣,檢測結果顯示S02總石油碳氫化合物檢測值(1370 mg/Kg)超過現行土壤管制標準(1000 mg/Kg)。(八)大雅區郁清鑄造廠股份有限公司周圍農地郁清鑄造於環保局委託上化環境工程公司執行「99年度臺中縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」時即遭民眾陳情有污染情形。本年度經現場勘查及與環保局承辦人員討論後,以主觀判斷方式佈設八點,以標準方法分析八大重金屬,採樣檢測皆無超過土壤監測標準與管制標準及食用作物農地之監測基準與管制標準,各類重金屬檢出值皆遠低於土壤監測標準與管制標準及食用作物農地之監測基準與管制標準。(九)興農公司西南側下游監測井設置興農股份有限公司王田廠位於臺中市大肚區。99年間行政院環保署計畫查證結果發現地下水已遭重金屬及含氯有機物污染,興農公司遂將緊急應變計畫書送臺中市政府環境保護局審核。根據計畫書內容,場址下游處污染團分佈範圍仍未釐清,興農公司表示再往下游處已無法取得用地並且設置監測井,因此環保局遂辦理現勘並規劃設置標準監測井以確定污染團分佈範圍。該口監測井已於100年11月設立,已於100年11月15日進行採樣作業。檢測結果顯示氯苯及總酚檢測值(氯苯,1.82 mg/Kg;總酚,0.497 mg/Kg)超過地下水管制標準(氯苯,1.0 mg/Kg;總酚,0.140 mg/Kg),重金屬砷檢測值(0.302 mg/Kg)超過地下水監測標準(0.25 mg/Kg),由本次採樣檢測結果可知興農公司污染物質已經流出廠外。(十) 大肚區自由路250巷內近環保公園附近廢棄硫酸工廠本場址位於人煙罕至之大肚山上,現今因開發華南路經過該場址旁始被發現。經由當地居民訪談得知本場址早期為以硫磺為原料冶煉硫酸之地下工廠,約二十幾年前發生大火後即無再生產。場址內另有近日被棄置之油污泥。100年10月,土基會通知有該場址,環保局遂會同本工作團隊至現場勘查及進行討論,確核後另安排時間進行採樣作業。本場址以簡單隨機方式於油污泥區(A區)、廢棄工廠區(B區)、圓形掩埋區(C區)及入口叉路區(D區)共計佈設15點,分析八大重金屬及TPH。採樣驗證結果顯示S05重金屬鎳測值214 mg/kg,超過土壤污染管制標準200 mg/kg,其餘皆低於土壤污染監測標準與管制標準。S05位於大肚區萬陵段2-1地號,所有人為臺中市政府。 100 year Taizhong soil and the underground water contamination investigate and verify the work plan(Taizhong County) 100 台中市環境保護局 冠誠環境科技工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29549
環境品質地理資料交換標準-污染防治類、環境衛生類、噪音振動類及非屬原子能游離輻射類 為因應國土資訊系統跨領域資料應用之廣大需求,可以更有效率及更為便利之管道共享各單位所生產之地理資料是最基本之前提。在這個共享環境中,由特定機關所生產之專業資料更具有無可替代之重要性。環保署自民國98年度開始推動為期三年之「環境品質地理資料標準制訂」計畫,透過ISO 19100系列國際標準之引入,使環境品質地理資料可基礎於開放式地理資訊系統技術而流通,進而擴展使用者端之應用層面。本年度計畫之重點為完成環境品質地理資料中「污染防制類、環境衛生類、噪音振動類及非屬原子能游離輻射類」資料之標準制訂。經由資料特性分析、綱要設計、資料典撰寫及編碼轉換機制建立等程序,已順利完成資料標準草案之研擬,可供納入範疇之16項資料以開放之GML格式供應。本標準之完成亦代表環境品質地理資料標準之完成,納入範疇之45項資料可次第推動基礎於空間網路服務之資料供應機制,方便相關領域使用者取得符合需求之資料或建立網際網路之應用系統。展望未來之發展,本標準之完成也意味環保署之地理資訊系統應用將邁入新一代之網路應用環境,在國土資訊系統之共享環境將可扮演更為積極之角色。 Environmental Quality Data Exchange Standard - pollution control, environmental sanitation, noise an To meet the tremendous cross-discipline application requirements in NGIS environment, a fundamental prerequisite is the ability to efficiently and conveniently share geospatial data produced by different organizations. In such a sharing environment, professional data produced by domain-specific organizations are particularly important because they are irreplaceable. The EPA began to implement three-year project for drafting the “Environmental Quality Data Standard” in 2009, which aims to develop a distribution mechanism based on the OpenGIS technology and expand the scope of applications by using the ISO 19100 series of international standards. The goal of this project is to draft the standard for data belong to the category of “pollution control, environmental sanitation, noise and vibration, and non-ionized radiation”. Following the procedures of analyzing the property of data, designing application schema and data dictionary, and establishing encoding transformation, the drafted standard allows 16 types of such data to be distributed in open GML format. The completion of this standard represents the completion of the “Environmental Quality Data Standard”, altogether 45 types of data can be thus distributed on the basis of geospatial web services. This enables users from various discipline to easily acquire data that meets their demands and develop Internet-based GIS. Focusing on the future development, the completion of this standard implies the GIS mechanism for EPA is entering a new age of internet application environment and will play an active role in the future sharing environment of NGIS. 100 監資處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=25221
100年度宜蘭縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 本計畫主要目標為針對龍德工業區內台化龍德廠周邊地區、梅洲地區、公眾遊憩活動等公園用地及具污染潛勢之地區進行土壤品質調查工作,並針對縣內既設場置性地下水監測井進行地下水監測工作,並辦理監測井外觀維護工作、相關廢井作業及標準監測井設置作業,以及進行縣內加油站現場查核工作,協助支援縣內緊急應變調查,以達到本縣長期維護管理土壤及地下水品質目標。計畫執行期間自100年2月1日起至100年12月31日止。茲將本計畫主要執行工作內容辦理情形摘要說明如下:一、土壤品質調查(一) 龍德工業區內臺化龍德廠及其周邊1. 完成龍德工業區內臺化龍德廠周邊20點次土壤調查,調查項目主要為8項重金屬以及揮發性有機物等,調查結果發現土壤有鋅達到土壤管制標情形,初步研判為回填土方或曾堆置廢棄物所致。2. 建議應要求土地關係人可針對污染範圍進行細部調查,以掌握污染全貌,環保局可從旁協助輔導協商與溝通之工作,以協助土地關係人儘速完成污染改善工作。(二) 梅洲地區土壤多氯聯苯項調查完成梅州地區土壤調查,調查項目包括為重金屬、總石油碳氫化合物、多氯聯苯及揮發性有機物等,先於100年2月10日進行現勘訪談,並採用分階段方式,分別於100年5月12日以及10月17日進場採樣調查,依據調查結果發現,土壤有銅、鎳、鉻及多氯聯苯超過土壤管制標準。(三) 具污染潛勢之地區1. 龍德3號抽水井本年度調查,土壤砷濃度仍超過監測標準。經土壤連續取樣,發現附近之天然土壤性質砷與鐵、錳皆偏高,農地土壤砷含量偏高,應為抽水井中天然因素所造成。2. 台灣中油員山加油站因自行發現漏油並已完成污染改善,本計畫已完成土壤及地下水採樣及驗證,檢測結果未超過標準。後續加油站應定期依相關法規進行設備維護及監測。3. 頭城1號公園根據99年與本年的檢測數據,靠近東北側之區域,鄰近蘭陽博物館區,土壤砷含量超過監測標準。由於本區並無持續外添加之砷污染源,因此砷濃度應不至於再持續增加。不過,本區目前已開發為蘭陽博物館公園綠地,人員活動較為頻繁,因此有必要確認整區之砷濃度分布,並進行長期監測。(四) 公園用地已完成50點次土壤調查,根據本次調查結果,宜蘭地區大部分之公園綠地,土壤品質良好,並未發現超過管制標準,然在頭城海水浴場檢出土壤砷濃度超過監測標準,由於頭城海水浴場目前仍為開放民眾露營營地,因此民眾接觸土壤的機會頗高,基於風險控管原則,應釐清本區土壤品質,並且避免民眾接觸。(五) 緊急應變依據環保局指示協助完成本縣13場次土壤或地下水相關污染案件之採樣分析及調查等工作,其中有冬山鄉寶慶路疑似棄置廢棄物陳情案土壤之鎳達到管制標準、宜蘭市梅洲新段313地號調查土壤之銅達到管制標準、龍德工業區大排陳情案底泥調查之底泥重金屬鉻、鉛及鋅超過土壤管制標準。二、監測井維護及地下水採樣調查(一) 整90年9月至100年10月22口場置性監測井歷次監測數據,經趨勢分析及法規值比對,發現除親水公園(G00028)之氨氮項目超過第二類地下水污染監測標準且具有上升趨勢外,其餘21口監測井水質變化趨勢均屬穩定。(二) 完成3口監測井廢井及重設工作(東南鹼業-F003、南屏國小-F016、育英國小-F022)。(三) 由井中攝影結果發現,井內積垢情形嚴重者共計有15口;井底或井體中發現異物者共計有2口;井體遭樹根入侵者共計有1口。三、加油站網路申報及現場查核工作(一) 完成99年第4季至100年第3季加油站網路申報審核工作,業者申報率均為100%。(二) 完成縣內10家加油站監測資料及加油站設備查核工作、測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測,其中共計有1站之測漏管功能不彰,;計有2站氣檢測結果偏高。四、其他配合性工作(一) 完成3場次土壤及地下水污染防治之相關法規說明會以及2場次環境教育說明會,整體出席率良好成果豐碩。(二) 完成每月一次本縣區內污染場址周界進行綠美化與定期巡檢與清理工作,並於環保署「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網(Eco-life)」設置部落格,定期更新場址整治進度。(三) 完成環保局土壤及地下水污染整治業務之中英文雙語專屬網站改版作業,並每月維護更新一次網站資訊。五、結論與建議(一) 環保局應要求龍德工業區臺化龍德廠土地關係人可針對污染範圍進行細部調查,環保局可協助儘速完成污染改善工作。(二) 針對梅洲地區多氯聯苯問題,建議環保局依土污法相關規定進行管制,土地關係人應先釐清上述污染形成原因,在予以辦理後續改善工作。(三) 另建議後續梅洲地區多氯聯苯問題於細部調查或環保局進行增測時可增測土壤TPH以及戴奧辛項目。(四) 未來環保局可持續擴大調查縣內之鋼鐵業別進行擴大普查,以保護縣內土壤品質。(五) 持續針對縣內監測進行定期水質監測,22口場置性監測井中,僅有親水公園(G00028)之氨氮項目曾超過第二類地下水污染監測標準且具有上升趨勢,建議採1年4次之監測頻率;21口水質監測結果曾超過監測標準但呈現穩定或下降趨勢,建議採以1年2次(地下水豐、枯水季各一次)執行相關監測工作。(六) 針對監測井井內積垢情形嚴重者,應進行再次完井工作,俾利提高監測井壽命,以取得代表性地下水樣。(七) 針對縣內場置性監測井高程部份,建議可採引用一等水準點進行高程校正及告示牌更新,亦可長期配合水質採樣量測水位,於縣內網頁定期作地下水高程水位流向供民眾及學術單位參考。(八) 加油站測漏管積水過高,可採用自動量測液面抽水裝置,以避免測漏管阻塞,或建議業者以其他監測方式(如地下水井監測、密閉監測等)進行監測。另本年度油氣檢測濃度偏高之加油站,建議站方加強監控站內設施是否需進行汰換或更新,以及加強站方檢測合格人員訓練,必要時由檢測機構進行檢測,確認申報數具品質之代表性。另環保局可加強追蹤監控,必要時可列入後續環保署/環保局之土壤及地下水調查計畫對象。(九) 本計畫緊急應變所辦理之土壤及地下水超過標準之場址,建議環保局依據土污法命污染行為人採取應變措施,環保局則可從旁協助輔導監督,以妥善處理並加速完成污染改善工作。(十) 另本年度緊急應變之宜蘭縣大同鄉長期施用雞糞堆肥農田土壤重金屬累積調查,環保局可針對本縣大同鄉四季、南山等地區大範圍調查累積土壤及作物之基線資料,以作為後續政策擬定之參考。(十一)根據龍德三號井附近農地調查結果,農地砷偏高之原因,為灌溉用水所引起,建議農業等主管單位,應另外引用其他水源,但若必須引用本區地下水時,建議可事先預處理,例如曝氣沉澱,降低水中砷含量後,再引水灌溉。在上述之因素尚未排除之下,仍需定期檢測本區域農地,瞭解重金屬含量之變化。(十二)本縣總計40處已開發都市計畫區公園用地,本次完成17處調查,併同去(99)年曾調查之12處,總計已完成29處,意謂完成72.5%之公園用地品質調查,後續可依照本計畫建置之方法,完成其他公園用地品質調查。另外本次調查之頭城海水浴場與鄰近之頭城1號公園,亦發現相同土壤砷含量偏高情形,因此後續需釐清頭城沿岸地區是否皆有此問題。 The Investigation and Identification Plan of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Yilan, 2011 OriginIn recently years, along with different levels of environmental protection governments continuous conducting related plans, how to understand validly the potential contamination conditions of soil and groundwater and practice appropriately contingency plans is the first topic for environmental protection governments and related industries.Objects1. According to the past investigation results found the areas where exceed the Soil or Groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standards, the analysis and control of contaminated source zone has to be proceed due to control and establish the long-term local environmental quality data of soil and groundwater.2. To reduce risks of the people health and residential environmental safety.3. To attain the efficiency of prevention and block the pollution thus avoids wasting the resources because of pollution remediation in the future.4. Due to necessaries at other areas in Yilan, all kinds of emergency responses could support flexibly at adapted time to help the investigation of soil and groundwater pollution condition.5. To attain the objects of establishing data bases and long-term analysis of environmental quality by keying in all analysis data to soil pollution control system.Practice resultsThis project was practiced from February 2 to December 31 in 2011. The main results of this project was shown as follows:1. Soil quality investigation(1) Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation (FCFC) and periphery located at Lung-Te Industrial Park20 points of soil investigation were completed. The main terms of investigation were 8 items of heavy metal and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The results revealed that the Zn in soil has reached the Soil Pollution Control Standards because of backfill or deposited wastes by preliminary conclusion.(2) Investigation of PCBs in soil at Meizhou areaThe investigation terms included heavy metals, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and VOCs. According to the results, it shown the heavy metal of Cu, Ni and Cr and PCBs in soil exceed the Soil Pollution Control Standards.(3) The potential pollution areaa. The As concentration in soil still has exceeded the monitoring standards with edible food crops agricultural land near Lung-Te No.3 pumping well. By the soil sequent sampling, it was found that As, Fe and Mn in natural soil have high concentration near well, replied high As concentration in agricultural land because of natural factors in pumping well.b. The Yuanshan petroleum station of CPC found the oil leaky by itself and has completed the pollution improve. After sampling and analysis of soil and groundwater in this project, the results did not exceed the standards.c. According to the analysis results of 2010 and this year in Toucheng Park No.1, As concentration in soil exceed the monitoring standards near the Northeast area and closed to the Lanyang Museum. This area has developed park of the Lanyang Museum, thus lot of people activity frequently here. Therefore, it has to confirm the As contaminated area and proceed the long-term monitoring.(4) Park Area 50 points of soil survey have been completed. Almost part of the Yilan park areas have good soil quality and did not exceed any control standards. However, the soil sampling in Toucheng Beach, As concentration was detected exceed the soil monitoring standards. Since Toucheng Beach is currently still open for public camping activities, the chances of people contact with the soil is relative high. Based on risk management principles, people should prevent from exposure to the soil before the quality of soil confirm.(5) Emergency ResponsesThe completion of 13 cases of soil or groundwater contamination investigation included the petition case of Dong-Shan township Bao-Qing road suspected of dumping Ni waste soil which exceed control standards, Meizhoushin section No. 313 survey of the copper soil in Yilan City which exceed control standards and petition case of sediment in channel investigation exceed Cr, Pd and Zn control standards in Lung-Te Industrial Park.2. Monitoring wells maintenance and groundwater sampling survey.(1) From September 2001 to October 2011, 22 specific wells were installed to monitor groundwater. After collecting the monitoring data and trend analysis versus regulatory values, it was found that at River Park (No. G00028), ammonia item exceed the second category of groundwater pollution monitoring standards and has a rising trend, the trend of groundwater quality of remaining 21 monitoring well were stable.(2) To complete three abandoned monitoring well and restoration again. (Sesoda Corporation-F003, Nan-Ping elementary school-F016, Yue-Ying elementary school-F022)(3) From the results of well bore video, it was found that 15 wells have the serious fouling in well bore. Two wells was found foreign objects and removed. One of the fifteen wells has been invasive by tree roots.3. Gas station on-line declaration and on-site inspection and appraisal(1) The periodic appraisal of gas stations online declaration was completed during fourth quarter of 2010 and the third quarter of 2011. The gas station owners’ declaration rates were 100%.(2) The oversee of monitoring instruments including pollution preventing equipments functions and oil gas detection were completed in 10 gas stations in YiLan. One of stations had dysfunctional oil gas detection wells. The oil gas detection results indicated that two of stations had higher oil gas concentration.4. Other Works(1) Three soil and groundwater pollution control regulations sessions and two environmental education sessions were conducted.(2) Monthly inspection and cleaning work at the contamination sites were completed. The site remediation progress information upload to The EPA " Eco-life website" periodically.(3) The soil and groundwater pollution remediation website of YiLan EPB was revised and updated monthly. 100 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28171
100年度嘉義市逸散污染源稽查管制計畫暨空氣污染夜間陳情案件處理計畫 嘉義市政府多年來致力於推動都市更新及發展,促使各行各業迅速發展,導致交通量及污染源增加,必然造成環境污染負荷提高,使民眾的生活品質受到影響,各類公害陳情案件的數量亦呈現逐年上升,對於陳情案件的管制與處理便成為本計畫的重點。在營建工程粉塵逸散源管制方面,由於本市幅員狹小,因此大多數營建工程施作地點皆與民眾生活環境相鄰,且營建工地所排放之粒狀污染物,佔所有固定污染源粒狀物排放量的比例極大,有鑑於此本計畫將持續對營建工地在「營建工程污染防制設施管理辦法」做管制,以促使各營建業者做好污染防制工作,並減少營建工程空氣污染量。計畫執行完成1,754次的工地巡查作業,管理辦法法規符合狀況查核稽巡查列管工地90.13%。一、二級營建工地管理辦法符合率82.54%,TSP削減量393.43公噸,削減率54.21%。其他工作項目概述如下:舉辦2場營建工程污染防制協調會;1場舉辦營建工程優良工地評選,並選出優良工地3處。推動道路認養洗掃達2,083.42公里,50處的圍籬綠美化及工地裸露地進行植被綠化66,377.15平方公尺。處理空氣污染夜間陳情案件、執行各項巡查管制工作及相關交辦陳情案件累計至目前止達1,329件,其中包含686件陳情案件處理、37件陳情案件後續複查、340件露天燃燒及空氣污染重點區域巡查、212件廢棄物重點區域巡查、54件制高點觀測巡查,而陳情案件到場平均時間為15.44分鐘。 Control Strategies for the Fugitive Particulate Emissions and Public Nuisance Dispute Processing During Evening Hours in Chiayi City of 2011 Chiayi city government has been advanced city renewal and redevelopment to expand all trades and professions, which results in the increase of traffic density and pollution sources and therefore causes increase in environmental pollution load. The living quality is influenced and the public nuisance disputes concerning environmental pollution increase yearly as a result. Hence, how to control and handle the petitions against environmental pollution is the point of the project. As for the control of construction dust emission, most of construction sites are near people's living surroundings owing to the narrow and small city size. Besides, the particulate pollutants discharged from construction sites accounts for a high percentage of fugitive particulate emissions of overall stationary sources. Therefore, the main goal of this project is to make constructors follow the regulation - Construction Site's Air Pollution Prevention Facility Management Measures - to reduce air pollution originated from construction sites. As per the project, 1,754 inspections of construction sites have been implemented. 90.13 percent of the inspections comply with the Regulations of Management Measures and 82.54 percent of those comply with the Management Measures for Level-1 and Level-2 Construction Sites. The TSP reduction is 393.43 tons with the reduction rate 54.21 percent. The following are other implemented tasks: holding two meetings for the purpose of coordination in the policy of construction site's air pollution prevention, holding an election of good construction sites and choosing three excellent sites, advancing road-adoption up to 2,083.42 kilo-meter, and greening fifty fences and 66,377.15 square meters of bare construction sites. Up to now there are 1,329 cases processed from public nuisance dispute system, inspections of different controls, and environmental protection agencies. Among them 686 cases are nuisance petitions, 37 extended from originals, 340 from open fire or highly polluted areas, 212 general wastes and 54 from high points of the city. The average time of arriving on the scene for nuisance petitions is 15.44 minutes. 100 嘉義市政府環境保護局 詠續環保企業社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36417
澎湖縣100年度水污染源稽查管制及巡守計畫 澎湖縣100年度水污染源稽查管制及巡守計畫,各項作業進度摘要說明如下:一、 共完成74處、704家次的查核,其中是以觀光旅館、社區下水道及畜牧業查核次數較多,同時並進行99家次之採樣工作。二、 100年度環保署訂定之稽查績分方面,本計畫目前所完成之查核及採樣可增加593.1點,因此現階段澎湖縣100年度總稽查績分則已達907.8點。三、 選定元泰大飯店為今年度功能評鑑對象,評鑑前先至事業單位採樣,於100年11月21日邀請學者專家前往現場評鑑及提出改善建議再針對各單元進行一次採樣分析。後續本計畫進行現場輔導及改善追蹤,各單位功能正常且改善情形良好。四、 各事業單位配合緊急應變已完成29場聯合或單獨事業單位舉辦緊急演練。顯現本縣環保局多年推動緊急演練成效,於演練前召開協調會輔導說明,讓業者能清楚方向確實執行。五、 協助辦理相關文書作業,同時亦將各式文書檔案鍵入於水系統資料庫內,並妥善歸檔管理。六、 配合環保局參與2場次活動,分別為100年6月5日「2011世界環境日-澎湖環保好生活園遊會」活動及100年8月4日「珍愛生命.拒絕毒品」活動。七、 澎湖縣水環境巡守隊目前共計有17隊610人。八、 巡守隊通報專線通聯測試122次,主要通聯測試對象為各巡守隊隊長。九、 巡守隊專業講習(教育訓練)共計辦理19場次,其中含6場次淨灘活動,共計清出垃圾總量為1,777公斤。十、 巡守隊年終檢討會已於100年12月19日辦理完成,共有14隊198人參與,前三名及優等分別如下:第1名光明社區、第2名大池社區、第3名赤馬社區,優等有東衛社區、山水國小及林投社區等3隊。十一、 水環境巡守隊裝備或器材添購,今年度採發放補助費用給各巡守隊自行運用,由於各巡守隊人數不一,人數較多之隊伍補助3,000元隊員數少於20人補助2,500元,共補助46,000元整。十二、 配合環保署各項考核目標,本計畫已於11月底前達成所有績效,含各巡守隊資料完整率、河岸河面髒亂點通報、淨溪淨川場次數、宣導活動成果檢討場次數、新聞稿次數、通報案件處理率等。十三、 本計畫於100年10月11~13日於中興國小、山水國小、東衛國小辦理「2011世界水質監測日活動」,己完成上傳水質監測數據110筆至指定網站。十四、 配合環保局發佈新聞稿,共計發佈12則。十五、 針對環保署所辦理之100年度優良巡守隊評選作業,擇優推薦今年度表現最佳之光明里水環境巡守隊並陳報環保署參加評選。 The management scheme of water pollution and the project of water volunteer cruising in Penghu County, 2011 The management scheme of water pollution and the project of river volunteer cruising, 2011 executed from May 16, 2011 to December 31, 2011. The scheme deatails is showed as the following:I. We executed 704 patrols with 74 sites, among many patrols in hotels, community sewers and animal husbandries. Otherwise, collected 99 water simples from companies.II. The annual performance audit points of EPA,completed checking and sampling increased 593.1 points during project,then total at this stage results in sub-inspector has reached 907.8 points in 2011.III. Chose Yentai-Hotel as waste water process functional evaluation, and simpled water in every unit before evaluation. Invited the professor and specialist offer some suggestions immediately, then sampling again. After evaluation, we still track the errors to ensure the normal work in their proceeses.IV. Number of assiting water pollution emergency reacting procedures are 29 times. The EPB of Penghu make a good work in several years, because of holding cooperative conference before emergency reacting procedures.V. Help process of paper works and key in the water pollution system, then manage information and files.VI. Joined two sessions with EPB of Penghu on June 5 and Auguest 4.VII. There are 17 water volunteer cruising teams and 610 persons in Penghu.VIII. The number of phone communication are 122, the major connecting characters are the teams' captains.IX. Hold 19 sessions of professional education training, including 6 times for cleaning beaches with cleared total of garbages, 1,777 kg.X. The annual completion finished with 13 water cruising teams and 198 persons on December 19.XI. Supply water cruising tools with giving honor award, sponsoring 46,000 NT dollars.XII. The examination purpose of the EPA, this project has reached all the performance end of November, including team data, dirty spot communications, clearing beaches, launching activities, published NEWS and process rate with cases.XIII. Hold "World Water Monitoring Day" activities in three schools during Oct.11 to 13, then uploading 110 data to specified website.XIV. Published 12 NEWS in EPB of Penghu.XV. Recommended the Guang-Ming water volunteer cruising team to participate the examine of EPA as the excellent team of Penghu 100 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 堃捷工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=33850
100年度「移動污染源稽查管制計畫」 本年度計畫目標主要針對臺中市轄區內執行機車定檢之宣導與管制,以達成民眾了解機車定檢相關政策及樂於接受檢驗,進一步有效管制移動源排放之污染,繼而達到全民共同維護空氣品質獲得改善之目的。計畫執行期程自簽約日100年3月24日起至101年3月23日止,統計期程自100年3月24日至101年3月23日,已執行12個月。整體工作完成度達100.0%,有關本計畫之各工作項目完成數量及達成率,詳如表1所示,在未定檢機車管制作業共計執行25個行政區,以車牌辨識作業執行量最大,共計辨識718,908車輛數,其中未定檢機車占10.4%,本市占7.8%、外縣市占2.6%,經通知後回檢率為75.5%,為加強機車停放集中區的管制,針對特定園區及校園區域執行未定檢機車巡查作業共計執行411家次,未定檢機車數為5,323輛次,經通知後回檢率達87.5%,未定檢機車攔查作業共計攔查3,452輛次,未定檢機車443輛次,經通知後回檢率達89.2%。在高污染機車管制作業,路邊不定期攔檢作業共計攔檢2,056輛次,其中不合格車輛數為403輛次,經通知後複驗合格率為88.1%,停車熄火宣導作業共計宣導2,386輛次,並完成轄內各級學校校車司機宣導作業,路邊烏賊車查核作業,共計查核331輛次,辦理烏賊車照片複審會議178場,針對民眾陳情有污染之虞之烏賊車逕行通知並要求於期限內進行複驗。並委託臺中市轄區內汽車代驗廠55家,執行汽油烏賊車代檢作業。經各項稽查管制及烏賊車複驗通知後,針對未依規定進行機車排氣定檢或複驗遭到處分告發案件,總計2,067件。在其他工作執行成果,新聞稿共計提供24篇,透過網路通訊媒體發布電子新聞稿、平面媒體共計16篇,各大專院校、區公所、公務機關、醫院等單位之LED跑馬燈進行機車定檢宣導標語播放作業,共計完成30處之查核作業,每季提交1式交通管理措施彙整報告,並針對臺中市大眾運輸及轉乘滿意度進行問卷調查及配合環保署執行車速調查作業。針對本年度計畫執行成果進行量化成效統計推估,依車籍統計到檢率達80.4%、依定檢站統計到檢率達87.6%,使用中機車納管比例經統計為85.4%,針對空氣污染排放減量成效,老舊機車汰舊、不合格機車調修排氣複驗合格、路邊攔檢不合格機車調修複驗合格及大眾運輸使用人次年增數等,共計減量SOx為0.4公噸/年、NOx為88.5公噸/年、CO為2,259.0公噸/年、PM10為16.6公噸/年、NMHC為692.6公噸/年。 100 台中市環境保護局 思維環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38180
遙測科技應用於公害糾紛處理專案工作計畫 台灣地區地狹人稠,資源有限,每當發生重大或突發性公害污染事件,通常必須注意是否會擴大污染範圍,破壞生態環境遭,甚至造成環保抗爭和公害糾紛事件。傳統上,對於此類公害污染事件,大部份是以傳統地面調查的方式進行,通常費時耗工,無法詳細查估。本遙測科技應用於公害糾紛處理專案工作計畫,計畫內容係利用通過臺灣上空的福衛二號、法國SPOT 系列衛星以及應用無人低空遙控載具等進行遙測工作。目標為規劃建置遙測科技應用於環境監測調查,並協助公害調查蒐證使用,以有效釐清污染環境責任,及協助損害查估,輔助公害糾紛處理,消弭公害紛爭。下述工作為主要目標:1. 應用遙測科技協助重大、突發或敏感公害事件調查。2. 提昇公害污染事件空間影像資料及相關查詢管理資訊系統功能。3. 新增無人飛行載具拍攝資料共享機制,將拍攝資料與Google Earth 進行結合,達到資料分享及安全控管。4. 推廣應用遙測調查技術及提昇實務人員舉證責任能力 The application of Remote Sensing Technologies to Environmental Protection and Public Dispute Due to limited resource and high density of population in Taiwan, The large-scale pollution normally is accompanied with public dispute andenvironmental disaster. It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task to perform ground investigation when a large-scale pollution happens. In order to locate the spread areas of the pollution, this study integrates spatial datacollection and processing technologies to help collecting evidence of pollution.There are three objectives in this project:1. To apply remote sensing technologies by collecting the evidence when thepolluted events occured.2. To improve the application of remote sensing technologies in pollutedevents investigation.3. New UAV shooting information sharing mechanism, the film combines thedata with Google Earth.4. To coordinate the training courses for local EPA governments and tostrengthen their investigation ability. 100 管考處 國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32611
99年及100年度柴油車排煙管制計畫 台灣的車輛密度相當高,其中柴油車因其低燃油成本及高馬力輸出的動力特性以及行走里程遠較一般車輛長,使得柴油車皆為商用車輛並且逐年增加其輛數。而其車輛所排放的黑煙除造成民眾觀感不佳外,其主要成分NMHC,CO,NOx以及PM為都市地區主要的空氣污染來源。為有效減少車輛所產生的污染,高雄市政府環境保護局特別針對使用中之柴油車採取嚴格管制策略,具體作法有加強路邊目視高污染車輛和增加路邊攔檢頻率等。本公司依照本計畫之主要執行目標及主要工作項目如下:100年度統計至12月共完成動力計檢測4,842輛次,其中不合格告發111輛次,柴油車納管率達100%;油品部份由於現行法規自100年7月1日起柴油油品含硫量標準由50ppm降為10ppm,故不論路攔送驗油品抑或加油站油品含硫量皆大幅降低,此外分別於燕巢和林園查獲兩家地下油行;民眾檢舉舉發件數為1,461件,較99年度304件增加近5倍,檢舉人之給獎比例高達100%;削減量部分,PM10削減約882公噸、NOx削減約8,479公噸,此兩者皆較以往削減量增加許多以望使高雄市空氣品質越趨改善。今年度特別配合環保局積極推動保檢合一並完成5家保養廠評鑑;澄清湖也在12月21日正式發文實施淨區管制;高雄市更有別於其他縣市實施路攔直上動力計以求最真實柴油車檢測數據。 The density of vehicles in Taiwan is very high. Of all vehicles, diesel vehicles, due to their lower fuel cost, dynamic property of high horsepower output, and longer driving mileage than general vehicles, are all mainly for business use, and the number of diesel vehicles increase year by year. Not only the black smoke emitted by these vehicles makes the general public have bad impression on them, the main ingredients in diesel, including non-methane-hydrocarbons (NMHC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM), are also the main sources of air pollution in urban areas.In order to effectively decrease the pollution produced from vehicles, Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government especially adopt strict control strategies towards the diesel vehicles in use. Concrete practices include strengthening of roadside visual watch of highly polluting vehicles and increase of frequency for roadside interception of vehicles for testing. The major implementation objectives and major working items done by the company according to the project are as follows:In a statistics made as of end December 2011, there were 4,842 vehicle-times tested by dynamometer, and 111 vehicle-times were found being failed in the test, with restriction rate of diesel vehicles reaching 100%. In the aspect of oil products, since the current laws stipulated that as from July 1, 2011, the standard sulfur content in diesel product should be reduced from 50ppm to 10ppm. Therefore, as collected from the oil products of vehicles intercepted at roadside and the oil product of gas station for testing, sulfur content was tremendously reduced. Besides, two illegal oil shops were found in Yanchao and Linyuan. And there were 1,461 cases reported of illegal by citizens, having increased by 5 times when compared with 304 cases in 2010. The distribution rate of rewards to the offence reporters was 100%. As to the aspect of emission reduction, emission of PM10 was reduced by around 882 metric tons, and emission of NOx was reduced by around 8,479 metric tons. The emission reduction of PM10 and NOx was increased a lot when compared with the past data. It is expected that the air quality of Kaohsiung City would be gradually improved.This year, collaboration was made with Environmental Protection Bureau to actively promote “maintenance-inspection in one” policy, and complete evaluation of five maintenance companies. Cheng Ching Lake also officially sent out a letter of application on Dec. 21, 2011 for implementation of regional purification and control. Kaohsiung City even has a practice different from other counties and cities that roadside interception of vehicles for dynamometer testing is implemented, intending to achieve the most authentic testing data of diesel vehicles. 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41189
100年度固定污染源許可管制暨中央監控及工業區連線維護業務(含粒狀物) 高雄市「固定污染源許可管制暨中央監控及工業區連線維護業務(含粒狀物)」自100年8月9日起開始執行,本年度工作項目包含許可審查、核發、許可證現場查核、抽測作業、監督檢測、中央監控系統更新維護、空污費徵收作業、推廣紙錢集中、固定污染源逸散粒狀物稽巡查、召開相關法規說明會及其他固定污染源管理相關業務等。茲說明各項作業如后:一、固定污染源許可審查及核發作業統計從100年8月1日至101年03月01日,包括設置、變更、操作、異動、展延及補換發證,共計469件申請。以異動許可162件、展延88件、操作76件及換發61件等四大類所佔比例最高。統計從100年8月1日至101年03月01日核發之316件許可證中,其中粒狀物共核發2,341.07公噸/年,硫氧化物10,680.22公噸/年,氮氧化物9,372.50公噸/年,揮發性有機物4,434.39公噸/年。其中審查要求減量方面以削減揮發性有機物為最高,共削減792公噸;其次為氮氧化物,削減量達435公噸;再者分別為一氧化碳削減311公噸;硫氧化物削減177公噸。整體而言在環保局的把關下,排放減量已逐見成效。為快速查詢許可申請案件的最新動向,本計畫於中央監控系統建置「固定染源審查管制線上查詢系統」;此外本計畫共計完成316廠次的現勘作業,並針對現勘作業規劃一標準作業程序,統一現勘作業所填寫之現勘表單及照片製作彙整紀錄,以利重點核對及後續追蹤;而在ISO9001之規定之下,本計畫在許可審查日數上也都要比原先法令規定之審查日數要少的許多,平均針對第一類公告製程審查日數為29日;第二類為22日,後續操作試車檢測報告書審查日數則為10日。另外,為有效掌控應環評與已環評之公私場所應依環評定稿本內容進行設置或變更,本計畫配合環保局政策進行固定污染源設置或變更申請案進行橫向聯繫會審作業,主為受理申請案件後將複本會送環保局綜合計畫科進行環境影響評估複審作業,杜絕應環評以及已環評之公私場所亦在許可證系統管制中依環評規劃與環評承諾進行開發。二、許可管制方案執行規劃現有許可管理制度在日新月異的生產技術與新興製程下,環保署相關管制規範已稍顯不足,本計畫針對轄區內較大爭議性議題,包括石化工業區(林園工業區、大社工業區)管制作業方案,以中油林園廠三輕更新擴產計畫以及位於大社工業區之民國107年遷移條款規範,依相關規範與堅持進行管制,並將相關要求與承諾事項規範於許可證內容,以提前執行未來大高雄石化製程整併管制規劃;廢氣燃燒塔管制,則依各項審查原則進行相關要求,目針對廢氣燃燒塔已要求承諾限期改善,回歸廢氣燃燒塔僅供緊急排放以及維持母火之燃料需為較乾淨燃料;設備元件逸散管制則於工廠試車時進行設備元件之實際檢測,並依層次因子法推估設備元件逸散排放量,達到揮發性有機物減量之目的,累計至目前為止核發許可證中,揮發性有機物排放量由原核發之為873公噸/年修正為461公噸/年。三、許可查核作業本計畫執行迄今已完成許可現場查核441製程之查核作業,其中查核結果不符製程數為142條製程,不符率佔32%。如此高比例的查核不符中,多數為現場製程設施與許可證登載之設備清單、製程流程圖皆不相符為主,尤其以製程流程圖不符佔有41.8%最高;其次則為空氣污染物防制方法及設備之名稱、型式、處理容量及操作條件不符佔有18.5%;分析查核結果不符製程中,計有12條製程屬情節重大,已立即提報環保局進行後續稽查處分;其餘不符追蹤目前已有114條製程提出申請及完成改善,改善率已達80%,另剩下之28條製程(25家工廠)已先進行電話追蹤,大多為請代書撰寫中,已將名單列為下計畫優先查核對象,以確認改善進度。四、粒狀物逸散管制規劃大高雄逸散列管場家符合管制對象之清單共有503家,其中包含十大行業別(砂石採取處理業、建築用陶土或黏土製造業、預拌混凝土製造業、水泥製造業、瀝青拌合業、鋼鐵冶煉業、鋼鐵鑄造業、採礦業、石灰製造業、港區)等共執行584家次巡查作業,經查核後發現未做好防制或有污染行為逕行提報而複查裁處已達56家次,已處分7家,而在計劃執行期間,改善成果最顯著的包括祥裕砂石(股)公司、地勇選礦(股)公司大發廠:車行路徑、覆蓋及裸露區;大溪砂石行:增設自動洗車台;奇奕國際礦業(股)公司:車行路徑、覆蓋及自動灑水設施;豐興磚廠(股)公司:廠房上方加裝自動灑水器、增設自動洗車台;地勇選礦(股)公司大發二廠:覆蓋作業等;顯示出在環保局的勤查重罰下,輔導落實逸散管理辦法已逐見成效。五、總量管制推動規劃推動總量管制相關作業方面,環保署規劃建立既存固定污染源空氣污染物排放量認可及指定削減、其他來源排放減量差額認可、保留抵換及交易機制等高高屏空氣污染防制計畫,雖然已公告相關法案,但因尚未公告實施總量管制,且相關之配套措施尚未成熟,因此各項細部作業暫時較無法推動,目前高雄市應申請排放量認可之既存固定污染源共計416家,1226條製程,今年度規劃優先指定空氣污染防制排放量前20大之工場為對象進行核算,並進一步考量BACT設置情形並評析各廠之減量潛勢。六、更新維護中央監控系統每月定期更新中央監控系統,以利環保局承辦人員第一時間查詢環保署固定污染源資料庫、物質安全資料表、指紋資料庫、稽查處份資料庫、空氣品質資料庫等。本計畫亦於今年度整合大高雄許可資料庫,以便於縣市合併皆可利用。七、維護及管理大社、林園工業區環境監測資訊暨即時影像連線系統本工作小組於96年度完成大社工業區、林園工業區、大發工業區工安測站監測數據資料連線,並同時將影像、空氣品質、氣象及噪音資料整合於螢幕畫面,進行即時播放程序,讓民眾及局內相關人員能隨時觀看大社工業區、林園工業區、大發工業區三個工業區內即時監測影像及各項監測測站資料等相關資訊,本年度配合環保局空氣品質管理中心(AQMC)之成立,亦將即時影像等相關資料連線至中心中,並於100年11月緊急應變演練時配合加以應用。八、空污費徵收作業統計至100年第三季共計掌握轄內應申報硫氧化物及氮氧化物空氣污染防制費應申報481家次,揮發性有機物空氣污染防制費應申報638家次,統計100年度第一季至第三季總累積徵收金額為152,055,915元。另本計畫已提報至環保署之新增名單共計新增21家事業、篩除3家及1家新增列管計別,其主要新增原因係因符合申報列管對象,故新增列管。在空污費網路申報作業方面,99年1-4季之每季空污費網路申報率平均值約為92%,經歷次說明會、新聞稿宣導以及現場查核宣導後,本年度至第2~3季已達趨近100%,顯現本計畫輔導成效。每季結算成果方面,硫氧化物及氮氧化物共結算475間次,已完成硫氧化物及氮氧化物空污費申報家數100%結算作業,另揮發性有機物結算627間次,亦完成100%結算作業。統計大高雄申請空氣污染防制費減免之公私場所,目前僅燁輝企業股份有限公司高雄一廠提出防制設備耗材費用抵減,尚在補件中。九、推廣紙錢集中焚燒作業100年中元普渡不燒金活動的口號是”敬天祭祖讚中元,以功代金卡有心”,活動最終仍是希望推廣不燒金的認知,因此在今年度的活動除了原有發放紙錢專用袋,再由環保局區清潔隊於當日統一運送至南區資源回收廠以外,更加加強推廣「以功代金」活動,今年除了可在全家超商捐款外,更可在活動網站線上捐贈及各社福團體處直接捐款,而且民眾只要捐款更可獲得以功代金組合包,以功代金組合包內容將包含:功德狀乙紙、社福團體捐款收據,以及八八莫拉克風災後,由甲仙國小學童親手栽種稻米半斤包裝。並且因應潮流,本計畫增設了E-世代網路燒金功能,提供民眾一個既虔誠又環保的祭祀活動,替高雄市環保局達到具備相關政策及執行業務宣導、業務查詢服務、雙向溝通服務等功能。成果方面,本年度縣市合併後紙錢集中量為歷年最高,共計收集412公噸紙錢,此外,在環保局大力推廣下,本年度以功代金活動募集捐款亦為歷年最高,共募集98萬元,另101年度春節期間,環保局於大高雄市共計收集43公噸紙錢,顯示近年來民眾已逐漸習慣集中紙錢活動,將建議環保局持續推廣。十、稽查檢測及監督檢測作業定期檢測管制方面,大高雄列管工廠共285家949根,其中符合第一批應申報家數為150廠次645根排放管道、符合第二批應申報家數為165廠次304根排放管道,本年度計畫開始至101年03月01日前已完成建檔共計699根次,並於其中共計完成36根次煙道監督檢測作業,另本計畫已完成15根次煙道稽查檢測作業,其中10家為汽電共生或蒸氣鍋爐程序,另外5家則挑選屢遭陳情或污染之虞之公私場所。此15根次煙道稽查檢測結果皆符合空氣污染物排放標準,惟本計畫將稽查檢測結果比對最近一次定檢時發現有2場差異較大,其中光隆瀝青股份有限公司主因為定檢時使用重油為燃料,而平常使用含硫份較低之輕質裂解油,因此有所差異;另中美嘉吉股份有限公司高雄飼料廠亦因操作條件不同而使硫氧化物濃度差異,但因兩場經排氣量分級計算後皆屬A級,因此亦不影響檢測之可信度。十一、稽巡查作業本計畫小組亦協助環保局完成594筆之稽查資料鍵入環保稽查處分管制系統(EEMS),並協助進行後續追蹤輔導作業。十二、法規宣導說明會、技術轉移及成果發表會大高雄市製程複雜且眾多考量,且上、中、下游之石化工業、鋼鐵業皆位於大高雄區域,潛在石化污染與公害陳情問題,為彙整統一現場查核技術與注意事項,特召開此場技轉會議,以精進及統一查核原則與方法。說明會方面,本計畫於100年12月27日於高雄勞工育樂中心-澄清會館國際會議廳召開環保法規說明會,會中說明空污費徵收作業第二階段之揮發性有機物收費費率及計費方式,以及本市環保局對石化業設備元件洩漏管制加嚴政策加以說明。本計畫配合環保局於100年12月21日上午9點,於國立科學工藝博物館(南館)舉辦固定污染源成果發表會,以宣導環保局年度努力環境保護之績效,成果發表會中包括頒發減量輔導評鑑優良廠商、操作許可申請評鑑優良廠商、空品淨化區維護管理優良單位室內空品、餐飲業、營建工地等評鑑優良廠商等在環境保護貢獻良多之績優廠家或單位,頒發優良獎章以示表揚外,亦安排各計畫執行成果之海報展覽,並向民眾及與會來賓解說環保績效。 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38669
高雄市垃圾減量資源回收創意宣導計畫 垃圾減量資源回收創意宣導 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 慶榮事業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34964
100年度嘉義市空氣品質考核及管理計畫 本年度各項工作成果摘要如下:(一) 環境負荷及變化趨勢本市人口總數自88年起至100年度,歷年平均成長率為2.5%,呈現緩慢成長,近2年人口有負成長情形。100年度人口數為271,644人,較99年減少0.27%;人口密度為每平方公里4,525人,全國排名第2,僅次於臺北市(9,724人/平方公里)。本市100年車輛登記共290,280輛,近10年車輛變化為成長趨勢,成長率為22%,本年度仍較99年成長1.5%。密度負荷以機車最高(每平方公里3,432輛),為台灣地區8倍,本市在車輛密度全國排名第2 (臺北市,每平方公里6,778輛)。本市營建工程及工廠長期趨勢均呈現負成長(91年~100年),變化率分別為負38%及負13%。(二) 空氣品質現況嘉義市所屬雲嘉南空品區,近10年空氣品質不良事件日比例,以懸浮微粒54%高於臭氧46%。本年度空品區不良率為1.47%,符合防制目標低於2.9%;而本市空氣品質不良率為2.19%(8站日),符合本年度防制目標低於2.74%(10站日),本市空氣品質之指標污染物為懸浮微粒為主。(三) 空氣品質不良通報應變作業本年度完成檢討及修訂99年度之「嘉義市空氣品質不良通報標準作業程序」,修訂內容為應變條件重新檢視,另就應變計畫及污染源完成更新。統計本年度共計實施空氣品質不良通報45次(含預報30次),以懸浮微粒居多,占29次,比例為64%,其中空氣品質不良站日數為5站日,指標污染物均為懸浮微粒,各次不良通報後,PSI值上升者計7次,具改善成效者(PSI值<100)共38次。雲嘉南空品區各縣市,於9月2日共同實施空氣品質惡化應變演練,嘉義市依應變流程實施,並於9月9日實施實地演練,分別查處固定污染源、營建工程業者等,確認各廠污染防制成效。(四) 空氣品質淨化區本年度完成2次考核作業,分別於3月28日與9月30日實施,經現場考核以「下路頭段自行車道(嘉油鐵馬道)」最佳、其次為「舊光華營區裸露地綠美化工程」。參與行政院環境保護署舉辦之優良空品淨化區甄選,「下路頭段自行車道(嘉油鐵馬道)」榮獲全國優良空氣品質淨化區之推廣效益貢獻獎。(五) 室內空氣品質自主管理推廣室內空氣品質自主管理,本年度計推廣20場所響應,達成率100%,總計本市響應管理政策場所達60處;透過每月巡檢作業,輔導4處公共場所管理單位重視室內空氣品質,並加強通風,改善以往不佳情況。當中以署立嘉義醫院改善幅度最大,巡檢濃度自936ppm降至542ppm。另委請稻江科技暨管理學院楊心豪老師,實施室內空氣品質輔導,協助10處場所瞭解問題,並提供改善方式。 Chiayi City air quality assessment and management plan Summary of the work during the year are as follows:(A) Environmental loads and trendsSince 1999 till 2011, the average growth rate of the city's population is chronologically 2.5%, showing slow growth. These two years, the population has shown negative growth. The population in 2011 is 271,644 people. Compared with 2010, it has decreased by 0.27%; the population density is 4,525 people per square kilometer, ranked No. 2, only next to Taipei (9724 people per square kilometer). In the city, there is a total of 290,280 registered vehicles. In the past decade, the trend for the vehicle changes is growing. The growth rate is 22%. It still grew 1.5%, compared with that 1999. The highest density load lies in scooters (3,432 vehicles per square kilometer), which is eight times for that in Taiwan. Vehicle density in this city ranked No.2 in the country (Taipei,6,778 vehicles per square kilometer).Construction engineering and factories showed showed a negative growth trend; the rate of change are -38%, and -13% respectively.(B) Air quality condition Chiayi City area belongs to Southwest Air Quality Zone. In the past decade, for the air quality proportion in a day, suspended particles are 54%, higher than ozone, 46%.The poor air rate in this Air quality zone this year was 1.47%, in line with the target, which is less than 2.9%; and poor air quality rate in the city was 2.19% (8 station day), in line with this year's goal, which is less than 2.74% control (10 station day). The target pollutants of the air quality in the city are mainly the suspended particles.(C) Reporting procedures of the poor air quality This year 2010 Poor Air Quality Reporting Procedures in Chiayi City have been reviewed and revised. The revised content has been reviewed according to the amended conditions and the amended plan and pollutants have been updated. By Statistics this year, there is a total of 45 poor air quality reports (including forecasting 30) in which the majority are suspended particles, accounting for 29 times, a proportion of 64%, among which the poor air quality station day is for 5 station day. The target pollutants are all suspended particles, after the notification of which PSI values have increased by 7 times in total, with 38-time improved results (PSI ratio<100).In the Southwest (Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan) air quality zone, all the cities, on Sept. 2, had a joint implementation of air quality deterioration drill. Chiayi city practiced the drill exercises according to the amended procedures on Sept. 9th and also investigated stationary pollution sources, construction engineering respectively to confirm the effectiveness of pollution control in every plant.(D) Air purification zoneIn this year, two assessment operations have been completed, respectively on March 28 and Sept. 30. After the on-site assessment, "The under-way first section of bike way(Chia Oil Bike way” is the best, followed by "old Guanghua camp exposed land greenization and landscaping engineering project."Department of Environmental Protection, Executive Yuan held a contest for fine air quality purification zone and "The under-way first section of bike way (Chia oil Bikeway)" won the efficiency contribution award in the Nation-wide fine air quality purification zone contest. (E) Self-management of indoor air qualityIndoor air quality self-management was promoted. In this year, 20 places responded to the promotion implementation, accounting for 100%. There is a total of 60 places responding to the management policy. Through the monthly inspection operation, we have helped administrators in four public places to emphasis on the indoor air quality, and have increased ventilation and improved the poor situation in the past. Among them, Chiayi hospital, Department of Health, Executive Yuan had the most change. The inspection concentrations are from 936ppm down to 542ppm. In addition, Yang Xinhao from Daojiang High School of Commerce have been hired for guidance on indoor air quality, helping 10 places to understand the problem and providing improved methods. 100 嘉義市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27189
回收聚乳酸與其他生物分解性材質混煉加工條件及其生物分解性之評估專案研究計畫 由於環保意識抬頭,生質材料備受重視,目前市面上主要以聚乳酸(PLA)製品為主,但是PLA依規定必須回收再利用。為了減少PLA製品的廢棄物,可以考慮將其回收以取代部分傳統塑膠,作為有用之容器或製品材料。本研究之第一部分乃將回收的PLA杯蓋之磨碎料(rPLA)及PLA原料塑粒,添加於傳統塑膠料中,並探討不同架橋劑或氧化劑配方,混煉組成不同樣品的各項測試數據之比較與分析。而有鑑於PLA之生物分解性,於一般環境下的分解速率極為緩慢,通常需配合工業級堆肥之特殊高溫及高濕環境才易分解。因此本研究之第二部份乃利用回收rPLA添加於其它生物分解性塑膠料中,藉以研究提升rPLA回收料於非工業級堆肥環境下之生物分解速率,其中包含了酵素分解環境及模擬多菌相堆肥分解環境之數據的比較,同時探討不同架橋劑或氧化劑所造成之樣品差異性的測試數據分析。 Investigation of processing conditions and biodegradability of recycled polylactic acid compounded Due to the increasing awareness of environmental protection, the bio-based materials become important. One of the major commercial bio-based materials is the polylactic acid (PLA) products. The used PLA products need to be recycled under environmental regulation. To reduce the environmental problems caused by the large amount of waste PLA products, the recycled PLA could be reused to make some useful products. In the first part of this study, we used the mashed recycled PLA cap (rPLA) or the PLA commercial pallet (for comparison) to blend and extrude with several traditional plastics. We also investigate the physical and mechanical properties of different blended products with various cross-linking agents or oxidants. Because the PLA products have moderated biodegradability only under industrial composting system with specific high temperature and high moisture testing conditions, and has very slow biodegradation rate under the normal environmental conditions. Therefore, the second part of this study emphasized the increasing rPLA’s biodegradability by blending and extruding with several biodegradable plastics. The biodegradable testing environments included the enzymatic degradation and also the multi-microbes composting degradation system. Besides, we also investigate the physical, mechanical, and biodegradable properties of different compounded products with various cross-linking agents or oxidants. 100 基管會 私立大同大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34789
屏東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動計畫 100年度『屏東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動計畫』自100年2月25日簽約後開始執行至100年12月31日執行成果,總計完成未定檢機車稽查回檢25,168輛,完成率100.0%;每月車籍資料篩選未依規定實施排氣定檢機車寄發通知到檢公文5,000份,共寄發51,339份,完成率100.0%,完成未定檢機車回檢17,373輛,回檢率33.8%;機車攔檢作業1,029輛,完成率100.0%;機車免費排氣檢測作業1,007輛,完成率100.0%;檢驗站分級評鑑查核604站次,完成率100.0%,標準氣體查核比對作業121站,完成率100.0%,實車查核45站次,完成率100.0%;機車排氣檢驗站教育說明會辦理1場,完成率100.0%,機車排氣檢驗站業務座談會辦理2場,完成率100.0%;印製及寄發明信片定檢通知13個月;本縣主要道路之車流量、平均車速及行車型態調查;協助環保局處理民眾檢舉案件、辦理二行程機車汰舊併新購電動機車審核作業及建置死車資料庫等。由機車定檢資料分析各鄉鎮市總到檢情形,到檢情形較佳之鄉鎮為屏東市(80.04%)、麟洛鄉(77.52%)及萬丹鄉(77.03%),而已設定檢站到檢率較差鄉鎮有恆春、高樹及枋寮等鄉鎮到檢率較為偏低。檢測車輛主要仍以三陽、光陽、山葉三大廠牌機車為主,以山葉廠牌85,674輛次最多,三大廠牌檢測數量共計有219,140輛次,佔所有檢測數量之94.24%之多。各機車廠牌污染物排放濃度不論CO或HC均以永豐廠牌排放污染量較高。CO平均排放濃度方面:二行程的平均排放濃度為3.00%,四行程的平均排放濃度為1.68%。HC平均排放濃度方面:二行程的平均排放濃度為5,281ppm,四行程的平均排放濃度為446ppm。CO及HC的平均排放濃度,皆以二行程較高,尤其是HC的平均排放濃度,高出四行程約11.8倍。在攔檢作業上總計檢測未定檢機車507輛次,已定檢機車522輛次,二者合計1,029輛次,攔檢未定檢之二行程機車不合格率27.27%,攔檢未定檢之四行程機車不合格率11.70%,攔檢未定檢之整體平均不合格率為16.77%。攔檢已定檢之二行程機車不合格率11.32%,攔檢已定檢之四行程機車不合格率3.86%,攔檢已定檢之整體平均不合格率為6.13%。另進行機車廠牌、車齡與行程別之機車攔檢排放污染物交叉比對工作得知,CO排放濃度方面,10年以上二、四行程機車以偉士牌廠牌的排放濃度較高。車齡5-6年的二、四行程機車以光陽機車表現較佳;HC排放濃度方面,二行程機車之HC平均排放濃度以10年以上偉士牌機車排放濃度最高;以二行程5-6年三陽機車排放濃度最低,四行程機車之HC平均排放濃度以10年以上偉士牌機車排放濃度最高;以四行程5-6年光陽機車排放濃度最低。121站檢驗站已完成604站分級評鑑查核,查核結果其中以未依規定及指示更換耗材、未確實製作各類記錄、標籤序號與電腦不符、取樣套管不合規定、及檢測場地、動線及環境不符標準等次要缺失為主,再複查缺失都已改善;標準氣體查核比對方面121家檢驗站皆符合規定。至100年11月底止,屏東縣機車排氣定檢到檢率分別為57.60% (回歸車籍)及50.62% (依檢驗站),總平均則於22縣市排名第19名。依行政院環保署提供之交通工具污染物排放削減量係數推估,本年度計畫執行至11月底,污染物排放削減量在NMHC部份為123.8噸/年、在CO部份為577.3噸/年。配合環保署政策針對二行程機車之管制重點分為下列四個方向著手:(1)法規面:加強二行程機車定檢不合格未複驗合格之告發處分,利用「機車排氣檢驗站管理系統」彙整定檢不合格無複驗及複驗不合格之二行程車輛名單,進行限期改善通知作業,如於限改期限仍未完成改善者,立即進行告發處分作業。(2)宣導面:加強民眾檢舉烏賊車之教育宣導,透過全民監督之方式加強管理高污染車輛並通知到檢,迫使車主加速淘汰。(3)增加汰舊誘因:鼓勵高污染老舊車輛及二行程機車汰舊換新併新購電動機車:依據「屏東縣辦理淘汰老舊二行程機車申請補助原則」及「屏東縣高污染老舊二行程機車汰舊換新購買電動機車補助原則」,針對二行程機車汰舊車主提供補助獎勵金,每輛補助新台幣1,500元,汰舊二行程機車換購電動機車,每輛補助新台幣3,000元,以加速本縣老舊二行程機車淘汰速率,達到HC與CO減量之目標。(4)增加攔檢二行程機車之比例:由攔檢作業執行成果發現,攔檢已定檢不合格率明顯低於攔檢未定檢不合格率,尤其二行程機車之不合格率減少約16%,而攔檢未定檢之二行程機車每攔檢4輛機車就有1台不合格,相較於四行程而言,二行程機車的污染問題相當嚴重。本縣目前二行程機車與四行程機車比例約為1:3,因此建議明年度計畫應提高二行程機車攔檢作業比例,攔檢二行程機車與四行程機車比例以2:3為原則,並針對攔檢不合格之二行程機車,全數寄發限期改善通知,若車主仍未完成定檢者,立即予以告發處分,迫使其淘汰二行程機車。推動墾丁空氣品質淨化區,可分為下列三個方向著手:(1)加強管制墾丁地區機車租賃業者,針對車齡5年以上之機車進行列管,要求業者每年應依行照發照月份前後一個月間完成定期檢驗作業,檢驗不合格之機車須於1個月內完成複驗作業,不合格之機車不得行駛於墾丁地區,另安排定檢站或移動式定檢車進行墾丁地區機車租賃業者認養作業。輔導業者採用低污染車輛作為租賃車並請業者協助發放車輛停等熄火宣導文宣。(2)定期每2個月進行墾丁地區機車稽巡查工作,針對未實施年度定期檢驗之機車開立限期改善通知單,若仍逾期未實施檢驗之機車將進行告發處分,以有效維護墾丁地區空氣品質。(3)辦理低污染車輛推廣說明會,結合當地機車租賃業者與飯店民宿業者共同合作推廣使用低污染運具行駛於墾丁地區。今年度中央已修法通過「違反空氣污染防制法第三十四條之一怠速停車時間過長之汽機車應熄火相關規定者,處機動車輛使用人或所有人新台幣一千五百元以上六萬元以下罰鍰,並得令其改善;未改善者,得按次連續處罰至改善為止。」預計於明年開始實施,目前為法令宣導期間,由於部分縣民尚不知此項法令之訂定,為讓停等熄火之觀念及重要性深植人心,明年度建議作法如下:(1)進行停車怠速熄火查核及宣導作業。(2)辦理大型『停車熄火反怠速』宣導活動,宣導及鼓勵機動車輛使用人,養成停車後立即熄火之習慣,避免因車輛長時間怠速造成空氣污染。(3)製作宣導告示牌,提供縣轄內大專院校、高中職及國中等學校懸掛於停車場、家長接送區,宣導停車熄火之觀念。(4)製作停車熄火宣導海報,提供公務機關、大型賣場、量販店、風景區、學校等具公私立停車場之機關團體於公告欄進行張貼宣導。(5)透過發布新聞稿、有線電視媒體及廣播電台宣導,提供民眾停車即熄火之正確觀念,降低民眾對於停車熄火政策之疑慮,並減少機動車輛怠速惰轉排放之污染物對屏東縣空氣品質之影響。(6)實施問卷調查作業,作為未來本縣推動停等熄火政策參考之依據。針對本計畫考評指標需提昇考評成績之細項指標為:(1)低污染車輛推動成果。(2)使用中車輛排放納管比例。(3)老舊車輛淘汰數。針對提昇此3項考評指標成績作法為:(1)低污染車輛推動成果:a.於觀光地區辦理低污染車輛暨電動自行車展示會及試騎活動宣導活動,鼓勵當地居民購買低污染車輛慾望,宣導騎乘低污染車輛及電動自行車的好處及機車定期檢驗之觀念。b.積極聯繫觀光地區汽油機車租賃業者汰換成租賃電動機車或電動自行車。(2)使用中車輛排放納管比例:a.針對機車到檢率較低之鄉鎮(如恆春、高樹、枋寮等)加強稽查作業,並針對逾期未定檢之機車全面執行後續告發處分作業,藉由公權力執行,督促車主作好機車定檢工作,以提昇其定檢到檢率。b.持續寄發未定檢機車公文通知工作,並將「取消機車排氣檢測通知申請單」隨文寄發車主,有效剔除無效車籍,正確掌握應到檢車輛數。c.執行偏遠未設定檢站鄉鎮檢驗站認養方案,以方便未設定檢站鄉鎮約6萬輛機車車主進行定檢,有效提昇未設檢驗站鄉鎮之到檢率。d.利用各類媒體持續宣導民眾機車定檢觀念及重要性,增加民眾對機車排氣定檢制度之了解,進而樂於主動配合定檢,有效削減機車排放污染物。e.加強未定檢機車告發處分作業,藉由公權力執行,督促車主作好機車定檢工作。(3)老舊車輛淘汰數:依「屏東縣淘汰老舊二行程機車補助原則」及「屏東縣淘汰老舊二行程機車加碼補助辦法」與「屏東縣辦理二行程機車汰舊換購電動機車補助原則」規定辦理,以增加經濟誘因,加速淘汰老舊二行程機車,並積極聯繫機車公會、定檢站聯誼會、廢機車回收及處理商配合本項措施,加速淘汰本縣老舊二行程機車。明年度計畫應持續針對本縣8所大專院校及觀光地區之免費宣導檢測各項宣導措施,主動提供機車定檢服務,以增加民眾對機車排氣定檢制度之了解,進而樂於主動配合定檢,並針對回檢率較低之鄉鎮(如枋寮鄉、恆春鎮與高樹鄉等),應加強稽查頻率及未定檢機車告發處分作業,藉以提升整體執行成效。配合環保署政策推動保檢合一制度建議可從下列五個方向著手:(1)加強機車排氣檢驗站管理系統功能:此可有效且立即檢視檢驗站檢測結果,以確實掌握定檢站有無落實正確調修定檢不合格之機車。(2)辦理定檢站保檢合一競賽,擬訂本縣定檢站實施保檢合一規則辦法,對於落實保檢合一制度優良之定檢站給予獎勵,並將競賽結果列為統計定檢站查核結果成績獎懲之依據。(3)宣導車主先進行機車保養維護再實施排氣定期檢驗,以達到污染減量目的。(4)針對無落實正確調修之定檢站,將實施實車秘密查核,促使檢驗站落實正確調修工作,以進一步提升機車排氣定期檢驗成效。(5)高污染(青白煙)及定檢不合格未複驗車輛,針對民眾檢舉有污染之虞機車為主,寄發公文通知被檢舉之機車須持維修紀錄單定檢站進行維修保養再實施排氣定期檢驗。明年度定檢站分級評鑑項目及指標建議應納入以下內容:(1)汰舊二行程機車:協助民眾汰舊二行程機車併換購電動機車與改善二行程青白煙問題之定檢站。(2)墾丁空品淨區推動:定檢站協助於LED跑馬燈宣導與認養墾丁地區機車租賃業者完成定檢作業。(3)保檢合一推動:要求定檢站落實定檢不合格機車確實更換機車零件。(4)實車查核結果:全面進行本縣121家定檢站實車查核作業。針對優良定檢站之指標建議明年度以檢驗站查核平均分數、標準氣體查核比對結果、保檢合一推動成果及實車查核結果等4項列為重點評鑑指標,以提昇本縣優良定檢站之檢測品質。根據屏東縣監理站資料顯示,其中約有35%機車有欠稅紀錄,有欠稅紀錄之機車大多數車體已不存在或無使用。因此,本計畫近年來除加強未定檢機車稽查及積極篩除死車外,在監理單位尚未清查全國汽機車數量排除無法定檢之車籍數前,應加強「取消機車排氣檢測通知申請單」隨文寄發車主,以有效剔除無效車籍;且由統計寄發定檢明信片退件數合計共10,753件,其中以門牌早已改編(佔39.09%)、遷移新址不明(佔27.33%)等佔大多數,為避免定檢通知時造成郵資的浪費及無法確實通知該車主於期限內完成定檢工作,建議大署應與監理單位及戶政單位協調溝通以取得正確即時之本縣車籍及戶籍資料,如此才能正確掌握應到檢車輛數及寄達定檢通知單,減少實際列管的機車數量。為推動小琉球低碳島,屏東縣政府配合交通部觀光局100年度電動機車試營運計畫,推動「小琉球電動機車試營運方案」,初期規劃投入300~500輛電動機車、設置4套以上電池交換站、維修站等結合民宿、租賃、電動機車業者示範經營(營運期間為1年),並推動公部門優先淘汰燃油機車,目前縣府已完成招標作業,建議明年度應持續辦理汰舊二行程機車換購電動機車等相關宣導作業,並定期安排小琉球稽巡查作業,且針對機車出租業者加強管理,管制其車輛污染排放情形。 Project of inspecting and regulating moving pollutants---activity blueprint for checking, propagating and exhorting not to discharge too much exhaust of motorcycles 100 annual "audit control mobile sources, Pingtung County plan - Exhaust test-cum-propaganda activity plan" since February 25, 100 years after contract execution to 100 years the implementation of results on 31 December, pending completion of a total of locomotive inspection inspectors to pick up 25,168 units, the completion rate of 100.0%; monthly vehicle registration data set filter Failing to check the implementation of motorcycle exhaust inspection documents sent notice to 5,000 copies, 51,339 copies were sent to complete the rate of 100.0%, pending completion of locomotive inspection to pick up 17,373 vehicles, pick up rate of 33.8%; locomotive inspection operations 1,029 vehicles stopped, the completion rate of 100.0%; locomotives operating 1,007 vehicles free emissions testing, the completion rate of 100.0%; inspection stations to check 604 points times grade evaluation, completion rates 100.0%, compared to check the standard operating 121 gas stations, completion rate of 100.0%, real vehicle check points 45 times, the completion rate of 100.0%; motorcycle exhaust inspection station will be described for a field of education, the completion rate of 100.0%, motorcycle exhaust inspection Station 2 games for the business forum, the completion rate of 100.0%; printed and sent postcards to inform a 13-month periodic inspection; the main roads of the county traffic, average speed and vehicle type surveys; to help people deal with prosecution cases EPA , for eliminating the old two-stroke motorcycles and new motor vehicle purchases and building operations audit dead car databases.Locomotive periodic inspection by the data analysis to check the townships on the total situation, better to check the situation of the township of Pingtung City (80.04%), Linluo Township (77.52%) and Wantan (77.03%), only to set the check station Hengchun township poor detection rate, high trees and other towns to check rates Fangliao relatively low. Test vehicles are mainly still Sanyang, Gwangyang, three Yamaha brand motorcycles mainly to Yamaha brand motorcycles up to 85,674, a total of three major brands detected number of 219,140 motorcycles, accounting for 94.24% of the detected number of and more. Brand of motorcycle emissions are the concentration of either CO or HC emissions Yongfeng label the amount of pollution is higher. The average concentration of CO emission: the two-stroke, the average emission concentration of 3.00%, four-stroke, the average emission concentration of 1.68%. The average HC emission concentration areas: two-stroke, the average emission concentration of 5,281 ppm, four-stroke, the average emission concentration of 446ppm. The average CO and HC emission concentration, begin two-stroke higher, especially emissions of HC, the average concentration of about 11.8 times higher than the four-stroke.Inspection work at the bar on the detection of uncertain total number of vehicles seized 507 motorcycles, 522 motorcycles motorcycle inspection has been scheduled, the two combined 1,029 motorcycles were stopped pending inspection of the two-stroke motorcycle inspection failure rate of 27.27%, pending inspection of the bar examination four-stroke locomotive failure rate of 11.70%, pending examination of the overall bar examination the average failure rate of 16.77%. The bar examination is scheduled inspection failure rate of 11.32% two-stroke motorcycles, stopped the inspection has been scheduled four-stroke motorcycle inspection failure rate of 3.86%, the bar examination is scheduled to check the overall average failure rate of 6.13%. Another brand for motorcycle, vehicle age and trip the locomotive stopped other pollutants emitted from cross-examination of the work than that, CO emission concentration, the more than 10 years two, four-stroke Vespa motorcycle brand with a higher concentration of emissions. Vehicle age 5-6 years two, four-stroke motorcycle to motorcycle Gwangyang better performance; HC emission levels, the two-stroke motorcycles average HC emission concentration of more than 10 years Vespa motorcycle emissions the highest concentration; to two-stroke 5-6 Sanyang motorcycle emission concentration in the lowest four-stroke motorcycles average HC emission concentration of more than 10 years Vespa motorcycle emissions the highest concentration; to four-stroke motorcycle emission concentration 5-6 Nianguang Yang minimum.Inspection Station 121 Station 604 Station grading has been completed evaluation checks, checking the results of which Failing to replace the supplies and instructions, not really making all kinds of records, labels, serial number and the computer does not match the sample tube irregularities, and testing sites, moving line and the environment does not match the lack of standards, mainly secondary, and then review the missing have been improved; standard than in the gas check inspection stations are in compliance with 121 requirements.The end of November to 100 years, motorcycle, Pingtung County, periodic inspection to check the exhaust rate was 57.60% (return vehicle registration), and 50.62% (by inspection stations), the total average in the 22 counties and cities are ranked 19th. Provided by EPA's emission reductions of pollutants transport coefficient estimates of the implementation plan to the end of November this year, pollutant emission reductions in NMHC part of 123.8 tons / year, part of 577.3 tons of CO / year .Two-stroke motorcycle with EPA policy for the control key is divided into the following four directions to proceed: (1) regulatory side: failure to enhance two-stroke motorcycle inspection is not scheduled for re-inspection qualified denounced punishment, the use of "Motorcycle Exhaust Inspection Station Management System "The Department of tuning failed inspection and retesting without retesting the failed two-stroke vehicles list, the notice period to improve operations, such as changes in the limited period of improvement has not been completed, immediately denounced punishment for the job. (2) advocacy surface: to strengthen the education of the public prosecution advocacy squid car, by universal approach to strengthening oversight of the management of high-polluting vehicles and notify to the inspection, forcing the owners to speed up the elimination. (3) increase the incentive to eliminate the old: to encourage high-polluting older vehicles and replace older two-stroke motorcycles and newly purchased motor vehicles: Based on the "Pingtung County to apply for grants out of the old two-stroke motorcycle principles" and "high Pingtung County pollution of the old two-stroke motorcycle replacement of old motor vehicle purchase subsidy principle "for eliminating the old two-stroke motorcycle owners to provide incentive grants, each of NT $ 1,500, eliminating the old two-stroke motorcycle redemption motor vehicle, each of NT $ 3,000, to speed up the old two-stroke motorcycle out of the county rate, to achieve the goal of HC and CO reduction. (4) two-stroke motorcycles to increase the proportion of bar examination: results from the execution of the job inspection found stopped, stopped inspection has been scheduled inspection failure rate was significantly lower than the bar examination pending inspection failure rate, especially two-stroke motorcycles to reduce the failure rate of about 16 %, and stopped the two-stroke motorcycles seized pending inspection of each bar examination four locomotives have a station failure, compared to four-stroke, the two-stroke motorcycle pollution is quite serious. The county is currently two-stroke motorcycles and four-stroke motorcycles ratio is about 1:3, it is recommended that the annual plan should work to improve the proportion of two-stroke motorcycle stopped check, stopped two-stroke motorcycle inspection motorcycle with four-stroke ratio to 2:3 principle failed the bar examination and for two-stroke motorcycles, the deadline to improve the notification sent in full, if the owner has not been completed be seized, immediately denounced sanctions, to force them out two-stroke motorcycle.Kenting area to promote clean air quality, can be divided into the following three directions to proceed: (1) strengthen the control Kenting area motorcycle rental industry for more than 5 years of age of the vehicle locomotive tube, demanding that businesses should be in accordance with the line is reproduced according to the year before and after a month regular inspection was completed on the job, failure of locomotive inspection shall be completed within one month re-inspection operations, failure of the locomotive shall travel in the Kenting area, other arrangements for fixed or mobile inspection stations set for Kenting locomotive inspection car rental industry adoption operations. Encourage the industry to adopt cleaner vehicles as rental car and asked the industry to help release the vehicle to stop so turn off the propaganda propaganda. (2) on a regular basis every two months verifying the Kenting area motorcycle inspections, for not implementing regular annual inspection of the locomotive to improve notice to open the deadline, if it still fails to implement the inspection of the locomotive will be denounced sanctions, in order to effectively safeguard the Kenting area air quality. (3) for processing instructions will promote less polluting vehicles, combined with the local motorcycle rental operators and hotel guesthouse owners to work together to promote clean alternative transportation with traffic in the Kenting area.Amending the law this year by the central government has "violated Air Pollution Control Act Article 34 of idle parking of motor vehicles for too long should turn off the relevant regulations, at all motor vehicles or NT $ 五百元以上shall be fined sixty thousand yuan, and was ordered to improve; those who did not improve, get up pay-per-consecutive penalties to improve. "expected to be implemented next year, during the current advocacy for the law, as some people still do not know the county's law set for the flame to stop other people's minds the importance of the concept and, next year recommended practices are as follows: (1) to turn off the check and stop idle advocacy work. (2) for large-scale "parking stall anti-idling" of events to advocacy and to encourage people to use motor vehicles, to develop the habit of parking stall immediately, to avoid prolonged idling of vehicles causing air pollution. (3) Production of propaganda signs within its jurisdiction to provide the county colleges, high schools and middle schools in the country hanging in the parking lot, parents transfer area, the concept of advocacy parking stall. (4) Production of posters parking stall to provide public agencies, large stores, discount stores, scenic areas, schools and other public and private parking with government agencies and organizations on the bulletin board for posting propaganda. (5) through press releases, cable television and radio media advocacy, provide the public parking stall that is the correct concept of reducing the public policy concerns for the parking stall and idle idle to reduce motor vehicle emissions of pollutants in Pingtung County air quality impact. (6) implementation of the survey work, as the next stop so turn off the county to promote the policy reference basis.Evaluation indicators required for this project to enhance the evaluation results of the detailed indicators: (1) to promote the achievement of clean vehicle. (2) is satisfied with the vehicle emissions control ratio. (3) the number of old vehicles out. For evaluation of indicators to enhance the performance of this three practices: (1) to promote the achievement of clean vehicle: a. in the tourist area for cleaner vehicles and exhibition-cum-bike test ride event of events to encourage local residents desire to buy cleaner vehicles , advocacy riding polluting vehicles and electric bicycles and motorcycles periodic examination of the benefits of the concept. b. contact the tourist areas and actively locomotive leasing industry replace gasoline into motor vehicle or bike rental. (2) in the proportion of vehicle emissions Sewer: a. a lower rate for the motorcycle to check the town (such as Hengchun, tall trees, Fangliao, etc.) to enhance inspection operations, and uncertain for the late follow-up inspection of the locomotive full implementation of the punishment denounced operation, implementation by the public authority, urging owners to make locomotive inspection work set to boost its periodic inspection to check the rate. b. continue to send documents to inform the work pending inspection locomotive, and "notify the applicant to cancel a single locomotive emissions testing" with the text sent the owner, effectively remove invalid vehicle registration, should be to check the correct number of vehicles to master. c. Perform remote inspection station is not set to adopt the township inspection station program to facilitate the inspection station is not set town of about 60,000 motorcycle owners to be seized, effectively enhance the township has not established a test station to check the rate. d. the use of various media people locomotive continued advocacy and the importance of periodic inspection concepts, increase popular motorcycle exhaust system of periodic inspection to understand, and thus willing to take the initiative to meet the periodic inspection and effectively reduce locomotive emissions of pollutants. e. strengthen the punishment denounced pending inspection locomotive operations, the implementation by the public authority, urging owners to make periodic inspection locomotive work. (3) the number of old vehicles out: according to the "elimination of old two-stroke motorcycle, Pingtung County subsidy principle" and "out of the old two-stroke motorcycle, Pingtung County, overweight Subsidies" and "for two-stroke motorcycle, Pingtung County, for eliminating the old motor vehicle purchase subsidy principle "regulations in order to increase economic incentives to accelerate the elimination of old two-stroke motorcycles, and to actively contact the locomotive Association, Association of periodic inspection station, waste recovery and treatment providers with the locomotive of the measures to accelerate the elimination of the old county Old two-stroke motorcycle.Program should be continued for the next year the county eight tertiary institutions and tourist area of free advocacy of propaganda detection measures, given the initiative to provide locomotive inspection services, to increase the people on the motorcycle exhaust system of periodic inspection to understand, then be happy to active with the periodic inspection, and a lower rate for the township to pick up (such as Fangliao Township, Hengchun Township, with high trees, etc.), should strengthen the inspection frequency and uncertain punishment denounced locomotive inspection operations, in order to improve the overall effectiveness of the implementation.With EPA policy to promote the security check-in-one system proposed to proceed from the following five directions: (1) to strengthen the inspection station management system motorcycle exhaust features: This can be effectively and immediately view the test station test results to pinpoint whether the periodic inspection station failure to implement properly aligned revisions of locomotive inspection. (2) periodic inspection station for security check-in-one contest, the preparation of this county inspection stations set rules for the implementation of security check-in-one way to implement the security check-in-one system for the excellent reward of the periodic inspection station, and the results of the competition as the statistics given inspection stations to check the results of performance rewards and punishments of the basis. (3) advocacy for motorcycle owners first exhaust maintenance re-introduction of regular inspections in order to achieve pollution reduction goal. (4) implement the correct tone for the repair of non-periodic inspection station will be implemented to check the real secret car, prompting the implementation of proper adjusting of inspection stations work to further enhance the effectiveness of motorcycle exhaust regular inspections. (5) high pollution (green white smoke) and is not scheduled for re-inspection the vehicle failed inspection, the public prosecution against the risk of polluting the main locomotive, sent documents to inform spotted the motorcycle maintenance records required to hold a single scheduled maintenance re-inspection station implementation of the exhaust regular inspection.Grade next year periodic inspection station project evaluation and recommendations should be included in the following indicators: (1) eliminating the old two-stroke motorcycle: to help people replace older two-stroke motorcycles and redemption of two-stroke motor vehicles and improve the problem of blue white smoke periodic inspection station . (2) Kenting empty net area to promote the product: fixed inspection stations to assist in the advocacy and adoption LED Marquee Kenting regional locomotive leasing operations to complete scheduled inspection. (3) to promote the security check one: periodic inspection required periodic inspection station failed to implement replacement motorcycle parts motorcycle does. (4) real vehicle to check the results: a comprehensive set for the county 121 real vehicle inspection stations to check operation. For an excellent set of indicators suggested that the inspection station to test station to check the annual average, than the standard gas to check the results, Paul seized one vehicle to promote the achievements and the real results of 4 audit as a key evaluation indicators to enhance the quality of the County periodic inspection station detection quality.According to Pingtung County Commissioner station data indicates that approximately 35% of the locomotives have taxes records, records of the motorcycle most of the taxes the body no longer exists or no use. Therefore, the project pending inspection in recent years, in addition to strengthening the inspection and positive screening locomotive dead car, the national inventory in the supervision unit has the number of motor vehicles can not be excluded from inspection of the vehicle registration number, should strengthen the "notify the applicant to cancel a single locomotive emissions testing "With the owners sent the text to effectively remove invalid vehicle registration; and periodic inspection by the statistics postcards sent back a total of 10,753 total number of pieces, of which numbers have already adapted (accounting for 39.09%), Relocation unknown (accounting for 27.33%), etc. majority, in order to avoid causing periodic inspection notice and can not really waste of postage to notify the owner within the period set in the inspection, it is recommended the Department should work with large household units and supervision units to obtain the correct real-time communication and coordination of the county vehicle registration and census data, so that it can properly grasp the number of vehicles and should arrive to check periodic inspection notice, the actual tube to reduce the number of locomotives.To promote the island's low-carbon island, with the Tourism Bureau, Pingtung County 100 annual motor vehicle testing business plans to promote the "island's trial operation of the motor vehicle program," the initial planning into motor vehicles 300 to 500, 4 sets more battery exchange stations, repair stations, combined with B & B, rental, motor vehicle industry model management (operating period of 1 year), and promote public-sector priorities out of fuel locomotives, the current county government has completed the tender operation, it is recommended for elimination next year should be continued redemption of the old two-stroke motorcycles and other motor vehicle-related advocacy work, and regularly scheduled inspections of the island's protracted operations, and for the motorcycle rental industry to strengthen the management, control of his vehicle pollution situation. 100 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28468
清潔養豬最適化推廣模式及豬糞再利用技術推動計畫 本計畫藉由養豬場畜舍類型及排糞方式之調查、豬糞再利用技術以及畜牧業源頭減量管理法令之蒐集,瞭解國內養豬業之現況並提出豬糞再利用技術最適推動方式。同時彙整各豬廁所示範場之操作現況,分析豬廁所裝設前、後相關指標之差異,以評估裝設豬廁所之相關效益,作為推動清潔養豬之參考。茲將已完成之工作項目及結果彙整如下:1. 分析國內各種豬舍型式之優缺點,並完成601 戶養豬戶之畜舍類型與排糞方式調查 (實地訪查 214 戶、問卷調查 10戶、資料收集 377戶)。由調查結果顯示畜舍類型以傳統平面沖洗式最多,佔89.5%;豬糞尿收集方式以清水沖糞為主 (佔94.7%),並據以判定養豬業污染熱區。2. 完成 50戶養豬場之輔導,除針對豬糞尿收集方式提出建議外,亦調查統計三段式廢水處理設施之操作缺失,如厭氧池大多無紅泥沼袋或已破損,曝氣池之曝氣量不足,終沉池則無污泥迴流設施等。並針對養豬戶之缺失提出具體改善建議。3. 實地訪查50戶豬廁所示範場,彙整各示範場之操作現況設置豬廁所前、後,用水量、人力負荷、臭味、育成率、進出流水質等差異,並據以分析各示範場之環境效益與經濟效益。結果顯示豬廁所使用率平均可達70% 以上,可節省平均約40%的用水量、用電量及豬舍沖洗時間;豬隻育成率可提升平均2.6%;污染物消減量平均約 (SS =43.5%、COD = 46.4%、氨氮= 27.2%) 40%。4. 蒐集國內外豬糞再利用技術 (包括厭氧消化之沼氣再利用、堆肥化、栽培菌類、飼養蠅蛆等) 及成功案例,並評估各種技術之發展現況、經濟效益、環境效益以及競爭力 (SWOT) 等。結果顯示厭氧消化之沼氣再利用為國內最適推動方案,堆肥化技術次之。並據以研擬國內豬糞尿能資源回收再利用推動計畫 (草案),提出不同畜舍類型及規模推動厭氧消化及堆肥技術之策略與方案。5. 蒐集國內外畜牧業相關法令,分析國內配合清潔養豬相關法令之問題,並據以提出相關法令之修正建議,包括水污染防治費收費辦法修正,以及研擬畜牧業源頭減量及資源循環管理專章,提供推動源頭減量及豬糞資源回收再利用之養豬戶相關補助方案。6. 舉辦7場清潔養豬諮詢會及研討會,邀請產官學研各界專家學者共同探討豬糞能資源回收再利用技術、畜牧業源頭減量法規修正草案以及清潔養豬最適化推廣方式相關議題。最後彙整相關研究成果,研擬清潔養豬最適化推廣模式綱要計畫、豬糞尿能資源回收再利用推動計畫以及畜舍操作管理手冊,以落實「清潔養豬」政策之推動。 Promotion plan for cleaner pig farming practice and pig feces recycling and reuse technology This project seeks to first understand the current status of domestic pig farms, then proposes the best approach to promote the optimal animal feces reuse technology, through survey of types of pig barns and collection methods of feces, as well as studying the current regulations on animal farms’ pollution source reduction. Moreover, this project also collected information on operating conditions for pig toilet demonstration projects, analyzed the differences in relevant indicators before and after the installation of pig toilets and assessed the effectiveness of pig toilets in promoting cleaner pig farm practices. The completed work items and results achieved through implementation of this project are summarized as follows: 1. Analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of various domestic pig barn designs and completed the survey of barn types and feces collection methods for 601 pig farms (through field visits (214), questionnaires (10), and data collection (377)). The survey results show that the majority of pig barns are the conventional planar cleanup type (89.5%); and pig feces and urine are collected mostly through flushing with water (94.7%). This information is used to determine the pollution hot spots for the pig farming industry. . 2. Offered consultation services to 50 pig farms. In addition to providing recommendations on proper collection of pig feces and urine, this project also helped detect deficiencies in operations of three-stage wastewater treatment facilities, such as anaerobic pond mostly without or with damaged red mud bags, insufficient aeration in aeration tank, and no sludge return facility in the final settling tank. Specific improvement recommendations are also provided to correct for these deficiencies. 3. Conducted on-site visits of 50 farms’ demonstration pig toilets, and compiled data on the differences in farming operating conditions before and after installation of the toilets, including water consumption, manpower loading, smell, mature rate and influent/effluent water quality, and used these data for the analysis of demonstration sites’ environmental and economic benefits. The results showed that the average utilization rate of pig toilets is 70%, and an average of 40% water saving, electricity saving and barn washing time can be achieved. Moreover, the farms’ pig mature rate can be increased about 2.6% in average, with pollutant reduction averaging 40% (SS = 43.5%, COD = 46.4%, ammonia = 27.2%).4. Collected information on domestic and foreign technologies for reuse of pig urine and feces (including reuse of biogas from anaerobic digestion, composting, as fertilizer for mushroom cultivation, and as feed for breeding of maggots, etc.), and successful case studies; as well as analyzing the development status, economic benefits, environmental benefits and competitiveness (SWOT analysis) of these technologies. The results from the analysis showed that reuse of biogas from anaerobic digestion is the best option for domestic application, followed by composting. These conclusions are subsequently used in developing the draft promotion strategies for reuse of domestic pig feces and urine from pig farms, as well as in proposing different types and scale of pig barns, and strategies and programs for promoting composting technology. 5. Collected domestic and foreign laws and regulations regarding animal farming, and analyzed relevant domestic regulations governing cleaner pig farming practices. Results from this analysis are used to propose revisions for relevant regulations, including revisions of measure on collecting water pollution fee, and addition of a dedicated chapter on resource recycling; as well as creating an incentive program for pig farmers’ adoption of reuse practice for pig feces and urine and practicing pollution source reduction measures. 6. Organized seven cleaner pig farming consultation seminars, and invited all interested parties to study and discuss the issues regarding revisions of regulations governing resource reuse of pig feces and urine, promotion of pollution source reduction as well as master plan for optimal promotion program for cleaner pig farming practice.Finally, results from the above tasks are compiled and used in developing master plan for optimal promotion program for cleaner pig farming practice, promotion plan for pig feces and urine recycling and reuse, and manual for operations of animal barns, in order to implement the policy of cleaner pig farming. 100 水保處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32341
「氣候變遷人為開發限制權利義務」先期立法研究專案工作計畫 氣候變遷(Climate Change)導致了極端氣候及巨大天然災害,如何在文明發展及生態永續發展之間求得平衡,是目前人類社會所必須共同正視並積極因應的重大課題。台灣幾次風災經驗直接造成人民生命、財產、居住等權利損害,顯然面對極端氣候,政府有責任保護利害關係者的環境人權。本研究計畫嘗試釐清環境人權之概念及脈絡發展,檢視人權保障要如何具體落實於立法,從而在實際事前預防面和事後救濟面提出具體因應策略。 The Legislative Strategy to Uphold Human Rights Obligations to Climate Change Response Climate change leads to extreme weather and tremendous natural disasters. It is imperative for humankind to seek a balance between economic development and the protection of the environment. The impacts of climate change are a particular concern to Taiwan. The government is obligated to prevent its citizens from the impact of natural disasters to life, property and housing. The project aims to identify the concept development of human rights and the environment, and to analyze the legislative strategy to uphold human rights obligations to climate change response. 100 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 國立臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34491
100年度節能減碳 營造低碳生活圈及資源回收減廢宣導計畫 『100年度節能減碳-營造低碳生活圈及資源回收減廢宣導計畫』執行期程自決標日起至100年12月31日,主要工作內容包含,綠網應達成工作項目、推廣營造低碳生活圈行動、辦理廣播車下鄉推廣宣導服務行動、節能減碳相關宣導活動、低碳蔬食推廣及節能減碳活動、減碳專書閱讀活動、創作營造低碳生活圈減碳手冊及製作低碳運具動線手冊、每月發布2則新聞稿,以及其他業務相關宣導及行政工作等進行規劃執行,各項工作執行成果如下:(一)綠網達成工作項目1.本縣績效評比項目「推動全民參與節能減碳行動」、「縣市住商省電績效」評等均為特優;全國排名第3名。2.提報10家民間團體參與節能減碳行動標章評選,共計5家業者得獎,分別是特優獎:海之徑民宿及海璞民宿;績優獎: 海灣灣民宿、農會農民購物中心、海藍藍民宿。 (二)推廣營造低碳生活圈行動1.進行本縣環保飯店(民宿)計200家進行省水、省電等自動節能裝置、自帶盥洗用具運動,及367家餐廳「禁用免洗餐具」,提倡自備餐具與低碳(蔬)飲食。2.飯店(民宿)訪談211家,6家已停業,共計輔導205家,有203家已禁用一次性盥洗用具,尚有2家未配合實施,其主因為住客要求提供。3.餐廳(小吃部)訪談367家,57家已停業,共計輔導310家,有307家已禁用免洗餐具,尚有3家未配合實施,其主因為民眾要求提供、外送為主與存貨太多。(三)辦理廣播車下鄉推廣宣導服務行動1.廣播車下鄉推廣宣導行動採行方式為電台廣播,每週定期廣播宣導節能減碳相關議題;及機車或汽車,利用廣播器宣導,於各村里間巡迴式宣導。2.於澎湖風聲廣播電台每週六撥放節能減碳相關宣導事項,共計播放20則。3.廣播車宣導下鄉巡迴31次,64個村里,宣導時數達63小時。(四)節能減碳相關宣導活動1.共計辦理17場次宣導活動,對象分別為公務機關、社區、學校與一般民眾。2.製作完成1,000份宣導摺頁文宣,內容包含碳足跡與低碳飲食、省水省電小撇步、減碳小撇步、節能減碳十大無悔措施、認識環保標章等主題。3.購置宣導品350份(環保洗衣精)。(五)低碳蔬食推廣及節能減碳活動1.結合學校及社區舉辦低碳蔬食推廣及節能減碳活動2場次,第1場次於100年8月6日於澎湖縣政府廣場,辦理「七夕愛地球,加碼GO!夠!購!聯合廣宣活動」,內容包含嘉年華會遊行、園遊會廣宣、電動機車試乘及預約大賞等。2.第2場次於100年11月10日,辦理「澎湖縣100年度菊島校園低碳蔬食午餐推廣計畫」,以低碳營養午餐學童蔬食加菜金方式,鼓勵學校響應全國低碳蔬食推動。(六)減碳專書閱讀活動購置「從生活大小事拯救地球:我們都是綠超人」減碳專書,送26所國中、小學作教學參考。(七)營造低碳生活圈減碳手冊及製作低碳運具動線手冊印製票卡貼宣導手冊2,000份,提供宣導活動使用。(八)新聞稿發布共需11則新聞稿,計發布11則。(九)達成率:100% 2011 Save Energy& Reduce Carbon Emissions-Build up a Low-Carbon Lifestyle & Recycle Waste and Reduce Rubbish Program AbstractAccording to the contract, the execution period of the“2011 Save Energy& Reduce Carbon Emissions-Build up a Low-Carbon Lifestyle & Recycle Waste and Reduce Rubbish Program” was from July 2011 to December 2011. There were several major items in this project, including updating data of “Eco-Life” website; broadcasting by radio diffusion van; promoting the “low-carbon Lifestyle”, “save energy & reduce carbon emissions”, “eat more vegetables and less meat”; making brochures for the low-carbon lifestyle & eco-friendly vehicles traffic line; purchasing outside reading of reducing carbon emissions; and publishing 2 items of news in the newspaper per month, etc. 1. “Eco-life” website(1) In the tasks of performance assessment, Penghu county is third on “Promotions Save energy& Reduce Carbon Emission” and “Save Electricity Performance Assessment of live commercial of City and County “ campaign in the Country.(2) There are 5 winners on the performance assessment of “Save Energy & Reduce Carbon Emission Action Mark” campaign. 2. Promote low-carbon lifestyle(1) There were 200 eco-friendly hotels performed selecting products with Green Mark and bring the toiletries on your own, to save electricity, water and money; In addition ,there were 367 restaurants that stopped using disposable tableware ; promote bring the tableware on your own and eating more vegetable and less meat.(2) Total amount of the guidance was 205 in 2011. There were 203 hotels that stopped using disposable toiletries and 2 ones not.(3) Total amount of the guidance was 310. There were 307 restaurants that stopped using disposable tableware, and three ones not.3. Broadcasting(1) By taking the radio broadcasting and vehicle's audio system, broadcast and go around each village, to promote save energy & reduce carbon emissions every week.(2) There were 20 messages of reducing carbon emissions were broadcasted by Fengsheng radio from August.(3) Broadcasting car has gone around the village for 31 times, came to 64 villages, and promoted low-carbon lifestyle for 63 hours.4. Promotions(1) This project organized 17 low-carbon promotions for governments, schools, communities, and populace. (2) This project made 1,000 handbills, the subject items were “carbon footprint”; “eat more vegetable less meat”; “save water & electricity trick”; “reduce carbon emissions trick”; “ten declarations of save energy & reduce carbon emission”; and understanding Green Mark. (3) This project bought 350 bottles of eco-friendly washing liquid.5. Eat more vegetable and less meat and save energy & reduce carbon emissions promotion(1) This project organized one “eat more vegetable and less meat and save energy & reduce carbon emissions” campaign for the schools and community in the square of Penghu County on August 6, 2011.The campaign content was carnival parades, garden party, and electric motorcycle test ride & appointment award. (2) This project organized one “2011 Eat More Vegetable and Less Meat in Chrysanthemum Island Campus” campaign, by providing adding money for purchase of non-staple foods for the students who eat more vegetable and less meat at lunchtime to promote “eat more vegetable and less meat”.6. In the tasks of outside reading, this project bought 160 books of reducing carbon emissions for 26 junior high school and primary school , and the subject is “Save earth from our daily lives: we are all the green superman”.7. This project made the brochure of low-carbon lifestyle and eco-friendly vehicles traffic line, and 2,000 promotion stickers to enhance the promotion. 8. In the tasks of news, this project has published 11 items of news in the newspaper.9. Accomplishment rate: 100%. 100 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 新研車輛科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32935
加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫(第七期)(甲) 行政院環境保護署為預防土壤及地下水污染,確保土地及地下水資源永續利用,落實「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之規定,於100年辦理「加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫(第七期)(甲、乙)」,分別由中興工程顧問股份有限公司負責執行中北部區域之甲計畫工作,及美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司負責執行中南部區域之乙計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)工作,甲乙計畫共完成331站加油站土壤及地下水污染調查工作。本計畫工作為辦理中北部區域共167站加油站土壤及地下水污染調查工作,以作為後續管制之依據。調查工作分為三個階段執行,第一階段調查為測漏管與土壤氣體檢測;第二階段調查為針對第一階段篩選出之具污染潛勢加油站進行土壤採樣分析及以簡易井進行地下水採樣分析;第三階段調查則為針對第二階段地下水超過管制標準之加油站,進一步設置標準監測井及進行地下水採樣分析。本計畫第一階段調查共完成167站加油站2,849支測漏管基本功能測試及油氣之LEL、PID及FID檢測、17點土壤間氣體之PID及FID檢測,以及154點土壤氣體GC圖譜判釋作業。依調查結果顯示,測漏管油氣濃度測值經評估具高污染潛勢(A級)有6站,次高者(B級)有5站。另依據土壤氣體GC圖譜判釋結果,屬於1級者有13站,2級者有21站。本計畫第二階段之調查對象除篩選測漏管油氣濃度檢測結果為高污染潛勢及土壤氣體GC圖譜判釋結果屬1、2級者外,亦依環保署指示增加101年「加油站防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備查核暨網路申報諮詢計畫(以下簡稱查核計畫)」查核結果為高污染潛勢加油站2站進行調查。本計畫第二階段調查共完成38站加油站133點土壤採樣(總採樣深度574公尺)及檢測分析、108口簡易井地下水採樣及檢測分析。依檢測分析結果顯示,計有5站加油站之土壤污染物濃度超過土壤污染管制標準,8站加油站之簡易井地下水污染物濃度超過地下水污染管制標準,於第三階段調查之8站加油站中,計有4站加油站之標準井地下水污染物濃度超過地下水污染管制標準。總結上述本計畫調查結果,土壤污染物濃度超出管制標準者有5站,地下水污染物濃度超出管制標準者有3站,土壤及地下水污染物濃度皆超出管制標準者有1站,均應依土壤及地下水污染整治法相關規定進行管制。此外,依據本計畫調查之加油站基本資料、加油站防止污染地下水體設施及定期監測申報資料等,與加油站污染之潛勢進行相關性分析,以提供環保機關做為後續行政管制措施之參考依據。 Investigating Soil and Groundwater Pollution at the Gas Stations in Taiwan (the Seventh Project) (A) In order to prevent soil and groundwater pollution, ensure the sustainable use of soil and groundwater, and fulfill the regulations of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, the Environmental Protection Administration (the EPA) initiated the Project of Investigating Soil and Groundwater Pollution at Gas Stations(the Seventh Phase)- Plans A and B in 2011, including 331 gas stations. Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Ltd.(Sinotech) was entrusted to carry out Plan A, covering Central and Northern Taiwan, while MWH Taiwan was assigned to carry out Plan B, covering Central and Southern Taiwan.Plan A performed by Sinotech was aimed to investigate soil and groundwater pollution at 167 gas stations in Central and Northern Taiwan. The findings from the investigation will be used as references for the follow-up pollution control activities. The investigation was implemented in the following three stages:1. Stage 1: was to detect and measure the fuel vapor of soil gas monitoring well.2. Stage 2: based on the results of Stage 1, was to conduct soil and groundwater sampling and analysis from simple wells at the gas stations with high pollution potential.3. Stage 3: was to install standard monitoring wells and conduct groundwater sampling and analysis at the gas stations investigated in Stage 2 found to have groundwater pollutants beyond the control standard.For Stage 1, 167 gas stations were investigated, covering basic functional tests of 2,849 soil gas monitoring wells, measurement of fuel vapor concentration by using Lower Explosive Limit(LEL), Photo Ionization Detector(PID), and Flame Ionization Detector (FID), and measurement of soil vapor of 17 samples by using PID and FID, and gas chromatography(GC) analysis of 154 soil vapors. The results indicated that through the evaluation of the fuel gas concentration detected by soil gas monitoring wells, there were 6 gas stations with the highest pollution potential (Class A) and 5 gas stations with the second highest pollution potential (Class B). In addition, the result of soil vapor GC analysis indicated that 13 gas stations with the highest pollution potential (1st Class) and 21 gas stations with the second highest pollution potential (2nd Class)For Stage 2, 38 gas stations were investigated, consisting of the detection and analysis of 133 soil and 108 groundwater samples from simple wells. The findings showed that the soil pollutant concentration of 5 gas stations and groundwater pollutant concentration from the simple wells at 8 gas stations were over the control standard. For Stage 3, 4 out of the 8 gas stations investigated had the groundwater pollutant concentration over the control criteria. It was concluded that the soil pollutant concentration of 5 gas stations and groundwater pollutant concentration of 3 gas stations were above the respective control standards. Moreover, 1 gas stations had soil and groundwater pollutant concentration above the control standard. All of these polluted stations should be remedied in accordance with the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. In addition, the correlation analyses of the basic data of the gas stations investigated in the project, groundwater pollution control facilities, periodic declaration reports, and pollution potential at the gas stations were also conducted. The outcomes will serve as references for the environmental protection agencies in the follow-up administrative control measures. 100 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46914
100年度高雄市營造永續優質環境計畫 高雄市政府為全面改善環境衛生,使未來國人居住環境能朝生態城市、健康環境及寧適生活逐步發展,應基於「清淨家園、全民運動」計畫基礎下,積極推動行政院核定之「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」。其計畫內容:建構村里環境衛生動員組織、辦理全面提升本市城鄉環境衛生工作、規劃本市營造優質環保示範區工作、重塑清淨海岸風貌等 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40362
100年度柴油車排放黑煙稽查取締計畫 本計畫自100年6月15日執行至101年6月14日,共完成1,699輛次柴油車排煙攔查作業,其中進行路邊排煙稽查檢測有772輛次,不合格309輛次,不合格率為40.0%。目視判煙共計通知6,210輛。油品採樣1,210件,送驗438件並均已完成檢驗,共有1件油品不合格。取締非法地下油行共7件,沒收油品178.7公秉。 宣導活動方面,透過海報、報紙、宣導品、廣播、有線電視跑馬燈、記者會及說明會,向駕駛人及民眾宣導停車熄火及柴油車自主管理暨保檢合一制度,共計完成1,227輛次的停車熄火宣導及215家業者加入柴油車自主管理暨保檢合一制度。本計畫推動自主管理暨保檢合一制度,首創自主管理暨保檢合一護照作法,利用媒體及說明會鼓勵業者及車隊加入本制度,表揚五家優良業者及車隊。 藉由本計畫稽查取締相關作業,要求不合格柴油車改善複驗,促使粒狀污染物減量達11.555公噸/年。 2011 Diesel Pollution Inspection Project The implementation of this project since June 15, 2011 to June 14,2012, completed a total of 1,699 diesel vehicles exhaust inspection, where the roadside pull-over emission inspection detected 772 vehicles, 309 vehicles were unqualified, failure rate of 40.0%. Notice 6,210 vehicles to inspection by visual determination on emission. Sampling 1,210 pieces of oil, then selected 438 for examination, a total of an oil failure. Ban 7 illegal oil tanks, the confiscation of oil to 178.7 kiloliters.Advocacy activities through posters, newspapers, propaganda materials, radio, cable TV Marquee, the press conference and presentations to the driver and the public the ordinances of idling of vehicles and self-management of diesel vehicles, and completed a total of 1,227 vehicles the advocacy of ordinances of idling of vehicles, and 215 fleets to join the self-management of the diesel vehicles. This project is to promote self-management of diesel vehicles--the first propose the idea of record the maintenance and inspection results in passport, use of media and presentations to encourage service workshops and fleets joined the system, in recognition of five excellent service workshops and fleets.Through this project, promote particulate pollutants reduction of 11.555tons/year by improving the smoke emission of substandard diesel vehicles. 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 得眾環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=39153
100年度固定污染源管制與查核計畫 本計畫執行期程係自100.4.1至101.2.29止共計11個月,各項工作項目與執行摘要如下:1.受理許可申請案212件,核發93張許可證,駁回申請有53件,其餘為審查或試車中。2.配合環保署三級防制區提升至二級防制區作業,空氣污染物容許削減量合計各空氣污染物削減量分別為粒狀污染物22.864公噸/年、硫氧化物85.793公噸/年、氮氧化物87.34公噸/年與揮發性有機物169.456公噸/年。3.取得使用易致空氣污染之物質領有許可證者共計有15家,包含生煤使用許可14家,其中台塑石化尚有石油焦使用許可及含硫量超過0.5%之液體燃料使用許可,100年生煤總使用量1388.8萬公噸。4. 現場監督檢測241根(點)次,包含81根次公私場所定期檢測與160根(點)次稽查檢測,並完成164根次管道定檢報告書網路審查;完成112廠439件100年四季排放量申報資料,共有30件缺失並以e-mail通知廠方人員補正,其中20件已完成補正。5. 法規符合度查核100家次中27家次查核不符,以現場設備流程與許可核定內容不符21件最多(應提出許可異動或變更申請)。6.完成斗六及擴大工業區普查共列管135廠,並依使用原物料及產品種類篩選進行指紋資料檢測。7. 100年共受理空污費申報1730件,總徵收金額共101,156,136元。8. 完成空污費現場查核作業424家次,經查核人員至廠加以輔導業者修正申報錯誤內容後,至101年2月20日空污費現場查核作業正確率為53%。9. 96~98年中央未結算空污費已全數完成審查,經多次協商與重新核算,於100.10.27複審通知補繳,合計已補繳21,683,234元。10.列管117加油站,完成氣油比檢測50站次740支汽油加油槍之氣油比檢測,合格槍數為694支,平均合格率為93.78%,1站不合格;完成30站次氣漏稽查檢測,檢測結果皆3站不符合法規規定,依法告發。 Project of Year 2011 for controlling and inspecting of stationary sources The execution duration of this project is from April 1st, 2011 to February 29th, 2012. The final results of this project were separately introduced as the following:1. Accepts permission application document 212, issues after due investigation 93 permits, rejects the application to be 53, other for in examination or test run.2. The coordinate EPA third-level against system area promotion to the second-level against system area work, the air pollutant allowed that reduces the quantity to equal various air pollutant to reduce the total suspended particle pollutant 22.864 ton/years, the sulfur oxide compound 85.793 ton/years, the nitrogen oxide 87.34 ton/years and the volatile organic compounds 169.456 ton/years3. There are 15 factories acquisition “Easy to cause air pollution material’s permit “, contains 15 the unburned coal use permit, the Formosa Plastics Group petrochemical gets extra the permit for refinery coke and the sulfur content surpasses 0.5% liquid fuel. In 2011, unburned coal total amount of use are 13.888 million tons.4. The scene inspector general examines 241 (spot) time, including 81 regular examinations (spot) and 160 testing operations and 164 reports examination on internet.5. Total inspection of 100 factories and there are 27 factories not conforming to regulations with most of the reasons which the facilities are not in conformity with the approved content as stated in the permit (21 factories, need to submit application ). 6. Completes the factories investigation of the Douliu Industrial Park and 135 factories should be under controlled; And anticipates product type screening according to the use original to carry on the fingerprint material examination.7. In 2011, accept 1,730 of the declaration cases for air pollution prevention fee, and total collection amount altogether 101,156,136dollars.8. Completes 424 inspections for air pollution prevention fee declarations, through counseling and revised incorrect declarations the final correction rate is 53%. 9. Finished the unexamined air pollution prevention fee declarations, After consults many times with calculates, pays and submits in 100.10.27 reexamination notices, the sum total altogether should pay and submit 21,683,234 NT dollars.10. 117 gas stations are under control, completed 50 cases, 740 gasoline grease gun of the gas-to-oil ratio examination and the qualified gun number is 694, the average qualified rate is 93.78%,1 stations is not qualified; Completes 30 cases of the inferior gas leakage examination, 3 stations are not qualified. All the qualified stations will get the fines. 100 雲林縣環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36620
100年南投縣水污染源稽查管制計畫 計畫成果摘要:一、列管水污染事業之有效稽查:合約數量為1000家次(畜牧業至少完成200場次,其他事業至少完成688場次,南崗工業區污水處理廠至少完成12場次,土石加工業至少完成100場次),並協助環保局於100年12月31日前達到2,600分,本計畫於執行期間,己完成1,025場次之有效稽查,完成率為100.0 %,協助環保局稽查積分達2,825.3分。內容請詳本報告第4-1-3節。二、水樣檢驗工作:合約數為500場次,本計畫於執行期間,本計畫一共進行了533家次的採樣分析,採樣家次包括畜牧業171家次、其他事業362家次,執行達成率為100.0 %;本計畫透過查核各處理單元操作效能及放流水水質計算,南投縣列管事業操作廢水處理設施,烏溪流域污染削減量如下:SS削減量為 557.83 kg/day,COD削減量為1941.59 kg/day,BOD削減量為540.69 kg/day;濁水溪流域污染削減量如下:SS削減量為 167.88 kg/day,COD削減量為736.39 kg/day,BOD削減量為129.78 kg/day。三、排放許可證(文件)現場查核及缺失改善輔導工作:本計畫於執行期間,針對已核發之排放許可證(文件)進行現場查核作業已完成24家次;水污染源各項許可申請案件審理作業,共審理61件,已認可發證共有43件,有18件正補正中。內容請詳本報告第4-1-4節。四、辦理水質檢驗定期申報審查作業:本計畫於執行期間,共計協助執行192件事業廢(污)水處理設施操作維護定期申報書面審查相關作業,主要為畜牧業(一)共61家,審查結果未經補正即認可者有55件,審查結果需補正認可者有126件,不認可仍需補件者有11件,透過本計畫輔導皆已補件核可。內容請詳本報告第4-1-4節。五、暗管查緝及封閉:本計畫於執行期間,共查獲10處暗管/不明管線案件,其中有10支確認後拆除或封閉改善,依據連接之不明管線槽體水質及放流水水質估算封閉不明管線之削減量,其中COD削減量為962.0 kg/day,BOD削減量為739.8 kg/day,SS削減量為650.2 kg/day。內容請詳本報告第4-1-5節。六、執行事業單位廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑作業:本計畫於執行期間,已邀請專家學者執行經濟部工業局南崗工業區服務中心、紳豐畜產加工股份有限公司及明諺造紙有限公司,3場次事業單位廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑作業,其中經濟部工業局南崗工業區服務中心及紳豐畜產加工股份有限公司廢水處理設施效能良好,專家學者有針對源頭管控及穩定生物處理方式操作處理設施;明諺造紙有限公司屬舊廠改建,專家學者建議廢水處理設施欠缺完整規劃,造成廢水泵送頻率過高有過度浪費電力之虞,建議檢討流程,以降低不必要用電量。相關辦理方式詳第4-2節。七、進行河岸及河面垃圾清理工作:本計畫於執行期間,所巡獲之髒亂點共計有4處,3處已由主管機關清除,1處本計畫已於12月5日委託合法公司清除,垃圾種類有一般垃圾、建築廢棄土、家庭垃圾,共計22.65噸,清除、清運作業全程皆由環保局及本計畫人員全程監督。八、進行埔里鎮育英橋下方之礫間接觸淨化水質改善設施功能成效追蹤評估:本計畫於執行期間,針對引水道進水口漂浮物淤積清除及礫間淨化區內之淤積物清除4次、利用抽水機進行反沖洗作業共計有2次及暴雨前緊急關閉設施開放口等操作及措施3次。七、水污染防治相關法令宣導說明會工作:本計畫依合約預計辦理三場次水污染防治法相關法令宣導說明會,本計畫於執行期間,已辦理完成三場次;說明會內容主要為「水污染防治法相關規定綜合說明」、「清潔養豬宣導」、「生活污水減量宣導」及「水污染防治單元操作維護技術講習」主題。出席率皆達60 %以上,針對未出席業者,本計畫皆有發給業者簡報資料,並向業者說明重點,使宣導率達100 %。內容請詳本報告第4-4-2節。八、建立河川志工監測及巡守制度:目前維持9隊河川巡守隊,共計有238位隊員,本計畫於執行期間,透過實地訪查各巡守隊隊部,了解各巡守隊特色、運作狀況情形、所遭遇之困難及需要協助之處。總計辦理31場次淨溪活動(參與人數共計525人、合計清除一般垃圾3,974公斤),1場次縣外觀摩活動;巡守隊通報環保局河岸河面髒亂點4件通報案件中,其中1件已設置柵門並清除;2處已由主管機關清除;1處由本計畫協助進行清理作業。九、辦理其他事業水污染管理相關業務:本計畫於執行期間,協助撰寫1份100年度河川污染整治(含流域管理)計畫階段性成果報告書及簡報,並配合執行1次現地評鑑作業。 Abstract This project was mainly to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau (Nantou EPB) of the Nantou County Government in carrying out the “water pollution source inspection and control plan in Nantou County 2011”. All tasks in the plan have been put into action, including “checking of the wastewater discharge”, “functional examination of industrial wastewater treatment facilities”, “Assistance with water pollution control measure plans and review of all relevant permission documents, on-site check and counseling flaw improvement”, “holding water pollution prevention and control explanation meetings”, “wastewater sample examination”, “Investigation and blocking or removal of underground pipes”. With full support from the EPB of the Nantou County Government, this project had been 100% completed during the execution period.The executive results of all the tasks are described as follows.1. When checking country controlled industrial wastewater or water pollution cases, and the parameters of wastewater treatment facilities, our team had finished 1025 reports during the project period, which was more than the contract-required 1000 reports. Therefore, our team achieved 100% of this task.2. As for sampling of wastewater from industrial effluent points, we had analyzed samples from 533 points, which was more the contract-required 500 points. The sampling results demonstrated that 475 points were qualified, and 58 were unqualified (10 of these unqualified were from livestock industry, and 48 from other country controlled industrial units)3. We had completed functional examination of industrial wastewater treatment facilities 3 times.4. Six explanation meetings had been held to promote water pollution prevention and control measures for 235 companies, and attendance rate reached 75.1% (177 attendants).5. Regarding the investigation and blocking or removal of underground pipes, there were 10 cases discovered, and these were removed or blocked by the EPB of the Nantou County Government and our team. For this work, we estimated an elimination of 739.8 kg/day of BOD.6. To establish the river monitoring and patrol system, we had undertaken education and training programs for volunteers 12 times. Altogether, 525 river volunteers helped with the 31 clean-up river events and collected 3,974 kg of garbage and 788 kg of recycled material.This project had assisted the EPB of the Nantou County Government in getting 2600 points during the project period, and 2,825.3 points up to Dec, 31 of 2011. 100 南投縣政府環境保護局 能碩工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=85844
100年臺南市建構低碳城市-第一階段先行計畫 為協助臺南市政府將節能減碳概念融入整體施政計畫,並向行政院環保署爭取成為南區低碳示範城市,特執行此計畫,建立各機關的政策溝通平台,並融入全民參與的精神,形成低碳政策共識,最後彙整成「第二階段臺南市低碳城市建構計畫書」,作為臺南市發展低碳城市的具體依據。本計畫以臺南市第一階段「低碳城市規劃構想計畫書」為基礎,彙整蒐集各局處單位規劃,並參考相關機關團體、學校、企業和民間組織的建議,期間召開協商會議46場次,其中市長親自主持5場次,確認以八大減碳面向作為規劃主軸,並制訂永續低碳社區、低碳文化觀光、多元綠色能源、生態城市機能、高效低碳運輸、全民低碳生活、循環利用社會、低碳節能建築、低碳環境校園、規章全民教育、貫徹綠色整治、國際城市形象等12項計畫,共計59項推動措施與113項具體作法。在BAU(Business As Usual)的模式推估下,民國103年減碳量可達274.1萬公噸,與基準年(民國98年)相較,削減率達34%;而民國109年減碳量則為356.4萬公噸,削減率40%。在各項低碳計畫中,減碳量以「全民低碳生活」(69.2萬公噸,佔總量25.25%)與「循環利用社會」(70.4萬公噸,25.69%)二項計畫最為顯著。經費編列部分,至民國103年總經費為283.76億元,其中以民間資金(177.92億元,佔總經費62.7%)為主。 2011 The Establishment of Low Carbon Tainan-1st Stage Prior Project The objective of the project is to help Tainan City Government to integrate the energy saving and low carbon concept into the administrative plan and to compete for the demonstration low carbon city in southern Taiwan towards EPA. The project is implemented by the establishment of the communication platform for the government authorities with public participation thus to reach the consensus of low carbon policy. As the result, "The Project of the Second Stage of the Establishment of Low Carbon Tainan" (第二階段臺南市低碳城市建構計畫書) will be compiled as the foundation of the development of low carbon Tainan City. On the basis of the "The Planning Project of the First stage of the Establishment of Low Carbon Tainan" (臺南市第一階段「低碳城市規劃構想計畫書」), the project collected the plans of various government units, and the suggestions from the related organizations, schools, business, and civil society organizations. In the period, 46 consultation meetings were held, five of which were hosted by the city mayor. The eight carbon reduction phases were confirmed to be the planning principle. Furthermore, 59 promotion measures and 113 specific practices were derived from 12 project, including sustainable low carbon communities (永續低碳社區), low carbon cultural & tourism(低碳文化觀光), multi green energy(多元綠色能源), eco-city function(生態城市機能), high efficiency and low carbon transportation(高效低碳運輸), civil low carbon life(全民低碳生活), recycling-based society(循環利用社會), low carbon building(低碳節能建築), low carbon campus (低碳環境校園), regulations of public education(規章全民教育), implementation of green remediation(貫徹綠色整治), and international city image(國際城市形象) .Under the estimation of BAU (Business As Usual) model, the carbon reduction will achieve 2.74 million ton in 2014, which is 34 % less than the base year (2009). In 2020, the carbon reduction will be 3.56 million ton, 40% less than the base year.Among the 12 low carbon projects, the two most significant carbon reductions lie in "civil low carbon life" (0.69 million ton, 25.25% of total amount) and "recycling-based society" (0.70 million ton, accounting for 25.69% of total). The total budget is 28.4 billion NT dollars until 2014, of which the main part is the private funds (17.8 billion NT dollars, 62.7% of total amount). 100 台南市環境保護局 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27041
100年國家永續發展資訊與成效之推廣專案工作計畫 本計畫自100年3月23日開始執行,至100年12月底止,共完成編印100年度國家永續發展年報、國家永續發展中英文網站資料維護更新、辦理國家永續發展獎評選,及永續發展委員會庶務工作協助,彙整專案計畫成果如下:1.發行100年版國家永續發展中英文年報:完成永續發展委員會本身及各分組資料彙整,並對績優學校、企業、民間團體進行專訪,文稿英譯、美編後,編印成冊,寄送至國內外相關單位。2.更新維護國家永續發展資訊網站中英文內容:完成永續發展委員會資訊網維護及資料更新工作,並加強英文版網頁內容,增加國際永續發展新聞及重要文件、國家永續發展獎等內容,並持續進行網站更新工作。3.辦理100年國家永續發展獎選拔表揚工作:分為初選、複選及決選三階段。最後評定出10個具實績貢獻之獲獎單位,包括3所學校、3家企業、1個社團以及3個行政單位。4.協助辦理行政院國家永續發展委員會各項會議及活動之相關庶務工作及協助行政院國家永續發展委員會秘書處研擬議案及撰寫背景資料:駐署人員於秘書處進行全年度永續會工作協助,包含各次委員會議及工作會議,各項永續會活動,年報資料整理。 2011 National Sustainable Development Information and Achievements Propagation Project This project, lasting from March 23 2011 to the end of December of 2011, accomplished several assignments including the publication of the 2011 Annual Report on National Sustainable Development, maintenance of the NCSD website, evaluation and selection of 2011 National Sustainable Development Award recipients, and assistance to the NCSD Secretariat with its general works. The achievements are summarized below:1.Publication of the 2011 Annual Report on National Sustainable DevelopmentInformation was collected from each NCSD working group and interviews were conducted with schools, enterprises, and NGOs with outstanding performance in the area of sustainable development. This information was carefully reviewed, translated and compiled into the 2011 Annual Report. Copies of this report were then sent to related domestic and international organizations.2.Maintenance of the Chinese and English Contents in the NCSD Website The website has been reorganized and updated with improved English content and more international sustainable development news. Important documents and the Sustainable Development Award page have been added to the web site as well.3.Implementing the Selection and Commending Works for 2011 National Sustainable Development Award The selection process is divided into first, second, and final stages. In the final stage, 10 organizations with substantial achievements and contribution were chosen as winners. They include three schools, three enterprises, one NGO and three governmental agencies.4.Assisting NCSD with General Works related to Meeting and Activity Organization, and Assisting NCSD Secretariat with Proposal Development, and Writing of Background Information The worker allocated to the NCSD Secretariat assisted with the general works related to NCSD, including organizing work meetings and activities for NCSD, as well as compiling information for the Annual Report. 100 永續發展室 惠國顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30623
低碳示範社區節能績效保證推廣專案 本計畫透過國內外文獻蒐集及研析,協助環保署建置能源技術服務業參與低碳社區節能績效保證制度,研擬各程序文件及報告書範本。建立『能源技術服務業參與低碳示範社區管理機制』及『節能產品應用』資訊平台,提供低碳示範社區及一般民眾執行節能改善之參考依據。規劃能源技術服務產業協助低碳社區執行節能改善,透過各國內外文獻資料,整理分析,進行我國能源技術服務產業參與社區節能服務限制及障礙評估,並找出其對應之策略及誘因。研擬推廣低碳社區節能績效保證制度,促進低碳社區全面落實設備改善,規劃「低碳社區節能績效保證推廣專案補助要點」,並擬定作業流程及文件,提高社區節能意願,落實低碳社區節能改造計畫。建置能源技術服務業參與低碳示範社區建構管理機制,提升節能技術產業服務水準,建立能源技術服務業平台登入辦法,提供優良能源技術服務業者,執行業務能力及基本資料等資訊公佈於平台中,提供社區執行『節能績效保證專案』參考。提供節能產品資訊平台,擴大推廣節能減碳宣導層面,蒐集國內節能產品資訊,提供國內節能產品規範,培養節能產品認知。透過平台提供節能觀念及節能措施、節能產品資訊、社區節能推廣成果與社區節能案例經驗分享。 Energy-saving performance of low-carbon model community to ensure the promotion of the project work The purpose of this project is to establish an information platform for “Energy Service Company to participate in the improvement of low-carbon community management mechanism” and “the application of energy-saving products”. The information platform can provide references of energy-saving improvement to low-carbon community and general public. The work items of this project contains of reference collection and analysis, to assist the Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) to build up an energy-saving performance mechanism for energy services company to participate in the improvement of low-carbon community, and to develop the program file and the report.References collection and analysis is to assess the limitations and difficulties of the Energy Service Company take part in the project low-carbon community, and to identify the corresponding strategies and incentives of Taiwan.Furthermore, develop a low-carbon community energy saving performance assurance project, to promote low-carbon communities to improve the energy-saving equipment. By planning the grants points, standard operating procedure and requirements documents of low-carbon community energy saving performance assurance project to improve community energy-saving wishes.Build energy technical services involved in the mechanism of low-carbon model community construction management, to enhance energy-saving technology industry service standards, the establishment of energy services platform login way to provide excellent energy technology service providers, the implementation of business skills and basic information and other information published on the platform, to provide community implementation of energy-saving performance to ensure that the project "reference.Energy-saving products and information platform to expand the promotion of saving energy and reducing carbon advocacy level to collect the information of the domestic energy-saving products to provide the specification of the domestic energy-saving products, and develop energy-saving product recognition. Through the platform to provide energy-saving concepts and energy-saving measures, energy-saving product information, the outcome of the community to promote energy conservation and the sharing of experience in community energy-saving case. 100 生態社區推動方案室 財團法人台灣綠色生產力基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=39516
不易回收處理廢容器管理及監督機制強化專案工作計畫 提升廢生質塑膠回收處理成效,以暢通農藥廢容器回收處理管道。 不易回收處理廢容器管理及監督機制強化專案工作計畫 提升廢生質塑膠回收處理成效,以暢通農藥廢容器回收處理管道。 100 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34402
移動污染源排放總量推估驗證、管制策略檢討與縣市執行成效考評 本計畫已針對民國99年移動源排放量加以推估驗證,並檢討推動移動源總量管制策略,完成民國100年縣市移動源管理工作績效考評工作及縣市環保局柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站評鑑,計畫主要成果摘述如下:民國99年移動源排放量推估結果,PM10、NOX以柴油大貨車貢獻量最大,汽油自用小客車次之;SOX、CO均以汽油自用小客車貢獻量較為顯著;NMHC以汽油自用小客車所占比例最大,其次為機車(含二、四行程)。全國一般測站與交通測站年平均濃度變化趨勢比較,除PM2.5及O3均呈微幅上升外,其它污染物則有改善趨勢。99年整體移動源各項污染物排放量相較於96基準年排放量有逐年下降趨勢,推斷原因為新車加嚴排放標準實施及近年環保署推動許多移動源管制策略所致。以車載量測系統(PEMS)實車測試汽車而言,現行CO及HC排放係數由TEDS計算結果,皆高於道路實測所得之係數。而受測機車的CO、NOX實測係數皆大於TEDS所計算之係數。在CO2及能耗方面,現地測試值與實驗室法規測試值之比值關係約在0.95~1.08之間。但對於較新之車輛現地測試之CO、HC排放值與法規測試值差異甚高(現地實測值較低)。因此現行之法規測試可能無法反映新車之現地CO及HC排放。所有的行車型態特性參數當中,台中市有最高的行駛速率、怠速時間比、區段怠速平均時間及最高之CO2係數、油耗係數及HC排放係數。以各地區道路的線道數為分類進行比較,在四線道以下的道路中,台北市及台北至新北市道路會有相對較高的CO排放,而台中則是在四線道以上的路段CO2、油耗及HC排放係數為全國最高。就汽車於市區行駛環境而言,實施「紅燈停等」怠速熄火對於CO2及能耗的減量具有效益,其減量效益可達6.7~18%。機車的測試方面,若實施「紅燈停等」怠速熄火,可以達到CO2及能耗的減量效益,節能之效益約在10.7~13.6%之間。在傳統污染物方面,當實施「紅燈停等」怠速熄火時,可以讓CO的排放降低。在移動源總量管理制度部分,已結合環保署近年來推動之空品區涵容總量管制計畫,以民國96年為基準年,估算民國105年移動源排放量目標,並分配至西部五大空品區,未來需積極擴大推動老舊車輛加速淘汰,提昇低污染車輛(例如電動車等)之佔有率,持續加嚴新車排放標準及推動油品管制,結合交通單位加強交通管理措施,進行既有柴油車污染管制等措施,才可達到預期之排放量目標。本計畫尚構思加速淘汰高污染老舊車輛(二行程機車、柴油車與汽油車)管制措施,結合加嚴使用中車輛排放標準、與提供誘因汰換老舊車輛等措施,循序漸進的汰換老舊車輛,並提供推估數據(含期程對照削減污染物量與經費比較),進而彌補未來全國線源污染源排放量目標差額。老舊車輛推動策略部分,係參考國外相關作法及環保署2010年「臺灣清淨空氣規劃案」,提出未來國內加速淘汰二行程機車主要策略並加以分析。研擬國內移動源管制策略:柴油車第五期排放管制標準,已於民國101年1月1日起實施,除加嚴NOX、PM及黑煙之標準外,並參考EURO5規定,強制規定所有車輛均須加裝車上診斷系統(OBD);汽油車第五期排放管制標準,訂於民國101年10月1日實施,既有車型有一年緩衝期。目前並已初擬機車第六、七、八期排放標準草案,增訂怠速熄火等相關規定(2012年3月起實施);電動車輛推動策略部分,本計畫並建議依據電動車使用之安全性、便利性及經濟性3大因素架構,未來持續強化並推動國內電動車市場更加普及。已完成100年度縣市移動源管理工作績效考評,包括每季系統數量勾稽及現場查核工作,統計各考評項目縣市推動數量及分數計算成果;檢舉烏賊車、二行程機車汰舊補助政策問卷調查成果,民眾多表示正面評價;汰舊補助資訊則以機車行為主。已完成100年度柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站評鑑,全國20個站列為C級有3站,建議可落實教育訓練、文件建檔保存等亦應建立SOP確實執行,以進一步提升排煙檢測站檢測品質及維持穩定運作。透過本計畫評鑑機制,提昇檢測軟體認證機制,針對標準試片、溫度及壓力計進行第三方公正單位校驗。 Estimation and verification the Total Quantity of Automobile Emission、Review the Strategy of Automob This project accomplished: estimation and verification of the 2010 mobile source emissions; review the feasible emissions control strategies; status audits of 2011 local Environmental Protection Bureaus(EPBs) in conducting the mobile source management and control tasks, and performance audits of 20 cantonal dynamometer testing facilities.In 2010 mobile source emissions inventory, the majority of PM10 and NOX emissions were from the heavy duty diesel trucks, next came from the private gasoline cars of which SOX, CO and Pb emissions were also significant; the 2-stroke and 4-stroke motorcycles and gasoline cars contributed more NMHC emissions than others. The trends of the pollutant concentrations at the ambient air quality monitoring stations and traffic area air quality monitoring stations decreased gradually by years except for PM2.5 and O3 which have increased slightly. The 2010 mobile source emissions were lower than those of the 2007 and have been decreasing since. EPA’s stringent emissions standards for new vehicles and the effective control programs for mobile sources emissions are the major contribution factors.The measured data from the portable emission measurement system (PEMS) showed lower CO、HC emissions for gasoline cars and higher CO、NOX emissions for motorcycles comparing to the estimated TEDS emissions. The PEMS CO2 and fuel economy data agreed well with the laboratory dynamometer testing within a range of 0.95-1.08 factors. However, the CO and HC for newer cars showed difference between PEMS (lower) and laboratory’s (higher). The reasons may because the laboratory testing cannot reflect the real road conditions. Therefore, the standard testing cycle for newer cars may not be able to reflect the actual emissions for new cars. Tai-Chung City has higher traveling speed, vehicle idling time and averaged idling periods, CO2 emission rate, fuel economic and HC emission rates recorded than other areas during this project. Taipei and New Taipei City have the highest vehicular CO emissions. The vehicular testing results according to the number of traffic lanes: Tai-Chung City has highest fuel economic, CO2 and HC emissions rates in roadways with more than four lanes; Taipei and New Taipei City have higher CO emissions from the roadways which have four lanes or less. For the emissions testing of the “stop idling at red lights”, the results showed benefits in reducing 6.7~18 % CO2 emissions and improving fuel economy by 10.7~13.6%. In addition, the CO emissions can also be reduced by this “stop idling at red lights” policy.In order to control the mobile source emissions, Taiwan EPA developed emissions control schemes for the air quality regions with baseline year 2007. The estimated emissions reduction in year 2016 and reductions goals for five western air quality regions were formulated. The control strategies are: expedite and expand the retirement program for old vehicles; promote the market shares of the low emission vehicles (i.e. electric vehicles); continue enforcing stricter emission standards for new vehicles and fuel oil standards; join the efforts of transportation agencies for better traffic control measures; and enforce the pollution controls for diesel vehicles etc. Programs of enhancing the retirement strategies for 2-stroke motorcycles, diesel and gasoline vehicles were proposed by combing stricter standards for in-use vehicles, providing incentives for retiring old vehicles. The emission reductions and costs of the proposed programs were provided in order to achieve the reduction goals of future emissions. The “2010 Taiwan Clean Air Planning” and other international literature were reviewed in preparing the accelerating retirement policy.The current mobile source control policies are as follows. On January 1, 2012, the 5th tier standards for diesel vehicles were implemented; with stricter smoke opacity, NOX and PM standards. Furthermore, all the new diesel vehicles are required to install On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) systems in accord with the EURO5 regulations. On October 1, 2012, the 5th tiers standards for gasoline vehicles were implemented with new PM emission standard (0.0050 g/km). The proposed 6th, 7th, and 8th tier standards for motorcycles are in legislation. No idling rule will be implemented in March 2012. In order to promote the usage of electric vehicles, this project proposed three directions for improvement: vehicle safety, convenience, and economic factors to attract the public to use electric cars. This project completed the 2011 County/City Mobile Source Management Review included: reviewing seasonal audits of vehicles; on-site verification and a score report for the amount of the control work implemented by county/city. The enforcement of the 2-stroke engine scooter retirement was supported by the public as evident through the public surveys. The incentive information of the retirement of the 2-stroke engine scooters was obtained mainly from the motorcycle shops. Twenty cantonal dynamometer testing facilities were audited during 2011, and 3 stations were graded as class C. The recommendations for the C stations are: training operators, following SOP and keeping good records. Through this project, the identification software system was checked and a third party verification system was conducted to ensure the quality of the sample films, thermocouple and pressure gauge which are used in the facilities. 100 空保處 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37854
我國應用熱電系統及再生能源建構低碳家園潛力評估專案計畫 本計畫針對生質能、地熱能、熱能驅動製冷及區域冷暖房供應系統等技術項目,分別收集彙整技術發展、應用現況及未來發展趨勢之資料,各項技術於國外已有商業化運轉實績及應用案例可供參考,國內則受限於設置成本、電價結構、供需平衡及法令等限制,正處於待開發階段,未來可選擇適當的社區或區域進行示範推廣。本計畫辦理「熱電系統及再生能源應用於低碳家園建構專家座談會」,出席人數為31人,其中專家及相關單位代表共20人,共同研討熱電系統與再生能源於社區或區域應用之潛力,各領域的專家所提供之相關的意見可做為未來推動政策的參考。本計畫並於國內北、中、南部各舉辦1場次「熱電系統及再生能源講習會」,出席人數總計130人。講習內容多元化包括風力能、太陽能、生質能、地熱能、低溫差發電、熱驅動製冷及區域冷暖應用等,學員與講師之間互動熱絡,且收穫良多。我國於熱電系統及再生能源於社區或區域之應用,參考專家座談會之會議結論,太陽熱能或光電可立即於社區實施利用,其他如溫泉地熱、畜牧業沼氣利用等具有於低碳示範社區推動之潛力。另如生質能設施,台灣地區之家戶利用可能性相對較低,但於鄉鎮或城市規模則可考量應用推動,至於中小型風機在台灣設置成效尚待評估。 Project of application potential assessment of heat-power system and renewable energy to create a lo This project team collect and analyze domestic and oversea about technologies development, application and future development trends of district heating and cooling supply system, biomass energy and geothermal energy. To assess application potential of biomass energy and geothermal energy for heating, power generation and cooling, and district heating and cooling supply system.This project team has completed one expert seminar of the feasibility of the renewable energy technology application, and three workshop sessions of renewable energy to introduce the related technology and experience sharing to the colleagues for the EPA. 100 生態社區推動方案室 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=26111
建國百年千人監測水質活動計畫 水是地球最寶貴資源,世界水質監測日活動係一個全球性關懷水環境品質的活動;想要傳達一個訊息:透過全球同步檢測環境水質活動,讓每一位大人小孩都有乾淨、安全的水可以使用。因此,期盼藉此活動讓世界上每一位用水人都能持續關心及保護地球珍貴的水資源。環保署自2003年(第1屆)起參與世界水質監測日活動,前幾屆參與成果豐碩,在參與活動國家中,因連年名列前茅而備受矚目。今年適逢我國建國百年,環保署擴大參與第9屆世界水質監測日,特別邀請WWMD主辦單位:IWA資深副主席Dr. Helena Alegre、WEF在台代表蔣本基教授,以及WWMD活動發起人Roberta Savage女士來台,出席台北市基隆河畔大佳河濱公園舉辦之建國百年千人監測水質活動。該活動除成為2011年WWMD活動之全球起跑儀式外,亦成功為台灣進行很好的國際宣傳。藉由該活動,成功將台灣民眾與世界各國民眾同步檢測水質以及台灣民眾守護水環境之進步形象等相關訊息推向國際舞台;藉由此活動,亦提供一個機會及窗口讓其他國家認識台灣,分享台灣在參與世界水資源保護方面努力的成果與經驗。 2011 World Water Monitoring Day Activities in Taiwan Water is essential for life. It sustains all living things. Absent water, life ceases. Water is not only one of the most precious but also the most necessary sustainable resources on earth. Taiwan is an island country. Although the annual rainfall in Taiwan reaches 2,500mm which is 2.5 times the world average, because 3/4 of annual rainfall concentrates in the wet season, yet people in Taiwan face water shortages regularly, especially in the dry season. As the nation’s economic activities keep increasing, so does the population. As a result, Taiwan cannot sustain an ever-increasing use of water. It has reached the limits of available water resources. Taiwan now is considered as a country with severe problem encountered with the shortage of water resources. As individuals in Taiwan, people are encouraged to help protecting and conserving their precious water resources.World water monitoring day is a global educational and outreach event designed to promoted personal care and individual involvement in the protection of our world water resources. The event wants to deliver a simple message that it is not only the responsibility of governments to assure clean and safe water for every single adult and child. The efforts for Water Monitoring Day fit Taiwan’s current needs in protecting our precious water sources. As a community on earth, Taiwan EPA broadly inviting school teachers and kits, NGOs and general public to join the WWMD event since 2003. Since 2011 is the year of Taiwan to celebrate her centennial celebration of the founding of the country, the government, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Taiwan, has planned a series of celebrations to welcome this rare and important occasion. We have invited Dr. Helena Alegre, Senior Vice President of International Water Association (IWA), Professor Pen-Chi Chiang, Fellow of Water Environment Federation (WEF), and Ms. Roberta Savage, Founder of WWMD, as our distinguished guests to witness the kick-off event of the 9th World Water Monitoring Day on September 18. There were more than fourteen hundreds of participants including school kids, teachers, adult citizens, NGOs, professionals, and government officials, including Dr. Stephen Shen, Minister of EPA, attending the kick-off event, which was lunched as part of the 100th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of ROC (Taiwan), and to help building public awareness and involvement in protecting water resources around the country. 100 監資處 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29128
100年綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉環境衛生管理計畫 本計畫統計100年2月25日~100年11月30日為止,已陸續完成綠島鄉環境清潔維護工作、環境衛生相關宣導會議及活動(綠島鄉、蘭嶼鄉各5場次)、大型淨灘淨海活動、滿意度問卷調查及其他環境衛生業務相關配合事項等工作,整體進度達成率為100%。在綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉環境清潔維護工作部份,共計執行126人日之清掃工作,除完成環島公路及海岸線清潔工作共94段次外(維護長度310.5公里),並進行街道巷弄清掃12段次、髒亂點清除5點次,累積清除垃圾量為2,280.9公斤。在環境衛生相關宣導會議及活動部份,本計畫已於4~9月份以多元而生活化之方式辦理10場次之宣導會,分別為環境衛生相關宣導教育6場次、病媒防治宣導教育2場次及綠色消費宣導教育2場次,共計宣導人數723人次,民眾參與踴躍,辦理成效良好。在大型淨灘淨海活動部份本計畫於100年10月4日協助環保局辦理綠島鄉「清淨山海灘」之大型淨灘/淨海/淨山活動,當日民眾參與情形相當踴躍高達391人。問券調查部分本計畫於6~9月份於機場、碼頭、觀光景點、民宿、餐廳、社區發展協會…等人群聚集地點進行遊客及當地居民之滿意度問卷調查作業,依據分析結果顯示大多數遊客及居民對於離島地區之環境衛生感到滿意,但對於公廁維護、垃圾清理、海灘清潔及狗便(羊便)清除問題則認為仍有改善之空間。在其他環境衛生業務相關配合事項,本計畫則主要協助環保局彙整離島環境衛生計畫成果、協助規劃未來離島環境衛生項目以及相關考核與宣導工作之辦理。 The Environmental Sanitation Management Project of Ludao township and Lanyu township “The Environmental Sanitation Management Project” of Ludao township and Lanyu township was February 25, 2011 to December 31,2011 . Implementation of this project has been providing 126 manpower , cleaning up 310.5 km of coastline and the highway, removing a total of 2,280.9 kg of garbage , maintaining the streets and lanes , clearing up 5 messy and dirty spots .In the propaganda activities and meetings , this project has transacted 10 meetings in diversifying and life-oriented way , comprised “the environmental sanitation publicizing meeting, the green procurement meeting, the pest control meeting…” and hold a large-scale activity of beach cleanup in Ludao with 391 participants .In the civil service satisfactory survey, this project has completed 813 questionnaires of residents and travelers at the airport, wharf, scenic spots,hotel and restaurant. According to survey results, most people feel “great”of the environmental sanitation quality of islands, but they deemed that the maintenance of public toilets , beach cleanup , garbage cleanup , and the excrement cleanup can be further strengthened.In addition, this project had compiled the results of environmental sanitation work , planned future work, and assist the other related work. 100 台東縣環境保護局 澔宇工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27390
100年上半年度環保共識會議計畫 行政院環保署為落實「行政院環境保護署傾聽人民聲音推動實施計畫」,故辦理「100年上半年度環保共識會議計畫」。本計畫主要工作內容包括辦理「100年上半年度環保共識會議」與「環保共識會議檢討會議」。共識會議討論議題為「您是否贊成淘汰二行程機車及建構電動機車電池交換系統?」,藉由報名簡章、登報與網站等方式傳播會議訊息,參與報名成員共計85人,並由指導委員會篩選出25位共識成員。四天會議於100年5月8日、15日、22日與29日四星期日辦理完成,共計24位成員全程參與。會議第一天主要提供成員建立背景知識,第二天進行成員與專家座談,拋出議題讓成員思考,並由成員提出問題,進行意見交流,第三天則將討論議題分為(一)您是否贊成淘汰二行程機車?,您認為目前淘汰二行程機車缺乏那些配套措施?與(二)您認為應如何加強電動機車電池交換系統之建置與強化其管理?兩項子議題進行分組討論,再於綜合討論中逐步進行達到初步共識,並於5月29日上午由發言人與成員逐一確認並完成「100年上半年度環保共識會議結論報告」,當日下午進行結論發表。共識會議結束後的一周內,召開檢討會議,邀請指導委員會、共識成員代表、環保署代表與工作小組,會議中針對「會議議題設定」、「會議議程安排」與「共識凝聚方式」等提出建議,作為後續辦理會議之參考。 Environmental Consensus Conference in the First Half of in 2011 The purpose of the project was to hold an Environmental Consensus Conference and a review conference in 2011. The question, “Do you agree with eliminating two-stroke engine motorcycles and build up electric motorcycle battery exchange system?” was put forth and discussed in the conference. 85 individuals applied for the conference and 25 of them were selected according to the selecting rules set up by the Conference Advisory Committee.The conference was held on four successive Sundays from May 8th to May 29th. On the first day, lectures were arranged to provide members with relevant background knowledge. On the second day, a forum was held to provide experiences exchanging between experts and members. Later on, on the third day, members were separated into groups and discussed two sub-issues: (I) Do you agree with eliminating two-stroke motorcycles? Is there any complementary plan need to be proposed? (II) How to optimize the electric motorcycle battery exchange system and strengthen its management. Diverse opinions from group discussions were collected and discussed further in a panel discussion in order to converge into a preliminary consensus. On the last day, after being confirmed by all members, the “Environmental Consensus Conference Conclusion Report for the First Half of 2011” was accomplished and announced to the public on May 29th.According to the report, three conclusions were proposed, including: (A) Most of members agreed with that elimination of two-stroke motorcycles could be accelerated by promotion of other more environment-friendly vehicles such as electric motorcycles. They also suggested that there should be some examining mechanisms, subsidiary measures and related guidance for further promotion; (B) The safety of the battery exchange system and its impact on the surrounding environment should be carefully considered for the purpose of avoiding wasting resources; (C) In order not to be benefited or monopolized by few enterprises, the battery exchange system should combine with some definite regulations, such as integrally complementary measures and battery standardization. Furthermore, suggestions from experts, scholars as well as the public should always be taken into account.A review conference was held on June 7th, within one week after the consensus conference. In the conference, the conference advisory committee members, panel representatives and the EPA representatives were invited to evaluate the outcome of the consensus conference, and they concluded several suggestions for “setting the conference issue”, “organizing the agenda” and “forming a consensus”, which are good references for future conferences. 100 永續發展室 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=25166
推動溫室氣體認查驗機構管理與監督機制專案計畫 依循國際溫室氣體可量測、可報告與可查證(MRV)之管理趨勢,並提升我國溫室氣體認證及查驗管理機制與國際社會接軌之可行性,本計畫蒐研國際間溫室氣體證查驗管理相關機制,分析並比較國家與產業層級之管理現況,提出對於國內NAMAs、國家清冊及先期專案之MRV建議。並同時掌握國際間溫室氣體多邊交互承認協議(GHG MLA)建置進度,俾利我國認證管理與國際接軌;兩岸交流面向亦掌握大陸認驗證體系推動現況,並建議未來與大陸在各項制度上之交流方向。為落實國內認查驗機構監督管理,廣為蒐研國際組織與各主要國家認查驗管理機制之趨勢,並與我國管理制度分析比較。藉由分別執行認證機構與查驗機構之監督查核作業,提出我國未來管理策略之建議,並修訂與新編查驗人員訓練教材,舉辦查驗人員複訓課程,完善提升國內查驗能量。本計畫亦研析國際間碳足跡查驗相關規範,建立我國產品與服務碳足跡查證技術指引,執行服務型碳足跡查證作業,更進一步研擬碳中和查驗指引(草案),兼顧產業及我國國情所需,確保我國採取最合宜之溫室氣體認證及查驗管理模式。 The promotion of GHG accreditation and verification bodies management and supervision mechanism. The project follows the international trends of measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV) greenhouse gas management to upgrade our national GHG accreditation and verification management mechanism so as to connect with international track. International GHG verification management mechanism has been thoroughly studied in this project for the analysis and comparison to our current status of management in the national and industrial level to bring suggestion for domestic MRV of NAMAs as well as national inventories and early actions. The project also collected information on the progress of international GHG MLA to assist domestic accreditation management in connection with international track. Current status of accreditation and verification system in China was also surveyed in this project through cross-strait information sharing with suggestion for future direction of information exchange. In order to consolidate the management and supervision for domestic accreditation and verification bodies, the project has studied the trends of accreditation and verification management mechanism in international organizations and various countries for analysis and comparison to domestic management system. Through the implementation of supervision auditing of accreditation bodies and verification bodies, the project brought suggestion for our future management strategies, as well as made revision and new edition to training materials for verifiers. Courses for re-education of verifiers were held to upgrade domestic verification capacity. The project also studied international guidance related to the verification of carbon footprint to establish technical guidelines for domestic products and services carbon footprint verification. Service type carbon footprint verification was implemented to further establish draft guidelines for carbon neutral verification to satisfy both industrial and domestic needs and to assure that appropriate GHG accreditation and verification management models are adopted by our country. 100 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34600
100年度嘉義市移動污染源管制及低污染車輛推廣計畫 台灣人口、車輛伴隨著工商業的發展而快速成長,其中因機車有機動、便捷及停車方便等特性,使得其登記數快速成長,嘉義市地小人稠的特性,如無良好的管制措施,極易造成嚴重之污染。有鑑於此,環保署自民國85年開始配合空污費之徵收,訂定相關之移動污染源管制措施,於全國各縣市辦理移動污染源稽查管制計畫。計畫至12月20日止,完成攔(巡)查完成7,870輛次,達成率112.4%。攔檢機車2,100輛次,不合格率為14.0%,未定檢車公函催檢通知合計17,788件,其中退件有368件,回覆8,377輛次,回覆率為47.1%。整體車牌辨識通知6,664輛,回覆4,696輛,回覆率為70.5%。並完成定檢通知寄發128,936件,退件率為3.4%。共計完成335家次檢驗站查核。標準氣體比對其各站偏差值均在3%範圍內,完成72家次檢驗站秘密實車查核,亦已進行乙次檢驗站分析儀線性查核及乙次檢驗站檢測分析儀漂移檢測,均符合精確性測試允差判定合格。舉辦2場次檢驗站教育訓練,登錄合格人員107人均依規定完成年度4小時在職訓練。截至12月20日共辦理5場次宣導活動,免費檢驗392輛次,有62輛次不合格,不合格率有15.8%。累計目前已完成1,200輛次申請汰舊補助。並辦理11場次低污染車輛宣導活動,計吸引6,984人次參觀,有366人次參與電動車試騎。為將提升電動機車之曝光率,本計畫委託世新電世台專業行銷公司擬拍攝電動機車25秒宣導帶,並選擇經費可行與效益最佳化之時段進行電動機車宣導帶之播放。本宣導帶邀請本市黃市長擔任主角,於6月9日前往市長室拍攝市長畫面,並於10月份安排於有線頻道撥放宣導,計有19頻道580檔次,讓我們行駛出輕生活風格,推廣嘉義市成為樂活、綠能的優質城市。本計畫已有185位民眾申請補助,補助車輛廠商以中華電動機車159輛、YAMAHA電動機車25輛及益通電動機車1輛。嘉義市政府為推廣低碳運輸,鼓勵民眾以自行車代步取代原本汽機車等交通工具,試辦公用自行車免費借用活動。目前已有免費借用2,243車次,經統計借用的男女比例3:7,騎乘里程約11公里,有9成以上的使用者滿意本活動。藉由公用自行車免費借用活動的推動,拋磚引玉讓更多民眾及業者共同投入營造友善自行車使用的環境,共同營造嘉義市成為一個安靜、乾淨、健康的自行車友善城市。民眾檢舉件數共2,648件,經查證並通知數為1,234件,已完成複審有988輛,複審通過370輛,獎勵金發放率為37.4%。機動車輛原地噪音進行21輛次之檢驗,檢驗結果有5輛次不合格,不合格率為23.8%。 2011 Chiayi City Mobile Pollution Source control & Low-Pollution Vehicle Promotion The number of population and vehicles grow rapidly with the advancing industrial and commercial development. In particular, the number of registered motorcycles increases dramatically thanks to its mobility, convenience and ease to park. Chiayi City is a small place with dense population. Serious pollution may result easily from these vehicles if without a good control system. As such, the Environmental Protection Administration started the collection of air pollution fees in 1996. Related mobile pollution source control measures were established and mobile pollution source auditing and control plans were carried out throughout the country. Up to Dec 20, 7,870 vehicle-times of vehicles were pulled over for random inspections with an achievement rate of 112.4%. 2,100 motorcycles were inspected by roadside and the result was 14.0% of failure rate. 17,788 notices for the owners failing to report to regular inspections were issued. 368 notices were returned and 8,377 were replied with a reply percentage of 47.1%. Notices for license plate ID were issued to owners of 6,664 vehicles, and 4,696 were replied with a reply percentage of 70.5%. 128,936 notices were issued for regular inspection and 3.4% of the notices were returned. 355 times of inspection station auditing were performed. The standard exhaust comparison tests revealed that all of the stations audited were within 3%. 72 times of undercover auditing were conducted on the inspection stations. A linear test and a drift test on the analyzer of inspection stations were performed as well, and all the stations tested came out within the acceptable range for both tests. 2 training sessions were held for the inspection stations. 107 qualified inspectors completed the 4-hour on-job training for the year. By Dec 20, 5 promotional events were organized, 392 vehicles were examined for free, and 62 of them failed the examination with a failure rate of 15.8%. At the time this article was produced, the application for subsidies for vehicle retirement was proposed for a total of 1,200 vehicles. 11 low-pollution vehicle promotion events were held and 6,984 came to these events with 366 trying out the electric vehicles on display. To increase the visibility of electric motorcycles, Shih Hsin Television was entrusted to produce a 25-second short film to promote these green vehicles and broadcast over time periods for which the budget is available and from which the best effects can be achieved. Mayor Huang was invited to star in this promotional film, which was shot on June 9 at the Mayor’s office and broadcast over cable TV channels in Oct. In total the film was aired for 580 times on 19 channels, allowing us to ride toward a lighter life style and helping make Chiayi a city of good life and green energy. So far, 185 citizens have filed their application for subsidies on 159 electric motorcycles produced by E-Moving, 25 by Yamaha and 1 by E-Ton. To promote low-carbon transportation and encourage citizens to ride bicycles instead of driving cars and motorcycles, Chiayi City Government started the trial program of free lending of bicycles. Currently, 2,243 of free lending were accumulated, and the statistics shows that the lending ratio of male vs. female was 3:7, and approximately 11 km/lending was registered. More than 90% of users were satisfied with this program. With the free lending of public bicycles, the program is intended to have more citizens and businesses participate in building a biker-friendly environment and make Chiayi City a biker-friendly city that is quiet, clean and healthy. For citizens’ reporting, 1,234 vehicles passed the initial review. 988 went through the second review and 370 passed. 37.4% of reporters received the reward money. 21motorized vehicles were tested in the on-site noise test and 5 failed with a failure rate of 23.8%. 100 嘉義市政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27472
100年臺南市空氣汙染防制宣導訓練計畫 「100年臺南市空氣污染防治宣導訓練計畫」執行期程自簽約日100年5月26日起至履約100年12月31日止,共計約7個月。 本計畫自100年5月26日至100年12月31日,已完成下列計畫中工作項目,包括於100年11月5日完成一場節能減碳相關大型宣導活動,總人數超過200人次;宣導節能減碳十大無悔措施、健康低碳飲食觀念、社區節能減碳輔導、綠網簽署說明、環保標章介紹、資源回收分類、綠色消費、省水減污、電動機車…等;於100年10月16日、100年8月31日、100年9月1日、100年11月14日、100年11月16日完成5場小型宣導活動,總人次超過400人次,輔導臺南市各區便利商店、賣場、醫院、飯店…等,認識節能減碳行動標章的意義;另外還舉辦低碳蔬食的宣導會,讓參與的學校或相關單位能了解食物碳足跡的定義。每月蒐集彙整臺南市近年環境保護宣導相關訊息,並了解現階段環保發展趨勢,規劃有效且具有臺南市特色的環境保護宣導活動,並陸續推動綠網登入,臺南市已有許多企業及民眾建置清淨家園Eco-life部落格。刊登12則與活動或環保議題相關的平面媒體、播出3則環保議題的新聞、播出5台廣播宣導環保內容;並設計環保減碳350宣導手冊及製作環保資料夾做為活動發放文宣贈品。 The executing time regulation of 「The 100 year Tainan City Guidance Training Plan of Air Pollution Prevention」 is from the date of signing the contract(May26,100) to the date of fulfilling the contract(December31,100),and it amounts about seven months.The plan, from May26,100 to December31,100,have completed listed below working projects of the plan.The plan includes one large guidance activity of energy saving and carbon reducung,and the sum are over 200 person-time、the guidance 10 regretlessmeasures of energy saving and carbon reducing、the healthy low-carbon diet idea、the guidance and assistance in communities、the explaining of Eco-life signing、the introducing of environmental protection markers、the resource recycling and classification、the green consumption、the water saving and pollution reducing、the electrical motorcycles...and so on.We have completed five small guidance activities in August31,100、September1,100、Octorber16,100、November14,100 and November16,100 and the sum in the five activities are over 400 person-time.It helps convenience stores、supermarkets、hospitals、hotels and so on every area in Tainan know the meaning of energy saving and carbon reducing action markers.On the side we hold guidance meetings of low-carbon and vegetarian food to let the joining schools and coherent organizations understand definition of food carbon footprint. We gather and collect related news of environmental protection in the recent years every month in Tainan city and understand the trend of environmental protection development.We plan effective environmental protection guidance activities which have characteristic in Tainan city and continually push Eco-life logging in.There are many companies and people building the Eco-life blog.It publishs activities or environmental protection discussions on twelve print medias,and broadcasts three pieces of news which are about environmental protection discussions,and broadcasts environmental protection content on five radios.We design environmental protection and carbon reducing 350 guidance handbooks,and make environmental protection folders for providing written advertisement presents in activities 100 台南市環境保護局 乾同國際整合行銷有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41202
100年度「綠色生活資訊網暨環保產品線上採購網行銷推廣計畫」 本計畫於100年2月16日開始執行,服務對象包含政府機關、民間企業與團體、製造廠商、銷售業者、0800人員、一般民眾、管理者環保署及其委辦計畫。本年度工作執行目標在於綠色生活資訊網系統(包含環保標章電子化網路申請作業系統、政府綠色採購網路申報系統、及環保產品線上採購網站)的維護管理、更新、及輔導使用者為主,並確保環保產品線上採購網的運行(並不涉及金流與物流);對於宣傳方面則著重於網路行銷,並不包含實體管道的行銷。系統建置或改版,已完成新增及精進至少47項功能,包括環保標章電子化網路申請作業系統、政府綠色採購網路申報系統、記事系統、政府機關綠色採購評核系統、民間企業團體綠色採購申報系統、數位學習系統、種子人員派遣系統、兒童網站、英文網站、標章產品電子型錄…等。推廣及宣導,至12月止,完成翻譯並發布60則中文新聞、52則英文新聞以及336則最新消息,並完成辦理說明會共50場次、0800教育訓練12場次,且已發布18則影音訊息、寄發24則電子報。採購網營運部分,已全數完成系統建置作業,至12月底止會員數達21,170人、共輔導45家廠商簽約與操作、上架993項產品以及總銷售金額為1,041,314元。 Year 2011 「Greenlivng and BuyGreen Promotion Plan」 The project began on February 16, 2011 to provide services to government agencies, private enterprises and organizations, manufacturers, sellers, customer service staff on 0800 free phone number, the general public, the EPA as regulator, and its commissioned projects. This year the project was mainly focused on the maintenance, management, and update of the GreenLiving Information Platform (including the Green Mark E-Application System, the Government Green Procurement Online Reporting System, and the BuyGreen website), and on guidance provision for users of the Platform. The project was also aimed at ensuring the operation of the BuyGreen website (not involving cash flow and logistics). Promotional efforts were directed at Internet marketing instead of brick-and-mortar marketing.At least 47 functions were added and enhanced for the purposes of system establishment or revamp, such as the Green Mark E-Application System, the Government Green Procurement Online Reporting System, an organizer system, the Government Green Procurement Evaluation System, the Private Enterprise and Organization Green Procurement Reporting System, a digital learning system, the Seed Staff Dispatch System, a website for children, an English website, and the Green Mark products e-catalogue.For promotion and publicity, 60 news items in Mandarin Chinese, 52 news items in English and 336 latest updates were translated and published. 50 briefing sessions were held, 12 education and training workshops were organized for customer service staff on 0800 free phone number. 18 video/audio messages were released and 24 e-papers were sent.The construction of the BuyGreen website was entirely completed. By the end of December the website had up to 21,170 members. Guidance was provided to 45 companies concerning contract signing and system operation. A total of 993 products were marketed on the website and total sales amounted to NT $1,041,314. 100 管考處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29719
結合支撐式液膜及離子交換樹脂於多成分金屬離子廢液處理技術開發 本研究為結合支撐式液膜及離子交換樹脂於多成分金屬離子廢液處理技術開發,除探討其對多成分金屬離子之處理能力,並評估回收濃縮廢液的技術,以作為替代硬碟製作程序中進料金屬溶液之可行性。多成分金屬離子分離研究中先利用鋁離子於鹼性環境中易形成沉澱析出之特性,解決使用支撐式液膜回收鋁離子程序中氫氧化鋁沉澱物會造成中空纖維膜組之膜孔阻塞問題。而在鎳、鋅雙成分離子的分離程序中,利用萃取劑D2EHPA於低酸鹼值環境中能有效地回收鋅離子的選擇性,以及在有機相中加入2 vol. %的修飾劑十二醇成功抑制第三相的生成,能有效將1000 mg/L的鋅離子完全萃取至萃取劑當中,並在180分鐘內將之濃縮至18700 mg/L。在鎳離子回收濃縮的程序中,維持控制進料溶液之酸鹼值於3.0以上,可在60分鐘內完成鎳離子萃取反應,並於180分鐘內將930 mg/L的進料鎳離子溶液濃縮至14800 mg/L。藉由此一系列三階段的分離程序,可有效將多成分金屬離子分離並進行高濃度回收;而結合具分散反萃取相支撐式液膜(高離子濃度)及離子交換樹脂程序(低離子濃度)處理鎳離子溶液結果顯示,確實能有效減少處理時間,降低廢液處理成本。 Removal of multi-component metal ions by using the supported liquid membrane and ion exchange resin The purpose of this study was to integrate supported liquid membranes and ion exchange resin processes and then applied on the treatment of multi-component metal ions from waste streams of the hard disk manufacture industry. In this work, aluminum ions were easily precipitated and separated from nickel and zinc ions solutions through a precipitation process by adding a 1M sodium carbonate solution to multi-component metal ion solutions. At the same time, the precipitation process can keep the aluminum hydroxide precipitation from the blockage of the pores of hollow fiber module along the operation of the supported liquid membrane process. D2EHPA, Isopar-L, 1-dodecanol and aqueous zinc-nickel sulfate solutions were used to be the extractant, diluent, modifier and feed solution respectively in order to evaluate the separation efficiency of the support liquid membranes process at an initial low pH value of 2.5. Results indicated that the zinc ions can be completely removed from the aqueous complex zinc-nickel sulfate solutions and concentrated from initial concentration of 1000 mg Zn2+/L to 18700 mg Zn2+/L through the extraction process and stripping process respectively after 180 minutes operation. Additionally, nickel ion can be completely extracted by the supported liquid membranes after 60minutes operation at pH 3.0. Recovered concentrated nickel ions at a concentration of 14800 mg Ni2+/L can be accomplished through the stripping process of the supported liquid membranes after 180 minutes operation. Through successive three-stage treatment processes, multi-component metal ions from waste streams can be successfully separated and removed by the extraction process and then regenerated and concentrated by the stripping process. Results for the treatment of nickel ions by the combination of the supported liqid membranes at high initial nickel ions concentrations as well as ion exchange resins processes at low initial nickel ions concentrations respectively showed the time of treatment processes can be effectively reduced. 100 永續發展室 中國科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27235
嘉義市節能減碳宣導推動計畫 隨著全球暖化議題逐漸受到重視之際,人類開始瞭解唯有改變過去耗費能源的習慣,才能有效徹底扭轉全球暖化及環境重大變遷的趨勢。在京都議定書簽署之後,各國開始積極推動二氧化碳減排之規劃,節能減碳逐漸發展成為國際思維之主流。為將我國未來之發展引領至永續意涵,我國行政院環境保護署積極推動節能減碳相關政策,而嘉義市政府環境保護局有感於節能減碳宣導的重要性,遂配合中央政策並積極推動嘉義市節能減碳宣導之相關作為。本計畫的主要工作目標在於透過多元管道,積極宣導各項節能減碳行動資訊,並協助嘉義市綠色生活網的維護與管理。為達成本計畫所預定的目標,本團隊遂由三方面進行計畫工作項目之推動。在相關會議辦理部分,總計完成相關會議及活動15 場次,包括:節能減碳宣導與自我管理活動12場次、綠網績效登錄與操作說明會議1 場次、節能減碳行動標章說明會1 場次及輔導8 處團體參與甄選活動、完成辦理節電及低碳生活等宣導推廣活動1 場次。在綠色生活網管理部分,總計完成15場會議及活動之綠網登錄、發佈綠網部落格訊息6篇文章、嘉義市居民水電號之登錄及其他綠網的管理維護工作。在媒體宣導部分,完成購買節能減碳宣導品1,200 份、製作六大面向宣導看板6 式、廣播宣導360 檔次、全國性平面媒體報導1 則。本計畫相關工作內容皆已順利完成,透過相關會議之召開與辦理,已將全球暖化與節能減碳的概念深植於一般民眾心中,並藉由宣導與日常生活息息相關的節水省電方法,獲得民眾廣泛與熱烈的迴響;而透過綠色生活網的維護與管理工作,使得環保署與嘉義市環保局同步推動節能減碳之工作,並將嘉義市節能減碳推動績效具體呈現於綠色生活網;最後藉由廣播及平面媒體之宣導,將節能減碳的理念推廣至個人、家庭及社區,並透過宣導品的購置,提高民眾參與相關節能減碳活動之誘因。在本計畫明確的工作目標下,並搭配綿密及系統性的工作執行項目,在引領嘉義市居民積極參與節能減碳相關活動過程中,已逐步將節能減碳理念的種子散播於嘉義市每一個角落,俾使每位市民均能成為環保行動尖兵,使嘉義市成為落實永續發展在地化與生活化的好所在。 Global warming has become perhaps the most complicated issue all over the world. People realize that the only way to slow down or stop further global warming is to make the commitment to change their lifestyles. After the Tyoto Protocol's Commitment period, Carbon Reduction Strategies (CRS) were extremely popular. In response to the international trend toward energy conservation and carbon reduction,the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R. O. C (Taiwan) has adopted different strategies of energy conservation and carbon reduction. Therefore, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Chiayi City Government has also promoted the The poupose of this project was to advocate the concept of energy conservation and carbon reduction by means of various meetings or conferences. In the meantime, tips to save electricity and water were also introduced to the general public and obtained the earnest responses. In addition, the Ecoife blog of Chiayi City was well-managedperiodically. Regarding the meetings and conferences, fifteen conferences were held inorder to advocate the energy conservation and carbon reduction. In terms of the management of Chiayi City’s Ecolife blog, fifteens conferences were logined the Ecolife system. Six articles were published in Chiayi City’s Ecolife blog. With regard to the media advocacy, the concepts of energy conservation and carbon reduction wereadvocated by both broadcasting and newspapers.By means of holding various meetings and conferences, the concepts of energy conservation and carbon reduction were deeply cultivated in the public. By managing the Ecolife blog of Chiayi City, the achievements were able to login into the Ecolife system. Using media advocacy of broadcast and newspaper, people living in ChiayiCity were more realized the importance of energy conservation and carbon reduction.With the clear goal of this project collocating with systematical contents, it is believedthat the seeds of energy conservation and carbon reduction will be undoubtedly cultivated in Chiayi City. The concepts of energy conservation and carbon reduction could be broadcasted from person, family to community and eventually intoeverywhere in Chia City. As a result, Chiayi City will become a sustainable living cityin Taiwan. 100 嘉義市政府環境保護局 稻江科技暨管理學院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27222
環境資源管理及決策支援專案工作計畫 為協助環境影響評估委員於審查過程中相關議題資料彙整,行政院環境保護署透過委託「環境資源管理及決策支援專案」工作計畫,協助環評委員審查各環評案件時,所涉及各面向領域之資料蒐集、彙整與分析工作,並提供專題報告研究,進而協助環保署縮短環評審查案件流程,簡化行政作業程序。本計畫於執行初期辦理3場次專家諮詢會議,依照會議結論,彙整「環境影響評估審查之建議重點」,並將其規劃為「環境品質資訊」、「環境技術與管理」與「相關環境議題」3大分項之重點項目,再依照本年度環境影響評估14項領域,彙整相關法規及技術規範,同時協助環評委員完成兼任助理之聘用,訂定「月報表」與「出勤表」,每月按時收集與彙整,最後本計畫以14位環評委員為對象,針對本年度兼任助理之聘用進行問卷調查,提供環保署未來對於聘用環評委員助理之參考。專題報告方面,本計畫透過會議討論,確認15篇專題報告主題,並聘請相關領域之專家學者完成報告撰寫,於6月12日及6月19日召開專題報告討論會議,完成專題報告修正,提供環保署未來環評審查之建議。在相關議題諮詢與資料彙整協助上,本計畫共協助12項環境影響評估議題諮詢與資料彙整作業、以及協助6場次環境影響評估審查會議與1場次環境影響評估現勘會議。報告最後則針對目前環境影響評估之執行現況、專題報告與兼任助理未來作業方式提出建議,提供環保署未來執行之參考。 Environmental resource management and decision support project The purpose of this project is to assist the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Committee in reviewing cases through collecting and analyzing background related to environmental issues. In addition, the project provides monographs and assistance to simplify enhance EIA standard procedure.This project held three expert consultative meetings to collect suggestions for EIA, which were categorized into environmental quality information, environmental technology and environmental issues. There are fourteen assistants arranged for EIA to accumulate materials and accomplish monthly reports. The questionnaire for arranging assistants with committees was preceded and the results could be regarded as a reference for EPA.This project accomplished fifteen monographs and made a revision in accordance with two discussion meetings held on June 12th and June 19th. Besides, twelve EIA issues consultation and data collection assignments, six review meetings and one on-site investigation meeting were assisted by the project. Suggestions of EIA implementation、monographs and assistants were proposed for EPA reference. 100 綜計處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41508
100年度濁水溪沿岸揚塵監測改善管理計畫 每年當東北季風盛行濁水溪流域祼露河灘地上粉塵受風吹揚起,已直接影響到雲林縣民的生活品質。因此環保局為維護民眾生活品質執行本計畫,其主要目標係落實濁水溪揚塵預警及通報系統、加強宣導校園及社區防護觀念、執行濁水溪揚塵防制工法示範作業、進行濁水溪揚塵擴散遙測作業。為瞭解濁水溪揚塵的起因,已完成環保署空氣品質監測數據、水利署水位測站數據、濁水溪航照圖及濁水溪現地影像蒐集,且發現濁水溪揚塵的起因與河川祼露面積有關,其中影響河川祼露面積的重要因素在於急劇的降雨量。 本計畫發現於96年至98年8月間,因山地多雨造成上游泥砂崩塌及下游灘地原生植被沖毀,以致造成上游泥砂大量沖刷至下游,並累積於河床及灘地,加以已無植被保護,因此待枯水期一到加上強大東北季風即造成乾燥河床上累積之細砂形成大量揚塵,以致造成空氣品質不良事件。本計畫執行期程自100年4月7日至101年3月31日止,各項工作均於預計期程內完成。由蒐集彙整之濁水溪圖資中,98年雖因「八八水災」導致濁水溪揚塵潛勢區由717公頃增加至1,503公頃,但100年則降為586.48公頃。濁水溪揚塵潛在區面積縮小,也直接反應在空氣品質現況:崙背站因濁水溪揚塵所導致的事件日由98年的11站日降為100年並無河川揚塵所造成之空品不良事件日,顯見空氣品質大幅改善。100年持續透過預警通報資訊平台於東北季風盛行時節,共計自動通報達3次,有效預先告知民眾,作好自我防護的工作。此外,本計畫也加強中央地方各單位橫向聯繫會議及辦理國中小學預警通報平台之教育訓練,共計辦理4場次橫向聯繫會議及1場次教育訓練。同時為了落實民眾照護工作,於油車國小國小施作水幕設施,並持續於楊賢社區進行綠美化工作。為瞭解濁水溪揚塵對雲林縣懸浮微粒之影響,於計畫期程內,完成16天次3-D光達遙測監測作業及396天次PM10揚塵自動監測作業。同時為讓沿岸民眾了解政府對揚塵議題施政上之努力及決心,於計畫期程內進行了1000份民眾問卷電話訪問,並透過廣播、電視跑馬燈、電子看板等媒介讓民眾即時接獲相關防護及宣導訊息。同時為加強沿岸農民揚塵防制觀念,於濁水溪沿岸辦理示範工法之觀摩活動,告知農民於東北季風來臨前,應主動做好相關揚塵防護工作,以降低濁水溪揚塵之影響。 Monitor and improvement of the emitted dust along Jhuoshuei River in 2011. The dust pollution from the sand area along Jhuoshuei River, caused by the strong Northeasterly wind every year, had already directly influenced the life quality of people. Therefore Yunlin EPB implemented the project to protect the people from the pollution. The project goals were that implementing the alarm and announce system, guidance the concept of self-protection in community and school, dust-protection demo system, remote monitoring along the sand area along Jhuoshuei River.To understand the causes of emitted dust along Jhuoshuei River, we had collected the EPA air quality monitoring data, WRA water level data, the satellite images, and land aerial photographs of Jhuoshuei River. We found that the dust pollution was remarkable related to exposed sand area of river bed. Furthermore, the torrential rain was one of these important factors to cause the exposure. We found that rainfall in the mountain led to the sediment collapse upstream and native vegetation destruction downstream 2007 ~2009. When the dry season was coming, the strong Northeasterly wind and the cumulative sand in the river bed formed sand storm and unhealthful air quality episode.This plan was from April 7th, 2011 to March 31st, 2012, all the works has been completed within schedule. According to the collected aeronautical chart of Zhuoshui river, although the sand area increased from 717 hectare in 2008 to 1,503 hectare in 2009 because of “Flood of August 8th”, it decreased to 586.48 hectare in 2010. As the result of the reduction of the sand area, the air quality improved substantially. For example, the suspended river sand -induced unhealthful day was 11 in Lunbei air quality monitoring station in 2009, and it is nil in 2010.The warning system has worked well during the northeast monsoon prevailed season in 2011, and the automatic notification was 3. It informed people in advance to make self-protection effectively. Furthermore, we had improved the connection between the central and the local government by holding 4 integration meetings and the warning system training for elementary and junior high school by holding 1 training. In order to implement the public care work, we applied water curtain facilities in You-Cha elementary school and performed greening work in Yang- Xian community continuously. In order to understand the effect of suspended particle in Yun-Lin country caused by Zhuoshui river sand, we performed 16 times of 3-D remote monitoring and 396 times of PM10 automatic monitoring. To let coastal people to understand the efforts and commitment of the government on the dust issue, we finished 1,000 copies of the public telephone interview within the project timetable. We bulletined public awareness and advocacy messages through radio, marquee on TV, and electronic billboards so that people could get them immediately. We demonstrated the dust protection work along Zhuoshui river to strengthen the coastal farmers’ dust control concepts thereby reducing the impact of Zhuoshui river sand before the arrival of the northeast monsoon. 100 雲林縣環境保護局 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=52919
100年度嘉義市垃圾減量資源回收工作計畫 本計畫於100年3月1日完成簽約,工作執行期間自100年3月1日至12月31日共計約10個月,依據契約規定6月5日提交期中報告,10月16日提交期末報告。本計畫主要工作包括辦理垃圾減量、資源回收各類指定對象輔導與稽查工作等11項工作:一、辦理責任業者落實登記、申報、繳費及回收標誌標示等輔導作業主動稽查未登記、未標示商品作業,外縣市移請6件,行政院環境保護署函請5件。另完成90家業者及196件商品主動稽查,發現16件違規責任物。二、轄內垃圾減量、資源回收再利用稽查工作及成果彙整、考核庶務工作(一)社區、機關團體、學校定點分類稽查完成社區185家次、機關團體45家次、學校46次家,共計276家次現場稽查工作(二)統計至11月30日止,本計畫完成稽查45條路線,在合格率方面,發現其中43條路線合格率高於80%,相較於99年度成果已有明顯進步。現場作業發現,民眾排出垃圾包之回收物多以紙類(餐盒)及塑膠類為最大宗。(三)協助維護與更新網路申報系統,針對嘉義市資源回收資訊管理系統統計軟體進行更新及維護作業,並每月彙整四大體系資源回收成果,進行資料檢核,以及協助彙整並提報環行政院環境保護署。(四)提出3項垃圾減量、資源回收工作之創新做法「回收兌換行動服務團」、「回收無國境、地球揪清淨」及「紙杯、塑膠杯攏愛作回收」,及資源回收專案「推動嘉義市生廚餘回收」、「99年資源回收專案-環保美食月活動」。三、辦理應回收廢棄物回收、處理業申請登記及稽查作業(一)辦理業者登記申請與登記變更、展延工作,統計至100年11月30日止,完成允晟回收商登記證展延工作。(二)辦理業者環境衛生與營運管理輔導與查核工作部分,統計至100年11月30日止,本計畫每月完成本市所有列管回收商業者環境衛生巡查作業乙次。(三)維護與更新資源回收商基本資料,新增1家詠錩資源回收,彙整更新本市回收商的基本資料,現有42家回收商之基本資料。四、執行販賣業者逆向回收稽查取締及宣導工作(一)辦理販賣業者逆向回收稽查取締工作部分統計至100年11月30日,完成675家次現場稽查,查核結果轄內有24家業者歇業,118家業者新增,本市列管販賣業者共計644家,另外有117家業者有違規情形,多為未張貼回收標誌、回收貼紙褪色及回收貼紙脫落的情形。(二)業者回收情形普遍交由個體業者及民間團體等回收後,其餘回收物交付總公司及清潔隊回收。(三)辦理餐館業、旅館業、百貨公司分類回收查核及建檔工作,完成106家次稽查作業。(四)完成26處機車定檢站維護廢潤滑油免費回收點,並將成果登錄於資源回收資訊管理系統,分別於5月18日辦理回收商法規宣導說明會宣導廢潤滑油法規及9月28日辦理廢潤滑油法規宣導說明會。五、「限汞乾電池」及「限制水銀體溫計輸入及販賣」稽查管制(一)完成247家次限制乾電池販賣業者現場稽查。(二)水銀體溫計現場查核與輔導工作,共計完成465家醫療機構及非醫療機構。六、辦理購物用塑膠袋及免洗餐具及限制產品過度包裝稽查工作(一)限制購物用塑膠袋業者及限用免洗餐具共計完成1325家次查核作業,開立1家餐飲業者勸導單,後續完成複查作業。(二)完成情人節、中秋節禮品過度包裝訪查作業。(三)完成58家次指定業者稽查作業,均符合減量計畫書之規定。七、辦理垃圾減量資源回收教育宣導工作(一)於4月22日辦理「建國百年 世界地球日 低碳嘉園 精彩一百」環保宣導活動。(二)於9月1日提送塑膠材質碼、廢四機回收、一次用飲料杯源頭減量及回收設計文宣,5月28日採購環保杯、環保手電筒及樂扣盒為宣導品。(三)運用電子媒體、平面媒體宣導資源回收215則。(四)於6月5日世界環境日辦理二手跳蚤市集。(五)動畫影片以一次用飲料杯源頭減量及回收獎勵金為主題製作國語版及台語版。八、辦理資源回收形象改造工作(一)於3月8日研擬資源回收站形象改造計畫書,審核申請單位提報之形象改造計畫書,並完成驗收作業。(二)6月5日辦理個體業者生活輔導說明會暨端午關懷活動;9月9日辦理個體業者生活輔導說明會暨中秋關懷活動。(三)4月28日研擬個體業者形象改造作業計畫書,11月15日辦理補助機具、保險發放作業。(四)媒合5處社區結合物業推動資源回收作業九、加強宣導本計畫有關法令(一)5月18日辦理第1場法令說明會「回收業相關法令宣導說明會」;6月16日辦理第2場法令說明會「應回收電子電器販賣業者相關法令宣導說明會」。(二)每月已發佈1則媒體正向消息報導及媒體宣導資源回收工作。十、辦理推動里資源回收績效評比業務工作,於5月17日邀請里幹事辦理評比說明會,10月辦理現場考核評比作業,評比結果東區第1名頂庄里、第2名義教里、第3名荖藤里、第4名華南里、第5名仁義里、優等安寮里及興仁里;西區第1名文化里、第2名國華里、第3名新西里、第4名福全里、第5名西平里、優等保安里及保福里。十一、3月8日、6月29日及8月19日辦理在職人員教育訓練。 This project was March 1, 2011 complete the contract, during the execution of the work from 2011 March 1 to December 31 a total of about 10 months. Based on contract terms, 5 June interim report submitted. October 16 to submit final report. The plan includes the decrease of the amount of trash, recycling, and the enterprises being investigated and guidance. It was discussed with all 11 works.1. Regarding to the improvement of management system in responsible enterprises.Proactive inspection are not registered and is not marked goods operation, 6 cases outside the county, 5 cases of EPA. Those who complete the 90 family business, and 196 active inspection of goods. And found 16 illegal material responsibility.2. Waste reduction, resource recycling and reuse work and results archive inspection, assessment general service work.(1) Community, government agencies and organizations, schools, community-designated classification audit done 185 times, government agencies and organizations 45 times, 46 times the school house, a total of 276 times.(2) Complete the inspection line 45, in the pass rate, found that 43 routes pass rate is higher than 80%, compared with results of 99 years there has been significant progress. Field operations found that people emit more than garbage bags of recyclables to paper (lunch boxes) and plastic for the largest.(3) Help maintain and update the network reporting system. Chiayi City for recycling information management systems and statistical software maintenance updates. Meeting monthly recycling results throughout the four systems, and to help archive and submit EPA.(4) Made three waste reduction, recycling work of the innovative approach. "Recycling Exchange Mobile Group", "recovery without borders, pulling the Earth clean" and "cups, plastic cups rope love for recycling", and resource recovery project "to promote the recycling of kitchen waste, Chiayi City Health", "99-year recycling project - green Food month. "3. Regarding to the improvement of management system in recycling and disposal enterprises.(1) For registration and registration industry change, extension work. Yun Sheng recyclers to complete registration extension work.(2) Environmental health for the industry and operational management counseling and checking. Month to complete all of the city by tube environmental health inspections of commercial recycling operations.(3) Maintenance and update basic information resource recyclers. New Yong Chang recycling industry. A total of 42 collectors in the existing basic information.4. Regarding to the improvement of management system in sales enterprises(1) Completed 675 on-site inspection. Decreased by 24 industry, increased by 18 operators, the city tube trafficking industry total 644, another 117 illegal businesses. Mostly not posting recycling signs, recycling and recovery faded sticker stickers off the case.(2) Recycling industry in general by the individual and civil society groups recovered, the rest of recyclable materials delivered to the company and the cleaning team recovered.(3) Regarding to the improvement of management system in restaurant enterprises, hotel enterprises, and department stores, 106 cases were taken to examine.(4) Completion of 26 locomotives scheduled inspection station maintenance free waste oil collection points, recycling and log in information management systems. On May 18th for collectors and regulations advocacy advocacy briefings waste oil regulations and September 28 for waste oil regulations advocacy briefings.5. "Limit mercury cell" and "limit the input and sale of mercury thermometers."(1) Time limit to complete 247 vendors were on-site inspection batteries(2) To complete the 465 medical institutions and non-medical organizations mercury thermometer to check with the counseling field6. Plastic bags for shopping and disposable tableware and packaging inspection work over the product limit.(1) Limited shopping plastic bags and restricting the use of industry completed a total of disposable tableware 1325 times to check operation. Fill out a single food and beverage industry to persuade, to complete the follow-up review of operations.(2) Complete Valentine's Day, Mid-Autumn Festival gift visits excessive packaging operations(3) 58 times to complete inspection work specified industry, are in line with the provisions of the book reduction plan.7. Recycling of waste reduction education for advocacy work(1) On April 22 for "nation-building years Earth Day Garden wonderful one hundred low-carbon" green propaganda activities(2) September 1, propaganda of the plastic material submitted code, four waste recycling machine, a beverage cup with source reduction and recycling. May 28, procurement of green glass, green flashlight and Lock Box.(3) For 215 of the recycling content of electronic media, print media(4) In June 5 (World Environment Day) for second-hand Flea Market(5) Animated film with a beverage cup with source reduction and recycling incentive for the theme of the production version and Taiwanese version of Mandarin.8. Recycling image transformation(1) On March 8 develop recycling station image reconstruction plan. Submit applications for review of image reconstruction unit plan, and complete acceptance of the job.(2) June 5 for individual industry life care counseling Seminar and the Dragon Boat Festival activities; September 9 for description of individual counseling industry Conference and Mid-life care activities.(3) April 28 develop individual work plans to transform the image of the industry. November 15 for equipment subsidies, insurance, payment operations.(4) Combination of properties matching five community work to promote recycling.9. The advocacy project related laws(1) May 18 for the 1st Conference "recycling-related laws advocacy briefings." June 16 for the 2nd Conference "should be selling recycling electrical and electronic industry-related laws advocacy briefings".(2) Published monthly positive news media coverage and media advocacy resource recovery.10. For promoting the performance appraisal in recycling operations. On May 17 will be described for appraisal. October for on-site assessment appraisal work. Appraisal results, the first is Dǐng Jhuang Vil. of East, the second is Yì Jiao Vil., and the third is Lǎo Téng Vil., the fourth is Huá Nán Vil., the fifth is Rén Yì Vil., the excellent is An Liáo Vil. and Sing Rén Vil.. The first is Wún Huà Vil. of West,, the second is Guó Huá Vil., and the third is Sin Si Vil., the fourth is Fú Cyuán Vil., the fifth is Si Píng Vil., the excellent is Bǎo An Vil. and Bǎo Fú Vil..11. March 8, June 29, August 19 for in-service staff training. 100 嘉義市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27286
100年臺中市空氣污染防制區提昇行動計畫 各項工作之進度達成情形如第一章表1.4-1,整體工作進度達100%。計畫執行期間承環保署、臺中市環保局及多位學者專家之指導協助,使本計畫各項工作能順利規劃與推動,除能符合合約規定亦以達成計畫目標。空氣品質變化追蹤,依據空氣污染防制法施行細則計算臺中市懸浮微粒第八大值懸浮微粒濃度為127μg/m3,雖低於99年公告之背景值130μg/m3,仍超過空氣品質標準,而臭氧小時第八高值114 ppb已符合空氣品質標準。PM、O3、SOx、NOx等污染物100年前10個月平均濃度亦較近年同期為低,PSI>100比例亦為90年以來最低。本計畫辦理「空氣污染防制策略研討會」已於8月11日順利舉行,會議中分別針對空氣品質管理策略、污染源改善策略、低污染及綠色交通發展等相關議題,進行專題演講與意見交流討論,並配合彙整相關議題納入臺中市環保局主管會報列管應持續研擬辦理議案,以提昇本市空氣污染管制與空氣品質管理效能。針對加嚴排放標準、既存固定污染源指定削減、輔導揮發性有機物減量、老舊柴油車汰舊、提高營建工地管理辦法符合率等5項策略進行減量模擬,其結果顯示:以老舊柴油車汰舊對臭氧改善較具成效,而提高營建工地管理辦法對懸浮微粒改善較具成效;而在所有策略執行後對空品影響的模擬結果,顯示均可達成二級防制區的目標。依據臺中市污染防制計畫書中較大排放削減量管制策略規劃與提昇至二級防制區減量目標削減量比較,NMHC仍有4千餘公噸減量目標需達成。而透過BACT推估之固定污染源NMHC可減量空間並不大,且無法滿足環評VOC排放抵減需求,建議加強汽機車排放、印刷業、表面塗裝業等移動源及逸散源進行管制。最後在臺中市分區管制規劃方面,建議在空品良好及污染負荷輕微的地區,應推動「臺中市空氣品質淨區」為策略主軸,發展低污染及特色觀光產業規劃維護空氣品質;污染排放量大及空品負荷沉重的地區,推動「區域空氣品質管理」策略,以控制污染排放、積極改善減量及改善空品為目標。期望可經由推動空氣品質淨區及區域空氣品質管理雙策略的作用下,能確實達成維護及改善空氣品質的目標。 100 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28327
環境災害管理資訊系統維護擴充及整合計畫(100年) 本計畫主要有五大項工作,包括系統功能增修及維護作業、模擬演練及災害發生時進駐作業、辦理系統實機操作說明會、資訊安全維護及管理作業、其他行政配合事項等。在系統功能增修及維護作業方面,完成了6類主要工作:1.環境清理車輛的請求支援及調度支援系統功能的建置,提供鄉鎮市清潔隊、縣市環保局及環保署在災害發生時進行機具資源請求支援及調度作業;2.增加任務指派功能,以方便掌握各單位所交辦的任務內容、追蹤處理的進度及任務完成時間;3.維護災害發生時的輪班表並結合線上簽到功能及資料匯出功能,以便了解單一時段各處室輪班人員及實際值班人員的資訊;4.擴充地方開口合約建置平台及更新維護資料內容,並依實際需求新增欄位、改善查詢界面、結果匯出、友善列印等功能;5.因應台北縣、台北市、台中縣市、台南縣市及高雄縣市等五都改制,進行系統14支程式及62張資料表修正;6.建置2種不同樣式的線上自動產製簡報(PowerPoint)功能,並整合納入系統即時數據、資料、地圖、照片等資訊。在模擬演練及災時進駐作業方面,本年度共執行了6次災時進駐作業。在辦理系統實機操作說明會方面,本年度共辦理了13場次的教育訓練,參與人數共581人次。在完成資訊安全維護及管理作業方面,主要執行4次伺服器作業系統安全性更新,每月(共計8次)交付資安檢查表予環保署監資處以確保資訊安全無虞,並於4月26日配合環保署進行異地備援演練。在其他行政配合事項方面,除依指示主動進行約207通電話溝通(如五都作業、系統操作熟悉確認等)外,亦於6月22日針對環保署應變小組及中央災害應變中心進駐人員辦理進駐人員教育訓練;於台南市及南投縣環保局辦理教育訓練時提供講師協助授課說明;並且設立諮詢專線、電子信箱、線上MSN等3大類主要客戶服務管道。本年度約有270件客戶服務。 2011 Environmental Emergency Management Information System Implementation and Integration This project was designed for 5 major works- the amendment and maintenance of systematic function, drill and arrangement for disaster, conference of practical system operation, data safety maintenance and management, and other administration matters.Regarding the amendment and maintenance of systematic function, 6 categories of work were completed. (1) The environmental clean-up vehicle request system and deploy support system were set up to provide township and municipal environment bureau and E.P.A machinery support and deploy when disaster take place.(2) The task assigned system was set up to master the task content of all units, the progress and the task completion time. (3) The information system combining shift table, online sign-in and data output function was set up to view the personnel on duty of all offices during the disaster. (4) Expanded local contract platform and the data maintenance, and amended new columns, improve inquiry interface, results and printing function based on practical needs. (5) In respond to the reformation of Taipei, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung, 14 programs and 62 paper works were amended. (6) Two different kinds of automatic PowerPoint system were established with the integration of instant figure, data, map and photo. Concerning drill and arrangement for disaster, we have conducted 6 drills. As for conference of practical system operation, 13 training programs were conducted with 581 participants. In regards of data safety maintenance and management, server safety system have been updated for 4 times, and the safety check list was handed to Department of Environmental Monitoring & Information Management under the E.P.A every month, 8 times in total, to ensure the data safety; besides, drill cooperated with E.P.A was conducted on April 26th. In terms of other administrative matters, 207 phone communication concerning 5 city operations, system operation check and so on were conducted, personnel training for disaster respond team and central disaster respond center was conducted on June 22nd; training was conducted in Tainan city and Tainan Environmental Protection Bureau; counseling hotline, email, MSN was set up for customer services. There were around 270 customer service cases this year. 100 毒管處 大陸水工股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30321
屏東縣100年度垃圾減量資源回收工作計畫 本工作團隊執行「屏東縣100年度垃圾減量資源回收工作計畫」,本縣資源回收率至100年10月份為止,回收率為30.9%,較99年27.5%提升3.4%,也符合環保署訂定屏東縣100年度回收率29%的目標。在環保署考評同組7縣市中,由去年度的第6名進步至第5名,年度回收率成長為最高。本計畫執行期程為自100年04月27日至100年12月31日止,本年度截至11月30日為止,計畫工作內容執行進度成果如下列說明:一、資源回收體系查核工作1.責任業共計執行596件次之查核工作,有569件合格,合格率95.5%,另27件違規,違規比例為4.5%。2.應設置資源回收設施之販賣業者稽查比例,以連鎖便利商店業所佔之稽查比例最高,共稽查111家次,佔41%。在所查核的274家次中,有58家查核有缺失情形,皆屬輕微不符規定,現場立即輔導完成改善。3.完成72家次回收處理業查核作業,包括回收業58家次及處理業14家次,查核違規項目,以「有無中文標示所貯存之廢物品或容器種類」與「是否有適當之災害防止及緊急應變措施」最高,各計有5家業者,不合格率為8%。不合格業者,輔導業者1個月內改善,經後續追蹤後,業者均能配合完成改善。二、限用政策查核作業1.限制產品過度包裝查核,完成493件,符合每月查核20件規定。2.查核117家204件執行限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣查核,查獲1家業者販賣1件違規商品,請業者現場將商品下架並依規定辦理。3.水銀體溫計回收宣導作業,配合辦理宣導活動及清潔隊在職教育訓練,宣導水銀體溫計對人體健康及環境影響,家中不使用或破損水銀體溫計,應妥善包裝後送交資源回收車回收等重點,總計宣導人數約19,893人次。本年度計回收1396(6542g)支,並交由環保局暫存。三、協助推動機關、學校、團體辦理資源回收工作完成372件次機關、學校、團體資源回收分類查核,並輔導提報月報表。99年及100年1-10月同期社區及機關團體回收量統計,經本計畫加強輔導提報資源回收量月報後,1-10月資源回收量58,728噸,較99年同期提升9.4%。99年提月報表的48個單位,有23單位持續提報,25個單位無故未申報,此部分經本計畫聯繫輔導後,目前均恢復回收量申報作業。此外,本計畫輔導屏東市國仁醫院等121個單位新增提報回收量月報表,對於本縣回收量有所助益,總計目前計有169個機關團體單位提報環保局回收量月報表。99年及100年1-10月經本計畫加強輔導學校提報資源回收量月報後,100年1-10月提報的資源回收量達1,524噸,較99年同期1,044噸提升46.0%,此已顯示本計畫本年度積極努力之成效。在本計畫執行學校輔導追蹤後,已提報環保局之學校單位自去年度的112所,本年度輔導增加75所,計187所,而去年度學校中有9所今年度未持續提報,經聯繫各校本年度均改提報至清潔隊。四、資源回收及垃圾強制分類查核工作1.執行18個鄉鎮市,27個機關、29所學校、2個營區(其中龍泉營區查2場次)及18個社區之查核工作。各月份查核場次分別為5月份6場次、6月份17場次、7月份5場次、8月份19場次、9月份33場次、10月份9場次及11月份6場次,共計95場次,符合每月4場次之規定。在95場次機關、學校、社區及營區中,有14場符合規定,有66場次為「資源物資3件以下,現場輔導分類改善」,可回收資源物主要為紙類、鋁罐和保特瓶;有15場次「資源物資3件以上,不符合規定,情節嚴重予以退回」,除提請清潔隊加強督導外,本計畫執行後續追蹤複查後已完成改善。2.本年度配合環保局政策,由環保局不定期指定執行焚化廠/轉運站現場查核作業。本計畫7月8日接獲首次環保局承辦人指示,自7/11起每週執行1次屏北轉運站垃圾車落地檢查作業,稽查對象以屏東市為主,查核作業主要依據民眾陳情案件辦理。截至9/29為止,已於7/14、7/20、7/26、8/5、8/11、8/15、8/25、9/8、9/15、9/22、9/29共執行11次。本年度計執行查屏北轉運站190輛目測判定,包括屏東市183車次、里港鄉5車次、鹽埔鄉及三地門鄉各1車次。在目視檢查之190輛內,針對疑似分類狀況不佳的車輛進行垃圾落地分類狀況查核,計執行屏東市14車次。查核結果顯示受抽查14車輛垃圾中,資源物所佔比例皆超過規定之2.5%標準,介於8-15%,若與去年度30%比較,已有大幅改善現象。五、資源回收源頭減量相關輔導查核作業1.本計畫執行本縣指定飲料販賣業場所,查核其一次用外帶飲料杯之使用、回收獎勵金實施及回收情形,每月4場次以上。截至11/30為止,計完成49家次「連鎖飲料店業」、「連鎖便利商店業」及「連鎖速食店業」查核及輔導作業。2.完成144處公廁廢乾電池回收筒,總計維護430處次,其中有300處次公廁廢乾電池回收筒正常,70處次回收筒老舊貼紙褪色,本計畫執行更新回收筒作業;130處次廢乾電池回收筒遺失,執行重新設置;另完成21處新列管公廁設置廢乾電池回收筒。在既有列管公廁中,有88處次公廁廢乾電池回收筒內有廢乾電池,本計畫均取回執行秤重,統計本年度廢乾電池回收總重量為13.2公斤。3.完成張貼汽車501輛次、機車2輛次,共503輛次,未移置拖吊數為56輛。六、提升資源回收率工作1.協助推動偏遠地區(含風景區)辦理資源回收作業:本年度透過宣導山地鄉教會及輔導山地鄉商店設置資源回收點後,回收率偏低之5個山地鄉截至10月份為止,回收率均較去年度提高,提高比率區間為2.8-19.7%。2.本年度優先輔導99年度回收率低之霧台鄉、泰武鄉、獅子鄉、高樹鄉及佳冬鄉等5鄉鎮,各鄉鎮回收率均有所提升,提升率介於4.91%-19.7%。 另亦加強輔導99年回收率低於23.5%的7鄉鎮,分別為長治鄉、內埔鄉、崁頂鄉、鹽埔鄉、瑪家鄉、牡丹鄉及竹田鄉,本年度各鄉鎮回收率均有所提升,提升率介於2.08%-15.32%。各鄉鎮回收率成長成效,確立了本計畫之輔導效益。3.推動建立「中影屏東影城」及「萬巒豬腳美食商圈」物業整合示範點。4.完成五處社區回收站形象改造作業。5.辦理12場次「100年度屏東縣清潔隊員在職教育訓練暨村里推動資源回收績效評比說明會」。七、辦理各項宣導說明會、觀摩活動及執行教育、宣導活動1.完成辦理12場次清潔隊員教育訓練。2.10/5完成辦理1場次外縣市資源回收業務交流活動。3.完成辦理15場次資源回收宣導活動、16場資源回收教育宣導說明會及4場次跳蚤市場活動,計35場。4.完成辦理春天吶喊資源回收宣導活動,並提出成果報告。整體宣導效益方面,100年度音樂季遊客數較99年增加,垃圾量較99年減少,資源垃圾回收量較99增加3.78公噸,回收率較99年提升18%。5.委託愛鄉傳播大製作股份有限公司於「屏北地區觀昇有線電視台」及「屏南地區屏南有線電視台」,自7/4至9/11以頻道跑馬燈方式,播放10則宣導內容,總宣導則數為770則。另在春天吶喊活動期間3/28-4/3計執行1則走馬燈內容託播7日,計77則宣導。在「建國100-攜手〝垃〞分類 樂活綠屏東」資源回收 環保愛地球 宣導活動期間亦委託觀昇有線電視,執行「觀昇有線電視」及「屏南有線電視」走馬燈活動宣導作業,委託期間為11/4-11/6及11/8-11/12計1則廣告託播7日,計77則宣導。在平面媒體、網路媒體新聞揭露及委託廣告刊登情形計77則,總計本年度資源回收媒體宣導總則數為1001則,達年度工作量目標,並提出委託播放證明書。6. 6/15召開屏東縣「廢四機逆向回收政策」家電販賣業及回收、處理業法規輔導說明會工作,完成年度執行回收處理業宣導會議1場次目標。7.本計畫以延續性及有續航力為原則,研擬及執行下列五項資源回收宣導創新作法: (1)資源回收順啦!(2)原鄉回收「優多」示範商店。(3)阿猴易物蚤堂。(4)故事媽媽-說出資源回收愛地球的故事。(5)環保廟會(環保踩街)-屏東起飛。8.完成辦理1場大型垃圾減量資源回收創意宣導活動。八、配合環保署重大政策施行1.完成2次廢潤滑油免費回收點巡查及輔導作業,執行成果已提報承辦人核定。2.透過宣導會議、宣導活動、清潔隊教育訓練、教會、學校及配合廢四機販賣業查核作業等執行政策執行宣導,並提供包括「廢四機回收問答集」宣導單張予廢四機販賣業者贈予民眾,及宣導海報張貼公告營業場所出入口明顯處。 100 屏東縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27767
「交通噪音改善計畫噪音評估模式查驗」專案工作計畫 陸上運輸系統噪音管制標準發布施行後,噪音陳情案未符合管制標準者,交通營運管理機關需辦理交通噪音改善。交通噪音改善計畫須針對陳情點進行噪音評估模擬,除釐清噪音主要之來源外,另外可以依據評估模式進行減輕對策模擬,以便瞭解對策之成效。本計畫主要執行內容如下: 1.訂定查驗送審噪音評估案件之流程。2.訂定相關查驗使用之表單。3.訂定送審所需資料。4.訂定交通系統噪音源聲功率量測方法。5.訂定審查噪音模式原則。6.審查至少15件之噪音改善案之噪音評估模式。 The check of the theoretical noise models for noise abatement plan of ground transportation systems Since the noise regulation of land-based transportation takes effect, all the noise complaints that did not meet the noise regulation, the office in charge should take action to propose mitigation plan to the noise problem. The noise mitigation proposal should include the modeling of the acoustic environment at the site of noise complaint. Besides clarifying the main noise source, the acoustic model will allow mitigation plans to be evaluated before actual construction. Therefore the main purpose of this project is to:1.prepare the workflow of the pier review for the acoustic model.2.prepare the related document for the pier review.3.regulate the document needed for the pier review.4.propose regulation for the pier review.5.setting up method for measuring the sound power level of the transportation systems.6.review at least 15 cases of mitigation proposal. 100 空保處 國立台灣海洋大學振動噪音工程研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=39982
低碳城鄉環境調適與災害防救規劃專案工作計畫 本計畫執行工作為「環境調適與災害防救」,依據工作項目要求完成,(1)成立「技術與資訊諮詢小組」及「方案推動與協調小組」兩小組,並召開5次運作小組會議及5次專家諮詢會議,研擬低碳城鄉之環境調適及災害防救推動策略及措施草案,內容包含推動目標與中央及各層級單位之工作分配、期程規劃、行動項目內容、績效認證機制、管考評比機制等;(2)蒐集分析國內外環境調適與災害防救相關策略、制度、法規、發展趨勢及相關配套措施;(3)蒐集國內外環境調適與災害防救之技術與策略種類;(4)建置低碳城鄉環境調適與災害防救應用資訊交流平台;(5)蒐集並檢視現行政府及企業之災害防救中應變作業等,以提供低碳永續家園推動方案進行相關推動與評等規劃。本運作機能亦針對推動策略及措施(草案)所需之技術與方案進行資料彙整,以建立低碳城鄉環境調適及災害防救所需技術與策略路徑,且規劃了23項行動項目內容,並完成初步中央各部會分工、優先執行順序、評分層級等事項,並將其資訊納入應用資訊交流平台中,讓大眾更能掌握環境調適與災害防救資訊,未來將配合環保署持續進行更新。 Environmental Adaptation for Low-Carbon Town and Disaster Prevention and Protection We implemented the project named “Environmental Adaptation for Low-Carbon Town and Disaster Prevention and Protection” to scheme out strategies of protecting our environment, society, and economy. We have completed five work items for planned and the low-carbon and sustainable town program. 1) Marked out two operational groups, one is “Technology and Information Consults Group” and the other is “Promoting and coordinating for Case Group”. We also held 5 meetings for our operational groups and 5 conferences for professionals co-consulting to draft preliminary policies and strategies for environmental adaptation for the low-carbon town and disaster prevention and protection, including assignments for central ministries, period for performing, making descriptions of operational items, authentication and control mechanism etc.. 2) Researched, analyzed and planed policies, regulations, rules, technologies, training, educational propaganda. 3) Researched environmental adaptation and disaster prevention and protection technologies and strategies. 4) Established “Environmental Adaptation for Low-Carbon Town and Disaster Prevention and Protection” internet platform for information exchanges. 5) Researched and reviewed government’s and corporations’to response actions for Disaster Prevention and Protection. For established technologic procedure illustrations for environment adaptation and disaster prevention and protection, it has researched several technologies and programs that suited to national adaptation strategies. For “Environmental Adaptation for Low-Carbon Town and Disaster Prevention and Protection,” there were 23 operational items and assignments for central ministries, and executed order and score have been schemed out. The emergency information on disaster prevention and protection of government and corporate will be updated posted on the internet platform, so that the public will get relevant information of more universally. 100 毒管處 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40685
宜蘭縣100年度民有民營街道揚塵洗掃計畫 本計畫主要針對本縣境內主要重點道路進行街道洗掃,並依甄選須知之委託說明所排定路線採定時、定線洗掃。為順利且完整執行本計畫,本專案小組作業時先行前置作業、人員教育訓練、掃街路段及水源之取得及使用現勘。並針對洗掃後之成效進行評估及稽核,依實際狀況調整規劃洗掃方式及路段、道路揚塵濃度PM10、民意調查。以上工作流程及內容將會在本期報告加以說明。本計畫主要以宜蘭縣宜蘭市、蘇澳鎮、冬山鄉、頭城鎮、壯圍鄉、五結鄉、三星鄉等鄉鎮市為街道揚塵沖洗掃區域,依計畫委託說明要求排定39條路線為洗掃作業。統計洗掃街作業自100年6月1日起至101年5月31日止之執行進度洗街作業共執行14,333.6公里,累計進度102.18%;掃街作業共執行14,333.6公里,累計進度102.18%。 100 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 立達環境事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41425
全國工業區土壤及地下水品質管理計畫(第一期) 本計畫主要工作為整合評析全國編定工業區之基本運作、環境背景及監測歷史資料,以規劃研訂分級燈號預警管理制度、建置污染潛勢評量系統,並透過研商機制統籌分配各單位監測資源及研訂工業區監測異常處理標準作業程序。此外,本計畫應依燈號分級與污染潛勢評量結果及各單位分工需求,優先篩選及調查工業區土壤及地下水品質。有關研訂分級燈號預警管理制度部分,本計畫已完成全國編定工業區之基本資料、環境背景、水文地質、空水廢毒運作維護、監測歷史及場址列管資料之整合評析工作,並依工業區監測現況及相關法規管制情形,以紅、橘、黃、綠等4種燈號進行工業區分級管理,擬訂內容包括各分級燈號之定義、管理目標、具體行動方案、各單位分工要項及燈號變換機制等,後續可依本方案作為跨單位協商分工之基礎,逐步落實推動各燈號工業區管理工作。工業區土壤及地下水品質調查部分,本計畫首先針對過去曾有地下水監測異常,惟需確認屬局部污染或有擴大情形者,優先篩選4處公辦工業區(大園、大發、永康及銅鑼)進行調查,其中大園工業區確認污染有擴散之虞,建議納入預警網計畫(第二期)優先設置名單,並規劃公告列管3處場址;永康及大發工業區污染未持續擴散,建議持續追蹤評估;銅鑼工業區無持續異常情形,可調降其燈號。此外,針對污染潛勢較高且區內均無監測資訊者,本計畫優先篩選9處地方政府或民間自行開發工業區(岡山本洲、大將、三義、北斗、保安、新市、曾文、龍船及樹谷)進行高污染潛勢區域調查並協助完備監測井網設置工作,其中三義、北斗、保安及新市均有土壤或地下水達管制標準情形,應調升其燈號並辦理後續監測管理及行政管制作業。工業區監測異常處理標準作業程序研訂部分,本計畫整合目的事業主管機關及各級環保機關法規主管事項,依工業區監測現況,擬訂工業區監測異常處理之標準作業程序,以建立各單位分工機制並整合資源發揮綜效。此外,本計畫亦協助彙整評析各類目的事業主管機關相關法令,並研議與工業區土水品質管理相關法規及其他具體配套策略,目前已有初步成果者,包括「目的事業主管機關未盡善良管理人注意義務之相關規定」及「工業區地下水污染事證認定評估準則」等。 Soil and Groundwater Quality Management of National Industrial Parks(the first project) The main tasks of this project were to integrate and analyze the historical data on the operation, environmental conditions and monitoring results of nationwide industrial parks for planning and developing a light classification system of early warning and management of soil and water pollution, and setting up a pollution potential assessment system. This project was also to coordinate and allocate monitoring resources among the government agencies through consultation, as well as to develop a standard operating procedures for dealing with abnormal monitoring results of industrial parks. Furthermore, this project had also set up a priority list for high potential polluted industrial parks and investigated their soil and groundwater qualities based on the results of the light classification and pollution potential assessment, as well as the requirement of collaboration.With regard to developing a classified lights system of early warning and management, this project integrated and analyzed 151 industrial parks’ basic and environmental information, including hydro-geology, operation and maintenance of air, water, waste and toxic materials, monitoring and site control data. Based on the results, all the industrial parks were classified into four early warning lights, including red, orange, yellow and green, for carrying out respective pollution management in the future. The definition, management targets, and transition mechanism of each light were also proposed.Regarding the investigation of soil and underground water quality, four public-built industrial parks with abnormal monitoring results of groundwater in the past were selected. Among them, Dayuan industrial park was confirmed that there was a possibility of pollution diffusion and was suggested to be included in the priority investigation list of “Groundwater Quality Monitoring Well Early Warning Network Planning Project for High Potential Polluted Industrial Parks (Phase 2 Project).” Dafa and Yongkang industrial parks were found to have no pollution diffusion and were suggested to be continuously monitored; Tongluo industrial park was also found to have no persistent abnormal conditions, and its early warning light could be adjusted down. In addition, 9 private-built or local government-built industrial parks were also investigated for their pollution potential and assistance was provided for setting up of monitoring well networks. Among them, Sanyi, Beidou, Baoan and Xinshi industrial parks were proposed to adjust up the early warning lights due to their abnormal monitoring records, and continuous monitoring and administrative control were also suggested.Regarding the development of standard operation procedures, this project studied and integrated the laws and regulations of the government environmental protection agencies and the competent authorities overseeing the industrial parks to draft up the standard operating procedures for dealing with various abnormal monitoring results of the industrial parks, so as to set up a collaboration mechanism of pollution treatment and improvement. As for other related administrative tasks, this project assisted the EPA to review and draft related regulations and administrative approaches for the soil and groundwater quality management of industrial parks. 100 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=39689
推動及帶動閱讀環保生態讀書風氣計畫 (一)持續充實環保讀書會網站並設立部落格,完成成立環保生態讀書會網站,設立7個部落格,由固定 7位導讀人,每月定期將閱讀書籍心得放入部落格中,並發表感想。(二)由讀書會成員每周一次,每次半小時進行廣播,將環保生態教育理念藉由電台廣播,加強推廣至基層民眾 (三)建置淨化室內空氣污染之示範教學場地,並召開記者會 100 空保處 財團法人環保媽媽環境保護基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27311
100年度嘉義縣營建工地與逸散源污染管制及空污費查核計畫 工作成果摘要 計畫名稱︰營建工地及逸散源污染管制計畫 執行期間︰100年3月19日~100年12月31日 計畫經費︰簽約金額9,020仟元 計畫主持人︰賴柏錡 執行人力︰專案經理徐志銘和鄭同啟、蘇岳玄、陳銘駿、蔡育霖、林綉繢、許沐霖、張家瑋、施萊曛、蔡宗樺、謝幸欣、莊鎔菱、吳佳錦、侯燕玲、張美華等15人。本計畫辦理「100年度嘉義縣營建工地及逸散源污染管制計畫」,自100年3月19日執行至12月31日止,原預定各主要工作項目進度均已如期完成,各項量化執行成果摘要如表1及下述︰一、營建工程空氣污染之巡查管制、空污費徵收統計本年度為增進營建工程管制成效,全年度目前共計完成4,341件次營建工地巡查作業,並於每月針對轄內前20大營建工地進行輔導改善作業,已輔導62工地進行污染防制設施改善作業,因此本年度之各項污染管制指標都亦有明顯提升並維持一定水準,如全縣營建工地巡查納管率由97、98、99年的79%、74%及92%至100年的92%,計畫期間管制前100年3月~100年12月31日,管制前100年3月~100年12本縣營建工地TSP污染負荷平均為4.35kg/月-公頃;管制後為1.68kg/月-公頃,達成之削減率約為61.44%營建工程空污費徵收、追繳方面,總申報件數為2,386件,協助徵收金額達40,484,612元;而本年度針對應繳空污費總額在3,000以上之房屋建築工程以及每月前50大工程透過現場實地查核,針對目前141處超出原申報工期者均已進行催繳作業,其中共有43處營建工程已完成空污費補繳,繳回金額為528,309元整,另外,本縣也透過建築管理科、交通局道路交通安全聯席會報等單位組成通報平台,針對增建、擴建以及道路相關工程進行通報,由環保局進行空污費繳納追蹤,共有300件橫向列管案件,其中已追繳116件,合計補繳金額為2,010,488元。二、營建大型工地輔導新開發大型工地輔導方面,目前已完成共三季15家次工地輔導,其輔導成效比較輔導前後TSP削減量及削減率,發現受輔導後各工地之TSP削減量及削減率皆有所提升,受輔導之15個工地每月合計可增加TSP削減量為1,767公斤,TSP削減率至少提升了2%。另外,37處大型工地輔導前後TSP削減量及削減率,比較輔導後TSP削減量每月合計約增加1,358kg,即每月約增加1.3公噸之TSP削減量,而TSP削減率則由39.85%提升至57.64%,削減率約提升17.79%。三、陳情案件處理計畫期間(100.3.19~100.12.15)計有46件陳情案件,其中10處有重複陳情發生,針對重複陳情案件及重大污染工地分別於100年5月11日、6月17日召開兩場次共5處工地污染協商會,重複陳情案件亦已完成改善,降低陳情再度發生。四、固定源逸散性粒狀污染物管制-逸散性運輸車輛查核在固定源逸散性粒狀污染物管制方面,逸散性運輸車輛除定點攔查外,本年度首次針對未符合固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法之運輸車輛,進行行車記錄器跟拍,於各組巡查作業路程中機動跟拍未符合防塵網須下拉15公分之砂石車,今年度機動跟拍30輛次,後續發文通知改善。五、其他辦理事項-稻草再利用推廣針對稻草梗之再利用,本年度延續近年來持續推動之稻草蓆舖面再利用措施,今年度更與雲嘉南各縣市環保局設置一雲嘉南稻草再利用聯合平台,其中本縣鋪設141.83公頃,較前幾年度平均鋪設面積有大幅增長,這除了歷年來針對營建業主大力宣導進行稻草席污染防制措施編列外,所建置完成之稻草再利用聯合平台也陸續發揮其功效。 100 嘉義縣環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=84496
排放管道中環氧氯丙烷等有機空氣污染物檢測技術開發研究 本計畫目的開發排放管道中環氧氯丙烷等8種空氣污染物檢測技術,以提供行政院環保署環境檢驗所檢測方法之參考依據。由於8種空氣污染物的特性不一, 8種空氣汙染物必需選擇合適的採樣和分析方法進行研究。執行成果方面:開發完成環氧氯丙烷、乙酸丁酯、丙烯酸乙酯和丙烯酸丁酯以採樣袋採樣經由GC-FID分析方法,環氧氯丙烷偵測極限達0.1ppm、乙酸丁酯偵測極限達0.04ppm、丙烯酸乙酯偵測極限達0.02ppm、丙烯酸丁酯偵測極限達0.1ppm,環氧氯丙烷等4物種保存3天以上仍有85%以上的回收率;二氯甲醚以衝擊瓶採樣以正己烷作為吸收液,經由GC-ECD分析方法,偵測極限達0.1ppm,保存8天以上仍有95%的回收率;硫酸乙酯以衝擊瓶採樣,正丁醇作為吸收液,經由GC-FPD分析方法,偵測極限達0.4ppm,保存兩天仍有81.48%的回收率;二異氰酸甲苯和二異氰酸二苯甲烷以衝擊瓶採樣,以乙胺作為衍生試劑溶於二甲基亞碸作為吸收液,經由HPLC-FL分析方法,2,6-TDI的偵測極限可達0.33ppm、2,4-TDI偵測極限可達0.46ppm、MDI偵測極限可達0.35ppm,二異氰酸甲苯和二異氰酸二苯甲烷保存四天仍有90%以上的回收率。政策面執行上,本計畫所開發的採樣分析方法可對於石化業、電子業、化工業等產業使用8種污染物時提供排放管道中檢測技術,並可作為日後環保署訂定檢測方法及排放標準之參考。 Development of Organic Air Pollutants (1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane, bis-Chloromethyl Ether, n-Buthyl A The purpose of the project is to development of organic air pollutants (1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane, bis-Chloromethyl Ether, n-Buthyl Acetate, Ethyl Acrylate, Toluene Diisocyanate, Methylene Disphenyl Isocyanate, Dimethyl Sulfate, n-Butyl Acrylate ) sampling and analyse technology in stack.and provide EPA's environmental inspection of the air pollutants to create this eight kinds of test methods.As the eight kinds of different characteristics of air pollutants, including boiling point range (99 ~ 251 ℃) and the saturated vapor pressure (13 ~ 0.00014 mmHg), pollutants exist in stacks with different kind of states : in the gaseous, droplet and other types exist, Therefore, eight kinds of air pollutants in the experiment must be created with appropriate sampling and analyse methods. We Sample 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane, n-Buthyl Acetate, Ethyl Acrylate and n-Butyl Acrylate by the sampling bags and analyse with GC-FID; and sample bis-Chloromethyl Ether with impinger with n-hexane as absorbent and analyse by GC-ECD; and sample Dimethyl Sulfate with impinger with n-butanol as the absorpt and analyse by GC-FPD; and sample Toluene Diisocyanate and Methylene Disphenyl Isocyanate with impinger. Use Tryptamine as a derivative reagent dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide as absorbent and analyse by HPLC-FL. We developed 8 kinds of air pollutants analyse technology, including methods of quality assurance standards, calibration, detection limits, sample storage, precision accuracy, etc., We also established the draft methods and technological diffusion. 100 環檢所 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27689
「土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料申報輔導、審查與勾稽計畫(乙)」 本計畫主要目的為協助地方環保局執行事業依「土壤及地下水污染整治法」第8、9條規定提送之土壤調查評估及檢測資料相關備審查作業。本計畫依「土壤及地下水污染整治法」第8、9條新修正公告內容訂定土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料備查與審查作業模式,以確保審查過程的客觀性,本計畫共受理232件備查案件,已通過審查確認案件數共188件。為了解現場採樣作業情形,我們依事業申報「土壤及地下水污染整治法」第8、9條採樣行程,共辦理72件現場訪查作業。為確保事業了解「土壤及地下水污染整治法」第8、9條新修正規定,本計畫辦理公告事業宣導說明會及諮詢服務。為確保資料後續可用性,針對完成備查與審查之資料進行輸入及電子化作業。本計畫完成7場宣導說明會議及設置2線諮詢專線,提供備查與審查申辦之諮詢服務共85件及完成292件備查與審查後之資料輸入及電子化作業。本計畫負責行政區域為彰化縣、南投縣、雲林縣、嘉義市、嘉義縣、台南市、高雄市、屏東縣、台東縣及澎湖縣等10個縣市。 Project of the Guidance, Review and Auditing Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation and Test Data ( The purpose of this project was to assist local environmental protection bureaus on review and auditing Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation and Test Data, which were mandated by Article 8 and 9 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. We developed Standard Operation Procedure for review and auditing the Data according the new amendment of Article 8 and 9 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. The Standard Operation Procedure provided objective guidelines for the reviewer. We review and auditing 233 Test Data, 188 of them were passed and finalized. In order to find out how the soil sampling performed, we paid 72 times on-site visits to enterprises when they were performing soil sampling for the purpose of Article 8 and 9 of Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act according to the filing schedule.  To make sure the enterprises knew new amendment of Article 8 and 9 of Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, we held 7 public advocacy meetings and provided 85 professional consulting by setting up 2 hotlines. We also helped 292 finalized Data entry for future use. This project were in charge of the review and auditing the Data for 10 administrative regions, including Chunghwa County, Nantou County, Yulin County, Chiayi City, Chiayi County, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, Pintong County, Taitung City and Penghu County. 100 土污基管會 衛宇科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37691