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金門縣100年度「各行業別粒狀污染物排放特性探討及建立重金屬排放指紋資料庫計畫」 本計畫於2011年5月27日至2012年3月31期間,在金門縣內選定4種不同行業別共7個固定污染源煙道氣體進行採樣,並分析其粒狀污染物之化學與物理特性。分析結果指出,電力業粒狀物排放量為本計畫各行業別中最高,而其粒徑主要以<2.5μm之PM2.5為主。塔山電廠係以燃燒重油引擎為發電機組,鎳(Ni)釩(V)比例為其化學成份特徵,塔山電廠燃油引擎PM2.5鎳釩比平均約為3.68遠較其他燃油鍋爐為高,經由電子顯微鏡觀察塔山電廠粒狀物外觀為呈現葡萄串狀微粒堆疊,具明顯鑑別度。酒精釀造業蒸氣鍋爐粒狀污染物粒徑<2.5μm約佔總粒狀物中43 %~53 %,而該產業蒸氣鍋爐粒狀污染物排放係數較其他產業為低,其化學成分特性則是以水溶性鈉離子明顯較其他產業為高。陶瓷製品製造業排放之粒狀物以粒徑<2.5μm的PM2.5為主,佔總粒狀物超過72%,而陶瓷業粒狀物晶相以黏土中常見的雲母等鋁矽酸鹽類結晶為該產業特徵,陶瓷業化學成分則以鋅、鉛為主要重金屬。本計畫中瀝青混凝土製造業乾燥爐以重油為燃料,故粒狀物中鎳釩比可做為其排放特性,本計畫瀝青混凝土製造業鎳釩比約為2.03,與文獻中燃油鍋爐之鎳釩比相近。經以主成分分析法解析金門地區各行業別固定污染源粒狀物中重金屬主成分,由分析結果可知,電力供應業PM10及PM2.5中可分別以5個及3個成份因子組成解釋其重金屬成份因子變異量,酒精釀造業PM10及PM2.5中則可分別以3個及2個主成份解釋其重金屬成份因子變異量,陶瓷製品製造業及瀝青混凝土製造業則可分別以3個及2個重金屬成份因子組成說明其變異量。而經由CMB模式模擬顯示,台電塔山廠對於金水里周界大氣貢獻量約為7.28 %,而金門陶瓷廠對其周界大氣之貢獻量僅約0.35 %。本計畫除針對四大行業別實施實廠採樣外,另針對縣內各固定污染源以原物料與燃料使用情形方式清查評估其製程風險指標,清查結果顯示,金門地區並無製程高度風險之固定污染源。而為能在空氣污染事件發生時,可迅速掌握背景資料及採取應變措施,本團隊已協助完成空氣污染事件採證工具購置,並於2011年12月14日與軍方及縣內其他各局處完成緊急應變兵棋推演及實兵演練工作。 “Study on characteristic of particulate emission from various industries and establishment of particulate emission fingerprint for heavy metal” In this project, seven stationary sources including four different industries located in Kinmen County were selected for conducting flue gas sampling to determine the chemical and physical particulate characteristics between 27th May 2011 and 31st March 2012. The result of analysis indicates that the quantity of particulate matter (PM) emitted from stationary source of power plant is higher than other industries. In addition, PM2.5 (aerodynamic diameter of particle ≦ 2.5 μm) is predominant particulate size for the flue gas of power plant industry. Due to the electricity generation of heavy oil-fueled engine process in Ta-Shan power plant, the ratio of nickel (Ni) to vanadium (V) can be an indicator for the compositions of particles emitted from heavy oil-fueled power plant. The average ratio of Ni to V for PM2.5 is 3.68, higher than other emission from oil-fueled combustion and from diesel engine combustion process. As for the result of scanning electron microscope (SEM) shows that several tiny, almost spherical primary, particles agglomerate in Ta-Shan (heavy oil-fueled) power plant significantly. Besides, the proportion of PM2.5 to PM concentration is about 43% to 53% for the emission of diesel-fueled boiler in kaoliang distillery industry. Compared with other industries, kaoliang distillery industry has lower particulate emission factor in this project due to its diesel-fueled steam boiler. In terms of the result for chemical compositions analysis, the soluble ion: Na+ of particle emitted from kaoliang distillery industry is higher than other industries in Kinmen. Furthermore, PM2.5 is also predominant particulate size for the flue gas of ceramic industry. The proportion of PM2.5 to PM concentration is above 72%. The result of X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis indicates that the particulate matter emitted from ceramic industry has significant crystal structure such as Mica and other aluminum silicate crystallizations. Moreover, the predominant heavy metals of particulate matter are Zn and Pb respectively in ceramic industry. In Kinmen, because of heavy oil-fueled combustion process, similar to heavy oil-fueled power plant, the ratio of nickel (Ni) to vanadium (V) also can be an indicator for particulate matter in asphalt concrete industry. The average ratio of Ni to V for the compositions of particles in asphalt concrete industry is about 2.03, similar to the value from other studies of heavy oil-fueled boiler in references.According to the result of principal component analysis (PCA) for various industries’ stationary sources heavy metal emission, the power supply industry has five and three principal component factors to identify the variance of PM10 and PM2.5 respectively. The kaoliang distillery industry has three and two principal component factors to identify the variance of PM10 and PM2.5 respectively. As for the ceramic industry and asphalt concrete industry, three and two principal component factors can be identified for variance respectively. Meanwhile, the result of chemical mass balance (CMB) model calculation shows that the contribution of the ambient for Jin-Shui village from Ta-Shan power plant is about 7.28%. However, the contribution of the ambient from Kinmen ceramic factory is about 0.35%.In addition to conducting flue gas sampling for four industries’ stationary sources, the process’ risk indicator of stationary sources in Kinmen is established and evaluated by the information of raw materials and fuel usage. The result of investigation shows that non high risk process of stationary sources in Kinmen. In order to understand and handle the emergent situation of air pollution, the air pollution monitoring and sampling devices are purchased and prepared for investigating and sampling during emergency of air pollution. Furthermore, Environmental Protection Bureau of Kinmen County and other Bureau of Kinmen County as well as the army-related organizations accomplished the emergency practice of air pollution on 14th December 2011. 100 金門縣環境保護局 澤豐工程科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=39800
屏東縣加強農業廢棄物露天燃燒稽查管制及紙錢減量焚燒處理計畫 本計畫之目的是要導正農民處理農業廢棄物及紙錢露天燃燒之方式,以維護轄區之空氣品質。在巡查管制作業方面,本年度查獲610件露天燃燒之案件,燃燒較嚴重的鄉鎮依序為南州鄉、枋寮鄉、林邊鄉,最易產生露天燃燒之種類為蓮霧廢枝葉,並將查獲之露天燃燒案件建置於地理資訊系統,以利後續之稽巡查作業。另外,本年度為有效解決農業廢棄物露天燃燒之問題,提供農民多項輔導,包含輔導農民果樹廢枝葉破碎處理258.3公頃、農業廢棄物多元化處理62.09公頃、輔導及成立環保農園14班、執行台糖農地自主管理作業並查核出租農地272.3公頃。本年度辦理清明節及中元節紙錢集中焚燒處理,共77.62公噸,並透過親訪之方式,輔導15家廟宇執行祭祀品減量。 The Plan to Strengthen the Control of Burning Agricultural Wastes in Open Space and the Implementation to Decrease Quantity of Burning Joss Paper in Pingtung County The objective of the plan is to correct farmers’ behaviors of handling agricultural wastes and burning joss paper in open space, intending to maintain good air quality of the precinct. In the aspect of patrol and control work, there were 610 cases found to have burned things in open space. The townships having serious burning cases were Nanzhou Township, Fangliao Township and Linbian Township. The objects to be most frequently burned in open space were the waste leaves and twigs of wax apples. These cases of burning things in open space are entered in our geographical information system so as for making subsequent follow-up inspection and investigation. Besides, in order to effectively solve the problem of burning agricultural wastes in open space, multiple guidance and assistance items were offered to farmers this year, including teaching farmers the correct way of handling 258.3 hectares of waste fruit leaves and twigs by crumbling, diversified handling 62.09 hectares of agricultural wastes, offering guidance to farmers and opening 14 eco-plantation classes for them, implementing self-management operation of the farmland of Taiwan Sugar Corporation, and checking of 272.3hectares of leased farmland. This year concentrated burning of joss paper was held at Ching Ming Festival and Ghost Festival, having burned a total of 77.62 metric tons of joss paper. Through personal visits, there were 15 temples being advised to decrease the quantity of sacrificial offerings. 100 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28309
台歐盟跨境溫室氣體觀測專案工作計畫(第2年) 氣候變遷和全球暖化,是全球人類在21 世紀所面對最嚴峻的生存考驗。這種情勢,加上全球石化燃料蘊藏量的減少,石油和原料價格高漲,以及新能源(含替代能源)的取得不易,將使得人類面臨前所未見的挑戰,面對這些全新的挑戰,我們在臺灣必需要有的新的思維方式,找出我們新的著力點,從而看出我們新的機會。在大量取代石化能源的新能源被發現之前,全球每年因為經濟發展而必需大量燃燒石化燃料所釋放到大氣裡的二氧化碳總量將持續的上升(如Choi et al.,2008;Marquis and Tans, 2008; Miller, 2008)。另一方面,因為極端天氣事件(例如:2005年大西洋颶風、2004年太平洋颱風)以及極端氣候事件的發展(例如:澳洲的嚴重乾旱)將迫使全球各國對溫室效應氣體的排放量採取更為嚴格的管制措施。 在這種全球暖化、氣候變遷和溫室效應氣體排放管制的必然發展趨勢之下,政府和民間必須及早擬定策略以因應此種全球暖化的現象和二氧化碳管制的現實需要。另外一方面,政府和民間必須能充分的獲得全球在暖化和二氧化碳管制等相關議題上的最新進展,以與全球暖化科技的進展同步。例如:因為二氧化碳排放管制所延伸出的二氧化碳排放交易市場(CO2 emission trading)已發展成為一種新的商機;而目前一些主要先進國家已將氣候和能源此兩個議題結合,透過創新的思考,將這些議題轉化為提升國家競爭力的一項重要機制。例如:瑞典政府在2006年6月宣告將打造瑞典於2020年時成為世界第一個無油國,透過此種的遠見與努力,一旦瑞典於2020年真的達成無油經濟的目標,甚或部份達成其所宣示的目標,瑞典所發展的一系列新能源科技將取代污染性的原油科技,而瑞典的乾淨科技將使瑞典成為全球新能源科技的輸出國,大幅的提升瑞典的國際競爭力。而根據一份即將於2008年1月出版的科學美國人(Scientific American) 的報導指出,美國也正全力發展太陽能,計畫於2050年時結束美國對進口原油的依賴,同時也大幅的降低溫室效應氣體的排放量。 國內先前與氣候變遷相關的研究多侷限於氣候變遷理論的探討以及推測氣候變遷的可能應用。但是相對應於國際各國為因應氣候變遷所熱烈進行的全球環境監測計畫(Keeling, 2008),例如民航機的空氣污染物及溫室效應氣體觀測,以及使用衛星遙測全球O3、CO、CO2、以及CH4等的國際性全球觀測活動,我國的氣候變遷相關活動卻大都無法與國際社會目前在氣候變遷的活動接軌。國內目前有關氣候變遷的監測能夠與國際有交流活動的僅限於鹿林山背景測景的觀測以及福爾摩沙衛星3 號的全球溫度(Wang and Lin, 2007;Wang et al., 2009)、水汽及離子層電子密度(Lin et al., 2007)等的觀測活動。 為維持臺灣產品在全球市場的競爭機會,我們在臺灣必須做出一些能夠對全球溫室效應氣體管制有實質貢獻的事情,以避免臺灣在全球溫室效應氣體管制的談判過程中邊緣化,進而影響臺灣產品未來在全球的行銷機會。另一方面,目前全球溫室效應氣體的觀測資料和觀測技術平台完全被歐洲、美國和日本等國家地區所掌握,因此建立全球的溫室效應氣體觀測平台可一方面加強我國與國際間溫室效應氣體觀測的技術合作,另一方面則可提我國自主的全球溫室效應氣體觀測能力。 100 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 國立中央大學環境研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36627
「公告指定電子電器物品販賣業者作業管理、回收申報輔導暨廢四機回收電子化系統維護、提升」專案工作計畫 我國廢四機回收處理量每年約177萬左右,認證回收率將近六成,為妥善回收廢電子電器物品並落實延伸生產者責任制度,環保署於100年7月將販賣業者納入資源回收體系中落實廢四機回收工作。本計畫完成之工作內容包括:(一)完成公告指定電子電器之販賣業者首次登記、變更登記、廢止登記之審查、輔導、建立相關審查輔導業務之標準作業流程(SOP),依環保署需求印製10,128份手冊、文宣,並舉辦67場宣導說明會,參與業者人數合計1,466人,亦執行完成105家業者以及各縣市環保機關輔導作業。(二)檢討遵行事項公告後廢四機回收制度之成效,廢四機回收率相對於去年同期有顯著的增加(100年7月份廢四機回收量較99年同時期增加2.1%),而民眾透過販賣業者進行逆向回收廢四機的比重高達84.3%。(三)為瞭解現行廢四機回收管理制度對販賣業者之影響並提高業者對政策之配合度,本計畫進行廢四機回收制度之優缺點、制度實務運作問題及制度實施前後業者所提出之各項意見進行調查分析,並針對廢四機回收管理制度及遵行事項草案舉辦專家學者研討會議,提出具體之改善與建議。(四)本計畫完成廢四機回收申報及管理系統之建置,包括七個使用對象之分眾功能,建置測試網站提供使用者進行測試了解系統操作方式,並依據使用者意見修正132處功能,定期更新系統中相關資訊(如:問答集等)並且開放使用者下載,最後設計防呆機制並且配合環保署資訊安全需求進行安全性演練,並且為確保系統穩定性進行人工以及機械等2次壓力測試,此外配合環保署資安演練4次。而為避免民眾個資外洩,申請政府憑證並設定網站加密傳輸,最後為提供身障民眾公平之系統使用權利,因此完成無障礙網頁標章申請。 Waste household appliances, electrical and electronic equipment vendors, Environmental Management, R The collected amounts of waste electrical appliances (waste refrigerator, waste washing machine, waste television and waste air conditioner) are around 1.77 million sets, and the collected rate is nearly 60% recently. In order to collect all of IT objects, and implementextended producer responsibility, this project planed waste source management which was to include retailers and dealers to recycling system, and it would carry out collection s ofIT object completely. This project includes: 1. to frame the SOP of registration affairs and assistance, print 10,128It also held 67 register counseling meetings for Electrical and Electronic Equipment vendors and electrical appliances association, and gathered all the opinions for EPA emending the policy.Review the goal of recovery system after thePolicy implementation, recovery rate was significant increase over the same period last year (increased by 2.1%).There are 84.3% of public abandon the waste household appliances by this way.Furthermore, this project held result publishing conference to make every retailer and dealer realize function of information system.After referring to the requests of this project and estimating the order of execution, the main purpose of this project, “project of operations management and declaration counseling for electrical and electronic equipment vendors and management system building” would cooperate with the proclamationof regulation, “Scope of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Vendors Required to Install Resource Recycling Facilities, Facility Installation, Specifications and Other Binding Matters” to maintain household appliances collecting tracking information system that retailers and dealers are the mainly collecting unit. The information system was serviced 7 kind of user and divided into two parts, register and management. Modify 132 functions of information system based on user feedback. 100 基管會 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=35320
水污染防治法罰則修法研議計畫 水污染防治法自民國63年公布施行以來,共計歷經5次修正。惟因水污染態樣日趨多樣化,主管機關已難僅以行政命令因應。加以行政執行法、行政程序法與行政罰法等行政領域重要法規漸次施行,水污染管制法規體系與具體內容也有重新檢討、修正必要。乃針對現行水污染防治法罰則規定進行研議。擬參酌美國環境保護與水污染法制,針對罰則規定之整體架構與條文內容提出修正建議,著重於建構按日計處罰鍰制度、檢討現行限期改善制度檢討、區別污染責任與行為責任,以及提出主管機關裁罰時之審酌因子。另增訂事業申報義務與資訊公開、輕微違規行為予以記點,以及獎勵民眾主動舉報等規定。並建議中央主管機關賡續進行水污染防治法規管制規定之通盤檢討,以求完備。 Water Pollution Control Act penalty study Since its enactment in 1974, the Water Pollution Control Act has been amended for five times. However, because today’s most serious water pollution problems tend to be diffuse in origin and involve all the parts of an interconnected ecosystem, it would be an impossible task for the Agency to deal with the problems only through administrative orders. Following the enactment and enforcement of the Administrative Implementation Act, the Administrative Procedure Act, and the Administrative Penalty Act, it should be the time for the Water Pollution Control Act to be evaluated for its further amendment. The main executive content of the Research Team is to review the penal provisions of the Water Pollution Control Act, comparing with the legal system of environmental protection and water pollution control in U.S., and propose suggestions for improving the current legal structure and for amending the existing provisions. The Research Team has focused on how to establish the legal system of daily-based penalties, how to distinguish the liability for pollution from the behavioral duty when violating legal requirements, reviewing the improvement of time schedule order in practice, and providing considering factors for determining the final penalties. The Research Team has also made recommendations for improving the information disclosure system, dealing with the minor violations, and encouraging the public to monitor the compliance of the regulated. This research can be the starting point for the government to comprehensively review the Water Pollution Control Act in the future in order to enable the goals of the Act to be met. 100 水保處 中國文化大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30438
100年度高雄市水中揮發性有機物暨臭味源稽查管制計畫 針對轄境內極可能受污染的重要河段加強監測管理,對於水污染事件與緊急重大污染事件採取緊急應變處理措施,即時有效解除水質污染及生態破壞之危機,進一步採取相關改善措施,以減少水污染事件發生頻率。 現在業者廢水處理設施大都已設置,但正常操作時需增加成本,而不操作卻可節省支出,因此常造成河川遭受污染,本計畫可對污染區域加強監測管理,並查證非法排放,以減少水環境污染負荷。計畫目標 一、依據本市列管事業及其他污水下水道系統,進行全面性不定期稽查採樣,確保排放之承受水體正確性,以作為評估稽查作業對河川水質改善效益。 二、運用科學稽查儀器進行民眾陳情案,水中揮發性有機物衍生臭味污染源蒐證作業,有效打擊非法業者,並協助處理緊急重大污染案件,避免污染擴大,有效達成維護環境品質之目的。 三、藉由符合品保、品管之合格檢測機構,以公正之角度進行事業水質採樣分析工作,提供具有公信性之檢測數據以作為裁罰依據,減少爭議。 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40896
100 年度固定污染源管制及公私場所(工廠)設置操作許可審查及查核計畫 100 彰化縣環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41414
揮發性有機物稽查管制計畫 配合環保署執行各項污染減量專案計畫,提報各項報表。針對本縣轄內符合「揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準」、「半導體製造業空氣污染管制及排放標準」、「乾洗作業空氣污染防制設施管制標準」、「汽車製造業表面塗裝作業空氣污染物排放標準」、「光電材料及元件製造業空氣污染管制及排放標準」、「膠帶製造業揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準」法規應列管之工廠,屬新增列管之污染源,進行現場查核法規符合情況,屬既有污染源則進行排放量資料更新作業,並針對揮發性有機物排放源進行150家以上稽查工作(不包含加油站),稽查項目應包含排放污染物種類與排放量、原物料 (含VOCs成分) 使用量、產品量、燃料使用量、防制設備種類、效率及操作情形等,污染物調查種類包括環保署於99年度VOCs空污費加徵之13種個別物種之有害空氣污染物(HAPs)、高臭氧趨勢物種(MIR),並針對上述固定污染源VOCs排放量及申報量進行核對。執行本縣揮發性有機物資料更新及維護作業達80%家數以上,及排放量調查管制更新率80%以上。清查轄內公私場所(含石化業)設備元件(含高臭氧生成潛勢物種流體之設備元件)、儲槽及裝載設施之檢測,檢測點次至少為轄內石化業申報之設備元件6750個元件以上,並比對該污染源自行檢測報告(不含加油站設備元件)之合理性,委辦單位必須研擬設備元件檢測標準作業程序。20家進行地下油氣管線密閉性測試(其檢測由經中央主管機關或其委託之機構訓練合格,並領有證書者為之,檢測項目為加油槍抽氣量與加油量比率檢驗NIEA. A211.70B,以環保署最新公告檢測方法為主),對設備不符規定之加油站列管追蹤與限期改善,改善率達90%以上。污染源排放管道檢測,選擇具代表性排放源依環保署公告之檢測方法進行採樣分析,共計40根次採樣分析,每次分析檢驗項目為非甲烷總碳氫化合物(NMHCs),同時針對檢驗結果未符合排放標準之工廠進行污染追蹤改善作業。選擇具代表性固定污染源或區域,協助本局以OP-FTIR現場監測4廠(點次),每場次監測時數不得低於60小時,分析污染物濃度及判定污染物來源,並協助建立污染源污染指紋及辦理後續之協談(商)會議。 100 新竹縣環境保護局 慧群環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46615
100年度臺中市固定污染源許可管制及資料庫管理計畫 本計畫執行期程自100年4月21日至101年4月20日止,共計12個月,主要工作項目包括:資料庫維護更新與管理、執行許可制度、執行排放量網路申報審核及各類宣導說明會等工作項目,各作業項目均已依工作進度規劃期程進行,各項工作成果摘要如下。本年度許可審查作業延續ISO9001及為民服務精神,持續落實許可前查、督測及核證前的協商,同時自100年6月起採簡訊方式通知申辦進度,供業者即時掌握退補件狀況,有效縮短補正日數,平均補正日數11.30日較去年19.14日顯著縮短。同時,完成500製程許可查核,不符合率為45.0%,查核不符合者計201件完成改善,改善後之許可證整體符合率達95.2%。資料庫清查更新部分,計完成766家清查建檔作業,清查後其中有738家公私場所屬於有污染排放行為且需持續列管之固定污染源,停工、暫時停工或無污染製程者計28家,清查結果皆已於固定源資料庫中更新修正。清查結果顯示,約有六成的工廠產能上升,四成左右的工廠產能下降及3.65%工廠停工歇業,其中粒狀污染物、硫氧化物及一氧化碳清查更新後排放量增加,氮氧化物及揮發性有機物排放量則較清查前下降。TEDS7.1與固定源清查資料庫比對結果發現硫氧化物與氮氧化物排放量接近,但粒狀污染物及揮發性有機物差異較大,其差異和TEDS資料庫中部分污染物排放量重複計算或係數選用不適當有關,其中TEDS清冊中巨力混凝土工業股份有限公司大里廠粒狀污染物排放量高達2,171公噸/年,差異最大。許可排放量、申報排放量與空污費排放量比對結果顯示三種排放量中以許可排放量最高,申報排放量與空污費比較部分,硫氧化物及氮氧化物差異較小,而揮發性有機物差異相對較大,主要和估算基準不同有關。配合環保署推動三級防制區既存固定污染源減量改善至二級防制區行動計畫工作重點,於100年6月辦理說明會確立排放量回收原則,並藉由許可證展延時機進行容許排放量重新核定作業,計畫執行期間計已回收粒狀物206公噸、硫氧化物147公噸及氮氧化物429公噸。同時,藉由推動減量工作,硫氧化物及氮氧化物分別達成166公噸及74公噸減量。 100 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38101
固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測設施管制計畫 100 空保處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34239
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(非塑膠廢容器類)專案工作計畫 本計畫執行期間100年1月1日起至101年12月31日止,以下統計自100年1月1日起至101年12月31日,本計畫執行非塑膠廢容器處理之稽核認證作業,查核內容主要包括:回收量、處理量稽核、作業程序稽核、環境稽核及會計稽核等工作。本計畫稽核認證回收量及處理量之執行成果,非塑膠廢容器稽核認證回收量計637,161,013公斤;稽核認證處理量計636,578,927公斤。本計畫已完成每位新進人員40小時以上之職前訓練及專業考核,並執行25場次每月定期會議訓練。此外,於100年2月19日~20日及101年2月18日~19日完成2場之專業集訓。處理業作業設施查核結果中,不合格比率以回收貯存方法規範之異常為最高,占總查核缺失72.83%。處理業執行環境工安查核結果中,不合格比率以未配戴防護器具之異常為最高,占總查核缺失29.73%。重大異常係以受補貼機構稽核認證設備異常問題為最高,占重大異常總次數42.86%;而一般異常則以稽核認證設備異常問題為最高,占一般異常總次數97.21%。會計稽核之執行,並未發現任何重大異常情事。處理業受補貼機構申請設置或變更資料審核,共完成50次書面資料審核及1次現勘審查;另完成32場次受補貼機構質量平衡分析。本計畫執行期間已累計執行稽核認證5,760場次,此外,處理業因違反稽核認證作業手冊規定而予以記點、扣量,共計6次缺失記點及7次缺失扣量,記點點數為9點,扣量總重為243,652公斤。另受補貼機構地磅抽驗完成85家次,相關抽驗結果並無異常情形。 The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste (Non-Plastic Waste Containers) The project period was from Jan 01, 2011 to Dec 31, 2012. According to the results of auditing and certification from Jan 01, 2011 to Oct 31, 2012, the main tasks included the auditing processes of collection quantity, recycling quantity, operational processes, environment, and accounting. The total certified recycled quantity of non-plastic waste containers was 637,161,013 kilograms and the total certified disposal quantity was 636,578,927 kilograms. For the results of the auditing training, every new inspector was required to complete at least 40-hours training and related examinations. The project also conducted 25 vocational trainings hold monthly. Besides, the professional trainings were completed on Feb 19~20, 2011 and Feb 18~19, 2012. According to the results of operational processes auditing for recycling facilities, the major abnormal events were violations of the collection and storage regulation which contributed 72.83% of the total. For the results of environmental safety and health auditing for recycling facilities, the major abnormal events were the employees without safety mask on which contributed 29.73% of the total. The major abnormal events were the certification equipments conditions which contributed 42.86% of the total. In the other hand, there were 323 minor abnormal events of certification equipments malfunctions which contributed 97.21% of the project’s total minor abnormal events. There was no abnormal event regarding to the accounting auditing for disposal industry. During the project period, foundation of Taiwan industry service completed evaluating 50 qualification data and finishing 1 field inspection for disposal industry. Also 32 mass balances for recycling firms had been completed. During the project period, total 5,760 inspection trips were executed. In addition, there were 9 violation points accounted and 7 deductions events caused by violating the facility standards. The total deduction of recycling quantity was 243,652 kilograms. There were 853verifications for weighing scales of disposal industry, and no abnormal event happened. 100 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49318
風力能源儲能技術評估專案工作計畫 由於全球暖化的衝擊,暖化議題逐漸受到重視,二氧化碳減量與排放已成為當今全人類所亟需面對的問題。我國為要降低二氧化碳的排放量,提出了溫室氣體減量政策,包括提升能源效率、改變能源產業結構、擴建與推廣再生能源、碳捕捉與儲存技術、推廣後京都概念。能源供應為維持人類圈基礎所需,但由於以往僅著重於能源供應的安全度與穩定度,而忽略其所造成的社會與環境的外部成本,導致今日的能源系統反成了主要污染來源。以台灣而言,高達六成以上的溫室氣體排放來自能源部門,而電力業更占了硫氧化物排放量的三成。若參考聯合國環境規劃署與國際能源總署等單位所建立的永續發展的能源指標,由『永續能源』角度觀之,其需考量的因子涵蓋社會面中的公平與健康、經濟面的使用與生產,而環境面中,空氣、水體與土地資源所受到的衝擊亦須同等考量。但現行能源模型在環境面與社會面所能提供的資訊有限,因此亟需發展一系統性評估能源系統,針對能源技術所造成的環境衝擊進行分析,並尋求能源、環境與經濟三E 動態均衡的永續能源政策。在能源技術評估上,易遇到能源、物質消耗過大等不利條件,反而會增加環境面負荷,因此必須透過技術分析進行評量。再生能源當中包含生質能、太陽能、地熱能、風能及氫能,由於風能有潔淨、低成本以及已有研發基礎之優點,故已成為國際以再生能源發電之焦點。就目前世界發電網來說,風力發電量在整體發電量中仍然屬於少部分。但隨著永續能源觀念的興起,乾淨無汙染且取之不盡、用之不竭的能源如風力勢必將取代逐漸枯竭的主流發電媒介如天然氣、煤礦等。然而,風力發電系統並不是毫無缺點,大自然風力高度不穩定的特性會使得產出電能無法有效依據實際需求進行調整,例如供電網的離峰用電需求量及尖峰用電需求量,其發電成本除了在傳輸到電網上之運輸成本外,最大的成本在於維持風力發電的穩定性(Benitez et al., 2008)。故若要增加風力發電量在整體發電量中所占比例,一個有效的能量儲存系統必須要安裝於風力發電端以及實際負載端,以增加能量輸出的可控制性以及穩定性,故風力儲能系統有其發展之必要性。最後,近年來最近有許多研究倡議『永續能源』觀念,亦有完整的研究計畫,探討各項能源類別的外部成本,除了提升相關能源技術效率外,在評估準則上應同時考量經濟、環境、社會技術及行政實行上等面向均衡發展,如CASES(Cost Assessment for Sustainable Energy Systems)和NEEDS(New Energy Externalities Development for Sustainable)計畫。所謂的『永續能源』絕非僅是二氧化碳排放量、能源供應穩定以及經濟成長率等少數因子所構成。在環境面向上,更需系統性的考量全球性、區域性、地方性的衝擊,以往僅以法規污染物排放量、溫室氣體排放量等為決策依據之方式,亟需加以改善,以就整體能源鏈中對生態品質、人體健康以及資源耗竭等環境損害提供足夠的科學數據,以供決策參考。計畫目標:一、建立風力能源儲能技術之資訊庫。二、從環境、社會、經濟之3E均衡角度,評估風力能源儲能技術的環境衝擊與永續性。三、建立國內風力能源儲能技術之專家共識。四、提出我國推廣電池儲能技術的較適配比與推廣量。 Ealuation of energy storage systems for the wind power generation in Taiwan The project is focus on the evaluation of energy storage systems for the wind power generation in Taiwan, the works include;1.To build a data bank of energy storage systems for the wind power generation including the information of related papers and developing technologies.2.To evaluate environmental impact and sustainability of energy storage systems for the wind power generation by 3E (Engineering, Environment, and Economy) evaluation method.(1)To study the technical and commercial risk assessment in Engineering area, the cost and regulation risk assessment in Economic area, and the risk assessment in Environmental area.(2)To evaluate energy storage systems for the wind power generation including the compressed air energy storage (CAES), pumped hydro energy storage (PHES), and battery energy storage.3.To acknowledge energy storage systems for the wind power generation from the experts by the following events;(1)To held three consulting and 3E evaluating meetings.(2)To visit energy storage sites for the wind power generation in Europe.( A 5-days trip for one person)(3)To invite an expert from European country to attend the related Forum.4.To finish the evaluation, comparison, and expert acknowledgement of energy storage systems for the wind power generation. At the same time, to propose and suggest the suitable energy storage systems for the wind power generation in Taiwan. 100 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=26620
金門縣100年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 (1)完成已除雷彈銷燬區重金屬及火藥類物質調查,合計完成10點次採樣及AA等分析作業。(2)協助環保局進行縣內既有污染場址監督與巡查作業,完成2處污染場址驗證作業。(3)完成金門地區土壤普查,以建立完整之污染源資料,了解金門地區土壤污染情形,並進行後續污染控制與追蹤。包括共進行軍方油庫、軍方修彈廠、閒置營區及高污染潛勢對象之50點次土壤採樣、調查與檢測作業。(4)金門縣地下水監測及採樣分析,追蹤地下水質的變化情形,建立地下水質背景基本資料。包括豐、枯水期採樣與檢測共54口次監測井、豐、枯水期採樣與檢測4口次場置性監測井與10口民井地下水質現況。(5)完成3口地下水井廢除作業、2口地下水標準監測井設置,以及縣內既有10口次地下水井外部簡易維護,5口次監測井井下攝影作業,以瞭解金門縣內監測井井況,以掌握金門縣整體監測井與地下水水質概況。(6)建立金門縣加油站完整基本資料,完成縣內5座高污染潛勢加油站測漏管檢測作業,以及協助舉辦1場次加油站法規說明會、2場次合理化施肥與10場次「土壤及地下水污染防治校園宣導活動」。(7)協助辦理6件民眾陳情或緊急應變事件之土壤及地下水污染調查作業。 (1) Landmine destroyed areas have been completed investigation of heavy metals and gunpowder, the total completion of 10 samples and analysis AA.(2) We assist the Environmental Protection Agency for discovered contaminated sites supervision and inspection work in countyand the completion of two contaminated sites verify operation.(3) We completed soil investigation in Kinmen. and create a complete information of the sources of pollution. We want to understand soil pollution situation in Kinmen. and follow-up pollution control . 50 soil samples investigation and detection Including military depots. military repair bomb factory. idle camp and high pollution potential of the object.(4) The Kinmen County groundwater monitoring and sampling and analysis, attention to groundwater quality change situation, to establish groundwater quality the basic data of background. Including abundance and the dry season pick and detection 54 monitoring wells, , detection groundwater quality of four times of site monitoring wells and 10 times personal wells status.(5)We completed three wells abolished, two monitoring wells set up, and easy maintenance of in county has 10 groundwater wells monitoring wells five Kinmen in county underground photography to understand the status of wells and groundwater monitoring wells water quality profiles this year. (6) we have completed five high pollution potential gas station leak tubes and the establishment of Kinmen County gas station complete the basic data and organizing one session of gas station regulations briefings, 2 sessions the rationalization of fertilizer and 10 sessions, "Soil and Groundwater Pollution advocacy activities in campus. "(7) We assist EPB with 6 people petition or emergency response incidents of soil and groundwater contamination investigation . 100 金門縣環境保護局 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46022
100年度「提昇客家地區環境行動計畫」 本計畫乃是在環保署的「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」政策指導下,立基於客家族群勤勞節儉的習慣與節能減碳的思維,以「客庄地區」做為推廣清淨家園的重點區域,在客家地區的新竹市、新竹縣、苗栗縣與屏東縣推動「提升客庄地區環境行動計畫」。本計畫共計辦理國小學童水溝清疏學習活動15場,社區清掃推廣活動4場,學習營種子教官訓練4場,客庄環境行動大會1場;合計參與人數約為2,800人。透過此一水溝清疏學習活動與社區清掃推廣活動之辦理,讓客庄地區的參與者在課程講授過程中理解客家族群的傳統美德,並在實際清掃活動中學習放下身段、謙卑學習、感恩惜福、凡事澈底。同時,藉由學習營種子教教官之訓練,在客庄地區種下培育環保惜物的種子,期盼透過宣傳、推廣與實踐的方式,營造樂活與寧適的客庄環境生活環境品質,以創造台灣客庄地區的永續發展。 Action Project for Promoting the Environment in Hakka Area According to the “Sustainable Development Policy Guidelines” of the Environmental Protection Administration, the thinking of conserving energy to reduce carbon emission, and the traditional virtue of Hakkaness, the “Action Plan to Promote the Environment in Hakka Area” aimed at the main areas of Hakka in Taiwan: HsinChu City, HsinChu County, Miaoli County and Pingtung County. This plan includes 15 cleaning education activities in elementary school, 4 cleaning practice activities in community, 4 training education activities for seeded teachers and 1 action assembly of Hakka environment. In the process of this plan, participators would not only understand the virtue of Hakka, but also realize the importance of modest, gratitude and persistence. Moreover, by the promoting of training education activities for seeded teachers, sustainable development of environment in Hakka areas could be improved. 100 毒管處 國立中央大學客家學院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28160
進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章作業暨新車污染管制資料庫整合 本年度計畫之工作項目,主要分為進口車核章作業、國產車核章作業、系統維護操作、政策配合工作等四個工作方向進行,進口車空氣污染物驗證核章作業,2011年完成進口汽車申請驗證核章核定件數共計20,539件,包含汽油車82,873輛、柴油車16,849輛、機車5,430輛及電動車711輛合計105,863輛,另國產大客車執行噪音驗證核章共計核可2,924輛,協助處理完成195件管制案,國產車驗證核章申請件數共計925,308輛,包含汽油車256,689輛、柴油車24,598輛、機車637,800輛及電動車6,221輛,落實各項新車管制作業,確保所有掛牌上路車輛皆符合空氣污染物排放標準,有效管制國內移動污染源之污染排放。於相關系統維護操作,本計畫針對「進口車驗證核章管理系統」,持續各項功能增修:包含公務用途車輛線上核章系統、車輛管控系統、完成規劃車輛二氧化碳管制系統及噪音測試資料傳輸等,完成進口車輛驗證核章作業無紙化作業環境,提供民眾一個更好的申請作業系統,於「國產車驗證核章管理系統」工作推動上,持續執行系統功能的維護與除錯,以維持系統的正常運作外,也針對傳輸作業現況進行檢討並規劃進行機制調整,計畫並成功整合包括汽油車、機車、柴油車等排氣審驗合格證明管制資料及國內認可法規測試實驗室之測試報告資料納入「新車污染管制資料庫」,可加速進口車輛驗證核章作業時間,主管機關環保署也能及時掌握各排氣法規管制所需之必要資訊。有關政策配合工作事項方面,為使車輛驗證核章工作順利推動,本計畫協助更新「進口車驗證核章管理系統」、協助建置「國產車驗證核章管理系統」、整合完成「新車污染管制資料庫」,並編修相關核章須知及系統操作手冊,以使申請核章業務民眾與相關單位了解核章業務推動內容,有助於本計畫各項工作的推行。本計畫持續配合研考會「創新e化-汽車進口服務」建置專案系統維護,及完成核章繳費電子化系統,實施正式電子化繳費系統後,民眾可省去現行至郵局繳費的不便,達到簡政便民及提升行政效率的目的。 Project for the Certification and Authorization of Imported Motor Vehicle Air Pollutants & Integrate The main four objectives for the project include implementing the process for imported vehicle emissions compliance certification application; domestic made vehicle emissions compliance certification application; vehicle information system maintenance and operations; and providing EPA assistance on policy required actions. As to the implementing the process for imported vehicle emissions compliance certificates applications, in 2011 total 20,539 cases were being applied for imported vehicle exhaust and noise emissions certificate, which include 82,873 gasoline vehicles, 16,849 diesel vehicles, 5,430 motorcycles and711 electric cars, total 105,863 vehicles. In addition, 2,924 domestic made buses were approved for the noise certifications. Total 195 cases of quality control process were being conducted to ensure the effectiveness of new vehicle emissions control. The implementation of certification requirements could be provided to ensure the compliance of emission standards for every registered and enter into service vehicles and control the mobile emissions from vehicles effectively.As to the work item of implementing the process of domestic made vehicle emission certification application. The system transmits emissions compliance vehicle’s information to the Motor Vehicle Service Stations, Ministry of Transportation and Communications periodically to ensure the registered vehicles could comply with exhaust and noise emissions standards. The total number of domestic made vehicles in 2011 is 925,308 which include 256,689 gasoline, 24,598 diesel, 637,800 motorcycles and 6,221 electric cars. This action could ensure all the registered domestic made vehicles could comply with the EPA emissions and noise standards and fulfill the completeness of new vehicle control requirements.As to the maintenance and operation of vehicle information system, the Development and Evaluation Commission was commissioned to establishing and maintaining the innovative electronic process for “Imported vehicle certification management system”, continuously adding new functions such as: official use vehicles online verification of the system; vehicle control system; complete the planning vehicle carbon dioxide control system; noise test information transmission to establish a non paper requirement process and provide public a friendly application system. As to the ”Domestic made vehicle certification management system”, besides continuous maintaining and debugging to keep the system function normally, this project also reviewed and planning on some function adjustments for the current transmission process. The new vehicles emissions control data archive has successfully integrated gasoline, diesel vehicles and motorcycles exhaust emissions certification information and test results from accredited laboratories. Its establishment could accelerate the imported vehicle certification process and providing necessary information to the competent authorities. As to providing EPA assistance on policy required actions, the project assisted to upgrading the “Imported vehicle certification management system”, established ”Domestic made vehicle certification management system”, and integrated the “New vehicle emissions data achieve” .Eedited the guidelines for certification process and system operation manuals which could provide references to the applicants and competent authority to understand the application process and to facilitate to promote working items for this project. This project also coped with the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission establishing and maintaining the innovative electronic process for imported vehicle services, finished planning on the procedures for electronic certification fee payment process. In the future, the implementation of electronic certification fee payment process, will provide public a convenience environment and save a lot of time as the currently requirement on personally attendance to the post office for certification fee payments. The electronic certification application process could simplify the application process and improve the administration effectiveness. 100 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36366
南投縣100年度空氣污染陳情案件監控及輔導計畫 本計畫主要工作項目分別為:1.大埔里地區各類陳情案件管制與稽巡查。2.畜牧業與餐飲業污染陳情管制。3.專家學者污染防制改善輔導。4.加油站油氣回收設施管制作業。5.設立埔里分駐點於平日及假日處理各類環保陳情案件。6.空氣污染檢測作業。7.配合空氣污染防制宣導與教育訓練。 100 南投縣政府環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38664
土壤及地下水行動裝置應用暨污染模擬評析計畫(第一期) (一) 利用本署ArcGIS Server環境平台,完成土壤及地下水地理資訊系統改版作業。(二) 結合行動應用裝置,發展行動應用之功能應用,打造行動辦公室,以達e化管理之目標。(三) 結合相關模式,完成土壤及地下水污染潛勢模擬平台之評析,以提供行政決策之支援。(四) 完成高污染潛勢區域篩檢結果之建議,並提升土壤及地下水地理資訊系統之服務品質,強化土壤及地下水相關資訊整合效益。 (五) 提供網路環境及資訊安全,確保系統正常維運。 Soil and groundwater pollution geographic information system Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund Management Board has used tremendous resources and efforts to develop related information systems, and obtained satisfied results in the recent years. The purpose of this project is to apply the technique of rich internet applications (RIA) based on the new version of geographic information platform to upgrade the soil and groundwater pollution geographic information system. The mobile application devices are also used to develop a real-time information integrated solution. Furthermore, the Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) is used in this project to develop a pollution simulation platform. The comprehensive results of this project are expected to provide more rapid and accurate spatial information as reference bases for the management and decision-making of the authorities, and to promote the applications of information technology for soil and groundwater pollution in all dimensions.For upgrading the soil and groundwater pollution geographic information system, this project has finished the system analysis report based on the integrated system planning and interviews to the authority. The new version of soil and groundwater pollution geographic information system has been accomplished based on this report. Furthermore, the training courses have been effectively performed and the system has been transferred. For combing the mobile application devices, this project has developed mobile geographic information system for iPad based on the selected audit tables. The system function tests and data integration have also been finished. For developing the pollution simulation platform, this project has accomplished the documents for theory and operation of GMS. Simulation for a case study has also been done. For presenting the pollution potential evaluation, this project has plotted the pollution potential figures based on the populations influenced by the soil and groundwater pollution sites. Another methodology for evaluating the potentials of soil and groundwater pollution sites has also been developed. This project has assisted the EPA to join TGOS. Furthermore, the function of combining Google Map and Earth has been developed. The above results can meet the expected objectives of this project. 100 土污基管會 中菲電腦股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32929
全國農地污染工作計畫求償規劃、污染責任人分析暨相關法制研修工作計畫 本計畫執行期限自民國100年7月19日起至101年5月18日止。主要工作內容包括:彙整1.土壤及地下水管理資訊系統;2.環保專案查詢系統;3. 土壤及地下水污染整治基金-歷年補助案決算總表之列管資料進行交叉比對,界定求償作業標的,並就宜蘭縣4筆農地、桃園市11筆農地及嘉義市9筆農地污染案進行現場訪談、蒐集相關資訊,並完成求償規劃報告之撰寫。針對各地農田水利會管轄區域之灌溉、排水渠道同意事業搭排廢污水之流程及審核條件進行比對分析,並對於農田水利會核准或同意之搭排、非法污水排放等行為之監測、稽查及控管機制進行討論,同時針對各項缺失提出改善方針與建議。分析農地污染所涉及之相關部會及法令,並藉由過去國內曾發生之農地污染事件,檢討各部會及法令規定於農地污染事件中所應完善之權責及未盡周延之處,同時比對各行政機關相關法令之衝突點,進而提出修正方向與建議。此外,針對環保署現正修訂之「污染土地關係人之善良管理人注意義務認定準則」(草案)提出說帖樣式及立法說明。計畫中並辦理一場「農地污染分析之相關法規研討會」,介紹農田污染現況與整治技術、探討農田污染損害賠償法律上責任制度,並針對污染整治作業實務執行過程中所遭遇之法律困難進行案例分析。 Project of Claim Planning, Pollution Responsible Persons Analysis and Relevant Regulation Amendment The execution period of this project started from July 19, 2011 to May 18, 2012. The main contents of this project include: synthesized 3 different systems (soil and groundwater management system、environmental projects query、”the Directions for Managing Recovery Claim Cases for the costs prepaid by the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund”-list of the grant projects in the past) to define the targets to execute claim plan. We carried out field investigations, and collected related information for 4 farmlands in Yilan, 11 farmlands in Taoyuan and 9 farmlands in Chiayi. The claim reports for these 3 countries were completed.Besides, we compared the process of business of irrigation Association including application of drainage, monitoring and inspection of water quality in individual counties, and proposed the improvement advices about the deficiencies in aforementioned business.By studying the past farmland contamination events happened in our country, we reviewed departments and legislations related to farmland contamination which might have insufficient shortages and proposed a comprehensive farmland contamination confine policy.One seminar on regulations related to farmlands contamination was held during this project. The topics include: introduction the revised Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act , the situation of farmland contamination and remediation technology, discussion the liabilities for farmland contamination cost recovery, and case study of the difficulties about legislations happened during remediation process. 100 土污基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37827
98年度河川疏濬土石運輸道路委託加強洗掃專案計畫 100 南投縣政府環境保護局 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36583
金門縣100年度空氣品質管理計畫 本計畫執行期程係自100年5月27日至100年12月31日止。完成工作項目包括:每月、季按時彙整提報各項例行性工作表、每月進行各空氣污染委辦計畫查核工作、空氣品質監測資料蒐集分析、建置金門縣空氣品質不良自動通報系統、規劃空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急應變措施模擬演練、辦理工作檢討會4場、進行公私場所CO2巡檢20家、辦理室內空氣品質自主管理說明會1場、完成5家公私場所室內空氣品質檢測及調查、完成室內空氣品質自主管理宣導手冊500份、完成室內空氣品質自主管理宣導海報150張、完成家庭聯絡簿製作750份、辦理空氣品質惡化緊急應變措施模擬演練1場、辦理人員教育訓練1場次與空氣污染防制業務專家學者督導考核會議1場次。另協助環保局完成工作項目為:彙整環保署期初與期中座談會應繳交之書面與簡報資料、提報100年度空氣污染防制計畫書、參加環保署各項大小會議。金門縣空氣品質不良(PSI>100)日數比例,從91年1.4%逐年上升至97年13.5%,98年降低至7.67% ,99年又升至8.77%(未扣沙暴)。100年度空氣品質不良比例為3.84%,與歷年同期相較為表現最佳之一年。另針對各計畫實施管理及考核評分,以「移動污染源稽查管制計畫」成績最佳。 The Air Quality Management Plan of Kinmen County in 2011 This plan is performed during Many 27, 2011, to December 31, 2011. Up to November 25, jobs accomplished includes monthly and quarterly work statements of various routine affairs, monthly check of contracted plans for air pollution, collection and analysis of air quality monitor data, establishment of automatic report system for poor air quality in Kinmen, plan for simulation practice against contingency situation of seriously worsen air quality, 4 sessions of work review meeting, CO2 inspection for 20 public places, plan for inspection and survey of indoor air quality for 5 public and private places, draft of self-management handbook for indoor air quality, and draft of propagation poster for self-management of indoor air quality. Jobs accomplished also includes that done for Environment Bureau: preparation of written and brief information required by the Environmental Protection Administration during the early- and middle-stage forums, project for prevention and control of air pollution 2011, attendance at various meeting hold by Environmental Protection Administration.Ratio of days in which air quality is poor (PSI>100) in Kinmen rose from 1.4% in 2002 to 13.5% in 2008, but reduced to 7.67% in 2009 and then rose again to 8.77% in 2010, without deducting the days of sandstorm. Up to end of December 2011, ratio of poor air quality was 3.84% which was one of the best in comparison with past years. Among 20 public and private places inspected for CO2, 2 had the level exceeding the standard of CO2 concentration 1000ppm. They had improved after accepting counseling advice. With regard to management and appraisal against various plans, which are good and of which “Check and Control Plan for Mobile Pollution Sources” has the best rate. 100 金門縣環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45963
100年臺南市建構低碳城市計畫 計畫目的在於建構臺南市低碳城市之低碳生活圈及低碳習慣之應用及發展環境,結合區域特色推廣太陽光電系統,落實推動「低碳城市」,形塑臺南市臺灣陽光首都之意象,建構低碳、永續、環保的綠能生態家園,將臺南打造成國際運用低碳、綠能示範的城市,並藉由發展低碳社區、擴大設置太陽光電系統及落實低碳生活,打造「幸福的低碳城市」。 「100年度臺南市建構低碳城市計畫」不僅獲得全國第一年度推動之首選低碳示範城市,在行政院環境保護署遴選低碳示範城市過程中,臺南市團隊以綠色新政的建構為基石,獲選成為全國四大低碳示範城市之一。 本計畫推動將不僅只是行動計畫建設與落實,低碳元年的同時,也將是臺灣第一組城市實驗示範區。以高度卓越、標竿及基礎計畫示範推動,由點擴展線、面,採循序漸進方式,即由低碳生活、低碳社區推廣至全市,期建立臺南市為低碳及循環型社會。低碳城市計畫執行推動過程,建議採取滾動參與模式,使每一組低碳落實經驗成為臺南新的Model,作為臺南推動低碳城市起步點。 2011 Project of Building Tainan into a Low Carbon City The purpose of this project is to build the environment for the application and development of low carbon perimeters and habits in the low carbon city, Tainan. With the links to regional characteristics, PV system is promoted to realize the promotion of “low carbon city” and to build Tainan as Taiwan’s solar capital, the low carbon, sustainable, and environmentally friendly green and ecological homeland. Tainan will be built as the international low carbon and green energy model city and through the development of low carbon communities, the expanded installation of PV system and the realization of low carbon life, it will be indeed the “happy low carbon city.”The “2011 Project of Building Tainan into a Low Carbon City” has not only been awarded as the priority project for the building of model low carbon city but also has been selected as the one to build one of the four model low carbon cities by the Environmental Protection Administration based on green new deal of Tainan City Government. This project promotes the implementation and realization of action plan and meanwhile, at the first low carbon year, it helps to build Tainan as the first group of low carbon cities. With the promotion of this excellent, benchmark, and basic model project, steps are taken gradually from low carbon communities to the whole Tainan City in an aim to build Tainan City as the low carbon and circular society. During the execution process of the building of a low carbon city, gradual participation model is proposed to enable the realization of low carbon experience within each group can become the new model of Tainan and to serve as the starting point to build Tainan into a low carbon city. 100 台南市環境保護局 國立高雄大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47223
100年度推動資源回收形象改造專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署為改變過去民眾對於資源回收『髒』與『亂』刻板印象,自93年起推動「資源回收形象改造政策」(recycling image reforming policy),100年度更擴大形象改造範圍至全省各縣市推動本計畫。本計畫今年度共完成3大工作項目。首先在各縣市資源回收示範點建立工作上,除完成歷年14縣市示範點調查外,今年度新增8個縣市示範點,媒合17位個體業者進入示範點從事資源回收工作。其次,今年度首次選定基隆廟口夜市、南投日月潭及高雄橋頭糖廠,建立3處資源回收形象改造示範商圈,將資源回收形象改造政策,由過去社區、大樓,點的輔導擴大至商圈面的整合。最後在政策檢討與研擬議題上,為提供未來資源回收形象改造政策方向與指導,本計畫邀請專家學者辦理3場次專家座談會,以全面性的輔導、系統性的合作、整合性的運作為策略,研擬「資源回收形象改造五年推動計畫」,其內容涵蓋建立全民健康形象回收站、回收連鎖經營體系、提升回收經濟規模、全面照顧個體業者、自我形象管理及企業社會責任(Corporation Social Responsibility,CSR)等6項子計畫工作。藉由本計畫除延續各縣市資源回收示範點建立,提昇資源回收形象改造效益外,也藉由過去政策座談與檢討,研擬未來資源回收形象改造政策明確推動方向,建構環保、效率、公益之資源回收體系。 With a view to changing the “dirty” and “disordered” stereotype of the common people about resource With a view to changing the “dirty” and “disordered” stereotype of the common people about resource recycling, Environment Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan) pushed forward “recycling image reforming policy” since 2004 and expanded its scope to every county and city of Taiwan province in 2011. Three main work items of the scheme were finished this year. To begin with, as for establishment of resource recycling demonstration station in every county and city, demonstration station surveys of fourteen counties and cities were finished over the years; in addition, demonstration stations of eight counties and cities were added to this year, and seventeen individual proprietors were matched to enter demonstration station for resource recycling. Secondly, Snacks of Miao-Kow Keelung, Sun Moon Lake Nantou and Sugar Refinery Chiao-tou Kaohsiung were selected for the first time this year for establishment of three recycling image reforming demonstration trading areas to expand recycling image reforming policy from past station counseling of the community and hall to integration of the trading area. Finally, on the issue of policy self-criticism and draft, with an eye to providing direction and instruction of the prospective recycling image reforming policy, the scheme invites experts and scholars to hold three expert symposiums with comprehensive counseling, systematic cooperation and integrated operation as a strategy and draws up “recycling image reforming scheme for five years”, the content of which covers six items of sub-scheme work, such as establishment of nation health image recycling station, system of recycling chain management, enhancement of economy of scale, overall care for individual proprietor, self image management and Corporation Social Responsibility (CSR). By means of the scheme, establishment of resource recycling demonstration station in every county and city can continue, and recycling image reforming efficacy can be enhanced; besides, by means of the past policy symposium and self-criticism, the definite direction of the prospective resource recycling image reforming policy can be drawn up, and the resource recycling system of environmental protection, efficiency and public interest can be constructed. 100 基管會 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34772
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢鉛蓄電池類) 執行廢鉛蓄電池處理業之稽核認證作業,稽核認證查核內容包括︰回收量、處理量稽核;作業程序稽核;環境稽核及會計稽核等工作。 The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste (Waste Lead Acid Batteries) For the auditing and certification of waste lead batteries recycling facilities, the main tasks included the auditing processes like collection quantity, recycling quantity, operational processes, environment and accounting. 100 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47949
100年度嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗街計畫 一、計畫名稱:100年度嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗街計畫。二、執行期程:自100年2月14日起至100年12月20日止,計10個月。三、工作內容完成進度:1.洗街長度統計至100年12月15日,完成執行洗街17,757.85公里,完成進度為101.47%。2.減量評估:依環保署所認定之削減量公式計算,洗街17,757.85公里可達成之總懸浮微粒(TSP)削減量為245.06公噸,懸浮微粒(PM10)削減量為46.17公噸。3.道路普查:現階段A級道路佔82%、B級道路佔18%。4.洗街查核作業:現階段完成228次,達整體進度100%,總計查核153.2公里。5.計畫效益評估作業:(1)TSP及PM10檢測作業,已於100年09月30日全部完成,洗街後TSP削減率介於29.00%~32.00%之間,另洗街後PM10削減率介於15.00%~23.00%之間(2)街塵調查分析作業:計畫執行目前完成12點次街塵負荷調查檢測作業。在總街塵負荷削減率平均值介於23.20%~40.20%之間。(3)街道揚塵洗街作業資料核對與彙整。6. 問卷調查:已於9月份完成計250份問卷調查資料 Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Plan of Chiayi City in 2011 1.Plan Name:Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Plan of Chiayi City in 2011.2. PlanTime:The project duration spanned from February 14,2011 to December 20, 2011.3.Plan Content:(1)Washes the street length statistics to December 15,2011 total execution 17,757.85 kilometers, completes the progress to reach 101.47%.(2) According to the Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan,R.O.C(Taiwan) recognized the decrement formula computation, the street washing 17,757.85 kilometers to compute decrease TSP 245.06 metric tons and PM10 46.17 metric tons.(3) The roadway census findings, non class-C , class-A at 82%, class-B at 18%.(4 )The plan checks:Completes 22 times, reaches the overall progress 100%, the grand total checks 153.2 kilometers.(5) benefit appraisal:a. TSP and PM10 examination work, after washes the street the TSP reduction rate between 29.00%~32.00%;After washes the street the PM10 reduction rate between 15.00%~23.00%.b. Street dust diagnosis work: This project had completed 12 times of street dust test work.According to the analysis result demonstrated washes off the work regarding total street dust reduction rate is between 23.20%~40.20%.(6) Questionnaire survey:Completed 250 questionnaire surveys in September. 100 嘉義市政府環境保護局 欣欣環保工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27318
100年度「中部科學園區空氣污染物稽查管制計畫」 本計畫主要工作項目為OP-FTIR連續監測、CC-FTIR管道監測管道異味檢測、管道無機酸檢測、中科台中基地周界VOC監測、架設VOCs自動採樣及連線系統、公私場所總體評鑑會議、六價鉻標準研擬及協助中科緊急空污事件處理等工作。本計畫執行完成未達公告許可條件之公私場所進行現場巡查50家、OP-FTIR連續監測3測線、CC-FTIR管道監測及管道異味檢測20根次、管道無機酸檢測20根次、中科台中基地周界VOC監測97點次、架設VOCs自動採樣及連線系統2站次、辦理3場次公私場所總體評鑑會議、協助處理2件中科緊急空污事件,並研擬六價鉻標準排放標準,每季提報空氣污染物排放量差異說明等工作。本計畫調查中科園區內主要為半電材枓及元件製造業、半導體製造業及其他行業製程,揮發性有機物原料使用主要丙酮、異丙醇、單甲基醚丙二醇、甲醇、乙醇、二甲苯等揮發性有機物,酸鹼原料使用硝酸、硫酸、鹽酸等,微量有害重金屬包括砷、銦、鎵等物種,依固定源資料庫中部科學園區污染物排放量VOCs為342.2公噸/年,氮氧化物排放量為45.5公噸/年,懸浮微粒排放量為30.1公噸/年;未達公告許可條件之公私場所完成普查50家次中有4家具空氣污染製程,4家污染排放量為粒狀物0.121公噸/年、氮氧化物1.105公噸/年、揮發性有機物10.334公噸/年,均已建置於固定污染源管理資訊系統。在建置中部科學園區空氣污染物指紋資料部分,中科園區台中基地周界揮發性有機化合物監測結果以酮類、醛類以及醇類組成百分比超過50 %,其原因可能為使用大量高揮發性溶劑來進行清洗產品表面蝕刻作業等製程,且大部分揮發性有機物均以燃燒方式進行末端處理,因此當燃燒不完全時,易產生有機氧化物類(酮類、醛類以及醇類);OP-FTIR監測第1測線測得氨氣、乙醇、一氧化二氮及六氟化硫由風向判定為友達台中廠,第2測線測得氨氣、一氧化碳、乙烯、甲醇及六氟化硫由風向判定為茂德台中廠、廣鎵三廠,第3條測線六氟化硫可能來源為茂德科技股份有限公司台中廠;煙道無機要檢測結果硝酸、氫氟酸及磷酸以友達台中廠排放濃度較高,鹽酸及硫酸以廣鎵三廠排放濃度較高;排放管道CC-FTIR及異味值監測,積體電路業主要物種為四氟化碳、砷化氫、丙二醇甲醚乙酸酯,光電業主要物種為六氟化硫、單甲基醚丙二醇、甲基四氫吡咯酮,異味值主來自酸氣、丙二醇甲醚乙酸酯及氨氣等。辦理相關事項部分包括於100年8月22及23日辦理3場次總體評鑑會議,評鑑結論要求業者依委員意見提出相關改善方案,3場次評鑑工作成效為揮發性有機物總削減量為6.917公噸/年;另有關六價鉻排放標準研擬工作,本計畫參考風險評估結果、國外所訂定之標準、既存污染源之影響、檢測方法之偵測極限以及辦理4場會議相關單位提供之意見,最後研擬標準為建議周界標準為5.0 ng/m3,管道標準為500 ng/Nm3。為提升本計畫執行人員的專業性,共辦理9次教育訓練,皆選擇與計畫執行相關之主題並邀請專家學者針對法規、SIP查核重點、FTIR檢測及實例進行說明,對計畫人員執行計畫有所助益。 100 台中市環境保護局 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28585
100年基隆市飲用水暨社區污水重點稽查管制計畫 為有效確保飲用水系統之安全並進一步提升作業成果,本計畫針對飲用水及社區進行稽查及水質抽驗,並對未符合標準之場所,除加以行政處分外,並進行輔導改善追蹤查核,以期達"安全飲用水"及"清淨河川"之目標。 100 基隆市環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28847
卑南溪風砂揚塵防制計畫 一、全面清查卑南溪易揚塵區塊,並分析揚塵成因,掌握影響揚塵主要變數。二、建置河床裸露地揚塵預警系統,提供即時的空品惡化預警功能。三、規劃建立及操作緊急應變體系,於預警系統發布預警或發生揚塵惡化事件時進行應變,減輕揚塵對附近居民之影響。四、針對應變體系中之權責單位及人員,辦理應變說明會,以加強人員之應變能力。五、卑南溪裸露地現況掌握及防制策略研擬。 Aeolian Dust Control From Peinan River 1.Comprehensive inventory Beinan River and analyze the causes of Aeolian dust.2.Building an early warning system to provide instant warning of air quility.3.Planning the establishment and operation of the emergency response system in place early warning or deterioration of events when dust strain, to reduce the impact of dust on nearby residents.4.Responsibilities for preparedness and response system in the units and personnel will handle the strain shows in order to strengthen the resilience of personnel.5.Beinan River exposed to the status of master and develop control strategies. 100 台東縣環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40529
運作中工廠土壤及地下水含氯有機溶劑污染潛勢調查及查證計畫(第3期)(乙) 近年來國內外工業活動造成之土地污染案例,對國土資源與生活環境形成莫大威脅。在各類型污染物中,含氯溶劑屬比水重非水相液體(Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid,簡稱DNAPL)所造成之問題最為棘手,如原RCA桃園廠、飛利浦竹北廠及台灣氯乙烯公司頭份廠等,其污染整治經耗費鉅額資源與時間後仍未能達成。而本計畫(第二期)於前期計畫調查發現之台塑仁武廠土水污染事件,也引起政府各單位與國人之重視。國內使用含氯有機溶劑工廠遍及各類業別(如金屬製品、塑膠製品、化學製品、化學材料、電子及光學製品、機械設備…),致癌風險性高,污染一旦洩漏其移動分佈深受複雜的水文地質變化所影響,其污染流佈與調查及整治迥異於重金屬或油品類污染。有鑑於此,行政院環境保護署(以下稱環保署或貴署)乃於民國97年起首次針對全國含氯溶劑之運作中工廠展開調查,而本計畫屬延續性之第二期計畫,期能達成預防管理、污染早期發現之功能,並維護國民健康與國土資源之永續利用 Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Chlorinated Solvents Pollution Potential thir Chlorinated solvents are widely used in various industries in Taiwan. Once solvents leak and spread into subsurface, the difficulty of investigation and remediation of these solvents are higher than heavy metal and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) contaminants due to their higher mobility in the heterogeneous, hydrogeological conditions. The following tasks have been completed in accordance to the objectives of the project: conducted the three-stage investigation of soil and groundwater contamination at the ten chlorinated solvent operating factories selected; assisted EPA in performing the investigation and verification of contaminations of other potential sites; updated and modified the guidelines of DNAPL investigation issued by EPA. The final report of this project encompasses the feedbacks of site screening and investigation procedure, in hoping that these will assist EPA to set up an economical and effective method in processing future chlorinated solvent operating cases. 100 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38455
100年度嘉義市永續發展業務工作計畫 永續發展乃建構在環境保護、經濟發展及社會公義的三大基礎上,其基本意涵為「促進當代的發展,但也要確保後代子孫的發展權益」;要達到永續發展,有賴政府、民間、企業、社區與各行各業共同發揮夥伴精神,秉持永續發展的理念、攜手合作,才能凝聚全面落實的力量,確保世代子孫公平享用自然資源。地方永續發展指標的設計與發展過程中,應特別包含因地制宜、由下而上、中央與地方的伙伴關係建立等概念,透過此些規劃手法與觀念,除參考聯合國及我國中央與地方的指標系統為參考外,並考量嘉義市地方特殊生態及其他自然與人文特色,以檢核已建立之永續發展指標系統,並研提具可行性之永續發展指標為嘉義市後續推動永續發展之檢核標準。此外針對國內其他縣市目前推動永續發展之執行現況與遭遇困難作一彙整分析,以為嘉義市後續推動永續計畫之借鏡。 Sustainable Development Prospetus of Chiayi City Sustainable development grounds on environmental protection, economic development and social justice. The basic value is to both stimulate contemporary development and future generations’ development right. Hence, in order to reach sustainable development, the corporation between governments, private enterprises, communities is necessary. The concept of Chiayi sustainable development index should consider local conditions, bottom-up and partnership between central and local governments, and further refers to the United Nations and domestic relative index systems, as well as local specific ecology and other natural and cultural features. Besides, many cities have proceeded sustainable development planning lately, the present executive conditions and difficulties will then be concluded for the future promotion reference in Chiayi. 100 嘉義市政府環境保護局 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27487
交通噪音、振動抽測及管制專案工作計畫 交通噪音、振動之監測及管制為維護交通系統沿線民眾生活安寧與品質的重要工作之一,為有效監管高速公路、快速公路、大眾捷運、高速鐵路、一般鐵路及航空噪音,本計畫配合行政院環保署逐年瞭解交通噪音問題現況、彙整交通噪音陳情案件處理情形、查核交通噪音監測品質的目標,依階段性任務需要進行下列五項工作:1.陸上運輸系統噪音、振動敏感點與陳情點之噪音振動監測2.陸上運輸系統噪音陳情案件研析3.交通噪音改善措施法規及資料收集分析、及相關管制規範檢討修訂。4.航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核,提升航空噪音監測品質。5.更新航空噪音防制補助資料庫。由執行計畫之工作成果獲得以下結論:1.完成陸上運輸系統交通噪音及振動陳情點之監測與成因分析,目前噪音陳情點監測完成9處計34點之複合性音源分離;另監測完成單一陸上運輸系統音源之噪音陳情點26處,合計監測60點。對於振動敏感點或陳情點則監測完成20處。2.99年陸上運輸系統噪音陳情案件立案者累計有33件,已建立完成各陳情案件之處理情形資料,以利追蹤改善成效。至100年度噪音改善計畫已核定並進行噪音改善者有6件;陳情案中符合陸上運輸系統噪音管制標準者有13件;已提出改善計畫但仍於審查階段者有14件。3.於100年6月21日辦理完成「交通噪音改善計畫及補助計畫研商會議」,與交通營運管理機關(構)及工程顧問公司等單位初步達成計畫撰寫注意事項之共識,及噪音改善模擬之要點,並檢討噪音改善計畫審查過程相關缺失,有助於交通噪音改善之持續推動。4.複合性交通噪音之音源分離驗證,隨集音筒之夾角不同而有不同之誤差,但其準確性已較去年大幅提升(誤差≦0.7dB),證明新開發之集音筒集音效果良好,並實際進行9處複合性交通噪音陳情點之音源分離測量。5.完成道路交通噪音及鐵路噪音改善計畫書範例,以及噪音成因模擬分析評估案例,可供相關機關參考。6.完成嘉義水上機場、台北松山機場、桃園龍潭基地、台中清泉崗機場、台中新社基地、台南機場、台南歸仁基地、高雄小港機場、桃園國際機場及花蓮航空站等10處機場之查核,並分別列出以上各機場監測站與監控中心改善注意事項建議表。7.提出9項後續工作之建議,值得未來推動執行,以利交通噪音之改善。 Monitoring Measurements of Noise and Vibration of Ground and Aviation Transportation System The monitoring measurement and control of traffic noise and vibration (NV) is one important work to maintain the tranquil life and habitancy quality alongside various traffic systems. For the purpose of effectively monitoring and managing the noise generated from freeway, highway, mass rapid transportation (MRT), high speed rail transportation (HSRT), common railway and aviation, the aim of the project encompasses the following works:1.The NV monitoring measurements at a number of noise-sensitive sites and noise-complaint sites to understand the around status of the ground-borne traffic noise problem.2.Cause analysis of the noise complaints from ground-borne transportation systems.3.Information collection regarding rules, standards, specifications of the control measures for traffic noise for the purpose of reviewing and revise the existed related ones.4.Survey the aviation noise monitoring centers or monitoring stands to raise the monitoring quality of aviation noise.5.Update the database of the protection subsidy for aviation noise.From the works conducted in this project, the following results and suggestions can be forwarded:1.Complete the 24 hours monitoring measurements and cause analyses of 60 noise-complaint measuring points and 6 hours monitoring measurements of 20 vibration sensitive points. Among the 60 noise measuring points, there are 34 points pertaining to 9 sites of complex traffic noise problem, and 26 points pertaining to the problem of single traffic system.2.According to the reply documents from each domestic city or county government, the traffic noise-complaint events happened in last year have summed up to an amount of 33. in which, the noise improvement plans (NIP’s) for 6 complaint events are approved and undertaken the noise improvement accordingly the NIP’s of 14 complaint events are still in the process of approval review yet, one complaint event does not submit the NIP yet, and the monitoring results of 13 complaint events are complying with the Noise Control Standards of the Land Transportation Systems promulgated and started to exectue on January 21, 2010.3.After the forum on noise improvement plan and noise subsidy plan with the engineering consulting companies and traffic enterprises, the common understandings and key points for compiling both plans have been established. Also, the shortcomings in the submitted noise improvement plans have been pointed out and summarized for reference, so as to be apt to continuous improvement of the traffic noise.4.In the validation experiment for the sparation process of the complex traffic noise, the correctness has be raised to an error within ±0.7dB. It shows that the newly developed sound collector possesses very good sound magnification effect. Besides, the collectors have been used to successfully separate 9 sites of the complex traffic noise complaints.5.Complete samples of the traffic noise improvement plan, the traffic noise subsidy play and the cause analysis of complex traffic noise problem by the method of simulation and measurement, respectively, for the reference of application.6.Complete the survey of aviation monitoring systems of 10 airports, i.e., Chiayi shui-suong airport, Taipei Sung-San airport, Taoyuan Longtan airport, Taichung Ching-Chuan Kung airport, Taichung Shin-Shier base, Tainan airport Tainan Guei-Ren base, Kaohsung Siaou-Kung airport, Taoyuan CSS International airport and Hwalian airport, and propose the comment remarks and check lists for further improvement of each individual aviation noise monitoring stand or monitoring center of the airports.7.9 worthwhile works and suggestions have been proposed for further execution, so as to facilitate the improvement of traffic noise. 100 空保處 中華民國振動與噪音工程學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30169
金門縣100年度固定污染源許可管制及餐飲業異味輔導改善計畫 本計畫執行期程係自100年4月25日至100年12月31日止。主要工作項目包括:執行許可制度、資料庫維護更新與管理、辦理空污費催補繳及查核、執行排放量網路申報審核、辦理本縣空氣污染防制費徵收、催補繳及查核作業、提昇固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法法規符合度、餐飲業油煙減量及公私場所異味污染改善及加油站油氣回收管制作業。整體實際工作項目執行率達99%,共完成4件固定污染源操作許可申請審查及發證作業,目前仍受理審查申共有4件次。稽查檢測作業共進行4根次之煙道稽查檢測、12件次油品含硫份採樣檢測、10點TSP周界採樣檢測次、15點次臭味官能測定;執行71家次固定污染源巡查作業,協助審查20家次空氣污染物排放量案件及41家空氣污染防制費審查;辦理6場相關法規宣導會及1場次「優良餐飲業表揚暨餐飲油煙減量觀摩會」。本計畫也在金門縣地方電視台,進行為期2個月餐飲業污染減量之媒體宣導作業。 The fixed pollution sources permits being in charge of the peculiar smell pollution of and the food and beverage manufacturing industry to coach the plan of improving Performance duration of this project is between April 25, 2011, and December 31, 2011. Main work items include performance of permit system, maintenance and update and management of database, reminding and supplementing payment and examination of air pollution control fee, performance of internet declaration and review on emission amount, collection of air pollution control fee in the county, reminding and supplementing payment and examination, compliance degree with Measure for Promoting and Governing Air Pollution Protection Facilities against Dispersing Particle Pollutant Produced by Stationary Sources, Oil fumes Reduction in Food Services and Pollution Improvement of Peculiar Smell in Private and Public Places and Recycle and Control of Fuel Vapor in Gas Station. Up to now, execution rate of overall work items of this stage is 99% and total 4 cases of application for operation permit of stationary pollution sources are accomplished, 1 case of application for establishment permit, 4 cases of fume channel audit and test, 12 cases of sampling test for sulfur content of oil products, 10 locations of TSP perimeter sampling test, 15 locations of secondary fume olfactometry ; examinations of 71 stationary pollution sources, assistance in reviewing 8 cases of air pollutant amount and 41 cases of air pollution control fee; held 6 sessions of advocacy campaign for related regulation, and a session of “Commendation for Exceptional Food Services and Observation of Oil Fumes Reduction in Food Services.” This project was also transmitted as a media campaign through the local Kinmen TV station for 2 months for the purpose of pollution reduction in food service. 100 金門縣環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45964
節能性化學迴圈反應程序處理電子業廢溶劑之技術開發 本研究之主要目的在研發適用於處理廢溶劑之化學迴圈反應器,期能透過化學迴圈程序有效利用熱能、高轉化率等特性,研發低能耗、高效率的廢溶劑處理程序。化學迴圈程序技術主要有幾個關鍵技術,包括載氧體製備、固體輸送、反應器設計與參數最佳化等。因此本研究將透過熱重分析系統、固定床反應器、冷模反應器、化學迴圈反應器四個階段來找出最佳化的化學迴圈程序操作參數。本研究以20 %之異丙醇水溶液作為處理對象,在以上各反應器階段進行實驗測試,並以測試所得之參數進行化學迴圈反應器設計。本團隊目前已完成載氧體篩選、載氧體製程開發、程序熱值評估、冷模反應器的測試及燃料反應器的架設與實驗。在載氧體篩選上,本團隊所開發之氧化鐵複合載氧體經由熱重分析儀與固定床反應器測試具有良好的反應性及可迴圈性。在載氧體製程開發製程上,本團隊已開發出大量製造高機械強度載氧體顆粒的壓錠技術,對於後續應用移動床式化學迴圈程序時,具有良好的成本效益。本研究所使用的載氧體為中鋼公司產品,未來在大量製備上,氧化鐵粉末具有良好的穩定性與可取得性。在程序熱值評估上,20 %的異丙醇水溶液在化學迴圈程序的操作上仍為放熱反應,在連續操作時,熱能可自行由空氣反應器提供,不需額外加入燃料燃燒。在冷模反應器的測試上,本團隊自行開發可輸送固體顆粒之輸送盤,此為化學迴圈程序操作上之關鍵技術。在燃料反應器的空床實驗上,透過不同異丙醇水溶液流速及反應溫度,可得到異丙醇進入反應器後之裂解機制,有助於了解後續與載氧體反應的反應機制探討。以2 kg載氧體在不同異丙醇水溶液流速及反應溫度的實驗中,可以發現除了在800°C時有部分CH4未完全反應,其餘反應條件都具有100 %的碳轉化率與100 %的CO2捕捉效率,處理效果良好。後續工作除了持續改善反應器操作參數、載氧體機械強度之外,亦需找尋合適的研究單位與業界單位洽談合作應用與技術移轉之合作事宜,以評估商業化之可行性與經濟性。 Development of Chemical Looping Process on Treatment of Waste Solvent from Semiconductor and LCD Ind The chemical looping technology applying to waste solvent treatment was developed in this project. The advantages of high conversion of organic species and low energy consumption of chemical looping technology are benefit to treat waste solvent more efficiently. The key techniques including preparation methodology of oxygen carrier, solid transportation between fuel and air reactors and optimal design for waste solvent treatment are essential for development of chemical looping technology. The operation parameters for high decomposition rate on 20 % isopropanol (IPA) solution were found out, through thermogravimetric analysis, fixed-bed reactor, cold model moving bed testing and moving bed reactor experiments.The screening and quantitative production process of oxygen carrier for high performance on reactivity, recyclability and good mechanical strength were successfully developed. The raw material of oxygen carrier was Fe2O3 provided by China Steel Company, therefore, the cost and availability of Fe2O3 would be feasible for commercial application in the future. Besides, heat value with regards to reaction of IPA and Fe2O3 oxygen carrier has been estimated, the overall reaction was exothermic that benefit in energy aspect. As to cold model moving bed testing, the mechanical transport device was able to sweep oxygen carrier from fuel reactor to air reactor, vice versa. The mechanical transport device provides with two functions that to move oxygen carrier and seal the gases between fuel and air reactors simultaneously. The empty-bed experiments in the fuel reactor were employed with various IPA solution flow rates and reaction temperatures to investigate the mechanism of IPA decomposition with excess water. From the results of empty-bed experiments, 20 % methanol, ethanol and 2-butanol solutions were possessed similar decomposition mechanism with 20 % IPA solution. Hence, the treatment efficiencies by combusted with oxygen carrier were supposed similar with IPA solution. The oxygen carriers with 2 kg were loaded in the fuel reactor for experiments on effects of IPA solution flow rate and reaction temperature. There were 100 % conversion of IPA and 100 % CO2 capture efficiency of effluent gas at 850 and 900°C., However, few CH4 was not decomposed at 800°C. We will fine tune the operation parameters of the fuel reactor and mechanical strength, subsequently. Besides, cooperation with industry in interest to test this reactor would be important for practical use in economy and feasibility aspects. 100 永續發展室 國立台灣科技大學育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27249
100年度空氣污染緊急應變公害陳情案件處理計畫 根據環保報案中心資料庫統計,本縣自86年以來所受理之各類型陳情案件屢創新高,總數已突破每年10,000件規模,顯見本縣民眾對提升生活品質之殷切期盼,由於陳情案件之處理成果攸關縣府施政滿意度,近年來透過各項源頭減案措施之推動,已達成連續四年之民眾陳情減案成效(97年減案1%、98年減案5%、99年減案3%);而就陳情案件成因分析結果,則以空氣污染(異味)及噪音之陳情比例最高,顯示屬於短時間、無形的污染型態已成為現今陳情主流,而此類案件於實際查處時,往往因污染性質緣故無法掌握關鍵查處時機,導致法規標準與民眾認知差異而衍生為一再陳情案件。因此,為迅速處理公害陳情案件,有效化解環保紛爭,本計畫透過提升稽查效能、專案入廠輔導及民眾參與等方案之推動加強管制,並以源頭管制優於末端稽查之管理原則,成立召開稽查業務督導會報,並透過污染源總體檢之執行,結合許可管理業務單位對列管污染源之許可查核及功能評鑑,針對一再陳情等之重大案件從源頭加以輔導管制,藉以防止污染事件再度發生,不僅提高民眾對於環保施政之滿意度,亦可降低稽查人力負荷,可謂一舉兩得。根據統計,100年度陳情案件減案比例達11%,顯示透過本計畫之相關作為已獲得良好成效。 The Projcet of Air Pollution Emergency Response and Nuisance Cases Processing in 2001 According to the statistical analysis of the database of the Environmental Nuisance Cases Reporting Center, new records were made in all types of nuisance cases in Taoyuan County since 1997, bringing the total to over 10,000 cases per year, exhibiting the expectation of county residents for increased standards of living. Since the handling of nuisance cases would affect the level of public satisfaction toward the county government, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Taoyuan County Government has promoted various policies to reduce the causes of nuisance cases, and successfully reduced the number of nuisance cases for 3 consecutive years (1% in 2008, 5% in 2009 and 3% in 2010). Analytical results on the causes of the nuisance cases showed that air pollution (bad odor) and noise account for the majority of cases, indicating that the instant and intangible pollutions have become the mainstream of nuisance cases. At the same time, these types of nuisance cases were difficult to pinpoint the root causes during inspection, thus leading to discrepancy between the legal standards and public understanding, and in turn, more nuisance cases. Hence, in order to handle public pollution nuisance cases quickly and effectively resolve disputes over environmental issues, this project through to enhance audit effectiveness, project into the plant counseling and promotion of public participation in such programs to strengthen control. Along with the permit certification of pollution source management and functional evaluation of approved management units, the project has provided counseling and guidance to the sources of the major nuisance cases, in order to prevent repeated occurrence of pollution. These measures have enhanced public satisfaction for the implementation of environmental protection policies, and reduced the manpower burden on monitoring, thus achieving win—win outcome. According to the statistical analysis of the database, a 11% reduction of nuisance cases was achieved in 2011, showing that strengthening management and relevant measures of the project has achieved good results. 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38029
100年度台東縣空氣品質管理計畫 本年度主要執行項目包括:空氣品質監測資料分析、空氣品質惡化通報及緊急應變機制相關工作、100年度空氣品質維護或改善相關計畫績效管理、編撰101年版台東縣空氣污染防制計畫書、宣輔導室內空氣品質自主管理、參與環保署空氣品質考評相關會議或花東空品區空氣污染防制相關會議、配合節能減碳政策之相關工作、依規定分別做成說明書或報告書提送台東縣環境保護局審查及其他協助或配合之工作事項規定。本計畫各相關工作量化成果如表1,茲將上述各項工作執行項目內容摘要說明如下:一、空氣品質監測資料分析(一)完成民國100年1~12月彙整台東縣之空氣品質監測站(台東及關山測站)監測資料分析(空氣品質指標及空氣污染物濃度),作為空氣品質管理及策略擬定之參考。(二)已完成蒐集台東縣環境背景及負荷變化情形資料,彙整分析於期末報告內容,以作為空氣品質管理之參考。(三)依照環保署考評辦法空氣品質改善項目,完成每月進行績效之自評及資料並提報環保局,以利掌握空氣品質考評及現況。二、維護及確立空氣品質惡化通報及緊急應變機制相關工作(一)已維護完成台東縣空氣品質惡化及緊急應變措施之相關內容及相關權責單位通聯方式等資料,於遇有空氣品質惡化事件時作為應變及通報等依據。(二)完成維護電子化通報系統正常運作,確保空氣品質趨於惡化情況自動執行通報機制。(三)已依據啟動空氣品質惡化緊急應變作業,於應變作業結束日之次日起15日內彙整提出應變作業情形資料予機關。 三、推動100年度空氣品質維護或改善相關計畫績效管理(一)完成100年度空氣品質維護或改善相關計畫工作之督導查核標準作業程序,作為本年度考核之準則。(二)透過環保署考評辦法,完成空氣品質維護或改善等相關計畫查核之每月執行情形,並提出查核結果予機關,作為管制參考。(三)已完成每季提報空氣品質相關工作考評季報資料至環保署。(四)完成每月辦理1次空氣品質改善維護相關計畫之工作檢討會、每月計畫月報檢討會及計畫經理月協調會等,協助掌握各計畫執行及與環保局間之協調,並製作會議紀錄。(五)完成每月確認100年度相關計畫空氣污染物減量目標及管制工作執行重點目標,進行彙整並提出成果資料予環保局,作為空氣品質維護或改善等相關計畫管理參考。(六)針對台東縣各類空氣污染源排放結構與排放資料進行掌握,彙整分析於期末報告內容,作為空氣污染防制策略參考。四、完成編修100、101年版台東縣空氣污染防制計畫書,送交環保署審查及相關修訂工作,審定版已裝訂10份及電子檔光碟2份提送環保局。五、推動宣輔導室內空氣品質自主管理(一)已完成辦理2場次室內空氣品質自主管理宣導說明會議,2場次合計邀請共180家公私場所(通知場所原則依據環保署訂定室內空氣品質建議值之第1類及第2類場所定義篩選)。(二)完成輔導5家公私場所之室內空氣品質自主管理,已建置室內空氣品質維護管理措施計畫書;並安排規劃輔導前調查所擇定室內空間以直讀式儀器進行空氣品質狀況檢測(項目:二氧化碳(CO2)、一氧化碳(CO)、甲醛、總揮發性有機化合物、粒徑小於等於10μm懸浮微粒(PM10)、粒徑小於等於2.5μm細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)、臭氧(O3)、溫度;最低取樣點數目至少5點)及解析,作為輔導參考。六、已參與環保署召開之相關會議或花東空品區空氣污染防制相關會議;並完成協助進行資料彙整、簡報製作等,協助回覆並彙整會議交辦意見,並作為空氣品質維護或改善工作績效管理及空氣污染防制策略參考。七、配合推動節能減碳政策之相關工作:(一)完成彙整分析台東縣空氣品質改善維護計畫之相關計畫之二氧化碳排放源及排放量相關資料。(二)已協助環保局推行及宣導節能減碳政策之相關工作。八、依下列各款規定分別做成說明書或報告書提送台東縣環境保護局審查:(一)已完成彙整台東縣空氣品質現況、排放地圖、污染物排放量、排碳量管制分析、工作成果分析、污染物削減量及創新作法成果等項目內容,並編撰成工作成果說明書。(二)本計畫相關工作事項之執行情形、成果分析、結論建議等,分別已依下列規 定之期限日前編撰成期中報告書及期末報告書,提送台東縣環境保護局審查(100年11月30日前提送期末報告書初稿1式12份)。九、其他協助或配合之工作事項規定:(一)已完成提供台東縣環境保護局網站之新增或更新相關業務資訊。(二)完成協助提供台東縣環境保護局相關業務之新聞稿內容。(三)完成台東縣環境保護局或環保署或相關機關等之相關業務查核或考核等相關 作業,並協助填報相關管制資料或報表。(四)已完成台東縣環境保護局通知參加該局或環保署召開之相關工作檢討會議或 相關會議。(五)已協助完成本計畫相關業務之行政文書處理業務。 100 台東縣環境保護局 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34519
生態綠化社區示範計畫 為了因應氣溫暖化帶來的問題,推動節能減碳目前政府是重要的政策之一,包括生態綠化、建築節能、設備節能、及再生能源等相關的措施。而有鑑於生態綠化社區之建立尚未有明確的規範及策略,因此本計畫將蒐集國內外生態綠化社區節能應用案例及改善方法,並藉由專家學者的討論以及示範社區的設置,來進行成效的分析,研提適合我國生態綠化社區推動策略及措施。本計畫共邀集了10為在產官學界均有實績與名望的專業人士,成立生態綠化委員會。此委員會除了指導生態綠化示範區的設置細節外,也共同研商並提出社區生態綠化評鑑表與施行草案。其中綠化評鑑的部分,可以與低碳家園行動方案做結合,整合進入未來低碳家園的大架構之下。而在生態綠化示範區的設立,選定新北市萬里區野柳社區,採取在地企業、社區與指導單位共同認養的方式進行,並對後續的維護進行專業分工。在設立示範區3個月之後,舉辦社區生態綠化成果發表會,邀請各界人士分享社區生態綠化的成果,並以專題演講與心得分享的方式,推動並深化由社區自發性參與生態綠化的動機與成果。 Global warming and environmental change had been mentioned by societies since the end of 20-th century. Especially, Carbon reduction is one of operations which responses to the possible impact for the future. In particular, applications of ecological greening, energy-saving and renewable energy are objects of the government’s current policy. However, progress of ecological greening’s action program still in the initial state. This project reviewing case study and improvement plan worldwide to formulate a prototype of action plan, rated by specialists and model community. All the feedbacks were considered to improve the plan itself. Finally, the achievement of this project will turn to be the policy of governance in the future.This project invites 10 specialists from public officers, academic researchers and private companies to constitute a commitment of ecological greening technical advisory. The commitment not only sets details of the action plan and model community, but tries to develop the assessment to check the outcome of ecological greening. In the part of assessment of greening, it could be combined with low-carbon emission communities in the future. On the other hand, this project arranged local community, local business and administrators to cooperate the management of model community in Yehliu community in New Taipei city. After 3 months testing period, with holding exhibition for the achievements, we promoted and intensified the outcome of self-progressed ecological greening action plan by community. 100 空保處 國立臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40027
100年度空氣污染減碳方案─低碳教育綜合補助計畫─低碳生活友善環境環境推廣計畫 桃園縣配合環保署政策及延續吳志揚縣長打造桃園縣成為低碳城市的政策,透過各項低碳生活推動工作來達到友善環境的目的,並逐步降低本縣二氧化碳排放。1.低碳場所認證為落實本縣推動低碳城市的遠景,桃園縣今年度首推全國第一的低碳場所認證工作。本計畫於100年12月份開始後,著手進行桃園縣低碳場所認證標章之推動工作,包含低碳健康餐廳(廚房)、環保寺廟以及低碳旅遊認證標章之設計、認證作業要點之研擬、低碳婚禮推動計畫之研訂等。截至101年12月份,本計畫已完成工作內容包含:(1)完成低碳認證標章(低碳健康餐廳(廚房)、環保寺廟、低碳旅遊)設計及網路票選活動。(2)完成低碳健康餐廳(廚房)認證管理作業要點及環保寺廟認證管理作業要點之擬定及公告。(3)完成25處低碳健康餐廳(廚房)之輔導認證工作及頒發認證標章。(4)完成2處低碳團膳輔導作業(3M公司及僑愛國小)(5)完成產銷班第一季至第四季之在地時節食材之調查工作。(6)完成低碳婚禮推動計畫並推動8對(其中1對於評選時臨時取消參加)新人舉辦低碳婚禮,包含2對示範新人及5對入圍新人。(7)完成縣內各地香火鼎盛大廟之金爐污染防制設備及祭祀使用習慣之調查工作。(8)完成12處環保寺廟之輔導認證工作及頒發認證標章。(9)完成清明節及中元節期間紙錢減量及集中焚燒推動計畫。(10)完成低碳旅遊認證推動計畫。2.低碳生活教育推廣為能推動全體縣民低碳生活,從食衣住行育樂六大面向著手,本計畫也透過本縣節能減碳行動網平台,提供低碳生活友善環境教育推廣相關知識,透過縣政府作為推手,讓縣民了解低碳生活從自身日常生活做起,一個簡單的生活模式改變,就可以換來更友善、更低碳的生活環境,也替後代子孫留下更適合居住的環境。 The Subsidy Plan of The Low-Carbon Education - The Promote Plan of The Low-Carbon living and Friendly Environment In order to follow the policy of EPA and the Mayor Wu’s determination of being the low-carbon city, the Taoyuan government promote lots of the following low-carbon works to decrease the CO2 Emission which can reach the purpose of a friendly environment in Taoyuan county:1. Low-carbon place certificationIn order to implement the vision of the low-carbon city, the Taoyuan County is the first local government to propose the project of the low carbon place certification this year. Since the project was started in December of 2011, it developed all items of the Taoyuan low-carbon place certification works, include of the certification marks, the formulation of the certification and proposing the low-carbon wedding program.Until the end of December, 2012, this project accomplished the following work:(1) To complete a low-carbon certification mark (low carbon health restaurant (kitchen), the temple of environmental protection, low-carbon travel) design and online voting activities.(2) To complete the formulation and announcement of the low carbon Healthy Restaurant Management Operation (Kitchen) certification and environmental temple authentication management jobs Guidelines.(3) To complete 25 low-carbon health restaurant (kitchen) certification work and issue the certification marks.(4) To complete 2 low-carbon group meals counseling job (3M Company and Qiao-Ai elementary school)(5) To complete All seasonal investigation of local food (6) To complete the low-carbon wedding promotion plan and promote the 8 pairs joining in the low-carbon wedding.(7) To complete the prefecture flourishing incense temple of gold furnace pollution control equipment and worship habits investigation.(8) To complete the 12 environmental temple of counseling certification and issue certification marks.(9) Developing the paper-money reduction and centralized incineration Promotion Program. during the Ching Ming Festival and Ghost Festival(10) To complete the low-carbon tourism certification Promotion Program. 2. The development of the low-carbon living educationBy the establishment of the carbon reduction and energy saving website which provides the knowledge of the low-carbon living and friendly environment education, it can let the citizen understand it can bring more friendly and low-carbon living environment if we take the simple low-carbon living behaviors. 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 威陞環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45830
100年度宜蘭縣移動污染源稽查管制及機車排氣定期檢驗服務管理計畫 移動污染源係造成空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,為改善機車排放對於空氣污染所造成的問題,環保局實施多項措施以管制機車排放空氣污染物,包括:執行未定檢機車巡查、機車不定期檢驗、機車排氣檢驗站管理,及淘汰高污染老舊機車等,以有效改善空氣品質。 Moving pollution source inspection control project in 2011 Mobile pollution sources is one of the main cause for the air quality decline, in order to improve the air pollution problems caused by motorcycle exhausted emission, the environmental protection bureau has implemented many projects to control motorcycle exhaust discharge air pollutant, include the execution which locomotive did not make regular inspection, the roadside blocks examines, and management of motorcycle exhausted emission inspection stations, eliminating old motorcycle, to improve air quality efficiently. 100 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=31843
100年度桃園縣營建工程空氣污染防制費催繳稽查管制計畫 本計畫自100年4月21日起至101年4月20日止共執行12個月,主要工作項目包括有營建工程空污費收費作業、工地稽查管制作業、推動工地自主管理及城市美化作業、預警管理作業、營建工程管制宣導及缺失輔導作業、工地管制創新作法、表單提報及資料分析等。在營建工程空污費徵收部分,共完成申報案件4,925件,免徵件數33件,總徵收金額68,556,085元,各申報案件皆已全數完成資料建檔列管,空污費徵收率約達69.7%,而催繳達成率約100%。完工案件共計3,380件,完工面積達3,313,513平方公尺,平均施工中營建工程約有2,129件,面積達4,362,087平方公尺;完工結算簡訊提醒服務,共新增325位同意申請,且目前已發送226則通知簡訊。在巡查列管工地方面,因應營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法之實施(以下簡稱管理辦法),本計畫執行期間共完成14,650處次之稽/巡查作業;巡查排放量之掌握上達90.8%;巡查納管率部分則達72.92%;排放量削減率達50.13%;針對未符合管理辦法工地則要求其限期改善,一級工地管理辦法法規符合度91.4%,二級工地管理辦法法規符合度88.8%。營建工地人員簽名率70.3%,施工機具油品檢測共100點次,均符合法規標準。在推動工地自主管理及城市美化方面,工地周邊道路認養共推廣51處,總洗掃長度則達40,440公里,並配合營建工程較易產生污染階段之出土工程進行盯睄作業,共50處次,法規符合度僅1處為輕微缺失,其餘均已輔導改善完成。推廣並輔導本縣境內共10處營建工程設置活體植栽綠圍籬,面積達579.07平方公尺;推廣10處面積合計達12,228.82平方公尺完成生態化鋪面施作,施作方式包括有植生、生物分解塑膠覆蓋膜(BDP)及聚乙烯醇(PVA)等;防污標章共推廣50處工地參與。預警管理作業,本年度完成每季10站共40站次落塵監測,其測值均有呈現改善的情形;計畫執行期間辦理各項相關輔導說明會共17場次,平均參與人數均達50人~100人左右,且與會相關人員互動良好,確實達到宣傳及輔導的效果。「限改零時差,環保無假期」及「道路管線工程,廢土不落地」兩項為本年度之創新作法,創新作法執行後,削減率由47%提升為52%,管理辦法法規符合率由82%提升為90%,有效提升本計畫各項評量指標。 The pollution preventing of building engineering 2011 This project executed for 12 months from April 21, 2011 to April 20, 2012 and the major subjects included air pollution fee of construction, inspection and control operations of construction, self-managed site and city beautification operations promoting, caution managing operations, constructing control and counseling promoting, innovations for constructing control, form submitting and information analysis and etc. Regarding to the collecting of air pollution fee, it has completed 4,925 reported cases with 33 cases free from the fee and the total amount of collection was NT$ 68,556,085. All reported case were completed data filing with the rate of collection reached 69.7% and the rated of notification for 100%. The total completion was 3,380 cases with 3,313,513 square meter. There were 2,129 cases under construction with 4,362,087 square meter of completion. The notification through massage has 325 new consents agreeing to apply and it has sent 226 massages till now. For the inspection of subjective construction sites, the project has completed 14,650 times of inspections in response to the Implementation of Measures for the Administration of Construction Engineering Air Pollution Control Facilities (Hereafter referred to as the Measures for the Administration). It has inspected 90.8% of emissions with 72.92% of inspection rate and emission reducing rate reached 50.13%. For cases didn’t achieve the emission standard of the Measures for the Administration, it has been required to make improvement within limited time. Furthermore, it has reached the compliance rate of the first degree site management regulation for 91.4%, and 88.8% compliance rate of the second degree site management regulation. The total signature rate of site staffs reached 70.3% and it has completed 100 times inspection for the machinery oils using in the construction site which all complied with regulations and relative standards. For the promotion of self-managed site and city beautification operations, it has promoted 51 road adoptions surrounding the site with total length of 40,440 kilometer. In addition, just only 1 time has the slight flaw when it processed 50 times of checking operations at the areas. And others making improvements.The project has promoted and consulted to plant green fence in 10 construction sites within the County with total area reached 579.07 square meters, and 12,228.82 square meters of completion for ecological surface installations including green plant setting and biological setting of BDP and PVA. Also, it has promoted 50 sites for participation of posting anti-fouling mark.Regarding to caution managing operations, it has completed 40 stations of dust monitoring with the frequency of 10 stations in each quarter and all measured values showed improvements. There were 17 guidance instructions held during the project executing time with all-time average participants of 50 to 100 people which indeed achieved the effect of promotion and counseling.“Immediately improvements because there is no vocation in environmental protection” and “pollution-free road pipeline construction “are the two major innovations in this year. After executing the two innovations, it has promoted the pollution reducing rate from 47% to 52%, and increased compliable rate for relative regulations from82% to 90% which effectively improve all kinds of emulations in this project. 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38343
101年土壤及地下水污染整治費徵收及退費複審、稽核工作計畫 一、 抽選整治費當季申報案件之20 %進行複審及分析性複核作業,每年約抽查2,000件,以防止短報、漏報等不實申報情形,落實「誠實申報」原則。二、 完成計畫期間土壤及地下水污染整治費之出口退費複審及分析性複核作業,以確保退費核定之正確性。三、 完成計畫期間土壤及地下水污染整治費保險退費及工程退費之複審及分析性複核作業,以確保退費核定之正確性。四、 因應「土壤及地下水污染整治費收費辦法」之擴大費基政策,強化未依規定誠實申報繳費之業者(進口)量查核稽催作業,並規劃研議如何稽查出應申報而未申報之業者,以避免漏報之情事。五、 建置完整資料庫,並就複核案件資料進行建檔與維護,強化本署相關作業流程之標準化及控管措施,維護資料的完整性與安全性。 2012 Reexamination and Auditing of Statements of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees The current year implementation period for the project started from January 1,2012 to December 31,2012. The purpose of the project was to conduct the reexamination, auditing and analysis for the manufacturing volume or import volume of fee payers acquainted by Regulations Governing for Collection of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees. Since the execution of the project started, 3,252 declaration cases of the execution period 、 2 declaration cases of exemption ratio and 10 declaration cases of construction and insurance expenditure for prior refunds had been reexamined and audited. The achievement rate of reexamination and auditing was 100%. The year-end report was collected sufficient evidences of the statements by reexamining and auditing fee payers and our suggestions were included in the work implementation report. The year-end report had classified and analyzed the statistics, and provided the information for the future policy revision. In our opinion, based on the reexamination and auditing results, we would be engaged in the pursuit of the fee payers that had argued about Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees. We will also advocate government’s determination and fairness regarding to the guidance of the related environmental law to all fee payers. By continuing to train fee payers to get more familiar to government policy, EPA is able to guide fee payers to correctly submit statements of the manufacturing volume or import volume into internet filing system. Therefore, the results of the reexamination and auditing in the fee payers’Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees statements will be promoted, and the database management will be perfect. 100 土污基管會 基富聯合會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46555
100年度戴奧辛排放源輔導管理(含有害空氣污染物)暨支援環保案件調查計畫 本計畫主要工作內容包括:戴奧辛排放源查核及文件審查作業、排放清冊及排放量更新與建置、排放管道戴奧辛稽查檢測、周界環境空氣污染物監測、及支援環保案件等,主要工作成果說明如下:戴奧辛排放源查核作業,目前已清查72家次-100根次,其中有三家不符合法規、分別為光炫環保科技股份有限公司、台塑能源科技股份有限公司台灣中油股份有限公司煉製事業部桃園煉油廠-P033,後續至前述廠家複查均已完成改善。以100年度各戴奧辛排放源之年度總進料量,推算100年度焚化爐(電弧爐)、輔助燃料及固定污染源戴奧辛年排放量,100年總年度排放量為6.061 g-TEQ/year,以煉鋼業電弧爐為最主要排放源。排放管道戴奧辛及重金屬稽查檢測部分各自完成16根次及15根次,戴奧辛及重金屬稽查檢測各有1家超過法規標準。宇鴻科技股份有限公司排放管道P001於100年7月11日進行戴奧辛稽查檢測,檢測濃度為0.181 ng-TEQ/Nm3,超過中小型焚化爐污染源戴奧辛排放標準0.1 ng-TEQ/Nm3之規定,桃園縣環境保護局對該廠家進行告發處分罰鍰45萬元,並要求限期改善完成,該廠於101年2月1日提送符合排放標準之檢測報告;執行之宇鴻科技股份有限公司排放管道P003鉛排放管道於濃度100年11月3日進行重金屬稽查檢測,鉛及化合物檢測濃度為0.675 mg/Nm3,不符合「處理量未達4公噸/小時以上之廢棄物焚化爐空氣污染物排放標準」之鉛排放限值0.5 mg/Nm3,桃園縣環境保護局對該廠家進行告發處分罰鍰15萬元,並要求限期改善完成,該廠於101年5月11日提送符合排放標準之檢測報告。高污染潛勢工業區周界空氣戴奧辛空氣污染物現況調查,觀音工業區、大園工業區及中壢工業區於100~101年分別進行4次及2次,其100年監測年平均值分別為0.060、0.061及0.042 pg TEQ/Nm3,均低於日本周界空氣戴奧辛環境品質基準年平均值0.6 pg TEQ/Nm3。 高污染潛勢工業區周界空氣重金屬現況調查,100~101年觀音工業區TSP重金屬濃度介於22.6 ~ 393 ng/m3,大園工業區TSP重金屬濃度介於14.1 ~ 428 ng/m3,中壢工業區TSP重金屬濃度介於28.1 ~ 351 ng/m3,低於勞工作業環境空氣中有害物許可濃度1/50推估值。高污染潛勢工業區揮發性有機空氣污染物監測,利用FTIR於觀音工業區(樹林國小、白玉村村辦公室)、大園工業區(潮音國小、內海國小)及中壢工業區(內定國小、忠福國小)六處敏感受體所進行之揮發性有機有害空氣污染物監測,以忠福國小所偵測到之11種化學物質最多,而濃度有出現高於嗅覺閾值的包括乙酸乙酯、丙二醇單甲基醚等2種物質;其次則為樹林國小之10種化學物質,主要為乙酸乙酯、甲苯、及二甲基甲醯胺濃度會超過嗅覺閾值。 The scope of work for this project includes: 1) inspection of dioxin and metal air pollutants from stationary pollution sources and examination of documentation; 2) testing for stationary emission; 3) monitoring the ambient environment; 4) reviewing the control strategy.We have completed the compliance inspection of 72 companies/100 stacks. Among these companies, 4 companies /4 stacks(GuangXuan Environmental Engineering Technologies Co., Ltd., Rui Da Hung Technology Materials Co., Ltd., JETCOAT Co., Ltd., Executive Yuan, R.O.C, and Yee Fong Chemical & Industrial CO.,LTD.)have not conform to the laws and regulations. All violated companies have completed improvements on due time.A total ambient air dioxin emission data from 68 stationary pollution sources were collected into the database. The Taoyuan County annual dioxin emission from incinerator, plants using auxiliary-fuel, electric arc furnaces, and stationary polluting sources is 6.061 g-TEQ/yearWe have completed the inspection and testing of stack dioxin from 16 companies. A total of 48 dioxin samplings and analyses were carried out. One company (Yu-Hong Technology Co., Ltd.)violated the dioxin emission standard and was fined NT$ 450,000 respectively. We have completed the inspection and testing of stack metal from 15 companies. One company (Yu-Hong Technology Co., Ltd.)violated the lead emission standard and was fined NT$ 150,000 respectively. All violated companies have completed improvements on due time.We have sampled ambient air samples for dioxin testing in GuanYin industrial park, DaYuan industrial park and ChungLi industrial park. The monitoring frequency during 2010-2011 is 6 times in GuanYin industrial park, 8 times in DaYuan industrial park, and 4 times in ChungLi industrial park, respectively.The average concentration of ambient air dioxin is 0.060 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in GuanYin industrial park, 0.061 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in DaYuan industrial park, and 0.042 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in ChungLi industrial park, respectively. All other monitoring results are lower than the Japan‘s ambient air dioxin standard (0.6 pg TEQ/Nm3).We have sampled ambient air samples for heavy metals testing in GuanYin industrial park, DaYuan industrial park and ChungLi industrial park. The heavy metals concentration in ambient air TSP range was 22.6 ~ 393 ng/m3 in GuanYin industrial park, 14.1 ~ 428 ng/m3 in DaYuan industrial park and 28.1 ~ 351 ng/m3 in ChungLi industrial park. All other monitoring results are lower than the 1/50 ambient air heavy metals standard in laborer job environment.We have targeted 6 sites around major pollution sources. in GuanYin industrial park, DaYuan industrial park, and Gueishan industrial park for VOCs analysis. The results revealed that Shu-Lin elementary school and Jhong-Fu elementary school were affected by the pollutants from nearby industrial park. 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 國立清華大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=39313
100年度基隆市加強廢棄物分類貯存清除處理及流向管理計畫 一、事業廢棄物流向管理:為使本市事業於廢棄物產出時,能落實符合法令規範,藉由稽查管制輔導計畫,加強事業廢棄物清理計畫書正確性及提升上網申報率,以有效掌握本市事業廢棄物流向。二、公民營清除處理機構管理:完整掌握廢棄物清理、清運情形,透過裝設GPS系統審驗、行車軌跡資料網路查核作業防止事業廢棄物任意棄置,危害生活環境之虞。 100 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41690
海洋污染事件及海域化學品污染擴散模擬與應變研析計畫 海洋污染防治法立法之目的在於針對數種重要的海洋污染源,諸如陸源污染、海域工程污染、海上處理廢棄物污染、船舶污染為規範管制,其內容主要朝二個方向:事前之預防及事後的處理。環保署自96年度起已陸續推動海洋化學品污染緊急應變作業機制及資源建置的相關工作,研擬我國短、中、長期之緊急應變策略,建置海運化學品污染應變技術資料和強化應變資源,希望藉由本計畫之資料蒐集評估、法令研析、制度規劃和技術資源建置,順利完成相關工作。本計畫蒐集與研析國外海域污染相關之完整賠償程序案例資料,繪製污染事件應變程序流程圖,包含各階段各單位配合事項及應蒐集事證與注意事項,以提供我國後續海域污染賠償時之參考依據;另外,為了解化學品洩漏時,其污染範圍及程度,本計畫評估海域化學品洩漏污染擴散模擬模式,評析國際間現有廣泛應用於海洋污染防治之化學品洩漏污染擴散模擬分析模式,分析比較應用功能與特性,建置我國海域化學品污染洩漏擴散模擬分析模式系統,並分析我國主要港口海域化學品風險特性,提出建置海域化學品污染洩漏擴散模擬分析模式系統能量之經費與建置規模。為提昇政府機關及相關專家學者與民間業者間應變知識、技術與經驗交流,辦理一場海洋及海運化學品污染應變國際研討會及邀請ITOPF就海洋污染應變與賠償系統,召開研習會議。本計畫為提昇我國海域化學品污染應變能量,另研提我國海域化學品洩漏污染應變資材建構計畫, 期許透過今年工作內容及目標的達成,相信可以為我國海洋化學品污染提供良好的參考方向。 Diffusion simulation and emergency response planning of marine pollution incidents . Marine Pollution Control Act, established to deal with main sources of marine pollution such as runoff, marine engineering works, waste disposal, and boats, is primarily directed at the prevention and management of incidents. Since 2007, the EPA has been undertaking work to developing the emergency response plan for marine chemical spills and its resource pool, building the technical datasheets, and establishing short and long term response strategies, and the data collection and investigations undertaken in this project form part of this ongoing work. In this project, past international cases on claims and compensations from marine spills have been collected and analysed, and response flowcharts for incidents have been developed with clear roles and responsibilities defined for each party. These shall become references for any local incidents in the future. Further, to better understand the extent and boundaries of potential chemical spill incidents, dispersion modeling software that are presently commonly used in other countries have been evaluated for their functionality and applicability, and is a step towards building a marine chemical spill modeling system that is locally applicable. Also investigated in this project were the risk characteristics of each major port in Taiwan with respect to marine chemical spills, as well as an appropriate scale and budget estimate for the future modeling system. An international workshop on emergency responses to marine pollution by chemical and oil shipping incidents have been held as part of this project, in order to promote more interactions between the government and the industry. An international seminar featuring experts from ITOPF was held also. Overall this project has contributed to the capacity building of Taiwan’s responses to chemical spills, to raise the awareness of the importance on having an adequate pool of resources, and can be used as a reference for any future work. 100 水保處 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28336
100年度南投縣濁水溪中游及陳有蘭溪抑制河川揚塵管制及改善調查 濁水溪上游及陳有蘭溪進行河床裸露地調查,分析濁水溪中上游河川揚塵發生潛勢,並進行適合此區域河川揚塵抑制之可行的工法,以期減少因東北季風產生之河川揚塵影響,藉以提升濁水溪沿岸居民生活質。經由本計畫調查南投縣濁水溪中上游風速測定之平均風速為3 m/s,於東北季風期間平均風速在5至9 m/s之間,與濁水溪下游平時平均6至9 m/s,東北季風期間10 m/s以上相較,其揚塵問題並無下游嚴重。並藉由民國95~99年5年之日平均流量以歷史流量法推算玉峰橋、彰雲橋、延平橋、寶石橋及龍門橋等河段之生態基流量分別是17.9、9.5、0.1、14.1及1.7cms,此基流量可提供之相關水利機關,以了解濁水溪需要維持河川生態運作最低流量,並同時兼顧避免下游因水量過少而產生揚塵。本團隊計畫期間執行40次計畫區域河川裸露地巡查,並提報列管81處河川裸露地,篩選出9大潛勢區,並進行前三大潛勢區永興橋、雙龍橋與愛國橋河段之二日次TSP、PM10、PM2.5採樣分析。亦有依據陳情案件資料及巡查時現地鄰近民眾訪談,可知於本計畫流域內之揚塵來源主要為疏濬工程。於南投縣內濁水溪河段有近7成劃定為疏濬工地,且疏濬砂石車河床便道亦有車行揚塵發生。最後藉由潛勢區評估及與可行工法與環境條件比較,篩選出地利村雙龍橋段以進行葉脈工法、植生工法與跳島式植生三示範工法試作及效益分析。 100 南投縣政府環境保護局 逢甲大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37086
100年度臺北市餐飲業空氣污染物管制及輔導改善計畫 臺北市政府環境保護局為持續降低餐飲業污染陳情案件,提供市民良好生活環境品質,本(100)年度主要重點工作包括針對新設、一再被陳情及經環保局稽查告發或環保局指定之餐飲業者辦理污染改善諮詢座談會、維護更新及印製污染防制宣導影片與宣導手冊及摺頁、設置諮詢專線、餐飲業資料清查及建檔、研訂油煙最佳防制設備組合、辦理油煙排放檢測分析以及結合設備商研發引進防制設備等工作。為持續宣導業者進行污染防制,並協助業者瞭解最新污染防制技術資訊、設備維護保養及法規管制重點,本計畫加強邀請新設餐廳及陳情案件頻繁地區之業者,共舉辦9場次「餐飲業油煙污染防制座談會」,期望藉由座談會所提供污染防制及輔導改善資訊,幫助業者改善污染情形。此外,在維護更新及印製污染防制宣導影片與宣導手冊方面,已更新最新法令規定及防制方法。本計畫亦設置諮詢專線,提供餐飲業者諮詢,共完成85家業者諮詢輔導。餐飲業者資料清查建檔部分,共完成200家餐廳之現場清查作業,分析調查結果顯示臺北市餐廳經營型態以中式小型餐廳為主。而餐飲業油煙排放方式,96%之受清查餐廳將廢氣排至大氣,另有4%業者將油煙廢氣排至溝渠,此外,57%清查之餐飲業已設置污染防制設備,其中57%已安裝前端與管末處理設備。未加裝任何污染防制設備之主要原因為(1)缺乏設置污染防制設備之資訊、(2)國內僅針對餐飲業空氣污染情形作規範,但並無一套完整餐飲業油煙污染防制設備設置標準,導致裝設意願不高。比較過去既設餐廳清查結果,其污染防制設備裝設率85%,相較於新設餐飲業防制設備裝設比率來的高,顯示新設餐廳對於油煙防制的概念仍有待加強。此外,本年度將持續追蹤業者輔導改善之情形,並進行民意問卷調查。為提昇生活環境品質,減少餐飲業烹飪所產生之油煙異味,臺北市一直以來積極推動餐飲業污染防制,而中央尚未針對餐飲業污染防制有特定之法令管制,為落實乾淨城市之理念,賦予臺北市進一步推動餐飲業污染防制之法源依據,研擬「臺北市餐飲業空氣污染防制設施管理自治條例」,並規劃餐飲業管制策略及執行方法。本年度完成5家餐飲業共10家次油煙粒狀物檢測,5家檢測之餐飲業於設備開啟時所排放油煙粒狀物(TSP)與多環芳香烴(PAHs)的濃度皆小於設備關閉時排放出的油煙,顯示此5家餐飲業所裝置的污染防制設備(靜電機)能去除油煙粒狀物;檢測之5家餐飲業排放油煙中多環芳香族碳氫化合物的濃度皆為設備開啟時小於關閉時;另5家餐飲業總碳氫化合物於設備開啟前後濃度無明顯差異,THC周界檢測為採集氣狀物,因此顯示污染防制設備(靜電機)較無法去除氣狀物之油煙。推估本市餐飲業油煙排放時,利用本市95~100年檢測結果推估TSP排放量係數為18.28公斤/年,而THC排放量係數為132.35公斤/年,依檢測結果推估之排放量係數與TEDS系統推估之數據有差距,除因風量、營業時間、營業天數及設備去除效率之假設有所不同外,本市檢測數據皆為周界檢測,其排放濃度較管道低,因此排放量係數亦較低。此外,本計畫依據經濟面、技術面及可行性等面向進行評析餐飲業污染防制設備,以研提油煙最佳防制設備組合建議方案。為研發、引進適合臺北市餐飲業特性之油煙及異味污染防制設備,亟待徵詢各界意見並凝聚處理技術共識,因此本計畫研擬舉辦1場次「餐飲業污染防制技術精進研討會」,研討餐飲業油煙及異味污染防制技術精進之相關議題,以設計出適合臺北市餐飲特性之油煙及異味污染防制設備,並研發簡易檢測設備供業者自行檢測。本計畫亦辦理20場次之餐飲業污染減量輔導改善作業,其中分析污染改善輔導對象來源,包括屢遭民眾陳情12家次、民眾來電尋求輔導2家次、被稽查告發6家次;並持續追蹤受輔導之餐飲業者,經改善後是否有再發生民眾陳情之情形,而有30% (6家次)之受輔導餐飲業者,未再受民眾陳情。綜觀上述,為降低餐飲業陳情案件,建議未來工作重點包括:(1)新增稽查登錄資料、(2)規範受陳情人出席污染防制宣導說明會、(3)示範獎勵餐飲業者裝設異味處理設備、(4)待自治條例通過後,加強宣導餐飲業空氣污染防制設施管理自治條例。 2011 Taipei City F&B Industry Air Pollution Controlling & Improving Plan In order to decrease the food and beverage (F&B) industry complaint cases and improve citizens’ life quality, the project of Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government (TDPE) this year emphasized several work items, including holding pollution control symposiums for the new and complaint F&B industry, making pollution control movies, printing F&B industry pollution control brochures, establishing consultation hot line, inventorying and verifying F&B industry air pollution database, contriving cooking fume monitoring, proposing best available control facilities, monitoring cooking F&B industry fume, and inviting manufacturers of pollution control facilities to develop and introduce better facility.Continual guidance reinforced the latest relative laws, common defects, pollution control facility check and maintaining, choosing facility principle, and confirming facility efficiency checking, etc. TDEP held 9 F&B industry pollution control symposiums. Moreover, we provided participators some suggestions for reducing pollution. TDEP also established consultation hot line. There were total 85 entrepreneurs calling for air pollution problems.In addition, we finished 200 restaurant inventory cases as for constructing F&B industry database. Our results demonstrated that the small Chinese restaurants were the major management style of F&B industry in Taipei. In terms of the fume emission mode, 96% of the inventory restaurants discharged the cooking fume to atmosphere while 4% released the cooking fume into drains. Furthermore, 57% of the inventory restaurants have been set pollution control equipments and 57% have installed front and end control equipment. The reason why some restaurants were unwilling for any pollution control facilities were: (1) lack of pollution control information and (2) a formal standard of F&B industry pollution control equipment. Comparing the ratio of installing pollution control equipment, previous inventory result of the existing restaurants was 85%, much higher than the result of the new restaurants. The appearance revealed that new restaurants needed to improve fume pollution control. Besides, we would continually follow the improvement of entrepreneur and conduct a questionnaire survey.Cooking fume was monitored while pollution control facilities on and off for understanding the efficiency of pollution control. This plan completed oily particulate monitoring for 5 restaurants. The concentration of oily particulate was lower during pollution control facilities on. The average reducing efficiency of total suspended particulates was 100%. It showed the pollution control facilities (static electricity machine) of these 5 restaurants could reduce oily particulate. In addition, the concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in cook smoke of all restaurants was higher during pollution control facilities off. The average reducing efficiency of PAHs was 100%. The concentration of total hydrocarbon (THC) was no big different between pollution control equipment on and of because the method of THC sample was to collect gaseous matter. It shows the static electricity machines could not reduce gaseous oil. The cooking fume monitor result of Taipei city from 2006 to 2011 were used to estimated the volume of cooking fume emission in Taipei City. The emission coefficient of TSP was 18.28 kilograms per year and the emission coefficient of THC was 132.35 kilograms per year. The emission coefficients based on monitoring result were quit different from TEDS system. The reasons included winds, times, days and pollution control equipments and sample methods. Moreover, the project was planned to analysis pollution control equipments for restaurant according to economic, techniques and feasibility. Then we proposed best available control technologies suggestions. To research, develop, and introduce suitable facilities for F&B industry business in Taipei, the opinions and technology experience are required urgently. Therefore, TDPE held another “Improving F&B Industry Business Pollution Control Technology Conference” for issues of cooking fume, unpleasant odor control technology. Through these activities, TDPE expected to come out the suitable pollution control facilities for F&B industry business in Taipei, and to design simple self-monitoring facilities.20 F&B industry consulting was completed. Consulted sources included 12 reported violation cases, 2 calling for help cases, 6 punishments cases. Based on consulting outcome, there are 30% (6 cases) of these cases do not be reported violation.In conclusion, in order to decrease F&B industry and low frequency noise complaint cases, the future project direction suggested as below. (1)Add new auditing database. (2)Regulate the pollution industry to addend the F&B industry pollution controlled symposium. (3)Demonstrate and reward F&B industry entrepreneur to install odor pollution controlled facility. Coerce new and complained restaurants to join pollution control seminars. (4)Implement “Autonomy Regulations of F&B Air Pollution Control Facilities Management.” 100 台北市政府環境保護局 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29095
100年度南投縣工業區空氣污染物(含異味)稽查管制與排放指紋建置管理計畫 本計畫執行期程係自100年1月14日至100年12月31日止,由台灣曼寧工程顧問(股)公司副總經理卓啟弘擔任計畫主持人,含計畫經理及執行人員共3人(方寶國、陳江翎、洪肇璟)派駐環保局專案執行計畫。為掌握本縣工業區固定污染源排放現況及配合環保署、環保局相關政策推行與考評要點,計畫執行期間推動多項重點工作包括下列各項:一、工業區定期定點巡查,掌握區域污染排放特性並協助處理空污陳情案件;二、南崗工業區氣象站長期建立監測氣象資料且進行氣象型態模擬,並搭配重點工廠污染物排放量模擬污染物可能的擴散模式;三、執行污染源監檢測作業,包括FTIR監測、GC/MS成分分析、異味稽查檢測等,並針對監檢測結果異常之工廠邀請專家學者進廠輔導;四、高風險工廠評鑑體檢作業,篩選重點管制及具高風險潛勢工廠,進行評鑑體檢以掌握各廠污染特性並落實污染改善;五、辦理空污防制技術相關說明會,加強宣導空氣污染防制工作;定期辦理環保局與工業區服務中心協調會,強化跨單位橫向協調機制;六、規劃空污突發事件緊急應變程序,並辦理緊急應變演練工作。計畫期間共計處理空氣污染陳情案件76件次,執行南崗工業區定期巡查171次,竹山工業區定期巡查150次。其中,巡查發現工廠異常排放經通報環保局稽查有富煜、冠郝及天瑛等3廠確認違反空污法進行告發處分。在異味污染物稽查檢測部分,異味濃度超過排放標準包括國慶、有郁二廠、堃誠等3廠,其中邀請專家學者進行有郁二廠及堃誠公司輔導改善外,另採用紅外線熱像儀(FLIR)掌握國慶公司4處污染源洩漏點,業者現已完成改善。在21廠次高風險工廠評鑑體檢作業中,確實掌握工廠排放現況,評鑑風險潛在原因並提出可行改善措施建議,要求業者落實改善。各項相關作業內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。 100 南投縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36965
100年度異味稽查管制計畫 雲林縣100年度異味稽查管制計畫自100年3月1日起主要工作重點包含執行異味污染源污染管制、餐飲業污染管制、減量協談輔導、說會及相關宣導作業等。茲將執行至101年2月29日之各項作業說明如后:一、異味污染源污染管制作業執行異味污染源巡查作業共計589家次,累積達成率為147%,其中專案巡查-溝皂里皮革廠210家次(36%)、專案巡查-璟美掩埋場27家次(5%)、陳情案件追蹤複查261家次(44%)、金海龍生物科技股份有限公司共14家次(2%)、一般性的夜間巡查77家次(13%)。進行大自然竹木業有限公司等33家之大事紀更新及信益畜牧場、大峰牧場、何金獅畜牧場、宏秝畜牧場及弘裕農產加工廠等5家之大事紀新增作業。執行恆家企業股份有限公司等20場次之周界異味官能測定採樣分析作業,其中和益油廠股份有限公司檢測結果異味污染物濃度為300,未符合「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」50之規定,「坤宇商行」檢測結果異味污染物濃度為25,未符合「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」10之規定,皆已告發處分並限期改善完成。其餘檢測結果皆符合法規標準。已輔導5家畜牧場設置示範豬廁所,分別為梅林畜牧場、生益畜牧場、王榮堂畜牧場、定柱畜牧場及村陽畜牧場。二、餐飲業污染管制作業完成餐飲業調查管制作業200家,其中主要以斗六市餐飲業調查之家數最多共86家次,其次為虎尾鎮之63家。調查結果經營型態以中式餐廳所佔比例最高佔77%,餐飲業規模以小型餐廳最高佔75%。油煙排放方式調查結果,直接排入下水道的共13家(8%),直接排入大氣的共70家(42%),經防制設備排入大氣的共84家(50%)。已公告「雲林縣餐飲業防制設備補助作業原則」,函文通知符合資格之餐飲業者提出補助申請。並於100年12月18日辦理1場次「餐飲業油煙防制設備觀摩活動」,有9家餐飲業者現場簽訂採購協議書,並於會後向本局提出補助申請以利採購及安裝防制設備,俟本局審核通過,確認設備裝設完成並可正常操作後,本局將核發提出申請之餐飲業者每家5000元之補助費用。三、減量協談輔導作業針對金義畜牧場等20家異味污染源,執行異味減量協談輔導作業,其中工業(廠)辦理10場次,畜牧業辦理10場次。針對幸福流域等10家餐飲業,執行餐飲業減量協談輔導作業。四、說明會及相關宣導作業於100/8/18辦理1場次「工業異味污染防制法令及技術講習說明會」,共發文通知91家公私場所業者,有68家參加,出席率74.7%。於100/8/25辦理1場次「畜牧業污染防制法令及技術講習說明會」,共發文通知72家畜牧業者,有55家參加,出席率76.4%。於100/8/22辦理1場次「餐飲業污染防制法令及技術講習說明會」,發文通知74家業者,有32家參加,出席率43.2%。並製作完成500份餐飲業空氣污染防制宣導手冊。 The Controlling Plan for Odorous Pollution in 2011 In year 2011, the province of Yulin has initated a referendum overseeing the reduction of excessive production of pungent stench generated by various industries, inclusive of food and beverage.From 1st of Mar 2011 to 29th Feb of 2012, we have undertaken the following actions.1. Plan for controlling the source of pungent stench generation.A total of 589 cases are inspected and analyzed, , and the rate of completion was 144%. The breakdowns of the 589 cases are as the following. 210 cases(36%) in Gouzao village’s footwear factories, 27 cases(5%) in Ching Mei landfill area, 261 cases(44%) in repeated complain petitions, 14 cases(2%) concerning Jin Hai Long Pte Ltd and finally 77 cases(13%) during random spot check.To update events of 33 companies, including Natural Bamboo Pte Ltd and 5 agriculture related companies namely Da Feng, Heng Jin, Hong Lin , Hong Yu and Da Shi Ji.At Heng Jia Ptd Ltd. and others 19 companies, inspection and quantification of odorous pollution are conducted in area surrounding suspected offenders. Which in these cases, there are two failed must be punished and the deadline for the completion of improvements. He Yi Ptd Ltd. odor concentration of 300 more than the statutory standard 50, and the other is Kun Yu Ptd Ltd odor concentration of 25 more than the statutory standard 10.Consultation has been provided to 5 Agricultural structured companies. These companies have since upgraded their cleanliness standard of their pigs pass-motion area.2. Food and Beverage pollution control operation.A total of 200 cases are inspected and analyzed. The primary breakdowns of the 200 cases are as the following: 86 cases in Dou Liu city, 63 cases in Hu Wei Town. The findings of management style the highest proportion of Chinese restaurants accounted for 77%, and 75% are from medium to small restaurants. Their methods of exhaust cooking fumes directly into air 42% and underground drain tunnels 8%. 50% done filtration on pollutant at equipment.Yulin province’s general guideline for pollutant post processing has already been released. As of 18th Dec 2011, one demonstration session on process and equipment used to control odor pollution. 9 companies has since signed up for equipment purchase and deployment. Companies which have successfully deployed the appropriate apparatus are subsidized 5000 dollars each by the local government agencies.3. Individual cases for counter-pollution consultation.Offenders from all type of industries are introduced to methods and means to counter their individual pollution situation. 10 sessions for factories, 10 sessions for Agriculture related factories and 10 sessions for food and beverage companies.4. Presentation to increase the awareness in pollution control.18th Aug 2011, Introduction to law governing industrial stench pollution and technological involved 68 out of the 91 companies invited attended the presentation, and the rate of attendance was 74.7%. 22th Aug 2011, Introduction to law governing Food and Beverage industrial stench pollution and technological involved 32 out of the 74 companies invited attended the presentation, and the rate of attendance was 43.2%. All 500 copies of guidelines publication are issued. 25th Aug 2011, Introduction to law governing anti-pollution and technological involved 72 out of the 55 companies invited attended the presentation, and the rate of attendance was 76.4%. 100 雲林縣環境保護局 理弘工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36685
露天燃燒及環境污染陳情案件稽查管制計畫 新竹縣近年來工商業快速成長,在政府、企業與本縣縣民之努力下,成就了舉世矚目的高科技經濟奇蹟,相對的環境污染及公害問題也陸續發生。為了徹底解決縣民所遭受之急迫性環境公害問題,新竹縣政府環境保護局於民國 81年成立「新竹縣環保局陳情報案中心」,專司受理民眾陳情案件,每年接獲民眾公害陳情超過l,400件以上,除了受理一般環境污染案件外,陳情中心以24小時待命之方式受理,於第一時間內確實掌握污染問題,並迅速謀求有效解決方法,以確保縣民之最佳生活品質。而公害陳情事件中以「露天燃燒」為普遍常見的行為,包括有農民農耕產生之有機廢料燃燒處理、土木營造施工單位產生之木質或易燃性、可燃性廢棄堆放引火燃燒,五金回收業者將回收廢電線電纜引火燃燒以去除包附其外的橡塑外皮以及一般住家將自家垃圾以堆積燃燒方式自行減量等等的行為,這些短時間、小規模、高污染量且數目眾多而無法從制度面加以管制的燃燒污染源,嚴重影響空氣品質 。此外,燃燒時常引發惡臭,散佈有害氣體(如戴奧辛等),除易造成人體健康受損外,對於環境品質影響很大,故加強任意露天燃燒之管制、稽查與取締為計畫的重點工作。一、露天燃燒稽查管制執行露天燃燒陳情案件即時處理,協助同環保局承辦人員完成稽查、行政裁處作業,追蹤案件完成改善並加以列管追蹤複查;另依據露天燃燒高潛勢區域進行篩選露天燃燒行為較頻繁之區域進行主動巡迴稽巡查。計畫期程內查獲露天燃燒132件次(巡查作業65件、稽查作業67件),情節嚴重告發處分19件,總罰鍰金額115,000元。推估削減量為TSP:10795.30kg、SO2:76.82kg、NOx:2724.73kg、CO:93895.45kg、NMHC:12893.87kg。另計畫期間製作禁止露天燃燒宣導警示牌200支,於轄內已設立83處。6月份舉辦2場次農業廢棄物禁止露天燃燒宣導說明會,邀請桃園區農改場助理研究員簡禎佑講師,針對農廢露燃之影響及農廢再利用進行說明,共邀集188位農友及農會人員參與。為使禁止露天燃燒相關宣導更多元化,計畫亦建立宣導網頁並定期維護,並建立「竹竹苗空品區稻草再利用聯合交換平台」,提供三縣市農友與回收商溝通與交換的平台。 二、環境污染陳情案件管制執行陳情案件處理情形登載、追蹤催辦、建檔管理及分析統計等作業,計畫期程內累積執行環境污染陳情稽巡查2,176(包含夜間及假日稽巡查)件次。其中受理16件次屢遭陳情案件,一再陳情件比例0.74%,陳情案件平均處理時間提升為1.19日/件,陳情案件處理民眾滿意度為95%。陳情案件中屬環境衛生787件佔36.17%,其次依序為異味污染物(679件,31.20%)、水污染(217件,9.97%)及噪音(201件,9.24%),其餘案件類別所佔比例介於0~5.97%。各鄉鎮市各污染源別件數統計,以竹北市所受理之案件數690件之比例最高(34.29%),其次依序為新豐鄉(373件,18.54%)、湖口鄉(350件,17.40%)及竹東鎮(265件,13.17%),排行前四名之鄉鎮市約佔總件數之83.40%。三、其他工作成果於計畫執行中不定期進行教育訓練,除協助本計畫人員陳情電話的回覆與接聽能力加強外,亦能對於陳情案件現場之相關應變能力提升。於清明節及中元節各辦理1場次金紙減量集中收集燃燒,並集中送至新竹市焚化爐焚燒,金紙集中焚燒量總計11.4公噸,約可削減TSP:112.9kg、SO2:25.7kg、NOx:28.7kg、CO:1,241.5kg。於10月份辦理2場次環保寺廟推廣會,共75位廟宇代表參加。另外配合露天燃燒熱區設立制高點進行監視,共執行90天次制高點監視勘查,協助環保局辦理各式活動5場次,並製作宣導品2,000份。另針對本縣公害陳情業務編製公害陳情處理白皮書一式。此外,本計畫亦配合環保局進行面污染問卷調查作業,執行農業廢棄物處理方式問卷463份、民眾紙錢與香枝使用習慣調查681份、寺廟神壇空氣污染物調查56份及喪葬業空氣污染調查8份。 100 新竹縣環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46612
100年度南投縣汛期後濁水溪上游沿岸揚塵環境清理計畫 計畫初期進行道路髒污初勘,做為洗掃路線規劃之依據,並辦理職前教育訓練,所有洗街車均須安裝GPS系統與取水流量計進行控管;此外,須妥善規劃洗街車停車空間、設施定期維護、取水及用水紀錄等事宜。計畫執行期間以GPS監控及現場查核管理洗街作業執行,督促洗街車每日工作里程不得少於80公里、每日取水噸數不得低於80公噸、作業時速不得高於20公里/小時,並須填寫相關作業表單及依環保局要求提報各式資料與報表,計畫相關作業資料均須輸入「洗掃街工作成效資料庫」內以利管理。此外為強化洗街作業人員之專業技能,計畫執行前先辦理職前教育訓練1場次,計畫期間則每半年辦理1場次之在職教育訓練,同時檢討洗街作業規劃與執行情況並做適當調整。本計畫除推估TSP及PM10削減量外,同時配合進行車流量監測,並估算作業執行前後之各項檢測數值之變化量及削減量率,以利環保局後續管制參考。 100 南投縣政府環境保護局 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36572
100年度溫室氣體減量宣導計畫 依據「100年度新竹市溫室氣體減量宣導計畫」契約書規範,本計畫期程為100年3月4日起至101年3月3日止,主要工作項目可分為4大項目:(1)加強節能減碳宣導;(2)低碳活動推廣;(3) 節能減碳平台維護與教學;(4)其他配合工作;計畫執行至今,各項工作進度均已達成100%,茲將主要成果摘要說明如下:(1) 加強節能減碳宣導:為持續推廣節能減碳,並使宣導效益得以更加延伸,分別完成製作節能減碳宣導文宣品2,900份及宣導海報200份,以及節能減碳、低碳飲食與低碳運具等3大主題之宣導立板,共6組;並提供轄內市府機關、學校、社區及鄰里張貼,以及搭配相關宣導活動展示供民眾閱覽。此外,並完成辦理宣導活動126場次,以及針對轄內機關、學校及市民舉辦「低碳蔬食」以及「住家節能」等2大議題各2場次之節能減碳講座;依據「綠網」統計結果顯示,本市節能減碳十大無悔宣言簽署人數達416,191人次,簽署率約占總人口數3.6%,若依簽署率排序,排名全國第4名。以每日每人減少二氧化碳排放量3,460公克估算,推估約可減少1,440.1公噸/日的二氧化碳排放量,成果相當顯著。(2) 低碳活動推廣為使政令宣導不再枯燥嚴肅,並且能夠將溫室氣體減量觀念加以推廣融入市民生活之中,分別完成辦理「節能省電大作戰 Ⅳ」競賽活動以及「淘汰二行程機車換購電動機車補助」活動各1場次,活動均受到市民朋友熱烈迴響、踴躍參與;總計參加競賽之水電表號共1,108筆,活動期間共計減少43,865.6公斤的二氧化碳排放量,並透過本次活動之舉辦,帶動新竹市家庭用戶省電風氣,於經濟部能源局所舉辦之「縣市家庭用戶節電競賽」活動中,由本市獲得全台100年9月、10月節電競比中第三名之佳績。另於「淘汰二行程機車換購電動機車補助」活動部分,共協助本市汰舊二行程機車換購電動機車數達40台,推估可減少空氣污染物排放量CO:630 kg/yr、HC+NOx:360 kg/yr及CO2:11,623 kg/yr;另依據監理所提供之資料顯示,本年度新竹市電動機車掛牌數達87台,相較於去年度掛牌數量33台,市民換購電動機車之成長率增加1.6倍,顯示本年度活動推動相當成功。(3) 節能減碳平台維護與教學針對本市既有之「新竹市節能減碳資訊網」、「新竹市節能減碳部落格」、「綠網」以及「環保低碳活動平台」等4項節能減碳網路平台,派遣專責人員定期維護更新,除達成環保署該項考評成績滿分外,並協助本局更新「新竹市節能減碳資訊網」網站版面,提供活潑、清晰且明確之分類版面,以及即時更新之後台管理系統,以展現本局於活動辦理之用心,有效提升民眾對於本局施政度的觀感。此外,為教導本市機關、學校及市民如何登錄水、電號自我審核以及透過活動發佈,展顯本市推動節能減碳等環保活動不落人後之形象,完成辦理4場次Ecolife清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網(含實機操作)講習會。(4) 其他配合工作為擴大節能減碳宣導層面,完成設立節能減碳宣導標語共15處,並選定於本市市中心(火車站商圈)人潮、車流量較多之通衢大街,市民朋友較常洽公辦理業務之機關場所,以及本市著名十七公里海岸線自行車步道設立宣導點。此外,並回顧99年度推動節能減碳行動標章申請輔導之缺失,規劃提前開始輔導時間及以本局為統一聯絡窗口等方式,協助轄內單位報名參加徵選活動共計10家處,並有公學新城(甲)公寓大廈、歡喜成家社區以及愛買量販店(新竹店)等3家進入第二階段評選機制,另依據環保署該項考評成績計算,已協助本局於今年度該項考評達滿分之標準。 100 新竹市環境保護局 翔科事業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36276
100年環境保護產品驗證作業專案工作計畫 本年度1~3月共計召開14場工作小組審議會,與3場審議委員會。共計完成359件環保標章產品審查作業,其中審議通過349件,審議不通過10件,經現場查核後增列或變更產品7件。本年度通過產品仍以資訊產品為大宗,含電腦主機、多功能事務機、筆記型電腦、監視器、列印機、碳粉匣等,此外家用冷氣機、資源化磚類建材、資源回收再利用建材等為數亦不少。此一結果很明顯反映目前機關綠色採購仍是推動廠商申請環保標章之主要力量,前述申請標章產品數量較多之規格項目,都是機關採購金額較高的項目,其中又以資訊產品為最。另對於建材產品、機器腳踏車及小客車業者,也分別因公共工程已開始要求綠色採購及回收清除處理費採綠色差別費率等原因,使得業者對取得環保標章意願大幅提升。與近三年相較,本年度案件不通過原因明顯單純化,約九成環保標章不通過案件皆直接導因於產品本身不符合規格標準要求,近年時常發生之其他因素如違章工廠、清潔劑類產品含有有害物質、檢測報告品質問題等皆大幅下降。經統計,本年度1~3月審議完成之各環保標章申請案(以第1到第3次審委會計),平均總處理日數(由廠商提出申請至標章生效或案件確認不通過)為115日、廠商平均補件時間為53日、本會平均處理日數(含文件審查、補件複查、安排與執行現場查核)為14日、由本會初審完成送達署內至環保署審委會審查完成平均時間為48日。 Certification of GreenMark and Type II Environmentally Preferrable Products of 2011. For the period of January-March this year, a total of 14 working group review meetings and three Review Committee meetings were held. During these meetings, 359 Green Mark applications were reviewed with 349 approvals and 10 rejects. After on-site audits, 7 product registrations were added or revised.This year, the approved applications are still mostly information technology products, including desktop computer systems, multifunction devices, notebook computers, monitors, printers, and printer toner cartridges, etc. In addition, there are also a number of household air conditioners, recycled bricks and some recycled building materials approved for usage of Green Mark. This result clearly reflects that current government green procurement activities remain the main driving force for manufacturers’ applications of Green Mark usage, as most of the applications are centered on the designated mandatory preferential green purchasing product categories, especially the IT products. As for the manufacturers of building materials, motorcycles and passenger cars, their recent interests in applying for Green Mark come from the new requirements on green procurement for public construction projects and that recycling, clearance and disposal fees have adopted the green preferential rate scheme.When compared with the past three years, this year the reasons for rejects of applications are less complicated. Unlike past years, the issues with illegal factory, cleaning products containing hazardous substances, or poor quality testing reports have lessened, as about 90% of the rejects are due to products not meeting the requirements of product specifications. The Q1 2011 (Jan-March) statistics show that the average application processing time is 115 days (from submissions of applications to reject or confirmation to use Green mark); average time for manufacturers to submit additional documents is 53 days; average processing time of applications by EDF is 14 days (including document review, review of additional documents, arrange and carry out on-site audits); and the average time from submission of reviewed applications by EDF to EPA and completion of review by the Green Mark Review Committee is 48 days. 100 管考處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=25133
100年度產品碳足跡示範輔導專案工作計畫 自行政院環境保護署於98年公告產品與服務碳足跡計算指引至100年止,已經有超過76項產品獲得台灣碳足跡標籤。所有取得碳足跡標籤之產品均需按相關指引和標準進行碳足跡計算和查證,使這些商品得以公開透明方式向消費者進行碳足跡揭露。雖然產品碳足跡在電子和食品業已建立一定的案例,但同時對於服務業碳足跡評估已引起越來越多的關注。近年來,我國的婚禮服務業發展蓬勃,而相對西方一般婚禮儀式,傳統婚禮有許多獨特之處。故可透過實際盤查本土婚禮碳足跡數據,並將本土與國外數據進行比較分析。為促進產品碳足跡在更廣泛的行業使用,環保署決定執行「100年度產品碳足跡示範輔導」專案工作計畫。計畫內總共6項產品通過遴選進行碳足跡評估和碳足跡標籤申請。遴選的產品範圍廣泛,例如使用再生塑膠原料製作之手袋和毛毯,以及自行車便因為可推廣綠色生活而被遴選。盒裝豆漿、盒裝便當及瓷磚因其廣泛地被本地消費者使用,同樣被遴選進行計畫。以上案例的結果顯示原料取得占食品業產品最大的碳足跡部分,而對於其他行業,生產時使用的能源則占產品碳足跡較大的比例。而對所有案例而言,應該更多鼓勵業者透過供應鏈和廠內節能進行減量,這可透過要求碳足跡標籤廠商進行其產品的減量承諾引入。本計畫亦分別對兩場本地婚禮進行碳足跡評估,並建立了低碳婚禮、中碳婚禮和高碳婚禮3種情境進行比較研究。結果發現賓客的運輸排放為單一最大的碳足跡部分(超過50%)。此部分是本地婚禮碳足跡(2.4 噸)和英國婚禮碳足跡(Climate Care 報告為14.5噸)間最主要的差異之處,這是由於後者有更多航空交通運輸導致其碳足跡較高。報告指出可更廣泛地對婚禮附屬服務如蜜月旅行、婚前禮品等進行碳足跡評估以進一步揭示本地婚禮真實的碳排放量。 2011 Product Carbon Footprint demonstration and conasultation project Executive Yuan EPA published the “Guide to assess the carbon footprint of products and services” in 2010, over 76 products have obtained Taiwan carbon footprint label in the 2011. All labeled products must be assessed and verifiedtheir carbon footprint calculation in accordance to relevant standard and guidelines, which allow these products to declare their carbon footprint information to consumer in a publicly transparent manner. The number of products that were assessed by other international carbon footprint guidelines (i.e. PAS 2050) have also been increased, carbon footprint assessment for products have gradully received greater acceptance by industries.Although considerable development of product carbon footprint cases have been established in electronic and food industries there are growing interest to assess carbon footprint in service sector. In recent years, wedding services have developed vigorously in Taiwan, the traditional wedding ceremony has many unique character that are comparable to common western style wedding, therefore assessing carbon footprint of wedding can generate useful carbon reduction guidelines for couples and the industries, and compare local data with data from other countries.In order to facilitate the use of carbon footprint in more diversified sectors, Executive Yuan EPA had decided to implement the 2011 Product Carbon Footprint demonstration and conasultation project. Five products were selected to complete their carbon footprint assessment and obtain carbon footprint label. Wide range of products were selected, for example, hand bags and carpets made with recycled plastic material and bicycle were selected to promote green lifestyle; EPA had also selected soya bean milk in cartons and traditional packed meal for the project, due to the fact that they are commonly consumed in local society.The results for the above showed that raw material acquisition was the main carbon footprint sources of their products in food industry, and for other industries, energy consumption in manufacturing stage have higher carbon footprint contribution. The result recommended that carbon footprint for food products can be reduced by promoting low carbon diet (i.e more vegetable and less meat). For all cases, more effort should be put on encouraging industry to reduce their carbon footprint through supply chain and on site energy conservation. This can be introduced by requiring carbon footprint label applicant to commit carbon reduction for their products during their application.The project had also assessed carbon footprint for two local wedding ceremonies. Three scenarios namely “ Low carbon, Mid carbon and High carbon weddings” were established for comparison study. The result showed that transportation by guest was the single largest source of carbon footprint (exceeds 50%), and it was also the main difference of carbon footprint between local wedding ceremonies (calculated result 2.4tonnes) and a typical wedding ceremonies in UK(reported by Climatecare for 14 tonnes), in which more aviation transportation had lead to higher footprint of the latter cases. The study suggested that wider study on supplementary services to wedding such as honeymoon travel, pre wedding gifts can further reveal the actual content of the carbon footprint in local wedding. 100 管考處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37465
100年度紫外線預報系統與儀器較驗實驗室專案工作計畫 「100年度紫外線預報系統與儀器校驗實驗室」專案計畫 (以下簡稱本計畫) 以提高國內紫外線預報與監測之正確性為任務,年度專案計畫目標如下:一、維護紫外線監測數值之正確性。二、提供紫外線預報輔助資訊。三、紫外線輻射計校驗品質管理。除了一般作業之外,完成下列工作:第四代紫外線指數預報系統持續進行預報作業。第五代預報系統也於2011年元月開始上線進行平行預報並提供預報人員預報資訊。第五代系統使用MM5模擬之雲量資料代入預報模式中,再利用修正公式加以校正,改善過去預報系統受到人為主觀資料的影響,有效增進預報準確度。紫外線監測系統之觀測資料分析結果顯示:紫外線指數的監測資料有效率相當高,資料也漸趨平穩。各站過量級以上的出現機率自2008年開始顯著增加,使得目前各站趨勢呈現為增加的正趨勢;午時輻射佔全日輻射量比例冬高夏低的特徵相當清楚;危險級與UVI≧8的出現機率具區域差異與逐年變化特徵。月與月間之天氣氣候變化快速,導致UV輻射也快速變化。此外本計畫應用最高溫、日較差、水汽壓、雲量及降水場等氣候參數分析,探討逐月UVI觀測異常的可能原因。進行紫外線監測及預報成效分析。結果顯示:紫外線指數的預測誤差上下變動幅度逐年相近。另外,分析天氣圖和測站氣溫和濕度以及衛星雲圖,探討預報誤差大的個案發生的可能原因以幫助改進UVI 預報。本年度計畫依要求完成各項交付之工作內容。設置計畫網站呈現監測、預報分析以及儀器校驗相關圖集及數據;於每季提報上一季紫外線監測資料分析報告、儀器校驗狀態及預報分析成果報告、召開討論會議,均有利於瞭解紫外線指數的變化趨勢及預報與監測能力。 UV-Index Forecasting System and Instrument Calibration Laboratory The main task of this project, “UV Forecast System and Monitoring Instrument Calibration Lab.-Fiscal year 100” is to enhance the UV forecast and monitoring ability in Taiwan. The objective of this project are :(1) To maintain the numerical fidelity of UV monitoring. (2) To provide UV forecast auxiliary information. (3) To execute UV instruments calibration quality control. Beside of operational works, the following jobs have been done:While the UVI operational forecast with the forecast model of 4th generation keeps on, a parallel UV forecast has been made with a UVI forecast numerical dynamical model system, the 5th generation UVI forecast model, since January of 2011. The performance of this new system is getting improved step by step after data inflow problem solved. This new system is organized as a two tier forecast. The first tier forecast uses the cloudiness simulated with a regional model, MM5. The second tier adds the CWB weather forecast in. This forecast system can remove the bias from subjective forecast and be expected to improve UVI forecast. The data of the UV monitoring system is analyzed. It is shown that the ratio of valid data is quite high. The variation of the observation is stable. The probability of UVI larger than” over-scale” at the stations significantly increased in 2008. Therefore, a positive long-term trend appeared. The proportion of the radiation sustained during noon in daily total amount appears high in winter and low in summer. Probability of UVI larger than hazard –scale as well as UVI≧8 show spatial and inter-annual variability. Climate and weather as well as UVI changed abruptly. Furthermore, meteorological data such as maximum temperature, diurnal temperature range, humidity, cloudiness, and precipitation have been analyzed to explore the causes of monthly UVI anomalies. UV monitoring and forecast data have analyzed. It is shown that UVI forecast performance is quite stable. Furthermore, in order to improving UVI forecasting, meteorological data such as weather map, station temperature and humidity, as well as satellite image have been studied while forecast is fail.All works proposed have been accomplished. A web site of UV monitoring and forecast has been maintained, the content of the raw data and statistics analyzing result of observations, and UV instrument calibration records have been kept and updated by schedule; held scheduled discussion meetings. All these work helps to enhance the UV forecast and monitoring ability in Taiwan. 100 監資處 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27207
2011兩岸土壤及地下水環境保護法規制度研究暨交流計畫 中國大陸“十二、五”計畫把地下水環境的綜合整治作為改善水環境品質的重點工作。中國大陸環保部相關部門(以污染防治司為主)認知到臺灣地下水污染防治工作起步早,有意願借鏡臺灣在地下水污染工作的經驗,以加速落實“十二五”地下水環境的綜合整治工作。本計畫主要藉舉辦台灣及中國大陸兩場研討會及考察活動,凝聚兩岸專家學者共同討論兩岸土壤及地下水環境保護的差異性與互補性,並研討後續兩岸交流計畫與落實方法。同時也能提供產官學界相互觀摩學習、討論及意見經驗交流的機會。本計畫亦彙整中國大陸現行土壤及地下水環境保護法規制度所得成果,可供政府相關部門、學術及研究單位及事業相關單位於實務之重要參考。本計畫包括四項工作:一、彙整中國大陸現行土壤及地下水環境保護法規制度。二、赴中國大陸地區參加土壤及地下水環境保護相關學術研討會,並進行實地考察與交流。三、於國內辦理1場次「土壤及地下水環境保護法規制度學術研討會」,邀請中國大陸地區專業人士參加。四、針對「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(ECFA)中有關土壤及地下水環境保護相關議題,蒐整各界意見提出建議,並建立兩岸常設性土壤及地下水學術交流籌備小組。第一項工作已完成,並於本報告中詳細討論。因中國大陸部會級官員無法在臺灣總統大選前來臺或在中國大陸與臺灣代表進行正式交流,其餘三項工作因此建議順延至2012年2-5月份再如現有規劃舉辦。 Soil and Groundwater Environmental Regulatory Issues in Mainland China and Cross-Strait Conferences The “12-5 Program” of mainland China has proclaimed the treatment of groundwater as a key issue to the improvement of the overall water environment. Recognizing that the groundwater contamination problems had been dealt with earlier in Taiwan, the Environmental Protection Ministry of mainland China (primarily the Pollution Prevention Department) showed interest of bringing in Taiwan’s regulatory and technology experience so as to facilitate the required works stipulated in the 12-5 Program. This project aims to hold a cross-strait conference in Taiwan and to assist one in mainland China for the groundwater regulatory issues and technologies needed in mainland China. In these two activities, experts and scholars from both sides will be invited to exchange information and experience, to identify the differences and the similarities of groundwater problems occurred in both sides, and to seek mutually interesting issues for possible corporation. A platform will be established for the government and private sectors, and university professors to learn about and understand the groundwater problems in Taiwan as well as in mainland China. The currently available materials of law acts, regulations, and standards pertaining to groundwater contamination in mainland China will be collected, for the sake of assisting Taiwan government sectors, research institutes and practitioner to make decisions on relevant issues.Specifically, there are four tasks in this project: (1) to collect and summarize the currently available regulatory codes of groundwater contamination in mainland China, (2) to attend a conference of groundwater regulatory issues in mainland China and to visit some contamination sites in mainland China, (3) to invite mainland Chinese professionals and to hold in Taiwan a cross-strait conference for environmental regulatory systems regarding soil and groundwater contamination, and (4) to explore the possibility of setting a standing committee to handle the long-term corporation and to pursue opportunities under the ECFA. The first task had been successfully completed, and the results are discussed in this report. For the other three tasks; however, they are halted because mainland China central government officers were not allowed to visit Taiwan before the president election to be held in January 2012. Also the central government officers were discouraged to officially meet Taiwan delegations and officers in China. It is recommended that the three remaining tasks be resumed in February to May in 2012 after Taiwan’s president election. 100 土污基管會 社團法人台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28476
環保駕駛車隊推廣與示範計畫 我國運輸部門是僅次於能源及工業部門的第3大溫室氣體排放部門,其施政成果對節能減碳扮演重要角色。針對節能減碳最直接的方式是改變車輛內燃機以降低污染排放,或者發展公共運輸運輸以抑制私人運具成長,惟該兩類措施短時間內不易看到成果。本計畫藉由質性訪談與示範車隊之施做,導入環保駕駛之概念,據以提出環保駕駛標章制度草案之建議。先進國家推廣環保駕駛的經驗已顯示藉由改變換檔習慣、維持行車速率、平緩減速等簡單技巧可維持10%左右之節能減碳效益,對行車安全與車輛維修成本等亦有幫助。由於商用車輛每日行駛里程數高,若能教導駕駛人正確的駕駛知能,導正其不良駕駛行為,對燃油消耗將有顯著之影響,達到節能減碳的效益。本計畫選定配合車隊,包括:嘉里大榮貨運、大有巴士、葛瑪蘭客運、苗栗客運與臺灣租車集團復康車隊等運輸業者,做為示範車隊。本計畫各於臺北、台中與高雄辦理3場業者說明會、臺北、臺南辦理2場推廣座談會,並印製2,000份環保駕駛宣導文宣,分別針對客、貨運與計程車駕駛進行環保駕駛教育訓練授課,授課人數超過700人次。此外亦希望透過標章制度鼓勵客貨運業者將環保駕駛概念納入其公司管理制度中,藉由各類直接或間接管道,達致全面推廣環保駕駛之概念。 The Eco-Driving-Fleet promotion and demonstration plan The transportation department plays an important role in fuel consumption and emission. The direct way to mitigate the situation is to improve the internal combustion engine, or develop the public transportation. Nevertheless both ways are long-term solutions and not easy to get immediate effects. This project had holded a demonstration program and Focus Group Interview, then had introduced the concept of eco-driving, and finally had proposed the system of eco-driving label.According to the experience from advanced countries, the eco-driving skills such as shifting gears properly, maintaining the speed, and decelerating/accelerating smoothly bring both safety and energy conservation benefits. Since we know that the commercial vehicles’ mileage per day is much more than private vehicles’, the driving behavior improvement for those professional drivers would bring more reduction in fuel consumption. Thus, if we can teach the professional drivers right driving skills and right attitude, we can achieve the goal of energy conservation and emission reduction. As a result, the project had choosed several commercial vehicle fleets as the demonstration fleets, including Kerry TJ Logistics Company, CitiAir Bus, Kamalan Bus, MiaoLi MOTOR TRANSPORTATION, and Taiwan Car Rental & Travel Group.In this project, we had hosted 3 workshops in Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung and 2 forums in Taipei and Taiwan. Besides, we had designed and print 2 thousand handouts. We still had designed a set of training course for eco-driving and had trained over 7 hundred professional drivers driving bus, truck or taxi. The purpose of above and establishing the eco-driving label is to exhort the transportation companies to put eco-driving in their management system, and finally promote the concept of eco-driving. 100 空保處 財團法人國家政策研究基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36311
加強推動醫療廢棄物減量及處理機構查核輔導計畫 本計畫之目標為加強推動醫療廢棄物減量及處理機構查核輔導,在落實醫療廢棄物清理查核管理方面,掌握全國醫療廢棄物處理量能,目前之處理量能充足。辦理20家醫療機構醫療廢棄物分類與貯存現場查核輔導,彙整常見問題並已追蹤輔導其改善。以及參考使用者意見,更新維護「醫療廢棄物管理資訊網頁」及「醫療機構事業廢棄物管理作業參考手冊」。在健全醫療廢棄物處理設施方面,辦理滅菌處理設施效能測試5座次,皆通過效能測試,並已輔導操作模式需調整之2家醫院。針對滅菌處理操作及滅菌效能評估作業標準程序製作多媒體影片、辦理2場次座談會研討整合管理制度之先期規劃、評析法規與草擬修正建議。在含汞醫療廢棄物源頭減量方面,輔導5家醫院落實含汞廢棄物分類、貯存及妥善處理,建立汞洩漏處理能力,目前醫院皆妥善保存汞,待完成全面汰換時再委託清理。調查338家醫院水銀體溫計、血壓計使用情形及汰換清理現況,推估含汞血壓計持有量約為15,437支、含汞體溫計持有量約為27,437支、廢含汞銀粉持有量約為64公斤,醫院之清理經驗包括供應商取回、交給環保局、委託清理或拍賣。研究運用可攜式X射線螢光光譜儀(XRF)測定5項醫材,評估篩檢含汞廢棄物,在現場封袋量測之情況下,可行最深距離約為5cm,而方法偵測極限(MDL)為5ppm,如果檢測值低於5以下,則需再檢視能譜圖,判斷是否受背景元素干擾。在評估醫療廢棄物使用電子聯單可行性方面,衛生署開發之電子聯單功能尚不足以管制廢棄物流向,本計畫研提電子聯單架構及法規修正建議,並完成電子聯單系統與申報系統之介接協調。 Promoting Medical Wastes Reduction and On-site Consultation This project was aimed to promote medical wastes reduction and on-site consultation. For promoting medical waste clearance and disposal management, we analyzed the medical waste treatment capacity in Taiwan, and it is sufficient now. We held on-site consultation in 20 hospitals to implement medical waste classification, storage, collated frequently asked questions and traced improvements, and refered to the user opinion, updated the medical waste management website of Environmental Protection Administration and renewed the” Handbook of Medical Waste Management”. For intensifying the treatment institutions, we held on-site consultations in 5 hospitals to evaluate the autoclaves sterilization efficacy, and all autoclaves reached the standard, two of them have adjusted operating mode. We made the instrusction film for operating and evaluating the sterilization efficacy standard operating procedure (SOP) of medical waste autoclaves, and held 2 forums for the medical waste management policy forward planning, regulations review and amendment drawing up. For promoting mercury-containing waste source reduction, we held on-site consultation in 5 hospitals to implement mercury waste legal classification, storage, and treatment, and to establish the standard operating procedure (SOP) of mercury spills. They preserve the mercury well now and will entrust the treatment institution when all medical devices change to electronic ones. We investigated the usage and cleanrance situation of 338 hospitals mercury-containing sphygmomanometers and thermometers. There are about 15,437 mercury-containing sphygmomanometers, about 27,437 mercury-containing thermometers, and about 64 kg amalgam wastes in Taiwan. The cleanrance situation included taking back by suppliers, giving Environmental Protection Bureau, entrusting the treatment institution or selling. We also used a Field Portable X-ray Fluorescent Analyzer (FP-XRF) to test 5 mercury-containing medical devices and to evaluate the feasibility for scanning mercury-containing waste. When gauging the sealed bag, the feasible deepest distance approximately was 5cm, and the method detection limit (MDL) was 5ppm, but if the value of examination was less than 5, it was need to check the spectrogram to judge whether disturbing.by the background element For evaluating the feasibility of electronic delivery manifests, the electronic delivery manifests developed by the Department of Health was still insufficient to control the waste flow, so we proposed a framework of electronic delivery manifest and regulations amendment suggestion, and tried to coordinate the electronic delivery manifest and “Industrial Waste Report and Management System”. 100 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=31188
臺南市100年度紙錢減量集中燒及露天燃燒管制暨室內空氣品質改善維護計畫 本計畫紙錢減量集中燒作業進行紙錢e化網建置,辦理三場次跨局處會議、八場次宣導說明會、二場次淨爐儀式、三場記者會、環保寺廟表揚大會一場次、發佈10則新聞稿。100年有693處配合總焚化量計550公噸。持續推行「平安代金米」有17家廟宇配合,另優惠卷專案有16家廟宇參與。「以功代金」方面結合教育局,推廣超過100戶集合式住宅20處參加,100年捐款金額共計183,170元可減少6044.61公斤的碳排放量。在環保寺廟示範推廣,LED節能目前已有33家廟宇共汰換122,194座燈泡,改善後減少碳排放量2,397,739公斤/年。在農業廢棄物露天燃燒管制,共計辦理5場次宣導說明會與廣播電台宣導及跑馬燈12次宣導。露天燃燒巡查案件共查獲282件、開立8張勸導單、插立54支簡易告示牌及GIS標定。計畫期間所查獲之露天燃燒面積為69.04公頃,總燃燒量為416.45公噸;至於抑制量方面,本計畫協助滅火面積為17.10公頃,總抑制量為53.12公噸,污染抑制率為12.76%。室內空氣品質改善維護方面,辦理一場專責人員訓練班、一場宣導說明會;針對十家業者進行直讀儀巡檢及環保署建議值檢測五家次,並推動20處公私場所室內空氣品質自主管理。至目前共計106家公共場所取得標章,其中三顆星18家、四顆星5家及五顆星1家。 2011 Management and Control Project of Ghost Money decrement converge-burning and Outdoor burning, and Maintain Project of Indoor Air Quality Improvement in Tainan City. 2011 Management and Control Project of and Outdoor burning, and Improvement and Maintain Project of Indoor Air Quality in Tainan City.In Ghost money decrement converge-burning, built the new website, hold three sessions for cross-bureau coordinate meeting eight explanatory conference, two clean process on the incinerator, three press conference, and one award ceremony, and published ten news. All of year, 693 units join in project with the total incineration 550 tons. The 17 temples ongoing "rice replace ghost money", in the other hand, 16 temples join in coupons project with Combine the rice manufacturer. In addition, EPB and Education Bureau cooperation to popularize the "merits replace ghost money" plan, with 20 units which over 100 household complex building. Total donation amount a total of 183,170 dollar to reduce the carbon emissions of 6044.61 kg in 2011. The environmental temple demonstration and extension, there are 33 temples in total replacement 122,194 old bulbs on LED energy saving, improved to reduce carbon emissions by 2,397,739 kg / year. Futhermore, in the agriculture waste open-air combustion control, handled five sessions explanatory conference ,and guidance with broadcast radio and 12 times on Marquee. The open burning inspections cases are 282 times, opening eight to persuade single inserted up to 54 simple signs and GIS calibration. During the project, found out the open-burning area of 69.04 hectares, the total combustion of 416.45 tons; As for the amount of inhibition, this project is to assist the fire fighting area of 17.10 hectares, the total inhibition of the amount of 53.12 tons, pollution inhibition rate of 12.76%. Besides, Maintenance of indoor air quality improvement, hold one training course of a dedicated staff, one guidance conference; 10 places with direct reading instrument inspection and 5 places with EPA recommended values detected, and to promote 20 public and private spaces of IAQ independent management. Made a star mark to the current total of 106 public spaces, including 18 three stars, 4 four stars, and one five stars. 100 台南市環境保護局 堃捷工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34030
100年空氣及環境人工測站採樣及校正維護計畫 本計畫合約自100年04月20日起至101年04月19日止,共計 12 個月,各計畫工作項目均達預定進度,無延遲及未達目標之情形。計畫執行期間完成以下之工作量,其結論、成果與建議摘述如下;1. 完成72站次單點流量校正、24次多點流量校正,並於100年4月27日完成孔口流量計送到環保署品保實驗室進行追溯校驗之工作1次。2. 完成72站次月維護、24站次季維護,以及12站次的半年維護。3. 建置本縣人工測站適切性評估標準作業程序,同時完成6座人工測站的適切性評估。評估發現草屯衛生所站雖採樣氣流角度達270°,但高污染季節的盛行風向面受阻,若經費允許,建議可考量遷站於旁邊的草屯鎮公所行政大樓樓頂。4. 完成144站次TSP採樣及濃度檢測,101年2月份竹山雲林國小站總懸浮微粒出現高於歷年同期的濃度值,經調查鄰近有清水溪疏浚工程,清運車輛之車行路徑接近測站,應為車行揚塵與土石逸散導致測值上升。5. 完成72站次落塵量採樣及檢測,各站在101年1月份落塵量值高於歷年同期,其他月份檢測值均未高過以往。調查101年1月份鄰近其他縣市落塵量亦有類似情形,顯然該月落塵污染量增加與區域氣象環境不利擴散有關。6. 完成72站次TSP中成份濃度檢測,鉛濃度值 < 0.1μg/m3,遠低於管制標準值1.0μg/m3,約為管制值1/10,顯示本縣鉛污染防制已達成效。6站的正己烷含量多在10%以下。正己烷含量比例最低測站為水里遊客中心站。正己烷含量比例>10% 情形僅出現在南投市康壽國小站,推測該站西北方上風處約1.5公里處有南崗工業區,是其污染偏高的原因之一。7. 本縣TSP中成份濃度比例以硝酸鹽與硫酸鹽較高,6站的硝酸鹽與硫酸鹽含量大部分在30% 以下,兩種成份含量比例最低測站均為水里遊客中心站。而含量比例>30% 情形出現頻率以埔里鎮公所站最高,可見埔里地區光化二次污染在部分月份有較其他行政區高的現象。 8. 完成1座人工測站搬遷以及設備組件更新,將原設置於水里消防局的人工測站遷移至水里遊客中心,該站於100年8月份完成遷移以及設備更新,同年9月份辦理完工驗收。9. 南投市康壽國小站PM10/TSP以及PM2.5/TSP比值並未呈現常態分佈情形,各粒徑污染物比值關係不明顯。竹山雲林國小站比值則較趨近常態分佈,PM10/TSP比值約0.7,PM2.5/TSP比值約0.4。 100 南投縣政府環境保護局 台灣綠碁科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41305
排放管道中粒狀物(PM2.5)檢測方法研究 在周遭大氣中懸浮著許多「粒狀物」,就其形成狀態及來源而言,可概略分為原生性(primary)微粒與二次(secondary) 微粒兩類。原生性污染物主要源自於污染源的直接產生,二次污染物主要由大氣中氣態污染物 (如Cl-、NO3-、SO32-、NH4+等)經物理或化學反應而形成,這些粒狀物總稱為「總懸浮性粒狀物(TSP)」;懸浮性微粒就其粒徑分佈範圍,可區分為粒徑2.5至10 μm的「粗」微粒;與粒徑2.5μm以下的「細」微粒。其中粒徑分佈是對人體產生健康效應的主要因子,當粒徑大於10 μm時,容易沉積於上呼吸道區,粒徑小於0.1μm則易隨呼吸的氣流進入肺部。因此以人體健康角度來評估時,微粒的粒徑分佈是需要加以特別重視的項目。本研究中分別對USEPA Method 201A 與 JIS K0302兩種排放管道粒狀物分徑檢測法進行驗證。實驗室中,主要對分徑採樣器於模擬系統進行測試,分別以不同粒徑分佈的固態標準微粒對其截取效率與負載效應進行實測。實地現場採樣,以陶瓷業、電力業、鋼鐵業、煉鋼業電爐四個行業別為對象,進行兩種分徑檢測法的現場採樣,在相同的排放源評估檢測法的適用性與差異。實驗室測試的結果顯示U.S.EPA Method 201A 所建議的Cyclone kit分徑採樣器有較佳的分徑效率且負載效應較不顯著;JIS K0302所建議的Cascade impactor分徑採樣器有良好的分徑效率但負載效應較顯著,部分大粒徑微粒會因彈跳(Bounce)現象而未被收集。實地現場採樣的結果顯示USEPA Method 201A 所建議的Cyclone kit在實用上會有全部組合後無法進入採樣口(直徑4英吋)的問題,只能以單獨的PM2.5 Cyclone進行採樣;JIS K0302所建議的Cascade impactor 在組裝上較為繁複易有粒狀物未完全收集的問題。同時兩種採樣法皆需要較多的採樣體積(2m3以上)方能獲得有效秤重樣本,且亦皆有等速採樣誤差的問題。PM2.5 Cyclone的採樣結果(PM2.5/TSP)分別為66.1%±7.9(鋼鐵業)、54.0%±7.13(煉鋼業電爐)、91.8%±1.8(陶瓷業)、74.7%±8.5(電力業);Cascade impactor的採樣結果(PM2.5/TSP)約為59.8%±25.3(鋼鐵業)、54.3%±1.28(煉鋼業電爐)、72.6%±2.9(陶瓷業)、72.6%±7.0(電力業)。由平均數據可看出,USEPA Method 201A的PM2.5採樣結果皆稍微高於JIS K0302,造成這樣的原因推測可能為內部壁面沉積損失(internal wall loss)。就本研究中所得結果顯示,PM2.5 Cyclone 的截取效率曲線相對於Cascade impactor要來的好,同時亦無彈跳與衝擊板面沉積損失的問題,如只針對PM2.5作分徑採樣時USEPA Method 201A會有較佳的效率與便利性。 Stack sampling, Determination of size distribution, PM2.5 In ambient air had suspended the particulate matter, that can be divided into two production mechanism. First one is primary particulate matter, that from the direct emission of air pollution sources. Second one is secondary particulate matter, that from the chemical or physical changes of gas organic pollutants. All of those particulate matter are referred as 「total suspension particulate matter (TSP)」, that on size distribution can defined two category of coarse or fine. The coarse particle are size distribution in greater than 2.5 to 10μm, and the fine particle are size distribution in equal 2.5μm or smaller. The major health effect of particulate matter in human body are depends on particle size distribution. When the particle diameter is greater than 10μm, it is easy deposition in the respiratory area, particle size less than 0.1μm are trading with the breathing air flow into the lungs. Therefore, the particle size distribution is a important factor on the human health . In this study, the USEPA Method 201A and JIS K0302 are compared in laboratory experimental test and field sampling. Laboratories, using different size distribution standard particle to testing the cut-size efficiency and loading effect of particle size distribution samplers. Field sampling to assess the applicability and different for those two method on four emission sources (ceramics, steel maker, electrical steel maker, power plant). Laboratory experimental test results show that the proposed USEPA Method 201A Cyclone kit sampler has better cut-size efficiency and less loading effect than JIS K0302 proposed Cascade impactor sampler. Field sampling results show the proposed USEPA Method 201A Cyclone kit will be on the practical combination can't enter all the sampling ports (diameter less than 4 inches), only to separate use PM2.5 Cyclone sampler. JIS K0302 proposed Cascade impactor is more complicated in the assembly and has the particles deposited in the impact plate which can't be fully collected. Two methods all require more sampling volume (2m3 or more) to get the effective weighing samples, and have isokinetic error. The PM2.5 Cyclone are better cut-size efficiency than Cascade impactor, , if only for the PM2.5/TSP sampling USEPA Method 201A will have better efficiency and convenience. 100 環檢所 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27723
100年臺中市特定污染源管制計畫 本計畫乃配合臺中市環境保護局辦理加油站實施行為管制方式、餐飲業稽查管制作業、推動紙錢集中燃燒及源頭減量作業與逸散源相關管制作業:一、 在加油站污染行為管制工作方面,完成本市加油站213站次4,015支加油槍氣油比檢測、201站次油氣管線壓力衰減洩漏(氣漏)及40站次240點次之FID檢測,如以100年度發油量1,907,733.6公秉推估,約可較99年度減量82噸/年VOCs。為落實不強迫加油政策推動,配合100年02月10日修正公告之「加油站加油槍空氣污染行為」,完成676家次加油站污染行為查核作業,未發現違反空氣污染之行為。二、 在餐飲業稽查管制作業方面,完成401家業者進行油煙防制設備查核及輔導工作,由清查結果可知,餐飲業者在前處理設備裝設備比例高達91.5%,設備形式則以擋板式過濾器為大宗;然在管末處理設備上,業者基於經營規模、場地限制及設備成本考量,僅有57.9%的裝設濕式洗滌塔、靜電集塵機等管末處理設備。計畫執行期間更陸續輔導40家餐廳取得油煙防制標章,及21家已取得油煙防制標章餐廳複查作業,並完成1,000份宣導手冊之印製與發放。另,為追蹤管制有空氣污染之虞者及受陳情污染源改善情形,配合環保局督察大隊,針對重大污染源進行合計20點次周界異味官能測定工作。三、 在協助紙錢集中及清運工作方面,統計至5月底累積紙錢清運量1,888.96噸(不含100年清明節主動配合清運紙錢量249.93噸),並完成淨爐法會7場次、紙錢清運協調宣導說明會2場次。在寺廟訪談工作執行成果方面,完成703家次寺廟訪談作業,並推動初二、十六土地公廟配合紙錢定時定點清運輔導20家次、寺廟採行「一爐一香」100家次、輔導推廣裝設LED燈取代光明燈44家次。此外,本計畫特辦理「100年度臺中市環保寺廟示範推廣暨選拔宣導說明會」,經遴選委員現場評鑑後,計有10處寺廟單位獲選為100年度臺中市環保寺廟,並由本計畫提供8,000份代金功德米,在101年配合白米代金活動推動。四、 有關逸散源污染型行為管制工作,計畫執行期間共完成一般露天燃燒巡查200件次,稻草露燃巡查300件次;在逸散污染減量部分,推估執行期間查獲500件露天燃燒案件,總控制面積達250,763.9 m2,控制體積達262.8 m3,以排放係數估算分別可消減TSP 2,017.1公斤。並完成設置勿露天燃燒告示牌50點次、辦理勿露天燃燒稻草宣導說明會4場次(宣導人數共260人次)。經本計畫向農業局蒐集取得一、二期稻作申報補助面積分別為7,387.46公頃及5,825.97公頃,即稻作剪斷翻耕之比率僅約當期耕作面積 之五成,因臺中市內並無其他再利用廠商可進行稻草移地再利用,故推估本市仍有約一半的農友可能仍採用露天焚燒方式處理稻草農廢;鑑此,本計畫特研提「替代燃燒稻草之改善策略及創新作法」,希能作為後續管制策略之參考。 100 台中市環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38793
產業廢水污染調查及管制措施研議計畫(第三年) 依據98年度擬定和推動之污染預防管理與監測機制,99年度推動光電材料及元件製造業「前端製程化學品管理」與「末端廢水水質監測機制」示範計畫執行成果,前者係要求事業定期申報指定製程化學品之使用量;後者則要求事業進行放流水銦、鎵、鉬、總毒性有機物和生物急毒性之檢測分析,100年度彙整示範計畫執行成效。此外,針對晶圓製造及半導體製造業放流水進行水質調查分析,並研訂該業別之管制項目與限值。依調查數據綜合評估顯示水污染管制事業與污水下水道系統氨氮排放總量約為76,167 kg/day (總排放水量乘以平均濃度),最大貢獻來源為畜牧業,占所有氨氮污染總量的21.4%,其次為科學工業園區污水下水道系統、公共污水下水道系統和石油化學專業區專用下水道系統和石油化學業;部分相關產、公 (協) 會和目的事業主管機關已著手進行含氮水質調查評估。依據氨氮排放總量估算結果和水質調查家數比例,建議後續優先進行科學工業園區污染下水道系統放流水氨氮管制評估。本計畫推動晶圓製造及半導體製造業、石油化學業和石油化學專業區污水下水道系統放流水標準修訂及相關行政管制事宜,並前往韓國考察放流水生物急毒性之管制方式,另針對含氯有機溶劑運作事業之化工業進行水質調查和管制評析,建議優先將有機化合物和氨氮納入檢討,此外,並加以評析特定業別或項目的管制方式或限值之合理性 (如電鍍業之COD標準)。 The Study of Pollutant Characteristics of Industrial Wastewater and Control Measures (Third Year) According to the pollution prevention and monitoring mechanisms drafted in 2009, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promotes the demonstration plan that includes detailed chemicals disclosure in the manufacturing process (upstream) and wastewater monitoring (downstream) in the optoelectronic industry and Science Park in 2010. The study has summarized the results of the demonstration plan in 2011. For the chemicals disclosure, the manufacturers are asked to regularly declare the raw materials used by the industries. For the wastewater monitoring, the manufacturers are asked to check for the indium, gallium, molybdenum, total toxic organic (TTO), and acute toxicity in the effluent. Further, the plan has investigated the effluent quality and draw up the regulated items and standards of wafer and semiconductor manufacture industry.There are many industries that discharge ammonia-nitrogen in their wastewater. The investigation estimated that total ammonia-nitrogen discharged from industries was 76,167 kg/day. The largest contributor was sewage system in animal husbandry, and its load was estimated to be 21.4% of the total ammonia-nitrogen. Further, both Science Park, public sewers, petrochemical industrial parks and petrochemical industry also have high pollution potential. Some industry associations and organizations have started the investigation and analysis of nitrogen-containing wastewater. The plan has suggested to evaluate the regulation of ammonia for Science Park in priority according to the total ammonia-nitrogen and the percentage of investigated factories.The plan has revised and set the Effluent Standard, Effluent Standards of Semiconductor Manufacture Industry, Effluent Standards of Petrochemical Industry, Effluent Standards of Petrochemical Industrial Parks Sewage System. Besides, we gathered information on the regulations of the effluent acute toxicity in Korea. Further, the plan has investigated the wastewater characteristics of chemical industry and evaluated the regulation. The plan has presented the suggestion of regulation of organic compounds and ammonia-nitrogen. Furthermore, the plan also investigates the appropriateness of regulations and standards for specific industry or items (such as the COD standard of electroplating manufacture industry). 100 水保處 財團法人中興工程顧問社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29847
100年資訊產品環保標章驗證作業專案工作計畫 消費行為是現代人必有的活動,亦為絕大多數產業運作目標與利潤之來源,透過民眾日常消費產生之經濟利益數量驚人,隨著民眾環保觀念逐漸提升,若能教育民眾優先選購對環境友善之產品或服務,此一日常活動造成之龐大經濟利益正可用以推動環境保護,並使業界發現環境保護工作亦可以創造利潤,使環保工作具有自行前進之動力。我國行政院環境保護署為順應世界趨勢,鼓勵事業單位於產品之原料取得、製造販賣、使用及廢棄等階段之產品生命週期過程中,能夠降低環境之污染及節省資源之消耗,促進廢棄物之減量、減毒及回收,同時喚醒消費者慎選可回收、低污染、省資源之產品,以提昇環境品質,特參考德國、日本、加拿大、北歐、美國、歐盟等先進國家實施環保標章制度之經驗,研討頒發產品之環保標章,並於民國81年03月19日評選出以一片綠色樹葉包裹著乾淨不受污染的地球作為環保標章的圖案,並依法註冊登記其商標專用權及對外界公告。本年度計畫目標為藉由驗證審查作業,提供市場更多環保產品,協助促進綠色消費風潮。依署內預定之工作內容,本年度應完成470件資訊產品環保標章申請案。此外,本年度本會將運用豐富之電子電機產品驗證經驗,對環保署規定之作業方式提出修正建議以提升審查效率。 2011 Information Technology Product Green Mark Certification Project Consumption behavior is essential for all modern humankinds and also the sources of the vast majority of profits from industrial operations, as tremendous economic values may be generated through consumers’ daily consumption. As the public’s environmental awareness slowly improved, if the consumers can be encouraged to give priority to buying environmentally friendly products or services, these huge economic interests and values can be directed towards environmental protection. When the consumers are willing to pursue green consumption, the industry will also discover that they can create profits from protecting the environment, and the whole green consumption cycle can create its own forward momentum.In order to be in line with the global environmental trend, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Government of the Republic of China (ROC) on Taiwan, encourages business organizations to reduce environmental pollution, resources/energy consumption and waste generation throughout the life cycle stages (material acquisition, manufacturing and distribution/sale, usage and waste disposal) of their products and services; as well as promotes the consumption of recyclable, low pollution and resource conserving products and services by the consumers in order to improve environmental quality. With the above considerations in mind, and following the experiences of implementing eco-labeling programs in Germany, Japan, Canada, Nordic countries, USA and EU, the EPA initiated the Green Mark Program after introduction of the Green Mark logo in 1992. In the shape of a clean Earth wrapped by a green leaf, the Green Mark logo was selected on March 19, 1992 after an open selection and judging process and was subsequently registered officially as a trade mark in ROC. The goal for this year’s project is to promote the green consumption trend through conducting green product certification and verification, and thus providing the market with more environmentally friendly products. Based on EPA’s designated schedule for work completion, 470 Green Mark applications from information technology product shall be processed this year. In addition, EDF will make use of its extensive experience in certifying green electrical and electronic products to provide proposal of amendments to EPA’s stipulated review procedure in order to improve application processing and reviewing efficiency. 100 管考處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32241
環境中奈米物質量測、特性分析及即時毒性測試平台技術開發 本研究參考ISO 10801與ISO 10808的標準,建立一套奈米物質吸入毒性試驗用的奈米微粒產生、監測、檢測及化學分析平台,產生的微粒分別為銀與氧化鋅微粒。本研究使用PSL標準微粒與銀微粒分別對SMPS的粒徑與數目濃度進行校正與比對,結果顯示SMPS可正確地量測微粒粒徑與數目濃度,誤差皆在5 %內。進一步使用FMPS與SMPS進行粒徑分佈的量測比對,發現團聚微粒會造成兩台儀器量測值的誤差,當微粒形貌越趨近於球型時,量測值越接近。以氣膠微粒質量分析儀(APM)量測電移動度粒徑在20-120 nm的銀微粒有效密度的結果發現,有效密度會隨著燒結溫度(100-500 oC)提高而逐漸趨向銀塊材密度(10.53 g/cm3),以20 nm及120 nm的微粒為例,其有效密度分別由7.56上升至10.51 g/cm3及由0.98上升至1.89 g/cm3。本研究已順利研發出噴嘴較MSP原廠MODUI平滑的NCTU大氣奈米微粒採樣器。實驗室內的微粒收集效率曲線校正結果顯示,相較於MSP MOUDI,NCTU大氣奈米微粒採樣器的第7至9階衝擊器的dpa50更接近MOUDI原始的設計值。微粒損失的結果則顯示,奈米微粒在NCTU大氣奈米微粒採樣器內部的損失略低於MSP MOUDI。由高濃度微粒負荷的實驗則可看出,本研究自製的噴嘴板確實可有效地降低微粒阻塞的情形。現場採樣比對的結果也顯示,NCTU大氣奈米微粒採樣器及MSP MODUI所測得的微粒質量分布相當接近。本研究將新莊、中山及竹東三個空品測站的採樣結果和各個空氣品質監測站(air quality monitoring stations, AQMS)的氣象及汙染物監測值做相互的時序比對及分析,全部樣本也由本計畫合作單位中央研究院環境變遷中心利用ICP-MS方法分析各個樣本的金屬成分。此外,本研究所採集的PM10及PM2.5質量也和AQMS及中央大學(National Central University, NCU)PM2.5計畫的結果進行比對,AQMS所測得的PM10及PM2.5濃度較本研究的採樣濃度高出約40 %,而NCU PM2.5的結果則較本研究低了17 %。本計畫已開發出空氣奈米微粒中PAHs的採樣系統,由環型擴散採樣管(AD)、MOUDI及聚氨基甲酸酯泡棉(PUF)所串聯所組成。目前已完成AD對氣相PAHs的收集效率和奈米微粒樣本中PAHs之正負向偏差及環形擴散管內微粒損失之評估,以及AD-MOUDI-PUF的大氣PAHs採樣。結果顯示,若使用環形擴散採樣管移除氣相PAHs時,會使得MOUDI的PM0.1濾紙上Σ15PAHs濃度採樣結果較為正確, 但若未經環形擴散採樣管移除氣相PAHs時會使得大量氣相PAHs進入濾紙後端的PUF, 造成正採樣誤差,如使用石英濾紙採樣時PM0.1之Σ15PAHs約有50%之採樣誤差。 By referring to the ISO standard of 10801 and 10808, this study developed an analytics platform which enables the generation, monitoring, measurement and chemical analysis of nanoparticles intended to be used for inhalation toxicity test. Silver and Zinc oxide were used in this analytic platform. Before characterizing particles in platform, the standardized PSL and silver particle were used to calibrate and compare the particle size distribution and number concentration measured by the SMPS. Results show that the SMPS measures the particle size distribution and number concentrations accurately with a maximum deviation of 5 % to the nominal diameter of the PSL particle. The performance of FMPS was also evaluated by comparing its size distribution measurement of silver aggregate particles with validated SMPS. Results indicate that the difference between these two instruments is mainly influenced by the particle morphology, where the measurements were more correlated as the particle morphology more approach to sphere. The effective density of silver monodisperse particles ranging from 20 to 120 nm was measured by the APM. It was found the effective density increased with increasing sintering temperature and approached to the silver bulk density of 10.53 g/cm3 when the sintering temperature was raised to 500 oC. For example, the particle effective density of 20 and 120 nm was increased from 7.56 to 10.51 g/cm3 and 0.98 to 1.89 g/cm3, respectively, when the sintering temperature was raised from 100 to 500 oC.A NCTU micro-orifice cascade impactor (MCI) whose nozzles are smoother than those of the MSP nozzle plates was developed. Calibration results show that the dpa50 of the 7, 8 and 9-th stage of the MCI are 319, 181 and 96 nm, which are more close to the nominal value as compared to the MSP MOUCI. Particle loss tests show that the inter stage losses of the NCTU MCI are less than those of the MSP MOUDI. No clogging in the new nozzle plate was observed after high concentration particle loading. Field sampling results show that the mass distribution measured by the NCTU MCI is agreed well with those by the MSP MOUDI.The sampling results conducted at Xinzhuang, Zhongshan and Zhudong air quality monitoring stations (AQMS) were analyzed with the real-time meteorological and pollution data obtained from AQMS. All the samples were also distributed to Dr. Shiu of Research Center of Environmental Changes to conduct the metal analysis by using the LA-ICP-MS or ICP-MS. The PM2.5 mass data of present study were compared with those of the PM2.5 sampling project conducted by the National Central University (NCU) and AQMS. Results show that both of the PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations measured by the AQMS are 40 % higher than those of the present study and the PM2.5 concentrations measured by the NCU are 17 % lower than the present study.A PAH sampling system which composed of AD, MOUDI and PUF in series was developed. The collection efficiency of gaseous PAH, positive and negative artifacts and particle loss for the AD and the sampling performance of the AD-MOUDI-PUF were evaluated. Results show that more accurate results with Σ15PAHs concentration on PM0.1 filter in the MOUDI will obtained when the AD was used to remove gaseous PAHs. A large amount of gaseous PAHs will absorb by the PUF and further lead to the positive artifacts without the AD. For example, 50 % positive artifacts will be created while quartz fiber filter was employed. 100 環檢所 國立交通大學環境工程研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28043
基隆市逸散污染源稽查管制計畫 100 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45779
屏東縣萬丹鄉新安段1438及1439地號整治場址土壤污染植生復育整治評估計畫 屏東縣萬丹鄉新安段1438 及1439 地號(大鼎飼料廠旁)是國內少有的大規模受多種重金屬(鎘、鉻、銅、鎳、鉛、鋅)污染之土壤,在97 年完成污染範圍及程度調查並提出整治方案後,僅止於管制階段中而尚未進行實質整治。根據97 年的整治方案評估,本場址以傳統的化學與工程技術等方法整治需要4千萬元以上經費,且尚存在諸多技術門檻無法突破、破壞土壤性質、或衍生廢棄物等缺點。因此,屏東縣政府環保局於民國100年11月委託台境企業股份有限公司利用非破壞性之植生復育進行綠色整治研究評估,計畫名稱為「屏東縣萬丹鄉新安段1438 及1439 地號整治場址土壤污染植生復育整治評估計畫」。 This site including the Land Registered Number. 1438 and 1439 at Wangdang Township, Pingtung was contaminated by multiple heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn), which has not been practically remediated after the survey of contaminated area and degree confirmation in 2008. According the conclusion from this survey, it will cost 40 million NT dollars to remediate this site by traditional chemical and engineering approaches which disadventages are lowering soil quality and generating much waste. Therefore, this study is to perform the evaluation of remediation by phytoremediation approach. From the results, the phytostabilization species including Scandent Scheffera, Pachira macrocarpa, Broussonetia papyrifera, and Vetiveria zizanioides show a good ability in fixing the metals in their roots to minic the metals leaching and diffusion at the site. The maximum concentrations of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the roots are respectively 149, 354, 145, 168, and 434 mg/kg. However, the site was flooded seriously in the rainy season of 2012, and thus only Vetiveria zizanioides survived. After there, the metals concentrations in the root of Vetiveria zizanioides were slightly lower than those of the other phytostabilization species, but the root system of Vetiveria zizanioides was wide and strong to effectively stabilize the contaminated soil in reducing the potential of soil erosion, runoff, and leaching in the environment. The phytoextraction species including Ricinus communis L., Swietenia macrophylla, Salix viminalis L., Zea mays L., and Helianthus annuus Linn. show various efficiency of phytoextraction in Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn during 2-month growth with the maximum concentrations of 124, 216, 70, 118, and 209 mg/kg respectively. Considering the translocation factor (TF), Ricinus communis L. and Salix viminalis L were the highest. Zea mays L., and Helianthus annuus Linn. were lower in TF values, but their growth rate and biomass were higher than the other species. 100 屏東縣政府環境保護局 台境企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42049
100年度桃園縣推動資源回收形象改造及物業管理計畫暨資源回收責任業者及販賣業者管理重點稽查取締計畫 桃園縣政府環境保護局為落實資源回收體系上游責任業者登記、申報、繳費之執法公平性與一致性與下游販賣業者回收管道之暢通,及推動資源回收形象改造及物業整合管理工作計畫,訂定「100年度桃園縣推動資源回收形象改造及物業管理計畫暨資源回收責任業者與販賣業者管理重點稽查取締計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),委託綠信環境科技股份有限公司,協助執行計畫工作項目,編制計畫經理一名,三名專案工程師及一名駐局工程師派駐環保局共同推動本計畫。本計畫執行期程為自簽約日100年5月22日至100年12月31日止,約8.3個月。主要工作為推動資源回收形象改造工作,輔導查核列管責任業者與販賣業者依法應盡權利義務,協助彙整審查興辦事業計畫書及回收處理業相關審查工作資料,及辦理相關資源回收輔導與宣導業務,統計至11月30日止量化成果說明如下。(一)完成辦理1638家連鎖性販賣業者回收物流向調查,廢容器類回收物主要交付給清潔隊、總公司、民間團體等,補助設置回收設施包含廢照明光源、廢乾電池、廢光碟、廢手機及座充等回收桶,及部分連鎖性便利商店設置廢體溫計回收盒。(二)10月25下午1時~5時,假勞工育樂中心101會議室辦理完成,當日議程包含「加強查緝民生竊盜廢電纜線計畫、交通安全宣導、消防安全管理、勞工安全衛生、土地合法使用說明、營運管理規範與推動形象改造說明、社區資源回收站經營經驗交流」等,共計123人參與本會議。(三)推動社區、村里或大廈資源回收站形象改造與物業整合之連鎖經營示範工作,於簽約後1個月內(100年6月22日前)提交示範回收站篩選原則至環保局核備。10月29日提報篩選名單為大溪鎮仁善里、仁武里、南興里、平鎮市新榮里及桃園市中正綠園邸,同時完成整編輔導50位個體業者進入仁武里等8處資源回收站。(四)協助辦理「非都市土地申請變更為應回收廢棄物回收業設施使用之興辦事業計畫」審查資料彙整及進度追蹤,統計至11月30日共計彙整追蹤131件興辦計畫書案件,其中17件為同意變更或同意展延,5件駁回申請案,26件逾期未辦理申請案件,其餘案件為完成各項申請辦理狀態。(五)協助辦理應回收廢棄物回收處理業登記申請相關審查作業,統計至11月30日共計協助彙整追蹤59件申請案件,其中有回收業46件,處理業13件。(六)販賣業者稽查輔導作業,完成彙整統計13公所稽查成果為3,117家,及本計畫完成現場稽查輔導販賣業者895家,統計本縣列管業者為4,783家。(七)7月19日下午1時~5時,假縣政府13樓公務人力培訓中心辦理完成,當日議程包含廢棄物清理法及推動一次用外帶飲料杯源頭減量及回收獎勵金實施方式公告,另針對本縣轄內從事複合型營業之大賣場、量販店及百貨公司等業者對象一併進行教育宣導等,共計50人參與本會議。(八)責任業者查核輔導成果包含協助辦理年度環保署函請案件79件;協助辦理其他縣市移請案件辦理67件;主動查緝轄內賣場違規責任商品計100件;覆核轄內公所年度提報案件701件,核可件數521件,不符退件180件。(九)辦理輔導相關輔導及宣導業務工作,有關公所稽查人員之責任業者與販賣業者稽查輔導作業在職教育訓練說明會,6月20日上午9:30至下午4:00在勞工育樂中心101會議室辦理完成,當日議程包含100年度資源回收責任業者與販賣業者管理重點稽查取締計畫、責任業者與販賣業者現場稽查作業實務、廢棄物相關法規、新增修正公告及今年重點輔導對象、「應設置資源回收設施之電子電器物品販賣業者範圍、設施設置、規格及其他應遵行事項」法規說明及實務作業說明等,共計177人參與本會議。(十)辦理輔導相關輔導及宣導業務工作,有關10月11日提報「重點回收物回收宣導單張」及「推動老街溪整治工程目標宣導」,利用平鎮市及中壢市地區的民眾家戶台電帳單搭載宣導單張,共計寄送240000戶;運用10處重要交通要道的LED電子看板宣導政策,宣導內容以「廢乾電池回收重要性」及「廢體溫計回收兌換活動」共計播放宣導四週。10月6日提報宣導品採購規劃為環保自然及節能減碳之生活用品「茶籽粉」及「環保矽膠杯蓋」。 Taoyuan environment authorities to ensure fairness and consistence of thorough and proper registration, declaration, and pecuniary imposition with regard to upper stream businesses. A project on image promotion of recycling, property management, and auditing of recycling and vending businesses conducts has been devised by Taoyuan environment authorities to ensure fairness and consistence of thorough and proper registration, declaration, and pecuniary imposition with regard to upper stream businesses. The project, contracted to Protect-Eco Technology Co., also aims at facilitating smooth channels for lower stream recycling businesses, recycling promotion, and property integration.The project is expected to be executed during the period beginning May 22 through December 31, 2011. It is primarily in charge of promoting image of recycling and making sure that all involved businesses conform to legal requirements and obligations of being monitored, providing assistance with evaluation of developing project proposals and other materials processed by recycling businesses. The quantitative findings are demonstrated as following:1. Recycled items of 1638 chain vendors have been checked. Recycled solid waste is chiefly processed by cleaning service providers, the government contracted company, and other civil groups. The project has also funded recycling facilities such as bins for waste lighting, batteries, disks, mobile phones and their power chargers. Recycle boxes for waste thermometers are available at selected convenient stores. 2. A conference on stealth of waste cables, traffic safety, firefighting, labor security and wellbeing, legal use of land, management regulations and image promotion, community recycling points and experience took place at Conference Hall 101 of Labor Recreation Center from 13:00 to 17:00 on October 25, 2011 and saw an audience of 123 people. 3. The project facilitates image promotion for the recycling stations in different communities, villages, and condominiums and features model chain store management of integrating real estate resources. It demands submission for official auditing within one month after completion of signature, which falls on June 21, 2011. A selection list has been proposed to different villages, including Jenshan, Jenwu, Nanxin, Pinzhen, Xinjong, and Zhongzheng community of Taoyuan City. Around 50 junkmen have been introduced to 8 different recycling centers.4. The project organizes and tracks all the materials regarding the plans for evolvement of non-urban lands into facilities of solid waste recycle. A total of 131 applications have been filed, of which 17 were granted approval or approval for extension, 5 overruled, 26 overdue, and the remaining en route of application. 5. The project evaluates applications for recycled solid waste and tracks 59 applications, of which 46 are recycle businesses and 13 are garbage processing. 6. A total of 3117 vendors have been audited and filed out of the findings from 13 local district household offices. On-site auditing has been imposed on 895 vendors in accordance with the project. The county has filed 4783 vendors in database.7. A conference on waste disposal guidelines and promotion, plastic cup reduction and recycle awards, training advertisements designed for major shopping complexes, hypermarkets, and department stores took place at Human Resources Training Center (13th floor, Taoyuan County Hall) from 13:00 to 17:00 on July 19 and saw an audience of 50 people. 8. The results of counseling and inspection of involved businesses include 79 applications submitted to the Environment Protection Agency. 67 applications from cities other than Taoyuan were also included. Around 100 items of merchandise sold at major hypermarkets in violation of applicable norms have been inspected. The project evaluated 701 applications within the calendar year, of which 521 have been approved and 180 rejected. 9. A seminar on counseling and advertisement as well as training for civil servants took place at Conference Hall 101 of Labor Recreation Center from 9:30 to 16:00 and saw an audience of 177 attendants, conversing on 2011 inspection and evaluation plans for all registered recycle businesses, on-site inspection practice, norms about solid waste, amendments, and major targets of the year, applicable norms for electronics vendors. 10. The project engages counseling and advertisement works. The government proposes advertising flyers for target recycled items and promotion for urban renovation construction outline on October 11, using utilities bills of the local residents in Pinzhen and Zhongli as promotion flyers and LED electronic banners for policy advertisement. The policy stresses the importance of recycling waste batteries and thermometers and will be displayed publicly for 4 weeks. On October 6, a procurement proposal was submitted regarding the use of tea seed powder and silicon lids for environment and eco-friendly purposes. 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28688
100年特定環境保護服務業狀況調查 本調查工作為行政院環保署委託之「100 年特定環境保護服務業狀況調查」,旨在瞭解特定環境保護服務業基本服務情形及業務狀況統計。本次調查對象為經環保主管機關許可登錄有案之病媒防治業、廢棄物清除處理業、應回收廢棄物回收處理業、環境檢驗測定業,採郵寄問卷全查方式辦理。調查結果經統計分析後,可獲得以下重要結論:1. 本次調查結果99 年底特定環境保護服務業共計3,758 家,以小型經營規模之民營企業為主。2. 99 年底特定環境保護服務業受雇員工共計2 萬7,390 人,平均年薪為34 萬2,277 元。3. 99 年特定環境保護服務業總收入為1,087.6 億元,總支出為898.7 億元。4. 99 年底特定環境保護服務業僅6.8%有國際認證。5. 約三成八的特定環境保護服務業者認為100 年營業額將與99 年相同(零成長)。6. 特定環境保護服務業者認為「同業競爭」為最大的經營瓶頸。 The Specific Environmental Protection Service Industry Survey, 2011 The Project, “The Specific Environmental Protection Service Industry Survey, 2011” was commissioned by Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan. It aims to know the basic service condition and statistics ofbusiness status in the specific environmental protection industry.The subjects included nationwide pathogen control services, waste disposal and collection services, resource recycling services, environmental analysis services authorized by and registered at the administration authority. The comprehensive survey of mail questionnaire is adopted to transact.The important conclusions below can be reached after the statistical analysis of survey results:1. Altogether there were 3,758 businesses in the specific environmental protection service industry at the end of 2010 and private businesseswith small business scale accounted for the main part.2. Altogether there were 27,390 employees in the specific environmental protection service industry at the end of 2010; the annual salary peremployee was NT$342,277 dollars.3. The total income from service industries that are protected in a specific environment was 108.76 billion NT dollars and the total expenditure was 89.87 billion NT dollars in 2010.4. Only 6.8% of the specific environmental protection service industry had achieved international certificate at the end of 2010.5. 37.6% of the dealers in the specific environmental protection service industry think that the turnover in 2011 will be the same as that in 2010(zero growth).6. Dealers in the specific environmental protection service industry think that “Horizontal competition” is the biggest operational bottleneck. 100 統計室 全國意向顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=26788
100年度澎湖縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫 (一) 依環保署公佈統計至100年11月,通知應到檢車輛數為42,234輛,回歸車籍計算完成檢驗車輛數28,982輛,機車定檢到檢率回歸車籍計算為68.62%,回歸定檢站完成檢驗車輛數23,840輛,回歸定檢站到檢率計算為56.45%,與99年同期11月的到檢率比較分別成長5.48% (回歸車籍)及5.31%(回歸定檢站),今年在回歸車籍在全國23縣市已排名至第9名,比去年同期全國排名第18名,大幅提升。(二) 今年度正式將車牌辨識稽查作業納入未定檢車輛的稽查工作中,從4月開始正式執行,至12月31日已成功辨識37,849輛次的車輛,未定檢比率平均為13.7%,設籍本縣的車輛稽查數佔總稽查數的79.3%,設籍本縣的未定檢車輛數佔總稽查未定檢車輛數的79.6%,若以4-10月份寄出的車辨催檢通知來看,回檢率約有68.7%左右,顯示效果不錯,只要能確實拍到車輛在使用,民眾的回檢意願相對較高。(三) 移定車服務本年度在上個計畫100年1月至2月有執行326輛,100年計畫從100年3月7日計畫開始至100年12月31日底共計檢測6,676輛,合計完成7,002輛次,今年計畫平均月檢測數約583輛次。(四) 依99年度環保署提供之車籍資料分析及計畫要求,預計郵寄55,000輛次通知明信片,各鄉市通知數量的統計如表所列,統計至100/12/31已完成寄出58,321件完成比率達106%。(五) 完成巡查作業計4,289件,完成率達107%,100年度巡查完成定檢比率為70.2%。(六) 路邊執行攔檢機車598輛(包含已定檢機車72輛),合格424輛、合格邊綠139輛、不合格35輛,整體不合格率為5.85%。(七) 青白煙機車輛合計完成拍照1,523輛,平均的完成定檢比率約為72.02%。(八) 100年度1月至12月定檢站氣體查核結果,誤差皆在標準值範圍內,皆無氣體比對不合格的情況發生,定檢合格標籤藍標部分共15筆貼錯之情形發生,分別是鴻隆機車行6筆、西北行6筆及鈤立車行3筆,而黃標部份鈤立車行及東泰機車行各有3筆及1筆貼錯紀錄。(九) 本縣定檢站檢測不合格率,今年1-12月分別有勁揚機車行(X11) 有11次、全能機車行(X10) 有8次及鈤立車行(X03)有7次為較多。。(十) 統計至100年12月31日止,已於縣內柴油車較常出入之重要路段,完成柴油車目視判煙稽查351輛次,經目判人員判煙認定後,所有受目視判煙稽查之車輛,其目判排煙不透光率皆落在20%至30%之,其中以25%最多佔61.5%。(十一) 本年度計畫車輛柴油油品檢測目標為125件,目前已檢查柴油送交化驗163件,完成率130%;已檢驗完成報告數163件,不合格數6件,不合格率為3.7%,其餘含硫量皆符合法規規定。(十二) 至12月31日為止,本工作團隊已完成1場大型宣導會,及30場之電動機車推廣試乘宣導活動。(十三) 100年度截至12月31日止,共完成補助審查二行程補助汰舊221件。 2011 Penghu County Mobile Pollution Source Control Project Project name: 2011 Penghu County Mobile Pollution Source Control ProjectExecuting period: From March 7, 2011 to December 31, 20111. In the tasks of inspection, notice number was 42,234, checking number which returns to the vehicle registration place was 28,982, and the rate of participation was 68.62%; checking number which returns to the inspection station was 23,840, and the rate of participation was 56.45%. Compare with last year, it’s 5.48% (registration place) and 5.31% (inspection station) growth respectively. In the government performance assessment, calculate the rate of participation for those data that return to the vehicle registration place, this county is ninth in the country. It’s better than last year.2. In the tasks of the identification system, this project has completed 37,849 cases and the rate of non-inspection was 13.7%; the rate of the motorcycle that was registered in Penghu County was 79.3% in which the rate of non-inspection was 79.6%; the rate of participation for those motorcycles that when they received the notice with picture and go to inspect was about 68.7% during the period of performing.3. In the tasks of mobile inspection van, this project has completed 7,002 cases, and the monthly average was 583 cases.4. In the tasks of notice, this project has to complete delivering 55,000 postcards, so far, this project has delivered 58,321 postcards; the accomplishment rate was 106%. 5. In the tasks of the patrolling, this project has completed 4,289 cases, and the rate of participation was 70.20%.6. In the tasks of the inspecting motorcycle on the roadside, this project has completed inspection 598 cases (Include 72 cases that have been inspected), in which, the qualified number was 424, margin number was 139, and unqualified number was 35; the total unqualified rate was 5.85%. 7. This project has taken 1,523 pictures for the smoky motorcycle, and the average rate of participation was 72.02%.8. In the tasks of the comparing gas concentration, all results were within error range. In the tasks of the inspection mark, there were 3 inspection stations that mislabeled the Blue Mark, they were Hong-Long, Xi-bie-hang, and Ri-Li respectively; and besides, there were 2 inspection stations that mislabeled the Yellow Mark, they were Ri-Li, and Dong-Tai respectively.9. In the tasks of checking inspection station, there were 3 stations that the unqualified rate was higher than else. They were Jin-Yang (11 times), Quan-Neng (8 times), and Ri-Li (7times) respectively.10. In the tasks of inspection diesel vehicle, there were 351 cases that have finished the visual judgment of the smoky diesel vehicle. In the survey, the opaque rate ranges between 20% and 30%, in which, 25% was most than else, and that was 61.5% of all cases. 11. In the tasks of the spot check on the sulfur content, target number was 125.This project has submitted 163 cases to inspect, and the accomplishment rate was 130%. In which, there were 163 cases has finished inspection, and three unqualified cases that has completed re-inspection, the unqualified rate was 3.7%; others meet the government regulations.12. This project organized one big promotion and thirty electric motorcycle promotion test ride campaigns13. This project has finished the review, inspection, and appropriation of the out of age 2-stroke motorcycles subsidy application submitted by people during the period of performing. There were 221 application cases in 2011. 100 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 新研車輛科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30593
二仁溪污染整治回顧紀錄片製作專案工作計畫 二仁溪是臺灣河川污染程度最嚴重的河川之一,二仁溪畔廢五金露天燃燒及酸洗,對空氣及水質造成嚴重的污染,更把二仁溪變成一條道地的「黑龍江」。從民國72年起,政府相關單位開始投入了廢五金管理工作,先由經濟部工業局成立大發、灣裡兩個資源再生專業區。環保署並於民國82年全面禁止進口廢五金。民國92年更執行廢熔煉廠強制拆除工作。本計畫主要記錄燃燒廢五金導致二仁溪污染的事件始末與因應對策,以口述歷史方式製作專刊與紀錄片,為歷史留下見證二仁溪整治計畫的初步成果是一群人共同努力結果,走過30年,這些人,這些故事,都值得記錄下來,為歷史留下見證。本計畫參考政府公文書,透過採訪重要人物,掌握來龍去脈,製作紀錄片腳本與故事書內容。紀錄片以分三大段落,第一段落:美麗與生機(10分鐘),第二段落:污染整治拆除(20分鐘),第三段落:社區參與與重生(15分鐘)。內容採取口述歷史手法專訪相關當事人,將二仁溪流域污染整治30年,以環境紀錄片說故事方式呈現,同時製作二仁溪污染整治回顧紀錄片口述歷史故事一書。 The project of pollution control of Erren River documentary Erren River is among the most polluted rivers in Taiwan. The open burning and acid cleaning of waste metals on Erren River bank has caused severe air and water pollution, transforming it into a dirty black river.Since 1983, environmental authorities have begun managing scrap metals. The Dafa and Wanli special district for renewable resources were established. The import of waste metals was banned in 1993, and a mandatory removal of waste smelters was executed in 2003.This project primarily recorded the story and countermeasures of incident of waste metal polluting Erren River. Oral history was used for the production of the monograph and documentary. The preliminary results of recording the pollution remediation plan for Erren River is a tribute to the hard work of the group of people involved. After 30 years, these people and their stories should be recorded as a part of history.This project referenced government official documents, and interviewed important personnel to gain a better understanding of the story in order to produce the script of the documentary and the content of the book. The documentary is divided into three sections: the first, beauty and vitality (10 min), the second, pollution remediation and demolition (20 min), and the third, community involvement and re-birth (15 min). The content of the documentary was obtained by using oral history to interview relating personnel who were involved in the pollution remediation of Erren River for 30 years. The documentary narrates as an environmental documentary, and a book using oral history regarding Erren River’s pollution control is in production. 100 水保處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41655
100年度嘉義縣固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制計畫 100年度嘉義縣「固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制計畫」自100年3月18日起主要工作項目包含許可審查、核發、查核及定檢報告審查、監督檢測、固定污染源資料更新與擴充作業、法規符合度查核作業、稽查抽測作業、戴奧辛查核管制作業、確認及比對固定源資料庫、稽查處份資料建檔、資訊系統規劃與維護、排放量網路申報及公告定檢網路申報輔導與審查作業、協助辦理說明會、相關會議及其他固定污染源管理相關業務等。茲將執行統計至100年7月31日之各項作業說明如後:嘉義縣列管公私場所為560家,其中納入許可管制之公私場所共計215家,列管342條製程,為落實許可管制作業,本計畫針對公告1~8批應申請設置、變更及操作許可證之固定污染源進行審查及巡查等作業,目前已核發公私場所共計38件,除針對文書部分進行審查外,於核發許可證前會至現場進行現勘,以降低核發與現況不符的情形,在秉持「服務、效率、滿意」的精神下,不失審核及發證的品質下,許可審查日數維持在第一類8及第二類15日。列管公私場所中,共計85家需排放量申報,其中第一、二批應分別為37家及48家,本計畫亦針對排放量進行48家次現場查核,不符合部分也請廠方進行修正;應實施定檢部分亦配合預警通報等方式,提醒廠商定檢期限;應設置空氣污染防制專責單位或人員條件者共計109家,本計畫亦執行4家次專責人員現場確認作業,現場設置級別及人員皆無不符情形。針對許可證核發情形,本年度執行許可現場查核86條製程,其中應辦理異動後重提操作者為5條製程,比例為5.81%,顯見在持續宣導及巡查管制作業下,廠商已瞭解應遵循之相關法規,另輔以工廠登記證異動時的主動通知,基本資料不符件數已經減少。因應環保法規的日新月異,本計畫除積極參與環保署召開會議外,會後並將最新環保規定回饋至許可審查作業中,為避免環保政策與業者認知的落差,本計畫透過固定污染源電子報(目前發行46期,發行量230家/期)及召開說明會(2場次)等方式,對相關業者宣導環保法規,以落實相關管制作業。本計畫藉由勤查方式以確認空氣污染防制是否有落實執行,424家次巡查作業中,以逸散源管理辦法巡查最多,相關逸散管辦符合率約90%,其不符合記點原則之缺失點數在10點以內,預估改善完成後粒狀物削減量約2.18噸。本計畫藉由宣導及勤查等方式,配合污染者付費之原則,冀望公私場所均能符合相關規定,創造環保及經濟雙贏的局面,此外,本計畫亦積極配合與其它各計畫聯合管制與建立相互通報網絡系統,以掌握污染排放情形,防杜因操作不當或失控等情形。 100 嘉義縣環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30991
100年度烏溪(大肚溪)及濁水溪河川揚塵預警、通報及宣導計畫 100 彰化縣環境保護局 中山醫學大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40449
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢機動車輛類-北區)專案工作計畫 100年1月1日至101年12月31日執行廢車引擎100%逐一實地稽核與廢車殼清運卸載端實地清運稽核。引擎實地稽核認證通過廢汽車146,548輛與廢機車186,137輛,處理量廢汽車144,324輛與廢機車189,612輛;廢車殼清運量共78,411,300公斤。 本計畫作業程序查核分為「受補貼資格」、「機具設備」、「作業廠區規範」、「回收作業規範」及「貯存作業規範」等五大類,查核共計有346項次不合格,(總計查核項次數為43,380項次),平均不合格率為0.80%。針對所查核之不合格情形,均在本計畫輔導要求下於稽核現場立即改善完成。環境工安查核共分為「環保設備」、「廠區環境及污染防制」、「消防設施」及「工業安全與衛生」等四大類,查核共計190項次不合格(總計查核項次數為34,945項次),平均不合格率為0.54%。針對所查核之不合格情形,均在本計畫輔導要求下於稽核現場立即改善完成。100年1月1日至101年12月31日執行基隆市(含)以南、台中市(含)以北及宜蘭縣、南投縣等地區之廢機動車輛回收業稽核認證作業,累計節省4,694,840元補助金之發放。 The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste(Waste Motor Vehicles-northern Reg Authorization Group of Auditing and Certification of Recyclable Waste (Motor Vehicles -Northern Region) During the period from January 1st, 2011 to December 31st, 2012, the total amounts of on-site engine auditing and certification were accumulated at 146,548 waste automobile vehicles and 186,137 waste motorcycle vehicles. The certified disposable quantities were accumulated at 144,324 waste automobile vehicles and 189,612 waste motorcycle vehicles. In addition, the total certified body clearance quantity was 78,411,300 kg. The auditing of operation processes is categorized into 5 areas including qualification standards, equipment inspections, work facility standards, collection operation standards, and storage operation standards. The total of disqualified items is accumulated at 346 accounts (from total inspection items of 43,380 accounts) and the average disqualification rate is calculated at 0.80%. All disqualified items were corrected and improved on-site upon the requests of audition team. The auditing of environmental safety was categorized into 4 areas including environmental protection equipment validity, work facility and pollution prevention inspection, fire hazard prevention equipment, and industry safety and cleanness. The total of disqualified items is accumulated at 190 accounts (from total inspection items of 34,945 accounts) and the average disqualification rate is calculated at 0.54%.All disqualified items were corrected and improved on-site upon the requests of audition team. Including all of the disqualified items, total of $4,694,840NTD was deducted from subsidy of waste motor vehicles from recycling entities in northern Taiwan area. 100 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48147
宜蘭縣「100年度逸散污染源減量改善及室內空氣品質輔導管制計畫」 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局基於為落實國家環境保護政策,有效管制及防止縣內逸散污染源之情事發生,提昇污染源稽(巡)查之效率,擬訂計畫推動--宜蘭縣100年度空氣品質改善維護計畫「逸散污染源減量改善及室內空氣品質輔導改善計畫」。本計畫延續歷年(93~99年)持續推動裸露地相關基本資料之建置、裸露地粒狀污染物排放量推估、執行綠化補助作業並持續追蹤受補助綠化之裸露地改善現況;另一方面,同時持續進行本計畫執行之土石業與疏濬工程稽巡查管制作業、礦場、蘇澳港及道路污染稽巡查管制作業,除清查、更新縣內砂石場、礦場及蘇澳港基本資料庫外,並建立稽(巡)查管制機制、推動逸散性污染防制措施之輔導及宣導、推估粒狀污染物排放量、研擬污染減量措施及成效評估,另自民國98年起新增室內空氣品質現況調查及推動室內空氣品質自主管理等關事宜,同時配合環保署考核事項等相關作業內容,以提昇逸散污染管制效率。 100 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 日揚環境工程有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32041
南區河川巡守管理計畫 91年起長榮大學河川保育中心在行政院環境保護署補助下,執行一系列促進民眾參與河川污染整治的計畫。此一系列民眾參與河川污染整治計畫已建立起民眾參與河川保育機制,並促進民眾污染陳情,檢討污染通報及查察系統,達到具體污染削減成效。今年度重點工作方向為:(1)南部五縣市民眾參與流域管理暨巡守隊經驗交流討論會、(2)整理及分析南部七縣市河川巡守隊Ecolife綠網登錄成果,並問卷調查巡守隊成員使用意願及建議、(3)協助環保署整合民間意見參與建構二仁溪水環境整治目標、(4)協助環保署辦理二仁溪河川關懷活動。今年度本計畫未間斷運作河川保育中心,共完成並發行12期河川巡守教育推廣電子報(溪流的呼喚);辦理「2011年南部五縣市民眾參與流域管理暨巡守隊經驗交流討論會」;完成河川巡守相關群體對「Ecolife清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網」使用意願及建議問卷調查;完成協助辦理二仁溪再生願景目標規劃及工作推動(2次目標協商會議、河川關懷活動);在二仁溪召開四次污染整治民間討論會;在鹽水溪召開二次污染整治民間討論會,彙整民間各團體意見並提案二仁溪水環境整治目標討論會議、二仁溪整治再生願景聯繫會報、鹽水溪污染整治督導及協調會。 Management of River Watch Activities in Southern Taiwan To assist and speed up river pollution cleanup, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) has contracted River Restoration Center in Chang Jung Christian University to conduct a series of public participation projects since 2002. The series of projects have successfully establish a public participation framework to involve people in river watch, riverbank adoption, environmental education, volunteer monitoring, and watershed planning. This year, to further assist the five counties in southern Taiwan to manage their river watch programs, the River Restoration Center held a regional meetings to promote the sharing of management experience among the county Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs) and maintained the public participation website to introduce public outreach tools developed in the past few years. Twelve monthly newsletters, Callings from The River, were published. A questionair survey on the preference of using Ecolife, a web-based reporting plateform serving pollution communication and demonstration of public participation, was conduct. This year we also assist TEPA to gather public’s opionions toward the cleanup goals for the next phase of Erhjin River Reborn Project. The cleanup goals reached common consensus in this cooperative process was publicized in front of river volunteers of Southern Taiwan in the Annual River Watch Convention. To involve the delegates of the River Watch groups into the watershed planning, we have also held six regular Counseling and Oversee meetings to discuss the watershed environmental issues, four for Erhjin River and two for Yenshui River. The opinions toward the Erhjin and Yenshui river cleanup were further motioned and discussed in the River Program Implementation Committee meetings for both rivers. 100 水保處 長榮大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28607
100年度焚化廠建置區域冷熱供應系統可行性評估委託專案工作計畫 目前國內焚化廠之總熱效率界於23.9-9.1 %,意味至少有76-90 %的垃圾燃燒熱能排放至大氣中,尚未加以利用。以焚化廠餘熱再利用建置區域供冷/熱系統具有降低夏季尖峰裝置容量、提高機組總熱效率等優點,值得進一步評估其可行性。本可行性研究之主要內容包含下列各項:一、辦理全國24座焚化廠餘熱再利用總體檢討:蒐集各焚化廠蒸氣產量、壓力、餘熱量等操作參數及資料,針對個別廠址周圍區域進行冷/熱需求初步評估及篩選。選擇具潛能的5座焚化廠廠址,赴現場勘察管網配置之路徑實況,並針對潛在需求端製作問卷,調查其配合意願及其熱能/冷能需求條件。統計後決定較合宜的餘熱再利用方案,最後針對24座焚化廠以分級方式評估推動可行性及分級排序建議。二、內湖焚化廠建置區域供冷系統示範計畫可行性評估:分析內湖焚化廠運轉及效能詳細資料;調查廠區之空間利用現況及擴增可能性;調查鄰近地區之潛在用戶能源需求量;研擬餘熱再利用方案;評估區域供冷中心之建置與投資方式;輸送管網路徑調查及研選;投資效益經濟性評估;其他特定關鍵課題探討。三、國外區域冷熱供應系統之案例收集與應用於國內之適用性檢討。四、國外區域冷熱供應系統相關法規、政府與民間之經營合作模式、獎勵政策、推動方法等資料收集。 Establish the District cooling/Heating System Feasibility Study for the Incineration Plants The gross heat efficiency of the incineration plants in Taiwan are between 23.9 – 9.1%, It means that totally 76 – 90% of refuse combustion energy are discharged to the atmosphere. Use surplus heat of the incineration plant to install new district cooling/heating system will increase gross efficiency of each plant and decrease Taipower’s summer peak load capacity. The scope of feasibility study are including following items:1. Overall study the potential chance to build district heating/cooling system in the 24 incineration plants:After collection thermocycle’s operation parameters and boundary conditions of each plant, the heating/cooling load in the surrounding area of individual plant will be evaluated and screened prelimarily and then 5 potential plants will be selected. User side heating/cooling load requirement will be investigated and piping network will be studied, then surplus heat reuse proposed resolution for the 5 potential plants will be defined. The promotive feasibility by grading and ranking will be suggested finally for the 24 incineration plants. 2. Feasibility study for demonstration district cooling system of Nei-Hu Refuse Incineration Plants:The scope of study include turbine operation/performance data collection and analysis, exist plant space utilization and expanding location study, potential user and their cooling load estimation, surplus heat reuse proposal and its benefit, district cooling center function requirement and layout, chilled water piping sizing and routing survey, economic evaluation and special topics study, etc.3. Foreign district cooling/heating system case collection and local suitability study.4. Foreign regulation, cooperation model, incentive policy and promotion method of district cooling/heating system data collection. 100 督察總隊 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46166
產品碳足跡標示制度之執行與推廣專案工作計畫 有鑑於全球暖化議題為世界各國所重視,環保署經由本計畫推動產品碳足跡標示制度,確保達成環境、經濟與社會之永續發展目標。本計畫執行成果包括:1.透過4場次溝通協調會議召開、諮詢專線及官方網站維護管理,維持完整溝通平台管道。藉由ISO 14067標準制訂會議以及其他國際碳足跡研討會,蒐集5場次國際會議資料,並更新國內外組織專家人員清冊。此外,召開法規制度檢討會議,釐清現階段碳足跡標示制度遭遇問題,提供研修碳足跡相關制度之參考。2.完成訂定「100年度產品碳足跡示範輔導專案工作計畫」甄選須知,選出6項尚未發展碳足跡產品類別規則之產品,產品包括食品及民生消費類型,本計畫擔任輔導工作之管理單位;辦理1場次「產品碳足跡查驗訓練研習班」,對於完整參與訓練並通過相關資格認定之學員,頒發結業證書。3.蒐集彙整英國、日本以及法國碳標籤制度相關資料,比較11個已發展相關制度國家之異同,檢討我國產品碳標籤制度並提出困境與因應對策,以作為制度改善參考。協助環保署召開推動產品碳足跡標示審議會3場次、查核小組15場次、技術小組10場次,以及推動小組1場次;同時,研修現有相關碳標籤制度管理規定文件,包括碳足跡標籤證書核發標準作業程序、碳足跡產品類別規則訂定流程說明等,做為產品碳標籤審查使用。4.完成辦理媒體宣導作業,包括平面專輯報導廣告5篇、1支30秒電視廣告及30秒廣播帶,進行網路媒體行銷,以及製作英文宣導摺頁500份;設計製作碳標籤宣導品2,000份(迎風草植栽罐),並於2011年綠色生活博覽會及發現碳標籤系列活動等相關廣宣活動中發放;此外,維護、管理及開發「台灣產品碳足跡資訊網」官方網站,以及規劃產品碳足跡減量廠商獎勵制度報告,提供委辦單位施政之參考。本計畫透過相關制度之執行與推廣,期能使國內相關政策與國際之發展趨勢相接軌,以達成立足於國際舞臺之目的。 Work Plan of the Implementation and Promotion on the Carbon Footprint Labeling Scheme In view of the great importance of the global warming issue addressed by countries around the world, the Environmental Protection Administration promotes the carbon footprint labeling sceheme by implementing this project so as to reach goals such as sustainable development for the environment, economy and the society. Achievements of implementing this project include the following:1. Four meetings were convened for the purpose of communication and negotiation. Moreover, a hotline is created for the inquiry service. An official website is set up and maintained to keep a smooth and fluent communication channel. By means of the organization of a merrting to set up ISO14067 standards and other seminars on the carbon footprints, substantial material from five international meetings are collected. A list of experts and professionals from Taiwan and abroad was updated.In addition, a review meeting for the regulation system is held so as to find out the problems resulted from the existing carbon footprint labeling system. Thus, the findings will serve as good reference when it comes to studying and amending the carbon footprint labeling system.2. For the 2011 Work Plan of the Demonstration and Consultation Scheme on Carbon Footprint Labeling for Products, a requirement notice for the contest is drafted. Six categories of products that have not adopted the carbon footprint labeling are selected. They include products such as food and consumption items for the daily necessities. The management unit in charge of the consultation work for this project organised a workshop on the training of product's carbon footprint review and inspection, in which participants who had fully participation in the course and training and who had met the requirements related to this field are given with a course certificate.3. Material and data related to carbon footprint labeling in foreign countries such as England, japan and France are collected and incorporated into the creation of a comparison chart for 11 countries with regards to the similarities and difference of their system from one country to another. The study also includes a review on our product labeling system. For the issues and challenges, the report also set forth corresponding solutions and measures to address the problems. The purpose of this is to come up with a good reference document to assist the modification of the system. Moreover, assistance is also provided for the Environmental Protection Administration to organize three product carbon footprint labeling and review meetings, 15 group meetings for the inspection teams, 10 group meetings for the technical team and 1 group meeting for the promotion team.In the meantime, the existing documents related carbon footprint labeling system including standard procedures to issue the carbon footprint labeling certificates, procedure instructions on the categorization rules for carbon footprint products and so on are compiled and modified so as to serve as reference for the reviewing and inspection for carbon footprint products.4. Media promotion is undertaken by using the following channels: 5 special reports on the print media, a 30-second TV commercial, a 30-second audio promotion clip, promotional advertisement on the Internet, 500 cpoies of a folded promotional literature in English, 2000 pieces of a carbon footprint labeling promotional item (called Wind Grass Planting Bottle and distributed in related promotional events for the 2011 Green Life Exposition and the series of events under the theme of the Discover Carbon Footprint Labeling. Moreover, the official website, "Carbon Footprint Taiwant, EPA" is continuously maintained, managed and developed. A report to select companies who demonstrated excellency in carbon footprint reduction is also compiled for the referencing needs by the organization hosts.Through the implementing and promotion of the system and its related prijects, we expect that the domestic policies related to this issue can be in tune with the international development so as to set our feet firmly on the global stage. 100 管考處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29121
100年度光化學評估監測站操作品保例行性計畫 本計畫主要工作目標包括執行光化學評估監測站儀器品保查核、監測數據標準化處理作業、探討區域污染特徵及評估光化學監測站現有運轉成效,並建立緊急應變機制,支援突發狀況之回應。本年度執行成果在儀器品保除完成品保查核作業手冊制定,同時依手冊規範完成各項查核,全年度現場查核並無發現任何缺失;數據品質查核除朴子站100年6月、台南站100年8月、3號監測車10月及6號監測車10月數據妥善率未達85%品保要求外,其餘均符合品保規範;系統查核結果顯示,各測站於本年度之正戊烷(n-Pentane)及甲苯(Toluene)滯留時間相對差異百分比均符合品保規範±10%,且今年度新加入環戊烷(Cyclopentane)及1,3,5-三甲基苯(1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene)物種進行試行,待累積足夠數據後正式啟用,由本年度數據結果顯示兩物種均符合 ±5%,且差異範圍均於1分鐘以內,因此於101年度起環戊烷及1,3,5-三甲基苯正式列為查核物種,查核限值等同正戊烷及甲苯之允收結果;年度績效查核結果除橋頭站外(包括甲苯及苯乙烯(Styrene)),其餘測站均符合品保規範之±25%;各測站溫度連續式監控結果全數符合品保規範20~30℃之間。在緊急應變機制部份,係針對光化事件或其他突發事件之緊急應變工作,配合環保署進行監測(移動)站各項突發狀況緊急應變、數據分析作業及問題釐清,以確保測站安全。維護單位緊急應變負責人員獲報或發現測站異常狀況時,應立即橫向通報數據處理單位,通知相關人員至現場處理,並即報知環保署監資處聯絡人員,俾逐級向上報告。 Quality Assurance and Data Validation on Ozone precursor Monitoring from PAMS in 2011 The main objectives of this program included implementing the quality assurance audits of analytical systems for Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS), standardizing the data processing procedures for the collected results, characterizing the local pollutant profiles of different areas, evaluating the effectiveness of the operation, and establishing a mechanism for emergency data processing to support unexpected situations.A quality assurance auditing manual was established and all audits were carried out accordingly. The field audit results did not indicate any incidents of non-conformance for the entire year. The data quality audits in each PAMS met the quality assurance criteria (85%) except for Pu Tze PAMS in June, Tainan PAMS in August, Mobile Laboratories 3 and 6 in October of 2011, respectively. System audit results indicated that the relative percent deviations of retention times for n-pentane and toluene of all stations met the quality assurance criteria of ±8%. Two compounds, cyclopentane and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene were tentatively added to the list this year. Once enough data are collected and evaluated, these compounds will be on the official list for monitoring. Annual performance check results indicated that all stations met the quality control criteria of ±25% (including toluene and styrene) except in Chao Tou station. A mechanism was established to initiate emergency data processing mainly to respond to photochemical incidents or other unexpected situations. In case of such an incident, data processing personnel will coordinate with Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) staff in the collection, processing and analysis of the PAMS data (including mobile laboratories) in order to clarify the problem. Once the station’s maintenance unit is notified or has found anomalies, the emergency response personnel should immediately inform the data processing team, send the appropriate field personnel to correct the problem, and report to the contact person in the Department of Environmental Monitoring and Information Management of EPA, who should send the report up the chain of command. 100 監資處 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32719
開發行為環境影響評估作業準則修正 環境影響評估法為國家環境影響評估之大法,其評估之內容涵蓋自然環境、物理化學環境、人文社會環境等複雜的面向,文化類為其中重要之類別,歷年來環保署相關之「開發行為環境影響評估作業準則」未有詳細的文化類之評估規範與作業準則。我國已逐漸步入開發國家之林,有關文化資產以及原住民族相關法規均已訂立,且日益受到國民重視,近年來原住民與文化資產所形成的文化產業,更是我國社會經濟未來發展的重要指向。因此,行政院環保署擬針對「開發行為環境影響評估作業準則」提出兩大工作內容,其一為研擬「開發行為環境影響評估作業準則」文化資產(含水下文化)及原住民族傳統文化保護之增修規定,期望於本計畫內草擬「開發行為環境影響評估作業準則」有關文化資產(含水下文化)及原住民族傳統文化保護之增修規定內容;其二為協助「開發行為環境影響評估作業準則」修正法制作業工作,依據會議之相關意見,修正「開發行為環境影響評估作業準則」文化資產(含水下文化)及原住民族傳統文化保護增修規定草案,以期使「開發行為環境影響評估作業準則」能配合法規現況。 Project for Revision of Operational Rules of Environmental Evaluation for Development Environmental evaluation is the core for national development. And every country has its own law and its related operational rules. Yet, the contemporary Operational Rules of Environmental Evaluation for Development in Taiwan has not included those regulations related to the indigenous peoples and the cultural heritage under the waters. Therefore, this project aims : first, to collect and study the related documents and regulations for further revision of the contemporary Operational Rules of Environmental Evaluation for Development in Taiwan; and to call for meetings including professionals from different fields, officials from different divisions of the government and public hearing. Consequently, this is a report the process and the result of the revision of the contemporary Operational Rules of Environmental Evaluation for Development in Taiwan that will include those regulations related to the indigenous peoples and the cultural heritage under the waters. 100 綜計處 國立暨南國際大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45551
花蓮縣逸散源稽查管制計畫 1.執行逸散性粒狀物污染源管理辦法查核 2.營建工程管制及空污費徵收 3.露天燃燒及餐飲業陳情處理及防制宣導作業 4.紙錢集中焚燒推廣及宣導活動 100 花蓮縣環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32348
宜蘭縣100年固定污染源連續自動監測設施功能查核及維護計畫 計畫執行摘要本計畫工作重點作業於維護環保局連續自動監測系統及針對各污染源監測設施與資料品質進行功能查核及電位檢核等相關監督查核作業以認證資料合理性及準確性,並持續協助環保局新公告各批應與地方主管機關連線之固定污染源連續自動監測設施進行連線工作。本年度(100年度)計畫執行有五大目標:1.維護環保局連續自動監測系統主機軟硬體及通訊環境。2.落實監測設施品質保證制度與監測設施查核作業,提昇監測數據可信度與可用率。3.於監測數據之正確性及可用率之確保,對於業者空污費申報資料進行比對,以落實空污費公平徵收制度。4.提昇本局連續自動監測設施連線系統功能與連線系統資料品保功能。5.輔導新設公私廠所,與法定時間內完成CEMS 設置及連線。各項工作執行依預定進度執行,資料統計至100年10月30日,執行進度如第一章表1.5-1所示。目前宜蘭縣轄區內符合行政院環境保護署第一、二批公告應裝置連續自動監測設施之固定污染源,依其製程別包括:水泥製造程序、鍋爐發電程序及一般事業廢棄物焚化程序,共有8家工廠24根連線煙道。計有信大水泥廠(4根)、台灣水泥廠(7根)、幸福水泥廠(5根)、台化龍德廠(2根)、利澤焚化廠(2根,95/04正式運轉)、潤泰水泥(2根)、東鴻進焚化廠(1根)及羅東鋼鐵廠(1根)。而上述這些煙道的排放量,佔本縣固定源總排量八成以上,故而監測數據正確與否攸關重大, 由下圖可看出CEMS監測煙道近6年NOx總量的變化,在95年為9千多噸,96年降為8千多噸,97年則景氣衰退各廠產銷調節,加上力霸爆發財務危機停工,排放驟降至5千多噸,此為經濟因素導致自然減量;98年潤泰接手力霸,貢獻約2個月的排放量,故總量稍增;99年由於潤泰水泥全年度運轉,故總量亦有增加;100年只統計至10月份粗估到年底,應該還是會比99年稍增。 註:東鴻進(小型焚化廠),今年3月正式商轉。以下就今年計畫執行內容,做一簡要摘述1.系統軟硬體及資料庫維護作業:頻率:1.定期:至少每週一次進行例行性的備份及維護2.不定期:系統效能調校、專線斷線時的叫修。成效:1.系統在本年度執行期間運作順暢,資料傳輸穩定。2.提高了系統安全的品質。2.目前各廠CEMS連線系統的妥善率:從表3.1-1及3.1-2日報資料上傳量統計表中,可以發現平均上傳率100%,顯示在日報傳輸方面的完整性。本團隊在傳輸完整性工作方面,為達資料完整上傳,於事業端申報故障致使事業端日報資料檔內有缺值的情形時,除系統每日自動檢核通知外,並指派專人監控並通知公私場所補傳應上傳之缺失資料,以維護系統資料完備。3.各廠CEMS功能及監測數據查核結果:在本年度的查結果上,共計完成24根次查核,完成率100%,詳細內容請參照附件一及附件二。4. 電位檢核作業:電位檢核作業在確保監測儀訊號傳輸過程的數值正確,數量上共計完成信大水泥南聖湖廠、台灣水泥蘇澳廠、幸福水泥東澳廠、潤泰水泥冬山工廠、台化龍德廠及利澤焚化廠16根次(有運轉煙道,部分煙道因景氣產銷調節暫時停工),每根次5-7日之電位資料收集作業,並進行資料分析。詳細內容請參照第4.2節。5.RATA現場監督檢測作業: 本團隊配合廠家時程於RATA檢測時,指派專業人員進行全程監督,瞭解業者所委託之檢測公司是否依正確步驟執行以確保RATA數據正確性。今年度到100/10/31為止共完成前三季29根次RATA監督檢測及8根RATA稽查抽測;今年亦採取全程監督檢測,杜絕了資料可能作假的空間,在29根次監督檢測的過程中,尚為良好。而在8根稽查檢测中,則皆符合法規規範。6.CGA查核作業: 今年由於部分工廠污染源因產銷調節停工,截至第三季共計有2廠9根次採用CGA替代每季之RATA查核,其中台灣水泥為P201及幸福水泥為P001、P029;由附件六之查核紀錄可看出,在CGA監督查核部分,都符合法規之規定。 註: CGA查核相關評等資料請參閱附件六7. 提昇連續自動監測設施連線系統功能本年度新增兩項新功能,分別為「一、超限原因報備系統」及「二、 檢測行事曆系統」。詳細內容請參照第5.11節。 100 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32846
「土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料申報輔導、審查與勾稽計畫(甲)」 一、訂定土壤及地下水污染整治法第8條與第9條土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料申請備查與審查標準作業方式。二、辦理全國土壤及地下水污染整治法第8條與第9條指定公告事業申請備查與審查作業之說明及諮詢。三、協助主管機關辦理土壤及地下水污染整治法第8條與第9條土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料申請案之備查與審查作業。四、辦理指定事業採樣現場稽核工作。五、完成備查與審查後之資料輸入及電子化。六、提供本署專業技術與實務諮詢。 Project of the Guidance, Review and Auditing Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation and Test Data 甲 This plan in accordance with the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act (hereinafter referred to as SGPRA), following by Articles 8 & 9 of the SGPRA as providing the data set to apply for future reference and review standard as to auditing soil pollution assessment operating. The Environmental Protection Administration (the EPA) initiated the Project of Guidance, Review and Auditing Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation and Test Data -Plans A and B in 2011. GCTECH Engineering Consultants, Ltd. (GCTECH) was entrusted to carry out Plan A (this Project), covering Central and Northern Taiwan, while GLOBAL-ENTECH Co., Ltd was as signed to carry out Plan B, covering Central and Southern Taiwan. Area of responsibility of this project, 12 counties and cities of Keelung City, Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County and Ilan County, Hualien County, Lienchiang County, Hsinchu City, Miaoli County, Taichung City, Kinmen County. The main results include: (1) Initiate article 8 and 9 soil contamination assessment investigation and testing data set based on SGPRA regulation, to apply for future reference and review standard operating. (2) This project completed 7 sessions advocacy description of the conference, five sessions seed training session and set the 2-wire advice line to provide the enterprises who officially announced by SGPRA for professional and technical consultation. (3) Provided 8 examiners and reviewed 270 application documents of Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation and Test Data from June 1, 2011 to April 14, 2012. (4) Completed to audit 150 sites of the officially announced enterprises during the period of their field sampling operations. (5) Completed to login the soil pollution assessment investigation and test information of 324 application documents by review confirmed.(6) Assisted EPA to hold 3 work coordination meetings and 5 work discussion sessions to ensure the efficiency and quality of the project implementation. 100 土污基管會 駿興工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37581
新興物理性公害之調查及研究專案研究計畫 一、研析國際間最新非游離輻射管制及科學研究資訊,進行分析摘譯,並與我國環境進行分析比較。二、研析我國非游離輻射防護有關的技術資訊,以瞭解我國在非游離輻射防護相關議題的發展。三、研析國際間最新環境非游離輻射監測之技術資料,並評估我國適用之可行性。四、進行我國非游離輻射對環境衝擊之研究。 New physical public nuisance survey and study The light pollution phenomenon becomes more obvious due to the increasing of installed lighting facilities and the new type of signboard made by LED arrays. It causes the negative influence to the environment and the human. Hence our research team got this project from Taiwan EPA to study the light pollution issue, including the standards and field survey of illuminance and luminance light pollution parameters. In the CIE (International Commission on Illumination) 150-2003 technical report there are four area category E1 natural area, E2 rural area, E3 suburban area and E4 urban area to describe the light pollution conditions. In this document there are 5 kinds of light pollution parameters, they are upper light ratio (ULR), luminous intensity (I), vertical illuminance (E), luminance (L) and threshold increment (TI), respectively. In our survey Czekh, Italy and USA use the luminous flux and luminous intensity to confine the light pollution. In Japan, they use five parameters as same as CIE to control the light pollution. In addition, they use type of usage including residential area, mixed residential and commercial area and commercial area, respectively. In Taiwan, we only use ULR to control the light pollution now, i.e. no suggested values of I, L, E and TI. In the field survey experiments, we use illuminance and luminance to study the current light pollution in Taiwan. There are 9 illuminance measurements and 27 luminance measurements, done in Hsinchu city and Taipei city. There are 8/9 exceed the CIE E4 suggestion value of 25 lx, only one test point below the E4 suggestion value but exceed it 1.14 lx with respective to the E3 10 lx suggestion. Totally of 19 self-emitted type signboard, there are 5 LED signboards among 15 LED type signboards exceed the E4 luminance suggestion 1000 cd/m2, i.e. 1/3 exceed the E4 suggestion value. For the fluorescent lamp (FL) type signboard, 4 measurements are all below the E2 luminance suggestion 400 cd/m2. There are 6 measurements of reflective type signboards, all of them are below the E2 suggestion value. In conclusion, both reflective type and FL type signboard have relative low light pollution influence to the LED type signboard. Hence, in the future control plan, the suggestion key point should focus on the LED type signboard. According to the measurement uncertainty study, in the low light pollution area, we suggest to use the single point measurement and get the time average value due to the low illuminance variation. On the other hand, in the high light pollution area due to high illuminance variation, we suggest to use grid-point measurements and get the average value. According to the measurement uncertainty study, due to the high variation of the content of LED type signboard, we recommend using single point measurement and get the time average value; while for the reflective type and FL type signboard, we recommend using grid-point measurement to get the average value due to the bad uniformity of the signboard. 100 空保處 中華民國計量工程學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30197
100年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫 本計畫共完成下列主要工作,執行成果分述如下︰1.現階段總計完成道路洗街長度合計10,703.9公里(總達成率為107.0%),道路掃街總長度合計11,108公里(總達成率為105.8%)。2.現階段總計完成洗街作業長度達10,703.9公里,推估TSP削減量為147.7公噸;掃街作業長度達11,108公里,推估TSP削減量為153.3公噸;本計畫洗掃街作業削減TSP約可達301公噸。3.撰寫計畫相關新聞,增加本計畫能見度,共計提交7則計畫相關新聞稿,並於平面媒體及網路媒體進行刊登。4.今年度新增加大聯瀝青企業股份有限公司及福祿壽國際酒品股份有限公司,推動企業認養道路總家數為31家,道路認養長度共計9,869.83公里,達成率為164.5 %,推估TSP削減量約136.2公噸。5.為改善本縣於農忙時期機具污染路面,針對稻米收穫量面積較大之鄉鎮,辦理農耕髒污道路改善村里宣導說明會8場次,總計參加人數434人,進度總達成率為100 %。另設立通報專線與村里辦公室建置道路髒污橫向聯繫機制,現階段總計完成6處,結合村里力量(義工隊),共同提昇道路整體乾淨度。6.執行沿線民眾滿意度調查,總計完成800份問卷調查(契約達成率100%),瞭解民眾對環保局推動洗掃街計畫之工作態度,有效掌握民意變化,提昇民眾對政府施政之滿意度。 The project of enhancing street dust sweeping and washing the street for 100 year. This project has completed the following main events, and the results are described below:1. The street washing was completed 10,703.9 kilometers and the total achieved rate is 107.0%; the street sweeping was completed 11,108 kilometers and the total achieved rate is 105.8%.2. The street washing task was completed 10,703.9 kilometers and the total suspended particulate matter TSP reductions estimated 147.7 tons. The street sweeping task was finished 11,108 kilometers and the estimated reductions in TSP is 153.3 tons. Hence, the street cleaning operations on the project could reduce TSP about to 301 tons.3. Seven press releases about the project published on the print media and network media for promoting publicity.4. To promote the Adopt-A-Road program. Ta-Lian Asphalt Enterprise Company Limited and Fortune Berwery International Company Limited join the Adopt-A-Road program in this year. As a result, there are 31 businesses has joined Adopt-A-Road program. The length of adopted roads are 9,869.83 kilometers, achieved rate reached 164.5%, and estimated TSP reductions is about to 136.2 tons.5. To hold eight workshops on agricultural pollution prevention on roads for rural communities which have larger harvest areas; the attendance number for workshops was total 434, and progress rate of the project is 100%. To enhance liaison mechanism for roads pollution among the EPA and village offices to set notification lines at six places. Unite village volunteer teams' strength to improve the cleanness of roads.6. The satisfaction questionnaire for residents who live along with roads was implemented 800, and completed rate of contract was 100%. The satisfaction questionnaire would help deepen the EPA understanding for citizens' comment on street sweeping and washing program, and also improve satisfaction of environment policy. 100 雲林縣環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=35861
清淨家園全民運動顧厝邊部落格綠色生活(EcoLife)網成效提升計畫 綠網具備溝通交流及記錄管理的功能,可具體呈現政府作為,並迅速解決民眾問題,故綠網自上線迄今持續鼓勵民眾及機關、學校、社團與企業上網「植(組織)樹造(環保)林」,以綠網做為與各縣市、鄉鎮市、村里、志義工及民眾互動的平台,及呈現各單位行動成果與績效評比之績效。 本計畫係根據前三年之成果持續維護及提升綠網既有功能,增進綠網操作的友善度,同時強化營造永續優質環境衛生計畫的管考系統,提升行政作業的效率;開發通報行動化技術,讓通報作業能夠更加即時及精準;並藉由多管道的綠網推廣及宣導,逐步落實清淨家園樂活化之「扎根環境教育,愛家園顧台灣」的環境新主張。 Eco Life Website Effectiveness Enhancement Project The Eco Life website has the functions of communication, information exchange, and record management. It can demonstrate the government’s achievements and offer solutions to citizens’ problems within a short time. Therefore, since its launch continued efforts have been made to encourage citizens, schools, government organizations, and enterprises to use it as a platform to interact with other cities, counties, townships, villages, volunteer workers, and citizens, and to present their work outcomes, performances and evaluation.Building upon the previous three years’ efforts, the project continued to maintain and enhance the Eco Life website while increasing its user-friendliness. The control and management system of the Project on Creating Sustainable and High Quality Environmental Sanitation was also improved to ensure greater administrative efficiency. Mobilization reporting was developed to allow for more real-time and precise reporting. Promotion and publicity for the website were carried out in multiple ways to phase in the concept of “promoting environmental education to protect our homeland”. 100 毒管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29366
金門縣100年度移動汙染源稽查管制計畫 100 金門縣環境保護局 新研車輛科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=31155
100年度雲林縣推廣全民節能減碳運動計畫 本計畫執行期程自100年09月01日至100年11月30日止,主要執行村里節能減碳宣導作業、社區節能減碳標章申請等,其中共計進行村里宣導作業10場次,總參與人數為477人,並達成460人次上網登入參與本項活動。其次,完成林內鄉林北社區取得節能減碳行動標章徵選活動。 2011 Yunlin County promote carbon reduction exercise program Yunlin County promote carbon reduction exercise program was conducted from September 01, 2011 to November 30, 2011. During the time, we directed 10 low-carbon guidance, and 646 people logged in our Internet Eco Life activity. Secondly, also completed to achieve energy saving and carbon reduction action linba village mark for selection activity. 100 雲林縣環境保護局 環球學校財團法人環球科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32903
100年度新竹縣頭前溪及鳳山溪流域生態治理區域水質監測暨成效評估計畫 摘要 本計畫於新竹縣頭前溪竹東河段高灘地第一、二期、三、四期、五期生態治理區及鳳山溪左岸麻園堤防段高灘地生態治理區域等四區域執行水質、水量與底泥監測;另外,於生態治理區進行動植物物種、分布及數量之調查,並將歷年調查成果予以比較探討。各生態治理區污染物去除率監測結果,生態治理區一、二期生化需氧量、氨氮、總磷去除效率隨著調查時間而穩定;三、四期承接水體為竹東水資源回收中心及地表逕流水為主,進流水水質較好,去除效果不明顯;五期氨氮與總磷去除效果明顯。懸浮固體容易受降雨、擾動、植物體腐敗等因素影響,則尚有改進空間,應加強水生植物植栽清除與管理,亦可避免冬季時植物體將污染物質再次釋放回水體中。 統計歷年與本年度生態調查記錄水域生態4目7科16種魚類,5目8科10種底棲生物,5目10科水棲昆蟲,10種浮游性動物,5門27屬44種浮游性藻類;陸域生態60科143種維管束植物,其中蕨類植物5科5種,裸子植物1科1種,雙子葉植物41科96種,單子葉植物13科41種。植物物種呈現週期性消長現象,如香蒲、田菁與細葉水丁香等植物於冬季枯萎現象;而葎草、大安水蓑衣及部分禾本科植物則不受冬季溫度較低之影響。陸域生態鳥類12目27科47種,哺乳類4目6科9種,兩棲爬蟲類3目9科15種,蝶類與蜻蜓2目8科35種,記錄物種皆是平原地區常見物種。整體上物種的數量有增加趨勢,生態環境漸趨穩定,植被豐富度逐漸增加,也吸引更多的生物到治理區中棲息與覓食。生態池植物組成已相當豐富,應加以維護保養,以確保陸域動物棲息環境。 生態教育宣導方面,目前已辦理三場次生態導覽課程,分別於民國100年7月20日與8月11日。生態治理區具有水質淨化功效,生態資源豐富,具有發展生態環境教育之極佳潛力。解說員帶領學童與民眾進行自然生態體驗活動,為讓參加導覽學員更進一步了解治理區的生物,整個活動內容相當豐富、生動,且有教育性,並且在解說時同時宣導戶外觀賞應注意事項。環保局室內課程以圖鑑補充說明治理區內其他物種,並透過有獎徵答小遊戲增加學員對導覽活動的印象。並編製新竹縣竹東頭前溪生態公園手冊作為生態教育宣導使用。 100 新竹縣環境保護局 弘益生態有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29402
100年度室內空氣品質自主管理策略推動計畫 為瞭解本縣重要公共場所室內環境之空氣品質現況,本計畫篩選8處公共場所進行室內空氣品質現況調查。而依據「室內空氣品質建議值」所分類之第一類有6處,第二類有2處,檢測項目包括CO2、CO、HCHO、TVOC、O3、PM10、PM2.5、溫度、濕度、細菌及真菌等11項,以分析其室內空氣污染物的物化特性,判斷室內空氣污染物的可能污染來源。檢測8處公共場所室內環境中的空氣污染物,而其檢測值超過室內空氣品質建議值者共4處,為第一類場所有秀傳醫療社團法人秀傳紀念醫院(CO2、O3及細菌)、私立英倫幼稚園(細菌及真菌)、私立聖保羅托兒所(細菌及真菌)等3處;為第二類公共場所有彰化縣環境保護局(CO2)1處。本年度所進行之實地輔導改善,經專家學者所提供給各公共場所室內空氣品質改善之建議,而各場所也皆願意配合,但工程技術方面之改善,需花費較多時間及費用,因此各場所皆先以管理方面配合改善。4處公共場所超過室內空氣品質建議值之污染物,主要以CO2、細菌、及真菌等3項居多,改善內容則以改善通風、增強換氣率、室內清潔衛生、及以室內植物配合空氣淨化。針對初測超標之4處公共場所於輔導改善後再次進行室內空品檢測,原初測超標4處公共場所經輔導改善後之室內空氣品質均符合環保署建議值,因此本計畫實地輔導改善有達到其室內空氣品質改善之效益。綜合整理以上之資料,分別將超標項目、超標原因、改善輔導建議及改善成效於表1呈現。本計畫針對篩選出的8處公共場所,依據環保署公告之室內空氣品質自主管理作業程序進行室內空品自主管理之輔導,業已完成室內空氣品質維護管理計畫書之撰寫。 This project selected 8 public locations for indoor air quality testing before advising and improvement; four places had detected values that exceeded suggested values of indoor air quality; only four locations conform to the suggested values of indoor air quality. For locations that exceeded suggested values for indoor air quality, the common points are that their CO2, O3, and virus levels exceeded standards. There is even a public site that have three items that exceed the suggested values; thus it is necessary to conduct on-site advising and improvement at these locations.After advising and improvement, indoor air quality was measured again, and at those locations the detected values exceeded suggested values for indoor air quality. All of them conformed to suggested values for indoor air quality. Differences in measurements before and after advising and improvement were compared for these public locations, and the effects were evaluated.For those selected public locations, this project conducted advising regarding the autonomous management of indoor air quality, based on the procedures for autonomous management of indoor air quality as promulgated by the Environmental Protection Administration. Eight public locations have agreed to conduct autonomous management of indoor air quality accordingly, and have completed project proposals for autonomous management of indoor air quality. This project has compiled data and ensured completeness of the proposals, and has submitted them to the Environmental Protection Bureau. 100 彰化縣環境保護局 高雄第一科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41316
100年度嘉義市固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫 本計畫工作小組,今年度各項工作執行成果摘要如下:1.落實法規制度本計畫目前執行各項檢測作業,包含20點次油品硫含量稽查抽測、異味官能測定及周界粒狀物稽查抽測各5點次、排放管道3根次、加油站氣油比及氣漏檢測12站、焚化廠RATA及重金屬檢測各1根次,除1件次異味檢測不合格外,各項檢測皆符合法規。而在空污費徵收方面,完成98年第4季至100年第2季空污費徵收審查作業,總計62廠次空污費徵收作業,平均申報率及到繳率為100%。硫氧化物及氮氧化物空污費查核方面,目前共計完成51件次,揮發性有機物空污費查核方面共計完成58家次查核。本年度查核場所中,僅2廠申報有誤,但皆不影響繳費金額,仍屬應繳納最低金額900元。本計畫小組已現場輔導改正,並協助重新推估排放量。2.推動許可制度本年度計有16件許可申請案件,分別為操作許可換補發2件次,以及許可異動申請9件及操作許可展延5件次。其中,駁回1件次許可展延申請,核發14張操作許可證,1件許可異動案件補正中(12月12日提出申請),平均審查日數10日。本計畫為有效落實許可制度,執行許可查核43件次,業者均符合法規。3.更新固定源排放清單本年度更新及維護資料庫QA/QC作業132件,經更新後,嘉義市固定污染源總列管公私場所為354家。由完成建檔的固定污染源資料庫資料統計顯示,製程污染排放量部分,粒狀污染物為41.74公噸/年、硫氧化物21.70公噸/年、氮氧化物115.20公噸/年、揮發性有機物136.76公噸/年、一氧化碳33.94公噸/年。4.相關作業計畫目前共完成稽巡查作業527件次、辦理4場人員教育訓練及2場宣導說明會。此外,本計畫小組於計畫期間辦理1場次空氣污染突發事件緊急應變演練,提升本市突發事件之應變能力。 The stationary pollution sources in Chiayi City From March 4, 2011 to December 11, 2011, the results of the work are summarized as follows:I. Implementation of the rules and regulationsThis project is currently running all the test operations, including 20 periods of the detection sampling tests of sulfur content in oil, odor sensory measurement sampling tests and detection sampling tests of the perimeter granular materials, 5 periods respectively, discharge pipe three, gas station oil ratio and leakage detection 12 stations, and incineration plants RATA and heavy metal detection 1 time. Except for one odor detection not meeting the standard, the other tests all met the standard in compliance with laws and regulations. In the aspect of air pollution fee collection, the air pollution fee collection procedures have been completed from the 4th quarter of 1998 to the second quarter of 2011. A total of 62 plants have completed their procedures of air pollution fee collection. The average declaration rate, fee-paying rates and late fee-paying rate are 100 %. As for the sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides air pollution fee check, , currently a total of 51 has been completed. As for the check of air pollution fee for volatile organic compounds, a total of 58 has been completed. In this year, places being checked, there were only 2 incorrect declaration, which didn’t affect the payment amount, and the still minimum amount of fee is NT$ 900. The project team has been corrected on-site, counseling and helping to re-estimate the emission amount.II. Promotion of the licensing systemThis year till December 11, there were eight cases of permit applications, which were 2 replacements of operating licenses and 4 applications of permit transaction and extensions of operating licenses respectively. Among them, one case of application for license extension was rejected. The other ten operating permit application have been reviewed and issued nine licenses and the other three operating license application has been approved and has entered the license-making permit. The plan was made for the effective implementation of the licensing system. There were 43 implementing license check. And all the industries were in line with the industry regulations.III. Updating the list of stationary emission sourcesAt this stage, there are 132 updates and maintenance of the database QA / QC operations. After the updates, the total controlled public and private place for the stationary pollution sources in Chiayi City are 354. From the filing-completed stationary sources database statistics, it showed that in the part of process pollution emissions the particulate pollutants are 41.74 tons/year, SOx, 21.70 tons/year, nitrogen oxides 115.20 tons/year, volatile organic compounds 136.76 tons/year, and carbon monoxide 33.96 tons/year.IV. Related jobsIn the project, we have now completed a total of 493 cases on protracted inspection operations, held four staff education and training conventions and two advocacy briefings. In addition, the project team has organized a drill during the incidents of air pollution emergency to enhance the emergency response capabilities in the city. 100 嘉義市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27190
100年度資源回收形象改造暨源頭管理工作計畫 計畫目標1.各里推動資源回收績效評比工作。2.以「清淨形象做回收、惜福關懷大高雄」為主題,整合轄內物業(社區)營造經營規模,並媒合個體業者進入物業(社區)服務,並協助社區回收站與個體業者,辦理內部整潔與外觀美化等形象改造措施,建立嶄新資源回收體系,兼具效率、環保、公益之功能。3.以創新性宣導方式,推動一般廢棄物源頭管理工作。 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=35018
100年度臺南市清淨家園及公廁考核計畫 本計畫執行期程為100年5月31日至101年5月30日止,主要目標為協助臺南市政府環境保護局推動清淨家園及公廁考評計畫,進行鄉鎮區里間之生活環境衛生及公廁清潔衛生之考核與評比,以營造優質居家生活環境。在「建構複式動員系統」方面,委託環保團體整潔度實地考核並登錄綠網2,428篇,協助環保局局評發布101年第一、二季37區76里考評1,637鄰及1,403鄰;校園「綠網」宣導辦理兩場次,有179學校教職人員參與;協助環保局辦理之綠網登錄、使用等說明會課程擔任講師,總計8場次。在「全面提昇城鄉環境衛生」方面,針對臺南市民眾對於居家及公共環境衛生作為滿意度調查作業,完成有效問卷達1,100份,並針對調查缺失提出改善建議;協助下里服務計畫及環境蟲鼠防制辦理協調會及廢容器兌換等;另推動優質公廁文化,於綠網進行公廁整潔考核巡檢指標表之建立,協助公廁巡檢日誌發佈34,001件,而公廁認養現況,已有7處認養單位,總共認養18座公廁。在「營造優質環保示範區」方面,協助辦理優質環保示範區觀摩及國家清潔周誓師活動;並協助成立跨局處室整合推動小組。在「重塑清境海岸風貌」方面,臺南市海岸線已有16單位(部落社區/民間團體)進行認養,認養長度達17公里;計畫期間共協助三次淨灘活動,活動參與總人數為5,300人,共計清除25公噸廢棄物。其他協助事項包含提交環境衛生相關新聞稿3則、廣播1則;協助檢舉案件稽查與告發作業建檔3,971件;協助查詢綠網及環保局網站髒亂點通報情形,分別通報3,297件及36件;協助「推動環境整潔工作成果」海報製作;協助樂業專案人員招募甄選,辦理三場次教育訓練,共167人參與;於期末彙整各縣市環保局之環境衛生改善特色作法及建議供環保局參考。 2011 Clean Up Tainan Plan The Project has been implemented over the period from May 31, 2011 to May 30, 2012, with objectives to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government to enforce the Clean up Tainan plan.To appraisal of the township area of environmental sanitary and public toilets to created high-quality living environment.Campus advocacy of Ecolife handled two times, with participation of 179 school staff. Assist the Ecolife Seminar courses as a lecturer eight sessions.According to Ecolife data, a combined total of 5,522 reports regarding to circular inspection and clean-up reports over the period through May 2011 to May 2012.In Public satisfaction survey, 1,100 valid questionnaires were collected. “Promote quality culture of public toilets”, total of 34,001 reports regarding to inspection, and 7 units have adopted 18 public toilets.In the Improvement in Environmental Sanitation in Urban and Rural Areas sub-project, assist with the oath-taking the national clean weeks of high-quality environmental protection demonstration area; and to execute of an inter-bureau meeting to promote the integration of groups.In the Cleaning up Tainan’s Coastline sub-project, 7 units adopted 17 km of coastline, and a total of 5,300 volunteers from environmental protection groups and employees of participating business enterprises undertook a remarkable clean-up achievement of 25 metric tons of refuse.Other matters contains as submit press release and poster; report EEMS filing 3,971 case; inform total 3,333 dirt situation; the staff recruitment selection, for a total of 167 people to the education and synthesize other cities characteristics of practice. 100 台南市環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40683
低碳社區環保行動雜貨鋪巡迴宣導專案計畫 環保媽媽基金會在東、南部八個低碳社區(高雄市苓雅區正義里、燕巢區金山里、三民區鼎泰里、林園區文賢里、台南市北區重興里、台東縣鹿野鄉永安村、池上鄉萬安村、東河鄉都蘭村)設攤宣導十大低碳面向,帶動社區居民熱忱並身體力行環保生活。十大低碳面向包含:再生能源、低碳飲食、綠色消費、認識及淨化室內空氣汙染、認識噪音傷害、綠色運輸、節約用水、節約用電與認識光害、生態保育與社區綠化、認識社區髒亂死角及社區優點美好。現場以海報、看板立牌、實物、剪報等資料及各式文宣,多元化的宣導方式與民眾互動。 根據現場參與民眾問卷統計,居民對節約能源反應熱烈。鄉村型社區對資源循環利用及再生能源需求高;都會型社區則熱衷綠色運輸、環境綠化。 The special case project for guidancing the Low-Carbon community environmental protection action by Conservation Mothers Foundation held the 10stalls to g-uidance the Low-carbon life education wishing to promote thecommunity residents zealous and personally sets an example the environmental protection life in 8 Low-Carbon communiti-es which are located in east and south of Taiwan. (They are: 1.Zhengyi Vil. of Ling Ya Dist., Kaohsiung City, 2.Jinsh-an Vil. of Yan Chao Dist., Kaohsiung City, 3.Dingtai Vil. ofSan Min Dist., Kaohsiung City, 4.Wenxian Vil. of Lin Yuan D-ist., Kaohsiung City, 5.Chongxing Vil. of North Dist., Tain-an City, 6.Yong’an Vil. of Luye Township, Taitung County, 7. Wan’an Vil. of Chi Shang Township, Taitung County, 8. DulanVil. of Donghe Township, Taitung County.) The 10 Low-Carbon ways including: renewable energy sou-rces, Low-Carbon diet, green expense, purification indoor air pollution, resists the noise, green transportation, economize on water, economize on electricity and knowing the light po-llution, ecology care, community afforestation, meeting dir-ty and beauty of community. In the work live, to exchange interaction with residents by diversified guidance with posters, placards, real things, newspaper cutting…many details and publication. According to the statistics of questionnaire with the re-sidents, most of people are anxious for the economize on water and electricity. The people in countyside are more interested in the resources circulation uses again and renewable energy sources. The people in the cities are more interested in green transportation and community afforestation. 100 生態社區推動方案室 財團法人環保媽媽環境保護基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=26507
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢電子電器及廢資訊物品類)專案工作計畫 廢電子電器物品100年1月至101年12月之稽核認證量統計如下:廢CRT電視機1,850,833台,廢LCD電視機1,586台,廢電冰箱732,621台,廢洗衣機822,634台,廢冷暖氣機968,188台及廢電風扇15,590台,各類廢電子電器物品總稽核認證量合計為4,391,452台。廢資訊物品100年1月至101年12月之稽核認證量如下:廢監視器(CRT及LCD)2,214,984台,廢主機(A類、B類及C類)2,455,977台,廢筆記型電腦116,703台,廢印表機1,292,724台及廢鍵盤1,161,653台,各類廢資訊物品總稽核認證量合計為7,242,041台。計畫執行期間,查驗不符允收廢物品數量如下:廢CRT電視機3,520台,廢電冰箱2,999台,廢洗衣機484台,廢冷暖氣機1,166台及廢電風扇96台,廢電子電器物品不符允收數量合計為8,265台。資訊物品不符允收部分,廢CRT監視器1,266台,廢LCD監視器2,790台,廢主機A 2,446台、廢主機B 137台、廢主機C 15台,廢筆記型電腦228 台,廢印表機1,271台及廢鍵盤1,572台,廢資訊物品不符允收數量合計為9,725台,總計減少廢電子電器3,994,331元、廢資訊物品1,864,894元,共5,859,225元之補貼費支出。 Project of Auditing and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste (Waste Electronic and Electr From January 1, 2011 to October 31, 2012, the totally certificated amount of waste Electronic and Electric Appliances (EA) equipments were 4,391,452 sets, including 1,850,833 CRT TVs, 1,586 LCD TVs, 732,621 refrigerators, 822,634 washing machines, 968,188 air conditioners and 15,590 electric fans. The totally certificated amount of waste Information Technology (IT) equipments were 7,242,041 sets, including 2,214,984 CRT and LCD monitors, 2,455,977 class A, B and C motherboards, 116,703 notebooks, 1,292,724 printers and 1,161,653 keyboards.During the project period, the amount of unqualified waste EA reached 8,265 sets, included 3,520 CRT TVs, 2,999 refrigerators, 484 washing machines, 1,166 air conditioners and 96 electric fans. The amount of unqualified waste IT equipments reached 9,725 sets, included 1,266 CRT monitors, 2,790 LCD monitors, 2,446 class A motherboards, 137 class B motherboards, 15 class C motherboards, 228 notebooks,1,271 printers and 1,572 keyboards. The subsidy saved for waste EA equipments was 3,994,331 NT dollars and for waste IT equipments was 1,864,894 NT dollars. The sum of total savings was 5,859,225NT dollars. 100 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49910
100年度桃園縣環境品質監測計畫 本計畫主要針對桃園縣進行噪音、地下水水質、河川水質及水庫水質等監測,掌握各項測值變化趨勢,並進行趨勢分析及監測結果綜整檢討,以提供環保單位污染防制之參考。噪音監測計有12個環境與12個交通噪音監測點,每監測點每季執行2次48小時連續監測作業,由100年度監測結果顯示,噪音不合格測站主要發生在林務局復興站、大勇國小及溪洲公園;主要噪音源來自民眾或學生活動、廣播設施、鳥鳴聲及往來車輛所產生之噪音等。地下水質監測計有3口戰備水井及32口場置性監測井,豐、枯水期各採樣一次,由100年兩次監測結果顯示,超過地下水污染第二類監測標準之監測井比例為20/35,其中超過監測標準值之項目(站次/總站次),計有氨氮(20/70)、鐵(21/70)、錳(27/70)及鎘(1/70)等項。河川水質監測計有19處監測點,每監測點每季採樣1次,由100年監測結果顯示,整體水質大多呈現中度污染,其中未符合丙類陸域地面水體水質標準之項目(站次/總站次),計有溶氧量(2/19)、大腸桿菌群(19/19)、懸浮固體(8/19)、生化需氧量(19/19)、氨氮(19/19),而未符合環境基準值者,計有鋅(1/19)、銅(16/19)及錳(18/19)三項。水庫水質監測僅一處監測點,每監測點每季採樣1次,100年度監測結果顯示,重金屬測值皆符合甲類陸域地面水體水質標準及環境基準值。 The Environment Quality Monitoring of Taoyuan County(2011) This project focuses on monitoring the noise levels, river water and ground water qualities of Taoyuan County to understand the varying trend of the monitored analytes. The trends of the variations were analyzed and reviewed to provide the Environmental Protection Office a reference for future regulations.There are 12 environmental noise and 12 traffic noise monitoring stations, which were continuously monitored for 48 hours twice every quarter. Results of 2011 indicate that three stations, Forestry Bureau Fu Hsin office, Da Yung Elementary School, and Si-Jhou Park, exceeded the regulatory levels most frequently. The noises were caused by the activities of the general public, students, broadcasting facilities, birds and traffic.There are three military reserved well and thirty-two regular monitoring wells which were monitored for groundwater quality. Samples were collected once in both dry and wet seasons. The analytical results of 2011 indicated that the proportion of the wells that exceeded the type II ground water monitoring standards is 20/35. The analytes exceeding standards were ammonia nitrogen(20 out of 70),iron (21 out of 70),manganese(27 out of 70)and cadmium(1 out of 70).Nineteen monitoring stations for the rivers were sampled once every quarter to monitor the river water qualities. The analytical results of 2011 indicated that most river water bodies were moderately polluted. The analytes that exceeded the Class C internal surface water quality standards were dissolved oxygen(2 out of 19),coliform group(19 out of 19),suspended solids(8 out of 19),biological oxygen demand(19 out of 19),ammonia nitrogen (19 out of 19).The analytes that exceeded the environmental standards were zinc(1 out of 19)、copper(11 out of 19)and manganese(18 out of 19).Only one reservoir was monitored for water quality. Samples were collected once every quarter. The result of 2011 indicated that heavy metals met the Class A internal surface water quality standards and environmental standards. 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 琨鼎環境科技股份公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32145
100年度金門縣逸散污染源稽查管制計畫 本計畫執行期間,營建工程申報件數計有355件,申報金額為3,602,281元,其中是以1,000元~1萬元之申報件數所佔比例最高,佔申報件數的72.39%。另外,經統計,本計畫執行期間,施工中工地共計有739處,其所產生的TSP原始排放量總計為729.98噸,而本計畫共完成1,744件次之巡查,並列管其中591處(工地列管率為79.97%),且在經本計畫管制後,管理辦法符合比例為75.44%,而工地的TSP實際排放量為345.99噸(污染削減率為52.60%)。在裸露地調查與改善方面,今年度裸露地調查方向主要是以都會區、人口密集區、重要道路兩側及軍方荒廢地為主,而計畫執行期間共計新增列管24筆(詳表5.1-1)、總新增列管面積為70,638m2;其中,軍方裸露地共計清查6,037m2、一般裸露地共計清查64,601m2。至於在改善方面,截至11月底已改善面積約為49,963m2,改善方式則以綠化植生為主。另外在露天燃燒管制方面,共計查核33件,包含民眾陳情30件、主動巡查3件;其中,有5件民眾陳情於現場並無發現露天燃燒情形,其餘28件皆為小面積零星燃燒,並於現場立即將火勢撲滅。 100 金門縣環境保護局 安勝環境工程技師事務所
100年度宜蘭縣水污染源稽查管制及北部海域水質監測計畫 計畫緣起   水污染防治法於80年修正公告後,納入許可制度誠實申報之管理精神,此制度之建立有助於掌握水污染源基本資料,以做為事業廢水施政管制依據,同時為有效管理許可資料及相關資訊,亦逐年建立及開發事業水污染源管理資訊電腦系統,做為有效管理水污染源之基礎,對國內事業廢水污染管制具有正面積極的意義。  宜蘭縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為改善轄內各河川流域污染之情況,提高轄內河川流域水質品質,過去對於河川主要排放源事業及社區下水道的管制工作,主要著重於由進入河川前之放流水水質稽查取締管制面著手,期望藉由行政管制措施以減少污染物注入河川。然而稽查取締僅為被動的污染防治手段,如何減少事業及社區污水下水道系統污染物的排放,需藉由持續實施河川污染源之巡查,以掌握是否有不法之情事,並加以遏止,另須強化污染源之列管與輔導,以確保各污染源之廢水處理設施皆已正常操作,實為現階段較為有效之策略。  本(100)年度環保局為落實排放許可制度、加強水污染源稽查管制、廢水處理設施功能評鑑、暗管拆除或封閉以及執行河川水質、生態調查及北部海域水質監測等重點工作,以完善整體水污染防治績效,遂提出「100年度宜蘭縣水污染源稽查管制及北部海域水質監測計畫」。 計畫目標   本計畫之執行重點在於協助環保局推動轄區內水污染源稽查管制工作以及水質監測工作,因此本計畫將依據甄選須知公告內容所預定之計畫目標、工作事項、內容及時程,進行相關作業之規劃與資料建置,以完成資料整合統計與分析,確實掌握宜蘭縣轄區內水污染源之水污染防治現況,透過計畫之稽查管制工作,督促轄內列管之事業單位落實水污染防治設施之操作維護,達成轄內各流域測站水質改善之目標。 工作內容 一、協助水污染源列管事業稽查工作二、辦理水污染防治相關許可文件資料庫管理、建置、維護、更新作業三、協助辦理各項水污染防治計畫及許可審查、核發等相關作業四、協助暗管或不明管線清查、拆除或封閉工作五、水污染源廢水處理設備功能評鑑工作六、辦理相關法規說明(或宣導)會及教育宣導活動七、定期執行河川及湖泊水質監測作業八、執行指定河川水域生態調查九、統計分析河川水質監測資料及水污染負荷推估作業十、規劃執行水污染事件緊急應變工作十一、執行北部海域(包括台中市、苗栗縣、新竹縣、新竹市、桃園縣、新北市、基隆市、宜蘭縣及花蓮縣等9縣市)水質監測工作十二、辦理水污染防治業務及海洋監測之網頁更新維護作業十三、協助彙整水污染及海洋污染防治相關業務考核資料十四、研提各項作業規劃及成果報告預期效益   「幸福立縣」是宜蘭縣的縣政總目標,就是希望建設宜蘭成為一座幸福城市。在縣府施政目標中,環境保育發展策略主要從自然保育政策重在事先防範、公害防治政策重在有效防治、環境規劃政策著重資源永續利用、災害防救著重嚴謹迅速的應變機制等四大層面著手進行。本計畫將針對河川有效污染預防、水污染災害應變、以及自然保育為主要執行效益。  河川水質保護之著重於防治水污染,確保水資源之清潔,以維生態體系,改善生活環境,增進國民健康,故規劃以監測結果估算削減污染來源、減輕水體負荷的成果依據;已稽查管制事業單位污水排放,改善水體水質、清潔水體環境為目的。在政策推動上,將採源頭污染管制並藉由整合各方資源,落實管考機制,營造優良水生態環境、降低社會經濟活動對環境之衝擊,以期早日達成幸福城市之永續發展目標。另本計畫於臺灣北部海域選定適當的水質監測點,進行定期的海域環境監測工作,藉以建立海域之背景資料,作為未來重大開發 案評估及對照參考,並依據監測結果檢討水質現況,釐清並追蹤污染來源,以掌握污染處理時機,進而採取適當之防治及應變改善計畫,本計畫預期執行可達的成果有下列各項:一、加強水體水質監測工作,確保水源區內各河段水質狀況反映飲水源之安全性,掌握水質之變化,作為污染管制之重要指標。二、推動許可及申報制度,實施事業單位排放水及污泥量審查工作,結合上網申報,進行異常分析及全面查核。三、建立污染源基本資料、測站資料詢、流域現況分析,以提供環保局確實掌握宜蘭縣境內各污染源之現況,並明確訂立未來防制策略。四、藉由水域的海水水質監測,建立海域背景資料,作為未來重大開發案評估及對照之依據及推動海域生態保育之參考。五、海域預警系統建立之基礎。六、掌握北部海域水質變化情形,執行北部各縣市海域水質監測作業,以達到環境監測及防止污染之目的。七、藉由海域水文環境、水質及生態敏感區之建立,發揮環境變動之預警功能,掌握環境與生態污染處理時機。八、建立區域海洋監測資料庫,以達到區域內資料共享目的。九、確立本縣海洋及水污染事件應變體系,加強對油污染事件之應變能力及通報連繫工作,調查整合相關單位之海洋油污染處理設備器材能量,減少意外事故引發之災害損失。十、落實執行商港、工業港、漁港,航行船舶及海洋污染稽查管制工作。 Year 100 Yilan County water pollution sources investigation control and the northern marine water quality monitoring plan Plan Introduction  With the gradual formation of global village life style, environmental problems have become international common issues. The responding measures have been changed from the past passive pollution treatment to active prevention planning in advance. The objectives are for sustained utilization of resources, prosperous advancement of the two major issues: economic development and environmental protection. Thus, how to create economic development while take care of living environment quality has become an important issue for the government. Water pollution, with its characteristics of having immediate affect on the living quality of people, is the environmental issue with top priority. It also becomes the priority items in pollution improvement for the government..... Plan Origin   Since the public announcement of 1991 revised Water Pollution Control Act, it has been bringing the management spirit of honest report into permit system. This improved permit system is greatly helpful in collecting and controlling the basic information of the water pollution sources to offer the industrial wastewater administrative control standards. Furthermore, aiming to efficiently manage the permit data and relevant information, the MIS (Management Information System) of industrial water pollution has been gradually established and developed in recent year, to provide the foundation for the efficient management of the water pollution sources. These improvements have been actively contributing to the control of the industrial wastewater pollution in an extremely positive way  In the past years, to improve the pollution situation and promote water quality within variety of rivers areas of the administrative area, Environmental Protection Bureau, Yilan County Government (EPB, Yilan) emphasized on the implementation of the water quality investigation and interdiction before the discharge water into the rivers from the main pollution source industries and community sewers. By taking this administrative control measure, it looks forward to decreasing the water pollutants discharge into the rivers. However, the investigation and interdiction is only considered one of the passive pollution control methods. Thus, in order to efficiently achieve the decrease of the water pollutant discharge from the industrial wastewater and communities sewers, it requires the long-term continuous inspection tours of the river pollution sources to control and prevent the illegal actions; besides, strengthening the control and guidance of the pollution sources to ensure the routine operation of the wastewater treatment facilities, is obviously considered as an effective strategy at this present stage.  In this year 2011, to improve and perfect the performance of the water pollution control, EPB, Yilan proposes the“Year 100 Yilan County water pollution sources investigation control and the northern marine water quality monitoring plan”, including accomplishment of the discharge permit system, strengthening the inspection and control of the water pollution sources, evaluating the function of the wastewater treatment facilities, seal or removal of the hidden discharge pipeline, implementation of the water quality and ecology investigation, as well as the northern marine water quality monitoring.Plan Objectives   In the attempt to provide EPB to master the water pollution control status within country’s water pollution sources, the Plan is mainly designed for EPB in two significant promotion targets including water pollution source inspection control work, and water quality monitoring work. In accordance with the public announcement of the selection guide, such as designed plan objectives, work items, job contents, and work timetable, the Plan conduct an program of the relevant operation and database establishment in order to achieve the information integration and analysis work. In addition, the Plan’s inspection and control work offers the further supervision toward the regulated enterprises to exactly implement the operation maintenance of water pollution control facilities, and accomplish the water quality improvement within county’s variety of river area monitoring stations. Work ItemsA.Assisting in investigation work of the regulated water pollution source industriesB.Performing of database management, establishment, maintenance, and renew work of relevant permit document of water pollution control plan. C.Assisting in conducting the variety of water pollution control plans, permit auditing, granting and the relevant operations.D.Assisting in checking, removal and seal of the hidden or unknown discharge pipelinesE.Assessment of wastewater treatment facilities function of water pollution sources.F.Holding of relevant laws & regulations declaration (promotion) session and educational promotion activities.G.Execution of regular water quality monitoring work for the rivers and the lakes.H.Implementation of the ecology investigation for the designated river areas.I.Analysis of water quality monitoring data and estimation of water pollution load. J.Determination and implementation of emergency response measures in the unexpected water pollution event.K.Implementation of the northern marine water monitoring work (Including Taichung City, Miaoli County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, Taoyuan County, New Taipei City, Keelung City, Yilan County and Hualien County)L.Conduct of water pollution control work and marine monitoring website renew and maintenance works. M.Assisting in collection and management of assessment data on water and marine pollution control relevant works N.Research of various operation plans and result reports.Expected Benefit  To develop Yilan being a joyful hometown, Yilan county government has targeted “Build Yilian a happy county” as the general administrative goal of Yilan county. Based on the Yilan county administrative goals, environmental conservation development strategies are mainly be designed into four aspects of directions. They are included that nature conservation policy stresses on prevention measure, public nuisance control policy stresses on the efficient control, environmental plan policy emphasizes on resources used in a sustainable manner, and that accident prevention and response policy emphasizes on the strict and prompt response system. To sum up, the Plan is significantly carrying into effect of efficient river pollution prevention, water pollution accident response, and nature conservation.  To ensure the river water quality, the major works are to control water pollution and ensure the cleanliness of water resources in order to maintain ecological systems, enhance the living environment and advance public health. Thus, the Plan is proposed to apply the monitoring results as a standard for estimating the achievement of the decrease of pollution sources and water body load; besides, the Plan is designed to aim to inspect and control enterprise unit wastewater discharge, improve water body and water quality, and clean water body environment. In policy promotion, the Plan adopts to control the pollution sources and integrate variety of information to accomplish management assessment system, build an excellent water ecology environment, and to reduce the impact of the society and economic activities on the environment, in order to achieve the sustainable development of the happy city as soon as possible.   Furthermore, the Plan is specifying the proper water quality monitoring stations within the northern marine areas to conduct the regular marine environment monitoring and establish the marine background information, which provide the major evaluation and comparison reference for the future vital development projects; besides, the Plan is also programmed to review the current water quality condition in accordance with the monitoring results, clarify and trace the pollution sources to master the pollution treatment timing ,and take further proper control and response improvement plan. The Plan is estimated to achieve the following performance items:A.Strengthening of water bodies and water quality monitoring work to ensure the water quality condition of the rivers within the water source area, in order to reflect the security of the drinking water sources and master the updated water quality condition and its change, which would be the major guiding principle for the further pollution control.B.Promotion of permit and report system; implementation of assessment work for industrial unit discharge water and sludge volume; analysis of abnormal condition and full inspection work by combining the on-line reports.C.Establishment of pollution source databases, monitoring station information and current watershed condition analysis for EPB to hold the updated Yilan Country pollution source conditions in order to definitely determinate the future protection and control strategies.D.Establishment of marine background database through monitoring marine water quality, which would be the assessment standard for the future vital development project, and be the reference for promotion of marine ecology conservation.E.Foundation of establishment of marine area pre- warning system.F.Implementation of marine water monitoring work of the northern counties & cities and mastering of the northern marine. water quality variation to accomplish full environment monitoring and pollution control.G.Mastering of environment and ecology pollution treatment timing through the establishment of hydrological environment, water quality and sensitive ecology preserve to make full use of pre-warning function of environmental variation.H.Establishment of local marine monitoring database to provide the sharing information within the area. I.Establishment of county’s marine and water pollution event response system, such as strengthening of oil pollution emergency response faculty and notification communication, investigation and integration of relevant unit of marine oil pollution treatment facilities capacity in order to decrease the damage due to the unexpected accident event. J.Achievement of pollution inspection and control work for the commercial, industrial, fishing harbor, passage ship and the marine. 100 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28156
100年度桃園縣一般廢棄物處理設施綜合管理計畫 本計畫為桃園縣政府環境保護局(以下統稱為桃園縣環保局)一般廢棄物管理科之專案計畫,主要協助桃園縣環保局針對一般廢棄物處理設施進行營運管理,執行內容共分為八大工作項目:第一項工作項目強化掩埋場營運管理成效及確保掩埋場改善工程品質完成了(1)100年度3~5月份共完成17場次掩埋場體檢工作。(2)100年度於12月份完成17場次掩埋場追蹤複檢工作。(3)100年度環保署全國掩埋場總體檢工作,本縣桃園市會稽掩埋場榮獲營運中掩埋場之特優獎;大溪鎮美華復育場則獲得復育中掩埋場之甲等。第二項有關焚化底渣與飛灰穩定化物管制及查核監督工作,落實焚化底渣與飛灰穩定化物管制及查核監督工作中完成(1)12場次底渣再利用廠現場查核、6場次底渣原料使用地點現場查核及12場次飛灰穩定化物最終處置場每月例行性查核作業。(2)於3、6、9及12月份各辦理焚化底渣品質監督小組每季查核作業,總計4場次。(3)辦理2場次焚化底渣再利用暨飛灰穩定化物處理廠查核檢討會議。  於6月份及12月份各辦理一次焚化底渣再利用暨飛灰穩定化物處理廠查核檢討會議。(4)供辦理12場次焚化底渣再利用地點現場查核作業。(5)針對本年度底渣再利用產品三方比對檢測數據,部分檢測項目三方檢測之結果差異頗大,目前推測可能是樣品中包含許多粒徑較大之顆粒,導致分配樣品時,無法將三方樣品分配均勻,建議未來採樣前,可請採樣人員先行利用人工方式進行大粒徑顆粒破碎成較小顆粒再進行分樣,以提高樣品之均勻度,減少採樣所造成檢測數據的誤差,期能提高檢測數據之公信力。(6)本年度部分檢測項目之檢測結果仍偏高,甚至已趨近法規標準,建議桃園縣焚化廠及潤隆公司均需持續探討改善,以掌握底渣再利用產品之品質。降低民眾對於焚化底渣再利用之疑慮。第三項工作項目為「建置並輔導桃園縣之裝潢修繕廢棄物收集、清運、處理及回收再利用體系及監督管理機制」。目前已彙整本縣再利用處理廠商資料,建議未來可與廠商持續進行溝通協調合作之可能性,並於再利用初期嘗試小規模試用,待確保再利用之品質及試探民眾反應後,再推動再利用用途。第四項有關協助監督管理垃圾焚化廠及辦理焚化廠查核評鑑工作,本廠為國內首座也是唯一商轉之最大的BOO(興建-營運-擁有)垃圾焚化廠。為持續監督管理桃園縣焚化廠營運情形,遂成立焚化廠查核委員會,辦理桃園縣焚化廠1場次查核評鑑工作。本年度11月份底渣再利用查核時,潤隆公司反映有三日桃園焚化廠進廠未燃物含量偏高,已即時通知環保局,焚化廠廠長亦至潤隆廠內查看進行了解。應請焚化廠方持續檢討,以避免類似情形發生。第五項「桃園縣區域垃圾焚化廠回饋設施活動中心委託經營管理」勞務委託契約履約管理中(1)因1月份廣仲公司尚未營運,因此每月現場查核作業自2月份開始,另11月30日廣仲公司因履約爭議停止營運,因此本年度有關焚化廠回饋設施活動中心每月查核作業,僅自2月執行至11月份。(2)財務清點部分,廣仲公司有提送第1~3季財務資料,但經會計師審查後均提補正意見,但廣仲公司並未進行補正。因12月份廣仲公司已停止營運,因此未提送第4季財務資料,以及年度財務報表等。(3) 因已與廣仲公司終止契約,後續應著重於回饋設施活動中心接管後之管場營運相關事宜。第六項「辦理修惜站訪視輔導及交流會」於(1)100年度計畫1~6月份,每月份均辦理7處修惜站訪視輔導工作。(2)辦理2場次桃園縣修惜站交流會議︰於3、6月份各辦理1場次修惜站交流會議。第七項「桃園縣垃圾焚化廠空氣污染物監測資訊電子顯示看板維護管理」執行垃圾焚化廠空氣污染物監測資訊電子顯示看板於3月份維修完成,因此4月份開始每月進行2次維護管理。至12月份共至少執行16次維護管理工作。第八項「協助監督管理本縣區域垃圾處理廠(場)回饋金業務」本計畫於11月期間,完成18處回饋區村里辦公處進行輔導說明。有關「綜合事項」部份則建議未來可針對底渣或飛灰穩定化物清運車輛,進行GPS車輛行進路線比對,並針對行進路線可疑之車輛,進行跟車紀錄,以確實達到監督管制之目的,避免底渣或飛灰穩定化物遭隨意傾倒之情事發生。 2011 Taoyuan County Comprehensive General Waste Disposal Facilities Management Plan This is the General Waste Management project plan for Taoyuan County Government Environmental Protection Bureau (Taoyuan EPB), mainly to assit Taoyuan EPB with general waste disposal facility operations management, implementation of which is divided into eight main projects: First, strengthen the landfill Operations management and quality improvement projects for landfill site operation:(1) A total of 17 sessions of examination in landfill sites had been accomplished during period spanning from March to May in current year. (2) A total of 17 sessions of review and follow-up in landfill sites had been accomplished in December of current year.(3) For EPA nationwide examination of landfill sites this year, Taoyuan City Hueiji Landfill Field was awarded with Outstanding Performance of landfill operation; Meihua Restoration Field in Dasi Township was awarded with A Grade of Landfill Field in Restoration.Second, the implementation of bottom ash and fly ash stabilization compounds control and inspection and supervision work. The second task is about bottom ash and fly ash stabilization compounds control and checking of supervision. The outstanding tasks include: (1) A total of 12 sessions of audit work for ash residue recycle & reuse plants, 6 sessions of audit work for raw materials of ash residue deployment sites and 12 sessions of monthly routine audit work for fly ash stable compounds final disposal fields were executed within program of current year.(2) A total of 4 sessions of seasonal audit work for quality supervision of ash residues in incineration groups were held in March, June, September and December respectively. (3) A total of 2 sessions of review & audit meetings for ash residues in incineration reuse & fly ash stable compound processing plants were held.The meetings stated above were held in June and December respectively.(4) A total of 12 sessions of audit work for ash residues in incineration reuse fields were held.(5) The detection results of some items in the tri-party comparison of detection data for ash residue product reuse of current year had a considerable level of difference, in which we supposed that many particles with larger size were contained in the sample resulting in failure of even allocation of samples in the tri-party comparison; we suggest to ask sampling personnel to break those with larger size into smaller ones manually and then do the sampling to facilitate their uniformity, in which doing so is to reduce deviation in test data caused by the sampling process and expect to improve the credibility of the test data.(6) The test results from some of the test items this year remained high, even are close to regulated standards; it is recommended that Taoyuan County Incinerators and Runlong company shall explore and improve constantly to master quality of ash residue product in reuse process and reduce any worries people have on re-use of the ash residues in incineration.Third, build and mentor the renovation waste collection, removal, disposal and recycling system, and supervision mechanism in Taoyuan County. The profile of reuse & processing plants had been compiled by this County so far that we suggest to have ongoing communication, coordination and cooperation them and a small-scale trial in the preliminary period to promote usage of reuse after the quality is rest assured and public feedback is acquired.Fourth, to help Taoyuan County Environmental Bureau supervising and managing incineration plants and waste incineration plant audit evaluation in Taoyuan County. When the audit work of ash residue reuse was conducted in November of this year, Runlong company had a feedback of one phenomenon regarding to somewhat high volume of unburned materials happened in Taoyuan Incineration Plant in consecutive three days, and we immediately gave notice to EPA, then, the manager of the incineration plant went to Runlong factory to figure out what was happening too. The incineration plants are requested to have constant review to avoid similar situations happen in the future.Five, "Commissioned Management of Feedback Facility Centers of regional incineration plants in Taoyuan County": (1) Due to reason that G-C sports has not yet been in operation in January, hence, the monthly field checks was initiated since February; in addition, G-C sports ceased in operation because of disputes raised from performance of agreement on the 30th day of November, hence, the monthly audit works held in Feedback Facility Center of Incineration Plant this year were only conducted during period spanning from February to November.(2) For financial inventory part, Q1~Q3 financial statements of G-C sports have been submitted and comments on correction also have been suggested from accountants' sides; however, G -C sports has not yet been with corrections so far. Due to reason that G-C sports has ceased in operation, hence, Q4 financial statement and annual financial statements etc. were not submitted.(3) Because we had terminated the contract signed with G-C sports, the follow-up should focus on the matters relevant with field operations after it was took over by Feedback Facility Center.Six, Counseling visits and meetings in exchange were held in Regenerated Station of Taoyuan County: (1) We plan to have counseling visits in seven Regenerated Station monthly during the period spanning from January to June this year.(2) A total of two sessions of meetings in exchange will be held in Regenerated Station of Taoyuan County. Each one of them will be held in March and June respectively.Seven, Performance and management of Maintenance & Management Commission Contract in air pollutants LED monitoring devices of incineration plants in Taoyuan County. The air pollutants LED monitoring device of the incineration plants in this County had been fixed in March; therefore, we will launch twice maintenance and management monthly from April. A total of 16 sessions will be executed at least until December.Eight, We assist in supervision and management of rakeback business of county regional waste process plant (site). We had accomplished guidance with instructions at eighteen village offices in the rakeback districts until November. We proposed to have GPS vehicle route comparison with tracking suspicious ones in records on those ones in removal and transportation for ash residues or fly ash stable compounds to thoroughly achieve purposes of supervisory control and avoid random dumping of these materials. 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 尚竑工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38171
綠網(Ecolife)節能減碳平台宣導推動計畫 (一)持續維護「綠網節能減碳平台」確保平台的永續經營,提升平台功能,確保平台的永續經營。1.完成100年度各月份之用電趨勢自我管理功能上線及表燈非營業用電之村里計算統計,及各月份之用水趨勢自我管理功能上線及用水之村里計算統計。2.完成四則節能減碳宣導多媒體教材,分別為低碳上班日、低碳婚禮、低碳校園、低碳廚房。3.完成「酷樂電子報」10期發行作業,並達48,652位民眾訂閱。(二)協助辦理環保署補助及評比地方執行推動節能減碳宣導計畫。1.配合辦理100年度「縣市、鄉鎮市區及村里動員節能績效評比」,並完成評比成績計算與公布;另協助環保署辦理補助地方推動節能減碳宣導計畫,彙整各縣市執行狀況,抽查10縣市推廣活動舉辦情形。2.為協助地方推動節能減碳評比項目,於綠網建置卡通版評比系統,並增進縣市環保機關之綠網管理功能,另配合縣市需要辦理宣導說明會,以增進縣市推動成效。3.完成101年度評比辦法草案研擬。(三)宣導「綠網節能減碳平台」,提高網站瀏覽及使用情形。1.辦理23場節能減碳宣導與系統使用說明會,深入地方,廣邀22縣市地方環保志義工瞭解減碳的重要性,並成為本平台的種子教師;辦理4場教師研習會,將節能減碳概念帶入校園,建立學童日常生活減碳概念;辦理2場蔬食說明會,配合環保署推廣低碳蔬食理念。2.完成網路「建國百年減碳新家園」及「節能減碳學習平台」專區,提供節能減碳訊息傳遞及心得分享平台。3.特舉辦「搶救冰冰大作戰」網路有獎活動,總獎額10萬,吸引37萬人次瀏覽,成功增加Cooler平台曝光量。(四)其他配合作業。1.協助規劃「每周一日蔬食日」,建置「蔬食填報平台」,整合中央機關及地方單位帳號,使更多民眾加入蔬食減碳的行列。2.協助環保署推廣「氣候變遷小百科」上線及曝光。 The plan of Advocacy to promote The Cooler platform of the Ecolife Website The following tasks were completed under the project:1.Performed maintenance on the Cooler platform to ensure its sustainability and enhance its functions.(1)Launched a self-management function to allow for the monitoring of electricity consumption pattern of each month in 2011, and calculated the monthly non-commercial electricity consumption of each village based on the meter readings. Offered another self-management function to enable monitoring of water consumption pattern of each month in 2011, and calculated the monthly water consumption per village.(2)Produced 4 multimedia materials for the promotion of carbon emission reduction: Low-Carbon Work Day, Low-Carbon Wedding, Low-Carbon Campus, and Low-Carbon Kitchen.(3)Compiled and sent out 10 issues of the “Cooler e-Newspaper”; subscribers to the e-newspaper reached 48,652.2.Assisted in organizing EPA funded local carbon reduction promotion projects and evaluating the implementation performance(1)Held the “2011 Carbon Reduction Performance Evaluation of Cities, Counties, Townships, and Neighborhoods”, and calculated and announced the evaluation scores. Assisted EPA in facilitating grant-funded carbon reduction projects, collected information on the implementation outcomes of cities/counties, and conducted random audit of carbon reduction promotion activities of 11 cities and counties.(2)Created a cartoon version of the evaluation system on the Eco Life website to facilitate local involvement in the promotion of carbon reduction and to enhance the website’s management function. Explanatory briefings were held according to the needs of cities and counties to help improve their carbon reduction efficiency.(3)Developed a draft for the 2012 evaluation guideline.3.Promoted the Cooler Platform to Enhance Website Traffic and Use(1)Sessions on carbon emission reduction and the operation of Cooler platform were held in 23 cities/counties to enable environmental volunteers nationwide to understand the importance of carbon reduction and become seed teachers of the platform. Four teacher workshops were held to help them instill the idea of carbon reduction in their students. Two sessions were organized to help promote low-carbon, vegetable-based diets.(2)The sections of “Low-Carbon Home” and “Carbon Reduction Emission Learning Platform” were established on the Cooler to facilitate sharing of information and thoughts on carbon reduction.(3)An activity called “Saving Bing Bing” was held on Cooler with the total prize value up to NT$100,000, attracting 370,000 visits and greatly increasing the platform’s visibility.4.Others.(1)Sessions on carbon emission reduction and the operation of Cooler platform were held in 23 cities/counties to enable environmental volunteers nationwide to understand the importance of carbon reduction and become seed teachers of the platform. Four teacher workshops were held to help them instill the idea of carbon reduction in their students. Two sessions were organized to help promote low-carbon, vegetable-based diets.(2)The sections of “Low-Carbon Home” and “Carbon Reduction Emission Learning Platform” were established on the Cooler to facilitate sharing of information and thoughts on carbon reduction. 100 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=35289
空氣品質改善整合性分析及空品區污染減量推動計畫(二) 本計畫主要工作包括整合全國空氣品質變化資料並進行成因分析及探討,推動高屏與竹苗空品區跨縣市協調減量管制及空品區涵容總量管制計畫,進行污染防制計畫書審核等考評相關行政及技術支援等。 近十年來我國國民生產毛額(GDP)成長41%;能源消費成24%,總車行里程成長16%,人口數成長3.4%,但全國排放量卻減少了18.6%,PSI>100也改善52.2%。顯見國內在維持既有經濟成長的需求下,透過各級環保單位的努力已經使污染排放及空氣品質獲得明顯改善。 在整合全國空氣品質變化資料並進行成因分析之主要成果如下:一、每週製作週報表及每月製作月報表呈現100年空氣品質動態變化。民國100年全國一般測站PSI不良等級占1.4%,為歷年來最佳。二、全國PM10濃度前5大測站出現在高屏及雲嘉南,雲嘉南近3年來PM10指標污染物所佔百分比有升高趨勢。三、針對法定污染物時間序列趨勢分析,O3濃度呈雙尖峰季節變化,高屏空品區秋季9月之濃度為全國最高,且高屏空品區PM2.5濃度在每年12月至隔年1月濃度值為全台最高。四、我國一般測站歷年臭氧(O3)八小時標準皆遠超過國內標準值60ppb,且呈現緩慢上升趨勢。各一般測站細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)日平均第八大值與年平均值濃度皆遠超過美國空氣品質標準。五、比較美國與我國O3八小時值、O3小時值、PM10 24小時值及SO2小時值等四項空氣品質標準與符合標準之計算方法,並提出我國未來空氣品質標準之初步修訂方向。六、秋冬季節卑南溪風速高於4m/s,濁水溪風速高於6m/s,容易引發河川揚塵並造成嚴重空品不良事件。透過11個重點測站污染玫瑰圖,初步解析民國98或99年測站污染濃度偏高之原因。七、南部超級測站PM及其成份濃度均略高於北部,北部PM濃度高值多發生於3~4月,南部濃度高值多發生在秋冬季節。沙塵暴事件日主要污染來自較粗顆粒,較細懸浮微粒之成分物種濃度並未隨之升高。八、光化測站52種VOCs成分以甲苯濃度最高,小港站乙烯濃度偏高乃受到鄰近石化工廠之影響;各地區光化測站均以都會型濃度值較高。VOCs成分臭氧光化潛勢MIR值分析結果顯示,99年萬華光化站臭氧發生潛勢為全國最高。高屏空品區100年9月份臭氧空品不良事件與當地VOCs異常排放有關。 協助高屏空品區進行10次陸空飛鷹巡查工作,通報30餘件疑似污染案例並告發9件。進行空品區O3及PM10管制策略研擬之模式模擬,提供環保署擬定相關管制策略之參考。 本計畫進行各縣市空氣污染防制計畫書之審核,並根據美國聯邦及南加州AQMP架構,撰寫完成「縣市空氣污染防制計畫書編寫及審查指引」。本計畫並編輯完成「空氣品質保護35年紀實」及「99年度空氣污染防制總檢討報告」。 完成空品區涵容總量110年目標年排放量推估,欲達成110年PSI>100目標,除推動情境一~三管制策略外,另需推動PM10逸散源,燃料油硫含量加嚴至0.3%,柴油車加裝濾煙器及de-NOx,並訂定各行業VOCs加嚴標準等額外管制措施。本計畫透過光化模式驗證西半部五大空品區O3及PM10空氣品質改善成效,情境三管制策略可顯著改善各空品區O3污染並達到民國105年空氣品質目標。PM10部分由於既有管制策略缺乏原生污染源進一步管制措施,欲達到各空品區PSI>100目標,需透過前述提及之額外管制措施方能達成。 Integrated analysis to improve air quality of nation-wide and air pollution control action for air b The scope of this project includes: integrating air quality data, conducting the cause-effect analysis, overseeing both the emissions reduction coordination and the emissions control strategies between the Kao-Ping and Ju-Mao areas; reviewing the “State Implementation Plan (SIP) for County/City” and providing technical and administrative supports. Over the past decade, there are 41% growth in Taiwan's gross national product (GDP); 24% growth in energy consumption, 16% growth in the total vehicle kilometers traveled and 3.4% growth in population, however, the nation has reduced its pollution emissions by 18.6% with improvement in PSI> 100 by 52.2%. It is obvious that through the efforts of environmental agencies have made emissions reduction and air quality improvement possible with the economic growth at the same time. The major work of this project are listed as follows:1. Organized weekly and monthly reports and prepared the air quality trend for year 2011. The ambient air quality monitor stations exhibited 1.4% PSI in bad days, which were the best ever in Taiwan.2. The top five monitor stations of the highest PM10 concentrations are in the Kao-Pin and Yun-Chia-Nan areas. The percentage of pollution indicators as PM10 has increased in the Yun-Chia-Nan area over the past three years.3. The time-series trend analysis for the regulatory pollutants showed that the O3 concentrations in the Kao-Pin area exhibited a double-peak pattern seasonally with the highest concentrations in September. The PM2.5 concentrations are the highest in the Kao-Pin area from December to next January each year.4. The ambient air quality monitoring stations in Taiwan have all exceeded the 8-hour O3 standard 60 ppb with a slight upward trend. The 8th highest concentrations of PM2.5 have exceeded the U.S. 24-hour and annual standards. 5. Compared the methodologies in calculating 8-hour O3, 1-hour O3, 24-hr PM10, and 1-hour SO2 values for meeting the air quality standards in Taiwan and U.S and recommended the directions of setting future standards for Taiwan. 6. In the autumn and winter, the fugitive dust from the river beds is significant when the wind speed is higher than 4 m/s in the Bei-Nan area and for Joy-Swei area over 6 m/s. Through the pollution wind-rose analysis of the data from 11 key monitors, a preliminary assessment was made for the reasons of high monitored concentrations in 2009 and 2010.7. According to our analysis regarding PM super monitor sites, the concentrations in the south are higher than the north; the high concentrations in the south are in the fall and winter. After our analysis of the PM components, only the coarse portion increased in the PM samples during the dust and sandstorm incidents.8. Regarding the Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations; Toluene concentrations are the highest among 52 VOC species; Xiao Gang monitor has high ethylene concentrations affected by the nearby petrochemical industrial sources; the monitors in the metro area exhibited high O3 concentrations. Regarding the ozone photochemical potential – a product of the Maximum Incremental Reactivity (MIR) and ozone concentrations; the highest values are in the WanHwa photochemical assessment monitoring station; MIR was also provided to explain the high ozone days in September 2011 for the Kao-Ping area due to the areal VOC abnormal emissions. This project assisted the Land/Air Eagle Inspection; reported 30 plus pollution cases and enforced 9 cases. Our project also proposed three control strategies for ozone and six different control strategies for PM in order to assist Taiwan EPA to evaluate the effective control strategies. During the project, we finished the guidelines for the SIP submittals based on the content of the California South Coast Air Quality Management Plan and finished the “35-year Air Quality Protection Chronicle”,and “The Annual Report of Air Pollution Control in Taiwan(R.O.C)in 2010”. Air quality and emission reduction targets in each air basin area in 2021 have been made. In order to achieve the goals for year 2021, the specified strategies (I, II, III) proposed in this report will need to be implemented together with a PM10 fugitive source control, stricter sulfur (0.3%) content for diesel fuel, retrofit diesel vehicles with particle filters and deNOx devices, and control for the VOC source categories. This project verified the O3 and PM10 air quality improvement through photochemical model for the western part of the five air basins. Strategy III can significantly improve the O3 reduction and achieve the 2016 goal. However, for PM10, it will require all the control strategies and additional measures in order to achieve the PSI>100 goal since the emission sources lacking of original pollution control strategies at current. 100 空保處 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34390
100年度固定污染源許可審核及稽查管制計畫 彙整本市近10年產業變化趨勢、能源使用趨勢、污染排放情形。根據趨勢分析,轄內產業呈現傳產式微,高科技產業興起現象。由於傳產遞減,未來電力業將成為轄內硫氧化物及氮氧化物排放主要來源,應加強電力業許可法規符合度及CEMS查核,以掌控其污染排放。二、持續推動許可管理作業,落實污染預防管制在許可輔導管制方面,辦理1場許可法規說明會,受理許可申請案件281件。為提升許可證核發作業品質,特辦理許可核發前現場查核作業184件次,藉由現場資料比對,提升許可證正確性。此外,於操作許可證有效期限到期日前通知業者辦理展延申請,並將許可證過期或解除列管情形按月製表提報,俾利管制。在許可審查精進作業方面,本計畫研擬將公私場所操作維護、陳情及違規紀錄,納入許可核發考量之審核機制,提出五項管制方式,包括加強檢測頻率項目、專家學者外部審查、民眾公共參與、改善報告書列為許可必要文件及縮短許可證核定有效年限等。為提升空氣污染防制設備效能之檢核能力,彙整轄內常見空氣污染防制設備效能予以並列表比較,並歸納許可案件中各種防制設備之效率查核重點。在公私場所定期檢測管理作業方面,受理定期檢測報告書審查建檔290家次,列管家數定檢申報率達100%。在監督檢測作業方面,執行工廠定期檢測之監督檢測作業,並彙整、分析及比對檢測報告相關資料。三、加強污染源排放掌握本年度許可法規符合度查核以5~8批許可列管對象為目標,完成423製程數,查核所見缺失數為159件次,法規符合度為70%。另為提高列管污染源完整性,辦理1,500家未列管工廠普查,掌握未列管工廠之營運狀況、原(物)料使用、作業程序,據以篩選符合空污費申報及許可制度列管者,進行輔導並予以擴充列管,並執行固定污染源管理資訊系統擴充建檔作業。在排放量資料庫更新與管理方面,本年度執行工廠年排放量申報審查工作,並輔導業者完成網路申報。此外,為使許可排放量與實際排放量趨於一致,本年度特針對許可排放量超過實際排放量達一定比例之工廠,進行排放量檢核及回收機制,協調業者依據最近3年最大年排放量之1.2倍,作為許可排放量核發上限。在污染源稽查檢測方面,本年度執行固定污染源煙道或周界污染物稽查檢測60根次、戴奧辛稽查檢測5根次、重金屬稽查管制4根次、油品含硫份稽查檢測50件次。檢測結果,其中油品含硫份檢測超標2件次、煙道異味超標9件次,煙道PSN檢測4件次,總處分金額為新台幣190萬元。四、特定污染源專案管理執行固定污染源逸散性粒狀物管制專案,查核固定污染源粒狀污染物防制設施175家次。查核缺失記點達10點以上者,共4家次。其次,推動車輛覆蓋自主管理及查核機制,以降低車行揚塵污染。另辦理加強港區粒料物裝卸及輸送減量管理,召開逸散性粒狀物管制宣導說明會1場次,以改善港區逸散性污染。另有鑑於轄內生煤使用情形日益擴大,辦理生煤使用管制專案。彙整轄內生煤使用及排放趨勢,進行各種燃料使用之成本分析,研擬限制生煤含硫份(0.7%)上限、加強檢測項目及頻率、規定採行最佳可行控制技術等三項配套措施,並辦理專家委員諮詢會議1場次及相關業者研商會1場次。辦理開發地區週邊污染特性調查及潛在危害評估,執行北大特區、重陽重劃區、新莊副都心、淡海新市鎮等周遭污染源調查,並建立使用環保署公告危害物質之工廠清單,以利後續管制。五、其他法規審核、管制、現場查核管理及特色規劃本年度藉由許可法規符合度查核過程,辦理專責人員制度管理,掌握專責人員出缺勤狀況以防杜虛設,並辦理專責人員之核備、註銷及管理作業。此外,辦理檢查鑑定公私場所之採樣設施及擇一檢測申請,及資料檔案文書管理工作,並協助瀝青業陳情事件處理、污染通報、企業道路認養、空污協巡、宣導及其他行政事務。 100 新北市政府環境保護局 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41482
空氣微粒暴露評估方法建立及驗證(二) 國際上訂定PM2.5標準時,主要是根據健康風險評估角度考量標準值的高低,因此要擬訂出一個能夠保護民眾健康的PM2.5標準,就需要對於PM2.5的暴露狀況釐清和了解。本計畫依循歐盟空汙健康研究計畫之架構為基礎 ,並且考量國內環境狀況和地理資訊資料可取得的狀況來進行PM2.5採樣,本計畫第二年度針對高雄市都會區之居民PM2.5暴露狀況進行探討。為瞭解都會區居民實際暴露於空氣微粒的情形,本研究(第二年度)在高雄市首先依照人口密度、空間分佈、微環境特性、不同樓層高度差異性,我們共選定低樓層20個樣本、中樓層5個樣本、高樓層5個樣本進行兩季的中長期(兩週)細微粒(PM2.5)採樣。所得樣本平均濃度為33.4μg/m3,並呈現PM2.5濃度有低樓層>中樓層>高樓層的趨勢。另迴歸模式分析顯示鄰近空品測站PM2.5採樣數據與中長期家戶PM2.5採樣數據之關聯性(R2=0.59)較第一年度台北地區結果高。在土地利用模式方面,首先利用地理資訊系統環域分析,計算微環境人口數、道路長度、土地利用面積等預測變項以推估微環境PM2.5濃度。依據歐盟模式建立方法,最後共有三個變項納入迴歸分析,分別是主要道路長度(半徑100m)、樓層高度(低、中與高)、低密度住宅區面積(半徑1000m),此模式之R2為0.29,屬與其他國家之研究結果(0.17~0.73)偏低範圍部分。本年度主要結果為環保署現有監測站之監測數據與高雄市都會區住戶之PM2.5微環境暴露情形有一定程度之關聯性,此外加入微環境特性以及樓層高度資訊並無幫助模式預測能力之提升,即使加入一些土地利用資訊,亦對模式預測能力無幫助。此結果與第一年結果不同,可能因台北與高雄都會區之都市型態以及背景環境不同,後續需考量其他可能影響因素,以提升模式之預測能力。另外本計畫之土地利用迴歸模式中發現工業區面積並非為一個顯著影響之預測因子,而主要道路長度與低密度住宅區乃為顯著因子,可能是因高雄地區之工業分佈及特性複雜度不同,以綜合工業區整體之面積來預測微環境PM2.5濃度,可能無法顯示其特別影響性。此外低密度住宅涵蓋兼工商業使用之住宅區,亦可能因一樓之工商業活動,造成附近微粒濃度增加。另本研究已完成元素成份與無機鹽類分析方法(XRF)之建立,亦完成分析方法可行性的評估。對於今年度計畫之元素成分與無機鹽類分析結果,交通點之元素成份與無機鹽類濃度皆高於都市背景點,此外無機鹽類於高雄地區具有空間變異性。 Establish and Verify the Methodology for Exposure Assessment of Particulate Matters (Year 2) To evaluate population’s exposure to ambient fine particulate matters(PM2.5) among residents in the Kaohsiung metropolitan area, we collected PM2.5 filter samples at different locations. These sampling sites were chosen based on population density, spatial distribution, microenvironmental characteristic, and building storey height. A total of 20, 5, and 5 samples were collected at the low, medium, and high elevations, respectively, during the three-month field campaign for two seasons. Each sample was collected over a two-week period. The average PM2.5 mass concentration is 33.4 μg/m3 and a concentration gradient was observed with higher concentration at lower elevation. The regression model showed that PM2.5 data at the air quality monitoring (AQM) stations has a relativelygood correlation with the microenvironmental monitoring results (Adjusted R2=0.59). With regard to the land use regression models, the buffer analysis in GIS was first applied to obtain the required predicting variables which are used to estimate microenvironmental PM2.5 concentation, such as population number, the length of road and land use area. Based on the EU study protocol, three variables were included in the final models: the length of major roads in the buffer of 100 meters, elevation(low, median and high floor), and the discontinuous urban fabric in the buffer of 1000 meters. The R2 of this model is 0.29, in the low range of the values (0.17~0.73)obtained from studies conducted in other countries. In this report, the analytic methods of elemental constituents (by XRF) and inorganic salts (by IC) are established. The feasibility of these methods is also evaluated accordingly. The analytic results show that the concentrations of PM elemental constituents and inorganic salts at the traffic sites are higher than those at the urbanground sites.Furthermore, the concentrations of inorganic salts have large spatial variations. 100 空保處 臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34445