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100年度事業廢棄物許可審查及輔導查核計畫 本計畫期間共辦理事業廢棄物清理計畫書1028件、公民營廢棄物清除處理許可審查104件、廢棄物輸出入許可5件及再利用檢核102件、再生資源再利用檢核18件、事業解除列管現勘363件、事業機構現場查核輔導工作856家次,成效斐然,有效達成事業廢棄物之管理管制目標。另外本計畫於執行期間發現臺南市在事業廢棄物管制及管理方面以營建廢棄物流向、非法棄置情形、特定廢棄物處理流向及再利用機構管理為主要問題,而本計畫也針對上述問題提出以下建議管制方案包括:1.營建廢棄物流向方面,建議管制方案:(一)針對營建工程及產出廢棄物作深入研析 。(二)清理計畫書廢棄物產出係數建立。(三)列管領有建、拆照之營造業。(四)工務體系行政配合解除列管機制建立 :100 年度事業廢棄物許可審查及輔導查核計畫期末報告 摘 要II(1)清理計畫書通過文件列為開工文件之一。(2)解除列管文件列為使用執照核發要件 。2.非法棄置情形方面,建議管制方案:(一)配合環保署進行例行性巡查。(二)針對甲級非法棄置進行後續 管制措施。(三)利用GIS系統及遙測技術進行持續性監控。(四)針對各熱點進行例行性巡查。3.特定廢棄物處理流向方面,建議管制方案:(一)針對高污染潛勢行業加強勾稽及重點稽查。(二)輔導業者進行源頭減量,如原料改變或引入新技術取代原有製程。(三)利用臺南市環保科技園區進行招商,引進並開發新技術。4.再利用機構管理方面,建議管制方案:建議臺南市環保局應針對再利用機構建立管理辦法,針對其營運情形及違法紀錄進行違規記點,若違規超過一定程度,則取消該機構之身分或不予同意檢核。 100 台南市環境保護局 晶淨科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41603
低碳生活教戰手冊編撰 本計畫編撰「低碳生活教戰手冊」,主要目的為使民眾、學校與其他機關團體,能認識熟悉常見之標章,並依據最新節能減碳方法,力行低碳生活。手冊內容主要在介紹生活常見之綠色標章或標籤,同時針對食、衣、住、行、育、樂方面,提出生活上實用之節能減碳資訊,並提供具有輔助碳排放量計算功用之檢核表單,供讀者可自我評量,以落實低碳生活。本計畫完成召開6人次書面審查及3場次專家審查會議,此手冊內容具相當之可信度、可讀性。手冊會發送至22縣市環保局,並提供手冊電子版供民眾下載,使之廣為閱讀,讓節能減碳不再是口號,以達成台灣成為低碳社會的目標。 Work Plan for the Compiling Project of Low Carbon Living Teaching Guide The major purpose of the project compiling "low-carbon living teaching guide" is for the public, schools and other agencies and organizations to recognize the commonly published marks or labels and to actively practice low-carbon living based on the latest ways of carbon reduction. The content of the guide mainly introduces the green marks or labels used in daily life, provides the practical information of energy saving and carbon reduction in daily living aspects such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, education and entertainment, and offers readers to implement low-carbon life by self-assessment with a checklist supporting the calculation of carbon emissions.This project has held six times for completing written reviews and three sessions of expert reviewing meeting so that this guide is of considerable reliability and readability. The guide will be sent to 22 counties’ and cities’ EPA, and an electronic version is also provided for public download so as to be widely outreached. And energy conservation and carbon reduction no longer just a slogan can help Taiwan reach as a low-carbon society. 100 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36582
100年度臺中市河川、海域水體水質監測計畫 臺中市政府環境保護局積極推動境內河川水體水質污染整治相關工作,除了加強各類水污染源稽核管制外,亦特別針對境內各種事業單位及新開發杜區污水下水道系統其水污染源之排放許可執行查核管理,並對其水處理設施操作之實際狀況進行查核及輔導。為評估污染整治之成效,長期之河川水質監測工作仍為整個水體水質污染整治工作之重要環節。臺中市政府環境保護局為達上述目標,委託元山工程顧問有限公司執行本市三條主要河川(大甲溪、旱溪及筏子溪)及區域排水(綠川、柳川、梅川、麻園頭溪、黎明溝支線、潮洋溪、北屯圳、南屯溪及溫寮溪)共計28處水質測站之水質監測,並對河川水質變化進行評估。另亦重新規劃101年之水質測站,以涵蓋臺中市全境之水體水質。 Monitoring Project for the River & Ocean Water Quality of Taichung City in 2011 To achieve the goal of cleaning river water, several pollution control actions had been enforced by the Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung Government in recent years. It included industrial wastewater and municipal sewage discharge inspection, wastewater discharge permit evaluation and river water quality monitoring program. In the river water quality monitoring program, periodic river water sampling from 28 monitoring stations on 3 rivers and 9 drainage systems have been performed. Analytical data are used to evaluate river pollution index (RPI) and water quality index (WQI). These indices are also served as the criteria for pollution control reinforcement. 100 台中市環境保護局 元山工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30199
使用中柴油車污染管制及檢驗制度建置專案工作計畫 移動污染源係造成都會區空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,也是環保及交通主管單位加強管制重點,其中柴油車排放之黑煙最令民眾所詬病。為使全國柴油車管制業務更臻完善,落實柴油車維修保養及污染檢測合一制度,本計畫於保檢合一制度推動除延續99年度台北市執行成果,今年度示範運行更擴大至高雄市等8個縣市之通知到檢及自主管理車輛,同時建置柴油車保檢合一資料庫系統平台,供各縣市提供維修保養及污染檢測紀錄,初步執行成果以原廠及柴油車客貨運業者所屬保養廠之執行品質較佳。本年度更首次辦理柴油車檢驗軟體認證作業,於功能中導入檢驗資料即時傳輸、署端與站端車籍同步、不合格複驗追蹤及車輛檢驗履歷等功能,並完成瑩諮科技股份有限公司、優境環境科技有限公司及巨亞股份有限公司等3家軟體商之檢驗軟體認證,有效強化環保署現行柴油車檢驗品質管理制度,提升各縣市環保局行政作業效率。於柴油車檢測程序修正草案研擬工作,首先藉由數位式行車紀錄器之車輛行車型態調查,驗證現行檢測程序適切性;其次,透過不透光率研究169組測試結果,釐清我國污染度與不透光率轉換標準及檢驗儀器設備過渡因應方式;最後,統計歷年新車與使用中柴油車檢測數據,訂定馬力比退驗標準於車齡10年內調整為45%,車齡10年以上調整為40%。鑒此,本計畫以保留無負載測試程序及馬力比退驗機制作為我國檢測程序修正草案,規劃自民國101年至102年期間為檢測程序修訂及不透光率法規標準公告階段,並籌備不透光率煙度計認證規範及檢驗軟體修訂,民國103年起各縣市柴油車陸續導入不透光率煙度計,自民國106年起僅能執行不透光率檢測作業。 Established in use diesel vehicles pollutant improvement and examination system plan Mobile pollution source is one of the main reasons for urban air quality deterioration, as well as a key point of enhanced control for the competent authorities of environmental protection and transportation. One of the most complained problems is the dark exhausts coming out of the tail pipe of diesel vehicles. To make the nationwide diesel vehicle control more complete and to carry out inspection and maintenance program(I/M) of diesel vehicle, this project was the continuation of the implementation achievements of I/M program in Taipei City in 2010. This year, the exemplary operations were expanded to include vehicles that were notified for inspection and self-management in Kaohsiung City and 6 other counties/cities. A inspection/maintenance integration database system platform was established for diesel vehicles to provide service and pollution inspection records for local governments. The initial implementation achievements show that the service facilities operated by the original manufacturers and passenger and freight transportaters who own diesel vehicles repaired better service quality. This year was the first time that diesel vehicle inspection software program verification was carried out. Various enhancement functions were added such as real-time transmission of inspection data, synchronization of vehicle registration at both the EPA and inspection station ends, secondary inspections and tracking of disqualified vehicles, and vehicle inspection history. Inspection programs provided by Envimac, Eugene Environment Technology and Mega Asia Co., Ltd. were certified. These efforts served to enhance EPA’s current diesel vehicle inspection quality management system and improve the administration efficiency of local environmental protection bureaus. For the draft amendment of diesel vehicle inspection procedure, first driving cycle tests were carried out using digital onboard recorders in order to verify the appropriateness of the current inspection procedure; then, 169 sets of test results were studied using the opacimeter to define the pollution level and opacity conversion criteria of Taiwan and the transition of test equipment; and finally, the test data collected from new vehicles and in-use diesel vehicles to establish the criteria for horsepower ratio at 45% for vehicles younger than 10 years and 40% for those older than 10 years. As such, the free acceleration test procedure and horsepower ratio qualification mechanism were preserved as the draft amendment of Taiwan’s inspection procedure. The year of 2012 to 2013 was selected for the announcement of amended test procedure and opacity criteria, and the establishment of opacimeter certification standard and the amendment of inspection programs, and 2014 was selected for the introduction of opacimeter tests for the diesel vehicle inspections at local authorities. After 2017, only opacimeter tests will be performed. 100 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32710
澎湖縣100年度逸散污染減量及高陳情污染稽查管制計畫 餐飲業、露天燃燒、紙錢減量、裸露地表 Penghu County 100 annual fugitive pollution reduction and inspection of high pollution control plan petition Food and beverage industry, open burning, reduction of paper money, exposed surface 100 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 上境 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32316
100年度「臺中市空氣品質維護綜合管理計畫」 本計畫執行內容包含二大項工作範疇,其一為協助執行環保署考評之管考作業、提昇本市空氣品質改善維護計畫之執行品質與研擬空氣品質符合標準之管制對策(以下簡稱SIP)、其二為室內空氣品質巡檢與宣導(以下簡稱室內空品)。在SIP成果摘要方面,協助完成的環保署考核工作,包括提報3項臺中市地方特色(1.打造綠色臺中港、2.建構綠能車輛友善使用城市、3.推動現行排放標準加嚴,落實污染源減量);期初座談會、期中檢討會、成效檢討會之簡報、書面資料整合、委員意見回覆、書面查核文件之前查作業與第一季~第四季環保署季報。在道路髒污通報已接獲6件通報,分別通知固稽、營建及洗除計畫至通報現場進行查核並將結果上傳至系統。每月並提供屢遭民陳案件予固定源管制相關計畫進行後續追蹤。已依規定於9月底前完成100年排放量管理計畫之提報及各項環保署通知文件之回覆作業。針對100年空污計畫督導考核作業,已依合約規定於環保署期中檢討會前(10月3日),於9月9日辦理考核會議,邀請4位委員參與提供環保局在計畫執行成果展現之建議意見。每月依排定期程針對列管11項空污計畫進行工作量及書面品質查核,資料提交準時性遲交比例前3高之計畫為特定源、柴動及洗除,分別為15.5%、14.5%及12.3%,遲交比例最低計畫為固稽、許可及營建,分別為3.0%、3.1%及3.4%;合約工作量文件品質缺失統計:前三多分別為許可計畫、固稽計畫及空污費計畫,不完整較多之原因為執行人員經驗不足導致資料庫建檔缺漏、錯誤及查核書面資料填寫錯誤造成文件品質不佳。署季報文件品質缺失統計:缺失較多計畫為許可、固稽、特定源及營建,許可及固稽計畫涉及資料庫建檔,其文件品質較常發生缺失,特定源及營建計畫因新進人員居多,對於工作表單填寫部分仍不熟悉,初期查核時常發生文件填寫不完整造成缺失,經本計畫專人每月提出查核改善建議,其缺失文件數量已逐漸降低。在環保局督導考核成績統計至101年3月,已完成各項評分指標之10 項計畫,有1 項計畫之得分未達80 分,洗除計畫 (得分75 分,依考核要點規定結案時扣款3%契約經費)。另特定源計畫目前得分率為78%,因計畫期程尚未結束,尚有「貳-6、空氣污染管制作為宣導成效評估(權重2%)」及「參-2、期末報告審查會(權重10%)」尚未完成評分。在室內空品成果摘要,完成之檢測成果包括CO2巡檢100處、國小或幼稚園真菌檢測20家次、4項檢測40家次、10項檢測6家次及到場診斷輔導10家次,第一類公共場所普遍不符合建議值,第二類公共場所符合率較高,上述結果均由環保局發文通知及要求改善。依據臺中市特定公共場所室內空氣品質管理要點草案結合臺中市室內空氣品質自主管理規定訂定室內空氣品質自主管理實施計畫,加入自主管理場所依此實施計畫進行計畫書填寫、設置專責管理人員、室內空氣品質檢測(CO2巡檢、4項檢測、10項檢測、到場診斷)、室內空品不良應變及通報、評鑑作業;100年新增加20家自主管理(第1類9家、第2類11家)。101年1月4日至5日完成5場次評鑑作業,分別為臺中市政府中港市政大樓、新光三越百貨(股)公司臺中分公司、臺中市立港區藝術中心、國立臺中自然科學博物館及新時代購物中心,並召開室內空氣品質自主管理優良場所評鑑討論會議,會議決議由臺中市政府中港市政大樓及新時代購物中心等2處場所,作為100年度臺中市室內空氣品質自主管理優良場所,並於101年2月21日進行表揚典禮。彙整98年~100年國內室內空氣品質污染案件,共計334件,其中以住家一氧化碳污染案件為最大宗,公共場所則以二氧化碳案件最多。其他作業方面,依限提報100年度「空氣污染防制業務標準作業程序(SOP)」及「空氣污染防制業務白皮書」,空氣污染防制業務標準作業程序共彙整64個作業項目,空氣污染防制業務白皮書則提供業務主管各污染源相關管制成果與背景資料。在99年空污計畫期末成果報告書包含臺中縣、市共計40項計畫,100度空污計畫案共計24項計畫皆已完成契約造冊及掃描存檔。在空品區背景資料方面,已更新合併後之臺中市空氣污染物排放清單,粒狀污染物年總排放量為62,634公噸,硫氧化物年總排放量為20,248公噸,氮氧化物年總排放量為67,869公噸,NMHC年總排放量為79,111公噸。 100 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37172
水環境介質中奈米微粒量測、轉換及宿命研究 由於二氧化鈦 (TiO2) 與氧化鋅 (ZnO) 奈米微粒(nanoparticles, NPs)已廣泛地在使用,所以今年針對此兩商用奈米懸浮液作聚集與沉降特性之探討,並探討建立初步分析水體中奈米顆粒之方法。本研究採用動態光散射儀(dynamic light scattering, DLS),探討過濾、離心及沉降三種前處理流程。離心4060 G 2分鐘,可有效將大顆粒移除,皆有74%~87%的NPs回收率。水體中奈米顆粒之方法,建議結合離心分離後,以DLS量測粒徑後消化測顆粒總濃度則可計算隨粒徑分佈之濃度,並搭配電子顯微鏡作確認。另外,對於會溶解之NPs,在測總濃度後,再用超過濾膜,檢測溶解濃度後扣除,則可定量NPs濃度。在聚集與沉降實驗中,TiO2與ZnO分別於10 mg/L至1 g/L濃度及100 mg/L至1 g/L可維持奈米大小,並可長時間保持穩定,於此實驗中採用100 mg/L進行實驗。在15~35℃範圍下,溫度對顆粒粒徑與沉降之影響不明顯。TiO2與ZnO之水中酸鹼值(pH值)在接近等電點 (pHpzc 6.0 ±0.7 與pHpzc 10.3±0.6) 有明顯的粒徑變大與沉澱現象。奈米懸浮液皆隨著離子強度增加使絮聚現象更趨明顯,TiO2與ZnO奈米懸浮液之NaCl的臨界聚集濃度(critical aggregation concentration, CAC)分別為100 meq/L與10 meq/L,Na2SO4的CAC分別為1.5 meq/L與0.2 meq/L。因陰離子電荷可壓縮表面帶正電荷之奈米顆粒之電雙層,進而促使奈米顆粒聚集沉降。二價陰離子會較一價陰離子更強烈壓縮電雙層,而使之聚集,DLVO理論計算之結果也相符合。當腐植酸(humic acid, HA)濃度使顆粒表面電位接近等電點時,較易聚集與沉降。NaCl、pH與HA交互作用下,TiO2以統計分析可觀察出於聚集速率方面,HA濃度有顯著影響;於沉降速率,則為pH。當Na2SO4、pH與HA交互作用下,於聚集速率,pH與HA有顯著影響;於沉降速率亦同,且pH與HA間之交互作用亦重要。於ZnO奈米懸浮液中,NaCl、pH與HA交互作用下,HA濃度對於聚集與沉降速率有顯著影響,pH與HA之交互作用對於沉降速率之影響亦重要。當Na2SO4、pH與HA交互作用下於聚集速率方面,HA濃度有顯著影響且pH與HA之間之交互作用亦重要;於沉降速率中各因子間之交互作用均無顯著影響。 The measurement, transformation, and fate of nanoparticles in aqueous media The two nanoparticles (NPs), TiO2 and ZnO, in aqueous suspensions were identified in nanoscale by a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). Pretreatment process including filtration, centrifugation, and settling was evaluated for the analysis of NPs in the aquatic environment. Centrifugation(4060 G, 2 min) can be used to remove large particles on DLS analysis and the recovery was 74%-87%. For dissolved NPs, the solution can be filtered with a centrifugal ultrafilter and then calculated the real NPs concentration by the difference from total NPs concentration. The combination of the centrifugation before the DLS and concentration measurement after digestion are suggested. Finally, the size should be also confirmed by electron microscopies.For various aquatic parameters, the particle concentration from 10 mg/L to 1 g/L and 100 mg/L to 1 g/L did not affect the particle size of TiO2 and ZnO, respectively. We used 100 mg/L as the experiment concentration. The temperature in the range of 15~35℃ did not affect the stability of NPs. When the pH value closes to pHpzc of NPs, around 6.0±0.7 for TiO2 and 10.3±0.6 for ZnO, the obvious aggregation and sedimentation behaviors were found. With an increase of ionic strength, the particle size of NPs increased more quickly. The critical aggragation concentration (CAC) values for TiO2 NPs were 100 meq/L and 1.5 meq/L for Cl- and SO42-, respectively. Also, for ZnO, the CAC values were 10 meq/L and 0.2 meq/L for Cl- and SO42-, respectively. DLVO analysis consists with CAC results. When humic acid (HA) concentrations were 20 mg/L and 1 mg/L for TiO2 and ZnO NPs, NPs aggregated due to the surface of particles covered by SRHA to let surface charge near zero.For pH, NaCl and SRHA interaction, the most significant factors are SRHA concentration and pH for aggreagation and sedimentation, respectively, in TiO2 NPs suspensions. However, there are no significant interactions for two factors. For TiO2 NPs suspensions under different pH, Na2SO4 and SRHA, the most significant factors for aggregation and sedimentation are both SRHA and pH. The interaction between SRHA and pH value is significant. For ZnO NPs, with different pH, NaCl and SRHA, the most significant factor is SRHA. The interaction between SRHA and pH is significant for sedimentation. For ZnO under different pH, Na2SO4 and SRHA, the most significant factor for aggregation is SRHA and also the interaction between SRHA and pH. However, no significant factor can be observed for sedimentation. Overall, these factors generally affect the aggregation and sedimentation significantly. 100 永續發展室 台灣大學農化系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30241
推動含汞產品源頭管理相關工作專案計畫 本計畫執行期間自民國100年12月31日起至101年12月底止,主要目標包括研析照明光源汞含量限制措施之可行性、推動乾電池等產品之重金屬源頭減量工作、持續推動乾電池及水銀體溫計等含汞產品禁限用政策。主要工作成果包括:(一)透過販賣場所田野抽樣調查、製造輸入業問卷調查及進行40式照明光源汞含量檢測,完成國內照明光源運作現況分析報告,並評估國內含汞照明光源以「螢光燈管」之運作數量大且具一定比例之汞含量抽驗超過國外管制限值,故建議為應優先管制項目;(二)協助執行機關完成指定電池汞含量稽查抽驗100式,合格率(<5ppm)達100%,且統計已連續五年合格率達99%以上;另完成國內市售一次電池汞、鎘、鉛含量檢測100式,彙整歷年乾電池汞、鎘、鉛含量檢測結果顯示,指定電池之鎘含量超過歐盟限值(<20ppm)之比例達兩成,顯有管制之必要性,故檢討提出「限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣」公告修正草案及相關配套措施;(三)持續蒐集國際對消費性產品含重金屬之源頭管理方式,新增或加嚴管理標的為玩具、珠寶及飾品中鉛、鎘含量,建議國內應由產品之目的事業主管機關(如標檢局)依法進行管制(如訂定CNS標準);(四)協助辦理乾電池汞含量確認文件審核作業187件,並彙整執行機關對含汞產品之稽查成果,稽查合格率維持於99%以上。 Work Project for Source Management of Mercury-Containing Products This project was implemented from December 31, 2011 to the end of December 2012. The project's chief goal was to study the feasibility of measures restricting the mercury content of lighting products, promote heavy metal source reduction for dry cell batteries and related products, and continue to implement the restriction/prohibition of mercury-containing products such as dry cell batteries and mercury thermometers. The project's chief results as followed. (1) Analytical reports concerning the current state of lighting product handling in Taiwan were compiled using field surveys at sales locations, questionnaire to manufacturers and importers, and testing of the mercury content in 40 types of lighting products. Following assessment of domestic mercury-containing lighting products, random testing of fluorescent tubes, which were handled in large quantities and contain a certain percentage of mercury, found that such tubes contained a level of mercury higher than foreign limits, and it was therefore recommended that fluorescent tubes be given priority for regulation. (2) The project personnel assisted implementing organizations in completing an audit and random testing of 100 specific types of mercury-containing batteries. This audit found that 100% of the tested batteries were in compliance (<5ppm), and the compliance rate has consequently remained above 99% for the past five years. Furthermore, the project completed testing of 100 types of disposable batteries for mercury, cadmium, and lead, and the compiled test results over the years for mercury, cadmium, and lead in dry cell batteries showed that at least 20% of designated batteries had a cadmium content exceeding the European Union limit (<20 ppm), therefore there was clearly a need to control such batteries, and the project consequently submitted the revised draft announcement "Restrictions on the Manufacture, Import, and Sale of Dry Cell Batteries," and relevant accompanying regulations, after review. (3) The project continued to collect information on methods used overseas to implement source management of heavy metals in consumer products, and proposed the addition or tightening of restrictions on the lead and cadmium content in toys, jewelry, and accessories products. The project recommended that competent authorities in charge of industries producing relevant products (such as the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection) implement control in accordance with the law (such as by drafting CNS standards). (4) The project helped review and approve 187 confirmation documents for the mercury content of dry cell batteries, and compiled the results of audits of mercury-containing products by the enforcement authority. The audit compliance rate was found to be consistently above 99%. 100 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43053
產品碳足跡排放係數蒐集建置與碳標籤國際合作專案工作計畫 為因應我國產業界計算產品碳足跡對本土化排放係數之需求,本計畫完成以下工作項目與成果,可作為我國未來全面推動產品碳足跡標示之基礎與推動方向之參考。1.完成產品碳足跡排放係數建置架構與數據品質標準之規劃:本計畫已制定紡織、食品、營造、包材及運輸等五個產業別應優先建立碳足跡排放係數項目之建議清單;完成國外數據品質指標相關資訊之蒐集以及制訂我國產品碳足跡排放係數之數據品質標準與審查程序等,可作為我國未來執行數據品質評估之參考。2.完成20項取得碳標籤之產品以及10項經第三者查證之碳足跡產品的數據品質評估作業,評估結果顯示,多數提供詳細數據資訊之受檢產品,其產品碳足跡數據被評定為「基本品質」等級以上。3.完成環保署EMS系統資料庫轉換為碳排放係數之可行性評估,並新增10項產品或服務之本土碳足跡排放係數。可行性評估結果顯示,利用環保署EMS資料庫數據作為產品碳足跡計算時雖有不完整之處,但是搭配替代性數據之使用,利用此數據來計算產品/服務碳足跡排放數據確實具有可行性。建議未來環保署可增加以EMS資料庫數據計算產品碳足跡排放係數之項次,以加速本土化基礎原物料碳足跡排放數據之建置速度。4.建立涵括環境領域和衛生領域共37位專家學者之PCR專家資料庫,此可做為未來PCR制定者於內部審查邀請專家學者之參考。5.舉辦一場產品碳足跡標示國際論壇,會中邀請英國、日本、大陸之學者專家進行各國碳標籤實施現況介紹與案例分享,共計82人參與此國際論壇。6. 簽訂臺英產品碳標籤合作備忘錄,並舉辦一場碳足跡訓練課程,共計11位學員參訓。7.赴美考察大型連鎖販售業環境永續經營與綠色供應鏈實績,並拜訪大陸推動碳足跡之重要機構。其中,Homedepot公司將具有公信力之標章系統結合至該公司自行推動之Eco option計畫的作法,充分掌握綠色行銷之精髓,值得作為國內未來推動之參考。 從上述成果,本計畫建立了推動產品碳足跡發展之基礎架構與工具,並推動碳標籤之國際合作與交流,達到兼顧碳足跡基礎能力建構與提升產業綠色競爭力之雙贏結果。 This project has completed three meaningful tasks in response to the need of local emission factors in product carbon footprint calculation for Taiwan industries. These three tasks are:1. Complete five industries sectors of high priority on building up the list of suggested items off carbon footprint emission factors. 2. Complete the 10 EPD carbon footprint product and carbon labeling product totally 30 product data quality index confirm.3. Complete the methodology evaluation of constructing Taiwan carbon footprint public factors, which includes data quality system set-up, evaluation of conversion from EPA’s EMS system data base to carbon emission factors, feasibility evaluation of carbon footprint factors converted from product carbon footprints related information that has acquired carbon label or the third party’s certification.4. Set-up of Taiwan PCR expert database with 31 members.5. Complete the holding of the international forum on product carbon footprint with invited speakers from UK, Japan, and China. There were 82 participants in this forum and many topics were discussed including the sharing of carbon label implementation status and cases studies in Taiwan (O’right and JIA WONG ).6. Signing MOU with Carbon Trust, amd took a training project with carbon footprint communication technology, and there 11 participants.7. In addition, a visit to the chain of retailers on environmental sustainable management and green supplier performances in the US has been conducted. The promotion of low carbon and sustainable strategy and concrete measures in Home depot has been found to be the very useful experience. The visit to relevant organizations of carbon footprint promotion in China, such as China National Institute of Standardization and China Quality Certification Center, has also been conducted. In summary, this project has constructed the basic structure and tools of promoting product carbon footprint development. This project has also promoted the international cooperation and information exchange on carbon label and has reached the win-win result of constructing the basic capability of carbon footprint and uplifting industry green competitiveness. 100 管考處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30039
低碳社區推動專案工作計畫(第二年) 為達成10年內建構低碳家園的目標,行政院環境保護署提出為期兩年之低碳社區推動計畫,於今(100)年持續辦理「低碳社區推動專案工作計畫」(第二年) (以下稱本計畫)。本計畫的主要工作內容包括:(1)辦理低碳社區宣導及推廣,並提供諮詢服務;(2)協助第二階段縣市政府建構低碳示範社區,至少應完成26處;(3)協助能源技術服務產業(ESCOs)參與低碳示範社區建構,並建立後續自主性擴展機制;(4)製作低碳社區建構示範手冊;(5)製作50個低碳示範社區實體標章;(6)蒐集國際相關資料,辦理低碳社區發展系列諮商及座談、研討會,其中包括乙場次國際研討會。本計畫建立了以社區油、水、氣、電消耗量及廢棄物產生量等動態變化資料,分析社區達成低碳程度與狀態的「低碳社區評估指標系統」。針對所遴選出來的全國52個低碳示範社區,去(99)年計畫曾依據社區的特性及減碳條件,完成了其中24個社區減碳措施的診斷與規劃,而本計畫則持續完成另外28個社區的診斷與規劃,規劃結果將可提供各社區未來營造成為實質低碳社區的參考。除此,本計畫也在上述社區以節能燈具替換部分的傳統燈具,以示範如何達成節能減碳。本計畫也完成低碳社區建構手冊,提供不同減碳措施的技術概述。同時也辦理了低碳社區觀摩會及國際研討會等,以讓社區能吸取國內外低碳社區營造及減碳措施實務上的成功經驗。本計畫也引進能源技術服務產業(ESCOs)與社區接觸,以期能營造自發性節能發展環境。另根據去(99)年計畫所設計的低碳社區標章logo,規劃版本實體標章版本,環保署未來可將此標章頒贈給符合低碳定義的社區,以肯定社區節能減碳成效,並可作為社區間示範教育及學習觀摩之對象。本計畫同時蒐集國際相關資料,進而彙整國外推動低碳社區(城市)之建構模式、策略及措施,並研析我國有關部會現行推動之相關政策。本計畫執行成果可作為未來建構低碳永續家園的重要基礎。 Project of Developing the Low-Carbon Community To achieve the goal of establishing low-carbon homeland in the next decade in Taiwan, Environmental Protection Administration has launched the “Project of Developing the Low-Carbon Community (LCC)” for two years and continues to apply this in 2011.The main objectives in the first-year project were: (1) apply for low-carbon community advocacy and promotion, and provide advisory services; (2) to assist local governments to set up “Low-Carbon Community Promoting Committee” and at least 26 communities should be completed; (3) to help the energy service companies (ESCOs) to participate in low-carbon model communities' construction, and extend themselves in the future.;(4) to make the demo manual of “Low-carbon communities of construction”;(5) to make fifty “Low-Carbon Community Label”;(6) to collect related information worldwide and implement counseling service and symposiums on the development of LCC including one international symposium.In the project, establish a “Low-Carbon Community Evaluation Criteria System” was related with dynamic changes of oil, water, gas, electricity consumption and waste generation to analysis communities’ low-carbon state and condition.To the selection of 52 low-carbon model communities, already completed the diagnosis and plan of the 24 communities carbon reduction measures based on the characteristics of the communities and carbon reduction conditions last year (2010). And this project will continue the other 28communities’ diagnosis and plan .All of the results will be available to communities to create a real low-carbon communities in the future reference.In addition, in order to demonstrate how to achieve carbon reduction. This project was also replaced traditional lamps by energy saving lamps in communities. This project has completed a low-carbon community construction manual; provide a technical overview of the different carbon reduction measures. Meanwhile for low-carbon communities we had demonstrations and International seminars, etc., so that the community can learn from domestic and foreign successful experience of low-carbon community development and carbon reduction measures of practice. In order to create energy-saving development environment. This project also introduces energy service companies (ESCOs) to contact with the communities. Based on the plan to design LCC’s logo last year (2010), the project also completed the logo, Environmental Protection Administration can awards this LCC’s logo to the low-carbon-defined communities, not only in recognition of community energy saving carbon reduction results also can be the demonstrate of education and learn between communities.Information from successful low-carbon communities (LCC) or cities worldwide were gathered and investigated so as to conclude the valuable experiences in construction, strategies and policies for promoting low-carbon communities or cities. By comparing these experiences, current related policies in Taiwan with their feasibility were also analyzed. The results of the first-year project would be an important basis and reference for conducting the project of promoting low-carbon homeland in the future. 100 生態社區推動方案室 財團法人台灣建築中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37915
「環保稽查處分管制系統功能提昇及推廣維護」專案(第2年)工作計畫 本年度依合約所定工作項目,包含了維持系統正常運作與連線品質、提昇系統功能、系統介接、99年度資料統計分析與縣市合併升格之後的調整,進行系統功能提昇與強化,首先在維持系統正常運作與連線品質工作上,本計畫定期的監控各項硬體監測數據,並未發現明顯異常情形,此外也配合監資處定期的進行資安檢核作業,詳細說明可參閱第二章,而在系統功能強化上,是依據現有系統功能,提供使用者更好的使用服務,除了依需求調整系統或功能開發之外,本計畫也主動的規劃功能提昇項目,本年度完成的系統調整,包含了因應環教法、交通部101年車牌換發的施行,系統所進行一連串的規劃及調整,以及其他依使用者的建議所做的調整等。系統功能提昇上,今年度所完成之更新需求與問題共計為129個,而客服電話量從一月到十一月共為5777通,詳細成果說明與介紹請參閱第五章,而為了提供使用者更好的系統服務,以及簡化使用者的作業流程,本年度也完成了線上學習教材的製作,並提供系統線上直接觀看服務,讓新進人員能更有效率的學習系統操作,以縮短熟悉系統的時間,另外,在資料介接工作項目方面,本年度已完成與環境教育講習系統、桃園縣公文系統、宜蘭縣、花蓮縣、臺東縣財政系統、水環境保育網等系統介接工作,另外,也配合其他已完成介接的系統不定期的調整需求欄位,更提高了資料的共享機制。 綜合以上所述,本年度的工作項目中包含持續進行與新增服務二部份,可以說是在穩定中求發展,在已完成的系統中加入更多元的服務,讓系統更貼近使用者的業務需求,進而增加使用者使用意願。相信在系統功能不斷提昇與提供附加服務的情形下,能讓本計畫不僅是做一個系統維護工作,而是成為一個能夠作為支援業務與政策擬定的應用工具。以上為本年度之工作說明與成果摘要,其它工作項目之工作內容細節與成果請詳閱本報告書各章節,本系統最終目標希望能在資料建置面、列印面與應用面等三大面向,提供更好的服務,達到系統開發與計畫執行最大效益。 Second Year Tasks Associated with “Efficiency Upgrade, System Maintenance, and Promotion of the Envi The work items specified in the contract include maintenance of normal system operation and connection quality, system function enhancement, system connection, statistical analysis of the 2010 data, and adjustments responding to the city-county consolidation policy. In maintaining system functionality and connection quality, regular monitoring was performed on all hardware monitoring data, and no significant abnormalities were found. Information security inspection was undertaken periodically in compliance with regulations of the Department of Environmental Monitoring & Information Management. See Chapter 2 for more information. The existing system functions were upgraded to provide better user experience for visitors in addition to adjustments made according to needs and new feature development. A series of adjustments were made to the EEMS in response to the implementation of the Environmental Education Act, the re-issue of license plates scheduled by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in 2012, and user requests. 129 update requests and problems were addressed to enhance system functionality. And a total of 5,326 customer services calls were handled between January and October. Chapter 5 provides more details. For better user service and a more streamlined user process, an online user guide was developed explaining how to use the system so that new staff members can learn to operate the EEMS in a more efficient way. As to data connection, the EEMS were connected to Environmental Education Instruction System, Taoyuan County Government Document System, the local government fiscal systems of Yilan County, Hualien County and Taitung County, and the Water Environment Conservation website. Demand columns were adjusted irregularly to go with other already connected systems to enhance data sharing.To sum up, this year’s work focused on both the pre-existing and newly created services to allow the system to proceed in a stable manner. With a more diverse range of services offered, the EEMS becomes more capable of meeting the business needs of its user, thereby increasing users’ willingness to use. It is expected the continuous system upgrading and offering of value-added services will enable the effort of the project to go beyond merely performing system maintenance to facilitating work efficiency and policy development. The above summarizes important achievements obtained this year. The contents and outcomes of other work items are detailed in the project report. The ultimate purpose of the EEMS is to provide better services with regard to data establishment, printout, and applicability to maximize the effects of the system and the project. 100 管考處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=31911
台東縣營建工程污染管制計畫 隨著近年來工商業蓬勃發展,各類環境污染問題逐漸浮現,其中又以空氣污染問題最為社會大眾所詬病。有鑑於此,環保局多年來致力於推動空氣污染管制工作,並已初步呈現績效;然而轄內受政府大力推展公共工程等影響,境內營建工地四處可見,因施工所產生公害,嚴重影響附近生活品質,其中又以營建工程所造成逸散性粉塵污染為加強管制之重點;為落實管制並降低施工所造成揚塵污染量,環保局特別專案辦理「台東縣營建工程污染管制計畫」,針對境內營建工地,配合空污費徵收,加強稽查及管制,進而有效達到污染物減量及空氣品質改善之目標。本計畫執行期程一年,自2011年3月至2012年2月止,主要工作重點為協助環保局加強辦理各項營建工地、管線、道路施工之稽、巡查工作,並將列管工地資料建檔管理,透過宣導文件發放及輔導工地座談會之進行,加強工地對污染防範之認知,以落實污染改善之目的。本年度期間(2011/1/1~2011/12/31),總計列管1,858處工地,累計巡查數達1,856處次,除經由例行性巡查並將工地資料如期建檔外,一配合辦理2場次營建工地法規宣導說明會,另輔導營建工地認養洗掃道路,洗掃總長度達1,297.6公里,同時執行TSP粒狀物檢測及油品檢測(11點次TSP粒狀物檢測及26件次油品檢測),而經管制後TSP共削減615.04公噸,削減率達46.75%。以歷年排放情形可以看出,本計畫成效較歷年為佳,削減率已逐年提升,足以呈現環保單位對營建工程管制策略,獲得累積的成效。 Pollution Control Project for Construction engineering in Taitung County Due to the established of Taitung Contury, accompanied with the economic development and growth, it brings serious environmental problems, especially for the air pollution. Besides, it affects the life quality of the neighborhood and causes a lot of protestation. In order to solve these problems, Environmental Protection Bureau of Taitung Contury initiated this project “Pollution Control Project for Construction engineering in Taitung Contury”. The purpose of this project is to find out the roots of the construction pollution and investigate on the public protest application. According to the findings from the investigation to restrain the air pollutants of construction, and to survey and monitor the emission sources of particles. Simultaneously, to improve the air quality and reduce the impact of the constructional engineering process to the surrounding dwellers, the proprietors of construction engineering are required to operate the air pollution control device properly. This project is proceeded in one year from March of 2011 to February of 2012. It focus on assisting the EPB to strengthen checking and inspecting all building sites, pipes and road works for improving the pollutions. We make lists to manage monitorial sites, and strengthen the knowledge for preventing pollutions of building sites by declared documents and forums. In the period of 2011/01/01~2011/12/31, it monitors 1,858 sites. The amounts of inspections are 1,856 times. Not only making lists by routine inspections but also holding 2 forum to announce the laws and regulations. It counsels building sites to clean around roads, they are cleaned for 1,297.6 Km in amount and tested by particles and oil to support (11 times of TSP test, and 26 times of oil test).After all works of pollution control, this project reduce flying TSP for 615.04 tones, the rate of reduction is 46.75%. By the emission in these years, it’s the best achievements. The rate of reduction raises year by year to provide the results of EPB’s controlling。 100 台東縣環境保護局 展立工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36584
分散式生質能源料源資訊評估與焙燒前處理造粒設備建置計畫 本計畫目標係協助環保署環境檢驗所建置國內生質料源分布地圖、開發中小型生質物造粒設備、進行生質物焙燒製程生命週期評估,評估國內生質能源應用之可行性,除減少廢棄物處理、處置問題,亦可提供生質燃料,替代化石燃料使用,減緩二氧化碳排放。另外,蒐集及評估廢棄物高速堆肥技術之可行性,提供環保署參考。依據契約本計畫期末報告完成工作包括:(1)完成國內生質料源分布地圖建置,包括:一般廢棄物(都市垃圾)、一般事業廢棄物、農產剩餘資材、林產剩餘資材等生質料源。完成估算生質能源潛勢共計45,445.8 TJ/Y。(2)完成中小型焙燒料源前處理造粒設備細部設計及系統建置,包括破碎單元、袋濾機單元、造粒單元及運輸等單元。完成稻稈及木屑造粒測試,經分析結果其耗電量分別為 177.6 kWh/公噸-顆粒燃料及261.1 kWh/公噸-顆粒燃料。另,完成稻稈及柳杉木二種生質物造粒前、後生質物特性分析,包括體密度、含水率及熱值等,造粒前後體密度提昇最為顯著分別提升為原物料之19.8倍及3.2倍,有助於降低生質燃料運輸成本。(3)完成二個方案生質物焙燒製程生命週期評估分析,方案一為使用天然氣做為焙燒製程熱源,其能源投入產出為2.99,且每公噸生質煤具1,234.37 kg-CO2-eq/ton-生質煤之淨二氧化碳減量效益;方案二為使用稻稈顆粒燃料作為焙燒熱源,其能源投入產出為4.72,且每公噸生質煤具1,385.25 kg-CO2-eq/ton-生質煤之淨二氧化碳減量效益,皆顯示生質煤對於二氧化碳減量具有正面的效益(4)完成廢棄物高速堆肥技術資料搜集及分析,顯示本技術具快速且可將廢棄物資源化之優點。 Evaluation of Bioresource Information for Decentralized Bioenergy and Establishment of Pretreatment The main objective of this project is to assist EPA to set up bioresource map for bioenergy, to build a mobile pelletizing pilot facility, to evaluate LCA of biomass torrefaction processes, and to evaluate feasibilities of bioenergy application in Taiwan. The waste-to-energy technology could not only solve problems of waste treatment and disposal but also produce bio-fuel which can reduce CO2 emission by the replacement of fossil fuel.. The information for the high-rate thermochemical fertilizer-making technology is also gathered and analyzed for EPA’s reference. In the final report, four main compelted works were described as following:(1) bioresource database and bioresource map have been completed. The amounts of municipal wastes, general industrial wastes, agriculture residues and forest residues were analyzed in this report. The bioenergy potential in Taiwan was estimated about 45,445.8 TJ/Y (2)the detailed design of mobile pelletizing pilot facility which includes shredding unit, pelletizing unit, bag house and transportation unit have been completed. Additionally, the rice straw and sawdust pelletizing tests have been completed. The energy consumption of two pelletized material was 177.6 kWh/ton-pellet and 261.1 kWh/ton-pellet, respectively. The characteristics of raw and pelletized rice straw and sawdust material were also analyzed such as the bulk density, the water content and the lower heating value. These results showed that the biomass pelletizing process could reduce the transportation cost of biofuels due to the bulk density of pelletized rice straw and sawdust material increases about 20 times and 3.2 times higher than the raw materials, respectively.(3)the two biomass torrefaction process scenarios for the LCA were evaluated. The first scenario suggests using natural gas for providing torrefaction heat demand. The results showed that the energy output-input ratio is about 2.99 and the net CO2 emission reduction is about 1,234.37 kg-CO2-eq/ton-biocoal. The other scenario suggests using rice pellet for providing torreaction heat demand. The results showed that the energy output-input ratio is about 4.72 and the net CO2 emission reduction is about 1,385.25 kg-CO2-eq/ton-biocoal. Therefore, both two scenarios of bio-coal are beneficial to the environment (4)the information for the high-rate thermochemical fertilizer-making technology was gathered and analyzed. It suggests that this technology has the advantages of the fast reaction rate and the efficient conversion from the bio-waste to the usable fertilizer. 100 環檢所 中原大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27558
污泥類廢棄資材轉換資/能源之整合性技術開發與應用評估 本研究為建立污泥類廢棄資材之多元化資源再利用途徑,研究目的主要包括建立有機污泥(下水及漿紙污泥)轉換合成氣及生質油之能源應用、自來水廠衍生之含鐵錳淨水污泥(以下簡稱含鐵錳污泥)之材料化應用,以及能源轉換後殘餘物之材料化應用等,期藉由本研究之相關成果,可提供類似污泥類廢棄物轉換為資/能源技術之重要發展與參考方向。研究結果顯示含鐵錳污泥因其具有催化活性物質及高比表面積等特性,可有效應用於污泥轉換能源處理技術之催化劑。經應用於下水污泥及漿紙污泥之催化氣化及熱裂解產能效率評估結果顯示,其催化氣化產生之合成氣之熱值,可由6.43 MJ/Nm3(未添加催化劑)增加至8.59 MJ/Nm3(添加催化劑),而合成氣之能源密度,則可達到1.5 以上,亦即能源利用效率較原有下水及漿紙污泥提高1.5 倍以上。催化裂解產油之產率評估結果顯示,生質油產率最高可達17%,其生質油之最大熱值及能源密度分別為5800 kcal/kg 及3.76。污泥能源轉換後殘餘物之資材化研究結果顯示,燒結產品已符合現行輕質化、隔熱性、節能性及高強度之建築材料規範。整體而言,本研究結果除達成有機性下水及漿紙污泥轉換合成氣及生質油之能源利用外,同時亦促進能源轉換殘餘物及含鐵錳污泥應用於建築材料之發展潛力。 Integrated Development and Application of Sludge-to-Resource/Energy (StR/StE) Technology This study investigates how to establish various pathways of sludge-to-resource/energy (StR/StE) application. The major objectives of this studyare to assess the energy yield efficiency of synthesis gas and bio-oil produced from organic sewage and paper-mill sludge by thermal conversion technologies. The catalyst was selected from water purification sludge containing Fe/Mn. The sintered lightweight building materials manufactured by residues derived from sludge-to-energy are also discussed. Based on the results of this research, importantinformation regarding the technical development of sludge-to-resource ( StR) and/or sludge-to-energy (StE) application can be provided. Experimental results indicate that the water purification sludge containing Fe/Mn can serve as a catalyst for application of sludge-to-energy technology, due to its active catalytic properties and high surface areas. Sewage and paper-mill sludge catalytic gasification and pyrolysis showed that the heating value of synthesis gas produced increased from 6.43 MJ/Nm3 to 8.59 MJ/Nm3, with increasing the tested catalyst addition. The energy density of synthesisgas was 1.5 and above. That is, the energy utilization efficiency could enhance 1.5 times the energy content of the sewage and paper-mill sludge. The maximum bio-oil production rate was approximately 17% from catalytic pyrolysis of the tested sludge.Meanwhile, the maximum heating value and energy density of bio-oil produced from tested sludge was 5,800 kcal/kg and 3.76, respectively. When the product was sintered,the sintered product had the characteristics of being lightweight, heat insulating,energy-saving, and having high strength, which are compliant with Taiwan standards for construction application. In conclusion, the experimental results of this research confirm that it is possible to enhance the energy utilization efficiency of synthesis gasand bio-oil converted from the tested sludge. It can also promote the potential for applying residue derived from sludge-to-energy and water purification sludge in construction materials. 100 永續發展室 逢甲大學創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27850
100年度固定污染源許可審核及稽查管制計畫 壹、計畫緣起及目標新北市位處北部都會區之樞紐,毗鄰首都臺北市及工業重鎮桃園縣,近年來因人口稠密、工商蓬勃發展,致環境負荷日益增加,尤以空氣污染課題,最為市民所關切。新北市政府為全面掌握轄內空氣污染問題及改善環境空氣品質,爰自78年起配合環保署辦理固定污染源許可制度管理作業,期能經由計畫之分工合作,加強固定污染源許可制度之輔導及宣導作業,並建立完整之污染源排放資料庫,藉以推動固定污染源各項管制工作,進而達成污染排放之預防、減量及空氣品質改善之目標。新北市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱新北市環保局或貴局)為能延續固定污染源許可及稽查管制相關工作成果,達成空氣品質改善維護目標,遂公開甄選顧問機構辦理本年度「固定污染源許可審核及稽查管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)。本計畫年度目標如下︰一、持續推動許可制度,落實污染預防管理並加強宣導與管制追蹤。二、分階段全面調查污染來源,持續維護、更新及擴充固定污染源管理資訊系統,即時掌握公私場所之製程、污染防制設備及排放資料並提昇資料可信度,彙整分析變化情形及污染減量空間,以作為研擬管制策略之依據。三、彙整分析列管污染源排放現況,建立管制重點區域,藉由固定污染源巡查、檢測及輔導相關作業,以強化污染源管制,減少異常排放情形以降低民眾陳情事件。四、加強粒狀物逸散、戴奧辛及重金屬等空氣污染物質排放管制,並推動污染減量。五、因應本市污染特性及區域發展趨勢,針對特定對象進行專案管制,研擬加強管制措施,提升整體管制效益。 100 新北市政府環境保護局 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41590
澎湖縣100年度自然淨化系統效益評估計畫 100年度澎湖縣自然淨化系統效益評估計畫執行期程為100年5月16日至100年12月31日,結至100年12月23日各項作業進度摘要說明如下:一、進行各場址操作維護巡查作業,至100年12月23日針對計畫管理的4個場址共計進行104次現場巡查作業,其中缺失提報督導改善共計65次。惟一次無法完成改善,其因火燒坪自然淨化設施於100年6月11日已正式停止運轉,生態景觀池乾枯提報現行無法改善,等後續修建完成後再巡查確認。二、進行各場址清除維護作業,至100年12月23日維護四個自然淨化場址內,在生植物移除補植方面已完成合約規定各一次。另外植物收割部分各場址已完成兩次植物收割作業,統計總移除量為14,891公斤。 三、進行各自然淨化場址水質採樣分析,計畫執行至100年12月23日止。針對三個自然淨化場址分別執行6次水質採樣,採樣日期為5月23日、6月28日、7月16日、8月31日、10月16日及11月10日,並依水質檢測結果進行各場址水質改善效益評析作業。火燒坪場址完成4次水質採樣,其餘通信營、蓮花公園及成功、興仁水庫集水區進流點之28點次採樣均完成四、完成紅羅非點源自然淨化設施與水庫東北角工程水庫東北角非點源自然淨化設施,四季生態調查與資料彙整。五、進行澎科大及澎湖監獄中水回收再利用水質採樣分析,目前2個場址各完成4次水質採樣分析作業,並進行功能效率評估分析。六、配合環保局進行環保署考核作業,包含自然淨化設施場址查核與成功水庫考核,其中自然淨化設施場址已於100年8月25日執行現場查核作業,查核項目包含環境維護管理現況說明、操作手冊及記錄填寫、缺失及操作問題輔導等。每年度的河川、水庫查核相關事項、資料提送與現地查核作業。100年10月11日於成功水庫查核完成,本計畫協助進行資料及簡報彙整;各單位配合辦理資料彙整及集水區水質水量調查。 2011 Evaluation of Natural Treatment Systems in Penghu County The project of Evaluation of Natural Treatment Sysetems (NTS), 2011 executed from May 16, 2011 to December 31, 2011. Contracted working items are summarized as follows:I. For operation and maintenance of the NTS sites patrol work.To December 23,2011, for program management of the four sites for a total of 104 patrols, including lack of supervision to improve submit a total of 65 times. However, one can not improve its natural purification facilities because Huo-Shaso-Ping has been officially stopped functioning on June 11,2011, ecological landscape pool dried submit current can not be improved, such as follow-up after completion of construction inspection to confirm.II. The maintenance of the site clearing, to December 23,2011. maintain the site within four natural purification in plants has been completed remove the replanting of a contract. Another part of the plants harvested twice a plant site have been completed harvesting operations, statistics, the total amount of 14,891 kg removed.III. The natural purification of various water quality sampling and analysis, plan implementation to December 23,2011. Three natural sites for the purification of water six times, respectively, perform sampling, sampling date for May 23, June 28, July 16, August 31, October 16 and November 10, and according to water quality test results for water quality improvement benefits of the site assessment work. Huo-Shaso-Ping site water quality sampling done four times, and the remaining communications business, and success of Lotus Park, Hing Yan reservoir catchment point into the flow point of 28 samples were completedIV. Complete the Hong-Lo natural purification facilities and North-Eastern converging entrance of the reservoir non-point spot natural purification facilities, seasonal ecological surveys and data archive.V. Water quality sampling and analysis of Nation Penghu University and Penghu Prison, the current two sites four times the water quality sampling and analysis to complete the job, and functional assessment of the efficiency analysis.VI. For EPA assessment, the site contains natural purification facilities to check and assess the success of the reservoir, the natural purification facilities in August 25, perform on-site audit work, check the project status including description of maintenance management environment , operating manuals and records complete, operational problems and lack of counseling. The river examine, check the reservoir related issues, information submitted with the current operation to check. On October 11, successful completion of the reservoir to check the program to assist in information exchange and the whole presentation; for information exchange with various units and catchment water quality and quantity throughout the investigation. 100 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 堃捷工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=33851
100年度柴油車動力計站維護管理計畫 彰化縣長久以來為工業及農業發展的城市,空氣污染主要來源為各產業型態之工廠及各式機動車輛所排放之廢氣,而隨著都市土地利用型態的改變及民眾環保意識提升,工廠總數逐年減少,但使用中之機動車輛總量卻逐年上升,使得機動車輛所排放之廢氣成為都市空氣污染最主要之來源,因此,如何降低機動車輛之廢氣排放,是本縣當前極重要之環保課題。在柴油車管制方面,總計達成柴油車排煙檢測4,189輛次,不合格277輛次,不合格率為6.6%。油品採樣,共計採樣4,188件,篩選送驗155件,已檢驗完成155件,不合格1件,不合格率為0.65%。執行目視判煙不合格數為1,077輛次,進行車籍查詢並篩除報廢、繳銷及停駛等因素,總計已完成856件發文通知檢測工作。本計畫藉由執行各項車輛管制措施及跨局處合作並輔以宣導民眾,進而達到改善彰化縣空氣品質之實際效應及完善績效。 2011 Dynamometer Station Maintenance and Management Project. Changhua County has been a city of industrial and agricultural development for a long time. The primary source of air pollution in this county is the waste gases emitted from diverse types of factory and variety of motor vehicles; and in the wake of the change from the pattern of urban land utilization along with the promotion of populace’s awareness of environmental protection, the total number of factory has been decreasing year by year; contrarily, the total number of motor vehicle in use has been increasing year after year that makes the emission of exhaust gas from motor vehicles the most critical source of urban air pollution. Therefore, how to reduce the emission of exhaust gas from motor vehicles has become the extremely important issue of environmental protection for Changhua County.In the aspect of controlling the diesel vehicles, 4,189 vehicles inspected & tested thereof smoke emission while 277 vehicles therein failed to pass the inspection at a nonconformity rate of 6.6%. With regard to the oil sampling, 4,188 oil samples were taken while 155 oil samples therein were screened and submitted for inspection. 1 oil samples failed to pass the inspection amongst 155 inspected oil samples at a nonconformity rate of 0.65%. 1,077 vehicles failed to pass the visual determination and followed an inquiry of registration data, screening and report for scrapping, handing in for cancellation, suspension of driving, etc. factors; totally 856 letters of notice for inspection & test works were dispatched.This project, by executing variety of vehicular control measures together with cooperation cross the bureaus and divisions plus a propagation to the populace; Changhua County has achieved a practical effect and a complete performance to improve the air quality. 100 彰化縣環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41363
全國環境教育研討會專案工作計畫 我國自100年6月5日起正式實施環境教育法,該法實施的最主要目的,為透過環境教育讓社會大眾了解環境問題,培養正確的環境價值觀,以提昇全民的環境覺知及行動參與。行政院環保署為瞭解環境教育法實施半年以來的現況、面臨問題及未來展望,特別舉辦全國環境教育研討會,廣納各方意見。為達討論議題的廣度及深度,邀請專家、學者、公部門、非營利組織、及各領域實際從事環境教育事務的人員,分別就「學校環境教育」、「社會環境教育」、「公部門環境教育」、「環境教育人員之角色扮演」、「環境教育產業」及「環境講習」等6個議題,舉辦會前預備會議,共計143人參與,並彙整預備會各方的建議後研擬出全國研討會討論議題。12月17日於臺北市集思交通部國際會議中心國際會議廳辦理全國環境教育研討會,開放公部門、學校及一般民眾報名,共計277人參與;與會者除提出許多實施上的困難外,並針對各項議題給予建議。透過研討會的交流,有助於學校及公部門將更清楚環境教育的意涵及實施方法,同時也提供環保署改善環境教育法的積極建議,促進環境教育法發揮實質的功效。 The Environmental Education Law workshop project The Environmental Education Law was officially announced since 5th of June, 2010 in Taiwan. This law helps the public to understand environmental issues through environmental education and cultivate a correct value toward the environment, in order to build up a ground awareness and participation for the environment. In order to include advices and understand current progress, difficulties and future expectations after the Art being implemented for six months, Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan (EPA) held a workshop to include voices from many fields of expertise. To broaden the depth of each issue for the following workshop, a total number of 143 participants including experts, scholars, crew members from public sectors and non-profitable organizations, and environmental educators in the field were invited to attend the pre-session meeting, and formulated topics for discussion in the following workshop. The topics include school environmental education, social environmental education, public sector environmental education, the role of environmental educator and environmental education related industry, total six topics. The workshop was held at international seminar hall in gisMOTC convention center, Taipei on December 17th. About 277 participants, including crew members from public sectors and schools as well as the general public, attended this meeting, proposing several difficulties in implementation and contributing suggestion to each issue on the board. Aiming to help clarifying the ground meaning and methods in implementation between schools and public sectors, this conference provided useful proposals for EPA to improve Environmental Educational Law, facilitating it to achieve its full potential. 100 綜計處 臺北市立教育大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28514
100年基隆市土壤污染調查及防治工作計畫 管控已公告或要求限期改善之特定污染場址,辦理監督管理、協商、階段整治成果彙製並延續本市歷年土壤污染調查工作,建立調查資料完整性,因此辦理本計畫,進行污染列管及追蹤,持續掌握轄區高污染潛勢公私場(廠)所土壤污染情形與分布狀況。 100 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27285
宜蘭縣100年度蘭陽溪河川灘地抑制揚塵工作計畫 100 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36103
消費性產品揮發性有機物管制制度建立計畫 根據環保署最新的排放清單(TEDS 7.1)統計,民眾日常採購或是消費的產品所產生的NMHC排放量,約佔了全國排放量的五分之一,在74萬多公噸的NMHC所造成的空氣污染中,其中約有15.7萬公噸,是由民眾消費含有機揮發物質的產品與建築塗裝所排放,其排放量已經接近移動污染源的NMHC排放量(約17.4萬公噸),其對於臭氧污染的貢獻不容忽視,目前國內尚無相關的管制措施,國外則在近年陸續重視消費性產品影響而採行管制。本計畫以國內消費性產品製造與經銷狀況及消費性市場實際銷售狀況推估國內消費性產品使用狀況及排放量,於去年度完成「建物塗料」、「洗衣粉/精/衣物護理產品」、「洗衣預洗劑」、「浴室瓷磚清潔劑」、「空氣清新劑」、「玻璃清潔劑」、「汽車擋風玻璃清洗液」及「膠粘劑」八大類產品相關檢測,今年度篩選六大類產品,分別為「環保標章產品」、「農藥殺蟲劑」、「農藥除草劑」、「環境用藥」、「工業用清潔劑」及「印刷油墨」,進行TVOC含量檢測及成分分析。在檢測方法方面,參考國外針對消費性產品及國內NIEA相關VOCs之檢測方法,經適用性評析分別以NIEA A716.10C及NIEA A717.10C進行TVOC檢測,以NIEA M735.70B進行成分分析,並依此草擬國內「消費性產品揮發性有機物測定法」。本計畫另將TVOC檢測結果與各國限值做比較,研擬國內TVOC含量建議值,並推估含量限值管制初期消費性產品揮發性有機物可減量約9,259.29噸/年,建築塗料揮發性有機物初期可減量約11,098.4,經模式模擬顯示,產品減量後對臭氧濃度最大可達約5 ppb的減量效益。本計畫評估各先進國家含VOCs消費性產品管制方式之可行性,在國內既有法規授權下,建議7項管制策略:「制定消費性商品排放標準」、「對消費性商品徵收空污費」、「以許可制度管制超出VOCs含量限值產品之販賣及使用」、「公告使用VOCs含量超過標準之消費性產品為空氣污染行為」、「建議經濟部納入應施檢驗商品管制」、「建議經濟部增訂商品標示基準」與「建議環保標章規格增加VOCs含量限值」。消費性商品的範圍過於廣泛,因此各項策略均需對管制目標商品。管制策略中以「以許可制度管制超出VOCs含量限值產品之販賣及使用」、「建議經濟部納入應施檢驗商品管制」管制效益較佳。而「建議環保標章規格增加VOCs含量限值」性質上較為特殊,先進國家多有類似的環保標章制度,引領消費性產品與消費趨勢朝環境友善性發展,雖不具強制管制效力,但對於消費性產品低VOCs含量的發展具有指標引領作用,且推動成本較低,阻力小,仍值得推動。本年度先行推動「建議經濟部納入應施檢驗商品管制」與「建議環保標章規格增加VOCs含量限值」兩項策略。經建議經濟部將建築塗料納入商品檢驗,已經獲得經濟部採納,經濟部標準檢驗局預定於101年5月開始實施建築塗料之商品檢驗,要求其VOCs含量需符合CNS 15808限值之規範。另也建議「洗衣清潔劑」與「衛浴廚房清潔劑」兩項環保標章規格標準增加VOCs含量限值,後續獲得環境保護產品審議委員會採納進行規格標準修訂檢討。 Plan for Establishing a Consumer Products VOCs Control System According to the latest EPA emission inventory (TEDS 7.1) statistics, NMHC emissions produced by public procurement, or daily consumption of products, accounting for about one-fifth of national emissions. More than 740,000 metric tons of NMHC caused air pollution, of which about 1.57 million tones, is the public consumption of products containing organic volatile substances in the coating of construction emissions, its emissions are close to the NMHC emissions from automobile sources (about 17.4 million tones). For ozone pollution contribution can not be ignored, while the foreign attention in recent years in succession the impact of consumer products regulation adopted, there is no relevant domestic regulatory measures.The plan to the domestic consumer product manufacturing and distribution of the actual market conditions and consumer sales estimated domestic consumption of the product usage and emissions. The eight categories of product-related test "Architectural Coatings", "Laundry Starch/ Sizing/ Fabric Finish Product", "Laundry Prewash", "Bathroom and Tile Cleaner", "Air Freshener ", "Glass Cleaner", "Automotive Windshield Washer Fluid" and" Adhesive" was completed last year. Screening six categories this year products are "Green Label Products", "Pesticides", "Herbicide", "Environmental Agents", "Cleaners" and "Printing Inks", to conduct TVOC content testing and component analysis.In terms of detection methods, test methods of NIEA related VOCsIs reference to foreign and domestic consumer products, detecting the applicability of NIEA A716.10C and NIEA A717.10C for TVOC were the assessment guides; thereby drafting the domestic of "Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Consumer Products Rule". This project will also detect by TVOC exam which the results will be compared with other countries, develop the recommended value of domestic TVOC content, and estimate the control limits for the initial content of volatile organic compounds in consumer products can be reduction of about 9,259.29 tons / year, an initial architectural coatings of VOC reduction of about 11,098.4 tons / year. The model simulations show, product after the reduction of ozone concentration benefits up to about 5 ppb of reduction.The program evaluation of the advanced countries with VOCs in consumer products control feasibility, under the authority of existing laws and regulations in the country, seven control strategy is recommended: "develop emission standards for consumer goods”, “levied on consumer goods air pollution fee”, “Licensing system to control content beyond the limits of VOCs sale and use of products”, “notice the use of VOCs content than standard products for the consumer behavior of air pollution”, ”Ministry of Economic Affairs proposed to be included in the control of inspection of goods”, ”Ministry of Economic Affairs to update product label recommended benchmark” and ”Green Label specifications recommended concentration limits for VOCs content”. Consumer goods was too broad, therefore, the strategy is required to control the target product. Control strategies in order to, “Licensing system to control content beyond the limits of VOCs sale and use of products” and ” Ministry of Economic Affairs proposed to be included in the control of inspection of goods” to benefits of better control. The “Green Label specifications recommended concentration limits for VOCs content” has unique nature, advanced countries have similar Green label system, which Leads consumer products and consumer trends towards development of environmentally friendly nature. Though not with the effectiveness of mandatory controls, But for consumer products with low VOCs content in a development-leading role, which promote low cost, low resistance, and worth promoting.This year the project helped to promote the "Ministry of Economic Affairs proposed to be included in the control of inspection of goods" and "Green Label specifications recommended concentration limits for VOCs content," two strategies. Ministry of Economic Affairs by the proposed commodity inspection will include architectural coatings, has been adopted by Ministry of Economic Affairs. Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs is scheduled of commodity inspection and the implementation of architectural coatings begin in May 2012, must meet the requirements of the VOCs content limits of the standard CNS 15808. The project also suggested the additional limit of VOCs content Green Label specification on both "laundry detergents" and "sanitary kitchen cleaning agent”, which got the Environmental Protection Products Committee reviewed amendments to specifications afterward. 100 空保處 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34628
100年度新竹縣一般廢棄物資源循環推動計畫期末成果報告 本計畫自100年9月29日起執行,至100年11月30日為止,各項工作成果已達整體進度之100%,詳表摘-1所示。新竹縣本年度(100年10月底)資源回收率較99年33.90%成長1.62%為35.52%,在關西鎮、新埔鎮、湖口鄉、橫山鄉、新豐鄉、芎林鄉、寶山鄉及北埔鄉等8個地區,資源回收工作成效均有良好之表現,其中寶山鄉截至10月底,資源回收率達到50.70%,顯現相關計畫之推動成效,茲就各項工作執行成果說明如下。一、辦理宣導相關工作成果辦理社區、學校、機關團體等四大體系之相關宣導活動,共已完成8場次,其中辦理各2場推動廢棄物減量及資源回收措施、廚餘回收再利用、巨大廢棄物回收再利用及廢食用油回收再利用相關宣導活動,所有的教育宣導活動總計約達9,100人次參與。製作宣導品22,000份,以受民眾歡迎且實用之小包裝面紙封面印製廚餘及巨大廢棄物之回收再利用管道,將用於宣導活動分發予民眾,期提高巨大廢棄物回收處理廠使用率,與該廠產出之二手家具通路之能見度。辦理「建國慶百年,資源循環再利用、環境永續好發展」校園創意攝影徵稿活動,及「國家百歲誕辰歡慶,資源循環再利用我最繪!」校園創意四格漫畫徵稿活動各1場,透過相關活動吸引民眾關注資源回收循環再利用工作。二、協助辦理光碟片與水銀體溫計-舊物換新寵活動本項兌換活動於100年度(11月底止)累計已兌換廢光碟片982公斤(約49,100片廢光碟片),本計畫協助辦理部分(9/29日~11/30日)之兌換成果,共計回收廢光碟片59公斤(約2,950片廢光碟片)。三、協助推動一次用產品減量措施1.辦理源頭減量優惠活動彙整新竹縣轄內提供消費者自備飲料杯之折價消費之優惠措施業者名單,整理其優惠措施製作宣導單張,於100年9月29日至10月1日份實施新竹縣轄內訂報戶之夾報,以宣導民眾自備環保杯享受消費折價優惠之訊息,共計夾報數量達8萬份。且於100年11月更新店家名單後增加至52家連鎖事業體,更新優惠措施製作宣導單張宣導活動分發予參與民眾,並印製海報張貼於各鄉鎮市公所,提高宣導效益。2.重點取締稽查工作本年度完成稽查總件數共計489件,包含本計畫執行193件,稽查發現違規案件共計2件,分別為未提報減量計畫及標示公告字體小於2cm各1件,後續追蹤複查結果皆已完成改善及提報。四、訂定及推動本縣落葉堆肥計畫環保局委託財團法人環境與發展基金會執行「99年度一般廢棄物資源循環計畫」共輔導30家學校執行落葉堆肥,預期可實施落葉堆肥場地面積合計為1,710.8平方公尺,其中芎林國中可用地面積1,000平方公尺最大,扣除該筆不計者平均為57.0平方公尺,預期每月落葉堆肥數量為14.4公噸。本畫後續追蹤上述30家學校之現況,結果計4家學校於本(100)年度仍持續執行落葉堆肥,其餘26處學校多採取交付清潔隊處理之方式處理校園產生之落葉。協助協助召開「新竹縣100年度推動學校辦理落葉堆肥計畫」說明會議,並提供簡報資料、實作紀錄參考格式,及編制執行所需之技術參考手冊,俾有意願配合之學校順利推動校園內落葉堆肥工作。上述說明會共計72家學校與會,出席率為58.5%(72/123)。於本次會議進行問卷調查結果顯示學校方面配合推動落葉堆肥意願尚可(佔65.3%),透過本次會議已建立學校推動落葉對肥工作聯絡通訊錄,及未來將執行成果之提報管道。五、其他相關配合事項1.99年度計畫改善及創新作法累計已完成媒合17位資源回收個體戶進入物業、社區從事資源回收服務,更獲取環保署考核計畫「媒合個體戶」項目之滿分標準(15位)以上成績。2.工作進度協調會議本計畫配合「100年度垃圾減量、資源回收工作計畫」共同召開工作進度協調會議一次。3.彙整執行成果併入100年度資源回收工作計畫報告彙整100年度「100年度一般廢棄物資源循環推動計畫」之成果報告,並協助提供資料匯整併入行政院環境保護署考核本縣「100年度圾圾減量、資源回收工作計畫」成果報告。4.協助完成公廁評比作業本計畫協助公廁查核區域為竹北市與湖口鄉等2個地區,其列管數量分別為227處與114處,查核頻率為每月一次,累計已完成682件次之查核。5.養豬業者廚餘再利用情形查核本計畫配合環保局交辦事項調查養豬業者廚餘再利用情形共計已完成16家養豬業者之現勘調查,其中100%以廚餘餵食豬隻者計4家,佔25%;廚餘及飼料或其他添加物混合餵食者計11家,佔68.75%;而100%飼料以餵食者計1家,佔6.25%。全數或部份採用廚餘餵食豬隻者共15家,平均每家養豬業者每月消耗廚餘為87.03噸。6.協助網頁更新協助進行環保局「巨大廢棄物與廚餘回收網」網頁內容更新,包括業務介紹及資源垃圾分類工作成效等2大類。 100 新竹縣環境保護局 竫豐工程企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29414
加強清運機具即時追蹤系統管制及提升監控系統功能計畫 本計畫的目的在於利用即時追蹤系統以掌握事業廢棄物流向,依據計畫工作項目共可分為5大目標:GPS圖台升級為ArcGIS、審驗作業之執行、營運管理基準建立及檢討、監控系統穩定性之維護調整及擴充性之建議、勾稽稽查作業。今年度配合環保署政策辦理虛擬主機與系統圖台升級之相關作業,旨在強化系統效能;並推動地方自主性勾稽作業,以落實中央與地方權責。迄今已列管超過6,200輛清運車輛,1,923家清除機構,共13家即時追蹤系統供應商。今年度除延續上一年度工作,每日根據勾稽態樣移交疑似異常名單,並依據長時間累積的勾稽經驗修正勾稽規則。推動標準化GPS軌跡接收轉檔程式安裝於各批次轉檔主機,使96%的車機都使用標準轉檔程式,進而達到各廠牌車機軌跡接收系統統一性的控管與維護。此外,今年度持續維護「超可攜式電腦(UMPC)即時動態追蹤稽查輔助計畫」,除提供50組3G門號協助地方環保局進行稽查外,並提供相關軟硬體維修服務工作,以利稽查單位有效執行現場稽查跟監作業。然為了有效展現目前所掌握的資訊,本工作團隊透過地理資訊系統進行流向追蹤管理,除將資訊交叉比對外,也導入新的勾稽方法,使管理人員能夠更直覺化的進行操作。今年度共舉辦2場次說明會、5場次教育訓練與27場工作會議報告,並於各類型會議中宣導環保局自行勾稽功能,藉由第一線管理人員的稽查回饋,更精進勾稽樣態,以削減意圖不法之行為。 Real-time tracking system to enhance clearance and transport machinery control and monitoring system This project is to monitor industrial waste from source to destination with real-time tracking systems Global Positioning System (GPS) on industrial waste clearance and transport vehicles. The project scope was divided into 5 categories: system update, examination, operation and daily management, abnormal activities monitoring and validation processes. The system update was carried out this year. in order to improve system efficiency. The monitoring process was transfer to the local authorities to streamline operation process and minimize complexity. At present, there are approximately 6,200 vehicles with 1,923 transportation companies equipped with GPS from 13 GPS providers. This year the project team continued monitoring processes and submitted cases of suspicious vehicles on a daily basis. The project team also revised the inspect rules based on past experiences of inspecting illegal operations. The project promoted to install the standardization of GPS receiver tracks on each batch conversion programs and completed a total of 96% of the integrated operations of standard conversion programs. In addition, this year the project provided for ultra portable computer-related lease of 50 ultra 3G mobile phone numbers, and provides relevant software and hardware maintenance services to facilitate the effective implementation of audit inspection unit with the monitoring operation. The project team uses GIS (Geographical information system) to trace waste, not only cross reference information but also bring in suspicious vehicle location. Management levels could gather spatial information with GIS tools intuitively. Two business review meetings, 5 training courses, and 27 project meetings were held this year. Project team promoted and illustrated validation functions for EPBs on seminars and related meetings. Based on the feedback of the EPB operators, the system has been further improved to prevent illegal operations. 100 廢管處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30985
彰化縣100年度營建工程污染管制計畫 隨著近年來工商業蓬勃發展,各類環境污染問題日益增加,而其中尤以空氣污染問題最為民眾所詬病。有鑑於此,各縣市環保局多年來大力推動空氣污染管制工作,並已逐步展現成效。彰化縣環境保護局由於境內有多處大型工程的建設,也有許多的營建工程施作,嚴重污染空氣品質,為能使民眾提昇其生活品質,因而延續推行營建工程污染管制計畫,期能打造優良的生活環境,還給民眾一個良好的居家生活。本計劃內容針對彰化縣之環境來做分析,了解目前有哪些重大工程於縣內施作,並制訂污染管制計畫來做加強輔導,對於現場人員方面定期實施教育訓練,並定期舉辦營建工程宣導活動來強化民眾的認知,最後並統整數據與表格來做調整與修訂,以期能在未來營建工程進行時,更加有效的防治與降低空氣污染的狀況。本計劃期間因有多次縣內大型活動的舉辦,因此提出了三項專案管制計畫:A:彼鄰專案 B:道路管線加強管制 C:百年全運管制,均能有效管制並提升空氣品質的狀況,相信如此的精進作為必能為未來營建工程管制計畫方面,立下一個成功的規範與里程碑。 Year 2011 annual Construction Engineering Pollution Control Project Because of industrial development, environmental pollution has become worse, especially air pollution. So, every city or county’s Environmental Protection Bureau promoted air pollution control projects.There are a lot of construction projects in Changhua county. Changhua county’s Environmental Protection Bureau promoted the “Construction Engineering Pollution control program” to reduce the pollution from the construction projects, in order to provide a better environment for the citizens.The program included the training of the workers on the construction projects to reduce the air pollution and the education of the citizens about the air pollution. We analyzed the results of auditing the construction projects, in order to provide recommendations to the Environmental Protection Bureau.There were three control plans in this program. They were the air quality improvement plan, cable and pipe installation control plan and the 2011 National Games in Changhua control plan. We executed these three plans successfully, and improved the air quality. 100 彰化縣環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41420
能源之星標章推動計畫 本計畫之計畫目標為協助環保署持續推動能源之星標章計畫、掌握美國能源之星標章推動現況,及因應美國能源之星申請變革,探討我國能源之星標章與美國接軌之可行性。工作內容包含: 協助受理審核我國辦公室設備廠商申請使用能源之星標章,辦理至少100件標章產品追蹤考核作業;更新及維護我國能源之星標章資訊網站,並定期發行中英文電子季報;蒐集歷年我國能源之星標章產品銷售資料,並評估其減碳效益;持續蒐集及掌握美國與各夥伴國對於能源之星標章推動狀況,提供我國使用能源之星標章廠商相關申請資訊;探討我國能源之星標章與美國能源之星標章接軌之可行性,提供環保署參考;收集美國能源之星標章最新規格標準資訊,提供廠商最新資訊;辦理2場次廠商宣導說明會等。 ENERGY STAR Promotion Program The objectives of this project are to assist Taiwan EPA in continuing to promote ENERGY STAR Program and stay up-to-date with US EPA’s ENERGY STAR Program implementation status, as well as to explore the feasibility of linking the two programs after the recent changes in US Program’s application, testing and certification procedures. This project includes the following work items: provide assistance in accepting and reviewing applications from office equipment manufacturers for use of ENERGY STAR logo on their qualified products; conduct at least 100 surveillance operations on products carrying the logo; update and maintain the ENERGY STAR information website and regularly issue quarterly electronic newsletters in both English and Chinese; compile the ENERGY STAR labeled products’ sales data over the years, and assess the program’s effectiveness in carbon reduction; continue to update and be kept informed of US and other partner countries’ ENERGY STAR implementation status, and provide such information to domestic applicants; explore the feasibility of linking the US and Taiwan programs after recent changes and make recommendations to the Taiwan EPA; gather the latest US ENERGY STAR product criteria and development information for provision to domestic applicants; and organize 2 informational sessions for potential applicants. 100 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34586
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢機動車輛類-南區)專案工作計畫 本計畫執行期間100年1月至101年12月,計畫執行對象為具廢機動車輛受補貼機構資格之回收業(以稽核認證場所區分,屬彰化縣(含)以南、屏東縣(含)以北及花蓮縣、台東縣、離島地區)及處理業,廢機動車輛稽核認證分別應執行引擎查驗稽核認證、廢車殼清運雜質查驗稽核認證及處理業駐廠稽核認證。100年1月至101年12月,共計執行6,782場次稽核認證,其中引擎稽核認證為1,290場次,定期式稽核1,578場次,廢車殼雜質查驗為3,914場次。統計廢汽車回收量為122,143輛,廢機車回收量為180,294輛;廢汽車稽核認證量為125,736輛,廢機車稽核認證量為182,481輛;廢車殼清運稽核量共67,007,184公斤。此外,處理業處理量為279,032,710公斤,稽核認證量為195,694,389公斤。本計畫亦完成合約書所規範之各項作業,包括回收量、處理量稽核、處理業駐廠稽核、作業程序稽核、環境查核、定時繳交各類認證文件、成果報告、工作分析以及手冊修訂,並依照稽核認證作業手冊所訂之時程上網登錄稽核行程、新設廠及變更審核、異常事件處理及衍生物流向查核。再者,本計畫已建置完成各項作業程序書,以確保執行品質,亦包括內部稽核、品德管考、績效評估以及人員教育訓練等。藉由前述各項工作之執行,本計畫已達成100年及101年執行目標。 The auditing and certification project of the regulated recyclable waste (waste vehicle - Southern a This project was carried out from January of 2011 to December of 2012 and the object of this project to be executed was the subsidized recycling enterprises (divided into Changhua County with downward its south area, Pingtng County with upward its north area, Hualien County, Taitung County, and off-shore island) and disposal enterprises. The auditing and certification for waste vehicle must be executed separately examinations on engine, the impurities of waste body shell, and factory resident auditing. From January of 2011 to December of 2012, we administer the auditing and certification 6,782 times in total. There were 1,290 times on engine examination, 1,578 times on regular examination, and 3,914 times on the impurities examination. And in total of 122,143 waste cars and 180,294 waste motorcycles were recycled; 125,736 waste cars and 182,481 waste motorcycles were disposed .And 67,007,184 kg of waste body shell were cleaned, transported, and audited. In addition, the disposal enterprises completed to dispose 279,032,710 kg of waste body shell, and 195,694,389 kg were certified. This project also completed various tasks specified in the contract, including recycled and disposed quantities audit, factory resident auditing on disposal enterprises, operation procedure audit, environment examination, regular submittal of various accreditation documents, result report and revision of manual and etc. Besides, according to the schedule specified in Audit Accreditation Operation Manual, the audit schedule had registered on the internet, including handling of abnormal cases such as assisting new plant application and modifying audit, and handling exceptional cases, examining where the derivatives flow to and etc. Furthermore, this project has established the operation procedure manual of various operations in order to ensure execution quality, including internal audit, character management and assessment, performance evaluation, and personnel education and training. With the execution of abovementioned tasks, this project has achieved the goal of the execution in 2012. 100 基管會 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49257
毒性化學物質公告列管及評估計畫 本計畫執行期間自100年2月1日至12月31日止,主要目標為蒐集更新化學物質及環境荷爾蒙之國際管制資訊,並進行重點化學物質之國內運作現況調查,據以提出法規修正建議及協助環保署推動跨部會分工管理。工作成果包括:(1)彙整美、加、日、歐盟、中國大陸等國家及斯德哥爾摩公約之化學物質管制資訊,依篩選原則檢討我國化學物質相關名單,協助新增納管甲醯胺、安殺番及鄰苯二甲酸酯類等27種毒化物,並研提毒管法修正架構建議及相關子法或管理工具之改善建議。(2)蒐集美、加、日、歐盟及中國大陸等國家之環境荷爾蒙管制資訊,協助召開跨部會管理推動小組會議及辦理環境荷爾蒙管制研討會1場次,並完成市售清潔劑、油漆及玩具等45件抽檢採樣工作。(3)完成17種觀察物質之國內運作現況調查,經本年度毒諮會討論後,鄰苯二甲酸丁基苯甲酯(BBP)等4種物質已於100年7月20日公告列管,氫氟酸及四甲基氫氧化銨則依決議不納入列管,其餘因無運作業者(七水合四硼酸鈉等6種物質)或背景資料尚未完整掌握,建議後續持續調查評估。(4)已完成苯等5種重點管制毒化物之減量輔導及6場次學術機構現勘輔導作業,並完成發行24期電子報及四氯丹等15種物質中文毒理資料摘編譯,俾供各界瞭解毒化物管理趨勢與特性。 Project of Assessment, Proclamation, and Management of Toxic Chemical Substances This Project was implemented over the period from February 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. The main aims of the Project were to collect up-to-date information regarding international practice with respect to the management of chemical substances and environmental hormones, and to carry out a survey of the current domestic utilization status of key chemical substances, which is intended to serve as a basis for the submitting of recommendations regarding revision of relevant laws and regulations, and to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in coordinating the division of labor between different government agencies. The results achieved in the Project included: (1) Collection and collation of information regarding the management of chemical substances in the U.S., Canada, Japan, the European Union, China, etc., and within the framework established by the Stockholm Convention, so that the selection criteria included in this information can serve as a basis for reviewing the relevant lists of regulated chemical substances that are currently used in Taiwan. This work helped bring about the adding of 27 additional toxic substances – including formamide, endosulfan and phthalates – to the lists; in addition, recommendations were submitted regarding the framework for revision of the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act and of the related sub-statutes and management tools. (2) Collection and collation of information regarding the management of environmental hormones in the U.S., Canada, Japan, the European Union, China, etc., as well as providing assistance for the convening of cross-agency management team meetings and holding a conference on environmental hormone management; in addition, sampling work has been completed with respect to 45 items (including commercially-available cleaners, paints, toys, etc. (3) Completion of a survey of the current state of domestic utilization of 17 substances subject to observation. On the basis of the conclusions reached at this year’s meeting of the Toxic Chemical Advisory Council, on July 20, 2011 it was announced that an additional four substances – including benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) – would be added to the list of regulated toxic chemical substances, while hydrofluoric acid and tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) would not be added to the list; it was recommended that, with regard to a number of other substances, where either there were currently no firms using these substances in Taiwan (a situation which applied to six substances, including tetraboron disodium heptaoxide hydrate) or else it had not yet been possible to compile adequate background information, further surveys and evaluation should be undertaken. (4) Other Project work items that have been completed included the implementation of emission reduction guidance with respect to five key categories of regulated chemical substances (including benzene), the holding of six on-site guidance sessions involving academic institutions, the publication of 24 issues of the e-paper, and the compilation (based on translated materials) of Chinese-language abstracts of information regarding 15 categories of chemical substances (including captafol) to help entities in various sectors gain a more thorough understanding of recent trends in toxic chemical substance management. 100 毒管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30214
100年度屏東縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 計畫執行期間為自100年3月30日開始至100年12月31日止,於計畫開始先行進行水文地質資料、場址周邊環境現況及歷年相關檢測資料彙整,於4月及8月完成2次洗井維護保養作業。4月份期間進行枯水期採樣作業,但由於今年度降雨量不足,經與環保局協商後延後採樣,另針對宏陽皮革廠及川流加油站加採4口次,新開寮完成4次採樣,但於新設井部份由於11月才設井完成,因此僅進行2次。整體共完成222口次,其中有大同、川流及新開寮地區監測井地下水污染超過管制標準。另於5月23日完成QA/QC查核作業。查證與驗證作業於3月30日完成中油-內埔加油站改善完成驗證作業,於場址進行3點土壤採樣分析,分析結果符合法規標準。另於5月12日進行豐田加油站改善完成驗證,於場址內進行4點及生物堆土壤4點採樣分析,檢測結果亦符合法規標準,但於後續解除列管審查會議,經審查委員責成再於排客土區及現地生物整治法區域進行3點次驗證,第二次補充驗證於7月7日進行亦符合法規標準通過驗證。於9月20日針對麟洛鄉農地查證3點次,確認重金屬鋅超過食用作物監測標準。於11月14日完成川流加油站場址外農地查證,確認場址外污染情形及改善成效。緊急應變配合事項,於5月12日針對九如鄉九清段1340地號進行修正場址範圍之查證作業,於環保署公告之整治場址範圍周邊進行3點土壤採樣,檢測結果符合法規標準,另於7月6日進行沅祺企業周邊農地土壤及民井各4個樣品數採樣,以確認其是否因排放廢水造成周邊環境污染,經確認符合法規標準。針對加油站進行測漏管作業及稽查,整體功能查核不彰相較歷年有改善情形,但油氣濃度超過警戒值部分有增加趨勢。萬丹鄉農地土壤污染潛勢調查作業於6月28日進行完成,選擇萬丹鄉農地地下水抽水井出水口前方農地土壤進行採樣,共進行10點次代表10公頃範圍,檢測結果符合法規標準。另配合行政作業協助完成現地評鑑作業;15場次之技術服務諮詢;協助赤山巖法律求償;列管場址巡查;資料庫維護更新以及Eco-Life推廣作業。 100 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28161
飲用水水源水質保護區地理資訊系統及飲用水管理資訊系統擴充維護計畫 今年專案執行為履行合約規定及符合相關環保單位需求,將合約內容區分成四大工作項目進行,以期能完成各級環保單位所交付的任務。首先在飲用水地理資訊網系統更新與擴充維護部分,旨在提供更快速、更便利、更精準的服務給使用者。在地理圖資建置及更新作業部分,除了完成五十一處簡易自來水設施定位及數化作業外;同時更新全國近一千四百多萬筆的地籍圖層,以上成果可增加土地判定的精確度。在全國飲用水管理資訊系統統更新及擴充維護作業部份,配合業務管理需求維護各項系統功能,並新增績效考評相關報表,有效提供全國各級環保機關迅速、確實掌握飲用水管理相關工作。在業務協助及推廣作業部分,今年度總共舉辦一場次全國飲用水管理業務檢討會、六縣市地方環保局業務需求訪談及陪同現勘作業、一場次全國系統操作說明會外,也多次協助環保署及地方環保局進行相關土地判別作業及災後保護區範圍套疊作業。最後,在資訊安全及維護作業部分,不僅每月提供資安檢測報告外,並藉由資安測試以維護系統各項功能正常性,同時配合監資處完成機房共構所交付的各項工作。綜觀今年計畫推動及執行成果,目前保護區管理單位對於土地判別技術上已有顯著提升。 The Integrated Establishment and Upgrade Project of ater Source Protection Area Geography Drinking W In order to execute the contract and meet the needs of central and local environmental protection agencies, the project team implemented following four tasks. In the system establishment and upgrade operations of Drinking water GIS, many functions were added for providing faster, better, and higher accuracy services for users, which included drinking water spatial information, batch query service, buffer area analysis, coordinates/elevation function upgrade. In the geographic data collection and integrated operations, the project team located and digitized 51 simple water supply facilities and collected approximately 14 million cadastral geographic data. The results could raise the accuracy on land use permit and operations. n the system establishment and upgrade operations of Drinking water management information system updated and expanded to the business needs to maintain the system management functions,and add the related statements of performance evaluation, and effective environmental protection authorities at all levels to provide swift, ertain master water management-related work .In the business assistance and operation instructions, various training programs or meetings were held, including nationwide drinking water management reviewing conferences, local environmental protection agencies business requirement interviews, system operation training programs, land use permitting and post-disaster areas analysis. In the information securities and maintenance, the project team not only provided monthly information security reports, but also carried out simulated attacks on information security for maintain functioning; meanwhile, the project team also completed the data center consolidation operations. Based on the results in this year, the government has been improved to raise the accuracy on land use permit. 100 毒管處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28521
100年度「空品淨化區及逸散污染源稽查管制計畫」 本計畫主要工作項目包括:空氣品質淨化區維護管理、一般裸露地調查及輔導改善、河川揚塵防制作業、二期稻作農地綠肥補助作業及各類宣導說明會等工作項目,各作業項目均已依工作進度規劃期程進行。執行成果摘要如下:(一)空氣品質淨化區維護管理本市空品淨化區共列管36處,包含本年度101年1月新增之臺中市垃圾衛生掩埋場寶文段(0.97公頃),其中梧棲大排則整修尚未完工。維護管理工作主要包含每月自評查核、35處空品淨化區碳匯調查、辦理植物健檢工作、以及辦理各項活動,以達到與市民互動提升滿意度之目的。1.空氣品質淨化區自評作業:查核結果各區維護狀況多屬優良,尤以太平區麗園公園、東豐綠廊自行車道、豐原區葫蘆墩公園、西屯區潮洋環保公園及惠來公園等五處空氣品質淨化區維護狀況最為優良。2.植物健檢作業:本計畫於100年9月5、7、14、16、22日邀請專家學者進行植栽生長情形及病蟲害之部分現場實地勘查並提出各項改善建議。植物健檢查核缺失數量共79項,仍以病蟲害問題為主,改善完成的項目共有61項,改善中共有17項,改善完成率約77.22%。3.推動空氣品質淨化區認養作業:本年度累計8處完成認養,認養率22.86%,認養面積共3.79公頃(2.86%)。本年度空品淨化區新增認養3處,分別為豐原區三陽段公園、三甲公園及軍功公園,認養對象均為里辦公室或社區發展協會。4.空氣品質淨化區碳匯測量:完成35處空氣品質淨化區之碳匯調查,喬木數量共8081株,喬木碳匯量總計為886,550公斤CO2,合計共121樹種。5.維護管理環保局空氣品質淨化區網頁:於100年5月完成空氣品質淨化區網頁建置工作,連結網址為http://,並定期更新,提供「最新消息」、「空氣品質淨化區」、「自行車道連結導覽」、「河川揚塵防制」、「裸露地綠化」、「文件下載」、「影音介紹」七大基本項目,及因應空氣品質淨化區攝影及寫生比賽專案新增「攝影及寫生比賽」。6.辦理空氣品質淨化區攝影比賽及寫生比賽:於100年8月25日至9月30日舉辦「我eye夏綠地-空氣品質淨化區森度攝影及寫生比賽」,攝影比賽與寫生比賽分別提供38及24個獎項,攝影比賽共計有513位市民參加,寫生比賽共計有182位小朋友參加。比賽結果於11月29日於環保局二樓中正廳舉辦頒獎典禮,獲獎作品於11月29日至12月8日在臺中巿政府環保局進行為期十天的展覽。7.其他縣市優良空氣品質淨化區觀摩活動:此次觀摩活動之地點為新北巿萬坪公園空氣品質淨化區,透過此次活動及認養單位的經驗分享讓彼此共同學習成長。8.自行車道調查作業:本計畫共完成本市41條自行車道沿線景點之調查及紀錄,同步更新網站內容,並研提三條自行車道遊程路線,以推廣節能減碳與增加空品淨化區之知名度。9.協助辦理綠美化相關作業:本計畫共完成25處綠化植栽申請現場初勘作業,並完成11處綠化植栽申請現場複勘作業,共計10處完成核定作業。預計TSP減量2.372公噸/年;CO2減量106.147公噸/年。97~99年補助綠化名單總共63處,本計畫共查核264處次,查核結果以港區植栽之存活率較低,生長情形較差。10.辦理各項說明會議:本年度於100年6月29日辦理空品淨化區維護管理說明會暨碳匯宣導說明會,出席率85%;於100年6月27日、100年6月28日、100年7月8日分別在市區、山區、海區及屯區辦理了四場次的說明會,與會人數共152人。(二)裸露地調查及改善作業1.一般裸露地清查作業共計列管一般裸露地80筆(總面積304,608㎡),38筆完成改善(總面積219,378㎡),達成率100%。2.企業/工廠綠化成果方面,共完成283家工廠綠化植栽訪談現勘,20家工廠提出申請植樹綠化,共植樹5.1333公頃,預計可削減TSP 2.639公噸/年。(三)河川揚塵防制作業1.河川揚塵好發點查核管制:共列管30處河川好發管制點,每月至少巡查乙次,河川揚塵潛勢區域共11處潛勢區域。2.河川髒亂點巡查結果:大甲溪5處、大安溪1處,總共6處,本計畫已將相關髒亂點資訊彙整後,通知所屬權責單位經濟部第三河川局河川駐衛警,加強巡邏次數及取締。3.河川揚塵防制相關會議:分別於100年6月3日、100年9月21日及100年12月21日共辦理3場,第四場會議將於3月30日辦理完成。另完成5場次小型宣導說明會及1場大型宣導說明會議。4.空氣品質不良應變作業:因本年度未有發生嚴重河川揚塵情事,大安溪、大甲溪及烏溪下游易揚塵部分,堤防沿岸植披狀況尚稱良好。另提出四大面向檢討,分別為參與「河川揚塵應變作業」計畫類別、「河川揚塵潛勢預警」影響程度與啟動標準、預警通報/應變範圍與對象、應變資訊來源等。5.河川揚塵防制工作成果:本年度各單位完成河川揚塵防制措施共172.5公頃。(四)農地綠肥補助作業本年度共8個行政區施種347.3公頃波斯菊綠肥。另結合101年3月4日大雅區小麥文化節活動,採示範區方式實施綠肥農田彩繪,推估一季可減少TSP排放量約44公噸。(五)創新作法1.建置河川揚塵即時監視器:本年度選定揚塵好發率較高之大甲溪及大安溪,並於河川揚塵好發點架設攝影機,經由網路連線方式即時傳輸至伺服器,並以電腦連接方式取得現場狀況,將河川揚塵即時監空畫面同步回傳至於空品淨化區網頁。2.無人直升機空拍:本年度執行空拍的地點為出海口至國道3號間之河段,並透過河川揚塵防制業務聯繫會議協調第三河川局於大安溪、大甲溪及烏溪等河段進行空拍。 100 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38353
噪音業務績效管制及噪音管理系統更新維護計畫 本計畫擴充「噪音管理資訊系統」功能以及「噪音管制資訊網站」持續更新維護,以提供民眾完善方便之噪音管制資訊查詢系統,查詢最新噪音管制業務各項施政成果,並協助環保局線上建置及統計分析噪音相關資料。工作包括:限定使用資料庫之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備分,保護資料安全;同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考核資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另外,本年度轉入約64,088件稽查紀錄資料,修改100年度績效考評功能及公務報表。噪音管制資訊網中,更新維護環保林園大道、近鄰噪音及低頻噪音網頁、維護高鐵噪音管制專屬網頁,並納入99年監測結果資料;以及更新8個縣市噪音管制區連結、3個縣市航空噪音防制區連結、各辦理1場系統檢討會議與成果發表會。 The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Mainten The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Management Information System” and “The Noise Control Management Information Website”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the public and helped the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) users to set up and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project also presented noise control data on “The Noise Control Management Information Website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year. Within the project, the team implemented the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. They also upgraded functions of determinative output, data validation, inquiry and statistics, modified 2010 performance evaluation function for EPB. These functions could make the application be more efficient. There were about 64,088 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database. The project team expanded modified the environmental garden avenue web pages, neighborhood noise web pages and the low-frequency noise web pages. The project team also modified the high speed rail web pages and supplemented the noise monitoring data of 2010. At the same time, the project team had renewed 8 links of cities/counties noise control districts data, 3 links of aviation noise protected district data. The promotion of using this system included a training course for EPB users. 100 空保處 智通工程科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29433
100年度高雄市資源回收源頭減量查核及管制工作計畫 本計畫執行目標:(一)落實應回收廢棄物回收處理業者登記制度管制。(二)推動資源回收責任業者及11大行業販賣業者重點稽查取締工作。(三)促使民眾加強垃圾分類及降低本市垃圾清運量。(四)推廣行政院環保署廢四機回收政策及廢潤滑油解除列管配套措施 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40421
「100年『清淨家園5運動』宣導短片攝製及廣告專案工作計畫」 一、加強宣導清淨家園5S運動施政重點,強化公眾環保意識及知識,讓民眾產生環保行動力,進而成為政策支持者及環保伙伴。二、辦理機關及企業版30秒2D動畫廣告短片(國、台、客語) 攝製。三、辦理5S運動宣導活動及媒體託播,強化5S運動概念,提昇整體環境整潔。 2011 Clean up Taiwan 5S Movement Advertisement Plan To Strengthrn the propagate the Clean up Taiwan 5S Movement and the environment protection knowledge and action of the public. 100 毒管處 則越多媒體事業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28021
塑膠容器原型再利用設計研發、回收管道規劃及再利用產業整合專案工作計畫 一.開發具多次用途之塑膠容器商品即研提環保經濟效益分析二.完成廢塑膠容器原型回收管道及整合再利用產業通路分析 ,並提出可行之建議方案 100 基管會 財團法人中華民國環保科技研究發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27819
區域能源供應技術參考手冊編製 本區域能源供應技術手冊主要提供未來社區更新開發、區域建築規劃及環境影響評估作業參考,並針對電力既有系統設備,以及未來新設之火力電廠開發案,整併規劃採用區域能源供應技術,為達前述目的,本計畫透過國內外相關研究文獻與成功應用實績之蒐集整理,提供我國建立推展區域能源供應技術之知識基石。技術參考手冊編製計畫主要成果包含:(1)蒐集彙整國內外有關文獻資料與應用實例,並研析該技術引進我國之可行性,參考納入技術手冊之內容;(2)辦理2次研商會議,徵詢國內成功整合區域能源之機關及專家學者意見,以修正編製內容之架構與方向。(3)參與環保署100年度邀請與本案有關國外學者召開之研商會議,協助相關意見之記錄與回應;(4)提出區域能源供應規劃程序,以供環境影響評估作業參考。(5)蒐集國際間技術發展成熟國家所製訂之相關法令與政策,作為推動發展之參考;(6)完成區域能源供應技術參考手冊之編製。 Compilation of the District Energy Systems Handbook It is the goal of this handbook to provide a guideline in integrating district energy system while performing community renewal, district development, and environmental impact evaluation procedures, concerning about utility power renovation and new plant installations. In achieving this goal, successful examples in other area have been introduced in establishing a foundation toward this purposes. The following content has been highlighted in this handbook in its completion, namely:(1) Analysis of the successful examples in other nations, including literature survey.(2) Gathering opinion from experts, twice a year, to pinpoint the new direction for further advancement(3) Participating the forum hosted by the EPA in discussing with foreign experts(4) Proposing guideline for planning a district energy system, especially Combined Heat and Power system and District Heating and Cooling system.(5) Analyzing the regulation and rules adapted in other nations to promote district energy systems, as a reference to be established in Taiwan.(6) Fulfilling this compilation of the District Energy Systems Handbook. 100 綜計處 國立中山大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29397
99-100年度土壤及地下水污染整治費申報、審理、稽核等相關作業計畫(100年度) 整治費自民國90年11月開徵迄今,總徵收金額已達63億餘元,本年度將執行100年第2~4季及101年第1季整治費申報案件審理工作,並寄發審理結果予繳費人。申報案件審核完成後,隨即進行整治費申報資料查核工作,並請會計師進行核章作業、提交會計師核章報告。此外,亦需進行100年第2~4季及101年第1季之出口退費申請案件審理工作,並將審理結果提交環保署及複審計畫。現場稽核作業方面,每季預計完成105件現場稽核工作,並追蹤後續補繳情形。由於整治費收費辦法已修訂公告,本計畫將協助推動徵收並於新收費辦法實施後,蒐集繳費人意見提出徵收改進建議。 2011 Filing for and Auditing of Statements of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees Since thr November of 2001, a total of NT$ 63 billion soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee has been collected. During this plan execution period, we'll review the declaration reports in the second, third, and forth quarter of 2011 and the first quarter of 2012, respectively. The reviewing results are then sent to the fee payers. After the completion of reviews, an audit is carried out by the accountant to check if the collected remediation fee is compliant with the information listed in the declaration report. Additionally, export refund cases will be reviewed during the second, third, and forth quarter of 2011 and the first quarter of 2012, respectively. Then the quarterly audit reports were submitted to EPA by the auditor. 420 on-site inspections will be completed during the second, third, and forth quarter of 2011 and the first quarter of 2012. 100 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38650
100年度「機車排氣檢驗站品質管理與資訊應用平台維護」專案工作計畫 機車排氣定期檢驗制度自民國85年起,推行至今已邁入第15年。本年度配合環保署免檢期限延長及補助資格調整,修正補助款審查原則,因新車免檢期限延長及複驗補助取消,本年度補助費用較99年度減少21%,約1.4億元,另透過檢驗照片全面檢核,有效降低檢驗車號誤植問題。應用動態車牌辨識及各縣市稽查資料,有效更新死車資料庫,確保通知車籍之正確性及有效性。計畫主要工作包括機車排氣檢驗站查核管理及教育訓練、檢驗補助款審查核撥、檢驗設備認證作業、檢驗資料庫系統操作維護,以及定檢數據統計分析等。透過本年度計畫執行,在檢驗站管理方面,有效提升異常檢驗站品質篩選列管、查核結果回報的效率;檢驗軟體認證作業部份,於安裝檔導入MD5檢核碼機制,確保站端軟體與認證版本一致;針對標準氣體,本年度協助環保署辦理氣體認證之輔導審查作業,計已輔導3家取得環保署合格證。系統相關作業方面,本年度除系統操作維運,另配合監資處共構系統移植作業、行政區重劃進行系統功能調整。因應複驗補助取消,建置逾期未複驗管制平台,供環保局加強未複驗車輛之管制。車廠保修資料交換平台部份,新增通知紀錄回饋功能,並協調車廠回饋保養及通知紀錄,進行相關定檢成效之分析。 The motorcycle exhaust inspection station’s quality management and information application platform It is the 15th year of regular motorcycle exhaust inspection system since 1996. According to the extension of inspection-exempt term and the adjustment of subsidy qualifications announced by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), we have amended the principle of inspection subsidy this year. Due to the extension of inspection-exempt term and subsidization only for first inspections, the cost of inspection subsidies, compared to 2010, were decreased about NT$ 140 million (21%). In addition, miskeying of license plate number for inspection record was minimized effectively through full-scale screening of inspection photos. Dynamic license plate recognition and auditing data collected from the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) were used to update non-used vehicle database and ensure the effectiveness of inspection notification.The major project tasks consists of auditing management and training for the inspection station, review and appropriation of subsidy funds for inspection, test equipment verification, test database system operation and maintenance, and statistical analysis of regular inspection data. For inspection station management, the quality screening and control of stations with abnormal performance and the efficiency of auditing result reporting were improved; for testing program verification, “Message-Digest Algorithm 5” (MD5) identification code was introduced in the installation file to ensure the programs that the inspection station used is consistent with the verification version. For the assistance to EPA in consultation and review of gas verification this year, 3 firms were helped to acquire the qualification of EPA.For system-related operations, we accomplished the co-constructed system transplantation in accordance with the Department of Environmental Monitoring and Information Management’s regulations, and the functional adjustment of administrational zone redevelopment system. Moreover, in response to the subsidies for first inspections, a platform was established for the EPB to reinforce control over the unqualified vehicles. For the motorcycle maintenance records exchange platform, we established the “feedback of inspection notification records” as a new function, and negotiated with the vehicle manufacturers to feed back their maintenance and notification records for analysis of inspection achievements. 100 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36846
一般廢棄物管理及全分類零廢棄-100年推動產品包材輕量化及環境友善化計畫 本計畫彙整歐洲、英國與日本包裝減量管理模式與相關案例資訊,探討其包裝減量案例及推動現況。依據我國產品包裝使用情形,建議可延續限制產品過度包裝法令,考慮推動非酒精飲料、酒精飲料、罐頭食品、調味品、清潔用品及化粧品之個包裝輕量化工作,建議可結合與上述產品相關之公(協)會,參考國外推動包裝輕量化模式與我國歷年推動自願性包裝減量工作內容,配合輕量化評估指標,逐步推動包裝輕量化工作。在推廣包裝輕量化部分,歷年參與自願性減量協議之減量成果分別於99年達到包材減量3,691公噸,100年上半年度減量達到860公噸,皆已達到原訂目標。同時,本年度亦協助21家事業瞭解與推動綠色包裝設計工作,協助業者進行改善包括降低印刷面積、減少包裝體積、減少包材種類、減少包材使用與減少使用黏膠等項目,並協助12家業者共同參與101年協議簽署,業別擴大至通路、喜餅及飲料業,預估101年減量成效可達到965公噸以上。在綠色包裝設計宣導工作方面,持續更新綠色包裝評估程序工具及提供民眾與業者綠色包裝設計手冊,推廣綠色包裝設計概念,並藉由辦理綠色包裝設計研習宣導會進行實務分享以樹立標竿學習典範。此外,亦協助辦理2011綠色生活博覽會與研擬「綠色包裝設計獎評選及獎勵活動」相關規範等工作,作為未來進一步推動學生、業者等不同類別之獎勵方式執行參考。在含汞推動工作主要成果包括:研擬鈕扣型乾電池管制草案並檢討「限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣」公告,鈕扣型乾電池因現階段評估管制後對汞污染減量效果有限但成本較高,建議先不列為優先項目;錳鋅電池及非鈕扣型鹼錳電池則因鎘含量抽驗結果較歐盟標準20ppm高者比例達25.6%,建議優先推動管制。此外已完成100式錳鋅電池及非鈕扣型鹼錳電池汞含量抽驗,合格率(<5ppm)為99%。 2011 Promoting Product Packaging Light-weighting and Environmentally Friendly Packaging Project This project studies packaging reduction management methods and related case studies from Europe, United Kingdom, and Japan, as references for the assessment of packaging light-weighting categories and standards. Under current Excessive Packaging Restriction enforcement and Carbon Footprint Labeling framework in Taiwan, it is considered in prior to adding the enforcement in light-weighting packaging in alcoholic drink, non-alcoholic drink, canned food, condiment, detergent and cosmetic product. Those which six items of light-weighting packaging assessment indicators are based on the product weight ratio. In terms of implementing mechanism, it is recommended to joint venture with the above six product associations(organizations), take role models in packaging reduction promotion of other countries, and adjust our domestic enterprises’ voluntary packaging reduction agreements in the past years, to reach the setting excessive packing waste reduction goal gradually by applying designed indicators.In promoting packaging light-weighting work, the positive results from the enterprises’ voluntary packaging reduction agreement were 3,691 reduction tonnes in 2010 and 860 tonnes reduction in the first half of 2011, both met the reduction goals. In 2011 , this project has advised 21 enterprises to improve excessive packaging reduction, such as reducing printing area, reducing packaging volume, reducing packaging materials types and usage, and reducing the adhesive layer usage. Totally there were 12 enterprises, expanded to distributors, confectionary and beverage industries expected to reduce more than 965 tonnes excessive packaging waste in 2012. In advocating packaging reduction tool and green packaging promotion work, this project continues to updated the green packaging assessment tool, revised the website content, and provided two versions of green package design guide-manuals for the industry and general public. Besides, two green design workshops were organized to gather ideas and experiences to inspire the participants in upgrading expertise. Furthermore, this project developed the 2011 Green Living Expo by its public participation, and established kinds of rules for the “Green Packaging Design Competition and Awards” for rewarding and inspiring the muti-targets of students, professionals, enterprises and industries.In mercury-containing wastes management work, the positive outcomes include enact Button Type Dry Cell Batteries control and restriction measures and rectify Restrictions on the Manufacture, Import, and Sale of Dry Cell Batteries announments. In current status, the Button Type Dry Cell Batteries control and restriction measures meet its limitations in not only reducing the mercury pollution but also increasing cost revenue, which is not recommended in prior to take. On the other hand, it is a prior to suggest in controling and restricting those batteries with cadmium over than that of European Union, maximum permitted limit of 20 ppm by 25.6 percent in all. Moreover, this project performs purposely in mercury inspection by 100 designated battery type samples, which are meet the conformity rate (under 5ppm) in 99 percent. 100 廢管處 永發環境科技管理有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=31897
蒙特婁議定書列管化學物質管制削減與替代技術推廣暨物質庫管理計畫(二) 本計畫為兩年度計畫之第二年,執行內容包括以非政府組織參與蒙特婁議定書國際活動、檢討並協助政府執行我國蒙特婁議定書因應策略、彙整分析國際間ODS替代技術發展現況、調查我國含蒙特婁議定書列管化學物質之既存設備現況以研提管理措施、協助辦理列管化學物質查緝走私相關業務與銷毀模式、及加強推廣臭氧層保護相關資訊傳播及教育宣導工作等6大類。參與國際相關活動推展方面,本計畫持續掌握國際管制動態並向國際友人展現我國積極參與國際環保事務的決心,分別於8月參加蒙特婁議定書第31次不限成員工作小組會議(OEWG),且於11月協助行政院環境保護署組團參加蒙特婁議定書第23次締約方大會,除掌握蒙特婁議定書管制規範發展趨勢外,今(2011)年我國代表團團長行政院環保署簡慧貞副處長也陸續會晤多國代表,並接受臭氧行動網路頻道訪問,說明我國在削減破壞臭氧層物質的重要成果。除獲各界肯定與讚賞外,並與各國代表與技術專家建立雙方未來環保合作機會窗口掌握國際動態,表達我國未來能更實質參與國際公約的積極意願,共同重視臭氧層保護及相關氣候變遷等環境議題。此外,計算我國2010年之消費量為152.56 ODP公噸,佔我國基準量638.156 ODP公噸的23.9 %,仍控制於蒙特婁議定書的管制規範25%目標內,且僅占全球已開發國家(Non-Article 5國家)之2010年消費量(3,974 ODP公噸)約近4%。本計畫已完成協助行政院環境保護署向UNEP申報我國2010年ODS消費量資料,展現我國遵循蒙特婁議定書規範的決心。在ODS的核配作業方面,持續協助行政院環境保護署完成國內2011與2012年上半年之氟氯烴(HCFCs)核配作業以及統計2010年核配廠商之使用量數據。共計55家使用廠商與10家供應廠商,於今(2011)年順利取得HCFCs,進行設備生產與維修用途。本計畫另也完成2012年初估核配量,56家使用廠商與10家供應廠商於明年上半年得依據獲得之核配量進口HCFCs和進行使用。而本計畫也分析統計核配廠商2010年使用HCFCs用途資料,以作為未來環保署研擬下一波管制時程時參考。此外,今(2011)年因開始禁止廠商於7.1kW以下窗型空調(含分離式)新生產設備填充HCFC-22冷媒,為維護合法廠商權益,本計畫配合行政院環保署展開廠商訪視與稽核,建置查核流程與確認是否有違法事件。本計畫也完成溴化甲烷於2011年下半年與2012年上半年之檢疫與裝運前處理用途之核配作業,讓廠商與防檢局取得溴化甲烷,適時使用溴化甲烷進行燻蒸,遵循國際植物保護公約(IPPC)的規範,並維護我國檢疫安全,防止輸入貨品具有不當的疫病蟲害。在彙整分析國際間ODS替代技術發展現況,100年主要工作為進行溴化甲烷替代品碘化甲烷的試驗分析,以測試最佳燻蒸濃度與時間,可作為未來推動替代品時的參考,以及未來可於國際場合宣揚與交流相關經驗。另外,本計畫也收集國際間的ODS替代品發展現況,以作為分析我國使用可行性及推動相關替代機制的參考。今(2011)年也特別邀請到TEAP共同主席Ms. Marta Pizano與歐盟首席顧問Dr. Melanie Miller來台進行溴化甲烷管理策略之交流,宣揚我國努力成果,建立未來專家交流管道。在ODS物質庫調查部分,本計畫今(2011)年針對冷凍冷藏設備冷媒與發泡之ODS物質庫、國內冷媒與發泡劑回收體制進行調查,以推估國內ODS庫的情況。另外,本計畫參考澳洲、日本等國之ODS庫管制架構,並研析國內法規現況,完成我國未來ODS物質庫之管理建議。此外,為讓既有設備中的海龍不因設備廢棄停用拆除後排到大氣中,本計畫也協助政府與公部門單位協調交換事宜,提供相關的諮詢協助,今(2011)年海龍管理中心計約提供3公噸Halon-1301供公部門使用。在協助辦理列管化學物質查緝走私相關業務與銷毀模式方面,為協助尋求國內已緝獲約84公噸ODS處置方式,今(2011)年持續進行緝獲ODS之試燒工作,研擬試燒作業流程與應符合規範,可作為未來提供海關委託廠商執行銷毀工作時的參考。此外,也協助海巡與海關單位進行ODS查緝走私教育訓練,提供查緝走私ODS之作業模式,提升緝私人員未來處理ODS查緝走私的能力。在臭氧層保護宣導部份,今(2011)年本計畫完成製作兩種英文文宣品「Ozone Layer Protection_Taiwan’s Contribution」和「Ozone Layer Protection – ODS Bank Management and Actions in Taiwan」,並將此兩份文宣的內容放在USB隨身碟中,於參加國際會議和有外賓來訪時分送國外友人。本計畫也於今年寄發兩期中英文電子報「臭氧層保護在台灣」,以及不定期更新「臭氧層保護在台灣資訊網站」,透過網際網路向各界宣揚我國遵循蒙特婁議定書的模式與成果。 Ozone Depleting Substances Reduction Management and Alternatives Promotion Project (Second-Year) This is the second year project of the two-year program. This project categorized into 6 tasks,1. participating in the international meetings related to the Montreal Protocol as an NGO observer; 2. overviewing and assisting the Government to implement the ODS management measures following the national policy to compliance with the Montreal Protocol;3. gathering and analyzing the alternative technologies to ODS on the global development and market availability; 4. studying the amounts and process of circulation for the existing equipment contained the substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol and developing the related management measures;5. assisting the related government agencies in tackling ODS smuggling and developing the seized ODS destruction process;6. strengthening the information dissemination and education on the issues relating to ozone layer protection. Regarding to the participating in the Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol and propagating our achievements, this project continuously keeps monitoring the global controlling measures on ozone depleting substances (ODS) and expresses Taiwan’s proactive participation of international environmental protection to our international friends. Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) participated in the 31st OEWG, Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in August and assisted the Taiwan EPA to participate in the 23rd Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in November. The participants not only kept watching the development trend of the Montreal Protocol, Dr. Hui-Chen Chien, Deputy Director General, Department of Air Quality Protection and Noise Control, Taiwan EPA, as Head of the Taiwan Delegation but also successively met with representatives of a number of nations, accepted interview by the UNEP DTIE OzonAction Branch and briefed on Taiwan’s efforts in reduction of controlled substances under the Montreal Protocol. Aside from winning affirmation and acclaim of various circles, we had met with representatives and technological experts from various countries and forged mutual cooperation for environmental protection. We also expressed our active willingness in participating in the international convention in the future and jointly focused on environmental issues for protection of the ozone layer and relevant climatic change.Furthermore, this project also assisted the Taiwan EPA in reporting the 2010 ODS consumption in Taiwan to the UNEP Ozone Secretariat for showing our resolution of compliance with the Montreal Protocol. The HCFCs consumption in 2010 in Taiwan was 152.56 ODP metric tons, accounting to 23.9% of the amount of the HCFCs reduction baseline 638.156 ODP metric tons, well controlled within the target controlled by the Montreal Protocol, 25%. The 2010 ODS consumption in Taiwan accounts to 4% of consumption, 3,974 ODP metric tons, from the developed nations worldwide (Non-Article 5 countries).In the issue of ODS allocation, this project assisted the Taiwan EPA to finalize the domestic allocation process on Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) for year 2011 and the first half of 2012 as well as finalize statistical data on the amounts used by the manufacturers in 2010. A total of 55 use manufacturers and 10 suppliers successfully acquired HCFCs in 2011 for equipment production and maintenance purpose. This project also completed the preliminary allocation for 2012 for 56 use manufacturers and 10 suppliers regarding allocated import and use of HCFCs in the first half of 2012. Moreover, this project also analyzed the statistics of allocated manufacturers pursuant to the usage data of HCFCs in 2010 for reference by the EPA in planning the next stage of control schedule. Furthermore, 2011 also started to prohibit manufacturers refill HCFC-22 refrigerant for window-type air-conditioner under 7.1kw(including split air-conditioner). To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of manufacturers, this project also conducted visits and auditing of manufacturers in collaboration with the Taiwan EPA in establishing an examination flow and confirming law-breaking incidents. In addition, this project also finalized the allocation on methyl bromide for the second half of 2011 and the first half of 2012 on the usage in the quarantine and pre-shipment treatment. Manufacturers and the Quarantine Bureau are allowed to acquire methyl bromide for timely fumigation in compliance with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) to ensure quarantine safety of Taiwan and prevent import of goods with improper pests.The work on the data accumulation and analysis on the current status of the global technology development on ODS alternatives in 2011 was focused on the testing and analyzing on methyl iodide, an alternative of methyl bromide, for the optimal concentration and time of fumigation as reference for promotion in the future. Meanwhile, this project also gathered the development information of the ODS alternatives in the international community as reference for feasibility analysis of the usage in Taiwan and the development of the promotion mechanisms in the future. This year (2011) we also particularly invited Ms. Marta Pizano, Co-Chair of TEAP (Technology and Economic Assessment Panel) and Dr. Melanie Miller, the premier consultant of the European Union, to Taiwan for knowledge and experience sharing on methyl bromide management strategy, as well as to publicize Taiwan’s efforts and establish exchange channels with experts in the future.On investigation of ODS bank, this project conducted investigation on domestic freezing and refrigeration equipment, ODS foaming bank, and the domestic refrigerant and foaming agent recovery mechanism for estimating the domestic ODS bank. Moreover, this project also referenced the ODS bank control structure of Australia and Japan, studied and analyzed the current status of domestic legislation and finalize recommendations for management of the ODS bank in Taiwan in the future. The works on providing assistance for tackling ODS smuggling and developing the destruction process were focused on the testing destruction in a rotary kiln incineration. This year (2011) we established the operation procedure in compliance with regulations in Taiwan and Montreal Protocol. These experiences could help the Custom for treating the seized 84 metric tons of ODS in the future. In addition, we also assisted the Coast Guard and the Customs units in educational training of seizure of ODS smuggling, provide the ODS seizure operational mode to enhance the capability of customs officials in handling ODS seizure in the future. On publicity for protection of the ozone layer, this project completed two English publications in 2011, Ozone Layer Protection – Taiwan’s Contribution and Ozone Layer Protection – ODS Bank Management and Actions in Taiwan. The content of these two issues was stored on a USB for distribution to overseas friends participating in international conferences and foreign visitors. This year (2011) this project also edited and emailed two issues of the Chinese and English electronic newsletters of Ozone Layer Protection in Taiwan and irregularly updated the information website Ozone Layer Protection in Taiwan, and publicized to various circles via internet on the model and efforts of Taiwan in compliance with the Montreal Protocol. 100 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=33887
綠色消費宣導及綠色採購推動計畫 綠色消費宣導及綠色採購推動計畫,為鏈結民間企業、團體、商店、志義工、學校機關、旅宿業者、不動產仲介業者等對象設計出之多元化宣導與執行規劃之推動計畫,在於塑造全民好樂活、綠色消費樂窮等形象,鼓勵民眾優先選購具有環保標章的綠色商品,落實生活簡約原則,選用對地球衝擊最少的商品或活動。本計畫完成之工作項目包括:(一)辦理「民間企業與團體實施綠色採購計畫」執行會議3場次;(二)辦理綠色消費種子人員教育訓練10場次,共計627人參與;(三)辦理環保產品展售活動,共計80攤,2萬人次以上參與;(四)辦理「我喜歡的綠色商店票選活動」,共計14萬人次民眾參與票選活動;(五)辦理綠色生活大使選拔賽,共選出5名大使,辦理成功大學、清華大學等校園巡迴演講活動,共計1,000人次以上參與;(六)辦理「綠色消費推廣暨99年度綠色採購與銷售績優單位表揚」活動,共計237人參與,16家知名企業連署;(七)擬訂綠色生活及消費指引手冊及辦理5場以上手冊審查會議;(八)辦理綠行動傳唱計畫後續推動及輔導旅館配合措施之規劃,參與業者達到178家及3萬人次以上參與;(九)辦理綠色消費樂無窮系列活動記者會4次,錄製16支宣導影片;(十)辦理綠色硬幣捐贈記者會2場次及綠行動傳唱環保計畫成果發表會1場次。 Advocating Green Consumption and Promoting Green Procurement The objective of project for “Advocating Green Consumption and Promoting Green Procurement” is to collaborate with private companies, organizations, stores, volunteers, school and institutions, hotel enterprises and property agencies etc. to create various promotional event in order to establish an image of a better life and joyful green consumption, and also inspire consumer to purchase environmental friendly products with green mark, live simply and choose the products and events which have minimum impact on the earth. To conclude, the implementation of project is summarized as the following:(1) Three executive meeting of the “Project on promoting private enterprises and organizations’ green purchasing activities”(2) In total, 627 people attended the ten sessions of “Green consumption seed-instructor training workshops”. (3) Up to 20,000 people attended the 80 booths of “environmental products exhibition”.(4) Up to 140,000 people voted on the activity “I Love Green Stores”. (5) Held the event “Green Living Ambassador Selection”, and 5 green ambassadors had won the vote. In addition, up to 1,000 people attended the Campus Tour Lecture held in National Cheng Kung University and National Tsing Hua University etc.(6) Promoting Green Consumption and praising department for the remarkable performance of green procurement and sales in 2010. In total, 237 people attended the event and 16 enterprises have countersigned with it.(7) Make a draft of “Handbook of green living and green consumption” and held up to 5 examinations of it. (8) Plan the following project of “Green Activities” and assist hotel enterprises to cooperate with the plan. Up to 178 hotels and 30,000 attend the event.(9) 4 Press conference and 16 promotional videos of the event “Joyful Green Consumption” (10) Held 2 donation press conference of “Green Coin”, and 1 performance presentation of “Green Activities” 100 管考處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32224
四重溪及和平溪水區劃定及標準作業程序建立計畫 本計畫針對中央管之四重溪及和平溪水系進行水質、水資源用途等基本資料進行分析檢討,以進行水區劃定,並建立水系水區劃定之標準作業程序。 Classification of River Water Bodies and Establish the Standard Operation Procedure This project will focus on the classification of River Water Bodies for Suchung River and Heping River. In addition, the standard operation procedure of classification of River Water Bodies will be established.Suchung River, Heping River, River water body, Standard Operation Procedure. 100 水保處 台灣水環境再生協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38577
「100-101年毒性化學物質環境流布背景調查計畫」(第一年) 本計畫包含四項主要工作目標:(一)完成檢測10條河川、9種國際關注有毒污染物及19種持久性有機污染物或環境荷爾蒙物質之環境流布背景實地測量調查資料;(二)建立毒性化學物質環境流布檢測資料;(三)分析歷年毒性化學物質環境流布調查資料成果,並提具毒性化學物質因應管制措施建議及分析;(四)更新毒性化學物質環境流布調查成果手冊。本年度調查河川有南崁溪、中港溪、後龍溪、大安溪、烏溪、鹽水溪、典寶溪、東港溪、蘭陽溪及新城溪等10條河川。依調查物質環境流布特性分析水體、底泥或魚體樣本,共計完成枯水期及豐水期兩季各30個水體及30個底泥樣本,以及全年30個魚體樣本採樣。完成樣本檢測數據資料共計2,610筆,包括360筆水體樣本數據、1,560筆底泥樣本數據及690筆魚體樣本數據。各項物質檢測平均濃度及範圍分別為,水體樣本中甲醛<0.05 (ND-0.21) mg/L,四氯化碳ND,三氯甲烷ND-<0.001 mg/L,鄰-二氯苯ND,氯苯<0.001 (ND-0.021) mg/L,1,2-二氯乙烯<0.001 (ND-0.002) mg/L。底泥樣本中三氯甲烷<1.00 (ND-7.33) ug/kg濕重;鄰-二氯苯<1.00 (ND-8.89)ug/kg濕重;氯苯<1.00 (ND-19.9)ug/kg濕重;1,2-二氯乙烯ND-<1.00 ug/kg濕重;可氯丹ND-<2.0 ug/kg乾重;毒殺芬3.5 (ND-31.8)ug/kg乾重;總汞0.150 (0.024-1.23) mg/kg乾重;鄰苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMP),ND-<0.05 mg/kg乾重;鄰苯二甲酸二乙酯(DEP),<0.05 (ND-0.07) mg/kg乾重;鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP),0.16 (<0.05-0.63) mg/kg乾重;鄰苯二甲酸丁基苯甲酯(BBP),0.08 (<0.05-0.90) mg/kg乾重;鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP),2.9 (0.12-29.2) mg/kg乾重;鄰苯二甲酸二辛酯(DNOP),0.06 (ND-1.3) mg/kg乾重;三丁錫(TBT),ND-<0.05 mg/kg乾重;二丁錫(DBT),<0.05 (ND-0.79) mg/kg乾重;單丁錫(MBT),<0.05 (ND-0.31) mg/kg乾重;單苯錫(MPhT),<0.05 (ND-0.42) mg/kg乾重;二苯錫(DPhT),<0.05 (ND-0.16) mg/kg乾重;三苯錫(TPhT),<0.05 (ND-0.09) mg/kg乾重;多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)總量35.4 (0.508-952)ug/kg乾重;三價砷352 (ND-1,232)ug/kg濕重;壬基酚,210 (3.68-4,483)ug/kg乾重;雙酚A,21.5 (<0.25-471)ug/kg乾重。魚體樣本中可氯丹ND-<1.0ug/kg濕重;毒殺芬2.6 (ND-23.8)ug/kg濕重;總汞0.049 (<0.01-0.172) mg/kg濕重;DMP,ND-<0.03 mg/kg濕重;DEP,ND-<0.03 mg/kg濕重;DBP,0.05 (<0.03-0.19) mg/kg濕重;BBP,0.04 (<0.03-0.19) mg/kg濕重;DEHP,0.25 (<0.03-1.2) mg/kg濕重;DNOP,ND-<0.03 mg/kg濕重; TBT,<0.01 (ND-0.03) mg/kg濕重;DBT,<0.01 (ND-0.11) mg/kg濕重;MBT,<0.01 (ND-0.03) mg/kg濕重;MPhT,<0.01 (ND-0.10) mg/kg濕重;DPhT,<0.01 (ND-0.07) mg/kg濕重;TPhT,<0.01 (ND-0.08) mg/kg濕重;PBDEs總量1.74 (0.299-6.37)ug/kg濕重;壬基酚,14.6 (ND-105)ug/kg濕重;雙酚A,0.834 (ND-8.01)ug/kg濕重;鄰-二氯苯ND;氯苯<1.00 (ND-12.3)ug/kg濕重。完成歷年毒性化學物質環境流布調查成果分析,並針對壬基酚及雙酚A進行環境釋放源指標之相關性探討及其他調查物質工業方面管理及減量控制建議。完成成果手冊100年版編印。 The Environmental Survey of Toxic Chemicals in Taiwan., 2011-2012 This project was to (1) determine concentrations of 28 toxic substances in water, sediments and fishes of 10 rivers in Taiwan; (2) to apply the investigation results for policy-making of toxic substance management; and (3) to update the database of environmental distribution of toxic substances. There were 150 water, sediment and fish samples collected from 10 rivers (each river collected 6 water, 6 sediment and 3 fish samples) in this year. There were 2,610 analytical data obtained, including 360 data from water and 1,560 data from sediments and 690 data from fish samples. In water samples, the mean concentration and concentration range of analyzed toxic substances was <0.05 (ND-0.21) mg/L for formaldehyde, ND for carbontetrachloride, ND-<0.001 mg/L for chloroform, ND for 1,2-dichlorobenzene, <0.001 (ND-0.021) mg/L for chlorobenzene, <0.001 (ND-0.002) mg/L for 1,2-dichloroethylene. In sediment samples, the mean concentration and concentration range of analyzed toxic substances was <1.00 (ND-7.33) ug/kg ww for chloroform, <1.00 (ND-8.89) ug/kg ww for 1,2-dichlorobenzene, <1.00 (ND-19.9) ug/kg ww for chlorobenzene, ND-<1.00 ug/kg ww for 1,2-dichloroethylene, ND-<2.0 ug/kg dw for chlordane, 3.5 (ND-31.8) ug/kg dw for toxaphene, 0.150 (0.024-1.23) mg/kg dw for total mercury, ND-<0.05 mg/kg dw for Dimethyl phthalate (DMP), <0.05 (ND-0.07) mg/kg dw for Diethyl phthalate (DEP), 0.16 (<0.05-0.63) mg/kg dw for Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), 0.08 (<0.05-0.90) mg/kg dw for Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), 2.9 (0.12-29.2) mg/kg dw for Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), 0.06 (ND-1.3) mg/kg dw for Di-n-octyl phthalate (DNOP), ND-<0.05 mg/kg dw for Tributyltin (TBT), <0.05 (ND-0.79) mg/kg dw for Dibutyltin (DBT), <0.05 (ND-0.31) mg/kg dw for Butyltin (MBT), <0.05 (ND-0.42) mg/kg dw for Phenyltin (MPhT), <0.05 (ND-0.16) mg/kg dw for Diphenyltin (DPhT), <0.05 (ND-0.09) mg/kg dw for Triphenyltin (TPhT), 35.4 (0.508-952) ug/kg dw for total PBDEs, 210 (3.68-4,483) ug/kg dw for NP, 21.5 (<0.25-471) ug/kg dw for BPA, and 352 (ND-1,232) ug/kg ww for Arsenic (III). For fish samples, the mean concentration and concentration range of analyzed toxic substances was ND-<1.0 ug/kg ww for chlordane, 2.6 (ND-23.8) ug/kg ww for toxaphene, 0.049 (<0.01-0.172) mg/kg ww for total mercury, ND-<0.03 mg/kg ww for DMP, ND-<0.03 mg/kg ww for DEP, 0.05 (<0.03-0.19) mg/kg ww for DBP, 0.04 (<0.05-0.19) mg/kg ww for BBP, 0.25 (<0.03-1.2) mg/kg ww for DEHP, ND-<0.03 for DNOP, <0.01 (ND-0.03) mg/kg ww for TBT, <0.01 (ND-0.11) mg/kg ww for DBT, <0.01 (ND-0.03) mg/kg ww for MBT, <0.01 (ND-0.10) mg/kg ww for MPhT, <0.01 (ND-0.07) mg/kg ww for DPhT, <0.01 (ND-0.08) mg/kg ww for TPhT, and 1.74 (0.299-6.37) ug/kg ww for total PBDEs, 22.4 (ND-105) ug/kg ww for NP, and 0.844 (<0.625-8.01) ug/kg ww for BPA, <1.00 (ND-12.3) ug/kg ww for chlorobenzene, ND for 1,2-dichloroethylene. The database searching system for concentrations of regulated toxic substances has been updated with the investigation results in this year. 100 毒管處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30026
環境教育標章設計競賽專案工作計畫 環境是孕育我們的母親,也是人類最重要的資產,為了落實推動全民共同參與環境教育的理念,行政院環境保護署已推行環境教育認證制度,並配合建國百年頒布「環境教育機構認證及管理辦法」、「環境教育設施場所認證及管理辦法」及「環境教育人員認證及管理辦法」,特舉辦「環境教育標章」創意設計競賽,期望透過公開競賽的方式徵選出具創意特色的「環境教育認證標章」,進而達到宣揚與推廣環境教育之目的。 100 綜計處 肯迪思創意有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28316
99至101年度環保設施品質查核督導委託專案工作計畫(100年度,第2年) 本工作計畫之主要執行項目,為研擬本年度中央查核縣(市)政府執行環保設施工程施工品質等相關業務成效之作業流程、表單及後續追蹤,並辦理環保署所指定之55場次環保設施工程查核。 99-101 Auditing Project of Construction Quality of the Environmental Protection Facilities(2nd year) The main objective of this project is to evaluate the construction quality of environment protection facility. Furthermore, at least two of the engineering technological experts were invited to evaluate the construction quality of 55 construction sites and administered the construction material testing. 100 督察總隊 國立中興大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=31392
100年度有害事業廢棄物戴奧辛及重金屬管制之調查與評估專案研究計畫 依本計畫今年度之辦理成果,發現銅二次治煉業之集塵灰及部份中小型事業廢棄物焚化爐所產出之飛灰具有戴奧辛潛在有害之特性,依此提出針對銅二次冶煉業集塵灰應以加強廠內妥善儲存之管理、推動安全再利用及安全處理等管理措施建議;另針對小型事業廢棄物焚化爐則提出應加強查核輔導並汰除低效率之設施等之建議,以避免對環境造成不良之影響。 另針對有機性污泥併同一般廢棄物進入大型垃圾焚化廠試燒工作之辦理結果,在良好的管理及少量有機性污泥(3%及5%)混拌的操作模式下,可達成妥善處理之任務,並對環境不至於造成不良之影響,應屬可行。雖於過程中,我們亦發現部份反應灰有汞或戴奧辛,及部份底渣有鉻及六價鉻偏高之問題,但該問題透過良好之管理機制及操作條件下,應可有效的解決並達成最佳之處理。因此建議各垃圾焚化廠如欲開放處理有機性污泥,應可辦理類似之試燒計畫,藉以尋求最佳化之操作模式,以達成妥善處理之目的。 最終就我國污泥未來短中長期之處置對策,依現況問題,建議應以短期利用現有設施處理量能解決去化問題達成妥善處理、中期推動落實源頭減量提升再利用率為目標,以及長期完成多元化處理機制之建構促成環循型機制以達成資源永續之具體建議供參考。 Investigation and Evaluation of Hazardous Industrial Waste Control of Dioxins and Heavy Metals 2011 Under the research results of this project¸ we found the fly ash waste from secondary copper smelting industry and some small and medium industrial waste incinerator potentially contained dioxins. So we proposed the management measures for fly ash of secondary copper smelting industry included properly storage, safe re-use and treatment. We also recommended giving a regular inspection to guide the small and medium industrial waste incinerator facilities in order to force them to operate in an optimal operation and eliminated facilities with poor efficiency to ensure such problem will not impact the environment. For the incineration test of mixed organic sludge and general waste into municipal solid waste incineration plant, we found the incinerator could function properly without adverse impact to the environment under proper management and small amount of organic sludge addition (3~5%). Although we saw some higher mercury and dioxins levels in the reaction product (fly ash) and some chromium and hexavalent chromium in the bottom ash, this problem could be solved with proper management and operation parameters adjustment. So any municipal solid waste incineration plant which want to treat the organic sludge, should run trial burns to find out the optimal operation mode and to ensure a properly treatment. Ultimately, base on the current sludge situation in Taiwan, our suggestions are as following. In the short-term future, use the capacity of current waste treatment facilities to solve the problem of the organic sludge which couldn’t be properly handled. Then ask sludge producer making proper reduction and re-use should be the mid-term target. Finally, establish diversified treatment and recycling mechanism to reach resource sustainable use will be the final and long-term target. 100 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30454
台東縣空氣污染等陳情案件快速查處管制計畫 100 台東縣環境保護局 嘉德技術顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40539
執行柴油引擎汽車新車型審驗、新車抽驗及使用中車輛召回改正調查測試 行政院環保署為改善國內空氣品質,加強柴油汽車污染管制,已訂定完整之各項污染管制法規,如「柴油及替代清潔燃料引擎汽車車型排氣審驗合格證明核發撤銷及廢止辦法」等,藉由本計畫之執行,完成審查及核發332件柴油新車型合格證明函及合格證明。協助環保署確認國產車業者及進口車代理商對於製造或進口之車輛,保證期限內是否符合排放標準,於100年度共計抽驗重型柴油車8家廠商,共計完成4車次引擎及14車次黑煙測試;至於輕型柴油車及柴油小客車抽驗12家廠商,共計完成29車次污染及黑煙測試。另針對1引擎族共5車次(三陽工業SANTA FE 2188c.c. A5 5D D5),執行使用中柴油車召回確認調查測試。針對超過保固期限之使用中柴油引擎汽車進行污染調查測試,柴油小型車5車次及重型柴油車5引擎次。查核廠商100年度品質管制測試統計資料共計67家廠商提報品質管制統計表,其中達到品管數量且進行品管測試之廠商共19家,所有提報品管資料皆符合法規規定。為順應法規調和之潮流等國內外情勢,本計畫適時增修訂相關法規規定,並為因應電子化趨勢另行建立柴油車審驗合格證明電子化作業系統,以提昇合格證明申請作業流程行政效率。此外另分析國內外柴油車各污染物排放水準及管制制度,及研擬適用於我國之OBD相關管理措施,俾作為各項柴油汽車污染管制策略成效評估及決策之參考。 Special Implementation Project for New Diesel Vehicle Model Certification, Conformity of Production In order to improve domestic air quality, the Environmental Protection Administration in Taiwan has strengthened the emission control over diesel vehicles and developed comprehensive regulations, such as "The Procedure of Rebelling and Abolishing the Certificate of Emission Inspection for the Types of Diesel and other Alternative Fuel Engine Vehicles." The project in past year has completed several targets to enforce the regulations, in which including 332 approval licenses released to new diesel engines and vehicles. This project has assisted EPA to monitor and validate the market car emission, which within warranty from both local automakers and import agent. A random inspection to brand new car from 20 automakers, and 5 in-used diesel vehicles (HYUNDAI:SANTA FE 2188c.c. A5 5D D5,) confirmed tests, and 5 over warranty periods in-used diesel vehicles and 5 engines emission tests…etc. All inspected products mentioned above have met emission standards. There are 67 automakers and agents have submitted quality control plan according to statistic record in 2011. Among those 19 have reached the quota requirement and carried out all quality needs, and consisted with the ruling procedure of regulation.This project has not only mediated and submitted the updated regulation to criterions and methods in terms of complying with international emission controlled trend, but transferred the certification system into electric operation completely in order to ensure the proceeding effectively. The electronic certification system according to EPA certificate information management system and e-approval system, to revision work flow of system in this year. And according to the user opinions, adjust functions of the original system. In addition, we have drafted OBD relevant restraint methods applied in Taiwan. Therefore, those achievements will be the bases of ruling next emission strategy to various diesel vehicles. 100 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36272
建置室內空氣品質標準值暨室內空氣污染源調查及監測查驗制度(第一年) 我國環保署透過一連串室內空氣品質標準與管制策略擬議的系列研究,於2005年公告我國第一個室內空氣品質建議值。歷經多年立法努力,始於民國100年11月08日三讀通過。唯隨時序演進及近年相關資料累積,本研究團隊重新評估甲醛標準之適宜性,並利用本土化資料,評估主要揮發性有機污染物物種及與健康危害有關的特定真菌菌種,為往後訂定標準之方向。由於政府單位近年積極推動室內空氣品質自主管理,商業化之直讀儀器廣泛被應用於實場檢測中,然公告方法分析過程繁複,本研究團隊亦依約利用5點次實場採樣結果,初步建立相關標準程序規範。此外,為了解室內環境與個人因子對健康影響,本研究團隊亦嘗試利用適應負荷模式進行評估。本研究彙整國內外室內空氣中甲醛的相關文獻資料,並進行13所小學/幼稚園及1處辦公室室內醛酮類及揮發性有機物量測及健康風險評估。結果顯示小學/幼稚園室內最常見之有害揮發性空氣污染物為甲醛、乙醛、苯、甲苯、乙苯及二甲苯。初步風險推估結果顯示,國小/幼稚園工作人員與學生,因室內空氣暴露總致癌風險介於5.55E-5至7.27E-06,主要貢獻為甲醛、乙醛及苯。我國甲醛目前建議值為小時值100 ppb(123 µg/m3),較國際間最常採用的100 µg/m3 (80 ppb)稍微寬鬆,短時間標準值可考量與WHO及其他國家地區一致。真菌指標的部份,本研究完成10點次的環境樣本採集,結果顯示室內的總真菌濃皆高於室內空氣品質建議值(1000 CFU/m3),因水害或潮濕而增加並會影響人類健康的Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp. 和Fusarium spp.為優勢菌屬,因此除總真菌濃度外,為求完整有效之環境控制,亦應考量特定真菌菌種於環境的分佈。適應負荷模式初探方面,本次共收集32人的健康指標、生物檢體及7處室內空間的環境品質,結果顯示,受試者的平均適應負荷模式指標程度與室內環境中活性總真菌濃度有良好的相關性。而就目前結果看來,受試者的生活品質(壓力指標)及其所暴露的室內環境因子尚無法解釋對於SBS各類型症狀的表現,但室內HCHO濃度、活性總細菌濃度及PM2.5的室內外 (I/O)比值與受試者的第一秒用力呼氣量,即肺功能指標,有顯著的相關性。透過彙析國內外直讀式儀器使用規範與查驗制度和現場直讀式儀器與公告方法的比對結果,本研究團隊建議研擬出的『CO與CO2直讀式儀器使用規範與查驗制度草案規劃』應包含:(1) CO與CO2直讀式儀器基本性能規範說明,(2)採樣前,CO與CO2直讀式儀器需完成的校準項目、水準與流程,(3)採樣期間,CO與CO2直讀式儀器的使用規則,(4)採樣後,CO與CO2直讀式儀器監測結果的處理流程,(5)查驗項目與流程等五大部份,以提高直讀式儀器監測結果之代表性與應用性。 Examination of IAQ recommendation levels, investigation of indoor source and establishment of monito Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) first announced recommendation levels for 10 indoor air quality indexes in 2005. Nevertheless, scientific information has continued to grow and the need to revisit whether the proposed values reflect the local realities in Taiwan or the existing standard method was appropriate in future application has gained concensus. Objectives of this current study include: Analyzing the HCHO levels distribution in different indoor environments in Taiwan, and measuring the levels and species of VOCs in Taiwan to propose revised standards for local application. Moreover, this project will complete the sampling of major semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and collect references on sources and health outcomes of SVOCs. Preliminary assessment of the characteristics and distributions of fungi species with potential health risk in indoor environments. Develop a preliminary non-invasive measurement of comprehensive biomarkers so that assessment the relationship between indoor environmental factors and health outcomes. Assess the serviceability of real-time instruments in indoor environments, and make the relative standards.The major achievements, findings and recommendations of this study are summarized as following: Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes were found to be the most abundant carbonyls and VOCs in the majority of the samples. The mean indoor concentrations of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes in the schools were 26.9, 9.1, 0.5, 6.1, 1.3 and 1.1 ppbv respectively. The I/O ratios showed the potential existence of indoor sources of the carbonyls, especially for indoor formaldehyde (I/O ratio: 2.6) in the schools. Risk assessment indicates that the estimated lifetime cancer risk of inhalation exposures to indoor VOCs and carbonyls ranged from 5.50E-05 to 7.27E-06, which was attributable mainly to formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and benzene exposures. The mean indoor formaldehyde and acetaldehyde levels measured in this study exceeded the current reference concentrations proposed by Cal/EPA and U.S. EPA. According to the results from previous studies in different country, we could find that the predominant fungi in indoor environment included Cladosporium spp., Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp. and Alternaria spp., and they were prone to growing in damp environment. Ten sampling sites had complete information about environmental biological exposure profiles in our study, and the fungal concentrations in classrooms from selected school were above the recommended value(1000 CFU/m3)of EPA in Taiwan. We also found that the fungi genera related dampness and water damage, including Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp. and Fusarium spp., were not only the prevalent fungi in indoor environment, but also had significant health concern. Our study measured the health indicators, bio-samples and indoor environmental quality for 32 subjects. We used logistic regression models to examine the effects of environment and individual factors on allostatic load model. Results showed that allostatic load model was significantly correlated with total culturable fungi, but significantly negatively correlated with SBS (p < 0.05), we need more subjects to confirm this. Concentrations of HCHO, total culturable fungi, and I/O ratio of PM2.5 were significantly correlated with FEV1, the indicator of pulmonary function. In the future, this study will continue to collect more subjects, and examine the feasibility of using allostatic load model on the effects of quality of life and environmental factors. This project accomplished a draft document for “The standard testing method for using real-time monitors for CO and CO2”, and suggested that the contents should include: (1) the information of basic functions of instrument, (2) the items, level and flow path of compartison before sampling, (3) the operational guideline during sampling, (4) the collection and analysis of sampling data, and (5) the items and flow path of checking. 100 空保處 國立成功大學
100年度台東縣綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉飲用水品質監測計畫 本計畫為台東縣環境保護局辦理之『100年度台東縣綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉飲用水品質監測計畫』,本計畫執行時間自簽約日(100年3月11日)起至100年12月31日止。本計畫主要目標為瞭解與掌握由台東縣環保局所規劃選定之台東縣離島14個飲用水採樣點〔蘭嶼:8個,綠島:6個〕之飲用水水質現況。由中環公司於計畫履約期間進行飲用水水質之採樣與分析工作,並彙整分析所採樣品之結果報告資料,對於未符合飲用水水源水質標準及飲用水水質標準之地區進行原因探討及改善對策,檢討現階段飲用水品質改善情形,並研判飲用水品質可能之變化情形。本計畫已由中環公司分別於100年5月25日、6月7日;7月26~27月;9月27日、10月13日完成三梯次蘭嶼、綠島地區各類別水質採樣及樣品檢驗工作。由檢驗結果中發現,綠島鄉各測點5月之總三鹵甲烷測值(0.0810~0.0869 mg/L)均未符合飲用水水質標準〔總三鹵甲烷:0.08 mg/L〕,其餘水質類別如自來水水源水質4個檢測點、自來水水質3個檢測點、非自來水水質1個檢測點、簡易自來水水源水質1個檢測點,其各梯次測值均符合飲用水水質標準或飲用水水源水質標準。由歷年(92年~94年、97年~100年)檢測結果來看;自來水水源水質,綠島淨水場之總有機碳、化學需氧量、氨氮等項測值普遍均較蘭嶼鄉測值為高,整體來說,本年度氨氮等項測值均已明顯較92年~94年測值為低;自來水水質,除總硬度蘭嶼鄉之測值較綠島鄉為高外,其餘各檢測項目普遍均以綠島鄉之測值較高,整體而言,本年度氨氮、重金屬等項測值均較歷年測值為低。非自來水水質部份,整體而言,椰油國小各檢測項目變化趨勢並不明顯;簡易自來水水源水質,僅94年度大腸桿菌群測值符合標準外,其餘各年度大腸桿菌群測值均偶有超過飲用水水源水質標準之情形,其餘檢測項目歷年測值則普遍小於偵測極限,其變化趨勢並不明顯。針對椰油社區簡易自來水水源及非自來水水質之大腸桿菌群偶有超過標準之情形,如消毒程序可行,建議管理單位加強消毒程序,並宣導使用民眾務必於煮沸後始得飲用。 100 台東縣環境保護局 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36601
柴油車動力計排煙檢測站暨保檢合一計畫 依據交通部編印之「中華民國交通統計月報」截至100年11月底的統計數據顯示:臺南市籍總機動車輛數高達2,036,119輛,加上臺南市在99年12月25日縣市合併之下,使臺南市交通路網更為廣大綿密,往來的各型車輛數相當可觀,其所造成之空氣污染亦十分嚴重。臺南市政府環境保護局除配合環保署的管制政策之外,並規劃推動有關柴油車保檢合一、設置機車充電站、汰舊二行程機車及新購電動機車補助及抽獎活動等…,希望透過本計畫的推動,加強宣導民眾了解車輛排氣污染的觀念,使不合格柴油車輛主動維修保養改善空氣污染,在低污染車方面則推動以老舊二行程機車汰換成低污染的電動車輛,以及提供安全又方便的電動車輛充電站網絡,並且透過海報宣導與發佈新聞稿的方式,順利推動各項污染改善的政策,帶給市民一個空氣清新的大臺南。一、計畫執行期程本計畫執行期程自100年07月05日至100年12月31日止,執行期間共計約6個月。二、工作成果1. 100年11月16日完成辦理1場保檢合一方案研討會,邀請黃靖雄教授講述柴油車空氣污染防制課程,並由行政院環境保護署張和中環境技術師一同探討未來保檢合一政策,將相關意見帶回環保署以利修定未來政策方向。2. 普查轄區內柴油車維修業者86家,並以是否具合格暨合法為基準,輔導25家維修廠(含一般維修廠、車輛原廠、噴射邦浦調修業者)通過認可。3. 依據變更契約於對外開放使用的充電站場所設置電動機車充電站標示牌共105站,並於100年12月底完成所有設置工作。4. 於100年12月21日完成辦理電動機車充電站輔助設置宣導說明會1場,會議中邀請經濟部工業局電動機車產業發展推動辦公室承辦針對TES電動機車能源補充設施設置補助,並解答所提的疑問。5. 完成印製柴油車宣導海報200張及購置電動機車及老舊二行程機車汰舊抽獎活動宣導海報印製500張,並發放宣導給市民得知,達到宣導的效益。6. 於100年12月20日完成辦理老舊二行程機車汰舊及新購電動機車年終抽獎活動,邀請臺南市政府環境保護局張局長皇珍抽出大獎電動機車兩名,其餘獎項則由臺南市政府環境保護局空噪科林界宏技正、黃旭群股長及蘇暉升、梁巧慧、陳佳宜三位承辦,在蔡雪苓律師的陪同公證下抽出得獎者,完成抽獎活動辦理。7. 新聞稿依據保檢合一方案、抽獎活動及電動機車充電站等內容撰寫新聞稿,經刊登上報達6篇,完成計畫工作。8. 安平地區完成設置電動機車充電站4處,分別為億載金城、扎哈木原住民公園、安平古堡、中西安平區清潔隊。9. 輔導山葉經銷商大鴻葉股份有限公司旗下50家機車行完成設置電動機車充電站50站,並提供經濟部工業局能源設施設置補助簡易申請流程及申請計畫書範本,由山葉經銷商統合將文件整理備妥後向經濟部工業局提出補助申請。三、建議1. 柴油車汰舊換新補助提供補助誘因,提高汰換意願2. 保檢合一政策推動方向維修廠間結盟,提供整車維修能力建構完整維修記錄,研擬提高誘因3. 推廣設置電動機車充電站之方式集中設置、提供補助 maintenance and inspection of program for diesel vehicle emissions testing station The progress of the project up to December 31 2011 is shown in the table below. The “Monthly Statistics of Transportation and Communications Republic of China” published by Ministry of Transportation and Communications shows that up to the end of Nov, 2011, there are up to 2,036,119 motorized vehicles registered in Tainan City. On top of that, the merging of Tainan City and County on Oct 25, 2010 resulted in a more extensive transportation network throughout the entire Tainan City. The number of cars coming in and going out is considerable, and so is the air pollution that comes with them.The Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City is in charge to carry out the control policies handed down by the Environmental Protection Administration, and develops a series of plans including integrated maintenance and inspection for diesel-fueled vehicles, establishment of battery charging stations for electric motorcycles, retirement of 2-stroke motorcycles, and subsidies and sweepstakes for promotion of electric motorcycles. The Bureau hopes to improve the citizen’s idea about the pollution coming from the car exhausts through the promotion of this project, allowing disqualified diesel vehicles to report for maintenance and inspection for better air quality. For low-pollution vehicles, the Bureau would like to encourage the retirement of old, 2-stroke motorcycles and replacement with electric motorcycles, while safe and convenient battery charging station network is provided. Also, promotional posters and news release are made to for promotion of pollution improvement policies and give our good citizens a clean Tainan.I. Project ScheduleThe project started from July 5 2011 to December 31, 2011, in total 6 months.II. Achievements1. A discussion meeting for integration of maintenance/inspection was held on Nov 16 2011, and professor Gin-Hsiung Huang was invited to give a lecture on Diesel Engine Air Pollution Prevention, Environmental technician He-Chung Chang from EPA was also present to discuss future policy on maintenance/inspection integration, and brought the discussion result back to EPA for future policy setting direction.2. 86 diesel-fueled vehicle maintenance operators in the jurisdiction were surveyed to examine whether operations were legal and qualified, and 25 of which were qualified (including general maintenance services, original manufacturer plants, and pump tuning service providers).3. 105 out of the 152 existing electric motorcycle charging stations in Tainan that are open for the public were selected for the installation of charging station signs, and the achievement rate was 100%.4. A presentation on electric motorcycle charging station subsidy was held on Dec 21 2011. Representatives from the Development Office of Electric Motorcycle Industry from Bureau of Industries, MoEA were present to accept applications for subsidy of TES electric motorcycle energy supplement devices, and to answer to any questions. 5. 200 posters on diesel-fueled vehicle promotion and 500 posters on promoting the replacement of the outdated 2-stroke motorcycles with new electric motorcycles with promotional sweepstakes were produced for distribution to the public. These posters were distributed to the public for an achievement rate of 100%.6. The year-end drawing of the sweepstakes on the replacement of 2-stroke motorcycle with new electric motorcycles was held on Dec 20 2011, and Huang-Chen Chang, Chief of the Environmental Protection Bureau from Tainan was invited to draw the grand prize of two new electric motorcycles from all the entries. The remaining prizes were also drawn under the notarizations of lawyer Sheu-Ling Tsai by the Environmental Protection Bureau officials from the city of Tainan.7. 6 newsletters on the unified maintenance/inspection, sweepstake drawing, and charging stations of electric motorcycles were released and published on newspapers for an achievement rate of 100%. 8. 4 electric motorcycle charging stations were set up in Anping area, including the Eternal Golden Castle, Jhahamu Indigenous Park, Zeelandia Castle, and Jhungsi Anping District Cleaning Team. These stations were tested and accepted on Dec 15 2011. 9. 50 local motorcycle stores under Dahongyeh Co., Ltd.; a Yamaha distributor, were set up with electric motorcycle charging stations, and were supplied with a. samples of applications and b. simplified flowcharts of applications on Energy Facility Setup Subsidy by the Bureau of Industries, MoEA. The Yamaha distributor will summarize all the documentation gathered from all the local stores, and file subsidy from Bureau of Industries, MoEA. III. Recommendation1. Subsidize replacement of outdated diesel-fuel vehicles.Provide incentives to promote the willingness of replacement of older, outdated diesel-fuel vehicles with new ones.2. Promote the policy of integrated maintenance and inspection.Promote alliance between individual maintenance service providers to generate capacity of complete vehicle maintenance.Generate full maintenance records, and research ways to provide incentives.3. Ways of promoting the charging stations for electric motorcycles:Centralize implementation of charging stations, and provide subsidy. 100 台南市環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=35542
事業廢棄物建置基線資料及申報流向勾稽管制專案工作計畫 本計畫100年度執行成果,包括:輔導未上網申報及未檢具廢棄物清理計畫書送審之事業共26,811家次(11,927家)事業之清查工作,完成解除列管檢核事業共計6,549家,共72家變更解除列管條件。透過前述作業,本計畫執行期間上網申報率已達97%,而應檢具清理計畫書之送審率達98%、通過率96%。針對事業廢棄物流向追蹤勾稽部分,共計完成約17,254家,專案性勾稽部分共成立46個勾稽專案提報。爲了統合清理計畫書之審查作業及提升填報品質,已完成33大類行業別(中類與細類)事業廢棄物清理計畫書參考例、「原物料、產品與廢棄物對應關聯表(含製造流程、單元)」及審查標準作業手冊。而在事業廢棄物清理計畫書檢核作業部分,已完成共計26,379家事業,並移交派駐人員後續追蹤輔導。於各公告類別選定50家製作所有廢棄物與原物料或產品之產出對應關係,利用99年度申報資料製作其將各業別製作完成之產出對應定量範圍,以批次方式移交系統公司提供系統公司進行程式開發完成後,定期進行勾稽訪查作業。已全數完成公告類別計33大類行業共計1,760家產出對應因子關係。本計畫推動成效可歸納為:1.有效提昇申報品質及有害事業廢棄物應報而未報之追蹤,並加強區域性之勾稽管理;2.健全事業廢棄物管制系統資料庫之基線資料之完整性及正確性;3.專業專職技術派駐人員,提高縣市環保單位業務執行能量。 The Industrial Wastes Database Management and Flow Control Administration Project The works of the Protected are as follows, including: guided and assisted 26,811 companies (11,927incidences) that had not made declarations online and had not submitted the industrial waste disposal plan. As the results, 6,549 companies were de-controlled, while 72 remained in the control list. Through the above mentioned work, during the Project’s implementation period, on-line declaration rates have reached 97%, and the submission rates of those who should submit clearance planning reports reach 98% with an approval rate of 96%.The industrial waste flow tracking in 17,254cases, case type compilations were established in 46 case submissions. In order to integrate the evaluation work of clearance planning reports and to elevate the quality of submissions, 33 major categories of industries (medium and small categories) and their industrial waste clean-up plans references were completed, as well as “raw materials, products, and waste correspondence chart (including manufacturing procedures and units),” and evaluation standard work manuals. In terms of industrial waste clean-up plans evaluation, 26,379 businesses were evaluated, and transferred for further tracking and consultation.Selected 50 companies to discover the corresponding relationships between all waste and the raw materials or the output of product in all the announced categories. Information in 2010 annual reports was used to derive the corresponding quantitative range for the manufactured output in each industry. After the completion of the batch transfer of them to the system company for software development, auditing and inspection operations are carried out regularly: the corresponding output for the announced 33 major industries with 1,760 companies was completed.The promotion achievements of this project can be summarized as: 1.enhanced the reporting quality and the tracking of unreported hazardous industrial waste effectively and strengthen the regional auditing management; 2. improved the completeness and accuracy of the baseline information in the database for the industrial waste control system; 3. deployed full time professional technical staff to enhance the business execution intensity of county and city environmental agencies. 100 廢管處 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30974
100 年度彰化縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 100 彰化縣環境保護局 澳新科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40383
100-101年度土壤及地下水污染事件應變調查、查證及技術支援工作計畫(100年度) 本計畫為兩年度計畫。本(100)年度工作主要分為:(1) 成立應變支援單位辦理緊急污染案件、(2) 提供專業諮詢服務與技術支援工作等二大項目。本(100)年度合計完成17件次污染案件之應變工作,工作團隊皆可依交辦單位之要求配合協助,並完全遵照交辦單位要求之時程內,赴現場現勘、調查,且充分討論溝通規劃查證作業程序及內容。辦理之成效皆能符合合約及主管機關之要求,使主管機關能迅速掌握各場址污染特性與狀況。其中8案經本計畫調查檢測確認污染超過管制標準,超過管制標準之污染物為重金屬、總石油碳氫化合物或揮發性有機物,目前皆由環保局或相關單位配合辦理後續行政管制措施。工作團隊於計畫辦理期間,另提供相關專業技術實務經驗供主辦單位參考,專業技術支援內容涵蓋專業技術文獻資料蒐集彙整、污染調查規劃、污染來源追蹤、及有害廢棄物之清除規劃等。 Investigation, Inspection and Technical Support for the Soil and Groundwater Contamination Project In 2011, the major tasks of this two-year’s project were to establish a response team that assisted EPA to investigate the incidents of soil and groundwater pollution and provide professional consulting service and technical support.This year, the response team had investigated 17 incidents of soil or groundwater pollution. The tasks for each pollutant site included site survey, soil or groundwater investigation, pollution evaluation, source identification, and others that base on EPA’s requirements. The performance of all tasks was conformed to the requirements of the EPA for response team. According to the results, there were 8 sites soil or groundwater pollutant concentration exceeded the pollution control standard. Major pollutants included heavy metals, volatile organic chemicals, or total petroleum hydrocarbons. At present, local EPBs or the related unit are conducting to adopt administrative control measures.The project also provided related experience according to EPA’s requirements, which included technical documents gathering, source identification, feasibility study, hazardous waste disposal planning and etc. 100 土污基管會 美商傑明工程顧問股份有限公司台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=39958
中部及雲嘉南空品區污染減量推動計畫 本計畫主要工作內容包括整合分析空氣品質資料及污染成因探討、評估空品區減量管制工作推動及推動六輕離島工業區空氣污染減量工作三項。主要成果摘要如下:(一)空氣品質分析及污染成因探討由近10年來空品不良率變化趨勢顯示,中部雲嘉南空品區於93~95年達到最高後即呈下降趨勢,99年空品不良率達歷年最低,100年1-10月空品不良狀況與99年同期相近,顯示空氣品質已逐步改善。各類污染物近年來大都有下降情形,其中以中部空品區PM10改善趨勢最明顯,自94年起年平均濃度穩定改善,但雲嘉南空品PM10則無明顯改善情形。由測站PM10高濃度風向結果顯示彰化、崙背及朴子可能受鄰近河灘裸露地揚塵影響,而新營及安南站PM10高濃度較不固定,推測可能自於營建及裸露地等污染源。長期NO2濃度降低幅度為各類污染物中最高,中部空品區90-99年改善22.9%,雲嘉南空品區亦有22.1%,比較CO濃渡亦呈改善趨勢,顯示車輛排放已有降低情形。(二)空品區減量管制工作推動截至9月底止共完對塑/橡膠製造及化學製品製造業2,116家工廠普查,計納管750家,掌握排放量352公噸。藉由擴大掌握點源污染源數量,逐漸掌握實際固定污染源數量與現況,減少排放量估算之不確定性。另由許可排放量與申報排放比對結果顯示,申報排放量高於許可筆數不少,加上本計畫協同查時亦常發現現場污染源現況與許不一致情形。故建議未來應加強污染源操作狀況掌握,特別有防制設備之污染源更應落實操作,以達原設計之防制效率。(三)推動六輕離島工業區空氣污染減量六輕依據100/2/1發布生效之「VOCs標準」規定提出燃燒塔使用事件報告書,統計至8/9為止計188日數據。塑化輕油廠進廢氣總硫濃度大於650 ppm者佔59%,若總硫為H2S,則其濃度可能已經超過法規標準。為使削減率達一定門檻之管制目的,法規要求廢氣燃燒塔操作條件,總淨熱值須大於12MJ/Nm3。依據同時段使用事件報告書,塑化輕油廠廢氣燃燒塔之總淨熱值小於12MJ/Nm3佔22%,可能已經違反法規。六輕空污費疑似每年短報SOx約605噸/年,VOCs約2,023噸/年。其中燃燒塔熱值不足及設備元件<5ppm採用空污費排放係數兩項,建議可逕行追繳空污費,其它項目則需透過修改空污費係數改善。 The plan to reduce the air pollution in the central and south Taiwan. The three main tasks of this project include: 1) to integrally analyze air quality data and diagnose the causes of air pollution episode days; 2) to assess the performance of air pollution reduction control for air quality areas; and 3) to promote air pollution reduction for the No.6 Naphtha Cracker off-shore island industrial zone. The critical results are abstracted as bellow: 1) Air quality data analysis and air pollution causes diagnosisAccording to the variation of poor air quality rate in the last ten years, it can be seen that the rate of the Middle air quality area reached the highest level during 2004-2006 and then kept decreasing. The poor air quality rate came to the least in 2010, and stay at the same level from January to October in this year. This trend shows that the air quality of the Middle air quality area is gradually improved.PM10 is the item that was most obviously imporved among all kinds of air pollutants in the Middle air quality area. The concentration of PM10 has steadily decreased from 2005. However, there was no similar trend in the Yun-Jia-Nan air quality area. By analysing PM10 in high concentration and wind direction data, the high concentration occurred at the Changhua, Lunbei and Putzu sites was probably affected by wade dusts nearby. And the unsteady result of the high concentration showed up at the Shinying and Annan sites was considered from constrction or naked field. Long-term NO2 concentation is the item eliminated most among all kinds of air pollutants, which decreased 22.9% in the Middle air quality area and 22.1% in the Yun-Jia-Nan air quality area as well during 2001-2010. It can be seen that transportation emission also decreased by lower CO concentration.2) Air pollution reduction control for air quality areasIn this project, totally 2,116 industrial plant surveys of plastic/rubber products manufacturing and chemical products manufacturing were completed. About 750 industrial plants were managed, and 325 tons of air pollutants were controlled. Air pollution condition and the amount of air pollutants can be undertood and controlled more accurately with the increasing number of point sources that are managed. Uncertainty of air pollutants assessment can also be lessened for the same reason.Based on the comparison of permitted and registered amount of air pollutants, the summation of the registered amount is much higher than that was permitted. The differences were also learned from the plant surveys in this project. Therefore, enhancing operation inspection of point sources is strongly suggested to keep the industial plants surely practicing air pollution reduction, especially the plants that already have pollution prevention equipments.3) Promotion of air pollution reduction project in the No.6 Naphtha Cracker off-shore island industrial zoneThe VOC data of the No.6 Naphtha Cracker off-shore island industrial zone in 188 days to August, 9, 2011 was compiled and calculated according to the latest “VOC standard” published in February, 1, 2011. The occurence rate of the condition that the total sulfur concentration of inletting waste gas over 650 ppm in the cracking plant is about 59%. If H2S were the contributor to the sulfur concentration, it would be against the national act.In order to make sure that the elimination rate can reach the specific target, the national act requires to operate flares while the total net heat value is higher than 12MJ/Nm3. However, it is shown in the events report of the cracking plant that the total net heat value of the flare is less than the limit, which also reveals that the plant might be against the national rule. It is suspected that there is a shortage of air pollution fee of the No.6 Naphtha Cracker off-shore island industrial zone. The amount is about 605 tons of SOx and 2,023 tons of VOCs each year. The payment of two defects, failed heat value of flare operation and the VOC emission concentration of equipment components are recommanded to be pursued. Other defects should be improved by revising the emission rates of air pollution control fee. 100 空保處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=33962
雲林縣100年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫 爲降低縣內柴油車輛排放黑煙對空氣品質及民眾之影響,雲林縣環境保護局持續推動「100年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫」,執行柴油車輛排煙檢測及油品管制工作,以維護本縣之空氣品質。「100年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫」計畫期程為100年4月1日至101年2月29日,為期11個月整。主要合約工作目標皆已符合期末報告目標數量。本計畫完成目測判煙通知1503輛、檢測站全負載檢測2,609輛、路邊攔檢400輛及場站檢測197輛等方式稽查高污染烏賊車輛進行檢測,並同時進行縣轄行駛中柴油車輛之油品抽測105件、加油站油品抽測30件、地下油行稽巡查26場次等,以遏阻排放黑煙及使用非法油品之烏賊車輛。依本計畫執行成果,提出以下建議:(一)後續仍應將六輕工業區列入管制重點,積極要求管理單位依空氣品質清淨區作業要點做好管理工作,並提供環保局與專案計畫彙整、查核,同時專案計畫派員至現場執行路邊攔檢、目視篩選等作業,以驗證管理成效。(二)本年度執行保檢合一從車隊著手,立意雖佳,然所提供誘因與管制強度有限,車隊大多被動配合,建議明年度可加強輔導管理單位(六輕工業區、學校、河川局、公共工程等),由管理單位要求轄管廠商或車隊,較易收事半功倍之效。(三)本縣老舊車輛較多,今年度透過正式公文寄發、媒體宣導與電話追檢等作業,有效提高其到檢狀況,建議明年度持續辦理,並加強車主自動到檢與保檢合一觀念,減少擅調到檢狀況。(四)民眾檢舉到檢車輛不合格率較高,後續可加強鼓勵民眾檢舉烏賊車,有效管制高污染車輛。(五)老舊車輛較多,今年度透過正式公文寄發、媒體宣導與電話追檢等作業,有效提高其到檢狀況,建議明年度持續辦理,並加強車主自動到檢與保檢合一觀念,減少擅調到檢狀況。(六)檢測站評鑑作業,評鑑委員建議環保局應自備品保車,建議明年度編列經費購置或可考慮由公所清潔車輛調撥處理。(七)本年度查獲車輛使用非法油品1輛次,並經署確認為漁船用油,後續仍需持續加強該類車輛攔查抽油作業,並透過比色與比重,提高破獲率。 Diesel Vehicle Emission Inspection、Illegal Diesel Oil、the Visual Inspection of Exhaust Fume、Roadside Spot Inspection To reduce the emission of smoke from diesel vehicles in the county on air quality and public impact, Yunlin County Environmental Protection Bureau continued to promote " 100 Annual diesel vehicle exhaust testing and oil sample test plan ", perform detection of smoke from diesel vehicles and oil control work to protect the air quality in the County. This project started from 1st of April in 2011 to 29th of February in 2012, lasting 11 months.Main contract goals are in line with the first objective report on the work number. This plan is mainly to Visual detection field station, and sentenced to seized cigarettes, roadside stop squid vehicle inspection, high pollution detection, and County at its oil sample test of diesel vehicles, inspection of the underground oil line inspections, to thwart the emission of black smoke and use of illicit oil squid vehicle.According to this plans implementation results, made following recommendations:( a ) follow-up still should will six light industry area included control focus, active requirements management units according to air quality clean area job points do management work, and provides EPA and project plans meeting whole, and check, while project plans sent member to site implementation roadside stopped check, and Visual filter, job, to validation management results. ( II ) this year implementation insurance check one from fleet started, conception although better, so by provides incentives and control strength limited, fleet most passive tie, recommendations next year of can strengthening counselling management units ( six light industry area, and school, and river Council, and public engineering, ), by management units requirements's tube manufacturers or fleet, more easy received twice of effect. ( III ) old vehicles in the County, and through the official documents to be sent this year, media advocacy and telephone check job, improving it to check status, it is recommended that continued to go through next year, and strengthen the vehicle owners to automatically check and check-in-one concept, reduce unauthorized transfer to check status. ( IV ) public report to the checked vehicle do not rate higher, the successor can be strengthened to encourage people reporting squid, effective control over high-polluting vehicles. ( V ) more older vehicles, through official documents to be sent this year, media advocacy and telephone check job, improving it to check status, it is recommended that continued to go through next year, and strengthen the vehicle owners to automatically check and check-in-one concept, reduce unauthorized transfer to check status. ( VI ) inspection station evaluation operations, Evaluation Committee members suggested that the EPA should bring their own quality assurance, recommends that the provision for next year to buy or can be taken into account by the Government allocation of clean vehicles. ( VII ) seized vehicles using illicit oil this year 1 liangci, and confirmed by the Department for fishing vessels with oil, follow-up still need to continue to enhance the types of vehicles stopped check the pumping operation, and through color and proportion, increase the rate of crack 100 雲林縣環境保護局 華門工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37552
100年度雲林縣離島工業區臭味物質連續監測及有害污染物調查計畫 本計畫於100年4月1日開始執行,工作規劃內容包括針對離島工業區鄰近敏感點位進行紅外線連續監測(OP-FTIR)共計180天,及針對離島工業區廠內2點位及鄰近之14所學校進行有害污染物檢測作業,有害污染物檢測作業內容包括有:揮發性污染物(VOCs)、多環芳香族化合物(PAHs)、重金屬、酸鹼氣體與微粒等。藉著由本計畫之有效執行,建立離島工業區鄰近敏感點位之背景濃度資料,以作為後續監測資料比對之依據,進而瞭解離島工業區對其鄰近區域之影響程度。本年度計畫各工作項目執行成果,主要如下:(一)結合離島工業區既有監測資源,以進行污染源釐清作業。本計畫運用有害空氣污染物檢測作業補足風險評估計畫樣品數的不足,且所使用的VOCs、PAHs與Metal的採樣與分析方法都與風險評估計畫相同,後續所得到的分析與氣象數據資料皆會以電子檔案的形式提供給風險評估計畫使用。另於計畫執行期間,搭配離島整合計畫於離島工業區內的採樣規劃,共執行了3次的聯合採樣,並於首次執行於6/23~6/24以OP-FTIR同步進行監測。(二)配合VOCs及臭味物質監測作業,精確掌握可能引起臭味事件的物質成分及來源。本計畫以兩部OP-FTIR於本縣6處地點進行至少180天的監測,並彙整工安事故的發生及陳情計畫的民眾陳情案件,綜合其成果如下:1.100年5月5日22時36分的民眾陳情資料中,陳情地點為六輕工業區東環路東南門,巡查計畫人員於現場亦有發現異味(風向為東北風),本測點則於23時36分測得乙烯54.19 ppb,風向為北北東,與巡查結果大抵一致。2.100年5月12日六輕發生工安事件,於火災發生約4 hr後(風向西北~北風;風速約2.1~2.4 m/s),於崙豐國小測點測得氯乙烯(最大濃度高達217.94 ppb),同時段乙烯、丙烯亦同步有高值發生。此外,陳情計畫亦在22時20分於六輕東北門進行鋼瓶採樣,當時風向為西風,檢測結果中即包含氯乙烯389 ppb,顯示在此次工安事件中,確實有氯乙烯逸散至鄰近地區。3.陳情計畫的資料中,於100年7月1日14時50分接獲豐安國小校區異味陳情,現場風向為西北風。本計畫於新興國小監測結果中,則於14~15時,分別測得2.4~18.5 ppb的甲醇,風向為北北西風,由於新興國小位於豐安國小南邊,對照其風向來源,研判應有相當的關連性。4.六輕於100/7/26及100/7/30均有工安事件發生,本計畫分別於海豐分校及台西國中架有OP-FTIR監測設備。由7/23~8/3的圖譜解析,主要在於7/27~7/29間有較高濃度的乙烯、丙烯及丁烷,鄰近的海豐分校測點更測得較高濃度的乙烯(172.5 ppb)及丁烷(621.83 ppb)。(三)利用監測數據配合氣象資料及污染成份特性,鑑別污染可能來源及形式,提供相關管制計畫作為污染管制及輔導依據,以維護良好空氣品質及生活環境。除本計畫針對離島工業區內及其周界進行環境中有害空氣物質監測外,尚有離島整合計畫及風險評估計畫,本計畫之各項工作執行均會與兩計畫進行橫向聯繫,並將成果彙整以了解本縣整體空氣中污染物的分布情形,後續亦均會提送至環保局以利相關管制計畫作為污染管制及輔導之依據。(四)建立離島工業區監測數據整合平台,以便有效彙整所有監測結果。本計畫整合風險評估計畫執行的有害空氣污染檢測結果,共計VOCs檢測96個樣本、微粒態PAHs檢測82個樣本、氣態PAHs檢測68個樣本、重金屬檢測82個樣本及酸酸性物質檢測80個樣本,並彙整歸納於本報告中。此外,另彙整離島整合計畫於離島工業區內執行之六次揮發性有機化合物調查(共檢測72點),其結果總計分析出157種揮發性有機化合物,其中有害空氣污染物種有43種,佔總物種數27%,另由總物種次來看計有358種次,其中有害空氣污染物種數有142種次,佔總物種次數40%,從各次檢測物種數來看以第二次採樣出現96種最多,而第二次採樣區域皆在輕油廠,其次為第四次採樣81種其採樣點分佈於台塑MMA、AN、C4、AE、塑化OL-1、台化AROMA-1、PTA、PS、HAC、台化廢水廠,而各次採樣有害空氣污染物種數檢出最多的則是第四次採樣(33種),其次為第三次採樣(29種)。從檢測濃度分析,除了丙烯醛有三點其測值分別為3.8 ppb、2.1 ppb及29.7 ppb超過管制標準(2 ppb)外,其餘各點均符合管制標準。(五)於六輕工業區附近區進行空氣中有害空氣污染物(包括:16種多環芳香、揮發性有機氣體及20種重金屬)之監測。本計畫完成離島工業區廠內2點位及鄰近14所學校共計16點位之揮發性有機物、多環芳香族化合物及重金屬之檢測分析,結果如下:1.揮發性有機氣體分析結果中,以1,3丁二烯、氯乙烯、1,2-二氯乙烷及丙烯腈為離島工業區之指標污染物,尤以5月份(盛行風為西北風)及9月份(盛行風為西風),麥寮鄉及台西鄉均位於離島工業區下風處,兩地多數測點均有測得1,3丁二烯及氯乙烯;另於廠區內6點次的監測結果中,於甲基丙烯酸甲酯廠(MMA)測得36.68 ppb的甲基丙烯酸甲酯,或於丙烯腈廠(AN)測得26.2 ppb的丙烯腈…等,大部分的數據均顯示有測得測點所在廠區的代表性污染物。如上所述,由廠區內、外的檢測結果可知污染物的逸散問題仍需持續加強管控。2.多環芳香烴樣品分析結果中,以PAHs/PM2.5來進行解析,可知PAHs佔PM2.5的比例明顯以廠內測點為高,尤其以四環的B[k]F及Chry、五環的DBA、六環的B[ghi]P所佔比例為較高。3.環境空氣重金屬樣品分析結果中,以金屬成分/PM10來進行解析,可知金屬成分佔PM10的比例以廠內測點最高,其次為高暴露區、暴露組,以對照組為最低;在廠內測點中以Cu所佔比例遠高於其他組別,其次則為V、Ni、Co、Se、Cr,且其比例大小均由內至外逐漸減少,因Cu為工業污染指標,V、Ni及Cr來自燃油工廠及燃煤電廠所排放,Co則可能來自於煉油製程尾氣,故均可視為廠區所排放之污染物之特徵元素。(六)調查離六輕工業區五公里範圍內之極揮發有機氣體(VVOCs)、臭氧與氨氣之連續監測。本計畫自99年度於豐安國小、新興國小、崙豐國小及海豐分校執行極揮發有機氣體監測,主要測得氨氣、甲烷、乙烯及乙醚,100年度的監測結果則以氨氣、甲烷及乙烯為主,雖均以甲烷濃度較高,但其特性為無味,仍是以氨氣為主要的臭味來源。本計畫監測結果中,氨之濃度明顯於夜間較日間為高,另由氨連續監測分析儀之結果顯示,亦以夜間濃度較高,由於本縣轄內有多數畜牧業,於各測點所測得的氨,其風向通常來自各方位,並無明顯固定來源。(七)針對酸鹼性氣體及微粒進行監測,搭配氣象資料,探討異味與微粒對附近校園之影響。本計畫完成離島工業區廠內2點位及鄰近14所學校共計16點位之酸鹼性氣體與微粒的檢測分析,結果以氨氣為主要測得物種,廠區內最大值為41 ppb,高暴露區最大值為86 ppb,暴露區最大值為100 ppb,對照區最大值為76 ppb,顯示廠區製程雖有氨氣的逸散,但周界外可能因畜牧業的影響,導致周界外或是更遠的對照組測點會測得較高濃度的氨氣。對於校園環境的影響,尚需進行長期性的監測,並判斷異味種類,避免以氨氣作為判斷離島工業區影響的指標。(八)氣象站設置部分經局內同意,工作團隊於100年6月30日完成六輕北門宿舍、橋頭國小及尚德國小等3座氣象站設置作業。 The continuous monitoring of the stinky material and the survey of harmful air pollutants in Yunlin County on 2011 This project started on April 1th 2011 and it contained following working targets including the 180 days' continuously Open Path FTIR (OP-FTIR) infrared monitoring (OP-FTIR) in sensitive sites of the off-shore Island's industrial district, and the analysis of harmful pollutants examination at 14 schools and 2 places in the off-shore Island's industrial district. The harmful pollutants examination contents included: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals, acid and alkali gas and particles and so on. The main purpose of this project is firstly to establish the background data in sensitive sites of the off-shore Island's industrial district for the future follow up comparative monitoring and secondly to understand the impact of pollutants coming from off-shore Island's industrial district.Each executed achievements of this plan were listed as below:First, this plan unified the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone existing monitoring resources to carry on the clarification of pollutant sources. This plan utilized harmful air pollutant examination work to make up the insufficiency sample number of risk assessment plan, and all requested VOCs, PAHs and the Metal sampling and the analysis method were the same as the risk assessment plan, following obtained analysis and the meteorological data material all would be provide by the electronic file form for the risk assessment plan to use. In plan execution period, matching the Islands conformity plan in the Islands industrial district sampling plan, there were 3 times complimentary sampling, and in carried out for the first time in 6/23~6/24 using OP-FTIR synchronization monitoring.Secondly, to coordinate VOCs and the stink material monitoring work is to grasp precisely the possible material ingredient and the origin which causes the stink events. This plan carried out at least 180 day-long monitoring by two sets OP-FTIR in 6 places of this county and collected the labor safety accidents and the populace appealing cases. Its achievements were summarized as follows: (1) on May 5th at 22:36pm, populace stated one case in the material, i.e. the place was in the southeast gate of Tonghuan Road in the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone and the inspector also discovered unusual smell in the scene (wind direction was northeast), this measuring point obtained ethylene 54.19 ppb in 23:36PM, the wind direction was north north-east, which reflected the consistent result as the inspection. (2) The Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone occurred labor safety event with the fire, the Lunfeng Primary School obtained the vinyl chloride (the greatest density to reach as high as 217.94 ppb), the same time interval ethylene and the propylene also synchronized the high value occurrence approximately 4 hours after the fire (wind direction northwest ~ north wind; The wind speed approximately 2.1~2.4 m/s). In addition, the pleading case also carried on the canister sampling in 22:20pm in Formosa Plant Northeast gate, at that time the wind direction was the western wind, in the test result namely contained vinyl chloride 389 ppb, demonstrated that in this labor safety event, the vinyl chloride had dissipated truly to nearby area. (3) In the pleading case, The Fengan Primary School received the unusual smell at 14:50pm on July 1st and the scene wind direction was a northwest wind. Around the same time in 14~15:00 the Sinsin Primary School, obtained 2.4~18.5 ppb the methyl alcohol separately, the wind direction was the north north-western wind, because the Sinsin Primary School located at the south side of the Fengan Primary School, compares its wind direction, the evaluation should have suitable correlational. (4) The Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone had labor safety events in 7/26 and 7/30. This plan set up the OP-FTIR monitoring facilities in the Haifeng Branch School and the Taici Secondary School respectively. By 7/23~8/3 Chroma graph analysis, mainly lied in 7/27~7/29 to have the high density ethylene, the propylene and the butane, the neighbor Haifeng Branch school measuring point obtained the high density the ethylene (172.5 ppb) and the butane (621.83 ppb).Third, to use the monitoring data coordinated with meteorological data and the pollution ingredient characteristic provided the related control plan to control the pollution and maintain the good air quality and the living conditions. Besides this plan carried on the harmful air material monitoring in the Islands industrial district and the ambient environment, it still had the Islands conformity plan and the risk assessment plan; this plan’ execution would be carried on crosswise contacting with two plans, and collected this county overall air pollutants distributed situation to be brought to the environmental protection bureau making the pollution control and the counseling basis.Fourth, to build the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone monitoring data integrated platform with the aim of collecting the entire monitoring result effectively.This plan integrated risk assessment plan to execute harmful air pollution test result showed total VOCs examining 96 samples, particle condition PAHs examining 82 samples, gaseous state PAHs examining 68 samples, the heavy metal examining 82 samples and the sour acidic material examining 80 samples, and collected the entire induction in this report.In addition, to integrated the project “Air Pollutant Information Integration in Coastal Industrial Park” six times the volatile organic compounds investigation executions (altogether examining 72 spots) in the Islands industrial district, its result pointed out separated 157 kinds of volatile organic compounds, the harmful air pollution species have 43 kind, occupied the total 27%, in addition by the total species time looked that the idea has 358 kind of times, the harmful air pollution species number has 142 kind of times, accounted for the total species number of times 40%, looking from each examination species number presented 96 kinds by the second sampling.But the second sampling region all in the light petroleum factory, next distributed for the fourth sampling 81 kinds of its sampling points in Formosa Plastics Group MMA, AN, C4, AE, plastifies OL-1, AROMA-1, PTA, PS, HAC, the Formosa Petrochemical corporation Waste Water Factory, but each sampling harmful air pollution species number picked out most much was the fourth sampling (33 kinds), next for the third sampling (29 kinds). From the examination density analysis, the acrolein had three points showing data respectively was 3.8 ppb, 2.1 ppb and 29.7 ppb surpassed the control standard (2 ppb), and other spotz conformed to the control standard.Fifth, to conduct the harmful air pollutant (including: more than 16 kinds of PAHs, VOCs and 20 kind of heavy metals) monitoring in the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone nearby areas.This plan completed in the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone 2 spot positions and 14 schools total 16 spot positions including the VOCs, PAHs and the heavy metal analysis, the result was as follows: in (1) VOCs analysis result, took 1, 3 pyprolylene, the vinyl chloride, 1, 2- dichloroethane and the propylene nitrile as the target pollutants in the Islands industrial district, You Yi in May (prevailing wind for northwest wind) and in September (prevailing wind for western wind), Mailiao Town and the TaiXi Town located at the Islands industrial district leeward place, two place most measuring points have obtained 1, 3 pyprolylene and the vinyl chloride; In addition in the factory district 6 spot time monitoring result, obtained 36.68 ppb in methyl methacrylate factory (MMA) the methyl methacrylate, or obtains 26.2 ppb in propylene nitrile factory (AN) the propylene nitrile…And so on, the majority of data demonstrated that has obtained the measuring point in the factory district representative pollutant. As stated above, might know the pollutants by the factory district inside and outside testing result showed the escape question still exist and had to strengthen the pollutants control.in (2) From the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon sample analysis result, it carried on the analysis by PAHs/PM2.5. We found PAHs occupying PM2.5 proportion obviously and taking the factory as measuring point with high percentage, especially four link's B[k]F and Chry, five link's DBA, six link's B[ghi]P accounted for the high proportion.in (3) From the heavy metal sample in ambient air analysis result,it carried on the analysis by metal ingredient /PM10. We found the metal ingredients occupying PM10 obviously and taking the factory measuring points with highest percentage, next for high exposed zone, exposed group, control group as lowest; In the measuring point accounted for the proportion in the factory in which Cu was higher than other categories, next is V, Ni, Co, Se, Cr, and its proportion size gradually reduces from inside the factory to the outside, because Cu is the industrial pollution target, V, Ni and Cr discharge from the fuel oil factory and the coal-burning power plant, Co possibly comes from the refinery system regulation exhaust, therefore may regard as of feature element pollutant of the factory district emissions.Sixth, the investigation the side volatilizes organic gas (VVOCs), the ozone and the ammonia continuous monitoring in the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone five kilometers scopes. This plan from 2010 in the Fengan Primary School, Sinsin Primary School, Liufeng Primary School and Haifeng Branch School carried out volatilizes the organic gas monitoring mainly obtained the ammonia, the methane, the ethylene and the ether. Year 2010 monitoring result consisted by ammonia, methane and ethylene primarily, although was high by the methane density, but its characteristic for tasteless, was still take the ammonia as the main stink origin.In this plan monitoring result, the density of the ammonia in the night was higher than the day, in addition the ammonia continuous monitoring data demonstrated also high at night density, because in this county governed the most animal husbandry, obtained the ammonia in various measuring points, its wind direction usually coming from various positions, and not obvious fixed origin.Seventh, to carry on the monitor in view of the acid-base gas and the particle, the matching meteorological data and the discussion unusual smell and the particle to influence on the neighbor campus.This plan completed in the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone 2 spot positions and nearby 14 schools with the total 16 spot positions the acid-base gas and the particle examination analysis, the result as mainly obtained the species take the ammonia, in the factory district the maximum value was 41 ppb, the high exposed zone maximum value was 86 ppb, the exposed zone maximum value was 100 ppb, the control farm plot maximum value was 76 ppb. Demonstrated that factory district system process had the ammonia escape, but outside border possibly because of animal husbandry influence, will cause outside the border perhaps the farther control group measuring point will obtain the high density the ammonia. Regarding the campus environment's influence, must carry on the long-term monitor, and judges the unusual smell type, avoids judging the Islands industrial district influence by the ammonia achievement the target.Eighth, the weather station installation was agreed by the bureau, the work team on June 30 of 2011 completed 3 weather stations in Formosa Plan North Gate Dormitories, the Chiautou Primary School and Shander Primary School. 100 雲林縣環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37921
99年度臺南縣空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫 依據「99年度臺南縣空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)合約規定,本計畫各項工作執行成果摘要如下:一、 環境負荷及變化趨勢目前臺南市人口為187.4萬人,密度為855人/km2,為雲嘉南四縣市中最高。工廠家數自91年後有降低的趨勢,目前約8,462家工廠,密度為3.9家/km2,以金屬製品製造業、機械設備製造業及塑膠製品製造業較多,而南部科學工業園區自89年以來家數逐年增加,目前已有273家廠商進駐於南科園區。 移動車輛負荷部分,目前臺南市車輛總數約為199萬輛,其中機車佔多數(約1,41萬輛),其次為小客車(48萬輛),大、小貨車分別有12,367輛及75,398輛。96年後汽油車及機車數呈現逐年緩慢上升之趨勢,總發油量自96年後亦呈現穩定之趨勢,可能與油價之提升及政府倡導節能減碳有關。 本市營建工地數自92年起大幅增加, 94年後開始減少,97~99又呈現成長,99年之工地數為10,418處,為10年來最高,而削減率亦為歷年最高,達56%,顯示臺南市營建工地管制之成效。 本市陳情案件中,本市陳情案件中,異味陳情改善一直是為本市持續努力改善之重要工作,主要是以工廠、餐飲業為最主要陳情類別。二、 空氣品質現況及問題分析99年臺南市空品不良比例為2.95%,達成99年空品管制目標(3.8%),為7年來最佳。空品不斷進步之原因,可能與近年針對懸浮微粒之改善作法有關。(1) 懸浮微粒與臭氧污染之主因,除了本市污染源外,更可能為氣候條件、氣象狀況與境外污染傳輸而有所影響。(2) 臺南市以跨縣市與跨境傳輸對O3尖峰濃度之影響為主要貢獻源,而O3濃度99 年度臺南縣「空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫」 中文摘要摘-2控制以線源優先。臺南市人為PM10排放貢獻量以面源最大,約為全市貢獻量之90%,管制策略應以面源為目標,尤其是裸露地之改善。三、 各類污染源排放結構分析依據TEDS 7.0排放量資料庫檢討更新結果,本市98年點、線、面源之排放清單已更新,各類污染源之排放狀況如下: PM10總排放量為15,384公噸/年,面源排放量佔62.1%,固定污染源排放量佔23.9%、線源佔14%。面源以「車輛行駛揚塵(鋪面道路)」(26.4%)、「建築/施工」(11.8%)為主。 SOx總排放量6,344公噸/年,絕大部分來自固定污染源之排放,佔總量的93.5%、面源佔5.2%、線源佔1.3%。其中固定污染源以「化學材料製造業」(39.0%)、「電力業」(13.2%)、「紡織業」(10.6%)為排放大宗。 NOx總排放量為29,964公噸/年,主要來自線源之排放,佔總量之73.2%,其中主要以「柴油車」(54.9%)貢獻比例最高。 NMHC總排放量為62,826公噸/年,工業-面源排放為最大宗,佔總量36.2%,以「其他工業表面塗裝」為主,其次為「塑膠製品製造業」。 CO總排放量為41,187公噸/年,線源為主要排放源,佔80.3%,「汽油車」(42.5%)、「機車」(27.1%)及「柴油車」(10.6%)佔CO排放總量大宗。四、 檢討修正本市空氣污染管制策略99年度各項空氣污染防制計畫管制目標與實際達成狀況,少數未能達成,其中「PM10年平均值」、「VOCs工廠輔導減量」、「推動稻草披覆蓋」及「營建工地排放量削減率」未達預定目標。 縣市合併後,縣市之間存在著相當大的城鄉差距,考量縣市合併後幅員廣大且地方區域特色之不同,依據區域特性擬定100~101年短程空氣品質管制策略,並進行分區分級管制,除了針對固有之固定、逸散及移動污染源之三大污染源進行管制外,增加「民眾感受度」及「低碳生活」之類別。五、 空氣品質管理特色目標及創新做法研擬規劃本計畫規劃之99年度三大特色目標及創新做法,包括「排毒專案」、「移污特定族群管制專案」及「沙塵暴或高懸浮微粒污染時期應變專案」,其執行狀況符合預定目標及進度。而100年地方特色作法規劃三大作法,分別為「定檢汰舊送大金」、「申報無界限民眾好方便」及「揚塵零專案」。99 年度臺南縣「空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫」 中文摘要摘-3六、 民眾滿意度問卷調查1. 空氣品質改善工作民眾滿意度近八成以上民眾對於縣市合併後,環保局整體之服務態度及辦事效率上表示滿意,且四成三的民眾受訪者覺得相較於去年,今年臺南市空氣品質有明顯的改善,有六成七的受訪者對環保局改善空氣污染之整體努力成果覺得滿意,相對的,近二成三之民眾表示不滿意。2. 營建工地政風滿意度本年度之調查結果與99年調查結果相仿,本市營建工地管制在政風方面表現優良,在「洽辦業務時不滿意的原因」請該計畫進行人員訓練。在政風廉潔度相關調查結果方面,本市表現優秀,幾無讓民眾覺得不廉潔或不禮貌,對本市有正面改善的效果。七、 連續自動監測設施管理作業統計100年1月至7月,所有的連線工廠資料傳輸已趨於穩定,連線公私場所日報傳輸率均能達100%,另每日經由專人上線確認資料傳輸狀況,可發現即時傳輸率與日報傳輸率均相符。八、 空污費徵收作業目前原臺南縣空污費列管對象共計727家,其中需申報SOx、NOx對象共54家、需申報VOCs對象共164家,而需申報SOx、NOx及VOCs對象共509家。100年第2季共計完成742家次空污費徵收作業,本季申報率為99.6% 。 99 Tainan city Air Quality Maintenance and Management Plan In accordance with the ITB of “2010 Tainan City Air Quality Maintenance and Management Plan” (hereinafter “Project”), the execution of each work item is summarized below:1. Environmental Burden and TrendsPresently, the population is around 1.874 million (or 855 persons per square km) that is higher than both national and Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan averages. The number of factories has been decreasing since 1992. Currently, there are 8,462 factories (or 3.9 factories per square km). The dominant industries include manufacturing of metal and plastic products as well as machinery. There had seen increases in the number of companies in Tainan Science Park since opening, up to 2009 after which the growth has slowed down. Currently, there are 273 companies in Tainan Science Park.Total number of moving vehicles in Tainan City is 199 million. Motorcycle is the largest number of the moving vehicles, the secondary is the passenger car. Since 2007, the growth of Gasoline car and motorcycle has come to slowly. And oil consumption is also growth slowdown. This trend may have resulted from the rise in petroleum prices and the promotion of energy savings by the government.There have not persistent trends in the growth of construction in the past decade; it grew significantly between 2003 and 2005, dropped in the period of 2006-20072010 Tainan County AQMP AbstractAbs-2and gone back up in the following 2 years. At present, the number of constructions is 10 thousands. Therefore, Pollution reduction ratio is most 56% that is the highest of the ten years. It has shown the effectiveness of construction site control.The majority of environmental odors Petition are factory and restaurant related and have been on ascent. Odor improve has been the most important work for petition cases.2. Air Quality TrendsIn 2010 was seen the lowest poor air quality ratio in 7 years. The poor air quality ratio was 2.95% in 2010. which was under the control target 3.8%. The focus on improvement of the suspended populated matter in 2010, might have contributed to that progress. The main sources that cause poor air quality are suspended particulate matter and ozone pollution.Besides the contamination of self, suspended particulate matter and ozone pollution have mostly resulted from climate changes, meteorological conditions, External contamination.Based on the sources of pollution in Tainan City, controlling ozone concentrations should start with line sources, followed by area and then point sources. Therefore, PM10 is most come from area source. The control strategy in Tainan City should aim at area sources, in particular the improvement in naked land.3. Air Pollution EmissionWe have updated 2009 emission inventory based on TEDS-7.0, as follows.PM10 emission: 15,384 tons per year, originating mainly from area sources. SOX emission: 6,344 tons per year, the majority of which originated from point sources. NOX emission: 29,964 tons per year, originating mainly from line sources. NMHC emission: 62,826 tons per year, originating mainly from area sources of2010 Tainan County AQMP AbstractAbs-3industry. CO emission: 41,187 tons per year, originating mainly from line sources.4. Reviewed and revised the city air pollution control strategiesThe progress achieved of air pollution control programs in 2010 is good, besides few works didn’t reach the target, for example, year average of PM10, VOC Factory reduction counseling and the ratio of construction emissions reduction.Between counties and cities there is a considerable gap between urban and rural areas after county merger. Consider the combined area of the larger cities and counties and Regional characteristics in different places. Based on regional characteristics, “Zoning classification for control” is the short-range air quality control strategies for 2011~2012. In addition to points source, fugitive sources and mobile sources, and increase the public feeling and low-carbon life category.5. Characteristics of air quality management objectives and develop innovative approachesThis project had planned three features works in 2010. Include detoxification project, Control project specific groups of vehicles and Dust or aerosol contamination during high-strain Projects. The perform works had been on schedule. In 2011, the first of three major features works is Periodic inspection, Eliminate the old car with Bonus gifts. Secondary is declaration of no limits, the last is no dust project.6. Public satisfaction survey(1) Satisfaction of Air quality improvementsThere are above of 80% people for the EPA bureau’s overall attitude and expressed satisfaction on the efficiency after county merger. And 43% of respondents felt the public compared to last year, air quality have significantly improved in 2011. With 67% of the respondents Environmental Protection Agency's overall efforts to improve air pollution feel satisfied with the results. In contrast, almost a fifth three of the people expressed dissatisfaction(2) Satisfaction with political wind construction site2010 Tainan County AQMP AbstractAbs-4Survey results of 2011is similar with 2010. Construction site control in the political wind has shown excellent. Degree of integrity in the political wind survey is an excellent. The results have a positive image of the effect of EPA bureau.7. Monitoring and controlling the CEMS operation and enforcing the levy of the pollution control fee of the stationary pollution sourceWe processed to monitor and control the CEMS normal operation in our area and to continue enforcing the levy of the pollution control fee of the stationary pollution source. 100 台南市環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27025
100年度台灣南部海域環境品質調查監測及海洋垃圾調查計畫 屏東縣政府環境保護局接受行政院環保署補助,針對台灣中部及東部以南沿岸地區含彰化縣、雲林縣、嘉義縣、臺南市、高雄市、屏東縣及臺東縣等縣市重要港口附近海域之水質及海洋垃圾汙染,進行監測調查的工作,並由國立中山大學海洋環境及工程學系負責此項監測及調查的工作,以期建立該區海域完整之水質背景資料,做為未來規劃與管理該區海岸開發利用時之參考。於 100 年度計畫中選擇台灣彰化縣,雲林縣,嘉義縣,臺南市,高雄市,屏東縣與臺東縣等縣市七處重要港口附近海域,進行水質與海洋垃圾調查工作。此七處採樣的地點由北至南為彰化縣-王功漁港,雲林縣-箔仔寮漁港,嘉義縣-東石漁港,臺南市-安平漁港,高雄市-第一港口,屏東縣-山海漁港與臺東縣-伽藍漁港(富岡漁港)附近海域,共為七個測站。於測區內各選擇一個測點,進行監測海域水質及海洋垃圾汙染調查。將所取得之資料加以分析討論,研討所得之結果詳載於本報告書中,文中內容略述如下:第一章前言描述本計畫之緣由。於第二章節中描寫有關各區域採樣點位置之選定及採樣點座標。第三章討論有關採樣方式及包含pH 值、溶氧量、總磷、重金屬及海洋垃圾調查...等各項採樣分析之方法。第四章節中針對所採樣品之水質經由分析化驗後之數據資料及海洋垃圾汙染調查統計分析,依七處海域分別逐項討論之。第五章中對於本實驗室之數據品保及品管予以分析討論。第六章中對所有分析結果討論後予以做成詳細結論。第七章為本文之參考文獻。報告書中所包含之圖表資料為所測之化學分析數據、氣象資料、潮汐資料、採樣點位圖等。 100 屏東縣政府環境保護局 國立中山大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27511
100年度嘉義縣空氣品質管理發展計畫 本計畫以協助環保局推動本縣整體空氣品質維護或改善計畫之運作,整合各計畫執行成效與方向,並規劃短中長程管制策略,擬定下年度及未來空氣品質改善計畫之執行重點,以有系統地規劃及研定本縣改善空氣品質之時間表,預期之計畫目標如下:一、解析本縣歷年空氣品質,並依據本縣訂定之空氣污染防制計畫及排放量管理計畫書,分析空氣污染源特性,研擬短、中及長程管制對策,以使三級防制區提升為二級防制區。二、依據環保署訂定之「100年度直轄市及縣(市)空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評要點」,協助查核督導本局空氣污染防制相關計畫,定期查核其執行計畫內容、品質與工作進度,督促進行缺失改善。三、辦理空氣品質淨化區輔導查核、維(養)護管理、資料彙整建檔及碳匯調查、網路平台填報等相關作業。四、協助辦理本縣環境污染防制(治)基金之運作及其相關行政事宜,達到基金編列運用之適切性。五、辦理民眾滿意度調查、分析及相關宣導作業,瞭解縣民對空氣污染管制業務之滿意度及認知度,俾利本縣空氣污染管制政策擬定參考,使空污費運用更能契合民意需求。 100 嘉義縣環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=84221
100年度強化毒化物安全管理及災害應變計畫-北部環境災害應變隊建置計畫 本年度計畫主要工作項目為協助環保署維持北部環境災害應變隊運作及協調業者成立毒災聯防應變支援團隊,持續維持於台北、宜蘭與新竹等三地設置之災害應變隊運作,3隊出勤到場應變共計55次,並執行環保署各項儀器裝備校正、維護工作及更新轄區應變基本資料。平時業務完成941場次毒災防救業務輔導應變計畫、13場次法規說明會、3場次督察大隊聯合業務、2場次動員研討會、2場次聯防小組組訓、91場次臨廠輔導、45場次無預警測試以及完成37場次辦理地方環保機關演習整訓及執行環保署交付全動、反恐、與環境災害相關演習兵推;完成轄區各縣市毒化物運作廠家之毒災危害範圍及潛勢分析圖,並召專家會議審查成果;強化國內環境毒災應變技術及國際經驗交流,邀請美國杜邦公司應變專家來台進行1場次應變經驗交流會議,8月召開1次專家及機關案例檢討交流會議,藉由相關救災單會及專家研討,以防類似災害再發生。執行「環境事故之污染源分析調查」方面,已與環保署認證實驗室簽署支援分析協議,依署內指示啟動支援機制;協調成立業界毒災聯防應變支援團隊方面,北部應變隊之應援團隊3隊持續運作並參與相關演訓,支援出勤或演練9場次。 Plan for the North Region of Taiwan Emergency Response Team for Environmental Toxic Chemical Inciden The main work under this plan for this year was to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in maintaining the operation of the Northern Taiwan Environmental Toxic Incidents Emergency Response Team (NTETIERT), and to coordinate the establishment of a Toxic Incidents Joint Prevention and Response Support Team by business operators. With regard to the NTETIERT, the efforts of this year were focused on the maintaining operation of the toxic incidents response teams in Taipei, Yilan and Hsinchu. The NTETIERTs responded to 55 emergencies incidents. Other work included the ongoing calibration and maintenance of various EPA instruments and equipment; and updated response information for the area of jurisdiction. During this period, the NTETIERT has reviewed 941 cases on toxic incidents prevention and response guidance planning, and organized 13 seminars on regulation, 3 sessions for joint team monitoring and observation, 2 conferences for response team member, 2 training sessions for joint prevention task forces, 91 sessions for onsite plant/factory guidance, 45 unannounced tests and completed 37 sessions for local environmental agency drills and preparatory training as well as tactical decision practives such as sand table exercises related to mobilization, anti-terrorism, and environmental disaster response. Regarding hazard analysis of toxic chemical incidents at toxic chemical handling facilities within the area of jurisdiction, we completed hazard potential maps. Expert review conferences were who held in all counties and cities. In order to enhance domestic environmental toxic chemical incident response technology and share experience at the international level, we invited response experts from America's Dupont to Taiwan for a response experience exchange conference. In addition, an expert and agency case review interchange conference was held in August. The accident relief units and experts at these conferences discussed how to prevent past incidents from recurring. We have signed an analysis support agreement with an EPA-certified laboratory, and initiated support mechanisms when instructed by the EPA. Regarding the establishment of a Toxic Incidents Joint Prevention and Response Support Team by enterprises, the NTETIERT is continued to play its role as a coordinator. Nine onsite responses and training sessions were supported by Toxic Incidents Joint Prevention and Response Support Team organized by enterprises. 100 毒管處 中原大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30625
加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫(第七期)(乙) 行政院環境保護署為預防土壤及地下水污染,確保土地及地下水資源永續利用,落實「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之規定,於100年辦理「加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫(第七期)(甲、乙)」,分別由中興工程顧問股份有限公司負責執行中北部區域之甲計畫工作,及美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司負責執行中南部區域之乙計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)工作,共完成331站(甲計畫167站、乙計畫164站)加油站土壤及地下水污染調查工作。本計畫工作為辦理中南部區域共164站加油站土壤及地下水污染調查工作,以作為後續管制之依據。調查工作分為三個階段執行,第一階段調查為測漏管與土壤氣體檢測;第二階段調查為針對第一階段篩選出之具污染潛勢加油站進行土壤採樣分析及以簡易井進行地下水採樣分析;第三階段調查則為針對第二階段地下水超過管制標準之加油站,進一步設置標準監測井及進行地下水採樣分析。本計畫第一階段調查共完成164站加油站2,805支測漏管基本功能測試及油氣之油氣之爆炸下限值(%LEL), 光離子偵測器(Photo Ionization Detector,PID) 及火焰離子偵測器(Flame Ionization Detector ,FID)檢測、21點土壤間氣體之PID及FID檢測,以及164點土壤氣體GC圖譜判釋作業。依調查結果顯示,測漏管油氣濃度測值經評估具高污染潛勢(A級)有0站,次高者(B級)有5站。依環保署指示,本計畫第二階段之調查對象除篩選測漏管油氣濃度檢測結果為高污染潛勢A~E級與土壤氣體GC圖譜判釋結果屬1、2級者(合計共29站)外,亦增加環保署99年「加油站防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備查核暨網路申報諮詢計畫」查核結果為高污染潛勢加油站4站進行調查,共計調查33站。本計畫第二階段調查共完成33站加油站115點(544.8公尺)土壤採樣與90口簡易井設置;土壤及簡易井地下水檢測分析數量分別為117點(含2口土樣各送兩段深度分析)與91口地下水採樣檢測分析(含1口既設井採樣)。依檢測分析結果顯示,計有9站加油站之土壤污染物濃度超過土壤污染管制標準;有11站加油站之簡易井地下水污染物濃度超過地下水污染管制標準。於第三階段調查之12站加油站中(含綠島站),計有6站加油站之地下水污染物濃度超過地下水污染管制標準。總結上述本計畫調查結果,共計有11站之土壤污染物濃度或地下水污染物濃度超過管制標準,其中5站土壤污染物超過管制標準、2站地下水污染物濃度超過管制標準及4站土壤及地下水皆超過管制標準,均應依土壤及地下水污染整治法相關規定進行管制。此外,依據本計畫調查之加油站基本資料、加油站防止污染地下水體設施及定期監測申報資料等,與加油站污染之潛勢進行相關性分析,以提供環保機關做為後續行政管制措施之參考依據。 Investigating Soil and Groundwater Pollution at the Gas Stations in Taiwan (the Seventh Project) (B) In order to prevent soil and groundwater pollution, ensure the sustainablity of soil and groundwater use, and fulfill the regulations of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, the Environmental Protection Administration (the EPA) initiated the Project of Investigating Soil and Groundwater Pollution at Gas Stations(the Seventh Phase)- Plans A and B in 2011, including completion of 331 gas stations investigation. Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Ltd. (Sinotech) carried out Plan A, covering Central and Northern Taiwan, while MWH Taiwan carried out Plan B, covering Central and Southern Taiwan.Plan B was aimed to investigate the level of soil and groundwater pollution at 164 gas stations in Central and Northern Taiwan. The findings from the investigation will be used as references for the subsequent pollution control. The investigation was implemented in the following three stages:1. Stage 1: Detected and measured the fuel vapor of soil gas monitoring well.2. Stage 2: Based on the results of Stage 1, sampled and analyzed soil and groundwater collected from simple wells at the gas stations with high pollution potential.3. Stage 3: Installed standard monitoring wells at the gas stations with high pollution potential, to sample and analyze groundwater in which the pollutants are beyond the control standard from Stage 2 investigation.For Stage 1, 164 gas stations were investigated, covering basic functional tests of 2,805 soil gas monitoring wells, measurement of fuel vapor concentration by using Lower Explosive Limit (LEL), Photo Ionization Detector (PID), and Flame Ionization Detector (FID), and measurement of soil vapor of 21 samples by using PID and FID, and Gas Chromatography (GC) analysis of 164 soil vapors. Through the evaluation of the fuel gas concentration detected by soil gas monitoring wells, the results indicated that there were 0 gas station with the highest pollution potential (Class A) and 2 gas stations with the second highest pollution potential (Class B). For Stage 2, 33 gas stations in total were investigated, including:- 29 stations in total which were classified as Class A to Class E due to their high fuel gas concentration, and were classified as Level 1 and Level 2 on GC analysis;- 4 high –pollution-potential gas stations under the project of the EPA, 2010, “Inspection of facilities for preventing the pollution of groundwater bodies and monitoring equipment at gas stations and providing the owners advice on reporting monitoring results through internet”;The investigation tasks of 33 gas stations in Stage 2 consisted of detection and analysis of 117 soil and 91 groundwater samples from simple wells. The findings showed that among those 33 stations, there were 9 stations with soil pollutant concentration exceeding standard, and another 11 stations with groundwater pollutant concentration over the control standard as well. For Stage 3, we further analyzed the 12 gas stationsin, in which 6 out of 12 consists groundwater pollutant concentration over the control standard. It was concluded that there are 11 gas stations which are either with over-standard soil pollutant concentration, or with over-standard groundwater pollutant concentration: - 5 stations with over-standard soil pollutant concentration - 2 stations with over-standard groundwater pollutant concentration - 4 stations with over-standard soil and groundwater pollutant concentration In sum, all of these 11 polluted stations should be remedied in accordance with the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. In addition, to serve as references for the environmental protection agencies in the follow-up administrative control measures, the correlation analyses of the basic information of the investigated-gas stations, groundwater pollution control facilities, periodic declaration reports, and pollution potential were also conducted. 100 土污基管會 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46322
100 年度「固定污染源空氣污染物稽查管制與應變計畫」 本計畫乃配合臺中市政府環境保護局推動固定污染源稽查與管制管制等各項作業推動,藉以掌握空氣污染排放狀況,落實行政院環保署空氣污染管制策略。本年度計畫主要針對臺中市轄區內,執行特定行業別及相關法規符合度查核、定期檢測管理、審核及建檔作業,逸散源及堆置場相關管制作業等,確實掌握固定污染源管制工作之執行、保存固定空氣污染源完整最新資料外,並可做為管制成效之評量及相關政策擬定之參考,另透過各項稽查檢測及污染告發,促使業者落實污染防制及改善工作,並宣揚政府對於空氣污染管制之決心及方向。本計畫於100 年3 月18 日至101 年3 月17 日執行期間,有關各項工作重要成果於空氣污染物稽查檢測作業,完成煙道或周界檢測已執行162 根(點)次,設備元件抽測已執行8,008 點次,液體燃料含硫份抽檢已執行40 點次,固定源逸散法規符合度查核及輔導作業已完成440 家次,其中完成輔導改善追蹤85 家次;工業區指紋建置作業已執行採樣並分析建置更新200 家,累計點數600 點次,另辦理臺中工業區及大里工業區高風險區域污染物調查,透過光學遙測技術(OP-FTIR)進行周界現況監測及調查5 場次,並透過密閉式(CC-FTIR)進行可疑來源管道連續監測10 根次;高風險工廠巡查作業已完成438 家次,其中異常操作或停工停業共26 家次,另針對高陳情工廠辦理污染評鑑作業10 家次;特定區域派駐查處作業共計完成12,420 件次主動巡查,受理區域陳情通報294 件次;為有效改善臺中市特定區域異味陳情問題,本計畫協助研訂「臺中市固定污染源異味排放標準」草案,該草案經100 年5 月11 日、100 年8 月4 日召開二次專家學者諮詢會及100 年5 月31 日辦理草案研商會議,並於100 年6月16 日、100 年8 月22 日完成二場次公聽會,並於101 年2 月10 日完成法制局審議通過,101 年3 月5 日送市政會議審議,但因為目前尚未取得執行面的共識,且廠商質疑法規公平性問題,市長裁示草案暫時保留,並請環保局進行更周詳的評估與溝通。另外定期檢測管理、審核及建檔作業共協助審查1,441 件次;固定污染源煙道無預警監督檢測已完成167 場次;逸散源法規符合度查核作業,整體法規符合度為99.7%,100 年6 月份於大里區及清水區辦理二場次逸散法規宣導說明會加強法規宣導,並配合環保局辦理里長協助通報宣導說明會;聯合柴油車路邊攔檢作業宣導運輸逸散性粒狀污染物質之車輛覆蓋貨箱;101 年3 月9 日配合辦理「道路交通秩序及交通安全改進方案」年終視導;為整合「臺中市空氣污染事件之應變及緊急處理機制」,於100 年8 月19 日辦理機制研商會議,並於100 年12 月12 日友達光電股份有限公司(后里廠)正式辦理實地演練,亦配合本市空品不良時節及重大空品事件發生啟動緊急應變作業協助環保局辦理空氣污染防制稽查、處分管制資料建檔及陳情案追蹤輔導,屢遭陳情或環保局指定之公私場所進行稽巡查或追蹤輔導,後續仍持續針對區內工廠製程和原物料的掌握且強化污染源管制,更有效地降低污染事件發生的頻率。 100 台中市環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37285
100年宜蘭縣推動水環境守望襄助巡守計畫 環保署於91 年訂定為「河川污染整治」年起,全面性推動規劃辦理河川巡守隊,藉由民眾參與河川污染巡守及污染通報,以遏止河川流域偷倒或偷排情事。本縣環保局於93 年3 月25 日(星期四)於宜蘭縣運動公園辦理「宜蘭縣環境保護巡守隊」的成軍授旗典禮,協助執行縣內有關之環境保護巡守工作。環保署為擴大義工河川巡守之廣度,於民國99 年5 月起更名為水環境守望襄助巡守隊,持續並擴大看守環境的力量。此計畫之主要目的為建立完整的水環境巡守體系、建構巡守組織及有關的巡守隊污染通報與考評等管理機制。利用河川保育中心,以作為水環境巡守推廣、溝通、義工教育訓練、巡守隊考核及成效評估等工作的平台。本計畫期程自簽約日起至100 年12 月31 日止,相關輔導則持續至101 年2 月28 日止。河川保育中心成立後,持續輔導現有水環境守望襄助巡守隊,規劃巡守隊有關年度工作事項、輔導巡守隊、辦理有關教育訓練、參與各項活動及巡守隊與隊員考評作業等事宜。在各鄉鎮市公所及環保局的協助努力下,今年度的各項作業,均能如期如質完成。依本縣巡守隊及隊員進退場機制辦理評核後,本縣計有水環境守望襄助巡守隊16 隊,隊員共計180 位。今年度巡守總時數為5184 小時,人均時數為28.8 小時。巡守隊及有關單位通報之髒亂點或棄置垃圾共109 件次,均已清理完畢。事業不當排放廢水部分,經巡守隊通報後裁罰者計3 件,裁罰180,000 元。在較嚴重污染或易受人為任意傾倒廢棄物之河段均有巡守隊參與。年度總計辦理巡守隊教育訓練共計13 場次,輔導巡守隊參與各項環境教育活動共計9 場次,及年度成果檢討會等,已超過所需之合約量。於年度成果檢討會上獎勵績優巡守隊及隊員,並對榮退4 位隊員頒發感謝獎牌。修正「宜蘭縣績優水環境守望襄助巡守隊及隊員競賽考核辦法」,變更隊伍巡守時數計分方式為各隊巡守人均時數乘以20,以符合更公平原則。巡守隊Ecolife 綠網登錄情況,在同組之各縣市中有多項名列前茅。為延續有關的巡守工作事宜,保育中心會持續進行有關之工作。 The project of promoting of water environment watching and helping in The Environmental Protection Administration schedules 「the river pollution improvement」projects from 2002. The integrity plans give an impetus to handle the river cruise workshop. By participating of river pollution cruising and pollution notification of people to suppresses the illegal dumpling to river basin. Environmental Protection Bureau of Yilan county gave an 「Yilan Environmental Protection Cruise Teams」army ceremony in Yilan sporty park on March 25 (Thursday) 2004. In order to expand the breadth of river patrol volunteers, from May 99, was named ream of water environment watching and helping in patrolling. In order to continue the river cruise work, the purpose of the plan is to setup integrity of environmental protection cruise system, construction of a cruise organization, examination of notification process and assessment. At the same time, it established the river-care-center to do the platforms of relative works, such as population of environmental protection cruising, the communication, the volunteer education and training, inspection of cruise teams and assessment of the effect. The project started from an contact-signing day to December 31,2011. The related counseling will be continued to Feb. 28 2012. After the river care center was established, counseling the existing environmental protection cruise teams, meeting with all cruise teams, planning year round schedule and assessment of cruise teams. An education and training handbook and a carrying cruising card were made. It total has 16 water environment watching and helping patrolling teams in Yi-lan County. The totally cruising member is 180. The cruising time was 5184 hours which was 28.8 hours per person. The notifications of messy and dirty spots were 109 which were cleaned up. The numbers of illegal wastewater drainage by industries which reported by cruising terms were 3. The total fine was 180,000NT. The educational trainings and activities were held 13 and 9 times which satisfied the contract needed. We also help the communities and students to participate the inspection of river quality and reduction of domestic water. It revised the inspection and the reward part of the “Yilan County to impel the river cruising volunteers plan”. It revised “The competition standard of excellent environmental protection cruising team of Yilan County”. The calculation method of cruising hours was changed to average of the cruising hours of all cruising person times 20. We obtained an excellent grade in Ecolife green-net registration. It had finished the evaluation works about the cruising terms and gave the rewards to the excellent cruising terms and members at the achievement critique meeting. In order to extent the cruising works, the care center will continue the related works. 100 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 國立宜蘭大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28322
100年度社區環境改造及環保小學堂專案管理計畫 環保署自民國八十六年所推動的「生活環境改造計畫」至九十九年所執行的「社區環境改造計畫」,其主要精神為採取由下而上的行動方式,配合地方社區的需求及特色,達到社區環境改善及提昇的主要目的。本年度計畫內容包括:(一)辦理縣市層級輔導會議、3場次環保小學堂輔導審查會議及3場次聯合提案審查會議,以提高縣市及社區人員執行能力及落實輔導各社區執行計畫;(二)辦理成果分享及下年度計畫申請說明會,以達到社區間互相學習、借鏡之目的及了解下年度計畫申請情形。;(三)辦理環保小學堂見學工作坊,提昇各環保小學堂營運、實作之能力,並達永續經營之目標;(四)協助直轄市及縣市執行「社區環境改造計畫」及「環保小學堂」推廣計畫,並辦理實地技術輔導及按季統計執行成果;(五)製作成果專輯及社區行動網資料更新,宣導社區環境改造計畫及環保小學堂的意義與作法,加強經驗傳承;(六)辦理社區環境改造後民眾滿意度調查,以了解社區環境改造計畫執行成效,及民眾對本計畫執行前後之滿意度,以作為爾後計畫執行方向之參考。 2011 Environmental Reforms & Learning Center Project The Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has implemented a series of environmental reforms since 1997. In order to promote the environmental quality of community, the main characteristics of these environmental reforms are focusing on both bottom-up mechanisms and local community demands. The major works of this project included: (1) to hold both appraisal meetings for multi-community and environmental learning center applicants and assistant meeting for local government public servants, (2) to hold experience sharing conferences for promoting the understanding among different communities, (3) to provide on-the-spot technical counseling for both multi-community and environmental learning center, (4) to assist communities in implementing projects of environmental reforms and to analyze community indicators on a quarter basis, (5) to hold an environmental learning center conference for providing new directions in terms of environmental education, (6) to compile the publications of the achievement in the multi-community and environmental learning center this year and to update the electonical information on the Community Environmental Action Website, (7) to assess the effectiveness of current community environmental reforms by analyzing a satisfaction questionnaire. 100 綜計處 嘉南藥理科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30785
100年度高雄市戴奧辛與重金屬監測及管理計畫 本計畫執行高雄市政府環境保護局之高雄市戴奧辛與重金屬監測及管理計畫,主要工作內容為進行稽查檢測戴奧辛排放源煙囪15根次和重金屬13根次、進行戴奧辛污染源稽巡查作業、進行環境監測介質包括污染源周界空氣、土壤與植物戴奧辛調查、進行戴奧辛暴露及健康風險評估及技術轉移訓練等。 大型都市垃圾焚化爐、中小型廢棄物焚化爐、燒結爐、電弧爐及其餘廠家各項巡查項目皆符合法規,除南區資源回收廠於12月袋式集塵器之壓差計異常,而高雄市殯葬管理處第一殯儀館缺失包含採樣設施無負重證明、煙囪高度低於20公尺、近期定期檢測7日前未送檢測計畫書核備、無提供檢測後60日檢測結果記錄及袋式集塵設備無操作條件書面記錄。 本計畫煙道戴奧辛稽查檢測工作中,除都市垃圾焚化爐MSWI-D和水泥窯CEM-D之戴奧辛濃度分別為0.523及0.646 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,超過法規標準外,其餘廠家檢測結果皆符合法規標準。高雄市100年PCDD/Fs年排放總量為5.90 g I-TEQ/yr,各類污染源佔總貢獻量分別為大型都市垃圾焚化爐(7.02%)、中小型焚化爐(0.00266%)、事業廢棄物焚化爐(0.575%)、醫療焚化爐(0.0328%)、煉焦爐(1.30%)、水泥窯代處理廢棄物(2.61%)、燒結爐(76.8%)、集塵灰熱回收(0.156%)、電弧爐(9.78%)、火化場(0.349%)、鍋爐發電(0.0507%)、鋁二級冶煉廠(0.925%)、鋅二級冶煉廠(0.0549%)及銅二級冶煉廠(0.309%)。 本計畫煙道重金屬污染源抽測作業中,包含大型垃圾焚化爐4根次、一般事業廢棄物焚化爐6根次、醫療廢棄物焚化爐1根次及鍋爐1根次、土壤熱脫附焚化爐1根次,各廠家檢測結果皆符合法規標準。 高雄市區周界大氣採樣點總I-TEQ濃度介於0.0252~0.0613 pg I-TEQ/Nm3之間,總I-TEQ濃度平均值為0.0467 pg I-TEQ/Nm3,周界植物採樣點總I-TEQ含量介於1.74~3.54 ng I-TEQ/kg之間,總I-TEQ含量平均值為2.56 ng I-TEQ/kg,周界土壤採樣點總I-TEQ含量介於0.142~3.56 ng I-TEQ/kg之間,總I-TEQ含量平均值為 1.91 ng I-TEQ/kg。由高雄市周界環境介質之等位濃度軌跡圖,推測高雄市小港區環境介質中PCDD/Fs濃度受到電弧爐及燒結爐等固定污染源之影響。 計畫中應用AERMOD模式來模擬大氣擴散濃度與HHRAP (Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol)模式來模擬各種介質與暴露途徑的濃度分佈,估算以99年高雄市地區的產銷因子為基礎的暴露情境之本次檢測的各煙道所排放的戴奧辛及重金屬濃度所造成的危害,戴奧辛危致癌風險主要來源,而非致癌則為砷。致癌風險分佈落於2.05E-10與5.22E-08之間,以小港區、三民區、苓雅區、新興區與前鎮區為前五危害區域;非致癌風險則分佈於2.26E-05與3.12E-03之間,三民區、苓雅區、新興區、小港區與前金區則為非致癌風險前五危害區;但不論是致癌或非致癌,最小皆為楠梓區。 2011- Monitoring and management of dioxin and heavy metal in Kaohsiung city This project investigated the emission of dioxin and heavy metal sampled from stationary sources in Kaohsiung city. Major works included the emission source sampling of dioxin and heavy metals, the emission source inquiry of dioxin, the analyses of ambient environment (air‚ leaves and soil), risk assessment, and technology transfer.For the emission source inquiry of dioxin, most factories were corresponded to the regulation. However, differential pressure gage of bag filter for Southern District MSWI was unnormal on December. The problems for Kaohsiung city mortuary services office - 1st crematorium were no sampling-platform load certificate, lower than 20 meters stack height, no hand sampling plan and report, and no record the operating conditions of bag filter.The mean total PCDD/Fs concentrations of stationary sources MSWI-D and CEM-D were 0.523 and 0.646 ng I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively. The values are higher than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA. The emissions of PCDD/Fs from other emission sources are lower than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA. The estimated total annual emission of PCDD/Fs from these emission sources in Kaohsiung city was 5.90 g I-TEQ/yr (large-scale MSWIs, 7.02%; small-scale MSWIs, 0.00266%; industrial waste incinerators, 0.575%; medical waste incinerators, 0.0328%; coke oven planes, 1.30%; cement kilns, 2.61%; sinter planes, 76.8%; RHF, 0.156%; electricfurnaces, crematorium 9.78%; cremation, 0.349%; boiler electricity generation, 0.0507%; secondary aluminum smelters, 0.925%; secondary zinc smelters, 0.0549%; secondary copper smelters, 0.309%).The existing emission sources of heavy metals were surveyed, including 4 MSWIs, 6 small-scale MSWIs, 1 medical waste incinerator, 1 boiler, and 1 soil heat-desorption incinerator. The emissions of heavy metals from 13 emission sources are lower than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA.The total PCDD/F concentrations of ambient air, leaves and soil were 0.0252~0.0613 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, 1.74~3.54 ng I-TEQ/kg and 0.142~3.56 ng I-TEQ/kg, respectively. The mean PCDD/F concentrations of ambient air, leaves and soil were 0.0467 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, 2.56 ng I-TEQ/kg and 1.91 ng I-TEQ/kg, respectively. The dominant contributions of PCDD/Fs concentration in Siaogang district were electricfurnaces and sinter planes.AERMOD model was applied to evaluate the concentration of dioxins and their dry and wet deposition in the environment, and then Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol (HHRAP) model was used to calculate the concentration of each environmental media and the amount of exposure in each pathway. By integrating these two models, it is estimated that risk contribution of dioxins and heavy metals emitted from stationary emission sources sampled and monitored in this project. Dioxin and arsenic are the main contaminants which contribute to the cancer and non-cancer risk respectively. The cancer risk values are ranged from 2.05E-10 to 5.22E-08, and the first five affected areas are located in Siaogan, Sanmin, Lingya, Sinsing, and Cianjhen Districts. Moreover, the non-cancer risk values are ranged from 2.26E-5 to 3.12E-03, and the first five affected areas are located in Sanmin, Lingya, Sinsing, Siaogan, and Cianjin Districts. Nanzih District is the area accepting least cancer and non-cancer risk. 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 正修科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40419
固定污染源稽查管制計畫 100 台東縣環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34580
毒性化學物質與環境用藥管理資訊系統應用整合暨維護計畫 「毒性化學物質與環境用藥管理資訊系統應用整合暨維護計畫」今年計畫達成主要目標有:1. 推動毒性化學物質及環境用藥之公示資料查詢系統,提升對毒性化學物質與環境用藥之知識;2. 強化毒性化學物質與環境用藥登記申報系統服務功能,促使業者確實登記申報,提高系統資料之可利用性;3. 整合管理毒性化學物質及環境用藥相關資料,提供政策推動所需資訊以及簡化合併許可證件之業務;4. 為建全毒管處業務推動,加強列管資料之品質控管,定期協助資料庫管理,並進行例行勾稽作業,以強化管理工作;5. 提供全方位的操作說明與教育方式,增進使用流程正確性;6. 配合環保署資訊安全作業規範,落實資訊安全管理相關作業與演練。 本計畫係為了強化業者在申辦作業時的便利性,於今年度擴充線上申請與申報功能,如防災基本資料表與危害預防應變計畫、修改病媒防治施作紀錄申報功能、申報異常警示功能等。另外,為加強民眾對於毒性化學物質與環境用藥之了解,進而開發了毒性化學物質與環境用藥公示資料查詢系統,俾利使用者能得到更佳的服務以及更豐富的資訊。 在管理端方面,本計畫今年度開發毒性化學物質勾稽子系統、線上整合性資訊查詢功能等,並增修運送聯單軌跡追蹤功能、毒性化學物質及環境用藥相關類別資料查詢介面、許可證整併作業、環境用藥有效查核功能、自然人憑證登入機制等,讓管理者可藉由系統有效控管毒性化學物質及環境用藥流向,展現政府施政績效以及落實政府e化服務。 而在教育訓練方面,本計畫今年度辦理了毒性化學物質業者端系統操作說明會4場次,環境用藥業者端系統操作說明會2場次,並針對管理者辦理系統操作說明會2場次以及協助各縣市辦理相關說明會共22場次;以期能讓相關業者與管理者能更加熟練系統之操作方法,減少不必要的操作錯誤及提升系統使用效率。 Applied Integration and maintenance Project of Toxic Chemical Substances and Environmental Agents The accomplished goals of the project included: 1. Building the publicity information system of toxic chemical substances and environmental agents to provide knowledge about toxic chemical substances for the general population 2. Implementation of declare system of toxic chemical substances to promote data accuracy and availability in system; 3. Integration of toxic chemicals substances system and environmental agents system to provide necessary information from policies reformed of toxic chemical substances and environmental agents and integrated jobs of license application; 4. Improving the quality control of managed data to increase the database integrity and building the Audit Sub-system of upstream and downstream to strengthen the management jobs; 5. Providing a full range of operating instructions and educational methods to enhance the correctness of system operation; 6. Implementation of system security management and operation drills by using standard operation procedure. In order to enhance the conveniences of the application processes, this project team provided functions of online application, the disaster prevention basic table and contingency plans for hazard prevention, record function for vector control, abnormal alert function, etc. In addition, the project team to design the public system of toxic chemicals and environmental agents to enhance knowledge of toxic chemicals and environmental agents and to provide better services and more extensive information. As to the management system, the project team builds and modifies audit sub-system of toxic chemical substances, online integrated information query functions, citizen digital certificate log function, etc. These complete functions let administrators operate easily and access statistical data effectively, and therefore administrators could present management performance. System also provided real-time review of electronic applications and automatic reminder of project to fulfill the vision of government e-services. As to training, the project team held four training programs for toxic chemicals owners and two training programs for environmental agents owners, and two training programs tor administrators. Furthermore, the project team assisted in Environmental Protection Bureau with training courses for twenty-two times. We hoped users become more familiar with this system, avoid operational mistakes, and therefore system effectiveness could be raised. 100 毒管處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30707
2011細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)標準制定及管制策略研討會 2011國際氣膠科技研討會,由台灣氣膠研究學會、國立成功大學環境工程學系及環境資源研究管理中心與國立交通大學環境工程研究所共同主辦。此研討會主要目的為提供國內外產官學界氣膠相關領域交流之平台。此次2011國際氣膠科技研討會,包含氣膠科技、空氣品質及空氣污染研究相關之專家學者及我國環境保護、環境工程、環境醫學、工業衛生、勞工安全、化學工程、材料工程、氣象科學、能源科技等專家學者、政府相關部門人員、研究單位人員參與此次盛會。 100 空保處 台灣氣膠研究學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28789
一般廢棄物管理及全分類零廢棄-加強推動源頭減量計畫 本計畫執行期間為自民國100年1月起至100年12月止,計畫目標主要為推動一次用產品源頭減量工作。在減少一次用產品使用工作部分,本(100)年度與2家環保團體合作辦理免洗筷、一次用飲料杯...等減量活動,合計辦理20場教育宣導活動、宣導21處國道休息站及24間主題樂園之免洗餐具減量情形,並公告「一次用外帶飲料杯源頭減量及回收獎勵金實施方式」推動一次用飲料杯源頭減量及回收,自本年度起合計已超過17,000家連鎖飲料販賣業、連鎖便利商店與連鎖速食店門市提供自備飲料杯折扣優惠,推估全國每天可減量18萬個一次用飲料杯的使用。 在協助推動限塑政策工作方面,本計畫提出PVC及PVDC環境影響評估報告並提出管理對策,藉由辦理1場PVC及PVDC保鮮膜管理專家學者座談會,並彙整業者意見,作為後續政策執行之參考依據。另在推動塑膠托盤及包裝盒減量上,本計畫彙整業者99年度之減量成果,該年度減少塑膠類托盤及包裝盒使用量計885公噸,整體平均減量率達32.64%,其中蛋、糕點麵包及蔬果類使用之塑膠包裝減量率分別為84%、69%及33%。此外,業者提報之100年減量計畫,有42%之業者減量率已達40%,並有超過37%之業者減量率已達45%。故本計畫評估業者減量情形後,據以研訂定101年減量率目標40%,102年度起蛋、糕點麵包及蔬果類使用之塑膠類托盤及包裝盒減量率為80%,引導業者優先加強此3類品項之減量,並可簡化減量計畫及成果提報作業。 Zero waste and management of municipal solid waste – waste prevention improvement program Since January 2011, this project was carried out to promote disposable products source minimization efforts, in line with the “Zero Waste” policy established by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). The project had collaborated with two environmental protection organizations, focusing on disposable products reduction through a total of 20 activities which involved disposable tableware, the single-use take-out cup and more. Promoting disposable tableware reduction included at 21 highway rest stops and 24 theme parks. In 4 January 2011, the EPA announced “The Enforcement of Source Reduction and Recycling Incentives for Single-Use Take-Out Cup” ordinance, effective on 1 May 2011 affecting convenient stores, fast-food restaurants and soft-drink stores. There are over 17 thousand stores providing discounts for customers with their own cups. We followed up with the outcomes and the results showed an achievement of a reduction of 180 thousand single-use take-out cups from these stores per day. In terms of plastic management enforcement policy, the project completed an environmental impact report on PVC and PVDC cling-film including production, waste management, health risk and economic, and proposed relative management schemes based on a research in 2010 after holding a meeting with relevant organizations focusing on PVC and PVDC films management. Regarding plastic trays and boxes minimization, the amount of reduction achieved was 885 tons with an overall reduction rate of 32.64% during 2010, in which includes 84%, 69% and 33% reduction rate for egg, bakery and vegetables/fruits consecutively. Besides, for the reduction programs proposed by the retailers for 2011, 42% of the stores had achieved 40% reduction rate, and over 37% of the stores had achieved 45% reduction rate. Based on our evaluation, we recommend to achieve a reduction rate of 40% for 2012, and from 2013 onwards, the use of plastic trays and boxes to be restricted in three main categories of commodities, namely eggs, bakery and vegetables/fruits, with a goal of 80% reduction rate and to simplify the reduction proposal and result submission process. 100 廢管處 永發環境科技管理有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28887
臺中市空氣污染事件環境資訊管理系統建置計畫 「臺中市空氣污染事件環境資訊管理系統建置計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)為配合「99年度大臺中環境資料庫整合規劃計畫」規劃成果,進行第一期開發建置計畫。本計畫為強化大臺中空氣污染事件資訊之掌握,提供環境保護與管理之參考。 100 台中市環境保護局 勤崴國際科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=39106
台東縣環境保護局卑南溪風砂揚塵防制計畫 本(100)年度本計畫主要執行項目包括:一、相關資料調查蒐集彙整。 二、建置河床裸露地揚塵預警系統。 三、規劃及建立揚塵惡化應變體系。 四、研擬卑南溪河床裸露地揚塵改善策略。 五、空品不良季節因應作業。 六、卑南溪巡查作業。 七、卑南溪河床揚塵防制宣導。計畫各工作項目執行內容說明如下:一、 相關資料調查蒐集彚整:1. 豐、枯水期期間,本計畫各完成1次卑南溪各河段水文條件調查,包括中華大橋、臺東大橋、利吉大橋、鸞山大橋、寶華大橋、電光大橋、池上大橋、初來大橋等包含河川斷面長度、水位、水量等8處,其中無論枯、豐水期之調查資料皆顯示卑南溪上下游流量變化頗大,原因可能為卑南溪流域複雜的支流匯入及農業、民生取水匯出之影響。2. 卑南溪裸露面積變化及相關圖像資料調查、蒐集、監測或購置。已向中央大學太空及遙測研究中心購置拍照日期分別為於100年2月7日、9月9日、9月26日及10月4日之衛星圖像各1次,計4次。而依3次不同時間之調查,卑南溪裸流域露面積約介於1000公頃至2400公頃之間。3. 分析100年8月26日(南瑪督颱風)、9月12日(熱帶性低氣壓外圍環流)及9月27日(熱帶性低氣壓外圍環流)等,計3次揚塵事件成因並評估揚塵對於本縣空品測站監測數據之影響。揚塵影響主要以ISCST3模式進行,模擬最大小時增量濃度,而排放量則分別採用環保署TEDS7.0及林德貴等利用風洞實驗數據建立之大甲溪揚塵排放係數。模擬結果顯示採用TEDS 7.0估算卑南溪揚塵有低估之虞。4. 懸浮微粒(PM10)人工採樣分別於7月及10月各進行6處次,並經判定皆非屬事件日樣品,化學組成分析顯示,離子成分普遍以SO42-、NO3-及NH4+含量較高,金屬成分以Al、Fe及Ca含量較高,OC/EC比約為1.47~1.86之間。二、 建置河床裸露地揚塵預系統1. 本計畫擇臺東縣森林公園,於5/30完成設置簡易氣象站(含風速、風向量測)及懸浮微粒(PM10) 自動分析儀各一套,5/28完成設置影像監視1套,及其訊號傳輸及接收設備,以提供即時之監測及監視資料。懸浮微粒自動分析儀設置後,各監測月份有效監測日數(有效監測時數>16小時)至少達25日,小時最大監測濃度339µg/m3出現於8月份,而各月24小時平均值均遠低於125µg/m3之空氣品質標準。2. 依計畫需求蒐集環保署臺東測站及關山測站之監測資料,並蒐集中央氣象局設於鄰近卑南溪之氣象資料,強化預警系統資訊來源。3. 完成建置LED顯示器(電子看板)連線至仁愛國小、寶桑國小、森林公園入口、火車站前、縣政府、環保局等6處,以提供相關機關、學校及民眾揚塵即時資訊及監測資料。三、 規劃及建立揚塵惡化應變體系 1. 依臺東縣砂塵災害應變中心開設作業流程,規劃河床裸露地揚塵惡化時之應變體系,並依「空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急防制辦法」之規定提出修正建議。 2. 已建置卑南溪沿岸7鄉鎮之104單位村里長、58所學校及其他16單位聯絡資料,以利揚塵惡化時之通報方式及應變措施,並完成撰寫自動發布預警簡訊至各應採行應變措施之機關及人員,以即時通知各單位採行應變措施。 3. 撰寫自動發布預警簡訊至各應採行應變措施之機關及人員。本計畫於6月29日己完成發布預警簡訊測試。4. 依照臺東縣砂塵災害應變中心開設作業流程,規劃本年度河床揚塵惡化緊急應變演練實施計畫,並於100年12月22日召開兵棋演練籌備會議、101年1月11日辦理兵棋推演、101年2月13日召開實地演練籌備會議、101年2月17日辦理最終實地演練,由於事前規畫得宜及各單位之重視,並經多次排演,演練成果獲得各級長官正面肯定。四、 研擬卑南溪河床裸露地揚塵改善策略1. 經由研析歷史監測數據,並收集過去兩年之天氣資料,歸納卑南溪揚塵發生原因;另一方面,參酌卑南溪揚塵及其他河川揚塵過去防制經驗,研擬卑南溪揚塵防制對策。2. 依據上述對策,研堤卑南溪揚塵防制方式建議,並於8月12日及10月27日分別辦理研擬會議及專家教育訓練。五、空品不良季節因應作業1. 分別於寶桑國小及仁愛國小辦理卑南溪揚塵防制應變說明會各1場次,宣導河川揚塵成因、河川揚塵對於健康影響、受體防護措施及卑南溪河川揚塵防制措施。2. 分別於6月20日、9月19日及12月1日與八河局及其他防砂小組成員,召開3場次卑南溪揚塵防制聯繫會議,確認100年度卑南溪揚塵防制作業。其中,經濟部水利署第八河川局本(100)年度,於臺東大橋上游上面約100米處開始引水,走左側高灘,長度約1,750公尺,施作水覆蓋工法,一直到下游卑南溪轉彎高灘地之區域,水覆蓋面積大約50公頃,而中華大橋南北側北岸高灘地持續開放短期農作。另外,中華大橋下游部分則由環保局延續去年噴灑水、築砂堤等方式辦理防砂工作。3. 於100年11月7日完成佈設水線及灑草籽植作之示範作業約1.1公頃,並於天候良好時,每日啟動機械灑水,以作為日後大面積施作之評估依據。六、卑南溪裸露地巡查卑南溪裸露地進行巡查共119處次,並拍照存證及作成紀錄,作為河川揚塵改善措施研擬之參考。七、卑南溪河床揚塵防制宣導 1.完成製作60秒宣導短片1支,並於縣轄內傳播媒體播放。宣導裸露揚塵對於身心、財物及環境等方面之影響,並告知民眾防制的方法。 2.宣導短片於11月25日至12月25日東北季風盛行時,委託本縣受影響區域有線電視頻道播放,並將宣導短片製作成光碟1500份,配合宣導或活動發送。 3.建置卑南溪揚塵預警系統網頁資訊平台,並於100年4月11日上線,以提供各方查詢卑南溪揚塵防制資訊。 4.配合環保署要求,適時將本計畫執行成果及相關資訊,登錄於環保署「河川揚塵防制推動資訊網平台」。 Bei-nan wind and sand dust control plan (100) year of the program implementation of the project include: an information survey to collect compiled. Second, build the exposed river bed dust warning system. Third, planning and establish dust deterioration of the response system. Fourth, to develop the the Peinan riverbed exposed to dust Improvement Strategy. Five poor air quality season in response to the job. VI Peinan inspection operations. Seven Peinan riverbed dust control advocacy. The implementation of the plan each work item as follows:An information survey to collect Hui whole:. Abundance during the dry season, this project various times the Peinan each river hydrology conditions survey, including the China Bridge, Taitung Bridge, Liji Bridge, Luan Hill Bridge, Baohua Bridge, the electrooptic Bridge, Ikegami Bridge, early contains the length of the river section, the water level, water 8 to Bridge, etc., which regardless of dry, wet period of the survey data are displayed Peinan on the downstream flow changes considerably, probably due to import complex Peinan watershed tributaries and agriculture, livelihood water exported.The Beinan exposed area of ​​change and related image data to investigate the collection, monitoring, or purchase. Has the Space and Remote Sensing Center of National Central University, the date of the purchase photographed were on February 7, at 100 years, September 9, September 26 and October 4 of the satellite image, the 1st, count four times. According to three different time of the survey, exposed the Peinan bare Basin area of ​​approximately between 1000-2400 ha.(3) analysis of 100 years 8 26 (Nanmadol Governor typhoons), September 12 (tropical low pressure and peripheral circulation) and September 27 (tropical low pressure and peripheral circulation), namely the causes of three dust events and assessment of dust monitoring data of air quality monitoring stations in the county. The dust impact to ISCST3 model to simulate the maximum hourly incremental concentrations, emissions, respectively, the the EPD TEDS7.0 and Lin Degui Tachia dust emission coefficient created by the wind tunnel experimental data. The simulation results show that the TEDS 7.0 to estimate the the Peinan dust underestimate the danger of.Suspended particles (PM10) and manual sampling in July and October 6, and convicted none of it is the event day sample, the chemical composition analysis showed that the ionic composition generally of SO42-, NO3-and NH4 + content of high metal content of Al, Fe and Ca content higher OC / EC ratio is about 1.47 to 1.86.Second, build the riverbed exposed to dust pre-system(1) selection of this project, Taitung Forest Park, set on 5/30 to complete a simple weather station (including wind speed, wind vector measurements), and suspended particles (PM10) automatic analysis instrument each set, 5/28 to complete the setup of video surveillance sets, and its signal transmission and reception equipment to provide real-time monitoring and surveillance data. Suspended particles automatic analysis instrument settings, each monitoring month effective monitoring of the number of days (to effectively monitor the number of hours> 16 hours) for at least 25 hours monitoring the concentration of 339μg/m3 August, while the average of 24 hours each month are much below 125μg/m3 air quality standards.(2) according to the plan needs to collect EPD Taitung stations and the Guanshan station monitoring data, and collect weather data, Central Weather Bureau located in the neighboring Peinan strengthen early warning systems for sources of information.Complete build LED displays (electronic bulletin board) to connect the Most Gracious patriotic small, Po Sang is small, the entrance of Forest Park, the former railway station, the county government, EPA and other 6 to provide the relevant authorities, schools and real-time information of the public dust and monitoring data.Third, the planning and establishment of dust deterioration and response system Sand and dust in accordance with Taitung County's Disaster Response Center opened processes, planning riverbed exposed to dust deterioration of response system, and serious deterioration in the emergency control regulations in accordance with the "air quality" of the provisions of the proposed amendments. 2 build the Peinan coastal township of 104 units in the village long, 58 schools and 16 other unit contact information, a way of communicating this benefit dust deterioration and contingency measures, and complete the writing should be adopted automatic warning SMS to line agencies and personnel of the contingency measures, immediately notify all units to adopt contingency measures. Writing the automatic warning SMS to agencies and personnel should adopt contingency measures. This project has been completed on June 29 warning newsletters test.Sand and dust in accordance with Taitung County's Disaster Response Center opened processes, planning this year's deterioration of the river bed dust emergency response drills implementation plan, and the preparatory meeting held on December 22, 100 years war games exercise, handling the war games in 101 years on January 11, 101 years, held a field exercise preparatory meeting on February 13, February 17, 101 years handling the final field exercise, due to prior planning properly and the unit of attention, and after numerous rehearsals, the drill results of positive recognition at all levels of Executive.Four, to develop Peinan riverbed exposed to dust and Improvement StrategyThrough research analysis of historical monitoring data, and collect weather information over the past two years, summed up the the Peinan dust causes; as inapplicable Peinan dust and other rivers dust control experience, to develop Peinan dust control countermeasures.Based on the above countermeasures research embankment the Peinan dust control the way suggested to handle the Yanni meetings and expert training on August 12 and October 27 respectively.Five poor air quality season in response to jobOne. Po Sang small and Ren Ai Elementary School handled the the Peinan dust control strain on rivers and dust causes will be a screening, advocacy, rivers and dust for health effects, receptor protection measures and Peinan river dust control measures.(2), respectively at June 20, September 19 and December 1, with eight River Board and other members of the group of sand, held three sessions the Peinan dust control joint meeting to confirm the 100 annual Peinan dust control operations . Among them, the Eighth River Management Office (100) year, Taitung Bridge upstream about 100 meters above the diversion of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Water Resources Agency, and take the left side of the high beach, a length of about 1,750 meters, facilities for water to cover construction method, until the downstream Peinan turn high beach area, water covering an area of ​​about 50 hectares, while the north side of the north shore of China Bridge, South Beach to remain open to short-term crop. In addition, by the Environmental Protection Agency of China Bridge downstream portions of the continuation of last year, spraying water, building sand embankment and other ways to handle the sand.Laid waterline and sprinkle grass seeds to plant for demonstration operations completed on November 7, at 100 years of about 1.1 hectares, and a good weather day to start the mechanical sprinkler to the assessment basis for future large area of ​​application.VI Peinan exposed inspectionsPeinan bare to carry out inspections of 119 times, and photographed as evidence and shall keep records, as the river dust improvement measures Yanni reference.Peinan riverbed dust control advocacy Complete a production of 60 seconds propaganda clips, and county within its jurisdiction the media player. Advocacy bare dust for the body and mind, property and environment, and inform the people in control of the method. Advocacy video on November 25 to December 25, when the northeast monsoon prevailed, commissioned by the county by the impact of regional cable channels, and advocacy video production CD of 1500, with advocacy activities send . 3 the Peinan dust early warning system web information platform to build on April 11, 100 years on the line, to provide that the parties to query the the Peinan dust control information. 4 meet the requirements of the EPD, the timely implementation of this project results and related information, log on to the promotion of information network platform in the EPD's river dust control. 100 台東縣環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=35294
100年度台東縣流域及水污染稽查管制暨緊急應變協力處理計畫 本計畫為徹底執行列管事業稽查管制作業,自簽約日起至100年11月18日止,共進行11件之許可審查,依申請案件類別統計申請水污染防治措施計畫設置2件、變更1件,新申請排放地面水體許可證2件、變更3件,新申請簡易排放許可文件1件、變更1件,依行業別統計,計有土石採取業者2件、水泥業1件、造紙業1件、其他指定地區或場所專用污水下水道系統1件、觀光旅館飯店業1件、醫院、醫療院所2件、自來水廠1件、土石方堆(棄)置場1件,目前已完成7件,已達契約所訂至少5家次目標。資料庫系統部分,除一般許可申請及稽查建檔外,資料庫異常及更新作業100年度至11月18日為止,第1至3季環保署水污染源管理系統發佈之異常名單均已完成修正作業。污染源稽查管制部分,水污染列管事業查核成果截至100年11月18日為止,本年度目前完成1,136家次之稽查工作,目前積分點數為1,887.5,已達成契約本年度1,500稽查點數目標。暗管及不明管線查處部分,本年度持續稽巡查及水電表數據查核作業,確實掌握本縣各事業廢污水及其設施運作情形,並透過分析水電表與操作狀況之合理性,篩選出可疑的暗管及不明管線清查名單,本年度於100年10月24於本上企業有限公司查獲,現場發現該事業廢水處理設施初級沉澱池二下方池壁鑿穿設置溢流口,查獲當日立即要求業者封閉改善,並於100年11月3日再次前往複查,確認業者已完成管線封閉,此項目已達成契約封管1處之目標。功能評鑑部分,依據環保署公布之篩選原則,本年度功能評鑑之事業為永豐餘造紙股份有限公司台東廠及銓益牧場,本計畫於100年7月完成初評及多次複評作業,後續經由專家學者評析後,完成功能評鑑報告,並於100年11月7日邀請2家業者與林威安技師一同召開協談會議,協談會議中針對業者缺失進行詳細討論,並由技師輔導改善方式,業者分別承諾於2個月(銓益牧場)及3個月(永豐餘造紙股份有限公司)內提出許可申請及完成相關缺失改善作業。河川巡守隊已辦理2場次志工教育訓練及3場次淨溪活動,並同時於淨溪活動下午增加辦理2場次志工教育訓練及生態導覽驗收活動,本項目已達契約所訂5場次目標。河岸面髒亂點清除部分,依據契約本計畫已協尋卑南溪、太平溪流域40處髒亂點並完成清除。緊急應變演練部分,本計畫已於台東縣東河鄉金樽漁港辦理1場次水、海洋污染及毒化災緊急應變演練,規劃初期於100年10月27日召開演練第一次籌備會議,於100年11月4日於演練場地召開第二次籌備會議,在與各單位充分協調溝通後,於100年11月16日順利完成兵棋推演、預演及正式演練作業,達契約所訂1場次之目標。在水污染緊急應變人員器材訓練方面,本計畫已完成辦理3場次,辦理地點特別規劃分別於台東、綠島及蘭嶼辦理,並召集當地應變單位成員參加包含鄉公所及海巡單位,課程包含水污染緊急應變器材操作維護、現場除污作業技巧講習、水上摩托車教育訓練含功能驗證及實務訓練等,辦理日期分別於100年7月8日(台東場配合海洋考核辦理,水上摩托車訓練於100年11月14日辦理)、100年11月10日(蘭嶼場)及100年11月11日(綠島場),本計畫參與教育訓練人數總計達100人之多。緊急應變器材清點維護保養工作已分別於100年6月、9月及11月辦理3次,裝備妥善率良好。本計畫之2場次法規及政策說明會已於100年8月18日及100年11月7日辦理完成,與會業者出席率分別達90%及78%,已達年度考核75%出席率目標。 100 台東縣環境保護局 綠森環境工程技師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32153
執行新購或改裝油氣雙燃料車補助及查核 本計畫完成100年7月至101年12月民眾申請油氣雙燃料車改裝補助款之受理、審查及撥款作業,補助3,421輛油氣雙燃料車,補助款計核撥85,525仟元。共受理改裝廠12款引擎族27款車型之排氣認證合格證明申請案件。抽驗作業因改裝廠自行執行品管測試合格,報經環保署同意備查並符合法規標準,故未辦理抽驗。查核作業區分為提早上市四期車查核及管制性查核:提早上市四期車共查核40輛,結果皆為正常;管制性查核共計179輛,結果有3輛之能源類別已改為「汽油」,違反補助辦法第11條1年內不得拆除改裝套件之規定,已即時通知環保署撤銷其補助資格,並追回補助款。計畫期間持續操作維護油氣雙燃料車資訊管理系統,使油氣雙燃料車改裝補助、車型排氣認證、最新消息等作業正常運作。系統共11,766人次進入使用,有效提昇案件辦理效率及資訊宣導之功能。協助公務機關完成6季公務車填報作業,101年公務機關油氣雙燃料公務車總數及總加氣量皆以環保署最多,分別為37輛及44,760公升。完成1場次之說明會及業務座談會,宣導說明改裝補助政策及探討如何因應當前困境,並蒐集彙整各方相關意見納入未來施政之參考。因新購或改裝油氣雙燃料車補助政策執行至101年底,因此本計畫針對過去五年推動情形進行統計分析。油氣雙燃料車於設籍區域使用比例佔80%以上,營業車月平均加氣量為自用車之3.6倍,加氣頻率為自用車之4.3倍,改裝2年內加氣量及頻率均較高。各改裝車型中以國瑞之ALTIS、CAMRY及WISH為主,佔整體改裝數之78.5%,皆具有省油之特性。排氣認證制度實施後,不僅確保補助車輛皆符合排放標準,也提升各改裝廠之調校技術;另透過抽驗機制,使業者加強品保品管測試,確保補助車輛具環保效益。 To Execute the Subsidy of Hybrid-LPG Vehicle Starting from July, 2011 to December 2012, this project accomplished the review, inspection and appropriation of Hybrid-LPG Vehicle subsidy application, with 3,421 vehicles being subsidized and a total of NT$ 85, 525,000 appropriated. The project also accepted and reviewed some application cases for exhaust verification of the modified vehicles sent by modification plants, including 12 engine models and 27 versions of vehicles. In addition, the tasks of testing at random for the year of 2011 were carried out as well, with all the tests meeting the norms. The checking operation is classified as checking for earlier marketing of the four-phase vehicles and controlled ones. Of the two, the former included 40 vehicles, all meeting the requirements; the latter covered 179 vehicles, three of which had been changed into “gasoline” in energy classification, which is against the subsidy regulations.During the course of carrying out the project, the information management system for Hybrid-LPG vehicles maintained operational, which enabled such tasks as modification subsidy for Hybrid-LPG vehicles, verification of vehicle models and exhaust, and the latest information to be performed smoothly. The system also accelerated case application and information promoting with 11,766 visitors. Other tasks implemented were the reporting operation for six seasons, an explanatory conference and an operation seminar. In 2012, EPA has the maximum vehicles and gas refuel in all government agencies, 37 vehicles and 44,760 liter. In promoting and presenting subsidy policy on modified vehicles, the related issues should be complied, and comments from all sides about the issue should also be compiled and incorporated into policies of the future.Because of the subsidy to the end of 101. Therefore ths project analyzed the promotion of past five years for statistical analysis. The utilization rate of Hybrid LPG vehicle in domiciled area is more than 80%. The monthly gas refuel average of operating Vehicle is 3.6 times to private Vehicle, and the aerated frequency is 4. 3 times.The refilling capacity and frequency of modifying in 2 years were higher.The primary model of modifying vehicles are ALTIS, CAMRY and WISH which is accounting for 78.5% with fuel-efficient characteristics.After the implementation of Emission Authentication for Hybrid-LPG Vehicle Model , not only to ensure that the subsidy vehicles are in compliance with the emission standards, but also enhance tuning technology. Furthermore, strengthen the QAQC testing of re-equipping company and ensure that the subsidies vehicle has environmental benefits by the tasks of testing. 100 空保處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48749
推動桃園空氣品質及環境總量監督管理計畫─低碳運具(電動巴士)推廣示範計畫 為推動本縣低碳運輸網路,規劃電動巴士示範路線,透過示範推廣計畫,由縣政府擔任領頭羊的角色,與縣內之客運業者及電動巴士製造商共同合作,推動本縣電動巴士正式上路,逐步教育民眾節能減碳觀念,共同打造本縣「美麗、優質、低碳桃花源」以及高齡友善低碳城市之遠景。目前國內已有部份客運業者開始以油電混合巴士推廣低碳運輸,雖然油電混合巴士較柴油巴士節省部份資源和減少碳排放,但其僅能提升25%的燃油效能,且依然造成二氧化碳排放。而全電動巴士則完全以電能驅動,運行時不產生任何二氧化碳。全電動巴士完全以電能驅動,運行狀態時不產生任何二氧化碳,對環境完全沒有負擔。若以全電動巴士逐步取代現有的柴油巴士並搭配其它大眾運輸工具,建立都會區的“綠色交通網”,不但能達成節能減碳的目的,減輕人類對環境造成的傷害,更可營造一個舒適又乾淨的居住環境。本計畫截至101年12月份,本計畫推動電動巴士上路運行已完成工作內容包含:1.電動巴士試運轉計畫(內容包含試運轉期間、試運轉路線、合作對象、車輛租賃、駕駛人規劃及配合之軟硬體等)2.評估規劃2條電動巴士交通路線,並完成1條示範路線之推動實施,透過與縣內客運業者(中壢客運及桃園客運)及電動巴士製造車商(立凱電能)共同合作推動本縣第1條電動巴士示範路線,往返於縣政府與火車站間,提供民眾免費搭乘體驗。3.完成示範路線之相關配套設施設置,包含後車站牌(縣政府站、火車站站、台電大樓臨時候車站)、搭乘時刻表、時刻表宣傳卡、網站等。4.低碳運具宣導方案內容。另為能了解電動巴士上路後,搭乘民眾對於電動巴士之認知,也針對民眾進行問卷調查,期望透過民眾的看法,提供縣政府未來研擬電動巴士相關政策時之參考。此外,本計畫每週針對搭乘人數及電動巴士行駛減碳效益進行統計與計算,透過此類資訊之披露,讓民眾了解撘乘低碳運具(電動巴士)的好處。 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 威陞環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45932
全國性空氣污染物排放量趨勢資料之管理與建置檢討計畫(二) 為掌握全國排放量趨勢作為管制之參考,對於排放清冊之更新規劃為每三年進行一次,目前最新一版為TEDS 7.1排放量資料庫,以96年為基準年所建置的排放量(98年度完成)。在三年一循環之排放清冊計畫中,本計畫為第三年度計畫,本年度計畫工作成果如下:(一)99年基準年空氣污染物排放量推估之先期預備作業:1、完成面源空間網格分配指標資料之檢討,分三大類別進行修正(1)面源與點源重複計算方法修正;(2)直接取得污染源排放座標;(3)更新分配指標。2、國內PM2.5排放量推估結果之檢討,修正以往清冊推估PM2.5排放量僅採一組比例資料之方式,改依不同污染源及防制設備資料重新推估,較為精確可靠。衍生性排放量推估檢討部分,檢視及分析PM2.5重要前驅物NH3排放量,結果顯示真實量(觀測值)落於目前推估量的0.5倍至2倍之間。3、針對我國宗教活動所燃燒之金紙,進行相關污染物的排放係數建置工作,實驗顯示平均每燃燒1公噸之紙錢,PM10的排放強度平均值落於3.53 kg、CO的排放強度為30.6 kg、NO的排放係數為0.692 kg,而所排放之飛灰PM2.5/PM10比例介於0.58~0.87之間。(二)98年排放量推估及未來年排放量趨勢之更新:1、98年排放量推估結果,TSP總量為534637公噸/年、SOx總量為126058公噸/年、NOx總量為428616公噸/年及NMHC總量為648794公噸/年;2、檢討各類污染源可能的活動量變化指標,持續進行後續各月最新資料之蒐集;3、進行未來年各年度年排放量趨勢之調整預測推估,並對歷年及未來年排放量趨勢重新進行檢討。(三)縣市排放量提報制度推動及網路系統提報功能檢討:1、完成100年排放量管理計畫縣市提報相關之工作;2、完成101年排放量管理計畫之相關作業規畫,並公告至各縣市;3、完成一場排放量管理計畫說明會及北、中及南區各一場教育訓練會。(四)國內空氣污染控制成本基本資料庫(AirControlNET)擴充建置,使用許可資料庫內相關成本資訊做本土化估算,並比較與原資料庫中美國控制成本差異。(五)綠色國民所得帳編制,配合主計處編製99年綠色國民所得帳,進行空氣品質質損資料之估算及資料提供。(六)99年度縣市SIP考與排放清冊相關網頁之維護及資料更新:協助99年度縣市SIP考核空氣品質改善指標相關資料審核與統計分析與100年SIP考評指標中考評方式及評分標準檢討修正,作為年度縣市計分參考應用、相關網頁資料更新及技術與行政支援作業等。 National Air emission trends inventory system management and review(二) Taiwan Emission Data System (TEDS) is usually renewed and updated every three years for the information to administrative units in air-pollution control and air-quality management. This project, the third year of current stage, investigated the evolution trend of emission in Taiwan, and developed the latest emission inventory. The latest TEDS accomplished in this project is Version 7.1, which is based on the emission of 2007. Main achievements of this project are as followed:1、Necessary data and calculation procedures were preliminarily examined for emission estimation: • Modification on the calculation of duplicated records, coordinates, and apportion indicators. • Review on the PM2.5 emission and its precursors, including NH3, the discrepancy between the estimated NH3 and observation is about factor of two.• Development of the emission factors of religious and folk activities: 3.53 kg-PM10, 30.6 kg-CO, and 0.692kg-NO produced per ton of paper money burned.2、TEDS updated to 2009:• Total emission of 2009: TSP 534,637 tons, SOx 126,058 tons, NOx 428,616 tons, and NMHC 648,794 tons.• Review on the activity factors of every kind of emission sources.• Review on the variation of emission in the past and prediction on the variation trend in the future.3、Promotion of the county-emission-submission network system and review on the system’s functions:• Accomplishment on the submission of county emission management projects in 2011.• Accomplishment on the proposal of county emission management projects in 2012.• Accomplishment on the seminar and training course of emission management projects.4、Expand the data base of air-pollution control cost (AirControlNET) and localize the cost estimation methods in Permit Data Bank and compare to that in the U.S.5、Accomplish the accounting of Green National Income and provide necessary data and information to the Directorate-General of Budget Accounting and Statistics to calculate the cost of declined air quality in 2011.6、Evaluate the county SIPs and related indicators of air quality improvement in and calculate the statistics and scoring of every county in the performance. Update the web-page contents of emission inventory in 2010. Administrative and technical support to EPA. 100 空保處 景丰科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34759
南投縣100年度營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收執行計畫 南投縣地處台灣正中央,為唯一不靠海之縣市,隨著觀光產業的蓬勃發展,都會化的趨勢相當快速,對於對居住及交通運輸之需求相對增加,加上轄內擁有濁水溪流域、烏溪流域兩大流域等,相對亦帶給本縣豐富之土石資源,因此營建、道路、管線及其他雜項工程逐年成長,近三年度各類營建工程申施工中工地皆高達超過5,000件,突顯出本縣工地污染管制的重要性。依據南投縣政府環保局對於營建工程污染管制之期待,計畫規劃四大工作方向(空污費徵收、巡查管制、專案輔導、宣導作業)推動本縣營建工程空污費徵收及污染管制作業,主要執行成果摘要如下。一、空污費徵收以落實污染者付費為目的,計畫期間協助本縣營建工程空氣污染防制費共徵6,256件。另統計100年全年度共計徵收4,381件,共徵收35,656,295元,其他類工程佔總新徵金額48.1%,其次為道路工程佔總金額23.6%,整體新徵收工程金額較去年同期減少約10.6%;另催辦2,615處應辦理完工結算工程,經電話及發函方式催繳後完成2,107處工地辦理結算;今年在便民服務上首推簡訊通知服務,另持續辦理空污費結算退費免臨櫃辦理、簡化零星工程申報流程等便民服務。二、巡查管制以現勘管制減少污染為目的,自100年3月21日至101年3月20日止共巡查5,388處次工程,已達成本計畫合約預定巡查目標率100%。各鄉鎮市巡查分配件數以草屯鎮950件最多,總污染量管制巡查比例達全縣工程污染量88.4%,其中判定無污染情事佔92%,無重大污染情形的案件(記點8點以下案件)6%;污染情形嚴重的案件(記點10點以上案件)佔2%。三、專案管制協商803處道路管線工程簽屬廢土不落地承諾書,簽署比例達道路管線工程申報比例之77.1%;另期間查核181處次管線工程,出現11次缺失,隨每月管制輔導後工地缺失皆維持在輕微缺失以下,顯示管制已有初步成效。列管40處重大污染疏濬工程,輔導力求工地確實符合管理辦法,出入口清洗設備有效操作,運輸車輛嚴密覆蓋,工區周遭道路保持整潔無胎痕並限制車速於安全限速之內。期間總計查核輔導202處次,告發處分1處次,處分金額2萬元整,整體削減率較管制前提升17%。 推動工地形象改造計畫,宣導推動11處轄區內大型裸露地工程鋪設稻草蓆,累計改善裸露地面積25.9公頃,執行成果置亦於環保局網頁呈現以達拋磚引玉之效。配合環保署清淨家園綠網推動,每月受理民眾針對營建工程髒污上網通報,期間現勘輔導完成99處工地出入口污染改善作業,提昇市容及減少民怨產生。推動197處營建空污費20,000元以上工地簽立道路認養書,總計認養里程621.1公里,累計總洗掃長度為5583.2公里,約可減少TSP污染物74.0公噸、PM10削減13.9公噸。四、宣導作業辦理4場三方輔導座談會,邀請縣內4處污染嚴重工程業主、旗下13處包商及9處監造單位,針對工程常見缺失項目進行輔導改善。針對縣內新申報第一級工程及查核缺失工程辦理法令宣導說明會,講習內容包括營建工程空氣污染防制措施管理辦法、空污費申報計算及法令、工地圍籬綠美化及裸露地改善、周邊道路認養等進行教育宣導,總計123人次出席參與。順應電子化政府時代的來臨,將業務推展的成果以電子網頁方式加以呈現,內容包括發送法令宣導、訊息新聞稿6則及工地形象改造計畫成果等。五、檢測分析油品抽驗依宣導期程規劃,每月於協助環保局於稽查過程辦理油品抽測作業,計畫期間完成抽測24點次,抽測結果皆合格;另為瞭解工地管制成效,每月排定一處大型工地進行工地周界TSP測定,計畫執行期間共計完成12處工地周界粒狀物檢測,其檢測結果皆於法規標準之內。六、污染削減估算南投縣100年全年度營建污染削減量試算之結果,其中總逸散粉塵之削減量平均每月達530.8公噸/月;總懸浮微粒(TSP)之削減量平均每月約148.1公噸之削減量;PM10之削減量平均每月之削減量為82.3公噸。年度共削減逸散粉塵量6,369.7公噸,達總削減率46.6%。 100 南投縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38195
100 年度彰化縣垃圾減量、資源回收 綜合管理計畫 100 彰化縣環境保護局 京丞資源國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41037
高雄市清潔養豬改善二仁溪流域水質效益評估計畫 本計畫執行期程為自決標日(100年9月8日)起至100年12月31日止。主要透過辦理清潔養豬示範宣導座談會時,瞭解本市各畜牧業者設置豬廁所之意願,安排工作人員現勘並彙整安裝設置數量,掌握設置情形及與水體水質間相互關係,藉以瞭解各養豬畜牧場業者需求,並進而輔導建立清潔養豬流程,最後將針對裝設豬廁所之示範戶進行後續廢水處理設置及再利用輔導工作。茲將工作項目及調查結果摘要如下:一、辦理宣導說明會:本年度於旗山區及路竹區辦理2場次「養猪業源頭減量清潔養猪(猪廁所)示範宣導說明會」,議程內容為水污染防治措施及管理法規及實例探討、豬廁所設置及使用說明、清潔養豬宣導影片播放、豬廁所設置經驗分享等進行討論。會中發放問卷,針對養豬戶基本資料、其對清潔養豬政策瞭解、配合及現行運作情況,最後為安裝豬廁所意願調查等項目進行調查,由問卷資料顯示轄內養豬畜牧場業者多半認同環保署清潔養豬政策並願意配合辦理。二、篩選示範養猪戶並設置600個簡易式猪廁所:(一)本計畫所使用之豬廁所係依環保署清潔養豬宣導影片內建議規格,面積為1.0 公尺×1.0 公尺,使用圓形條狀鐵欄杆,高度10 公分,行間距為20 公分。(二)依問卷及電訪結果,彙整並篩選有意願設置之養豬戶進行現場實地調查,確認19戶示範戶名單及猪廁所設置規劃及數量分配,於100年10月31日至11月9日間,完成600個豬廁所裝設工作。三、設計清潔養猪操作紀錄表單,於安裝猪廁所後每月進行追蹤調查工作,並進行成本效益分析:表單內容包含用水量、用電量、廢水量、豬糞收集量、堆肥量、清運量及育成率等調查,本紀錄數據為示範戶提供資料。調查結果於清洗頻率、次數、用水量、廢水產生量及操作人力部份有有下降趨勢,各示範戶固形物收集均有增量情形。四、指標測站及養猪戶水質採樣工作:本團隊於設置豬廁所前中後進行養豬戶原廢水、放流水及河川水質測站各三次的採樣分析工作。依分析結果發現,各示範戶裝設豬廁所後,於各項污染物排放量皆有所改變。於河川水質調查部份,則顯示化學需氧量有下降趨勢,其餘項目濃度變動不明顯。五、輔導改善三段式廢水處理設施及操作,並協助輔導提高固形物清除量:邀請專家學者針對示範戶進行三段式廢水處理設施及豬廁所使用現場輔導工作,現場提供示範戶相關處理及操作建議,並在日後的現況調查中,巡視建議改善事項是否確實改善,於計畫執行期間持續進行輔導。 The Benefit Assessment Plan of Kaohsiung City Cleansing Pig Farming to improve water quality of Erren River This project was conducted from September 8, 2011 to December 31, 2011. Through holding clean pigpen demonstration symposiums, we were able to understand if livestock industry in the city was willing to equip with pig toilets. On-site inspection was arranged and pig toilets were installed; the set-up of the toilets was overseen while the relation between water body and water quality was paid attention to. Through the aforesaid effort, the needs of livestock farm owners could be understood and guidance could be further provided to the owners to establish a clean pig-raising process. Finally, guidance regarding wastewater treatment and reuse were given to the owners equipped with pig toilets. The work items and results are as below:1. Symposiums were held: 2 “clean pig-keeping demonstration to reduce pollution symposiums” were held in Cishan district and Luju district, the agenda contained anti-water pollution measures, management laws and case studies, set-up of pig toilets and operation steps, clean pig-keeping demonstration video, experience sharing on pig toilets set-ups and discussions etc…Questionnaires were distributed and according to pig farmers’ basic information, their understanding, cooperation and current scenario about clean pig-keeping policy, a survey was made to find out if the pig farmers were willing to install pig toilets. The survey has shown that most of the pig farmers in governance agree with EPA’s clean pig-keeping policy and will cooperate.2. Pig farms were selected and 600 easy pig toilets were installed:(1) A pig toilet was 1sqm with 10cm tall and 20cm wide circled rail as suggested in the clean pig-keeping demonstration video made by EPA.(2) Based on the outcome of questionnaires and the telephone survey, we carried out an on-site inspection for interested pig farmers selected; 19 pig farms were proposed to be installed with the pig toilets. 600 pig toilets were installed during the period of October 31, 2011 to November 9, 2011. 3. A clean pig-keeping operation record sheet was designed, monthly check-up would be conducted after installation of the pig toilets, and cost effectiveness would be analyzed: Water consumption, electricity consumption, waste water volume, pig excrement amount, compost amount, clean-up amount, survival rate etc…were included in the sheet. The data of this sheet was provided by the subject pig farmers. The result showed that cleaning frequency, water consumption, waste water volume and manpower have decreased, however the solid material gathered has increased.4. Indicator station and water sampling at pig farms: Our team has conducted 3 times of sampling analysis of the waste water, effluent and river water at the indicator stations prior, during and after the set-up of the pig toilets. The result showed the volume of released pollutant has changed. As for the river quality, it showed that the chemical oxygen demand has decreased while no obvious change to other items. 5. Guidance to improve the facility and operation of the 3-step waste water treatment and assistance to increase the clean-up amount of solid material: We have invited experts to demonstrate the operation of the 3-step waste water treatment facility and give guidance regarding the use of pig toilets. Suggestions of operation were given, and the suggested items were evaluated afterwards by on-site inspection, guidance was continually given during the project term. 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
100年度彰化縣空氣品質改善維護綜合管理暨資訊整合計畫 100年度彰化縣空品不良發生5站日,指標污染物為懸浮微粒(PM10)有3站日,指標污染物為臭氧(O3)則有2站日,總計不良率為0.69%,為彰化縣歷年最低。協助環保局爭取100年環保署考評成績。每月追蹤環保署考核成績,並針對考核分數落後的指標提出改善建議。為敦促各子計畫提升執行品質。擬定「彰化縣空氣污染防制計畫之管制查核督導計畫及作業要點」,作為各子計畫每月執行品質評估之依據。評估後分數不佳的計畫,本計畫也提出各項改善建議,提供給環保局參考,並協助提升各子計畫執行品質。今年度也完成TEDS7.1排放清冊清查相關作業,並將結果提供給環保署作為後續系統資料修正的參考依據。另也使用CMAQ模式,採用符合模式模擬規範的方式,評估臺中市、南投縣及雲林縣點污染源對於彰化縣臭氧濃度的影響。模擬結果顯示出,臺中市點污染源對於彰化縣臭氧增量的貢獻最為顯著。展望未來,建議環保局應落實中科四期營建工地管制工作與粒狀物管制作業,以使彰化縣及早達成懸浮微粒二級防制區的目標。而在臭氧管制工作仍不可鬆懈,仍應逐步建立揮發性有機物環境背景資料與與加強減量作業,讓彰化縣臭氧持續維持於二級防制區。 The Comprehensive Management of Air Pollution Improvement and the Integrated Information Control Project for Changhua County in 2011 In 2011, the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) value exceeds 100 is 5 station-days at Chunghua County. There are 3 station-days for PM10 and 2 station-days for O3. The percentage of days with PSI>100 were 0.69%.This plan assist CHEPB in got the good performance in the efficiency rating scheme (ERS) of EPA 2011. We tracked the score of ERS monthly and provided recommendations for improvement which lagging index. We studied out the 「The Supervisory Plan and Operational Guidelines for Air Pollution control projects of Chunghua County」that assist us to evaluate every project Implementation of quality monthly. This project provided recommendations for improvement to poor performance of the projects.Besides, We finished to inventory the Taiwan Emission Data System 7.1 and lent to EPA. We also applied CMAQ model to assist the increase Ozone concentration that provided from point source in Taichung City, Nantou County, Yunlin County. The result of modeling showed the point source in Taichung City were significant.We suggest CHEPB should strengthen the control strategy of Particles and the constructions of Central Taiwan Science Park at Erlin. It will be pick up Changhua at secondary level prevention area of Particle (PM10) in Central Air Quality Area in the shortest time. 100 彰化縣環境保護局 東禾工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41348
公害糾紛法律輔導專案研究計畫 公害糾紛乃常見之紛爭類型。民眾常因不知如何主張權利致蒙受損害,或因選擇非理性抗爭手段致社會整體負擔鉅額成本,若能於公害糾紛時,適時進行法律諮詢與輔導,應能大幅減少上述問題發生之可能性。藉由律師等專業人士,仿效一般民眾法律諮詢模式,開辦公害糾紛法律輔導,應係制度建置之初最具可行性之方法。除由律師實地進行輔導之外,本研究重點包括:由律師實地提供公害糾紛案件之法律諮詢與輔導,協助當事人維護權益並解決公害糾紛問題。統計、分析公害糾紛案件,建立案例類型及其解決模式。提出公害糾紛法律諮詢與輔導之建置方法。訂定公害糾紛處理標準作業程序及辦理公害糾紛案件講習。 The researching project for low counselling of Public Disput Mediation The researching project for low counselling of Public Disput Mediation 100 管考處 中國文化大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44359
100年度環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料建置及維護計畫 本計畫擴充「環境影響評估書件查詢系統」功能以及資料庫持續更新維護,以提供民眾完善方便之環境影響評估資訊查詢系統。主要工作包括:1.更新環境影響評估書件資料,將環境影響評估案件審查後之報告書、公文紀錄、審查結論、專案小組會議紀錄、核定公文等文書納入系統中,新增開發計畫基地座標717件;2.清查整理環保署環境影響評估圖書室,並將未建檔之書件電子化納入系統中;3.系統功能擴充(1)環境影響評估圖書室書件及案件卷宗管理功能、(2)環評委員專用介面、(3)更新線上滿意度調查、及(4)其他環保署指定功能:xml、Kml檔案管理、審查時間統計、行事曆事件區分、專案小組功能...等,以及舉辦二場環評委員訪談會議。本專案計畫經執行檢討建議如下:一、清查各縣市資料之完整性,將補正情形納入考核,提升地方環保主管機關案件資料的完整性;二、擴充系統資料類別,如審查會議簡報檔案、環境影響評估現場照片...等,讓書件個案資料更為完整及豐富;三、擴充委員系統功能,應用雲端、群組通訊技術,朝審查作業無紙化之方向邁進。 100 Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance proje The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) inquiry application”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the users. The main tasks contents for this project could be divided into: 1, Updated EIA Database of approved EIA reports, official documents, review conclusions, project team meetings records and added 717 base coordinates of development projects; 2, Checked and organized EIA library and established files of undigitized documents; 3, Enhanced application functons: (a)functions for EIA library books and documents folders management, (b)functions for EIA committee, (c)functions for online satisfaction survey, and (d)orthers: xml, Kml files management functions, examination period statistics functions, parcel events of calendar, functions for project team..., and held 2 conferences to EIA committee. This project came up with recommendations as follows: 1, examine local Environmental Protection Bureaus to promote data completeness; 2, increase system data categories for meeting briefing files, photos files etc to complete and enrich database; 3.expand EIA committee system by applying cloud computing, group communication to look into the future of paperless EIA examination meetings. 100 綜計處 智通工程科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27010
100年度機車排氣分析儀巡迴查核檢校計畫 我國自民國85年開始實施機車排氣定期檢驗以來,陸續開放機車排氣檢驗站,以協助民眾執行機車每年定期檢驗,截至民國100年底已開放設立2,618站。為確保機車排氣檢測數據的準確性及政府檢測的公信力,行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所每年皆以不預警方式進行全國機車排氣檢驗站所使用之排氣分析儀查核工作,查核工作內容包括儀器流量及是否漏氣測試、準確度查核及再現性測試等多項儀器查核作業。本年度計畫除加強查核結果不良之排氣分析儀複查作業外,在查核校校作業執行之前,亦進行機車排放法規標準值之查核工作,評估排氣分析儀於平日執行機車排氣檢測時之數據,以確保機車排氣檢驗站執行機車排氣檢測時數據之準確性,使民眾增加檢測作業的公信力。 The annual audits of the analyzers at the motorcycle inspection stations. Taiwans’ Environmental Protection Administration has conducted annual inspections of motorcycles since 1996. By the end of 2011, 2,618 motorcycle inspection stations have been set up. The Environmental Analysis Laboratory performs unannounced audits of the analyzers at the motorcycle inspection stations every year. The audit items include flow check, leak test, precise measurement test and repeatability test. The analyzer will be re-checked if the analyzer fails the audit. We analyzed the inspected data which fits the motorcycle emission regulations from analyzers before we audit the analyzers to make sure that the accuracy of the inspection data from motorcycle inspection stations. 100 環檢所 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27881
100年度桃園縣烏賊車檢舉案件管制計畫 本計畫主要工作項目為烏賊車檢舉案件以及汰舊二行程機車,在烏賊車檢舉方面,桃園縣99年烏賊車檢舉案件總數17,949件,高居全國第3,因此須透過充足之人力及物力投入,使檢舉案件的辦理時效及案件辦理品質能讓民眾滿意。另外桃園縣二行程老舊機車約有26萬輛,由於二行程機車有燃燒不完全的問題,排放之碳氫化合物濃度約為四行程機車的10倍,且碳氫化合物濃度隨車齡增加而升高,造成之空氣污染問題十分嚴重,對於本縣空氣品質有很大的不良之影響,因此加速淘汰老舊二行程機車,也已成為移動污染源管制的首要工作。本計畫工作項目簡述如下:(1)烏賊車檢舉案件處理:辦理烏賊車檢舉案件查證、寄發通知、追蹤及協助後續處分作業,共計處理43,250件。(2)汰舊二行程機車案件處理:辦理補助申請審查、撥款等相關作業,共計審查8,014件,審查通過7,448件,退件557件。(3)二行程老舊機車汰換宣導:製作宣導海報1,000份及手冊15,000份、報紙宣導以及網站更新。(4)其它相關作業:進行死車及汰舊通知以及辦理10場次宣導說明會。 The Taoyuan County’s exhaust visible pollution vehicle reported cases manage plan in 2011 A.D. There are two major works in this plan, one is to handle the exhaust visible pollution vehicle reported case;the other is to check the replacement of old two stroke motorcycle application.There are 17,949 exhaust visible pollution vehicle reported cases in Taoyuan County in 2010 A.D. and the quantity is the second of Taiwan. So this plan can offer enough manpower and technology to raise the efficiency and the quality to make people satisfy.Besides, the old two stroke motorcycle has 260 thousands in Taoyuan County and the emission is 10 times than four stroke motorcycle. So this plan is try to make people to replace the old two stroke motorcycle. The work item is blow:(1)handle the exhaust visible pollution vehicle reported case:It’s included about verify the reported data, notify the people and assist the punishment. The total handled cases are 43,250. (2)check the replacement of old two stroke motorcycle application:It’s included about verify the application and assist the appropriation. The total checked cases are 8,014,passed are 7,448 and failed are 557.(3)the scrap old two stroke motorcycle promotion:It’s included about make the 1,000 playbills and 15,000 manuals, publish in the newspaper and promote on the website.(4)other correlation work:It’s included about notify the old two stroke motorcycle owner and hold 10 exhaust visible pollution vehicle reported law conferences. 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 永固環境工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=39134
固定污染源許可管制執行暨檢討提升縣市執行工作計畫 為強化與落實我國固定污染源管理制,本計畫分為四大重點包括:1.整體管制策略研析。2.固定污染源制度整合與法規研訂。3.提昇縣市執行工作。4.技術管理工具應用。針對整體管制策略研析部分,本計畫分析彙整國際近期固定污染源管制趨勢及執行現況,參照國際管制趨勢並依據台灣空氣清淨計畫(TCAP)規劃方向及固定污染源減量目標,擬訂100~105年整體固定污染源管制推動架構及執行重點,包括落實許可制度、執行有害物種管制、加嚴排放標準及強化BACT、空污費經濟誘因四大面向工作重點。另規劃100年中央政府及地方政府工作重點,分為法規制度與空氣污染改善兩大類,其中法規制度工作重點為持續檢討推動許可管理制度、加嚴行業別排放標準、推動排放量整合作業、強化防制措施管理、檢討強化連續自動監測設施管理及空污費徵收制度;在空氣污染改善工作重點為推動工業區全面清查、納管及污染改善,並推動三級防制區行動方案、擴大污染物種管制。固定污染源制度整合與法規研訂部分,進行現行許可管理制度全面檢討,研擬推動全廠許可、合理核定排放量、移動式固定源管理、落實許可管理外,並協助完成「第一~八批應申請設置或操作許可證之固定污染源」修正公告、「公私場所固定污染源排放量申報管理辦法」修正草案、「13項行業製程別固定污染源最佳可行控制技術」修正草案、「第四批應設置專責人員之公私場所」增訂草案、「固定污染源防制設施管理辦法」草案研擬、「按日連罰執行準則」修正草案。提昇縣市執行工作部分,執行縣市許可證查核347件及受委託機關許可評鑑20家,現場輔導189件(248項)查核缺失及完成規劃許可執行人員資格品質管理機制草案;另協助推動潛在風險工業區預防管理與污染改善,總計彙整56座工業區(本年度24座)之清查、納管及139家工廠指定污染源改善,執行臨海工業區等3座工業區追蹤覆核。技術管理工具應用部分,除執行21,395家資料庫品質檢核外,配合空水廢毒資訊系統整合(EMS系統)之作業,已開發完成申請電子付費輸入界面、增加記錄許可審查費及證書費功能之電子付費系統,並完成許可申請電子簽章、技師線上確認許可申請資料的功能;另配合五都整併,完成固定污染源管理資訊系統之資料轉換整併、相關系統程式及檢核模組增修作業。 Project for Stationary Source Permit Controlled Implementation, and Reviewed Cities and Counties Wor In order to strengthen and put the stationary sources management into effect, this project included 4 major parts: 1) Development of stationary sources control strategies) integration of stationary sources control measures and revision of regulations, 3) improvement of the control and management work of local competent authorities, 4) integration and improvement of the quality and function of information technology system.In the part of control strategies development, this project based on latest information of control measures and regulations in foreign countries, Taiwan Clean Air Plan (TCAP), and emission reduction target, established the framework of control strategies for 2011~2016, including 4 main tasks, permit management program fulfillment, HAPs control, emission standards and BACT strengthening, and air emission fee program reviewing. For 2011, this project proposed that central and local competent authorities work on 2 focal points. Firstly, regulations amendments which included ongoing review the permit management program, strengthen the emission standards for particular industries, promote the emission integration strategy, consolidate control measures, examine and strengthen CEMS program, and revise air emission fee regulation system. Secondly, air pollution abatement which is to screen, control, and reduce emission sources in industrial estate comprehensively, to promote the emission reduction program of Class 3 control regions, and to expand the range of regulated pollutant species.For integration of stationary sources control strategies and revision of regulations, carried out a comprehensive review of the existing permit management system, developed the whole-plant permit system, rationalized the permit emission quantity, planning transportable stationary sources permit management, and put permit management program into practice. Additionally, this project help finishing the revision of「the first to eighth group of stationary sources installation and operation permit」and the amendment draft of 「stationary sources emission report control measures」, 「the best available control technology of stationary sources」, 「the forth group of dedicated air pollution control personnel」, 「air pollution control device of stationary sources」, and 「the penalty policy of stationary sources continuing daily violations」.To reinforce working effectiveness on stationary sources management of local competent authorities, this project executed 357 random inspections of city/county government permits by written form and on site examination, finished evaluation of commissioned authorities issued permits in 20 factories, and on-site counseled 189 cases (248 items) of permit mistakes, and completed planning the amendment draft about permission enforcement officers qualified management system. Besides, this project help and cooperate with local authorities to consolidated potential risks management and prevention of 24 industrial estate, and designated 139 factories to improve their control measures and to reduce the emissions. And track and reviewed the achievement of pollutants control of 3 industrial estates. To enhance the quality and function of information technology system, this project performed examination of database quality for 21,395 factories. On the other hand, in order to coordinate with the integration of EMS system, complete development of electronic permit payment system, permit application electronic signature function and online technician confirmation function. Also, complete data transfer and integration along with upgrade program and modules in stationary source information management system to adapt to the policy of five special municipalities mergence. 100 空保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34705
海洋污染防治及應變資源系統整合計畫 本計畫主要有五大項工作,包括污染通報及條件篩選、監測模擬及資訊整合、入口整合及資材調度、對外網站及操作教育、管理機制及資訊安全等。在強化海洋及河川污染通報方式,系統已整合事件層級的管理權限,在通報作業的首報、回報、結報各階段程序中,全面提供電子郵件及線上手機簡訊的發送功能及簡訊檢視功能。在海域監測資料系統的設計,本計畫利用環保局最孰悉的Excel為海域檢測資料的建檔工具,結合輸出xml資料格式及開發易用的上傳系統,讓環保局可以簡單地把監測資料提供環保署。另一方面,彙整及建立過去五年10個環保局的海域監測資料及10件廠商環境影響評估作業所獲取的監測資料,並進行監測站定位及校正作業,提供本系統整合查詢使用。在編訂高風險海運化學品污染應變技術手冊方面,本年度選定的20種化學品名單是依據出現原則、危害程度、環境危險級數與人體致癌危險級數等4個主要風險分級項目的分析而決定的,並已完成20種手冊的編撰與校對工作。另針對FY97-99編撰之25種技術手冊、25份應變卡、1份指引進行校正與編版之工作。在研擬Oil Map模擬結果上傳本系統展現的議題上,本團隊解析模擬結果的圖檔使其可用最佳的方式展現於系統上,與專家討論並訂定上傳資料的內容,並將其油污模擬厚度進行數值分級,以利使用者在圖台上對油團的辨識。建置海洋污染緊急應變決策支援系統的目的是協助指揮官處理繁多事項;本計畫參考海洋污染緊急應變流程、重大海洋油污染緊急應變計畫、及河海污染應變標準作業手冊(草案)等資料,分析海洋污染緊急應變作業可能需要提供的資訊,開發海洋緊急應變決策支援系統,提供指揮官依據已發生事件的性質、油污特性、事件等級等資料主動提供關資料的調閱,並提供事務處理的紀錄與提醒機制。更進一步地,本計畫結合空間資訊,建立「海洋污染應變決策作業支援整合圖台」,用以提供船舶資料、應變設備及數量、環境敏感指標、救援機關位置、環境監測資料、化學品資料、法條規範、保險資料、雨量等氣象資料等,管理者可利用圖台進行決策支援作業、掌握海岸敏感指標的分布、以及調度應變資材的數量等實務作業上需要的支援功能。同時,也對整體網站持續進行系統維護以及配合進行資安檢核作業,編制系統的操作手冊,並辦理兩場操作教育訓練說明會。 The Systems Integration project for Marine pollution control and emergency resource This plan includes five major work items: pollution notification and conditional selection, information integration with monitoring and simulation, login integration and material and equipment allocation, website for external use and operation education, and system server maintenance.In terms of improving marine and riverine pollution notification, the system has integrated accident-level administration authorities. In the notification procedures of initial notice, report during the accident and final report, the functions of receiving and sending email and online cell phone text message will be provided.In terms of the design of marine monitoring data system, this plan aims to utilize Excel, the tool the Environmental Protection Agency the most familiar with, as a tool for establishing data of marine water monitoring data. In combination of exporting xml data and the development of a user-friendly upload system, Environmental Protection Bureaus will be able to send monitoring data to EPA. Furthermore, the marine monitoring data collected from 10 Environmental Protection Bureaus in the last five years and monitoring data from ten private sector environmental impact assessments will be compiled, and positioning and positioning correction will be implemented. The compiled data and the results of positioning and positioning correction will be incorporated into the integrated search function of this system.In terms of technical manuals for marine pollution caused by a chemical spill out, this year the list of 20 chemicals are produced in accordance with the analysis of four factors: appearance frequency, degree of damage, risk level for environment and carcinogenicity. The 20 categories of manuals have been written, compiled and proofread. Furthermore, revision and format design of 25 categories of manuals, emergency Information cards and guidance written and compiled from FY 1997 to 1999.As to the issue of uploading simulation results to this system, the graphic files adopted by the research team make the simulation results uploaded to the system have an optimal performance so that experts in this field can participate in discussion, the contents of uploaded data can be stipulated, the numerical analysis of simulated oil spill thickness can be done, and thus the user can identify oil spill clusters on the console.The purpose of the establishment of decision support system of marine pollution incident is to assist the commander to deal with wide varieties of matters. Based on Marine Pollution Contingency Procedure, Contingency Plan for Major Marine Oil Spill Incident, and Marine and Riverine Pollution Contingency Standard Operation Procedure (draft), this plan aims to analyze possibly needed information during an oil spill incident and to develop a decision support system for marine pollution incident, so as to actively provide the commander with related information in accordance with known incident properties, oil spill characteristics, incident level; meanwhile, historical records of past incidents, and a Self-note mechanism will be also provided.Furthermore, this plan aims to integrate space information and establish an Integrated Marine Pollution Emergency Decision Support Console for the purpose of providing the manager with vessel information, emergency equipment and its quantity, environmental sensitivity index, locations of emergency rescue units, environmental surveillance data, data on chemicals, laws and regulations, insurance data and meteorological data such as precipitation so that he/she is able to use graphic console to implement decision support, understand the distribution of environmental sensitivity index in coastal area, and have an idea about the quantity of emergency material and equipment, and other practically needed support functions..Meanwhile, overall website maintenance and information review will continue to be implemented. Technical manuals have been produced and two operation training courses have been held. 100 水保處 大陸水工股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30599
100年度「臺北市民眾參與河川污染巡守推動計畫」 臺北市因為人口密度的快速增加、工業化社會的形成及土地資源的過度開發,河川本身由早期人們賴以生存的維生角色,搖身成為廢水及廢棄物的棄置場所。環境問題的地理空間有其地方性與跨地域性的特點,其空間範圍不一定受現有的行政轄區所界定,故若要對污染者產生嚇阻,並達到環境改善的目的,唯有透過當地人士對污染問題長期觀察,進而串聯各地域關切此問題的人士,化關心為行動力,改造方能達成。本計畫的任務為設計一個鼓勵民眾參與河川巡守,檢討民眾污染陳情機制,促進污染舉報達成污染削減工作。計畫中並將義工水質監測制度設計於內,最主要就是要透過水質監測的責任賦予,將民眾帶到河川旁,去發掘河川的問題及進而思考解決問題的方法。河川巡守制度目的在透過流域內居民的結合,經過不斷累積的義工單點分布形成的一個網狀監控。若能激發居民利用自己閒暇的時間參與河川水質檢測,不僅讓他們可以更加了解他們所處的環境,也讓他們可以用一些較簡單的檢測方法來為他們即已生活的環境盡一份力。發展這個制度不僅能夠引發民眾對土地的認同感,還能夠讓政府與人們之間產生一種互動,同時也可以善用民眾對流域地理位置的了解,提供一些當地的訊息使環保人員能更快的掌握當地資訊。目前臺北市河川巡守隊已達到15隊,巡守隊成員達到299人。針對河川巡守隊的經營管理,本次計畫提出巡守隊「戰鬥力評比」與「河川巡守隊激勵計畫」等2項機制。「戰鬥力評比」根據每季各巡守隊來累計積分,並表揚該季最高分的隊伍。「河川巡守隊激勵計畫」則促進巡守隊不只是維持運作,而是更積極的參與、動員與自我提升。100年度本團隊亦依據內政部「志願服務法」規定進行培訓,成功將67位義工轉為志工(含預計加入巡守隊之民眾)。另外,針對巡守隊部份,分別完成7場次的淨溪活動、1場次的誓師或授旗活動、2場次的座談會、2場次的觀摩、2場次的教育訓練、2場次的巡守隊經驗交流活動流活動。本團隊亦定時更新巡守隊執行成果於「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網(Eco Life)」之「河川保育網」,並以此做為巡守隊與民眾互動之平台。本計畫共計完成巡檢數791次、污染通報3件,及髒亂點查報132件。並以臺北市河川流域暨水質測站分佈、臺北市河川巡守隊巡守事項、簡易水質檢測、點源汙染與非點源汙染、臺灣河川水質生物指標為題材,編印700份宣導DM。 Rivers are essential for various human activities. Due to fairly rapid population growth, industry society formation and land resource over-utilization, Rivers of Taipei City becomes the disposal site for wastewater and waste. Environmental problems are not confined to single area surrounding but can spread far and wide beyond political boundaries. Local resident involvement is central to environmental improvement, because local residents can have continuous long-term observation of environmental problems. To concern about environment is not enough, to make a movement is actually practical way.The tasks of this project are: to encourage public participation in river patrol, to enhance the function of public nuisance mechanism, to promote more public report backs for pollution abatement. We also promote”Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program”. The program can facilitate public awareness and understanding of water quality issues and encourage shared responsibility for water resources protection. Trained volunteers can monitor local streams in an effort to water quality health and help identify and restore problem sites.The goal of “River Patrol Plan” is to organize local residents for comprehensive volunteering water quality monitoring. If local residents can be motivated to offer a few hours of their leisure time to monitor the health of rivers, they might gain better understanding of local water resources. Besides, the river patrol team may band local communities together and let residents have place identification. Residents general are most familiar with their environmental surroundings and they may provide useful environmental information to local government.Until now, there are 15 river patrol teams in Taipei City, with 299 team members. For river patrol management, we emphasize two mechanisms – “The Monthly Report on the Combat Effectiveness of Every Patrol Team”, “The Incentive Programs for the Patrol Teams”. The formal mechanism is to honor the team that scored the most points during a quarter. The purpose of latter mechanism is to encourage eager participation and to inspire self-improvement for river patrol teams.Based on "Volunteer service law" made by Ministry of Interior, we trained 67 volunteers to gain formal qualification. Furthermore, we held 7 river clean up activities, 1 pledge assembly, 2 forums, 2 field trips, 2 training sessions and 2 other exchange activities.Moreover, the work team regulates updates for the implementation results of the patrol teams on the “River Conservation Network” of “Eco Life”. Through this website, we also connect river patrol team with public. This project has completed 791 inspections, reported 3 pollution cases and 132 dirty messy places. We also published 700 copies of demonstration material (DM). The content of DM includes Taipei City river basin map with the geographic locations of water quality monitoring stations, Taipei City river patrol rule, simple water quality examination, point and non-point sources, and Taiwan water quality biotic index. 100 台北市政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40956
100年嘉義縣河川污染整治設施維護操作及效益評估計畫 本團隊執行「100年嘉義縣河川污染整治設施維護操作及效益評估計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),主要工作內容包含評估縣內河川污染改善效益、規劃後續河川污染改善工作、評估本縣現地水質改善相關計畫之功能效益、評估規劃本縣北港溪(三疊溪)流域之水質淨化場址設置點之可行性工法及位置點、辦理本縣水環境即時影像系統整合及每月維護管理工作、執行本縣現地水質淨化設施場址之操作維護管理工作及其他配合辦理事項,本計畫執行期程由100年2月1日至100年12月20日止(本計畫經費為新台幣740萬元整)摘要如下:ㄧ、評估縣內河川污染改善效益及規劃後續河川污染改善工作持續蒐集本縣朴子溪、八掌溪及北港溪流域水質相關數據,並於本年2~5月及10~11月枯水期,進行朴子溪流域、八掌溪流域及北港溪(三疊溪)流域水質水理監測,並依監測結果繪製河川污染負荷魚骨圖。此外,已於本年度協助辦理第一~三季河川污染整治推動小組會議及水質改善相關計畫工作檢討會,協助業主提出建設性之提案,推動本縣整體河川污染整治工作。二、現地水質淨化設施之功能效益評估及效能提升規劃每月辦理本縣現地水質淨化場址之整體效益評估與效能提升規劃工作,並蒐集現地水質淨化設施之水質水理檢測數據、分析水質改善效益及相關業務計畫之查核督導工作。此外,已完成水污染防治科水環境維護管理成果網頁更新及設置,並於每月辦理維護管理及內容更新作業。三、評估本縣北港溪(三疊溪)流域和平橋上游河段及其上游主要排水較佳設置點及可行性評估依現勘結果於三疊溪流域選定2處場址,分別為早知排水華興溪匯流處高灘地及陳井寮1+190堤內高灘地,並於5、10月完成2次(4點次)水質監測工作,分析評估設置場址污染源特性、用地可行性、淨化工法及水質處理效益推估,撰寫設置點可行性評估報告。 四、辦理本縣水環境即時影像系統整合及每月維護管理工作本公司已辦理水環境即時影像系統整合工作,其中完成大林明華濕地園區、民雄大排截流系統及荷苞嶼生態園區辦理現場3台主機遷移及新設影像伺服器;台林橋地下滲濾場址、六腳鄉蒜頭生態園區及更寮古林園區完成VPN線路申請。此外,影像系統整合作業完成後,架設即時影像系統監看網頁。並每月進行影像功能查看作業及維護管理工作,呈報嘉義縣水環境監視系統維護管理成果月報。五、執行嘉義縣現地水質淨化設施場址之操作維護管理工作本公司於本年度2~12月期間,負責本縣6處現地水質淨化設施場址(蒜頭生態園區、朴子溪曝氣系統、民雄大排截流設施、內溪洲排水地表漫流場址、大林明華濕地園區及台林橋地下滲濾場址)操作維護管理工作,針對場址進、放流水每日量測水質及每月水質採樣工作,並完成蒜頭生態園區5座涼亭安全鑑定及護木補漆作業、溪洲排水地表漫流場址進行抽水設備功能提昇工作及蒜頭生態園區年度清淤作業。六、其他配合事項本公司也配合業主多次協助辦理水污染防治宣導工作及本縣水質淨化場址解說導覽工作,統計至目前共計5場次水污染防治宣導。並彙整製作嘉義縣生態園區及水質改善設施年鑑相關宣導手冊,以本縣願景口號「田園城市-諸羅水境」為手冊名稱。此外,配合行政院環保署協助本局辦理相關河川污染整治相關考核工作,本年度已協助辦理撰寫願景計畫書及階段性成果報告。 100 嘉義縣環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34380
100 年度營造永續優質環境衛生計畫 -「營造優質環保示範區第一階段作業規劃 」期末成果報告書 環保署鑒於國家環境衛生需要全面更進一步向上提昇,必須由政府機關以宏觀視野整體規劃,並結合中央地方與民眾群力積極推動;因此在既有「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」執行成果基礎下,於是提出「營造優質環保示範區第一階段作業規劃」,期望整合政府各部會能量,共同打造國際環保示範城市,並提昇城鄉生活環境的衛生品質。本計畫在環保署所建構的複式動員系統下,以環保團體執行村里整極度的考評作業,讓民眾參與並了解居住環境的整潔度現況。並誘發民間社會力量,共同關心環保議題。進而落實全面提升城鄉環境衛生、營造優質環保示範區、市容整潔環境衛生之目的。本案藉由公益環保團體,以有別於各環保局及其所轄單位、人員與各村里長的第三人角色,以考核評比作業來進一步了解新竹縣轄內187村里環境維護現況,提供環境保護局做為參考。並針對評比缺失之村里加以輔導,加強稽查、改進。並辦理兩場次推動學生參與居家至學校環境巡檢照顧暨綠網操作平台種子教師訓練、辦理明新科技大學73人宣導綠色消費推廣暨綠色生活網環保志工行動講座;辦理仁愛國中450人宣導綠色消費推廣暨綠色生活網環保志工行動講座,活動獲得良好回響。 100 新竹縣環境保護局 新竹縣卓越志工服務協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29274
規劃低碳生活推動策略及配套措施 而環保署自97年起即努力推動民眾在日常生活中落實節能減碳行動,以打造全國成為低碳家園為目標。經歷多年來的推動,國人對低碳生活已有一定程度的識知,但因中央及地方各自規劃推動,資料並未整合,致未發揮上下合作之效。因此,本計畫重點將以建立一套完整的低碳生活政策措施及推動行動方針,以國內外低碳生活推動情形,進行分析策略評估,檢討我國現有低碳社會上政策面及實際執行情況進行評估探討,提出我國未來階段性低碳生活推動策略及措施,經由各界之意見整合,提出低碳生活策略藍圖,並評估低碳生活認證之可行性,由中央引導縣市政府推動依循,整合中央及地方資源,統合全國一致推動作法,互相支援,發揮最大減碳效益,建構營造低碳友善生活環境,使台灣邁向成為美麗的低碳永續家園。 Planning promoting low carbon life policies and supporting measures of project work plans The living environment has inevitably transferred to sustainable development in the global trend. This project is primarily focusing on the establishment of low carbon living policies and its promotion strategies, as well as the overview of the status quo of low carbon livings which contain the international and domestic demonstrations. It then analyzed those overseas examples and discussed those existing domestic low carbon living in terms of the policies and real practices. Following it, the project will contribute to addressing the stage-based blueprint of low carbon living policies and promotion strategies for domestic use after combining the viewpoints from various realms of professionals and evaluating the feasibility of low carbon living certified program. The success of establishing the low carbon living policies and its promotion strategies depend largely on the central government that is in charge of guiding the local governments, integrating the resources and unifying the promotion strategies to provide mutual support and maximize the carbon reduction efficiency. Ultimately, we hope to construct our home to be a low carbon living environment and promote Taiwan toward a lovely sustainable country. This project contains the collection and analysis of some of the overseas low carbon living demonstrations (i.e. United Kingdom, Mainland China, Germany, Japan and United States). It also carried out the formation of 4 groups of ‘low carbon living techniques and information’ and 2 workshops of ‘low carbon strategies, coordination and promotion’. Meanwhile, the project involved various facets of low carbon living-related information (i.e. techniques, economy, finance, legal, societal tools, relevant product, technical specifications, suppliers, cost efficiency and successful case studies), and the creative methods of international and domestic low carbon living. The relevant low carbon living information is shown on the ‘Low Carbon Sustainable Information System’ that provide useful information for promoting low carbon living style throughout Taiwan. 100 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41601
營造永續優質環保示範區及百大績優鄉鎮市區與村里攝影競賽宣導暨績優推動單位表揚計畫 本計畫為引導各縣市營造當地優勢與特色,並結合社區里之環境衛生成果,進一步擴大至各區,逐步完成環境保護署14項環境衛生永續指標,達到提升環境品質及營造優質環保示範區之目標。辦理以14項環境衛生永續指標為主題之『營造永續優質環保示範區及百大績優鄉鎮市區與村里』攝影競賽、成果記者會、相關宣導手冊及成果手冊,並辦理「推動營造永續優質環境衛生計畫績優單位(個人)表揚及宣導活動」。透過辦理成果記者會及表揚活動以展現全國各基層單位落實「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」推動情形,以各環保示範區、百大績優鄉鎮市區及村里作為全國楷模,喚起全民對環境衛生的注重,進而共襄盛舉發揮個人及社區的力量,由下而上動員,以達全面改善環境衛生及整頓市容之成效,並提升優質環境品質,創造永續樂活及寧適的生活環境。 Photo Contest Propaganda for Environmental Demonstration Areas and 100 High Quality Cities and Towns Title:Photo Contest Propaganda for Environmental Demonstration Areas and 100 High Quality Cities and Towns and Outstanding Division Commendation for Creation of Sustainable, High-quality Environmental Sanitation.Summary:This project aims to direct counties and cities to construct local competitive advantages and features, combine them with the result of general community sanitation for further expansion to each area and, step by step, achieve 14 Environmental Sustainability Index of Environmental Protection Administration in order to reach goals of elevating environment quality and creating high-quality environmental demonstration areas. Conduct a photography contest and a performance press conference, promotion booklets, and performance booklets. Meanwhile, plan “The Outstanding Division (Individuals) Commendation and Propaganda for Creation of Sustainable, High-quality Environmental Sanitation Plan” Through the performance press conference and commendation, the execution of “Creation of Sustainable, High-quality Environmental Sanitation Plan” by basic divisions in the country will be manifested. Environmental demonstration areas and 100 high quality cities and towns will be taken as national models in order to awake the public attention to environmental sanitation and further personal and community power for complete mobilization in order to achieve the full effect of bettering environment sanitation and restoring the cityscape, elevate the quality of environment excellence and construct a sustainable LOHAS and comfortable living environment. 100 毒管處 社團法人台灣環保生活協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29705
我國綠色生活制度之建制專案研究計畫 綠色生活制度希望綠色產品能融入民眾生活中,藉由政府機關大量採購綠色產品、以租賃方式使民眾取得產品、方便民眾於零售通路中取得綠色產品等方式提升綠色產品於日常生活中的比例,現階段從綠色採購法是否立法、環保產品租賃與零售業永續發展著手。從各項台灣目前的狀況來看,短期內暫不修法,確實地落實目前相關規範應足以應付台灣的需求。中長期等環保產品種類品項擴大、民眾環保意識隨著環境教育法的推廣,時機成熟後才單獨立法。經由文獻資料蒐集融資租賃的模式、國內外的租賃產品及日本推動生態租賃之方式,並依據網路所蒐集之現有市場的租賃商品,利用專家篩選可能實行綠色租賃的產品,以半結構式訪談相關業者,歸納出綠色租賃的具體想法後,另召開專家座談會,訂定「行政院環保署協助產品環保租賃補助與輔導辦法(草案)架構」與「行政院環保署協助產品環保租賃補助與輔導辦法(草案)」,提供政府推動相關環保租賃的施政建議。彙整永續性指標、國際零售業永續作為及國內外零售業評分指標後,建置出「綜合商品零售業永續性評比架構」,利用此架構進行國內零售業者之永續性程度調查,以問卷方式請5家業者、56間門市自我評估其永續程度。結果顯示,5 家業者之永續性程度為80.76%,門市之永續性程度為74.36%。另外從與業者召開之座談會發現,零售業者普遍認為綠色產品種類不足與消費者綠色消費動機不高,為販售綠色產品之困難處。綜合以上研究結果,短期建議:1. 政府採購項目中增加綠色產品的種類;2. 政府採購科目增加「租賃」項目;3. 政府機關逐步推動租賃、綠色服務類型的綠色採購;4. 機關綠色採購適用對象納入政府承包商;5. 租賃公司試行環保租賃;6. 綠色商店、企業環保獎之評分項目增加綠化指標;7. 綠色商店申請條件增加綠化指標;8. 聯合舉辦永續發展評比。長期建議:1. 以補貼方式降低租賃公司設定之租金收益率;2. 產品環保租賃資料庫之建立;3. 發行環保集點卡;4. 限制非綠色產品於市面上流通;5. 與製造業者、通路商合作成立永續發展聯盟;6. 在環境教育課程中教導綠色生活觀念。 The Investigative Project for Establishing Green Living Institution in Taiwan The aim of green living institution is to use green products in ordinary life. Elevating product categories for government green procurement, leasing green products for consumers, and sustainable development in retail are three approaches to achieve the goal. Evaluation of the feasibility of legislating government green procurement law, promotion of local eco-leasing institution, and evaluation of the sustainability of retail business in Taiwan are primal actions. Due to lengthy legislative procedure, mass cost, and time consumption, government green procurement law legislating is not recommended in current status. Existing laws related to green products are suggested in promoting green purchase.Literature reviews of leasing products are performed through the web sites. Also, the opinions of experts are interviewed and analyzed based on the semi-structured method. In addition, a forum is held to collect all the experts’ opinions and to formulate as the government policies – product green leasing. In order to evaluate the sustainability of retails in Taiwan, a framework for evaluating sustainability of retails is created. The framework is base on The Dow Jones Sustainability Index and it includes some famous sustainability standards. 5 retail companies and 56 retail shops are evaluted. It shows that the sustainability of company and shops are 80.75% and 74.36%, respectly. By exchange opinions with retail companies, shortages of green products and low consumer motivation to green consuming are the difficulties to sell green products.Short-term suggestions are: 1. increasing the catrgories of green products in government procurement, 2. adding leasing in government procurement, 3. purchasing leasing or green service in government procurement, 4. Involving government contractor in government green procurement members, 5. attempting eco-leasing , 6. Combining retail sustainable framework with green store competition amd enterprises environmental protection award, 7. adding retail sustainable indicators in application condition of green store, 8. holding sustainability competition with other government department. Long-term suggestions are: 1. subsidizing leasing companies, 2. establishing database of environmental performance for leasing green product, 3.issuing green credit card, 4. restricting non-green product selling, 5. establishing a consortium with producers, distributors for sustainable development, 6. educating green life institution in environmental education. 100 管考處 國立臺北科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44500
屏東縣工業區臭味物質監測及有害污染物調查計畫 本計畫工作期程自100年7月26日至100年12月31日為止,各項工作進度達成率與成果摘述如表1所示,執行進度成果說明如下:一、 背景資料蒐集與分析依據行政院環保署「易致空污突發事件之高風險工業區風險潛勢評估手冊」估算,篩選屏南工業區為本計畫執行之重點工業區。二、 敏感區位污染源清查作業完成屏南工業區清查作業,分別為列管工廠46家(目前已停工7家、部分製程停工有2家)及未列管工廠37家(目前停工5家)。三、 工廠指紋資料檢測VOCs採樣與CC-FTIR監測之分別完成31點次採樣及15點次監測,周界有害空氣污染物檢測作業已完成18處次之採樣。製程周界VOCs採樣檢測排放污染物種中檢測出甲基丙烯酸甲酯、間,對-二甲苯、鄰-二甲苯、2-丁酮及1,2,4-三甲基苯等物種,其中以甲基丙烯酸甲酯所測得濃度為最高(86,700 ppb),次高濃度污染物為2-丁酮(5,980 ppb),第三高濃度污染物為間,對-二甲苯(3,870 ppb);另主要污染物分析結果中丙酮在31件次分析中佔20件次、間,對-二甲苯在31件次分析中佔12件次、鄰-二甲苯及2-丁酮在31件次分析中佔9件次。CC-FTIR採樣分析出物種包括有氨(Ammonia)、乙酸乙酯(Ethyl Acetate)、甲苯(Toluene)、苯胺(Aniline)、一氯二氟甲烷(Chlorodifluoromethane)、乙烯(Ethylene)、亞硝酸(Nitrous Acid)、丙酮(Acetone)、二氧化硫(Sulfur Dioxide)、甲基丙烯酸甲酯(Methyl Methacrylate)、甲烷(Methane)等污染物周界有害空氣污染物檢測作業結果分析以盟O金屬有限公司屏南廠被檢測出8種有害揮發性有機化合物為最多,其次為泓O化工(股)公司被檢測出7種有害空氣污染物。四、 開放路徑紅外光譜儀連續監測(OP-FTIR)於9月8日完成OP-FTIR監測系統之主機(屏南工業區服務中心頂樓處)及反射鏡架設(晉欣鋼鐵行政大樓頂樓),並於當日開始連續監測作業,兩點單光程距離約為236公尺,連續執行48天之監測。OP-FTIR監測結果共測得甲醇(Methanol)、1,3-丁二烯(1,3-Butadiene)、乙酸乙酯(Ethyl Acetate)、甲基丙烯酸甲酯(Methyl Methacrylate)、氨(Ammonia)等5種污染物。五、 異味事件應變系統屏南工業園區簡易氣象站及VOCs自動採樣系統設置位置考量屏南工業區當地盛行風向、附近社區居民及陳情案件次數頻繁之工廠,於100年11月17日完成屏南工業區服務中心頂樓處架設一座VOCs自動採樣器完成;並於100年12月2日完成東海國小簡易氣象站及一座VOCs自動採樣器架設工作。六、 硫化氫空氣品質連續監測作業本公司團隊於100年8月17日進行監測對象之第一次現勘作業,於100年8月19日監測前確認風向後即準備監測前置作業,並於100年8月24日提送硫化氫測站施工計劃書至環保局,貴局於100年9月8日回覆文號屏環空字第1000024046號准予施工後,即依計畫書時程內容進行架設儀器並於完成後開始監測作業。硫化氫監測結果,其濃度介於0.08 ppb~9.5ppb(儀器查核工作監測數據已排除),平均濃度為2.55 ppb。另逐時濃度變化趨勢之分析,其中11月25日上午11點時段濃度最高為112.8 ppb,原因為當時設備工程師至現場進行儀器濃度查核工作,打入高濃度硫化氫進行濃度查核,導致當時監測數值遠高於其他時段,其餘時段之濃度並無顯著差異。七、 工廠減量輔導作業已邀集專家學者進行5場次減量協談輔導作業,分別為申豐化學工業股份有限公司屏東廠、燁興企業股份有限公司屏南線材廠、振寓有限公司屏東廠、頂新製油實業股份有限公司屏東廠及裕瑋鋁業股份有限公司九如廠等5家。八、 污染物成因解析工業區臭味模擬作業乃藉系統方法建立ISC3擴散模式進行氨、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、丙酮與亞硝酸濃度之模擬作業,排放源以本計畫煙道監測結果為主,模擬地點為屏南工業區周界,模擬對象為周界受體點,其內容含臭味濃度之年平均值、日平均最大值及小時平均最大值及其位置。從屏南工業區空氣模擬結果得知氨、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、丙酮與亞硝酸之小時平均濃度值分別約0.15608 ppb、0.02513 ppb、0.00784 ppb與0.00129 ppb。屏東縣各測站主要指標污染物以臭氧為主,分析本縣各測站歷年PSI>100站日數的變化情形,明顯可見屏東測站及潮州測站整體而言臭氧在95~99年空氣品質不良站日數仍大於20日以上,尤其屏東測站及潮州測站分別在98年及95年達到歷年最高值(32站日、48站日),兩測站在98年後,有逐年改善現象。屏南工業區空氣污染物排放對空品測站污染貢獻模擬結果顯示,其污染皆屬輕微等級,年平均最大值污染濃度而言,潮州測站之SO2年平均濃度為3.725ppb,屏南工業區平均最大值貢獻0.00585ppb,貢獻量僅0.157%,屏東測站之SO2年平均濃度為3.942ppb,屏南工業區貢獻為0.00107ppb,貢獻量僅0.027%。主要原因除屏南工業區污染放量較小外,距離屏東及潮州監測站相對來得遠,且屏南工業區位於此兩測站之秋冬季盛行風之下風處,且夏季盛行風與測站相對位置並無相關,故推論此為屏南工業區影響屏東及潮州空品監測站輕微之主要原因。九、 辦理工業區空污突發事件兵棋推演及實際模擬演練作業本計畫於期初階段完成緊急應變演練規畫後,已於100年9月22日,協助環保局完成1場次之危害緊急事件應變演練之辦理,透過實地的演練使各緊急應變小組成員能熟知本身所需扮演的角色,及所負責之工作項目。能在第一時間即把危害風險降到最低,維護縣民的權益。十、 辦理臭異味檢測有害成分分析教育訓練會本計劃團隊規劃於100年12月2日假屏東縣環境保護局會議室辦理一場次之技術轉移訓練會議,此次會議邀請昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司 邱建郎主任針對硫化氫連續監測系統設備介紹及系統軟體使用方法等來進行講解,協助環保局承辦人員對於硫化氫連續監測系統實務操作經驗提升及運作方法掌握,於日後現場稽查提供技術支援。十一、 環保新聞依據本計畫勞務契約之規定,計畫執行期間需配合宣導空氣污染相關環保新聞刊登至少2則,截至100年12月16日止,已刊登2則環保新聞,主要內容為辦理空氣品質惡化及重大空氣污染緊急應變工作,另外1則新聞則針對指紋資料建置作業進行宣導。 100 屏東縣政府環境保護局 慧群環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28190
固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫 100年固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),執行期程係自100年3月18日至101年3月17日止,計畫執行經費為新台幣680萬元整,由台灣曼寧工程顧問(股)公司總經理苗宛陶擔任計畫主持人,含計畫經理及執行人員共6派駐環保局專案執行計畫,派駐人員皆具甲級空氣污染防制專責人員資格,執行固定源管制皆有3年以上工作經驗。 100 南投縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42100
100年度高雄市總量管制暨移動源削減量抵換計畫 本計畫完成減量抵換作業辦法(草案)擬訂,規劃推動機制及建立作業對應文件表單格式,並研擬申請計畫書審核、執行查核、執行結果考評等作業方式。本計畫今年度協助環保局推動企業認養林園工業區專車,並以此案例進行減量成效估算,營運期間,以CO2減量達32,534公斤為最多,但NOx增量約為157公斤。本計畫今年度進行市民運具使用特性及滿意度調查,滿意度最高之政策為「林園工業區專車整體政策」,約為58%,而「紅2路加班車整體政策」滿意度約55%,「補貼員工辦理企業幸福卡政策」則為53%。本計畫已完成6場次討論會、1場次公聽會與1場次國際會議之辦理,在各場次會議中邀請市府相關局處、企業與專家學者一同探討與建議高雄市捷運、公車以及綠色運輸政策之未來規劃方向。 AIR POLLUTANT EMISSION CEILING AND MOBILE SOURCES EMISSION REDUCTION OFFSET PROGRAM We propose the draft document of mobile sources subsidy and reduction offset regulation in this year, and establish promotion mechanism, files format and processes of plan review, inspection and implementation evaluation.We help environmental protection bureau promote the Linyuan Industrial Park shuttle bus enterprises adoption project , during it’s operation period, this project reduces 32,534kg of CO2 but increases 157 kg of NOx.We conducted a questionnaire survey of the mode choice for urban passenger travel and satisfaction of transportation policies. These results showed that “Linyuan Industrial Park shuttle bus” has highest degree of satisfaction, 58%, “Red 2” has 55% and “Kaohsiung Happiness Card enterprises subsidy” has 53%.We hold six discussion meetings, one hearings and one international conferences, invited bureaus of Kaohsiung city government, enterprises, experts and scholars to join in the discussion, and they provided recommendations of the future planning direction for Kaohsiung Rapid Transit System, city bus and green transportation. 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=35255
100年度空氣品質維護綜合管理計畫 本計畫主要目標係主要掌握雲林縣空氣品質變化情形並管控環保局各空氣污染管制執行計畫之進度與品質,確保空氣污染防制目標之達成。同時分析空氣品質指標及污染物排放特性,修訂101年管制策略,達成空氣品質良好之目標以維護民眾健康。本計畫於100年5月16日開始執行,至101年3月31日止已完成94年~100年12月本縣環境負荷及空氣品質資料之分析,依統計資料顯示,空品不良日自94年的38站日降至100年的8站日,較99年不良日減少8站日,為歷年來空氣品質最佳的一年,分析其原因除受天氣影響降雨日數較多外,本年度配合中央單位及縣府各局處進行濁水溪揚塵管制專案作業,有效減少濁水溪揚塵,降低濁水溪揚塵對本縣空氣品質之衝擊。統計100年度不良站日數計有8站日,當中臭氧不良日為3站日,較之往年減少,顯示主要影響本縣之污染物仍以懸浮微粒為主,惟仍應針對臭氧前驅物質及衍生性PM2.5之生成加強管制。本計畫於執行初期修正「100年雲林縣空氣污染防制計畫考核評分辦法」,納入計畫書面資料品質考核以及期中、期末報告委員考核,考核成績分為五個等級,特優、優、佳、可、差。經本次查核成果得知,「特優」等級共計3個計畫,「優」等級共計7個計畫,「佳」等級共計3個計畫。本計畫持續加強查核,持續追蹤各計畫缺失,落實後續缺失改善作業。於節能減碳執行工作上,本年度配合環保局推動節能減碳村里動員與教育宣導活動,並依照合約規定提送3,000份宣導品;至101年3月31日止共計完成40場次村里宣導活動,參與人數計有2,713人次。本計畫並定期透過環保署綠色生活網查詢本縣各村里相關評比結果,每月依據評比結果提報環保局,由環保局轉知各公所將相關評比成績告知得分較低之村里,並協助本縣一級單位維護管理綠色生活網相關內容。本計畫並於100年10月25日邀請羅宇棻老師至斗六國中進行節能減碳專題演說,演說主題以如何於日常生活中落實節能減碳,將節能減碳觀念深植小朋友心中;另於100年12月20日假斗六教師會館針對學校及本縣公務機關辦理第2場次節能減碳說明會。本年度延續99年度政策設置低碳社區輔導團,由指導委員針對本年度3個候選社區進行低碳社區輔導與評比,選出二崙鄉崙東社區為本年度最佳之低碳社區。為了解本縣三座空氣品質監測站懸浮微粒之成分,找出主要污染來源,本年度計畫規劃於斗六測站、崙背測站及台西測站進行PM2.5懸浮微粒之採樣及成分分析作業。本工作團隊於採樣作業前先行進行場地現勘,經現勘後發現崙背測站及台西測站兩處因電壓較不穩定,無法提供採樣作業所需電力,經與環保局協商後將監測位置由崙背測站改至台灣電力公司崙背服務所、台西測站改至台西地政事務所進行採樣。本團隊已於100年8月1日至4日完成第一次的背景值採樣作業,並依據合約要求進行滯留型天候採樣,相關採樣作業已於100年10月24日至27日及101年2月20日至24日完成。 2011 Air Quality Maintenance and Integrated Management Plan The main goal of this plan was to manage the air quality, control the schedule and quality of these implement plan, and make sure the achievement of the air quality goal. At the same time, we analyzed the air quality index and pollutions emission specific, and developed strategies in 2012 to protect public health from air pollution.This program began on May 15th, 2011. Until March 31th, 2012, we had already finished the analysis of the air quality data from 2005 to February 2012 in Yunlin County. According the data of Auto-monitoring station in Yunlin County, the number of days with PSI over 100 was 31 in 2009, and decreased to 16 in 2010, and decreased to 8 in 2011. The number of days with PSI lower 50 was 166 in 2009.The number of days with PSI lower 50 was 231 in 2010. The number of days with PSI lower 50 was 212 in 2011 . So the PSI in this year showed that the air quality control system was effective.We checked and audited the paper quality of these implement programs with new rules”2011 Yunlin Air pollution control implement plan audit rules”. The rules had set 5 levels: “level A” to “level E”. And the result was that 3 “level A” plans, 7 “level B” plans, 3 “level C” plans. We had finished 40 community guidance activities about saving energy and reducing carbon, and a lecture in School on 25 Oct. Through the competition and counseling meetings, we chose a best low-carbon community “Lun-tung community” from 3 communities.To understand the PM2.5 concentration and composition in ambient, we had already sampled the “background sample” in on 1st ~4th Aug,2011, and the “stationary weather sample” in on 24th ~27th Oct,2011 and 20th~24th Feb,2012 in EPA 3 air quality stations. The samples was included PM2.5及PM10-2.5. 100 雲林縣環境保護局 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=39199
100年度室內空氣品質自主管理策略研擬暨推動計畫 由於近年來政府積極關心室內空氣品質相關議題,因此包含室內空氣品質自主管理推動等室內空氣品質重要課題均已列為政府重要施政項目當中。本年度的計畫成果包括:(1)研擬桃園縣未來推動室內空氣品質管制,包括專責人員教育訓練及公私場所室內空氣品質訪查及輔導改善後追蹤;(2)在推動公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理制度方面,本團隊在計劃執行之初辦理一場次室內空氣品質宣導說明會,廣邀環保署公告之室內空氣品質第一類及第二類場所人員參加,總計參加人數為52人共同參與室內空氣品質管制現況研討,並加強宣導室內空氣品質之重要性。此外,完成國內50家公共場所的現況訪查及巡檢,並檢測其中18家公共場所之室內空氣品質現況,及5家主動服務到你家之相關檢測工作。(3)在室內空品管理資訊整合部分,本團隊已在室內空氣品質管理資訊網中建置室內空氣品質管理資訊平台,提供年度各類型場所室內空氣品質檢測結果,並整合室內空氣品質各類相關資訊,提供民眾有關室內空氣品質輔導改善相關諮詢服務,以達資源共享之目的。 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台灣環境暨物業產業協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41314
100年環境E學院知識檢定暨宣導活動專案工作計畫 本計畫目標為配合環境資源部組織架構分析3種版本九年一貫教科書及近10年國中基測與大學學測考題、擴充2,000題以上環保知識題庫及200題以上環保教室解說題目;更新、充實及維護網站內容,並辦理宣導活動,因此計畫架構分為四部分,成果分述如下:(一)分析教科書及考題對環境知識融入情形: 1.已完成(1)國中自然及社會之翰林、康軒、南一等三個版本,共 144本課本;(2)國小自然、生活及綜合之翰林、康軒、南一等三 個版本,共252本課本;(3)90至100學年度國中基測110份及大 學學測65份考題,針對環境知識融入狀況分析。 2.已分別於1月9日、1月30日、2月6日、2月21日及3月6日召開五場 次審查會議,共計31位委員出席。 3.其結果包括: (1)國小各版本教科書所含環境議題知識分布情形:以「翰林版」占 最多環境知識;以「社會領域」含最多環境知識;「第三階 (五、六年級)」為最多;所包含之「環境知識」以「生態環 境」、「綜合規劃」及「水及流域」等三個面向所呈現的環境 知識內涵為最多。 (2)國中各版本教科書所含環境議題知識分布情形:以「南一版」占 最多環境知識;以「自然與生活科技」含最多環境知識;所包 含之「環境知識」以「綜合規劃」、「生態環境」及「氣候變 遷」等三個面向所呈現的環境知識內涵為最多。 (3)基測所含環境議題知識分布情形:以「社會」領域含最多環境議 題;以「綜合規劃」、「生態環境」及「氣候變遷」等三個面 向所呈現的環境知識內涵為最多。 (4)學測所含環境議題知識分布情形:以「自然」領域含最多環境 議題;以「綜合規劃」、「生態環境」及「氣候變遷」等三個 面向所呈現的環境知識內涵為最多。(二)擴充環境知識檢定題庫 1.已於101年3月17日至3月28日辦理千人測試活動,共計有1,180 人參加2,150題題目試測,經測試後鑑別度在0.4以上之題目共計 1,919題,對於未達0.4鑑別度之題目,已予以調整內容、級別或 刪除,並將新增題目搭配環保知識IQ賽參加者意見進行修正後,再 次送請審題委員審查,共計完成新增2,190題。為使環保知識呈現 更加完整,經國中、高中教師協助進行圖文審題修訂,完成200題 圖文並茂解說題。 2.已完成現有題庫以題組方式呈現,初級、中級、中高級及高級等四 個級別建立10組題組,各計100題,以利使用者隨機測試。 3.已分別於1月9日、1月30日、2月6日、2月21日及3月6日召開五 場次審查會議,共計39位委員出席。(三)更新及維護環境E學院網站 1.已完成定期新聞發布101則、設置電話諮詢專線與信箱及相關操作 諮詢服務、完成網站小遊戲與牛刀小試手機版應用軟體共3款、製 作可分難度等級並隨機出題之單機版知識檢定題庫光碟1式、擂臺 賽網路行銷曝光規劃及eDM製作。 2.考量網站推廣之效益與一致性,設計具推廣效益之APP小遊戲,並 納入整體行銷宣導中之一部分,網站新增「我要推薦」功能,以增 加網站的使用人數、達到網站推廣之效益。另配合題目之題組化, 系統已同步進行知識檢定與牛刀小試改版,我的診斷書與我的檢定 證書也依系統改版同步進行修正。(四)辦理環境E學院宣導活動 1.已於101年4月10日辦理環保知識IQ賽記者會,活動於101年4月 10日至101年5月14日順利完成,共計有78位得獎者。活動期間通 過初級檢定者,計有3,145人次,登入阿凡阿達網路遊戲者,計有 4,650人次。活動參加人數已達計畫目標2,000人次以上。 2.已完成辦理一場次全國環保知識挑戰擂台賽全國總決賽及記者會, 總選手數:602人、總參與人數:980人,並完成擂臺賽測拍並製 作30分鐘以上活動花絮、3分鐘活動DVD光碟及寄送。 3.截至101年5月31日止,已新增約:(1)36.5萬瀏覽人次;(2)註 冊帳號2.4萬人;(3)通過檢定0.91萬人。 The knowledge Test, and advocacy activities of the Environmental E-School project 2011 The objective of this project are: (1) the analysis of three versions of textbooks for the 9-year national education and of the exam questions of the basic competence test and the university entrance exam for the past ten years,(2) the completion of environmental knowledge database in the form of more than 2,000 questions and 200 environmental classroom expounded questions,(3) update, expansion, and maintenance of website contents, and (4) the holding of propaganda activities. The results are detailed as follows. A.The analysis of textbooks and the extent of integration of environmental knowledge: (1)Completion of: (a)3 versions of textbooks of natural and social sciences for junior high schools, totaling 144 textbooks, (b)3 versions of textbooks of natural,social, and comprehensive sciences for grade schools, totaling 252 textbooks, and (c)the analysis of the extent of integration in 110 and 65 test papers used in high school basic tests and university entrance exams separately. (2)Holding 5 review meetings separately on January 9, January 30, February 6, February 21, and March 6, with 31 committee members present in total. (3)The results of the analysis are: (a)Environmental knowledge in grade school textbooks: the Han-Lin version textbooks, the social science textbooks, the 5th and 6th grade textbooks, the ecological environment, the comprehensive planning, and water and drainage basin subjects contain the most abundant environmental knowledge. (b)Environmental knowledge in junior high school textbooks: the Nan-I version textbooks, the natural and life sciences textbooks, and the comprehensive planning, the ecological environment, and the climate change subjects contain the most abundant environmental knowledge. (c)Environmental knowledge in the high school basic test: the social science textbooks, and the comprehensive planning, the ecological environment, and the climate change subjects contain the most abundant environmental knowledge. (d)Environmental knowledge in the university entrance exams: the natural science textbooks, and the comprehensive planning, the ecological environment, and the climate change subjects contain the most abundant environmental knowledge. B.Expansion of environmental knowledge test database: (1)Completed the 1000-person test between March 17 and March 28, 2012, with 1,180 testers answering 2,150 questions, which included 1919 questions with 0.4 discriminatory indices and above. Questions with discriminatory indices below 0.4 were adjusted, reclassified, or deleted. New questions were provided to the committee members for review, and a total of 2,192 questions were added to the database. Two hundred expounded questions were completed with the assistance from high school teachers to review text and figures. (2)The question database is classified into four levels: primary, middle, middle-high, and high levels, and 10 subject groups with 100 questions in each group for the purpose of random test. (3)Holding 5 review meetings separately on January 9, January 30, February 6, February 21, and March 6, with 39 committee members present in total. C.Update and maintenance of the environmental E- school website: (1)Released 101 news periodically, provided consulting services through phone line and e- mail, completed website games and 3 smart phone apps, and completed environmental knowledge test database CD, the challenge contest marketing planning, and eDM. (2)Designed app games as part of marketing plan. Added the ‘I recommend’ function in the website to increase browsing flow. Website function, including knowledge test, I- diagnosis, and I-test certificate, was enhanced. D.Holding the advocacy activities of the environmental E-school: (1)A environmental IQ contest was held from April 10 till May 14, 2012, with a press conference on April 10. There were 78 winners in the contest. There were 3,145 persons passed the primary certification level, and 4,650 persons participated in the avatar web game. The total number of participants has achieved the 2000-person goal. (2)A challenge contest of environmental knowledge and a press conference were held with 602 contestants and 980 participants. A 30-minute video of the challenge contest highlights was completed. (3)There are 365,000 browsing counts, 24,000 registration accounts, and 9,100 certified persons till May 31, 2012. 100 綜計處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=39818
台中市大里及豐原區農地土壤地力回復、田間復原暨監督計畫(復原改善) 針對本市農地土壤重金屬污染控制場址,執行實質之污染改善工作。希望藉由污染改善工作之執行,使該些場址之重金屬濃度低於土壤污染監測標準,並經驗證後確認達成農地復原改善目標,爾後依土壤及地下水污染整治法解除列管,藉以達成土地賡續利用及維護人民健康之終極目標。 100 台中市環境保護局 新世紀環保服務股份有限公司
100年度臺南市空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫 依據「100年度臺南市空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)合約規定,本計畫各項工作執行成果摘要如下:一、環境負荷及變化趨勢 (一) 本市人口數為雲嘉南五縣市中最高,在五都直轄市中排名第五,人口數在95年後有逐年降低之趨勢,目前臺南市人口為187.4萬人,密度為855人/km2。 (二) 臺南市的工廠約8,462家,密度為3.9家/km2,自91年後有降低的趨勢,與本市產業結構改變與經濟策略、景氣影響有關,目前本市以以金屬製品製造業、機械設備製造業及塑膠製品製造業較多。 (三) 南部科學工業園區自89年以來家數逐年增加,但98年開始趨緩,目前進駐273家。 (四) 目前臺南市車輛總數為200萬輛,其中機車約141萬輛,其次為小客車約48萬輛,大、小貨車分別約有1.2萬輛及7.5萬輛。96年後柴油車之成長已停滯。85~99年間機車成長率無明顯停滯或減緩之趨勢,此一汽車衰退、機車成長之趨勢,可能與油價之提升及政府倡導節能減碳有關。 (五) 本市營建工地數自92年起大幅增加,94年後開始減少,97~99又呈現成長,目前工地數為10,134處,為10年來次高。 (六) 本市陳情案件比例中以工廠、燃燒行為及營建工程原因被陳情最多,有逐年上升之趨勢。 二、空氣品質現況及問題分析 (一) 99年臺南市空品不良比例為2.95%,低於目標3.74%,達成99年空品管制目標,為7年來最佳,100年空品不良比例為1.16%,低於目標2.9%,順利達成今年空品目標。 (二) 懸浮微粒不良比例由83~92年,從3.4%降至0.5%,在94~96年間於3.3~4.6之間;於99年降至1.92%,100年不良比例為1.1%,不良比例明顯呈逐年降低趨勢。 (三) 臭氧不良比例由83~92年,從0.4%增至3.3%,在94年降至2.3,95年3.3,96年又升至4.6;於97~98年明顯降低至2.05%,99年則達1.1%,100年不良比例為0.50%,不良比例明顯呈逐年降低趨勢。 三、分析各類污染源排放結構 依據TEDS 7.1排放量資料庫檢討更新結果,本市98年點、線、面源之排放清單已更新,各類污染源之排放狀況如下: (一) 總懸浮微粒(TSP):TSP總排放量為40,386公噸/年,主要來自面源之排放。 (二) 懸浮微粒(PM10):PM10總排放量為15,384公噸/年,主要來自面源與點源之排放。 (三) 硫氧化物(SOX):SOX總排放量6,344公噸/年,絕大部分來自點源之排放。 (四) 氮氧化物(NOX):NOX總排放量為29,964公噸/年,主要來自線源之排放。 (五) 非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC):NMHC總排放量為62,826公噸/年,主要來自面源之排放。 (六) 一氧化碳(CO):CO總排放量為41,187公噸/年,主要來自線源之排放。 四、檢討修正本市空氣污染管制策略 檢視本市污染物減量上最主要減量之污染標的物為PM10(4,921噸),以營建工地為最主要減量對象;其次為NMHC(928.5噸),以移動源之管制為最主要減量之對象;在SOx之減量上以固定污染源為主;NOx方面則是以移動污染源為主。 本市短程空氣品質管理策略依據區域特性來進行分區分級管制,除了針對既有之固定、逸散及移動污染源之三大污染源進行管制外,增加「民眾感受度」及「低碳生活」之類別;共31項策略、103項對策。 五、管理空污計畫辦理品質及成效 (一) 依據100年度本市空氣污染防制計畫考核辦法,針對各空污計畫分為重點及非重點計畫擬訂「100年度臺南市空氣改善維護計畫管理及考核評分辦法」,考核項目包含進度查核、品質查核、成效查核,並據此對各計畫實施管理及考核評分。 (二) 100年度考評結果 截至100年10月考評結果,在重點性計畫以「柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫」得分最高86.01分,其原因為資料時效性、完整性及工作進度達成率皆符合規定且計畫掌握度良好,整體表現優秀;在非重點性計畫以「PM2.5管制對策及健康風險評估計畫」得分最高87.33分,由於該計畫工作內容執行較為單純,較不易出現延宕或出現困難的情形。 六、空氣品質淨化區 本計畫已完成48處次平時考核,有15處淨化區分數在90分以上,其中以白河區詔安社區綠美化計畫成績最優。年終考評邀集嘉義大學園藝系蔡智賢教授及台灣大學園藝系陳惠美助理教授組成「年終考評小組」,於100年11月30日及12月2日針對17處維護較佳之淨化區實地考核維護管理情形。共選出4處績優單位,包括環保公園組2處,為文南社區文南公園(公兒二)綠美化。 七、其他相關辦理事項 於100年12月1日至12月8日配合環保局參加COP17;辦理臺灣智慧綠色城市參展事宜,於100年10月26日至29日協助環保局設置攤位並派員協助導覽解說。於100年11月24日協助環保署與台灣永續能源研究基金會辦理「2011臺德低碳城市論壇」,並於12月27日辦理教育訓練。 2011 Tainan City Air Quality Maintenance and Management Plan In accordance with the ITB of “2011 Tainan City Air Quality Maintenance and Management Plan” (hereinafter “Project”), its execution of each work item is summarized below: 1. Environmental Burden and Trends (1) The population is 1.874 million people it’s the maximum of Tainan City and Chiayi County and Chiayi City and Yunlin County. It’s 5th of municipalities at Taiwan. The trend of population is decreasing since 2006. The population density is 855 person/km2. (2) Tainan City has 8,462 factories and the density is 3.9 factories/km2.The number decreased since 2002, it’s about the industrial structure has changed and economy. The industry of Tainan City is Metal products manufacturing, machinery and equipment manufacturing and plastic products manufacturing manly. (3) In the period of 2000 to 2009 the factory number of STSP is increase, but decreased since 2009. It is 273 factories now. (4) The number of vehicles is 2 million. There have 1.41 million motorcycles and 480 thousand cars and 12 thousand freight vehicles and 75 thousand trucks. The number of diesel cars stopped increasing since 2007, and the growth rate of motors hasn’t decreased in 1996~2000. (5) The number of constructive engineering increased substantially since 2003, but decreased since 2005, then increased again in 2008~2010. There are 10,134 engineering now, it’s the second high in 10 years. (6) The number of pleading cases is factories and burning and constructive engineering manly. The trend is raising. 2. Air Quality Trends (1) The poor air quality (PSI, Pollutants Standard Index>100 ) ratio is 2.95% in 2010, it is lower than the target 3.74%. It’s the best in 7 years. The poor air quality ratio is 1.16% till 2011/11,it is lower than the target 2.9%. Expect to reach the goal of this year. (2) The poor PM10 ratio decreased from 3.4% to 0.5% in 1994~2003, and between 3.3%~4.6% in 2005~2007, and decreased to 1.92% in 2010. The poor PM10 ratio is 0.75% till 2011/11. The poor ratio decrease obviously. (3) The poor O3 ratio increased from 0.4% to 3.3% in 1994~2003, and decreased to 2.3% in 2005, 3.3% in 2006 and increased to 4.6% in 2007, and decreased to 2.0% obviously in 2008~2009, and decreased to 1.92% in 2010. The poor O3 ratio is 0.41% till 2011/11. The poor ratio decrease obviously. 3. Air Pollution Emission The emission inventory is based on TEDS-7.1, we updated it to 2009 emission inventory. (1)TSP emission: 40,386 tons/year (2)PM10 emission: 15,384 tons/year (3)SOx emission: 6,344 tons/year (4)NOx emission: 29,964 tons/year (5)NMHC emission: 62,826 tons/year (6)CO emission: 41,187 tons/year 4. Air Pollution Management Strategy Review and Modification The main pollutant of reduction pollutants is PM10 (4,921tons) and constructive engineering is the main object. The second pollutant of reduction pollutants is NMHC (928.5tons) and moving source is the main object. The main pollutant of reduction pollutant in Sox is fixed source. The main pollutant of reduction in Sox is moving source. In addition to the fixed source, fugitive source, moving source, add 31strategies and 103 countermeasures. 5. Air Pollution Management Results Plan and Follow (1) Draw up the method of air pollution include achieved percentage inspection and quality inspection and effect inspection, and to grade. (2) The examination in 2011 The highest score of key plan “diesel car emission examination” is 86.01, and the highest score of non-key plan “management of PM2.5 and health risk assessment” is 87.33 till 2011/10. 6. Clean Air Zones Maintenance and Management. Finished the inspections of 48 clean air zones inspections, and 15 clean air zones got 90 points up, the best of all is ChaoAn community at BaiHo district. Selected the top17 to annual inspection in 2011/11/30 and 12/2, and choose the top4. 7. Else Items (1) Send staffs to help the “2011 Building Taiwan” in 2011/10/26~29. (2) Hold the “2011 Germany-Taiwan International Conference on Low Carbon City” in 2011/11/24. (3) Attend COP17/CMP7 at Durban, South Africa in 2011/12/1~8. (4) Hold the Education and training in 2011/12/27. 100 台南市環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=35414
推動室內空氣品質自主管理與子法建置暨編撰居家室內空氣品質改善技術手冊 近年來世界各國諸如北歐國家、歐盟及美國等已開發國家逐漸重視室內空氣品質之要求,我國近年來亦開始重視此一國際性的重要議題,然而,在現今社會中,我們不僅要面對的是日趨嚴重的環境污染問題,甚至是全球性的氣候變遷問題、瀕危的生態多樣性、能源不足等危機。由於人類未來生活品質的提升,唯一也是最關鍵的限制是環境本身所能允許的負載容量。因此,在我們期盼二十一世紀的科技與經濟發展能將人類文明帶入一個全新而「人性化」生活的同時,更急須重新思考如何在兼顧科學科技與經濟發展的同時,將環境中的各環節一起納入考慮。位於亞熱帶氣候區的台灣擁有豐富的生態多樣性與自然資源,但近數十年來快速的開發已使得生物棲地大量被破壞、環境污染、生活品質嚴重惡化。呼吸的空氣品質不良、飲用水質惡化,不良的生活環境不僅反應台灣生態環境危機,民眾所面臨的更是日益加劇的健康風險。然而,人類所需面臨的除上述外部環境污染危機外,在本計畫工作裡,我們將更近一步來探討日常生活中皆會遇到的內部環境污染問題,我們可以發現從建築物本身結構、區位、開口設計、空調系統設計,各種建材、裝修材料的選擇,人類維持生活必備的各種物品、商業行為的貨品、辦公家具等,乃至於人類本身的各項行為活動,均可直接或間接的引起音、光、熱、氣、水、微生物、電磁波等室內環境問題,對人類健康有更進一步的危害;其中最直接、且影響最大的是室內空氣品質(Indoor air quality IAQ)不良所引起的健康危害問題。就經濟層面的考量而言,IAQ不佳所引起的不適症狀或相關疾病會引起生產力降低,甚至影響國家競爭力。Fisk等人曾估計,美國每年因呼吸道感染降低生產力的成本高達60-140億美金,而由過敏症狀或氣喘引起的消耗成本高達20-40億,由病態建築症候群所引起的生產力降低損失則高達150-380億元。而從管制法規的層面而言,近年來因發生許多與空氣污染相關的危害事件,一再凸顯出空氣污染的嚴重性而促使各國政府機關訂定空氣污染防制法規,加強執行各項空氣污染防制措施,並訂定以保護國民健康為目標,以管制大氣環境為手段之環境空氣品質標準。然而,現代國民每日中之大多數時間均處於不同之室內環境中,而現代建築及空調之型態、各種裝潢材料之使用、以及各種室內之活動型態,均可引致許多新的室內空氣污染源,例如,建材傢俱中新可能釋放的甲醛及揮發性有機物質(volatile organic compounds, VOCs),建築物中事務機器如影印機的操作所排放之二氧化碳及臭氧,經由空調系統或其他相關污染源所可能傳播的生物性氣膠(bioaerosols),或是因為室內活動型態所造成的污染,如抽煙所引起之各種化學物質與呼吸性微粒(respirable particulate)之積聚等,前述種種均可能對人體健康造成不同層面的影響。環保署亦自1998年起開始著手進行國內相關職場室內外空氣品質調查研究,並於1999年開始正式於施政計畫中開始進行室內空氣品質標準與管制策略擬議的系列研究,委由成功大學環境醫學研究所與建築研究所等相關專業人員,透過文獻參考與實測經驗,建立本土室內空氣品質環境實測標準流程,並逐步以此標準流程累積台灣各建築類型之實測數據,同時亦彙整國外相關資料,同樣以維護健康為基礎,初擬本土化之空氣品質標準建議值。就室內空氣品質管理的制度面上,包含有不同使用性質空間的室內空氣品質污染源及不同的主要問題、不同的目的事業主管機關、現況及問題、建築設計及通風相關配套規範、污染物檢測能力、自主管理機制等部分,需要一個跨部會整合推動機制。行政院環保署於2006年6月於消保會135次委員會議提報所研擬完成之「室內空氣品質管理推動方案(草案)」並獲定案,隨即由各相關部會依方案分工原則,著手研擬具體3年工作行動計畫。而依照「室內空氣品質管理推動方案規劃架構」,分別應包含(1)訂定室內空氣品質標準;(2)訂定室內空氣污染物檢測標準及檢測能力提升;(3)推動公共場所自行檢測、監測、紀錄及申報制度;(4)推動室內空氣品質調查計畫等,因此行政院環保署乃於2006年5月進行「推動公共場所室內空氣品質管理制度計畫」,初步研擬相關室內空氣品質管理制度,並積極推動對應之室內空氣品質檢測專責人員與自主管理專責人員,同時亦進行「室內空氣品質自主管理推動計畫」及相關輔導機制之研擬。1.2承辦意願及能力新紀公司成立於民國83年,17年來一直在國內顧問界以空氣污染防制規劃之專長見稱,為國內少數僅有之空氣污染專業公司,舉凡有關空氣污染問題,自擴散模式模擬技術、光化網格模式模擬技術、空氣品質及氣象背景調查、煙流追蹤實驗以及污染防制規劃設計等方面均有相當豐富之實務經驗。本公司所擁有的分析工具,包含有一般性之氣體擴散模式如ISC、Caline、FDM、Valley、Shortz、OCD、RTDM等,DWM風場診斷模式及Qnet2000類神經網路分析模式,皆早已有多次使用於國內空氣品質規劃之經驗;此外,尚有特殊模式如軌跡模式與光化模式UAM、CAMx,以及本公司自行發展之PETS等,並於近年來國內數個全國性大型空氣品質規劃案中,佔有相當關鍵性之地位,其中包括了「高屏及雲嘉南地區污染減量改善及總量管制執行專案計畫」、「空氣品質惡化緊急應變系統之建置計畫」、「研訂各縣市空氣品質改善/維護計畫」、「北、中、南、高地區空氣污染物排放總量調查及減量規劃」、「大台北高雄地區空氣污染源排放資料調查及減量規劃計畫」等。另本計畫團隊人員亦自98年度開始,承辦 貴署「室內空氣品質管理法相關子法建置與公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理及分級標章制度推動」之計畫,除協助 貴署持續推動室內空氣品質管理法相關子法草案研擬相關工作,於推動公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理制度工作中,初步完成 貴署大樓建置室內空氣品質連續自動監測系統,亦陸續完成室內空氣品質資訊網網路設置及辦理相關物業管理人員訓練班或說明會議,並於基線資料中完成151家公共場所現況訪查及80家場所進行室內空氣品質檢測調查工作。在於縣市執行工作經驗上,本計畫人員曾於桃園縣遠東百貨公司桃園站前店舉辦「出門看天氣,迺街”看空氣”」IAQ宣導活動,活動中除向民眾宣導室內空氣品質管理的重要性,並於該場所示範「室內空氣品質連續監測看板」的裝設,裝設後普遍獲得業者及大眾的接受,因此,後續更於桃園縣政府大樓及中壢大江國際購物中心裝設室內空氣品質連續監測系統設施。而除了上述相關IAQ宣導作為外,本公司亦邀請有關室內空氣品質研究專家及學者,輔導場所人員參加講習或課程訓練安排等,而藉由受訓的過程中,本公司人員更進一步成為IAQ管理之種子教師,並受邀參與中華民國物業管理訓練相關課程之授課講師,相信藉由本公司以往承接地方縣市相關IAQ活動或訓練課程經驗中,能更進一步提供 貴署一有效之管制策略及方案。本工作群無論就學識技術或實務經驗方面,均堪稱國內一時之選。由於本工作群除曾榮獲環保署委託參與推動空氣品質規劃管理之工作外,亦先後完成縣市內各項空污專案計畫,如「臺北市空氣品質改善計畫規劃整合暨成效評核計畫」、「苗栗縣空氣品質改善及污染源減量計畫專案」、「嘉義縣空氣品質管理發展計畫」、「新竹縣空氣品質改善維護綜合管理計畫」、「桃園縣空氣污染綜合防制計畫」、「新竹縣空氣品質維護計畫暨空氣品質管理資訊系統建置計畫」、「桃園縣空氣品質管理綜合計畫」、『南投縣空氣污染防制工作綜合管理及TEDS排放量調查計畫』、「雲林縣空氣污染防制計畫之追蹤檢討考核計畫」、「苗栗縣空氣污染防制綜合管理計畫」、「新竹縣空氣品質改善維護計畫之檢討規劃」及「大台北高雄地區空氣污染源排放資料調查減量規劃」等,非常明瞭空氣品質改善維護計畫之推動過程,能完全掌握整體工作之執行重點及方向。另外,本工作群具有多項中央與地方空氣品質規劃管理計畫之實務經驗,並執行貴 署相關計畫多年,已完全掌握全國環境品質狀況與特性,且熟悉各項工作之作業方法,立即針對各項特性,提出適當之管理策略供中央主管機關參考,務使中央主管機關在人力及經費資源相當有限之條件下,能如期達成本工作之預期目標。 Plan for Establishing IAQ Manageme home building-cum-Indoor air quality improvement technical manual In recent years, the government has been actively concerned about indoor air quality (IAQ), where the related issues including the formulation of IAQ laws and regulations and the self-management system for indoor air quality have become important topics in government policy plans. The accomplishment of this year's project include: (1) For the promotion of indoor air quality management system in public facilities, the working team completed the visits and inspection in 200 public facilities (divided into six categories), and the indoor air quality for 80 public places of which were further monitored and assessed. The collected indoor air quality data embodied a national IAQ baseline database for further analysis. In addition, the working team compiled and compared the information of indoor air quality self-management systems in major countries. The team also provided the educational training practices for indoor air quality dedicated personnel. (2) For the integration of IAQ managerial system information and the indoor air quality mark, the working team has built the indoor air quality management information platform on EPA’s indoor air quality management information network for resource sharing. Additionally, the guideline of grade stamps for indoor air quality mark have been proposed to the authority for future reference in order to promote indoor air quality self-management in public facilities. (3) For the formulation of Indoor Air Quality Management Act-related regulations, in addition to empower the relevant sub-set of Indoor Air Quality Management Act draft law, the working team also studied the indoor air quality control measures in different collaborating authorities with the need to tie in with the amended law, and held eight advisory consulting forums focusing on the related regulations of Indoor Air Quality Management Act for amendment reference. (4) Finally, the working team not only embodied and maintained the official indoor air quality network, but integrated various types of indoor air management information and cases of domestic pollution in recent years to provide recommendations for related organizations and stake holder. 100 空保處 新紀工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36747