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檢驗查核人員訓練課程規劃及訓練教材編撰計畫(環保署專案EPA-82-1104-09-02報告)環境分析實驗室管理(一&二)硬體&軟體(電腦軟體及化學計量學) Testers & Inspectors Training Course Planning and Training Textbook Compiling Plan (EPA Project No.EPA-82-1104-09-02) - Environmental Analysis Laboratory Management (1&2) Hardware & Software (Computer Software and Chemometrics) 082 環檢所 Willard, H. H.; Merritt, L. L. Jr.; Dean, J. A. and Settle, F. A., Jr., http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2814
水源保護區及西部海岸區環境基本資料航遙測調查及建檔計畫(一) 為有效掌握水源保護區及西部海岸區內之開發,限制或禁止污染水源,影響水量或危害公共福祉之目的,亟須有區內基本空間及屬性資料,以利於評估。本計畫為應用航遙及地理資訊系統技術,正確迅速建立土地利用情形、水系、道路系統並配合衛星及航空照片掃描影像展示,提供決策者迅速了解全盤資訊,正確選擇規畫方案。並將為環境監測提供有利支援。 Investigation and Filing Plan of the Water Source Protection Area and Western Coastal Area -- Basic Information on and Aerial and Remote Sensing of Environment (1) -- 082 監資處 台灣省政府糧食局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2866
重大公害糾紛敏感地區航照影像資料之建立 三十多年來政府為加速邁向工業化,高度開發工業區,雖然創造經濟奇蹟,提高國民生活水準,但亦同時影響生態環境,製造不少污染,降低我們的生活環境與品質,面對這些充滿危機的公害污染,及社會大眾的環保意識普遍高漲,如何妥善解決公害及其衍生糾紛問題,為當前環保工作重要課題。公害糾紛處理,有賴於良好正確背景環境資料以供參考,其中對於地理生態環境的暸解,最為重要,但目前此方面大多為文字或線性資訊,尚缺乏深具實用性的空照影像資料。因此本計畫係利用航測飛機進行拍攝當前國內重大敏感公害地區之大比例尺彩色正片與紅外線片影像,以調查各廠區配置與週遭土地利用情形,建立詳細的現況實景像片圖,供環保公害糾紛處理時研判之參據資料。航測技術是一種高效率且實用性科技,由於其不受空間阻隔,可探測廣大地區豐富的地物景況,並記錄環境資源內容,對區域性整體生態環境情況,更可有效掌握,為一種經濟迅速的調查技術,可提供環境評鑑上必需的、即時的基本影像資料。因此本計畫所完成之台灣地區重大敏感公害糾紛地區中之協和電廠、核能二廠、林口電廠、龍德工業區、頭份工業區、興達電廠、大發工業區、仁武工業區、大社工業區、林園工業區、中油高雄煉油總廠等十一個地區航空調查資料,對今後環保工作之推行,甚有稗益。 Establishment of the Air-Photo Database of the Important Public Nuisance Dispute Sensitive Area -- 082 監資處 林務局農林航空測量所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2858
航測上游空氣污染物研究-參與國際「西太平洋偵測研究計劃」 本計劃藉參與「西太平洋偵測研究計劃」(PEM-West)的時機,一方面配合進行探空密集觀測(10月1-4日),一方面協調NASA DC-8飛機在台灣地區於適當時機進行空中空氣品質偵測(1991年10月4日及6日),另一方面建立完整氣象及航測資料檔,以進行區域/局部污架物傳送過程的探討與台灣地區空氣品質的了解。本報告除對PEM-West計劃做完整介紹外,對實驗期間DC-8飛機機載有關偵測空氣品質的儀器資料亦進行收集、分析與探討。對於DC-8飛機在台灣地區所進行的2次密集觀測期間,除進行氣象條件分析外,亦探討墾丁「氣候與空氣品質台灣站」(CATS)及DC-8有關之空氣品質偵測結果,最後對未來台灣地區區域/局部傳送問題,提供一些建議。 Research on the Air Pollutants at the Upper Reaches by Aerial Survey-Plan to Participate in the International Western Pacific Sensing Research -- 081 環檢所 Benkley, C.W., and L.L. Schulman, 1979: Estimating hourly mixing depth from historical meteorological data. J. Appl. Meteor., 18, 772-780., Bradshaw, http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2800
汽機車排氣中多苯環碳氫化合物之組成研究 本計畫擬用glass fiber filter和吸附劑來採集汽、機車的排氣,並研究排氣中所含有的多苯環碳氫化合物(PAHs)的各種組成。汽、機車的排氣經glass fiber filter和吸附劑吸附後,再使用有機溶劑萃取或熱脫附法(thermal desorption)的方式使多苯環碳氫化合物從glass fiber filter或吸附劑中放出來,再配合GC和GC/MS分析。另外,本研究方法主要參考美國EPA所公佈的方法。 Steam Locomotives Exhaust Composition the multi- benzene rings hydrocarbon studies -- 081 環檢所 E. L. Wynder and K. Mabuchi, Prev. Med., 1, 300 (1972)., P. Shubik, Proc. Nat1. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 69, 1052 (1972)., P. O. D. Ts o and J. A. Dipaolo, http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2798
有害事業廢棄物標準採樣方法之研討(Ⅲ) Research and Discussion of Stand Sampling Methods for Harmful Enterprise Wastes (III) 081 環檢所 蔣本基等有害事業廢棄物溶出試驗認定標準檢驗方法之研討第(二)年計劃-台大環工所 (1991.6)、事業廢棄物採樣作業手冊-環保署環檢所、R.O. Gilbert http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2804
建立環境檢驗QA/QC制度(三)研究報告 近年來隨著環保意識的提昇,環境保護工作已經成為改府施改的首要目標之一,然環境保護工作首重於了解污染現況。要了解污染源現況,必須仰賴正確的分析鑑定技術以及熟練的分析人員,在一定的品保/品管(QA/QC)規範下,由所得到的分析數據來說明環境現況,在全盤了解後,再針對污染源予以對症下藥,如比才能達到污染防治改善目的。除此之外,任何污染源之取締告發,亦必須依靠分析檢驗所得的數據予以說明及佐證。由比可見,分析檢驗數據之重要性,因比精密及準確的分析數據一直是從事環境檢驗分析者努力追求的方向。國內目前環境檢驗工作,除了各級環保單位檢驗室外,大部份由環係署認可之民間環境檢驗測定機構負責。未來如何能維持環保單位及民間檢驗測定機構之分析數據品質,是環保署的重要研究課題之一。為提昇國內各級環保單及環境檢檢測定機構之分析數據品質,樹立政府公信力及減少環境污染糾紛案件,特提出建立環境檢驗QA/QC制度計畫,以期達成上述目標。本年度為三年全程計畫之第三年。本計畫本年度的主要目的有二,目的一是針對一般最常檢驗的類別水、空氣及廢棄物等訂定環境檢驗室認證準則,作為檢驗機構必須遵循的規範及環保署認證民間檢驗機構的依據。本計畫同時將依認證準則擬定檢驗室管理手冊撰寫規範,協助環境檢驗測定機構訂定其本身的管理手冊。目的二是配合環保署目前法令規定之主要水質測試項目,研擬績效評鑑樣品製備技術,嚐試以混合、濃縮等方式研製26種測試項目績效評鑑樣品,供環保署定期監測已認可及評鑑申請認可環境檢驗測定機構或環保單位檢驗室用。除此之外,本計畫仍繼績協助環保署執行一年四季的盲樣測試作業及數據統計,及舉辦三次的QA/QC研討會以協助提昇國內環境檢驗室的水準。 To Establish Environment Inspection QA/QC System (3) - Research Report -- 081 環檢所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2802
環境檢驗品保制度及污染物檢驗方法之建立-子計畫四:環境中微量毒性物質分析方法(三)-Ⅰ研究報告 由於工業的快速發展帶動了經濟繫榮,但相對的也帶來了一些以往農業社會不曾有之環境污染;例如為解決事業廢棄物及垃圾問題而興建之焚化爐,若無良好之操作條件,則在其焚化殘渣以及其排放廢氧中,都將含有或多或少之戴奧辛(Dioxin)。目前國內正大量的在各地興建各種用途之焚化爐,為確實有效的監視其是否正常運作,必須對於因焚化條件不當而可能產生之戴奧辛加以監測;同時,又由於國內曾有利用焚燒法回收廢五全,類此製程,都極有可能產生戴奧辛。政府為對臺灣之某特定地區進行調查戴奧辛之污染現況,乃先委託本所進行毒性物質分析方法之研究;期能及早建立戴奧辛之分析技術,以便進行必要之分析調查。國外先進國家如美國,西德,日本,加拿大等在戴奧辛分析技術上,已有良好之基礎;本計畫研究之初,乃先收集各先進國家所發展出之分析方法;同時,派人赴國外實地觀摩研習,吸收其經驗並融合各國分析方法之優點,發展成為本計畫所研擬之分析方法。戴奧辛一般在樣品中之含量很低,因此樣品必先經各種方式之前處理;又由於樣品中含有一些化學性質相近之干擾物,因此樣品於萃取濃縮後,必須再進行淨化之步驟去除其中之干擾質;樣品之濃縮淨化步驟乃是戴奧辛分析方法中,極為重要的步驟之一;本計畫研究人員採用各國樣品前處理法之精華,匯整為一較方便又精確之樣品前處理步驟。為證實所建方法之可用性,以國內採集之焚化殘渣配製大量之實際均勻性樣品,供多次之實驗室內人員比測;同時,又將比樣品攜至國外,與美國在戴奧辛分析技術非常好之SWRI進行實驗室間之比測。比測結果,除證實本計畫所發展之分析方法可行外,同時也證明本計畫之工作同仁以及環檢所之同仁(同赴美國進行比測之蔡秋華科長)具分析戴奧辛之能力。目前所建之分析方法乃是以低解析度之GC/MS來測定,對於濃度較低的樣品以及煙道氣中戴奧辛之分析;則須建立高解析度之GC/MS才能測定出其確實含量;本戴奧辛方法研究計畫完成後,應利用所建之方法至現場實地採樣調查;以了解國內之戴奧辛污染現況;同時,應再繼續支持進行高解析度之GC/MS戴奧辛分析技術之開發,以確認較低濃度之戴奧辛於日常用品中之污染概況。 -- 081 環檢所 Jurgen H.Exner : Detoxication of Hazardous Waste, Published by Ann Arbor Science, USA, 1982., Lawrence H. Keitt et al : Chlorinated Dioxins & Dibenzof http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2808
環境分析用標準參考樣品製備技術的研究與建立期末報告 環境分析最基本的要求是分析結果的可靠性。分析標準參考樣品(Standard Reference Materiais)一般被認為是評估分析準確度與檢測系統性誤差的一種最簡單便有效的方法。本計畫為配合環保署分析品管/品保制度的推展,並支援國內環境分析水準提昇的目標,研究發展國內自行製造標準參考樣品的技術。本年度計畫擬配製Pb,Cd,Cr,Ni,Zn,As,Cu,Hg及Ag等九種元素適當分組混合的品管(Ouality Control)水樣,及購買國外的CN-,Cl-及S042-等三種陰離子的品管水樣予以驗證。所配製的品管水樣經品質確認程序後,將製成成品,提交環保署供國內環境分析實驗室作分析品質檢驗之用。 -- 081 環檢所 Griepink, B., Trends in Anal Chem., 1984, 3(10), Ⅳ., NBS Special Publication 260-88, U. S. Department of Commerce/National Bureau of Standards, 1984., http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2822
生物急毒性標準試驗法建立研究 Establishment and Research of Standard Test Method for the Biology Acute Toxicity 081 環檢所 APHA, AWWA, WPCF Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th Ed. 1985., U.S. EPA Methods for measuring the acute toxicity of ef http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2820
環保署檢驗查核人員訓練專案(環保署專案EPA-81-1104-09-01報告)基礎環境檢驗:基礎環境分析化學 081 環檢所 Skoog/West, http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2818
環境檢驗品保制度及污染物檢驗方法之建立-子計畫三:海水中污染物檢驗方法之研究期末報告 081 環檢所 AOAC (973.49)-Nitrogen (Ammonia) in Water-Colorimetric Method., ASTM (Dl426-89)-Standard Test Method for Ammonia Nitrogen in Water., APHA (4500)-Nitro http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2806
高屏溪水域生態調查及其污染生物指標之建立 本分支計劃開始執行于民國80年7月至民國8l年6月結束,在高屏溪流域設有12個採樣站,每3個月採樣一次,其水質檢驗結果如下:PH值介於7.51~9.08之間,顯示高屏溪為偏鐵鹼性河州,愈到下游PH值愈低。水溫在第三季(81年l月)較低(16.0。C~24.4。C),第一季水溫較高 (21.B。C~29。C)。溶氧量與水溫明顯的呈反比關係,第三季較高,第一季較低;下游地區溶氧量明顯降較上游低。BOD值則愈到下游愈高,里嶺站第三季竟高達61.62ppm。氨氮含量也是下游較高,在高屏大橋站第三季測得1.44 ppm。初步調查結果顯示了高屏溪下游污染巳相當嚴重。此外,懸浮固體量和混濁度互成正比的關係,降雨與否和採砂石都會造成不同程度的影響。 Ecological Investigation of the Water Area of the Kaoping River and the Establishment of Its the Pollution Biology Indicator -- 081 環檢所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2812
環保署檢驗查核人員訓練專案(環保署專案EPA-81-1104-09-01報告)環境分析處理技術:(一&二) 081 環檢所 楊末雄,科學發展月刊,第十五卷,第一期,pp45~54、Thomas J. Murphy, National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 422, pp509~539, Proceedings of the 7th IMR Symposium, ( http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2810
台灣河川污染水棲昆蟲指標生物研究 -- A Research on Aquatic Insect Biology Indicator of the Rivers’ Pollution in Taiwan -- 081 環檢所 川合禎次 1985 日本產水生昆蟲檢索圖說. 日本,東海大學 何鎧光、徐世傑 1977 台北區新店溪水生昆蟲之研究. 省立博物館科學年刊. 12:1-50.、津田松苗 1962 水生昆蟲學. 日本,北隆館出版. 269pp.、洪正中、徐世傑 1977 新店溪及淡水河下游之污染與生物之關係 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2872
台灣中部河川之水質評估及生物指標(藻類) -- Water Quality Evaluation and Biology Indicator (Algae) of the Central Rivers in Taiwan -- 081 環檢所 胡鴻鈞等. 1980. 中國淡水藻類. 上海科學技術出版社.、廣瀨弘幸,山岸高旺. 1977. 日本淡水藻圖鑑. 內田老鶴圃新社,東京.、Dillard, G. E. 1989. Freshwater algae of the southeastern United States. J. Crame http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2884
空氣中H2S、CH3SH、CS2、(CH3)2S、和(CH3)2S2 之檢驗法 本計畫擬參照國外已發表和本研究室所設計的方法來制定空氣中H2S、CH3SH、CS2、(CH3)2S、和(CH3)2S2之檢驗方法。 Inspection Methods of the H2S、CH3SH、CS2、(CH3)2S and (CH3)2S2 in the Air ---- 081 環檢所 Lawrence Fishbein, http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2892
愛護環境標章審查管理制度之規劃 愛護環境標章制度之建立,對於我國工業減廢及資源回收,實有相當助益。行政院環境保護署有鑒於此,乃專案委託本律師事務所研擬愛護環境標章管理制度之規劃。據研究除國內實際情況及需要之確實瞭解外,對先進國家之制度模式及其經驗雖亦列入研究範圍之內,惟皆屬研究範籌,僅提供決策單位對愛護環境標章管理制度之參考,並不代表行政院環境保護署之正式意見。 Planning of the Environmental Protection Marks the Chapter and Reviews Management System 080 管考處 邱聰智律師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2720
甘泉計畫(I)水庫水質維護大型計畫(第二年) Kanchuan Plan (I) Reservoir Water Quality Maintenance Plan (2nd year) 080 水保處 台灣大學環境工程學研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2724
建立環境檢驗QA/QC制度(二)研究報告(全) 追求高品質的分析數據一直是從事環境檢驗工作者所努力追求的目標。當然欲求得一個準確而可靠的分析數據,絕對不是花數十萬或數百萬採購一個最新型的分析儀器,即可以達成的,尤其是當這些分析數據被用來作為政府取締污染源或制定污染防治政策之依據時。因此一套嚴格而且完整的品質保証/品質管制(QA/QC)制度對於環境檢驗工作更是絕對必要的。環境檢驗QA/QC制度自數年前開始引進至國內以來,其基本概念已逐漸為大多數環境檢驗機構所熟悉,尤其是近兩年行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所基於實際需要及政策要求下,正努力推動中。完整的環境檢驗QA/QC制度,涵蓋的範圍很廣,一般而言,應包括以下幾項重點:1.建立標準檢驗方法-經過一套完整的檢驗方法確認程序(Method validation),作為訂定各種檢驗方法的準確度及精密度之依據。2.建立實驗室認證制度-經過一套完整的實驗室查核系統及能力評鑑方法,作為確認負責環境檢驗之機構其分析數據是否可以信賴之準則。3.製備標準參考樣品-利用標準參考樣品,作為標準檢驗方法建立及認證實驗室之依據。4.建立完善的人員訓練計畫-由於環境檢驗機構必須聘請具環境檢驗經驗之人員,才有可能獲得高品質的分析數據,因此完善的人員訓練計畫有其必要性。 To Establish Environment Inspection QA/QC System (2) - Research Report (Total) -- 080 環檢所 水質檢驗法,第一篇,行政院衛生署環境保護局,中華民國74年6月、 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2790
環境中微量特殊毒性物質分析方法研究 080 環檢所 工研院化工所環境分析實驗室品管手冊,1990、環保署委託計畫檢驗數據品質保證實施計畫,1990、環保署,專案計畫品保規劃書撰寫指引,1990、U.S. EPA, Guide lines and Specifications for Preparing Quality Assurance Progra http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2788
淡水河系之水棲昆蟲生態及指標生物 Aquatic Insect Ecology and Indictor Biology in the Danshuei Rivers 080 環檢所 川合禎次 1985 日本產水生昆蟲檢索圖說. 日本,東海大學 何鎧光、徐世傑 1977 台北區新店溪水生昆蟲之研究. 省立博物館科學年刊. 12:1-50.、津田松苗 1962 水生昆蟲學. 日本,北隆館出版. 269pp.、洪正中、徐世傑 1977 新店溪及淡水河下游之污染與生物之關係 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2784
環境分析用標準參考樣品製備技術的研究與建立 -- -- 080 環檢所 Griepink, B., Trends in Anal Chem., 1984, 3(10), Ⅳ., NBS Special Publication 260-88, U. S. Department of Commerce/National Bureau of Standards, 1984., http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2886
有害事業廢棄物溶出試驗認定標準檢驗方法之研討 -- Research and Discussion of the Identification Standard Inspection Method for Harmful Enterprise Wastes -- 080 環檢所 行政院環保署 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2890
事業廢水之特性調查、管理及處理技術研究(事業廢水處理技術手冊)石化業 行政院環境保護署之專案計劃"事業廢水之特性調查、管理及處理技術研究(事業廢水處王技術手冊)"(計劃編號EPA-79-003-42-223)。本專案計劃主要目的乃鑑於台灣地區水質日益惡化,而部份產業所產生之廢水未經處理或處理不完善而任意排放,對自然水體所造成的衝擊特別嚴重。故選擇石化業、製漿業、養豬業及垃圾滲出水四種事業進行深入的研究與探討。冀藉本計劃對此四類事業之污梁及防治清況有一通盤的瞭解。自各廠(場)之原枓、製程、產品等進行調查,並針對製程中廢水可能之來源,減廢之可行性做-探討。進而了解其廢水之水質、水量等特性。再依其廢水處理設施之功能及操作狀況評估其處理效率。另外,以國內現有處理技術及國外之技術一件考慮。以期能提供一套完整的廢水處理技術手冊以提供政府決策單位、執行機關及業者等作業時有所依循與參考。本專案計劃為期一年,經調查、採樣之整理分析,已近完成階段,茲提出期末報告詳述之。本專案小組今以石化業整理成單行本之技術手冊,提出報告,除節錄期中報告部份精華外,針對及採納期中報告時各評審委員提供之寶貴意見作必要之修正,並將期中報告之後的工作做一盤完整之報告,謹詳述於後。 Research on Characteristic Investigation, Management and Process of the Enterprise Wastewater (Enterprise Wastewater Treatment Technology Handbook) ,Petrochemical Industry 079 水保處 國光工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2688
甘泉計劃(I)水庫水質維護大型計劃-子計劃(五)水庫優養化對水質影響及水質處理研究(第一年) 台灣地區雨量豐富充沛, 惟因雨季集中且地形陡峻,以致水源迅速流失,為確保水源供應,仍興建水庫貯水。由於人口速增,經濟發展等因素,各水庫集水區逐漸開發,而使多餘水庫受污染威脅,目前大部分水庫已有優養化現象或傾向。水庫優養化,為藻類大量繁殖所致,藻類產生臭味、造成淨水程序中過濾池阻塞等,均巳證實。而Robert C. Hoehn等人報導,藻類的生物量(biomass)、葉綠素及細胞代謝物為致癌物三鹵甲烷的前趨物質,渡邊真利代等報導許多藻類能產生宥害物質,足見藻類對水質有極大影響。以往飲用水有害物質之研究偏重於三鹵甲烷。惟近來對飲用水中微量有機物逐漸重視如美國環境保護署、世界衛生組織均增訂許多飲水中微量有機物容許濃度,而藻類或許與這些微量有機物有關頗值吾人研究。本計畫目的將探討藻類葉綠素及其細胞代謝物加氯前、後對水質造成的影響。由於野外所產生微量有機物調查、分析等甚難控制,故先由實驗室研究結果,再由野外調查驗證,期能篩選有害物質並探求其官能基,甚或結構式,最後研究如何防止有害物質的產生或自水中將其去除。木第一年著重於實驢室研究,選擇不同藻種不同培養液,在不同溫度下培養藻類,觀察藻類生長對水質影響。 Kanchuan Plan (I) Reservoir Water Quality Maintenance Plan - Sub-project(4) The Research on the Effects of the Reservoir Eutrophication’s Effects on Water Quality and Treatment (1st year) 079 水保處 台大環工所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2684
甘泉計劃(I)水庫水質維護大型計劃-子計劃(三)水庫中磷的質量平衡及控制策略研究(第一年) 台灣的水庫優養化情況相當普遍,而水中過量的磷被認為是優養化的主要原因,因此若能控制水庫中磷的動向,即可阻止或延緩優養的產生。本計畫的主要目的即是建立水庫中磷的質量平衡模式,以分析磷對水庫優養化之影響,進而提供控制磷動向之最佳策略。本計畫第一年的主要工作是探討水庫中磷的主要來源。為了對水庫中磷之循環有更深入之瞭解我們曾對水庫水、底泥、底泥孔隙水及集水區上游河川水做了基本性質及各種磷含量之分析; 並進行了三組釋出實驗以推求底泥中磷之釋出速率。現場實驗方面則進行了四種不同土地利用狀態之逕流試驗,也建立了底泥中磷的傳輸模式、集水區非點源磷之輸出量估計模式及水庫中磷之質量平衡模式。研究結果顯示底泥是水庫中磷的主要來源之一,尤其是當水體呈現厭氧狀態時,磷的釋出速率約為0.22~1.94μg-p/cm2-day。釋出速率可由底泥中磷的傅輸模式推求得之。水庫進流水的總磷與懸浮固體物有正比之關係,藉由集水區非點源璘之輸出量估計模式可推估得該集水區之總磷輸出量。在現場逕流試驗中發現適當的植被和完善的水土保持是防止土壤及磷大量流失的主要關鍵。 Kanchuan Plan (I) Reservoir Water Quality Maintenance Plan - Sub-project(3) Mass Balance and Control Strategy Research of the Phosphorus in the Reservoir (1st year) 079 水保處 台灣大學環境工程研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2682
毒性物質標準檢驗方法之研討水中殘留毒性物質檢驗方法(四) 五種毒性物質在水中之分析方法,依據已公告排放水之容許量標準,進行在水中之分析方法建立,毒殺芬、五氯硝苯、有機汞形成衍生物、五氯酚形成衍生物後由氣相層析儀附電子捕獲式檢出器(GLC-ECD)測之,甲?形成衍生物後由高效液相層析儀附紫外光檢出器(HPLC-UV)測之,每一藥劑之偵測界限均低於容許量10倍,標準偏差均低於10%以下,有些更以氣相層析儀附質譜儀(GLC-MSD)鑑定之。 Research and Discussion of the Standard Inspection Methods for the Toxic Substance and for the Remained Toxic Substances in the Water (4) -- 079 環檢所 環境法令.1988, 環保通訊社、Brucl A. Tomkins, Tohn M. McMatlon, & William M.Caldwell. 1989. , EPA. 1982, Gunther, F.A. 1980、Lars Friberg, Gunnar F.Nordberg., Ve http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2774
環境分析用標準參考樣品製備技術的研究與建立 079 環檢所 Heinonen, J. and Suschny, Q., J. Radioanal. Chem, 1974, 20, 499., Rilley, J.P. and Skirrow, G., http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2792
廢塑膠回收再生策略規劃報告(Vol. Ⅰ& Ⅱ) 塑膠製品的廣泛使用,的確為人類日常生活上帶來許多的方便,但是相對的關於塑膠垃圾不易腐化及佔體積以及焚化時若因處理不當,所可能引起的二次公害等等,都使得對塑膠垃圾之處理造成極大的困擾,目前歐美先進國及日本對于日益嚴重的廢塑膠廢棄物皆苦思處理及解決方案。台灣的地狹人稠,加上石化塑膠產業的發達,更突顯了塑膠垃圾特解決之急迫性。因此79年度行政院環保署的「惜福計畫」就有研擬訂定廢塑膠回收的計畫。聯美股份有限公司受環保署委託,負責國內外相關資料之調查收集及回收處理策略之評估,于民國79年8月完成此規劃報告。茲將本報告各章總結匯整如下:(一)我國石化與塑膠業現狀介紹我國石化工業從五十年代的輕油裂解開始逐步開發,演進到輝煌的八十年代,這之間,從由國外的低層次技術引進,到現今自己能作部份新產品開發及製程改善,更進一步引進國外的新技術,而由國人自行設計建廠,甚至培養到民間企業能獨資建立六輕的工程,其間國人心血的投人不可謂不大,同時更帶動國內總體經濟的提昇。因此在報告中將台灣地區石化中間原料及塑膠製品作一系列有系統的介紹及統計,其主要的目的在于突顯石化塑膠業上、中、下游一體的密切性,使得廢塑膠回收策略的釐訂能考量到產業的複雜性。(二)廢塑膠對環境之影響從民國76年開始,政府環保及工業主管單位已意識到國內垃圾問題的嚴重性,掩埋場地的缺乏、民眾對掩埋場地設置的抗爭、現代化的焚化設備的缺乏、垃圾量急速增加等問題使得垃圾滅量成為垃圾處理策略中重要一環。因此當時曾委託工研院化工所作過一些鄉鎮縣市的固體垃圾量調查,期能根據所調查之數據儘早規劃出一套可行的系統,解決日益增加的垃圾問題。該調查當大致評估出塑膠垃圾量約有70萬噸以上(目前估計每年大約百萬噸以上)。以此推估,塑膠垃圾幾乎佔了國內都市固體垃圾量的15%,這個比例要比歐美平均廢塑膠佔一般都市垃圾含量比例的6~8%要高出一倍左右。由於塑膠垃圾體積膨鬆,直接影響現有掩埋場地的使用壽命,因此如何教導民眾及早把塑膠廢棄物的量減低,將瓶瓶罐罐經過家庭分類的方式予以先行篩選出,不使其與一般垃圾混合在一起,是目前解決問題的可行方法。另外報告中也提到歐美國家最近倡導看來似乎是解決間題方法之一的分解性塑膠,由於其廢棄物是否能完生被分解,是否真能在土壤中消失無形,其分解後所遣留下來的剩餘物質,又是否會對地球生態環境造成影響,至今仍是個未知數,因此目前分解性塑膠的研究仍應繼續進行,保持對國外此方面資訊之收集,而不適合大量採用。(三)我國廢塑膠回收再生現狀我國廢塑膠的回收,目前大都仰賴全省約五百家左右的舊貨商從各縣市清潔隊員或拾荒業者處買回,以PE材、PP材佔大多數,回收地點大部份集中在中、南部的市郊,這些舊貨商都是存在有廿到卅年歷史以上的家族性企業,回收料只作簡單清洗及分類、打碎再賣出的工柞。平均的素質並不高,但確是一個現存可行的回收管道。目前台灣的塑膠再生業者登記的有44家左右,在以往塑膠原料不足時,的確提供了國內塑膠製造業不少的料源,但因現在國內塑膠原料已能自給自足,所以再生業市場萎縮,同時政府單位也未確實輔導再生業,讓其像日本一樣導入新的行業,(如「塑膠成形材料製造業」及「廢塑膠製品製造業」),加以有制度化的管理,使再生業獲得新的發展空間,譬如做成塑膠木材等新製品,而讓再生業者,基於環保的需要可繼續存在。據知日本政府為其國內再生產品尚訂定有JIS國家標準,廠商才可以有規範依循。除此之外,日本政府也主動要求各地方自治團體買入塑膠再製品,並廣泛使用在建築材料方面。反觀國內這方面的工作,卻沒有一套完整的管理制度及如何推動再生塑膠業的辦法,對廢塑膠回收再生之前途影響甚鉅。(四)國外廢塑膠的回收處理大致上,日本對於產業塑膠廢棄物的處理策略是採鼓勵回收再生,一般家庭性含廚餘多的塑膠廢棄物是採焚化或固化法來解決。同時日本通產省也輔導原料廠商及公會共同捐助成立財團法人「廢塑膠處理促進協會」逐步回收一般性利於再生利用的農業用PVC披覆、塑膠瓶、漁業用發泡材,並給予再生業者獎勵及補助。韓國政府是採收取千分之七的合成樹脂稅,成立財團法人「韓國資源再生公社」,負貴回收農業用PE披覆,及農藥用瓶。美國是採各州自行立法,一般以回收寶特瓶等消費用的塑膠容器及發泡PS餐具為主。歐洲國家像德國傳統上比較喜歡用玻璃瓶,對PVC塑膠包裝品目前義大利、丹麥是逐步採取禁用的措施。 Report on the Waste Plastics Recycling and Regeneration Strategy Planning (Vol. 1& 2) -- 079 環檢所 行政院環保署 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2782
建立環境檢驗QA/QC制度(一)水及土壤中多氯聯苯有機氯殺蟲劑標準檢驗方法與飲用水及土壤中重金屬標準檢驗方法 待輸入 To Establish Environment Inspection QA/QC System (1) - Standard Inspection Method for Polychlorinated Biphenyls Organic Insecticide in the Water and Soil and Inspection Method of the Heavy Mental Standard in the Drinking Water and Soil 待輸入 079 環檢所 水質檢驗法,方法601.1,環保通訊社,p(2)~120~p(2)140.中華民國78年5月、水中安特靈、靈丹、安殺番、飛佈達、環氧飛佈達、滴滴涕及其衍生物阿特靈、地特靈檢驗方法,方法611.1,檢驗方法,環保通訊社,p(2)-141~154.中華民國78年5月 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2780
環境中微量特殊毒性物質分析方法研究-合併(ⅠⅡⅢⅣ) 本研究主要目的在針對環境中之毒性物質(l)建立配合現階段法規管制需求之分析鑑定技術(2)建立特殊難檢之環境污染物分析技術(3)從事先導性之分析方法研究。研究共分三年執行,本年度之主要研究內容包括四部分:(I)稻米中鎘之分析方法研究,(II)魚肉中汞之分析方法研究(III)戴奧辛分析方法研究以及(IV)廢油中多氯聯苯分析方法研究及PCB test kit之測試可靠性評估。(I)稻米中鎘之分析方法研究:本研究重點在研討應用火焰式原子吸光法分析稻米中鎘之最適樣品前處理方法。研討之前處理包括三種:傳統濕式硝化(硝酸-過氯酸、硝酸-過氧化氫、硝酸-硫酸)、乾式灰化及微波消化。結果顯示除了乾式灰化之平均回收率為85%,硝酸-過氣化氫消化為91%,其他各法均在95%以上。同時以真實樣品(濃度範圍0.1~5ppm)驗証各種方法之可靠性。最後將硝酸-過氯酸,硝酸-過氧化氫,硝酸-硫酸作一系統之比較,評估各方法之優缺點,並建議使用硝酸-硫酸傳統濕式消化配合火焰式原子吸光分析之方法,作為檢驗稻米中鎘之標準檢驗法。 -- 079 環檢所 Analytical Methods Committee, 1960, Methods for the destruction of organic matter, V.85, P.643-656., Xu, L.Q., ans Shen. W.X., 1988, Study on the PTFE http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2778
空氣污染物自動測定儀規格及基本功能需求規範之研訂 Research and Making out of the Criterion for the Specification and Basic Function Requirement of the Air Pollutant Auto Measuring Instrument 079 環檢所 Bundeseinheitliche Praxis bei der Überwachung der Immissionen Richtlinien für die Bauausführung und Eignungsprüfung von Meßeinrichtungen zur kontinuie http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2796
特殊毒性物質之檢驗-致癌性有機鹵化物期末報告 本研究針對工業用量甚大之溶劑,色括三氯乙烷及三氯乙烯,CH3CCl3, CHCl=CC12, CH2ClCHC12等簡稱THE,進行全省各地區地下水含量之調查工作,以期明瞭池下水中THE此致癌物之污染情況。地下水中THE,首先用正戊完(n-pentane)利用Henderson法萃取乾燥後,以GC-ECD來分析,使用8xl/8n(OD)不鏽鋼管柱,其填充劑為Carbopack B 60/80 mesh coated with l%SP-1000.GC之條件為管柱溫度115。C,注射器溫度170。C,偵測器溫度220。C,可以分析THE之濃度,CH3CCl3至0.l ppb,CHCl=CC12 1.5ppb,CH2ClCHC12 5ppb。分析全省地下水結果顯示CH3CCl3在2~20ppb之間,CHCl=CC12 1.5~10ppb之間,CH2ClCHC12則大部份低於5ppb,三者均遠低於美國所訂之標準。由此研究結果得知全省各地區THE之污染程度極為輕微。 Final Report to the Inspection of the Special Toxic Substance-Carcinogenic Organic Halide -- 079 環檢所 J. M. Symons et al., J. Amer. Water Works Asso., 67, 634(1975)., Robert L. Jolley et al., http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2794
淡水河系污染整治規劃-專題報告(十一)污染整治實施計畫 河川污染整治之目的,乃為改善河川水質,保護水體環境,以使河川水體合乎正常用途,而各種不同用途水體之水質要求均有不同,因此污染整治之目標,乃以各河川之正常用途所需最高水質標準要求為水質目標。淡水河流域污染整治規劃之水質目標,其近程目標為各河段在設計流量下之溶氧量均為1mg/L以上,中程目標為各河段在設計流量下之溶氧量與生化需氧量均達河川分類水質標準,長程目標為上游以水源保護為主、中游以休閒利用為主、下游以水遊樂及生態保育為主。由於淡水河流經台灣地區人口最為稠密之台北盆地,因此本流域污染之形成及特性,均與該地區之地理及人文環境息息相關。本規劃對整個淡水河流域之環境資料經多方蒐集、調整、勘查、分析、整合等步驟,已對現況污染有了相當的掌握。同時,研判本流域未來發展之可能,亦推估今後五年、十年及二十年之污染產生情形。由現況及未來之污染基準線出發,經由定性、定量分析之結果而研擬可行之整治方案,隨即依各河系上、中、下游之不同情況,將所有可行方案加以組合後進行狀況方析與初步篩選,再研訂出數個較為具體之整治方案。各方案再經評估後,最後選定最佳方案(建議方案)做為擬訂實施計畫之基準。 The Pollution Control Plan of the Danshuei River - Topic Report (11): Implementation Plan of the Pollution Control 078 水保處 商塞蒙斯李公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2718
淡水河系污染整治規劃-專題報告(一)基本資料調查與分析 The Pollution Control Plan of the Danshuei River - Topic Report (1): Investigating and analyzing of the Fundamental Data 078 水保處 塞蒙斯李顧問工程公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2686
我國政府單位污染源狀況調查 Our Government Units’ Pollution Source Condition Investigation 078 毒管處 東海大學環境科技研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2728
行政院環境保護署環境檢驗體制及管理之規劃 Planning of Environment Examination System and Management of the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan. 078 環檢所 行政院環保署 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2786
以生物方法對新店溪水質之判定研究報告 待輸入 Research Report on the Judgment of the Water Quality of Hsintien River by the Biology Test Method 待輸入 077 環檢所 渡邊仁治著,藻類的生物指標(矽藻除外)、福島博、小林艷子合著,矽藻的生物指標、津田松苗著,污水生物學,P.139、渡邊仁治、藤平綠、角谷晴世合著,使用有機污濁河川的附著矽藻群的新水質判斷法 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2776
99及100年度柴油車排煙管制計畫 台灣的車輛密度相當高,其中柴油車因其低燃油成本及高馬力輸出的動力特性以及行走里程遠較一般車輛長,使得柴油車皆為商用車輛並且逐年增加其輛數。而其車輛所排放的黑煙除造成民眾觀感不佳外,其主要成分NMHC,CO,NOx以及PM為都市地區主要的空氣污染來源。為有效減少車輛所產生的污染,高雄市政府環境保護局特別針對使用中之柴油車採取嚴格管制策略,具體作法有加強路邊目視高污染車輛和增加路邊攔檢頻率等。本公司依照本計畫之主要執行目標及主要工作項目如下:100年度統計至12月共完成動力計檢測4,842輛次,其中不合格告發111輛次,柴油車納管率達100%;油品部份由於現行法規自100年7月1日起柴油油品含硫量標準由50ppm降為10ppm,故不論路攔送驗油品抑或加油站油品含硫量皆大幅降低,此外分別於燕巢和林園查獲兩家地下油行;民眾檢舉舉發件數為1,461件,較99年度304件增加近5倍,檢舉人之給獎比例高達100%;削減量部分,PM10削減約882公噸、NOx削減約8,479公噸,此兩者皆較以往削減量增加許多以望使高雄市空氣品質越趨改善。今年度特別配合環保局積極推動保檢合一並完成5家保養廠評鑑;澄清湖也在12月21日正式發文實施淨區管制;高雄市更有別於其他縣市實施路攔直上動力計以求最真實柴油車檢測數據。 The density of vehicles in Taiwan is very high. Of all vehicles, diesel vehicles, due to their lower fuel cost, dynamic property of high horsepower output, and longer driving mileage than general vehicles, are all mainly for business use, and the number of diesel vehicles increase year by year. Not only the black smoke emitted by these vehicles makes the general public have bad impression on them, the main ingredients in diesel, including non-methane-hydrocarbons (NMHC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM), are also the main sources of air pollution in urban areas.In order to effectively decrease the pollution produced from vehicles, Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government especially adopt strict control strategies towards the diesel vehicles in use. Concrete practices include strengthening of roadside visual watch of highly polluting vehicles and increase of frequency for roadside interception of vehicles for testing. The major implementation objectives and major working items done by the company according to the project are as follows:In a statistics made as of end December 2011, there were 4,842 vehicle-times tested by dynamometer, and 111 vehicle-times were found being failed in the test, with restriction rate of diesel vehicles reaching 100%. In the aspect of oil products, since the current laws stipulated that as from July 1, 2011, the standard sulfur content in diesel product should be reduced from 50ppm to 10ppm. Therefore, as collected from the oil products of vehicles intercepted at roadside and the oil product of gas station for testing, sulfur content was tremendously reduced. Besides, two illegal oil shops were found in Yanchao and Linyuan. And there were 1,461 cases reported of illegal by citizens, having increased by 5 times when compared with 304 cases in 2010. The distribution rate of rewards to the offence reporters was 100%. As to the aspect of emission reduction, emission of PM10 was reduced by around 882 metric tons, and emission of NOx was reduced by around 8,479 metric tons. The emission reduction of PM10 and NOx was increased a lot when compared with the past data. It is expected that the air quality of Kaohsiung City would be gradually improved.This year, collaboration was made with Environmental Protection Bureau to actively promote “maintenance-inspection in one” policy, and complete evaluation of five maintenance companies. Cheng Ching Lake also officially sent out a letter of application on Dec. 21, 2011 for implementation of regional purification and control. Kaohsiung City even has a practice different from other counties and cities that roadside interception of vehicles for dynamometer testing is implemented, intending to achieve the most authentic testing data of diesel vehicles. 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40442
應回收電子電器暨資訊物品費率結構分析暨回收成效提升專案工作計畫 本計畫之主軸除持續檢討費率結構外,並因應電子產品的變化調查相關費率因子,同時,受「綠色」政策目標影響,為促使國內責任製造業者更具環保意識及資源回收處理產業再升級,已開始思考如何由現行的齊頭式收費納入綠色設計改以產品是否具有「環保標章」進行差別徵收,其中,差別補貼費率雖已開始落實執行,惟其差別方式仍需再次檢視適合性,另差別費率的制訂及未來稽核之指標亦須更進一步釐清與定義。同時,利用4種統計方法(進口貿易統計、回收認證量統計、新品及舊品現場調查)進行各材質平均重量推估,進一步檢討處理成本估算方式,並對回收率異常材質(異常高:認證回收率超過100%;異常低:認證回收率低於30%),廢電視機、廢電風扇、廢筆記型電腦、廢鍵盤及廢冷暖氣機,提出改善認證回收率建議方案。再者,根據產品發展趨勢提出10項新興產品,包括:(1)電子電器:電視顯示器、家用臥式冰櫃、小物清洗機、無風扇葉電風扇(氣流倍增器)、全熱交換器;(2)資訊物品:LED顯示器、平板電腦、2.5吋可攜式硬碟、特殊規格電源供應器、LED印表機,並參考歷年責任物解釋函責任物提出判定原則修正建議,主要採用條列式,使業者可以將所製造以及輸入產品逐步進行判斷,方便進行後續申報繳費作業。此外,本計畫持續整理更新費率資料庫,協助辦理6場次費率審議委員大會及工作小組會議,彙整歷年物品及容器之回收清除處理費率及補貼費率,及歷年費率審議會議決議事項,並將相關會議紀錄完成檔案建置及上傳至資源回收管理系統。最後,透過台美電子廢棄物交流會議以推廣我國的管理專業效用並跨出台灣,主要係因我國推動資源回收已達15年之久,其相關制度與實質經驗已有完備作業程序,若未來欲拓展海外市場,可將我國經驗與亞洲區域國家分享,以協助建立資源回收體制,提升國家形象。 The analysis of resource recycling fee rates and the promotion of recycling performance of regulated The purpose of this project was to review the existing resource recycling fee rates and then propose the suggestion on the new rates by recalculating each fee rates factors. In the meantime, with regard to the‘green’policy, it has considered to the new approach to charge the differential recycling fee by labeling. Though, the differential recycling fee plan faces more challenges, thus, it have to do further review to analyze its feasibility and to establish the rating indicators for the auditing and certification system.The first part of this study was to estimate the average weight of each items of waste electrical and electronic appliance by four statistical methods, namely the amount of imports, the amount of recycled, field research to the recycling plants, and the new products. Then, in terms of proposing the improvement suggestion, it did further review on the treatment cost and investigated the unusual recycling amount of items, that is over 100% and below 30% of recycling rate will be unusual one, such as TV sets, electrical fans, notebooks, and air conditioners. Also, the other task of this study was to continue to renew the fee ratesdatabase, and arrange 6 conferences and working group meetings of fee rate review committee and collect the historical recycling and treatment fee and subsidy fee of regulated recyclable items and containers and historical decision of fee rate review conferences and update those documents in the online system of Recycling Fund Management Board. The third part of this project was to involve the achievement of the US-Taiwan conference on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) management. By the conference, Taiwan EPA shared its experiences of the recycling policy and the development of recycling industries, but learned the newly developing WEEE management-related strategies. 100 基管會 財團法人中華經濟研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=35773
100年度固定污染源空污費審查與揮發性有機物減量計畫 本計畫執行期程自100年3月22日至101年3月21日止,共計12個月。其中主要工作項目包括:空氣污染防制費收件、建檔、審查、查核與催補繳作業及核算、連續自動監測設施查核與管理、臺中港區揮發性有機液體儲槽清查及西碼頭實場生物濾床維護作業、揮發性有機物查核、減量輔導及各類宣導說明會等工作項目,各作業項目均已依工作規範完成,計畫執行成果摘要如下:掌握1,161家空污費徵收對象,辦理99年第4季~100年第4季空污費審核、結算工作,共計SOxNOx空污費審查3,023件,VOCs空污費審查4,065件,結算發文4,866件;辦理空污費追補繳作業共計追繳新臺幣24,680,694元整及692家次之空污費現場查核。每月定期完整備份連續自動監測資料庫及公私場所上傳原始資料,以確保監測資料完整;同時每日檢查上傳狀況,檢核結果每月彙整提交環保局備查。本團隊除每日檢核公私場所上傳資料之合理性及正確性外,亦定期統計分析公私場所之上傳率及有效監測時數百分比;完成辦理18根次之RATA稽查檢測及25根次之品保查核作業。在特定行業別法規符合度查核方面,共計完成94家法規符合度查核作業,共計31家不符,皆要求業者進行改善。港區倉儲業之揮發性有機液體儲槽為優先查核對象,本計畫依工作規範完成9家倉儲業之相關查核作業,並彙整清查清冊,以掌握倉儲業營運之動態資訊;同時要求業者於1、4、7及10月主動向環保局提報活性碳更換紀錄等相關資料,以檢視倉儲業者之活性碳吸附設備操作狀況。持續辦理實場生物濾床的操作維護作業,並彙整計畫期間之相關運作數據進行揮發性有機物削減成效及經濟效益之探討,同時持續辦理生物濾床之推廣設置。在揮發性有機物減量工作方面,本年度共計達成10家公私場所之減量,原因包括降低原物料之揮發性有機物含量及防制設備改善等,共計減量112.65公噸。 100 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38121
百年琴瑟低碳婚禮工作計畫 百年琴瑟低碳婚禮工作計畫專案工作計畫,爲將節能減碳觀念深入民眾心中,促進更多新人認識節能減碳之意義,以提升新人們利用創意作法辦理低碳婚禮之意願,更鼓勵新人發揮創意執行健康且環保之作法,使得新人們擁有獨一無二且永續創意之低碳婚禮,更可向參與低碳婚禮之賓客宣導節能減碳知識與分享籌辦低碳婚禮之經驗,進而以消費者端促使婚紗業者、餐飲業者及婚顧公司等相關產業響應低碳婚禮活動,以刺激全產業綠色消費行為。本計畫完成之工作項目包括:(一)辦理1場次低碳婚禮指引手冊審查會議;(二)蒐集並彙整入圍新人對低碳婚禮指引手冊之建議與意見;(三) 規劃並設計低碳婚禮海報及簡章各1份;(四)透過電子媒體或網路空間宣導「低碳婚禮」活動,並設計宣導資料網頁1處;(五)辦理全台各縣市「低碳婚禮」示範案例資料審查;(六)辦理北區低碳婚禮示範案例記者會暨成果發表會1場次;(七)辦理中區低碳婚禮示範案例記者會1場次。 The Project of Low-Carbon Wedding in 2011 The project “Low-Carbon Wedding in 2011” not only aims to increase awareness of energy saving and carbon reduction, but also to inspire new marriages to be more willing to have unique low-carbon weddings with creative idea on environmental protection. In addition, the wedding effectively promotes green awareness and shares the experience of low-carbon wedding to the audiences. Moreover, by targeting consumers, the supply chain will be inspired to be involved in this event, so as to stimulate green consumption behavior in whole industry. The implementation of project is summarized as the following:1. Held one review meeting for handbook of low-carbon wedding.2. The new marriages selected to be candidates for low-carbon wedding demonstration, and their opinions for this handbook would be integrated into the suggestion of drafted handbook.3. Made a handbook for low-carbon wedding.4. Design a poster and brochure for Low-Carbon Wedding. 5. Promote the event “Low-Carbon Wedding” by assessing electric media and website; also design a website for announcing information.6. Examine the demonstration of low-carbon wedding held in every city.7. Held a press release for the performance of low carbon wedding demonstration located in north of Taiwan.8. Hold a press release for demonstration of low-carbon wedding in central of Taiwan. 9. Made a video for promoting low-carbon wedding. 100 管考處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32195
飲用水水源與水質中新興污染物對人體健康風險評估之研究計畫(2/4) 本計畫第二年度計畫執行延續第一年之成果,針對新興污染物中國內高科技產業排放於水體可能對人體健康有危害的物質,進行38項高科技產業排放污染物之毒理資料庫更新工作,並著重「健康效應」、「水體流佈」兩項數據之蒐集,彙整後以供環保署參考。為建立待列管污染物篩選程序,本計畫參考美國環保署第三階段待列管污染物候選清單篩選流程、紐西蘭飲用水標準、歐盟高度關注物質、以及國內毒化物管理推動現況等,研擬適用於我國國情之污染物篩選流程草案,再依照此流程篩選建議優先列入待列管污染物觀察清單之物質。計畫執行期間也彙整世界衛生組織和國際水協會水安全計畫之內容,以供自來水事業單位作為供水系統執行水安全評估作業之參考。 計畫執行期間共召開三次專家諮詢會,針對建議待列管污染物候選清單之篩選作業流程、建議優先列管污染物質是否合宜、列入觀察清單物質監測必要性、世界衛生組織之水安全計劃於國內實施之可行性、淨水廠之處理效能替代指標可行性等議題進行討論,計畫團隊對各專家學者所提各項建議亦多加以參考並納入計畫成果。計畫執行期間亦針對新竹科學園區及中部科學園區鄰近之6座淨水廠原水和淨水後水質現況,以及鄰近之霄裡溪沿岸4處民井水、寶山鄉5處地下水採樣點進行三次採樣,檢測金屬、鄰苯二甲酸酯類、環境荷爾蒙共28項物質。經由第一次分析結果顯示,於各地下水體中並未測得有污染疑慮之數據,加以部分淨水廠原水測得微量污染物,故於第二、三次採樣工作中減少民井之採樣數目,並增加兩座淨水廠的全淨水流程採樣。第二、三次金屬元素分析結果顯示部分水樣中可測得微量之鎵,未來需進一步調查是否為原水污染;三次酯類分析主要檢出物為BBP及DEHP,其中DEHP為社會大眾所關注之物質,故需特別注意其對飲用水水質安全之潛在影響;環境荷爾蒙分析結果顯示,淨水廠原水樣本中各待測物之濃度均低,但於地下水體可檢出微量PFOS和PFOA,此部分數據需進一步探討可能來源。 The Survey and Health Risk Assessment of Emerging Contaminants in Water Sources and Drinking Water The purpose of this second-year project was to investigate the impacts of metals, phthalates and endocrine disrupter substances in wastewater discharged from high-tech industries and their potential adverse effects on source water quality and human health. The project has updated the contents of the database concerning the chemical properties, toxicities and environmental occurrence of the 38 emerging contaminants potentially connected to the high-tech industries. Based on the development of Contaminant Candidate List 3 (CCL3) developed by the United States Environmental of Protection Agency, the Drinking Water Quality Standard in New Zealand, and Contaminants of Very High Concern in European Union, a screening process was proposed to evaluate, assess and screen the contaminant candidates list for chemicals to be regulated in drinking water quality standards. In addition, to evaluate the surveillance of water supply management, the Water Safety Plan of World Health Organization (WHO) and International Water Association (IWA) has been summarized, which can be used by water utilities for assessment of potential risks in their water supply systems. During the study, three advisory panel meetings were called and several related subjects were discussed. The panelists suggested that we should revise the proposed procedures for the screening of contaminant candidate lists, and cautions should be taken before adoptions of the Water Safety Plan of WHO for vulneralbilities assessments of water supply systems in Taiwan..The continuous investigations into the occurrences of emerging contaminants in drinking water, including the raw water, finish water, and purification treatment procedures, were taken from six water treatment plants located near the Hsinchu and Taichung Science Parks. Furthermore, the groundwater samples from Xiao-Li River and Baoshan Township were also collected and analyzed. The results showed that the metal element, Ga, was detected in several sampling sites and need to be further clarified. Benzylbutyl Phthalate (BBP) and Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) were also observed in several samples, including some raw water samples. Since di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) is highly concerned in public, further investigation is recommended to ensure the safety of drinking water. Moreover, for endocrine disrupters, perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) were only appeared at trace levels in water treatment plants, but higher concentration was observed in some groundwater samples. 100 毒管處 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28091
港區空氣污染物管制策略研擬計畫 環保署為改善國內港口的空氣品質,也為實現中美合作會議之承諾,環保署於98年推動「港區空氣污染物排放清冊建置及管制策略研擬」兩年計畫,完成國內5大商港之空氣污染排放清冊建置工作,並研擬港區潔淨空氣行動計畫,提出港區空氣污染管制措施建議,於今年推動延續計畫「港區空氣污染物管制策略研擬計畫」,以減少港區空氣污染物排放,達到保護空氣品質之目的。本報告已完成檢討我國五大商港(基隆港、臺北港、臺中港、高雄港及花蓮港)99年基準年及100~110年未來年港區排放清冊並修訂,並更新排放量資料,主要著重在排放係數資料取得、推估方法及參數更新,以及操作資料的取得及檢核,並審視排放量推估結果於更新維護前後之差異性。本年度執行各港空氣污染排放清冊更新維護工作後,結果顯示仍以高雄港的排放量為最高,其次為臺中港、基隆港及臺北港,花蓮港的排放量最低。各港不同排放源的排放量均以遠洋船舶的排放量最高,幾乎均佔90%以上的排放量,僅VOC及CO的比例稍低,但仍介於22%~80%之間。更新前後排放量比較結果顯示,更新後排放量基隆港、花蓮港及高雄港較更新前低(以NOx為例,分別為-2.2%、-1.0%、-1.0%),而臺北港及臺中港則較更新前稍高(以VOC為例,分別為8.9%、2.9%)。本計畫分別為交通及環保兩大主管機構分別訂定相關管制策略,依交通單位權責擬定四項管制策略,分別為「遠洋船舶20浬減速至12節以下(優先順序1) 」、「遠洋船舶使用低硫油品(優先順序2)」、「港勤船舶使用低硫油品(優先順序3)」、「遠洋船舶停泊時使用岸電系統(優先順序4)」。環保單位則是提出促進港區重型車輛自主管理參與率、規劃查核船舶油品的標準作業程序,針對縣/市管制計畫提出「建立聯合巡查制度」、「提升管制策略落實度」、「建立空氣品質淨化區制度」、「整合重型車輛自主管理資料庫」及「辦理工作會議/座談會」等建議。在經驗交流方面,本計畫於101年2月派員至美國洛杉磯港口參加第三屆泛太平洋港口清淨空氣合作會議( Third Pacific Ports Clean Air Collaborative Conference, 簡稱PPCAC),該會議匯聚全球各地125個參與者,就供應鏈環保、對抗氣候變遷和尋找環保創新商機等相關議題討論。另於7月24~27日邀請美國環保署國際事務處T氏(Mr. Luis Troche)、美國環保署M氏(Ms. Penelope McDaniel)來臺,一連四天於臺北、高雄舉行「中美港口空氣品質夥伴關係專案系列活動」,透過圓桌會議、實地港區參訪等形式,在此議題上分享彼此的經驗。101年9月於臺北、高雄舉行兩場「港區空氣污染管制策略座談會」及臺北一場「港區空氣污染管制策略專家諮詢會」,會中獲取航運界相當多的實務經驗及建言,皆已納入參考修正管制策略方向及期程。 Planning of Port Air Pollutants Control Strategies EPA, ROC, initiated the “Establishment of Port Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory and Drafting of Management Strategies” project in 2009. The goal of the project is to improve air quality of port district in the country and also to fulfill the USA and ROC agreements in the “Port Air Quality Partnership Convention“. The project has established the pollutant emissions inventory for 5 major commercial harbors in the country. Additionally, the project also has formulated appropriate clean air action plan, proposed recommendations regarding air pollution control measures in port districts.This report has revised the emission inventory of 5 commercial harbors (Keelung, Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung and Hualien Harbor) using 2010 as baseline and predict emissions of 2011 to 2021. Processes includes checking new emission factors, reviewing estimating methods and parameters, and inspecting operating data are used to revise the inventory.The resulted figures showed that Kaohsiung Harbor still has the largest emissions, followed by Taichung, Keelung, Taipei and Hualien Harbor. Each port showed that ocean vessels have the largest emission which almost occupied 90% of total emissions of all pollutants except VOC and CO which occupied 22%~80%. Compared to emissions before, the revised emissions showed decreased in Keelung, Hualien and Kaohsiung Harbor (e.g., NOx decreased -2.2%, -1.0%, -1.0%, respectively). However, revised emissions showed increased in Taipei and Taichung Harbor (e.g., VOC increased 8.9% and 2.9%, respectively).This project suggested control strategies for two main groups of authorities. For transportation authorities, suggested strategies are: OGV speed reduces to less than 12 knots within 20 nm from port (first priority), OGV switches to use low sulfur fuel (2nd priority), Harbor craft switches to use low sulfur fuel (3rd priority), and OGV uses shore-power while at berth (4th priority). For environmental protection authorities, suggested strategies are: promote participating of heavy vehicles into self-management, vessel fuel inspection plan. And suggested including following measures into local control plan: establish union inspection system, promote executive of control strategy, establish clean air quality district, combine heavy vehicles self-management database, and held information meetings or conferences.As for experiences sharing, the project participated “Third Pacific Ports Clean Air Collaborative Conference, PPCAC” on February 2012. Among 125 participants, topics about sustainable supply chain, global climate change, opportunities on new environmental protection issues are discussed. And at 24-27 July 2012, Mr. Luis Troche and Ms. Penelope McDaniel were invited to participated workshops and round table meetings with port and environmental protection authorities in Taiwan. This project also held 2 forums for the harbor authorities and their tenants on September 2012. And an advisory conference was held with experts in the field of air pollution or harbor issues also on September 2012. Valuable suggestions and opinions were collected from these forums and conference. 100 空保處 景丰科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40484
精進機關綠色採購及環保標章制度計畫專案工作計畫 本計畫目標為(1)檢討機關綠色採購推動方案執行情形及研擬精進措施、(2)追蹤管理環保標章及第二類環境保護產品之品質及環保性能、(3)環保標章驗證機制研擬及訂定驗證機構管理要點、(4)評析99年綠色消費體驗券試辦成效,研擬後續推動可行性及措施。成果分述如下:(一)檢討機關綠色採購推動方案執行情形及研擬精進措施1.完成99年度機關綠色採購績效評核-初評作業及15場機關現場訪查,提出機關推動綠色採購改善建議。2.完成研擬101至102年機關綠色採購績效評核標準(草案)及101至102年指定採購項目(草案)。3.於11月21日至11月30日辦理四場次機關綠色採購評核作業說明會及支援「政府綠色採購網路申報」教育訓練10場次。4.完成蒐集研析各國政府綠色採購法規及推動情形,參酌分析美國、英國及日本環境宣告指引,經十四次編審會議,完成研訂我國綠色生活與綠色消費指引。(二)追蹤管理環保標章及第二類環境保護產品之品質及環保性能1.針對市售水性塗料、塑膠類管材、洗衣清潔劑、聚烯類藥用輸液容器等12項環保標章規格標準,完成91件產品抽樣檢測,並針對檢驗不符合規定之4件產品,進行後續追蹤查核及複驗作業。2.已協助20件環境保護產品採樣作業、完成16件環保標章產品冒用追蹤及複驗查核作業及10家次綠色商店查核。(三)環保標章規格標準訂定及驗證作業精進措施1.完成蒐集有機農產品、綠建材標章、電信管制射頻器材、節能標章、省水標章及商品檢驗等驗證機構認證作業及產品驗證作業相關規定,包含申請資格、申請程序、追蹤管理、收費標準、有效期限等,並瞭解整體運作模式,做為環保標章制度調整之參考依據。2.參考國內驗證機構認證作業及產品驗證作業相關規定,完成擬提環境保護產品驗證機構管理作業要點(草案),包含:驗證機構資格、遴選認可規定、驗證審查作業、管理措施及驗證產品收費標準等規範。(四)評析99年綠色消費體驗券試辦成效,研擬後續推動可行性及措施1.完成99年綠色消費體驗券試辦成果評析及推廣通路評析,蒐集並評析韓國綠色信用卡、日本環保家電積分制度之實施內容與成效。2.完成100年綠色消費體驗券執行方式規劃及評估未來發行票券的型式,提出推動環保產品卡之短、中、長程建議。 The Improvement Project for Institutional Green Procurement and Greenmark system The goals of this project are: (1) to review the current status of the institutional green procurement project and to research the improvement measures, (2) to monitor and manage the green mark system and the quality and environmental functionality of the second category of the environmental product, (3) to research the green mark certification procedure and to stipulate the method for managing the certification institution, and (4) to evaluate the effectiveness of the 2010 green consumption experience coupon, and to research the follow-up promotion feasibility and measures. The report concludes as follows:1.To evaluate the current status of the institutional green procurement project and to research the improvement measures:A.To complete the 2010 institutional green procurement performance evaluation. The preliminary evaluation included 15 institutional on-site evaluations, and the proposal of improvement suggestions.B.To research the draft criteria for the evaluation of the 2012 to 2013 institutional green procurement performance, and the proposed designated procurement items.C.To hold four institutional green procurement evaluation seminars and ten training courses of the government green procurement on-line declaration.D.To collect and research information regarding the national green procurement laws and current status, including the environmental declaration guidelines from the United States, the Britain, and Japan, and to complete the national green life and green consumption guidelines for Taiwan.2.To monitor and manage the green mark system and the quality and the environmental functionality of the second category of the environmental products:A.To complete the sampling and examination of ninety-one samples for twelve green mark standards, including the water-based paint, the plastic pipes, the laundry detergent, and the medicinal infusion polyolefin containers. Four samples were found unqualified, and were followed-up and reexamined.B.To assist the sampling of twenty green products, and to complete the reexamination of sixteen cases of fraudulent use of the green mark, and the examination of ten green business establishments.3.To stipulate the green mark certification criteria and to improve the certification method:A.To collect information related to the organic agricultural product, the green construction material mark, the telecom regulatory RF equipment, the energy-saving mark, and the water-saving mark. To collect information related to the certification procedure of the commercial product inspection institution and the commercial product inspection procedure, including application qualification, the application procedure, the management procedure, the fee standard, and the expiration date, as reference for improving the green mark system.B.To propose the management measure of the green product certification institution, including the qualification of the certification institution, the selection criteria, the verification procedure, the management measures, and the verification fee standard.4.To evaluate the effectiveness of the 2010 green consumption experience coupon, and to research the follow-up promotion feasibility and measures:A.To evaluate the effectiveness of the 2010 green consumption experience coupon and the distribution channels. To collect the information related to the Korean green credit card, and the Japanese green household appliance grading system.B.To propose the 2011 green consumption experience coupon plan, and to evaluate the alternatives of potential coupon distribution methods. To propose the short-term, the middle-term, and the long-term suggestions for the green product credit card system. 100 管考處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=31809
100年度中石化(台鹼)安順廠整治場址監督管理及查核工作計畫 100 台南市環境保護局 冠誠環境科技工程股份有限公司
廢棄物清理法與資源回收再利用法整合立法及相關配套法規研訂計畫 我國目前對於廢棄物與再生資源分別訂定有「廢棄物清理法」(以下簡稱廢清法)及「資源回收再利用法」(以下簡稱資再法)予以管理,但因廢清法以有效清除、處理廢棄物之環境末端管理為管制目的,而資再法則以促進物質回收再利用及源頭減量管理為主要立法精神,造成部分名詞定義及管理方式不一致之問題。衡量「廢棄物預防與減量、回收再利用及最終廢棄處理」的過程,應屬不可分割的過程,且避免就同一事項重複立法造成民眾無所適從,乃有將「廢清法」與「資再法」兩法整合立法(以下簡稱二法合一)之倡議,故93年張前署長指示將「廢清法」及「資再法」整併為一法,開始資源循環利用法立法工作。 The integration of Waste Disposal Act and Resources Recycling and Reuse Act and legislation of relat Nowadays, our country use the “Waste Disposal Act” and the “Resources Recycling and Reuse Act” as the main laws to manage matters of removal and reduce waste, promote recycling and reuse of material. However, these two acts have different definition of terms and ways of waste management which competing against each other constantly. Considering waste prevention, reduction, recycling and final disposal is an indivisible process, the society began to think about the integration of these two acts and initiated a new act call the “Resources Recycling Act (Draft)”.The “Resources Recycling Act” is based on the concept of material life cycle and has 10 chapters and 110 articles in total. In order to complete the legislative procedure successfully, this project analyzed not only the management concept of the “Waste Disposal Act” and the “Resources Recycling and Reuse Act”, but also the frame of all other relevant regulations. The accomplishments of this project include completion of management structure of the new draft law and it’s original sub-regulations, defined the term of the proposed new sub-laws, established a comparison chart for both old and new articles, and regulated the guidelines of whether the old sub-law should be included into the new act or not.Moreover, the regulation of the enforcement rules depends on the fact that whether the content of the new law has authorized governments to set rules or not. If the provisions of this act are unclear or need to add more supplement, new rules will be added into the enforcement rules in order to complete the “Resources Recycling Enforcement Rules”, which contained 20 articles. While formulating the enforcement rules, this program completed: (1) regulating provisions about industrial wastes which require special management. For example, if industrial waste will be temporary deposited for over one year, enterprises will be charged for security deposit which will be used as removal cost when enterprises fail to disposal wastes properly; (2) developing training management for people who are responsible for waste removal; (3) setting rules about lifting bans against enterprises for temporary or permanent closing; (4) regulating guidelines of managing closed landfill facility and focus on pollution prevention; (5) formulating management rules of allowing raw materials or product manufacturers to recycle their waste resources; (6) collecting and researching cases about the violation of the “Waste Disposal Act” and illegitimate enrichment. Also analyzing the verification of recovery of illicit profits, methods of estimation, administrative procedures and penalty principle in order to elaborate the “Penalty Increasing for Violation of Resource Cycle Act”, with a total of 8 articles. Then give the idea of increasing penalty in the content of “Violation of Waste Disposal Act Implementation Guidelines for Daily Continuous Punishment”, with a total of 11 provisions.As for the enforcement guidelines for the transition from the “Waste Disposal Act” and the “Resources Recycling and Reuse Act” to the “Resources Recycling Act”, this project completed the “Resource Recycling Act Promulgated Transition Period Implementation Guidelines”, with a total of 32 points, included rules about transition period, supporting measures and procedures of implementation. 100 廢管處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30560
100年度「基隆市固定污染源許可審核及空污費徵收作業稽查管制計畫」 一、加強本市固定污染源管制工作,藉由稽查取締及輔導改善並行之方法,減少固定污染源所排放之污染量,以期達到改善本市空氣品質之目標。二、持續推動固定污染源許可制度,落實事先防範污染機制,並加強查核許可申報資料,有效掌握本市固定污染源排放狀況及減量空間,以作為研訂未來本市固定污染源管制計畫及達成減量目標之依據。三、協助辦理本市空氣污染防制費徵收、催補繳與查核工作執行,協助公私場所申報年排放量,並整合工廠排放量資料,以做為管制依據。四、掌握及確認基隆市揮發性有機物污染源及排放量資料,並建置高陳情污染源之污染指紋資料,以利提供污染事件發生時研判作業所需之背景資料。 100 基隆市環境保護局 衛宇科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40970
屏東縣執行水污染許可登記及建檔管理計畫 成果摘要為有效掌握及管制轄境內水污染源,並進一步提昇作業成果,屏東縣環保局乃委託技佳公司辦理本計畫,計畫期間(100 年3 月2 日至100 年11月30 日)計畫各項工作項目執行成果說明如下。一、協助案件審查作業及發證作業本工作團隊於100 年度協助環保局進行事業許可申請案件,共協助審查129 件。包含事業申請案件共119 件,指定之地區或場所下水道系統申請案件共4 件,社區下水道申請案件共4 件,公共下水道申請案件共2 件。二、協助事業水污染源文書檔案管理有鑑於文書資料每年均會增加,以至於檔案室內之空間無法容納這麼多文書檔案,100 年度特將紙本資料以掃描方式處理,以電子檔方式留存。本工作團隊已建立的檔數約為2,375 件。其中以定期檢測申報資料的數量2,194 件最多,佔92%,其次為許可文件變更、申請及註銷96 件,佔4%,其餘皆在2%以下。三、協助事業水污染源資料庫建檔及維護作業(一)EEMS 系統建置成果-本工作團隊已完成EEMS 系統建置共4,311 件,以稽查單為最多共計3,868 件(89.72%),其次為送驗單404 件(9.37%)及處分書為39 件(0.02%)。(二)定期申報-截至11 月30 日止,應進行上半年度1-6 月申報作業,下水道單位已全數辦理申報完成,事業單位部分尚餘17 家業者未申報,以畜牧業居多計有11 家,屏東縣環保局已針對未申報業者發文通知,並已有3 家未定申之事業單位遭處分。 (三)異常資料修正-計畫開始至今針對系統異常資料進行修正,100 年第一季異常修正計45 家,第二季異常修正計44 家,第三季異常修正計46家,第四季異常修正計48 家此183 家中,共有343 筆異常,異常部分為大門口位置或聯絡人、電話空白20 筆、填寫應申請排放許可種類,目前廢水排放行為非屬有廢水排放160 筆、目前廢水排放行為屬有廢水排放,應申請排放許可種類,卻填寫不需申請160 筆、已核可,但無發證資料3 筆,本工作團隊已完成異常資料修正之動作。四、提供水污染源問題諮詢與解答本計畫期間累計諮詢服務共計413 件,諮詢內容可概分為審查程序、審查補件、案件詢問、資料索取、定期申報、環保法規等六類,各類案件資訊服務統計,其中以定期申報所佔47.2%為最大宗,其次為資料索取14.5%及案件詢問12.3%。五、協助辦理推動化糞池污物定期清理經本團隊彙整屏東縣列管化糞池清理之文書資料顯示,目前縣轄內列管之建築物可分為機關、學校,100 年度列管建築物共計526 處,至100 年11 月30 日止,共有43 處建築物已進行化糞池之清理作業,共清除132.43 噸廢棄物。六、辦理宣導說明會本團隊已於本年度5 月25 日、8 月24 日上、下午、8 月25 日上、下午以及8 月30 日上午配合養豬協會辦理6 場次養豬業源頭減量清潔養豬宣導座談宣導會。於本年度10 月04 日、10 月05 日以及11 月25 日,配合辦理3 場次建築物污水處理設施(含化糞池)定期清理及省水減污宣導說明會。 100 屏東縣政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29476
100年度「垃圾清運體系調查規劃及垃圾車更新」專案工作計畫契約書 本計畫主要目的在於協助地方環保機關汰換老舊清運機具,維持垃圾清運能力與提高清運效率,以確保民眾清潔、衛生、健康之生活環境與品質。本計畫延續歷年(自民國96年起)推動執行「一般廢棄物資源循環推動計畫」(行政院96年3月1日核定)之「補助地方政府汰換老舊垃圾清運機具工作」,協助環保署辦理補助汰換相關工作,並研擬提昇清運車輛使用效益之措施,研訂新型清運機具之規格規範。本(100)年度計畫執行期限自100年5月起至100年12月止,秉公開、透明、專業與嚴密監督之原則,研訂密封壓縮式垃圾車採購規範與共同供應契約招標文件,並完成招標採購作業;同時,由地方環保機關提出垃圾清運車輛汰換申請補助計畫書,經環保署核定後利用共同供應契約進行訂購,並於完成製作後,向環保署申請補助撥款及提報汰換成果。本年度共補助地方環保機關完成277輛各式容積密封壓縮式垃圾車之汰換訂購作業,累計自96年起環保署共補助22個縣市採購1,714輛密封壓縮式垃圾車。在研訂新型清運機具提昇清運車輛使用效益方面,本年度除了新增採購可同車清運垃圾與資源回收物之雙廂式垃圾車外,並於本年度完成辦理一輛12m3蓄壓式複合動力垃圾車之改裝作業、相關測試與試運行,以評估蓄壓式複合動力技術應用於垃圾車之節能減碳效益,提供未來推廣應用之決策參考。此外,為強化垃圾清運作業過程之安全維護,本年度亦著手檢討垃圾車安全作業議題,完成國內外有關垃圾車構造及操作相關安全規定之蒐集比較,將就我國有待補強部份接續於次年度針對密封壓縮垃圾車性能、構造與安全規定與作業安全指導進行研擬。 The Nation-wide Survey of the Garbage Collection Systems and the Planning for the Renewal of Garbage The objectives of this project were to assist local governments to renew their refuse collection vehicles so as to maintain their capabilities of refuse collection services and to promote the efficiency for providing people a clean, sanitized and healthy environment to live in with better quality. This project was designed continuously to implement the “Program of financial assistance local governments to renew refuse collection vehicles” included in “General Waste Resource Recycling Promotion Plan”, approved by Executive Yuan in March 31st, 2007. This project contributed to promote the renewing progress and gave support to EPA on the relative tasks. This project also drafted the specifications for new models, improvements on functions and safety requirements. This project started from May 2011 to December 2011. This project finalized the bidding documents for vary capacities of rear loader refuse trucks with advisory supervision of the professionals. The bidding documents had been utilized for the invitation of tenders and the whole procurement procedures had been finished, in accordance with observing the principle of fairness and openness, together an inter-entity supply contract. In the meantime, local governments might deliver the renewal plans with request for financial assistance. As soon as EPA approved the renewal proposals, local government might place the orders via the inter-entity supply contract. In this year, 2011, EPA has granted procurements of 277 vary capacities of refuse trucks to local governments for renewing. And the granted had been accumulating to a total of 1,714 trucks over the years from 2007 to 2011.A new model of dual-compartment rear loader refuse truck has been added to be an procurement item of the inter-entity supply contract, and the local governments have had chance to order the new model then used to improve their collection performances.This project has also accomplished the retrofitting with hydraulic hybrid system to a 12 m3 refuse truck with Mecedes Benz Atego chassis. This truck was used on the actual collection and transportation tasks to verify its performance on fuel consumption. The conclusion of field test evaluation was provided the reference for future promotion.To strengthen the safety measures during garbage collection , a study on the related issues has been started, and some guidelines, standards or instructions from abroad on the construction of refuse trucks, safeguarding, and operations has been gathered and been compared with the local codes. The outcome and suggestions would provide the basis for the succeeded drafting of guidelines that would give added support to the current local regulations on safety construction, safeguards, and operations of refuse trucks over the refuse collection and transportation. 100 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=31998
國內外溫室氣體最新減量技術應用及案例分析追蹤專案計畫 本計畫首先藉進行碳捕集及封存資訊整合分析,研析現行國際最新溫室氣體減量技術之相關法規與技術訂定規範,並舉行「溫室氣體減量技術國際研討會」,且派員參加「IEA第二屆富氧燃燒討論會」,瞭解實務經驗以協助進行策略聯盟推動作業。其次,為瞭解國內外溫室氣體減量技術發展與減量成本,本計畫彙整國內外與溫室氣體排放相關之能源統計資料,以能源供給面、需求面、使用轉換效率與經濟效率四面向進行分析,更進一步彙整與分析煉油產業、烯烴生產、紙漿與造紙業、汽電共生製程等4個行業別之國際最佳可行技術與溫室氣體減量技術資訊,且分析國內石油煉製業、石化業、電力供應業與紙漿造紙業等4大業別之自願減量成本與減量措施,以瞭解各業別減量成本之差異。本計畫同時協助分析及審查5件環評開發行為之個案,協助個案背景分析(含製程技術分析)及案件之審查意見,確認資料完整性與正確性,並依據溫室氣體排放量化評估、減量措施分析量化及溫室氣體盤查、查證、登錄之規劃等三大方向進行審查作業,並要求開發單位依據上述規範提出具體承諾及期程以利後續監督追蹤作業,另協助3件環評溫室氣體減量及抵換個案之追蹤查核作業,包括溫室氣體減量期程、溫室氣體減量效益、溫室氣體減量措施現況、相關佐證資料、盤查查證登錄作業情形及後續查核事項之確認等,並研提各案件之查核報告書。此外,本計畫針對碳捕集及封存技術與策略聯盟推動作業與最佳可行技術與溫室氣體減量成本資訊召開共5場次之專家學者諮詢會議,並針對最新溫室氣體減量技術舉辦8場次教育訓練課程。 The Latest Domestic and International Greenhouse Gas Reduction Technologies Application and Cases St This scheme reviews the international legislations and technologies of carbon capture and storage (CCS) to support the development of domestic strategic alliance. Representative attended the “IEA Second Oxygen-Enriched Combustion Workshop” with the purpose of clarifying the possible difficulties and updating the latest practical experience. The newest information was discussed in the “Greenhouse Gas (GHGs) Reduction Technologies International Workshop” and associated consulting meeting by experts and researchers.The statistical data of cross-countries’ energy usage and GHGs emissions are analyzed in this scheme in terms of supply/demand and energy conversion efficiency/energy economic output efficiency to re-examine the policy of GHGs management. In turns, this scheme reviews the international best available techniques (BAT) and available technologies for GHGs reduction for the four industries/suppliers, the oil refiners, the olefin suppliers, pulp and paper industries and the combined heat and power system, respectively. The BAT reference documents of GHGs reductions for the industries/suppliers above-mentioned are constructed as consequences. Also, the costs of voluntary GHGs reduction measures of the oil refiners, the petrochemicals, the electricity suppliers and the pulp and paper industries at domestic level are analyzed in the scheme so as to formulate effective environment-related policies.To assist with analysis and review the individual case of GHGs emissions evaluation and case tracking, this scheme has examined five cases of environment development activities and three tracking cases have been checked with report for each individual case. Finally, five experts consulting meetings and a series of training programs are held so as to support the issues about the CCS strategic alliance and BAT and GHG abatement cost. 100 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人中華經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34988
100年度彰化縣事業廢棄物流向管制工作計畫年度報告書 100 彰化縣環境保護局 隆楊企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40451
100年全國地下水監測井管理規劃及維護計畫 本計畫主要協助環保署辦理監測井監測及管理相關工作,包括監測井維護、地下水水質資料彙整及趨勢評析、監測計畫規劃及調整建議、各單位監測資訊整合,以及相關地下水水質議題探討,並提出地下水污染監測標準及管制標準建議。 有關監測井維護作業,主要係為延續民國93~99年之監測井功能評估與維護工作,健全區域性監測井功能,以確保水質採樣之代表性。本計畫共計完成100口監測井之井況評估工作、100口監測井之高程測量與驗證作業;依據井況評估成果,研判並辦理60口監測井之再次完井、完井成效驗證及完井後水質採樣分析工作,建構區域性監測井水質特徵及積垢潛勢分析,並依據前述成果完成監測井資料驗證及更新;另為維持監測井功能正常,完成6口監測井之異物排除、1口廢井、3口監測井重新設置及2口監測井平台/基座改善工作。 監測井管理及地下水質變化趨勢評析部分,本計畫以Mann-Kendall統計方式完成全國10大地下水區區域性監測井之水質趨勢分析,共納入412口監測井進行評析,趨勢分析及法規值比對結果顯示,共有73口超過監測標準且具上升趨勢、299口水質變化趨勢穩定、另40口則從未超過監測標準。431口區域性監測井中,建議調降其中339口監測井之監測頻率為1年2次,其餘92口則因曾有水質測項超過監測基準且呈現上升趨勢或未累積足夠監測數據,建議保持1年4次之監測頻率。此外,亦協助環保署辦理各單位監測資訊整合作業、擬訂相關具體配套方案及平台功能規劃等。 地下水相關議題研析部分,完成蒐集彙整我國沿海地區土壤及地下水鹽化資料,並提出水井管理及產業規劃方針。辦理國內地下水中鐵、錳、砷環境流布調查及嘉義縣溪口國小現地試驗,建立地質沉積物與地下水之相關性;彙整研析地下水中鋅含量對人體健康影響之相關資料;完成蒐集地下水中鉻的來源與轉換機制及健康風險評估,並提出地下水污染監測標準及管制標準之檢討建議。 另亦協助環保署辦理「監測井管理」考核作業;辦理完成4場次有關監測井設置與維護技術之示範觀摩,以及1場次監測資訊整合研商會議;配合完成「地下水水質監測井設置規範」研修作業,並完成「地下水監測井井鎖統一管理規劃」。 Project of Management Planning and Maintenance of Taiwan Groundwater Monitoring Wells This project was to assist the EPA in groundwater monitoring and monitoring wells management, including monitoring wells maintenance, groundwater quality trend analysis, adjustment and recommendations of the monitoring program, and monitoring data integration of various monitoring units. This project also concerned about the groundwater quality issues and offered recommendations of the Groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standards and Control Standards.The maintenance of the Regional Groundwater Monitoring Wells (RGMWs) was continued the previous projects from 2004 to 2010, which improved the RGMWs functions, kept the RGMWs conditions and ensured the representation of groundwater sampling. This project completed well condition assessment of 100 RGMWs, also completed height determination and verification of 100 RGMWs. According to the results of well condition assessment, 60 RGMWs were selected to perform well redevelopment. After evaluating the well redevelopment effects, the groundwater of the wells were sampled and analyzed to construct the groundwater characteristics and fouling potential analysis of the RGMWs. In order to maintain the normal function of the RGMWs, this project removed abnormal objects from 6 wells, executed decommission of 1 well, installed 3 new wells, and rehabilitated the foundation (the concrete ground surface around the well) of 3 wells. For monitoring wells management, this project analyzed groundwater quality trend of RGMWs in 10 national groundwater districts by Mann-Kendall Test. There were 412 monitoring wells were performed trend assay and compared with the regulatory standards. The results indicated that the water quality of 73 wells exceeded the standard value with upward trend, 299 wells were stable, and 40 wells never exceeded the standards. It was suggested to lower the monitoring frequency of 339 RGMWs to two times a year, 92 wells were proposed to maintain the monitoring frequency for four times a year. In addition, we assisted the EPA in the monitoring data integration from various ministerial units, in developing the practice programs of integration and in planning the functions of monitoring information template.In this project some groundwater related issues were discussed. We collected and analyzed salinization data of the soil and groundwater in coastal area and proposed wells management and industrial planning policy. To comprehend the correlation of geological sediments and groundwater, this project investigated the environmental distribution of iron, manganese and arsenic and completed an on-site test at Xi-kou elementary school in Chaiyi County. We also collected the documents of zinc in the groundwater about human health effects. According to the references of the source and conversion mechanism of chromium in the groundwater and health risk assessment, we reviewed the Groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standards and Control Standards.This project assisted the EPA to inspect the efficiency about monitoring wells management. Besides, we also held in 4 demonstrations on installation and maintenance of monitoring wells, as well as a meeting about monitoring information integration. The revised draft of “Standard practice for design and installation of groundwater monitoring wells” and the planning of locks unified management of groundwater monitoring wells were accomplished. 100 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37189
「使用中汽油車排氣檢驗及保養制度推動」專案工作計畫 國內使用中汽油小客車數已達590萬輛,其排氣品質係由公路監理機關執行定檢來把關。鑑於國際間推動汽車保檢合一制度已行之有年,為使我國汽車管制措施與國際接軌,本計畫參考歐美日各國保檢合一制度執行方式與管制趨勢,建立我國使用中OBD-I/M制度。規劃於保檢合一架構下導入OBD定期檢驗,並輔以車廠回饋OBD檢查維修資訊,加強使用中汽油車OBD系統之應用,提升使用中汽油車管制品質。另針對定期檢測不合格車輛,要求應至認證維修廠檢修後才可複測,加強納管空氣污染防制元件狀態,以及確立我國汽修廠檢修能力。今年度使用中汽車定檢業務,達成進一步與監理機關劃分權責,其中排氣污染檢驗作業仍委由監理機關維持現狀,本計畫則著重於維修保養成效探討,後續擬逐步導入定檢品質檢校,以及辦理品質管制教育訓練,藉由分權管制策略,逐步提升我國汽車維修保養品質。今年度延續99年度100車次研究測試,持續租用測試不合格車輛,送至原廠檢查並維修後再行測試。測試結果發現非原廠排氣管幾乎不具有污染減量效果, 而原廠觸媒轉化器可能會因後續維修保養不善,導致快速劣化。由測試結果可知,全新觸媒轉化器具有最佳污染改善效果,然出產10年以上之車型其觸媒轉化器多已停產,建議原廠應評估延長觸媒備品期限,並於進廠檢查項目中納入觸媒轉化器,查驗結果亦可回饋相關單位之稽查作業。 Work plan of project to promote the Emission I/M System for gasoline-fueled vehicle in use The number of domestic gasoline-fueled passenger car in use has reached 5,900,000 cars while the emission quality thereof is controlled by the Highway Supervision & Administration Authority by carrying out the periodic inspection. In the light of that the automotive maintenance/inspection system has been promoting internationally for many years, and in order to bring the vehicle control measure in R.O.C. in line with the international practice, this project refers to the implementing approach and the control trend from the maintenance/inspection system in Europe, U.S.A. and Japan; and establishes the OBD-I/M system in use in R.O.C. Also, this project leads in the OBD periodic inspection, asks the car manufacturer’s service shop to feed back the information of OBD inspection & maintenance, enhance the application of OBD system to the gasoline-fueled & in-use vehicle, upgrade the control quality for the gasoline-fueled & in-use vehicle. In addition, for those vehicles that fail to pass the periodic inspection; they shall be mandated to be inspected & repaired at a certified repair & maintenance service shop for a re-inspection so as to reinforce the control for the condition of air pollution control element and establish the inspection & repair capability for the automotive repair plant in R.O.C.In 2011, the authority & responsibility of superintendence unit has been further demarcated for thereof periodic inspection operation of vehicle in use; therein, the inspection operation for emission pollution remains unchanged to be handled by the superintendence unit as before. This project focuses on the exploration for the effectiveness of repair & maintenance; and plans to lead in the quality management operation for periodic inspection and hold the education & training for quality assurance and quality control step by step subsequently; thus the automotive inspection and repair/maintenance quality can be escalated through the strategy of decentralization of authority.The 100-vehicle research test in 2010 was continued in 2011; that is, to continue to rent the vehicles that fail to pass the test, send them to the vehicle-manufacturer’s factory for service and then redo the test. It is found out from the test results that exhaust pipes that are not made by the manufacturer of vehicle almost have no pollution reduction effect; and the catalytic converter from the vehicle manufacturer has been rapidly deteriorated due to improperly subsequent repair & maintenance. As learned from the test outcomes, a brand new catalytic converter has the best pollution improvement effect; however, the production for the catalytic converter mounted in the vehicle model used for more than 10 years has been stopped. Therefore, it is recommended that the vehicle manufacturers should extend the due time for their spare parts of catalytic converter, cover the catalytic converter as one item in the factory checklist, and feed back the inspection result to the relevant units for audit operation. 100 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=33333
100年度清潔人員安全教育演練委託專案工作計畫 中文摘要 我國自90年起推動降災中程計畫及全國職場233減災方案等減災策略,迄97年已有效促使全產業職災死亡百萬人率下降53%,職災失能百萬人率下降49%;減災雖有初步成效,惟相較於歐、美、日等先進國家仍有相當之差距,顯示我國在減災工作上仍有努力之空間。為保障勞工工作安全,並營造安全的工作環境,促使職業災害率加速降低,達到美、日等工安標竿國家之水準。藉由「宣導、檢查、輔導」三合一之檢查策略,並配合安全伙伴合作計畫的推動,結合雇主、相關團體與政府的資源及組織力量,共同建構防災體系;另針對職場作業之第一線勞工,藉由宣導及教育訓練,提升其防災知能。 本計畫目標有二,第一係建置清潔人員工作標準作業程序、研擬工作環境及使用設備之安全防護改善措施,並精進地方督導管理方式,落實清潔人員安全保障;第二為積極辦理基層清潔人員安全衛生教育訓練,使執行職務意外發生率降低,並以零事故為最終目標。 Working plan of safety education training for trash cleaning workers Abstract Since 2001, the government has implemented such strategies as accident reduction mid-term program and the program of accident-decrease in working places nationwide . Until 2008, these strategies have effectively decreased the death rate by 53% and the disabled rate by 49%. Though the policy seems successful, there is still much to improve compared with the policy implemented in European countries,USA and Japan. To protect labors from getting hurt in working places and create a safe working environment, it’s urgent to cooperate between employers, related groups and government agencies. This research has two goals. First, we want to set up a standard operation procedures for trash cleaning workers. Second, we want to provide education training for trash cleaning workers. 100 督察總隊 財團法人環境永續發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37919
綠色奈米技術之開發及應用計畫-金-磁鐵礦異核奈米結構對有機毒化物處理技術平台開發應用 本研究的主要目的在於藉由金與磁鐵礦奈米材料的製備與合成,配製成具有高催化特性及回收再利用的多功能性Au-Fe3O4異核結構奈米複合材料,並將之應用於水體環境中的難分解有機污染物催化處理,同時探討此異核結構材料在不同水體環境中的催化與回收再利用特性。研究結果發現利用異丁基胺硼烷綜合物作為還原劑,於不同溫度下(2-20oC)進行氯金酸還原反應,可成功製備顆粒大小由4到7nm的金奈米粒子,而利用相同的熱分解法可成功製備金-磁鐵礦異核結構,藉由改變金奈米粒子的尺寸,可合成啞鈴形與花朵形的金-磁鐵礦異核結構,並應用於4-硝基酚與2,4-二硝基酚的還原催化反應。研究結果發現,所製備出的金-磁鐵礦異核結構具有良好的磁性與催化特性,然而,由於啞鈴形與花朵形金-磁鐵礦異核結構間的磊晶成長方式不同,導致其在磁性與催化活性上有所不同。以啞鈴形金-磁鐵礦異核結構而言,其對硝基酚化合物擬一階反應速率常數為0.63-0.72 min-1,而對於花朵形奈米粒子而言,其擬一階反應速率常數為0.38-0.46 min-1。此外,啞鈴形金-磁鐵礦異核結構材料對硝基酚類化合物之還原反應速率符合 Langmuir-Hinshelwood動力學模式,催化還原反應的活化能為26.3 kJ mol-1,反應速率常數則隨pH值的增加而降低。另在添加雙氧水的酸性環境中,約有40% 的亞鐵離子釋出於水溶液中,可進行異相芬頓反應有效去除氯酚類化合物及胺基酚,其反應效率受到所溶出亞鐵離子總量、pH值及雙氧水濃度影響,另所製備而得的奈米粒子具有磁性回收能力及高達6次以上的再使用率,也能維持顆粒形貌完整性與結晶性。同時,連續式反應器結果顯示,Au-Fe3O4 異核結構材料在連續式反應器中對硝基酚及氯酚類化合物仍具有相當優異的處理效能。本計畫的結果顯示所開發的金-磁鐵礦異核結構材料具有獨特的物化特性,不僅為環境友善製程,兼具回收再利用及且不產生對環境有危害之終產物,操作成本也優於達相同處理效能之高級氧化處理技術,同時可應用於不同的異相催化反應及其他污染物,實為一相當值得開發應用的綠色奈米科技。 Degradation of organically toxic chemicals using gold-magnetite heterostructures The main purpose of this study is to synthesize monodispserse Au-Fe3O4 heterostructures with excellent catalytic properties, recyclability and reusability for effective decomposition of emerging pollutants in the environment. The catalytic efficiency and reusability under different environmental condition were also evaluated in this study. TEM results show that different sizes of monodisperse Au nanoparticles (NPs) at 4-7 nm were successfully synthesized by injecting tert-butylamine borane complex to a mixture containing HAuCl4∙3H2O, oleylamine (OAm) and cyclohexane at different reaction temperatures (2-20oC). The monodisperse and size-tunable magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles were also successfully synthesized via thermal decomposition method. The diameters of as-synthesized Fe3O4 NPs decrease upon increasing the concentrations of iron oleate complex and oleic acid/oleylamine. In addition, size-dependent crystallinity and magnetic property of iron oxide NPs are presented. It is found that larger Fe3O4 NPs have a higher degree of crystallinity and saturation magnetization. More importantly, Au-Fe3O4 heterostructures are successfully fabricated by using the same synthesis procedure. The dumbbell- and flower-like Au-Fe3O4 heterostructures have been successfully fabricated using different sizes of Au NPs as the seeds for magnetically recyclable catalysis of p-nitrophenol and 2,4-dinitrophenol reduction. The heterostructures exhibit bifunctional properties with high magnetization and excellent catalytic activity towards nitrophenol reduction. The epitaxial linkages in dumbbell- and flower-like heterostructures are different, leading to the change in magnetic and catalytic properties of the heterostructured nanocatalysts. The pseudo-first-order rate constants for nitrophenol reduction are 0.63-0.72 min-1 and 0.38-0.46 min-1 for dumbbell- and flower-like Au-Fe3O4 heterostructures, respectively. In addition, the reduction of nitrophenol by Au-Fe3O4 is a surface-mediated reaction and followed Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics with the activation energy of 26.3 KJ mol-1. In the acidic solution at pH 3, 40% of ferrous ions will released from magnetite and then react with hydrogen peroxide to form heterogeneous Fenton system for decomposition of chlorophenols and aminophenol. In addition, the heterostructured nanocatalysts show good separation ability and reusability which can be repeatedly applied for nearly complete reduction of nitrophenols for at least 6 successive cycles and the morphology as well as the crystallinity can be maintained after Fenton-like reaction. The continuous test clearly showed that the nanomaterial developed in this study is cost benefit. These unique properties make Au-Fe3O4 heterostructures an ideal platform to study various heterogeneous catalytic processes. In addition, the fabrication procedure for Au-Fe3O4 is environmentally friendly and the as-synthesized heterostructures can be recycled and reused for effective decomposition of nitrophenols and chlorophenols into harmless end-products, clearly showing that the synthesis process developed in this study is a green nanotechnology. 100 永續發展室 清華大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30510
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢乾電池類及廢照明光源類)專案工作計畫 本計畫執行期間100年1月至101年12月,計畫執行對象為具廢乾電池及廢照明光源受補貼機構資格之處理業,自100年1月~101年12月止,本公司執行稽核認證作業共計1,853場次,認證之廢乾電池共計8,188公噸、廢照明光源共計1萬2,227公噸,另作業程序及環境稽核作業共執行60,220項次,CCTV監控作業達4,357廠天。本公司亦配合環保署實施之「分級補貼費率制度」,積極輔導各受補貼機構提高處理效能、增加產出物再利用流向,使廢乾電池經處理之後續資源回收再利用比例達到85%,廢照明光源100年度1月至7月為90%,100年8月至101年12月直管及非直管分別為97%及71%;另廢照明光源汞回收比例,100年度1月至7月為40%,100年8月至101年12月直管及非直管分別為54%及40%。為確保作業品質,本公司已針對每位稽核認證人員施行50.5小時教育訓練及38場次(137人次)之內部稽核,並以實際執行經驗就各項作業及成果提出檢討與改善建議,使稽核認證作業與回收清除處理體系之管理皆得以持續改善。 This project has been carried out from January of 2011 to December of 2012 and the object of this project has been executed is the subsidized disposal enterprises. From Jan 2011 to Dec 2012, this company has conducted total 1,853 numbers of auditing and certification, certification and inspection of 8,188 tons of waste battery and 12,227 tons of waste fluorescent light tubes, 60,220 of operation procedures and environment auditing respectively, as well as 4,357 days of CCTV monitoring. In addition to coordinating with the grading subsidy rate system has been implemented by Environmental Protection Administration, this Project also actively has guided every subsidy granted organizations in order to raise the disposal effect, increasing the recyclable direction of derived things that resource reused proportion to 85% of waste battery, 90% of waste fluorescent light tubes from Jan 2011 to July 2011, to 97% of straight tube waste fluorescent lamp and 71% of non-straight tube waste fluorescent lamp from Aug 2011 to Dec 2012, recyclable mercury proportion has been reached 40% of waste fluorescent light tubes from Jan 2011 to July 2011, 54% of straight tube waste fluorescent lamp and 40% of non-straight tube waste fluorescent lamp from Aug 2011 to Oct 2012.In order to ensure operation quality, this Project also has been carried out educational training of 50.5 hours and internal auditing of 137 numbers to every auditing and certification staff. It has insisted on carrying on operation standards and using practically performed experience to provide self-criticism and improvement suggestions in terms of various operation and achievements so that the auditing and certification operation and the management of recycle and cleaning system could be improved continuously. 100 基管會 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48828
推動我國溫室氣體排放減量及監督管理制度專案工作計畫 本計畫延續2004~2010年度之豐碩執行績效,將遵循「推動我國溫室氣體排放減量及監督管理制度」計畫甄選須知所規範之目標,於現行研訂之產業溫室氣體盤查、登錄、查驗、減量之本土化制度基礎上,掌握國際溫室氣體減量專案審議機制,工業、能源、住商及運輸部門溫室氣體盤查登錄及排放源帳戶管理作法以及排放強度規劃趨勢,考量我國產業推行條件,持續深化我國溫室氣體管理制度,以支援未來整體國家政策之推行。本計畫完成之工作項目,經歸納執行結果扼要說明如下:一、完備溫室氣體盤查登錄作業工具方面,以透過設置電話諮詢專線及現場輔導方式,鼓勵業者進行自願登錄作業,截至2011年12月31日,累計共有425家在國家登錄平台上登錄其盤查結果,掌握工業及能源部門燃料燃燒排放量約91.37%;另利用固定污染源資訊系統之原(燃)物料申報資訊與國家登錄平台之盤查登錄資訊進行勾稽比對,並將疑義名單轉送相關管理單位進行釐清,以提升整體資料庫品質;完成盤查人員訓練教材之編撰。二、協助地方政府建構溫室氣體盤查登錄能力方面,首推建構地方政府溫室氣體盤查登錄能力,進而邁向低碳城市外交;完成「縣市層級溫室氣體盤查計算指引」及建立盤查登錄表單,提供各縣市盤查工作可遵循之標準作業依據;同步蒐研「全球氣候市長高峰會」最新資訊,提出協助地方政府參與該活動的作法。三、國際住商與運輸部門溫室氣體盤查登錄與減量管制推動趨勢部分,完成國際間住商及運輸部門溫室氣體管理趨勢之蒐研工作,提供我國相關部門未來規劃溫室氣體減量策略之參考;亦蒐研目前歐盟執委會將航空運輸業納入歐盟碳交易制度之歷程與管制作法,探討此碳交易制度對我國航空部門之潛在影響,提出相關單位未來可行因應策略;完成三種大眾運輸工具於同路段下之延人公里排放量推估,並藉由量化運具碳排放量數據,提供國人選用低碳運具之參考。四、持續建置先期專案認定依據部分,今年度蒐研國際排放強度發展現況或最佳可行性技術,再結合國內產業之排放現況,建立煉油、石化(烯烴)、造紙業等10項公告排放強度值,並蒐研評估汽電共生業與人造纖維業之公告排放強度計算邊界範圍與計算方式作法。五、持續建立抵換專案認定依據與健全相關管理技術規範部分,協助完成17件抵換專案申請審查作業,並配合減量方法之需求,協助完成6件減量方法之申請審查作業;另承接先前輔導與協助審議案件之經驗,檢討現階段機制的優缺點,以提出審議程序之修正建議。六、研擬公告排放源草案與推動相關作業程序部分,爰參考美國作法及國際間溫室氣體排放申報管制之方式,完成依我國「空氣污染防制法」進行溫室氣體排放源盤查排放量申報作業之規劃,並完成「公告第三批公私場所應申報年排放量之固定污染源(草案)」之擬定。七、國家溫室氣體登錄平台帳號維護及管理作業部分,針對鋼鐵、石化、光電、半導體四個行業別進行之盤查登錄格式研修;建立帳號申請審核及複審之標準流程;新增管理者之管理審查及統計功能;進行國家登錄平台網頁改版作業,提升整體平台使用者之友善性;此外,亦定期更新各項網頁資訊(包含英文網頁部分),與定期進行平台資訊安全的維護作業。八、針對國內外宣導及重要會議交流部分,本計畫依約辦理1場次計畫相關成果記者會、2場次城市溫室氣體盤查作業相關會議、2場次減量專案相關作業之宣導說明會、7場次執行減量管理機制規劃作業之專諮研商會議;並配合臨時交辦,另外協助環保署辦理1場次研商公聽會議;同時持續更新維護國家溫室氣體登錄平台並定時寄發3期電子報。 Promotion of the National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Management Scheme The project for Promotion of the National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Management Scheme (the Project), while meeting the criteria required by the project guideline, is an ongoing work based on current development of domestic greenhouse gases (GHG) accounting, registration, validation, verification and project reductions for industries as the results of earlier studies from 2004 to 2010.The Project has completed the following tasks:1. The promotion of voluntary GHG accounting and reportingThe Project has assisted the Environmental Protection Administration (the EPA) in optimizing domestic GHG reporting process via National GHG Emissions Registry (the GHG Registry). The Project has promoted industries in voluntary participations of GHG emission reporting, which has involved the setting-up of telephone inquiry services as well as on-site consultation. Based on latest figure in 31st December 2011 there have been total 425 entities (mainly manufacturers and utilities) reported its emissions information, contributing total 91.37% CO2 emissions from fuel combustion in energy and industrial sectors. Cross-reference checks were conducted between the activity data reported to the GHG registry and the raw material/fuel consumption from stationary source database. The reported GHG emissions with significant discrepancies will be noted to the EPA for further clarification. This has led to improved quality in information management. Further more, the Project has completed training materials for the use of GHG accounting.2. Capacity building of GHG accounting and reporting in local governmentsThe Project has assisted in the capacity building of GHG accounting and reporting in local governments, thus facilitating international interactions for Low-Carbon Cities. The Project has also completed Greenhouse Gas Accounting Guide for Cities and the associated spreadsheet templates, enabling a harmonized accounting and calculation processes for local governments. The Project has also gathered latest development update of World Mayors Summit on a regular basis, offering recommendations and suggestions for local governments to participate in international activities such as the Summit.4. On-going development of emission-intensity based crediting designThe Project examined international approach regarding to emission intensity as well as the implication options of best available technology (BAT). The Project has devised an overall 10 industry-specific emission intensities based on domestic emission data submitted from industrial sectors such as petrochemical, refinery (Alkene), pulp and paper, as well as boundary determination and emission intensity calculations for CHP and synthetic fibers respectively.5. On-going development of project-based crediting rulesThe Project continued to assist the EPA in the development of associated credit determinations and relevant technical rules, 17 proposed projects and 6 new methodologies review processes as well as evaluation and recommendations of the review processes.6. Drafting mandatory GHG reporting rulesThe Project has formalized similar GHG reporting rules (draft rules) following United State’s and International mandatory approaches. The enforcement of draft rules was based on linkages of existing Air Pollution Control Act as the obligated reporting operators to be designated via the third public and private entities list on annual reporting of stationary emission sources (draft).7. Maintaining operations and functionalities of the GHG RegistryThe Project has conducted various tasks involving modifying GHG reporting format for iron & steel, petrochemical, photonics and semi-conductor industries; introducing managerial functionalities for project review processes and statistical provisions for further analysis; renewing the GHG Registry’s website layout and improving user friendliness. The Project had also updated the GHG Registry’s webpage content (English included) and maintained information security on a regular basis.8. Conferences and public meetingsThe Project has completed 1 press conference, 2 meetings on GHG accounting for cities, 2 public workshops regarding to the GHG reduction scheme, 7 expert consultations regarding the design of GHG reduction scheme. In addition, the Project has assisted the EPA in 1 public consultation process and 3 electronic newsletters were issued. 100 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34541
100年基隆市推動環境教育綜合管理計畫 1.針對基隆市地方特性,擬訂基隆市環境教育行動方案規劃相關工作。2.推動基隆市環境教育宣導活動,培養具有環境素養的公民,提升環境的覺察與行動能力。3. 調查規劃基隆市環境教育設施及場所,如:綠化園區、生態濕地、環保教室或其他既有環保設施及場所等提供基隆市作為環境教育戶外課程場所,並協助基隆市環境教育人員及學校進行環境教育認證。4.研擬基隆市環境教育實施計畫及課程規劃,並檢討及擬訂101年環境教育計畫。 100 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41255
100年度國家重要濕地(大樹舊鐵橋人工濕地)保育計畫 (一)濕地場址及周界環境調查監測1、截至2011年11月份為止已完成3次之水質、水文及生態調查工作,水質監測包含濕地水池,B1進水口及B2出水口2個測站,共執行2點次;水文量測包括濕地水池,B1進水口及B2出水口等2個測站等2點,共執行2點次;此外還有全場區生態調查工作。2、水文量測結果得知場濕地淨化系統,B1水池進流口流量為3,599 m3/day (CMD),B2池出流口流量為3,043 CMD。B1水池進流口水深為0.3 m以及B2池出流口為0.99 m。3、水質監測結果顯示,場址濕地水池以B1注入口污染程度,屬於不良水體,主要水質參數平均濃度為BOD=29.5±12.0mg/L、NH3-N= 2.76±0.73mg N/L、TP=0.36±0.14mg P/L、SS= 22 mg/L及TC=6.7×104 CFU/100 mL。B2出流口,測得之水質染程度較低,屬於中下污染水體,主要水質參數平均濃度為BOD=26.7±4.5mg/L、NH3-N=1.47±0.49mg N/L、TP=0.1±0.03mg P/L、SS=25mg/L及TC=9.8×103 CFU/100 mL。4、底泥監測結果顯示,B1測站底泥有機質值平均含量為2.52±0.45%、總氮含量平均459.2±39.6mg/kg。B2測站有機質值平均含量為1.85±0.04%、總氮含量平均為425.6±7.9mg/kg。一般重金屬最終會累積於底泥中。本計畫8種金屬中僅有C d低於偵測極限,其中以Fe的比例最高,濃度高達28.3-36.3g/kg。其餘之金屬含量則是進流口低於出流口含量。5、生態調查結果,鳥類18科27種。由於爬行類記錄之種數皆不多,各樣區都少於三種,且在鐵橋南岸僅記錄一種,故未進行多樣性分析。蜻蛉、蝴蝶與其他昆蟲及軟體動物,蜻蛉共記錄3科12種;蝶類共發現5科35種。魚類共發現6科8種。(二)濕地種子教師培訓與民眾導覽解說成果1、濕地保育與管理維護目前皆依合約規定每個月執行4次以上的維護管理作業。再加上社區協會與民間團體志工踴躍參與維護,讓舊鐵橋濕地園區逐漸恢復往日風采,遊客與社區民眾陸續返回園區參訪與遊憩,每月遊客量約可達25,000人左右。2、濕地管理維護單位教育訓練研習本項工作於100年09月14日(樂群國小教職員)、100年09月16日(普門中學觀光系)、100年10月19(舊鐵橋協會及社區志工)、100年11月10日(溪口鄉公所)共舉辦4場溼地體驗與研習營隊,參與民眾共計有170人。3、民眾參與溼地園區生態及環境教育活動解說導覽藉由種子教師和志工現場解說方式,帶領民眾環視濕地公園,透過親身體驗及現地解說濕地如何淨化水質,及水生植物在濕地所扮演之角色,達到與民眾互動的效果。民眾和學生團體踴躍參與解說導覽活動,每個月份均能達成至少舉辦2場的園區活動導覽,截至期中報告為止,已完成18梯次之導覽服務。4、溼地復建過程影音紀錄至100年10月20日止,已攝錄21段復建(育)紀錄影音資料,將持續攝錄園區重要活動和生態復育成果並進行剪輯、配音等後製作業。 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司
100年度基隆港區船舶遙測、視覺影像監控暨車輛管制錄影辨識系統設置計畫 一、加強港區運輸逸散性粒狀污染物質之車輛污染稽查管制工作,藉由勤查重罰加強違規取締,以減少載運期間逸散粒狀污染問題,維護市民生活環境品質。二、落實運輸車輛空氣污染防制措施之設置與操作,達到逸散性污染源污染減量成效。三、應用遙測技術進行基隆港港區空氣污染監測作業,以利監控基隆港區內之污染物濃度並瞭解港區污染物對附近環境空氣品質之影響。四、針對船舶排煙污染現況進行影像即時監控與蒐證,針對可能之突發性環境變化迅速採取應變管制與稽查措施,進而追查來源,降低污染對民眾之影響。五、加強港區因應船舶使用油品之現況進行調查,並配合遙測作業及懸浮微粒監測結果評估港區空氣品質所受之影響。六、藉由攝影技術建置影像監控網絡並規劃視覺空氣品質管理模式,以利掌握港區船舶排煙現況及作為稽查管制之依據。 100 基隆市環境保護局 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46020
政策永續性評估制度建置之研究 為能事前評估政策對我國環境、社會與經濟之影響,本計畫將研析OECD與國際永續發展評估方法,研擬適合我國之評估機制與評估準則,並試辦政策評估,累積實務經驗,以建立我國推動政策永續性評估之制度。此外,本計畫亦廣泛收集Rio+20地球高峰會議相關資訊與我國永續發展之成效,進而研擬我國參與RIO +20模式,並與撰寫「我國推動永續發展之重要成效」文件,提供行政院環保署參與該大會之參考。 Research of Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) Establishment For the purpose of evaluating environmental, social and economic impact of policies, the research project aims at establishing domestic “Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA)”. By reviewing and analyzing the SIA system executed in OECD and different countries, the project will draft an assessing mechanism and criteria suitable to developing situation in Taiwan. In addition, in order to synthesize fruitful results of locally sustainable development as well as to assist TEPA, on behalf of Taiwan government, in participating in “Rio+20: UN Conference on Sustainable Development”, the project will also compose “Report of Sustainable Development in Taiwan” as an important document revealing the achievements in Taiwan. 100 永續發展室 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30920
100年度第一柴油車排煙檢測站興建及營運示範計畫期末報告 由於經濟的快速成長,使用柴油車輛也急遽增加,造成道路交通之空氣污染愈形嚴重。所以為配合環保局柴油車輛排放管制策略的運作,達成「空氣污染防制法」之目標,從主要污染源柴油車下手:就其使用中的現況,透過定期檢驗管制與調修改善,以有效改善桃園縣空氣污染,達成環境保護之成效。本計畫將以桃園縣柴油車為主,以目視判煙、民眾檢舉、代驗外縣市等方式通知轄區內柴油車到站檢測。 Final Report for the first stage of scheme to construct the diesel vehicle emission inspection station and thereof demonstrative administration in 2011 In the wake of rapid growth in economy, the number of in-use diesel vehicle has been increasingly growing as well which contributes serious air pollution to the road traffic. Consequentially, as an effort to coordinate with the strategy manipulated by Environmental Protection Bureau to control the emission of diesel vehicle and achieve the goal of 「Air Pollution Control Act」, the major source of pollutants, diesel vehicle, was targeted as an inception of control:In view of the existing situation of diesel vehicles currently in use, regular inspection, control, tuning and maintenance have been enforced in a bid to effectively reduce the air pollution around Taoyuan County and accomplish the effect of environmental protection. The Scheme was to mainly focus on the diesel vehicles under the jurisdiction of Taoyuan County. Owners of diesel vehicles were told to drive their vehicles to Station for inspection when notified in a manner of emission violation by visual inspection, accusation to authority by the public and notices from entrusted institutions of other city/county governments, etc. 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 茂迪環境有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32738
99年度戴奧辛(含重金屬)稽查檢測及管理業務 本計畫主要工作內容為執行高雄縣內固定污染源之戴奧辛與重金屬採樣檢測分析、清查戴奧辛排放源是否符合法規規範、建立戴奧辛污染排放管制策略規範。主要成果如下:1.稽查檢測20根次煙道PCDD/Fs濃度之對象中,包含大型垃圾焚化爐2根次、中小型焚化爐4根次、醫療廢棄物焚化爐2根次、電弧爐1根次、其他金屬二級冶煉1根次、鋁二級冶煉5根次、氯乙烯化學製造程序2根次、其他化學造程序1根次、鍋爐蒸氣產生程序1根次、鍋爐發電程序1根次。大型垃圾焚化爐、中小型焚化爐、醫療廢棄物焚化爐、電弧爐、其他金屬二級冶煉、鋁二級冶煉、氯乙烯化學製造程序、其他化學造程序、鍋爐蒸氣產生程序、鍋爐發電程序之煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ濃度平均值分別為0.020、0.045、0.064、0.052、0.019、0.038、0.243、0.006、0.089、0.006 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,各稽查檢測值均符合法規排放標準。2.大型垃圾焚化爐、中小型焚化爐、醫療廢棄物焚化爐、電弧爐、其他金屬二級冶煉、鋁二級冶煉、氯乙烯化學製造程序、其他化學造程序、鍋爐蒸氣產生程序、鍋爐發電程序之煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ排放係數平均值為0.139、0.257、1.01、0.362、7.31、0.412、0.965、0.005、0.659、0.055 μg I-TEQ/ton。3.高雄縣轄區100年度總PCDD/Fs排放量約為1.934 g-TEQ/年,其中以燃煤鍋爐所佔貢獻最多(45%)。80根次排放口之法規符合度查核中,部分工廠有查核缺失,如福泰保利龍和仁武鄉公所鄉立殯葬管理所未記錄設備操作數值,昇元鋁業和冠帝興業為現場查核時設備元件異常,已要求改善。4.稽查檢測20根次煙道重金屬濃度之對象中,包含中小型焚化爐5根次、醫療廢棄物焚化爐1根次、集塵灰冶煉回收製程1根次、鋁二級冶煉業9根次、燃煤鍋爐1根次及鍋爐發電程序3根次,煙道廢氣中鉛濃度平均值分別為0.0434、0.0325、0.0464、0.0381、0.0364、0.0133 mg/Nm3;鎘濃度除鋁二級冶煉ALS-8檢出為0.0523 mg/Nm3,其它煙道均為ND(未檢出);中小型焚化爐IWI-3、鋁二級冶煉ALS-10和鍋爐汽電共生CFB-1之汞濃度分別為0.156、0.0037和0.0011 mg/Nm3,其餘廠家汞濃度皆為ND。其中IWI-3(P001)煙道之汞排放濃度0.156 mg/Nm3為超出排放標準(0.1 mg/Nm3),環保局已進行處分並命其限期改善,其餘各家煙道重金屬檢測結果則皆符合排放標準。5.中小型焚化爐、醫療廢棄物焚化爐、集塵灰冶煉回收製程、鋁二級冶煉、燃煤鍋爐及鍋爐發電程序之煙道廢氣中之鉛排放係數平均值分別為0.446、0.691、2.19、0.771、0.304、0.127 g/ton;鎘排放係數之鋁二級冶煉ALS-8為1.03 g/ton;中小型焚化爐IWI-3、鋁二級冶煉ALS-10和鍋爐汽電共生CFB-1之汞排放係數分別為0.0167、0.0724、0.00919 g/ton。6.本計畫20根次稽查對象之重金屬年排放量推估結果,可知鋁二級冶煉製程、集塵灰熱回收、鍋爐汽電共生程序及燃煤鍋爐發電廠具有排放重金屬鉛之潛勢,其個別鉛年排放量甚至高於其他列管污染源(中小型焚化爐和醫療廢棄物焚化爐)。7.針對轄區內4處固定污染源場所,由專家學者會同環保局至現場評鑑後,並提供廠方PCDD/Fs減量改善建議。其煜豐鋁業、東豐纖維及台灣氯乙烯三廠因上一年度稽查結果超標,故列為本計畫減量輔導對象,並於今年度進行PCDD/Fs稽查檢測,結果皆符合PCDD/Fs法規排放標準,確認各廠改善完成。但後續仍應針對進料組成控管及防制設備定期維護。台塑仁武廠氯乙烯製程之PCDD/Fs檢測雖無排放超標情形,但根據歷年檢測資料結果發現今年度檢測濃度有明顯增加趨勢,主要因廢氣來源成份變化大,建議該廠應進行進料來源組成追蹤及防制設備操作條件調整。 2010-Monitoring and management of dioxin and heavy metal in Kaohsiung county This project investigated the emission of dioxin and heavy metal sampled from stationary sources in Kaohsiung County. Major works included the emission source sampling of dioxin and heavy metals, the emission source inquiry of dioxin, and the control strategy building of dioxin. The achievements of this project are described as below:1.The existing emission sources of dioxin were surveyed, including 2 MSWIs, 4 IWIs, 2 MWIs, 1 EAF, 1 MMS, 5 ALS, 2 VCMs, 1 OTHER, 1 WFB and 1 CFB. The mean total PCDD/Fs concentrations of stationary sources MSWI, IWI, MWI, EAF, MMS, ALS, VCM, OTHER, WFB and CFB were 0.020, 0.045, 0.064, 0.052, 0.019, 0.038, 0.243, 0.006, 0.089, 0.006 ng I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively. All of them are lower than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA.2.The PCDD/F emission factors of stationary sources MSWI, IWI, MWI, EAF, MMS, ALS, VCM, OTHER, WFB and CFB were 0.139, 0.257, 1.01, 0.362, 7.31, 0.412, 0.965, 0.005, 0.659, 0.055 μg I-TEQ/ton.3.The estimated total annual emission of PCDD/Fs from these emission sources in Kaohsiung County was 1.934 g I-TEQ/yr. Major PCDD/Fs contribution source was CFB (45%). For the emission source inquiry of dioxin, Fu-Tai and Ren-Wu cremation are no record the operating conditions of the equipment. The equipment elements of Sheng-Yuan and Guan-Di were unnormal.4.The existing emission sources of heavy metals were surveyed, including 5 IWIs, 1 MWI, 1 DUC, 9 ALS, 1 WFB, and 3CFBs. The mean total Pb concentrations of stationary sources IWIs, MWI, DUC, ALS, WFB, and CFBs were 0.0434, 0.0325, 0.0464, 0.0381, 0.0364, 0.0133 mg/Nm3, respectively. The Cd concentrations for mos stacks were lower than instrument detection limit except for ALS-8 (0.0523 mg/Nm3). The Hg concentrations for IWI-3, ALS-10 and CFB-1 were 0.156, 0.0037, 0.0011 mg/Nm3, respectively; others were non-detected (ND). Moreover, The Hg concentration for IWI-3 (0.156 mg/Nm3) is higher than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA (0.1 mg/Nm3).5.The emission factors of Pb for IWIs, MWI, DUC, ALS, WFB, and CFB were 0.446, 0.691, 2.19, 0.771, 0.304, 0.127 g/ton, respectively. The emission factor of Cd for ALS-8 is 1.03 g/ton. The emission factor of Hg for IWI-3, ALS-10, and ALS-10 were 0.0167, 0.0724, and 0.00919 g/ton, respectively.6.The results of annual emissions of heavy metals indicated that ALS, DUC, WFB and CFBs have an emission potential for Pb. these Pb annual emissions are even more than that of IWIs and MWIs.7.The project invited the experts to give some evaluations and suggestions for 4 stationary sources in Kaohsiung County. The sampling results indicated that Yu-Fong, Dong-Feng and Tiwan VCM had some improvements due to PCDD/Fs values are lower than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA. However, they need to strengthen for improving the operation of feedstock and control equipment. The results sampled from VCM process of Tai-Su (Renwu Dist) indicated that the PCDD/Fs concentration is not higher than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA. The PCDD/Fs concentration in this year (2011) is higher than that of recent years due to the varied flue gas composiotion. The experts suggested VCM process of Tai-Su (Renwu Dist) to check the feedstock composition and to revise the operating condition of air pollution control equipment. 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 正修科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40438
建國百年全國環保志(義)工趣味運動會專案工作計畫 本計畫之目標為藉由舉辦「建國百年全國環保志(義)工趣味運動會」,展現環保志(義)工的活力,激勵環保志(義)工之榮譽感,凝聚全國環保志(義)工的向心力,以利其協助各項環保工作之推動,並提昇運動風氣。本次運動會於12月24日在中央大學舉辦,全國共計22縣市,1,147位環保志義工參加。工作團隊完成擬定運動會流程及召開工作人員說明會1場次,擬定各競賽項目之評分原則及標準,並聘請各競賽項目之裁判,並召開競賽裁判會議1場次。完成編印運動會大會手冊1,200本,並於運動會前寄發各環保局及參加運動會之志(義)工。本次運動會共有10項趣味競賽,包括:舊衣投籃、環保釣魚、創意啦啦隊隊呼比賽、回收海報紙巧手創意DIY、舊鐵罐疊疊樂、掃紙球接力賽、呼拉圈比賽、拼圖大賽、腳踏車慢騎、滾輪胎接力等。所有競賽項目均具環保意涵,其中更有2個競賽項目包括拼圖大賽及掃除貪瀆接力賽,均融入乾淨政府誠信社會及掃除貪瀆建立廉能政府,使整個運動會別具特殊意義。當天由創意啦啦隊隊呼比賽熱情揭開序幕,總統與環保署長也親臨會場,感謝環保志工並給予支持鼓勵,擊掌加油。在整體競賽之總錦標部分,總冠軍為基隆市,總亞軍為新竹縣,而總季軍則為嘉義縣。獎項中設有年齡最長男/女性選手之「老當益壯獎」、「青春永駐獎」,給予年長者之熱情參與鼓勵。現場另有最佳社區美食攤位票選活動,第一名為桃園縣八德市瑞發社區發展協會,美食包括馬祖手工魚丸湯、馬祖繼光餅、以及馬祖大餅。為落實生活環保友善環境理念,參加獎亦採用社區製造的手工環保皂和採用自然農法未施用任何化學肥料和農藥所栽種出來的有機米,茶點則由喜憨兒烘培坊精心製作,一方面鼓勵社區環保產業發展,另一方面輔助弱勢團體。午餐由桃園縣政府邀集社區供應當地特色小吃,以歡迎來自全國各地的環保志(義)工。整體活動符合環保、趣味、低碳,並支持社區環保產業,凝聚全國各地的環保志(義)工向心力。 Republic of China (Taiwan) Centenary National Environmental Protection Voluntary Workers Interest Ga This project was aimed to hold the “Republic of China (Taiwan) Centenary National Environmental Protection Voluntary Workers Interest Games”, show the vigor of them, encourage the sense of honor of them and their coherence, help them to assist implementing environmental protection works, and promote the general likes for sport.This game was held on December 24 in National Central University, and was participated by 22 counties, 1,147 environmental protection voluntary workers. The working group drew up the process of the game, held the meeting of staffs, drew up the principle and the standard of score, invited referees and held the meeting of referees. The working group compiled and printed 1,200 games handbooks, and mailed environmental protections bureaus and participates before the games. There were 10 interest competitions in this games, including: shooting old clothes to a basket, environmental protection fishing, the creativity cheering team, recycling paper DIY to a work of art, piling up the used iron cans, sweeping the paper balls relay race, hula-hooping, jigsaw puzzle, riding bicycle slowly, rolling the tires relay race and so on. All competitions had the environmental protection meaning, and two competitions (jigsaw puzzle and sweeping the paper balls relay race) integrated the clean government, honest society and clearing away the corruption.At the beginning of the games, it was the creativity cheering team with great enthusiasm, the president and the minister of environmental protection administrator also arrived, appreciated and encouraged the environmental protection voluntary workers. In all competitions, the total champion is Jilong City, the first runner-up is Xinzhu County, and the second runner-up is Jiayi County. There were awards “the hale and hearty prize” and “the lasting youthfulness prize” for the eldest men/women, and they encouraged the enthusiasm of the senior participates. There was voting activity for the best food of the communities, the champion was Ruei-Fa Community of Taoyuan County Bade City, the good food including the Mazu handmade fish ball soup, Mazu Chi-Kuang cake, as well as the Mazu big cake. In order to carry out the environmental protection life and environment friendly idea, “the participate prize” was handmade environmental protection soaps and rice raised by the natural agricultural method and not to use any chemical fertilizer and the agricultural chemicals. The snacks were made by Children Are Us Bakery. On the one hand it encouraged the community environmental products development, on the other hand, it assisted disadvantaged. Taoyuan County invited the community to supply the local characteristic meals to welcome the national environmental protection voluntary workers. The whole activity conformed to environmental protection, interest, low-carbon, supported the community environmental products, and condensed made the coherence of the national environmental protection voluntary workers. 100 綜計處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29084
100年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫 100 新竹市環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34013
全國重點河川流域管理評鑑及整合計畫(第二年) 本計畫主要工作目標共計七點:(1) 滾動檢討修正全國重點河川關鍵績效指標及流域整合管理考評制度;(2) 執行一縣市一河川(離島為水庫) 與九大重點河川流域整合管理考評作業;(3) 辦理國際水污染控制技術暨流域管理研討會;(4)進行河川污染擴散模擬,研訂本土水污染管理控制策略;(5) 蒐集歐、美、日、韓等各國河川整治成效、經驗,提出國內應用建議;(6) 擇定重點河川進行臭味分析;以及(7) 結合本署eco-life網站,建立流域管理評鑑相關資訊交流平台提供經驗分享。本計畫整合河川流域整合管理評鑑與污染整治考核制度,導入污染熱區觀念,啟動地方跨局處合作,成功推動流域整合管理;臭味分析方面,本計畫建立9大重點河川相關河段臭味熱區,擬定削減策略;流域總量管制方面,本計畫執行鹽水溪及二仁溪之TMDL,利用WASP模式,依照所擬定之整治方法,進行污染量削減評估,在未考量非點源之前提下,顯示污染稽查及推動豬廁所均具效益;舉辦「第七屆永續水環境國際研討會」,會中邀請美國、日本、新加坡、韓國、中國及國內專家學者25人,共計發表25篇論文,針對「永續水環境」之管理方式及技術方法,包括總量管制、非點源控制及綠色基礎建設等議題進行研討;並彙整歐、美等國家水污染整治管理面相關資料作為國內制定法規及總量管制之參考。 Development of Integrated Watershed Management and Performance Evaluation Program for Major River. The objectives of this project were: (1) to progressively revise the key performance indicators and the performance evaluation program for river remediation; (2) to implement the performance evaluation program for the nation-wide and the nine major rivers; (3) to hold an international conference and a roundtable forum; (4) to simulate the water quality model for pollution management and control strategy; (5) to collect the international remediation experiences, i.e. Europe, the United States, Japan, Korea and other countries, for demonstration and promotion; (6) to perform the odor investigation for the major rivers; and (7) to upload results to the Eco-life Website thereby establishing the platform for information and experience exchange.This project was to develop the integrated watershed management and performance evaluation program for the major rivers and reservoirs. The river remediation was implemented successfully by introducing the concept of hot-spot program which was cooperated with EPA and the other agencies. The analysis of the odors in the major rivers provided the rationale for pollution and strategies control. By implementing the total maximum daily load (TMDL) with WASP model to the Yanshuei River and Erren River, the effects and performance for the elimination of the point- and non-point-source pollutants were critically assessed. The results showed that both pollution inspection and the livestock wastes reduction were beneficial to water environment. The “7th International Conference on Sustainable Water Environment” was focused on management and technologies of the sustainable water environment including TMDL, non-point source control method, and green infrastructures which were presented by the 25 invited speakers. Finally, the river remediation experiences of Europe and the United States were summarized to propose the appropriate strategies which can improve the water pollution policy for Taiwan. 100 水保處 台大嚴慶齡工業研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=31648
100至101年度土壤及地下水污染整治法制研修、疑義諮詢暨基金求償工作計畫 土壤及地下水污染整治法(以下簡稱土污法)於民國89年公布施行,近年於99年曾經大幅修正,相較於其他環境法係一較新的法律,有賴專業法律團隊協助確保行政作為之適法性。本計畫所設定之目標即在於提供包含訴訟及非訟之綜合性法律專業諮詢服務,協助各級主管機關處理土污法所涉法律疑義。本團隊在本計畫已完成之主要工作成果如下:(1) 對環保機關所提出之法律問題,完成法律交辦案件14件,並提供法律意見書35則。 (2)代理各級主管機關處理2件訴願及20件訴訟案件,並幾乎全部獲得滿意的成果。 (3) 就污染場址完成2份求償規劃報告,俾利相關求償業務之推動。 (4)辦理全國農地污染案件求償作業。(5)撰擬、編輯及出版「土壤及地下水污染整治及基金求償手冊」,並印製300本供參。 (6)協助建置完成土污計畫法律搜尋資料庫系統。 (7)就土污整治作業之相關獎勵、整治責任分配、基金代為支應項目範圍等,經研究英美法,與我國法分析比較後,對我國制度提出具體之規範建議。(8)介紹、翻譯及研析法國與中國土污相關法令,及研究美國國家賠償案例及軍事場址污染等實務案例,作為我國實務及法律修訂之借鏡。 (9)蒐集整理我國土污法法院案例20則及1則行政函釋,並就其中有價值者予以評析,以掌握實務運作之輪廓。 (10)為環保機關之承辦同仁辦理兩天一夜之法律求償教育講習,俾利同仁能更熟悉土污法,及解決實務上所遭遇之困難。最後,本團隊就上開研究成果及協助過程所得,提出法制面及實務面之建議。 Project of Providing Services on Law Amendment, Legal Consulting and Claim Affairs relating to t “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act”(hereunder referred to as “the Act”)was promulgated in 2000 and had an overall revision in 2010. In comparison with other environmental laws, this is a relatively new law. Therefore, to ensure the legality of administrative acts, it is indispensible to rely on a professional legal team. The objective of this project was aimed to provide a comprehensive legal consulting service, including litigation and non-litigation matters, and to assist competent authorities at all levels to resolve the legal ambiguities and discrepancies concerning the Act. The team completed in this project the main results of work as follows: (1) to respond to 14 legal questions presented by the environmental agencies, and to provide 35 legal opinions in addition; (2) to represent EPA or local government agencies in dealing with 2 administrative appeals and 20 litigation cases, and obtaining satisfactory results in almost all of these cases; (3) to draft 2 planning reports on the recovery plan for remediation costs incurred in contaminated sites, in order to facilitate the enforcement of the Act; (4) to process cost recovery action for contaminated agricultural lands; (5) to draft, edit and publish “Guidelines for Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation and its Cost Recovery”, and to print 300 copies for reference; (6) to assist in developing “Searching Data Bank” for legal issues concerning the Act; (7) to research on the laws and regulations of England and U.S.A, and make a comparative study between our law and the afore- mentioned, and finally provide substantial advices on our legal system concerning the issues of: (a) rewarding policies relating to soil and groundwater pollution remediation, (b) distribution of responsibilities among PRPs and (c) the scope and items of costs to be prepaid by the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund; (8) to introduce, translate and analyze relevant laws and regulations in China and France, and to study on the issue of state compensation and soil and groundwater pollution on military sites, so as to provide reference for our legal practice and law amendment; (9) to sort out 20 pertinent previous court judgments and 1 administrative interpretation letter issued by EPA in past years concerning the Act, and to analyze some of those worthy of reference, so as to describe more complete outlines on the practice operation; (10) to arrange a two-day legal education conference for the personnel in environmental agencies, so that the environmental officers may have a better understanding of the Act and may solve the encountered problems in enforcing the Act. Finally, in connection with the afore-mentioned researching results and the outcome of assisting process, the team provided some suggestions from both legal and practical aspects. 100 土污基管會 立言法律事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45957
桃園縣大漢溪大嵙崁段自然水質淨化工程細部設計計畫 人工濕地具有淨化水質之功能,桃園縣政府為改善大漢溪水質,爰以武嶺橋旁大溪河濱公園前方堤內約9公頃的高灘地,營造人工濕地,並規劃有相關的景觀與公共設施,以作為民眾親近自然、觀察生態以及遊憩休閒的場所。本報告為「桃園縣大漢溪大嵙崁段自然水質淨化工程細部設計計畫」的期末報告,報告內容涵蓋相關的環境調查分析,場址評選、工程規劃方案,細部設計結果以及網站建置成果。 Daikecan,Taoyuan County, Tahan River natural water purification project detail design plan Constructed wetland can purify waste water, so it is usually set to handle the sewage. In order to improve the water quality of Taihan river. Tauyuan County Government plan to set a constructed wetland about 9 ha. near the Wuling Bridge across the Dasi Riverside Park. This project both have landscape view and public facility. People can visit the nature, observe the ecological in this constructed.This report is the final report for this project. The content of this report include the environment investigation, site selection analysis, project planning, and detail design of this constructed wetland, and the website design results for this project. 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 九碁工程技術顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41684
農地土壤母質品質背景調查計畫 臺灣花東地區少數農地土壤經調查發現鉻、鎳濃度有異常偏高現象,經以地質學及土壤學之研究方式,系統性的辦理野外地質調查、岩石及河川沉積物主成分及微量元素分析、土壤剖面形態化育特徵研究及礦物相鑑定、農地土壤重金屬濃度分佈調查等工作,確認臺灣花東地區少數農地因位於蛇紋岩或超基性火成岩母質分佈區域,受自然環境背景地質因素影響以致土壤中鉻、鎳元素含量偏高,為非因外來人為污染所造成之地球化學異常現象。於調查區域所採集之空氣、地表水、地下水及農作物等環境介質樣品則並未受地質因素影響而有異常偏高現象,健康風險評估結果亦確認蛇紋岩母質土壤對居民生活環境及人體健康並無風險疑慮,所生產之食用作物亦無安全疑慮。 Investigation on Background Characteristics of Parent Materials of Farmland Soils Some of farmland soil was investigated contain high concentrations of Cr and Ni in eastern Taiwan. Based on geology and pedology research method (including field geology survey, major and trace element geochemical analysis, field morphological description of soil profiles, soil genesis characteristics research, mineral and phase identification, farmland soil sampling and heavy metal concentration analysis), the project confirms that (1) some of farmland soil in eastern Taiwan is located in the serpentine or ultramafic parent rocks distributed area; (2) high concentrations of Cr and Ni in soils are affected by local natural environment and geological background factors, for geochemical anomaly reasons not attributable to external pollution.The concentration of Cr and Ni are low in air, surface water, groundwater and food crops that were not affected by geology reason. The results of this project indicate that there is no impact on public health and the living environment for the resident who lived in the serpentine soil regions, food crops cultivated there are safe to eat. 100 土污基管會 瑞昶科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53432
固定污染源稽查管制暨連續自動監測系統(CEMS)查核計畫 目前新竹市轄內列管之固定污染源有157家,園區內共計有79家,家數最多的行業別為積體電路製造業31家,其次為未分類其他電子零組件製造業20家。園區外共計有84家,家數最多的行業別為其它橡膠品製造業15家。依據固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統,粒狀污染物每年排放111.97公噸、硫氧化物每年排放467.21公噸、氮氧化物每年排放875.46公噸及揮發性有機物每年排放337.51公噸,主要污染排放業別以玻璃容器製造業為主。許可制度之推動,持續辦理許可審查、發證及許可證查核工作。許可現場查核共完成168件製程,不符者已追蹤輔導廠商進行改善或提出異動變更申請,資料庫更新共完成160件次清查作業,輔導園區6家廠商收回多餘許可核定量,已完成1家次許可證異動。巡查管理作業,執行巡查314家次,排放管道稽查檢測19根次,完成5根次無機酸檢測、4根次TSP、SOx、NOx、4根次異味檢測及6根次THC,檢測結果除1根次異味超標外,皆符合法規。焚化爐完成新竹市垃圾資源回收廠之重金屬、戴奧辛及砷化物各1根次檢測,結果符合法規。另完成油品含硫份抽測30點次,檢測結果除了4家超標外,皆符合法規標準。其他管制部分,完成59件次現場監督檢測及54根次採樣設施查核作業。辦理4場次宣導說明會、3場次人員教育訓練。CEMS系統查核列管新竹市垃圾資源回收廠之P001與P002兩根次,於第一~三季執行系統與功能查核,完成2根次排放管道RATA及CGA稽查檢測作業,CGA其各項監測評等較佳,結果皆有B級以上。室內空氣品質自主管理之推動完成邀集20家醫療機構參與自主管理,並執行10家CO2巡檢作業及5家細項稽查檢測,其細項檢測結果細菌與CO2均超過環保署建議值。 100 新竹市環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=34488
屏東縣清潔養豬改善河川水質效益評估計畫 摘 要本計畫自7/19開始執行,截至12/25為止計執行5個月,各工作目標及項目均符合預定進度,執行成果摘要如下說明:一、完成彙整萬年溪及龍頸溪背景及歷年水質採樣分析資料,及列管畜牧業污染源定位及污染量推估。二、建立設置豬廁所示範場初步之篩選原則。三、完成養豬業源頭減量、清潔養豬(豬廁所)觀念及教育訓練宣導資料設計,包括:宣導手冊200份、宣導摺頁500份,並協助製作宣導影片100份。四、辦理5場次養豬業源頭減量清潔養豬宣導座談會,及辦理1場「清潔養豬執行成效說明會」。五、完成遴選及輔導17戶示範養豬場完成812個豬廁所設置。完成示範場設置前1次17家及設置後2次17家原水及放流水水質採樣作業,及診斷三段式廢水處理設施及建議業者改善方案。六、示範場豬糞分佈於豬廁所外佔該豬欄面積之比例,70㎏以上成豬,介於3%-11%,平均7.4%,較初期降低1.4%。70㎏以下豬隻,介於2%-10%,平均5.4%,較初期降低2.6%。豬糞集中豬廁所程度方面,明顯家數由初期3家提高至8家,普通家數為5家,不明顯家數由初期9家降低至4家。七、示範場設置豬廁所後,5家因飼養時,對豬隻未落實管理、訓練,仍讓其任意排泄糞尿,飼主仍依豬廁所設置前方式清洗豬舍,致其清洗豬舍時間、頻率及用水量不變外,其餘12家牧場設置豬廁所後其豬舍清洗時間、頻率及用水量均有減少,平均節水效益42.2%。八、17家示範場固液分離後水質在設置後,可減少之污染負荷包括BOD 3069.2kg/day、COD 3291.1kg/day、SS -123.9kg/day、氨氮 9.1kg/day、凱氏氮 30.9kg/day、總磷 23.5kg/day。另設置前與設置後放流水之水質採樣分析後,17家放流水在設置後可減少之污染負荷包括BOD307.6kg/day、COD 349.0kg/day、SS 48.3kg/day、氨氮 11.7kg/day、凱氏氮 61.0kg/day、總磷 3.8kg/day。九、完成研修清潔養豬標準作業流程。十、調查17家示範場固形物產生量,介於每頭豬0.04-0.47㎏/day之間,平均產生量0.24㎏/day。十一、完成評估豬廁所設置前後畜牧污染削減量及處理成效。十二、配合屏東縣政府農業處訂定豬廁所納入新設養豬場設置自治條例草案。 100 屏東縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29768
100年度「臺北市推動社區、學校資源回收宣導工作計畫」 臺北市政府環境保護局為配合環保署「垃圾零掩埋、資源全回收」垃圾處理「減量化」、「資源化」、「處理多元化」等政策目標,推動社區、學校、鄰里資源回收工作,以強化民眾資源再利用觀念,邁向永續發展城市,委託綠信環境科技股份有限公司辦理「100年度臺北市推動社區、學校資源回收宣導工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)。本計畫自100年4月20日至100年12月31日止。主要工作可分為九大項:第一為辦理大專院校暨各級學校、社區、鄰里宣導活動、第二為更新維護資源回收申報系統及彙編年度績效成果報告、第三為調查臺北市養豬廚餘量及流向、第四為協助辦理100年度村里推動資源回收工作績效評比、第五為結合文山再生家具展示場辦理環保手工藝及跳蚤市場活動、第六為蒐集調查臺北市二手商品、跳蚤市場資訊、第七為媒體宣導、文宣品製作及相關教育宣導、第八為資源回收創新做法、第九為其他交辦事項,統計至100年11月30日止,各項工作皆依預定進度辦理,量化成果說明如下:一、辦理大專院校暨各級學校、社區、鄰里資源回收宣導活動(一)各級學校資源回收教育宣導研習會、說明會、活動:第一場次於6月13日假實踐大學辦理大專院校資源回收宣導說明會,當日出席人數達25人,出席率達89.3%;第二場次於9月15日假臺北市市立圖書館10樓會議廳辦理高中以下學校資源回收宣導說明會,結合公廁共同宣導,當日出席人數達138人,出席率達89.6%;第三場次於10月5日假臺北市市立圖書館10樓會議廳辦理各級學校宣導,當日出席人數達30人,出席率達83.3%。(二)結合臺北市各級學校或區里、社區活動辦理資源回收相關活動12場次,各場次參與人數達100人以上。(三)協助兆如安養中心資源回收宣導提供講師服務。二、更新維護環保局資源回收申報系統及彙編年度績效成果報告「臺北市環境保護局資源回收申報管理系統」網頁維護與更新工作,於每月協助臺北市機關、學校、團體、社區每月定期申報回收量,共計輔導522家學校、機關申報資源回收量,申報率達99.2%。另彙整提報100年度資源回收績效成果報告及簡報初稿。三、調查臺北市養豬廚餘量及流向於5月6日提交「養豬廚餘量及流向調查作業」,發文調查本市學校、機關、百貨公司及量販店養豬廚餘量及流向,學校、百貨公司及量販店養豬廚餘主要交付養豬業(占52.2%)、機關養豬廚餘主要交付清潔隊(占52.2%)。選定士林區餐飲業者作為本年度養豬廚餘量調查對象,現場調查發現餐飲業者產生之養豬廚餘主要交付清潔隊(占63%),而廚餘量較多者屬於大型餐廳,其廚餘則交付養豬業。在推估本市養豬廚餘量方面,建議以店家數進行推估,從士林區741家餐飲業者每月產生245.4公噸養豬廚餘,平均每家餐飲業者每月約產生0.33公噸養豬廚餘,進行全市餐飲業者推估每月養豬廚餘量可達4279.6公噸。四、協助辦理「100年度村里推動資源回收工作績效評比」工作協助於3月4日邀集各區公所召開評比說明會,協助彙整12區公所提報456里之資源回收績效成果報告成專冊,並彙整各區前5名的里推動資源回收工作之特色或特殊作法。五、結合文山再生家具展示場辦理環保手工藝教學及跳蚤市場活動本工作團隊於4月19日提報教學活動計畫書,共計辦理13場次手工藝教學活動。在辦理跳蚤市場活動方面,於10月29日假文山再生家具展示場辦理,當日邀請二手店家參與活動,出席人數達500人以上。六、蒐集調查臺北市二手商品店(書籍、一般日用品為主)、跳蚤市場資訊於4月份提報「跳蚤市場、二手店家調查作業」,現場調查本市12處行政區發現70處二手店家及4處跳蚤市集,完成調查之資訊建置於環保局資源回收網供民眾參考。二手店家區域分布以中正區、大安區為主,信義區及南港區多為二手精品類;店家販售物品種類主要以書籍雜誌(49家次)、其次為家電影音(21家次)。七、媒體宣導、文宣品製作及相關教育宣導(一)發布電子媒體、電子看板、雜誌、報紙、網路或電台等相關媒體:以環保手工藝為主題發布相關媒體達74則。(二)以廢潤滑油、鈕釦型廢乾電池及水銀溫度計等回收為主題刊登捷運、公有停車場、稅捐稽徵處及警察局走馬燈共計156則。(三)委託專業美工(設計)公司完成1則環境衛生與資源回收宣導海報設計。八、資源回收創新作法完成提報「環保小撇步」與「臺北E回收 環保無國界」共2則創新作法執行方案。「環保小撇步」於5月及8月辦理教學活動,並設計製作成教學手冊。「世界在說環保話」配合歐洲學校、美國學校活動及新移民會館辦理資源回收宣導,並提供日僑學校卡通版及實務版資源回收宣導資料,作為學生上課教材。九、其他交辦事項完成170處廢潤滑油免費回收點維護作業,其中有5處業者已歇業,確認165處回收點免費回收服務。於10月15日、10月23日及11月23日辦理廢潤滑油回收宣導活動,現場完成200份問卷調查作業,僅68%的民眾了解廢潤滑油可以回收,對於廢潤滑油回收政策認知度最高以男性、學歷以大專大學、年齡介於26~30歲、職業以工商業為主。 2011 Taipei City Promotion of Recycling in Communities and Schools Program The Dept of Environmental Protection (DEP) of Taipei City Government is in support of the EPA’s “To Bury Zero Garbage, Full Recycling” Program for the policy targets of “reduction”, “reutilization of asset”, “Diversity of Handling” of garbage disposal. This will allow recycling work by promotion in communities, schools, and neighborhoods and to strengthen the public’s views on the reusing of resources to develop Taipei into a sustainable development city. The Taipei City Government has entrusted Protect-Eco Technology & Consultants Co., Ltd to handle the “2011 Taipei City Promotion of Recycling in Communities and Schools Program” (simply called The Program below).The program is implemented from April 20, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011. There are 9 main items involved: 1) Promotion activities conducted at colleges, universities, and all levels of schools, communities, and neighborhoods, 2) Update the reporting system of the recycling system and the report summarizing annual outcome, 3) investigation of the quantity and flow of Taipei City’s kitchen leftovers for pigs, 4) Assist the comparison of recycling work done at the community and neighborhood level, 5) Together with the Wenshan District Recycled Furniture Exhibition to Environmental Hand arts and craft and flea market activity, 6) Collect and investigate the information on Taipei City’s second hand goods and flea markets, 7) Conduct promotion for the media, production of promotional items and related educational promotion, 8) innovation ways of doing recycling, 9) other assigned tasks. AS of Nov 30, 2011, each item have followed the schedule, and the outcome are explained below:I. Promotion activities conducted at colleges, universities, and all levels of schools, communities, and neighborhoods(1) Conducting promotional and education seminars, talks, and activities on recycle at all levels of schools: The first event was the College Level Recycling Promotional Seminar held on June 13 at Shih Chien University. The number of attendance was 25 people, with attendance rate of 89.3%. The second event was the High School or Under School Recycling Promotional Talk held on Sept 15 at the Taipei City Public Library 10F Conference Room. This was combined with the promotion on public toilets. There were 138 people who attended, and the attendance rate was 89.6%. The third event was the All Level of Schooling Recycling Promotional Talk held on Oct 5 at the Taipei City Public Library 10F Conference Room. There were 30 people who attended, with the attendance rate of 83.3%(2) Combined with all levels of school or neighborhoods or community in Taipei city, conducted 12 recycling related activities, with over 100 people attending each event.(3) Assisting the Chaoru Nursing Home Recycling Promotion by providing speaker services.II. Update the reporting system of the recycling system and the report summarizing annual outcome“The Taipei City Government Dept of Environmental Protection (DEP) Recycling Reporting Management system” Website maintenance and updating work has helped Taipei City agencies, schools, organizations, and communities to file the collected amount monthly. We have coached a total of 522 schools and agencies to file the recycled amount, with a reporting rate of 99.2%. In addition, we have compiled the recycling performance outcome report for 2011 and the preliminary presentation.III. Investigation of the quantity and flow of Taipei City’s Kitchen Leftovers for PigsOn May 6, have filed the “The Investigation on Quantity and Flow of Kitchen Leftovers for Pigs”, and have requested in writing to investigate the quantity and flow of kitchen leftovers for pigs to the city’s schools, agencies, dept stores, and Discount stores. The result is that the largest quantity and flow from schools, dept stores, and discount stores go to pig farmers (at 52.2%) and those from agencies mainly go to garbage collection team (at 52.2%).We choose the Shilin District diners and restaurants as survey targets for this year’s kitchen leftovers for pigs. On site investigation have found that most of the kitchen leftovers for pigs are given to garbage collection team (at 63%), while the larger restaurants with greater amount of kitchen leftovers for pigs are given to pig farmers. Based on the amount and number of restaurants to make estimates, there are 741 restaurants and food service providers that produce 245.4 tons of kitchen leftovers for pigs monthly. Therefore, the average store produces about 0.33 tons of kitchen leftovers for pigs produced monthly. By projection, we estimate the total amount of kitchen leftovers for pigs produced by all restaurants in the city at 4279.6 tons.IV. Assist the comparison of recycling work done at the community and neighborhood levelOn March 4, have invited each district office to participate in a ratings information meeting, to help collect the recycling outcome from 456 neighborhoods in the 12 districts into a manual, and collect the unique features or special methods used by the top 5 neighborhoods of each district.V. Together with the Wenshan District Recycled Furniture Exhibition to Environmental Hand arts and craft and flea market activityOur working team submitted a teaching activities plan on April 19 and conducted a total of 13 handicraft teaching activity. In terms of conducting the flea market activities, we have used the Wenshan District Recycled Furniture Exhibition on Oct 29 to invite the used furniture stores to participate. There were over 500 people who attended.VI. Collect and investigate the information on Taipei City’s second hand goods (books and daily products mainly) and flea marketsWe filed the “Investigations on the Flea Market, Used Stores” in April, and have on-site visited the 70 used stores and 4 flea markets in the 12 administration districts, completing the setting up of information within the recycling portion of the EPA website for the public to reference. The used stores are located mainly in the Chungcheng and Daan District, while the Xinyi and Nangang District mainly has the luxury goods used stores. The vendors mainly sell books or magazines (49 stores), followed by home applications and audio-visual products (21 stores).VII. Conduct promotion for the media, production of promotional items and related educational promotion (1) The media used included electronic media, electronic billboards, magazines, and newspaper, internet, or radio stations. The numbers filed in these media was 74, focusing on environmental handicrafts as theme.(2) Using used motor oil, button type dry cell, and mercury thermometers as the recycling theme, we have posted 156 messages on the MRT, public parking lots, taxation offices, and the electronic billboards at police stations.(3) Have entrusted professional arts design company to complete 1 poster design promoting environmental healthy and recycling.VIII. Innovative ways of doing recyclingWe have submitted the 2 innovation implementation programs of “Easy Steps to Environmental Protection” and “Taipei E-Recycling, Borderless World for Environmental Protection”. We conducted teaching activities of “Easy Steps to Environmental Protection” Program in May and August, and have designed and produced teaching manuals. The “Taipei E-Recycling, Borderless World for Environmental Protection” worked with the Taipei European School and Taipei American School Activities. Also, it served as recycling promotion at the new immigrations Hall, and provided the Taipei Japan School with a cartoon version and working version for recycling promotional materials. These can serve as education materials for students.IX. Other assigned tasksWe have completed free maintenance recycling operational points at 170 locations. Among these locations, 5 businesses have ceased operations, so we have confirmed that 165 locations are in service. On Oct 15, Oct 23, and Nov 23, we have conducted a promotional activity on recycling of used motor oil. On site, we have completed 200 surveys and learned that only 68% of the public understands that motor oil can be recycled. The characteristics of the category with highest recognition of this policy is male, with college or university education, aged between 26 to 30, working in the private commercial sectors. 100 台北市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29096
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢潤滑油類)專案工作計畫 本計畫之主要目的主要以公開之稽核認證方式及標準作業流程,針對廢潤滑油受補貼回收業及處理業者進行回收量、處理量、作業程序、環境稽核及異常事件等進行查核工作。本年度計畫之執行期限自民國100年1月1日起至100年6月30日止。根據本計畫執行結果顯示,本計畫累計執行稽核場次為289場次,已符合合約最高級距之目標。在廢潤滑油認證回收量計10,797,655公升、認證處理量計10,466,071公升。回收業作業程序查核結果並無異常情形,分析原因由於歷年均持續輔導回收業清運車輛應符合設施標準規定,至於處理業設施標準及環境工安查核結果亦未發生異常情形,分析原因由於各處理業多屬專營處理,現場多有專責人員配合執行認證作業所致。有關異常事件查核共計有7件異常,其發生原因包含回收業進場文件填寫內容不完整、臨時取消進場行程、廢液燃燒塔故障檢修及離心機房電線走火引發火災等,針對此情形已要求業者進行改善並持續追蹤至改善完成。另本計畫亦對現場稽核人員實施相關教育訓練,包括新進人員職前訓練、專業集訓、定期會議訓練等三大類,並完成專業集訓1場次及定期會議訓練5場次等相關人員訓練工作,以增進整體執行人員素質及執行品質。 The Inspection and Certification Party on Due Recycled Waste(Waste Lubricants) The main purposes of this project were auditing the amounts of collected and recycled materials, operation procedure, environment safety, and abnormal events of the subsidized collecting and recycling industries for waste lubricants. The project period was from January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011. A total of 289 field inspections were accomplished during the project period. The number of field inspections reached the contract’s highest target. The certified volumes of collected and recycled waste lubricants were 10,797,655 and 10,466,071 liters, respectively. No abnormal event was observed during the equipment standard inspection on the waste lubricant collecting entities. This result was due to the Environmental Protection Administration’s continuous effort of guiding and assisting the transporting trucks to comply with the equipment standards in recent years. The inspection on facility standards as well as environmental and industrial safety for the waste lubricant recycling entities also found no abnormal situation. The full compliment was reached because most of the entities were specific on treating only waste lubricant and appointed people cooperating with the auditing. However, seven abnormal events were found, including incomplete collection receipts, schedule cancelled unexpectedly, malfunction of waste liquid furnace, and a fire incident caused by accidental discharge of electric wire in the centrifuge room. All the cases had been monitored and traced until the improvements made. In addition, the project provided the educational training for the field inspectors. These trainings included the pre-job training, the professional training, and the periodical training. During the project period, all the inspectors received one professional training and five periodical trainings. Those trainings effectively raised the capacity of the team members and the quality of project execution. 100 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=25842
100至101年環境水質南區監測計畫(100年度) 本計畫主要針對南區7縣市各類水體水質監測,掌握各水體水質時間變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。河川水質計有32條河川主支流,109個監測站,於每月監測一次,今年度監測結果顯示,以曾文溪流域及屏東縣境內河川水質狀況最佳,而將軍溪、二仁溪及阿公店溪流域屬嚴重污染等級佔較高比例。100年1月至6月皆無明顯降雨屬枯水期,河水乾涸,河川污染物濃度偏高,造成嚴重污染比例偏高,7月至10月則因降雨沖刷,懸浮固體偏高,以致未(稍)受污染程度偏低,中度污染程度超過50%。整體而言,今年度河川水水質以中度污染(41.0%)等級佔最高比例,未(稍)受污染等級(31.1%)次之,整體而言水質狀況與歷年差異不大。海域水質計有8個沿海區域,42個監測站,於每季監測一次,各季沿岸測站受河口淡水匯入影響,無機鹽類(磷酸鹽、矽酸鹽、硝酸鹽氮)濃度較高,除二仁溪口、東港溪出海口之溶氧量及東港溪出海口之氨氮等項測值外,其餘各季各測站測值均符合其所屬類別之海域海洋環境品質標準。第三季(100年8月)、第四季(100年10月)監測期間受到採樣前鋒面過境降雨量增加之影響,鹽度、無機鹽類與歷年略有差異。海灘水質計有10個休憩海域,30個監測站,於6月底至8月底每週監測一次,各梯次水質除7月17日、7月31日期間受降雨沖刷影響,水質呈現普通等級外,其餘各梯次普遍均為優良等級。水庫水質計有17個水庫,45個監測站,於每季監測一次,各水庫均有部份測點不符合甲類陸域地面水體水質標準,南區水庫以蘭潭水庫水質最佳,全年屬貧養等級比例佔75%,其次為仁義潭水庫、烏山頭水庫及牡丹潭水庫,全年屬貧養等級比例佔25%,普養等級佔75%,以鳳山水庫及澎湖水庫水質最差,全年屬優養等級比例佔100%。地下水水質計有7縣市,202個監測井,各縣市超過監測標準之比率介於0%~89.5%,其中超過地下水第二類監測標準之項目與歷年結果相近,主要以氨氮、鐵及錳為主。各監測井之水質,以Stiff水質形狀圖、Piper圖解方式評估,以HCO3-+CO32-及Ca2+凸出型及I區佔最高比例,均約為60%,與近2年評析結果大致呈現一致趨勢。 The Environment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Southern Area of Taiwan from 2011 to 2012 The main objective of this project is to monitor the water quality of seven cities and counties in the southern part of Taiwan in order to track the seasonal variability in water quality and to analyze and assess the degree of pollution of various bodies of water. The results of this investigation can provide grounds for policy making to environmental protection authorities.One hundred and nine sampling sites covering 32 rivers, including main streams and tributaries, were monitored monthly for river water quality. The results indicated that the water quality of Zeng-Wen River basin and rivers within Pingdong county were the best, while Jiang-Jun River, Er-Ren River and A-Gong-Dian River basins were found to have relatively high levels of pollution. There was a major drought this year; in particular, the lack of rainfall from January to June made parts of some rivers nearly run dry, so test results for most pollutants were high; thus, the percentage of serious pollution looked high. Due to plenty of rainfall from July through October, the suspended solids in the rivers tended to be high; thus the percentage of unpolluted rivers was low and over 50% of the results indicated that rivers were intermediately polluted. As a whole, the water quality of the intermediately polluted rivers accounted for 41.0%, which constituted the highest proportion of the rivers investigated, and non- or slightly polluted rivers accounted for 31.1%. Overall, no major difference in water quality was observed when compared to the historical data.Forty-two sampling sites covering eight coastal areas were monitored quarterly for ocean water quality. Since the river affected the estuary areas during high tide, the concentrations of phosphate, nitrate and silicate were high. The results indicated that most analytes met the quality criteria for each individually specified ocean water category except the results of dissolved oxygen and ammonia nitrogen at estuary areas of Er-Ren River and Dong-Gang River. Because of rainfall which came just before the sampling period in the 3rd and 4th quarters, some indexes, including salinity, phosphate, nitrate and silicate, were different from past results.Thirty sampling sites covering ten beaches were monitored weekly from the end of June through August. The results indicated that the water qualities were all excellent. Due to much rainfall on July 17 and 31, the results of these two weeks were fair.Forty-five sampling sites covering 17 water reservoirs were monitored quarterly. All reservoirs were found to contain certain sampling sites that did not meet the Class A surface water quality criteria. The results indicated that Lan-Tan Reservoir had the best water quality, which was oligotrophic for three of the four quarters. Ren-Yi-Tan Reservoir, Wu-Shan-Tou Reservoir and Mu-Dan Reservoir were found to be oligotrophic in one quarter and mesotrophic in the other three quarters. Feng-Shan Reservoir was found to have the worst water quality which was eutrophic in all four quarters.Ammonia nitrogen, iron, and manganese were the major analytes with results that reached the regulatory monitoring criteria in 202 groundwater monitoring wells for the seven cities and counties being monitored quarterly. The failing rates were between 0% to 89.5% for different cities and counties. No significant difference was found when compared to the historical data. The graphical analysis of the monitored locations by Stiff-plotting and Piper-plotting showed that about 60% of the wells are HCO3-+CO32-- Ca2+ type and fall into area I. The trend is the same as evaluated over the last two years. 100 監資處 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27830
低碳家園推動暨祭祀活動等空氣污染減量計畫 嘉義縣環境保護局為配合中央政府,對於節能減碳之宣導工作,特透過公開徵選方式,遴選合格之環境工程技術服務機構-創迅科技股份有限公司,負責執行「100年度嘉義縣低碳家園推動暨祭祀活動等空氣污染減量計畫」,並透過本公司擁有之專業經驗、技術與專業人才,協助進行各項相關作業之執行與推動,藉以透過相關之宣導活動,提昇民眾對節能減碳與綠網之認知與共識,朝向全民二氧化碳減量之目標邁進。 100 嘉義縣環境保護局 創迅科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45849
100、101年度資源回收管理基金責任業者營業量申報輔導、審查、勾稽暨系統提昇二年專案工作計畫 本計畫核心工作為2年12期的責任業者登記、申報及繳費管理作業,需派駐11位專業人力於環保署,以妥善管理每年70億元的資源回收基金;本計畫於執行期間完成5,785家次之廢止登記、新登記、年度申報案件審查輔導作業,辦理19,768家次(截至101年底)營業量申報輔導、繳費與核帳作業,列管家數較99年度成長10.4%,待更帳及釐清繳款用途銀行帳比例,也逐年下降至0.3%以下,未依規定申報繳費業者改善率超過82%。本計畫運用營業量系統提昇管理效能,完成疑似未登記業者控管等29項功能新增、營業量網頁改版等48項功能提昇,進行銀行帳及海關資料匯入等58項程式維護,將文書作業轉成電子化,大幅提升3倍效能,系統功能上線後3個月內可靠度達100%。為強化責任業者對法規之認知,本計畫辦理26場次說明會、出席人數1,637人,完成203家次到戶輔導作業,針對潤滑油解除列管、PET容器 A、B類標籤申報進行宣導,成功推動超商繳款比率達29.7%;101年度輔導家數為92年度的2.7倍,業者滿意度皆在9成以上。在營業量申報制度檢討與規劃方面,本計畫提出網路申請登記可行性分析、疑似未登記責任業者輔導作業、各材質營業量變化分析、國貨復運進口申報建議、已廢止登記業者追蹤分析等十多項議題,使責任業者的管理更加完備。 Project of the Guidance and Auditing for Resource Recycling Business Reporting and Management System This project was mainly concerning the registration, reporting, and payment management of responsible enterprises done in 12 terms within 2 years. Therefore, it was in need of 11 specialists to work with Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) so as to manage the annual NT 7 billion dollars recycling fund properly. In the process of implementation, 5,785 times of responsible enterprise cancellation of registration, new registration, and annual reporting review have been done. In addition, 19,768 times of responsible enterprise (by the end of 2012) operating volume reporting, payment, and verification have been completed as well. The number of listed enterprises have been grown up by 10.4% than 2010. Besides, the percentage of correcting banking information and clarifying payment usage has gradually decreased to less than 0.3%, while the improvement ratio of enterprises failing to report and pay by regulations has been over 82%. This project made use of operating volume reporting system to improve the efficiency of management. In addition to adding 29 new functions to regulate unregistered enterprises, improving 48 existing functions like updating the webpage of operating volume reporting system, and maintaining 58 programs related to banking information and customs data, most of the paperwork was digitalized. In this case, the efficiency has been increased by 3 times and the online system has been fully reliable. In order to strengthen responsible enterprises’ awareness of regulations, this project has hosted 26 workshops and the number of participants was 1,637 in total. On the other hand, it has conducted 203 times of enterprise home consultation to promote regulations of terminating the listing of lubricants and reporting the tag of A and B of PET containers. The ratio of making payments via convenience stores has reached 29.7%, while the number of enterprises the project counseled in 2012 is greater than that in 2003 by 2.7 times. Over 90% of enterprises have shown satisfaction to the services the project provided. Concerning the review and planning of operating volume reporting system, the project stated more than 10 issues such as the feasibility analysis of online registration, suspected unregistered responsible enterprise counseling, the analysis of various materials’ operating volume change, the suggestions to domestic goods re-importation declaration, and the follow-up analysis of terminated registered enterprises to make the management of responsible enterprises more complete 100 基管會 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49312
北部空品區粒狀物污染來源及管制策略評估計畫 本計畫針對北部空品區細懸浮微粒長期監測數據進行分析、執行短期採樣及成分分析、並以CMB受體模式與三維光化模式進行模擬及研究工作,以提出合理有效的防制策略方向。(一)北部空品區長期PM2.5變化北部空品區各縣市民國95 ~ 100 年PM2.5 年平均濃度約在20 ~32 μg/m3 左右,以臺北市最高,年平均濃度接近30 μg/m3。桃園縣約28 μg/m3 次之、新北市約25 μg/m3 又次之,而基隆市最低,年平均濃度約22 μg/m3。值得注意的是,臺北都會區及基隆市之PM2.5/PM10 比值高於桃園縣。可能因桃園縣粗顆粒(PM2.5-10)濃度確實較高,其次臺北都會區及基隆市機動車輛等細粒污染排放量大,亦是可能原因,顯示都會區機動車輛排放管制工作,確實不容忽視。都會區內測站(中山、萬華、古亭、松山、土城、板橋、新莊)之PM2.5 濃度相對較高,其中以中山站最高,再次證明機動車輛的可能影響。然近年各測站PM10 皆有改善趨勢,其中以臺北都會區外圍之林口、淡水與桃園站改善較多,都會區內測站改善較少。(二)採樣結果分析由縣市同步採樣之光化(SO42-、NH4+、NO3-)、碳成分(OC、EC)、海水飛沫(Na+、Cl-、Mg2+)及揚塵(Fe、Al、Ca)等成分比例與背景之差異(採樣點-萬里),顯示北部空品區之碳成分應為主要改善對象。另外揚塵比例雖不高,但各採樣點皆較萬里站高,顯示街道、裸露地或營建工地等揚塵管制,亦不容忽視。交通密集區域採樣結果成分比例與縣市同步採樣成分比例差異顯示,特定區域PM2.5 不僅高出環境甚多,且OC、EC 及Ca2+比例偏高,應與車輛排氣及車行揚塵有關。(三)空氣污染管制策略研擬以機車、小客車及柴油車作為減量管制策略,以空氣品質模式模擬評估減量成效顯示,O3 小時值或8 小時值最大減少成效區域大多位於臺北市與新北市區。衍生性粒狀物24 小時值最大減少區域位於污染源下風地區,如北部地區之桃園新竹濱海地區及桃園復興鄉等,其濃度並不顯著。相對而言,原生性粒狀物24 小時值最大減少區域,則以臺北市區、板橋、新莊、高速公路、縱貫省道等線形地區,為減量成效較為顯著之區域。由本計畫採樣結果顯示,不同採樣點之碳成分差異明顯;比較超級測站OC、EC逐時變化亦顯示,不論任何季節晨間OC、EC皆有高峰值,顯示機動車輛之貢獻不小。另由CMB之分析結果,與以不同O3區間之PM2.5濃度變化分析結果,光化來源比例平均分別為38%及21%。顯示PM2.5管制除原生性污染排放外,亦需兼顧光化來源管制。因此整體管制方向將分為車輛排放管制與光化前趨物(NOx、NMHC)管制,由排放量資料顯示車輛仍是主要NOx來源;NMHC則除汽機車外,主要來自於點源。 The Evaluation Plan of Particulate Matter Sources and Control Strategies in Northern Taiwan The main tasks of this project includes: long-term air quality data analysis for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the north Air Quality Control Area, short-term sampling and composition analyzing, and modeling and research works by using the CMB and CAMx models. Reasonable and effective strategies for air quality control were finally concluded.1. Long-term variation of PM2.5 in the north air quality control area The annual concentration of PM2.5 in the north air quality control area is about 20-32 μg/m3 from 2006 to 2011 in average. The highest concentration presented in the Taipei city, which was about 30μg/m3. The second and the third highest concentration occurred in the Taoyuan County and the New Taipei City, which were 28 μg/m3 and 25 μg/m3. The lowest consentation which happened in the Keelung city was 22 μg/m3.It is notable that the ratio of PM2.5 to PM10 in the Taipei-Keelung metropolitan area is higher than in the Taoyuan County. It may because the PM2.5-10 concentration in Taoyuan County is much higher. On the other hand, the higher emission of fine particles from motor vehicles in the Taipei-Keelung metropolitan area might be another reason. The result indicates that motor vehicles emission control is critical in the downtown area.Among the monitoring sites within the downtown area (such as Zhongshan, Wanhua, Guting, Songshan, Tucheng, Banqiao and Xinzhuang air quality observation station), the PM2.5 concentration is comparatively higher. The highest record occured is in the Zhongshan station, which proves the impact due to motor vehicles on PM2.5 again. However, the PM10 concentration of all the monitoring sites was generally improved. 2. Sampling and composition analysis The simultaneous sampling of photochemical(SO42-, NH4+, NO3-), carbon(OC, EC), sea spray (Na+, Cl-, Mg2+), fugitive dust (Fe, Al, Ca) in the Taipei city and the New Taipei city was executed in this project. The composition analysis result comparing to the background (Wanli station) shows that the composition of carbon should be the main target to be improved in the north air quality control area. Besides, fugitive dust emission control at street、exposed area and construction site is critical as well since the fugitive dust at every sampling site was higher than thebackground concentraion. According to the difference analysis of the sampling results in heavy traffic zone and the simultaneous sampling among cities, heavy traffic zone has not only higher PM2.5 emission but also higher OC、EC and Ca2+emission. It may cause from the exhaust gas of motor vehicles and fugitivedust of the traffic.3. Proposal of air pollution control strategy Taking scooters、motor vehicles and diesel vehicles into consideration of emission reduction, it shows that hourly and 8-hour-average maximum reduction area of O3 occurred mostly in the Taipei and New Taipei city by examing air quality simulation model. The daily average maximum reduction area presents in the leeward places againt the pollution souces, such as the coastal area in the Hsinchu and Taoyuan County. The daily average maximum reduction of the primary particles locates in the Taipei city, Panchia district, Xinzhuang district, and the linear area like freeway and highway.Based on our sampling data and analysis results, the composition of carbon is significantly different at varios sites. It shows that the OC and EC concentration have peak in the morning at supersite by the comparison oftheir hourly average value. It may cause from the distribution of motor vehicles. According to the result of CMB analysis and the concentration assessment of PM2.5 at two O3 intervals, the impacts caused by photochemical were 38% and 21%. It represents that not only direct emission sources but photochemical sources should be reduced for PM2.5 control. Overall, the two key aspects are the exhaust gas of motor vehicles and photochemical precursor (NOx, NMHC) control. Generally, the sources of NOx emission are still motor vehicles, and the sources of NMHCemission are stationary pollution sources besides motor vehicles. 100 新北市政府環境保護局 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41367
臺中市100年度街道揚塵洗除計畫 一、本計畫統計計畫期間共執行洗街長度累積達176,435.9公里(含人工洗街2282.3公里),達成率為100.8%,推估可削減TSP 2,434.8公噸、PM10 458.7公噸。二、本計畫總計執行機具洗街174,153.6公里,總用水量為267,871.3公噸,平均單位用水量為1.54公噸;各月單位長度(公里)用水量介於1.52~2.06公噸之間,符合環保署規範數值及合約要求規範(單位用水量須大於0.9公噸/公里)。三、完成本市所有街道之道路總長度60%及寬度之基本資料調查,並每月執行總長度30%之道路髒污程度及分級作業,101年4月份普查383.9公里,其中A級道路佔69.65%、B級道路30.35%且無C級道路;並每月辦理街道污染源調查追蹤20件,總計已通報污染源242件,其中已有222件完成改善。四、完成30條重點道路之洗街前、後TSP/PM10採樣作業,推估洗街作業對TSP/PM10之污染削減率分別為25.6%及27.5%。五、完成建立本巿車行揚塵-鋪面道路排放係數之採樣作業共321點次,推估洗街後本市A級道路之sL值為0.129g/m2、B級道路為0.289 g/m2、C級為0.512 g/m2;且推估洗街作業對sL值之削減率為58.7%。六、每月篩選5點次實際取水點執行水質檢測,已完成60點次之採樣分析作業。七、完成街道洗街作業示範推廣宣導會議辦理,並每月召開內部管理查核會議及辦理教育訓練,累計已完成14場次教育訓練辦理。 100 台中市環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37230
運作中工廠土壤及地下水含氯有機溶劑污染潛勢調查及查證計畫(第3期)(甲) 近年來國內外工業活動造成之土地污染案例,對國土資源與生活環境形成莫大威脅。在各類型污染物中,含氯有機溶劑屬比水重非水相液體(Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid,簡稱DNAPL)所造成之問題最為棘手,如原RCA桃園廠、飛利浦竹北廠及台灣氯乙烯公司頭份廠等,其污染整治經耗費鉅額資源與時間後仍未能達成。國內使用含氯有機溶劑工廠遍及各類業別(如金屬製品、塑膠製品、化學製品、化學材料、電子及光學製品、機械設備…),致癌風險性高,污染一旦洩漏其移動分佈深受複雜的水文地質變化所影響,其污染流佈與調查及整治迥異於重金屬或油品類污染,且往往發現污染時均已造成相當程度的環境危害(如污染範圍廣闊)。有鑑於此,行政院環境保護署(以下稱環保署或貴署)乃於民國97年起首次針對全國含氯有機溶劑之運作中工廠展開調查,而該期計畫調查發現之台塑仁武廠土水污染事件,也引起政府各單位與國人之高度重視。99年至今則持續辦理第2期計畫,擴大調查業別與工廠母數,期能達成土水潛勢預防管理、污染早期發現之功能,並維護國民健康與國土資源之永續利用。 Chlorinated Solvents Pollution Potential in Operating Factories(The Third Project)(A,B) Chlorinated solvents are widely used in various industries in Taiwan. Once solvents leak and spread into subsurface, the difficulty of investigation and remediation of these solvents are higher than heavy metal and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) contaminants due to their higher mobility in the heterogeneous, hydrogeological conditions. The following tasks have been completed in accordance to the objectives of the project: conducted the three-stage investigation of soil and groundwater contamination at the ten chlorinated solvent operating factories selected; assisted EPA in performing the investigation and verification of contaminations of other potential sites; updated and modified the guidelines of DNAPL investigation issued by EPA. The final report of this project encompasses the feedbacks of site screening and investigation procedure, in hoping that these will assist EPA to set up an economical and effective method in processing future chlorinated solvent operating cases. 100 土污基管會 瑞昶科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=38512
環境影響評估審查作業程序檢討計畫 本研究小組之主要執行內容可歸納為五大部分:(1)蒐羅日本、德國、美國環評審查程序相關「作業手冊」或「應行注意事項」;(2)建立環評審查程序常見類型作業範例之可行性評估;(3)對訴訟案例所涉環評審查程序之適法性評估;(4)「環評法施行細則第36條至第38條」及相關審查作業規定之修法建議;(5)舉辦「環境影響評估審查制度」相關諮詢研商會共計3場次、環境影響評估業務檢討會共計2場及研究成果宣導講習會共計2場。 The Review Plan for the Review Operating Procedure of Environmental Impact Assessment The main executive content of the Research Team includes five major parts: (1) doing research on relevant handbook or attention must be paid of review operating procedure of environmental impact assessment such as Japan, Germany, and United States;(2) reviewing the assessment of review procedure common type of operating model of environmental impact assessment ;(3)assessing the lawsuit case of legitimacy of environmental impact assessment ;(4) proposing the suggestion for amending environmental impact assessment enforcement rules and relevant review operating rules; and (5) convening three public meeting of environmental impact assessment and two review meeting of environmental impact assessment. 100 綜計處 社團法人台灣行政法學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46028
高淨污及快長樹種-石化工業區適合樹種之篩選與實測計畫 本二年計畫主要目的在篩選適合石化工業區種植之高淨污及快長樹種,以供日後石化工業區綠化推薦樹種之參考依據。第二年係針對煉油及石化工業區中油廠區進行五項工作,包括(1)相關高淨污及快長樹種資料之蒐集, (2) 現場調查3個以上之現有石化工業區高淨污及快長之樹種,(3) 實測與篩選高淨污及快長樹種,研究測定之污染物對象為(碳氫化物代表物甲苯、氟化氫、臭氧)等三項及鹽沫一項。(4) 綜合評估選列高淨污及快長之樹種,(5) 彙編「我國石化工業區適合高淨污及快長樹種」手冊。目前已增加相關文獻,已到四座煉油及石化工業中游廠區調查常見耐污樹種,計有榕樹、茄苳、樟樹、小葉欖仁、水黃皮、欖仁、印度紫檀等約23種。已進行此些樹種對甲苯、氟化氫、臭氧之淨污能力之實測與篩選,以選出高淨污及快長之樹種。有關彙編「我國石化工業區適合高淨污及快長樹種」手冊項目,已收集相關資料及圖片,並已完成初稿。本計畫有關污染測定技術皆已成熟,故預期皆可達成預定之目標,並彙編「我國石化工業區適合高淨污及快長樹種」手冊。本計畫將可在計畫完成後,精確評估適合石化工業區種植之高淨污及快長樹種,以供環保及工業區單位未來植樹造林之參考,亦可供未來各環保單位設置空品淨化區選擇樹種之參考。此些研究所得,皆具實際參考及應用之價值,故擬於計畫完成後,適當予以發表於研討會或學術雜誌中,並提供環保署上網公佈,供各界之應用及參採,以降低石化工業區之空氣污染,提升周遭及國家之環境品質。其研究測定之污染物對象為O3、VOC之C7H8、HF三項及鹽沫一項。本年度之計畫已經由繞廠調查,對台灣地區三座石化工業區現有常見樹種,選取目前生長具優勢之樹種,且屬於台灣地區常見之高淨污或快長樹種,分成內陸適合及濱海適合兩類,選取內陸適合樹種11 種,而選取濱海適合樹種12 種,合計共23 種。此23 種列為本計畫所有測試之目標,包括耐鹽能力及對重要污染氣體之吸收淨污能力等。至2011年12月,已完成23種樹種之耐鹽能力及三種污染氣體淨污能力測試,結果發現黃連木、白水木、檉柳、欖仁、榕樹等具有較高之臭氧吸收能力;水黃皮、海棗、木麻黃、黃連木、茄冬等具有較高之甲苯(碳氫化物代表物)吸收能力;小葉欖仁、榕樹、白水木、檉柳、台灣櫸具有較高之氟化氫吸收能力;而大葉山欖、小葉南洋杉、海棗、檉柳、木麻黃、春不老、白水木、水黃皮及榕樹等具有較高之鹽沫耐受度。經整合評估後,適合內陸石化工業區之高淨污樹種建議推薦台灣櫸、黃連木、檸檬桉、小葉欖仁及苦楝等;而適合濱海石化工業區之高淨污樹種則建議推薦木麻黃、小葉南洋杉及檉柳等。 Screening and Evaluation of Fast-growing and High-pollutant-uptake Trees for Petrochemical Industria The purpose of this two-year project is to screen and evaluate the fast-growing and high-pollutant-uptake trees for petrochemical industrial parks in Taiwan. The first-year study is focusing on industrial parks with naphtha-cracking factories. There are four major tasks in this first-year project: (1) To review all the literatures related with fast-growing and high-pollutant-uptake trees in petrochemical industrial parks; (2) To investigate and identify all tree species growing well in at least three petrochemical industrial parks; (3) To measure the pollutant uptake rates of major tree species belonging to fast-growing and high-pollutant-uptake group with instruments; (4) Comprehensive evaluation and grading all the fast-growing and high-pollutant-uptake trees species tested in this study for future application in petrochemical industrial parks in Taiwan. The measurements of pollutant (including O3, C7H8, and HF) uptake rates by tree species were conducted in bag branch enclosure chamber. The tolerance of these tree species to salt spray were also tested for evaluating their performance in inland or coastal areas. After a series of field investigation around three petrochemical industrial parks in Taiwan, a total of 23 tree species were preliminarily selected and listed for detail measurements of pollutant uptake rates and salt spray tolerance. We have compared the O3 uptake rates of them and found that among them chinese pistachios, silvery Messerschmidia, juniper Tamarisk, Indian almond, and marabutan can do the better job. To C7H8, the higher uptake rates were found on poongaoil pongamia, date palm, iron wood, chinese pistachios, and red cedar. For HF uptake measurement, madagascar almond, marabutan, silvery messerschmidia, juniper tamarisk and Taiwan zelkova showed the higher uptake rates. Results also showed that Taiwan nato tree, Norfolk island pine, date palm, juniper Tamarisk, iron wood, seashore ardisia, silvery Messerschmidia, poongaoil pongamia, and marabutan were salt tolerant species. 100 空保處 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=29334
100年環保(污染防治)支出統計調查 本調查目的為推估政府及產業部門之環保(污染防治)支出,藉以瞭解環境與經濟間關係及我國環保(污染防治)支出規模,供環保政策釐訂與編算綠色國民所得帳參考。以資本支出加經常支出扣除污染防治附帶收入分別計算政府部門與產業部門環保(污染防治)支出,99年(資料時間)主要調查結果如下:一、99年我國環保(污染防治)支出1,321.7億元,含資本支出403.8億元、經常支出984.4億元,並扣除污染防治附帶收入66.5億元;就用途別言,以廢棄物處理432.3億元最多,水污染防治414.8億元次之,空氣污染防制320.3億元第三。二、99年政府部門環保(污染防治)支出746.6億元,包括資本支出260.0億元,經常支出506.3億元,扣除污染防治附帶收入19.7億元。按用途別觀察,以廢棄物處理支出353.2億元(占47.3%)最高。就政府級別而言,地方機關支出445.7億元,大於中央機關之301.0億元。三、99年產業部門環保(污染防治)支出575.1億元,其中資本支出143.8億元、經常支出478.1億元,並扣除污染防治附帶收入46.8億元。就用途別言,以空氣污染防制271.1億元及水污染防治200.7億元為主;就經資部門觀察,資本支出以新購設備支出142.5億元(占資本支出99.1%)為主;經常支出以操作維護費用360.1億元(占經常支出75.3%)較高。 2011 Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures The objectives of this survey were to estimate the environmental protection expenditures by the government sector and the industry sector, and to understand the relationship between the environment and economic development. The findings of this survey were used for estimating the Green GNP and as the basis for related government policies. The environmental protection expenditures by the government sector and the industry sector equal capital expenditures plus current expenditures minus receipts from by-products. Major findings estimated from the sample of this survey were summarized as follows:1.The environmental protection expenditures totaled NT$132.2 billion in 2010, which equal NT$40.4 billion of capital expenditures plus NT$98.4 billion of current expenditures minus NT$6.7 billion of receipts from by-products. In terms of pollution abatement items, we found that the NT$43.2 billion for waste treatment ranked first, while the NT$41.5 billion for wastewater treatment ranked second and the NT$32.0 billion for air pollution treatment ranked third.2.The environmental protection expenditures by the government sector totaled NT$74.7 billion,which equal NT$26.0 billion of capital expenditures plus NT$50.6 billion of current expenditures minus NT$2.0 billion of receipts from by-products. In terms of pollution abatement items we found that the NT$35.3 billion(47.3%) for waste treatment ranked first. In terms of different levels of the government, the results showed that local governments spent a total of NT$44.6 billion, more than the NT$30.1 billion spent by the central government. 3.The environmental protection expenditures by the industry sector totaled NT$57.5 billion, which equal NT$14.4 billion of capital expenditures plus NT$47.8 billion of current expenditures minus NT$4.7 billion of receipts from by-products. In terms of pollution abatement items, the NT$27.1 billion for air pollution treatment and the NT$20.1 billion for wastewater treatment were the most environmental protection expenditures. NT$14.3 billion, 99.1% of the capital expenditures, were spent in the procurement of pollution abatement equipment, while NT$36.0 billion, 75.3% of the current expenditures, were spent in equipment operation and maintenance. 100 統計室 異視行銷市場調查股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27802
環境教育輔導團服務專案工作計畫 針對環境教育法第19條規定,機關、公營事業機構、高級中等以下學校及政府捐助基金累計超過百分之五十之財團法人等對象,提供年度環境教育計畫、辦理方式之專業輔導與接受諮詢,提昇本對象環境教育之專業素養,以落實環境教育。另對環境教育法第7條規定,輔導直轄市、縣(市)政府依國家環境教育綱領及國家環境教育行動方案,訂定直轄市、縣(市)環境教育行動方案。 Environmental Education Mentoring Group and Counseling service Project There are 3,728 phone call for counseling service. The Amount of service is 56 call each day, averagely. About half of these calling is online reporting job among 20 kinds of request and question.We also see higher call volume in November, December, January.There are 50 sessions for on-site counseling service from 135 demands. Another open source of service is website with on-demand cases. 100 綜計處 中華民國環境教育學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43531
2011年臺德低碳城市論壇-城市永續發展經驗 建構低碳城市是一項新的施政議題,透過國際間低碳技術交流合作,作為國內低碳城市推動政策,將有助於城市低碳化的形塑。而德國不論於再生能源開發利用、低碳社區與環保綠色城市之建設等佳績,是國際享譽的案例。本計畫辦理4場次城市論壇,邀請德國專家及國內專家學者及台灣4個低碳示範城市之地方政府代表等,透過論壇分享、座談互動與城市行銷經驗交流,以共同打造低碳城市新思維。 2011 Taiwan-Germany Low Carbon City Forum-Experience of Cities Sustainable Development Through the exchange and sharing opportunities provided by these events we hope to advance mutual municipal marketing and promotion of their experiences, affording a platform for participation in international climate change and urban greenification exchanges, enhancing local municipal environmental policy strategies and ecological education initiatives, to jointly advance the conceptual vision for low carbon cities. By planning on conducting four City Forums, with participation from German experts as well as academic specialists in four cities and counties across Taiwan, in a combination symposium and mobile exhibition, to share the experiences of Hamburg, Germany, in realizing green ideals; to promote the concepts of municipal and urban renewal; through applied local experiences. 100 生態社區推動方案室 財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27370
特殊性毒性化學物質中及環境用藥禁止含有之成分檢測技術建立 本計畫為行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所委託本公司執行的單一實驗室方法開發,主要目的為建立特殊性毒性化學物質及環境用藥禁止含有之成分的檢測方法。依各化學物質之物理及化學性質將其分類為六大類別,其中特殊性毒性化學物質有53 項(計畫目標47項),環境用藥禁止含有之成分有 46項(計畫目標43項),扣除四者重複者 (五氯酚鈉、五氯苯、十氯酮及聯胺,共4項) 共有95 項。本計畫完成上述環境用藥禁止含有之成分有 43項(氧化丙烯,仲甲醛未能執行),特殊性毒性化學物質有49 項(氰胺化鈣,三乙酸基,N-亞硝-正-甲脲,溴乙烯未能執行),以及另外59項特殊性毒性化學物質之國內外相關文獻資料的蒐集整理。另外,依照環檢所之規定內容,完成環境用藥禁止含有之成分五種不同基質測試,毒性化學物質真實採樣九件,樣品添加八件,撰寫列管特殊性毒性化學物質檢測方法草案3篇及環境用藥禁止含有之成分檢測方法草案2篇,以協助標準方法之制定與修訂。 Analytical method establishment of toxic and environmrnt sanitation prohibited substances The main purpose of this project is to develop methods and verification in single laboratory for 47 toxic substances in industrial wastes as well as 43 environmental sanitation prohibited substances. Sinetics Intrenational is the contractor of this project. In order to comprehend this project, 53 toxic substances in industrial wastes as well as 46 environmental sanitation prohibited substances all together 95 chemical substances (four redundant substances includessodium pentachlorophenate, pentachlorobenzene, chlorodecone and hydrazine) were collected and analyzed. These 95 organic substances had been classified into 6 groups based on their physical and chemical property information from literature review of related references. Based on the template of the public listed test methods of the toxic substances and environmental sanitation prohibited substances, the sample preparation and test methods for 49 toxic chemical compounds and 43 environmental sanitation prohibited substances had been adopted, modified, developed, tested and verified from current methods and newly created methods. Three drafts of the toxic substances and two drafts of environmental sanitation prohibited substances has been proposed. 100 環檢所 鑫聯網國際股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42966
100年及101年公告指定小量繳費責任業者營業(進口)量相關帳籍憑證輔導查核作業暨書面查核制度模擬試行作業計畫 本計畫係針對900家依廢棄物清理法第十五條第二項公告列管之容器類及物品類責任業者,其平均年繳費在新臺幣拾萬元(含)以下之小量繳費之責任業者進行查核,並依查核結果藉以規劃公告指定責任業者營業(進口)量相關帳籍憑證書面查核制度。本計畫之各項目標均已達成,其成果包括:完成903家小量繳費責任業者之輔導查核工作,查獲總短漏金額計新台幣4,899,458元,經查核後總溢繳金額計新台幣663,729元;並對未依規定誠實申報繳納回收清除處理費之受查業者進行稽催作業,短漏案件稽催後補繳金額累計達新台幣4,473,711元,稽催補繳之比例達91.31%;執行現場查核之同時亦同步進行輔導,其內容包括法令規範、登記作業及申報實務,並對新頒訂之環保法令進行宣導作業。此外,本計畫於100年進行現場輔導時一併模擬試行書面查核作業,並依100年所獲得之結論於101年進行書面查核制度之複審作業以驗證重大標準參數之有效性,除已獲致重大性標準參數之初步結論外,另複審實證結果顯示100年書面查核模擬試行結果所擬定之「最適重大標準參數」,其抽樣查核風險控制機制極為嚴謹且有效。 Guidance and examination project toward the Operation/Importation Accounts of specified enterprises This project is to audit 900 enterprises responsible for containers and articles with average annual payment/fee under New Taiwan Dollar (“NTD”) 100,000, promulgated under the Paragraph 2 in Article 15 of the Waste Disposal Act. The audit results shall be applied to documentary auditing and to establish audit system on responsible enterprises.The project have been completed,the following items (1)auditing 903 enterprises small amount payment、 (2)finding the shortage in and evaded fee NTD 4,899,458 and the NTD663,729 overpayment、 (3)the implementation of auditing/collecting operation on the enterprises who dishonestly declared the Recycling-Clearance-Disposal fee, with the audited shortage in and evaded amount accumulated to NTD 4,473,711, which resulted in the collection ratio of 91.31%; the implementation of on-site audit with guidance of laws/regulations, registration, declaration and the latest amended environmental regulations simultaneously.The Project further implemented a simulated test while providing the on-site guidance. In accordance with the conclusions from the year of 2011,a documentary auditing was reexamed to verify the effectiveness of significant standardized facter in the year of 2012. Not only does a preliminary conclusion on significant standardized factor was reached, but also a confirmation showing that the sampling audit risk control applied to“the most fitting and significant standardized facter”was exact and effective in the documentary auditing for the year of 2011 was obtained. 100 基管會 聯逸聯合會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47351
環境水質監測作業管理評析暨品質保證計畫   本計畫主要工作,為對「環境水質北、中、南區監測計畫」之執行過程、結果、品質系統等影響監測數據品質的要素進行評核及查核。依據年度目標,本計畫已完成每月環境水質監測數據之評核,並已於各月提交評核報告。在管理評析環境水質監測作業部分,係完成訂定「環境水質北、中、南區監測計畫」數據品質目標、完成該計畫品保規劃書及標準作業程序之審核、出席該計畫工作會議、已執行175次/496站次之採樣現場及103次/116人次之檢驗室查核工作、辦理4次盲樣測試、評鑑採樣人員技術及建立合格人員清單、建立採樣現場測定儀器合格清單、提供合於環境低濃度測項採樣及分析方法之相關建議、提供水質監測查核專業人力一名,並與環保署保持聯繫。在編製環境水質年報及資訊服務部分,本計畫已完成提交99年環境水質年報,並完成協助環境水質年報e化作業。於本計畫執行過程,若發現有可能影響監測數據品質之缺失時,即要求相關承商改善並進行必要處置。此外,由執行結果顯示,如能事先對人員技術、儀器品質合理要求,則能有效維持數據品質。整體而言,若檢測單位於配合本計畫之執行外能更加強自主性查核,則監測數據品質之提昇將更有效率。 Management and Auditing of Environmental Water Quality Monitoring Program The major goal of this project was to check the whole processes that influenced the monitoring data quality obtained from the “The Environment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Northern, Middle, and Southern Area of Taiwan” program. This year, the monitoring data quality had already been reviewed and the related reports were submitted to Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) each month. The implementations of management, evaluating and analysis of data quality of environmental water were also finished, including stipulating the quality goals of monitoring data, reviewing and audition of the Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) and Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) for the proposal “The Environment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Northern, Middle, and Southern Area of Taiwan”. Also attended the working conferences of the plan, executing checking in on site sampling work for 175 times / 496 monitoring stations and in laboratories for 103 times / 116 person-times, held blind tests for 4 times, assessed the technology of sampling staffs and set up the list of qualified personnel, set up the qualified tabulation for measuring instruments used in sampling field. In addition, we appointed a professional person to keep in touch with EPA for checking the water quality monitoring programs. In establishing environmental water quality monitoring annual report and information-services, we offering environmental water quality monitoring annual report and assisting with establishing environmental water quality monitoring e-annual report. During the executive process of this plan, it was requirement that the improvement and the necessarily processing program should be implemented by the contractors while a fault that might influence the quality of monitoring data was made from them. Moreover, from the executive result of this work, it revealed that the quality of data could be held effectively while personnel's technology and instrumental quality had been required rationally in advance. Generally speaking, besides of cooperating with this plan, if the contractors could strengthen self-checking even more, the promotion of the quality of monitoring data would be more efficient. 100 監資處 正修科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27385
100至101年環境水質中區監測計畫(100年度) 本計畫主要針對中區五縣市各類水體水質監測,掌握各水體水質隨時間的變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。河川水質計有19條河川主支流,73個監測站,每月監測一次。河川水質監測結果,今年度西湖溪流域、大安溪與大甲溪流域水質狀況較佳,全年屬未(稍)受污染等級達90.9% 以上,而鹿港溪、新虎尾溪及北港溪流域屬中度污染至嚴重等級佔較高比例。中區河川大致以上游水質較佳,下游氨氮污染濃度較高。今年度6月至10月份中部地區累積降雨量較高,河道受沖刷影響,造成部分河川懸浮固體偏高,如烏溪流域、濁水溪流域及新虎尾溪流域及北港溪流域等,水質狀況不佳。濁水溪流域因流經地質特性之故,水質於平日即呈現灰色混濁。整體而言,今年度中部地區河川水水質屬未(稍)受污染等級佔最高比例為49.3%,中度污染等級佔次高比例32.0%,水質狀況今年度略為轉差。海域水質方面監測結果與海域海洋環境品質標準進行比較,新竹香山沿海、台中港沿海及彰濱沿海屬乙類海域環境水體,雲林沿海海域屬於甲類海域環境水體,今年度監測結果均符合所屬分類海域海洋環境品質標準。第二季監測期間浮游生物生長旺盛,部份測站葉綠素 a 測值出現歷年最高值,第二、三季水質狀況大多較第一、四季為佳,整體水質趨勢與歷年相似。海灘水質監測崎頂與通霄海水浴場,由今年度9次監測結果顯示,崎頂與通霄海水浴場水質狀況較歷年佳,水質分級結果屬優良級比例分別為100% 與89%,海灘水質易受降雨及河川匯流之影響,造成水質結果變動。水庫水質計有8座水庫,每季監測一次。由今年度監測結果顯示,日月潭水庫各監測項目均符合甲類陸域地面水體水質標準。中區水庫水質以日月潭水庫、德基水庫及霧社水質較佳,為貧養至普養等級( 75% 至 25% );其次為頭社水庫,為貧養至普養等級( 25% 至75%);永和山水庫今年度均呈普養等級( 100% );明德水庫與鯉魚潭水庫普養至優養等級( 75% 至25% );而以大埔水庫水質最差,屬優養等級(100%)。地下水水質監測計有 5 縣市,97個監測井,由今年度監測結果顯示,超過地下水第二類監測標準之項目與歷年結果相近,主要以氨氮、鐵及錳為主。地下水揮性有機物僅一口監測井之三氯乙烯測項超過地下水第二類污染管制標準。整體以彰化縣及雲林縣境內監測井之氨氮測值,較其他縣市之測值為高,應是該區域之地質特性因素所致。各監測井之水質,以Stiff水質形狀圖方式評估,屬Ca2+及HCO3-凸出型佔最高比例,為 59.1 %,Piper圖解則屬I區佔最高比例,為 51.1 %,與歷年評析結果大致呈現一致趨勢。 The Environment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Middle Area of Taiwan from 2011 to 2012 ( The aim of this project was to monitor the water quality of rivers, oceans, reservoirs and groundwater in the five counties located in the central part of Taiwan, to properly understand the changing trend of water quality in those types of water bodies over the passage of time, and evaluate and analyze the pollution to all water bodies to provide information for the Environmental Protection Organization to devise a pollution control policy.A total of 73 water-monitoring stations spread among the 19 rivers was established, and the water quality monitoring result was set to be once per month. The data obtained for this year showed that the water quality of the Si-hu, Da-an and Dajia River Basins had improved, with this year’s proportion of more than 90.9% having no (or slight) pollution. Meanwhile, the Lu-gang, Sin-huwei and Bei-gang River Basins had a higher percentage, ranging from medium to high levels of pollution. As for the rivers in the central regions, the up-stream water quality was generally superior, while the down-stream ammonia and nitrogen concentrations were higher. From June to October this year, higher rainfall had accumulated in the central region of Taiwan, where riverbeds were washed away, resulting in slightly higher concentrations of suspended solids in some rivers, such as the Wu River Basin, Jhuoshuei River Basin, Sin-huwei River Basin and Bei-gang River Basin, deteriorating their water quality. Because of geological characteristics in the Zhuoshui River Basin, water quality was grey and murky on regular days. On the whole, 49.3% of the 19 rivers surveyed this year were found to have no (or slight) pollution and 32.0% were found to have medium pollution levels. The water quality this year slightly deteriorated.The monitored result of water quality in oceans was compared with the standard of environmental quality of seas and oceans. The water quality of offshore Hsiang-shan (Hsinchu County), Taichung Harbor and Chang-hwa Coastal area was rated as Class-B ocean environment water body, and offshore Yun-lin was rated Class-A ocean environment water body. The results monitored this year were satisfactory to quality standard for the marine environment quality for categorized sea waters. During the second season of monitoring, abundant plankton growth was found, and Chlorophyll A values detected by some monitoring stations was the highest when compared to the past years. Water quality in the second and third seasons was better than that in the first and fourth seasons. On the whole, the trend of water quality was similar to past years.Water quality of Chi-ting and Tung-hsiao Beach was monitored. The area was monitored nine times this year and results showed that the water quality of Chi-ting and Tung-hsiao Beach was better than past years. The ratios of those rated superior are 100% and 89% respectively. The water quality of beaches may be affected by rainfall and merging river flows, resulting in changes to their water quality.The water quality of eight reservoirs was monitored once each season. The results show that the water quality of the Sun-Moon Lake Reservoir was the best among all dams monitored, which meets the water quality criteria of Class-A. In terms of the water quality of reservoirs in central Taiwan, the water quality of the Sun Moon Lake Reservoir, Te-Chi Reservoir and Wushe was rated higher at oligotrophe to mesotrophe all year round (75%-25%); followed by the Tou-She Reservoir having a rating of oligotrophe to mesotrophe (25%-75%). The water quality of Yong-he-shan Reservoir was rated at mesotrophe (100%) this year; the Ming-te Reservoir and Li-yu-tan Reservoir were rated at mesotrophe to eutrophe (75%-25%), while the Ta-pu Reservoir had the worst water quality rated at eutrophe (100%).The monitoring of underground water quality was conducted through 97 wells spread across five counties. The data obtained this year showed that, items exceeding underground water Class-B monitoring criteria were about the same as results found in previous years, mainly ammonia nitrogen, iron, and manganese. Of the volatile organic compounds in the underground water, only the trichloroethylene in one monitored well exceeded the Underground Water Class B Contaminant Control Standards. On the whole, only the measured ammonia nitrogen values in wells in Changhua County and Yunlin County were higher than in other counties, which may be due to local geological characteristics. According to the assessment of water quality of all monitored wells, using Stiff-plotting analysis, the highest percentage was 59.1% for Ca2+ and HCO3- , while the Piper-plotting method showed that Area I had the highest percentage, which was 51.1%. The trend was found to be consistent with the results of analysis conducted in the past years. 100 監資處 清華科技檢驗股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28449
「彰化縣洋子厝溪流域人工濕地生態淨水系統及舊濁水溪流域污染削減處理設施之操作維護管理計畫」 彰化縣環境保護局為改善彰化縣境內的水體,分別於舊濁水溪流域與洋子厝溪流域設置以自然生態技術為處理程序的現地處理設施。本計畫主要目的為持續維護管理已興建完成2場址-彰化縣洋子厝溪流域人工濕地生態淨水系統(以下簡稱南勢場址)及舊濁水溪流域污染削減處理設施(以下簡稱溪湖場址)之水質改善,並維持設施持續運作,提升場址水質淨化成效,強化鄰近社區民眾水污染防治及水資源保護觀念,提供彰化縣民眾清淨好水的環境。其主要成果如下:(一) 完成每月1次水質採樣分析,並進行水質淨化績效評析,包括南勢場址2處、溪湖場址7處,共計5次。(二) 完成1次南勢場址全區底泥沉積量評估及清理。(三) 完成3次溪湖場址淨化渠道維護。(四) 舉辦1場次教育宣導活動。(五) 製作宣導用品300份。(六) 維護2場址之宣導網頁。(七) 提供租賃車輛1部,共計90日。(八) 每月維護1次舊濁水溪監視系統,共計5次。(九) 修正2場址之操作維護管理手冊。 Management and Operation Project for Yangzaicuo River Basin Constructed Wetland & Jioujhuoshuei River Basin Pollution Reduction Facility Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of Changhua County conducted this project for continuing operation and maintenance of Yangzaicuo River Basin Constructed Wetland (Nan-Shih site) and Jioujhuoshuei River Basin pollution reduction facility (Xi-Hu site) The purpose is to keep their normal performance in wastewater treatment, improve water quality of bodies of receiving water, enhance the additional benefits on environmental education and landscape esthetics, raisins public awareness on water pollution control and water resource conservation, and provide a good water environment for people in Changhua county. Several tasks have been accomplished as follows:A. Monthly sample collection for water analysis from the two sites for evaluating the effectiveness of water treatment performance.B. Removing and disposing the pre-settled sludge and estimating its formation amount in Nan-Shih site.C. Maintain facility in Xi-Hu site three times.D. Exhibit an educational campain activity.E. Provide 300 gifts for campaign activity.F. Provide a rental car for 90 days.G. Maintain both websites of Nan-Shih and Xi-Hu site.H. Maintain monitoring system monthly in the Jioujhuoshuei River coast.I. Revising the operation and maintenance guidelines. 100 彰化縣環境保護局 嘉南藥理科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36486
應用雷達衛星監控海洋污染計畫 強化應用衛星監控海上油污染之國際合作、蒐集先進國家衛星遙測油污染監測技術、研擬國內應用雷達衛星監測油污染技術之策略,以有效釐清油污染排放責任及協助損害評估,近而捍衛我國周圍海域環境品質。 The Project of Application of Radar Satellite Image on Monitoring Ocean Pollution Strengthen the application on monitoring ocean oil pollution with international cooperation, collecting satellite image and remote sensing techniques on monitoring oil pollution from advanced country, and to develop the strategy of applying radar satellite image on monitoring oil pollution in order to clarify the oil polluted responsible and assist on evaluating the damaged, then finally to protect the environmental quality nearby Taiwan surrounding oceans. 100 水保處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=27263
100年度基隆市柴油車排煙稽查管制計畫 因歷年計畫執行成效顯著,有效減少轄區內因柴油車所造成之空氣污染,故基隆市環保局持續於本年度執行「100年度基隆市柴油車排煙稽查管制計畫」,持續推動各項相關業務,其主要工作為柴油車排煙檢測,本項作業著重於檢驗的正確性及品質,在排氣檢驗前,須就可能影響檢驗數據之因素,進行通盤性的瞭解及管制,如儀器檢校、電腦取值及操作程序等,再訂定校正及操作的標準作業程序,以作為檢驗員執行檢驗的依循。檢驗之數據經品保人員查核確認後,再存檔建立於受檢車輛資料庫中,並經由公路監理資訊網路,執行車輛禁動解動的工作;另為瞭解柴油車污染分布的狀況及列管不合格柴油車,亦可由受檢柴油車資料庫之統計分析中,獲得柴油車廠牌及年份等與污染物之間的關係,以提供適當建議,作為未來訂定稽查方向等相關管制策略的參考。另配合行政院環保署推動柴油車之污染改善,由柴油車污染改善技術豐富的人員,提供客貨運業者相關改善技術諮詢,並列管追蹤;至於車用油品含硫量抽驗方面,由環保署認證合格之檢驗單位,進行油品採樣分析,並對抽驗不合格之油品業者進行輔導改善,促其油品符合標準範圍,降低車輛污染的情況。 100 基隆市環境保護局 得眾環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45778
100年度「露天燃燒及餐飲業臭味污染等高陳情事件稽查管制與污染減量行動計畫」 為了配合行政改革新方案、加強為民服務,更積極有效處理民眾陳情案件,提昇陳情處理效率而執行「宜蘭縣100年度露天燃燒及餐飲業臭味污染等高陳情事件稽查管制與污染減量行動計畫」,希望能透過本計畫發揮為民服務之最大成效。一、加強異味污染源稽查管制工作,透過輔導降低異味陳情事件。二、建立餐飲業基本資料庫,並針對油煙污染量較大之餐飲業及被陳情餐飲業,藉由稽巡查方式,再輔以協談減量及現場輔導,促使業者進行污染改善作業,降低污染排放,進而提昇本縣環境生活品質。三、專案性進行龍德及利澤工業區臭異味污染管制作業,並研擬相關改善措施。四、藉由稽查管制及法令宣導,協助餐飲業者建立正確污染防制觀念,與法規動向,避免觸法。五、針對露天燃燒日夜間稽巡查及宣導作業,有效降低露天燃燒發生案件並改善陳情案件頻率,降低露天燃燒之污染量排放。六、掌握露天燃燒之污染,並透過宣導與教育減少露天燃燒之發生。七、辦理2場次以上環保寺廟示範推廣宣導,並提高紙錢集中焚燒比例。八、與轄內農會建立合作管道,掌握農民稻草翻耕利用或移地再利用現況,推廣轄內稻草再利用比例至少達80%。九、針對容易發生露天燃燒之地點及時段,建立機巡查與通報體系,以有效降低露天燃燒行為之發生。十、另為輔導與宣導轄區內稻草再利用使用率,建立「稻草再利用交換平台」供各界參考。 100 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 創迅科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32774
100年固定污染源許可制度及空氣污染防制費催繳稽查管制計畫 本項計畫為延續性之管制計畫,計畫執行主要分為三個部分:一、執行各類空氣污染物污染減量工作,包括硫氧化物、氮氧化物、粒狀污染物及揮發性有機物等;二、落實固定污染源許可管理工作;三、擴大經濟誘因策略,包括空污費收費、獎勵、及補助。以掌握本縣固定污染源污染特性及排放現況,並協助擬定固定污染源空氣污染管制策略及行動方案,進而維護本縣空氣品質。本計畫之執行期程自100/3/23至101/3/22止,共計12個月,各項作業執行進度皆依預定行程執行,執行內容包括:資料庫維護更新與管理、執行許可制度(包含審查作業及查核作業)、辦理空污費催補繳、審查及查核、執行排放量網路申報審核、工業區查核作業、活性碳效率驗證及廢棄活性碳查核、辦理各類宣導說明會等工作項目。計畫執行期間固定源列管2,750家,列管製程數以機械設備製造修配業、紡織、印染業、化學製品製造業居多。在計畫期間針對環保署指定200家進行清查作業,查核結果同時回饋至固定源系統及環保署「排放量管理計畫」進而更新TEDS7.1版本資料,另統計計畫執行期間空氣污染物年排放量分別為:粒狀污染物3923.657公噸/年,硫氧化物18256.971公噸/年,氮氧化物19815.323公噸/年,揮發性有機物8869.812公噸/年。本年度重點工作為工業區查核管制作業,篩選中壢工業區及觀音工業區進行現場清普查724家,現階段掌握中壢工業區總進駐廠家為657家,已清普查497家,掌握率為76%,觀音工業區進駐家數為255家,已清普查227家,掌握率為89%,針對該部分也查獲13家新增列管之公私場所應納入空污費管制及申請操作許可證。而活性碳吸附設備之效率驗證作業共計查核16家30個設備,整體改善率87%,包括廢棄活性碳暫存未妥善處理,而造成脫附,估算未依規定換碳期間,其VOC逸散量1041.35公斤。另本年度配合環保局查獲華亞汽電、永豐餘新屋廠及南亞錦興廠傳送不實CEMS數據,至以2倍係數重新估算5年空污費,並分別已繳交6億6851萬2644元、1070萬4966元及1億7930萬3039元,其中永豐餘新屋廠係申請分期付款,另二廠則是一次繳清。其它具體工作成果包括:完成250家維護更新作業、完成許可審查1566個製程並核發1048張許可證、完成214個製程許可查核作業、掌握1,335家空污費徵收對象並執行415件催補繳(42,753,635元)及644家次之空污費現場查核、完成99年第4季~100年第3季空污費審核、核收結算等工作,各項相關作業內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。建議計畫執行仍可就以下項目採取較精進之做法,包括: 加強生煤管制,提升後續資料分析之效率,建議建立生煤資料整合系統,將空污費、排放量、操作許可資料、定檢資料等進行整合,提供更快速、方便、確實及合理的資訊,作為策略擬定之參考。 針對空污費收費方式及排放量申報基準,建議環保署應盡快整合排放量計算方式,而讓空氣污染物排放量確認,除空污費收費更為精準,其他污染管制規劃也更有依據。 The project was a continuous control project, whose execution could be mainly divided into three parts: I. Execution of pollution reduction work of all kinds of air pollutant such as sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, particulate pollutant, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs); II. Carrying out the permit management work of fixed pollution source; III. The strategy of magnifying economic incentives, including air pollution fee charging, encouragement and reward, and subsidy; in order to grasp the pollution characteristics of fixed pollution source in the county as well as the present condition of emission, assist to draw up the air pollution control strategy of fixed pollution source and the action project, and maintain the county’s air quality further. The project was executed from Mar. 23, 2011 to Mar. 22, 2012, twelve months in total. The rate of progress of each operation was executed in accordance with the predetermined schedule, and the content included: data maintenance, renewal, and management, execution of permit system (containing examination operations and inspection operations), handling air pollution fee payment urging and supplementary payment, examination and inspection, execution of emission online report examination, industrial park inspection operations, active carbon efficiency verification and spent active carbon inspection, and managing all kinds of publicity explanatory meeting.2,750 factories were ranked under fixed source control during the project’s execution, and within the control list of manufacturing process, most of them were of machinery equipment manufacturing and repairing industry, textile industry, printing and dyeing industry, and chemical product manufacturing industry. The project aimed at 200 factories appointed by Environmental Projection Administration (EPA) to do thorough checking, with checking results being simultaneously fed back to fixed source system and EPA’s “emission control project,” and thus TEDS7.1 version data were updated. Moreover, the statistical annual air pollutant emission quantities of the project were 3923.657 tons/ year for particulate pollutant, 18256.971 tons/ year for sulfur oxide, 19815.323 tons/ year for nitrogen oxide, and 8869.812 for VOCs. The annual key work was inspection and control operations of industrial park. Through screening, the project selected 724 factories from Jhongli Industrial Park and Guanyin Industrial Park to do the on-site thorough checking and general survey. In present stage under comprehension, the total stationed factories in Jhongli Industrial Park were 657 factories, 497 factories had finished the thorough checking and general survey, ad the grasp rate was 76%; the total stationed factories in Guanyin Industrial Park were 255 factories, 227 factories had finished the thorough checking and general survey, ad the grasp rate was 89%; aiming at the said part, the project also discovered 13 newly-increased public and private places ranked under control that should be contained into air pollution fee control and should apply for operating permit. As for the efficiency verification operations of active carbon absorption equipment, 30 pieces of equipment from 16 factories were inspected, and the overall improvement rate was 87%; including the spent active carbon that was stored temporarily but the proper treatment of it had not been done and thus causing desorption, the estimated emissions of VOCs during the period of not changing the (active) carbon in accordance with the regulations were 1041.35 kg. Besides, cooperating with the Environmental Protection Bureau, in this year the project discovered that Huaya Power, YFY Hsinwu Mill, and Nan Ya Plastic Jinsing Plant sent untruthful CEMS data, so that the five-year air pollution fee was re-computed with two times of coefficient; they had paid NTD 668,512,644, NTD 10,704,966, and NTD 179,303,039 respectively; among them, YFY Hsinwu Mill applied for paying by installments, and the other two factories did the lump-sum payment. Other concrete work achievements included: completion of maintenance and renewal operations of 250 factories, completion of permit examination of 1566 manufacturing processes and issuing 1048 permits, completion of permit inspection operations of 214 manufacturing processes, grasping of 1,335 air pollution fee imposed objects and execution of payment urging and supplementary payment of 415 factories (NTD 42,753,635) and air pollution fee on-site inspection of 644 factories, completion of air pollution fee examination, approval, checkup, and settlement of 2010/ Q4~ 2011/ Q3. The content of relevant operations and detailed achievements were described in chapters and sections of the report respectively. We suggest that the project execution can still adopt the relatively more advanced method regarding the items as follows, including:  To strengthen the bituminous coal control, and elevate the subsequent data analysis efficiency; we suggest establishing the bituminous coal data integration system to integrate air pollution fee, emission, operating permit data, and regular testing data, in order to provide faster, more convenient, more reliable, and more reasonable information as reference of drawing up the strategies.  Aiming at air pollution fee charging way and emission report standard, we suggest EPA shall integrate the emission quantity calculation method as soon as possible, so as to confirm air pollutant emissions; in this way, besides that the air pollution fee charging can be more precise, other pollution control planning will have more solid basis. 100 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37321
環境影響評估景觀美質評估技術規範推動計畫 本計畫透過回顧景觀評估相關文獻與分類範疇及界定操作方法,收集英美加三國景觀美質評估機制,並檢視近三年來各類型環評計畫中景觀美質評估之操作模式檢視,後續透過五場會議,廣泛收集景觀相關領域專家學者與業界意見,進行景觀美質評估技術規範(草案)之建立,並研擬出景觀美質評估作業操作方法,利用此操作方法進行六項示範案例之操作,確立操作步驟之可行性與進行適度的調整及修正,並嘗試加入景觀變化程度之計算與加入民眾參與機制,減少以往景觀評估主觀性過高之爭議,可使景觀美質評估之執行成效更能適地適性。 The plan of Landscape Assessment Guidelines under Environment Impact assessment This project is a basic research of the “Landscape Assessment Guidelines” (draft). This plan reviewed landscape assessment relevant literature, which included landscape aesthetic theories, landscape types, and standards of operation from British, American, and Canadian scenic beauty assessment mechanism. Furthermore, we examined the operating modes and contents of different types of domestic Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) plans in the past three years. We also conducted five consult meetings to collect opinions of landscape scholars and experts. Finally, six landscape impact assessment case studies were demonstrated to adjust and modify the procedures of the technique regulation. The results proposed to evaluate the degree of landscape changes and to reinforce public participation to reduce subjective landscape assessment controversy. The landscape assessment is becoming more appropriate, adaptive and effective to implement. 100 綜計處 中華民國景觀學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43108
南部地區河川污染整治與水質改善策略規劃及執行計畫 本計畫延續行政院環保署99年「南部地區河川污染整治推動、輔導及評析計畫」,持續分析南部八縣市轄區內5大重點河川(急水溪、鹽水溪、二仁溪、阿公店溪及愛河)每月水質定檢成果,並進行2次支流排水補充調查,以檢討其分年分期整治成效。此外,本計畫亦邀請重點河川流域內相關單位進行多次跨局處河川污染整治協調會議,藉由會議辦理凝聚各單位之共識,共同為河川污染整治努力。除5大重點河川流域外,本計畫亦針對南部八縣市優先整治河川(澎湖縣以水庫為主)之水質改善計畫及未來4年整治目標進行滾動式管理,並協助環保署及縣市政府進行河川環境績效指標評鑑,藉由評鑑成果瞭解各縣市政府於河川污染整治計畫執行進度及推動成效。政府行政管理及相關整治策略訂定為河川污染整治相當重要之一環,然民眾參與亦可為河川整治提供相當大之助益。爰此,本計畫於二仁溪太爺溼地舉辦一場次河川環境教育宣導活動,藉由舉辦活動讓民眾瞭解河川污染整治之成效,並增加民眾參與河川整治之意願,冀望達到河川「不缺氧、不發臭及水岸活化」之最終目標。 Strategy Planning and Implementation of River Rehabilitation and Water Quality Improvement in Southe This project is the continuing action of “Implementation, Assistance and Evaluation Project on River Pollution Control in Southern Taiwan, 2009,” sponsored by the Taiwan EPA. In order to review the treatment effect by stages, water quality of five major rivers and their tributaries was analyzed each month, including Ji-Shuei River, Yan-Shuei River, Er-Jen River, A-Gung-Dian River, and Love River. In addition, related government units were invited to join the coordination conferences for many times so that they can come up with effective strategies of river rehabilitation through united efforts. In terms of water quality improvement of the “priority rivers”(mainly the reservoir in Penghu county) in southern Taiwan and the treatment target during the next four years, rolling managerial philosophy was utilized. Moreover, we assisted the EPA and local environmental protection bureaus (EPB) to complete the river evaluation, which results can help to understand the degree of the process and the promotion effect. It is quite important for government to draw up strategies of the river restoration and efficient administrative management. Yet, the public participation can also provide a huge benefit. As such, a garden party in Taiye Wetland near Er-Jen River to promote the public understanding and participation in river restoration and improvement was held in Jiayi so that the ultimate goal “no oxygen deficiency, no odor problem and waterfront activation”, can eventually be achieved. 100 水保處 京華工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32049
花蓮縣養豬業廢水臭味管制與改善計畫 1. 辦理聯合稽查作業。2. 背景資料收集與彙整。3. 臭味來源檢測與調查。4. 辦理改善宣導、示範及觀摩會。 100 花蓮縣環境保護局 新紀工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=32349
100年推動環境保護有功團體及人員遴選表揚 本計畫配合主辦單位的工作內容、需求及時程,已完成辦理「100年推動環境保護有功團體及義工人員」、「第20屆全國環境保護模範社區」及「100年推動環境保護有功學校、教師及學生社團」遴選表揚各項工作,包含整理編製被推薦者、入選者及獲獎者資料,並協助召開評審會議、規劃安排進行實地訪查及辦理決選會議、編製9類獲獎者績優環保事蹟實錄(含光碟片)、製作獎盃及獎狀、頒獎典禮(計2場次,含午餐安排)及安排晉見 副總統等工作事項。 2011 Meritorious corporations and promote environmental protection for personnel selection Organizers of this project with the contents of the work, demand a timely way, has been completed the selection work for "Year 2011 promoting environmental protection groups and volunteers ", " Year 2011 National Environmental Protection Professional Medal"," Year 2011 National Environmental Protection community" and "Year 2011 promote environmental protection meritorious schools、teachers and students". Including compiled the information of the recommendations、nominee and winner. Scheduled the field visiting arrangement、arranged the reviewing and final election meeting、compiled nine categories of environmental performances record (including CD-ROM), produced Award Cups and certificates of awards (in two meetings included lunch arrangement ) and arranged the meeting with the Vice President, etc. 100 綜計處 豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=28083
嘉義縣100年度空氣品質管理發展計畫 100 嘉義縣環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30960