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屏東地區登革熱病媒蚊孳生源清除與教育宣導工作 本年度屏東地區登革熱病媒蚊孳生源清除與教育宣導工作計畫,進行屏東縣613里調查30650家戶,共出動之1250人次工作,發現有117905個人工容器,積水率為15.4%,但登革熱病媒蚊密度等級為一級以下。除了登革熱病媒蚊孳生源清除、教育宣導與稽查工作外,另配合參與環保局、衛生局與衛生署疾病管制局的登革熱病媒蚊孳生源清除與宣導教育講座,擔任四場次的講師,且參與多次聯繫會議商討防治措施。 The Source Reduction and Health Education of Dengue Vectors in Pingtung Area The project from EPA in 2003 was conducted for the source reduction and health education of dengue vectors in Pingtung area. There are 613 counties and totally 30650 households being visited. Under 1250 man-work of this year, the 117905 containers were detected, in which 15% with water in them. However, the index of density of vector mosquites kept under level 1. In addition to the source reductiona and health education, we were involved in the eduction, symposiums as well as discussions held by local environment bureau, health bureau, and CDC. We also participated the consultation for the control of vector mosquitoes in Pingtung area. 092 毒管處 屏東科技大學植物保護系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2390
推動我國產業環境會計制度 產業環境保護支出對國家及企業是重要的環境管理決策參考資訊,完整的產業環境保護支出資料,可瞭解產業界對環保投入的程度,提供政府擬定環保及財政經濟政策重要的參考,並藉以合理分配有限的經濟資源,以提升台灣經濟發展過程中環保的整體績效。行政院環境保護署於91年完成產業環境會計制度之架構及內容,包括定義、會計科目、分類項目、輸出入表單等,並編印作業手冊,有助於產業環境保護支出衡量問題的解決。<br>環保署於本﹙92﹚年度委託國立交通大學辦理「推動我國產業環境會計制度」計畫,以國營事業及高污染性產業為優先對象,藉由網站架設、研習會、種子營及觀摩會的舉辦、廠商的輔導等工作項目推動環境會計制度,並提出檢討及評估後續推動方法與事項。<br>為了宣導環境會計制度的各項活動及成果,架設「環境會計制度」網站,內容包括最新消息、年度計畫、國內外個案研究、推廣活動、活動照片、國內外參考文獻、國內外相關網站連結等,以擴大普及性,利於國際交流。<br>為促使瞭解本制度之內容與效益,減少企業推行環境會計的阻力,於永光化學、正隆紙業公司舉辦二場高階主管研習會。參加廠商包括台電、中油、自來水等5家國營事業,統一、台塑等25家民營廠商,參加人數共64人,其中台電公司已成為本計畫輔導對象,另中油公司表達將規劃明﹙93﹚年推動建置環境會計制度,台塑公司則指出環境會計制度相關知識在中南部的不足,並建議於中南部舉辦相關活動。<br>為加速環境會計制度在企業之有效推廣,以環境及會計專職人員為優先對象,於永光化學、正隆紙業公司舉辦二場環境會計人員種子營,參加人數共66人。本活動除了個案的討論講授外,也強調現場實地參訪,使參加者瞭解制度設計與實際作業之結合。<br>為以實際案例示範,並藉此檢視改善現有規劃制度的內容,輔導台灣電力及富積電子等二家公司試行本制度。台電公司為國內大型企業之一,本年以其興達火力發電廠為示範輔導對象,未來擴充至全公司,將有助於國內環境保護品質之提升。該公司將財務資訊及效益一併規劃實施,對本制度未來發展建立重要參考模式。富積電子公司為日本富士通轉投資FDK之子公司,屬於中型企業的規模,本制度能與該公司綠色供應鏈結合,其推動經驗可成為國內中小企業參考範例及與日本交流之平台。<br>為將規劃、推動環境會計制度的經驗及成果廣為發表,於裕隆公司三義廠舉辦一場環境會計制度成果觀摩會,參加人數計42人,參與成果發表計永光化學、正隆紙業、台灣電力及富積電子等四家公司,並現場導覽裕隆公司環境活動,及環境保護效益之具體事證。<br>本計畫除完成網站架設、二場研習會、二場種子營、二家廠商的輔導、一場觀摩會等五項工作外,並提出十項檢討與建議。 Promote & Develop of Industry Environment Accounting System In 2002, Environment Protection Administration not only accomplished the environment accounting system, but also defined the spending for environment protection, the accounting items , the ways to prepare the report, the flow charts and ways of booking all kind of forms. Each one has its own dedicated and completed specifications. The generated message of environmental finance can help the industry to evaluate the spending of environment protection and the solutions of problems.<br>National Chiao Tung University was authorized by Environment Protection Administration to promote the Environment Accounting System in Taiwan in 2003. <br>First of all is to construct the website of Environment Protection Accounting system.<br>The second is work shops: two work shops were hold for high level managers. <br>The third work is training camp of the environment accounting system. <br>The fourth work item is to assist two companies:Taiwan Power Co. and Fuji Electronic Company, to implement this system.<br>The fifth work is to have a demo for the achievement of implementation of this system. From the achievement demonstration can share how the planning and promotion of environment accounting system. <br>This project also brought out 10 review comments and recommendations. 092 統計室 國立交通大學管理科學系﹙所﹚ http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2324
運用紅外光遙測技術執行石化工業區污染監測計畫 本計畫利用FTIR執行林園、大社及六輕等石化工業區周圍地區揮發性有機空氣污染物監測並督導工廠污染改善,同時應用FTIR可快速多物種分析的特性,協助突發事故現場空氣品質調查。在量測項目方面,已完成林園、大社及六輕工業區周圍地區共12個村落,上、下半年共計24條測線之量測,另完成清大化學系與頭份廢溶劑儲槽廠火災之突發事故現場空品調查。在創新作法方面,今年度利用OP-FTIR於下風處量測個別VOC之濃度,配合大氣擴散條件,估算石化工業區個別VOC之排放量,以評估污染減量與成本節省之效益。在量測結果方面,利用FTIR於石化工業區周圍地區進行多點之長時間連續量測,已建置完成各工業區特徵污染物清單,並釐清各工業區主要有害及臭味物種,以供後續管制之參考。各工業區所排放之有害及臭味物種,林園工業區以丁二烯與醋酸乙烯酯為主,大社工業區以丁二烯、丁酮、及二甲基甲醯胺為主,而六輕工業區之有害空氣污染物則以二氯甲烷為主。 在減量成效方面,依據「污染程度與協談方式分級制度」,本計畫已督導8家工廠進行污染改善,其中1家已規劃興建空氣污染防治設備預計明年完工,屆時將可有效改善大社工業區周圍地區之有害及臭味污染問題。 The application of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)remote sensing techniques in measuring air pollutants in petrochemical industrial parks The project is to apply FTIR remote sensing techniques to continuously monitor VOCs emissions from petrochemical industrial parks. The main purpose is to identify types and sources of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and odor substances, so that consequent pollution reduction measures can be taken. In addition, as FTIR has unique advantages of rapid, continuous, measuring compounds simultaneously, highly sensitive, and long distance measurement, it has become a useful tool for air quality investigation during chemical accidents. There were total 12 villages nearby the three petrochemical parks being measured by FTIR. Air quality investigations of two chemical accidents occurring in National Tsing Hua University and Tofen Industrial park were also complete in January and August respectively. The project has established the pollution inventory for three petrochemical industrial parks, and clarified the major HAPs and odor substance. Ten factories were identified as having accidental releases with chemicals including hydrogen cyanide, N,N-dimethyl formamide, 2-butanone, 1,3-butadiene, vinyl acetate, acrylonitrile, ethylene oxide, dichloromethane, ethylene and acetylene. Having the major emission sources identified, each factory was required to explain the cause of releases, and meanwhile propose a pollution reduction plan. A factory with insufficient efficiency on its VOCs abatement system was identified to continuously emit a great amount of HAPs and odor. The factory is planning to construct a RTO system to reduce the amount of HAPs and odor being emitted to the air. Emission rate calculation method was applied to evaluate economic benefits derived from pollution reduction to encourage further pollution prevention or control measures to be taken. Calculating emission rates has assisted the factories to better understand the amount of loses related to accidental releases. 092 空保處 工業技術研究院環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2318
中區毒災應變諮詢中心專案計畫 本年度(92年)為中區毒災應變諮詢中心成立之第二年度,提供中區縣市政府及事業單位毒化物防災諮詢、教育訓練與宣導、兩小時內立即到場的緊急應變、救災諮詢、監測採樣及災後除污等協助,以降低及減少毒性化學物質災害與影響為設立目標。本中心成立以來完成本年度工作包括:1.評估TIM化學品使用於國內恐怖攻擊的可能性,並建立本土化緊急處理程序。完成持久性有機污染物資訊摘要翻譯16篇。蒐集國外毒化物運輸產業(槽車、鋼瓶、桶槽等)毒災事故訓練實場之設置相關資料。2.辦理中區專家應變研習會議、槽車及管線洩漏止漏之教育訓練、辦理組訓及動員講習活動各2場次、編撰完成現場標準作業程序三教材、專家赴現場支援教材等教材。配合中區各縣市環保單位完成36場次無預警測試。3.中心全年無休二十四小時執勤待命,於本年度諮詢案例合計一般諮詢58件、緊急諮詢36件、到場支援12件、FTIR環境監測8場次、毒災事故現場周界濃度監測3場次,並辦理10場次毒災模擬演練。完成25家環境介質背景採樣分析,25廠家運作氯及1,32丁二烯檢核輔導及後果分析。4.本中心更新防救手冊及緊急應變卡等資料,完成更新比對中區毒化物運作廠家資料,並建置視訊影像監控與錄存系統,完成及發送中心宣導品6,000份以上。 The 2003 Annual Report for the Middle Region Information Center of Emergency Response for Toxic Chemical Incident This is the second year of the establishment for the Information Center of Emergency Center at the National Yulin University of Science and Technology (YERIC). The purpose for the Center is to reduce effects of incident by toxic chemicals. The services include the consultation of disaster prevention and mitigation; training, education, and promotion; assistance on emergency response, monitoring and sampling; and decontamination, etc. The achievements of this year include the follows.1.Evaluate possible chemicals used by the terriers and establishment of response principles; Collect and translate 16 articles on persist organic pesticides; Collect the information regarding the transportation training fields.2.Hold expert training, tank car response, mutual aid groups and governmental training twice for each courses; complete standard response procedures and expert training guidebooks; assistant the local agency (Environmental Protection Bureau of local government) to finish 36 un-warning tests on the manufactures.3.On-duty 24 hours with 58 general advising, 36 emergency consultation, with 12 on-site emergency service. Complete 3 emergency site monitoring tasks, 8 sites of FTIR environmental monitoring and 25 sites of environmental sampling and analysis. Assistant in 10 HAZMAT exercises and complete 25 site-visits with operation checks and consequence analysis.4.Renew emergency response guidebook, HAZMAT cards, manufacture information; set up TV monitoring and recording system; provide and distribute 6000 general promotion materials to increase public awareness on HAZMAT operation and incident response. 092 毒管處 洪肇嘉 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2316
相招作伙打造美家園活動 92.11.12於社子島辦理中華民國環保義工日活動,當日全國各縣市義工代表團隊於社子花市集合,並與當地各區接待團隊共同結盟,相招作伙.聚集群體力量,以提攜社子島地區民眾參與義工行動,一起進行環境綠美化.編製竹籬笆.掃街.撿除垃圾及河灘地生態復育等工作,為當地公共空間打造清淨美麗家園. National Environmental Protection Volunteer s Day On the National Environmental Protection Volunteers Day on Nov.12, 2003, over 700 people gathered in Shei-zu Island, Taipei to joint effort in the ~“Caring for our Environment ~ the Action of cleaning, planting & beatifying our Home-yards”. 365 Volunteers came form 25 Cities & Counties in Taiwan, and 360 residents have swept the roadsides along the 3km main street, trimmed hedges and planted flowerbeds at 33 points, and have helped regenerating greeneries by planting along a section of Keelung riverside. During the Ceremony, the EPA director accented the meanings of the “Caring for our Environment Action”, and honored the representatives from each city for their long-term efforts. More people everywhere to joint the Volunteer’s activities as such were encouraged. 092 綜計處 台北市錫瑠環境綠化基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2392
第十二屆全國環保模範社區遴選表揚作業專案 行政院環境保護署為鼓勵社區居民,運用社區自有資源,推動環境保護及倫理建設,追求合於國民健康、安全、舒適之環境品質,定訂「第十二屆全國環境保護模範社區遴選要點」並特舉辦十二屆全國環境保護模範社區遴選活動,以鼓勵社區投入環保工作,提升全民擴大參與,台北市公寓大廈暨社區協會接受行政院環保署委託擔任本案執行單位,並根據決選程序辦理全國五十五處參加決選社區辦理不定期查核事項規劃、不定期實地查訪、書面審查會議(依據社區提報優良事蹟及不定期查訪結果選出二十一處名單)、進行前十一屆環保模範設社區現況變遷原因問卷調查、進行全國二十一處候選名單進行實地查證作業、決選會議經專家學者審慎公正圈選出十處全國優良環保模範社區,協會根據決選決議票選上述十處優良模範社區編製優良事蹟實錄,撰寫結案報告並檢附優良事蹟實錄及前十一屆環境保護模範社區現況及變遷原因調查分析報告,於九十二年十二月完成本畫劃案所有進度。 the 12th nation model community of environmental protection selection program In order to encourage community residents in pursuit of health, safety, and comfort of the environment utilizing the resources of itself to participate in public affairs of environment protection and ethics renaissance, the Environment Protection Administration sets up a guide for 092 綜計處 台北市公寓大廈暨社區服務協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2394
行政院環保署列管案件追蹤管理系統 行政院環境保護署管考處之年度列管考核案件及相關作業甚為眾多,包括與第四代公文系統相關核定與追蹤事項,法規整理計畫,主管會報等主席指示事項,署列管計畫執行進度,預審小組案件,院長蒞署巡視指示事項,院長於院會及巡視指裁示事項管考作業,署長指裁示事項,委託研究計畫進度追蹤管考,與其他專案列管事項進度管考等管考作業。各項作業皆繁瑣耗時,實有必要就列管案件之管理流程予以標準化、電子化處理。爰擬建立「列管案件追蹤管理整合作業系統」以資訊分享及網路化平台方式,提供所屬各單位列管案件追蹤管理之機制,同時提供整合查詢與自動稽催機制,藉以提升行政效率並達到知識管理之目的。整體系統架構採web-based,系統主體使用ASP語言結合COM元件開發。配合現有電子化政府單一簽入,針對、各類列管案件的管考作業的規劃,提供列管案件的設定功能,包括管理者與各個科室使用者的權限、結合AD之認證、檔案權限以及列管案件的相關表單設計以利作業追蹤和管理、和該類案件的作業流程。 The evaluation & control system of the Department of Supervision Evaluation and Dispute Resolution of EPA Government of the ROC There are so many annual restricted or controlled cases in the Department of Supervision Evaluation and Dispute Resolution of Environmental Protection Administration Government of the Republic of China. Which include the cases related to 4th generation of official document system and issues to trace, law and regulation plan, the director summary and executive report, the EPA restricted and control cases, pre-examine team cases, the premier to go around, inspect, and order cases, the premier ordered in executive meeting that needs to be controlled, ordered cases of the chief of EPA, to trace or control of authorized research, and other projects/cases in control as well. All the tasks are time consuming and complex, which needs to be formatted as standard and efficient computer information system. A restrict, tracing, and controlled system will be built to control, trace, and share the information to related department by the system platform. Simultaneously, the system provide integrated inquire and automatic inform function to increase the performance of tasks and information control.The whole information systems are web-based, using ASP as developed language, and combined COM object. To harmony with the spirit of “E-government”, especially for all sort of controlled and tracing cases, the system provide easy setting function, which include the user right of administrator or each users in related departments, combined Microsoft AD authority function (as to user right of file upload and download); also, the system provides the variety of related user entry form to facilitate the control and tracing cases. 092 管考處 宇太新科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2330
營建工程空氣污染管制暨空氣污染防制費徵收制度檢討計畫 本計畫執行的目標為:一、訂定營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法(以下簡稱管理辦法)並推動實施。作為環保機關管制之依據,另編選執行及設施認定指引,作為地方環保機關執行之參考。二、因應管理辦法之施行,檢討修正營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收制度,並研擬相關獎勵措施,以提高營建工程改善污染之誘因。三、建立及更新營建工程污染管制及收費管理資訊系統,以利環保機關隨時掌握營建工程相關資訊。四、完成砂石場之現況調查工作,研擬砂石場空氣污染管制策略及規範,作為本署管制之參考。本計畫係屬延續性計畫,工作內容係延續九十一年度執行成果,另外本年度執行的重點在於「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」的推動、因應管理辦法之實施,研擬修正營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收制度、辦理全國環保優良營建工地評選工作並予以表揚以及研擬砂石場空氣污染管制策略及規範等。在推動「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」方面:已完成「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法執行認定參考手冊」之撰寫,並召開四場次關於中央部會相關單位、各縣市之環保機關與建管(或工務)主管機關等單位之法規說明會。在檢討修正營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收制度方面:已初步完成收費辦法之修正方案、收費費率之檢討修正內容與減免辦法之消關修正建議,預計在明(93)年完成相關後續行政作業。在教育訓練講習部份,已完成三場次營建工程空氣污染物排放量、削減量推估及稽巡查標準作業程序之現場實地教育訓練講習。在全國環保優良營建工地評選工作方面:全國共計評選出三處環保特優營建工地與八處環保優勝營建工地,並於92年12月15日假環保署13樓會議室進行頒獎表揚工作。在砂石場砂石場空氣污染管制策略及規範研擬方面:已完成「砂石土方處理場空氣污染防制設施管理辦法(草案)」之研擬。在資料庫現場查核工作部份則已完成34場次之各縣市營建資料庫現場查核工作,並在12月12日舉辦查核結果說明會,將查核結果告知各縣市。 The review of air pollution control and air pollution control fee collection system for construct The main contents of this plan are as follows:1.Making the “Regulations Governing the Management of Construction Air Pollution Control Installations” complete and executing well.2.Revising the regulations concerning air pollution control fee waivers and incentive awards in accordance with executing the Regulations Governing the Management of Construction Air Pollution Control Installations.3.Updating “Construction Pollution Control and Toll Information System”.4.Investigating the information of sandstone mill.5.Making the “Regulations Governing the Management of Air Pollution Control Installations for Sandstone Mill” complete.The Construction Pollution Control and Toll Information System has been updating at 10/31/2003, and held three times of technical training. The draft of Regulations Governing the Management of Construction Air Pollution Control Installations has been made and held four times discussions. The regulations concerning air pollution control fee about small channels or ducts type will be re-edited in this year.Through all the documents and tools provided by this plan, it is believed that it will benefit for the job of improving and maintaining air quality and controlling fixed pollutant for the environ. 092 空保處 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2328
飲用水管理資訊系統維護專案工作計畫 為使全國各級環保機關迅速、確實地掌握飲用水管理相關資訊,提供各環保機關上網登錄執行飲用水管理稽查管制等資料,以落實飲用水管理工作。行政院環境保護署於88及89年度分別辦理『飲用水管理系統開發計畫』及『飲用水管理業務調查與建置計畫』,建立網頁式資料庫架構之「飲用水管理資訊系統」,自民國89年元月起上線使用。為確保系統正常運作,並適時擴充及調整系統功能,俾利隨時快速彙整統計多年的飲用水水質資訊。環保署自90年度起辦理「飲用水管理資訊系統維護計畫」,本計畫則為賡續辦理92年度之維護作業,主要工作為維護「飲用水管理資訊系統」各項業務功能之正常運作及故障排除。本計畫工作內容包含下列各項:1.維護各項業務功能正常運作及故障排除。2.配合各項業務功能之需要,擴充資料查詢、統計分析功能。3.配合業務需求或法令修正,擴充並修正系統功能。4.更新系統操作手冊常見問題問答集,辦理教育訓練。5.協助維護環保署飲用水全球資訊網站資料。 The Drinking Water Management Application Maintenance Project In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in drinking water management. EPA begin to computerize the drinking water management works, and conduct a “Drinking Water Management Application Development” project, and a “The Drinking Water Management Practice Survey and Found” project Since 1999. These Projects had developed a “Drinking Water Management Systyem”. The database system worked successfully. EPA proceed to application maintenance works to keep the application running properly and to adjust or aggrandise the application functions in necessary. This is the 3rd year maintenance project.This yearly maintenance project includes 5 tasks: (1)Keep the applications runing properly; (2)Aggrandise the application qury and statistic functions in necessary; (3)Adjust the application functions in necessary; (4)Update the application user guidbook; (5)Assist EPA maintatence web site. 092 毒管處 智通工程科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2350
大型垃圾焚化廠周界空氣、植物及土壤中戴奧辛含量調查計畫 一、 完成新竹市、台中縣后里、高雄縣仁武等三座垃圾焚化廠周界空氣、植物及土壤戴奧辛含量採樣分析工作,總計完成之樣品數三廠總計為一二六個(14個/每廠每介質×3介質×3廠=126個)樣品。二、 空氣分析結果:調查廠址周界空氣中總PCDD/Fs值介於0.0148~0.177pg-I-TEQ/Nm3間,平均值為0.0744 pg-I-TEQ/Nm3,三座大型焚化廠大氣中PCDD/Fs濃度皆較日本東京與橫濱為低。以區域來看,則新竹市、台中后里和高雄仁武大氣中PCDD/Fs濃度和國外工業區較為接近。若與日本法規規範之大氣PCDD/Fs濃度(0.6 pg TEQ/m3)來看,國內周界大氣之PCDD/Fs濃度皆低於其法規規範值。三、 植物(榕樹葉)分析結果:調查廠址周界植物中總PCDD/Fs值介於0.804~12.8 pg I-TEQ/g間,平均值為3.44 pg I-TEQ/g。三座焚化廠周界植物PCDD/Fs含量相近,其含量約與嘉義及北投植物中PCDD/Fs含量相當。與國外文獻比較,本計畫所得之三座大型焚化廠周界植物葉片中PCDD/Fs含量與韓國Gwangiu(中度規模城市)較為接近,而較釜山(高工業化城市)為低。四、 土壤分析結果:調查廠址周界土壤中總PCDD/Fs值介於0.562~9.21 I-TEQ/g,平均值為2.70 pg I-TEQ/g,低於日本之土壤環境基準值(1000 pg I-TEQ/g)。與國內不同地區土壤中之PCDD/Fs含量做比較,則新竹地區土壤中PCDD/Fs之含量與台東相近,而后里地區土壤中PCDD/Fs之含量接近台中的值,仁武地區土壤中PCDD/Fs之含量接近木柵的值;與過去國外文獻數據之比較,可知附近有焚化爐運作中或其他PCDD/Fs污染源時,其周界土壤PCDD/Fs含量值之範圍相當大,而國內各區土壤中PCDD/Fs之含量皆屬於較低範圍之值,以本計畫中土壤中PCDD/Fs含量最高之庄後里集會所採樣點(9.21 pg I-TEQ/g)而論,其土壤仍可使用於農業,但須限制作為牧草之使用(以德國法規而論)。五、 本計畫已建立之環境介質戴奧辛調查經驗與資料,可作為日後延續調查及比對之參考。 Investigation on dioxin level of ambient air, vegetation and soil nearby a large-scale municipal solid waste incinerator The mean PCDD/F concentrations in ambient air nearby Xinzhu, Houli and Renwu municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs) are 0.0391, 0.0627 and 0.0804 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively. The mean PCDD/F contents in Ficus leaves nearby these three MSWIs are 2.73、4.76 and 2.83 pg I-TEQ/g, respectively. The mean PCDD/F contents in soil nearby these three MSWIs are 2.23, 3.25 and 3.27 pg I-TEQ/g, respectively. If the data of hot spots of Xinzhu and Houli MSWIs, the mean PCDD/F contents in soil nearby these two MSWIs are 1.19 and 2.70 pg I-TEQ/g. By comparing the PCDD/F concentration of maximum ground concentration sampling sites, upwind sampling sites and downwind sampling sites, the distribution of the PCDD/F concentration isopleths in the atmosphere and the result of PCA, the PCDD/F influence from MSWIs on nearby ambient air, vegetation and soil is not obvious, however, some sampling sites which are around by other stationary emission sources are found with elevated PCDD/F level.The mean PCDD/F concentrations (contents) in ambient air, vegetation and soil of 19 MSWIs are 0.113 pg WHO-TEQ/Nm3, 3.50 pg WHO-TEQ/g and 2.75 pg WHO-TEQ/g, which are 58%, 49% and 14% of overseas investigation. From the above scenario, the influence of PCDD/F emission from MSWIs in Taiwan on surrounding environment is not obvious. 092 空保處 正修科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2334
國際環保動態資訊蒐集及趨勢分析專案工作計畫 環保署科顧室自1998年2月,即開始規劃利用網路,推動定期蒐集國際環保訊息工作。本年度計畫經公開招標後,於2003年3月12日正式簽約日起執行。本計畫之工作內容分為 (1) 蒐集、篩選、摘譯國際資訊;(2)分析國際環保趨勢;(3)協助傳播國際環保資訊等三部分。經統計至2003年11月21日止,共計37週執行成果,共篩選並摘譯國際環保訊息計1295則(37週),平均每週提供約35則譯稿,每週提報國際訊息週報共37次,每日發送國際訊息予訂閱之讀者,配合永續發展委員會開會提出國際訊息報告2次,及完成國際環保趨勢分析季報2次﹙第三次季報編印中﹚等,本公司提供之服務已能完全符合合約之要求。 International environmental information collection and trend analysis Nowadays, international environmental regulations are getting diverse and stricter, having a direct impact on related control measures and industries in Taiwan. Not only prompting environmental protection of internationalization has become government’s policy, also international environmental protection matters have increased dramatically. Gathering information about the international environmental protection dynamics will therefore help international cooperation with other countries. In February 1998, the EPA planned to use Internet, and so as to perform regular collection of international environmental protection news. On March 12 2003 the project was conducted after the public bid ended.According to the contents of the contract signed, the project are divided into three parts, as follows: (1) collection, selection and translation of international news; (2) analysis of international environmental protection trend; (3) Assistance in promulgating international environmental protection news. During the 8-month project implementation, there were in total, 1295 pieces of news selected and translated, and there were 37 issues of international news weekly published. On average, 35 articles translated were provided for the EPA each week. Daily international news was distributed to subscribers, and 2 reports on the news were presented in coordination with the meeting of the Sustainable Development Committee. Moreover, 2 issues of analysis periodical of international environmental protection trend were published. It is concluded that Hui-Kou Consulting Co. has accomplished the mission in accordance with the contract signed. 092 永續發展室 惠國顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2322
大氣中PAHs於粒狀物上分布之監測調查 多環芳香烴(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons簡稱PAHs)化合物為空氣中之不完全燃燒之環境污染物,已被環保署及世界先進國家認定為空氣有害污染物(Hazardous Air Pollutants, HAPs)。多環芳香烴多半由於環境中不完全燃燒反應之副產品,PAHs可經由呼吸、食物鏈關係因食入和皮膚接觸後,進入人體,而後經由細胞代謝而活化,活化物即直接攻擊核酸分子以導致癌變。現階段工業社會大量使用石化產品和交通廢氣導致之空氣中PAHs無遠弗屆,在都會區居民人口密度極高之情況下,因此探討PAH在環境中之分布及影響均有其必要性。本計畫則藉由環保署位於新莊市運動公園內超級測站之即時PAHs監測器(Realtime PAH Monitor)、ACCU之PM2.5採樣器和微孔均勻沈降衝擊器(Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor,MOUDI)之採樣比較,以物理激光連續監測及化學萃取和氣相層析質譜儀方法,分析三種粒子採樣器所得到粒狀物中之〈一〉16種PAHs濃度與PAS即時監測結果之比對;〈二〉瞭解不同粒徑之特徵PAHs粒徑分佈狀況,進而評估PAS2000之即時總PAHs監測有效性評估,建立台北都會區空氣中PAHs種類及微粒粒徑濃度分布情形。本計畫完成PAS2000與PM2.5採樣器至少20組之比對,結果顯示在目標16種PAHs情況下,PM2.5的16種PAHs濃度為PAS2000及時總PAHs監測濃度之12-14%。雖然PAS2000總PAHs濃度較高,但比對結果顯示兩者之濃度變化趨勢具有同步性,代表PAS2000之總PAHs濃度結果具有即時濃度監測效能,未來如增加PAHs監測物種,更可評估PAS2000之監測性能。對於超級測站微粒粒徑分佈結果顯示,高分子量PAHs佔據90%以上之濃度分佈,連續兩週八組MOUDI微粒粒徑分佈結果顯示PAHs為單一波峰分佈狀況。由於大多數PAHs集中於粒子粒徑小於1 m,此結果也顯示PM2.5入口擷取粒徑可視為有效。相較於美國芝加哥地區之PAHs粒徑分佈結果,高分子量PAHs多呈現雙波峰現象,由於微粒在空氣中化合物蒸發、凝結與微粒混凝現象需要長時間方可達到平衡狀況,超級測站之PAHs單一波峰粒徑分佈現象,代表新莊地區之微粒可能屬於新形成微粒。 Investigation of the particle size distributions of PAHs in the atmosphere Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs)are ubiquitous environmental pollutants and have been regarded as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) by most industrial countries. PAHs are byproducts of incomplete combustion processes. Through breathing, food-chains and dermal contact pathways, PAHs enter human physical body system. Activated by cell metabolic phenomena, PAHs may directly affect DNA and cause mutation. Mass utilization of fossil products and traffic exhausts in urban areas spread PAHs everywhere in the environment. Investigation of PAHs distribution and possible influence in the environment is essential, especially for the extreme high residential population in metropolitans in Taiwan.This project compared the PAHs concentrations and profiles between the real time PAHs monitor (Ecochem PAS 2000), ACCU filtration samplers and Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor (MOUDI). According to the PAHs results of physical photoionization monitoring of Ecochem PAS 2000 and chemical extraction followed by gas chromatography equipped with mass spectrometry, continuous particle-bound PAHs concentrations and the summation of 16 specific classical PAHs were compared. Based on MOUDI results, size-segregation PAHs were also analyzed and discussed. The ultimate goal is to evaluate the real time monitoring effectiveness of Ecochem PAS 2000 and establish the particle size distributions of PAHs in Taipei metropolitan. 092 監資處 私立輔仁大學公共衛生學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2320
規劃建立環境用藥微生物製劑管理技術 本計畫主要工作分為三大部份,第一部份主要在蒐集與比較分析美國、加拿大、歐盟、澳洲、紐西蘭、日本、韓國、新加坡、中國大陸與中華民國等國之天然微生物製劑現行之管理模式,由於各國農業用途微生物製劑的使用由來已久,大都有相關之管理法規加以規範,尤其是害蟲之防治方面,多採行與化學農藥相似之管理模式,即登記制,要求業者提供產品鑑定(微生物特性與檢測分析方法)與對人體與環境生態等安全性資料(毒理測試資料、效能評估資料及使用注意事項等),以確保不會對人體健康與環境安全造成衝擊。然環境保護用途(例如污染物之生物處理與生物復育等)之微生物製劑管理方面,由於施用對象(污染物)與使用類型(污染廠址較侷限)較不易對動物或人體造成直接之傷害,且微生物來源多分離自天然環境,排除病原菌之可能後,施用上不會有太大風險,因此大多數國家未有專責管理法規或採行簡單之登記與免除機制,例如加拿大、歐盟與我國均有不列管微生物清單,以簡化行政管理程序;此外,由於部份微生物對人體或動物具危害性,因此部份國家將目前已知之病原微生物進行安全等級(RG)之分類且公告成為微生物禁止含明之菌種清單,以確保申請者不會誤將病原微生物發展為微生物製劑商品。由於目前國內對環境用藥微生物製劑之管理模式採登記、管理、查驗取締等三階段式,相當符合國際管理趨勢,因此本計畫於不更動整體管理模式前提下,提出細部之管理建議。計畫成果包括:各國微生物製劑登記應檢附文件與管理模式之比較;擴充與修正已公告之不列管與禁止含有菌種清單;將已公告之環境用藥微生物劑申請所需檢附文件彙編為「環境用藥微生物製劑登記申請指南(草案)」等,以提供管理單位參考。第二部份為調查日本、新加坡、中華民國及中國大陸微生物技術檢測機構資源,蒐集彙整的項目包括上述各國可執行菌種檢測分析與鑑定、基因改造菌種鑑定、微生物製劑毒理測試、環境生態毒理測試、微生物製劑劑效力試驗等檢測之機構,並加註連絡方式,此部份計畫成果將可提供做為管理單位與業者業務發展之重要參考。第三部份為蒐集國內外曾經發生之微生物製劑緊急應變事例與處置狀況,本計畫結果顯示使用天然微生物製劑造成緊急事件之案例並不多,例如生產過程引起工作人員過敏性氣喘或其他過敏症狀等,反而是基因改造微生物製劑有較多之事件報導,由此可知,經適當管理之微生物製劑引起重大災害的機率甚低,然而誤用不同品系微生物菌種與不合法之微生物製劑商品則是另一個可能造成生物體危害之潛藏因子,本計畫參考美國緊急應變模式並結合目前環保署之緊急通報作業體系,提出適用於環境用藥微生物製劑之緊急應變模式,包括:緊急通報程序、緊急通報內容、緊急防治要領等,可供管理單位施政參考。 Establishment of the management model for environmental microbial agnets The general aim of this report has been to review management, regulations, and experiences in the commercial use of microbial agents in other developed/developing nations with the goal of preparing recommendations for the Taiwan EPA in the management of such agents. The report consists of three major parts. Part one is a comprehensive survey and an in-depth assessment of current management systems of microbial agents of the following nations: United States, Canada, European Union, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, Singapore, People’s Republic of China and Republic of China. The information collected demonstrates that regulations of microbe control agent for agriculture utilization are stringent and well defined, similar to the chemical insecticide and pesticide regulation in most developed countries.The microbes for pollution control and prevention are naturally occurring and have less impact on humans or the environment. Therefore, the approval process for commercialization by Responsible Agencies is less rigorous. Lists of environmental forbidden usage microorganisms and non-regulated microorganisms have been provided in most countries. As such, the above comprehensive review demonstrates that present regulation of microbial agents for pollution control and prevention in Taiwan is harmonized with international standards. The second part of this project has been to gather information on how and where the responsible agencies in Japan, Singapore, People’s Republic of China and Republic of China have been conducting their assessment of microbial agents for pollution control and prevention. These data will increase the EPA policy makers’ understanding of the current development and use of microbe control agents.The third part of this project has been to gather data on outbreak emergency control from the above countries to assist the EPA in developing adequate emergency control protocols for Taiwan. 092 毒管處 財團法人生物技術開發中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2364
資源回收網頁改版及維護 本計畫已於九十二年九月二十一日前依合約完成各項工作(首頁改版及設計,影音文宣下載,內部線上更新管系統,網頁維護、教育訓練),具體成果包括資源回收基金管理委員會之全球資訊網之改版設計、建置完整內部線上更新管理系統,內外站百分之九十以上以資料庫形態建置,建立網站維護操作自動化作業模式,合約期間除提供原計畫一次教育訓練外,應主辦單位要求加辦二次教育訓練,總訓練人數超過50人次,成果豐碩。 Resource Recovery Web Revision & Maintenance All the tasks of this project was accomplished by Sep.21.2003 in accordance with the contract. The tasks are web home page revision and design, video and image objects download, intranet management system, homepage maintenance, training program. Over all accomplishment of the project which presents a whole new design web site, an intelligent intranet management system, 90% of the internet and intranet data are controlled by the database, the automatical mode of the web maintenance and information update program are provided. Except one training program, in responding to the client’s demand, within project two extra training programs were held. Over 50 staffs were trained. 092 基管會 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2444
執行機動車輛噪音新車型審驗、新車抽驗及車輛噪音管制計畫 本計畫為車輛噪音管制例行性施政計畫,工作內容分為三部分,分別為(1)依據噪音管制法、機動車輛噪音管制辦法等法規執行,車輛噪音新車型審驗合格證明文件初審與核發、品管統計、新車抽驗等管制作業。(2)對於使用中車輛噪音管制檢測相關問題進行研究;及(3)配合噪音管制法修訂公告及實際管制業務需要,協助環保署研擬相關車輛噪音管制子法草案。第一項工作由本中心派駐環保署人員負責執行,共計協助環保署核發687張審驗合格證明、繳銷89張審驗合格證明,新車抽驗309輛次,各項噪音管制相關檢測共發生31車次不合格情形,皆為加速噪音不合格,由派駐環保署人員協助審查改善對策之合理性,並通知檢驗機構詳實查核改善對策,有效管制車輛噪音。由歷年噪音審驗值統計顯示,近年開放大型重型機車進口使用,致使101 c.c.以上機車原地噪音審驗值明顯上升,幸而原地噪音主要作為使用中車輛改裝消音器查核用途,加速噪音較能代表車輛使用狀態之噪音,而該類車種加速噪音審驗值維持與例年相同水準,顯示大型重型機車使用狀態能符合噪音管制並維持環境安寧,但大型重型機車為最可能發生改裝車種,未來如何加強該類車輛噪音管制仍有待研究。第二項車輛噪音檢測及研究工作包含:使用中車輛噪音檢測研究、縣市環保局車輛噪音管制業務現況檢討、噪音檢測驗機構年度相關性測試執行與國際車輛噪音管制法規調和研究等。使用中車輛噪音管制與縣市環保局車輛噪音管制業務檢討分別執行,但皆為針對使用中車輛噪音管制業務推行之分項研究工作,透過各縣市環保局問卷調查及柴油車排煙動力站訪查,了解各環保局與動力站狀況,建議明(93)年度選擇二縣市動力站試辦使用中車輛噪音檢測。各縣市環保局對於使用中車輛噪音管制所反映問題點主要為(1)經費不足(2)檢測人力不足(3)欠缺儀器設備(4)欠缺通知到檢法源依據。前三項皆與經費相關,建議環保署編列預算協助人員訓練與儀器設備購置,並督促縣市環保局編列預算執行使用中車輛噪音檢測與管制。因車輛移動性高,難以於路邊針對民眾陳情車輛攔檢,因此確實必須以通知到檢方式執行,建議增訂相關條文法源依據,以有效管制使用中車輛噪音。今(92)年檢測驗機構年度相關性測試第一次測試發生一機構機器腳踏車原地噪音與參考檢驗機構之參考值差異超過2 dB(A)管制範圍,該機構無法自行改善現況,經由本中心指導將原地噪音檢測場地與建築物距離增加至6公尺以上,以原車原況執行第二次相關性測試,該機構檢測結果符合規範要求,確認為建築物反射聲波造成原地噪音檢測之干擾所致。國際間對於車輛噪音管制法規調和工作由WP29之GRB小組負責,國際標準組織ISO亦參與其中討論,以ECE R51-03草案為車輛噪音管制調和主軸,該草案主要差異在於(1)車輛加速噪音檢測以達到指定加速度作為檢測檔位選擇依據;(2)大貨車受驗質量以50 kg/kW計算受驗車質量;(3)小客車與小貨車增加定速噪音檢測(4)噪音管制標準值(Limits)將同步檢討。該項法規調和預計2005年10月可達成協議,若順利完成,屆時國內新近修訂之CNS 5799亦須考量是否同步修訂,對於未來車輛噪音管制極其重要,本中心將持續關注最新修訂狀況。第三項工作項目法規草案研擬,因應「噪音管制法」修訂公告,配合環保署完成「汽車新車型噪音審驗合格證明核(換)發廢止抽驗辦法」「汽車噪音檢驗處理辦法」草案,並提供環保署參考修訂,於92年11月5日完成相關程序頒布施行。為使相關法規符合最新社會環境需求,法規條文修訂、草擬亦為持續性工作,未來本中心將加強與環保署及各相關機構研商,期使草案研擬能更加周詳。 Perform vehicle noise type approval, conformity of product and vehicle noise control The purpose of this project is to help EPA to control vehicle noise. There are three major parts: (1) Grant certification, product conformity, statistic of vehicle noise. (2) Study of vehicle noise test; authority correlation test and global harmonization of regulation of vehicle noise control. (3) Revising vehicle noise control laws; propose the draft of these laws related to Noise Control Rule.In this year, granted 687 certifications of vehicle types, 86 product discontinuity and performing 309 vehicles of product conformity. There are total 31 unconformities in vehicle noise control type approval and conformity test.The second item includes: (1)The study of noise test of vehicle in used; (2) Surveying the noise control status of the counties in Taiwan; (3) Correlation test of laboratory of vehicle noise test; (4) The study of harmonization of vehicle noise control regulation.Correlation test of this year (2003), there is one laboratory unconformity in motorcycle stationary noise test. ARTC suggest the lab unconformity to increase the distance from motorcycle to wall. The result improve that the laboratory unconformity is induced by the reflection of sound wave from wall.Harmonization of regulation of vehicle noise control is following up the GRB of WP29. ECE R51-03 draft will be the next regulation of vehicle noise control. The major changes of R51 are: (1) it concerns on the acceleration of test vehicle, (2) vehicle mass, (3) constant speed noise test for M1 and N1 categories, and (4) limits change.The third item is about revising vehicle noise control laws. After working with EPA, following the procedure of law making, the “Law of Granting, Withdrawing and Production Conformity with Noise Type Approval Certification” and “Law of Inspection and Procedure of Vehicle Noise Test” are come in force on 5 November 2003. 092 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 陳豫滎, 蘇登桂, 程小嫻, 徐賢錦, 高淑明, 莊銘保 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2348
大陸沙塵暴資料庫更新與應用 大陸沙塵暴為東亞地區春季最主要的懸浮微粒自然源,對於區域空氣品質和氣候(透過改變輻射平衡)有顯著衝擊。台灣位處於亞洲大陸東南隅之外,冬春季氣象條件有利於將大陸沙塵暴輸送到台灣地區的上空。最近幾年台灣地區空氣污染指數(PSI)在春天偏高的個案多數與大陸沙塵暴南移至台灣附近有關。為了將零散的研究成果與資料做有系統的整理,本計畫收集長期(1994~2003年)的氣象、空氣品質和衛星觀測等資料,建置一個完整的沙塵暴個案資料庫,以做為未來環保署沙塵暴預報或學界研究沙塵暴相關議題之參考。今年度主要成果為建置了十年來108個影響台灣地區的沙塵暴網際網路資料庫,並針對沙塵暴起沙強度(分為3級)和影響台灣地區程度(分為5級)進行分級。 Update and Application of Asian Dust Storm Database Aerosols from Asian duststorms occurred in spring are the major natural source of suspended particles in East Asia. These aerosols have great impact on the regional air quality and climate (through changing radiative balance). Taiwan, located at the southeast edge of Asian continent, can also be affected by the duststorm aerosols in winter and spring since the air flow in the above seasons favors transportation of these suspended particles to Taiwan area. Recent local high PSI events are shown to be related to the transportation of duststorm aerosols to Taiwan area.To integrate various research data and results, this project systematically collects long-term (1994~2003) data of meteorology, air quality, and satellite observations to establish a database of Asian duststorm. This database is expected to provide a useful reference for duststorm prediction or pure scientific research in the near future.Major achievements of this year include: i) establish a WWW database of 108 duststorm cases affecting Taiwan area, ii) characterize the strength of duststorm into 3 categories (degrees) and the degrees affecting air quality in Taiwan area (into 5 degrees). 092 監資處 中國文化大學大氣科學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2346
台灣地區臭氧與懸浮微粒預報模式建立及生成與傳輸機制分析 本研究計畫是由中央研究院與國內七所大學相關領域之教授及研究人員共同執行。主要的研究目的在於暸解控制台灣地區臭氧及懸浮微粒生成與分佈的機制。研究重點為進行一項完整、深入的觀測實驗,而此實驗同時亦有模式模擬的配合解釋,進一步發展出針對臭氧及懸浮微粒的台灣地區空氣品質預報模式。本計畫預訂執行期間為兩年,茲就第一年(2003)的主要發現及研究結論列述如下:1. 2003年春季北台灣地區總共觀測到四次比較顯著的亞洲沙塵傳輸事件:分別發生於1/23、2/20、2/25及3/28。但是沙塵的濃度不高,並未對整體空氣品質造成顯著的影響。2. 2003年春季伴隨東北季風而來的空氣中經常含有高濃度的氣膠污染物,並對背景地區(石門及澎湖)的氣膠濃度與化學特徵造成顯著的影響。以此推論源自中國大陸的空氣污染物長程傳輸是在東北季風盛行期間影響台灣北部空氣品質的關鍵因子之一。空氣胞逆軌跡分析的結果顯示:空氣胞的傳輸途徑及傳輸過程中大氣邊界層內混合作用的強度是決定長程傳輸的氣團中是否含有源自中國大陸之空氣污染物的關鍵機制。3. 本研究於夏季(5-8月)的觀測資料顯示台澎地區的大氣氣膠濃度均較春季為低,主要成份為硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽及碳,顯示夏季的大氣氣膠主要源自本地的空氣污染。4. 台南測站的觀測資料顯示硫酸鹽的濃度與當日臭氧的濃度呈現高度的正相關,顯示在南台灣光化學反應是重要的氣膠生成機制,屏東地區在同一時期的雲量及降雨較多,可能是導致當地二次氣膠生成現象較不顯著的因素。5. 本研究中對臭氧生成及傳輸機制的模擬結果顯示:當颱風在台灣東方的洋面向北通過,其氣旋所帶動的風場加強了此時台灣地區東北季風的風速,較大的風速使得北方的臭氧得以傳送到達高屏地區,導致較高的背景臭氧濃度。此外,颱風的次環流影響會使得台灣地區天氣非常晴朗炎熱,並誘發旺盛的光化學反應,導致臭氧濃度急遽上昇。今年度9月量測期間高屏地區濃度最高的臭氧前驅物種為ethene,其它濃度較高的物種有ethyne、toluene、isopentane、n-butane、propane、ethane等, 此結果與去年度10月份分析數據及先前其他類似研究相似。在考量各別VOCs之光化學反應活性後,今年9月量測期間則以ethene、xylene、toluene、 iso-prene與propene等物種對於高屏地區臭氧生成佔有最重要的影響性。7. 本研究中採用VOCs/22DMC4特徵比值進行主要臭氧前驅物種來自於交通與非交通污染源所佔比例之推估,結果顯示高雄都會區的大氣中ethene、toluene、propene各約有52%、33%、41%來自於非交通源排放。這也顯示非交通源排放對於高雄都會區臭氧前驅物及臭氧生成的重要性。 formation and transport of particulate matter and ozone in Taiwan Based on the research works conducted in 2003 we report the following major findings.1.Four Asian dust events were observed in north Taiwan in the spring of 2003.2.Noticeable levels of particulate pollutants were found in the long-range transported air parcels. This suggested that long-range transport of air pollutants that originated in east China is one of the key factors affecting the air quality in north Taiwan in the season of prevailing northeasters.3.The PM10 concentration over Taiwan in summer is lower that that in springtime. The major constituents of PM10 include sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, and carbon. The composition suggests that the particulate pollutants are mostly contributed by local pollution.4.Daytime sulfate concentration in aerosols strongly correlates with ozone in Tainan, indicating the contribution of photochemical or secondary sources to the aerosol burden should be important in southern Taiwan.5.According to the simulation of ozone episodes, strong northeasters can be induced by a typhoon, as it passing through the west Pacific Ocean. As a result, more ozone can be transported from the mid-latitudes to southern Taiwan. In addition, the secondary circulation of typhoon can cause extremely clear skies over Taiwan. Photochemical reactions can be enhanced by the strong UV radiation and result in drastic increases of ozone levels.6.Based on the intensive measurement of VOCs during two ozone episodes in autumn of 2003, ethene, xylene, toluene, isoprene and propene are major precursors of ozone in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area.7.The ratios of specific VOCs vs. 22DMC4 are proposed as a useful tool for apportionment of the VOC between traffic and non-traffic sources. The results of this work show that the non-traffic contributions to ethane, toluene, and propene are 52%, 33%, and 41%, respectively, implying the importance of non-traffic emission of the ozone precursors to the formation of ozone in Kaohsiung-Pingtung area. 092 監資處 中央研究院地球科學研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2344
高污染區域大氣邊界層密集觀測及對污染物擴散之研究 本計畫配合環保署發布的大陸沙塵影響期間前後在陽明山進行PM10和PM2.5質量濃度採樣及氣膠微粒成分分析,總計在沙塵期間各完成26個PM10和PM2.5有效樣本;在雲、霧水及降水的密集觀測方面共收集到196個樣本。本計畫也對東南亞生質燃燒的懸浮微粒、雲、霧水及降水作了一次觀測研究,以及配合環保署對於大甲媽祖出巡空氣品質影響評估作了一次觀測。此外,在非沙塵期間又分別完成了14、16、16個TSP、PM10與PM2.5有效樣本。今年沙塵影響程度較小,PM10濃度不高,但PM2.5與PM10變化趨勢相當一致,且PM2.5佔PM10比例相當高。在氣膠成分方面,PM2.5於沙塵影響期間固然以硫元素佔大部分,PM2.5-10則仍以矽、鈣塵土元素和硫為主,顯示沙塵特徵還是存在。當氣流軌跡來自沙塵源區且傳輸高度較高,則沙塵特徵明顯,反之,當氣流軌跡經過大陸沿岸,且傳輸高度低,則含硫成分明顯。此外,沙塵期間微粒碳成分低。從過去的雲水觀測中可發現當SO42-較多時,pH值?較低,當沙塵來時,pH值?受Ca2+影響,中和掉H+離子使得pH值升高。但在本年度的觀測,沙塵雲水不若往年有Ca2+會增長一倍的現象,反而是有來自華南污染物如硫酸等,使得雲水較酸。去年雲水中的離子多以Cl-、Na+為主,並未出現如今年SO42-、NH4+及NO3-增高的現象,鹿林山採樣期間的氣流軌跡線來自東南亞生質燃燒的傳輸時,微粒質量濃度明顯較高於來自太平洋海洋傳輸。前者帶來含鉀成分微粒,硫酸根離子與碳成分也都較高。在媽祖出鑾與回鑾的期時間,微粒質量濃度明顯較高,PM2.5與PM10微粒濃度變化相當一致,顯示兩者來自相同污染源。出鑾期間硝酸根離子濃度增加許多,回鑾期間則是硝酸根離子和鉀離子濃度顯著增加。 Intensive Observation and Pollution Dispersion Study under Atmospheric Boundary Layer in Highly Polluted Area This study characterized aerosol and cloud water collected at Young-Min Mountain during China’s dust affected periods. Analyses of 26 effective PM10 and PM2.5 samples and 196 cloud-and-fog water are accomplished in this operation. Meanwhile, aerosol and cloud-and-fog water from the Southeast Asia were also investigated in an intensive study at Lu-Ling Mountain. The effect on air quality resulted from worshipping on Da-Chia Goddess during her inspection tour was assessed. In addition, 14, 16, and 16 effective TSP、PM10 and PM2.5 samples were collected during non-dust periods. The influence of China’s dust is less severe this year. The concentration of PM10 is not high, however, PM2.5 fraction in PM10 is relatively high and has a consistent variation with PM10. In aerosol composition, sulfur is predominant in PM2.5; in contrast, silicon, calcium, and sulfur are major elements in PM2.5-10. The elemental content of PM2.5-10 shows the evidence of dust arrival. Meanwhile, trajectory analysis verifies that dust characteristics of aerosol is evident for air masses originated from dust storm region and transported high. In contrast, aerosol sulfur is significant for air masses pass China’s coastal area and transported low. Also, aerosol carbon is low during dust periods. Previous observations on cloud-and-fog water showed that high SO42- was associated with low pH value. The pH value, however, is lifted by the increase of Ca2+ for its ability in neutralizing H+ ions. In contrast, the Ca2+ in the cloud water of the dust flow was not increased as expected and the airflow from the South China transported sulfate to make cloud water more sour. The cloud water was predominantly with Cl- and Na+ last year, whereas major ions were SO42-, NH4+, and NO3- this year. For air trajectories from the Southeast Asia with biomass burning, aerosol concentration at Lu-Ling Mountain is significantly higher than that from the Pacific Ocean. The airflow from biomass burning was transported with aerosol potassium plus higher sulfate and carbons. 092 監資處 國立中央大學環境工程研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2342
研擬第二、三級航空噪音防制區新建學校、圖書館及醫療機構許可制度(EPA-92-F105-02-205) 依據「噪音管制法」(92.01.08)第十一條之二內容知,第一級航空噪音防制區:應檢討現有土地使用及開發計畫,第二級航空噪音防制區:「不得」新建學校、圖書館及醫療機構,第三級航空噪音防制區:「不得」新建學校、圖書館、醫療機構及「不得」劃定為住宅區,前項學校、圖書館及醫療機構採用之防音建材,於新建完成後可使室內航空噪音日夜音量低於五十五分貝,並經地方主管機關許可者,不受前項不得新建規定之限制,故研擬第二、三級航空噪音防制區新建學校、圖書館及醫療機構許可制度更顯重要。計畫中以評估國內外建築物防音建材之減音效果並建置其資料庫,建立第二、三級航空噪音防制區新建學校、圖書館及醫療機構採用之防音建材,其申請許可、完工測試之審查規範及流程為工作目標。本計畫工作共分成五大項:一、蒐集國內外建築物防音建材規範並評估其減音效果,二、建置新建學校、圖書館及醫療機構時可採用防音建材種類之資料庫,三、國內外噪音預測模式資料整合分析,四、實例執行探討,五、研擬第二、三級航空噪音防制區新建學校、圖書館及醫療機構許可審查標準作業程序。整體工作方法除蒐集國內相關文獻、法令、防音建材、噪音預測模式外,亦進行航空噪音實例執行探討,最後透過座談會綜合各界意見建立「第二、三級航空噪音防制區新建學校、圖書館及醫療機構許可審查標準作業程序」。相關研究在國外方面,對於室內噪音與振動之現況已有許多相關研究,並由客觀實測值及主觀心理量之相互關係,提出不同噪音特性之室內生活噪音評估系統與評估指標;在國內方面,自民國六十八年起亦陸續有多篇研究,針對不同居住型態建築之室內音環境,分析噪音源特性及影響程度,並對室內噪音評估指標提出建議,但對於國內各類型建築物之室內噪音尚未建立完整的資料及評估方法體系,尚待有計畫性之研究探討。各國對於防音建材的規範,皆由各國的建築防音法規及建築聲學國家標準來加以規範(隔音性能分級),如中國國家標準(CNS),日本工業規格(JIS),國際標準組織(ISO),英國國家標準(BS),德國國家工業品標準規格(DIN),美國材料試驗協會標準(ASTM)。建材隔音(減音)效果常使用(一)TL(Transmission Loss;透過損失)、(二)STC(Sound Transmission Class;遮音等級)及(三)D值(或L值)來表示,我國現行噪音法規及建築技術規則中,並無防音建材隔音性能之規定,而是以列舉式規定防音構造,不但無法涵蓋所有建材,而且造成規定條文過於龐雜,為了保持建築物內適當的可居性或寧靜度,許多國家對建築物防音建材要求適當之隔音性能,而由此隔音性能,即可評估出減音成效。本案完成防音建材資料庫,分為門、窗、壁、空調、地板、天花板、中間材料七大類加以整理,提供使用者參考之用。預測模式方面,國內外已有許多各種噪音模式,但噪音模式之整合應用與檢討實乃一必要的課題;檢討過去、現在及未來發展所需要的噪音預測模式,選出並驗證適合之預測模式、建立航空噪音評估標準作業及提供噪音設計評估之系統實屬重要課題,以達到提高噪音評估技術能力之目標。新建建築物完成後室內航空噪音日夜音量低於55分貝之限制是否嚴苛或過於容易達成?本計畫結果說明新建完成後室內航空噪音日夜音量(DNL)低於55分貝之限制容易達成。另本計畫工作內容最重要為研擬出「第二、三級航空噪音防制區新建學校、圖書館及醫療機構許可審查標準作業程序」,成果包括:「室內航空噪音日夜音量之測定條件及量測點數」、「第二、三級航空噪音防制區新建學校、圖書館及醫療機構室內航空日夜音量審核準則」、「申請第二、三級航空噪音防制區新建學校、圖書館及醫療機構政策評估核可流程」、「申請第二、三級航空噪音防制區新建學校、圖書館及醫療機構室內航空日夜音量許可流程」及「許可制度收費說明」,以做為將來地方主管機關執行「第二、三級航空噪音防制區新建學校、圖書館及醫療機構許可制度」之參考依據。室內航空噪音日夜音量除符合「噪音管制法」須低於55分貝作為標準,建議未來加上完工後室內、外減音量需達20dB(A)以上規定。另外,因為人生活大部份的時間都處於室內,室內噪音之容許量應獲得重視,本計畫重點雖僅在「航空噪音防制區」下討論,未來除了考慮其他「地區」外,亦要統一「室內噪音日夜音量標準」,採跨部會制定方式,統籌教育部、營建署、衛生署及環保署單位意見,制定出「室內噪音日夜音量標準」。 Formulation of an Approval System for New Schools, Libraries, and Medical Institutions in Grade 2 and Grade 3 Aviation Noise Control Zones (EPA-92-F105-02-205) The most important result of this project is the formulation of the “Standard Operational Procedures for the Approval Examination of New Schools, Libraries, and Medical Institutions in Grade 2 and Grade 3 Aviation Noise Control Zones”. Other achievements of this project include:(1)the “Measurement Conditions and Measurement Points of Indoor DNL of Aviation Noise”, (2)the “Examination Norms for Indoor DNL of Aviation Noise of New Schools, Libraries, and Medical Institutions in Grade 2 and Grade 3 Aviation Noise Control Zones”,(3)the “Policy Evaluation and Approval Process for the Application of Building New Schools, Libraries, and Medical Institutions in Grade 2 and Grade 3 Aviation Noise Control Zones”,(4)the “Approval Process for the Application of Indoor DNL of Aviation Noise for New Schools, Libraries, and Medical Institutions in Grade 2 and Grade 3 Aviation Noise Control Zones”, and (5)the “Charge Description of the Approval System”. These will combine to serve as a reference for local competent authorities in their implementation of the “Approval System for New Schools, Libraries, and Medical Institutions in Grade 2 and Grade 3 Aviation Noise Control Zones”. 092 空保處 台灣永續工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2340
毒性化學物質災害防救技術支援體系建置計畫-北區毒災應變諮詢中心 在收集國內、外毒化災防救體系資料方面,完成美國、加拿大、德國、日本等毒化災防救體系資料彙整,並收集國內毒性化學物質災害防救相關體系資料,就國內毒性化學物質之災害預防、整備、應變及善後四大工作項目提出初步評估建議。在強化三區毒災應變諮詢中心應變技術能量上,完成智慧型毒災應變資料庫系統建置工作,建立毒災視訊影像監控與災害相關事故錄影系統一套,此外亦完成一般與應變諮詢員作業手冊、環境污染與危害監測作業手冊、污染採樣分析作業手冊;針對國外化學品管制REACH(化學品註冊、評估、授權)資訊與環境賀爾蒙(POPs)資訊收集工作,定期提供環保署毒管處參考。在強化北區毒災應變諮詢中心整備與操練能量上,完成花蓮縣二氯乙烷廢棄鐵桶事故、臺北市師大實驗室火災事故、臺北市某游泳池氯氣外洩事故、新竹市廢棄工廠火災事故、捷運公司異味事件、台北縣樹林明星工廠、廢棄鋼瓶氣體外洩、桃園泡棉工廠爆炸等環境空氣污染濃度監測作業,共計完成100筆以上監測資料。此外亦完成宜蘭縣PCB外洩、桃園縣希悅爾工廠、三菘工廠、新竹市廢棄工廠火災事故、台北縣樹林明星工廠、廢棄鋼瓶氣體外洩、桃園泡棉工廠爆炸等事故現場污染採樣分析,以及臨場輔導時環境採樣分析工作,共計完成107個樣品資料。完成辦理北區各縣市共8場次毒災模擬演練事宜。完成大專院校實驗場所、游泳池氯氣外洩、某化工廠毒化物火災、某化學儲存場所及某運輸槽車事故、捷運公司異味、廢棄鋼瓶氣體外洩、泡棉工廠爆炸之災因調查與檢討報告。在收集北區毒災應變相關資訊方面,完成北區毒性化學物質管制限量以上運作廠場814家基本資料收集工作,並完成製作資料輸入磁片。完成更新列管編號107-164之毒性化學物質緊急應變卡、災害防救手冊、物質安全資料表及毒理有關資料,並建立更新資料之對照表。製作完成毒性化學物質災害現場之環保人員、消防人員、事故協調人員應變作業程序,並主導彙整另外中、南區資料。在強化北區毒災防救體系與聯防小組災害應變能量上,已完成運作廠場運作與應變之檢核表(Checklist)並獲得北區環保單位之確認,做為臨廠輔導之參考依據,截至十一月底止完成25家毒化物運作廠場輔導工作。持續更新北區專家群,維持每個縣市至少兩位專家顧問。於7月9日、10月16日辦理兩梯次北區動員講習,7月16日、10月23日辦理兩梯次毒災聯防小組組訓活動。協助北區地方環保機關完成毒化物運作廠場無預警測試30場次,完成更新毒災應變第三階段技術人員訓練教材十二個章節。 在二十四小時全年無休緊急應變機制方面,自年初開始執行值班與諮詢工作,截至目前為止,實際到場應變支援案件有:三菘公司工廠火災事故、師大分院實驗室火災事故、臺北市某游泳池氯氣外洩事故、台北縣蘆洲市變壓器工廠火災、新竹市中華路廢棄工廠火災、桃園縣泡棉工廠爆炸等共二十件,以上事故場所皆因為可能有毒化物儲存與運作。另外亦完成非毒災事故之台南縣工廠磷化鋁火災事故、台北縣五股工業區模型工廠火災事故、台中縣大甲鎮消防器材行氮氣爆炸事故、台北縣樹林市鎂工廠火災事故、基隆市汽油槽車翻覆事故等資訊收集與追蹤共一百二十六個案例。以上每個案例皆有完整的事故追蹤紀錄。 The 2003 Annual Report for the North Region Information Center of Emergency Response for Toxic Chemical Incident On collection of domestic and foreign systems for toxics and chemicals hazards’ prevention and response, information on America, Canada, Germany and Japan are consolidated as well as relevant domestic toxic chemicals’ systems are collected to provide the initial evaluation and suggestions on the four work items of domestic hazard prevention, mobilization, response and follow-ups. On strengthening response technical capacities of the three Regional Centers for Emergency Response of Toxic Substance, the intelligent hazard response database, as well as one set of hazard visual image monitor/control and hazard-related accident videotape are established. In addition, operation manual for general and emergency response consultants, environmental pollution and hazard monitor operation manual, and operation manual for pollution sampling and analysis are completed. The CESH has completed the information collection on the Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) and Environmental hormone (persistent organic pollutants POPs) and provide routine update for the reference of the Department of Environment Sanitation and Toxic Substance Management under the Environment Protection Administration. 092 毒管處 工業技術研究院 環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2338
台灣地區各區域噪音特性調查及環境音量最佳品質之研究計畫 在國家環境保護計畫中,環保署訂定以「環境音量不合格時段數百分比」作為噪音改善之績效目標之衡量指標,並設定九十一年之年度目標值為百分之二十,且希望能逐年下降一個百分點,至九十四年之年度目標值為下降至百分之十七;惟近年來此不合格百分比皆超過百分之三十;為加速上述計畫目標之推動及達成,本計畫執行以下工作內容,以檢討環境音量相關內容。一、彙整全國各地方環保單位現行環境及交通噪音監測站現況資料並分析其妥適性:有少部份縣市未能符合距離要求及聲學原則。二、研擬噪音自動連續監測站設置準則,並蒐集最新技術及趨勢供參考。三、於全國共十二個縣市,依據噪音管制法施行細則第八條之規定,於各類噪音管制區適當地點,進行每季二次二十四小時環境及交通噪音連續監測;監測結果發現都會區超出環境音量比例偏高。四、將十二縣市實測結果與各縣市所提報之監測結果及測點資料進行比較及分析,發現因測點選擇不同,不合格百分比的結果亦不盡相同,而針對超出音標標準值進行分析,發現大部份均屬超出各該類音量標準0~3分貝間,應在可改善空間內,故環境音量標準建議在多蒐集更多資料前暫不予修正。五、彙整國內外噪音監測相關法令規章及歐美日等先進國家環境音量標準,與我國現行環境進行比較與分析,結果發現以時段數而言,其它國家多係兩時段,標準值部份我國整體而言較日本寬鬆。六、檢討目前國內各縣市噪音管制區劃分之現況及差異性。七、針對環境音量主要貢獻音源,研擬改善環境音量品質之對策。八、針對噪音監測及噪音相關業務,辦理教育訓練課程兩場,並進行噪音實測業務操作,使環保人員了解目前國內外噪音監測系統現況及執行方式,俾助日後相關業務之推動。 The Study of Noise Survey and Environmental Noise Quality in Taiwan The percentage of disqualifying environmental hour internal noise level was above 30% before 2001, it was 24.55%n in 2002. In the “Nation Environmental Protection Plan”, the object is setup at 17% for 2005. This study was established to achieve the object with reviewing the environmental noise monitoring spots and make in situ environmental noise measurements among the 12 cities and counties in Taiwan.In this study, we collected the information and data of each local government monitoring spots and review the propriety of each spots; and address the rule for continuous monitoring systems; and we selected proper places in every sorts of noise control district to measure the environmental noise and traffic noise ; and then reviewed the local government’s monitoring data and analyzed the data; and collected the environmental noise criteria and directive of Japan, U.S and European Union, then compared the Japan’s criteria with Taiwan’s; and reviewed the situation of noise control district of every local government in Taiwan; prepared the strategy for the dominant noise source in environment. And we held two training courses for the officials who is in charge the noise affairs in every local governments. 092 空保處 歐怡科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2336
大陸沙塵暴與背景測站懸浮微粒成分特徵之研究 台灣地區大氣中生物性微粒的成份和濃度變化以及其健康效應,尚未有完整詳盡的資料。而在大陸沙塵襲台期間,是否會改變本土生物性微粒的成份和濃度,增加民眾健康和生態環境的負荷,亦值得關切。本研究配合環保署之相關沙塵研究計畫,在沙塵暴期間及前後一天,於新莊超級測站及石門測站進行沙塵中生物性微粒的監測,以評估沙塵對生物性微粒成份及濃度的影響,並於計畫期間進行每月之固定採樣,以建立大台北地區生物性微粒之背景資料。本研究主要測量的生物性微粒包括可培養性真菌及真菌孢子,分別提供大氣中真菌種類、以及大氣中總真菌濃度之資料。研究結果發現,Aspergillus、 Aureobasidium、Chaetomium、及Yeast在沙塵來襲期間濃度顯著高於非沙塵期間。而三種出現頻率極低 (<5%) 之真菌:Botrysporium、Rhinocladiella、Trichothecium只出現於沙塵暴期間。這些真菌種類的出現是否為大陸沙塵挾帶來台,仍有待進一步證實。此外,真菌孢子濃度雖然在沙塵暴來襲期間前後,並?有顯著的不同,但其與PM2.5的相關性,顯示沙塵中攜帶生物性成份來台的可能性仍相當高。本研究計畫經由每月固定採樣,建立大台北地區大氣中真菌濃度分佈及主要組成菌屬之背景資料。在台北地區出現頻繁且濃度較高之菌屬包括Non-sporulating Fungi、Cladosporium、Penicillium、Aspergillus、Curvularia、Fusarium、Alternaria、Botrytis、Arthrinium、及Coelomycetes。影響真菌濃度之環境因子複雜,包括季節、空氣污染物及氣象因子等等。今年度大陸沙塵的影響較前兩年為弱,然而,本計畫仍有觀察到生物性微粒組成成份及濃度在沙塵期間前後之變化,顯示沙塵中攜帶生物性成份來台的可能性相當高。未來應持續進行相關之環境監測及暴露評估,以進一步了解沙塵可能造成之健康及生態上之危害。 The study of dust storm and background aerosol biological composition The health effects and distributions of various outdoor biological particles in Taiwan have not been fully investigated. Whether foreign biological microorganisms will be introduced to Taiwan during China dust storm period is of special concern. In this study, we monitored outdoor bioaerosol levels before, during and after each dust storm period at the EPA designated sampling locations. In addition, we measured bioaerosol levels monthly at each sampling location in order to establish baseline data in the Taipei area. We measured culturable fungi and fungal spores simultaneously to gather complete information on fungal genera and overall fungal levels, respectively. We found that Aspergillus, Aureobasidium, Chaetomium, and Yeast had higher levels during dust storm period. A few rare fungi, including Botrysporium、Rhinocladiella、Trichothecium, were only recovered during dust storm periods. Although fungal spore levels did not increase during dust period, its positive association with PM2.5 suggested the possibility of dust storm sands as a carrier of fungi. Based on our monthly sampling, we established baseline data of fungal distributions and major taxa in the Taipei are. The most prevalent fungi include Non-sporulating Fungi, Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Curvularia, Fusarium, Alternaria, Botrytis, Arthrinium, and Coelomycetes. Fungal levels were associated with a variety of air pollutants and meteorological factors. The magnitudes of China dust storms in this year were not as intense as previously. However, we still found statistically significant increases of certain fungi, indicating the possibility of foreign microorganisms carried by dust storms. Environmental monitoring and exposure assessment should be conducted to further evaluate the effects of dust storm on public health and on ecology in Taiwan. 092 監資處 台北醫學大學公共衛生學研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2446
訂定「密封壓縮式垃圾車採集中採購簽訂共同供應契約方式」專案工作計畫(計畫編號:EPA-92-H101-02-243) 本計畫目標除訂定四、六、八、十、十二、二十五立方米垃圾車採購規格、驗收規範及方式外,並研訂垃圾車採集中採購簽訂共同供應契約方式,提出建議之規格招標文件及建議底價分析。 To propose the Specification of Garbage Truck depending on the Shared Contract of Concentrated Procurement Submitting the specification of garbage truck with the content of 4/6/8/10/12/25 cube meters,which are based the shared contract of concentrated procurement. 092 廢管處 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2360
南部地區懸浮微粒監測與超級測站規劃評估 微粒超級測站之建置對於微粒所造成的區域健康風險評估、人體暴露評估、大氣氣膠物化特性、受體與來源的關係、衍生性反應機制探討以及未來空氣品質模式之驗證與應用等,均有極其正面的效益。然而超級測站建置前,需先就站址當地區域進行一系列的背景分析,諸如懸浮微粒之成分特性分析、以及衍生性反應之前驅物相關性分析等,方可提供超級測站所需的儀器選擇與站址擇定等重要參考之依據。為提供微粒超級測站所需要的背景資料,本計畫預計達成下列目標:1.分析探討南部地區懸浮微粒PM10與PM2.5之成分,並對農業燃燒進行監測;2.探討以β-gauge濾紙進行化學成分分析之可行性,並將人工採樣樣品與本署檢測濾紙上之粒狀物做比對分析;3.於高臭氧季節進行懸浮微粒之成分與粒徑分佈、H2O2、HCHO與HNO3等光化學產物之監測;4.南部地區懸浮微粒超級測站之設站評估。 例行性採樣是以長期、持續且多點同步的微粒採樣計畫有助於瞭解採樣區域內微粒長期的一般特性,由質量濃度中發現,各測站差異並不大,在大寮站之懸浮微粒濃度是最高的,陰陽離子濃度中,NH4+、NO3-及SO42-是懸浮微粒PM10及PM2.5主要的物種。密集採樣發現楠梓站與大寮站之PM2.5濃度最高,均達70 μg/m3以上,高於美國環保署PM2.5之24小時平均值濃度標準,PM2.5濃度最低位於阿蓮站,大寮站之三小時平均PM2.5濃度部分高於100 μg/m3,甚至高達145μg/m3。H2O2之量測結果,台南站H2O2濃度值介於0.11~3.90 ppbv,大寮站之濃度介於0.26~2.47 ppbv,兩測站之變化趨勢類似,均於中午到下午二點之間有大值,HNO3(g)最大濃度值均發生於正午間,為光化反應所造成,HNO2(g)則於夜間較高。 舊型β-gauge濾紙之空白(blank)分析結果,相對於37 mm之石英(quartz)與鐵弗龍(teflon)濾紙,其各物種空白背景濃度有相當大的差異性,基本上β-gauge濾紙之空白測試,背景濃度值都是較高的,尤其是Na+、Cl-、NO3-、SO42-等四個分析物種,其在特殊條件、環境下,即有高污染現象,分析其離子成分濃度應是可行的。新型濾紙中Na+之背景濃度是最高的,其他成份離子是在可接受範圍內,但濾紙僅是未採樣之空白背景值,未考慮到採樣時滾筒狀捲動,樣品之間互相重疊與樣品相互干擾的可能性。 關於超級測站評估,因污染物主要的排放源位於高雄市及高雄縣兩大地區,由於大氣條件等因素影響,導致在大寮與潮洲地區量測到污染物濃度是較高的,在監測的污染物中,對於微粒超級測站的建立應該有主要之中心監測站以及鄰近衛星監測站,地點的選擇建議中心監測站為大寮,衛星測站為橋頭站、前金站與潮州站,監測物種包括懸浮微粒化學組成與粒徑分佈外,更需要對於微粒前驅物與光化反應之產物進行監測,在氣態前驅物應該包括SOx、NOx、NMHC與NH3,氣態生成物有O3、NOy、HNO3、HNO2、H2O2與HCHO。 The Measurement of Ambient Particles and Assessment of PM Supersite in Southern Taiwan. PM supersites have been established in the United Sates to study the characteristics of the ambient aerosol, the source and receptor relationship, the impact on health, the formation mechanisms of secondary aerosol, and the comparison among various measurement methods. The air quality in southern Taiwan has been the worst among the seven air basins in Taiwan. Therefore, the purposed of this study are:1.To investigate the chemical compositions of the ambient particles in the southern Taiwan;2.To evaluate the feasibility of using the filters of beta-gauge monitors, which are used in the ambient air quality monitoring station, for chemical analyses;3.To conduct field campaign for PM, H2O2, HCHO, and HNO3 during strong photochemical reaction periods;4.To assess and to plan the establishment of PM supersite in southern Taiwan.The chemical compositions of particles were measured by routine samplings of PM2.5 and PM10 at four different sites simultaneously. The samplings were conducted every six days and the duration of each sampling was 24 hours. The four sites were Tainan, Nanzu, Chunking, and Dailow, and were collocated with the EPA ambient air quality monitoring stations. The greatest PM concentrations were observed at Dailow, which was also obtained from the routine beta-gauge monitoring. The dominant chemical species for both PM2.5 and PM10 were sulfate, nitrate, and ammonia. Similar results were also found during the intensive field campaign in October. Note that the three-hour average PM2.5 concentrations at Dailow may be greater than 100 ug/m3. The concentrations of H2O2 were from 0.11 to 3.9 ppbv and 0.26 to 2.5 ppbv at Tainan and Dailow, respectively. The peak H2O2 concentrations were always around noon to 2 o’clock in the afternoon. The peak concentrations of HNO3 were also around noon due to its formation from photochemical reaction but the diurnal cycle of HNO2 was contrary to that of HNO3. 092 監資處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2358
土壤中總石油碳氫化合物(TPHs)檢測之研究 總石油碳氫化合物的涵蓋範圍很廣,舉凡日常生活上所使用之汽油、柴油、燃料油、潤滑油、機油等皆是屬於總石油碳氫化合物。由於近年來開放油品進口及加油站民營化,與國內汽機車的使用大量成長,也增加了對汽油、機油、潤滑油的需求。因此,此類油品一旦發生意外或洩漏,容易危及公眾安全且造成嚴重的環境污染事件,此類事件的發生須要有檢測方法為依據,判定其污染的含量,以作為後續清理及罰款之依據。在油污染事件發生時,如何快速又有效分析出油污染樣品濃度及類型是很重要,因此在本計畫中建立了一套油污染樣品篩選方法,以快速了解油污染樣品是屬於汽油類、柴油類或柴油類以上之油污染類型,然後在依篩選結果選擇適當前處理及分析方法與定量方法。在本計畫中亦建立了以高溫氣相層析GC/FID同時分析柴油與柴油以上油品之檢測方法。以別於目前公告方法只能分析汽油與柴油之缺點,此外在本計畫中亦收集各國有關土壤中總石油碳氫化合物檢測方法,評估其優缺點及適用性,以建立一套適合本土化檢驗方法,並建議土壤中總石油碳氫化合物(TPHs)之檢測範圍是C6~C40,由本計畫執行土壤中總石油碳氫化合物(TPHs)檢測之驗證結果,在柴油部分之精密度RSD(%)為9.6,準確性X(%)為73.3~108.1,在機油部分之精密度RSD(%)為3.47,準確性X(%)為94.6~108.7。 A research on the determination of the TPHs pollution levels in soil TPHs comprise wide range of compounds and include various compounds used in our daily life such as gasoline, diesel, fuel oils, lubricants and engine oil. Because in the past few years foreign oils and gasoline have been allowed to be imported into the country, the gas stations have become privatized and the use of automobiles and motorcycles has been on the rise. Consequently, there is a need to have a testing methods to be used to determine to the levels of pollution in such incidents so as to be used as a basis for the subsequent clean-up operation and punitive fine. When an incident of pollution occurs, it will be very important to be able to swiftly determine the level or concentration of pollution and identify the type of pollutant. In this project, a set of fast pollutant screening method is established and such method may be used to determine the types of pollutants (gasoline, diesel or oil that has a larger molecular weight than diesel); then, according to the screening result, suitable preliminary handling method, analytical method and quantitative method may be selected. In this project, a testing method by using GC/FID is established, and the method may be employed to carry out simultaneous analyses of diesel and oils that have a larger molecular weight than diesel. In the project, testing methods to evaluate the levels or concentrations of TPHs contained in soil employed by various countries have been gathered, and the advantages, disadvantages and adaptability of these methods have been evaluated so as to establish a set of testing method that is suitable to be used for this country. Also, in the project, we suggest the range of pollution level determination of the soil method covers the range from C6 to C40 . In the project, according to the test results, the RSD (i.e., precision) and X value (i.e., accuracy) for diesel pollution level are 9.6% and 73.3 to 108.1%, respectively; and the RSD (i.e., precision) and X value (i.e., accuracy) for engine oil pollution level are 3.47% and 94.6 to 108.7%, respectively. 092 環檢所 許麗娟 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2366
臭氧前驅物監測分析之研究 近幾年來之空氣品質監測資料顯示臭氧與懸浮微粒為台灣地區二個主要空氣污染物,其中都會地區之臭氧並有日益嚴重之趨勢。為確認這種趨勢,環保署監資處相繼於主要都會區設置光化學評估測站(Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Station, PAMS),以全面掌握全台灣主要光化學污染區域之污染特徵。光化學評估測站收集了許多非常重要之觀測資料,如逐時揮發性有機物(VOCs)成份資料等,這些資料對於解釋臭氧等光化學污染現象之成因與可能之污染來源,將提供非常可觀之直接證據。 本計畫分析光化測站逐時監測濃度,探討VOCs濃度與下風處臭氧事件之關聯性;並以高解析度之空氣品質模式,分析掌握台灣地區整體臭氧污染之時間與空間上之分布特徵,並透過與光化學評估測站觀測資料之比較驗證,分析研究O3污染重點區域之光化污染潛在成因,以了解排放源、地理地形、及氣象等因素在O3污染事件中所扮演之角色與相對重要性。本計畫主要工作項目包括化學評估測站監測數據與數值模擬比較分析、光化學污染之時空分布與前驅物之相關性分析、提供光化學評估測站監測數據應用與解析之建議、提供空氣品質預報之建議等。 研究結果顯示,光化站濃度最高的幾種VOCs是Toluene、iso-Butene、Ethane、Propane、Ethene、iso-prene、Acetylene、n-Butane等物種;其中Toluene及iso-Butene之濃度又顯著高於其他物種。在分析90年及91年三義、苗栗、二林、彰化、南投及竹山測站之臭氧事件日,均可觀察到前述VOCs物種之濃度曲線在臭氧達到高峰前的數小時,會有先上升再下降的的情形,且各VOC濃度出現高峰的時間大致相同。然而臭氧生成是一個非常複雜的光化學反應,依據幾次臭氧事件日或高臭氧濃度(>100 ppb)時之分析結果,即使當時之氣象條件符合臭氧生成之條件,但崇倫站之VOC濃度未必較高;同理,即使崇倫站之VOC濃度高且當時之氣象條件符合,下風處臭氧濃度未必高。此種現象顯示僅依據上風處VOC濃度及氣象條件尚不足以評估下風處臭氧濃度是否上升;必須進一步考慮氮氧化物之效應。在評估臭氧事件時,必須同時考慮VOC濃度及氮氧化物之濃度,且氣候條件必須適合,方能有效判斷臭氧事件發生之可行性。 Ozone Precursor Monitoring and Analysis In general, ozone will be formed in suburban area or downstream of industrial area due to the transport and reactions of the air pollutants. The entire environmental conditions are quite complicated and it is difficult to identify the environmental condition that ozone is formed. However, the developments of high resolution photochemical model which include the physical-chemical parameters like photochemical reactions, transport, precipitations and emission will be helpful to verify the sources and reactions of ozone pollution. In this study, a high resolution air quality model will be used to study the characteristics of the temporal and spatial ozone distribution in Taiwan. The concentrations of the ozone precursors obtained by the PAMS will be compared to evaluate the photochemical reactions in areas with high ozone concentrations. The roles of sources, geographic factors and meteorological conditions in ozone pollution will be studied. Specific objectives of this study are:(1)to conduct data analysis and model simulations on VOCs data obtained from PAMS.(2)to study the correlations between the VOCs data and the ozone episodes.(3)to evaluate the potential applications and interpretations of the air quality data obtained from PAMS.(4)to provide recommendations for the air quality predictions. The results revealed that the most important VOCs observed are Toluene、iso-Butene、Ethane、Propane、Ethene、iso-prene、Acetylene and n-Butane. In general, the ozone concentration increases several hours after the VOCs concentrations in PANS reach their maximum concentrations. However, the photochemical process is a highly complicated reaction. Although higher VOC concentrations may favor the ozone formation, several cases demonstrated that ozone episodes may be observed even when the concentrations of VOCs in PAMS are low. It is essential to monitor both the concentrations of VOCs and NOx, and the meteorological conditions should be evaluated for possible predictions of ozone episodes. 092 監資處 台灣大學公共衛生系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2442
噪音管理系統開發計畫 台灣地區將噪音納入環境保護法規管制範圍內,並據以施行管制措施已近二十年,對於環境品質之改善及提昇已有極為顯著之成效。環保署現辦理「噪音管理系統開發計畫」,將陳情及稽查等相關噪音管理業務電腦化,以加速我國噪音管理業務之推動。藉由本網際網路版管理系統之建置,環保署可有效掌握各縣市環保局之噪音管理執行績效,自動彙整各縣市環保局之噪音業務考核資料,快速產生各項全國性統計報表,作為未來擬定噪音管理、決策方案之參考,以電腦化加速噪音管理實務之推動。各縣市環保局藉噪音管理系統設計之業務管理功能,迅速、確實地掌握噪音相關資訊,達到整合噪音陳情、稽查、監測業務考核及實際協助縣市有效管控噪音業務之推行。並自動產生各項噪音管理公務報表及匯出資料庫,以增加業務執行效率及資訊再運用,方便資料上傳至環保署。本計畫配合調整更新噪音管制全球資訊網,透過網際網路適時傳輸更詳實且即時之噪音管制相關資訊,提供各界參考、研究、查詢與應用,以達資源共享之目的。 The Noise Control Management Application Development In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in Noise Control management. EPA begin to computerize the Noise Control management works, and conduct a “Noise Control Management Application Development” Project.This project includes three tasks: (1) collect and analyze Noise Control management laws, regulations and works to understand the application’s need; (2) develop and construct the application system; (3) check the application, educate users and provide one year system maintenance.The application is developed in ASP.NET language in Microsoft Dot Net Framework. It is a web-base application. The database is set in an Microsft Windows 2000 Server of EPA. Clients are Bureau of Air Pollution Control in EPA and local environmental agencies. Users can browse and exchange data to EPA by INTERNET using the Microsft Web Browser IE. 092 空保處 智通工程科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2382
高速鐵路噪音、振動之研究 台灣高速鐵路即將完工通車,由於其行車速率達每小時三百公里,對環境噪音及振動之衝擊,有需要進行研究,以便及時訂定管制標準。歐美及日本在過去二十年間亦曾做過此類研究。本研究即在分析比較國外的管制做法,針對高鐵噪音振動之物理特性,利用人體工學資料,找出適合國內情況之評估指標與環境影響量表,以作為進一步訂定管制標準之參考依據。本研究計畫進行一年(92年1月1日至92年12月31日)。由蒐集國際高速鐵路噪音、振動管制法令、政策及防治措施相關資料,以及各種高速鐵路噪音、振動量測與評價標準,加以比較分析。並擬定我國目前興建中之高速鐵路未來在噪音、振動之標準量測方法與管制之對策、措施及規範。其次,探討影響高速鐵路噪音、振動量傳遞及衰減之原因,建立高速鐵路噪音、振動之推估模式及評估指標,以及對人體、建物及工廠機械之影響,作為我國研修環境音量標準中高速鐵路交通噪音標準之參考。計劃執行中,模擬評估了國內未來高速鐵路噪音、振動之影響,並推估可能遭遇之陳情型態,提供地方環保單位作為未來處理高速鐵路噪音、振動陳情案件之參考。同時舉辦三場諮詢座談會議,廣納學者專家、交通部高速鐵路工程局、台灣高速鐵路股份有限公司、各縣市政府環保局等各方意見。期望本計畫之成果更臻周全可行。 The Study of Noise and Vibration from High Speed Rail System Owing to the oncoming accomplishment of the Taiwan high speed rail transportation (HSRT), it necessitates to investigate the environment impact from the noise and vibration (NV) of the train passing-by a speed of 300km/hr. In the past two decades, such kind studies have been carried out by Europe, USA and Japan. The aim of the project is basically concentrated on the comparative analyses of the countermeasures planned by the related countries regarding impact of NV generated by HSRT. Stemming from the human response data and the physical characteristics of the NV of HSRT, the assessment index and environment impact criterion can be worked out for further drafting regulations suitable for the domestic application.This one year project encompasses the material collection and comparative study related to the regulations, policies and countermeasures about the NV of HSRT of disparate countries. Then propose the standard method of measurement and draft the directory regutalions.Secondly, the factors that influence the propagation and decay of the NV of HSRT are discussed and the assessment model and index are suggested. Also, the operation process with respect to the future appeal cases is simulated and studied for future application reference.Three consultative meetings have been held during the research period. Many issues and openions of the experts and scholars from Universities, the Bureau of High Speed Rail, Taiwan High Speed Rail and the local environment protection bureaus of city and conunty governments have been discussed and taken into considerations. In such a way, it is envisaged to make the conclusions of this research to be sound, feasible and more reasonable. 092 空保處 中華民國振動與噪音工程學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2380
九十二年度「一般廢棄物衛生掩埋場滲出水處理廠及監測井功能評估」工作計畫 本計畫係針對掩埋場之滲出水處理廠及監測井進行功能評估,並進行水質採樣。以促使地方環保單位重視與改善處理廠之營運管理操作,確保衛生掩埋場滲出水之最適化處理,並建置地下水污染之預警指標。 Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Facilities of Landfills and Monitoring Wells. The main objective of this project is to evaluate the function of wastewater treatment facilities and monitoring wells. In addition, we conduct water quality sampling and make analyses of these samples. We would like the environmental protection divion of the goverment to pay more attention in improving the management operation of the wastewater treatment facilities,and to make sure the wasterwater treatment facilities have the optimal operation. In addition, we set up the groundwater pollution prevention index . 092 督察總隊 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2378
大陸沙塵暴氣象條件之分析與建立預警制度之研究 大陸沙塵暴為東亞地區春季最主要的懸浮微粒自然源,對於區域空氣品質和氣候(透過改變輻射平衡)有顯著衝擊。台灣位處於亞洲大陸東南隅之外,冬春季氣象條件有利於將大陸沙塵暴輸送到台灣地區的上空。最近幾年台灣地區空氣污染指數(PSI)在春天偏高的個案多數與大陸沙塵暴南移至台灣附近有關。為了將零散的研究成果與資料做有系統的整理,本計畫收集長期(1994~2003年)的氣象、空氣品質和衛星觀測等資料,建置一個完整的沙塵暴個案資料庫,以做為未來環保署沙塵暴預報或學界研究沙塵暴相關議題之參考。今年度主要成果為建置了十年來108個影響台灣地區的沙塵暴網際網路資料庫,並針對沙塵暴起沙強度(分為3級)和影響台灣地區程度(分為5級)進行分級。 The forecast and analysis of meteorology of dust storm and the establishment of alarm system Aerosols from Asian duststorms occurred in spring are the major natural source of suspended particles in East Asia. These aerosols have great impact on the regional air quality and climate (through changing radiative balance). Taiwan, located at the southeast edge of Asian continent, can also be affected by the duststorm aerosols in winter and spring since the air flow in the above seasons favors transportation of these suspended particles to Taiwan area. Recent local high PSI events are shown to be related to the transportation of duststorm aerosols to Taiwan area.To integrate various research data and results, this project systematically collects long-term (1994~2003) data of meteorology, air quality, and satellite observations to establish a database of Asian duststorm. This database is expected to provide a useful reference for duststorm prediction or pure scientific research in the near future.Major achievements of this year include: i) establish a WWW database of 108 duststorm cases affecting Taiwan area, ii) characterize the strength of duststorm into 3 categories (degrees) and the degrees affecting air quality in Taiwan area (into 5 degrees). 092 監資處 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2376
空氣品質預報輔助系統維護專案工作計畫 本計畫之目的在改進空氣品質預報技術,以協助環保署提高空氣品質預報(尤其是空氣污染預警)之準確度。同時並對預報系統之軟體介面、資料傳輸進行維護,並更新各預報法之基礎資料庫。計劃之工作內容包括: 1. 維護現有預報輔助系統功能,配合電腦硬體設備升級,更新、維修預報系統軟體介面以及網路自動傳輸指令。 2. 維護現有空氣品質預報輔助系統氣候法、持續法、類比法及複迴歸法,使之順利運作於預報輔助系統之軟、硬體。每年更新各預報區之相關資料庫,並具之修改預報方程。 3. 更新89年至90年類比法空氣品質不良個案比對資料庫,並對空氣品質預報輔助系統類比法介面同時進行修改。 4. 依據客觀預報法,在各預報區空氣品質及高污染預報結果進行評估,並根據評估結果改進預報系統。妥善利用前數項之改進方法,以期提升空氣品質預報準確率至75%以上。 5. 對91年空氣品質監測資料進行統計分析,以瞭解空氣品質變化機制以及預報改進之參考依據。 6. 由專業人員協助每週空氣品質預報檢討作業與相關資料彙整。 The maintenance of air quality forecast supply system The main goal of this project is to maintain, as well as to improve, the air-quality forecasting auxiliary system (AQFAS) of the Environmental Protection Administration. Specific tasks include: (1) Maintain proper operation conditions of the AQFAS, including the software interface and automatic network data transfer, and its compatibility during upgrades of new hardware or operation system; (2) Maintain the proper functioning of the forecasting modules (CLIPER, weather analogy method and multiple regression method); update the annual statistical data bank and revise the forecasting modules accordingly; (3) Update the data bank for the weather analog module and the decision tree system interface; (4) Evaluate the results of each forecast module and for each air quality area, and use these evaluation as a guidance for further improvement of the forecasting auxiliary system with a goal of 75% forecasting accuracy; (5) Analyze the 2002 monitoring data for better understanding of the characteristics and trends of air quality and the improvement of the forecasting results; (6) Provide a professional to station in the operation center and assist the weekly assessment of forecast results. 092 監資處 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2374
毒性化學物質篩選運作管理規劃與用途評析計畫 本計畫完成國際關切之相關議題管理資訊之蒐集,包括:歐盟、美國及日本最新化學物質管理制度、未來化學物質管理趨勢、內分泌干擾物篩選計畫,內分泌干擾物優先關切名單、持久性有機污染物(POPs)國際性公約;蒐集檢視不易分解性、生物濃縮性、慢毒性、急毒性等毒理資料6,894筆,並更新完成398筆毒理資料,另完成10種毒化物管理手冊之更新作業。完成Ⅱ、Ⅲ類毒化物一般性管制措施與非一般性管制措施之檢討,並提出Ⅱ、Ⅲ類毒化物中應進行分類檢討之N-亞硝二甲胺。完成檢討研析現行二階段「篩選毒性化學物質作業原則」,第一階段篩選檢討建議不變,第二階段篩選檢討建議考量加強流布調查及風險評估,並將內分泌干擾特性列入第二階段篩選因子,另於公聽會階段增加公告時程,廣納相關利益或利害團體與民眾意見後,再加以列管。完成壬基苯酚及壬基苯酚聚乙氧基醇類、雙酚A、聯?啶、鉛及鉻化砷酸銅等物質公告列管前置作業,包括蒐集國際毒管資訊、實際調查276家國內運作廠商,瞭解國內運作行業別,評析替代品可行性等。完成石綿、汞、鎘、三氧化二砷及氫氧化三苯錫國內運作現況之調查,並針對環保署申報資料庫中189家全數廠商進行問卷與電訪調查作業,其中廠商現勘家數總計5家;研提目的用途刪併簡廢,包括檢討禁用11項、檢討逐步禁用6項及簡併5項許可目的用途;配合抽樣全省芳香劑與氯系漂白水商品合計108件。彙整完成77年迄今已公告之毒化法規,篩選出與毒化物運作相關法規38筆,並逐一建置完成252種毒化物管制沿革。以上工作成果均由內部品管委員會確認,並均彙整成網路版電子書之型式呈現。本工作成果均達計畫目標之要求,期能提供環保署施政參考。 Screening / Holding / Management Planning and Analysis for Toxic Chemical Substances This project is part of continuous administrative programme. Besides continuous data collection and update, the project also examines and corresponds to toxic chemical substance controlling policy in response to the toxic material issues raised by the international community and concerns by the domestic industry, administration, and academia. Because it includes a broad area of works, we divide them into the following. Gathering toxic dat a and management information; examining Category Ⅱ、Ⅲ toxic chemical substances that includes 137 types; restricted use of 5 toxic chemical substances and production of promotional manuals, with advice and assistance on quality control from the Internal Quality Control Committee proposed by the other sub-project. Methodology of the project consists mainly of data collection, and also includes six conferences of examination and consultation, examination on paper twice, and several cross-department consultation to verify correctness of our data and feasibility of the proposed policy. In addition, to evaluate restricted use of 5 toxic chemical substances, we not only search through the provision database of EPA to survey the current handling of domestic factories, but also use questionnaire and phone interview to proceed with the related task. For those already on list of restricted toxic chemical substances, we accomplish 398 toxic data update and physical and chemical data update; we suggest to include o-Aminotoluene in the observation list of changing toxic classification; For the analysis of pathway and the current controlling policy, we suggest not to ban MTBE in the short term; We finish 189 counts of survey for handling of toxic chemical substance, and suggest revising usage of one toxic chemical substance; we produce a promotional manual “Understand Toxic Materials in the Household. ”We have met the requirement for the project, and hope to provide advice for EPA’s administration. 092 毒管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2372
亞太經濟合作--海洋模式國際合作 「亞太經濟合作--海洋模式國際合作」計畫,主要是配合環保署於亞太經濟合作組織海洋資源保育工作小組(APEC/MRC WG)中所爭取的「亞太地區海洋模式與資訊系統」計畫(Ocean Models and Information System for the APEC Region,以下簡稱OMISAR)。此計畫在於推動亞太地區海洋資訊交流及資料交換,以達到海洋資源保育的目的。藉由實質推動APEC/MRC/OMISAR計畫,使我們能在亞太經濟合作組織各會員體間建立人脈,並且在後續的APEC/MRC/OMISAR計畫維持主導地位,扮演積極保護海洋資源的角色。海洋環境保護是目前國內外應積極採取行動的議題,而從事海洋環境保護的方式可從多方管道進行,如加強對民眾的宣導、隨時掌握海洋環境狀況等。本計畫藉由各會員體的共同討論,獲得高精確度的作業化海洋環境預警系統,進而了解即時的海洋環境狀況。因此本計畫今年於越南召開與海洋環境相關的學術研討會(WOM-10),會中以波浪模式為主題,為作業化海洋環境模式提供了學理上、經驗上的資訊交流。此外,原訂於今年9月15~16日在泰國舉辦之學術研討會(WOM-11),由於沒有學者投稿,因此主辦單位聯繫人Dr. Pramot Sojisuporn建議將會議延後至明年。 APEC-Regional Cooperation on Ocean Models The Marine Resource Conservation Working Group(MRC WG) of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) betakes itself on the promotion of sustainable development of ocean resources. The goal of the project “Ocean Model and Information System for the APEC Region (OMISAR)” of APEC/MRC WG lays on the encouragement of the exchange of marine data between the members of APEC. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Chinese, Taipei had strived and currently is in charge of the project.The present project “APEC-Regional Cooperation on Ocean Models” assists EPA dealing with the affairs within the OMISAR project. By active participating in the OMISAR, it is possible for us to establish the relationship with other member economics. Moreover, hence we can keep our leadership in APEC/MRC/OMISAR and hold the dominative position. The Ocean Environmental Protection is an issue, which are of priority importance to every economics. Diverse approaches could be implemented to achieve the goal, i.e. strengthen the advertising of the issue to the public, monitoring the ocean environmental factors and such like. By the open discussion and collaboration among the economics, a high accuracy operational warning system for ocean environment has been yielded. This year, a disciplinary workshop WOM-10 was arranged and held in Honai, Vietnam in October. This forum, which was set under the theme of Wave Modelling, provided the opportunities for the scientists to exchange their experience and data. On the other hand, another workshop (WOM-11) which ought to be held on Sep. 15~16 , 2003 in Thailand is recommended by the host Dr. Pramot Sojisuporn to postponed to next year, due to the of lack of papers submission by scholars. 092 永續發展室 財團法人成大水利海洋研究發展文教基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2440
行政院環境保護署環境法令英譯 行政院環境保護署在1980年代末期到1990年代初期已推出英文版主要環保法規,而且陸續進行了更新。由於該舊版法規係由各個不同單位及個別人士在不同的年份裡完成,其譯文及環保法規術語往往出現英語措詞和文體風格前後不一致的情形。為配合政府推動國際間之雙語交流及法規條文英譯之標準化,本執行單位一方面將過去所譯環保法規術語和文體風格進行標準化,另方面也把已經標準化的專門用語和文體風格應用在新法規的英譯條文之中。本計劃雖名為「英譯」專案,然而環保法規術語之標準化卻為其中一項費時費力、不可或缺之工作;本執行單位在「翻譯」與術語及文體風格「標準化」兩項工作齊頭並進之下完成本計劃。 English Translation of Laws and Regulations for the Environmental Protection Administration, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Since the late 1980s and early 1990s the EPA has made available key environmental laws and their subsequent revisions in English translation. Because the translation of previous EPA laws and regulations were carried out by different organizations and individuals, the English translation and environmental and legal terminology varied. In line with the government#s bilingual communications and legal translation standardization initiatives, this project established standardized English terminology and style for the English translation of EPA laws and regulations, while at the same time such standardized terminology and style was applied to the translation of the EPA#s most recent laws, regulations and revisions thereof. Although the project was titled a 092 法規會 精粹有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2438
毒性化學物質環境流布調查分析計畫 本計畫完成的工作內容包括,採樣現場環境資料蒐集、採樣及檢測方法建立及QA/QC之執行、12條河川枯水期及豐水期及7座港口環境之底泥及生物體樣本採樣、樣品分析與數據整理、12家運作工廠現場採樣、樣品分析及數據整理;毒化物環境監測規劃;國內、外毒化物環境流布相關文獻蒐集及整理;暴露評估模式建立及相關暴露族群之不同暴露途徑暴露評估;運作工廠毒化物釋放減量策略資料蒐集、建議及各家運作工廠釋放量推估方式合理性評估。在一般環境實地量測工作方面,共完成河川環境之120個底泥樣本及41個(含7個內臟組織樣本)生物體樣本之汞含量檢測,以及120個底泥樣本中11種有機氯含量檢測。港口環境採112個底泥樣本及44個(含8個內臟組織樣本)生物體樣本,進行氧化三丁錫(TBT)及氫氧化三苯錫(TPhT)含量檢測。運作工廠實地量測工作方面,共完成247個環氧氯丙烷(ECH)之樣本檢測(包括140個空氣樣本、23個水體樣本、40個土壤樣本、3個污泥或廢固樣本及41個個人環測樣本),以及250個苯之樣本檢測(包括108個空氣樣本、31個水體樣本、46個土壤樣本、4個污泥或廢固樣本及61個個人環測樣本)。文獻蒐集工作方面,共獲得163篇國內相關文獻及99篇國外相關文獻,並將文獻內容之量測資料彙整於報告中,文獻摘要資料摘如報告附錄。針對未來毒化物環境監測,擬定物質篩選原則,依據篩選原則將目前已公告之252種毒化物依環境監測需求性區別為四類,包括優先級、次優先級、不需進行及無法進行。河川環境量測結果顯示,依河川地理位置區分,以南部地區的河川例如東港溪、林邊溪及鹽水溪,底泥檢出的汞含量較高,上、中、下游河段檢出之汞含量差異並不明顯。比較枯水期及豐水期之差異,顯示豐水期在上、中、下游均有較高之趨勢。河川魚體樣本汞含量分析結果顯示,內臟組織之汞含量最高,魚肉組織次之,全魚分析結果最低,顯示體型愈大之生物體,相對其蓄積量愈高,部分河川魚體肌肉中汞濃度達1.1μg/g wet wt.(相當於1.1 ppm),已高於管制標準0.5ppm(行政院衛生署魚蝦類衛生標準甲基汞含量限值),顯示有必要釐清來源加以管制。以本計畫量測河川魚體之汞含量進行非致癌性風險評估結果危害指標(Hazard Index)小於1,尚不致造成人體健康的危害。河川底泥樣品中11種有機氯毒化物及其代謝物含量分析結果顯示,所有樣本之測值均未高於5μg/kg dry wt.,屬低濃度背景範圍,顯示有機氯毒化物及其代謝物在河川底泥中濃度已逐漸降低至偵測極限以下,由於有機氯農藥均已禁用,未來僅需進行定期持續之監測。以本計畫量測河川魚體之汞含量進行非致癌性風險評估結果,尚不致造成人體健康的危害。在運作工廠環境流布調查中,環氧氯丙烷之工廠製程區、槽區、廠區周界之空氣樣本分析結果顯示,長春高雄廠於投料期間測得之空氣中ECH含量為175.3 mg/Nm3,已超過短時間時量平均容許濃度15.2 mg/Nm3之10倍以上,顯見該廠有改善之空間,建議輔導進行減量改善,並將密閉式投料、加強製程設備元件之檢修與維護管理,納入未來評估改善範圍。苯運作工廠之製程區、槽區、廠區周界之空氣含量分析結果顯示,整體而言,大多低於勞委會所訂定之作業環境空氣中有害物質容許濃度標準16 mg/Nm3。惟多數運作工廠製程區之管線幫浦處,均測得空氣中苯濃度高於勞委會所訂定之作業環境空氣中有害物質容許濃度標準16 mg/Nm3,顯見管線幫浦有洩漏之情形,建議輔導改為雙軸封幫浦並加強檢修及維護管理。水體樣本分析結果顯示,廢水處理單元之廢水均含較高濃度之環氧氯丙烷或苯,而經處理後之共同處理廠進流水及最終放流水中含量則偏低。土壤樣品中環氧氯丙烷或苯含量測值均低於偵測極限,部分污泥餅中有環氧氯丙烷或苯之檢出。ECH及苯之個人環測量測結果均低於勞委會所訂定之作業環境空氣中有害物質容許濃度標準7.6 mg/Nm3(ECH)及16 mg/Nm3(苯)。運作工廠釋放量查核結果顯示,部分工廠有計算錯誤之情形發生,顯示未來應針對毒化物釋放量推估方式之合理性及正確性加以檢核。 The Establishment of the Environmental Distributions Survey of Toxic Chemicals There are 252 toxic chemicals in the revised Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) promulgated by Taiwan EPA. The purpose of this project is to establish a practical and appropriate toxic data bank as the basis of further related policy-making and policy-executing. Three approaches would be applied to accommodate this goal. The first was to conduct field studies and empirical measurements in various environmental media of the factory fields and nearby residents to explore the concentrations and distribution for those selected chemicals, including epichlorohydrin and benzene. The second was to conduct field studies and empirical measurements in various environmental media of the normal fields and nearby residents to explore the concentrations and distribution for those selected chemicals, including mercury, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, aldrin, lindane, hexachlorobenzene, DDE, DDD, DDT, tributyltin (TBT), and triphenyltin (TPhT). The last was to collect and analyse the survey report sponsored by research institutes and governmental institutes in the past ten years in Taiwan, combining with the data of spatial and temporal distributions, the concentration and allocation profile in various environmental media and humans can be elucidated for these toxic chemicals. In this research, we investigated the environmental fate of the toxic chemical compounds in the factory field. We finished the sampling and analysis work of 497 samples, including ambient air samples, personal exposure air samples, water samples, soil samples, and other samples. About the environmental fate of the toxic chemical compounds in the normal field, we finished the sampling and analysis work of 437 samples. We got 163 reaches about the chemical compounds, through the collection and the analysis of survey report sponsored by research institutes and governmental institutes in the past ten years in Taiwan, combining with the data of spatial and temporal distributions, the concentration and allocation profile in various environmental media and humans were elucidated for these toxic chemicals. 092 毒管處 國立成功大學環境微量毒物研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2388
執行修(增)訂噪音管制法修正相關子法之法制作業 噪音管制法母法於九十二年元月八日,配合行政程序法之施行,增訂了部份條文,為遵照「母法修訂時,有關子法應即時配合修訂」之法制作業要求,環保署乃擬訂本專案計畫辦理各項子法之法制作業程序,使執行噪音管制業務有明確授權依據,並研議相關噪音管制配套措施,使噪音業務順利推動。在本計畫中針對噪音管制法相關子法包括噪音管制法施行細則、 噪音管制區劃分原則、噪音管制標準(增加陸上運輸系統部份)、環境音量標準、 機場周圍地區航空噪音防制辦法、 民用航空器噪音管制辦法、 民用航空器噪音管制標準、 軍事機關及其所屬單位之場所工程設施及汽車航空器等裝備噪音管制辦法等八項子法進行條文內容檢討及修正,其中細則部份在協助環保署舉辦三場公聽會及相關程序後,已於九十二年十月十五日經環保署發布修正,完成法制作業;其它子法則在本計畫中因應母法及細則之更動分別提出條文修正建議。針對陸上運輸系統交通噪音,邀集專家學者及相關交通單位代表召開座談會,吸取各方意見,提供環保署未來條文修正方向。低頻噪音部分則收集國外相關研究文獻、量測方法等進行研究,邀集專家學者、相關單位及儀器公司召開座談會,以期協助環保署研擬未來低頻噪音管制並提出未來執行方向建議。除修正現有條文外,本計畫亦依細則第三條內容擬定全國性噪音管制計畫及全國性噪音稽查執行計畫,提供環保署作為未來要求各地方環保局制定相關計畫之參考,在執行期間並邀集各縣市環保局噪音管制業務主辦人及專家學者,舉辦噪音管制工作業務檢討會,交換噪音管制業務心得,俾使噪音業務順利推動。 The Legislation Procedure for Amending the Relating Regulations of Noise Control Act In order to match to the implementation of administrative process, Noise Control Law has been revised adding several articles in January 1, 2003. According to the stipulations of legal operation requirement that related minor laws should revised as soon as their major law has been revised, Environmental Protection Administration made this project dealing with revising affairs of all related minor laws. It helps to clarify the duties among different departments. This project has made suggested revises and modifications of its 8 minor laws. After holding 3 related councils, Enforcement Rules of Noise Control Law had been revised successfully and promulgated on October 15 this year. Suggested revises of other minor laws have been proposed in this project as well. And some issues, such as traffic noises of land transportation system, and low frequency noises, were also mentioned. Many references were collected. Experts, private tech companies and related departments were invited to join councils giving precious ideas. Accordance with the article 3 of Enforcement Rules of Noise Control Law, this project has drafted two plans: National Plan of Noise Control, and National Plan of Noise Inspecting Execution. This project also held a conference of business issues for local and national governments interacting with each other to promote their work on their jobs. 092 空保處 中華民國音響學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2386
空氣品質淨化區調查評估暨後續追蹤考核專案工作計畫 一、研究目的:本委託計畫主要是對空氣品質淨化區進行調查評估暨後續追蹤考核之工作,以協助環境保護署建立完整的空氣品質淨化區體系,以改善並提昇空氣品質,本計畫可概分為十一項工作。二、研究工作內容、方法及結果:包含下列各項:1.修正訂定空氣品質淨化區設置申請補助程序,並印製成手冊1000份。2.新提報空氣品質淨化區基地之調查及評估(共完成7處基地)。 3.已核定空氣品質淨化區基地之追蹤、督導與查核(共完成144處基地)。 4.空氣品質淨化區電腦檔案資料之更新,並製作成新的網頁。5.訂定環境綠化育苗申請補助程序,並印製成手冊1,000份。6.追蹤考核評估公有苗圃現況(17處苗圃),並探討日後之執行方案。7.公有苗圃資料建檔8.辦理專家學者實地現勘活動共二場9.辦理空氣品質淨化區設置及環境綠化育苗成果研討會共一場10.辦理兩場維護管理說明會及兩場大型宣導活動11.研擬廢棄物污染場址之復育綠化可行方案三、結論與建議:(一)執行綠化效益評估目前空品淨化區之總設置面積已超過1,000公頃,預估於2007年以後,其綠化之空氣品質經濟效益將可大於執行所需之總費用,且設置時間越久,所得之空氣品質淨化經濟效益將越高,這還不包括健康上、心理精神上等的其他效益,由此可知空品淨化區設置之綠化總體效益之重要性。(二)相關建議1.空品淨化區設置方面(1)配合SIP考評規則之再次修正及環保署之政策,有必需將「空品淨化區申請補助程序」再做必要之修正。(2)建立空品淨化區科學及量化之評估方式,以供縣市自評時使用。(3)針對已核定空品淨化區進行全面性之追蹤考核,建立電腦檔案,並彙整登錄於環保署網站上。(4)定期舉辦相關研討活動與參觀行程,落實獎懲制度。(5)利用各種宣傳教育管道加強地方民眾對空品淨化區基本理念與目的之認知。(6)加強推動空品淨化區認養制度,同時制定相關獎勵和優惠辦法。(7)針對已執行之垃圾場復育綠化基地之植栽種類、生長狀況、空氣品質改善成效等項目進行紀錄、監測與分析。(8)自行車道應以都市計畫區為單位,建立網路系統,以能確實取代摩托車的交通量。2.環境綠化育苗計畫方面(1)定期彙整苗木資訊,並處理成即時之網上資訊。(2)建議對繼續申請經費之苗圃,必需補足去年應繳交之相關資料後,才接受其新年度之申請。(3)撫育作業應朝向較具規模、完整且區位便利之縣市單位進行。培育作業建議由學術單位之苗圃大量培育原生樹種之小苗,再分階段移至地方公有育苗單位進行後續撫育作業。(4)建議育苗單位由17處減少至12處以內。(5)建議建立供需平衡之機制。(6)建議撫育作業部分可由民間單位進行。3.相關資訊電腦化及網站資料之定期更新(1)將最新之空品淨化區及環境綠化育苗計畫相關資料置於環保署綠美化網站上。(2)將環保署或其他直接相關之研究成果置於環保署綠美化網站上。 Air quality purification area inventory、assessment and maintenance evaluation project. 1.Project purpose:The purpose of this project is to provide administrative assistance to EPA for establishing air quality purification area (hereinafter called aquapu area) system and related works, and also evaluate each aquapu site for their planting, construction and maintenance quality. This project includes eleven items of work.2.Project content、method and results:This project has to produce following results:(1) Revise Aguapu Area Working Manual including application procedures and other related regulation, and print 1000 copies.(2) Inventory, and assessment of newly applied sites of Aquapu Areas (7 sites).(3) Inspection and evaluation of approved sites of Aquapu Areas (144 sites).(4) Renewal of computer data bank of Aquapu Area system.(5) Establishment of Working Manual for nursery, also prints 1000 copies.(6) Site inspection and evaluation of all public nurseries (17 sites), and improvement of future implementation plan.(7) Establishment of computer data bank for public nursery.(8) Provide on site inspection activities for project related advisors and experts.(9) Assisting EPA to held symposium on Aquapu Area and public nursery mainly for experience exchange among all participants.(10) Held two meetings to explain the content of Aquapu Area application procedures and two other meetings for Aquapu Area promotional activities.(11) Propose greenization methods for closed waste or dumping sites.3.Conclusion and Suggestion:(1) At present, the total area of Aguapu Sites has exceeded 1000 Hectares. We estimate that by year 2007, the economic benefits of air quality purification from those sites will exceed all invested installation and maintenance costs. The further of the year, the better. Other benefits will include health benefit, spiritual and mantle benefits, etc.(2) Related Suggestion.a. Aquapu Area related.b. Nursery related.c. Renew of computer and Internet data bank. 092 空保處 中華民國永續發展學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2384
空氣品質模式支援中心運作及建立(二) 空氣污染防制法第六條及第八條規定:新增或變更之固定污染源污染物排放量達一定規模者,其污染物排放量須經模式模擬證明不超過污染物容許增量限值。因此空氣品質模式為主管機關進行容許增量限值模擬核定、空氣品質管理策略規劃、個別污染源許可審查、以及大型開發計環境影響評估等工作之必備工具,因此進行本計畫。本年度計畫執行成果摘要如下:(1)已研擬完成模式認可流程及相關表格之製作,並進行空氣品質模式認可執行要點之研擬,其草案內容亦有初步成果,並已完成公聽程序。(2)容許增量限值模式模擬作業已規劃完成其作業流程,並完成固定污染源設置許可証核發作業增加“增量限值”審查。(3)ISCST3模擬氣象輸入資料查詢系統,除既有88、89、及90年資料外,已完成氣象局91年氣象資料之收集。(4)空氣品質模式所需氣象模式模擬輸出的網格資料方面,目前已完成1999年四個案例之模擬分析,以及2000年1月1日~1月5日、9月18日~ 9月22日、11月23日~27日、5月12日~5月16日、6月26日~6月30日等案例模擬。並提供台灣地面與高空氣象觀測資料、全球地面與高空氣象站觀測FGGE氣象資料及全球氣象分析場網格資料下載。(5)網頁建置方面,截至11月止己建置超過200個頁面,並安裝一套流量分析軟體,以瞭解使用者的瀏覽次數與主要瀏覽文件。(6)至今年10月底止,諮詢服務累計共有65次諮詢問題,主要問題內容以空氣品質模式、氣象資訊、排放源等三項最多。(7)本年度辦理三場次之模式訓練講座,第一場於6月25日假環訓所舉辦,對象以環保局相關人員為主,內容以模式模擬相關法規的剖析與說明為主。第二場於11月20日於景文技術學院舉辦,對象以顧問公司人員及公私場所相關執行人員為主。第三場於12月4日舉辦,地點及內容與第二次相同。(8)非例行性空品觀測資料已收集611冊彙整之觀測資料,其中包括博碩士論文193冊(5冊博士論文、188冊碩士論文)、計畫77冊(篇)、期刊論文6冊(篇)、研討會335冊(篇)。(9)已完成高屏地區空氣品質變異原因之分析,分別就空品、氣候因子、排放量變動因子進行分析。(10)已完成自小客車及二行程機車排放量等重大污染源對高屏空品區之影響,並繪製影響分布圖,可做為未來管制對策研擬之參考。(11)已完成建立一些界面程式,並初步撰寫TAQM增量模擬操作手冊說明增量模擬操作流程,使容許增量模擬之操作更為方便。(12)已開發自動化程式進行污染物等濃度圖繪製、排放量變異圖及污染潛勢圖、GTx空氣品質時序模擬及網頁展現,自動化定期下載中央氣象局NFS資料,並設計網頁操作及顯示,以期許模式支援中心方便使用者操作。(13)模式發展及國際合作工作部分,除持續發展各模式外,亦於10月16日(三)舉辦聚會,邀請本支援中心之顧問群,共同參與此次模式發展討論會議。 Air Quality Modeling Center of Operation and Estabishment(II) Air quality models are playing vital roles in tasks concerning the air quality planning and regulatory compliance checking. As the content of air quality models becomes more sophisticated, both in their scientific mechanisms and in their data input, a successful job requires different aspect in supports and specialties. Taiwan EPA urged by this requirement has established the Air Quality Modeling Center (AQMC), which recruits expertise and data resources in different institutes over the Island and is connected over the Internet platform to carry out its missions.In this project, it is intended to layout the organization and operation of AQMC, Taiwan. As an answer to pleas from the air pollution community, AQMC’s operation is aimed to serve the community needs in three major areas, namely the expertise in advanced air pollution modeling, the data acquisition needs in model input and the computational platform needs. Furthermore, to meet the continuous challenge of both the scientific and legal advancement in the community, AQMC also serves as the forum for new ideas and cooperative endeavors for future Air Quality.AQMC, Taiwan has been inaugurated for over 10 months. In its initial phase, six universities and one leading consultant company have been involved in hardware, software and data bank supporting tasks. Through the web site contents and online information retrieving services, AQMC has achieved its minimum function required by its goals. Both the reduction in task duplications and improvement in service and job quality are widely noticed by the community. The prospective of a final dynamic air quality managing system through the daily operation of AQMC is the consensus among the common participating members. 092 空保處 國立雲林科技大學環境與安全系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2448
總量管制制度建置計畫 本計畫為二年施政計畫,因應空氣污染防制法自八十八年公告納入防制區與總量管制相關條文,為落實三級防制區之管理與未來總量管制進行完整之規劃,故有本計畫之執行。本年度工作重點為本計畫之目標包括:一、執行及推動第一階段總量管制(三級防制區之推動),具體推動及研訂各項管制策略。二、訂定污染源排放量認可準則,以利後續總量管制排放量認可作業之推動。三、進行環保署空保處網頁維護更新。本計畫完成之工作項目,經歸納執行成果如下說明:一、研修空氣污染防制法總量相關條文 針對總量相關條文進行檢討,並辦理二次研商會,修正重點:1.增列防制區及總量管制區內,賦予地方政府減量責任,並規定其應定期申報縣市排放量,其執行污染物減量有超額時,其差額經中央主管機關認可後得保留、釋出。2.增列規定供抵換污染物增量排放量應取自同一總量管制區及既存污染源可以透過抵換或交易方式補足差額之規定。二、推動第一階段總量管制 1.調查及彙整三級防制區符合一定規模之固定源審查狀況,92年共計僅有彰化縣、雲林縣、台南縣三縣市七個製程符合條件,亦收集相關審查問題進行探討研析。2.於06.24及09.24辦理二場次縣市空氣污染防制計畫座談,製作空氣污染防制計畫書撰寫範例提供縣市撰寫參考。並組成專家小組針對其所提報之空氣污染防制計畫進行審查,對其減量目標、減量策略等重要項目進行審視,並提供相關建議意見,提供縣市修正參考。3.針對高屏地區各縣市訂定至目標年前各年空氣污染減量目標之計算原則,提供後續年份減量目標之訂定。4.針對現行高屏三縣市配合推動之第一階段總量管制策略進行彙整,於91年起推動迄今共計減量粒狀物11744公噸,硫氧化物7394公噸,氮氧化物6262公噸及揮發性有機物2247公噸。5.針對臭氧之前驅物揮發性有機物及氮氧化物分別擬定26項及3項減量策略,VOC部份包括針對部份VOC製造行業、有機溶劑使用業、電子業等,氮氧化物主要針對鍋爐要求加嚴標準;另對逸散粒狀物亦建議6項減量策略。三、建置排放量認可制度1.研訂既存固定污染源排放量認可準則本作業辦理多次研商及公聽會後取得各界共識,已於92.7.23完成公告,共計12條,主要係針對空氣污染物排放量一定規模以上之既存固定污染源要求於一定期限內認可包括粒狀物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物及揮發性有機物等污染源別及全?之認可排放量,並另研訂180個製程及639類污染源排放係數及符合排放標準之最低控制效率,以及依不同對象之活動強度認定方式。本年度亦完成訂定固定源排放量認可作業相關指引,後續作為下年度地方認可作業執行依據。2.研訂移動污染源排放量認定基準本作業透過廣邀學者、專家及業者共同研商。完成訂定移動污染源排放量認可準則(草案)及排放量認定係數附表,依車輛出廠年份、使用燃料種類、用途及車種,提供未來實施總量管制時辦理排放量認可之依據。有關移動污染源排放量認可準則(草案)計十三條,明定適用對象及辦理排放量認可之各相關行政作業程序3.主管機關排放量基準訂定依修正空氣污染防制法(草案)規定,未符合空氣品質標準之總量管制區之直轄市、縣(市)政府對轄區內之污染源均負有減量責任。彙整研商會議結論以及實務上之執行考量,界定地方主管機關認可範圍係包括一定規模以下之固定源及移動源,以及所有逸散源。本作業針對相關範圍進行計量方式之訂定。完成研擬「直轄市、縣(市)主管機關污染源空氣污染物排放量計算準則(草案)」,共計九條。4.推估高屏地區總量管制基準排放量運用前述已擬定之排放量計量方式,針對高屏地區之污染源進行排放量推估,屬於中央管制之一定規模以上固定源排放量為粒狀物254,414公噸,硫氧化物為464,796公噸,氮氧化物為584,590公噸,揮發性有機物115,524公噸,若涵括一定規模以下之固定源及移動源、逸散面源,共計排放量為粒狀物299,628公噸,硫氧化物為494,080公噸,氮氧化物為647,402公噸,揮發性有機物241,751公噸。四、排放量認可與後續工作關聯性探討 配合未來相關作業之規劃,進行認可制度與指定削減、政府釋出及排放量查核關連性探討。1.與指定削減關連性:考量計算基準相關因子(排放係數、防制效率)及準則研訂考量要素(如指定削減對象、指定削減方式),進行關聯性評析。2.與政府釋出關連性:針對認可制度與主管機關排放量釋出相關因子進行關聯性評析。3.與排放查核關連性探討,則考量認可須查核事項之內容,並就未來削減排放量之查核進行探討。五、總量管制相關配合執行事項與行政支援1.規劃三級防制區及總量管制區之未來銜接作業依現行空污法及修正草案兩種版本分別評析兩種管制措施。後續尚須進行作業包括既存固定污染源污染物排放量指定削減準則,同時亦應納入移動污染源、逸散污染源削減基準及政府部門排放量削減方式、保留抵換交易制度等工作。2.相關之研商諮詢及訓練說明辦理15場次之研商或諮詢會議,議題包括針對空污法總量相關條文、固定污染源排放量認可準則、移動污染源排放量計算基準及地方主管機關排放量計算規定等議題,對象包括專家學者、業者、環保單位與顧問公司,另辦理縣市環保單位之執行技術訓練,辦理一場次三級防制區審查技術說明會及三場排放量認可作業說明會。六、空保處網頁維護本作業內容包括完成空保處管制訊息更新(包括最新訊息、下載資料、各科推動政策等)、上載相關文宣手冊資料(清新空氣環保手冊、生活作息話空氣手冊、保護臭氧層手冊、海龍宣導手冊、冷卻炙熱的地球宣導手冊等)、彙整空氣品質淨化區文宣成果,並編輯上網、完成九十一年度研究報告摘要建檔及提供查詢、完成營建工程資料庫連結與修正作業、完成91年度空氣品質總檢討及年報資料編輯及上網及定期維護網頁正常運作。 Total capacity control planning The project is in response to the 1999 amendment of the Air Pollution Control Act (APCA) regarding the addition of articles for the air pollution control districts (APCD) and the total capacity control (TCC) concepts. Major achievements are: 1. APCA amendments for TCC:(1) Local bureaus are given more responsibilities in carrying out local emission reduction and reporting periodically to the central government. (2) Regulations for emission trading can occur only in the same APCD under TCC mandate. 2. Emission capacity approval regulationThe main purpose of the regulation is to mandate existing stationary sources over certain sizes to have their emission capacity approved within designated time period. (1) For existing stationary sources emission capacity approval : Emission factors were developed for 639 sources out of 180 processes, together with BACT effectiveness and operation scale definition. (2) For mobile sources emission capacity approval : Emission factors were calculated for vehicles according to made years, gasoline or diesel fuel, commercial or private use and vehicle types. (3) For public sectors: an emission calculation methodology was also developed for the public sectors. 3. Estimation of the Kaopin area emission inventory baselineUsing the above mentioned to estimate the Kaopin area emission inventory baseline shows emissions from stationary sources to be 254,414 Tons of TSP, 464,796 Tons of SOx, 584,590 Tons of NOx, and 115,524 Tons of VOC. If fugitive sources and mobile sources are included, the total emission will be 299,628 Tons of TSP, 494,080 Tons of SOx, 647,402 Tons of NOx, and 241,751 Tons of VOC. 092 空保處 財團法人中技社環境技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2400
九十二年度機車排氣分析儀巡迴查核檢校專案計劃 台灣有著相當高的車輛密度,尤其在都會區中機動車輛已超越工業製造成為污染源之首,因此對使用中車輛加強稽查取締及推動車輛定檢,為主管單位近年來之重點工作;本計畫為維持環保署認可定檢站之檢測品質,確保檢驗數據之準確性與精確性,以提昇政府檢驗之公信力。本計畫於期程間內完成全國約1900台分析儀之標準氣體查核,隨即進行流量確認、漏氣檢查、全幅點氣體比對、再現性檢查及線性檢查,另外進行定檢站使用標準氣體比對與查核不合格站增加複檢頻率查核。查核不符合標準時,將於檢校完成起一週內,完成複檢工作;並就查核、檢校結果進行統計分析提出結論與建議,作為環保署管理定檢站檢測品質的參考。 Tour of vehicle emission analyzers audit in 2003 There are have very high automobile population in Taiwan, and vehicle#s emission become major pollutant source in urban, therefore, Enhance audit used vehicle and conduct inspection annually are most important works to do by government recently. This project is for the purpose of keeping a well inspection quality to vehicle emission inspection station. Making sure all test results are under good accuracy and precision, and improve government#s public reliability.1900 vehicle emission analyzers will be audited and calibrated during project period. The calibration items include flow check, leak test, ZERO/SPAN calibration, repeatability test and linear test. Besides of these jobs, comparing standard gas concentration used in stations and increasing the disqualification stations re-audit frequency are also very important jobs in this project. If audit deviation is over criteria, there will be re-audit in a week. After audit completed, there are some conclusions and suggestions to government for management these testing stations. 092 環檢所 行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2398
因應蒙特婁議定書策略研擬 多數聯合國國家於1987年簽訂的蒙特婁議定書,其為保護臭氧層,先行管制已開發國家之破壞臭氧層物質消費量。自1989年起須陸續凍結列管物質的生產與進出口,物質種類包括CFCs、海龍、四氯化碳、1,1,1-三氯乙烷、HBFCs、溴化甲烷及HCFCs;但允許少量的必要用途需求。我國政府基於地球村成員,即使非聯合國成員,仍決定遵守議定書對已開發國家的管制規定。況且遵守議定書對我國有另一層意義,即保護國內相關產業免受議定書貿易限制條款的制裁。此計畫之功能主要作為政府因應議定書管制規定持續的修正,三大工作主軸為:1)建立對外溝通管道與加強國際交流;2)協助研擬因應策略與行政支援;3)傳播臭氧層保護相關資訊,加強教育宣導。計畫第一項工作主要藉由出席蒙特婁議定書相關會議,包括締約國與工作小組會議。交流過程中同時蒐集先進國家之因應策略與措施,整合個別之技術背景如替代品、回收、處理技術及管理等相關資訊,以提出具參考價值之建議。所取得聯繫管道也予以文件化,建立經驗資料庫。除實際參加國際會議外,亦透過網路、速報、會訊期刊等來蒐集替代技術、管理模式與管制趨勢等資訊。所彙整之發現與分析報告亦可作為強化教育宣導之素材。計畫第二項工作為國內因應措施推展的行政支援,內容視環保署施政需求而定。持續性工作包括︰向臭氧秘書處提報我國歷年消費量數據;辦理庫存CFCs、HCFCs及溴化甲烷之核配作業與使用場所實地訪查;海龍藥劑與含海龍藥劑滅火器之庫存盤點,必要時輔導其拆解與回收。由於2002年前氟氯烴進口核配原由工業局負責承辦,溴化甲烷則由農委會負責,但2003年起全由環保署承接,因此協助增修訂各類列管物質之相關管理辦法也成為今年度計畫的重要項目。所考量層面將納入生產、輸出入、販賣、使用、稽查、回收再利用等。計畫第三項強調資訊宣導與教育訓練,對象仍以供應端與直接使用端為主,但今年也納入一般大眾與查緝單位。供應端與直接使用端宣導以舉辦技術推廣研討會與發行電子季報為主;對於一般大眾則以製作短片來宣導保護臭氧層之正確觀念;查緝單位則透過舉辦CFCs走私辨識講習會,並製作走私查緝之作業手冊,作為海關與海巡人員之作業依據。資訊宣導平台以環保署臭氧層保護中英文資訊網站為主,今年將大幅度更新內容、架構與設計風格,以生動活潑與使用友善性提高為改善重點。而所發行的英文電子季報,亦是以宣導我國管制動態與成果給國外友人之重要管道。 Strategy analysis in responding to Montreal Protocol One of the main tasks of this project is to act as a facilitator for consolidating a positive interaction between Taiwan government and the international communities on protection of the ozone Layer.By this regard, ITRI participated both the 23rd Open Ended Working Group Meeting and the 15th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, which will also be beneficial for ITRI to follow the most recent trend and development of ODS control strategy that may have significant impacts to Taiwan industry. Furthermore, with the consent of EPA, ITRI reported the 2002 data on production and consumption of ODS in Taiwan to the UNEP Ozone Secretariat In June.Revision of the existing ODS managing regulation and guideline was another focus of the project. Three regulations were amended this year, they are:’HCFCs Consumption Management Regulation’, ‘Air Pollutants regulated by International Environmental treaties’ and ‘Methyl Bromide Consumption Management Regulation’. Regulation of ODS and Products containing ODS Management Regulation were also proposed. With above-mentioned regulations in place, ITRI then assisted EPA to complete the quota allocation of HCFCs and CFCs according to the licensing system stipulated in respective regulations. Stopping illegal trade of ODS is a fundamental element for safeguarding Taiwan’s integrity on this issue, therefore, five custom officer and coast guard training workshops were held and touring from northern, central and southern regions of Taiwan to strengthen the ability of personnel involved on identifying incidents of ODS smuggling, over 450 officers attended the training course. In order to fasten the deployment of non-CFC air conditioning system, a CFC substitution brochure was edited and submitted to the EPA for consideration, and an animation regarding the restriction of CFCs usage was also produced. These awareness-raising materials will be made accessible from the web site - Ozone Layer Protection in Taiwan, which is also designed and set up by this year project. 092 空保處 工業技術研究院 李政弘 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2396
飲用水水質標準中生物性及適飲性標準管制項目及標準之評估 本計畫致力於飲用水水質標準中生物性及適飲性管制項目及標準之評估,(評估項目包括:大腸桿菌群、總硬度、總溶解固體量、氨氮、臭味物質、酚類等),並調查評估飲用水中鹵乙酸消毒副產物並檢討納入管制之可行性。最後,對於先進國家已有使用但國內尚未公告之飲用水水質處理藥劑(至少五種),作為公告之參考,以增進淨水處理效能與管線壽命。工作內容包括:(1)評估飲用水水質標準中生物性及適飲性管制項目及標準。(2) 調查評估飲用水中尚未納入管制之污染物質(包括含鹵乙酸消毒副產物)並檢討納入管制之可行性。(3)建議增加公告(至少五種)飲用水水質處理可添加藥劑種類。 Assessment of Microbial &Acceptable Items of Drinking Water standard This project is dedicated to review and modify the microbial aspects, acceptability aspects in the current drinking water quality standards, including total coliforms, total hardness, TDS, odorous matters, ammonia nitrogen and phenols, and to assess the feasibilities of adding regulation items, such as pathogens and HAAs, in the drinking water quality standards in Taiwan.The results of this project suggested that the maximum contamination level (MCL) of total coliform is changed to “must not be detectable” in any 100-mL sample, and the item of fecal coliform should be promulgated and regulated as “must not be detectable in any 100-mL sample”. For the aspects of acceptability, the original MCLs of total hardness and TDS are reformed to 250mg/L (as CaCO3) and 450 mg/L, respectively, and the maximum contamination level goals (MCLGs) are set as 150 mg/L (as CaCO3) for total hardness and 250 mg/L for TDS. Meanwhile, the MCL of phenol is set as 0.002 mg/L so that the standard value is higher than the detection limit and is more reasonable. As for the HAAs, it is suggested to follow the criteria of the stage 1 D-DBP Rule of USEPA: five haloacetic acids (HAA5) should not exceed 0.06 mg/L.For the revise and augment of additives in the water treatment industries, five chemicals are suggested to be regulated, including calcium oxide, sodium carbonate, sodium chlorite, sodium silicate and calcium chloride. 092 毒管處 國立台灣大學環境工程學研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2510
環保標章推廣應用成果展示觀摩會 行政院環保署自八十一年起訂頒「行政院環境保護署環保標章推動使用作業要點」及「行政院環境保護署環保標章審議委員會設置要點」為的就是推動「可回收、低污染、省資源」之環保產品理念,據以建立並推動我國之環保標章制度,而「環保標章」制度是配合此環保環念所設計的制度,其目的為鼓勵事業單位於原料取得、產品製造、販賣、使用、廢棄過程中,能夠節省資源或降低環境的污染,自動朝向有利環境的產品發展,藉此形成環保生活化,培養人人做環保的習慣。時至今日環保標章已雖然為民眾漸漸接受了,但部分民眾對於環保標章的範圍及其相關產品仍有不明了之處,所以對於環保標章的教育我們還是需要投注更多的心力,因此環保標章推廣成為我們現在的重要的課題。為提升消費大眾對環保標章之認知度並進而選用環保標章產品。 提升政府機關人員對綠色採購項目及商品特性之瞭解並踴躍支持。展示環保標章制度與綠色消費運動推動十年之成果。並收集一般民眾、廠商及環保團體之意見,以作為計畫檢討與未來推動規劃之參考。活動於台北國際會議中心一樓場地舉辦。製作招商手冊計200份。郵寄環保標章及第二類環境保護產品廠商152家。計有22家參與展示活動。國外環保標章組織包括德國、歐盟、捷克、韓國、日本、紐西蘭、加拿大、泰國等提供展品。攤位數頭等艙15攤位、商務艙20攤位、101室40攤位(展示攤位33個,舞台區7個)、環保教育區8攤位,合計為83攤位。新聞稿配合署內記者會發送,並發送38份電子報。廣播宣導包括:漢生、中央、教育、中廣、警廣專訪及中廣新聞網全省輪播宣導廣告電視宣導製作插撥帶於無線電視四台播放報紙宣導:刊登聯合、經濟、工商、中時報頭廣告。製作海報1000份及邀請函1,600份郵寄各相關單位邀請參加。活動中邀請藝人包括:何方、王珍妮、金智娟、王介安。參觀以摸彩券總計參與人次為6200人。開幕邀請署長、處長、臺北市環保局長、主婦聯盟陳曼麗董事長、國策顧問柴松林教授及環發會董事長陳陵援共同參與。交通部分租用交通車於市府捷運站至會場免費接送,計192車次。摸彩獎項包括電冰箱、洗衣機、微波爐、除濕機、LCD螢幕、彩色雷射印表機、雷射印表機、噴墨印表機、文具組等均為環保標章產品,合計獎項為134個。合計超過80萬元 Green Mark Product Exhibition Since1992 the” Promotion Measures of Environmental Green Mark” and the “Settlement of Green Mark Certificate Authorization Committee” regulation have been taken into effect.The main objective is to educate the public, and promote the green product, that has” Recyclable, Low Pollution, Energy Saving” characteristic and setting up system of Taiwan Eco labeling. The “Green Mark” system is being based on the concept of environment conservation. To encourage the manufacturers and to produce energy saving and low pollution products for all the stages, from raw material and end of use disposing. In this way to carry out environmental protection in our daily life.Today, even though the Green Mark has been accepted by public gradually, but still for some people it is not understand Green Mark. In order to educate the public And the government procurement personal , to recognize the green product.Also to demonstrate the 10years accomplishments .We commentate with the manufacturer and environment protection groups to collect for the project of review this project and the future planning.The activities held in the International Conference Center in Taipei city at room101and102. Dec18~20th .There are 200 promotion brochures and 152 invite letters was send, 22 of green product manufacturers was joined the demonstration.Eco labelling organization from abroad provides products from Germany, Japan, Korea, Thailand, New Zealand, Canada and Crech Republic.The news was released during the EPA press conference, which includes 4 wireless television and advertisement print on four newspapers and four video broadcasting. The joined people were 6200.The famous singers were invited to perform during the three days activities. 134 lottery items worth 800,000 NT including refrigerator ,washing machine , microwave ovens, dehumidifier , LCD screen, laser jet printer,…etc., 092 管考處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2594
中日公害糾紛處理實務之比較分析(第二年) 今年度研究計畫,除了進一步深入分析及更新第一年所完成的工作內容外,並就日本公害判決、公害健康被害補償制度及公害鑑定等在解決公害糾紛所扮演的角色方面做一廣泛的探討。因此,以第一年的研究成果為基礎,處理架構擴充到四大公害事件、公害健康被害補償法制之最新發展狀況,並探討公害鑑定之實務,以把握完整的處理體系。同時,蒐集日本重大公害糾紛案件並加以分析,整理出糾紛的特徵、趨勢與各個處理程序的處理機制等。另外,有鑑於分析案件的處理狀況是了解機制運行績效的最佳切入點,所以針對個別成功個案如號稱日本最大規模,發生在香川縣豐島的產業廢棄物非法投棄事件的調停處理經過、遭遇的困難及處理結果等進行探討及分析。 Comparison and Analysis of Public Nuisance Disputes Mediation Affairs in Taiwan and Japan (Second Year) This project undertakes a comparative study of Japan and Taiwan in their respective public nuisance disputes mediation system for the purpose of analyzing prospects for future dispute mediation system in Taiwan. 092 管考處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2436
都市地被植物之選擇與應用方式對改善空氣品質之影響 地被植物種類繁多,應用於景觀綠化上,應依其機能、環境因素、所需展示之成果等加以選擇,使地被植物的功能,不僅只限於觀賞,而且具有減少塵土飛揚、淨化空氣等改善環境的機能。本計畫擬先從事目前都市地被植物應用現況調查,確定目前常用的地被植物種類,以及具潛力之地被植物,探討地被植物的種類和配置方式對綠化地點的空氣品質之影響,評選出合適的地被植物種類和配置方式。現地調查地被植物的種類和配置方式對空氣品質之影響,地被植物平均總滯塵率為33.5 %,去除距離效應,淨滯塵率平均值為17.3 %。在配置方式上以植物種類多樣、立體結構明顯、綠帶寬度大,即喬、灌、地被明顯的立體結構,或複層灌木、配合覆蓋度高的地被植物,其整體的淨化效果最好。針對常見地被植物進行滯塵量分析,在相對滯塵量上以彩葉草、馬纓丹、腎蕨(葉表粗糙、有皺褶),黃金金露華、紅莧、六月雪、黃帝菊(葉片小而粗糙),合果芋、蚌蘭、非洲鳳仙花(葉片硬挺或具黏性物質)具有較高滯塵量。此外,植物的葉面積指數亦為影響單位種植面積滯塵量的決定因素,在滯塵效果上,以葉面積指數具有較大影響力。其中以黃金金露華、鵝掌藤、馬纓丹、黃帝菊、南美蟛蜞菊、合果芋、彩葉草、矮仙丹、百慕達草、六月雪等具有較高單位種植面積滯塵量。另外,葉片於溼潤狀態上較之乾燥狀態可提高4.1~22.9倍的滯塵量。地被植物雖然具有相當的滯塵作用,但在塵埃覆蓋其葉片上仍會降低其光合作用,進而影響生長發育。以蒙塵處理後葉綠素螢光下降率來表示抗塵性的表現,以月橘、黃帝菊、六月雪、非洲鳳仙花、吊竹草有較佳的抗塵性。綜合30種地被植物之滯塵量和抗塵性的表現,初步篩選出:黃帝菊、六月雪、南美蟛蜞菊、黃金金露華、非洲鳳仙花、馬纓丹等地被植物在二方面均具有較佳的表現。 The effect of selection and desposition in groundcovers of improvement on air quality in urban area. Groundcovers can improve the air quality, and the ability of improvement varies with different groundcovers and planting patterns. The results showed the average total dust interception ratio (DIA) is 33.5 %; excluding the distance effect, the average net DIA is 17.3 %. By the means of groundcovers deposition, the groundcovers with various types of plants, multi-layered planting, and broader planting belt had better ability of improving the air quality.Comparing variations of dust interception capacity (DIC) in 30 common groundcovers, controlling the soil particulate and the leaf unit area under the same condition in the lab, we found that there were a lot of variety between different groundcovers. We found that the plant with rough and folding leave surface (e.g. Coleus blumei Benth., Lantana camara L.), the plant with small and rough leaves (e.g. Duranta repens, Altemanthera paronychioides cv. #Picta#), the plant with firm leaves or paste particles (e.g. Syngonium podophyllum Schott, Rhoeo spathaceo cv ‘Compacta’) had higher efficiencies. In addition, the leaf area index (LAI) is also a determinant factor of the DIC per planting area. On the DIC per planting area effect, the role of LAI was more important than that of DIC. The DIC of per planting area of Duranta repens, Schefflera arboricola Hay., Lantana camara L., Melampodium paludosum, and Wedelia trilobata is higher. Moreover, when plants leaves are in the wet status, compared to dry status, the DIC of the leaves can enhance 4.1 to 22.9 times.Measuring the decrease of chlorophyll fluorsence (Fv/Fm) as the index of dust-resisting ability (DRA) of plants when the leaf is pullulated by dust. The result showed that Murraya paniculata (Linn.) Jack., Melampodium paludosum, Serissa japonica (Thunb.) Thunb., and Impatiens wallerana Hook.f had better performances. Therefore, we found that Melampodium paludosum, Serissa japonica (Thunb.) Thunb., Wedelia trilobata, Duranta repens, Impatiens wallerana Hook.f, and Lantana camara L. had better performances both in the DIC and the DRA in 30 groundcovers. 092 空保處 國立臺灣大學園藝學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2406
空氣污染物排放量清冊更新管理及空氣品質折耗量推估計畫(第二年) 排放量資料為管制工作執行主要參考的背景資料之一,去年度計畫初步完成以89年為基準年之排放量資料庫稱之為[TEDS5.0],並利用此版本(89年)排放量修正歷年排放量變化及預測未來年之趨勢。而今(92)年度執行之工作重點主要為進行[TEDS5.0]版本中各項參數進一步之QA/QC檢核、異常數據檢討及敏感度分析等,並探討原成長預測趨勢與實際變化之差異,進而做適度之修正。經修正結果[TEDS5.1]台灣地區89年排放量與[TEDS5.0]版本之差異,除CO外,其他污染物排放總量的差異很小,絕對值在1~3%之間,CO更新後較[TEDS5.0]低約21%。各污染物中不同污染源類別更新結果之變動以NMHC排放量的更新變動幅度較大,其更新結果點源排放量增加約近12萬公噸/年,而面源部份修正後則減少約8萬公噸/年,整體增加約3萬公噸/年;CO排放量修正後變低,主要為車輛排放係數修正之影響,修正後較[TEDS5.0]低約23萬公噸/年。對於未來年排放量之成長預測,成長係數部份經與近兩年實際統計值比較後重新修正,而管制措施減量方面則主要考量目前既有相關規範措施及管制工作內容進行減量之更新推估。除既有公告法規及管制執行措施之減量外,本計畫並參考環保署目前相關計畫有關增修訂法規內容及管制策略研擬之狀況,將其整合研擬成另外兩種不同減量情境進行未來年排放之減量預測比較,提供做為未來管制執行方向之參考。對於資料庫中的時間序列資料的蒐集彙整,本年度除補充整理91年縣市已有之CEMS逐筆排放量變化資料外,另針對其它面源及線源的時間序列資料方面,彙整國內近年調查統計結果,補充整理了台南市市區道路24小時車流量變化、農廢露天燃燒-水田不同期作的月變化、車輛耗油量及高速公路收費站月變化、各部門及業別石化能源月消耗量資料及部份面源所推估工業類別的產品產量月變化資料等。空間解析資料方面,本年度已利用內政部最新版1/25000地形圖資料更新完成排放量網格分配應用所需之全國各類土地利用網格面積之基本資料庫更新;而在道路車流量分佈部份亦已完成全國國道、省道及縣道空間分佈與車流量資料連結之空間資料庫建置。至於排放量資料的成份解析,針對國內污染源成份資料庫,揮發性有機物方面本年度累積彙整新增了53組排放源檢測結果,懸浮微粒方面則新增了26組排放源檢測結果。本計畫並配合地方空氣污染防制計畫(SIP)執行成效之考評,提供縣市年度污染削減率核算之基線數據的工作執行成果。另配合主計處每年綠色國民所得帳之更新編製需求,協助其進行空氣品質折耗量之推估;修正後89年空氣品質折耗量較之前版本推估結果低約67%(單位污染成本相同)。為有效提昇國內排放資料庫之品質及排放量推估結果的一致性,本計畫乃進一步針對各類污染源排放推估需求及特性,進行中央及地方縣市權責分工及縣市提報資料內容/項目/頻率等之規劃,未來並將配合縣市SIP的考核進行相關資料的提報彙整與查核工作。 Update and management for air pollution emission inventory and estimation for air pollution degradation of GNP(Year II)I) Draft version (TEDS5.0) of emissions on 2000 baseline year was finished in last year, the main object of this year’s project is to review the draft version emissions data, further QA/QC and sensitivities were conducted, and to update to more reasonable results, which is called TEDS5.1. Base on the revised year 2000 emissions and actual activities statistics of emission sources, the future year’s emissions trends were review and repredicted too.For the final revised version TEDS5.1 emissions of year 2000, except for CO, emissions difference from TEDS5.0 for other pollutants are about 1~3%, revised CO emissions in TEDS5.1 is about 21% less than TEDS5.0. The difference between emission sources is more significant for NMHC. Total emissions were 319,000 Mt/year of PM10; the majority of the PM10 emissions are from fugitive road dust and industry sources, which contribute 28% and 29% respectively. Total emissions were 228,000 Mt/y of SOx, industry sources account about 93%. Total emissions were 499,000 Mt/y of NOx, industry sources and mobile sources account for 57% and 43% separately. Total emissions were 913,000 Mt/y of NMHC, the majority of the NMHC emissions are from industry usage, mobile sources and a broad range of miscellaneous sources, including consumer products, architectural coating and pesticide application which contribute for 49%, 19% and 32% respectively. Total emissions were 829,000 Mt/y of CO; mobile sources are major contributors of CO (80%). Total emissions were 1,300 Mt/year of Pb, industry sources were major sources of Pb. About 34% of VOC emissions were from biogenic sources emissions, isoprene emissions account for 46%. NH3 emissions were estimated in TEDS5.1 too. Total emissions for year 2000 is 186,000 Mt/y, agriculture fertilize emission is the major source of NH3 which contributes about 45%, the secondary contributor of NH3 is pasturage sources account for 39%. 092 空保處 中鼎工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2404
海洋生態環境影響評估技術規範 海洋生態環境影響評估技術規範之訂定,乃是藉由完善的海洋生態調查,評估各種海洋生態與資源受開發案可能造成之影響。同時就執行環境維護與生態保育之基本策略下,尋求最小之衝擊開發方式,達成經濟發展與環境保育兩者兼顧之目標。相關工作之執行共分三個階段:(1)國內外有關海洋生態環境影響評估個案、沿海海洋生態區、相關政策及法規、調查分析方法與數據生物統計彙整;(2)辦理第一次研商會,研討並修訂調查項目、採樣及分析方法,生物統計內容等;(3)辦理第二次研商會,研討生態環境影響評估技術規範與監測計畫之修訂。 本技術規範內容分為五個部份:(1)海洋環境與生態現況說明,包括海域使用現況、棲地環境說明及生態相關之特殊地區等;(2)分析、判別環境與生態影響,提出預測,包括分析開發行為對重要生態物種影響,定性式邏輯預測、生物準則比對預測、以及定量式數學模式影響預測;(3)海洋生態環境影響綜合評估,包括施工與營運期間的生態變動與影響情形,並視對生態影響的重要性予以適當的權數加以量化,並進行綜合評估分析;(4)影響避免/減輕對策,藉由更改工程場地、變更設計等方式、重要的物種移棲、將工程限於某一特定時段、季節或地區進行、或採用合適的替代方案提出有效及可行的環境影響減輕對策;(5)適當的追蹤監測計畫。 Technical Protocol for Estuarine and Marine Ecological Evaluation Using in Environmental Impact Assessment The establishment of this technical protocol is to provide guidance for marine ecological evaluation used in the process of environmental impact assessment. Five major parts were included in this protocol:(1)description of existing marine environmental and ecological conditions;(2)analyze, distinguish, and predict the ecological effects as a result of the man-made development;(3)overall evaluation of the ecological impact;(4)provisions of effective and feasible mitigation measures;(5)provisions of an appropriate monitoring program.Background marine environmental conditions, including geographical location, oceanography, water quality, sea floor topography, sediment, beneficial uses, habitat characteristics, and other ecological sensitive areas should all be adequately presented. In situ surveying and analysis program, including QA/QC were also specified.Ecological analysis and prediction were required in the environmental impact assessment. The effects of man-made development on ecological environment and major biological species should be analyzed. Logical (descriptive), quantitative (such as mathematical model), or biocriteria comparison methods of prediction can be applied in the assessment. Overall ecological evaluation was specified for the assessment. Separate evaluation should be conducted for both construction and operation periods. Overall evaluation of the effects in terms of extent, duration, probability of occurrence, recoverable possibility, should all be considered.Feasible mitigation measures to reduce possible adverse ecological effect should be presented. Both technical and administrative mitigation measures were required to be evaluated.Finally, an adequate monitoring program was also specified, which should include monitoring frequency, location, duration, periods, number of stations, sampling items and methods of evaluation. 092 綜計處 富聯工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2402
甲基第三丁基醚暴露風險評析 本計畫共調查65座加油站,遴選其中38座加油站進行採樣分析工作,共檢測61件加油站地下水,及21件民井地下水樣品。完成加油站周界空氣樣品採樣分析,包含加油站旁民宅或商店室內外空氣樣品,共檢測238件空氣樣品。利用本計畫檢測調查數據,建立加油站周圍居民食入及吸入MTBE之暴露風險評估,評估結果顯示,所受之致癌性風險值均未高於一般人可接受之致癌風險度值(10-6)。收集彙整美國環保署、美國加州環保局及歐日等地區之MTBE管制規範及管制期程等資料。其中包含完整之美國加州政府對MTBE禁用緣由、管制前的評估與準備工作、可能造成的衝擊與影響的減低、相關部門的協調與配合、管制期程及決策的考量重點等等,都是國內研擬MTBE管制規範的重要參考資訊。歐盟已表示,雖然美國已經宣佈將會禁止使用 MTBE作為汽油添加劑,但歐盟並無意禁止使用MTBE,而是對於油槽之貯存設施加強管理,包括地下貯槽、管線、滲漏檢測及監測等措施作規定。 The project of the risk assessment due to the exposure to MTBE In the project, 38 out of the 65 gas stations were sampled; 61 samples were sampling and analyzed from the underground water of the wells of gas stations, and 21 samples were sampling and analyzed from the ordinary wells. 238 air samples were sampling and analyzed. According to the data of the analysis and survey of the project to establish the risk assessment of the ingestion and inhalation of MTBE of the inhabitants who live around the gas stations. The result of cancer risk assessment was assessed, which was lower than the threshold value (10-6) that ordinary people can withstand.In the project, regulations and measures governing the control of MTBE from the USEPA, the Environmental Protection Bureau of California, Europe and Japan were gathered and studied. Among them, the regulations and the relevant measures (including the reasons for such ban, the assessments and preparation before such ban was enforced, the minimization of the impacts resulting from such ban, the necessary coordination of the relevant government departments or agencies in order to carry out the ban, the pertinent periods of the ban and the main considerations of such ban) regarding the ban of the use of MTBE enforced by the state government of California were studied and may be used as an important reference case in the decision-making of this country on the control of the use of MTBE. The EU expressed that, though the Federal Government of the US has announced its ban on the use of MTBE as an additive to gasoline, the EU will only tighten and enforce the control measures on the oil storing facilities, including underground oil storing facilities, pipelines, the detection of oil leakages, monitoring, etc. 092 毒管處 財團法人工業技術研究院 環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2506
評估地面微波輻射計在空氣污染物擴散診斷應用 本計畫利用環保署新建置的三套可變角度地面微波輻射計觀測資料,研究逆溫層中的溫度的即時動態變化,評估輻射計在空氣污染物擴散診斷應用。同時應用EPA的地面監測站在過去近10年內所蒐集的空氣品質監測資料,配合IMS空軌跡直點模式的模擬,診斷高濃度PM10事件的形成因素。主要結果如下:1. 逆溫儀有一定的精確度,可以反演近地逆溫的逆溫趨勢,但對無法有效反演高程(>500m)逆溫。2. 逆溫儀量測的亮溫和理論模式有差,較接近58.7 GHz 而非 56.7 GHz 模式。3. 在Tikhonov 和 Twomey方法反演方面(58.7 GHz),大部分例子有相當不錯的結果,較 MTP5 結果為優,在少數例子會有較大振幅,需要使用較大的 值,其結果和 MTP5結果近似。4. 台中及高雄發生逆溫的現象遠高於台北地區,在季節方面,冬季發生機率最高,其次為春,最後為夏季。在逐時觀測發現,半夜到清晨逆溫發生機率最高。台北地區由逆溫儀觀測逆溫發生機率,遠低於板橋氣象站探空資料所得次數。5. 在冬季半夜到清晨,逆溫對PM10的影響有顯著的影響。逆溫發生高度愈低,平均PM10濃度有上升趨勢。6. 使用Java語言開發即時逆溫顯示系統 。7. 台灣地區近地面的PM10濃度在1994年至2002年這9年期間呈現下降的趨勢,其中南部PM10值的減少約為20%,而北部PM10值的減少約為10%。8. 有明顯的證據顯示,氣候變遷對近地面的PM10值產生影響,例如1998年(20世紀最強的聖嬰年)春季和冬季PM10異常的減低現象。9. 我們的分析發現1998年前後的空氣軌跡質點分佈有明顯的不同,其中來自北方的氣流在1998年以後比1998年以前減少;相反地,來自南方的氣流在1998年以後比1998年以前明顯的增加。10. 我們的分析顯示氣候型態的改變(如降雨和溫度)和PM10的減少趨勢有關。這9年當中的降雨強度和近地面溫度皆有上升的趨勢,而近地面的逆溫次數則在減少。這顯示近地面大氣的對流強度在增加,同時另外一方面大氣的濕沈降-過程亦在增加。 Evaluation of the temperature profiler as a tool to diagnose the diffusion of air pollution We validate the newly established MTP-5HE temperature profilers for EPA with radiosoundings and our research codes. The observation data from MTP-5HE are used to study the evolution of the atmospheric temperature profile near ground and the variations of concentration of PM10 when temperature inversion layers occur. The three-dimensional IMS Lagrangian trajectory model has been employed to construct a trajectory climatology for the East Asia region. These trajectory results were compared with the hourly ambient PM10 concentrations from a network of 72 surface air quality stations operated by the Taiwan EPA to determine the transport of pollutants and downstream impacts in the East Asia region. 092 監資處 國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2434
各類型排放管道中粒狀污染物粒徑分析研究 本研究乃依美國與日本所公告之粒徑分析標準方法,進行兩者差異與優劣之比較,並探討煙道所排放粒狀物對大氣中懸浮微粒(PM10)之影響。為量測煙道所排放粒狀物之微粒特性,可利用採樣管對煙道中氣膠微粒進行採樣,再採用重量法求取所排放粒狀物濃度。本研究結果得知美國201A方法乃利用旋風集塵器將大於PM10微粒收集去除,再使用濾紙與捕集器進行等於與小於PM10微粒採樣工作。日本JISK0302方法乃利用分徑器與衝擊板將微粒粒徑分離與捕集。陶瓷業之噴霧乾燥爐煙道排氣中TSP質量濃度、PM10質量濃度與 PM2.5質量濃度各約為5.5、4.6、2.3 mg/Nm3。陶瓷業之噴霧乾燥爐煙道排氣中PM2.5/TSP與PM10/TSP之比值各約為0.42與0.84,與燃油鍋爐排氣之PM10/TSP與PM2.5/TSP比值相當,排放之微粒多以PM10為主,約為總粒狀物排放量之一半。依美國標準採樣分析方法食品工業之PM10濃度最高,可高達114.7 mg/Nm3,而水泥業之PM10濃度最低,僅為5.2 mg/Nm3;PM10/TSP比值最大為鋼鐵業0.75,最小為水泥業之PM10/TSP比值0.20。食品與電力業的樣品間數值差異性較大,高達近10倍;水泥業與石化業之樣品再現性較差,其差異百分比高達50%,並以鋼鐵業再現性較佳,其差異百分比約為30%。採用日本標準採樣分析方法以石化業平均PM10濃度高達115.1 mg/Nm3,最小為水泥業15.2 mg/Nm3;PM10/TSP比值最高為陶瓷業0.85,並以食品業PM10/TSP比值最低,僅約為0.71,其比值間差異性略低於採用美國標準採樣分析方法。石化業樣品間數值差異性較大,其最大值及最大值與平均值之差異性可高達5倍以上;陶瓷業之樣品再現性較差,其差異百分比高達90%,並以水泥業再現性較佳,其差異百分比約在20%以內。採用日本標準採樣分析方法所得粒徑分布之特性,可知食品業σg平均值最高,可達8.59,顯示其粒徑分布範圍較寬廣;而陶瓷業σg平均值最低,僅約為2.89,顯示其粒徑分布範圍較狹窄。石化業MMD最高,可達2.23 μm;而以電力業MMD最低,僅約為1.63 μm。除了電力業與水泥業外,採用美國Method 201A標準方法所測得PM10濃度較日本JIS K0302標準方法所測得PM10濃度為大,高出約50%至3倍之間。以日本JIS K0302標準方法所求得PM10/TSP比值最大,其次為TED5.0資料庫中PM10/TSP比值,最小為美國Method 201A標準方法所求得PM10/TSP比值最大。採用日本方法所推估之PM10排放量最大,其次為TEDs5.0資料庫PM10排放量,美國方法最小,日本方法所推估PM10排放量較使用美國方法所推估PM10排放量大約20%至兩倍之間。 Study on the Particel Size Distribution in In-stack in different Factories The study targets of this research is listed as following.1.Study on the particle size distribution with reviewing references.2.Compute the contribution of particle emission from stack in every industries.3.Study on the measuring the particle size distribution in stack in cement plant, food plant, petroleum plant, power plant, steel plant and ceramic plant.4.Determine the differences of benefits and drawbacks between USEPA Method 201 & 201A-「Determination of PM10 emission」and JIS K 0302「Measuring method for particle-size distribution of dust in flue gas」.5.Determine the air quality from the contribution of PM10 emission from stack 092 環檢所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2432
大學院校實驗室中毒性化學物質使用棄置情形追蹤 本計畫透過問卷調查、舉行管理政策說明會議與委請專家學者現場勘查提供改善建議,配合毒性化學物質主管機關後續追蹤督促作業,協助各大學院校重視四氯化碳等毒性化學物質管理及污染防治相關工作,防範危害發生。本計畫於南北分區舉行之說明會共57所院校204人與會,取得42所大學院校全校性環境管理組織架構基本資料,並會同具實驗室管理專長之專家學者實地完成訪查20院校40系所共81處實驗室,瞭解四氯化碳等毒性化學物質使用數量及使用目的與廢棄處理情形。綜合分析結果顯示,雖四氯化碳等毒性化學物質已較少運用於表面清洗作業,但仍常見於各實驗室溶劑化學反應中;97.6%學校均已設置環境安全管理組織,且有83.0%學校已實施毒化物相關管理辦法,但回覆調查表資料顯示仍有5所大學院校有使用毒化物情形卻無毒化物相關管理辦法事實;另有42.9%學校未定期舉行毒化物管理宣導訓練工作,現勘實驗室中有25處(30.8%)未針對毒性化學藥品上鎖管制,專家委員現勘結果亦多建議其他其他藥品管理作業有加強落實之必要,顯示大學院校實驗室中使用之毒性化學物質數量雖遠較事業單位少,但為避免實驗室危害發生,應儘速協助大學院校督促落實實驗室中毒性化學物質相關管理工作。現階段實驗室四氯化碳等毒性化學物質污染防治工作重點以設置負壓通氣設備與減少揮發性有機廢氣排放為重點。現勘之81處實驗室結果顯示有使用化學藥品之大學院校實驗室均已設置設置負壓通氣設備(通風櫃),49.3%有裝設活性碳吸附設備(40處),惟更換頻率需視單位經費而定。在實驗廢液部分,所有現勘學校均表示有設置廢液集中暫存區,但各實驗室廢液暫存區則普遍缺乏防止洩漏設備,且僅部分實驗室(58處)有配置有機溶劑緊急洩漏處理包。針對後續廢液處理部份,依據各校回覆調查資料,本計畫比對毒性化學物質資料庫、事業廢棄物管制資料庫與再利用工業資料庫等,據以提出四氯化碳等毒性化學物質使用學校名單與可執行四氯化碳等毒性化學物質清理、處理及再利用業務之廠商名單,大多數學校之廢液均已轉交合格廠商處理,但有集中於少數廠商情形,未來應積極輔導設置合格廢液清理處理產業,以避免學校暫存壓力與少數廠商獨斷市場情形發生。依據現勘學院資料推估可能改善效益,20所院校每年校四氯化碳等毒化物質使用量為1462.6公斤/年,推估改善前後可能釋放量由508.25公斤/年降為61.56公斤/年,降幅為87.9%;若考量其他有機溶劑使用數量,平均每天每實驗室排放之揮發性有機廢氣將由改善前之0.18 lb/day/lab減少成為0.02 lb/day/lab,與本計畫蒐集之國外大學平均值相當。基於現階段大學實驗室表面處理作業中已多未使用四氯化碳等毒性化學物質,並已多使用其他替代物質,考量各校性化學物質管理作業仍有待加強落實、實驗室污染防治設備不足、毒性化學物質末端處理體系能量有待擴增等因素,以源頭減量精神,採限制使用或禁用方式規範實驗室表面處理作業,應可有效減少四氯化碳等毒性化學物質之危害發生;至於其他化學實驗(如萃取或毒性試驗)使用之四氯化碳等毒性物質,由於用量微少且難以其他藥品替代,則建議透過加強管理方式,控管可能污染危害,暫不列入限制使用。另建議協助各校建立毒性化學物質管理工具、進一步分析蒐集各類實驗室物質流動參數,以作為提請教育主管機關實驗室污染防治設備經費補助參考,以同步督促落實毒性化學物質管理工作。 The Follow-Up of Disposal and Operation of Toxic Substances in the College Laboratory In order to reduce the potential risk caused by the toxic substance (carbon tetrachloride...etc) operation in college laboratory, pre-investigation by questionnaire, policy promotion meeting and providing recommendation through on-site expert inspection had been done to remind all college the importance of toxic substance management and to provide necessary correction advices. 204 representatives from 57 academies joined the policy promotion meeting and 42 college-scale questionnaires were replied that illustrated the operational background information, like toxic substance management, the operation quality and quantity of toxic substance…etc. Furthermore, 81 laboratories among 40 departments of 20 colleges were inspected with experts on-site. The investigation demonstrated that there are 97.6% colleges have environment and safety relative framework; 83.0% has toxic substance management regulation, however, there are still 5 toxic substance operation colleges have no toxic substance management regulations. All on-site inspected laboratories have hood to collect the fume during operation and 49.3% has installed activated carbon adsorption equipment with uncertain cartridge replacement cycle.Totally 1462.6 kg carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene is consumed a year and 508.25 kg/yr is released annually before correction recommendations are taken. However, only 61.56 kg/yr, equal to 57.9% reduction rate, will be released if correction recommendations are taken. Conclusively, the application of carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene in surface cleaning process could be controlled by limited restriction. To improve the toxic substance management in college, providing a common-adaptable management plate with integrative functions are recommended. Moreover, evaluation the toxic substance releasing parameter by standard laboratory model (like chemical, medical department…etc) will provide import basis for further precise correction recommendations. 092 毒管處 永發環境工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2430
發行英文環保政策月刊專案工作計畫 國際間評估一國之競爭力,常將政策之透明度做為評估指標之一;而國內民眾對於環保意識之覺醒及對環境知識之需求,也成為我國推動環保教育上一項可喜之訊息。因此,本計畫藉由英文版之發送,使國際人士瞭解我國環保政策之走向,除可降低外商投資障礙外,並進而提升國家整體競爭力。本計畫的目標是經由熟悉環保法規及政策人士等蒐集整理,將國內環保法規動態及未來政策趨勢加以彙整分析,並進一步採訪環保政策的參與者及執行者-環保署各業務處主管等-進行施政訪談,從人事變動,再談到預算編列及執行現況,讓政策的全貌浮現。並經專業之翻譯後,以英文的模式,藉平面雜誌之發行及張貼網路的方法,提供各界瞭解我國環保施政的便利管道,以宣揚我國環保施政之成果及普及環境政策。 Environmental Policy Monthly To evaluate the capability of countries, often the openness of government’s policy is recognized as one of evaluation indicators. By the promulgation of English periodicals, the project is to provide the trend of Taiwan’s environmental protection policy for foreigners, minimizing barriers of foreign investment and also enhancing Taiwan’s capability.In addition, since many of environmental protection control measures play an important role in the international trade, the publication of the news monthly intends to give foreign companies relevant information about Taiwan’s environmental protection regulations to comply with while still allowing companies making profits. This will lead to win-win situation, balancing environmental protection and economics.To meet the aim of the project, the dynamics and policy trend of Taiwan’s environmental protection regulations are gathered, analyzed and translated by experts. English is used as the language in the news monthly. By utilization of papers and internet website measures, this will provide a channel allowing all circles to understand the current situation of Taiwan environmental protection, and so as to publicize its achievement. 092 永續發展室 惠國顧問(股)有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2426
亞太經濟合作專案計畫 - 亞太海洋衛星遙測資訊系統 本計劃擬透過主動傳播我國的小型衛星地面站的接收與資料處理的技術,建立亞太地區的海洋衛星遙測資料網絡與國際交流的管道,及實質主導亞太經合會(APEC) 海洋資源保育工作小組(MRCWG) 的海洋環境資料的監測工作,以實際工作關係維護我國應有的國際地位。再配合環保署監管的APEC 計劃,“亞太區海洋模式與資訊系統”(OMISAR)。去年在越南胡志明市設立的衛星接收站可收集到涵蓋南海全部的衛星資料。今年完成工作包括向APEC MRCWG提出OMISAR-2003 計劃書,協辦OMISAR 第六次程序委員會,協辦第九次OMISAR 研討會,與其他APEC會員體的科學家共同執行APEC的計劃,共享衛星海洋環境資料。日前已經順利開始交換衛星資料,技術協助越南學者建立第二座衛星站,並規劃資料交換機制,目標是將來即時提供我國學者使用其衛星資料,並充實我國的海洋基本資料庫。同時希望環保署及其他官署能資助國內學研界,藉此中越合作的實質關係,擴大中越的國際合作層面 APEC-Asia-Pacific Satellite Ocean Remote Sensing Information System This Project is aimed at building up the channel for exchanging satellite oceanographic data and technology with APEC member economies through actively propagating our knowledge and technology on the satellite ground station. This is part of the work of EPA on overseeing the APEC project Ocean Models and Information System for the APEC Region (OMISAR). The satellite station that we set up last year in HoChiMinh City is collecting the satellite data that covers all South China Sea. For this year, we drafted OMISAR-2003 proposal, defended and were granted funding by APEC Central fund. We also co-organized the Sixth Steering Committee (SC-6) meeting and the Ninth Workshop of Omisar (WOM-9), sharing experience in processing and interpreting satellite oceanographic data. Exchanging satellite data is progressing well, assisting Vietnamese partner setting up 2nd satellite ground station, and reached consensus on real-time sharing satellite data when the internet cost is affordable. The satellite data of South China Sea shall be a valuable data set for our oceanographers. Hope that EPA and other government agency may enlarge this international cooperative relation to include more scientists and more disciplines 092 永續發展室 中華民國海下技術協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2424
九十二年事業廢水檢測申報許可管理及資料庫維護管理計畫 因應行政程序法之施行,檢討管理制度並研修水污染防治相關法規,重要內容包括:﹙一水污染防治法施行細則、事業水污染防治措施管理辦法、許可、檢測申報相關辦法等,並進行相關配套措施包括:表單、填寫說明、代碼表、範例,申請及審查業務作業指南之訂定(二﹚更新及開發共5種相關水污染防治作業系統,包括:「事業水污染源管制資料管理系統」、「許可審核預警系統」、「異常分析決策支援系統」、「92年度管考評比系統」、「事業網路申報定期檢測系統」,減少審查作業時間與人力,提供管考成績查詢、建置網路化申報系統有效提升行政效率;﹙三﹚製作問答集、電子索引,並協助辦理相關協商、公聽及說明會;﹙四﹚分析水污染源管制資料管理系統,提供相關專案管制分析報表,並定期維護及異動比對資料庫,確保資料庫之品質;﹙五﹚並重新檢討水污染防治法第二條第七款事業定義,及針對小型事業提出建議管理方式。 The Industrial Wastewater Discharge Monitoring Report / Permit Management and Data Bank Maintenance / Management Project In 2003 Due to the implementation of The Administrative Procedure Law, the purpose of this project is to re-evaluate the industrial wastewater control management system, including (1)amendments of the Water Pollution Control Act Implementation Guideline, the Industrial Wastewater Pollution Control Management Regulation, the related permit regulation, the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) management regulation, and the revision of related forms in response to the related permit amendments, explanation of the forms, Code Table of the forms, and examples, compilation of the application / approval guidelines of related permits and DMR, (2)renewing and building of the 5 systems for the Water Pollution Control, including 「The Industrial Water Pollution Sources Control system」、「Permits inspection and warning system」、「Odd analysis and decision supporting system」、「Auditing web system in 2003」、「DMR web system」for the EPA and EPB to save time and manpower needed for the approval process. and follow the electronic trends, to build the Internet website for water pollution management information system and DMR system to effectively improve the communication between EPA and The Responsible Agencies; (3)editing the Q&A and web index, holding meetings for negotiation and public hearing; (4)storing and analysis of some projects statistic datum for water pollution control;(5)re-evaluation of the definition of undertaking with suggestion for the management measure of the small undertaking. 092 水保處 財團法人中技社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2422
「事業廢棄物查核與輔導改善」第三年專案工作計畫 本年度查核輔導對象以電腦、通信及視聽電子產品製造業、電子零組件製造業、化學材料製造業及化學製品製造業為主。計畫執行之初,除檢討修訂九十一年之查核輔導作業程序、製作計畫文宣品外,並針對查核輔導對象辦理四場次之「事業廢棄物查核及輔導改善行前說明會」,說明相關作業程序與配合事項。本計畫已依計畫要求完成一千家事業及再利用機構之事業廢棄物查核及輔導改善工作,包括七十家之駐廠深入查核,及各項必要之採樣分析。綜合各事業、製程之查核資料,提出上述各事業之廢棄物產出因子推估及各該行業製程之廢棄物總量推估。在公民營廢棄物清除處理機構之查核及輔導改善方面,本計畫也已依計畫要求完成一百家處理、清理機構、共同處理機構或餘裕量處理設施之查核及三十家駐廠工作。針對本年度所篩選查核輔導對象,為協助其提升廢棄物清理技術及能力,也舉辦了三場次兩天之「事業廢棄物管理暨清除處理技術實務講習會」,同時為表彰執行廢棄物處理績效卓著之事業,及提供其他事業觀摩學習之參考,亦辦理了三場次之「事業廢棄物查核與輔導改善成效示範觀摩會」。完成半導體製造業、印刷電路板製造業、皮革、毛皮整製業、人造纖維製造業、合成樹脂及塑膠製造業、塗料、染料及顏料製造業、印染整理工業、被動電子元件製造業、西藥製造業與農藥及環境衛生用藥製造業等十種行業別稽查技術手冊。在專案管理系統方面,針對本年度查核對象及成果展現之要求,完成系統修改建置工作,以即時將查核輔導時所發現之問題回報給環保署。此外,並協助研擬「事業廢棄物清理計畫書」填寫參考例及製作相關行業製程之「原物料、產品及廢棄物對應關聯表」。 Surveilance and Consultation Project for Enterprise Waste Management During the third year, the project targets are focused on Chemical Material Manufacturing and Chemical Products Manufacturing in Taiwan. The project was carried out with the reevaluation and amending previous operation procedures that were established in 2002, then the printing of introductory and propaganda material, and holding three workshops for the Introduction of waste inspection and guidance improvement for enterprises.So far, one thousand of factories has examined, and providing guidance for their improvement in the waste management. Among them, 70 factories were selected for prolonged and deeply visit, and waste sampling was carried out in case of analytical investigation. From the waste information of the aforementioned industries, the causing factors and the total amount of specific waste in respective process were also estimated.Other targets of the project were aimed to evaluate and track the waste management of 100 Publicly and/or privately owned waste clearance and treatment organizations, 30 of them were inspected deeply.To improve the technology and capability in waste management, the selected industries to be inspected were invited to the three workshops in "Operation and maintenance of industrial wastes clearance and treatment facilities". Meanwhile, three sessions of demonstration were held in the "Accomplishment of surveillance and consultation in industrial wastes ", and the industries with outstanding achievement in their waste treatment were commended and demonstrated for the relatives.In this year we also modify the “Project management system” which will be accessed by internet and help IWCC of EPA be comprehensive in the situation of Enterprise waste treatment immediately. This project was required to assist EPA to revise the reviewing procedure of the industrial waste clearance plan and provide a sample of it for that to be followed. Otherwise, it was required to produce relative sheet of materials, products and wastes yielded for various factory processes. 092 廢管處 工業技術研究院、中技社、綠色生產力基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2420
廢玻璃再利用技術之開發與應用 人類長期使用玻璃,其功能已從單純之材質轉變為多功能應用之材料,故廢棄物中玻璃一直有相當比例,其質重不易腐化分解特性常佔用掩埋場大量空間。因此如能將廢玻璃回收再利用,除可延長掩埋場使用年限、降低能源使用、空氣污染及水污染產生,亦可提高國家競爭力。本計畫為針對廢玻璃之再利用處理技術進行研究,探討廢玻璃資源化再利用技術可行性,並進行廢玻璃容器再利用於水泥製程及廢鉛玻璃再利用於紅磚之可行性試驗,主要完成工作內容臚列於下:1.廢玻璃容器替代部份水泥原料之可行性研究。2.擬定廢玻璃容器再利用於替代部份水泥原料相關技術規範草案。3.廢玻璃容器再利用於公共工程之可行性研究。4.再利用管道對廢玻璃容器回收量流向分布之影響。5.蒐集國外廢電視機螢幕、廢電腦監視器及廢日光燈管等有害物質再利用之實例及法令規定。6.蒐集分析廢電視機螢幕、廢電腦監視器及廢日光燈管等再利用市場價格並提供訂定合理補貼費及回收費費率之參考。7.廢鉛玻璃再利用土木建材之可行性研究。經由廢玻璃再利用技術之開發,廢玻璃之回收市場仍大有可為,期望在技術上有所突破外,政府制定良好的政策鼓勵回收廠商跟進,使廢玻璃再利用成效日益成長,這對國內之掩埋場地日漸飽和應是莫大的福音。 The development and application of recycling technology for waste glass Along with the development of material technology, the function of glass has changed from beverage bottle to high tech electronic applications. Solid waste contains large amount of glass, which is difficult to decompose. The waste glass can not be treated as conventional landfill disposal, since it will shorten the lifecycle of landfill site. The reuse and recycling of waste glass in related industries provides an alternative means for saving energy, air and water pollution reduction and promotion of the national competitivity.This project focused on the evaluation of current status of glass recycling industry and to develop and evaluate the feasibility of new recycling technology of waste glass as raw material for cement and red brick. The contents of this report are summarized as following:1.The feasibility study of glass recycling in cement production.2.Draft the technology guideline and related regulations for glass recycling in cement production.3.The feasibility study of waste glass recycling in public construction.4.The study on the impact of abovementioned recycling method on the current status of glass recycling industry.5.The evaluation of current regulations and practices on the recycling of TV and computer monitors and fluorescent lamps. 6.The evaluation of current recycling market shares on the recycling of TV and computer monitors and fluorescent lamps.7.The feasibility study of waste lead glass recycling as raw material of red bricks.Based on the development of new glass recycling technology, it is therefore concluded that, in addition to the conventional methods, more profitable recycling practice is available for glass recycling. The government and legislation sectors should design more incentive policy to eliminate the potential barrier for more glass recycling. With these incentive measures, recycling industry would be able to devote more efforts to achieve a total solution of glass recycling. 092 基管會 國立台北科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2418
提升計畫品質及促進國際交流(中美) 本計畫主要目的在協助環保署進行各項與計畫品質提昇與促進國際交流之工作與活動,包括資料蒐集分析、會議安排/聯繫/接待、人員訓練規劃、問卷調查等,提供技術性或事務性之幕僚服務。本計畫工作主要完成(一)協助環保署籌辦二○○三年計畫管理及中美雙邊回顧會議(二)蒐集美國環保署關於委辦計畫之制度、委辦計畫之品質控制、技術移轉及技術認證資料,並摘錄其特點,研討論應用於環保署委辦計畫管理之可行性。(三)協助完成「國際環境法醫學會(ISEF)」在台辦理「環境法醫技術研討會」(四)加強環保署與外商之溝通,並對已在台之外商進行服務滿意度問卷調查。(五)協助環保署規劃並舉辦WTO貿易環境委員會(CTE)相關議題訓練課程(六)協助環保署英文核校及翻譯工作。本計畫協助辦理完成之國際性會議以及人才培訓課程,為環保署以及國內從事環境保護工作的學者專家提供蒐集國際前瞻技術資訊以及技術交流的機會。對於提昇國內環境技術能力有極大之助益。 To enhance the EPA s project implementation quality and to promote international exchanges (between the ROC and the US) The main purposes of the project are to assist the EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) to enhance its project implementation quality and to promote its international exchanges. This project includes various technical and advisory operations, such as data gathering, the arrangement of meetings (including the reception of guests), the training plan of personnel, opinion polls, etc.In the project, the main tasks that have been accomplished comprise: (1) Assistance provided to the EPA to carry out the 2003 project management and the bilateral meeting between the ROC and the US (2) The gathering of the information regarding the system of project entrustment, the quality control of projects entrusted by the EPA, technology transfer and technology verification; also, the characteristics of these projects have been gathered and studied so as to assess the feasibility of the employment of them in the project management implemented by the EPA (3) Assisting the ISEF to hold “environmental forensic technology workshop” in the country (4) Enhancing the communication between the EPA and the foreign companies located in the country; carrying out an opinion survey on the foreign companies located in the country (5) Assisting the EPA in the planning and holding of training sessions on the topics relating to the CTE (Committee of Trade Environment) of the WTO (6) Assisting the EPA in the editing and translation of documents.The aforementioned international meeting and workshop and the training sessions accomplished in that this project provided the experts and scholars in the environmental protection field with the information of state-of-the-art technologies and the opportunities of technological exchanges and hence greatly enhanced the capability in environmental protection technologies in the country. 092 永續發展室 工業技術研究院環安中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2508
資源回收管理基金責任業者營業量申報輔導暨系統建置更新維護計畫 本計畫主要目的為輔導公告指定責任業者登記、申報營業量及繳納回收清除處理費等相關作業,並完成相關作業資料之審查、建檔及歸檔等工作、推動公告指定責任業者網際網路申報作業、建置自動勾稽查詢及維護相關作業系統,藉以提供相關決策分析資訊。並在工作期程內完成公告指定責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃、統計報表提報作業、公告指定責任業者營業量管理系統建置、更新及維護、公告指定責任業者網際網路營業量申報管理系統建置更新及維護、公告指定責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃及辦理有關本計畫相關作業業者說明會等工作項目。經過多次內部研商及討論,責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃目前已完成的包含:全面檢討內部文件收辦作業,並重新訂定派駐人員分工及作業內容、銀行資料取得及品質控管、申報表單重新規劃、歸檔作業規劃。內控作業流程新增內控系統,已協助各審查人員進行文件追蹤,並提供管理者隨時察看作業進度功能,同時完成新的「營業量申報建檔系統」,並以新的資料庫貯存資料,建檔工作都在一個月之內完成,這樣的工作效率比過去至少高三倍以上。完成銀行資料之相關匯入及管理系統,除可以每日將最即時的銀行資料匯入供相關人員查詢外,亦可以開始進行銷帳、核帳作業。網際網路申報系統已經全面上線,包含離線申報方式,利用MIS系統或EXCEL功能維護申報資料之多數業者都可使用該系統,如此將解決大部份申報問題。本計畫今年度完成二十二場說明會,以最佳的系統功能提升業者對於政府的信心,並宣導資源回收觀念及相關的便民服務,亦充分達成本計畫目標。 The Guidance for Resource Recycling Designated Business Reporting and Business Reporting System Establishment and Its Update Maintenance Plan The main purpose of this project is to assist and guide the designated businesses/enterprises to register their basic information, report business and pay the recycling and disposal fee. Also, this project includes the register information auditing and filing, guidance on making online reporting, online reporting system maintenance, and automatic data analysis for inspection. this project offers valuable resource on strategy analysis. The business reporting system planning and evaluation, statistic reporting, maintenance and update of the business management system, online reporting management system, and relevant seminars and they are all completed within the required period of time.Through internal discussion, the completed items for business reporting system planning and reviewing include evaluation on internal filing, reevaluate and rearrange work division and content of the relevant staffs, banking information quality management, re-planning an application form and its filing planning.Internal control processing adds internal control system, and it assists auditor to trace the file and control the scheduled progress. The “Business Reporting System” stores data in new database, its whole cycle is completed within a month. Such efficiency has been enhanced 3 times more than before.Completed bank information transferring & management system can promptly offer the most updated information for staff to check on, and immediate banking balance audition is available by using this system.Online reporting system is available even includes offline reporting. Most designated businesses/enterprises maintained their reports with MIS system or EXCEL could report business with the system. It will resolve most problems encountered by the reporters.We completed 22 seminars in this year. This excellent reporting system leads the designated businesses to raise the confident of the government and propagates the resource recycling concept to the public and introduces convenient service to the reporters. The goal of this plan is fully achieved. 092 基管會 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2416
空氣污染物自動連續測定儀各偵測原理之準確性評估 本研究目的為評估粒狀污染物及氮氧化物之自動連續檢測方法之差異。粒狀污染物部分,乃就貝他射線衰減法(NIEA A206.10C)和慣性質量法(NIEA A207.40C)兩種自動監測儀檢測方法之「檢測原理」、「適用範圍」、「偵測極限」、「反應時間」之差異與微粒種類(低原子量與高原子量)對兩種自動監測儀量測結果之影響。氮氧化物部分以化學發光法(NIEA A444.70C, CLD)及非分散性紅外線法 (NIEA A411.71A, NDIR)兩種排放管道自動連續檢測方法為探討對象,比較其「檢測原理」、「適用範圍」、「干擾物質」、「偵測極限」、「遲滯時間」、「上升時間」、「下降時間」之差異。另篩選不同類型之大氣及排放管道,以同時間、同污染源地點之現場連續監測,比較粒狀污染物及氮氧化物各兩方法實測數據之差異,並評估其數據準確性及相關性。周界空氣中氮氧化物(NIEA A417.10T)自動連續檢測干擾之探討,乃設計實驗評估NH3對該方法之結果影響。本計畫已完成粒狀污染物及氮氧化物自動連續測定儀各偵測原理之準確性評估,其研究成果概述如下:粒狀物實驗室測試方面,濾紙面積比例評估顯示,隨著濾紙面積增加,Ipass減少,而Ipenetration增加,Itotal也成上升趨勢,濾紙面積所佔比例越多,整體射線強度下降越多。換言之微粒沉積於濾紙若不均勻將會造成Beta gauge量測值的低估。Home-made Beta gauge測試不同粒徑大小壓克力微粒和質量衰減係數關係,顯示微粒粒徑差異並不會影響所偵測之μ值。反應時間方面,Wedding需要三個小時才能夠達到穩定濃度,但是TEOM與VEREWA則在一個小時內即可達穩定濃度。不同微粒濃度比測結果顯示,TEOM測值與濾紙採樣值最為接近,VEREWA測值則略高於濾紙採樣值,高濃度微粒時Wedding測值有偏高的現象。溼度變異對於三台自動監測儀則影響不大。不同物質具有不同Z/A值,Z/A值越高則μ值越小,另外,Sample Equilibration System 之去水反應顯示Nafion能有效去除氣流中的水份,相對濕度20-90%下,氣流經過Nafion幾秒內溼度即迅速降到大約20%。但此去水系統易造成微粒穿透率的降低,且微粒累積會進一步造成空氣阻抗的增加與微粒穿透率的惡化。環境採樣方面,環境濃度大於40μg/m3時,VEREWA測值會大於TEOM,若環境濃度小於40μg/m3時,其測值會小於TEOM。氮氧化物實驗室測試方面,參考環檢所及美國ETV測試方式,評估CLD與NDIR氮氧化物自動監測法之偵測極限分別為1.4 ppm、 8.6 ppm,兩方法平均上升應答時間分別為135、85 sec ;平均下降時間為150、120 sec。其次,CO2干擾測試顯示,煙氣CO2濃度超過5%時,兩方法監測值受其正干擾現象影響顯著,5%CO2致兩方法不同濃度氮氧化物之正干擾現象相當;8%CO2致CLD干擾影響較NDIR顯著;而兩氮氧化物自動方法受低濃度1%CO2干擾影響不甚明顯。CO干擾模擬試驗結果顯示,CO濃度(<1000ppm)致NDIR或CLD自動儀濃度干擾狀況不明顯。周界空氣NH3干擾測試顯示,NH3致周界空氣NOx自動儀監測之正干擾現象明顯,NH3致周界NOx之正干擾效應為非線性增加,其未干擾與顯著干擾間之臨界濃度約為20 ppb。氮氧化物現場比測方面,六處排放管道現場比測結果顯示, NDIR與CLD監測儀經品保查核後之現場檢測數據,除資源回收廠A (P301) 之CLD方法相較於NDIR濃度平均仍存在8.3 ppm之差值外,其餘五處管道兩方法檢測濃度平均之絕對差值小於3 ppm。比較煙氣物化特性與SO2檢測結果顯示,CO2濃度超過8%之五處管道,其CLD 檢測平均濃度略高於NDIR檢測值。 Accuracy Estimate of Air Pollutant Automatic Monitor Measurement Technology This research investigates the accuracy differences between the automatic monitoring methods of PM10 (β-gauge and TEOM) in ambient air and NOx ( NDIR and CLD) inside the stack. The estimated items in laboratory include the principles, the ranges of monitoring concentrations, interferences, the detection limits and the response times. Field samplings work at the same time to compare the factual differences in monitoring data for the above automatic monitoring methods of PM10 and NOx. We summarize the fruitful results as following:On the part of PM10, the results of uniformity test showed that the β-count increased with decreasing uniformity, indicating that the β-gauge might underestimate when non-uniform aerosol deposition occurred. From the perspective of response time that Wedding took longest (3 hours) to reach stable concentration, while VEREWA and TEOM can attain stable concentrations within one hour. In terms of accuracy, TEOM has the best agreement with the filter method. The relative humidity had no obvious effect on the performance of these real time instruments. The mass attenuation coefficient was found to decrease with increasing Z/A value, indicating a strong material dependence. The test results of Sample Equilibration System revealed that Nafion removed the water effectively. In the ambient RH range from 20% to 90%, moisture could be maintained around 20% in the sensing unit after the ambient air passing through the SES.On the part of NOx, the measured results of the detection limits for the automatic monitoring methods of NDIR and CLD were 1.4 and 8.6 ppm, respectively. The results of interfered tests by CO2 showed that NO monitoring values both increased with increasing CO2 concentrations, indicating that NO monitoring values of NDIR and CLD inside the stack might overestimate when the additive interference occurred, CO2 concentrations more than 5% especially. On the other hand, the additive interference of NH3 were obvious and non-linear in ambient NO monitoring. The critical concentration was about 20 ppb. 092 環檢所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2414
九十二年度各級環保報案中心公害陳情系統功能提昇暨維護管理工作計畫 由於本項工作為例行作業,合約期間受理三十一個環保單位藉由不同管道提出對本系統相關問題,客服人員作出回覆及協助解決操作上之困難,使系統成為各環保單位執行本業務時,依賴之重要工具。以92年度為例,每月電話詢問約為 50通,進一步處理後回覆各級環保單位之客服次數約為 35筆記錄,對於各單位反應之建議修改需求亦即時反應予主辦單位。對於陳情主機軟硬體調整皆已完成,因應系統案件儲存量已達53萬筆以上。環保局對系統之意見已彙整,並依主辦單位指定,執行完成。完成手機陳情查詢作業並安裝於環保署機房主機上,使本項業務與手機順利銜接無虞。完成系統相關報表及資料統計,使得主辦單位可以隨時監控全國業務執行狀況,並迅速找到問題瓶頸,予以解決。陳情資料加密工作已順利完成,以確保本項業務之安全性,同時建立橫向整合溝通機制,使各環保單位可針對本業務得到其他單位之資訊交流。完成人工輔助子系統開發作業,配合主辦單位發放給各級環保單位之Barcode Reader,已於各級環保單位實施近二個月,一切順遂。完成圖像上傳子系統開發作業,並已上線供民眾及使用單位將數位照片或文字檔案上傳,作為環保單位辦理時之佐證。清查複查子系統已開發完成,並已測試上線作業。合約期間共執行二次訓練班及一次二天一夜之業務檢討會,建立實質業務溝通之機制。合約中提供四人駐點,各駐點人員皆表現良好,受到民眾讚許。依相關會議結論完成開發及資料匯出至罰款催款主機,確實達成本項業務由源頭至末端之自動化,提昇環保單位之行政效能。 National Environmental protection Agencies Public Nuisance cases Accepting Center MIS Upgrade & Maintenance project Major tasks of the project are routine maintenance & services. The project provided service information to assist EPBs in work on the system comfortable. Dedicated engineers provided the replies and assistance 8:00am~5:30pm a day. Upon the constant and good services, all the EPBs can accomplish reported cases through the access of the system. Average estimated there were 50 phone service demands monthly and 35 reply records were made. In spite of that, the service still provide the suggestion collection engine and play a role of bridge between EPBs and EPA.The system host has be well installed and adjusted to the best efficiency up to now, there has accumulated 530 thousands data. All the EPBs’ suggestion were colleted and accomplished in accordance with client’s agreement. Public can report and search the cases through WAP phone. Data encryption were well built. Cross EPBs’ communication engine was setup and established. Apply of the barcode reader to reduce the case acceptance time and in the meantime with the provide of the search number to the public which upgrade the service quality. The project also provided image upload function. Inspection and review check system was also accomplished. Within the project 2 training courses and 1 two-day conference were held. The project provided 4 men on-site-service. One of them gained public compliment. The case data transfer to the fine management system was established. 092 管考處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2412
參與亞太經濟合作(APEC)海洋資源保育工作小組計畫 「海洋環境永續性」和「私人部門參與」,業已被亞太經濟合作會議(APEC)列為重要政策。本計畫旨在回應上述政策,並蒐集與傳布海洋保育相關資訊,其工作成果包括:(一)積極參加第十六屆APEC 海洋資源保育工作小組會議及奉派參加APEC海洋環境訓練教育中心專家會議;(二)編輯發行四期海洋資源保育及漁業期刊(APEC Bulletin on Marine Resource Conservation and Fisheries);(三)建構四期APEC海洋資源保育網頁內容;(四)籌辦APEC架構下私人部門參與海洋環境永續性之圓桌會議及研議APEC未來計畫之國內專家會議。 The Project on Participating APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group Sustainability of marine environment and involvement of the private sector have been the major policies in APEC. In response to these policies and promoting the concept of marine resource conservation, this project obtained the designated results as follows: (1) Participation in the 16th Meeting of APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group in Hanoi, Vietnam and the Steering Committee Meeting of AMETEC in Korea; (2) Editing and publishing four issues of APEC Bulleting on Marine Resource Conservation and Fisheries; (3) Establishment of a web on the activities of marine resource conservation initiated by APEC and other international organizations; and (4) Organization of APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector in the Sustainability of the Marine Environment in Taipei and the domestic experts meeting on developing the framework of the future projects to seek APEC funding. 092 永續發展室 海洋台灣文教基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2410
九十二年度各級環保機關執行公害陳情處理暨本署受理人民申請案件之滿意度調查 為有效處理民眾公害陳情案件,提昇處理效率,環保署已經建立公害陳情電腦管制系統,並建立完整的管理作業模式。為瞭解民眾對地方環保機關執行公害污染陳情處理之滿意度與人民申請案件滿意度,特委託異視市場資訊研究中心進行『九十二年度各級環保機關執行公害陳情處理暨本署受理人民申請案件之滿意度調查」,作為相關單位日後施政決策之參考。在執行公害陳情處理方面,依民眾向環保機關陳情污染案件之時間區分,共分為第一次調查與第二次調查。第一次調查對象為台灣地區,於九十二年一月至四月曾經使用全國公害專線電話(0800-066666)向環保機關公害陳情污染案件之民眾,成功訪問1,143個受訪者;第二次調查對象為九十二年七月至九月曾經使用全國公害專線電話之民眾,成功訪問1,477個受訪者。在人民申請案件方面,調查對象為台灣地區,於九十二年一月至六月至環保署申請案件之申辦民眾。調查時間自九十二年八月五日起至八月十二日。本次調查成功訪問190位受訪者。 2003 satisfaction survey of all levels of environmental administration for processing citizens complaints and grievances and EPA accept applications In order to process the case of citizen’s complains and grievances effectively. Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has established the Center for Environmental complains and created a completely management model. To understand the satisfaction of local environmental administration that processing citizen’s complains and EPA accept applications. EPA has commission E-Strategy Research Center to process the investigation of satisfaction about all levels of environmental administration case processing. In environmental administration that processing citizen’s complains satisfaction. This survey contains two investigations. The samples in first investigation were collected from person who have called 0800-066666 to EPA during January to April in 2003 in Taiwan and interview 1,143 applicants successfully. The samples in second investigation were collected from person who have called 0800-066666 to EPA during July to September in 2003 in Taiwan and interview 1,477 applicants successfully. In satisfaction of EPA accept applications survey . The samples in this investigation were collected from person who filed application to EPA during the first half year in 2003 in Taiwan and interview 190 applicants successfully. 092 管考處 異視股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2470
第十二屆中華民國企業環保獎行政作業及獲獎績優廠商觀摩研討會 中華民國企業環保獎是為了鼓勵並表揚國內推動環境保護工作績效優良的企業而設立,是企業推動環保的最高榮譽獎項。評選項目包括(1)環境保護規劃與管理;(2)減廢工作推行;(3)製程污染管末(防治)處理成效;(4)廢棄物處理與最終處置及(5)環保觀念之推行教育宣導。自民國81年設立迄今已辦理十二屆,包含本屆獲獎企業在內,計有130家(其中第一屆20家,第二屆以後各10家)環保績優企業陸續接受表揚。為鼓勵致力於環保工作之企業,環保署特設立「環保榮譽獎座」,只要企業連續三年獲得中華民國企業環保獎,即可獲頒此項獎座。中華民國企業環保獎獲獎廠商包括台北縣八里垃圾焚化廠、中國鋼鐵股份有限公司公用設施處、聯華電子股份有限公司FAB8E廠、台灣杜邦股份有限公司觀音廠、台灣電力公司台中發電廠、台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司七廠、旺宏電子股份有限公司力行廠、華邦電子股份有限公司二廠、國瑞汽車製造股份有限公司觀音廠及福特六和股份有限公司等10家廠商。本屆獲獎企業中,台灣電力公司台中發電廠及華邦電子股份有限公司二廠亦獲得「環保榮譽獎座」之殊榮。為能將獲獎企業之各項績優環保事績全面推廣至企業界,本計畫編輯「第十二屆中華民國企業環保獎績優廠商優良環保事績彙編」並舉辦獲獎績優廠商觀摩研討會,藉此以提供企業界推動環保工作之參考,並建議各行業推動環保工作的典範和模式,全面提升我國的環境品質,以及增加企業之國際競爭力。 12th Enterprises Environmental Protection Award of the Republic of China Since 1992, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has sponsored the “Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection (EEP) Award of the Republic of China (ROC)” for twelve consecutive year. Each year, ten of the best organizations are honored for their outstanding performance in promoting environmental protection.The EEP Award is the most honored award for the promotion of environmental protection, and is regarded as a model of excellent environmental performance by various business sectors. The criteria for the selection of the Twelfth Annual EEP Award includes five items, which are: (1) environmental protection planning and management, (2) waste minimization and resource recovery, (3) performance of production process pollution control and end of pipe treatment, (4) solid waste treatment and disposal, and (5) promotion of public awareness of environmental protection.The ten organizations to receive the Twelfth Annual EEP Award are the BaLi Refuse Incineration Plant, China Steel Corporation Utilities Department, Taiwan Power Company Taichung Power Station, Macronix International Co., Ltd., DuPont Taiwan Limited – Kuan Yin Plant, Kuozui Motors Kuan Yin Plant, Ltd., Taiwan Semiconductor manufacturing company, Ltd. Fab 7, Ford Lio ho Motor Co., Ltd., Winbond Electronics Corp., and United Microelectronics Corp. Fab 8E.Among the award winners, Taiwan Power Company Taichung Power Station and Winbond Electronics Corporation Fab2 have also won the Distinguished Honor Award for being consecutively honored EEP Awards in 2001,2002, and 2003.Striving to enhance environmental quality in Taiwan, the EPA has published the “Summary of Excellent Performance in Environmental Protection by the 12th Annual EEP Award Winners,” which introduces these organizations’ experience to various business sectors. In addition, the EPA will also sponsor demonstration seminars and site visits to some of the award winning organizations’ facilities, allowing industries to share their experiences in promoting environmental protection. 092 管考處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2468
環境影響評估法之修正研究 財團法人資源及環境保護服務基金會(以下簡稱資環基金會)接受行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)委託,辦理環境影響評估法之修正研究專案工作計畫。 環保署釐定研究計畫之目標為:建立簡單、易操作且可充分發揮功能之環境影響評估制度。 資環基金會蒐集日本、中國大陸、韓國、美國、歐盟等國外環境影響評估法令制度相關資料,初步比較分析,瞭解國外環評發展趨勢及可供借鏡參考之特點;以諮詢交流等方式廣徵各方看法檢討國內環境影響評估法令制度之現況然後參酌各方意見及當前之需要,研擬環境影響評估法令制度之修正建議。 研究之結果,為求永續發展及環境保護優先(環境基本法),資環基金會建議政府政策環境評估應積極推行,俾開發行為之源頭政策綱領、方案或中長期計畫等上位策略,在規劃釐訂形成階段對於環境生態問題可能產生之不利影響,儘先採取替代方案及各種預防性手段與措施,將其限制在盡可能最低程度;下位之開發行為環境影響評估作業自可避免重複而簡化。 在執行方面建議將開發行為環境影響評估第一與第二階段作業合併為一個階段,以簡化程序;推展諮詢公開及公眾參與;加強目的事業主管機關與地方政府之參與;尊重專業審查與環評決策;落實環境監測與傳承追蹤及時改進;充實環評資料庫及推廣環評宣導等。參照上述策略,建議修訂環境影響評估法,提出三個方案以供環保署參採並研訂相關之配套措施,使環境影響評估制度更為健全而易操作。 Study the Amendment for Environmental Impact Assessment Act The Foundation on Resources and Environmental Protection Service (FREPS) was entrusted by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Republic of China to study the amendment of Environmental Impact Assessment Act (EIAA).The study goal defined by EPA is to develop a simple and easy operating Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) system.The workscopes of FREPS study-team are as follows: (1) to collect the EIA laws and regulations in Japan, Mainland China, Korea, America and European Union; (2) to study the EIA developing trend of foreign countries mentioned above; (3) to consult opinions from related experts and groups about the existing problems of EIA execution in Taiwan; (4) to submit the suggestions about the amendment of EIAA and EIA system.From the results of this study, FREPS provided the following suggestions: The environmental assessment of government polices (Strategic Environmental Assessment, SEA) should be constructively executed to attain the goal of sustainable development and the top priority of environmental protection of this country. During the formulation of policy, plan or program or median and long term development which are upper ranks of strategies, all the alternatives and environmental preventing measures should be detail considered in order to mitigate and minimize the possible adverse impacts. The EIA procedure of the lower rank of project (development activity) then can be simplified and avoided reduplicated.The existing EIA procedure of two phases should be merged into only one phase to simplify the process. It is important to conduct the public consultation and public participation. The EIA professional review and decisions of EIA committee should be respected. The follow-up performance monitoring system should be fully carried out. To solidify the EIA data bank and to publicize the EIA system should be continually implemented. FREPS submitted three schemes of EIAA amendment for EPA making decision and preparing the match-up measures reference. 092 綜計處 財團法人資源及環境保護服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2466
歐洲環境損害事件司法案例分析與彙編專案工作計畫 本專案計畫達成以下工作目標:1. 收集並彙整歷年來歐洲(含歐盟共同體、德國、法國、英國)環境損害事件重要法院判決資料,並以環保署八十九年出版之公害糾紛處理白書第七章格式內容加以分析。2. 比較分析說明我國與歐洲等各國處理環境損害事件,在司法訴訟制度及糾紛解決制度的特性。3. 將歷年來蒐集彙整之各國環境損害事件重要法院判例資料檔案建置於電腦網路。4. 邀請各級環保機關舉辦台灣地區公害糾紛處理工作檢討會乙場。在各國重要環境損害司法案例方面,就歐盟共同體、德國、法國及英國各收錄十則案件。就以上各國的環境損害案件紀錄,共計收集一百件。本計畫並分析各國司法環境損害案件之特色,並與我國法院判決相互比較,以作為我國實務發展之參考。依據本計畫研究可知,各國對於環境損害案件之司法處理,各具特色。法國法院之民事判決甚少,一般在刑事案件或行政訴訟案件中,以附帶民事訴訟之方式處理。且法國法上關於滯怠金制度,為我國所無。德國法則甚多國家賠償案件,對於政府機關課予較多補償責任。法國法及德國法均准許環保團體作為當事人起訴請求損害賠償,對於促進環境保護,甚具意義。英國法院則對於禁制令之採取,對我國具有啟示性。 Environmental judicial decisions in European countries. This project mainly deals with the environmental judicial decisions in European countries, including the European Community, Germany, France, and England. It translates ten leading cases and records thirty cases concerning the environmental protection law for the three countries and one political entity. Totally, one hundred court cases are recorded in this report in addition to forty leading cases. Simultaneously, it analyses these case laws, indicating the main issues raised in these cases and pointing out the ways in which they are discoursed and resolved. Then, these court decisions are compared to those of Taiwan, illustrating the differences and the common features among them. European court decisions indeed provide some remarkable insights for the protection of environment in Taiwan. For instance, both France and Germany recognize that the legal persons, e.g. the foundations or associations engaging in the environmental protection, are entitled to file a lawsuit before a court to claim compensation against the defendants. These can be learned in Taiwan in the future in order to enhance the protection of environment. 092 管考處 財團法人台大法學基金會 陳聰富教授 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2464
鼓勵購買低污染車輛補助審查 1.已受理電動機車補助申請並執行撥款作業共計1,282件、已受理電動輔助自行車補助申請並執行撥款作業共計5,148件、已受理低污染噴射引擎機車補助申請並執行撥款作業共計2,374件。2.已完成相關受理案件資料之資料庫建檔,並定期向環保署提送月報表。3.已辦理完成1場「電動機車及電動輔助自行車審查及撥款說明會」、3場「低污染噴射引擎機車審查及撥款說明會」。4.已建置完成「低污染車輛補助資訊網(http://wamitein.hihosting.hinet.net)」,並進行維護管理及更新。5.已設置二線專用電話,電話號碼為02-27495140及02-27495149,由專人進行接聽及記錄。6.配合及協助環保署於民國92年10月13日進行電動自行車新車抽驗。7.已寄發電動機車問卷3,323份、電動輔助自行車問卷2,029份及低污染噴射引擎機車問卷5,362份。電動機車問卷回收率26.8%、電動輔助自行車問卷回收率27.9%、低污染噴射引擎機車29.7%8.定期於每個月於各充電站進行檢測維護。9.完成低污染噴射引擎機車污染減量評估及補助成效之檢討,其中,每補助低污染噴射引擎機車一元,每年可減少7.14 g CO及4.38 g HC+NOX之排放量。選購一輛低污染噴射引擎機車而不購買同車型一般化油器機車,污染物減少量為CO 1.54 g/km及HC+NOX 0.16 g/km。若以每輛機車平均一年行駛5,100公里計算,每輛每年平均可減少7,830.65 g CO及840.50 g HC+NOX之排放量。每公噸CO之減量成本為63,251元,每公噸HC+NOX之減量成本為653,594元。 Review of Subsidy Applications for encouragement of Purchasing Low-Pollution Vehicles. 1. Completion of review and approval of three types of subsidy applications for 1,282 electrical motorcycles, 5,148 electrical bicycles and 2,374 low-emission jet engine motorcycles.2. Completion of filing the database on subsidy application cases and submittal of monthly reports to the Environmental Protection Administration on regular basis.3. Completion of one presentation meeting on 「Review and approval of subsidy application for the electrical motorcycle and the electrical bicycle」, three presentation meetings on 「low-emission jet engine motorcycles」4. Establishment of one website (http://wamitein.hihosting.hinet.net) on「Low-emission vehicle information」 with regular maintenance and update.5. Two dedicated telephone lines were installed and operated by trained operators for assistance on subsidy application, the phone numbers are 02-27495140 and 02-27495149.6. Assisted the Environmental Protection Administration in spot-checking new electrical bicycles on October 13 in year 92.7. Posted 3,323 copies of questionnaires to the owners of electrical motorcycles and 2,029 copies of questionnaires to the owners of electrical bicycles and 5,362 copies of questionnaires to the owners of low-emission jet engine motorcycles with return rates of 26.8 % and 27.9 % and 29.7 %, respectively.8. Monthly testing and maintenance has been performed at all charging stations. 9. Completion of review of subsidy efficiency and assessment of pollution reduction by low-emission jet engine motorcycles. For subsidizing one N.T. dollars, the reduction of pollutants includes 7.14 g CO/year and 4.38 g HC+NOx g/year. Purchase of a low-emission jet engine motorcycle instead of the same model with a general carburetor, the reduction of pollutants includes 1.54 g CO/km and 0.16 g HC+NOx /km. Assuming the average mileage of one motorcycle is 5,100 km per year, the amount of reduction of CO would be 7,830.54 g/year and HCl+NOx would be 840.5 g/year. Cost for reduction of CO is 63,251 N.T. dollars per metric ton and for reduction of HC+NOx is 635,594 N.T. dollars per met 092 空保處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2642
二仁溪、將軍溪及鹽水溪流域污染削減執行計畫 完成鹽水溪流域污染源調查2941點,每天排放之BOD約為38518.3公斤,以家庭污水為最大宗,約為60.33%;畜牧廢水次之,約佔24.78%。完成2284筆河川公私有地調查,建議河岸綠美化可行地點為太平橋至豐化橋之間。完成評估鹽水溪增加4處地點為新增水質監測站。研擬「二仁溪、鹽水溪、將軍溪三流域重大污染事業加強管制計畫」,篩選345家工廠全面清查,92年已有87家次限期改善,5家按日連續處罰,另有12家工廠處停工(業)。清查沿岸不明管線69支,其中26支不明管線完成封管。優先推動學校及公家機關每年定期清理一次化糞池工作。經由 張副署長主持召開四次跨部會會議,凝聚三流域污染整治共識後,擬定三流域九十一年至一○○年之水質改善目標及具體措施,據以推動。協助 貴署推動九十二年補助縣(市)執行之10個污染整治計畫(共約15,880萬元)。污染削減之成效檢核與展現方式,本計畫建立之整治成效指標包括「水質改善指標」與「民眾感觀指標」,指標污染物以BOD、DO作為主要之指標污染物,重金屬銅作為輔助性之指標污染物。完成三次空拍,將衛星導航系統紀錄之軌跡路線轉成GIS可讀取之圖檔及軌跡路線時間座標檔,以空拍影像進行整治前後成效比較。建置鹽水溪流域之流域整體性環境地理資訊系統及資料庫,可提供流域空間分析、污染源追蹤、相關環境資料屬性查詢,傳達流域污染整治重要資訊。 本計畫於長榮大學成立河川保育中心,中心負責計畫之推動、溝通、志工訓練及計畫效益評估。目前共有七所大專院校、八個環保團體、二個社區、三所小學及一個電台志願投入河川監測、巡守、環境教育及計畫推廣。透過河川巡守、行政協調及加強管制,數家污染源有效獲得控制,此計畫之推動模式為河川整治之民眾參與建立一架構及模式。 Strengthening pollution control measures in Erh-Jen River, Chang-Chun River, and Yen-Shui River watersheds To identity the priority of pollution control measure, the project conducted a survey of 2941 pollution sources in the Yen-Shui river watershed. It was estimated that the total daily BOD discharge is 38518.3 Kg. We suggested an addition of four routine-monitoring stations should be established to gain a clearer picture of water quality and effectiveness of pollution control measures. The results suggested the flood plain between Tai-Ping Bridge and Feng-Hua Bridge is suitable for landscaping. The inspections of these factories were reinforced by the inspection agencies. Sixty-nine anonymous discharge pipes along the rivers were investigated for their owners. Among them, 26 discharge pipes were seal because no one claimed the identities. To mitigate the loadings of municipal wastewater, the fecal sewage in septic tanks should be pump out regularly to sludge treatment facility at least once a year. Governmental buildings and schools should be the primary target to promote this maintenance practice.The project suggested that water quality indicators and public perception surveys are suitable to evaluate the river pollution cleanup projects. BOD, DO, and heavy metal concentrations were proposed as the three chemical parameters to represent the water quality. The project took three helicopter trips for airy photographs of the environmental conditions of the Yen-Shui River watershed. The Yen-Shui River watershed GIS program was developed with the functions of (1) spatial analysis, (2) pollution tracing, and (3) information query.An office named “River Restoration Center” was established under a collaboration project between EPA and Chang Jung Christian University in 2002. So far, seven other universities, eight NGOs, two communities, three elementary school, and one radio station were signed on as the volunteer groups for water quality monitoring, river patrolling, environmental education, and/or program broadcasting. 092 水保處 財團法人中技社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2478
非屬原子能游離輻射-全國地理資訊系統之建立及發射源抽測專案工作 非游離輻射源的存在與文明進步之便利性呈現緊密之相關性,於日常生活環境中有許多不同型式之電磁輻射產生源,諸如高壓配電站、變壓器、馬達、廣播電台、無線電通訊設備、電腦設備等,其頻率範圍可從極低頻至超高頻(30 MHz~3 GHz)範圍。對人體組織產生之效應一直具有相當的爭議性,其效應包括有電刺激、熱效應與非熱效應,但是流行學病之研究指出長期暴露於中低功率電磁波之職業工作人員或一般人員,與心律異常、幼兒白血病、幼兒淋巴瘤、腦瘤、乳癌、異常懷孕結果(自發性流產與畸胎)、精虫數量減少、異常行為(如自殺或沮喪)之引起或促進有相關,雖然目前尚未有足夠具有驗證性之科學與實驗資料來界定確實之暴露強度(劑量)才算危險因子,但是目前國外正從流行病學、數學模型與工程模擬、數據量測、組織細胞之離子流與基因觀點,及動物實驗進行大規模研究,希冀能從中探知一些秘密及預防方法。有鑑於此在本計畫在本年度針對下列委託之四項工作進行委託服務之翔實規劃與執行,以期建立相關資料庫與檢測方法,提供國人之生活品質指標與主管機關業務決策管理之參考。 Non-ionizing Radiation- Project of the Establishing the National Geographic Information System and Radiation Sources Sampling AbstractionThe non-ionized radiation lingering over the environment has a closed relationship to the development of the civilization. There are many different types of magnetic radiation sources surrounding around our environment. For example, high voltage electricity distributor, transformer, motor, radio station, wireless communication system, computer instrumentations and etc.The frequency range could vary from extremely low to superior high frequency range (30 MHz ~ 3 GHz). Effects of non-ionized radiation to the living tissue have been always a controversial topic. These include electric stimulation, heat and non-heat effect. However, the epidemiologic research reflected that the workers with long-term exposed to medium or low power magnetic fields are significantly related to arrhythmia, pediatric leukemia, lymphoma, brain tumor, breast cancer, unpredictable pregnancy (abortion and abnormal fetus), reduced in semen amount, and behavioral disabilities. Although current research results still cannot prove that a boundary does as a threshold to indicate a harmful factor to human body. Currently, some researches are now focused on epidemiology, mathematical modeling, engineering modeling, data measurement, tissues, cells and genetic points of view, and large-scale investigations on animal practical experiments. They try to find out some useful information and methods to reduce or prevent the potential damage.Per the EPA’s request, we established an information system that provides actual measurement results around the island. The governing authority and individuals with interests can retrieve information of non-ionized radiation in some specific areas. Additionally, we hope the system can cause the general public’s attention toward the non-ionized radiation. Eventually, it can improve the living quality of all the citizens in our country. 092 空保處 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院 醫學工程部 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2476
工業園區特殊空氣污染物成分調查、分析技術研究 本研究的目的為建立「不鏽鋼瓶/自動化氣相層析質譜分析系統」,並應用於監測新竹科學園區空氣中之毒性有機化合物,而目前擬分析的物種包含極性及非極性毒性化合物,共約56種,而本分析方法主要是參考美國大氣環境監測公告標準分析方法中,最為常用之TO-14及TO-15不銹鋼採樣GC-MS的分析方法為基礎,評估此一分析方法的準確性,再經由園區內實際的量測,來驗證此分析系統實用與廣泛性。而本研究在園區周界採樣過程中亦必須搭配風速風向儀的量測,將所得之數據搭配氣象、地形等相關資料用以標示可能的污染排放源,並建立各污染源指紋圖譜及特殊指標的應用。 The analytic technology study on source attribution of VOCs in the atmospheric air of the high-tech industrial park The aims of the study was to set up the Canister-Automated gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for monitoring volatile organic compounds toxic chemicals in environmental air of Hsin-chu Science-based Industrial Park.and assess the accuracy, practicability, and widespread of this method.This monitoring system is to refer the EPA-TO serious methods for basis and was to analyze simultaneously and precisely widespread species (C2-C10 HCs, CFCs, included 56 polar and non-polar compounds shown in method TO-15). The system has been practically applied to demonstrate the spatial distribution of pollutant concentrations in Hsin-chu Science-based Industrial Park,and acquired data with the combination of local meteorological information were discussed to notice the sources of pollutant emission and further to establish fingerprints of pollutant sources, assessments of the quality of air, and applications of exclusive indicator. 092 環檢所 1. 清大羅俊光、吳劍侯教授 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2474
環境資料庫標準規範及示範系統規劃暨教育宣導計畫 本年度環境資料庫建置推動主要工作在於建立環境資訊標準機制、環境資訊品質與驗證制度、環境資訊應用系統、環境資訊百科以及教育宣導等重點工作。其中環境資訊標準推動工作上,主要以環境詞彙、環境資料元素、環境資訊分類系統為重點項目,並且將歐盟發展的GEMET詞彙資料庫內容中文化,同時研訂出環境資訊標準推動委員會的設置辦法;環境資訊品質的推動上,主要提出環境資訊品質委員會設置辦法,並擬定出品質指導方針、品質管理計畫指引,以及提出對既有環境資訊品質評估之管理辦法,而且初步提出環境資訊品質驗證制度之架構。  此外,針對環境資訊之應用,本計劃亦提出環境資訊資源管理系統之資訊管理機制的檢討與修訂,並且規劃環境資訊應用系統之發展,包括環境影響評估之資料需求、永續發展指標應用系統之規劃以及地理資訊應用系統之規劃等,同時,針對環境資訊百科的概念,提出相關百科資訊應用系統的規劃內容。 為使相關業務單位能清楚明白本計劃推動之目的與目標,相關教育宣導工作亦於本年度的推動工作上持續進行,包括二場座談會以及一場研討會,整體而言,除達到計畫工作事項之要求外,並且逐步達成環境資訊建庫觀念與應用的推廣。 The Standard Regulation and Demonstration Information System of Environmental Database & Advertisement in Taiwan There are several main targets of environmental database project in this year. Including environmental data standard mechanism planning, environmental data quality and verification system setting and develop, environmental information system planning, environment information encyclopaedia planning and advertisement, etc. In order to advancing environmental data standard regulation, we plan and design three main works of environmental data standard mechanism. Including the environmental vocabulary standard database established, environmental data element planning and environmental data classification rule designing. And we also developed the Chinese version of the European Union’s GEMET vocabulary system and designed the standard committee organization setup and management method. The planning of environmental data quality and verification system was more detailed in this year, including the data quality guide and guideline design, the management mechanism design of data quality assessment and the data quality verification system design, etc. Besides, we also analysis and planned the user requirement the in the environmental information system and planed the environmental information encyclopaedia structure. In order to advertise the targets and goal of this project, we also design the advertisement plan worked with all of above actions. 092 監資處 國立台灣大學環境工程學研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2472
電動機車維修服務專案計畫 ‧ 完成電動機車維修服務中心設置。‧ 設置二條專線服務電話: 0800-568399 03-5910237 。‧ 訂定完成電動機車維護及零件更換價目表。‧ 完成全國各縣市(含澎湖及金門縣)電動機車特約維修站共51站。‧ 印製並寄發維修服務紀錄單3500份,供維修站使用。‧ 寄發電動機車使用者通知單共17,279份。‧ 針對電動機車所有人及年度內曾維修的車子作調查,了解其使用情形,作為未來計畫之參考,完成寄發電動機車問卷調查統計分析共二次。‧ 舉辦電動機車維修技術教育訓練課程三場次 (台中、高雄、台北) 。‧ 完成電機車保有數量資料使用中:18,912輛已報廢:7,733輛‧ 服務之案件件數中扣除電話訪查電動機車使用者之607件後,實際服務件數為3,555件,符合計畫規定且超過555件。1. 各維修站電動機車維修案共3,148件。2. 服務中心接獲電動機車使用者電話諮詢服務共407件。3. 服務中心主動電話訪查電動機車使用者共607件。4. 共完成服務案件數為4,162件。‧ 辦理電動機車維修座談會暨績優服務維修站表揚大會,表揚績優維修站11站。 electric scooters repair service plan ‧ Finish setting up electric scooters repair service center .‧ Set up two specific service phone:0800-568399 03-5910237.‧ Finish the electric scooters maintenance and change of parts price list.‧ Finish nation-wide every county or city(include Peng Hu and Kimen) special electric scooter repair stations to 51.‧ Print and mail 3500 repair record papers for repair stations.‧ Mail 17,279 electric scooter user letters of notice .‧ Investigate the owners of electric scooters and scooters repaired this year, to know use condition for consult of future plan. Finish mail electric scooter investigation papers twice.‧ Hold electric scooter repair technology train 3 times.( in Taichung ,Kaohsiung ,Taipei)‧ Finish amount data of retain used electric scootersIn used:18,912Recycle:7,733‧ After deducting 607 cases of telephone inquire of electric scooters, service case amount is 3,555,555 cases are more than the plan expected amount.1. All repair case amount of repair stations is 3,148.2. All telephone inquire service amount of the service center got from electric scooter users is 407.3. All case amount of service center telephone inquire is 607.4. All service cases reach 4,162.‧ Hold electric scooter repair information discuss meeting and special service repair station praise conference to praise 11 special repair stations. 092 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2610
台北盆地臭氧累積效應監測及測站評估 本計畫為探討台北盆地之臭氧累積效應,以及大台北地區之臭氧濃度偏高現象,將十年來北桃地區各測站所測得之監測資料加以分析。以了解在臭氧事件日時各測站間濃度分佈情形及各測站因地形效應,污染物日間易由淡水河口向南方傳送,造成盆地下風地區之新店、土城、新莊、板橋、萬華及古亭等站之臭氧測值,經常超過空氣品質標準之原因。依研究結果顯示,陽明之測值十年來在10th至70th百分位值,均為所有測站最高;每日最大小時值之年平均值在近三年亦為最高。其測值之變動性亦較其他測站為小。其原因推測與該站之高程、地處偏遠有關。同屬偏遠地區之萬里站,亦有類似趨勢,估計其亦因地處偏遠,車流稀少,背景NOx較低,無法引起足夠化學作用以減少臭氧。此外台北盆地受海陸風交替影響在清晨及傍晚移入及移出氣團,使該二測站濃度值在夜間偏高。目前評估臭氧空氣品質之小時值與八小時值之間,因由測站值數據相關性計算,二者有調整之空間,以使該二標準值均能?預期之空氣品質維護成效。由臭氧超過品質標準定義事件日之發生,在北部空品區事件日多以新店、土城、萬華、板橋、松山等站最常超過小時值。以月份而言,四至九月間為最常發生之時段,11至2月則為較少發生之時段。由深坑測值與北桃測站間之濃度分佈圖比較,可知深坑地區測值在七月份與松山站之最大小時值較其他站高。而六、九、十月則為新店站居首。測站除2003/7/9事件日較其他站測值偏高外,其餘事件日測坑測值均未使濃度分佈圖有明顯之差異。在坪林所設之測站,亦無明顯山區臭氧濃度增高現象,顯示在台北盆地東南方廣大丘陵地區,目前並無迫切設測站之需要,現有測站足夠推估本區臭氧濃度分佈。但因本計畫執行期程僅半年,應再有較長時間之調查以確定。為使本研究之成果能提供各界使用,本計畫於東南學院環境與安全衛生工程系之網站下加掛本計畫網頁,可查詢十年來主要臭氧事件日之濃度變化狀況,為使變化情形有連慣性,該濃度圖以動態方式呈現。 The accumulative effect of ozone in Taipei basin and assess establishing additional station This project analyzes the data collected from monitoring stations located in Taipei-Taoyuan area in the past 10 years, in order to discuss the accumulative effect of ozone in Taipei basin, as well as the high concentration of ozone in Taipei metropolitan area. The result of this study shows the Yangmin station has the highest records in the past 10 years with the value between 10th and 70th decimals. The daily maximum and minimum hour-average-values are also the highest in the last 3 years. The records of this station also show minor variation compared with those of other stations. The reason might due to its higher elevation the distance from metropolitan area for light traffic resulting in weaker concentration of NOx in the background, which is the usual mechanism that reduces ozone through chemical reaction. Another reason which cause the high concentration of these two stations during the night time is the land-sea wind changing phenomena.The result of calculating records collected from the monitoring stations systems shows there is a space to adjust a hour-value and -hour-value, in order to achieve the air quality maintenance effect by both standard values. The comparison of records from Shangkun station and Taipei-Taoyuan area concentration distribution map shows Shangkun has lower value in July and maximum-minimum value are higher than other stations. There is no significant increase of ozone in mountain area according to the data recorded at Pingling station. This shows that there is no urgent need on establishing any additional station in southeast area of Taipei basin. The current stations are able to estimate the distribution of concentration of ozone of this area. However, the six month restriction of this project should be extended to acquire better result.One could take the result of this project in the website of the department of Environment Safety and Health, Tung Nan Institute of Technology. Users would be able to inquire the change of concentration of major ozone event days in the past 10 years. 092 監資處 東南技術學院環境與安全衛生工程系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2462
飲用水水質標準中較難檢驗項目抽驗計畫 本計畫主要針對台灣25個行政區125個檢測點進行飲用水水質中較難檢驗項目之抽驗,其分析項目包括重金屬(砷、鉛、硒、鉻、鎘、鋇、銻、鎳、汞、銀)、揮發性有機物(三氯乙烯、四氯化碳、1,1,1-三氯乙烷、1,2-二氯乙烷、氯乙烯、苯、對-二氯苯、1,1-二氯乙烯) 、氟鹽、總三鹵甲烷、陰離子界面活性劑共二十一項水質項目。本年度監測結果得知21個檢測項目中,重金屬、揮發性有機物、氟鹽及陰離子界面活性劑皆符合飲用水水質標準。而總三鹵甲烷則有三個監測點超過法規標準分別為TTW-81高雄縣鳥松鄉(採樣日期為92年5月19日)、TTW-101澎湖縣湖西鄉(採樣日期為92年5月19日)及TTW-110金門縣金沙鎮(採樣日期為92年8月18日)。而各測點之水質分析合格率,除了總三鹵甲烷有三個監測點不符合飲用水水質標準外,其餘各縣市檢測點之水質皆符合標準,合格率為99.94%。 A survey of drinking water for the not-so-easy analyzed analytes in the water quality standard The purpose of this project is to inspect the drinking water quality of the pre-chosen 125 site of the 25municial counties or cities . The items being tested include heavy metals (As,Pb,Se,Cr,Cd,Ba,Sb,Ni,Hg,Ag), VOCs( Trichoroethylene, Carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, Vinyl Chloride, Benzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, 1,1-dichloroethene),fluoride,THMs,MBAS,21items all together.All results in this year for heavy metals (As,Pb,Se,Cr,Cd,Ba,Sb,Ni,Hg,Ag), VOCs( Trichoroethylene, Carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, Vinyl Chloride, Benzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, 1,1-dichloroethene),fluoride, MBAS were tallied with the drinking water quality standard. But the results for THMs there were 3 sites not tallied with the drinking water quality standard. The sites are TTW-81 where is in Kao-Xiong ,TTW-101 where is in Peng-Hu, TTW-110 where is in Jim-Men 092 毒管處 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2460
工業園區環境(污泥及河川底泥)中特殊污染物調查分析研究 國內工業園區皆設有污水處理廠,而園區內各廠家所產生的污水,依法將強制納管於園區之污水處理廠處理,污水處理廠則按各家工廠排放之污水水質、水量收費。另外,污水處理過程中,產生的生物、化學污泥則依廢棄物清理法管制。目前園區內之污水處理廠大多仍以傳統BOD、COD水質標準作為廠商納管處理依據,對於特定製程產生之特殊有機、無機污染物仍無法有效限制排放,導致此類污染物可能累積於生物、化學污泥或承受水體之底泥中,對自然環境造成極大衝擊。本計畫於大園、觀音工業園區及新竹科學園區選取三家廠商,並針對此三個園區之聯合污水處理廠進行採樣,採樣點包含處理廠初沉池、曝氣池、化學混凝池及廢棄污泥餅之污泥與放流水承受水體之上、中、下游底泥,並利用FT-IR與GC/MS進行有機污染物定性分析,及應用ICP/MS進行重金屬定性分析,而後選擇指標性有機污染物與重金屬作定量檢測。分析結果顯示大園、觀音工業園區及新竹科學園區之污水處理廠污泥與放流水承受水體底泥中,大部份存在苯酚衍生物和直鏈碳系化合物。定量有機污染物為 nonylphenol、2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl)-phenol、1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl-phenol和1-tridecene。此外,在新竹科學園區污水處理廠排放口附近底泥亦偵測到疑似環境荷爾蒙如Dibutyl phthalate與Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate等;而由三個園區與承受水體底泥之重金屬星狀圖分佈可知,高濃度組以Cu、Zn及Mn為主要元素,低濃度組則以Cr、Ni、Co及Ag為主要元素。選擇定量重金屬元素為Cr、Co、Ni、Mo、Ag、In、以鉻的污染最嚴重,觀音工業區污水處理廠污泥及樹林溪底泥則以鈷與鉻的污染較明顯;新竹科學園區污水處理廠污泥與客雅溪底泥受到的重金屬污染包括了鎳、鉬、銀、銦與鎢,其中又以鎢的污染情形最為嚴重。經試驗分析結果顯示,工業園區之污水處理廠與承受水體之有機污染物種類、重金屬分佈相似度很高。若根據此一特性,可追蹤園區內工廠製程所使用的原物料經製程反應後,產生之有機污染物與重金屬累積於污水處理廠污泥或承受水體底泥中的分佈變化。 Investigation and Analysis of Specific Contaminants in Sludge and Sediments in Industrial Park The wastewater from manufactures in industrial park was enforced to discharged into wastewater treatment plant. Conventionally, the approval to give a permission for discharge is based on BOD, COD and SS of wastewater characteristics from manufacture. The specific organic and inorganic pollutants was not restricted from the discharge. Therefore, the specific compounds would be accumulated in the sludge of treatment process in wastewater treatment plants and sediments in receving water. Those pollutants from specific organic and inorganic compounds would have a great impact on the environment of industrial park. To trace the specific pollutants from the representative factory, the sludge in the unit processes of wastewater treatment plant and sediment in receiving waters were sampled and analyzed. The FT-IR and GC/MS was simultaneously applied to identify and analyze semi-volatile organics and volatile organics. The ICP/MS was used to identify and analyze heavy metals. Most of specific compounds were benzenic and phenolic and aliphatic derivatives. The compounds for quantitative measurement were nonylphenol, 2,4 bis(1,1 dimethylpropyl)-phenol, 1,1,3,3 tetramethylbutyl-phenol and 1-Tridecene. The main distributions of higher concentration of heavy metals in three industrial parks were copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn). The lower concentration of heavy metals included chronium (Cr), nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co) and silver (Ag). Selected heavy metals for quantative analysis included chronium (Cr), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), molybdenum (Mo), silver (Ag), indium (In), tungsten (W), cadmium (Cd), gallium (Ga). The results of quantative analysis indicated that chronium was the major heavy metal pollutant distributed in Da-Yuan Industrial Park, and chronium and cobalt were the major heavy metal pollutants distributed in Kuang-Yin Industrial Park. The results of quantative analysis indicated that nickel (Ni), molybdenum (Mo), silver (Ag), indium (In), and tungsten (W) were dominant heavy metals in Hsin-Chu Science Park. 092 環檢所 環保署 環檢所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2458
石化工業區周界空氣中甲基丙酮、甲基丁基酮、甲基異丁酮、丙酮、丁酮、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、乙酸乙酯、乙醯乙酸甲酯、丙烯酸甲酯、正丁酸甲酯、戊基乙酸甲酯、甲醇、乙醇、乙二醇、丙三醇、異丙醇及丁醇等十七項揮發性有機物調查之研究 本計畫主要是提供石化工業區周界空氣中甲基丙酮、甲基丁基酮、甲基異丁酮、丙酮、丁酮、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、乙酸乙酯、乙醯乙酸甲酯、丙烯酸甲酯、正丁酸甲酯、戊基乙酸甲酯、甲醇、乙醇、乙二醇、丙三醇、異丙醇及丁醇等十七項極性揮發性有機物之調查,以提供空保處有機溶劑管制濃度之重要參考。執行之初先以研究建立上述十七項污染物之檢測技術,包括方法之品保規範,包括準確性、偵測極限、精密度及重覆性等之評估。蒐集極性揮發性有機污染物之國內外相關檢測技術報告及管制標準,並提供國內相關業別污染源資料。採樣及檢測之石化工業區周界空氣樣品數,應達三十件以上,樣品來源至少應包含三個石化工業區,以達到樣品多樣性之要求(每件檢測項目包含十七項揮發性有機物),並提供符合環檢所檢測標準方法格式之草案,及將十七項污染物之檢測技術轉移環檢所。 Investigation of the existing levels of methyl acetone, methyl butyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone (2-butanone), methyl methacrylate (MMA), ethyl acetate, methyl acetoac The major objective of this study is to evaluate two different sampling techniques used for collecting atmospheric samples of 17 target organic compounds. These target organic compounds include methyl acetone, methyl butyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone (2-butanone), methyl methacrylate (MMA), ethyl acetate, methyl acetoacetate, methyl acrylate, methyl butyrate, methyl amyl acetate, methanol, ethanol, ethylene glycol, glycerin, isopropyl alcohol and n-butyl alcohol. Two types of commonly used sampling media, SUMMA canister and sorbent trap have been tested for their collection efficiencies. The test will include sample recovery, medium breakthrough (sorbent trap), method detection limit, analytical precision, and accuracy. The samples will be analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MSD). Furthermore, this study has investigated the existing levels of these 17 target organics in the proximity of four major petrochemical industrial parks. Thirty atmospheric samples have been collected from these four industrial parks. The results will be used as a reference for government to establish regulatory emission limits for these 17 target organics. 092 環檢所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2456
環保署委託計畫檢測數據品保查核計畫 環境檢驗所有鑑於環境數據品質的重要性,乃積極推動全國環境數據品質保證方案之實施,將環保署的業務處,均納入環境數據品質保證作業的管制。此一品保方案的要求,並適用於環保署支援之所有與環境檢測及監測相關之各種專案研究計畫。針對環保署各業務處(所),涉及環境檢測並提出品保規劃書審查之委託計畫,依據各計畫檢測工作的期程,於期中報告及期末報告前,各安排乙次訪查,依照「通過」、「修正」、「需複查」的模式執行本計畫的訪查工作,並辦理二場次座談會。本年度特別設計表單調查各計畫經理人對數據品質之期望,以供後續赴現場訪談時列為重點。此外,依據各計畫執行單位之品保等級設計「執行單位品保品管自評表」,並於本計畫依環檢所延聘專家赴現場訪談時參考。品保規劃書是檢視計畫執行單位達成檢測數據品質目標的重要依據,事先將品保規劃書送訪查委員事先瞭解,以便執行訪查。本年度於執行環保署各業務處(所)委託計畫期中品保訪查時,本計畫收到品保規劃書計十八件,完成品保品管現場訪查計畫共計十八件。於期末訪查時收到品保規劃書計三十三件,已完成品保品管現場訪查計畫共計三十三件。本年度輔導三個環保單位規劃及執行採樣檢測業務品保品管計畫,由相關採樣檢測案件較多之高雄市、屏東縣、台南縣、彰化縣、桃園縣、高雄縣等六縣市進行說明。本計畫已完成六縣市輔導說明及縣市委託計畫品保訪查共計十件。本計畫配合環境檢驗所相關業務計畫舉辦「檢測數據品保品管座談會」兩場,一場於10/2假台北科技大學共同科館演講廳舉辦,一場於11/6假國立成功大學國際會議廳第二講堂舉辦,會中對執行計畫相關人員簡報歷年訪查缺失及今年訪查相關事項,並邀請學者進行專題演講,以期能避免缺失重複發生;並由王碧所長及周金柱科長與業者進行品保品管相關問題討論。為有效執行品保品管現場訪查及避免計畫單位發生重複問題,本計畫參考八十八年至九十二年度計畫訪查成果,針對環保署各業務處(所)委託計畫數據品保訪查常見相關問題彙整統計。 Data Quality Assurance Project Plan for EPA Projects Environmental data is very important in the policy-making process. EPA has contracted lots of projects for manitoring,collecting,and analyzing the environmental data. In order to obtain high qnality data, series of control processes,should be conducted,including sampling, sample storage and handling, instrument calibrations and measurements and data processing.The primary goal of Quality Assurance Project Plan(QAPP) is to ensure that all environmental data, derived by contracted project, are of sufficient quality to support the data#s intended use. An audit program is necessary to make sure that the quality of QAPP has been fulfilled. This project has been conducted to evaluate the data quality of EPA contracted projects.There are total 43 project included in this program, 33 EPA projects and 10 local government projects were audited, Two seminars were also held. The goals of this project have been fulfilled after all. 092 環檢所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2454
92年度空品區空氣品質改善行動計畫 本計畫計有十二大工作項目,包括高污染地區個案研析改善、推動空氣品質劣化預警應變系統、協談/鼓勵工廠以歲修改用較清潔燃料方式、加強陸空巡查、加強重大工程施工管制、推動揮發性有機物管制督導、推動不合法柴油之抽測稽查、推動交通運輸減量方案、提昇街道洗掃技術、推動農廢妥善處理、協調高雄港務局加強港區儲槽及料堆管理、加強裸露地表管理及協調改善道路鋪面品質等。本計畫逐月解析92年空氣品質變化,完成88~92年10月PSI>100及各污染物濃度分析,PSI大於100之站日數則有逐年下降趨勢,其中PM10之PSI大於100站日數有逐年下降之趨勢,而O3則呈波動變化,在90、91年有上升之趨勢。92年至10月底PSI大於100之站日數約為91年的65%。針對空氣品質變化、排放量變動、氣象因素等三方面進行臭氧污染事件成因探討,歸納出五大成因分別為,季節性臭氧前驅物VOCs排放量局部增加、臭氧滴定效應降低、臭氧及其前趨物高層滯留反應、季節風向與地形因素、雨量降低及氣溫上升因素等。自92年1月1日至11月30日止發生空品不良之日數共有102天,監資處預報之劣化日共計44天,行動計畫通報縣市執行查處計有40天,監資處及行動計畫累計已通報54天,因此扣除無法通報之假日後的通報準確率為75%,所有惡化站日中主要指標污染物為懸浮微粒之發生頻率為25%,臭氧則為75%。於92年9月至11月,共計完成4家工廠8個製程之歲修期程查核,各工廠皆於預定之歲修期程確實執行。本計畫將持續督導三縣市於後續空品不良季節加強追蹤查核,以推動各工廠確實按其承諾期程實施歲修。92年度南部地區陸空聯合稽查至12月底為止累計執行13次,總計通報37件可疑污染案件,計告發9件污染案件。重大工程列管名單包括捷運工程、高速鐵路及南部第二高速公路。本計畫每月抽查10件重大營建工程資料,截至12月底計完成101件巡查工作,確認各營建工程業者之施工位置、施工高污染期程以及施工面積等較易發生污染相關資料,並協調跨縣市施工工地之管制事宜。完成揮發性有機物使用廠家30家次現場查核,查核缺失—抽器設備密閉性不良、抽氣量不足,污染防治設備操作維護不佳,使用人員習慣易造成VOC逸散增加。92年度1~10月三縣市非法油品抽驗,站外路邊攔檢總攔檢數950輛,不合格率為31%,站內檢測(包含加油站抽驗)數總計177件,不合格率為29%。藉由三縣市交通單位之訪談及現勘,掌握20處易塞車路段並加以分類後提出短中長程解決對策。為落實洗掃街減量成效,已於十一月份選定車流量較多及髒污等級較差之道路,進行洗掃成效之現場查核工作,計查核22處並通報縣市作後續追蹤處置及改進建議。召開農廢相關協調會,協助中部以南九縣市訂定縣境之通報流程及名單,宣導方式多樣化,並製作農廢工作調查表,自92年9~12月逐月填報,減少各縣市稻草露天燃燒之問題。高高屏地區裸露地面積以大區域開發為主要來源,其中又以高雄縣轄區之裸露地佔多數,高雄市及高雄縣裸露地多數已植披覆蓋,改善率分別達75%及76%;屏東縣多數列管裸露地為學校內未鋪設PU或草皮之砂質操場,部份學校已裝設固定式灑水器,並定時灑水可有效抑制風蝕揚塵。 高高屏地區空氣品質改善專案小組會議部份,今年度計召開五次專案會議,進行高高屏地區跨縣市協調工作,有效整合三縣市既有資源,達成92年度PSI>100小於7%之空品目標。 2003 AIR POLLUTION QUALITY IMPROVE ACTION IN AIR BASIN AREA In this project, we have analyzed the air quality monthly data in 2003. From 1999 to October, 2003, the PSI and other critical pollutants have been evaluated. The days of PSI over 100 is gradually decreased. During September to November 2003, the appraisals of the annual maintenance in four factories for 8 processes were finished, and all the annual maintenance was executed timely. The monitoring of annual maintenance of factories in Kaohsiung Region will be continuously followed, especially in poor air quality season, to ensure factories accurately executing their commitments for air quality improvement by proper maintenance. The air-land cooperative patrols in South Region counts 13 times in 2003, and there are 37 suspected pollutions notified, and 9 of them are real pollution accused. MRT, HSR and the Second Freeway construction are included in the significant construction list. With 10 sampling monthly, 101 engineering data were evaluated to confirm the locations of constructions, air pollution peak and easily polluted sites, and coordinate the management of engineering at intercounty region. 30 in-situ appraisals of VOCs used in factories are completed, and the main deficiency caused emission of VOCs could be concluded as poor sealing of suction equipment, insufficient suction power, defective operation and maintenance of air pollution control equipment, and unfavorable operation habits. For the use of illegal diesels, from January to October 2003 in Kaohsiung Region, 950 vehicles checked roadside and 177 stationary check , which report 31% and 29% disqualified, respectively.By the communication with transportation agencies in Kaohsiung Region and site-visits, 20 critical sections of traffic jams are categorized and the related countermeasures are planned and proposed. 092 空保處 中鼎工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2452
懸浮微粒垂直剖面濃度變化與氣象條件分析之研究 本計畫於今(2003)年春季利用光達進行氣膠垂直剖面之觀測,並對所觀測到的氣膠高度、地點進行氣塊軌跡演算,同時並應用衛星資料監測分析氣膠分布及傳輸路徑與擴散動向,期能了解氣膠微粒之三度空間分布及分析其可能之來源。衛星在沙塵暴監測方面,應用高時間解析的地球同步衛星GMS-5觀測資料,完成沙塵暴發生位置、涵蓋範圍及其移動情形等訊息之及時提供。衛星監測結果顯示台灣附近地區,包括台灣東北及台灣海峽地區,受沙塵影響之主要期間則在1月至2月,其中以1月份為最明顯,3月至4月則受沙塵的影響較為輕微。在定量分析之結果顯示,GMS-5所監測之AI(Aerosol Index),不但可提供局部地區沙塵暴之始末期間,亦具有提供沙塵暴影響強度之潛能,對於未來沙塵暴強度之警報幫助極大。光達(LIDAR)在沙塵暴之觀測方面,藉由背向散射比強度與偏振強度之垂直分佈與變化,配合氣軌追蹤與衛星資料,獲得沙塵傳輸與分佈之訊息。在2003年沙塵暴的個案中,最強的沙暴為個案一(2/18 ~ 2/19)、最弱為個案五(4/25 ~ 4/28)。針對環保署所發布的五次個案,除分別顯示它們的分佈高度及強度外,並對污染源進行軌跡追蹤,對於台灣地區在受大陸沙塵暴或東南亞生質燃燒影響之了解與研究分析有相當的幫助。 Research on the Variation of Suspended Sediments Vertical Concentration and the Analysis of Meteorological Parameters This study could be mainly separated into two parts: 1) used Lidar to profile the vertical property of atmosphere aerosol, including determination of height and aerosol trajectory tracing; 2) used satellite to analyze the large scale distribution and propagation of aerosol in 2003. The results could figure out the three-dimension distribution of aerosol particles and trace back their sources. In satellite part, the high temporal resolution GMS-5 data were employed, and real time information of sandstorms which usually are the biggest aerosol sources, could be provided. The result revealed that the sandstorms made a important influence to the areas around northern eastern Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait from January to April, especially in January. The result also showed that the AI (Aerosol Index) derived from GMS could make a great aid in monitoring the whole lifecycles of sandstorms and could be used to estimate the sandstorms’ impact. In Lidar part, the transformation and distribution of sandstorms could be detailed understood based on the backward scattering and polarization analysis companying with satellite data. All five sandstorm events announced by EPA were analyzed. The strongest one occurred during 2/18 ~ 2/19 (Case 1), and the weakest one occurred during 4/25 ~ 4/28 (Case 5). All of the five events’ parameters were detailed analyzed to give the aerosol property around Taiwan area when were impacted by the sandstorms from the Mainland China and haze from the southeastern Asia. 092 監資處 國立中央大學大氣物理研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2450
大陸沙塵暴科學管理計畫 本計畫主要在管理整合環保署大陸沙塵暴密集觀測研究計畫的科學成果,並製作相關網頁提供參考,以及整合建議適當之因應對策。過程中召開數次檢討會議與二次研討會議等。 本報告整合2003年1~6月空氣品質監測資料,並參考NAAPS數值模擬,指出:春季大陸沙塵影響台灣較過去為弱,主要是華中與華南地區鋒面降雨量大,多次的沙塵傳輸可能都已沉降在路途中。但影響次數卻是相當的多,共有13次沙塵影響台灣空氣品質的事件,其中,有四日的影響等級為1 (1/23、2/20、3/22、5/30) ;僅有一日的影響等級為2(1/19),且當日有三個測站的PSI值大於100,但當日的本地污染與華南生質燃燒影響不能忽略。雖然今年無強的影響案例,但是影響次數多,實不容忽視未來沙塵影響又忽然增強所可能造成的衝擊。 雖然沙塵影響較弱,但數值預報能力較去年改進許多。最終進行了5次沙塵密集監測,分別為:第一波: 2/18 ~ 19、第二波: 2/23 ~25、第三波: 3/6 ~ 9、第四波: 3/25 ~ 3/30與第五波: 4/25 ~ 4/28等。其中以3/8中午萬里站PM10達130 μ g m-3為最高,而未要求進行監測的2/20與3/22,則分別出現171與160 μ g m-3的高濃度。人工採樣分析顯示地殼成份仍可辨認,但細微粒所佔比例較去年為高,且微粒中硫酸鹽與硝酸鹽濃度高。沙塵訊息存在但微弱,大陸東岸的人為污染訊息則較去年為清楚,顯示上游污染影響不容忽視。至於東南亞與華南地區生質燃燒以及大陸北方森林燃燒等影響,數值模擬顯示其對台灣空氣品質影響的重要性,但如何在採樣分析與現有監測資料分析過程中確認,則仍有待努力。雲水採樣分析顯示:抵台的部份沙石會被雲水吸收,估計可洗除約11~43%的沙石。其對本地森林生態的影響,將需在建立起長期生態監測網後,才可能分析了解。生物採樣分析工作在今年內正式展開,初步發現:部份真菌在沙塵來襲期間濃度顯著高於非沙塵期間,而有三種出現頻率極低之真菌,只出現於沙塵暴期間。顯然,沙塵可能伴隨微生物抵台,其來源可能是大陸西北,但更可能是經過大陸沿海時,受到影響。所以,微生物的採樣分析工作,相當重要,應當持續進行之。 衛星遙測工作已由定性改進為定量,相信將能對沙塵預報提供協助;同時,垂直光達能分辨水雲與沙塵,也對生質燃燒的物質傳送具一定的辨識參考價值。萬里站為目前最常被採用為辨認上游影響的背景測站,由於其可能受強東~東北風時細海鹽增加影響,建議當進行逐時採樣分析,以了解確切的影響狀況,並將該影響與風速的相關,以定量關係式表示之。本計畫建議建立長期與定期的懸浮微粒、雲水與微生物的採樣監測、沙塵後空氣品質變化與民眾健康的關係研究等,以更定量化沙塵抵台的特徵與影響。同時,近二年的研究發展,也建立起數值模擬預報、衛星遙測與光達垂直監測等科技,環保署也當思考如何讓這些學術成果,成為每日預報的固定參考資訊,而非僅在密集監測計畫期間才能看到。此外,本計畫也就問題定位、優先預防、部門整合與國際合作等,提出政策建議。 最後,基於近二年密集實驗所累積的經驗,對於有關大陸沙塵事件的明確辨識原則,以及一般民眾關心的分區分級預報,本計畫也提出一些具體建議,希望有助於監資處的正常作業。 The Scientific Management of the Dust Storm Intensive Monitoring Program This project is responsible for managing and integrating the scientific results obtained in the Dust Storm Intensive Monitoring Program, to set up a web site to provide updated inform to the publics, and to propose suitable adaptation strategy. A few discussion meetings and two workshops has been organized in this project. This report analyzes the air pollution data collected during January ~ June, 2003, and the numerical simulation data run by US Navy NAAPS. Some findings are noted: Influence of mainland dust storms on local air quality is weaker than past events. The main reason behind is a stronger frontal rainfall over central and southern China, hence most of the dust loading have been scavenged along the way to Taiwan. Even so, there are still 13 events happened. Among them, four days have an influencing level of 1 (1/23, 2/20, 3/22, 5/30), and only one day with an influencing level of 2 (1/19). On January 19, there are three stations with PSI larger than 100, but influence by local air pollution and biomass burning from southern China are not negligible. In short, even though the influence of this year’s dust storm is weaker than the past, we can not ignore the possibility of sudden intensification of future dust events. Even though the influence of dust storm is weaker than the past, the improvement in numerical forecasting is noticeable. A total of five intensive monitoring events has been called upon, i.e. on 2/18 ~ 19, 2/23 ~25, 3/6 ~ 9, 3/25 ~ 3/30 and 4/25 ~ 4/28. Among these days, the highest PM10 hourly-mean concentration of 130 μ g m-3 is observed on noon of March 8 at Wanli. While, a much higher level of PM10 occurs on 2/20 and 3/22, when no intensive monitoring has been requested, with PM10 of 171 and 160 μg m-3, respectively. 092 監資處 台灣大學全球變遷研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2504
執行機車新車型審驗、新車抽驗相關排氣管制措施及使用中機車召回改正調查測試 本年度計畫主要工作內容可分為三個部份,第一個部份是執行機器腳踏車新車型審驗、新車抽驗等管制工作。第二個部份是配合環保署相關政策之實施,協助環保署研擬相關排氣管制措施。第三個部份是執行使用中機車召回改正調查測試作業相關事宜。本計畫執行至11月21日止,在新車型審驗、新車抽驗等管制工作方面,共核發120張合格證,包含339個車型,其中2002車型年核發3張合格證,包含3個車型,2003車型年核發87張合格證,包含238個車型,2004車型年核發30張合格證,包含98個車型;並進行83輛國產車、30輛進口車之新車抽驗,其中3輛進口車不合格,已撤銷合格證;亦進行18輛進口車之污染控制元件查驗,全都合格;廠商耐久計畫申請部分,共提出46件,已完成耐久並通過劣化係數申請者有共有39件,尚在耐久里程累積中有5件,審理中有1件,另1件廠商放棄耐久。在協助環保署研擬相關排氣管制措施方面,有關700c.c.以上機車四期污染排放標準將延後兩年,再實施更嚴格標準,此修正案已舉辦公聽會,並於12月10日公告後實施;本年度亦進行國外2003車型年認證數據蒐集、分析,其符合我國三、四期排放標準比例仍偏低,計畫中並行15輛高排氣量機車與15輛四期150㏄以下使用中機車之研究測試,結果顯示EU2與EU3法規均較我國四期法規嚴格,惰轉40秒之暖車,對CO與HC測試結果影響,高排氣量機車較明顯,另外,與四期行車型態相比,高排氣量機車EU3行車型態對NOx影響相當明顯;4輛符合四期排放標準之耐久研究測試顯示三萬公里前污染排放系統均無明顯劣化情形,三、四期車三萬公里耐久劣化差異不大;污染推估部分,已完成MOBILE5、MOBILE6、EMFAC2002、COPERTⅢ等模式之蒐集、評估、分析,COPERTⅢ模式較適合我國之應用,可當作明年度推估模式建立之參考依據,但須依本土數據資料作計算式修正,發展自己的模式;在簡化審驗作業流程部分,平均審驗時程約為9天,符合環保署要求之10天期限內。在執行使用中機車召回改正調查測試作業相關事宜方面,50輛車初步調查測試結果有1輛不合格,但平均值均合格,故本年度10個引擎族之召回改正調查測試全都合格。另有一進口車因新車抽驗時,其抽測車輛排氣管與當初申請審驗合格證所使用之排氣管不同,經環保署查證屬實後,已撤銷此引擎族之合格證,並令其提報自行召回改正計畫,並審查通過,現正進行自行召回改正中。 Implementation of the new vehicle model certification, the new vehicle audition, the relative exhaust emission management measures for motorcycles, and the in-used motorcycle recall investigation test The project for this year will be to continue assisting the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) with the control of motorcycle exhaust pollution, including the certification of new vehicle model, the audition of new vehicle, examination on emission control components, etc.. The project will also be to continue assisting the EPA to modify the relative regulations to the “Issue and Annulment of the Certificate for Qualification for Examination and Inspection of Exhausts of Motorcycles.” if necessary. In addition, the project will implement the in-used motorcycles re-call investigate tests. 092 空保處 工業技術研究院機械工業研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2502
推動產業溫室氣體(PFCs、HFCs及SF6)排放減量 目前經本計畫與半導體與光電二產業協會溝通,此二產業協會已研擬向環保署提出PFCs自願減量協議的簽署書。在SF6回收與替代方面,目前建構的SF6回收機已在發電廠進行驗証回收成功,在替代品的實驗方面亦已証明可行。HFCs冷媒排放的使用方面,已充份掌握主要的使用場所。其它的工作成效尚有訪視12個相關使用排放場所、完成20餘篇文獻資料之蒐集並對外發表論文一篇及國際研討會一場、三份 中英文電子季報等推廣工作。未來環保署應持續的推動PFCs、HFCs及SF6相關產業之自願排放減量工作,與半導體與光電二產業協會簽署自願減量協議,並擴大SF6回收再使用的推廣工作,舉辦產業說明會加強電力事業對SF6的回收利用,並深入了解鎂鋁合金新興產業的SF6使用排放,以研擬適當的排放減量措施。而對於資訊的收集與擴散更不可缺,使國內相關產業與國際相關單位了解最新國際趨勢與國內動態。 Promoting the abatement of PFCs、HFCs and SF6 This programmer’s scope covers promoting voluntary emission reduction in PFCs, HFCs, and SF6 related industries, assisting establishment of native greenhouse gas (PFCs, HFCs, and SF6) emission reduction techniques, promoting instructions of emission reduction in PFCs, HFCs, and SF6 related industries. Presently, through coordination with semiconductor and opto-electronics industries, this programmer has agreed to submit the PFCs voluntary reduction agreement to the Environmental Protection Agency. In respect of SF6 recycling and its alternatives, the currently established SF6 recycling machines have been proved effective, and the experiments regarding its alternatives also proved it is feasible. Regarding refrigerant emission and uses, main spaces using refrigerants have been fully investigated. Other achievements include visiting 12 related-use spaces, completing the collection of 20 plus literatures, issuing a paper in overseas, holding an international symposium, issuing three Chinese-English seasonal e-papers, etc. The environment protection agency shall keep on promoting the voluntary emission reduction in PFCs, HFCs, and SF6 related industries, contracting with semiconductor and opto-electronics industries for voluntary emission reduction, promoting the expansion of SF6 recycling area, deeply investigating the SF6 use in the new Mg-Al alloy industry for specifying appropriate emission reduction measures. In particular, the information collection and promotion cannot be neglected to enable relevant industries and relevant international agencies to realize the latest international trends and domestic developments. 092 空保處 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2500
空氣品質長期趨勢分析與年報編撰 本計畫自九十二年三月七日起開始執行,至十二月期末報告止,共完成基本資料蒐集,台灣地區空氣品質長期趨勢分析,九十一年度空氣污染總年報編撰,空氣品質跨年度時間、空間趨勢分析,重要事件日空氣品質分析,彙整八十三年至九十一年排放清單及環保署相關委辨計畫成果等項工作。茲分別簡要說明至目前之執行摘要如下:1. 基本資料之蒐集方面:完成環保署九十一年空氣品質監測資料彙整及PSI統計分析,空氣品質監測資料品管品保方法及世界主要城市空氣品質資料分析2. 台灣地區空氣品質長期趨勢分析:完成台灣地區五種污染物八十三年至九十一年監測結果長期性分析,季節性變化分析。3. 台灣地區九十一年度空氣污染總年報編撰:八月中提出初稿,經環保署審查、修改,並於九月底提出修正稿。主要內容包括:空氣品質現狀,空氣污染物濃度現況,相關法規政策及世界主要城市空氣品質彙整。4. 台灣空氣品質跨年度時間、空間趨勢分析:完成空氣品質PSI長期性趨勢分析,針對O3及PM10進行空氣品質空間趨勢分析。由空間趨勢分析顯示台灣地區PM10濃度變化與季節性和該區人口密度關係密切,濃度最高主要發生於春冬兩季,在七大空品區中以中部、雲嘉南、高屏空品區的濃度最高,花東及宜蘭空品區的濃度最低。台灣地區臭氧濃度變化則受季節性、季風、該區域地形及人口密度等因素影響。由等濃度圖可以看出臭氧濃度較PM10濃度更有地域性的差異存在。在主要都市中,台北市之臭氧濃度以春夏較高,冬季較低;高雄市之臭氧濃度以秋季較高,夏季較低;而花東地區之臭氧濃度以春秋較高,夏季較低。5. 重要事件日區域性空氣品質分析:針對O3及PM10造成之空氣污染事件日,進行七大空品區空氣品質影響分析,探討空氣品質區域變化可能之污染來源。PM10事件日分析結果顯示,台灣地區春、冬季較易發生高PM10濃度,中部空品區各季主要風向變化,造成竹山測站其懸浮微粒在冬季、春季時均較其他測站有顯著惡化情形。南投縣空氣品質惡化原因是因南投縣在台灣盛行東北季風期,低層氣流受中央山脈阻隔,成為背風區,空氣下沈穩定,下雨機會不多,有利污染物累積,加上濁水溪河谷裸露河床、砂石業、小型木類加工廠及部份可能來自台中地區之污染源,導致南投縣空氣品質不良比率遠高於其他中部縣市。O3事件日分析結果顯示,北部、竹苗空品區春、夏季較易發生高O3濃度,中部、雲嘉南空品區較易發生在夏、秋、冬季,高屏空品區則是全年每一月份均都有高O3濃度發生,花東空品區較易發生高O3濃度之季節為秋季,但為台灣唯一全年沒有超過事件日標準之空品區(120 ppb)。6. 台灣地區污染物排放量分析:進行83年至91年度,環保署資料庫中排放量分析,探討各空品區之排放量變化。台灣地區主要空氣污染物來源為固定污染源-工廠及營建工程與移動污染源-汽機車。主要污染物為懸浮微粒(PM10)、硫氧化物(SOX)、氮氧化物(NOX)、非甲烷類碳氧化合物(NMHC)、一氧化碳(CO)與鉛(Pb)等六大類。其中工廠之排放污染物大部分為粒狀物、SOX、NOX及NMHC等為主,車輛排放之污染物為NMHC、SOx、NOx、Pb 及粒狀物等,營建工程排放之污染物則以粒狀物為主。7. 彙整九十一年度環保署委辦計劃及施政成果:針對綜合計劃、固定污染源、移動性污染源及國際環污事務等相關計劃,彙整其成果摘要及計劃成效。 Air Quality Long-term Trend Analysis and Annual Report Editing This project began from March 7, 2003, and finished at the end of December of 2003. During this period, the project had finished: (1) Basic data collection, (2) Long-term air quality trend analysis of Taiwan area, (3) Editing the annual report of air quality maintaining strategy of year 2002, (4) Air quality time and space trend analysis, (5) Major air quality episode analysis, (6) Editing emission inventory of Taiwan area from 1994 to 2002, (7) Editing related the reports of research projects of the Department of air quality and noise control of 2002. 092 空保處 國立聯合大學 環安系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2590
「環保罰款催繳管理系統規劃及建置」(第三年)計畫 本計畫目的在建立全國縣市環保局適用之環保罰款催繳管理資訊系統,使縣市環保局有整合性之管理資訊系統,並與環保署連線建立環保罰款催繳資料庫。期藉由此資訊系統達成自動催繳、統計、查詢等作業。尤其是處分後罰款催繳作業,期能有效管制各項處分罰分罰款是否按是繳納,對稽查人員作最新及最準確之提示,並能將稽查概況、統計資料及處分明細資料上傳至環保署資料庫,以整合全國各縣市環保局有關稽查及處分罰款等相關資料,並可產生本署所需之資料報表。 Plan and lmplementation of the Environmental Protection Penalty Follow-Up Management System(The Third Year s Plan) The purpose of this project is to establish a nation-wide environmental protection penalty follow-up management information system that is applicable to all city and county environmental protection bureaus. It enables the city and county environmental protection bureau to have an integrated management information system and connects to Environmental Protection Administration in setting up an environmental protection penalty follow-up database. It is hoped that this information system can accomplish automatic penalty bills follow-ups, compiling statistics, and provide inquiry search functions. Especially, the function of following up the penalty payment after the punishment, so that it is able to control effectively whether all kinds of penalty and fines are being paid, prompt the auditors in a timely and accurate way. It also can upload the audit status, statistics and detailed penalty information to the Environmental Protection Administration, so that it integrates all relevant audit and penalty information from all cities and counties and create the reports that needed by the Administration. 092 管考處 偉倫資訊電腦股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2498
公害糾紛處理機制研析與環境保護協定推廣專案工作計畫 本工作計畫主要包括「環境執法實務問題與理論之整理分析暨參考手冊編製部分」與「公害糾紛處理實務及環境保護協定之宣導與推廣工作」二項內容,亦即:(一)分析整理行政法院環保裁判實務理論,整理其問題類型及實務見解,就環境執法實務應行注意事項,予以編製為「環境執法參考手冊」(將來擬暫定名稱為:「環境執法理論與實務彙編」);(二)宣導公害糾紛處理實務,並推廣環境保護協定制度。茲說明如下:(一)環境執法實務問題與理論之整理分析暨參考手冊編製部分關於行政法院環保實務裁判理論整理分析暨參考手冊編製部分,主要搜集行政法院成立至今所作成之各種環保案件,分析其裁判理論並整理其問題類型及實務見解,並以此一分析為基礎,就環境執法實務應行注意事項,編製為環境執法參考手冊。此次實務問題與理論之整理分析樣本,係延續前次進度(就896個環保案件中,選出200件分析)成果,除前期未能整理分析部分之案件外,新增案件311件,共計蒐集案件數達1276件。其中以涉及行政程序法與行政執行法者,列為優先分析整理案件(分別為226件、21件)。此外,為使執法參考手冊之內容更加完整,其中如有涉及重要環境執法問題,而相關行政法院實務未針對環保案件表示其見解者,則儘量蒐集行政法院於其他行政領域案件中,所曾表示之見解,予以納入補充。最後,將上述實務裁判資料,整理其見解分為實體部分與程序部分二大類型,編製為環境執法參考手冊。本次研究成果所編製成之環境執法手冊,主要由下列四大部分之問題類型構成:一、行政上一般法律原則部分;二、環境實體法部分:又分為(一)環境組織法部分、與(二)環境作用(行為)法部分;三、環境執法程序部分:又分為(一)共通程序事項部分、(二)行政調查程序部分、(三)聽證或陳述意見程序部分、以及(四)具體行政行為之行政執行程序部分;四、環境救濟法部分。在每一問題類型下,原則上納入(一)基本理論說明、(二)實務見解整理、以及(三)參考案例三項內容。(二)公害糾紛處理實務及環境保護協定之宣導與推廣工作關於公害糾紛處理實務及環境保護協定之宣導與推廣工作部分,則係延續前次工作計畫,持續宣導與推動環保署政策。工作項目暨內容包括:(1)洽商法務部司法官訓練所代為邀請法官及檢察官,辦理公害糾紛偵審研討會(二梯次,每梯次五天四夜),以促進公害糾紛處理實務經驗之交流,提升環境執法共識及消弭雙方對環保法令認知之差距,並建立處理公害糾紛案件之連繫管道。(2)邀集專家學者組成「環境保護協定簽訂輔導服務團」,輔導事業與當地居民或地方政府簽訂環境保護協定,且對簽訂協定等相關法律問題,提供諮商建議,並配合委託單位需求,派員前往各地協助相關宣導活動。(3)至各縣市舉行公害糾紛處理法制暨環境保護協定座談或說明會,宣導相關法制並匯集各界對現行公害糾紛處理法制推行之意見,提供未來於立法及行政施策上修正之方向。至於上述工作項目暨內容之具體執行方式及成果,則詳參本報告第四章之說明。 The promotion project of environmental controversies resolution system and environmental protection agreement This project mainly consists of “the Manual for Environmental Law Enforcement Problems: Practices and Theories” and “Promotion of Public Nuisance Disputes Resolution and Environmental Agreements”.Part I. The Manual for Environmental Law Enforcement Problems: Practices and TheoriesThis part of study primarily collects and analyzes environmental cases decided by the administrative courts, and drafts an environmental law enforcement manual in light of the aforesaid analyses. For the sake of providing more comprehensive information for the law enforcement officials, in case that the environmental law case is absent, the study gathers the administrative courts’ relevant decisions other than the environmental protection field. This manual is composed of four subparts: (1) the general principles of administrative law, (2) the substantive environmental law, including environmental organizational law and laws regarding environmental administrative actions, (3) environmental administrative procedures which include general procedures, administrative investigation, formal or informal hearings, and specific enforcement procedures, and (4) environmental remedies.Part II. Promotion of Public Nuisance Disputes Resolution and Environmental AgreementsThe primary works of this part include: (1) holding a number of training seminars and symposia for judges and prosecutors in order to enhance the knowledge over environmental law enforcement. (2) establishing the “environmental protection agreement consultation service task force” made up by experts for the sake of promotion of environmental agreements and providing advisory legal opinions. (3) holding workshops and conferences across counties and municipalities in communicating with local governments and other stakeholders. 092 管考處 國立政治大學公共行政及企業管理教育中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2496
環境檢測類盲樣配製技術研究及盲測樣品供應計畫 本盲樣配製計畫主要是配合環保署執行水質水量、飲用水與地下水及廢棄物檢測類別每年例行盲測之需,進行各類盲樣配製技術之研發建立與相關問題之研究探討,並完成實際盲測樣品之配製,以供應環境檢測機構及各級環保單位每年例行性盲測所需要之本土性測試樣品,俾持續監督管理及有效輔導各檢驗室之檢測能力,確保檢測數據之品質。計畫主要工作重點及成果簡要說明如下:1.完成河川水基質重金屬鐵、錳、鎘、鉻、銅、鎳、鉛、鋅、砷及汞等10項2批次100組真實樣品製備。2.完成實際遭受重金屬污染區域的3批次300瓶土壤基質樣品配製及其中鎘、鉻、銅、鎳、鉛、砷、汞及鋅等8個項次之重金屬含量測定。3.完成水中34項次78批次3840瓶之盲測樣品配製,項目包括懸浮固體、總溶解固體、pH、硫酸鹽、導電度、氯鹽、氟鹽、油脂、化學需氧量、生化需氧量、氨氮、硝酸鹽氮、亞硝酸鹽氮、總磷、酚類、氰化物、砷、硼、鎘、總鉻、銅、鐵、鉛、錳、總汞、鎳、銀、硒、鋅、濁度、硫化物、陰離子介面活性劑、六價鉻與真色色度等。4.完成廢棄物TCLP之六價鉻、鎘、銅、鋅、鉻、鉛、砷、硒及汞等9項2批次60組之模擬樣品製備。5.協助環檢所盲樣配製技術建立執行理論介紹課程及實務操作觀摩,項目包括水中懸浮固體、總溶解固體、pH、油脂、化學需氧量、生化需氧量、砷、鎘、總鉻、銅、鐵、鉛、錳、總汞、鎳、硒、鋅及濁度等18項。 Program of Research of Performance Evaluation Sample Preparation Technology and Performance Evaluation sample Supply "Proficiency Test Program (PTP)" is a very important procedure in the management of certified environmental analysis laboratory for National Institute of Environment Analysis (NIEA) in ROC. CESH/ITRI has contracted the NIEA PE sample project for many years. The PE samples prepared by CESH/ITRI continues to be used as the samples for performance evaluation of the certified laboratories by NIEA.There are five tasks in this year#s project:1.Prepare PE samples in soil for PTP test. eight elements must included in the soil: Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Nickel, Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, Zinc, at least 100 bottles for each batch and three batches must be prepared.2.Real river matrix water PE samples for PET test. ten elements must included: Iron, Manganese, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Zinc, Arsenic, at least 50 bottles for each batch and two batches must be prepared.3.PE samples for water and drinking water PTP test. Including 34 items: Total Suspended Solids, Total Dissolved Solids, pH, Sulfate, Conductivity, Chloride, Fluoride, Oil Grease, COD, BOD, Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrate, Nitrite, Total phosphorous, Phenol, Cyanide, Arsenic, Boron, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Silver, Selenium, Zinc, Turbidity, Sulfide, ABS, Hexa-valent Chromium, Color in water and drink water.Total 78 batches 3840 bottles PE samples must be prepared.4.PE samples for TCLP PTP test. including Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Selenium, Zinc, Arsenic total 9 elements. two batches and at least 60 bottles for each batch. must be prepared.5.Transfer PE sample preparation technique established in last five years project to NIEA, total 18 items are including in first stage transfer: Total Suspended Solids, Total Dissolved Solids, pH, Oil Grease, COD, BOD, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Selenium, Zinc and Turbidity. 092 環檢所 工研院環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 吳堉鑾 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2494
執行汽油引擎新車型審驗新車抽驗及使用中車輛召回改正調查測試期末報告 本計畫主要工作內容分為兩大部分,第一部份為常態性協助環保署針對汽油汽車排放空氣污染物管制之施政及管理工作,包含「新車型審驗」、「新車抽驗」、「使用中車輛召回改正調查測試」以及維護、更新汽油車排放污染管制資料庫等;另一部份為階段性工作,主要包括:「評估及建立汽油車空氣污染物排放總量推估模式」、「研擬汽油車低污染環保車之評核方法」以及辦理環保署針對汽油汽車排放空氣污染物管制之相關法令之增訂或修訂工作,來因應環保政策之推展,以維護國內環境空氣品質。本年度車輛業者申請審驗合格證明核發數,從92年1月開始至92年11月止有關進口及國產車共核發247張審驗合格證明包含547個車型。其中國產車佔18%,進口車有82%;平均審驗天數8.5個工作天。相較於前一年,整體污染排放皆降低不少,其中以進口商用車NOx部分降低33.3%為最。新車抽驗本年度針對三十家車廠進行抽驗。目前執行182輛次測試,其中有2輛不合格。召回改正調查測試共執行10個引擎族,50輛次測試,其中有1輛不合格,其最終結果皆符合規定。本所規劃於92年度完成評估審驗文件電子化核報之功能,其中包含審驗文件內容簡化與格式化,且須針對資料結構重新調整,並完成評估審驗作業文件電子化之可行性,以期符合無紙化之環保要求。車輛污染排放推估模式可分為詳細模式與簡化模式兩類,詳細模式以美國環保署所發展的MOBILE 5為代表,目前則有功能更強、應用範圍更廣的MOBILE 6版,另外美國加州空氣資源局也發展一套車輛污染排放推估模式,稱為EMFAC 2002,可用來進行污染排放量推估,污染管制策略成效評估,及交通規劃分析。歐洲方面則發展COPERT III來進行污染排放量推估,內容也相當完整。汽油車低污染環保車之評核方式依兩個步驟:一、先參考各車型之NOx、CO污染排放值、噪音值以及油耗值供為通過評核資格門檻之參考。二、再參考美國 EPA 所訂環保車評點方式,以會在大氣中形成煙霧,同時會對人體健康產生危害的NOx以及NMHC兩項污染物為主,以其污染值的和作為排名的依據。為因應車輛科技日新月異的提昇,國際主流、先進的污染排放管制法規日趨調和,並顧及國內車輛產業規模與經濟效益,且能符合國內環境現況需求。本所收集、彙整了各國相關管制制度,與學者專家及車輛業者多次討論,並交換意見,最後規劃出我國汽油車第四期污染排放管制標準之草案,主要以美國Tier 2 Bin 7為標準,增加管制OBD系統,同時將EU-4列為可遵循之標準。今年首度接受環保署委託辦理「汽車車型排氣審驗合格證明」之核發業務,本所詳細規劃此業務,包括執行作業流程、繳費送件地點以及作業流程控管等,經環保署指導後,與相關業者充分說明與溝通。正式實行期間經過幾次小幅度修正,至今為止,皆符合環保署要求,達到規劃目標。本年度車輛業者之審驗、抽驗及品管測試結果皆符合標準規定,且有逐年降低的趨勢,符合環保署管制汽油車的預期目標。經本所統計分析後發現:整體而言,審驗值、抽驗值及品管值所得之平均值具有一致性。因此證明我國新車的車輛排放污染管制制度是合理且有效率的。但相對使用中車輛的管制制度則略嫌不足,除了加強使用中車輛召回改正調查測試外,期待四期管制標準中已納入的管制項目—OBD系統,能有所成效。審驗文件電子化後,為方便審驗人員進行審驗工作,以及車輛業者提出申請作業,建議開發智識型審驗管理資訊系統;系統採WEB化,無論核章辦公室、環保署、測試單位及廠商等相關人員,均可籍由網際網路方式,進行審驗相關管制資料申請、查詢、核備等工作。屆時定能縮短時程、減少資訊重複提供及重新核對,並且能提高正確率,進而藉由系統所提供的資訊,逐步改善作業流程及警示注意事項。當然為避免部分申請或核備資料,因其內容龐大且不可間斷,為避免其作業時影響網站之頻?及中斷的問題,針對廠商及測試單位,有開發申請或核備資料輸入及傳輸軟體的需要,以使工作更為順利。汽油車污染排放總量推估模式,目前我國的車輛污染排放推估是以MOBILE-TAIWAN為主,建議未來可以同時以COPERT來進行排放推估。因推估模式只是一種參考依據,不同的模式有不同的特點,不必完全依賴單一模式的計算結果。且由於國內已有其他單位以MOBILE-TAIWAN來進行排放推估,本計畫可以專注在COPERT模式的應用上,未來這兩種模式的計算結果可以互相比對,做為環保署評估政策成效的參考。低污染環保車評核制度及獎勵措施,目前環保署雖尚未定案。但本計畫提出的評核方法中,有一「排放污染評點」極有參考價值,建議環保署往後執行新車抽驗及召回改正調查測試時,可依此作加權,來決定調查、測試之車型及數量、比例。相關法規的修訂部分,建議下年度以「汽油及替代清潔燃料引擎汽車車型排氣審驗合格證明核發及廢止辦法」為主修定對象,以因應第四期排放管制標準的修訂,並配合審驗資料電子化格式的變更。 Final report for implement of the new model certification,conformity of production and the recall relative investigative test for in-use vehicle Due to the increasing public awareness of environmental issues and the requirements for better air quality, the R.O.C. government setting policies based on both environmental protection and economy development considerations. As to the motor vehicle exhaust emission control, more stringent standards has been introduced through different stages and various regulatory strategies were implemented to promote the vehicle industry and air quality in Taiwan in the list of most advanced levels in the world. In order to control the air pollutants from motor vehicles effectively this project has performed “Certification - New vehicle compliance”, “Vehicle end-of-production-line conformity tests”, ”Conformity of production”, “In- use vehicles conformity tests” based on the “Air Pollution Control Act”, “Motor Vehicle Exhaust Emission Standards”, “Gasoline and Alternative Clean Fuel Vehicles Certification Program”, and “In-Use Vehicles Recall Program” regulations to ensure the compliance of gasoline vehicles and achieve the goal of environmental protection. The main objectives for this project include two parts. The first one is regularly assisting R.O.C EPA on the implementation of motor vehicle emissions control related regulations, which includes “Certification - New Vehicle Compliance”, “Conformity of Production”, and “In Use Vehicles Conformity Tests”. The second one is setting up “Assessment and Establishment of Gasoline Vehicle Exhaust Emissions Inventory Estimations“, “Low Emission Green Gasoline Vehicles Evaluation Process”, and “Addition or Amendment of Gasoline Vehicle Exhaust Emissions Related Regulations” to promote environmental policies and improve the air quality in Taiwan. 092 空保處 工業技術研究院 機械工業研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2492
工業園區廢水及地下水污染調查分析研究 本計畫主要目標為建立四種標的化合物在廢水及地下水中之檢測方法,此四種化合物為四氫?喃、異丙醇、二甲基甲醯胺,以及二甲亞風。本研究團隊透過國內外相關文獻的回顧、過去的實務經驗,以及實際的試驗分析結果,得到檢測此四種化合物的方法,分別為分析四氫?喃及異丙醇的共沸蒸餾/氣相層析儀火燄離子偵測器法,與檢測異丙醇、四氫?喃、二甲基甲醯胺及二甲亞風的固相微萃取/氣相層析質譜儀法。以共沸蒸餾/氣相層析儀火燄離子偵測器法測試去離子水樣品,1公升樣品經共沸蒸餾約60分鐘,收取前10毫升之蒸餾液,將1微升蒸餾液注入氣相層析儀,以膜厚1um、內徑0.53mm、30米長之DB-WAX層析管柱分析。實驗結果顯示,異丙醇和四氫?喃均可達80%以上之前處理效率;而異丙醇檢量線濃度在24ug/L與393ug/L間線性關係可達0.995,四氫?喃檢量線濃度在27ug/L與443ug/L間線性關係亦可達0.993。本研究依照環檢所公告之方法進行方法偵測極限測試與確認,四氫?喃之偵測極限為2.72μg/L,而異丙醇為1.59μg/L。固相微萃取/氣相層析質譜儀法使用Carboxen /PDMS纖維,以30℃進行20分鐘之浸入式吸附,並於250oC之氣相層析儀注射埠脫附4分鐘後,樣品以60米長、膜厚1.8um、內徑0.32mm之DB-624層析管柱分析。實驗結果顯示,異丙醇、四氫?喃、二甲基甲醯胺及二甲亞風感應因子的相對百分偏差都小於20%,而線性範圍異丙醇為200ug/L至1500ug/L、四氫?喃為20ug/L至150ug/L、二甲基甲醯胺為0.5mg/L至5mg/L、二甲亞風為30mg/L至450mg/L。研究結果也依照單一實驗室方法驗證程序完成精密度、準確度、樣品保存期限等測試。本研究的另一個工作為調查科學工業園區廠商,在製程中使用危害性或仍未明之化學藥品與溶劑之種類與使用量。由於這些資料的取得甚為困難,因此本研究除了以問卷調查方式來了解園區廠商化學品使用的狀況外,亦透過主管機關(環保署、地方環保局)擁有的清理計畫書與申報資料來彌補問卷回收率低的不足。根據三種方式對新竹科學園區部份廠商調查的結果,發現除了酸類、丙酮、異丙醇等純溶劑以外,多種成分組成之光阻劑、去光阻劑、顯影劑也是大量使用的化學品。本研究最後一項工作乃在於真實樣品的分析,分析樣品的基質包含地下水、廢水與製程廢液。經吹氣捕捉法的分析,地下水樣品檢測出之污染物以含氯揮發性有機化合物為主;污水處理廠之進流水及放流水則含有丙酮、二甲基硫、甲苯,其中某一調勻池樣品更檢測出二甲基甲醯胺。因其為本研究建立檢測方法之化合物,正好使用此樣品進行添加測試,以確認所建立方法之適用性。另三個製程廢液則分別檢測出含有異丙醇及二甲亞風。相同地,這些樣品也被使用進行添加及重覆添加測試,以確認所建立品保規範之適用性。總結本計畫之執行,包含了建立以共沸蒸餾/氣相層析儀火燄離子偵測器法檢測異丙醇、四氫?喃,與固相微萃取/氣相層析質譜儀法檢測異丙醇、四氫?喃、二甲基甲醯胺及二甲亞風,並逐一經過驗證程序建立了品保品管規範,也透過化學品調查,選取了含有待測化合物的真實樣品,經測試驗證了方法的適用性,並完成了研擬二篇檢測方法草案。期望本研究對於環境保護領域地下水、廢水中水溶性有機污染物之檢測能有所貢獻與幫助 Study of waste water and ground water in industrial park area The main purpose of this study is to establish the testing methods for IPA, THF, DMF,and DMSO in wastewater and groundwater. Two methods to test these four compounds. One is using Azeotropic Distillation Procedure and Gas Chromatographic/Flame Ionization to determinate Isopropanol and Tetrahydrofuran, and another is using Solid Phase Micro Extraction and GC/MS to determine IPA, THF, DMF,and DMSO.For azeotropic distillation, Pretreatment efficiency for both isopropanol and tetrahydrofuran can be reached up to 80%. Linearity was 0.995 for isopropanol and 0.993 for tetrahydrofuran. Detection limits of this method were 1.59 mg/L and 2.72 mg/L for isopropanol and tetrahydrofuran, respectively. For Solid Phase Micro Extraction, the relative standard deviations in linearity of four compounds were below 20%. Detection limits of this method were 32.8 ug/L, 2.3 ug/L, 37.0 ug/L, and 2.8 mg/L for IPA, THF, DMF,and DMSO. Another task in this study was to conduct a survey to understand the amount of some suspicious hazardous chemicals and solvents, which are commonly used in the processes of companies within the Science Based Industrial Park. In addition to the questionnaire, the cleanup declaration files of manufactures, which submitted to the local authorities were also collected and analyzed for the completeness of the survey. . In summary, this study has successfully developed methods for analyzing four compounds. Two drafts of the standard procedures for the testing methods developed in this study were also proposed. Hopefully this study can enhance the understanding and capability of analyzing dissolved organic pollutants in the groundwater and wastewater samples. 092 環檢所 工研院環境與安全衛生發展中心陳秀敏 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2490
環境污染物指紋資料庫建置綱要計畫EPA-92-1061-02-03 污染物指紋資料庫應用在非法污染案件產源與棄置者的責任追查為主,計畫執行策略與內容規劃,以建構利於追查的環境及建立鑑識技術,再結合污染案件追查的實務需求為依歸。1.指紋追查環境建構:透過法規、行政管制與稽查作業程序,結合建置完整的蒐尋資料庫,來建構利於追查的環境。其內容應包含:(a) 申報管制作業調整:藉由法規或行政規範,使所定義之指紋指標資料與申報內容項目的結合。(b) 產源蒐尋資料庫整合建置與維護:資料庫的建立在現有資料庫的架構下進行整合與擴充及所需配合的鑑識技術與資訊建立,如檢測技術與鑑定比對程序。(c) 優先行業指紋資料建置:依污染案件追查需求,擴充相關行業產製程指紋資料的內容。(d) 專家諮詢機制建置:建立與國內外環境法醫及產製程相關專業人士之網上或定期的諮詢管道。2.鑑識技術建立(a) 成份或特殊指標鑑定技術的建立:建立優先行業指紋資料比對鑑識所需之成份或特殊指標檢測技術與作業程序。(b) 特定污染物質環境效應與關聯鑑定:依污染案件追查需求,針對特定污染物質進行環境效應影響,如氣候化效應(weathering effect)、微生物造成之降解反應、污染物於介質或生物體中傳輸間關聯性分析等。(c) 統計方法與應用程序建立:建立以統計方法說明比對鑑識結果之可信度,尤其是多種指紋比對時之應用程序。3. 案例追查與驗證(a) 污染案件產源追查與驗證:以實際污染案件追查實例,驗證建構之產源蒐尋資料庫、驗證作業程序與鑑識技術。案件以非法棄置事業廢棄物、水或土壤污染案件為主。(b) 追查與鑑識程序作業手冊建立:藉由污染案件追查驗證結果,建立包含法規實務與追查鑑識程序作業手冊。(c) 人員教育訓練:建立網上訓練與及時諮詢的人員訓練機制。配合指紋資料庫的建置,未來三年執行計畫規劃,皆已列於第六章中。而透過實例的驗證,除可以修正所規劃的鑑識程序與資料庫方向外,更可驗證整個計畫的執行成果。 Establish the Plan Structure of Environmental Pollutants Fingerprints Data-base System The primary use of the pollutant fingerprints database is to provide a practical tool to track the origin of illegal dumping activities and responsible parties. Strategy and scope of the database establishment are based on easing the identification of favorable environmental forensic techniques, generating and maintaining knowledge, and providing useful details for investigating polluting parties.1. Establishment of Fingerprints-tracing Environment The goal is to build a complete database that would facilitate the investigation process through judicial and executive efforts and regular review of regulatory procedures. The database should be based on the following:(a)Adjustments of the reporting system – Regulations or executive orders are used to ensure the target fingerprints data are included in the required reports.(b)Creation and maintenance of the source database – The formation of the source database is done under the framework of the existing database infrastructure and should incorporate essential forensic techniques and know-how, standard operating procedures, etc. (c)Prioritization of the industrial categories based on pollution analysis for database establishment (d)Establishment of an expert consulting system2.Establishment of Environmental Forensic Techniques(a) Incorporation of an identification techniques knowledge base to the fingerprints database (b)Formation of a database for the relationship between the environment and representative pollutants (c)Establishment of statistical analysis methods and their application3.Verification of the Applicability of the Database and Case Study(a)Tracking and verification of pollution cases with established databases (b)Preparation of standard operating procedures for tracking and forensic analysis (c)Personnel training program: 092 環檢所 劉沛宏 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2488
建置中港溪、南崁溪、客雅溪及烏溪等河川污染特性及污染整治決策支援系統 本計畫工作時程自民國92年3月20日起至12月31日止,完成中港溪、南崁溪、客雅溪及烏溪等流域BOD-COD-NH3污染量推估、流域指標污染物及指標監測站篩選、水質模式模擬及涵容能力分析、事業污染源管理策略與水質監測計畫修正等工作項目,並建立各流域之水質資訊電腦化系統,提供污染管制及污染削減措施之決策依據。本系統特點為結合模式庫進行開發如污染量推估模組、污染量削減推估模組、Qual2E水質模式、方案選擇係數法、成本估算模組、統計模組,在整治方案研選評估上更利用問卷調查結果,來決定各評估因子的權重,以使評估成果更能達到實際整治方案推動的可執行性。本計畫使用開發完成之決策支援系統進行各流域整治方案的研擬,提出了各流域之整治措施方案,更利用系統中之模式庫進行近、中、長程的水質模擬,供決策者針對各整治方案所能達到的水質改善效益進行評估。 Establishing the Watershed Characteristics and DSS of Water Pollution Control for Jhongkong River, Nankan River, Keya River and Wu River This project was scheduled from March 20th, 2003 to December 31st, 2003. This project has accomplished tasks such as estimating of BOD-COD-NH3 quantity for pollutants, selecting of target pollutants and monitoring stations, simulating water quality & analysis of load capacity, amending for management of pollution sources and planning of water quality monitoring. This project has developed water quality information of computerized system for Jhongkong River, Nankan River, Keya River & Wu River. The system is provided consultation of strategic decision for pollution control and reduction. This project has developed decision support system which combined several models such as estimating model of pollution quantity, estimating model of reducing pollution quantity, Qual2E water quality model, Alternative choice coefficient, cost estimating model. Moreover, this project evaluated realistic remediation programs by the weight of factors, which decided on 107 inquiring letters. This project has applied decision support system to plan remediation programs for four rivers. It applied the models of this system to simulate water quality for short-term stage, intermediate stage and long-term stage. It could provide decision-maker for evaluating water quality improvement of each remediation program. 092 水保處 中鼎工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2486
九十二年度檢測(驗)機構管理作業服務計畫 本計畫對環保施政績效有直接貢獻的許可認證有下列:土壤34家。廢棄物44家。戴奧辛6家。地下水55家。提供環保法源依據的環境檢驗測定,確保環保施政的一貫性。完成環境檢測機構之申請案件文件審查169件次(目標119%)。系統評鑑安排及準備80件次(154%)。術科考試安排及準備152件次(281%)。盲樣考試安排及準備101件次(153%)。參與申請案件系統評鑑場次共計35件次(100%)。完成召開評鑑技術委員會9次(100%)。舉辦檢驗測定機構業者座談會一場(100%)。舉辦一場次現AC與TC評鑑技術討論會(100%)。更新檢驗測定機構基本資料182筆,(121%)。更新檢驗測定機構之人員異動資料約780筆(195%)。辦理盲樣發送及測試結果數據分析工作5187項次(259%)。 FY2003 ENVIRONMENT TEST LABORATORIES OPERATION SERVICE PROJECT On the permit, extension, restoration for business, additional laboratory, additional test items and additional test category filed by environment test laboratories.1. 127 cases of submittals examination have been undertook and completed respectively.2. 80 cases of arrangement and preparation for system assessment have been undertook and completed respectively.102 assessments have been arranged and carried out.3. 101 cases of blind test have been undertook and completed respectively.4. 152 cases of arrangement and preparation for technical examination have been undertook and completed respectively.5. Completed nine technical committee meetings for test laboratories assessment.6. Held one seminar for test laboratories:7. Held one seminar on assessment technology participated by site assessment experts and technical members.8. Updated 182 lots of data on Environmental Test Laboratories Information System, test laboratories on permit and disposition.9. Updated approximately 780 lots of date on changed personnel from test laboratories as approved by National Institute of Environmental Analysis.10. Completed 2800 items in two stages on permit items for approved laboratories ,dispatch of blind tests and blind test results data analysis of environmental laboratories.A total of 3323 items for the first routine blind test in the current fiscal year has been dispatched and 162 of them were failed. A total of 1864 items for the second rutine blind test and 73 of them were failed. 092 環檢所 行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2484
有毒物質風險評估模式之驗證(二) 民國八十九年十二月十四日環保署召開「有毒物質風險評估技術規範草案」研商會,邀集相關機關及環評業者討論草案內容,並於民國九十一年十二月委託進行「有毒物質風險評估模式之驗證(一)」專案研究計畫。本研究計畫乃延續該研究計畫,進行第二年度之「有毒物質風險評估模式之驗證(二)」專案研究計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),運用多介質模式與食物鏈模式進行實例場址研究,持續評估該技術規範之可行性及適用性。並藉由實例研究之心得提出該技術規範之修正建議,以期能提供評估者或開發者未來在辦理環境影響評估作業時,評估週遭居民身體健康危害風險之參考依據。本計畫選定桃園RCA場址進行風險評估實例研究,蒐集地質、土壤及地下水之相關文獻資料,並輔以現場調查、地下水水質監測、採樣與分析,作為後續參數驗證之用。同時根據場址特性,結合前述所蒐得之資料,運用MEPAS與MMSOILS等多介質傳輸與食物鏈模式,模擬該場址污染物四氯乙烯與三氯乙烯之傳輸,及評估污染物對地下水下游居民之健康風險。最終,亦即本計畫之重點目標,針對第一次修正後之有毒物質風險評估技術規範草案再逐條檢視,並配合實例場址研究之心得提出修正建議,以供行政院環境保護署於未來公告「有毒物質風險評估技術規範」時之參考。 The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) held a meeting for discussing on draft toxic substances risk assessment technical guideline on December 14, 2000, and invited relevant organizations and agencies to discuss the contents. On December 2002, the EPA further carried out a project of verification of toxic substance risk assessment modeling to refine the draft toxic substance risk assessment technical guideline. This project was to continue the previous project, using multimedia and food chain models to proceed modeling task for a target site and assessing the feasibility of the technical guideline, so as to provide references for developers, assessors and EIA agencies. The Taoyuan RCA site was selected as the target site for study. The project conducted literature views of site geology, soil and groundwater, as well as field investigation, groundwater sampling and analysis, to collect the information for model parameter verification. Based upon the nature of the site, collected data were incorporated into MEPAS and MMSOILS to assess the transportation of the contaminants (i.e. PCE and TCE) and the risk of their impacts on the local health. At the end, this project was to provide recommendations for amendments of the toxic substance risk assessment technical guideline for the EPA’s reference. 092 綜計處 永灃環境管理顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2482
環境影響評估背景資訊之整合建立 環境影響評估法於八十三年底立法通過,然而相關環境資訊是否能有效取得,是成為環境影響評估工作中分析預測以及審查時能否落實之主要關鍵。對於已通過之各個開發個案之後續管控更是確保其能確實落實承諾之必要工作,因此對於各開發行為個案之相關資料掌握、分析及後續管理、運用亦是落實環評精神相當重要之工作。本計畫完成環保署及前省環保處所審查通過之環評個案資料搜集建置,包括基本資料及空氣污染排放資料,建置為SQL資料庫,共建置完成776件個案。並開發建置完成網際網路版地理資訊系統之環評個案管理系統,可提供歷年環評個案相關基本資料及空氣排放資料之查詢、建檔、更新維護及相關環境背景資訊、地理區位環境展示及統計分析等之功能,並結合整合性環境資料庫之空氣品質、網格排放量等資料連結查詢最新資料,利用網際網路地理資訊系統之整合平台完成相關管理需求之功能,提供環保單位後續環評審查評估及追蹤管理之最佳工具,可有效輔助環評管理工作之落實。 Reorganize and buildup background information of Environmental Impact assessment In the end of 1994, The Environmental impact assessment Law lawmaking and passes, however, whether related environment information can obtain effectively or not, is to become the Environmental impact assessment analytical and predict and investigate in the work main key that can practice. Can practice to promise its necessity the work really for the each development individual cases that have passed after continuously control also insuring it, so control to the related data of each development behavior individual cases, analysis and follow-up management, usage also is to practice the environment the influence to evaluate the spirit very important work.This project completes the Environmental impact assessment individual cases data that Environmental Protection Administration and front province environmental protection dwelling place reviewings pass to collect the establishment, including the basic data and air pollutions to exhaust the data, the establishment is the database of SQL, building to complete 776 individual caseseses totally. And the development establishment completes the internet version geography information system of environment affect and evaluate the individual cases and manage the system, the search that can provide the environment to affect and evaluate the individual cases related basic data and air and exhaust the data through the years, create file and renew maintenance and related environment background information, geography niche environment demonstration and statistics analytical etc. of function, and the air quality, mesh that combine the integration environment database exhaust and measure etc. the data link and search the latest data, the integration terrace that make use of the internet geography the information system complete the related management need of function, the best tool that provide the environmental protection unit the follow-up environment and affect the valuation reviewing and evaluate and track the management, can effectively lend support to the environment and affect the valuation and manage the work it p 092 綜計處 千一資訊有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2524
行政院環境保護署環境教育志工召募訓練 環保署為結合民間資源,協助各縣市環保局落實社區、學校、機構及團體之環境教育工作,召募成立環境教育志工團。為擴大環境教育志工團規模,並提昇環境教育志工環保知能、擴大講授主題範圍,除召募第二期環境教育志工,辦理12小時之基礎教育訓練及20小時之特殊教育訓練課程外,並針對第一期之環境教育志工辦理12小時之進階訓練課程。另以生活環保、廢棄物處理、空氣污染防制、水污染防治、毒物及環境衛生管理等五部分為主要內容,編撰十五篇環境教育範本資料,同時製成powerpoint光碟片教具,發放環境教育志工人手一份,以供志工推廣使用。 Volunteer Recruit Training of Environmental Education by Environmental Protection Administration. In order to combine the resources of the public and assist each counties and cities to achieve the environmental education work in communities, schools, organizations and groups, a group of environmental education volunteers were recruited and established by the environmental protection department. With the intention of expending the scale of environmental education volunteer group and the diversity of the subject scope, as well as raising their consciousness against environmental protection, the second environmental education volunteer group was recruited along with a 12-hour basic education training program and a 20-hour special education training program. Moreover, an additional 12-hour advanced training curriculum was designed specially for the first group of environmental education volunteers. An educational CD-Rom will be made in PowerPoint format with 15 units of example information sorted into five main points: life environmental protection, waste processing, the prevention of air-pollution, the prevention of water-pollution, toxic and environmental health management. This educational CD-Rom will be handed out to each environmental education volunteer for their promotional use. 092 綜計處 社團法人彰化縣大地保護協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2522
九十二年度鼓勵民眾檢舉烏賊車作業計畫 本計畫之各項工作主要目的在於落實環保署「使用中汽車排放空氣污染物檢舉及獎勵辦法」之精神,藉由本辦法之發布與執行發起民眾響應烏賊車檢舉之活動,經由政府單位指定窗口受理後經由公權力行使,達成移動性污染削減之效益。如此為之,不但可以克服環保稽查人力不足下,烏賊車行進中製造污染之弊端,更可凝聚全民對環境品質維護之動力與共識,在環保教育工作上,更有潛移默化之功能。「使用中汽車排放空氣污染物檢舉及獎勵管理系統」大致皆已滿足中央及縣市之使用需求,本年度主要為因應辦法之修訂,及與行政程序完備性作系統之修改,同時為提昇系統效能,已於六月完成九十年前資料切割備份查詢。本計畫為實現辦法中獎勵民眾檢舉烏賊車之實質意義,已於十一月二十七日依主辦單位指示辦理完成本年度抽獎活動,獎品共1,105項,總價值在七十萬元以上,皆由本計畫支付,活動圓滿完成。同時為提昇政府整體為民服務品質,計畫中針對本項業務中央與縣市執行之困難,建立強化溝通機制;計畫過程辦理二次業務聯繫會議、一次訓練研討會、二次全國電話訪談、三個縣市現場訪談、一次書面調查及一次網路調查,對於縣市環保局無論在執法技巧上、經費使用上、人力支配上等等都能獲得直接之訊息,並立即反應於聯繫會及訓練班中之討論課題,研擬對策排除困難。本業務已執行近四年,四年中累計了大量烏賊車檢舉之資料,針對珍貴龐大之資料依業務需求,於計畫中執行相關數據分析,其中包括成本效益評估分析比較九十年以來資料之推衍及特性,找出檢舉與機車定檢資料中有關車籍特性之相關性,民眾滿意度調查分析等,皆於報告中提出具體結果,並依各項工作重點及計畫執行過程,提出本計畫之結論與建議,期可為本項業務未來推動上成為良好決策輔助工具。 2003 Polluting vehicles appeal cases management system The aim of the project is to achieve the spirit of “Report Running Vehieles’ Pollution And Award Rule”. Through the state of the rule nature to inspire public to report the polluting vehicles to EPBS. EPBs could authorize the vehicles’ owners to have car inspection and necessary adjustment to control the pollutants. Under this philosophy, the vehicles’ pollution can be eliminated still even under insufficient manpower of inspectors. Above of that, this action can generate massive power and social conscience of environmental protection mind. It also can contribute public educational work.MIS which is used by EBPs and EPA to manage the reported cases had been well developed. The adjustment was made to fit in the rule revision. In order to improve the host efficiency, the historical data up to 2001 has been seperated from the host, and the backup and search function was provided.The award campaign of 2003 was accomplished. The project was responsible for the supplies of awards, which included 105 big awards, and 1000 regular awards. The total value was over NT$700000. The project was responsible for the place setting and the necessary assistance. The project had held two conferences, 3 EPBs on-site interviews, one training program, 2 national wide phone interviews, 1 questionnaire via paper and one via web, to enforce the policy focus. Throughout all above tasks, the results can to encourage the EPBs# efforts on the improvement of quality and effectiveness. 092 空保處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2520
山坡地等地區環境影響評估總量管制計畫-以嘉義縣市為例 本研究乃以嘉義縣市為研究範圍,分析計畫區總量管制在開發行為環境影響評估審議過程中之應用,分別針對空氣品質、水資源供給、河川水質、環境敏感地、土壤品質及土地使用適宜性等環境因子進行總量管制分析。以研擬此計畫區內環境資源的總量評估與管制策略,以供環保署環境影響評估總量管制之參考。並將本研究蒐集及建立之環境相關資料,以地理資訊系統建檔以作為後續環境敏感地分析、都市發展課題研擬及總量管制評估分析等各項作業之基礎資料。土地使用與環境敏感地方面,嘉義地區內保護區部分佔全面積的48.04%,條件發展區則佔全積的47.83%,其他地區僅佔4.13%。空氣品質部分,嘉義市縣各空氣污染物的防制區等級,依目前環保署最新之公告除懸浮微粒為三級防制區外,其餘各污染物均為二級防制區。阿里山鄉部份則屬國家公園保護區的一級防制區。目前環保署劃分全台灣地區七個空氣品質管制區中,預估嘉義縣市及雲嘉南空品區在五至十年內,仍較可能會依目前的三級防制區管制方式來管理空氣品質。環保署依嘉義市縣空氣品質的監測現況值,已訂定出嘉義縣市各空氣污染物之防制區等級。同時,嘉義縣環保局也已積極的管制各類的空氣污染源,並確實執行各種既定的管制策略,以維護並避免嘉義縣市本身之空氣品質惡化,共同達成國家環境保護目標。水資源方面,嘉義地區總出水量中以地表水為取水水源,出水能量約為10419萬立方公尺/年,佔總出水量之63%,顯見嘉義地區自來水系統以地表水為主。嘉義地區每日出水量29萬立方公尺,主要淨水場有公園、蘭潭、水上。水源分別來自八掌溪及曾文溪,分別由仁義潭、蘭潭及曾文水庫調配,另有新港及大林等地下水源。而未來工業類型會向高科技、半導體產業等發展,而這些預計引進之產業均是較高用水之產業,故預期未來工業用水會增加。嘉義縣市境內水系污染涵容能力分析結果,北港溪河段受污染嚴重優先削減物質為BOD、氨氮。朴子溪河段則以BOD為主要優先削減物質,藉以提升河川整體的DO值。八掌溪支流應優先削減河段為BOD。 Total Load Control Plan for Environmental Impact Assessment in Slope-Land Areas—Case Study of Chia-Yi County.and Chia-Yi City According to the environmental carrying capacity, total load control aimed to develop and use environmental resources under the acceptable capacity, reducing the impacts and hazards of unsuitable developments and uses. Meanwhile, total load control focuses on the individual environmental characteristics and carrying capacity to determine the standards of total load based on the capacities of water, air and so on.According to the air pollution protecting areas, with the new EPA announcement, except for assigning the third level air pollution protecting area in suspended solid, Chia-Yi Couny and Chia-Yi City are both classified into second level air pollution protecting area. A-Li-Shan Town belonged to National Park is first level air pollution protecting area. Now, according to the seven air-quality controlling area by EPA, Chia-Yi Couny, Chia-Yi City and Yun-Chia-Na air-quailty controlling area will be managed by third level air pollution protecting areas in following form five to ten years. EPA announced various air-pollution protecting level by current monitoring air-quality in Chia-Yi Couny and Chia-Yi City. Moreover, the EPA branch of Chia-Yi County positively controlled various the source of air pollution, executed the air pollution controlling policy, and protected and avoided air quality to worsen to reach national environmental protected goal.Water resources analyses results indicated that the surface water is the major resource of using water could support 165,000 CMD almost 68% of total supplying water. The needs of drinking water are supplied by Hungho-Shan, Mi-Te and Liyu-Tan reservoirs. This water supplying can satisfy the water needs from now up to 2003 in this study area. After 2003, it is essential for creating the new sources of water and rearranging water supply system in this study area.The water pollution analysis results illustrated that the first work is to reduce concentrations of BOD, NH3-N and Ammonia N in Bei-Gang stream. It is first work to reduce BOD in Pu-Zi stream. BOD must be first reduced in Ba-Zhang stream. 092 綜計處 中國文化大學環境設計學院景觀學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2480
九十二年度環境影響評估法令及資源保育宣導計畫 環境影響評估法公佈實施至今已屆滿八年多,平均每年約有300件開發行為的環評說明書及評估書初稿,透過目的事業主管機關轉送各級環保主管機關的環評審查委員會公開審查,其在公害防治、環境維護及生態保育等方面具有相當重要的功能。隨時空及環境之變遷,環境影響評估相關法令陸續公布,其包括環境影響評估法施行細則、開發行為環境影響評估作業準則、環境影響評估審議規範、及環境影響評估技術規範等,均顯示出我國環境影響評估制度也不斷地修正調整,以符合社會及自然環境之需要,並追求環境影響評估制度之合理性。為達本計畫之年度目標,本會執行辦理環境影響評估相關法令及資源保育宣導會,並進行環境影響評估相關法令及資源保育相關資訊收集彙整,作為宣導解說之基礎資訊。加強開發單位及環境影響評估相關之工程顧問(公司)機構對於環境影響評估法令及制度的了解與重視,並提供政府機關與開發單位及環境影響評估相關之工程顧問(公司)機構之雙向溝通機會。為加強資源保育觀念的宣導,特別在宣導會中結合當地特有之生態景觀,進行戶外解說導覽,使與會者能親身體會、瞭解自然生態的多樣性,並進一步認識人和自然與開發建設的互動關係,以達宣導資源保育觀念,並喚起大家對資源保育工作的共識與尊重。 The plan of The Environmental Impact Assessment regulations and ecological conservation The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Act has been enacted for eight years and there is an average of 300 EIA statements or draft reports each year from the newly developing projects. The important function of the public review by the EIA committees under different local provinces or counties is to prevent pollution, maintain our environment and ecology. With time, relevant EIA regulations have been announced under the Act including EIA implementation process, guidelines, review specifications and technical specifications. This demonstrates that the EIA system is constantly updated to cope with the needs of social and natural environment, and also aiming at developing a rational EIA system. To achieve this year’s target, Taiwan Environmental Management Association (TEMA) organized EIA regulations and ecological conservation promotion seminars. The relevant data collected in these areas will be the basic materials used in the promotion seminars. At the same time, these promotion seminars could reinforce concepts of the project developing organizations and EIA consultants on EIA regulations and system, and also provided the communication channel between government and the project developing organizations and EIA consultants. To emphasize the concept of ecological conservation, TEMA organized the promotion seminars at the local ecological resource areas with outing and briefing so as to let participants to experience the biodiversity of nature by themselves. At the same time, participants can understand the relationship between people, nature and developing projects, hoping to achieve a common consensus and respect on ecological conservation. 092 綜計處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2518
推動國際能源之星標章方案計畫 能源之星計畫,係美國環境保護署鑑於溫室氣體中二氧化碳含量35%是來自電力消耗,乃於1992年與能源部(DOE)、製造商、零售業、地方公共事業及私營企業共同合作推動自願性合作計畫。期製造出省能、高效率的產品,節約能源以降低發電所產生之二氧化碳。目前能源之星已是一國際性產品標誌計畫,台灣係於1999年7月與美國行政院環境保護署簽定備忘錄而正式引進「能源之星辦公室設備方案」。建立申請與驗證機制已完成並由驗證機構(財團法人環境與發展基金會)進行申請案之初審,通過後再由行政院環境保護署複審並發證,並自2000年7月起開始受理辦公室設備方案產品廠商申請使用能源之星標章。鑑於台灣辦公室設備資訊產業產量已佔全球六成製造量,故經推估計算出台灣辦公室設備產品對於全球整體節能效益以目前獲得能源之星標章產品1,320萬台來看,每年可節省約15.9億度的電力(相當於減少101.7萬噸CO2排放產生量);內銷部份,每年可節省0.8億度的電力(相當於減少1.6萬噸CO2排放產生量)。總計節省15.9億度電力、減少50.9億元台幣、相當於每年減少101.7萬噸CO2排放,等同於種植46萬英畝樹木的綠地(CO2被吸收的量)、或減少22.5萬輛汽車排放CO2總量。此外,於我國申請能源之星標章廠商比例由去年的29%提昇至目前45%(累計有33家廠商、603件產品),顯示以往向美國申請標章之台灣廠商,已有開始在國內提出申請之趨勢。此外能源之星監視器產品於國內市場上佔有率已達88.1%、多功能裝置達94%。除上述之外,本計畫至目前為止亦完成了:(1)36家廠商、166件產品能源之星標章使用抽驗作業,結果計3件產品違規使用,冒用能源之星標章率已由去年51%降低至目前1.8%,冒用標章廠商已進行改善作業;(2)建立我國與各能源之星夥伴國之聯繫溝通管道,隨時保持互動與溝通;(3)完成蒐集與中譯美國能源之星標章「瓶裝水產品」及4-2.5版「監視器產品」規範標準,並提供給國內相關單位與設備廠商,以便及早因應;(4)完成能源之星中文網頁更新作業,並辦理三期電子季報發行作業,每期共寄出一萬六仟多筆資料,對象涵蓋國內政府單位、學術機構、民間團體、民眾及國外相關人員,充分宣導台灣推動標章成效;(5)歸納整理各能源之星夥伴國執行現況與策略分析,並彙整後供相關單位參考,有利於推動標章計畫策略與國外同步;(6)完成國內各標章計畫差異性及區隔性說明,並詳細針對各標章計畫產品及規格作比較。 The Project of promotion of ENERGYSTAR Label As 35% of the greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to the generation of electricity, together with the Department of Energy, manufacturers and retailers, as well as public utilities and private enterprises, the USEPA introduced the Energy Star program (“program”), a voluntary energy efficiency program, in 1992. The objective of the program is to encourage the manufacturing of high energy efficiency electrical and electronic products, in order to reduce the carbon dioxide released through electricity generation 092 空保處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2516
氣候變化綱要公約國家通訊衝擊調適資料建制─氣候、水文、生態部分(二) 本研究計畫成立目的即在透過資料收集與分析,與進一步模擬研究,提供我國「國家通訊」有關衝擊與調適策略中有關氣候、水文、生態資料之建置。本案為二年期研究計畫,本年度為計畫之第二年度,計畫工作重點為評估我國陸域生態、沿海海域生態、沿近海與遠洋漁業漁場受氣候變遷之衝擊,並研擬適應策略。各項衝擊評估主要發現為(一)氣候分析  台灣地區近年來有(a)極端高溫發生頻率增加,(b)最低溫顯著上升,極端低溫發生頻率減少,(c)豪大雨出現頻率增加,(d)侵台及影響台灣颱風數增加的趨勢。(二)生物多樣性  台灣繁殖鳥類多樣性最高區域的面積有減少的情形;而多樣性最高區域也有向高海拔推移的趨勢。特有種鳥類分布的區域將有減損趨勢,對全球變遷的反應與繁殖鳥類類似,均有向高海拔推移的情形。兩生類的種數因年均溫的升高而全面減少,局部區域的較大種數減少,則來自年雨量的減少。(三)森林  主要以檜木林進行評估。建立檜木林分布模式的建立,模擬出檜木林隨氣候變遷的分布變化。模擬結果顯現未來受氣候變遷影響,檜木林分布區域有減少趨勢。(四)生態保護區  氣候變遷後,冬季溫度增加多於夏季,這對生物而言意味冬季的減短或春季的提早來臨,對受溫度控制催化而開始生殖的物種有極大的改變。這種現象以有高山生態系的生態保護區較為明顯,顯示高海拔地區受氣候變遷的影響較低海拔為劇。(五)稻米  當不考慮未來二氧化碳濃度變化直接影響時,稻米的潛能產量有減少趨勢;考慮二氧化碳濃度變化直接影響時,結果顯示產量為增加的趨勢,顯示二氧化碳濃度的提高,會抵銷稻米因溫度上生而減產的效應。(六)櫻花?吻鮭  透過遺傳規劃法建立櫻花?吻鮭對溫度與高流量之反應函數,由數個氣候變遷預設情境模擬結果說明未來高溫高流量頻率增加,櫻花?吻鮭將遭受魚群數量變少以及棲地縮減等衝擊。(七)沿近海漁業  以鯷科仔魚為例評估IPCC之模擬情境之下本漁業因溫昇造成之短中長期衝擊。結果顯示日本鯷資源呈逐漸減少的趨勢,兩公鯷屬魚種則是呈現逐漸增加的趨勢,但日本鯷一向為優勢種,且為許多經濟魚種之攝食目標種,故氣候結構性變動所導致之魚種結構性交替,對沿近海漁業將造成負面之衝擊。(八)遠洋漁業  模擬結果發現溫昇可能造成WCPO部分漁區之長鰭鮪及大目鮪資源陷入極低狀態,卻可能有利於暖水性鮪類(正鰹及黃鰭鮪)。模擬顯示部分魚種在某些漁區因長期溫昇而完全消失,若面臨漁獲與氣候衝擊的雙重壓力,造成無資源可用之極端狀況不無可能。(九)水產養殖漁業  利用敏感度分析來衡量各項參數影響力的輕重。結果顯示水產養殖雖然是人工建造的設施下進行水生物的生產,不管經營管理的方式是粗放或密集,卻仍免除不了氣候因子的影響。(十)沿岸生物多樣性  配合沿海地區土地判釋資料,利用IS92a海平面上升預設情境,研析不同同功群鳥種之受影響程度。不論是短期、中期或是長期預設情境,重要野鳥棲地以西南沿海、北部淡水河口和東部蘭陽溪口附近被淹沒程度較為明顯。(十一)沿海保護區  利用不同海平面上升情境,預測沿海保護區被淹沒之可能程度;並以黑面琵鷺為指標進行衝擊評估。結果顯現未來黑面琵鷺保護區超過1/3的面積將會被海水掩沒,所設立的保護區之功能會大為減低。(十二)珊瑚及其他特殊、稀有之海洋生物  結果顯示短期氣候變遷的衝擊下,台灣海域珊瑚的分布範圍可能擴大;而在中期及長期氣候變遷的衝擊下,台灣海域大多數地區的珊瑚物種豐富度將明顯降低。 Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations for National Communication Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – Climate, Hydrology, and Ecology (II) The purpose of this study is to provide information on climate, hydrology, and ecosystems for preparing the report of National Communication. The impact assessment of climate change and adaptations are addressed for terrestrial and coastal ecosystems, and offshore and distant-water fisheries. The major studies are:(1)Local Climate Analysis;(2)Biodiversity;(3)Forest;(4) Natural Protected Areas;(5) Rice;(6) Taiwan Salmon;(7) Offshore Fisheries;(8) Distant-water Fisheries;(9) Aquaculture;(10) Coastal Biodiversity;(11) Coastal Protected Areas;(12) Coral reefs。 092 空保處 國立台灣大學生物環境系統工程學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2512
永續發展與前瞻環境科技發展計畫─亞太經濟合作紅潮毒藻管理 本專案研究計畫主要為協助行政院環境保護署監督及參與亞太經濟合作會議組織「藻毒分析方法與標準品、參考品在水產品安全認證上的開發與驗證」計畫於出席計畫程序委員會會議、出席第十六屆亞太經濟合作海洋資源保育工作小組會議及計畫成果彙報、出席有害藻華技術研習會提出論文。另對我國沿海水域環境優養化現象進行文獻蒐集回顧及水樣採集分析,根據浮游藻豐度與歧異度評估臺灣地區發生紅潮有害藻華之可能性與地點。初步結果認定西南海岸從彰化麥寮以南至東港大鵬灣以北的河川出海口、碼頭內及魚塭養殖地區普遍優養化且存在麻痺性貝毒藻種,過去曾造成西施貝含毒及引發中毒事件。另得子口溪溪口亦屬優養化,東北角九孔養殖與保育區之附著性原甲藻含下痢性貝毒毒素,但未檢出貝類含毒。臺灣沿近海因缺半封閉性之滯流型海灣及終年潮汐落差與洋流,可能是臺灣開放海域不曾發生紅潮的原因。但是潟湖與養殖池水域,仍有生成有害藻華造成水生生物或水棲哺乳類與鳥類暴斃的可能。本計畫另完成「臺灣沿近海常見微細藻與有害藻類圖鑑」一冊,包含約200種不同微細藻類型態照片。 Sustainable Development and Prospective Environmental Technology Development Program: Asia Pacific Economy Cooperation Red Tide and Toxic Algae Management Research Project The main goal of this project is to assist OSTA, EPA in overseeing and managing the APEC TILF project, ‘Development and Validation of Analytical Methods, Standards and Reference Materials for Seafood Product Certification and Safety’. The workload includes participating the Project Steering Committee meeting and compiling the progress report, participating the 16th APEC MRC Working group meeting and giving report of the project and reports of ‘Strategy and Implementation of Harmful Algae Management and Mitigation in the APEC Region’ and ‘International Symposium on Harmful Algae Management and Mitigation in the area of/nearby South China Sea’ projects, and attending the project workshop, HABTech2003 and giving research reports. In addition, through the paper reviews of the environmental monitoring reports and observations of the water samples collected from the coastal areas, we are able to identify certain areas, from Mailiao, Changhua to the south of Daipeng Bay, Pingtung, are eutrophicated by the effluents of city sewage and aquaculture waste。 Paralytic shellfish poisoning related toxic species were found common along the southwestern coast. They were culprit of several intoxication incidents from ingestion of purple clams in the past and should be taken into routine monitoring. The estuary of Dertzskouhsi, northeastern coast of Taiwan was also found eutrophicated by the aquaculture waste. In the nearby area where the small abalone were cultured or hatched and released for resource conservation, species of benthic Prorocentrum were found to contain diarrhetic shellfish poisons. However, no toxic shellfish was identified. The lack of retarded water exchange due to the year-round strong currents and huge drop between the high-low tides along the coastal line of Taiwan in addition to the lack of big semi-enclosed bays may be the reason why we have never experienced red tides in open waters of Taiwan. This report also includes a compiling of a picture handbook regarding the common microalgae in the coastal waters of Taiwan. 092 永續發展室 中華民國藻類學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2550
事業廢棄物清理管制─管制中心整體管理資訊系統功能提昇、整合及決策支援專案計畫 本計畫之工作目標,係延續過去網路申報之成果,持續多項便民及快速之申報制度規劃,並提昇有關申報系統及管制系統的各項服務功能。此外,強化對於事業申報事業廢棄物管制基線資料之管理作業,可作為未來分析事業廢棄物產出因子之基礎。為因應管制中心龐大的資料需求,本計畫除以建置完成的管制系統協助篩選資料之外,亦協助管制中心維護功能強大的OLAP工具解決管制中心繁複、即時、多樣化的需求。除藉由定期分析、勾稽作業以得到申報異常機構名單及其趨勢外,為大量提昇勾稽作業之效能,今年度開發多各自動化的勾稽作業功能,提昇勾稽能量,有效防止不法情事發生,並提供作為政策擬定之參考。而在決策支援方面,今年度則協助管制中心進行申報資料採擷的作業,藉以產出事業廢棄物產出與各項參數的關聯性;另針對產源及處理源,今年度亦針對其所申報之座標資料藉由地理資訊系統(GIS),展現其在環境地理上的分布情形,以及提供相關的查詢服務功能。此外,為因應大量使用者登入系統進行相關資料申報或查詢作業,而導致系統效能降低之問題,本計畫亦協助環保署調校系統效能,並建立緊急應變替代系統,加強環保署不可斷線之申報系統,以解決於斷線時所遭受民眾對於政府公信力之質疑。藉由專業的諮詢服務專線,除協助輔導民眾申報問題、加強與民互動,並掌握目前業者申報之現況與問題,提供給環保署作為決策參考。 The Management of Industrial Waste Clean and Treatment ─The Management Information System of Industrial Waste Control Center Upgrading, Integrating and Policy Revision Support Project The objective of this project is to continue promotion on convenient and friendly reporting mechanism and upgrading the existing service on both Industrial Waste Report System (IWRS) and Industrial Waste Management System (IWMS). In addition, reinforcement on the industrial waste baseline information correction and management will be suitable for analyzing industrial waste production factor in the future.To satisfy great information demand form the Industrial Waste Control Center, we assist the Center to maintain powerful OLAP system and existing IWMS in order to supply complex and versatile information in timely fashion.We develop automatic inspection function to increase the online inspection power. These automatic systems will assist the human operated regular inspection to promptly and accurately catches up illegal activity and offers policy revision reference.In the aspect of the policy revision support, we assist the Industrial Waste Control Center to mining the reported information from facilities and analyze the waste production factor. Target at the waste generator and treatment facility, we utilize GIS system to display the facility coordinates in order to offer geographical display and any relevant inquiry function.We assist the EPA to adjust the efficiency of the system. This is necessary due to the large number of users will cause lower system efficiency when doing something at the same time. We also establish emergency response report system for the Industrial Waste Control Center in case if any emergency happens.Through professional customer service, we assist public on make online report, increase mutual interaction between the government and the public, understand the reporting condition and problem. These information are valuable on environmental policy revision. 092 廢管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2548