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環保署主管事業業者加入公會現況與需求調查 本研究計畫目的為瞭解環保署所轄業者加入公會之比率,並提出未來輔導業者加入公會之建議。故首先針對調查範圍進行操作型定義:環保業者以領有環保署或環保局核發許可證或登記證;依公司法或商業登記法設立之公司、行號;仍在經營中;且從事環保服務之公司行號為環保署所轄業者調查範圍。公會則依商業團體法第3條所成立之商業同業公會為調查範圍。故依領有環保署或環保局核發許可證或登記證,環保業者的調查對象包括廢棄物清除業、廢棄物處理業、廢棄物清除處理業、環境用藥業、病媒防治業、環境檢驗測定業及應回收廢棄物回收業、應回收廢棄物處理業;並依環保業者對應之環保業務相關的商業同業公會為調查對象。調查結果顯示,環保業者加入環保業務相關的商業同業公會,整體業者入會比率不到四成。建議未來輔導環保業者加入公會之方向,首先可針對未入會業者,加強宣導入會規定。其次,瞭解未入會業者之需求,增加業者業務商機,加強公會會員服務以強化業者加入公會之誘因。而針對已入會業者,公會除了傳達業務商機外,可與政府機關合作舉辦研討會、講座等活動,讓基層公會發揮實際功能。 The survey of Current Status and Requirements for EPA Juridical Enterprises to Join the Commercial The purpose of project is to understand the percentage of EPA juridical enterprises joining the association and propose suggestions of guiding the enrollment of enterprises in the association in the future. Therefore, first is to define the operational scope of survey: environmental protection enterprises which have permit or registration certificate issued by the EPA or EPB; companies or firms legally registered pursuant to the Company Act or Business Registration Act; continuing operation; and the EPA juridical companies and firms engaging in environmental protection services are within the scope of survey. The commercial associations established in accordance with article 3 of the Commercial Group Act are within the scope of survey.Therefore, the subjects of survey to environmental protection enterprises with permit or registration certificate issued by the EPA or EPB include Waste Cleaning, Waste Disposing, Waste Cleaning and Disposing, Environmental Agents, Pathogen Controlling Services, Environmental Inspection and Recycled Waste Recycling, Recycled Waste Disposing as well as the corresponding environmental related commercial associations. According to the results of survey, the percentage of enterprises that have joined the environmental related commercial associations is less than 40%.As to the orientation of guiding environmental protection enterprises to join the associations, it is recommended to reinforce the propaganda of enrollment aiming at enterprises that have not yet enrolled. Next, understand the needs of enterprises that have not yet enrolled, increase their business opportunities, consolidate association member services to intensify the incentives of enrollment. Aiming at enterprises that have already joined the associations, in addition to communication of business opportunities, the associations may organize seminar and lectures altogether with governmental agencies to develop the physical functions of basic associations. 103 綜計處 思多葛市場研究股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80313
103年度環保示範區推廣活動計畫 為落實「去污保育護生態、清境家園樂活化」的環境政策,行政院環境保護署(簡稱環保署)在98至103年推動營造永續優質環境衛生計畫,引導各直轄市、縣(市)政府營造當地優勢與特色,推動「示範區的環境管理」制度、清掃學習推廣活動及示範區宣導等工作,逐步達成14項環境衛生永續指標,讓全國生活品質、居家周圍環境整潔獲得整體提升,一同打造永續環保的清淨家園。為加強環境衛生推動成果之宣傳成效,讓更多大眾瞭解優質環保示範區之美,故此有了本計畫。本計畫應用攝影競賽辦理、優質環境衛生微電影宣傳及清掃學習活動推廣,鼓勵民眾親身前往體驗環保示範區之美,喚起民眾注意自身的居家生活品質,進而影響並擴散至周邊社區,達到觀念宣傳、群起效尤共同提升環保意識之目的。本年度攝影競賽共計徵件7,588張優美示範區照片;另外,搭配攝影競賽推出之尋寶小遊戲抽獎活動亦共有 1,916位民眾參與,故本年度應用多元推廣方式及加碼好康活動確實有效提升民眾參與度,徵件量較102年提升2倍。3部推廣「環保示範區-宜居 美麗臺灣」、「清掃學習-山谷的 起點」及「環保志工-愛 就要行動」之微電影本年度應用知名演員及生活化劇情有效吸引民眾觀看,截至目前於Youtube點閱數已累計達3,838次,較102年提升4倍。而清掃學習推廣上亦首度推出環境清掃大作戰,共計2,166人報名參加,網站觀覽量較102年增加2,000多人次。另外,配合全國公廁環境品質及特色度之提升,彙整優異成果推出全臺首本公廁有聲電子書「幸福守廁-便所王國的奇幻旅程」並辦理記者發表會,會後共計有24則媒體之露出,達到訊息有效之傳散。最後,本年度計畫之豐碩成果仰賴民眾熱情之參與、委員辛苦之審查、環保署長官對各項作業之協助與縣市政府的全力配合,在此誠摯向各位致上最深之謝意。 103 Model Environment Protection Districts promotion plan The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) established the plan for creation of high-quality sustainable environment from 2009 to 2014 for the environmental policy of “pollution removal and conservation for ecology, clean neighborhood for LOHAS life.” This plan was developed to lead the municipal and local county (city) governments for the creation of local advantages and features and promote the system of “environmental management through model districts” cleaning-learning campaigns and model district propagandas. The purpose was to achieve the 14 environmental sustainability indices, improve nationwide quality of life and neighborhood cleanness and build a clean homeland of sustainable environmental protection. This plan was designed to enhance the promotional effects for the results of environmental sanitation and allow more people to understand the beauty of model environment protection districts. It was achieved with series of events, such as photography contest, campaign with microfilms of clean environment and the promotion of cleaning-learning activities. People were encouraged to experience the beauty of model environment protection districts, pay attention to the quality of environment around their homes, and spread that awareness across the neighboring communities, thus achieving the goal of concept promotion and improvement of environmental awareness by setting examples. Seven thousand five hundred and eighty-eight photos of model districts were received for this year's photo contest. 1,916 people participated in the treasure hunt that came with the contest. The diversity of promotions and the bonus activities did help improve the participation of the public, as twice as many photos were received for the contest as opposed to 2013. This year's microfilms, the“Model Environment Protection Districts – A Livable and Beautiful Taiwan,” “Cleaning-learning – Where the Valley Begins” and “Environmental Volunteers – to Love is to Act” featured famous actors and close-to-life plots to increase the number of viewers. Up to now, these films were viewed by 3,888 viewers over YouTube, 4 times more than 2013. For the promotion of cleaning-learning, 2,166 signed up for the Battle of Clean Environment. In addition, there were 2,000 web visitors more than 2013. Also for the improvement of quality and feature of public restrooms around the country, the results of excellent performance among public restrooms were collected into the “Happy Toilet Manual – A Magic Journey,” the first audio book about public restrooms in Taiwan, and a press conference was held for its debut. Twenty-four reports were published on news media for the effective dissemination of message. Finally, the organization would like to acknowledge the participation of the public, the hard work of review board, the assistance from the EPA and the cooperation of local governments. It is their efforts that made this plan fruitful and productive. 103 環管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79554
103年污染防治支出統計調查 本調查目的為推估政府及產業部門之污染防治支出,藉以瞭解環境與經濟間關係及整體污染防治支出規模,供環保政策釐訂與編算綠色國民所得帳參考。以資本支出加經常支出扣除污染防治附帶收入,分別計算政府部門與產業部門污染防治支出,102年(資料時間)主要調查結果如下:一、102年整體污染防治支出1,445.6億元,含資本支出358.4億元、經常支出1,162.6億元,並扣除污染防治附帶收入75.3億元;就部門別分,產業部門777.6億元(占53.8%),大於政府部門668.1億元(占46.2%);就用途別言,以廢棄物處理464.0億元(占32.1%)居冠,空氣污染防制426.8億元(占29.5%)次之,水污染防治352.9億元(占24.4%)第三。二、102年政府部門污染防治支出668.1億元,包括資本支出162.9億元,經常支出531.6億元,扣除污染防治附帶收入26.4億元。按用途別觀察,以廢棄物處理支出350.4億元(占52.5%)最高。就政府級別而言,地方機關支出444.6億元,大於中央機關之223.5億元。三、102年產業部門污染防治支出777.6億元,其中資本支出195.5億元、經常支出631.0億元,並扣除污染防治附帶收入48.9億元。就用途別言,以空氣污染防制373.1億元(占48.0%)及水污染防治216.1億元(占27.8%)為主;就經資部門觀察,資本支出以新購設備支出194.7億元(占資本支出99.6%)為主;經常支出以操作維護費用493.5億元(占經常支出78.2%)較高;按行業別分,電子零組件製造業193.9億元(占24.9%)居冠,化學材料製造業183.7億元(占23.6%)次之,基本金屬製造業143.2億元(占18.4%)第三。 2014 Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures The objectives of this survey were to estimate the pollution abatement and control expenditures by the government sector and the industry sector, and to understand the relationship between the environment and economic development. The findings of this survey were used for estimating the Green GNP and as the basis for related government policies. The pollution abatement and control expenditures by the government sector and the industry sector equal capital expenditures plus current expenditures minus receipts from by-products. Major findings estimated from the sample of this survey were summarized as follows:1. The pollution abatement and control expenditures totaled NT$144.6 billion, which equal NT$35.8 billion of capital expenditures plus NT$116.3 billion of current expenditures minus NT$7.5 billion of receipts from by-products. In terms of sectors, the results showed that the industry sector spent a total of NT$77.8 billion, more than the NT$66.8 billion spent by the government sector. In terms of pollution abatement items, we found that the NT$46.4 billion(32.1%) for waste treatment ranked first, while the NT$42.7 billion(29.5%) for air treatment ranked second and the NT$35.3 billion(24.4%) for wastewater pollution treatment ranked third.2. The pollution abatement and control expenditures by the government sector totaled NT$66.8 billion,which equal NT$16.3 billion of capital expenditures plus NT$53.2 billion of current expenditures minus NT$2.6 billion of receipts from by-products. In terms of pollution abatement items, we found that the NT$35.0 billion(52.5%) for waste treatment ranked first. In terms of different levels of the government, the results showed that local governments spent a total of NT$44.5 billion, more than the NT$22.4 billion spent by the central government. 3. The pollution abatement and control expenditures by the industry sector totaled NT$77.8 billion, which equal NT$19.6 billion of capital expenditures plus NT$63.1 billion of current expenditures minus NT$4.9 billion of receipts from by-products. In terms of pollution abatement items, the NT$37.3 billion(48.0%) for air pollution treatment and the NT$21.6 billion(27.8%) for wastewater treatment were the most pollution abatement and control expenditures. NT$19.5 billion, 99.6% of the capital expenditures, were spent in the procurement of pollution abatement equipment, while NT$49.4 billion, 78.2% of the current expenditures, were spent in equipment operation and maintenance; In terms of industries, NT$19.4 billion(24.9%) for the electronic parts and components manufacturing ranked first, NT$18.4 billion(23.6%) for the chemical material manufacturing ranked second and NT$14.3 billion(18.4%) for the fabricated metal products manufacturing ranked third. 103 統計室 異視行銷市場調查股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72884
103年度飲用水水質標準中較難檢驗項目抽驗計畫 一、抽驗並調查國內22個直轄市、縣市行政轄區,362處自來水直接供水系統及38處簡易自來水供水系統水質中之列管項目包括重金屬(砷、鉛、硒、鉻、鎘、鋇、銻、鎳、汞、銀、銦、鉬、鋁)、影響健康物質(氰鹽)、消毒副產物(總三鹵甲烷、溴酸鹽、亞氯酸鹽、鹵乙酸類)、揮發性有機物(三氯乙烯、四氯化碳、1,1,1-三氯乙烷、1,2-二氯乙烷、氯乙烯、苯、對-二氯苯、1,1-二氯乙烯、二氯甲烷、1,2-二氯苯、二甲苯、順1,2-二氯乙烯、反1,2-二氯乙烯、四氯乙烯、甲苯)、農藥(安殺番、靈丹、丁基拉草、2,4-地、巴拉刈、納乃得、加保扶、滅必蝨、達馬松、大利松、巴拉松、一品松、亞素靈)、持久性有機污染物(戴奧辛)等6類47項物質。二、抽驗並調查國內22個直轄市、縣市行政轄區,362處自來水直接供水系統及38處簡易自來水供水系統水質中之優先關注項目包括重金屬(六價鉻、鎵、鉈)、消毒副產物項目(二氯乙腈、二溴乙腈、水合氯醛)、揮發性有機物(甲醛、1,1-二氯乙烷、1,2-二氯丙烷、苯乙烯、一氯苯、乙苯)、環境荷爾蒙(壬基酚、雙酚A、鄰苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMP)、鄰苯二甲酸二乙酯(DEP)、鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)、鄰苯二甲酸丁苯酯(BBP)、鄰苯二甲酸二辛酯(DOP)、鄰苯二甲酸二(乙基己基)酯(DEHP))、微生物(糞便性大腸桿菌群、大腸桿菌)及持久性有機污染物(戴奧辛類多氯聯苯)等6類23項,共計70項水質項目之現況背景資料。三、將本計畫抽驗結果與以往歷年飲用水水質抽驗情形予以比較分析。 A Survey of Drinking Water for Certain Specific Analytes in the Water Quality Standards The purpose of this project was to examine the water quality of the pre-chosen 362 drinking water systems and 38 simple tap-water systems of the 22 municipal counties or cities. The test counts of the regulated and non-regulated analytes for drinking water systems were 47 and 23 respectively, which accounted for a total of 70 analytes.  The regulated analytes being tested included 13 items of heavy metals (arsenic, lead, selenium, chromium, cadmium, barium, antimony, nickel, mercury, silver, Indium, molybdenum and aluminium), 1 item of unhealthy substance (cyanide), 4 items of disinfection by-products (total trihalomethanes (TTHMs), bromate, chlorite and haloacetic acids (HAA5)), 15 items of volatile organics (trichoroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, vinyl chloride, benzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, 1,1-dichloroethene, dichloromethane, 1,2-dichlorobenzene, xylenes, cis- and trans- 1,2-dichloroethene, tetrachloroethene and toluene), 13 items of pesticides (endosulfan, lindane, butachlor, 2,4-D, paraquat, methomyl, carbofuran, Isoprocarb, methamidophos, diazinon, parathion, EPN, and monocrotophos) and 1 items of persistent volatile organics (dioxins), which accounted for a total of 38 analytes.  The non-regulated analytes being tested included 3 items of heavy metals (hexavalent chromium, gallium, thallium), 3 item of disinfection by-products (Dichloroacetonitrile, Dibromoacetonitrile and Chloral Hydrate), 6 items of volatile organics (1,1-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichloro propane, styrene, chlorobenzene, ethylbenzene and formaldehyde), 8 items of endocrine disrupting chemicals (nonyl phenols, bisphenol A, dimethyl phthalate (DMP), Diethyl Phthalate (DEP), Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), Di-n-octyl Phthalat (DNOP), bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)), 2 items of microorganism (fecal coliforms, E. coli) and 1 item of persistent volatile organics (dioxin-like Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)), which accounted for a total of 23 analytes.  The total test counts of the regulated analytes and non-regulated analytes for tap-water systems were 6163 and 675,and the total test counts of the regulated and non-regulated analytes for simple tap-water systems were 473 and 29, respectively. The analytical results indicated that carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, vinyl chloride, benzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, 1,2-dichlorobenzene, xylenes, cis- and trans- 1,2-dichloroethene, endosulfan, lindane, butachlor, 2,4-D, methomyl, carbofuran, Isoprocarb, methamidophos, diazinon, parathion, EPN, monocrotophos and chlorite in tap-water systems, and bromate, cadmium, silver and mercury in simple tap-water systems were not detected or less than the quantitation detection limits.  About the passing rate of the tested locations, the examines all met the drinking water criteria except the sample of TTW-T30 in Taitung county (Green Island water treatment plant), and the passing rate was 97.8%. About the passing rate of all analytes,the examines all met the drinking water criteria except TTHMs, and the passing rate was 99.8%. Besides, all non-regulated analytes were less than the method detection limits or quantitation detection limits except Gallium, Dichloroacetonitrile, Dibromoacetonitrile, Chloral Hydrate and DEHP.  The tested locations with analysis concentration exceeded or approached the drinking water regulatory limits in the first time examines, aluminum concentration exceeded 0.2 mg/L and those with the highest analytes tested results were followed up and re-tested in September and October. The results indicated that the analytes re-tested met the drinking water criteria except TTHMs of TTW-T30 in Taitung county (Green Island water treatment plant) and aluminum of TTW-M02 in Tainan city (Wusanto water treatment plant) still exceeded the alarm value (70% of the drinking water criteria). 103 環管處 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78276
環境用藥管理及資訊系統應用維護計畫 本年度在計畫執行面向共分為法規面、系統面及宣導面三大部分:在法規面,本年度已完成污染防治用藥、微生物製劑及殺蟲劑應用於一般商品在美國、歐盟、英國及日本法規國家資料收集彙整,同時提出3項建議,並針對各國資料進行評析與我國法規差異度提出分析比較報告;進而搭配產學全面檢視我國環境用藥法規適妥性,綜整後針對我國「環境用藥管理法」、「環境用藥管理法施行細則」與「病媒防治業管理辦法」進行全面檢視,共計提出8項修法建議。在系統面本年度為了讓業者可快速通關,進行原體用途證明及非屬環境用藥線上申請功能建置,並針對現有樣品同意文件系統功能進行系統優化調整,同時為了掌握全國環境用藥製造量、販賣量及使用量,建置環境用藥紀錄表、病媒防治施作紀錄及病媒施作計畫書功能建置;針對管理統計報表進行劣質環境用藥清單、環境用藥業者分佈圖及環境用藥製造量輸入量歷年同期比較視覺化3項統計報表設計,以提供環保署透過環境用藥管理資訊系統全面掌握環境用藥管理作業。宣導面則採分群分眾規劃,針對環境用藥業者辦理1場次兩岸交流研討會,與會人次共計287人,滿意度達96.4%;在系統實機操作說明會,分為北高兩區進行兩場次會議辦理,與會人次共計121人,滿意度達90.55%,會後依據業者所提出意見進行系統功能修正;對於一般使用者的宣導,定期更新環境用藥宣導網站,並透過微電影宣傳如何正確使用電蚊香,同時依據本年度登革熱疫情進行高雄捷運廣告5幅燈箱上架與製作1000份宣導品,以達多元滲透大眾之日常生活,達到安全選購、使用環境用藥之目的,徹底落實保護環境與維護人體健康之宗旨。 The Program of Environmental Agents and Pest Control Managemen For the program in this year, there were three executive aspects: international regulation studying, system operation and maintenance, and public education.On the aspect of international regulation studying, regulatory policies on treated articles, pollution controlling agents, and microbial agents in the U.S., EU, U.K., and Japan have been collected, analyzed, and compared with relevant regulations in R.O.C. A summary report, along with 3 suggestions, has been proposed according to the study. Furthermore, the appropriateness of relevant R.O.C. laws and regulations, including the Environmental Agents Control Act as well as its Enforcement Rules, and Pest Control Operator Management Regulation, have been comprehensively inspected in the views of industry, government, as well as academia. As a conclusion, 8 suggestions on law amendment have been proposed. On the aspect of system operation and maintenance, for more efficient customs clearance, certification of usage of technical grade products, and on-line application of non-mandatory environmental agents have been constructed. The optimization of existed environmental agent sample permit application function is another accomplishment in this year. For effective management on the amount of environment agent manufactured, sold, and used, environment agent operation report form, pest control operation report form and pest control operation plan have been constructed. Meanwhile, the visual improvements on statistics functions are complete, which include list of inferior environmental agents, diagram of distribution of all environmental agent-related authorization holding enterprises, and contemporary comparison on the amount environmental agent manufactured or imported. These enhancements make the Environmental Agents Manage System more practical and comprehensive on environmental agent management by Taiwan EPA. The publicity activities are held for different types of audience. For environmental agent-related authorization holding enterprises, there is a conference (Cross-Strait Conference, 287 attended, with satisfaction rate up to 96.4%), a computer-based workshop for Environmental Agents Manage System in Taipei and Kaohsiung, respectively (overall attendance: 121, with 90.55% satisfied). Several adjustments to the system have been made based on the audiences’ opinions. For citizen, in addition to a periodically updated educational website for environmental agents, there is a microfilm for correct usage of electronic mosquito repelling agents. In response to the dengue fever epidemic, there are 5 light box ads (in Kaohsiung MRT system) along with 1000 copies of promotional materials. All publicity activities serve as reminders in daily lives for buying and using environmental agents safely to safeguard human health. 103 環管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80167
清淨家園美好臺灣推動計畫 透過實際走訪各地及媒體報導,喚起各級地方政府和相關單位對清淨家園的重視,以維護台灣各地的環境清潔、公共衛生,提升整體國人的環境整潔素養。 103 整潔方案室 財團法人環保媽媽環境保護基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76845
103年度環境資源管理及決策支援專案工作計畫 為協助環境影響評估委員於審查過程中相關議題資料彙整,行政院環境保護署透過委託「103年度環境資源管理及決策支援專案」工作計畫,協助環評委員審查各環評案件時,所涉及各面向領域之資料蒐集、彙整與分析工作,並提供專題報告研究,進而協助環保署縮短環評審查案件流程,簡化行政作業程序。本計畫協助環評委員完成專長人員之聘用,訂定「月報表」每月按時收集與彙整,最後本計畫以環評委員為對象,針對本年度專長人員之聘用進行問卷調查,提供環保署未來對於聘用專長人員之參考。在相關環境影響評估議題諮詢與資料彙整協助上,本計畫共協助17項環境影響評估議題諮詢與資料彙整作業。環境影響評估審查意見諮詢與協助共計提供57案第三方審查意見、15案法律意見諮詢以及204案模糊文字篩選作業。報告最後則針對目前明年度專長人員工作說明會辦理方式、環評委員意見交流會以及環境影響評估書件格式提出建議,提供環保署未來執行之參考。 Environmental resource management and decision-making supporting project in 2014 The 2014 environmental resource management and decision support project was contracted to the IER by the Environmental Protection Administration to assist the EIA committee’s reviewing process in data collection and analysis, and to provide topic reports. The purposes of the project included the shortening of EIA review process and the simplification of administrative operation.The project team assisted completing the following works: 1) the appointment of specialists, 2) monthly progress reports in data collection and synthesis, and 3) the questionnaire interview with specialists, and the results can be used as future reference by the EPA.The project team assisted in sixteen topics regarding the EIA consultation and data collection and synthesis, including 57 cases of third-party review opinions, 15 cases of legal consultation, and 204cases of fuzzy text screening process. The final report proposes suggestions to improve the specialist orientation seminars, the EIA committee opinion exchange seminars, and the format of EIA documents for EPA’s reference. 103 綜計處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73623
中華民國企業環保獎專案工作計畫 環保署自民國81年開始辦理「中華民國企業環保獎」選拔活動,目的是公開表揚推動環境保護工作績效優良的事業,並鼓勵其他事業以得獎者為楷模,善盡企業之社會責任,共同推動環保工作,提升環境品質。辦理至今23年共有292家事業獲獎,其中更有35家企業連續三年得獎,獲頒「企業環保榮譽獎座」。為因應各行各業多元屬性,區分為製造業組及非製造業組等二組進行評選。評選重點包括「環境保護規劃及管理」、「環境保護工作推行」以及「環保觀念推行與教育宣導」等三大項。今(103)年度共有36家企業獲獎,為使獲獎企業的績優環保事蹟,能夠持續累積、分享、傳承與推廣下去,特別針對得獎者編輯「第23屆中華民國企業環保獎績優廠商優良環保事蹟彙編」,並辦理得獎企業觀摩研討會,分享獲獎績優環保事蹟,提供其他企業參考。另進行企業環保獎評選方式朝認證方向規劃,以做為未來推動之參考。 2014 ROC Enterprise Environmental Protection Award For 23 consecutive years since 1992, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has been sponsoring the "Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection Award (AEEPA) of the Republic of China (ROC)". Up to last year, 292 organizations have been recognized for their outstanding performance in environmental protection, among which 35 organizations were honored with an AEEPA for three consecutive years.To accommodate a diversified business sector, this year AEEPA is divided into two categories: Manufacturing and Non-manufacturing. The criteria for the selection include three items: environmental protection planning and management, achievements in environmental protection, and promotion of public awareness of the importance of environmental protection work.The candidates of this year's (2014) AEEPA include 56 organizations. Striving to enhance environmental quality in Taiwan, the EPA has published the "Summary of the 23rd AEEPA Winners for Excellent Performance in Environmental Protection" which outlines the experiences of these organizations. In addition, the EPA will also sponsor demonstration seminars and site visits to some of the award-winning organizations' facilities, allowing the winners to share their experiences in promoting environmental protection.In the meantime, the AEEPA is scheduling certification plan as the reference for future promotion. 103 管考處 豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72971
「鄰近交通系統沿線建築物隔音設施及相關規範研究」專案研究計畫 本計畫就鄰近交通系統沿線建築物隔音設施及相關規範進行探討,期能經各國建築物管理法規之蒐集與比較分析,了解各國建築物管理的發展趨勢,並檢討我國相關法規配合增修之可行性,同時,藉相關測點現地量測作業確實了解我國鄰近交通系統之建築物所受到的交通噪音影響情形。計畫執行首先進行各測點交通噪音特性調查,接著以CandaA模式分別進行模式建構及校估,模式校估結果須符合實測值與模擬值兩者差值絕對值≦3分貝之要求,各該模式始可被接受為有效模式。同時參考日本建築聲學室內空間建議值及中國大陸室內容許值,並根據各測點室內使用形式研提各測點室內空間音量建議值,本計畫將各測點交通噪音特性模擬值與室內空間音量建議值之差值定義為各該測點開口部門窗隔音等級需求。接著檢視各測點開口部門窗的實際隔音效能是否能滿足需求,本計畫採用「CNS 15160-5室內外音壓差法」及「CEN/TS 1793-5」量測規範進行現場隔音量實地調查,並進行窗戶形式檢視及漏音調查,比對調查所得之開口部門窗實際隔音效能與隔音等級需求,即可據以判斷開口部門窗實際隔音效能是否足夠。本計畫實測發現十個測點中僅有二個測點的實際隔音效能高於所需,顯示絕大多數建築物外牆開口部門窗的實際隔音效能可能均未能滿足隔音需求;相對地,這樣的結果也意味著:外牆開口部門窗實際隔減音效能是可以被要求到位的。此外,開口部門窗實際隔減音效能不足之原因,可能來自選用之門窗材質隔減音性質不佳,亦可能來自不良施工品質所造成的漏音問題,因此選材及施工都需注意以提升整體隔音效能。具體而言,本計畫對在與交通系統直線距離約30公尺處的臥房、客廳及辦公室等用途之房舍開口部門窗隔音需求之保守建議值為43, 29及26分貝。 A Study on Soundproof Efficiency and Regulations of Buildings Adjacent to Transportation Systems Soundproof efficiency and regulations of façade openings on buildings adjacent to transportation systems are investigated in this study. The aim of this study is to learn the international trend on noise regulation regarding to façade openings through literature review. Meanwhile, real soundproof efficiency of façade openings of buildings adjacent to transportation systems in Taiwan were studied through in-situ noise measurement.Five highway and five rail adjacent sites were selected for noise measurement and noise leaking evaluation. Noise measurement results were modeled through CadnaA for each test site. Model validations were carried out under the requirement of less than 3 dBA absolute error between measured and model simulated data. The soundproof need of specific test site was defined as the difference between simulated noise level and expected interior noise level related to the room usage of that test site. Real soundproof quality of façade openings of these test sites were measured following CNS 15160-5 and CEN/TS 1793-5 codes. Window type, quality of material and workmanship were also recorded during field inspection. From all the measurements, it is found that façade openings of new buildings adjacent to transportation system generally don’t provide sufficient soundproof quality. Meanwhile, most of the test sites are suffered from noise leak indicates that workmanship is also a key factor to enhance soundproof quality of façade openings.It is suggested that allowable noise level for various interior usage of building rooms should be established first as a requirement, code for soundproof quality of façade opening should also be established for architects and building makers to follow. Moreover, 43, 29, and 26dBA as the soundproof quality needed for façade openings of bedrooms, living rooms, and offices were found appropriate through this study. 103 空保處 逢甲大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81947
103-104年度產品碳標籤核發及推廣第1年(2年計畫)專案工作計畫 本計畫推廣及核發產品碳標籤制度,以確保達成環境、經濟與社會之永續發展目標。執行成果包括:(1)掌握產品碳足跡國際發展趨勢。拜訪國外推動碳標籤單位,包括中國大陸相關單位及法國推動環境標籤單位;出席第二屆環境足跡世界高峰會議及第五屆亞洲碳足跡網絡會議。(2)輔導業者申請碳標籤。訂定3項民生相關且具推廣宣導意義之產品類別規則文件及14項產品碳足跡計算;辦理3場次產品碳足跡計算與碳標籤申請說明會,俾利業者後續申請碳標籤與減碳標籤。(3)執行碳標籤審議工作。完成「推動產品碳足跡標示作要要點」與「碳足跡產品類別規則訂定、引用及修訂指引」,並提出「產品與服務碳足跡計算指引」等文件之修訂建議;另外,規劃產品減碳標籤制度,並納入新修訂之「推動產品碳足跡標示作要要點」。(4)完善標籤制度與國際接軌。完成「第三類環境宣告及產品碳足跡之產品類別規則引用可行性評估」等相關工作與文件;評估企業對企業類產品納入碳標籤制度之可行性;參與「碳足跡認證計畫」,掌握認證制度發展情形;研訂「產品碳足跡標籤追蹤查核標準作業程序」,辦理追蹤查核工作;辦理跨部會協調會議,讓各部會瞭解並共同參與。(5)增加碳標籤推廣效益。維護管理「台灣產品碳足跡資訊網」,友善化碳標籤申請系統;辦理4場次宣導說明會並配合5場次活動攤;製作英文宣導摺頁,作為國際交流使用;媒體廣宣部分,於天下雜誌刊登廣告內頁,至少觸及8萬名訂閱戶,且發行量達12萬本,預估曝光度極高。 The Issue and Promotion of Carbon Footprint Labeling Products in Taiwan (1)Grasped the International trend of product carbon footprints. Visited foreign carbon labeling promoting units, including organizations in China and France. Attended PEF World Forum and Asia Carbon Footprint Network conference.(2)Coached businesses to apply for carbon labeling. Formulated documentations regarding 3 ‘people’s livelihood’ and ‘promoting significance in public’ product category rules and 14 carbon footprint calculation regulations. Organized 3 seminars for carbon footprint calculation and carbon labeling applications, assisting firms to continue with their carbon labeling and carbon reduction labeling applications. (3)Implementation of carbon labeling deliberations. Completed ‘EPA product carbon labeling promotion main points’, ‘Carbon footprint product category rules formulation, quote and revise guide’ and raised important recommendations for the amendment of ‘Product and service carbon footprint calculation guide’. In addition, this project has made plans for product carbon reduction labeling system, which are included in the new ‘EPA product carbon labeling promotion main points’. (4)Perfected the Internalization of carbon labeling system. Completed ‘Third category environment declaration and evaluation of feasibility of product carbon footprint product category regulation’ and other related tasks and documentations. Evaluate the feasibility of inclusion of Business-to-Business (B2B) product into the carbon labeling system. Participated in ‘Carbon footprint accreditation program’, tracking the development of the program. Established the ‘Product footprint labeling tracking standard operation procedures’ to assist in inspection works. Organized interdepartmental meeting, allowing different departments to understand and be participated in the project. (5)Increased the effectiveness of the carbon labeling promotion. Maintain and manage ‘Taiwan Product Carbon Footprint website’, improve the friendliness of carbon-labeling application system. Organized four seminars and five event booths. Propagandas were published in English in order for this project to be internationalized. For medias, advertisements were published on ‘Common Wealth Magazine’ as it publishes 120 Thousand issues monthly, reaching at least 80 Thousand subscribers, it is expected that the public exposure level will be high. 103 管考處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74223
103年度「營造永續優質環境衛生-清淨家園鄉鎮市區整潔評比工作計畫」 環保署為提升國內環境「整潔度」,結合政府部門、縣市政府、鄉鎮市區、村里、學校、企業團體及民眾共同參與,攜手整頓居家環境,營造優質環境衛生。為使整潔度評分結果能真實反映出實地環境衛生之維護情形,環保署辦理「清淨家園鄉鎮市區整潔度評比工作計畫」之工作內容,期盼能使整潔度評比成績符合民眾感受,逐步獲得民眾信賴與肯定。 在中央及地方通力合作巡查下,全國的整潔度成績也愈趨提升,依計畫規劃至103年10月底,全國362個鄉鎮市區的整潔度平均成績已達A級。本計畫在本年度評比過程中共通報15,364處髒亂,清潔隊接獲通報後已全數清理完畢,本計畫亦分析通報之髒亂項目類型,目前以垃圾(62%)、小廣告(24%)及水溝污染(3%)為前三大髒亂項目。另為加強民眾共同維護居家清潔的觀念,本年度首度辦理環境巡查超酷(so Cool)活動,向民眾宣傳「髒亂剋星 」App,期能讓民眾一同響應參與巡檢清理家園活動,進而達到營造永續優質環境衛生的願景。 The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) invits government departments, city/county governments, townships/districts, villages, schools, enterprises, and the general public to participate in improving the living environment and environment sanitation to enhance the “cleanness” of the environment. To make the grading results of cleanness truly reflect the maintaining circumstances of the environment, the EPA has organized the “Creation of Sustainable, High-quality Environmental Sanitation” plan, hoping that the grading result can correspond to the public’s feeling and gradually earn their trust and satisfaction. The main achievement of the project this year is to evaluate the nationwide cleanness. According to the plan, till the end of october 2014, 362 townships/cities/districts in Taiwan have reached an average score of Grade A. Comparing to previous years, overall cleanness has raised. Because of instant inspection, untidy spots have been reported, and the sanitation squadrons have cleaned up 95% of them. Until now, the main dirty items are litter (62%), flying advertisement (24%) and the pollution of gutter (3%). To raise public’s awareness of maintaining and cleaning the environment, the EPA, for the first time, held an activity called So Cool, and promoted an app, named Dirty Killer. The goal of these activities is to reach the sustainable and superior environment while the public takes part in cleaning neighborhood. 103 環管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79432
建構寧適家園計畫-中區環境事故專業技術小組服務計畫 本計畫至12月31日已完成合約100%,完成工作包括繼續運作中區環境事故專業技術小組臺中組、雲林組兩組,每組16人(含空氣污染工作小組4人),參加環保署整訓-常訓及進階訓練、駐地訓練、辦理工作技術會議兩隊合計24場次及完成24場次專業複訓(含空污訓練各7場次)。平時工作完成了法規說明會11場次、臨廠輔導81場次、無預警測試47場次、檢視或現場訪視毒化物危害預防及應變計畫71場次;並配合辦理全民動員、反恐與環境災害相關演習23場次;協助分析轄區內嘉義縣市、南投縣及彰化縣4縣市之地區毒災防救計畫。配合環境事故專業諮詢監控中心進行大甲幼獅工業區、臺中科學工業園區-大雅區、中洋工業區毒化物運作廠資料蒐集整理共516場次資料建檔。協助環保署整備環境事故,降低可能災害之衝擊。變時工作兩組出勤趕赴現場協助事故應變共計30場次(含空氣污染事件,臺中組4場次、雲林組3場次)及緊急出勤測試6場次,計36場次。為了完善中部地區民間救災體系應變能量,與台塑石化股份有限公司及強本汽車交通事業股份有限公司簽署協議,建置聯防應援隊2隊,每隊18人,全時3人24小時待命出勤,支援技術小組之災況訊息傳輸、進行現場處理及應變設備或資材之調度等相關事宜,並完成8場應援隊教育訓練共計1,332人時。本團隊國內外技術交流於6月派1員參加法國海域油及海運化學品污染研習訓練、6月派2員參加新加坡毒化災事故應變指揮官課程;8月派3員參與年度危害物質緊急應變研討會(Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Workshop),藉由國外參訪交流,提升專業技術小組之應變能量與知識。10月辦理專家及機關案例檢討交流會議1場次,並於4月及10月份完成辦理聯防小組組訓及動員研討會各2場次。 Project for constructing a safe and comfortable homeland:The plan for the setup of central environme This project had completed 100% up to December 31th, 2014. The tasks included to continue the operation of the Environmental Incident Specialist Teams (EIST) in the central Taiwan at the Central Taiwan Science Park (Taichung Team) in Taichung and the Douliou Industrial Park (Yunlin Team) in Douliou with 16 members each. All members were trained in 24 occasions with various types, such as regular and advanced courses hosted by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), self-trained and exchanging experience, etc. There were also 24 refresher trainings (including 7 air pollution related events). Our regular tasks included 11 workshops on regulation information, 81 on-site counseling visits, 47 unannounced tests on response plan (EP), 71 EP reviewing, 23 EP exercises for counterterrorism incidents and environmental disasters, 4 counties’ EP review and 516 toxic chemical operations in various industrial parks for EPA’s databank. Those efforts were to prepare for possible environmental disasters and to lessen the possible impacts.For our emergency tasks, we have responded to 30 incidents (including air pollution related events of 4 events in Taichung and 3 events in Yunlin) along with 6 self-EP responses. In order to strengthen the local response capacity in the region, we cooperated also with two mutual aid teams of the Formosa Petrochemical and the Chiang-Pen Transportation Corporation of 18 members each with 3 on-duty all year round. Those cooperation was on incident communication, on-site help, equipment/supply aids with 8 training course totaled 1332 man-hours.We also engaged actively in the international technology exchange to enhance our capacity and knowledge by sending one member to French for ocean oil and chemical pollution training in June, two members to Singapore for commander course of toxic chemical response in June, three members to the US for the 25rd Annual Continuing Challenge HazMat Emergency Response Workshop. We also hosted case-study workshop in October, two workshops for regional mutual aid member teams, and two workshops for governmental agencies training in April and October, respectively. 103 環管處 國立雲林科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81045
中區環境教育區域中心設置專案工作計畫 北美環境教育學會與康乃爾大學(Cornell University)合作接受美國環保署委託,推動全美「環境教育增能計畫」(The Expanding Capacity in Environmental Education Project,簡稱為EECapacity),藉由提供全國培訓研討會、各州增能工作坊、數位資料庫等多種學習平臺,讓環境教育人員以各種可能的方式學習、成長和分享,使所有環境教育專業人員的能力不斷加強;也透過提升高等教育機構、行政機關與民間團體參與環境教育的能力與品質,並發展出更為專業的環境教育活動。本計畫執行區域範圍,包括:苗栗縣、臺中市、南投縣、彰化縣、雲林縣、金門縣等六縣市,區域中心目的為:整合中部地區產、官、學、社教機構、民間組織等各方的資源及專業人力,以有效發揮中部地區的環境資源特色,及有效解決中部地區的環境問題、協助中部地區各級學校環境教育之輔導及人員認證的工作、整合各方專業人力、資源,增開環境(教育)增能課程、研習班,以增強夥伴團隊人員及志工的環境專業能力、針對短、中、長期環境教育工作,建置環境教育評估機制,進行成效評估。本中心能成為一能整合各方專業人力、資源,具有多元功能的優質環境教育區域中心,使中部地區成為環境教育亮點地區,更成為中央主管機關(環保署、環資部)與中部地區各環教機構、環教場域、政府各機關、學校之間意見反映及溝通的橋樑。 Central Regional Center for Environmental Education U.S. EPA commissioned North American Environmental Education Association and Cornell University to promote The Expanding Capacity in Environmental Education Project (referred to as EECapacity). In order to strengthen the ability of environmental education personnel, EECapacity provides several different ways for environmental education personnel to learn, grow and share, such as the National Training Seminar, a variety of learning platforms states energizing workshops, digital library. EECapacity also enhance the ability and quality in environmental education of higher education institutions, administrative authorities and civil society participation to develop more professional environment education activities.Six counties implemented of this project are Miaoli, Taichung, Nantou, Changhua, Yunlin, Kinmen Counties. There are several goals to set up Central Regional Center for Environmental Education. To display the environmental characteristics and solve the environmental problems effectively, we have to integrate the resources and personnels of industry, government, academia, social education institutions, and NGO in the central region of Taiwan. We tutor the environmental education in schools and help the personnel certified. To enhance the environmental expertise of partner team members and volunteers, we offer environment (education) empowerment courses and workshops. Furthermore, we build the evaluation mechanisms of environmental education to impact assessment for short, medium and long-term environmental education.Central Regional Center for Environmental Education will become a high quality multi-functional center with integrating the personnels and resources of environmental education. We hope the environmental education of this area will become the highlight area in Taiwan. And we will be the intermediator between the central authority (EPA or Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources) and the environmental education institutions, environmental education field, government agencies, schools in the central region of Taiwan. 103 綜計處 國立臺中教育大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76944
鋁箔包及非回收塑膠類之資源/能源轉換關鍵技術開發與應用評估 本研究應用氣化處理技術探討鋁箔包及非回收含鋁塑膠袋膜廢棄物,控制在不同氣化溫度(600~900℃)及當量比(0.1~0.3)等條件下,轉換為能源及回收資源(鋁)之可行性。研究結果顯示,隨著氣化反應溫度增加,試驗之鋁箔包及含鋁塑膠袋膜轉換為能源之效果最佳,其中氣化溫度900℃及當量比為0.3 之條件時,其H2 產氣比例最高可達26.87%,氣體熱值則約為10.73MJ/Nm3。若考量能量密度之變化結果,經氣化處理後之鋁箔包及含鋁塑膠袋膜轉換為能源,其熱值提昇效果分別可達3.67 倍及8.8 倍。至於氣化後殘餘物中回收鋁之可行性分析結果顯示,回收鋁之物種鑑定分析,除表面層形成部分氧化鋁之前驅物外,仍以金屬鋁物種為主。就鋁回收量之估算結果可知,每處理1 公噸之鋁箔包及含鋁塑膠袋膜,約可回收49及288公斤之鋁,就資源(鋁)回收與再利用特性而言,已具有應用發展之潛力。整體而言,本研究成果可提供未來鋁箔包及非回收含鋁塑膠袋膜類廢棄物,能源轉換及資源再利用技術發展與選擇之參考依據。 Key Resource/Energy Conversion Technologies of Tetra Pak and Non-recycled Plastics from MSW This study investigated the feasibility of energy conversion and aluminum recycling on Tetra Pak and non-recycled plastic films containing aluminum in gasification by controlling a gasification temperature between 600℃~900℃and a equivalent ratio (ER) between 0.1~0.3. The results indicated that the energy conversion efficiency enhanced with an increase in gasification temperature. In the case of gasification temperature 900℃ and ER 0.3, the heating value of synthesis gas was approximately 10.73 MJ/Nm3, whereas the maximum hydrogen production was 26.87% in synthesis gas. Based on the results of energy density, the heating value of synthesis gas produced from Tetra Pak and non-recycled plastic films containing aluminum were approximately enhanced 3.67 folds and 8.8 folds of energy output in comparison with the original tested materials, respectively. According to the results of feasibility of aluminum recycling from gasified residues, the precursor of aluminum oxide only formed on the surface of tested materials. The major speciation of residues was aluminum identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The estimated amounts of aluminum recycled from per ton of Tetra Pak and non-recycled plastic filmswere 49 kilograms and 288 kilograms, respectively. It has a potential for applying the aluminum recycling and recovery in the future. In summary, theresults of this research could provide important information for the selection and application of technologies in energy conversion and aluminum recovery from Tetra Pak and non-recycled plastic film containing aluminum. 103 基管會 逢甲大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76142
保護土壤及地下水品質兒童繪本製作 為讓兒童了解「土地」及「地下水」的重要性,我們分別為5歲以下幼兒與5~8歲兒童設計兩本故事繪本,期許透過這兩本以不同角度與深度敘述環境保護議題。 Picture Book of Soil and Groundwater Protection For children understanding the importance of soil and groundwater protection, we design two picture books specifically for children aged under 5 and children aged 5 to 8. We expect those two books could expand the facet and depth of environmental protection issue. 103 土污基管會 卡米爾股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76934
使用中車輛噪音及易發生噪音設施管制計畫 本年度計畫將持續維護噪音車檢舉系統,並協助環保署督導與輔導環保局執行稽巡查作業,以加強取締不當改裝噪音車。另持續辦理檢舉噪音車抽獎活動並研擬宣傳勿不當改裝文宣,推廣民眾勿進行不當改裝之觀念,期能減少噪音車妨礙安寧之情形。協助環保署研擬以完成第一批易發生噪音設施之法制作業,完成相關行政事宜,並依修正結果持續維護並更新易發生噪音設施操作系統,使第一批易發生噪音設施公告能更完備。 Control measures for in-using motor vehicle’s noise and for prone to noise emission facilities This project assisted the EPA to operate and maintain the in-use vehicles noise reporting website system, also updated and enhanced the function of system in accordance with the suggestion of citizens and EPD. To support the policy of the permission control measures of prone to noise emission facility advanced by EPA, this project proceeds to some assistant measures continuously. 103 空保處 凱鉅科技實業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77438
公害蒐證調查技術諮詢服務第2年(二年計畫)專案工作計畫 縮短公害事件蒐證處理之準備時間,確認縣市環保單位得以適當之人力於第一時間備妥足夠之設備至現場進行蒐證,確實掌握環境污染事實之證據,以完成應變及蒐證作業,避免污染事件轉變為公害糾紛事件。 The Project Plan of Advisory Services for Public Nuisance and Evidence Examination Technology One of the problems of environmental protection bureaus in public nuisance event processing is failure of arriving at the scene at the first time. Therefore, the project aims to speed up the efficiency of evidence collecting. We planned some mechanisms to make sure evidence collecting more efficiently. 103 管考處 國立雲林科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77167
103年環境正義暨永續發展種子人員教學工作坊專案工作計畫 隨著現代人生活習慣與消費方式的改變,環境污染的問題越來越嚴重,人們開始對於環境問題產生覺醒,亦嘗試對整個自然環境進行彌補,可惜往往是採治標的方式或是訓練環境專業人士來解決環境問題,然而整治修復的速度總是趕不上污染的速度。無論是報章雜誌、學術文獻、競選文宣,乃至於政府的環境政策裡,環境正義的課題時常浮現。「環境正義(Environment Justice)」一詞始於1962年《寂靜的春天(Silent Spring)》一書,此後造就美國國內環境意識抬頭,使人民開始重視環境議題,而後美國黑人於1982年因垃圾傾倒於其生活區域問題,所引起的抗爭活動,當時引發社會大眾暨學者的聲援,進而開始發展茁壯。目前環境正義已成為全世界追求環境權利平等,減少弱勢族群受害,且追求環境資源永續經營的思考與行徑,為維護個人及團體之尊嚴,尊重其特殊與不同之需求,達到自我實現並提昇個人及社區之能力,追求環境永續發展。為落實環境平等權,企望讓每一代、每個人都能在平等的限度上享受環境資源與生存空間,我們勢必需從「永續發展」的角度經營,不只要將我們這一代的環境生態完整保存下來,同時需不損及才能讓後代子孫享受平等的環境資源。配合行政院環保署(以下簡稱環保署)製作的「環境正義」及「永續發展」之教材,本計畫將進行教學示範,以增進環境教育人員之學習及認識,透過教學及培育種子人員,使環境正義及永續發展相關知識與技能能有效瞭解、傳達並推廣。 Environmental Justice and Sustainable Development Seed teacher workshops Environmental Protection Administration made "environmental justice" and "sustainable development" of textbooks, teaching demonstration of this project will be to enhance the learning and understanding of environmental education personnel, through teaching and nurturing the seeds staff make environmental justice and sustainability develop relevant knowledge and skills to effectively understand, communicate and promote. 103 綜計處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71779
103年環境科學與工程教育研習工作坊專案工作計畫 為促進更多學者專家投入環境教育的工作,成為環境教育的種子教師,並藉由此研習會,提出更多與國家相關的環境教育發展方向與執行方式之意見,使我國的環境教育工作更能與先進國家接軌,也更能符合國人需要與永續發展之方向。 2014 Environmental Science and Engineering Education Joint Workshop Through this workshop, EPA would inspire more scholars/experts to participate in environmental education as environmental educators. EPA expects the participants to provide more ideas and approaches for the environmental education in the future to link the local environmental education and the trend and to satisfy the need of the citizens and sustainable development in Taiwan. 103 綜計處 中華民國環境工程學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71939
飲用水管理資訊系統及水源水質保護區地理資訊系統擴充維護計畫(2/2) 今年專案執行為履行合約規定及滿足相關環保單位需求,將合約內容區分成五大工作項目進行,以期能完成各級環保單位所交付的任務。首先在飲用水地理資訊系統更新與擴充維護部分,除持續更新相關資訊外,將依使用者需求新增圖台功能。在地理圖資建置及更新作業部分,除了完成各項圖層更新,同時將更新全國近一千四百多萬筆的地籍圖層,並依保護區管理業務需求新增相關圖資。在全國飲用水管理資訊系統更新及擴充維護作業部份,將配合業務管理需求維護各項系統功能。在業務協助及推廣作業部分,今年度將舉辦1場次全國飲用水管理業務檢討及資訊操作說明會,並協助環保署及地方環保局進行相關土地判別作業。最後,在資訊安全及維護作業部分,將全面配合監資處資安規劃及演練。 The Integrated Establishment and Upgrade Project of Drinking Water Management System and Drinking Wa In order to execute the contract and meet the needs of central and local environmental protection agencies, the project team implemented the following five tasks. In establishing the system and upgrading the operation of drinking water GIS, the information of drinking water were updated in the system as well as the function of water intakes at downstream queried for needs of users. In geographic data collection and integrated operations, the team collected each of geographic data, including Water Source Areas, urban planning areas , aboriginal reserves area, state-owned forest land and approximately 14 million cadastral geographic data. With the needs for business management to maintain the system, we added the user guide wizard and outlier data alerts in the drinking water management information system. These functions provide effective environmental protection authorities at all levels to quickly grasp the management of drinking water related work. We also provide more friendly drinking water information homepage for general users. In assisting business, a nationwide drinking water management reviewing and system operation training conferences were held in this year, as well as assisted EAP and EPBs in land use permitting and post-disaster areas analysis. As for the aspect of information securities and maintenance, the project team cooperated fully with the EPA information security planning and drills. 103 環管處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80226
103年度產品碳足跡資訊揭露服務專案工作計畫 為能有效推動並協助業者進行產品碳資訊之揭露與尋求減碳空間,各國政府與國際間碳足跡/生命週期軟體或資料庫中心除積極建置本土化之碳足跡排放係數資料外,亦紛紛尋求更多的碳足跡排放係數資料來源。因此,本專案工作計畫係在資訊共用共享的理念架構下,透過Web-based產品碳足跡計算服務平台之基礎建構及各項系統功能模組之開發,簡化碳資訊取得的方便性、時效性、正確性及完整性,以創造我國環境資源資訊再造之新契機,並厚實我國產業各界碳足跡資訊揭露之基礎能力。有鑑於本執行團隊已透過102年度產品碳足跡資訊揭露服務專案工作計畫之執行,完成我國產品碳足跡計算服務平台與應用程式介面正式運行版本之開發;因此,本(103)年度專案計畫於資訊平台方面之工作內容,除依照使用者意見回饋進行功能擴充與維護以及完成平台系統英文介面之開發外,亦透過API應用程式無縫接軌我國產品碳足跡計算服務平台與碳標籤申請平台,以提升碳標籤相關資料之追溯性與可靠性。此外,我國碳足跡排放係數之新增與更新,以及國內公私部門碳足跡排放係數之彙整與檢核則視為本專案計畫推動之兩大重點內容,期望透過此兩大工作項目之推動能持續擴充環保署產品碳足跡計算平台之碳係數資料庫項數,增加資料庫之豐富性與產業各界引用之可選擇性。最後,再配合產品碳足跡計算服務平台及數據品質系統推廣會之辦理、提出我國產製之碳足跡係數予國際資料庫參採以及亞洲碳足跡網絡(ACFN)會議之參與,達到國際交流與拓展我國碳足跡計算能力與成果之目的。 The Service of Carbon Information Disclosure Under the trend that product carbon footprint calculation is increasingly required, product carbon disclosure has become an important issue for green product marketing. In 2012, the official carbon footprint calculation service platform and database have already developed by Taiwan EAP in order to simplify data acquirement process and assist Taiwan industries effectively respond relevant and emerging CFP tasks. Hence, the main task of update application programming interface should aim at (1) setting a deadline reminder for filling inventory data, (2) offering English version website, and (3) creating application programring interface (API) to connect the website of Taiwan Product Carbon Footprint and Carbon Footprint Calculation Service Platform. As for the emphasis of extending the official carbon footprint database will be focus on (1) setting up 15 sets of carbon footprint emission factors, (2) reviewing the carbon footprint emission factors providing by other government departments or private enterprises, and (3) assisting Taiwan EPA to update and publish carbon footprint emission factors on the website of Carbon Footprint Calculation Platform. In addition, the international cooperation is also established by delivering the international carbon labeling mutual recognition feasibility study to Carbon Trust and providing more than 5 sets of data which are reviewed and published on the website of Carbon Footprint Calculation Platform to international database to extend the utilization and application of our official database. 103 管考處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74990
環保稽查處分管制系統功能提昇及推廣維護專案工作計畫 今年度計畫執行成果主要可分成五大項目,說明如後。一、維持系統穩定除每月進行機房軟硬體維護作業外,依據委員建議進行重點項目檢核,確實掌握主機作業系統與硬體之運作情形,降低問題發生之風險。二、系統功能強化除依需求調整系統或功能開發之外,今年度配合稅捐法新制強化情節重大案件管控機制,開發情節重大相關輸入功能,包含(1)情節重大輸入欄位新增、(2)情節重大檢核機制及(3)開發案件資訊查詢功能等,包含新增註記模組、檢核模組與相關案件管控模組,俾利後續相關單位查核作業。因應102年度日月光污染事件,配合調整系統7項功能,以提升系統完善度。另因應103年12月25日起,桃園縣升格為直轄市,系統針對現有桃園縣與各鄉鎮市公所之資料,以及系統合併後的操作頁面進行調整。三、102年度資料統計分析已完成102年度各縣市稽查處分統計分析資料,列管事業事業廢棄物、水污染、固定污染源、毒性化學稽查處分資料分析。四、資料介接主要維持與現有系統資料輸出入的穩定性,並依各系統業務單位需求調整或開發資料介接程式,今年已完成與法務部系統、桃園縣天羅地網預警系統、環保署訴願會系統等介接工作。五、操作說明會辦理已於本年度針對22縣市各辦理1場次之系統資料登入操作說明會,課程以說明大隊交辦案件之後續告發、裁處及回報等作業流程為主,讓縣市環保局能確實瞭解系統建檔作業原則。以利中央能隨時掌握各案件之辦理進度。本年度的工作項目中包含持續功能強化與新增服務二部份,不僅要求穩定,並致力更多元服務,貼近使用者業務需求,進而增加使用意願。 Outcomes of this year's project implementations can be divided into five categories, and their detailed descriptions are listed below:I.Maintaining system stabilityWith commissioner's advice, we added extra key item checking programs into software and hardware maintenance processes implemented every month to better monitor our operating system and other facilities, while reducing risk effectively.II.Enhancing functions of our systemIn addition to adjusting system and developing new function to fulfill certain needs, this year we have also developed new functions to be able to input serious case related information in order to track serious cases to better meet needs from new articles in Tax Collection Act. New functions include (1) adding new fields for serious cases, (2) developing a new audit system for serious cases and (3) a new inquiry system, including various new modules of notes, audit and related cases for related authorities to track cases more effectively.With ASE Group's pollution issue occurred in year 2013, we have adjusted 7 functions of the system to achieve better performance. In addition, to meet needs from the fact that Taoyuan County will be upgraded into a special municipality after December 25, 2014, we have sorted existing data of Taoyuan County and every village, town and city office of it, and have adjusted interfaces which will be used after combining systems of Taoyuan County and the local offices.III.Analyzing annual statistical data of year 2013We have finished sorting statistical data of verdicts from inspection divisions of all cities and counties. Sorted data include business wastes of monitored companies, water pollutions, stationary pollution resources and punishments of toxic substance controlling issues.IV.Interfacing dataThis implementation aims to maintain stability of inputting and outputting data to existing systems. We have adjusted and developed data interfacing computer programs to meet different needs of various authorities. In this year, we have finished interfacing data with systems of Ministry of Justice, Taoyuan County's Tian Luo Di Wang Warning System and Administrative Appeals Commission of Environmental Protection Administration.V.Hosting meetings to instruct employees to use the systemWe have hosted 22 meetings, one meeting per city or county, to instruct employees to input data and operate the systems. In those meetings, we mainly focus on how to inform, judge and report after transporting cases to another team for employees of every environmental protection bureaus to understand principles of inputting data to better inform the central government of status of various cases.In this year, our achievements can be divided into two parts of enhancing current functions and adding new services. Our goal is to pursue better stability and more services to better meet needs of customers in order to increase their willingness to use our services. 103 管考處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75113
持久性有機污染物管理及毒化物釋放量計算指引推動計畫 本計畫主要工作執行成果包括(1)已蒐集公約第9次持久性有機污染物審查委員會(簡稱POPRC9)討論化學品之最新發展及管理現況,並研提國內相關部會署之管制建議。(2)已透過我國「國家實施計畫」(簡稱NIP)制定小組交流會,完成2013年NIP成果報告及各單位之管理協商;(3)已配合公約腳步及國內最新管理現況,擴充更新「持久性有機污染物(POPs)宣導網站」內相關資訊內容,亦已完成跨部會資料管理平台建置,以供未來各部會發布相關推動措施及成果使用,網站內亦已累積整合共21,842筆戴奧辛檢測資料;(4)已完成82場次毒化物釋放量申報輔導,共計1,843筆申報資料已改善缺失,檢測製程排放管道毒化物濃度,共計20件分析樣本,並依據檢測數據推估各排放管道毒化物之排放係數。另完成毒化物釋放量申報系統7項申報系統功能之擴充及改善並建置釋放量統計功能。(5)已草擬「我國執行聯合國水俣汞公約推動計畫」,做為國內推動汞管理工作之依據。並舉辦專家學者論壇及規劃建置資訊網站提高民眾對汞議題之重視。 The Management of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Promotion of Toxic Substance Release Calculation The achievements made in this project included: 1) The latest international control strategies discussed at the ninth meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee (POPRC9) to the Stockholm Convention were collected, and recommendations for control strategies of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were proposed to related administrative agencies in Taiwan. 2) National Implementation Plan of the Republic of China (R.O.C., Taiwan) under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (NIP) working-group meetings were held to gather the achievements made by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Ministry of Health and Welfare, Council of Agriculture and Ministry of Economic Affairs on the National Report of POPs in 2013. 3) The Persistent Organic Pollutants Website were updated and expanded in accordance with the control strategies of domestic and Stockholm Convention along with the establishment of the “intergovernmental Website” to release governmental information and achievement. Additionally, 21,842 entries of analysis data of dioxins were posted in this website. 4) This project has accomplished 82 on-site Consultation on toxic substance release reporting and1,843 entries of deficient report have improved. This project also performed discuss of chemical concentration exposure measurement of process discharge of toxic substance in 20 samples. The release factor of toxic substance was estimated based on chemicals measured. In addition, the function of 7 entries of the release reporting system has been improved along with the establishment of the statistics function of the Toxic Substance Release Reporting System. 5) Drafted the “Promotion plan for implemetation of Minamata Convention of United Nations”, which serves as the basis for domestic implementation. Additionally, the EPA held a forum and invited several experts to participate regarding the mercury management, and established an information web site to enhance public awareness of mercury。 103 環管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80142
環境災害資訊整合及管理支援維運推動計畫 本計畫工作內容可分成有【行政與作業支援】及【系統維運與功能開發】等2個面向。在行政與作業支援中,今年度除提供了1,123通的電話諮詢服務外,為使環保署、縣市環保局、鄉鎮市區清潔隊等相關人員能暢通資訊往來及熟捻通報程序,工作團隊也逐一確認各機關單位的災害聯絡人員資料,並以情境模擬方式,於臺北、臺南、宜蘭、臺中、花蓮等地方,舉辦了8場次的實機教育訓練(參與人數達361人)及3次全國性的災害模擬演練。此外,在今年3個侵臺颱風期間,工作團隊亦依合約規定,完成3次的進駐服務工作,總投入人力累計達28人天。在系統維運與功能開發方面,為有效提高災害通報的效率,今年度整合GPS定位、照片上傳、顏色變化、作業提醒、我的首頁等功能,開發了iOS的行動通報系統。此外,在現行系統中,為強化災害發生期間中有關調度分配、統計分析、審查核定等請求支援作業效率,本團隊除將請求支援功能增加簡化功能外,也開發了語音通報清單查詢、進駐人員快速簽到查詢功能、報表Excel列印功能等。最後,今年度工作團隊也蒐集302則相關災害新聞供通報者參考,並配合環保署執行12次安全性檢核及8次系統的更新作業。 2014 Environmental Emergency Management Information System integration and maintance This project was divided into “administrative and operational support” and “system maintenance and function development” two dimensions. In respect of administrative and operational support, in addition to providing 1,123 calls for consulting services, the team also identified the disaster contact personnel information of each government agencies to let the concerned personnel in the Environmental Protection Administration, county/city environmental protection bureaus, township and municipal cleaning squads be smooth in communication and familiar with the reporting process. There were also 8 on field training via scenario simulation held in Taipei, Tainan, Yilan, Taichung and Hualien (total in 361 participants) and 3 national disaster simulation practices. In addition, the team also completed 3 stationing service tasks as set forth in the contract during the period of 3 typhoons attacking Taiwan. Totally, 28 people were involved in the project.As to system maintenance and functional development, in addition to improve the voice reporting, there were also iOS mobile reporting system integrating with the Global Positioning System (GPS), photo uploading, color changing, operation reminder and home functions to effectively enhance the disaster reporting efficiency. Besides, to reinforce current operational efficiency in term of allocation, statistical analysis, review and approval such supporting operations, the team has increased simplified function of supporting operations, developed a list queries of voice developing, quickly registration inquiry for stationing personnel and other print function of excel. Finally, the team has also collected 302 related disaster news as references for the reporting people and implemented 12 safety inspections and 8 system updates in cooperated with the Environmental Protection Administration this year. 103 環管處 方達科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81930
交通噪音管制專案工作計畫 在都市發展越來越發達,交通通勤網也日益密集的情形下,環保署為使寧靜的生活環境與便捷的交通運輸二者維持平衡,持續進行管制法規與量測方法的修訂。目前為更接近民眾對於環境安寧的要求,需進行交通系統噪音現況分析評估,及檢討管制指標及管制標準對於實際管制情形之妥適性,並辦理分期調整規劃及其可行性評估,以作為後續修訂管制標準參考。 本年度計畫彙整分析交通噪音陳情案件辦理情形與改善計畫執行情形後續追蹤,並進行現有大眾捷運系統交通噪音現況檢討,及此類交通系統噪音管制指標及管制標準調整規劃之相關分析評估,本計畫主要執行內容如下:1.彙整分析及檢討交通噪音陳情案件之噪音改善計畫辦理情形。2.辦理兩件已核定交通噪音改善計畫改善措施辦理情形後續追蹤。3.辦理大眾捷運系統噪音管制標準管制現況之檢討。4.辦理大眾捷運系統噪音管制標準於調整不同標準值下之不合格率及其可行性評估。5.辦理1場專家諮詢會議。 A project for traffic noise control As urban developments are getting better everyday, so are transportation systems that are getting more convenient, Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) of Taiwan is committed to have a noise free environment and a convenient transportation system in balance, therefore efforts have been devoted to amend the noise regulations and to improve the noise measurement method. And to meet the demand from the general public, the noise regulation is also planned to be adjusted, .but the impact of the change of noise regulation is significant, therefore studies must be carried out to understand its feasibility. And this project is to conduct studies on MRT systems. In this project, cases of noise complaints with regard to traffic noise was collected first, and its remedy actions were monitored. Also noise generated by MRT and similar systems are evaluated to the review the appropriateness of noise regulation and its feasibility . And the project are carried out as follows:1.Collecting noise complaint cases and monitor how local government handle the situation.2.Confirm noise reduction effect on two of the approved noise improvement projects.3.Enaluate the status of MRT System Noise Regulation.4.Assess the feasibility of the adjustment of noise regulations of MRT systems.5.Conducting one forum with noise experts. 103 空保處 國立臺灣海洋大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81958
103年推廣環境奈米科技知識平台及知識整合計畫 本計畫的目標主要為維護及管理環保署「環境奈米科技知識平台」網站(Taiwan Nanotechnology EHS Database, 網址http://ehs.epa.gov.tw/),依國內外的奈米EHS的研究成果充實其內容,及更新環境奈米的知識文件等工作。目前已整理並完成上傳的國內研究報告及出版文獻篇數為:中文版網站收錄研究報告全文182篇(今年新增8篇)、出版文獻連結741篇(今年新增62篇),及英文版網站收錄研究報告摘要157篇(今年新增8篇)、SCI論文連結562篇(今年新增59篇) (統計日期:2014年11月24日)。平台收錄的文獻與ICON資料庫分析比較結果,可作為本國未來發展奈米技術EHS相關研究的參考。知識平台收錄的SCI論文的委辦機關以科技部為主,研究領域則是以處理的研究論文最多。本計畫已完成「奈米物質在環境及其他的應用」、「奈米物質對環境及健康的影響」與「空氣中奈米微粒的採樣分析技術」三項主題的奈米知識文件的蒐集、整理及更新工作,以了解國內外學者在奈米技術EHS的研究方向。本計畫並回顧三篇有關奈米科技環境、健康、安全(EHS)議題的標準,分別為ISO/TS 13830、ISO/TS 16195與ISO/TR 17200,及OECD WPMN的ENV/JM/MONO(2014)1的一篇最新報告,配合過去四年計畫已回顧的標準和指引,可追蹤及了解ISO和OECD有關奈米技術EHS相關議題的發展趨勢。本年度已發行知識平台的電子報四期並上傳至知識平台,電子報以e-mail方式通知訂閱者最新的nano-EHS消息、nano-EHS知識、近期活動及下期預告。電子報訂閱者可以下載及瀏覽文件,過去的歷史文件也可以在平台的e-paper專區找到。目前環境奈米科技知識平台的電子報訂閱人數為534人,2011年開站至今瀏覽人數已增加至138,435次(統計日期:2014年11月24日),2014年1月至11月的瀏覽人次為36,859次,此平台加強了國內奈米技術EHS研究計畫成果的展現,進而促進國際交流與合作,已獲得國際人士很大的迴響及好評。為了加強奈米技術的風險認知及溝通,本計畫已於103年8月6日在台大集思會議中心舉辦「103年環境奈米科技論壇」,邀請勞安所、環保署、衛福部、工研院及學界等產官學研專家舉行圓桌會議,討論了本國的nano-EHS的政策、法規、標準及研究進展,並將環保署今年的研究成果以論文發表介紹給國內相關人士。論壇共吸引了產、官、學、研各界150人報名,實際有122人參加。透過論壇的舉辦,除了可與國內各界進行技術交流及宣傳環保署負責任的奈米技術的研究成果外,也充分達到了nano-EHS知識傳播及風險溝通的目的。為了加強與國際的互動及介紹台灣奈米EHS研究現況,本計畫已訪問了成功大學環境醫學研究所暨微奈米中心主任張志欽教授與財團法人安全衛生技術中心余榮彬總經理,訪問稿以中英文方式呈現。本計畫也完成了「環保署第二期奈米國家型計畫成果總報告」中文報告,在倫理、法律及社會影響方面,研究成果建議應定期追蹤民眾對奈米科技的風險感知、評估奈米消費產品的標示、建立資訊平台提供一般民眾奈米科技的相關訊息、政府相關部門應主動提供奈米科技的消息,及建立公民參與新興科技風險治理的模式及管道。 The Promotion of Taiwan Nanotechnology EHS Database and the integration of knowledge The goal of this project is to maintain the website of "Taiwan nanotechnology EHS database"(http://ehs.epa.gov.tw/) and provide data and information by integrating the international and domestic research achievements on nano-EHS related issues. Up to now, 182 full articles for research reports (increased 8 articles this year) and 741 research papers in abstract (increased 62 papers) have been uploaded in the Chinese website. In addition, 157 abstracts for research reports (increased 8 articles) and 562 SCI papers (increased 59 papers) with the links to the publishers’ websites have been uploaded in the English website, which demonstrates fruitful results in the nanotechnology EHS area in Taiwan. The analysis of the comparison of database between Taiwan nanotechnology EHS database and ICON can be used a basis to develop nano-EHS related studies in Taiwan. The main sponsor of SCI papers in the database is the Ministry of Science and Technology, while the main research area if these papers is treatment. To understand the research directions in domestic and international nano-EHS issues, recent advances on nano-EHS related issues in three topical areas were reviwed, including the application of nanomaterials in environment and other fields, the impacts of nanomaterials on environment and health, and the sampling and analysis techniques of airborne nanoparticles. Three ISO standards and one guideline of OECD were also reviewed. By incorporating with the reviewed standards and guidelines in the past four-year projects, the international trend of the development of nano-EHS related issues can be followed and understood. Four issues of e-papers were issued. Members can receive the latest nano-EHS news, nano-EHS knowledge, recent activities and the announcement of the next issue through e-mails, retrieve and read the fulltexts and track the historical files at the exclusive e-paper zone in the website. The numbers of members and visitors continue to increase this year. So far, the number of subscription of e-paper is 534. The number of visiting to the website is increased to 138,435 (The statistics date is Nov.24, 2014). The website, which demonstrates the achievements of nano-EHS related research projects in Taiwan and promotes the international interaction and collaboration, has received good feedbacks and comments from international community.To strengthen the risk perception and the communication of nanotechnology, the "2014 Environmental Nanotechnology Forum" was held on August 6, 2014 at GIS NTU conference center, Taipei. The experts from the Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety And Health, Environmental Protection Bureau, Department of Health, Industrial Technology Research Institute and universities representing industry, government, academia and research sectors were invited hold the round table forum to discuss the domestic progress on nano-EHS policy, regulation, standards, guidelines and research achievements. The Taiwan EPA's research achievements in the past year were also presented to different domestic stakeholders through paper presentations and discussion. From industry, government, academia and research institutions, there were 150 people registered and 122 people actually attended the forum for fruitful knowledge dissemilation and risk communication on nano-EHS issues.Finally, to promote the international interactions and introduce the domestic nano-EHS research achievements, two experts in the nano-EHS field were interviewed, including Professor Chih-Ching Chang from the Department of Department of environmental occupational health, National Cheng Kung University, and Dr. Jung-Pin Yu from the Safety and Health Technology Center. The interview reports were prepared in both Chinese and English. The report on 2nd phase of the National Program on Nanotechnology was also finished. In ethical, legal and societal implications, results suggest that the Taiwan EPA should regularly survey the risk perception of nanotechnology of general public, evaluate the labeling of nanotechnology-based consumer products, establish the platform to provide nanotechnology-related information, and establish the channel for general public to attend risk governance on emerging technology. 103 永續發展室 國立交通大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78158
推動產業廢棄物源頭減量及產業鏈結專案工作計畫 環保署為推行零廢棄政策,爰辦理事業廢棄物源頭減量工作,透過蒐集國內外源頭減量之推動措施、訪查國內產業過去源頭減量推行差異與蒐集產業源頭減量推動技術,研訂我國未來源頭減量推動藍圖;另考量事業廢棄物流向管理需求,探討國內外事業廢棄物溶出試驗等檢測方式之應用,評析目前我國事業廢棄物各流向管理所對應之檢測方法與相關標準;此外,本計畫亦針對國內各環保科技園區運作情形進行查察,並協助花蓮環保科技園區研提活化對策,提出以園區為中心之鏈結推動方案,促進產業廢棄物之循環利用,以邁向署內推動零廢棄之目標。 The strategies of waste reduction and industry chain construction To promote the zero waste policy, the commissioned a project on EPA starts to comply the Industrial Waste Reduction. By collected the new waste reduction policies of other nations, analyzed the differences of waste reduction technology and measure for the domestic industries waste reduction, we developed the blueprint of the domestic waste reduction for the future. Consider the demand for industrial waste flow management, we studied the applications of intermestic industrial waste test methods such as leaching test; analyzed test methods and standards related to Taiwan industrial waste flow management. Besides, this project also inspected the Environmental Science & Technology Parks and helped Hualien Environmental Science & Technology Park make revitalization strategies. It purposed a link Promotion Plan of the park as the center to promote the recycle of the industrial waste for the goal of zero waste. 103 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司
噪音業務績效管制及噪音管理系統更新維護計畫 本計畫擴充「噪音管理資訊系統」功能以及「噪音管制資訊網站」持續更新維護,以提供民眾完善方便之噪音管制資訊查詢系統,查詢最新噪音管制業務各項施政成果,並協助環保局線上建置及統計分析噪音相關資料。 The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Mainten The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Management Information System” and “The Noise Control Management Information Website”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the public and helped the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) users to set up and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project also presented noise control data on “The Noise Control Management Information Website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year. 103 空保處 智通工程科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76135
資源化產品推廣使用及驗證機制之探討專案計畫 本計畫以工程單位面對資源化產品使用為切入點,從工程規範為問題發展核心,資源化產品的工程用途推廣,納入規範中再生粒料項目為首要,再者為選用再生粒料前的業主審查突破。援此,本計畫工作內容主要涵蓋三個部份: (一) 資源化產品驗證制度建立:所擬之驗證重點涵蓋受驗單位(產出源及再利用機構)對於環境與工程材料確保之能力,以與工程使用端之物料源頭管理串聯,並根據產品驗證機構認證規範(ISO 17065)要求,建立垃圾焚化底渣及電弧爐煉鋼爐碴資源化產品驗證制度,並含驗證管理系統文件,具體描述驗證作業程序、組織架構及評鑑標準。而驗證制度推動,則建議納入各部的再利用管理辦法(或再利用管理方式)中,並配合作業要點頒訂,規劃推動期程、主辦單位推動工作辦理事項及各項事務權責。(二) 研提焚化底渣於工程應用之技術指引:針對焚化底渣公告之八項資源化產品用途,編撰「垃圾焚化底渣再生粒料應用技術使用手冊」,另配合提案送審規範章篇,針對「焚化底渣再生粒料應用於道路級配粒料底層使用手冊」及「焚化底渣再生粒料應用於控制性低強度回填材料(CLSM)使用手冊」兩專冊,透過專審及諮詢會議,確認手冊架構與內容之完整性。(三) 推動焚化底渣再生粒料納入工程施工綱要規範:研提包括「第02722章 級配粒料基層」等七篇編修草案。以具試辦工程及長期使用經驗之用途為優先推動標的,已將「第02726章 級配粒料底層」及「第03377章 控制性低強度回填材料」併同使用手冊提送工程會。 The research project plan to promote the use of resources products and its verification Mechanism The program take the engineering units facing the use of resource products as a starting point, take the engineering specification as the development core of issue, to promote the engineering use of resource products, the most important thing is to incorporate recycled aggregates item into the specification, moreover is to break through the owners review before the choice of recycled aggregates. Based on these, the work content of this program mainly covers three parts: (a) to establish the resource products verification system: the proposed validation key point include the ability of subject unit (output source and reuse institute) to ensure the environment and engineering materials in order to connect the material source management of engineering utilization, and establish the verification system of waste incineration bottom ash and electric arc furnace steelmaking furnace ballast product according to the product validation institute certification specification (ISO 17065), and include the certification management system document which containing files detailed description of certification operating procedure, organization and evaluation criteria. Regarding to the promotion of certification system, we suggest to incorporate into the re-use management practices (or the re-use management method) of each ministries, and coordinate the process key points to announce, make planning to promote the schedule and promote the subject unit for the work handling affairs and responsibilities. (b) research and propose the engineering application technical guideline of incineration bottom ash: Regarding to the uses of announced eight items of resource products, compile the “Incineration Bottom Ash Recycled Aggregates Applications User Guide”, and coordinate with the proposal for reviewing of specification, regarding to the “Incineration Bottom Ash Recycled Aggregates Used in Road Graded Underlying Manual” and “Incineration Bottom Ash Recycled Aggregates Applied in Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) User Manual”, ensure the integrity of manual structure and manual content through special reviewing and professionals counseling session. (c) promote the incineration bottom recycled aggregates to be incorporated into the construction outline specification: research and propose seven editing drafts including “Section 02722 graded aggregate base”. Put higher priority for the application which has pilot project and long-term experience as the target to promote, and already submit ‘Section 02726 graded aggregates underlying” and “Section 03377 Controlled Low Strength Material” together with the manuals to the engineering counseling. 103 廢管處 財團法人臺灣營建研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81146
103年度環保集點平台功能需求及推廣專案工作計畫 近年來,為因應全球暖化與氣候變遷,各國政府也開始重視環境維護為發展之重要議題,如何在維護經濟利益的同時,又不與環境保護相互牴觸,是企業與各國政府所必須面對的棘手課題。行政院環境保護署為推動環保行動有價化概念,整合環保署、相關部會與民間資源,透過環保集點制度,獎勵採購綠色產品及其他環保行動者,引領民眾力行綠色生活,並藉由乘數效果,擴大綠色消費市場,帶動綠色經濟循環,擬透過結合我國環保獎勵措施、政府與民間綠色採購能量、相關政府部門資源與系統、電子發票系統與載具,並與我國現有點數市場整合出兌換、結算機制之方式,借鏡外國相關環保集點措施之作業與優點後,從消費者習慣、營業人流程、機關給予獎勵及集資作業等面向,規劃符合我國法規、作業之可行環保集點制度。本(103)年度除持續辦理103年度「環保集點制度規劃及建置專案工作計畫」外,並透過本專案計畫建置環保集點平台與辦理平台服務推廣,落實環保集點制度之綠色商品辨識、多元載具集點、跨通路集點/消點與點數結清算、透過消費者端多元加值服務便利消費大眾集點與提升綠色產品行銷服務。 2014 Green point system building and promoting project plans In recent years, governments around the word have begun attaching the importance of environmental maintenance issue to promote environmental protection in the global context. The thorny issue that a government and enterprises must face is how to safeguard the economic interest to be not in conflict with environmental protection. For promoting the "Environmental Action valuable" concept, Environmental Action valuable ,the Environmental Protection Administration, R.O.C. (Taiwan) cooperates most ministries and organizations to promote sustainable economy for expanding the sustainable markets, and encourage consumers to purchase green products. Via this project, the EPA combines the resources of its environmental bonus, the purchasing energies of government and consumers, the legislative sources and platforms, electronic invoice and data carriers to provide the green points system. The EPA has researched the strength of the environmental points collective policies of the foreign countries, the habits of consumers, the business floats, and the bonus regulations to establish the this system.In this year, the project of "Green point system planning and building project plans " keeps executing. Through this scheme, not only built up the green point system and made the promotions, but also established the green product identifications, created the green points exchange policy cross over multi channels, provided add value services, and increase the visibility of this project. 103 管考處 汎宇電商股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78010
分離並純化廢日光燈管螢光粉中銪釔稀土金屬之技術評估 本研究為利用具分散反萃取相支撐式液膜裝置分離並純化廢螢光粉中銪釔稀土金屬離子,除探討該技術對稀土金屬離子之分離能力,並評估回收純化銪(Europium, Eu3+)及釔離子(Yttrium, Y3+)之經濟效益。本研究使用二(2-乙基己基磷酸)(D2EHPA)、Isopar-L、硝酸水溶液、硝酸銪及硝酸釔分別作為分離及純化程序中的萃取劑、稀釋劑、反萃取劑以及進料混合稀土金屬溶液。本研究首先探討各實驗參數對銪釔離子透過中空纖維薄膜之透過係數間之關係。實驗參數包括進料混合溶液的氫離子濃度(酸鹼值)、油相萃取劑的濃度與水相反萃取劑的濃度。結果顯示進料溶液酸鹼值降低時,確實有助於銪釔離子之分離及反萃取純化,但若酸鹼值過低,兩種離子的透過係數反而會呈現下降趨勢;另外,有機萃取劑濃度變化對稀土離子的透過係數無明顯影響;反萃取劑濃度對銪釔離子的透過係數影響不甚顯著。藉由實驗參數調控,可成功100%分離並純化廢螢光粉中銪釔混合稀土金屬離子。較佳化螢光粉中銪釔離子分離及純化條件為進料銪釔離子濃度分別為300 mg/L及20 mg/L、進料混合溶液酸鹼值控制於0.6、15 mM油相萃取劑D2EHPA、2M 硝酸反萃取劑,經由90分鐘分離及反萃取純化程序可有效分離螢光粉中銪釔離子,釔離子純度可高達99.9 %,另外調整油相萃取劑濃度為20 mM以及進料溶液酸鹼值為1.0,銪離子可成功自鑭離子及鈰離子混合溶液中分離,純度達到98.2%,本研究可作為後續實場廢螢光粉中銪釔金屬離子分離及純化操作評估之用。 Separation and purification of Europium and Yttrium from fluorescent powder of spent fluorescent lig The purpose of this study was to apply the supported liquid membranes with strip dispersion ((SLM-SD) equipment on separation and purification of two rare earth metal ions, europium and yttrium, from fluorescent powder of spent fluorescent lights. In this work, D2EHPA, Isopar-L , and aqueous nitric acid, mixed europium and yttrium nitrate solutions were used to be the extractant, diluent, stripping reagents, and mixed feed solutions respectively in order to evaluate the separation efficiency of the support liquid membranes with strip dispersion processes. Some parameters influencing on the permeability of europium and yttrium ions including the acidity of mixed feed solutions, extractant concentrations, as well as stripping reagent concentrations were investigated in detailed. Results showed as acidity of feed solutions increased, the permeability of europium and yttrium ions increased. Besides, in strong acid condition the permeability of two ions decreased. Additionally, the permeability of europium and yttrium ions was not apparently influenced by the change of extractant concentrations. There was no obvious relationship between stripping reagent concentrations and permeability of europium and yttrium ions. Under these experimental parameters, the goal of 100% separation of europium and yttrium ions can be successfully achieved. The selected parameters for the separation and purification of two rare earth metal ions included inlet europium and yttrium ions concentration at 300 mg/Land 20 mg/L, inlet mixed ion solutions at pH 0.6, concentration of extractant at 15 mM, nitric acid concentration at 2M. Along 90 minutes separation and purification processes, the purification of yttrium ions can be accomplished at 99.9 %. By change the concentration of extractant to 20 mM and inlet mixed ion solutions at pH 1.0, the europium ion can be separate from the remaining mixed solution and reach a purification level of 98.2%. Results of this study can provide useful evidences for further practical applications. 103 永續發展室 中國科技大學創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73961
強化毒性化學物質流向管理及應用資訊系統計畫 本計畫今年度執行重點分為四大面向:制度規劃:本計畫於今年度提供3項制度性檢討,分別為檢討毒化物代理申報(請)務實管理制度、多行為違反母法不同條文之認定原則、提升各級環保機關審核毒性化學物質證件正確性。代理申報方面已於103年5月30日向承辦科說明,並提供現況分析、制度規劃以及系統輔助功能規劃供參。針對多行為違反母法不同條文之認定,針對行為認定原則、參考各環保法規裁量基準及毒性化學物質裁罰條款分析說明,並於11月12日配合毒性化學物質許可管理及登記申報系統管理端說明會會議中說明,提供各單位執法時參考。提升環保機關審核毒性化學物質正確性,於10月20日~10月31日訪查臺北市、桃園縣、臺中市、南投縣、雲林縣、臺南市、高雄市共7縣市,針對審查案例與地方環保局承辦人員進行訪談與輔導,並聽取相關意見並進行彙整,作為後續系統調整或加強說明之重點。系統加值維護:本計畫已新增第四類毒性化學物質線上證件申請審查系統、建立上下游流向公司查詢、證件審查作業檢核機制、運作紀錄申報期間寄送通知信、超過大量運作基準管理勾稽、透明化歷程調閱方式、開發危害預防應變計畫及相關器材統計報表、重新檢視並調整稽查系統部分功能、圖型化決策支援統計…等多項合約項目功能與額外服務超過10餘項。系統精進後,業者客服來電量每月保持僅600餘通,且環保單位對於系統精進滿意度達90%以上。流向稽查與人員管理:提供19名派駐人員協助各環保機關,經內稽作業其平均分數達90分以上。於環保署成立全國毒化物勾稽小組,完成系統勾稽件數達4,926件、共處分136件,顯見勾稽小組已確實能大量帶動全國環保單位的勾稽量能量。宣導輔導:完成辦理12場次說明會,包含輔導環保局承辦、派駐以及業者,宣導輔導相關法規及系統操作方式,且與會者整體滿意度達80%以上,並全力協助各地方環保局辦理10場次說明會,滿意度達90%以上。 Promotion of the Toxic Chemical Substances Flow Tracking Management Project and application of infor The key project execution for this plan is divided into four aspects in this year: System planning: This plan completed 3 institutional reviews, which are analysis and review of toxic substance commissioned filing practical management system, analysis of recognized principles for multi-behavior’s breach of different provisions in Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act and correctness enhancement of toxic chemical substance reviewed by environmental agencies at all levels. Commissioned filing has been discussed with the EPA on May 30, 2014 to provide present analysis, system planning and system auxiliary function planning for reference. Regarding recognized principles for multi-behavior’s breach of different provisions in Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act and, referred to discretionary benchmark for various environmental protection laws and penalty provisions for toxic chemical substance analysis for explanation, along with illustration meeting on 11/12 for toxic chemical substance license management and registration filing system at management end, which each unit can take for law enforcement’s reference. Regarding correctness enhancement of toxic chemical substance reviewed by environmental agencies, investigate 7 cities/counties during 10/20~10/31, including Taipei City, Taoyuan County, Taichung City, Nantou County, Yunlin County, Tainan City and Kaohsiung City aiming at interview and guidance of responsible persons in local environmental protection bureau for their relevant opinions summary as the key adjustment or reinforced explanation for the subsequent system.System-added maintenance: This plan has added review system for the 4th class online permit application and established company inquiry for upstream and downstream flow, inspection standard for certificate-based review operation, notification letter sending during the period of filing operation record, auditing management for excessive numbers of operational standard, retrival method for transparent process, as well as the development of hazard prevention contingency plan and statistical statement for the relevant materials, reexamination and adjustment of audit system and patterning decision support statistics, etc., exceeding dozens of contract project functions and additional services. After enhancement of system, customer service remains only 600 incoming calls per month and environmental protection unit’s satisfaction is up to 90%. Flow audit and personnel management: Provide 19 on-site personnel to assist each competent agency exceeding 90 average score based on internal audit. The central governing authority has established a national toxic substance auditing team to complete 4926 auditing cases with total 136 punishment cases, obviously showing that the team has actually drove auditing energy of national environmental protection units. Propaganda and counseling: 12 illustration meetings have been held, including handling and dispatch counseling of environmental protection bureau and practitioners, propaganda and counseling of laws and regulations as well as operating mode, which participants’ overall satisfaction is more than 80%; fully assist local environmental protection bureau to hold 10 illustration meetings, which participants’ overall satisfaction is more than 90%. 103 環管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=82370
含鋁複合材包裝廢棄物回收計畫 國內多數膜袋類含鋁複合材包裝廢棄物因被視為垃圾,故廢棄後多以焚化處理,惟目前國內已發展含鋁複合材包裝廢棄物處理及再利用技術。為促進資源之永續再利用,環保署爰以此計畫評估公告回收含鋁複合材包裝廢棄物之可行性。經驗證含鋁複合材包裝袋廢棄物之處理再利用技術可行性與各種處理再利用技術對環境面、經濟面及人體健康風險之影響評估,顯示國內處理再利用含鋁複合材包裝袋仍有諸多挑戰與限制,故建議現階段尚不宜逕行推動公告回收,並應維持現行焚化之處理方式。其次,評析未來公告回收含鋁複合材包裝袋廢棄物之關鍵條件,主要應促使製造端選用有利於處理再利用之包裝袋材質、推動標示包裝袋材質組成以利後端分類回收,以及提升現行處理再利用技術之處理效率及經濟效益等。因此,建議未來應以推動含鋁複合材包裝產品之環境友善化設計,替代不利於處理再利用之包裝材質為優先,並透過政策誘因輔導處理再利用業者,提升其處理再利用效率及經濟效益,繼而據以評估公告回收含鋁複合材包裝廢棄物之可行性。 Project of Recycling for Laminated Packaging With Aluminum Most laminated packaging waste with aluminum is viewed as garbage so that it is incinerated in the end. However, technology of disposal and reuse for the waste has developed in Taiwan, and for the sake of sustainable use of resources, The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) is planning to assess the feasibility of announcing laminated packaging waste as recyclable items.According to the outcome of experiment on treatment technology for laminated packaging waste with aluminum and the impact assessment for environment, economy and human health, there are more challenges and restrictions on treatment of laminated packaging with aluminum, and these results imply that incinerating directly should be maintained instead of announcing for recycling.As for the key points to recycle laminated packaging waste with aluminum officially in the future are: 1) encourage manufacturers to select suitable materials for disposal and reuse,2) mark the packaging thereof with component materials, 3) increase treatment efficiency and economic benefits. Moreover, it is recommended giving preference to promote environmentally friendly design for laminated packaging with aluminum, enhancing treatment efficiency and economic performance by incentive policies, and then assess the feasibility of laminated packaging waste with aluminum for official announcement. 103 廢管處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77803
非工業類之事業廢棄物管理檢討專案工作計畫 本計畫包括農業、醫療、營建廢棄物管理之現況蒐集分析、滾動式檢討並推動管理策略、以及檢討研修事業自行清除處理事業廢棄物許可管理辦法等四個部分,分別說明各項工作成果。一、農業廢棄物詳細規劃並檢討農業廢棄物管理策略,完成各策略執行期程及推動措施之詳細規劃,並滾動式檢討策略內容,包括擬訂法規,多次與農委會研商討論;更新全國農業廢棄物統計分析,提送102年第四季(10~12月)及103年第一季~第三季(1~9月)季報;維護農業廢棄物宣導網站、手冊,網站累計瀏覽人數已達552人次;檢討修正農業相關事業廢棄物清理計畫書格式;訂定關鍵績效指標精進農業廢棄物管理。二、醫療廢棄物詳細規劃並檢討醫療廢棄物管理策略,完成各策略執行期程及推動措施之詳細規劃,並滾動式檢討策略內容,包括擬訂法規,多次與衛福部研商討論;更新全國醫療廢棄物統計分析,提送102年第四季(10~12月)及103年第一季~第三季(1~9月)季報;維護醫療廢棄物宣導網站、手冊,網站累計瀏覽人數已達52,162人次;檢討修正醫療相關事業廢棄物清理計畫書格式;檢討生物醫療廢棄物之管理範圍,提出認定標準及設施標準之修訂建議、研析生物醫療廢棄物代碼整併方式,並評估其整併影響衝擊、規劃代辦小型產源遞送聯單之管理機制,研擬「生物醫療廢棄物流向管制要點(草案)」;檢討醫療機構廢棄物再利用情形及管理方式,提出改善策略;分析國際間生物醫療廢棄物處理技術發展趨勢,並針對美國、日本、韓國、歐洲處理機構運作情形及處理現況完成分析;辦理1場次流行疫情廢棄物清除處理演練,並撰寫演練成果書面報告;完成20場次之醫療廢棄物現場查核及追蹤作業,並撰寫查核報告;訂定關鍵績效指標精進醫療廢棄物管理。三、營建廢棄物詳細規劃並檢討營建廢棄物管理策略,完成各策略執行期程及推動措施之詳細規劃,並滾動式檢討策略內容,包括擬訂法規,多次與營建署研商討論;更新全國營建廢棄物統計分析,提送102年第四季(10~12月)及103年第一季~第三季(1~9月)季報;逐季檢視維護「再生綠建材資訊服務網」,完成「營建廢棄物宣導網」編製上架;檢討修正營建相關事業廢棄物清理計畫書格式;依專家學者意見研訂「營建剩餘土石方及營建廢棄物橫向審查機制範本(草案)」;協助地方政府訂定裝潢修繕廢棄物管理規定,包含「一般家戶裝潢修繕廢棄物清運原則」及「裝潢修繕廢棄物清除處理計畫」範例;編製「環保署營建廢棄物源頭減量及回收再利用宣導手冊」,強化溝通管道;103年2月辦理1場次「○○縣(市)營建剩餘物處理場設置管理要點」參考範本說明會;訂定關鍵績效指標精進營建廢棄物管理。四、檢討研修事業自行清除處理事業廢棄物許可管理辦法分析及檢討現行事業自行清除處理事業廢棄物之管理制度,提出修訂「事業自行清除處理事業廢棄物許可管理辦法(草案)」,並建檔管理歷年事業申請自行清除處理之許可文件,訂定關鍵績效指標強化管理。本計畫創新之定性績效包括評估生物醫療廢棄物代碼整併影響衝擊、規劃小型產源遞送聯單之管理、提出醫療機構廢棄物再利用改善策略;研訂「營建剩餘土石方及營建廢棄物橫向審查機制範本(草案)」、協助地方政府訂定裝潢修繕廢棄物管理規定;提出修訂「事業自行清除處理事業廢棄物許可管理辦法(草案)」。本計畫創新之定量績效主要為整理歷年事業申請自行清除處理之許可文件並建檔,總計65家。 The Project of Review the Non-industrial Waste Management The project included collection and analysis of the current situation of agriculture, medical, and construction and demolition waste management, reviewed continuously and promoted management strategies and reviewed “Industrial Self-Clearance and Treatment Waste Permit Management Regulation”. The following described four parts results of the work. First, the project detailed planning and reviewed the agricultural waste management strategy, completed detail plans for the strategies implementation schedule and promotion measures, and reviewed continuously strategy, including the draft of the regulations, and number of discussions with the Council of Agriculture. The project updated national agricultural waste statistics analysis, submitted 2013 the fourth quarter (October to December) and 2014 the first quarter to third quarter (January to September) quarterly analysis. The project maintained the agricultural waste information website and handbook, and the website cumulative number of visitors reached 552 people. The project reviewed and amended agriculture-related industrial waste cleanup plan format. The project set the key performance indicators to refine agricultural waste management.Second, the project detailed planning and reviewed the medical waste management strategy, completed detail plans for the strategies implementation schedule and promotion measures, and reviewed continuously strategy, including the draft of the regulations, and number of discussions with the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The project updated national medical waste statistics analysis, submitted 2013 the fourth quarter (October to December) and 2014 the first quarter to third quarter (January to September) quarterly analysis. The project maintained the medical waste information website and handbook, and the website cumulative number of visitors reached 52,162 people. The project reviewed and amended medical-related industrial waste cleanup plan format. The project reviewed the management scope of the biomedical wastes, and proposed amendments of the “Standards for Defining Hazardous Industrial Waste” and “Methods and Facilities Standards for the Storage, Clearance and Disposal of Industrial Waste”, and researched biomedical waste code adjustment, and assessed the code adjustment impact, and planed small waste sources manifest management system, and drafted "Biomedical Waste Flow Control Directions (draft)". The project reviewed medical waste recycling situation and management to propose improvement strategy. The project analyzed international biomedical waste treatment technology trends, and the treatment organization operation situation and treatment situation in United States, Japan, Korea, and Europe. The project held an exercise of epidemic waste clearance and disposal, and compiled the report. The project checked and tracked 20 hospitals for medical wastes and compiled the report. The project set the key performance indicators to refine medical waste management.Third, the project detailed planning and reviewed the construction and demolition waste management strategy, completed detail plans for the strategies implementation schedule and promotion measures, and reviewed continuously strategy, including the draft of the regulations, and number of discussions with the Construction and Planning Agency. The project updated national construction waste statistics analysis, submitted 2013 the fourth quarter (October to December) and 2014 the first quarter to third quarter (January to September) quarterly analysis. The project quarterly maintained renewable green building materials information website and completed construction and demolition waste information website. The project reviewed and amended construction -related industrial waste cleanup plan format. The project according to experts opinions drafted “Construction Remaining Earthwork and Construction and Demolition Waste Horizontal Review Mechanism Template (draft)”; The project assisted local governments to establish decoration waste management regulations, including the “Household Decoration Waste Clearance Principles” and “Decoration Waste Clearance and Disposal Plan” Example. The project compiled “Environmental Protection Administration Construction Waste Source Reduction and Recycling Handbook” to strengthen communication. The project held a meeting of “County (City) Construction and Demolition Residue Treatment Sites Establishment Management Directions” reference template in February, 2014. The project set the key performance indicators to refine construction and demolition waste management.Fourth, the project analyzed and reviewed existing management system of industrial self-clearance and treatment waste to amended “Industrial Self-Clearance and Treatment Waste Permit Management Regulation (draft)”. The project established the files of the industrial self-clearance and treatment waste licenses over the years. The project set the key performance indicators to refine management.Innovatively qualitative performances of the project include an assessment of biomedical waste code adjustment impact, planning small waste sources manifest management system, and proposing recycling medical waste recycling improvement strategy, and providing “Construction Remaining Earthwork and Construction and Demolition Waste Horizontal Review Mechanism Template (draft)” to assist local governments to establish decoration waste management regulations, and proposing the amendments of the “Industrial Self-Clearance and Treatment Waste Permit Management Regulation (draft)”. Innovatively quantitative performance of the project is establishing the 65 files of the industrial self-clearance and treatment waste licenses over the years. 103 廢管處 永旭豐環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77006
規劃推動永續物料管理制度專案工作計畫 本計畫主要工作包括以下四大項工作:(一)建立永續物料管理制度及績效評估指標1.基於以國家整體角度推動永續物料管理,本計畫鎖定「資源循環政策規劃」涉及之綠色議題,綠色設計及生產、綠色消費及貿易兩大策略,彙整國內目前制度推動情形,參考國際發展趨勢及永續物料管理關注重點,提出我國未來發展建議。整合102年成果及前項內容,經多次討論確認永續物料管理範疇,並釐清要達成永續物料管理我國目前缺乏的要項,進一步規劃主要推動策略及十年發展藍圖,並以藍圖之短期目標為基礎,規劃對應的目標、策略、措施、分工、及計畫推動之實施方式等,提出「資源使用效率提升推動計畫」(草案),作為後續年度跨部會討論之基礎文件。2.依據歐盟EW-MFA方法,彙整指標計算所需之數據,包括我國四大類物料統計數字(國內開採及進口),以及國內各種污染排放量(空、水、廢等)、再利用量等,計算我國7項物質流指標。並考量未來持續計算所需,將計算引用之資料範疇、項目及換算等於報告中列出。(二)規劃建置我國整體資源循環資料庫1.依據國家資源型產業關聯表所鏈結資訊類別,設計儲存環境以進行介接各部會資訊,以達到儲存歷史資訊、確保未來計算的一致性,以及保有因應不同統計的自動化設計彈性,本計畫整合範圍包括本署現有事業廢棄物管制中心資訊與主計總處、關務署、農委會、能源局與礦務局相關資訊。並建立資源資料層轉換方法學,含物料分類、部門分類等。2.規劃建置國家級指標與趨勢分析資訊展示系統雛型,以國家資源型產業關聯表為基礎,建立資訊展示系統雛型,提供使用者分析跨部會資源相關資訊之操作介面,包括原料、產業、廢棄資源與資源化再生物料等四模組。除一般統計分析外,設計情境模擬介面,以煤灰及爐碴兩項重點廢棄物進行物料連動網路分析示範,提供使用者了解其在未來產生使用/產出量變化時,對全國物料的連動影響,以展示未來可發展之資源追蹤系統與預測預警系統相關功能。3.參考並更新102年度建立之國家資源型產業關聯表,建立環境投入產出模型,除了可作前述國家級指標與趨勢分析資訊系統統計之用,亦可分析物料在供應鏈之流向,以及上下游產業之相互影響,發掘提升資源效率之可能性。並以資源表鑑別各產業的資源投入產出特性,以歸納資源表之多項分析應用,作為未來本計畫相關資料庫應用系統整合方向。此外,透過環境投入產出分析,進行物料與產業之關聯分析,由個別行業觀點、供應鏈觀點、跨供應鏈觀點,三個觀點綜合分析之階段成果。4.分年規劃104至106年應建置之資料庫相關子系統或雛型系統,以符合「資源永續循環利用推動計畫」目標及功能需求。因應SMM目標為提升資源效率、降低環境衝擊的前提下,建立整體資料庫系統十年規劃,將系統分為指標趨勢系統、資源追蹤系統與預測預警系統以逐步建立,期以三大系統掌握現況,並得以找出改善我國物料使用方式之切入點。(三)調查關鍵物料使用效率及研析再利用品質規範1.完成40家關鍵物料再利用機構之調查作業,掌握其實際再利用運作,及配合4項評估指標計算各廠之物料使用效率,以瞭解廠商改善空間,並針對廠商之物料管理工作提出改善之建議(如物料請購與採購、物料之驗收、物料之鑑別與標示、不合格物料之處理、物料之料帳及盤存等)。2.另針對再利用機構於實務運作上未符合法規要求之缺失,亦提出改善建議,例如確認收受之事業廢棄物來源符合相關規定、.確實於廢棄物清理計畫書登載產出之廢棄物種類、確認廢鐵之清理方式及流向符合相關規定,以及依實際運作修正申報之再利用產品基本資料等。3.完成2項再生物料市場現況及品質規範建議報告書,架構內容包括前言、編撰目的、名詞定義、關鍵物料再利用運作現況(來源及產出製程、再生物料市場現況、再利用機構之再生料品質管理方式),以及再生物料品質規範之建議(資源化產品及其用料品質相關規定、再生物料品質控管機制之建議、其他相關規範)。(四)國際研討會與行政配合事項1.邀請五位國外政府官員來台,舉辦第三屆永續物料管理國際研討會及系列活動,開放國內產官學研、NGO團體及民眾等報名參與,期望透過一系列活動達成國際交流、國內宣導之功效。2.針對計畫產出之主要成果,於計畫執行初期訂定關鍵績效指標(KPI)以利計畫管考運用。3.配合招標文件之需求,公開招募駐署人員,並經環保署正式面試錄取,協助環保署處理有關本計畫相關之業務,加強推動效率。 Sustainable Materials Management Strategic Planning and Promotion Project There were four major tasks for the project:1.To establish the sustainable materials management (SMM) institution and performance indicator system.(1)To promote the SMM from the perspective of an integrated national strategy, the 2014 SMM project focuse on two main green themes in the National Cyclic Resources Strategic Planning. The green themes were the green design and production, and the green consumption and trade strategies. The work completed include: to collect information of the regulations and public policies related to the SMM, to articulate the significant international issues and trend to the domestic SMM planning, and to propose the strategic planning for future development. The results and suggestions of the 2013 SMM Planning project was reviewed and the management scope was acknowledged. The deficiencies in current SMM management measures and policies was discussed in detail noted. In the final report, the project task force proposed the main SMM promotion strategies and the ten-year roadmap. Based on the short-term goals in the roadmap, the draft Resource Efficiency Promotion Plan was proposed, in which objectives, strategies, measures, coordination, and promotion practices were planned. The proposal will be used as the basis for inter-departmental discussion in the future.(2)The data necessary for the calculation of performance indicators were collected based on the EU economy-wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA) method. The data included four domestic material statistics (domestic extraction and import), domestic pollution emissions statistics (air, water, waste, etc.), and the amount of recycled materials. There were seven performance indicators calculated using the domestic material data. The final report detailed the scope, the items, and the conversion formulae for the calculation of the performance indicators.2.To plan and establish the national integrated cyclic resource database(1)Databases from several government agencies, including the industrial waste control center of the EPA, the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, the Customs Administration, the Council of Agriculture, the Bureau of Energy, and the Bureau of Mines, were integrated into a cyclic resource data warehouse to support end user application systems. A resource data transformation methodology was established for various material flow applications, including material classification and sectoral classification. The data interchange specification was developed for automatic operation of periodic update of databases drawn from various external government agencies.(2)A national indicator, trend analysis, and information display prototype system was established, which contained the material, the industry, the waste resources, and the secondary material resources functional modules. The system provides functions to analyze the inter-departmental resource information. Users can use the system to analyze the material efficiency of different industrial sectors, and to detect obstacles in material flow. In addition to statistical analysis, the system provides linked material network analysis and scenario simulation design. The system uses coal ash and furnace slag to demonstrate the national linked material influence as the use/output interrelation changes. The system can be applied as a decision-making supporting model, which functions the resource monitoring and the early warning system. In addition, the prototype system demonstrates functions in data quality assurance and control using sample data from the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, and the Bureau of Energy.(3)The project completed updating the 2013 national resources industry relational table, establishing environmental input/output model, and analyzing resources statistics. The national resources industry relational table is the core of the database. The main applications includes the general economic input/output model, the development of resource analysis tools, and the expansion of national resources industry relational table to provide information on resource management at the national and the industry levels. The information is critical to analyze the material flow in supply chain and the interrelationship between the upstream and downstream industries, and used to increase resource efficiency. The resource table can be used to identify the input/output characteristics of various industries, and to produce material flow analysis display and charts, and to be applied in web visualization. Through the analysis of environmental input/output analysis, the interrelationship between materials and industries can be analyzed. The final results was synthesize from three perspectives: the individual sectoral perspective, the supply chain perspective, and the inter-supply-chain perspective. The material management opportunities and practical measures will be researched in more detail in the future.(4)The timetable for establishing application systems and prototypes were planned for each year from 2015 to 2017 to meet the objectives and functional requirements of the Cyclic Resource Use Promotion Project. On the premises of maximizing resource efficiency and minimizing environmental impact, the ten-year planning of establishing the integrated database and system was divided into the indicator trend system, the resource tracking system, and the early warning forecast system. The systems will be applied to understand the current resource status and to identify critical issues in improving resource efficiency.3.To complete researching resource efficiency for critical materials, and proposing recycling quality specifications.(1)There were forty recycling institutions interviewed for critical materials research. Through the interview, the recycling operation was documented and analyzed, and four resource efficiency performance indicators were calculated based on collected data. Improvement measures were suggested for individual institution regarding the material management operation, such as the material procurement, the material check upon acceptance, the identification and labeling of materials. The disposal of disqualified materials, and the accounting and inventorying of materials.(2)Improvement suggestions were provided regarding the non-conformance or deficiencies in meeting regulatory demands during recycling operation. The necessary improvements included the confirmation of the regulatory conformance of the industrial waste sources, the documentation of waste category in the waste clearing plan, the confirmation of the regulatory conformance of the clearing method and disposal output of scraps, and updating the recycling product basic information based on practical operation.(3)There were two secondary materials researched in details regarding the current market viability and the material quality specifications. The contents of the research report include the definition of terms, the source and production process of secondary materials, the market viability of secondary materials, the quality management of secondary materials processed in the recycling institutions, and the quality specifications of secondary materials suggested by the project team. The suggested specifications included secondary materials to be used as resources and the quality specifications, the quality control mechanism, and other necessary regulations.4.The 3rd SMM international conference and administrative support(1)The 3rd SMM international conference and related activities were held in Taipei in October, 2014. There were five invited government representatives coming from different countries to participate in the conference. The conference was open to the all to participate, and the participants included representatives from the government agencies, the academics, the industries, the NGO’s, and the concerned public as well. The objectives of the conference were to exchange information and experiences with various international representatives and to promote the SMM approach and practices in Taiwan.(2)The key performance indicators were established in the early stage of the project operation to audit and evaluate the project results.(3)A stationed staff was recruited to meet the requirements of the RFP. Candidates were interviewed by the EPA personnel and approved. The responsibilities of the stationed staff were assigned by the EPA to assist the completion of the project. 103 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76697
事業廢棄物清理計畫書管理制度與法規檢討研析專案計畫 本計畫就事業廢棄物清理計畫書管理制度與法規檢討之執行成果與內容,主要為下列四部分:(一)研修事業廢棄物清理計畫書相關法令:1.完成「應檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書之事業及計畫書格式與載明事項」修正公告草案,重要修正內容要項包含:(1) 指定事業附表化並予整併,並新增指定事業。(2)新增廢清書格式並強化應載明事項。(3)新增廢清書變更或異動時機。(4)將再利用檢核表內容要項納入廢清書。(5)明定廢清書委託代理申(填)報資料管理規範等規定。2.配合廢食用油管制工作,擴大指定事業列管門檻,包含(1)連鎖速食店或餐館業、(2)食品製造業及(3)旅館業,並完成「應檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書之事業」公告事項第一項、第四項修正草案。3.研訂「事業廢棄物清理計畫書審查作業要點」草案,重點包括(1)明定第二階段審查之要件、(2)審查機關於各審查階段之審查時限、(3)不同類型之再利用機構檢具廢清書之方式等規定。4.完成「事業廢棄物清理計畫書審查費收費標準」修正草案,修正重點包含(1)配合「檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書之事業及計畫書格式與載明事項」修正公告內容,調整本標準條文內容,並將收費標準移列至附表,以茲明確。(2)增訂廢清書第二階段審查邀請審查委員之費用由檢具廢清書送審之指定事業負擔及審查之費用差額補繳規定。(3)增訂指定事業於修正公告生效前已檢具廢清書經審查核准,且其事業廢棄物產生、清理有關事項未變更者,配合修正公告規定於期限內重新檢具廢清書送審時,免繳納審查費。(4)增訂廢清書審查費免收或減收之情形,中央主管機關得於網路申報系統中登載之規定。(二)協助事業廢棄物清理計畫書法令研修相關交辦事項:1.蒐集彙整歷次說明研商會中各單位意見,完成「應檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書之事業及計畫書格式與載明事項」及「應檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書之事業」公告事項第一項、第四項修正草案兩公告修正草案之問答集。2.完成「應檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書之事業及計畫書格式與載明事項」修正公告草案之衝擊影響進行研析,並就相關過渡時期研擬配套措施,配套措施包含:(1)修訂、訂定相關法規及行政規則、(2)更新廢清書參考例及填報、審查參考手冊、(3)配合調整事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統(IWR&MS)、(4)規劃不同緩衝期依新格式重新檢具廢清書、(5)辦理教育宣導說明會並輔導業者填報廢清書。3.完成「應檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書之事業」公告事項第一項、第四項修正草案之衝擊影響進行研析及配套措施之研擬,配套措施包含:(1)分階段檢具廢清書、(2)由環保署於IWR&MS提供相關資料、(3)延長環保署客服專線服務時間、(4)由環保局核給新增列管事業管制編號後,通知事業辦理廢清書檢具工作、(5)輔導業者填報廢清書。4.完成4件法律意見書。(三)精進現行事業廢棄物清理計畫書格式並整合研修新增格式項目內容:1.完成廢清書格式內容之研修,將廢清書填報內容架構區分4大部分,包括(1)申請者及填報者切結聲明、(2)所有事業填報時應共同注意事項、(3)事業應填報之基本事項、(4)事業應填報之特定行業別事項,其中事業應填報之特定行業別事項中,依行業別設計不同格式內容,以強化產源管理責任。2.完成20件製造業及再利用機構廢清書填報現況檢視作業,訪查常見缺失主要為:資本額填報錯誤、基本資料修正未辦理異動等;並設計再利用機構專用廢清書格式。3.完成廢清書填報系統功能調整建議之研提,包含(1)系統模組化設計、(2)資料連動性管理、(3)表單友善化設計及(4)彙整歷年申報缺失。4.完成1場次專家學者諮詢會。5.制定環保機關績效評估方法及其評估標準,並研擬「環保機關辦理事業廢棄物清理計畫書審核作業參考指引」。(四)編修訂「事業廢棄物稽查參考手冊」:1.完成重新編修2611積體電路製造業、1512紙張製造業、1842合成橡膠製造業、2543金屬熱處理業及2423鋁材軋延、擠型、伸線業等5種冊別事業廢棄物行業製程技術稽查參考手冊,並依編修結果辦理1場次事業廢棄物行業製程技術稽查參考手冊編修會議。2.為更新事業廢棄物稽查管理資源應用系統,包含14則環保犯罪相關案例、20場次廢清書填報現況訪查紀錄報告及5冊事業廢棄物行業製程技術稽查參考手冊供環保署參考使用。 Project of the Management Reviewing and Regulations Amendment on Industrial Waste Disposal Plan. The present project reviews the industrial waste disposal plan documentation and regulatory requirements and implementation results. The project is outlined in four sections as below.1) Amendment of industrial waste disposal plan documentation and related regulations1. Completed the revision of the “The Submission of Industrial Waste Disposal Plans: Required Industries, Application Forms and Requirements” draft publication. Important changes include: (1) Required industries are consolidated into lists and new industries were added. (2) Added new format for waste disposal plan to emphasize the required declaration items. (3) Added new waste disposal plan revision schedule. (4) Added the contents of the reuse examination table into the industrial waste disposal plan. (5) Clearly delineate the rules for the preparation of industrial waste disposal plan by outside agencies.2. In support of waste food oil oversight tasks, expand the required industries coverage to include: (1) Restaurant and fast food chains, (2) Food manufacturers, and (3) Hotel and lodgings. Complete the publication of “Industries Waste Disposal Plans For Required Industries” Article 1 and Article 4 draft revisions.3. Draft the revision proposal for “Industrial Waste Disposal Plan Review Process”. Key items include: (1) Define the required documentation for the second-phase review process, (2) The reviewing agency’s timeline for each phase of the review process, (3) Rules and regulations for the waste disposal plans required for different recycling organizations4. Draft the revision proposal for “Industrial Waste Disposal Plan Fee Schedule”. Key items include: (1) Revised the public abstract and the regulatory articles of the “The Submission of Industrial Waste Disposal Plans: Required Industries, Application Forms and Requirements” document, and moved the fee schedule to an appendix table, in order to clarify its contents. (2) Defined the review committee member fee supplements for the industrial waste disposal plan second-phase review process. Clarified that any such fee supplements are to be paid by the required industry enterprise that is submitting the plan for review. (3)Newly designated required industries that already have approved waste disposal plans in place, and whose waste production and disposal process has not changed since then, may have their review fees waived if they resubmit the waste disposal plan for review under the revised regulations before the deadline. (4) Draft the announcement requirements for the managing agency to disclose any new waste disposal plan review fee waiver or discount rules on the web-reporting system.2) Assist in the amendment of industrial waste disposal plan regulations and related matters1. Collect feedback provided by various agencies from the review meetings to create Q&A documents for the proposed revisions of “The Submission of Industrial Waste Disposal Plans: Required Industries, Application Forms and Requirements” and “Industries Waste Disposal Plans For Required Industries” Articles 1 and 4.2. Analysis of potential impact and necessary transition rules for the proposed revision of “The Submission of Industrial Waste Disposal Plans: Required Industries, Application Forms and Requirements”, including: (1) Draft and revise necessary statutes and regulations, (2) Update the waste disposal plan examples and update the reference handbooks for the application and review process, (3) Support the necessary changes in the Industrial Waste Reporting and Management System (IWR&MS), (4) Plan various transition periods for the review of waste disposal plans under the new format, (5) Conduct public seminars and assist industries to complete waste disposal plans3. Analysis of potential impact and necessary transition rules for the proposed revision of “Industries Waste Disposal Plans For Required Industries” Articles 1 and 4, including: (1) Define stages for the review of waste disposal plans, (2) Environmental Protection Agency will provide the necessary information via IWR&MS, (3) Extend EPA customer service hotline hours, (4) EPB will assign regulation numbering for newly added required industries, then notify the related enterprises to conduct waste disposal plan review process, (5) Assist enterprises to fill out waste disposal plans.4. Completed four legal review documents.3) Simplify the current waste disposal plan format and amend the newly added items into the document format.1.Completed the revision of the waste disposal plan format to separate the contents into four major sections, including: (1) Applicant and agent disclaimers, (2) Notes applicable to all applicants, (3) Basic items to be reported by the applicant, (4) Industry-specific items to be reported by the applicant, with the format to be customized for each industry to improve oversight of different industrial sources.2.Completed 20 case studies of manufacturing and recycling industrial waste disposal plan filing processes. Inspection found common errors included: Mistakes in the enterprise capital amount, changes in basic information were not reported. Designed new waste disposal plan format for use by recycling organizations. 3.Provided functional improvement suggestions for the waste disposal plan reporting system, include: (1) Modularize system design, (2) Management of information relations, (3) More user-friendly design for the form interface, and (4) Lack of past submission history.4. Conducted one expert panel meeting.5.Designed the evaluation process and standards for the effectiveness of environmental agencies. Drafted “Industrial Waste Disposal Plan Review Process Reference Guide For Environmental Agencies”..4) Revise the Industrial Waste Inspection Guides1. Completed revisions on Industrial Waste Inspection Guides for 2611 Integrated Circuit Manufacturing, 1512 Paper Manufacturing, 1842 Synthetic Rubber Manufacturing, 2543 Metal Heat-Treatment, and 2423 Aluminum Rolling, Extruding, And Drawing. Conducted one public meeting about the revisions of the Industrial Waste Inspection Guides.2. Updated the Waste Information Management Networking System, including 14 environmental protection criminal cases, 20 case studies of waste disposal plan filing process including interviews and investigation reports, and 5 Industrial Waste Inspection Guides for EPA’s reference. 103 廢管處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76834
近鄰噪音管制暨多次噪音陳情案輔導改善計畫 噪音陳情案件為目前主要公害陳情項目之一,民國 90年計2萬3千餘件至102年已增加至8萬餘件。為解決民眾困擾,本計畫主要目標包括:彙整及分析噪音陳情案件、辦理噪音陳情案件輔導改善工作、協助推動營建工程噪音管制計畫、協助推動娛樂或營業場所噪音管制及輔導計畫、協助環保署修正全國噪音管制方案及推動新修正噪音管制標準之相關行政作業及辦理全國噪音管制工作檢討會等。所完成工作內容包括:1.針對98年至102年噪音陳情案件及重複陳情案件依陳情型態、處理過程、處理結果進行彙整及分析。2.輔導15件噪音陳情案件,並針對其中5件進行後續追蹤作業,噪音源設施多以空調室外機為主。3.新增103年5篇噪音相關案件法院判例,並分類置放於網頁供民眾查閱。4.針對102年度「營建工程噪音管制專案計畫」推動情形及辦理結果,據以修正本年度計畫內容,並製作本土化之隔音防屏。5.娛樂或營業場所共輔導10件噪音陳情案件,並針對其中3件進行後續追蹤作業,噪音源設施多以卡拉ok設施為主。6.協助環保署修正「全國噪音管制方案」及協助檢視各縣市噪音稽查記錄單,以確認稽查工作是否符合「噪音管制標準」修正發布之新規定。7.協助環保署辦理 1場次「全國噪音管制工作檢討會」,與會人員包括各環保局及學術單位。 The project of neighborhood noise control and repeatedly petitioned cases counseling and improvement The noise complaint is one of the major public environmental pollutions. The number of noise complaint were approximately 23,000 cases in 2001. In 2013, the number went up to 80,000. In order to solve this problem, the objective of this project included compiling and analysis of noise complaint cases, executed of counseling for noise complaint cases, promoted ”Noise control plan of construction sites” and “Noise control plan of entertainment establishment”, completed to amend “National Noise Control Program”, and assisted to conduct related administrative jobs, noise control workshops and national noise control affairs conference. The abstract is as following.1.Compiled and analyzed the complaint and repeatedly petitioned cases by types, processes, and results for the last five years.2.Completed 15 cases of counseled noise complaints, and continually tracking 5 cases among these cases. As for noise sources, air-conditioner outdoor unit were the main noise sources of counseled cases.3.Added five judicial cases of noise complaints that sentenced from 2014, and posted on the website for public to browse.4.In accordance with the result of “Noise control plan of construction sites for 2013”, this study revised the detail of the plan for 2014, and made a demo soundproof equipment. 5.Completed 10 cases of entertainment premises counseled noise complaints, and continually tracking 3 cases among these cases. As for noise sources, karaoke were the main noise sources of these complaint cases.6.Assisted EPA to amend “National Noise Control Program” and checked the EPB noise inspection records to make sure the inspector's work conforming to the new revised noise control standards .7.Assisted EPA to organize the “National Conference on Noise Control” which attendants included EPB officials and academic professors. 103 空保處 凱鉅科技實業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77437
103年全國環保志(義)工環境知識競賽專案工作計畫 為展現環保志(義)工的活力,並激勵環保志(義)工之榮譽感,以利協助各項環保工作之推動,特舉辦103年全國環保志(義)工環境知識競賽,規劃具有環保、知識、趣味及創意之競賽項目,以生動活潑方式進行,藉以凝聚全國環保志(義)工的向心力,並提昇競賽風氣。 Project of National Entertainment Knowledge Sport Day for Environmental Volunteers 2014. EPA, Execut Increase the coherence and mutual exchange of environmental volunteers nationwide for the purpose of achieving the true meaning of environmental education and creative design based on Lohas. 103 綜計處 新視紀整合行銷傳播股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72294
推動環保服務業交流專案工作計畫 本計畫執行內容包含蒐集彙整兩岸環境保護之相關資料,分析中國大陸環保發展現況、產業趨勢、法規制度等,並透過交流互訪、推動研討協商等工作項目,以深入瞭解兩岸環保服務業之投資情報、發展趨勢、法規制度變遷、及商業競爭之限制等,持續促進兩岸環保服務業交流及環境永續發展的目標。本計畫工作進度達100%,工作內容包括彙整交流平臺各分窗口之中國大陸「十二五」計畫目標及訊息、收集兩岸環保交流之研討會訊息25場,並綜整及協助兩岸環保交流21次;提供新訊息505則於平臺網站,本會更新達80則。網站訪者計數器及出國報告彙整等新功能也增加於網站。邀稿完成4篇中國大陸環保發展趨勢文章於季報,及12篇與兩岸環保服務業相關之專業文章,皆於網站呈現;本年度12期環保服務業電子報主題涵蓋2013 年平臺電子報各期主題回顧、中國大陸「十二五」狀況、兩岸資源回收與廢棄物管理、中國大陸環保服務業發展等。為了解環保服務業之困難、障礙及機會,今年5月及9月在中國大陸舉辦2場環境服務業臺商業者座談會,與會者共39位;另藉由訪談20家於中國大陸營運、布點或有興趣投資之廠商代表,以及透過問卷調查103家臺灣環保企業,以瞭解兩岸環保服務業之產業發展趨勢,並彙整業者之意見。9月於臺北市舉辦「2014兩岸環保高層專家論壇」研討會,兩岸之與會人員達189人,議題涵蓋大氣環境保護、固廢與資源回收、土壤與地下水汙染整治、環境影響評估及環境教育等。工作項也協助蒐集中國大陸事務工作項彙整了中國大陸環保部、各級環保廳之架構及運作模式等資料,於6月及8月完成舉辦2場大陸事務訓練,共116人參加,計畫也諮詢了專家學者35人於環保組織架構及其他事項。本計畫也於8月及11月與各分組召開工作組會議,溝通、聯繫及彙整各分組執行業務之心得及困難;並於8月參與兩岸環境保護交流委辦計畫成果與經驗分享會議及10月參與公務員廉政倫理及機密業務安全維護訓練課程,分享心得及溝通業務。 Promotion of environmental services on the development of technology exchange This project conducted the information collection for the cross-strait environmental related activities, the analysis of environmental development, trends and regulation in mainland China. Through the visiting, exchanging experience, discussion and mutual understanding, the information on cross-strait environmental service sector was studied in-depth, such as investment information, development trends, changes in regulations and business completion, etc. Those efforts were to continuously promote the target id business exchange on environmental service sector for environmental sustainability. This project already complete 100% on many tasks, including the assembling of the information on mainland China's 12-5 projects from seven workgroups, the collection on the information for 25 cross-strait workshops or conferences on environmental protection, and the assistance in 21 cross-strait visiting. There were 505 new articles provided in the newsletter on the website with 80 articles provide by this project. New functions were added, such as the number counters for visitors and reporting system for visiting, etc. We invited experts and academia to write 4 seasonal articles to report the environmental trends and 12 monthly special reports covering all fields in environmental service sector. The 12 electronic newsletters included the yearly reviews on 2013, cross-strait resource recovery and solid waste management, the environmental service sector in mainland China, etc.As to understand the difficulties, obstacles, and opportunities on environmental service in mainland China by Taiwanese businessman, we arranged two meeting with 39 in May and September this year in main land China and visited 20 companies who were running currently or interested in investing in mainland China. We also helped to host the 2014 Cross-Strait High Level Expert Forum at Taipei in September with 189 attendants. The subjects included the protection of air environment, solid wastes and resource recovery, soil and groundwater pollution remediation, environmental impact assessment and environmental education. Our works also help to collect the information on the environmental agencies and operation structures in mainland China, including central and local governments and to compare the differences. We also hosted two training classes on current situations in mainland China in June and August with 116 attendants. We then consulted 35 experts and academia regarded to those affairs.We also hosted two meeting with 7 workgroups in August and November in order to communicate, coordinate and assemble their thoughts and difficulties. We also attended two workshops in Environmental Protection Administration on sharing experience for cross-strait in August and understanding the needs on work ethnic issues and classification in October. 103 綜計處 財團法人環境永續發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79067
環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料應用與加值示範計畫 本計畫為便利開發單位查詢已審結環評書件中可參考之監測站資料。完成建置「環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料應用與加值示範系統」,提供環保署示範評估應用,主要功能包括:網站基本功能、地圖操作功能、地圖分析功能、地圖編輯功能、地圖篩選定位功能、專案基本資料及帳號管理等7大類,共計61項功能。由環保署指定15件環保署審查完成之環評案件。本計畫查閱環評報告書第六章與相關附錄(件)等章節,其中記錄每案噪音及振動、空氣、土壤、地下水及交通等測站詳細資料。示範建置各監測站之測站名稱、監測日期、經緯度座標、縣市別等資料,計15件318站。 Enveronmantal Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance project. In order to execute the contract and meet the need of developers and environmental consultants for retrieving the environmental monitoring stations information of the development plans that had passed the EIA review. This project had implemented a demo application to value-add EIA documents inquiry application data. This application provided functions of GIS map operating, analysis, locating, development plans data management, users account management and other web pages management functions. EPA assigned 15 cases of development plans had passed the EIA review. This project checked out chapter 6 and appendix of these EIA documents to establish the noise and vibration, air quality, soil, groundwater and traffic monitoring stations data in the demo application. The station names, monitoring dates, latitude and longitude coordinates and locating districts of 318 monitoring stations of these 15 cases were build this year. 103 綜計處 智通工程科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76641
國際環保動態資訊蒐集及趨勢分析專案工作計畫 本計畫之工作目標包括:(1)蒐集各國及重要國際組織之環保法令及政策動態,定期提供環保署施政參考。(2)針對各國及國際重要環保政策發展趨勢進行分析,提供環保署政策研擬參考。本計畫為期11.5個月,在蒐集國際環境動態資訊方面,至12月31日止總計已摘譯並發送國際環境訊息738則、編輯及寄發國際環保新聞週報50次。本計畫所蒐集之環境資訊,共蒐集有關53個國家或區域的訊息,其中以美國及歐盟的新聞最多,比重約達51%。議題方面以氣候變遷與節能減碳的新聞最多,比重達18%,而空品保護及噪音管制的新聞篇數次高佔15%,水資源與水質保護、廢棄物管理及環境衛生與毒物管理各佔12%,另森林保護與自然保育及環境綜合政策各佔約8%,土壤及地下水污染整治佔7%,其次依序為綠色消費、環境教育等,環保署重要業務大致平均涵蓋。在分析國際環保趨勢方面,至12月31日止,已完成季趨勢報告4次,並依環保署指定的題目,完成專題報告5篇,在本報告中亦對全年度的國際環保動態完成整理與分析,工作執行完全符合計畫進度。 International Environmental News Collecting and Trend Analysis Project This project, commissioned by Office of Sustainable Development, the Environmental Protection Administation(EPA), focused on international environmental information collection and trend analysis. The main tasks of this project consisted of the following: (1) to collect, select, and translate environmental news and policies and provide them periodically to EPA to aid its policy implementation; (2) to analyze trends in international environmental protection, environmental regulations and policies and provide the analysis to EPA to aid its policy formation. The project duration is 11.5 months. Regarding the first task, through December 31 2014, 738 international environmental news articles were selected and collected. The highlights of the news were translated and distributed to the subscribers. 50 issues of international environmental weekly news were edited and published. A total of 53 coutries or regional political entities are covered by the news. The majority of the news collected by this project (51%) originated from the US and EU. As to news classification, news about Climate change, energy saving and carbon reduction takes up the highest percentage (18%) . News about air quality protection takes the second highest percentage (15%), water resource and quality pretection、waste managemen protection and environmental hygiene and toxic management each takes 12%, forest protection and nature conservation and integrated environmental policy each takes up 8%. Other categories such as soil and groundwater remediation takes up7%. The rest are about green consumption and environmental education…etc. The major fields that are relevant to EPA works are more or less evenly covered. Regarding the second task, 4 issues of quarterly analytical reports on international environmental protection trends were published. 5 special topic reports, with the topics selected and assigned by the EPA, were completed and provided. In this final report, a yearly news trend analysis was also performed for the entire duration of this project. As of the present, all tasks required by this project were accomplished on schedule. 103 永續發展室 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80713
103年發行英文環保政策月刊 本計畫的目標是將國內環保法規動態及未來政策趨勢,經專業報導及翻譯後,以英文的模式,藉平面雜誌之發行及張貼網路的方法,提供各界瞭解我國環保施政的便利管道,以宣揚我國環保施政之成果與普及環境政策。本計畫英文環保政策月刊之平面月刊,為每個月發行一期,一年發行12期,每期印製900份,其中100份交環保署留存。除發行月刊外,本計畫尚有其他工作項目,分述如下:利用全球網路資訊系統宣導月刊內容,將月刊中英文完稿之電子檔案提供環保署,由相關單位張貼至該署網頁中;派駐2位人力至署內協助處理環保署英文文件;維護環保署英文環保政策月刊查詢系統;製作環保署多媒體英文簡報與西班牙語簡報,各更新1次;印製英語簡報光碟100份、西語簡報光碟50份;翻譯署長立法院書面報告2次。 Publication of Environmental Policy Monthly in 2014 The objective of this project was to provide the international community convenient channels to understand how Taiwan carries out its environmental protection policy as well as propagate the performance. This is done by translating professional reports concerning the development and future trends related to Taiwan's environmental protection policy into English and publishing them in periodicals as well as on the Internet. As of December 2014, 12 issues of the English version of Environmental Policy Monthly will be published, with 900 copies for each issue, 100 copies of which reserved for EPA. Contents of the Monthly were provided to Taiwan’s EPA for use on relevant departmental websites. Two editors were sent to the EPA to assist with the editing of English documents. Other tasks included producing and updating the EPA's multimedia English presentations and Spanish presentation as well as providing the English version of the EPA's two policy briefings to Legislative Yuan in 2014. The Environmental Policy Monthly database and search system were also maintained and updated regularly. 103 永續發展室 惠國顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80050
工業廢棄物清理管理檢討專案計畫 本計畫透過辦理事業廢棄物清理計畫書委託審查績效評估及調查工業廢棄物產出清理及資源化現況,藉此強化事業廢棄物清理計畫書審查管理機制,並針對具清理問題之工業廢棄物(廢玻璃棉、廢保溫材、廢玻璃纖維、集塵灰、爐碴及污泥等),檢討去化或長期貯存情形,研提管理建議;另因應資源循環利用法(草案)(立法院審議中)之完成,研析該法第57條規定範疇及影響,探討「事業廢棄資源清理基金」運作機制;此外,為有效利用國內事業廢棄物處理設施,調查國內處理設施之使用現況,並檢討研修「事業廢棄物處理設施餘裕處理容量許可管理辦法」,以增加廢棄物去化管道,並解決其清理問題。 Evaluation on Industrial Waste Disposal Management Strategy This project focus mainly on auditing industrial waste disposal plan that had approved the commissioned agency. To develop performance evaluation could regulating in effecting of the commissioned ascent assessment and upgrades the truth of enterprise information. For the purpose of this project proposing waste acid amendments to the laws as well as regulations review the industrial waste disposal and reuse situations, and management. This project also completed 26 audit guidelines in order to build the capacity on environmental investigation. Then amended the “Enterprises designated Waste Professional Technical Personnel” to expand type of enterprise applied to strengthening the management on waste production source. 103 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79174
102年度高雄市所轄原縣道側溝委外清疏及調查計畫 本計畫係為加強高雄市所轄原縣道側溝之維護清理,於汛期前完成清疏檢查工作,保持排水暢通,減少雨季時造成市區積水淹水之情況發生。就本計畫整體工作內容概可劃分為:前置作業、道路側溝巡查作業、道路側溝清疏作業、作業品質查核以及成效評估作業。一、人員機具配置 (Personnel and equipment configuration)本計畫係以人力作業為主;機具作業為輔,規劃兩組工班,一組工班以純人力作業為主,搭配高壓沖洗機及及污泥清運車輛,作業人力約9人;另一組工班以機具作業為主,出動高壓沖吸兩用清溝車、清溝挖土機搭配污泥清運車輛,作業人力約3人,因應人力流動、請假等因素,另提備用人力3人。清溝機具備妥1輛清溝車,以及2輛溝泥清運車,其功能配置皆符合本計畫規範要求,另外,為符合山區側溝清疏需求,特別增加1部清溝挖土機做為特定區域作業使用。二、側溝清疏作業量 (Work load of cleaning up gutters)計畫履約期限自102年8月9日起至103年8月8日止,因102年8月份執行前置作業;103年7月份撰寫成果報告,未執行道路側溝清疏作業,其餘月份皆符合計畫契約相關規定,截至103年6月30日止,總計道路側溝清疏長度已完成50,372公尺,總目標達成率為100.74%。道路側溝清疏後之溝泥均由合法乙級清除業者溝泥清運車(612-BU)載運至岡山、旗山、及大寮等掩埋場棄置,並依計畫規範由高雄市環保局各區清潔隊押車及留存磅單或其他廢棄物處理相關證明文件以供高雄市環保局查核。統計清運車次共計為61車次、清出量共計為477.61噸。 三、作業巡查及查核作業 (Inspection and examination)統計本計畫102年8月9日起至103年8月8日止,執行巡查共計發現異常側溝141條;其中溝蓋遭民眾花盆、惡意封閉造成嚴重阻塞達45條最多、側溝未設溝蓋及間距過遠達20條居次,顯見外部因素為影響側溝清疏作業的主要因子。整體而言,側溝施工不良和溝蓋不良分別佔全體34.0%和34.8%,相關單位在施工品質和後續維護應更為謹慎。溝渠巡查組至現場查核共計101次;其中96次合格、5次發現缺失,常見缺失多為可立即改善之缺失,包括未依規定著反光衣、交通安全錐不足、未配置交通指揮人員、溝泥造成路面髒污與現場作業人員執行怠惰等狀況,經督導查核及勞安專責人員不定時不定期之稽查勸導與教育訓練後,經常性之缺失已逐漸獲得改善,作業期間亦未造成任何勞工職災及交通事故,本計畫查核作業發揮預期功效,達成零事故、零傷害的目標。 四、清疏權責路段及所屬機關初步調查(Authority of dredging section and initial investigation by subordinate units)本年度清疏權責路段及所屬機關初步調查成果豐碩,經由計畫團隊巡查回報及區清潔隊協助完成高雄市所轄原縣道142.09公里的內部資料調查,在美濃區中正路、復興路及岡山區前鋒路、仁壽路、介壽路共269處地號上發現構造異常及權責不清之溝渠,經調閱高雄市政府地政局地籍資訊系統地籍謄本及公路總局第三區養護工程處縣道資料比對,發現181縣道(7.8k~15.18k),美濃區中正路(中興段)45筆、復興路(龍中段、龜山段)38筆,及186縣道(1.961K~6.491K),岡山區前鋒路(大勇段)39筆、仁壽路(介壽段)6筆、介壽路(劉厝段)47筆,共計175處地號所有權人分屬中華民國財政部國有財產署38筆、國防部政治作戰局軍備局24筆、高雄農田水利會40筆及其他私人機關73筆等並負責管理維護。.五、作業成效評估 (Project Assessment) (一)清溝影響因素分析 (Analysis on influencing factors of gutters cleaning):探討洩降坡度設計或施工不良,溝渠斷面、深度、集流面積與逕流量,進水口設計與施工,及週邊環境外來污染源等作業影響因素,本計畫團隊執行清溝作業期間發現共計141條道路側溝中受設計不良影響者計有14條;受施工不良影響者計有48條;受溝蓋不良影響者計有49條;受環境污染影響者計有30條,施工不良和溝蓋不良所占權重最高,分別為34.0%及34.8%,相關單位在施工品質和後續維護應更為謹慎。 (二)最適清疏模式分析 (The best method of analysis for gutters cleaning): 本計畫團隊提出最適合之清溝作業模式,建議 高雄市環保局各區隊以12人為一清溝班,裝配1台高壓沖吸兩用清溝車、1台溝泥車及溝勺等機具,人員任務分派分別為編制清溝車司機1員、吸泥管操作手1員、高壓沖洗操作手1員、監督班長1員、開蓋人員1員、疏通人員1員、裝袋人員4員、載運人員2員。惟高雄市轄區溝渠遍布大街小巷,尺寸規格眾多,本計畫調查樣本僅以計畫期間清疏側溝為對象,相關清溝效率分析數據僅供參考。 The 102 annual project in outsourcing of roadside ditches cleaning and investigation at local countr The purpose of this project aims to reinforce main branch and roadside gutters of Kaohsiung City cleaning and maintenance. For facilitating proper drainage, cleaning work is supposed to be finished before tide season in order to avoid overfilling around city center during rainy season. The main schemes of this project are divided into 5 programs, preliminary, inspecting gutters, ditch cleaning and dredging, checking the quality of operation and efficiency assessment.1、Personnel and equipment configurationIn this project, the main work is based on manpower and the auxiliary are equipments. There are two teams in this project. The first team only depends on manpower work, 9 people with a high-pressure washer engine and sludge removal vehicles are required. The other team is 3 people with a sewer cleaner (vacuum/jetting tanker), excavator and sludge removal vehicles. In order to secure and prevent the mobility of manpower or leave request, 3 more people are required by advance arrangement. All equipments meet regulatory requirements of this project. The vehicles of sewer cleaning have a sewer cleaner and 2 sludge removal vehicles. Moreover, an additional excavator is using for a specific working area in order to meet demand of cleaning side sewer of mountain.2、Work load of cleaning up guttersThe Contract of this project was started from 9 Aug 2013 to 8 Aug 2014. Besides the preliminary work in August 2013 and generating report in July 2014, all the cleaning work has met contract requirement. Up to 6 June 2014, the total length of cleaned gutters is 50,372 m, which took 100.74 % of the achievement rate.Mud cleaned out from roadside gutters is transported by sludge removal vehicles (612-BU), belongs to a legal cleaning and removal industry with level B qualification, to landfill (Gangshan, Qishan and Daliao) for disposing. Moreover, the project followed the regulations from Environmental protection Bureau Kaohsiung City Government. Such as the route from roadside gutters to landfill are followed by cleaning squadrons of each district and the data from weight notes are saved. Furthermore, all relevant documents of waste treatment are provided in order to examine by Environmental protection Bureau Kaohsiung City Government. Total amount of cleaned volume is 477.61 tons which is carried by 61 cars. 3、Inspection and examinationFrom 9 August 2013 to 8 August 2014, 141 abnormal side gutters were found, including 45 serious clogs caused by covering flowerpot and malignantly blocked up, and 20 side gutters without covers and too large interval distance. It is clear to see that the main influential factor of side gutter cleaning is apparent external factors. Overall, poor construction and drain cover take 34.0% and 34.8% of influences during cleaning side gutters. Therefore, quality of construction and gutters maintenance should meet higher requirement.In total, 101 in site checked by inspection team, including 96 are qualified and 5 with defect, and the most of common defects could have immediate improvement, for example: workers did not wear safety vest, lacking of traffic safety cones, no traffic directors, roadside stacked with ditch mud without sweeping and labors worked slothfully. However, these defects had been reformed after inspecting intensively. During the working period, occupational injuries and accidents had never been caused. 4、Authority of dredging section and initial investigation by subordinate unitsGreat successes were achieved in authority of dredging section and initial investigation by subordinate units this year, according to the report from inspection team and assistance from district cleaning squadrons, which have accomplished the data of internal investigation around 142.09 kilometers in Kaohsiung City. There were found 269 ditch with abnormal construction and confusion of responsibilities at Zhongzheng and Fuxing road in Meinong District, and at Qianfeng, Renshou and Jieshou road in Gangshan District. Comparing with the cadastral map transcription from the system of cadastral information in Land Administration Bureau Kaohsiung City Government and relevant information of country road from Third Maintenance office, Directorate General of Highways, Ministry of Transportation and Communications. It totally was found 175 lot numbers shown as the following. 181 country road (7.8k~15.18k) which includes 45 records at Zhongzheng road (Zhongxing Section) and 38 records at Fuxing road (Longzhong and Guishan Section) in Meinong District, and 186 country road (1.961K~6.491K) which includes 39 records at Qianfeng road (Dayong Section), 6 records at Renshou road (Jieshou Section) and 47 records at Jieshou road (Liucuo Section) in Gangshan District. The owners of lot numbers take responsibility for management and maintenance which belonged to 38 records from National Property Administration, Ministry of Finance, 24 records from Armaments Bureau, the Ministry of National Defense, 40 records from Kaohsiung Irrigation Association and 73 records from private organizations.5、Project Assessment (1) Analysis on influencing factors of gutters cleaning:In order to investigate factors related to design of drawdown slope, defected construction, section and depth of gutter, intake design and construction, and pollution from surrounding. According to inspection, 141 defective gutters could be refereed to several reasons shown as the following, 14 defected designs, 48 defected construction, 49 defected drain cover and 30 tainted by environment. To conclude, drain construction and covers have significant influence on ditch dredging and maintaining, which take 34.0% and 34.8 of influences during cleaning side gutters. (2) The best method of analysis for gutters cleaning: Regarding to result of inspection, the most relevant program of gutters cleaning is highly recommended as the following: 12 people are arranged into a team to carry out gutters cleaning and it also requires 1 sewer cleaner (vacuum/jetting tanker), 1 mud sweeper and equipment. Moreover, staff arrangement is listed as the following, 1 gutter cleaning trunk driver, 1 sewer cleaner (vacuum) operator, 1 sewer cleaner (jetting) operator, 1 site supervisor is in charge, 1 open covering operator, 1 traffic director, 4 bagging operators and 2 carriers. According to the ditches with various standards and dimensions all over the Kaohsiung city, the examined samples are only chosen in this program of gutters cleaning and the relevant efficient gutters cleaning data is for reference only. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 展立工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76966
102年彰化縣河川揚塵污染防制評估研究計畫 減少,裸露沙洲逐漸浮出。再加東北季風盛行、農業耕作翻土均使揚塵問題加劇。為逐步解決附近地區空氣品質不良的問題,計劃針對河川裸露地適用的揚塵抑制工法先行試做,並進行成效評估。 本計畫首先以空拍與文獻分析對下游段各季節裸露地之面積進行調查,以做為未來空氣污染模擬分析之依據。而河川揚塵抑制案例也被蒐集做為採行工法之參考。另對土壤粒徑及陰陽離子進行一系列試驗及調查,做為揚塵起因之參考。現場進行葉脈式、跳島式、土、噴灑水及防塵藥劑、植生與防風林六種工法進行實驗。並進行成本與成效分析,以綜合評估估各種方案對沿岸揚塵之成效。 本計畫另對清運河砂、潮汐引水等進行法律可行性評估、也對於用地取得、市場及財務及工程技術等進行可行性評估。 要: Since the original plants have all been washed away due to river flood, the amount of water gradually reduced on October. The dust problem got worse because emerged sandbars were gradually exposed, the northeast monsoon prevailed, and farm digging operated. To resolve poor air quality problems in surrounding areas step by step, the different dust suppression methods were applied for first try on river bare land in this project, and the effectiveness were evaluated. First of all, aerial photography and literature review were carried out to investigate the area of bare land in different seasons on the downstream section. This analysis could be the basis for future air pollution simulations. The cases of dust suppression on river were collected as a reference for future application. Besides, the soil particle size and ions property were investigated by series of experiments. It could be a reference for the forming of the dust. Six field test works, such as scene vein type, island hopping, embankment, water spray, dust pharmacy, and windbreak were tested. The cost and effectiveness were analyzed. A comprehensive assessment was carried out to estimated the effect of dust depression with the various methods. In this project, the legal feasibility assessment was applied on river sand dredging and utilization of tidal river water. The feasibility assessment on the land acquisition, market and financial feasibility assessment, and engineering technology were carried out, too. 102 彰化縣環境保護局 大葉大學環境工程學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74903
102年度彰化縣節能減碳宣導推動計畫 ─低碳生活營造計畫 節能減碳是近年來熱門且重要的議題,但節能減碳不只是口號,彰化縣環保局落實在地生活,由低碳生活開始規劃,從生活周遭開始落實。本計畫原於102 年4 月16 日經署核定後,考量計畫時間及人力短缺,更改為自辦計畫,於102 年8 月8 號核定實施,計畫期程至102 年12 月10 日,計畫總經費為73 萬5,400 元整。本計畫總人力為1 人,並部分日部分時租賃汽車一部,作為計畫查核及輔導用途。計畫執行成效部分,除計畫書所題執行數外,本年度獲全國分組第五名,全國第六名,為特優獎項。另外在行動標章部分,總人力為1 人情況下,積極輔導轄區內優良社區參與,僅盼獲得行動標章社區成為地方典範,作為學習範本,呼應計畫在地生活,本年度共兩處社區:彰化市福田社區及彰化市平和社區獲環保署行動標章優等獎殊榮。 102 彰化縣環境保護局 彰化縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72496
宜蘭縣節能減碳輔導及減碳種子教師培訓計畫 本計畫工作內容為辦理:一.十大無悔措施具體落實輔導及查核、二.低碳生活綠網推廣、三.辦理低碳生活推廣、四.開辦「宜蘭縣減碳種子教師」培訓班及五.推動節能減碳行動標章,並持續維護環保局「節能減碳專屬網頁」和「低碳永續網站」之登錄等,其目的為結合宜蘭縣在地生活之特色,深入民眾推廣節能減碳生活。 102 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 威陞環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74641
移動式稻草再利用暨固態衍生燃料載運車輛設置及維護計畫 本計畫主要為研發移動式稻草再利用固態衍生燃料設備系統,可安裝於20呎特製貨櫃屋可聯結車輛載運移動,並配合雲林縣農業博覽會的活動,於102年12月13日至103年3月6日期間在會場實際進行稻草回收製作生質燃燒棒工作,操作結果顯示系統處理量平均可達200kg/hr,符合合約規範100kg/hr以上之要求,並將燃料棒使用於專用汽化爐烹煮食物及作為動物飼養區地板鋪料,獲得農博參訪遊客認同與肯定,達到推廣本技術及宣導農業廢棄物可再利用製作為生質資材的目的。另外,於稻草再利用固態衍生燃料鍋爐混燒試驗部分,選用燃料為棕櫚殼之生質燃料蒸氣鍋爐,進行混燒稻草生質燃料棒試驗;試驗結果顯示隨著摻混比例增加(2%、6%、10%)鍋爐蒸氣效率下降,與平時以純燃料蒸氣效率相比下降約0.6~3%,但後續應可藉由調整進料及操作條件提升混燒時蒸氣效率;試驗時檢測煙道空氣排放污染物、鍋爐底灰元素分析與重金屬含量,檢測結果顯示經空污防制設備處理後,煙道排氣之戴奧辛、SOx、NOx、HCl與CO檢測值均符合固定污染源排放標準限值,而鍋爐底灰重金屬低於毒性溶出程序,戴奧辛檢測值亦低於有害事業廢棄物認定標準,而底灰所含S、N及Cl成份均低於儀器偵測極限,故整體而言,稻草生質燃料棒可實際應用於生質燃料鍋爐,未來可於雲林縣縣內推廣運用本套系統,至各鄉鎮田間蒐集廢棄稻草以減少露天燃燒行為改善空氣品質,所產製之燃料棒亦可應用於工業生質燃料鍋爐,有效解決農業廢棄物問題並提升廢棄物循環再利用比率,達成以低污染生質能替代高污染石化燃料的目標。 Project of developing and maintaining mobile rice straw recycling device to producing Residual Deriv This project aims to develop a mobile rice straw recycling device to producing Residual Derivative Fuels(RDF-5). The device can be settled in a 20ft long cargo container and delivered by trailer. This device exhibited in Yunlin Agriculture EXPO from 13th of December in 2013 to 6th of March in 2014. During the exhibition, mobile rice straw recycling device had been demonstrated to produce biomass Briquette. The recycling result displays that 210kg of rice straw can be treated each hour which complied with the requisition of contract (100kg/hr). Those biomass Briquette also can be applied to food gasification furnace and farming layer. Most of visitors in Yunlin Agriculture EXPO praised the achievement of rice straw recycling system. In other words, this project promoted agriculture waste recycling and biomass transforming technology successfully. In addition, co-firing experimentation uses three different proportions of Residual Derivative Fuels(RDF-5) mixed with Palm Kernel Shell(PKS)in biofuel steam boiler. The efficiency of steam boiler decreased when the use of rice straw biomass fuel increased from 2% to 10%. Compared with a purely palm shell biofuel steam boiler, mixture fuel steam boiler has a lower efficiency which the decline rate is between 0.6% and 3%. However, adjusting operation condition and solid fuel feeding can solve this problem. During the experimentation, the programme took air samples after the process of air pollution control and did three pollution analyses which include stack air pollutant、button ash elemental analysis and heavy metal. The result indicates that the concentration of Dioxin, SOx, NOx, HCl and CO all met stationary pollution source air pollution emission standard. The concentration of heavy metal in the button ash sample conforms to Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) standard. Moreover, concentration of Dioxin was under hazardous industrial waste classification standard. Also the concentration value of S, N and Cl were under method detection limit. As a consequence, using rice straw biomass pellet to biofuel steam boiler is practical and also can be applied in industrial biofuel steam boiler. This system will assist to prevent open burning among countryside and solve agriculture waste problem effectively. 102 雲林縣環境保護局 川佳機械股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73065
102年補助彰化縣政府「環保志(義)工趣味運動會地方行政支援計畫」 為凝聚全國環保志(義) 工的向心力,提倡運動風氣及環保知識,促進身心健康,擴展人際關係並激勵環保志(義)工之榮譽感,以協助全國縣市各項環保工作之推動,行政院環境保護署及彰化縣政府於9月7日(六)於彰化縣立體育館,舉辦「102年全國環保志(義)工環境知識競賽」藉由具環境教育意涵的競賽,展現環保志(義)工的活力及向心力,以期達到全民環保之目的,進而提昇各縣市優質生活品質、帶動全民力行環保工作。 102 彰化縣環境保護局 東禾工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=71998
102 年度彰化縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證計畫 本計畫執行期間監測井井體維護修繕部分,因查無可修繕口次,故未予執行該工作項,而列管場址驗證部分,因今年度申請解列驗證之場址數較少,故部分工作項未予執行,其他依執行之工作項目及成果說明如下:一、場置性監測井地下水監測結果本年度計畫僅執行枯水期監測,監測結果大致上與歷年水質監測一致,大部分地下水水質係以總溶解固體、總硬度、氨氮、鐵、錳超過地下水監測標準為主。惟芳苑地區漢寶園段之非法棄置場N00282監測井今年度檢測出總酚超過管制標準,且漢寶園段內之氨氮濃度較往年大幅增加,經判定應是場址內資收場不當堆置廢棄物造成之污染。二、監測井維護作業本計畫已完成7口次監測井之洗井前、洗井後各一次的井中攝影,以確認井內積垢是否清除,大部分井況良好,且大部分監測井經洗井後水利傳導係數(K值)皆已提升,顯示洗井作業已具成效。本計畫共執行13口次監測井外觀修繕,修繕項目包括新增防護鎖、插銷修繕、警示柱修繕及更換標示牌等。三、已解列農地複查工作已解列農地複查43.9公頃(160組),其中檢出48筆地號超過食用作物土壤污染管制標準,11筆地號達食用作物土壤污染監測標準。環保局已依土壤及地下水污染整治法規定,辦理剷除食用作物作業及公告限制耕種。四、有污染疑慮工廠調查已完成7家有污染疑慮工廠之調查,調查結果發現,鋒龍電鍍股份有限公司、保明股份有限公司、泰琿工業股份有限公司、政龍金屬企業公司、建芳五金股份有限公司皆檢測出土壤重金屬有超過土壤污染管制標準之情形,建議後續環保局依土污法第七條五項要求業主限期採取應變必要措施。另外,鋒龍電鍍股份有限公司和保明股份有限公司之簡易井地下水重金屬達管制標準,建議後續辦理進一步調查及查證工作。五、污染場址改善完成驗證及緊急應變工作本年度已執行8處列管場址之改善完成驗證作業,共7處場址驗證通過,僅1處場址土壤中重金屬仍超過管制標準,未予以驗證通過。本年度共配合14場次緊急應變作業,其中緊急應變田中鎮大新段之非法棄置,調查發現土壤中重金屬已超過管制標準,環保局已進行後續相關作業。六、其他行政配合事項本年度已執行1場次「地下儲槽系統法規暨污染改善案例宣導說明會」,法說會宣導對象為地下儲槽業者;1場次「底泥品質管理暨機關檢測申報法規說明會」,法說會宣導對象為相關水體之目的事業主管機關單位;1場次「ArcGIS資訊系統教育訓練」,訓練對象為環保局土壤及地下水業務承辦人員;2場次「已解列農地複查作業行前說明會」,說明會宣導對象為已解列農地之地主、農民;1場次「有污染疑慮工廠調查行前說明會」,對象為有污染疑慮工廠之業主。定期更新土水資訊網站之系統資訊;每月一篇新聞稿發佈共12篇;污染控制計畫、整治計畫、計畫執行成果報告書書面審查及出席相關審查會等。 102 彰化縣環境保護局 台境企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71962
102年烏溪及濁水溪河川揚塵預警、通報及宣導暨環境清理計畫 本計畫執行期程自102年8月9日至103年8月8日止。各項工作均於預計期程內完成。每季蒐集烏溪及濁水溪河川圖資及配合現場巡查作業,瞭解河川裸露地分布面積及變化情形,並針對本縣河川現況與空氣品質特性,修正「烏溪及濁水溪揚塵惡化應變標準作業程序」,維護更新烏溪(大肚溪)及濁水溪揚塵預警及通報系統網頁及資訊平台,提供環保署測站之河川揚塵懸浮微粒濃度即時監測資料使民眾上網查詢以即時因應,當達到設定濃度時,由資訊平台自動發送簡訊及電子郵件以進行預警通報。本年度為增進縣內民眾對河川揚塵認知、正確執行防護措施及宣導河川揚塵預警通報系統,製作30秒宣導短片於本縣有線頻道內託播2個月,並辦理4場次揚塵教育宣導活動;為加強本縣與鄰近各縣市及中央地方單位橫向聯繫,辦理2場次揚塵防護演練(含兵棋推演、預演及實地演練)及2場次揚塵防制業務聯繫會議。此外,本計畫於揚塵好發季節期間於烏溪(大肚溪)及濁水溪沿岸各選定2(點)處,以行動式空氣品質監測車進行空氣品質監測,共執行30點天次,利用監測數據分析河川揚塵對鄰近鄉鎮之影響,並執行河川揚塵環境清理作業,共6,684.2公里,可削減PM10量達17.38公噸。 The duration of the execution of this project was from August 9, 2013 to August 8, 2014. All tasks were completed within the time scheduled. We collected the geographic information of the Wu River and Jhuoshuei River and conducted a field patrol inspection every season to understand the size of the distribution and the changing status of the exposed river areas. According to the characteristics of the rivers and air quality in this county, we corrected the “SOPs of the response of the worsening of the dust emission of the Wu River and Jhuoshuei River.” Based on this procedure, we updated the warning, notification, and the information reporting platform to provide the instant data on the dust emission for the Environmental Protection Administration so the public can access online. When the dust emission reaches the set density, the information platform will automatically send out the text and e-mail to execute warning procedure. This year, in order to strengthen the knowledge of the dust emission of the residents in our county, and to properly execute, protect and promote the warning and notification system of the dust emission of the rivers, we produced a 30-second dissemination film and sponsored 4 rounds of education/dissemination activities. The film was broadcasted on the cable TV in this county for 2 months. In order to strengthen the horizontal communication among our county, the neighboring cities and counties, and the local and central government units, we conducted 2 rounds of field exercise and 2 sessions of prevention operation communication meeting. Furthermore, during the season where the dust emission is most likely to occur, we chose two places to monitor the air quality by using the mobile air quality inspecting automobile. We did 30 times. We used the data obtained to analyze the effects of the dust emission on the neighboring towns and launched a cleaning of the environment and as a result, a distance of 6,684.2 kilometers was cleaned and was expected that some 17.38 tons of PM10 could be reduced. 102 彰化縣環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78689
102年大有環保小學堂推廣計畫執行成果 這次環保小學堂環境改造的兩口古井,過去曾是附近居民賴以為生的地方,早上會有婦人在洗菜邊聊八卦,中午則是老人在講古,傍晚時來了一群小孩子在那洗澡,旁邊還會有位孫師傅在那理髮,非常的熱鬧,70年代起,自來水的普及,附近居民漸漸不再來此,雜草叢生,人事已非。近年來農村社區的崛起,居民開始調查社區內的寶貝,赫然發現這兩口井居然有九十年與兩百多年的歷史,尤其是那口兩百年的古井使用的疊砌法,國內已不多見,實屬社區寶貝,於是我們就開始整理周圍環境,我們找來專業人士,將井內的水抽乾,然後親自下去將垃圾撿起,竟然發現裡面有磚塊、瓦片、石頭、相框、甕、菜刀…玲瓏滿目,應該是長輩認為以後不可能再去使用,於是就丟了一堆東西,但卻沒想到數十年後會有外人(社區)來清井。後來有團體來大有社區學習參訪,若時間上允許,我們都會帶他們來此地觀摩體驗。 102 彰化縣環境保護局 彰化縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71984
102年補助彰化縣政府「環境講習計畫」 一、依據環境教育法第23條及24條所訂,函文通知違反相關環境保護法令者,接受1至2小時環境講習。二、以環境倫理及違反環境保護法律之行為對個人、團體、環境之影響之課程,於102年5月24日、8月28日、9月18日及10月14日辦理4場次環境講習,共計通知712件參加講習 102 彰化縣環境保護局 東禾工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=72061
102年度彰化縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫 彰化縣長久以來空氣污染主要來源為各產業型態之工廠及各式機動車輛所排放之廢氣,而隨著都市土地利用型態的改變及民眾環保意識提升,工廠總數逐年減少,但使用中之機動車輛總量卻逐年上升,使得機動車輛所排放之廢氣成為都市空氣污染最主要之來源,因此,如何降低機動車輛之廢氣排放,是本縣當前極重要之環保課題。目前本縣機車設籍數量約86萬輛,其中出廠滿5年每年須參加排氣檢驗的機車約68.5萬輛,本計畫除針對應定檢機車進行通知及宣導,對未到檢機車進行路邊巡查貼單及寄發公文函通知到檢外,亦導入車牌辨識系統加強管制使用中機車,另不定時不定點執行機車路邊攔檢、受理民眾檢舉烏賊車,及設置移動式定檢車提供偏遠鄉鎮機車定檢服務等,以有效管控機車排放空氣污染物情形。本計畫自102年3月8日統計至102年12月10日,共計完成移動式定檢服務車免費檢測114點次,檢測892輛次。機車定檢數量為438,613輛次,定檢率為83.6%,可見得民眾對機車強制定檢的接受度正逐年提高中。此外,輔導轄內機車檢驗站執行機車定檢業務,使檢驗人員主動輔導老舊機車進行污染改善或淘汰,落實保檢合一,並推動民眾使用低/無污染交通工具…等,俾全面提昇本縣移動污染源管制成效。在削減量方面,主要的管控措施來自加速老舊之機車淘汰、機車定檢改善效益、未定檢機車稽查作業等,依環保署減量資料推算102年度彰化縣NMHC削減量為361.533噸,CO削減量為1442.962噸,CO2削減量為757.094噸。本計畫藉由執行各項車輛管制措施及跨局處合作並輔以宣導民眾,進而達到改善彰化縣空氣品質之實際效應及完善績效。 2013Mobi le Pol lut ion Inspection Control andManagement Project of Changhua County. Waste gas emissions from factories in various types of industries and motor vehicles in Changhua County have long been sources of air pollution. The change of urban land use types and promotion of public environmental awareness make number of factories reduce year by year but total quantity of motor vehicles increase, causing that waste gas emission becomes the main source of urban air pollution. Therefore, how to reduce waste gas emission from motor vehicle is an extreme significant issue of environmental protection in the County at present.The current registered number of motorcycles in the County is about 860,000, in which about 685,000 motorcycles in full 5 years from the manufacturing date are required for annual exhaust inspection. This program not only aims at notification and propaganda for periodical inspection of motorcycle but also conducts roadside patrol of those uninspected motorcycles for on-site inspection by posting note and mailing official letter; meanwhile, license plate identify system is also imported to tighten control of motorcycles in use, irregular and unfixed-point roadside inspection and interception executed, against high-pollution motorcycle from public complaints accepted and mobile inspection station set up to provide motorcycles in remote villages with periodic inspection services, which are to effectively control air pollution exhausted by motorcycles.Statistics of this program from Mar.8 to Dec.10, 2013 showed that the completion of free inspection was 114 station-times and 892 vehicle-times in mobile inspection stations. Periodic inspection for motorcycles was 438,613 vehicle-times with achievement rate of 83.6%. It can be seen the public acceptance for mandatory periodic inspection of motorcycle is increasing year after year. Additionally, guidance for periodic inspection of motorcycle in the inspection stations under administration allows inspection personnel to aggressively assist improvement or elimination of old motorcycles to put the maintenance and the inspection in one package program into practice, and promote the public to use low/non-pollution transportation equipments, etc.,, so that control effect for removal of the whole county’s pollution sources can be overall increased. Regarding pollutant reduction, the main control measure will cover acceleration of old motorcycles, improvement for the effectiveness of motorcycle’s periodic inspection and audit of motorcycle not executed periodic inspection, etc. According to pollutant reduction data from Environmental Protection Agency, NMHC reduction quantity was estimated 361.533 tons, CO 1442.962 tons and CO2757.094 tons in Changhua County in 2013. With implementation for control measure of various vehicles and cross-department cooperation as well as guidance of public promotion, this program will further achieve the improvement of actual effect and perfect performance of air quantity in Changhua County. 102 彰化縣環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71925
彰化縣資源回收綜合管理計畫 為有效推廣資源回收及永續再利用,促進綠色資源再生,特委託辦理本縣102 年度資源回收綜合管理計畫,以協助推動各項政策,以下為各項工作成果之執行成果:(一) 協助資源回收相關管理工作:本計畫依據各地方特性提供執行作法建議,並協助環保局及各鄉鎮市公所擬定及執行創新做法,協助回收率提升至38.63%(1-10 月統計資料),達成年度回收率38%之目標。(二)辦理資源回收及源頭減量活動與媒體宣導:本計畫協助辦理資源回收宣導活動31 場次,並刊登9 則平面媒體報導及427 則廣播電台宣導,以多樣化管道及方式進行宣導,以使執行機關能順利推動相關政策,並辦理12 場次清潔隊員在職教育訓練課程,以降低職災發生率。(三)辦理回收處理業管理及形象改造工作:本計畫完成已登記回收商及處理業者134 家次稽查輔導,186 家次未登記回收商稽查作業,並完成媒合15 位個體業者,落實業者配合各項執行政策,並規劃2 處社區及2 處學校推動形象改造工作,以提升本縣執行績效。(四)辦理指定業者巡查管理工作:執行資源回收責任業者及14 大販賣業者重點巡查管理工作,以使各業者能符合現行法令規定及要求,執行率達100%。 Changhua County Extended Purchases for Integrated Recycling Management Project In order to effectively promote sustainable reuse and recycling so as to endorse greenrenewable resources, we have been commissioned and entrusted to handle thecounty’s integrated recycling management project for the year of 2013 in promotingrelated policies. The following are outcomes for planned initiatives:1.Assistance related to the management of recycling: This project was carried out onthe local level, taking into consideration the specific traits for each area, in providing theEPB and various township offices with suggestions and concrete plans developing andimplementing innovative approaches to assist in increasing recycling efforts 38.63%(from January to October statistics), in which we were able to reach this target of 38%recovery rate for the year.2.In charge of recycling, source reduction activities and media advocacy: the projectbeing comprised of 31 sessions, incorporated recycling activities, media coverage fromnine printed news sources and 427 radio stations, all which publicly advocated recyclingas a part of life and enabled environmental enforcement agencies greater leverage forpromoting related policies. Twelve continual job training courses were held for theircleaning staff, in order to reduce the likelihood of occupational incidents.3.In charge of recycling industry management and image transformation: this projectfocused on auditing companies comprising 134 audits regarding their recycling efforts.A total of 186 audits were conducted on non-registered recyclers and 15 privatelyowned businesses targeting specific areas and industries to execute recycling policies.Two communities and two schools were also targeted to promote the transformation ofthe image of recycling and execution effectiveness in these matters.4.Conduct inspections and management on designated industry: executing inspectionand management tasks, targeting certain pertinent industries and 14 hypermarketindustries, ensuring that each industry will comply with current regulations andrequirements, reaching an implementation rate of 100%. 102 彰化縣環境保護局 京丞資源國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72495
102年度重點流域污染源專案查核管理計畫 一、水污染源科學性稽查適法本計畫依「水污染源資料管理系統」篩選境內污染排放量大之事業或行業、關鍵測站上游及工業區之事業,執行深度查核作業(至少執行250家次查核作業及放流水採樣100家次)冀望藉此以督促業者妥善操作處理設施並減少污染排放作為。執行至102年11月11日止,本計畫共完成265家次查核作業,其中屬第一級的有48家次、第二級的有110家次、第三級的有107家次,合計採樣171家次。經本計畫第一階段查核後限期要求改善,並依缺失程度於第二階段會同環保局承辦人員至現場進行複查作業,統計至102年11月11日止,共有8家受到處分(單元流程與許可登載不符1家、稀釋廢水1家、繞流排放1家、管線未標示1家、槽體及管線未標示1家、未依規定每日紀錄水電表2家、未許可排放1家),目前已開立之處分金額為170,000元,其餘廠家處分開立中。二、污染熱區畜牧污染策略管制本計畫於102年6月14日針對101年度養豬業源頭減量清潔養豬(豬廁所)示範推廣計畫之示範戶召開1場次法規宣導說明會,出席率為80%,會中針對各示範戶輔導現況、常見缺失及改善建議,並藉由說明會的辦理,再次向示範戶信心喊話,且全力輔導業者進行缺失改善。豬廁所之原理係利用豬隻經過適當引導後,有集中固定於特定位置排泄行為,大幅減輕傳統清水沖洗豬舍問題外,再利用人力、半自動化或全自動化設施刮除收集含高有機物之豬糞,達到豬糞資源或能源再利用之目的。截至102年11月11日止已執行4次追蹤輔導共100家次,針對畜舍管理及廢水處理單元處理成效階段性成果如下:(一)畜舍管理面畜舍用水量與豬廁所設置前相較共有19家有省水效果,其中有6家之用水量與101年設置後相較更低;在固形物增量的部份,共有11家其豬糞固形物經原水池之固液分離機濾出有增量情形,目前示範戶之固形物去處多以供他人農田使用及自家農田使用二種;今年度25家示範戶之育成率與設置前相較有提昇;用電量的部分,共有20家示範戶其用電量於輔導期間有增加之趨勢。(二)處理單元操作情形經本計畫今年度輔導後,放流水水質合格的共有13家,與101年度之放流水合格之家數8家相較,放流水質有逐漸改善之趨勢;而若從放流水削減率來看,SS有削減情形共有16家(削減率0.6%~81.9%),BOD有削減情形的有17家(削減率3.0%~95.1%),COD有削減情形的有19家(削減率17.6%~95.3%)。三、協助暗管查緝及封管等相關工作(一)暗管或不明管線查緝成果執行至102年11月11日止,本計畫共查獲17支暗管或不明管線,其中共6支為使用科學性儀器,其餘11支為不需使用科學性儀器;查獲之對象包括列管事業及違章工廠,查獲之行業包括電鍍業、金屬表面處理業、印染整理業、製革業、造紙業及畜牧業,共2家移送法辦,3家處分開立中;其12家處罰鍰家處分金額共1,790,000元。(二)樣品檢測執行至102年11月11日止,本計畫共協助完成懸浮固體檢測150次、化學需氧量檢測150次、生化需氧量檢測150次、其他重金屬(鎳、鉻、銅、鋅、鎘)100次、其他項目(氰化物)14次。四、協助辦理其他行政相關業務(一) 每月10日前提報工作月報表並配合召開工作檢討會議,會中針對本計畫之工作執行進度、可配合爭取之考核成績及達成情形進行簡報說明,藉由滾動式討論修正並調整管制執行策略。截至102年11月11日止,已完成7次月報提送及召開5次工作檢討會議。(二) 本計畫依行政院環境保護署102年河川污染整治(含流域管理)考核評分標準進行試算,本計畫之計畫工作內容包括專案管制、畜牧業追蹤輔導及暗管查緝作業,共可協助環保局在河川污染整治考核得6.01分。(三) 本計畫配合於102年7月17日、102年8月2日及102年11月8日共協助環保局發布三則新聞稿,新聞稿主題分別為「彰化縣建縣290年-彰化故事館-環境品質水知道」、「捍衛環境品質!彰化縣環境保護局祭出「停工」、追償「不當利得」,嚴懲重罰偷排繞流工廠」及「水污染防治申報文件部份更新,提醒事業單位注意」。(四) 依本計畫之各項執行工作項目進行評估整體計畫之污染削染,102年度SS總削減量為113,758.1kg/d、BOD總削減量為122,466.3kg/d、COD總削減量為158,482.9kg/d、鎳總削減量為103.4666kg/d、鉻總削減量為100.82kg/d、銅總削減量為39.4kg/d、鋅總削減量為41.6605kg/d、六價鉻總削減量為0.6kg/d。(五) 本計畫協助進行水污費費額徵收試算,彰化縣轄境內第一階段水污費徵收對象(列管事業及工業區專用污水下水道系統(含石油化學專業區、科學園區、生物科技園區等))共計1,174家,再依環保署暫訂之費率(COD為12.5元/公斤、SS為0.62元/公斤)為基準進行水污費費額試算,在全額徵收條件下,預估總徵收金額約112,469,024元/年 102 彰化縣環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71920
102年度屏東縣餐飲業空氣污染管制計畫 期末報告(定稿本) 本計畫工作期程自民國102年8月22日至103年8月23日止,本計畫各項工作進度目標達成情形詳如表1所示,並說明執行成果如下:一、 建置本縣餐飲業基本資料庫本計畫參考本縣登記有案之餐飲業進行調查及資料建檔,並以大鵬灣、小琉球、恆春半島地區之餐飲業為優先巡查對象;並編訂餐飲稽巡查標準作業程序與宣導自主維護保養管理之策略,修正並更新各項查核作業表單。本計畫共完成302家餐飲業現場稽巡查作業,若就調查對象之經營型態進行分析,共查核中式餐飲257家、日式餐飲9家、西式餐飲12家、速食5家、複合式餐飲5家及其他型式餐飲14家。若以調查對象之污染防制設備設置情形進行解析,僅設有擋板、濾網及水幕式煙罩等前處理設備業者共257家(佔85.3%),同時裝設前處理設備及管末處理設備業者達125家(佔41.4%)。二、 餐飲業污染防制設備廠商名錄收集及油煙異味防制技術彙整本計畫已收集全國104家餐飲業污染防制設備廠商名錄,並分析歸納各類空氣污染防制設備型式、單位造價、防制效率及實績經驗,並於計劃執行期間持續蒐集餐飲油煙污染物之影響、健康研究文獻,協助技術服務及諮詢輔導,供餐飲業者參考。三、 餐飲業減量及先前輔導作業本計畫依環保局報案中心陳情資料與國家風景區及污染較為嚴重者及環保局指定之餐飲業者,共執行餐飲業減量先前輔導作業共204家次,其中餐飲業先前輔導後已改善業者約64家,皆完成前處理及管末設備之設置及相關改善作為(改善比例約31.4%),經分析改善後實際減量部份(NMHC約11.55噸、PM2.5約6.26噸、PM10約6.69噸、TSP約6.96噸),並於執行稽巡查輔導作業時,向餐飲業者宣導加強污染防制設備定期維護保養之工作。四、 餐飲業減量輔導專家學者協談餐飲業減量輔導專家學者協談會議,係以大型餐飲業或屢遭陳情業者為優先輔導對象,本計劃共執行11場次減量輔導專家學者協談會議,每場次至少邀請1位專家學者至現場進行輔導;專家學者輔導建議之事項包含:廚房油煙經排放管道抽氣會吸出,導致異味排出,須以噴霧加藥劑處理;污染防制設備設置完成後,一定要定期來清理維護機器設備,才能達到實際防制成效。經本工作團隊之統計,已有4場次12家餐飲業者進行改善,已完成前處理及管末設備之設置,其餘7場次之餐飲業者均承諾改善方式並提報改善計畫書持續進行改善工作,並提報環保局持續追蹤專案輔導之餐飲業者相關改善方式及作為。五、 研擬餐飲業分級標準完成轄區餐飲業分級作業本計畫已研擬餐飲業分級標準,並以環保無煙餐廳為訴求重點,已完成轄內200家餐飲業環保無煙餐廳分級作業,其中22家餐飲業進入複評作業,共有9家業者完成評鑑(待衛生局確認業者3年內是否有食物中毒事件發生) 後,即完成遴選環保無煙餐廳作業,並已建立大型餐飲業者污染防制作業之相關範例。六、 執行餐飲業周界異味官能測定及分析本計畫已完成餐飲業10點次周界異味官能測定及分析,周界異味檢測分析結果,以屏東民族夜市尖峰時段濃度值78為最高,其次為屏東民族夜市離峰時段濃度值為62,第三為海鴻飯店濃度值47,第四為巴菲樂烤肉店濃度值38,第五為塔塔城泰式料理店濃度值為24,接下來為南香商行濃度值為21、阿利海產店濃度值為19、阿國臭豆腐濃度值為17、熊家企業社濃度值為17及家福(股)公司屏東分公司濃度值為14,上述業者若超過周界法規之規定,本計畫已將官能測定分析結果提報環保局,並函請業者自行提報減量輔導改善計畫書,除要求業者要進行污染防制設備裝設及改善外,本計劃亦持續進行後續改善情形之追蹤。七、 餐飲業污染減量輔導改善說明會本計畫已完成五場次餐飲業減量輔導改善說明會,分別於琉球鄉屏東民族夜市、潮州鎮、屏東市及恆春半島等地區辦理,邀請國立高雄應用科技大學 化學工程與材料工程學系 蔡政賢教授及國立中山大學 環境工程研究所 周教授明顯,針對「餐飲業空氣污染防制技術與相關法令宣導及說明」之主題進行演講,使與會業者了解廚房油煙,對空氣及人體傷害之重要性,同時提供小型餐飲業簡易式水洗設備進行相關改善之作為,減少業者成本負擔;並於會中宣導落實污染防制及設備檢查保養作業與各項環境保護對策,確保業者污染防制設備之正常運作,降低油煙排放及異味之情形;並針對現階段餐飲業執行現況與未來縣府相關政策進行說明,促使業者改善意願及配合環保局相關政策推廣。八、 餐飲業宣導手冊製作本計畫已完成餐飲業油煙宣導手冊2,000份製作,並於計畫執行期間,發放給接受查核之餐飲業者或參與相關活動之民眾供參。九、 環保餐飲示範專區之成立本工作團隊依實際查核及各種評鑑之結果,選定本縣恆春鎮後壁湖地區為「環保餐飲示範專區」之成立地點,該地區共有20家次(包含恆春區漁會9 家) 餐飲業者,經進行專案性稽巡查輔導作業後,後壁湖地區餐飲業者污染防制設備裝設家數及比例大幅提升,輔導前裝設前處理設備為10家(設置比例50%)、管末設備為4家(設置比例20%);經本工作團隊及專家學者專案性輔導後,裝設前處理設備為20家(設置比例100%)及裝設管末設備為19家(設置比例95%),輔導後裝設前處理設備提升50%、輔導後裝設管末設備提升75%。並於103年8月23日假恆春鎮墾丁國民小學(恆春鎮墾丁路65號),辦理「低碳半島樂活行 墾丁食尚無油煙」大型宣導活動,並將後壁湖地區餐飲業者輔導改善之情形,大力推廣並塑造屏東縣餐飲業優良觀光之形象。十、 辦理餐飲示範街之觀摩活動本計畫已於103年4月7日~ 103年4月8日辦理環保餐飲示範街之觀摩活動,此次參訪地點為觀新北市永和區樂華夜市及新北市新莊區屢遭陳情業者(光頭佬臭豆腐、龜山島生猛活海鮮熱炒店)等處,新北市政府與樂華夜市管理委員會,不僅能有系統輔導夜市攤販全數裝設污染防制設備外,還訂定相關維護保養之規定,並有專人引導車輛進出,不僅提升業者環保意識外,也提高環保觀光夜市之知名度,增加夜市之曝光度,吸引更多觀光購買人潮。並由新北市環保局帶往新莊區兩家屢遭陳情業者(光頭佬臭豆腐、龜山島生猛活海鮮熱炒店),說明如何輔導業者裝設油煙及異味處理設備,不僅考量到從業人員健康之問題外,也降低民眾陳情之發生。最後,與新北市環保局研討如何推動環保餐飲觀光夜市之工作,輔導夜市餐飲業者減少污染情形之發生,更能將觀光夜市的乾淨及美化宣傳效果,日後不但可以吸引大量的觀光人潮,使市民及遊客可以體驗台灣特有的夜市文化,且於逛街中也不受油煙困擾所苦,可說是環保與觀光和美食的有效結合,為觀光及環保寫下新的一頁,是值得我們效法及學習的對象。十一、 協助環保局執行轄內餐飲業稽巡查與陳情件後續追蹤巡稽查作業本計畫已追蹤70家次餐飲業者(其中6家次為改善追蹤業者),經本工作團隊稽巡查輔導作業後,已有進行安裝前處理設備共64家(佔追蹤輔導100%),並安裝管末設備共64家(佔追蹤輔導100%),本工作團隊再加強查核餐飲業者污染防制設備是否正常操作;經本工作團隊輔導後,僅有7家業者再被民眾陳情;故本工作團隊將持續追蹤陳情業者缺失及改善情形,並持續將尚未改善完成之陳情業者加強輔導及追蹤,以有效遏止餐飲業之空氣污染行為。 102 屏東縣政府環境保護局 慧群環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73560
加強移動性污染源-機車排放空氣污染物稽查管制計畫 由於臺北市機車族群眾多,且機車為都會地區主要空氣污染源之一,故102年度由臺北市政府環境保護局衛生稽查大隊委託瑩諮科技股份有限公司執行加強移動性污染源-機車排放空氣污染物稽查管制計畫。截至102年12月止,攔檢部份執行5,707輛次,總體而言經路邊攔車檢查,現場檢測後其結果為合格之機車數達4,212輛次,占總攔檢數73.8%,經路邊攔檢後檢測不合格機車數達1,920輛次,不合格率26.1%,攔檢回檢邊際效益為CO:0.7471、HC:0.5270;另針對停車場、社區及加油站等區域進行徒步巡查未定檢機車工作完成65,374輛次,其中將40.8%機車因此完成定檢。並於102年度在避免擾民及不影響道路交通流量之前提下,執行車牌自動辨識系統稽查作業,可掌握ㄧ般不易稽查之通勤族車輛,共拍攝91,396輛次,並針對設籍臺北市未定檢車輛寄發雙掛號催檢通知,共計寄發4,903份,回檢率48.5%。並對設籍於臺北市之經明信片通知後仍未定檢機車進行二次催檢通知寄發工作,共寄發140,000份,催促車主於期限內回檢,共回檢72,408輛,回檢率51.7%。同時製作機車定檢宣導摺頁7,000份、海報2,200張及宣導品5,000份等,同時設置移動式定檢車1站以配合辦理宣導活動,執行戶外定檢服務234輛次。102年機車定檢調修合格輛次為35,222輛機車,污染物削減量的成效為CO削減量923.80 ton/yr,HC削減量為139.79 ton/yr。 102 臺北市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81246
102年補助彰化縣政府「環境教育志工培訓及運用計畫」 為配合環境教育法第20條及志願服務法,鼓勵有意願擔任之環境教育志工,透過環境教育課程訓練,提升其環境保護知識及技能,協助彰化縣推動環境教育宣導工作。並培訓擔任「102年度環境教育宣導」講師,協助環保局前往企業界、社區、學校、民間團體等單位進行環境教育宣導及環保志工特殊訓練。 102 彰化縣環境保護局 東禾工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71992
102年度彰化縣室內空氣品質自主管理策略推動計畫 近年來政府積極關心室內空氣品質議題,於100年11月23日通過室內空氣品質管理法後,室內空氣品質管理等課題已列為重要施政項目中。本年度計畫成果包括: (1) 完成18處場所室內空氣品質維護管理專責人員及室內空氣品質維護管理計畫之輔導,其中5處場所已取得專責人員資格,14處場所完成室內空氣品質維護管理計畫。(2)完成40 家公私場所巡檢調查,發現本縣醫療場所其二氧化碳濃度易超過1,000 ppm。(3)完成15處公私場所室內空氣品質定期檢驗測定,針對不符合標準場所進行輔導及複測,複測結果均已符合法令標準。(4)針對巡檢或檢測不符合標準單位邀請專家學者進行6處公私場所室內空氣品質自主管理輔導。(5)舉辦2場次宣導說明會,參與人數分別為54人及63人。此外,擇定彰化師範大學作為優良場所示範觀摩會場地,邀請預定列管單位與政府機關與會參觀,當日參與人數為18人。(6) 發布兩則新聞稿宣導室內空氣品質,製作宣導海報與宣導摺頁提供給政府機關或公私場所張貼及發送,並建置彰化縣室內空氣品質資訊網提供民眾有關室內空氣品質相關諮詢服務,以達資源共享之目的。 2013 Changhua County’s Promotional Project of Self-Management Strategies for Indoor Air Quality The government is actively paying attention to the issues concerning indoor air quality. After the passing of Indoor Air Quality Management Regulations on November 23, 2013, issues related to Indoor Air Quality Management have been promoted to prioritized policy issues. The results of this year’s annual program include: (1) Out of 18 sites complete the implementation of regulations concerning having dedicated management personnel for maintaining indoor air quality and guidance for indoor air quality maintenance management programs, 5 sites have obtained dedicated qualified management personnel, and 14 sites have completed management programs for indoor air quality maintenance. (2) Completing inspection surveys of 40 public and private premises, and discovering that the carbon dioxide concentrations of some health care facilities in this county often exceed 1,000 ppm. (3) Completing periodic inspection measurements of indoor air quality at 15 public and private premises, and then performing guidance counseling and retesting of the premises that failed the inspection. The results of the retests show compliance with regulated standards. (4) Inviting experts and scholars to conduct self-management counseling for indoor air quality at 6 public and private premises that failed routine inspection or testing. (5) Holding 2 sessions of promotional seminars, which were attended by 54 and 63 participants respectively. In addition, National Changhua University of Education was selected as a model site for demonstration and observation. Organizations that are projected to be regulated, and governmental institutions, were invited to participate in the observations. On the day of the demonstration 20 people attended. (6) Publishing two press releases promoting indoor air quality. Producing promotional posters and pamphlets for governmental agencies and public/private premises to be posted and distributed. Constructing a Changhua County Information Network for Indoor Air Quality that offers informational services concerning indoor air quality issues to the public to help reach the objective of resource sharing. 102 彰化縣環境保護局 社團法人中華民國工業安全衛生協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71976
102年度高雄市委託規畫建置廢容器自動回收機器結合捷運ㄧ卡通回收自動加值系統計畫 高雄市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為進一步將自助式服務概念逐步應用於資源回收工作上,以電子票證加值為誘因,推動「102年度高雄市委託規畫建置廢容器自動回收機器結合捷運ㄧ卡通回收自動加值系統計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),除提供市民便利及創新回收管道外,更結合電子票證一卡通回收加值服務,以鼓勵市民做環保,多多利用一卡通搭乘公共運輸系統,減少空氣污染,共同建立高雄市宜居城市形象。本計畫採用之廢容器自動回收機器為財團法人精密機械研究發展中心所設計研發,包括壓縮減積、辨識系統、觸控螢幕、回收數量統計與ㄧ卡通加值等功能,並命名為「ARM自動資源回收機」,可供民眾將廢寶特瓶及鐵鋁罐投入自動資源回收機內回收,自動於一卡通內加值。為提供自動資源回收機供市民使用,本計畫經環保局同意後於102年11月11日起於美麗島捷運站8號出入口設置,由陳菊市長進行揭幕啟用,並透過宣導摺頁及網路簡短訊息,提供市民操作ARM自動資源回收機相關注意事項及回收費率。設置初期回收費率為1個廢容器1元,民眾反映相當熱烈,但回收價金高於市場回收價格約4倍,故於103年8月19日調整回收費率為3個廢容器1元,以趨近市場回收價格,提高廢容器資源回收量,統計至103年9月30日止,總計已回收402,390個廢容器。最後,本計畫也蒐集彙整國外及本市設置廢容器自動資源回收機相關資料及成果,規劃出未來設置最佳可行性方案及標準作業流程,使ARM自動資源回收機可以廣泛的設置於適當地點及提供市民便利回收管道。 2013 Automatic Add Value Service System for MRT Integrated ARM Pass and Promotion Program To further apply the Self-service concept into resources recycling, the Environmental Protection Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government (hereinafter the EPB) promotes “2013 Automatic Add Value Service System for MRT Integrated ARM Pass and Promotion Program” (hereinafter the Program”) by using the E-pass add value service as incentive. In addition to provide convenient and innovative recycling channels to citizens, it also incorporates the E-pass recycling value added service to encourage citizens taking mass transportation system with e-pass more frequently as to reduce air pollution and build the image of environmental friendly city. The automatic waste container recycling machine is designed and developed by Precision Machinery Research and Development Center, including size compression, identification system, touch screen, recycling quantity statistics and e-pass add value services. The machine is called “ARM”, which people could throw the waste PET and iron or aluminum can into the ARM while adding the value into the e-pass at the same time.To provide ARM for the use of citizens, the machine has been installed at the No. 8 entrance of Formosa Boulevard Station since November 11, 2013 upon the approval of EPB. Mayor Chen Gu held the opening ceremony, meanwhile the propaganda leaflet and short online message regarding the ARM operation related notices and recycling rate were available for citizens. The recycling rate at the preliminary phase was 1 dollar for each waste container. People were excited about it, however, the recycling price was 4 times higher than the recycling rate on the market, and the recycling rate was adjusted to 1 dollar for 3 waste containers since August 19, 2014 to approach the market price and enhance the recycling volume of waste container. As of September 30, 2014, total 402,390 waste containers had been recycled. Finally, the program also collects and summarizes domestic and local ARM related information and results for the planning of optimal action and standard operation flow in the future to have ARM be extensively installed at places as appropriate and provide citizens with convenient recycling channels. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 信安工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78309
102年度彰化縣戴奧辛及重金屬管制計畫 本計畫至102年12月09日止,已完成戴奧辛稽查檢測9根次、重金屬稽查檢測4根次、法規符合度查核59家次、定檢計畫書審查17件次、監督檢測30家次、檢測報告審查29件、申報資料審查40家次、輔導評鑑2家次、全興與彰濱工業區周界空氣戴奧辛含量調查12點次等,均已達合約要求進度。煙道戴奧辛稽查結果除燃木鍋爐有1根次稽查結果超出排放標準,目前正進行改善外,其餘均符合排放標準;而重金屬稽查結果均符合排放標準。法規符合度查核結果為符合者佔81.4%,不符合者佔18.6%,缺失多為操作紀錄缺漏、錯誤,以及進料管理不佳、設備未標示或脫落等,均已完成改善並複查通過。戴奧辛排放量推估結果中,排放量最大的製程類別為電弧爐,約佔整體排放量的59.4%。戴奧辛排放量推估結果中,以電弧爐排放量最大,約佔整體排放量的59.4%,其次為銅二級冶煉(11.8%),第三則為燃木鍋爐(7.9%)。全興及彰濱工業區周界空氣戴奧辛含量調查結果與環保署歷年監測結果無明顯差異,但全興工業區周界測值有高於彰濱工業區之情形,可能是受慶欣欣之影響,建議應持續進行該廠稽查與查核作業,以有效控管戴奧辛之排放。輔導評鑑會議已於4/25及9/30分別針對和美鎮公所焚化廠及正昌能源辦理完成:前者已經評鑑同意改善完成並復工;而後者目前正依委員建議進行相關改善工程,本計畫將持續進行複查及追蹤,督促該廠確實改善。 102 彰化縣環境保護局 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司\ http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71971
溫室氣體管理專法推動及行政支援 本大計畫蒐集研析並掌握國際溫室氣體減量管理法案發展趨勢,包含主要國家獨立專法及總量管制與排放交易制度執行機制,彙整國際法規動態資訊每月發行新聞電子報,並於每季提供環保署國際溫室氣體管理政策發展分析報告作為施政參考。推動溫室氣體減量法立法工作方面,本計畫協助提供「溫室氣體減量法(草案)」立法院審議所需相關資料、說帖、問答集與立場文件,研析各界對「溫室氣體減量法(草案)」之關注議題,更新維護法規中英文宣傳網站,每季發行臺灣溫室氣體減量政策推動英文電子季刊,並規劃法案推動時與各界溝通機制,協助法案政策宣傳作業。本計畫研析國際間將溫室氣體列為空氣污染物之相關制度做法,評估以空氣污染防制法推動溫室氣體總量管制及排放交易之可行性,包含核配方式可能組合之管制情性,並研擬所需相關子法架構與條文大綱。本計畫蒐集我國歷年來將國際公約內國法化之推動做法及運作機制,研析將聯合國氣候變化綱要公約內國法化之作法,並研擬法案名稱及相關條文草案,規劃未來各相關主管機關之因應做法與配合措施。於國際交流合作方面,本計畫與歐盟智庫Ecofys針對碳洩漏議題進行專題合作,研提我國溫室氣體管理法規及排放交易制度推動分析報告,並邀請國外專家來台就分析成果進行說明與意見交流,建立夥伴關係。本計畫並配合環保署整體規劃需求,擔任行政支援與幕僚工作,派員參與公約COP19會議與亞洲氣候變遷重要會議,參與周邊會議與各國代表進行交流,以掌握他國相關作法資訊以及國際氣候談判最新趨勢。 The Promotion of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Regulations and Management of Related Administrat This project aims to promote greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction regulations in Taiwan through conducting international case studies related to GHG reduction policies, assisting the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in advancing the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bill (Draft) and engaging stakeholders, assessing the feasibility of regulating GHG emissions with the existing Air Pollution Control Act, proposing approaches to adopt the UNFCCC agreements into Taiwan’s legal system, and pursuing international exchange opportunities. The project team will conduct extensive research on the development of GHG reduction policies as well as cap-and-trade mechanisms in specific countries. These case studies would enable the project team to publish monthly newsletters on the international development of GHG reduction policies, as well as quarterly policy analysis papers for the Taiwan EPA. The project team will also help push forth the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bill (Draft) by assisting the Taiwan EPA in preparing for the hearings of the Bill, maintaining the Bill’s Chinese and English websites, publishing quarterly newsletters on the development of Taiwan’s GHG reduction efforts, and strategizing the Bill’s stakeholder engagement mechanisms. In addition to compiling best practices in GHG reduction policies and cap-and-trade systems, and mobilizing the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bill (Draft), the project team will also assess the feasibility of regulating GHG emissions with the existing Air Pollution Control Act in Taiwan. The project team will specifically evaluate different emission allowance allocation schemes that could be implemented by the Act, as well as addendums needed for the Act to legally regulate GHG emissions. Furthermore, the project team will advise approaches to adopt UNFCCC agreements into the domestic legal system based on past experiences of adopting international agreements, including drafting corresponding domestic regulations and proposing implementing agencies. Finally, in terms of international exchange, the project team will work with Ecofys Consultancy to publish a joint analysis paper on the subject of carbon leakage and its impact on Taiwan’s proposed GHG management mechanisms. The Taiwan EPA also plans to invite experts from Ecofys to Taiwan to further discuss Ecofys’ analysis and recommendations and to build partnerships. The project team will also be attending COP19 and other key climate change conferences in Asia with the Taiwan EPA to better understand other countries’ GHG reduction strategy, as well as the latest trends and development with regards to international dialogues on climate change. 102 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72211
彰化縣102年度小黑蚊密度調查暨環境衛生教育宣導計畫成果報告書 台灣鋏蠓 (Forcipomyia taiwana) 俗稱小黑蚊,雌成蟲嗜吸人血,叮咬後皮膚會感覺搔癢難耐,並引起紅腫疼痛之過敏反應。雖然目前尚未發現小黑蚊可傳播任何疾病,但其白天活動與吸血習性已影響當地學童上課及干擾民眾日常生活,甚至妨礙觀光休閒產業的整體發展。由於其蟲體微小不善飛行及幼蟲為陸生偏好潮濕環境之特殊性,使其在各縣市之主要危害區域集中於觀光發展最適切之郊區與低海拔山區 (統稱山腳地帶) ,嚴重衝擊各縣市觀光產業。彰化縣東側緊鄰八卦山脈,山腳沿線的鄉鎮市,如彰化市、花壇鄉、芬園鄉、大村鄉、員林鎮、社頭鄉、田中鎮及二水鄉亦身受其害。為長期追蹤彰化縣小黑蚊危害之情況,本計畫以定期調查方式,監測八卦山沿線八鄉鎮市小黑蚊密度之變化,並佐以氣象資料分析小黑蚊的影響因子與擴散趨勢。本年度密度調查結果顯示花壇鄉、田中鎮及社頭鄉為小黑蚊危害相對較嚴重鄉鎮。在氣象影響因子分析中,彰化市與花壇鄉小黑蚊密度與該地微氣侯變化有關,而大村鄉、花壇鄉的主要影響因子可能在人類活動與農業經濟作物上;而在田中鎮與社頭鄉的小黑蚊變化則與人文活動相關。本年度縣內所選定之三個重要觀光景點為大佛風景區、百果山風景區、贊天宮,在進行實地探戡後,依該地特徵提供了可行的小黑蚊防治規畫,包括藥劑噴灑方針與輔導實地防治工作,防治後三個風景區之小黑蚊危害皆有不同程度的改善;在教育宣導面上,共舉辦16場合計801人次之教育宣導,落實學校師生小黑蚊防治與防護觀念。宣導後問卷分析中93%的參與對象認為本教育宣導對小黑蚊相關知識與防治概念有所幫助,知識問卷上,參與者的正確答題率為94%。結案報告中並整理小黑蚊防治技術相關文件供環保局參考。本計畫之執行不僅可提供縣內各小黑蚊危害發生區之參考也可提供給各縣市參酌,以提升小黑蚊危害區居民之生活品質、旅遊觀光產值及經濟產業發展效益。 102 彰化縣環境保護局 中臺科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72259
環評技術顧問機構業者評鑑、評估項目人員認證制度推動暨環評業務檢討會與交流會 環保署為瞭解環境影響評估技術顧問機構之執行現況與素質,自民國86年起開始辦理「環境影響評估技術顧問機構業者評鑑」工作,期能提昇環評書件製作品質,並將評鑑結果公告於環保署網站,供開發單位選擇環境影響評估者時參考。經過整年度評鑑作業及評鑑委員會之辦理,102年度評鑑結果區分出A級8家、準A級11家、B級10家、C級11家、D級0家以及不予分級52家。103年評鑑截至103年11月30日止,共計彙整420件環評書件及92家業者評鑑結果。此外,本計畫根據專家諮詢會議專家委員意見,研訂104年度評鑑作業方法及程序。而為能進一步提昇環評技術顧問機構業者評估項目人員之專業能力,本計畫研擬環評評估項目人員認證及計點制度推動方式及配套措施,邀集專家學者、地方環保機關召開諮詢會及座談會議,推動我國施行環評評估項目人員認證及計點制度可行性。為強化中央目的事業主管機關及環保機關環評業務執行成效,本計畫亦透過辦理環評業務檢討會與交流會,進行溝通協調,並提供相關指導與建議,藉以提昇相關單位環評業務執行能力,促使我國環評業務之執行得以更加完善。 Evaluation of EIA Technical Consulting Organizations, Certification of Evaluators and Conferences The Environment Protection Administration (EPA) has been annually undertaking the Evaluation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Technical Consulting Organizations since 1997. The annual evaluation results are announced on the EPA’s website for the developers to choose appropriate technical consulting firms to work with. Through this project, the evaluation procedure was conducted in accordance with the measure of the year 2013. Of the 92 assessed firms, 8 were graded A, 11 were graded pre-A, 10 were graded B, 11 were graded C and 52 were ungraded. During the operation period of the evaluation procedure in 2014, the evaluation results of 420 EIA reports which belong to 92 technical consulting firms have been gathered and calculated by November 31, 2014. By consulting the scholars, experts and environmental officers, the opinions on the evaluation system were collected as a reference base to set up the evaluation measure of the year 2014.In addition, the certification system for EIA evaluators was drawn up and the preliminary feasibility was assessed in order to improve EIA evaluators’ professional competence.By holding review and communication conferences, the central authorities and the competent authorities were gathered to review the achievements of EIA affairs, improve the ability of the authorities to conduct EIA affairs and make the EIA system more mature. 102 綜計處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73000
102年補助彰化縣政府「環境創意教學工作坊執行計畫」 (一)觸口自然教育中心探訪:本次研習活動乃結合觸口的在地的生態資源並結合導覽員專業的解說,引領研習的夥伴們ㄧ同放慢腳步走進觸口,感受大自然的奧妙與美好,並藉由觸口的教學環境與課程介紹,讓參與之教師於未來教學時,能善用觸口之各項教學資源進行環境保育教育。(二)奮起湖生態文化導覽:本活動將以老街為中心,除介紹老街、車站之人文風情,也將引領老師進入奮起湖週邊最原始豐富的自然生態領域。(三)藉由參訪活動讓教師瞭解生態與環境的相互依存之概念,以有效提昇教師環境教育與環境保育之知能 102 彰化縣環境保護局 施怡安 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=72066
環保與消保教材編撰專案工作計畫 為落實推動「102-103 年消費者保護計畫」規定,提升本署消費者保護之執行績效,並增進民眾了解及實踐保護環境與保障消費者權益之觀念,進而盤點環保業務及法規與消費者保護之間的關聯,編製適用於高中職畢業一般民眾之「環保與消保」教材、電子書、數位學習課程,及提供環境及消費者保護教育者教學資源。 The Project for Editing Educational Materials of Environmental Protection and Consumer Protection. In order to implement the Consumer Protection Plan of the Executive Yuanand to improve the performance of the Consumer Protection Programs of the Environmental Protection Administration, the investigation of the relationshipbetween the relevant regulations/measures of environmental protection and thoseof consumer protection is conducted in this project. As a result, a series of teaching material, i.e. a textbook, an e-book as well as e-learning course are drafted and edited for the use of consumers with high school level education. Theseeducational materials published in this project are useful for consumers to establish the concept of both environmental and consumer protections. In addition, they can be provided to the environmental educators as a resource for further teaching. 102 綜計處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78576
102年度彰化縣臭氧前驅物長期背景監測計畫 彰化縣環境保護局為建置臭氧前驅物背景資料及提升臭氧管制成效,遂研提「102年度彰化縣臭氧前驅物長期背景監測計畫」,利用OP-FTIR進行揮發性有機物背景調查工作,並透過臭氧控制機制分析、臭氧管制方案修訂及評估臭氧行動日之可行性等作為,以提升彰化縣臭氧管制工作績效。工作成果概要如下: 一、監測成果與空品分析 (一)大城鄉東港村 大城地區VOCs物種濃度大致皆低於周界標準,且VOCs物種多半呈現未檢出的情形。當大城地區吹南風系列時段,甲烷、氨、臭氧、甲醇、一氧化碳、二氟一氯甲烷及乙炔等物種高濃度出現頻率有增加趨勢。透過國科會質點擴散模擬結果得知,海陸風機制主導大城地區污染物擴散機制。 (二)中科二林地區 受到中科二林基地基礎工程與二溪路的道路拓寬工程的施工影響,99年至102年PM10年帄均濃度明顯提升,雖然濃度有逐年下降但仍高於98年;受到中部空品區整體空品趨勢的變化,中部三縣市臭氧年帄均濃度自99年起皆有明顯升高趨勢,惟二林測站呈現下降趨勢。 VOCs物種監測,由於中科二林基地周邊產業以農業與畜牧業居多,甲烷、氨氮等環境背景物種顯著;受到測線鄰近工廠、宮廟及農田燃燒等影響,甲苯、丁酮、乙酸乙酯及多環芳香烴...等物種較顯著。而整體污染物濃度皆低於周界標準。 (三)屢遭陳情或重大污染源 PU皮革業監測結果顯示,由風向判斷、批次式出現的時機及使用原物料等資料,比對該廠運作情形後其相關性吻合度甚高,且二甲基甲醯胺、丁酮與乙酸乙酯等高濃度出現時機有同步的情形,判定污染源由該行業可能性最高。印染業監測結果顯示,由物種出現時機與風向判斷、原物料及製程中逸散的排放物種等,推測異丙醇、乙酸乙酯與甲苯等三種物種應為同一污染源所貢獻,判定此三項物種由印染業產生之可能性頗高。 二、臭氧管制策略 依據歷年空氣氣品質分析結果與臭氧控制機制顯示,彰化縣臭氧管制未來仍需針對VOCs加強管制,未來管制工作建議,以減少污染量、排放量管制及落實環境教育的角度出發,包括:加嚴VOCs排放管制、清查工業VOCs排放量、分區分段普查死車、提升民眾對於生活中的臭氧防制認知等。。 臭氧行動日經初步評估建議可由為彰化縣SIP 計畫發布,發布通報條件依據中部空品區次日臭氧8小時帄均值達75-95 ppb時,通報對象包括:縣府各局處室、學校、企業等,通報方式以電子郵件或行動電話簡訊通知。由於臭氧行動日屬於全民減量運動,應以「減少健康危害」的角度倡導民眾由日常生活中著手減少VOCs的排放,待民眾對於臭氧防制意識提高後,再進行第二個階段推動工作,其達成全民減量的效益才可彰顯。 The Ozone 2013 long term background monitoring project for ozone The Environmental Protection Bureau of Changhua County has proposed “2013 long term background monitoring project for ozone precursor for Changhua County” in order to set up the background data for ozone precursors and to enhance the ozone control effectiveness. In the project, OP-FTIR is used to perform background survey work for volatile organic compound. Moreover, through actions such as ozone control mechanism analysis, ozone control project revision, and the evaluation of the feasibility of ozone action days, the work performance of ozone control of Changhua County is then enhanced. Finally, the work results are briefed as in the followings: I Monitoring results and air quality analysis(1) Tungkang Township of Dacheng HsiangMost of the concentrations of VOCs species in the Dacheng District are lower than the surrounding standard. Moreover, most of VOCs species are not detectable. In the time periods when south-bound wind dominates in Dacheng District, the frequency of appearance of high concentrations of species such as methane, ammonia, ozone, methanol, CO, difluoro-monochloro-methane and acetylene is in the increasing trend. Through the mass point diffusion simulation result sponsored by National Science Council, it can be seen that sea-land wind mechanism has dominated the pollutant diffusion mechanism in the Dacheng District.(2) Central Taiwan Science Park Erhlin DistrictAffected by the construction of the infrastructure engineering of Central Taiwan National Science Park Erhlin District Base and the road broadening engineering of the Erh-hsi road, the average PM10 concentrations from 2010 to 2013 are obviously higher, although the concentrations are in descending trend year by year, yet it is still higher than that of year 2009. Affected by the entire air quality trend change in the air quality area of central Taiwan, the annual average concentrations of three counties and cities in central Taiwan are significantly higher starting from 2010, however, only theErhlin test station shows a descending trend.For the monitoring of VOCs species, since the peripheral industries in Central Taiwan Science Park Erhlin Base are mostly agriculture and pasturage, environmental background species like methane, ammonia and nitrogen are significant. Since the test lines are affected by the neighboring factories, temples and the burning actions in the farm field, species such as toluene, butanone, ethyl acetate and multi-rings aromatic hydrocarbons are more significant. And the entire pollutant concentration is lower than the surrounding standard.(3) Constantly complained or major pollution sourceFrom the monitoring results of PU leather industry, after a comparison is made among wind direction, timing for batch appearance, data of the raw material used, and the operation situation of the factories, the correlation was found to be very high. Moreover, synchronous appearance was seen for the timing of appearance of high concentrations of dimethylformamide, butanone and ethyl acetate, hence, it was judged that the pollution source comes from that industry. From the monitoring results of the printing and dying industry and from factors such as timing of appearance of the species, wind direction, raw material and the released species emitted from the process,it was estimated that three species such as isopropyl alcohol, ethyl acetate and toluene should be contributed by the same pollution source, hence, it was judged that these three species have very high probability to be generated by dying and printing industry. II Ozone control strategyAccording to the historical air quality analysis results and ozone control mechanism, it was seen that future ozone control job in Changhua County should be emphasized on VOCs control. Suggestions for future control jobs are: Reduction of the pollution quantity, control on the release quantity, and the fulfillment of environmental education. They include: Make strict requirement on VOCs release control, perform entire checking of the release quantity of industrial VOCs, make census of dead vehicles in different areas and different sections, and enhance people’s ozone control recognition in the daily life. After initial evaluation of ozone action days, it was suggested that it can be announced by SIP project of Changhua County, and the announcement condition should be based on 8 hours average ozone concentration of 75~95 ppb of the next day in the air quality area of central Taiwan. The announcement targets include: Bureau, department or office in the County Government, school or enterprises, etc. And the announcement method can be email or text message of mobile phone. Since ozone action days is basically an activity for the quantity reduction among all the nationals of this country, it should be based on the view point of “reduction of the hazard to the health” to ask the general public to reduce the release of VOCs in the daily life, after the ozone control consciousness of the general public is enhanced, the promotional job in the second stage can then be launched. Eventually, the effectiveness of the quantity reduction among all the people in this country can then be seen. 102 彰化縣環境保護局 東禾工程顧問有限公司
宜蘭縣「102年度室內空氣品質輔導管制計畫」 「室內空氣品質管理法」於100年11月08日立法院三讀通過,同年11月23日由總統公布,並於101年11月23日正式施行,使我國室內空氣品質管理工作邁入嶄新的一頁。室內空氣品質管理各項工作運作在即,各地主管機關乃為法案是否能順利推動的關鍵角色。為使宜蘭縣內各公私場所能重視室內空氣品質維護管理及建立相關管理制度,宜蘭縣政府環境保護局將透過執行「102年度室內空氣品質輔導管制計畫」輔導縣內各公共場所進行室內空氣品質維護管理工作。本計畫執行期限至103年4月30日止,本團隊依行政院環境保護署第一批公告場所及縣境內室內公共場所,挑選敏感性族群場所(如幼兒園或老人養護機構等)及宜蘭縣地方特色場所(如博物館、車站或展覽中心等),進行121處一氧化碳及二氧化碳巡檢作業、20處室內空氣品質檢測、空氣品質評鑑作業、輔導2處室內污染物數值顯示看板設置。在宣傳作業上,為提升本縣內公共場所對室內空氣品質議題之認知,於計畫執行期間,規劃製作宣導手冊1000份及海報200份,搭配200份宣導品(室內盆栽)進行室內空氣品質推廣的工作,以減少執行過程中因相關單位認知不足而產生阻礙。另外,為提升縣內公私場所管理人員自我維護管理的能力,現場訪查對於相關法規及室內環境常見的問題及改善方法進行說明,增加管理人員對於室內污染源與改善方法的知識,對於日後進行維護管理工作將有助益。室內空氣品質推動行政作業繁雜且重要,本團隊將配合各項行政管理作業之執行,協助貴局完成各項交辦工作,並達績效考評之標準。 102 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 新洋科技顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74627
102年柴油車排煙檢測站操作維護計畫 彰化縣長久以來為工業及農業發展的城市,空氣污染主要來源為各產業型態之工廠及各式機動車輛所排放之廢氣,而隨著都市土地利用型態的改變及民眾環保意識提升,工廠總數逐年減少,但使用中之機動車輛總量卻逐年上升,使得機動車輛所排放之廢氣成為都市空氣污染最主要之來源,因此,如何降低機動車輛之廢氣排放,是本縣當前極重要之環保課題。柴油車管制方面,總計達成柴油車排煙檢測4,583輛次,不合格331輛次,不合格率為7.2%。油品篩選共計5,637件,篩選送驗110件,已檢驗完成110件,不合格2件,不合格率為1.8%。執行目視判煙不合格數為1,155輛次,進行車籍查詢並篩除煙度不足、報廢、繳銷及停駛等因素,總計已完成593件發文通知檢測工作。本計畫藉由執行各項車輛管制措施及跨局處合作並輔以宣導民眾,進而達到改善彰化縣空氣品質之實際效應及完善績效。 2013 Dynamometer Station Maintenance and Management Project. Changhua County has been a city of industrial and agricultural development for a long time. The primary source of air pollution in this county is the waste gases emitted from diverse types of factory and variety of motor vehicles; and in the wake of the change from the pattern of urban land utilization along with the promotion of populace’s awareness of environmental protection, the total number of factory has been decreasing year by year; contrarily, the total number of motor vehicle in use has been increasing year after year that makes the emission of exhaust gas from motor vehicles the most critical source of urban air pollution. Therefore, how to reduce the emission of exhaust gas from motor vehicles has become the extremely important issue of environmental protection for Changhua County.In the aspect of controlling the diesel vehicles, 4,583 vehicles inspected & tested thereof smoke emission while 331 vehicles therein failed to pass the inspection at a nonconformity rate of 7.2%. With regard to the oil sampling, 5,637 oil samples were taken while 110 oil samples therein were screened and submitted for inspection. 2 oil samples failed to pass the inspection amongst 110 inspected oil samples at a nonconformity rate of 1.8%. 1,155 vehicles failed to pass the visual determination and followed an inquiry of registration data, screening and report for scrapping, handing in for cancellation, suspension of driving, etc. factors; totally 593 letters of notice for inspection & test works were dispatched.This project, by executing variety of vehicular control measures together with cooperation cross the bureaus and divisions plus a propagation to the populace; Changhua County has achieved a practical effect and a complete performance to improve the air quality. 102 彰化縣環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78770
102年補助彰化縣政府「配合環境節日及其他環境教育相關活動計畫」 本次活動由彰化縣野鳥學會安排專業解說員帶領到漢寶濕地進行濕地及鳥類生態導覽解說活動,透過望遠鏡讓民眾認識各種美麗的濕地鳥類,並說明濕地生態對人類以及各類生物的重要性,提升民眾的保育觀念,濕地導覽解說結束後,進行有獎徵答活動,透過趣味問答的方式加深參加活動的民眾對所見到的鳥類及濕地生態的印象,讓保育觀念更加烙印在民眾腦中,達到環境教育之目的 102 彰化縣環境保護局 東禾工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71989
102年度彰化縣揮發性有機物調查及管制計畫 一、更新維護及擴充VOCs排放資料庫作業1.執行80家公私場所清查並更新資料庫及排放量;更新後粒狀污染物排放量為134.53公噸/年,硫氧化物排放量為710.22公噸/年,氮氧化物排放量為1,258.65公噸/年,揮發性有機物排放量為504.94公噸/年。二、行業法規揮發性有機物符合度查核作業1.行業法規符合度(如:PU合成皮業、石化業、乾洗業、半導體業、汽車表面塗裝及膠帶業)共查核41家次,查核結果符合行業法規規範。查核41家次中,有7家(加雍、普健、超鴻、力麗、新力美、大鉦及洛克伍德)因現場與許可流程不一致或公私場所基本資料變更,需辦理許可證異動。2.加油站法規符合度共查核165站(台亞大肚橋加油站、瑞城加油站、彰伸加油站及金郎加油站分別於102/04/22、102/04/26、102/05/23及102/08/15查核時歇業),查核結果符合。三、非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)煙道檢測非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)煙道檢測共完成7家10根次,檢測結果僅國慶化學股份有限公司全興廠制設備驗證後效率0%且排放濃度261ppm,不符合排放濃度150ppm以下,已於102/06/26進行裁處。裁處後該公司進行洗滌塔濾材更換及洗滌液更換頻率調整,並於102/08/16完成改善檢測,檢測結果6ppm,符合法規規範。四、紅外線熱像儀(FLIR)偵測作業完成工廠紅外線熱像儀(FLIR)偵測作業20家次,各廠經紅外線熱像儀(FLIR)全廠掃描,各受檢工廠均未偵測出洩漏之元件。五、石化製程設備元件抽測在石化製程設備元件抽測作業部分,共執行29家次10,105點次,其中鴻勝化學科技股份有限公司彰濱廠於102/09/05該次檢測有2點,有2點次之元件淨檢值為3,940及1,190ppm,現場立即要求改善,改善後該元件淨檢值分別為2.35ppm及1.60ppm、洛克伍德鋰業股份有限公司於102/08/07該次檢測有1點次之元件淨檢值為>10,523ppm,超出10,000ppm,並依檢測結果進行裁處,另於102/10/07進行複測,濃度為147ppm。其餘各點次淨檢值均小於1,000ppm,未超出法規規範且符合排放標準。六、冷卻水塔水中揮發性有機物濃度檢測共執行5家,並依據行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所公告之NIEA W785.55B,水中揮發性有機化合物檢測方法測出結果,臺灣化學纖維股份有限公司(回收課(W910D)) 0.0899mg/L、力麗企業股份有限公司彰化化纖總廠0.064mg/L、力鵬企業股份有限公司彰化尼龍總廠0.0124mg/L、健強高科技股份有限公司分廠0.0124mg/L、廣質股份有限公司0.0124mg/L,均低於排放標準5mg/L。七、加油站功能檢測作業完成77站油氣回收設施功能檢測(氣油比及氣漏檢測),包含自行檢測64站及稽查檢測13站,氣油比平均合格率為94.7%,氣漏檢測合格率為96%。在稽查檢測13站對象中,不合格為福懋益民加油站(氣油比檢測),依空氣污染防制法第23條第2項暨加油站汽油回收設施管理辦法第8條之1第1項規定裁處新臺幣10萬元整,該站於102/05/28進行複測,複測結果均為合格。另外,氣油比檢測不合格共58槍,檢測完要求限期改善並於改善後執行複測,共完成氣油比複測22站58槍,複測結果皆符合法規規範;在加油站減量部分,經執行功能檢測前/後加油站VOCs排放量削減共20.3公噸/年。八、加油站FID檢測作業執行10站704點次FID檢測,經檢測後各點次未達洩漏定義值規定,僅林田加油站,98量油口測值為986ppm為最高濃度。九、新設/既設站改建加油站審核作業完成5站審查作業,包含既設改建站3站,分別為田中加油站、彰化客運建國加油站及溪州加油站,新設站2站,致茂加油站、福懋田中加油站。其中致茂加油站、彰化客運建國加油站已通過第二階段審查,其餘三站通過第一階段審查。十、說明會辦理及其他作業完成2場次之說明會辦理,分別為102/03/28上午舉辦「加油站檢測作業方式及法規暨設備維護訓練宣導說明會」,出席站數134站及加油站公會,出席站數達79%,出席人數共149人,出席率符合合約規定;102/03/28下午舉辦「揮發性有機物防制設備操作維護宣導說明會」,出席人數123人。兩場次說明會另外,執行「彰化縣加油站加油槍空氣污染行為」查核165站次,查核結果皆符合公告;環保局網頁已分別於102/03/26及102/11/15完成更新維護。十一、推動油氣回收系統警示系統設置本項作業為持續推動之重點作業,本年度共50站完成油氣回收系統警示系統設置加油站,全縣共70站完成設置,設置率42.4%,已達成本年度全縣設置率40%的目標 2013 project of VOCs survey & control in Changhua County 102 彰化縣環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71970
南投縣水污染源科學稽查管制及河川巡守運作計畫 一、列管水污染事業之深度查核:合約數量為200家次,於計畫執行期間,己完成207場次之有效稽查,完成率為100.0 %,查核結果,超過許可核准量者,廢水量有31家、用電量有22家、加藥量有15家、污泥產生量有8家,皆已輔導進行許可變更或減少相關用量。內容請詳本報告第4-1-3節。二、水樣檢驗工作:合約數為100場次,本計畫於執行期間,本計畫一共進行了167家次的採樣分析,採樣家次包括畜牧業60家次、其他事業107家次,執行達成率為100.0 %;本計畫透過查核各處理單元操作效能及放流水水質計算,南投縣列管事業操作廢水處理設施,烏溪流域污染削減量如下:SS削減量為3096.91 kg/day,COD削減量為9288.51 kg/day,BOD削減量為3389.09 kg/day;濁水溪流域污染削減量如下:SS削減量為 9929.53 kg/day,COD削減量為12629.38 kg/day,BOD削減量為4500.30 kg/day。三、排放許可證(文件)現場查核及缺失改善輔導工作:本計畫於執行期間,針對水污染相關許可證(文件)進行現場查核作業已完成38家次;水污染源各項許可申請案件審理作業,共審理204件,已認可發證共有55件,有145件正補正中,6件未有主管機關相關核准函已駁回申請。內容請詳本報告第4-2-1節。四、辦理水質檢驗定期申報審查作業:102年度上半年度,共需協助審查207件定期申報審查作業,於計畫執行期間,已協助審查207件,其中審查結果未經補正即認可者有65件,審查結果需補正認可者有142件。內容請詳本報告第4-2-2節。五、暗管查緝及封閉:本計畫於執行期間,共查獲10處暗管/不明管線案件,皆在本計畫人員確認後拆除或封閉改善,依據連接之不明管線槽體水質及放流水水質估算封閉不明管線之削減量,其中COD削減量為1075.0 kg/day,BOD削減量為634.3 kg/day,SS削減量為411.6 kg/day。內容請詳本報告第4-1-5節。六、執行事業單位廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑作業:本計畫於執行期間,於102年11月25日執行日月潭大飯店(股)公司、順德工業股份有限公司南投廠,102年11月27日執紳豐畜產加工股份有限公司,102年11月28日執行順得裕食品有限公司埔里廠、安峰工業股份有限公司5場次事業單位廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑作業。相關辦理方式詳第4-2節。七、清潔養豬政策成效追蹤、輔導及宣導:本計畫於執行期間,針對101年度7家清潔養豬示範戶,進行成效追蹤輔導及宣導,7家養豬戶所設置之排糞架皆使用中,未有損壞,其中維德牧場、松品牧場及宏昌牧場成效佳,現場豬廁所使用馴養良好,設置前後用水量降低5成,沖洗時間由4小時/2人降低4小時/1人;龍陽牧場及大順牧場,設置前後用水量僅降低1成,其原因為考量降低臭味陳情,清洗頻率維持2次/日,清洗時間由3小時降低為2.5小時; 另久泰牧場設置前後用水量降低2成,於廢水減量方面具有相當之成效。八、辦理水污染源削減及法規修訂相關宣導說明會工作:本計畫依合約預計辦理二場次水污染防治法相關法令宣導說明會,本計畫於執行期間,已辦理完成2次;說明會內容主要為「水污染防治法相關規定綜合說明」、「水污染防治許可申請作業說明」及「生活污水減量宣導」主題。出席率分別為67.6 %及77.6 %,針對未出席業者,本計畫將發給業者簡報資料,並向業者說明重點,使宣導率達100 %。內容請詳本報告第4-5節。十、辦理埔里鎮育英橋下方之礫間接觸淨化水質改善設施操作功能成效追蹤評估:本計畫於執行期間,執行育英橋示範場操作維護共計有21次,針對引水道進水口漂浮物淤積清除及礫間淨化區內之淤積物清除、沉澱區及跌水工區淤泥清除共計有4次、利用抽水機進行反沖洗作業共計有4次及暴雨前緊急關閉設施開放口等操作及措施4次,另計畫期間亦針對排氣管設施及第二道集水槽進行修復作業。十一、推動水環境志工巡守制度:目前維持9隊河川巡守隊,共計有239位隊員,本計畫於執行期間,透過實地訪查各巡守隊隊部,了解各巡守隊特色、運作狀況情形、所遭遇之困難及需要協助之處。總計辦理23場次淨溪活動(參與人數共計378人),並參考環保署優良巡守隊篩選標準,研訂水環境巡守工作績效評比要點;辦理宣導活動、成果檢討及環境教育活動13場次、水質監測活動共計有13場次,巡守隊通報環保局河岸河面髒亂點通報案件74件,已請相關單位清除。十二、辦理其他事業水污染管理相關業務:本計畫於執行期間,協助撰寫1份102河川污染整治(含流域管理)計畫書,並配合執行1次水質淨化設施現地評鑑作業。 Water pollution source inspection and control plan in Nantou County 2013 This project was mainly to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau (Nantou EPB) of the Nantou County Government in carrying out the “water pollution source inspection and control plan in Nantou County 2013”. All tasks in the plan have been put into action, including “checking of the wastewater discharge”, “functional examination of industrial wastewater treatment facilities”, “Assistance with water pollution control measure plans and review of all relevant permission documents, on-site check and counseling flaw improvement”, “holding water pollution prevention and control explanation meetings”, “wastewater sample examination”, “Investigation and blocking or removal of underground pipes”. With full support from the EPB of the Nantou County Government, this project had been 100% completed during the execution period.The executive results of all the tasks are described as follows.1. When checking country controlled industrial wastewater or water pollution cases, and the parameters of wastewater treatment facilities, our team had finished 207 reports during the project period, contains complete livestock industry wastewater treatment facilities functional check 58, which was more than the contract-required 200 reports. Therefore, our team achieved 100% of this task.2. As for sampling of wastewater from industrial effluent points, we had analyzed samples from 167 points, which was more the contract-required 100 points. The sampling results demonstrated that 126 points were qualified, and 41 were unqualified (26 of these unqualified were from livestock industry, and 15 from other country controlled industrial units)3. We had completed functional examination of industrial wastewater treatment facilities 5 times.4. This project during the execution of seven pig farms Easy defecation frame counselling track, a total of 240 grants.5. Two explanation meetings had been held to promote water pollution prevention and control measures for 265 companies, and attendance rate reached 72.6% (184 attendants).6. Regarding the investigation and blocking or removal of underground pipes, there were 10 cases discovered, and these were removed or blocked by the EPB of the Nantou County Government and our team. For this work, we estimated an elimination of 634.3 kg/day of BOD.7. To establish the river monitoring and patrol system, we had undertaken education and training programs for volunteers 9 times. Altogether, 378 river volunteers helped with the 23 clean-up river events and collected 2,524 kg of garbage and 613.5 kg of recycled material. 102 南投縣政府環境保護局 能碩工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=85025
102年補助彰化縣政府「環境知識擂台賽地方行政支援計畫」 為凝聚全國環保志(義) 工的向心力,提倡運動風氣及環保知識,促進身心健康,擴展人際關係並激勵環保志(義)工之榮譽感,以協助全國縣市各項環保工作之推動,行政院環境保護署及彰化縣政府於9月7日(六)於彰化縣立體育館,舉辦「102年全國環保志(義)工環境知識競賽」藉由具環境教育意涵的競賽,展現環保志(義)工的活力及向心力,以期達到全民環保之目的,進而提昇各縣市優質生活品質、帶動全民力行環保工作 102 彰化縣環境保護局 東禾工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71999
102年度基隆市全民減碳行動計畫 1.減碳推動策略及輔導機制。2.節能減碳執行。3.辦理成果發表會。4.協助執行低碳永續家園推動。 102 基隆市環境保護局 新紀工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71432
農地土壤母質品質背景調查計畫(第2期) 臺灣花東地區及澎湖地區少數農地土壤經調查發現鉻、鎳濃度有異常偏高現象,經以地質學及土壤學之研究方式,系統性的辦理野外地質調查、岩石及河川沉積物主成分及微量元素分析、土壤剖面形態化育特徵研究及礦物相鑑定、農地土壤重金屬濃度分布調查等工作,確認臺灣花東地區少數農地因位於蛇紋岩或超基性火成岩母質分布區域,澎湖地區則位於玄武岩母質分布區域,受自然環境背景地質因素影響以致土壤中鉻、鎳元素含量偏高,為非因外來人為污染所造成之地球化學異常現象。本計畫已建立自然背景與人為污染土壤特徵判別方式,盆栽試驗研究認為施用石灰可降低蛇紋岩土壤鎳之生物有效性,管柱淋洗試驗則證實現地化學氧化試劑會造成土壤中鉻及鎳釋出至地下水造成污染,綜合兩期計畫執行成果已提出建議之農業、衛生、環保等各項行政管理措施供計畫主辦單位參考。 Investigation on Background Characteristics of Parent Materials of Farmland Soils (2). Some of farmland soil was investigated contain high concentrations of Cr and Ni in eastern Taiwan and Penghu area. Based on geology and pedology research method (including field geology survey, major and trace element geochemical analysis, field morphological description of soil profiles, soil genesis characteristics research, mineral and phase identification, farmland soil sampling and heavy metal concentration analysis), the project confirms that (1) some of farmland soil in eastern Taiwan is located in the serpentine or ultramafic parent rocks distributed area, Penghu area is basalt parent rocks; (2) high concentrations of Cr and Ni in soils are affected by local natural environment and geological background factors, for geochemical anomaly reasons not attributable to external pollution. This project established the identification method to the natural background or polluted soils; pot experiment research concluded that lime application can decrease Ni bioavailability to the crops; leaching experiment indicated that application of in situ chemical oxidation reagent would cause Cr and Ni dissolution from serpentine and basalt soils. Strategy and management framework including agriculture, health, and environmental protection to these areas are also provided to the Taiwan EPA. 102 土污基管會 瑞昶科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76230
102年本市(原高雄縣境內)重點區域道路暨安全島清掃計畫 為貫徹陳菊市長的城市美學與市政方針,高雄市政府環境保護局特辦理「102年度本市(原高雄縣境內)重點區域道路暨安全島清掃計畫」,以延續「101年度本市(原高雄縣境內)重點區域道路暨安全島清掃計畫」之執行理念與績效,針對本市(原高雄縣境內27區)路寬超過4公尺之市區道路、安全島(分隔島)及人行道進行普查,聘用210員之清掃人員執行清掃作業,以提升本市環境清潔。期藉由除洗掃街作業清除道路塵土外,由本計畫之清掃作業提升削減路面街塵負荷,減少街塵再揚起的機率以及降低執勤時之勞安事故,進而達成改善空氣品質及維護環境清潔、員工零事故之最終目標。 102years of the city (former Kaohsiung County) key regional road-cum-refuge sweeping plan 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 惠民實業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77488
102年彰化縣資源回收綜合管理計畫 為有效推廣資源回收及永續再利用,促進綠色資源再生,特委託辦理本縣102 年度資源回收綜合管理計畫,以協助推動各項政策,以下為各項工作成果之執行成果:(一) 協助資源回收相關管理工作:本計畫依據各地方特性提供執行作法建議,並協助環保局及各鄉鎮市公所擬定及執行創新做法,協助回收率提升至38.63%(1-10 月統計資料),達成年度回收率38%之目標。(二)辦理資源回收及源頭減量活動與媒體宣導:本計畫協助辦理資源回收宣導活動31 場次,並刊登9 則平面媒體報導及427 則廣播電台宣導,以多樣化管道及方式進行宣導,以使執行機關能順利推動相關政策,並辦理12 場次清潔隊員在職教育訓練課程,以降低職災發生率。(三)辦理回收處理業管理及形象改造工作:本計畫完成已登記回收商及處理業者134 家次稽查輔導,186 家次未登記回收商稽查作業,並完成媒合15 位個體業者,落實業者配合各項執行政策,並規劃2 處社區及2 處學校推動形象改造工作,以提升本縣執行績效。(四)辦理指定業者巡查管理工作:執行資源回收責任業者及14 大販賣業者重點巡查管理工作,以使各業者能符合現行法令規定及要求,執行率達100%。 Changhua County Extended Purchases for Integrated Recycling Management Project In order to effectively promote sustainable reuse and recycling so as to endorse greenrenewable resources, we have been commissioned and entrusted to handle thecounty’s integrated recycling management project for the year of 2013 in promotingrelated policies. The following are outcomes for planned initiatives:1.Assistance related to the management of recycling: This project was carried out onthe local level, taking into consideration the specific traits for each area, in providing theEPB and various township offices with suggestions and concrete plans developing andimplementing innovative approaches to assist in increasing recycling efforts 38.63%(from January to October statistics), in which we were able to reach this target of 38%recovery rate for the year.2.In charge of recycling, source reduction activities and media advocacy: the projectbeing comprised of 31 sessions, incorporated recycling activities, media coverage fromnine printed news sources and 427 radio stations, all which publicly advocated recyclingas a part of life and enabled environmental enforcement agencies greater leverage forpromoting related policies. Twelve continual job training courses were held for theircleaning staff, in order to reduce the likelihood of occupational incidents.3.In charge of recycling industry management and image transformation: this projectfocused on auditing companies comprising 134 audits regarding their recycling efforts.A total of 186 audits were conducted on non-registered recyclers and 15 privatelyowned businesses targeting specific areas and industries to execute recycling policies.Two communities and two schools were also targeted to promote the transformation ofthe image of recycling and execution effectiveness in these matters.4.Conduct inspections and management on designated industry: executing inspectionand management tasks, targeting certain pertinent industries and 14 hypermarketindustries, ensuring that each industry will comply with current regulations andrequirements, reaching an implementation rate of 100%. 102 彰化縣環境保護局 京丞資源國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72502
高雄市102年一般廢棄物清除處理費徵收工作計畫 高雄市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)依據廢棄物清理法第24條及一般廢棄物清除處理費徵收辦法規定,分別針對(1)自來水用戶,按用戶水量計算(2)非自來水用戶,按戶定額計算,徵收一般廢棄物清除處理費(俗稱垃圾清理費)。本計畫統計至103年6月30日止,辦理自來水用戶清除處理費徵收作業,協助環保局辦理停徵2,616件、復徵65件及退費97件等案件初審及建檔彙整,另為確認申請清除處理費停徵、退費單位是否確實將一般廢棄物交由合法清除業者清運,並依每月申請停徵20%案辦理現場稽查工作,總計稽查564件。辦理非自來水用戶徵收、催收及強制執行作業,針對101年度經徵收後仍未繳款者,已於102年9月1日寄送12,338件回執雙掛號催收繳款書,總計已繳款16,914件,繳款金額18,995,208元,另針對100及101年度經徵收及催收作業後仍未繳款的18,634件,分別於103年1月6日及4月1日移送強制執行,總計已清償4,740件,清償總金額5,559,940元。辦理102年度非自來水用戶清除處理費徵收作業,於103年6月1日前寄送19,902件徵收繳款書,總計已繳款10,286件,繳款金額11,594,058元。為讓各區清潔隊瞭解清除處理費徵收及催收作業程序,邀請26個區隊、自來水公司及環保業者辦理3場次作業輔導會議及2場次徵收作業暨系統說明會,總計參與人數286人。另為提高徵收作業系統使用率及操作便利性,本計畫重新設計研發徵收作業軟體,以提供正確清除處理費徵收、催繳等基線資料,協助環保局公正、公平與公開辦理清除處理費徵收、催繳及稽查等作業。 Collection of a fixed fee per household、general waste clearance and disposal fees The Environmental Protection Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government (the Bureau in short) collects common waste disposal fee (i.e. trash clearance charge) from (1) tap water users by respective household meters and (2) non-tap water users by a fixed quota in accordance with article 24 of the Waste Disposal Act and the Measure for Collecting Common Waste Disposal Fees.As of June 30 2014, there were 2,616, 65 and 97 cases of termination, recollection and refund respectively on case review and filing and compilation for collecting trash clearance charges from tap water users; and 564 cases audited on the site from those with application for termination and refund to be inspected whether common waste is trusted to legal disposal enterprises at 20% per month.Collection, overdue reminder and forcible collection from non-tap water users were exercised as follows.As for those to be collected in 2012 with overdue collection, 16,914 cases have paid with a total of NT$18,995,208 after 12,338 collection reminder letters were sent by registered with A.R. on Sep. 1, 2013. As for those to be collected in 2011 and 2012 with overdue collection after reminder letters sent, 4,740 cases have paid with a total of NT$ 5,559,940 after 18,634 cases received forcible collection on Jan. 6 and Apr. 1, 2014,respectively. As for those to be collected in 2013, 10,286 cases have paid with a total of NT$ 11,594,058 after 19,902 collection letters were sent by Jun.1, 2014.To let respective cleaning squadrons realize collection of disposal fee and procedures of overdue collection, 286 participants from 26 squadrons, tap water company and environmental protection enterprises were invited to attend 3 sessions of operation and guidance conferences and 2 sessions of collection operation and system statements conferences.Also, to advance the usage rate and operating convenience of collection system, the Project makes operating software renewed for securing the accuracy of baseline data for collection and overdue collection of clearance charges and for helping the Bureau handle collection, overdue collection and audit in a just, fair and open manner. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78250
土壤及地下水污染整治技術研發中心及技術驗證管理計畫 土壤及地下水污染是世界各國家關注的環保問題。國內自2000年推動「土壤及地下水污染整治法」以來(以下簡稱土污法),政府陸續建構土水相關法令規章,民間則致力於土水業務的推動,十幾年來已有顯著的成績。土水整治復育(Remediation)從污染場址判定到完成整治工作具有其專業性與複雜度,根據環保署公告之資料國內目前尚在列管中場址有2288筆,已解除列管有1930筆,整治場址有62筆,解除整治場址4處。從上述的數據看出國內在污染控制上,如監測與調查等工作已累積相當經驗,污染整治方面相對就顯得謹慎與緩慢。檢視國內近十年所進行各項土水計畫與行動,從中央到地方土水復育的推動,其面臨2大尚待突破的瓶頸,一為污染源確認判定技術待開發例如化學指紋科學鑑識等,二為缺乏實場整治工法可行性驗證及程序與機構。對於整治工法,現今土水整治技術大致可分為生物、物理/化學、熱處理及整治技術聯用序列(Treatment Train)等方式。但在實務上整治的進行仍必須依照每個污染場址之特性,包括污染物種類、污染範圍、污染濃度高低、地質條件、地下水文條件等,綜合評估後再確認採用何種技術,很難同一整治技術應付任何不同類型之污染場址。若再考量其他評估因子例如污染行為人之整治預算等,要使整治工法能順利於實場推動,聯串的精緻評估及工法驗證是必要的。然整治工法確認如同化工生產線驗證一般,需有理論基礎並進行實驗室、模場驗證程序才能推展至實場整治。有鑑於此,環保署近二年每年補助學術研究機構進行各項整治技術的研究,希望能發展出本土化的應用技術,但對於技術的模場試驗及驗證程序與場所則尚待建置。從土壤及地下水污染整治基金管理會(以下簡稱土基會)公告之解除整治場址數目僅為4處,可看出欲進入實質整治其考量因素與評析確實遇到多重問題。為增快污染整治復育速度及解決民眾對環境污染之疑慮,歐美國家對於模場技術驗證是採積極態度。以美國為例,在其超級基金創新技術評估(SITE)專案中,模場試驗是由政府指定具有先進技術且有興趣的廠商進行鑑定背書,不僅是工法技術在SIET專案中更協助污染行為人進行工法財務分析。因此對於環境污染的改善,政府若能扮演積極角色,將有助於民間或廠商對於環境復育的投資。若國內能成立土壤及地下水污染整治技術研發驗證單位,將有助於提升整治技術的水準,加速污染整治行動的進行,確保國內土壤及地下水資源永續利用。台灣成立整治技術研發中心的優點除了服務本地產業外,更可技術輸出與推廣。自2010年台灣發起成立「亞洲及太平洋地區土壤及地下水污染整治工作小組」並擔任主席至今,已舉辦各項國際會議並與會員互訪簽訂備忘錄,再再顯示臺灣在土壤與地下水污染管理上是居於亞洲領導之地位。因此台灣若成立整治技術研發中心除與歐美國家技術接軌,亦能提供亞洲各會員國借鏡與參考,持續提升我們台灣在環境復育與整治研發之量能。 102 土污基管會 社團法人台灣土壤及地下水保護協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71621
地球物理探勘應用於土壤及地下水污染場址之調查驗證作業及整治技術評估計畫 近年來非侵入式或微破壞性的地球物理探勘技術已廣被運用在土壤及地下水污染場址調查與整治評估作業中,此類技術能在兼顧工安情況下,縮限放樣區域或位置,並從傳統一維的數據擴展至二維甚至是三維的數據,同時可提供更多資訊協助解釋與研判,有助於增進土壤及地下水污染問題整體調查成效。然地球物理探勘技術之執行需具備相關專業知識與經驗,自野外工作至資料處理都需嚴格進行品質控制,方能得到具體成果。本計畫以蒐集國內外期刊文獻與案例研析的方式,配合實場試驗,採用最適合應用於土壤及地下水污染問題的地球物理探勘技術,地電阻影像法與透地雷達法,建立一套合宜的參考指引,內容涵蓋調查作業原理、污染潛勢判識與整治評估三大主軸。實場試驗則包含掩埋場址造成之土壤污染與工廠洩漏造成之地下水污染兩種類型共計三處場址,污染物質包含重金屬與有機溶劑,成果顯示在詳細探測規劃、充分落實現場工作、專業資料處理,並配合傳統調查方式的條件下,應用地球物理探勘技術確實對於污染問題之調查、驗證及整治成效評估等作業的完整性更為提昇。 Application of geophysical prospecting to investigation ,verification and evaluation of soil and gro In recent years, non-invasive or micro-destructive geophysical technology has been widely used in soil and groundwater investigation and remediation of contaminated sites assessments, such technology can securely work in either small or large sampler areas, and collect data from the traditional one-dimensional data to two-dimensional or even three-dimensional data. In other words, geophysical technology helps provide more information to assist the data interpretation, and improves the overall effectiveness of soil and groundwater contamination surveys. However, the implementation of geophysical profile techniques needs to have relevant expertise and experience to ensure the data quality in order to obtain solid and trustworthy results. No matter it is used at fieldwork or data processing in the laboratories. By domestic and foreign literature collecting, case analyzing and examining the real field data, the present study attempts to build up a reference guideline covering the principles of survey operations, potential contamination identification and remediation assessment targeting the geophysical methods; for example, Electrical Reisitivity Tomography (ERT), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and etc. which are especially useful when investigating the contamination of the soil and groundwater issues. Real field data examination contains two types of groundwater contamination one caused by landfills soil contamination and the other one caused by leakages of factories. Data are collected from a total of three sites, and the contaminated substances include heavy metals and organic solvents. The results prove that with a detailed and carful plan, solid implementation at the field work, professional information analysis, and with the traditional method of investigation according to the real conditions, the application of geophysical technology does enhance the integrity of the investigation of contamination issues, verification and remediation outcome evaluation. 102 土污基管會 霖昌工程有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74116
污染場址綠色及永續導向型整治之評估(評價)作業示範及措施規劃(改進)輔導計畫 本計畫延續102年度「污染場址綠色及永續整治策略研擬計畫」(以下稱前期計畫),將前期計畫發展之評估架構、流程與方法應用於三處示範場址綠色及永續導向型整治輔導工作,同時依示範場址評估評價經驗與參與國際研討會所取得之國際發展趨勢,檢討我國草擬之污染場址綠色及永續導向型整治之推動策略、評量指標、評估方法論與工具集等。本期計畫三處示範場址為高雄旗津營區場址、桃園53.5K場址與澎湖永安營區場址,依場址生命週期分別為整治技術尚未選定、整治技術已選定但未完成工程設計與整治工程實施中場址。本計畫根據此三處場址之場址管理階段與場址特性規劃GSR輔導內容,內容主要包含利害關係人確定與溝通協調、環境足跡分析、健康風險評估、整治方案經濟影響分析與最佳管理措施擬定等。另為加速落實綠色及永續導向型整治的場址管理思維,本計畫進行綠色及永續導向型整治認證制度可行性評估與架構訂定,已初步完成認證對象、認證方法、認證內容、認證標準及審查程序的雛型。建議未來可於後續示範場址輔導過程檢視達成之容易程度,並持續進行修正,俾利我國建置完善綠色及永續導向型整治認證系統。 Green and Sustainable Remediation Demonstration and Consultation Project Based on the GSR framework, executive flowchart and toolbox developed by the previous project, the purpose of this study was to conduct three GSR demonstration sites and apply GSR tools for appraisal. The three demonstration sites include CPC 53.5K in Taoyuan, Chichin military base in Kaohsiung, and Yongan military base in Penghu. Depending on the management stage of the demonstration sites, this study carried out different GSR evaluation approaches. In general, the GSR assessment include stakeholder identification and communication, environmental footprint assessment, human health risk assessment, economic impact assessment, and BMPs planning. On the other hand, in order to foster the implementation of GSR management in Taiwan, this project purposed a feasibility evaluation on developing a GSR certification system. Certification objectives, certification indicators and certification standards were discussed in this study. 102 土污基管會 業興環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74166
102年臺中市小黑蚊防治成效評估、噴藥品質監督及教育宣導工作 本年度計畫執行依工作項目完成大坑地區與台中八區的小黑蚊施藥品質監督與密度監測調查工作。化學防治施藥品質監督工作共計完成東勢區6個里、新社區6個里、石岡區7個里、霧峰區3個里、太平區29個里、北屯區10個里等61個里,每個里兩次,總計122梯次施藥品質監督工作;並完成各區化學防治成效評估。北屯區26處小黑蚊宣導告示牌及防蚊液提供站定期進行防蚊液補充作業。同時每兩週定期監測調查小黑蚊棲群密度,密度變化經與氣候因子進行相關性分析,結果顯示部份地區小黑蚊密度受濕度、風速、降雨或日照等氣候因子影響;然大部分地區小黑蚊密度與氣候因子變化之相關性不高,顯示環境或人為活動亦為小黑蚊密度變化重要因子。計畫執行民眾陳情案件履勘服務計20件,以及24場次防治推廣教育,總計參加人次1,867人。本計畫同時完成防治推廣教育種子教師培訓13人,並發給證書。 102 臺中市政府環境保護局 國立中興大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79349
102年度輔導全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收專案工作計畫 資源回收工作及補助審查相關工作方面:102年度經常性經費,截至102年12月31日止合計已撥付金額約佔核定總補助額之99.27%,購置機具及施作工程共計為貯存場興建1座、整建2座、相關機具43件。103年度補助計畫全數縣市皆審查完成。完成創新型補助計畫擬定及協助相關行政作業。另已協助環保署辦理北(花蓮縣)、中(彰化縣)、南(屏東縣)三區資源回收研討會相關工作。全國執行機關資源回收工作績效考核:平時資料輔導計畫已於102年8月辦理完成;102年度推動執行機關加強辦理資源回收績效考核計畫,已於103年2月辦理完成;「103年度資源回收績效考核計畫」已公布供各縣市依循。輔導資源回收率偏低縣市方面:本項工作篩選出雲林縣、嘉義縣及臺東縣三縣市為輔導縣市,受輔導縣市資源回收成效均有進步。其中臺東縣更獲102年度資源回收績效考核特別獎榮耀。協助辦理補助資源回收車輛汰舊換新計畫:本計畫協助「102年度補助直轄市、縣(市)環保局汰換老舊資源回收車計畫」審核工作,截至期中,各縣市提報計畫均核可,共計汰換155輛資源回收車。輔導執行機關貯存場建立資源回收貯存場證照作業:本計畫調查之結果,目前18個縣市資源回收貯存場回報之現況資料中,使用中之貯存場共208座,有15.87%(即33座)取得使用執照,另有175座尚未取得使用執照。 Recycling and Grant Review Related Works: Until December 31, 2013, the recurrent funding of 2013 has financed 99.27% of total grant for purchasing machines and constructions including building 1 storage sites, renovating 2 storage sites and 43 related machines. The review of 2014 national grant has finished. This year has been completed develop 2014 national innovative grant and related operations. In addition, we have assisted the related works of recycling seminar for Hualien County, Changhua County, and Pingtung County held by EPA.National Recycling Performance Review: Regular information counseling program has completed on October, 2013. The promotion for strengthening local authorizes’ recycling performance review has also finished on February, 2014. Besides, “2014 Recycling Performance Review” has announced for all the cities and counties to apply. About Counseling the Cities and Counties Having Lower Recycling Rate: The counseling cities and counties in this work have selected Chiayi County, Yunlin County, and Taitung County to join the program. Among them, Taitung County also honored 2013 Recycling Special Award.The Program to Assist Replacing Old Recycling vehicles: This program is to help review “2013 Grant for Replacing Old Recycling vehicles of Municipal, County (City) EPA.” Until mid-term, all grants have been approved for replacing total 155 recycling vehicles. Help Issue the Certificate for Local Authorities to Build Recycling Storage Sites: After investigating, the data summarized from 18 cities and counties has shown 208 storage sites are in use. Among them, 15.87% (Equal to 33 storage sites) has acquired the licenses, yet 175 sites haven’t. 102 基管會 晶淨科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74801
環境影響評估書件查詢系統建置及維護計畫 本年度新增之系統功能包括以下1、規劃建置範疇界定資料管理。2、建置及管理環境影響評估審查委員會會議資料。3、建置及管理環評相關審查會會議紀錄。4、環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。5、縣市環評案件承諾污染物減量資料管理。6、縣市政府環評審查會議訊息發布。7、民眾意見表達。8、委員系統書件目錄查詢。9、環評委員出席統計。10、開發單位等機關會議資料或會議訊息上載專區。11、環評顧問公司資料管理及評鑑資料查詢統計。12、其他環保署指定之新增功能。更新448件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書6冊、環境影響評估報告書5冊、差異分析報告9冊、變更內容對照表5冊、環境現況差異分析及對策檢討報告暨環境影響差異分析1冊及環境影響評估報告補正說明書1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計129件。而其中有4件開發計畫有民眾回應。並協助管理環保署環評圖書室。 Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance project This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of managing data and achieve the goal of integrating information. It expanded data management functions of: 1.EIA category definition meetings data, 2.EIA committee examine meetings data, 3.EIA examine meetings records, 4.EMS data exchanging, 5.EIA pollutant reduction tables data, 6.Publishing local EIA meetings information, 7.Collected public opinion, 8.EIA reports files list of EIAMBR application, 9.Statistics of EIA committee members attendance, 10.Meetings information of EIA developers, 11.Evaluation data of EIA consultants, 12.and other assigned functions. At the same time this project updated 448 EIA reports data in database and 129 cases on the EIA development activities forum were be checked. 102 綜計處 智通工程科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72986
我國長期減碳戰略布局評估規劃 全世界目前面臨的氣候危機,遠超過我們目前還未脫離之財政危機。當然科學家們對氣候變遷的了解已經有很長一段時間,但我們現在才開始面臨其破壞性影響,且沒有人類能夠倖免。聯合國氣候變化綱要公約最新發展,各國政府已同意迅速工作以達成一個從2020年開始涵蓋所有國家的普遍性氣候變遷協議,使其於2015年前通過;並在2020年前找到超越現有承諾的工作努力方法,以遏制溫室氣體排放量,使世界保持最高溫度上升低於商定的2℃目標。氣候變遷給我們的挑戰乃是少有的,所有人都需要建立對氣候變遷和極端天氣衝擊之防禦,這些影響我們在世界各地已經敏銳地感覺到。我們需要加快過渡到低碳經濟,使我們能夠避免未來更嚴重風險,要認識到遏制氣候變遷與永續成長和發展不僅互相符合也是一個必要條件。我們的世界是不斷變化中,透過共同努力與毫不延遲的應對這一挑戰,創造出世界迫切需要的一個清潔能源組合的低碳未來。 然而,若以長期規劃的角度來看,諸多國家將設定的2050年作為目標年。為了將全球暖化限制在比前工業化時代高2℃內,到本世紀中葉至少需要減少全球溫室氣體排放到1990年代之一半的水準。在一個新國際氣候協議談判上,科學強烈地指出全球減量努力之任何進一步的延遲將增加未來減量措施的壓力。我國惟有儘快啟動該長期戰略布局架構工作,透過「公眾參與,專家代理」的運作機制,以「逐步釐清、重點溝通、理解關鍵點、標舉決策點」之步驟與策略,探討未來可能面臨之挑戰與障礙(涵蓋社會、經濟、環境等多面向),檢視何時可以達成該項願景,並推動公開透明參與及重建人民對政府及科學的信心,凝聚全民共識以尋求零碳過渡期間最適路徑。 為此,本計畫將持續掌握國際長期減碳戰略布局發展與因應策略,從建構法制基礎做起,輔以落實部門減量、善用市場機制、強化教育宣導、促進國際合作等多面向策略,結合跨部會及產業科技等多元力量,推動相關重點標竿型計畫,引領我國邁向低碳社會。主要工作目標包括:1. 建立臺灣氣候變遷減緩與調適系統整合分析架構。2. 評析長期減碳戰略情境評估工具及排放關鍵因子。3. 建立長期減碳戰略情境全民參與機制,篩選可行及理想情境。4. 建置我國環境、經濟、能源系統整合分析工具。5. 研析氣候變遷政策之決策篩選評估方法與工具。6. 拓展長期減碳戰略規劃國際交流,籌辦國際論壇會議活動。 Taiwan’s long-term emission reduction strategy analysis assessment and planning program The world currently faces a climate crisis that dwarfs the recent fiscal crisis from which we are still emerging. Certainly, scientists have known about climate change for a long time, but we are now beginning to live its devastating effects, and no one is immune. On the recent developments under UNFCCC, governments have agreed to speedily work toward a universal climate change agreement covering all countries from 2020, to be adopted by 2015, and to find ways to scale up efforts before 2020 beyond the existing pledges to curb emissions so that the world can stay below the agreed maximum 2 degrees Celsius temperature rise. Climate change challenges us as few issues do. We need, all of us, to build resilience against the impacts of climate and extreme weather, impacts we have felt keenly in the world. We need to hasten the transition to low-carbon economies so that we can avoid much more serious risks in the future. And we need to recognize that containing climate change is not only consistent with sustainable growth and development, it is a necessary condition. Our world is changing. By working together and meeting this challenge head on, without delay, we can create the low-carbon economy that the world so urgently needs. A cleaner energy mix is a critical component of this low-carbon future. Nevertheless, in view of long-term planning strategy, most countries determine the year 2050 as the goal. In order to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels, global greenhouse gas emissions need to be cut at least by half of 1990s levels by the middle of the century. In the context of international negotiations on a new climate treaty, science strongly indicates that any further delay in appropriate global mitigation efforts will increase the pressure towards future mitigation measures. In this regard, we shall initiate the long-term low carbon framework development work without postponement, and encourage the operation mechanism on “Public Participation and Expert Delegation” to conduct the future strategy by stepwising clarification, communicating focus issues, understanding critical points, and earmarking decision points for discussing multiple challenges such as social, economic and environmental issues. Through the steps mentioned above, we may have a clear view of timeframe for reaching the expected targets. This project will rebuild people’s confidence in the government and science through their open and transparent participation; seek wide public consensus and turn this crisis into an opportunity; and search for the optimal path in transition towards zero carbon future. To this end, in order to lead Taiwan towards a low carbon society, this project will continue to follow the trend of international long-term emission reduction strategy and development and implementation actions, and promote initiatives and strategies in the following areas: developing legal infrastructure, promoting sectoral GHG emission reduction actions, making good use of market mechanisms, strengthening education and promotion, promoting international cooperation, combining the capacities of government agencies and the industries, and promoting key benchmark projects. The major objectives of this project’s tasks include:1. Build up the analysis framework of Taiwan Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Integration System.2. Analyze the assessment tools for long-term carbon reduction scenario; identify the key GHG emission factors.3. Establish the operation mechanism on Public Participation for the long-term carbon reduction strategy, and screen feasible and desired scenarios.4. Build up the national integrated analysis tool of environment, economy and energy system.5. Analyze the policymaker assessment measures and tools for determining climate change policy.6. Strengthen international collaboration of long-term carbon reduction strategy planning, and coordinate related international forums and activities. 102 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71390
屏東縣營建工程污染管理發展計畫 屏東縣幅員廣大,擁有全國聞名的好山好水,民眾樂於到此遊憩,亦隨之帶動工商業發展,境內各類區域開發、觀光休閒農園、農業科技園區、旅館、飯店與民眾住宅新建等營建工程建設,紛紛選擇屏東縣落腳。隨著快速道路興築,加速各種開發案之進行,帶動地方經濟開發,若未妥善管制營建工程施工過程或作業所應採行之污染防制設施,減少粒狀物排放,勢必造成環境生態衝擊。為重點掌握屏東地區營建工地粒狀污染情形,實有必要先行掌握縣內各項工程規劃及施工狀況。本年度計畫共完成5,782處巡查管制作業、列管4,054處工地、輔導59處工地、營建工區周圍環境認養14,470公里、觀光路線洗掃10,736公里。執行營建工程TSP總削減量為2,760.3公噸,平均削減率為56.4%。協助屏東縣政府環境保護局辦理營建工程空氣污染防制費申繳案件3,814件,收費金額達49,410,796元。針對本年度加強『河川疏濬工程』及『市區道路管線工程』管制作業,降低因施工所造成之環境髒亂,以期有效改變民眾對營建工程施工所造成之不便。 - - 102 屏東縣政府環境保護局 環佑實業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71153
102年度基隆市焚化廠煙氣污染物影響周界土壤之關聯性及調查計畫 一、藉由飛灰及土壤採樣分析,評析主要污染物(戴奧辛與重金屬)之差異,建置天外天焚化廠周界土壤戴奧辛與重金屬之流布,提供地方政府施政與管制措施參考。二、探討焚化廠日常營運對周界土壤之影響,評析其對周界土壤性質衝擊,瞭解對周界環境潛在污染程度。三、評析並比對焚化廠處理一般事業廢棄物與垃圾(一般廢棄物)所造成可能污染物(PCDD/Fs及重金屬)之差異與影響程度,提供地方管制事業廢棄物進場參考。 102 基隆市環境保護局 國立臺北科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71957
推動工業區空氣品質監測管理 考量民眾對於石化工業、鋼鐵工業及其他高科技新興產業排放空氣污染物對於健康風險及環境影響疑慮有增加之趨勢,環保署已於民國83年1月21日發布特殊性工業區緩衝地帶及空氣品質監測設施設置標準,並於101年9月20日進行修正發布之主要修正內容包括將半導體製造工業與光電材料及元件製造業納入特殊性工業類別予以管制、增訂特殊性工業區擴大及變更定義,同時增加特殊性工業區空氣品質監測站及監測項目並增訂監測頻率,以有效及完整監測特殊性工業區空氣污染物排放情形。本計畫因應特殊性工業區空氣品質監測站及監測項目之規定,建置完成特殊性工業區空氣品質監測管理系統,系統功能包括資料萃取、轉換、載入彙整備援、報表、異常預警及通報等功能,並完成特殊性工業區空氣品質監測設施輸出訊號及電訊傳輸設施規範制定、協助輔導納管特殊性工業區進行與直轄市、縣(市)主管機關連線作業,另為完備整體管制規劃,協助彙整掌握各地方環保機關特殊性工業區空氣品質監測管制執行情形、研析裁罰準則,並藉由收集國外工業區空氣品質管制資訊與參訪美國環保機構之過程研析相關管制策略,期藉由管理資訊系統之建置與相關配套之完備,達成特殊性工業區緩衝地帶及空氣品質監測設施設置標準管理之目的。考量民眾對於石化工業、鋼鐵工業及其他高科技新興產業排放空氣污染物對於健康風險及環境影響疑慮有增加之趨勢,環保署已於民國83年1月21日發布特殊性工業區緩衝地帶及空氣品質監測設施設置標準,並於101年9月20日進行修正發布之主要修正內容包括將半導體製造工業與光電材料及元件製造業納入特殊性工業類別予以管制、增訂特殊性工業區擴大及變更定義,同時增加特殊性工業區空氣品質監測站及監測項目並增訂監測頻率,以有效及完整監測特殊性工業區空氣污染物排放情形。本計畫因應特殊性工業區空氣品質監測站及監測項目之規定,建置完成特殊性工業區空氣品質監測管理系統,系統功能包括資料萃取、轉換、載入彙整備援、報表、異常預警及通報等功能,並完成特殊性工業區空氣品質監測設施輸出訊號及電訊傳輸設施規範制定、協助輔導納管特殊性工業區進行與直轄市、縣(市)主管機關連線作業,另為完備整體管制規劃,協助彙整掌握各地方環保機關特殊性工業區空氣品質監測管制執行情形、研析裁罰準則,並藉由收集國外工業區空氣品質管制資訊與參訪美國環保機構之過程研析相關管制策略,期藉由管理資訊系統之建置與相關配套之完備,達成特殊性工業區緩衝地帶及空氣品質監測設施設置標準管理之目的。 Promotion of Air Quality Monitoring Management The “Standards for installation of air quality monitoring facilities in the buffer zone of the special industrial area” was first released on January 21 1994. Some of the provisions were amended on September 15 1999, followed by another revision in September 20 2012, which contains the inclusion of the semiconductor manufacturing industry and the optoeAir Qualitylectronic materials and components manufacturing industry to the regulated special industry category. In order to increase the effectiveness and completeness of the monitoring of air pollutant in the special industrial area, the revisions also added the definition for the expansion and alternation of the special industrial zone, increased of the air monitoring station and the monitored air pollutants, and specified the monitoring frequency. The main achievement of this project was to assist the completion of the standards and the complementary measures. The team reviewed and implemented the standard by collecting information about the execution of the air monitoring and control practices from local environmental protection agencies, helped the EPA complete the standard of the output signal and telecommunication transmission equipment specification of the air monitoring equipment in the special industrial zone, completed the “special industrial zone air quality monitoring and management system”, assisted the special industrial zone complete to link with the local authority of the municipalities and the cities. The team also visited the US EPA and gathered information about the air quality monitoring and controlling regulations in industrial zone to achieve the project goals. 102 空保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72621
我國廢棄物部門溫室氣體清冊統計與管理 本計畫研析比較1996 IPCC指南、GPG 2000及2006 IPCC指南,分析國際間有關廢棄物部門之溫室氣體排放統計概況與方法,檢視我國廢棄物部門溫室氣體排放清冊統計方法並檢討更新。為提升廢棄物部門溫室氣體清冊建置品質,依循國家溫室氣體清冊審議機制,邀集專家學者辦理廢棄物部門溫室氣體排放清冊統計專家諮詢會議,檢討統計方法、各排放源活動數據與排放因子採用之適宜性,逐步完成廢棄物部門溫室氣體排放清冊,並配合環保署國家溫室氣體排清冊審議機制提報清冊資料,完成廢棄物部門年度排放清冊報告(1990至2012年)。本計畫參照京都議定書國家溫室氣體排放清冊報告格式,以及國家溫室氣體排放清冊統計格式架構報表,依IPCC 排放清冊指南規範,完成IPCC 1996及2006版廢棄物部門溫室氣體排放清冊統計結果,並比較IPCC 1996及2006版計算方法、建議係數及排放統計結果之差異。依1996 IPCC指南計算排放結果:2012年工業廢水比例約佔整體部門58.0%,生活污水約30.3%,掩埋排放比例約7.3%,焚化排放約2.2%,堆肥排放約2.2%;排放氣體種類,甲烷約佔整體部門77%,氧化亞氮約21%,二氧化碳約2%;排放量相較於1990年減少82%,較2011年減少3%。依2006 IPCC指南統計排放結果:2012年掩埋處理排放佔整體部門約44.0%,生活污水排放約29.4%,工業廢水排放約23.8%,焚化排放約1.7%,堆肥排放約1.1%;排放氣體種類,甲烷約佔89%,氧化亞氮約9%,二氧化碳約2%;排放量相較於1990年排放量減少50%,較2011年減少5%。 The methodology of our greenhouse gas emission inventories from waste sector was reviewed and revised according to analyses of different methodologies and QA/QC procedures used in the 1996 IPCC Guideline, GPG 2000, and 2006 IPCC Guideline. The waste sector of the National Inventory Report 1990-2012 was completed according to our national GHG inventory review procedure. To improve the quality of greenhouse gas emission inventories, expert consultation was inquired to assess the choice of methodology, activity data, emission factors, and other parameters needed to make the emission estimates.The two different calculations were performed based the 1996 IPCC Guideline, and the 2006 IPCC Guideline. And the results are compared. Based on the methodology of the 1996 IPCC Guideline, 58.0% of GHG emission in the waste sector comes from the industrial wastewater treatment, 30.3% comes from municipal wastewater treatment, 7.3% comes from landfill, 2.2% comes from incineration, and 2.2% comes from compost. 77% of greenhouse gas emitted was methane, 21% was nitrous oxide, and 2% was carbon dioxide. The emission was reduced by 82% since 1990, and by 3% since 2011.Based on the methodology of the 2006 IPCC Guideline, 44.0% of GHG emission in the waste sector comes from landfill, 29.4% comes from municipal wastewater treatment, 23.8% comes from the industrial wastewater treatment , 1.7% comes from incineration, and 1.1% comes from compost. 89% of greenhouse gas emitted was methane, 9% was nitrous oxide, and 2% was carbon dioxide. The emission was reduced by 50% since 1990, and by 5% since 2011. 102 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78467
南投縣河川疏濬土石運輸道路委託加強洗掃專案計畫 「南投縣河川疏濬土石運輸道路委託加強洗街專案計畫」期末報告內容說明期程自履約日102年5月20日起至103年2月19日止,共歷時共9個月,係由仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司受委辦執行。於本計畫中,南投縣環境保護局特別指定加強濁水溪疏濬工程周邊運輸路線-河川疏濬土石運輸道路(砂石專用道)0k~15k作為本執行計畫之主要洗街作業路段。計畫執行內容主要針對道路洗街工作、街塵負荷分析、道路洗街成效等作業進行評估,並配合局內逐月管制策略或重大政令施行時機動調整洗街路線,其各項量化執行成果請參閱後續章節之說明。截至本年度2月19日為止共執行了洗街作業52,250.4公里、洗街總用水量為54,171.2噸、平均用水量為1.04噸/公里;路邊積土清除4次、共清除52.47噸;洗街作業巡查90天次;TSP削減量共721.1噸;PM10削減量共135.9噸,並配合相關通報作業即刻配合機動參與執行,計畫實際總執行進度已達100 %。在特色性作法方面,本計畫為強化洗街之成效與增加洗街車輛之附加價值,除了沿用GPS衛星定位行車監控管理系統(包含洗街車的行駛路線、時間、速度、方向、衛星收訊狀況等)作為監督人員平日巡查管理之輔助工具外,本年度計畫於洗街車輛上均加裝加壓噴水管,於作業路段中如遇到黏土或死角等不易清除路面髒污的狀況,或在窄巷或住家等不適合開啟洗街車噴嘴處,利用此加壓噴水管以高壓水柱可加強髒污處之沖洗,必要時亦可做為輔助清溝、裸露地灑水或露天燃燒滅火等用途。於計畫執行期間,本計畫已多次協助本縣居民進行家園清潔及風災過後之道路清洗的作業,並獲得民眾之肯定。另本計畫為了解洗街作業執行過程與方式中,對於作業路線周遭之鄰近居民所造成之影響,並以「顧客導向」之服務精神為依歸,因此於每月定期拜訪村民代表進行洗街作業成效訪談,藉以瞭解本計畫作業執行成效、民眾觀感與需求,並協助各村里執行洗街作業等,做好敦親睦鄰之工作。而經由計畫巡查人員進行訪談後,其作業路段鄰近村里之村里代表及民眾針對本計畫之洗掃作業成效皆持肯定態度,並表示希望環保局能持續執行本計畫,也期望藉此計畫來降低道路車行揚塵污染之狀況及改善鄰近村里居住環境之空氣品質。此外,本年度計畫為降低因道路揚塵所造成的空氣污染,目前配合南投縣環保局及他相關計畫(如102年街道揚塵洗街綜合管理計畫、102年汛期後濁水溪上游沿岸揚塵環境清理計畫、疏濬工程及土石加工業稽查管制計畫…等),針對河川疏濬砂石運輸週邊道路(砂石專用道路與台16線道)執行主要污染源(主要為砂石場、裸露地及工區出入口)之調查與評估,除藉此評估各路面污染之可能來源外,並可作為道髒污狀況之預警功用,後續也將藉由洗街作業資源之整合規劃及各種管制策略與相關計畫之橫向通報聯繫系統的推動,以有效控制逸散粒狀物污染與維護道路環境,並建全本計畫之洗街效能。有關「南投縣河川疏濬土石運輸道路委託加強洗街專案計畫」之契約工作項目工作進度及每月作業執行量詳如執行成果進度列管表及每月執行工作量一覽表所示。 none none 102 南投縣政府環境保護局 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72063
南投縣102年度垃圾減量資源回收工作計畫 南投縣102年度垃圾減量資源回收工作計畫 no no 102 南投縣政府環境保護局 華門工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73710
嚴謹度及相關性(Rigor and Relevance)推動架構研析及訓練研習工作坊執行 一、為使民眾接受環境保護的知識、態度及技能教育時,提供多元學習方式及思辨機會,確保其在知識獲取過程中,能持續思考並予以類推(Assimilation knowledge)應用,使其透過覺知、知識轉化為態度、行為及技能應用同時具備洞悉未來發展潛力及解決問題的能力,爰辦理本案計畫。二、本計畫將參考國際教育領導中心(International Center of leadership in Education)提出的「嚴謹度及相關性手冊第二版」內容,研析於環境教育領域之應用,建立整體性推動架構與執行指南,同時透過訓練研習工作坊之辦理,連結「教育」、「環境工程」及「環境教育」專家學者,確立環境教育嚴謹度及相關性整體推動架構及後續執行方向,持續進行環境教育「增能」。 Dissection of the framework for advancing Rigor and Relencance with holding a training workshop 1. In order to provide multiple learning manner and opportunities of thinking and discrimination, also assure continuing of consideration and application of assimilation knowledge during the process of acquiring knowledge, while the general public is educated with knowledge of environmental protection, attitudes and skills; this project is conducted to transform awareness and knowledge into attitude, behavior and application of skills, furthermore, building the capacity of having insight into the potential of future development and solving problems. 2. The project will refer to the content of "Rigor and Relevance Handbook Second Edition", which was announced by International Center of leadership in Education and analyze its application of environmental education. Trying to establish an integral advancing framework and a guidance of implementation; in the meantime, by way of holding a training workshop and act of linking scholars/experts of disciplines in "education", "environmental engineering" and "environmental education", to assure the framework and future direction of implementation, and continuing forward environmental education as well. 102 綜計處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71362
任務型環境水質自動監測試辦計畫 傳統河川水質監測係以人工方式於監測點現場採樣,經由實驗室檢測分析與資料品保品管程序,然此種監測方式僅能依據分析資料評估採樣當時河川污染情形。無法確實掌握即時河川水質變化及是否有不正常的排放情形。有鑑於此,本計畫擬建立一套結合水質、水位、流速、流量推估等河川水質水文資訊架構之自動監測作業模式,增進了解水質變動特性。有效即時掌握特定河段水量水質變化,瞭解上游有無不正常的排放。本計畫選定社子溪水系及客雅溪水系適當位置設置自動監測站,考量污染源敏感區域並兼顧豐枯水期水位變化對於河川水質影響,採用固定水深設置方式—按現地環境規劃繫留固定於岸邊及橋側結構再垂降入水方式施作,依歷次人工採樣數據選定之監測項目為溫度、酸鹼度(pH)、溶氧(DO)、導電度(EC)、懸浮固體(SS)、濁度、氨氮與化學需氧量(COD),監測數值依據品保品管程序進行監測值數據偏移補正。監測站以太陽能搭配蓄電池方式作為監測系統電力來源,紀錄器透過3G網路以每10分鐘1筆將監測資料回傳雲端監測平台,可用電腦及行動裝置監看即時監測數據。依據監測資料成果顯示,該自動監測系統監測值可反應出現地環境水質變化趨勢,但應用上需考量自動監測的測項有限,測值易隨累計監測時間偏移誤差較人工採樣檢測大;對於水質較差、水文環境條件較嚴苛河川,應投注相當維護保養工作,並由專人每日執行數據檢視查核,以減少干擾或偏移誤差。由本計畫實務經驗瞭解自動監測適宜專案水質資訊蒐集目的需求,現行例行河川監測仍以人工採樣樣分析方式為宜,不宜由自動監測取代,惟自動監測可用於輔助瞭解例行性環境水質監測盲點。 Manual grab sampling is commonly used approaches for water quality sampling. However, these samples are difficult used to tracked pollution sources since the grab samples represent only the condition that exists at the time the sample is collected.Automatic samplers are a common method of data collection for numerous monitoring projects in the world. This project established a freshwater quality automated monitoring system in Shezih River and Keya River to provide the information that water quality, river elevation, river velocity and stream discharge for wise management of the freshwater. River management can closely monitors river conditions using this system. Continuous real-time water quality data are used to help managers closely monitors the water.The implementation of quality assurance and quality control procedures is an important part of the development of the automatic sampling. The managers use manual grab sampling for compensation data. There are several items within the artificial sampling: (1) temperature; (2) pH; (3) dissolved oxygen; (4) electric conductivity; (5) suspended solid; (6) turbidity; (7) ammonia-nitrogen; and (8) chemical oxygen demand.The results indicate that the collected data by automatic samplers are sufficiently representing the water quality change in both river basins. Additionally, these measurements can be used for regarding water and pollution prevention. 102 監資處 中華電信股份有限公司企業客戶分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75918
中部空品區細懸浮微粒暴露評估及成因分析 本研究之工作期程為102年9月18日起至103年9月17日止,本計畫選擇彰化縣作為中部空品區之第一個研究地區,預計之工作目標有四項,第一為瞭解細懸浮微粒濃度空間差異,第二為瞭解居民暴露情形,第三為推估細懸浮微粒成因分析,第四為建立細懸浮微粒濃度推估模式。 Exposure assessment and source apportionment of PM2.5 in Central Taiwan Air Basin The project starts during September 18th, 2013 and September 17, 2014. We select Changhua County in Central Taiwan Air Basin as the first research area in this project. The expected objectives have four-fold: (1) To understand the spatial differences of PM2.5 mass concentrations, (2) To understand the exposures of the residents, (3) To estimate the PM2.5 source apportionment, and (4) to establish the estimation model of PM2.5 mass concentration. 102 空保處 國立台灣大學職業醫學與工業衛生研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71269
全國土壤戴奧辛含量調查及管制策略研析計畫 戴奧辛容易累積於土壤環境中,並透過食物鏈方式進入人體。為建立全國土壤基線含量調查與管制,本計畫已研擬全國土壤戴奧辛含量調查規劃及管理策略計畫(草案),並完成800組之土壤基線含量調查與特定區域周遭用地土壤調查,其中北部桃園縣土壤中平均戴奧辛濃度(33.1 ng CALUX-TEQ/kg)顯著高於中部彰化縣土壤(7.84 ng CALUX-TEQ/kg)與南部高雄市土壤(14.8 ng CALUX-TEQ/kg),在特定區域周遭用地調查方面,可能產出含戴奧辛事業與中小型焚化爐之土壤戴奧辛平均調查結果相較於其他特定區域,具有顯著差異,而土壤中戴奧辛平均濃度為可能產出含戴奧辛事業與中小型焚化爐二者相近,並大於非法棄置場、收受飛灰固化物掩埋場及事業廢棄物處理/再利用機構等特定區域之含量。在本土化篩檢技術方面,建議未來應輔導建立本土化細胞株相關分析環境以及朝向篩檢法商品化作業。本計畫已完成土壤、地下水及底泥之環境介質持續監測建議方案,並提出建置我國戴奧辛污染鑑識相關資料庫,以及戴奧辛污染鑑識程序之可行性建議。 Research and Analysis of Soil Dioxin Contamination Investigation and Management in Taiwan Region Dioxin is easily to accumulate in the environment and be intaked by human being through the food chain. In order to establish baseline information of dioxin concentrations in soil and control measures for Taiwan region, this project has draft the 「The national plan for countywide surveys of dioxin content in soil and management strategy 」. 800 soil samples were collected and analyzed for the baseline surveys and designated area investigations. The average soil concentration in northern region (Taoyuan, 33.1 ng CALUX-TEQ/kg) is significantly higher than central region(Changhua, 7.84 ng CALUX-TEQ/kg)and southern region(Kaohsiung, 14.8 ng CALUX-TEQ/kg). The investigation results show that the average concentration of dioxin in soil from industries with dioxin-containing waste and small incinerators is significantly higher than other designated areas. The average concentrations of dioxin in soil are about equal for small incinerators, industries with dioxin-containing waste, which are higher than concentrations of illegal dumping sites, landfills with solidified/stabilized fly ash, Industrial waste treatment / recycling plants. For localization of rapid screening tools, suggestions were made to establish the laboratory and environment for the bioassay technologies and promote the technologies to be commercialized. The project also drafted the long-term monitoring plan for soil, groundwater and sediment, and completed a feasibility study for established the environment forensic database and procedure. 102 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73368
環境教育產業化評估專案工作計畫 台灣環境教育法立法、執行至今,環境教育於實務方面,已逐步的往產業化、專業化的路徑前進中。然而,當前大都著力於環境教育綠色產品、人才培訓事業相關議題上,較缺乏產業化的策略與範疇研議。本計畫參照多方的研究資料,研析環境教育產業化推動之策略與範疇,探究及建置產業推廣環境教育及其維運機制,並配合環境教育結合產業發展趨勢及狀況的調查,提出環境教育產業化整體推動架構的規劃,及具體可行的環境教育產業化發展的短、中、長策略方案。 Environmental Education Industrialize, Environmental Education Accreditation, Business Model This document is a final term report of the project. Based on the project scope (chapter 1) and applied approaches (chapter 2), world-wide references on policy and legal aspects of environmental education (EE) are collected and summarized as critical successful factors for developing Taiwan's EE industry (chapter 3). In chapter 4, a connection between the professionals, from the environmental education personnel certification program and the six key emerging industries plan, is discussed. In chapter 5, a red ocean strategy of market fight and a blue ocean strategy of market collaboration are provided, based on focusing group interviewing, experts meeting, and questionnaire of business operations and competitiveness indices with attandants own importance-performance analysis in Taiwan's EE industry. Then in chapter 6, the feasible marketing strategies, programs, business models, and action suggestions are formulated for EE industry in Taiwan. In chapter 7, short-term, middle-term, and long-term marketing strategies and their path map are suggested. In chapter 8 and 9, a draft of the project report and suggestions for future study are shown respectively. After the passage and enforcement of Environmental Education Act (EEA) in Taiwan, many practices on it tend to industrialization and professionalization; 3 questionnaire samples and the brief minutes of 3 focus group interviews and 2 experts meetings are attached as an appendix for the EE community. 102 綜計處 國立東華大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71691
102年度臺南市營建工地污染管制查核計畫 今(102)年1月至12月期間,營建工程申報開工案件計有7,620件(其中有149件屬需申報但免繳交空污費),申報開工案件的空污費徵收總金額則為126,818,679元;至於總施工工地數為10,475處,經巡查納管8,594處,納管率為82%;而工地TSP產生量總計為12,526.47噸,經污染管制後TSP實際排放量為4,942.93噸,平均污染削減率為60.54%。在露天燃燒管制方面,共查獲603件稻作露天燃燒案件,主要集中於15時~17時此區間;而所查獲之總面積為178.89公頃,其中已燃燼面積為131.72公頃,滅火後未燃燒之面積為47.17公頃,滅火抑制率約為37.71%。另外並已推廣4個單位將「勿露天燃燒」條款納入契作合約,而總契作面積為984公頃,契作農戶共245位。而裸露地清查作業部分,目前新增列管66筆、總面積為100.53公頃,其中包含一般裸露地51.78公頃、河床裸露地48.75公頃;而改善作業方面則完成29筆裸露地改善,改善面積為73.60公頃,其中包含一般裸露地38.39公頃、河床裸露地35.21公頃。另外在相關宣導方面,則已辦理2場次營建宣導說明會與2場勿露天燃燒宣導說明會,另針對相關污染嚴重或重大工地召開5場次小型宣導說明會,並共計發佈12則新聞稿。此外6月底已完成「臺南市營建空污費線上申報系統」之建置,且於7月1日開始正式上線使用。 2013 Management and Control Project of Construction Sites in Tainan City “2013 Tainan City’s Construction sites Management and Inspection Project” (the project) , which executed from January to December, 2013(the period), is a continuing project carried out the past years’ rountin on inspecting the construction sites and promoting latest relvent regulations. During the period, there were 7,620 new construction sites decleard the Air Pollution Control Fees, collected total amout of NT$ 126,818,679 (149 new construction sites were required to declare, but exempted from collecting air pollution control fee). One of major target in the project is reducing the TSP emission by inspecting sites’ air pollution control facilities. The estimated TSP emission of 10,475 sites that under contstution was 12,526.47 tons. Through the project’s managment, 8,594 construction sites were inspected, the control rate was 82%. The actual TSP emission downed to 4942.93 tons, and thus the average reducing rate was 60.54%. Rice is the major agriculture product of Tainan city, but the traditional open-burning caused air pollution after harvest season. For this reason, the project made “Non-Open-Burning Article” agreement with 245 contracted farmers among 4 rice manufacturing associations, total rice paddy reached 984 hectares. However, there were still 603 sites occurred open-buring mainly during 3pm-5pm, burning area were 131.72 hectares. The project’s members assisted to put out fire on 47.17 hectares, the control rate was 37.71 %.Moreover, the project conducted the Barren Land Investigation & Consulting Improvement, which discoverd 66 barren lands, total of 100.53 hectare, including 51.78 hectare of normal barren land and 48.75 hectate of river barren lands. On the other sector of Consuling Improvement, there are 29 uncover-suface sites improved under the project consulted, the improving area are 73.60 hectare, including 38.39 hectare of normal barren land and 35.21 hectate of river barren lands.In oreder to promote the importance of air polloution control with latest government regulation. The project held 2 explanatory conferences for general construction sites, 2 “Non-Open-Burning” explanation session, 5 explanatory session to those sites which were heavy polluated or listed under major construction sites , and published 12 news. In addtion, the project has been completed the implantation of " Tainan City Construction Site Air Pollution Fee Online Reporting System" by the end of Jun, and launched to general public Since July 1, 2013. 102 臺南市政府環境保護局 堃捷工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72912
推動飲用水列管項目之篩選作業計畫 本計畫依據「行政院環境保護署飲用水列管項目篩選作業原則(草案)」、參考美國環保署建立飲用水列管項目篩選流程和評分機制,擬定飲用水列管項目篩選作業機制與流程,並據以執行,建立初步蒐集清單、蒐集清單及觀察清單,且針對觀察清單物質規劃執行為期至少一年的監測計畫,本計畫建議將此未列管物質之監測計畫增列於飲用水管理條例中,並據以規劃檢測預算,以作為列管決策之參據。此外本計畫更新飲用水水質已列管項目的毒理資料庫之國外管制情況,檢討戴奧辛、銦、鉬等之最大限值標準,並提出含鹵乙酸類及鋁的管制建議,以及針對飲用水水質標準管制項目超標之處分提出修正建議。本計畫亦執行22縣市各一處淨水場微囊藻毒之調查,濃度均未超過國際建議管制標準。為建立民眾正確飲用水觀念,本計畫執行期間亦拍攝飲用水安全宣傳短片。 Impetus of the working of contaminants screening for drinking water quality regulation This project established the rules and process of contaminants screening for drinking water quality regulation, basing on the draft plan of “contaminants screening process of drinking water quality regulation” set by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration. The detail process referred to the US EPA's Contaminant Candidate List (CCL) Classification Process. This project established the CCL Universe, the Preliminary CCL (PCCL), and the CCL. Monitoring plan for each contaminants in the CCL was also established and was going to carry out for at least one year. This project suggested to include a legislative monitor plan of non-regulated contaminants for water companies into “Drinking Water Management Act”. Therefore, the monitoring result could be a reference of regulation determination. In addition, the project updated the toxicity database of drinking water quality regulation items regarding to the regulation situation of 13 countries. This project also reviewed the regulation values of dioxin, indium, and molybdenum, and set the regulation values for haloacetic acids (HAA5) and aluminum. Moreover, this project reviewed the implement of drinking water quality safety of United States and WHO and how they deal with the violation of drinking water quality regulation. This project suggested to include an improvement plan of violation into “Drinking Water Management Act”. Besides, survey of microcystin- LR concentration was carried out in the drinking water treatment plants in this project. A short film was made in this project for establishing the correct idea of using drinking water for public. 101 環管處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78194
高雄市大寮區福德爺廟場址地下水汙染後續控制及監測計畫 本計畫依契約內容,於101年8月份起陸續完成場址污染擴散控制、污染源及高污染濃度區域生物復育及污染範圍監測等工作事項。本計畫蒐集場址水文地質資料,藉由模擬研擬水力控制方案。經評估後採用下游控制進行水力控制,並透過場址邊界監測井驗證水力控制成效,該井污染物濃度皆維持在3~5ppb,顯示水力控制已有效控制污染向場外擴散,而根據計算透過水力控制已移除約1.0Kg污染物。於每年豐枯水季各進行一次水質採樣分析,共計進行65組分析,並根據檢測結果繪製污染團分布情況。結果顯示污染物分布面積由258m2縮小至72.1m2,最高濃度由0.611 mg/L降至0.253 mg/L,且污染物未擴散至場外。生物復育部分,本計畫於場址污染源及高濃度區域進行生物復育模場試驗,共計灌注1,000Kg之生物藥劑。根據各項水質參數轉變,顯示現地環境在藥劑灌注後明顯由好氧態轉變為厭氧狀態,微生物分析結果顯示嗜氯菌數量逐漸上升,於含氯有機物組成分析顯示目標污染物濃度下降,同時觀察到降解產物二氯乙烯及氯乙烯生成,生物復育成效明顯。 During August 2012, we completed control the spread of pollution, Enhanced In-situ Bioremediation(EIB) tests, and monitor distributions of pollution successively.We collected hydrogeological information, and through model to decide which wells we pumping. Then, we measured pollution concentration outside of site boundary to prove the result of hydraulic containment. Concentration always be 3~5 ppb show the spread of pollution has be controlled. According to calculations, hydraulic containment remove more than 1.0 Kg pollutant already.Since project beginning, We sampled twice a year, and completed a total of 65 sampling. According to analysis results, we determined how is the pollution distribute. TCE distribute area is from 258 m2 become 72.1m2, the highest value of TCE is from 0.611mg/L dropped to 0.253 mg/L, and pollution always not be distribute out of boundary.About EIB tests, we completed the test in pollution sources and high concentration area, total used 1,000Kg. According to change of water quality parameters, underground environment changed from aerobic to anaerobic obviously. Microorganism analysis show that quantity of Dehalococcoides(Dhc.) in water is increased after EIB test starting. The TCE concentration reduce gradually. At the same time, we detected some chlorinated organics like DCE and VC in in-situ, which produced by biodegradable. Through those phenomenon can prove the EIB test is very success. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 業興環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=82026