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持久性有機污染物環境資料及建置毒化物釋放量計算指引計畫 本計畫主要工作執行成果包括(1)已蒐集公約第五次締約方會議(簡稱COP5)及第7次持久性有機污染物審查委員會(簡稱POPRC7)討論化學品之最新發展及管理現況,並研提國內相關部會署之管制建議。(2)已透過3場次我國「國家實施計畫」(簡稱NIP)制定小組交流會,完成更新NIP制定小組100年執行POPs之成果報告及各單位之管理協商、藉由「2012年環境荷爾蒙暨持久性有機污染物管制研討會」向民眾宣導政府成效,並提高民眾對POPs議題之重視;(3)蒐集美國、英國、日本、臺灣之前十大釋放量毒化物之排放係數,並研擬毒化物釋放量計算指引(草案)及其配套。另完成14場次現勘調查及實地量測實廠釋放源之氯乙烯及1,2-二氯乙烷濃度,共計13件分析樣本,並依據檢測數據推估全廠氯乙烯及1,2-二氯乙烷釋放量及排放係數;(4)另針對戴奧辛資訊整合方面,本戴奧辛系統除持續整合「焚化廠管理系統(簡稱SWIMS)」、「土壤及地下水污染場址資訊系統」、「固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統」資料外,亦透過人工方式新增建置委辦計畫檢測資料,迄今已累積共17,378筆戴奧辛檢測資料,而本系統今年特別強化系統相關操作使用之功能,俾利於事件通報及檢測資料基本資料建置使用。對於「戴奧辛污染事件緊急應變通報系統」,已完成更新操作手冊及通報人員基本資料。另已推估我國100年戴奧辛排放至空氣及水體環境之排放量約56.49 g I-TEQ/年,已較95年減量37%。 The Environmental database of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Establishment for Toxic Substance Re The achievements made in this project included: 1) The latest international control strategies extracted from the Stockholm Convention were collected, and recommendations for controlling strategies of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) will be shortly proposed to related administrative agencies in Taiwan. ; 2) Three NIP working-group seminars were held to gathered the achievements made by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Department of Health, Council of Agriculture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs on the control of POPs in 2011. Additionally, the EPA held “2012 Environmental Hormones and Persistent Organic Pollutants Conference” to enhance public awareness of POPs and demonstrated the goals made by Taiwan Government; 3) Collected the emission factors for top 10 toxic substances released to environments and drafted the “Toxic Substance Release Calculation Guidance” as well as corresponding policies. In addition, this project has accomplished 14 on-site inspection and performed exposure measurement of 1,2-dichloroethane and vinyl chloride in 13 sample. The overall release and emission factor of 1,2-dichloroethane and vinyl chloride in each manufacturing factor was estimated based on chemicals measured. 4) As for the data integration of dioxins, three different databases have been integrated into the Dioxins Integrated Management System that is consisted of the Solid Waste Incineration Management System (SWIMS), the Soil and Groundwater Information Management System (GIMS), and the Control of Stationary Sources of Air Pollution Information System (CSSAPIS). Through the integration and the data collection from individual study, 17,378 entries of exposure measurement of dioxins were included in this system. Besides, the functions of the system were further extended to enhance its capabilities. The operational manual of the “Emergency Reporting System of Dioxins Pollution” and the contact information of reporting personnel were updated. Moreover, the release of dioxins into air and water environments in 2011 was estimated to be 56.49 g I-TEQ/year, which is lower than the levels measured in 2006 by 37%. 101 毒管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44082
2012室內空氣品質國際學術交流工作坊 我國『室內空氣品質管理法』甫於2011年11月08日通過,國內相關的管制措施及配套方案正著手研擬中,『2012室內空氣品質國際學術交流工作坊』邀請目前國際上已具有強制性之法令且行之有年的日本及韓國專家學者共同與會,分享其推展的經驗,使我國室內空氣品質之管理更為縝密完善。另就管理推動面,會中亦同步邀請國內相關主管機關代表及產業界代表與會,期藉多元且深入的探討,使各界對室內空氣品質管理法之目的、意涵及後續推動要點,有更多的認識。 2012 International Workshop on Indoor Air Quality “2012 International Workshop on Indoor Air Quality ” , based on the indoor environment and health in Asia region, focus on review of the history and current status of Asia Regional Research, academic development, connection to business and the market needs in the future, etc. There is three Symposiums on “IAQ regulation and promotion”, “Indoor Environment and Health” and “Environmental measurement and Control Strategies of Indoor air quality”.It will bring together professionals and academic researchers from Japan , Korea and technique with members of Indoor Air Quality. It will increase the possibility of international cooperation and the domestic technical ability through the comprehensive deliberation on this workshop. 101 空保處 社團法人台灣室內環境品質學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37626
101年環保知識挑戰擂台賽北部6縣(市)初賽及全國總決賽專案工作計畫 本計畫目的為辦理北部6個縣(市)初賽及全國性環保知識挑戰擂臺賽總決賽。由直轄縣(市)的地區性辦理方式至全國性的全面性環保知識競賽活動,按照點而面的實施方式,先讓地區的參賽者熟悉環保知識競賽形式和題目類型,以於全國性的環保知識競賽活動能達到平等性的競賽環境,真正實踐民眾對於環保知識知和行學習的目的。本計畫完成之工作事項為:(1)協助辦理北部六縣(市)初賽,負責場內競賽進行及問題處理相關事項。(2)邀請六縣(市)初賽及全國總決賽共17位環境教育或環保知識相關的專家學者,擔任場內裁判,以維持公平及公正的競賽品質。(3)聘請六縣(市)初賽及全國總決賽共十位場內競賽主持人,進行場內競賽活動主持,並協助縣(市)進行開幕及閉幕典禮。(4)安排八位人力學會使用IRS即時反饋系統,進行場內競賽儀器操作。(5)研擬全國環保知識挑戰擂臺賽之總決賽比賽規則。(6)於101年12月8日辦理國小組、國中組、高中組及社會組全國總決賽。(7)規劃並安排全國總決賽參賽選手及參與人員包含競賽場地、休息區域、餐飲、交通住宿、裁判及主持人聘請、賽事轉播、獎金及獎狀發放等相關事宜。(8)針對參賽人員及陪同人員安排臺北市立木柵動物園及公館自來水園區半日之戶外環境教育參訪活動。(9)針對全國總決賽規劃FB粉絲專業及活動網站,放置活動花絮照片並公告活動相關事宜。(10)針對總決賽參賽人員設計問卷,並達到392份有效問卷回收,其中包含183位女性參賽者及209位男性參賽者,並於問卷中得知大多數參賽人員對環保知識的興趣高,且自覺其環保生活價值高。(11)於總決賽活動後達到共13則媒體曝光,並獲得共455,000元之媒體效益。(12)聘請環境教育相關專業師資,進行備用600題題目出題及審核 (13)完成總決賽各項活動製作物設計及製作,並申請低碳標章。 101 years of environmental knowledge to challenge the preliminary round of the Challenge Cup six nor The purpose of this project is to apply for the preliminary round of the six northern counties (cities) and national environmental knowledge challenges the finals of the Challenge Cup. Directly under the county (city) The method of conducting a regional to a national comprehensive environmental knowledge contest, the embodiment in accordance with the point and the surface, let the regional participants familiar with the environmental knowledge contest forms and types of questions at the national environmental knowledge contest to achieve equality of competition environment, the real practice of people for the purpose of learning the knowledge and practice of environmental knowledge. The completion of this project work matters: (1) to assist with the northern six counties (cities) in the preliminary round, is responsible for the venue competition related matters and deal with the problem. (2) to invite six counties (cities) in the preliminaries and national finals a total of 17 experts and scholars of environmental education or environmental knowledge as the venue referee, in order to maintain a fair and impartial competition quality. (3) to hire six counties (cities) in the preliminary round and a total of ten National Finals venue Contest Moderator venue contest presided over, and to assist counties (cities) for the opening and closing ceremonies. (4) arranged The eight human learn how to use the IRS instant feedback system, the venue contest instrument operation. (5) develop a national environmental knowledge challenge Challenge Cup Finals game rules, and presented to the Department of Environmental Protection. (6) to handle country team group of junior high, high school group and social group National Finals on December 8 101 years. (7) planning and arrangements for the National Finals contestants and participants include competition venues, lounge area, dining, transportation, lodging, referee and host hire, event broadcast, bonuses and awards distribution related matters. (8) Taipei Zoo and mansion tap water park for half a day of outdoor environmental education Visits to arrange for the contestants and entourage. (9) for the the National Finals planning the FB Fans professional and the campaign website, placed Highlights photos and the announcement activities related matters. (10) contestants for the finals the design of the questionnaire, and achieve 392 valid questionnaires recovery, which contains 183 female participants and 209 male contestants, and in the questionnaire that most of the contestants have a high interest in environmental knowledge conscious of its environmental life and high value. (11) in the finals after the event, to reach a total of 13 media exposure, and get a total of 455,000 yuan of media effectiveness. (12) to hire professional teachers, environmental education for spare 600 title topic questions and audit, and presented to the Environmental Protection Department (EPD). (13) completed the finals event production for design and production, and to apply for low-carbon Mark. 101 綜計處 國立臺灣師範大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46204
廢鉛蓄電池處理後廢酸液再利用方式暨鉛蓄電池產品綠色設計趨勢調查計畫 本計畫調查國內金屬產業廢酸液流向及再利用機構;針對國外廢鉛蓄電池廢酸液回收技術已完成美國、義大利、英國、日本及中國等國之廢酸液再利用處理技術及技術成本等調查,並已於101年6月底研提國內廢鉛蓄電池處理後之廢酸液再利用可行方式與技術並經環保署同意備查。針對國內6家處理廠廢酸液進行之硫酸、鉛及鐵濃度等檢測,調查結果硫酸濃度約介於4.3%~20.3%之間;鉛濃度約介於1,670 μg/L~7,020 μg/L之間;鐵濃度則介於13,700 μg/L~402,000 μg/L之間。實廠試驗採用擴散透析法並使用S55及E52公司之廢酸液,試驗結果發現擴散透析法於廢酸液濃度變化較大之情形下對硫酸之回收率可維持80%以上,鉛及鐵的去除率亦能保持在80%以上。已完成國內6家處理業廢酸液處理成本調查,以及自行處理廢酸液與交付再利用機構之成本效益評估。已蒐集國內外鉛蓄電池產品綠色設計資料,並完成對鉛蓄電池產業及廢鉛蓄電池處理業之影響。已完成蒐集美國、加拿大、英國、日本及中國等國家之廢塑膠再利用情況及應用範圍。已完成國內6家廢鉛蓄電池處理業之廢塑膠採樣、分析。其中廢塑膠(PP)檢測結果鉛含量介於13.2~43.6 mg/kg之間,鎘及鉻含量皆小於0.01mg/kg;廢塑膠(ABS)檢測結果鉛含量介於23.7~99.0 mg/kg之間,鉻含量皆小於0.01mg/kg。另已蒐集鉛蓄電池外殼強度及再生料掺配比例,目前國內以使用同等級PP回收料10%以下為可接受使用之範圍。已完成目前市場上鉛蓄電池修復技術之資料蒐集,並分析其對廢鉛蓄電池產量與處理業之影響。本計畫採用質量平衡方式推估廢酸液產生量,評估廢酸液產生比率約介於12%~17%之間。另採用熔煉製程損耗率、產品產出比率及廢棄物產出比率分析並評估廢鉛蓄電池處理業投入產出比率,依國內6家處理業相關計算結果其中熔煉製程損耗率約為30%,廢棄物產出比率包含爐渣及集塵灰,平均產出比率平均約為2.4%,並已完成熔煉製程廢棄物合理產生比例評估。本計畫已完成廢鉛蓄電池熔煉製程投入產出模式評估,建議使用產品產出比率作為熔煉製程投入產出之評估指標,產品產出比率可由含鉛產品(鉛錠+鉛塊+鉛冰料)總產生量÷廢鉛蓄電池投料量加以計算。 The Investigation of the Recycling Technology for the Waste Acid Discharged from Waste Lead Acid Bat The tasks of the project were investigating the distribution of the waste acid from metal refineries and its recycling entities. The project completed collecting the information of waste acid recycling technology and its cost from many countries like America, Italy, England, Japan and China. And provided the suitable recycling method and technology for waste acid from waste lead batteries.For testing the concentrations of sulfuric acid, lead and iron for waste acid collected from domestic recycling entities, the result showed that the sulfuric acid concentration was 4.3~20.3%, lead concentration was1,670 μg/L~7,020 μg/L, iron concentration was 13,700 μg/L~402,000 μg/L. Field testing used the expanding transparency and the waste acids were from S55 and E52 entitues.It found that the method of expanding transparency could keep the collection rate of sulfuric acid above 80%, the removing rate of lead and iron also kept above 80%. The cost and profit of recycling waste acid for 6 recycling entities had been evaluated.The project also collected the green design data for lead batteries and evaluated its influence. The information of waste plastic recycling situations and applications of America, England, Japan and China were collected. The testing results of waste plastics collected from 6 waste lead battery recycling entities showed the lead concentration was 13.2~43.6 mg/kg, Cd and Cr were below 0.01mg/kg. The case strength of the lead acid battery and its mixing proportion. Currently, using 10% of the same level PP recyclable material is acceptable. The market information of recovery technology for lead acid batteries had been collected and analyzed for the influences to production and recycling industry.The project used the mass balance to predict the production of waste acid, and found the production rate was 12~17%. Besides, the stock-production rate had been evaluated by analyzing the consuming rate, the production rate and the wastes production rate. According the calculation of 6 domestic recycling entities, the consuming rate during refining process was 30%, the average of wastes production rate was 2.4% (included ashes and slags ).The evaluation of feedstock-production model for the refining process of waste lead acid batteries had been completed. It suggested that the production rate could be used as the evaluating factor for the feedstock- production of refining process. And the production rate could be calculated through the volume of products ( lead tablet + lead ingot + lead ice material ) divided by the feeding volume of waste lead acid batteries. 101 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48775
「公害糾紛法律扶助」專案工作計畫 由於環境公害種類繁多(如空氣污染、水污染、土地污染、噪音、振動、地層下陷、惡臭、放射性污染等),而且相當之複雜。因此一般民眾在遭遇到公害糾紛時,並不容易完整地主張法律上權利。抑且,民眾想尋求法律途徑,卻欠缺相關法律知識或金錢。行政院環保署為保障民眾權益,遂擬定本計畫案。為達成目標,本計畫內容涵蓋:壹、提供環保相關案件之法律扶助服務,協助爭取權益及解決公害糾紛問題。包含:(一)公害糾紛民事事件之法律諮詢與文件撰擬。(二)公害糾紛調(和)解等。(三)公害訴訟事件之民事訴訟代理。貳、建置法律扶助服務案件受理程序及篩選機制,此部分包含:(一)參考國內相關單位之法律扶助作法,研擬法律扶助服務案件之資力審查標準並建置法律扶助審核程序及篩選機制。(二)建置受理法律扶助服務案件之必要審核表單及文件。參、辦理環保同仁訓練講習及年度環保法律扶助案件統計分析工作。 Legal Aid of Public Nuisance Disputes Due to the wide variety and considerable complexity of environmental hazards (including air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, noise, vibration, land subsidence, noxious odor, radioactive contamination, etc.), when the general public encounters public nuisance disputes they cannot easily and comprehensively assert their legal rights. Furthermore the general public may want to seek legal action but be prevented from doing so for lack of the relevant legal knowledge or financial resources. The Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan does therefore draft this project in order to safeguard the people’s rights and interests. In order to achieve the aforementioned goal, this project aims to:1. Provide legal aid services in cases related to environmental protection and assist in fighting for the rights of the general public in resolving public nuisance disputes. This includes: a) Legal advice and drafting of documents pertaining to civil matters of public nuisance disputes;b) Mediation of public nuisance disputes; andc) Appointed an attorney as an advocate in public nuisance litigation cases.2. Set up an acceptance procedure and a screening mechanism for legal aid service cases. This includes: a) Referring to the current legal aid practices of other domestic legal service organizations, developing a standard for financial review of legal aid service cases, and setting up the review procedure and application screening mechanism for the legal aid service cases accepted, andb) Creating the necessary forms and documents for the acceptance of legal aid service cases.3. Provide colleagues in the field of environmental protection with training workshops and an annual statistical analysis of legal aid cases related to environmental protection. 101 管考處 得耀法律事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=52078
奈米微粒對細胞毒性及生物標記之篩選技術建立 全球奈米科技正如火如荼的發展,雖然此尖端科技在各個領域上開拓新的希望、應用價值與新興產品,然而這些具有奈米結構的物質,其本身的化學性質與物理性質,會隨著粒徑大小的不同而有所變化,對人體的毒性危害或影響也可能有所改變,因此對於安全衛生環保亦將可能產生重大的衝擊。本研究團隊在去年度的計劃中建立以細胞連續及即時生長分析儀為奈米物質的細胞毒性之篩選平台,此項新的檢測方法,可以免除傳統細胞毒性測試方法之染劑或指示劑的使用,進而降低其與奈米物干擾所產生之不一致結果,並可發展更穩定、快速及可測試大量奈米微粒樣品的篩選平台。今年度的計劃延續以此細胞連續及即時生長分析儀為細胞毒性篩選平台,進行不同粒徑之奈米金溶液,對數種不同細胞株之細胞毒性動態影響,結果顯示奈米金溶液有效抑制細胞的生長,並呈現濃度相關性,但會因細胞株不同而有不同程度的抑制效果。以傳統的一般細胞毒性方法測試,如MTS,Trypan blue exclusion,Colony forming 等方法進行研究,也證實奈米金溶液有效抑制細胞的生長,而不同方法對奈米金溶液的細胞毒性有不同的靈敏度。計劃中也證實奈米金溶液可增加細胞凋亡或細胞週期停滯,進而抑制細胞的生長;本團隊也以 DNA microarray 分析找出幾個重要的生物分子標誌,這些特定蛋白分子明顯與基因損壞及細胞週期調控機制有重要的關係。本計劃以全面系統性的細胞毒性檢測,證實奈米金溶液以不同的機制抑制細胞的生長,歸納本計劃之執行成果如下:(1)本研究團隊針對多種哺乳類細胞株之生長特性,成功建立以細胞連續及即時生長分析儀分析奈米物質標毒性分析平台;(2)確定奈米金溶液在本系統的評估之下是有細胞毒性,且不同粒徑的奈米金對不同的細胞株有不同程度的生長抑制作用;(3) 一般細胞毒性分析系統較不易區分出不同細胞株對奈米金生長抑制作用之不同;(4)細胞連續及即時生長分析儀可適用於大多數的細胞株,包括無法利用其它細胞毒性方法測試的MRC-5細胞以及無法應用於colony-forming 及flow cytometry的PK-15細胞; (5)細胞連續及即時生長分析儀可在整個測試過程中,全面觀察細胞生長的動態變化,而非單一時間點的細胞毒性方法; (6)此方法並無一般傳統方法需要染劑的使用,因此並無染劑與奈米物質干擾的現象; (7)細胞電阻的測量為電腦自動化,減少以其他測試法所容易產生的人為操作誤差。研究中使用的奈米金為市售之純奈米金,實驗使用濃度為因應實驗需求直接強迫細胞暴露,與一般人體可能的暴露情況完全不同,目前無法以現有的研究結果反推人體暴露劑量與可能產生之立即毒性;因此本計劃的目的旨在建立細胞毒性評估工具與平台,而非依據有限之研究成果推論人體可能之暴露劑量與毒性反應。 Nanomaterials have received considerable recent attention because of their unique properties and diverse applications in technology and life sciences. However, the nano-structures of these materials possess very different physical and chemical properties compared to their larger size counterparts. Given the increasing use of nanoparticles in a range of products, it has become crucial to develop a fundamental understanding of the biological effects of nanoparticle exposure. Many in vitro studies have suggested that nanoparticles are cytotoxic and genotoxic; however, results are inconsistent, mainly due to interference between nanoparticles and dye molecules commonly used in traditional cytotoxicity assays. The purpose of this study was to establish a systematic method for evaluating biological effects of nanogold utilizing the xCELLigence System, an electrical impedance-based, dye-free, real-time system, to continuously monitor the dynamic effects of nanogold on cell growth. The inhibitory effects of nanogold on the growth of numerous cell lines demonstrated using this system were also supported by several traditional in vitro toxicity assays, including MTS, trypan blue exclusion, colony forming assays. Mechanistic studies revealed that the action of nanogold is mediated by apoptosis induction or cell cycle delay, depending on cell type and cellular context and concentration of nanogold. Additional evidence is provided from our DNA microarray analysis suggesting that many proteins involved in DNA damage responses and cell cycle regulation are significantly up-regulated or down-regulated. We suggest that the xCELLigence System is more effective and better applicable and the evidence is summarized as following: (1) We have established a screening platform utilizing the xCELLigence System to measure cytotoxicity of nanomaterials; (2) We have shown that gold nanoparticles possess different cytotoxicity levels toward several cell lines tested; (3) It is difficult to differentiate the subtle differences in cytotoxicity using traditional in vitro cytotoxicity assays; (4) the xCELLigence System is the most suitable assay for a wide-range cells, including MRC-5, which cannot be analyzed by MTS, trypan blue exclusion, and colony-forming ability; (5) the xCELLigence System provides a comprehensive representation of the entire duration of the assay that offers distinct and important advantages over traditional end-point assays; (6) there is no interference between nanomaterials and dye molecules in xCELLigence System; (7) cell impedances are monitored automatically after cells seeded onto E-plates for preventing from subsequent operation mistakes. The results presented in this study should provide helpful guidance on the future use of gold nanoparticles in occupational and medical applications. 101 環檢所 國立中興大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41922
我國低碳排放發展策略研析規劃 氣候變遷是二十一世紀人類面臨最艱鉅的挑戰之一,近年來全球極端氣候災害不斷,對人類生存、環境生態與產業經濟都造成了重大的衝擊,但此危機也是全球低碳經濟轉型的重要助力。聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(UNFCCC)協商對於全球長期減量分享願景的討論已經越趨明朗,特別是低碳排放發展策略(Low-Emission Development Strategies, LEDS)。各國政府決定在目前到2015年的磋商談判中,達成一項包括全世界所有國家之未來法律架構,並於2020年生效。近年來先進國家皆針對各自國情現況已陸續發佈長期低碳發展願景與藍圖,臺灣亦呼應哥本哈根協定自願承諾於2020年達成將溫室氣體排放總量比排放基線(BAU)減少至少30%的目標;對內仍需以2020年回到2005年排放水準(相當於在2020年溫室氣體排放量較BAU減少45%)為減量措施的規劃目標。再者,政府已提出黃金十年的「永續環境」施政願景,期望化危機為轉機,為型塑臺灣成為一個低碳永續家園而努力,國家得以永續發展。本計畫主要工作項目為探討有關我國低碳發展策略方案減碳潛力與空氣污染減量等環境共同效益、規劃我國熱冷電區域整合節能減碳關鍵策略技術、經濟誘因措施與法規命令、建立國際低碳路徑研究團隊合作管道,並協助推動節能減碳行動方案考核作業與建構運作低碳排放發展路徑登錄平台,各項工作皆已按預定期程完成。 蒐集國際各部門節能減碳技術資料,並更新工業、住宅與服務業、運輸部門能源服務需求。同時,參考國際作法架構我國能源與環境共同效益評估方法。接續本計畫依最新社經資料,推估我國能源CO2排放基線,再依IPCC與政府CO2減量目標設定之三個LEDS情境,完成減碳策略組合、節能效果、以及能源與環境共同效益評估; 分析目前國際區域熱冷電整合技術的發展,調查我國目前住商與工業部門的能源使用與需求現況及缺口,分析目前對於區域能源發展的適用法規。本計畫已研析我國固定汙染源相關資料庫,並規劃於工業部門推動使用生質能鍋爐取代傳統鍋爐、推展區域能源可行性規劃及提出節能減碳發展路徑,找出節能減碳的關鍵策略、措施與政策誘因。此外也完成冷氣機與冰水機型式調查資料庫建置,並完成小型冷氣與高COP值冰水機使用於不同樓板面積效益分析。此外也提出住商部門整合規劃並以工研院64館連結6單及7單宿舍進行中央空調式的區域冷能供給模式案例分析,並評估其經濟效益與減碳效益。最後則研析國內外最新區域能源技術與策略,並對日後全面性發展區域能源的法律架構提出建議; 針對各國低碳排放政策之經濟誘因措施相互間影響進行分析,並已蒐集各國低碳排放政策之規劃與最新發展,及其制定的不同市場機制;對美國、加州、澳洲與英國在規劃與制定市場機制過程中,各國對碳價模型的選擇與模型的內容進行研析;研析影響歐盟碳價之因素與影響澳洲碳價模擬之因素,及提出未來可能影響台灣碳價之因素,以國外排放交易機制與碳價模型分析做為參考, 完成國內碳價格模型之建議方案規劃,且相關規劃可作為環保署在後續碳價格模型分析及碳額度價格模擬方向之參考,並可作為未來政府制定總量管制與交易相關政策以及推廣再生能源、低碳策略的參考依據; 完成「國家節能減碳總行動方案」101年度及102年度工作計畫彙整評析,建置「國家節能減碳總行動方案」線上登錄平台,並正式上線供各部會填報102年度之工作計畫;同時,已經完成「溫室氣體國家體系登錄平台」架構規劃及空白電子表單檔案之設計,並請部會試填相關電子表單。此外,考量低排放發展為後京都機制協商中,公約長期合作行動下極其重要的議題,許多附件一國家在2005年京都議定書生效、開啟後京都協商後,即著手進行有關2050年低排放發展的研究,作為各國政府相關決策參考,及後京都協商的科學數據基礎。有鑑於因應氣候變遷行動必須是全面性,具備包容性,方可確保全球環境保護的完整性,如何借重綠色科技及善用市場機制,將是面對氣候變遷挑戰下不可或缺的兩大要素,並可實現我們自己掌握潔淨能源的未來,確保國家競爭力並創造更多新的就業機會。本工作團隊已協助環保署推動2050年長期減碳措施之戰略布局專家諮詢會議,就臺灣2050年再生能源需求及供應、使用程度及作法等進行長期規劃建立溝通模式。臺灣「如何達成再生能源百分百」須要有全面戰略(overall strategy),這是一個社會運動,剛開始就應該邀請利益相關團體全面參與規劃評估及討論溝通過程,一起腦力激盪尋找可行合理答案來長期推動。為此,本計畫預計6月26日辦理邀請美國及德國再生能源智庫訪台,針對「如何達成再生能源百分百」情境規劃論述與國內各界進行實質的經驗交流,尋求可行技術及政策措施。 Low-Emission Development Strategies Climate change is one of the toughest challenges humankind faces in the 21st century. In recent years, extreme weather events occurring all around the world result in significant impacts to humans’ survival, environment, ecology, industry and the economy development. It also reinforces our determination towards a low-carbon development pathway. This trend is an obvious evident during the negotiations at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for the shared vision in long-term global climate change mitigation, especially in the form of the low carbon emission development strategies (LEDS). Governments have decided to conclude their negotiations before the end of 2015, and reach a legal framework which will be legally binding to all countries in 2020. In response to the call of commitment for voluntary GHG emissions reduction following the Copenhagen Accord, Taiwan has committed to the voluntary target of reducing its emissions to 30% below the business-as-usual (BAU) emissions baselines in 2020. Thus, the Government is now planning its internal goal of returning to 2005 emissions levels in 2020 (equivalent to cut 2020 emissions to 45% below BAU emissions). Furthermore, the Government has announced the vision of “Golden Decade – Sustainable Environment”. The policy’s objective is to turn climate impacts on Taiwan into opportunities, and then further transit into a low-carbon homeland under sustainable development. This project’s main tasks include studying Taiwan’s carbon reduction potentials of the LEDS strategic program and its environmental co-benefits achieved through reducing air pollution, planning key carbon reduction and energy conservation strategies and technologies for Taiwan district heating and cooling (DHC) integration development, developing legal infrastructure, promoting sectoral GHG emission reduction actions, establishing cooperation relationship with international low carbon pathway research groups, assisting the EPA in evaluating the performance of the “Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Action Plans”, and establishing and operate the “Low Carbon Development Pathway Registration Platform”. All scheduled tasks for this project have been completed on schedule. Collect international sectoral technical data for energy conservation and carbon reduction. Renew national energy service demand and requirement investigation for industrial, residential, service, and transportation sectors. Based on practical examples and framework developed in the world, this project also established a methodology to estimate co-benefits of national energy and environment. The tasks of this project focus on determining the national energy CO2 emissions baseline according to the latest social-economic data, which is introduced to simulate carbon reduction combination, energy conservation effect, and co-benefits as well as costs for energy and environment by LEDS scenarios under the IPCC and governmental CO2 reduction target. Analyze the development of international district heating, cooling, and power technology. Survey the energy demand and consumption in residential/commercial and industrial sectors in Taiwan. Analyze current law and regulations for promoting the development of district energy supply system. The project has analyzed the database of stationary air pollution sources and given suggestions on promoting the biomass boilers as alternatives to fossil-fuel boilers in industrial sector. Build up the database of air-conditioners and chillers, and complete the effectiveness analysis of floor area on air-conditioning system; Build up the district cooling model in connecting the air-conditioning systems among building #64 (commercial sector) and dormitories # 6 and #7 (residential sector) in the ITRI. Analyze the feasibility of model and evaluate its economic benefits and carbon reduction efficiency. We also analyze the latest technology and strategy for district energy supply in the world, and propose feasible legal framework for comprehensive district energy development. Analyze the interactive influences on practical measures of various market mechanisms based on other countries’ LEDs economic incentives. Collect the latest development and design data of international LEDs to various market mechanism. Conduct carbon price choice and model content research on the USA, California, Australia, and UK’s market mechanism design. Forecast significant impact factors for Taiwan’s future carbon price according to analyzing the significant factors on the EU, and Australia carbon price simulation. The above practical simulation results and operation scheme experiences will be references for establishing a GHG trading scheme in Taiwan in the future. Complete the project analysis for “Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Action Plans” in 2012 and 2013. Establish online format of “Registration Platform” for “Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Action Plans”. The project officially announced online procedures for all ministries’ “Year 2013 Action Plans” data submission. Meanwhile, the design of framework and electronic forms for “National GHG Registry Platform” has been accomplished; this project assists ministries to submit relative electronic forms in testing trials.Low carbon development has been recognized as an important issue during post-Kyoto negotiations for the long-term cooperation under the UNFCCC. Many Annex-I parties have started conducting research on 2050 low carbon development following the initiation of the post-Kyoto negotiations to obtain scientific data and bases for the negotiations. The actions in response to climate change must be comprehensive and inclusive to ensure the integrality of global environment protection. Stressing green technology and broadly operating market mechanism will be two significant factors in facing climate change challenges, which will lead us towards a future with clean energy technology developed on our own. It also helps Taiwan to ensure competitiveness and create more green jobs. The team of this project has assisted the EPA to hold a consultant meeting for promoting 2050 long-term carbon reduction strategy, which constructs long-term communication models for renewable energy demands, supply, consumption, and solutions in Taiwan 2050 LEDs plan. The purpose for Taiwan to achieving a vision of “100% renewables” needs a comprehensive strategy; we believe it is definitely a social activity. In initial stage, we recommend inviting stakeholders to participate in evaluation and communication; in long-term, we encourage a brain storm modeling framework to create reasonable solutions. On June 26, 2013, the renewable think tank from Australia and Germany are invited to visit Taiwan and further discuss practical issues with our experts and officials such as “How to achieve 100% renewable scenario in Taiwan?” and seek feasible technology and political strategy in “2050 Taiwan GHGs Reduction Pathway Forum”. 101 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=54684
101年度產品碳標籤核發及推廣專案工作計畫 環保署經由本計畫推廣及核發產品碳標籤制度,確保達成環境、經濟與社會之永續發展目標。本計畫執行成果包括:(1)透過溝通協調會議及產品碳足跡標示法規制度研修會議開、諮詢專線及官方網站維護管理,維持完整溝通平台管道。藉由蒐集國際會議資料,並更新國內外組織專家人員清冊。(2)本計畫擔任輔導工作之管理單位,召開產品類別規則研商會議,以及選出4項尚未發展碳足跡產品類別規則之產品,並撰寫3項產品碳足跡盤查指導手冊,產品包括食品及民生消費類型;協助業者完成碳標籤申請作業,並辦理3場次「產品碳足跡研習班」。(3)蒐集彙整國科會補助碳足跡相關研究計畫清單及國外碳標籤制度相關資料,協助環保署召開推動產品碳足跡標示審議會及辦理小組庶務工作;同時,研修產品碳足跡標示之相關管理作業要點、探討產品碳標籤審查核發制度之執行困難與因應對策,以及規劃產品碳足跡減量標章或低碳標章制度。(4)結合連鎖通路業者完成辦理聯合推廣活動,完成設計與製作平面文宣海報及宣導手冊。維護、管理及開發「台灣產品碳足跡資訊網」官方網站。完成辦理環保機關人員宣導說明會及環保推廣宣導設攤活動,並製作線上數位學習教材,提供公務機關人員自行學習進修使用。 Work Plan of the Authorization and Promotion on the Carbon Footprint The Environmental Protection Administration promotes the carbon footprint labeling sceheme by implementing this project so as to reach goals such as sustainable development for the environment, economy and the society. Achievements of implementing this project include the following:(1)The plan is brought into action with the following execution tasks: the convention of seminars to communicate and coordinate the concept, the hosting of the amendment meetings on the regulations related to the product carbon footprint labeling, the establishment of the hotline, maintenance and management of the official website, delivery of a complete platform or channel for communication, collection of information from international forums on the topic, and constant update the list of the specialized experts and organizations in and out of the country. (2)The management unit in charge of the counseling for this plan has convened the seminars on the discussion of the rules for product categorization. Four product categories that haven’t been applied with this carbon footprint labeling were chosen and three guidelines on the auditing of the product carbon footprint have been compiled. The product categories include food and daily necessities. Moreover, assistance has been provided for the application of the carbon labeling and three workshops on the Product Carbon Footprint have been held.(3)Collection and compilation of the list of the research subsidized projects by the National Science Council that are related to the carbon footprint have been undertaken. Assistance is also provided to the Environmental Protection Administration with regard to the administrative tasks related to the hosting of the review meeting on the product carbon footprint labeling. At the same time, efforts have been devoted to the study of the guidelines for the purpose of further amendment. There has been also discussion on the issues and solutions to the issuance and audition of the product carbon labels as well as the planning of the label for product carbon footprint reduction or low carbon footprint label.(4)Joint efforts with channel distributors have been made to complete the event for promotion. Ads, posters and promotional literature have been designed, printed and distributed. The Official website, Taiwan Product Carbon Footprint, has been constantly maintained, managed and updated. Seminars on the orientation for the related personnel form the environmental institutional have been hosted. There is also creation of eLearning material to facilitate the purpose of further self-study by officers from the governmental organizations. 101 管考處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42513
101年屏東縣河川水質監測計畫 本計畫自簽約日起至民國101年12月31止,各項工作進度及成果報告如表1所示。本年度採樣自民國101年1月至民國101年12月,已完成12次採樣檢驗分析。水質檢驗結果綜合分析如後:(一)東港溪流域:按RPI分類,各月份各測站水體水質,除了五魁橋為中度至嚴重之外,其他均屬於未受至中度污染。東港溪流域水樣監測結果以氨氮與總磷污染較嚴重,五魁橋測站1月、4月、5月、7月及12月份溶氧均低於河川水質標準5.5 mg/L之下;氨氮與總磷的濃度皆超出相對之最低河川水質標準0.3 mg/L和0.05 mg/L。溶氧在上游測站濃度大多為乙類河川水質標準(>5.5 mg/L),在下游測站濃度大多為丙類河川水質標準(>4.5 mg/L)。按WQI分類評估,本年度1至12月中,五魁橋與港東二號橋1月至12月大多介於中等至中下河段, 但五魁橋在1月是屬於不良河段;成德大橋與萬巒大橋兩測站水體水質指數大多屬於中等河段,但成德大橋測站在4月及5月屬於中下河段。(二)林邊溪流域:若以RPI分類,新埤大橋和林邊大橋測站屬於輕度至嚴重污染的程度,在12次採樣中,新埤大橋測站有11次屬於嚴重污染程度,林邊大橋測站有1次屬於嚴重污染,6次屬於中度污染程度。懸浮固體物濃度最高發生於101年6月份新埤大橋測站,其值為1781 mg/L,超出丙類河川水質標準40 mg/L,可能是與六月份多日降雨且採樣當天也有降雨情形有關(6月份整月幾乎均在下雨)。溶氧方面,新埤大橋測站在12次採樣中,皆未達乙類標準。若按WQI分類評估,新埤大橋測站在12次採樣中,除了11月屬於中下河段,其餘皆屬於不良至惡劣河段,原因可能與乾季雨水量不足有關。林邊大橋測站主要介於中等至中下河段。 (三)其餘河川:若按RPI分類,除了在3月份臨海橋測站,6月份枋山橋、楓港橋、二重橋、臨海橋、港口橋及滿州橋,9月份枋山橋測站,與12月份龍鑾潭及臨海橋測站屬於中度污染(RPI=3.5~5.0)外,其餘測站皆為未受至輕度污染(RPI=1.0~2.0),在101年3月份採樣方面,各測站的總磷濃度皆不符合相對之乙類河川水質標準。在溶氧方面,臨海橋測站不符合相對之乙類河川水質標準。在生化需氧量方面,除二重橋、臨海橋及滿州橋測站外,其餘各測站皆符合相對之乙類河川水質標準。在懸浮固體物濃度不符合相對之乙類河川水質標準的有龍鑾潭與臨海橋測站。其餘測站與其監測項目則皆符合相對之乙類河川水質標準。在101年6月份採樣方面,只有臨海橋、二重橋與楓港橋測站的總磷濃度符合其相對之乙類河川水質標準,其餘測站總磷皆不符合相對之乙類河川水質標準。在生化需氧量方面,只有龍鑾潭測站符合相對之乙類河川水質標準。在溶氧值方面,各測站皆符合相對之乙類河川水質標準。按(WQI)加以分類,各測站水質皆屬於優良至中等的河段。在101年9月份採樣方面,總磷、生化需氧量方面各測站皆不符合相對之乙類河川水質標準。在懸浮固體方面,除了二重橋測站外,其餘測站皆不符合相對之乙類河川水質標準。在溶氧值方面,除了臨海橋測站,其餘各測站皆符合相對之乙類河川水質標準。101年12月份採樣方面,總磷方面各測站皆不符合相對之乙類河川水質標準。在懸浮固體及溶氧值方面,除了龍鑾潭及臨海橋測站外,其餘測站皆符合相對之乙類河川水質標準。在氨氮值方面,除了楓港橋、二重橋及臨海橋測站,其餘各測站皆符合相對之乙類河川水質標準。(四)萬年溪:一般而言,只有pH值及懸浮固體物能符合其相對之公告乙類河川水質標準;而溶氧、生化需氧量、氨氮及總磷則大多無法符合其相對之乙類河川水質標準。除了廣東橋測站本年度溶氧值較100年度高外,其餘水質差異不大。綜觀而言,萬年溪水質主要為溶氧值偏低,生化需氧量、化學需氧量及總氮濃度偏高,應繼續監測並加以留意追蹤。綜觀東港溪流域之歷年來水質變化趨勢較易受雨量影響,豐水期(6~9月)之水質較枯水期(12~翌年4月)佳。綜觀林邊溪流域之歷年來水質變化趨勢,在101年林邊溪流域水質較往年差,原因可能為橋墩進行固床工程的關係。一般而言,縣管河川(林邊溪除外)及中央管之四重溪流域,除少數測站外,水質狀況趨向於穩定且有逐漸好轉的趨勢,但仍應繼續監測並加以留意追蹤。因子分析可得到新的4個主分量及相關矩陣,其性質可分成第1因子屬於優養化與耗氧性因子,第2因子屬於溶解性因子,第3因子屬於混濁性因子,第4因子屬於氣候環境因子,由此可得到代表東港溪水質變異之主要因子所在。時間序列分析顯示,東港溪之SS濃度與流量呈正相關性。BOD與流量呈負相關性。NH3-N與NO3-N之間呈負相關性,因NH3-N會被氧化成NO3-N,所以當NH3-N濃度下降時,NO3-N濃度會升高;另T-P與NH3-N間呈正相關性,顯示T-P與NH3-N應來自同一污染源,因屏東縣東港溪沿岸畜牧業發達,推測污染源應來自於畜牧廢水。 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 國立屏東科技大學 環境工程與科學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42967
101年度空氣污染防制減碳方案-桃園縣機關、學校四省專案推廣計畫 節能減碳已成為全球發展的趨勢,為永續發展,政府以身作則帶頭推動機關及學校「四省專案」計畫,自97~100年力行節約用電、用水及用油量,合計減少二氧化碳17.1萬公噸,約460座大安森林公園吸附量,桃園縣政府為呼應政府政策提出5年減碳600萬噸的策略,並成立桃園縣專屬的四省專案減碳平台資訊網,跨局處整合台電公司提供的用電資料、中油公司提供的車隊卡用油資料、自來水公司提供的用水資料、桃園縣環保局的線上公文系統、桃園縣研考處的電子公文數據統計及透過桃園縣教育局整合桃園縣轄內的智慧型節能服務,並建置「桃園縣政府四省減碳管理資訊平台」,及辦理10場次之四省平台暨減碳績優作法研討會及辦理5場次四省專案推動示範輔導。 Air Pollution Control and Carbon Reduction Plan-Four Aspects of Reduction Project in Authorities and School of Taoyuan County Regarding to the issue that energy saving and carbon reduction has became a global trend, the Government lead in promoting authorities and schools in four aspects of reduction project to achieve environmental sustainable development. 171,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide had been reduced by saving electricity, water and fuel consumption during 2008 to 2011, theses saved energy is equal to nearly 460 times as much adsorption capacity of Daan Forest Park. Taoyuan County Government proposes to reduce 600 million tons of carbon emission in 5 years, and they also set up the information platform for this project. This project set up a “platform for four aspects of energy saving and carbon reduction of Taoyuan Country Government” The platform has been collected and imported into the data base including electricity consumption from Taiwan power company , oil consumption from CPC Corporation Taiwan ,water consumption form Taiwan Water Corporation, system for electronic official documents from Taoyuan Country Government Environmental Protection Bureau, data for electronic official documents from Research , Development and Evaluation Commission and data for Intelligent Energy Network(iEN) from Education Bureau Taoyuan Country Government. Holding ten seminars of outstanding methods for energy saving and carbon reduction and giving advise for five authorities or schools as demonstration cases. 101 桃園縣政府環境保護局 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45345
101 年度新北、台中、高雄農地污染之 環境資料蒐集與污染關聯性分析計畫 在臺灣土壤重金屬污染主要發生的水田,歸因於灌溉用水的污染。這引起大眾的關注,因為它對健康構成威脅。「土壤及地下水污染整治法」的頒布施行,目的是為了拯救受污染的土壤和地下水。基於「污染者付費」的概念,污染行為人、潛在污染責任人,必須要確定,才能採取法律行動,要求其支付相關之整治費用之責任。然而對農地污染而言,這是非常困難的,污染行為人,除了少數個案,如桃園中福鎘污染案之基力化工得以確認。在大多數情況下,土壤中重金屬污染之特徵會出現複雜的空間變化和型態,而污染物的來源眾多,且都經過相當長的過程時間的累積,導致很難確定污染行為人的責任歸屬。在已完成的土壤污染復育場址中,位於新北市、台中市、高雄市,歷經四個政府出資的整治計畫。為追償整治經費,本計畫的主要目的是使用各種的方法,相結合環境因素之分析,試圖找出農田水利會作為潛在污染責任人的佐證。在收集和彙整了相關的文件,分析環境的因素、周圍的地質特徵、相關的歷史調查記錄、灌溉系統資訊,以及其他的時空數據,建置了一個任務導向的地理資訊系統(GIS)數據庫。在總共108筆地籍地號之場址中,其中有101筆水田屬於桃園,台中,高雄三個農田水利會。使用污染潛勢指標分析,找出易受污染的地點,並透過場址周圍之農田灌溉系統,與相關監測紀錄,判斷造成污染的途徑。在最常見之情況,灌溉已被證明是污染物運輸的主要途徑,農地土壤污染是灌溉水質污染所導致的後果。在政府相關法規中,農田水利會負有管理灌溉用水量和水質安全之責任。顯然,在土壤污染發生的過程中,存在灌溉管理不當的問題,農田水利會自應承擔相關的責任。 Environmental Data Compilation and Pollution Causes Analysis of Agricultural Land Pollution in New T Soil heavy metal contaminations mostly occurred in the paddy fields in Taiwan attributed to irrigation water pollution. It aroused public concern because its health threat. The goal of promulgation of “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act” is to rescue the contaminated soil and groundwater. Based on the concept of “polluter pays principle”, the polluter, potential polluter, have to be identified and asked to take the liability to cover the expense. However, it is very difficult to find out who is the polluter, except for few cases as Zhong-Fu. In most cases the characteristics of heavy metals in soil exhibited complex spatial variations and patterns, and the pollutants came from many sources with a long period of time, caused it very difficult to identify attribution of liability.The remediation of soil pollution in contaminated sites, located in New Taipei City, Taichung City and Kaohsiung City, have been completed through carried out four remediation projects funded by government. The main purpose of this project is to unravel environmental factors at contaminated site using a combination of different approaches, and trying to figure out the liability of irrigation associations as the potential polluter. After collecting and summarizing the related documents in terms of environmental factors, surrounding geological features, the relevant historical investigation records, irrigation system information, and spatiotemporal data, a task-oriented geographic information systems (GIS) database was built. Among the 108 cadastral lots, 101 paddies belong to Taoyuan, Taichung and Kaohsiung Irrigation Associations. Using the potential pollution index to analysis where are the vulnerable pollution locations, and judge the surrounding irrigation system as the path way to cause the farmland pollution. In general, irrigation has been proved as a major route of pollutants transportation and in consequence of agricultural soil pollution. By the law, the irrigation associations take responsibility in charge of the safety of irrigation water quality and quantity. Obviously, improper management of irrigation system occurred in soil pollution process, and the irrigation associations should take the liability as potential polluter. 101 土污基管會 台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47096
101參與亞太經濟合作(APEC)海洋及漁業工作小組 本計畫之執行係回應亞太經濟合作(APEC)海洋相關部長之宣言及行動計畫,以推動公私部門夥伴關係。本計畫完成派員出席於101年5月24-28日在俄羅斯喀山舉行之第1屆APEC海洋及漁業工作小組(OFWG)年度會議,於會議中報告我國於2011年所舉行之第12屆亞太經濟合作組織企業/私人部門參與海洋環境永續性圓桌會議之成果,並提出我國自費辦理2013年第14屆亞太經濟合作組織企業/私人部門參與海洋永續性圓桌會議之計畫。本計畫已於101年09月17-19日在台北舉辦第13屆亞太經濟合作(APEC)企業/私人部門參與海洋環境永續性圓桌會議。此外,本計畫亦完成發行APEC Bulletin on Marine Resource Conservation and Fisheries第14卷第1、2期刊物以及網路維護等工作。 The Project on the Involvement of APEC Marine and Fisheries Working Group This project was implemented in according to the Declaration and the Plan of Action of the Ocean-related Ministers of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) on the promotion of partnership between the public and private sectors. The principal investigator of this project attended the 1st APEC Ocean and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG) meeting on May 24-28, 2012, in Kazan, Russia. In the meeting, the summary of the12th APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector held in 2011 was presented. The project proposal for the 14th APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector in 2013 was also put forward and endorsed by the OFWG at the meeting. Furthermore, the 13th APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector has been held in Taipei on September 17-19, 2012. In addition, Volume XIV Issues I and II of the APEC Bulletin on Marine Resource Conservation and Fisheries as well as the project web pages have been completed to fulfill the requirement of the project. 101 永續發展室 國立臺灣海洋大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45608
推動高屏空品區空氣污染物排放管理與減量計畫 本計畫主軸工作包含:推動各期總量管制制度、執行高屏行動減量計畫及執行空氣品質改善策略之行政支援。一、推動各期總量管制制度1.透過國外文獻發現,因應細懸浮微粒管制並加速空氣品質改善,空氣品質管制思維逐漸改採多元性管制型態,仍以空氣污染物PM10、SOx、NOx及VOCs為重點管制。2.修訂總量管制計畫初稿,包含第二期指定削減為5~10%,以未安裝防制設備及曾違反空污法之固定污染源為優先指定削減對象。3.掌握中部及雲嘉南空品區之固定污染源認可對象之排放量現況,並完成認可排放量試算。二、執行高屏行動減量計畫1.提出空氣品質管理PDCA概念,強化高屏縣市SIP查核追蹤與調整機制,並提出排放量回饋機制使地方環保局執行減量成果能同步回饋至排放清冊。2.因應PM2.5空品標準實施,依高屏地區污染特性建議初期前1~3年優先推動—高雄市落實行業別排放標準法規度查核及加強車輛管制、屏東縣著重逸散源管制及農廢燃燒稽查管制等減量管制。3.推動10家大型污染源現場查訪試行發現,依現行BACT標準來看,電力業及汽車表面塗裝業之鍋爐製程在SOx及NOx仍有減量空間;而以石化製程為主之煉油業及石化製造業SOx及NOx煙道排放濃度平均低於BACT標準約30%~70%,減量空間有限,而VOCs逸散仍具減量潛勢。三、推動空氣品質改善策略行政支援作業1.完成辦理及配合辦理會議共計31場次、法規編製60冊及總量管制宣導文宣100份。2.完成更新維護總量管制及細懸浮微粒相關網頁資訊。 Promotion of the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area air pollutant emission management and reduction plan This study has three main parts, and their respective results are listed below:1. To promote air pollutant emissions ceiling program:(1)Through studying international air policy documents, it was found that PM10, SOx, NOx and VOCs are still the main pollutants to be regulated in hope to control ambient PM2.5 concentration and enhance air quality.(2)Amended the air pollutant emissions ceiling program(draft), including setting the designated reduction rates for the 2nd stage period to 5%~10%, targeting designated existing stationary pollution sources that did not take any aggressive reduction actions or have previously violated the Air Pollution Control Act.(3)The air pollutant emission of stationary sources in central and Yun-Chia-Nan air quality areas were calculated. The baseline emission approval for both areas have also been calculated.2.To implement Kaohsiung-Pingtung area Action Reduction Plan:(1)Introduced PDCA concept to strengthen the SIPs framework in Kao-Ping. We have also suggest that EPBs must feedback the real reduction data to Taiwan Emission Data System(TEDS) in order to enhance the database quality.(2)Based on the air pollution characterstics in Kao-ping area, we propose that in the first 1~3years, Kaohsiung city must implement the emission standards regulations for both stationary and mobile sources while fugitive sources need to be controlled in Pingtung County.(3)Selected 10 major stationary sources to testify if the air pollutant emissions ceiling program is operable. The result shows that the boiler process can still achieve higher SOx and NOx reduction while the petroleum process on average has emissions approximately 30% to 70% lower than the BACT. Fugitive VOCs still has reduction potential.3. To provide administrative support for the promotion of air quality improvement strategy:(1)Completed over 31 meetings, printed 60 copies of air quality management regulations and 100 copies of strategy advertisement.(2)Updated information regarding air pollutant emissions ceiling program and PM2.5 on the official website. 101 空保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47256
101年度台灣北部海域環境品質調查監測及海洋垃圾調查計畫 1.台灣北部海域之海、氣象、水質、沉積物之資料收集及監測研究2.台灣地區近岸海域環境品資料庫資料更新及統計分析3.基隆市海域污染採樣及支援作業4.環保署環境資料詮釋系統登錄作業5.海洋水質監測站附近,進行海洋垃圾調查工作,以建立我國海洋垃圾調查規範6.港區稽查作業7.配合環保署相關單位需求,協助提供各監測點海、氣象資料並進行海域監測資料更新及統計分析 101 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41680
101年環境教育志工工作坊暨環境教育基金補助成果發表會專案工作計畫 人類為追求經濟成長,積極推動工業區與交通建設的發展,對於環境保護卻受到忽視,因而造成全球暖化、氣候變遷、能源與糧食短缺,加上對生物特性與環境之破壞等,已嚴重威脅人類及環境。面對這些情境,除以科學方法來解決之外,治本之道有賴長期深入推動環境教育,推動環境教育。在此環境教育發展的成長階段,政府部門如何掌握住這個需求,透過夥伴關係的力量,來開創新生的教育場域,發展另一種協助發動環境教育的機制,並透過環境教育人員及環境教育志工深入各機關、學校、設施場所及團體進行環境教育推廣,是目前臺灣環境教育發展上的重要課題之一。因此,行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)規劃「101年環境教育志工工作坊暨環境教育基金補助成果發表會專案工作」(以下簡稱本計畫)提昇環境教育志工專業知能,並透過環境教育課程培訓,加強其環境教育知識及技能,以提昇整體環境教育志工團成效,協助加強環境教育之推動。 101 綜計處 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40883
評估新增公告回收項目及推動生產者自主回收計畫 本計畫主要工作包括以下四項工作:(一)檢討及評估新增公告回收項目:1.彙整分析歐盟、日本及亞太區域國家如南韓、中國大陸、馬來西亞共5個國家廢電機電子回收資訊如法源、回收項目、執行方式及績效等,提出可行措施供國內施政參考。2.為因應市場新興產品及責任物範疇界定而檢討擴大列管「平板電腦」及「外接式硬碟」,透過業者諮詢瞭解產業發展現況、推估前述產品營業量、報廢量及有害物質比例,並探討再利用處理方式及估算其回收清除處理成本。3.透過廠商/公會訪查瞭解未公告之照明光源相關資訊,建議將含汞照明光源納入新增公告項目,並完成營業量、報廢量及有害物質比例推估。4.為協助釐清特定新興產品認定方式,提出區分平板電腦、智慧型手機及筆記型電腦之執行流程及具體作法。(二)監督輔導包裝用發泡塑膠自主回收:1.蒐集法國、日本、南韓3國發泡塑膠回收政策、執行方式及回收成效等資料,提出國內可參考改善的建議。2. 透過調查執行機關回收之發泡塑膠種類及重量,建議將魚箱及蛋糕盒廢棄量納入合約計算公式,以比例占總推估廢棄量7.5%計算。3.完成10家次再生廠查核作業,包含再生廠回收執行機關之廢發泡塑膠清理狀況、空氣污染防治設備及衍生廢棄物委運情形等,結果顯示再生廠處理成效良好,協會稽核認證工作亦有效執行。4.完成協會自主回收再利用成效評估,包括持續追蹤廢包裝用發泡塑膠回收率及協助審查「回收清除處理計畫書」、「會計報告書」等工作,結果顯示協會整體執行成效尚符合契約要求。(三)推動行動通訊產品業者自主回收機制:1.完成200間手機回收門市抽樣訪查,八成以上門市已落實回收工作;其餘多屬近期新加入門市,持續改善中。2.透過2家處理廠現場訪查及另1家以問卷調查方式提供資訊,完成國內回收方式/頻率、手機與配件回收比例、拆解流程及流向情形分析。3.完成業者自主行動通訊產品回收評析,考量回收成效、業者提供回收誘因、民眾便利性等,建議持續與業者簽署「廢行動通訊產品合作備忘錄」,研提備忘錄草案並進行簽署聯繫溝通。(四)廢電子電器產品環境友善化發展趨勢:1.更新國際推動環境友善化重要規範如歐盟危害物質限用指令(RoHS)、歐盟耗能/能源產品環境友善化設計指令(EuP/ErP)與多國適用之電子產品環境影響評估工具(EPEAT)之執行進度、重要細節內容及未來發展趨勢。2.透過國內電子廢棄物回收處理單位10處訪查及流向資訊分析,簡要定量化已公告應回收項目之流向,並提出後續執行建議。3.綜合國際產品環境友善化管理趨勢暨國內電子廢棄物流向管理需求,提出國內可從源頭著手改善之多項具體作法建議。 Project of the Suggestion of Additional Due-Recycled Items and Promoting Extended Producer Responsib The project completed the following tasks:1. Evaluation and suggestion of additional recyclable items:(1) Information regarding electrical and electronic wastes recycling programs in EU, Japan, South Korea, China, and Malaysia was collected and analyzed, including regulations, announced recyclable items, and the implementation instruments and efficacy. Suggestions were made to the EPA for the purpose of policy making. (2) Two categories of electronic items, tablet computer and external hard drive, are listed under review and examination in response to the needs of the new market and the expansion of responsibility. The industry was consulted to comprehend the current status, the product sales volume, the scrapped volume, and the percentage of hazardous materials in order to review the reuse instruments and to evaluate the recycling and disposal costs. (3) The company and union personnel were interviewed to collect information regarding the unannounced lighting source items. Lighting source items containing mercury were proposed to be included in the newly announced items. The product sales volume, the scrapped volume, and the estimated percentage of hazardous materials of the lighting source items containing mercury were completed. (4) To differentiate among the categories of tablet PC, smartphone, and notebook computer, the implementation and practical method were proposed.2. The monitoring and counseling of voluntary recycling of packaging plastic foam:(1)The information regarding the recycling policy, the implementation instruments, and the recycling efficacy of plastic foam in France, Japan, and South Korea was collected and used as reference for policy revision. (2)It is proposed that the calculation formula includes the wastes of fish containers and cake boxes after the types and weight of recycled plastic foam were investigated. The above two categories of wastes were estimated to account for 7.5% of the total wastes. (3) Examination was completed for ten recycling plants, including the status of the plastic foam disposal processing, the air pollution prevention facilities, and the derivative waste disposal outsourcing operation. It was concluded that the recycling plants had performed appropriately, and the auditing and certification by the association were also well-performed. (4) The performance of voluntary recycling and reuse by the association was evaluated, including tracking the recycling percentage of the packaging plastic foam, the examination of ten recycling plants, and assisting the review of recycling and disposal plans, and accounting reports. It is concluded that the association performance meets the contract requirements.3. The promotion of voluntary recycling and recovering by the mobile communication product industry:(1) The interview of two hundred sampled mobile phone recycling sites was completed. There were 80% of the sites had implemented recycling, and the others were new sites that needed improvement. (2) Two recycling plants were interviewed on-site, and another one was interviewed via questionnaire to collect information regarding the recycling means and frequency of mobile phone, the percentage between mobile phone and accessories, the decomposing process, and the flow situation. (3) The voluntary recycling of mobile phone by the industry was evaluated, and the recycling efficacy, the recycling incentives offered by the industry, and the convenience for the public were analyzed. It was proposed that a cooperation memorandum of waste mobile communication product to be signed with the industry, and a draft memorandum was completed.4. The environmentally friendly trend of waste electrical and electronic products:(1) The international environmentally friendly specifications were updated, such as the EU RoHS, the EuP/ErP, and the EPEAT. (2) The quantification of flows of the announced recyclable items was completed after interviewing ten electronic waste recycling plants and analyzing the waste flows. The follow-up suggestions were also proposed. (3) In view of the international environmental friendly management trend and the needs of domestic electronic wastes management, a proposal was provided regarding practical implementation instruments of source reduction. 101 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41815
節能減碳宣導推動計畫 本計畫執行期程共約6個多月,主要為配合環保署節能減碳考評指標之重點,辦理相關節能減碳宣導活動、協助推動公部門落實十大無悔措施,及推動縣內減碳潛力較佳之社區及企業申請環保署節能減碳行動標章,共同響應身體力行節能減碳作為,另亦協助管理更新及推廣「綠網」部落格、推廣低碳飲食、低碳旅遊推廣等低碳生活作為、以將低碳永續家園推動理念深耕落實於民眾心中。整體來說經由上述各項工作推動,本縣已獲得環保署低碳生活績效考評全國第一名之佳績。一、 協助推動節能減碳具體落實績效行動專案二、 辦理節能減碳行動標章推廣專案三、 協助執行低碳永續家園推動方案四、 低碳飲食推廣行動五、 低碳旅遊推廣行動六、 其他宣導推動特色作為七、 協助管理更新及推廣「綠網」部落格 101 新竹縣政府環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=83592
101年度北區水體污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理計畫 本計畫依環保署之「水污染事件緊急應變及聯防體系作業要點」完成建立北區水體污染緊急應變聯防體系及相關啟動及退場機制,啟動鄰近縣市相互幫忙機制,預期將使重大水污染事件之緊急應變作業更經濟且更有效率,同時對於水環境將更有保障。本次演練地點位於竹圍漁港,辦理日期為9月21日下午,假設背景為中油船隻因失去動力且海象不佳不慎碰撞到暗礁,造成船艙破裂油料外洩,因為受潮汐及洋流影響恐有擴散至鄰近縣市之可能,因此啟動北區聯防應變機制進行緊急應變,期將災害及污染降至最低。藉由本次演練除使各應變單位熟悉通報流程及強化油污圍堵與回收之處理能力以外,特加強海污事件發生時海上救難作業之執行,因此特協商內政部空中勤務總隊調派直升機進行船上人員救援行動,期藉由本次演練使各單位更完整落實海上救難作業。為加強北區聯防水污染緊急應變計畫成員對於環境問題的認識與提升環境保護相關知識,強化水污染應變處理人員之防污設備認知及操作維護觀念,藉由教育訓練、設備介紹及污染處理案例經驗分享來提升相關人員對水環境保護與水污染防治工作之認識。本年度2場次教育訓練已於11月15日辦理完成。計畫內針對北區6縣市境內相關緊急應變器材進行盤點、維護與保養作業,各縣市兩次,確認各縣市應變器材與設備之庫存種類與數量和環保署海洋污染防治管理系統之紀錄相符,並且能實地啟動使用,另外亦針對應變器材使用年限進行調查並了解其是否勘用,以作為各縣市環保局未來採購應變器材之參考依據。本團隊已於5月份完成北區六縣市第一次器材維護保養,第二次設備維護保養亦於12月6日前完成。依行政院環境保護署「水體污染事件緊急應變及聯防體系作業要點」及「重大海洋油污染緊急應變計畫」應變層級支援專業諮詢及除污能力,水體污染事件緊急發生時,廠商人員應依現場污染程度緊急調度相關民間機構共同協力處理污染事件,並提供所需個人安全防護用具使用並隨時監控污染狀況回報。截至7月底止,桃園縣觀音工業區勁錸公司於7月8日發生大火,防救災混合事業廢水,流入富林溪造成水環境污染,本團隊接獲環保局通報後立即趕至現場緊急以吸油索和砂包阻擋,並緊急調派兩台槽車抽取消防救災廢水,完成圍堵與回收作業降低河川污染。 Northern Region Water Body Pullution Emergency Response Actions with Civil Institutions Project, 2012 101 桃園縣政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42548
推動溫室氣體減量法制化及行政支援管理 本計畫蒐集研析並掌握國際溫室氣體減量管理法案發展趨勢,包含主要國家獨立專法與地方政府管制溫室氣體相關制度作法,並彙整摘譯國際最新動態資訊,每季發行電子報提供環保署相關計畫人員參考。推動溫室氣體減量法立法工作方面,本計畫協助提供溫室氣體減量法(草案)立法院審議所需相關資料、說帖、問答集與立場文件,更新維護法規宣導網站,並擴充建置英文化網站介面,協助法案政策宣傳作業。於推動清碳聯盟運作方面,本計畫就不同議題辦理相關演講、技術研討、研商會議等,同時聘請專家委員參與討論,研擬清碳聯盟組織規劃。同時協助推動清碳聯盟成立,規劃清碳聯盟組運作方式,包含組織架構、工作分組與未來運作規劃等,研擬說帖與文宣摺頁相關資料,並於民國102年2月辦理「清碳聯盟啟動大會暨減碳經驗交流研討會」,透過產業十大宣言簽署與啟動儀式,推動清碳聯盟成立,做為促進產業與政府部門間溫室氣體管理資訊交流與溝通平台。於國際交流合作方面,本計畫透過邀請歐盟智庫Ecofys,並結合臺美環保技術合作協定,舉辦國際研討會與訓練會議,建立夥伴關係,獲得國際於相關議題研究上的第一手資訊。本計畫並配合環保署整體規劃需求,擔任行政支援與幕僚工作,派員參與公約COP18會議,並參與周邊會議與各國代表進行交流,以掌握他國相關作法資訊以及國際氣候談判最新趨勢。 The Promotion of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Regulations and Support of Administrative Managem The project has met the requirements by the EPA in following aspects: climate change regulation, international GHG policy research, Clean Development and Carbon Management Alliance operation, and international involvement. First, through extensive international GHG policy research, project team is able to provide seasonal newsletter and provision consultations on GHG management for the purpose of GHG Reduction Act, Environmental Impact Assessment, and Air Pollution Control Act. In addition, project team assisted in developing position papers to the Environmental Protection Administration for deliberation of GHG Reduction Act in Legislative Yuan. Most importantly, project team has assisted in promotion of GHG Reduction Act through updating and maintaining promotional website in both English and Chinese.In terms of implementation of Clean Development and Carbon Management Alliance (CDCMA), project team had invited professionals, organized speeches, and conducted seminars to develop organizational plans for CDCMA. The project not only provided the organizational structure for CDCMA, but also developed sub-working group for future operations purposes. Through the Conference Meeting in Feburary, 2013, CDCMA, an alliance that promote public-private partnership between the government and the industry, is officially initiated through industry’s ten major GHG commitments in the launching ceremony.As for international exchange, experts from US EPA and Ecofys, EU’s main think tank for GHG management, were invited to Taiwan to give out policy consultation and first-hand experience for our GHG management program. In collaboration with the EPA, project team act as administrative support and aides and took part in the COP18 meeting in Doha to obtain climate change practices from other countries and internationally. 101 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53927
101年度土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料申報審查與查核計畫(甲) 本計畫依據土壤及地下水污染整治法第8條與第9條規定辦理。本計畫負責區域為基隆市、台北市、新北市、桃園縣、新竹縣、宜蘭縣、連江縣、新竹市、苗栗縣、台中市、金門縣等11個縣市。主要工作成果包括:(一) 修訂土壤及地下水污染整治法第8條與第9條土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料申請備查與審查標準作業方式。(二) 協助主管機關辦理土壤及地下水污染整治法第8條與第9條土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料申請案之備查與審查作業。(三) 完成備、審查確認案件共366件之資料輸入及電子化。(四) 完成62場次公告事業採樣現場查核工作。(五) 完成辦理4場次全國土壤及地下水污染整治法第8條與第9條指定公告事業申請備查與審查作業之說明及諮詢。(六) 完成2場次工作協調會及10場次工作討論會議,以確保各項工作執行效率和品質,並提供專業技術諮詢。 The audition and review plan on evaluation, investigation and testing results reports of potential p This plan in accordance with the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act (hereinafter referred to as SGPRA), following by Articles 8 & 9 of the SGPRA as providing the data set to apply for future reference and review standard as to auditing soil pollution assessment operating. The Environmental Protection Administration (the EPA) initiated the audition and review plan on evaluation, investigation and testing results reports of potential polluted soil of 2012. GCTECH Engineering Consultants, Ltd. (GCTECH) was entrusted to carry out Plan A (this Project), covering Central and Northern Taiwan. Area of responsibility of this project, 11 counties and cities of Keelung City, Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County and Ilan County, Lienchiang County, Hsinchu City, Miaoli County, Taichung City, Kinmen County. The main results include: (1) Initiated article 8 and 9 soil contamination assessment investigation and testing data set based on SGPRA regulation, to apply for future reference and review standard operating. (2) Provided 8 examiners and reviewed 455 application documents of Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation and Test Data. (3) Completed to login the soil pollution assessment investigation and test information of 366 application documents by review confirmed. (4) Completed to audit 62 sites of the officially announced enterprises during the period of their field sampling operations. (5) This project completed 4 sessions advocacy description of the conference and set the 2-wire advice line to provide the enterprises who officially announced by SGPRA for professional and technical consultation. (6) Assisted EPA to hold 2 work coordination meetings and 10 work discussion sessions to ensure the efficiency and quality of the project implementation. 101 土污基管會 駿興工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53646
101年臺中市河川揚塵防制計畫 本計畫執行期程自101年3月23日至101年12月15日止。其中主要工作項目包括:建置河川揚塵預警通報系統、規劃及建立完善揚塵應變體系、辦理教育宣導及防護演練、東北季風盛行或空品不良季節因應作業、河川裸露地巡查等工作,各作業項目均已依工作進度規劃期程進行,執行成果摘要如下:建置揚塵應變機制工作依「參與河川揚塵應變作業計畫類別檢討」、「河川揚塵潛勢預警影響程度與啟動標準檢討」、「預警通報/應變範圍與對象檢討」、「應變資訊來源檢討」等四大課題檢討100年執行方案,訂定應變條件為:1. 環保署沙鹿測站、泰安測站PM10即時濃度達150 μg/m3、2. 環保署發布河川揚塵預警應變通報、3. 現場查處、即時影像及民眾通報回饋,達上述應變條件後,以PM10濃度做為區分通報、應變等級依據,分為三等級通報至各應變及配合宣導單位,解除時間須持續3小時PM10濃度小於150 μg/m3,並視揚塵污染程度解除。為提升應變成效,於10月9日、12日 分別辦理3場次河川揚塵防護演練工作,均含兵棋推演、預演以及實地演練等三大步驟。同時,本年度已依梧棲氣象測站、沙鹿空品測站北北東風向( 337.5 o ~ 67.5o )、風速 > 3.4 m/sec、沙鹿空品測站PM10 > 130 μg/m3,且無降雨之條件,建置河川揚塵自動預警通報系統,達上述條件後將自動發布預警通知予承辦人及本計畫人員,經確認後再行發布於通報單位。另外,已完成6/22梧棲區梧棲國中、大甲區西岐國小、清水區西寧國小;7/6龍井區龍泉國小;8/6龍井區龍井國中、大甲區文武國小等共6處LED電子看板架設工作,並納入通報網路進行揚塵相關訊息之播放。在河川裸露地巡查方面,本年度首度採用科學方法,以「色階分析法」進行汛期前、後裸露地面積計算,依中央大學101年3月(汛期前)航拍圖進行分析,分析結果大安溪裸露面積1,006.72公頃、大甲溪1,088.64公頃、烏溪449.28公頃;大安溪植生面積182.8公頃、大甲溪155.52公頃、烏溪794.88公頃。101年10月(汛期後)航拍圖分析結果,大安溪裸露面積1,188.21公頃、大甲溪1,202.67公頃、烏溪652.92公頃;大安溪植生面積41.03公頃、大甲溪302.23公頃、烏溪552.23公頃。另鑒於圖資分析方法無法滿足即時性之需求,故配合現地勘查及河口監視系統等方式強化即時性之需求。本計畫執行裸露地巡查工作發現,6/20泰利颱風過境後對大安溪、大甲溪河床影響較大,河床遭沖刷嚴重,而8/2則對烏溪亦產生嚴重影響,汛期前、後裸露面積增加約增加499公頃(16.4%)。本年度分別於10月9日及10月12日假龍井區公所、大甲運動場以及清水體育場辦理3場次河川揚塵應變防護演練,總參與人數達132人次,並首度採跨單位合作方式,透過兵棋推演、預演及實兵操演等方式進行演練,以健全應變體系。參與應變單位包括:臺中市政府環保局、教育局、衛生局、水利局、大安區、大甲區、清水區、梧棲區、龍井區公所等單位,另外邀請經濟部水利署中區水資源局、經濟部水利署第三河川局、臺灣省臺中農田水利會以及臺灣港務股份有限公司臺中港務分公司參與各項應變演練作業。為減少汛期後及東北季風所造成對人體之危害及環境影響,本年度針對汛期後及東北季風期間辦理僱工環境清理工作,以減少河川揚塵對人體所造成之危害,並達維護本巿街道整潔之目的,執行期程自8月10日至12月10日止。環境清理工作總經費達600,024元,包含薪資、勞保(含勞退及自付額)、健保(含自付額)、意外險、僱工用掃具、識別衣帽等費用。另考量地域性及組織性,僱工對象選擇流域揚塵影響較大區域之清潔隊協助辦理,含大安區、大甲區、清水區、梧棲區、龍井區等5區隊,本項工作僱用臨時人員每人日酬以1,000元計算(8小時),依實際執行清理人數、日數計價給付價金,作業時間配合經費估算,共提供490個工作天,清掃總長度1,529.08公里,TSP削減21.1公噸;PM10削減3.97公噸。在宣導與其他會議方面,透過業務聯繫會議機制與其他相關單位進行協商,包含協調訂定僱工清掃方案,討論LED擴大宣導各單位配合事項、應變防護演練前置作業協調、以及應變相關作業檢討與改善等。教育宣導說明會則分別於6月25日、6月27日至清水區高西里(54人)、大安區永安里(64人)辦理。另外,為擴大河川揚塵宣導成效,協請教育局、衛生局、高公局、區公所等單位所屬LED燈配合播放相關訊息,以及協調廣播電台及電視跑馬燈宣導,並完成建置聯絡窗口。 101 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46083
重大污染源空氣污染物排放管制查核暨光學量測技術調查專案計畫 本計畫執行成果,完成臨海及六輕工業區各三階段之OP-FTIR量測作業,總計完成超過1,152小時監測,其中造成臨海工業區鄰近鳳鳴國小汽油濃度偏高原因為S01廠D區油槽,而造成六輕工業區北邊彰化縣大城鄉台西村主要污染來源,可能與六輕工業區之P01廠及P02廠的Flare排放有關。在污染減量協談工作,針對於100年度計畫中調查出之P580172廢水場進流調節池之逸散問題,其經加蓋改善後,總計減量567.82公噸/年。 The plan for audit of air pollutant emissions from major sources and investigate of optical measurem This project applied so called “Stepwise emission sources searching technique” in Lin-Hai Industrial Park and No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Park to investigate potential air pollution sources in the adjacent area, and a total of 1,152 hours of continuously OP-FTIR monitoring was completed by the task. The fugitive emission from oil storage tanks located at D area of CPC Dai-Lin Plant may result in high concentration of gasoline in an elementary school in the vicinity for Lin-Hai Industrial Park. High concentrations of VOC in the north town of Mailiao Industrial Park may come from the flare emission of P01 and P02 Plants which located in the park. The amount of VOC emission was estimated for being reduced 567.82 tons after the correction action completed by the P580172 wastewater treatment plant, which was identified as a major emission source in the previous year. Emissions rationality auditing was conducted in ten factories and several problems were identified by the auditing. Among those problems, six were related to operating permit, four related to emission reporting, and two related to compliance. As a result, a series of amended measures were proposed to EPA. Besides, two petrochemical plants were inspected by TVA-1000 to check for the equipment leakage rate. One of them called H48035 was identified as having 32 components with leaking concentrations exceeding 10,000ppm which was account for the leakage rate of 5.89%. In addition, 41 equipment components were inspected by the blow-through method to check for the equipment leakage rate. The results indicated the emission factors were better explained by utilizing “EPA Correlation Approach”. The auditing of rule compliance has been carried out at two large petrochemical plants; the result shows those plants have met the requirements of the emissions rationality auditing. Moreover, six VOCs water samples were collected at two cooling tower sites, and over 10 thousands equipment components and storage tanks were inspected by TVA-1000 coupled with Infrared Gas Finder to check for the equipment leakage rate. In addition, three project materials including National Air Toxics Trends Station Network, Community-scale Air Toxics Ambient Monitoring Program, and Schools Air Toxics Monitoring Initiative have been reviewed, and draft standard operation procedures for air toxics ambient monitoring on sensitive receptor have been derived from the reviewing process. 101 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47297
推動及帶動閱讀環保生態讀書風氣和推廣民眾生活空氣減污計畫 藉由充實環保生態讀書網站及成立部落格,持續推動及帶動閱讀環保生態讀書風氣;藉由成立環保生態網路讀書會,透過相關網路宣導活動,帶動社會各階層人士對環保生態之關注,進而推動國人對室內空氣品質污染防制與植樹綠化淨化方式之認知,更有效加強人們有關環境保護之理念。 101 空保處 財團法人環保媽媽環境保護基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41047
101年環境檢測機構管理作業服務計畫 本年度環境檢測機構管理作業服務計畫係依據 「環境檢驗測定機構管理辦法」及「機動車輛排放空氣污染物及噪音檢驗測定機構管理辦法」對營運中或新設置之環境檢測機構、機動車輛測定機構檢驗室欲申請之項目,進行其品管系統與檢測技術評鑑工作。執行方式包括邀請現場評鑑專家至現場進行系統評鑑、術科考試績效評鑑、或執行其他績效評鑑,例如盲樣測試與實地比測等方式,並由評鑑技術委員會對各申請案評鑑結果執行審查,每年1次對各檢驗室許可項目進行例行性盲樣測試或實地比測。本年度申請案中,完成文件審查210件次、辦理系統評鑑74場次、盲樣測試與實地比測105場次、術科考試(採樣、上機)410場次,及檢測報告簽署人評鑑381場次、召開13次評鑑技術委員會審查、各舉辦1場次現場評鑑專家與評鑑技術委員之評鑑技術研討會及環境檢驗測定機構業者座談會。本年度將每1申請案件之處理期程由原110至180天,縮短在60天內完成,大幅提升對檢測機構的服務效能。另檢測機構年度性盲樣測試,共計103個受測單位,發送盲樣4060件次,合格率達96.4 %,與去年測試結果比較,合格率皆呈現平穩情況,顯示檢驗室對檢測技術與數據品質管理持續精進中。 FY 2012 Authorized Environmental Analysis Organization Management Services Project This was the report of "Authorized Environmental Analysis Organization Management Services Project of year 2012" of Environment Analysis Laboratory, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan. The accreditation works of quality system and testing techniques of applied items for both new-setup and in-operation laboratories had arranged based on the "Management Regulations of Environmental Analysis Organization" and the "Management Regulations of the Motor Vehicle Emissions and Noise testing organizations". These auditing works included laboratory quality management system auditing, testing techniques auditing (in-lab instrumentation and in-field sampling), and performancy tests (in-lab and in-field). After these auditing works had been done, the Technical Assessment Committee evaluated the records of these auditing works and made the final decision of approval of the application of new-setup or/and in-operation laboratories. One auditing methodology conference for the auditing specialist and the members of Technical Assessment Committee and a conference for the authorized environmental analysis organization were held in this year. There were 210 cases of documentation evaluation, 74 cases of quality system auditing, 105 cases of performance testing (in-lab and in-field), 410 cases of testing techniques auditing(in-lab instrumentation and in-field sampling) and 381 cases of report signatory qualification had been evaluated within 13 Technical Assessment Committee meetings. In order to further improved the efficiency of the accreditation working processes, a modified management system had been announced. To finish all the application processes takes 110 to 180 days in the old management system, and only takes less than 60 days in the new management system. There were 4,060 performancy test samples sent to 103 laboratories this year, the satisfactory rate of performancy test was 96.4%.There were no significant differences in the statistic information of auditing reports and performancy test results after the new policy of management system. 101 環檢所 鑫聯網國際股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43572
清掃學習活動推廣計畫 環保署自98年起加強推動「清淨家園、全民運動」計畫,以全面提昇台灣整體生活環境,並於100年度推動「校園學生環境衛生推動計畫」,試辦清掃學習宣導21場次並有超過3,395人次參加,成效良好,也更加堅定環保署持續並擴大辦理清掃學習活動的決心,於101年度至全台灣辦理清掃學習活動推廣計畫於各縣市辦理小組長訓練及實做活動共計40場共計3,445人次,並製作清掃學習教學影片清潔人員篇、小組長訓練室內版及室外版本,並印製A5尺寸清掃學習手冊完整版、小組長版、清掃人員版各5,000本,除了透過活動中發送,最主要的目的,就是推廣「放下身段」、「謙卑學習」、「磨練心志」、「凡事澈底」、「感恩惜福」、「體恤辛勞」、「環境為本」7項精神,也藉由清掃學習活動過程中5S運動,並編撰清掃學習流程隨身本,讓民眾可於清掃時隨時翻閱。辦理金秋地球日主場次活動,參與人次775人,後續並編撰金秋地球日-村里環境巡檢總動員成果專輯80本,內容附載金秋地球日主場活動紀實及各縣市金秋地球日相關活動紀錄及照片。 101 Year Cleaning Learning Activity Project Since 2009, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan), has strengthened the promotion of the “Cleaning the Environment and Members Movement EcoLife” Plan in order to enhance the overall living environment in Taiwan. In 2011, the “Promoting Environmental Sanitation to School Student Project” was promoted. Twenty-one sessions of the pilot cleaning study and advocacy were conducted with 3,395 participants and good effectiveness, which in turn strengthened EPA’s determination to continue and expand cleaning study activities. In 2002, the Cleaning Study Activity Promotion Program, which comprised of 40 sessions of team leader training and practical activities, was conducted in counties and cities throughout Taiwan, with a total of 3,445 participants. In addition, the cleaning study teaching video (Janitor Chapter) and Team Leader Training (indoor and outdoor version) were conducted, and the complete version of the cleaning study, the team leader version, and the janitor version in size A5 were produced, with 5,000 copies each. Besides distributing them during activities, the main purpose is to promote the seven spirits of “letting go of ego,” “learning in humility,” “train the mind and spirit,” “doing everything thoroughly,” “showing gratitude and appreciation for blessings,” “considering the hard work of others,” and “being environmentally-oriented.” Also, through the 5S sports during the cleaning study activity process and the editing of the cleaning study process notebook, the general public can readily access it while cleaning. The Golden Autumn Earth Day activity sessions were also conducted, with 775 participants. 80 copies of the Golden Autumn Earth Day-Village and Neighborhood Environment Overall Inspection Outcomes Album were also subsequently prepared. The contents include the records of the Golden Autumn Earth Day activities and the Golden Autumn Earth Day activity records and photos of counties and cities. 101 毒管處 台灣環保生活協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42975
101年度高雄市清潔養豬改善二仁溪流域水質效益評估計畫 本計畫執行期程為自決標日(101年4月5日)起至10年11月30日止。主要透過辦理清潔養豬示範宣導座談會時,瞭解本市各畜牧業者設置豬廁所之意願,安排工作人員現勘並彙整安裝設置數量,掌握設置情形及與水體水質間相互關係,藉以瞭解各養豬畜牧場業者需求,並進而輔導建立清潔養豬流程,最後將針對裝設豬廁所之示範戶進行後續廢水處理設置及再利用輔導工作。茲將工作項目及調查結果摘要如下:一、辦理宣導說明會:本年度於內門區、路竹區及岡山區辦理3場次「養猪業源頭減量清潔養猪(猪廁所)示範宣導說明會」,議程內容為水污染防治措施及管理法規及實例探討、豬廁所設置及使用說明、清潔養豬宣導影片播放、豬廁所設置經驗分享等進行討論。會中發放問卷,針對養豬戶基本資料、其對清潔養豬政策瞭解、配合及現行運作情況,最後為安裝豬廁所意願調查等項目進行調查,由問卷資料顯示出席會議之養豬畜牧場業者有七成以上為平面式地面,旗山、內門及田寮地區多抽取場區旁埤塘作沖洗用水,路竹及阿蓮地區則九成以上抽取地下水使用,六至七成豬農以固液分離機篩出豬糞渣,二至三成採取人工拾糞或先拾糞後固液分離,有半數業者將分離出之豬糞渣固形物堆置,不論豬農用何種方式處理,豬糞渣有80%以上被用作施肥使用,廢水處理部份,八成以上養豬戶皆認為並無不妥並正常運作中。經過一年多來的宣傳,八成以上與會業者都已了解豬廁所,且約有半數業者認同行政院環保署清潔養豬政策,願意配合辦理。二、篩選示範養猪戶並設置600個簡易式猪廁所:(一)本計畫所使用之豬廁所係依環保署清潔養豬宣導影片內建議規格,面積為1.0 公尺×1.0 公尺,使用圓形條狀白鐵欄杆,高度10 公分,行間距為20 公分。(二)依問卷及電訪結果,彙整並篩選有意願設置之養豬戶進行現場實地調查,確認18戶示範戶名單及猪廁所設置規劃及數量分配,於101年6月23日至6月30日間,完成600個豬廁所裝設工作。經各場飼養頭數及裝設數量統計結果,肉豬舍裝設豬廁所率皆已近100%。三、設計清潔養猪操作紀錄表單,於安裝猪廁所後每月進行追蹤調查工作,並進行成本效益分析:表單內容包含豬糞集中率、用水量、用電量、廢水量、清運量、育成率及正常使用率等調查,本紀錄數據為示範戶提供資料。調查101年度示範戶結果,豬糞集中率約達70%,用水量可減少25~75%,每日廢水產生量減少約45.32噸(平均可減少49.15%用水量),用電量平均可降低約31%,育成率維持在98%以上,經保固維修作業後,正常使用率為99%以上,另本年度養豬戶並未將廢水或豬糞渣以委托清運方式處理,而是提供鄰友施肥使用為主。調查100年度示範戶現況結果,19場示範戶豬糞集中率平均為80%,與豬廁所設置前相比,用水量減少約50%,用電量已減少約3成,育成率調查結果與101年示範戶相似,皆達98%以上的水準,正常使用率為93%。各場固液分離固形物增量,約在0~10%間,。四、河川水質指標測站監測工作:本團隊於設置豬廁所前中後進行河川水質測站各三次的採樣分析工作,監測結果,在懸浮固體、氨氮及生化需氧量上濃度皆有較豬廁所設置前低,二層橋河川污染指數(RPI)由設置前3.25降至設置後2.75(中度污染至輕度污染),古亭橋RPI由7降至5(嚴重污染至中度污染)。五、輔導改善三段式廢水處理設施及操作,並協助輔導提高固形物清除量:邀請專家學者針對示範戶進行三段式廢水處理設施及豬廁所使用現場輔導工作,現場提供示範戶相關處理及操作建議,並在日後的現況調查中,巡視建議改善事項是否確實改善,於計畫執行期間持續進行輔導。 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
清淨家園全民運動顧厝邊部落格綠色生活(EcoLife)網成效提昇計畫 本計畫將根據歷年之成果持續維護及提升綠網既有功能,持續增進綠網操作的友善度,同時強化地方成果維護及營造永續優質環境衛生計畫的管考系統,以提升行政作業的效率;研擬手機應用程式,讓綠網操作能夠更加便民及快速;並藉由多管道的推廣及宣導,逐步落實清淨家園樂活化之「扎根環境教育,愛家園顧台灣」的環境新主張。 Clean Neighborhood、Multiple Mobilization、Clean-degree The Eco Life website has the functions of communication, exchange, recording, and management. It can demonstrate the government’s achievements and offer solutions to citizens’ problems within a short time. Therefore, since its launch continued efforts have been made to encourage citizens, organizations, schools, social clubs, and enterprises to use it as a platform to interact with other cities, counties, townships, villages, volunteer workers, and citizens, and to present their work outcomes and performances. 101 毒管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43692
101年度資源回收責任業者及販賣業者管理重點巡查取締工作計畫 臺北市政府環境保護局依據廢棄物清理法,為落實資源回收體系上游責任業者登記、申報、繳費之執法公平性與一致性與下游販賣業者回收管道之暢通,推動「101年度資源回收責任業者及販賣業者重點巡查取締工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),委託綠信環境科技股份有限公司,協助計畫工作項目執行外,並派駐環保局五位專職人力推動本計畫執行。本計畫自101年3月16日至101年12月31日止,執行期程為8個月。主要工作可分為辦理責任業者巡查取締工作、辦理販賣業者巡查取締工作等。 101 台北市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41145
第一屆環保行動劇競賽專案工作計畫 本專案主要工作項目分別為(1)「第一屆環保行動劇競賽」徵選。(2)徵選活動之媒體文宣規劃及執行。(3)建置活動宣傳網頁。(4)三區複賽實地評選規劃及執行。(5)決賽暨頒獎典禮規劃及執行。全案順利於102年6月17日於Y17臺北青少年育樂中心舉行頒獎典禮圓滿落幕。其中北區作品投件數計65件、中區作品投件數計53件、南區作品投件數計67件。經由初審以書面審查,評選出三區各10件入選作品,共30件作品進入複賽;複審採實地評選方式進行,評選出三區各3件入選作品,共9件作品進入決賽;決選採實地評選方式進行,順利產生出特優1名、優等2名、甲等3名、佳作3名。活動網站http://eeis.epa.gov.tw/action/default.aspx,除提供活動辦法外,同時隨時提供最新消息,總計發布15則活動訊息。電視30秒短片拍攝1支,於公視頻道播出,計133檔次;廣播30秒廣告,則於中廣流行網、飛碟聯播網、好事聯播網、快樂聯播網與亞洲廣播網播放,共計252檔次。網路宣傳除活動網站、官方粉絲專頁隨時發布活動最新消息外,並購買Yahoo關鍵字、Yahoo內頁Banner、Youtube Banner、Facebook Banner進行活動宣傳。頒獎典禮頒發9組得獎隊伍,典禮出席人數計221名,其中參賽者計74人,貴賓4名。並製作大會手冊250份於典禮現場使用。典禮安排觀賽團互動舉分與有獎徵答活動,整體規劃力求全場參與互動性。 101 綜計處 財團法人公共電視事業文化基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53956
101 年度執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫 「101年度執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫」係主要推廣車輛不怠速以減少污染物,透過各樣宣導文宣,加強宣導停車不怠速的觀念。統計至101年11月30日止,本計畫亦執行稽查工作,共計查核1,520輛機動車輛,其中以小型車數量最多占71.6%,此外亦發現車站及學校周邊為較易發現車輛怠速之區域,未來持續於該區域進行宣導,以維護清新空氣品質。 The Execution of Promotion for Engines of Motor Vehicles Shall Shut Off With Idling Stop and Control Project in 2011 This project is to promote anti-idling to reduce air pollution by kinds of propaganda and parking without idling. By Nov. 30, 2012, this project finished checking 1,520 motor vehicles and find that the compact car accounting for 71.6%. Around the station and schools there were the more often discovered idling. In the future will be continued inspect in order to preserve the air quality. 101 雲林縣環境保護局 思維環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50283
臺東縣101年度廚餘多元再利用計畫 本工作團隊執行本縣「101年度臺東縣廚餘多元再利用計畫」。本計畫執行期程自101年7月23日至101年12月15日止,計畫工作內容執行情況摘要如下:一、境內一般廢棄物垃圾組成比例調查工作所有調查對象中僅台東市清運區域類別(第一次)屬商業區,其餘清運區域皆為住宅區。本次調查統計結果顯示,部分鄉鎮一般垃圾所佔比例偏低,即表示資源垃圾或廚餘偏高,如鹿野鄉一般垃圾僅佔43%,資源垃圾高達34%、廚餘高達23%。在資源回收方面,資源垃圾比例偏高之鄉鎮包括:鹿野鄉一般垃圾僅佔43%,資源垃圾高達34%、廚餘高達23%。在資源回收方面,資源垃圾比例偏高之鄉鎮包括:鹿野鄉(34%)、金峰鄉(25%)、蘭嶼鄉(25%)、長濱鄉(23%)、海端鄉(21%)。在廚餘回收方面,廚餘所佔比例偏高之鄉鎮包括:鹿野鄉(23%)、延平鄉(17%)、長濱鄉(15%)、成功鎮、(13%)、池上鄉(12%)。環保局特針對本縣資源垃圾及廚餘所佔比例較高之鄉鎮發文通知各公所清潔隊,要求確實落實垃圾分類工作。由第二次資源回收比例調查統計可知鹿野鄉(4%)、金峰鄉(16%)、蘭嶼鄉(14%)、長濱鄉(5%)、海端鄉(18%),結果顯示資源垃圾比例均有明顯下降之情形。針對台東市調查結果一般垃圾佔比例86%及84.5%,資源垃圾所佔比例3%及1.5%,廚餘所佔比例11%及14%。與環保署環境保護統計年報(101年版)資料進行比較,本計畫調查數據中廚餘比例以23%(鹿野鄉第一次)為最高,最低為1%(大武鄉、卑南鄉等鄉鎮),將各鄉鎮兩次數據平均後得到廚餘比例約6.7%,遠低於環保署統計年報本縣(100年)廚餘類含量佔34.1%(濕基),推估其原因可能為於採樣分析過程中,垃圾破袋分類使水分流失而造成此明顯之差異。二、推動點、線、面廚餘酵素班針對境內家戶或有機農戶或農業產銷班或旅館或飯店或民宿或社區或政府行政機關或學校等於 9月6日假台東縣政府大禮堂辦理1場次推動環保廚餘酵素說明會。本次說明會邀請南投縣竹山鎮環保義工隊分隊長黃德富先生擔任講座,於會中說明廚餘回收再利用、廚餘堆肥及酵素製作方法,另邀請國立臺東商業職業學校衛保組長吳麗芬小姐分享廚餘酵素製作經驗,當天與會人員均熱烈的參與此次說明會,藉由此場說明會的辦理預計能增加民眾參與後續舉辦廚餘環保酵素製作研習會之意願。本次說明會參加人數達132位。本計畫亦針對報名參加點、線、面-廚餘酵素班人員,於9月26日辦理1場次(含)以上廚餘環保酵素製作研習會,本次出席人次達91人,廠商派3名工作人員至現場協助活動進行,並在本次研習會發送製作酵素器材。為得知本計畫設置91處廚餘酵素班之推動成效,除至每處巡查乙次以上並紀錄推動成果外,亦辦理1場次環保廚餘酵素成果展示說明會,本活動邀請參與本計畫廚餘酵素班之相關人員,讓參與人員或單位可以相互交流學習,藉以提升參與者廚餘堆肥技術相關專業知識與技能。三、廚餘堆肥技術輔導及諮詢服務於計畫期間邀請屏東科技大學環境工程與科學系許正一教授至3處學校(都蘭國小、池上國中及均一中小學)指導,輔導過程中常見問題包括:葉菜類生廚餘堆肥初期液肥產量不足、液肥顏色是否正常、廚餘含水量多少較為恰當、鼓風機通氣之時間長度如何、堆肥翻堆的時機及堆肥腐熟判斷等。四、堆肥與液肥品質分析廚餘水分含量高,且不含有毒物質,並含有部分植物所需養分及有機質,可回收為堆肥材料。本計畫針對大八六九藥用植物休閒農場、廚餘回收再利用中心(台東場)及台東原住民休閒事業發展協會(森永VUVU野菜農園)進行2次不同時間,以當次同樣廚餘來源進行堆肥桶法廚餘堆肥化處理。各項目分析結果於兩廚餘樣本間略有差異,兩廚餘樣本三成份分析以水份為最高(平均為86.3、83.15及71.5%),其次為有機質(平均為27.53、13.86及12.9%),碳氮比(C/N)值介於11~30間。其中農委會對「雜項堆肥」規定碳氮比值應介於10-20以達確實腐熟。種子發芽率試驗結果由高而低依序為91%、90%、84%,均達腐熟度限值(80%)以上,二種堆肥成品均有良好之腐熟度。若與農委會肥料品目規定比較,僅全磷酐不符合規定,其餘均符合所有項目含量之規定。五、辦理廚餘多元再利用教育宣導工作(一)地方有線頻道宣導以(跑馬燈)針對點、線、面-廚餘酵素班設置訊息為訴求,配合宣導說明會,經台東縣環保局同意內容後,8月22日以跑馬燈於台東市、大武鄉、卑南鄉、太麻里鄉、金峰鄉、達仁鄉1線、8月23日以跑馬燈於關山鎮、池上鄉、海端鄉、延平鄉、鹿野鄉1線、8月24日以跑馬燈於成功鎮、東河鄉、長濱鄉1線及8月17日於(機關)網站上公佈。(二)短片製作廚餘多元再利用-環保廚餘宣導短片製作內容包含廚餘酵素製作過程及使用方法等,其片長1分鐘(含)以上,並於地方有線頻道託播,並於計畫期間內(11月7日至11月21日)托播期程為14日。(三)文宣品及布條等依徵選須知要求需設計及印製廚餘多元再利用宣導摺頁10,000份,並設計製做廚餘多元再利用-廚餘酵素光碟片500張,以及配合廚餘多元再利用教育宣導工作。 Taitung County 101 annual food waste multiple re-use plan The team performs in the county "101 annual Taitung County kitchen waste yuan reuse plan." The Plan implementation process since July 23, 101 years to 101 years, the implementation of the plan work content are summarized as follows:Of general waste in garbage composition ratio of investigationAll survey only Taitung City Qingyun types of areas (the first time) is a commercial district, the remaining the Qingyun area are residential areas. The survey results show that part of the township general garbage proportion is low, it means that high resource garbage or food waste, such as Luye Township accounted for only 43% of the general waste resources rubbish up to 34%, up to 23% of food waste. Resource recovery, the high proportion of resources garbage township include: Luye Township, only 43% of the general waste resources rubbish up to 34%, up to 23% of kitchen waste. Resource recovery, resources garbage high proportion of township include: Luye Township (34%), Jinfeng Township (25%) the Lanyu Township (25%), Nagahama Township (23%), Haiduan Township (21%) . Kitchen waste recycling, food waste account for the high proportion of township include: Luye Township (23%), Yanping Township (17%), the Nagahama Township (15%), the success of the town (13%), Ikegami Township (12 %). EPA is special for the resources of the County of garbage and a higher proportion of kitchen waste township issued a document to inform hall cleaning team, to really implement the waste classification. Luye Township (4%), the survey shows that the proportion of resource recovery by the second (16%), Jinfeng Township Lanyu Township (14%), Nagahama Township (5%), Haiduan Township (18%), the results show resources garbage ratio were significantly reduced circumstances.Findings for Taitung City general rubbish proportion of 86% and 84.5%, resources garbage proportion of 3% and 1.5%, 11% and 14% of the proportion of food waste. Compare the information with the EPD Environmental Protection Statistics Annual Report (101), the proportion of food waste in our survey data was the highest at 23% (Luye Township, for the first time), and a minimum of 1% (Dawu, Beinan Township and other towns in), the township twice the data after averaging about 6.7% of the proportion of food waste kitchen waste content of 34.1% (wet basis) EPD Statistics Annual Report of the County (100), well below the estimate of its reasons sampling and analysis process, broken garbage bags of moisture loss caused by this significant difference.To promote the point, line, surface kitchen waste enzyme classesEqual for domestic and household or organic farmers or agricultural production and marketing, or a hotel or a hotel or B & B or community or government administrative organs or school on September 6 at the auditorium of the Taitung County government handle the screenings to promote green kitchen waste enzymes briefings. The instructions Chushan Township, Nantou County environmental volunteer teams will be invited the sub captain Mr. Huang Defu lectures will recycling of kitchen waste, food waste composting and enzyme production methods, and the other invited National Taitung Business vocational school guard Paul Leader Miss Wu Lifen enzyme production experience to share kitchen waste, the day the participants were enthusiastic participation of the instructions will be expected to increase popular participation in follow-up organized kitchen waste environmental enzyme production workshops will, by the will of this field instructions. This shows the number of participants reached 132.This project also enroll points, lines, surfaces - kitchen waste enzyme duty officers, on September 26 for the screenings (inclusive) or more kitchen waste environmental enzyme production workshops, the attendances of 91 vendors to send 3 staff to the scene to assist, and send in the workshops to produce enzymes equipment.In addition to inspections at once only record promoting results is learned that this project is set 91 to promote the effectiveness of the enzyme classes of kitchen waste handle a session green kitchen waste enzymes results show briefings, this activity also invited to participate in the count the painting kitchen waste enzyme classes personnel, participants or units to communicate with each other to learn, in order to enhance the professional knowledge and skills of participants kitchen waste composting technology.Kitchen waste composting technology counseling and consulting servicesDuring the project period to invite Professor National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Environment Engineering and Science, Xu Zheng Yi to three schools (both blue country small, Ikegami country in uniform primary and secondary) guidance, counseling process, frequently asked questions, including: leafy raw kitchen I compost the initial liquid fertilizer production water content, liquid fertilizer is normal color, kitchen waste How much more appropriate the blower ventilation in the length of time, the the compost turning the timing and composting judgment.Fourth, the compost and liquid fertilizer quality analysisKitchen waste moisture content is high, and does not contain toxic substances, the part of the plant and contains the necessary nutrients and organic matter, recyclable as compost material. Leisure farm project focus the big eight hundred sixty-nine medicinal plants, food waste recycling center (Taitung Course) and Taitung aboriginal Leisure and Recreation Development Association (the Morinaga VUVU wild Farm) 2, when the same kitchen waste Source compost bucket kitchen waste composting. Analysis of each project is slightly different between the two kitchen waste samples, two kitchen waste to water samples of the three-component analysis (average 86.3,83.15 and 71.5%), followed by organic matter (27.53,13.86 and 12.9% on average) nitrogen ratio (C / N) values ​​ranging from 11 to 30. Which the Council of Agriculture of the "Miscellaneous compost" provisions of the the carbonitride ratio should be between 10-20 indeed composting. Seed germination rate test results from high and low order of 91%, 90%, 84%, reached Maturity limits (80%), two kinds of composting finished both good degree of maturity. With the provisions of the Council of Agriculture fertilizer heading, only the total phosphorus anhydride does not comply with the provisions of, and the rest are in line with the requirements of all project content.Handle kitchen waste recycling education advocacy yuan(A) Local cable channels advocacyTo (Marquee) for point, line, surface - kitchen waste enzyme classes set message appeal, with guidance meeting, by the the Taitung County Environmental Protection Agency agreed to the contents of, to Marquee in Taitung City on August 22, Dawu Beinan Township, Taimali Township, Jinfeng Township, Daren Township 1, August 23, Marquee the off Town Ikegami Township, Haiduan, Yanping Township, Luye Township 1, August 24 Marquee in Chenggong Township, East Township, Nagahama Township, 1 line and published on the website of the (authorities) on August 17.(B) short filmsThe the kitchen waste yuan reuse - green kitchen waste kitchen waste propaganda video production contains the enzyme production process and the use of methods, Duration 1 minute (or more), prop broadcast on local cable channels in the plan period (11 February 7 to November 21) child care the sowing date away for 14 days.(C) promotional materials and clothRequire multiple re-use advocacy folding 10,000 need to be designed and printed kitchen waste in accordance with the levy election be notified and system designed to do multiple re-use kitchen waste - kitchen waste enzymes disc 500, as well as with the food waste and multiple recycling education advocacy job. 101 台東縣環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45720
101年度臺中市機車排氣定檢站管理計畫 本計畫自簽約日101年4月1日起,統計至102年1月20日止,將近10個月,已完成工作項目:機車排氣檢驗站查核部分,定期品質查核共1,025站次、標準氣體比對954站次、無預警匿名查核636站次;提交修正100年臺中市機車排氣檢驗站評鑑辦法及標準,並完成公告;機車排氣檢驗站相關會議部分,共計完成檢驗人員教育訓練3場次、業務聯繫會議2場次、定檢站表揚大會1場次;完成移動式定檢巡迴車建置,並辦理戶外定檢73場次,檢驗車輛數達2,036輛;完成辦理檢驗站民眾服務品質問卷調查,並提送結果分析報告;保檢合一推動方面,修定保檢合一示範站遴選方式、保檢合一示範站品質查核標準作業程序及保檢合一示範站保養維修標準作業程序且公告之,遴選示範站64站、提供宣導跑馬燈、宣導海報,並建置保檢合一資訊系統,辦理示範站教育訓練1場次,提交保檢合一抽獎規劃案,活動期間共計21,270人次參與,示範站定期查核209站次、不定期查核107站次;製作廣播廣告2則,播放450檔次、主持人口播宣導90檔次;檢驗業務宣導新聞稿公布14則;定檢明信片印製及郵寄通知到檢工作完成共計10個月工作量,寄發1,054,733件;每週維護更新環保署機車定期檢驗資訊管理系統;每月召開計畫管理查核會議。計畫整體達成率為100%,其執行成果摘要表如表一所示。 This project was, The deadline of this projects was started from April 1, 2012 to January 20, 2013, total 10 months. The completed contents of this project include: 102,5 regular quality inspects, 954 instrumental inspects, 636 unnoticed inspects. The submission of assessment regulations of motorcycle inspection station was completed. The conferences in this project which were 2 training classes of technician in motorcycle inspection station, 2 business agreement meeting, and 1 awarding ceremony finished. The mobile motorcycle inspection was set up, held 73 outdoor motorcycle inspection activities, the inspected motorcycles reached to 2,036. The questionnaire of quality of service was finished, and referred analysis report. The working of to popularize of Maintenance/Inspect in one, To provided the select plan, maintenance SOP of Maintenance/Inspect in one model stations. Selected 64 model stations of Maintenance/Inspect in one. Provided the LED monitors, initiated placard, and Maintenance/ Inspect in one system. To held 1 training classes of Maintenance/Inspect in one, and 1 sweepstake which were 21,270 people attended. Quality inspects of model stations were 209, and 107 irregular inspects. Recording 2 broadcasting advertisements, 450 broadcasting, 14 news published. To printed and sent motorcycle inspection postcard of the amount of 10 months work, a total of 1,054,733. To maintain and update motorcycle inspection information system of EPA. Convene the working review meetings every months. The achievement rate of project was 100%, the content of project were showing in table 1. 101 台中市環境保護局 思維環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=51704
101年度新竹縣頭前溪及鳳山溪流域生態治理區成效評估暨教育推廣計畫 本計畫是針對新竹縣頭前溪竹東河段高灘地第1、2期生態治理區(以下簡稱第1、2期)、新竹縣頭前溪竹東河段高灘地第3、4期生態治理區(以下簡稱第3、4期)、新竹縣頭前溪竹東河段高灘地第5期生態治理區(以下簡稱第5期)及鳳山溪左岸麻園堤防段高灘地生態治理區(以下簡稱鳳山溪)等四區域進行水質、水量、底泥及生物調查之監測計畫。 本年度已完成各生態治理區水質、水量、底泥監測與污染物削減率分析,其中第1、2期生化需氧量(以下簡稱BOD)、懸浮固體(以下簡稱SS)、氨氮、總磷削減率自1~12月份有良好的削減率。第3、4期因承接水體為竹東水資源回收中心及地表逕流水為主,進流水污染物濃度較低,因此以BOD去除效果較明顯,其他項目處理效果較不顯著。第5期各項污染物削減率則有不錯效果,此外若能進行淤泥清理,處理懸浮固體效率會更高。鳳山溪BOD、SS、氨氮、總磷削減率1至5月份有良好的削減率,6月及7月,各項削減率較不顯著。 本年度已完成頭前溪之底泥採樣與分析,其中氧化還原電位範圍介於-200mV至-395mV之間,pH值則於7.0至7.2之間,有機質含量為1.5%至7.0%,以第3、4期A池累積有機物相對含量最低,在第1、2期A池累積沈積物含量最高;氮含量及磷含量部份最高值亦出現在第1、2期A池分別為3,680mg/Kg及434mg/Kg,其次為第5期A池,最低為第3、4期A池。第1、2期銅和鋅含量分別為255mg/Kg及712mg/Kg,高於底泥品質指標上限值(157mg/Kg及384mg/Kg),第5期A池銅和鋅含量分別為15.3mg/Kg及76.5mg/Kg,則低於底泥品質指標下限值(50mg/Kg及140mg/Kg);第3、4期A池及第5期A池之總鉻含量分別為26.9mg/Kg及22.8mg/Kg,均低於底泥品質指標下限值(76.0mg/Kg),同理鉛含量為44.5mg/Kg及17.0mg/Kg,均低於底泥品質指標下限值(48.0mg/Kg)。 生物調查執行夏季及冬季2次調查,本年度調查記錄65科164種維管束植物,鳥類22科37種,哺乳類3目4科9種,兩棲爬蟲類2目8科11種,蝶類及蜻蛉類共2目9科36種,魚類4目6科12種,底棲生物5目9科11種,水棲昆蟲4目7科,浮游性動物4門22種及浮游性藻類6門65種。與既往生態調查結果比較,整體上物種數變化小,顯示治理區的生態環境漸趨穩定,吸引更多的生物到治理區中棲息與覓食。 本年度已完成3場次生態教育宣導方面生態導覽課程,分別於本年度4月16~17日、5月26日與11月9日舉辦。此外,本年度已完成「環境教育設施場所認證」申書書與「環境教育教材影片」之製作,並通過環訓所程序審查作業,申請文件符合規定。 根據本年度之監測資料與分析結果,在生態方面建議逐漸改以原生種植物取代外來種植物。在水量管理方面,建議下年度在清除各區底泥時,可以檢查有無滲漏或滲入,可以減少監測入流與出流水量之誤差。在水質改善方便,建議清除第3、4期及第5期底泥,可提高SS去除率;第3、4期可以減少入流水量進入,以提供足夠水質淨化處理時間 The project measured and monitored the water quality, flow rate, sediment and biology conditions at the 1st and 2nd phases of ecological treatment area of the Tou-Chian river flood plain, the 3rd and 4th phases of ecological treatment area of the Tou-Chian river flood plain, the 5th phase of ecological treatment area of the Tou-Chian river flood plain, and the ecological treatment area of the flood plain of left bank of the Feng-Shan river. The water quality, flow rate, sediment, and pollutant reduction rate were analyzed in this year. The reduction rate of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Suspended Sediment (SS), Ammonia Nitrogen, and total Phosphorus were significant during Jan. to Dec. for the 1st and 2nd phases of ecological treatment area of the Tou-Chian river flood plain. The BOD reduction rate was significant while the other items were not significant at the 3rd and 4th phases of ecological treatment area of the Tou-Chian river flood plain due to it takes the water from the Chu-Dong water treatment plant. The items at the 5th phase were also significant reduction rate. However, the sediment removal at the 5th phase was recommended for a better SS reduction rate. The BOD, SS, Ammonia Nitrogen, and total Phosphorus reduction rate at the Feng-Shan river was significant from Jan. to May, not significant in June and July. The sediment sampling and analysis have been completed during the year, in which the redox potential range between-200mV to-395mV, the pH value is between 7.0 to 7.2, and the organic matter content of 1.5 to 7.0 percent. The A pool of the 3rd and 4th phase accumulated the lowest concentrations of sediment organic matter; while the A pool at phase 1 and 2 have the highest. The highest values of nitrogen and phosphorus content also appear in the phase 1, 2 A pool of 3,680 mg / Kg and 434mg/Kg, respectively, followed by phase 5 A pool, a minimum of phase 3 and 4, A pool. The copper and zinc content were 255mg/Kg 712mg/Kg at phase 1 and 2 which is higher than the upper limit of sediment quality indicators (157mg/Kg, and 384mg/Kg). The phase 5 A pool of copper and zinc content were 15.3mg / Kg and 76.5mg/Kg, below the lower limit of sediment quality indicators (50mg/Kg, and 140mg/Kg); phase 3 and 4 A pool and phase 5 A pool the total chromium content were 26.9mg/Kg and 22.8mg/Kg, which were lower than the lower limit sediment quality indicators (76.0mg/Kg) the same reason lead content 44.5mg/Kg and 17.0mg/Kg which were lower than the lower limit of sediment quality indicators (48.0 mg / Kg). Two biological Survey were implemented in summer and winter in this year. The survey recorded 65 families and 164 species of vascular plants, 22 families and 37 species of birds, 3 orders, 4 families and 9 species of mammals, amphibians and reptiles, 2 orders, 8 families, 11 species of butterflies and damselflies class2 mesh 9 families, 36 species, 12 kinds of fish orders, 6 families, the benthos 5 orders, 9 families 11 kinds of aquatic insect orders, 7 families, four planktonic animals of 22 species of planktonic algae 65 species. Compared with the results of previous ecological surveys, the overall number of species had few changes in the governance area that means the ecological environment has been stabilized, and be able to attract more biological habitat in the governance area. In this year, three times of the ecological education advocacy and ecological guided tour were implemented on April 16 to 17, May 26 and November 9, respectively. In addition, the “environmental education site and facility verification” application and the video of “environmental education teaching materials” has been completed in this year and has passed the procedure review and paper work examination by the EPA.According to the monitoring data and analysis of the results of the current year, ecologically recommended increasingly replacing exotic plants with native species of plants. In the area of water management, it is recommended that cleared the mud at the end of next year, you can check there is no leakage or infiltration, monitoring can be reduced to the stream and a water volume of error.In water quality improvement easier, it is recommended that clear, 3rd and 4th period and 5th period sediments, improves SS removal rate; 3rd and 4th period can be reduced to the stream of water entering, to provide enough water purification processing time. 101 新竹縣環境保護局 財團法人農業工程研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42052
101年度紫外線預報系統與儀器校驗實驗室專案工作計畫 「101年度紫外線預報系統與儀器校驗實驗室」專案計畫 (以下簡稱本計畫) 以提高國內紫外線預報與監測之正確性為任務,年度專案計畫目標如下:一、建置及改善紫外線指數數值動力預報模式系統。二、維護紫外線監測數值之正確性。三、提供紫外線預報輔助資訊。四、紫外線輻射計校驗品質管理。除了一般作業之外,完成下列工作:第四代紫外線指數預報系統持續進行預報作業。第五代預報系統也於2011年元月開始上線進行平行預報並提供預報人員預報資訊。第五代系統使用數值模擬之雲量資料代入預報模式中,改善過去預報系統受到人為主觀資料的影響,以增進預報準確度。紫外線監測系統之觀測資料分析結果顯示:紫外線指數的監測資料有效率相當高,資料也漸趨平穩。各站過量級以上的出現機率自2008年開始顯著增加,使得目前各站趨勢呈現為增加的正趨勢;午時輻射佔全日輻射量比例冬高夏低的特徵相當清楚;危險級與UVI≧8的出現機率具區域差異與逐年變化特徵。月與月間之天氣氣候變化快速,導致UV輻射也快速變化。此外本計畫應用最高溫、日較差、水汽壓、雲量及降水場等氣候參數分析,探討逐月UVI觀測異常的可能原因。進行紫外線監測及預報成效分析。結果顯示:紫外線指數的預測誤差上下變動幅度逐年相近。另外,分析天氣圖和測站氣溫和濕度以及衛星雲圖,探討預報誤差大的個案發生的可能原因以幫助改進UVI 預報。本年度計畫依要求完成各項交付之工作內容。設置計畫網站呈現監測、預報分析以及儀器校驗相關圖集及數據;於每季提報上一季紫外線監測資料分析報告、儀器校驗狀態及預報分析成果報告、召開討論會議,均有利於瞭解紫外線指數的變化趨勢及預報與監測能力。 UV-Index Forecasting System and Instrument Calibration Laboratory The main task of this project, “UV Forecast System and Monitoring Instrument Calibration Lab.-Fiscal year 101” is to enhance the UV forecast and monitoring ability in Taiwan. The objective of this project are :(1) To improve the UV Index forecast numerical dynamical model system. (2) To maintain the numerical fidelity of UV monitoring. (3) To provide UV forecast auxiliary information. (4) To execute UV instruments calibration quality control. Beside of operational works, the following jobs have been done:While the UVI operational forecast with the forecast model of 4th generation keeps on, a parallel UV forecast has been made with a UVI forecast numerical dynamical model system, the 5th generation UVI forecast model, since January of 2011. The performance of this new system is getting improved step by step after data inflow problem solved. This new system is organized as a two tier forecast. The first tier forecast uses the cloudiness simulated with a regional model, MM5. The second tier adds the CWB weather forecast in. This forecast system can remove the bias from subjective forecast and be expected to improve UVI forecast.The data of the UV monitoring system is analyzed. It is shown that the ratio of valid data is quite high. The variation of the observation is stable. The probability of UVI larger than” over-scale” at the stations significantly increased in 2008. Therefore, a positive long-term trend appeared. The proportion of the radiation sustained during noon in daily total amount appears high in winter and low in summer. Probability of UVI larger than hazard –scale as well as UVI≧8 show spatial and inter-annual variability. Climate and weather as well as UVI changed abruptly. Furthermore, meteorological data such as maximum temperature, diurnal temperature range, humidity, cloudiness, and precipitation have been analyzed to explore the causes of monthly UVI anomalies. UV monitoring and forecast data have analyzed. It is shown that UVI forecast performance is quite stable. Furthermore, in order to improving UVI forecasting, meteorological data such as weather map, station temperature and humidity, as well as satellite image have been studied while forecast is fail.All works proposed have been accomplished. A web site of UV monitoring and forecast has been maintained, the content of the raw data and statistics analyzing result of observations, and UV instrument calibration records have been kept and updated by schedule; held scheduled discussion meetings. All these work helps to enhance the UV forecast and monitoring ability in Taiwan. 101 監資處 國立臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41404
101-綠島鄉中南寮聚落污水自然淨化保育計畫 本計畫為協助臺東縣環境保護局執行綠島鄉中南寮聚落污水自然淨化廠設施操作及場址週遭環境維護等工作,並藉由此計畫之執行,希望民眾瞭解污水經自然淨化方式處理後,可達到符合放流水標準放流至海洋,不僅不會污染海洋,也可成為水資源再生利用之典範。本計畫自101年4月23日簽約完成開始執行相關工作內容,主要工作項目有:一、場區環境及植栽維護與整理為例行性執行場區維護、植栽修剪及設備進行外觀修繕 等,每週、每月及每年執行各工項。二、截流系統、處理系統操作與維護為例行性執行欄污柵、進流處孔口、截水溝、放流井、污水收集曝氣槽池底等清污工項,並定期紀錄入出流量,及污水自然淨化設備之管線閥件開關、泵浦維護等功能測試。三、水質監測水質監測於合約期程內共需執行四次,已於101年5、6、9、10月執行完成四次水質監測採樣工作。四、編寫「設備操作與維護」現場操作手冊內容編列有關標準操作程序、水質管理、操作維護管理及緊急應變計畫等現場操作注意事項及執行方式,已於101年9月28日經局內審核認可。五、「污水自然淨化工程效能評估報告」彙整分析「污水自然淨化工程效能評估報告」於101年12月初彙整相關報告後提出成果報告。六、辦理人員教育訓練已於101年10月3~4日於綠島中南寮污水自然淨化場址實施人員教育訓練相關課程。七、製作污水自然淨化保育為主題宣導摺頁及成果展示掛圖以污水自然淨化保育為主題製作宣導摺頁及掛圖,初稿經局內審核同意並於101年10月24日提送宣導摺頁1000份;101年10月29日提送成果展示掛圖印製成品3幅。統計至101年12月20日,執行進度已達100%,確實掌握各項工作之作業時程與進度,中、南寮地區生活污水經四次水質檢測報告得之污水自然處理系統後放流水BOD水質平均達4.65mg/L去除率達86.93%;SS平均為3.75mg/L去除率平均為85.4%;NH3-N平均為4.65mg/L去除率平均達86.93%,污水處理後之放流水水質,皆符合原先設計之去除效果,故本場之操作功能性應屬良好,並參考綠島海域水質監測結果證明綠島海域水質並無污染情形,可見污水自然淨化系統有相當之成效。由於近年來因地球溫度逐年攀升,使得極端氣候產生機率增加,計畫執行期間又逢颱風來襲,更為系統造成更多砂石淤積清理之負擔,本計畫也將藉此機會評估惡劣氣候對本淨化設施造成影響外,也希望能進一步規劃進流系統防災措施,避免積淤沙石影響系統功能。最後殷盼藉由本計畫之執行,提高污水自然淨化之實質效能,提升民眾對環境保育的觀念,進而落實環境保護永續經營,使綠島中南寮自然淨化系統能持續正常運作為設置目標造就環境與居民最大之利益。 101 台東縣環境保護局 嘉德技術顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41943
101年南區水污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理計畫 一、建立南區域聯防制度本團隊於計畫執行期間完成南區域聯防制度建立,相關說明如下:(一)協助建立聯防體系啟動及結束機制1.啟動機制2.結束機制(二)協助建立水污染應變程序1.依各應變層級規劃通報及作業流程2.規劃現場人員應變程序二、協助水污染事件應變作業本年度水環境污染事件較往年少,規模也普遍較小,故南區5縣市均無啟動南區聯防體系應變支援水污染事件應變作業。三、應變器材維護保養成果計畫內針對南區5大縣市環保局之緊急應變器材進行盤點、維護與保養作業,各縣市一次,確認各縣市應變器材與設備之庫存種類與數量和環保署海洋污染防治管理系統之紀錄相符,並能實地啟動使用。四、協助儲油事業清查及防溢堤設置查核作業目前本團隊對轄區內的66家貯油槽事業進行查核。在鄉鎮分布分面以枋寮鄉列管家數最高,共列管54家,其次為屏東市列管7家;而在行業別分布方面,製造業有7家,佔11%,化工業及基本金屬製造業各4家,各佔6%。針對66家業者之稽查作業中,完全符合規定者共有33家,而未符合需複查者共有9家。五、水污染教育訓練辦理(一)水污染教育培訓活動本工作團隊於101年7月5日下午及10月6日上午各辦理1場次水污染教育培訓活動,活動地點為墾丁國家公園管理處及屏東縣麟洛鄉溼地公園,參訓對象係以屏東縣恆春半島地區之列管事業單位及屏東縣守望相助河川巡守隊為主,其課程內容主要包含屏東縣恆春半島地區列管事業單位之介紹、緊急應變通報法令規定說明等。(二)水污染教育訓練活動本工作團隊於101年11月6日上午辦理水污染教育訓練1場次,活動地點為屏東科技大學環境教育解說室,參訓對象係以屏東縣河川及海洋污染事件緊急應變演練參演單位為主,其課程內容主要包含河川及海洋污染事件緊急應變通報流程說明及緊急應變器材介紹。(三)水污染緊急器材訓練本工作團隊於101年7月24日辦理1場次緊急應變器材教育訓練活動,其參訓對象主要以轄區屏南、內埔及屏東工業區內之事業單位為主,主要宣導緊急應變通報程序與應變器材介紹與使用說明、及案例介紹等課程內容。六、辦理101年度南區水體污染事件緊急應變演練本年度於11月22日辦理1場演練,模擬某公司乙輛滿載油品之油罐車,行經屏東縣鹽埔漁港,因天雨路滑不慎翻覆,油罐車槽體破裂,大量油品外漏,估計約10公秉,油污隨雨水流入排水溝,並因大雨而使油污快速流至鹽埔漁港入東港溪再流入出海口進入海域,油罐車司機立即進行緊急應變處理,通報屏東縣政府環保局,屏東縣政府環保局現勘後研判水污染事件影響範圍跨直轄市,立即通知環保署啟動聯防應變機制。演練項目包括有事故發生、通報程序、即時應變及成立緊急應變中、事故現場攔油及汲油、執行沿岸攔油及清理海面殘油作業與油污染 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42860
建立周界環氧氯丙烷等有機空氣污染物之調查技術開發 本計畫目標是開發工業區空氣中環氧氯丙烷、乙酸丁酯、丙烯酸乙酯、丙烯酸丁酯、二氯甲醚、硫酸乙酯、二異氰酸甲苯和二異氰酸二苯甲烷等8項空氣污染物調查技術,以提供符合環保署方法格式規範之相關調查技術程序之參考依據。本計畫依照去年度執行排放管道中同樣8種成分之開發經驗,由於8項空氣污染物的特性不一,其中沸點範圍(99~251 ℃)與飽和蒸氣壓(13~0.00014 mmHg) 差異頗大,在空氣中或中以氣態、霧滴或粒狀物等型態存在,因此在研究初期在實驗上並非如預期8項空氣污染物皆能以不銹鋼採樣罐採樣搭配GC-MS分析;本計畫建立之方法中,環氧氯丙烷、乙酸丁酯、丙烯酸乙酯和丙烯酸丁酯等4項空氣污染物以不銹鋼採樣罐採樣經由GC-MS分析;硫酸乙酯和二氯甲醚以吸附管採樣搭配GC-MS進行採樣分析;二異氰酸甲苯和二異氰酸二苯甲烷以衝擊瓶採樣注射液相層析儀進行分析,本計畫以上述三種調查技術建立,完成包括方法之品保規範,包括準確性、偵測極限、精密度及重覆性等,結果顯示本計畫建立之三種技術均可適用於現行環保署管制標準,並提供符合環保署方法格式規範之調查技術程序,及將8項空氣污染物之調查技術擴散至環檢所。 Development of Organic Air Pollutants (1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane, bis-Chloromethyl Ether, n-Buthyl A The major objective of the project aims to develop sampling and analysis technology of organic air pollutants (1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane, bis-Chloromethyl Ether, n-Buthyl Acetate, Ethyl Acrylate, Toluene Diisocyanate, Methylene Disphenyl Isocyanate, Diethyl Sulfate, n-Butyl Acrylate ) in ambient and provide test methods established to Environmental Analysis Laboratory, EPA. Follow the previous study, we expected to analysis all organic air pollutants by sampling cans and GC-MS analysis system. However, there are many differences of 8 air pollutants, like the boiling point range of 99 ~ 251 ℃ and saturated steam pressure of 13 ~ 0.00014mmHg and with gas, mist or particulate type exist in ambient. Therefore, in this study, assess epichlorohydrin(ECH), butyl acetate(BA), ethyl acrylate(EA) and butyl acrylate(n-BA) could be analysis by sampling with cans, analyzing by GC-MS method. diethyl sulfate(DES) and bis-Chloromethyl Ether(BCME) that will try to be sampled by sampling tubes and analyzed with GC-MS. Toluene diisocyanate, and methylene disphenyl Isocyanate will be reacted with derivation reagent in impinger and analyzed by HPLC. We developed 8 kinds of air pollutants analyse technology, including methods of quality assurance standards, calibration, detection limits, sample storage time, precision accuracy, etc.,This project demonstrated the detection limits of these developed methods can match the currently EPA regulations for ambient air, and furthermore to provide draft standard operation procedure for EPA. 101 環檢所 工業技術研究院 綠能所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41079
廢乾電池及廢照明光源回收處理體系調查分析暨執行成效檢討評估專案工作計畫 本計畫執行期程為101年1月18日至12月31日,根據101年度前20大廢乾電池回收業調查結果,回收設施方面有39%回收業使用塑膠容器,44%使用塑膠袋或太空袋,使用木箱及金屬回收容器為6%,所有業者之廢乾電池貯存地點皆具有遮雨設備。100年國內廢乾電池約有39%採用境外輸出至國外處理廠進行處理,目前國內僅1家智鵬科技有限公司以熱處理法處理廢乾電池,處理設備為負壓高溫爐,處理種類為一次錳鋅/鹼錳電池。根據101年度前20大廢照明光源回收業調查結果,貯存容器材質72%為塑膠容器,其次為金屬容器14%,至於其他如太空包約為14%,94%貯存地點具遮雨設施。回收廢照明光源已破損比例部分,37.5%破損比例在0~5%,25%破損比例在10~15%,18.8%破損比例在20~25%。貯存過程中破損比例,76.9%回收業破損比例在0%~3%。9月份義大利ISWA2012國際廢棄物研討會之發表文章內容,以介紹我國生產者責任制度與資源回收體系為主軸,並述明照明光源回收現況、徵收費率與分級補貼費率以及再生處理現況,同時強調回收宣導之重要與成果。另已依各類乾電池及照明光源成本調查及估算之結果提出建議之修正費率與補貼費率。由100組廢乾電池檢驗結果顯示,除1組汞含量偏高為28.5ppm,其餘99組樣品汞含量測值為ND~0.70ppm,均符合「限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣」及「歐盟電池指令」之5ppm相關規定。97~101年市售照明光源檢驗結果符合歐盟相關規範有106組,佔總樣品數75.7%。1月17日協助環保署辦理年度記者會,主題為防止照明光源破損,除設計及拍攝宣導影片外,並提供現場示範道具。創新補助要點於101年1月3日訂定公告,申請須知及附件於2月2日公開徵求推廣。101年度共有29個申請單位提出申請,其中有15個申請單位通過審查取得受補助資格。 Inspecting and Analyzing the Collection and Recycling systems of Waste Batteries and Waste Lamps, an The project period was from Jan 18, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012. According to the result of the survey for waste batteries collectors, the percentage for using plastic containers as storing equipment was 39%, using plastic bags and bulk bags was 44%, and using wood boxes and metal containers was 6%. All their waste batteries storage areas were shielded. In 2011, 39% waste batteries were exported for recycling. There is only one domestic waste batteries recycling plant called Zhi Peng Technology co., Ltd. The battery recycling plant used de-pressure furnace for thermal treatment and it only treated primary Mn/Zn and alkaline battedries. According to the result of the survey for waste lamps collectors, the percentage for using plastic containers as storing equipment was 72%, using metal containers was 14%, and using bulk bags was 14%. Only 94% of their waste lamps storage areas were shielded. For the broken lamps collected, about 37.5% collectors’ broken percentages were between 0~5%, 25% were between 10~15%, and 18.8% were between 20~25%. For the storage period, about 76.9% collectors’ broken percentages were between 0~3%. About Italy ISWA 2012 international solid waste congress in September, the project introduced our producer responsibility and recycling system, described the current condition and subsidy rates for lamps collection and recycling, and emphasized the importance of recycling education. Besides, the draft of fee rates and subsidy rates for waste batteries and lamps had been completed. The testing results for 100 waste batteries samples showed, only 1 sample’s mercury content was 28.5ppm, the others’ were all complied with the standards 5 ppm of both domestic and EU battery directive regulations. The testing result of lamps from 2008 to 2012 showed that there were 106 samples complied with the EU regulation, about 75.7% of total samples. The press conference was hold on 17, Jan. The subject for the conference was lamps breakage prevention. The project provided educational films and the tools for demonstration. The executive principal of the subsidy for the inventing and researching of regulated recyclable wastes collection and recycling was announced on 3, Jan, 2012. The applying documents and references were sent out on 2, Feb. Total 29 units applied, and 15 of them passed the auditing and qualified for the subsidy. 101 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49226
「陸上運輸系統(高架道路橋面下聲音)噪音管制方式及改善措施之研究」研究案 國內近年來高、快速公路的建設,多數路段採高架工程,加上高架道路下方有平面道路,在高架道路完成後,當下方平面道路所產生之交通噪音遇到高架道路底部橋面板時,造成聲音多次反射,而使音量增加,所產生之反射音影響了兩側之住戶,就是目前陳情人所抱怨反射音之問題。本案希望透過模擬來瞭解噪音影響程度,而考量之因素包括如高架道路橋下吸音率、高架道路橋下(橋邊)交通量與車速、高架道路寬度、兩側距高架道路不同距離民宅或橋面下行人影響程度,在透過調查、監測、模擬與分析後,再提出我國高架道路橋面下降低噪音之建議及改善措施。除了蒐集研析日本等先進國家有關高架道路橋面下聲音之噪音特性及改善措施與調查與探討我國高架道路橋面下之噪音情形,還包括研析我國高架道路橋面下之噪音情形及改善措施語協調公路管理機關討論高架道路橋面下聲音改善措施等工作目標。今年度陸上運輸系統(高架道路橋面下聲音)噪音管制方式及改善措施之研究計畫工作成果包括:一、蒐集研析至少日本等先進國家有關高架道路橋面下之噪音特性及改善措施,包括含量測評估方法、防制措施。二、調查我國高架道路橋面下之噪音情形,包括蒐集彙整國外有關高架道路橋面下噪音之研究方法,並召開2場次專家諮詢會議及分析我國高架道路橋面下與橋邊隔音牆等噪音可能情形地點至少20處。三、建立我國高架道路橋面下或橋邊之噪音基本資料及改善措施,包括現場調查6處(包括環境狀況、橋面資料、流量與聲音情形)、模擬並瞭解噪音影響程度。四、協調公路管理機關討論高架道路橋面下聲音改善措施,以廣徵各界針對我國高架道路橋面下噪音之研究方法、可行防制方式或改善措施之意見,並指派專人1名,執行「噪音管制紀實」編撰之文書處理及相關行政作業 Research Project on Noise Control Solutions and Improvement Measures for Land Transportation System In recent years, freeway and expressway construction projects in our country often adopt elevated engineering structures along many sections. With plain roads underneath, after completion of viaducts, the noises derived from traffic on plain roads underneath tend to make multiple reflections when they hit the bottom of the viaduct, making the volume of noises increased. Obviously having affected the living quality of the residents on both sides of the roads, these reflection noises have become the main complained issue in petitions concerning reflection noises. This project aims to identify the impact of reflection noises through simulation. The factors to be considered include the sound absorption rate underneath the viaduct, traffic load and speed underneath (or around both sides of) the viaduct, width of the viaduct, and the different impact on residents or passersby with different distances from the area underneath the viaduct. Through investigation, monitoring, simulation and analysis, this project plans to propose recommendations and improvement measures for reducing the noises underneath the viaducts in our country. Other than collecting and analyzing information on noise properties and improvement measures concerning the noises underneath the viaducts in advanced countries, such as Japan, and investigating and discussing about the noise situations underneath the viaducts in our country, the objectives of this project also include analyzing the noise situations underneath the viaducts in our country, proposing improvement measures, and coordinating with road competent authorities to discuss the proposed improvement measures on noises underneath the viaducts in our country.Results of the Research Project on Noise Control Solutions and Improvement Measures for Land Transportation System (Particularly Noises underneath Viaducts) include:1. Collected and analyzed information on noise properties and improvement measures (including measuring and assessing methods and preventive measures) concerning the noises underneath the viaducts in advanced countries, such as Japan.2. Investigated the noise situations underneath the viaducts in our countries (including collected and integrated research methods concerning noises underneath the viaducts adopted in foreign countries), convened 2 Expert Advisory Panel meetings, and analyzed the effect of sound-proof walls at 20 spots that are likely to be affected by noises underneath (or around both sides of) the viaducts in our country.3. Established basic data on noises underneath (or around both sides of) the viaducts in our country and proposed improvement measures. The activities included field investigation of more than 6 spots (including environmental conditions, viaduct data, traffic flow and noises), noise simulation, and determination of the impact of noises.4. Coordinated with road competent authorities to discuss the proposed improvement measures on noises underneath the viaducts in order to collect opinions from all circles on research methods, feasible preventive measures and improvement measures for noises underneath the viaducts in our country. We also appointed a specific person to compile the “Noise Control Records” and conduct related administrative works. 101 空保處 國立暨南國際大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43660
加油站油槍正確使用調查宣導計畫 101 空保處 財團法人環保媽媽環境保護基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=39073
環境保護許可及管理整合專案計畫 本計畫為延續100年度所評估之成果,及強化現行EMS資訊網之應用功能與資訊安全之維護,可細分為以下四大工作重點。1.推動電子簽章許可申請、電子付費及核發電子許可證作業。2.規劃指紋資料庫建置之方向與申報制度。3.強化及提升環境保護許可及管理整合效益。4.提供資訊系統維運服務。本年度持續推動許可證申請電子化作業,包含開發電子簽章功能與辦理全國電子付費帳務申請及輔導作業,並研析及建置電子許可證核發之功能及作業方式,冀望可達成許可證申請無紙化之作業方式。此外亦配合環境檢驗所之建議,研析污染物指紋資料申報制度,並優化事業廢棄物產業特性資料庫(原事業廢棄物指紋資料庫),可輔助使用者透過此系統縮小事業廢棄物棄置之對象範圍。另為配合擴大整合環境用藥及加油站系統,及利用99年介接之營建空污費徵收及管理系統比對廢棄物清理法之資料,開發相關統計及勾稽報表,提供各環保機關可於EMS資訊網取得更多元化之資料;本年度亦導入圖片標記技術,提供更豐富且易於瀏覽之廠區平面配置圖,並開發管制編號線上申請系統,可提升業者申請之便利性及環保機關之行政效率,於上線1個月來已逾200件申請案。除了系統開發外,亦擴充EMS資訊網之基線資料欄位,新增碳標籤計算登錄欄位與毒性化學物質之原物料、產品等代碼資料,藉以提供更多元化之系統資料。配合101年10月1日施行之個人資料保護法,調整系統之登入方式及敏感基線資料之加密作業,並配合監資處進行系統異地備援演練,模擬中華電信東七機房主機斷線,台中文心機房異地主機備援運作之情形,此外為確保系統正常運作定期每月執行系統例行性維運作業,密切監控系統之運作情形,以確保系統之服務品質。 Environmental permit processing and integration plans The project has continued the results evaluated in 2011, and strengthened the applied functions on the present EMS and the maintenance of information security, as the following four points indicate. 1. Promoting the application of E-Signatures and E-Payments, and issuing E-Certificates; 2. Planning to establish Fingerprints Data-base and reporting regulation; 3. Strengthening and enhancing the permission on environmental protection and the efficiency of management integration. 4. Providing the operation service of information system.The application of permission certificates by digitalized system has been continued, including developing the electronic signature function, and the application and education of electronic bills. The electronic permission certificates were analyzed and created aw well, in the hope that the application of permission certificates can be paperless.In addition, in respond to the suggestions from National Institute of Environmental Analysis, the reporting system on pollutants fingerprints data were analyzed, and the industrial waste database was enhanced, thereby assisting users to minimize the range of subjects who abandon industrial waste.Then, in respond to the enlarged integration of Environmental Agents Management System and Gas Station System, and to exploit the connection information of “charging the fees of air pollution caused by construction” and Waste Cleaning Comparison Management System, statistic and audit sheets were developed, providing environmental institutions with multiple information on the EMS website. Additionally, the picture tagging technique was employed, providing more abundant and easy-browsing factory floor plan information, and regulation numbering online system was developed, enhancing convenience for business application and administrative efficiency for environmental institutions. More than 200 application cases were applied since its online debut for the first month. Moreover, the baseline information fields on the EMS website were expanded, and the login field for carbon label calculating and the code information for the raw material and products of toxic chemicals were added, providing multiple system information.Finally, corresponding to the Personal Information Protection Act having carried out since Oct. 01, 2012, the way to login was adjusted and the sensitive baseline information was coded. What is more, in respond to Disaster Recovery drills in the Department of Environmental Monitoring & Information Management, we hold the drill that the host in the IDC (Internet Data Center), East 7, Chunghwa Telecom, was disconnected, and Taichung Wenhsing IDC took over to backup and recovery. And, to ensure the system operated in normal and the service in quality, the regular maintenance operation was adopted every month, strictly supervising the operation of the system. 101 廢管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43040
金門低碳島建設與執行成效考核專案工作計畫 以99年金門低碳島建設規劃計畫之結論為基礎,繼續推動金門低碳島建設與執行成效考核工作,內容包括:協助金門低碳島建設相關措施之技術可行與成本效益評估;檢討金門低碳島建設之地方自治規章與財源規劃,研提修正意見;規劃烈嶼鄉示範性區域能源供應系統;辦理低碳宣導與座談;辦理金門低碳島推動措施執行進度管考。 Performance Evaluation of the Construction and Implementation of Kinmen Low Carbon Island. Based on the planning of Kinmen Low Carbon Island Project 2010, we will continue to reinforce and evaluate the status and performance of its construction and implementation, including technical feasibility, cost-effectiveness evaluation, local regulations, finance, demonstrative regional energy supply system in Lie-Yu, low carbon promotion and meetings ,and tracking of low carbon measures. 101 生態社區推動方案室 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47138
101年度臺南市綠屋頂及空品淨化區考核計畫 依據「101年度臺南市綠屋頂推動及空品淨化區考核計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)合約規定,本計畫主要工作範疇為掌握更新臺南市空氣品質淨化區,辦理追蹤考核;並依據環保署室內空氣品質法規依據,辦理臺南市公共場所之室內空氣品質巡檢、檢測及輔導改善。原契約有關綠屋頂推動相關工作,已配合環保局辦理契約變更為室內空氣品質場所輔導(詳如第一章說明)。本計畫各項工作執行成果摘要如下:本計畫執行期間掌握臺南市空氣品質淨化區之基本資料,完成101年度「臺南市空氣品質淨化區經營維護追蹤考核辦法」及101年度「新增綠地面積申請審查及補助要點」,101年度考核要點增加淨化區類別特色考評,同時依考評分數級距有不同之維護費撥款比例,並新增未具空品淨化功能之空品淨化區退場機制,以提升整體淨化區成效。而後召開2場次說明會及1場次研習會,以說明維護管理考核要點及補助辦法。於101年度維護考核推動上,101年度納管淨化區共計197處,包含環保公園25處、環保林園大道21處、社區綠帶151處,總綠化面積84.35公頃。經由各淨化區每年2次之現勘考核(共394處次),每月提報環保局自評考核意見,並將新增資訊每月同步更新於臺南市空氣品質淨化區網頁,供維護單位查詢改善。由100年及101年考評成績差異比較而言, 101年度75分以下基地有減少趨勢,而以80~85分級距最多,可見整體維護績效在過去維護較差基地已有逐漸改善。近一步分析101年度考評結果,總數5處以上10處以下之行政區,每處考評分數皆有80分以上者為七股、北區、西港、柳營等。而10處以上之行政區每處考評分數皆有80分以上者為白河;南化、後壁、新營、新化雖多數亦為80分以上,但有1-3處淨化區為80分以下,需加以強化改善。本年度更協助臺南市空氣品質淨化區推動QR code、Google Earth淨化區地圖、環景圖建置等多項創新做法,提升資訊使用之便利。在空品淨化區空氣淨化推估上,101年度進行10處淨化區共量測450株喬木,經推估10處淨化區101年碳匯總量為6.643公噸/年,較100年成長0.465公噸/年。而臺南市全數空品淨化區空氣污染物淨化量,每年約可吸收粒狀污染物19.53公噸/年、二氧化硫284.14公噸/年、二氧化氮64.77公噸/年、二氧化碳873.70公噸/年、一氧化碳83.57公噸/年、臭氧372.27公噸/年、過氧硝酸乙烯酯6.46公噸/年。上述成果均公開予維護管理單位及一般民眾運用,有效提升空氣品質淨化區能見度及滿意度。在室內空氣品質管制推動上,已完成3場次法規說明會及1場次教育宣導說明會,其中2場次法規說明會及1場次教宣會於環保署室內空品相關子法公告日(101.11.23)後召開,使臺南市各可能公告場所更可掌握環保署最新法規動態,以於法規宣導期可提升法規符合度。同時本計畫並篩選醫療院所、公務機關、幼兒園、交通運輸、百貨商場等類別,完成辦理20家次巡檢。並透過巡檢結果完成10處場所之公告方法檢測及3場次專家學者輔導改善。依巡檢檢測結果顯示,醫療院所(主要不符污染物:CO2 、HCHO)、公務機關、學校(主要不符污染物: TVOC)、幼兒園(主要不符污染物: PM10)、交通運輸(主要不符污染物:HCHO)、百貨商場(主要不符污染物:HCHO、TVOC),後以公告標準檢測方法確認,臺南市上述公共場所之主要不符標準污染物為CO2 、HCHO、TVOC、PM10等,並針對新樓醫院、母佑幼兒園、新光三越(西門分公司)三處進行專家輔導改善,共同建議為應由源頭減低污染源,但若因醫療、教學等必要使用時,建議選用低污染產品,並於使用時加強局部通風換氣予以改善。另針對有空調機場之場所,應注意外氣比例調節避免CO2濃度升高,並定期維護保養避免濾網髒污、管道保溫層破損造成結露衍生真菌問題。而採自然通風場所建議可因應外氣髒污程度調整開窗,若外氣有交通源污染疑慮時,可以室內空調隔絕,並保留窗戶對角微開換氣,避免室內CO2濃度過高。在其它工作方面,本計畫協助擬訂「綠屋頂示範補助作業辦法(草案)」,「臺南市政府及所屬各機關學校因應室內空氣品質管理法應行注意事項(草案)」等,並依據環保署最新公告法規製作室內空品宣導手冊,並協助辦理環保署淨化區現勘查核及生態綠化補助現勘工作。並依合約完成相關宣導工作,包含媒體新聞發佈5則,桌曆、電子賀卡、著色塗鴉、宣導動畫及小遊戲等各1則製作。 2012 Tainan City Green Roof and Clean Air Zones Maintenance and Management Project In accordance with the “2012 Tainan City Green Roof and Clean Air Zones Maintenance and Management Project”, the execution of each work item is summarized below:In order to promote and maintain the effectiveness of clean air zones, continuously updated the setting of the new clean air zones and established other related information every month. The latest news published on the website instantaneously. Upload the related information of workshop and results of activities on the web. In addition, the project had setting Integrate QR code and Google Map of information about Clean Air Zones. It’s new apporoach with convenience to help people searching information about Clean Air Zones.In 2012, the project had Revise clean air zones grants, management and auditing method. Major amendments contain three point, (1) according to different kinds of Clean Air Zones had Features auditing. (2) different maintenance grants allocation ratio according to the auduting scores level from last year. (3) add with exit mechanism. It was imporve to enhance the effectiveness of maintenance and management, and show in the scores of 2012 auditing result.The 2012 Clean Air Zones totaled 197, including 25 Green Park, Green Road 21, Green Community 151, the total green area of 84.35 hectares. Estimated 197 clean air zone’s pollutant purification results which are completed in 2012, including of 873.3 ton CO2/yr. Other air pollutant including of reduce TSP 19.53 ton/yr, SOx 284.14 ton/yr, NOx 64.77 ton/yr, CO 83.57 ton/yr, O3 372.27 ton/yr, and PAH 6.46 ton/yr. Otherwise, The CO2 absorbing capacity of the 10 clean air zones in Tainan City is 6.643 tons per year in 2012.It was four meeting of Indoor air quality management laws and regulations held on 2012 to regulatory and developments to enhance advocacy of regulations. The project screening 20 public place with Category of medical institutions, public agencies, kindergarten, transportation, department store, complete the processing of the indoor air quality detecting. Assistance for improvement of 10 places to standard process detection and 3 places for experts counseling. In accordance with the detection results, medical institutes (inconsistent pollutants: CO2, HCHO), official agencies, schools (inconsistent pollutants: TVOC), kindergarten (inconsistent pollutants: PM10), transportation (mainly inconsistent pollution material: HCHO), department stores (inconsistent pollutants: HCHO, TVOC). The expert guidance to improve indoor air quality, reduce pollution source, if necessary use the hazardous substances, should be strengthen the local ventilation, and regularly maintain the Air-conditioning system.In other work, the project assist in the development of "green roof demonstration grants Regulations (draft)", "The Tainan City Government and the respective offices and schools in response to Indoor Air Quality Management Act (draft)", and in accordance with EPA latest announcements of the indoor air quality act, revise "Manual of indoor air quality management". And related work done by contract, including 5 news which published on newspaper. And a desk calendar, e-cards, coloring graffiti, advocacy animation and game production. 101 台南市環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=52183
101年資訊產品環保標章驗證作業專案工作計畫 消費行為是現代人必有的活動,亦為絕大多數產業運作目標與利潤之來源,透過民眾日常消費產生之經濟利益數量驚人,隨著民眾環保觀念逐漸提升,若能教育民眾優先選購對環境友善之產品或服務,此一日常活動造成之龐大經濟利益正可用以推動環境保護,並使業界發現環境保護工作亦可以創造利潤,使環保工作具有自行前進之動力。有鑑於此,德國在1978年首倡推動產品環保標章(Ecolablelling)的觀念與制度,期使經由綠色消費行為促使產品製造商減少產品與製程對環境的負荷。這個制度已經相當迅速地被世界各國採用。目前全世界有五十多個國家已實施環保標章制度。為加強合作,各國執行組織於1994年成立國際性非營利之全球環保標章網路組織(Global Ecolabelling Network,GEN),目前共有包含我國、美、加、德、日、歐盟在內之30個正式會員與3個贊助會員。我國行政院環境保護署為順應世界趨勢,鼓勵事業單位於產品之原料取得、製造販賣、使用及廢棄等階段之產品生命週期過程中,能夠降低環境之污染及節省資源之消耗,促進廢棄物之減量、減毒及回收,同時喚醒消費者慎選可回收、低污染、省資源之產品,以提昇環境品質,特參考德國、日本、加拿大、北歐、美國、歐盟等先進國家實施環保標章制度之經驗,研討頒發產品之環保標章,並於民國81年03月19日評選出以一片綠色樹葉包裹著乾淨不受污染的地球作為環保標章的圖案,並依法註冊登記其商標專用權對外公告。經歷多年推動並於民國91年首創政府綠色採購相關法令後,環保標章與第二類環境保護產品申請案件大幅增加。環保署自95年度起將環保標章產品驗證業務獨立於其他環保標章相關計畫之外,採按件計酬方式另行招標辦理。 Certification of Environmentally Preferrable Information Products of 2012. During the period of April to November, 2011, 27 Green Mark Working Group meetings and 8 Green Mark Review Committee meetings were held; a total of 598 information technology product Green Mark usage applications were reviewed, with 578 applications approved and 10 rejected; and 10 products were added or revised after on-site audits. In this fiscal year, most of the products approved for Green Mark usage are computer systems, multi-function devices, notebook computers, monitors, printers and toner cartridges. This result clearly reflects that government’s current green procurement requirement is still the major driving force for manufacturers’ applying for Green Mark usage. Product categories with the most applicants are also the categories with the highest government green procurement spending, such as the consumerables and computer systems. When compared with the last three years, this year's main reason for rejection of applications are quite simple, as some 90% of them are due to products’ not meeting relevant Green Mark requirements themselves, whereas other widely seen reasons in past years, such as illegal factories and poor quality test reports have greatly reduced. In terms of processing Green Mark usage applications for information technology products during the April-November period (based on statistics for the 4th to the 11th Review Committee meetings), the average processing times (in days) are: 113 days (from applicant’s submission of application to approved/rejected for use of Green Mark), 60 days (from sending applicant request for additional materials till receiving materials), 12 days (EDF’s processing time including document review, review of additional materials, to schedule and complete on-site audit), and 41 days (from completion of EDF’s initial review to Green Mark Review Committee’s decision on approval/rejection). 101 管考處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46248
101年度宜蘭縣水污染源稽查管制計畫暨緊急應變演練計畫 本計畫之執行重點在於協助環保局推動轄區內水污染源稽查管制工作以及水質監測工作,確實掌握宜蘭縣轄區內水污染源之水污染防治現況,透過計畫之稽查管制工作,督促轄內列管之事業單位落實水污染防治設施之操作維護,達成轄內各流域測站水質改善之目標。期末報告統計自101年3月2日至101年11月30日止之執行成果如下。一、協助水污染源列管事業稽查工作執行水污染源稽查共計1,082件次,其中『屬於水污法定義範圍內之列管事業』有939件次,屬本計畫執行部分(101年3月2日至11月30日期間),現場稽查家數(包括工業區清查、採樣及送樣)共計857家次,其中工業區清查有224家次,協助水質採樣送驗作業有304家次,計畫執行8個月各項稽查管制作業均已達成年度目標值100%以上。各水污染列管事業稽查,以畜牧業稽查227件次為最多佔總稽查24.17%;其次為土石採取、加工及堆置業稽查96件,食品製造業稽查75件位居第三;各下水道共計稽查156件次,以石油化學專業區以外之工業區稽查81件次為最多,可知本縣稽查重點行業以畜牧業、工業區列管事業單位及砂石業為主。各流域列管事業稽查,以新城溪流域稽查299件次為最多,其次為得子口溪流域稽查190件次,二條流域的列管稽查量佔總稽查52.08%,另蘭陽溪流域水污染源列管事業以砂石業為主亦為本年度之熱區行業亦執行稽查有139件次。針對本縣得子口溪及蘭陽溪熱區水污染源列管事業單位共計有194家,扣除本年度已申請解列者5家,目前熱區列管事業單位為189家,統計至11月30日止共計稽查188家累計執行464件次,熱區稽查管制率達99.47%,另進行放流水水質採樣共計執行180件次。執行水污染源稽查告發處分共計裁處63件次,總罰鍰金額為新台幣5,348,000元整,以新城溪流域因違反水污法相關規定遭處分者24件為最多佔39.10%,依行業別來看,以畜牧業共計裁處14件佔22.22%為最多。 統計至11月30日,查獲9根次之不明管線,已協助完成9支封管拆除作業,後續仍將持續進行查緝暗管工作,並針對侷限空間作業辦理1場教育訓練會。對於廢水處理設施具改善空間之公私場所,計畫已完成7家次水污染源廢水處理設備功能評鑑之初評、單元設施採樣、複評及協商等作業。追蹤99年度及100年度所執行16家功能評鑑已全數改善完成,計畫為深入了解各廠是否有依當時所承諾之改善內容確實執行,亦於本年度進行實地勘察,經查核現場結果其16家功能評鑑之事業單位,黃天助養豬場在99年功能評鑑意見,厭氧池4池中有3池紅泥沼氣袋毀壞塌陷,失去功能,此部分雖於100年度完成改善,但經本年度計畫查核發現又有2池紅泥沼氣袋已毀壞塌陷,現場已要求儘速改善。二、辦理水污染防治許可審查及資料庫建置執行許可審查件數共192家283件次,協助執行水污染防治相關許可文件資料庫管理、建置、維護、更新作業,整體許可審查平均天數為3.8天較去年同期(6.8天)減少了3天;另至101年11月30日止,本計畫稽查及建立之水污染源系統資料庫建置共計1,180件。針對申請案件需進行現場處理設施勘查及設施比對者審查共計13家13件次,申請案件設施現勘作業情形;而不需進行現場處理設施勘查之審查案件審查共計164家256件次。辦理許可審查申請共計192家,12家因文件不全退件要求補正中,2家因補正逾期駁回廢(污)水貯留許可及許可展延申請,其通過許可審查核可者有178家,針對通過之178家目前均已完成核可及發證作業,許可同意備查及發證率達100%,許可完成核可或發證後鍵入水系統平均天數為1.4天,較去年同期(2.5天)減少了1.1天。三、河川水質、支流排水水質水量調查及湖泊監測作業監測之河川水質監測站包括宜蘭河、羅東溪、安農溪、十六份排水、打那岸排水、美福排水等測站。每次採樣之檢驗項目包含:水溫、pH、導電度、溶氧、BOD、SS、NH3-N、大腸桿菌群、總磷、硝酸鹽氮、亞硝酸鹽氮、總氮、重金屬(鎘、鉛、六價鉻),至101年11月30日止,計畫已完成年度河川水質採樣檢測共計15站45點次(河川水質監測13點次及蘭陽上游監測2點次),進度達成率為100%,針對歷年河川水質監測資料及統計分析結果彙整於5.4節。蘭陽溪高冷蔬菜種植區上下游水質檢測結果顯示,蘭陽溪繼光橋及家源橋二測點所測農藥值均符合法令標準值,顯示河川水質尚未遭受農藥污染。湖泊水質監測站包括龍潭湖、大湖、雙連埤、梅花湖、翠峰湖等五大湖泊,根據計畫規定每監測站共採樣檢測2次,每次採樣之檢驗項目包括:水溫、pH、導電度、溶氧、BOD、SS、NH3-N總磷、葉綠素a、透明度等項目,至101年11月30日止,計畫已完成五大湖泊水質採樣檢30點次,進度達成率為100%,針對歷年湖泊水質監測資料及統計分析結果彙整於5.5節。為瞭解河川水體水質的污染來源,確認各主支流之水質狀況,以了解入流水體之可能污染來源。101年度環保局選定本縣熱區得子口溪為主要調查對象,進行其支排流水水質水量調查,截至11月30日針對李寶興排水、三民五中排(民生排水閘門)、七結中排前鐵路橋、林美溪匯入得子口溪前、武暖排水(武暖排水門)、二龍河(二龍河下流排水門)、玉田排水(玉田六連閘門)、塭底排水(塭底九連排水門)、十三股排水(十三股排水閘門)、下埔排水匯入得子口溪前等10個點位,分別於4月及8月各完成一次監測作業共計20點次,進度達成率為100%,針對支流排水水質監測資料及統計分析結果彙整於5.7節。四、河川水域生態調查延續100年度選定之生態調查地點,依上游至下游順序分別為美慶山莊、七結橋、二龍河下游閘門(與主流道匯流處)、時潮橋(原名為復興橋)及竹安舊橋(99年5月拆除)。本計畫於101年5月完成第一次調查;於101年10月完成第二次調查,分別代表豐水期及枯水期之水域生態,進度達成率為100%。第一次調查共紀錄到魚類4目9科18種共155尾,第二次調查共紀錄到魚類5目9科18種共124尾,得子口溪的樣站可以分成三段來看,最上游為具有潭和瀨棲地變化的美慶山莊,生物相與棲地環境與下游樣站不同。中下游樣站以潭為主要水域型態,水質自淨能力較差。中游為七結橋和二龍河。時潮橋和竹安橋為感潮的河段,常有周緣性淡水魚進入。歷年得子口溪水棲昆蟲Hilsenhoff科級指數顯示,美慶山莊有最好的水質環境狀況,因為具有蜉蝣、石蠅與石蠶昆蟲,而其他樣站沒有這三個目的昆蟲。至於在感潮的河段過去調查曾經發現到蜉蝣,可能需要更多的採樣資料證實。七結橋為環境狀況較壞的樣站,二龍河較七結橋稍好。時潮橋和竹安橋為感潮河段,潮汐會造成經常性的水質環境的改變。五、水污染事件緊急應變(一)海洋污染緊急應變演練 本年度演練工作由4月調查各單位應變能量起,至完成正式演練為止,共計辦理分工會議1場、預演4場,時程歷時近2個月,經由多次的內容討論、預演、檢討與正式演練,使得宜蘭縣海洋污染防治能力得以提升。101年度宜蘭縣海洋、河川污染緊急應變演練計有20個單位、122名參演人員,原訂101年6月13日辦理,但因受豪雨及颱風影響順延至101年6月26日假宜蘭縣蘇澳港第二碼頭完成演練。(二)列管港口(商港、軍港、漁港)巡查協助執行本縣列管港口(商港、軍港、漁港)200處次以上巡查工作以及船舶稽查55艘次以上,統計至101年11月30日止,已完成列管港口巡查230件,以南方澳3號港池為最多佔13.48%,其次為梗枋漁港及烏石漁港各佔13.04%,巡查重點以遊客或漁業行為頻繁地點為主,發現海面部分有垃圾或浮油污染情形共26件(11.30%);陸域部分有發現8件(3.48%)垃圾棄置情形,均立即通知管理單位進行處理,並協助完成後續複查作業,計畫在執行船舶稽查時均加強宣導勿海拋垃圾污染海洋。另協助進行船舶稽查管制共計56件 ,查核結果均符合相關規定。(三)海洋、河川污染緊急應變教育訓練統計至101年11月30日止,共辦理3場次教育宣導活動,第一場主要內容為應變設備操演訓練教導業者在發生污染事件時如何緊急應變將對環境的危害降至最低,第二場應變人員及稽查人員在處理各種污染緊急應變及執行有危險性稽查(如下水道、大排或暗管等)作業時,如何於作業前確認緊急應變程序及面對可能從事發生有危害之虞作業時,如何維護自身安全,目的在於除平常訓練能將污染事件對環境的危害降至最低外,並保障人員生命之安全,第三場辦理宜蘭縣敏感海域污染緊急應變兵棋推演,藉由災害發生事故假設劇情來模擬可能危害敏感海域的污染緊急事件發生時兵棋推演,由主推官依事件發生兵棋推演各階段狀況,包括通報程序、第一時間緊急應變、緊急應變中心成立、漏油應變策略、媒體處理、保險與求償、殘油移除及結束時機等八階段,來進行與各單位問答,使各單位確實了解自己所應負的權責及應變作為為何。三場次參與人數共195人。(四)應變設備清查及操作維護為維護應變器材之正常功能,每月執行至少兩次水污染緊急應變器材清點保養作業,如發生水污染事件時亦將視實際狀況增加清點頻率,以有效掌握環保局自身應變能量之使用狀況,而為避免機械性水污染應變設備器材因長期未使用而損壞,均定期由計畫駐局人員予以操作發動。六、宣導作業(一)教育宣導活動統計至101年11月30日止,共辦理8場次教育宣導活動,主要內容為河川、海洋污染防治教育、生活污水減量、環境保護巡守宣導及水質檢測DIY教學宣導等,參與人數共6,000人。各場次教育宣導活動中配合環保署結合節能減碳目標,持續推廣「省水、節能、減污」的觀念,並於現場進行水質簡易試劑教學,使參與民眾認識溫度、酸鹼值、溶氧等水質監測項目與方法。(二)法令宣導說明會統計至101年11月30日止,邀請專家學者擔任講師共辦理3場次法令宣導說明會,第一場主要宣導對象為本縣水污染源及固定污染源列管事業單位,易有逕流廢水產生之行業別,課程內容主要針對行業類別中有堆置行為之事業單位,使其了解除作業廢水外,場區內之逕流廢水亦需有效收集及處理、水污法令及廢污水處理設施操作注意事項之講解,出席率達七成五。第二場主要宣導對象為本縣水污染源列管下水道系統及廢水性質較為相近事業單位,課程內容主要配合環保署政策宣導下水道系統社區污水處理設施受託操作服務定型化契約範本、水污法令及廢污水處理設施操作注意事項之講解,出席率達七成二以上。第三場主要宣導對象為本縣水污染源及固定污染源列管事業單位屬營建者,加強宣導營建業主及承包商於申報營建空污費時其工程規模屬一級營建工地者,除至空氣噪音防制科辦理空污費申報外,亦應並同於水污染源防治科辦理營建工地逕流廢水消減計畫,並宣導水污及空污相法令規定,出席率近100%。 Year 101Yilan County water pollution sources investigation control and the northern marine water quality monitoring plan Plan Introduction With the gradual formation of global village life style, environmental problems have become international common issues. The responding measures have been changed from the past passive pollution treatment to active prevention planning in advance. The objectives are for sustained utilization of resources, prosperous advancement of the two major issues: economic development and environmental protection. Thus, how to create economic development while take care of living environment quality has become an important issue for the government. Water pollution, with its characteristics of having immediate affect on the living quality of people, is the environmental issue with top priority. It also becomes the priority items in pollution improvement for the government..... Plan Origin  Since the public announcement of 1991 revised Water Pollution Control Act, it has been bringing the management spirit of honest report into permit system. This improved permit system is greatly helpful in collecting and controlling the basic information of the water pollution sources to offer the industrial wastewater administrative control standards. Furthermore, aiming to efficiently manage the permit data and relevant information, the MIS (Management Information System) of industrial water pollution has been gradually established and developed in recent year, to provide the foundation for the efficient management of the water pollution sources. These improvements have been actively contributing to the control of the industrial wastewater pollution in an extremely positive way  In the past years, to improve the pollution situation and promote water quality within variety of rivers areas of the administrative area, Environmental Protection Bureau, Yilan County Government (EPB, Yilan) emphasized on the implementation of the water quality investigation and interdiction before the discharge water into the rivers from the main pollution source industries and community sewers. By taking this administrative control measure, it looks forward to decreasing the water pollutants discharge into the rivers. However, the investigation and interdiction is only considered one of the passive pollution control methods. Thus, in order to efficiently achieve the decrease of the water pollutant discharge from the industrial wastewater and communities sewers, it requires the long-term continuous inspection tours of the river pollution sources to control and prevent the illegal actions; besides, strengthening the control and guidance of the pollution sources to ensure the routine operation of the wastewater treatment facilities, is obviously considered as an effective strategy at this present stage.  In this year 2012, to improve and perfect the performance of the water pollution control, EPB, Yilan proposes the“Year 101Yilan County water pollution sources investigation control and the northern marine water quality monitoring plan”, including accomplishment of the discharge permit system, strengthening the inspection and control of the water pollution sources, evaluating the function of the wastewater treatment facilities, seal or removal of the hidden discharge pipeline, implementation of the water quality and ecology investigation, as well as the northern marine water quality monitoring.Plan Objectives  In the attempt to provide EPB to master the water pollution control status within country’s water pollution sources, the Plan is mainly designed for EPB in two significant promotion targets including water pollution source inspection control work, and water quality monitoring work. In accordance with the public announcement of the selection guide, such as designed plan objectives, work items, job contents, and work timetable, the Plan conduct an program of the relevant operation and database establishment in order to achieve the information integration and analysis work. In addition, the Plan’s inspection and control work offers the further supervision toward the regulated enterprises to exactly implement the operation maintenance of water pollution control facilities, and accomplish the water quality improvement within county’s variety of river area monitoring stations.Work ItemsA. Assisting in investigation work of the regulated water pollution source industriesB. Performing of database management, establishment, maintenance, and renew work of relevant permit document of water pollution control plan. C. Assisting in conducting the variety of water pollution control plans, permit auditing, granting and the relevant operations.D. Assisting in checking, removal and seal of the hidden or unknown discharge pipelinesE. Assessment of wastewater treatment facilities function of water pollution sources.F. Holding of relevant laws & regulations declaration (promotion) session and educational promotion activities.G. Execution of regular water quality monitoring work for the rivers and the lakes.H. Implementation of the ecology investigation for the designated river areas.I. Analysis of water quality monitoring data and estimation of water pollution load. J. Determination and implementation of emergency response measures in the unexpected water pollution event.K. Implementation of the northern marine water monitoring work (Including Taichung City, Miaoli County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, Taoyuan County, New Taipei City, Keelung City, Yilan County and Hualien County)L. Conduct of water pollution control work and marine monitoring website renew and maintenance works. M. Assisting in collection and management of assessment data on water and marine pollution control relevant works N. Research of various operation plans and result reports. Expected Benefit-Introduction  To develop Yilan being a joyful hometown, Yilan county government has targeted “Build Yilian a happy county” as the general administrative goal of Yilan county. Based on the Yilan county administrative goals, environmental conservation development strategies are mainly be designed into four aspects of directions. They are included that nature conservation policy stresses on prevention measure, public nuisance control policy stresses on the efficient control, environmental plan policy emphasizes on resources used in a sustainable manner, and that accident prevention and response policy emphasizes on the strict and prompt response system. To sum up, the Plan is significantly carrying into effect of efficient river pollution prevention, water pollution accident response, and nature conservation.  To ensure the river water quality, the major works are to control water pollution and ensure the cleanliness of water resources in order to maintain ecological systems, enhance the living environment and advance public health. Thus, the Plan is proposed to apply the monitoring results as a standard for estimating the achievement of the decrease of pollution sources and water body load; besides, the Plan is designed to aim to inspect and control enterprise unit wastewater discharge, improve water body and water quality, and clean water body environment. In policy promotion, the Plan adopts to control the pollution sources and integrate variety of information to accomplish management assessment system, build an excellent water ecology environment, and to reduce the impact of the society and economic activities on the environment, in order to achieve the sustainable development of the happy city as soon as possible.   Furthermore, the Plan is specifying the proper water quality monitoring stations within the northern marine areas to conduct the regular marine environment monitoring and establish the marine background information, which provide the major evaluation and comparison reference for the future vital development projects; besides, the Plan is also programmed to review the current water quality condition in accordance with the monitoring results, clarify and trace the pollution sources to master the pollution treatment timing ,and take further proper control and response improvement plan. Expected BenefitThe Plan is estimated to achieve the following performance items:A. Strengthening of water bodies and water quality monitoring work to ensure the water quality condition of the rivers within the water source area, in order to reflect the security of the drinking water sources and master the updated water quality condition and its change, which would be the major guiding principle for the further pollution control.B. Promotion of permit and report system; implementation of assessment work for industrial unit discharge water and sludge volume; analysis of abnormal condition and full inspection work by combining the on-line reports.C. Establishment of pollution source databases, monitoring station information and current watershed condition analysis for EPB to hold the updated Yilan Country pollution source conditions in order to definitely determinate the future protection and control strategies.D. Establishment of marine background database through monitoring marine water quality, which would be the assessment standard for the future vital development project, and be the reference for promotion of marine ecology conservation.E. Foundation of establishment of marine area pre-warning system.F. Implementation of marine water monitoring work of the northern counties & cities and mastering of the northern marine. water quality variation to accomplish full environment monitoring and pollution control.G. Mastering of environment and ecology pollution treatment timing through the establishment of hydrological environment, water quality and sensitive ecology preserve to make full use of pre-warning function of environmental variation.H. Establishment of local marine monitoring database to provide the sharing information within the area. I. Establishment of county’s marine and water pollution event response system, such as strengthening of oil pollution emergency response faculty and notification communication, investigation and integration of relevant unit of marine oil pollution treatment facilities capacity in order to decrease the damage due to the unexpected accident event. J. Achievement of pollution inspection and control work for the commercial, industrial, fishing harbor, passage ship and the marine. 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47357
從世界意識到地方落實:臺灣環境教育發展與再學習專案工作計畫 目前面對極端的氣候變化以及生存環境的不穩定,人們逐漸體認到環境議題的重要性與急迫性。臺灣自2011年以來推行環境教育法規,有關公、私部門、民間NGO組織、以至於學術界之專家、研究者無不群起發聲,冀望能為環境議題提供更具前瞻性與周延的理解觀點。而在國際地理聯合會(International Geographic Union, IGU)所提出的IYGU內容中,也明白指出六個人類與環境和諧共處的重要關注面,並推及至人對於自然環境與人文社會的全球責任感。 鑑於此,本計畫主張有效理解環境問題須建立在跨領域性與環境教育的可持續性之基礎上。跨領域指涉的是前述三者(公部門、私部門與民間組織、學界教育界)之間由上而下與由下而上的整合聯結。除此之外,亦重視平行的跨學科領域的溝通與夥伴關係的建立,這有助於使環境議題的觀看視野更為寬廣、深化。而在可持續性的部分則注重環境教育的下一代傳承,透過計畫中論壇規劃與教學實踐,將環境議題所生產之的相關知識轉化為學校教育的內容並強調發展該議題的可操作性與可實踐性。 因此,本計畫限於計畫期程,於今年度的執行內容擬透過組織論壇到具體落實到教學,期待從議題的探討與發想,結合中等教育,將這套思維回歸到校園實踐、地方實踐,並培養學生對於環境的全球性意識。 在未來的後續研究計畫中,期望能定位為一個長期性、階段性、永續性的計畫性質,循序漸進地建立環境教育的重要典範,除了推廣跨領域教育與思維的重要性,也在於引起公共議題論壇,期待社會共同面對環境問題解決的跨界思維形成。 101 綜計處 中國地理學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44261
101年度環境影響評估書件及審查結論執行情形監督專案工作計畫 本年度計畫主要針對環境影響評估審查通過之六個開發案,包括「核能一廠」、「核能四廠第一、二號機發電計畫」、「中部科學工業園區第三期發展區(后里基地-后里農場部分)開發計畫」、「南科液晶電視及產業支援工業區(樹谷園區)開發計畫變更案」、「六輕四期擴建計畫」與「台灣中油股份有限公司三輕更新擴產計畫」等六個案,協助環保署依「環境影響評估法」第18條規定主管機關監督環境影響說明書、評估書及審查結論之執行情形,每季辦理現地監督工作、會同環境監測作業及協助辦理監督委員會議,落實環境影響評估書件及審查結論的執行成效,有效強化環境影響評估制度效能及提高行政效率。本專案計畫經執行檢討建議如下:(一)除例行性監督項目及該次監督重點項目之外,建議環保署考量由開發單位於「現地監督會議」說明前一季「環評監督委員會」委員意見之辦理情形。使環保署一方面能提早瞭解開發單位針對委員意見之辦理進度,俾利安排下一季環評監督委員會會議議程;另一方面輔導開發單位履行該案之環評承諾事項。(二)建議環保署針對代檢驗業之採樣人員執行該公司採樣標準作業程序作一查核,確認其是否符合公告之檢測方法或是有因其他考量之因素與公告方法不同,進一步為未來標準檢測方法訂定之參考。(三)建議環保署針對執行通過環境影響評估的重大開發案之檢測單位,進行不定期查核,以掌握代檢業者採樣作業之正確性及該採樣點之代表性。(四)建議環保署於會同環境監測作業查核之同時,針對有爭議之監測項目,可擬派各區環境督察大隊或環境檢驗所進行平行監測(採樣)方式,後續將可比對開發單位之監測(採樣)步驟、採樣保存方式、數據等是否有所差異。(五)建議環保署能於環評監督委員與環評審查委員會兩者之間建立相關機制,賦予環評監督委員會部分權限,針對開發案雖符合環評書件及審查結論內容但不合乎現況之情形提出相關建議,並納入監督事項;或是有定期之環境監測計畫檢討機制,使得環境監測計畫能具環境現況代表性。(六)部分監督委員成員因出席率過低,有的甚至自上任後從未出席,造成佔缺情形產生,讓居民代表之監督委員以及與會列席民眾對監督委員會運作產生會議流於形式之觀感。建議環保署能針對本計畫六個案環評監督委員之出席率列為未來遴選新任委員之參考,以維持監督委員會議為多方參與及運用專業經驗評定開發案對環境之影響之功能。(七)本計畫六個案為我國相關之重大開發案,鑒於非環評監督委員成員之關心相關議題人士申請旁聽列席並熱心參與會議之情形,建議環保署訂定環評監督委員會旁聽議事規則,以提供旁聽人員於能依據議事規則內容來進行意見表達,使得會議能順利進行並提升會議之討論效率。(八)建議環評承諾事項申報表之申報單位在監測計畫執行過程中,能將近期之監測數據於表格D中呈現,以使相關案子之承辦人員能於第一時間瞭解該案近期之環境監測現況,而不需要另外調閱相關監測成果報告,以提升執行效率;另外,在表格G「歷次環境影響評估追蹤監督事項」中之申報情形,部分開發案僅列與會單位之意見及辦理情形,建議申報單位亦能將該會議之辦理日期一併填入,以利該開發案之相關承辦人掌握該開發案監督查核之頻率。 The Supervision Project for Environmental Impact Assessment This annual project reviewed and supervised the approved environmental impact assessment (EIA) reports of six development projects, including the 1st nuclear power plant, the 4th nuclear power plant, the 3rd phase of Central Taiwan Science Park development project (Houli Science Park), the Tree Valley Park development modification project, the 6th Naphtha Cracker Project of Formosa Plastics Corporation, and the 3rd Naphtha Cracker Renovation and Expansion Project of CPC Corporation, Taiwan in the contract period. The contracted team assisted the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to implement the “Environmental Impact Assessment Act” and to monitor the commitments concluded in environmental impact assessment reports during each development stage in the construction and operation period. In order to monitor the effectiveness of the environmental impact assessment and to examine EIA commitments, the project conducted quarterly on-site investigation and environmental monitoring. The surveillance committee meeting was held regularly every three months to review and enhance administrative performance.This project proposed the following five recommendations to the committee:1. In addition to regular monitoring items and specific emphasized items, it was recommended that the EPA request the development company to report to the on-site monitoring conference the implementation of the EIA monitoring committee’s opinions in previous season. As a result, the EPA would be prepared to arrange the meeting agenda of the next EIA monitoring committee and to advise the development company to fulfill its commitments.2. It was recommended that the EPA review the standard operation procedure of sampling implemented by the inspection surrogates to verify the conformation of the procedure to the official inspection method. The results of the reviews would be used for modifying the SOP in the future.3. It was recommended that the EPA inspect the surrogate agencies with poor EIA examination records in order to assure the inspection surrogates’ adequate performance.4. It was recommended the EPA dispatch the regional environmental inspection work force or the environmental analysis laboratory to conduct simultaneously monitoring sampling for disputed monitoring items. The sampling procedure, preservation method, and data could be compared to those of the development company for verification purpose.5. It was recommended the competent authorities connect the EIA monitoring committee and the EIA review committee so the EIA monitoring committee had purview to make recommendations regarding EIA cases which conformed to the EIA requirements while considered unsuitable for the current situation and should be monitored closely. It was also recommended that a periodic review be needed for environmental monitoring programs in order to correspond to the current environmental situations.6. The performance of the monitoring committee was compromised by the poor attencancy of certain members of the committee and criticized by representatives from local communities as being inconsequential. It was recommended the EPA use the attendancy as one of the criteria for selecting new members of the committee in order to maintain proper functioning of the committee as a multi-representative and professional EIA monitoring mechanism.7. Since major development projects attracted attention from concerned stakeholders it was recommended that the auditing rules of procedure be stipulated for the EIA monitoring committee hearing so the stakeholders and concerned parties of the EIA cases could attend the hearings and state their opinions.8. It was recommended the development company present the monitoring data in the table D during the monitoring project implementation period so the project personnel could understand the current monitoring status without further document research. It was also recommended that the meeting date be filled in the table G item of ‘previous EIA monitoring status’ in order to be informed of the frequency of inspection of certain cases. 101 督察總隊 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49888
加強民生關注議題臭異味改善工作計畫 101 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47456
第一屆國家環境教育獎獎勵表揚規劃與執行專案工作計畫 本計畫配合「國家環境教育獎獎勵辦法」實施,辦理第一屆國家環境教育獎遴選表揚,甄選平日熱心推動環境教育,並有顯著績效之學校、機關(構)、民營事業、社區、團體及個人,予以表揚,以達到充分運用民間環保資源,鼓勵全民參與並獎勵績優人士及團體對環境教育推動的貢獻。本計畫工作項目包括完成訂定與印製各獎勵項目遴選表揚原則、報名表格及填寫說明等資料、建置國家環境教育獎網頁與維護、設計及製作獲獎者專屬獎座、完成各項評審會議、現場實地查訪及決選會議,並辦理頒獎典禮,針對獲獎者進行獲獎事蹟的拍攝及優良事蹟實錄彙編之製作;另配合辦理兩場記者會進行活動之宣傳與成果之宣導。 The First National Environmental Education Awards Planning and Implementation The project has accomplished the works regarding the reviewing of candidates for the first National Environmental Education Awards and the presenting of the awards to the selected winners according to the “National Environmental Education Awards Guidelines”. Winners with outstanding performance were selected from schools, government departments (agencies), private enterprises, communities, non-government organizations (NGOs), and individuals to encourage utmost exertion of environmental resources from private sectors as well as to promote citizen participation with the awards that praise participants’ contribution to the promotion of environmental education. The project work included the establishment and printing of the winner selection guidelines, together with the candidate registration forms and the guidelines to fill out the forms, as well as to build and maintain the National Environmental Education Awards website, to design and produce the trophy of awards, to carry out all review meetings and on-site visits, and to hold the awards ceremony. The project also made photographed publication of the awarded stories, and held two sessions of press conference to promote the activity and its achievements. 101 綜計處 豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=54737
應用衛星及遙測科技於海域監控及污染應變計畫 為強化臺灣地區油污染監測機制及技術,本計畫將使用衛星及無人飛行載具遙測技術進行我國海域監控及污染應變,協助辦理海洋油污染應變及遙測技術運用之國際交流事務,並與美國海洋暨大氣總署(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA)加強進行技術交流;此外,研擬改進國內海洋油污染遙測監控作業程序,並辦理「海洋油污染應變國際研討會」及「海洋油污染遙測監控技術推廣研習會」。 The application of Remote Sensing Technologies to Marine Pollution Monitoring and Response This project applies satellite and remote sensing technology to monitor marine pollution. It is scheduled to use satellite images from such as FORMOSAT-2 and SPOT to conduct regular marinemonitoring. In addition, a low-latitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) will be applicable in assisting of field investigations. To beable to clarify responsibility of marine and environmental pollution and facilitate damage evaluation, remote sensing technology application in Taiwanese inland and offshore areas is thus built. The working items include:1. The NCU project team has set up an emergencycommunicational network between the team and the EPA. The team has provided communicational network and remote sensing systems to take part in marine trainings and data collection exercises for eleven times during the project period.2. Satellite analysis branch, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service Center, National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration have been coordinated with each other in this project. Both units have discussed about oil monitoring technologies in radar satellite images and mechanism of data sharing in order to build up the consensus intechnological cooperation.3. Holding an international workshop, known as the 2012 Marine Pollution Response and Practice International Workshop, to discuss offshore oil spills and waste tracking analysis, the offshore freighter event emergency treatment and chemicalsleakage strain and control.4. Coordinate training courses for local government environmental executive units to improve their investigation ability and revisethe investigation assessment process on marine monitoring around Taiwanese maritime areas. 101 水保處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45261
101年度屏東縣空氣品質監測站操作維護及品保品管計畫 本計畫執行屏東縣空氣品質自動監測站一座(鹽洲國小)及二座人工空氣品質監測站(屏東縣政府及萬丹國中)之儀器設備運轉維護及品保品管作業,由於本計畫於民國101年1月18日至101年12月31日止共執行自動空氣品質監測站週維護52次、雙週維護24次、月維護12次、季維護4次、半年維護1次、年維維1次;人工空氣品質監測站TSP取樣24次,每月落塵採樣與清理維護12次,高量採樣器流量單點校正12次,高量採樣器流量多點校正4次。所有的監測儀之每月資料擷取率皆達90%以上。與鄰近環保署的自動測站(大寮、林園及潮州站)月平均濃度平行比對了解,鹽洲測站之監測品質狀況與環保署測站監測結果差異不大,顯示鹽洲測站數據品質具代表性。另外鹽洲測站因受高雄地區固定污染源(林園工業區)下風處影響,而導致其背景濃度略較其他測站為高。人工測站101年1月至101年12月監測結果,萬丹國中TSP年幾何平均測值為77μg/m3、落塵量平均為5.26噸-平方公里/月,屏東縣政府TSP年幾何平均測值為67μg/m3、落塵量平均為4.61噸-平方公里/月,顯示萬丹國中TSP測值與屏東縣政府之數據差異並不大。 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 台灣綠碁科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44737
宜蘭縣101年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 本計畫主要目標包括蘭陽溪上游施用生雞糞種植蔬菜地區、梅洲地區之土壤品質調查工作,並針對蘇澳對二甲苯外洩場址進行污染改善驗證調查。此外針對縣內既設場置性地下水監測井進行地下水監測工作,並辦理監測井外觀維護及定期巡察作業。本計畫亦協助辦理縣內緊急應變調查工作,以達長期維護管理土壤及地下水品質目標。計畫執行期間自本(101)年1月20日起至12月20日止,茲將本計畫主要執行工作內容辦理情形摘要說明如下:一、工作項目(一)針對本縣蘭陽溪上游進行調查,其內容包括至少50點次之土壤8項重金屬調查,並從其中挑選至少20點進行農藥項目之檢測,另外再進行10處農作物重金屬殘留量之檢測分析。此外需另行規劃至少50萬元之調查內容,俾完備整體執行成效。(二)於梅洲地區進行10點次多氯聯苯、10點次重金屬及5點次TPH之調查工作。(三)針對蘇澳對二甲苯外洩事件進行污染改善後之驗證工作,其內容至少包含10點次周邊土壤、3口簡易井地下水之TPH及VOCs檢測。(四)協助執行土壤或地下水相關污染案件之採樣、分析及調查等工作(含臨時性陳情案件處理)。(五)利用本縣既設之22口場置性地下水監測井調查地下水水質,並由其中挑選8處鄰近工廠或工業區內之監測井加測VOCs,以及時發現問題,追蹤污染來源並適當處置。(六)針對前述場置性監測井,篩選至少15口次進行完井工作,並由其中挑選5口進行井中攝影及資料處理等相關工作。(七)其他與本計畫相關之工作事項。二、執行成果(一)蘭陽溪上游土壤重金屬污染調查依三階段方式進行蘭陽溪上游蔬菜種植區之調查作業,完成工作內容包括84點次土壤重金屬、20點次土壤農藥及10點次農作物重金屬之檢測分析作業,調查結果計有1點位之砷、1點位之汞及10點位之銅濃度超過監測標準,另鋅濃度亦有接近監測標準之情形。就非行水區之種植區域而言,重金屬濃度與用地沿革及農民施肥習慣有關,而位於河床或高灘地等行水區之種植區域,除受前述因素影響外,亦可能受河道沖刷影響。另土壤農藥檢測結果多為ND,顯示土壤應暫無禁用農藥殘留之疑慮,而農作物重金屬檢測結果較過去為低,依國人每日攝取量而言應不致對人體健康造成危害。(二)梅洲地區土壤污染調查完成東一鋼鐵、宜陽瀝青及礁溪鄉保安段543地號之污染調查作業,共計完成17點次土壤採樣、10點次多氯聯苯、10點次重金屬及5點次TPH之檢測分析工作。依調查結果顯示,東一鋼鐵之土壤多氯聯苯、TPH、銅及鉻濃度超過管制標準;宜陽瀝青之土壤TPH超過管制標準,建議環保局後續依土污法相關規定進行列管。至於礁溪鄉保安段543地號雖無污染物濃度超過管制標準情形,但檢測結果仍測得多氯聯苯濃度達管制標準值之一半,顯示仍具污染潛勢。(三)蘇澳鎮對二甲苯外洩場址污染改善之驗證作業完成污染改善驗證調查規劃,包括10點次土壤之TPH及VOCs、2口次簡易井及2口次既設標準井地下水之TPHd及VOCs之檢測分析,調查作業預計於12月上旬完成辦理。(四)緊急應變案件之污染調查作業依據環保局指示協助完成本縣13案件之土壤或地下水採樣分析及調查工作,其中三星鄉紅柴林控制場址及冬山鄉東興段616地號之污染改善驗證調查結果未達改善目標,目前正持續列管中;冬山鄉東興段500-1地號及冬山鄉北富段2011地號之土壤重金屬濃度有超過管制標準情形,目前依土污法第7條第5項列管中。此外預計於12月上旬完成蘇澳鎮七星段105地號及蘇澳對二甲苯外洩場址離場土壤之污染改善驗證調查。(五)完成22口場置性監測井之地下水質監測及評析作業,經趨勢分析及法規值比對,發現除親水公園(G00028)之氨氮項目超過第二類地下水污染監測標準且具有上升趨勢外,其餘21口監測井水質變化趨勢均屬穩定。(六)針對積垢嚴重監測井完成共16口次再次完井作業,此外完成5口次井中攝影作業。(七)完成100年第4季至101年第3季加油站網路申報審核工作,業者申報率均為100%。(八)完成辦理2場次土壤及地下水污染防治之相關法規說明會,主題為「土壤及地下水污染調查及綠色整治技術實務說明會」及「加油站防止污染管理辦法與查核缺失改善輔導說明會」,整體出席率良好成果豐碩。(九)完成每月一次本縣區內污染場址周界進行綠美化與定期巡檢與清理工作,並於環保署「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網(Eco-life)」設置部落格,定期更新場址整治進度。(十)完成環保局土壤及地下水污染整治業務之中英文雙語專屬網站每月更新及維護作業,並每2個月通過無障礙A+檢測。 The Investigation and Identification Plan of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Yilan, 2012 The Investigation and Identification Plan of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Yilan, 2012OriginIn recently years, along with different levels of environmental protection governments continuously conduct related plans, how to validly understand the potential contamination conditions of soil and groundwater and appropriately practice contingency plans is the first topic for environmental protection governments and related industries.Objects1.According to the past investigation results, areas where soil and groundwater pollutant concentration over the control standards should be continuously monitored to control and establish the long-term local environmental quality data.2.Reduce risks of people health and enhance residential environmental safety.3.Enhance the management of pollution prevention to reduce wasting the resources for pollution remediation in the future.4.Support the investigation of all kinds of emergency responses in time.5.Regularly maintain the online declaration web site and upgrade the functions of database.Practice resultsThree major achievements of this project were listed below: 1.Soil quality investigation(1)Heavy metals investigation in the upstream of Lanyang RiverThe investigation was implemented in three stages. The detection and analysis of 84 soil heavy metals, 20 soil pesticides and 10 vegetable heavy metals was conducted, and it showed that the pollutant concentration of 12 soil samples were above the respective monitoring standards. It was concluded that the heavy metal concentration was related to the fertilization habits of farmers, the distance from the river to the plant area, and the scour effect of river. In addition, there was no residual pesticides in soil samples, and the vegetable heavy metal concentration conformed to the daily safety assimilation.(2)Investigation of PCBs in soil at Meizhou areaDung-yi Iron and Steel, Yi-yang Asphalt, and No. 543, Bauan Section, Jiaushi District were investigated, consisting of the detection and analysis of 10 PCBs, 10 heavy metals, and 5 TPH of soil samples. As a result, Dung-yi Iron and Steel and Yi-yang Asphalt were found that the pollutant concentration were over the control standards. It was suggested that both of these polluted sites should be remedied in accordance with the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. Besides, No. 543, Bauan Section, Jiaushi District was investigated to find high potential for PCB contamination. It was suggested that the EPB should carry out regular inspection to ensure the quality of the soil.(3)Verification of the improvement effect of the p-Xylene leaking site in SuaoVerification investigation was performed by 10 soil and 4 groundwater sampling and analysis. The outcomes will serve as references for the EPB in the following administrative control measures.(4)Emergency Responses16 cases of soil or groundwater contamination investigation were finished for the emergency responses. The soil pollutant concentration of 3 sites were over the control standards, so the EPB had restrained these sites in accordance with the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. Moreover, 3 restraining sites were investigated to verify the improvement effect. The results indicated that the pollutant concentration were still over the control standards, which meant the remediation works didn’t reach the improvement target.2.Monitoring wells maintenance and groundwater sampling survey.(1)From September 2001 to October 2011, 22 specific wells were installed to monitor groundwater. After collecting the monitoring data and trend analysis versus regulatory values, it was found that only River Park (No. G00028) had a rising trend in ammonia which even exceeded the second category of groundwater pollution monitoring standards. The groundwater quality trends of the rest 21 monitoring wells were stable.(2)According to the well bore results in 2011, 16 monitoring wells were re-developed and 5 of them were taken photographs to check the re-developing effect.3.Other Works(1)Finished the examination of gas station online declaration from season 4 of 2011 to season 3 of 2012. The declaration rate of each season was 100%.(2)Held two regulation sessions for soil and groundwater contamination prevention.(3)Inspected the contamination sites monthly and uploaded the remediation progress to the EPA " Eco-life website" periodically.(4)Updated the soil and groundwater pollution remediation website of YiLan EPB monthly. 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41059
空氣污染移動實驗室監測技術之研究開發(3/3) 本計畫為開發移動實驗室監測技術,整合觀測與模式應用,進而建立研究空氣污染之方法學,本年度為三年期計畫之第三年,今年完成「PTR-MS實驗室準確度評估」、「建立多重觸發分析設備」與「結合觀測與模擬應用於工業區實測」,各項工作成果將於內文完整呈現。準確度評估為針對100年計畫中「建立PTR-MS對工業區化學物質之分析方法」的延伸,內容包括滲透管濃度定量、補強化學物質之反應係數kc,修正PTR-MS中25個化學物質kc值,說明PTR-MS於定量上之準確度。多重觸發技術主要對100年H2S高值觸發設備進行延伸擴充,整合PTR-MS、TNMHC,建立多通道污染物監控實體技術,並將重點技術PTR-MS觸發設備投入工業區實測中。觀測與模擬結合為本計畫重點項目,針對環保署列為百大工業區,選定新竹、中壢之敏感環境執行觀測任務,將PTR-MS觸發系統架設於工業區服務中心(新竹)與忠福國小(中壢),利用離線(sampling tube、canister)與即時分析技術(PTR-MS)調查工業區周界VOC,建立園區污染物資料庫,並進一步挑選高污染成分作為觸發系統監控對象,將高污染事件保存於採樣罐,進行後續108種VOC分析,研析事件之空氣組成;模式以新竹工業區為進行個案分析,於整個工業區架設五座氣象塔(服務中心、東區污水處理場、西區污水處理場、中正國中、忠孝國中)收集風場資料,以精確模擬質點軌跡,以利推估的排放源。 Development of mobile laboratory techniques for air pollution monitoring This project is to exploit a mobile laboratory to investigate air pollution events in the surroundings of industrial parks. A novel methodology integrating monitoring techniques with model simulation was developed and tested with an aim to tackle odorous or toxic air quality problems around industrial parks. The project has entered its final year of a three-year period. In this year (2012), at the final stage of the project, three major tasks were accomplished adding tremendous versatility and ingenuity to the existing mobile laboratory technologies. The first task was to access the overall performance of PTR-MS by tesing 25 target compounds with distinct odors. There are two parts involved: One is to calculate and update the reaction rate coefficients (kc) from the physical properties of these species (i.e., polarizability, dipole moment and moment of inertia) using the computational method of electronic structure. The other is to validate the accuracy of PTR-MS input with calculated kc by preparing gas standard mixtures of the 25 target compounds based on the permeation and GC-FID method. The second task was to design a triggering system with the use of PTR-MS and a sampling apparatus to allow instantaneous sampling at the events of high levels of VOCs. The concept was tested in field at both Hukou and ChungLi industrial parks. Several prominent pollutants (such as methanol, acetaldehyde, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, etc.) were found and thus used as the triggering gases to active canister sampling at preset levels. The filled canisters were then analyzed by GC/MS in-lab for 108 VOCs to characterize event relavent composition. To have a comprehensive knowledge of the occurrence of pollution events at the monitoring site, wind-model simulation coupled with detailed meteorological data collected in Hokou industrial park during summer resulted in excellent agreement between measurements and simulations. The wind model was successfully used as a diagnostic tool to explain the cause of an event and to visualize the transport routes of plumes to the receptor site. 101 環檢所 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42858
101年度金門縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 依照101年度金門縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫規範,本團隊完成64點次土壤採樣、93口次地下水採樣、6站次加油站測漏管檢測、辦理2場宣導說明會以及1場次民眾陳情處理。土壤調查部分今年度完成西山靶場與發美瀝青廠周邊農地污染場址驗證,發現山灶營區受油品污染,推測為原儲油區場址土壤污染,後續依照土壤及地下水污染整治法進行場址公告 ; 此外進行50點次縣內火炸類物質周邊農地採樣,調查結果顯示農地未有火炸類物質存在,推測與火炸類物質半衰期短與農作吸收有關,調查結果提供環保署參考,環保署依照上述調查結果於101年10月召開「土壤污染監測標準與管制標準」草案,初步訂定火炸類物質參考標準。地下水部分縣內既有監測井與民井檢測結果多以氨氮、硝酸鹽氮與總溶解固體物項目超標,推測與當地掩埋場滲出水、生活污水與農業活動導致上述污染物質超標,建議未來可經濟部水利署針對金門地區地下水源使用評估計畫,評估向大陸買水可能性,後續透過污染源控制乃透過各部會協商或工程技術控制,逐年改善金門地下水品質。金門縣內既有掩埋場調查結果,以官路邊病死牛掩埋場硝酸鹽氮超出第二類地下水污染管制標準,建議該掩埋場可採用圍堵方式配合自然衰減方式持續監測,整體來說金門地區地下水水質狀況良好。 The plan specification for investigating and verifying the soil and groundwater contamination in Kinmen County during 2012 Plan specification of Kinmen County Soil and groundwater contamination investigation and verification work in accordance with 101 the year, the team completed a 64-point soil sampling, 93 groundwater sampling the 6 stations gas station leak tube inspection, guidance meeting for the two games, andscreenings people to petition processing. Soil survey part of this year to complete Xishan ranges hair beauty asphalt plant surrounding agricultural land contaminated field address validation, the mountain stove camp area suspected degreasing District site soil contamination, follow-up in accordance with the soil and groundwater pollution remediation method conducted site announcement, addition carried out 50 points times the county fire bombing the substances surrounding farmland sampling, survey results showed that agricultural land not fire fried substances exist speculate with fire fried substances short half-life of absorption related to farming, the findings provide EPD EPD in accordance with the above findings in 101 years held in October soil pollution monitoring standards and control standards draft preliminary set the fire bombing substances reference standard.Groundwater part of the prefecture of existing monitoring wells and the people well test results and more excessive ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and total dissolved solids project, speculated that the local landfill seepage water, sewage and agricultural activities lead to the excessive pollutants, it is recommended that the future can bewater Resources Agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs for Kinmen groundwater source evaluation plan to assess the possibility of buying water to the mainland, and follow-up through the dye source control is through the ministries will consultation or engineering controls, year by year to improve Kinmen groundwater quality. Kinmen county findings of both landfill to the official roadside died cattle landfill nitrate nitrogen beyond the second type of groundwater pollution control standards, it is recommended that the landfill Containment methods can be used with the continuous monitoring natural attenuation, the whole Golden Gate regional groundwater quality in good condition. 101 金門縣環境保護局 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44804
提升工業區專用下水道系統水污染防治管制成效計畫 為使工業區污水下水道系統各層面更臻完善,本計畫之工作方向包括:(一)辦理20場次重點工業區污水處理廠深度功能查核並進行即時追蹤改善(二)推動工業區專用污水下水道系統分級管理制度,並提出相關管制政策建議(三)協助推動工業區專用下水道系統自主管理(四)擴大推動廢(污)水自動連續監測傳輸作業,即時管控污染排放 Improving the effectiveness of Water Pollution Control of Industrial Area Sweage System This project is to improving the management of the industrial park,the major works of this project include(1)implementing 20 industrial parks funtional inspection and the follow-up improvement tracing(2)developing the management system by scale and offering reference policy suggestion(3)assisting to plan self-management of industrial parks(4)implamenting CWMS to monitor the effluents of the industrial parks 101 水保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42540
99-101年度(第3年)一般廢棄物最終處置前組成採樣及分析工作委託專案計畫 本計畫主要目的在於延續歷年全國各縣市之垃圾採樣及分析工作,透過縝密之採樣規劃與分析結果,期建立長期連續性之垃圾基本特性資料外,並作為垃圾性質長期變動趨勢之預測依據。有鑑於此,本年度計畫規劃自民國101年1月1日起執行至101年12月31日止,針對全國24個採樣縣市,進行每季每縣市之採樣及分析工作,分析工作主要包括物理組成性質、三成分分析、元素組成分析、熱值分析及垃圾可燃物之重金屬銅、鋅、鉻、鎘及鉛等項目。分析結果將藉由適當之統計方法探討垃圾組成及性質之變動趨勢,因此,本計畫完成之執行成果,將可提供作為未來制定未來垃圾處理政策、研發新穎資源回收與再利用技術,及評估規劃安全性處理處置技術等之重要參考依據。 The Sampling and Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Composition in Taiwan (2012) The objectives of this project were to establish the database of long-term physical and chemical characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW) and to evaluate the variation of MSW composition and property by careful sampling, sample preparation and the analytical techniques. Therefore, this project was designed and implemented continuously for the sampling and analysis of municipal solid waste composition in Taiwan, from January 1 to December 31, 2012. This project was also well-planned to sample 24 MSW sources (municipalities) in Taiwan once a season for every source and to analyze the physical and chemical compositions of MSW samples. In this work, the main analysis items were including physical composition, proximate analysis, ultimate analysis, energy content and heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cr, Cd, and Pb) of combustible, respectively. In summary, according to the performance of this project, it can be useful in adopting the strategies of municipal solid waste management, developing the innovative technologies of recycling and recovery, and assessing the safe technologies of MSW disposal. 101 督察總隊 逢甲大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43509
水中超微量有機物檢測技術建立研究(2/2) 農藥的施用範圍包含了農作物生產、雜草的控制以及消除對公共健康有害之生物。農藥施用後可經由雨水沖刷或空氣沈降至河川、地下水及土壤等環境中,故其對於水中生物或人體健康的影響值得關注。本計畫根據環保署法規管制項目及環保署公告檢測方法項目等原則,本年度選取共102種待測物,包括62種殺蟲劑、8種殺菌劑、28種除草劑、1種殺蟎劑、1種殺線蟲劑,與2種其它化合物。待測物名單包括acephate (歐殺松)、azinphos-methyl (谷速松)、bromophos-ethyl (乙基溴磷松)、carbophenothion (加芬松)、chlorpyrifos (陶斯松)、demeton (內吸磷)、demeton-S-methyl (滅賜松)、diazinon (大利松)、dichlorvos (二氯松)、dicrotophos (雙特松)、dimethoate (大滅松)、disulfoton (二硫松)、EPN (一品松)、ethoprophos (普扶松)、fenamiphos sulfoxide (芬滅松亞碸)、fenamiphos sulfone (芬滅松碸)、fenitrothion (樸滅松)、fenthion (芬殺松)、fonofos (大福松)、isoxathion (加福松)、malathion (馬拉松)、methamidophos (達馬松)、methidathion (滅大松)、mevinphos (美文松)、monocrotophos (亞素靈)、oxydemeton-methyl (滅多松)、parathion (巴拉松)、phenthoate (賽達松)、phorate (福瑞松)、phosalone (裕必松)、phosmet (易滅松)、pirimiphos-methyl (亞特松)、profenofos (佈飛松)、quinalphos (喹硫磷)、temephos (亞培松)、terbufos (托福松)、triazophos (三落松)、trichlorfon (三氯松)、aldicarb (得滅克)、aldicarb sulfoxide (得滅克亞碸)、aldicarb sulfone (得滅克碸)、benfuracarb (免扶克)、carbaryl (加保利)、cartap (培丹)、carbofuran (加保扶)、3-hydroxycarbofuran (3-羥基加保扶)、carbosulfan (丁基加保扶)、ethiofencarb (愛芬克)、fenobucarb (丁基滅必蝨)、isoprocarb (滅必蝨)、methiocarb (滅賜克)、methomyl (納乃得)、oxamyl (歐殺滅)、pirimicarb (比加普)、propoxur (安丹)、thiofanox (硫伐隆)、cypermethrin (亞滅寧)、deltamethrin (第滅寧)、fenpropathrin (芬普寧)、fenvalerate (芬化利)、permethrin (百滅寧)、tau-fluvalinate (福化利) 、carbendazim (貝芬替)、edifenphos (護粒松)、hexaconazole (菲克利)、iprobenfos (丙基喜樂松)、metalaxyl (滅達樂)、pencycuron (賓克隆)、prochloraz (樸克拉)、thiophanate-methyl (甲基多保淨) 、2,4-D (2,4-二氯苯氧基乙酸)、2,4-DB (2,4-二氯苯氧基丁酸)、2,4,5-T (2,4,5-三氯酚氧丙酸)、2,4,5-TP(Silvex) (2,4,5-三氯酚氧乙酸)、alachlor (拉草)、atrazine (草脫淨)、atrazine-desethyl (二丁基阿特拉律)、atrazine-desethyl-desisoropyl (脫乙基脫異丙基阿特拉津)、atrazine-desisoropyl (去異丙基莠去津)、butachlor (丁基拉草)、cyanazine (氰乃淨)、dalapon (得拉本)、dicamba (2-甲氧基-3,6-二氯苯甲酸)、dichloroprop (2-(2,4-二氯苯甲氧基)丙酸)、dinoseb (達諾殺)、diquat (敵草快)、diuron (達有龍)、glufosinate (固殺草)、isoproturon (異丙隆)、linuron (理有龍)、MCPA (2-甲基-4-氯苯氧基乙酸)、MCPP (2-(4-氯-2甲基酚氧基)丙酸)、mefenacet (滅芬草)、metolachor (莫多草)、molinate (稻得壯)、pendimethalin (施得圃)、propazine (普拔根)、simazine (草滅淨)、ethion (愛殺松)、ethoprop (普伏松)、chloral hydrate (氯醛合水)、quinoline (喹啉),完成前處理技術開發以及液相層析/質譜/質譜儀分析方法建立。500 mL水樣以PolarPlus C18 (50 mm)固相圓盤萃取,以甲醇及二氯甲烷沖提,沖提液經濃縮至5 mL後,以極致液相層析儀(ultra-performance liquid chromatography, UPLC)搭配串聯式質譜儀以電灑游離(ESI)分析。正電荷離子使用Phenomenex Kinetex PFP(50 × 2.1 mm, 2.6 μm)管柱分析,負電荷則為Ascentis Express C18(50 × 2.1 mm, 2.7 μm)。採樣地點為雲嘉南主要河川北港溪、八掌溪、及鹽水溪之本流以及其重要支流,以及南部地區田間溝渠、一座水庫、一座淨水廠與一座生活污水處理廠,共計35個樣本。水體檢測結果顯示,北港溪流域檢出率較高,尤其是後寮村,最高濃度為carbendazim (8.7 μg/L)。污水廠、淨水廠與水庫水樣之待測物濃度低於定量極限(LOQ, 0.5 μg/L),且大多為未檢出,但除草劑中pendimethalin於污水廠水體有略高殘留量。檢測結果與農藥原體之使用量有正向相關,使用量越高之農藥,待測物於水體中檢出率相對較高。 The establishment of trace analytical methods for organics in water. Pesticides have been used widely on crops, inhibition of weed growth, and pest control. Pesticides and their metabolites may enter the water environment through runoff or air deposition, and their impact on human health and aquatic creatures deserve attentions.This study developed and validated a method to analyze 102 pesticides using high-flow solid-phase extraction and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). Analytes included 62 insecticides, 8 fungicides, 28 herbicides, 1 acaricides, 1 nematocides and two others, which were acephate、azinphos-methyl、bromophos-ethyl、carbophenothion、chlorpyrifos、demeton、demeton-S-methyl、diazinon、dichlorvos、dicrotophos、dimethoate、disulfoton、EPN、ethoprophos、fenamiphos sulfoxide、fenamiphos sulfone、fenitrothion、fenthion、fonofos、isoxathion、malathion、methamidophos、methidathion、mevinphos、monocrotophos、oxydemeton-methyl、parathion、phenthoate、phorate、phosalone、phosmet、pirimiphos-methyl、profenofos、quinalphos、temephos、terbufos、triazophos、trichlorfon、aldicarb、aldicarb sulfoxide、aldicarb sulfone、benfuracarb、carbaryl、cartap、carbofuran、3-hydroxycarbofuran、carbosulfan、ethiofencarb、fenobucarb、isoprocarb、methiocarb、methomyl、oxamyl、pirimicarb、propoxur、thiofanox、cypermethrin、deltamethrin、fenpropathrin、fenvalerate、permethrin、tau-fluvalinate、carbendazim、edifenphos、hexaconazole、iprobenfos、metalaxyl、pencycuron、prochloraz、thiophanate-methyl、2,4-D、2,4-DB、2,4,5-T、2,4,5-TP(Silvex) alachlor、atrazine、atrazine-desethyl、atrazine-desethyl-desisoropyl、atrazine-desisoropyl、butachlor、cyanazine、dalapon、dicamba、dichloroprop、dinoseb、diquat、diuron、glufosinate、isoproturon、linuron、MCPA、MCPP、mefenacet、metolachor、molinate、pendimethalin、propazine、simazine、ethion、ethoprop、chloral hydrate、quinoline.500-mL of water was extracted with PolarPlus C18 speeddisk (50 mm) and was eluted with methanol and dichloromethane. The combined eluent was concentrated to 5 mL and was analyzed with the UPLC-MS/MS. Analytes forming positive ions were separated on a Kinetex PFP column (50 × 2.1 mm, 2.6 μm), and chemicals forming negative ions were done on an Ascentis Express C18 column (50 × 2.1 mm, 2.7 μm). The method has been developed and validated through analyzing spiked raw water samples and certified reference materials. Most analytes were with recoveries ranged from 63% to 114%. To demonstrate the feasibility to various types of water, samples were collected from three rivers in southern Taiwan (Beigang River, Bajhang River, and Yanshuei River), a reservoir as a drinking water source, raw water and finish water from a drinking water treatment plant, and influent/effluent from a sewage treatment plant, in the total of 35 samples. Among the river water, most positive samples of pesticide residues were found from Beigang River, especially at the sampling point of Hou-Liao Village (the highest was carbendazim at 8.7 μg/L). Most analytes were either not detected or with levels lower than the limit of quantitation (0.5 μg/L) in the samples of reservoir, drinking water treatment plant, and the sewage treatment plants; however, a herbicide pendimethalin was in relatively high concentrations in the samples of sewage treatment plants (0.91.6 μg/L), and was also detectable in the samples of the reservoir and the drinking water treatment plant. The positive rates of pesticides were associated with their used amount of active ingredients. 101 環檢所 臺灣大學公共衛生學系環境衛生研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42137
101年度高雄巿推動區里執行節能減碳宣導補助計畫 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53652
全國空氣品質改善與整合性污染減量推動計畫 本計畫定期製作週報及月報分析101年最新空氣品質監測結果,結果顯示民國101年全國一般測站PSI>100不良率0.97%,為歷年來最佳。我國已於101年5月14日修正空品標準,公告PM2.5年平均與24小時標準與符合標準之判定原則,待取得PM2.5三年手動監測資料數據後,可據此劃分空氣品質防制區。依據暴露風險分析,WHO和美國皆取消O3小時標準,而以O3 8小時標準取代。美國CAA規定每五年需定期檢核NAAQS,透過此機制已於2012年12月加嚴PM2.5年平均標準至12μg/m3。在全國空氣品質現況說明及污染成因之主要成果包括:歷年易受河川揚塵影響之崙背站及臺東站,民國100~101年雖仍有河川揚塵事件,但因近年來環保署推動之河川裸露面管制措施已展現成效,極值濃度明顯較97~99年改善。當颱風位於巴士海峽或東部海域時,易導致北部、中部、雲嘉南及高屏空品區臭氧惡化;當颱風位於鵝鑾鼻東南方或南方接近臺灣時,易導致東部及中南部地區河川揚塵。本計畫完成本土河川揚塵4次現場勘查,並結合氣象、經濟活動強度及排放量等十餘項因子,藉由因素分析方式進行統計,解析污染成因的優先順序,並挑選南投縣為案例分析,解析結果顯示降雨日數、相對溼度、油品銷售量與機車車輛數等,與PM10月平均濃度變化呈高度相關。完成編製「空氣污染防制計畫書編寫及審查指引範例手冊」,協助各地方環保局撰寫防制計畫書過程之釋疑,並依排放清冊分類方式,彙整防制計畫書管制對策減量計算方式。PM2.5減量策略可行性部分,本計畫參考美國南加州AQMP之PM2.5管制策略並與我國比較,發現兩者之管制重點有因地制宜調整的需要,而排放量基本資料的建立,對於管制策略減量計算及舉辦公聽會所需科學證據的提供(進行模式模擬),扮演著相當重要的角色。依據涵容總量管制精神,以民國99年為基準年提出短中長程各地方政府各污染物空氣品質濃度達標期程及目標年濃度,並規劃我國PM2.5未來管制情境方案。參考美國聯邦審核州政府確認PM2.5達標之驗證步驟,提供我國未來PM2.5管制成效驗證依據。最後,彙整完成環評案排放增量,特殊性工業區調查,配合飛鷹稽查計畫,提供全國空污防制執行分析報告,並協助進行空品不良通報作業及空保處網頁更新維護,環保小百科網頁改版,完成編制「空氣品質保護36年紀實」及「100年空氣污染防制總檢討報告」。 National air quality improvement and promotion of integrated pollution reduction plan This project organized and reported the air quality in weekly and monthly. According to the air quality trend, the result shows 2012’s PSI>100 for ambient air quality monitoring stations dropped to 0.97%, which were the best ever in Taiwan.On May 14th, 2012, Taiwan’s EPA set up PM2.5 (annual and 24-hr) standards and established guidelines to designate nonattainment areas in Taiwan. In the guideline, 3-year FRM manual sampled PM2.5 data should be adopted for designating nonattainment areas in Taiwan.With extensive scientific research, both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US EPA abolished the 1-hour O3 standards, yet adopted the 8-hour O3 standards. The US Clean Air Act (CAA) provisions stipulated the review of the NAAQS in every five years. In December 2012, the US EPA promulgated the PM2.5 annual standard to be 12 μg/m3. Because of the Taiwan EPA’s effective control measures, the impact of the fugitive dust from river banks on the Lumbak Station and Taitung Station has greatly reduced. Therefore, even there were dust events during year 2011-2012; the high PM concentration was much lower comparing to those of year 2008-2010. The wind field and the terrestrial effects from the typhoons locating in the Bashi Channel or the eastern sea region of Taiwan would cause worse air quality (high ozone) in the North, Central, and Yun Jianan air quality regions. The typhoons from the southeast of Taiwan or from the south of Cape Eluanbi, could create the local dust storms from river banks. This project has conducted four field inspections near the fugitive dust sources. The possible affecting parameters such as weather, economic activity, emissions and more than 10 other factors were selected for a factorial analysis to construct a statistical model to analyze air quality. This model can provide the sequences and directions for investigating the future air pollution episodes. In the project, it is concluded the monthly average PM10 concentration is highly related with the number of rainy days, relative humidity, oil sales and the number of motorcycles in Nantou County.“The Guidelines for Air Pollution Control Plan and Protocols” was completed and aids were provided to the counties such as clarifying the related questions. The calculations of emissions reduction submitted by the counties were also organized into the emissions inventory categories. A comparison study between the California South Coast Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) for PM2.5 with Taiwan’s control strategies showed that the requirements of the submittal of basic information of emissions, the detailed calculations of the emission reduction, the public hearings and science evidence (modeling) are important parts in the South Coast AQMP.Year 2010 was proposed as the baseline year for local air agencies to achieve the short-, mid-, and long-term goals of emissions control and to lower air pollutants concentrations. The future control measures for PM2.5 were planned and the attainment test used by US EPA was introduced so that it could be adopted for future attainment verification.Other tasks of this project included: review and document the emission increase from the Environmental Impact Assessment projects; establish special regulations for industrial parks; assist the Land/Air Eagle project to monitor fugitive dust sources; analyze the effectiveness of the pollution control measures; assist in informing unhealthy air quality days; renew and maintain the web pages; renew the environmental encyclopedia; finish “36-year Air Quality Protection Chronicle” and “The Annual Assessment Report of Air Pollution Control in Taiwan for 2011”. 101 空保處 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48195
101年度-台東縣營建工程污染管制計畫 「101 年度台東縣營建工程污染管制計畫」之計畫目標為:計畫藉由協助空污費徵收、營建工地空氣污染之稽(巡)查管制、宣導說明會之辦理、營建工程空氣污染防制措施現場查核作業,提供技術支援人力,協助環保局加強辦理各項營建工地及營建空氣污染防制費徵收之行政作業、執行列管營建工地資料維護更新及建檔管理業務、建立文書檔及電腦資料庫,並發展出相對應之排放資料庫,加強宣導辦理人員訓練,對污染嚴重之工地周界進行 TSP 檢測並加以輔導,以落實污染改善之目的。 101 years - Taitung construction engineering pollution control plan "101 years Taitung construction engineering pollution control plan," the project objectives are to: plan byAssist air pollution fee levied protracted construction site air pollution (patrol) check control, guidance meeting of officeManagement, air pollution control measures for construction projects on-site auditing operations, providing technical support staff to assistEPA strengthened handle various construction sites and construction of air pollution control fees in administrative jobs, executiveRanks of the pipe construction site maintenance updates and archiving data management operations, the establishment of clerical and computer data filesLibrary and develop the corresponding emission databases and strengthen public awareness processing staff training on pollutionPerimeter of the site to be detected and counseling for TSP to implement pollution improvement purposes. 101 台東縣環境保護局 聯聖工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53308
101年度桃園縣推動資源回收形象改造暨責任業者及販賣業者管理重點稽查取締計畫 桃園縣政府環境保護局為落實資源回收體系上游責任業者登記、申報、繳費之執法公平性與一致性與下游販賣業者回收管道之暢通,及推動資源回收形象改造及物業整合管理工作計畫,訂定「101年度桃園縣推動資源回收形象改造暨責任業者與販賣業者管理重點稽查取締計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),委託綠信環境科技股份有限公司,協助執行計畫工作項目,編制計畫經理一名,四名助理工程師及一名駐局工程師派駐環保局共同推動本計畫。本計畫執行期程為自簽約日101年3月29日至101年11月15日止,約8.5個月。主要工作為推動資源回收形象改造工作,輔導查核列管責任業者與販賣業者依法應盡權利義務,協助彙整審查興辦事業計畫書及回收處理業相關審查工作資料,及辦理相關資源回收輔導與宣導業務,統計至11月30日止量化成果說明如下。(一)辦理6場次「電子電器物品販賣業者及回收處理業者之宣導」相關法令及稽查要點說明會,分別於4月27日、5月7日、5月10日假桃園市勞工育樂中心101會議室,5月2日假龍潭鄉公所大禮堂,5月15日假中壢市公所會議室,5月17日假平鎮市公所大禮堂等完成會議辦理,累計332人參與會議。建議未來相關法令宣導說明會辦理方式,除以政令宣導方式講習,可增加業者現場說明執行經驗與實務作業可建議改善方式。(二)辦理執行機關稽查人員教育訓練四梯次,分別於5月21日、5月22日及5月28日於石門山勞工育樂中心辦理3梯次,第4梯次於6月11日、6月12日及6月29日於回饋設施及桃園市勞工育樂中心辦理補訓梯次,教育訓練課程分為講習與測驗兩部分,總計參訓人數達454人。依據評分結果發現仍有近60%的人員對於實務操作不甚熟悉,建議針對稽查人員教育訓練作業規劃定期回訓或是累計學習時數方式,以鼓勵稽查人員自主性增加訓練頻率。(三)結合物業管理單位辦理社區講習宣導活動於7月17日及7月19日分為2場次至新北市新莊區揚名學園及大豐城市源點進行觀摩講習。有關社區講習宣導作業除了現場觀摩,建議可以座談會方式辦理,邀請本線及其他縣市推動環保作為或總體營造績優的社區代表,進行經驗分享與心得交流。(四)推動社區、村里或大廈資源回收站形象改造與物業整合之連鎖經營示範工作,於簽約後1個月內(101年4月27日)提交示範回收站篩選原則至環保局核備。9月提報篩選名單27處作為形象改造示範點,其中篩選5處村里回收站整編輔導10位個體業者協助分類回收作業。本縣累計至今年已補助輔導形象改造回收站116處,經追蹤作業後發現營運不佳、業務交接、回收物不足等皆是回收站常面臨的難題,建議未來補助對象可針對社區或清潔隊提出轄內需要改造的回收站名單,讓補助形象改造可以在民眾生活中發揮最大效益。(五)協助辦理「非都市土地申請變更為應回收廢棄物回收業設施使用之興辦事業計畫」審查資料彙整及進度追蹤,統計至11月30日共計彙整追蹤144件興辦計畫書案件,其中56件為核准後取得回收業登記證,19件為審核通過但未超過一年,29件為審核通過但超過一年無完工,36件審查未通過逾期未辦理申請,10件為已駁回案件。(六)協助辦理應回收廢棄物回收處理業登記申請相關審查作業,統計至10月30日共計協助彙整追蹤176件申請案件,其中有回收業106件,處理業70件。(七)販賣業者稽查輔導作業,統計至10月30日彙整13公所稽查成果為2,670家,及本計畫完成現場稽查輔導販賣業者1128家,統計本縣列管業者為4,689家。(八)責任業者查核輔導成果包含協助辦理年度環保署函請案件78件;協助辦理其他縣市移請案件辦理86件;主動查緝轄內賣場違規責任商品計100件;覆核轄內公所年度提報案件598件,核可件數436件,不符退件160件。協助辦理環保署函請案件「未按期申報」部分除了該期零申報,按稽查作業原則不予處分,輔導限期改善;「營運不明」則為業者已搬遷或停工歇業未向環保署申請變更。在環保署函請案件辦理結案期程統計,未登記案件平均為15日可完成現場稽查回覆,「未按期申報」及「營運不明」的部分則約為30日。其他縣市移請案件中的「未標示回收標誌」案件,於現場查核作業時未發現違規事實,可能為商品運送途中黏貼的標示脫落或標示於外包裝盒,或回收標誌標示或輸出模造於不易辨識的位置等,皆屬無法告發辦理結果。(九)配合辦理廢潤滑油解除列管後流向管理,自101年6月起配合101年廢潤滑油解除列管後續輔導查核工作計畫,針對列管產源124處機車行進行基本資料及廢潤滑油回收貯存情形、交付流向、簽訂合約、紀錄保存及查核等。 (十)辦理本縣轄內回收處理業(含已登記及未登記)、資源回收場(站)基本資料、村里回收場(站)之營運狀況暨歷年列管拾荒個體戶資料彙整及更新維護作業,統計至10月30日,回收業93家,處理業21家,無登記回收場233家,村里社區164家,個體業者559位,完成巡檢回收場184家,個體業者528位,社區回收站138處。 A project on image promotion of recycling, property management, and auditing of recycling and vending businesses conducts has been devised by Taoyuan environment authorities to ensure fairness and consistence of thorough and proper registration, declaration, and pecuniary imposition with regard to upper stream businesses. The project, contracted to Protect-Eco Technology Co., also aims at facilitating smooth channels for lower stream recycling businesses, recycling promotion, and property integration.The project is expected to be executed during the period beginning March 29 through November 15, 2012. It is primarily in charge of promoting image of recycling and making sure that all involved businesses conform to legal requirements and obligations of being monitored, providing assistance with evaluation of developing project proposals and other materials processed by recycling businesses. 101 桃園縣政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45821
101年度廢棄物清除處理機構許可管理專案工作計晝 本計畫主要為辦理公民營清除處理機構之現場查核輔導等工作,除督導相關業者妥善處理外,並蒐集該等業者對相關法規之建議及遭遇困境,以做為主管機關未來施政改善之依據,本年度主要工作成果摘要說明如下:(一)完成辦理30家公民營廢棄物處(清)理機構查核輔導工作(含10家公民營機構一日駐場深度現場查核輔導作業),有效督促公民營廢棄物處(清)理機構確實依廢棄物清理法及相關法令規定妥善處理事業廢棄物。(二)完成公民營廢棄物清除處理相關管理作業之檢討作業,並協助環保署完成許可管理辦法之修訂作業。(三)完成公民營廢棄物清除處理業面臨困境之檢討作業,並提出並面建設性意見。(四)完成不法利得追償案例與法規制度分析。(五)完成相關土地法規蒐集、彙整廢棄物清除及處理設施之土地使用概況。(六)完成辦理10場次與推動公民營廢棄物清除處理機構管理業務相關之說明會、座談會及業務檢討會,充分進行各界意見溝通與交流。 Waste Treating Permit Management in Public and Private Waste Clearance and Disposal Organizations, 2 This project aimed to inspect and verify the current operation of public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations to handle waste treatment properly. In addition to inspecting, this project investigated and collected the comments from those organizations experiencing dilemmas of operation due to the rigid regulations. Finally, it provided the policy proposals to improve the improper regulations. The achievements of this project in this year were as below:1.Conducted inspection and provide technical guidance for 30 public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations (included 10 for deeply inspection in one-day-insitu-audition). It was to make sure that the public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations follow the Waste Disposal Act and other laws related to waste disposal.2.Reviewed the related management standards and to revise the public and private waste clearance and treatment organization permit management regulations.3.Reviewed the operation dilemmas of the public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations, and to propose positive feedback.4.Analyzed the cases and relative regulations of violated economic benefit.5.Gathered the relative regulations in land and investigated the land usage of public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations.6.Held 10 seminars and meetings to advocate decrees and listen those organizations comments through discussion, and to assist them to solve the problems. 101 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46180
飲用水水源水質保護區變更政策環境影響評估計畫(2/2) 台灣地區已劃定公告飲用水水源水質保護區86處及飲用水取水口一定距離49處,合計面積占台灣面積之10.78%。行政院環境保護署為落實政府政策環評,特委託辦理「飲用水水源水質保護區變更政策環境影響評估計畫(2/2)」,本(第2)年主要工作項目為:(1)編撰保護區範圍變更作業手冊;(2)國際間飲用水保護區管理法規之調查分析;(3)協辦範圍變更政策評估說明書送審作業,(4)其他協助、支援及相關事項。 飲用水保護區範圍變更作業手冊分為五章及一個附錄,第一章為總則,說明編撰目的、名詞解釋、基本原則及作業程序;第二章為保護區劃定作業,說明劃定原則、評估事項及申請文件;第三章為保護區調整作業,說明調整原則、評估事項及申請文件;第四章為保護區廢止作業,說明廢止原則、評估事項及申請文件;第五章為保護區圖資更新作業,說明更新原則、評估項目及申請文件;附錄則為相關表格及範圍界定方法。 國際間飲用水保護區管理法規分析,主要整理美國、日本、歐盟、英國、德國、中國大陸及澳大利亞等國之管理法規及相關案例。有關協辦政策評估說明書送審作業,則完成公聽會、專案小組審查會議以及環境影響評估審查委員會之資料準備及報告印製。其他協助事項,包括辦理作業手冊專家諮詢會議及公聽(研商)會議等。 最後本報告提出未來飲用水保護區管理工作重點方向建議如下:(1)加強保護區各項管理工作,(2)落實保護區範圍變更作業程序,(3)維持保護區生態環境完整性及連續性,(4)依據總量管制精神建立分區分級管理機制,(5)發展並擴大民眾參與機制。 Strategic Environmental Assessment on Changes in Scope of the Drinking Water Source It had been delineated and issued eighty-six of the drinking water source quality protection area and forty-nine of the drinking water intake point with a certain distance, i.e. 10.78 % of total area in Taiwan. In order to enact the strategic environmental assessment on government policies, the project entitled “Strategic Environmental Assessment on Changes in Scope of the Drinking Water Source Quality Protection Area (2/2)” was funded by the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan. In this second year the main tasks included: (1) to prepare the draft manual for changes in the scope of the protection area; (2) to collect and analyze international related management regulations for the protection area; (3) to prepare the required material for the review meeting on the draft EIA Statement; and (4) to provide other assistance, support and assigned affairs.The draft manual for changes in the scope of the protection area contains five chapters and one appendix. Chapter one is the general statement to explain purpose, use of terms, basic principles and working procedure. Chapter two is the delineation processes to explain the delimiting principles, review items and application documents. Chapter three is the adjustment processes to explain the adjusting principles, review items and application documents. Chapter four is the revocation processes to explain the revoking principles, review items and application documents. Chapter five is the renewal processes to explain the renewing principles, review items and application documents on the drawings and information. The appendix contains the related forms and the method for the delimitation of the protection area.By collecting the international related management regulations and case studies for the drinking water protection area, the following countries were discussed: the USA, Japan, European Union, the United Kingdom, Germany, Mainland China and Australia. In order to assist the reviewing processes of the draft EIA Statement, such as public hearing, task force meeting and EIA Reviewing Committee, the required material preparation and the report printing were performed.Finally the following prospective tasks for the management of the drinking water protection area were proposed: (1) to enforce the concerned management efforts for the protection area; (2) to ensure the working processes for changes in the scope of the protection area; (3) to maintain the ecological/environmental integrity and continuity in the protection area; (4) to establish the classifying and zoning systems based upon the spirit of the cap system for water pollutants; and (5) to develop and expand the public participation mechanisms. 101 毒管處 明志科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42048
建構一般廢棄物生質能源中心先期規劃專案工作計畫 本計畫持續辦理政策環評審查作業,修正垃圾處理政策評估說明書,於101 年4 月30 日獲准予定稿本備查,完成政策環評程序。本計畫依據政策環評決議及意見,修正「焚化廠轉型生質能源中心示範計畫」,擬定補助遴選原則以選定一地方政府執行示範驗證廠工程及運轉測試工作,並將示範計畫呈報行政院審查,以爭取推動經費。本計畫同時提出示範計畫各階段(爭取計畫階段、遴選主辦縣市階段、示範驗證廠建廠工程階段、運轉測試階段)整體推動措施及注意事項,作為接續落實示範計畫之指引。並規劃示範驗證廠先期工作(潛在場址、處理流程、生質物特性及生質煤炭應用)及建議,以提高地方政府主辦意願及執行參考。另檢討一般廢棄物能資源再利用管理相關措施。 Preliminary Project Plan for constructing“Municipal Waste Bio-energy Center” The Project continued to conduct the review of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and revised waste treatment strategy evaluation report, which was approved for recordation on 2012/4/30 to finish the SEA process.The Project also modified the “Demonstration plan for the Transformations of Refuse Incinerators to Bio-energy Center”, and subsidized selection to choose a local government to implementDemonstration Plant project and running tests. The Demonstration Plan has been submitted to Executive Yuan for reviewing to solicit more promotion budget.The Project provided promotion measures and directions for each phases of the Demonstration Plan (plan soliciting phase, selecting hostcounty/city, construction phase of demonstration plant, and commissioning phase). The project also planned the preliminary works and providedsuggestions for Demonstration Plant (potential location, treatment process, bio-mass characteristics and bio-coal application) was to enhance the willingness of local government to host the project and for future implementation reference. Meanwhile, the relevant measures for general waste resource reuse management were reviewed by this project . 101 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43379
強化毒化物安全管理及毒災應變計畫-中部環境毒災應變隊建置計畫 101年度本團隊持續建置中部環境毒災應變隊-台中應變隊與雲林應變隊,分別位於臺中市中部科學園區與雲林縣斗六工業區內,共有專任32名應變人員,全年維持至少3人專責人員24小時,待命出勤,執行平時災害預防工作如:輔導、無預警測試、宣導、案例研討會等;及事故變時工作如到場緊急應變、諮詢、監測採樣及災後除污,確實降低毒化物等緊急事故對環境的影響。本計畫已完成進度100%。中部轄區(包含臺中市、彰化縣、南投縣、雲林縣、嘉義縣、嘉義市及金門縣等7縣市) ,毒化災事故到場應變共37場次(含16場模擬測試),確實降低環境危害,持續強化環境檢測及事故應變處置能力。在平時工作毒化物災害預防方面,共計完成毒性化學物質運作廠商之管理與應變輔導64場次、無預警測試34場次;協助中部各縣市審視運作廠場毒災危害預防及應變計畫65場次;辦理毒化物法規宣導會9場次;與各單位辦理毒災演練12場次;辦理中部地區政府單位動員研討及聯防小組組訓,與中區及南區督察大隊交流會議2場次,支援環保署諮詢中心執行高風險工業區擴散模擬推估蒐集資料541場次;國際案例及應變經驗交流於9月與南區共同邀請國外學者專家(Mr. Eugene Y. Ngai與Mr. Terry Lee Rockwell)來臺分享事故應變相關經驗。本團隊持續與台塑石化及強本運輸公司共組中部毒災聯防應援團隊,本年度並與中部科學工業園區管理局建立聯防協定,強化中部地區民間緊急應變聯防之能力,進一步增進中部地區毒化災事故緊急應變之量能。 Plan for the Central Region of Taiwan Emergency Response Team for Environmental Toxic Chemical Incid The Emergency Response Teams (ERTs) in the middle region of Taiwan have continued operation in 2011 with two locations: at TaiChung’s Central Taiwan Science Park (Taichung CTSP Team) and Yunlin’s Douliou Industrial Park (Yunlin Team). This project employed the trained thirty-two responders on duty 24 hours all year round with three or more at any instance to provide services: prevention measures of manufacturer visit and consultation, unannounced tests on response plan, promotion/education/case-studies, training and field exercises as daily operation; emergency responses of on-site consultation, field monitoring and sampling, control and containment of environmental pollution, decontamination, site restoration and incident review. The purpose is to lessen the effects or impacts of releasing toxic chemicals to our environment during hazardous material (HAZMAT) events.. This project was completed 100% of requirements in order to service our central region of seven counties and city of Taichung, Changhua, Nantou, Yunlin, Kinmen, Chiayi, the teams responded to 37 events (with 16 simulation exercises) to lower environmental hazards and to strengthen environmental monitoring and response capacity. Besides, two ERT teams also assisted in 64 site visit and consultation of manufacture plants, in 34 unannounced tests for toxic chemical operation, in 65 reviews of emergency response plans for local environmental protection bureaus, in 9 regulation promulgation/education workshops, and in 12 field exercises with various local governmental agencies. This project also hosted two governmental agency-training, two mutual aid training and two experience sharing meeting with representative of Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency (TEPA). And, this project also helped to collect the information for 541 scenarios of high risk plants operating in industrial parks. In addition, this project also hosted an international experience exchange workshop with other project (Mr. Eugene Y. Ngai and Mr. Terry Lee Rockwell) in September. Two mutual support teams (Formosa Petrochemical and Chiang-Pen Transportation Corporation) still continued the supports to this project with new members of Mutual Aid Association of CTSP to strengthen the mutual aids in the region and to facilitate the capacity of HAZMAT response. 101 毒管處 國立雲林科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40890
環境教育競賽先期規劃專案工作計畫 隨著環境教育法的施行,我國環境教育推動進入新的里程碑。本專案乃為高中職學生設計競賽型環境教育活動,以培養年輕人具有環境行動的能力和勇氣。具體目標為:(1)蒐集並歸納國內外環境教育相關競賽之辦理方式;(2)擬定適於我高中階段之環境教育競賽形式與規則;(3)擬定所建議之環境教育競賽辦法的工作內容和時程。 本專案擬定競賽辦法草案乙份,其精神為「以培養具備環境敏感性、環境科學知識和環境行動能力的未來公民宗旨,讓關懷環境的年輕人有動手實作、合作解決問題的經驗和交流的機會,成為環境教育的種子人才。」考量現在高中階段的環境教育多是各自融入單一學科且多在教室中進行,故本競賽辦理時採取互補方案,所有參賽隊伍需研讀核心競賽議題的素材,並完成一份相關的報告。決賽的競賽形式為四日的「戶外營隊型團體競賽」,測驗設計則應展現環境議題跨學科、跨空間尺度的特性。 本專案建議採行之競賽模式,辦理複雜度高,承辦單位之環境素養和協調能力將是競賽辦理成功與否的關鍵。本專案也建議另外兩種調整方案:1)降低全國決賽時的競賽成分,增加體驗和交流的成分;2) 在類似高中地理奧林匹亞團體賽中,增列「環境行動獎」,評選出的優秀的環境議題研究作品,由環保署頒發獎狀、獎金鼓勵,不但可收事半功倍之效,而且所需經費也大幅降低。 Development of an outdoor environmental education competition for high school students Along with the implementation of the Environmental Education Act in 2011, the development of environmental education enters a new stage in Taiwan. There is a need to encourage the significant life experience of environmental action for high school students, and an environmental competition is designed to fulfill this purpose by the current project. Three objectives are (a) to collect national and international environmental education related competitions, (b) to develop the procedures and rules of the competition for high school students, and (c) to construct a programme for the competition. A competition model is proposed. The aim is to equip the future citizens with environmental awareness, environmental knowledge, environmental skills, environmental attitude and environmental action experience and to provide a platform for young students to interact with each other. It is a team-based competition and the national final will be a four-day outdoor event. There will be a core issue for each year. All participants will have to study the reference materials and complete a report realted to the core issue. The test assignments should be cross-discipline and cross-scale to exhibit the complexity of the environmental issues. The proposed competition model is rather complex, hence, the capacity of environmental literacy and of coordination of the organizing committee is crucial. The alternatives for such an event are also suggested: (a) to make the national final a more social event than an intensive competition and (b) to sponsor a well-established competition and encourage high-quality project reports which study various environmental issues. 101 綜計處 臺灣師範大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48236
101年「臺中市街道揚塵洗除計畫」 一、計畫名稱:101年度臺中市街道揚塵洗除計畫。二、執行期程:自101/4/21日起至102/1/31日止。三、工作內容完成進度:1.自101年4月21日開始執行洗街工作,至102年1月31日為止共累計執行洗街116824.2公里,累計達成率為100%。2.減量評估:累計洗街長度為116824.2公里,依據環保署減量公式(削減量=洗街長度×減量係數)推估,TSP可削減1612.2公噸、PM10為303.7公噸。3.計畫成效評估:(1)街塵調查分析作業:針對本市道路寬度15公尺以上之街塵負荷調查作業,目前檢測作業已全部完成共225點次。計畫檢測道路其總街塵負荷量從5月至10月由11.55 g/m2減少至2.18 g/m2改善率達81.1%;塵土指粒徑介於74~297μm由3.13 g/m2減少至2.18 g/m2改善率為30.4%,街塵負荷由五月份、八月份至十月份街塵負荷有逐漸下降趨勢代表洗街作業能有改善街道粒狀物的效果。(2)取水點水質分析作業:已全部完成90點次取水點之水質檢測,檢測項目包括懸浮固體物濃度及大腸桿菌。4.道路普查:道路普查工作統計至102年1月底為止,共計完成2263.2公里道路調查工作。平均A級道路佔57.7%、B級道路佔39.9%、C級道路佔2.5%。5.洗街查核:執行每週20小時3G影像與GPS查核,現完成800小時以上道路之網頁調查作業,累計的查核總長度為1萬6,000公里以上。6.洗街示範推廣宣導會:已於7月31日完成,與會人員包含砂石業者、營建業者與臺中市各區清潔隊人數超過90人次。7、洗掃街網路有獎徵答活動:已於9月24日至10月24日辦理洗掃街網路有獎徵答活動,統計參與人次共1,645人次,統計滿分人員達1180人次。8、彙整區清潔隊洗街車作業能量:統計大雅區、豐原區、龍井區清潔隊洗街車每月執行能量,執行公里數1萬3,197公里,統計TSP削減量共182公噸,PM10共削減34公噸;對去除街道粒狀物有明顯的改善。9、污染防制計畫書:101年度污防書中設定目標為PM10共320公噸,統計本年度臺中市全區洗掃街作業執行公里數共16萬4,239公里,PM10削減量為427公噸,達成率為133%;對臺中市空氣品質中粒狀物的改善有明顯的幫助。10、民眾陳情數:本計畫民眾陳情數量共22件,較去年減少45.5%,兩項因素中主要為民眾對洗街目地與作業方是不瞭解所造成,如天氣太熱能多灑點水、幫行道樹澆水、造成地面濕滑等因素。11、創新做法(設備改裝減音減碳設備):噪音值可改善率可達12.9%~17.3%,並可減少1564公升汽油,二氧化碳年排放量可減少3.4公噸,對臺中市空氣品質的改善將有明顯幫助。 The summary of the results from the work in this year are as follows:I. Title: 2013 Taichung City streets dust washing plan.II. Implementation schedule: Since April 21, 2012 to January 31, 2013.III. Completion of the work content progress: (I) Execution behavior of street washing since April 21, 2012 to January 31, 2013, accumulated execution of street washing 116,824.2 kilometers, cumulative rate reached 100%.(II) Reduction assessment: The total length of the street washing are 116,824.2 km, according the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) reduction formula (reductions = length × reduction coefficient street washing) estimate, TSP can be reduced to 1612.2 tones, and PM10 can be reduced to 303.7 tones.(III) Performance Evaluation: i. Street dust survey analysis: For city road width which above 15 meters do the street dust load survey jobs, the current detection job has completed a total of 225 points times. The total street dust load of the planned inspection of the road from May to October was reduced from 11.55 g/m2 to 2.18 g/m2, improvement rate was 81.1%; dust particle diameter between 74 – 297 μm has reduced from 3.13g/m2 to 2.18 g/m2, improvement rate was 30.4%, May, August to October street dust load a gradual downward trend means that street washing could improve street granular material effect on behalf of street washing operations.ii. Water quality analysis of the intake point operations: 90 points intake point of water quality testing has been completed, test items including the concentration of suspended solids and E. coli.(IV) Road census: Until the end of January, 2013, the road census statistics has completed a total of 2,263.2 km of road survey work. Average accounted for 57.7% of A-class roads, 39.9% of B-class roads, and 2.5% of C-class rods.(V) Street washing checking: Execute 20 hours a week with 3G images and GPS checking, web survey jobs of the road is now completed more than 800 hours accumulated to check the total length of more than 16,000 km.(VI) Street washing demonstration to promote the advocacy conference: completed on July 31, participants includes sand and gravel industry, construction industry and Taichung City District clean team, total number more than 90 people.(VII) Street cleaning and washing network quiz and activities: it has took place on September 24 to October 24, the statistical number of participants for a total of 1,654 people, and 1,180 people got full marks on the test.(VIII) Aggregate compile district clean team of street washing vehicles operating amount of work: Statistics Daya district, Fengyuan district and Longjing District clean team, street vehicles perform monthly amount of work were running mileage 13,197 km, TSP has total reductions of 182 metric tons, and PM10 has total reduction of 34 metric tons; Particulate matter of the removal of the street has significantly improved.(IX) Pollution prevention plan: 2013 annual pollution prevention book set goals for a total of 320 tones of PM10 of this year, and statistics this year, Taichung City region’s street cleaning and washing job execution kilometers has total completed 164,239 kilometers of PM10 reductions of 427 tones, reached a rate of 133%; had significant improvement of the particulate matter in Taichung City air quality.(X) The number of people to petition: total of 22 petitions in this project, decrease 45.5% compared with last year, two factors mainly for the people on the street washing purposes and practices do not understand the cause, such as the weather is too hot to sprinkle water, help street trees watering, causing slippery floor and other factors.(XI) Innovative practices (modification carbon reduction equipment and noise reduction equipment): the noise value improvement rate up to 12.9% to 17.3%, and reduced 1,564 liters of petrol. Carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by 3.4tones, and it will significantly help in the improvement of air quality in Taichung City. 101 台中市環境保護局 欣欣環保工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50904
「101、102年度推動節能減碳垃圾車及示範運行」專案工作計畫 本計畫主要目的在於協助環保署於本(101)年度完成3輛傳統垃圾車改裝電動壓縮系統,並於102年度針對改裝車輛進行相關標準測試、實地使用測試及示範運行作業,藉以評估電動壓縮垃圾車之節能效益及使用問題。相關成果將併同國內垃圾清運實際需求進行考量,探討電動壓縮垃圾車應符合之性能、規格,最終擬訂採購規格,提供機關辦理採購電動壓縮垃圾車使用。依本(101)年度計畫執行成果,已分別完成電動壓縮垃圾車改裝技術評估、可達成之節能效益估算、改裝成本分析、既有車輛改裝合適性評估、3輛傳統垃圾車改裝電動壓縮系統、電動壓縮垃圾車操作及維護注意事項研擬等工作,同時為配合102年度計畫執行需求,亦已先行完成後續標準測試及實地使用測試程序書之擬訂,可配合102年度計畫展開後辦理相關測試評估之工作。 Study on the Vehicle Energy Efficient Technologies, Reconstruction Study on the Vehicle Energy Efficient Technologies, Reconstruction, Test Operation and Demonstration of Refuse Trucks with Electrical Loading System for the Years 2012-2013The main purpose of this project is to assist EPA to accomplish modifications of three conventional refuse trucks with electrical loading system in 2012. In 2013, the modified trucks will undergo standard tests, trial run tests and demo operations in order to evaluate energy saving efficiency and to find potential problems during operation. The formulation of suitable performance and specifications of refuse truck with electrical loading system will be based on test results and ways of refuse being collected in Taiwan. Also, this project will finalize procurement specifications of refuse trucks with electrical loading system for local governments to purchase.Achievements of this project include: complete modifications of three conventional refuse trucks with electrical loading system, analyze potential energy efficiency and modification costs, establish feasibility evaluation method for modifications of conventional refuse trucks, and establish operation and maintenance considerations of electrical loading system. As it will undergo test operation and demonstration in 2013, this project has drafted standard tests, trial run tests and demo operations procedures in advance which could be used for the reference of next year’s work. 101 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42570
固定污染源空氣污染防制費查核、管理暨制度研修計畫 環保署於99年將空污費徵收審查業務全數轉由縣市環保局執行,本計畫則對環保局進行教育輔導、稽核與重點污染源查核及政策研擬;因此,可將計畫成果分為「徵收制度檢討」及「徵收作業執行成效」兩部分。在徵收制度檢討部分,公告修正「空污費收費費率」之低污染性氣體燃料條件;修正發布「空污費收費辦法」,並同步公告增訂「空氣污染物排放量計算方法規定」及「設備元件抽測原則及揮發性有機物排放量重新計算規定」;在SOx與NOx排放係數方面,完成包括陶瓷業、磚瓦窯業之SOx排放係數、不銹鋼業之硝酸清洗程序NOx排放係數檢討等;在VOCs排放係數方面,完成多個防制設備之均化效率計算方式檢討、塑膠產品之押出成型設備係數檢討、酒精發酵程序之係數檢討、質量平衡法規計量問題檢討等,並配合揮發性有機物排放標準針對儲槽清洗作業、歲修維護作業及冷卻水塔等污染行為增訂排放係數等之草案。在徵收作業執行成效部分,在縣市環保局執行空污費相關業務後,申報率與核算率已達90%以上,CEMS查核、防制設備清查、低污染性燃料確認及油品抽測皆確實執行,惟補繳率仍須提升;在現場查核方面,CEMS查核缺失皆請環保局追蹤修正、VOCs查核亦將查核結果反映於排放量與空污費修正與制度修正;在帳目核對與空污費系統部分,則配合法規修正,增加各種便民功能。後續需建立審查人員資格管理並推動認可制度,提升空污費審查人員專業素質,VOCs制度則應推動申報表單減化、修正質量平衡計算規定、自廠係數認可規定,並評析現行排放量掌握不足部份以及粒狀污染物之空污費徵收。 The project of auditing, management and revised policy in air pollution control fee for stationary p The Environmental Protection Bureau(EPB) of each city and county have started to executed the collection and examination processes of the air pollution fee since 2010. This project focused on education consultation, examination of the main stationary pollution sources, and policy development. Thus, the achievement could be divided into two parts, "reviews of the collection system" and "results of executing collection processes".On the aspect of reviews of the collecting system, this project issued corrections of the conditions of lower-pollution gaseous fuels in "Rates of air pollution control fee" and "Provision of air pollution fee collection" including additions of "Rules of air pollutants emission calculation" and "Rules of equipment component tests and recalculation". Additionally, this project completed reviews of SOx emission coefficients of ceramic industry and tiles and bricks industry, NOx emission coefficients of HNO3 cleaning process in stainless steel industry. As for VOCs emission coefficient, coefficient of multi-control-equipments, plastic extrusion equipments, alcohol fermenting procedures, and rules of mass balance calculation had been revised. At the same time, the project added a draft of coefficients of VOCs produced in storage tank cleaning, repairs and maintenances of equipments, cooling water towers.As for the results of executing collection processes, the declaration rate and the check computation rate had been over 90% after each EPB executed relevant businesses of air pollution fee. Others including CEMS checking, controlling equipments check, lower-pollution fuel confirmation, and oil auditing all were accurately executed. In terms of on-site examinations, CEMS errors had been traced and corrected by EPBs, and were reflected on the air pollution fee declaration system. This project also installed several citizen-friendly functions on the air pollution fee declaration system according to relevant regulations. Finally, investigator qualification system should be established and managed for improvement of investigators' expertise level; VOCs declaration forms need to be simplified. Regulations, such as mass balance calculation rules and self-coefficient rules, should also be corrected. Works for reviewing current stationary pollution sources emission to strengthen weaknesses of discovering unknown pollutants and levy of particulate pollutants air pollution fee also need to be continuously carried out. 101 空保處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47612
研擬國家環境整潔綠美化整體推動方案示範專案工作計畫 本計畫目標為環境整潔綠美化相關工作之推動,包括全國環境整潔綠美化方案綱要計畫研擬、縣(市)環境整潔綠美化經營方案計畫及鄉(鎮市區)環境整潔綠美化促進方案計畫調查及研擬、推動認養機制、研擬志義工訓練及推動自願維護協議等。本計畫執行成果包括:一、完成全國環境整潔綠美化方案綱要計畫草案研擬。二、針對桃園縣、臺中市、高雄市及花蓮縣研擬縣市環境整潔綠美化經營方案示範計畫、辦理4場次宣導說明會。三、針對桃園縣桃園市、台中市石岡區、高雄市彌陀區及花蓮縣花蓮市研擬鄉(鎮市區)環境整潔綠美化促進方案示範計畫、辦理4場次宣導說明會。四、除100年示範縣市及示範鄉鎮市區外,另新增新北市石門區、新北市萬里區、彰化縣鹿港鎮、彰化縣田尾鄉、臺南市七股區、臺南市北區、宜蘭縣員山鄉及宜蘭縣礁溪鄉研擬鄉(鎮市區)環境整潔綠美化促進方案示範計畫、辦理6場次宣導說明會。五、研擬認養機制(草案)、輔導5個社區認養環境整潔綠美化區域、研擬志義工訓練機制(草案)及教材、辦理4場次志義工訓練、研擬自願維護協議(草案)、及推動15個商家試辦。本計畫已於計畫期間完成所有工作項目並達成計畫目標。 National Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification promotion program The purpose of this project is to promote associate tasks of the environmental cleaning, greening and beautification, which includes developing “National Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Outline Plan”, “County (City) Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Management Program Plan” and “Township (Urban) Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Promote Program Plan”, promoting adoption, volunteer training and voluntary maintenance agreement. The achievements of the project are described as blow: 1. Drafted the National Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Outline Plan. 2. Developed County (City) Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Management Program Plan for Taoyuan County, Taichung City, Kaohsiung City and Hualien County, and held 4 conferences of advocacy. 3. Developed Township (Urban) Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Promote Program Plan for Taoyuan City (Taoyuan County), Shigang District (Taichung City), Mituo District (Kaohsiung City) and Hualien City (Hualien County), and held 4 conferences of advocacy. 4. In addition to the Year 100 demonstration counties and towns, increased Shimen District (New Taipei City), Wanli District (New Taipei City), Lukang Town (Changhua County), Tianwei Town (Changhua County), Cigu District (Tainan City), North District (Tainan City), Yuanshan Town (Ilan county) and Jiaosi Township (Ilan county) to develop “The Promotion Plan for Township (Urban) Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification”, and 6 conferences of advocacy. 5. Developed the adoption mechanism (draft), counseling 5 communities to adopt environmental cleaning, greening and beautification area. Developed volunteer training mechanisms (draft) and teaching materials, and held 4 sessions of volunteer training. Developed voluntary maintenance agreement (draft), and promoted 15 merchants pilot. As a conclusion, all tasks had been completed and the project goal has been reached. 101 整潔方案室 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50075
101年水環境家園守望計畫 本年度計畫主要為協助全國水環境巡守隊轉變為深化及多元化水資源守護工作者,並向全民推廣水環境相關知識及概念,且配合署內掌握資訊導入E 化管理,並持續更新維護「水環境保育網」資訊系統,擴充內容資訊,作為巡守隊交流及成果彙整平台。巡守隊組織運作部分,本計畫進行縣市環保局評核作業、評鑑優良水環境守望襄助巡守隊評選;於10月份在北、中、南三區辦理三場次之經營管理輔導會議,使水環境巡守執行人員相互交流。另於針對制度、培訓、輔導及系統面擬定相關制度並提供輔導協助,辦理志工訓練,並設立河川生態環境教室及推廣水環境教育獎章,積極將巡守隊與環境教育做結合。在水環境保育推廣部分,於5至9月辦理北、中、南三場水環境教育暨保育論壇,結合環境教育及水環境巡守事務。另彙整水環境保育資訊,提供線上教材,並發行4季水環境巡守季刊,介紹優良巡守隊及特色水環境故事。且透過民眾參與流域管理相關文獻,研擬巡守隊進行流域管理的策略方向。水環境保育網功能開發及資料維護部分,為簡化巡守隊通報流程開發行動通報APP,落實污染即時通報;設計標準化表格,提供環保局進行巡守隊普查作業;新增優良成果表揚及線上教材專區,提供使用者觀覽與使用;建置Water map 查詢系統,整合水質、污染、稽查及巡守四大資訊平台之資訊。 The 2012 Project on Guard the Water Environment 英文摘要The project of this year mainly focuses on the following three aspects: 1. assisting domestic water environment patrol teams to become insightful and multi water resource caretakers, 2. promoting water environment knowledge and notions to the public, and 3. in response to Environmental Protection Administration’s E-management control and introduction, keeping updating and maintaining on Water Environment Conservation information system, and enriching contents as the platform for patrol teams communication and outcomes archive.For patrol team operation, works completed include the performance evaluation of local environmental protection bureaus, the selection of excellent water environment patrol teams, and the presentation and assessment of patrol outcomes. Three forum meetings have been organized in northern, southern, and central Taiwan respectively in October to enable exchanges among water environment patrol personnel. In addition, related regulations focusing on training, guidance, and systems are drew up, providing guidance assistance, organizing volunteers training, and setting up river ecology classroom promoting water environmental education awards. By doing so, patrol teams are combined with environmental education closely.Concerning the promotion of water-environment conservation, three forums on environmental education applied for water environment patrol teams have been held from May through September, which allows the collaboration between watershed stakeholders and educational personnel. Moreover, four issues of Water Environment Patrol Quarterly were published, introducing the selected patrol teams and the characteristic water environment to advocate water environment conservation. To study the strategy of watershed management, reviewing references was taken as the way for environmental management with the public’s participation.With regard to the function development of Water Environment Conservation website and information maintenance, an action reporting app for immediate pollution reporting was developed, simplifying reporting processes for patrol personnel. Additionally, a standardized form was designed for water environment patrol personnel. Moreover, achievement praises and online materials were added on the website, providing users to browse and apply. And, Water map searching system was established, integrating information for four main information platforms, including water quality, pollution, audit, and patrol platforms. 101 水保處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44315
工業廢棄物流向查核專案計畫 本計畫主要工作重點為進行事業及再利用機構現場查核及事業廢棄物委託清理之追蹤管制調查作業,據以檢視工業廢棄物清理及再利用現況,並檢討制度與執行面提出管理改善建議。其主要成果包括完成受查對象缺失改善率達89%及研析追查不法所得利益之證據及金額之作業方式。另完成編修訂金屬冶煉業、鋼鐵基本工業、石油製品製造業、電子零組件製造業、非金屬礦物製品製造業等共計23冊之事業廢棄物稽查參考手冊,建立其製程廢棄物/產品/原物料之關聯性及產出因子。另完成調查分析5種工業廢棄物之再利用產品銷售現況及評析10類(項)工業廢棄物之去化管道,針對產品滯銷問題提出再利用產品調查、產品貯存監控、再利用總量管制、規格標準化、產品送驗機制、統一審核標準及推動認驗證制度等改善建議;另針對廢棄物去化管道不足問題,則提出建構多元化處理管道及媒合機制等管理改善建議。 Enterprises and Reuse organizations, Audit, reuse management This project focus mainly on the audit of enterprises and reuse organizations, survey the clearance vehicles, review the industrial waste disposal and reuse situations and proposed amendments to the laws as well as regulations and management. The achievements of this project included that the improvement rate for audit objects reached 89%, study on the evidence collection and estimate methods of illegal profits. This project also completed the audit guidelines for industrial waste metal of smelting industry, steel industry, petroleum products manufacturing, Electronic parts & components manufacturing and non-metallic mineral products industry. The generation factors and correlations between waste, products and raw materials of process were established. In addition, this project also investigated the sales of recycled products of 5 industrial wastes and the clearance way of 10 industrial wastes. The improvement measures for overstock of the recycled products included market research, Storage monitoring, reuse of quantity control, standardization and recognized certification system. Then the improvement measures for inadequate of the clearance way included set up the diversification of treatment and matching mechanism. 101 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45565
我國資源回收創新與研究發展方向之探討專案工作計畫 本計畫工作內容包含兩部分:第一部份為研擬建議102年度資源回收創新與研究發展重點工作,第二部分則針對國內資源循環產業中、長期可發展議題方案進行研擬規劃,並將計畫執行相關成果提供給環保署基管會做為未來工作規劃參考。本計畫透過問卷調查、國內外資訊收集、專家訪談工作,將相關資訊與意見進一步彙整、歸納、整理為發展議題方案(草案),並由專家會議進一步確認與整合。在問卷調查部分,一共寄出6類290件問卷邀請,填寫問卷表格並提供建議,計有48件的有效回覆信件提供208項建議/意見。在國際資訊收集部分,透過網絡新聞搜索與各國官方發佈訊息,收集有301件關於資源回收相關新聞訊息和分析。在國際期刊部分,本計畫搜尋Waste Management and Research, Waste Management, Resources, Conservation and Recycling等5份有關廢棄物管理和研究,廢棄物管理,資源節約和循環利用等期刊論文,超過150篇論文進行審視與比對,以瞭解目前國外廢棄物資源回收及管理現況。經由將上述來源收集的所有信息進行編譯和重新分類,本計畫針對資源回收領域創新研發方向區分為5個面向(包含法律/政策、組織/體系、污染防治、技術研發與社會/經濟等)進行探討,並先規劃59項課題草案,再以專家會議方式對草案進行討論並提出建議。綜合整理相關資訊、意見和建議後,本計畫提出資源回收創新研發之具體目標為-淨化環境、資源永續利用,同時歸納出10項願景,並整理出32項具短、中、長程未來發展之議題。另外102年度之主題規劃,則以對資源回收體系有較急迫性需求之「經濟性調查:資源回收市場、物質流」、「環保規範及技術研發」、「建立規格:處理場節能減」為篩選原則,分別就廢棄物資源回收之(A)基本資料及分析、(B)未來方向、(C)技術之開發、(D)規範建立等4個方向選定12項102年度建議進行主題。 The project plan of resource recovery innovation and R&D direction in our country The goal of this research project was two-fold: recommending research and development needs for FY2013 and constructing a short and long term strategy plan in the field of waste recycling under the jurisdiction of Recycling Fund Management Board, EPA. The work was completed stepwise through information collection, information compiling, expert meeting, and final integration and proposal submission. The information was collected through questionnaire survey, interview with professions, news/web searching, and profession journal searching. A questionnaire was designed based on waste recycling flow stream and items recycled. In total 290 individuals and agencies in 6 profession groups were invited to fill the form and provide suggestions. 48 units responded with astonishing 208 comments/suggestions. The news/web searching was based on the news edited and released from the Office of Sustainable Development (OSD), EPA, which collects global environmental issues through major websites, state information release, and EC information center. In total, a list with 301 news was collected and analyzed. Five major profession journals, Waste Management and Research, Waste Management, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Journal of Cleaner Production, Energy Conversion and Management with more than 150 papers were reviewed. Then, all information from the above sources were compiled and reclassified into five groups, including system/regulation, organization, pollution control, research and development, social/economic issue, by this project, and the issues were condensed to a draft of 59 topics. The expert meeting was then called to review and comment on the draft. Finally, the short and long term strategy plan with 32 topics were outlined and proposed after comments and suggestions from the professional meeting. Meantime, based on the urgency, 12 topics in four categories, including establishment of basic information and analysis, technical development, guideline and index development, and future needs, were screened and selected for the FY2013 R & D needs. 101 基管會 國立高雄第一科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48382
101年度高雄市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 本計畫依契約工作內容,已於101年4月份起,每月5日前完成「土壤及地下水污染資訊網頁」更新維護,民眾可定期接收新的相關資訊,在土壤及地下水監督查核及驗證採樣工作部份,本計畫共完成382點土壤採樣及152口地下水採樣,其中包括110口指定加測TPH-d與50口8大金屬。本年度共完成查證8處場址,17處場址驗證調查,及19處列管場址例行性監督查核。地下水監測井部份,上下半年度井外觀巡查共完成件數為686口次,除部份巡查缺失於現場立即完成改善外,針對外觀有異樣之監測井共完成20口監測井地下結構之功能保養維護、10口井中攝影、7口標準監測井廢井、14口簡易井設置及15口標準監測井設置。本工作團隊聘請合法登記或立案之法律事務機構專業律師,共協助完成8件律師諮詢服務。另針對局內舉行4場次教育訓練,針對市內被列管之業者、加油站業者與8、9條業者辦理4場法規宣導說明會。計畫執行期間內,本市一百多個場址每月至少均巡查一次以上,此外,協助審查各污染場址所提報與土壤及地下水污染整治法相關資料並提供書面審查意見計有151件。另協助加油站業者網路申報,101年第1~3季申報率達100%。協助審核加油站設備計畫書或完工報告書審核10件次,並已完成加油站現場查核81站次及12站加油站預防性體檢工作。 Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Pollution project in Kaohsiung city 2012 In order to control the soil and groundwater contamination in kaohsiung, Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Goverment (Kaohsiung EPB) contract out the plan. In excuting the plan, Kaohsiung EPB could invest and identify the soil and groundwater contamination in kaohsiung, and prevent the expending of the contamination, and carry out the precaution of the gas station. According to the contract, we have complete all of the works items. We completed to the soil and groundwater contamination webpage for updates and maintenance on the 5th of each month, people can regularly receives new information and understanding of the effectiveness of the work performed by the soil and groundwater contamination in Kaohsiung EPB. In addition, in the soil and groundwater management information system, we continuously updated project content and grasp the progress and effectiveness of the various sites.In soil and groundwater oversight supervised and verification sampling work, we has completed 382 points of soil sampling and 152 groundwater sampling, including 110 designated plus measured TPH-d with 50 metal. The investigation can be divided into the verification, validation and routine supervision and checks.In respect to the Validation, we completed 17 site verification survey, 4 of the pollution improvement not completed on schedule, the remaining 13 in succession as set forth, the proportion of 76.5%.In respect to the Routine supervision and checks, we completed 19 site soil and groundwater sampling work.During this year, we completed a total of 686 wells of appearance inspections, in addition to some of the inspections missing was immediately to improve for the appearance, the strange monitoring wells also discharged into the wells photographic or underground structure and function of the monitoring wells in the maintenance of the list, the completion of 20 monitoring well underground structure function maintenance, 10 wells photography, 7 standard monitoring wells were cancel, 14 temporary wells set and 15 standard monitoring wells set.We hired a professional lawyer to provide the soil or groundwater contamination identified or litigating legal advice, completed a total of 8 lawyers consulting services. Another it held 4 field training to enhance the expertise involved, to achieve the purpose of contaminated sites control the exchange of experience and by observation activities. Held 4 additional regulatory guidance meeting, mainly related laws introduced remediation practices introduced Remediation been associated with the rights, obligations and remediation methods to understand the industry view to the city.There were approximately 100 sites in Kaohsiung city, we inspected all sites once a month and assisted in the review of the various contaminated sites report, and total of 151 review comments. We required of the gas station quarterly reporting by calling, the 1st to 3th season reporting rate of 100%, and assisted in the review 10 of the gas station equipment plan completion reports. We completed 81 of gas stations inspections and 12 of the gas stations preventive inspection work. The result of 1 gas station were recommended to enter the second stage-soil and groundwater sampling investigation, and the investigated results did not exceed control standards, there were unnecessary to enter the third stage of the investigation. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 澔宇工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53294
101年度臺北市噪音管制計畫 本計畫為臺北市環保局噪音管制作業綜合計畫,作業內容含括營建工程、娛樂營業場所、交通3大類,此外亦提供噪音防制技術電話諮詢服務、製作營建工程與娛樂營業場所噪音防制技術宣導摺頁、維護更新噪音防制宣導網頁與影片,工作內容說明如下:在營建工程方面,針對臺北市重複遭受陳情、列管前50大、進行土方開挖等等營建工地,已完成巡查防音設施201件次,並同步宣導噪音防制觀念及法規要求。此外,於8月辦理營建工程噪音防制技術研討暨觀摩會,另已於4月、7月、10月及11月,各完成1場營建工程噪音改善協談會辦理,加強宣導並督促廠商執行噪音防制作業。在娛樂營業場所方面,針對臺北市娛樂營業場所一再被陳情或環保局稽查告發之噪音案件,邀請噪音防制專家至現場輔導,已完成並提供噪音改善建議20件次,期望藉由專家之輔導,提供業者進行噪音改善之參考,以符合法規之要求。其次,針對一再被陳情、經環保局稽查告發或環保局指定對象,在7月及9月各完成1場噪音防制座談會,10月完成1場娛樂及營業場所噪音防制技術研討會。期望透過辦理會議除加強宣導外,提供民眾噪音相關法規、防制技術及實際改善案例等資訊。在交通方面,軌道系統交通噪音監測已完成5點次、道路系統交通噪音監測18點次、完成協助辦理交通噪音改善或補助計畫審查10件次。其次,針對陸上交通系統主管機關,辦理交通噪音宣導說明會1場次及辦理交通噪音改善追蹤檢討會2場次。噪音為都會地區高度發展後一個嚴重的公害問題,期望透過加強宣導噪音防制、辦理座談會、協談會、提供可行控制技術、面對面溝通等作為,多管齊下可有效減少噪音污染案件及陳情,並可提升市民居住生活環境品質。 Taipei City Noise Control Program Year 2012 The project provides counseling services of noise control technology by telephone, manufactures the propaganda brochure of noise control technology for construction engineering and entertainment premises, maintain and update the noise control propaganda website and the noise control propaganda film. According to the property of the work, the project content can be divided into three parts: construction engineering noise control, entertainment premises noise control, traffic and transportation noise control, now is described as follows.For construction engineering noise control, we aim at the top fifty construction sites monitored by Taipei City and the urban renewal sites, to inspect the anti-noise facilities and advocacy noise control concepts up to two hundred two times. Secondary, we carried on the construction noise control technology seminar on Auguest, complete four construction noises improve discussion forums in April, July, October and Nonember, to strengthen the advocacy noise control and supervise the construction team to execute them.For entertainment premises noise control, we aim at the entertainment premises which have been repeatedly denounced petition or been ticketed by TDEP cause of the noise pollution case, to invite the noise control experts to on-site counseling and provide suggestions for improvement noise control 20 cases before the end of November. Secondary, we carried on the entertainment premises noise control technology seminar on October, complete two noises improve discussion forums in July and September, and handle the forum for control area, peaceful broken, notice premises. We may expect to strengthen the advocacy noise control concepts, and to provide the information of noise regulations, control technologies and actual improvement cases.For traffic and transportation noise control, we already complete 5 points of rail transportation system noise monitoring, 18 points of road traffic system noise monitoring, assistance inspecting 10 projects of the traffic noise improvement/subsidy plan. Secondary, we carried on traffic noise advocacy briefing seminar and traffic noise improved review forum for the authorities of traffic and transportation.Noise is one of the serious pollution problems in highly developed urban area, so Taipei City Government takes the noise problem as the priority improvement project and keeps tracking control, and TDEP will keep through: strengthen the advocacy noise control concept, for seminars, for discussion forums, provide a viable control technology, face to face communication… etc., to enhance the quality of the environment where citizens are living 101 臺北市政府環境保護局 鋒騰科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=85544
澎湖縣101年度固定污染源稽查管制暨室內空氣品質自主管理推動計畫 一、執行許可申請審查發證作業統計101年計畫執行期間,合計受理申請許可申請案23件,已完成21件申請案之審查作業及2件駁回申請,目前暫無許可申請案審理中,詳如表3.2-5所示,另彙整本計畫執行期間受理之各件許可案件申請情形一覽表如表3.2-6所列。而目前有效的許可證總件數為42件,以「引擎發電程序」製程別的23張許可證占多數;其次為「混凝土拌合程序」及「瀝青混凝土製造程序」之製程別合計的15件,如圖3.2-5及表3.2-7所示。二、固定污染源稽巡查作業統計101年已執行本縣列管與非列管工廠現場巡查作業,共進行巡查91家292件次之固定源工廠,各項巡查作業統計如表3.5-1所列,依巡查作業類別比例分析,以一般例行性巡查為主,本項類別主要進行列管工廠之清查、許可證查核及防制設備巡查等作業。若依巡查頻率依行業別來區分的話以非金屬礦物製品製造業(90件次)最高頻率,其次分別為洗衣業(42件次)、其他石油及煤製品製造業(32件次)、電力供應業(29件次)、加油站業(19件次),主要為配合加強砂石堆置場管制作業加強巡查,以減少陳情及污染情事產生,藉由高頻率之巡查,本年度砂石堆置場之揚塵陳情案件已較往年大幅減少許多,而其餘之類別如洗衣業、印刷業及觀光旅館業之巡查主要為例行性之固定源資料清查及空污費查核作業。本計畫統計至101年計畫執行期間(101年3月至12月)共受理12件陳情案件數,如表3.5-2所示,巡查輔導過程中,較常發現之缺失為輕微之泥沙拖出及廠內揚塵情事,現場均立即要求廠方進行改善,並監督完成缺失改善,透過此一動作,使固定污染源列管業者,避免再次發生污染陳情事件,計畫執行期間亦持續追蹤各案改善情形。三、資料庫維護更新及擴充調查統計101年計畫執行期間,共進行18家列管之固定污染源清查作業,清查對象包括第1~2批應申報排放量對象及許可1~8批對象,清查時針對已清查廠家書面資料之完整性、合理性以及電腦資料庫與書面資料之相符性主動進行校核作業,共計3家有缺失,進行資料庫檢核及修訂。四、法規符合度檢測作業本年度主要工作係為協助執行煙道檢測8根次、粒狀物周界檢測8場、加油站氣油比檢測14家、燃料油或柴油含硫量採樣檢驗抽測14件,上列檢測作業相關工作委託環保署認可之檢測公司佶川環境科技有限公司(環署環檢字第146號)協助,已執行8根次煙道之粒狀物、SOx及NOx檢測採樣作業、粒狀物周界檢測8處次、加油站氣油比抽測作業15家次、固定污染源油品含硫量稽查檢測8件次,相關檢測分析結果於章節3.6進行說明,僅郁洲瀝青工業有限公司旋轉爐日用油槽之燃料油(重油)檢測值達1.6wt%,超出法令標準值(0.5wt%),相關資料已提報 貴局,並於101年10月11日再次抽樣檢測,而複查的結果並已符合法規標準,詳細原因可能是廠商油品閒置太久未使用及進行保養作業,致使貯放油品之硫份沈積,造成採樣結果不符合。五、協助空氣污染防制費徵收作業101年度1~3季空污費共有57家次使用網路系統提出空污費繳費及申報(繳交情形如表3.10-1所列),使用網路系統申報率100%,統計繳交情形,空污費總收金額7,239,174元,分別為SOx及NOx徵收7,020,564元、VOCs徵收218,610元,到繳率100%。計畫期間針對列管應申繳空污費之業者每季進行資料查核,統計101年已進行57家次空污費現場查核作業。此外,並進一步整理101年度第2季空污費申報污染物排放量,SOx與NOx排放量分別為385公噸、885.86公噸及VOCs排放量7.54公噸。六、固定源歷年排放量差異分析為瞭解澎湖縣歷年固定源之申報排放量變化及101年度申報排放量、應繳空氣污染防制費申報量、許可排放量等差異性,本計畫透過環保署固定污染源資訊管理系統及空污費申報系統進行各類排放量之數據統計,經統計結果如圖3.8-2所示。95~99年度間的粒狀污染物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物、揮發性有機物之排放量變化大致仍有下降之趨勢,主要分析原因為澎湖近年來無大型開發案,亦無重大環評案件之申請,縣內列管固定污染源之污染物排放量相較台灣地區來得小,重點管制對象主要針對依法需提報排放量之10家業者加強污染防制設置之操作維護作業巡查,確認污染防制設備正常運作,然受景氣之因素,99年各行業別污染物排放量均有減少的情形,另外推測因博弈條款未通過,對砂石、瀝青混凝土及預拌混凝土等縣內主要污染源行業等有負面之衝擊,各廠家之操作量將會大幅減少,對於污染物排放量將會有減少之趨勢;而氮氧化物則是呈現下降之趨勢,分析原因為縣內氮氧化物主要排放源-台電尖山電廠自96年起增加尿素使用量,控制NOx排放量,使得NOx排放量亦有下降之趨勢。未來台電將透過以海底電纜傳輸電力至澎湖本島方式,替代現有之尖山發電廠之電力產生方式,屆時尖山發電廠將轉換為緊急狀況發電設備之用,未來預期將可再進一步大幅降低澎湖縣內空污排放量。100年度污染物排放量增加之主要原因,研判為100年度觀光遊客數量較往年增加許多,以致尖山電廠之操作量增加,導致污染物排放量增加。目前101年度第1季至第3季污染物申報總排放量相較於100年度同時期明顯降低,將持續觀察年度變化情形及進行分析探討。七、砂石廠及砂石車作業場所污染自主管理目前承諾進行道路認養之業者共計16家,累積每月洗、掃長度為98.4公里,而業者每清掃1公里路面預估可削減0.0138噸之粒狀物,因此預估每月可減少1.35公噸之粒狀物,全年可減少16.2公噸之粒狀污染物,累積每月洗、掃長度為98.4公里,而業者每清掃1公里路面預估可削減0.0138噸之粒狀物,因此預估每月可減少1.35公噸之粒狀物,全年可減少16.2公噸之粒狀污染物。八、企業道路認養追蹤作業目前本縣各公私場所認養道路之長度及頻率如表3.12-1所示,合計認養道路長度為9公里,本年度共計有豪信預拌混凝土有限公司等16家公私廠場所持續執行污染防制措施及週邊道路認養作業,每月累積約洗街40.5公里及掃街50.9公里。統計101年3月至12月,各家業者均依承諾頻率進行道路認養及清洗掃作業,累積共完成565公里道路清掃及400.2公里道路洗掃作業,總洗掃長度達965.2公里,相關統計結果如表3.12-2所列,推估削減TSP量達12.05公噸,週邊道路清潔狀況已有改善,道路泥沙拖出的陳情事件亦減少許多,對維護本縣之空氣品質有一定之成效。九、室內空氣品質自主管理推動作業室內空氣品質自主管理推動作業主要包括有法令宣導、公共場所自主管理承諾、專責人員訓練及設置、室內空氣品質調查及污染源頭管理等策略,目前已初步擬定” 公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理分級制度”規劃報告提送 貴局核定。目前已於5月24日舉辦”室內空氣品質管理法令宣導會”,特別邀請實際參與環保署室內空氣品質管理推動之主承辦梁喬凱薦任技士至澎湖進行宣導及說明,說明「室內空氣品質管理之重要性」、「室內空氣品質法規宣導」、「室內空氣品質管理法條文內容」、「室內空氣品質自主管理制度」及「節能減碳宣導」等項目,藉此讓民眾更瞭解室內空氣品質管理的重要性及提升民眾對”室內空氣品質自主管理”的認知,透過豐富的宣導內容及熱絡的意見交流,讓與會民眾更瞭解目前「室內空氣品質管理法」管制要點及未來推動方向,當天活動現場並發送淨化室內空氣品質植物,邀請民眾一起淨化室內好空氣。而年度之第二場次及第三場次之宣導會,原擬參照署規劃進行室內空氣品質維護管理專責人員設置管理辦法及訓練課程,然因環保署在室內空氣品質專責人員訓練之方向,在年度計畫推動前仍處研商及研擬階段,直至11月23日才公告相關子法,故無法依原規劃方向執行,故改以校園室內空氣品質管理推動宣導會方式執行,已分別於10月31日及11月1日在中興國小及澎湖科技大學辦理完畢,現場並發放淨化室內空氣品質植物進行推廣。十、固定污染源管制其他配合作業1. 計畫執行期間每月提交2則宣導新聞稿,至計畫結束前一共需協助20則媒體宣導新聞刊登,執行期間共提供環保局23件次新聞稿,其中23篇新聞稿獲環保局同意採用,統計見報則數有17則,跑馬燈3則,累積達成目標數共有20則,達成合約規範數量,而各篇新聞稿提供情形以及刊登情形如表5.2-1所示。2.計畫內部人員教育訓練部分,第一季教育訓練於101年4月10日辦理,邀請環保署空污費查核計畫之計畫經理鍾有賢先生進行本年度計畫人員教育訓練,第一場次教育訓練課程表如表5.4-1,而教育訓練照片如圖5.4-1所示。第二場教育訓練於101年7月10日辦理,邀請工業技術研究院空氣污染防治研究室姚永真博士擔任講師進行本年度第二次計畫人員教育訓練。第二場次教育訓練課程表如表5.4-2所示,而教育訓練照片如圖5.4-2所示。第三場次則於101年10月4日辦理,邀請中興工程顧問公司鍾有賢工程師擔任講師,因應本(101)年9月6日修正發布之「空氣污染防制費收費辦法」及同步公告之「公私場所固定污染源空氣污染物排放量計算方法規定」,以及「公私場所固定污染源設備元件抽測原則及揮發性有機物排放量重新計算規定」,第三場次教育訓練課程表如表5.4-3所示,而教育訓練照片如圖5.4-3所示。4.道路巡查作業部分,巡查重點為機場、港口、砂石場或車流輛較大之道路。統計101年3月至12月底,共執行20天次道路巡查作業,而道路巡查里程合計為217公里,各月份巡查長度彙整如表5.6-1所列,巡查期間除少部分路段有發現些許碎石於道路邊緣,經養護單位派員進行清潔維護後恢復清潔外,巡查路段大致均維護良好。 2012 Year Fixed Air Pollution Examination Plan Executive period: from March 12, 2012 to February 31, 2012Project budget: NTD 3,435,000Penghu 『101 Year Fixed Air Pollution Examination Plan』 extension previous year 『Fixed Air Pollution Examination and Controlling Plan』, the coordinate environmental protection bureau and examines committee member's instruction , the senior official directs under the bureau, except achieves the quantification goal diligently, and strives in the substantive control benefit, can achieve the anticipated target by the time. On December 31 stops to 101 years, achievement of quantification as shown in Table this plan one, following work of project item by item abstract explanation in view of this plan. 101 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司
廢棄物越境轉移整體管理檢討專案工作計畫 本計畫完成項目,分為(1)提升廢棄物越境轉移管理落實及執行因應;(2)境外勘察輸出廢棄物處理情形;(3)巴塞爾公約及廢棄物越境轉移相關國際會議參與等三部分。各項工作之成果簡述如后:(一)提升廢棄物越境轉移管理落實及執行因應1.依據現行廢棄物清理法規定,配合實務管理需求,完成廢棄物輸入輸出過境轉口管理辦法部分條文修正草案,並於101年9月25日召開公聽研商會廣徵各界意見後修正,並完成研擬廢棄物輸入輸出許可審查作業要點修正草案。已配合資源循環利用法草案內容,協助提供廢棄資源輸出入條文說明資料。管理辦法及審查作業要點完成修正通過後,將能使廢棄物輸出入管理機制更為完畢。2.依據廢棄物輸入輸出過境轉口管理辦法及廢棄物輸入輸出許可審查作業要點,已協助環保署審查44件有害廢棄物輸出申請案,並彙整新增缺失,以提供後續執行參考。3.依據有害廢棄物實際輸出種類,已完成14項輸出入有害廢棄物代碼與海關稅則比對(草案),此工作項目將可統一輸出入有害廢棄物之海關稅則,以利輸出入審查作業之進行。4.配合計畫,針對國內外法規、廢棄物輸出入管制判定參考手冊(英文版)及巴塞爾公約簡介等,共計完成21次巴塞爾公約資訊網站維護更新,以提供關心巴塞爾公約及廢棄物輸出入管制之使用者參考。(二)境外勘察輸出廢棄物處理情形1.已於101年8月5日至8月11日由四位專家,完成勘察中國5家處理機構及拜訪8個地方環保單位。2.完成彙整處理機構之廢棄物處理方式、年處理量與來源國分布情形、操作營運記錄情形、污染防治(制)設備設置及操作情形、二次污染防治情形、過去三年實際處理我國輸出至該機構之廢棄物種類與數量。3.已完成我國有害廢棄物輸出現況與輸出許可量分析、與歷年境外接受國勘察成果摘要分析,包含90年度以來境外接受國處理情形綜合比較,並針對中國管理法規與許可文件蒐集、現行管理方式進行評析。4.透過前述工作項目之執行,將能有效瞭解及監督輸出處理廢棄物之妥善處理情形。(三)巴塞爾公約及廢棄物越境轉移相關國際會議參與1.巴塞爾公約夥伴計畫參與:(1)完成電腦設備夥伴計畫(PACE)資料更新、舊電腦設備修復再使用及廢電腦設備再利用技術指引中文摘譯。為利後續應用,依環保署權責分工,提供廢管處及基管會等相關單位運用。(2)完成一人次參與巴塞爾公約第8次開放式工作組會議(瑞士日內瓦,9月25-28日):電子廢棄物仍受全球矚目,我國經驗確實值得分享。而本計畫也透過延長生產者責任(EPR)相關計畫之執行,協助環保署於國際會議中適時擴散我國成果。2.完成今年度亞太地區廢棄物管理相關國際會議資料之蒐集、說明;透過本計畫團隊與國內相關專家學者與日本環境省智庫單位-國立環境研究所(National Institute for Environmental Studies, NIES)的積極聯繫、交流,促成我國代表得以參加亞洲國家循環資材的利用及其環境安全品質國際研討會(日本仙台,10月25-26日),除可瞭解各國於廢棄資源再利用的情形,並藉機展現我國努力成果。 Overal Review of Waste Transboundary Movement Management in Taiwan The results of this project include: (1) the improvement of implementation of wastes transboundary management, (2) overseas inspection of export wastes processing, and (3) the participation of conventions related to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal.1.The improvement of implementation of wastes transboundary management(1)Based on the stipulations of the Wastes Disposal Act and practical needs the draft revision of the clauses of the wastes import/export transboundary stipulations were completed. A public hearing was held on September 25, 2012 to consult with various concerned parties. Information regarding the waste resources import/export clauses is provided to assist the completion of the cyclical resources use act. The wastes import/export management program will be more serviceable as the management instrument and review guidelines are revised and implemented.(2)Forty-four import/export hazardous wastes codes and custom applications have been reviewed based on the wastes import/export transboundary stipulations and wastes import/export permit review guidelines. Suggested revisions are provided for review to improve the wastes management operations.(3)In accordance with the export categories of hazardous wastes, the preliminary comparison between the import/export hazardous wastes codes and the custom tariff is completed for fourteen categories. The result will be useful in unifying the custom tariff of import/export hazardous wastes for reviewing process.(4)The web site of Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous wastes and their Disposal was update regarding related laws and acts, the wastes import/export control reference handbook, and the introduction of the Basel Convention. The web information is provided for users who are concerned with the Convention and those who use the information for wastes import/export management.2.Overseas inspection of export wastes processing(1)There are five processing plants and eight municipal environmental agencies visited by four experts from August 5, 2012 to August 11, 2012.(2)Tasks were completed in collecting data on waste processing operations, annual processing capacity and import sources, operation records, operation of pollution prevention facilities, prevention of secondary pollution, and the categories and amounts of waste export from Taiwan in the past three years.(3)The analysis of domestic hazardous wastes export status and volumes was completed. The analysis report of inspecting waste export countries was also completed, including the comprehensive comparison of the processing status of export countries since 2001. The regulations and permit documents of China were collected, and the management methods were evaluated and analyzed.(4)The export waste processing status will be better understood and monitored as the aforementioned tasks are completed.3.The participation of international conference of Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous wastes and their Disposal(1)The participation of Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous wastes and their Disposal partnership programa.The PACE data was updated, and the Chinese version of the used computer recovery and reuse technical guide was summarized and provided to the EPA’s waste management department and the Recycling Fund Management Board.b.The open work group meeting of Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous wastes and their Disposal was participated to share the Taiwan experience. The EPR project also assisted the EPA in disseminating the Taiwan experience in international conference.(2)The data of the asia-pacific region waste management international conference were collected. With the assistance of NIES the Taiwan representatives were able to participate in the Asian countries circular material use and the environmental safety and quality international symposium held in Sendai, Japan from October 25 to 26, 2012. The purpose was to understand the waste resource reuse in other Asian countries and to present the Taiwan experience. 101 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42775
低碳永續東部生活圈十項方案課題規劃與專案計畫 因應全球暖化所帶來的氣候變遷及有關的環境衝擊,這是全民所必須面對的新挑戰,而最根本的解決方法,即是同心協力、積極落實各項節能減碳行動方案,以建立低碳永續的生活圈。為此,行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)規劃並推動於10年內建構「低碳社區」、「低碳城市」及「低碳生活圈」的具體目標及時程,短期將由規模較小的社區開始做起,逐步推動建構低碳示範社區,中期則由低碳社區逐步成長而形成低碳城市,長期至民國109年,由低碳城市逐步擴大形成北、中、南、東四個低碳永續生活圈。本計畫即在此行動目標下,協助東部及離島地區(以下簡稱東部地區)建立之低碳永續生活圈。本計畫現均依預定進度執行所有計畫預定事項,各項工作達成進度彙整如表1所示。本報告將各章節成果摘要彙整如下:ㄧ、低碳永續東部生活圈十項運作機能技術與資訊諮詢小組依低碳永續東部生活圈運作機能為生態綠化、建築節能、設備節能、再生能源、綠色運輸、資源循環、低碳生活、防救災與調適、法律與經濟財稅工具及社會行為科學與評比工具等共十項,其運作組織架構分別為1位總召集人、3位副總召集人、10位運作機能小組召集人及各項運作機能技術與資訊諮詢小組成員,總共有118位擔任本計畫技術與資訊諮詢委員。二、規劃低碳永續東部生活圈十項運作機能推動計畫本計畫以東部地區所提出低碳城市規劃書作為基礎,再與三次小組會議及中央小組分別召開44次不等低碳永續相關會議,數次會議中討論所得之結論,彙整出既能代表東部地區特性亦符合低碳永續家園之技術,研擬出行動項目與評比內容。三、撰寫低碳永續東部生活圈十項運作機能推動方案計畫書蒐集國內外生態綠化、建築節能、設備節能、再生能源、綠色運輸、資源循環、低碳生活、防救災與調適、法律與經濟財稅工具及社會行為科學與評比工具等十項機能成功案例 ,經由案例問題分析及政策分析,決定實施策略並訂定出低碳永續東部生活圈各項運作機能未來行動項目。針對行動項目進行討論,探討其項目之內容,藉以建造低碳東部生活圈。四、管考執行與評比機制中管考及評比之項目與評定方法及綜評方法本計畫以東部地區特性為主,參照國內相關評比制度,設計出適合東部地區評比制度,制度中劃定鄉鎮市、村里欲達到低碳永續家園所需達成的指標項目,並規定必選及自選項目。以不同分數作為分級區別,以「銅級」、「銀級」、「金級」三類作為分級代表,在依分數的高低作為分級標準。經召開三次小組會議討論後,生態綠化之主要推動策略為五項主要項目行動方案,分別為生態綠化教育與宣導、樹木與林地管理、提升綠化量、生物多樣性及棲地保護計畫;建築節能之主要推動策略為四項主要項目行動方案,分別為建築節能教育與宣導、綠建築相關標章認證、建築節能亮點計畫及其他建築節能相關行動;設備節能之主要推動策略為四項主要項目行動方案,分別為節能能源教育與宣導、路燈照明節能計畫、使用高效率燈具及家電節能計畫;再生能源之主要推動策略為七項主要項目行動方案,分別為再生能源教育與宣導、風力發電推動計畫、太陽能光電熱系統推動計畫、生質能利用推動計畫、小型水力發電推動計畫、地熱發電推動計畫及海洋能利用;綠色運輸之主要推動策略為七項主項目行動方案,分別為綠色運輸教育與宣導、自行車周邊服務系統規劃與建立、新能源車推廣系統計畫、大眾運輸系統(公車、社區巴士等)、推行汽車共乘平台、食物哩程減少計畫及交通運輸資訊友善環境;資源循環之主要推動策略為十三項主項目行動方案,分別為資源循環教育與宣導、巨大廢棄物再生利用、農業廢棄物回收再利用、建築廢棄物再生利用計畫、使用省水器材、污水循環再利用計畫、舊建物保存再利用計畫、資源化物質分享平台、廢容器回收再生及再利用計畫、廚餘再利用系統、堆肥資源化、雨水回收再利用(水撲滿等設施)及推動環境資源循環友善農場計畫;低碳生活之主要推動策略為十項主要項目行動方案,分別為低碳生活教育與宣導、低碳旅遊推廣計畫、低碳活動推廣計畫、綠色旅店推廣計畫、低碳飲食推廣計畫、施行假日農夫或綠色市集、自給農園或市民農園、綠色商店推廣計畫、推動綠色採購計畫及推廣低碳活動認證;防救災與調適之主要推動策略為四項主要項目行動方案,分別為防救災教育與宣導、防救災資源檢備及維護、防救災組織強化及氣候變遷下地區災害潛勢調查(含地方環境脆弱度調查與評估);法律與經濟財稅工具之主要推動策略為六項主要項目行動方案,分別為在地綠色經濟發展計畫、制定社區低碳公約或法規、低碳融資申請制度、鼓勵企業綠色認養計畫、鼓勵企業綠色贊助計畫及獎勵綠色投資計畫;社會行為科學與評比工具之主要推動策略為七項主要項目行動方案,分別為建立低碳永續發展計畫、低碳永續環境教育推廣計畫、建立低碳綠色團隊、低碳永續志工培訓計畫、辦理低碳永續相關活動、社區參與率及碳足跡估算計畫等。行動方案皆規劃亮點示範計畫進行推廣,以增加行動方案之普及率及成效,並且規劃行動方案之細項部分,針對行動方案為主體進行評比指標項目之擬定,而評比指標之評分標準將依縣市、鄉鎮市及村里層級之不同進行調整,本計畫團隊經小組會議討論後,低碳永續家園東部生活圈之評等認證行動項目共有67項,彙整出評等認證行動項目如表2所示。五、低碳永續東部生活圈技術資訊系統內容架構與建置及維護資訊低碳永續東部生活圈技術資訊交流平台,以GOOGLE協作平台方式建構各項運作機能技術資訊系統,將中央政府、地方政府及相關單位所發布最新活動或辦法、相關補助、行動項目與評比工具、各次小組會議相關會議資料及東部及離島地區的低碳相關計畫書以及各運作機能之重要課題與解決方案(含技術、經濟、財稅、法律與社會工具運用與研發)等各項相關訊息公布於網頁中,會不定期更新,讓民眾能快速知悉政府最新低碳相關資訊。六、辦理低碳永續東部生活圈推動方案研討會本計畫舉辦四場次,分別與宜蘭社區大學、羅東社區大學、花蓮縣社區大學、臺東縣南島社區大學合作舉辦,邀請東部地區各縣市相關機關、村里長、社區發展協會及NGO等人士一同參與,研討會目標參與人員合計為200人以上,由本計畫報告東部生活圈各項行動計畫及執行方式,並對未來規劃作個說明且進行意見交流及討論,透過此次研討會說明分享使與會來賓更加了解「低碳永續家園」其執行目的與未來發展,提升各區打造「低碳永續家園」之參與度,亦可由與會來賓的意見反饋將已規劃的各行動項目執行方式逐步修正更適用於地方或社區實際推動,更臻完善。 Responding to climate change and associated environmental impacts that global warming has brought is a new challenge the nationals must be faced with. The most fundamental solution is to build low-carbon and sustainable local living zones through a variety of energy saving and carbon reduction action plans that are cooperatively and actively completed. So, the central Environment Protection Administration’s specific policy made up of three term-based plans that are “Low-carbon Communities,” “Low-carbon Cities” and “Low-Carbon Local Living Zones”, respectively, established in a short-term, middle term and long term for the next decade.The short-term plan firstly targets small communities and then some policy model low-carbon communities will be gradually seen in the end of this stage. The growing number of low-carbon communities will comprise low-carbon cities in the mid-term goal. The long-term plan is expected to realize in 2020 that low-carbon cities will be extended to their adjoining regions and so, four low-carbon and sustainable local living zones respectively built in the northern, central, southern and eastern Taiwan.This project is a part of the central administration’s policy, aiming to provide assistance in establishment of low-carbon and sustainable local living zones in the eastern Taiwan and offshore islands.Currently, all the planned jobs are done by the work schedule of this project and the achieved degree of progress of each job is all shown in Table 1. The principal conclusions of each section are summarized as follows:I. Advisory Group on Techniques and Information about Ten Functions to Activate the Low-carbon and Sustainable Local Living Zones in the Eastern TaiwanTen functions to activate the low-carbon and sustainable local living zones in the eastern Taiwan are ecological vegetation, energy-saving architectures, energy-saving equipment and appliances, recyclable energy, green transportation, recyclable and reusable resources, low-carbon daily life, natural disasters prevention rescue and adaptation, policy, economic and tax measures, and social behavior science and evaluation tools. This group comprises 118 advisory members with 1 chairperson, 3 vice chairpersons, 10 work group conveners, and others being divided into each advisory work group on techniques and information about these functions.II. About How the Executive Plan Is Made for Ten Functions to Activate the Low-carbon and Sustainable Local Living Zones in the Eastern TaiwanThis executive plan is based on the proposal of low-carbon city planning on the eastern Taiwan. Besides, it is integrated of some conclusions from several of 3 work group meetings and 44 groups meetings on low-carbon economy and sustainability. This synthetic plan presents that select techniques specific to the eastern Taiwan are in consistent with the rule of low-carbon and sustainable homeland and thus the action plans and evaluation indices are created on the basis of it.III. About How the Proposal Is Composed for Ten Functions to Activate the Low-carbon and Sustainable Local Living Zones in the Eastern TaiwanThis proposal cites a few successful cases in ecological vegetation, energy-saving architectures, energy-saving equipment and appliances, recyclable energy, green transportation, recyclable and reusable resources, low-carbon daily life, natural disasters prevention rescue and adaptation, policy, economic and tax measures, and social behavior science and evaluation tools. Then, the executive strategy and action plans are decided by case study and policy analysis about each function to activate the low-carbon and sustainable local living zone in the eastern Taiwan. A discussion of not only the name of each action plan but also their substantive contents is made to build a low-carbon local living zone in the eastern Taiwan.IV. Execution of Evaluation and Evaluation in Evaluation System, and Evaluation Indices, Method and Mixed EvaluationLocal characteristics of the eastern Taiwan are the main framework of this plan. Domestic evaluation standards in the related fields are citied to build an evaluation system that is fit for local characteristics of the eastern Taiwan. The evaluation system comprising required and elective indices provides for the standards to build low-carbon and sustainable homelands that each county township, city, village or community administration must meet. Moreover, all the local administrations will be divided into three classes, “Bronze,” “Silver” or “Gold” based on good or bad marks they receive.In wake of three work group meetings, the final executive strategy of ecologic vegetation comprises five action plans—Ecologic Vegetation Education & Promotion, Tree & Woodland Management, to Increase Vegetation, and Bio-diversity and Habitat Protection Plan; The final executive strategy of energy-saving architectures comprises five action plans—Energy-saving Houses Education & Promotion, Green Building Labels Acquisition & Authentication, Core Energy-saving Architectures Plan and Such Energy-saving Action Plans for Architectures; The final executive strategy of energy-saving equipment and appliances comprises four action plans—Clean Energy Education & Promotion, Energy-saving Street Lamps Plan, and High-efficiency Lighting Fixtures and Energy-saving Electric Appliances Plan; The final executive strategy of recyclable energy comprises seven action plans—Recyclable Energy Education & Promotion, Wind Power Promotion Plan, Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Heating Promotion Plan, Bio-energy Use Promotion Plan, Small Hydroelectric Power Generator Promotion Plan, Geothermal Power Promotion Plan and Ocean Energy Use; The final executive strategy of green transportation comprises seven action plans—Green Transportation Education & Promotion, Bike Riders Service System Planning & Establishment, New Energy Vehicle System Promotion Plan, Mass Transportation System (mainly buses and community shuttle buses,) Car Pooling Platform Promotion, Food Mileage Reduction Plan and User-friendly Transportation Information System; The final executive strategy of recyclable and reusable resources comprises fourteen action plans—Recyclable & Reusable Resources Education & Promotion, Recycling & Reuse of Large Wastes, Recycling & Reuse of Agricultural Waste, Plan for Recycling & Reuse of Architectural Waster, Use of Water Saving Facilities, Plan for Recycling & Reuse of Waste Water, Plan for Ancient Buildings Preservation & Reuse, Pre-owned Products Sharing Platform, Plan for Recycling & Reuse of Pre-owned Clothes, Plan for Recycling & Reuse of Waste Containers, Kitchen Waster Reuse System, to Make Compost a Resource, Rain Recycling & Reuse (such rain storage facilities as water piggy bank) and Plan for Promoting Environment-friendly Farm with Use of Recycling Environmental Resources; The final executive strategy of low-carbon daily life comprises ten action plans—Low-carbon Daily Life Education & Promotion, Low-carbon Travel Promotion Plan, Low-carbon Activities Promotion Plan, Green Accommodation Promotion Plan, Low-carbon Diet Promotion Plan, Plan for Promoting Holiday Farmers or Green Marketplace, and Self-supporting or City Citizen Farms, Green Shop Promotion Plan, Green Purchase Promotion Plan and Promotion of Low-carbon Activities Authentication; The final executive strategy of disaster prevention rescue and adaptation comprises four action plans—Disaster Prevention & Rescue Education & Promotion, Disaster Prevention & Rescue Resources Check & Maintenance, Reorganization of Disaster Prevention & Rescue Departments and Investigation of Disaster-prone Areas Due to Climate Change (including a survey of the affected districts and evaluation of environmental vulnerability); The final executive strategy of policy, economic and tax measures comprises six action plans—Plan for Developing Local Green Economy, Establishment of Carbon Emission Regulations or Rules for Communities, Low-carbon Financing Application System, Environment-friendly Support Plan for Business, Green Sponsorship Plan for Business and Plan for Encouragement of Investment in Green Industry; The final executive strategy of social behavior science and evaluation tools comprises seven action plans—Low-carbon & Sustainable Development Plan, Plan for Promoting Environmental Education in Low-carbon and Sustainability Issues, Organization of Green & Low-carbon Team, Volunteers Training Program for Low-carbon and Sustainability Issues, Organization of Low-carbon Activities for Sustainable Environment, Community Participation Percentage and Carbon Footprint Calculation Plan.For policy promotion and additionally, to popularize the action plans and raise their performance, every action will have its demonstrative project. On the other hand, all the evaluation indicators and even, the sub-indicators are established closely based upon those action plans. Moreover, the level of an administrative body will be considered for rating. After the group meeting, as shown at Table 2, 68 directives requiring rating and accreditation for building a low-carbon and sustainable homeland in the eastern Taiwan has been decided.V. Establishment & Maintenance: the Framework of Technical Information System for Building a Low-carbon and Sustainable Local Living Zone in the Eastern TaiwanThe platform is built on Google Sites for exchanging all the technical information about ten action plans to build a low-carbon and sustainable local living zone in the eastern Taiwan. The webpages will display such information, announced by the central or local governments and other authorities concerned, of latest events and rules, subsidies, tasks, evaluation tools, or such minutes of each work group’s meetings, project for reducing carbon emission in the eastern Taiwan and offshore islands, main theme of those action plans and their answers (covering research, development and application of technical, economic, financial and tax, legal, and social instruments. The platform will receive all such information which is not regularly updated. The official updates about the low-carbon action plans will be known immediately.VI. The Conferences for Promoting the ProjectIn this project, the invitations of the planned four conferences, under respective cooperation with I-lan Community University, Luodong Community University Hualien Community University and South Island Community College, will be addressed to the selected target of more than estimated 200 participants in each including community/village heads, public department officials and community development association or NGO members. In these conferences, all the action plans, ways to execute them and further planning of the project will be briefed and besides, exchange of ideas and discussions expected.The purposes are to raise the participants’ understanding of the goal and prospect of “Low-carbon & Sustainable Homeland.” With feedbacks from those participants, there may be an incremental improvement to each action plan, as well as the little improved project will be made better, more complete and much closer to the needs of local people or community practices. 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 國立宜蘭大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41430
我國新化學物質與既有化學物質登錄管理能量建置計畫 配合環保署為強化現行毒化物篩選效率與達成聯合國化學品管理策略方針2020年之目標所規劃之毒性化學物質管理法修正,本計畫已協助研擬國內化學物質源頭管理相關配套措施,落實既有化學物質及新化學物質的登錄機制。現已完成化學物質登錄模式與流程規劃文件初稿,提供新化學物質登錄噸數級距、排除、豁免、測試項目、指引增修範疇擬定,及既有物質預登錄規劃、登錄篩選標準、資訊審查運作模式流程、通關邊境管制工具等建議。針對具重大關切特性之高關切新化學物質已完成管制監測機制策略建議。依據計畫中宣導與諮詢管道已完成廠商徵詢意見蒐集摘要初稿,並完成國際新化學物質平行申報最新資料彙整。化學物質註冊後台管理系統與註冊工具CHEMIST皆已完成階段性擴充建置與修正測試。完成協助主辦單位參與跨部會既有化學物質清單增補提報作業,完成我國化學物質管理五年策略建議,並已透過國際會議與歐、美、日、韓、澳、中各國主管機關持續國際管理制度交流,已完成舉辦兩場次各級政府機關稽查人員與執法人員種子師資培訓會議與八場廠商宣導說明會作為提昇產業與政府完善化學品管理制度與修法因應、既有物質增補提報之宣導,期藉由法規落實達成將化學暴露造成之人體及環境潛在衝擊降至最低之目標。 Project of Capacity Building for New and Existing Chemical Substances Registration In accordance with the EPA’s proposed Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act amendment to strengthen the current toxic chemicals’ screening efficiency and to achieve the goal for United Nation’s Strategic Approaches for International Chemicals Management (SAICM), this project provided assistance in drafting detailed enforcement rules and measures for national chemical substance source management in order to implement registration mechanism of existing chemical substances and new chemical substances. Recommendations for registration scheme design and workflow were completed. Registration tonnage bands, scope of exclusion, exemption criteria, testing guidelines, and revision for guidance for new chemical substances were provided. For existing chemical substances, this project proposed pre-registration mechanism, screening criteria for registration, information review process, custom clearance and border control IT tool design. For new chemical substances that possess properties of significant hazardous concerns, recommendations for control and monitor mechanisms were developed. Opinions from local and foreign companies collected through workshops and helpdesk established in this project were summarized in the final report. Summary of new chemicals’ parallel process information and latest OECD information exchange clearance house meeting was completed. Preliminary development of chemical substance registration management system and chemical information system and tool (CHEMIST) were completed and plans were developed for continuing system testing and functional expansion. Through this project, the EPA participated in the establishment of existing chemical substance inventory and supplementary nomination under the inter-agency cooperation mechanism. Five year national chemical substance management strategies were developed. Communication with international chemical management competent authorities were maintained and expanded to the EU, Japan, US, Australia, China, and Korea’s chemical management competent authorities for information exchange. Two train-the-trainer workshops were held for regulators and inspectors from governmental agencies. Eight policy dissemination seminars for industries were held. The seminars promoted sound industrial chemical management and provided compliance training with the goal of implementing regulatory measures to minimize significant adverse impacts on environment and human health from exposure to chemicals. 101 毒管處 財團法人安全衛生技術中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45279
101年度執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫 環保署於101年03月公告「機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法」。本計畫藉由稽查管制與宣導方式,落實環保署政策、減少縣境內機動車輛怠速情形並維護本縣空氣品質。今年度計畫相關執行成果摘要說明如下:一、稽查勸導管制工作以主動稽查與現場勸導方式,督促縣民遵守怠速熄火規定。本年度共完成2,152件稽查勸導工作,其中怠速超過3分鐘案件1,050件。易怠速的區域依序為火車站、菜市場、學校家長接送區等周邊道路;時段則以10:00~13:00比例最高。二、宣導工作分成三大主軸推動。首先在動態宣導部分,配合本縣各項活動(如王功漁火節),透過互動遊戲方式,傳達怠速熄火的觀念給至少1,700位的民眾。另也在各項空品管制宣導會議、社區志工教育訓練等會議及排班計程車,利用5~10分鐘加強宣傳。其次在靜態宣導上,藉由地方電視台及電視牆、電子看板、文宣印製及等網頁設置與新聞刊登方式,播放宣導影片、錄音檔及標語,提醒民眾配合怠速熄火政策。最後透過舉辦種子教師訓練會議方式,讓種子教師於平日之教育課程中教導孩童從小建立怠速熄火的良好觀念。透過今年度計畫的推動,初步已讓縣民瞭解車輛怠速熄火的適法性與必要性,同時也達到維護彰化縣空氣品質及落實政策推動的雙重目標。 Plan of Idle-Stop advocacy and Inspection control, in 2012 year. EPD 2012 March bulletin " Idle-Stop of motor vehicle management regulation ", by means of audit control and advocacy work to implement this plan, to execute environmental protection policies, county motor vehicle Idle-Stop reduction and to maintain good air quality in the County. This annual program performance results are summarized as follows:Inspection control part, by means of persuasion work to enable people to comply with the Act, 2,152 statistics this year completed, where the 1,050 cases idling for more than 3 minutes; survey results found that most easily around idling is a railway station in Changhua County; most prone to idle time in 10:00~13:00. Divided into three parts information . First, in part of the advocacy work, using interactive games, combined with local event activities, completing four dynamic advocacy activities, totals more than 1700 people informed of the Idle-Stop policy. To use air quality control meetings, and community volunteer education and training meeting and Scheduled Taxi driver, to advocacy by 5-10 minutes.Second, on the static advocates, by means of local radio station and TV wall, scrolling text marquee and published printing, networks and newspapers, advocate for movie playback, recording, slogan and posters reminding people Idle-Stop policy .Thirdly, through a seeded teachers education and training meeting to nurturing seeded teachers, to teach children from an early age to establish Idle-Stop good values.The EPA through this plan advocate , wants the people to know of Idle-Stop law and importance , to maintain good air quality and propagate Idle-Stop policies in the Changhua County. 101 彰化縣環境保護局 景新環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61872
焚化飛灰再利用推廣計畫 垃圾焚化飛灰因性質較具危害性, 且現階段推動再利用條件尚未臻成熟,故絕大多數縣市均依法以固化穩定化處理至符合溶出標準後送至掩埋場處置, 僅有少數縣市(如: 台北市、新竹市等)進行再利用示範驗證及後續個案再利用計畫中。本計畫目標即為推廣宣導國內垃圾焚化廠飛灰資源化再利用。本計畫執行期間自101 年2 月1 日起至101 年12 月31 日止,主要工作內容包括:收集彙整國內外飛灰資源化再利用技術等文獻、籌辦飛灰再利用示範觀摩會、實地訪查飛灰處理(置)方式、輔導及協助地方政府研提及執行飛灰再利用示範驗證或再利用計畫書,以及召開前述計畫書或成果報告審查會議。本計畫執行包含如下四項成果:1. 收集彙整國內外至少5個先進國家最新飛灰再利用技術、方法及應用實例,掌握國際最新辦理趨勢。2. 邀集各縣市環保局及潛在再利用機構,舉辦飛灰再利用說明會1 場次,推廣宣導飛灰再利用。3. 調查24 座運轉中之焚化廠飛灰處理處置方式,並辦理10場次飛灰前處理及資源化再利用設施實地查核,掌握確認國內飛灰處理及資源化再利用現況。4. 就台北市政府提之飛灰示範驗證及再利用計畫書與成果報告提供初審意見,並協助環保署召開2場次審查會議。 Strengthen Incineration Fly Ash Recycling Plan Due to the hazardous property of the fly ash produced from incineration and the incomplete development of its reuse for the time being, the fly ash has been solidified and stabilized to meet the leaching criteria set in the TCLP (Toxicity CharacteristicLeaching Procedure) before being deposited in the land-fill in most of the counties and cities. Only a few counties or cities such as Taipei City, Hsinchu City, are currently undertaking the incineration fly ash waste reuse model validation and follow-up EPA-101-H101-02-252 iii case study programs. The goal of this project was to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to carry out promotion and information dissemination of incineration fly ash recycling in Taiwan.The project was executed from February 1 to December 31, 2012.The major tasks included:Collection and compilation of literature on fly ash reuse technology used in the country and abroad.Arrangement and conduct of fly ash recycling demonstration seminars.Site visits to the disposal sites of fly ash.Counseling and assistance rendered to the local governments for preparing proposal and implementation of fly ash model validation or recycling plan.Assistance provided to the EPA in holding meetings to review the above-mentioned plan and study reports.Achievements made in this project:1. Obtained the knowledge on the latest trend of fly ash reuse and disposal worldwide through collection and compilation of the newest fly ash recycling technology and methods, as well as their applications in Taiwan and at least five advanced foreigncountries.2. Held a meeting with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) of each of the counties and cities and concerned entities with fly ash reuse potential to promote and disseminate the information on fly ash recycling.3. Familiarized with the current situation of disposal of incineration fly ash and its recycling in Taiwan through the investigation of the fly ash treatment methods adopted by 24 incineration plants in operation and 10 times on-site audits of fly ash pre-treatments and recycling facilities.4. Provided preliminary review results on the fly ash reuse model validation and reuse plans submitted by the Taipei City Government, and assisted EPA in two review meetings. 101 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44906
新竹縣流域污染整治評估之規劃、細設計畫 新竹縣政府進行本計畫之目的包括調查霄裡溪之水質水量,選定一處進行工程規劃設計現地水質處理設施,以削減排入霄裡溪之污染負荷,並將調查所得之水質與水量資料,應用水質分析模式模擬本縣境霄裡溪之水質水量變化情形,俾能掌握本溪流之污染及可能改善之情況。本報告之主要成果摘述如下: 1. 水質水量調查結果: (1)本契約要求沿霄裡溪進行十五處之水質水量調查,根據本研究調查結果,霄裡溪之溶氧(DO)介於5.0~7.6 mg/L,懸浮固體物(SS)介於3.8~755 mg/L,化學需氧量(COD)介於N.D.~16.3 mg/L,生化需氧量(BOD5)介於N.D~7.0 mg/L,氨氮(NH3-N)介於N.D.~2.82 mg/L,總磷(TP)介於0.047~5.0 mg/L,硝酸鹽氮介於0.78~3.78 mg/L,亞硝酸鹽氮介於0.01~2.34 mg/L,凱氏氮(KN) 介於0.4~2.94 mg/L,總氮介於1.42~8.48 mg/L。其中BOD、SS及NH3-N於較差情況之數值雖偏高,但該測點非屬於高水量河段,對於霄裡溪整體流域之污染影響有限。(2)鹿鳴坑幹線排水(採樣點#4)於連續監測水質時發現,其水質SS落在6.1~10.7 mg/L、COD落在5.1~20.9 mg/L、BOD5落在<2.0~9.4 mg/L、NH3-N落在0.26~3.27 mg/L,尤其是凌晨至白天時段其水質最差,屬於特定時段污染排放高情況。另汶水溪(汶山坑幹線;採樣點#10)亦有此情形,於連續監測水質變化時發現,SS 落在8.3~50 mg/L、COD落在11.5~109 mg/L、BOD5落在4.0~37.7 mg/L、NH3-N落在0.65~5.63 mg/L,其數值高低差異甚大,汶水溪污染主要在清晨時段,此與上游養豬戶作業時間(一般養豬戶在清晨4點~5點時清洗豬舍)可能有極大關係。 2.現地處理設施: 基於用地取得難易、特定污染源有效削減及可提供民眾環境教育與休憩場所等因素之考慮,本計畫場址經評估及現勘後,選擇霄裡溪與汶水溪交界處之面積約0.97公頃之河川高灘地,規劃設計現地水質處理設施。本現地水質處理設施之水質處理系統採用人工濕地為主要處理設施,為使人工濕地之污染負荷符合其承受量,進流水先導入預鑄式前處理設施單元,本系統之整體設計容量為835立方公尺/天,可削減汶水溪之污染量:BOD 4.3公噸/年、COD 8.6公噸/年、TN 1.5公噸/年及TP為0.6公噸/年。 3.霄裡溪水質模式分析 本計畫為解析霄裡溪之污染負荷量對於各河段之水質與水量變化情形,特應用美國環保署開發的QUAL2K水質分析模式,模擬本溪流受點源污染排放下,分析霄裡溪之水質變化。本報告及其附件提出分析結果,可供新竹縣政府做為未來進一步研擬霄裡溪水質管理及檢討水體水質標準之參考。 101 新竹縣環境保護局 國立中央大學(永續環境科技研究中心) http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42455
澎湖縣101年度垃圾減量資源回收工作計畫 為落實垃圾減量與資源回收政策,提升民眾資源回收環保意識與習慣,本計畫自101年2月2日至12月31日,陸續協助澎湖縣環保局辦理教育宣導、稽查管制與績效考核等3面向工作。在教育宣導工作執行上,陸續主辦60場次以上一般民眾、社區、機關、學校等說明會、種子訓練、學校競賽及夏令營等宣導活動,其中配合澎湖觀光、海洋特性,主辦七美海男人-鬥陣做環保漁船廢棄物回收、今夏來澎湖-怎麼玩最酷及心靈三富-美貌菊島踩街嘉年華等3場超過500人之大型宣導活動,在推廣資源循環再利用部分,除購置資源回收再製品宣導外也與天主教惠民啟智中心合作利用閒置空間成立澎湖第一座二手商店,在媒體與文宣上,利用報紙、電視、電子宣導看板等多樣化媒體宣導,製作回收小幫手、清潔隊員勞工安全作業手冊等,更與著名漫畫家米奇鰻合作設計澎湖專屬資源回收代言人物(菊寶)。 在稽查管制工作執行上,協助完成轄內資源回收體系責任業者、販賣業者、限制含汞電池等8大類指定業者現場稽查管制,推廣限制產品過度包裝、塑膠托盤使用等政策,藉由1,500家次以上業者現場稽查,輔導與監督業者確實維護廢棄物清理法及資源回收再利用法相關規定。在維護垃圾強制分類制度完整性具體做法上,今年度針對馬公市7條垃圾清運路線完成105條次清運路線,2,161包垃圾包破袋檢查,檢查出3000件以上回收物,其中以紙類、紙餐盒及塑膠容器最多,違規比率為由第1個月37.1%逐月下降至11.0%。在績效考核工作執行上,配合推動資源回收形象改造工作,建立七美雙湖國小等3處資源回收站,擬定個體業者環境衛生評比辦法,每季完成個體業者環境衛生評比與獎勵措施,陸續協助辦理各鄉市村里資源回收評比工作,彙整製作本縣資源回收執行成果成果與簡報,完成環保署資源回收績效現場考核工作。配合本計畫教育宣導、稽查管制與輔導獎勵等各項措施執行,具體提升澎湖縣資源回收率由100年34.1%至101年37.7%,每人每天垃圾清運量由0.53公斤下降至0.45公斤,因此在101年3月環保署資源回收績效考核首次獲得環保署特優等肯定(最佳等級),獲頒200萬元獎金。 2012 Inspection, Counseling and Promotion of Garbage Reduction and Resource Recycling Project 101 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47342
EPB-101-嘉義市逸散污染源稽查管制計畫暨空氣污染夜間陳情案件處理計畫期末報告 本市逸散性污染源中有很大的比例來自營建工程,而工程施工帶來生活上的不便利性、噪音、污染…等是最常為民眾垢病的部分。計畫除了由巡查過程中督促業者確實做好污染防制,今年度也透過「出入口管制」及「重大工地專案管制」、「道路認養加布條」做為巡查輔助措施,以提升管制品質。自嘉義市政府設置「1999」陳情專線以來,民眾可更即時反應各項問題,使計畫需處理的陳情案件略有增加,因此以提升處理的滿意度為前提,做為陳情案件處理之準則,希望藉此維護市民享有良好居住環境的權利。計畫執行完成1,677次(含61次未施工)的工地巡查作業,管理辦法法規符合狀況查核稽巡查列管工地93.7%。一、二級營建工地管理辦法符合率80.2%,TSP產生量720.10公噸,TSP削減量411.08公噸,削減率57.1%。其他工作項目概述如下:舉辦2場次營建工程污染防制協調會及101年度優良工地評選1場次,第2場協調會含營建噪音協談。推動道路認養洗掃達4,860.725公里,圍籬綠美化41處及工地裸露地進行植被綠化192,071.9平方公尺。處理空氣污染夜間陳情案件、執行各項巡查管制工作及相關交辦陳情案件累計至目前止達1530件,其中包含1021件情案件處理、58件陳情案件後續複查或改善期間複查、207件一般例行性稽查(包括空污30件、噪音8件、露天燃燒160件、營建工程9件)、51件空氣品質預報不良稽查(包括24件PM10、27件O3)、136件露天燃燒及廢棄物重點區域巡查、57件制高點觀測巡查,而陳情案件到場平均時間為14.26分鐘,在滿意度調查部分整體得分為98.01分。 The sources of fugitive particulate emissions in Chiayi city come mostly from constructions. Additionly, the inconvenience, noise, pollution, etc. that constructions cause are most commonly complained by civilians. Besides supervising constructors through inspection process to execute pollution prevention, this year we elevate quality of control by including three steps - gateway control, control of major construction sites and giving information of road-adoption on a strip of cloth. Since Chiayi city government set a special line "1999" for nuisance dispute cases, civilians have been able to raise various questions in time. Hence, nuisance petitions increase slightly. Therefore, it is our aim to elevate satisfaction concerning handling nuisance petitions. By doing that, we hope for remaining civilians' right of enjoying a good living environment.As per the project, 1,677 inspections of construction sites (including 61 sites that are not under construction) have been implemented. 93.7 percent of the inspections comply with the Regulations of Management Measures and 80.2 percent of those comply with the Management Measures for Level-1 and Level-2 Construction Sites. The TSP production is 720.1 tons; the TSP reduction is 411.08 tons with the reduction rate 57.1 percent. The following are other implemented tasks: holding two meetings for the purpose of coordination in the policy of construction site's air pollution prevention including coordination regarding construction noise in the second meeting, holding an election of good construction sites for the year of 2012, advancing road-adoption up to 4,860.725 kilo-meter, and greening forty fences and 192,071.9 square meters of bare construction sites.Up to now there are 1,530cases processed from public nuisance dispute system, inspections of different controls, and environmental protection agencies. Among them 1,021 cases are nuisance petitions, 58 extended from originals, 207 general routine inspections (including 30 air pollution, 8 noise pollution, 160 open fire and 9 construction works), 51 bad forecast of air quality (including 24 for PM10 and 27 for O3), 136 open fire and general wastes, and 57 from high points of the city. The average time of arriving on the scene for nuisance petitions is 14.26 minutes. The overall satisfaction survey is 98.01 points. 101 嘉義市政府環境保護局 詠續環保企業社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41591
臺中市PM2.5垂直分佈調查及管制策略評估計畫 本計畫針對臺中市 PM2.5污染特性進行全面調查分析,並解析污染貢獻源比例,最終目的以提出有效改善本市 PM2.5之措施,並建議實施優先順序,提供臺中市政府環境保護局 PM2.5 管制措施施行參考。計畫執行期程為101 年02 月29 日至101 年12 月1 日。目前臺中市PM2.5直接排放的年排放量約11,485公噸,點源方面排放以電力業最大,次為鋼鐵業。線源方面排放以柴油大貨車最大,次為自用汽油小客車。面源方面則以車行揚塵量最大。在各項減量措施進行下,預估臺中市 105 年PM2.5 直接排放約 10,487 公噸/年,110 年約 10,798 公噸/年。PM2.5垂直向採樣在台中盆地南面一帶進行,結果顯示在68公尺高度PM2.5濃度變化不大,濃度介於23~32μg/m3,而離地11公尺高的大里區公所PM2.5濃度高低變化大,濃度介於28~67μg/m3。PM2.5平面同步採樣四批次案例中,3月份曾監測到高PM2.5濃度,且濃度分佈由沿海向山區及屯區遞增,該案例採樣期間屬高壓迴流天氣型態,探空氣象監測到夜間近地面逆溫現象最明顯,是導致高濃度PM2.5的成因。 10條高交通量道路旁 PM2.5 採樣顯示假日濃度平均45.0μg/m3,非假日濃度介於平均69.1μg/m3,兩者相差約20μg/m3。 CMB模式分析顯示衍生性PM2.5占52.3%,原生性約48.7%,而原生性 PM2.5由移動源直接排放占25.5%,由固定源及自然直接排放總合占22.2%。據此,固定源及移動源前驅污染物減量比重應最高,次為交通源直接排放減量,再次為固定源直接排放之減量。CMAQ模擬結果顯示臺中市 PM2.5中硫酸鹽主要貢獻源為中部空品區占41%、北部空品區占37%。硝酸鹽主要貢獻源為中部空品區占41%、北部空品區占33%。氨鹽主要貢獻源依序為中部空品區占64%、竹苗空品區占23%。總之,PM2.5 屬於區域性問題,區域性的減量才能有效見到改善成效。PM2.5 減量必須是全面性的,在既有的管制策略與措施架構下,本計畫建議本市PM2.5管制措施可在以下五業別聚焦;1.推動柴油大貨車及大客車加裝濾煙器,2.規劃港區船舶用油品質及排放管制,3.加嚴露天貯煤場逸散管理,4.加強鑄造業製程逸散管理,5.規範砂石業採行高效率逸散防制措施。 101 台中市環境保護局 台灣綠碁科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41162
101年度臺南市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 本計畫執行期間為自101年2月9日開始至101年12月20日止,本計畫主要工作內容為依法針對臺南市境內歷年調查結果中已達地下水污染監測標準之場址執行定期監測工作,以及公告控制或整治場址與限期採取適常措施之場址執行相關之監督驗證查核等工作。 101 台南市環境保護局 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45958
金門縣101年度固定污染源許可管制及餐飲業查核輔導改善計畫 本計畫執行期程係自101年3月7日至101年12月20日止。主要工作項目包括:執行許可制度、資料庫維護更新與管理、辦理空污費催補繳及查核、執行排放量網路申報審核、辦理本縣空氣污染防制費徵收、催補繳及查核作業、提昇固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法法規符合度、餐飲業油煙減量及公私場所異味污染改善及加油站油氣回收管制作業。(一) 固定污染源許可管制:截至本階整體實際工作項目執行率達98%,在許可證申請審查項目本年度共受理31件次,已完成核發之許可證為15張次,操作許可證核發後之現場查核作業共計完成29條製程數,共56件次許可查核。稽查檢測項目共完成6根次之煙道稽查檢測、20件次油品含硫份採樣檢測、15點TSP周界採樣檢測次、11點次臭味官能測定;執行58 件次監督檢測作業並完成33 件定期檢測報告書審查。在空污費申報審查作業已完成100年度第4季及101年第1季之申報資料共117 件空污費申報審查,完成現場查核作業情形100年第4季已執行23家次,查核率為57%;101年第1季則進行36家次,查核率為90%。彙101年度1至10月申繳之空污費累計收入金額為277萬822元整,而已完成結算之金額為5,764,034元整。累計溢補繳金額為零元整。應進行之追捕繳業者均已完成補繳作業。逸散性管理辦法法規內容規範共完成57家公私場所現場查核及輔導作業。彙整歷次進行逸散管辦符合度查核結果,主要以車輛通行路徑、區域及物料堆置區域不符合率較,分別為37%及33%;其次為車輛運輸;清洗及書送逸散性物質不符合率佔10%。(二)餐飲業異味污染輔導:餐飲業巡查及污染改善輔導巡查作業中,在基本資料巡查及維護更新作業部分,依據契約內容訂定已完成清查餐飲業基本資料供執行清查101家以上;裝設防制設備餐飲業者巡查作業共執行161家次。改善輔導作業項目共計執行訪談40家次,已完成設置污染防制設備之業者共有4家次。將巡查結果彙整最新普查與清查作業統計得知,金門縣境內資料庫列管營業中餐飲業家數共有300家。其中大多數集中在金城鎮共有147家,佔49%,其次是金湖鎮共為93家(31%),而烈嶼鄉則是金門縣轄內餐廳數最少的,一共只有8家,佔總數的2.66%。依據目前資料庫列管之家數進行排放量初步推估,目前營業中之300家餐飲業TSP 排放量約為39.76公噸/年,THC排放量則約143.903公噸/年。本年度之「餐飲業空氣污染防制設備補助」已於10月底截止,共計有8家業者提出申請,總補助金額共為138,180元整,雖然補助經費不多,但對空氣及環境品質改善有實質上之助益。 101 金門縣環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41925
101年度空品淨化區巡查管理及裸露地調查改善計畫 本計畫執行期程自101年4月25日至102年1月31日止,共計9個月。其中主要工作項目包括:空氣品質淨化區維護管理、一般裸露地調查及輔導改善作業、河川揚塵防制管制作業、辦理綠肥或相關綠化補助施作、配合低碳城市推動辦理花園城市願景規劃及辦理各類宣導說明會等工作項目,各作業項目均已依工作進度規劃期程進行。(一) 空氣品質淨化區維護管理1. 空氣品質淨化區自評作業:查核結果各區維護狀況多屬優良,尤以太平區麗園公園二期、東豐綠廊自行車道、汝鎏公園等三處空氣品質淨化區維護狀況最為優良。2. 植物健檢作業:植物健檢查核缺失數量共107項,仍以病蟲害問題為主,改善完成的項目共有89項,改善中共有18項,改善完成率約83.17%。3. 推動空氣品質淨化區認養作業:本年度新增認養8處,累計達15處完成認養,認養率42%,認養面積共9.47公頃。4. 空氣品質淨化區碳匯測量:完成1處空氣品質淨化區之碳匯調查,喬木數量共490株,喬木碳匯量總計為3.561公噸CO2。5. 維護管理環保局空氣品質淨化區網頁:於101年5月完成空氣品質淨化區網頁建置工作,連結網址為http://,並定期更新。6. 辦理空氣品質淨化區攝影比賽及抽獎活動:攝影比賽共計有661件作品參加,並於11月20日舉辦頒獎典禮,於12月03日至12月11日在臺中巿政府環保局一樓樓梯兩側、12月15日至12月30日在臺中火車站一號月台旁進行展覽;抽獎活動,報名參與民眾統計共有310人,參賽件數達1057件,並已完成抽出得獎者流程及獎品發放作業。7. 自行車道調查作業:本計畫共完成本市41條自行車道沿線景點之調查及紀錄,同步更新網站內容。8. 協助辦理綠美化相關作業:本計畫共完成16場綠化植栽申請現場複勘作業及21場綠化植栽經費審查會議,共計12處完成核定作業,另完成2處低碳城市設施申請案補助作業,設置共23盞太陽能發電LED路燈。預計TSP減量0.555公噸/年;CO2減量24.84公噸/年。9. 協助98年以後校園、工廠綠化植栽複查作業,共查核208處次。查核結果以港區植栽之存活率較低,生長情形較差。10. 辦理各項說明會議:本年度空品淨化區維護管理說明會,出席率82%;補助申請設置要點說明會,出席率95%;空品淨化區跨局處維護管理單位年度工作檢討暨研商會議,出席率97.06%。11. 辦理空氣品質淨化區滿意度問卷調查作業:針對臺中市民調查空品淨化區滿意度調查。(二) 裸露地調查及改善作業1. 一般裸露地清查作業共計列管一般裸露地84筆(總面積25.39公頃),其中計有62筆完成改善(總面積21.87公頃)。2. 企業/工廠綠化成果方面,共計28家工廠提出申請植樹綠化,植樹6.255公頃,預計可削減TSP3.215公噸/年。(三) 河川揚塵防制作業1. 河川揚塵好發點查核管制:共列管30處河川好發管制點,每月至少巡查乙次,河川揚塵潛勢區域共11處潛勢區域。2. 河川揚塵防制相關會議:共辦理2場。另完成1場次大型宣導說明會。3. 河川揚塵防制工作成果:本年度各單位完成河川揚塵防制措施共110公頃。(四) 農地綠肥補助作業本年度共13個行政區施種400.015公頃波斯菊綠肥。另結合102年大雅區小麥文化節活動,推估每季可削減總懸浮微粒(TSP)共35.4 公噸及PM10共17.7公噸。(五) 配合低碳城市推動辦理花園城市願景規劃配合今年度研擬之作業機制及可行性評估分析,建議可搭配低碳示範社區或適合區域進行補助綠化,以點、線、面的方式向外延伸,打造低碳花園城市的意向。 Maintenance & Management of Clean Air Zone and Investigation & Consulting Improvement for Generalized Bare Lands The scheduled implementation of the Program herein shall be covered from April 25, 2012 to January 31, 2013 with a total of 9 months. The tasks mainly include, but not limited to, Maintenance & Management of Clean Air Zone, Investigation & Consulting Improvement for Generalized Bare Lands, Dust Prevention & Control on the River, Implementation of Green Manure or Afforestation Subsidies Promotion of Garden City Prospectus Planning in Cooperation with Low-carbon City & A Variety of Propaganda that each itemized work has proceeded as schedule.(1) Maintenance & Management of Clean Air Zone1. Self-assessment of the Clean Air Zone: Indicated from the result, each zone is maintained in good condition, especially including but not limited to three locations, Phase 2 Liyuan Park of Taiping District, Bikeway of Tungfeng Green Corridor), Rulau Park .2. Health Check of Plants: Indicated form the result, a total of 107 acre of lands are in poor conditions where pest problems constitute a major part of it; a total of 89 items have been improved and 18 items are under improved, which the fulfillment rate is about 83.17%.3. Promotion of Adoption of Clean Air Zone: There are 8 places in adoption additionally which with 15 places a total fulfilled adoption process and the adoption rate is 42%, 9.47 acre a total in adoption.4. Measurement of Carbon Sequestration: There is one zone as mentioned above fulfilling survey of carbon sequestration, where a total of 490 arbors are with totaled 3.561 ton of CO2 in carbon sequestration.5. Maintenance & Management of Clean Air Zone on the website of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The page of Clean Air Zone is finished on the website in May, 2012, which URL is and with regular updates.6. Photography Contest and Sweepstakes for Clean Air Zone: There were a total of 661 photographs available for selection and the Awarding Ceremony was held on November 20, with exhibitions held in both sides of stairs at 1st Floor of EPA, Taichung City Government during December 3 ~ 11, and next to the railway platform No. 1 of Taichung Railway Station during December 15 ~ 30; there were a total of 310 people registering in the Sweepstakes and almost 1,057 works for the Contest; the process of drawing winner in the Sweepstakes and Prize distribution have been accomplished.7. Survey conducted in the Bikeway: A total of 41 bikeways with scenery sites alongside within this city have been surveyed and recorded in the program which are also updated on the website concurrently.8. Assistance in Green Beautification: A total of 16 places of green plantation have been filed with field review and 21 meetings as to budgetary review of green plantation have been filed which 12 places totaled are approved and another 2 low-carbon city facilities are in completion of subsidy filing; besides, a total of 23 solar-powered LED street lights have been set. It is predicted that TSP will be reduced by 0.555 ton/year and CO2 by 24.84 ton/year.9. Assisted in review of green plantation for campus and plant after 2009 where a total of 208 places have been reviewed; in accordance with the result, the survival rate in the port comes in the least with poorer condition of development.10. Hosted a variety of propaganda: Such propaganda as to Maintenance & Management of Clean Air Zone this year had 82% attendance rate; subsidies filing & setting focus had 95% attendance rate; annual work review & discussion meeting for cross-division & bureau maintenance & management unit air quality purification zone had 97.06% attendance rate.11. Conducted Survey of Satisfaction with Clean Air Zone via Questionnaire: Residents in Taichung City were the subjects in the Survey.(2) Bare Land Survey & Improvement1. For general type of bare land checks, there are a total of 84 lands listed for management (total area of 25.39 acre), among of them, a total of 62 lands have been improved (total area of 21.87 acre).2. For the outcome of firm/plant afforestation, a total of 28 plants had been filed with plantation and afforestation, where a total of 6.255 acre in plantation and predicted to reduce TSP3.215 ton/year.(3) Dust Prevention & Control on the River1. Checks and Control of Predilection Points with Dust on the River: A total of 30 points are listed for management and with at least once patrol monthly; there are a total of 11 areas with potentiality of dust on the river.2. Related meetings called for Prevention and Control of Dust on the River: A total of 2 meetings have been called to hold with another one large-scale propaganda.3. The outcome of the prevention and control for Dust on the river: A total of 110 acres have taken prevention and control measures for dust on the river by each unit this year.(4) Subsidies for Agricultural Land with Green ManureThere are a total of 13 administrative regions with 400.015 acres planted with cosmos green manure this year, along with Wheat Cultural Festival of Daya District held in 2013, which predict to reduce a total of 35.4 ton of total suspended particulates (TSP) and 17.7 ton of PM10.(5) Promotion of Garden City Prospectus Planning in Cooperation with Low-carbon City & A Variety of PropagandaWith the operating mechanism developed this year and feasibility evaluation and analysis, subsidies for afforestation in cooperation with low-carbon model community or suitable region are suggested to extend in a point-line-surface manner for intention of building a garden city. 101 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49991
河川揚塵協調控管暨空品樣區碳量調查計畫 本計畫主要目的為協助環保署統整已核定執行各縣市河川揚塵計畫,研擬河川揚塵防制策略性建議及可行性推動方案,選定示範性河川揚塵防制地點進行影像紀錄與分析,並持續辦理空氣品質淨化區樣區的碳量調查,供未來空氣品質淨化區在碳匯植物選種參考。主要工作成果包括: 1. 統整已核定執行之各縣市河川揚塵計畫會報資料及追蹤管考。 2. 整合國內河川揚塵定義及執行規範,並研擬河川揚塵防制策略、建議作法及可行性推動方案。 3. 選定濁水溪、卑南溪揚塵防制地點進行影像紀錄與分析。 4. 完成碳匯樣區之追蹤調查、監測及維護管理。 Plan of River Fugitive Dust Management and Carbon Survey in The Aquapu Area This project assists EPA to integrate approved counties and cities with their river fugitive dust management plans, to develop strategies of river fugitive dust control and feasibility studies, and to record and analyze selected exemplary control sites. At the same time, yearly carbon survey of the sampled Air Quality Purification (Aquapu Area) continues in order for future Aquapu Area to select reliable species to accumulate and store carbons.Major accomplishments are:1. Integration and follow-up of counties’ and cities’ river fugitive dust reports,2. Integration of terminology definitions and implementation standards of river fugitive dust prevention, formulation of preventive strategies and practices, and suggestion of the feasible practices of river fugitive dust control.3. Record and analysis of selected river fugitive dust control spots along Choshui River & Beinan River,4. Continued carbon survey, monitoring, and management of selected carbon sink areas. 101 空保處 太倉規劃顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46454
海洋污染防治執行成效評估專案工作計畫 蒐集比較聯合國海洋法公約第12章與國內法制化,蒐集倫敦海洋棄置公約1997年協議書、OPRC-HNS協議書、拆船公約、MARPOL公約附錄更新、船舶壓艙水公約、IAFS、Bunker、HNS、Intervention等。蒐集日本、美國、英國、加拿大、澳洲、中國大陸、香港等國家洋棄置許可管理規定;完成海洋棄置許可管理辦法修正草案;蒐集美、日等國外海洋棄置分類資料,提出分析建議。蒐集美國、新加坡、加拿大、日本、中國大陸等國家油輸送之污染預防執行資料;完成「從事油輸送行為之公私場所申請案件核准作業要點」修正草案。彙整國外海洋設施定義與管制方式,並參考海洋污染防治法立法精神,從污染風險管理的角度提出建議;篩選商港及工業港區內事業,設置儲槽之事業共33家,港區儲槽共993個。分析我國「海洋污染防治計畫」申請案件,完成「利用海洋設施輸送油或化學物質之申請案件作業要點」草案。整理國際船舶污染排放管理重要議題之國際公約內容,包含壓艙水公約、防止船舶污染公約、國際安全與無害環境拆船公約等,作為後續提出我國強化船舶污染排放管理之建議。蒐集國際公約、IOPC、CMI、中國、日本評估油污染對漁業之損害賠償方式。完成「船舶油污染事件漁業損害調查評估參考手冊草案」。整理歐盟、美國、加拿大、日本、澳大利亞、英國與中國等國際綠色港口推動現況,彙整國際綠色港口建構案例;蒐集國外綠色港口指標執行現況。完成綠色港口指標修正,進行台北港、麥寮港、高雄港、南方澳漁港之綠色港口指標試算。蒐集港務公司提出綠色港口的具體策略,研訂具體之「港口區域污染預防及削減管理計畫」,由港口管理單位自行管理區內相關事業。完成漁港污染管理宣導講義。 Project for the marine pollution prevention and for the assessment of the effectiveness of implement Collected and compared the difference between part 12 of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and domestic marine legislation. Collected the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1997, OPRC-HNS Protocol, Hong Kong international convention for the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships, 2009, Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships 1973, BWM Convention, IAFS, Bunker, HNS, Intervention etc.Collected the marine dumping permit management regulations of Japan, US, UK, Canada, Australia, China, Hong Kong; completed the draft amendment to Marine Dumping Permit Management Regulations; collected information of marine dumping categories from United States, Japan and etc., and offered the suggestion of the analysis. Collected oil transport and pollution prevention implementation information from US, Singapore, Canada, Japan, China and etc., completed the draft amendment to operating guidelines for the approval of the public or private premises engaged in oil transportation. Compiled the foreign marine facility definitions and control mechanisms, and reference to the spirit of foreign marine pollution control act, provide the suggestions from the viewpoint of pollution risk management. Screened industries within the commercial and industrial harbor, there are 33 industries have set the storage tank and the total amount of storage tanks in the harbor is 993. Analyzed ' the plan of prevention and control of marine pollution ' application case in Taiwan, completed the draft amendment to ' utilize marine facilities to transport the application case of the oil or the chemical material '. Compiled the important issues within international convention for the prevention of pollution from ships, which includes MARPOL convention, BWM Convention, Hong Kong international convention for the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships and etc., to strengthen the follow-up suggestion for controlling ship pollution. Collected international convention, IOPC, CMI, China and Japan their assessment methods of fisheries damage compensation from oil pollution. Completed the draft amendment to 'the oil contamination accident fishery pollution of shipping damages the investigation and assessment and consults the manual draft'. Compiled EU, US, Canada, Japan, Australia, UK, China and etc. those countries’ green port promotion status, and the construction case; collected the green port indexes and implement status. Revised the green port indexes, and tested green port indicators calculation on Taipei port, Mailiao port, Kaohsiung port and Nanfangao fishery port.Collected the green port strategies which proposed by the port affairs company, and developed 'the regional pollution of port prevents and cuts down the governing plan' to request port management authorities to manage industries within their administrative area. Completed the fishery port pollution management brochure to enhance public awareness. 101 水保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=51172
環境教育政策分析及研究計畫發展趨勢專案工作計畫 101 綜計處 國立臺中教育大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42284
101年度嘉義縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測暨阿里山空品淨區管制計畫  計畫名稱:『101年度嘉義縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測暨阿里山空品淨區管制計畫』 執行期程:101年1月30日至101年12月31日 計畫經費:11,850仟元 計畫主持人:許仲景 計畫人力:計畫經理莊志偉及工程師龔家藝、陳玟憲、施宏勝、黃柄 誠、蔡旭淵、葉世鏞、蔡竣傑、楊貴香、劉瑞婷等十人 101 嘉義縣環境保護局 華門工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41039
101年苗栗縣中港溪流域水污染綜合管理計畫 101 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 綠川工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45729
環境教育研習工作坊專案工作計畫 由於工商界之發達、科技的崛起,已使社會環境和自然環境資源日趨惡化。社會零亂、環境污染、自然遭受破壞之現象屢見不鮮。檢視當今環境教育已引起全球學者及大眾全面的關心與矚目。而環境教育雖然有其定義與範疇,但不同學術背景與工作領域者慣於以其之領悟、理解或熟悉之材料與思考方式予以詮釋,因此常有不同之看法。有鑑於此,期待有更多專家學者投入環境教育,並藉由參加此次工作坊計劃,提出更多國家環境的發展方向與執行方式的意見,使我國的環境教育工作能更與世界接軌。 101 綜計處 中華民國環境教育學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41636
101年度縣、鄉市及村里執行節能減碳宣導推動計畫 『101年度縣、鄉市及村里執行節能減碳宣導推動計畫』執行期程自決標日起至101年12月31日,主要工作內容包含,節能減碳十大無悔措施落實、推廣營造低碳生活圈行動、綠網推廣及宣導活動辦理、低碳飲食蔬食日宣導、碳蔬食推廣活動、減碳書籍購置、繪編低碳旅遊手冊、創意環保宣導漫畫、低碳永續家園機制研商會、節能減碳績優單位補助款項核發、每月發布2則新聞稿,以及其他業務相關宣導及行政工作等進行規劃執行,而截至101年12月20日止,各項工作執行如下:(一)節能減碳十大無悔措施落實1.每月5日前確實填報「十大無悔措施具體落實績效表」,每月皆取得該項滿分。2.已於101年3月29日發布十大無悔措施機關各項頒布推動要點。3.印製標誌「冷氣開放中請隨手關門、窗」200份,已設計完成且分發給各級單位。4.推動轄內公務單位每週一日不開車、辦理會議或活動若供應餐盒時,以提供蔬食為原則,並禁用一次性餐具,且洗手間不提供擦手紙,已達成40個配合單位之目標,已於101年6月14日召開說明會議。5.協助管理維護龍門國小資源回收分類專區,並張貼清楚標示方向及回收分類內容與注意事項。(二)推廣營造低碳生活圈行動1.飯店(民宿)共計輔導224家,其中有178家配合自帶盥洗用具運動,15家停業中;另有30家無法配合實施,1家有意願配合但尚未實施,後續將持續追蹤。2.餐廳(小吃部)共計輔導351家,其中有316家已配合自備餐具與低碳(蔬)飲食,24家停業中;尚有10家未配合實施,1家有意願配合但尚未實施,後續將持續追蹤。3.營造低碳生活圈配合貼紙(餐廳及旅宿)計1,000份已於101年5月29日製作完成。(三)綠網推廣及宣導活動辦理1.設置熱門社群網站推廣綠網部落格,累積「讚」人數達546人。2.已提報17家民間企業及團體申請環保署節能減碳行動標章徵選活動,本(101)年10家提報業者獲得節能減碳行動標章的殊榮;且於101年12月17日辦理1場次節能減碳行動標章實地觀摩會議。3.共計辦理32場次節能減碳宣導活動,對象分別為公務機關、社區、學校與一般民眾。4.已租用輕型電動機車40輛次,廠牌包含中華、東庚、益通、易維特等,並回收有效問卷1,062份。(四)推動每週一日低碳飲食蔬食日宣導共計辦理10場次,對象分別為村里與學校。(五)結合學校舉辦低碳蔬食推廣活動共需辦理2場次,於101年9月22日辦理1場次低碳蔬食劇場演出,另1場次已結合元泰大飯店推出「低碳美食TO給樂活動」,活動時間為101年11月27日~12月20日止。(六)減碳專書購置目前已購置完13冊書籍共計160本。(七)繪編低碳旅遊手冊已編繪低碳旅遊手冊內容並印製500冊。(八)創意環保宣導漫畫設計及宣導品購置1.今年度將發布35則環保宣導漫畫,目前共計發布37則。2.宣導品於101年5月24日購置LED小夜燈600份,剩餘400份為LED燈鑰匙圈。(九)低碳永續家園機制研商會為動員本縣基層機關共同響應節能減碳,本計畫已於101年10月31日辦理2場次推動低碳永續家園機制研商會。(十)節能減碳績優單位補助款項核發合計補助3個鄉市公所、38個村里,總計47萬5,000元,已核撥完畢。(十一)新聞稿發布共需16則新聞稿,計發布17則。(十二)目前達成率:111.7% 2012 Save Energy& Reduce Carbon Emissions promotions project in county and village “2012 Save Energy& Reduce Carbon Emissions promotions project in county and village” had begun from Apr.-13-2012 to Dec.-31-2012. There are several major items in this project, including practicing “ten declarations of save energy & reduce carbon emission”; “Eco-Life” website promotions; “eat more vegetables and less meat” promotions in the special day; “eat more vegetables and less meat” promotions ; purchasing reducing carbon emissions books for outside reading; making brochures for the low-carbon tourism; painting environmental cartoons; holding seminars of low-carbon lifestyle; appropriating subsidy for those which performed well on the “save energy & reduce carbon emission”; and publishing 4 press release per month, etc. The results as below:1. Practicing ten declarations of “save energy & reduce carbon emission”(1) Fill out the form. of “practicing ten declarations of save energy & reduce carbon emission performance table” before the 5th of each month., this project got 100 points every month (2) This project released promotion points of “ten declarations of save energy & reduce carbon emission” for government organizations on Mar.-29-2012.(3) This project printed 200 marks of “Please close the door and window, the air-conditioned opening” and to distribute government organizations.(4) This project promoted the “practicing ten declarations of save energy & reduce carbon emission” for government organizations.The subject matter as below:Don’t drive the car every Monday; providing fruit and vegetable replaced lunch boxes for holding meeting or event; don’t use disposable tableware; don’t provide paper towels in toilet. And there were 40 government agencies obeyed. This project also held a seminar for the above, on Jun.-14-2012.(5) This project assisted long-men elementary school to manage resource recovery and separation zone. Moreover, this project posted clearly marked direction and recycling segment content with notes.2. Promote low-carbon lifestyle(1) There were 224 eco-friendly hotels guided, in which there were 178 hotels practiced bring the toiletries on your own, 15 hotels closed, 30 hotels can’t practice and one willing to coordinate, but not yet implemented, this project will follow up this case.(2) There were 351 restaurants guided, in which there were 316 restaurants practiced bring the tableware on your own and “eat more vegetables and less meat”, 24 restaurants closed, 10 restaurants didn’t do it and one willing to coordinate, but not yet implemented, this project will follow up this case.(3) This project made 1,000 stickers for low-carbon lifestyle which finished on May. -29-2012.3. Promotions (1) Build up Green Network Blog, and there were 546 people like it.(2) This project proposed 17 private associations to participate the event of “save energy & reduce carbon emission action mark”, in which there were 10 private associations got it. Moreover, this project held 1 observation meeting of the “save energy & reduce carbon emission action mark”, on dec.-17-2012.(3) This project held 30 promotions of “save energy & reduce carbon emission” for government agencies, communities, schools and the public.(4) This project rented 40 light electric scooters; the manufacturer's brand was CMC, DK, E-Ton, and EVT respectively. And there were 1,062 questionnaires returned.4. “One day a week eat more vegetables and less meat” promotionThis project held 10 promotions for villages and schools.5. “Eat more vegetables and less meat” promotions cooperate with schoolsThis project held one promotion for “eat more vegetables and less meat” on Sep.-22-2012, and this project also held one “Low-carbon Good Foods Together” promotion that cooperate with Yentai Hotel ,from Nov.-27-2012 to Dec.-20-2012.6. Purchasing reducing carbon booksThis project purchased 160 books.7. Painting and printing brochures on low-carbon tourism This project printed 500 brochures on low-carbon tourism.8. Painting environmental cartoons and purchasing promotion gifts(1) This project issued 37 environmental cartoons in this year.(2) This project purchased 600 LED nightlights and 400 LED key rings.9. In the tasks of holding seminars of low-carbon lifestyle, this project held 2 seminars of promotion low-carbon lifestyle on Oct.-31-2012.10. In the tasks of the “save energy& reduce carbon emissions” subsidy, this project completed 3 townships and 38 villages appropriated, the total subsidy amount was NT$ 475,000.11. In the tasks of news, this project has issued 16 press releases.12. The rate of completion is 111.7% 101 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 新研車輛科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43989
101年科技及施政委辦計畫品質管理與推廣計畫 本年度辦理「科技及施政委辦計畫品質管理與推廣計畫」,目的為整合環保科技資源,提升環保科技與施政計畫之品質,彙整計畫成果如下:環保署102年科技計畫先期規劃及管理作業:(1)協助辦理科技綱要計畫初審會議,研提6項科技綱要計畫(不含國家型)共48,021仟元;(2)配合環境資源部成立,協助分析現行各部會署科技計畫審議作業模式及架構,並辦理1場次溝通會議;(3)彙整環保署98~100年度科技計畫執行成果,包括:發表國內學術期刊或研討會計57篇、國際學術期刊或研討會共90篇,培育197個碩博士生、研究報告95本(篇);另外,為達到各項計畫的知識普及與擴散,辦理46場學術活動、形成15件教材、產出9項技術報告、參加23場技術活動、17件技術移轉、3年間促成廠商或產業團體投資26,167仟元等。科技計畫品質管理工作:(1)彙整100年度的執行成果績效,包括發表國內外論文18篇、研討會論文27篇、研究報告25篇等,針對101年度執行中計畫,協助完成GRB資訊系統連結與登錄;(2) 更新及維護環保署科技計畫922筆及空污防制科技研究合作計畫298筆;(3)完成辦理「101年環境科技論壇」,會中邀請產、官、學、研專家參與圓桌座談與談,並發表環保政策與科技研究、環保科技產學合作以及環境檢測等3大主題共10篇研究論文,計122人參加,問卷調查結果整體滿意度達93.9%,參加人員建議未來希望增加:廢棄物、噪音、綠色科技、環境資源部、環保標章等議題,將納入未來論壇主題之參考,使未來論壇知識傳遞趨向多元化。「環保創新科技研發」計畫管理與行政支援工作:(1)完成育成中心評選會議,確認接受補助之6個計畫,並協助辦理期中、期末審查會議及現場訪視作業等;(2)完成彙整92年至101年補助82項計畫執行成果,環保署合計投入補助130,680仟元,取得35項國內外專利,技術轉移數量32件技轉金達27,574仟元,經分析技轉金與投入金額之比率達21.1%,執行成果相當豐碩。辦理行政院國家科學委員會相關行政支援工作:(1)彙整環保署100年及101年度科技計畫績效報告上傳至國科會績效平台;(2)配合國科會需求,協助環保署所屬單位承辦人操作國科會科技計畫績效平台,進行101年細部計畫登錄,並完成101年知識產業化經費配置統計調查填報等相關工作;(3)利用奈米群組科技計畫成果問卷協助環保署追蹤98~100年奈米計畫執行成果,包括論文發表、研究報告、辦理及補助相關學術活動。 Quality Management and Promotion for the 2013 TEPA’S Projects The objective of this plan is to integrate a vast array of environmental protection technology resources, so as to boost the quality of proactive environment technology and policy implementation in the future. The outcomes of the project have been provided with an overview of 4 categories shown below:A. Preliminary planning of 2013 development scheme in environmental protection technology and management: 1. Organizing preliminary review meeting for 6 technology development projects budgeted with TWD 48.02 million in total;2. Bringing efforts in line with the establishment of Ministry of Environmental Resources, a Cross-ministry Conference on project coordination management has been held to analyze the current verifying modes and structures of relevant environmental protection technology projects cutting across ministries;3. Compiling performance of EPA 2009 ~ 2011 science & technology projects, which include 57 essays published in domestic journals or seminars, 90 theses issued in international academic journals, 197 Master and Ph.D. candidates drawn to participation of various projects with contribution of 95 academic papers. Among other things, in order to achieve the effective knowledge diffusion, there are 46 academic sessions held, 15 case study edited, 9 technical reports derived, 23 technical sessions participated, 17 cases of technology transfer fulfilled, over the course of 3 years, leading industry and manufacturer to realize the investment up to TWD 26.17 million;B. Management task in uplifting quality of administration policy and implementation of 2012 environmental protection technology projects:1. Compiling implementation performance in 2012, including 18 essays, 27 theses and 25 academic reports published in domestic and international journals; assisting in linking and logging in GRB information system for the 2012 projects in process; 2. Updating and keeping truth-maintenance 922 counts of EPA technology project reports and 298 counts of Air Pollution Fund project reports in database; 3. Organizing “2012 Environmental Science & Technology Forum” and a high level round table with elite experts invited from industry, government, academia and institute to take part in discussion, which carried three major themes such as Environmental Policy & Technology Research, Environmental Technology Academic-Industry Cooperation, as well as Environmental Testing, with a total of 10 research papers published. The Forum drew 122 participants with overall satisfaction rating of 93.9%, and proposed topics including waste, noise, green technology, Ministry of Environmental Resources, Green Mark System etc. to be explored and have expected the Forum to be more diversified in the future.C. Administrative support and management task of “Innovative Environmental Technology R&D Projects”:1. Fulfilling appraisal meeting of incubation centers, confirm grant-in-aid to 6 projects, and help arranging mid-term, final review meetings as well as on-site visits; 2. Compiling performance between 2003 and 2012, EPA totally put in subsidies up to TWD 130.68 million for the 82 projects, which acquired 35 counts of domestic and foreign patents, and achieved 32 cases of technology transfer with royalty income of TWD 27.57 million. The ratio of grant-in-aid to royalty income is up to 21.1%, which is recognized as a fruitful effort.D. Conducting administrative support task relevant to National Science Council (NSC): 1. Compiling 2011/2012 EPA Performance Report on Science & Technology Program, and batch-upload to the NSC Performance Platform; 2. Assisting persons-in-charge from 6 divisions in EPA to adopt and operate the programmed system of NSC Performance Platform; to log in details of projects in 2012, and to take statistic, survey and fill-out of 2012 budget allocation for industrializing academic knowledge in Taiwan ;3. By way of questionnaire in outcome survey, assisting EPA to trace the performance of National Nanotech Group Projects between 2009 and 2011, which includes essays published, research reports presented and relevant academic activities held with grant-aided. 101 永續發展室 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42747
101年臺中市空氣品質資訊系統整合維護更新計畫 「臺中市空氣品質資訊系統整合維護更新計畫」主要為整合匯入整合「營建工程污染管系統」之營建工地資料、CEMS監測數據、污染指紋資料庫等相關環境資訊,結合地理資訊系統技術,將相關資料統一彙整及展示,完整呈現空間位置及環境資料,未來環保局業務同仁可從本計畫系統查詢環境資訊,毋需登入不同系統及介面進行查詢。為有效以單一平台展示空品資訊,本計畫整合現有臺中工業區異味管制網站、臺中市柴油車排煙檢測站、臺中市空品淨化區網頁、臺中市空氣品質維護管理網頁、臺中市餐飲業油煙污染防制網、臺中市加油站油氣回收宣導網、臺中市稻草再利用資訊交換平台網、臺中市紙錢減量宣導網及臺中市政府綠能交通網等9大空氣品質計畫網站,以及結合地理資訊系統技術進行環境物件空間資訊呈現,建置「空氣品質聯合資訊平台」,做為提供空氣品質相關資訊統整之入口,不但可提升空品資訊取得之便利性、更能創造資訊的真正價值。由於在空氣污染的管制上,環保署除公告「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」,所有固定污染源皆須符合標準外,亦針對特定行業污染排放特性,訂定其他特定行業污染排放標準及管制方式(定檢、申報等),期能透過不同管制法規,更可有效管制污染排放。因此,本計畫針對臺中市之特定行業別包括石化製程行業、光電業、半導體業、汽車表面塗裝業、PU合成皮業及膠帶業等特定行業別建置網路申報及管理系統,以有效掌控各特定行業申辦情況。 2012 Integration and Maintenance of Air Quality Information System in Taichung City The ”Project of integrating, maintaining and updating air quality information system of Taichung City” is to integrate and input environmental information, like data on construction sites in the integrated “Construction pollution pipeline system”, CEMS monitoring data, pollution fingerprint database, and, coupled with the technology of geographic information system, gather and display the related data to present spatial and environmental data in a complete manner. The coworkers at EPB will be able to query on environmental information from the system of this project without the need of logging in different systems and interface to do so.To effectively display information on air quality on one single platform, this project integrates nine existing websites of air quality project, including the website of odor control in Taichung Industrial Park, Taichung City diesel vehicle exhaust inspection station, the website of Taichung City air quality cleansing zone, the website of Taichung City air quality maintenance and management, the control web of Taichung City restaurant smoke pollution, the website of promotion of vapor recovery at gas stations in Taichung City, the website of information exchange on straw reuse in Taichung City, the website of promoting ghost money reduction in Taichung City, and the website of Green energy transportation of Taichung City, and, coupled with the technology of geo-information system, display spatial information on environmental objects. The project also implements the “platform of unified information on air quality” as the portal site for integrating air quality-related information, which enhances the ease of access to air quality information and creates true value of information as well.Besides the “standards for air contaminant emission by stationery polluting sources” promulgated by EPA, which requires every stationery polluting source to comply in respect of the control of air pollution, other standards and control schemes (regular inspection, reporting, etc.) for contaminant emission by special industries were also established, hoping to control the pollutant emission more effectively by means of different controlling regulations. Hence this project implements the online report and management system for special industries in Taichung City, including the petrochemical processes, photonic industry, semiconductor industry, car coating plants, PU leather and tape industry, to be effectively comprehensive of reporting and administration of these special industries. 101 台中市環境保護局 逢甲大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50804
101年度基隆市土壤污染調查及防治工作計畫 1.執行轄區停歇業或具高污染潛勢場所公私場所內土壤污染調查2.辦理[土壤及地下水污染整治法]相關之業務人員教育訓練及土水相關宣導活動3.其它配合事項 101 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41484
低(零)碳建築示範案例平行診斷推動 101 綜計處 英商奧雅納工程顧問有限公司臺北分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53851
土壤及地下水行動裝置應用暨污染模擬評析計畫(第二期) 本計畫在土壤及地下水地理資料庫擴充及發展方面,已將土基會內計畫與外部單位所產製相關圖資彙整於資料庫,並且訂定維運管理作業規定,朝向以本計畫為窗口對內及對外進行圖資蒐集及流通分享之方向進行;在土壤及地下水地理資訊服務平台建置方面,本計畫已完成與外單位資料服務之介接,以及與會內之MIS系統之整合,將土壤及地下水相關屬性資料進一步空間數位化,強化針對會內各業務單位之地理資訊服務;在土水污染管理地理資訊系統業務應用功能提昇方面,本計畫已完成橫向串查、土水泥監資測資訊整合展示、應變通報之空間資訊輔助分析、污染場址基本統計分析等應用功能,可強化本系統對於土基會管理工作之輔助程度;在土壤及地下水污染行動裝置應用系統擴充方面,本計畫同時完成在iOS平台與Android平台上開發具一致性界面與功能之行動巡查系統,可使持有不同行動裝置之縣市環保局均能有效使用本系統;在地下水模擬系統與地理資訊系統整合方面,本年度已完成單機版之GMS與GIS整合之示範性應用,GMS與GIS之間資料匯出匯入功能模組之開發,同時將GMS模擬結果應用於單機版之GIS而協助主管機關進行輔助管理。本計畫之成果預期可協助主管機關提高在土壤及地下水污染管理之績效。 The project on mobile device application, simulation, and analysis for soil and groundwater pollutio On the expansion and development of soil and groundwater geographic database, this project has collected and the related data created by Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund Management Board and other authorities to build in this database. The maintenance and operation procedure has also been designed. Therefore, this project can be the window of the Board for GIS data collecting, exchanging, and sharing. On the implementation of soil and groundwater geographic information service platform, this project has connected the data services from other authorities. The attribute data of soil and groundwater in the management information system in this Board has also been integrated into the GIS database. Therefore, the GIS data services for the departments of this Board can be promoted. On the enhancement of application functions of soil and groundwater geographic information system, this project has developed the following application functions: horizontal serial querying, integrated displaying for soil, groundwater, and sediment, assistant analysis of spatial information for pollution report and response, and basic statistics for the polluted sites. Therefore, this system can be more useful to assist the authorities for management works. On the expansion of the soil and groundwater application system for mobile devices, this project has developed the systems for iOS and Android platforms with consistent interfaces and functions. Therefore, the county EPBs which have different mobile devices can both effectively use this system. On the integration of groundwater modeling system (GMS) and GIS, this project has developed the demonstrational application for data input and output between GMS and GIS in PC version. The simulation results by GMS are also applied for GIS in PC version to assist the authorities for management works. The results of this project are expected to be used to assist the authorities to improve the performance of soil and groundwater pollution management works. 101 土污基管會 中菲電腦股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46799