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資源回收體系理論架構之探討及回收通路之改善計畫 我國資源回收制度自施行以來,共經歷四個階段的制度變遷,自民國八十六年政府成立資源回收基金管理委員會後,資源回收的財務責任與實務責任兩者不再合而為一,也就是負回收財務責任的業者不必負回收的實務責任,而負回收實務責任的環保署不必負財務責任,環保署介於上游之需負回收財務責任的業者與下游之受委託執行回收清除處理工作的業者之間,以致於回收責任歸屬不明、上下游三方互欺與不合作,再加上公營組織運作效率較低與靈活度不足之本質、及將權力分屬四個委員會以致於各委員會都無權無責,造成了部分回收項目累積不少盈餘、部分項目累積巨大赤字、部分項目回收率低、但寶特瓶等容器的回收率大於100%等等預期之外的現象。本報告旨在深入檢討各時期回收制度施行所衍生出之問題及其解決措施,重新建立適合我國之回收體系架構,首先,分析各時期不同之資源回收體系,並比較與歸納英、法、德、美、日、韓及荷蘭等七國資源回收體系的運作情形;其次,成立「資源回收體系架構改善工作小組」,採取焦點團體(focus group)的討論方式,結合德爾菲法(Delphi Method)與聯合分析法(Conjoint Analysis),透過多次深度討論,達成適合我國之資源回收體系之共識。未來資源回收管理制度改革方向之主要建議有三點:首先,依法資源回收責任(包含財務責任與實務責任)均應由責任業者負責,政府應該由負資源回收實務責任之現況退出,而將管理工作重點置於資源回收系統之管理與監督,採取回收目標管理的作法;其次,資源回收工作應由權益相關者(負財務責任與實務責任之業者)組成共同回收組織,實際負責回收工作之執行,並定位為屬物性公法社團,具有執行公權力的能力,使得有意願去監督考核其他責任業者與回收業者的責任業者有權力去做,才能做好監督考核的工作,以有效避免代理問題及逐利問題;最後,政府應採取回收目標管理的作法,也就是採取回收總量管制制度,並嚴格執法,以確保回收清除處理目標之達成,而回收工作之運作包括兩率(上游業者應負擔的回收清除處理費費率、下游業者應得的回收清除處理補貼費費率)之決定由共同回收組織負責,政府不必插手。 Institutional Evolution and Reconstruction of Recycling System The principle of extended producer responsibility was first adopted and implemented in Taiwan in 1988. After 1998, the EPA got fully involved in the management of recycling programs by establishing and managing the Resource Recycling Fund. On the hand, the EPA collects the Recycling-Clearance-Disposal Fee from the enterprises that produce articles, packaging, or containers, and the revenue of the fee goes into the Fund. On the other hand, the EPA uses the revenue to subsidize the enterprises that collect and recycle the wastes. Although EPA’s direct involvement in the management may solve some old problems, it also produces its own new problems. Among them, over 100% recycling rates of PET/PVC/PP/PE containers and huge accumulated deficit of these containers are two most symbolic ones. We study and analyze the rich experiences in many different recycling management systems in the world. We form a working group of 15 experts from environmental groups, government, academics, responsible enterprises, and recycling firms. We use several research methodologies including Delphi method, Choice Experiment, and Conjoint Analysis to incorporate very different perspectives of team members. This study proposes a new recycling management system that has three major characteristics as follows: First, firms that produce articles, packaging, or containers should be responsible for the collection, clearing away and disposal of their post-consumption waste. The responsible parties should collectively and fully participate in the management of recycling businesses by organizing Functional Jurisdictions. A Functional Jurisdiction has the authority to levy the recycling fee in order to carry out the function stipulated by the law, and the authority to detect and fine evasions. Second, the government should concentrate its efforts in policy promulgation and enforcement without direct involvement in the management of recycling systems. Third, the government should use the total quantity control approach instead of the present pricing app 092 基管會 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2934
推動事業廢棄物清理計畫及公民營廢棄物清除處理許可制度執行計畫 本工作計畫重點可歸類成四大部分,一是強化產源事業廢棄物清理計畫管理制度;二是公民營廢棄物清除處理機構許可制度功能之提升;三是研提事業廢棄物網路申報制度之修正措施與有害事業廢棄物管制之改善方案及檢測管理辦法;四是事業廢棄物管制最適行業分類。本計畫篩選出500家已提具廢棄物清理計畫書之事業,重新審視清理計畫書內容,同時針對25家事業進行現場訪查,並參考國外的管理制度,修訂事業清理計畫書申請與審查相關作業及表單,並製作五行業之審查指引,有效協助清理計畫書申請審核作業,強化產源事業廢棄物清理計畫管理制度。對於清除處理機構則參酌國外先進國家(美、日、歐盟)的許可制度,同時整合國內現行地方的作業方式,針對許可申請表單、許可申請、審查及核發作業流程、收費標準及相關法規規定進行檢討,並提出修正建議,增訂清除處理機構的設施功能、操作條件及營運管理規定,並納入許可證的管理範圍,有效提升許可制度之功能。另製作審查技術指引及營運及操作紀錄之查核技術指引,有效協助環保單位許可審核及營運操作紀錄查核作業。為完備有害事業廢棄物之管理,除對於廢棄物判定方式、貯存年限與貯存方式提出修正建議,並納入有害事業廢棄物檢測管理辦法建議修正,同時完成事業廢棄物各階段採樣作業之規範,並完成其採樣計畫書、採樣紀錄與採樣檢測報告修訂。因應未來廢棄物管制重點將著重於行業特性,本計畫已推估92年事業廢棄物總量,了解各行業及各類別廢棄物產出總量,其推估結果為92年全國事業廢棄物總量為3,165萬公噸,其中以工業廢棄物量的1,448萬公噸為最大宗。另針對未來行業管制順序提出建議,作為 貴署後續稽查管制的參考。配合本計畫建議修定之制度內容與相關表單,對後續網路申報作業相關管理系統提出配套修正建議,以落實管制資料電子化的趨勢。 Implementing The Industrial Waste Clearance & Treatment Plan And Enhancing The Permit System For The Publicly And/Or Privately Owned Waste Clearance And Treatment Enterprises The main tasks in this project can be summarized and underlined as four parts:(1)to strengthen the clearance and treatment management system on sources of industrial waste,(2)to enhance the permit system for the publicly and/or privately owned waste clearance and treatment enterprises,(3)to develop revised measures of internet application and reporting system for industrial waste and improved plans and analysis regulations governing management of hazardous industrial waste,and (4) to complete the optimal industry classification for the industrial waste management.The project sieved out 500 firms which have already submitted their waste clearance and treatment proposal,and then reviewed the content of them,completed field investigation in 25 firms,revised application process and forms in preparing and examining the clearance and treatment proposal,and finally developed the examining guidance for five categorized industries.All these work not only can effectively improve the application process in reviewing the clearance and treatment proposal,but also can strengthen the clearance and treatment management system on source of industrial waste.For the clearance and treatment organizations, the project integrated and reviewed the current domestic system as well as took the permit systems in US,EU,Japan and other developed countries as references.Afterward,the project was mainly aimed at reviewing on permit application forms and process, examining and issuing process,charging rates,and relevant regulations.In order to enhance the permit system,the project suggested to stipulate and to regulate facility functions,operation conditions,and operation management rules, and eventually,to bring all these into the permit system in the conclusion.In addition,the project also developed the examining technical guidance and the operation investigation guidance to provide advanced assistance for local governments in their work of permit examining and investigation of operation records. 092 廢管處 財團法人中技社環境技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2936
行政院國家永續發展委員會國際環保工作之因應與推動 本研究計畫之目的旨在支持作為行政院國家永續發展委員會(以下簡稱行政院永續會)秘書處之行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)及作為行政院永續會國際環保組幕僚窗口之環保署空氣品質保護處在國際環境事務上的規劃與推動。綜合本研究之發現(請參見第十章「結論與建議」),本研究建議:一、在人員能力建構方面 (一)為提升政府行政人員對國際環境事務之瞭解及從事環境外交之能力,建請環保署應每年持續辦理「環境外交研習會」。二、在國際環境公約組織參與或加入之可能方面(二)長距離跨界空氣污染公約因屬歐洲區域性公約,建請由行政院永續會及環保署所關切之所謂「六大國際環境公約」中移除。(三)建請環保署與外交部另行研析選擇其他非聯合國體系所制定與環境或永續事務相關之國際公約、協定或計畫作為我國正式加入之標的。(四)建請以環保署之名義與身分,嘗試向甫生效之斯德哥爾摩持久性有機污染物公約臨時秘書處申請成為締約方大會之觀察員。(五)建請環保署與外交部(國組司)加強合作,以改善目前我國參與相關環境公約組織會議之狀況。(六)建請在不損及國家權益下,建請環保署與外交部審慎研擬以雙邊條約形式處理國際環境議題之作法。(七)建請政府在環境或永續發展事務上與具國際法人格之區域國際組織「中美洲整合系統」(SICA)建立具平等互惠權利義務之夥伴關係;(八)建請外交部協助促使「中美洲整合系統」(SICA)考慮修正德古西加巴議定書,增加「區域外會員國」之會員/組織地位,使我國得以正式加入該議定書,但區域外會員不必享有與區域內會員國完全相同之權利,譬如對區域內政治、和平等事務之「決定權」,以避免區域外會員國不當涉入區域內之特定事務。(九)建請環保署組團參訪中美洲國家藉一九八九年十二月二日所簽署之「設立協定」而設立之「中美洲環境與發展委員會」(Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo,簡稱CCAD),實地瞭解該組織之區域觀點與所重視之議題並洽商合作發展之議題與項目。(十)建請在外交部協助下,建立與SICA架構下於一九九四年十月十二日所設立之「中美洲永續發展聯盟」(Central American Alliance for Sustainable Development,西班牙文Alianza para el Desarrollo Sostenible de Centroamerica,簡稱ALIDES)機制間具平等互惠權利義務之夥伴關係。(可參考美國與中美洲國家在ALIDES架構下簽訂CONCAUSA宣言及行動計畫之前例辦理。)三、在國際公約內國法化方面(十一)建請環保署全面檢視現有依國際環境公約、協定、議定書規範內國法化而制(訂)定之法規,看是否有需要加以修正增補之處,並以統合性之作法有系統地全面整建國際環境法內國法化之環境法規體系。 Responses and Initiatives with respect to International Environmental Tasks on the Part of NCSD The purpose of this research project is to support the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan (referred to as EPA hereinafter) functioning as the Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development of the Executive Yuan (referred to as NCSD hereinafter) as well as the Department of Air Quality Protection of the EPA serving as the staff unit for the International Environmental Protection of the NCSD on their planning and undertaking with respect to international environmental affairs. 092 空保處 國立中山大學海洋政策研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2938
九十二年度「空氣品質資料庫操作平台硬體設備及網路作業系統維護計畫」 本計畫自九十二年十月十五日開始執行, 各項工作執行成果說明如下:一、 完成駐局人員對單位資訊設備維護二、 提出未來整合計劃三、 升級作業系統四、 完成資料庫搬移及儲存設備建置五、 完成災難復原演練六、 完成弱點掃描七、 調整防火牆設定 The maintenance of hardwares and network for air quality database platform in 2003. The project was started to run on October 15, 2003. The progress for eaach work task is outlined in detail as below:1. We have finished the maintenance for the IT devices by our engineer.2. We have finished the plan for the furture.3. We have upgraded the OS from Windows NT to Windows 2000 Server.4. We have migrated the database and built the storage.5. We have finished the exercise of disaster recovery.6. We have finished the detect of system vulnerability.7. We have finished the tuning of firewall. 092 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 台南縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2944
92年度「台南縣空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫」 一、環境負荷及變化趨勢分析:台南縣在人口數及車輛數(機車、小客車、柴油車)皆呈現逐年增加的趨勢,工廠於86年以後呈現減少之現象。二、空氣品質現況及問題分析:本縣空氣品質不良(PSI>100)比例由83年的3.8%下降至92年的2.1%,其中指標污染物懸浮微粒從83年3.4%降低至92年之0.5%,而臭氧比例呈現逐年增加趨勢,從83年0.4%上升至92年之1.5%。三、空氣污染物排放量資料庫建置分析:1.台南縣89年排放清單更新結果分析(TEDS5.1) (1)懸浮微粒(PM10) —總排放量約為2萬公噸/年(2)硫氧化物(SOx) —總排放量約為1萬1仟公噸/年(3)氮氧化物(NOx) —總排放量約為2萬1仟公噸/年(4)非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC) —總排放量約為6萬8仟公噸/年2.排放量前50大工廠聯合清查排放量聯合清查排放量前50大工廠,探討排放量變化原因包括燃料重油含硫分依法降為0.5%;部分工廠整體製程有變更,或加裝防制設備,或產能明顯下降;舊資料錯誤;改以監測或檢測,以排放係數或其他方式推估排放量,較為接近實際排放量。四、檢討修正本縣空氣品質管制策略:1.模擬解析污染成因本計畫採用台灣空氣品質模式(TAQM),選取89年二案例進行模擬分析探討。臭氧之模擬結果顯示台南縣臭氧較高濃度之區域分布在台南縣之中部偏東,中午前後高濃度之區域有從中部往東移動之情形。模擬露天燃燒在密集燃燒的污染情境,發現露天燃燒對於台南縣PM10增量影響都在10 % 以上,台南縣中北部有20 %以上,其20 % 影響面積約有台南縣的1/4。故稻草露天燃燒相關管制措施若能有效的推動,在稻草收割季節將可大幅改善台南縣懸浮微粒空氣品質。關閉台南縣排放量使得台南縣中南部地區及高雄縣之臭氧濃度降低,最高降低54ppb。加上六輕四期之排放量,則見臭氧濃度之增加區域主要發生在台南西側沿海地區及台南及高雄之外海,但臭氧增量均在1ppb以下。2.空氣品質目標本計畫檢討修正本縣各目標年空氣品質改善目標。空氣品質不良日數比例之目標:93年—降至2.8%,94年—降至2.7%,95年中程目標—降至2.6%以下,100年長程目標—降至2.2%以下。3.空氣污染物削減目標本計畫訂定近程(93及94年)各污染物各計畫削減目標。總削減目標93年TSP-3304公噸/年、 SOx-70公噸/年、NOx-35公噸/年、VOCs-156公噸/年;94年TSP-3520公噸/年、 SOx-70公噸/年、NOx-35公噸/年、VOCs-64公噸/年4.空氣污染陳情案件目標配合環保署考評之指標,針對民眾空氣污染陳情案件之減少及處理績效,分別訂定目標。本縣92年每千人之空氣污染陳情案件數為1.64,93年與94年之目標為1.5及1.4。本縣92年空氣污染陳情案件平均處理時間為0.6日,全國最佳,93年與94年之目標維持0.6日。5.各期程重點管制策略本計畫擬定短、中、長程管制策略五、檢討修正本縣空氣污染防制計畫書:本計畫完成九十二年版台南縣空氣污染防制計畫書之研訂及公告。六、追蹤檢討各項空污費補助計畫辦理成效:(一)制定本縣空污計畫考評準則(二)協助辦理各項工作檢討會(三)協同各計畫承辦人與委員辦理現勘查核(四)今年度各空污計畫考核評分結果依據本計畫訂定之考評準則進行評分,透過本計畫之管考各計畫逐月評分逐漸提升,營建工地管制計畫總成績最佳,固定源管制計畫及移動污染源管制計畫總成績較差。七、考核空氣品質淨化區經營維護管理計畫:本計畫制訂台南縣空氣品質淨化區經營維護管理考核辦法,辦理考核辦法說明會,並進行平時考核評選出優良者10處,年終考核選出最優之3處於成果發表會頒發獎牌,並製作考評成果報告書。八、規劃及考核管理街道揚塵洗掃計畫:本計畫針對街道揚塵洗掃計畫加強考核管理。本計畫每月抽查企業認養洗掃工作,發現企業皆依承諾落實洗掃工作。完成10點次洗掃街前後之TSP檢測,發現洗掃街對TSP改善大致有效。九、辦理空氣污染防制技術觀摩會、成果發表會暨技術研討會、技術轉移各一場 2003 Tainan County Air Quality Maintainance and Management Plan From 1994 to 2002, the populations and vehicles increase graguatly in Tainan County. The factories was decreasing since 1997 ,and increasing from 2002. The poor air quality ( the PSI value over 100 ) ratio dropped from the 1994 level of 3.8% to 2.1% in 2003 in Tainan County. The united investigation on the biggest 50 factories make the data revised correctly.The ozone episode TAQM modeling result showed the high ozone area is in central and east part of Tainan County.In the case of the concentrated open burning of rice paddy, the PM10 increment rate is over 10 % in Tainan County. Taking out the emission of Tainan, the ozone concentration will be reduced siginificantly in central and south part of Tainan County and Kaohsiung County. The emission of No.6 Naphtha Cracking Project will cause ozone concentration increased on the west shore of Tainan and the sea beside Kaohsiung. The goal of air quality is PSI>100 ratio : 2004-2.8%。.The goal of emission reduction was planed ,2004-TSP-3304 Ton/yr,SOx-70 Ton/yr,NOx-35 Ton/yr,、VOCs-156 Ton/yr.We set the goal of air pollution petition cases on nuisance per thousand people 2004-1.5 , and the goal of the efficiency on soluting petition cases on nuisance 2004-0.6day . The control strategies was planned.We planned and announced the Tainan County Air Pollution Control Plan. We audited the projects supported by the air pollution fee. We worked on the management of air-purification . We audited the street dust cleaning project. The 10 TSP inspections before and after street dust cleaning works show that TSP could be improved by street dust cleaning works. 092 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 台南縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2946
環境水質監測評核計畫 由於環境品質資料的複雜性和特異性非常高,同時又涉及在採樣分析階段之可能誤差,因此原始數據之評核步驟是環境水質系統工作中很重要的一環。本計畫依作業規劃水質監測資料評核流程,主要分為:1.水質監測報告查核2.監測異常數據篩選及3.監測異常數據處理等三階段,配合水質監測資料整合管理系統之開發,完成監測數據評核標準流程之修正,並依據此流程,進行監測數據之評核工作。 本計畫針對目前環境水質監測作業進行檢討評估,除比對法令要求外,亦檢討是否有改進之處,並提出未來監測之建議優先方案,評估檢討項目包括測站位置、監測項目、監測頻率、採樣作業、檢測方法及監測經費估算。另外亦針對目前環境水體監測作業,進行整體性之規劃,初步規劃之內容包括各水體水文水理之監測及各水體水質監測,水體包括河川、水庫湖泊、地下水、海域及休憩海域等。 依據完成評核之監測數據及參考國外之水質年報,編製九十二年環境水質監測年報,同時定期更新維護水質監測網頁內容。 另外配合 貴署需求完成河川水質監測資料ND值彙整分析、水庫密集抗旱分析、水庫及海域測站整併分析、本島水庫卡爾森指數與降雨量及蓄水量相關性分析、三區監測作業執行單位MDL及認證檢討作業等分析作業。並完成九十三年一至八月份全國五十條重要河川之污染長度計算作業,以進行河川水質追蹤等相關工作。 Auditing of Environmental Water Quality Mnitoring Data Our plan is to assess the procedure in the water quality monitoring divided into mainly three stages: 1.Water quality monitoring report auditing; 2. Unusual monitoring data screening; and 3. Unusual monitoring data processing. And, in cooperation with the water quality monitoring data integration and management system development, to complete the revision of standard monitoring data assessment procedure, and to assess the monitoring data according to the above procedure.    The project evaluated the environmental water quality monitoring work at present in terms of regulation compliance and improvements needed. Suggestions of different priority options were made for future monitoring consideration include monitoring sites, monitoring items , monitoring frequency, sampling work , analysis method and monitoring budget estimation. An integrated plan was made according to current water quality monitoring operation. The preliminary planning includes each water body hydrology monitoring and water quality monitoring, referring the water body to include rivers , reservoir lake , groundwater , sea and sea resort area, etc..  According to the assessed water quality monitoring data and foreign annual report reference, the annual report of environmental water quality monitoring in 2003 was compiled to update and maintain the webpage contents of water quality monitoring on a regular basis. The project also responded to EPA’s demand to complete the analysis on the ND value of water quality monitoring data, analysis on reservoir against drought intensity, integrated analysis of reservoir and sea station, correlation analysis of reservoir Carlson#s index and rainfall and water storage capacity, analysis of the three monitoring districts operation MDL and authentication. The calculation of pollution length of 50 major rivers in the 2004 between January and August was also done to assist tracking on rivers water quality. 092 監資處 財團法人中技社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2948
台南縣營建工地污染管制計畫 本計畫於轄區內設有兩處獨立作業之單一窗口(新營市與歸仁鄉),以便利轄區民眾與營建業主申報繳交營建工程空氣污染防制費,並辦理空污費催補繳作業計有5858件工程申繳,總收入為166,624,845元。計畫期間辦理空污費退費二十件,退費金額為3,212,985元,佔營建空污費總收入1.93%,佔申報空污費20.09%。<br>本年度延續91年度工作成果,維護裸露地資料庫。以GPS定位儀及1/5000航照圖補充調查後更新資料庫,合計調查裸露地面積507.5公頃。<br>本年度為加強營建工地污染管制,稽巡查管制4644處次之工地,計告發52處工地,以有效管制污染來源維護空氣品質。每月由稽巡查與資料庫資料中,動態篩選縣內高污染工程進行列管,以掌握縣內粒狀物污染來源,管制並輔導高污染工程進行污染減量,以維護縣內空氣品質,在有限的人力物力下,列管全縣TSP污染物 91.01%~93.56%,平均92.53%;污染削減率38.61%~55.87%,平均45.29%。污染減量總計4635.46 ton TSP。<br>本計畫廣泛利用各式媒體進行宣導,平面媒體包括宣導手冊、宣導傳單、宣導光碟,並每月發布新聞稿,於報章媒體刊登營建工程相關法令與污染防制之訊息。針對轄區之公務單位、營建業主及營建廠商,辦理三場宣導說明會。擴大宣導說明營建空污費徵收相關法令、作業方式、並加強營建工程污染防制設施管理辦法之宣導說明,以降低93年7月後管理辦法施行之阻力。經宣導後與嘉南農田水利會與公路總局第五工程處進行污染防制設施實行之相關協調工作,嘉南農田水利會之替代設施後續由本局審查通過。<br>鼓勵營建廠商進行污染防制工作,推動縣內優良營建工地表揚,並推薦「奇美四廠基樁工程」獲得環境保護署92年度全國環保優良營建工程南區優勝。縣內優良營建工地經過兩階段評選,選拔出3處優良營建工地,分別為「台灣康寧第五期廠房增建工程」、「台南科學工業園區第二期主管住宅」、「台岳生物科技廠房新建工程」,各處工地在圍籬、防塵網、裸露地、土方堆置、出入口洗車設施等污染防制設施施作完善,得為本縣其他營建工地楷模,予以公開表揚。<br>推動營建工地認養工區鄰近道路執行洗掃街,由營建工程承包商進行工區週遭環境的維護,主動認養工區附近道路清潔,降低二次揚塵污染,執行成果較佳者有18處,年度執行洗掃總長度共16595公里,揚塵污染減量229公噸。<br>對於污染較強之工區進行加強管制,本年度完成40點次之TSP檢測作業,其中2處工地測值高於標準值經本局告發處份,罰款金額60萬元。高污染工地鄰近進行落塵監測,共設置5站,初期監測結果屬輕微污染,將作為工地管制之參考。輔導污染防制設施之執行,並加強查核,督促工區污染減量,有效降低污染,執行輔導工地累計15個工地,污染削檢率約36.8%~59.9%,TSP污染減量725公噸。<br>為瞭解民眾對台南縣內營建工地管制情形之認知,計完成了410份有效問卷,調查結果顯示營建工地污染防制成效與民眾陳情處理之成效大都持正面看法,民眾滿意度約90%。於企業之洗掃街行為均持感謝之意,對於來年之管制應針對道路及管線工程加強要求,並配合持續推動企業洗掃街之認養除可減少部份營建工程之污染。<br> Tainan hsing,2003,Air Pollution Control of Constrution site Project Total income for 5858 declaration is 166,624,845 NT dollar.Amount for cases of “Refund of Air Pollution” is 3,212,985 NT dollars. The ration of average refund is 20.09%. This year, We have patrol the 4644 construction site according to the inspection control of the construction. To command the resource of particle pollution, we have controlled and counseled the reduction of high pollution construction.The county’s TSP containments is 91.01%-93.56%, average 92.53%; reduction of pollution is 38.61%-55.87%, average 45.29%. The total amount of pollution reduction is 4635.46 ton TSP. This project used all kinds of media to publicize, includes the handbook, ads, and CD; also, we issued the news release to inform the construction sites about the regulation and pollution control. We also hold 3 publicize conference to enhance construction sites’ pollution protection facilities management. After publicizing, we cooperate with Chia-Nan Irrigation Association and Directorate General of Highway Fifth Maintains Office to process the execution of pollution protection facilities. After, Chia-Nan Irrigation Association substituted the facility, and Department follow-up the examination approval. In the entire construction site, they need to build the pollution protection facilities which include fens, dust-proof net, soil-pile regulation, uncover surface, and car washing facilities at entrance. For the construction site that do the excellent job on the facilities, we will award them as the role model. To those high polluted construction sites, we have completed 40 TSP examination. Two of the construction site that violated the standard of the Department, the fine is 6 hundred thousand NT dollars. Near to the high pollution construction site, we process 5 dust-falls inspection. The result of the inspection is light pollution; the result can be reference of construction sites’ control. The result of public questionnaires show the public satisfaction is about 90%. 092 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 台南縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2950
限制過度包裝最適化管制策略計畫 本計畫之目標在提出適合我國國情、產業現況及環境負荷之最佳管制策略與執行方案,以求大幅降低禮盒類產品之包裝廢棄物。於參考其他國家(主要為歐盟指令、英國、法國、奧地利及韓國)現況及未來趨勢後,本計畫已提出『糖果、糕餅、化粧品、光碟、加工食品及酒之包裝空間比例、層數、使用材質種類及數量』公告草案及執行手冊,供環保署參酌執行。此外,本計畫並完成民眾與業者之意見調查、四類共82件產品之採樣分析及減量模式與減量推估。 The Best Control Strategy for Excessive Packaging Retriction The objective of this project is to design the best control strategy as well as an implementation plan to reduce the packaging waste generated from gift boxes. After referencing the current status and future trend of the other countries (including European Union, United Kingdom, France, Austria and South Korea), a draft regulation, titled “Restriction on the packaging space, layers, material use and quantity for candies, cakes, cosmetics, computer software discs, processed food and winery products”, and an Implementation manual were formulated for adoption by the Environmental Protection Administration. Other important results of this project include (1) surveys on general consumers and business sectors, (2) sampling and analysis of 82 products (under 4 product categories) and (3) a model for the estimation of reduction on packaging wastes. 092 廢管處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2954
建築物污水處理設施污染源調查及污染削減評估計畫 近年來環境保護署己將國內河川污整治列為施政重點,因此國內長期受污染之河川將陸續進行整治規劃及工程。台中市環境保護局為配合上述施政方針,近年來也持續推動本市河川水體水質之污染整治相關工作。而為了維持境內水體水質之淨化工作,本年度環保局特別擬定「建築物污水處理設施污染源調查及污染削減評估計畫」,希望藉由本計畫之推動,作為日後實施水體水質污染整治之依據,並建立完善之污染源管理資訊系統,以能確實掌握本市境內各污染源之污染狀況,落實本市境內各河川水體水質之改善工作,以提升整體環境品質之成效,給予本市全體市民一個既乾淨又自然之河川生態。為了解轄境內之建築物污水處理設施之現況及操作情形,本年度計畫期間訪查家數為351家,實際完成調查家數為300家。包括公家機關13 家;一般國宅6家;集合住宅155家;其他28家;學校為98家。本計畫調查的300家建築物中,水肥委託清運頻率以一年清運一次的比例最高,約佔50.67%,其次為一年清運兩次的比例約為15.67%。由本次調查結果得知早期建築物污水處理設施的型式,主要為化糞池,佔總調查家數300家中的290家(即相當於96.7%)與台灣早期建築物污水處理設施管制規定趨勢相符。調查過程中發現機械設備皆有正常運作及操作,槽體外觀亦無破損及污水洩漏之情形,顯示環保局平日宣導管制工作執行確實,以及民眾環保意識抬頭。而計畫期間亦針業調查對象,製作建築物污水處理設施定期清運及生活污水減量文宣資料500份,配合於調查基本資料時,提供予機關學校及民眾參考,並做相關說明宣導。水質看板的設置地點,經與經濟部水利署第三河川局,及本市建設局道路養護課溝通協調,並與養護課相關人員進行現場探勘無誤後,選定旱溪與筏子溪二處設置二座水質看板。本計畫於台中市水污染源管理地理資料系統內,已建置502家列管污染源資料,比對台中市運作毒性化學物質的廠商名冊資料,共建置了79家的毒化學物質資料,並建置由86年01月~92年10月的水體水質監測資料,並加以提升具網路查詢功能,以提供管理者更便利的管理工具。計畫期間篩選10家獨立明確之污水排放口之建築物污水處理設施,進行清理前後之水質檢測,評估污水處理設定期清理之污染削減效益,由本計畫調查結果發現,化糞池定期清理頻率以半年一次為最佳,其BOD削減率約為60%;氨氮約為99.67%。同時本研究發現若一年清理一次水肥,則BOD與氨氮削減率皆略降約3%。在研擬推動污水處理設施定期清理計畫上,己對現行法令規定、清除機構人力、水肥處理廠、水肥投入站之負荷加以推估,提出污染削減量方案。為研擬本市具體可行之水污染防治實施計畫,本計畫於8月29日協助環保局召開提升本市河川水質診斷會議。鑑於提升污染削減量,本計畫擬定攤販油污污染稽查管制計畫,內容包括其計畫工作項目、預估經費及預期成效。希望能落實本市境內各河川水體水質改善工作,以提升整體環境品質,帶給市民一個更良的生活空間。 A project of the construction pollution in the year of 2003 The objectives of this project are to collect relevant data and to build database in order to build a comprehensive pollution resources management information system. The above system can be used to control the pollution resources and the conditions. Hence, the water quality can be significant improved in TaiChuang city and the comprehensive environmental quality can be upgraded. 092 台中市環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2978
台中縣懸浮微粒特性及其污染來源之調查計畫 本計畫於92年5月至93年5月共執行三次連續密集採樣,分別於92年9月、12月及93年2月執行採樣作業,而2月之密集採樣因包括一次大陸沙塵暴事件及一次一般污染事件,故共包括了四個不同之採樣期。採樣地點涵蓋了整個縣市,共包括大甲、后里、太平、霧峰、清水、大肚及忠明等七個測站,其中前四站進行粗(PM10-2.5)細(PM2.5)兩種粒徑懸浮微粒之採樣分析,而後三站僅執行PM10 懸浮微粒之採樣。由粗細懸浮微粒之比較,發現採樣地區細粒徑懸浮微粒約佔PM10 懸浮微粒之70%,顯示細粒徑懸浮微粒在本採樣地區之重要性,但沙塵暴期間其粗粒徑懸浮微粒之百分比則提高至30~40%,大甲地區甚至高達60~70%。 在組成份分析上,本採樣地區之含碳物質(EC及OC) 約在15﹪~ 20﹪,陰陽離子總和約在30﹪~ 40﹪左右,而重金屬則在3﹪~ 7﹪之間。含碳物質不論是元素碳或有機碳絕大部份均分佈於細粒徑微粒上,顯示此兩種含碳物質大部份源自工廠或汽機車燃燒後所排放微粒物質。2月沙塵暴期間,大甲測站因受到較明顯海洋及大陸沙塵暴之影響,粗粒徑鈉離子及氯離子出現一極高值,而粗粒徑硝酸鹽濃度在沙塵暴期間亦明顯升高,推測係以硝酸鈉為主要成份。另2月一般污染事件期間,細粒徑硝酸鹽有大量增加之現象,顯示在此地區硝酸鹽有瞬間形成之能力,而新形成之硝酸鹽在污染事件日之PM10 佔有極高之百分比。硫酸鹽在大氣中較為穩定,四個採樣期之差異並不大,但其平均含量相對於其他離子卻較高。在金屬元素之比較上,發現地殼元素約佔13種金屬元素之80%以上,其日間之濃度明顯高於夜間之濃度,但交通元素、燃燒元素及微量元素其日夜差異則不明顯,而2月沙塵暴期間粗粒徑地殼元素之濃度明顯高於細粒徑地殼元素之濃度。在空間之比較上,發現后里測站之總金屬濃度為最高,當進一步比較不同類別之金屬濃度,則發現后里具有較高之燃燒元素,而大甲測站具有較高之微量元素及次高之燃燒元素。另在受體模式方面,粗粒徑的部分主要是來自街道揚塵、營建工地及由交通源所產生。細粒徑則大多數是由光化氣膠所造成。交通源的排放亦是細粒徑中的主要部分。其中后里站受到焚化爐影響要比其他站明顯。光化氣膠的比例較高、且白天較夜晚高,顯示台中縣光化污染的現象已提升為境內主要的污染現象。 A survey project of the suspended particulates and the pollution resources The main purposes of this project are to sample suspended particulates at several particular locations in TaiChuang County. The test results showed that actinicity pollution has become the main pollution phenomenon in TaiChuang County. 092 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 臺中縣環境保護局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2974
柴油車排煙檢測站檢驗維護計畫 台灣地區經過多年的全民努力,創造了經濟奇蹟,因國民生活水準提高,充沛的人力資源滿足勞力密集工業的需求,促使經濟全面繁榮,然而由於台灣地狹人稠,工廠密度偏高,加上機動車輛的高度成長,能源消耗量、垃圾量及營建工程的增加,對環境品質造成嚴重的衝擊,台灣地區近十年來人口增加200萬人,成長了11%;車輛增加700多萬輛,成長 76%;工廠增加 2.4萬家,成長31%;能源消耗量增加34.2百萬噸油當量,成長87%。依行政院環境保護署近年來空氣污染數量推估資料結果得知,台灣都會地區最大的污染來源為移動性污染源,而移動污染源中以車輛排放之廢氣最為嚴重。而由移動污染源排放之粒狀污染物主要來自於大型柴油車,其所排放黑煙最易招致民怨。在環保署『台灣地區空氣污染防治總檢討』及『台北市受體模式研究報告』中,交通工具引起的污染隨車輛數之成長而持續惡化,其中以粒狀污染物之污染最為嚴重,柴油車所排放之粒狀污染物及硫氧化物,對空氣品質影響最大,而柴油車所排放的粒狀污染物粒徑很小,容易進入呼吸道且易積存於肺泡區,又柴油車所排放的粒狀污染物附著多環芳香烴化合物(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon , PAHs)及硝基化多環芳香烴化合物(Nitro-PAHs),均具致癌性或致突變性物質,嚴重危害人體健康;目前大都會地區車輛遽增,且由於交通擁擠,行車速度減慢,車輛排放之空氣污染情形增加,嚴重影響空氣品質及人體健康。行政院環境保護署為期有效改善本國境內空氣品質,乃制定各項空氣污染管制措施,而自施行以來亦已頗具成效;就移動性污染源之管制措施而言,主要是以清潔車輛、清潔燃料及運輸管理等三項管制措施來進行,對於在使用中車輛管制,以本計畫執行之I/M PROGRAM,針對已進入生活環境中車輛,要求其於定期檢驗或通知至柴油車排煙測站接受CNS11644、CNS11645檢驗,或路邊稽查超過排放標準時,即加強維修保養工作,並進行複驗,以確認其改善完成,減少空氣污染排放。本年度『柴油車排煙檢測站檢驗維護計畫』執行期程自九十二年三月十八日至九十三年三月十七日止,主要針對柴油車動力計排煙檢測、二線申請CNLA認證、維持一線CNLA認證、柴油油品抽驗等工作進行規劃執行,各項工作執行成果摘要如下:(一)協助申請CNLA認證(二)柴油車動力計排煙檢測(三)目視判煙(四)路邊攔檢無負載檢測(五)油品抽測(六)地下油行查緝(七)稽查處分(八)民眾檢舉(九)場區整理及維護(十)檢測管理系統(軟體)更新(十一)穩定性測試(十二)相關性測試(十三)兩線比對測試執行成果統計表工作項目 計畫目標 執行成果 達成率協助申請CNLA認證 協助以環保局名義取得二線認證 已於92年11月25日通過認證 100%柴油車動力計檢測 5,000輛 5,233輛 100%測站油品抽驗 200輛 200輛 100%路邊油品抽驗 400輛 400輛 100%目視判煙 -- 4,698輛 --實收罰鍰金額比率 80% 81% 100%被告發車輛改善完成率比率 80% 100%% 100%人民檢舉污染車輛檢測並函覆處理比率 98% 100% 100%儀器維護校正 每年一次 皆已完成送校 100%場區整潔及維護 每季進行除草一次,期中期末各完成一次內牆油漆,期末完成一次外牆油漆 已完成四次除草工作、兩次內牆油漆粉刷及一次外牆油漆粉刷 100%檢測管理系統更新 完成設置 已於93年2月27日完成驗收 100%相關性測試 兩線各完成一次 已於92年6月9日與ARTC完成相關性測試 100%穩定性測試 兩線完成十五次測試,並繪製管制圖 已完成 100%兩線比對測試 每月進行一次 92年4月起開始測試,截至92年2月止,測試結果皆符合管制 100% A checking and maintaining project of the discharged smoke detecting stations of the diesel oil engine car The main tasks of this project are to lay out the exam of the discharged smoke of the dynamometer, eye-test discharged smoke, diesel oil exams, stations and road check. 092 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 臺中縣環境保護局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2972
移動性污染源稽查管制計畫 移動性污染源稽查管制計畫,對於機車應落實定期檢驗制度、加強路邊攔查、二行程機車攔檢,辦理各項宣導活動及協助環保局輔導查核民間機車定檢站,經由這些措施之配合,達到督促車輛使用人加強車輛保養維修管理,並且教育車輛駕駛人正確之操作觀念,進而減低車輛廢氣排放之污染,有效改善空氣品質。臺中縣九十二年度移動性污染源稽查管制計畫自九十二年四月八日開始執行至九十三年二月二十九日執行成果,總計完成路邊未定檢機車攔查數32,714輛次,回檢25,903輛次;未定檢機車抄牌76,353輛次,寄發通知47,580輛次,回檢36,662輛次;二行程機車攔檢數5,512輛次,172家定檢站二次定期查核及47家定檢站不定期查核一次,三場次機車定檢站業務研討會辦理;五場次偏遠地區定檢業務辦理;各項提昇定檢到檢率宣導方案推行及辦理民眾陳情案件處理及告發處分相關作業。由機車定檢資料分析,在CO與HC排放濃度表現上,若以廠牌分,在CO濃度排放方面則以三陽及光陽廠牌表現較佳,而以偉士牌與永豐廠牌表現較不理想;在HC排放濃度方面則以光陽表現最佳、三陽次之,而仍以偉士牌、永豐廠牌表現較不理想。若以車齡分,3年以上車齡之機車在CO及HC濃度排放方面隨車齡增加而有升高趨勢,且以十年以上車齡之機車最為嚴重,可見老舊車輛確屬於高污染族群,應加強宣導其汰舊;若以排氣量區分,無論CO或HC其排放濃度表現皆隨排氣量增加而降低。而以行程別區分,CO或HC其排放濃度表現皆以四行程機車較二行程機車低。依中鼎顧問公司提供之交通工具污染物排放削減量係數推估,本年度計畫執行至十二月底,污染物排放削減量在NMHC部份為577.33噸/年、在CO部份為2898.53噸/年。172家定檢站已完成二次定期查核,查核結果以未標示檢測動線或未標明檢測區及待測區及檢測人員未掛名牌二種情形最多。至九十二年十二月底止,臺中縣機車排氣定檢到檢率分別為71.39﹪(回歸車籍)及69.42%(依定檢站),於二十三縣市排名分別為第六名及第八名。各項工作成果如成果摘要表。 A control project of checking the moveable origins of pollution The objectives of this project are to fulfil the periodic exam of motorcycle, street detective of cars and motorcycles, and several instructional activities. Through the help of the above measures, it is hoped that the vehicle owners can strengthen the service, repair and management. Thus, The pollution produced by the vehicle exhaust gas could be significantly reduced. 092 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 台中縣環保局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2968
臺中縣(民有民營)街道揚塵洗掃計畫 92年度臺中縣民有民營街道揚塵洗掃計畫,自92年3月26日開始執行,計畫工作項目包括:洗掃及查核作業、成效評估、問卷調查、企業洗掃道路認養、提昇鄉鎮市洗掃效率及辦理污染防治議題演講,實際工作成果分述如下:(一) 洗掃作業及查核: 自92.4.8日開始執行街道洗掃作業,執行期間共辦理二次路線變更及一次路線增加,共計完成洗街23,052.7公里、掃街20,179.1公里。每月洗掃執行量如后所示:1. 洗街作業各月份之執行量分別為92年4月1,728.4公里、5月2,219.8公里、6月2,121.1公里、7月2,003.5公里、8月1,982.0公里、9月2,217.6公里、10月2438.8公里、11月2,287.0公里、12月1,523.0公里、93年1月1,339.1公里、2月1,351.5公里、3月1,840.7公里,合計23,052.7公里,執行率為100%。用水量統計方面本計畫計用水24,727.7公噸,單位里程之用水量為1.07 Ton/公里。 2. 掃街作業月份之執行數量分別為92年4月1,184.3公里、5月1,574.2公里、6月1,511.8公里、7月1,550.4公里、8月1,681.1公里、9月1,998.4公里、10月2,235.9公里、11月1,587.7公里、12月1,696.8公里、93年1月1,443.7公里、2月1,622.8公里、3月2,212.9公里,合計20,179.1公里,執行率為100%。總垃圾清運量為360,917公斤,平均每公里收集之垃圾塵土量為17.88公斤。。(二) 成效評估: TSP與街塵負荷量檢測分析,依季別區分調查路段共分四次包括:1.中棲路、豐勢路及中山路(第一次);2.中華路、沙田路及中山路(第二次);3.鎮南路、中棲路及中山路(第三次);4.國光路、中清路及中山路(第四次)。四次檢測計完成12條道路共36點次之TSP檢測與街塵負荷量分析作業。工作進度已達100 %。(三) 問卷調查:乃是委託天和水行銷顧問股份有限公司執行,前期調查於92年5月中旬開始執行共計750份,並於該月底完成。後期調查於92年12月下旬開始執行共計750份,並於93.1月初完成,總計1500份有效問卷,工作進度已達100 %。(四) 企業洗掃道路認養: 本項之工作內容分為三大步驟:1.前置規劃作業 2.洗掃執行作業 3.成效評定作業;在參加說明會之企業中共有15家企業同意參與本項道路認養活動,合計認養道路洗掃長度為洗街4,748.4公里、掃街1,698.6公里,符合預定認養目標量5000公里,工作進度已達100 %。(五) 提昇鄉鎮市洗掃效率:規劃臺中縣各鄉鎮市街道洗掃活動考核獎勵辦法,透過【評比考核獎勵】之方式提升各鄉鎮市之洗掃執行效率。(六) 污染防治議題演講:本計畫共辦理二場次之污染防制議題演講,第一場次於92.7.17日配合各鄉鎮市公所召開「公有公營執行成效考核與獎勵辦法」說明會時辦理,該演講係邀請彰師大工學院林院長主講,演講之主題為「GPS的概念及其在污染防制上之應用」。第二場次則於93.1.29日辦理,由弘光科技大學方國權校長主講「逸散性粒狀污染物之來源及其控制技術」。藉由「臺中縣(民有民營)街道揚塵洗掃計畫」各項事 務的推行有效降低縣內道路揚塵量,達到改善空氣品質之目的。 A project of clearing the streets The main tasks of this project include: cleaning and checking tasks, effect evaluation, survey of questionnaire, corporation who is volunteer in clearing the streets, upgrade the effectiveness of clearing and to have speeches on the topics of pollution prevention. 092 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 臺中縣環境保護局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2966
臺中縣固定污染源污染管制計畫 本計畫自92.03.18起(計畫期程92.03.18~93.03.17)執行至今己進入尾聲,而多數量化工作均已達到100﹪(見第一章),其中部分工作量皆超過本計劃之預定量,進度較慢者需配合環保局實際需求之稽查檢測及需配合許可申請案件之滿意度調查也於計劃期程內陸續完成,整體而言進度多超越預期且符合工作期程。整體而言可歸納如下:由於本計畫整體工作規劃在協助完成固定污染源各項管制作業,多數並無法預估執行數量,例如在整體許可制度的執行上,但由於考評之要求,仍必須在審查期限內完成各項審查、現勘及督導檢測工作,因此多數執行達成率多為100%,而部分考評要求有工作量的部分則依期程及人力平均分配各月執行,而專案小組為協助臺中縣得到最佳成績及完成法定要求,自本年度計畫開始積極規劃各項工作期程以達到整體工作成效。環保署自87.07起對工廠依『…空氣污染物的種類及其實際排放量…』按季徵收硫氧化物及氮氧化物的空污費,由於去年度空污費到繳率達到100%之作業經驗,本年度各業者多可按時繳納,統計從九十一年第四季至九十二年第三季即環保署九十二年考評評分年度之整體到繳率為100﹪。另外,91.12.31公告之「第一批公私場所應申報年排放量之固定污染源」要求具有之任一固定污染源操作許可證記載之空氣污染物年許可排放量達一定規模者,應自九十三年起,於每年一月底前申報前一年空氣污染物年排放量;而申報方式採網路申報登錄,自九十二年四月起按季於每年四、七及十月月底前上網登錄全廠(場)前一季空氣污染物排放量,並於隔年一月底前完成前一年排放量之申報。因此,專案小組亦於今年四月起投入相當人力進行輔導廠商及已申報者資料審查的工作,由於開發初期系統不穩定且系統十分複雜造成廠商申報上的困難,因此在系統較穩定後,專案小組亦在計畫預定量外額外辦理六場次第一批上網申報輔導說明會,除邀請系統開發單位人員擔任講師外,亦租用電腦教室採一人一機之方式輔導廠商,結至目前為止台中縣境內符合第一批上網申報排放量之公私場所為92家,目前多數廠商已完成申報,專案小組亦積極審查中;而於本年度92.07.23日已發布「第二批公私場所應申報年排放量之固定污染源」,但此規定將於九十三年一月一日開始施行,針對此一新之法令規定,目前本專案小組已經掌握台中縣境內59家屬於第二批上網申報之公私場所,並以協助多數公私場所完成權限及密碼開啟作業使業者可順利登入此系統。本計畫在說明會辦理契約預計舉辦之四場次,至期末為止已經辦理許可展延說明會、新管制法規說明會及對環保局人員之法規講習會、技術移轉訓練講習會,目前已將相關說明會辦理完成。而為擴大農廢禁止露天燃燒之宣導,專案小組於評選時亦承諾加辦三場次說明會,此部份也分別於豐原、潭子、后里辦理完成,故本計畫應執行辦理之說明會均已依契約要求及評選承諾依期程分別完成。而在推動「臺中縣土石採取業、土石加工業或廠內有粉粒狀物(如礦物、土石等)之堆置場程序及土石採集程序申請固定空氣污染源許可證防制措施指定之事項」草案方面,在92.07.14亦邀請業者辦理草案說明會,隨後即於92.07.31正式公告並實施,在許可申請、展延、變更中均要求相關公私場所需符合本公告,本專案小組也於審查時加強進行把關管制;此外為配合鋼管雞業者於路邊設攤營業嚴重影響空氣品質部分,專案小組亦奉局長指示協調消防局及衛生局等相關單位辦理協調會,後經與會同仁之意見,成立鋼管雞流動攤販稽查專案小組,由環保局為主辦單位,且因攤販於路邊實施烹煮影響食品衛生則由衛生局為協辦單位,負責對有設立店面之業者對食物進行抽樣;另由臺中縣警察局及各分局為協辦單位負責勸導及稽查取締;而針對環保署於92.12公告的「山林田野引火燃燒許可申請辦法」專案小組亦配合於93.02.20邀請消防局、農業局及臺中縣農會等單位與會,共同告知農友們可依法申請燃燒事宜。在環保署交辦的相關型式作業方面,主要為戴奧辛新管制標準於九十三年正式開始,環保署委託工研院至管制工廠進行輔導,本計畫也配合進行辦理;而在焚化爐認定方面,專案小組亦協同專家學者配合環保局到廠認定,統計於計畫期程內共有永豐餘成功廠通過認定而由中型焚化爐改為小型焚化爐。 A control project of checking the moveless origins of pollution The objectives of this project are shown as follows:(1) To cope with the relevant policies and operation of Environmental Protection Administration and Taichung County Bureau of Environment Protection.(2) To effectively push the permission of moveless origins of pollution.(3) To drive the maintenance and increase of the data bank, to strengthen the inspection of pollution resources and to carry out the air pollution control assignment. (4) To control the second step prevention of air pollution. 092 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 台中縣環保局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2964
九十二年臺中縣空氣品質維護綜合管理計畫 本計畫之目標為為配合環保署訂定之「直轄市及縣(市)空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評要點」及「臺中縣空污基金考核作業要點」,針對臺中縣環保局以空污費發包之共通性計畫(固定污染源稽查管制計畫、營建工程管制計畫、移動污染源稽查管制計畫、柴油車排煙檢測站檢驗計畫、街道揚塵洗掃街計畫)、空氣品質淨化區管理維護計畫及其他專案計畫的執行成效進行督導考核。 The maintenance and integrated management of air quality The objectives of this project are to carry out an overall inspection of the relevant projects of air pollution control. These projects include (A control project of checking the moveless origins of pollution, A project of pollution control on the construction engineering, A control project of checking the moveable origins of pollution, etc) 092 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 台中縣環保局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2962
臺中縣酸性沉降物之調查研究(第二年)計畫 本計畫為臺中縣酸性沈降物之調查研究的第二年計畫,此年度的工作重點持續第一年度的酸雨採樣分析工作,建立全年酸雨成分資料,雨水的採樣從上年度11月開始至此年度10月底止,在沙鹿測站、大里測站及東勢測站,總共收集129個雨水樣本,整合第一年的採樣數據,已完成2002至2003年(2002年5月至2003年10月)的酸雨成分分析。臺中縣境內2002年11月至2003年10月底止,雨水的pH年平均值為4.7,酸雨發生率為49 %,沙鹿、東勢及大里三個測站的雨水平均pH值分別為4.66、4.68及4.86。水溶性陰陽離子方面,雨水的主要致酸物種為SO4=,其次為NO3-,主要中和物種依序為NH4+及Ca2+。2003年臺中縣境內雨水中各物種濃度與2002年比較皆有上升的趨勢,這與本年度臺中縣境內降雨量較往年下降30%~50%有關;本計畫2002年~2003年觀測期間與1991~2000年臺中港地區酸雨數據比較SO4=濃度有明顯減量成效,但NO3-和NH4+的變化趨勢較不明顯,而Ca2+濃度變化有較往年減少,SO4=濃度因臺中縣政府施行「電力業和鋼鐵業加嚴排放標準」後有逐年減量及控制的情況。酸性離子濕沈降通量以大里測站最高,約20.97 Kg ha-1 yr-1的nss-SO4=降至地表,東勢測站約15.72 Kg ha-1 yr-1,沙鹿測站約9.45 Kg ha-1 yr-1。NO3-之濕沈降通量仍以大里測站最高約20.29 Kg ha-1 yr-1沈降至地表,東勢測站約16.35 Kg ha-1 yr-1,沙鹿測站約7.71 Kg ha-1 yr-1落至地面,與2002年相比較,三個測站中各物種之沉降通量皆有下降之現象。臺中縣境內nss-SO4=及NO3-酸沈降總量約為3,314及3,327 Tons yr-1,本計畫推估SO2及NOx相對總沈降量約為2,209及2,039Tons yr-1,與2000年SO2和NOx總排放量16,206 Tons yr-1和68,940 Tons yr-1相比,計畫執行期間SO2約有14 %沈降至地表,而NOx沈降比例僅有3 %。 An investigation of acidic sedimentation in Taichung county The main issues of this project are the analysis and sampling of acidic rain and to build the data bank of the components of acidic rain. The sampling task started from November of last year to October of this year. 092 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 台中縣環保局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2960
臺中縣營建工程污染管制計畫 臺中縣環境保護局於八十五年度開始執行營建工程污染管制計畫,為使空氣品質得以確實改善,並期待執行本計畫後有效管制營建工程之污染行為與減少公害發生,確切提昇生活環境品質。本年度計畫於執行七年度後,已讓本縣境內營建工地深入瞭解施工過程中可能發生之污染行為及其可推動之污染防制措施,對於本縣空氣品質乃至於整體環境都有相當正面的幫助;為延續過去本計畫執行的成效,並更進一步改善維護本縣空氣品質,持續推動本計畫是必要的。本年度計畫在本年度各項精進做法為首要工作,同時在計畫執行期間並持續推動營建空污費徵收作業、空污費催補繳、營建工地稽巡查工作、營建工地輔導作業、宣導作業、營建工地粒狀物檢測作業等相關工作,自92年3月24日執行至93年2月29日止,在計畫執行人員努力及環保局長官協助下,本工作團隊完成各項工作項目量化成果摘要如下表所示:序號 工作內容 目標數 實際累積數 數量 百分比1 巡查作業 3,000處次 3742處次 124%2 宣導說明會 2場次 2場次 100%3 TSP檢測作業 60點次 60點次 100%4 工地輔導 30處 32處 100%5 學術性專題講座 2場次 2場次 100%6 宣導手冊 600份 600份 100%7 宣導短片 3檔次(每次10天) 3檔次(每次10天) 100%其他如營建工程道路認養推動作業,統計至93年2月29日止共計輔導工地執行道路認養承諾96件次,總洗掃長度共達15320.956km>考評年總洗掃長度14000公里,足見本半年度認養推動實施之成效。在非量化成果方面,本年度本縣營建工程施工的粒狀污染物逸散量為22627.7公噸,削減量為9433.33公噸,現況排放量為13194.37公噸,整體的削減率為41.69%,相較上一年度有大幅提昇,足見本年度管制計畫執行之成效;92年度計畫階段執行成果彙整於GIS系統等相關工作,亦均能達到計畫執行初期之預定目標。另本工作團隊在執行初期,即已詳細評估環保署92年考評指標之權重分配,針對各項考評指標執行重點修正執行策略,除整體效益之分數外,其餘各項指標均能達到預期滿分之標準,92年考評分數總分合計8分,除整體成效一項須由環保署及其空污技術諮詢小組評定外,經由環保署現場查核及本計畫自評結果,達成率為100%。 A project of pollution control on the construction engineering The objective of this project is to enforce the inspected system of public construction and to improve the air quality. This project has been carried out for seven years. It is already clear of all the possible pollution behavior and feasible pollution prevention procedures. The result of this project has provided a great help to the air quality and overall environment of Taichung county. 092 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 台中縣環保局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2958
92固定污染源稽查許可暨空污費補催繳計畫 台中市九十二年度固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫自92年4月1日履約日起至92年12月31日執行共計九個月。本計畫延續上年度相關計畫進行許可審查核發、巡查作業、許可證查核、稽查處分資料建檔、加油站油氣回收設施功能檢測、煙道稽查檢測、油品含硫量抽測、監督檢測、清查作業資料更新與擴充、電話清查、宣導說明會、空污費催補繳等作業。本計畫審查作業配合便民措施,大幅縮短審查時間,審查時間由91年13.1天縮短為92年4~12月平均10天,遠低於法令規定之審查期限30天。許可查核結果之不符率為21%,由年度來比較,可發現自87年以來,查核不符合率有逐年下降之趨勢。本計畫進行548家次列管公私場所之巡查作業,全部皆無明顯污染狀況,另自92年11月11日起至12月15日期間,共進行露天焚燒巡查35天次、總計巡查359處次,其中發現有9件露天燃燒雜草及垃圾,均向行為人進行勸導及協助污染行為人完成滅火動作並發放宣導手冊,使其了解稻草露天燃燒對空氣污染的危害性,或未發現行為人而立即撲滅火源。而為因應93年7月油氣回收設施管理辦法正式適用,本計畫先行進行20家次之油氣回收設施功能測試抽測,期能掌握法規符合程度,並於抽測過程中再次針對業者進行宣導及技術支援。煙道抽測部分共計完成10根次煙道檢測,檢測項目為粒狀污染物、SOx及NOx,煙道檢測結果均符合排放標準。另進行油品含硫量抽測40家次,其中1家抽測結果超出法規標準,已進行告發處分,經追蹤改善進行複查,複驗值為0.37%,已改善完成符合法規標準(0.5%)。本計畫為配合環保署管制方向及重點,已分別針對加油站業者、應申繳空污費之公私場所及轄區內具有廢棄物焚化爐之業者,進行三場次之宣導說明會,達成具體完整之宣導成效。而根據環保署提供之91年第四季至92年第三季空污費繳交情形名單,台中市目前應繳空污費為129家,均完成申報繳納空氣污染防制費。本計畫執行至92年12月底止,業已完成計畫目標工作量及目標,圓滿達到計畫之預期成效,且針對環保署考評指標中固定污染源部分進行目前執行成績試算,扣除由環保署評定部分量化成績共計12分,經由本計畫之試算目前已達到12分,達成率為100%。 A control project of checking the moveless origins of pollution and the remedial charge of the air pollution fees in the year of 2003 The Stationary Sources of Air Pollution Control Project of Taichung City 2003 had lasted totally nine months from 1st April 2003 to 31st December 2003. This project was continuing the works in the relevant project of last year including Emissions Permits granting, pollution inspecting, Emissions Permits checking, establishing the records of inspection and disciplinary action, the gasoline gas recycling equipment of gas station functional testing, flue gas inspecting sampling and testing, the sulfur content of heavy oil sampling and testing, superintending the flue gas sampling and testing made by enterprises, updating and expending the Air Pollution Database, telephone checking, holding the policies-propagating conferences, Air Pollution Fee collecting and etc.. 092 台中市環境保護局 台中市環保局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3002
92移動污染源稽查管制計畫 本年度『移動污染源稽查管制計畫』主要針對機車路邊攔(巡)查、二行程機車攔檢檢測作業、定檢站查核及宣導活動之舉辦等工作進行規劃執行,執行期間自九十二年三月三十一日至九十二年十二月三十一日止,各項工作執行如下:(一)機車攔巡查作業計畫執行期間完成機車路邊攔查45,599輛次,目前通知到檢車輛仍持續回檢中。(二)二行程機車攔檢檢測作業計畫執行期間完成攔檢檢測二行程機車5,297輛次,檢測不合格368輛次,檢測不合格率6.9﹪。(三)定檢站教育說明會於九十二年八月七日於台中市北屯區公所三樓會議廳舉行定檢站人員教育說明會。(出席率:99%)(四)定檢站表揚大會於九十二年十二月十八、十九日舉行年度優良定檢站表揚大會(出席率:80%)。(五)定檢站查核—定期計畫執行期間完成定檢站定期查核310家次。(六)定檢站查核—實車不定期查核計畫執行期間完成定檢站實車不定期查核162家次。(七)定檢站聯繫會議計畫執行期間共舉辦四場次定檢聯繫會議。(八)優良定檢站年度評鑑於九十二年十一月二十五日會同各廠牌代表針對定檢站進行評鑑並由環保局進行分數統計及排名。(九)告發車輛改善至九十二年十二月三十一日止共計告發處分747件次,罰款總金額為2,273仟元。告發車輛同時進行監理單位資料上傳,辦理禁止異動,改善完成率100﹪。(十)受理民眾檢舉案計畫執行期間受理民眾檢舉案1,285件次,受理率100﹪。(十一)定檢站日檔連線資料建置自計劃止每日針對轄內所有定檢站進行日檔抓取,並建置資料庫。(十二)定檢站GPS建置於七月二十一日發文並檢附定檢站GPS建置光碟送局備核,七月二十九日召開定檢站GPS檢討會議後,於七月三十一日發文並檢送正式版上線使用。(十三)戶政連線系統於七月二十一日發文並檢附相關申請資料送局備核。(十四)定檢率自執行期間九十二年三月三十一日至九十二年十二月三十一日止,依契約附件一之計算修正分母後為81﹪。 A control project of checking the moveable origins of pollution in the year of 2003 The objective of this project is to lay out the plan of the exams of motorcycles along the road, periodic exam of motorcycle and to execute the “expanding the management of removable origins of pollution”. 092 台中市環境保護局 台中市環保局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2996
九十二年度柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢驗計畫 本計畫主要針對柴油車動力計排煙檢測、目視判煙通知到檢、柴油油品抽驗、場站及路邊稽查檢驗等工作進行規劃執行,各項工作執行如下:(一)柴油車動力計排煙檢測本年度完成柴油車動力計檢測2,360輛次,其中檢測不合格車輛76輛次,檢測不合格率3.2%。(二)到檢率針對柴油車通知應到檢2,993輛次,實際到站檢測車輛1,610輛次、外縣市代驗1,047輛次,若扣除依行政程序註銷通知232輛次、二次通知37輛次、申請展期55輛次,其到檢率則為99.6%。(三)目視判煙共執行目視判煙不合格2,018輛次,而本市車輛佔比例33%、台中縣30%、彰化縣6%、其它縣市31%,車種以自用小貨車及營業大客車為主。(四)顛峰時段稽查稽查方式為每週選一天早上上班交通尖峰時段目視篩選高污染車輛,隔週選一天下午下班時段稽查,藉此篩選在本市固定時段出現的烏賊車。(五)油品抽測針對受測柴油車抽取其油箱柴油,分別於動力計排煙站內抽驗109件、場站稽查抽驗12件、路邊攔檢抽驗80件,共計抽驗柴油油品201件,其檢驗含硫量18件不符合標準。(六)場站稽查依據民眾檢舉(違規地點在台中市)及目視判煙高污染車輛,共執行場站稽查檢測100輛次。 (七)柴油車高污染路段標示由目視判煙不合格與民眾檢舉案件數,標示本市高污染路段,而污染路段地點皆屬於柴油車流量頻繁路段,以大貨車、小貨車及大客車居多。(八)高污染車輛輔導改善提出污染車輛改善建議名單共二十六家,透過發文通知業者道德勸說汰舊換新,以免造成本市交通污染負荷。(九)預約制度宣導本年度於預約制度執行上,總計接受電話預約2,093件、傳真預約55件,約佔本年度柴油車動力計檢測站檢測數91﹪。(十)CNLA認證申請 本年度已順利取得中華民國實驗室認證體系認證證書。(十一)辦理91年度計畫執行目視判煙尚未通知到檢工作(數量約為800輛),篩選其中高污染車輛(目視判煙值50%以上)共503輛次進行通知到檢。 A checking project of the discharged smoke detecting stations of the dynamometer of the diesel oil engine car The main tasks of this project are to lay out the exam of the discharged smoke of the dynamometer, eye-test discharged smoke, diesel oil exams, stations and road check. 092 台中市環境保護局 台中市環保局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2994
92空氣品質監測站操作暨空氣品質分析計畫 本計畫履約期間為民國九十二年四月一日起至九十二年十二月三十一日止,總共為期九個工作月。計畫目標需維持本市轄內空氣品質人工測站(六處)及自動測站(一處)正常運轉,落實監測設備之定期維護保養及校正工作,維持儀器設備妥善率並藉由人工測站及自動測站之大氣主要污染物監測,了解本市空氣品質變化趨勢。六座人工測站每月上半月、下半月各一次之TSP採樣,共計完成一百零八站次。落塵水採、放樣共計完成五十四次。本年度環保署抽查人工站結果在流量與測站各項維護作業皆評定為『滿意』等級。文山自動站本年度之監測數據資料可用率均在90%以上,每月資料可用率均能達計畫契約之要求。本年度局內指定瑩諮科技公司依環保署現行之功能查核方法執行文山自動站功能查核,以因應未來自動監測站認可制度,查核結果各項監測儀器均達『滿意』等級。文山自動站維護與檢修結果發現,以氮氧化物分析儀穩定性與站房的狀況較差,建議逐年編列經費,優先汰換氮氧化物分析儀,次為站房主體。本市空氣品質不良日數發生比率呈現逐年下降趨勢。九十年空氣品質不良日數比例降至3%,九十一年為2.7%,九十二年一~十一月之不良率為1.9%。局部特性方面;西屯站造成空氣品質不良日數上,懸浮微粒與臭氧較相當,忠明站則以臭氧為主。為達成九十五年2%的國家品質目標,忠明站區域可先重在臭氧前驅物的管制,西屯站區域則應著重懸浮微粒方面的管制。本市在O3與NMHC濃度上近三年的年平均濃度呈現上升趨勢,NMHC方面以改善市轄內加油站油氣回收設備為優先,並持續發展公共運輸便捷性降低車輛使用量。臭氧為二級光化產物,濃度受NOX與NMHC前驅物比例影響,本市NOX濃度呈負成長與NMHC正成長的情形,臭氧濃度未減反增,顯示本市臭氧問題複雜。已有多位學者提出本市臭氧問題著手改善前,應先釐清優先管制者為NOX或NMHC?受境外傳入影響程度如何?並透過縣市合作已達防治改善之效。 A project of the operation of the air quality detective stations and the analyses of the air quality in the year of 2003 This project was carried out from 1st April 2003 to 31st Dec. 2003. The duration is 9 months. The objectives of this project are: (1) to properly maintain the air quality manpower stations (6 stations) and automatic station (1 station); (2) to carry out the work to termly maintain and revise the detective facilities; (3) to maintain the appropriate rate of facilities and to understand the changing trend of the air quality 092 台中市環境保護局 台中市環保局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2990
九十二年台中市營建工程污染管制計畫 一、營建工地分佈與空污費徵收作業自92年1月~92年11月底止,台中市營建工程共申報1,285件。台中市之營建工程大多集中於正開發的三個屯區,且以建築工程為主。自92年1月~92年11月底止,台中市營建工程高達有162件申報污染防制措施承諾書,目前尚有約180處工地未完工結案。二、工地列管作業自92年1月起至92年11月30日止,本年度計畫總計列管1.034處工地。截至92年11月30日已完成2,181場次巡查。三、工地輔導作業本年度共輔導列管工地20處,各輔導工地已追蹤輔導約3次不等。四、污染量排放推估作業自92年1月1日至92年11月30日,台中市營建工程污染物實際排放量為:TSP1,610.18公噸;PM10894.54公噸;逸散粉塵5,771.24公噸。五、TSP檢測作業截至目前為止的檢測結果,在全部60個檢測點中有4處檢測值超過環保署標準,可見本市營建工地在污染防制設施的設置及使用上仍有極大的加強空間。六、宣導作業本年度宣導作業文宣執行成果包括:編製及發放500份營建工程環境保護宣導手冊;印製300份宣傳海報;製作300份宣導品。七、問卷調查目前為止已完成營建相關人員部份完成53份。問卷結果顯示營建工程相關人員對政府執行營建工程污染管制大多持正面回應。 A project of pollution control on the construction engineering in the year of 2003 The objective of this project is to enforce the inspected system of public construction and to improve the air quality and the current database system. 092 台中市環境保護局 台中市環保局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2986
建築物污水處理設施污染源調查及污染削減評估計畫 近年來環境保護署己將國內河川污整治列為施政重點,因此國內長期受污染之河川將陸續進行整治規劃及工程。台中市環境保護局為配合上述施政方針,近年來也持續推動本市河川水體水質之污染整治相關工作。而為了維持境內水體水質之淨化工作,本年度環保局特別擬定「建築物污水處理設施污染源調查及污染削減評估計畫」,希望藉由本計畫之推動,作為日後實施水體水質污染整治之依據,並建立完善之污染源管理資訊系統,以能確實掌握本市境內各污染源之污染狀況,落實本市境內各河川水體水質之改善工作,以提升整體環境品質之成效,給予本市全體市民一個既乾淨又自然之河川生態。為了解轄境內之建築物污水處理設施之現況及操作情形,本年度計畫期間訪查家數為351家,實際完成調查家數為300家。包括公家機關13 家;一般國宅6家;集合住宅155家;其他28家;學校為98家。本計畫調查的300家建築物中,水肥委託清運頻率以一年清運一次的比例最高,約佔50.67%,其次為一年清運兩次的比例約為15.67%。由本次調查結果得知早期建築物污水處理設施的型式,主要為化糞池,佔總調查家數300家中的290家(即相當於96.7%)與台灣早期建築物污水處理設施管制規定趨勢相符。調查過程中發現機械設備皆有正常運作及操作,槽體外觀亦無破損及污水洩漏之情形,顯示環保局平日宣導管制工作執行確實,以及民眾環保意識抬頭。而計畫期間亦針業調查對象,製作建築物污水處理設施定期清運及生活污水減量文宣資料500份,配合於調查基本資料時,提供予機關學校及民眾參考,並做相關說明宣導。水質看板的設置地點,經與經濟部水利署第三河川局,及本市建設局道路養護課溝通協調,並與養護課相關人員進行現場探勘無誤後,選定旱溪與筏子溪二處設置二座水質看板。本計畫於台中市水污染源管理地理資料系統內,已建置502家列管污染源資料,比對台中市運作毒性化學物質的廠商名冊資料,共建置了79家的毒化學物質資料,並建置由86年01月~92年10月的水體水質監測資料,並加以提升具網路查詢功能,以提供管理者更便利的管理工具。計畫期間篩選10家獨立明確之污水排放口之建築物污水處理設施,進行清理前後之水質檢測,評估污水處理設定期清理之污染削減效益,由本計畫調查結果發現,化糞池定期清理頻率以半年一次為最佳,其BOD削減率約為60%;氨氮約為99.67%。同時本研究發現若一年清理一次水肥,則BOD與氨氮削減率皆略降約3%。在研擬推動污水處理設施定期清理計畫上,己對現行法令規定、清除機構人力、水肥處理廠、水肥投入站之負荷加以推估,提出污染削減量方案。為研擬本市具體可行之水污染防治實施計畫,本計畫於8月29日協助環保局召開提升本市河川水質診斷會議。鑑於提升污染削減量,本計畫擬定攤販油污污染稽查管制計畫,內容包括其計畫工作項目、預估經費及預期成效。希望能落實本市境內各河川水體水質改善工作,以提升整體環境品質,帶給市民一個更良的生活空間。 A project of the construction pollution in the year of 2003 The objectives of this project are to collect relevant data and to build database in order to build a comprehensive pollution resources management information system. The above system can be used to control the pollution resources and the conditions. Hence, the water quality can be significant improved in TaiChuang city and the comprehensive environmental quality can be upgraded. 092 台中市環境保護局 台中市環保局水質及土壤保護課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2984
輔導全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收專案工作計畫 為有效減少垃圾量,增加焚化爐及掩埋場之使用年限,降低垃圾清運費用及政府開支,環保署特委託辦理「輔導全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作專案計畫」。本計畫主要為辦理「推動全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作輔導暨考核計畫」及「九十二年度補助直轄市、縣(市)環境保護局辦理垃圾減量、資源回收工作計畫補助原則」,以期達成資源回收工作永續經營目標。迄九十二年度止,環保署已補助地方一、二六九輛資源回收車,資源回收車總數達一、九六二輛,各執行機關資源回收車數應已足以實施每週回收資源物質二次;三二六個執行機關之中已設置資源回收貯存場之執行機關已達二六五個,資源回收貯存場全國普遍率已達百分之八十一‧二九。本署歷年對地方之經費補助,已有效解決資源回收設施及人力不足問題。我國九十二年垃圾清運量為六百一十三萬公噸(6,139,050公噸),與九十一年六百七十二萬公噸(6,723,639公噸)比較,減量約六十萬公噸(584,589公噸);每人每日垃圾量方面,已由九十一年度的○.八二九公斤降低為九十二年的○.七五二公斤,減量率為百分之九.一一。資源回收方面,九十二年回收量總計達一三八萬公噸(1,379,158公噸),與九十一年度一二四萬公噸(1,242,395公噸)相比較,提高約十四萬公噸(136,763公噸),資源回收率則由九十一年的百分之十五.五六,提升至九十二年度的百分之十七.八九,成長率達百分之十五.四。辦理九十二年度輔導及考核工作方面,依據「推動全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作輔導暨考核計畫」,九十二年度全國執行機關資源回收績效考核,成績已見分曉。第一組前三名分別為台中市、台北市、台南市;第二組前三名分別為台中縣、高雄縣、桃園縣;第三組前四名分別為澎湖縣、花蓮縣、宜蘭縣、南投縣。 Assisting the Executive Agencies in Reinforcing Resource Recycling In order to effectively reduce garbage volume, increase the life expectancy of incinerators and burying grounds, and decrease the expenses for transporting garbage and governmental expenditure, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Executive Yuan has requested this company to work out the “Project for Assisting the Executive Agencies of This Country in Reinforcing Resource Recycling.” This project is mainly for assisting EPA in implementing the “Plan for Accelerating the Executive Agencies of This Country to Intensify the Assistance and Performance Evaluation of Resource Recycling” and the “Principles of Subsidizing the Environmental Protection Bureaus of Special Municipalities and Counties (Cities) for Carrying out the Plan for Reducing Garbage Volume and Resource Recycling for the Year of 2003” in hope to reach the goal of permanent operation of resource recycling.In respect of the works related to assistance in 2003, the works related to the assistance from the executive agencies in this country in resource recycling has been completed in conjunction with the work of performance evaluation. Based on the “Plan for Accelerating the Executive Agencies of This Country to Intensify the Assistance and Performance Evaluation of Resource Recycling,” the results of performance evaluation on the executive agencies of this country in resource recycling in 2003 have been announced. The top three in first section are Taichung City, Taipei City and Tainan City; the top three in second section are Taichung County, Kaohsiung County and Taoyan County; and the top four in third section are Penghu County, Hualien County, Ilan County and Nantou County. 092 基管會 創見工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3008
深層大口徑井地下水採樣方法 本計畫的目的是(1)訂定「深層大口徑監測井地下水採樣方法」以有效採集深層地下水代表性水樣,及(2)訂定「深層大口徑地下水水質監測井設置規範」以利設置深層地下水污染監測井之用。「深層大口徑監測井地下水採樣方法」是依據微洗井採樣方法而訂。微洗井採樣是用微流率(0.1 ~ 0.5 L/min)直接在井篩段中央部位汲水,以置換井篩段內滯留水(微洗井)。為避免過份擾動井管內滯留水,洩降不得大於八分之ㄧ井篩長度。在此限制下,當特定水質指標參數達到穩定時汲出水即屬代表性水樣。「深層大口徑地下水水質監測井設置規範」適合40公尺至300公尺內,直徑大於或等於4吋的地下水質監測井之設置。規範訂定以適應微洗井採樣方法為原則,其構造、設計與現行之淺層地下水質監測井並無太大差別,而口徑、材質、濾料填實、井圈封填等有所變動。本計劃工作項目包括:1、國內深層大口徑地下水採樣方法之檢討;於第二章討論,2、國外現有或正在發展之地下水採樣方法比較;於第三章討論,3、國內外相關技術比較與篩選;於第三章第三節討論,4、訂定「深層大口徑監測井地下水採樣方法」;於第四章討論,5、現行地下水監測井設置規範之檢討;第五章討論,6、現行地下水觀測井設置規範之檢討;於第六章討論,7、訂定「深層大口徑地下水質監測井設置規範」;於第七章討論。 Groundwater sampling method for deep and large-diameter monitoring wells The purposes of this project are to: (1) develop a groundwater sampling method for deep and large-diameter monitoring wells, and (2) develop the construction guidelines of deep and large-diameter monitoring wells. The groundwater sampling method for deep and large-diameter monitoring wells is based on the micro-purge technique, which purges the well by using micro-flow rates (0.1 L/min to 0.5 L/min) to extract water directly from the central part of the well screen. To avoid overly disturbing the stagnant water in the well casing section, the maximum drawdown during the micro-purge process cannot be greater than one eighth of the screen length. Within this limitation, the representative water samples are obtained when the specific water quality index parameters are stabilized. The construction guidelines of deep and large-diameter monitoring wells are developed, in concert with the micro-purge sampling method, for monitoring wells of a depth between 40 to 300 meters and a diameter greater than or equal to 4 inch. However, the design and structure of the deep and large-diameter monitoring well are not significantly different from those of the current shallow groundwater monitoring wells; only the diameter, material, filter packing, and the open area packing are changed. 092 環檢所 國立中央大學 應用地質研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3014
高高屏地區空氣污染之三度空間分佈 本計畫針對高高屏地區空氣污染問題,在地表處利用環保署自動監測站之監測數據與其他氣態污染物(甲醛、HNO3與H2O2)之採樣及氣象條件(溫度、濕度、日照強度與NO2之光解速率常數(J-NO2))之觀測;在高空中利用釋放氣球(radiosonde)、繫留氣球(tethersonde、ozonesonde及採樣袋)與輕航機(GPS與O3 monitor)採樣,藉以了解高高屏地區空氣污染在三度空間中垂直與水平之分佈現象。從監測站資料中發現,在採樣期間(民國92年10/25~11/1與93年5/12~5/15)發現,高高屏地區在這十二天中之指標污染物幾乎均為臭氧,且在10/28、10/30、10/31與11/1均有數個測站之臭氧最大小時濃度超過120 ppb,所以將這四天稱為臭氧事件日。從氣象條件中發現,溫度與J-NO2之值在出現臭氧事件日之四天中比其他四天高,且radiosonde之結果顯示,發生事件日的四天中,混合層明顯較低。在繫留氣球採樣中發現,高高屏濱海地區存在著海陸風交替之現象,早上十點前盛行東北風,十點後至傍晚均以西北風為主。而在ozonesonde之採樣結果中發現,大氣之垂直與水平傳輸作用對臭氧濃度之分佈具有一定的影響力,且常在混合層之上發現較高濃度之殘留臭氧,在事件日發生當天晚上與隔日清晨更為明顯,甚至高達100 ppb。從採樣袋之結果中發現,高空中有時會有高污染煙流經過,其中高濃度之NO常對臭氧產生消耗的作用(NO titration effect)。本計畫中輕航機採樣共分三條路線:(A)美濃興達線;(B)美濃林邊線;(C)高屏溪內陸線;(D)美濃林園線,飛行時間均在早上六點至七點半之間,針對臭氧濃度進行三度空間的分析。結果顯示,可能由於地形與風向之雙重作用,造成臭氧濃度在美濃地區較高,但在混合層上方卻未見較高濃度之殘留臭氧,且在航線B中發現,臭氧濃度在高高屏地區有西高東低之現象存在。應用radical budget預測臭氧生成速率明顯較實測值高出許多,原因應為模式預測之過氧自由基濃度偏高,若能進行過氧自由基之實測修正後,應可得到較符合實際值之結果。此外,傳輸作用對臭氧生成速率之貢獻,在早上10點前應主要為垂直傳輸之作用,地表臭氧濃度之變化量約9.88~117.72%,但此計算方法僅為粗估,其中實應包含光化學反應之貢獻,若能夠藉由模式預測由光化學反應生成之臭氧貢獻量,將可更進一步準確的推估混和層上臭氧對地表之貢獻量。 3-D Special Distribution of Air Pollutants in Southern Taiwan Ozonesonde, tethered balloon and instrumented ultralight aircraft were used to measure the spatial and temporal variations of air pollutant concentrations. In addition, the photolysis rate of NO2, the concentrations of HNO3 and H2O2 were measured to evaluate the effects of photochemical reactions. The field campaigns were conducted during October 25th to November 1st, 2003 and May 12th to 15th, 2004 in southern Taiwan. There were several monitoring sites with ozone concentrations exceeding 120 ppb on October 28th, 30th, 31st, and November 1st during the field campaigns and they were called the event days. In the event days, the ambient temperature and photolysis rate of NO2 were greater and daily maximum mixing heights were smaller. Sea-land breeze was significant in the October campaign: dominant northeastern wind before 10 am and prevailing northwestern wind during daytime within the surface layer. Due to the effects of dry deposition and NO titration from mobile sources, the surface ozone concentrations decreased to less than 20 ppb after 8 pm. However, the ozone concentrations might be greater than 100 ppb at higher elevation due to the effect of temperature inversion at night and the ozone residence layer persisted until the following morning. The ozone residence layer from the previous day contributed to the surface ozone concentrations in the following morning by 9.9 to 118% due to vertical transport. The radical budget method overestimated the ozone production rates due to the overestimation of HO2 radical concentrations. Therefore, the HO2 radical concentrations should be measured in the future study to evaluate the contributions from various processes. Both HNO3 and H2O2 concentrations showed significant diurnal variations with maximum concentrations at the early afternoon. The ozone sensitivity analyses based on the HNO3 and H2O2 concentrations showed that control measures for both NOx and NMHC were needed to reduce the ozone concentrations. 092 空保處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3022
空氣品質監測儀器功能驗證品保作業計畫 本計畫主要之工作項目為對環保署空氣品質監測站執行160站次之績效查核、1694站次之功能檢查作業、539站次之測站安全檢查作業,另對地方環保局空氣品質人工監測100站次之功能查核作業及地方環保局空氣品質自動監測25站次之績效查核作業。一、空氣品質監測站績效查核結果1. 由93年度查核結果顯示,滿意度80%以上之測站佔總查核測站數之94%,較92年度的89%為高,顯見近二年測站儀器進行持續更新對整體測站監測品質有正面之成效。二、空氣品質監測站功能檢查結果1. 由歷年統計檢查結果發現,板橋站於90~93年度均列於前十大不良測站之列,顯見該測站近四年來之操作運轉狀態為所有測站中相對較差者。三、空氣品質監測站安全檢查作業1. 各測站檢查結果以馬祖站之總缺失數為最高,且在一般安全檢查結果及電氣安全檢查結果均列於前四大不良測站之列。2. 一般安全檢查部份,以危險物及有害物無張貼警告標示之缺失發生次數為最高。3. 電氣安全部分較常見之缺失項分別有配電盤無標示開關迴路及控制迴路圖及屋外插座或臨時迴路電源未加裝漏電斷路器之缺失發生次數為最高。四、地方環保機關空氣品質人工監測站查核結果1. 93年度TSP高量採樣器流量查核,計有六縣市十一站次「不滿意」,整體滿意比率為78%,滿意度大幅下降。TSP高量採樣器流量複查結果僅新竹市衛生局站複查流量誤差超過±10%為「不滿意」。其查核不合格之原因應為校正高量採樣器之小孔校正器追溯回一級標準發生偏差所致。五、地方環保機關空氣品質自動監測站1. 花蓮縣玉里站為本年度整體表現最差之測站。2. 監測儀四大類型中,以粒狀污染物監測儀之查核滿意比率為96%最佳;氣象監測儀滿意比率92%為差。3. 由本年度各監測儀查核結果來看,以風向之查核滿意度最低為75%;NMHC之查核滿意度為79%居次。 Air Quality Monitoring Equipments Assurance project There were main working items of this project has completed 160 times of achievements examination for Air Quality Monitoring Stations (AQMS), at the end of November, 2004, this monitoring project has achieved 1694 times of functional inspection in 22 months, 539 times of safety check quarterly. Besides, 100 times of achievements examination of Manual Air Quality Monitoring Stations for the local environmental protection bureaus, and 25 times of examination for the locals.(1) From the audit result of 2004 states that, over 80% satisfaction occupied up to 94%, it’s higher than 89% of 2003. Clearly, these monitoring instruments have preceded sustaining renovation and resulted in a positive outcome.(2) Over the past statistical inspection results, it shows that, Ban-chiao is listed among the 10 disqualified stations between 2000 and 2004. Apparently, it operating state is worse than other stations in these years.(3) Ma-tsu Station occupies the highest place in total mistaken amounts. Furthermore, it is listed in 4 unwholesome stations among general safety check and electricity safety check.(4) In the general safety examination, without posting up caution mark of dangerous and harmful articles occupies the highest frequency.(5) Common errors of electricity safety which are the switching and controlling was not given a complete direction, which occupies the highest frequency.(6) In 2004,The examination of TSP this year, totals 6 regions and 11 stations are dissatisfactory, and total satisfactory rate amounts to 78%. This year, the satisfactory rate decreases substantially. The double-check of TSP shows that, merely public health bureau of Hsing-chu City; its double-check inaccuracy surpassed ±10% and represented dissatisfactory. The main reason should be the correction of Orifice Calibrator of TSP was traced back to standard 1st degree.(7) Yu-li Stations of Hua-liang is the worst station among the whole performance this year. 092 監資處 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3042
空氣品質監測網資料中心端儲存系統更新專案計畫 本計畫進行監資處空氣品質監測網資料中心端儲存系統更新,採用資料庫叢集及應用伺服器陣列架構建立高可靠度的空氣品質資料庫。.系統構建網頁式界面環境,並充分考慮使用者親合度,系統資訊安全及效能。儲存空間可容納30年線上資料。系統包括中心資料庫系統,資料驗證系統, 測站資訊管理系統、空氣品質資料管理系統及資料展示系統各子系統。中心端資料庫以ORACLE 9i RAC提供空氣品質資料線上即時查詢,自民國82年起空氣品質資料均可以瀏覽器在線上查詢。資料驗證系統以各式統計模式提供資料篩選功能,測站傳回值以此功能進行資料品管。測站資訊管理系統提供測站資訊收集、測站資訊展示人員排程與測站維護、品保查核回報、測站及儀器病歷管理系統及合約管理系統等功能。空氣品質資料管理系統提供各項空氣品質資料統計、各項資料查詢、參數設定及資料匯出等功能。資料展示系統建置空氣品質資訊網頁,並提供空氣品質動態圖、逆溫儀動態圖、衛星動態圖及超級測站與光化站資料展示。 Taiwan Air Quality Monitoring Network Data Center The major goals of this work are establish the new generation of environment monitoring center database. By using the relational database cluster and application server farm technology, we build a high availability air quality monitoring database.The system is developed using web base user interface, user-friendly, system security and performance are major issues during design phase. The capacity of the system is enough to contain air quality monitoring data for 30 years.The system contained following subsystem: the center database system, data validation system, monitoring station maintenance system, air quality data management system and data presentation system.Center database is an ORACLE 9i RAC database system; it allowed users using browser to query air quality monitoring data collected since 1993 Data validation system provided various statistical models for filtering the air quality monitoring raw data for quality control.Monitoring station maintenance system provided monitoring station data collection, maintenance job schedule, QA/QC project management, equipment maintenance log management and contracts management functions. Air quality monitoring data system provided various air quality monitoring data statistic reports, air quality monitoring data query, parameters setting and data export functions. Presentation system build a whole new air quality monitoring data portal web site, and provided air quality monitoring data dynamic graph, reversed temperature dynamic graph, satellite remote monitoring diagram, pams station data and super station data for presentation. 092 監資處 德星國際 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3040
八里焚化廠土地移交仲裁案 本計畫係依據中興電工機械股份有限公司(簡稱中興電工公司)提供之十二項求償項目,求償金額共計1,467,555,531仟元之帳證資料依據審計準則公報第三十四號「財務資訊協議程序之執行」規定,運用檢查、查詢、計算、分析及比較之查核技術進行查核,並實際參與歷次仲裁協會之詢問會及協商會,祈對中興電工公司求償項目表所列金額及項目之真實性、正確性、必要性、攸關性及合理性,據以出具執行協議程序之專案評估報告,以供委託人使用。經本事務所於93.5.25提出仲裁理由(十六)狀,對於中興電工公司提供之十二項求償項目,認為部分求償項目理由,並不符合必要性、攸關性及合理性,逐項提出答辯理由,供環保署及中華民國仲裁協會仲裁人判斷之參考。本案於93.6.28仲裁判斷結果,判斷賠償金額共計486,534,895元。 The Arbitration of Bali Incineration Plant The project is based on the twelve items requested for compensation by Chung-Hsin Electric & Machinery Co. with total compensation amount of NT 1,467,555,531.We conducted our audits in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards No.34, “Agreed-upon procedures engagements” including review, audit, calculate, analyze and attended the meeting of Arbitration Association of the Republic of China. The purpose is to obtain reasonable assurance of the related documents of the requested twelve items by Chung-Hsin Electric & Machinery Co. were true, correct, relevance and reasonable. We will provide the agreed- upon procedures report to the client.We have provided arbitration’s document No 16. about Chung-Hsin electric & machinery request twelve items on May 25, 04. In our opinion, some part of twelve items are rue, correct, relevance and reasonable. We have already provided the reasons for response for the Arbitration Association of the Republic of China and Environment Protection Department. The case was judged by the Arbitration Association of the Republic of China on June 28,04. The Environment Protection Department had to indemnify for NT 486,534,895. 092 督察總隊 建智聯合會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3056
九十二及九十三年度八站光化學評估監測站操作品保及數據分析計畫 本八十九年底迄今已在全國設置了八個測站,包含了中部三測站、北部兩測站與南部三測站,其中採用Perkin Elmer系統之中部三測站設置時間較久,經過了約一年的調整與試運轉後,今年已進入了較為穩定的狀態,數據情形也相當良好;然而採用AMA系統之南北五測站則仍處於調整與試運轉的階段,在數據品質上仍須進一步的調整,目前希望能盡述將八個站均進入穩定持續運轉之最佳狀態。以今年而言,數據的品保品管係針對八個站同時執行,而數據的探討則集中於中部三測站所得數據,希望利用中部三測站所構成之監測網數據,得到更為具體的臭氧成因。在本次期末報告中,首先討論一次污染物的日夜以及月平均濃度變化,將56種VOC以其排放源的不同區分三類,分別為液態石油氣洩露、汽機車排放以及植物源排放。大多數的VOC都因為混合層日夜和季節性的變化以及光化而消失而呈現早晚濃度高但中午低的濃度變化。然而對異戊二烯而言,其在冬天的排放類似汽機車的型態,但至春末時,則逐漸改變其峰值?排放時間,反而在午時出現高值?,證明異戊二烯的來源有二,但彼此均有強烈的季節屬性。 本計劃亦建立了兩組VOC氣團老化指標,分別為ethylbenzene/xylene以及pentane/t-2-pentene ,彼此在指示靈敏度上有很大的差異,並且和臭氧濃度有極高的相關性,顯示做為指標的可靠性。此外,亦發展了老化的量化指標,將氣團老化程度予以量化,使光化現象更能具體呈現。利用今年1 – 9月VOC資料比較大南投地區空品站和光化站 ( 草屯和竹山 ) 後發現竹山測站即能夠代表大南投地區的光化現象,建議將無空品站配合的草屯站移至埔里,研究當地臭氧生成的機制。 Quality assurance and data analysis plan of the eight photochemical assessing and monitoring stations in 92th and 93th Other than the original 3 PE stations which have been in service since 2000 in central Taiwan, two of the AMA stations were deployed in the great Taipei metropolitan area and the rest of the 3 were placed in southern Taiwan in early 2003. Because of the fundamental design differences between PE and AMA, this project has been attempting to craft suitable quality assurance plans for two different systems. The objectives of this project are two fold, first to quality assure all the PAM stations and, secondly, to elucidate the ozone formation mechanism in seasonal high O3 area. After more than 3 years of operation experience the quality assurance plan as well as the standard operation procedure (SOP) have been designed and executed for both the PE and AMA systems. Overall speaking, the stability of the PE systems is superior than that of the AMA systems which lays a good foundation for detailed photochemical studies in central Taiwan. As a result, up to now the photochemical assessment is only based on the data obtained from the network in central Taiwan.This project has developed 2 VOC indicators of the photochemistry with large difference in indication sensitivity. Excellent correlation between ozone and ratios of ethylbenzene/xylene and pentane/t-2-pentene were observed. A quantitative scale was then developed based on first order kinetics to better quantify the degree of aging of an air parcel. Comparison of the air quality stations as well as PAMS in Nantou County revealed that Chushan station can well represent a larger area of Nantou County, with the exception of, perhaps, Puli Township. As a result, we strongly suggest moving Chouton station to Puli in the near future to further analyze the difference in ozone formation mechanism between the great Natou area and Puli Township. 092 監資處 國立中央大學環境中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3134
環保科技園區招商宣導計畫 本計畫目標,主要包括:(1)海外招商作業;(2)製作中英文文宣;(3)建置中英文網頁;(4)辦理海外訓練;(5)邀請國外專家來訪並辦理研討會;(6)國內外環保科技園區發展趨勢及產業技術評估等六大作業項目。 本計畫完成工作項目包括(1)國外招商說明會7個場次,分別於德國慕尼黑與科隆,參加人數共達246人;日本大阪與北九州參加人數共達246人;加拿大溫哥華,參加人數共達126人;新加坡及台北國際招商大會;參加人數共達132人。(2)中英文文宣製作:包括中英文摺頁及手冊印製(3)建置中英文網頁:建立完整之資料庫,包括環保產業技術資料、辦理各項活動內容,資訊報導等(4)海外教育訓練:基於日本北九州具有完整之生態化工業園區規劃與管理,並有專責機構辦理國際性專業教育訓練,業經多次工作討論會議,並經環保署同意舉辦為期十天,包含往返時程,於民國九十二年十一月二十四日至十二月三日由日本北九州財團法人國際技術協力協會負責訓練課程安排(5)邀請國外專家來台參訪高雄及花蓮環保科技園區,辦理座談會及南北兩區國際研討會,藉助專家們對生態工業園區的規劃、管理及營運經驗,指導我國環保科技園區未來發展方向,及營運管理等方針。(6)國內外環保科技園區發展趨勢及產業技術評估:環保科技園區首要引進產業技術,必須於設置時逐漸規劃其產業別,同時為引進國外高技術環保產業,必須先行蒐集資料評估,作為招商工作之依據,以評估未來我國環保科技園區之發展趨勢。 鑒於國外專家來台蒞臨指導我國環保科技園區之設置,為推廣環保科技園區及招商宣導,特於今年(93)分別於南區(高雄)、北區(台北)兩地舉辦國際研討會,共2場次,邀請歐、美、日國外知名專家學者共5位,來台分享先進國家生態工業區之成功經驗。同時亦對台灣的環保科技園區作出適當、具體之建議,供園區規劃管理之參考。 除上述之外,計畫中也規劃了海外訓練課程,由財團法人北九州國際技術協力協會共同規劃,再經由環保署確認後,邀請相關講師及安排課程內容與實際參訪行程,藉由日本在環保產業發展之趨勢,以作為台灣環保生態化發展之借鏡,以及未來我國環保科技園區之規劃、管理及營運。 總而言之,本計劃之執行乃藉由海內外招商及宣導我國追求綠色生態化的理念與效益,引進先進廠商,協助提昇環保、再生資源與能源技術,帶動綠色產業,建構循環型的產業經濟體系。達到「投資台灣、佈局亞洲」之經濟效益,促使企業之永續發展。 執行成果如下:ㄧ、歐、亞、北美七場次說明會,共457廠家,734人次參加。二、產業及園區評析:比較先進國家與我國的作法與趨勢,以可促進我國資源與能源的循環利用為原則, 篩選先進技術與廠商,鎖定四大類綠色產業,園區的規劃方向因而更為明確。三、錨定具潛力及高意願之綠色產業29家,大部分已訪台,正積極追蹤洽商中。四、海外訓練及專家諮詢,增進了我國環保科技園區規劃與管理的能量。五、美國World Resource Company業已確認進駐園區。該公司為知識型服務資源化之標竿,具指標性意義。 總體而言,ESTP在國際上已頗具知名度。「投資台灣、亞洲佈局」已形成有志者的共識。後續之追蹤服務,促其進駐,成果可以預期。 Environmental Science and Technology Park Business promotion Project The major tasks of the Environmental Science and Technology Park (ESTP) Business Promotion Project cover: (1). conducting overseas business promotion; (2). preparation of promotional packages and pamphlets in Chinese and English; (3). setting up and maintaining relevant web-sites in Chinese and English; (4). carrying out overseas training; (5). holding international seminars and expert consultation meetings; (6). trend analysis on international and domestic eco-industrial park and environmental industry. Work completed includes (1). overseas business promotion seminars - seven in total, respectively in Munich and Cologne of Germany, Osaka and Kitakyushu of Japan, Vancouver of Canada, Singapore and Taipei, number of participants totaling 750; (2). promotional packages – printing of pamphlets and handouts in Chinese and English; (3). Chinese and English web-sites – complete information databank, on environmental industry and technology, ESTP activities, and relevant reports; (4). overseas training - ten-day training at Kitakyushu Eco-Town; (5). international seminars and expert consultation – two international seminars respectively in Taipei and Kaohsiung, site visits to Kaohsiung and Hualien ESTPs, consultation meetings in Taiwan EPA and Hualien EPB offices; (6). trend analysis on eco-industrial park and environmental industry – assessment of development trend both internationally and domestically, as a reference for planning of ESTP and target green industries for business promotion. 092 廢管處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3214
事業廢棄物清運機具裝置即時追蹤系統功能查驗、輔導及抽查作業第一、二年計畫 本計畫依據廢棄物清理法第三十一條第一項第三款,環保署於中華民國九十一年五月十日公告環署廢字第○九一○○三一三一號文「第一批應裝置即時追蹤系統事業廢棄物清運機具」,環署廢字第○九一○○三一三一五號文「事業廢棄物清運機具即時追蹤系統規格及操作維護事項」。同時在九十二年十月二十七日,公告了環署廢字第○九二○○七七六九七號文「第二批應裝置即時追蹤系統之事業廢棄物清運機具」及環署廢字第○九二○○七七六九七A號文修正「事業廢棄物清運機具即時追蹤系統規格及操作維護事項」。今年度完成的工作內容如下(1) 輔導諮詢:輔導公告應裝置即時追蹤系統之事業廢棄物清運機具之業者,加強宣導並成立單一諮詢窗口,提供合理之輔導及協助。同時辦理說明會,以使清運業者得以明白環保署之政策(2) 即時追蹤系統審驗:建立第一批及第二批即時追蹤系統審驗作業流程,包括申請、資料審查、車機審驗、認証核發等工作。(3) 建置審驗資訊系統:設計及建置審驗資訊系統,內容包含所有審驗相關法令、程序、制度,及審驗之申請、成果查詢、成果建檔等功能。(4) 成果的整理及檢討:針對執行成果,整理對系統、法令、執行方式的問題檢討,以及明年繼續推行的建議方向。今年度執行期間共執行了第一批公告對象240車次及第二批公告對象724車次之清運車輛即時追蹤系統審驗工作,完整的即時追蹤系統審驗流程也已建立,並公告於網站上,且提出後續的運作管理方式,並針對審驗期間所遭遇的問題進行了完整的記錄及解決方式的建議,供環保署作為未來政策推行及決策的參考。 The verifying、guidance and assistance、random inspection of Waste-cleaning vehicles which installed the GPS machines The source of this plan is the industrial waste law. Announcements of the EPA in May 10th 2002 the drew up the first group of waste-cleaning vehicles to be installed the GPS machines and the maintenance regulations of the GPS machines. And in October 27th 2003, they drew up the second group of vehicles and modified the maintenance regulations. This year, we had finished:1. Guidance and Assistance:To assist the industries of requested to install the GPS machines. We enhanced to publicize the law and established an single window of consultation to provide our professional service. We also held conferences to make the transportation proprietors understand the policy of the EPA.2. Verifying the GPS systemTo establish the SOP of verifying about GPS-Tracing system, including applying, the verifying of background, the verifying of GPS-Tracing system, the issuing of qualified license……,etc.3. Establish the Information System of VerifyingDesign and establish the Information System of Verifying, include of law、process、rule of verifying, and the applying of verifying, query of the verifying data, and establish the data base of the verifying data.4. Reviewing the results:To clean out the results of reviewing the system, laws and regulations and executing verifying tasks. Bringing out the aspects of how to improve in the next year .In this year, we had verified 240 vehicles for the first group of waste-cleaning vehicles, and 724 vehicles for the second ones. We also established complete SOP of verifying, and announced all data on web site. In addition, we proposed the planning of operation and management, and the solution of the problem that was found in the system and the process of verifying. It would be useful for EPA to make policy. 092 廢管處 兆坤工程科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3230
自行車區域推廣計畫 隨著環保意識的提昇,對環境品質的要求日益嚴格的趨勢下,推廣省能源、低污染、低噪音的自行車,取代部份高污染汽油車輛,以改善空氣品質乃必須推行的作法。 台南縣環保局為配合發展台南縣特色之觀光產業,適時適地免費提供必要資訊及協助設施,提升遊客參與意願,規劃九十二年度「自行車區域推廣計畫」,於官田及七股等著名景點設立自行車區域推廣中心,並搭配產業文化節日辦理宣導活動,在週休二日時提供至台南縣旅遊民眾便利、環保之綠色交通工具,以減少台南縣風景區機動車輛污染排放量及所造成之噪音。 本計畫執行之目的,即成立自行車區域推廣中心,免費提供自行車、協力車及電動自行車讓民眾試騎,以達到推廣之目的;辦理各項宣導活動,印製宣導品及宣傳車宣導,讓所有民眾瞭解及參與本計畫;對參與本計畫推廣宣導活動民眾進行問卷調查,其結果作為爾後相關計畫工作執行及改善之參考依據。 本計畫執行成果,共成立二處區域推廣中心,試乘民眾超過1,100人次;辦理6場宣導活動與其他積極推廣措施:製作6面宣導海報、50面旗幟、8頂帳篷及3,000份摺頁;完成1,105份有效問卷調查,並分析其結果作為後續計畫執行參考;並可降低空氣污染物排放量。 The promotion plan for bicycle riding to specific areas “The promotion project for bicycle riding to specific areas” has been implemented by the Bureau of Environmental Protection Tainan County to incorporating with promoting the sightseeing business of Tainan County. Two promotion centers had been set up in famous sightseeing spots, Kuan-tien and Chi-Ku, and some promotion activities also had been held during local industrial/cultural festivals. The project not only provided necessary information but also free lease bicycles, which were convenient and environmental friendly, to tourists. The noise pollution was also reduced in Kuan-Tien and Chi-Ku areas on weekends because the tourists adopted bicycles as alternative transportation tools. The main goals of the project are: establish two “Bicycle Promotion Centers” and offer the bicycles, double-bank bicycles and electric bicycles for test-riding service; held various promotion activities; print promotion materials and publicize them; drive a loudspeaker van to demonstrate the whole idea and to make public understand and involve this project. In addition, the outcomes of questionnaire for people who participated in the promotion activities will help the Bureau of Environmental Protection Tainan County improve the implementation for the follow-up project. After more than six month’s execution in this year (2004), the achievements of this project include: 1. Two bicycle promotion centers were established.2. More than 1,100 people test-rode the bicycles.3. Six-promotion activities and other demonstration activities were hold. 4. Six posters, fifty flags, eight marquee and three thousand pamphlets designed and manufactured for the promotion activities were printed and used.5. 1,105 satisfaction questionnaires of test riding had been accomplished and the analyses of survey data were studied and discussed and will help the Bureau improve the implementation of the follow-up project.6. The air pollutant emissions caused by mobile sources can be reduced if people adopt bicycles as alternative transportation 092 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2898
2003台南縣空氣品質人工監測站操作維護暨採樣分析作業計畫 本計畫主要藉由加強監測站之高量採樣器維護,以提高測站儀器設備之妥善率,有效掌握本縣空氣品質動態。此外,透過增加PM10採樣以提升監測之廣度,並提供更完整之粒狀物監測資料。在儀器操作維護部分,每月進行二次之維護保養作業,並定期進行校正作業,以每月進行一次單點檢查,每季一次多點校正及每半年進行一次之追溯一級流量校正。本計畫於92年5月08日、7月08日、10月28日及93年3月30日各進行一場技術轉移訓練,課程內容包括高量採樣器維護與保養、流量校正器介紹及單點與多點流量校正器訓練與實習等。本年度之監測結果解析部分,TSP與歷年數據比對,發現除86年及87年變動幅度大外,其他各年度各月份分布趨勢大抵一致。落塵量部分,92年12月及93年2月各測站均超過10噸/平方公里/月外,其餘各測站各月之落塵量監測皆未超過10噸/平方公里/月。在與歷史數據比對,除91年、92年之變化波動大及與93年2月數據大幅提升外,其他年之測值趨勢較為一致,且其測值普遍較低。而各月濃度之變化方面,大致上以春、冬季高於夏、秋季之濃度。此外,本縣各人工測站,除白河、永康及新市已於92年完成汰換作業,其餘各測站皆設置於82年及83年,其使用時間已超過10年,故近年來各儀器之相關問題亦不斷浮現,包括計時器之老舊,並已於去年度全部進行更換。此外更新設備不僅能降低人力、物力的支出,最重要的是讓數據的準確性能往上提升,達到採樣的最終目的,求得正確及合理的監測數據。建議 貴局針對現有82年及83年設置之6座人工監測站進行汰換更新工作,且由於監測設備所費不貲,故建議依經費之多寡採取逐步汰換。 2003 TAINAN COUNTY AIR QUALITY HUMAN INSPECTION STATION OPERATION AND ANALYZE THE SAMPLE PROJECT This project uses stressing to protect the sampling machine to promote the correct rate of facilities to control the condition of this country’s air quality. Otherwise provide the more complete details.Achievement details are as follows:Do the maintenance for the human inspections each month, includes on time, or not on time, fix and record.Depend on the construct this year the high quantity sampling air are correct on schedule. On 2003 May 8, July 8, October 28 and 2004 March 30 do the skill transit training. Focus on each station’s basic data, environment round of it and possible pollution sources to collect and survey completely.The TSP result this year, it shows the average data is 119μg/Nm3.Most months are the same besides 1997 and 1998.In the part of fall dusty, 2003 December and 2004 April each station data is more than 10 ton/km2.The lowest average in each month’ average data is 2004 March, and the highest is 2004 January.Each month’s average data, the lowest data is 2003 August and the highest is 2004 January. 092 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 坤鼎公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2940
台南縣加強執行噪音管制區重新檢討修正及劃定計畫 一、環境噪音檢測為了解現行公告之各級噪音管制區噪音現況,並作為噪音管制區劃分之依據參考,本計畫為了解轄區內噪音現況之改變及針對高速鐵路通車前之背景資料蒐集,針對台南縣各鄉鎮進行環境噪音檢測作業,共執行噪音監測50點次監測作業,其中包含噪音管制區劃定設置之監測點21點次、台南縣轄區高鐵施工段環境背景噪音監測點15點次,其做為噪音管制區之劃定之參考。另配合民眾陳情案件進行監測共6點次、及其他指定監測點8點次。二、管制區之劃分有關一般環境噪音管制區劃定修定內容,其中包含新營市等二十一鄉鎮市維持現有管制區劃定。而鹽水鎮等十鄉鎮市則依據現行土地使用現況及噪音監測資料進行重新劃定,另增加高速鐵路沿線周界三十公尺範圍之規定,並於九十三年七月一日進行公告。本計畫針對航空噪音防制區劃定進行檢討,其結果劃定為二級防制區有三村(仁愛村、成功村、二行村)、三級防制區則為大甲村;均與九十一年時劃定相同,並於九十三年七月五日進行公告。目前每年噪音防制費應用在學校電費及住戶噪音防制(三級防制區共444戶全部完成、二級防制區已完成93戶)。三、固定測站資料接收台南縣之固定式噪音監測站設置於新營市公所,本計畫每天固定時間自動透過網際網路接收,計畫執行期間計進行四季的資料接收作業,並於每季結束後將所接收之數據提報環保署。另針對台南航空站之噪音影響部份,執行方式為審核轄區內機場定期申報之航空噪音監測資料及其所繪之等噪音線圖。四、噪音管制法第六條第七條法規內容公告為維護安寧的生活環境,及對目前台南縣之噪音現況做改善,本計畫針對噪音管制法第六條第七條內容部分加以詳加規定,包括時段限制(晚上十時至翌日上午五時)、行為限制(在公告區域及時段內,不得從事之行為)及設備限制(冷卻水塔、發電機等所產生之噪音量),並於公告後於九十三年三月一日正式施行。 Enhance implementation redelineation of each class of noise control zone in Tainan county I.environmental noise measurementThis plan carry out the test of environmental noise for all towns of Tainan county. It was tested environmental noise 50 times for Environmental Protection Bureau appointed.The amount of all points is accord rule for noise control zone . II.The delineation of noise control zoneThere were 21 townships without change their noise control zone and redelineation of each class of noise control zone of 10 townships.The announcement of the general environmental noise control area was published on 1st July 2004.The second class of air port noise control zone enclude 3 villages of Rende township and the third class of air port noise control zone enclude 1 villages of Rende township. And the announcement was published on 5st July 2004.III.Check the station material to receive regularlyEvery day receive the data of noise inspection station through the internet automatically. We had received the data of four seasons in plan execution period.Frequently we had discovered the system exceptionally when machine unnormally.We had Informed the Environmental Protection Bureau and service also.We had assistance Environmental Protection Bureau verified the airport aviation noise monitor data of airport in Tainan county. The part of data loss was because of equipment failure or system replacement. We improve and adjust data loss immediately when it was happened.IV.pursuant to Article 6 and 7 of the Noise Control Act announcementWe had official announcement pursuant to Article 6 and 7 of the Noise Control Act and implementation on March 1,2004. 092 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 臺南縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3030
非法棄置場址土壤及地下水污染查證與應變計畫 本計畫針對甲級場址進行土壤及地下水污染之查證工作,總計完成之土壤及地下水查證採樣數量分別為219及45組,分樣土壤有18組、地下水10組,並設置15口標準地下水監測井。查證結果,顯示有7處場址已超出土壤或地下水污染管制標準,達到公告為“控制場址”之程度,其中屏東萬丹大鼎飼料旁場址與屏東赤山巖場址經初評後其污染總分已超過20分,達到公告為“整治場址”之程度。另從列管之152處丙丁級場址中,篩選出15處地下水污染潛勢較高者,進行地下水查證發現於新設45口簡易井中,有14處丙丁級場址超過“監測基準”。本計畫亦以試算表的方式建置一套「非法棄置場址土壤及地下水污染風險評估系統」,並擬定「非法棄置場址土壤及地下水污染查證指引」,供環保機關依法執行場址查證作業之參考。此外,本計畫亦蒐集12件國內外土壤及地下水整治案例、更新督察總隊的「非法棄置事業廢棄物場址管理系統」、以及整合該系統與土污基管會的「土壤及地下水污染場址資訊管理系統」,並於該資料庫中新增專家資料及緊急應變資料二大類。本計畫之另一重點工作即為成立緊急應變單位,協助環保署及地方環保機關採取緊急相關措施,總計完成17件緊急應變查證案件。 Soil and Groundwater Investigation for Priority Sites and Emergency Response Plan This project focused on Rank A sites for their site investigations in soil and groundwater contaminations. The investigation results showed that 7 sites had the potential to trigger the announcement process of “Contamination Control Site”. In addition, 15 screened sites, classified as Class C and D, were investigated for their groundwater quality. 45 new piezometers were installed at the 15 sites and the analytical results of the groundwater samples showed that there are 14 sites were beyond the “Monitoring Baseline”, and therefore the 14 sites were required to be continuously monitored by law. This project also established a “Risk Assessment System for Soil and Groundwater Contamination on Illegal Waste Disposal Sites” by a spreadsheet method, and constructed an associated “Investigation Guideline for Soil and Groundwater Contamination on Illegal Waste Disposal Sites”. Both can be utilized by environmental protection public sectors as guidance when laws conduct site investigations. Besides, this project also collected 12 case studies of soil and groundwater remediation from Taiwan and other countries, updated “Management System for Illegal Industrial Waste Disposal Sites” of Bureau of Environmental Inspection, Taiwan, consolidated this Management System with “Information Management System for Soil and Groundwater Contamination Sites” of Soil and Groundwater Remediation Fund Management Board, Taiwan, and created two categories of expert data and emergency response data into the database of the Information Management System. Another emphasis of this project is on establishing an emergency response unit to assist Taiwan EPA and local environmental protection public sectors to take necessary steps when handling emergencies. In total, 17 emergency response events were handled and resolved in this project. 092 督察總隊 工業技術研究院 環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3354
九十二及九十三年度空氣品質監測網資料蒐集及傳輸系統更新專案(期末報告) ?空氣品質監測網資料蒐集及傳輸系統更新專案?的系統建構,硬體部分共分四期配合軟體的三階段發展,已完成環保署74個監測站系統的架設,並將監測數據傳回環保署的中介端資料庫作後續監測資料的分析使用。 Taiwan Area Air Quality Monitoring Network Data Acquisition and Transmission System in 2004 (Final Report) The achievement of Data Acquisition System(DAS) is to gather data from total 74 automatic air quality monitoring stations over Taiwan(called Air Quality Monitoring Network), take steps for data procession and then transmitting them back to the database of Taiwan Environment Protection Administration (EPA). The data can be used for advanced air pollution analysis. 092 監資處 中裕工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3380
土壤及地下水污染整治費申報、審理、稽核等相關作業計畫 本計畫旨在協助環保署辦理土壤及地下水污染整治費之申報、徵收、審查、稽核等作業,並為簡化申報手續、加強便民措施,提昇網路申報系統,以順利推動土壤及地下水污染整治費之徵收。在申報及審理作業部分,依環保署「土壤及地下水污染整治費收費辦法」,辦理申報案件之審核,並將申報及審核結果資料建檔、鍵入網路申報系統中,並對申報案件進行稽核。此外,協助辦理收費辦法、費率等改進措施之專家學者研商會及業界協商會,以彙集各界對整治費徵收制度之意見。提昇整治費網路申報系統,包含網路申報宣導作業及到場輔導網路申報,以提昇網路申報率。提供業者申報及諮詢服務,召開網路申報宣導說明會及研修收費辦法相關之公聽會等。 Filing for and Verification of Statements of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees This project was to assist EPA in formulizing the statement, collection, verification and audit of soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees. To simplify the filing procedures and to enhance the convenience-for-applicants, the project was also to improve the internet filing system in order to smoothly promote the collection of soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees.In Filing and verification activities, the verification of the statements based on “Regulations for Collection of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees” issued by EPA, filing for the statements together with the verification results, inputting data into internet filing system, and preparing the standard operating procedure for the verification. We also assist in review and revision of the “Regulations for Collection of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees” concerning the collection items, rates, system. The promotion of the internet filing system and guidance for operators on how to use it. Providing consultation service to relevant industries on filing for the statements, and convening meetings for review of and consultation on the internet filing system, and assisting in an information collection meeting and public hearing for the revision to the Regulations. 092 土污基管會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3198
指定公告事業用地土壤污染檢測執行規劃與技術諮詢計畫 本計畫主要辦理土壤及地下水污染整治法(以下簡稱土污法)第八條及第九條指定公告事業辦理用地土壤污染檢測之具體執行方式及相關技術諮詢工作。首先,本計畫完成土污法第八條及第九條指定公告事業分階段實施之規劃,並篩選出18類事業別為優先公告實施之對象;其中包括15類製造業之工廠及3類非製造業(加油站業、電力供應業及廢棄物處理業)。另在土壤污染檢測資料方面,本計畫完成各事業應檢測項目之研訂,並研擬「環境場址潛在土壤污染評估法」及「網格法」等兩類辦理用地土壤污染檢測資料之參考指引、「土壤污染檢測資料之格式、內容及填寫說明」及3類事業(加油站業、金屬表面處理業及石油化工原料製造業)之土壤採樣計畫範例供事業於執行用地土壤污染檢測作業時之參考。此外,為利環保機關依土污法第九條執行備查作業,本計畫研擬完成「土壤污染檢測資料備查作業參考指引」,並提出相關主管機關因應土污法第八條及第九條指定事業公告實施之配合程序及事項,供環保署於推動相關業務之參考。考量現階段在法規面、執行面及必要性均未臻完備之情形下,建議目前暫不推動土壤污染檢測資料上網申報制度。另在計畫執行期間,本計畫共已辦理18場次以上之宣導講習或研商說明會,並印製1,200份宣導手冊供環保署作為後續宣導之用。最後,本計畫協助環保署辦理完成18類指定事業之公告程序,並自民國94年1月1日起正式實施。 Executive Plans and Technical Consultation of Soil Pollution Inspection for the Enterprises Designated by the Central Competent Authority by Public Announcement Sinotech Engineering Consultants Ltd. completed the executive plans and technical consultation of soil pollution inspection for the enterprises designated by the central competent authority by public announcement, which were declared in Article 8 and 9 of “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act”.First, we finished the plan of multi-step execution, and screened 18 categories of the enterprises to implement initially. The 18 categories of the enterprises include 15 categories of manufacturing and 3 categories of the other non-manufacturing (include Gasoline Stations, Electric Power Supply and Waste Disposing).Related to the Soil Pollution Inspection Information, we completed to draw up the pollutant items of each enterprise designated by the central competent authority by public announcement. We also planned “Environmental Site Assessment Procedure” and “Grid Procedure” to be the guidelines, and drafted “The Format, Content and Writing Illustration of Soil Pollution Inspection Information” and three examples of “Soil Sampling Plan”(include Gasoline Stations, Metal Surface Treating and Petrochemicals Manufacturing) for executive reference.On the other hand, we drafted “The Guideline of Reference Process of Soil Pollution Inspection Information” to offer the Local Authorities for reference. We also gave EPA the suggestions about the coordination of each supervisory authority of the enterprises concerned.To consider the extent of Laws, execution and necessity, we suggested to postpone moving Soil Pollution Inspection Information On-line Reporting System presently. Between the period of executing this project, we have hold over 18 meetings, and printed 1,200 handbooks for EPA to publish.Finally, we assisted EPA in completing the announcement processes of 18 categories of the enterprises concerned. It is formally in implementing after January 1, 2005. 092 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3406
台東縣加油站油氣回收設施調查及揮發性有機物暨戴奧辛排放清查管制計畫 台東縣位處台灣東南部,全境多山平原少溪流縱橫,因而造就了一個好山好水的一塊淨土。台東縣之經濟發展過去以農業為主,工商業次之,近年來因得天獨厚的天然環境,逐漸發展起以觀光為主軸的經濟動脈,為此,政府正逐漸致力開發本縣之公共建設,也因此附帶伴隨而起的各種污染源所造成之環境衝擊,未來也將影響台東縣的環境品質,如何維護優良的空氣品質,即成為本縣當前空氣污染管制工作之重要課題。環保署於86年2月5日公告「揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準」,加強對揮發性有機物之管制,並明訂自88年7月1日起各污染源需全面符合規定,管制規範則涵蓋石化製程之廢氣燃燒塔、排放管道、揮發性有機液體儲槽、裝載操作設施及設備元件等。而有關戴奧辛之管制,則由86年8月公告「廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛管制及排放標準」、89年10月公告「中小型焚化爐戴奧辛排放標準及管制規範」、以及90年12月公布「煉鋼業電弧爐戴奧辛排放及管制標準」,以期對台灣地區之戴奧辛排放達到全面性之管制。為瞭解台東縣揮發性有機物及戴奧辛排放問題,必須先由清查污染來源著手,同時建立基本資料與調查排放現況,除落實各項管制標準與法規規範外,並針對污染源之分佈與排放情形,研擬管制策略,以維護台東縣之環境品質。本計畫主要工作項目包括台東縣轄內加油站查核管制作業、VOC排放資料清查作業、製程排放管道VOC檢測作業、戴奧辛排放源清查管制作業等。至九十三年十一月十五日止共受理四件新設加油站申請案,有三家已取得加油站經營許可執照。第一次油氣回收設施檢測,針對39家加油站,於九十三年六月四日完成;而不合格業者油氣回收設施改善完成檢測作業,已於九十三年七月八日全數完成。整體而言,氣漏檢測及氣油比檢測項目之不合格家數,於第一次檢測分別為30家及29家,業者提報改善後檢測僅有1家氣漏檢測不合格。探討台東縣內加油站改善成效,氣漏檢測不合格比例由76.9%降為2.6%;氣油比檢測則由原本74.4%不合格,經改善後已全數合格。本計畫針對台東縣境內可能產生揮發性有機物之污染源進行清查作業,並以本縣VOC前二十大排放源為主要執行現場清查作業對象,其中又以加油站為VOC清查作業主要對象,並配合加油站回收設備查核及檢測作業共同進行。其餘清查執行對象尚包括乾洗業、發電業、汽車保養維修業、瀝青拌合業、氣體燃料供應業。台東縣境內加油站所有加油站VOC排放量共223噸/年。此排放量係指加油站經由油氣回收設施追蹤檢測而完成改善後之排放量。推估得改善前加油站VOC排放量為515噸/年,改善油氣回收設施後VOC排放削減量達391噸/年。關於台東縣境內VOC潛在來源推估,總計台東縣內VOC排放量約5426噸/年,其中固定源約佔62.1%,為3371公噸/年、移動源約佔37.9%,為2055公噸/年。固定源部分又以商業活動為污染最大來源,包括有一般消費、汽車保養、加油站、乾洗業、餐飲業油煙等,共計1338公噸/年。而移動源部分,則以公路運輸為主要來源,包括汽油車、柴油車、機車等,共計1990公噸/年。製程排放管道VOC檢測對象分別為台灣電力公司東區營業處綠島發電廠、台東鋼瓶有限公司、花東汽車股份有限公司台東分公司、國源汽車股份有限公司台東分公司、鴻達實業股份有限公司,每家各檢測一根VOC排放管道。依總碳氫化合物檢測結果推估年排放量,最高為鴻達實業股份有限公司9.408噸/年(P001),其次為台灣電力公司東區營業處綠島發電廠1.84噸/年(P001)。台東縣境內主要VOC污染來源為加油站業,雖然縣內加油站業者大部分配合油氣回收設施改善意願頗高,仍有兩家尚未設置油氣回收設施,為落實加油站逸散之揮發性有機物管制,建議環保署於94年7月將台東縣內既設加油站納入「加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法」第二批管制對象,強制業者加裝油氣回收設施並依法規定期維護保養。另依本計畫執行VOC排放清查作業及製程VOC排放管道檢測作業結果,建議瀝青拌合業、發電業等可納入加強管制對象。若配合環保署未來揮發性有機物管制趨勢,建議可考量將汽車保養維修業及乾洗業納入擴大管制對象,此兩類VOC逸散源屬於分佈較廣且鄰近住宅區,所逸散之VOC對民眾之影響可能僅次於加油站業。本計畫執行戴奧辛至九十三年九月底止已執行完成「達和大豐環保股份有限公司-台東縣垃圾焚化廠」(簡稱台東縣垃圾焚化廠)、台東市火葬場及成功鎮火葬場共三家之戴奧辛現場清查作業。由國內戴奧辛排放來源分類方式,彙整台東縣戴奧辛排放潛在源,包括廢棄物焚化爐、火葬場、發電廠、瀝青拌合廠、車輛燃料燃燒等,並推估各類來源之戴奧辛排放量。整體而言,台東縣戴奧辛潛在源排放量,以柴油車排放量最大為0.0523 g I-TEQ/年,佔全縣總量之61.3%,其次為火葬場(20%)、垃圾焚化廠(10.8%)。根據本計畫清查推估台東縣戴奧辛潛在源排放量結果,可將佔全縣戴奧辛排放最大量之柴油車列為優先管制對象,加強稽查使用非法地下油品,並加強宣導定期保養。其次依現行「廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛管制及排放標準」管制「達和大豐環保股份有限公司-台東縣垃圾焚化廠」,確實掌握其設備操作狀況及戴奧辛排放濃度。而火葬場可列為未來台東縣戴奧辛重點管制對象,建議環保署研擬納入法規管制,現階段可加強查核其是否正常操作並禁止陪葬品露天燃燒。 Investigation of Oil Gas Retrieves Facilities at the Gas Station, and VOC and Dioxin Emissions Check Thoroughly and Control Plan of Taitung County In order to understand the emission problem of VOC and Dioxin in Taitung county, we check the pollution source first and set up basic materials and investigation of the present emission situation, besides implementing several standards and regulations, and to draft a control strategy for distribution of pollution source and emission situation to conserve environment quality of Taitung county.This project contain gas station check and control, VOC emission check, the VOC stack measurement, Dioxin emission source check and control. Four applying cases of service station have been accepted till 2004/11/15, three have already obtained the operation permision license of service station. In brief, there are 30 and 29 stations not up to standard in Static Pressure test and A/L test individually. After improvement, there are only one station still not up to standard in Static Pressure test. The substandard ratio drops from 76.9% to 2.6% in Static Pressure test, and from 74.4% to 0% in A/L test.The main industry of VOC emission check of this project is gas stations, and the others contain dry-cleaner, power plain, automobile maintain and maintenance, mixing of asphalt, gaseous fuel supply industry. The VOC emissions of gas stations is 223 ton/yr, and the emissions before improvement is 515 ton/yr, totally, the emission reduction is about 391 ton/yr. The emissions of VOC potential sources is about 5426 ton/yr, in which the fix sources account for 62.1%, about 3371ton/yr, and the mobile sources account for 37.9%, about 2055ton/yr.This project has implement Dioxin check of three factories: Ta-Ho Onyx Taitung Envirionment Co. Ltd., Taitung city crematorium, Chengkung town crematorium. The Dioxin potential sources in Taitung county contain destructors, crematoriums, power plain, mixing asphalt factories, fuel burning of mobile. Totally speaking, the largest emissions of Dioxin potential sources in Taitung county is from diesel vehicles, 0.0523 g I-TEQ/yr, accounts for 61.3% of total amount in the whole county, secondly for 092 台東縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3126
九十二年度基隆市河川流域整治管理計畫 本計畫執行成果,摘要如下:1. 廢水處理設施操作紀錄申報表:38 家2. 放流水採樣:95家3. 污泥稽核:157 家4. 營建工地及土石堆置場逕流廢水查核:每月一次5. 水源區污染行為查核:60 家6. 一般性、陳情案及突發水污染事件:323 家7. 水污染防治法規說明會:1 次8. 河川水質採樣:9 次9. 河川底泥採樣:2 次10. 河川生物調查:2 次 The Keelung River basin management in 2002 This project has achieved the following outcomes.1. the listing of 38 operation records of wastewater apparatus2. the 95 times of sampling of wastewater emission.3. the inspections of 157 times of sludge.4. the inspection of building site and runoff from excavation site once a month.5. the inspection of 60 times of pollution behaviors in water resources sanctuary. 6. the inspection of 323 times of general, claim and accidental if water pollution. 092 基隆市環境保護局 基隆市環境保護局 顏伶珍 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3896
92年雲林縣中西部海域環境品質調查監測計畫 雲林縣「九十二年度中西部海域環境品質調查監測計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),計畫執行期程自民國九十二年四月十一日起至九十二年十二月三十一日止,本計畫依評選須知與範疇界定承諾事項共計有十大工作要項,分別為進行苗栗縣至嘉義縣共五縣市之海域生態調查與水質特性監測研究、海域監測資料庫更新、協助海域污染緊急應變及採樣檢測並蒐集海氣象資料、彙整前一年監測資料分送相關單位、海域油及化學品污染預測模式系統維護及相關資料更新補充、配合環保署各項管考工作、協助辦理海洋污染防治計劃或相關資料審查工作、每月提報工作進度及累積進度、提供執行成果供雲林縣環保局於網站公告,以及辦理一場「海域環境品質監測計畫教育訓練講習」。截至民國九十二年十二月三十一日止,本計畫各工作項目執行進度詳見表一,其中海域水質特性監測研究成果顯示,苗栗縣、台中縣及彰化縣沿海海域水質大致均符合乙類海域海洋環境品質標準,除苗栗縣後龍溪入海口、通宵溪入海口與彰化縣彰濱工業區附近海域1共三個測站,礦物性油脂測值各曾發生一次略高於乙類海域海洋環境品質標準外,其餘各測站各測項監測結果皆符合乙類海域海洋環境品質標準。而雲林縣沿海海域水質大致亦符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準,除了濁水溪入海口、六輕工業區附近海域、北港溪入海口三測站各曾發生一次氨氮或總磷或礦物性油脂測值略高於甲類海域海洋環境品質標準外,其餘各測站各測項監測結果皆符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準。而嘉義縣沿海海域水質大致亦符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準,除了朴子溪入海口附近海域之氨氮及總磷、布袋港附近海域之氨氮屢有高於甲類海域海洋環境品質標準情形,其餘各測項監測結果皆符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準。海域生態調查成果部份顯示,就各種類平均而言,明顯以橈腳類(Copepoda)為個體量最優勢之類群。浮游植物調查結果共發現三大門54種以上之藻類,其中以矽藻綱種類所佔的細胞密度最高,可佔總細胞密度之99%左右,各測站不同水層水樣浮游植物之種數有4種至24種。 2003 Yunlin county central and west sea area environment quality inspect project. Yunlin country “2003 central and west sea area environment quality inspect project”, this project is from 2003 April 11 to December 31, depend on the construct, there are10 working items to do the sea area inspection and water quality inspection, sea area data bank renew, help to prevent sea pollution, get the sampling test and collect weather data one year ago to sent to the organizations. Sea oil and chemistry pollution previous prevent system and related data examine, renew and harmony with Environment Protection Bureau each control works. Report the working procedure of each month and provide the achievement for Yunlin country Environment Protection Bureau to announce on website and hold a sea area environment inspection project education conference.Until 2003 December 31, each working items and procedure of this project are as table 1. Research result tells us that Miaoli, Taizhong, and Zhonghua sea areas’ water quality are qualified with the B type standard of sea area’s environment. Beside Zhuoshui River, Liuquing industrial section, and Beikong River get one time of the mineral oil data a little higher than A type sea environment quality’s standard, other inspections’ result are total qualified. In the part of sea area living inspection achievement, the copepoda is the most excellent group in every kind of average. Float plant inspection result find that there are more than 54 kind of alga. Different water level has 4 to 24 kinds of float plants in each inspection station. 092 雲林縣環境保護局 雲林縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3920
92年雲林縣執行許可登記及建檔管理計畫 水污染防治法(以下簡稱水污法)自民國八十年五月六日公佈修正後,將我國對於事業水污染源的管制精神修正為由事業主動證明其水污染防治情形符合法規要求,並依規定向當地主管機關申報,而由主管機關就事業所申報資料及查核結果,掌握事業水污染源水污染防治現況,凡未盡主動申報義務、未依申報內容履行或未達水污染防治標準者皆屬違法之行為。因此,為配合上述措施之執行,行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)於民國八十一年七月起推動「加強事業水污染管制計畫」,以期能對台灣地區之水污染源進行一全面性的掌握與管理。雲林縣環境保護局(簡稱環保局)配合上述規定,針對水污染源主動申報資料進行查證,以掌握水污染源水污染防治現況,並對未盡主動申報義務、未依申報內容履行或未達水污染防治標準者進行行政處罰工作。目前該工作已經有了很好之管制成效,為延續往年建檔管理之理念及執行成果,以持續提昇其作業成果,於92年度特規劃推動「九十二年度執行許可登記及建檔管理計畫」,藉由本計畫之持續進行確實掌握本縣轄境內之水污染源資料,並利後續管制作業之進行,作為將來各項政策擬定及規劃之參考依據。本計畫在環保局及台灣曼寧公司相關作業同仁之共同合作下,目前各項目之工作執行成果如下:一、 建立及管理事業之水污染源管制文書檔案二、擴充、更新及維護水污染源管制資料系統三、執行電腦網路之資訊傳輸作業四、協助辦理事業廢水管制編號五、每月提報上月執行相關資料六、配合環保局辦理各項宣導活動並出席相關工作會議(一)參與季工作檢討會(二)考核會議七、辦理相關技術轉移工作二場次八、績效考評成績試算與考核相關名單提供九、配合環保署時程,協助辦理水污染防治費徵收前置作業相關業務 2003 Yunlin county register the allowance and set up the profile of management project Water pollution prevent laws fix from 1991 May 6, it corrects our water pollution source control spirit to prove the water pollution condition conform the rules and depend on the rule to apply to the management organization. Take the organization’ apply data and result to hold the water pollution prevent condition. Not to apply automatically, not do as the apply contents or not conform the standard are illegal. So from 1992 July, we push the “ Promote the industries water pollution control project” to do the whole control and management in Taiwan. Yunlin Environment Protection Bureau dispose the rule, it focus on the water pollution source apply data to do the examination to hold the water pollution water prevent condition. Someone not apply automatically, not to do as their contents or not dispose to the standard to do the punishment. In order to continue the opinion and achievement as past years to promote the achievement, on 2003 to do the “2003 record the allowance and set up the profile control project”. From this project to hold on the water pollution source data to do the later control job.Achievement:一、 Set up and control the water pollution source data profile.二、Expand, renew and keep the data system of water pollution source.三、Transmit computer internet information.四、Help to do the waste water’ control numbers.五、Report the related information last month each month.六、Harmony with Environment Protection Bureau announce activities and attend to the working conferences.(一)Join the season job checking conferences.(二)Judge conferences.七、Hold two conference of the related skill’ transmit.八、Try to count the grades and provide the related name list.九、Harmony with Environment Protection Bureau time to help to get the water pollution prevent fine. 092 雲林縣環境保護局 雲林縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3918
92台南市民有民營街道揚塵洗掃計畫 根據環保署台南市自動測站(台南及安南測站)統計資料顯示,各測站之PSI>100天數中,大多由於懸浮微粒所造成,並來自於車行揚塵及營建工程所產生。台南市政府環保局為配合環保署空品計畫中「加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」,並延續上年度「台南市加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」執行,針對全市測站周邊及人口稠密處、交通流量大及具嚴重揚塵地區,優先執行洗掃街及改善措施,期能達到空氣品質中懸浮微粒改善之目的。本委辦計畫於92年6月9日起開始執行街道揚塵洗掃作業,截至92年12月31日止,共計執行四個工作項目,詳列如后。(1)本計畫依實際洗街長度統計,總執行長度已達15460.14公里,距合約量12050公里,達成率為128.3%,超出計畫目標數3410.14公里。(2)實際執行掃街總長度達17651.28公里,距合約量12050公里,達成率為146.5%,超出計畫目標數5601.28公里。(3)創新作法-『人工掃街』截至計畫結束日止,實際人工掃街總長度為91公里。(4)創新作法-『植被撒種暨洒水』,植被栽種面積達4710平方公尺,植被栽種位置於中華東路、中華西路、東豐路中間及兩旁安全島;(5)空品品質劣化通報緊急出動,洗掃街計畫截至12月份計畫結束後,一月份計畫空窗期仍持續配合環保局出動緊急應變系統,洗掃街計畫出動共計18次,請參考表4-7。洗掃街路線及頻率共經三次的檢討與二次的變更,且計畫執行中實際掃街作業總垃圾清運量達197.95公噸。 2003 Tainan City people own and people carry stress streets float dust sweeping achievement and inspection job. This plan focuses on Tainan people own and people carry streets float dust sweeping to do the watching control, and use TSP inspection to see the influence for air quality of streets float dust sweeping to provide people more comfortable environment.This project is from the date of contract 2002 December 27 to 2003 March 31. And the major contents are: (1) Check the quality of every street’s sweeping achievement (rate of achievement 100%), (2) Statistics all streets sweeping result (rate of achievement 100%), (3) Survey (rate of achievement 108.9%), (4) Sample roads control and inspection (rate of achievement 100%), (5) Do the TSP inspection before and after streets sweeping (rate of achievement 100%), (6) The amount of sweeping cars collect the dust (rate of achievement 100%), (7) The estimate of the float dust emission in the road (rate of achievement 100%), and all attend to the purpose.The estimate of this sweeping project are: (1) Emission coefficient: TSP is 400.15 ton and PM10 is 75.15 ton of sweeping streets. (2) Float dust emission: Before sweeping the TSP is 644.49 ton/year, and PM10 is 217.82 ton/year; after sweeping TSP is 466.69 ton/year, and PM10 is 167.53 ton /year. So follow the result of sweeping, this project provides the line later and the suggestion of fixing. 092 台南市環境保護局 台南市環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3912
92年台南市揮發性有機物污染行業法規符合度查核及污染量調查計畫 本計畫執行期程自九十二年八月至九十二年十二月底止, 各項工作進度與成果如工作成果說明總表所示,執行進度成果說明如下:1. 揮發性有機物排放源清查建檔 計劃原定執行50 家次,本計畫已完成68 家台南市主要揮發性有機物排放行業的排放源清查工作,目標達成率136%, 其中包含出版及印刷業26 家、汽車修理保養業29家、洗染業3 家、金屬製成品表面處理業10家。分別針對工廠揮發性有機物使用量、成份、排放量及各成份之排放量、含揮發性有機物性之產品產量、原料與產品中揮發性有機物含量、位置、污染控制、設備、法規符合度查核工作等加以清查建檔。 2.工廠查核與追蹤改善輔導 預計執行10 家次,目前已完成10 家工廠的追蹤改善查核作業及7家工廠的改善協談作業,共計17 家次,目標達成率170%。主要針對上年度查核有缺失及排放量較大之工廠, 進行污染改善狀況查核, 並確認工廠申報資料之正確性。3.加油站油槍油氣回收設備檢測工作 預計執行27家次,目前已完成本市已裝設油槍油氣回收系統之27 家加油站油氣回收設備之操作狀況查核及油氣回收槍功能測試工作, 目標達成率100%。檢測結果顯示, 各加油站業者油槍油氣回收設施不合格率與去年比較有大幅改善。但仍有1家不合格率高達100﹪ ,而低於20﹪的有16家。4. 煙道THC檢測及臭味官能測定作業 預計執行15根次,目前完成THC共有15家,目標達成率100%。 臭味官能測定的作業係配合民眾陳情作業機動執行,預計執行30點次,於8 月22日及8月29日針對可能污染來源進行37點次的臭味官能測定, 有26 點次均超過超過工業區及農業區的周界標準濃度50,大部分臭味性質為塑膠味, 目前已將檢測結果轉交台南市環境保護局成立專案處理。臭味官能測定目標達成率123%。 5.宣導說明會 辦理兩場宣導說明會, 於92 年09 月26 日、92 年12 月4 日已各舉辦一場加油站揮發性有機物污染防治宣導說明會及揮發性有機物污染防治宣導說明會,目標達成率100%。加油站揮發性有機物污染防治宣導說明會內容包括: 法規說明及加油站空氣污染來源與控制技術、加油站油槍油氣回收設備簡易維修保養。邀請本市62家公民營加油站業參與宣導會, 共計42 家廠商出席,出席率為68%。揮發性有機物污染防治宣導說明會內容包括: 固定源VOCs 管制趨勢與發展、VOCs空氣污染防制技術。邀請台南市VOCs排放量前58 家工廠, 共計37 家工廠出席,本次宣導會出席率為63﹪ 。 6.VOCs排放量調查推估作業 加油站VOCs 推估依據進油量、發油量及AP42 係數推估, 共完成62 家加油站之排放量推估(依據92年度1~9 月發油量), 其中27家依實際油氣回收裝置之不合格率計算。本計畫列管工廠排放量推估部分, 完成推估68 家列管工廠之排放量推估, 包括中出版及印刷業26 家、汽車修理保養業29 家、洗染業3家、金屬製成品表面處理業10 家。 7.新設加油站審核 協助環保局審核新設加油站油槍油氣回收系統設置計畫書等行政作業, 完成第二階段審查的有大越加油站中華北站、統一精工中華路、加油站千越加油站開元站, 已完成第三階段的有統一精工西門加油站、千越加油站東門站。 2003 Tainan city VOCS pollution industries laws inspection and pollution examine. This project is from 2003 April to the end of December, every working progress and achievement like the figure and the details about progress are as follows: 1.Set up the profile of VOCS This project has already finished 68 industries of major VOCS emission inspection job and the rate of purpose achievement is 136%. And focus on the amount, composition, emission, and every composition of VOCS’ productions and its location, pollution control, facilities and rules’ inspection to check and set up to the profile.2.Check the factories and track to promotion Now we complete 10 factories’ track to promote and discuss the promotion with 7 factories, total are 17 factories and the rate of achievement is 170%.3.Gas station’s oil gun’s oil air’ recover facilities inspection We’ve done the inspection works of 27 gas station to check their oil gun’s oil air’ recover facilities. The rate of facilities’ unqualified is much better than last year.4.Smoke THC inspection and bad smell inspection Most of the bad smell is plastics odor, and now we pass the test result to Tainan city Environment Protection Bureau to set a special case to handle. And the rate of bad smell purpose is 123%. 5.Announce conference Hold two announce conferences on 2003 September 26 and December 4 about the gas stations VOCS pollution against conferences. This conference is talking about: The rules, gas station’s air pollution source, control skill, and the oil air’ recover facilities how to maintain.6.Estimate VOCS emission inspection Depend on gas stations’ oil entrance, oil emission and AP42 coefficient to estimate 62 oil stations’ oil emission, and we find 27 stations are unqualified.7.New gas stations’ examination Help Environment Protection Bureau to check new gas station’s oil air’ recover system. 092 台南市環境保護局 台南市環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3910
九十二年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫柴油車動力計排煙檢測及油品檢驗計畫 在台灣目前除了台北市建立完成捷運系統之外, 絕大部分都市仍以柴油車輛做為最主要的大眾運輸工具,由於國內經濟快速進步,機動車輛數快速成長,成為最主要的移動性空氣污染源。而柴油引擎具有高扭力低故障之特性,柴油車輛長久以來一直是客、貨運業者之主要選擇。嘉義市目前有柴油車大客車435輛和大貨車2742輛,及汽、柴油小貨車有7717輛及特種車826輛,為了解使用中車輛之排煙情形並促使排放黑煙的柴油車主即時進行污染改善,本計畫利用建立完成之動力計排煙檢測設備, 對設籍本市有排煙過量之虞之柴油車輛進行排煙檢測, 並對於柴油車使用之燃油進行含硫量分析,期以降低嘉義地區柴油車排氣污染量。本年度計有目測判煙寄發通知到站檢測車輛共1609輛,民眾陳情車輛數共189輛,合計1798輛。其中共有273輛申請展延,並有816輛應車主要求移外縣市檢驗。自本年度計畫自四月下旬開始至十二月底截止,到站檢測車輛數共有1259輛次,檢驗合格車輛數有1199輛次佔95.2%,而有60輛次經排煙檢驗不合格,不合格率為4.8%。 如再將自提污染改善申請到檢車輛與被動收到通知到站檢測車輛分別評估,則通知到檢車輛之不合格比率〈2.9%〉比自提改善車輛之不合格率〈1.9%〉高出53%之多。在路邊攔車與檢驗CNS11644部分,本年度共執行500輛次之檢測。其中不合格者有149輛,不合格率高達29.8%,其不合格率為通知到檢不合格率的10.3倍。對於柴油車輛使用油品含硫量之檢測,本年度共於動力站對受測車輛抽取20支油樣,並會同中區督察大隊及環保警察於路邊攔檢共抽取180支油樣。油品含硫量分析結果,在動力站取樣部分有2支油樣不合格佔10%,而路邊攔車抽油檢驗結果有18支油樣含硫量偏高,不合格率亦為10%。自提污染改善部分: 本年度延續以往便民措施自四月下旬至十二月底為止計有187輛次申請自提污染改善,經檢驗後有24輛不合格,不合格率佔12.8%。這些初驗不合格車輛經調修改善,複驗結果均能合乎法規要求。 2003 Chiayi city air quality improvement plan and diesel cars power gauge smoke emission inspection station project. In Taiwan most cities take diesel cars for the key public transportation tool besides Taipei, which has MRT. Because of the fast business of our country, motors become more and more quickly, and it becomes the major moving air pollution source. In order to understand the using cars’ smoke emission condition and promote that condition of stopping black smoke emission. This project uses the facilities of power gauge smoke emission inspection to do the test of the high amount smoke emission to reduce the air pollution in Chiayi.In the part of analysing the oil using by diesel cars, this year we take 125 oil samples to do analysis of the amount of sulfur; includes 106 oil samples from blocking on the road, but has 21 unqualified after examining. Otherwise, we get 19 oil models from inspection station, and have 4 unqualified. The rate of unqualified is 20%.Depend on the power gauge smoke emission inspection analyse, every type of cars’ power are distributed on 30~50%. And this result of statistics tells us that it has great influence for power, which follow the driver’s habit, maintenance condition in heavy cars. Compare the car to test in the inspection station and the oil models from blocking cars on the road, their rate of unqualified are close. But in the sulfur of these two, the oil sample from blocking on the road is average three more than the inspection station’s cars. So we guess maybe the drivers use the illegal diesel generally, they change to use qualified diesel before going to the station do the test. 092 嘉義市政府環境保護局 嘉義市環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3934
九十二年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護之執行追蹤檢討計畫 本計畫自九十二年六月一日執行後,即著手瞭解本市空氣品質改善維護計畫各子計畫工作目標、內容與執行成果,以評估執行成效,並進一步檢討後作成建議。為了掌握本市空氣污染源特性及其來源,本計畫更廣泛收集本市氣象資料及各污染源排放清單,透過模式模擬以推估分析本市污染源排放特性。計畫執行期間為了掌握各計畫執行進度,達成環保署考評目標,則協助環保局以召開工作檢討會議方式,會中邀請負責本市之空污委員蒞臨指導,後續將針對各計畫進行執行成效之追蹤檢討,茲將初步成果說明如下:一、空氣品質變化雲嘉南地區各縣市PSI值大於100之日數之比例已由83年5.3%降至92年之2.03%,可知本空品區之空氣品質正逐漸改善。83年至92年雲嘉南地區臭氧與懸浮微粒於PSI值大於100之累計佔日分析,由資料顯示懸浮微粒比例正逐年下降,而臭氧比例則逐年上昇,除肯定過去對於懸浮微粒之管制工作有所成效外,亦顯示中部及雲嘉南地區之主要指標污染物漸由懸浮微粒轉變為臭氧。二、排放清單之建立排放清單位的建立實為各項污染狀況調查、模式模擬等工作之基石。本計畫以TEDS 5.0版為基礎再配合各子畫之資料庫系統加以整合並修改嘉義市之排放清單。本年度各類污染源之排放量為粒狀物68.7公噸、硫氧化物55.5公噸、氮氧化物139.3公噸、揮發性有機物為296.6公噸、一氧化碳118.2公噸。在營建工地方面,依92年11月之統計資料,列管工地數共566處。總逸散粉塵排放量為1942.5公噸、削減量928.4公噸,TSP排放量542.0公噸、削減量259.0公噸,PM10排放量301.0公噸、削減量143.9公噸。在移動污染源部份,嘉義市目前總車輛數約為248,195輛,其中機車數為173,353輛,約佔總車輛數之70%,其次為小客車數,約為62,355輛,佔總車輛數之25%。另以單位面積之車輛數而言,嘉義市每平方公里約有2,889輛之機車,每平方公里約有1,039輛小客車,遠高於台灣地區每平方公里之334輛機車及139輛小客車,這也是嘉義市主要排放來源之一。三、各子計畫執行成果探討1.固定污染源管制計畫執行成效檢討2.營建工地管制計畫執行成效檢討2.營建工地管制計畫執行成效檢討3.移動污染管制成效檢討4.街道洗掃作業 2003Chiayi air quality’s improve and protect checking program ~Achievement of the Project Abstract This project begins from June 1, 2003, then try to understand the purpose how to protect this city’s air quality, contents and the achievement to judge the efficiency and get the suggestion after self-criticism. In order to control the characteristics of this city’s air pollution and source, this project collects this city’s weather data and the emission list about every pollution source. Use simulation to analyze the emission characteristics of this city’s pollution source. For controlling the proceeds of project to get the purpose which Environment Protection Bureau grades in the period of doing the project. Help Environment Protection Bureau to hold the job checking conference and invite the air pollution committee members to give us advice. After that it will focus on the achievement to do self-criticism constantly and explain the elementary result as below:1. Variation of air quality Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan’s PSI account bigger than 100, the proportion is from 1994’s 5.3% down to 2003’s 2.03%. It tells that these sections’ air quality becomes better. 1994 to 2003, Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan’s ozone and float dust’s PSI data analyze to show that that proportion is reducing year by year and ozone’s proportion is getting rising year after year. Not only affirm the achievement of controlling the float dust in the past, it shows that central section, Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan’s signal pollution is changing from float dust to ozone.2. Set up the list of the emissionSet up the list of the emission is the basis of the pollution investigation and model simulation. This project takes TEDS 5.0 for basic to contact subproject’s data bank system to rectify and fix the emission list of Chiayi.This year each pollution sources’ emission is granular 55.5 ton, nitrogen oxide 139.3 ton, evaporate organic matter 296.6 ton, and carbon monoxide 118.2 ton.3. Discuss each subproject’s achievement.(1) Stable pollution source control result.(2) Building area control result.(3) Examine the result of moving pollution source.(4) Street sweeping. 092 嘉義市政府環境保護局 嘉義市環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3932
92年嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫-移動污染源稽查管制計畫 本計畫工作項目包括攔巡查15,537輛次,二行程機車攔檢4,052輛次,大型宣導活動一場次,小型宣導活動二場次,宣導免費檢測2,000輛次,低污染噴射引擎宣導展示,每月查核定檢站一次,每季實施氣體比對一次。(一)未定檢機車攔巡查作業截至九十二年十二月三十一日已完成21,711輛次,進度達成率為140%。(二)二行程機車攔檢作業截至九十二年十二月三十一日已完成4,376輛次,進度達成率為108%,不合格數為1,481輛,不合格率為33.8%,已完成複驗為1,380輛,複驗率為93.2%。(三)定檢站查核評鑑截至九十二年十二月三十一日已完成288家次之查核,進度達成率為100%。(四)定檢站儀器氣體比對截至九十二年十二月三十一日已完成三次家次之儀器氣體比對,進度達成率為100%。第一次比對有七家經實施重新校正後(含機械校正)全部合乎規定值。第二次比對有九家經實施重新校正後(含機械校正)全部合乎規定值。第三次比對有十二家經實施重新校正後(含機械校正)全部合乎規定值。 (五)宣導活動作業截至九十二年十二月三十一日已完成二大三小場次宣導,共計免費檢測2,105輛次,不合格372輛次,複驗351輛次,複驗率為94.4%。(六)分發宣導手冊(環保扇)本計畫利用嘉義市各種活動分發宣導手冊,以強化環保局宣導事宜,增取大眾認同,以配合機車定檢及噴射引擎機車之推動。(七)問卷調查調查之時間為92年8月17日,共完成285份之有效問卷,另一次調查之時間為92年10月25日,共完成446份之有效問卷調查,合計共取得731份有效問卷。(八)噴射引擎機車宣導:製作大型海報三面懸掛市區重要道路。(九)九十二年度工作績效考評表依據九十二年度嘉義市空氣品質維護改善計畫移動污染源稽查管制計畫工作執行績效考評自評表 2003 Chiayi city air quality promote and maintain project- Moving pollution source inspection control project. This project is including round of inspection 15537 cars, block 4052 two-stroke motors, one large announce activity, two small activities, and 2000 inspections for free.Table 1 Chiayi city moving pollution source inspection control achievement.(一)Block not to do inspection’s motorsWe block 21711 motors until 2003 December 31, and the complete rate is 140%. (二)Block two-stroke motors inspectionWe’ve block 4376 motors until 2003 December 31, there are 1481 motors unqualified, rate is 33.8%, and there are 1380 motors finished reexamine and the reexamine rate is 93.2%. (三)Inspection station check and gradeTo 2003 December 31, we’ve done 288 stations’ inspection, and the rate of achievement is 100%.(四)Compare the machine’ s gas in the inspection stationUntil 2003 December 31, we’ve done to compare gas for three times, and the rate of achievement is 100%. At first time, there are seven companies are qualified after rectify. At second time, there are nine companies are qualified after proofread and correct. And there are twelve companies are correct in the third compare. (五)Announce activityWe’ve finished two big and three small announce activities until 2003 December 31. Total inspect 2105 motors for free, there are 372 motors unqualified, 351 motors examine, and the rate of reexamine is 94.4%.(六)Send the announce handbooksThis project use Chiayi city’s every kind of activities to send the announce handbooks to tell people do the motors inspect on time. (七)SurveyOne of Survey time is 2003 August 17, we got 285 useful survey, and the other one is on 2003 October 25, we got 446 useful survey. Total we got 731 useful surveys.(八)Announce propellant stroke motors: Do three sides posters to hand in the important roads in city.(九)2003 working achievement formDepend on 2003 Chiayi city air quality retain and promotion moving pollution source inspection control to do the self-critics form. 092 嘉義市政府環境保護局 嘉義市環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3930
92年嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫 本計畫已完成88家更新及1家擴充作業,其中有3家停工後篩除,累計列管完成清查者共346家。經更新及擴充作業後本市污染源排放量異動為Par減少1.60公噸/年、SOx減少31.09公噸/年、NOx減少16.3公噸/年,VOC減少61.98公噸/年,CO減少0.42公噸/年。在許可申請作業方面,本市第一至七批符合公告條件,需提出申請者共有71個製程,皆已提出申請;統計各類許可證之申請案件,分別受理2家操作許可、1家異動許可、2家操作許可展延、2家許可換證,共計17個製程之申請;2件已完成發證、2件仍在審查中、其餘則已完成審查發證中。許可核發後續查核作業,按照許可排放量、製程所屬公告批次等條件,排定查核順序,計已完成29個製程之查核,其中經查核不符屬於應辦理許可換證者有1家,已函文限期提出申請方式管制業者辦理,目前已完成受理、審查作業。本計畫共有20件公私場所提報檢測結果報告書,分別為許可定期申報6件、申請操作許可檢測1件、公告第一批定檢2件、稽查檢測11件。前述各類檢測報告,審查過程中發現有缺或不合理者,均要求補正,完成審查之13件申報結果均符合法規標準,已完成核定。本市92年第一季空氣污染防制費計已徵收149,601元,本計畫並完成6家次催補繳,目前92年第一季空污費均已完成申報。在稽巡查管制作業方面,共執行209次的稽(巡)查,包括陳情案稽查計32件、一般稽查112件,以及配合各項法令政策之巡查計65件。在資料處理與電腦檔案管理方面,共完成359件文書資料建檔,192件電腦建檔。經由電腦污染排放總量推估,目前本市列管之粒狀物排放量為64.10公噸/年、硫氧化物50.76公噸/年、氮氧化物140.79公噸/年、揮發性有機物為508.60公噸/年、一氧化碳165.98公噸/年。此外,本年度各項污染物的削減量為Par:1.60公噸/年、SOx減少31.09公噸/年、NOx減少16.30公噸/年,VOC為61.98公噸/年、CO為0.42公噸/年。 2003 Chiayi city air quality promote and maintain project- stable pollution source air pollution matter emission achievement. This project has already completed renew 250 companies and 25 companies to expand, and among these there are 19 cut off after stopping business, so the total list are 410 companies for control. And after renewing and expanding the Par expand to 3.79 ton/year, Sox reduce 29.71 ton/year, Nox reduce 33.60 ton /year, VOC improve to 24.01 ton/year,CO reduce 71.03 ton/year. In the part of applying for license that someone who needs to provide apply are 64 makers already apply.Depend on the allowance of emission amount after giving license’ inspection, now we finish 85 make progress. There is a companies need to change the license because of incorrect after checking.In the period of this project, we get 49 cases of every type of the result of inspection, which is 18 cases of license apply on time, 5 operate license apply, 4 of the first group of checking, and 22 examinations. Success shoes companies over the bad smell standard, so we ask it to improve and track it constantly.This city from the third season of 2002 to the second season of 2003, we’ve levied the air pollution protection fee for NT: 607171, and complete to push 37 companies to pay the fine and check 25 companies. Now all air pollution fees are completed for applying to the third season of 2003.In the part of inspection control, we do 813 inspections including 113 against cases, 438 generally check cases, and 302 harmonies with each policy. And the procedure is as figure-1. 092 嘉義市政府環境保護局 嘉義市環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3928
92年嘉義縣固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制及連續自動監測查核計畫 九十二年度嘉義縣「固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制及連續自動監測查核計畫」自92年4月1日起主要工作項目包含許可審查、核發、查核及定檢報告審查、監督檢測、固定污染源資料更新與擴充作業、工廠巡查作業、砂石場管制作業、連續自動監測設施RATA查核作業、稽查抽測作業、空污費催補繳作業、確認及比對固定源資料庫、稽查處份資料建檔、資訊系統規劃與維護、排放量網路申報及公告定檢網路申報輔導與審查作業、協助辦理說明會、相關會議及其他固定污染源管理相關業務等。茲將執行至1月31日之各項作業說明如后:一、固定污染源許可審查及核發作業二、固定污染源許可查核作業三、固定污染源稽巡查管制作業四、固定污染源資料庫更新、維護及擴充作業五、連續自動監測設施查核作業六、排放量網路申報及審查作業 2003 Chiayi stable air pollution source license inspect control and auto-watching constantly project. 2003 Chiayi stable air pollution source license inspect control and auto-watching constantly project, its from 2003 April 1 and the main items are include license inspection, give license, inspection and report examine, watching inspection, stable pollution source data renew and expand, etc…And each details are as following:一、Stable pollution source license inspection and giving license二、Stable pollution source license inspection三、Stable pollution source inspection control四、Renew, protect and expand of the stable pollution sources data bank五、Do the auto-watching constantly system inspection六、Emission apply in the Internet and inspection 092 嘉義縣環境保護局 嘉義縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3926
92嘉義縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測暨油品檢測計畫 本計畫執行綜合成效如下:1.柴油車動力計排煙檢驗執行柴油車稽查檢測1,701輛次,不合格輛數20輛,不合格率為1.2%。到檢車輛數以目視篩選高污染通知車輛最多,有926輛,佔所有到檢總數之55.6%。2.柴油車路邊攔車排煙檢驗執行柴油車路邊攔車抽測102輛次,不合格輛數15輛,不合格率為14.7%。3.柴油車油品抽測含硫量柴油車油品含硫量完成抽測200件,其中不合格油品有31件,檢驗不合格率為15.5%,平均6台被油品抽測之柴油車就有1台使用不合格油品。檢驗不合格油品平均含硫量為0.385%,高出現行法規標準0.035%甚多。4.檢舉案件處理與函覆累計本縣92年度共計受理民眾高污染之虞柴油車檢舉可處理件數148件,於計畫期間協助環保局陳情函覆件數148件,陳情案件函覆率100.0%。5.其他網路預約、非法地下油行檢舉與即時監看系統設立、完成檢測資料庫建檔管理、維護管理驗車同步數位攝影系統裝置並定期備份、檢測站CNLA認證申請作業、滿意度問卷調查、兩場次說明會、檢測站與人員各項保險、儀器設備檢校與保養、品保/品管相關文書建立及建置民眾檢舉案件處理程序標準作業程序及無污染之虞車輛認定準則等。 2003 Chiayi’s diesel car power connect emission smoke examine and oil quality checking program. Project Title:2003 Chiayi’s diesel car power connect emission smoke examine and oil quality checking program.二、The chief organization:Chiayi Environment Protection Bureau.三、Execute organization:Hua-Men Engineering Adviser Corporation.四、Program’s chair man:Hsu-Chung-Ching五、Program management:Chen-Tsang-Hsin六、Program date:2003 April 4 to 2003 December 31.七、Program funds:NT: 5,395This project’s composite effect is as following:1. Diesel car power connect emission smoke examineWe examine 1701 diesel cars, includes 20 substandard cars,and the unqualified rate is 1.2%. Most of testing car are high pollution cars, which has 926 cars, and its 55.6% of all。2.Block the diesel cars in the road to do the smoke emission test.We block 102 diesel cars to do the smoke emission test, includes 15 unqualified cars, and the unqualified rate is 14.7%.3.Spot to check the how much sulfur do the diesel cars have. We complete 200 spot to check’s survey, there are 31 substandard oil quality cars, and the unqualified rate is 15.5%. 4.Against to handle the case and write in reply.2003 we accept 148 cases, which people inform the high pollution diesel cars to check. And help Environment Protection Bureau to reply the letters, and the rate of this is 100%.5.Others Make an appointment on line, Report the illegal oil station, and complete to control setting up the data bank.Satisfied investigations survey, and two conferences and facilities to set up the rules for the no-pollution cars. 092 嘉義縣環境保護局 嘉義縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3924
92年台南市民有民營加強街道揚塵洗掃成效評估及查核工作 本計畫針對台南市民有民營街道揚塵洗掃作業,進行監督管制,並透過TSP檢測及灰塵負荷、坋土負荷及揚塵量推估等方式,評估街道揚塵洗掃作業對空氣品質之影響,藉道路普查及試掃作業結合監督管制結果,檢討修正洗掃方法及路線,提供民眾更為舒適的環境。本計畫執行期限為自簽約日(91年12月27日)起迄92年3月31日止,主要執行內容包含(1)督導查核各街道清掃計畫執行之品質(達成率100%)、(2)彙整街道清掃計畫執行之成果(達成率100%)、(3)問卷調查(達成率108.9%)、(4)示範道路列管、查察(達成率100%)、(5)進行掃街前掃街後之TSP檢測工作(達成率100%)、(6)掃街車集塵量量測(達成率100%)、(7)道路揚塵排放量推估(達成率100%),皆達到計畫所規劃之目標量。本計畫洗掃作業削減量推估(1)排放係數法推估:洗掃街作業之TSP與PM10削減總量分別為400.15公噸、75.15公噸。(2)揚塵逸散量推估:洗掃街作業前對於TSP之年總揚塵量為644.49公噸、PM10之年總揚塵量217.82公噸;洗街作業作業後TSP之年總揚塵量為466.69公噸、PM10之年總揚塵量167.53公噸。年總削減量分別是TSP為177.79公噸(年削減率27.6%)、PM10為50.29公噸(年削減率23.1%)。洗掃作業TSP總平均削減率為19.1%±14.3%;塵土總平均削減率為30.8%±36.1%;坋土總平均削減率為40.57%±36.1%。本計畫並依執行結果,提出後續執行路線及方法之修正建議。 2003 Tainan City people own and people carry stress streets float dust sweeping achievement and inspection job This plan focuses on Tainan people own and people carry streets float dust sweeping to do the watching control, and use TSP inspection to see the influence for air quality of streets float dust sweeping to provide people more comfortable environment.This project is from the date of contract 2002 December 27 to 2003 March 31. And the major contents are: (1) Check the quality of every street’s sweeping achievement (rate of achievement 100%), (2) Statistics all streets sweeping result (rate of achievement 100%), (3) Survey (rate of achievement 108.9%), (4) Sample roads control and inspection (rate of achievement 100%), (5) Do the TSP inspection before and after streets sweeping (rate of achievement 100%), (6) The amount of sweeping cars collect the dust (rate of achievement 100%), (7) The estimate of the float dust emission in the road (rate of achievement 100%), and all attend to the purpose.The estimate of this sweeping project are: (1) Emission coefficient: TSP is 400.15 ton and PM10 is 75.15 ton of sweeping streets. (2) Float dust emission: Before sweeping the TSP is 644.49 ton/year, and PM10 is 217.82 ton/year; after sweeping TSP is 466.69 ton/year, and PM10 is 167.53 ton /year. So follow the result of sweeping, this project provides the line later and the suggestion of fixing. 092 台南市環境保護局 台南市環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3940
九十二年度嘉義縣揮發性有機物及農工臭味稽查管制計畫 環保署為有效管制於86年2月5日公告「揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準」,加強對揮發性有機物之管制,並明訂自88年7月1日起各污染源需全面符合規定,管制範圍則涵蓋石化製程之廢氣燃燒塔、排放管道、有機液體儲槽、裝載設施及設備元件等。依據嘉義縣綜合管理計畫,VOCs排放主要來源為固定污染源(含逸散排放),包含有石化相關行業(包括化學製品業、塑膠製品業及橡膠製品製造業)、加油站業及其他有機溶劑使用業者(包括乾洗業及表面塗裝業等);為全面管掌握揮發性有機物污染現況,把執行各污染源查核、檢測及輔導作業,有效地管制各污染源符合法規規範,並建立其完整的排放指紋,持續不斷的改善並追蹤,以達成削減揮發性有機物之排放量,改善本縣之空氣品質。 2003 Chiayi county VOCS and bad smells in farm controlled inspect project Environment Protection Bureau tries to control usefully the bulletin “VOCS air pollution controlled and the emission standard.” to stress the VOCS’ control and make the rule clearly from the 1999 July 1, each pollution sources need to follow the rule. And the range includes the petrochemistry exhaust burning tower、emission well, VOCs lading gutter, lading facilities and unit. According to Chiayi county management project, the main source of VOCs is stable pollution source( includes emission),includes petrochemistry industries(Chemistry , plastic and black gold industries), oil station and other using VOCs’ companies corporations (includes dry clean companies and plating in the surface work.);in order to control the VOCS pollution all out,,inspect, test and remediation each pollution source to put them accord to the law and set up the consummate emission dactylogram to improve and track constantly reducing VOCS emission and improve this county’s air quality. 092 嘉義縣環境保護局 嘉義縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3944
92年嘉義縣公有民營街道揚塵洗掃計畫 一、街道揚塵洗掃作業(一)嘉義縣轄區街道洗掃範圍協商結果協商各單位負責轄區及清掃頻率,原屬於新港鄉及民雄鄉轄區範圍內道路(即159、162、164、166縣道、157縣道安和村至溪口相界、中正大學聯外道路、新港測站附近道路及台一線大林至嘉義縣市界)回歸該公所負責清掃;另有關交通部公路總局第五養護工程處所屬水上工務段、阿里山工務段負責之路段,則由本計畫與其共同清掃,且由本計畫配合調整並避開其清掃時段,以免造成重覆清掃;本次協商後之洗掃路線及所轄範圍如表一所示,至於修正後之洗掃路線及道路長度已於會後重新排定及測量,其確定之洗掃路線及道路長度則如表二所述。(二)洗掃街里程及工作表規劃自九十二年四月一日起開始執行至九十二年十二月三十一日為止,各道路執行洗掃街之次數統計如表三所示。協商前(執行期程:920401~920531)道路執行掃街之次數以嘉朴公路的42次最多,其次為台十九線(朴子至義竹段) 的23次,第三則是台一線(南靖至嘉義縣市界)的 18次。協商後(執行期程:920601~921031)道路執行掃街之次數以嘉朴公路的82次最多,其次為168縣道(朴子161線至東石63線)的34次,第三則是台十九線(朴子至義竹段)的 31次。協商後(執行期程:920719~921031)道路執行洗街之次數以嘉朴公路的52次最多,其次為167縣道(朴子起點經鹿草至太保)的 39 次,第三則是台十九線(北港橋至朴子)的 35次。(三)洗掃街進度統計結果本計畫統計執行至九十二年十二月三十一日為止,其洗掃街進度之統計結果如表四所示,掃街作業之進度達成率為102.82 % ,洗街作業之進度達成率為101.44 % 。(四)車輛保養維修金額及自來水費金額統計本計畫截至9月底為止,車輛保養維修金額及自來水費金額統計已達公告甄選須知所訂54萬元之金額(實際金額為540008元),另92年8月27日至92年9月30日所使用之自來水費金額為16233元,已由嘉源環保企業股份有限公司先代支,此外,預估92年10月以後之車輛保養維修及自來水費金額統計約為196800元。以上統計結果請見表五,該表則經92年10月14日假嘉義縣環保局二樓會議室召開之「公有民營街道揚塵洗掃計畫維修費超支處理第二次協商會議」會議結論確認。(五)街道髒污程度普查及道路分級各月份(5、7、9月)由本計畫所執行之道路分級結果如表六所示,由表中發現第二次(7月份)分級結果,惡化的道路有台3線、嘉朴公路、163縣道、台18線及167縣道等五條,其中163縣道及167縣道更是惡化為C級,而第三次(9月份)分級結果,惡化的道路有台19線、榮典路及157縣道等三條。因此,已針對上述道路加強洗掃和稽核,並探討其污染原因及提出改善對策,來降低污染排放與防制污染產生。(六)道路髒污原因及改善追蹤結果道路髒污不僅影響街道景觀,更可能造成空氣品質之惡化,進而降低居住環境之生活品質,茲將本計畫所應執行洗掃之道路中,其髒污原因及改善追蹤結果彙整於表七中。(七)九十二年度空氣污染物削減成效嘉義縣環保局目前執行之洗掃作業有「公有公營」及「公有民營」之洗掃作業,依認定原則其洗掃作業長度均可計算,截至92年12月底止,九十二年度空氣污染物削減成效如表八所示,而「AQMP計畫」所核給本計畫之TSP削減量為950公噸/年,其達成率為104.07 %。(八)AQMP計畫進行洗掃道路現場查核統計結果(九)污染源及橫向通報作業處理結果(十)空品劣化通報之查處結果 2003 Chiayi people own and people carry stress streets float dust sweeping achievement and inspection job. 一、Cleaning the float dust on street(一)The result after discussing of the streets in Chiayi.The roads belong to the Hsin-Kang village and Min-Jsiung village (Country lines 159、162、164、166、157, and An-Ho village to the connect with river, Chung Cheng college and Taiwan first line that contact other roads which belong to original home village.(二)Sweeping mileage and job planningFrom April 4, 2003 to the end of December, and each road’s cleaning times is as figure three.(三)The statistics result of sweeping procedureThis project’s statistics is to the end of December 2003. And the rate of the attend efficiency is 102.82 % and the cleaning rate of the attend efficiency is about 101.44 %.(四)Count how much of car’s maintenance and the fee of water This program until the end of September,car’s maintenance and the fee of water are attending to the money-540 thousand which announce.(Real money is NT: 540008).(五)Check streets’ dirty degree and grade the road.Each month’s(May、July、September)grade result is as figure 6 of this project. So we focus on some terrible roads to sweep strictly and examine and to discuss the pollution reason and provide the advices to be better to reduce pollution emission and stop the pollution.(六)The reason why the road is dirty and track the result of improving.Dirty road not only influence the scene of the city. Whatever it can make air pollution bad to worse and to make living quality become lower.(七)The reducing achievement of 2003 air pollutionChiayi Environment Protection Bureau now does the sweeping job” Public owns, and public cleaning” and ”public owns, and civil cleaning.” Follow the rules and the sweeping length all can be count, and until to the end of 2003. 2003 air pollution reducing achievement is like figure 8 and AQMP plan give us the reducing count is 950 ton/year. So the rate of attending is 104.07%.(八)Use AQMP plan to do the result of checking road on the spot.(九)Environment source and how to give them the reporting.(十)The result of checking result. 092 嘉義縣環境保護局 嘉義縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3952
92年嘉義縣空氣品質管理發展計畫 本計畫協助環保局推動嘉義縣空氣品質管理發展計畫之運作程序,整合各計畫執行成效與方向,並規劃短中長程管制策略,擬定下年度及未來空氣品質改善計畫之執行重點,有系統地規劃及研訂嘉義縣空氣品質之改善時間表。其執行成果摘要說明如下,:一、 空氣品質現況二、 修定本縣空氣品質改善策略三、 追蹤檢討各計畫辦理成效四、 各子計畫執行進度與工作品質之查核作業五、 洗掃街成效查核六、 協辦事項本年度計畫執行至九十三年二月二十九日,各項量化工作目標皆全數達成,在各計畫之成效控管上,除移動源計畫未達考評量化數量之滿分要求外,各計畫皆達成滿分之目標 2003 Chiayi County’s air quality manages and development project This project helps Environment Protection Bureau push Chiayi County’s air quality manages and develop projects doing procedure, and collect each plan’s achievement and the way to plan the middle to long term control strategy. Make the key point of air quality improvement project in the late half year and in the future. Do the schedule systematic and discuss how to improve Chiayi county air quality.Abstract is as following:一、 Air quality situation now.二、 Correct this county’s air quality improvement strategies.三、 Track and check each project’s achievement.四、 Every second project’s progress and working quality inspection.五、 Inspect the result of washing and sweeping streets.六、 Helping matters:This year’s project is until 2004 February 29, we complete each working purpose. And in the side of each project’s achievement controlled beside the requirement of moving source plan not get the full marks, other ones all get the target. 092 嘉義縣環境保護局 嘉義縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3950
九十二年北港溪流域生物生態資料庫建立及教育訓練 環保署將從九十一年起三年內,投入新台幣30億元經費,預計將改善9條重點河川的水質,由減少污染源及打造生態河川著手;其中包括事業管制、非點源污染防治、生活污水處理、建立河川生態園區增加民眾親水空間、髒亂點消除及環境整頓等。有效分配資源,環保署依水體的用途、重要性、污染程度及污染源,選擇優先整治的河川,研擬具體改善策略及設施,九十一年至九十三年優先選定的重點河川包括高屏溪、朴子溪、北港溪、中港溪、客雅溪、典寶溪、南崁溪、二仁溪及將軍溪等九條,其中北港溪將以建立河川生態園區,確保生物多樣性的生態環境為主要目標。本計畫之目標為一、 建立北港溪流域水生生物相分佈與生態資料指標手冊。二、 分析北港溪流域水體水文等環境因子,評估受污染或有機負荷程度與水生生物生態因子之關係。三、 教育宣導規劃及辦理二場次之生物分類技能養訓課程。四、 流域生態教室及生態園區之設立。五、 研擬未來流域生態教室及生態園區之整體規劃。本計畫之預期效益一、建立北港溪流域水生生物相分部與生態資料庫。二、分析北港溪流域水體水文等環境因子,評估受污染或有機負荷程度與水生生物生態因子之關係。三、北港溪水系之生態系統改善策略或生物復育計畫。四、教育宣導規劃及執行、推動生物分類技能養訓。五、水境生態教室之規劃與設立。六、戶外行教學、展示用之生態園區乙座。(地點為斗南鎮僑真國民小學)七、研擬並規劃未來流域生態教室及生態園區之整體規劃。 2003 set up the data bank of Bei Kang River valley organism ecological and education training. Environment Protection Bureau spent NT: three billion dollars for three years begins from 2002, it tries to improve 9 important rivers’ water, and reduces the pollution sources and make up the organism rivers. It includes industries control, prevent the pollution source, dispose the waste water of living, build river organism park to improve the space for people to touch the water, clean the dirty place, and rectify the environment. Depend on water’s use, importance, pollution degree, and pollution source to choose the first need to renovate river, make the specific strategy and facilities. In 2002 to 2004 the previous important rivers are nine and among these rivers Bei Kang river will build the river ecological park and to make sure the purpose of various ecological environment. The purposes are:一、 Build Bei kang river valley organism spread and ecological data bank handbook.二、 Analyze Bei kang river valley water environment and to judge the pollution or organic degree and water organism ecological’ relationship.三、 Announce the education and do the second time organism separate skill training classes.四、 Valley ecological class and establish the park.五、 Plan the valley ecological class in the future and the whole ecological plan.Expect effect:一、Build the Bei Kang river valley ecological spread and data bank.二、Analyze Bei kang river valley water environment and to judge the pollution or organic degree and water organism ecological’ relationship.三、Improve Bei Kang river ecological system and organism re-raise project.四、Education’s announce, and promote the ecological separate skill training.五、Plan and establish the water ecological classes.六、An ecological park for open air class and show.七、Discuss and project the valley ecological classes in the future and plan the whole ecological park 092 雲林縣環境保護局 雲林縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3962
九十二年度嘉義縣營建工地污染管制計畫 (一)加強各項營建工地空氣污染之巡查管制工作1.自92年4月1日至92年12月31日止,總計管制1931處工地,總巡查數4820處次(目標數4000處次,累計達成進度120.5%)。2.各類營建工程統計分析3.各行政區列管工地數統計4.巡查頻率5.工地執行各項防制措施削減量成效6.處分案件統計7.營建工地空污費查核作業 (二)維護更新營建工地基本資料及排放資料庫1.充份利用電腦資料庫系統推估本縣非點源粒狀污染物排放量及防制效率,掌握歷次巡查時逐項紀錄防制措施之執行百分比,並計算當次實際的污染排放量及削減率。2.定期進行資料庫品保品管查核作業,核對書面相關資料與電腦資料庫資料是否符合,並彙整報表報局備查,並按時上傳至環保署及配合製作各項報表。(三)宣導研習活動1.完成編印一千零肆拾份宣導品,內容包括「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」及「營建工地空氣污染防制相關法規及防制技術」。2.於92.7.1及92.9.3共辦理二場小型法規說明會。3.於92.8.18及92.12.24假創新學院共舉辦二場法規宣導說明會。4.於92.9.18及92.10.24共辦理二場工地污染改善協調會。5.按月更新本計畫專屬網頁,提供營建工地污染管制及空污費徵收等資訊。(四)TSP測定共完成7處工地,21點次之TSP監測作業及分析。(五)營建工地輔導評鑑1.從92年5月起陸續提報三批次共廿處輔導工地名單予環保局,並經環保局核准後即進行輔導工作。 2.工地評鑑工作於10~11月進行,並完成優良工地評選作業,共計評選十二處工地,依委員現場評分比名次;92年本縣第一名營建工地為東元-竹中聯合承攬的「嘉義高鐵車站」獲得第一名。3.於92年12月24日辦理92年度環保成果展中公開表揚。(六)營建工地道路認養至92年12月底止,全年共完成33,828公里道路認養洗掃長度,其TSP減量約為312噸(依減量係數計算應為467噸),完成「九十二年度推動道路洗掃認養」考評滿分標準。(七)協助營建工程空氣污染防制費之徵收、催繳、結算退費及相關審核事宜。自92年1月至12月31日止,共計徵收2,562件(不含100元以下徵收件數),淨收金額114,434,775元。辦理分期結算件數共140件;申報退費件數89件,共退空污費金額655,047元,淨收繳金額113,779,728元。(八)問卷調查1.共計完成1021份有效電話問卷調查。(九)其他創新工作項目1.大型公共工程管制專案。2.落實廢土不落地政策。3.高污染日營建工地應變(十).環保署考評成績本計畫92年度環保署考評成績自評項目,均已達滿分標準。 2003 Chaiyi building pollution control project (一)Stress to inspect every construction sites air pollution’s control1.From April 1, 2003 to December 31, we control 1931 construction sites,and total inspection count is 4820(The purpose is 4000, and the progress rate is 120.5%)2.Every building engineer analysis3.The statistics of controlling with each administration section4.Inspection frequency5.Protection ways to reduce in construction sites6.Punish cases statistics7.Building construction air pollution fee inspection (二)Renew the basic data of building construction and set up the data bank.1.Using computer data bank to measure the real pollution emission and the rate of reducing.2.Inspect the data bank’s quality and check the writing data is the same as the information bank.(三)Announce activities1.Finish editing and copy the announce documents.2.Held two conferences on July 1, 2003 and September 3.3. Held two conferences on August 18, 2003 and December 24 in creative school.4. Held two conferences about construction pollution promotion on September 18, 2003 and October 24.5.Renew the website and provide the information of construction pollution control.(四)Inspection TSPFinish 7 construction places and 21 times of TSP inspection and analysis.(五)Building construction’s guidance and assistance1.From May to give 20 constructions lists to Environment Protection Bureau. 2.The inspection job is doing during October to November.3.On December 24, 2003 to praise in public place.(六)Building construction road adoptedTo the end of December 2003, we complete the length for adopting to sweep for 33828 km whole year.(七)Help to get the construction air pollution protection fund.From 2003 January to December 31, we get the fund for NT: 114434775.(八)Survey1.We get 1021 useful survey。(九)Other renew items1.Huge public construction control case for special effort.2.Deseart dust not on the floor practicable3.High pollution date of change of building construction. (十).Environment Protection gradesThis project on 2003 Self-criticism gets 100. 092 嘉義縣環境保護局 嘉義縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3958
92年嘉義縣移動性污染源 一、 量化目標執行結果二、 二、非量化目標執行結果三、主要工作項目摘要  路邊稽查工作項目  定檢站管理與查核  宣導成果  鼓勵老舊車輛汰舊換新作業  定檢站及移污專用資訊管理系統  問卷調查分析四、統計分析部分  定檢站檢測資料五、削減量  削減量分析六、執行人員七、歷年執行比較八、環保署考評 2003 Chiayi county moving polluted sources. 一、 Result of doing measure purpose二、 Result of doing unmeasured purpose 三、 Main job items abstractWorking items of inspect on the road Inspection station management and checkAnnounce achievement:Encourage eliminating old cars and buying a new oneData management system of inspection stations and moving polluted sourcesAnalyze survey:四、Analyze the part of statistics Inspection station checking data五、Reducing amountAnalyze the reduce data六、Working members七、Compare the result with past years’八、Environment Protection Bureau test and grade. 092 嘉義縣環境保護局 嘉義縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3956
93年度台東縣加油站計畫油氣回收設施調查及揮發性有機物暨戴奧辛排放清旦管制計畫 本計畫主要工作項目包括台東縣轄內加油站查核管制作業、VOC排放資料清查作業、製程排放管道VOC檢測作業、戴奧辛排放源清查管制作業等。一、加油站查核管制作業(一)新設加油站油氣回收設施審查(二)加油站查核及檢測作業二、VOC排放資料清查作業本計畫針對台東縣境內可能產生揮發性有機物之污染源進行清查作業,並以本縣VOC前二十大排放源為主要執行現場清查作業對象,其中又以加油站為VOC清查作業主要對象,並配合加油站回收設備查核及檢測作業共同進行。其餘清查執行對象尚包括乾洗業、發電業、汽車保養維修業、瀝青拌合業、氣體燃料供應業。三、製程排放管道VOC檢測作業四、戴奧辛排放源清查管制作業本計畫執行戴奧辛清查之對象,除了廢棄物焚化廠外,尚包括火葬場。由國內戴奧辛排放來源分類方式,彙整台東縣戴奧辛排放潛在源,包括廢棄物焚化爐、火葬場、發電廠、瀝青拌合廠、車輛燃料燃燒等,並推估各類來源之戴奧辛排放量。但由同樣以排放係數推估而得之戴奧辛污染源來比較,仍可發現柴油車及火葬場為重要之污染來源,應可列為未來台東縣戴奧辛重點管制對象。 2004 Taitung county gas station ‘s gas air retrieve facilities inspection and evaporable organic matter and dioxin emission check thoroughly and control project. The main working items of this project includes inspect and control the gas station of the area under Taitung county’s control, VOC emission data check thoroughly, VOC emission tube inspection, dioxin emission source check thoroughly and control work. 一、Gas station inspect and control work.(一) Check gas air retrieve facilities of new gas station.(二) Check and measure gas stations.二、VOC emission data check thoroughly.This project focus on probably produce evaporable organic matter’s pollution source to do the check throughly work in the area under Taitung’s control and take the first 20 emission source for the main check throughly objects. Among these we take gas stations for main VOC check throughly objects and harmony with check and inspect their retrieve facilities in the same time. Other objects also include dry cleaning, generate electric power, cars’ maintenance and keep in repair, asphalt mix and gas fuel supply industries. 三、VOC emission tube inspection.四、Dioxin emission source check thoroughly and control work.This project’s dioxin check throughly objects not only discard incinerate factory but also creamation place.Classify the dioxin emission source in our country, and compile Taitung county’s dioxin latent source which includes discard incinerator, creamation place, generate electric power, asphalt mix and gas fuel to estimate their dioxin emission quantity. But compare with the pollution source, we can still find the important pollution sources are from diesel oil cars and creamation place. They should make into the key control objects in Taitung county in the future. 092 台東縣環境保護局 台東縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3986
93年度臺北市社區環保服務團計畫 本專案計畫係由環保局邀請環保團體組成社區環保服務團,輔導社區推動環保與打造生態社區,並辦理環保義工訓練及協助環保局辦理環境教育活動等。本年度重要成果為辦理義工基礎訓練3場次,共培訓83位新進環保義工,辦理2場進階訓練,共175名義工參訓,並辦理義工幹部研習營,參訪馬祖績優社區,共32名幹部參加。此外,辦理飲料容器之「環保設計」及「創意利用」設計甄選競賽,並於本市信義區等六個行政區設置綠色採購產品推廣專櫃,另辦理績優環保公寓大廈社區之評選,共選出10個優良社區,並於年底辦理績優環保義工表揚與成果觀摩展示活動。 Environmental Service Committee for Community of Taipei City(2004) This project is planed to invite the environmental protection groups as a service action group to help communities to promote environmental protection activities, and to make Taipei being an ecological city, and to train environmental protection volunteers and help the Environmental Protection Department to handle environmental educational activities ,etc.. The important achievements are: (1) 3 sessions training courses for the new volunteers and this year; (2) trained 83 volunteers; handle 2 sessions advanced training courses for the volunteer, amounts to 175 volunteers had joined and trained; and handle a voluntary study camp, had visited the good performance communities of Mazu, amounts to 32 cadres had participated. This year also had handled a beverage container green design and creative design contest, and to set up the green products special counter in six administrative areas, such as Shin-I district of the city ,etc., to handle the assessment of the mansion community of environmental protection apartment of the good performance separately, had selected 10 fine communities altogether, and to handle a ceremony for the environmental protection volunteers of the good performance and communities had good achievement of the year at the end of the year. 092 台北市政府環境保護局 臺北市政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1946
九十二年度固定污染源許可及稽查管制計畫 在許可制度管理及輔導方面,環保署公告第一至七批固定污染源操作許可申請率已達100%,累計核發167製程數。此外,執行期間共執行許可輔導102家次,已核發許可證現場查核151製程數。在排放量更新及削減量統計方面,本計畫定期維護擴充EPAA97資料庫,目前列管固定污染源家數為286家,其污染物(粒狀物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物及揮發性有機物)年排放量總計為2,883公噸。藉由清潔燃料替代、生產技術或加裝防制設備,本年度污染物年淨削減量(扣抵增量後)達291.9公噸。在稽查檢測作業方面,本計畫執行15家次空氣污染物稽查檢測、2家次臭味官能測定及15樣品數之油品含硫量抽測作業,結果均符合法規標準。此外,本計畫亦辦理5座加油站油氣回收設施功能查核,油槍油氣比不合格之比例高達27%。在相關法規輔導方面,本年度辦理許可季協談、定檢制度、專責人員制度、空污費制度、CEMS制度、加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法等說明會。在工廠評鑑方面,本年度辦理中國時報、自由時報(勇軒)及聯合報辦理工廠評鑑,並建議各廠設置VOCs熱焚化處理設備。在空污費催補繳方面,本計畫每季辦理空污費催補繳作業程序,使空污費到繳率由91%提昇至100%。在推動企業認養道路洗掃作業方面,共有11家公私場所參與,總洗掃道路長度為8,024公里。 The Permit System and Inspection Project of Stationary Source of Air Pollution for Taipei City (2003) In permit management and counsuling, the first to seventh batch, the rate of permit applications reaches 100% and 167 permit licenses have been issued. 102 factories have been consulted for permits and 151 manufacturing processes of issued permit licenses have be audited on site. In the air pollution quantities update and reduction, we maintain and expand the EPAA97 database periodically, and 286 factories has been filed. The total air pollution emission quantities are 2,883 ton per year. By clean fuel replacement, manufacturing processes modification and air pollution control device (APCD) installation, the net air pollution reduction quantities are 291.9 ton per year. In air pollutant emissions inspections for audit, 15 samples for TSP, SOx, NOx and VOC, and 15 samples for sulfur content of fuel oil have been completed. The performance test of vapor recovery for 5 gasoline stations have been completed, and 27% of the tested nozzles don"t comply with the requirements. In the counseling of related laws and regulations, we conduct the declaring meetings, including “permit system”, “periodical inspection”, “unit or personnel with exclusive responsibility for air pollution control”, “air pollution control fee regulations”, “CEMS regulations”, and “the vapor recovery in gasoline stations”. In evaluating factories , the assessment for the printeries of China times, United Daily News and Liberty times have been completed. The committee members suggested that the flue gas should be treated by the thermal combustion facilities in order to reduce the VOCs emission quantities. In the reminder of APF, we conduct the seasonal reminder works of APF to meet the related requirements of EPA. The imposition rate of APF increases from 91% to 100%. In the Promotion of the street cleaning for enterprises, we conduct the declaring meeting of the street cleaning for enterprises. There are 11 enterprises have joined street cleaning, and the length of washed street in 2003 reached 8024 km. 092 台北市政府環境保護局 台北市政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1954
92年屏東砂石場清查列管計畫 砂石場(廠)的開採、作業區、運輸道路及裸露堆置場等,若無有效的污染防制措施,極易產生粉塵逸散,造成附近地區空氣、水質 、噪音、廢棄物及土壤…等污染問題,對其生活環境品質影響甚鉅。有鑑於此,環保署自八十八年八月起即推動全國性『砂石場(廠)清查列管專案計畫』,針對無適當防制措施致引起塵土飛揚或污染空氣之砂石場(廠),督導各縣市環保局依據空氣污染防制法規定,加強執行稽查告發處分作業;為此,各縣市環保局同時配合成立『砂石場(廠)清查列管專案計畫』,全面執行砂石場(廠)清查列管,以遏止其空氣污染及噪音污染情事。屏東縣環保局持續於民國90年及91年連續二年針對縣內所轄的砂石業進行輔導改善,在業者的配合下,也獲致多項改善成果,包括提高三級列管家數、削減率的提升、聯外及車輛進出口道路舖面與灑水、過車水道的設置、完成十條聯外道路認養…等,均獲得業者善意的回應。 2003 Sandstone factory’s checking thoroughly and listing to control project Sandston factory’s extract, assignment, transport road and the stacking places, etc…If it has not efficient preventing pollution measures, it produces dust emission easily and cause the pollution problems of the air, water, noise, garbage and soil in the section nearby. And influence a lot of the living environment quality. Because of that, Environment Protection Bureau push the sandstone factory’s checking thoroughly and listing to control project from August, 19993. Focus on no suitable preventing strategy, which causes the flying dust, or pollute air’s sandstone factory to press each county and city’s Environment Protection Bureau to follow the rule of air pollution preventing to strength inspecting and punishment. For this reason, every county and city set up “sandstone factory’s checking thoroughly and listing to control project” and do the listing and control of that all round to stop the air and noise pollution.Pingtung County’s Environment Protection Bureau continue improving the sandstone industry inside for two years-2001 and 2002. Because of industry’s harmony with it, we get a lot of achievement including raise the factory to three level of listing to control, promote the reducing efficient, built the road of transporting with other county, and set up the sprinkler system, and try to carry out a policy of claiming ten roads which establish contact with other county. All get great respond from the industry. 092 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4048
92年屏東縣『移動污染源稽查管制計畫』~機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動~ 著經濟發展與工商社會進步,國民所得提高,生活品質的要求也隨之提高,造成機動車輛的快速成長。由於台灣地狹人稠,機車具有機動、迅速、便捷、經濟與停車方便等特性,適合做短距離的代步工具,因此機車成為目前台灣地區最普遍的個人交通工具。在台灣地區交通流量不斷遞增及活動快速增長下,都會地區各種空氣污染物排放,主要以機動車輛排放之污染物為主,不僅嚴重影響都會地區的空氣品質,更對民眾身體健康造成危害,加上生活型態改變及通勤時間增加,造成民眾曝露於交通工具污染的程度增加,使得民眾不悅的感覺亦隨之增加。屏東縣環境保護局執行「移動污染源稽查管制計畫」政策已推展多年,主要落實機車定期檢驗制度、加強路邊攔查、老舊機車汰舊換新制度宣導、推廣低污染交通工具之使用等,經由前述各項管制策略之配合,以達到督促車輛使用人注意車輛保養維護管理,與教育車輛駕駛人正確之操作觀念,進而減低機動車輛廢氣排放之空氣污染物總量,來有效達到改善空氣品質,為台灣地區空氣污染問題盡一份力量。 2003 Pingtung county 『Motive pollution source inspect and control project.』~Motorbike waste gas inspects and announces activities. With the economies develop and the industry and commerce progress, people’s income increase, and the request of life quality also increase so it makes the motorbike grow up quickly. Due to Taiwan has so many people in the narrow land, motorbike get a lot of characteristics such as mobility, swift, convenience, economical and easy parking. It suits to be the tools of riding instead of walk for the short distances. So motorbike becomes to the most universality personal traffic tools now in Taiwan. Because of the traffic increase frequently and activities’ develop so fast in Taiwan, each kind of air pollution’s emission in city which take pollution matter from motorbike’s emission as the principal thing. Not only influence seriously of city’s air quality but also damage people’s health. And plus life’s style is changing and need spent more time for traffic to work, it make people exposing to the traffic tools’ pollution more which make people feel uncomfortable more. Pingtung county’s Environment Protection Bureau push the policy of “Motive pollution source inspect and control project.” for years, and focus on the inspect of motorbikes on a regular time, strength to check on the road, announce to eliminate old cars and buy a new one, try to spread low-polluted cars, etc… Correspond to each control strategy in the forward then attend to urge car’s owner take care of car’s maintenance, and educate driver the correct concept then to decrease the total amount of the air polluted matter from the motorbike and ameliorate air quality efficiency. Contribute the power for air pollution problem. 092 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4046
92年度空氣品質監測網規劃計畫 空氣品質監測計畫,乃是蒐集分析歷年桃園縣空氣品質監測資料(包含環保署測站、環保局測站、空污基金專案計畫中相關監測資料)及運用之空氣品質模式,結合排放源資料,模擬污染物濃度分佈情形,並與既有測站資料比對分析。桃園縣空氣品質監測網規劃計畫自92年4月簽約執行,計畫目標主要有以下四項:(1)檢討桃園縣現有監測之功能、監測項目及涵蓋區域之完整性(2)利用模式模擬與空氣品質監測現況比對分析,提供作為監測網評估之參考(3)提升監測網之空間解析度,並強化特殊區域(工業區、交通動線)之監測(4)擬定桃園縣監測網分期規劃建置計畫及與監測數據中心連線規劃評估。 A project to layout the air quality monitoring net in 2003 The air quality monitoring plan is to collect and analyze the air quality of Tao-Yuan county. Over the years (include environmental protection administration"s examining and stands , examines and stands , monitors the materials relevantly in the empty dirty fund special project plan in the Environmental Protection Agency) and the air quality way to use, combine and discharge the source materials, the thickness of simulation pollutant is distributed the situation, and with already examined the station materials than to analyze. 092 桃園縣政府環境保護局 桃園縣政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4060
92年度廢棄物焚化爐有害空氣污染及惡臭物質管理輔導計畫 桃園縣內大小工廠分布於高人口密度地區附近,此計畫透過清查及管制桃園縣內各類型焚化爐,檢測公私場所及周界環境惡臭物質及戴奧辛,建置排放資料,實廠輔導戴奧辛的減量規劃,落實經濟和環保兼顧的政策之目標。其檢測結果如下:(一)針對縣轄區周界空氣戴奧辛,工業區較商業區高,未來宜再檢測中壢工業區以外工業區,戴奧辛高者,列為優先監測區。(二)針對煙道戴奧辛,煙(管)道及廠區內戴奧辛及皆以事業廢棄物焚化爐最高,煉鋼電弧爐次之,汙泥焚化爐及大型都市焚化爐最低,顯示燃燒廢棄物種類及燃燒控制技術良否,嚴重影響戴奧辛的排放。 (三)針對飛灰戴奧辛,SM宜列為優先輔導及管理對象。 (四)針對工廠煙道排氣重金屬,以汙泥焚化爐較高。 The management and tutorial for the incinerator harmful air pollution and stench material All kinds of factory is distributed near the high area of density of population in Tao-Yuan county, this plan measure the circle environmental stench material in the place and week public and private and wear hard through checking and controlling all kinds of incinerator in the peach garden county, the construction discharges the materials, the real factory coaches and wears hard decrement to plan , implement the goal of the policy given consideration to in economy and environmental protection.In this county, the density of Dioxin in the industrial area is higher than the shopping center , the industrial area outside Li industrial area when should measure again in the future, the high one is worn hard, classify the monitoring area as and have priority . 092 桃園縣政府環境保護局 桃園縣政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4058
桃園縣產業環保技術服務計畫 桃園縣政府特整合桃園縣民間資源,於民國91 年10 月正式成立「桃園產業環保技術服務團」,協助事業單位評估改善污染防治設備功能。透過桃園縣產業環保技術服務團之服務宗旨「污染預防、綠色生產、永續經營」;藉由多元化及綜合性的輔導項目,提供不同行業別工廠所需技術資源及相關法規;廢氣處理部份,輔導需求以臭味控制及VOC 處理較多,而可行之處理技術以活性碳吸附、焚化法及生物處理法為主;深入輔導專案以管理面及工程改善兩大方向做為改善規劃目標;方案推動執行仍需考量人力、財力、技術等因素之相互配合,並結合工廠現況及近期之營運方針。 Industry's environmental protection technological service plan The Tao-Yuan county government combine the private resources to establish " Tao-Yuan industry environmental protection technological service group ",on October 91 in order to help the public institution to assess and improve the equipment function of the prevention and control of pollution. Through the service of the industry, they environmental protection technological service group of garden county of peach; With the pluralism and comprehensive coaching project, offer and does not leave technological resources of need of the factory and relevant regulation the trade; The waste gas is dealt with partly, coach the demand and deal with stink controlling and VOC more, and feasible treatment technology rely mainly on the fact that the activated carbon absorbs , incinerates the law and carries out a biological disposal upon the law; Coach the special project deeply and improve two general orientations and make in order to improve the objectives with the chain of command and project; The scheme promotes and carries out the mutual cooperation that still needed to consider the factors , such as manpower , financial resources , technology ,etc., and combine the present situation of the factory and recent operation policy . 092 桃園縣政府環境保護局 桃園縣政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2085
新竹市轄區公民營清除處理機構分級評鑑作業 廢棄物清除處理是環境品質的重要指標之一,為徹底杜絕廢棄物不法清理,當前亟待解決的課題之一,目前是以廢棄物源頭之清查,加強追蹤廢棄物清理流向,以提高效率化的廢棄物回收和健全清除處理體系。此計畫執行過程,共完成下列工作項目如下: 轄區內公民營廢棄物清除處理機構資料更新 頒獎表揚與輔導說明會議1場次 70家次公民營廢棄物清除處理機構現訪與輔導 13場次公民營機構操作諮詢輔導 1場次丙級水肥清除機構諮詢輔導會 2場次一般與營建廢棄物清除機構諮詢輔導會 To grade and comment the removing and dealing organization. The removes and deals of offal is one of the important indexes in environmental quality. In order to stop the offal clearing up illegally completely, one of the subjects urgently to be solved at present is to strengthen and track that the offal clears up flow direction with the checking of offal source at present.Several results has been carries out in this plan: Citizen"s camp offal removes and deals with organization"s materials to upgrade in the area under one"s jurisdiction It explains a session of meeting to award medals and praise and coach 70 citizen camp offal is it deal with organization visit and coach now to remove The organization of 13 sessions citizen"s camp operates and consults and coaches A session and third grade of water manure removes the organization and consults the meeting of coaching 2 sessions generally remove the organization and consult the meeting of coaching with build offals. 092 新竹市環境保護局 新竹市政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1938
嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(SARS)感染性事業廢棄物流向追蹤查核及上網申報 嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(SARS)上網申報輔導計畫,是以作業過程中累積成果已確實建立醫療院所感染性廢棄物清查作業之模式,藉由資訊科技進而對資料做量化分析,同時完成與外部資料勾稽作業,以掌握疑似漏報或短報之醫療院所清單。其計畫項目如下:(一) 將所有清查結果皆已以系統收納,藉由資訊科技進而對資料做量化分析。(二)完成全市355家醫療院所之清查作業,及照相、座標定位工作,統計出感染性廢棄物量最大者科別為婦產科;而感染性廢棄物量最小者為皮膚科。(三)清查作業另一重點為政令宣導,及感染性廢棄物貯存設施之清查。(四) 完成GIS系統之建置,使列管資料分門別類得以與資料、圖像相互對照,並具有增加、修改、查詢等功能,同具備資料自動稽催之機制。 The inspection of Infectious undertaking offal and net surfing declaring The surfing net plan of Serious acute respiratory track disease group (SARS ) is to accumulate the achievement and then set up the medical infectious way and then make quantitative analysis to the materials with information science and technology.The items of this project is shown as follows: (1) Checked the result of all and all taken in the system, then make quantitative analysis to the materials with information science and technology. (2) Finish checking the homework of 355 medical institutes of the whole city, and take pictures, the coordinate orients the work, it is the gynaecology and obstetrics to count the biggest one department of the infectious offal amount; And infectious the minimum one of offal amount is dept. of dermatology . (3)Check another homework declare leading for the government decree especially , and the infectious offal stores the checking of facilities. (4) Finish the construction of GIS system , contrast each other with the materials , picture to put to manage the materials into different categories to arrange to make , and have functions of increasing , revising , inquiring about etc. , check the mechanism pressed for with possess the materials automatically. 092 新竹市環境保護局 新竹市政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1944
空氣污染綜合防制計畫 隨著空氣污染防制法的施行及84年7月1日空氣污染防制費開始徵收,各地方環保機關即已開始執行各項空氣品質管制執行計畫及空氣品質改善/維護計畫(SIP計畫),然而早期的SIP計畫,大都以「規劃」為重,「執行」為輔,以致無法對空氣品質發揮顯著效善效果。92年度已分別於11月4日、11月11日、11月18日及11月25日執行清淨國際興業有限公司楊梅廠、中華映管股份有限公司桃園廠、廣炘有限公司及駿瀚生化股份有限公司桃園廠等四家次之惡臭聯合稽查管制專案,除了了解民眾陳情原因及工廠主要污染來源、種類及運作情形,提供工廠改善建議之外,並藉由此次專案之推動建立「屢遭惡臭陳情工廠之輔導機制」,配合環保局稽查課、提供技術資源,以科學檢測數據及現場勘查方式,提供行政、管理與法規三方面之輔導建議,要求廠商就問題點做出回覆,以徹底解決桃園縣惡臭問題。 The air pollution defend synthetical plan Following the prevention law of air pollution on July 1, 1984, every local environmental protection organ begin already not carrying out not controlling not carrying out plan and air quality improving quality per air /maintenance plan (SIP plan), but early SIP plan, mostly in order to " plan " attach most importance to, " carry out " in order to complement, so that unable to produce and show the good result of result to air quality. 092 桃園縣政府環境保護局 桃園縣政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4064
92年度重大污染源連線監測計畫 桃園縣環保局所制定的重大污染源連線監測計畫,目的在於提昇環保局現有通訊架構,解決公私場所連線所遭遇之困難、配合環保局端系統功能之提昇,輔導協助業者傳輸模組之更新、驗證連續自動監測設施之監測數據可信度。其工作內容以公私場所輔導查核作業項目,共完成四十場次之工廠輔導查核作業;針對境內重大污染源CEMS設置連線輔導作業,合計完成三十四家大型污染源輔導作業。計畫執行期間除輔導連線事業單位及維護連線系統正常外,並針對連線事業單位監測設施執行品保查核各項工作,輔導工廠建立品保/品管制度,協助環保局建立功能查核標準程序,以落實品保之查核制度。 To built a monitoring line for the great pollution sources The great pollution sources line of the Environmental Protection Agency of Tao-Yuan county of peach makes monitors the plan, the purpose lies in promoting the existing communication structure of the Environmental Protection Agency, solve difficulty that the place line meets , promotion matching the systematic function in the end of the Environmental Protection Agency public and private, monitoring data credibility of transmitting the renewal , verification of the mould group and monitoring facilities of the person who coaches helping industry automatically. 092 桃園縣政府環境保護局 桃園縣政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4062
92年新竹縣土壤暨地下水污染防治計畫 此計畫為九十二年度新竹縣土壤暨地下水污染防治計畫,計畫內容包括:1. 新竹縣土壤地下水污染防治調查、監測工作。2. 派駐專責之許可登記電腦建檔人員一名,協助新竹縣環境保護局進行上列以及執行本計畫有關事項,及臨時交辦事項。執行許可及建檔管理業務。3. 協助新竹縣環境保護局辦理土壤及地下水污染整治法宣導會二場。 新竹縣土壤及地下水經93年度調查後發現,所選定之三個地區土壤監測值皆低於土壤監測基準。93年度八口地下水水質除鐵、錳及氨氮在某些地區常超出地下水監測基準外,其餘監測項目皆低於地下水監測基準。計畫中亦增設三口地下水水質監測井,分別為明新科技大學、新豐國中及埔和國小。 專責之許可登記電腦建檔人員亦協助新竹縣環境保護局進行建檔管理之工作,本工作將持續至九十三年十二月底止,至現今為止共計建檔3146件檔案,為一相當繁重之工作,亦顯示出本項工作的必要性,未來將持續進行建檔之工作,以利環境保護局推動各項之工作。宣導會之舉辦於八月及十月圓滿達成,對於新竹縣境內之土壤及地下水污染防治法之推廣,具有正面之效應。 此計畫之完成後,期許可讓新竹縣境內土壤及地下水之概況更加清楚,對於資料之建檔、土壤及地下水污染防治法觀念之推廣可更進一步,達到環境保護之目的。 A pollution defending plan for soil and underground water The content of this project included: 1. Investigation of underground provention and control of water pollution of soil of Hsinchu county , monitoring. 2.Accredit permission of specific responsibility register computer file first of person, the environmental protection agency carries on to help Hsinchu county the above-listed and carry out relevant items of a plan, and assign the item temporarily . Carry out and permit and file to manage the business. 3.Helping the environmental protection agency of Hsinchu county to handle soil and underground water pollu tion to is it cure to knit law to declare and lead and know two times. 092 新竹縣環境保護局 新竹縣政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1918
92年新縣河川水質監測及檢驗、工業區及水源水質保護區稽查採樣監測、許可登記建檔管理業務 此計畫之執行重點共有五大工作項目,以下即針對各項工作之執行進度與摘要成果,分別說明之。一、地下水水源污染防治調查、監測及推動土壤污染防治工作地下水監測井採樣分析及污染量調查工作中,完成92年度第一季~四季之監測工作,各項監測結果皆符合地下水污染監測基準及地下水污染管制標準,結果無明顯之異常情形,將持續進行監測。土壤污染防治工作,本計畫係針對新竹縣土壤調查達土壤監測基準以上地區之農田追蹤調查檢測(土壤污染管制標準、土壤污染監測基準)並建檔管制。二、許可登記及建檔管理作業水污染源資料建檔管理之作業內容包括文書檔案管理、電腦資料庫建立及電腦資料庫資料異動更新,以確保事業水污染源管制資料之即時性與正確性。本階段工作成果由水污染系統資料庫加以整理統計,其中新竹縣轄區內屬列管事業家數共705家、下水道系統共49家、疑似水污法列管事業家數共147家,合計共901家。三、河川水質監測工作河川水質監測工作中,完成本年度第一季~四季監測工作,頭前溪流域之監測點為尖石大橋,本年度第一~四季之監測結果顯示水質尚屬良好,RPI判定屬未(稍)受污染。 Water quality monitoring of rivers, examine, check, sample and monitor, permit registering and filing and managing the business in the water quality protection zone of source of watering in 2003 The objectives of this plan can be divided as five points. This can be illustrated as follows:1.The Investigation and monitor of the soil pollution preventing and controlling2.Permit registering, filing and managing3.Water quality monitoringIn the water quality monitoring of rivers and creeks , finish the monitoring in river four seasons of first season of the current year, the monitoring point of the brook land is the sharp stone bridge ago the head, the monitoring results of the first four seasons of the current year show that water quality still belongs to well, RPI is judged to belongs to and has not been polluted (slightly ). 092 新竹縣環境保護局 新竹縣政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1920
93年新竹縣監督辦理掩埋場資源物質進場管制措施計畫 有鑒於事業廢棄物對環境影響深遠,環保局透過「事業廢棄物稽查管制及資訊建檔計畫」之執行,強化事業廢棄物源頭管理、流向申報管制、辦理事業廢棄物申請審查及稽查取締等工作,整合調查事業廢棄物質量基線資料及查察事業廢棄物處理及再利用機構運作情形,以遏止非法棄置事業廢棄物,有效管控其處理及再利用情形。其各項執行成果及說明如下:一、專案技術人員派駐與訓練專案技術人員分別於93年10月1日及93年10月7日派駐,計畫執行所需之電腦設備、數位相機與稽查車輛則陸續於93年10月6日前完成提供本專案使用。並透過教育訓練工作協助其迅速進入狀況,確實掌握各項查核重點提昇人員之素質,並瞭解各類事業廢棄物特性,以達到工作效率、品質及稽查人員自身之安全。二、辦理事業廢棄物相關審查及管理作業共計受理4件清理計畫書之申請,包括申請變更2家、新提2家 ,其申請均已初審通過,並交付環保局複審通過,平均初審日數為5.5天。審查均能在短時間內完成,符合計畫縮短審查時效、提升行政效率目標。三、辦理廢棄物稽巡查作業四、事業廢棄物相關資料維護更新及建檔管理工作五、不明廢棄物或事業機構污泥採樣檢驗作業六、廢棄物進掩埋場之管理檢查作業七、宣導說明會及講習研討會 Supervise and handle the input and output of the buried field Due to that the undertaking offal have a far-reaching environmental impact, the Environmental Protection Agency passes the execution that " the undertaking offal checks controlling and plan that information file ", strengthen the offal source of the undertaking and manage , flow into to declare controlling , handle the undertaking offal to apply for the work of examining and checking banning etc., combine and investigate the base-line materials of the amount of material discarded of the undertaking and consult and examine the offal treatment of the undertaking and utilize organization"s operation situation again, in order to check and throw aside the undertaking offal illegally, in charge of accusing of its deals with and utilize the situation againing effectively. 092 新竹縣環境保護局 新竹縣政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1916
92年度中港溪流域水質改善計畫 中港溪流域水質改善計畫其重點共分為三部份,以下分別說明其執行成果。一、結合水利設施改善提昇南港溪水質可行性之評估,此工作在於執行以減少污染物滯留,加強利用河川自淨功能及增加溶氧為主要目標。二、砂石洗選(採取)污染與水量調查評估作業,篩選出34家砂石場進行第一批次評估採樣作業。另由於部份公私場所回收水懸浮固體物含量過高,為進一步深入了解造成公私場所回收水懸浮固體物檢測值偏高原因,故自第一批次水質檢測中,篩選出懸浮固體物檢測值偏高之砂石場(計11家)進行第二批次水質檢測。計畫執行期間,共計完成45家次之砂石場廢水處理設施評估採樣作業。三、建置學校河川生物監測站推動水環境教育作業,以中港溪為目標推動水環境教育,建置河川生物監測站,定期監測。 The water quality improvement plan for Chong-Kong river in 2003 The main points of water quality improvement plan for Chong-Kong river is divided into three parts:(1)Combine the assessment of promoting the stream quality feasibility in the south harbour of water conservancy projects improvement. (2)Sand granite-wash pollution and the water quantity assessment. (3)Building the biological monitoring station of rivers and creeks in schools to promote the educational environment.The Chong-Kong stream is the subject to promote the educational environment, building the biological monitoring station of rivers and creeks, and investigated regularly. 092 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 苗栗縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1888
92地下水水質監測作業計畫 苗栗縣環境保護局地下水水質監測之年度工作,希建立苗栗地區淺層地下水水質資料庫,定期水質採樣檢測,掌握地下水水質與長期變化趨勢,作為防治和管制地下水污染之依據。評估地下水質狀況及研判可能污染來源,以發揮地下水監測系統之預警功能,並作為釐訂管制措施以防治地下水污染之參考。「九十二年度苗栗縣下水水質監測作業計畫」自民國92年9月簽約起至今已完成工作項目包括:一、針對苗栗縣境內所規劃完成之四十八口地下水水質監測井,定期進行保養維護工作;並製作定期維護表(含監測井現況相片)及地下水井調查表。二、已設置四十八口監測井之地下水水質採樣與分析檢測項目至少包括水溫、pH值、導電度、總溶解固體物、鐵、錳、鈣、鎂、鈉、鉀、氨氮、硫酸鹽、氯鹽、總硬度、硝酸鹽氮、砷、鉻、鉛、鎘、銅、鋅、總有機碳等二十二項項目,並視區域環境特性,選擇部份監測井(至少八口)增加檢測有機化合物(酚、揮發性有機物)等重點水質項目。檢測頻率訂為每年二次,豐枯水期各一次。 A plan for monitoring the groundwater quality in 2003 The annual work of groundwater water quality monitoring of environmental protection agency of Miaoshu county, is to set up the shallow layer of groundwater water quality database in the area of Miaoshu, measure the water quality samples, grasp groundwater water quality and long-term variation tendency. The above work will then be used to be the basis of preventing and curing and controlling the underground water pollution. Assessing the underground water quality state and studying and judging may pollute the source , in order to give play to the early warning function of the groundwater monitoring system, and as collating and stipulating the measure of controlling in order to prevent and cure the reference of the underground water pollution. 092 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 苗栗縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1902
92土壤污染防制工作計畫 苗栗縣環境保護局所委託之「土壤污染防制計畫」,選定包括位於頭份鎮蘆竹里、公館鄉館南村灌溉溝渠、造橋鄉談文村及竹南鎮大厝里等六個一公頃區域,21個採樣點採集表層與裡層土壤,共計42個樣品,並完成所屬農地土地清冊建置。同時於10月22日支援民眾陳情案件,完成苑裡鄉農地土壤3個採樣點,採集6個樣品於現場交付環保局。92年度的監測結果,於頭份鎮蘆竹里24個樣品中有9個樣品其重金屬—鋅超過食用作物農地之監測基準,竹南鎮大厝里6個樣品中有3個樣品重金屬—汞超過監測基準,4個樣品重金屬—鋅超過監測基準,其中甚至有1個樣品超過管制標準。頭份鎮蘆竹里調查區測值有逐漸上升的趨勢,且可能沿著鄰近排水溝渠轉移污染面,建議下年度可對溝渠沿線農地土壤重金屬含量進行調查,同時檢測分析該溝渠上、中、下段水質與底泥,以追蹤污染來源並釐清相關責任。竹南鎮大厝里目前污染量雖高,但已無污染量增加或是轉移污染面的環境,應在整治工程前持續做調查,密切控管本調查區。而公館鄉與造橋鄉調查區無明顯污染現象,且歷次測值變化不大亦低於食用作物農地之監測基準,可以考慮取消監測。 Soil pollution control in 2003 The environmental protection agency of Miaoshu county relegated the soil pollution control plan, which select six towns, 21 sampling points and 42 samples. altogether , and finish the affiliated farmland land inventory construction in 21 pieces of sampled point. Case that at the same time to support the people to give a full account on October 22, finishes 3 pieces of sampled point of township farmland and soil in the garden, gather 6 samples delivering to the Environmental Protection Agency.In the year of 92, The monitoring result show that its heavy metal zinc of 9 samples exceeds the edible crop farmland in 24 samples in the reed bamboo of the first town, there are 3 pieces of sample heavy metal mercury that exceed the datum of monitoring in 6 samples in big Cuo of south town of bamboo, 4 pieces of sample heavy metal zinc exceed the datum of monitoring, among them even a sample exceeds the standard of controlling. 092 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 苗栗縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1904
92年度苗栗縣水庫水質研究暨人工採樣驗證計畫 苗栗縣環保局於九十二年度成立「苗栗縣水庫水質連續監測站設置計畫」,在其縣境內之永和山水庫二處位置,設置二套水質連續監測設施,透過即時監測設施以及資訊傳輸設備,隨時將最新之水質監測數據傳送至環保局,以做為立即掌握水質狀況、數據統計分析、水質改善建議及行政決策等之參考。為了解連續監測數據之可信度,苗栗縣環保局另成立人工驗證計畫(本計畫),委託中興社依據環保署公告標準方法進行水質採樣分析,並加以比對驗證。水庫水質監測的最終目的,應包括對於水質變化的趨勢能夠有所掌握,尤其是優養化的議題逐漸受到民眾關切,但優養化議題必須全方位由自然環境、氣象條件、水質特性等各項參數加以探討;本計畫將探討永和山水庫優養化趨勢,而除物化指標之外,亦整合永和山水庫水質生物指標數據,以獲取水質變化特性。計畫已完成兩站、十一月次、每次十四個項目之標準方法水質檢測,分析水質結果;連續監測站設置後,完成兩站、八月次之數據比對工作,並彙整比對成果;另完成兩站、各四次之浮游植物、浮游動物、附著生物之鑑定分析,並計算生物指標。此外,每月並將工作成果定期彙整報告提送環保局。 A research for the reservoir water quality and the verification for the artificial samples in 2003 The final purpose of monitoring the water quality of reservoir is to master the trend of water quality, especially the topic of raise melting excellently and receive the concerns of people gradually, but must be probed into to raise the topic of melting excellently omni-directionally from several parameters , such as natural environment , meteorological terms , water quality characteristic ,etc.; Will probe into and raise the trend of melting with the mountains and rivers storehouse excellently forever in this plan, and besides materialization index, also combine it with the biological index data of water quality of mountains and rivers storehouse forever, change the characteristic in order to obtain water quality. 092 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 苗栗縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1890
92年屏東縣固定污染源排放戴奧辛/呋喃特徵之檢測分析計畫 本計劃執行屏東縣固定污染源排放戴奧辛/呋喃特徵之檢測分析計畫,包括調查轄區內固定污染源排放戴奧辛/呋喃之篩選工作,並篩選出五座廢棄物焚化爐及三座排放戴奧辛/呋喃潛勢之特定固定污染源,進行戴奧辛/呋喃採樣檢測分析、對於所篩選具排放戴奧辛/呋喃之固定污染源進行行政院環境檢驗所認可之採樣(NIEAA807.70C)及分析(NIEA A808.70B)工作,計採樣及分析至少四十五組煙道廢氣樣品,並各座另進行兩組現場空白樣品戴奧辛/呋喃之物種至少十七種以上、針對五座廢棄物焚化爐及一座特定固定污染源建立排放係數及排放量,並擬定戴奧辛/呋喃之管制策略、進行戴奧辛污染現勘輔導並提供業者戴奧辛改善工程規劃書及針對所採樣分析之污染源提出戴奧辛/呋喃之減量建議方案。主要成果如下:1.第一次煙道廢氣採樣分析結果出爐後,由本團隊李文智教授會同環保局人員,與轄區內焚化爐及固定污染源現場操作人員進行協談及現場評估改善工作,協助業者進行改善。本團隊針對各廠之煙道廢氣戴奧辛分析結果、設備設置及操作條件等情形給予廠家建議,改善協談會議紀錄並由屏東縣環保局以傳真或E-mail 方式給予廠家。2.大型都市垃圾焚化爐A 改善前與改善後煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 濃度分別為0.0686 與0.0133 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,皆符合法規規範之0.1 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 標準。其煙道廢氣之PCDD/Fs 特徵剖面皆以1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD、OCDD、1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 與OCDF 所佔比例較高。3.大型都市垃圾焚化爐A 改善前與改善後煙道廢氣中PCDD/Fs 之排放率分別為7.76 與1.32 μg I-TEQ/hr,煙道廢氣中PCDD/Fs 之排放係數分別為0.423 與0.0702 μg I-TEQ/ton-waste。若以PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放係數為基準,則大型都市垃圾焚化爐A 之PCDD/Fs 改善成效為83.4%。與國內十三座都市垃圾焚化爐平均煙道廢氣PCDD/Fs 排放係數0.251 μg I-TEQ/ton-waste 相比,改善後為國內平均值之0.280 倍。4.小型一般廢棄物焚化爐B 煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 濃度為3.35 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,高於法規規範之0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 標準。其煙道廢氣之PCDD/Fs 特徵以1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD、OCDD、2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 與1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF所佔比例較高。煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放率為30.8 μgI-TEQ/hr,總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放係數為18.7 μg I-TEQ/ton-waste。5.醫療廢棄物焚化爐C 煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 濃度為0.168 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,符合法規規範之0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 標準。其煙道廢氣之PCDD/Fs 特徵剖面以2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 、1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF 與1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 所佔比例較高。煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放率為0.755 μg I-TEQ/hr,煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放係數為3.70 μg I-TEQ/ton-waste。6.廢液處理焚化爐D 煙道廢氣中總PCDD/FsI-TEQ 濃度為0.0995 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 , 符合法規規範之0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 標準。煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放率為0.402 μgI-TEQ/hr,煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放係數為0.362 μgI-TEQ/ton-waste。7.一般事業廢棄物焚化爐E 改善前與改善後煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 濃度分別為0.671 與0.0303 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,可知於改善後已符合法規規範之0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 標準。改善前與改善後煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放率為分別為2.37 與0.106 μgI-TEQ/hr,煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放係數分別為37.9 與0.0586 μg I-TEQ/ton-waste。由改善前與改善後之排放係數可知,總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 改善成效為介於98.1%至99.9%之間。8.二次鋁精煉廠F 煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 濃度為1.45 ng I-TEQ/Nm3。其煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放率為16.2 μg I-TEQ/hr,煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放係數為40.4 μg I-TEQ/ton-feedstock。9.灰鐵鑄造廠G 煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 濃度為0.796 ng I-TEQ/Nm3。其煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放率為14.5 μg I-TEQ/hr,煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放係數為32.4 μg I-TEQ/ton-feedstock。10.二次銅精煉廠H 煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 濃度為2.16 ng I-TEQ/Nm3。其煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放率為19.2 μg I-TEQ/hr , 煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放係數為10.2 μgI-TEQ/ton-feedstock。11.大型都市垃圾焚化爐A 底灰與飛灰之總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 含量分別為0.981 和1.60 ng I-TEQ/g。二次鋁精煉廠F 底灰與飛灰之總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 含量分別為0.00761 和0.172 ngI-TEQ/g。12.大型都市垃圾焚化爐A 改善後、小型一般廢棄物焚化爐B、醫療廢棄物焚化爐C、廢液處理焚化爐D、一般事業廢棄物焚化爐E 改善後、二次鋁精煉廠F、灰鐵鑄造廠G 與二次銅精煉廠H 之PCDD/Fs 年排放量分別為0.0202、0.0842、0.00241、0.00117、0.0000105、0.115、0.391 及0.186 g I-TEQ/yr。其分別佔總排放量之4.63%、19.3%、0.551%、0.269%、0.00242%、26.3%、22.3%與26.6%。以焚化爐與金屬冶煉業計算總排放量之百分比,分別為24.8%與75.2%%,金屬冶煉業之總排放量為焚化爐之3.04(=0.328/0.108)倍。 092 屏東縣政府環境保護局 正修科技大學超微量研究科技中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=474
92年屏東縣空氣品質管理發展計畫 本計畫之目的在協助屏東縣環保局管制各子計畫執行內容、進度與方法,透過計畫的執行,協助環保局處理空污相關會議資料,檢討年度空污執行計畫成效與方向,有效整合各計畫力量以達到改善空氣品質之目標,此外,配合未來總量管制規劃,研擬空氣品質改善方向,規劃短中長程管制目標,提供屏東縣環保局未來執行空氣污染管制之建議方針。本計畫期望透過各類計畫空氣品質改善效益檢討分析、追蹤檢討空污計畫辦理成效,提供研擬九十二年度空污執行計畫及目標之執行作業的參考方向;而藉由空氣品質資料解析與空氣污染源排放清單及排放特性分析等執行作業探討項目,給予未來管制策略研擬之參考,以為屏東縣環保局修正及研擬短中長程管制計畫與策略,並依據研擬出之短中長程管制策略,規劃未來空氣品質改善執行計畫之內容,作為環保局改善空氣品質之建議方針。本計畫自92年3月26日簽約完成後,執行至92年12月31日止,各項執行工作項目與成果摘要說明如下:1.分析空氣品質變化92年度屏東縣空氣品質不良率為6.13%,相較於86年不良率13.58%改善率高達7.45%,PSI>100日數至92年12月31日止,共計66站日。92年環保署規劃屏東縣允許空氣品質不良日數為80站日,屏東縣92年空氣品質不良日低於允許站日數尚14站日數,達成環保署對本縣空品改善之要求。根據85年至92年環保署設立之屏東、潮州及恆春空氣品質測站資料,解析其歷年空氣污染指標等級分佈變化情形,發現經由多年努力,本縣空氣品質良好及普通之比例皆較以往增加。屏東測站92年空氣品質不良(100<PSI<200)及空氣品質普通(50<PSI<100)站日數較往年比例略微減少,而空氣品質良好(PSI<50)之站日數比例略微增加,空品不良率由88年之13.50%降至92年10.68%。潮州測站92年空氣品質不良(100<PSI<200)站日數,自88年之30.1%降至92年之7.1%,較往年明顯減少;而空氣品質良好(PSI<50)之站日數比例,自90年之20.4%增加至92年之25.4%較往年明顯增加,甚至未出現空氣品質惡化(PSI>200)之站日數比例,空品不良率由88年之30.11%降至92年11.33%,顯見潮州測站附近區域空氣品質已有效改善。恆春站空氣品質變化不大,空氣品質不良之站日數比例低於1%,空氣品質良好之站日數比例也維持在80%以上。92年之空品不良率為0.61%,比88年之0.57%略微增加,空氣品質普通之站日數比例由88年12.4%增加至92年15.6%,而空氣品質良好之站日數比例,由88年的87.1%,逐年降低至92年的83.9%。2.評析污染物排放量變化分析屏東縣80年至91年固定源、逸散源及移動源各污染物排放量均有減少之趨勢,污染物PM10主要是由逸散源所排放,而從80年至89年PM10污染物削減絕大部分是由逸散源作削減;SOx污染物主要污染排放源為固定污染源,移動源次之,而在87年硫氧化物大量削減原因為燃燒重油含硫分從1.0%降低為0.5%;移動源為NOx污染物主要排放源,在逸散源及固定源其排放量變化不大,且其排放比例低;NMHC排放量主要是由移動源及逸散源所貢獻,最近兩年逸散源之排放量有增加之趨勢值得注意及加強管制;CO絕大部分是由移動源貢獻,少部分是由固定面源所排放,佔工廠部分排放量不到1%。推估92年屏東縣管制後排放量TSP為29878.01公噸、SOX為616公噸,NOX為6658公噸、NMHC為7403公噸,與91年相比,僅TSP之排放量增加。3. 九十二年各計畫執行績效屏東縣九十二年度各計畫減量成效,依據各計畫本年度執行作業成果,第一季~第三季統計污染物削減量TSP為3664.66公噸、SOX為150.35公噸、NOX為159.50公噸、NMHC為483.17公噸,估算今年度各污染物削減量TSP為3,431.08公噸、SOx為2公噸、NOx為20公噸、NMHC為676.2公噸。4. 訂定92至95年管制策略環保署為改善高屏空品區空氣品質,達到國家環保計畫空氣品質目標,對於高高屏三縣市分別訂定各類空氣污染物逐年減量目標。本縣亦積極配合推動執行相關行動計畫,並依據污染源管制現況,訂定各類污染管制措施及污染物預計減量目標,以期空氣品質更為改善。依據污染源產生時間區分,可分為新設污染源及既存污染源兩類,對於此兩類污染源依法需進行不同作法之管制,方可順利達成管制目標及成效。92至95年配合高屏總量實施預計推動四類污染源管制,區分為22項管制策略,預計92至95年執行相關移動源管制將減少粒狀物3,410公噸、硫氧化物176公噸、氮氧化物244公噸及非甲烷碳氫化合物2,188公噸。5. 規劃93年度空污費推動計畫93年度規劃屏東縣空氣品質維護改善計畫推動方向為參考環保署「直轄市及縣(市)空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評要點」中有關經費用於空污防制執行性重點計畫比例考評指標及未來之執行工作重點,考量預期效益並檢討以往同類型計畫執行成效,規劃九十三年度計畫包括屏東縣空污基金編列計畫,如營建工程污染管制計畫、柴油車檢測計畫、街道揚塵洗掃計畫空氣品質管理發展計畫、空品測站操作維護。向中央環保署申請補助之相關計畫包括固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳計畫、移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動計畫、柴油車油品檢測計畫、屏東縣果樹廢枝葉代工處理第二年計畫、砂石場清查列管專案計畫、工業區臭味及煙道採樣計畫、屏東縣空氣品質惡化緊急應變管理計畫、以及農業廢棄物多元化處理方案第三年計畫。 2003 PingTung Air Quality Management Plan 092 屏東縣政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=484
廚餘回收二階段發酵處理技術開發與評估 由於廚餘與一般垃圾混合處理的方法面臨合理化的要求,同時也為提昇垃圾焚化場運轉效率及減輕衛生掩埋場使用負荷壓力下,推行將廚餘從一般垃圾中分類回收,並加以適當處理再利用,就成為一項非常重要的環保工作。因此,本計畫將針對台灣都會地區的特性,規劃設計一套適合推行的廚餘回收二階段發酵處理再生有機肥的系統。希望透過這個系統,提供一個廚餘殘菜的最佳處理方法,以落實政府提倡資源回收再利用的環保觀念,甚至作為廚餘處理再生有機肥的參考。由本計畫所設計完成之第一階段廚餘高速發酵機的測試發現:70℃的操作溫度、風量全開(0.2 Nm3/min)、攪拌頻率每15分鐘一個循環及3.3%木屑添加量是最佳操作條件。至於,第二階段腐熟發酵試驗,以第一階段的半成品和0%、20%及33%等不同比例之新鮮廚餘混堆,經45天測試結果發現:發芽率分析的腐熟度,由原先的20.1-26.6%提高到65.3-74.2%,但仍未達80%以上的完全腐熟。因此,有待進一步測試。 The Development and Evaluation for Two-Stage Fermentation Treatment of Recycled Food Wastes Recently, the way to treat food wastes and general garbage together has been requested to be more reasonable. Also, in order to improve the operation efficiency of municipal waste incinerator, and reduce the burden of sanitary landfill operation, recycling of food wastes from garbage and reusing after proper treatment will be a very important issue of environmental protection. Therefore, this project will develop and design a two-stage fermentation system of food waste treatment for Taiwan metropolis. It is hopeful that the system can provide the best way for food waste treatment, and implement the government’s environmental protection concept of resources recycling as well as reusing. Moreover, this system can be also a reference for converting food wastes to organic fertilizers.The testing result of first stage high-efficiency fermentation machine has shown that 700C operation temperature, 0.2 Nm3/min air flow, 15 min /cycle stirring speed, and 3.3% wooden waste as an additive are the best condition for food waste treatment. In addition, the mixtures of 0%, 20%, and 33% of first stage products with fresh food wastes were composted to become thoroughly decomposed fertilizers for 45 days. The germination test of these organic fertilizers has shown that the percentages increase from 20.1-26.6% to 65.3-74.2% but not over 80% yet. Therefore, more composting time is necessary. 092 永續發展室 明志技術學院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1413
92年度臺南市柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢測計畫 摘 要1.計畫執行期程本計畫執行期程自92年6月9日至92年12月31日止,執行期間共計七個月。3.其它工作成果(1)入口鐵門更新:承諾更新入口鐵門,已完成。(2)環保署評鑑複評:8/11通過環保署評鑑。(3)檢測區地板鋪設金鋼砂:承諾檢測區地板鋪設金鋼砂,已完成鋪設。(4)檢測電腦及稽查電腦更新:因應電腦設備老舊更新檢測及稽查電腦,已完成。(5)檢測程式更新:CNS測試法於91年修正檢測程式需為全自動化,故在取得計畫初期已全面更新檢測程式。(6)老舊線路與動力計維修更新:多項傳輸線路老舊接觸不良,完成更新及動力計故障之維修。(7)安全錨鏈購置與鐵座之設置:購置全新安全錨鏈並將固定用之鐵座重新設置。(8)導入檢測預約制度:今年度計畫檢測工作導入電話預約檢測方式,平均解省車主2~5小時檢測等待時間。(9)數位錄影監控系統:設置數位錄影監控系統,將每日檢測情形錄製備查。並完成網際網路連線監控。(10)動力計軸承故障:動力計長期使用造成軸承故障,由大型車床工廠將滾筒吊回整修完成。(11)員工教育訓練:完成一場次員工教育訓練,針對計畫及工作內容加以教育。(12)相關性測試:完成與鄰近縣市之相關性測試,並對本市檢測站雙線進行內部相性比對。(13)5GAS檢測:完成300輛次5GAS檢測並對檢測結果加以分析。(14)ISO14001定期稽核:10/30接受ISO14401第四次環境定期稽核,目前認證維持有效中。(15)路邊油品採樣增加二十件:由於不合格率偏低,因此額外承諾增加二十件油品採樣。 092 台南市環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=55
92年臺中縣街道揚塵洗掃計畫 摘要92年度臺中縣民有民營街道揚塵洗掃計畫,自92年3月26日開始執行,計畫工作項目包括:洗掃及查核作業、成效評估、問卷調查、企業洗掃道路認養、提昇鄉鎮市洗掃效率及辦理污染防治議題演講,實際工作成果分述如下:(一) 洗掃作業及查核: 自92.4.8日開始執行街道洗掃作業,執行期間共辦理二次路線變更及一次路線增加,共計完成洗街23,052.7公里、掃街20,179.1公里。每月洗掃執行量如后所示:1. 洗街作業各月份之執行量分別為92年4月1,728.4公里、5月2,219.8公里、6月2,121.1公里、7月2,003.5公里、8月1,982.0公里、9月2,217.6公里、10月2438.8公里、11月2,287.0公里、12月1,523.0公里、93年1月1,339.1公里、2月1,351.5公里、3月1,840.7公里,合計23,052.7公里,執行率為100%。用水量統計方面本計畫計用水24,727.7公噸,單位里程之用水量為1.07 Ton/公里。 2. 掃街作業月份之執行數量分別為92年4月1,184.3公里、5月1,574.2公里、6月1,511.8公里、7月1,550.4公里、8月1,681.1公里、9月1,998.4公里、10月2,235.9公里、11月1,587.7公里、12月1,696.8公里、93年1月1,443.7公里、2月1,622.8公里、3月2,212.9公里,合計20,179.1公里,執行率為100%。總垃圾清運量為360,917公斤,平均每公里收集之垃圾塵土量為17.88公斤。。(二) 成效評估: TSP與街塵負荷量檢測分析,依季別區分調查路段共分四次包括:1.中棲路、豐勢路及中山路(第一次);2.中華路、沙田路及中山路(第二次);3.鎮南路、中棲路及中山路(第三次);4.國光路、中清路及中山路(第四次)。四次檢測計完成12條道路共36點次之TSP檢測與街塵負荷量分析作業。工作進度已達100 %。(三) 問卷調查:乃是委託天和水行銷顧問股份有限公司執行,前期調查於92年5月中旬開始執行共計750份,並於該月底完成。後期調查於92年12月下旬開始執行共計750份,並於93.1月初完成,總計1500份有效問卷,工作進度已達100 %。(四) 企業洗掃道路認養: 本項之工作內容分為三大步驟:1.前置規劃作業 2.洗掃執行作業 3.成效評定作業;在參加說明會之企業中共有15家企業同意參與本項道路認養活動,合計認養道路洗掃長度為洗街4,748.4公里、掃街1,698.6公里,符合預定認養目標量5000公里,工作進度已達100 %。(五) 提昇鄉鎮市洗掃效率:規劃臺中縣各鄉鎮市街道洗掃活動考核獎勵辦法,透過【評比考核獎勵】之方式提升各鄉鎮市之洗掃執行效率。(六) 污染防治議題演講:本計畫共辦理二場次之污染防制議題演講,第一場次於92.7.17日配合各鄉鎮市公所召開「公有公營執行成效考核與獎勵辦法」說明會時辦理,該演講係邀請彰師大工學院林院長主講,演講之主題為「GPS的概念及其在污染防制上之應用」。第二場次則於93.1.29日辦理,由弘光科技大學方國權校長主講「逸散性粒狀污染物之來源及其控制技術」。藉由「臺中縣(民有民營)街道揚塵洗掃計畫」各項事務的推行有效降低縣內道路揚塵量,達到改善空氣品質之目的。 092 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 欣欣環保工程股份有限公司,上浩工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=225
焚化爐飛灰及底灰重金屬物質成分調查 本研究之主要目的為引進最新適當技術評估焚化爐飛灰及底灰中金屬含量及種類是否具有回收之經濟價值和潛力。並依據評估結果提供台灣地區焚化爐所產生飛灰及底灰之最佳管理策略。因此,為引進最新方法進行適當評估焚化爐灰渣中重金屬的回收之經濟價值和潛力,本研究延請國外焚化爐物質流分析專家P. BRUNNER 與S. MOORE擔任顧問,以建構台灣地區大型焚化爐飛灰及底灰中重金屬含量及來源之研析模式。除文獻資料之外,本研究亦針對北中南都會區大型焚化爐進行實地採樣分析,為增加樣品偵測的靈敏度,以感應耦合電漿光譜分析儀分析飛灰及底灰樣品中重金屬組成及各主要金屬之濃度,並同時建立適合國內灰渣樣品分析之技術資料庫。於獲得實地的資訊後,結合文獻資料,以物質流分析方法建構模式,並依所得資訊計算焚化爐有回收潛力之重金屬總含量。根據北中南三廠的濃度來看,重金屬濃度可略分為三群:鐵、鋁為本研究灰渣分析中重金屬含量最高的,銅、鋅、鉛則次之,鎘與鉻則最低。焚化爐重金屬分佈物質流研究結果顯示除重金屬鎘之外,其餘六種金屬皆大部分集中在底渣中。除了目前含量的計算,本研究亦將進行未來含量的預估,試圖提出短、中、長期各地大型焚化爐灰渣中可回收主要金屬總量、各金屬回收率及其潛在價值,以及各種回收技術之成本支出、二次污染防治成本相對比較分析,以供署裡作為施政的參考。 The Investigation and Assessment of the Potential of Metal Recovery from Incunerator Fly Ash in Taiwan With very little natural metal resource, Taiwan imports most of the metal minerals for industrial uses and that is obviously unsustainable from a regional perspective. In order to use resource efficiently and reduce the demand of importing metals, recycling or recovering these metals from waste is a necessary and promising practice. Unlike most investigations that focus on toxic effects of heavy metals released from incinerators, this study assesses the recovery potential of metals commonly used and valuable for industries.The partitioning of iron, aluminum, copper, zinc, cadmium, chromium and lead between bottom ash and fly ash was investigated in three large municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerators located in the three largest cities, Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung, respectively in Taiwan. The flux of metals that pass through MSW incinerators was then estimated and the potential of metal recovery in MSW incinerators is assessed. The results show that these metals in our investigation can be divided into three groups based on concentration levels: iron and aluminum are the highest in concentration, copper, zinc, and lead are in the middle, and cadmium and chromium are the lowest. There are six metals in our investigation which tend to concentrate in bottom ash except for cadmium.The factors that might affect the distributions, like recycling rate, operation parameters and trash compositions, are discussed as well to explore if there is any regional difference. It is found that there is no obvious regional difference and recycling rates of plastics, rubbers and batteries are highly related to concentration of lead and zinc in fly ash as well as lead and copper in bottom ash. In conclusion, lead and zinc are the potential metals to develop further recovery policy when both concentrations in ash and technological feasibility are considered. 092 督察總隊 國立台灣大學環境工程研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=143
92年臺中縣營建工程污染管制計畫 臺中縣環境保護局於八十五年度開始執行營建工程污染管制計畫,為使空氣品質得以確實改善,並期待執行本計畫後有效管制營建工程之污染行為與減少公害發生,確切提昇生活環境品質。本年度計畫於執行七年度後,已讓本縣境內營建工地深入瞭解施工過程中可能發生之污染行為及其可推動之污染防制措施,對於本縣空氣品質乃至於整體環境都有相當正面的幫助;為延續過去本計畫執行的成效,並更進一步改善維護本縣空氣品質,持續推動本計畫是必要的。本年度計畫在本年度各項精進做法為首要工作,同時在計畫執行期間並持續推動營建空污費徵收作業、空污費催補繳、營建工地稽巡查工作、營建工地輔導作業、宣導作業、營建工地粒狀物檢測作業等相關工作。其他如營建工程道路認養推動作業,統計至93年2月29日止共計輔導工地執行道路認養承諾96件次,總洗掃長度共達15320.956km>考評年總洗掃長度14000公里,足見本半年度認養推動實施之成效。在非量化成果方面,本年度本縣營建工程施工的粒狀污染物逸散量為22627.7公噸,削減量為9433.33公噸,現況排放量為13194.37公噸,整體的削減率為41.69%,相較上一年度有大幅提昇,足見本年度管制計畫執行之成效;92年度計畫階段執行成果彙整於GIS系統等相關工作,亦均能達到計畫執行初期之預定目標。另本工作團隊在執行初期,即已詳細評估環保署92年考評指標之權重分配,針對各項考評指標執行重點修正執行策略,除整體效益之分數外,其餘各項指標均能達到預期滿分之標準,92年考評分數總分合計8分,除整體成效一項須由環保署及其空污技術諮詢小組評定外,經由環保署現場查核及本計畫自評結果,達成率為100%。 Pollution Management Project of Construction engineering in Taichung County, 2003. 092 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 上境科技(股)公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=77
研訂廢棄物焚化處理及灰渣再利用管理具體實施計畫 環保署為要適解決台灣地區垃圾處理問題,自八十年起積極推動大型垃圾焚化廠興建工程,目前已有十九座廠順利完工營運。由於進廠垃圾性質及種類對焚化後灰渣品質影響甚鉅,而灰渣品質及穩定性對其最終虛置及可否再利用有決定性之影響,若灰渣處理及管制不當,對環境有負面影響,故建立廢棄物處理及再利用管理系統制度,已為重要課題。本案工作內容包括協助環保署擬訂「廢棄物焚化處理及灰渣再利用管理實施計畫」、擬訂焚化廠廢棄物進廠及灰渣出廠管理規範、擬定焚化廠查核評鑑要點並辦理九十三年上半年十九座廠查核評鑑工作、辦理技術交流研討會等,期逐步有效建立及整合焚化廠土、中、下游管制機制,為焚化爐建立「環境設施新形象」。 Study and Preparation of Execution Plan for the Refuse Incineration Treatment and Ash Reuse Management For solving the problem of refuse treatment in Taiwan, EPA has advanced the construction of refuse incineration plants (RIP) vigorously since 1991. Nowadays, 19 plants are running successfully. Because that refuse property and variety affect the quality of RIP'S slag and the quality and stability of slag is the major factor which affect its final disposal and reuse. 1f slag is treated and managed improperly, it would influence our environments. So it becomes an important topic to establish the management mechanism of waste treatment and reuse. The scope of this project includes : to assist EPAto prepare" Executing Plan for Management of Waste Incinerating and Slag Reuse", to prepare the management criteria of waste receiving and slag treatment, to prepare the appraisal rules for RIP and execute the first 19 RIPs appraisal work on 2004, to hold technical exchange seminars. Hoping to effectively establish and integrate the up, middle and down stream management mechanism, and switch the RIP to" New Image of Environment Facility ". 092 督察總隊 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=163
92臺中縣固定污染源管制計畫 協助各項固定空氣污染源稽查管制、許可證核發管理及查核、空污費催補繳、自動連續監測系統維護及空氣品質惡化緊急通報等相關作業,並執行列管固定污染源資料更新擴充維護、建檔管理及宣導等各項業務,建立文書檔案及電腦資料庫;整個執行期程中並提供環保局技術支援、協助規劃管制策略及提供稽核管制人力,確實掌握稽查管制工作之執行、保存固定空氣污染源完整最新資料外,並可做為管制成效之評量及相關政策擬定之參考。本項工作之成果更可作為日後固定空氣污染源稽查管制及追蹤管理之根據,做為達成空氣污染物削減目標之資料來源。 092 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 衛宇科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=185
臺中縣九十二年度移動性污染源稽查管制 移動性污染源稽查管制計畫,對於機車應落實定期檢驗制度、加強路邊攔查、二行程機車攔檢,辦理各項宣導活動及協助環保局輔導查核民間機車定檢站,經由這些措施之配合,達到督促車輛使用人加強車輛保養維修管理,並且教育車輛駕駛人正確之操作觀念,進而減低車輛廢氣排放之污染,有效改善空氣品質。臺中縣九十二年度移動性污染源稽查管制計畫自九十二年四月八日開始執行至九十三年二月二十九日執行成果,總計完成路邊未定檢機車攔查數32,714輛次,回檢25,903輛次;未定檢機車抄牌76,353輛次,寄發通知47,580輛次,回檢36,662輛次;二行程機車攔檢數5,512輛次,172家定檢站二次定期查核及47家定檢站不定期查核一次,三場次機車定檢站業務研討會辦理;五場次偏遠地區定檢業務辦理;各項提昇定檢到檢率宣導方案推行及辦理民眾陳情案件處理及告發處分相關作業。由機車定檢資料分析,在CO與HC排放濃度表現上,若以廠牌分,在CO濃度排放方面則以三陽及光陽廠牌表現較佳,而以偉士牌與永豐廠牌表現較不理想;在HC排放濃度方面則以光陽表現最佳、三陽次之,而仍以偉士牌、永豐廠牌表現較不理想。若以車齡分,3年以上車齡之機車在CO及HC濃度排放方面隨車齡增加而有升高趨勢,且以十年以上車齡之機車最為嚴重,可見老舊車輛確屬於高污染族群,應加強宣導其汰舊;若以排氣量區分,無論CO或HC其排放濃度表現皆隨排氣量增加而降低。而以行程別區分,CO或HC其排放濃度表現皆以四行程機車較二行程機車低。依中鼎顧問公司提供之交通工具污染物排放削減量係數推估,本年度計畫執行至十二月底,污染物排放削減量在NMHC部份為577.33噸/年、在CO部份為2898.53噸/年。172家定檢站已完成二次定期查核,查核結果以未標示檢測動線或未標明檢測區及待測區及檢測人員未掛名牌二種情形最多。至九十二年十二月底止,臺中縣機車排氣定檢到檢率分別為71.39﹪(回歸車籍)及69.42%(依定檢站),於二十三縣市排名分別為第六名及第八名。各項工作成果如成果摘要表。 092 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 華門工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=159
垃圾焚化飛灰熔融廠興建工程規劃、設計及監造專案工作計畫 本計畫因故提前終止,未執行完畢,僅有第一次工作進度報告,未有期末成果報告 Planning, Basic Design and Construction Supervision of the MSWI Fly Ash Melting Plant NA 092 督察總隊 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=167
都市垃圾焚化爐飛灰電漿熔融資源化處理技術開發計畫 環保署與核研所成立「都市垃圾焚化爐飛灰電漿熔融資源化處理技術開發」合作計畫的目的是要研究探討電漿熔融處理飛灰的特性與效益,並建立都市垃圾焚化爐灰渣電漿熔融資源化雛型系統及相關技術,使焚化爐灰渣電漿熔融資源化技術能紮根於國內。本合作計畫完成北投、內湖、樹林、新竹市及高雄市中區等五座焚化廠一年四次焚化灰渣樣品之成分定量、戴奧辛含量、重金屬溶出試驗等分析,與灰渣熔融特性理論分析,以及實驗型電漿爐熔融小量灰渣樣品,獲得灰渣熔融配比與熔融操作條件;並以55加侖桶盛裝壓塊飛灰進行整桶熔融試驗,證實飛灰熔融之可靠性;及進行焚化灰渣電漿熔融資源化雛型系統運轉測試,計運轉19批次,超過1,000小時之熔融水淬試驗,並完成單批次連續7天之運轉,測試期間共熔融約66公噸灰渣,及產出約47公噸水淬熔岩。水淬熔岩經檢測,其重金屬與戴奧辛含量均遠低於法規限值。核研所於計畫執行期間亦併行發展水淬熔岩資源化技術,實際應用於透水磚製作、道路級配與玻璃陶瓷等。另焚化飛灰處理成本,依飛灰:底渣=1:1比例混合熔融處理並產製資源化產品,處理單價為4.90元/公斤;如飛灰添加廢玻璃熔融處理,處理單價為5.55元/公斤。而飛灰採水泥固化穩定化處理後掩埋,處理單價為5.70元/公斤,且處理後體積將增加30~40%,對後續掩埋場所需土地範圍大及潛藏對環境的危害風險。本結案報告內容除敘述各工作項之研究成果外,亦針對電漿熔融技術處理焚化灰渣之效益加以評估。同時,建議政府宜掌握契機加速本土化電漿技術之應用發展,使電漿技術產業不再重蹈焚化爐工程技術被外國企業所掌控之覆轍。 Final Report of the Cooperated Project between the Taiwan EPA and INER:Development of Plasma Vitrification Technology for Recycling Fly Ashes Generated from Municipal Solid Wastes Incinerators Fly ashes from municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerators containing harmful constituents such as heavy metals and dioxins are classified as hazardous wastes. Twenty-seven MSW incinerators with total design capacity of 25,400 tons/day to be installed in Taiwan shall generate fly ashes and bottom ashes daily with a quantity about 1,000 tons/day and 4,000 tons/day respectively. Due to space limitation and high population density, the treatment and disposal of MSW fly ash has become an issue of the public concerns in Taiwan. Currently, MSW fly ashes are treated by cement solidification method and then sent to disposal sites. In order to provide a better solution, Taiwan EPA and the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER) joined together to study the plasma melting process for recycling the ash residues through a cooperated project between November 2003 and September 2005. Bottom and fly ashes were sampled from five MSW incinerators (i.e. Beitou, Neihu incinerators in Taipei city, Shulin incinerator in Taipei county, Nanlao incinerator in Shin-Chu city and the central area incinerator in Kaohsiung city) for this study. The chemical compositions, dioxins contents, radioactivity and leaching rates of the regulated heavy metals etc. were analyzed. Plasma vitrification of bottom ashes and fly ashes from five operating MSW incinerators in Taiwan was studied. Experimental results from lab-scale testing show that all the bottom ashes (BA) and fly ashes from boilers and economizers (FA) can be converted into high-quality slag at 1,450°C,but fly ashes from semi-dry air pollution control device (i.e. reaction ashes, RA) can not be melt even at 1,650°C due to high basicity (CaO/SiO2) and high chloride contents. To effectively vitrify the reaction ashes, bottom ashes or boiler ashes were added with proper weight ratios to control the basicity of the ash mixtures in between one and three. Pilot-scale plasma furnace with drum feeder was used to process the pre-compressed ash residues into barreled slag in batch operation mode to verify reliability of the whole system. Successful plasma vitrification testing encourages Taiwan EPA and INER to build a demonstrative plasma melting system to vitrify the ash residues into water-quenched slag in continuous operation mode for further recycling study. The plasma demo-system have been operated in 19 performance test runs and accumulated more than 1,000 operation hours. One continuous operation last for seven days was completed to prove the availability and reliability of the plasma vitrification technology developed by INER. Sixty-six tons of bottom ash and fly ash were vitrified during the testing and forty-seven tons of water-quenched slag was generated. Several eco-products such as permeable bricks, glass ceramic, perfume bottles and statues etc. were made from water-quenched slag for recycling practice. The water-quenched slag was also mixed with bitumen to form asphalt concrete for road pavement.To estimate the operation cost, a plasma vitrification plant with a capacity of 50 tons per day to recycle the MSW ash residues was evaluated based on the conditions that the mixing ratio of fly ash and bottom ash is 1:1 and the water-quenched slag are used to produce permeable bricks. The process cost is about 8.91 NT dollars per kilogram ash mixture. By counting the revenue of the permeable bricks, the net operation cost is reduced to 4.90 NT dollars per kilogram ash mixture. To increase the feeding ratio of fly ash, waste glasses can be used as flux instead of bottom ash and the operation cost to vitrify the fly ash becomes to 5.55 NT$/kg. For comparison, the disposal cost of fly ash by using cement solidification process with chemical stabilizer is given as 5.7 NT$/kg. From this study, one can conclude that fly ashes from MSW incinerators could be vitrified into high quality slag and recycled as different eco-products with considerable value by plasma torch. Domestic plasma vitrification technology to recycle the MSW ash residues has been established through the execution of this project. Installation of commercial plasma melting plants to recycle MSW ash residues using domestic plasma technology should be considered and promoted by government for creating an everlasting environment. 092 督察總隊 行政院原子能委員會核能研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=161
實施購物用塑膠袋及塑膠類(含保麗龍)免洗餐具限制使用政策意向調查 壹、本調查之調查對象為居住在台灣地區年滿十八歲以上之民眾,調查方式以電腦輔助電話訪問(CATI)方式辦理,在信賴水準於95%時,百分比估計值的抽樣誤差在2.04%以下。貳、第一次調查摘要:一、調查目的為蒐集民眾對於實施購物用塑膠袋限制使用政策之感受及相關購物用塑膠袋使用行為。二、調查期間為民國九十一年八月十一日至十五日。三、有效樣本數2,402人。四、調查結果顯示:(一)九成的民眾知道政府正在推動「購物用塑膠袋限用政策」(二)五成七的民眾過去外出購物時,從來沒有自備購物袋的經驗;而現在外出購物時,從來沒有自備購物袋的受訪者只有三成六(三)有六成七的民眾表示,政府七月一日在公家機關學校實施「購物用塑膠袋限用政策」後,對日常生活沒有影響,同時購物用塑膠袋的使用量也有減少的情況(四)三成二的民眾表示,最近有去過已實施不免費提供購物用塑膠袋的賣場;其中裝提物品的方式,以自備購物袋方式的比率最高,有五成五(五)主要以付費使用商家提供之購物用塑膠袋裝提物品的34位民眾中,會重覆使用付費取得的購物用塑膠袋的有七成(六)八成四的民眾表示,政府明年全面實施「購物用塑膠袋限用政策」後,外出購物時,會自備購物袋(七)全面實施「購物用塑膠袋限用政策」後,有高達五成七的民眾表示裝提物品時會選擇以自備購物袋裝提(八)六成八的民眾表示,支持明年將百貨公司、量販店、超級市場、連鎖便利商店、速食店及有店面餐飲業等場所也納入限制使用購物用塑膠袋場所。參、第二次調查摘要:一、調查目的為蒐集民眾對於實施購物用塑膠袋及塑膠類(含保麗龍)免洗餐具限制使用政策之感受及相關購物用塑膠袋及免洗餐具使用行為。二、調查期間為民國九十一年十一月四日至八日。三、有效樣本數2,401人。四、調查結果顯示:(一)八成二的民眾知道政府正在推動「塑膠類免洗餐具限制使用政策」(二)平常在外出用餐時,有四成四的民眾有經常或偶爾使用免洗餐具的經驗;有五成三的民眾很少或從來沒有使用免洗餐具(三) 如果業者同時提供可清洗重複使用的餐具與免洗餐具,有四成七的民眾會選擇可清洗重複使用的餐具;另外,七成五的民眾表示能夠接受,業者從過去使用免洗餐具,改為可清洗重複使用的餐具(四)在回答不能夠接受業者改為可清洗重複使用的餐具的民眾中,有九成是因為不放心餐具清洗是否乾淨衛生(五)假若政府對於餐飲業者的餐具清洗衛生有訂定「餐具清洗良好作業指引」,並要求業者據以實施及配合不定期查驗,有八成三的民眾表示,能夠接受使用可重複清洗的餐具(六)七成八的民眾表示,政府十月一日起在公家機關學校實施「塑膠類(含保麗龍)免洗餐具限制使用政策」後,對日常生活沒有影響;另外,有六成八的民眾表示有減少免洗餐具的使用(七)八成五的民眾表示,支持政府十月一日起在公家機關學校實施「塑膠類(含保麗龍)免洗餐具限制使用政策」;七成九的民眾表示支持明年起,百貨公司、量販店、超級市場、連鎖便利商店、速食店及有店面餐飲業等場所實施第二階段塑膠類(含保麗龍)免洗餐具限制使用政策(八)九成的民眾表示,知道政府正在推動「購物用塑膠袋限制使用政策」(九)六成的民眾表示,政府七月一日起在公家機關學校實施「購物用塑膠袋限制使用政策」至今,已經習慣賣場不免費提供購物用塑膠袋;五成七的民眾表示,現在外出購物時,自己會攜帶購物袋(十)五成二的民眾最近有去過不免費提供購物用塑膠袋的賣場(十一)在去過不免費提供購物用塑膠袋的賣場的1207位民眾,會自備購物袋的有五成六(十二) 在不免費提供購物用塑膠袋的賣場購物時,以付費方式使用商家提供之塑膠袋的41位民眾中,會重複使用塑膠袋的有六成九(十三) 七成九的民眾表示,經政府推動購物用塑膠袋限制使用政策後,能夠有效減少塑膠袋(十四) 八成二的民眾表示,政府明年一月一日實施第二階段「購物用塑膠袋限制使用政策」,會自備購物袋上街(十五) 八成的民眾表示,支持明年起將百貨公司、量販店、超級市場、連鎖便利商店、速食店及有店面餐飲業等場所實施第二階段購物用塑膠袋限制使用政策。 Opinion Survey of Forbiddance Policy on Plastic Shopping Bags/Plastic (Styrofoam) Disposable Dishware Objectives:Environment Protection Administration (EPA) launched the first stage plastic shopping bags forbiddance policy on July 1st, 2002, and the first stage plastic (Styrofoam) disposable dishware forbiddance policy on October 1st. In order to learn public opinions on these policies, EPA invited Gallup Market Research Corp. Taiwan (GMRC) to conduct a market research for important reference of future policy making. The first research spanned from August 11th to August 15th, focusing on plastic shopping bags forbiddance policy put in effect on July 1st. The second research spanned from November 4th to November 8th focusing on plastic shopping bags forbiddance policy and plastic (Styrofoam) disposable dishware forbiddance policy, which is put in effect on October 1st. This research mainly covers the following contents:1.Public awareness of government#s enforcement of "Plastic (Styrofoam) Disposable Dishware Forbiddance Policy", 2.Public behavior of using plastic (Styrofoam) disposable dishware before and after government#s enforcement of "Plastic (Styrofoam) Disposable Dishware Forbiddance Policy",3.Public support for the full-scale enforcement of "Plastic (Styrofoam) Disposable Dishware Forbiddance Policy",4.Public awareness of government#s enforcement of "Plastic Shopping Bag Forbiddance Policy",5.Public behavior of using plastic shopping bags before and after the enforcement of "Plastic Shopping Bag Forbiddance Policy" in government agencies and schools, 6.Public behavior of using plastic shopping bags after the full-scale enforcement of "Plastic Shopping Bag Forbiddance Policy" in the future, 7.Public support for the full-scale enforcement of "Plastic Shopping Bag Forbiddance Policy". 091 統計室 蓋洛普徵信股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3576
九十一年度環保支出統計調查 本調查主要目的為推估政府及產業部門之環保支出,藉以瞭解描述環境與經濟間關係的資訊,以供編製綠色國民所得帳及相關決策之參考。調查區域為臺閩地區。調查對象為政府部門(包括中央及地方各級行政機關與公營非製造業、公營非水電燃氣業機構、公私立大專院校)與產業部門(包括公民營製造業及公營水電燃氣業機構)。資料期間為民國九十年(九十年一月一日至九十年十二月三十一日)。調查方式以郵寄問卷為主,電話催收和電話訪問為輔。政府部門採全查,共回卷1,222個單位;公營製造業及水電燃氣業廠商採全查,,共回卷180個單位;民營製造業採抽查,共回卷3,200家廠商。推估母體資料分析彙整如下:一、九十年政府部門之環保總支出共計623.2億元,依支出用途來看,污染防治支出共計544.1億元(占87.3%),綜合支出(包括研究及發展、監測及檢驗、環境影響評估)13.9億元(占2.2%),規費(包括空污費、土污費)3.4億元(占0.5%),其他61.8億元(占9.9%)。污染防治的支出用途以廢棄物384.2億元(70.6%)最多,其次是水質123.3億元(22.7%),空氣33.4億元(6.1%),噪音及振動1.7億元(0.3%),毒性化學物質1.5億元(0.3%)。綜合支出的支出用途以監測及檢驗7.8億元(56.1%)最多,其次是研究及發展4.1億元(29.3%),環境影響評估2.0億元(14.6%)。繳交之規費以營建工程空污費3.2億元(94.0%)最多,依氮氧化物排放量繳交之空污費0.1億元(4.0%),依硫氧化物排放量繳交之空污費0.1億元(1.9%),土污費僅有13萬9千元(0.0%)。 二、九十年產業部門環保總支出為614.8億元,依支出用途來看,污染防治支出407.0億元(占66.2%),委外及共同處理支出119.9億元(占19.5%),環保規費(包含營建工程空污費、固定及移動污染源空污費、資源回收清除處理支出、土污費)70.2億元(占11.4%),綜合支出(包含研究及發展、環境影響評估)8.9億元(占1.4%),其他支出8.8億元(占1.4%)。污染防治支出包括污染防治設備折舊費用211.7億元,污染防治設備之操作維護費用195.3億元。污染防治設備折舊費用以廢氣處理99.2億元(46.9%)最多,其次是廢水處理73.1億元(34.5%),再其次是廢棄物回收清除處理17.9億元(8.4%)。污染防治設備操作維護費用以廢水處理90.3億元(46.2%)最多,其次是廢氣處理64.4億元(33.0%),再其次是廢棄物回收清除處理27.8億元(14.2%)。委外處理支出包括委託民間部門93.8億元和委託政府部門11.3億元,共計105.1億元;共同處理費達14.8億元。就委外及共同處理總支出之分配比率來看,委託民間部門高達78.2%,共同處理支出及委託政府部門則分別占12.3%及9.4%。綜合支出包括環保相關研究及發展費用總計為7.7億元(86.5%),環境影響評估為1.2億元(13.5%)。繳交之規費以資源回收清除處理費26.9億元最多(38.4%),其次依序是固定污染源空污費21.9億元(31.2%),移動污染源空污費18.8億元(26.8%),營建工程空污費1.7億元(2.4%),土污費0.8億元(1.1%)。 Report on the 2001 R.O.C. Environmental Protection Expenditure Survey The objectives of this survey were to estimate the environmental protection expenditures by both government sector and manufacturing industries and to understand the relationship between environment and economics.This survey covered all R.O.C. territory. The population of this survey included two sectors: government sector and industry sector. Government sector included all levels of government units, public non-manufacturing industries, public non-water-electric-and-gas industries, and public and private colleges. The industry sector included both public and private, manufacturing industries, and public water-electric-and-gas industry. The data period covered from January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001.Mail survey data collection method was used, followed up by telephone calls to urge the returns of questionnaires. For the non-returns, telephone interviews were then conducted. The government was census; public manufacturing industries and public water-electric-and-gas industries were also census; while sample survey was conducted for the private manufacturing industries. Major findings, which were estimated from the sample of this survey were summarized as follows:1.The environmental protection expenditures by the government sector totaled NT $62.32 billions: pollution abatement expenditure NT $54.41 billions, general expenditure (including research & development, monitoring and inspection, and environmental impact study) NT $1.39 billions, environmental protection fees (including air pollution control fee and soil contamination control fee) NT $0.34 billions, and other environmental protection expenses NT $6.18 billions.2.The environmental protection expenditures by the industry sector totaled NT $61.48 billions which included the pollution abatement costs NT $40.7 billions, contracted expenses and joint waste treatment NT $11.99 billions, the environmental protection fee (including construction sites air pollution control fee, stationary and mobile sources 091 統計室 故鄉市場調查股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3582
發行英文環保政策月刊專案工作計畫 本計畫的目標是經由熟悉環保法規及政策人士之蒐集整理,將國內環保法規動態及未來政策趨勢加以彙整分析,並進一步採訪環保政策的參與者及執行者-環保署各業務處主管等-進行施政訪談,從人事變動,再談到預算編列及執行現況,讓政策的全貌浮現。並經專業之翻譯後,以英文的模式,藉平面雜誌之發行及張貼網路的方法,提供各界瞭解我國環保施政的便利管道,以宣揚我國環保施政之成果及普及環境政策。 Environmental Policy Monthly, EPA, Taiwan, R.O.C. To evaluate the capability of countries, often the openness of government’s policy is recognized as one of evaluation indicators. By the promulgation of English periodicals, the project is to provide the trend of Taiwan’s environmental protection policy for foreigners, minimizing barriers of foreign investment and also enhancing Taiwan’s capability.In addition, since many of environmental protection control measures play an important role in the international trade, the publication of the news monthly intends to give foreign companies relevant information about Taiwan’s environmental protection regulations to comply with while still allowing companies making profits. This will lead to win-win situation, balancing environmental protection and economics.To meet the aim of the project, the dynamics and policy trend of Taiwan’s environmental protection regulations are gathered, analyzed and translated by experts. English is used as the language in the news monthly. By utilization of papers and internet website measures, this will provide a channel allowing all circles to understand the current situation of Taiwan environmental protection, and so as to publicize its achievement. 091 永續發展室 惠國顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3584
電弧爐煉鋼廠乙座與四座垃圾焚化廠附近居民血液中戴奧辛濃度資料建立計畫 本計畫於台中市、嘉義市、高雄市中區焚化廠及高雄市小港區(含南區垃圾焚化廠與電弧爐煉鋼廠)附近地區分別完成87、99、103及177份居民血液中17種多氯戴奧辛/?喃成分含量分析,居民血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃平均濃度分別為15.7、14.2、19.8及21.2 pg I-TEQ /g lipid。焚化廠運作時間長短並未與居民血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃濃度具相關性,運轉時間最久之台中市焚化廠(至採樣時共運轉約七年)附近居民血液中濃度並未較其他三廠(至採樣時運轉2.8~3.8年)高。本計畫進行的四座焚化廠及電弧爐煉鋼廠附近居民血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃分析,在經過邏輯式回歸分析,納入影響及背景區、性別、年齡、體脂比、抽菸與二手菸等因子之後,只有年齡在四廠間均有明顯的相關,顯示隨著年齡的增加,血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃濃度有明顯的增高。性別上,四區女性居民之血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃濃度均高於男性(女性平均值:19.9 pg I-TEQ/g lipid;男性:16.3 pg I-TEQ/g lipid),但經邏輯式回歸分析之後,只有高雄市南區焚化廠與電弧爐煉鋼廠有顯著的差異。綜合分析十六座廢棄物資源回收廠及六座電弧爐煉鋼廠附近居民血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃毒性當量濃度分布差異,依I-TEQ濃度平均值排列,以居住於高雄市南區廠及六座電弧爐煉鋼廠附近之民眾血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃平均濃度21.2 pg I-TEQ/g lipid(23.5 pg WHO98-TEQDF/g lipid)最高,台北縣新店廠14.0 pg I-TEQ/g lipid(14.7 pg WHO98-TEQDF/g lipid)最低,其餘各廠均介於14.0~20.3 pg I-TEQ/g lipid(14.7-23.7 pg WHO98-TEQDF/g lipid),全部1505個民眾血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃平均毒性當量濃度為17.2 I-TEQ/g lipid,此結果相近於國外測值。進一步分析十六座廢棄物資源回收廠及六座電弧爐煉鋼廠附近民眾血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃之成分含量分布,結果發現不論是以I-TEQ或是以WHO-TEQ表示,以PCDD或PCDF計算分析,各廠濃度分布結果均呈現顯著性之差異,顯示某些廠之間各種同源物之濃度比例差異甚大。以ANOVA test之事後檢定(Tukey-Kramer HSD)進行各廠之比較,結果發現居住於高雄市南區及六座電弧爐煉鋼廠附近民眾血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃濃度高於其他焚化廠,亦高於平均值約22.6 %,且在各同源物含量分布比例上與其他焚化廠亦呈現顯著之差異。分析居民血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃濃度值於性別、年齡及其他特性分類之濃度分布情形,結果顯示不同性別、年齡、體脂比例及抽煙形態之居民血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃之濃度均有顯著差異。而依據民眾飲食習慣將食物分成十大類,經調整性別、年齡、BMI、抽煙習慣後,進行血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃濃度與各類食物攝取量之回歸統計,結果發現海水魚之飲食攝取量與血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃濃度呈現正向相關性,主食類、乳品類及蛋豆核果類之攝取則呈現負向關係性。進一步分析將各廠之居民海水魚及血液中PCDD/Fs濃度值進行比較後發現八里、崁頂及台南之民眾海水魚之攝取量高,居民之血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃濃度亦有較高之現象。利用複回歸方式分析血液中戴奧辛濃度高低與生化檢查異常比例之分布情形,將年齡及性別因子調整後分析,結果發現血糖依然與血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃濃度呈現正向關係性(β=2.006, p<0.05),此結果與目前文獻上曾發現多氯戴奧辛/?喃職業暴露族群與糖尿病之正向關係呈現一致之結果。分析血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃濃度高低與居民曾發生疾病史比例之分布之關係,利用複回歸方式將年齡及性別因子調整後分析,結果發現冠狀動脈硬化與糖尿病與血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃濃度呈現正向關係性(β=2.006, p<0.05),但甲狀腺亢進則呈現相反之結果,此結果與T3、T4、TSH之檢測結果一致。綜合以上之結果,發現以暴露評估而言,台灣地區各區域民眾血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃濃度確實有顯著之差異,而造成血液濃度分布有所差異的原因可能來自於空氣暴露來源、飲食暴露來源等,因此建議將居民之居住地型態加以分類如都市型、鄉村型、工業型、海港或漁村型,並調查主要戴奧辛排放來源,將有助於釐清其暴露來源之比例。高雄市南區及六座電弧爐煉鋼廠附近之民眾血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃濃度較高可能之原因則包括民眾牛羊肉及海鮮食用量較其他地區民眾高及周界有多重污染源,由於此地區整體之多氯戴奧辛/?喃排放量較高,建議應積極進行區域多氯戴奧辛/?喃排放減量。此外,不同區位焚化爐附近居民血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃濃度並不相同,顯示上有其他主要之多氯戴奧辛/?喃暴露來源,因此建議除對於不同暴露來源之調查仍須持續進行外,應持續監測不同區位焚化爐附近居民血液中多氯戴奧辛/?喃濃度,以確保民眾之健康及福祉。 Assessing the Background Serum Concentrations of PCDDs/PCDFs in the Residents Neighboring one Electric Arc Furnace and Four Incinerators 091 空保處 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3678
九十一年度辦公室做環保運動實施計畫 現代人之生活作息有三分之一的時間是處於辦公室環境中,若有效推動企業、政府機關全面推動辦公室做環保,就能夠節約資源、增進健康、創造更美好的工作環境。本項計畫主要包括中央部會訪視行程、輔導評選及宣導計畫三項:一、 中央部會訪視:係針對三十三個中央部會(不含高雄市政府、中部辦公室)成立輔導小組進行辦公室做環保執行狀況檢查,訪視於91年6月中完成,輔導結果各機關皆有卓著改善成效。在特殊成效方面,中央單位推動辦公室做環保亦有相當大之創新,茲將具體做法概述如下:1.推動ISO9002及 ISO14000環境管理系統認證。2.定期舉辦所屬單位之內部評比,積極參與環保工作。3.宣導教育工作有顯著的進步與成長。4.以照度計及空氣品質監測器自行檢查該單位之標準。5.建立資源回收具體數量及回收管道。二、 輔導及評選計畫:設置輔導專線台北(02)27377319、27299050及新竹(03)5918094,輔導廠商達七十五家,藉由公開輔導、交流方式有效地將辦公室做環保理念帶入企業經營管理方案中,創造更人性、更符合保護環境的辦公室文化。建立輔導廠商推動現況及優缺點資料。輔導工作另配合教學光碟、手冊、網站等各類資訊提供各界索取。宣導工作已深獲地方環保局參與配合,且落實地區機關團體之輔導參與工作,事半功倍。績優單位選拔工作報名廠商共計55家,經初審、複審作業,最後績優獎項得獎單位計24家。表揚典禮於91年12月13日在環保署舉行,約計一百五十來賓共襄盛舉。三、宣導工作除於全省北、中、南及東區辦理四場說明會外,並於十二月五日及十二月十日分別觀摩台中港務局及富邦產物保險股份有限公司。 綜言之,參與本項選拔活動之單位均具有高度關懷環保工作之共識及實績,藉由辦公室做環保工作之執行,必能有效落實資源回再利用、綠美化,為我們的環境空間增添色彩。 Greening the Office Campaign Realizing that modern people spend almost one third of their daily lives in their respective offices, it becomes vital for us to try to promote the “Greening the Office Campaign” in the aim to save energy, to improve our health and to create a better working environment. This year’s project on “Greening the Office Campaign” involved three major work items:1. Visit of central government agenciesA consultation group was set-up to visit the 33 central government agencies’ offices (not including Taipei and Kao-Shiung City Governments) to check on the current practices and to provide recommendations. This task was completed in mid-June. Besides general measures, there were a few innovative ones:a. Promotion of ISO 9002 and 14000 certifications,b. Internal contests at scheduled intervals,c. Very much improved educational programsd. Uses of Luminous Flux Indicators and Indoor Air Quality Monitors to check against internal emission standards.e. Establishment of recycling systems and documentations of records.2. Consultation and Evaluation:Telephone hotlines were set-up to provide consultation services to over 75 organizations. Besides provisions of general recommendations and answers questions, we also made available to the public many different forms of promotional material, including CDs, manuals and website. There were a total of 55 organizations which participated in the Campaign. After careful and stringent scrutiny, 24 best-performing organizations were openly rewarded. The ceremony was held in TEPA on December 13 with a total of 150 attendees.3. PromotionIn addition to having four workshops to explain the meaning and the content of the Campaign in the north, middle, south and east part of Taiwan, we arranged two visits to the Taichung Harbor Authority and the Fu-Bang Property Insurance Company on December 5 and 10, respectively. In all, all the organizations which participated in this year’s Campaign are very much concerned about the environment and thus are devoted to take actions to green their offices. This is a very good sign that after years of promotions, we have really achieved a lot through having the Greening the Office Campaign. 091 毒管處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3750
二仁溪及將軍溪流域污染削減執行計畫 完成污染源調查1178點,包括事業455點、社區21點、掩埋場5點、養豬場296點(含養豬頭數小於200頭者);非點源軍營完成5個區域、漁塭共396個單位。完成評估三處區域可優先進行河岸綠美化的地點,包括二仁溪南萣橋、五空橋上下游,將軍溪河口七股鹽場。完成評估二仁溪增加5處,將軍溪增加3處地點為新增水質監測站。完成二次空拍,將衛星導航系統紀錄之軌跡路線轉成GIS可讀取之圖檔及軌跡路線時間座標檔,以空拍影像進行整治前後成效比較。二仁溪及將軍溪流域之污染改善指標包括水質改善指標與污染改善指標,在二仁溪及將軍溪指標污染物之方面,選擇以BOD作為主要之指標污染物,二仁溪以重金屬銅作為無機性污染之指標污染物。BOD水質項目之指標監測站,二仁溪為二層行橋,三爺溪為建國村,將軍溪為文瑞橋,以作為檢視其污染改善成效之指標測站。除水質改善指標外,並包括「污染量削減指標」、「河岸環境建設績效指標」、「污染源管制績效指標」、「住民自主參與指標」、「河川生態指標」等五種。完成流域各類污染源產生量、排放量及流達量推估,並收集36份國內外相關家禽家畜(豬、雞、鴨、鵝、牛、羊)污染量資料,召開二次專家學者研商會。完成87家重金屬污染之事業及21家養豬業現場輔導改善及查核,除漁牧綜合經營者廢水處理設施未開機,其餘業者皆有正常操作。重金屬污染源主要常見缺失為沉澱槽之操作,皮革業污染源主要為活性污泥槽之操作;畜牧養豬業者主要為好氧槽之細菌濃度偏低。提出「流域化糞池清理實施計畫(草案) 」,協助召開跨部會相關單位進行研商,已初步達成共識,以公務機關、公立學校優先清理。協助追蹤彙整縣(市)執行之25個污染整治計畫,協助召開10餘次計畫進度研商會,彙整計畫執行進度與相關計畫執行成果。完成協助召開三次跨部會會議,並提出將軍溪、二仁溪及鹽水溪流域之水質改善措施。更新將軍溪、二仁溪流域之流域整體性環境地理資訊系統及資料庫,可提供流域空間分析、污染源追蹤、相關環境資料屬性查詢,傳達流域污染整治重要資訊。 Project of the enforcement of eliminating pollutants in Erh-Jen river and Ching-Chun river basin. Completes the survey of 1178 pollution sources, estimates three of the territory of river’s bank to be beautified place. Completes two times of spatial rackets of photograph. Pollutant improvement index was BOD in Erh-Jen river and Ching-Chun river.Completes estimate of each pollution’s sources in the Erh-Jen river and Ching-Chun river basin. Completes 87 of heavy mental pollution of industrials and 21of pig’s farms. Proposes " Project of cesspit executes in the Erh-Jen river and Ching-Chun river (Draft)". First priority of cleaning buildings are government agents and public schools. The GIS database was divided six catalogs, included data of environmental background, data of topography, data of natural environment, data of environmental management, data of pollutant’s management. 091 水保處 財團法人中技社環境技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3688
山坡地等地區環境影響評估總量管制計畫--以苗栗縣為例 總量管制是以環境承載力為基礎,用以確保環境資源的開發利用能在其環境可容受的範圍內進行之,以期能降低不當之開發行為所導致之環境問題與災害。總量管制的內涵在於針對個別區域環境之特性,並依據區域內各類環境承載力大小程度的不同,在制定管制標準時,基本上必須考慮水、空氣、土壤等環境受體之涵容能力。本研究乃以苗栗縣為研究範圍,分析計畫區總量管制在開發行為環境影響評估審議過程中之應用,分別針對空氣品質、水資源供給、河川水質、環境敏感地、土壤品質及土地使用適宜性等環境因子進行總量管制分析。以研擬此計畫區內環境資源的總量評估與管制策略,以供環保署環境影響評估總量管制之參考。並將本研究蒐集及建立之環境相關資料,以地理資訊系統建檔以作為後續環境敏感地分析、都市發展課題研擬及總量管制評估分析等各項作業之基礎資料。就土地使用與環境敏感地而言,苗栗縣內保護區的面積佔全縣的27%,條件發展區為70%,其他地區僅佔3%。苗栗縣空氣品質部分,空氣品質不良(PSI>100)的日數卻並不多,平均僅佔全年的2%左右,即使在最高年份(1996年頭份有15日、1999年新竹有10次)也少於整年的5%,為空氣品質狀況較為優良的地區。儘管如此,推動台灣地區懸浮微粒排放減量仍然是改善空氣品質之首要之務,這方面需加強汽機車等移動污染源和大型工廠等固定污染源的控管工作,訂定合理的成長或消減額度,方能達到逐步改善空氣品質的目標。水資源方面,苗栗縣總出水能量中以地表水為取水水源之出水能量約為165,000CMD,約佔總出水量之68%,顯見苗栗地區自來水系統以地表水為主,地下水為輔。目前自來水用水主要由永和山水庫、明德水庫、鯉魚潭水庫。至民國九十二年可滿足用水需求,但九十二年以後須增加水資源之開發與調配。苗栗縣境內水系污染涵容能力分析結果,中港溪河段受污染嚴重優先削減物質為BOD、SS與氨氮。後龍溪中下游河段污染較為嚴重,優先削減物質為BOD與氨氮。西湖溪全河段未受或稍受污染。大安溪河段中度污染程度,優先削減河段為SS。環境影響評估總量管制之精神,應基於各地方發展之需要,就整體性與地區性資源、環境保護、國土規劃、資源利用之衝突和相關法規相配合。因此,環保當局應兼顧環境品質和經濟發展前提下訂定最佳的環境總量管制策略,避免台灣地區環境負荷過量加劇天然災害所造成的影響或限制過當妨礙地方之發展。而總量管制概念架構及環境影響評估流程,宜納入國土開發、區域發展及地方發展計畫(白皮書)等上位計畫,以維持地方可永續發展。未來宜就區域及地方發展計畫研擬出總量管制之方法論,以做為各地區總量管制實施之依據。 Total Load Control Plan for Environmental Impact Assessment in Slope-Land Areas-Case Study on Miao-Li County According to the environmental carrying capacity, total load control aimed to develop and use environmental sources under the acceptable capacity,reducing the impacts and ards of unsuitable developments and uses.Meanwhile, total load control focuses on the individual environmentalcharacteristics and carrying capacity to determine the standards of total load based on the capacities of water, air and so on.The air quality, water resources, water quality and nmental sensitive land, soil quality and land use suitability of Miao-Li County were analyzed to perform total load analysis establishing the total load assessment and control rategies as the references of environmental impact assessment for EPA. The analyzed results and data of total load control were converted and established into geographical information system.In the views of land use and sensitive land of Miao-Li County, the land-cover percentages of conservation area, conditional development area and else are 27%, 70% and 3%, respectively. According to the air pollution tendencies, only almost 2% of days per year had poor air quality (PSI > 100) that represents good air quality in Miao-LiCounty. However, the reduction of PM 10 emission is the first essential work that enforces the controls of the moving pollution sources such as vehicles and fixed pollution sources such as factories by establishing the growing and reducing volumes to gradually improve air quality in this study area. Water resources analyses results indicated that the surface water is the major resource of using water could support 165,000 CMD almost 68% of total supplying water. The needs of drinking water are supplied by Hungho-Shan, Mi-Te and Liyu-Tan reservoirs. This water supplying can satisfy the water needs from now up to 2003 in this study area. After 2003, it is essential for creating the new sources of water and rearranging water supply system in this study area.The water pollution analysis results illustrated that the firs 091 綜計處 中國文化大學環境設計學院景觀學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3686
各級環保報案中心公害陳情系統功能提升暨維護管理專案工作計畫 公害陳情系統 hywebtest 091 管考處 賦力慧科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3588
毒性化學物質污染排放調查與模式之建立-一般環境中 本計畫共完成兩次河川環境及乙次港口環境之採樣作業,河川環境在枯水期及豐水期共採集到54個底泥樣品進行多氯聯苯、鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯及地特靈、滴滴涕、安特靈、阿特靈、靈丹、DDE及DDD之檢測,以及36個水體樣品進行多氯聯苯及鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯之水體檢測,另於枯水期採得21個魚介類樣品進行鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯檢測,豐水期亦採得18個魚介類樣品進行多氯聯苯之檢測分析。港口環境方面,採集56個底泥樣品及30個水體樣品進行三苯錫之檢測分析。樣品均完成檢測分析,共得311個多氯聯苯、鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯及氫氧化三苯錫在一般環境中之檢測數據,及54個河川底泥中靈丹、阿特靈、地特靈、安特靈及滴滴涕之檢測數據,共計獲得368個檢測數據。國內九條主要河川之底泥及水體樣品中多氯聯苯含量均低,其中以二仁溪南萣橋底泥樣品25種多氯聯苯總量達32.1mg/kg乾重為最高,其他大部分測值均低於偵測極限。魚介類樣品量測濃度範圍ND~8.1mg/kg乾重(BZ#138),其中12種共平面PCBs測值均低於檢量線最低濃度或低於偵測極限。國內九條主要河川枯水期底泥樣品中DBP測值平均值為312.6mg/kg乾重,濃度範圍為121.9~670.5mg/kg乾重;豐水期底泥樣品中DBP測值平均值為398.1mg/kg乾重,濃度範圍為204.7~964.4mg/kg乾重。枯水期水體樣品中DBP測值平均值為11.1mg/L,濃度範圍為0.8~93.2mg/L;豐水期水體樣品中DBP測值平均值為35.2mg/L,濃度範圍為21.3~74.0mg/L。魚介類樣品(肌肉組織)之平均濃度為361.1mg/kg乾重,濃度範圍為130.0mg/kg乾重至1,364.4mg/kg乾重,其中以濁水溪捕獲之豆仔魚含量最高。以魚體全部進行檢測分析,因含內臟部位,故測值普偏提高,其平均檢測濃度為773.7mg/kg乾重,濃度範圍為187.1~1343.4mg/kg乾重。港口環境底泥樣品中TPhT濃度含量範圍為<500mg/kg乾重至1040.6mg/kg乾重,多數樣品測值均低於檢量線濃度範圍。海水樣品檢測結果均低於偵測極限0.02mg/L。魚介類樣品(肌肉組織)TPhT檢測平均值為2149.5mg/kg乾重,檢出濃度範圍為<500mg/kg乾重至6195.2mg/kg乾重,檢測濃度最高為興達港之黃尾魚。河川環境底泥樣品中靈丹、阿特靈、地特靈、安特靈、滴滴涕、DDD及DDE等有機氯化合物中以阿特靈之檢出率為最高,枯水期之阿特靈檢出濃度範圍為ND~9.8mg/kg乾重,豐水期為ND~4.9mg/kg乾重。枯水期及豐水期之底泥樣品中靈丹測值範圍分別為ND~8.3mg/kg乾重及ND~0.5mg/kg乾重,其他有機氯化合物之測值均低於檢量線濃度範圍或低於偵測極限。相關暴露族群不同途徑之暴露推估結果顯示,以河川之魚介類樣品中12種共平面多氯聯苯毒性當量濃度進行食入性致癌風險評估結果,個體終生致癌風險度為8.6×10-7,在可接受之風險度範圍內。以河川之魚介類樣品中DBP測值,進行非致癌性風險評估結果顯示,平均危害指標值為7.9×10-4,範圍為2.8×10-4~3.0×10-3,均為人體可接受範圍內。以港口魚介類樣品中TPhT測值進行非致性風險評估結果顯示,平均危害指標值為0.1,範圍為0.01~0.3,均在人體可接受範圍。利用本研究所進行之毒性化學物質實地量測資料及不同途徑之暴露推估結果,顯示國內在毒管法明令禁用多氯聯苯後,環境測值已降低至安全的範圍內,目前無需再作進一步的管理措施。而針對鄰苯二甲酸酯類,則建議暫維持第四類毒性化學物質管理,未來將持續收集相關資料,作進一步判斷是否需研擬減量策施以加強管理。對於三苯基錫之非致癌風險評估結果,雖均在人體可接受範圍,但基於保障民眾健康與安全考量,仍建議在三苯基錫在國內未有申請運作之狀況下,應再詳查運作資料,是否以成分含量低於管制標準者進口。有關國內毒性化學物質環境流布調查文獻蒐集工作部分,收集自1980年至1999年間與多氯聯苯相關之文獻共216篇,後經逐篇閱讀篩選後,彙整出與多氯聯苯環境流布相關之文獻共157篇;鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯類相關文獻蒐集篇數為乙篇;氫氧化三苯錫環境流布相關文獻,除自國科會科技資訊網路檢索國內22個相關文獻資料庫,蒐集至8篇與環境流布相關之文獻資料,並蒐集發表於國外期刊中,在世界各國與有機錫化合物相關之環境流布資料文獻13篇。所有蒐集之文獻均經閱讀後,針對臺灣地區環境介質或人體量測資料,加以分析及歸納,建立其時間及空間變化。 The Establishment of the Environmental Distributions Survey of Toxic Chemicals-in the General Environment There are 252 toxic chemicals in the revised Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) promulgated by Taiwan EPA. The purpose of this project is to establish a practical and appropriate toxic data bank as the basis of further related policy-making and policy-executing. Two approaches would be applied to accommodate this goal. The one was to conduct field studies and empirical measurements in various environmental media of the normal fields and nearby residents to explore the concentrations and distribution for those three selected chemicals, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), triphenyltin hydroxide. The other was to collect and analyze the survey report sponsored by research institutes and governmental institutes in the past ten years in Taiwan, combining with the data of spatial and temporal distributions, the concentration and allocation profile in various environmental media and humans can be elucidated for these toxic chemicals. In this research, PCBs, DBP, and triphenyltin (TPhT) were select to investigate environmental distribution in the river and harbor environment. 368 PCBs and DBP in the sediment and water of nine river, triphenyltin (TPhT) in the sediment and water of seven harbor were collected and analyzed. 179 literatures and reports about these three toxic chemicals, sponsored by research institutes and governmental institutes in the past ten years in Taiwan, were collected and reviewed. 091 毒管處 國立成功大學環境微量毒物研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3684
飲用水水源水質保護區分區分級管理與補償制度 計畫目標在於建立飲用水水源水質保護區管理制度以及經濟誘因制度,規劃二級二區管制區;一級管制區不得建造永久性建造物、構造物並禁止變更地形或地貌。二級管制區:包含一級管制區以外之飲用水水源水質保護區範圍內,其地上建築物之改建、修繕、拆除、變更原有地形、建造工廠、房屋或其他設施者,應向當地直轄市、縣(市)政府申請開發許可,報請主管機關核定後辦理之。並提出三種補償制度為:一、土地儲備制。二、地役權。三、發展權移轉:經案例分析後發現土地儲備制度、地役權及發展權移轉三種補償制度以每年支付年度地役權費用之方式較為可行,本研究所研提之三項補償方案中以地役權方案可行性較高,採地役權補償方式所計算出金額補償金額約為八百二十七億元至三千二百七十三億元不等之金額。以地役權補償方式並以地價之三成作為地役權價後,以每年3%的價格作為收購當年度地役權之總經費,財源籌措若由自來水公司及農業用水徵收同樣之費率則每度水附徵1元至12元不等。由地價稅附徵取得,經計算後發現依據地價之不同可分別徵收不同之稅率,則需分別調整65%及33%的稅率。本研究並提出短、中、長程三個執行法源方案,以供政策評估之參考。第一個方案係現行法規下可執行的管理方案,第二個方案針對飲用水管理條例,新增保護區分區分級管理方式、補償方式、補償財源籌措方法、管理組織等條文,第三方案研擬整體水資源管理法案。管理模式及補償範圍之界定水質模式結果為依據,並對照水質監測資料在進行檢討。 Zoning management and compensation in source-water-quality-protection area of drinking water The purpose of this research is built the management system of source-water-quality-protection area. We suggest to divide conservation up two zone. The first zone is strong limit to any development, and development control mechanism in the second zone is development permission. We suggest land banking, easement, and development transfer three compensations for watershed conservation. After case study of Kao-Ping watershed, “easement” mechanism is the most workable one. If government use “easement” mechanism to compensate the landowner in source-water-quality-protection area, the total compensation is between 82 billion to 327 billion. The government can pay the rent to landowner by year to lower the payment. The payment can be charged from using tap water by 1 to 12 dollars per cubic meter. If the payment is charged from land taxes, the tax rate will be to rise up 33% to 65%. We suggest the three mechanisms to management the source-water-quality-protection area. First, the mechanism can be work under the “Drinking Water Management Act”. The second mechanism is worked out for changing the “Drinking Water Management Act, ” and put the articles about zoning, management, and compensation etc. The third mechanism is worked out for legislation the new law, and this new law can put all water resource management things together. All of the management mechanism and the boundaries of protection areas are base on the QUAL2E model and simulation and verification to water quality of Kao-Ping watershed. 091 毒管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3682
北區毒災應變諮詢中心計畫 工研院環境與安全衛生技術發展中心(以下簡稱環安中心)以長期執行相關性質計畫的基礎(86年起執行環保署毒性化學物質災害防救緊急諮詢體系計畫),並參酌國內、外現行化學品應變諮詢服務中心運作方式,於91年2月承接本計劃並開始執行,執行期間承蒙委辦單位(環保署)的監督與指導,以及參與同仁的全力配合,截至91年11月底止,完成計畫所有的工作項目與內容。執行進度符合計畫期程規劃。在二十四小時緊急諮詢服務方面,由於本計畫為年度延續性計畫,緊急諮詢服務自年初即不間斷執行,截至目前為止,共完成二十件毒、化災緊急諮詢服務案件,平均約每個月有兩件重大緊急諮詢服務,服務對象擴及環保、消防、港務局、航運站等政府單位及業者,之後針對到場應變支援的案例進行調查彙整與案例分析,並於11月22日舉辦九十一年度緊急諮詢案例與作業流程研討會,會中邀請政府單位(消防署、中央與縣市環保單位)、學者與業者共同參與討論,針對今年度緊急諮詢案例進行研析與修訂緊急諮詢標準作業程序。非緊急諮詢服務平均每星期約4-5通,服務內容有毒化物毒理特性說明、法規說明、偵測警報設置說明及危害預防及應變作業要點說明等..。為了使毒災防救與應變更為安全有效,中心於8月底前完成更新列管編號107-164毒性化學物質的緊急應變卡(HAZMAT)、災害防救手冊、物質安全資料表(MSDS)及毒理有關資料。在毒性化學物質運作廠場防救基本資料的建置進度上,已完成資料建檔並以查詢程式系統聯結,建檔對象為北區各縣市毒化物運作達管制限量以上的工廠為優先,建檔廠家數約400家,建檔內容包括:工廠基本資料、毒化物運作資料、廠外及廠區平面圖、廠內應變資材等資料。在政府單位的動員講習工作上,於6月12日舉辦轄區內縣市環保局、消防局及軍事單位的動員講習,參與達56人。此外在北區毒災聯防小組組訓工作上,於8月20日舉辦完成,參與達325人次。為了強化與轄區內毒災聯防小組與專家群的互動,中心於四月底發行簡訊1500份,寄發對象為全國毒災聯防小組成員、相關政府災害防救單位承辦人員、專家群與軍方支援單位等,重新檢討北區毒災聯防小組籌組方式,目前共有383家廠商,分為17組。在規劃運作毒性化學物質工廠無預警測試方面,中心完成測試方案擬定,規劃三種測試題型與評分方式,於6月12日舉辦說明會,會中以錄影帶方式呈現測試的流程與重點,之後由各縣市環保單位進行實際測試,由中心進行輔導與協助,在9月15日完成北區所有縣市的三十七場次測試工作,之後由中心彙整測試結果,成果報告與建議在9月30日提交環保署。 編列毒災應變第三階段技術人員訓練教材方面,本年度預計完成十二章節訓練教材的編寫,由學者、業界及政府主管機關執行撰寫,並由審稿人進行審閱,於11月16日完成定稿,11月下旬提交環保署。 Plan for Northern Taiwan Center of Consultation on Response to Disasters Caused by Hazardous Chemical Materials The 24-hour emergency consultation service is continuously available in the entire year. Since the beginning of the year, the emergency consultation service has been provided without interruption. To date, a total of 20 cases of emergency consultation service for hazardous chemical disasters have been handled. This means that this Center provided 2 cases of important emergency service in average per month. The objects that have received the above services included such organizations as environmental protection, fire brigade, and harbor bureau and navigation station. Afterwards, this Center conducted survey, compilation of data and analysis on the cases of field response support. On Nov 22, 2002, this Center convened year 2002 seminar on emergency consultation cases and operation procedure instances, with participants from such government agencies as Fire Protection Dept of Ministry of Interior, environmental protection units at central and local levels, scholars and the concerned enterprises for discussions, where they made discussions and analysis on the cases of emergency consultation and revision to procedure governing emergency consultation. Number of phone call for non-emergency consultation service ranged from 4 to 5 times per week. Contents of the service included description of toxicity of toxicants, introduction to the relevant laws/regulations, description of installation of alarm system, and key points of hazardous prevention as well as emergency responsive actions. To assure safety and effectiveness in disaster prevention and rescue, by end of Aug 2002, this center has completed to update the card for hazardous chemical materials (HAZMAT) under file No. 107-164 on the list for follow-up actions, manual on prevention and rescue of disasters, the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and other data on toxicity.With respect to the progress in establishment of basic data on prevention and rescue of plant for production of hazardous chemical materials, the plants have completed filing of the relevant data and the connection of inquiry programs and systems. First priority for establishment of file is assigned to the plants engaged in production of hazardous chemical materials with productivity in excess of the upper limit in the counties and cities in northern Taiwan. To date, files have been established for 400 chemical manufacture plants. Contents of file comprise basic information of the plant, data on production/operation of hazardous chemical materials, plain drawings inside and outside of the plant and data on the resources exclusively for emergency rescue. With respect to the mobilization and orientation sponsored by the competent authority, the government conducted orientation for 56 persons from environmental protection bureaus, the fire brigades at county and city levels as well as the military units within this jurisdiction. With regard to the organization and training in the joint section for control of hazardous control on northern Taiwan such training for 325 trainees has been completed on Aug. 20, 2002. To intensify the mutual responsive actions between members of the team for joint actions for control of disaster from hazardous chemical materials, this Center issued 1500 copies of newsletter at end of Apr. 2002 which were distributed to members of the nationwide joint team for control of hazardous chemical materials, the in-charge personnel of unit for disaster control of governmental agencies, expert groups and the supportive military units. For the re-review on the mode of organization of the joint-team for prevention of hazardous chemical materials in northern Taiwan, there are 383 manufacturers participating in this program and they are divided into 17 sections.With respect to the plants for production of hazardous chemicals without alarm system for tests, this Center has developed a test program that comprises 3 packages for the test and the scoring, for which presentation was held on June 12, 2002. At the presentation, videotape was displayed to show flow and highlights of the test. Afterwards, the environmental protection bureaus at county and city levels proceeded with actual tests under consultation and assistance from this Center. Upon completion of 37 sets of tests for the counties and cities in northern Taiwan on Sept 15, 2002, this Center collected and edited results of all tests and prepared report with recommendations that was submitted to EPA of Executive Yuan on Sept 30th.With respect to preparation of teaching materials for technicians at the 3rd phase training in prevention of hazardous chemical materials, this center is scheduled for completion of chapter 12 on training materials in this year that shall be prepared by the scholars, the concerned manufacturers and the competent authorities of the government that shall be reviewed by the editors, which shall be completed by Nov. 16, 2002 and be submitted to EPA in the latter part of Nov. 2002. 091 毒管處 工業技術研究院 環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3614