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103年度直轄市、縣(市)環境保護局資源回收創新型補助計畫-103年「創新卓越圓夢苗栗健康城市活動計畫」之「創意資『緣』心動樂園」活動 「環境保護」與「永續發展」理念已成為全球共識與目標,其中,加強資源回收,強化垃圾源頭減量、資源循環利用及推動垃圾零廢棄已成為各國重點工作之一。臺灣地狹人稠,經濟的成長也帶來龐大的廢棄物,造成環境壓力,影響生活品質,政府除增加垃圾處理管道外,並提倡減廢觀念,更推陳出新研討各式創新作法進行資源回收宣導。苗栗縣環保局在資源回收的推動上也竭盡全力,運用多元的宣導活動使縣民更加落實資源回收工作,並連續6年獲得環保署頒發「資源回收工作績效考核」特優獎,其中苑裡山柑社區獲選全國二十大環境保護模範社區特優獎殊榮,足可顯見苗栗縣民對於環境保護與落實資源回收的重視。 為持續推動苗栗縣資源回收的觀念與成果,加強民眾對環境的重視,規畫「創意資緣、心動樂園」活動,邀請全台各縣市資源回收相關承辦人員參訪苗栗,結合縣內環境教育認證場所、績優社區資源回收站及多項資源回收成果展示,進行資源回收經驗交流,主動對外宣導行銷,除感受苗栗的好山好水好景,更體會本縣縣民對資源回收的重視與付出,並藉由參訪活動,加強宣導落實資源回收之觀念讓苗栗縣資源回收推動成果推展至外縣市。 103 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 新義堂藝創行銷有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81445
103年度臺北市資源回收四大體系創意競賽活動計畫 臺北市政府環保局為積極推動資源回收、垃圾分類工作,並自中華民國89年起率先推動一般廢棄物清除處理費隨袋徵收工作,在各區隊同仁及民眾的共同努力下,臺北市資源回收成效逐年提升,但以近三年的成果來看,臺北市與其他縣市相同,也面臨到資源回收率成長趨緩的問題。因此,本年度執行計畫,希望能藉由各項資源回收競賽活動及宣傳,再次喚與強化起四大體系如學校、社區及機關團體、回收工作者等再度覺醒,進而身體力行做好資源回收,同時感謝資源回收從業人員的辛勞。本公司於103年6月5日起至103年10月20日止,依據活動計畫,設計創意競賽系列活動,包含「資源回收創意短劇競賽」、「資源回收靚點子表揚展示」、「資源回收工作者作業情形攝影比賽」、「資源回收站美麗變身競賽」及「資源回收大型宣導活動」等工作項目,以資源回收為主軸,同時兼具本市地方特色,期以宣導落實資源回收的活動方式,使市民在競賽互動中,認同並親身力行環境保護與資源回收行為,以達環境永續維護之長遠目標。 103 臺北市政府環境保護局 威立顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81226
環境鑑識技術開發研究(2/4)-IC、LC/MS/MS及 LC/Q-TOF鑑識技術開發與應用 本研究計畫目標主要為開發IC、LC/MS/MS及LC/Q-TOF鑑識技術,與應用該鑑識技術在不同行業別污泥特性指標物之鑑識,並搭配XRF、XRD、SEM/EDX、GC/MS等快速篩選方法,建立污泥中有機、無機類化合物特殊化學成分分析技術及相關資料,和建置一套適用於國內污泥特性指標物之鑑識程序,作為後續污泥類鑑識技術開發之參考。 本研究依據計畫目標及工作內容規範在執行IC、LC/MS/MS及LC/Q-TOF鑑識技術開發部分,係參考國內外相關期刊論文應用IC-ICP/MS、LC/MS/MS及LC/Q-TOF在環境樣品、食品或個人衛生用藥等污染物檢測技術,並建立適用之樣品前處理及淨化方法與儀器分析條件和數據解析方法。本研究為開發及評估IC、LC/MS/MS及LC/Q-TOF鑑識技術應用在不同行業別污泥特性指標物鑑識之可行性評估與確認,在本計畫中是選擇以太陽能、印刷電路板或被動電子元件產業污泥為示範的對象,並搭配XRF、XRD、SEM/EDX、GC/MS等快速篩選方法,建立太陽能、印刷電路板或被動電子元件產業污泥中有機、無機類特性指標物,及建置適用於國內污泥特性指標物之鑑識程序。綜合上述鑑識方法所得到的檢測結果彙整評析後,得到初步太陽能、印刷電路板及被動電子元件產業污泥特性指標物如下:1.太陽能產業污泥特性指標物: XRF:矽、鈣 EDX:氟 XRD:CaF2、SiC晶相 GC/MS:9-十八碳烯酸胺(9-Octadecenamide, (Z)-) LC/Q-TOF:m/z=282.221 C18H36NO (9-十八碳烯酸胺)2.印刷電路板產業污泥特性指標物: XRF:銅、鎳、錳、錫 GC/MS:9-十八碳烯酸胺、1,2,5-Thiadiazole、Ethanol, 2-(2-ethoxyethoxy)-(EO介面活性劑)和Benzenamine、Benzenesulfonamide, 4-methyl-等amide類化合物。 LC/Q-TOF:m/z=256.263 C16H34NO、m/z=278.211 C17H28NO2、m/z=264.196 C16H26NO2、m/z=358.266 C24H28N3、m/z=372.244 C25H30N3、EO、PO等化合物。3.被動電子元件產業污泥特性指標物: XRF:鈦、鋇、鋯 XRD:BaTiO3晶相 GC/MS:9-十八碳烯酸胺、1,2,5-Thiadiazole、Ethanol, 2-(2-ethoxyethoxy)-(EO介面活性劑)和Di-n-octyl phthalate、Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate等塑化劑。 LC/Q-TOF:m/z=331.100 C21H16ClN2、m/z=600~900 NPnEO、m/z=304.300 C21H38N、m/z=332.232 C23H42N、m/z=360.363 C25H46N、m/z=425.289 C19H41N2O8、m/z=391.285 C24H39O4(Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalateDEHP塑化劑)。 Study of Environmental Forensic Technology Development (2/4)-IC, LC/MS/MS and LC/Q-TOF Forensic Tech The purpose of this study was to develop the IC、LC/MS/MS and LC/Q-TOF forensic technology for identification and characterization of sludge in variety of industry. With the combination of XRF, XRD, SEM/EDX and GC/MS quick screening approaches, this study developed novel analysis approaches to identify compositions of organic and/or inorganic compound features in industrial sludge. In the meantime, this study collected the related information of industrial sludge to establish the sludge features index and identification procedures applying to our country.According to review the published literatures about the analysis approaches of IC、LC/MS/MS and LC/Q-TOF applying to the pollutants detection in environmental samples, food or personal care medicine etc., this study put the efforts on developing samples pretreatment and purification processes, optimizing analysis conditions, and data interpretation The sludge collected from solar industries, bare printed circuit boards manufacturing and electronic passive devices manufacturing were analyzed, and the composition of organic and/or inorganic compound features in sludge were used to establish the database. Based on the results of the above analyses, the sludge characteristics of solar energy manufacturing, bare printed circuit boards manufacturing and electronic passive devices manufacturing can be summarized as follows:1. Solar Energy manufacturing XRF:Silicon and Calcium EDX:Fluorine XRD:CaF2, and crystal of SiC  GC/MS: 9-Octadecenamide, (Z)- LC/Q-TOF:m/z=282.221, C18H36NO2. Bare printed circuit boards manufacturing XRF:Copper, Nickel, Manganese and Tin GC/MS:9-Octadecenamide, (Z)-, 1,2,5-Thiadiazole, Ethanol, 2-(2-ethoxyethoxy)-(EO surfactant), Benzenamine, Benzenesulfonamide, and amide compounds. LC/Q-TOF:m/z=256.263 C16H34NO, m/z=278.211 C17H28NO2, m/z=264.196 C16H26NO2, m/z=358.266 C24H28N3, m/z=372.244 C25H30N3, EO, PO etc. compounds.。3. Electronic passive devices manufacturing XRF:Titanium, Barium, and Zirconium XRD:crystal of BaTiO3 GC/MS:9-Octadecenamide, (Z)-、1,2,5-Thiadiazole、Ethanol, 2-(2-ethoxyethoxy)-(EO surfactant), Di-n-octyl phthalate、Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate etc. DOPs. LC/Q-TOF:m/z=331.100 C21H16ClN2, m/z=600~900 NPnEO, m/z=304.300 C21H38N, m/z=332.232 C23H42N, m/z=360.363 C25H46N, m/z=425.289 C19H41N2O8, m/z=391.285 C24H39O4(Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP). 103 環檢所 工業技術研究院綠能與環境研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77911
固定污染源許可、空污費、工業區稽查管制及總量管制先期作業計畫 本年度許可及空污費審查計畫作業項目包含:(1)許可審查、核發(2)許可查核、(3)巡查、(4)資料庫更新與擴充、(5)排放量申報查核、(6)CEMS查核及抽測(7)陳情案件稽查檢測(8)定期檢測監督作業 (9)空污費審查及查核作業(10)稽查檢測作業(11)許可及增修定法規講習會(12)內部教育訓練(13)陳情案件輔導(14)逸散性粒狀物管理辦法符合度查核(15)工業區管制(16)總量管制配合事項。在各項作業執行進度方面,整體而言計畫工作進度符合預期目標。 103 屏東縣政府環境保護局 元律科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78637
103年度彰化縣清掃學習活動暨公廁巡檢計畫 彰化縣於102年共計有43座列管公廁完成清掃學習實做教育訓練,藉由參加訓練課程,有效提升公廁清潔人員清掃的重點以及態度,並將所學應用於負責清潔之公廁,以實際行為提昇彰化縣公廁環境。環保署「清掃學習活動計畫(102~104年)」規範103年度彰化縣須完成轄內45%列管公廁受訓,使更多的公廁清潔人員學習到正確的打掃重點以及態度,讓彰化縣不僅是幸福之城,更成為代表臺灣友善整潔的典範之城。 103 彰化縣環境保護局 上網資通股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71712
103年度苗栗縣環境教育專案計畫結案報告 「環境教育」的形式是經由「知識」的傳遞、「態度」的培養與「行動力」的養成等,以改變人們對於環境的思考方式,激發全民參與熱忱及日常生活落實環保。苗栗縣政府環境保護局配合環保署103年環境教育主題「環境體驗年」;爰此,辦理「103年苗栗縣辦理環境教育專案計畫」。本計畫完成辦理環境節日及其他環境教育相關活動、環境創意教學工作坊、環境教育獎遴選表揚、環保知識擂台賽縣內初賽以及培訓環境教育志工、環保志(義)工趣味運動觀摩會等工作,引導民眾走向戶外認識生活環境,認識正在發生的環境事件,了解生活場域中的環境議題與困境,並體驗環境帶給我們的美好,進而提高其日後參與各項環境教育活動的意願,讓民眾體認環境教育的重要性,並將環境教育意識融入在日常生活中,提昇環境保護的行動力,成為苗栗縣縣民的生活態度。 103 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 鼎澤科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74077
非屬原子能游離輻射檢測技術暨室內外長期環境監測之研究   電力及相關電子通訊科技為大眾生活帶來無比的便利,廣泛的應用在家電、廣播及個人行動通訊。但隨伴而來的各項電力與通信建設,也造成民眾對環境電磁波安全的疑慮,嚴重者甚至導致抗爭事件的發生。為能以更客觀、即時的將環境非游離輻射電磁波的實際資訊提供給一般大眾,讓民眾可隨時瞭解生活週遭相關設施附近非游離輻射的長期變化,以降低民眾的疑慮。環保署乃規劃進行非游離輻射長期監測站的建置,期望透過監測資訊的透明與公開,一方面使各類電力建設及廣播通訊業者以合法、適當的設施提供各項服務,一方面降低民眾對相關設施的輻射疑慮,安心的享用各種科技為日常生活所帶來的便利性。  為能落實環保署對非游離輻環境電磁波長期監測站的建置,本計畫由國際先進國家非游離輻射長期監測技術與研究資料蒐集、環境極低頻及射頻非游離輻射長期監測技術研擬、居家環境及學校場所非游離輻射長期監測技術研擬、以及非游離輻射長期監測作業之試行來進行長期監測站的建置規劃。除完成對歐、美各國環境非游離輻射監測研究與現狀技術資料之蒐集與分析外,同時也依據各國實施技術研擬我國執行非游離輻戶外長期監測以及於居家生活場所與學校環境監測之作業方法。為確認所擬訂方案的可行性,計畫中在台北、台中、高雄等都市的六個戶外地點進行各七天的射頻電磁輻射長期監測作業;也在新竹縣市的六個室內地點進行七天或十二小時的極低頻磁場長期監測作業。無論在射頻或極低頻的量測結果,其量測數值位準與變化情形均與國外研究結果相當一致,初步確認了所擬訂方案的適用性。 Study of Indoor and Outdoor Long-term Environmental Non-Ionizing Radiation Monitoring Technologies Nowadays, electricity and electromagnetic (EM) waves play a very important role in our daily lives in the applications of household appliances, broadcasting, personal communications, and so on. However, the widely established electrical facilities and telecommunication base stations have resulted in increased concerns about the effects of EM radiation on the health of the public and has caused conflict between residents and the power company or telecom carriers. In order to reduce the ever increasing concern among the residents around these facilities, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is planning to establish a long-term environmental non-ionizing radiation monitoring system and will allow to the public to access the environmental EM radiation information via the EPA website.The objective of this project is to draft a proposal for the establishment of the long-term environmental non-ionizing radiation monitoring system in EPA. We collected and analyzed international technical documents and the latest research results from advanced countries regarding long-term EM radiation monitoring techniques. Based on this information, we drafted the measurement method for the long-term EM radiation monitoring in outdoor environment as well as in indoor environment such as in homes or school building. In order to verify the applicability of the drafted method, we performed EM wave monitoring in five major cities in Taiwan. The seven-day long-term measurements of radio frequency (RF) radiations were performed at 6 outdoor locations in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung. The long-term monitoring of extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic field was performed at 6 indoor locations in Hsinchu that involved continuous monitoring of the environmental magnetic field for 7 days in a house or 12 hours in a school. The measurement result is in agreement with most of the results published by the research documents we collected. These measurements show the applicability of the drafted method for RF radiation monitoring as well as for ELF magnetic field monitoring in both outdoor and indoor environments. 103 空保處 千一科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75644
103年河川水質改善評析及支援計畫 本計畫針對54條環保署定期監測河川進行近10年污染消長分析,並利用相關已採取之改善措施進行各測站對應水質變化情形探討;另考量部分河川可能受天然因素影響造成污染程度失真之情形,本計畫團隊亦依據各河川污染特性建議適用之水質評估指標。同時彙整評析28條指定河川相關背景資料,視流域所在縣市轄內污染源整治能量,提出各流域於水質清淨程度、生態環境保育、水岸環境活化/整體治理成效、政府行政管理及民間投入程度等五大面向之污染整治策略。並於各單位污染整治相關計畫推動的同時,協助督促縣市政府正常操作維護現地水質淨化設施,落實場址自主管理之目的,以及掌握地方對於水體水質改善之努力度及成效。而於各縣市整治成效展現過程中,屬跨縣市測站水質有待釐清責任歸屬問題,故本計畫利用支流排水水質水量調查結果或可能影響跨縣市測站之列管事業資料,進行縣市污染量負荷分析,藉以作為跨縣市測站水質良窳責任歸屬之參考。同時本計畫亦完成編製102年度綠色國民所得帳,以提供環保署施政參考及行政院主計處編算環境品質質損帳之用。並辦理環境水體水質改善綜合性業務,包含針對重金屬未符合水質河段研擬污染源總量削減及管制對策;彙整國內河川疏濬工程相關環境保護規範,提出防範河川懸浮固體物造成水質異常措施之建議;以及有關離島工業區相關運作情形評析等。 2014 River water quality improvement support and evaluation plan The Project analyzes the changes in 54 rivers that have been under EPA’s regular monitoring for the last ten years and investigates the water changes at the monitoring stations based on the improving actions taken. The Project, in consideration of the probable distorted reports on the pollution in certain rivers due to the influence of natural factors, also makes suggestion for applicable indicators for water assessment based on the characteristics of pollution in the rivers. Also, after summarizing and analyzing the background data on 28 designated rivers, and considering the capacity of polluting source control in the counties and cities where these rivers run, this project proposes strategies for pollution control in the river basins covering five aspects. The aspects are how clean the water is, ecological conservation, effectiveness of waterfront environment regeneration/total administration, government administration and private sector involvement.While the agencies are promoting the pollution control plans, this project extends assistance in urging the county/city governments to operate and maintain the in-situ water cleansing facilities properly to fulfill the object of autonomous site management and to be comprehensive of the efforts and effectiveness of the local water improvement in waters. While the effectiveness of control is being seen in the counties and cities, the responsibility for water quality at monitoring stations that straddle multiple counties/cities has yet to be attributed. Hence this project uses the survey on the effluent quality and volume in the branches or the data on controlled businesses that might affect the inter-city monitoring stations to analyze the pollution load in the counties and cities, which results serve as reference in determining the responsibility for the water quality at inter-city monitoring stations.This project also completes the preparation of the 2013 Green GDP to provide EPA as reference in its administration and for the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan to do the environmental accounting with. General affairs of environmental water quality improvement carried out in the project also include the formulation of total reduction at polluting sources and control measures for the river sections with non-conforming heavy metals; giving recommendation for actions to prevent suspended solids in river from causing abnormal water quality after summarizing the environmental protection specifications regarding river dredging works in Taiwan; and analysis in the operations of offshore industrial parks. 103 水保處 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80861
臺中市103年辦理資源回收品質管制計畫 本計畫自103年2月6日簽約起,始執行至103年12月24日止相關工作皆已依契約書進度完成,執行成果摘要表,詳表一所示:一、蒐集及建立本市資源回收環境背景資料(一)調查直轄市及資源回收優異縣市資料本計畫調查彙整六都垃圾減量資源回收創新策略,針對100~102年度屬環保署資源回收績效考核成績優異者彙整政策面、管理面、宣導面等各面向創新作為,藉以作為本市推動資源回收工作之參考與借鏡。(詳期末報告第3.1節)(二)蒐集本計畫相關背景資料掌握本市資源物資之來源主要係由民眾、社區、學校、機關團體等對象產出,經個體業者、販賣業者、中(小)型回收商及清潔隊進行回收分類後,變賣予大型回收商,故本計畫已協助 貴局統計本市資源回收量及按山海屯市進行區域比較,俾利 貴局有效掌握資源回收相關背景資料。(詳期末報告第3.2節)(三)整理及輔導本市資源回收績效良好之社區、機關及學校等之績優表現。本計畫為提供本市資源回收績效良好之社區、機關及學校資料,故協請各區清潔隊及資源回收相關委辦計畫提出資源回收績效良好之名單,並彙集各建議點現況調查表,於今年10月3日辦理實地現勘考核作業時提供,俾利協助本市於資源回收考核成效上獲得佳績。(詳期末報告第3.3節)(四)協助104年資源回收工作補助申請附件表單鍵入管理系統本計畫為使補助作業落實運作,地方環保單位資源回收工作順利推展,協助 貴局彙整本市資源回收相關基本資料,包括本市基本資料、清潔隊車輛及機具相關數量統計、各區清潔隊變賣現況、回收設備及項目與實施方式、相關組織及工作分配與計畫作業流程、經費明細及來源與回收成果等,並且將結果匯入環保署管理系統,惟截至期末報告階段尚未要求開放系統及要求各縣市環保局鍵入系統資料。(詳期末報告第3.4節)二、辦理資源回收及其他考核管制及提報作業(一)協助辦理「103年度資源回收工作績效考核計畫」本計畫每月協助 貴局針對環保署資源回收考評成績進行估算,並於各月委辦計畫工作檢討會議及每月工作成果報告中提報,以利 貴局即時掌握各考核項目最新得分情形,截至11月份自評成績為110.94分,現階段各項工作項目多數皆達目標值,並取得該項滿分的成績,惟補助經費執行率、加強廢機動車輛回收處理業管理稽查執行成果、資源回收工作加強措施執行率(解決偏遠地區農藥廢容器及包裝袋任意棄置作業成果報告)及行政配合事項(各項補助經費結案及賸餘款繳回)等項目,屬持續性辦理事項,須於12月底完成工作方能取得119.5分(考核滿分為120分,其中創新型補助計畫佔其中5分,又本市提報2案僅1案通過,故該項取得4.5分)。另分別於6月9日平時資料輔導作業、10月3日實地現勘考核工作及11月28日憑證資料查核(平時資料提報正確性)中,協助 貴局事前資料彙整及行程規劃,並於考核當天全程參與協助相關事務。(詳期末報告第4.1節)(二)配合102年度資源回收工作績效考核作業及現勘工作103年2月18日至19日環保署於臺北矽谷國際會議中心辦理「102年度資源回收工作績效考核複核會議」,因此本計畫依據契約之規範,自2月初即協助 貴局辦理相關前置作業,於2月17日前完成各項前置作業之整備,並於2月18日至19日全程參與協助複核會議各項事宜,為臺中市爭取佳績。(詳期末報告第4.2節)(三)彙整清潔隊、回收場之數據資料並辦理區隊現場查證為使本市各區清潔隊之資源回收成果申報作業人員,能夠更深入了解各項資源回收成果統計報表的填報方式,因此本計畫配合 貴局遂於3月4日辦理清潔隊資源回收量統計報表填列說明暨在職教育訓練會議。為強化各區清潔隊及回收場提報資源回收量的準確性,藉由辦理各區清潔隊平時資料查核作業,促使所提報的數據達正確性及合理化,以符合環保署考核之要求。此外,本計畫業依規定於12月15日前完成本市1~11月份資源回收數據彙整及提報作業,並針對1~11月份各區憑證資料進行初次查核共380處次。(詳期末報告第4.3節)三、整合及監督機關資源回收及廚餘回收等計畫執行成效(一)辦理資源回收委辦案件巡檢計畫之查證作業為查證各委辦計畫巡檢案件之管理,故依評選須知之規定進行現場或電話查驗執行狀況,以提供環保局督導及管理委辦案件之依據,改善計畫執行現況,以提昇稽查表單書面資料填報之品質。統計自簽約日起至12月24日止,本計畫已完成委辦計畫巡查案件查核工作,包括書面資料審查10,666件,並抽查其中299家進行電話訪查,另進行現場勘查共151家,合計完成稽查450家。(詳期末報告第5.1節)(二)訂定103年資源回收委辦計畫考核作業要點本計畫於計畫初期協助 貴局定訂「103年臺中市政府環境保護局資源回收委辦計畫執行績效考核作業要點」,並依據各項考核要點進行評分。(詳期末報告第5.2節)四、辦理中區資源回收研討(檢討)會及相關行政作業(一)辦理中區資源回收研討會會前會本計畫依據計畫範疇規劃各項執行工作,包含辦理地點接洽、確認辦理日期、場地勘查、議程安排及食宿等,以確認各項執行工作細節之妥適性且應為具體可行,遂分於103年7月10日、103年7月30日、103年8月4日及103年8月6日與 貴局就中區資源回收研討會共召開4次籌備會前會。(詳期末報告第6.1節)(二)辦理中區資源回收研討會本研討會係以結合各縣市環保局資源回收相關業務主管、承辦人及轄內清潔隊員,共同研討資源回收業務之重點工作內容並相互交流學習、檢討並作為後續政策推動方向之借鏡為辦理重點,並依據交流需求規劃參訪本市八仙山自然教育中心,本會議報名人數達300人以上,實際與會人數為301人,相關執行成果皆符合契約之規定。(詳期末報告第6.2節) 103 臺中市政府環境保護局 京丞資源國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79332
103年度臺北市推動資源回收形象改造暨物業管理工作計畫 為重新塑造個體業者與回收商(站)等業者形象,臺北市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局),自94年起配合行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)『資源回收形象改造』政策,今年度持續推動「103年度臺北市推動資源回收形象改造暨物業管理工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),工作內容包括(1) 推動健康形象回收商,持續提升本市回收商企業形象、導向系統管理。(2) 推動健康形象回收站,提供民眾更便捷的回收管道。(3) 整合本市物業管理,結合物業管理公司統整社區資源回收工作,提升社區資源回收效率與形象改造推動效果。(4) 個體業者輔導與關懷,結合企業資源關懷個體業者,提高民眾的認同感。(5) 辦理媒體與再生物品運用宣導資源回收,吸引更多市民關心資源回收工作。(6) 協助環保局撰寫年度形象改造成果報告。 本年度針對16家回收商完成每月營運管理與環境衛生巡查作業,現場訪查本市列管2,989處社區大廈資源回收工作情形,設置健康形象回收站共達60站,媒合30位個體業者進入社區協助資源回收分類工作,已獲得55萬3仟元的企業贊助金額,辦理4場次回收業者宣導說明會、4場次物業社區宣導說明會、6場次個體業者整編輔導會議及6場次宣導活動,完成273則媒體宣導,完成2則宣導海報、短片,並辦理完成本年度各里推動資源回收工作績效評比,另外在創新作法部分,今年度本計畫協助辦理「社區小家電健檢」活動,藉由結合電子電器業者進入社區維修棄置的小家電,以期能在提供便民服務的同時,達成資源再利用的目標。而在「優良社區回收站」認證標章的部分,則是藉由制定社區回收站分級評鑑制度,及頒發「優良社區回收站」標章,以此鼓勵與認同該社區對於執行資源回收工作上的努力。 103 臺北市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81173
回收處理廢鋰電池產製環保觸媒之資源化技術研究 本計畫針對廢"鋰鈷電池"與"鋰鐵電池"進行回收與再生之創新研究,應用本實驗室既有之觸媒相關設備與技術,將廢鋰電池回收轉製成環保觸媒,探討不同廢鋰電池合成環保觸媒之回收處理程序,以及所合成環保觸媒之物化特性,並進一步將再生觸媒進行不同污染物之催化活性測試。研究結果顯示,廢鋰鈷電池正極粉末中主要金屬成分為鋰5%、鈷50%、鎳3%、錳3%,廢鋰鐵電池正極粉末中主要金屬成分則為鋰4%、鐵27%、銅4%,具有進一步製成觸媒之可行性。廢鋰電池正極金屬粉末對有機氣體之催化活性不佳,經過沉澱氧化法將廢電池製備合成鋰鈷觸媒粉末後,對丙烯、CO、NO氣體之催化活性顯著提升且相當良好,在200-300℃反應溫度下三種氣體污染物之轉化率皆可達99%以上,但是鋰鐵電池粉末之催化活性則不夠理想。本研究另改用溶解含浸法法,將鋰鈷、鋰鐵電池正極粉末溶解於鹽酸後含浸於市售載體上,製成顆粒觸媒與蜂巢式觸媒,可有效提升鋰鐵觸媒之催化活性。實驗結果顯示,鋰鈷顆粒觸媒之最適反應條件應為反應溫度400℃、空間速度8,488 hr-1或是反應溫度500℃、空間速度25,465 hr-1,而鋰鐵顆粒觸媒之最適反應條件為反應溫度500℃、空間速度8,488 hr-1,此時兩種顆粒觸媒對丙烯與CO之轉化率皆可達90~99%以上。本研究亦根據實驗結果與條件,建議最適之廢鋰電池回收處理與觸媒製備程序,以及合成觸媒之最適操作條件。由操作成本與經濟效益評估結果顯示,將廢鋰電池回收製成環保觸媒之主要操作成本為觸媒載體費用,但由於一般市售觸媒之單價頗高,鋰鈷觸媒與鋰鐵觸媒銷售總收入仍可大於製備成本,因此將廢電池製成觸媒銷售應用具有良好經濟可行性。 Resourcelization technology of spent lithium batteries for the production of environmental catalysts This project aimed to study the recycling and reuse of spent lithium-cobalt battery and lithium-iron battery. Based on our previous experiences and technology on the catalysis, we tried to recycle the materials from spent lithium batteries for manufacturing the environmental catalysts for air pollution control. Different recycling and manufacturing methods were investigated. The characteristics and catalytic activities of synthesized catalysts for different air pollutants were analyzed and tested. The results showed that the major metals in spent lithium-cobalt batteries were lithium 5%, cobalt 50%, nickel 3%, manganese 3% and the major metals in spent lithium-iron batteries were lithium 4%, iron 27%, and copper 4%. All of them were potential materials for manufacturing catalysts. The catalytic activities of metal powders in the anode of spent lithium batteries were bad. With using the precipitation-oxidation method to prepare the lithium-cobalt catalysts from spent lithium-cobalt batteries, their catalytic activities for propane decomposition, CO oxidation, and NO reduction were well improved and excellent. The conversion efficiencies of the regenerated lithium-cobalt catalysts for those three gas pollutants were all above 99% even at low temperatures 200-300 oC. However, the catalytic activities of regenerated lithium-iron catalysts from spent lithium-iron batteries were unsatisfied. In the second part of the experiments, the dissolution and impregnation method were used for manufacturing the pellet and honeycomb catalysts from the spent lithium batteries. The catalytic activities of lithium-iron catalysts were well improved. Experimental results showed that the optimal operation conditions of lithium-cobalt pellet catalysts were occurred at the reaction temperature and space velocity of 400 oC and 8,488 hr-1 or 500 oC and 25,465 hr-1. The optimal operation conditions of lithium-iron pellet catalysts were occurred at 500 oC and 8,488 hr-1. The conversion rates of C3H6 and CO at these conditions were higher than 90~99%. The optimal recycling and preparing processes for the manufacture of environmental catalysts from the spent lithium batteries was proposed according to the experimental results and experiences. The results of cost analysis and economic evaluation indicated that the dominated operation cost on manufacturing catalysts from spent lithium batteries was for the catalyst support. Due to the price and profit of commercial catalysts were high, the revenue of selling lithium-cobalt catalysts and lithium-iron catalysts were higher than the manufacturing cost. As a result, recycling the spent lithium batteries to manufacture catalysts was highly economic and feasible. 103 基管會 弘光科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74690
深層地熱發電技術評估工作 推動「低碳」或「無碳潔淨能源」之再生能源技術為先進國家重點研發項目,我國本身自產能源相當匱乏,在2007年台灣的進口能源依存度已經成長到99.22%。全球深層地熱發電之潛能約為石化燃料發電潛能之300倍,相對於先進國家對深層地熱研發與應用的進程,我國的地熱應用之進度實屬落後,實需大力推動。臺灣地處環太平洋地震帶與火山區,地熱蘊藏條件頗為優異,例如:臺灣大屯火山群(基隆火山、龜山島)、東部海岸山脈、及澎湖群島區等三大火山區;然而,相對於先進國家對深層地熱研發與應用的進程,我國的地熱應用之進度實屬落後,實需大力推動。據此,本計畫研究將蒐集國際深層地熱資源開發現況資訊,並評析面臨挑戰及未來發展方向;從工程、經濟、環境之3E面向,評估國內深層地熱資源開發技術及發展潛力;同時,召開諮詢會探討深層地熱能開發執行困境與改善解決對策,提出我國深層地熱發電推動策略,以達國家2025年無碳再生能源佔發電系統8%之目標。 Taiwan is lack of self-production energy which the dependence on imported energy has come to 97.49% in 2007. With the warning of Fukushima nuclear disaster and the pulse on construction of the Fourth nuclear power plan, is it critical to develop projects of renewable energy with “low-carbon” or “zero carbon clean energy” technology. Global Enhance Geothermal System (EGS) energy potential is 300 times than fossil fuels. Compared to developed countries’ process on EGS and neighbor countries like Philippine and Indonesia actively developing geothermal power technology, Taiwan has great advantage on geothermal power because of located in circum-Pacific seismic belt and the volcanic area such as Taiwan Datun Volcano Group (Keelung volcano, Gueishan Island), east coast mountains, and the Penghu Islands area. However, we are still behind the agenda which need more efforts to promote the geothermal application.Based on the needs, this research is to collect current development status from international EGS, including US, Philippine and Indonesia as well as to evaluate the challenges and the future directions. On the other hand, it is to evaluate Taiwan’s EGS technology development and its potential for power generation from 3E(engineering, economy and environment) dimensions. Meanwhile, this research has held a conference to discuss the difficulties and solutions on implementation of EGS, and further proposed a strategy for promoting EGS to achieve the national goal of 8% power generation from low carbon renewable energy.The research concluded the following results: Co-opetition the advantage and experiences of international geothermal development, analysis of current development and potential of geothermal technology in Taiwan, 3E dimensions of evaluation on technology of Taiwan’s EGS and the suggestion to Taiwan’s EGS future development. 103 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 國立台灣大學嚴慶齡工業發展基金會合設工業研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72089
103年環保我最行生態體驗列車 本活動分成二大主題及二個專題辦理,各主題活動再分成五梯次辦理如下--【主題活動一】拜訪社區及海洋體驗行【五梯次、215人次】 (04月12日;05月10日、24日;06月28日;07月12日)活動內容:1.認識社區生態資源、功能及人與生態間之環境倫理關係。2.認識社區外來種及其衍生之問題。3.體驗社區文化、認識社區總體營造、生態綠化之方法。4.本縣濱海區域具有國際級的海洋及生態文化,活動以豐富的自然生態為主導,結合寓教於樂的宣導教學方式,教育參加活動之民眾體驗和認識我們的鄉土及環保現況,導入生態保育和環境保護的觀念。 103 彰化縣環境保護局 彰化縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=75913
103年環境講習 一、依據環境教育法第23條及24條所訂,函文通知違反相關環境保護法律者,接受1至8小時環境講習。二、以環境倫理及違反環境保護法律之行為對個人、團體、環境之影響、各項污染防治法概論、違反法令實際案例探討及各項污染防治技術實務等課程,於103年5月21日、8月20日、10月14日及10月29日辦理4場次環境講習,共計通知935件(次)參加講習。三、截至103年10月31日止,本縣完成環境講習率為92.1%。 103 彰化縣環境保護局 京丞資源國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=75433
利用廢輪胎製造綠色薄膜之研究(2年之第1年) 國內目前每年所產生的廢輪胎(主要組成是橡膠)約十萬噸,大量的廢輪胎將引起「有價橡膠的資源浪費」及「棄置廢輪胎產生環境污染」等問題。因此,透過廢輪胎與橡膠原料的再利用應可有效地解決上述問題。廢輪胎為一種熱固性材料,無法經由加熱軟化或加熱再製成其它產品;因此,過去廢輪胎的再利用往往因為技術複雜,成本高而缺乏市場價值。近年來,去交聯程序回收橡膠原料的技術已相繼發展並趨於成熟。該技術可將三維交聯結構、不可溶、不易燃的強熱固性高分子轉變為二維、柔軟、有塑性、高黏性、低模量係數,可硫化的熱塑性高分子,此即稱為再生膠。以再性膠為原料,不僅可降低成本,亦可節省化石原料資源。此外,近年來由於分離薄膜需求量日與俱增,據研究分析報告指出,全球分離薄膜的市場需求量在2013年已達到3.3億美元,預計在2017年將可以達到25.7億美元。因此,本計畫將開發使用再生膠製備高分子膜的技術,並將其應用於二氧化碳氣體分離與氫氣純化。計畫中將探討添加劑、鑄膜液組成、相轉換程序等參數對薄膜形態及氣體滲透之影響。薄膜的形態、表面粗糙度、層間距值及熱穩定性將以SEM、AFM、XRD及TGA等特性分析進行。研究結果指出,再生膠因仍含有未完全脫硫的交聯結構,故可以直接透過溶液鑄造的方式來製備出具有氣體滲透分選效能之薄膜。在製膜條件上,以甲苯對再生膠有最佳的溶解度,當A再生膠的溶解度為1.1 g/100 ml時有最佳的CO2/N2選擇率11.6。 Nowadays, more than 100 thousand waste tires are generated annually in Taiwan. This causes two major problems: the wastage of valuable rubbers and the disposal of waste tires leading to environmental pollution. Two major approaches to solve this problem are the recycle and the reuse of waste tire, and the reclaim of rubber raw materials. The waste tire, rubber, is one kind of thermosetting materials, which is cross-linked on processing and molding, and therefore cannot be softened or remolding by heating again. Thus, the technology for recycle of thermoset polymers (waste tire) is complex and less viable commercially. However, recently, Reclaiming of rubber by physical, chemical, biotechnological, and de-link processes have been developed. Reclaiming of scrap rubber products is the conversion of a three dimensionally interlinked, insoluble and infusible strong thermoset polymer to a two dimensional, soft, plastic, tackier, low modulus and vulvanizable essentially thermoplastic product, reclaimed rubber. Reusing or incorporation of reclaim rubber into new rubber compound, not only reduces the cost of the finished product but also saves our united resource of fossil feed stock. In this project, the reusing of reclaimed rubber for preparing polymer membrane was investigated and applied in CO2 separation and H2 purification. In this work, the reclaimed rubber is used as precursor to fabricate polymer membrane or blend polymer membrane. The effects of additives, casting dope composition, phase inversion method on the membrane morphology and permeability were investigated. The membrane morphology, surface roughness, d-spacing, thermal properties were analyzed by SEM, AFM, XRD, and TGA. The results indicates that the reclaim rubber can be used as the precursor for polymeric membrane fabrication directly due to some crosslink structure are still remaining after de-link treatment. The optimum conditions determined were as follows: using toluene as solvent to prepare casting dope, and then following by casting and dry phase inversion. The optimum conditions resulted in a CO2/N2 selectivity of 11.6. 103 基管會 中山醫學大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75374
103年新竹市推動複式動員、全面強化街道及環境衛生永續指標工作 一、辦理複式動員教育訓練及宣導觀摩等推廣工作二、辦理全面強化街道及住家環境清理-觀光景點及髒亂點清理三、環保示範區各項指標推動工作四、公廁管理工作五、空地空屋管理工作 103 新竹市環境保護局 金石山工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81672
103年度嘉義市資源回收工作計畫 本計畫執行期間自103年3月21日至103年12月31日止,共計10個月。期間主要協助辦理轄內資源回收相關稽查工作、資源回收教育及宣導工作、成果彙整及考核庶務工作等分為十二大項,將工作項目歸納出稽查管制工作、輔導宣導工作、形象改造工作與績效考核工作等4大面向。在稽查管制工作執行,主要在監督業者落實環保署相關環保法令政策與制度,共計完成查獲29件違規責任物、販賣業者稽查768家次、回收處理業者362家次、限制含汞電池193家次、一次用外帶飲料杯271家次、限制產品過度包裝694件、廢潤滑油產生源83家等指定業者現場稽查管制,巡查社區、機關、學校、餐館業、旅館業、百貨公司的分類回收查核及掌握回收量作業則完成525家次。在輔導宣導工作面向中,文宣作業包含提供1,000份宣導品、1項宣導道具、4種設計文宣;發布1,383則電子媒體宣導;每月發佈2則新聞稿,已有10則新聞稿,刊登於聯合報、中國時報、自由時報、蘋果日報等任一報紙;辦理2場法令政策宣導說明會、4梯次資源回收宣傳(導)教育活動、1場大型資源回收宣導活動、8場次資源回收宣導活動、16處資源回收物兌換活動及學校資源回收評比活動及教師資源回收研討活動,評比結果,國小組特優為嘉大附小;國中組特優為北興國中;高中職以上組特優為嘉義高商。在形象改造工作面向中,針對歷年94處資源回收形象改造站追蹤運作現況及更新維護基本資料;輔導社區、里、機關、團體、學校共計10處單位申請資源回收形象改造站設置;補助100位個體業者形象宣導服(冬、夏裝)、帽子以及50萬意外保險,並辦理1場個體業者關懷活動,當天由黃敏惠市長親自頒發補助機具。共計完成304位個體業者環境衛生巡查作業;媒合15位個體業者進入物業、社區或學校從事資源回收服務,並掌握資源回收流向。在績效考核工作面向中,彙整9個月各項資源回收物大盤商收購價及區域範圍;規劃垃圾分類、資源回收清運定點試辦示範路線及執行成效;研擬規劃本市資源回收分類清運業務執行模式;提出兩項創新作法為列管業者輔導成果系統化,查核成果無紙化及環保政策影音宣導與陸客旅遊環保政策宣導。辦理推動里資源回收績效評比業務工作,已於103年10月16日至30日辦理里資源回收評比活動,評比結果特優里分別為新店里、朝陽里、興村里、頂庄里、文化里、新西里及保福里。環保署於103年10月2日安排考核委員至嘉義市進行103年度回收工作成效之現勘,本團隊全力協助環保局考核之準備工作,包括 貴局及本計畫推動資源回收工作成果之展現,如成果簡報資料、考核會場籌備、相關受核單位協調聯繫、書面資料卷宗等應有之重要事項。 Promotion of Resource Recycling Project in Chiayi City, 2014. There are 10-month period of the plan execution, since 103 years March 21 to December 31 103 years. Work is divided into four major face, including audit control work, counseling advocacy work, image transformation and performance assessment.Audit controls working part, Supervise the implementation of the EPA industry-related environmental laws and institutional policies.Complete inspection designated industry jobs, including seized 29 illegal liability matter, trafficking industry inspectors 768 times recycling industry 362 times, limiting mercury battery 193 times, once with a takeaway drink cup Source Reduction industry 271 times.Examiner 694 gift limit excessive packaging of products, waste lubricating oil generating source 83. Complete inspections of waste separation and recovery of 525 master communities, offices, schools, restaurants, industry, hotel industry, department stores.Part of advocacy work in counseling. Advocacy advocacy product has 1,000 items, an advocacy props, 4 kinds of design propaganda. Media advocacy work contains 1,383 electronic media publishing; published two press releases per month; published in newspapers in the United Daily News, China Times, Liberty Times, Apple Daily, a total of 10 press releases, etc. There are two games Act apply policy advocacy seminars, a field four echelon recycling outreach and education activities, a field of large recycling activities, 8 flea market activity, 16 recycling material exchange activities.Recycling assessment activities apply to all schools and recycling seminar for teachers. Recycling appraisal results for the country as a privileged group is AEESNCYU, PSJHS is privileged group in the National High School, NCYSCV is privileged groups in high schools and universities.Image transformation section. Track the status of the operation and maintenance of basic information for image reconstruction 94 recycling stations in the past few years. Counselling 10 communities, the agencies, organizations, schools apply for setting resource recovery image transformation stand this year. Image advocacy clothes, hats, and 500,000 to 100 individual accident insurance industry in a field activity of individual care industry. Environmental health inspections done on storage conditions in 304 self-employed. There are 15 individual businesses do matchmaking resource recovery services and mastered recycling flow in the community, the school.Recycling performance assessment section. Within the scope of the collection area, the purchase price of recyclable materials wholesaler within 9 months. Planning and execution of the effectiveness of the demonstration route on garbage, recycling removal point operations. City recycling classification removal business plan execution mode. Two innovative approach is the result of systematic and environmental policy advocacy for Chinese tourists.Promote recycling in the performance appraisal operations, has handled of recycling activities and competitions in 103 years of 16 to 30 October, were privileged in 新店里、朝陽里、興村里、頂庄里、文化里、新西里及保福里。EPA members to do the exploration recycling effectiveness in 103 years October 2 to Chiayi. Assist in the preparation of the team, including the results of the work to promote recycling show, such as the results of briefing materials, contact the relevant units to coordinate important issues, such as written information dossier. 103 嘉義市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78691
103年度嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗掃街工作計畫 一、計畫名稱:103年度嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗掃街計畫二、執行期程:自簽約日起至103年12月15日止三、工作內容完成進度:1.自103年5月19日開始執行洗街作業,至103年12月15日為止累計執行洗街8,644.3公里,洗街累計達成率為86.4%。2.自103年5月14日開始執行掃街作業,至103年12月15日為止累計執行掃街11,458.3公里,掃街累計達成率為114.6%。3.減量評估:累計洗掃街長度為20,102.6公里,依據環保署減量公式(削減量=洗掃街長度x減量係數)推估,TSP可削減277.4公噸,PM10可削減52.3公噸。4.道路普查:道路普查工作共計完成280條道路調查工作,共計653公里,其中A級道路約佔73%、B級道路約佔27%。5.洗掃街查核:執行每兩週一次之道路查核,現完成30條道路之洗掃街現況調查作業,累計查核總長度為243.4公里。 103 嘉義市政府環境保護局 佳宇環保實業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81928
來去環保小學堂南勢社區 一、南勢社區簡介。二、環境教育課程三、南勢 愛您~DIY製作。四、阿嬤的私房菜。伍、我在南勢見到你~環境改造點導覽&溼地自然植物生態導覽。六、我在南勢見到你~許木農村古農具文物館導覽。七、心得分享。 103 彰化縣環境保護局 施怡安 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=76015
廢棄液晶面板/電器產品回收再製模組化環保隔熱裝置之技術製程整合 目前國內液晶面板的生命週期越來越短、汰換率越來越高,致使其廢棄物呈現倍數成長,再加上相關資源再生管道尚未成熟,以致掩埋、焚燒成為最主要的處理方式,然而傳統的處理方法,不但無法達成廢棄物減量且亦有污染環境之虞。此外,共聚聚丙烯是洗衣機產品中,用途最廣且用量最大的塑膠材料,除具有密度小、剛性佳、硬度高等優良機械性質外,亦包含良好的抗化學藥劑性、抗磨蝕性等特性,故為了避免與日俱增的廢棄物造成生態環境沉重的負擔,如何有效的開發創新性回收再製模組化隔熱裝置技術,將是計畫重點所在。 故本研究針對廢棄液晶面板,先行利用機械預破壞方式,輔以超音波輔助化學反應加上破碎、風選、濕式球磨、乾燥等步驟,最終獲得粒徑100 mesh以下之回收玻璃粉,後續並結合回收高耐衝聚丙烯塑膠( PP ),經配方設計、相容化研究、精密混練造粒、模具設計、模流分析,模組化射出成型等關鍵技術,完成「廢棄液晶面板/電器產品回收再製模組化環保隔熱裝置」。另藉由回收玻璃粉的添加,除可有效提升機械性質、耐熱性、硬度等關鍵物性外,亦可達降低成本,並能夠符合歐盟RoHS及WEEE環保回收法規之相關限制與規定,藉此增加資源回收再利用的高附加經濟效益。 除此之外,計畫選用乙烯基三乙氧基矽烷偶合劑( VTEOS )進行回收玻璃粉( glass powder )表面偶合處理,並搭配回收PP ( rPP ),選擇聚烯烴接枝馬來酸酐( POE-g-MA )進行相容性最適化改質,進而完成rPP/回收玻璃粉複材製備,可分別依模組化環保隔熱裝置之結構件需求,進行最適玻璃粉比例應用,並在20 % R-Glass的添加下,提升拉伸強度10 %、彎曲強度20 %,且增加熱變形溫度7 ℃,最終完成模組化環保隔熱裝置之100 * 20 cm面材、100 * 12 cm底板與100 * 8 cm角柱等三項產品結構件,而後將環保隔熱裝置實際應用至建築物頂樓,可有效降低樓板照射溫度達13.5 ℃。 103 基管會 遠東科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74177
聯合國永續發展教育十年計畫後永續發展行動策略研擬專案工作計畫 永續發展教育十年的宗旨為透過各種形式的教育、宣傳和培訓活動,提高對永續發展的認識,促進朝向永續發展。我國政府及民間積極推動環境教育已近三十年,視環境教育與永續發展教育為同義詞。本計畫根據永續發展的四個面向,環境、社會、經濟、文化四個面,檢視我國「永續發展教育(環境教育)」的推動情形及相關成果,製作中、英、日文三種語言的摺頁及手冊,透過於世界永續教育會十年會場設攤,分享臺灣永續發展教育現況與展望,經由國內五個部會及國外五個國家的文件與文獻之整理與分析,以及相關專家學者的諮商,規劃未來十年我國推動永續發展教育的行動策略。 Planning Action Strategies of Education for Sustainable United Nation Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD) is to raise up the awareness of the sustainable development and actions toward sustainable development through various approaches of formal, informal education and training. Taiwan government had actively promoted the environmental education (EE) for thirty years and treated EE as education for sustainable development (ESD). This project reviewed the efforts and results of past EE with the perspectives of environment, society, economics and culture which are four dimensions of sustainable development. The research team did literature review on EE reports of the five agencies in Taiwan and status reports about the education of sustainable development (ESD) in five countries. This research produced and distributed three kinds of brochures and booklets with one of Mandarin, English, and Japanese in the exhibition near the World conference on Education for Sustainable Development, to share the status and vision of Taiwanese ESD (EE). After two consulting meetings, this team completed action strategies for post 2014 ESD of Taiwan. 103 綜計處 中華民國環境教育學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72347
103年度臺東縣環境教育推動執行工作計畫 摘要本計畫自103年3月24日簽約執行至103年12月31日止,各項工作階段執行成果摘要說明如下:一、臺東縣環境保護極短片徵選及發表本年度臺東縣環境保護極短片計有20件作品參賽,經組成兩組(學校及社會組)各4委員之評審團後,於6月4日進行作品評選。評審委員包含臺東縣環保局環境衛生管理科吳淑姬小姐、臺東縣萬安國小何錦尚校長、臺東縣休閒旅遊協會歐業偉副總幹事及大愛電視台導演王俊凱先生等,評選結果選出第1~第5名及5名優選。得獎作品已於6月13日公開進行頒獎及發表活動,共有207人參加。其中前5名作品並置於臺東縣環境教育資訊網供大眾點播欣賞。活動共計刊登4則電子媒體及1則平面媒體。二、環境場域參訪活動1.東部海岸國家風景區管理中心為配合4月22日世界地球日,本計畫特別選在4月22日於台東縣東部海岸國家風景區舉辦環境教育場域參訪活動,計有民眾、機關人員及國中小學師生共124人參與。本次活動目的主要在於培養民眾對自然萬物的尊重,建立與環境的和諧關係,觸發環境行動力,成為有環境素養的公民。 2.國立台灣史前文化博物館為響應世界環境日,本計畫特於6月13日舉辦「台灣史前文化博物館環境場域參訪活動」,計有學校師生共114人參加,希望能讓參加的國小學童們對於台東之自然生態、史前文化及原住民文化之豐富和多樣性有更多的認識,啟發其對自然萬物的尊重,能夠更珍惜、尊重這片土地綿延不斷的自然與文化生命。3.知本自然教育中心及富源社區本次金秋環境季活動成功吸引共241位台東縣內的機關人員、一般民眾、教師及學童參加,知本自然教育中心三梯次共165人,富源社區共76人。參訪過程中主要希望透過親身參與知本自然教育中心及富源社區,經戶外教學過程,培養學童及民眾的環保意識,提昇主動關心環境教育事務的意願,並影響家人、朋友,以達到人與自然和諧相處的目標,也在學習中獲得環境保護與自然的奧妙的知識。三、環境教育法第19條執行成效輔導相關作業暨環境講習1.協助辦理環境教育講習計畫執行期間,每月1日由環保局所提供之講習名單,規劃講習課程及講座邀請,並於當月底開課。總計5~10月份共辦理8場,通知講習人數438人,完成講習203人,在扣除請假、異地申請、未送達等人數不計之下,整體出席率為73%。2.辦理環境教育說明會10場10場環境教育說明會總辦理時數40小時,其中32小時為環境教育人員授課,總出席人數457人。四、環境教育志工培訓及創意教學工作坊1.環境教育志工培訓本年度志工招募訓練共辦理3場次,分別為「環境教育志工特殊訓練」、「綠色生活及消費志工特殊訓練」及「志工基礎訓練」。完成1.環境教育志工特殊訓練人數39人;2.綠色生活及消費志工特殊訓練人數39人;及3.志工基礎訓練人數45人。2.創意教學工作坊創意教學工作坊於7月14及15日舉辦,本次活動共有36位教師參加,活動共兩天一夜。本年度環境創意教學工作坊主要參訪屏東縣恆春生態農場、屏東縣高樹鄉田子國小以及屏東縣九如鄉後庄國小。經由學校之間能相互觀摩相互學習,及經驗分享交流,創意教學工作坊使與會學員建立積極正面的價值及態度,以引導學生產生環境行動力。 五、相關輔導作業1.環境教育設施場所認證輔導環境教育設施場所認證說明會已於103年5月9日辦理,本次說明會邀請臺東縣取得環境教育設施場所認證之永安社區廖中勳先生,前來分享「環境教育設施場所認證經驗」,會中藉由環境教育設施場所輔導問卷調查表,初步瞭解各場所申請狀況符合情形及其申請意願,並選出2個場所本身條件及意願較高之單位,分別為「台東農場」及「東河休閒農莊」進行後續輔導。2.社區改造及環保小學堂計畫輔導為協助協助臺東縣轄內各社區瞭解104年度社區環境改造及環保小學堂計畫,本計畫於103年9月30日辦理1場說明會,而由進一步輔導鼓勵,目前計有4社區(多良、溫泉、竹湖及下賓朗社區)申請社區環境改造計畫;另有1社區(富源社區)申請環保小學堂推廣計畫。六、協助各項環境教育競賽作業1.第3屆國家環境教育獎本年度已於103年5月7日辦理1場次國家環境教育獎參選說明會,會議當日共有13個單位共襄盛舉,包含機關、企業、社區等單位。此次說明會很榮幸邀請到第一屆國家環境教育獎個人組獲獎代表-臺東縣池上鄉萬安國民小學何錦尚校長及第一屆國家環境教育獎社區組獲獎代表-永安社區廖中勳先生,前來分享環境教育獎參賽經驗。經環保局及本計畫之努力徵件,至7月15日報名截止日前,本縣計有3類3件參與本年度國家教育獎,分別為個人類:洪婉莉小姐;學校類:台東縣廣原國民小學;以及機關(構)類:行政院農業委員會林務局臺東林區管理處知本自然教育中心。經組成各類參選項目之評審團後,於9月26日召開初審作業說明會,會中交付各參選者申請文件,並確認於10月1日~10月2日辦理現地勘查。實地現勘過程中,審查委員依據書面文件資料及現場勘查討論結果,給予參賽者建議事項,並由参賽者進行參賽文件補件作業。参賽者修正後參賽文件,最終於103年10月20日召開初審成績議決會議。由於各參賽類別均只有1件參賽者,因此最後議決個人類(洪婉莉)、學校類(廣原國小)參及機關(構)類(知本自然教育中心)參賽者給予特優獎勵,並代表臺東縣角逐第3屆國家環境教育獎。2.環保志(義)工環境知識競賽環保志(義)工環境知識競賽主要目的乃以寓教於樂之方式,讓環保志(義)工學習環境相關知識。活動分兩階段進行,首先縣內初賽共有6支隊伍,約120人組隊報名參加,活動當天由環保局陳炳伸科長揭開序幕後,隨即進行暖身操練與各項競賽。透過地方初賽的辦理結果,本縣集結約83名優良之環保志(義)工組隊參加103年8月23日由行政院環境保護署舉辦的「全國環保志(義)工環境知識競賽」活動,與全台各縣市的環保志(義)工們一較高下。最後在「環保精神啦啦隊」比賽中,以台東著名的特色活動「炸寒單爺」為主題,並奪得第4名的佳績,展現出台東縣的創意、活力、熱情及無比的運動家精神。3.臺東縣環保知識挑戰擂台賽為了讓臺灣全國國民在不受年齡、性別、職業、教育程度等限制,能全方位拓展對環保知識認知,環保署於民國99年4月起規劃建置「環境E學院」,做為環保知識的資料庫,並藉此於100年起每年舉辦「全國環保知識挑戰擂台賽」,集結全國各縣市初賽表現優異的參賽者進行總決賽,而各地方政府環保局亦每年配合舉辦初賽活動,遴選出各組前五名代表地方參加全國總決賽。本年度臺東初賽活動分兩階段進行,首先由各校進行校內初賽,並由校內初賽結果擇優參加縣內初賽。「台東縣環保智慧王挑戰擂台賽」於10月26日(星期日),在台東市新生國小禮堂舉行,共分為國小組、國中組、高中職組及社會組等四組個別競賽,參賽人數國小組為168人、國中組為91人、高中職組為10人及社會組為20人,共計289人。七、臺東縣環境教育行動方案本計畫已於執行之初即依環保署編製環境教育白皮書之需求,提送地方環境保護機關環境教育成果調查表,並製作「102 年臺東縣環境教育行動方案執行成果報告」(初稿),且於103年6月9日協助召開臺東縣環境教育審議委員會審議,初稿經審議後,依委員意見進行修正,並於103年6月13日完成所有委員之確認後,作成定稿提送環保署。八、推廣綠色生活本計畫已完成(1)增加綠色商店30家、(2)新增民間企業採購會員 32 家、(3)提報環保標章或第二類環境保護產品違規情形27件、(4)輔導轄內村里辦公室進行綠色消費或環保標章之宣傳18處、(5)綠色生活資訊網公布活動訊息則數46則、(6)文宣製作及媒體運用17則、(7)綠色商店輔導家數62家、(8)民間、團體及社區綠色採購申報家數22家、(9)辦理環保標章說明會並邀請轄內相關業者參與2場、(10)輔導綠色婚禮產業鏈相關業者35家。 103 Taitung County Environmental Education to promote the implementation of the annual work plan 103 years of this project since March 24 and ending 103 years of contract execution on December 31, the Executive Summary of the results of the work phases are described below:First, Taitung County Environmental Protection released a very short films for selection and Taitung County Environmental very short films this year there are 20 entries from the count, the composition of the two groups (schools and community groups) all four members of the jury after, on June 4 were selected works. Taitung County jury contains EPA Environmental Health Management Branch, Miss Wu Shu Ji, Taitung County Primary Ho Kam Wan An , Taitung County Association of European leisure travel industry Wei, Deputy Director General and Director Mr. Wang Junkai love television so the selection results of the first to be elected The first five and five famous election. The winning entries were published in public events and awards June 13, a total of 207 participants. Of which the first five works and placed Taitung County Environmental Education News Demand for public appreciation. Activities totaled four electronic media and published a print media.Second, the environmental field visit activities 1. East Coast National Scenic Area Administration Center In line with the April 22 Earth Day, this project special election held environmental education activities in the field visit on April 22 at the East Coast National Scenic Area in Taitung County, namely people, office workers and 124 primary and secondary school teachers and students people involved. The main purpose of this activity is to develop respect for the natural world and the people, to establish a harmonious relationship with the environment, trigger environmental action, and become an environmental literacy of citizens.2. The National Taiwan Museum of Prehistory In response to the World Environment Day, this project is organizing on June 13 "Taiwan Museum of Prehistory environmental field visit activities", namely, a total of 114 people attended the school teachers and students, hoping that children who participate in the national school for Taitung the natural environment, cultural richness and diversity of prehistoric Aboriginal culture and know more, inspired by their respect for the natural world, can cherish and respect this land endless stretches of natural and cultural life.3. Chihpen Nature Education Center and Fuyuan Community The environment autumn season activities attracted a total of 241 office workers within Taitung County, the general public, teachers and students to participate in three-echelon Chihpen Nature Education Center 165 people, a total of 76 people Fuyuan community. Visit the main process is hoped to personally participate in Chihpen Nature Education Center and Fuyuan community through outdoor teaching, training students and people's environmental awareness, willingness to take the initiative to enhance environmental education matters and affects family, friends, to meet people and natural harmony of the goal, but also get to learn the subtleties of environmental protection and nature of knowledge.Third, the Environmental Education Law Article 19 related to the implementation of effective remedial work environment workshop cum 1. assist with environmental education workshops During the execution plan, the 1st month of the list of workshops offered by the Environmental Protection Agency, curriculum planning workshops and seminars invitation, and in the end when commenced. Total handled a total of 5 to October 8 games, the number of notifications class 438, 203 people completed the workshop, under the number of deductions leave, remote applications, such as excluding non-delivery, overall attendance rate of 73%.2. For Environmental Education Seminar 10 games 10 Description field of environmental education will always apply a few 40 hours, including 32 hours of environmental education teaching staff, the total attendance of 457 people.Fourth, environmental education volunteer training workshops and creative teaching 1. Environmental Education Volunteer Training This year volunteers recruit training were handled in three sessions, namely "environmental education volunteer special training", "green living and consumption of specially trained volunteers" and "volunteer basic training." 1. Environmental Education Volunteer completed special training number 39; 2 green living and consumption of specially trained volunteers number 39; and 3. The number of volunteers basic training 45 people. 2. Creative Teaching Workshop Creative teaching workshops on July 14 and held on the 15th, this time a total of 36 teachers participated in the activities, events on overnight visit. Creative Workshops teaching environment this year mainly Visit Hengchun, Pingtung County Ecological Farm, Pingtung County 田子国 small village and tall trees on the back nine as a small country village Township, Pingtung County. Between schools could observe each other through mutual learning and exchange of experience sharing, creative teaching workshop enables participants to establish a positive student attitudes and values to guide students to generate environmental action force.Fifth, work-related counseling 1. Environmental education establishments certified counseling facilities Environmental Education Facilities Location Certification briefing was 103 years May 9 handle, this description will be invited to get in Taitung County Environmental Education Facilities Location Certification of Mr. Liao Zhongxun Wing community, come to share "Environmental education and facilities for certification experience" will With environmental education facilities in place counseling questionnaire, a preliminary understanding of the status of each application to apply for places in line with the wishes of their situation, and to elect two places of the wishes of their own conditions and higher units, namely "Taitung farm" and "East River leisure Farm "follow-up counseling.2. small school community improvement and environmental planning counseling To help assist communities to understand each jurisdiction Taitung County 104 annual community environmental improvement and environmental protection small school plan, this plan in 103 years on September 30 will apply for a course description, and by further encourage counseling, currently there are four communities count (more good, hot springs, lakes and bamboo under Binlang community) to apply community environmental improvement plan; otherwise a community (Fuyuan community) to promote the plan to apply for a small school environment.Six, to assist the work of environmental education competition 1. The 3rd National Environmental Education Award This year has been 103 years May 7 to handle a screening of the National Environmental Education Award candidate briefings, meetings Gongxiangshengju day total of 13 units, including agencies, businesses, communities and other units. The description will be very honored to have the first group of the National Environmental Education Award winning personal representative - Wan 安国民 Chihshang Township Elementary School Jin Ho 尚校长 second term National Environmental Education Award winning community group representatives - Mr. Wing community 廖中勋 before environmental Education Award competition to share the experience. Efforts by the Environmental Protection Agency and the intrinsic parts of the plan, to July 15 registration deadline, the county has a 3 meter class three participating countries Education Award this year, for the individual category were: Miss Hong Wanli; school classes: National Taitung County Guangyuan and agencies (institutions) category; school: Forestry Bureau Chihpen Nature Education Center Taitung forest District Office.After the jury of various types of election programs on September 26 will be held preliminary job description, all candidates will be delivered in the application documents and confirmed on October 1 - October 2 now apply to exploration. Now during the field survey, the review committee on the basis of written documentation and on-site survey results of the discussions, the participants recommended that the matter be given, participants performed the job by participating file additional documents. After the contestants participating amended document, the final resolution of the meeting held preliminary results on October 20 103 years. As a result of the competition categories are only one contestant, so the final resolution of individual classes (Hong Wanli), school classes (Guangyuan Primary) Participation and agencies (institutions) class (Chihpen Nature Education Center) grant privileged participant incentives, and on behalf of Taitung County race 3rd national Environmental Education Award.2. Environmental Chi (righteousness) work environment quiz Environmental Chi (righteousness) working knowledge of the environment are based on the way the main purpose of entertaining contest, let environmental Chi (righteousness) learning environment for knowledge workers. Activities carried out in two stages, the first preliminary round total of six teams prefecture, about 120 people enrolled in the team, the day after Chen Ping stretched by the EPA chief to kick off immediately afterwards warm-up exercises and various competitions. Through the results of the preliminary round of the handle where the county was centered about 83 environmental quality of Chi (righteousness) work team to participate in "National Environmental Chi (righteousness) work environment knowledge contest" 103 years August 23 organized by the Environmental Protection Administration activities, and counties and cities in Taiwan's environmental Chi (righteousness) workers are under a high. Finally, in "green spirit cheerleading" race to Taitung famous special activities "fried cold single God" as the theme, and the first to win four medals, showing Taitung County creativity, energy, enthusiasm and unparalleled sportsmanship .3. Challenge contest Taitung County environmental knowledge To allow Taiwanese nationals in the country regardless of age, sex, occupation, education level and other restrictions, to all-round development of environmental knowledge cognition, EPD's Republic of China since April 1999 build plan "Environmental Institute E", as the environmental knowledge repositories, and to be held in every year since 100 years, "National Environmental knowledge challenge challenge Cup" National assembly counties preliminaries outstanding performance make the finals contestants, but also with the local government held preliminary EPA annual campaign five representatives of each group were selected to participate in the national finals place. Taitung preliminary events this year in two phases, the first conducted by the school campus preliminaries, preliminary results merit by the school to participate in the preliminary round of the prefecture."Taitung County environmental wisdom of King Challenge Challenge Cup" on October 26 日 (Sunday) in Taitung newborn small hall of the country, the country is divided into groups, junior group, high schools and community groups and other groups four individual competitions, the number of countries participating group of 168 people, the country in the group of 91 people, the group of 10 high schools and community groups to 20 people, a total of 289 people.Seven, Taitung County Environmental Education Action Programme The plan that was implemented at the beginning of the preparation according to the needs of the EPA Environmental Education White Paper, submitted to local environmental protection agency environmental educational outcomes questionnaire, and produced "implementation of the outcomes reported in Taitung County Environmental Education Action Programme 102 years" (draft) after 103 years, and to help convene June 9 Taitung County environmental Education Committee considered the draft after deliberation, according to the views of members of the amendment, and in 103 years June 13 to complete the confirmation of all members, made final version submitted to EPD.Eight, to promote green living The plan has been completed (1) increase the Green Store 30, (2) the procurement of new members 32 private companies, (3) Green Mark escalation or second class environmental protection products contraventions 27, (4) Counseling jurisdiction of the village green consumption or propaganda office 18 of the green Mark, (5) green Life Event Calendar News published the number 46, (6) the use of propaganda and media production 17, (7) number of counseling green Store 62, (8) non-governmental, institutional and community green procurement reporting house number 22, (9) apply for green Mark briefings and invite jurisdiction related businesses involved in two games (10) counseling green wedding industry chain related industry 35 . 103 臺東縣政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72813
彰化縣環境教育法中指定對象輔導查核計畫 一、 依據環境教育法第19條規定,機關、公營事業機構、高級中等以下學校及政府捐助基金累計超過百分之五十之財團法人,每年須接受4小時環境教育,並應於每年1月31日以前,以網路申報前一年度環境教育執行成果及當年度環境教育計畫。二、 加強輔導查核本市轄內之機關、學校、公營事業機構及政府捐助基金累計超過百分之五十之財團法人等執行環境教育成效及相關行政作業,使受訪查對象能更可充分瞭解環境教育法相關規定與需求。實地輔導訪查彰化縣內各機關單位計51處 103 彰化縣環境保護局 京丞資源國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=75982
103年臺中市推動環境教育計畫 「環境教育法」於民國100年6月5日實施,是隨著全球環境問題不斷地發生,環境日益嚴重惡化而漸進發展出來的法律。主要是運用教育的方法,促進民眾在學習的過程中,瞭解個人及社會與環境的相互依存關係,增進全民環境倫理與責任,進而維護環境生態平衡、尊重生命、促進社會正義,培養環境公民與環境學習社群,以達到永續發展而所制定的法律。 我國環境教育法的立法精神與現有的環境保護法律最大的不同點在於,現有的環境保護法律大都是管制性、限制性的法律,而環境教育法是一部促進學習及促進永續發展的法律,並整合環境教育資源,賦與環境教育經費及講習之法源依據。環保署陸續研訂施行細則及環境教育人員、機構、設施、場所等認證辦法、環境教育計畫及成果的網路申報系統、環境講習的課程規劃、裁罰基準、環境教育基金的收支保管及運用管理辦法、環境教育綱領、環境教育行動方案等多項子法及後續措施。 「環境教育」的形式是經由「知」的傳遞、「態」的培養與「動」的養成等,以改變人們對於環境的思考方式,激發全民參與熱忱與落實日常環保活動;這需要長期且持續的執行,結合政府、學校、社區,將其環境素養深植入市民的心,透過教育的力量將環境意識、價值、倫理、技能及行動,落實於全民參與,並藉由環境教育生活化增加市民認同感,使環境教育意識內化成為臺中市民生活態度,提升臺中市民環境教育素質。爰此,臺中市政府環境保護局於本年度辦理「103年臺中市推動環境教育計畫」,本計畫團隊對於每一項工作提出具體完整的執行規劃,研議可行的策略以及實際的推動方案與執行方式,作為臺中市推動環境教育計畫的基礎,建構具有臺中市生態文化特色之環境教育主題。 103 臺中市政府環境保護局 鼎澤科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79355
台中市103年度一般廢棄物清除處理費徵收作業委辦計畫 臺中市政府環境保護局針對特定對象免徵、減徵一般廢棄物清除處理費及其他必要徵收作業(如開徵、停徵及復徵等)委託辦理「臺中市103年度辦理一般廢棄物清除處理費徵收作業委辦計畫」。本計畫執行期間開徵102年度費用作業,於4月底共寄發36,303件,另於8月份針對未繳費者進行催繳作業,總繳費金額共計30,229,507元。 103 臺中市政府環境保護局 京丞資源國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79342
臺中市辦理一般廢棄物源頭減量、責任及販賣業者管理計畫 本計畫執行期程自103年1月9日至103年12月31日止,整體執行進度已達100%,相關工作皆已依契約書之規定完成,計畫目標主要分為推動103年度臺中市綠色餐廳評鑑表揚計畫、推動源頭減量及計畫相關稽查管制工作(包含餐飲業自主性提供自備餐具優惠、限制產品過度包裝稽查工作、綠色包裝認證標章推廣、限制塑膠類托盤使用情形稽查工作、限制乾電池製造輸入及販賣管制稽查工作、責任業者及販賣業者稽查取締與輔導工作)、辦理相關宣導說明會及活動等三大部分。 103 臺中市政府環境保護局 京丞資源國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79328
排放管道含鹵有機污染物連續監測技術開發 本計畫開發排放管道含鹵有機污染物連續監測技術,係以「排放管道中氣態有機化合物檢測方法-採樣袋採樣/氣相層析火焰離子化偵測法(NIEA A722.75B)」為基礎,蒐集國內外排放管道採樣分析相關文獻,參考國內外相關單位建立之檢測技術及管制標準,收集國內相關業污染源資料,規劃排放管道含鹵有機污染物連續監測技術。採樣使用一顆二位十向閥,搭配採樣管、兩支分析管柱,使用火焰離子偵測器進行分析,依循環檢所所訂之「環境檢測標準方法驗證程序準則」針對所建立的分析方法進行評估,進行包括準確性、偵測極限、精密度、適用範圍等相關調查數據之品質規範評估。 Development of Halogenated Organic Pollutants On-line Measurement Technology in Stack The major objective of the project aims to develop sampling and analysis technology of halogenated organic pollutants in stack and provides test methods established to Environmental Analysis Laboratory, EPA. The on-line measurement method is based on NIEA method A722.75B, an off-line measurement method and collects sampling and analysis technology domestic and international. We sample halogenated organic pollutants by the sampling valve (2 position- 10 port) with one sample loop, two columns and analyse with GC-FID. We developed halogenated organic pollutants analyse technology, including methods of quality assurance standards, calibration, detection limits, precision accuracy, etc.,This project demonstrated the detection limits of these developed methods can match the currently EPA regulations for stack , and furthermore to provide draft standard operation procedure for EPA. 103 環檢所 中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=74584
苗栗BOT垃圾焚化廠導覽設施升級擴充改善暨宣導計畫 苗栗縣垃圾焚化廠為申請環境教育場所,並充實廠內環境教育之節能減碳宣導工作,故於廠內配合既有之硬體設備增設環境教育互動式遊戲軟體、公仔拍照區、體感互動裝置、增加環境教育節能減碳互動內容及辦理宣導活動與製作活動宣導品 103 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 延盛科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81472
103年度環保設施場所小黑蚊防治計畫 有鑑於臺灣鋏蠓之危害,行政院環境保護署委託中臺科技大學辦理「103年度環保設施場所小黑蚊防治計畫」,希望藉由此一計畫的執行協助地方環保人員建立正確防治觀念,輔導地方環保機關建立環保設施場所之臺灣鋏蠓調查技術、防治通報處理與諮詢服務機制。迄今已完成之工作如下:第一、為了解環保設施場所的臺灣鋏蠓危害情況及輔導地方環保機關建立小黑蚊密度調查技術,本計畫針對全國環保設施場所50處進行小黑蚊密度調查,目前已完成2次50處發生點的調查;第二、為培訓地方環保人員的防治處理能力,本計畫辦理全國環保設施場所50處小黑蚊發生點實地防治,已偕同環保局人員完成2次50處發生點的現場履勘,其中包含擬定防治策略、執行本年度防治作業並提交成果;第三、為輔導地方環境保護局建立通報管道、諮詢服務與防治處理能力,本計畫已完成臺灣本島2次19個地方環保局之訪談;第四、為建立地方環保人員正確之臺灣鋏蠓防治觀念,本計畫於北、中、南及東部各辦理2場次,並於高雄市加開1場次,已完成9場次,合計320人參加;第五、已完成編修小黑蚊防治手冊,並提供地方環保機關做為防治處理之參考。並於各縣市環保局及50熱點內發放84份小黑蚊防治作業手冊,50處環保設施場所均已開始使用,每月按時填寫作業表之部分。 In view of the hazard caused by the Forcipomyia taiwana, the project of “Biting midge control project for environmental facilities in 2014” was created by the Environmental Protection Administration and executed by Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology. The implementation of this plan helped the Environmental Protection Bureaus and environmental facilities build up biting midge control system including survey, notification, and consulting service and for the staffs training. As yet we have finished the following works: (1)Conducting Biting midge densities surveys twice in 50 environmental facilities to understand the hazards of the current situation; (2) Conducting investigation twice in 50 scenes, including drawing up prevention strategies and carring out prevent work; (3) Communicating with 19 Environment Protection Bureaus, helping them build up reporting system, consultation service and prevention ability; (4) Organizing 9 training courses for biting midge control to establish the proper concept with 320 participants; (5)Rewriting handbook for biting midge control. based on environmental facilities characteristics. 103 環管處 中臺科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78760
103年科技委辦計畫品質管理與推廣計畫 本年度計畫執行期間自民國103年6月起至103年12月止,根據計畫目標完成以下工作項目:協助環保署103年科技計畫追蹤管考作業與行政支援,其工作內容包括:(1)彙整環保署102年度的執行成果績效及協助確認103年計畫完成GRB資訊系統連結與登錄;(2)「環保創新科技研發」計畫管理工作包括辦理103年度育成中心期中、期末審查會議及現場訪視等工作,並彙整環保署92年至103年補助92項計畫之問卷調查統計分析;(3)更新及維護環保署永續發展室網頁,包括科技計畫、奈米國家型計畫、環保科技育成中心等內容。根據本年度計畫彙整103年科技計畫共計25項,執行經費合計為47,966仟元。另環保創新科技研發計畫自92年起,12年間共執行92項計畫,合計投入補助145,094千元,截至103年共已取得42項國內外專利,技術轉移數量共計32件。辦理環境資源部科技計畫審議及績效作業流程協商會議1場次,邀請未來納入環境資源部之部會署參與,並針對各單位現行科技計畫之審議作業、績效管考作業模式,進行討論及意見交換,會議初步結論為未來環資部之科技計畫審議及績效作業流程建議依「領域別」構想進行。本團隊辦理「提升科技計畫管理與品質精進」專家諮詢會議,提出環保署推動科技委辦計畫可規劃中長程之目標並爭取多元經費之建議,使科技計畫於未來執行更能切合施政重點及未來環境科技之發展趨勢。於103年9月22日完成辦理「103年環境科技論壇」1場。本次論壇邀請產、官、學、研專家針對「環境科技未來發展與績效管理」進行與談,並發表「環保政策與科技研究」、「環境檢測及監測」以及「環保科技產學合作」等3大主題共9篇論文及2篇專題演講,與會人員計103人參與。問卷調查結果整體滿意度達97.7%,並整理論壇成果紀實1篇,以推廣本署科技研發成果。 Quality Management and Promotion for the 2013 TEPA’S Projects This project was designed and implemented for the goals (shown as follows) from June 2014 to December 2014.Management of the quality of Technology plan of Environmental Projection Administration (TEPA)’s technology project which is including (1)Aggregated achievement data of projects carried out in 2013,and assisted in linking and logging in the process of 2014 projects to the GRB information system. (2)Administrative support and management of “Innovative Environmental Technology R&D Projects”. We managed the reviewing meetings for Environmental Technology Incubation Centers, including mid-term, final review meetings as well as the on-site visits. And we edited the performance of 92 projects that were carried out between 2003 and 2014. (3)Maintaining and updating the website of the Office of Sustainable Development, including technology development projects, the National Nanotech Projects, and Promotion for Environmental Technology Incubator Program. Edited 25 TEPA’s projects in 2014 with a total budget to 47.966 million TWD. Edited the performance of 92 “Innovative Environmental Technology R&D Projects” that were carried out between 2003 and 2014. EPA has subsidized up to 145.09 million TWD. Those projects have acquired 42 domestic and/or foreign patents, and transferred 32 cases to industry.For developing the procedure for reviewing the technology project and the mechanism for evaluating the project’s operation and performance, we invited departments which will belong to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources in the future to participate in the meeting and exchanged comments in developing the procedure for reviewing technology project and the mechanism for evaluating the project’s operation and performance. The preliminary conclusions of the meeting is according with “field” to planning . And we hope TEPA’s projects will develope in concert with the strategic plans and the development of environmental technology in the future. We discussed in meetings with specialists and scholars to provide suggestions for how to upgrade the quality management and promotion for the TEPA’s projects.We organized a Forum on Environmental Technology on September 22, 2014. Invited experts from industry, officers of government, and scholars from centers of academic research, discussed the prospective trend for future study; focused on three major themes: “The Policy of Environmental Protection and the Research of Technology”, “Cooperation of Environmental Technology between Industry and Academy ”, “Environmental Monitoring and Analysis”. Attendees of Forum also presented 9 research papers and 2 speeches. With total of 103 participants who were satisfied with a rate of 97.7%. 103 永續發展室 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76913
固定污染源空氣污染排放單元之水中 揮發性總有機化合物計量技術評析及調查 目前公告水中揮發性有機化合物 (VOC) 檢測係以吹氣捕捉/氣相層析質譜儀法 (NIEA W785.55B) 檢測個別有機物濃度,冷卻水中揮發性總有機物的總量為加總個別有機物之濃度值。但當水中溶解的VOC中含有非屬上列方法之目標化合物時,檢測結果無法代表真實排放情形。為有效掌握水中總VOC濃度,本計畫彙整國內外固定污染源廢水處理設施及冷卻水塔VOC排放規範及檢測方法文獻資料,選定以德州環境品質委員會 (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, TCEQ) 訂定的埃爾帕索氣提 (El Paso Stripping) /火焰離子化偵測器 (FID) 法,進行水中VOC採樣檢測程序驗證,測試結果顯示本計畫建立之氣提系統操作及品管結果均可符合TCEQ方法,方法偵測極限約為0.010 mg/L (以甲烷表示,as CH4)。本計畫實地勘查國內相關石化產業,選定三家石化廠中四座冷卻水塔進行採樣,現場以氣提/FID法測試水中VOC介於0.0112~0.0208 mg/L( as CH4)。現場同步採集冷卻水,以公告氣相層析質譜法進行分析,測試結果均低於石化製程冷卻水塔水中揮發性有機物排放標準5 mg/L。因現行方法揮發性總有機物為測得各化合物濃度直接加總,與本計畫使用氣提法(以甲烷表示)計算基準不同,兩者無法直接比較。本計畫已完成方法操作程序驗證,並訂定固定污染源空氣污染排放單元水中揮發性有機物標準程序指引,綜合相關程序驗證及實地測試結果,提供主管機關訂定相關作業標準之參考。 The detection method of total volatile organic compounds (VOC) in water was promulgated. The sample should be collected by purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (NIEA W785.55B). The total VOC concentration is calculated by summing the concentration of individual components from GC/MS analysis. However, the results cannot represent the actual emission if the VOC from cooling water in petrochemical industry is not on the target compound list. A study of the VOC determination of VOC in water was conducted to elevate the regulating of fugitive VOC emissions. As a result of this research, a quantitative method and its SOP for VOC in water has been developed and validated by laboratory and pilot study. 20 of several established regulatory requirements and research for VOC emissions from wastewater treatment facilities have been reviewed in this project. The TCEQ’s El Paso stripper / FID method (as methane) was chosen for this study. This method and the equipment have been validated in this project, confirming its applicability to detect VOC in water, detection limits being on the order of 0.010 mg/L. The VOC in 9 cooling towers from domestic petrochemical industry was monitored at 4 sites. The water samples were on-site monitored by using El Paso stripper / FID as well as shipped to the laboratory for analysis by GC/MS for 68 VOCs which revealed the presence of chloroform, acetone, 2-propanol and styrene where acetone and 2-propanol are not regulated. The total VOC concentration, as the sum of the concentration of chloroform, styrene and other compounds which were not detected (as 0.5×MDL), of 4 cooling water were 0.01930, 0.01309, 0.01989 and 0.01528 mg/L by GC/MS. The total VOC from the measurements of stripping / FID were 0.0208, 0.0128, 0.0112 and 0.0189 mg/L. There is no significant correlation between these results furthermore both results are much less than the current permitted level of cooling water, 5 mg/L. 103 環檢所 財團法人中興工程顧問社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73815
電視主機板資源再生廠型化創新及技術提升計畫(2年之第1年) 本研究規畫以兩年時間,以廠型化設備對CRT電視及LCD監視器之電路板進行實廠回收測試,以機械/物理處理方式分三階段將電路板上金屬加分離回收;再藉由濕法冶金方法金屬粉將被進一步分離純化至成金屬化學品。。由於電視及監視器之印刷電路板含有約60%至70%之金屬。在這項研究中,主機板上之金屬將被有效的回收成為單一金屬、混合金屬粒及金屬粉。在回收過程中,可避免因高溫處理所造成之空氣污染。研究結果顯示,第一階段粉碎分選過程可將約佔電視主機板重量40~45%且體積較大之金屬插件(包括鋁、銅、鐵及變壓器),以單一金屬型態加以回收;第二階段粉碎分選過程,則可將約佔電視主機板重量10~15%、體積較小之插件,以混合金屬粒型態將金屬加以回收;並藉第三階段粉磨篩分過程,將約佔電視主機板重量3~5%(主要為電路基板中之銅)以金屬粉型態將金屬加以回收;而整體金屬回收率可達95%以上。另回收之金屬粉再以濕法冶鍊方式將錫與銅提純回收,製成較高純度之金屬化學品。 The Innovative project for plant-based technology of TV board resource recycling This is a two-year research project. In this project, plant-type machinery will be used for the recycling test of used motherboard of CRT TV and LCD monitor. A series of crushing, grinding and screening process were used to separate used printed circuit board into metals and glass fiber/resin mixture. The recycled metal powder will be further purified and transfer into chemicals by hydrometallurgical method. The metal content of used motherboard is about 60 to 70%. In this study, the metal in the used motherboard will be recovered effectively as single metals, mixed metal pallet, and copper-based metal powder. In the recovering process, air pollution due to the high-temperature treatment may be avoided. The results showed that the first stage of shreddering and screening process can recover 40 to 45 percent of metal from the used PCB of CRT TV. In the second stage of shreddering and screening process, 10 to 15% of metal was recovered as mixed metal pallet. In the third stage of recycling process, 3 to 5% of metal was further recovered as metal powder. The overall recycling process can recover more than 95 percent of metal from used PCB. 103 基管會 綠建股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74275
建立支撐式液態薄膜平台以純化應回收廢棄物之稀有資源(2年之第1年) 本研究使用具分散反萃取相支撐式液膜(Supported Liquid Membrane with Strip Dispersion,SLMSD),利用中空纖維膜(hollow fiber module),以兩步驟程序回收與純化濃縮廢液晶面板內之銦金屬。近年來液晶顯示器(Liquid Crystal Display,LCD)具有重量輕、厚度薄、體積小且解析度高等優點,因此廣泛應用在各類光電產品中。銦錫氧化物(Indium Tin oxide,ITO)為鍍濺於液晶面板表層之透明電極,其中稀有金屬銦之價格近年來波動劇烈,且隨著廢棄液晶顯示器日益增多,故銦金屬之回收與純化濃縮所帶來的經濟效益不容小覷。 根據全量分析結果顯示,廢液晶面板之銦金屬含量約0.35-0.38mg In/g LCD,酸浸結果受粒徑大小、固液比、酸液濃度與酸浸漬時間影響;實驗結果顯示,以粒徑100 μm、3N HCl酸浸漬液、固液比25g LCD/50 ml HCL與反應時間30分鐘可以獲得最佳酸浸漬結果,酸浸溶蝕效率約70%。根據批次實驗結果,當萃取劑(D2EHPA)濃度由0.05 M上升至0.25 M,銦離子的萃取效率由50%上升至98%,此外2N HCl可以有效將銦離子從D2EHPA中與其他離子分離並反萃取至水相溶液中,整體回收率約85%,濃縮程度約4.5倍。 本研究根據批次實驗結果設定SLMSD之最佳操作參數,酸浸漬液中的銦離子濃度為140.9mg In/L;銦離子回收濃度與回收效率隨反應時間上升,但純度隨時間增加而下降。反應時間5分鐘至30分鐘,銦離子自酸浸漬液中的回收濃度由273.6mg In/L提升至709.8mg In/L,回收效率由58.9%上升至97.8%;隨著反應時間增加銦離子反而隨之下降至614mg In/L,在此操作期間銦離子純度介於71%至21.2%之間。因此,根據本研究結果,在10分鐘內透過本SLMSD裝置可快速而有效率的回收銦離子。 Purification of rare resources recovered from regulated recyclable waste by supported liquid membran Indium is a precious rare metal which has outstanding conductivity and light transmittance properties. A rapid increase of electronic applications and electronic devices in recent years leads to growing demand of indium. This project is aimed to investigate the potential indium recovery from discarded liquid crystal displays (LCDs) panels by a solvent extraction method compared to a hollow fiber supported liquid membrane with strip dispersion (SLMSD) system. Materials analysis reveals that per one kilogram of LCD power; it contains indium around 350 - 380 mg. The amount of indium extracted by hydrochloric acid was dependent on solid particle size, solid and liquid ratio (S/L), acid concentration and contact time. The maximum acid leaching efficiency of LCD was approximately 70% after dissolving LCD powder with particle size of 100 um in 3N HCl at S/L ratio of 0.5 for 30 min. In sequence, indium in HCl was subject to solvent extraction by D2EHPA solution. The results showed that the extraction rate of indium was increased from 50% to 98%, it increasing extractant concentration from 0.05 M to 0.25 M and acid back–extraction with 2N HCl can recover 85% of indium at S/L ratio of 4.5. In the continuous experiment, the SLMSD system was operated under the same batch operating conditions. The indium concentration in feed phase was about 140.9 mg/L and recovery rates were determined within 60 minutes. As expected, the concentration of indium increased from 273.6 to 709.8 mg/L when the reaction time increased from 5 to 30 minutes. This is corresponded to 58.9% and 97.8% indium recovery. However, a further increase of reaction time exhibited adverse effects by decreasing amount of extracted indium to 614 mg/L and the purity of indium in the final solution decrease from 71% to 21.2%. Based on the experiment results, it suggests that indium has high membrane transportation rate compared to other coexisted compounds and the optimum extraction rate was found at 10 minutes. 103 基管會 中原大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75632
103年清潔車及垃圾暫存(轉運)區消毒除臭工作計畫 為使臺中市所轄各區清潔隊執行沿街收集或定點收運之清潔車輛收運過程及垃圾轉運(暫存)場能有效抑制病菌及臭異味,並維護清潔人員工作職場安全衛生,降低接觸性或吸入性職業傷害,同時提升環保清潔服務工作品質。本案委辦工作項目包括本局各區清潔隊駐在場所共24處消毒除臭站藥劑儲放及輸出設備養護、48輛以前年度裝設隨車噴霧系統設備保養維護、新增裝設12輛清潔車隨車噴霧統設備、汰舊10輛已前年度裝設隨車噴霧統設備、2處垃圾暫存(轉運)場消毒除臭設備新增裝設及保養維護、清潔車駕駛座艙每季定期消毒、二氧化氯藥劑、護手洗劑定期足量供應補充,提供清潔車輛每日執行後車斗、污水孔等消毒除臭,及抽樣辦理垃圾車除臭前後臭異味量測及藥劑藥效檢測等工作。 103 臺中市政府環境保護局 仟鑫環保藥劑設備企業社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79348
103年大有社區環保小學堂推廣計畫結案報告 103年 5月起至 10月中旬參訪人次超過 3,600人次。經過環境教育宣導活動、大有社區發展歷程與低碳環保推動經驗分享、低碳措施及導覽觀摩、社區在地文化特色導覽等,將環境保護的觀念擴大宣導,提升社區居民及來訪學員的環保意識,能了解環境保護的重要。參訪單位除了社區外,我們也和鄰近好修國小結合推動環境教育,讓孩子們在大自然中遊玩和認識、學習大自然的美,並珍惜自然物種,愛護環境。近年來國民越來越重視生機飲食,大有社區生產的金碳稻,也逐年增加糙米的碾製,我們設計了糙米茶DIY體驗,同時增加的糙米的買氣。在執行環保小學堂同時,大有社區也接受了公共電視台、大愛電視台、彰化電視台、聯合報等新聞媒體的訪問,三立電視台甚至來租借場地拍攝戲劇,將大有社區介紹給全國觀眾,增加社區可見度 103 彰化縣環境保護局 彰化縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75262
103年度室內空氣品質稽巡查管理計畫 本計畫本年度共計完成86家新增納管及159家場所現場訪查作業,受訪場所之主要共通問題為(1)出風口積塵,(2)天花板發霉或破裂,(3)濾網清洗頻率不足,(4)吊扇、風扇積塵,(5)部分區域悶熱感,(6)廁所異味,(7)裝修工程油漆及揮發性有機溶劑味道明顯,(8)壁癌問題嚴重,(9)環境清潔度偏低及(10)室外污染逸散進室內。在專責人員設置情形調查方面,本團隊特協商環訓所代訓單位-崑山科技大學,至屏東縣內辦理1場次專責人員訓練班,因地利便於上課,大幅提升受訓意願,且在透過計畫訪查時不斷宣導,已使得縣內考取專責人員人數明顯增加(較102年增加25名)。第一批公告列管之12個場所,已6家完成設置及報請環保局核備、3家考取證書待報請核備、1家考證中、2家待訓。建議下年度應持續追蹤第一批公告列管之專責人員建置情形。在維護管理制度推動方面,已全面配合環保署函頒維護管理計畫文件格式進行輔導建置,新增列管場所部分,已有9家建置完成;既有納管場所部分,已有11家已完成建置,47家已依新公告格式完成轉置,其第一批公告列管場所,本計畫均已全數協助建置完成。在巡查檢測方面,新增納管場所共計執行85家、643點次的巡查檢測,其中CO2高值發生率為3.7%、CO高值發生率為0%、甲醛高值發生率為5.3%、TVOC高值發生率為2.6%、PM2.5高值發生率為4.2%、PM10高值發生率為2.6%;而在既有納管場所追蹤複查作業,共計執行159家、1,436點次的巡查檢測,其中CO2高值發生率為11.3%、CO高值發生率為0%、甲醛高值發生率為12.0%、TVOC高值發生率為10.5%、PM2.5高值發生率為0.3%、PM10高值發生率為0.5%。在標準值檢測方面,本年度已完成15家室內空氣品質標準值檢測作業。其中,社會福利綜合館、家樂福屏東店、國立屏東大學屏商校區及國立屏東科技大學之甲醛濃度逾標準值,經本團隊輔導並進行複測後,各場所皆已符合室內空氣品質標準。另外,屏東縣環保局及勞保局屏東辦事處均可能因採自然通風方式至PM10或PM2.5受到外氣影響,而有超過標準之情形。而在定期檢測作業部分,建議應定期追蹤第一批公告場所定期檢測預算編列情形及未來執行規劃,以期使得以全數符合法規之要求。在宣導說明會辦理成效方面,本年度共計辦理五場次室內空氣品質法規宣導明會,共計265單位332人與會,各場次均至少有50人參與,宣導會成效十分良好。經問卷調查結果,79%與會人員瞭解室內空氣品質管理法之規定。另辦理跨局處會議,與各局處進行溝通協商優先針對所轄場所進行現場環境檢視,以避免未來公告時而無法即時因應。除此之外,本計畫已建置IAQ輔導診斷團名單,今年度特針對衛生福利部屏東醫院、東港安泰醫院、臺鐵屏東車站、寶建醫院及屏東大學屏商校區圖書館等5個場所辦理室內空氣品質輔導改善作業,並提出相關建議供場所作為未來改善之參考。本團隊已於10月30日於屏東縣政府完成室內空氣品質監測訊號傳輸示範觀摩作業,並同步將102年度示範場所中之二氧化碳監測數據傳輸至專屬網站,供民眾參閱及查詢。在宣導文宣方面,本計畫已分別於6月30日及9月30日提送1000份宣導手冊及600份宣導品,同時協助環保局以郵寄的方式,將宣導手冊寄送歷年已執行過訪查之場所。另本團隊已於計畫執行期間更新「屏東縣室內空氣品質資訊網」專屬網頁,將其分為民眾版、學術版、廠商專區及後台管理等四個部分,並持續更新相關內容。 The 2014 Project on Indoor Air Quality Inspection and Management for Pingtung County The project has accomplished eighty six for new registered premises and one hundred and fifty nine original registered premises field inspections during the implementation period. Ten major problems according to these inspections we found: (1) accumulation of dust at the venting outlet; (2) mold growing or broken on the ceiling; (3) insufficient cleaning frequency for air conditioning filters; (4) accumulation of dust at the fans; (5) feel muggy in parts of field; (6) odor from toilet; (7) odor of painting or solvent which from interior decoration; (8) problems of wall cancer; (9) unclean indoor environment; (10) indoor pollution emission from outdoor.With respect to the establishment investigation of dedicated personnel position, we coordinated the associated agency of Environmental Professionals Training Institute-Kun Shan University to hold one indoor air quality management session in Pingtung County, which greatly enhances the volition of receiving training. The number of qualified dedicated personnel has increased obviously (twenty five more than the last year) through localized training and ongoing demonstration. In the first batch of twelve announced premises, six have gotten approval for reference, three have obtained qualification certificates, one has been waiting for qualification examination and two have been waiting for training. We suggest that the EPB keep tracing the establishment of dedicated personnel position next year.As to the promotion of indoor air quality management, the project team has comprehensively guided registered premises to establish the new issued format of maintenance and management plan. Nine of new registered premises and eleven of original registered premises have established their maintenance and management plans included the twelve announced premises, and forty seven of original registered premises have transferred to new format.With respect to inspection testing, the project team has executed six hundred and forty three times for eighty five new registered premises during field inspection service. The high value ratio for carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, total volatile organic compounds, PM2.5 and PM10 are 3.7%, 0%, 5.3%, 2.6%, 4.2% and 2.6% respectively. Meanwhile, the project team has also executed one thousand four hundred and thirty six times for one hundred and fifty nine original registered premises during tracing inspection service. The high value ratio for carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde total volatile organic compounds, PM2.5 and PM10 are 11.3%, 0%, 12.0%, 10.5%, 0.3% and 0.5% respectively. As regards the analysis for indoor air quality standards, fifteen selected premises had accomplished. In these premises, the formaldehyde concentration of Pingtung Welfare Service College Center, Carrefour, National Pingtung University and National Pingtung University of Science and Technology failed to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Standards. However, all of four premises mentioned above had met the standards after retesting. On the other hand, the PM2.5 and PM10 concentration of Pingtung County Environment Protection Bureau and Bureau of Labor Insurance Pingtung Local Office failed to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Standards due to outdoor air pollution. To let the first batch of announced premises meet the regulation requirement, the project team suggests that the EPB should keep tracking their budget planning and execution schedules of the periodic indoor air quality examination. Five regulation demonstration workshops had been held in this year, and three hundred and thirty two persons (require fifty at least) from two hundred and fifty six premises attended. As a result of questionnaire survey, 79% of attendance realized the regulation of Indoor Air Quality Management Act. In cross-division conference, the project team coordinates attended divisions to focus on field inspection of their premises within jurisdiction, so as to response timely in future. Furthermore, the project team held indoor air quility well-rounded guidance for premises this year for five premises, and also gave consulting service as a reference for future improvement, the well-rounded guidance which took places in Ministry of Health and Welfare Pingtung Hospital, Antai Medical Care Cooperation Antai Tian-Sheng Memorial Hospital, Taiwan Railways Administration Pingtung Station and Paochien Hospital. The indoor air quality monitoring signal transmission demonstration of Pingtung County Government had accomplished on October 30, and monitoring data uploaded to “Indoor Air Quility Information Website of Pingtung County” at same time for further inquiry. As regards the demonstration literature, the project submitted one thousand copies of demonstration brochures and six hundred pieces of demonstration souvenirs on June 30 and of September 30, and assisted the Pingtung County Government Environmental Protection Bureau in mailing brochures to registered premises inspected. The project divides the entrance pages of “Indoor Air Quility Information Website of Pingtung County” into four parts, which includes “public version”, “academic version”, “premise region” and “back-stage management” and keeps updating relative contents during implementation period. 103 屏東縣政府環境保護局 環佑實業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78680
103年度基隆市推動營造綠色港口環境評估及海洋污染稽查管制計畫 一、為防止、排除或減輕重大海洋油污染緊急事件對人體、生態、環境或財產之影響,當有重大海洋油污染緊急事件發生之虞或發生時,依本計畫有效取得各項資源,污染處理設備、專業技術人員,以共同達成安全、即時、有效且協調之應變作業。二、藉由辦理海洋污染訓練及演練,提升環保局處理海洋污染之能力,使污染傷害減至最小。三、加強本市轄內船舶、港區(商港、漁港)稽查作業及督導,將相關資料鍵入海洋污染源資料庫管理系統,其稽巡查資料須登錄至本市水污染資料庫系統,並建置完整書面檔案資料。四、建立港區環境查核及民眾參與機制,結合民間團體及政府力量督導港區(商港、漁港)管理機關落實維護港區清潔,提升環境衛生。 103 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76044
103年度宜蘭縣流域污染總量管理及點源污染削減計畫 本計畫之執行重點在於協助環保局推動轄區內水污染源稽查管制工作以及水質監測工作,確實掌握宜蘭縣轄區內水污染源之水污染防治現況,透過計畫之稽查管制工作,督促轄內列管之事業單位落實水污染防治設施之操作維護,達成轄內各流域測站水質改善之目標。期末報告統計自103年4月7日至103年11月30日之執行成果如下。一、協助水污染源列管事業稽查工作(一)累計執行水污染源稽查(包括工業區稽(清)查、採樣及送樣)611家次,屬本計畫執行部分共計514家次,其中工業區清查有140家次,協助水質採樣送驗作業有182家次,計畫執行8個月稽查家數已達成年度目標值97%以上,另統計至103年12月8日止,協助水質採樣送驗作業已達201家次,年度目標值即可達至100 %以上。(二)各水污染列管事業稽查,以石油化學專業區以外之工業區稽查123家次為最多佔總稽查22.2%;其次為畜牧業稽查99家次,營建工地94家次,土石採取、加工及堆置業稽查51家次,各下水道共計稽查56家次,食品製造業稽查25家次及晶圓製造及半導體製造業稽查24家次。(三)針對環保署公告之本縣得子口溪、蘭陽溪及冬山河熱區水污染源列管事業單位共計有306家,統計至103年11月底止,共計稽查180家,累計執行354家次,熱區稽查管制率達59%(180/306),另進行放流水水質採樣共計執行47家。(四)執行水污染源稽查違反水污法告發處分者共計裁處71件次,總罰鍰金額為新台幣6,453,000元整,以得子口溪及蘭陽溪流域因違反水污法相關規定遭處分者19件次為最多,各佔26.8%。(五)期間共查獲5根次之不明管線,均已要求業者逕行封管移除改善,將於後續進行追蹤。(六)期間共輔導14家養豬場,完成243座簡易式排糞架設置,另統計至103年12月8日止共完成19家養豬場309座簡易式排糞架,即達年度目標值100%以上。二、辦理水污染防治許可審查及資料庫建置(一)辦理許可審查件數共189家307件次,許可審查平均天數為4.0天。(二)針對申請案件需進行現場處理設施勘查及設施比對者審查共計26家28件次,而不需進行現場處理設施勘查之審查案件審查共計163家279件次。(三)辦理水污染防治許可文件資料庫管理、建置、維護、更新作業,共計執行887件,包含稽查記錄單計656件,許可申請案件(排放許可、水污染防治措施計畫、營建工地逕流廢水削減計畫)計160件,另處分案件完成建檔71件。三、河川水質、支流排水水質水量調查及湖泊監測作業(一)年度完成河川水質採樣檢測共計13站39點次。 (二)完成五大湖泊水質監測採樣30點次。(三)執行得子口溪支流排水水質水量調查共10點位,共計20點次。四、功能評鑑及廢水處理設施妥善操作輔導(一)對於103年次廢水處理設施具改善空間之公私場所,已完成5家次水污染源廢水處理設備功能評鑑之初評、單元設施採樣、複評及協商等作業。(二)101及102年度所執行11家功能評鑑,均已於期中階段完成改善追蹤,羅東鎮農會食品工廠因涉及廢水處理設施改善工程,延至103年4月30日申辦功能性變更,並經技師現勘確認已完成改善。(三)已完成39家輔導事業單位查核作業,經輔導小組現勘後有缺失者,安排限期改善時間後複查,已完成39家複查作業,其中尚有5家未完成改善作業,後續將複查結果提供環保局以利進行後續相關處置。五、河川水域生態調查(一)延續102年測站並新增五峰旗及大忠橋共7處測站,完成2次調查共14處,結果顯示愈往下游的樣站,底棲大型無脊椎動物的Shannon-Weaver多樣性指數和均度(隨著上游至下游而減少,有著明顯的趨勢,也較魚類的變化為明顯。(二)歷年得子口溪水棲昆蟲Hilsenhoff科級指數顯示,雖然美慶山莊的值有較大的變化,但相較其他6個樣站,仍屬水質狀況較好的樣站;值的變化可能是因為包括了昆蟲之外的大型無脊椎動物所造成的。七結橋為環境狀況較差的樣站,與二龍河和七結橋相似。時潮橋和竹安橋為感潮河段,潮汐會造成經常性的水質環境的改變。 六、流域先期調查(一)完成得子口溪七結橋上游流域總量管制先期調查,經污染排放量推估結果該集污區BOD污染量為413.37 Kg/Day,NH3-N污染量則為141.59 Kg/Day,欲符合丙類水體水質標準應分別削減NH3-N 102.71Kg/Day,而BOD污染量經推估雖在容許污染負荷中,但依定檢申報資料推估可能有低估之虞,仍建議將該項列為改善目標,藉以同步削減其他污染物。(二)完成大溪川之水區劃定之規劃。七、水污染事件緊急應變(一)完成列管港口巡查218件,以列管港口巡查以烏石漁港為最多佔11.5%,其次為南方澳1號~3號港池各佔11.0%。(二)每月執行兩次水污染緊急應變器材清點保養作業及操作維護。(三)與花蓮縣政府環境保護局共同辦理103年花蓮宜蘭聯合海洋、河川污染緊急應變及毒性化學物質災害防救無預警演練,此次演練共召開1場籌備會、1次場地現勘、2場工作協調會、1場無預警正式演練及1場檢討交流會,總共動員船艇共計有5艘,參加演練人員達130人。八、宣導作業(一)協助辦理5場次教育宣導活動,針對巡守隊、一般民眾、學生等進行河川、海洋污染防治教育、生活污水減量、環境保護巡守宣導、水質檢測DIY教學宣導及生態調查教學等,總參與人數共1,064人。(二)辦理3場次法令宣導說明會,分別邀請本縣畜牧業74家、觀光業62家及土石相關業69家參與,出席率分別為86%、85%及100%以上,總出席人數191人。(三)於103年6月8日配合世界海洋日,辦理1場次「2014世界海洋日環境教育宣導活動」,總參與人數共397人,另配合辦理5場次海洋日環保影片講座,總參與人數共239人。(四)水污計畫網頁及海污宣導網頁每兩週維護更新1次。 Abstract This project aims to assist Yilan County Government Environmental Protection Bureau in promoting the water pollution source inspection, control work, and water quality monitoring work, in order to determine the current status of water pollution prevention and treatment in Yilan County. The results can be used to urge the units under the jurisdiction of Yilan County Government to maintain the operation of water pollution prevention and treatment measures through the planned inspection and control work, thus achieving the objective of improving the water quality in various river basins. According to the statistics in the final report, from April 7, 2014 to November 30, 2014, the implementation achievements are as follows: 1. To assist in the inspection of water pollution sources.(1) Among the 611-time inspections on water pollution sources (including industrial area audit inspection (check), sampling and sample presentation), there were 514-time inspections carried out under this project, including 140 enterprises in the industrial parks, and 182 enterprises submitted the water samples for testing. During the 8 months’ implementation of the plan, 97% of the annual objective had been reached. In addition, according to the statistics, by December 8, 2014, 201 enterprises submitted the water samples, with annual objective reaching above 100%. (2) Among the enterprises being monitored for water pollution sources, 123 enterprises in the industrial parks (excluding petrochemical special zone), were inspected, accounting for the most (22.2%), followed by husbandry farms (99 enterprises), construction sites (94 enterprises), earthwork excavation, processing and stacking (51 enterprises), sewer (56 enterprises), food production (25 enterprises) and wafer and semiconductor manufacturing (24 enterprises).(3) There are 306 enterprises being monitored as the water pollution source hot areas along Dezikou River, Lanyang River and Donshan River in Yilan County, as announced by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). According to the statistics, by the end of November of 2014,180 enterprises had been inspected, with an accumulative inspection number of 354, and hot area inspection and control rate up to 59% (180/306). In addition, 47 enterprises provided effluent water samples. (4) There were 71 events of reporting and punishment on violation of water pollution law during the implementation of water pollution source inspection, with a total penalty of 6,453,000 NTD, in which there were 19 events of punishment on violation of relevant provisions of water pollution law in the basins of Dezikou River and Lanyang River, respectively accounting for 26.8%.(5) During the inspection, 5 unclear pipelines were seized, and the owners had been required to remove the pipelines for improving, and this would be tracked in the following. (6) During the inspection, 14 pig farms were guided to set up 243 simple defecation frames. In addition, according to the statistics, by December 8, 2014, 19 pig farms had set up 309 simple defecation frames, with an annual objective above 100%.2. Audit for handling of water pollution prevention and treatment license and construction of database(1) 189 enterprises handled the license, with 307 audit events, and it took 4.0 days to carry out the audit on average.(2) Among the application cases, 26 enterprises needed to receive on-site inspection and facility comparison, with 28 audit events, and 163 enterprises not needing to receive the audit of on-site treatment facility survey and facility comparison, with 279 audit events.(3) There were 887 implementation events of managing, constructing, maintenance and updating the water pollution prevention and treatment license, including 656 inspection records, 160 license application events (discharge permit, water pollution prevention and treatment measures and plan, construction site runoff waste water reduction plan), and in addition, 71 treatment events were filed.3. River water quality, branch discharge water quality and quantity investigation and lake monitoring (1) In this year, water quality sampling test has been completed in 39 points in 13 stations.(2) 30 points completed the water quality monitoring sampling for 5 major lakes.(3) There were 10 points implementing Dezikou River branch discharge water quality and quantity investigation, totally 20 point-time inspections.4. Functional evaluation and tutoring for proper operation of waste water treatment facilities(1) For the public and private places with improvement of waste water treatment facilities in 2014, the initial functional evaluations on water pollution source waste water treatment equipment, unit facility sampling, review and negotiation have been completed in 5 enterprises.(2) 11 enterprises implemented functional evaluation in 2012 and 2013, and the improvement tracking had been completed for all of them in the middle stage. Luodong Township Farmers’ Association Food Processing Plant delayed to April 30,2014 to declare the functional change due to the improvement of waste water treatment facilities, and upon the on-site survey by the technicians, it has been completed the improvement. (3) Inspection has been completed for 39 tutoring enterprises, those absent upon the on-site survey by the tutoring group have been arranged for review after improvement in a limited period, the review of 39 enterprises has been completed, in which 5 enterprises have not completed the improvement, in the following, the review result will be provided to Yilan County Government Environmental Protection Bureau for relevant treatment in the following. 5. Ecological investigation in the river basin(1) 7 monitoring stations, including the monitoring stations in 2013 and the newly added Wufengqi and Dachung Bridge monitoring stations completed 2 investigations in 14 places, and the result showed that in the downstream sampling stations, the Shannon-Weaver diversity index and average degree of demersal large invertebrates had a significant degree (reduce from upper stream to lower stream), which was more significant than the change of fish.(2) The Hilsenhoff family index of demersal insect in Dezikou River for years showed that although there was a great change in the value of Meiching Inn, compared with other 6 sampling stations, it was still a station with good water quality; the value was changed mainly because the large invertebrates in addition to insects were included. Qijie Bridge was a sampling station with relatively poor environmental conditions, similar to Erlong River and Qijie Bridge, Shichao Bridge and Chu-an Bridge are tidal reaches, and tide would cause the frequent change of water quality environment.6. Early investigation in the river basin(1) The early investigation on the total control in the upstream basin of Dezikou River Qijie Bridge section was completed. According to the pollutant emission estimation result, the BOD pollution amount in this pollutant collection area was 413.37 Kg/Day, while the NH3-N pollution amount was 141.59 Kg/Day, which should be reduced by NH3-N 102.71Kg/Day to conform to the water body quality standard Class C, upon estimation, the BOD pollution amount was in the allowable pollution load, but according to the inspection declaration data, there might be an underestimation, and it is still suggested to list this item as the improvement objective, so as to reduce other pollutants synchronously.(2) To complete the planning of water division in Dasi River.7. Emergency response of water pollution event(1) 218 inspections were completed for the ports under management, the inspected ports were the most in Wushi Fishing Harbor, accounting for 11.5%, followed by Nanfangao No.1 to No.3 harbor basins, respectively accounting for 11.0%.(2) Water pollution emergency material checking, care and operation maintenance were implemented twice every month.(3) 2014 Hualien-Yilan combined ocean, river pollution emergency response and toxic chemical disaster prevention exercise without warning was carried out together with Hualien County Government Environmental Protection Bureau, 1 preparation meeting, 1 on-site-spot survey, 2 work coordination meetings, 1 formal exercise without warning and 1 review communication meeting were held in this exercise, with 5 ships used and 130 persons participating in the exercise.8. Publicity(1) 5 education publicity activities were held with assistance, the inspection team, ordinary masses and students were educated in terms of river and ocean pollution prevention and control, domestic waste water reduction, environmental protection inspection publicity, water quality DIY teaching publicity and ecological investigation teaching etc., totally 1064 persons participated. (2) 3 decree promotion meetings were held, 74 husbandry enterprises, 63 touring enterprises, 69 earthwork enterprises in Yilan County were invited, with an attendance rate respectively 86%, 85% and above 100%, and totally 191 persons attended the meeting.(3) On June 8, 2014, in order to cooperate with World Oceans Day, “World Oceans Day 2014 Environmental Education Publicity Activity” was held, with 397 persons attending the activity, and in addition, 5 Ocean Day environmental film lectures were held, totally 239 persons participated.(4) The water pollution plan webpage and ocean pollution publicity website were updated once every two weeks. 103 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78669
103年屏東縣低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫 本計畫執行期程自103年02月26日至103年12月31日止,計畫目標在協助本縣低碳家園推動小組之運作,擔任技術幕僚,主要工作內容包含:一、維持「低碳永續家園推動專案辦公室」之運作;二、低碳社區輔導:配合環保署低碳永續家園推動專案,協助重點社區進爭取低碳永續家園認證;三、辦理低碳永續家園推動相關之教育宣導活動;四、辦理屏東縣溫室氣體盤查,建立基線資料;五、行政配合措施。依本期末報告提出所完成之工作進度,在維持「低碳永續家園推動辦公室」之運作方面,本計畫分別於本(103)年1月22日、4月17日、8月11日、11月11日上午及11月11日下午召開5場次低碳家園推動小組會議。會議召開前已完成各局處完成低碳相關事務之協調與資料收集工作,及彙整小琉球低碳島相關低碳措施及成果,並評估各低碳措施減碳成效及提出建議。在會議中,交通部觀光局官員說明行政院所核定之低碳島目前僅以金門、澎湖為重點,小琉球並未包括在內。故小琉球低碳措施之推動必須回歸到離島建設基金之工作項目。縣政府將重新彙整各局處提報之內容再向中央申請經費。本計畫已於4月、6月、8月及10月各分別完成兩場次之再生能源及資源循環之技術與資訊諮詢小組會議召開,並提出「建立全區碳盤查及減量策略規劃」、「辦理在地再生能源發展潛力評估」、「農業廢棄物回收再利用」及「資源循環教育與宣導」。本計畫於其他縣市辦理之技術與資訊諮詢小組會議中提報「低碳有機飲食」、「低碳永續辦公室運作(建立綠色團隊、發表宣言及推動專案)」及「村里低碳永續認證評比」認證專案於會議中審查,上述7個認證專案已完成環保署低碳永續家園資訊網之上傳。在社區輔導方面,已完成本縣爭取低碳永續家園評等認證之規劃。針對縣市層級,本年度已新增上述7項專案提案,並提交技術與資訊資源小組審查,提報環保署。在鄉鎮市層級方面,本計畫已針對各鄉鎮市進行三指定項目進行資料之彙整,並完成入圍申請。在村里層級方面,本計畫以環保署列管示範社區及102年完成輔導之社區為主,進行本縣低碳社區之輔導規劃,爭取低碳永續家園認證。此外,本計畫已完成屏東縣及林邊鄉入圍申請,並完成墾丁里、塔樓村、永樂村等3個村里銅級認證,及龍華里、洽興村、萬金村、赤山村、東片村、光林村、仁和村、崎峯村、田厝村、武潭村、內文村、新興里等12個村里取得入圍。在社區實質改善輔導方面,由於設備節能之減碳成效顯著,故本計畫優先著重進行燈具汰換之輔導,在擇定20個社區名單後,已完成20個社區輔導工作及公有區域之照明設備汰舊換新實質改善。在教育宣導方面,已於6月28日假東港辦理一場次大型宣導活動,並完成6場次宣導配合工作。分別於8月及11月辦理2場次外縣市觀摩學習活動。在網頁維護部分,本計畫持續進行屏東縣低碳永續家園行動網網頁維護管理工作,在環保署低碳永續家園資訊網方面,也定期完成本縣相關成果之管考、專案維護與資訊刊登等。溫室氣體盤查工作方面,本計畫除原定盤查之行政轄區外,由於環保署已將本縣指定為實施溫室氣體盤查之示範縣市,故配合進行政府機關之溫室氣體盤查工作。已完成行政轄區溫室氣體盤查計算及分析,102年之人均排碳量為5.372噸CO2e/人,在政府機關之溫室氣體盤查部分,已協助完成調查屏東縣各級機關組織,並於8月召開起始會議,協助辦理4場次教育訓練。其他行政配合措施方面,已完成林邊鄉永樂社區環境教育場所申請資料及教案之撰寫及其他配合相關工作。在白皮書修訂方面,完成彙整各局處節能減碳推動成果,並修訂2014屏東縣推動低碳白皮書,未來將可提供本縣持續推動低碳永續家園之參考,以協助本縣朝向低碳永續家園目標推進。依據環保署低碳永續家園評等認證制度、本縣幅員廣大及鄉鎮村里數量多,建議對低碳社區之輔導應以全縣整體成效之提升為考量,而不見得侷限於一特定行政區內。本年度「低碳永續家園推動小組」積極將擬辦及已推動之相關成果提出討論,並彙整成為本縣之整體推動成果。該平台未來仍應持續保持運作,以充分發揮節能減碳業務溝通協調平台之功能。 103 屏東縣政府環境保護局 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78675
103年臺北市水污染源稽查計畫 為有效掌握及管制轄內水污染源,並進一步提升執行成果,臺北市政府環境保護局委託本公司辦理「103年度臺北市水污染源稽查計畫」。本計畫主要可區分為污染源管制資料建立與分析、新增事業及既設事業許可申請輔導、審查及換發作業、污染源稽查採樣作業、污染源專案輔導及查核作業、巡查103年度清除建築物污水處理設施(化糞池)工作、事業廢水處理設備功能評鑑、協助辦理相關考評績效、辦理水污染防治相關法令宣導說明會、水污染事件分析研究報告等,計畫各項工作項目執行成果說明如下。一、污染源稽查採樣作業 今年度計畫期程內共完成稽查924家次,採樣250家次。 二、公共污水下水道檢核、污染源專案輔導及查核作業 (一)78家貯油場完全符合規定設置防溢堤及緊急應變耗材。 (二)101及102年度遭處分業者共計16家,其中2家次已解除列管、1家次現場已停工,其餘13家本公司進行水質採樣作業並送專業檢驗公司進行水質檢測作業,檢測結果顯示水質僅1家次經複查後水質仍不合格;剩餘12家次101及102年度遭處分業者水質皆符合放流水標準。 (三)本公司依據102年度北市功能評鑑成果於103年度計畫執行即進行後續追蹤,確認事業單位皆已依照建議完成改善。 三、事業廢水處理設備功能評鑑 本計畫針對臺北市10家事業單位進行廢水處理設備功能評鑑,至103年7月31日皆已完成現場評鑑作業,已於10月於環保局召開協商會。後續追蹤作業已於11月底完成複查,確認事業單位皆以依照改善計畫書內容完成改善。 四、巡查建築物污水處理設施(化糞池)工作 臺北市103年度列管建築物共計718處,合計已清理化糞池者及解除列管者共683處,佔總列管家數之95.1%。五、辦理水污染防治相關法令宣導說明會 本計畫總計協助辦理4場次水污染防治相關法令宣導說明會,總計參與人數247人。 六、水污染緊急應變 本團隊於103年8月26日完成臺北市水污染應變設備維護保養及清點工作1場次。今年度水污染緊急應變演練亦於10月27日假基隆河大佳河濱公園辦理完成。.教育訓練則於9月25日於內湖焚化廠辦理完成。 七、生活污水減量宣導活動 本年度總計辦理60場次省水減污說明會,總計參與民眾達6,105人次。 103 臺北市政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81273
103年推動臺中市環保志工管理計畫 為推廣志願服務之精神,且落實志工臺灣理念,特此辦理103年推動臺中市環保志工管理計畫。 103 臺中市政府環境保護局 京丞資源國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79357
101-103年度各級環保報案中心公害陳情系統功能提昇暨維護管理專案工作(第3年)計畫 「環保報案中心公害陳情案件管理系統」於82年成立迄今,持續擔任受理全國民眾於各種管道所提出之公害陳情報案,系統將陳情案件依所屬轄區及陳情次數特性即時交辦至對應各級26個環保單位處理,103年統計至10月31日止,平均每月超過2.2萬件的陳情業務,本系統已成為各公害陳情業務單位所依賴之重要工具。本專案除維護系統軟硬體環境以維持相關業務處理之正常運作與成長,於今年依業務推動與民意所趨增修11項系統功能,以提昇系統便民與輔助行政績效,計畫期間為確實達到意見整合與政策推動,共辦理2場教育訓練、1場業務檢討會議及11次工作進度報告,會議辦理皆提供會議簡報、講義及說明手冊、講座邀請等,加速計畫目標與政策之達成性。本年度計畫中統整102及103年度公害陳情處理結果統計,並與各環保單位溝通交換意見,擬定提昇辦理品質與突破困難相關政策之推行。除此之外,於今年度有以下幾點計畫執行重點,以期對於現場稽查與決策支援提供更友善與自動化之平臺:1. 為節省人力及提高案件處理效率,由公害陳情系統接受所有來自1999派工系統所指派之公害陳情案件,並統一於公害陳情系統處理及回覆陳情民眾,大大減少因重覆鍵檔所造成之人力耗費。2. 為瞭解行政院環境保護署環境督察總隊北、中、南三區環境督察大隊及新北市、臺中市、臺南市及高雄市等直轄市與17個縣市環保報案中心專線接聽人員服務品質,據以辦理電話接聽品質測試,目前已完成4-11月之電話禮貌測試,共計896通。3. 持續追踨一再陳情及民眾滿意度調查不滿意案件之分析,並分別提供一再陳情案件清單交付三區環境督察大隊複查及每二個月一次一再陳情案件妥善處理率交付主辦單位,以同時提昇公害陳情案件處理品質。4. 擴增維護公害陳情案件地理資訊平臺;結合全球衛星定位(GPS)技術與應用地理資訊(GIS)系統,利用陳情案件地域性顯示親和度以輔助並提昇稽查人員到達現場案件處理時效,整合端管理者可依公害陳情案件分佈之密度顯示區域警示功能(熱區),達到經驗累積與傳承甚至預測之目的。 National Environmental Nuisance Cases (3rd) Center MIS Implementation & Maintenance project 102~104 Since it was first established in 1993, the Environment Protection Reporting Center’s Public Nuisance Reporting Management System has been responsible for handling the public nuisance complaints that are submitted by members of the public throughout Taiwan via various different channels. Depending on the local government authority that has jurisdiction over the area in question, and the number of complaints received, the System notifies one of the 26 county- and city-level environmental protection agencies to respond to the complaint. During the first ten months of 2014, the System handled an average of just over 22,000 complaints per month; the System constitutes a vital tool for the various government agencies involved in handling public nuisance cases. The present project involves the maintenance of the System software environment, in order to ensure that System operations can be carried on normally, with room for further expansion; the project also involves adding 22 new functions to the system this year, in line with operational requirements and the general public’s needs, so as to make the system more convenient to use and enhance administrative performance. During the project implementation period, in order to achieve the building of consensus and effective policy implementation, the following activities have been carried out: 2 training sessions, 1 operations review meeting and 11 progress report presentations. In every case, these activities were supported by the provision of meeting presentations, lecture materials and handbooks, as well as lecture invitations, etc., so as to speed up the successful achievement of the project’s goals. In the current fiscal year, as part of the present project, statistics were compiled regarding the results of public nuisance complaint handling in FY2013 and FY2014, and these results were used in communication and the sharing of views with environmental protection authorities, to facilitate the formulation of strategies for enhancing the quality of complaint handling and overcoming obstacles to improved handling. In addition, project implementation in the current fiscal year has also focused on the following key areas, with the aim of providing a more user-friendly, more highly automated platform for on-site auditing and decision-making support:1. To reduce the inefficient use of manpower and improve the efficiency with which cases are dealt with, it was decided that the Public Nuisance Reporting Management System would handle all public nuisance complaints received under the 1999 Assignment System, with complaint handling and the process of replying to the members of the public submitting the complaints being centralized under the Public Nuisance Reporting Management System. This has led to a significant reduction in unnecessary waste of effort caused by the creation of duplicate files. 2. In order to gain a clearer understanding of the quality of service provided by the personnel responsible for taking complaint calls at the Bureau of Environmental Inspection’s Northern, Central and Southern regional offices, and at the environmental problem reporting centers of the special municipalities of New Taipei City, Taichung City, Tainan City and Kaohsiung City, and 17 individual counties and cities, telephone call handling quality testing was performed. Telephone courtesy testing has already been completed for the period April – November, with a total of 896 calls being examined. 3. Ongoing follow-up has been performed with respect to repeated complaints, along with analysis of items where low satisfaction has been reported in public opinion surveys. A list of repeated complaint cases has been prepared and submitted to the Bureau of Environmental Inspection’s Northern, Central and Southern regional offices. In addition, every two months details of the percentage of repeated complaint cases that have been successfully dealt with is submitted to the project commissioning party, to help improve the quality of public nuisance complaint handling. 4. Expansion and maintenance of the Public Nuisance Complaint Handling GIS Platform: This involves the integration of GPS (Global Positioning System) and GIS (Geographical Information System) systems, utilizing the revealed locational affinity of complaint cases to support and enhance on-site handling performance by inspection personnel, and making it possible for coordinating managers to designate particular areas as “hotspots” using the zone warning function, on the basis of the density of public nuisance complaints. This new functionality will facilitate the accumulation of experience and the transfer of this experience to new personnel, while also, ideally, making it possible to achieve greater predictive accuracy. 103 環境督察總隊 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=82017
103年創意教學計畫 一)以「生物多樣性」與「社區人文」為兩大主軸,進行環境創意工作坊課程內容之規劃,並藉由溪頭自然教育園區及小半天生態園區的教學環境與課程介紹,讓參與之教師於未來教學時,能善用其各項教學資源進行環境教育。(二)由溪頭自然教育園區的專業人員針對研習主軸進行解說,讓參與研習的學員在豐富的自然生態環境中學習,親身體驗大自然之美。(三)藉由參訪活動讓教師瞭解生態與環境的相互依存之概念,以有效提昇教師環境教育與環境保育之知能。 103 彰化縣環境保護局 彰化縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=75429
水環境家園守望襄助保育計畫 本年度計畫為協助水環境巡守隊組織朝深化及多元化方向邁進,工作項目共計五大項目:1.推廣水環境家園守望計畫、2.民眾參與水環境守護策略研析、3.進行全國水環境巡守統籌執行、輔導經營及管理評核、4.經營管理河川生態環境教室、5.整合重點河川沿岸非政府組織參與河川污染整治工作。巡守隊組織運作部分,執行縣市環保局評核與優良水環境巡守隊評選作業,並召開1場次年度啟動研商會議,與縣市說明今年度之發展重點並進行意見交流。另辦理2場次地方政府績效考評會議,與1場次優良巡守隊評選作業。水環境保育推廣部分,辦理2場巡守隊經營討論會議、2場次河川關懷活動、2場次志工培訓課程,結合水環境巡守事務,共同進行經驗之交流。另外,為能使民眾抒發對河川之心聲,於鹽水溪及二仁溪辦理4場次之河川民間討論會議,確實達民眾參與及全民監督之成效。除上述,年度發行4期水環境守望季刊,且針對巡守隊歷年發展成果進行分析,並應用文獻收集及案例分析已研擬未來發展方向。 Water conservation programs to help in the Rye home environment This year, the water environmental patrol team organization planned to diversify and enhance the directions that they been working on, the planning is organized into five main category: 1. To promote the water environmental protection/conservation plan to the public, 2. Have the general public actively participate in the water environmental protection plan at the same time have the people involved in the decision making and consulting, 3. Execute nationwide water environmental standard and control counseling assessment, by providing help on operational organization and standard assessments, 4. Startup and organize water environmental classes that focus on the organization and how to take care of the river’s ecological system, 5. Have integration focused and stationed by the riverside with non-governmental organization to help and participate in the work of improving the river and getting rid of the potential pollution.Operation of the organization part of the patrol teams perform counties EPA assessment of water environment select through prestigious patrol team operations, and will hold a meeting to study and analysis annual screenings, furthermore the counties will illustrate the developmental priorities and exchange different views and perspective. There will also be two local government performance evaluation and one excellent patrol team assessment meeting. Promotion of water conservation will be done by holding two field patrol team meeting to discuss business, two river care promotional activities, two volunteer training courses combined with the water environment patrol services and the sharing of common experiences. In addition, to enable people to express the aspirations for Yanshui River (鹽水溪) and Erren River (二仁溪) four meetings will be held for the general public conference discussion, and focus and emphasize on delivering the effectiveness of public participation and citizen monitoring . In addition to all of the above, the annual Water Environmental Conservation issued four magazines on the work analyzed for the patrol team development results over the years, and applied literature collection and case analysis has devised the future direction of development. 103 水保處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77492
屏東縣工業區臭味物質監測及有害污染調查計畫 本計畫工作期程自103年1月29日至103年12月31日為止,截至期末階段(103年11月30日)各項工作進度達成率與成果摘述如表1所示,今年度執行成果說明如下:一、公私場所清查資料之彙整分析行政院農業委員會屏東農業生物技術園區籌備處、經濟部加工出口區管理處屏東分處、屏南工業區、屏東工業區及內埔工業區為今年度計畫執行之工業區。針對屏南工業區、屏東工業區及內埔工業區之公私場所營運現況進行彙整作業,以期確認風險物種使用狀況,及可能產生之危害空氣污染物;屏南工業區列管工廠47家(目前已停工7家、部分製程停工有3家)及未列管工廠37家(目前停工5家);屏東工業區列管工廠36家及未列管工廠108家(目前建廠中15家及歇業中8家);內埔工業區列管工廠22家(目前已停工1家)及未列管工廠33家(目前停工4家);屏東加工出口區受列管工廠共11家,未列管工廠共23家;屏東農業科技園區受列管工廠共13家,未列管工廠共34家。另為掌握空氣污染事件之應變能量,本工作團隊將協助轄區內屏南工業區及內埔工業區編列鄰近區域之敏感受體(包含學校、社區及醫院)及避難場所資料,並協助定期(每半年一次)檢視及更新「空氣污染事件應變處理查詢系統」應變資源之資料,確認實際使用應變器材數量,目前依行政院環保署-空氣污染事件處理查詢系統上之資料,屏東縣上半年度更新日期為2014年5月27日,下半年度更新日期為2014年10月21日。二、敏感區位污染源調查及有害空氣污染物排放量推估作業依據行政院環保署「易致空污突發事件之高風險工業區風險潛勢評估手冊」估算,屏南工業區使用81項高風險物種之工廠有「申豐化學工業股份有限公司」、「長興化學工業股份有限公司屏東分公司」、「盟鑫金屬有限公司」、「高興昌鋼鐵股份有限公司」、「鯤晟五金股份有限公司」、「宏萊實業股份有限公司屏南廠」等共計8間工廠,18個製程,其中使用高風險物種11種;屏東工業區使用81項高風險物種之工廠有「崑興企業股份有限公司」等計1間工廠,1個製程,使用高風險物種1種;內埔工業區現則無使用高風險物種之工廠與製程存在;屏東加工出口區使用81項高風險物種之工廠有「福聚太陽能股份有限公司屏東加工出口區一廠」等計1間工廠,1個製程,使用高風險物種2種。依製程風險指標計算方法,估算轄區內各工業區風險潛勢後,得知屏東縣轄內工業區屏南工業區屬中度風險程度、屏東工業區及內埔工業區屬低度風險程度。今年度本計畫篩選屏東縣轄內重點工業區,包含以往建立之工業區之空氣污染指紋資料,篩選5處工廠進行物種排放量估算(至少包括43項建議之有害空氣污染物),掌握轄區個別物種排放資料,其5處工廠物種排放量分別為高興昌鋼鐵股份有限公司屏東分公司二甲苯總排放量為8737.6公斤、億揚特殊印刷股份有限公司甲苯總排放量為695.9公斤、協麟實業有限公司甲苯總排放量為2481.9公斤、政億窗飾材料股份有限公司二甲苯總排放量為3923.65公斤及日高工程實業股份有限公司二甲苯總排放量為149.2公斤。三、周界有害污染物檢測周界有害空氣污染物檢測作業結果分析五處次污染物種中皆檢測出,檢測出二氯二氟甲烷、氯甲烷、1,3-丁二烯、溴甲烷、丙酮、二氯甲烷、2-丁酮、苯、庚烷、4-甲基-2-戊酮、甲苯、乙苯、間,對-二甲苯、鄰-二甲苯、苯乙烯、1,2,4-三甲基苯、丙烷、甲醇、戊烷及甲基丙烯酸甲酯等20種物種,其中以甲醇所測得濃度為最高(0.718 ppm),次高濃度污染物為甲苯(0.222 ppm),第三高濃度污染物為間,對-二甲苯(0.0972 ppm),經比對43種優先納管有機性HAPs物種,得知在檢測結果物種中屬43種優先納管有機性HAPs之物種有二氯甲烷、苯、甲苯、乙苯、間,對-二甲苯、鄰-二甲苯、苯乙烯及甲醇等八項污染物。而採樣點五處次其共同性污染物有二氯二氟甲烷、氯甲烷、丙酮、甲苯及甲醇等4種。四、開放路徑紅外光譜儀連續監測(OP-FTIR)本次於屏南工業區中,分別於聯超測線測得1,3-丁二烯、一氧化二氮、二氟二氯甲烷、甲醇、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、乙烯、乙酸乙酯、丙酮、煤油等9種汙染物;泓達測線測得1,3-丁二烯、二氧化硫、四氟化矽、甲醇、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、乙烯、乙酸乙酯、丙酮、正庚烷、環己烷、萘、汽油等12種汙染物;協麟測線測得甲醇、2-丁酮、乙酸乙酯、丙酮、環己酮、二甲醚、甲苯、異丙醇等八種污染物,其中於三測線皆測得的污染物共三種,合計本次於屏南工業區共出現20種不同的汙染物。五、異味污染物管制作業至103年11月30日止抽測加油槍總數為525支,合格509支,合格率達97%,均高於法規規範70%以上。未符合70%合格率之加油站計有1站(千越麟洛加油站),已由環保局進行告發處份並要求提報檢修及複測報告。另同步完成64站次氣漏測試,抽測結果均符合法規規範,合格率100%。截稿前本計畫完成列管工廠之設備元件檢測共計8家次,3,000個設備元件之檢測數量,以其他設備元件1,334個為最多,其次為法蘭893個,各類元件主要濃度分佈在0~5 ppm之間。由檢測結果顯示,發現長興化學工業股份有限公司屏南分公司、申豐化學工業股份有限公司屏東廠、和協工程股份有限公司屏南廠及宏萊實業股份有限公司屏南廠等4廠其洩漏值大於10,000 ppm,且超過法規標準,已由環保局開單告發,整體洩漏比例為0.73%。本計畫今年度以紅外線氣體成像儀來輔助揮發性有機物洩漏檢測作業,強化既有之監測方法技術對臭異味物質之掌握,於103年3月6日、3月12日及8月29日,分別對長興化學工業股份有限公司屏南分公司M06製程、申豐化學工業股份有限公司屏東廠M01製程及聯超實業股份有限公司屏南廠M01進行監測,在長興化學工業股份有限公司屏南分公司及申豐化學工業股份有限公司屏東廠監測作業中發現洩漏氣體,長興化學工業股份有限公司屏南分公司洩漏處為一儲槽法蘭,洩漏值為41,906 ppm,申豐化學工業股份有限公司屏東廠洩漏處有2處,1處為開口閥另1處為其他型式設備元件,其洩漏值分別為42,581 ppm及24,383 ppm,上述兩廠洩漏值超過洩漏管制標準並由環保局承辦人員在現場告發。六、硫化氫空氣品質連續監測站暨臭異味事件應變系統維護103年1月1日至11月30日硫化氫濃度最大值濃度為14.94 ppb(儀器查核工作監測數據已排除),103年1月至11月日平均濃度為2.48 ppb。根據屏南監測站103年1月至11月間之氣象資料指出,風向主要來自北方及北北西方一帶,風速大約多在0~3m/s區間。以硫化氫月平均值分析結果顯示,1至3月為冬季及春季,風向多屬西北風,監測站測得濃度多為西北方工廠之空氣濃度,硫化氫1至3月平均值為2.16 ppb,1至3月之日最大平均值為5.62 ppb。4至6月為夏天梅雨季節濕度較高,風向仍為西北風居多,硫化氫平均濃度值比起1~3月有較多突發性高值出現,硫化氫4至6月平均值為2.97 ppb,4至6月之日最大平均值為6.48 ppb。7至9月為秋季,風向以西北風跟西南風為主,硫化氫7至9月平均值為2.15ppb,7至9月之日最大平均值為4.99 ppb。10月至11月為秋季跟冬季,風向多屬西北風,硫化氫平均濃度值比起1~10月,11月有突發性的高值出現,硫化氫10至11月平均值為2.79 ppb,10至11月之日最大平均值為6.22ppb。臭異味事件應變系統完成2~11月每月至少一次例行性現場維護,首先針對系統外觀進行檢視是否毀損;將第一部分採樣鋼瓶更換以維持採樣效用;再檢視第二部分連線是否正常,呈現綠燈即為連線正常,最後檢視電源供電部分是否正常(氣象站即時數據若數天皆相同,可能為電源供應不正常)。現場維護將依據檢點表上所編列之事項進行維護作業。七、緊急應變實兵演練今年度本計畫仍續協助辦理空氣污染緊急事件應變演練一場次,演練預計分為兩大部分:第一階段為兵棋推演:主要演練步驟為接獲空污災害後環保局與本縣各單位之聯繫,與將事件現況通報環保署並視情況進行器材之調借作業。第二階段則為實兵演練:本階段自現場指揮官趕赴現場起,演練指揮調度環保局各單位進行污染的處置及採證,並監控污染情形至警報解除為止。103年12月02日及103年12月03日於申豐化學工業股份有限公司屏東廠完成辦理工業區空氣污染突發事件兵棋推演及實際模擬演練各1場演練。八、加油站油氣回收設施宣導說明會本工作小組為使加油站業者更進一步了解相關法規規定與本縣環保局執行抽測作業方式,於103年03月21日假屏東縣政府文化處5F演講廳舉行加油站油氣回收設施宣導說明會,此次會議共計邀請屏東縣內128家加油站業者,當天共計97家加油站業者出席、出席率75.8%,會議中針對加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法宣導,建立正確的加油觀念,不要強迫加油、不以槍管開啟加油開關、不摔槍或用力撞擊、不讓殘油留餘油槍中、不要用手壓槍身及加滿油時要停止加油、開始加油時要用手開啟加油開關、使用油槍時要保護油槍免於碰撞、加滿油後要讓油滴流回顧客油箱中、要常保油槍及皮管乾淨,落實「五不、五要」原則,並建立加油站油氣回收自主管理與設施維護保養來進行介紹說明,俾使業者充分瞭解加油站管制法令規定及相關注意事項,避免違法遭受處分,並持續宣導加油站業者依規定定期自行或委請合格之專業檢驗測定人員進行設備功能測試,及進行設備日常維護保養及向加油站員工進行正確的加油觀念之教育訓練,以減少加油站油氣逸散污染。九、教育訓練本計劃於103年9月25日假屏東縣政府環境保護局3樓會議室辦理一場次之教育訓練會議,會議邀請由工業技術研究院 姚永真 博士針對「工業區空氣污染突發事件預防管理及應變處理標準作業說明」來進行講解,協助環保局承辦人員及相關計畫人員對於管制工作內容之認知。十、環保新聞依據本計畫勞務契約之規定,計畫執行期間需配合宣導空氣污染相關環保新聞刊登至少2則,103年4月10日完成發佈屏東縣加油站油氣回收設施維護宣導說明會;另一則新聞稿主題針對紅外線氣體成像儀強化管理工業區高風險製程來進行宣導。十一、其他配合事項依據本計畫勞務契約,計畫執行期間需協助辦理其他有關本縣空氣污染防制改善彙整工作及臨時交辦等相關工作事宜,今年度環保署對屏東縣道路污染舉報案件共有22件,本計畫協助配合清理件數計有10件,皆於接獲通知後於一周內立即派員進行污染地點巡視並清理,清理過程將拍攝照片以回報環保署以供改善證明;為了解加油站油氣逸散情形,本計畫利用紅外線氣體成像儀(FLIR)來監測加油站在正常作業下油氣逸散情況,在監測作業下發現,在汽(機)車油蓋開啟時會有油氣瞬間逸散之現象,此為汽(機)車油箱內部壓力低於外部大氣壓力時所產生;另一產生油氣之原因來自於加油站槍有無塑膠套頭,監測作業中發現,若在加油槍上方有加裝一塑膠套頭則在加油時將大幅減少因瞬間汽油加入油箱時所造成之油氣逸散。 103 屏東縣政府環境保護局 慧群環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78628
屏東縣103年度資源回收工作計畫 摘 要本工作團隊執行「屏東縣103年度資源回收工作計畫」,本縣資源回收率至103年10月份為止,回收率為37.8%,較102年36.1%提升1.7%,進步率為全國第8名,也符合環保署訂定屏東縣103年度回收率36.3%的目標。本計畫執行期程為自103年4月14日至103年12月31日止,截至11月30日為止,計畫工作內容執行進度成果如下列說明:一、資源回收體系查核工作1.辦理資源回收責任業者重點管理稽查取締工作,抄錄疑似未登記業者商品或未標示回收標誌容器與乾電池商品,本年度共計執行691件次之查核工作,統計共有618件合格,合格率89.4%,另71件違規,違規比例為10.6%,另違規項目以商品「未登記」者最多有59件,其次為「回收標誌違規」者10件。其中有71件違規商品移請外縣市環保局協助追蹤調查,其中41件完成登記、1件完成申報及繳費、5件完成完成回收標誌標示、1件產品停售不再進貨、1件該公司已搬遷不知去向、22件移請縣市尚在稽查中尚未回覆案件,在所有不合格商品中,以食品類最高,有39件,佔53.4%,其次為清潔用品,有14件,佔19.2%。2.辦理應設置資源回收設施13大行業販賣業者稽查取締工作(電子電器販賣業除外),總計交辦278家次,交辦完成率111%,其中有28家次不符合規定,皆現場輔導完成改善。3.辦理廢四機回收制度中之販賣業者管理稽查與輔導計90家,有40家次不符合規定,現場輔導改善完成。4.回收處理業總計執行64家267家次查核作業,其中應回收廢棄物回收業查核52家243家次,13家有違規情形,已完成輔導改善。應回收廢棄物處理業查核12家24家次,查核結果未發現有違規污染情形。廢電子電器及廢資訊物品回收、貯存、清除、處理(回收處理業)查核25家56家次,未發現污染違規情形。另加強查核廢機動車輛回收業查核,查核25家64家次,12家有違規情形,缺失主要為堆疊高度超過規定截流溝髒亂及油水分離槽髒亂,已完成輔導改善。 二、協助推動機關、學校、團體辦理資源回收工作截至11/30為止已完成423個機關、學校及社區查核輔導,亦符合每月50件次執行目標量。103年1-10月及102年1-10月同期社區回收量統計,本年度社區回收量明顯低於去年度,主要因素為過去個體業者回收量為納入社區,今年度環保署公告改為納入清潔隊所致。103年1-10月及102年1-10月同期機關團體回收量統計,本年度經本計畫加強輔導機關團體提報資源回收量月報後,103年1-10月提報的資源回收量40,720噸,較102年1-10月同期37,737噸提升2,983噸。另學校回收量本年度經本計畫加強訪查聯繫輔導後,較同期降低40噸,主要因素為部分學校已宣導學生盡量不帶會產生垃圾或資源物之食物到校,另學校子車內垃圾分類不佳,未進行二次分類亦為回收量降低因素之一。在「垃圾子車是否混有資源垃圾」項目查核中,共有108件不符合規定,佔總查核數的26%,缺失以學校及機關團體為主;「是否設置廢乾電池回收筒」項目查核中共有1個社區及9家機關團體不符合規定,已輔導設置,佔總查核數的2%,其中139家不需設置;「是否設置廢日光燈管回收設施」項目查核中有43家機關團體不符合規定,已輔導設置,佔總查核數的10.2%,其中139家不需設置;「是否定期回報資源回收量」項目查核中有138家不符合規定,佔總查核數的32.6%,已執行現場輔導提報,並於明年度優先列為查核輔導對象,另166家回收物為交予清潔隊,依規定不需提報月報。三、辦理廢機動車輛查報、張貼工作統計至11/30為止,計完成張貼汽車387輛次、貨車60輛次及機車59輛次,共506輛次,張貼所在鄉鎮以屏東市315輛次最多,其次為琉球鄉39輛次。另依道路類型而言,縣道查獲廢棄機動車輛數195輛次最高,其次巷道為169輛次、鄉道85輛次及省道52輛次,公有停車場則為5輛次。四、提升資源回收率工作1.本工作團隊延續102年33鄉鎮「鄉鎮特性診斷分析說明」及「客製化研擬鄉鎮提升回收率作法」,優先執行102年度回收率低之5鄉鎮,琉球鄉(31.1%) 、竹田鄉(32.3%) 、九如鄉(33.5%) 、屏東市(33.6%) 及恆春鎮(33.9%)進行輔導,透過本計畫輔導,本年度恆春鎮、九如鄉、竹田鄉等3鄉鎮,回收率已有所提升。本計畫定期至鄉鎮市公所輔導訪談、辦理公所清潔隊教育訓練工作、辦理或輔導公所辦理資源回收宣導活動、協助公所掌握資源回收量之來源等措施,藉此提升回收率。2.完成偏遠地區鄉鎮公所加強農藥廢容器回收及廢包裝袋收集與清運工作計畫及宣導工作成果,本計畫統計滿州鄉、泰武鄉、春日鄉、獅子鄉、牡丹鄉等5鄉鎮已推動6場宣導說明會、巡迴回收計3場、宣導會及巡迴回收合併計18場;參與人數共計2,920人;農藥廢容器回收量共計1,405公斤,成效顯著。4.截至11/30為止,媒合10個鄉鎮18名個體業者進入社區服務。5.完成6處資源回收站形象改造作業,分別為春日鄉歸崇社區永豐商店原民鄉示範商店資源回收站、春日鄉春日社區冠群商店原民鄉示範商店資源回收站、泰武鄉恩典商店原民鄉示範商店資源回收站、三地門鄉三地社區三和商店原民鄉示範商店資源回收站、林邊鄉水利漁港資源回收站、屏東市斯文社區資源回收站。6.本年度協助村里推動資源回收績效評比作業,本計畫辦理12場次「103年度屏東縣清潔隊員在職教育訓練暨村里推動資源回收績效評比說明會」,另完成12場次計33個鄉鎮市之清潔隊員在職教育訓練。7.完成訂定103年度各執行機關目標回收率工作。8.完成「屏東縣103年度推動執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作績效考核初核計畫」作業,共計33鄉鎮。五、辦理各項宣導說明會、觀摩活動及執行教育、宣導活動1.本年度協助輔導鄉鎮市公所辦理在職教育,統計至11/30為止,總計辦理人數為12,061人次。2.完成辦理12場次資源回收業務人員教育訓練會議及3場次資源回收業務交流活動。3.加強推動機關、團體、社區、學校採購使用再生製品及取得環保標章商品類之再生品(料)之再製產品,截至11/30已完成調查12種類。4.截至11/30為止,完成辦理42場次資源回收宣導活動及說明會。5.完成辦理結合墾丁音樂季資源回收宣導活動,並提出成果報告。6.截至11/30為止,辦理資源回收媒體宣導工作,已完成平面媒體19則、網路媒體20則、委託電子與平面媒體廣告1,117則,總計資源回收媒體宣導則數為1,156則之資源回收媒體宣導。7.本計畫以延續性及有續航力為原則,研擬及執行下列三項資源回收宣導創新作法: (1)新住民資源回收宣導種子教師培訓(2)原民商店示範回收站(3)推動原民鄉資源回收示範村8.結合節慶、地方特色之大型資源回收創意宣導活動,完成辦理3場。六、配合環保署重大政策施行1.完成協助環保局訂定「屏東縣103年度廢玻璃容器加強巡檢清理計畫」。2.完成調查屏東縣鄉鎮市清潔隊具備防止廢照明光源破損回收貯存容器、方法及成果。 103 屏東縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司
低碳彰化有go讚 一、本案計補助61個學校及社區,參與人數計3,174人。二、學校:(一) 關懷弱勢學生,縮短城鄉差距,均衡資源分配,鼓勵參訪環境教育場域,透過實地參訪及體驗提升對環境之覺察及省思的能力。(二) 加強學生環境教育觀念,培養環境素養、提升環境責任感。(三) 促進學生對環境永續發展之理念,建立積極正面的價值觀與態度,產生環保行動。社區:由於溫室效應與氣候變遷造成地球暖化的議題,已是全球刻不容緩需要解決的問題之一,「行動發跡於知識、知識奠基於教育」,為扎根縣民環境教育,以實際體驗方式,增加環保觀念,並培育縣民瞭解環境倫理,增進保護環境之知識、技能、態度及價值觀,促使重視環境,採取各項環保行動,以達低碳永續發展。 103 彰化縣環境保護局 彰化縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=75842
屏東縣103年資源回收創新宣導活動計畫 本計畫執行各式宣導活動與資源回收宣導說明會,宣導內容針對公告應回收項目(加強廢玻璃及農藥廢容器宣導)、相關回收管道、資源回收再利用介紹、新增公告回收項目及充電電池、鈕釦型電池拆卸回收及廢照明光源(含破損者)妥善包裝回收、電子電器物品販賣業者之宣導等,落實健全屏東縣整體資源回收體系,相關工作執行成果說明如下:一、屏東縣特色大型觀光活動資源回收宣導系列活動配合屏東縣特色大型觀光活動,辦理4場次屏東縣大型觀光活動資源回收宣導活動,辦理成果如下:1.103年6月28日辦理東港黑鮪魚文化觀光季資源回收宣導活動,總人數約有1500人次以上,本計畫並推動7家「東港鎮資源回收低碳環保餐廳」,預計每年可減少砍伐191棵樹與3175根竹子,每年可減少產生12700公斤廢棄物。2.103年7月12~13日辦理枋山鄉芒果嘉年華資源回收宣導活動,7月12日宣導活動總人數約有700人次以上,7月13日宣導活動總人數約有500人次以上,總計約有1200人次參與。3.103年7月26~27日辦理牡丹野薑花季系列活動-相見馨牡丹資源回收宣導活動,7月26日宣導活動總人數約有800人次以上,7月27日宣導活動總人數約有700人次以上,總計約有1500人次參與。4.103年8月9~10日辦理恆春古城國際豎孤棚觀光文化節資源回收宣導活動,8月9日宣導活動總人數約有5000人次以上,8月10日宣導活動總人數約有20000人次以上,總計約有25000人次參與。二、原住民地區重要慶典資源回收宣導系列活動為整合原住民鄉各部落共同一致推動鄉境資源回收工作,辦理資源回收宣導相關活動成果如下:1.已完成辦理原民鄉最愛地球資源回收宣導說明會共8場次,共有456人參加。2.103年8月5日辦理魯凱族豐年祭資源回收宣導活動,總人數約有800人次以上。3.103年8月13~14日辦理排灣族豐年祭資源回收宣導活動,8月13日宣導活動總人數約有300人次以上,8月14日宣導活動總人數約有900人次以上,總計約有1200人次參與。4.已完成辦理30場次校園資源回收小尖兵宣導說明會,總計共宣導1987人次。5.已完成辦理「優良原住民鄉商店資源回收點及社區資源回收站評比競賽」及「原住民教會推動資源回收宣導評核」,並於103年11月8日春日鄉春日社區活動中心與103年11月9日麟洛人工溼地進行頒獎活動。6.已完成辦理「校園資源回收繪畫比賽辦法」、「校園資源回收作文比賽」、「校園資源回收物創作比賽」,並於103年11月8日春日鄉春日社區活動中心與103年11月9日麟洛人工溼地進行頒獎活動。三、執行成效1.東港鎮102年6月~10月資源回收率為36.59%,於103年6月辦理東港黑鮪魚文化觀光季資源回收宣導活動,其103年6月~10月資源回收率40.90%,總計共提升4.31%。2.枋山鄉102年7月~10月資源回收率為41.85%,於103年7月辦理枋山鄉芒果嘉年華資源回收宣導活動,其103年7月~10月資源回收率48.74%,總計共提升6.89%。3.牡丹鄉102年7月~10月資源回收率為36.82%,於103年7月辦理牡丹野薑花季系列活動-相見馨牡丹資源回收宣導活動,其103年7月~10月資源回收率41.67%,總計共提升4.85%。4.恆春鎮102年8月~10月資源回收率為34.47%,於103年8月辦理恆春古城國際豎孤棚觀光文化節資源回收宣導活動,其103年8月~10月資源回收率36.67%,總計共提升2.21%。5.霧台鄉102年8月~10月資源回收率為45.33%,於103年8月辦理魯凱族豐年祭資源回收宣導活動,其103年8月~10月資源回收率38.89%,總計降低6.44%,其降低原因為霧台鄉進行改善工程所致。6.三地門鄉102年8月~10月資源回收率為44.40%,於103年8月辦理排灣族豐年祭資源回收宣導活動,其103年8月~10月資源回收率45.60%,總計提升1.20%。7.屏東縣102年6月~10月資源回收率為36.39%,103年6月~10月資源回收率為38.83%,其103年6月~10月資源回收率共提升2.44%。 103 屏東縣政府環境保護局 昇元工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73374
廢液晶顯示器中發光二極體背光源之組成調查與資源回收技術評估 本計畫主要是進行廢LCD中LED背光源之有價金屬含量分析與鎵、銪、釔資源回收技術評估。本計畫規劃之工作內容如下:1. 收集廢LED/LCD;2. LCD組成拆解;3. LED背光源性質分析;4. 焙燒;5. 研磨、篩分;6. 鎵資源回收技術測試;7.銪、釔資源回收技術測試;8. 鎵、銪、釔資源回收技術評估。本計畫研究成果顯示,廢LCD樣品A與樣品B之LED背光源重量百分比皆佔不到其LCD螢幕總重的1%,另廢LED背光源樣品之水分、灰分及可燃分分別平均為 0.405%、75.631%、23.964%,另其中焙燒後樣品鎵、銪、釔、鈰金屬之全含量分別為959 mg/kg、82.8 mg/kg、23.93 mg/kg、11.55 mg/kg,而釓、鋱、鎦之全含量則未檢出。另廢LED背光源經焙燒後約減少23.964%之重量百分比。另焙燒後廢LED背光源樣品經研磨10分鐘,其樣品顆粒大小大部分集中在小於100mesh(小於0.149mm),其小於0.149mm之樣品顆粒約佔63.14%。又本計畫依據「砷化鎵廢棄物資源回收之方法」之浸漬條件來進行「焙燒後廢LED背光源」之鎵浸漬回收測試,其鎵金屬之浸漬回收率大約為66%,銪、釔則於此條件下未浸漬溶出。另調整浸漬條件下,當浸漬條件為溫度70℃、浸漬劑為0.5N NaOH、0.5%H2O2作為氧化劑、浸漬1小時、固液比為1g/25ml時,鎵金屬之浸漬回收率可達100%,銪、釔金屬完全未浸漬溶出。另本計畫將上述浸漬所得之最佳含鎵浸漬液,在70℃進行5小時晶析,可獲得含鎵之白色結晶產物,除了晶析外,本計畫亦將此最佳含鎵浸漬液,以硫酸進行pH調整至5,以將浸漬液中之鎵100%予以沉澱回收為含鎵沉澱物。另本計畫根據「廢映像管螢光粉資源再生之方法」之浸漬條件來進行「鎵浸漬後殘渣」中銪、釔金屬之浸漬測試,其銪、釔金屬之浸漬回收率分別為27.536%與52.143%。為改善銪、釔浸漬回收率,本計畫另採用溫度70℃、浸漬劑為4N HCl、浸漬1小時、固液比為3g/50ml之浸漬溶件,來進行「鎵浸漬後殘渣」中銪、釔金屬之浸漬測試,此條件下銪、釔金屬之浸漬回收率皆達100%。本計畫亦將此最佳含銪、釔浸漬液,以氫氧化鈉進行pH調整至1.2,當pH值為1.2時,銪之沉澱回收率約為22.831%、釔之沉澱回收率約為35.542%,由於銪、釔沉澱回收率不佳,故本計畫另將此最佳銪、釔浸漬液之pH值調整至5與7,當pH值為5與7時,其銪、釔沉澱回收率皆為100%。除了pH調整外,另本計畫利用最佳含銪、釔浸漬液,進行晶析之研究,在70℃進行4小時晶析,可獲得含黃綠色結晶產物。 103 基管會 大葉大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74140
103年度金門縣逸散污染源稽查管制計畫 計畫期間總申報件數計有478件,總申報金額為5,563,940元。另外,經統計,本計畫執行期間,施工中工地共計有1,048處,其所產生的TSP原始排放量總計為436.13噸,而本計畫共完成3,279件次之巡查,並列管其中987處(工地列管率為94.18%),且在經本計畫管制後,管理辦法符合比例為61.02%,抑制污染TSP削減量為236.85噸(污染削減率為54.3%)。在裸露地調查與改善方面,今年度裸裸露地的清查作業除經由計畫人員進行實地現勘外,亦會配合林務所、鄉鎮公所等單位來清查;而計畫執行期間共計新增列管11筆、總新增列管面積為74,000m2。至於在改善方面,已完成改善面積為59,865m2,改善方式則主要以綠化植生為主。另外在露天燃燒管制方面,計畫期間共計51件露天燃燒巡查件,其中48件現場發現確實有露天燃燒情形,其中40件正燃燒中,經巡查人員勸導阻止後,立即協助撲滅,有18件巡查人員至現場後無發現行為人,立即撲滅火勢,後續利用衛星定位查詢地主並以寄發明信片或公文通知,剩餘2件則無發現燃燒情形,並開立2張露天燃燒勸導單,加強勸導效果。 103 金門縣環境保護局 安勝環境工程技師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77982
103年建置ARM自動資源回收機器結合捷運一卡通自動加值系統暨宣導作業 (1)透過自動資源回收機器的壓縮,大幅減少回收物的體積,以便進行回收工作。另藉由此種創新的回收管道,提高資源回收的效率,推廣隨手做環保的概念,建立本市環保城市形象。(2)透過自動資源回收機器結合捷運一卡通加值服務,提升民眾資源回收的意願,並增加民眾多加利用捷運系統的機會,雙管齊下達成節能減碳的目標。(3)藉由自動資源回收機器的設置,作為資源回收自動化示範,進而吸引民間企業參與,未來冀能在各大重要交通樞紐、社區、學校或風景區,建立更完整的自動化回收管道,使可再利用的資源得以不斷循環利用。 2014 Automatic Recycling Machine combined with KRT iPASS Automatic Add-Value System Project (1) Through an automatic recycling compressor, the volume of recycled materials will be significantly reduced to ease the recycling efforts. Also, this innovative recycling method can be used to improve the efficiency of resource recovery, promote the concept of anytime recycling and establish our reputation as a green city(2) By combining automatic recycling machines and MRT’s iPASS value-added services, this two-pronged strategy will enhance both the public willingness to support resource recovery and the opportunity for people to make use of MRT system to further achieve the carbon emission reduction target.(3) By setting automatic recycling machines as a model of resource recovery automation to attract private enterprises to participate, it is hoped that a more complete system of automatic recycling can be built in major transportation hubs, communities, schools, or scenic areas to make recyclable resources be used continuously. 103 高雄市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73269
環境微生物基因晶片之技術建立及應用(2/4)- 基因晶片應用在化學毒性評估 本「環境微生物基因晶片之技術建立及應用(2/4)-基因晶片應用在化學毒性評估」為建立創新檢測環境荷爾蒙之研究計畫,建立酵母菌檢測法與單股核酸適配體 (Aptamer) 專一性之環境荷爾蒙篩選平台。酵母菌雙質體系統以bisphenol-A、p’p’-DDE、Estrone、17β estradiol及genistein等五種環境荷爾蒙來測試,此酵母菌系統不論用螢光偵測或β-Galactosidase活性偵測之結果於偵測極限、EC、TEQ等方面都接近,以17β estradiol為例,螢光偵測極限為5x10-11(g/L),於10-9~10-11(g/L)之線性達R2=0.98,EC50為2.1x10-10(g/L);β-Galactosidase活性的偵測極限為5x10-12(g/L),於10-6~10-12(g/L),線性達R2=0.97,EC50為1.4x10-9(g/L)。研究結果本系統於bisphenol-A、p’p’-DDE、Estrone、17β estradiol及genistein等五種環境荷爾蒙的偵測極限、EC、TEQ等均優於現行文獻之酵母菌系統達100倍以上。單股核酸適配體平台採用之微珠量子點 (quantum dots) 檢測技術(「量子點奈米基因檢測系統」(計畫編號:EPA-101-U1U4-04-001)),設計1種bisphenol-A 與2種17β estradiol等環境荷爾蒙之專一性核酸適配體,我們利用Discovery Studio 3D完成bisphenol-A與 17β estradiol的微珠適配體的條件預測,經以五種環境荷爾蒙作專一性測試,17β estradiol(E2)微珠適配體的專一性最好,在100nM的環境荷爾蒙以下均有專一性分析能力。另2組適配體只有在環境荷爾蒙非常低的濃度時有專一性,故專一性還未達最佳化。17β estradiol微珠適配體系統均未達最佳線性,但BPA微珠適配體系統線性達到R2=0.9411;BPA之偵測極限達250ρM,17β estradiol之偵測極限為500ρM,敏感性為100%無偽陰性發生。 The main purpose of this project “Quantum Dots-BioChip Detection System for Environmental Microbes (2/4) -Application of Gene Chip in Endocrine Disrupter Substance Assay” is to combine two technologies included yeast screening and aptamer screening. The double expression dual plasmid yeast system can be applied for primary screening and the aptamer test can detect the specific Endocrine Disrupter Substance. Five different endocrine disrupter substance including bisphenol-A、p’p’-DDE、Estrone、17β estradiol and genistein were tested in our yeast system. The results of detection limit, EC and TEQ are similar from fluorescence assay and β-Galactosidase activity assay of our yeast system. For example, detection limit of 17β estradiol in fluorescence test is 5x10-11 (g/L) with R2=0.98 among 10-9~10-11 (g/L) and EC50 is 2.1x10-10 (g/L). For β-Galactosidase activity of 17β estradiol in this system, the detection limit of our system is 5x10-12 (g/L) with R2=0.97 among 10-6~10-12 (g/L) and EC50 is 1.4x10-9 among 10-9~10-11 (g/L). Our system is 100 times of sensitivity than current yeast system. The aptamer will be applied with previous technology that was developed by previous EPA project (Gene-Quantum Dots Detection System for environmental pathogen, (EPA-101-U1U4-04-001)). This novel technology utilized microbead linked with specific oligonucleotide and detected by quantum dots. To develop the aptamer system, we used 3D softare to simulate aptamer structures that are specific to Bisphenol A and 17β estradiol. We have designed one BPA-aptamer and two 17β estradiol-aptamer structures and tested by bisphenol-A、p’p’-DDE、estrone、17β estradiol and genistein. 17β estradiol of aptamer-microbead system have 100% specificity below 100nM. Both aptamer- microbead systems have 100% sensitivity with 1nM of detection limit. However, the quality and quantity detection ability of both aptamer- microbead systems required future research to improve 103 環檢所 中原大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78872
非點源污染削減管理及水庫優養化控制策略推動專案工作計畫 環保署為提升臺灣河川水庫水體水質,從民國97年陸續推行各項承受水體水質維護改善計畫,並在102年發布降雨逕流非點源污染最佳管理技術指引,期能進一步提升我國河川水庫水體品質。本計畫執行項目包括(1)完成降雨逕流量及非點源污染量控制推估技術工具;(2)研訂非點源污染最佳管理技術申請及審查指引;(3)提出我國優養化水庫之水質改善策略;(4)蒐集國際間非點源污染管制處理技術及水庫優養化與藻華控制策略最新資訊;(5)協助相關事宜及辦理協商會。計畫已獲致成果可為後續之執行參考,包括發展適用之降雨逕流量及非點源污染量控制推估技術工具;彙整BMPs技術指引執行現況,並製作申請及審查指引,以及召開諮詢說明會議;分析101年至103年20座水庫優養化水質,並以103年6座具優養化潛勢水庫(石門、明德、白河、南化、鏡面及鳳山水庫)為分析重點,期間召開水庫水質協商會議,提出改善水體水質之具體可行措施。蒐集美國、日本、澳洲及德國與歐盟等國家執行非點源污染管制及水庫優養化與藻華控制策略、處理技術。 A Study of NPS Elimination and Eutrophication Control in Reservoir Since 2008, the ROC Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has carried out the plans of water quality improvement for primary rivers and reservoirs in Taiwan. In 2013, the EPA launched the “Guidance Manual of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Storm Water Discharge Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollutant Elimination” to eliminate the NPS from construction activities. In order to achieve the goal, the tasks of this project include :(1) developing the Storm Water Calculator (SWC) of BMPs evaluation; (2) completing the guideline of the BMPs application and examination; (3) presenting the water quality improvement strategies for eutrophic reservoir; (4) reviewing the literature on NPS control, eutrophication control and algal bloom control in reservoir; (5) held meetings to consult and discuss with each other. The Storm Water Calculator and planning guide of BMPs is completed preliminarily based on “Guidance Manual of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Storm water Discharge Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollutant Elimination” which could be used to evaluate BMPs application. The water qualities of six eutrophication potential reservoirs (Shimen Reservoir, Mingde Reservoir, Baihe Reservoir, Nanhua Reservoir, Jingmian Reservoir and Fengshan Reservoir) are investigated and evaluated based on the data of water monitoring in 2014 and the water quality improvement strategies of those six reservoirs are presented in this project. Meanwhile, the EPA, local government of reservoir, and the experts consulted together about the water quality improvement strategies and watershed management of those six reservoirs. Moreover, relevant literature of eutrophication strategy is reviewed which including USA, Japan, Australia and European Union (e.g. Germany). 103 水保處 國立臺北科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80680
回收廢鋰電池再生資源之研究(3年之第2年) 國內目前營運中的廢電池回收廠僅處理鋅錳電池與鹼錳電池,回收的廢鋰電池係採境外輸出處理。以往之化學沉澱法應用在新型三元系鋰電池回收時,因鈷、鎳、錳三金屬共沉澱,導致回收金屬資源之純度與價值大減。本計畫第二年研究探討三元系(LiCoO2/LiNiO2/LiMn2O4)廢二次鋰電池正極材料之超音波輔助酸溶金屬、超音波輔助萃取、電滲輔助萃取程序。程序參數包括鍛燒前處理、酸當量、雙氧水添加量、超音波頻率、超音波功率、超音波工作週期、電滲析電壓、萃取劑皂化率等。結果顯示,鍛燒前處理及提高酸當量,對超音波輔助酸溶浸漬之金屬溶出效率無顯著差異。金屬溶出率由高至低,分別為採用超音波增幅器、超音波震盪槽,最低者為磁石攪拌機。採用超音波震盪槽輔助溶出正極材料,比原採用磁石攪拌方式所需之雙氧水量大幅減少80%。採用超音波增幅器輔助溶出正極材料時,錳未溶出,酸溶浸漬液為Co/Ni溶液,可省略Co/Mn/Ni多級萃取與反萃Mn的流程。超音波震盪機能夠輔助提高萃取率,但須靜置數小時始能恢復油水分層。電滲輔助萃取之電壓為30V,最佳萃取溶劑皂化率為50%。本計畫開發的精進技術,可提升回收金屬的酸溶浸漬效率及萃取效率。 103 基管會 朝陽科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74507
資源循環零廢棄關鍵第5R-土地新生專案計畫 本計畫已蒐集國內外填海造島(陸)料源種類、分類方式、數量及許可依據、填料進場前處理、填築方式、結構工法及造陸後之應用等,國內過去已對填料進場前處理、填築方式及結構工法等累積豐富經驗,在填地後的環境應用方面,因填海造島(陸)政策係與既有港區或濱海工業區未來發展結合,故填埋完成後,新生土地將回歸港區或工業區原規劃土地使用作為防風林、公園綠帶、休閒用地、環保用地等。另有關國內政策推動可行性,因各界對於安定化無害化廢棄物質利用於既有港區或濱海工業區填地,仍存有疑義或不同看法,爰建議除持續推動產源責任、源頭減量、再利用外,先進行小型試驗模場及模式試驗,確認不致造成環境生態影響,再擴大規模辦理。 為審慎評估填海造島(陸)政策規劃,維護環境,已辦理5場次填海造島(陸)政策規劃專家會議,部分與會者提出建言,建議進場料源宜採正面表列;選址應先對海洋環境詳加調查及監測,並積極採取預防減輕對策;此外,建議規劃「獎勵告發檢舉機制」,以強化監督管理。 另為瞭解相關人民團體、產業界及政府機關對事業廢棄物管理策略的意見,本計畫辦理書面及線上問卷調查,經回收統計結果顯示各界均認為我國最終處置設施不太充足或非常不充足,但對於廢棄物質最終處置是否採填海造島(陸),因抽樣對象立場角度不同,而有不同的見解。 The 5th “R” of the “5R Principles” that are the key to successful resource recycling and waste elimi This project involved the collection of data, both from Taiwan and from other countries, regarding the types of infill material used to create artificial islands (and for other types of land reclamation), the classification methods used, the amount of infill material used, and the permit requirements employed, as well as analysis of the pre-processing methods used for different types of infill material before delivery to the site, the infilling methods used, the structural engineering, and the applications to which the completed artificial islands or reclaimed land are put, etc. 103 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=82600
103年度苗栗縣低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫 一、維運並強化低碳永續家園運作及成效管考體系。二、持續認養與維運「設備節能」及「社會行為科學與評比工具」等二運作機能之技術與資訊諮詢小組相關幕僚作業。三、輔導與協助苗栗縣低碳示範社區推動低碳永續相關措施 ,並研提執行成效 。四、協助苗栗縣參與「低碳永續家園平等與分級認證」,並輔導及鼓勵所轄鄉鎮(市)與村(里)共同參與 。五、推動與修正苗栗縣低碳社區認證機制。 103 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81455
回收廢鉛蓄電池之含鉛集塵灰資材化研究 鉛蓄電池是各類電池中產量最大、用途最廣的電池之一,它所消耗的鉛占全球鉛消費量的82%。當鉛蓄電池的需求量愈大,產量愈高時,廢鉛蓄電池就愈多。鉛蓄電池本身及其使用過程並不污染環境,主要污染來自金屬鉛冶煉過程、電池生產與再生鉛加工過程的排放與管理不當,冶煉製程中伴隨衍生的含鉛集塵灰需妥善資材化,才可徹底解決鉛蓄電池原料與廢電池再生的問題。然而台灣缺乏金屬礦物資源,因此回收再生鉛資源化含鉛集塵灰再利用,降低對原料鉛需求,延續鉛相關產業永業經營。目前鉛蓄電池回收仍以火法冶煉程序回收金屬鉛,回收過程中所產出的含鉛集塵灰為主要資材化處理對象,本技術利用酸浸漬程序搭配焙燒資源化處理流程。初步效益評估國內回收鉛蓄電池業者,每月含鉛集塵灰總量約150噸,每年利潤約五佰萬元以上,本製程亦可以提升國內相關回收鉛冶煉製程附加價值,降低一次鉛料使用,並綠能製程為氧化鉛或硫酸鉛等生產品之微細粉末,不僅改善回收鉛冶煉對環境嚴重污染與大幅降低鉛製程能耗,且降低環境污染與增加產值。本計畫應用領域不僅為含鉛集塵灰再利用,更可拓展於國內其他相關廢鉛渣、廢鉛膏等含有混合鉛化物廢棄物之高值化加值應用。 A study of lead-contained dust from spent lead-acid batteries by resources recycling technology According to research by the Battery Council International, lead-acid battery is the largest and the most widely used battery products, about 82% of global consumption of lead. More than 97% of all spent lead-acid batteries are recycled. When using more lead beteries, we have more lead-contained waste. Using lead-acid battery does not pollute the environment; however, lead-contained dust is the main pollution comes from lead-acid batteries in the smelting recycling process. There is no lead mineral in Taiwan, so it is crucial to recycle, even from the lead-contained dust. When using lead-acid batteries are brought to recycling, they are treated under strict environmental procedures by a combination of leaching and roasting processes, in order to reuse valuable materials into car industry (ex, lead oxide powder(PbO), lead sulfate powder(PbSO4)). Preliminary evaluation of lead-acid batteries recycling industry in Taiwan, the total lead-contained dust quantity is about 150 tons per month and it can create about more than NTD$ 5 million profit per year. The project makes lead-contained dust form spent lead-acid batteries recycling extremely successful respectively from both environment and cost. Applications of this project is not only for recycling lead-contained dust, it can also expand to other relative waste lead slag, waste lead paste, and mixed solid wastes. 103 基管會 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75760
103年金門縣低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫 一、蒐集國內外城市推動永續低碳之成果 透過公開競逐遴選,我國分別於北、中、南、東4個區域選出新北市、臺中市、臺南市以及宜蘭縣為低碳城市之示範縣市,金門縣與澎湖縣則由行政院指定建設成為低碳島。本團隊已彙整上述4座低碳示範城市與澎湖低碳島之執行現況,針對該縣市之背景資料、減碳目標、減碳策略與做法、執行成果等項目進行說明。另一方面,亦蒐集國際上整合性低碳措施之城市進行案例介紹。二、協助低碳島計畫推動與管考 金門低碳島計畫中將金門定位為「獨立型電網」之低碳島,並訂定「320低碳」願景,即年人均二氧化碳排放量從目標年98年之3.79公噸,103年降至3公噸;長期109年降至2公噸,119年則達到零碳(碳中和)。透過執行「金酒低碳園區旗艦計畫」、「資源循環與區域生質能中心旗艦計畫」、「綠能與低碳運輸旗艦計畫」、「社區改造新建與低碳建築旗艦計畫」、「烈嶼零碳島旗艦計畫」、以及「低碳樂活推動計畫」來達成目標。為有效管理「建置金門低碳島計畫」下的6大計畫之辦理品質及成效,本團隊藉由「靜態式」與「滾動式」管考機制,執行低碳島各項計畫之運作與進度追蹤。目前共有43項工作項目符合工作進度時程規劃,但有3項工作項目屬於落後情形,5項工作項目未執行。另外,根據管考結果,本團隊於經濟面、技術面、執行面及法規面共提出八個問題,並研議相關解決辦法與建議。 另一方面,協助研擬減碳及固碳量計算方式,歸納出:太陽能光電系統、小型風力發電系統、節能燈具、資源回收、回收水/省水、低污染車輛、自行車租借、綠地/花圃固碳量、植樹固碳量、太陽能熱水系統等10種計算公式,並利用低碳島計畫各項執行措施所編列之預算與管考結果進行減碳成本效益評估。根據計算與分析結果,103年度低碳島計畫預估各旗艦計畫之總減碳量與固碳量分別為14,153公噸與339.4公噸,建議104年度金門低碳島建設可將資源回收工作、節能家電補助、電動機車補助及復育造林做為亮點規劃。此外,本團隊亦安排議題與課程,邀請國內學者、專家針對金門低碳島計畫執行效益,辦理6場次「專家學者會議」,提供工作團隊可實際操作之幫助;同時亦與府會、民間團體、專家學者建立溝通平台,有效協助地方持續改進金門低碳島策略執行時所必需面對的問題。三、低碳示範社區與用電大戶節能輔導 本團隊依據環保署低碳永續家園評等認證機制,協助金沙鎮大洋里-新前墩社區、金湖鎮山外里-山外社區、金湖鎮瓊林里-瓊林社區、金寧鄉盤山村-盤山社區、金沙鎮三山里-碧山東店社區與烈嶼鄉西口村-東坑社區,共計6處社區進行社區現勘訪查及上網報名作業,並申請至入圍級。另外,也持續針對有取得銅級認證潛力之社區進行輔導,於103年11月10日、11月13日與11月30日分別提出碧山東店社區、東坑社區與盤山社區銅級認證申請。 另一方面,為落實金門低碳島-低碳樂活推動計畫之節能改善推動措施,推動高效率能源使用政策,本團隊協助金門縣環保局研擬用電大戶節能診斷計畫書和規劃輔導工作,並委託捷思環能有限公司與工業技術研究院成立節能診斷輔導團隊,邀集電力、空調、照明及熱能系統專家共同進行輔導。另外,辦理一場「用電大戶節能輔導說明會」,從金門縣20大用電大戶名單中遴選出金門縣警察局、金三榮工程股份有限公司、台灣工商發展股份有限公司與金門縣環保局,並完成節能診斷評估作業。四、綠領人才與主題宣導活動 本團隊協助金門縣環保局辦理3場次低碳宣導會議、1場次小小種子教師研習營,及1場次低碳社區診斷規劃師,藉由相關低碳永續宣導活動及培訓環境知識人才以達到傳遞低碳永續家園政策之目的。另外,配合金門縣政府宣導低碳島相關建設之目的,本團隊也製作金門低碳島相關宣導手冊1,000份,對外行銷金門低碳島形象,推廣低碳旅遊活動。五、其他節能減碳相關作業及活動 配合金門縣環保局之要求,本團隊除持續執行低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫外,也協助研擬金門低碳島自制條例(草案),以及「低碳商店評比認證」與「低碳旅館評比認證」制度,並維護金門低碳島願景模型,加入「金門低碳島願景模型」字樣,使參觀民眾可清楚瞭解該模型之意象;另設計「金門六大旗艦計畫」易拉式海報架,展示於金門縣環保局大廳供民眾閱覽。 The project was carried out from Apr. 1 to Dec. 31, 2014. The main work items and implementation results are illustrated as follows.1. The achievements of domestic and foreign low-carbon citiesThis subproject collects the background information, reduction targets and strategies, and implementation results of Taipei city, Taichung city, Tainan city, Yilan county and Penghu county. Moreover, it also analyzes various international low carbon cities as case studies, including: Somes Island in Denmark, Kitakyushu and Miyako Island in Japan, and Amsterdam in Netherlands.2. Low carbon island evaluationThe low carbon blueprints in Kinmen include one prospect, three goals, and six plans. These began with a prospect to build a “Zero Carbon Island”, followed by three stage carbon reduction: CO2e per capita decrease from 3.79 tons in 2009 to 3 tons in 2014; to 2 tons in 2020; to carbon neutral in 2030, and finally extended to six plans. The plans for Kinmen low carbon island developments are: Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc. Low Carbon Campus Flagship Project, Leiyu Zero Carbon Island Flagship Project, Green Energy and Low Carbon Transportation Flagship Project, Low Carbon Community Construction and Reformation and Low Carbon Building Flagship Project, Resource Recycling and Regional Biomass Energy Center Flagship Project, and Low Carbon LOHAS Promotion Project.To evaluate the quality and results of those plans, this subproject designed static type and rolling type evaluation mechanism to track the progress of all projects. At present, there are 43 projects in line with the work progress, 3 projects are backward, and 5 projects are not performed. According to the results of evaluation, we raised 8 issues in the face of economic, technical, implementation and regulatory, and tried to find the solutions.On the other hand, we assisted Environmental Protection Bureau, Kinmen County in establishing the calculation formula of carbon reduction and carbon fixation. The calculation and analysis results showed that after finishing the working projects of six plans in 2014, the total amount of carbon reduction and carbon fixation can reach 14,153 tons and 339.4 tons respectively. In addition, we have successfully held 6 times of related experts meeting.3. Counseling of Low-carbon demonstrating community and major electricity consumersThis subproject focuses on creating a sustainable and low carbon community according to the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Guidelines, “Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Certification and Rating System”. We have already helped Hsinchientun community, Shanwai community, and Chiunglin community obtain finalist qualifications, as well as helped PanShan community, Bixan Dongdian community, and Tungkeng community fulfill Bronze Level application. Besides, for counseling of major electricity consumers, we also recruitexperts specialized in electricity, air conditioning and lighting to form an energy saving and counseling team. It had assisted Kinmen County Police Bureau, Jinsanrong Engineering Co., Ltd., Taiwan Business Development Co., Ltd., and Environmental Protection Bureau with finishing the energy saving and diagnostic assessment tasks.4. Green collar talent and low carbon advocacy activitiesWe have held 6 times of low carbon advocacy activities such as little seed teachers’ camp and low carbon community diagnosis planner camp. Furthermore, we have produced 1,000 parts of Kinmen Low Carbon Island advocacy manual. This subproject expect to achieve the goal of low-carbon sustainable home policies by holding sustainably related outreach activities and training the talents for having environmental knowledge.5. Other low carbon related tasksThis subproject formulate the Autonomous Regulations (draft) of Kinmen Low Carbon Island, low carbon store appraisal certification, and low carbon hostel appraisal certification. 103 金門縣環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77981
103年度基隆市土壤污染調查及防治工作計畫 一、執行轄區內停歇業或具高污染潛勢公私場(廠)所土壤或底泥污染調查,掌握轄區污染分布,以避免污染擴大現象。 二、辦理業務人員教育訓練、法規宣導會及相關活動,達到教育與產官學交流以及法令政策推動宣導目的。 三、延續本市歷年土壤污染調查工作,建立調查資料完整性 103 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79419
103年度環境教育基金補助臺美生態學校聯盟推廣計畫成果報告書 一、辦理臺美生態學校聯盟輔導作業:就參與臺美生態學校聯盟之學校進行後續輔導作業,為全面推廣生態學校奠定基礎。二、透過學校學生、經營者、教育人員與社區志工組成的行動團隊,整合有效的「綠色」管理。三、聘請相關專業人士針對研習主軸進行傳授、召開相關會議、活動,合計14場次、參與人次計359人次,讓師生、社區等支持推動臺灣生態學校聯盟計畫。四、參訪臺美生態聯盟校園:配合臺灣生態學校步驟,尋求校園亮點與特色,深厚學員之生態校園觀念 103 彰化縣環境保護局 彰化縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=76021
103年度北區水體污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理計畫 一、協助計畫區域內各縣市建立水污染緊急應變通報系統,並於污染事件發生時將所需人員及能量即時到達及應變,以期將污染控制於最小範圍。二、藉由例行性之演練及訓練,增進各單位人員對清理油污之機具、設備、材料使用熟悉度及相關資料之調查及分析能力。三、掌握各縣市水污染除污器材之數量、保存狀況及相關定期清理及保養維護事宜。四、協助行政院環境保護署更新水污染緊急事件回報系統。五、貯油場之事業清查及防溢堤設置現場查核確認。 103 基隆市環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76390
以無人飛行載具空拍臺灣海岸環境計畫 本計畫案採用無人飛行載具進行臺灣海岸環境空拍,以調查海岸線週邊環境現況。空拍作業時程自103年8月至103年10月,共計完成西部12個臨海縣市(新北市、桃園縣、新竹縣市、苗栗縣、臺中市、彰化縣、雲林縣、嘉義縣、臺南市、高雄市、屏東縣),總計188.1公里長度的海岸線範圍環境現況空拍。空拍作業成果為解析度20公分以上之正射空拍影像,以及動態影片電子檔,並同時紀錄空拍影像之全球衛星定位系統定位資訊,獲得精確坐標的台灣地區海岸線空拍影像。本案以低廉的作業成本快速取得大量高解析度的海岸現況最新影像,可做為環境調查、污染監測、開發現況等需求的重要基礎資料。並已由大量高解析度影像中,有效的篩選出疑似違規或污染之情形,作為違規查緝與後續改善之參考資料,其預期效益將使臺灣西海岸未來的污染與違規事件無所遁形。 Unmanned Aircraft System for Taiwan coastal and environmental monitoring This project conducted a survey of coastline's current situations via UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) aerial photography throughout Taiwan. The project took place between August and October of 2014 and surveyed 12 counties along the west coast from New Taipei City to Pingtung County, a total of 188.1Km. Film resolution for the project is at least 20*20cm orthophotos and videos.GPS information is recorded for increased coordinate accuracy on all aerial photos.This project used lower cost to obtain a large quantity of high resolution, in-time images of coastline areas in a short period of time. This information can be utilized in environmental surveys, monitoring pollution levels as well as for reference in developing sites.We can also use this information to screen environmental degradation, as well as used in investigation and amelioration. The benefit of this information will be increased observation and knowledge of environmental concerns dealing with pollution along Taiwan's west coast. 103 環管處 經緯衛星資訊股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79427
103年度關渡自然公園水磨坑溪人工濕地操作維護計畫 完成103 年2 月1 日至103 年11 月30 日操作維護工作並按月定期提送月報資料、環境教育相關工作以及相關配合事項等。場址定期操作維護成果,引入流量可達2,000 CMD 以上(除設施設備維修養護及因應豪雨暫停引水外),使人工溼地系統可有效運作,改善水磨坑溪水體水質。操作維護志工培力作業已完成3 場次共計106 人次活動;而環境教育宣導作業部份,導覽解說部分完成50 場次1,122 人次參與,其中散客場次完成5 場次104 人次、團體場次部分完成45 場次1,018 人次。在環境教育四小時研習課程部分,完成10 場次206 人次,包含有一般團體有8 場次162 人次、弱勢團體2 場次44 人次。上述操作維護工作有助於改善水磨坑溪水質污染程度,減緩關渡自然公園陸化及鹽化速度,並提供環境教育展示場所及促進關渡自然公園之永續經營。 103 臺北市政府環境保護局 財團法人台灣水利環境科技研究發展教育基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81259
103年度臺中市河川、海域水體水質監測計畫 臺中市政府環境保護局積極推動境內河川水體水質污染整治相關工作,除了加強各類水污染源稽核管制外,亦特別針對境內各種事業單位及新開發杜區污水下水道系統其水污染源之排放許可執行查核管理,並對其水處理設施操作之實際狀況進行查核及輔導。為評估污染整治之成效,長期之河川水質監測工作仍為整個水體水質污染整治工作之重要環節。臺中市政府環境保護局為達上述目標,委託吉磊工程顧問股份有限公司執行本市八條主要河川、十八條區域排水、二處海灘及五處海域等共計56處水質測站之水質監測,並對河川水質變化進行評估。 Monitoring Project for the River & Ocean Water Quality of Taichung City in 2014 To achieve the goal of cleaning river water, several pollution control actions had been enforced by the Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung Government in recent years. It included industrial wastewater and municipal sewage discharge inspection, wastewater discharge permit evaluation and river water quality monitoring program. In the river water quality monitoring program, periodic river water sampling from 56 monitoring stations on 8 rivers and 18 drainage systems and 2 beatches and 5 seas have been performed. Analytical data are used to evaluate river pollution index (RPI) and water quality index (WQI). These indices are also served as the criteria for pollution control reinforcement. 103 臺中市政府環境保護局 吉磊工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81398
103年度列管案件追蹤系統維護服務專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署管考處之年度列管考核案件及相關作業甚為眾多,包括與第五代公文系統相關核定與追蹤事項,法規整理計畫,主管會報等主席指示事項,署列管計畫執行進度,預審小組案件,院長蒞署巡視指示事項,院長於院會及巡視指裁示事項管考作業,署長指裁示事項,委託研究計畫進度追蹤管考,與其他專案列管事項進度管考等管考作業。各項作業皆繁瑣耗時,實有必要就列管案件之管理流程予以標準化、電子化處理。爰擬建立「列管案件追蹤管理整合作業系統」以資訊分享及網路化平台方式,提供所屬各單位列管案件追蹤管理之機制,同時提供整合查詢與自動稽催機制,藉以提升行政效率並達到知識管理之目的。整體系統架構採web-based,系統主體使用ASP語言結合COM元件開發。配合現有電子化政府單一簽入,針對、各類列管案件的管考作業的規劃,提供列管案件的設定功能,包括管理者與各個科室使用者的權限、結合AD之認證、檔案權限以及列管案件的相關表單設計以利作業追蹤和管理、和該類案件的作業流程。 103 Annual tube case tracking system maintenance service project work plan There are so many annual restricted or controlled cases in the Department of Supervision Evaluation and Dispute Resolution of Environmental Protection Administration Government of the Republic of China. Which include the cases related to 5th generation of official document system and issues to trace, law and regulation plan, the director summary and executive report, the EPA restricted and control cases, pre-examine team cases, the premier to go around, inspect, and order cases, the premier ordered in executive meeting that needs to be controlled, ordered cases of the chief of EPA, to trace or control of authorized research, and other projects/cases in control as well. All the tasks are time consuming and complex, which needs to be formatted as standard and efficient computer information system. A restrict, tracing, and controlled system will be built to control, trace, and share the information to related department by the system platform. Simultaneously, the system provide integrated inquire and automatic inform function to increase the performance of tasks and information control. The whole information systems are web-based, using ASP as developed language, and combined COM object. To harmony with the spirit of “E-government”, especially for all sort of controlled and tracing cases, the system provide easy setting function, which include the user right of administrator or each users in related departments, combined Microsoft AD authority function (as to user right of file upload and download); also, the system provides the variety of related user entry form to facilitate the control and tracing cases. 103 管考處 廣僑資訊有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76724
103年屏東縣節能減碳社區評比輔導計畫 本計畫為配合行政院環保署低碳永續家園之推動,評選績優社區進行節能減碳相關經費之補助。主要工作內容包含:一、辦理103年節能減碳績優社區評比;二、社區輔導及後續辦理事項;三、低碳社區評等認證輔導小組;四、協助辦理事項。在績優社區評比方面,為順利評選出績優社區,屏東縣環保局特成立由專家委員及各科室代表組成之「低碳社區評等認證輔導小組」,於6月及8月召開二次輔導小組會議,分別針對「103年度屏東縣節能減碳績優社區評比獎勵計畫」內容作修正,並提出屏東縣各鄉鎮市中具潛力之社區,鼓勵參與本項評比。受限於可提供之總補助經費僅110萬元,故僅遴選10處之代表性之社區,針對可彰顯節能減碳效益部分進行補助。並於9月16日公布評選出之10處績優低碳社區包括都會型的屏東市新興社區與龍華社區,鄉村型的有林邊鄉永樂社區與仁和村、里港鄉塔樓社區、九如鄉洽興社區、萬巒鄉赤山社區等。而原住民部落的獅子鄉內文社區、泰武鄉武潭社區,以及位於墾丁國家公園內的恆春鎮社頂社區也同時獲選,可見本計畫所評選出之低碳社區涵蓋屏東縣多元化的城鄉風貌。經評選出之各社區分別針對設備節能、生態綠化、資源循環等,各作因地制宜之改善,並經逐一查驗後,已可發揮社區綠美化、資源循環等創造多元低碳面向之功能。對於較具體的省電燈具汰換方面,社區預估每年可節省約33,822元,每年減碳量約為7,933KgCO2e。相關措施除對社區產生直接之節電減碳效益外,並可成為其他相同類型社區參考學習的目標,而達到本計劃所預期的示範功能。在社區輔導方面,本計劃協助改善之社區參與環保署低碳永續家園評比認證,已有十處取得入圍級資格,而恆春鎮墾丁里、里港鄉塔樓村及林邊鄉永樂村等三個社區更已取得銅級認證。節能減碳工作為長期性工作,必須持之以恆推動。但不能僅靠政府之努力,必須社區民眾願意配合。而民眾能感受到節能減碳的切身利益,則為能積極配合之最大誘因。因此本計畫除提供社區補助經費外,更由專家委員針對各社區能發揮的最大效益提出具體的建議,且大多能獲得社區幹部的認同,而願意配合做改善。本計畫已發掘本縣優良社區既有之推動低碳成效,在預期改善完成後將可提報環保署申請低碳永續家園之評等認證,並為本縣爭取縣市層級評等認證之佳績。 103 屏東縣政府環境保護局 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78676
微萃取技術開發(2/4)-水中農藥類檢測方法建立 本計畫以新的微萃取技術評估131種農藥。在本計畫中評估攪拌子吸附萃取(SBSE)與分散液液微萃取(DLLME)等新的微萃取技術應用於水中之農藥類化合物。本計畫研究結果顯示,SBSE以雙磁石之研究方法進行萃取時,萃取效率最佳。此方法取5mL水樣,先以第一顆攪拌子進行萃取,再添加30%氯化鈉後以第二顆攪拌子進行萃取,將兩顆攪拌子置於熱脫附管中。以熱脫附/氣相層析質譜法進行定量。添加濃度 0.4µg/ L與0.1µg/ L之農藥於水中時,131種農藥中有112 種農藥回收率超過70%。DLLME方法以甲苯為萃取溶劑測定10 µg/ L之濃度的化合物時,有125種農藥回收率大於70%。但是絕大部分的農藥在 1µg/ L時無法測得。以SBSE進行樣品前處理明顯可測至更低濃度。 本計畫選擇SBSE 方式進行真實樣品評估。真實樣品來源於台南二仁溪、高雄澄清湖及鳳山水庫,在真實樣品中並未發現待測物存在,添加之回收率測試結果顯示112種農藥回收率皆大於70% Microextraction technology Development (2/4) – Extraction Method Development for Pesticides in Water This project is to investigate the determination of 131 pesticides in water by microextraction technique. Two method including stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) and dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (DLLME) were selected for evaluation. For SBSE,The dual SBSE method showed good recovies. In this method, first stir bar was used for extraction 5 mL water sample, 30% NaCl was added when the extraction was completed. The second stir bar was added to the sample for second time extraction. These two stir bars were put into thermal desorption tube. The quantification was perfomed by thermal desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometer. . The result showed when using dual stir bars for extraction, there are good recoveries for 112 pesticides at 0.4 µg/ L and 0.1 µg/ L level. For DLLME, good recoveries were found when using toluene as extraction solvent and acetone as dispersive solvent at 10 µg/ L level for 125 pescitides. There are rare pesticides can be found at 1µg/ L.The real samples from the Tainan Erhjen River and Kaohsiung Chengcing Lake, Fongshan Reservoir Lake were investigated in this studyr, the samples did not find these analytes, The spiking recoveries were well (>70%) for those 112 test compounds. The resulted showed that the SBSE method for pesticide extraction in water has the potential to become standard method. 103 環檢所 嘉南藥理大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77565
環境奈米檢測技術開發(2/4)-「水中富勒烯檢測方法建立」 許多商業化奈米產品已出現在市面上,在環境中的流佈及其潛在的生態毒性受到廣泛重視。相關的環境檢測技術受到環境基質干擾與微量有許多技術上之瓶頸。因此本計畫旨在建立一適宜之水中富勒烯檢測方法。本年度以奈米粒徑追蹤儀鑑定三種超音波法製備水相富勒烯奈米聚集物在純水及環境水體(自來水及水庫水)中之粒徑及粒徑分佈,並開發一新的蒸乾回溶法可以定量製備出來之水相富勒烯奈米聚集物濃度,另對添加至不同水樣中之富勒烯作液相微萃取,再以紫外/可見光譜儀(UV/Vis)定量。在不對稱場流分離儀方面,本年度探討添加濃度、注射體積及薄膜種類三參數對三種奈米富勒烯分析進行探討。除了實驗室所製備之三種參考奈米物質外,亦針對市面上含富勒烯成份之產品做本年度所建立分析方法之驗證,並以高效液相層析串聯光二極陣列偵測器(HPLC-PDA)及液相層析質譜儀(HPLC-APPI-MS/MS)定量。 Developing Environmental Analytical Methods for Nanomaterials (2/4)- Analytical Methods of Fullerene Large amounts nanomaterials are fabricated as versatile products in the markets with the fast developing nanotechnology and manufacturing processes. Carboneous nanomaterials, such as fullerene nanoparticles, are widely used in various commercial products and have potential ecotoxicity and risks for human health. Three fullerenes nanoparticles prepared by sonication (SON/nC60, SON/nC70, SON/nPC60BM) were characterized by a Nanoparticle Tracking Analyzer (NTA), determined by a proposed Evaporation-redissolved approach and spiked into tap water, reservoir and sewage samples. These aqueous samples were then used liquid-liquid micro-extraction (LLME) to transfer into toluene and determined by a UV/Vis spectrophotometer. Asymmetric flow field flow-fractionation (AF4) were applied to separate the fullerene nanoparticles. The spiked fullerenes were also determined by a high performance liquid chromatography with a photodiode array detector (HPLC-PDA) and a HPLC-APPI-MS/MS. Furthermore, one commercial fullerenes-containing cosmetic was used to valid our analytical methods. 103 環檢所 國立交通大學防災與水環境研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77731
空氣品質資訊網更版專案工作計畫 空氣品質資訊網更版專案工作計畫 Taiwan Air Quality Monitoring Network Project updated version Taiwan Air Quality Monitoring Network Project updated version 103 監資處 德星國際股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81995
103年度屏東縣推動低碳永續家園專案計畫-資源回收工作計畫 本工作團隊執行「103年度屏東縣推動低碳永續家園專案計畫-資源回收工作計畫」,本計畫執行期程自103年6月26日至103年12月31日止,本年度截至12月03日為止,計畫工作內容執行進度均已完成年度目標工作量,執行成果摘要如下列說明:一、商圈、市集及夜市調查與分析作業完成執行屏東縣25個平地鄉鎮市,27處夜市、14處市集及1處商圈合計42處,垃圾分類及資源回收現況調查。工作團隊調查42處特定商場作業,統計各特定商場執行現況調查作業頻率介於1-12處次,總調查次數為165處次。(一)建置GPS定位及空間分佈圖完成屏東縣25個鄉鎮市27處夜市、14處市集及1處商圈等42處位置調查,並執行GPS現場定位及42處特定商場空間分布圖。另亦完成42處特定商場之3,735家攤商之基本資料調查及座標定位,其中市集攤商分布於室內,因此座標以該市集座標代表所有攤商之座標位置,另完成製作Google Map空間分布圖、位置圖及平面配置圖。(二)商圈、市集及夜市管理單位及商家訪談作業本計畫執行特定商場管理單位之訪談區分為夜市、市集及商圈,本年度完成42處訪談作業。各特定商場工作團隊均執行至少2次訪談作業,藉以進一步了解管理單位配合建立屏東縣低碳商圈、市集及夜市之意願及困難點,並進行突破困難點之分析建議。本計畫完成27處夜市管理單位或管理人之訪談作業,其中除屏東夜市為24小時營業外,其他夜市均為夜間營業。而除了屏東市瑞光夜市及屏東夜市有成立管理委員會外,其他鄉鎮夜市均無成立管理委員會,而是以管理人進行管理。另夜市為空地型態者,管理單位以地主或承租人為主,此外攤商分佈於道路兩旁之夜市,攤商則繳交電費及予道路兩側借電商家,清潔費則由特定管理人進行收費後,於夜市結束後執行路邊清潔工作。而部分規模較大夜市,管理人員則有分區自行管理情形。本年度在完成至少2次管理單位之訪談輔導作業後,提出各夜市配合建立屏東縣低碳夜市之意願及困難點,並進行突破困難點之分析與建議,以做為未來持續推動本項工作之參考執行。本計畫完成14處市集管理單位或管理人之訪談作業,其中有「公有市集(市場)」、「私有市集(市場)」及「定期市集」三種類型。各市集對於8項推動低碳夜市之作法,以「潮州尚青黃昏市場」、「竹田驛站環保有機市集」、「東港鎮華僑市場」及「屏東市北區公有市場」等4處市集意願最高,其主要優勢均為有管理單位,對於市集租賃攤位之攤商有其同意是否續約之權利,也較易與攤商溝通配合推動「低碳永續行動資源循環示範點」亦即低碳夜市之作法。本計畫本年度在完成至少2次管理單位之訪談輔導作業後,提出各市集配合建立屏東縣低碳市集之意願及困難點,並進行突破困難點之分析與建議,以做為未來持續推動本項工作之參考執行。本計畫完成執行42處特定商場1,528家攤商之訪談作業,並區分為夜市、市集及商圈,特定商場攤商基本資料訪談調查表單區分為四項,包括「現場用餐飲食類」、「食品外帶類」、「飲料類」、「其他非飲食類」。本年度訪談42處特定商場1,528家攤商,高於預定執行500家攤商之進度,達成率為306%。「現場用餐飲食類」,在252家攤商訪談結果,有23家攤商對於政府推動低碳特定商場永續行動資源循環示範點工作時,願意配合「改用環保重複性餐具」,佔9.1%,另229家攤商表示不願意,佔90.9%。在252家攤商訪談結果,有143家攤商對於政府推動低碳特定商場永續行動資源循環示範點工作時,大部分攤商願意配合「民眾自備環保餐具願意優惠」,佔56.7%,另109家攤商表示不願意,佔43.3%。食品外帶類,此類攤商在42處特定商場中之總家數為1,701家,為特定商場中最多之攤商類型,本計畫完成849家訪談作業,訪談率為50%。在849家攤商訪談結果,有328家攤商對於政府推動低碳特定商場永續行動資源循環示範點工作時,大部分攤商願意配合「民眾自備環保餐具願意優惠」,佔38.6%,另521家攤商表示不願意,佔61.4%。在849家攤商訪談結果,有233家攤商對於政府推動低碳特定商場永續行動資源循環示範點工作時,願意配合「設置一般垃圾桶及資源回收桶,藉以落實垃圾分類」,佔27.4%,另616家攤商表示不願意,佔72.6%。飲料類攤商在42處特定商場中之總家數為206家,為特定商場中最少之攤商類型,本計畫完成206家訪談作業,訪談率為100%。在206家攤商訪談結果,有124家攤商對於政府推動低碳特定商場永續行動資源循環示範點工作時,大部分攤商願意配合「民眾自備環保杯願意優惠」,佔60.2%,另82家攤商表示不願意,佔39.8%。在206家攤商訪談結果,有126家攤商對於政府推動低碳特定商場永續行動資源循環示範點工作時,大部分攤商願意配合「接受民眾夜市飲料杯資源物回收」,佔61.2%,另80家攤商表示不願意,佔38.8%。其他非飲食類包括販賣服飾、鞋類、五金等非飲食類之攤商,此類攤商在營業時段中較有空檔配合訪談,本計畫訪談時間也較短效率佳。其他非飲食類攤商在42處特定商場中之總家數為1,536家,為特定商場中次高之攤商類型,因此類攤商營業僅產生屬資源垃圾之塑膠袋或紙盒,因此本計畫僅執行221家攤商訪談作業,訪談率為14%。在221家攤商訪談結果,有139家攤商對於政府推動低碳特定商場永續行動資源循環示範點工作時,大部分攤商願意配合「民眾自備購物袋是否願意優惠」,佔62.9%,另82家攤商表示不願意,佔37.1%。在221家攤商訪談結果,沒有攤商對於政府推動低碳特定商場永續行動資源循環示範點工作時,願意配合「設置一般垃圾桶及資源回收桶,藉以落實垃圾分類」,佔0%,所有攤商均表示不願意,佔100%。(三)調查分析一次性餐具使用情形及評估減量在調查292家「現場用餐飲食類」之攤商,一次性餐具使用量推估分別如下列所示:1.一次性免洗筷在292家「現場用餐飲食類」之攤商中有281家使用一次性免洗筷,推估一次性免洗筷使用量為16,689,600雙/年,依據本計畫實際秤重一次性免洗筷約0.0058 kg/雙,推估總重量約為 96,800 kg/年。2.一次性塑膠湯匙在292家「現場用餐飲食類」之攤商中有291家使用一次性塑膠湯匙,推估一次性塑膠湯匙17,232,960個/年,依據本計畫實際秤重一次性塑膠湯匙約0.0012 kg/個,推估重量約為20,680 kg/年。3.一次性餐碗在292家「現場用餐飲食類」之攤商中有272家使用一次性餐碗,推估一次性餐碗16,925,520個/年,依據本計畫實際秤重一次性餐碗0.0118 kg/個,推估重量約為 199,721 kg/年。推估272家「現場用餐飲食類」之攤商,一次性餐具使用量總計約為317,200 kg/年,推估所有改用為非一次性之環保餐具,年度垃圾減量約為317,200 kg。在減碳效益之推估,其中一次性免洗筷CO2減量304,918,992 kg/年,即304,918.9公噸/年;一次性塑膠湯匙CO2減量42,600 kg/年,即42.6公噸/年;一次性餐碗CO2減量411,425公斤/年,即411.4公噸/年,總計推估所有攤商改用為非一次性之環保餐具後,CO2減量305,373,017 kg/年,亦即CO2減量305,373.02公噸/年。(四)調查分析一次用飲料杯情形及評估減量本計畫完成206家調查分析商家使用一次用飲料杯使用量,總計為6,834,960個/年,依據本計畫實際秤重一次用飲料杯約0.0069 kg/個,總計特定商場所有商家使用一次用飲料杯約47,161 kg/年,若推動民眾自行攜帶環保杯可享折價或增加飲料量之方式,假設所有民眾均使用環保杯消費,年度一次用飲料杯垃圾減量推估為47,161 kg/年。推估CO2減量97,152 kg/年,亦即CO2減量97.15公噸/年。(五)調查分析垃圾分類及資源回收現況及改善建議完成42處特定商場現勘垃圾分類及資源回收現況及建議改善方式。(六)規劃佈設回收點及資源回收站與維護運作模式完成規劃42處特定商場回收點之佈設處與資源回收站之設置處,各特定商場之回收點佈設處數介於2組至16組,整體運作模式規劃以媒合個體業者巡檢回收點二次分類與資源回收站維護與細分類,資收物變賣所得歸屬個體業者之工資。二、推動低碳永續行動資源循環示範點本年度自42處特定商場中選出3處推動資源循環示範點,分別為分別為「屏東瑞光夜市」、「竹田驛站環保市集」、「屏東市北區市場」。(1)辦理協商座談會議本年度截至11/30為止,共計已完成辦理7場次座談會議。(2)辦理「低碳生活圈垃圾減量與資源回收宣導說明會」本工作團隊分別於「屏東市瑞光夜市」、「竹田驛站環保市集」及「屏東市北區市場」辦理各1場次商圈、市集及夜市「低碳生活圈垃圾減量與資源回收宣導說明會」,共計3場次。(3)辦理宣導活動本計畫於11月份分別於「屏東瑞光夜市」、「竹田驛站環保市集」完成辦理2場低碳環保商圈、市集及夜市垃圾減量資源回收宣導活動。(4)製作宣導手冊本計畫完成製作低碳商圈、市集及夜市垃圾減量與資源回收之低碳生活圈手冊1,000份,並於各宣導活動中發放。三、媒體宣導透過電子媒體至12/3為止,完成511則資源回收媒體宣導工作,相關託播工作亦與業者簽約,並提供合約內容予環保局核定。四、具體行動項目之可行性分析本計畫於完成各項工作項目後,進行分析推動低碳商圈、市集及夜市(以下簡稱特定商圈)等低碳措施之可行性;分析低碳特定商圈之管理單位,可自主持續運作及商轉推動各項低碳措施;分析成立3處示範低碳商圈、市集及夜市垃圾減量與資源回收做法,未來可提供其他特定商圈仿效,複製推廣至全縣33個鄉鎮市,急速提升屏東縣實質減碳效益。1.技術可行性本年度推動低碳商圈、市集及夜市等低碳措施,為近幾年來屏東縣積極在各鄉鎮市推動之作法,整體執行技術已屬成熟。透過特定商圈稽查過程中,規劃可設置資源回收桶之回收點及可刊登大型看版之位置。透過看版之宣導效果以達推動民眾落實垃圾分類與資源回收,最終達實質之減碳效果。另可搭配攤商之宣導,以口頭方式提醒垃圾要隨手做分類,提高民眾著手分類之習慣。另於商圈多處設置資源回收設施,以提高民眾隨手做分類之意願,減少垃圾混雜資源回收物之現象,以此作法來真正達成減碳之目的。整體而言,推動特定商圈資源回收減碳工作是可積極持續來進行的。2.財務自償性對於有申請登記成立管理單位之低碳特定商圈,評估可自主持續運作及商轉推動各項低碳措施。但屏東縣特定商圈9成以上無申請登記成立管理單位,推動低碳特定商圈將增加其相關設施與措施經費之支出,因此本計畫規劃建議媒合個體業者進入佈設回收點,並做二次分類資源回收。在個體業者可在固定地點、定期、定時執行資源回收,並有一定的經濟收入,且不須以交通工具做大範圍資源回收,將達可節省時間、降低平時回收工作量、增加經濟收入等效益,個體業者將願意配合。但夜市管理單位須協助讓單一個體業者進入服務,並勸導其他個體業者不得進入回收點回收資收物。以上為夜市管理單位不須增加清潔人力,而能將垃圾分類與資源回收做好,也降低垃圾清運量,並可與垃圾清運單位協調降低垃圾清運量後之垃圾清除費之降價。藉以達個體業者增加經濟受入,夜市管理單位降低垃圾清運費,夜市垃圾分類與資源回收做得好之三贏策略。3.複製推廣性本年度成立3處示範低碳商圈、市集及夜市垃圾減量與資源回收做法,未來可提供其他商圈、市集及夜市仿效,複製推廣至全縣33個鄉鎮市,急速提升屏東縣實質減碳效益。而在推動的同時,環保局可配合垃圾強制分類稽查之手段,甚至針對未依法落實垃圾分類之特定商場執行處分作業,藉以加強低碳特定商場之推行動力。五、推估實質減碳效果本計畫推動3處低碳永續行動資源循環示範點,3處示範點資源回收推估年度減碳效益為19.6公噸,另輔導特定商場攤商使用環保餐具後推估減碳效益為7840公噸/年,總計推估年度總減碳效益為7859.6公噸。 103 屏東縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司
103年環教終身學習照推廣計畫 一)環境教育終身學習護照宣導師培訓:(103年5月19日)1. 辦理場次:2場次;參與人數:247人。2. 培訓課程內容:培訓課程名稱 內容大綱 授課時數環境教育終身學習護照推廣實務 A. 環境教育概述B. 環境教育終身學習網系統操作說明C. 環境教育終身學習護照推廣及宣導技巧 2小時 103 彰化縣環境保護局 彰化縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=75964
103年嘉義市低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫   本年度低碳永續家園工作之推動,自簽約日103年4月29日起執行至12月31日止,除持續推動召開4場次維持運作體系相關會議,以及召開共8場次認養之「綠色運輸」、「設備節能」運作機能技術與資訊諮詢小組會議,並配合行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)低碳永續家園評等與分級認證制度試辦,推動縣市、區、里層級參與評等與分級認證,且持續推動節能診斷輔導及辦理節能減碳相關業務工作,協助嘉義市於本年度加入地方環境行動國際委員會(ICLEI),以及簽署墨西哥城市協定等。在協助縣市、區、里層級參與評等與分級認證工作成果,本年度已協助嘉義市取得入圍,並升等至銅級候選資格;東區區公所獲得銅級認證,西區區公所已取得入圍,並升等至銅級候選資格;協助31個里入圍,其中有1個里獲得銀級認證,14個里獲得銅級認證。在推動並強化低碳永續家園運作體系與執行成效管考工作,協助追蹤、彙整各局處推動「綠能城市 低碳家園」五大綠能面向執行成果,在交通綠能已推動柴油車自主管理、推動低污染車輛、公用自行車免費借用服務等,每年可減少4,207.3公噸CO2e;工業綠能已推動工業自主節水、節電、使用低污染性燃料等,每年可減少4,169公噸CO2e;住商綠能則由機關學校帶頭推動用電、用水、用油、用紙四省專案,協助節能診斷輔導及改善,以及推動寺廟節能措施等,每年可減少2,072公噸CO2e;再生綠能部分執行資源分類回收、垃圾焚化廠執行節能措施,每年可減少17噸碳排放量;植栽綠能主要增加綠化面積,每年約可減少8,664公噸CO2e。103年社區節能輔導工作,由嘉義市節能輔導團完成7處集合式住宅、2處幼兒園、1處文教補習班、1處飯店、1處辦公大樓、1處賣場、1處餐廳、1處文具量販店共計15處之節能診斷服務;另與經濟部中小企業處合作推動中小企業節能輔導,由中小企業處之節能輔導團協助本市2處企業進行現場節能診斷服務。依據現場節能診斷結果,提供受輔導單位一份節能診斷報告書,提出包含電力、照明及空調系統的改善,以及執行屋頂植栽綠化、安裝省水器材等之改善建議另估算改善成本及節能減碳效益,提供受輔導單位作為節能改善工程執行之參考。本年度媒合能源技術服務業(ESCO)協助9處進行節能改善工程評估,其中2處為本年度節能輔導後有意願進行節能改善之單位,經廠商提出工程方案、經費及合作模式後,共計有3處完成節能改善工程施工合約簽訂,改善工程於104年2月前完成,改善後可減少50.47公噸CO2e/年。追蹤102年57處受輔導單位,共計有28處有實際推動節能改善工程,依據18處受輔導單位提供改善後之102年1月~103年10月電費單統計,改善後節能率為0.06%~55.6%,節電量約為13萬9,656度,以能源局公告102年電力排放係數0.522公斤CO2e/度計算,減少72.9公噸CO2e。為鼓勵市民設置太陽能熱水系統,善用嘉義市日照優勢,有效利用天然能源,降低溫室氣體排放,辦理103年安裝太陽能熱水器抽大獎活動,凡設籍於嘉義市之住戶、企業、私人醫療院所,且於103年1月1日至10月15日完成太陽能熱水器安裝者均可參加,本次報名參加共177戶,安裝面積共814.55平方公尺,若以國際能源總署(IEA)統計我國境內的太陽能熱水系統每平方公尺集熱面積每年可節省52公斤瓦斯,可減少190公斤二氧化碳排放計算,報名參加抽獎活動之安裝戶,約可節省42.36公噸瓦斯,可減少約154.76公噸二氧化碳排放量。未來工作推動,建議持續協助各里參加低碳永續家園評等與認證,落實各項運作機能之行動項目,協助社區持續推動設備節電、低碳生活之工作,並結合鄰近學校,提供學生至社區服務機會,除讓學生參與社區工作外,另一方面也可借用學生之影響力,對社區事務推動想法,提供社區在網路、產品設計行銷推廣之建議。另建議推廣契約用戶、公部門設置雲端智慧監控及智慧型電錶,掌握用電狀況及耗電設備以進行節能改善,另與社區、建商或太陽能相關公會共同合作推廣高效能熱水供應器及再生能源,以社區範圍之再生能源推廣往外逐步擴大。 The promotion of low-carbon sustainable development of the year started from the contract day on 29 Apr 2014 till 31 Dec 2014. Apart from setting 4 consecutive meetings into action to maintain the operating system, 8 team meetings related to the adoption of “green transportation” and “energy saving of the facilities” were taken place to discuss the operational performance technology and to provide information and advices. Furthermore, to cooperate with assessmentson the low-carbon sustainable development and trail runs of the classification and certification system proposed by the Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan (herein after shortened as EPA), not only assessment, classification and certification activities were promoted among neighborhoods, districts and cities / counties, but also power saving diagnosis and consultations were carried out sustainably. Furthermore, power saving and carbon reduction related projects were carried out such as assisting Chiayi City to join the Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) and sign "the Mexico City Pact”.While assisting government institutions at all levels to participate in assessment, classification and certification activities, Chiayi City also succeeded in entering the nomination list and upgraded with bronze-level qualification this year. That is, not only the East District Office of Chiayi City received the bronze-level certification, but also the West District Office successfully entered the nomination list and upgraded with a bronze-level qualification. Besides, 31 neighborhoods also entered the nomination list, where one of them received the silver-level certification and 14 received the bronze-lever certification. While the low-carbon sustainable development operating system has been promoted and strengthened and related performance evaluation activities have been conducted to track and summarize implementation results of the five major green power oriented project “A green power city and a low carbon homeland”, and while the CO2e was reduced around 4,207.3 tons every year due to the promotion of autonomous management of diesel vehicles,(1) low-pollution vehicles and free public bicycle lending services, industrial green power already promoted autonomous saving for water / electricity and put the clean energy concept into practice to reduce 4,169 tons of CO2e every year; (2) residential and commercial green power is managed to reduce 2,072 tons of CO2e every year through the diagnosis, guidelines and improvements of the 4 savings projects (electricity, water, fuel and paper savings) initiated by institutes and schools as well as power-saving measures for temples; (3) renewable green power has not only carried out resource classification and recycling, but also implemented power saving measures in incineration plants to reduce about 17 tons of carbon emission every year, and; (4) planting green power can reduce 8,664 tons of CO2e everyyear by increasing the afforested area.Regarding communities’power saving project, the advisory group of Chiayi City has completed power saving diagnosis in 15 areas including 7 aggregate residences, 2 kindergartens, 1 cultural and educational tutoring center, 1 hotel, 1 business building, 1 retail store, 1 restaurant and 1 stationary discount center. Besides, under the cooperation with the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration (Ministry of Economic Affairs), the power saving advisory group of Chiayi City also assisted 2 companies to carry out on-site power saving evaluation services. According to on-site power saving evaluation results, advised units are provided with a power saving evaluation report with suggested improvements on the electricity, lighting and air-conditioning systems, greenery plantation on roofs and installation of water-saving facilities. Besides, improvement costs and benefits of power saving and carbon reduction activities are also estimated as a reference for advised units to implement improvement projects.Among the 9 units assisted by the Energy Services Company (ESCO) to carry out an evaluation on power saving improvement works, 2 of them having shown their willingness to have improvements on power saving after the consultation this year. After the supplier provided engineering projects, budget and cooperation pattern, 3 units have signed the power saving improvement project contract and completed the improvement works before the end of February 2015 with an estimated reduction of 50.47 tons of CO2e per year.Looking at 57 advised units in 2013, 28 of them have actually carried out power saving related improvement works. According to 14 advised units’ electricity bills from Jan of 2014 to Oct 2014, the power saving rate after the improvement is between 0.06% and 55.6%, totally saved 139,656 degrees. Having this number calculated based on the electricity emission factor of 0.522 kg CO2e per degree, about 72.9 tons of CO2e were reduced.To encourage citizens to install solar heating systems in order to well-use the City’s advantages on having plentiful sunshine and to lower the greenhouse gas emission by using natural resources effectively, the 2014 Solar Heating Facility Lucky Draw was taken place. That is, residents, companies and private medical institutions registered in Chiayi City and installed solar heating facilities from 1 Jan 2014 to 15 Oct 2014 are eligible to join the campaign. There were 177 households joined this campaigned with an installation surface of 814.55m2. According to the statistics of International Energy Agency (IEA), the solar heating system within the territory of the R.O.C. can save 52 kg of gas per square meter of heat-absorbing surface, which is about 190 kg of carbon dioxide. The installation households registered in this lucky draw can save about 42.36 tons of gas and reduce 154.76 tons of carbon dioxide emission. Regarding the future promotion, it is suggested to sustainably assist neighborhoods to participate in the assessment and certification of low-carbon sustainable development, to facilitate each operating function, to assist the communities to sustainably promote power saving facilities and low carbon life, and to co-work with surrounding schools to provide students the community service opportunity. That is, apart from encouraging students to participate in community works, students’ influences are also used to create ideas on community related affairs, which are used as recommendations on communities’ promotion of network and product design and marketing. Besides, it is also suggested to promote the installation of cloud intelligence surveillance and intelligence electric meter to manage the status of electricity consumption and power consumption facilities for power saving related improvements. Besides, cooperations with the community, constructors or solar energy related associations also formed into shape to promote high-efficiency water heating facilities and regeneration power, where the range of solar energy is gradually expanded from the community. 103 嘉義市政府環境保護局 傳閔工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80659
鹿林山與偏遠離島背景測站參與國際科技研究及操作維護 基於區域性與跨洲際大氣污染(包含酸性污染物、亞洲沙塵、生質燃燒、大氣汞等)傳送問題之釐清,以及我國背景大氣基線資料之建立,環保署於中部鹿林山建構具國際水準之空氣品質背景測站,於2006年4月13日正式啟用。本計畫整合降水化學、微量氣體、大氣氣膠、大氣汞、大氣輻射及氣膠輻射等主要領域專長研究人員進行鹿林山背景測站相關儀器功能測試、維護及數據資料分析,建置長期資料庫,並計算資料可用率,鹿林山懸浮微粒、輻射儀器及氣象類別儀器的資料可用率都高於90 %,大氣汞及微量氣體則稍低。另建立我國空氣品質長期基線資料,量化區域及境外傳輸對我國之影響程度。今年至11月30日止,定期及機動維護派員前往鹿林山背景站46次及離島測站6次(東沙4次、東引2次),合計52次。 2014年1-11月計畫執行期間資料顯示,CO平均為139.3 ppb,PM10平均為8.7 g m-3、雨水pH值平均為5.25、氣態元素汞(GEM)平均濃度為1.5 ng m-3、氣態二價汞(RGM)平均濃度為7.7 pg m-3、顆粒態汞(pHg)平均濃度為4.0 pg m-3。各污染物月平均濃度變化趨勢顯示,鹿林山春季受境外移入之大氣污染物影響顯著,3月份是東南亞生質燃燒好發季節,藉由氣流軌跡分析、污染物成分分析可確定高污染事件與生質燃燒有關。估算鹿林山CO和PM10的背景值分別為115.0 ppb及4.1 g m-3。 持續推動我國與美國環保署、太空總署、海洋大氣總署、日本及歐盟國家合作,進行技術交流與資料交換。積極參與國際合作,例如七海計畫(7-SEAS)國際實驗及與日本富士山監測站區域合作等,進行實質監測、資料交換、技術交流、參與會議,並爭取會議主辦權。鹿林山背景站目前已是許多全球觀測網的一員,例如美國大氣汞監測網AMNet、NASA/AERONET、NASA/MPLNET,NOAA/GMD/ CCGG及全球氣膠監測網。更多資訊可參考鹿林山大氣背景站中英文網頁。 In order to clarify the intercontinental and regional transport of air pollutants (for instance, acid pollutants, Asian dust, biomass burning and mercury), and to collect the atmospheric baseline data, the Lulin Atmospheric Background Station (LABS, 2862 m MSL), located at Mt. Lulin in central Taiwan, has been operated since 13 April 2006. This project integrates the researchers in the fields of precipitation chemistry, gas chemistry, aerosol chemistry, atmospheric mercury and radiation to test and maintain the instruments, conduct data analysis and construct long-term database. Up to now, total on-site maintenances (includes regular and mobile) are 52 times. The data acquisition rate for aerosols, radiation and meteorological instruments are greater than 90 %, whereas atmospheric mercury and trace gases instruments shows lower rates, due to their complexities.During the project conducting period of January–October in 2014, the average concentrations of CO and PM10 are about 139.3 ppb and 8.7 g m-3. The average pH value of precipitation is 5.25. The average concentrations of mercury such as GEM, RGM and PHg are about 1.5 ng m-3, 7.7 pg m-3 and 4.0 pg m-3, respectively. Monthly variation shows the high concentration of pollutants generally occurred during spring time, especially in March. Integrating trajectory analysis and chemical component analysis, we suggest the high concentration events are most likely associated with the biomass burning from SE Asia. The atmospheric background values for CO and PM10 in Lulin are estimated to be about 115.0 ppb and 4.1 g m-3. In addition, we have established intensive international collaborations with USEPA, NOAA, NASA, Japan, and EU countries. We have also participated international experiments or campaigns including 7-SEAS, and Japan Mt. Fuji Project. The LABS is now part of global networks, for instance, American Mercury network/AMNet, NASA/AERONET, NASA/ MPLNET, NOAA/GMD/CCGG sampling network. The information about LABS can be found at the web site, http://lulin.tw. 103 監資處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76210
底泥生物慢毒性檢測技術之建立與應用(2/2) 全底泥毒性測試在底泥污染物生態風險評估上的重要性日漸增加。本年度主要工作為瞭解野外底泥對生物的影響,並評估所得結果與底泥污染物分析進行比對,以了解環境底泥污染程度與測試物種成長表現是否具有相關性。本計畫之整體目標為彙整國外現行底泥生物慢毒性測試技術文獻、進行底泥中各類污染物濃度及利用反應商數評估其污染等級、利用已建立之兩種底泥慢毒性測方法(端足目(Hyalella azteca)與鰍科大鱗泥鰍 (Paramisgurnus dabryanus) 存活/成長效應)與底泥品質規範中各類污染物(重金屬、多環芳香烴、總多氯聯苯及有機氯殺蟲劑)之相關性評估。本計畫完成15篇文獻蒐集及四條溪流(牛稠溪、二仁溪及支流三爺溪、後勁溪及東港溪)共20個底泥樣品化學分析(包括重金屬、多環芳香烴、總多氯聯苯及有機氯殺蟲劑)及生物慢毒性試驗。由重金屬分析結果顯示,以LK2樣站受重金屬污染甚重,僅砷未超過管制下限,其餘均高於下限值,其中Ni 、Zn及Hg濃度更高於管制上限值之1.3~3.8倍之間;所有測站中以鎳高於管制下限之比例居冠、鋅次之,顯示鎳、鋅可能普遍存在於溪流底泥中,又以汞檢出率最低(60%),但以砷未超過管制下限比例最高。由多環芳香烴分析結果可得知,Fluoranthene、Pyrene、Benzo(a) anthracene化合物在所有底泥樣品中檢出率為100%,但檢出濃度皆未超過管制下限。20個樣站中以SY1樣站受PAHs污染最明顯,僅Dibenz(a,h) perylene未檢出;其次在LK2、HJ1均檢出14種PAHs。另外,Acenspthalene 在ER2, ER3及ER6測站中高於管制上限值,顯示多環芳香烴普遍存在於調查溪流底泥中。其它化學分析包括總多氯聯苯及有機氯殺蟲劑分析結果均小於檢測極限。Hyalella azteca毒性評估結果顯示環境樣品底泥對於端足蟲具有一定之危害性,以SY1、SY3及HJ1所採集之28d生物體存活率為35, 8.8及0%為毒性效應較明顯之測站,而體重(成長效應)亦低於控制組32-39%,顯示利用無脊椎動物偵測底泥污染物質之綜合效應有一定敏感度。另外,本計畫將大鱗泥鰍飼育於含野外底泥之環境8週後,評估其體長、體重、飼料轉換率、肥滿度、活存率及特定成長率,並以參考底泥組進行比對,以了解這20個樣點底泥是否對大鱗泥鰍具負面影響。由大鱗泥鰍成長的結果來看,各底泥樣站組魚隻與參考底泥魚隻的活存率、肥滿度及飼料轉換率皆沒有顯著性差異 (p>0.05),但SY2、ER1、ER5、HJ2、HJ3、HJ4及 DG1底泥的魚隻體長皆明顯較參考底泥魚隻的體長來的小 (p<0.05)。若由體重及特定成長率來看,魚隻暴露於ER1、HJ1、HJ3、HJ4及HJ5的底泥8週後,其體重及特定成長率皆明顯較參考底泥組魚隻來的差 (p<0.05)。化學分析指標與 Hyalella azteca 慢毒性試驗存活/成長效應經 Spearman rank correlation 分析結果顯示重金屬鎳及有機氯農藥之 PEC-Q對 H. azteca 成長效應(體長)之影響具顯著相關(p<0.05);多環芳香烴化合物 Benzo(a) -anthracene 對 H. azteca成長效應(重量)具顯著相關(p<0.05), 而PAHs 總毒性當量則是與 H. azteca成長效應(體長)具顯著相關(p<0.05)。Paramisgurnus dabryanus的活存率、體長、體重、肥滿度及特定成長率與所有化學分析濃度及相關指標均不具顯著相關。因此,要實際了解環境底泥對生物的影響,除化學分析外,生物毒性的評估提供較實際且有價值的資訊。 The development and application of whole sediment chronic toxicity tests (2/2) Whole-sediment toxicity tests are increasingly being used in ecological risk assessments of sediment contaminants. Two sediment chronic toxicity tests were used to predict the sublethal effects of chemicals of potential concern (COPCs) on a sediment-dwelling amphipod (Hyalella azteca) and a fish (Paramisgurnus dabryanus). Sublethal endpoints measured and reported herein include the survival and growth of H. azteca and growth of Paramisgurnus dabryanus exposed to field sediments. Toxicity and chemical analyses (metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, and organochlorine pesticides) of sediments from four watersheds were conducted. The project has completed fifteen literature reviews. Station LK2 was severely polluted with heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, and Zn, but not As), while other metals were above sediment quality guideline lower limits. Furthermore, the detected concentrations of Hg, Ni, and Zn were 1.3 - 3.8 times higher than their maximum acceptable limits. Nickel most frequently exceeded its lower limit, followed by zinc, indicating that these two metals may be prevalent in river sediments. In contrast, mercury had the lowest detection rate (60%). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon analyses demonstrated that three PAHs, namely fluoranthene, pyrene, and benzo(a) anthracene, were detected in all samples but at concentrations below their lower limits. Additionally, station SY1 was contaminated with 15 PAHs. Dibenz(a,h)- perylene was the only non-detected compound tested for. Among 16 PAHs tested, acenaphthalene exceeded its upper limit at stations ER2, ER3, and ER6, possibly posing ecological risks. Two other classes organic contaminants (total polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides) tested for in sediments were not detected.The potential effects of contaminants in sediments were evaluated through 28-day Hyalella azteca survival/growth toxicity testing. The amphipod control group’s survival was higher than 80%, meeting acceptable minimum survivorship. Amphipod survival was reduced at stations SY1, SY3, and HJ1 to only 35, 8.8, and 0%, respectively, and average amphipod weights were 32 - 39% lower than controls. In addition, the evaluation of fish growth affected by 20 sediment samples was done for eight weeks by tracking body length, body weight, feed conversion rate, condition factor, survival, and specific growth rate of fish as indicators. No significant differences in survival, condition factor, and feed conversion rate were recorded between controls and treatments. Fish exposed to treatments with SY2, ER1, ER5, HJ2, HJ3, HJ4, and DG1 sediments had significantly shorter body lengths in comparison to controls. Significant decreases in body weight and specific growth rate were measured in fish reared under exposures to ER1, HJ2, HJ3, HJ4, and HJ5 sediments for eight weeks compared to controls.The relationships between toxicity and sediment chemical characteristics were further analyzed by a Spearman rank correlation analysis. This indicated significant correlations (P < 0.05) between H. azteca growth (body length) and nickel and the PEC-Q for organochlorine pesticides. The body weight of H. azteca was significantly correlated with Benzo(a) anthracene, although the calculated ∑ESBTU values of PAH were significantly correlated to the length of H. azteca. In addition, the survival, body length, body weight, condition factor, and specific growth rate of P. dabryanus were not significantly correlated to any of the sediment contaminants analyzed. Therefore, in addition to chemical analyses, toxicity tests can provide valuable, more realistic information toward understanding the impacts of sediment contaminants on aquatic biota. 103 環檢所 國立屏東科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73513
103年度屏東縣水污染源科學稽查管制計畫 本計畫自獲得委辦後,立即成立工作小組展開為期3天之人員教育訓練,訓練重點除了水質採樣作業外,對於列管事業單位基本資料比對、廢水處理設施查核、科學儀器操作與應用、年度工作重點講解及水污染防治法規等,使工作人員能熟悉入廠時的作業順序及流程。以下就計畫自7/4至12/03止,為期5個月之執行成果作說明。一、 武洛溪流域總量管制先期規劃成果本項工作已依規定於103年9月15日前完成提送環保局。二、 科學儀器蒐證稽查作業(一) 科學儀器蒐證稽查作業-連續水質監測截至12/03為止本計畫執行7場次,進度達成率為100%。執行結果監測數據6家次無顯示異常情形,數據表示業者在全日時段無偷排未經妥善處理之原廢水。另編號A03 pH監測之最高測值,接近違規標準,顯示本場平時放流水可能有超標之情形,本計畫本年度亦每月執行放流口監視查核作業,均未發現偷排行為,但在執行本年度本場功能評鑑查核時,查獲本場有繞流管線,依規定輔導業者改善封除。(二) 科學儀器蒐證稽查作業-TV攝影1.屏東及內埔工業區雨水下水道TV攝影檢視勘查不明管線執行成果工作團隊掌握屏東工業區6點及內埔工業區7點雨水下水道勘查點,並完成座標定位及每處執行8次,計執行16處次查核作業。本年度內埔工業區雨水下水道,查核結果未發現有不明管線設置,監控畫面顯示內埔工業區事業現場雨水口均無異狀。屏東工業區查核方面,本計畫在第1次至第3次監控勘查未發現污染行為,在8/21第4次監控時查獲「T420**** ○○○企業股份有限公司屏東廠」利用雨水下水道排放未經妥善處理之廢水,現場採樣送驗,現場pH為2.7,水質檢驗結果,鎳為18 mg/L,較標準值1.0 mg/L高18倍,環保局執行103年度屏東縣水污染源科學稽查管制計畫 􁆴􀧞II告發處分作業,本場經9月至11月複查已無持續違規情事;另屏東工業區其他事業雨水下水道,查核結果未發現有不明管線設置,監控畫面顯示屏東工業區事業現場雨水口均無異狀。2.執行高屏溪及東港溪關鍵測站上游,經常性排放不明廢水之側溝勘查執行成果完成高屏溪及東港溪關鍵測站,畜牧業集中區域鄉鎮5處側溝勘查位置,執行15處次勘查作業,也完成相關座標定位作業。本年度於7月至11月等,完成關鍵測站鄉鎮市集污區,經常性排放不明廢水之側溝勘查。勘查結果計查獲9家畜牧業及1家屠宰業有不明管線繞流排放行為,其中6家完成稽查處分,4家完成輔導改善。三、 非法排放委託檢驗執行成果完成31家關鍵測站熱區事業放流水採樣,以科學儀器查獲11家非法偷排或繞流暗管事業及畜牧業,其中1家關鍵測站熱區事業放流水採樣,完成檢測分析結果該事業BOD及SS均符合規定,本計畫依行業別特性加驗「鎳」,分析結果未符合放流水標準,環保局依規定執行處分作業。另查獲9家畜牧業廢水排放未依規定處理之違規行為,其中6家為繞流暗管排放,複查後仍有違規由環保局執行處分作業,因繞流暗管排放行為不需執行水質採樣,因此本計畫未執行水質採樣作業。另有3家繞流暗管排放,經複查後已改善,因此亦未進行水質採樣作業。另在畜牧業放流水採樣計執行30家放流水COD及SS採樣分析作業,COD檢測分析結果25家放流水水質合格,另有5家放流水水質不合格,SS檢測分析結果9家放流水水質合格,另有21家放流水水質不合格。四、 功能評鑑作業本年度功能評鑑事業單位,依據環保署功能評鑑作業原則,並與環保局承辦充分溝通後,工作團隊執行管制編號T5405***(行業別:畜牧業(一))、管制編號T42A5***(行業別:製革業)及管制編號T4904***(行業別:屠宰業)進行及完成功能評鑑作業。103年度屏東縣水污染源科學稽查管制計畫 􁆴􀧞III五、 繞流排放暗管拆除作業本年度查獲10處繞流暗管稽查,現場均執行輔導改善作業,並執行後續每月複查工作,對於會同環保局複查時,持續有違規繞流暗管排放行為有6家事業,環保局均依法告發處分並限期改善,另對有4家事業經輔導後追蹤查核,並未再有違規情事。六、 水源保護區畜牧業查核成果本計畫於7月份及11月份完成執行2次查核,2次查核結果均相同。在有飼養之畜養戶中,以蔡○祥飼養17頭猪隻最多,包括母猪16頭、公猪1頭;其次為張○秤飼養12頭猪隻,包括母猪8頭、小猪4頭,其餘飼養約為10頭以下,共計目前總飼養頭數71頭。七、 支流水質採樣分析本計畫於7月份及10月份執行2次高屏溪流域武洛溪及東港溪流域龍頸溪支流排水水質採樣與分析。另本年度每月執行武洛溪及龍頸溪DO監測,武洛溪上游DO介於1.6~4.2 mg/L,中游DO介於2.2~6.9 mg/L,下游DO介於1.9~3.2mg/L,大部分可維持在2.0-3.0 mg/L之間。龍頸溪上游DO介於3.8~6.5 mg/L,中游DO介於2.3~3 mg/L,下游DO介於3.4~5.3 mg/L,大部分可維持在3.0 mg/L以上。八、 工業區水污染深度查核完成3處工業區(經濟部工業局內埔工業區、行政院農業委員會屏東農業生物技術園區、經濟部工業局屏南工業區各2次稽查,查核結果僅「行政院農業委員會屏東農業生物技術園區」第2次查核有缺失,包括「定檢放流水量查核」中,「水量平衡換算結果」,103年度7月份未符合、「定檢許可比對結果」中之「執行許可核准量與定檢申報放流水量」,103年度7月份不符合、『現場操作紀錄與定檢申報紀錄比對』,103年度7月份不符合。現場均輔導事業完成改善。另本計畫本年度配合人力支援環保局,辦理工業區事業假日及夜間加強稽(巡)查作業,計配合假日稽查10次及夜間稽查12次。103年度屏東縣水污染源科學稽查管制計畫 􁆴􀧞IV九、 河川水體水區劃定前置作業本年度依據環保局選定之縣內牡丹溪河川,協助該河川水體水區劃定前置作業及收集準備相關資料。本項工作本計畫亦協助環保局進行水質採樣分析,水質分析結果將以甲類水體公告,環保局已開始相關行政作業。十、 推動河川巡守隊運作完成協助運作13支水環境河川巡守隊,並落實辦理各項活動並將成果登錄綠網,包括辦理巡守隊成果表揚及頒獎活動1場次、巡守隊經營運作活動37場次、執行社區環境或淨溪淨堤活動47場次、生活污水源頭減量宣導29場次、巡守隊污染通報件數89件次及每月發行巡守隊動態報導電子報。十一、協助轄區河川污染防治及宣導相關業務本年度於計畫執行期間,本專案小組全力協助配合環保局,進行轄區河川污染防治及宣導相關業務、水污染業務彙辦工作(含定期檢驗申報會同現勘等作業),其中定期檢驗申報會同現勘作業,均以實際工作團隊排定查核行程區域完成交辦案件之執行。另亦協助辦理「沼氣發電系統污染推廣暨水污染法規宣導說明會」6場次。 103 屏東縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司
油污染鑑識新檢測技術建立及應用(2/2) GC-FID或GC-MS等一維氣相層析方法對於樣品分析解析度與峰容量有其極限,當樣品組成複雜時,例如分析油品,在其解析分離過程中,會產生共沖提現象。為了克服此共沖提問題,二維氣相層析技術的提出,利用了兩根極性或性質不同的管柱,有效的解決了對於過去分離複雜樣品所產生共沖提的問題。本計畫進行油污染鑑識之全面型二維氣相層析技術建立研發之GCxGC-TOFMS油品分析技術的建立部分,藉由質譜儀協助GCxGC分析生物標誌物鑑識並進行其鑑識適用可行性探討。本報告完成二維氣相層析質譜儀及相關油污染指紋鑑識文獻資料蒐集彙整研析,共計20篇,並彙整國內外漏油污染指紋鑑識資料與和技術報告,完成「漏油污染鑑識指引及案例評析技術手冊-化學特徵鑑識技術(草案)」之撰寫工作。在GCxGC-TOFMS油品上機分析條件建立方面,運用98年度環檢所委辦計畫中提供的2個進口原油樣品及4個柴油樣品,根據GCxGC-TOFMS分析條件建立,包括上機分析條件、儀器線性分析與精確度(再現性分析)項目,建立上機分析條件。利用NIST資料庫比對GCxGC-TOFMS圖譜,加上標準品確認與相關文獻報告圖譜比對,建立GCxGC-TOFMS分析原油及柴油之TIC及不同生物標誌物指紋圖譜。運用由98年度已建立完整GC-MS生物標誌物分析結果具差異性與關聯性的2個原油樣品,藉由GC-MS分析與GCxGC-TOFMS分析之指紋圖譜分布模式和診斷比值計算,完成GCxGC-TOFMS油污染鑑識適用性探討。進一步利用具來源特性差異的8個原油樣品,進行建立之GCxGC-TOFMS分析技術適用性驗證。分析結果顯示,GCxGC-TOFMS分析與GC-MS分析皆獲得類似的指紋圖譜,藉由樣品碳數分布、具來源特性與生成特性的生物標誌物及診斷比值可鑑別不同地區原油樣品。由於GC-MS與GCxGC-TOFMS儀器性質的差異性,因此分析所計算的診斷比值亦有所差異,此乃分析技術特性所致,唯皆可達到區分來源特性異同目標,結果驗證GCxGC-TOFMS分析技術之適用性。本計畫將已建立的GCxGC-TOFMS分析技術應用於2件現地漏油場址案例,其具有區分不同油品類型的能力。對於組成較複雜(例如原油)或生物標誌物含量較低樣品,使用GC-MS與GCxGC-TOFMS分析顯示,GCxGC-TOFMS具有較好的分離效果與降低共沖提效應,尤其是對於油樣品之烷基PAHs指紋圖譜,可針對特定斷裂碎片離子層析圖掃描,去除干擾化合物,具有提高分辨率、靈敏度及族群分離效應的強大優點。 Establishment and Application of New Measuring Technology for Oil Pollution Identification(2/2) One-dimensional gas chromatography method such as GC-FID or GC-MS for the analysis of samples resolution and peak capacity has its limits; especially for the unresolved complex mixtures (UCMs). For example, the co-elution phenomenon has occurredduring the oil analysis resolution separation process. Two-dimensional gas chromatography technique is proposed by using the two different polar or property columns to overcome the co-elution problem. This project is to establish and develop the comprehensive GCGC-TOFMS techniques and employ mass spectrometer assist GC for forensic analysis of biomarkers and their forensic applicable feasibility investigation. The report has collected 20 literature surveys of a two-dimensional gas chromatography mass spectrometry and related oil pollution fingerprint forensic data, meanwhile, converge domestic and international oil pollution aggregated data and fingerprint forensic and technical reports, and completes the [Oil pollution forensic guidelines and case analysis - chemical characteristics of forensic Technical Manual (Draft)]. On the side of GCGC-TOFMS analysis conditions established, applied 2 imported samples of crude oil and 4 diesel samples provided by EAL’s 98s project to establish analytical conditions, instrument linear analysis, and precision (reproducibility analysis). The biomarker fingerprint and TIC of crude oil and diesel fuel have established by utilizing NIST database compared with TOFMS spectrum and standard spectra with relevant literatures.The GCxGC-TOFMS oil pollution forensic applicability investigation has completed by calculate the ratio of the sum of the diagnosis which is provided by GC-MS biomarker resultsfrom differentiation and association of 2 crude oil samples (established by 98ys). In order to build an applicability GCxGC-TOFMS analysis verified, the differentiation of 8 crude oil samples had compared. The analytic results indicate that GCxGC-TOFMS and GC-MS present similar fingerprint, which mean the samples can be identified by carbon number distribution, biomarkers and diagnostic odds with the source characteristics and formation characteristics. The calculated rations of diagnosis are presented differences as the differentiation of instrument properties between GC-MS and GCxGC-TOFMS. However, the source characteristic can be recognized by both MS. It shows that the GCxGC-TOFMS analysis is an applicability of analytic technology. The GCxGC-TOFMS analysis technique has been proved the ability to distinguish between different types of oil from two real oil pollution cases.The GCxGC-TOFMS has better separation factor and less co-elution phenomenon compare with GC-MS under more complex composition (such as crude oil), or a low content of biomarker samples conditions. Particularly for alkyl PAHs fingerprint sample, the GCxGC-TOFMS has given high distinguish, selectivity and separation of interfering compounds. 103 環檢所 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73626
103年度推動資源回收工作計畫─103年度委託顧問機構辦理資源回收宣導及相關工作計畫 「103年度委託顧問機構辦理資源回收宣導及相關工作計畫」執行期程,為簽約日103年3月13日起至103年11月30日止,統計至103年11月21日止共計約8個月,計畫達成率達100%。計畫執行內容包含:完成擬定103年各鄉鎮市考核項目管理目標。103年5月22日及6月16日於後龍鎮南龍區漁會,辦理完成2場次船舶資源回收宣導活動,共計93人參與。103年4月22日於後龍鎮公所、4月30日於頭份鎮忠孝社區活動中心,及5月7 日於銅鑼鄉公所,共完成辦理3場「廢容器、廢鉛蓄電池、廢日光燈管之回收宣導活動」,共計316人參與。推動偏遠地區結合宗教資源回收宣導工作共3處宗教據點,包含泰安鄉-達比拉斯教會、南庄鄉-勸化堂,及通霄鎮-拱天宮,分別結合在地文化進行推動。推動社區長青族從事社區資源回收工作,分別以公館鄉仁安社區、頭屋鄉獅潭社區,為廢棄物再利用及資源回收據點進行推動。搭配地方活動辦理農藥廢容器宣導活動,於103年6月7日搭配造橋鄉南瓜節、8月15日搭配南庄鄉農藥廢容器回收說明會、9月6日搭配頭份鎮流東秋收饗宴節、9月18日搭配卓蘭鎮農藥廢容器回收說明會,及11月1日搭配泰安鄉甜柿節進行宣導。辦理「機關、團體、社區、學校使用再生製品競賽」,獲獎單位分別為第1名育民工業家事職業學校、第2名仁愛國民小學、第3名苑裡國民小學。資源回收教案,以辦理競賽方式甄選出兒童版及成人版資源回收教案,並於18鄉鎮市巡迴開課,共完成20場次,參加人數達1,612人。甄選及培訓學生志工輔導團計畫共甄選培訓50名學員,已於今年協助環保局辦理4場活動。資源回收形象改造示範宣導專車完成辦理20場次,近2,700人參加。媒合個體業者進入物業從事資源回收服務,媒合個體業者共10位,其資源回收量納入該鄉鎮數據,並協助媒合地點環境整潔。本計畫創新作法-資源回收形象娃娃快閃活動,於18鄉鎮市之觀光景點進行「形象娃娃快閃宣導」,18場次近千人次參加,並將快閃宣導過程影片剪輯,發布Youtube網站宣導。輔導社區、學校、村里或觀光景點進行資源回收形象改造作業,於三義鄉、苗栗市、頭屋鄉、獅潭鄉、通霄鎮、頭份鎮、造橋鄉及銅鑼鄉等共計17處進行形象改造作業。設計及製作廢照明光源具防破效能之回收貯存設施1式。完成基層村里資源回收站形象改造考核及輔導作業,獲獎單位分別為第1名苗栗市-大同社區、第2名造橋鄉-龍昇村、第3名頭份鎮-忠孝社區。鄉鎮市公所資源回收績效考核,於9月份完成現場考核,並於11月份完成書面考核辦理。協助環保署資源回收績效考核相關事宜,針對今年書面考核及實地考核提供相關協助。購置本計畫宣導品,及製作宣導文宣品,配合相關宣導活動發送。每月收集資源回收相關訊息,發布於本計畫網站,或更新新聞稿,並檢查網頁功能正常性。 103 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 思維環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81929
建構寧適家園計畫-北區環境事故專業技術小組服務計畫 計畫目的為協助環保署建置北區環境事故專業技術小組以及協調業者成立環境事故聯防應變支援隊。於台北、宜蘭與新竹建置3組環境事故專業技術小組,每組16人(含空氣污染事件工作小隊4人),全時維持至少3人以上,24小時全年無休執行環境事故之趕赴到場支援各類事故處理、支援應變監測、採樣及善後復原工作,並強化重大空氣污染事件應變能量,提升環境事故應變時效與能力,3組出勤到場應變合計80場次(處理41件事故),並執行環保署各項儀器裝備校正、維護工作及更新轄區應變基本資料。在平時預防整備工作方面,完成129場次毒化物運作廠場臨廠輔導、61場次廠內應變無預警測試、19場次法規說明會、2場次動員研討會、2場次聯防小組組訓、43場次地方環保機關演習及執行環保署交付動員、反恐、與環境災害相關演習兵推及協助環保局完成201件次危害預防及緊急應變計畫之審查;完成工業區1121廠家毒化物運作資料蒐集,及提供轄區內縣市之毒性化學物質災害防救業務計畫書相關建議;完成派員至至新加坡毒化災應變指揮官訓練、至法國參加水域化學品污染訓練、至美國參加化災應變人員通識、操作與技術級訓練;召開1次專家及機關案例檢討交流會議,以防類似災害再發生。「環境事故之污染源分析調查」方面,完成 93件樣品分析報告;協調成立業界環境事故聯防應變支援團隊方面,已完成北區應援團隊3隊之運作機制並參與相關演訓,支援出勤或演練共9場次。 Project for constructing a safe and comfortable homeland : The plan for the setup of northern enviro The goal of this project is to assist the EPA in establishing technical teams for northern Taiwan environmental accidents and help companies establish environmental accident joint response support teams. The environmental accident technical teams established at Taipei, Yilan, and Hsinchu contain 16 individuals each (including four persons in the air pollution incident working team), and have at least three persons available at all times. The teams are ready round-the-clock to support accident response activities at accident sites, including support of response monitoring, sampling, and clean-up and recovery work. They can strengthen response capabilities in the event of major air pollution incidents, boosting the promptness and versatility of environmental accident response. The three teams have participated in a total of 80 on-site response actions (and handled 41 accidents), have implemented installation, calibration, and maintenance work involving EPA instruments, and have updated basic response data within their assigned areas. In their routine prevention and readiness work, they have completed 129 in-plant assistance sessions at toxic chemical substance handling facilities, 61 in-plant no early warning response tests, 19 explanatory meetings concerning laws and regulations, two mobilization workshops, two group training sessions for joint response task forces, 43 exercises with local environmental authorities, implementation of mobilization, anti-terror, and environmental accident exercise simulations assigned by the EPA, and assistance to bureaus of environmental protection in review of 201 hazard prevention and emergency response plans. The teams have further completed data collection for 1121 toxic chemical substance handlers in industrial parks, and provided recommendations concerning toxic chemical substance accident prevention plans for cities and counties in their areas of jurisdiction. Personnel have been sent to Singapore to take part in toxic chemical accident response commander training, to France to participate in aquatic chemical pollution training, and to the US to take part in general knowledge, operations, and technical training programs for chemical accident response personnel. One expert and agency case review conference was held to prevent the same accidents from recurring. With regard to the "environmental accident pollution source survey," 93 sample analysis reports were completed. As for coordinating the establishment of industry environmental accident joint response support team, this plan completed operating mechanisms for three teams in northern Taiwan, and participated in training, support of missions, and exercises 9 times. 103 環管處 中原大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81028
103年度嘉義市固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫 本計畫工作小組各項工作執行成果摘要如下:1.落實法規制度:本年度執行各項檢測作業,包含油品含硫量稽查檢測13件次,周界粒狀污染物稽查檢測3件次、異味檢測3件次、煙道檢測1件、設備元件檢測1,000點次、重金屬稽查檢測1件次、相對準確度測試1件次及15站次加油站之氣油比及氣漏檢測,各項檢測皆符合法規。而在空污費徵收方面,完成102年第3季至103年第2季空污費徵收審查作業,總計70廠次空污費徵收作業,平均申報率及到繳率為100%。硫氧化物及氮氧化物空污費查核方面,共計完成60件次,揮發性有機物空污費查核方面共計完成57家次查核。本年度查核場所中,僅3廠S/N空污費燃料使用量申報有誤,本計畫小組已現場輔導改正,並協助重新推估排放量,故不影響公私場所繳交金額。2.推動許可制度:本年度共受理 18 件次申請案件,其中已核發14張操作許可證、審查(試車)中3件次、駁回補件中1件次,許可書面審查日數平均為11.2日,達成審查設定日數15日,達成率100%。整體許可申請案件之平均退件次數為0.4次,與102年許可申請之平均退件次數0.7次略為下降,顯示透過許可預審制度及法規宣導,有效降低業者申請文件錯誤情形。實施許可查核48件次,工作達成率100%,當中8件有缺失情形,符合率83%。3.更新固定源排放清單:本年度更新及維護資料庫QA/QC作業85件,經更新後,嘉義市固定污染源總列管公私場所為346家、381個操作製程、1,124個污染源、165個控制設備、308根排放管道、306個儲槽及12個堆置場,由完成建檔的固定污染源資料庫資(含未更新)料統計顯示,製程污染排放量更新後轄區列管之空氣污染量,粒狀污染物為67.12公噸/年、硫氧化物23.86公噸/年、氮氧化物97.52公噸/年、揮發性有機物118.21公噸/年、一氧化碳27.14公噸/年。4.相關作業:本年度總計執行稽巡查共計590件次、辦理2場人員教育訓練及3場宣導說明會。本年度執行中污染物削減量總計促成污染物削減57.39公噸/年。經更新擴充後,總計促成污染物削減29.88公噸/年。分別為氮氧化物削減10.36公噸/年、揮發性有機物削減11.5公噸/年及一氧化碳0.82公噸/年。道路認養183.17公里,預計促成粒狀污染物削減2.507公噸/年、PM10削減0.486公噸/年。此外,本計畫執行加油站之稽查檢測結果,平均油槍氣油比合格率為98.7%,不合格油槍已監督業者全數改善完成,共計削減0.698公噸揮發性有機污染物。 The project of stationary emission sources and the check of air pollution fee for volatile organic c From January 28, 2014 to December 15, 2014, the results of the work are summarized as follows:I. Implementation of the rules and regulationsThis project is currently running all the test operations, including 14 periods of the detection sampling tests of sulfur content in oil, odor sensory measurement sampling tests and detection sampling tests of the perimeter granular materials, 1 periods respectively, discharge pipe three, gas station oil ratio and leakage detection 15 stations, and incineration plants RATA and heavy metal detection 1 time. Except for one odor detection not meeting the standard, the other tests all met the standard in compliance with laws and regulations. In the aspect of air pollution fee collection, the air pollution fee collection procedures have been completed from the 3th quarter of 2014 to the 3th quarter of 2013. A total of 70 plants have completed their procedures of air pollution fee collection. The average declaration rate, fee-paying rates and late fee-paying rate are 100 %. As for the sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides air pollution fee check, , currently a total of 60 has been completed. As for the check of air pollution fee for volatile organic compounds, a total of 57 has been completed. In this year, places being checked, there were only 3 incorrect declaration. The project team has been corrected on-site, counseling and helping to re-estimate the emission amount.II. Promotion of the licensing systemThis year till December 15, there were sixteen cases of permit applications, which were 13 replacements of operating licenses and 2 applications of permit transaction and extensions of operating licenses respectively. The other five operating permit application have been reviewed and issued three licenses and the other three operating license application has been approved and has entered the license-making permit. The plan was made for the effective implementation of the licensing system. There were 36 implementing license check. And all the industries were in line with the industry regulations.III. Updating the list of stationary emission sourcesAt this stage, there are 85 updates and maintenance of the database QA/QC operations. After the updates, the total controlled public and private place for the stationary pollution sources in Chiayi City are 346. From the filing-completed stationary sources database statistics, it showed that in the part of process pollution emissions the particulate pollutants are 67.12tons/year, SOx, 23.86 tons/year, nitrogen oxides 97.52tons/year, volatile organic compounds 118.21tons/year, and carbon monoxide 27.14 tons/year.IV. Related jobsIn the project, we have now completed a total of 590 cases on protracted inspection operations, held four staff education and training conventions and four advocacy briefings. 103 嘉義市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77835
103年度基隆市推動營造綠色港口環境評估及海洋污染稽查管制計畫 一、為防止、排除或減輕重大海洋油污染緊急事件對人體、生態、環境或財產之影響,當有重大海洋油污染緊急事件發生之虞或發生時,依本計畫有效取得各項資源,污染處理設備、專業技術人員,以共同達成安全、即時、有效且協調之應變作業。二、藉由辦理海洋污染訓練及演練,提升環保局處理海洋污染之能力,使污染傷害減至最小。三、加強本市轄內船舶、港區(商港、漁港)稽查作業及督導,將相關資料鍵入海洋污染源資料庫管理系統,其稽巡查資料須登錄至本市水污染資料庫系統,並建置完整書面檔案資料。四、建立港區環境查核及民眾參與機制,結合民間團體及政府力量督導港區(商港、漁港)管理機關落實維護港區清潔,提升環境衛生。 103 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76058
103年嘉義市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 本年度(103)計畫仍延續歷年之計畫精神,針對各項業務提出因應措施,以杜絕污染惡化及防止二次污染發生。本年度之計畫工作內容執行成果如下: 一、枯、豐水期水質檢測結果中,多為一般項目中之氨氮及重金屬鐵、錳有超過地下水污染監測標準,其餘檢測項目僅測出微量數值,且低於地下水污染監測標準及污染管制標準值;另於公告新增之檢測項目中,部分監測井有測得微量之「氟鹽」及「甲基第三丁基醚」,其餘新增檢測項目測值皆為未檢出。 二、針對轄內13口監測井進行外觀巡查維護及修繕、內部功能維護(含再次完井、井體攝影)作業,並額外加作13口監測井微水試驗作業。本年度執行之13口地下水監測井之井內部狀況大致良好,建議3年可進行一次井內部維護清理工作。 三、本計畫於執行期間內,共計執行2件緊急應變工作,分別為為建國路加油站土壤污染物定性分析之採樣工作,及台亞嘉義交流道加油站土壤污染調查。 四、針對轄內37站加油站之管理作業,其中包括網路申報資料書面審查作業及現場查核作業;現場查核工作共計完成30站,主要查核為書面資料與現場情況是否符合,經查核發現缺失時皆立即請站方改善,並進行後續追蹤改善及修正進度。 五、為完備嘉義市境內所有公園綠地土壤重金屬調查,針對尚未調查之10處公園綠地土壤重金屬濃度背景調查。經調查結果顯示,10處公園綠地之土壤重金屬濃度皆符合法規標準,可作為嘉義市公園綠地土壤之背景值。 六、因建國路加油站本年度不申請驗證,已將其經費轉作嘉義市農漁產運銷物流中心(魚市場區)設置監測井,並於103年10月18日完成監測井設置,該監測井水質背景調查結果顯示,其一般項目中氨氮超過地下水污染監測標準,而總硬度及總溶解固體濃度偏高,且於重金屬砷、鉛有測得數值,於重金屬鐵、錳部分亦有偏高情形。 七、執行1次法規說明會及2場次環境教育宣導會,分別於103年3月28日舉行1場土壤及地下水污染整治法(以下簡稱土污法)相關內容說明會,主要著重於該法之八、九條,參加人數52人,根據會前會後意見調查結果顯示,業者於會後對該法條更甚瞭解。宣導會部分,於103年5月23日於博愛國小舉行第一場次宣導會,共計56人參加;第二場次於103年9月15日於垂楊國小舉行,共計86人參加。依本次會後問卷調查結果顯示,學生對宣導內容皆表示瞭解。 八、為加深民眾對環保議題之關注,特拍攝讓民眾易接受之環境教育宣導短片。宣導短片業於103年10月2日~3日完成拍攝,並製成光碟以供後續宣導用。 九、於計畫執行期間每月至少執行一次轄內列管場址巡查作業,轄內共計8處控制場址,其中一為建國路加油站;另一為下埤段7筆農地污染控制場址;此外,嘉義市環保局於103年11月20日依「土壤及地下水污染整治法」第七條第五項公告列管台亞嘉義交流道加油站。而於現場巡查時並未發現異常或不法之情事,並於巡查結果作成記錄,且於 Eco-Life 網站登錄場址現況。 十、為杜絕下埤段農地再次遭受污染,除積極查緝污染源外,對於曾調查出有污染之底泥,亦進行清除處理工作。藉由清潔隊、廢棄物管理科及污染防治科之相互支援與合作,於10月中下旬完成下埤段溝渠底泥進行清除處理工作。 The Project this year continues principles of previous similar Projects, and outcomes of final report conducted are shown as follows: 1.Analyses of groundwater quality periodically:Regarding to 13 monitoring wells installed by EPB in Chia-yi City area, the groundwater are sampled and then analyzed, including general items, heavy metals, VOCs, total phenols and TPHs (total petroleum hydrocarbons). The test results show Ammonium nitrate, Irons and Manganese are higher than Groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standard, others are below and compliance with Groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standard and Groundwater Pollution Control Standard. 2.Maintenance for 13 monitoring wells:The outlook check, repair, inter-maintenance (well development and video record) are performed, and slug test extra from Contract scope. Their conditions are kept good approximately. Suggestion repair and inter-maintenance wells every three years. 3.Management gasoline stations:The works include net-applied data review and site audit from 37 stations, where 30 stations audit on-site have been accomplished by mid-term. The major deficiency is the difference between document and site situation happened, such deficiency was informed owner of rectification within specified duration, and is followed up for improvement. 4.Emergent Plan and Execution:So far just two events had executed, one was Jian-guo gasoline station needed to be acted such emergent plan. Its soil sampling was completed, and CPC conducted its analyses. The other was soil investigation of Formosa gasoline station. 5.Background Survey for park grass:For 10 parks specified in Chia-Yi city, survey of heavy metals in soil is carried out. The data show that soil qualities are fine and can be served as background of grass in the park for reference. 6.A new well installation:Because of the verification of Jian-guo gasoline station was held, so The EPB use the same funds to install well located at the new fishery market of Chia-Yi City. 7. Propaganda and promotion:A propaganda for Soil and Groundwater Pollution Act was held on March 28, 2014 at CPC Chia-yi branch, and that makes participants have more understanding about Article 8 and 9 according to questionnaire returned. There were two promotion had executed, one held on May 23, 2014 at Bo-ai elementary school, the other held on September 15, 2014 at Chuei-Yang elementary school, in which it’s promoted concept of protection of environmental resources to students. 8.Make a short movie:Declaration of environmental issues to all citizen via a short movie will get a great efficiency. The movie has completed filmed before October 3, 2014 then modify the movie. 9. Regular check for pollution controlled sites:There are seven pollution controlled sites, 6 farms and one gasoline station, are required to have monthly check. Abnormal conditions and illegal behavior do not happen from monthly check, and their records are made in Eco-Life internet for reference. 103 嘉義市政府環境保護局 恆逸工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74074
環境資源專案成果報告管理系統 環保專案成果報告資訊系統匯集本署及各地方環保局之委辦計畫專案資料及成果報告,除作為機關內部統計分析,另公開民眾查閱,以落實政府資訊公開。本專案建置目標(1)包含管理端、資料庫及前端網站,前端網站應提供民眾友善檢索、查閱、擷取及下載資料之介面。(2)規劃設計專案資料登錄、上傳、審查、核對、查詢及統計等相關功能,並納入資訊委辦案件審議作業,並提出「專案計畫資料蒐集作業流程」精進建議方案。(3)原系統(環保專案登錄查詢系統)資料移轉至本專案系統。(4)提供網域帳號進行權限控管及各地方環保局人員帳號管理功能。(5)定期自動發布相關XML資料於資料交換系統(http://cdx.epa.gov.tw)供開放資料平台(http://opendata.epa.gov.tw)訂閱運用。 The management information system of environmental resource project achievement report This project includes 5 development items as the RFP. 103 監資處 叡揚資訊股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79003
重點河川污染整治策略評估與行動整合計畫 本計畫主要針對全國11條重點河川(淡水河、南崁溪、老街溪、濁水溪、新虎尾溪、北港溪、急水溪、鹽水溪、二仁溪、阿公店溪及愛河)進行環境背景資料掌握更新、分析河川水質及污染來源、推估點源污染排放量,彙整既有污染整治策略推動現況,進行污染整治計畫分年分期工作目標追蹤與檢討,並配合各流域重點支排水質水量調查分析結果、水體特性、區域環境等,檢討修正或新增建議污染削減策略及推估污染削減量,並利用水質模式模擬評估水質改善效益;相關整治策略包括污水下水道系統建設、設置晴天污水截流設施、推動水質淨化現地處理設施、加強污染源稽查管制、加強輔導畜牧業廢水妥善處理及推動清潔養豬與評估設置沼氣中心等。為使各項整治措施能落實推動,透過定期籌辦11條重點河川污染整治計畫督導及協調會議,以凝聚各相關權責機關之共識,滾動檢討修正各流域污染整治策略與水質改善目標。另依據歷年重金屬水質分析結果,篩選2處重金屬污染嚴重河段,研擬重金屬污染削減與管理策略;此外,亦進行18條中央管河川整治計畫檢討與執行成效追蹤。分析全國50條河川及11條重點河川近五年及103年河川水質變化趨勢,並針對院核定計畫「不缺氧、不發臭」之河川再生願景分年目標達成情形進行分析與檢討;進一步篩選11條重點河川關鍵水質測站,分析關鍵測站污染來源與整治措施推動現況,推估應削減污染量及研擬污染削減策略並運用水質模擬預測水質改善成效。本計畫蒐集環保署補助設置之9處國家重要濕地之環境現況、操作維護及環境改善效益等資料,並辦理1場除污型人工濕地操作維護工作研習會,同時進行環保署補助地方政府執行河川污染整治工程推動情形及執行成果之彙整;每月進行淡水河、二仁溪流域及水質淨化現地處理網頁更新維護,並新增3處新完工場址資料於水質淨化現地處理網頁,及配合辦理重點河川相關各項會議、現勘、參訪活動等。 The integrated action plan of primary rivers pollution improvement implementation. This project runs environmental data comprehension and updating, analysis of river water and polluting sources, and estimation of emission at source points on eleven primary rivers in Taiwan (Tamsui River, Nankan River, Lao-Jie River, Jhuoshuei River, New Huwei River, Beigang River, Ji-Shuei river, Yanshuei River, Er-Jen River, A-Gung-Dian River, and Love River), then summarizes the promotion of current strategies for pollution control, and tracks and reviews the annual and stage goals of the tasks of pollution control plan. Working with the analytic results of water quality and amount survey in primary river branches, water features and regional environment, the Project also reviews the pollution reduction strategies by modification or new recommendations, and assesses the benefits of water improvement by simulating with water quality models. The related control strategies include construction of sewer systems, implementation of dry-weather sewerage interception facility, promotion of in-situ treatment facilities for water purification, reinforcement of checking and control of polluting sources, reinforcement of counseling in proper treatment of wastewater by dairy industry, and promotion of clean pigsties and assessment of biogas center setup. in order to make the control measures happen, regular meetings on the supervision and coordination in the pollution control plans in the 11 primary rivers are held to bring together the consensus of the relevant authorities to review and modify the pollution control strategy and water improvement goals on a rolling basis. Screening of two river sections with heavy metal pollution is made from the results of historical analysis of water with heavy metals, whereby to draw up strategies for reduction and management of heavy metal pollution. Additionally, the control plan of 18 central-administered rivers is reviewed and tracked for executive results.Project analyzes the tendency of water changes in the nation’s 50 rivers and 11 primary rivers in the recent five years and 2014, and reviews the accomplishment in the yearly goals of vision of Executive Yuan-approved project of rivers “without hypoxia and smell”. Screening of critical water monitoring stations in 11 primary rivers is further made to analyze the polluting sources and the control measures at these stations and to estimate the amount of pollution needing reduction and draw up strategies for pollution reduction, as well as predict the effectiveness of water improvement by using water quality simulation.This project gathers information on the environmental condition, operation and maintenance and benefits of environmental improvement; holds one seminar on operation and maintenance of un-polluting artificial wetlands, while summarizing the promotion of construction and executive results of river pollution control by local governments on EPA subsidies. The web pages of on-site water purification in the basins of Tamsui and Er-Jen Rivers are updated on monthly basis, with additional information on three newly completed sites posted on the website. The project gives cooperation on other activities including meeting on primary rivers, site surveys and visits. 103 水保處 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78022
103年辦理民間團體及學校申請環境教育經費補助、訪查及核銷輔導專案工作計畫 本計畫執行成果包括:(一)協助完成152 案申請案之初步審查,並由審查會議評選出共計75 案之補助案件;(二)於103 年3-7 月間分別於臺北、高雄與臺中等地區,協助辦理3 場次核銷說明會之舉辦,使受補助單位充分了解補(捐)助計畫核銷及結案之規範、程序與辦理期程;另於本計畫執行期間,指派1 名專案人員,每週至少3 天以上至署內,專門辦理本專案核銷及結案作業,以提昇銷及結案作業之行政效能。(三)透過實地查訪各受補(捐)助單位辦理環境教育活動之情形,以促使各受補(捐)助單位落實計畫執行,俾達成各計畫原訂目標及預期效益(四)於103 年8 月25 日邀請審查委員召開委員會議,針對成果報告書面資料審查評分、現場簡報審查評分、分數計算方法、績優獎得獎基準以及各計畫主題評定名次等項目,作為成果發表會審查評分原則及標準。於103 年11 月22 日假張榮發基金會國際會議中心舉辦成果發表會,當日共計340 人參與,除現場簡報審查外,更邀請受補(捐)助單位展示執行成果海報,呈現年度執行成果。會中選出29 件績優獎及2 件海報最佳人氣獎,並由署長魏國彥於發表會結束前進行頒獎表揚績優案件。 Providing a consulting service to apply for subsidies The results of implementing the project are as follows:1. Assisting 152 cases of application to pass through preliminary inspection and there are 75 project cases were chosen through the Review Conference voting.2. In order to make subsidized civil organizations to fully understand in applying project expenditures after the project finished, we held 3 explanation sessions about doing annual project expenditures in Taipei, Kaohsiung and Taichung from March to July in 2014. In addition, during the period of the project execution, in order to enhance administrative efficiency, we assigned a project staff, that is at least 3 days a week to EPA (Environmental Protection Administration), is responsible for project expenditures application and closure...etc.3. In order to achieve project target and performance expectation, we participated directly to inspect at least 20 activities, which were held by subsidized civil organizations for environmental education, to make sure them fulfill plan jobs..4. We invited 35 judges to attend a judge meeting on August 25, 2014 and discussed with them about score calculation from performance report written and presentation at achievements publication meeting, the standards of distinguished award winners...etc. all results were as the basis of score’s principles and standards in the achievements publication meeting.There are 340 people attended 2014 achievement meeting which was held in international conference center of CHANG YUNG-FA foundation on November 22, 2014. Civil organizations are subsidized by EPA must display their annual plan performance by presenting and exhibiting posters. Finally, there are 29 distinguished award winners and 2 best poster popularity awards are voted out by 35 judges and 111 units, and the winners were awarded the prize by EPA Minister at the awarding ceremony. 103 綜計處 安貞聯合會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73380
廢氣燃燒塔廢氣組成與熱值相關性之探討 本計畫探討廢氣燃燒塔廢氣組成與熱值相關性,以提供行政院環保署環境檢驗所建立調查技術之參考依據。在各類型化合物種中選擇低碳數碳氫化合物為乙烯、高碳數碳氫化合物為二甲苯、含鹵有機物為二氯乙烷、硫化氫或其他及氨等空氣污染物進行實驗。經本計畫之採購標準氣體、材料及實驗裝置等,進行不同的進樣設計,進行一系列實驗:包含單一成分、混和成分及水分干擾實驗等等,驗證所有結果各成分理論熱值相較實測結果差異均在 20%以內。本計畫建置廢氣燃燒塔排氣熱值之即時量測系統,探討量測條件最佳化、適用範圍及干擾。調查數據應符合環檢所所訂品質規範,包括多點校正、準確度、精密度,並評估目前燃燒直測法於國內廢氣燃燒塔熱值量測之可能限制與干擾。探討即時與層析批次等2種線上廢氣燃燒塔排氣熱值量測系統量測結果差異,配合各石化工業區規劃之採樣廠家/製程進行共12場次分析,結果與理論相當,除了1個場次因為異常排放比對結果差異大於10%(-16.8%),其餘11個場次均在±10%以內,差異值均在燃燒直測法之燃燒測值的誤差範圍±20%,探究該場兩者的誤差原因是由於異常排放,層析法各別物種檢量線超出上限造成校正誤差。本計畫同時建立高熱值排氣自動採樣系統,並完成技術擴散工作。基於本計畫的研究技術成果,建議環檢所本直測法可應用於廢氣燃燒塔的熱值量測,提供石化工業產業標準檢測技術,作為環保署訂定標準作業草案之參考及後續管理之工具。建議未來可針對石化製程上、中、下游廢氣燃燒塔的熱值進行調查,以檢討各廢氣燃燒塔是否符合法規與要求,若監測熱值超出法規規範,可以考量本計畫建立之高熱值排氣自動採樣系統,以分析造成高熱值之物種;若現場已安裝GC監測設備,比對結果若熱值差異超出20%,更可探討GC監測設備誤差原因,並建立廢氣燃燒塔廢氣熱值資料庫。 Investigation of the relationship between the composition of waste streams in flare stacks and their This project was to study the relationship between the composition of waste streams in flare stacks and their heating values for EPA establishing the standard method. In this study, ethylene (with low carbon number), xylene (with high carbon number), dichloro ethane (with halogen atom), hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia were selected for a serious of experiments, including individual composition experiments, mixed composition experiments, and moisture interference experiments. Based on our results, the ratios of measured values to their theoretical values were within 0.8~1.2.In addition, the real-time monitor system of heating value was established. The optimal measurement conditions, such as analytical parameters, scopes, and interference, were studied. The data obtained were qualified with the quality specification, including multi-point calibration, accuracy and precision tests.The restriction and interference of this stoichiometric combustion method were also studied. To compare this stoichiometric combustion system with the GC system, 12 field experiments were carried out in petrochemical plants. The ratios of the data obtained from stoichiometric combustion system to GC system were within 0.9-1.1 in 11 field experiments, except to one due to the unusual emission. Furthermore, the auto-sampling system for high heating value emission gases was developed, and the technology diffusion was completed.In summary, this project has established analytical method for heating value in flare stacks using stoichiometric combustion system for EPA to establish the standard operation procedure, and to audit the flare stacks in petrochemical plants. For unusual emissions, the emission gases will be sampled by the auto-sampling system, and further be analyzed to identify species. For the plants using GC system, this stoichiometric combustion system can be used to check the accuracy. 103 環檢所 工業技術研究院綠能所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72717
飲用水水源及水質標準項目之調查及評估(1/3) 考量飲用水水源有遭受農藥污染、影響水質安全性之虞,本計畫優先針對8項可能影響飲用水安全之農藥項目進行評估與監測,就供水區域、處理流程、上游農業型態等特性不同挑選6座較具代表性之淨水場進行採樣、檢測分析。本計畫執行三次採樣檢測,各淨水場之原水及清水中均未檢出各農藥待測物,而處理流程如沈澱、過濾之流程水檢測分析結果亦為未檢出。爰本計畫以文獻蒐集探討各農藥之處理方式、效果及可能之風險,並建立毒理資料庫。本計畫針對現行飲用水水質標準管制項目中之農藥及揮發性有機物,其管制的合理性與修正管制標準的必要性進行檢討,經比較國內管制標準及國際管制限值或指引值,並考量健康風險,檢討結論為國內飲用水水質標準項目中之農藥及揮發性有機物之管制值均在合理範圍內,暫無修正管制值之必要性。本計畫並彙整國內水源保護區農藥使用相關規定,就飲用水水源保護及管理的觀點提出建議。 Investigation and evaluation of drinking water source and water quality standard regulation items In Taiwan, there is risk of the drinking water sources contaminated by pesticides and affecting the safty of drinking water. This project screened eight pesticides, which have high possibility to affect the safty of drinking water, for higher priority of investigation and evaluation. Considering the geographical location, drinking water treatment process, and argrecultue type at upstream of the water source, six representative drinking water treatment plants were selected for pesticides monitoring. All pesticides were not detected in all drinking water treatment plants, and also in the drinking water treatment units in the process, in the three monitors conducting in this project. Therefore this project evaluated the health risk and established the toxicity database of these pesticides by literatures review, regarding to the treatment process and performance for each pesticide. Besides, this project also reviewed the drinking water quality resgulation items regarding to pesticides and volatile organic compounds. This project considered the health risk and compared the regulation values with at least eight developed or developing contries. The results suggested the regulation value in the reasonable range. There is no urgency to revise the standard values of pesticides. This project also summarized the rules of using pesticides in water source protection area, and give some management suggestion regarding to drinking water source procetion. 103 環管處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78219
103-104年度環境保護產品規格標準專案工作計畫(第1年) 本計畫主要透過收集國內外標章趨勢,辦理環境保護產品規格標準研修訂等相關工作,以供廠商申請標章產品及推廣,更刺激廠商研發綠色科技及發展前瞻創新產品,並結合獎勵措施,可促進綠色供應鏈及永續商業模式,形塑綠色生活之社會,綜合本計畫成果,參酌工作目標摘述重要結論如下:經收集各國標章制度、綠色採購作法等資訊,完成7篇環保標章相關資訊研析報告。本年度配合環保標章規格標準修訂與新增,完成發光二極體(LED)燈泡、轎車用輪胎、工商業用清潔劑、滅火器、熱泵熱水器、生質柴油、抽油煙機、地毯、再生塑膠薄膜製品、辦公室用桌、辦公室用椅、黏著劑12項新增規格審議會審議通過。油性塗料、貯備型電開水器、面紙、平版印刷業、肌膚毛髮清潔劑、家用清潔劑、重複使用飲料容器、電鍋、電熱水瓶等9項修正規格審議會審議通過。本年度已完成四場廠商申請作業說明會。透過說明會方式詳細說明相關執行規定及廠商如何對應配合。廠商出席情形相當踴躍,執行單位亦現場予以回覆及說明相關提問。本年度參與2014北京GEN年會,並於會議中以「Criteria Development and Assessment of Environmental Benefit of the Green Mark Program」為題提出報告,不但展示我國於環保標章相關領與之技術優勢,同時亦達到經驗與人脈傳承,培養新生代人才之效果。對於後續環保標章制度之建議,包含品質要求項目之檢討、持續辦理各類說明會、持續掌握國際標章趨勢並參與國際組織活動、對外發表國內研究成果、廣納各界規格標準建議項目及開放廠商研擬規格標準提案等。 Development and Revision of Green Mark Product Criteria (2014) This project has been implemented mainly through collecting information regarding domestic and foreign ecolabelling programs’ development trends, and conducting development and revision of green product criteria. The results of this project are expected to facilitate manufacturers’ Green Mark applications and eco-labeled products promotion, as well as encourage manufacturers to further develop green technology and innovative green products. When coupled with proper incentive measures, the Green Mark Program should be able to promote green supply chains and sustainable business models, as well as help with the transition to a green-living society. To this end, the results of past year’s project implementation in reference to project objectives are summarized with conclusions as follows.:Seven informational reports were completed this year after collecting and reviewing information regarding foreign ecolabeling programs and various countries’ green purchasing promotional measures. During 2014, as part of the Green Mark project, multiple product criteria have been newly promulgated or revised. These new criteria include:electric kettles, light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs, car tires, commercial and industrial cleaners, fire extinguishers, heat-pump water heaters, bio-diesel, and range hoods, carpet, recycled plastic film products, office desks, office chairs, and adhesives 12 item.These revised criteria include oil-based paints, storage type electric water heaters, facial tissue, offset printing service, hair/body cleaners, household cleaners, reusable beverage containers, rice cookers, electric water pots 9 item.。Four Green Mark seminars dealing with the application process were held this year. The seminar participants were also informed of the changes in newly published or revised requirements, and advices on how to comply with these requirements were also provided. The Green Mark operating organization also answered questions raised by the participants during the seminars. This year EDF attended the GEN AGM held in Beijing, China. EDF then presented the presentation titled "Criteria Development and Assessment of Environmental Benefit of the Green Mark Program" on behalf of the Green Mark Program to the GEN representatives. This presentation showcased Green Mark Program’s technical capability, as well as the status of transition to a new generation of ecolabeling practitioners. This report proposed the following recommendations for future operations of the Green Mark Program include Review of quality requirements in the product criteria, Continue to organize informational seminars, Continue to follow international ecolabelling trends and participate in international activities , Publish results of domestic research in international forums , Consider product category and product criteria proposals from all interested parties. 103 管考處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77380
彰化103年環境教育志工培訓及運用計畫 (一)配合環境教育法第20條及志願服務法,鼓勵國民加入環境教育志工,透過課程訓練,提升其環境教育知識及技能,加強環境教育之推動及落實。(二)培訓場次:1場次;培訓人數:89人。(三)課程內容:課程名稱 內容大綱 授課時數戶外(或社區)環境教育的理論與實務 環境教育設施場所或社區中推動環境教育工作之理論與實務 2小時環境教育解說(或演講)技巧及宣導實務 1. 良好的解說(或演講)關鍵因素、掌握的重點及技巧之運用、志工服務內容說明及實務演練2. 其他視本屆培訓志工特質而安排支環境教育相關課程 2小時環境教育教材設計教法 環境教育課程規劃、教材的運用 2小時當前環境現況及環境保護政策 環境現況及目前重要之政策 1小時環境倫理 環境倫理、人與環境 1小時 103 彰化縣環境保護局 京丞資源國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=75974
103年度嘉義市空氣品質考核及管理計畫 本年度各項工作成果摘要如下:(一) 環境負荷及變化趨勢本市人口總數自88年起至102年度,歷年平均成長率為2.2%,人口增加緩慢,自99年起近4年人口有負成長情形。102年度人口數為27萬0,872人,人口密度為每平方公里4,513人,全國排名第2,僅次於臺北市(9,884人/平方公里)。102年車輛登記共27萬6,498輛,各類車輛近10年(93~102年)的總數為成長趨勢,車輛數總計增加2萬0,069輛,成長率為8%,與過去10年(88~97年)成長率24%相較,已有趨緩。車輛密度4,606輛/km2,遠高於其他縣市,當中尤以機車負荷最高。全國僅次於臺北市 6,633輛/km2。本市工業登記總家數,截至102年共435家,相較101年家數(437家)略為減少,整體近10年趨勢呈現負成長,變動率 -7%。營建工程自97年起有逐年增加趨勢,99年至102年,此4年工地數達近9年之高峰,102年件數達1,261件為高點,污染管制亦有相當成效,削減率達61.63%,也為歷年新高。本市95~102年陳情案件數,呈現逐年增加的情況,平均成長率約11%,截至102年度案件較95年度成長103%,歷年以102年民眾陳情案件最高,達1,368件,101~102年民眾陳情案件數較100年996件,平均成長226件,陳情案件類型以異味污染物為主。(二) 空氣品質現況雲嘉南空品區PSI值大於100 之比例,近10年(92~101年)以101年最佳,不良率0.85%,不良日數為28站日(懸浮微粒8站日;臭氧20站日),為自83年以來不良日數最少的一年。102年受懸浮微粒和境外傳輸的影響,不良日數自101年8站日(懸浮微粒)增加到83站日(懸浮微粒),不良率2.96%,較101年0.85%惡化,但整體近10年雲嘉南空品區的空氣品質仍具改善趨勢。統計本年度本市空氣品質測定日數共304站日,空氣品質不良事件日計5站日,不良比率1.36%,符合防制目標(2.19%,低於8站日)。(三) 空氣品質不良通報應變作業本年度配合行政院環境保護署之空氣品質監測網,共計31次(含預報23次),以懸浮微粒為主,整體次數較往年同期應變次數60次,略為減少。各次不良通報後,PSI值上升者計14次、具改善成效者(PSI值小於100)共12次,空氣品質不良事件日計5日(懸浮微粒4日、臭氧1日)。(四) 空氣品質改善子計畫成效掌握評析本年度辦理之專案計畫總計為9項,分別屬署補計畫8項,補助之執行經費為37,358仟元,自編經費計畫計1項,執行經費為3,456仟元,執行經費比例為署補計畫占92%,自編經費比例占8%。現階段考核結果,各項子計畫中以「移動污染源管制/低污染車輛推廣制」、「民俗活動/餐飲業/露天燃燒稽查管制」二項計畫最好。(五) 空氣品質淨化區本市共設置8處空氣品質淨化區,整體嘉義市空氣品質淨化區共計裸露地綠化4處、環保公園2處,自行車道2處,總計綠化面積達11.45公頃。樹種碳匯量測方面,共完成「富國重劃區裸露地綠化工程」、「舊署嘉醫院廣場裸露地綠美化工程(中央廣場)」2處淨化區之樹種碳匯量測。本年度淨化區考核作業分別於6月23日、10月22日進行,以「嘉油鐵馬道」最佳,其次為「啟明路綠化工程」、「富國重劃區裸露地綠化工程」,此三區域於環境清潔、設施維護及植栽維護均良好。 The results of the year are summarized as follows:(一) Environmental loads and trendsThe total city population from 1988 to 2013, the average growth rate is 2.2%. Over the years, the population increased slowly since 1999. In these four years, the population growth has shown negative growth. Till 2013, the amount of population reaches 270,872 people. The population density is 4,513 people per square kilometer, which ranked No. 2 in the whole country, second only to Taipei City (9,884 people / sq km). In 2013, the registered vehicle accounts for a total of 276,498 vehicles. In the past 10 years, as for the growth of the number of all types of vehicles, the growth rate is 8%. That has been slowing down then past 10 year (1999~2008) growth rate 24%. The overall density of vehicles is 4,606 vehicles / km, which ranks second in Taiwan, only to Taipei (6,633 vehicles / km).Till 2013, there are in total 435 registered industries. Compared with that in 2012, it was the same. Over the years (2004 to 2013), it showed negative growth, and the rate of variation is -7%.As for construction projects since 2008, the number has gradually decreased. In recent years, the number of engineering has increased. The highest is in 2010 and 2013 respectively, with the number of 1,261 pieces. Pollution management with the control measures, the reduction rate has reached 61.63%, the reduction rate are higher than past every years.Petition cases of environmental pollution has gradually increased year by year in the city, and non-odor pollutants (such as open burning, dust (construction engineering), industrial, vehicle idling and exhaust) are the main ones. It results from the rise of the public environmental awareness and concern at home environmental quality.(二) Current air quality conditionsYun Chia Air Quality Region, As for the PSI>100 rate is 0.85%, that air quality adverse event day is 28 station day. Since 1994, the best year for air quality.Till 2013, air quality affected by the particulate matter. The PSI>100 rate is 2.96% Bad than last year (0.85%). However, the overall air quality in the Yun Chia air quality region remain to improve air quality trends.As for Chiayi city in this year (October), that air quality adverse event day is 5 station day (Particulate 4 station day;Ozone 1 station day). Rate is 1.36%, which less than 2.19%.(三) Adverse air quality notification operationsStatistically, the number of the adverse air pollution notification is 32 times in total this year (including 23 times of forecasting ), with the suspended particles in majority. Total air pollution notification lower than last year (2012 year is 60 times). After each adverse notification, their PSI values have increased, which is 14 times in total. The ones with improved effectiveness are 12 times (PSI values 100). The air pollution days is 5 times. ( particulate 4 times, ozone 1 times)(四) Project ManagementHandle the project plan for the year amounted to 9 in the chiayi-city. There have 8 projects are grant by EPA and have 1 project are plan by EPB. The EPA funds is 3,735,800 dollar, and EPB funds is 3,456,000 dollar.Examination results at this stage, the sub-project plan to the binomial "Mobile Source Control", "folk activities control" is best.(五) Air purification zonesThere were had 8 air purification zones in chiayi city. that include 6 green space , 2 bicycle paths, total greenlands was 16.25 Ha.Aspects of the carbon sink tree measurements of the carbon sink tree measurements completed two purification region. 103 嘉義市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76917
102年環境教育白皮書編撰專案工作計畫 環境教育白皮書為政府的環境教育施政報告書,更是政府和民眾溝通的橋樑。本計畫主要是協助環保署彙整102年度中央主管機關、中央目的事業主管機關及地方政府推行環境教育之成果及亮點項目,並以清晰的主調,以活動照片、統計圖表提升白皮書之可閱讀性、趣味性及豐富性。本計畫共彙整中央主管機關16個處室、中央部會19個部會、地方政府22個縣(市),透過這些資料彙整、文句改寫、重新編排、多次內外審專家審查、修正、精簡版編製、封面設計、美編、電子書編製、光碟印製等歷程,完成102年環境教育白皮書完整版,精簡版紙本各一,電子書光碟一片,以利環境教育執行績效廣為流傳。另外,綜合計畫執行之經驗,提出檢討與建議,供環保署規劃未來工作之參考。 Project of environmental education white paper 2013 edit The Environmental Education White Paper is an official report on environmental education policy of the government, and a bridge between the government and the public. The main purpose of this project is to help the EPA collect the results and highlights of environmental education implemented in 2013 by central competent authorities, central industry authorities, and local governments. Clear themes, activity photos, and statistical charts and tables were used to enhance the readability, interest, and richness of the White Paper. Information of the White Paper was collected from 16 offices in the central competent authority, 19 central ministries, and 22 county/municipal governments. Through information aggregation textual rewritings, rearrangements, numerous internal and external experts reviews, revisions, streamlined version compiling, cover design, layout, and DVD e-book compilation to achieve a full version of the 2013 Environmental Education White Paper and an e-Book DVD for promotion. In addition, based on the experience gained from the project execution, reviews and recommendations were provided as reference for future EPA projects plans 103 綜計處 國立臺中教育大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71481
非游離輻射管理計畫 本計畫主要分為「電磁波發射源抽測及資料建檔作業」、「非屬原子能游離輻射管制網站擴充及維護」、「辦理非游離輻射相關宣傳活動」、「協助推動非游離輻射環境預防措施工作」、「維持電磁波生理特徵影響檢驗平臺」、「研擬環境非游離輻射長期監測站設站原則」及「擴充非游離輻射數位教學平臺」七部分。本團隊共完成51站抽測作業。全部抽測的結果將利用本計畫開發的資訊系統,將量測資料建置於資料庫中,並利用這些資料建置地理資訊系統提供民眾便捷查詢資料的方式。於非屬原子能游離輻射管制網站擴充及維護方面,針對兒童版網頁進行擴充更新,另由歷年量測數據製作變電箱、輸配線路、手機基地臺、Wi-Fi發射器等設施之電磁場場強模擬圖像,以利民眾易於理解電磁場場強範圍。今年度完成1場次非游離輻射網站系統操作暨量測實習說明會,並於現場進行相關實習作業;另已完成辦理5場次「環境電磁波(非游離輻射)資訊教育宣傳會」,以增加向民眾宣傳的機會。今年度完成6位自陳電磁波敏感症者之相關檢測試驗。本團隊研訂適用於我國監測環境之儀器規格並擬定長期監測網路運作之分析軟體架構與規格需求。因應非游離輻射長期監測儀器之架設,進行五都會23點次的實地勘查,確認設站原則的適切性,並擬定非游離輻射長期監測標準作業流程規範。另於8月1日召開一場專家諮詢會議,針對長期監測設備與軟體架構、以及長期監測地點的設站原則與作業流程進行檢視與討論,並提供修正的建議。今年度於數位教學平臺上依據環檢所102年8月30日公告「環境中極低頻電場與磁場檢測方法」及102年10月29日公告「環境中射頻電磁波檢測方法」,擴充量測方法課程內容。 Non-Ionizing Radiation Management Plan This project was divided into (1).Electromagnetic emission source sampling tests and data archiving operations; (2).Non-Ionizing Radiation Control website expansion and maintenance.; (3)Organizing promotional activities related to non-ionizing radiation.; (4)Assist in the promotion of non-ionizing radiation environment and preventive measures.; (5)Maintain physical characteristics of electromagnetic waves affect test platform.; (6) Research on Non-Ionizing Radiation proposed long-term environmental monitoring stations set up stations in principle; (7)Expansion of non-ionizing radiation digital teaching platform.” seven parts.Sampling tests at 51 work stations were completed. All sampling results took advantage of the planning and development of information systems. Those measurement data were typed into the database and used to build GIS data.Non-Ionizing Radiation Control website expansion and maintenance included an expanded and updated version of the page general forward children is updated website facilitates a better understanding of the range of electromagnetic field intensity, produced by calendar year data transformation box, transmission and distribution lines and base stations, and Wi-Fi transmitter facilities to electromagnetic field of the image.The non-ionizing radiation measurement website system operating-cum-practice briefing and related work in the field has been completed. In addition, five sessions of, "environmental electromagnetic (non-ionizing radiation) information education and promotion conference" to increase public awareness have been completed.Tests of six people who thought they had electromagnetic hypersensitivity was completed.The specifications of the instrument to monitor the environment, the develop most of software architecture, and specification requirements on the long-term operation of the monitoring network were applied. In response to the erection of long-term non-ionizing radiation monitoring instruments, in 3 locations each in 5 cities for inspection, the stations confirmed the relevance of the principle, to develop long-term monitoring of non-ionizing radiation standard operating procedure specifications.In regards to long-term monitoring equipment and software architecture, an expect consultation meeting was held on August 1, 2014. design principles of long-term monitoring station locations, work processes review and discussion, and revisions of proposals ,the digital teaching platform based on Environmental Analysis Laboratory on August 30 2012"Environment extremely low frequency electric and magnetic field detection method " (NIEA P202.91C), and on October 29, 2012, the announcement "Radio frequency electromagnetic environment detection method "(NIEA P203.91B),was made for expanded expanded measurement methods courses in this year. 103 空保處 千一科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75601
103年度嘉義市移動污染源管制及低污染車輛推廣計畫 近年來由於社會人文與產業經濟的高度成長,工商業發展迅速,人貨運輸需求亦日漸殷切,導致機動車輛快速成長,而車輛行駛中所造成的空氣污染也逐漸嚴重;機動車輛的快速成長雖然為人類帶來了許多的便利性,使人類的生活文明得到了快速的發展,但卻也因為數量的急劇增加,產生了許多負面的影響,直接或間接造成空氣品質日益惡化。有鑑於此,行政院環境保護署自民國85年開始配合空氣污染防制費之徵收,訂定相關之移動污染源管制措施,於全國各縣市辦理移動污染源稽查管制計畫。 本計畫截至12月15日止,完成攔(巡)查完成6,426輛次,達成率107.1%;攔檢機車2,082輛次,不合格率為13.1%。未定檢車公函催檢通知合計27,207件,其中退件有1,740件,回覆12,440輛次,回覆率為45.7%;整體車牌辨識通知8,267輛,回覆6,465輛,回覆率為78.2%;並完成定檢通知寄發145,180件,退件率為4.97%。 另共計完成341家次檢驗站查核;標準氣體比對其各站偏差值均在3%範圍內;亦於2月、5月、8月及11月份各進行1次檢驗站分析儀線性查核,大多符合精確性測試允差判定合格。舉辦2場次檢驗站教育訓練,登錄合格人員出席率為100%。 此外共辦理6場次戶外定檢宣導活動,免費檢驗409輛次,有17輛次不合格,不合格率有4.2%。累計目前已完成2,560輛次申請淘汰二行程機車補助。並辦理8場次低污染車輛宣導活動,計吸引5,160人次參觀,有427人次參與電動車試騎。 與嘉義市機車排氣檢驗站(以下簡稱定檢站)、麥當勞餐廳合作辦理「響應機車定檢-蛋捲冰淇淋來『嘉』送您」活動,只要6月1日至6月30日在定檢站完成機車定檢,即可獲得兌換券,憑券至麥當勞餐廳即可換取1支蛋捲冰淇淋,本活動共計發出11,947張兌換券,統計6月份前往定檢站完成機車定檢有12,290輛次,較102年6月份完成定檢數量10,051輛次,增加了2,239輛次,增加率為22.2%。本市配合世界環境日,辦理為期1個月環境月清潔活動,邀請轄區定檢站及麥當勞餐廳,維護周遭環境整潔,共同營造優質生活環境。 民眾檢舉烏賊車機車共629輛,完成初審有543輛,經複審通過為211輛,獎勵金發放率為38.9%。機動車輛原地噪音進行21輛次之檢驗,檢驗結果全部合格。 2014 Chiayi City Mobile Pollution Source Control and Low Pollution Vehicle Promotion Project The skyrocketing growth of society and economy and rapid development of industry and business in recent year have triggered the increasing demands for passenger and cargo transportation and with it the exploding growth motorized vehicles. However, car driving up and down the streets create serious air pollution. The fast growth of motorized vehicles may bring convenience to human life and facilitate the swift development of human life, but the dramatic increase in the number of vehicles bring many negative effects. The air quality deteriorates every day. For this, the Environmental Protection Administration established mobile pollution source control measures in 1996 to match the levy of air pollution charge. Mobile pollution source auditing and control plans were carried out with full efforts throughout the entire country. Up to December 15, 6,426 vehicles received roadside inspections with an achievement rate of 107.1% for this plan. 2,082 motorcycles were pulled over for inspection and 13.1% of them failed the inspection. 27,207 notices for regular vehicle inspection were issued. 1,740 were returned and 12,440 vehicles reported to the inspection with a reporting rate of 45.7%. 8,267 license plate identification notices were issued and 6,465 were replied with a reply rate of 78.2%. 145,180 notices for regular vehicle inspection were issued and 4.97% of them were rejected. 341 inspection stations were audited. These stations were within the 3% tolerance range for the standard gas comparison. Linear examination on the analysis instrument at the inspection stations was performed in Feb, May, Aug and Nov and most of the stations met the qualification criteria for the accuracy tests. Two sessions of inspection station training was provided and 100% of qualified inspection technicians listed participated. Up to December 15, 6 sessions of outdoor activity were provided for the promotion of regular vehicle inspection. 409 vehicles were tested for free and 17 failed the test with a failure rate of 4.2%. Up to now 2,560 owners have applied for subsidies for the replacement of their motorcycles with 2-stroke engine. 8 sessions of low-pollution vehicle promotion activity were provided and 5,160 people participated. 427 people actually tried the electric motorcycles on display. The plan works with all the motorcycle exhaust inspection stations (the stations) in Chiayi City and McDonalds for the activity of “Root for regular motorcycle inspections – free ice cream for every motorcycle inspected.” For every motorcycle inspected at any of the stations from June 1 to 30, the owner gets a voucher for a free ice cream at any of McDonalds. 11,947 vouchers in total were distributed for this event. The data shows that 12,290 motorcycles arrived at inspection stations for inspection in June. It was an increase of 2,239 or 22.2% compared to 10,051 motorcycles inspected in June 2013. For the International Environment Day, Chiayi City started the Environment Month campaign and invited the motorcycle inspection stations and McDonalds to keep their neighborhoods clean and create an environment of quality life. 629 High-emitting vehicles that were reported by the public and 543 were went through initial inspections. 211 vehicles passed the second inspection and the percentage of incentives was 38.9%. Stationery noise test on motorized vehicles were carried out on 21 vehicles and all of them passed the test. 103 嘉義市政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=75650
103年度屏東縣推動土壤及地下水污染防治暨監測、維護工作計畫及配合環保署各項計畫 1.針對本縣土壤及地下水採樣分析土壤及地下水重金屬含量,建立完整之土壤及地下水資料,以確保當地環境及人民健康。2.地下水監測井維護保護,以確保採樣分析之可信度。3.配合環保署各項計畫之執行,以完整執行土壤及地下水污染防治及整治工作。 103 屏東縣政府環境保護局 正修科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79780
空氣中異味物質之連續監測技術之開發 本計畫之執行目的在建立適合偵測環境中胺類污染物的偵測方法,並開發相關的自動採樣設備。胺類目標化合物包含甲胺、乙胺、二甲胺、異丙胺、正丙胺、二乙胺以及三甲胺等 7 種化合物。目標污染物以去離子水為介質使用衝擊瓶在現場進行採樣,並在實驗室以離子層析儀進行分析。經測試發現目標化合物中有些物種的離子層析滯留時間很接近,會出現分析干擾的現象。 改變管柱操作溫度可以使各物種層析波峰的位置改變,藉以將重疊的波峰分離。測試結果發現使用 35.0°C 和 17.5°C 兩種管柱操作溫度搭配使用,可以順利將 7 種目標化合物進行分析。 胺類物種在離子層析中的檢量線為二次多項次曲線,其檢定係數 (R2) 應高於 0.99。7 種目標化合物已順利建立檢量線,檢定係數皆大於 0.997。以採樣流量 1,000 mL/min,採樣時間 30 min ,整體採樣體積 30 L 計算,推估目標化合物空氣中濃度偵測極限。其中甲胺偵測極限為 0.1 ~ 0.5 ppb 之間。 各目標污染物精密度與準確度測試結果,精密度為 0.5 ~ 1.5% 之間。 甲胺、乙胺、二甲胺、異丙胺及正丙胺等化合物的準確度測試結果在 98 ~ 105% 之間,二乙胺和三甲胺的準確度在 88 ~ 93 % 之間。 目標污染物保存期限測試結果顯示在冷藏環境保存 14 天,樣品的回收率仍可保持在 92% 以上。 使用鐵氟龍瓶採樣,高濃度氣體捕集吸收效率在 72.7 ~ 101.7% 之間,低濃度氣體則為 93.2 ~ 103.4% 之間。 自動採樣器完成組裝及並且進行多項操作參數測試,目標胺類物種的吸收效率介於 80.9 ~ 97.2% 之間。 完成 7 場次現場實際採樣測試,其中 4 場次有使用自動採樣器進行進行比對採樣。有三個場次可以成功採得胺類污染物並且分析其成分與濃度,測得物種包括甲胺、乙胺、二甲胺、異丙胺、正丙胺和三甲胺。測得最高三甲胺濃度達 178 ppb。 於103/07/04 及 103/11/07 兩天,分別完成第一場及第二場次技術擴散講習會議。 並已完成環境中胺類化合物標準作業程序書草案之撰寫。 Development of Continuous Monitoring Technology for Odorous Compounds in Ambient Air The major objective of this project was to develop the sampling and analysis technology of ambient volatile amine pollutants. The development of an auto-sampler for amine pollutants was also an important task. Seven chemicals, including methylamine (MA), ethylamine (EA), dimethylamine (DMA), isopropylamine (IPA), propoylamine (PA), diethylamine (DEA) and trimethylamine (TMA), were selected as the target compounds for testing the analysis method. The amines were collected in deionized water by impinger sampler in field and analyzed by ion chromatography in laboratory. For some of the peak shapes were overlapped in chromatogram for the close retention time, we modified the column operation temperature to change the retention time. As the test result shown, two column operation temperature must be applied to analyze all the 7 target compounds completely. The selected temperatures were 35.0°C and 17.5°C. The calibration curves of amine compounds in ion chromatography with suppressor column were quadratic equations. The coefficient of determination (COD, or R-square, R2) should be higher than 0.99. The R2 values of calibration curves for all the 7 compounds ware higher than 0.997 in our study. Supposing that the air sampling flow was in the rate of 1,000 mL/min and duration was in the time of 30 min, the calculated method detection limit for amines were in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 ppb. The analysis precisions for all the seven compounds were in the range of 0.5 ~ 1.5%. The analysis accuracies of MA, EA, DMA, IPA and PA were in the range of 98~105%, DEA and TMA were in the range of 88 ~ 93%. As for preservation tests, the recoveries of all the seven compounds were better than 92% after storing at 4°C for 14 days. The amine sampling capture efficiencies for DIW in Teflon impinger were 72.7 ~ 101.7%. We had also tested the capture efficiencies of lower concentration air sample, which were in the range of 93.2 ~ 103.4%. An auto-sampler fabricated for ambient amine sampling based on impinger application was achieved and operation parameters were tested. The capture efficiencies for auto-sampler were in the range of 80.9 to 97.2%. Seven field tests of impinger sampling performance were proceeded and four of them had also run the auto-sampler performance testing. Amines were founded in three of the field air ambient. The amines founded in field including MA, EA, DMA, IPA, PA and TMA. The highest concentration of amine pollutants was the TMA in the concentration of 178 ppb. Two technical communication seminar had been taken place on July 2014 and November 2014 individual. The study results were reported in the technical draft for EPA reference. 103 環檢所 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72909
應用衛星遙測於廣域水體與緊急事件監控計畫 應用衛星及遙測科技於海域監控及污染應變計畫,計畫內容利用定期經過臺灣上空的福衛二號、法國SPOT 等各國衛星進行海域監測工作,應用無人駕駛航空器系統(UnmannedAircraft Systems, UAS)輔助現場調查。規劃建置遙測科技應用於臺灣本島及近海環境監測調查,以有效釐清海洋污染環境責任,及協助損害評估。工作成果如下:1. 執行船舶卸油平台、海拋區及相關海域工程監測任務今年度配合海洋污染防治法相關許可,完成18 天次監控任務以及每月我國週邊海域及8 處熱點位置監控。2. 今年度緊急重大海洋污染事件之蒐證工作,支援2 次海洋污染緊急事件及4 次海洋油污演練工作。3. 疑似污染行為船舶監測機制建檔列管追蹤對5 艘歷年疑似污染海洋的船舶予以標定監控,今年度成功完成2 次監測並針對麥寮港,共1,755 艘船舶分析監測,成功監測維納斯高風險船舶。4. 於103/10/14 辦理海洋污染應變實務國際研討會,研討會主題包含海上溢油及廢棄物追蹤分析、海上船舶事件緊急應變處理及有害有毒物質外洩應變及控制、溢油模擬監控污染及船舶污染追蹤蒐證等。5. 推廣應用海洋油污染遙測監控技術並研擬其他監控技術應用於海洋污染監控之可行性,於103/4/22 辦理「海洋油污染遙測監測技術應用推廣研習會」,完成油污染緊急應變衛星影像製作標準程序,蒐集國外合成孔徑雷達衛星(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)應用現況,並提出建議。 The Application of Remote Sensing Technologies to Marine Pollution Monitoring and Response The Application of Using Satellite Imagery and RemoteSensing Technology on Marine Monitoring and PollutionResponses is a project that applies satellites such as FORMOSAT-2 and SPOT series to monitor marine areas regularly in Taiwanesemarine territories, as well as to use unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)in field investigations. The goal of applying such remote sensingtechnology in Taiwanese Main Island and the inshore areas is tocontrol marine pollution and clarify the responsibilities caused bythe polluters. Such actions can also achieve efficient damageevaluation. The main accomplishments of the project are:1. To conduct the task of monitoring cargo discharge platform, oildumping area and other relevant sea water areas this year, as wellas to coordinate with permissions in regulation of marine pollutionprevention. 8 hot spot monitoring tasks, in addition to 18 day/timemonitoring tasks in the Taiwanese inshore water areas have bothbeen completed this year.2. The completion of evidence collection in marine pollutionemergencies this year, including the support for 2 marine pollutionsand 4 marine oil drills.3. To manage and establish the monitoring mechanism of thosesuspected cargoes. Among them, 5 cargoes from the previousrecord have been allocated and are being monitored this year. 2monitoring tasks in Mailiao Harbor have been completed andanalyzed, with a total number of 1,755 cargoes and among themsuccessfully targeted Wiener Andean high-risk vessels.4. The holding of “2014 Marine Pollution Response and PracticesInternational Workshop” on October 14, 2014. The themes of theworkshop included oil spill and waste (debris) tracking analysis,cargo emergencies response and practices, management of toxicsubstances and leakage control, stimulated monitoring of oil spillpollution and the tracking of marine polluted cargoes.5. To promote the application of using remote sensing technology onmarine oil pollution monitoring, as well as to develop theavailabilities in using other techniques via holding of “TheApplication of Using Remote Sensing Technology on Marine OilPollution Workshop” on April 22, 2014. Also, the completion ofusing satellite imagery in producing standardized processcompiling the collection of international satellite synthetic apertureradar (Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR) which can bring alongsome suggestions for current cases and circumstances. 103 水保處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79232
103-104年度毒性化學物質環境流布背景調查計畫(第一年) 本年度主要工作內容包括:(一)完成南崁溪、中港溪、後龍溪、大安溪、烏溪、鹽水溪、典寶溪、東港溪、蘭陽溪、新城溪等10條河川底泥及魚體樣本採樣;(二)完成安殺番、壬基酚、雙酚A、鄰苯二甲酸酯類物質、六溴環十二烷、多溴二苯醚、有機砷及無機砷等毒性化學物質之河川樣本含量分析;(三)分析歷年毒性化學物質環境流布調查資料成果,並提具毒性化學物質因應管制措施建議及分析;(四)規劃及提具未來毒性化學物質環境流布調查執行方向與建議;(五)建置線上毒性化學物質環境流布調查資料查詢系統;(六)更新毒性化學物質環境流布調查成果手冊。本年度共計完成60個底泥樣本及30個魚體樣本採樣,完成樣本檢測數據資料共計2,490筆,包括1,740筆底泥樣本數據及750筆魚體樣本數據。各項檢測項目分析物之平均濃度及範圍為:底泥樣本含量,壬基酚116 (6.62-2,324) ug/kg dw,雙酚A10.5 (<0.200-83.1) ug/kg dw,a-HBCD 0.622 (<0.06-5.94) ug/kg dw,b-HBCD 0.710 (ND-7.09) ug/kg dw,γ-HBCD 1.15 (ND-7.02) ug/kg dw,a-安殺番<0.050 (ND-0.274) ug/kg dw,b-安殺番<0.050 (ND-0.230) ug/kg dw,安殺番硫酸鹽0.067 (ND-0.789) ug/kg dw,9種鄰苯二甲酸酯類物質,DMP未檢出,DEP <0.05 (<0.05-0.08) mg/kg dw,DIBP <0.05 (<0.05-0.10) mg/kg dw,DBP <0.05 (<0.05-0.15) mg/kg dw,BBP 0.09 (ND-1.00) mg/kg dw,DEHP 1.29 (<0.05-8.24) mg/kg dw,DNOP <0.05 (ND-0.07) mg/kg dw,DINP 2.03 (ND-9.79) mg/kg dw,DIDP 1.58 (ND-9.95) mg/kg dw,25種PBDEs同源物總量17.4 (0.221-200) ug/kg dw,三價砷0.033 (ND-0.208) mg/kg dw,五價砷0.045 (ND-0.189) mg/kg dw,DMA <0.016 (ND-0.046) mg/kg dw,MMA未檢出。魚體樣本含量,壬基酚49.0 (0.893-967) ug/kg ww,雙酚A1.10 (ND-4.87) ug/kg ww,a-HBCD 0.084 (<0.015-0.509) ug/kg ww,b-HBCD <0.015 (ND-0.038) ug/kg ww,γ-HBCD 0.027 (ND-0.060) ug/kg ww,a-安殺番<0.025 (ND-0.098) ug/kg ww,b-安殺番0.032 (ND-0.119) ug/kg ww,安殺番硫酸鹽0.026 (ND-0.136) ug/kg ww,9種鄰苯二甲酸酯類物質,DMP、DEP、DIBP、DNOP皆未檢出,DBP <0.01 (<0.01-0.02) mg/kg ww,BBP <0.01 (<0.01-0.02) mg/kg ww,DEHP 0.15 (<0.01-0.33) mg/kg ww,DINP <0.625 (ND-1.37) mg/kg ww,DIDP <0.625 (ND-1.67) mg/kg ww,25種PBDEs同源物總量1.70 (0.167-10.5) ug/kg ww。完成歷年環境流布調查成果分析,並提具毒性化學物質因應管制措施建議及未來執行方向規劃,建置「毒性化學物質環境流布調查資訊網站」及成果手冊103年版編印。 The Environmental Survey of Toxic Chemicals in Taiwan., 2014-2015 The objectives of this project were to (1) collect sediment and fish samples from ten major Taiwanese rivers, (2) determine concentrations of toxic substances (i.e. endosulfan, nonylphenol (NP), bisphenol A (BPA), phthalate ester, hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), organic and inorganic arsenic) in sediments and fish of 10 rivers in Taiwan; (3) apply the investigation results for making control suggestion on management of toxic substances; (4) plan and propose to the future work on survey of toxic substances; (5) establish online database searching system for environmental distribution of toxic substances in Taiwan; and (6) to update the concentrations of toxic substances on the handbook of investigation achievements on the distribution of toxic substances in Taiwan. There were 60 sediment and 30 fish samples collected in this year. Two thousand and four hundred ninety data were analyzed and collected including 1740 data from sediment samples and 750 data from fish samples. In sediment samples, the mean concentration and concentration range of analyzed toxic substances was 116 (6.62-2,324) ug/kg dw for NP, 10.5 (<0.200-83.1) ug/kg dw for BPA,0.622 (<0.06-5.94) ug/kg dw for a-HBCD, 0.710 (ND-7.09) ug/kg dw for b-HBCD, 1.15 (ND-7.02) ug/kg dw for r-HBCD, <0.050 (ND-0.274) ug/kg dw for a-Endosulfan, <0.050 (ND-0.230) ug/kg dw for b- Endosulfan, 0.067 (ND-0.789) ug/kg dw for Endosulfan sulfate, <0.05 mg/kg dw or ND for DMP, <0.05 (<0.05-0.08) mg/kg dw for DEP, <0.05 (<0.05-0.10) mg/kg dw for DIBP, <0.05 (<0.05-0.15) mg/kg dw for DBP, 0.09 (ND-1.00) mg/kg dw for BBP, 1.29 (<0.05-8.24) mg/kg dw for DEHP, <0.05 (ND-0.07) mg/kg dw for DNOP, 2.03 (ND-9.79) mg/kg dw for DINP, 1.58 (ND-9.95) mg/kg dw for DIDP, 17.4 (0.221-200) ug/kg dw for PBDEs, 0.033 (ND-0.208) mg/kg dw for As(III), 0.045 (ND-0.189) mg/kg dw for As(V), <0.016 (ND-0.046) mg/kg dw for DMA, <0.016 mg/kg dw or ND for MMA. For fish samples, the mean concentration and concentration range of analyzed toxic substances was 49.0 (0.893-967) ug/kg ww for NP, 1.10 (ND-4.87) ug/kg ww for BPA, 0.084 (<0.015-0.509) ug/kg ww for a-HBCD, <0.015 (ND-0.038) ug/kg ww for b-HBCD, 0.027 (ND-0.060) ug/kg ww for r-HBCD, <0.025 (ND-0.098) ug/kg ww for a-Endosulfan, 0.032 (ND-0.119) ug/kg ww for b-Endosulfan, 0.026 (ND-0.136) ug/kg ww for Endosulfan sulfate, <0.01 mg/kg ww or ND for DMP, DEP, DIBP, DNOP, <0.01 (<0.01-0.02) for DBP and BBP, 0.15 (<0.01-0.33) mg/kg ww for DEHP, <0.625 (ND-1.37) mg/kg ww for DINP, <0.625 (ND-1.67) mg/kg ww for DIDP, 1.70 (0.167-10.5) ug/kg ww for PBDEs. Analysis of investigation results and policy-making on distribution of toxic substances was completed. The future work on the survey of distribution of toxic substances was proposed. “The database searching website for environmental distribution of toxic substances” was established. The “handbook of investigation achievements on the distribution of toxic substances in Taiwan, version 103” was published. 103 環管處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81410
「宜蘭縣103年度資源回收專案作業查核追蹤管制及宣導工作計畫」成果報告 本計畫依據環保局訂定之目標及工作內容,執行「宜蘭縣103年度資源回收專案作業查核追蹤管制及宣導工作計畫」,相關作業均詳實推動與執行,本計畫執行之成果重點說明如下:回收處理業管理輔導及形象改造工作:本縣有16間合法登記之回收及處理業者,已完成135家次巡查作業,另外針對資源回收站巡查部分,共完成113處,均已達成計畫所要求之執行量。責任業者販賣業者稽查管理工作:針對連鎖速食店業、12大販賣業、照明光源業者及其他經環保署公告之販賣業者進行巡查工作,每月巡查20家次以上,列管名單以環保署核定名單為主,已完成281家次作業。協助辦理資源回收績效考核工作:已於103年12月2、4及9日完成辦理縣內資源回收績效考核作業。辦理資源回收宣導活動:結合各鄉鎮市特色活動辦理資收宣導共25場次,參與民眾達2,770人。各鄉鎮市資源回收再利用現況:以循線隨車破袋方式辦理清潔隊資源回收推動現況巡查作業,已完成85條清運路線垃圾破袋稽查工作,共計解包1,700袋垃圾,其中家戶垃圾中夾雜資收物袋數比例為34.18%,不合格袋數比例為7.47%,並以紙容器、塑膠容器及紙類居多。 103 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 晶淨科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76811
103年環境節日推廣及活動專案工作計畫 環境節日為與環境保護有關的綠色紀念日,本案就地球日、世界環境日等,進行重點宣傳,旨在引領民眾瞭解上述環境節日的由來和推動歷程,讓民眾對環境節日的基本脈絡以及背景事件能有所認識,並進一步接觸與該紀念日有所呼應的環境議題。 今(103)年環保署於環境教育設施場所舉辦環境節日主題活動,期望透過民眾親身實際參與,傳達環境節日及環教育理念。環保署更將每年4月至6月訂為「地球環境季」,9月至11月則訂為「金秋環境季」,並製作「金秋環境季活動宣傳小冊」,於對應期間供民眾查詢,以達到宣傳目的。 2014 Environmental Festival Promotion and Event Project The Environmental Education Act was launched in 2011; the EPA had arranged environmental education facilities in various areas in Taiwan and held events at those locations, to advance citizens’ understanding of the interdependent relationship between individuals, society, and the environment. To enhance the Environmental Education Act and to raise the nation’s environmental ethics and responsibility, the EPA had set Environment Earth Day Season and Golden Autumn Environmental Season as annual event; Environmental Earth Day Season is between April to June and Golden Autumn Environmental Season is between September to November, the EPA will give-out handbooks to the public to promote environmental protection.In 2014, the EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) arranged several environmental events in April, June and September, at different environmental education facilities around Taiwan; hoping the public would gain more knowledge related to environmental protection through participating in those events. 103 綜計處 新視紀整合行銷傳播股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72082
澎湖縣103年度水污染源稽查管制及巡守計畫 本年度澎湖縣103年水污染源稽查管制及巡守計畫,分為水污染源管制及巡守隊管理兩大部分。於水污染源管制主要針對事業單位作資料庫更新、巡查、採樣、事業單位許可及申報資料審查及水污染防治之宣導。而資料庫已維護更新至66家次、巡查457家次、採水送驗60家次、審查許可文件審查26件,核可通過20件、審查申報文件計101件。巡守隊管理部份,除主要淨灘活動已進行10場次外,針對水污染之了解進行教育訓練,並已辦理18場次;巡守隊通報專線通聯測試181次,主要通聯測試對象為各巡守隊隊長。並辦理2場次法規說明會、5場次生活污水減量宣導活動、1場次水污染緊急應變訓練活動及1場次巡守隊年終檢討會;配合各活動發表新聞稿計21篇及1則跑馬燈,計畫執行總進度達100%。 103 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 新研綠能科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80573
103年度嘉義市推動室內空氣品質維護管理宣導計畫 本計畫為提升轄區內室內空氣品質及建立完善維護管理制度,針對執行內容擬訂相關執行方向。首先「研擬嘉義市室內空氣品質管制策略」,針對各工作項目之目標管理,設定短、中、長期分年工作規劃目標並據以執行,其策略架構內容包含「公告場所基本資料庫建立」、「公告場所室內空氣品質調查」、「列管場所輔導改善及追蹤輔導機制建立」、「列管場所管理策略計劃」等,配合國內技術資料、環保署政策方向及各局處資源以共同推動室內空氣品質政策。另為有效掌握本轄各場所類別資料,針對本轄100處公私場所進行巡查檢驗,透過現場直讀儀器量測,進而了解各類別場所室內空氣品質概況,並給予相關維護管理建議及後續輔導作為之研擬。此外,亦針對轄內公告場所及巡查檢驗測值偏高場所實施公告檢測方法,共計16處,提供場所瞭解其室內空氣品質現況,並藉由輔導作為給予場所維護管理及改善之建議。本計畫除了進行相關室內空品調查及資料庫建立外,亦針對本轄各類別場所進行現場維護管理輔導30處場所,提供改善建議;辦理宣導說明會5場次,邀集各類場所參與;協助轄內100處場所建立維護管理制度;以及設計相關網頁、摺頁、海報及塗鴉,宣導室內空氣品質維護管理之重要性及供民眾瞭解法令推動概況。為有效整合本轄相關資源,透過分工協調會議進行跨局處合作機制及宣導等作為,有效提升本市室內空氣品質管制成效,並建立優良室內空氣品質之都。 In order to enhance the effectiveness of Chiayi City's indoor air quality policy, we have formulate indoor air quality control guidelines. For each work item set short-term goals, medium-term goals , long-term goals, let it can efforts to achieve targets. Policy content include: establish database , investigations of indoor air quality, improvement and tracking its IAQ, develop management strategic .Use domestic technical information, EPA policy and its bureaus resources to promote the policy of indoor air quality.In order to understand the various spaces information, investigation for 100 places, to understand the Indoor Air Quality Overview, and give advice and guidance to improve IAQ. For the announcement places and the place found that high results, total of testing operations of 16, provide understanding of indoor air quality status, and provide recommendations for improvement. Another execution inclue: 30 give adviset of indoor air quality, apply for the five guidance meeting, counseling 100 places to written maintenance and management plan, And design web pages, manuals, posters and drawing paper, popularize the importance of indoor air quality and provide the people understand the policy. Coordination meetings take advantage of the division of labor in cooperation inter-bureau, effectively improve indoor air quality of Chiayi City, develop an excellent indoor air quality of the city. 103 嘉義市政府環境保護局 柏新科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75664