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101年度屏南工業區污染巡稽查及減量輔導計畫 屏南工業區目前設廠家數共84 家,其中屬固定污染源列管的有41 家、未列管38 家(其中2 家未運作)、暫時停工3 家及設置中2 家。 本計畫共執行229 廠次例行性巡查作業,巡查期間發現異常或缺失狀況39件次,除少數提報環保局列為聯合稽查對象或移交相關計畫進行後續管制外,均已現場完成改善或複查時改善。 本計畫已完成4 次8 點次空氣品質監測,由監測期間風速與風向看來,佳冬、枋寮地區空氣品質受屏南工業區之影響並不顯著,主要仍是受季節變化與周邊人為活動之影響。 周界空氣中戴奧辛4 次共12 點次測值平均0.032 pg I-TEQ/m3(約相當於0.034 pg W-TEQ/m3)為歷年測值平均次低者,僅略高於100 年度計畫測值,遠低於日本環境品質空氣標準年平均0.6 pg W-TEQ/m3,由檢測結果可知工業區對鄰近地區空氣中戴奧辛濃度影響並不明顯,而濃度範圍與國內台東縣垃圾焚化廠及國外西班牙鄉村地區相近。生物中戴奧辛平均值為0.283 pg W-TEQ/g-fat,各樣品分析結果均低於2003年衛生署食品中戴奧辛背景值調查結果平均濃度與國內衛生署公佈「食品中戴奧辛處理規範」家禽之肉及其製品戴奧辛限值。植物中戴奧辛平均值3.024 pgI-TEQ/g.d.w.,濃度範圍與國盧森堡郊區苔蘚及雲林縣林內、台南縣永康、台北市北投等三座垃圾焚化廠焚化廠周界榕樹葉較相近。以17 項特徵物種主成份分析與群集分析進行分析,可知本年度各介質樣本戴奧辛含量與鋁二次冶煉及火葬場相關性較高,而指紋特徵較易受到高氯數物種濃度的影響,但由於高氯數物種濃度毒性當量低,對人體的影響也較低。 本計畫針對屏南工業區內16 家異味及VOCs 可能來源進行異味官能測定,其中有2 家超過周界標準值,已由環保局函文告知陳述意見與罰則,另有5 家已接近周界標準值而有異味污染之虞,均列為異味重點巡查對象。 本計畫追蹤過去輔導改善廠商,各廠均已完成自廠設施之改善,並依改善規劃執行後續操作,且臭味官能測定結果均有顯著改善。另為因應環保署「揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準」修正事項,以及申豐化工M01 製程增量異動,本計畫會同環保局輔導該廠進行改善作業,目前所有改善設施均已施工完畢。 目前屏南工業區內已有15 家工廠參與自主管理系統,且將自主管理系統實施狀況列入例行性巡查中,各廠皆按自主管理檢查表完成各項檢查。此外為降低道路髒污事件發生率,本計畫協助環保局推動屏南工業區道路認養作業,目前已有35 家廠商簽署同意書。 Currently, 84 manufacturers have set up plants in PingnanIndustrial Park, with 41 registered under control as fixedpollution sources, 38 not registered (2 not operating), 3 undersuspension, and 2 under construction.The project has completed 4 sets of air quality monitoring(n=8). Judging by wind speed and direction during themonitoring period, the effects of Pingnan Industrial Park on theair quality of Jiadong and Fangliao areas were not significant,and remained most affected by seasonal changes and humanactivities in the vincinity.The average dioxin level in the surrounding air, measured 4times, was 0.032 pg I-TEQ/m3(n=4, equivalent to 0.034 pgW-TEQ/m3), which was the second lowest of the historic averagevalues, slightly higher than the monitored level in 2011, and farlower than the annual average value of 0.6 pg W-TEQ/m3 of theJapanese air quality standard. Our measurement showed that thepresence of industrial park did not significantly affect the dioxinlevel in the air of the surrounding areas; the level ofconcentration was similar to the garbage incinerator in TaitungCounty and certain areas in rural Spain.The average biological dioxin level is 0.283 pg W-TEQ/g-fat,and analysis from each sample found dioxin level that is lowerthan the average background concentration from DOH's 2003food investigation, and lower than the limit value promulgated bythe DOH's Guideline on Dioxin Processing In Food for poultrymeat products. The average dioxin level in plants was 3.024 pgI-TEQ/g.d.w., which was equivalent to the concentration rangesin lichens of Luxemburg, and Banyan tree leaves in areassurrounding 3 garbage incinerators in Yongkang, Tainan City;Linnei, Yunlin County; and Beitou, Taipei City. Maincomponent and clustered analysis on 17 characteristic specieshave showed that the dioxin level in this year's media samples arerelated to the secondary aluminum smelting. Fingerprintcharacteristics are more susceptible to the effects of high chlorinespecies; however, since the TEQ of high chlorine species isrelatively lower, the effect on the human body is also lower.This project conducted olfactometric analysis of odors andpossible sources of VOCs in 16 plants of the Pingnan IndustrialPark. 2 plants have exceeded the surrounding standard value andwere informed and penalized by the Environment ProtectionBureau; 5 plants approached surrounding standard value andwere suspected of odor pollution, and have been listed as keyinspection targets. 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=54714
101年度綠色奈米技術之開發及應用計畫-沼氣脫硫奈米零價鐵濾床技術之開發與應用 台灣過去推動畜牧業沼氣發電,但由於普遍機具設備設計不良,未將沼氣內所產生的硫化氫(H2S)氣體去除,造成處理設備及發電設施的腐蝕,使得沼氣發電未能達到預期的效益。本計畫利用奈米零價鐵對硫化氫之良好去除效率,探討應用奈米零價鐵做為沼氣脫硫技術之可行性。本計畫包括水相與氣相硫化氫去除之研究,執行的方式包括實驗室的試驗與養豬畜牧業現場的實地測試。吸附材料有:實驗室自行配製奈米零價鐵(nZVI)、顆粒型活性碳複合奈米零價鐵(GACnZVI)、粉碎型活性碳複合奈米零價鐵(CACnZVI)。研究成果包括:(1) 奈米零價鐵複合活性碳對於水中硫化氫的去除成效分析、(2) 奈米零價鐵複合活性碳填充於自製化學濾網在濾床模組對氣相硫化氫去除的實驗室之測試結果、(3) 填充奈米零價鐵複合活性碳濾網在屏東林秋美畜牧場現場試驗硫化氫去除之結果。在水相中,pH值影響奈米鐵對硫化氫的吸附去除,pH越低,吸附效果越好,但當奈米零價鐵複合活性碳後,在近中性條件下,仍有良好之吸附效果。奈米零價鐵複合活性碳對硫化氫之飽和吸附量介於360-895 mg/g之間。在氣相實驗中,增加濾網數目可提升使用時效最高達3倍之多,使用奈米鐵複合活性碳可顯著提高硫化氫之吸附量約3-4倍。在屏東林秋美畜牧場現場試驗顯示,本計畫所設計之化學濾網過濾系統,成功的去除實場沼氣中的硫化氫,奈米零價鐵複合活性碳濾網其對硫化氫的吸附量為75.6 mg/g ,較實驗室之結果為佳。成本效益分析得,使用CACnZVI去除氣相中之硫化氫的成本參數106,000元/Kg H2S,去除水相中之硫化氫的成本參數10,050元/Kg H2S。 Development and application of nanoscale zerovalent iron filter technology for H2S removal from biog Electricity generation from the biogas in pig farms has been promoted by the government in Taiwan for quite a long time; however, it has encountered obstacles because the equipments easily corrodes by untreated biogas containing hydrogen sulfide that produced by the anaerobic digestion. The project is aimed at developing the nanoscale zero-valent iron coated filter as a novel dry desulfurization technology to remove the hydrogen sulfide from the biogas. In this study, hydrogen sulfide presented in both aqueous phase and gas phase was examined. Experiments included laboratory and field tests. Three types of adsorbents were used: nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI), nZVI coated granular activated carbon (GACnZVI) and nZVI coated crashed activated carbon (CACnZVI). Results can be listed as three parts: (1) hydrogen sulfide removal in the aqueous phase using adsorbents in the laboratory, (2) hydrogen sulfide removal in the gas phase using adsorbents in the laboratory, and (3) hydrogen sulfide removal in the gas phase using adsorbents in a pig farmer in Pingdong. It was found that the increase in pH decreased the sulfide removal capacity in the use of nZVI. Nevertheless, the use of CACnZVI the pH effect becomes insignificant at near neutral pH. The average adsorption capacity was in the range of 360-895 mg/g. In the gas phase study, increasing the numbers of filters increased the operation spin for more than 3 times compared to the singal filter. The use of CACnZVI enhanced the sulfide removal capacity by a factor of 3-4. A successful model system of the CACnZVI filter has been confirmed by the results obtained at the Lin Chu-May pig farm in Pingdong city. The sulfide removal capacity was determined to be about 75.6 mg/g, which is greater than that obtained in the laboratory. Based on the cost-effective analysis, the media cost of CACnZVI is 106,000 NTD/Kg H2S and 10,050 NTD/Kg H2S for gas and aqueous phase treatment, respectively. 101 永續發展室 國立高雄大學 土木與環境工程學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43763
環境中奈米物質量測及特性分析技術開發 本研究持續至新莊、中山及竹東三個空品測站進行大氣PM採樣,並結合前期計畫的數據,對各測站微粒的粒徑分佈、質量濃度、水溶性離子成分、金屬成分的季節變化及汙染物來源作整合分析。此外報告中也針對空品測站貝他計測值和本研究手動採樣結果間系統性之誤差做深入探討。此外,本研究也利用濃縮片將樣本濃縮,解決了前期Dichot樣本上微粒分布不均勻導致LA-ICP/MS的分析結果不佳的問題。今年度的另一目標為解決LA-ICP-MS量測標準品與真實樣本測值差異太大的問題。結果顯示雷射剝蝕系統經過能量強度的最佳化之後,大部份元素的校正曲線均有明顯的改善,且檢量線均能有良好的回歸。為了找出合適本國大氣條件的細微粒分徑器,本研究也針對WINS衝擊杯及VSCC旋風器做微粒收集效率曲線的校正以及現場採樣比對測試。結果顯示VSCC旋風器相較WINS衝擊杯有較準確的截取氣動直徑(dpa50)及較高的微粒負荷能力。因此基於監測數據準確性及分徑器維護成本的考量,本研究建議應以VSCC旋風器取代目前國內各個空品測站所使用的WINS衝擊杯。本研究也利用改裝後的多濾紙PM10-PM2.5採樣器(Multi-Filter PM10-PM2.5 Sampler, MFPPS)和市售之手動採樣器(Partisol®-FRM Model 2000 Air Sampler with WINS, Dichotomous)及自動即時監測器(TEOM-FDMS)進行並列採樣,探討細微粒手動採樣與自動即時監測間之誤差以及細微粒採樣誤差問題。研究結果顯示,手動採樣在採樣過程中確實會因為微粒揮發而造成負向誤差的問題,這些揮發性物質又以無機化合物為主,有機物質揮發不明顯。在不規則微粒物理特性研究方面,本團隊使用包覆氣流(sheath flow rate, Qsh)控制在5及9 L/min的微分電移動度篩分器(differential mobility analyzer, DMA),篩選出30-300 nm範圍內的單徑銀團粒,再以掃描式電移動度微粒粒徑分析儀(scanning mobility particle sizer, SMPS)量測所篩選出微粒的數目中間粒徑(number median diameter, NMD)。結果顯示六種篩選出之微粒的NMD與DMA所設定篩選的粒徑之間的平均相對偏差介於在-2.0%及-4.0%之內,若降低Qsh則會使篩選出來之粒徑偏小進而增加兩者間的相對偏差。此外,本團隊也發現可利用動力形狀因子(dynamic shape factor, Df)與碎形維度(fractal dimension, κ)的變化來描述微粒經燒結後形貌的變化趨勢。最後,本研究也對氣膠質譜儀(Aerosol Mass Spectrometer, AMS)的技術理論以及AMS在環境氣膠中之應用方面相關的文獻做了詳盡的回顧,可供國內將來欲使用AMS之相關單位作參考。 Development of analytical tools for measuring and characterizing nanomaterials in the environment This study continues to conduct ambient PM studies at Shinjhung, Jhongshan and Judong air monitoring stations. The sampling data were incorporated with those from previous year's project for the seasonal variation analysis of particle size distributions, mass concentrations, water soluble ions and metal elements and pollutant sources analysis. The difference between the PM2.5 data measured by the beta attenuation monitor (BAM, Model 1020, Met One) and those by the Dichotomous sampler (Dichot, Model SA241, Andersen) were discussed. Furthermore, after using a concentrating filter cassette to concentrate the samples, the problem of nonuniform particle deposition on Dichot filter samples, which resulting poor LA-ICP/MS analysis, was solved.One of the main objectives of this project is to overcome the problem of a large difference between the LA-ICP-MS measurement data of standard samples and those of actual samples. Results show that after optimizing the energy strength of the Laser ablation system, the calibration curves of most of elements were improved with good regression coefficient. In order to choose a suitable size-selective inlet for fine particles in the atmospheric conditions of our country, the collection efficiency curves of the WINS impactor and very sharp cut cyclone (VSCC) were calibrated, and the field sampling comparison by the sampler equipped with the WINS and that with the VSCC were also conducted. Results show that the VSCC has more accurate cutoff aerodynamic diameter (dpa50) and higher particle loading ability as compared to the WINS. To obtain more accurate monitoring data and lower maintenance cost for the classifier, the VSCC was recommended to replace the WINS impactor which is currently used in all air monitoring stations in our country.To evaluate the fine particle artifacts of manual samplers, the ambient fine particle sampling were conducted by using the modified Multi-Filter PM10-PM2.5 Sampler (MFPPS) and other collocated instruments including Partisol®-FRM Model 2000 Air Sampler with WINS, Dichot and TEOM-FDMS. Negative artifacts due to particle evaporation during manual sampling process was found, in which the inorganic compounds were the main volatile species. The evaporation of organic matters was not significant.For the study of physical characteristics of irregular particles, the differential mobility analyzer (DMA) with sheath flow rate (Qsh) of 5 and 9 L/min was used to classify monodisperse silver agglomerate particles with diameter from 30 to 300 nm. The number median diameters (NMDs) of classified particles were measured by a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). Results show that when the Qsh is 9 L/min, the average relative difference between the NMD of classified particles and the DMA classifying size ranges from -2.0 to -4.0 %. This difference will increase and the NMD of classified particle will become smaller when the Qsh is decreased to 5 L/min. Moreover, the dynamic shape factor (Df) and the fractal dimension (κ)were obtained to describe the morphologies of sintered agglomerate particles.Finally, the literature related to the technology and theory of Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS) and its application in ambient aerosol studies were reviewed in details in a hope to provide a reference to the community who intends to apply the AMS in the future. 101 環檢所 國立交通大學環境工程研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41685
101年屏東縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 本計畫執行期間為自101年2月3日開始至101年12月31日止,主要目的為藉由地下水質採樣分析、加油站查核及列管場址驗證等工作了解污染潛勢,作為管制政策擬定及污染防治之依據,保障民眾用水安全。主要工作項目包括監測井洗井維護保養、地下水質採樣分析、加油站測漏管檢測及申報資料查核、土壤及地下水查/驗證工作、緊急應變案件以及法規說明會與教育訓練等其他配合工作事項。 This project periods was from 2012/2/3 to 2012/12/31. The main objective of this project was to realized the pollution tendency by groundwater investigation, gas stations checking and controlled site investigating, as the foundation of regulatory policies and pollution control to ensure water quality. The major work items included that washing and maintaining the monitoring wells, groundwater quality analysis, checking the pipes of gas stations storage tank and declaration data, soil and groundwater investigation, emergency responses cases, holding regulation explanation meetings, education and training meetings, etc.The investigate results of this project could provide us information to analysis and evaluate the soil and groundwater quality of Pingtung County, construction and update the environmental basic database. Furthermore, we can establish the long-term monitoring system and appropriate responses methods to manage the pollution events according to these investigation results to protect populace health and maintain environmental quality 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43893
廢潤滑油解除列管回收廢棄物管理體制工作成效檢討專案工作計畫 本年度辦理「廢潤滑油解除列管回收廢棄物管理體制工作成效檢討專案工作計畫」,執行期間自民國101年3月6日至101年12月31日,目的為配合廢潤滑油解除應回收廢棄物列管,回歸廢棄物管理政策,以檢討清除、處理及再利用管理體系執行成效。針對廢潤滑油產源進行問卷調查結果,國內機車行及汽車維修業將廢潤滑油交付合法清除機構平均比例偏低,為促使產源將廢潤滑油交付合法清除機構,建議可將「汽車經銷商附屬汽車維修業」列入網路傳輸申報列管對象,並要求業者提報廢棄物清理計畫書,以強化廢潤滑油流向管理;另環保署於101年6月14日頒布「廢潤滑油解除列管後續輔導查核計畫」要求地方環保局進行產源輔導查核,統計地方環保局完成2,991家機車行及2,073家汽車維修業現場輔導查核工作,針對不合格之產源,地方環保局已進行現場輔導,並將複查不合格產源改善情形,以促使業者符合法令規定。另經本計畫輔導,國內122家回收業已有81家業者取得廢棄物清除許可,17家處理業已有8家轉型為廢棄物處理許可或再利用許可,針對尚未轉型之回收處理業者則透過電話追蹤及現場查核掌握營運現況及轉型進度,並持續輔導回收處理業者儘速完成轉型。另於101年4月26日及11月29日辦理2場宣導說明會,以協助產源瞭解廢潤滑油交付規定,並促使廢潤滑油回收處理業依規定妥善清理廢潤滑油。 Project of effectiveness review on the management system of Waste lubricants removed from control on The objective of this project was to review the effectiveness of management system for clearance, diposal and reuse, in coordinating with the waste lubricants removed from the list of recyclable wastes, so as to get back to general policy on waste management. The project period was from 3 Jun 2012 to 31 Dec 2012. The outcomes of the project have been provided with an overview of 3 categories shown below:Fulfilling a survey aimed at sources of waste lubricants, results of which indicated that average rates of waste lubricants delivered from local motorcycle retailers and automobile maintenance workshops to legal clearance institutions were lower than expect. In order to facilitate more sources of waste lubricants to deliver to legal clearance institution, it is suggested that the maintenance workshops affiliated with car dealers must be put into objects declared by network transmission, and demand these entities to submit waste disposal plan fortifying flow control on waste lubricants.In order to assist local EPBs to audit the flow waste lubricant distribution, The EPA announced the "counseling and auditing project after the waste lubricants removed from the list of recyclable wastes" on 14 Jun 2012 and required the local EPBs to counsel and audit waste lubricants producers. Local EPBs had completed the field counseling and auditing tasks of 2,991 motorcycle retailers and 2,073 automobile maintenance workshops by 30 Nov 2012. The percentages of motorcycle retailers and automobile maintenance workshops which sent waste lubricants to legal clearance entities were lower than expect. To assist the producers to comply with the regulation, local EPBs also counseled the unqualified waste lubricants producers and inspected the improvements continuously.For the transformation of the waste lubricants collection and recycling entities, there were 81 collection entites qualified for waste clearance entities among 122 entities while 8 recycling entities transferred to waste disposal or recovery entities not transferred yet, the project traced them by phone or inspected on field to realize the conditions and assisted them to complete the transformation quickly. In order to assisted the waste lubrucants producers, clearance, disposal, recycling entities to understand the related regulations and policies, the project held 2 educational sessions on 26 Apr 2012 and on 29 Nov 2013, respectively to assist the waste lubricants producers to realize the deliver rules and to notify the waste lubricants collection and recycling entities in acoordance with the regulations for legal disposal. 101 廢管處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45103
101年度台東縣綠島地區污染查證計畫 本計畫執行期間自9月3日至12月25日止,工作項目內容及成果說明如下:一、綠島火力發電廠周邊區域調查(一)完成火力發電廠內監測井周圍可供採樣區域進行土壤採樣2點次、前方空地及周邊可供採樣區域進行土壤採樣5點次,深度為地下水位上方,檢測項目為TPH及VOCs,檢測結果發現火力發電廠對面空地之土壤TPH超過管制標準1.97倍。(二)完成火力發電廠周邊土壤10個點位進行10組戴奧辛與7組重金屬採樣檢測(利用人工採樣),採樣深度為土壤表土(0~15cm),檢測結果其戴奧辛及重金屬濃度均低於管制標準。(三)完成火力發電廠周邊區域設置3口地下水簡易井,檢測項目為TPH-d及VOCs,檢測結果發現火力發電廠對面空地設置之簡易井3,其TPH-d濃度超過管制標準32.8倍。二、綠島碼頭供油站調查(一)完成綠島碼頭加油區及周邊進行土壤污染潛勢查證,分析項目為TPH,土壤採樣5點次,深度為1~4m,檢測結果均低於管制標準。(二)完成綠島碼頭加油區上下游區域設置3口地下水簡易井,檢測項目為TPH-d,檢測結果均低於管制標準。三、民井調查完成綠島火力發電廠及綠島碼頭加油區周邊民宅可採樣之民井,依據實際情形進行民井地下水採樣,共計8口次,分析項目為TPH-d,檢測結果均低於管制標準。四、資料庫更新 完成本計畫所有採樣資料、分析結果,建檔整合於行政院環境保護署「土壤及地下水污染場址資訊系統」。五、其他人力物力支援(一)完成人員教育訓練1場次,主題為「地理資訊系統與土壤地下水污染擴散模式整合應用」,教育訓練課程共3小時,參加人數合計11人。(二)提供租賃巡查車輛1輛,供廠商執行計畫人員使用。(三)完成臨時交辦與本計畫相關之事項。上述之採樣與簡易井設置作業,本團隊分別於10月16~19日及11月13~16日進行,並將土壤及地下水之採樣點綜合分析結果進行彙整,於11月27日及12月17日向環保局說明檢測結果與建議處理方式。同時,本團隊於9月25日辦理一場次之「地理資訊系統與土壤地下水污染擴散模式整合應用」課程,期望藉由本次教育訓練之辦理,能使環保局相關承辦人員能了解地理資訊系統及相關污染擴散傳輸模式之概念,並藉由MODFLOW或GMS之模擬,使污染防制措施及管制政策研擬更為具體。 101 台東縣環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46181
101年度揮發性有機物及連續自動監測污染源調查及管制計畫 本項計畫為延續性之管制計畫,計畫執行主要目的為依環保署公告之揮發性有機物行業法規進行揮發性有機空氣污染物排放量管制,並針對中油桃煉廠進行專案管制作業,另輔導轄內公私場所進行連續自動監測設施設置及查核其監測與傳輸數據之正確性,以確保污染源排放情形得以掌握,並有效提升桃園縣空氣品質。本計畫之執行期程自101/3/24至102/3/23止,共計12個月。各項作業執行進度皆依預定行程執行,執行內容包括:,各單項作業皆依預定執行進度執行,其中主要工作項目包括:揮發性有機物管制、污染減量輔導作業、稽查檢測作業、中油桃煉廠專案管制、3D光學雷達監測、監督定期檢測及網路申報審作業、連續自動監測設施資訊系統更新/維護及CEMS法規符合度查核作業、協助空氣污染防制費審查、辦理法規宣導說明會等工作項目。本年度計畫重點工作及成果包括:(一)、台灣中油(股)公司煉製事業部桃園煉油廠專業管制,監督及查核9項自主改善事項及法規符合度相關污染改善作業,執行成果包括:(1)完成全廠24個製程之設備元件以條碼/影像重新清點及建置,總元件數較98年增加近3倍,並已同步回饋至許可、空污費、排放量、季申報之元件申報作業;另導入FLIR/FID進行設備元件洩漏篩選及檢測,經執行稽查管制後製程於後續季申報元件洩漏狀況有明顯下降趨勢;(2)廢氣燃燒塔廢氣回收減量作業,11座高低架廢氣燃燒塔之流量監測已與環保局進行連線作業,其中3座硫化氫高架廢氣燃燒塔廢氣已有96%回收至硫磺工場或燃料系統再利用;另8座碳氫地面及高架燃燒塔預計設置2套廢氣回收系統(Flare Gas Recovery System,FGRS)已於102/3/9開工,預計於103/6/26完工。 (4)民眾陳情部分,101/1/1至101/12/31共計18件陳情案件,較100年減案14%。(二)、CEMS管制鑒於100年查獲3家CEMS傳送不實監測數據,故裝設平行比對系統,並依環保局要求每季下載及分析平行比對數據與監測數據之相關趨勢,分析結果均未發現趨勢不一致之情形;且污染物排放趨勢已未有往年呈現較為平穩之狀況。(三)、本年度將稽查管制作業同步結合科技儀器,包括:(1)利用3D光學雷達監控觀音工業區導致測站夜間PM10及SO2濃度異常偏高之污染對象,並執行日夜間稽查管制,分析102年1月觀音空品監測站之污染物PM10及SO2濃度有明顯下降且趨於穩定趨勢;(2)配合環保局執行紅外線熱顯像儀結合FID(火焰離子化偵測器)應用於燃燒式防制設備之管制作業,共查獲11家不法排放業者,其中針對6家銅箔基層板業追繳五年空污費達4,353萬2,391元。其它具體工作成果:完成356家全廠清查及法規符合度查核作業、完成設備元件檢測點次5,034點、完成固定污染源稽查檢測作業77個樣品數、完成9廠家污染物減量輔導作業(VOCs已完成減量達1258.797公噸/年)、完成CEMS功能查核作業13根次、完成定檢監督作業101根次及網路申報審查1131根次、以電子看板資源達成宣道功效共計託播107件215則。各項相關作業內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。建議計畫採取精進之做法為,延續101年將稽查管制作業同步結合科技儀器查核作業模式持續進行污染查核及後續輔導作業,強化稽查管制能量,並以空污費追補繳做為未來輔導之誘因,進而回饋本縣實際污染排放狀況,落實許可制度,期達102年桃園縣污染防制計畫書NMHC減量目標。 101 year 「volatility organic air pollutant and continuous emission monitor system investigation and control plan」 This project is a continuous regulatory or control plan. The main purpose of the plan was to manage the emission of volatile organic compound air pollutants in accordance with the regulations announced by the Environmental Protection Administration, regulate the CPC Corporation’s Taoyuan refinery as a special project, and provide public- and private-venue consultations within the jurisdiction regarding the installation of continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS), as well as assess monitoring results and transmitted data accuracy. This will ensure sufficient understanding of the status of pollutant emissions, and effectively improve the air quality of Taoyuan County. This plan was executed over 12 months from March 24, 2012, to March 23, 2013. The various relevant operations were executed according to a predetermined schedule. These operations included volatile organic compound regulation, pollution reduction counseling and guidance, inspection and detection operations, special project regulation of the CPC Corporation’s Taoyuan refinery, 3D optical radar monitoring, supervising regular detection and online declaration operations, maintaining and updating the information system of the CEMS, CEMS regulation compliance assessments, assistance with air pollution control fee reviews, and performance of promotional information sessions regarding regulations. The key project tasks and achievements for this year are listed below. (a) Professional regulation of the CPC Corporation Refining Business Division’s Taoyuan refinery, including the monitoring and checking of 9 self-initiated improvement items and pollution reduction strategies and operations related to regulation compliance. Execution achievements for this portion of the plan include the following: (1) Complete reinventorying and establishment by barcode and imaging regarding the equipment components for the 24 manufacturing processes performed in the refinery. The number of total equipment components had increased by approximately 3-fold compared to that for 2009. This information was synchronously transmitted for component declaration operations involving permits, air pollution fees, emissions volumes, and quarterly declarations. Furthermore, forward looking infrared (FLIR) facilities and flame ionization detectors (FIDs) were introduced for equipment component leak selection and detection. Following inspection and regulation, the number of equipment component leaks identified for the manufacturing processes exhibited a declining trend in the subsequent quarterly declaration. (2) Flare exhaust gas recycling and reduction operations were implemented. Online flow monitoring of 11 elevated and low flares has been conducted with the Environmental Protection Bureau. Additionally, 96% of the exhaust emitted by 3 elevated hydrogen sulfide flares is recycled at sulfur factories or recovery units or reused by the fuel system. The construction of 2 flare gas recovery systems (FGRS) for a further 8 carbon-hydrogen elevated and ground flares began on March 9, 2013, and is expected to be complete by June 26, 2014. (4) Regarding public petitions, a total of 18 cases were recorded between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2012, which is 14% lower than that in 2011. (b) From the perspective of CEMS regulation, because of the 3 cases of false monitoring data in 2011, a parallel comparison system has been installed, and related trends between parallel comparison data and monitoring data are downloaded and analyzed every quarter as specified by the Environmental Protection Bureau. The analysis results have not highlighted any cases of inconsistent trends. Furthermore, pollutant emission trends do not appear as stable as that in previous years(c) During the current year, inspection and regulation operations were synchronized and integrated with technological instruments, as explained below. (1) The use of 3D optical radar to monitor the pollutant sources in the Guanyin Industrial Park that cause abnormally high readings of PM10 and SO2 concentrations at observation stations during the night was implemented, and round-the-clock inspections and regulations were conducted. Analysis of Guanyin Industrial Park data measured at the air quality observation station in January 2013 showed a clearly declining and stabilizing trend in PM10 and SO2 concentrations. (2) In accordance with the Environmental Protection Bureau’s application of infrared thermal imaging devices combined with FIDs to combustion prevention or control devices, 11 illegal polluters or businesses with illegal emissions were identified. Among those identified, 6 copper clad laminate manufacturers have been retroactively fined for 5 years of air pollution fees totaling NT$43,532,391.Other specific results include completing 356 facility-wide inventory and regulation compliance assessments, 5,034 equipment component checks, inspections and detections of 77 samples regarding stationary pollution sources, pollutant reduction counseling or guidance operations for 9 factories (volatile organic compounds have been reduced by 1258.797 metric tons per annum), 13 CEMS function examinations, 101 regular monitoring operations, 1,131 online declaration reviews, and the broadcasting of 107 news items with 215 related details on electronic boards to achieve promotional effects. The content and results of the operations are detailed in various sections of this report.We recommend that this project adopt progressive methods to continue the assessment operation model for synchronizing and integrating inspection and regulatory operations with technological instruments as begun in 2012. In this way, pollution inspection and follow-up counseling and guidance operations can be continued, enhancing the degree and power of inspection and regulation and pursuing outstanding air pollution fees as an incentive for future counseling and guidance. Furthermore, feedback should be provided as to the actual pollutant emission situation in the county and a permit system implemented to achieve the nonmethane hydrocarbon reduction targets listed in Taoyuan County’s 2013 pollution control and prevention plans. 101 桃園縣政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53020
101年度臺中市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 為持續掌握轄內土壤及地下水污染狀況,臺中市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)於今年度委託澳新科技股份有限公司辦理「101年度臺中市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),依契約書規定於101年11月15日提出期末報告(初稿),於101年11月26日召開審查會議,並依委員審查意見修定認可提送定稿本。 本計畫執行進度,除場址驗證工作因無場址需執行驗證,導致採樣檢測數量尚有餘額,無法完全執行外,各項工作均已執行達100 %。本計畫執行之工作項目包括高污染潛勢區農地及疑似污染源附近調查60點次、豐枯水期地下水調查採樣檢驗分析92口次、既有或新增污染場址完成改善辦理驗證及查證8場、監測井外觀巡查與修繕2次、列管地下儲槽系統申報查核及土壤及地下水污染事件應變處理等。 針對環保署「中部地區污染農地調查計畫」調查結果有疑慮之農地進行再次確認,詹厝園段176-2(西坵塊)及241-12(西坵塊)地號仍檢出超過食用作物土壤污染管制標準,與環保署調查結果一致,污染來源應與農地周圍工廠排放水透過中興大排長期引灌農地有關,另該計畫對於未來農地污染管制措施分別提出短、中及長程之建議,可作為環保局後續執行管制措施之參考。 大甲幼獅工業區雨水道疑似污染源調查調查結果,工業區東區雨水道底泥多有超過底泥品質指標上限值情況,目前底泥高污染區域仍侷限於工業區內,建議工業區管理可優先針對雨水道底泥進行清淤工作,避免污染持續外擴。 大甲區福安段及順帆段農地調查結果,共計檢出4處坵塊(5筆地號)農地超過食用作物農地管制標準,引灌水源上游乃有幼獅工業區西區雨水排入,為農地污染可能污染來源。 地下水調查監測工作,枯、豐水期地下水採樣分析作業,分別已於101年3~4月及101年7~8月完成。地下水質監測結果,北屯區景美段377地號B00005枯、豐水期仍檢出三氯乙烯超過管制標準;臺中港大型儲槽L00053宏恕倉儲及L00073永聖貿易於枯水期分別檢出總酚及氯乙烯超過管制標準,透過儲物資料收集及潮汐資料,研判地下水污染可能早期洩漏所產生,並透過地下水流及潮流之影響,於地下環境中來回震盪、流佈;漢翔公司枯水期場外監測井檢出三氯乙烯超過管制標準,已協助環保局重新劃定污染管制區,豐水期場內監測井除檢出三氯乙烯、鉻超過管制標準,建議後續驗證將重金屬一併納入進行;興農公司枯、豐水期場外監測井均有檢出污染物超過管制標準,污染物已擴散至場外,建議環保局依土污法第16條修訂地下水污染管制區,將緊鄰興農公司南側之相關地號一併納入。 本年度共計完成8處污染場址改善完成後驗證作業。西屯區水湳機場原址(軍備局L、P、Q、T區)、烏日區銓寶公司及烏日區達闊公司驗證結果,已達改善目標;大雅區豐穫公司(執行2次驗證)、大肚區廣福企業社(執行2次驗證)及東區信義街與立德街交叉口(台汽信義檢修站)驗證結果污染物仍超過管制標準,驗證未通過。 監測井巡查維護作業上、下半年度,分別巡查口數為122及140口次;隱藏式監測井部份發現較多損壞,包括墊圈損壞或鬆脫11口、防護鎖異常12口、井頂蓋遺失2口、井頂蓋螺帽缺少20口等,已於下半年度巡查時一併進行維護。另尚有14口井牌缺漏或有誤,建議環保局編列預算執行修復。 於審查期限內協助環保局完成100年第4季331處、101年第1季331處、101年第2季328處及101年第3季328處之加油站網路申報審查作業資料,每季網路申報率均達100 %。另協助環保局針對95~100年查核缺失之44處加油站進行追蹤輔導,以瞭解加油站缺失項目是否已改善完成,追蹤結果已有42站改善完成,另有2站尚有缺失,現場人員即輔導告知業者相關規範及如何進行改善,建議環保局於明年度再次進行複查。 行政協助部分,共執行12件民眾陳情及緊急應變調查工作,支用經費計78萬9,600元;列管場址巡檢作業,針對轄內場址完成6次巡檢作業,並於報告書中彙整各場址重要期程時間點,供環保局參考,以利場址之管制及改善作業推動。2場次法規說明會皆已辦理完成,分別為101年8月14日辦理「底泥品質管理政策宣導說明會」及101年8月28日辦理「地下儲槽系統法規宣導說明會」,參與人員表示相關宣導會對於業務之執行有實際幫助;另於101年7月9日針對環保局土水業務人員辦理1場次「環保署土基會土壤及地下水管理資訊系統教育訓練」;於101年10月30~31日辦理5場次「土壤及地下水污染防治校園宣導活動」,現場與學童及老師互動熱絡,確實達到環境教育之效用,建議可持續辦理。 This project starts from February 23 rd, 2012 to December 31st, 2012. This project is mainly to assist Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung City Government in investigating soil and groundwater quality of high potential polluted areas and providing professional consulting service and technical support. All the project work has been completed, and the results are as following.According to the results, in the factories and agricultural fields, which exceed soil or groundwater control standards, major pollutants include heavy metals, trichloroethylene, vinyl chloride, phenol, or petroleum hydrocarbons. According to Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, these factories now are executing their contamination improvement plans. It was suggested to continue monitoring the soil or groundwater quality, in additional, sampling frequency and sampling locations will be estimated or revised based on the future analyzing results.On the other hand, the groundwater monitoring of dry and wet seasons has completed in April and August 2012, and the results show that total hardness, TDS, TOC, NH3+, Cl−, SO42−, Fe, Mn exceed groundwater monitoring standards. Compared with the detection data of over the years testing, it has been found that the pollutants and the concentration have no difference in evidence. Last but not least, this project also held two guidance meetings, one training, and conducted propagandas in five campus, and over four hundred fifty participants were partaken in. As for the other related administrative tasks, this project assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau to complete twelve emergent cases and twelve sessions related to soil and groundwater, review plans and reports, and attend meetings, etc. The administrative tasks were conformed to the Environmental Protection Bureau for response team. 101 台中市環境保護局 澳新科技股份有限公司
事業廢水特性調查及污染管制措施研議計畫 環保署自99年起依據事業廢水水質特性調查結果,訂定高科技產業和石油化學產業放流水標準,計畫除追蹤放流水水質及放流水污染物削減管理計畫之執行情形與改善成效,並針對化工業、多溴二苯醚和含氮物質運作事業進行水質調查分析,提出化工業、持久性有機污染物 (戴奧辛) 和氨氮之放流水標準管制建議。此外,計畫綜整國內外文獻與廢水水質調查結果,建立晶圓製造及半導體製造業和電鍍業廢水管理指引,同步蒐集洗衣業、洗腎中心和以盤元為原料之金屬表面處理業的廢水污染特性,完備事業廢水污染管理成效,落實事業廢水分業分級管理機制;並協助環保署針對特定事業提出「增訂製程收集溝等滲漏預防管理規定」、「逕流廢水污染削減管理」和「生物急毒性管理規定」之管理策略和配套措施。針對營建剩餘土石方管理、採樣及檢 (監) 測規定 (MRP)、許可審查指引擬定、儲槽滲漏管理許可和依地面水體分類及水質標準之排放限值計算指引等議題進行剖析,並提出管理建議;評析特定業別或項目的管制方式或限值之合理性 (如化製場廢水、養牛業放流水COD限值、製革業含鉻物質)。 The Study of Pollutant Characteristics of Industrial Wastewater and Pollution Control Measures According to the investigation of wastewater characteristics for specific industries, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has revised and set the Effluent Standards for High-technology Industry and Petrochemical Industry from 2009. This study not only keeps tracking the effluent quality and the results of the Effluent Pollutant Elimination Management Plan, but also analyses the wastewater characteristics of chemical industry and industries bearing polybrominated diphenyl ethers or ammonia. The plan has revised and set the Effluent Standard for dioxin, chemical engineering industry and ammonia-nitrogen.Moreover, this study has summarized the domestic and international references and the wastewater characteristics as well as drafted the “Industry Wastewater Management Guideline” for wafer and semiconductor manufacturing industry and electroplating industry. At the same time this study has surveyed the wastewater characteristics of laundry, dialysis center and metal surface treatment industry with the rod as the raw material. The aim of this study is to accomplish the effective pollutant management of industry wastewater and fulfill the wastewater management mechanism for various industries. The plan has helped the EPA to promote the management strategy and implementation procedure for leakage prevention management of wastewater pit, run-off wastewater elimination management and effluent acute toxicity management for specific industries.The plan has analyzed and drafted the management of residual building sand stone, monitoring and reporting project, permit review guideline, permit of storage leakage management and guideline of water-quality-based effluent limitations as well as promoted the management suggestions. Furthermore, the plan also investigates the appropriateness of regulations and standards for specific industries or items (such as pollution prevention for rendering plants, the COD standard for livestock industry applicable to cows, the chromium compounds standard for leather tanning industry). 101 水保處 財團法人中興工程顧問社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42382
101年健全綠色消費管道執行計畫 環保署自96年推動「民間企業與團體之綠色採購實施計畫」後,本市積極參與並配合辦理,各項成果已經逐漸展現。本計畫藉由辦理綠色消費宣導活動深入補教體系、社區、團體與企業辦理活動方式,陸續辦理67場多元化的宣導活動,藉由活動進行與民眾互動提升對環保的認同感及環保標章的認知度,並透過種子人員定期完成綠色商店複查及綠色消費宣導。另為鼓勵本市業者販售環保標章產品,辦理「績優綠色商店及優良綠色商店及從業人員」評鑑及表揚典禮。本年度設立5處環保福利社供社區里民交流環保資訊及團購環保商品。期盼藉由本計畫即期望透過宣導與鼓勵,以健全綠色消費,進而推展成全民的生活共識。 綠色消費,係指消費者選購產品時,考量到產品對生態環境的衝擊,而選擇對環境傷害較少、甚至是有利的商品,其範圍涵蓋了產品的生產、運輸、行銷、丟棄過程、回收程度,以及產品包裝內含物。綠色消費運動最主要的理念,是藉由消費者積極進行綠色消費行為,來引導、改變廠商的生產、銷售特性,而減少地球的污染負荷,也減少住家附近的垃圾問題。然而要改變一般民眾既有的消費行為並不容易,必須考量其購買的價格、便利性、產品品質,最終獲得民眾信賴後,才會變成消費習慣。目前台灣主要的綠色消費採購,仍以政府機關為主,但自民國96年以後,民間綠色採購的金額逐年上升,然一般民眾對於環保標章與環保商品的涵義,仍缺乏認知。本計畫即期望透過宣導與鼓勵,擴大民眾綠色消費的金額,增加綠色商品銷售的管道,以健全綠色消費,進而推展成全民的生活共識。 The 2012 Project for the Improving of Green Purchasing Activities New Taipei City has actively taken part in and co-hosted the “Green Procurement Project for Private Enterprises and Organizations” since its promotion by the Environmental Protection Administration in 2007. The results have been gradually emerging. This project intensively promotes green consumption among educational circles, communities, organizations, and enterprises and employs the characteristics of various groups to design different promotional activities in hopes of enhancing the public’s environmental identification as well as degree of recognition towards green mark. In addition, in order to encourage businesses in New Taipei City to sell green mark products as well as enhance green stores and service quality, the Excellent Green Stores and Green Store Employee Selection and Commendation and green consumption activities were held this year to commend and award stores. The eco-friendly hotels “Eco-friendly New Taipei City and Green Hotel Travel” lucky draw was also organized. A total of 5 green tuckshops have been set up this year, providing community residents a platform to exchange information on environmental protection and purchase environmental products. The aim of this project is to promote and encourage healthy green consumption and further promote a public living consensus. The results of the healthy green consumption by this company this year are as follows: 1. 7 educational training, seminars, lectures, and commendatory activities have been held with 104 companies and 769 people that participated.2. 11 green stores have been added and 472 were inspected; the amount of money made from environmental products sold in green stores this year reached up to 6.69 billion.3. 5 green tuckshops have been established this year with a total number of 730 participants and 37 news reports on related events; the amount earned on the day of opening was 51,800 NTD.4. 6 outstanding, 2 excellent, and 5 good stores and employees were chosen in the Excellent Green Stores and Green Store Employee Selection and Commendation. 5. 57 promotional activities for green consumption were held this year with up with 402,010 propagandists.6. 9different kinds of propaganda for green consumption activities and promotional matters were created this year.7. 3 commendatory ceremonies and press conferences were held with 67 media showing up and 352 people who participated.8. 3 meetings attended, 1 promotional activity attended, and 1 recommendation passed on to the National Environmental Education Award according to the regulations of the Environmental Protection Administration. 101 新北市政府環境保護局 上網資通股份有限公司
綠色紀念日專書出版專案工作計畫 我們生活在這個地球的每一個人既是環境破壞的製造者,也是環境資源的受害者,更可以是環境破壞的抵制者和改變者,本書的重點其實並不是僅在於節日本身,而是節日背後有關綠色議題的提醒;是故我們希望當讀者翻閱這本書,目光落在其中某個綠色紀念日時;這個章節的內容便開始帶領著讀者去了解這個紀念日的由來和推動歷程,以及更重要的──是從這個紀念日所延伸出來的相關環境議題。本書所選之「綠色紀念日」多為年度節日,故本書既然把十個綠色紀念日結集在一起,便可發揮有如「行事曆」的功能,一路引領我們從溼地出發,透過對森林和水等自然資源來理解我們所居住的地球,其後我們再經由生物多樣性、環境、海洋等永續議題學會如何與其他地球上的居民和平共處,最後回到我們所製造的清潔、減災及糧食等問題。一如我們的書名「綠色記念日」的附標所述:這是十個帶你親近地球的紀念日,但其實這也是教導讀者如何善待我們所處環境的綠色「備忘錄」。 Book publishing project of green day Everyone living on the earth acts not only as an environmental destroyer but also as a victim of environmental resources and even as a role to resist and change the environmental damage. This book mainly relates to special days themselves as well as reminds people of the green issues behind it. Therefore, we expect that when readers are reading this book, their eyes would also fall on a green day, the content of the chapter would begin to guide them to further understand the origin and promotion history of this special day, and, above all, the related environmental issues extended from this special day. Most “Green Days” selected by this book are annual days and since this book has collected ten green days together, they can be functioned a calendar to guide the readers along starting from wetlands to understand the earth where we live on through natural resources like forests and water and further learn how to coexist peacefully with the other inhabitants on earth by sustainability issues like biodiversity, environment, marines. And, in the end, it goes back to the immediate everyday life issues closely related us like cleaning, mitigation, and food. Exactly stated on the attached label of our book name “Green Day,” it is 10 special days to guide you to be c to the earth, nevertheless, it is also a green “memo,” which teaches readers how to treat our environment well where we are living on. 101 綜計處 台灣建築報導雜誌社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=54773
101年度環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料建置及維護專案工作計畫 本年度新增之系統功能包括以下1、環境敏感區位圖資查詢。2、書件全文電子檔合併及下載。3、台灣地區保育類動物資訊查詢。4、其他環保署指定之新增功能。並擴充環保機關書件建檔322件,減輕紙本庫存及管理負荷,其中約1,135頁彩圖以多色階掃瞄,方便辨識瀏覽。另加以塗銷案件之身分資料,保護個人隱私。配合99年度系統新研發之居家環境開發行為查詢功能,回溯建檔環境影響評估說明書、評估書等書件基地範圍座標資料300件,及將現有313件案件卷宗之專案小組會議紀錄、核定公文等文書資料納入系統中,提供線上查詢,以利後續監督作業及變更案之審查。環評書件系統資料共補正382件書件欄位資料、上傳3,289個案件資料共6,798個檔案。新增101年委員會資料10筆。清查範圍為第211次至第223次會議,將環評案件審查後之報告書、公文紀錄資料、PDF檔案及於環保署網站公告之審查結論。共更新136件環評書件資料。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計68件。而其中有10件開發計畫有民眾回應。 101 Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance proje This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of managing data and achieve the goal of integrating information. It also expanded functions for checking lacked data and a Google Maps demonstration system. In this annual, we enhanced the examinations ranged from 211th to 223th meetings. After the examination of Environmental Impact Assessment, its reports, official documents, PDF files and the review conclusions are posted on the EPA website. This project corrected the data with completed documents. Among the results of examination range, only some deficient files were required to be corrected because they are yet to be completed. The review conclusion and the make-up records in Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system totally amounted 8 cases of meeting records. We had scanned and set up 322 books, alleviated the burden of paper inventory and management, and scanned color pictures of approximately 1,135 pages by multicolor scales for them to be conveniently recognized and browsed. them. At the same time, we had files which were set up with passwords to avoid the documents be falsified and to protect individual privacy. 101 綜計處 智通工程科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42641
台東縣環境保護局「環境教育法第19條執行成效輔導查核及第23條、第24條相關作業計畫」 本計畫執行期程為101年7月25日至101年11月15日止,各項工作相關執行成果摘要說明如下:一、辦理環境教育講習4場次本計畫已於9月7日、10月24日及11月9日完成共4場次之環境教育講習,參加者主要為違反空氣污染防制法、廢棄物清理法及水污染防治法1小時~8小時者,課程安排以影片及講師授課為主,每場次上課達成率皆為80%以上,符合合約規定之70%達成率。二、辦理環境教育宣導說明會至少6場次為了讓各機關人員及民眾更了解環境教育法、環境教育未來實施推動重點,及環境教育管理資訊系統(EEIS)網路平台操作,本計畫業已於8月21日、9月25日、9月26日、10月25日完成大武鄉、綠島鄉、成功鎮、池上鄉、台東市及蘭嶼鄉等6場次說明會之辦理,每場次會議與會人數皆達50人以上,符合合約規定人數之要求。三、辦理環境教育研習至少6場次本計畫於8月21日、9月25日、9月26日、10月24日及10月25日完成大武鄉、綠島鄉、成功鎮、池上鄉、台東市、金峰鄉及蘭嶼鄉等7場次研習會之辦理,提供縣轄內機關人員參加,以符合法規要求之4小時環境教育時數,各場次與會人數皆已達成合約規定之人數要求。四、媒體宣導至少90則為讓民眾更了解「環境教育法」之內容,本計畫業已完成12則跑馬燈、30則正聲廣播電台、6則國立教育廣播電台台東分台、31則聯合報、10則自由時報及30則更生日報網路媒體之刊登,主要宣導內容以環境教育相關政策、活動成果及環境教育最新消息發布等。五、環境教育設施場所認證說明會1場並輔導1場地申請認證為了讓台東縣能有更多的單位團體提出環境教育設施場所認證申請,本計畫於9月5日辦理1場次環境教育設施場所認證說明會,並依據說明會中有意願提出申請之單位進行輔導訪談,以挑選出今年度之輔導對象。本計畫初步之輔導訪談對象為台東縣垃圾焚化廠、聖母健康農莊及初鹿牧場等三單位。在經由專家評估各單位現況及本計畫與環保局討論後,最終挑選「聖母健康農莊」作為今年度的輔導對象。本計畫在與農莊承辦人員進行多次討論與場勘後,於11月初協助該單位完成各項申請文件資料之撰寫與彙整,並於11月10日由聖母健康農莊寄出申請資料,後續亦將追蹤其審查進度及結果,協助該單位進行資料補正,以順利完成程序審查及繳費通知。六、協助擬定、修訂101年度本縣環境教育行動方案本計畫主要依據國家環境教育綱領、國家環境教育方案(草案)以及環境教育行動方案撰寫內容,並參酌台東縣之地方特性,協助擬定、修訂101年度台東縣環境教育行動方案,以作為台東縣未來推動參考。七、環境教育專屬網站製作為讓民眾可藉由網路平台即時了解台東縣環境教育推廣情形,並做為重大事件訊息發佈平台,本計畫協助建置「台東縣環境教育資訊網」專屬網頁(網址: http://www.green99.com.tw/taitungee/),及網站連結banner,網頁頁面分為首頁、活動記事、下載專區、相關連結等,以提供給民眾豐富的環境教育資訊收集管道,並擴大宣導功效。 101 台東縣環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41845
非游離輻射-抽測、宣導暨全國地理資訊系統之更新計畫 目前世界各國正從數據檢測、流行病學等觀點,以及動物實驗進行研究,希望能從中了解非游離輻射與疾病相關性及預防方法。國內對於相關資料之建立仍有持續努力的必要,尤其是相關資料之檢測及持續累積之大量資料庫以供分析。在例行的抽測作業方面,仍持續對不同發射源及空間進行至少92站環境電磁波的量測作業,並將完整建置於資料庫中,以公開資訊提供民眾查詢。爰此,成立本計畫以有效執行環境中電磁波強度的抽測、建立資料庫系統及宣導網站、辦理相關宣導訓練、以及新種類發射源的空間分布情形,以加速非游離輻射之整體推動工作之落實,達到永續發展之目的。 Non-ionizing radiation - emission source selected and the advocacy of the National Geographic Inform The goal of this project was focused on the measurement and analysis of non-ionization radiation emission sources and public spaces. This year measurement operation needs to conduct from 100 sites. The Geographical information system developed specifically for this project was able to store all measurement data into the database for future reference and usage. 101 空保處 千一科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42064
101年度屏東縣「執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫」 屏東縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為促使駕駛人注意停車怠速時排放空氣污染物所造成的影響,針對機動車輛於公私立停車場、道路(不包含高速公路、快速公路及快速道路)及其他供機動車輛停放、接駁、轉運之場所,管制其停車怠速逾3分鐘須關閉引擎,避免因怠速排放空氣污染物影響空氣品質。達到減少污染排放造成環境污染之目標。 瑩諮科技股份有限公司承接環保局「101年度執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫」,自101年3月6日執行至101年12月31日止,茲將本計畫工作成果摘要如下:一、製作停車怠速熄火宣導品及宣導文宣 宣導文宣以易於民眾接受為原則,本計畫製作宣導單8,000張,宣導海報2,000張以及宣導告示牌257面等文宣,且另外製作宣導貼紙2,000張及宣導L夾2,000個,內容包含相關停車怠速熄火重要性及法令規定,並配合環保駕駛相關資訊及綠色運輸共同推廣,其發放對象為校園周邊學童家長以及執行路邊稽查作業時接受勸導之機動車輛駕駛人,期達到快速宣導之目的。二、宣導活動(一) 辦理停車怠速熄火大型宣導活動 本計畫於101年6月24日、101年8月18日及101年10月21日至屏東市千禧公園、屏東市中山公園林邊鄉永樂社區福記古厝辦理怠速熄火大型宣導活動,共計執行3場次,藉由大型活動將怠速熄火資訊傳達至社會各層級,並藉以改善民眾之怠速習慣,使民眾了解停車熄火之重要性,加深民眾怠速熄火之概念,提升民眾環保意識。(二)辦理停車怠速熄火小型宣導活動 本計畫於縣內各校園、觀光區及社區等區域辦理小型宣導活動,另外辦理停車怠速熄火說明會,針對縣內各機車定檢站、加油站及工廠等業者說明停車熄火之政策,小型宣導活動共計執行21場次,藉此達到宣導之普及度,並且提高參加民眾對於相關政策瞭解程度與認同感。三、停車怠速熄火宣導作業 為有效推廣反怠速資訊,改善民眾怠速習慣,建立環保意識,本計畫製作30秒停車熄火廣播宣導帶,於地方電台廣告播放120檔次,且發佈停車怠速熄火宣導相關新聞4則以及建置停車怠速熄火專屬網頁;另外協調各學校、公務機關、客運業者及加油站業者進行相關宣導作業,如發送海報、校園反怠速宣言、校園環保公約,並且利用跑馬燈及LED電視牆播放停車怠速熄火宣導標語等宣導作業,以達到宣導的效果。四、提送計畫工作SOP 為能正確執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制,本計畫自101年3月6日完成簽約後於15日內完成停車怠速熄火稽(巡)查作業相關標準作業程序制定並報請環保局核示。且於101年4月18日辦理101年度屏東縣停車怠速熄火人員及設備教育訓練,落實法規講習並確認執行標準流程。五、停車怠速熄火稽(巡)查管制作業 自101年3月6日截至101年12月31日止,其中3至5月為宣導期,主要針對車輛聚集較多、以及較易怠速之場所執行宣導及勸導作業,如:各大加油站、全聯福利中心、屏東監理站、屏東各級醫院、太平洋百貨、屏東火車站等地點;6月起開始稽查怠速車輛,稽查行為主要針對屏東市地區進行,如:屏東市區路段、果菜市場、屏東火車站、校園周遭、三地門原住民文化園區、貓鼻頭風景區等各大觀光景點執行,以減少怠速之車輛,共計執行怠速行為稽查5,966輛次,其中機器腳踏車1,026輛次、小型車3,752輛次、大型車231輛次及大客車957輛次。為了維護縣內各觀光風景區珍貴的自然資源,各觀光風景區怠速稽查共計執行1,585輛次,其中至墾丁地區進行宣導稽查14場次,小琉球地區5場次,共計執行1,176輛次;於百貨、商場及市場怠速稽查共計執行216輛次;於屏東市區路段怠速稽查共計執行937輛次;於校園周遭怠速稽查共計執行253輛次;於各鄉鎮怠速稽查共計執行1613輛次。停車怠速熄火稽(巡)查管制作業主要是期望藉由管制作業的進行,進而提醒車主養成停車即熄火習慣,共同改善環境空氣品質。 2012 Annual Pingtung County Parking Idling and Stalling Pingtung County Government Environmental Protection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as EPB) for the purpose of promoting drivers’ attention of the impact caused by the emission of air pollutants while vehicles parking and idling. The focus is on public and private parking lots, roads (not including freeways, expressways and highways ) and the other places for motor vehicle parking, shuttling, and transshipping. Vehicles should be shut down if idling over 3 minutes to avoid the emission of air pollutants while idling polluting air quality. The objective is to reduce pollution emissions which cause environmental pollution. Envimac Environmental Solution Provider is responsible for 2012 Annual Pingtung County Parking Idling and Stalling Execution Propaganda and Control Project from March 6, 2012 till December 31, 2012. The work results of this project are summarized as follows:1. Making parking, idling, and stalling promotion products and propaganda The principle of making propaganda is to make it easy for the public to accept. In this project, 8,000 flyers were made for propaganda, 2,000 posters, and 257 advocacy signs. Besides, 2,000 stickers and 2,000 L-folders for propaganda were made. The contents of propaganda included related laws and regulations about parking, idling and stalling with the co-promotion of eco-driving related information and green transportation, and the targets are school children’s parents as well as motor vehicle drivers under the persuasion at the roadside checks to achieve the purpose of rapid promotion. 2. Advocacy activities(A)Organizing large-scale advocacy activities on parking, idling and stalling Three Large-scale advocacy activities on parking, idling and stalling were held in Millennium park, Zhongshan park in Pingtung City and Fu Ji historic house in Yongle community, Linbian. Through large-scale advocacy activities, the information of parking and idling is able to spread to all levels of society, to improve people's idling habits, so that people can understand the importance of the parking and stalling, and the concept of idling and stalling can be emphasized, so as to raise public environmental consciousness.(B)Organizing small-scale advocacy activities on parking, idling and stalling Small advocacy activities were held at the county schools, tourist areas and community areas. Besides, some seminars on parking, idling and stalling were held as well specifically for each county locomotive inspection station, gas stations and factory on parking and stalling policy. 21 small advocacy activities were held to achieve the popularity of advocacy and improve the participance of the public’s understanding and sense of identity with the policy. (C)Advocacy operations on parking, idling and stalling To effectively promote anti-idling information, improve people’s idling habits, and build environmental awareness, this project produced 30-second parking/stalling broadcast advocacy film, broadcasted for 120 times. Four of advocacy related news on parking/idling/stalling was released to construct exclusive webpage on parking/idling/stalling; in addition, in coordination with all the schools, public agencies, bus operators and gas station industries, more advocacy operations were processed such as delivering anti-idling posters, campus environmental conventions, and with the use of marquees and LED TV display, some advocacy operations like slogans on parking/idling/stalling were processed to achieve the effect of propaganda.(D)Project SOP submission To execute the advocacy and control on parking/idling/stalling correctly, this project ,since the completion of signing the contract on March 6, 2012, has completed the related inspection standard operation procedures on parking/idling/stalling and reported to EPB for further proof. On April 18, 2012, staff and equipment training sessions on parking/idling/stalling in Pingtung County has been implemented. In this way, the workshops on regulations and the identification of the execution of standard procedures can be solidly implemented. (E)Inspection and Control operations on parking/idling/stalling From March 6, 2012 to Decmeber 31, 2012, during the period between March and May is advocacy period. The advocacy and persuasion operations have focused on the places with more vehicles and where it is easier for idling to occur such as major gas stations, pxmarts, Pingtung station, Kaohsiung motor vehicle office, Pingtung hospitals at all levels, Pacific Department Store, and Pingtung Railway Station and other locations; Since June, inspection of idling vehicle has mainly been implemented in the area of Pingtung City area, such as downtown Pingtung streets, fruit and vegetable markets, Pingtung Railway Station, campus surroundings, Taiwan Indigenous People Cultural Park, Maopitou Scenic Area and other major scenic spots, in order to reduce the idling vehicles. A total of 5,966 motorcycles were inspected on its idling, among which there are 1,026 motorized bicycles, 3,752 small cars, 231 large cars and 957 buses. In order to safeguard the precious natural resources of the tourist scenic areas in the county, there was a total of 1,585 motorcycles inspected on the idling in every scenic areas, including 14 times in Kenting area, 5 times in Siaoliouciou region, which is totaling 1,176 motorcycles inspected; a total of 216 motorcycles idling inspected at department stores, shopping malls and markets; 937 motorcycles inspected by idling in downtown Pingtung; 253 motorcycles inspected surrounding the campus; 1613 motorcycles inspected in the township. The inspection control operation on parking/idling/stalling is expected to remind motorists to make it a rule to park and keep the engine off and collaboratively improving the environmental air quality. 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44559
有害事業廢棄物認定標準及相關法規之修訂及研訂配套措施計畫 101 廢管處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=52933
強化毒化物安全管理及災害應變計畫-北部環境毒災應變隊建置計畫 本年度計畫為協助環保署持續維持於台北、宜蘭與新竹等三地設置之北部環境毒災應變隊運作,每隊16人,全天候維持至少3 人以上值勤,全年無休執行毒災應變,專責環境監測與應變採樣及善後復原工作,以強化毒災應變時效與能力,3隊出勤到場應變合計61場次(處理32件事故),並於平時執行環保署各項儀器裝備校正、維護工作及更新轄區應變基本資料。在毒災預防整備方面,完成91場次毒化物運作廠場臨廠輔導、46場次廠內應變無預警測試、13場次法規說明會、3場次督察大隊業務交流會議、2場次動員研討會、2場次聯防小組組訓、39場次地方環保機關演習及執行環保署交付全動、反恐、與環境災害相關演習兵推及協助環保局完成175件次危害預防及緊急應變計畫之審查;完成工業區1181廠家毒化物運作資料蒐集,並協助審視轄區內各縣市之毒性化學物質災害防救業務計畫書,提供相關建議;邀請美國杜邦公司應變專家來台進行1場次國外專家來台應變交流會議,召開1次專家及機關案例檢討交流會議,藉由相關救災單會及專家研討,以防類似災害再發生。「環境事故之污染源分析調查」方面,依署內指示啟動支援機制,完成 15件樣品分析報告;協調成立業界毒災聯防應變支援團隊方面,北部應變隊之應援團隊3隊持續運作並參與相關演訓,支援出勤或演練達9場次。 Plan for the North Region of Taiwan Emergency Response Team for Environmental Toxic Chemical Inciden The main work under this plan for this year was to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in maintaining operation of the Northern Taiwan Environmental Toxic Incidents Emergency Response Teams (NTETIERTs) in Taipei, Yilan and Hsinchu. Each team had 16 members, and had at least three persons on duty at all times, year-round, ensuring an effective response to toxic incidents at any given time. The teams were responsible for environmental monitoring, sampling in connection with incidents, and clean-up and restoration work, and were intent on enhancing the timeliness of toxic incident response. The three teams responded to 61 incidents, and also performed such other work as the routine calibration and maintenance of various EPA instruments and equipment, and the updating of response information for their areas of jurisdiction. With regard to toxic incident prevention and readiness, the teams completed 91 in-plant assistance sessions at toxic substance handling facilities, 46 unannounced inspections, 13 legal explanation meetings, three joint operations with the EPA's Inspection Team, two mobilization sessions, two training sessions for joint prevention task forces, and 39 drill and preparatory training sessions with local environmental agencies. The teams further conducted sand table exercises connected with mobilization, anti-terrorism, and environmental disaster response on behalf of the EPA, and helped the Bureau of Environmental Protection to complete review of 175 hazard prevention and emergency response plans. The teams compiled toxic substance handling data for 1,181 plants in industrial parks, and helped review the toxic chemical substance incident prevention and response plans of all counties and cities within their areas of jurisdiction, while providing relevant recommendations. The NTETIERTs invited response experts from Dupont USA to Taiwan for a response experience interchange conference, and also held an expert and agency case review interchange conference. The accident response units and experts at these conferences discussed how to prevent past incidents from recurring. Regarding the "Environmental Incident Pollution Source Analysis Survey," the teams completed analysis of 15 samples pursuant to a support mechanism activated by the EPA, and issued analytical reports. The teams coordinated the establishment of toxic incident joint prevention and response support teams by enterprises. NTETIERT's three support teams continued their work and participated in relevant training exercises, supporting nine missions or drills. 101 毒管處 中原大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40680
101-綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉環境衛生計畫 本計畫統計101年2月25日~101年11月15日為止,已陸續完成綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉環境清潔維護工作、環境衛生相關宣導會議及活動(綠島鄉、蘭嶼鄉各9場次)、大型淨灘淨海活動、滿意度問卷調查及其他環境衛生業務相關配合事項等工作,整體進度達成率為100%。 在綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉環境清潔維護工作部份,共計執行812人日之清掃工作,除完成環島公路及海岸線清潔工作共812段次外(維護長度2201.7公里),並進行髒亂點清除10點次,累積清除垃圾量為10531.3公斤。 在環境衛生相關宣導會議及活動部份,本計畫已於3~9月份以多元而生活化之方式辦理18場次之宣導會,分別為環境衛生相關宣導教育10場次、病媒防治宣導教育4場次及綠色消費宣導教育4場次,共計宣導人數1131人次,民眾參與踴躍,辦理成效良好。在大型淨灘淨海活動部份本計畫於101年9月7日於綠島鄉辦理,當日民眾參與情形相當踴躍高達352人。 環保義工體驗營活動則於101年9月6日辦理,參與人數達22人。 問券調查部分本計畫於6~9月份於機場、碼頭、觀光景點、民宿、餐廳、社區發展協會…等人群聚集地點進行遊客及當地居民之滿意度問卷調查作業,依據分析結果顯示大多數遊客及居民對於離島地區之環境衛生感到滿意,但對於公廁維護、垃圾清理、海灘清潔及狗便(羊便)清除問題則認為仍有改善之空間。 在其他環境衛生業務相關配合事項,本計畫則主要協助環保局彙整離島環境衛生計畫成果、協助規劃未來離島環境衛生項目以及相關考核與宣導工作之辦理。 101-The Environmental Sanitation Management Project of Ludao township and Lanyu township From Feb. 25, 2012 to Nov. 15, 2012, this project has been completed environment cleaning and maintenance, environmental health promote meetings and activities ( 9 sessions each Township ), large beach and sea cleaning, satisfaction surveys, and other environmental health business in Lyudao Township and Lanyu Township. The overall progress of achievement rate is 100%.Concerning the environmental cleaning and maintenance part in Lyudao Township and Lanyu Township, it totally implement 812 man-days cleaning work, they not only finished 812 sessions of cleaning the road around the island and coastline ( 2201.7 km in length ) but also 10 times removal of dirty spots, total waste was 10531.3 kgs.For the environmental health promote meeting and activities part, this project already hold 18 promotions in a diverse and life way during March to September. There were 10 times promote education of environmental health, 4 times promote education of pest prevention and cure, and 4 times promote education of eco-consumption, total 1131 people. A lot of people attented the promotion and the effect was good.About the large beach and sea cleaning part, it was hold on Sept. 07, 2012 in Lyudao Township, there were 352 people attended.Environmental volunteer Camp activities is handled on September 6, 101 years, the number of participants is 22 people. Asked vouchers survey is part of the plan in June to September, tourists and local residents' satisfaction survey job at the airport, docks, tourist attractions, B & Bs, restaurants, community development associations ... and other crowded locations, based on the analysis results show that the majority tourists and residents are satisfied with the environmental health of the island areas, but for public toilets maintenance, garbage removal, beach cleaning and dog, they (the sheep will) clear problem that there is still room for improvement. In other environmental health business with the matters of this project is mainly to assist EPA compiled Islands Environmental Health Program results, to assist in planning for the future of Islands Environmental Health Project and related assessment and advocacy work of handling. 101 台東縣環境保護局 澔宇工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41005
建構非二氧化碳溫室氣體管理暨碳捕集及封存技術推動策略專案工作計畫 本計畫執行內容可分為五大主軸,分別是(一)研訂Non-CO2 GHG管理策略,並檢討建立排放基線計算原則與係數分級機制;(二)推動產業Non-CO2 GHG減量工作,訂定中長期(如2020年)減量目標與方案,建立本土化減量方法;(三)研訂我國CCS推動策略、法規增修建議及CCS相關技術於國內推廣之效益;(四) 協助辦理CCS策略聯盟推動,加強民眾宣導與推廣,並更新擴充CCS資訊平台功能;(五) 其他行政配合及宣導事項及辦理相關會議。相關工作執行成果簡要說明如下。1. 在Non-CO2 GHG管理和係數分級部分,本計畫已彙整歐盟、美國、日本、韓國及中國等5個國家之Non-CO2 GHG管理方案與技術資訊,和國內各部會減量方案,研提我國非二氧化碳溫室氣體管理策略應加強農業部門沼氣回收發電和工業部門PFCs排放減量。在建立我國Non-CO2 GHG基線計算原則與係數分級機制部分,本計劃已彙整國際相關溫室氣體排放指引和國際各國清冊排放量統計作法、係數應用及不確定性分析等事項之規範,因我國部分農業係數採用本土值進行排放量推估,但排放係數建立方法並未完全符合IPCC良好作法所提之建議。有鑑於此,本計畫參考國際相關文獻與他國國家清冊說明內容,評估係數分級方式,以提升我國排放係數研究之數據品質,以降低國家清冊統計之不確定性。此外,本計畫已藉由財政部關稅總局彙整分析我國FCs進口量進行排放量統計計算,評估2011年我國FCs排放。2. 在推動光電半導體產業Non-CO2 GHG減量工作部分,本計劃已完成TTLA及TSIA會員公司2011年度溫室氣體減量查證和輔導至少20件光電半導體先期專案的查證工作,並依據光電及半導體產業協會與會員廠提供資訊及情境模擬,推估2020年溫室氣體排放情境。並藉由參與國際產業會議和相關國際資訊蒐集,了解現行光電半導體最新減量技術應用,透過產業和專家共同研商第二階段自願減量協議草案。本計劃參考歐盟2009/29/EC歐洲議會及歐盟理事會修正之排放交易指令2003/87/EC之原則,並已透過TTLA產業協會調查面板產業溫室氣體排放量與營業額資料,評估結果顯示我國面板業為高度碳洩漏風險產業。此外,本計畫已針對半導體產業進行約7個月的實廠安裝和測試,以了解推動國內光電半導體SF6回收作業之效益分析,評估本土化的減量排放技術。3. 在推動電力業和鎂合金產業Non-CO2 GHG減量工作部分,本計畫已針對電力業研擬SF6回收作業方案,並配合抵換專案作業原則,研提SF6回收再利用之減量方法,並已完成查驗公司新減量方法評估報告。4. 在研訂我國CCS策略和法規增修建議部分,本計畫已蒐研各國CCS法制化歷程,研提我國CCS法規發展方向。本計劃參考世界資源研究所(WRI)提出「二氧化碳捕集、運輸及封存指引)」及日本「碳捕集及封存(CCS)示範專案之安全操作綱要」相關架構及內容,研擬我國CCS技術指引(草案)。針對CCS個案環境影響評估之作法,本計畫參考荷蘭及日本環評機制並搭配DNV公司之二氧化碳儲存發展計畫(CO2 Storage Development Plan, SDP),整合成國內本土化CCS環評審查機制及相關規定。5. 本計劃已蒐研彙整燃燒後捕集、燃燒前捕集及富氧燃燒等相關國際資訊及發展趨勢,以燃燒後捕集為主要技術,而化學吸收法技術最為成熟。國際封存技術資訊與相關試行計畫案例中因海洋封存與礦化封存處於研究階段,因此以地質封存為主,且以舊油氣層之封存技術最為成熟。此外,透過國際碳捕集及封存相關技術及案例之成本及可行性分析,提出CCS相關技術應用於我國推廣之成本效益與可行性評析。6. 在CCS民眾宣導和推廣部份,本計劃分別於4月11日及11月1日召開兩場次CCS策略聯盟工作會議,藉由蒐集各成員階段性成果並提出未來聯盟運作模式規劃,以俾利CCS策略聯盟整體推動。協助環保署維護CCS策略聯盟資訊平台,規定成員每季至平台進行計畫進度更新,藉以掌握國內其他部會CCS組織推動情形,並針對策略聯盟組織提出細分工作規劃。本計畫分別針對美國、澳洲地區三組織(GCCSI、RCSP、NewGenCoal),以及美國、歐盟與日本等國家相關研究分析。研究發現國際間推行CCS時藉由不同宣導如網頁、文宣、多媒體等方式與民眾溝通與教育宣導,降低推行障礙。協助CCS策略聯盟積極促進我國加入澳洲CO2-CRC組織,加強國際合作。此外,本計畫已更新擴充CCS資訊網站功能,工作項目中WEB2.0社群功能、網頁英文化、Google Analytic網站績效分析、搜尋引擎強化、登錄介面友善化及2支多媒體動畫。7. 在相關行政配合及宣導事項及辦理相關會議部分,本計畫已彙整國內Non-CO2 GHG和CCS法規發展的努力績效投稿於IHTESH國際研討會和第11屆GHGT研討會,以彰顯台灣在此二領域的努力成果。本計畫已派員2人次14人天出國參加第十屆美國碳捕獲與封存年會、參訪美國Illinois Basin - Decatur Project與歐洲Vattenfall電廠及Ketzin CO2注入場址,蒐集國際CCS技術發展現況。 Establishment of non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gas reduction management and carbon capture and stora The execution content of this project can be divided into five major tasks respectively: (i) formulating a Non-CO2 GHG managerial strategy, and reviewing and establishing the baseline emission of the principle of calculation as well as the coefficient classification system;(ii) promoting industry Non-CO2 GHG reduction work, setting up medium and long-term (such as 2020) reduction objectives and programs, and establishing the localization reduction methods ; (iii) formulating a CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) promotion strategy, amending regulations and recommendations as well as researching the benefit of CCS relevant technologies in domestic promotion; (vi)assisting in transacting CCS strategic alliances for promotion as well as updating and expanding the CCS information platform function; (v) complementing other administrative works. The current execution findings of each work is described in the following summary. 1. The Non-CO2 GHG management and coefficient classification section, has already compiled a management program and technical information for Non-CO2 GHG as well as for the domestic reduction programs of these five countries; the European Union, the United States, Japan, Korea, and China. This mentions that Non-CO2 GHG Managerial Strategy shall enhance the biogas recovery of the agricultural department to generate electricity as well as the emission reduction of PFCs of the industrial department. In establishing the GHG inventory calculation principle and coefficient classification system of Taiwan’s non-CO2 GHG, the project has already compiled on international guideline concerning GHG emissions and the international inventory statistics of emissions of each nation. The application to coefficient as well as uncertainty analysis and other regulation matters. Since part of the agricultural coefficient of our nation adopted local values to carry out the emission estimation, this project refers to the international literature and the content of inventory illustration of other nations, to estimate the ways of coefficient classification so as to enhance the data quality of research on the emission coefficient of our nation in order to decrease the uncertainty of Taiwan’s inventory statistics. In addition, this project has already carried out statistic calculations on emissions by way of compiling and analyzing the domestic FCs import volume through of the Directorate General of Customs, MOF, to estimate the domestic FCs emissions in 2011. 2. In this section of Non-CO2 GHG of the reduction task on promoting the optoelectronic and semiconductor industries, this project has already completed the verification of GHG emissions in 2011, and assisted TTLA and TSIA member companies with at least 20 cases of the early action project; it also estimated the greenhouse gas emission scenarios of 2020 in accordance with the information and scenario simulations provided by the optoelectronic and semiconductor industry association and the member factories. Also, by participating in international industry meetings and relevant international information collection, we can understand the current optoelectronic and semiconductor and its latest reduction technology application in order to carry out a study in the second stage of voluntary reduction agreement protocol with the industries and experts altogether. This project refers to the 2003/87/EC principle of emission transaction instruction modified by the European Parliament of 2009/29/EC of the European Union as well as the Council of the European Union. It has already investigated the greenhouse gas emission volume and turnover information of the panel industry through TTLA industry association, and evaluated the degree of risk about carbon leakage. Besides, this program has already carried out the installment on pilot factories and tested for about 7 months in the semiconductor pilot industry so as to understand and promote the benefit analysis on the domestic semiconductor SF6 recycling operation to evaluate on the localization of reduction emission technology. 3. In the Non-CO2 GHG reduction section of the electric power and magnesium industry, this project has already developed an SF6 recycling operation program against the electric power industry, and in cooperation with the principles of substituting the project operations mentioned in the method of SF6 recycling and reuse. It has completed the new reduction methodology of the assessment report by the third party certifier.4. In the formulating CCS Strategy and the suggestion section of for regulation amendments, this project has already discovered each nation’s course of CCS legalization of, to mention our nation orientation towards CCS laws and regulations development. This project consults with “Carbon Capture, Transportation, and Storage Guidance” as well as the relevant framework, and content, of “an outline on the safety operation of Carbon Capture and Storage(CCS) demonstration project” of Japan proposed by WRI, to develop a Guide (protocol) to CSS Technology for our nation. In light of the practice on CSS case Environmental Impact Assessment, this project consults with the EIA mechanism of Holland and Japan in collocation with the CO2 Storage Development Plan of DNV Corporation, to integrate into the localized CSS EIA review mechanism as well as relevant provisions.5. This project has collected and compiled post combustion capture, pre-combustion capture, Oxy-fuel combustion and other information related to international matters and technology development trends, and applied them to the post combustion capture as the main technology; however, Chemical Absorption is the most developed technology. In the case of international storage technology and relevant plans for trial implementation, due to the fact that the ocean storage and mineralized storage lies in the research stage, it is accordingly, based on the geological storage. The most sophisticated CCS technology is the depleted oil and gas reservoir. Addtionally, through international CCS and storage technologies and the cost and feasibility analysis of the cases, CCS related technology has been proposed for use in promoting the cost benefit and feasibility analysis of our nation.6. In part of the public propaganda and promotion of CCS, this project held two work conferences on CCS strategic alliances on April 11th and November 1st respectively by collecting the interim results and proposing plans on the mode of operation for future alliances, to benefit the overall promotion of the CCS Strategic Alliance. To assist Taiwan’s EPA in maintaining the information platform of CCS Strategic Alliance by demanding the members carry out project progress updates on a quarterly basis on the platform so that the promotion condition of other departments CCS organization is under control. Also, propose a plan for the division of labor in light of the strategic alliance organization. This project is aimed at three organizations (GCCSI, RCSP, and NewGenCoal) as well as other relevant research analysis of the United States, European Union, Japan, and other countries. Research shows that the promotion obstacle can be diminished by way of different propaganda; webpages, propaganda, multimedias, and other ways to communicate with the public and carry out education projects among nations. Assisting in a CCS Strategic Alliance would actively encourage our country to participate in Australia’s CO2CRC organization to improve international cooperation. Besides, this project has already updated and expanded the function of the CCS information website with a WEB2.0 community function in the work item English version webpage, Google Analytic website performance analysis, search engine enhancement, login interface-friendly and two series of multimedia animation. 7. In part of administrative cooperation and items for propaganda as well as transacting relevant meetings, this project has compiled domestic Non-CO2 GHG and CCS laws and regulations development. These achievements were published in the international seminar of International High Technology Environment, Safety and Health as well as the 11th GHGT conference so that the findings of Taiwan in these two fields can be manifested. This project has already sent two people abroad to participate in the 10th America Carbon Capture and Storage Annual conference. They took a tour in the Decatur Project in the America’s Illinois Basin, and the Vattenfall electric power plant in Europe as well as the CO2 injection site in Ketzin to examine the current conditions of international CCS technical development. 101 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50133
101年度臺南市紙錢減量集中燒管制計畫 本計畫執行期間(101年02月07日至101年02月06日),101年紙錢集中燒政策共計有749處單位參與,其中以集合式大樓(含社區)277次最多、其次為寺廟161次,而整體總收運量則為710.86公噸,削減總懸浮微粒7,049公斤、一氧化碳77.4公噸;至於在「以功代金」方面,今年度結合教育局、社會局、瑞復益智中心和台南北區家扶中心,同時搭配全家便利捐款模式,並有25處集合式大樓配合政策。全年度有1,491人參與響應,其累計捐款達526仟元,減少紙錢重量11,572公斤、二氧化碳17,358公斤。另外,執行期間共計進行725間次寺廟訪查,243間採用足百紙錢、196間有宣導一爐一香、37間金爐有設置防制設施,並成功推動29家寺廟配合「以米代金」政策;另外,本計畫也配合印製30,000份以米代金文疏和宣導品2,000份。至於在相關宣導方面,印製宣導海報1,500張、宣導單張20,000張,並於相關宣導活動時發送,同時送至政府機關部門以利宣傳;此外,目前已辦理1場次跨局處協商會、2場清明時期紙錢集中宣導說明會、1場以功代金宣導說明會、2場中元時期紙錢集中宣導說明會、2場次教育訓練、2場淨爐儀式、1場祈福法會;至於在媒體宣導方面,則以辦理2場記者會、發佈相關環保新聞新聞稿8則以及進行1次廣告託播和4次電視台跑馬燈播放,以多元化方式使民眾瞭解環保局相關管制成效及讓民眾知悉紙錢減量集中燒相關政策。 2012 Management and Control Project of Ghost Money decrement converge-burning in Tainan City 2012 Management and Control Project of Ghost Money decrement converge-burning in Tainan City, from Feb. 7, 2012 to Feb. 6, 2012, this project completed objectives in the arranged schedule. During this period, there are 749 units for applying converge-burning on website, which the most category of assembling building and community 277 times, followed by the temple 161 times. Total converge Ghost Money volume is 710.86tonnes this year, to reduce TSP 7,049 kg and carbon monoxide 77.4 tons. On virtues in place of Ghost Money, combine 4 units of social welfare organizations and Family convenience store, 25 units of high building join this policy. There are 1,491 people donate for operating organization, up to 526 thousand dollars, reducing 11,572kg of paper weight and 17,358kg of carbon dioxide. On the other hand, there are 725 times for temple visiting, 243 units using environment ghost money, 196 units reducing incense quantities,37 units setting control facilities, and 29 units joining the policy of reducing paper. Furthermore, print 30,000 ceremony documents and 2,000 portions of rice.In the part of advocacy, printed 1500 sheets of propaganda posters and 20,000 sheets of propaganda. In the addition, hold 1 sessions for cross-bureau coordinate meeting, 5 explanatory conferences, 2 training courses, 2 clean process ceremonies on the incinerator, and 1 award ceremony. Moreover, hold 2 press conferences, released 1 broadcast and 4 times of television marquee, and published 8 news. 101 台南市環境保護局 堃捷工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=51999
101年度資源回收管理資訊系統(RRMS)新增功能建置整合暨維護專案工作計畫 101 基管會 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48127
101年飲用水水源水質保護區地理資訊系統維護工作計畫 今年專案執行為履行合約規定及符合相關環保單位需求,將合約工作分為三季五大工作項目進行,以期能完成各級環保單位所交付的任務。首先在圖資更新及新增圖層部分,配合飲用水保護區管理業務需求共新增了礦區分布、土壤及地下水污染場址範圍、水汙染管制區等圖層。在功能擴充部分,同樣配合系統管理的需求,新增了地籍查詢紀錄功能及系統更新日期標註。在系統維護及資料更新部分,除配合飲用水全球資訊網定期更新相關新聞外,並配合環保署要求修改了系統中部分用字。最後,在協助環保署及地方環保局業務工作方面,亦依不同需求提供了地圖製作、資料整理、操作諮詢及代為查詢未更新地籍圖是否落於保護區等協助。綜觀今年計畫執行成果,目前保護區管理單位已能有效利用本系統協助執行飲用水保護區管理業務。 The Establishment Project of Drinking Water Source Protection Area Geography Information System In order to execute the contract and meet the needs of central and local environmental protection agencies, the project team implemented following five tasks in three seasons. In geographic data establishment and update, for needs of drinking water protection area management, the project team update mining areas layer, soil and groundwater contaminated sites areas and water pollution control district layers. In order to meet the needs of system management, we added the cadastral query recorded function and system update date marked function in the system upgrade operation. The project team also synchronized the drinking water news of Drinking Water Network and fixed the statement of cadastral query functions in the system establishment and data update operation. Finally, in the business assistance for EPA and EPBs, the project team provides cartography, data compilation, and system use advice and query cadastral overlay drinking water protection areas services for different demands. Based on these results in this year, the government has been efficiently used the system to assistance businesses of drinking water area management. 101 毒管處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44156
適用勞工作業環境空氣有害物質容許濃度五十分之一管制項目調查技術評析 本年度計畫執行期間自民國101年3月起至101年12月止,計畫目標為蒐集本計畫67個環境空氣有害物質國內外已開發之調查技術並完成其中35項調查技術於周界空氣之適用性評析,以及完成業務單位指定之8項空氣污染物調查操作技術程序書。調查技術蒐集對象及先後順序依序為經美國、歐盟、英國、中國大陸、日本等各國環保主管機關正式公告之標準檢驗方法、各國勞安主管機關正式公告之標準檢驗方法、各國際標準組織之標準檢驗方法和國內外環境空氣有害物質相關碩博士、研討會、期刊論文及研究成果。資料經蒐集整理後,進行調查技術之評析,以了解該技術應用於周界空氣之適用性。完成評析後之調查技術,團隊根據環境檢驗所公告檢測方法之分項分類進行編譯工作,並針對編譯完成之調查技術,邀請專家學者委員協助進行審查工作,以確保調查技術編譯之正確性。計畫團隊並徵詢環境檢驗所及業務單位之需求,將擇定之八篇國際文件進行操作技術程序書編譯,編譯完成之操作技術程序書(草案)透過召開專家學者會議,對未來國內實際後應用時可能衍生之問題與挑戰提供建言。 Review and Commentary on Investigative Techniques of Hazardous Air Pollutants Recommended Exposure L This project was designed and implemented for searching, reviewing and commenting 35 investigative techniques out of the 67 compounds in control list; and for making 8 designated technical operating procedures for air pollution investigation responsibilities units, from March 2012 to December 2012.The descending order of priority of investigative techniques searching work is: the environmental protection agency, labor safety and health agency, international organization for standardization, papers, reports, theses and dissertations from America, European Union, Britain, China and Japan.After collected the investigative techniques, the applicability of 35 techniques was reviewed and commented through investigation and translation. The translated techniques were arranged in the same manner as the NIEA methods, was then examined by the committee for the correctness.Project team also consulted and gathered the needs from each unit of Environmental Analysis Laboratory, and compiled the technical operating procedures from the eight international documents designated by Environmental Analysis Laboratory. The completed technical operating procedures (draft) have been discussed in meetings with specialists and scholars to provide suggestions for the problems might be encountered in the future applications. 101 環檢所 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41163
101年度農工業異味及露天燃燒稽查管制計畫 異味污染源污染管制作業,執行異味污染源巡查作業共計377家次,累積達成率為100%;執行弘裕農產加工廠等20場次之周界異味官能測定採樣分析作業,其中9場次因未符合排放標準,已告發處分並限期改善完成。餐飲業污染管制作業,完成餐飲業調查管制作業102家,其中主要以古坑鄉餐飲業調查之家數最多共45家次,其次為斗六市之34家。針對工商廠、場等20家異味污染源,執行異味減量協談輔導作業,其中工業(畜牧業)辦理10場次,10場次餐飲業減量協談輔導作業。於101/8辦理工業及畜牧業異味污染防制宣導說明會各1場,說明相關法令及防制技術。露天燃燒巡查管制作業共完成561件,巡查結果大範圍燃燒案件佔45.8%,燃燒物質主要為稻草。比較近年之露天燃燒陳情案件,由98年度之125件、99年度之93件、100年度之86件至101年度降至77件。另外,於ㄧ、二期稻作收割期前辦理10場次禁止露天燃燒夜間宣導說明會、播送電視跑馬燈及宣導錄音帶等,藉以加強宣導禁止露天燃燒作業。紙錢減量集中燒部分,除辦理4場次紙錢減量宣導說明會之外,於清明節及中元普渡,辦理紙錢集中燃燒作業,對於一般餐飲業、工業區、公家機關及相當規模之廟宇共收集得92.02公噸。 The Controlling and Improving Plan For Odorous Pollution and Outdoor burning in 2012 A total of 377 cases are inspected and analyzed, and the rate of completion was 100%. At Hong Yunong production factory and others 20 companies, inspection and quantification of odorous pollution are conducted in area surrounding suspected offenders. Which in these cases, there are 9 failed must be punished and the deadline for the completion of improvements. A total of 102 cases are inspected and analyzed. The primary breakdowns of the 86 cases are as the following: 45 cases in Gukeng Gukeng Township, 34 cases in Dou Liu city. Offenders from all type of industries are introduced to methods and means to counter their individual pollution situation. 10 sessions for factories(Agriculture related factories) and 10 sessions for food and beverage companies. Conference for the promotion of industrial and livestock odor pollution control at Aug 2012 of each field, about that laws and control techniques.Completed a total cases of 561 involving burning in open air. Finding reveals that 45.8% involved large mass area consisted of combustible dry hay. Actual cases of complains received in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 are 128, 93, 86 and 77 respectively. This clearly signals a declining trend. A total of 2 night meet the people sessions plus other mass media related advertisement were held prior to the first quarter of the harvesting seasons to educate the respective public entities about the negative impact involving open air burning.A total of 4 meet the people sessions were held to educate the public about the negative impact involving burning of joss paper. During the Ching Ming Festival and hungry ghost festival, a total of 92.02 tones of joss paper are collected from many public organizations for centralized incineration. 101 雲林縣環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=52088
101年度飲用水水質標準中較難檢驗項目抽驗計畫 本計畫主要針對全國22個直轄市及縣市行政轄區364個自來水供水系統及38個簡易自來水檢測點進行飲用水水質中較難檢驗項目之抽驗,其分析項目包括重金屬(砷、鉛、硒、鉻、鎘、鋇、銻、鎳、汞、銀)、總三鹵甲烷、溴酸鹽、揮發性有機物(三氯乙烯、四氯化碳、1,1,1-三氯乙烷、1,2-二氯乙烷、氯乙烯、苯、對-二氯苯、1,1-二氯乙烯,402處至少執行216處)及農藥(安殺番、靈丹、丁基拉草、2,4-地、巴拉刈、納乃得、加保扶、滅必蝨、達馬松、大利松、巴拉松、一品松、亞素靈,402處至少執行120處)等,共12~33項水質項目,並於22個行政轄區內各挑選1處淨水場執行氰鹽、銦、鉬、戴奧辛及考慮優先列管項目(六價鉻、鎵、鉈、鋁、釩、鹵乙酸、二氯甲烷、1,1-二氯乙烷、1,2-二氯丙烷、1,2-二氯苯、二甲苯、苯乙烯、順1,2-二氯乙烯、反1,2-二氯乙烯、四氯乙烯、一氯苯、甲苯、乙苯、壬基酚、雙酚A、鄰苯二甲酸二(乙基己基)酯)、微囊藻毒素-LR)。101年度共完成364處自來水供水系統及38個簡易自來水檢測點之檢測工作,其中自來水供水系統已完成法規列管項目7737項次及優先考慮列管項目601項次,簡易自來水則已完成法規列管項目456項次。由101年度監測結果發現,自來水供水系統之抽驗點中三氯乙烯、四氯化碳、1,1,1-三氯乙烷、1,2-二氯乙烷、氯乙烯、苯、對-二氯苯、1,1-二氯乙烯、安殺番、靈丹、丁基拉草、2,4-地、巴拉刈、納乃得、加保扶、滅必蝨、達馬松、大利松、巴拉松、一品松、亞素靈等項,以及簡易自來水之抽驗點中溴酸鹽、汞、三溴甲烷等項之檢測結果皆小於偵測極限或定量極限。本年度水質抽驗合格率,以抽驗點而言,除台中市TTW-G09(谷關淨水場)及南投縣TTW-H13(信義淨水場)測點之水質合格率為93.8%及95.0%外,其餘各抽驗點之水質合格率皆為100.0%;而就測項而言,除溴酸鹽及總三鹵甲烷之檢測點合格率皆為99.7%外,其餘各檢測項目之檢測點合格率皆為100.0%。針對優先考慮列管項目,除鋁測項外,其餘測項之檢測結果均小於偵測極限或定量極限值。針對101年第1階段抽驗結果超過飲用水水質標準及各測項最高值出現測點,於101年10月進行複測追蹤,由監測結果發現,第1階段超標測項均已符合飲用水水質標準。 A Survey of Drinking Water for Certain Specific Analytes in the Water Quality Standards The purpose of this project was to examine the water quality of the pre-chosen 364 drinking water systems and 38 simple tap-water systems of the 22 municipal counties (or cities). The analytes being tested included heavy metals (arsenic, lead, selenium, chromium, cadmium, barium, antimony, nickel, mercury and silver), total trihalomethanes (TTHMs), bromate, volatile organics (trichoroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, vinyl chloride, benzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, and 1,1-dichloroethene; a minimum of 216 to be analyzed of the 402 systems) and pesticides (endosulfan, lindane, butachlor, 2,4-D, paraquat, methomyl, carbofuran, MIPC, methamidophos, diazinon, parathion, EPN, and monocrotophos; a minimum of 120 to be analyzed of the 402 systems ), which accounted for a total of 12 to 33 analytes. In addition, one waterworks is to be chosen from each of the 22 municipal districts for the analyses of cyanide, indium, molybdenum, dioxins and other analytes on top of the list to be regulated (hexavalent chromium, gallium, thallium, aluminium, vanadium, haloacetic acids, dichloromethane, 1,1-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichloropropane, 1,2-dichlorobenzene, xylenes, styrene, cis- and trans- 1,2-dichloroethene, tetrachloroethene, chlorobenzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, nonyl phenols, bisphenol A, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and microcystin-LR).The water quality examinations were completed for 364 drinking water systems and 38 simple tap water systems in the year of 2012. The total test counts of the regulated analytes and potentially regulated analytes for drinking water systems were 7737 and 601, respectively, while the total test counts of the regulated analytes for simple tap-water systems were 456. The analytical results from 2012 indicated that trichloroethene, carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, vinyl chloride, benzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, 1,1-dichloroethene, endosulfan, lindane, butachlor, 2,4-D, paraquat, methomyl, carbofuran, MIPC, methamidophos, diazinon, parathion, EPN, and monocrotophos in drinking water supply systems, and bromate, mercury and bromoform in simple tap-water systems were not detected or less than the quantitation detection limits of the respective analytical methods. Water examined for all tested locations met the required drinking water criteria except samples TTW-G09 in Tai-Chung city (Ku-Kuan water purification plant) and TTW-H13 in Nan-Tou county (Hsin-Yi water purification plant), which had a passing rate of 93.8% and 95.0%, respectively. All analytes tested met the required drinking water criteria except bromate and TTHMs, which had a passing rate of 99.7%. Besides aluminium, all other potentially regulated analytes were less than the method detection limits or quantitation detection limits.The test locations with analytes whose concentration exceeded the drinking water regulatory limits in the first stage of 2012 and those with the highest historical results were followed up and re-tested in October this year. The results indicated that all analytes re-tested met the drinking water quality standards. 101 毒管處 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41312
101年度臺南市移動污染源稽查及青白煙管制計畫 本計畫主要工作內容包含:稽查未定檢車、定檢率提升作業、低污染車輛推廣、新設及既有充電站維護作業及辦理宣導活動等,工作清單如表1所示。報告統計期程為自101年2月7日起至101年12月31日止。 Mobile Pollution And Smoky Scooters Control Project of Tainan City, 2012 The quantity goals of this project achieved are as the follow tabl.The main duty of this project is to maintain the motorbike periodic inspection system. Several strategies are executed. The periodic inspection informing postcards were mailed to the motorbike owners monthly. Non-inspected motorbikes were screened by the project staff, including 2 checking ways: the on-road running motorbikes are captured by Plate Auto Identify System; the parked ones are checked by the staff. All the owners of non-inspected motorbike were informed again. Otherwise, the inspectors examined the emission of roadside running by motorbikes no matter periodic inspected or not.The high-pollution motorbikes which had been reported more than 4 times were recalled to inspect opacity and the concentration of CO and HC. This project also provided free inspection service for the country area where there is no periodic inspection station. Several propagating activities were held-- all the advertising activities were to remind people and propagate the concept of annual inspection, promoting anti-idling and replacement of 2-stroke motorcycles. There were also an animation and a mini-game advertising these topics produced on web. 101 台南市環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=52029
101年事業廢棄物e化管理整合暨決策支援專案工作計畫 本計畫就今年度所協助執行之工作重點共可分為四大面向,包括:1.管理制度面:檢討事業廢棄物各項代碼定義與內容,及網路申報相關公告。2.系統功能面:強化事業廢棄物申報及管理系統(IWR&MS)及子系統之相關功能。3.橫向整合面:定期提供事業廢棄物相關申報統計資料,並持續支援橫向計畫之業務需求。4.例行作業面:落實各項公開資訊及確保系統正常運作。管理制度面,今年度主要配合環保署管理政策需求完成5項事業廢棄物代碼、事業廢棄物清理方式及行業別代碼之檢討作業;另針對現行事業廢棄物網路申報作業,亦依據現行實務運作研擬包括跨島清運申報、大陸地區聯單確認e化等多項管理精進作為。在系統功能部分,除完成事業廢棄物申報及管理系統進行效能及改版檢討,及配合個資法實施修正登入機制等作業外,亦完成公民營清除處理機構相關管理系統進行整併、資源回收站登記管理系統規劃建置等提升作業。在橫向整合面部分,則定期就集塵灰及污泥等重點管制項目,及依各縣市及公告類別等不同軸向,進行申報資料統計分析作業;同時亦持續協助EMS及流向勾稽計畫建置包括電子付費簽章功能、聯單未確認、有害事業廢棄物管理等自動化勾稽功能。例行作業面,落實各項公開資訊及確保系統正常運作部分,除定期每月更新事業廢棄物申報及管理系統(waste.epa.gov.tw)相關資訊,包含最新消息、統計資料、專題區內容,確保資料正確無誤外,亦於今年度辦理3場業者座談會及完成1次滿意度調查。 The 2012 Project on Industrial Waste E-Management Integration and Decision Support The project has four main strands: 1. Management System: Reviewing definitions and contents of industrial waste codes, and announcements of online applications; 2. System Enhancement: Improving the Industrial waste report and functions of management system (IWR&MS) and sub-systems; 3. Horizontal Integration: Providing statistical data analysis regularly on the reporting of industrial waste, and assisting the business of horizontal projects demands; and 4. Routine Operation: Ensuring information publication and normal system operation. First of all, for management policies of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), five industrial waste codes, industrial waste cleaning methods, and the review of industrial classification codes were completed. In addition, for the industrial waste online applications and based on the existing practical operation, we have planned to draft advanced achievements on management, including cross-island cleaning applications and e-confirmation in Mainland area.Secondly, the IWR&MS was enhanced and its revisions were reviewed. The login system was fixed in to comply with the Personal Information Protection Act. Additionally, the incorporation of management systems of public and private cleaning institutions was accomplished, and the scheme and establishment on registration management systems of recycling stations were enhanced.Thirdly, reports on data statistical analyses were submitted regularly for key control items of EAF dust and sludge, different aspects presented by each county and city, and categories of announcements. Meanwhile, assisting EMS and the establishment of flow inspection project were continued, including automated inspection functions, such as e-payment and signature, unconfirmed receiving, and the management of hazardous industrial waste.For the fourth part of the project, the IWR&MS (waste.epa.gov.tw) was updated monthly to ensure information accuracy, with the latest news, statistical data, and feature contents. Moreover, three industry forums and one satisfaction survey were conducted this year. 101 廢管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43541
101 年度中部科學工業園區空氣污染物稽查管制計畫 部科學工業園區於92年開發起,歷經9年的發展歷程,現階段臺中市轄內園區基地公私場所數為117家次,其中,臺中基地有99家次,后里及七星基地有18家次。環保局為管制園區空氣中揮發性有機物質及特殊污染排放問題,規劃以OP-FTIR連續監測、CC-FTIR管道監測、管道異味檢測、管道無機酸檢測、防制設備效率驗證、中科周界VOC監測、架設VOCs自動採樣及連線系統等工作管制轄內中科基地。為掌握園區空氣污染排放現況,園區內主要為光電材料及元件製造業、半導體製造業及其他行業製程,各行業揮發性有機物原物料使用主要丙酮、異丙醇、單甲基醚丙二醇、甲醇、乙醇、二甲苯等,酸鹼原料使用硝酸、硫酸、鹽酸等,微量重金屬使用包括砷、銦、鎵等物種,針對園區內具空氣污染排放之公私場所進行空氣污染排放清查,清查排放量估算園區內空氣污染物排放總量為粒狀污染物為9.81公噸/年、硫氧化物為33.96公噸/年、氮氧化物為141.731公噸/年及揮發性有機物為335.482公噸/年。園區內公私場所空氣污染排放改善部分,100年查核時發現友達光電管道煙道排氣有夾帶黃煙,廣鎵光電無機酸排放有白煙問題,本(101)年度友達光電加設防制設備方式改善黃煙問題,廣鎵光電以調整製程生產方式改善白煙問題,且本計畫檢測果顯示污染物濃度已大幅降低而達到污染減量成效;排放管道異味閾值本年度檢測結果均符合管道異味污染物排放標準,另由統計顯示VOCs燃燒排偏高於其他類管道,而鹼排異味閾值則為最低;驗證公私場所揮發性有機物防制設備處理效率,除曜凌光電公司處理效率未符合許可核定值外,其餘各廠均符合相關規定。建置中部科學園區空氣污染物指紋資料部分,歷年以CC-FTIR完成14家公私場所指紋資料建立,監測物種中測出3項「毒性化學物質管理法」列管之毒化物種;本(101)年度周界揮發性有機物採樣監測結果於茂德科技西北側民宅、陽明國小、中科管理局及林厝聚落常有監測高濃度值,彙整98年~101年VOCs採樣結果,顯示丙酮及甲苯來自公私場所排放;OP-FTIR監測結果顯示甲醇、丙二醇甲醚醋酸酯、一氧化二氮、丙烯、氨、乙烯、三氟氨、六氟化硫、丁烷及四氟甲烷等10種化合物主要來自公私場所排放,而日夜間風向有明顯差異,造成污染物監測物種有差異之情形。提升中科陳情案件之處理效率方面,於中科附近民宅4處(陳情熱點)架設揮發性有機物(VOCs)自動採樣及連線系統,且配合本計畫提出之廠商自主管理推動及透過與管理局橫向合作機制聯繫等相關機制,不但減少民眾陳情更提升空污案件之處理效率,於101年6月份後本計畫未接獲民眾陳情中科園區空污問題,顯示計畫執行成果。辦理相關事項部分,包括3場次總體評鑑會議,評鑑結論要求業者依委員意見提出相關改善方案,預計揮發性有機物總削減量為4.6公噸/年及硝酸2.082公噸/年;另藉由訪談園區周遭住戶結果顯示,園區污染異味發生時間常為夜間凌晨,其原因為日夜間大氣混合層高度變化,日間混合層較高擴散條件較佳,而夜間混合層高度下降擴散條件不佳,故日夜間污染物擴散條件相差甚異,造成夜間常有異味問題產生。建議應於空品擴散不佳時,應有更嚴格之污染排放標準,方能確保民眾健康及降低民眾陳情問題。 101 台中市環境保護局 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45812
空氣品質模式技術支援與空氣品質維護評估計畫(第二年) 依據空氣污染防制法第六條規定,二級及三級防制區內,新增或變更之固定污染源污染物排放量達一定規模者,其污染物排放量須經模式模擬證明不超過污染源所在地之防制區及空氣品質同受影響之鄰近防制區污染物容許增量限值。第八條第二項:「符合空氣品質標準之總量管制區,新設或變更之固定污染源污染物排放量達一定規模者,須經模式模擬證明不超過該區之污染物容許增量限值」。為了因應上述法規之推動,因而於民國92年12月制訂「空氣品質模式模擬規範」,以規範固定污染源之許可申請。空氣品質模式的發展與應用、必需包括不同專業領域的科技知識與資訊、相互整合與交互支援才能達成其任務。空氣品質模式牽涉空氣污染法規層次之應用時,譬如環境影響評估或是工廠設置許可中的「濃度增量限值」,如何選用適當的模式並在其使用中標準化其程式、須要有一定的規範予以界定、才能以昭公信。空保處在民國91年推動空氣污染防制法裡面「容許增量限值」的管制工作,以及環境影響評估相關的空氣品質模式的法制化標準化需求,支援「空氣品質模式支援中心」的成立,經過多年的努力,已累積相當的經驗與成果,對空氣品質保護決策有實質的幫助。本計畫今年度之主要工作如下:(1)協助進行模式認可審查作業。(2)規劃固定污染源許可審查模式模擬技術審查原則。(3)辦理容許增量限值模式模擬所需相關資料更新與公告。(4)空氣品質模式支援網站維護管理及諮詢服務。(5)協助各項新增污染源環境影響評估案之空氣品質模式模擬審查及分析。(6)協助辦理有關空氣品質模式模擬法規之修訂。(7)規劃污染防制計畫書模式模擬技術審查原則。(8)分析客觀分析風場與中尺度氣象模式在複雜山區地形的差異性及合理性。(9)瞭解空氣品質模式對大氣中懸浮微粒(含PM10及PM2.5)之模擬能力。(10)進行境外特定區域污染長程傳輸對台灣空氣品質之影響分析。(11)台灣空氣品質數值預報系統之先期規劃。 Technical supporting for air quality model and assessment of air pollution control strategies (II) According to Article 6, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Air Pollution Control Act, those newly added or modified stationary pollution sources within Class 2 and Class 3 of air pollution prevention regions in which air pollutant emissions quantities reach a certain regulatory scale is required to perform air quality simulation by suitable air quality model and verify the influence will not exceed allowable increment limits of air pollutant concentrations. As Article 8, Paragraph 2 stands, within a total quantity control district that meets air quality standards, those newly installed or modified stationary pollution sources for which pollutant emissions quantities reach a certain scale is required to perform air quality simulation by suitable air quality model and verify the influence will not exceed allowable increment limits within the district. The scientific and technical knowledge and information that the development and application of air quality models need to accomplish their missions spread in all kinds of academic and advisory organizations, which result into the decentralization of resources, duplicate constructions, various qualities, and barriers of information. Taiwan Air Quality Modeling Center (TAQMC) actually is a policy and technique supporting organization with a combination of experts and data resources in the industry, the government and the academics. In 2002, Taiwan EPA enforced the allowable increase limits of air pollution in the air pollution control act, and the standard requests of air quality modeling in the procedure of environmental impact assessment. Therefore, Taiwan EPA supported to establish “air quality model supporting center”. In fact, it belongs to the role of technical supporting for policy determination in order to laterally integrate the knowledge of production and official related to talent and data resource. The tasks accomplished and relative productions are shown as follows according to the sequence of objectives for this year in the project plan.(1)Cooperate in the application and examination of air quality models.(2)Planning the guideline to review the air quality modeling results in application cases of new stationary sources permit.(3)Update and pronounce the relative data for the simulations of allowable increment limit.(4)Maintain and update the website of TAQMC and consultation service(5)Review and analysis of air quality modeling in application cases of environmental impact assessment.(6)Assisting amendment articles in statutes related to the air quality model application.(7)Planning the guideline to review the air pollution control plan proposed by local environmental protection bureau.(8)Analysis of difference and reasonability of wind fields simulated by objective analysis and mesoscale meteorological model.(9)Evaluation of air quality model for particulate matter and their composition in Taiwan.(10)The influence assessment of transboundary long-range transport of air pollution on Taiwan air quality.(11)Preliminary planning for digital air quality forecasting system of Taiwan. 101 空保處 國立雲林科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=51556
提昇廢電子電器及廢資訊物品資源回收成效暨費率調查專案工作計畫 本計畫依工作契約完成(1)檢討費率結構及調查相關因子並協助資源回收費率審議委員會議運作之相關行政作業。(2)探討國內外廢電子電器及廢資訊物品回收管理制度推動趨勢與建立相關國際合作交流模式。(3)辦理廢電子電器及廢資訊物品回收宣導工作以提升資源回收成效等3大項工作內容。費率因子數據調查及檢討方面,進行17家受補貼機構回收處理成本調查,並分別依兩種不同資料來源估算回收處理成本,完成10項廢電子電器及廢資訊物品回收處理淨成本及費率試算,與提出回收清除處理費率及補貼費調整建議。另協助完成(1)最適徵收及補貼計費方式探討及配套措施研擬。(2)規劃綠色費率訂定原則及差別費率幅度試算。(3)提出4項可納入補貼範圍之不符允收物品建議及試算差別補貼幅度。(4)協助6場次費率審議委員會召開及費率資料庫相關數據資料更新。在國內回收管理制度研析及國際交流活動辦理方面,為增進回收制度發展及促進國際交流協助完成(1)美國、加拿大、澳洲、中國、日本、歐盟及韓國回收管理制度現況資料蒐集及比較分析。(2) 3項評估公告回收項目之處理技術及去化管道探討。(3) 2場次廢電子電器及廢資訊物品回收管理制度諮詢座談會。(4)於10月15日至20日期間舉辦6日國際廢電子電器暨廢資訊物品回收管理研習會。在回收宣導活動方面,協助完成 (1)提出3種回收宣導管道策略。(2)辦理廢家電回收宣導海報創意設計競賽。(3)辦理廢資訊物品回收站宣導活動。(4)完成 2項宣導海報設計及2項宣導品規劃。(5)製作2種廢電子電器及廢資訊物品政策文宣。 Investigating the factors in rate consideration and Raising the effectiveness of waste home applianc In respect of the contract, this project had completed the following objectives:(1) Inspected the factors in the recycling fee rate and subsidy rate consideration and updated the new data; the other task was to continue operating the Recycling Fee Rate Review Committee (RFRRC). (2) Comparison of foreign and domestic E-waste collection and recycling system and to establish a mode of international cooperation and exchange. (3) Held public campaigns for promoting the waste collection.The first part is about the recycling fee rate and subsidy fee rate, mainly proposing the fee rates consideration that are recalculating based on the tax reports and questionnaire about the total cost of collection and recycling from many recycling facilities. This study also had completed the following objectives:(1) Estimated the best unit of the fee rate and proposed some countermeasures. (2) The suggestion of combining the green mark with the green differential rate and implement principle is feasible. (3) 4 items of non-regulated recycling waste and differential subsidy rate had been estimated. (4) Held 5 conferences of the RFRRC working group, and updated the data of fee rates database.The second part is relating to the recycling system council and international cooperation includes:(1) Analyzed the data and compared the recycling system with USA, Canada, Australia, China, Japan, the European Union, South Korea and Taiwan. (2) Estimated disposal and treatment method for three pre-regulated recycling wastes. (3) Arranged two forums for the waste home appliances and waste IT equipment collection and recycling system. (4) Held 2012 International Workshop on Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment for interchanging the different country experience.As for holding public campaigns for promoting the waste collection, this project had completed the following items:(1) Strategies for recycling awareness channel had been recommendation. (2) Held the poster design contest. (3) The lottery for waste IT equipment collection. (4) Produced publicity for promoting waste home appliances and waste IT equipment collection. 101 基管會 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49396
101年度屏東縣非法油品加強查緝計畫 101年度油品採樣計有路邊攔車稽查942輛次、採樣180件、2件不合格,不合格率1.1%;動力計站內稽查1,284輛次、採樣117件、7件不合格,不合格率6%;配合地檢署抽油8輛次、採樣8件、5件不合格,不合格率62.5%;共計完成柴油車攔查車輛數2,234輛次、共送樣305件、14件不合格,不合格率4.6%。 2012 Pingtung City Investigation of Illegal Oil Program During the executing period from January 1 to December 31 2012. there were 942 diesel-fueled vehicles blocked and inspected at the roadside, of which 180 samples were examined including 2 unqualified, and the unqualified rate is 1.1%. 1,284 vehicles were inspected in dynamometer stations, of which 117 samples examined including 7 unqualified, and the unqualified rate is 6%. 8 vehicles were inspected in the mission cooperated with Pingtung District Prosecutors Office, of which 8 samples examined including 5 unqualified, and the unqualified rate is 62.5%. The inspected diesel-fueled vehicles totaled 2,234, of which 305 samples examined including 14 unqualified, and the unqualified rate is 4.6%. 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司
第21屆中華民國企業環保獎專案工作計畫 中華民國企業環保獎是為了鼓勵並表揚國內推動環境保護工作績效優良的企業而設立,是企業推動環保的最高榮譽獎項。評選項目包括(1)環境保護規劃及管理;(2)環境保護工作推行;(3)環保觀念推行與教育宣導。自民國81 年設立迄今已辦理21 屆。為鼓勵致力於環保工作之企業,環保署特設立「環保榮譽獎」,只要企業連續三年獲得中華民國環保獎,即可獲頒此項獎座。為能將獲獎企業之各項績優環保事蹟全面推廣至企業界,本計畫編輯「第21 屆中華民國企業環保績優廠商優良環保事蹟彙編」並舉辦獲獎績優事業觀摩研討會,藉此以提供企業界推動環保工作之參考,並建議個行業推動環保工作的典範和模式,全面提昇我國的環境品質,以及增加企業之國際競爭力。 Twenty-first Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection Award and Demonstration Seminars Since 1992﹐the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has been given the“Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection (EEP) Award of the republic of China (ROC)"fortwenty-first consecutive years. Each year ten to fifteen organizations are honored for their outstanding performance in environmental protection.The EEP Award is the highest honor for enter pieces devote to environmental protection, andthe rewardees are also regarded as models for other business for their excellent environmentalperformance. The selection of the 21th Annual EEP Award based on three items, which are:(1)environmental protection planning and management,(2)promotion of environmental production,(3)promoting public awareness of the importance of environmental protection work.In the past 21 years, in order to recognize enterprises that have endeavoredto protect the environment, the Environmental Protection Administration has established theHonor EEA Award to reward companies have won the EEP Award for three consecutive years.In order to promote the contributions of these awardees and the stories behind them tothe entire business community, the Compilation of the 21th Republic of China OutstandingEnterprises Environmental Contributions has been published. Workshops dedicated to thestudy of these contributions have also been held so as to further promote theirenvironment-related work and to make recommendations on how environmental protectioncan best be carried out by the enterprises. The purpose was to improve the quality of theenvironment as well as to raise the international competitiveness of the enterprises. 101 管考處 如是方知公關顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43005
101年度資源回收電子報發行專案工作計畫 本計畫的目標是透過每月編輯方式,將環保法規與政策、基管會各項活動之動態及國外環保回收等相關政策趨勢加以彙整分析,並進一步邀請國內各類回收主題之專家、學者及民間環保人士等專業人士-進行訪談,從政策規劃及推動,再談及各項回收執行現況,讓國內現行的回收推動現況及其成效之全貌浮現。透過國內動態、深入分析、活動看板、多媒體、問與答及國際瞭望等六大單元,以淺而易懂的文字敘述,彙編為網路虛擬雜誌,以網路型態寄送及發行,不受空間及時間的限制,成為提供各界瞭解我國回收施政的便利管道,以宣揚資源回收施政之成果及普及的環境教育及其政策。電子報以網頁編輯方式提供給基管會,由相關單位上傳至基管會資源回收電子報之網頁中。 Release Recycle e-paper of 101 Annual The main tasks of this project consist of summarizing environmental regulations and policies, activities organized by the Recycling Fund Management Board (RFMB) and international recycling policy trends and providing analyses through monthly editing works. Experts, scholars and non-governmental environmental activists versed on domestic recycling issues are interviewed. Topics discussed range from policy planning and implementation to current status of resource recycling streams. Overviews on the current domestic recycling promotion and its achievement are therefore conveyed through easily understandable narrations. The outcome are virtual e-magazines on the internet that contain 6 sections: domestic occurrences, depth analysis, activities billboard, multimedia, Q&A’s, and international outlook. These e-magazines are published and distributed in the forms of webpages which can be viewed any time and any where. They have become easily accessible channels for people of different fields to learn about recycling administration of our country. They can also be used to spread our experiences in recycling administration, environmental education and policy. Edited e-magazines are provided to the RFMB in the format of webpages and then posted to R-paper section of the RFMB official website. 101 基管會 惠國顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47812
101年度基隆市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 1.執行場址污染改善驗證計畫2.執行地下水井水質監測作業3.執行土壤及地下水污染場址污染整治改善期間之監督與查核工作4.辦理[土壤及地下水染整治法]相關法規宣導說明會5.定期更新環保署土壤及地下水管理資訊系統6.緊急應變處理 101 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41487
飲用水水源與水質中新興污染物對人體健康風險評估之研究計畫(3/4) 本計畫目標為探討飲用水中藥物與個人保健用品對水源及飲用水水質之影響及其潛在健康風險。所評估之藥物與個人保健用品包含鎮痛/解熱藥物、抗生素、荷爾蒙及作用類似物、清潔用品、防曬劑、驅蟲劑及美容與保健用品等。經評估歷年環保署相關計畫執行成果,篩選進行淨水場採樣分析之藥物與個人保健用品共17種,包括6種鎮痛/解熱藥物(布洛芬、乙醯胺酚、凱妥布洛芬、非諾布洛芬、氨基比林、萘普生)、3種抗生素(四環黴素、羥四環黴素、氯四環黴素)、荷爾蒙作用類似物(非那雄胺)、2種防曬劑(二苯甲酮、羥苯甲酮)、驅蟲劑(DEET)及4種美容與保健用品(對羥基苯甲酸甲酯、對羥基苯甲酸乙酯、對羥基苯甲酸丙酯、對羥基苯甲酸丁酯)。計劃執行期間藉由蒐集及彙整文獻資料,建立本年度採樣檢測之17種藥物與個人健用品的毒理資料庫,另將本年度計畫未檢測之三氯沙及草脫淨納入毒理資料庫,共包含19種物質。本計畫召開三次專家學者諮詢會議,針對飲用水列管物質篩選作業流程(草案)、環保署96年至100年相關計劃建立之66種污染物後續監測及管制評估業、年度計劃執行淨水場採樣分析擬採樣淨水場之選擇、檢測數據、待列管污染物觀察清單污染監測方式、本年度建議列入觀察清單之物質、擬納入飲用水水質標準管制之新增項目等事宜進行討論。各次諮詢會議出席諮詢委員所提寶貴建議均納入計畫執行考量。本年度水質採樣分析工作針對台灣北、中、南共7座淨水場,分別為臺北市長興淨水場、新北市板新淨水場、基隆市新山淨水場、臺中市豐原淨水場、高雄市澄清湖淨水場、高雄市小坪淨水場、金門縣太湖淨水場進行原水及清水採樣,並於新山及小坪淨水場全流程採樣,評估傳統處理流程之處理效率。在第一次、第二次及第三次採樣分析中,檢測結果顯示乙醯胺酚 (Acetaminophen)、布洛芬 (Ibuprofen) 、驅蟲劑(DEET)、個人用品之羥苯甲酮 (Oxybenzone)、對羥基苯甲酸甲酯 (Methyl paraben)、對羥基苯甲酸乙酯 (Ethyl paraben) 及對羥基苯甲酸丙酯 (Propyl paraben) 在原水中有較高的檢出率,但濃度皆為ng/L 範圍,其健康效應可以忽略。由於原水中之濃度極低,在七個採樣淨水場之部分清水中雖可檢出驅蟲劑(DEET)、個人用品之羥苯甲酮 (Oxybenzone)、對羥基苯甲酸甲酯 (Methyl paraben)及對羥基苯甲酸丙酯 (Propyl paraben),其濃度亦為極低之 ng/L。惟考慮藥物及個人照護用品在原水中已有檢出,建議將水中出現頻率較高乙醯胺酚 (Acetaminophen)、布洛芬 (Ibuprofen)、N,N-二乙基間甲苯胺 (DEET)、羥苯甲酮 (Oxybenzone)、對羥基苯甲酸甲酯 (Methylparaben)、對羥基苯甲酸乙酯 (Ethylparaben)、對羥基苯甲酸丙酯 (Propylparaben)等七種藥物優先建立標準檢測方法後,考量列入觀察清單,建議後續繼續進行必要之監測以評估其在飲用水中出現之可能性及潛在健康危害。 Health risk assessment of emerging containants in water sources and treated drinking water The purpose of this project was to assess the potential human risks and health effects from pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in drinking water. Based on studies conducted by the Taiwan EPA, this project has screened more than 30 PPCPs for their occurrences in environmental waters and selected 17 PPCPs to be monitored in this study. A manual has been prepared which provides the information concerning the chemical properities, toxicities, and environmental occurrences of the 17 emerging PPCPs which include six antipyretic analgesics (Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Ketaprofen, Aminopyrine, Naproxen, and Fenoprofen); three antibiotics ( Tetracycline, Oxytetracline, and Chlorotetracycline); one endocrine disruptor substances (Finasteride), four personal care products (Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, and Butylparaben); two sunscreen products (Oxybenzone and Benzophenone), and one insecticides (DEET). In addition, eventhough that triclosan and atrazine were not included in the monitoring plan of this project, the chemical properities, potential health effects and related informations were also collected and included in the database for future uses.In order to assess the occurrences of potential PPCPs contaminants in drinking water, water samples which included raw water and finish water were taken from 7 selected water treatment plants include Chang-Xing, Ban-Xin, Xin-Shan, Feng-Yuan, Xiao-Ping, Cheng-Chin-Hu and Tai-Hu; watr treatment plants. In addition, samples were taken from each treatment unit of two water treatment plants analyzed to assess the treatment efficiencies of these PPCPs with conventional treatment processes. The results showed that acetaminophen , Ibuprofen, DEET, oxybenzone, methylparaben, ethylparaben, and propylparaben had higher detection rates in raw water with concentrations only at trace leves (ng/L), and the results also showed that the conventional water treatment processes could remove parts of PPCPs. The detectable concentrations in treated water were lower than those in raw water.During the study, three Advisory Panel Meetings were called and several related subjects were discussed. The valuable comments from panelists were considered to improve the quality of this study. Based on the results of this study, the panelists also approved that acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, DEET, oxybenzone, methylparaben, ethylparaben, and propylparaben may be considered to be established standard detection methods and included in the watch list of the contaminant candidates for further evaluation. Additional monitoring and assessment for their occurrences in drinking water and potential health effect were recommended. 101 毒管處 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43067
全國執行土污基金相關業務管制考核計畫 本計畫執行期間為101年3月23日起至101年12月15日止,共有4項主要工作,第1項為追蹤彙整土壤及地下水污染整治工作執行成果,強化土壤及地下水污染整治工作管理機制。依據「100~103年度土壤及地下水污染預防與整治推動計畫」之架構,完成分類、統計、差異性比較與分析;針對本署補助各縣市環保機關之土壤及地下水相關計畫(含例行性調查查證計畫、專案性評估、整治計畫等),於本署「土壤及地下水管理資訊系統(SGM)」,完成執行進度管考與成果追蹤表之設計,按月辦理追蹤管考作業; 針對前述各縣市補助計畫執行成果完成分類、統計、差異性比較與分析;彙整完成「100年度土壤及地下水污染整治年報」;蒐集各縣市環保機關及顧問機構對「行政院環境保護署協助地方環保機關辦理土壤及地下水污染調查、查證與評估等相關工作經費補助審核作業要點」之建議,並針對補助項目與金額進行市場調查與合理性分析;針對各縣市政府所提102年度工作計畫,協助提供專業建議、辦理計畫申請、彙整、審查與會議召開、核定等相關作業,並續以辦理按月追蹤管考事宜。第2項工作為檢討修訂年度獎勵與考核制度,提升土壤及地下水污染整治工作品質。完成績效考評指引供各縣市環保局參考; 協助彙整、統計各縣市環保機關考核執行情形,並就各項細項指標依縣市別按季提出考核季報與檢討分析報告;蒐集各地方環保機關意見,確認101年土壤及地下水污染整治工作現地評鑑作業原則;協助籌組評鑑小組,並辦理1場次行前說明會;完成22場次土壤及地下水污染調查、評估及整治工作成果檢討與現地評鑑工作;舉辦1場次評鑑結果頒獎典禮暨成果觀摩會;協助辦理獎勵補助費用審核、執行與支用情形之追蹤彙整;提供專線供各縣市環保機關諮詢考評相關內容,並蒐集彙整考核相關問題與修訂建議。第3項工作為追蹤彙整研究計畫及現地試驗計畫補助執行成效,提昇國內土壤及地下水調查及污染整治技術。協助辦理23案件之計畫追蹤、管考與審查作業。彙整計畫執行成果,舉辦1場次研究成果發表與研討會議;蒐集相關單位申請與審核機制及各界意見,協助修訂「土壤及地下水污染研究與技術提昇補(捐)助計畫申請作業須知」;辦理相關訊息之宣傳作業,並設置專責諮詢管道,協助各單位辦理計畫申請事宜。協助籌組審查小組,辦理申請資料彙整、審查與核定工作,以及後續追蹤管考與成效彙整相關工作。第4項工作為辦理國際資訊蒐集翻譯與摘錄,推展專業人員技術與能力,促進國內技術交流與發展。截至期末報告初稿完成日止,已共完成45篇國際文章之翻譯及評析;已辦理完成5場次專家學者演講;已按季提送國外相關國際會議;以親民活潑之文字,按季更新環保署施政成果網頁資訊,並於「土壤及地下水污染整治網」中對外公布;完成蒐集整理30件控制場址之特性、整治金額與工法統計;協助製作土污基管會中英文業務簡報。 101 土污基管會 台境企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41716
101年度環境保護產品追蹤管理專案工作計畫 本計畫依據「行政院環境保護署環境保護產品管理作業規範」之規定完成以下工作:有關產品抽樣檢測,本年度考量環境保護產品比例、抽樣及檢測可行性、環境效益等因素,完成環境保護產品273件與非環境保護產品86件之抽樣檢測,其中環境保護產品不合格率為12.45%;非環境保護產品不合格率為30.23%;現場查核部分考量輔助產品抽檢之不足及賣場分佈區域,完成13家廠商72件產品之生產現場查核,並針對全台10家賣場查核產品58件。 其次,本計畫配合環保署要求辦理廠商違規及申覆相關處理工作,查獲違規產品36件,函送執行單位辦理後續違規處置事宜,並配合辦理後續複檢相關工作,其中30件塗料產品全部檢測超標,應對於現行規格標準進行檢討;另有關產品檢測環境荷爾蒙物質之結果,顯示環保標章有助於提供消費者更安全與健康之產品。此外,本計畫協助環保署輔導各縣市政府推動綠色商店查核工作,執行綠色商店追蹤查核教育訓練,並完成15縣市環保局承辦人員訪談,彙整綠色商店查核工作現況。最後,依據上述工作成果,本計畫針對未來環境保護產品追蹤查核工作提出查核標的、項目、方法...等制度面建議,並針對現行規格標準及環標標章查核的問題提出探討,以達到環保標章精進改善之目的。 Project on Verification and Management of Environmental Protection Products in 2012 This project has completed the following tasks in accordance with the “Operational Guidelines for the Management of Environmental Protection Products” promulgated by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA)of the Executive Yuan:Regarding product sampling and testing, this year’s project considered factors including ratio of environmental protection products (EPPs), feasibility of sampling and testing and environmental benefits, and completed the sampling and testing of 273 EPPs and 86 non-EPPs. The non-compliance rates for the tested EPPs and non-EPPs are 12.45% and 30.23% respectively. In order to supplement the deficiencies resulted from conducting product sampling and testing to widely distributed retailer sites, onsite audit of manufacturing sites were conducted for 72 products from 13 manufacturers, as well as on-site verifications of 58 products at the retailer sites.This project also conducted environmental protection products’ follow-up surveillance and management activities, following the request of the EPA and the Green Consumption and Environmental Protection Product Review Committee. Regarding the following-up of non-compliance manufacturers, 36 non-complying products have been detected and their manufacturers forwarded to competent authorities for penalizing proceeding, with the recertification and retesting process of these products to be arranged later. Of these products, 30 paint products have been found to be exceeding the substance concentration limits, which warrant a review of the existing product criteria. Moreover, following the requirement of EPA’s Environmental Hormones Management Project, this project also presented environmental hormone test results for related products, demonstrating that the Green Mark Program is indeed helpful in providing consumers with safer and healthier products. In addition, the project assisted the local county and city governments in conducting the audits of green stores, and implemented education and training in tracking green stores’ sales of Green Mark Products. Responsible officials from 15 local governments were also interviewed to compile the current status of green store audits.Finally, based on the results of the above tasks, this project proposed the future direction on conducting follow-up verification of environmental protection products; as well as the screening criteria, and verification methods, issues, and frequency for conducting future annual verification. The issues related to the current Green Mark product criteria and product verification were also studied in order to achieve continuous improvement of the Green Mark Program. 101 管考處 財團法人台灣電子檢驗中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42420
擴大建構溫室氣體自願減量策略與落實減量認可作業 聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第17屆締約國會議於2011年12月南非德班(Durban)落幕,該會議雖未達成新的國際協議或法律約束之約定,但確成功的確立公約的發展方向,其成立德班加強行動平台特設工作小組,將協助全球針對一具法律效力的新公約協定展開協商進程、研擬及推動,冀期在2015年完成制定,並於2020年實施。有別於京都議定書以往附件一與非附件一國家雙軌制度,未來新公約協定將採行單軌制度前提下之氣候協商架構,即促使全球主要排放大國包含美國、中國和印度投注實質減量行動。同時,京都議定書的清潔發展機制迄今已推展10年,並持續在減量方法、查驗、審議等配套制度和工具投入完善與精進的工作,致力於加強發展中及貧困國家節能技術能力提升,促進實現公約溫室氣體減量之宗旨。在全球新協議尚未建置完成以前,現階段各國乃著重國內溫室氣體管理制度,同時遵循國際UNFCCC公約之可量測、可報告及可查證之MRV原則,作為宣示各國家減緩績效之依循精神。我國相鄰之日、韓均亦於近年來逐步加強完善該國溫室氣體排放量的掌握,以及產業減量方案之推動。依循國際溫室氣體管理趨勢,我國行政院也自2009年12月18日由副院長朱立倫做為召集人成立「節能減碳推動委員會」,統籌規劃「國家節能減碳總計畫」,以分年分期之方式滾動追蹤與管考各部會具體措施,優先建構法制基礎,利用法令規範定期、透明、可比較的減量行動,並落實可量測、可報告及可查證之MRV原則,作為國內所有溫室氣體減量的工作基礎。此一作法不僅彰顯我國節能減碳政策與國際無縫接軌之特點,亦強化既有永續能源政策綱領之管理作為。本計畫延續2004~2011年度之豐碩執行績效,將遵循「擴大建構溫室氣體自願減量策略與落實減量認可作業」計畫甄選須知所規範之目標,於現行研訂之產業溫室氣體盤查、登錄、查驗、減量之本土化制度基礎上,掌握國際溫室氣體減量關鍵策略及減量管理機制。同時考量我國產業推行條件,持續深化我國溫室氣體管理制度,以支援未來整體國家政策之推行。本計畫今年度之推動目的如下:一、掌握國際最新溫室氣體減量趨勢,檢討我國溫室氣體減量管理策略。二、研提本土化減量管理機制,持續訂定減量專案認定基準。三、辦理先期專案暨抵換專案審議作業,研提減量額度用途與限制。四、配合我國溫室氣體自願減量管理作業,強化國家溫室氣體登錄平台功能。 Strategy development project on expanding voluntary GHG Reduction implementation and crediting effor The 17th Conferences of the Parties (COP) of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has ended in Durban, South Africa December 2011. Following its conclusion the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action has been established assisting countries to begin negotiation process for a new global climate change regime by 2015 in order to be implemented by 2020. This new climate change regime will include major emitters such as U.S., China and India under a single framework, differing from Kyoto’s two tracks system between the Annex-I and non-Annex I countries. Meanwhile Kyoto’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which has been implemented for 10 years, continues to revise its methodologies and relevant rules for validation, verification, registration and issuance. This flexible mechanism is dedicated in capacity-building of clean technologies in developing and financially disadvantaged countries, aiming to fulfill the Convention’s objective.Prior to a clear and precise global climate change regime, countries worldwide are now turned attention of GHG management towards domestic efforts while complying UNFCCC’s measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV) requirement to demonstrate one’s GHG reduction outcomes. The neighboring countries Japan and Korea have also gradually complete their GHG emissions data collection and reduction programs for the industries. On December 18, 2010 Taiwan Executive Yuan established “Energy Conservation and GHG Reduction Committee”, chaired by Then Vice Premier Li-Luan, Chu, and formalized “National Energy Conservation and GHG Reduction Plan”. This plan contains rolling period of tracking and evaluation processes for government’s policy performance in response to climate change as well as mitigation actions by law that is periodic, transparent and comparable. The plan also responsible for the implementation of MRV as the foundation of Taiwan’s GHG reduction efforts. This has demonstrated that not only Taiwan’s GHG management is in conformity with international approaches, but enhances Taiwan’s existing sustainable development framework.The Strategy development project on expanding voluntary GHG Reduction implementation and crediting efforts (the Project) , while meeting the criteria required by the project tenderers guideline, is an ongoing work based on current development of domestic GHG accounting, registration, validation, verification, project reductions and assessment of international GHG management as the results of earlier studies from 2004 to 2011. The Project continues to enhance domestic GHG management by considering the status of Taiwan’s industries into account involving the following tasks:1. Assessing international approach on GHG reductions and reflect such measures to Taiwan’s domestic management;2. Conducting studies and research for domestic GHG reduction mechanism, continuing formalizing the determination framework of suitable baselines;3. Conducting review process for Early-Reduction Project and Offset Project submissions, and studies over emissions reductions credit applications and usage limitations;4. Enhancing associated functionalities of GHG registry to support Taiwan’s voluntary GHG reductions. 101 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49620
污泥行業別現況調查與鑑識技術開發研究 各行業污泥指紋特性會依製程來源、使用原料、試藥、水污染處理設施及操作條件而有差異,但同一行業之污泥指紋特性則因製程來源、使用原料、試藥、水污染處理設施及操作條件相似,而無法單獨只使用一般化學分析方法如ICP/AES、ICP/MS、GC/MS、LC/MS/MS等鑑識方法來辨識其差異性,因此尚需借助於光學分析方法如顯微鏡、電子顯微鏡(SEM、TEM)、XRD等鑑識方法觀察其外觀型態、結晶性、分子結構間之差異性,或以分子生物檢測技術直接、或間接偵測微生物物種方式來觀測其污泥間之差異性。 本研究計畫針對各行業污泥指紋鑑識技術開發研究,蒐集彙整了各種相關污泥指紋特性如:印刷電路板(PCB)污泥、氟化鈣污泥、皮革污泥、TFT-LCD、食品製造業污泥、紙漿製造業污泥及都市廢水污泥的指紋特性,與彙整各種相關之污泥鑑識方法,並引用至本計畫污泥指紋鑑識技術建立之參考。 本計畫在執行高科技業(LCD、LED、DRAM)之污泥指紋鑑識及特性指紋建置部分,係採用電子顯微鏡(SEM)觀察外觀形狀及EDX檢測特性成份,以XRD檢測污泥樣品之結晶性及晶相結構,與使用XRF(或EDX)分析,訂出主成份、次要成份、微量成份,再使用ICP測定金屬元素濃度及使用Headspace-GC/MS快速測定有機物之化合物種類,及進一步以GC或GC/MS定量有機化合物之濃度,另外也使用離子層析儀(IC)及高解析液相層析質譜儀(LC/MS/MS)分析水溶性高之化合物如TMAH、PFAAs、NPxEO及OPxEO。由上述鑑識方法所得到之檢測結果彙整評析後,得到一個初步的LED、DRAM、LCD產業之特徵指紋如下:1.LED行業特徵指紋:•XRD:SiO2、CaF2•金屬元素:As(砷)、Ga(鎵)、In(銦)2.DRAM行業特徵指紋:•XRD:SiO2、CaF2•金屬元素:Ce(鈰)、W(鎢)•有機物:EA、PGME、PGMEA、NMP、DMSO、BDG3.LCD行業特徵指紋:•XRD: Si-C、Si•金屬元素:Ce(鈰)、In(銦)、Sr(鍶)、La(鑭)•有機物:EA、PGME、PGMEA、NMP、DMSO、BDG、TMAH、NPxEO&OPxEO Status Report of the Current Sludge-generating Industries and the Study ofSludge Forensic Technology The sludge from a variety of industries can be different due to manufacture process, materials used, chemical reagent, wastewater treatment facility, and operations. However, if the same industry using similar process and other similarities may not be able to tell the difference in sludge by using common analytical methods such as ICP/AES, ICP/MS, GC/MS, and LC/MS/MS. Thus, optical analyses like microscopy, SEM, TEM, and XRD would help observe the surface of the sludge such as appearance, crystalline, and molecular structure for difference. This project was to study the finger-printing forensic technology in various industries’ sludge and collect the forensic features of the sludge from industries such as printed circuit boards (PCB), calcium fluorite, leather industries, TFT-LCD, food industries, pulp, and domestic wastewater treatment plants. This project also collected various forensic methods for sludge and applied it for establishing the forensic technology for this project. With respect to the forensic technology and the finger-print features of the sludge of the LCD, LED, and DRAM industries, SEM was used to observe the appearance and featured constituents of the EDX. XRD was used to examine the crystalline and the related structure of the sludge coupled with XRF (or EDX) to determine the primary, secondary, and trace constituents. ICP was used to determine the concentrations of the metal elements and Headspace-GC/MS was used to analyze the organics for qualification and quantification. IC and LC/MS/MS were used to analyze the highly soluble chemicals such as TMAH, PFAAs, NPxEO, and OPxEO. Based on the results of using the above analytical methods, the industrial features of LED, DRAM, and LCD are studied and summarized as the follows:1. Feature fingerprint of the LED industry: XRD: SiO2、CaF2 Metals: As, Ga, In2. Feature fingerprint of the DRAM industry: XRD: SiO2, CaF2 Metals: Ce, W Organics: EA, PGME, PGMEA, NMP, DMSO, BDG3. Feature fingerprint of the LCD industry: XRD: Si-C, Si Metals: Ce, In, Sr, La Organics: EA, PGME, PGMEA, NMP, DMSO, BDG, TMAH, NPxEO&OPxEO 101 環檢所 工業技術研究院綠能與環境研究 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45924
空氣污染事件預防管理暨緊急應變能量強化工作計畫 本計畫乃協助環保署完備應變資源,包括建立空污事件應變決策支援系統、建置空污事件應變能量與事前整備事項,並研訂空污事件預防管理架構及推動方式,降低空污意外事件發生可能。本計畫完成美國對高風險空氣污染物意外事件之管理及處理方式,並收集國內工安相關作業規定,提出空氣污染物危害預防管理辦法架構,以及研提空污事件應變處理標準作業修正草案初稿,並就危害預防管理機制及應變標準作業召開專家諮詢會議討論。於建立空污事件應變決策支援系統工作,已於毒災應變諮詢中心內成立「空污事件支援小組」,採取於「空污事件應變處理查詢系統」下增設「空污事件支援小組專區」之方式,提供空保處掌握具時效性之事件訊息;查詢系統亦同步進行版面更新及擴增功能。此外,以中部環境毒災應變隊為本年度支援空污事件應變作業之試行單位,提供人員及設備需求,已完成三場次空污事件演練作業及協助一場次縣市環保局空氣污染事件。完成環保單位及其他相關部會與單位之聯絡清冊更新及建置,增加二處主要工業區(臨海及觀音)之支援系統清冊建置工作,以及規劃重大空氣污染事件民眾疏散管制方案。此外,完成環保局工業區污染管制執行績效考核工作,並初步統整地方環保局執行成效。 In response to serious air pollution incidents, the Taiwan EPA promulgated the SOP for Response of Major Air Pollution Incidents in 2009. To assistant environmental protection agencies to complete resources of emergency response and improve the emergency response mechanisms are necessary. A framework of prevention management plan for air pollution emergencies has been established in this project based on the information from US EPA and several state environmental agencies. The amendment SOP for Response to Major Air Pollution Incidents was established in this project and it based on the required format by Taiwan EPA. The framework of discussion supporting system of air pollution incident was developed; an air pollutant emergency supporting team was formed and has been on trial in the project. Moreover, air pollution sampling equipments were provided to Central Taiwan Environment Incident Response Team and to assist EPB in air pollutant sampling while the air pollution incidents have occurred. An area of air pollution incident support team was built on the website of “Air pollution incident response and inquiry system”. The immediate information of an air pollution incident can be obtained through this website. The response inventory, including contact information of environmental agencies and other executive office, certificated inspection laboratories, consultant companies, and supporting information of two large industrial parks (Linhai and Kuanyin) were created. Proceed evacuation plans that developed by Dept. Toxics Substance Management and Dept. Social Affair are also evaluated in this project as the reference information to planning the evacuation plan for serious air pollution incident. The performance of industrial area emergency response mechanisms of 22 local environmental protection agencies (EPB) is also evaluated. 101 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49452
油及化學品海洋污染應變模擬暨監控專案工作計畫 本(101)年度計畫欲藉相關的溢油模擬軟體、化學品擴散模擬軟體,配合台灣地區海域的相關資料,提供海洋溢油、化學品溢漏之軌跡模擬,以利事故發生時作為緊急應變指揮參考,於計畫執行期間24小時待命,在接到環保署緊急海洋污染通報後,於指定時間內製作出分析報告提供環保署作為參考。另外利用挪威MIROS公司所發展的OSD(Oil Spill Detection system)雷達偵測油污、波浪、海流系統,針對突發溢油事件,機動性即時偵測油污、波浪、海流、風速風向等資料,偵測範圍為3至8公里,不僅能即時顯示油污影響的位置範圍亦能預測短期的油污漂移之速度與方向。OSD系統偵測的各項即時資料,可作為修正OILmap與CHEMmap模擬輸入的參數,提昇油污染與化學品污染擴散模擬的準確度,模擬結果提供環保署及相關單位在污染事件發生時之緊急應變與指揮的參考。同時辦理海域水質連續且即時監測,並參考國外既有的監測作業狀況,研析提供我國相關的建議作法。計畫執行成果整合至環保署「海洋污染防治管理系統」,可提供環保署建立標準化的海洋污染擴散模擬程序,暨緊急應變科學諮詢平台。 Simulation and Monitoring Support Advisor for Oil and Chemistry Spill Contingency 2012 oil and chemistry spill program trying to take advantage to simulation software with related information in Taiwan waters to provide oil and chemistry spill trajectory modeling, to facilitate the daily strain energy allocation and emergency response time of the incident command reference. The project implementation period 24-hour standby, receiving the EPA oil and chemistry pollution emergency notification, within a specified time to produce oil and chemistry analysis report provides the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a reference. EPA in Taiwan to advance oil and chemistry spill occurred around the emergency response capability, using OILMAP and CHEMMAP software for education and training programs in the EPA to enhance the future when the EPA in the event of oil and chemistry spills, have the ability to use OILMAP and CHEMMAP to simulate the oil and chemistry spill spread situation in short time for emergency response. This project will integrate OILMAP and CHEMMAP, ocean current model system and OSD (Oil and chemistry Spill Detection) radar to detect oil and chemistry pollution, wave, ocean current systems to enhance the model to simulate oil and chemistry spill forecasting accuracy, OSD system to the oil and chemistry spill site immediately detect the spread of marine oil and chemistry pollution situation. It can create a complete set of oil and chemistry spill detection and prediction of the mechanism to cope with changing the future of marine oil and chemistry spills. This project can also provide a standard oil and chemistry pollution dispersion simulation program, establish a national oil and chemistry spill simulation of marine oil and chemistry pollution and emergency response scientific advisory platform, integration of advanced oil and chemistry and ocean current remote sensing technology and to promote international exchanges between marine science and technology. 101 水保處 國立高雄海洋科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45293
100 至 101 年環境水質中區監測計畫( 101 年度) 本計畫主要針對中區五縣市各類水體水質監測,掌握各水體水質隨時間的變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。河川水質計有19條河川主支流,73個監測站,每月監測一次。河川水質監測結果,今年度以後龍溪、西湖溪、大安溪與大甲溪流域水質狀況相對較佳,全年屬未 (稍) 受污染等級達 67.3 % 以上,而鹿港溪、新虎尾溪及北港溪流域屬中度污染至嚴重等級占較高比例。中區河川大致以上游水質較佳,下游氨氮污染濃度較高。今年度 5 月至 9 月份中部地區累積降雨量較高,河道受沖刷影響,部分河川懸浮固體偏高,如大安溪流域、大甲溪流域、烏溪流域、濁水溪流域、新虎尾溪流域及北港溪流域等,造成水質轉差。濁水溪流域因流經地質特性之故,水質於平日即呈現灰色混濁。整體而言,今年度中部地區河川水水質屬未 (稍) 受污染等級占最高比例為 44.4 %,中度污染等級占次高比例為 38.5 %。海域水質方面計有 4 個沿海海域,每季監測一次。新竹香山沿海、台中港沿海及彰濱沿海屬乙類海域環境水體,雲林沿海海域屬於甲類海域環境水體,今年度監測結果與海域海洋環境品質標準進行比較,監測結果大致符合所屬各類海域海洋環境品質標準,僅於第四季新竹香山沿海各測站及台中港沿海大安溪口測站溶氧量未符合乙類海域海洋環境品質標準。今年度第一季至第二季監測期間,彰濱沿海以南海域,部分測站懸浮固體測值偏高,為歷年最高測值;第二季及第三季水質狀況大致較第一季及第四季為佳,整體水質趨勢與歷年相似。海灘水質今年度監測崎頂海與通霄 2 座海水浴場,今年度5次監測結果,水質分級結果屬優良級比例均為 60 %;海灘水質易受降雨及河川匯流之影響,造成水質結果變動。水庫水質計有8座水庫,每季監測一次。今年度監測結果,各水庫監測項目均有未符合甲類陸域地面水體水質標準。中區水庫以日月潭水庫水屬貧養至普養等級占較高比例 ( 75 % 至 25 % ) ;永和山水庫與德基水庫,屬貧養至普養等級各占 50 %;霧社水庫屬貧養至普養等級占 33 % 至 67 %;鯉魚潭水庫屬貧養至普養等級占 25 % 至 75 %;大埔水庫屬普養等級;明德水庫及頭社水庫屬普養至優養等級占 75 % 至 25 %。地下水水質監測計有 5 縣市,97個監測井,今年度監測結果,超過地下水第二類監測標準之項目與歷年結果相近,主要以氨氮、鐵及錳為主。地下水揮發性有機物監測結果,僅一口監測井之三氯乙烯及順1,2-二氯乙烯測項超過地下水第二類污染管制標準。中部地區監測井整體以彰化縣及雲林縣境內監測井之氨氮測值,較其他縣市之測值為高。各地下水監測井之水質,以Stiff水質形狀圖方式評估,屬Ca2+及HCO3-凸出型占最高比例,為 64.5 %,Piper圖解則屬I區占最高比例,為 50.0 %,與歷年評析結果大致呈現一致趨勢。 The Environment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Middle Area of Taiwan from 2011 to 2012(2012) The aim of this project was to properly understand the changing trend of water quality in those types of water bodies over the passage of time by monitoring the water quality of rivers, beach, oceans, reservoirs and groundwater in the five counties located in the central part of Taiwan. Furthermore, these data can provide information for the Environmental Protection Organization to devise a pollution control policy by evaluation and analysis for the pollution of all water bodies.The 73 water-monitoring stations spreading among the 19 rivers were established, and the water quality was monitored once per month. The data obtained of this year showed that there were 67.3% stations categorized to non(slightly)-polluted level, including the Houlong River, Sihu river, Da-an River and Dajia River Basins, which consisted of relatively superior water quality; on the contrary, there were many stations (higher ratios than other basins) categorized to moderately- or severely-polluted level, including the Lugang River, Sin Huwei River and Beigang River Basins. As for the rivers in the central Taiwan, the water quality of the upstream was generally superior, while the higher ammonia nitrogen concentrations of the downstream were observed.In the central Taiwan, a relatively high accumulative precipitation from May to September was observed than in other months during this year. However, the riverbeds were washed away, resulting in slightly higher concentrations of suspended solids in some rivers, such as the rivers in the basins of Da-an River, Dajia River, Wu River, Jhuoshuei River, Sin Huwei River and Beigang River, the worse water quality was observed. Because of geological characteristics in the Jhuoshuei River Basin, the color of water may be grey and murky on regular days. In 2012, there were 44.4% non(slightly)-polluted (the highest ratio in the category) and 38.5% moderately-polluted level (the second high ratio in the category) stations in central Taiwan, respectively.In terms of water monitoring of sea area, there were four coastal seas monitored once every season. The coastal water quality of offshore Hsinchu Xiangshan, Taichung Harbor and Changpin Coastal area (Changhua) was classified as Class-B marine environment water body, and that of offshore Yunlin was classified as Class-A ones, respectively. The monitoring results during this year showed that the most findings can meet the marine environment quality standard for categorized seawaters, except in the fourth quarter, the dissolved oxygen item of all stations spreading offshore Hsinchu Xiangshan and the Da-an River mouth station in Taichung Harbor coastal area could not meet the Class-B marine environment quality standard.During the first and second seasons of monitoring, the relatively higher values of suspension solids in some parts where in the waters south of the Changpin coastal area (Changhua) were observed, which were the highest values measured in years. To sum up, the water quality in the second and third seasons was better than that in the first and fourth seasons, the findings were similar to past years.Water quality of two beaches, including Qiding and West-Ocean Educational Sea World was monitored during this year. The monitoring by five times during this year showed that the ratio of water quality classification for both these beaches was 60%, which was classified as "Good" category. The rapid changes of water quality of these beaches were observed, which may result from rainfall and merging river flows.The water quality of eight reservoirs was monitored once every season. The respective monitoring results showed that not all items met the water quality criteria of Class-A. In terms of the eight reservoirs in central Taiwan, the water quality of the Jih-Yueh-Tan Reservoir showed that the ratio of which was classified as oligotrophe and mesotrophe were 75% and 25%, respectively. Secondly, the ones in the Yung-Ho-Shan Reservoir and Te-Chi Reservoir were 50% and 50%, respectively. Similarly, those of which was classified as oligotrophe and mesotrophe in the Wu-She Reservoir were 33% and 67%, the ones in the Li-Yu-Tan Reservoir were 25% and 70%, respectively. Specially, the water quality in the Ta-Pu Reservoir was classified as mesotrophe. Eventually, the ratio which was classified as mesotrophe and eutrophe of Ming-Te Reservoir and Tou-She Reservoir were 75% and 25%, respectively.The groundwater quality monitoring was conducted through 97 wells spread across five counties. The results obtained during this year showed that the main findings including ammonia nitrogen, iron, and manganese, exceeding groundwater Class-B monitoring criteria were similar as those reported in previous years. Moreover, the monitoring of volatile organic compounds in the groundwater showed that there was only one well exceeded the second category groundwater pollution control standard of trichloroethylene and cis-1, 2-dichloroethylene, respectively. The overall ammonia nitrogen concentrations measured in wells of central Taiwan in Changhua County and Yunlin County were higher than those in other counties. According to the assessment of water quality of all monitored wells, the highest percentage was 64.5% for Ca2+ and HCO3- using Stiff-plotting analysis. While the Piper-plotting method showed that there was 50.0%, the highest ratio, in Area I, the results were consistent with those conducted in the past years. 101 監資處 清華科技檢驗股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44613
事業廢棄物建置基線資料及申報流向勾稽管制專案工作計畫 本計畫101年度執行成果,包括:輔導未上網申報及未檢具廢棄物清理計畫書送審之事業共9,038家次(4,124家)事業之清查工作,完成解除列管檢核事業共計6,879家,共76家變更解除列管條件。透過前述作業,本計畫執行期間上網申報率已達97%,而應檢具清理計畫書之送審率達98%、通過率97%。針對事業廢棄物流向追蹤勾稽部分,共計完成約18,923家,專案性勾稽部分共成立54個勾稽專案提報。爲了統合清理計畫書之審查作業及提升填報品質,已完成33大類行業別(中類與細類)事業廢棄物清理計畫書參考例、「原物料、產品與廢棄物對應關聯表(含製造流程、單元)」及審查標準作業手冊。而在事業廢棄物清理計畫書檢核作業部分,已完成共計29,624家事業,並移交派駐人員後續追蹤輔導。於各公告類別選定50家製作所有廢棄物與原物料或產品之產出對應關係,利用100年度申報資料製作其將各業別製作完成之產出對應定量範圍,以批次方式移交系統公司提供系統公司進行程式開發完成後,定期進行勾稽訪查作業。已全數完成公告類別計33大類行業共計1,763家產出對應因子關係。本計畫推動成效可歸納為:1.有效提昇申報品質及有害事業廢棄物應報而未報之追蹤,並加強區域性之勾稽管理;2.健全事業廢棄物管制系統資料庫之基線資料之完整性及正確性;3.專業專職技術派駐人員,提高縣市環保單位業務執行能量。 The Industrial Wastes Database Management and Flow Control Administration Project The works of the Protected are as follows, including: guided and assisted 9,038 companies (4,124 incidences) that had not made declarations online and had not submitted the industrial waste disposal plan. As the results, 6,879 companies were de-controlled, while 76 remained in the control list. Through the above mentioned work, during the Project’s implementation period, on-line declaration rates have reached 97%, and the submission rates of those who should submit clearance planning reports reach 98% with an approval rate of 97%.The industrial waste flow tracking in 18,923 cases, case type compilations were established in 54 case submissions. In order to integrate the evaluation work of clearance planning reports and to elevate the quality of submissions, 33 major categories of industries (medium and small categories) and their industrial waste clean-up plans references were completed, as well as “raw materials, products, and waste correspondence chart (including manufacturing procedures and units),” and evaluation standard work manuals. In terms of industrial waste clean-up plans evaluation, 29,624 businesses were evaluated, and transferred for further tracking and consultation.Selected 50 companies to discover the corresponding relationships between all waste and the raw materials or the output of product in all the announced categories. Information in 2011 annual reports was used to derive the corresponding quantitative range for the manufactured output in each industry. After the completion of the batch transfer of them to the system company for software development, auditing and inspection operations are carried out regularly: the corresponding output for the announced 33 major industries with 1,763 companies was completed.The promotion achievements of this project can be summarized as: 1.enhanced the reporting quality and the tracking of unreported hazardous industrial waste effectively and strengthen the regional auditing management; 2. improved the completeness and accuracy of the baseline information in the database for the industrial waste control system; 3. deployed full time professional technical staff to enhance the business execution intensity of county and city environmental agencies. 101 廢管處 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43500
100至101年環境水質北區監測計畫 本計畫主要針對北區10縣市河川、海域、海灘、水庫、地下水等水體,進行定期水質監測及污染評估分析,掌握水體水質變化趨勢,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。河川水質計有36條河川主支流,134個監測站,於每月監測1次,101年度監測結果顯示,東北部宜蘭與花蓮普遍污染不大,未(稍)受污染比例占64%,水質較佳;淡水河流域於上游水質較佳,下游之污染濃度較高,未(稍)受污染占66%,嚴重污染占3%;西北部桃園與新竹地區未(稍)受污染占44%,嚴重污染占2%,中度污染比例達43%,以頭前溪流域水質較佳,以南崁溪、老街溪、新豐溪及客雅溪流域污染較嚴重。整體而言,101年度河川水質屬未(稍)受污染等級占最高比例為50.9%,中度污染等級次之占34.7%,水質狀況與歷年差異不大。海域水質計有8個沿海區域,44個監測站,於每季監測1次,各縣市沿海監測結果除第二季於台北沿海曾有2個測站之溶氧未符合標準外,其餘皆符合海洋環境品質標準。河口測站因受河川匯流影響,鹽度普遍較低及無機鹽類濃度較高,整體而言,北區海域水質監測結果,非河口測站水質較河口測站為佳,東半部海域較西半部海域為佳,本島海域較外島金門及馬祖海域為佳。海灘水質計有6處海灘,18個監測站,於6月下旬至8月每雙週監測1次,各週次水質監測結果均符合海洋環境品質標準,且海灘水質分級結果均屬普通至優良。水庫水質計有35座水庫,52個監測站,於每季監測1次,本島之新山水庫屬於普養,西勢水庫介於貧養至優養,翡翠水庫屬於貧養至普養,石門、寶山及寶二水庫屬於普養至優養,外島金門及馬祖水庫多為優養。地下水水質計有7縣市,132個監測井,每季執行22口監測井,每半年執行110口監測井測站。各縣市超過監測標準項目之比率介於0.3%至38.7%,其中超過地下水第二類監測標準之項目與歷年結果相近,主要以氨氮、鐵及錳為主,亦與各環保單位歷年對台北盆地、桃園台地及新竹沿海地下水之監測結果相符合。各監測井之水質分類,以Stiff水質形狀圖方式評估,屬Ca2+及HCO3-凸出型占最高比例約為64.0%,Piper圖解則屬I區占最高比例約為67.6%,與近年之評析結果大致呈現一致趨勢。 The Enviroment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Northern Area of Taiwan from 2011to2012 (2012) This project carries on water quality monitoring to five kinds of water bodies of ten counties and cities in the northern Taiwan. The changes of water quality to the time and pollution assessment for those water bodies could be provided to the relevant environmental agencies for making a pollution control decision.For river quality, the 134 sampling sites covering 36 rivers (including main streams and tributaries) were monitored monthly. The monitored results in water quality of rivers and creeks in 2012 showed that the water quality in Yilan and Hualien cities was good, the percentage of assessed result classified into the non(slight)-polluted grade was 64%; a critical difference between upstream and downstream water quality was shown in Danshuei-river, the downstream water quality got a high pollution concentration of organic matter, the percentage of assessed result in Danshuei-river classified into the non(slight)-polluted grade was 66%, the heavy-polluted grade was 3%; in Taoyuan and Hsinchu cities, Touchien-stream got the best water quality, the water quality in Nankan-stream, Laochieh-stream, Xinfeng-stream and Keya-stream was worse. The percentage of assessed result in Taoyuan & Hsinchu cities classified into the non(slight)-polluted grade was 44%, the heavy-polluted grade was 2%, the middle-polluted grade was up to 43%. As a whole, the highest percentage of the water quality was 50.9%, it belonged to unpolluted rivers. The secondary percentage of the water quality was 34.7%, it belonged to intermediately polluted rivers. Overall, water quality in this year was nondifference between the recent years.For ocean monitoring, the 44 sampling sites covering 8 coastal areas were monitored quarterly. Since the estuary areas were affected by the river during high tide, the salinity were low, and the concentrations of the inorganic salts were high. The monitored results appeared that dissolved oxygen was ever found exceeding their relative marine water quality standards in the marine regions. The water quality in the northern area of Taiwan in eastern sea area was better than in western, Taiwan coastal waters was better than off-shore island waters in Kin Men and Matsu and estuary.The 18 sampling sites covering 6 beaches were monitored biweekly from June to August. The monitored results appeared that none was ever found exceeding their relative marine water quality standards in the marine regions. The water quality of 6 beaches was good.The 52 sampling sites covering 35 water reservoirs were monitored quarterly. The reservoir water quality monitoring results showed that reservoir in Feitsui Reservoir and Keelung Reservoir were oligotrophic to mesotrophic, Shihmen Reservoir, Baoshan Reservoir and Baoshan Second Reservoir were mesotrophic to eutrophic, and the reservoirs in Kin Men and Matsu were generally eutrophic.The 132 ground water sampling sites for 7 cities and counties were monitored quarterly. Ground water monitoring results showed that as usual, Ammonia-Nitrogen, Manganese and Iron were the major items against the Ground Water Monitoring Standard in second category. The failing rates were between 0.3% to 38.7% for different cities and counties. To analyze graphically each monitoring item by Stiff-plotting and Piper-plotting showed a trend as same as last sevesal years, there was no significant difference compared to the past. The highest percentage of Stiff-plotting and Piper-plotting was about 64.0% and 67.6%, it belonged to HCO3-- Ca2+ type and area of I. 101 監資處 精湛檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43006
101年環境水質監測作業管理評析暨品質保證計畫 本計畫主要工作,為對「環境水質北、中、南區監測計畫」之執行過程、結果、品質系統等影響監測數據品質的要素進行評核及查核。依據年度目標,本計畫已完成每月環境水質監測數據之評核,並已於各月提交評核報告。在管理評析環境水質監測作業部分,係完成訂定「環境水質北、中、南區監測計畫」數據品質目標、完成該計畫品保規劃書及標準作業程序之審核、出席該計畫工作會議、已執行162次/460站次之採樣現場及80次/84人次之檢驗室查核工作、辦理4次盲樣測試、評鑑採樣人員技術及建立合格人員清單、建立採樣現場測定儀器合格清單、提供合於環境低濃度測項分析方法之相關建議、提供水質監測查核專業人力一名,並與環保署保持聯繫。在編製環境水質年報及資訊服務部分,本計畫已完成提交100年環境水質年報,並完成協助環境水質年報e化作業。於本計畫執行過程,若發現有可能影響監測數據品質之缺失時,即要求相關承商改善並進行必要處置。此外,由執行結果顯示,如能事先對人員技術、儀器品質合理要求,則能有效維持數據品質。整體而言,若檢測單位於配合本計畫之執行外能更加強自主性查核,則監測數據品質之提昇將更有效率。 Management and Auditing of Environmental Water Quality Monitoring Program (2012) The major goal of this project was to check the whole processes that influenced the monitoring data quality obtained from the “The Environment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Northern, Middle, and Southern Area of Taiwan” program. This year, the monitoring data quality had already been reviewed and the related reports were submitted to Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) each month. The implementations of management, evaluating and analysis of data quality of environmental water were also finished, including stipulating the quality goals of monitoring data, reviewing and audition of the Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) and Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) for the proposal “The Environment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Northern, Middle, and Southern Area of Taiwan”. Also attended the working conferences of the plan, executing checking in on site sampling work for 162 times / 460 monitoring stations and in laboratories for 80 times / 84 person-times, held blind tests for 4 times, assessed the technology of sampling staffs and set up the list of qualified personnel, set up the qualified tabulation for measuring instruments used in sampling field. In addition, we appointed a professional person to keep in touch with EPA for checking the water quality monitoring programs. In establishing environmental water quality monitoring annual report and information-services, we offering environmental water quality monitoring annual report and assisting with establishing environmental water quality monitoring e-annual report. During the executive process of this plan, it was requirement that the improvement and the necessarily processing program should be implemented by the contractors while a fault that might influence the quality of monitoring data was made from them. Moreover, from the executive result of this work, it revealed that the quality of data could be held effectively while personnel's technology and instrumental quality had been required rationally in advance. Generally speaking, besides of cooperating with this plan, if the contractors could strengthen self-checking even more, the promotion of the quality of monitoring data would be more efficient. 101 監資處 正修科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41798
101年度鹿林山背景測站科技研究及操作維護計畫 基於探討區域性與跨洲際大氣污染傳送對台灣的影響,以及我國背景大氣化學基線資料之建立,環保署於2006年4月13日啟用位於中部鹿林山之空氣品質背景站,進行大氣污染物及大氣輻射長期監測。鹿林山地理位置優越,作為自上游中南半島、中國青藏高原、華南、台灣、西太平洋夏威夷一線大氣污染監測之唯一中繼站,相當具地理優勢及國際水準,足以吸引國際目光,更易於推動國際合作,加入相關國際監測組織,增進我國觀測技術,加強資料交換,並與國際接軌。本年度計畫為第一期(2006-2008年)、第二期(2009-2010年)及第三期(2011)之延續,計畫目標如下: 一、推動參與全球性長程傳輸污染物大氣監測合作、參與國際聯合監測實驗。二、強化監測數據之品保/品管作業,精進維護及管理SOP。三、建立我國空氣品質基線資料,釐清區域、當地污染特徵及變化。四、鹿林山背景測站儀器設備操作維護。 本團隊整合降水化學、微量氣體、大氣氣膠、大氣汞、大氣輻射等主要領域專長研究人員進行相關儀器測試、運轉、操作維護、資料品保品管及分析等技術之建立,並整合協力專業公司進行技術轉移與定期維護,以及開發資料整合系統。推動與美國環保署、太空總署、海洋大氣總署、美國海軍、日本科學界合作,進行技術交流與資料交換。積極參與國際合作,例如7-SEAS國際聯合觀測實驗、聯合國大氣褐雲國際觀測實驗(ABC)、美國太空總署亞洲生質燃燒國際觀測實驗(BASE-Asia)、以及其他有利我國參與之區域合作實驗等,進行實質監測、資料交換、技術交流、參與會議。另分析及比對鹿林山背景測站各項儀器資料,定期執行資料品保/品管作業,確保數據品質。並整合分析自動監測基本資料、各項大氣污染現象特定監測,及氣象資料,以探討鹿林山背景大氣化學特性,區域污染事件日成因,及源區與受體關係。並維持鹿林山背景測站儀器正常運作,維護測站安全。 In order to clarify the intercontinental and regional transport (for instance, acid pollutants, Asian dust, biomass burning and mercury), and to collect the atmospheric baseline data, the Lulin Atmospheric Background Station (LABS, 2862 m MSL), located at Mt. Lulin in central Taiwan, has been operated since 13 April 2006. This project integrates the researchers in the fields of precipitation chemistry, gas chemistry, aerosol chemistry, atmospheric mercury and radiation to test and maintain the instruments, conduct data analysis and construct long-term database. Up to now, total on-site maintenances (includes regular and mobile) are 50 times. The data acquisition rate for aerosols, radiation and meteorological instruments are greater than 90 %, whereas atmospheric mercury and trace gases instruments shows lower rates, due to their complexities.During the project conducting period of January–November in 2012, the average concentrations of CO, O3 and PM10 are about 131.1 ppb, 42.6 ppb and 9.2 g m-3, respectively. The average pH value of precipitation is 5.8. The average concentrations of mercury such as GEM, RGM and PHg are about 1.54 ng m-3, 13.91 pg m-3 and 1.79 pg m-3, respectively. Monthly variation shows the high concentration of pollutants generally occurred during spring time, especially in March. Integrating trajectory analysis and chemical component analysis, we suggest the high concentration events are most likely associated with the biomass burning from SE Asia. The atmospheric background values for CO, O3, and PM10 in Lulin are estimated to be about 115.5 ppb, 36.5 ppb, and 4.1 g m-3, respectively. In addition, we have established intensive international collaborations with USEPA, NOAA, NASA, Japan, and EU countries. We have also participated international experiments or campaigns including UNEP/ABC/EAREX, 7-SEAS, BASE-Asia, and Japan Mt. Fuji Project. The LABS is now part of global networks, for instance, American Mercury network/AMNET, NASA/AERONET, NASA/MPLNET, NOAA /GMD/CCGG sampling network. The information about LABS can be found at the web site, http://lulin.tw. 101 監資處 中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41851
101年度社區大學氣候變遷環境教育試辦課程計畫 為因應全球氣候變遷所引發的環境危機,世界各國無不積極尋求因應氣候變遷的調適策略,發展低碳社會也成為全球的關注重點,而低碳社會的落實,必須透過環境教育促成社區居民生活型態的改變。本計畫執行期間自民國101年8月起至102年3月止,計劃目的包括以下幾點:1. 形塑社區大學環境教育課程架構與模式,並逐步發展相關教材與教案;2. 累積社區大學環境教育資料庫,同時進行社區環境資源的盤點;3. 培力與創發社區民眾對於環境相關議題之公民行動;4. 促成社區大學、民間團體、公部門在環境教育的結盟與夥伴關係的建立;5. 擴大社區大學公共參與的深度與廣度。在今年度『社區大學氣候變遷環境教育試辦課程』計畫中,本會與全國5所社區大學合作規劃與辦理在地環境教育是辦課程,5所社區大學不僅因應不同在地特色、社區需求規劃出不同類型的試辦課程,主題、上課形式與內容也具多樣性及特色性,廣泛採用室內課程、講座、戶外參訪與實作課程,融入環境教育、低碳、文化、生態…等元素,讓環境教育得以落實。透過本計劃讓社區大學成為氣候變遷環境教育的催化劑,藉由將環境教育融入課程中,教育多樣背景的社區民眾,擴大民眾對於氣候變遷的認知以及幫助民眾將知識落實於日常生活行為中。另一方面,社區大學也利用其網絡與人脈,與民間團體、公部門、其他社區大學進行聯盟,協力培育社區環境教育種子,成為社區中氣候變遷環境教育的連結中心。同時由於考慮到網站具備資訊平臺角色,資料的完整累積與深入左右著氣候變遷環境教育於社區的影響力與延續性,於本計劃中將試辦課程內容與資料於專屬網站中進行完整紀錄與建檔,以作為於各地社區長期推動氣候變遷環境教育的知識與經驗的呈現。 2012 The Experimental Environmental Education Program of Climate Change in Community Universities In response to the crisis of the environment which caused by the global climate change, most countries are seeking strategies actively. Therefore, the development of low-carbon society has become the global focus. We believe that achieving to the low-carbon society must through the environmental education, and changing people’s life style is our main concern. This project was from August, 2012 to March, 2013, and the followings are aims of the project: 1. To cultivate the curriculum and model of the environmental education in Community Universities, and develop the relevant teaching materials and teaching plans step by step;2. To accumulate the environmental education database of Community Universities, and record environmental resources around the community;3. To empower people to participate of citizen action for the environment-related issues;4. To facilitate the partnership between the Community Universities, civil groups and the public sector of the environmental education;5. To expand in depth and scope of Community Universities in participate public issues.In this project, we co-operated with 5 Community Universities. We has planned and worked together on local educational education programs. These 5 Community Universities have practiced on different types of curriculums and themes depend on their varied kinds of communities and requirements. Their programs are included classrooms, lectures, outdoor visiting and field practices. We attempt to invite people to get involve in the environmental education, the ideas of low-carbine society, culture and ecology learning by diversity programs. Furthermore, we believe that the Community Universities can be the facilitator of the environmental education for climate change. Since the knowledge of the climate change was provided by these inter-active ways, people can apply the knowledge into their daily life. On the other hand, the Community Universities also can be the resource center of the environmental education in its community by their alliance between the Community Universities, network of civil groups and public sectors. At last, we’ve built up a website to keep record on teaching materials and relevant references. We expect communities will access our website as a platform and present their own knowledge and experiences in the long run. 101 綜計處 社團法人社區大學全國促進會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49237
空氣微粒暴露評估方法建立及驗證(三) 本計畫將透過source apportionment方法來定性與定量台灣都會地區PM2.5的主要來源。本計畫將分三年逐步進行環境微粒採樣,建立化學元素成份分析,及推估PM2.5污染源與貢獻度。目前已完成第一年計畫與第二年計畫,第一年計畫已於台北都會區執行中長期PM2.5微環境採樣以及監測車短期PM2.5微環境採樣,並已分別探討中長期和短期微環境採樣結果與空氣品質監測站資料之差異;第二年計畫已於高雄都會區執行中長期PM2.5微環境採樣,並建立相關微粒元素成分分析方法。本年度計畫將著重於比對微環境手動採樣方法與現有標準手動採樣方法之差異,建立以元素為基礎之土地利用迴歸分析,以及探討都會區空氣微粒污染來源和其貢獻度。 Develop and Validate Methodologies for Exposure Assessment of Airborne Particulate Matters(III) To estimate the association between environmental pollutant concentration and residents’ exposure, this project has conducted the sampling of environmental particulate matter (PM2.5), developed the chemical analysis of trace elements and evaluated the major source of PM2.5 and its contribution in three years, separately. Presently, the first year of this project has completed micro-environmental sampling to PM2.5 from residence and monitoring car in Taipei city, and assessed the association between the middle-long term micro-environmental PM2.5 concentration and PM2.5 concentration form air quality monitoring station. The second year of this project has completed the sampling of environmental particulate matter to PM2.5 in Kaohsiung city and developed the chemical analysis of trace elements. In this year, this project will focused on the comparison of the sampling method of micro-environmental PM2.5 and the standard sampling method of PM2.5, developed land use regression model based on trace elements and estimated the source of ambient particulate matter (PM2.5) and source contributions in urban area. 101 空保處 國立臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=52243
96年度推動垃圾強制分類專案工作計畫 本計畫透過輔導5個尚未實施垃圾不落地之執行機關推動垃圾強制分類工作經驗顯示,執行機關可藉由各種因地制宜措施,而順利推動垃圾不落地措施。經實地訪查執行機關資源回收作業後發現,多數執行機關均不拒收民眾所排出非公告應回收的資源回收物,因此無法單以「材質」為單位作為資源回收分類規定方式,,經評估分析本計畫建議採用「品項」作為未來資源回收分類規定單位的基礎。在新增一班廢棄物回收項目部份,本計畫建議可優先新增項目為乾淨廢塑膠袋與包裝用塑膠襯墊。再利用管道調查結果分析顯示區域特性對資源回收物在再利用管道中流動的情形產生一定的影響,且經濟價值越低的資源回收物所受影響越大,因此一個合宜的資源回收物變賣模式應可以降低區域特性對執行機關資源回收作業所造成的負面影響。分析各種資源回收物變賣模式,本計畫歸納為統包單價、統包分價、分包分價與混合型態,本計畫分析初步顯示執行機關如能配合推動民眾上粗分類作業,混合型態應為較適化的資源回收物變賣模式。 FY2007 Mandatory Garbage Sorting Enforcement Project From assisting 5 EAs (EAs) who don’t completely follow up “Keep Trash Off Ground” (KTOG) measure implementation, it is learned that EAs can win the people support in KTOG measure by optimization of localized Municipal Solid Wastes (MSWs) collection/recycling service.After EAs’ on-site investigation, we found that in general, EAs collect all recyclable waste from people even not on the recycling-required list. Thus, it is not reasonable to simply identify recycling waste by its “material”. Listing by "item" will be a better way to categorize them. After analysis the data collected from the investigated EAs, we suggest that EPA can add the clean plastic bag and product packaging liner to the recycling-required item list announcement.The research result of EAs Recycling Path shows that area effect will create a certain degree influence to the recyclable flooding, the lower price items will receive greater impact. Therefore a suitable recyclable selling model will effectively lower the negative impact of an area effect.We can classify all selling mode in to 4 kinds, Model A, B, C and D. Model A means that Es use one contract with one price sell all recycling waste. Model B means that EAs use one contract and different prices for different kinds of recycling waste. Model C means EAs use different contracts to sell different kinds of recycling waste. And Model D is a mixed way to sell recyclable. If EAs can implement Public Recyclable Pre-sorting champain, Model D is the recommended selling model. 096 廢管處 永發環境科技管理有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1793
96年度嘉義市牛稠溪(朴子溪水系)、八掌溪流域河川巡守、事業暗管稽查管制及水污染緊急應變計畫 「嘉義市牛稠溪(朴子溪水系)、八掌溪流域巡守、事業暗管稽查管制及水污染緊急應變計畫」,執行期程96年3月30日至96年12月31日止,計畫工作內容執行情況摘要如下:一、河川水質分析:96年牛稠溪(朴子溪水系)流域內相關水質監測站的調查資料,各測站污染物NH3-N之濃度顯示,牛稠溪橋至華興橋一帶排入的氨氮污染量增加,導致華興橋測站之氨氮濃度攀升,其中北區排水在此段排入牛稠溪。依本河段各測站之河川污染指標RPI值,顯示牛稠溪(朴子溪水系)流域內的各檢測站河段之污染負荷,越往下游污染有越嚴重趨勢。96年八掌溪流域內相關水質監測站的監測資料,整體之RPI值以軍輝橋4.75較高,為中度污染(RPI3~6),但是需留意的是軍輝橋SS濃度於8、9、10月偏高,經參考中央氣象局嘉義市降雨資料後分析主要為其8、9、10月份的降雨量共高達1,286.3公厘,為同年1至7月降雨量總和之1.7倍,月平均為3.97倍,如此龐大的降雨量連帶而來的是SS濃度的遽增,未來若本區段的水質改善工程完成後,可望能再降低污染程度。整體而言八掌溪計畫區以內河段較無牛稠溪污染嚴重,因此應盡早規劃保護,以免水質污染惡化。二、許可審查及資料建檔:計畫期程內完成建檔數量共計1431家次,其中以巡查記錄單的建檔量最高。此外7月份定期申報89家次已全部完成,另水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請案件完成審查26件次。三、事業污染源稽查管制作業:針對轄境內列管事業進行查核輔導作業,目前計畫期間共計查核1116家次,其中所查核90家列管事業中,大部份法令查核項目(獨立電表、專責人員設置、放流口流量計、放流口告示牌、廢水處理設備運作情形)皆符合標準。另協助民眾陳情案件稽查17件次,河川巡守隊通報案件10件次,並輔導業者現場改善。在檢驗放流水方面,目前檢驗共201家次,其中有放流水水質不符合該事業放流水水質標準共有15家次,不合格率為13.4%。四、偷排監錄作業及暗管調查:本計畫預計針對至少進行10家次的連續監測工作,因此於5月10~14日及10月17~21日於合適的水路上擺設水質儀器進行10點次連續自動監測,監測過程在後湖區監測發現排水溝水質有異常情形,經逐步清查發現上游端的3家業者相當可疑,列為重點稽查對象。五、水環境河川巡守志工隊實施成果:在水環境巡守義工隊運作上,已協助成立6隊共65人,辦理4場教育訓練(累計385人次)和5場清淨河川活動(參與人數累計400人次)。六、其他配合辦理事項:本年度辦理2場次法規說明會,於4月9日針對洗車業辦理第1場,及5月22日針對列管業者及新增列管業者辦理第2場,主要對業者說明法令與許可換發應注意事項,與定期申報的相關事宜;第一場出席人數共計44家,第二場出席人數共計107家,業者出席踴躍,成效良好。另辦理5場次生活污水減量說明會,參與人數累計507人。主要宣導生活污水對環境的衝擊和如何做到減少生活污水的產生,另一重點在於化糞池定期清理。 Chia-yi city river patrolling, investigation and consulting of industries and emergency drill in Niou-to river and Ba-jang river River patrolling, investigation of industrial units and illegal wastewater discharging pipes and emergency water pollution drill at Jia-yi city`s Niou-chou river and Ba-zhang river basin``. The project started at March 30th and finished at Dec. 31st of 2007. The abstract of this project is described as followed,One. Water quality analysis:For the year 2007, the water quality analysis suggested that the concentration for NH3-N at Niou-chou river basin worsened at Hua-sin bridge station. This is due to the increase of the NH3-N pollutant at the area from Niou-chou river bridge to hua-sin bridge stations; in addition, the northern district discharged its wastewater into this area. The water pollution index (RPI values) of all the water sampling stations along the river suggested that the water quality of Niou-chou river worsens at the lower reaches of the river body.For the year 2007, the water quality analysis for Ba-zhang river basin suggested that the overall RPI value is higher at Jun-hui bridge station (RPI value of 4.75, moderate pollution). However, attention needs to be paid at the abnormally high concentrations of SS at Jun-hui bridge station at the month of Aug., Sept. and Oct..The central weather bureau at Jia-yi city showed that the total precipitation from the month of Aug. to Oct. reached 1,286.3 mm, which is 1.7 times higher than the total precipitation from Jan. to July. This explains the unusual high concentration of SS. Once the water quality improvement project is completed, the water pollution should improve. Overall, the water quality in Ba-chang river basin is better than Niou-chou river basin, the future water protection mechanism would ensure the water quality.Two. Permit application and data compilation:During the project year, 1431 file data were compiled; among them, the investigation records accounted for the highest number. In addition, the July’s semi-annual industrial declaration (89 cases in total) is compiled, and 26 cases of the water pollution protection plan and permit application are completed.Three. Industrial pollution sources investigation and regulation: Investigation and counselling were give to the regulated industrial units in jia-yi city. During the project year, 1116 cases were completed. Among the 90 regulated industrial units, the standards of the investigation categories (electronic meters, wastewater treatment specialists, discharge water meters, discharge displays and the operational status of the wastewater treatment facilities, etc.) were all within normal ranges. Our consulting team helped investigated 17 complaints by people and 10 cases by the river patrolling team. Special counselling was given to the pollution-involved industrial units.As the results of water samplings, 201 cases were tested. Among them, 15 cases were outside of the standard ranges. The fail rate is at 13.4 %. Four. Monitoring of illegal wastewater discharges and investigation of illegal discharging pipes: Ten 24-hour water monitorings were scheduled to be completed within this project year. Water quality monitors were set up at some proper sites from May 10th to 14th and Oct. 17th to 21st. During the monitoring processes, suspicious water discharges were found at some ditches at Hou-hu industrial area, three industrial units at the upper river reach were three possible pollution sources, and they were also listed as the special investigating targets.Five. Volunteer river patrolling teams: For the operation of river patrolling teams, 6 teams (65 people in total) were organized. 4 educational trainings (385 people in total attended these trainings)and 5 river cleaning activities were accomplished within the project year. 5 river cleaning activities were held with more than 400 people participated. Six. Other activities: Two info. sessions regarding water protection regulations were scheduled within this project year. The first session focusing at car-washing industry was held at April 9th, and the second one targeting the newly regulated industrial units were held at May 22nd. The topics focused on the water protection regulations and the importance of permit renewal. 41 people participated at the first info. session and 107 for the second session. Five info. sessions on the reduction of household water usage were scheduled and completed within the project year, 507 people in total participated. The info sessions focused on how to reduce the household water usage and the importance of regular cleaning of septic tanks. 096 嘉義市政府環境保護局 技佳環境工程顧問公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=970
96年度包裝及盛裝飲用水水源水質檢驗工作 本計畫之計畫目標乃執行台北縣、新竹縣、苗栗縣、南投縣、彰化縣、高雄縣、屏東縣、宜蘭縣、花蓮縣、台東縣等10個縣24處主要包裝及盛裝飲用水水源水質,並藉由檢測結果瞭解其水質是否符合飲用水水源水質標準,以作為相關單位執行管制工作之依據。本計畫採樣作業係由各縣環保局按排定時程進行,且將所採集之水樣自行送達或寄達中環公司,由中環公司辦理各水質項目之檢測工作,檢測項目包括飲用水水源水質標準第6條規定中42個管制項目,各檢測項目之各項品管分析要求均符合本計畫訂定之品保目標,本年度定期、不定期績效查核結果亦均合格,使本計畫水質樣品分析數據更具深一層之品質保證。由本年度分析結果中發現,各縣市水源檢測點各檢驗項目測值均符合飲用水水源水質標準。 Inspect the Water Sources Quality of Packaged and Containerized Drinking Water in the Fiscal Year of 2007 The purpose of this project was to determine the quality of a total of twenty-four water sources samples for the packaged and containerized drinking water in the administrative areas of Taipei County, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County, Nantou County, Changhua County, Kaohsiung County, Pingdong County, Yeelan County, Hualien County, and Taitung County. The respective governing agencies use the data collected from the inspection to verify if the water quality meets the drinking water regulations. All samples analyzed in this project were collected by respective local Environmental Protection Bureaus according to a preset schedule. Samples were either delivered by the sampling crew or shipped to Cenpro Technology Corporation. The analytical results indicated that all quality control analyses of the target analytes met the quality assurance criteria of the project. The scheduled and arbitrary performance evaluation sample analysis results were all within the acceptable limits as well. The quality assurance of sample analysis data of this project were made more significant by the above measures, where the analyses were performed. Forty-two analytes in the water quality standards for drinking water sources were analyzed. The analytical results indicated that in the twenty-four samples, all samples met the water quality standards for drinking water sources. 096 督察總隊 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1315
消費性產品揮發性有機物減量推廣計畫 本計畫主要的目的在協助環保署進行消費性產品揮發性有機物減量宣導,本年度之工作項目包括九大部分:(一)揮發性有機物資訊彙整;(二)國內環保團體進行VOC認知調查;(三)彙整與分析國內各縣市推動紙錢及拜香減燒現況;(四)調查國內紙錢使用現況;(五)篩選優先進行減量宣導之VOC消費性產品;(六)製作宣導文書資料;(七)參加國內大型活動設攤宣導VOC減量;(八)舉辦VOC減量宣導會;(九)舉辦宗教與環保座談會推廣紙錢與拜香減燒,並簽署宗教環保宣言。工作內容摘要如下:一、揮發性有機物的資訊彙整從相關的調查與文獻蒐集了VOC相關化學物質特性與危害,並針對油漆塗料、宗教焚燒與消費性產品蒐集國內現有的研究報告與調查。二、國內環保團體進行VOC認知調查VOC認知問卷總計發出303份,回覆的團體多半對VOC有所了解且關注相關議題。其中8個團體曾經舉辦相關活動;94%的團體表示願意參加參VOC減量宣導會;60%的團體願意在未來進行VOC減量推廣;民間團體推廣VOC減量推廣,最需要經費與教材協助。三、彙整與分析國內各縣市推動紙錢及拜香減燒現況本年度彚整24縣市之工作內容,各縣市主要推動集中焚燒,且紙錢集中量逐年增加。各縣市之減量推動規劃,均先問卷、集中焚燒宣導、實施節慶集中焚燒、減量宣導等程序進行。四、調查國內紙錢使用現況2007年國內生產量約為113,013公噸,進口約為154,599公噸部分,合計為280,116公噸。在焚燒量的部份,過去的調查指出2004年為77,900公噸、2005為34,920公噸。可見國內焚燒量有低估的情形。五、篩選優先進行減量宣導之VOC消費性產品以使用量大與非必要使用為原則篩選消費性產品,結果以塗料與清潔劑使用量最大,兩者成分裡皆含有確定或可能致癌的因子與有害空氣污染物(HAPs),而清潔劑亦有環境荷爾蒙的成分存在,因此列入未來優先減量宣導的目標。六、製作宣導文書資料製作VOC減量宣導手冊、宣導海報與布條4式與宣導網頁供民眾瀏覽。七、參加國內大型活動設攤宣導VOC減量參與台北縣環境教育館的開館活動、2008世界地球日善待地球急先鋒園遊會、COOL(酷)臺北‧抗暖化園遊會、 Flea MarKet美術大道-跳蚤市場活動,在活動中與民眾互動,進行VOC減量推廣。八、舉辦VOC減量宣導會於台北、花蓮、高雄、台中舉辦五場VOC減量研習會宣導VOC減量,並發放相關資料提供民眾參考。九、舉辦宗教與環保座談會推廣紙錢與拜香減燒,並簽署宗教環保宣言。於97年5月30日於台大國際會議中心舉辦宗教與環保座談會以及三場會前會,與宗教團體進行紙錢與拜香減量之經驗交流,並針對舉辦座談會事宜進行協商,會中簽署宗教環保宣言,並邀請相關媒體採訪與刊登新聞稿。 The project for promoting the reduction of commodity related VOC The aim of the project is to assist Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in reduction of volatile organic compound (VOC) related to commodity. This project includes 9 tasks:(1)Collect VOC information (2)Survey NGO’s cognition of VOC (3)Collect local government’s works on the reduction of burning in religious ceremony(4)Inventory the producing and burning amount of the joss paper(5)Rank the priority for major commodity VOC reduction (6)Prepare media means for VOC reduction propaganda(7)Participate in events of major environmental activity and to advocate VOC reduction in the events(8)Host the VOC reduction promoting meeting(9) Host a forum for the dialogue between religious and environmental concern groups The work of the project can be abstracted as follows: (1) Collect VOC information We collected the literatures regarding to the characteristics and hazards of VOC from many investigations, especially from paints, religious ceremonies and commodity related VOC emissions.(2) Survey NGO’s cognition of VOCWe sent 303 questionnaires to NGOs to survey their cognition about information of VOC. The survey concluded that most of the interested groups understand VOC issue. Eight groups had the related activities before. There are 94% groups are willing to attend the VOC introduction seminar; 60% groups are willing be the VOC reduction partnership in the future. To assist the VOC reduction propaganda, the requests from NGOs are funding and introduction tools. (3) Collect local government’s works on the reduction of burning in religious ceremonyThe burning of religious ceremony includes the burning of joss paper and incense. This project collected the works of 20 counties nationwide. The major work of the counties is to promote the collection and burn together system. The amount of the collected joss paper was increasing yearly. The other works that local government ever implemented includes burning joss paper together in festivals and reducing burning promotion. (4) Inventory the producing and burning amount of the joss paperAccording to our statistics, there were 280,116 tons joss papers imported and manufactured locally in 2007. The past inventory indicated that the amount of joss paper burning was 77,900 tons in 2004, and 34,920 tons in 2005. The amount of joss papers burning in Taiwan for the past inventories were all underestimated.(5) Rank the priority for major commodity VOC reductionThe selection criteria for commodity in VOC reduction were based on the use amount or necessity. Paints and detergents were used considerable in Taiwan. The two commodities have both carcinogenetic risk and hazardous air pollutants. The detergents may release specific environmental hormones. So both paints and detergents are suggested on the product list for the VOC reduction.(6) Prepare media means for VOC reduction propagandaThe VOC reduction handbook, posters, banners and website was made as the media means for VOC reduction propaganda.(7) Participate in events of major environmental activity and to advocate VOC reduction in the eventsWe set show boot in several events of major environmental activity, including Taipei County Environmental Education Center Opens, 2008 World Earth Day garden party, COOL (cool) Taipei, anti-warming garden party, and Flea Market to promote VOC reduction issue. We introduced the VOC reduction issue to public and people who participated the events.(8) Host the VOC reduction promoting meetingWe have hosted 5 VOC reduction seminars in this project. The seminars were held in Taipei, Hualien, Kaohsiung, Taichung separately. The document of introduction to VOC was delivered to the members who participated the seminars.(9) Host a forum for the dialogue between religious and environmental concern groupsOn May 30, 2008 the forum for dialogue between religious and environmental concern groups was held at the National Taiwan University's international conference centre. Before this forum, three pre-meetings were held for the preparation of the forum. In the pre-meetings, religious groups exchanged the experiences of religious burning reduction, and focused the issues that will be discussed in the forum. In the ending of the forum, the representatives from all parties sign a VOC reduction declaration. Some media were invited to report the forum to the public. 096 空保處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1271
全國垃圾採樣及樣品分析委託專案工作計畫(96年度) 本年度計畫執行期限自民國96年3月起至97年3月止,分別針對台灣地區23 個縣市進行每季每縣市採集樣品一次,並分析其物理及化學性質。本計畫主要目的在於延續歷年全國各縣市之垃圾採樣及分析工作,透過縝密之採樣規劃與分析結果,建立長期連續性之垃圾基本特性資料,並掌握垃圾性質之長期變動趨勢;並期藉由本計畫之執行成果,作為未來制定未來垃圾處理政策、研發新穎資源回收與再利用技術、評估規劃安全性處理處置技術之重要參考依據。 根據今年(96年度)採樣分析結果顯示,垃圾濕基組成中紙類、廚餘類及塑膠類約佔總物理組成比例之92%左右,其中紙類含量最高,約佔垃圾組成中42.01%,其次為廚餘類之33.02%,塑膠類則佔17.18%,至於金屬類及玻璃類則分別佔0.61%及1.12%。皮革橡膠類、纖維布類及木竹落葉類含量總和,約佔垃圾物理組成之5%左右。考量歷年紙類及塑膠類之物理組成比例變化趨勢可知,上述物理組成比例稍呈增加之現象,然根據歷年垃圾清運量明顯降低之結果,垃圾中紙類及塑膠類之總量則呈現逐年降低之趨勢。同時根據歷年變化趨勢明顯可知,本年度廚餘類、金屬與玻璃類之組成比例及垃圾中所佔之總量均呈逐年降低之結果。此外,依據本年度採集垃圾中紙類之種類,主要以紙製衛生用品之其他紙類含量佔64%為主,至於紙張則約佔25%。垃圾中平均含水量為51.83%,主要受到高水分含量之廚餘類影響;由於垃圾中金屬、玻璃及其他無機成分含量較低,因此,可燃分均佔垃圾之90%以上;垃圾之平均低位發熱量為2025.57 kcal/kg。根據長期垃圾採樣分析結果,有助於建立台灣地區垃圾性質分析之完善資料庫,同時本計畫結果亦可提供未來垃圾管理趨勢之重要參考依據。 The Sampling and Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Composition in Taiwan(2007) This project was designed and implemented continuously for the sampling and analysis of municipal solid waste composition in Taiwan, from March 2007 to March 2008. This project was planned to sample 23 municipal solid waste (MSW) sources (municipalities) in Taiwan once a season for every source and to analyze the physical and chemical compositions of MSW samples. The objectives of this project were to establish the database of long-term physical and chemical characteristics of MSW and to evaluate the variation of MSW composition and property by careful sampling, sample preparation and the analytical techniques. Meanwhile, the performance of this project could be also useful in adopting the strategies of municipal solid waste management, developing the innovative technologies of recycling and recovery, and assessing the safe technologies of MSW disposal.According to the results of sampling and analysis, the major compositions of the municipal solid waste were paper, plastics, and food scraps. The composition content of the above waste was almost 92% of the total municipal solid waste. Paper products made up the largest component of MSW generated (42.01%, wet basis), and food scraps comprised the second-largest component (33.02%, wet basis). Plastics were also a major component in MSW. The average content of plastics was 17.18% (wet basis) of the total MSW in 2007. The contents of metals and glasses of the total MSW were 0.61% and 1.12%, respectively. Wood and yard trimming, rubber, leather, and textiles combined made up about 5% of MSW. The results showed that the variation of composition in paper and plastics were increased in the past 10 years. However, the amounts of paper and plastics of the total MSW decreased significantly that resulted in amounts of MSW collection decreased in past decade. Meanwhile, the compositions of food scraps, metals and glasses of MSW decreased gradually every year. On the other hand, the types of paper of MSW included office paper, newspaper, corrugated paper, paper bag, paper container, and paper for toilet products, etc. In this project, the major component of paper from MSW sampling was paper for toilet products. Approximately 64% of paper from MSW sampling was paper for toilet products. The overall average moisture content in the MSW was found to be 51.83%. This is due to the high moisture content of the food scraps fraction. The combustibles made up an above 90% of the MSW on average due to the low content of metals, glass, and other inorganic components. The average lower heating value (LHV) was about 2025.57 Kcal/kg. Based on observations of this project, it was concluded that a well-established database of MSW using the results of long-term sampling and analysis projects could reduce bias in results. This project also provided important information regarding consideration of trend in MSW management. 096 督察總隊 逢甲大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1693
地區毒化物災害潛勢分析與評估專案研究計畫 環保署為管理毒化物災賣預防與應變工作,讓救災支援體系及民間機構深入瞭解本身潛在危險狀況,故擬發展地區毒災害潛勢,以分析與評估災害可能發生位置與風險,以事前洞悉掌握有助於以降低危害影響。本計畫即針對毒災害潛勢分析,於九十六年十二月十三日提出期末報告,完成下列工作項目: 完成台南縣地區背景資料蒐集,規劃建置相關資料表格與圖資,如災因分析、近年災害事故案例列表、分析災害特性以設定地區災害境況模擬…等。 評估PHAST與ALOHA擴散模式適用性,由於ALOHA軟體符合地區潛勢應以保守為宜之要點,且在價格上、內件資料庫數量及操作上,皆能符合本計畫需求,故本計畫以ALOHA軟體為潛勢分析之模擬程式。 改良以往毒性化學物質災害潛勢分析方法,過去研究僅考慮毒化物災害洩漏型態,本計畫再增加火災與爆炸災害類型,以完整呈現毒性化學物質災害潛勢風險。並綜合分析考慮洩漏、火災與爆炸三種型態,與考慮三者中最大者互相比較,前者較能顯現風險之差異。 風險定義取「危害半徑平方×人口密度×頻率」比選擇「危害半徑×頻率」更能彰顯社區危害的潛勢 風險值加乘權重後顯示科學園區之風險降低,但傳統工場風險未改變。故建議災害潛勢模擬評估1.潛勢風險值取「火災+爆炸+洩漏」2.風險定義=危害半徑平方×人口密度×頻率3.加成權重分析 由台南縣五百多家場廠中完成篩選分析,挑選出110家毒化物運作廠,且與未篩選前結果做比較,可知依據本計劃篩選流程得出之篩選場家具有代表性,且能大幅減少潛勢圖之繪製時間。 應用潛勢風險分析結果,將高風險區之避難場所篩除,製作台南縣地區避難場所點位圖,決策單位可依據此圖,進行減災整備預防措施 Risk Potemtial Analysis and Assessment for Local Area Toxic Substances Disasters EPA is in-charge of the prevention and response of toxic chemical disasters. In order to better understand the potential risk, it is required to develop methodologies for analyzing the risk potential to evaluate the possible location and risk associated with the use of toxic chemicals. The results can be used to minimize the possible consequence for toxic incidents.This project focuses on the development of methodologies for analyzing the risk potentials of toxic chemicals. In this project, the following work items have been carried out and completed: Complete the collection of background information for Tainan County and summarize in graph and table. The results will be used in risk potential analysis. Evaluate the suitability for PHAST and ALOHA dispersion models. The ALOHA dispersion model is conservative in results, free to use, ease to operate, and is thus choose as the dispersion model to be used in this project. Improve the methodologies for risk potential analysis. The existing method considers only the effects of toxic release. The effects of fire and explosion are added. It is found that adding the three effects are better in showing the risk potential than choosing the largest effects. The risk is better defined as: “square of hazardous radius × population density × incident frequency” in showing the risk potential than defined as “hazardous radius × incident frequency”  Risk value after weighting of facility response capability showed that Science Park has a lower risk but the risk in traditional operating facilities remains the same. Thus, the final conclusions for defining the risk is: 1. Summing the risk from release, fire and explosion, 2. define risk value as “square of hazardous radius × population density × incident frequency”, 3. Weighting of facility response capability should be used. Propose a selection criterion for choosing 110 operating facilities from a total of 500+ facilities. The resulting risk potential map is compared with the raw potential map and showed small discrepancy. The selection criterion will largely reduce the time required for preparing the risk potential map. The results of risk potential is used to prepare a map for evacuation refugee. The map can be used in planning evacuation in case of a major disaster occurred. 096 毒管處 國立高雄第一科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1169
96年度環保支出統計調查 本調查目的為推估政府及產業部門之環保支出,藉以瞭解環境與經濟間關係的資訊及我國環保支出規模,以供相關環保政策釐訂與編算綠色國民所得帳參考。調查對象政府部門(包括中央及地方各級行政機關與公營非製造業及水電燃氣業機構、公立大專院校)與產業部門(包括公民營製造業及水電燃氣業機構)。資料期間民國95年(95年1月1日至12月31日)。本調查環保支出沿用92年「防止、減少或消除生產與消費過程中所帶來的污染或公害所做活動之支出」定義,不包括工安、生態保育、自然資源管理等支出。以資本支出加經常支出(不扣除污染防治收入)分別計算政府部門與產業部門環保支出。推估母體資料分析彙整如下:一、95年我國環保支出1,072.3億元,其中,政府部門521.5億元(占48.6%),產業部門550.8億元(占51.4%);按經資支出來看,資本支出389.5億元(占36.3%),經常支出682.9億元(占63.7%);按支出用途觀察,三成支用於廢棄物處理最高。環保支出占GDP的比例0.90%,其中政府部門占0.44%,產業部門占0.46%。平均每人環保支出為4,687元。二、95年政府部門環保支出521.5億元,其中資本支出178.6億元(占政府部門環保支出34.2%),經常支出343.0億元(占65.8%)。資本支出中,九成八為不含土地購買之資本支出(174.7億元)。按支出用途分,以廢棄物處理支出303.3億元(占58.2%)最高。按政府級別分,地方機關支出391.3億元,大於中央機關之130.3億元;地方機關中,以臺北市政府74.8億元(占地方機關環保支出19.1%)與臺北縣政府70.4億元(18.0%)分居一、二。三、95年產業部門環保支出550.8億元,其中資本支出210.9億元(38.3%),經常支出339.9億元(61.7%)。資本支出中,以新購污染防治設備支出207.7億元(占資本支出98.5%)較高;經常支出中,以操作維護費用323.3億元(占經常支出95.1%)較高。按支出用途分,空氣污染防制支出274.3億元(占49.8%)最高,水污染防治205.8億元(37.4%)次之,二者合占八成七。各行業中,以化學材料製造業環保支出128.8億元(占23.4%)最高。 2007 Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditure The objectives of this survey were to estimate the environmental protection expenditures by the government sector and the industry sector, and to understand the relationship between the environment and economic development. The findings of this survey were used for estimating the Green GNP and as the basis for related government policies.The population of this survey included the government sector and the industry sector. The government sector consisted of central and local government agencies, state-run businesses, and public colleges and universities. The industry sector comprised both state-run and private manufacturing industries, and water, electricity, and gas industries. The data collected were generated between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2006.For this survey, we adopted the definition of environmental protection expenditures according to 2003 namely “expenditures of activities for abatement, reduction or elimination of pollution or public endangering materials produced by the process of manufacturing and consumption.”The environmental protection expenditures included both capital expenditures and current expenditures. Major findings estimated from the sample of this survey were summarized as follows:1. The environmental protection expenditures by the government sector and the industry sector totaled NT$107.2 billion, with NT$52.2 billion (48.6%) by the government sector and NT$55.1 billion (51.4%) by the industry sector, respectively. In terms of capital expenditures and current expenditures, we found that Capital expenditures totaled NT$38.9 billion while current expenditures amounted to NT$68.3billion.The environmental protection expenditures accounted for 0.90% of GDP, with 0.44% by the government sector and 0.46% by the industry sector, respectively.In average, a citizen spent NT$4,687 on environmental protection .2. The environmental protection expenditures by the government sector totaled NT$52.2billion in 2006, which can be divided into two parts: capital expenditures and current expenditures. Capital expenditures totaled NT$17.9 billion while current expenditures amounted to NT$34.3 billion. The pollution abatement equipment expenses were NT$17.5 billion, which accounted for 97.8% of the government’s environmental protection capital expenditures. In terms of pollution abatement items, we found that the NT$30.3 billion on solid waste ranked first, accounted for 58.2% of the total capital expenditures. In terms of different levels of the government, the results showed that local governments spent a total of NT$39.1 billion, more than the NT$13.0 billion spent by the central government. Among the local governments, Taipei City spent the most with a total of NT$7.5 billion, accounted for 19.1% of total environmental protection expenditures by local governments.3. The environmental protection expenditures by the industry sector totaled NT$55.1 billion in 2006, which can be divided into NT$21.1 billion (38.3%) of capital expenditures, and NT$34.0 billion (61.7%) of current expenditures. NT$20.8 billion, 98.5% of the capital expenditures, were spent in the procurement of pollution abatement equipment, while NT$32.3 billion, 95.1% of the current expenditures, were spent in equipment operation and maintenance. In terms of pollution abatement items, we found that the NT$27.4 billion (49.8%) for air pollution treatment ranked first, while the NT$20.6 billion (37.4%) for wastewater treatment ranked second, with the two combining over 87.2% of all environmental protection expenditures. Chemical material industry had the highest spending in environmental protection expenditures, with a total of NT$12.9 billion, accounting for 23.4% of all. 096 統計室 故鄉市場調查股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1541
九十四至九十六年環境水質中區監測計畫(96年度) 本計畫主要針對中區六縣市各類水體水質監測,掌握各水體水質隨時間的變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。河川水質計有18條河川主支流,75個監測站,每月監測一次。今年度監測結果顯示,以西湖溪流域水質狀況最佳,而鹿港溪及北港溪流域屬嚴重污染等級佔較高比例。 6月時梅雨鋒面過境,全台降下豪大雨,降雨延時沖刷河道,造成部分河川水質變動,如大安溪流域、大甲溪流域、烏溪流域及新虎尾溪流域等,水中懸浮固體濃度偏高,水質狀況不佳。整體而言,今年度中部地區河川水水質屬未(稍)受污染等級佔最高比例為39.8%,中度污染等級佔次高比例36.7%,水質狀況較近 2 年略有轉好情形。海域水質方面以海域海洋環境品質標準與監測結果進行比較,新竹香山沿海、台中港沿海及彰濱沿海屬乙類海域環境水體,雲林沿海海域屬於甲類海域環境水體,今年度監測結果均符合所屬分類海域海洋環境品質標準。第三季監測期間因颱風過境降雨量增加,水溫、鹽度及部分重金屬測值與歷年略有差異,第四季監測時水質測值已回復至歷史監測範圍。近岸休憩海域計有3個測站,由今年度9次監測結果顯示,以通霄海水浴場之水質狀況較佳。第二次採樣時,因鋒面過境受降雨及河川匯流之影響,各海水浴場水質監測結果,略有轉差情形。水庫水質計有8座水庫,每月監測一次。由今年度監測結果顯示,日月潭水庫各監測項目均符合甲類陸域地面水體水質標準。而各水庫優養化程度以日月潭水質最佳,全年屬貧養等級比例佔75.0%,另以大埔水庫水質最差,全年屬優養等級比例佔91.7%。鯉魚潭水庫、德基水庫及永和山水庫之水質變動較大,水質屬貧養至優養等級,其他水庫如頭社水庫、明德水庫則屬普養至優養等級。地下水水質監測計有 6 縣市,93個監測井,由今年度監測結果顯示,超過地下水第二類監測基準之項目與歷年結果相近,主要以氨氮、鐵及錳為主。而以彰化縣及雲林縣境內監測井之氨氮測值,較其他縣市之測值為高,應是該區域之地質特性因素所致。各監測井之水質,以Stiff水質形狀圖方式評估,屬Ca2+及HCO3-+CO32-凸出型佔最高比例為60.0%,Piper圖解則屬I區佔最高比例為56.2%,與近 2 年評析結果大致呈現一致趨勢。 The Enviroment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Middle Area of Taiwan from 2005 to 2007 (2007) The aim of this project is to monitor the water quality of river, ocean, reservoir and groundwater in six counties located in the central part of Taiwan. The monitoring data obtained in this work can be useful to evaluate the current condition of the water systems, to predict the changing trend of quality of the water, and to provide information for government to make pollution control policy. A total of 75 water-monitoring stations spreading in the area of six counties, the monitoring frequency is once per month. From the data obtained, it shows that the water quality of Si-Hu river is the best among the rivers monitored, while the rivers of Lu-Gang and Bei-Gang are found in relatively high extent of pollution. As to the suspended solid concerned, the concentration measured in June in the rivers of Da-An, Da-Jia and Wu are found remarkabley higher than the other months, which is possibly due to rainfall happened in summer season. In general, the water quality of 18 rivers suveyed in this year is found significantly better compared to the past two years. The ocean water quality was subsequently monitored. According to the data collected, Hsiang-Shan (in Hsinchu city) seashore, Taichung Harbor and Chang-Hwa seashore can all meet the water quality critera of category B, while that of Yun-Lin seashore meet the criteria of category A Since there are typhoon attacks in the 3rd quarter of 2007, the water quality parameters including temperature, salinity and some metal ions measured are seen in big difference from that found before. But the situation soon return to normal as is reflected from the data shown in the 4th quarter. There are only 3 stations for beach water monitoring in this work. The water quality of Tung-Hsiao beach resort is found better than the others. By comparing the water quality of beach resort obtained from different sampling times, it shows that the data from 2nd-sampling is obviously worse than that of the others, which can be attributed to rainfall and affluxion of rivers. The monitoring of reservoir water in 8 dams was conducted with a frequency of once per month. The results show that the water quality of Sun-Moon Lake reservoir is the best among all the dams monitored, which meets the water quality criteria of category A. The water quality of some other reservoirs such as Li-Yu-Tan, Ter-Chi and Yung-Ho-Shan is found somewhat fluctuated. Finally, the monitoring of groundwater was conducted in six counties covering 93 wells. The data show that among the monitoring items, ammonia nitrogen, iron and manganese are found out of quality control criteria, which is also observed in the past years. It is worth to note that the measured values of ammonia nitrgen in grounwater of Chang-Hwa county and Yun-Lin county are significantly higher than that found in the other counties, which may be attributable to the local geological characteristics. By graphically analyzing the respective monitoring item with Stiff-plotting and Piper-plotting, it shows a general trend same as that observed in the last two years, indicating no significant change of grounwater quality of these areas. 096 監資處 清華科技檢驗股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1501
96年度土壤及地下水污染防治調查及監督驗證查核工作計畫 本計畫於96年9月21日之工作範疇界定會議確認相關工作內容,包括監督驗證與查證作業方式、土壤及地下水定期監測之場址範圍、資料庫建檔與協助審查工作、以及辦理民眾說明會或座談會等。此外並依計畫需求派駐專案工程師1名,與提供1輛小型汽車供計畫執行專用。於本計畫結束前(97年12月31日),已順利完成並超出工作進度之要求,詳細完成之工作與進度說明如表1~2、圖1,其各項工作執行情形與結果說明如下:一、污染查證及監督驗證查核工作:(一)、執行台南縣子龍段573、574地號陳情案件之地下水採樣工作,結果顯示地下水中八項重金屬、汽油總碳氫化合物及柴油總碳氫化合物等均無明顯異常。(二)、完成大內錦樺實業(屬地下水定期監測場址)1口標準監測井之設置工作(原監測井毀損),其檢測分析結果顯示地下水中僅氨氮超過地下水監測基準(第二類)。(三)、執行台南縣永康市頂東段961地號陳情案件之土壤污染查證工作,結果顯示土壤中總石油碳氫化合物超過土壤污染管制標準,目前環保局依土壤與地下水污染整治法施行細則第八條規定,要求污染行為人採取適當措施以避免污染狀況擴大,並針對受污染的土壤加以改善。二、土壤定期監測場址監測工作:(一)、本計畫土壤定期監測場址包括車路墘段、大甲段、大宅段、善化段等19筆農地,定期監測之結果較歷年監測結果有偏低之狀況。針對此現象後續輔以XRF進行補充調查,並進行第二次監測工作,綜合二次定期監測及補充調查的結果,車路墘段4筆地號、大甲段10筆地號及善化段4筆地號等之土壤中鋅含量仍有超過或逼近食用作物農地監測基準的狀況;大宅段之銅含量亦仍逼近食用作物農地監測基準。因此建議仍應暫時進行監測,待後續監測結果無異常時,再考量是否解除監測工作。 (二)、在土壤戴奧辛採樣分析方面,本年度主要針對永康焚化爐、易宏興鋼鐵股份有限公司永康廠、榮剛材料科技股份有限公司新營廠及華新麗華股份有限公司鹽水廠等四處場址進行調查。其結果顯示四處場址之盛行上、下風處土壤中戴奧辛含量皆遠低於戴奧辛污染管制標準。此外永康市焚化爐與95年度的監測結果比較後並無明顯的異常狀況。三、地下水定期監測場址監測工作。本年度地下水定期監測場址共15處,計28口監測井。其監測結果主要與歷年的監測結果類似,多屬於鐵、錳及氨氮等濃度偏高的狀況,並與區域性地下水的監測結果相似。其中官田鄉中鋼構監測井MW3與山上鄉掩埋場監測井MW1之地下水中檢出氨氮較歷年的結果偏高,由目前監測結果並無法評估可能原因,建議於下年度計畫可針對該場址附近之地表水體及民井進行追蹤,以持續掌握地下水質狀況,並了解可能原因;此外永康市久井加油加氣站於第二季地下水定期監測中,發現地下水中苯濃度已超出地下水污染管制標準(第二類),環保局已將該站列入地下水污染控制場址,目前交由「97年度台南縣土壤及地下水污染場址之驗證查核計畫」進行後續追蹤,並要求該站於98年5月15日前提出污染控制計畫書。四、加油站稽核工作。本年度針對縣內233家加油站篩選出20家加油站進行稽核工作,其結果顯示有三處出現異常:久井仁德交流道加油站之土壤中苯、二甲苯、總石油碳氫化合物及地下水中苯濃度皆已超過土壤、地下水(第二類)污染管制標準;官田鄉上準加油站之土壤、地下水中之苯濃度皆已超過土壤、地下水(第二類)污染管制標準;此外新營市台大加油站之土壤中總石油碳氫化合物濃度亦超過土壤污染管制標準。依據本計畫調查結果,環保局已將上準加油站公告為土壤及地下水污染控制場址、台大加油站公告為土壤污染控制場址,預計將久井仁德交流道加油站公告為土壤及地下水污染整治場址。 五、自96年10月至97年8月已協助完成「永康市鹽行段1418等34筆地號」之地下水受污染使用限制地區之污染控制設備代操作,共計11個月。於代操作期間,污染控制設備之狀況良好,且由處理前後的污染物濃度變化顯示,其污染物之移除效率高;但由本場址內地下水的檢測結果顯示,該地區之污染源尚未移除,仍持續檢出高濃度的含氯有機化合物。六、完成62口次區域性及場置性地下水監測井之維護管理工作。並針對場置性監測井之水力傳導係數偏低及泥砂淤塞程度篩選出仁德鄉地下滲濾系統、仁德鄉豪健電鍍廠、麻豆鎮人工濕地系統等場址共計15口監測井,以氣提法進行洗井之功能性維護,目前各井之狀況良好。七、完成GIS系統資料庫及配合環保署土壤及地下水污染場址之管理資料庫建檔工作計154筆,並上傳至環保署土壤及地下水污染場址GIS資料庫。八、協助環保局進行土壤及地下水污染整治法第9條,及針對地下儲槽系統依「防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備」所提之設置計畫、完工報告書文件審核及建檔工作,共計89件。此外完成地下儲槽系統之定期監測申報資料審查及管理資料庫建檔等工作共計1325件。九、針對土壤及地下水污染整治法相關規定及計畫執行過程中民眾疑義的部份,分別舉辦「加油站防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備設置管理辦法、網路申報系統改版操作及相關法規說明會」、「加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫行前說明會」及「加油站土壤及地下水污染整治相關法規說明會」等共計3場。 The project of soi and groundwater pollution prevention, Investigation, supervising, and verification in 2007 The project definition and work classification meeting was taken place on 21 September,2007 and the proceedings including tasks of verification and certification investigation, the examination sites of soil and groundwater regular monitoring, establishment of database and assistance of inspection, details of public symposiums, etc. Besides, according to the contract, a project engineer was designated in EPB (Environmental Protection Bureau) to assist the project, and a car was offered as well. Before the end of this project, 31 December, 2008, each has successfully completed or exceeded the requirements of the work, which schedules and work summaries of this project are shown as Table 1, Table 2 and Figure 1. The execution and results of each work classification are illustrated as follows:A.Verification and certification of the soil and groundwater pollution1.The Implement of groundwater sampling on parcel 573, 574 at Zi-long Section in Tainan County which the result indicated that eight heavy metals and TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) were all under normal conditions.2.The construction of a monitoring well at Da-nei Jin-hua Co. was completed (the original monitoring wells destroyed) and the analysis result that only ammonia above the second category monitoring groundwater standards.3.The inspection of soil pollution on parcel 961 at Ding-Dong Section in Yong-Kang City, Tainan County which the result of TPH was above the soil pollution control standards. In accordance with Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act Article 8, it was suggested that EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) requested polluters to take appropriate measures in order to avoid the expansion of pollution and improve contaminated soil.B.Regular soil monitoring sites:1.The analysis of regular soil monitoring sites, total 19 farmlands in this project including at Che-Lu-Chien Section, Da-Jia Section, Da-Zhai Section,Shan-Hua Section, were compared with the regular and the original monitoring results that most of them have relatively lower values. To integrate regular monitoring which including the first time investigation and the follow-up investigating by XRF with the second regular monitoring that survey results found that Zn was above or closer to the farmland soil monitoring standards on 4 parcels at Che-Lu-Chien Section, on 10 parcels at Da-Jia Section, on 4 parcels at Shan-Hua Sections. And Cu was closer to the farmland soil monitoring standards at Da-Jia Section. It was recommended that EPA continuously monitoring on the 19 parcels for the next yearly project. 2.About the soil Dioxin analysis, it was indicated the four sites investigation of Yong-Kang incinerator, Yong-Kang factory of Yi-Hong-Xing Steel Co. LMT, Shin-Ying factory of Gloria Material Teco and Yan-Shui factory of WALSIN Co. LMT this year, as the result that all dioxin concentration was greatly under the soil pollution control standards. In addition, it was no clear abnormal situation that compared with the monitoring result of Yong-Kang incinerator in 2006.C.Regular groundwater monitoring total to 15 sites, including 28 monitoring wells. As the result showed that high concentration of Fe, Mn and NH3-N was often examined which is similar to the regional groundwater monitoring, in which high concentration of NH3-N in MW3 of CSSC in Guan-Tian and MW1 at Shan-Shang Landfill. We have no idea about what reason causes this by the analysis so far. So we suggest that EPB should follow up with surface water and private wells around these sites for the next annual project to control the groundwater condition and realize the probable cause. In addition, the second quarter regular groundwater monitoring of Jiu-Jing gas station at Yong-Kang found that the benzene concentration reached the second category groundwater pollution control standards. EPB has listed this site into the groundwater pollution control site, keeping watch by “Project of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Sites Verification and Investigation in Tainan, 2008”, and indicated to file the pollution control project before 15th May, 2009. D.Gas stations inspection. It was indicated that audit 20 gas stations of 233, as the result that there were three unusual: benzene, xylene, TPH in the soil and benzene concentration in the groundwater of Jiu-Jing gas station at Ren-De interchange were above the soil and the second category groundwater pollution control standards; benzene concentration in the soil and groundwater of Shang-Zhun gas station in Guan-Tian were above the soil and the second category groundwater pollution control standards; in addition, TPH concentrations in soil of Tai-Da gas station in Sin-Ying were also exceeded soil pollution control standards. According to the investigation, EPA has announced Shang-Zhun and Tai-Da as the pollution control Site and will announce Jiu-jing gas station as the Pollution Remediation Site lately.E.The contaminated groundwater restricted areas of pollution control equipment on behalf operation of 34 parcels at parcels at Yan-Xing Section in Yong-Kang was carried out during October 2007 to August 2008, total 11 months. On behalf operation period, the pollution control equipment was efficient well and effected to remove chlorine-containing organic compounds in groundwater. In addition, the test result of this site showed that the region still had pollutant, containing chlorine organic compounds. F.The conservation of 62 regional monitoring wells were completed. 15 low hydraulic coefficient and silted monitoring wells including wells of sub-surface wastewater infiltration in Ren-De, Hao-Jian electroplate factory in Ren-Dea and construed wetlands in Ma-Dou were washed via air stripping. The current condition of the wells without abnormal.G.Total to 154 investigation and sampling data were updated and uploaded to the EPA GIS database of soil and groundwater pollution sites.H.To assist the EPA to conduct ”soil and groundwater pollution remediation act” Article 9, total 89 files about project setting, auditing the reports and filling database of groundwater pollution prevention and monitoring facilities in UST (underground storage tank) system. In addition, total 1325 files about regular monitoring reports were created and updated in the database in UST system.I.It was indicated that doubt some of the people of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act , were held total 3 seminars about gas station guidance. 096 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=295
廢機動車輛回收獎勵金審核執行專案工作計畫 中華民國因應經濟進步,工商業發達,人民生活水準之提昇,同步帶動機動車輛之使用逐年成長,帶動對於車輛汰舊換新速率也較快速,故在新車數量增加及汰舊換新時間縮短二個因素牽引下,廢機動車輛也因應年度而快速成長,然淘汰之車輛本體仍有許多物品可以資源再生,如輪胎、電池、車體等,環保署於88 年以獎勵金獎勵車主報廢車體方式導入經環保署稽核認證之合法回收體系,希望提昇廢機動車輛回收之意願及妥善處理之數量,整理歷年獎勵金補助情形,顯示廢機動車輛報廢申請獎勵金,有明顯增加之趨勢。92 年至96 年12 月回收廢機動車輛之統計結果,基管會以獎勵金方式誘使車主進行廢車回收作業,以提昇汽機車回收的量及保障、後續作業之合法性,已構成廢機動車輛申請獎勵金每年成長20~30%之效果,確實值得繼續推廣。讓我國有效推動回收再生永續經營觀念,並將觀念深植於企業及人民習慣中,同時也藉由體制之建立及稽核認證之落實可漸漸杜絕地下回收體系過去以犧牲環境換取近利之不法行為。經由資料蒐集,統計數字顯示機動車輛認證回收量中,民眾申請獎勵金之車輛佔認證車輛之比例,分別於92、93、94 年、95 年佔50%、57%、63%、67%,逐年以約4%-7%之高成長率提昇,也再一次證明獎勵民眾報繳之管道,已成為全國認證回收廢機動車輛之主流,是以本案之工作量與重要性,審驗之敏感度也愈形重要。本計畫除受理及審核民眾申請廢機動車輛申請獎勵金作業外,同時負責回收商聯單之印製及聯繫,民眾相關事項之諮詢服務等,截至12 月31 日止,共完成315,750 案件受理及審驗作業、50,072通次客服電話進/出服務;專案皆以標準作業方式達成高效能服務,符合民眾期望及對本案之預期品質。 Waste Vehicles Recycle Awards Application Review and approval project Responding to the economic growth, living standard upgradein R.O.C, which induce the vehicles growth increase, andaverage life of vehicles decrease. Through above two causes,the waste vehicles are increasing rapidly in last 3 years.The waste vehicles have many parts can be recycled which astires, batteries, bodies, fuel, etc.. In 1999 EPA intendedto carry out the promotion for vehicles’ owners who can givethe waste vehicles to the legal recycling system, EPAestablished the awarding strategy. Via the incentive created20~30% growth of annual waste vehicles delivered to the legalrecycling system. Which proved the strategy fulfill theaim-waste vehicles recycle properly.According to the data collection, the statistic figuresindicate the total certified waste vehicles in 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, the source from the award application in takingpart of 50%, 57%, 63%, 67% separately, which also explain theaward strategy is strongly to enhance the recycling vehiclesquantity. All the figures conclude this project is veryimportant and the examination shall be held carefully and allthe application IDs must be handled confidentially throughthe process.This project has accomplished to accept and examine 315,750cases from jan.01 to Dec. 31. 2007. Within this period, 50,072phone calls service properly handled by project call center.The task has carried out the goal to meet applicatorsexpectation and provide very good performance. 096 基管會 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2028
使用中柴油車污染改善及檢驗制度建置專案工作計畫 移動污染源係造成都會區空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,也是環保及交通主管單位加強管制重點,其中柴油車排放之黑煙最令民眾所詬病。環保署為有效管制柴油車污染排放問題,於各縣市廣設柴油車排煙檢測站,由民眾檢舉及稽查人員目視判煙等方式,通知有污染之虞柴油車輛到站受檢,藉以有效管制柴油車黑煙排放。為使全國柴油車管制業務更臻完善,提升各縣市柴油車排煙檢測站檢測品質,環保署特執行柴油車排煙檢測站評鑑作業、全國排煙站相關性巡迴測試、各縣市柴油車業務季報考核,以及蒐集彙整柴油車相關管制策略,包括定期及不定期檢驗、低污染車輛、後處理器等,期有效掌握各縣市柴油車檢驗業務執行品質。定檢業務部分,除取得95年度監理機關定檢資料外,並辦理公路監理機關柴油車排氣檢驗品保品管訓練說明會議,以及協助公路監理機關取得「柴油車排放煙度儀器檢查人員」訓練合格證書20人次,俾協助提升柴油車定期檢驗執行品質。此外,環保署亦推動導入不透光率分析儀器,測試結果與煙度計比對顯示,全負載煙度與不透光率線性回歸結果R-square值達0.8以上,無負載則介於0.6~0.7之間,顯示煙度計與不透光率分析儀之間具有高度正相關。其他相關工作包括各項會議辦理、以及宣導品印製等,各項成果均於報告中有詳盡說明。 Project for Pollution Improvement and Inspection System Construction of In-Use Diesel Vehicle Mobile pollution source is the main cause for the urban air quality decline, the diesel vehicle exhaust emission is concerned by both environmental and transportation departments as control priority. In order to control the issue of diesel vehicle exhaust, the EPA has set up diesel vehicle emission inspection station in each local authority and together with public reported the emission fact and visual inspector to inform those may contain high level of pollutant vehicles to take. Above all is to reduce the diesel vehicle smoke emission situation.For better inspection quality in every counties and cities, the EPA has implemented an evaluation project on diesel vehicle exhaust emission inspect station, correlation test for confirm the inspect result from each station were the same, the examination of archive in every diesel vehicle exhaust emission inspect stations, and development of the control policies of diesel vehicles; including the regular and irregular inspection, low pollution vehicles and after-treatment , etc.; to effectively confirm the quality of examination on diesel emission inspection affair. On diesel regular emission inspection affair, in addition to the information of regular inspection in 2006 from motor vehicle supervision organizations, the explanatory meeting was conducted at the highway supervision organizations for their quality assurance & quality control relevant to the emission inspection for diesel vehicles; furthermore, EPA has helped 20 person-time of the highway supervision organizations obtain the certificate of training qualification to be qualified as the “Inspector for the instrument of emission smoke from diesel vehicles” so as to promote the quality for carrying out the regular inspection of diesel vehicles.More over, EPA also led in the analyzer of opacity which R-squared value higher than 0.8 was obtained from the linear regression between the full-load smoke and the opacity while the value ranging 0.6 ~ 0.7 was derived at no-load according to the comparison between the opacity test results with the smoke meter; thus the outcome indicates that smoke meter and opacity meter are highly and positively correlated. Other related works include the arrangement of various meetings and the publication of promotion materials. The results will be presented in the report in detail. 096 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=894
「揮發性有機空氣污染物管制法規(含收費制度)研訂、推動及檢討計畫」 本計畫主要乃在於整合各項有關VOCs管制推動的計畫,包括推動一般標準與行業別標準、加油站油氣回收政策的落實與VOCs空污費開徵作業的推動等,藉此可全面性的掌握國內固定污染源整體VOCs管制面,並使各項管制推動作業具一致性;另外,單一窗口的對應,可減少溝通協調上所浪費的時間,使整體法規的推動更具時效性。  主要成果含(1)修正一般標準管制方向,同步完成法規草案研擬、配套作業規劃與後續法制化動作所需文件資料。(2)建立質量平衡調查之查核機制,並完成六家質量平衡調查作業與兩家膠帶業質量平衡資料整理。(3)完成膠帶業研商簡報、主管會報資料分析與問題集製作,並調查國外管制現況與國內管制之衝擊分析。(4)完成四大行業(凹凸版印刷、印刷電路板與機車表面塗裝)推動必要性評估作業,提出管制優先序建議與機車表面塗裝作業管制草案之修正方向。(5)針對建築物表面塗裝完成「空氣污染行為草案」、「易致空氣污染物質」與「生煤及石油焦」等修正草案,並配套修正申請表格。 (5)完成15家600點次石化業檢測與法規符合度現場查核作業與30家許可暨排放量現場查核作業。(6)建立VOCs空污費徵收制度,並配合推動法制化作業程序與完成建立各項配套作業,使96年1月1日順利開徵VOCs空污費。(7)建立主管機關與業者之溝通平台,且完成130站現場輔導檢測及故障原因診斷分析、六場次訓練會議辦理、設備代理商服務滿意調查與研發改良油氣回收設備等。 The Plan For Reviewing, Developing, Proposing Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions Control Rules and Regulations (including the Air Pollution Control Fee of volatile organic compounds) This plan combined four relevant VOCs controlling plan, including implemented general standard and individual standard, implemented oil gas recycling strategy of gas station and related plsanning work of starting collected VOCs air pollution fee, etc. This plan overall commended domestic VOCs regular of stationary sources and make all controlling plans to have consistency. In addition, the correspondence of the single window can reduce the time for communicating, and enrich efficiency of advanced VOCs regulation.  The chief achievements for this project are: (1) revised the controlling direction of general standard and designed the related form. (2) Set up the key points of checking by mass balance, and finished investigating six industries and two sticky tape industries with mass balance method. (3) Finished regulation report of sticky tape industry, executive's reporting analysis, and investigated the present situation and impacts. (4) Finished the necessary evaluation of established up rule for four major trades (concave printing, letterpress printing, motorcycle surface coating and PCB), offered the suggestions of controlling sequence and corrected points of motorcycle surface coating draft. (5) In architectural coating control, finished correcting three related drafts, and designed the related form. (6) Finished 600 times detecting of 15 petrochemical industries and operation permit checking. (7) Set up the air pollution fee of VOCs and finished related work. (8) Linked up the platform between industries and EPA, and finished detecting, troubleshooting and diagnosing of oil gas recycling equipments at 130 stations, and handled six session training meetings, and investigated the service conditions of oil gas recycling equipment commercial agents, and improved oil gas recycling equipments. 096 空保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1401
固定污染源毒性空氣污染物(戴奧辛及重金屬)排放清冊調查及管制計畫 本計畫主要工作內容包括:排放清冊更新與建置、排放檢測與環境監測、法規研修與檢討、行政及技術支援等四大部分,主要工作成果說明如下;推估95年排放至大氣中的戴奧辛排放量平均為85.6 g I-TEQ/年,較94年130.6 g I-TEQ/年,減少35%;排放量較大業別為電弧爐及燒結工場。至於重金屬部份,鉛排放量約為9.13噸/年、鎘排放量約為0.959噸/年、汞排放量約為1.290噸/年及砷排放量約為3.647噸/年;與94年度相較,變化不大,以燃煤鍋爐、電弧爐、廢棄物焚化爐及水泥旋窯為主要排放源。排放檢測部分,「煉鋼業電弧爐戴奧辛管制及排放標準」0.5 ng TEQ/Nm3標準值於96年起生效;稽查結果發現,中龍鋼鐵公司超過管制標準值;重金屬部份針對燃煤汽電共生鍋爐及非鐵金屬冶煉業為主,以暸解國內現況及建置本土化排放係數為主,檢測濃度遠低於「固定污染源空氣污染物標準」。環境空氣戴奧辛監測部分,本(96)年度以一縣市、一測站為原則,監測頻率為每季監測一次;戴奧辛濃度範圍0.003 pg I-TEQ/m3 ~ 0.210 pg I-TEQ/m3,平均濃度值為0.057 pg I-TEQ/m3,以空品區而言,以中部空品區及雲嘉南空品區較高;以縣市來分析,在空氣品質不良季節,以台中縣、市濃度最高。監測結果亦顯示中部、南部環境空氣戴奧辛濃度受季節變化十分明顯,北部地區濃度則不受季節變化影響。環境空氣重金屬監測部份,本計畫以PM10採樣器及石英玻璃纖維濾紙進行24連續採樣;監測結果顯示,國內環境空氣砷、鎘、鎳濃度皆低於歐盟2012年環境空氣品質基準,由監測數據可以發現,中部、雲嘉南、花東及高屏空品區,冬季環境空氣重金屬濃度明顯高於夏季,與戴奧辛監測結果類似;北部空品區重金屬濃度變化則不明顯。依據控制技術分析、參考國外相關管制標準及風險評估,研擬鋼鐵業集塵灰高溫冶煉設施重金屬管制標準,建議汞排放標準值為0.05 mg/Nm3。落塵戴奧辛周界濃度建議為100 pg TEQ/m2/day。 The project of emission inventory investigation and draft control strategy for air toxic pollutants (Dioxins and heavy metals) from the stationary sources The scope of work for this project includes: 1) emission inventory establishment (or updating) for dioxin and heavy metals; 2) field investigation or monitoring for stationary emission and the ambient environment; 3) drafting, reviewing or amending the emission standard; 4) providing the technique and administrative assistance for the EPA . The results of this project are described as below:The total dioxin emission in Taiwan area is estimated to be 85.6 g-TEQ in 2006. This is 35% less than 2005. The major pollution sources include the electric arc furnaces and sinter plants. As for the heavy metal parts, the total lead emission is estimated to be 9.13 metric tons, cadmium emission is 0.959 metric tons, mercury emission is 1.29 metric tons and arsenic emission is 3.647 metric tons in 2006. The major emission sources include the coal electric utilities, electric arc furnace, waste incinerators and cement kiln. As for the dioxin emission investigation, the existing dioxin emission standard for electric arc furnace is 0.5 ng-TEQ/Nm3, which has been effective since January 1, 2007. Based on the auditing data, Dragon Steel Ltd. did not comply with the emission standard. As for the heavy metals, this study intent to establish the local emission factors and investigate the existing situation in Taiwan. The coal industry boilers and the secondary non-ferrous smelters are two major targets in this project. Based on the investigation data, the emission concentration are far below current standard according to “Standard pollution source air pollutant emissions standards”. For the ambient dioxin monitoring, one monitoring station was selected for one city. The monitoring frequency is once every season. The results showed that the ambient dioxin concentration ranged from 0.003 pg I-TEQ/m3 to 0.217 pg I-TEQ/m3, the average concentration is 0.057 pg I-TEQ/m3. The Central air quality control area and the Yun-Chia-Nan air quality control areas were the two air quality control areas with higher ambient dioxin concentration. During the poor air quality season, the TaiChung county and TaiChung city were detected with higher ambient dioxin concentration. Based on the monitoring data, the ambient dioxin concentration in central and southern area is apparently varied with seasonal change. However, no apparent seasonal variation was observed in Northern area. For the ambient heavy metal monitoring, the 24-hours continuously samplers were set and PM10 samples were collected on pr-weighed glass fibre filter papers. Based on the monitoring results, the heavy metal concentration of Arsenic, Cadmium and Nickel are below the European ambient quality standard. Based on the monitoring data, the ambient heavy metal concentration in the Central, Yun-Chia-Nan, Hua-Dung, Kao-ping air quality control area is higher in winter compared with the numbers in summer. These results are consistent with the ambient dioxin monitoring. The heavy metal concentration in Northern did not varied by seasonal changes. According to technology feasibility, foreign legislation status and risk assessment, the draft ”Heavy metal emission standard of the ashes thermal refining facility for steel industry” was prepared. This recommends the mercury emission standard to be set at 0.05 mg/Nm3; and the dioxin deposition standard of peripheral boundary to be set at 100 pg TEQ/m2/day. 096 空保處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1658
96年度廢棄工廠土壤及地下水污染潛勢調查計畫(甲) 本計畫為全國廢棄工廠土壤及地下水污染潛勢調查計畫之第三年度計畫,本年度包含二個子計畫,分別由瑞昶科技(股)公司及美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司執行,計畫執行期間為96年7月至98年1月。本計畫由經濟部工業局停歇業工廠資料庫中,篩選出590家較具代表性工廠,業別涵蓋土水法第9條所列14大事業別及本年度新增木竹製品製造業,經基本資料校正、確認及現場勘查後,篩選出80家建議調查候選名單,再經由量化篩選評分系統選出50家優先調查之工廠。在污染調查階段,針對50家調查之廢棄工廠執行環境場址評估(ESA Phase I)及以直接貫入方式(Geoprobe鑽機)進行土壤及地下水污染調查工作,總計執行417組土壤採樣及141組地下水簡易井之設置工作,其中有33個廠址土壤或地下水污染物濃度超過土壤或地下水污染監測基準或管制標準而進入查證階段;在查證階段,共執行182組土壤採樣及78座標準地下水監測井設置作業。調查/查證結果顯示,50家調查對象中有32個廠址發現土壤或地下水污染,大部份廠址為土壤污染,僅1個廠址為地下水污染;上述場址已建議依土水法第11條或土水法施行細則第8條進行管制。此外,本計畫已建立14大高污染潛勢事業之廢棄工廠污染調查指引,供為爾後執行調查之參考。 Investigating of Soil and Groundwater Contamination of Abandoned Factories (Year 2007 Project) The project was the 3rd year of continuous project for investigation of potential soil and groundwater contamination about the abandoned industrial sites in Taiwan. It contained two subsidiary projects and was carried out by Apollo Technology Co., Ltd and MWH Americas Inc., Taiwan Branch. The execution period of the project was from July, 2007 to January, 2009. Five hundred and ninety sites were screened from the suspended factories database of Industrial Development Bureau based on fourteen high potential contaminated enterprises and one enterprise increased for wood and bamboo products manufacturing. After modification and verification the basic information and site surveyed, eighty sites abandoned before January 1, 2005 were selected to the score and screen system for the fifty priority investigation sites.In investigation stage, Environmental Site Assessment Phase I (ESA I) and the preliminary soil and groundwater investigation was executed for the fifty sites. Four hundred and seventeen sets of soil were sampled and one hundred and forty-one temporary groundwater wells were installed by direct push machine, Geoprobe. Thirty-three sites which soil or groundwater pollutant concentration exceeded soil and groundwater monitoring or control standards were selected to verify. In verification stage, one hundred and eighty-two sets of soil were sampled and seventy-eight standard groundwater monitoring wells were constructed to sample groundwater to analyse.Thirty-two sites were found soil or groundwater contamination in the result. Most of the sites were soil pollution and only one site was groundwater pollution. The sites were suggested to announce as Soil or Groundwater Control Site by article 11 or adopt appropriate measures within a limited time period pursuant to the article 8 by Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act Enforcement Rules.In addition, the investigation guideline of abandoned industrial sites had been setup for the fourteen high potential contaminated enterprises. 096 土污基管會 瑞昶科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1333
飲用水水源及水質標準中列管污染物篩選與監測計畫(1/3) 近年來,美國等先進國之安全飲用水計畫,定期檢討管理法規與修定飲用水水質標準。環保署參酌國際安全飲用水管理趨勢,委託執行「飲用水水源及水質標準中列管污染物篩選與監測計畫」,本計畫期程為三年,以檢討我國飲用水水質管理相關法規與水質標準。第一年研究結果及建議分述如下:依本研究經專家諮詢會議選定30項「新增未列管污染物候選清單」(以下簡稱,CCLs),參考世界衛生組織、美國環保署、環保署研究計畫及其它等,建立30項CCLs資料庫,提供環保署今後檢討是否納入飲用水水質標準?建議訂定水質標準,以考慮「健康風險評估」為主。七座淨水場採取93個水樣及分析14項水質項目,結果顯示各淨水場原水中皆檢測到大腸桿菌,原水及清水中多未能測出石油系揮發性有機物及環境荷爾蒙之雌激素,但均測得壬基酚,且傳統淨水程序無法去除壬基酚。此外,鳳山淨水場清水中鹵乙酸濃度最高達80 μg/L,超過美國環保署管制標準60 μg/L。我國自來水事業單位於原水、清水質監測項目數量不及日本大阪市及美國南加州之一半,建議自來水事業單位應加強多重屏障水質安全管理,我國飲用水水質標準不必區分主要標準與次要標準,環保署與經濟部水利署、自來水事業單位共同研商修訂不同分級罰則。 Prioritization and monitoring of the Contaminant Candidates for source water quality and drinking water quality standards The drinking water quality standards and guidelines in developed countries are subject to periodical reviews and revisions. To be consistent with the trends of international drinking water quality management systems, the EPA of Taiwan launched a three-year project entitled 「Screening and monitoring of candidate contaminants for source water and drinking water standards」, the purposes of this project are to assess the current drinking water quality regulatory systems and to review the water quality standards in Taiwan. The results and recommendations for first year study are:1. Thirty candidate contaminants (the Contaminant Candidate List, CCLs) were selected based on the recommendations from the Expert Panel. A database was established for the thirty potential contaminants in CCLs based on the information collected from WHO, USEPA, the project reports of Taiwan EPA and other sources. This database can be used by Taiwan EPA to determine whether it is necessary to be included in the water quality standards. It was also recommended that the water quality standards should be established based on the health risk assessment of each contaminant.2. Water samples were collected from the treatment processes of seven treatment plants and 14 water quality parameters were analyzed. It was observed that E. Coli. presented in all of the source waters. Although no VOCs and estrogens were detected, nonyl phenol was presented in all of the water samples and it can not be effectively removed by the conventional treatment processes. In the first sampling, the five haloacetic acids (HAA5) in Feng-Shan Treatment Plant exceeded the guideline specified by USEPA (60μg/L); however, all of the other samples meet this recommended guideline. It was found that the current monitoring programs in water utilities in Taiwan were not suitable; the water quality items regularly analyzed on the monitoring systems were far less than those conducted in Osaka, Japan and Southern California, US. It is recommended that the utilities should enhance their multiple barrier water quality management systems. It is also recommended that differentiate the primary standards and secondary standards are not necessary. However, the EPA should seek cooperation from Water Resource Agency and negotiate with the utilities to establish an administrative plan for the violations of the water quality standards. 096 毒管處 淡江大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1583
96年度公告指定容器類責任業者營業(進口)量相關帳籍憑證查核計畫 本專案計畫目標預計完成560家業者之查核,本報告內容涵括受查業者662家,共計有401家之受查業者有短漏申報之情形,短漏申報家數佔總查核家數約60.57%,短漏金額合計新台幣81,479,012元,整體工作進度已達成合約之目標。本報告並蒐集受查業者意見,並列入各業者之工作執行報告,並加以分類統計分析,以提供政策修訂之參考。依據本計畫之執行成果,本所認為未來容器類業者之營業量查核工作可朝下列方向進行:1. 依據分級管理概念執行查核工作。2. 持續擴大登記列管業者之查核及輔導工作。(1) 現場查核面:於現場查核時,立即輔導登記列管之受查業者申報與繳費程序之介紹及相關最新法令之宣導,對於部分登記事項已有變更者,亦輔導填寫業者登記表,並依基管會現行標準作業程序,由業者直接郵寄基管會本計畫之駐署人員,進行變更登記申請。(2) 回報確認面:本所查核人員於回報每日工作進度時,必須將受查業者查核差異短漏原因一併回報基管會駐署人員,以落實後續短漏金額之稽催及處理流程之控管。(3) 成果評估面:未來本所將加強執行現場查核時,對受查業者之輔導紀錄,依據其短漏原因,適時發揮輔導改善建言,建立經本所查核、輔導後之列管業者,納入未來計畫研判是否蓄意短漏之衡量指標。 Announcement to specified plastics container enterprises with the examination project of related operation/importation bookkeeping The objective of this project is to examine around 560 companies. The final report of this project covers the results of examination of total 662 companies during the project period. There are total of 401 companies evading recycle fees, which is 60.57% of total companies being examined. We have fulfilled the project requirement and the total evading recycle-fee discovered is NTD 81,479,012 The year-end project report also incorporates with the comments from companies being examined. We also analyzed those comments in order to provide additional information for future policy amendments.According to the results of the project, we suggest that the examination of future project can be carried out as mentioned below:1. Execute the auditing work based on the different level-to-level administration concept. 2. Continue to expand auditing & consulting work of a registered company.(1) By the side of auditing :we could assist the company to fill in the report form, introduce process of pays expenses immediately and announce the new guidance of the Act. For the changes regarding to the partial registrations items, we can also counsels the filling in company registration form, and requests to mail back EPA to handle the change registration. (2) By the side of response:we should report the audit difference summary to EPA every day, in order to follow up short leaks of the amount and related control procedures. (3) By the side of results:we will strengthen the audit counseling record for the company, and give advice for improvement, at the right momnent. We will establish the measurable targets by auditing the company results to judge whether the company intentionally shirks the responsibility for next year’s project. 096 基管會 致遠會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17470
陸上運輸系統噪音振動特性調查及管制措施之研究(三)專案研究計畫 本研究針對陸上運輸系統,進行系統性之振動與噪音及其特性之調查,並研擬其管制措施。第三年係針對快速公路系統進行相關調查研究,相關工作內容包括下列項目:1.依快速公路系統之道路結構、路面特性、交通流量、車輛種類及車速、叢聚性音源、垂直向噪音分佈等條件,選擇代表性測點進行噪音源及振動源特性之實地量測及調查。2.依實地量測結果及陳情案件等相關資料,分析噪音源及振動源特性,並建立噪音量及振動量資料庫。3.依據前項量測結果探討快速公路系統噪音管制指標之量測方法及標準作業程序(包含量測方法及背景音量、量測數據分析、陳情點特性探討)。4.蒐集彙整我國、香港、日本、歐美等國之國外快速公路系統噪音及振動改善對策及管制措施相關資料。5.依據噪音及振動源特性,研擬我國快速公路系統噪音及振動改善措施及管制政策。6.邀集相關機關進行管制政策研商。而執行後本計畫已完成以下工作:1.依快速公路系統之道路結構、路面特性、交通流量、車輛種類及車速、叢聚性音源、垂直向噪音分佈等條件,完成噪音源30個測點及振動源38個測點(19點,不同距離2處)之實地量測及特性分析。2.完成實地量測及陳情案件之噪音源、振動源特性分析,並建立噪音量及振動量資料庫。3.完成快速公路系統噪音管制指標之量測方法及標準作業程序探討及分析。4.完成蒐集彙整國外快速公路系統噪音及振動改善對策及管制措施相關資料。5.完成我國快速公路系統噪音及振動之管制政策及改善措施研擬。6.完成與相關機關之管制政策研商會議。 The Study of Acoustic and Vibration Characteristics and its Control Measures for Transportation Systems (III) The goal of this project is to investigate the vibration and noise characteristic and its control measures for transportation systems. The system to be investigated for the third year is the freeway systems. The topics to be investigated are1.According to the type of pavement velocity, etc. select points for noise and vibration measurement.2.Establish data base for noise and vibration measurements.3.According to the results from noise and vibration measurement, determine the standard procedure for noise measurement.4.From the measurement results, analysize the characteristics of noise and vibration for freeway systems.5.According the characteristics of measured data, propose the regulations and control measures for noise and vibration for freeway systems.6.Invite government agencies to discuss the proposed regulations on noise and vibration for freeway systems.After carrying out six research topics mentioned above, following work have been accomplished.1.Complete 30 noise and 38 vibration in-situ measurements at different location on freeway systems.2.Establish standard measurement procedure for noise and vibration for freeway systems.3.Propose regulations and control measures for noise and vibration from freeway systems.4.Establish data base of noise and vibration for freeway system with different traffic flow, different lane number, etc.5.Propose improvement measures for noise and vibration for freeway systems.6.Consultation with relevant government agency of freeway systems. 096 空保處 海洋大學系統工程暨造船學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1405
96年度各縣市執行水質維護改善綜合管理計畫 1.完成96年度各縣市水質維護改善計畫績效考評,內容包括制定考核計畫、召開審查會及縣市說明會、現地考評作業及檢討會等。2.完成96年度10場工程查核及6場督導作業,其中5處工程評定為甲等,5處工程評定為乙等。常見缺失為工區安全、文件品質及工程品質。已於96年11月6日假新竹縣辦理工程查核觀摩會並於96年19日辦理工程查核檢討會。3.完成各縣市執行水質維護改善計畫管理系統功能擴充與資料建置,新增縣市考核、工程查核及合約變更等管理功能以及開放各縣市政府進行資料查詢與建置。4.綠色國民所得95年30條流域點源污染排放量估算結果為BOD 274,518噸/年、COD 661,308噸/年、SS 495,406噸/年及NH3-N 37,509噸/年。客雅溪於Q75流量條件下,已達河段水體分類水質標準;中港溪於於Q75流量條件下,全河段生化需氧量需削減5,644kg/day、氨氮需削減620kg/day,才能達成乙類水體分類水質標準。5.完成各月份水質分析及檢討作業,並評估96及94至96年補助計畫成效。除此之外,本計畫亦配合完成民國97~100年河川及海洋水質維護改善計畫(第二期)之報院程序。 Water Quality Improvement Management Project for Local Government 1.Completion of 2007 annual water quality improvement assessment at all counties of Taiwan, including establishing execution plan and procedures, conducting seminars for the assessors’ and local government, holding on-site assessments and review meeting .2. 10 engineering audits and 6 engineering supervisions were completed in 2007. Among above, 5 were graded as “good”, 5 were graded as “normal”. Common non-compliances included inappropriate working environment safety, documentation and engineering quality. A showcasing event for engineering auditing has been held on 2007/11/6 at Hsin-Chu County. A review meeting for engineering auditing has also been held on 2007/11/19.3.The Web-base management system function expansion including of data build and query have been completed. Additionally, the functions of “Local Government Performance Audit”, “Engineering Audit” and “Project Contract Change” have been developed, and training has been conducted to facilitate idea exchanges between the central and local governments. 4.Estimations of the 2006 Green GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for point source pollutant loading were determined to be 274,518 tons/yr-BOD, 661,308 tons/yr-COD, 495,406 tons/yr-SS, and 37,509 tons/yr-NH3-N in 30 major basins. No pollutant reduction at Ke-ya river, and a reduction of 5,644 kg/day-BOD and 620 kg/day-NH3-N at Zhong-gang river would be needed to achieve the water quality compliances in the Q75 situation.5.Monthly water quality analysis and performance evaluation of 2005~2007 outsourcing and funding projects is completed. On the other hand, we also assist and complete master plan for the quality of basins and ocean maintenance and improvement plan of 2008~2011 in this project. 096 水保處 美商傑明工程(股)台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1779
毒性化學物質災害應變諮詢中心運作計畫 工研院能源與環境研究所(以下簡稱能環所)長期執行相關性質計畫的基礎,並參酌國內、外現行化學品應變諮詢服務中心運作方式,規劃以環保單位為主要服務對象及其他政府相關單位與業者為輔之技術支援服務,於96年1月18日起承接本計畫,執行期間承蒙委辦單位(環保署)的監督與指導,及相關同仁之全力配合下進度達100%,執行進度符合計畫期程規劃。在全年無休24小時進行毒化物災害、化學品災害、恐怖化武攻擊事故之監錄、專業諮詢服務與災害通報作業方面:從96年至97年3月止監控國內案件412件以及國外案件325件,國內案件中需北、中及南部環境毒災應變隊到場支援案例共151件,發生地點以台北縣比率最高,事故場所多為工廠事故,災害類型以火災最為頻繁。一般諮詢服務之案件數,總計879件,電話諮詢方式最多,又服務對象以業者為最高,最常諮詢服務類別則以化學品諮詢為最常,一般諮詢均於3日內完成回覆。在統合毒性化學物質災害防救體系及技術推廣,增進與全民防衛動員及反恐機制的整合應變協調方面:完成了綱要計畫(Master Plan)短程、中程及長程的十年規劃工作,亦召開兩次審查委員會議討論並修正。協助環保署毒管處進行應變類法規修正之幕僚工作;選定以高雄市碼頭區為全國毒災演練規劃場地,完成北、中及南各兩場次全國政府單位動員講習之辦理、北、中及南部各兩場次毒災聯防小組組訓及一場次全國毒災案例研討會辦理工作。配合我國毒化物全民防衛動員及反恐應變作業,在工研院完成一場次科技動員演練,成果備受各單位肯定。在蒐集整理國內、外毒災防救與應變相關資訊及國內、外有毒化學品管制資訊與災害案例方面:毒性化學物質災害防救資訊平台完成改版並正式上線。持續更新毒性化學物質運作廠場防救基本資料更新家數達3,625家。針對環保署列管258種毒化物的物質安全資料表、緊急應變卡與防救手冊完成更新及專家進行審查作業。完成全國地理資訊系統(GIS)開發,毒化物廠場定位資料共完成472筆,其餘均提供地址定位方式查詢。「環境毒災簡訊電子報」共發行十三期,網址為http://www.erc.nkfust.edu.tw/epaper/index.php。此外亦持續根據歷次會議修訂持久性有機污染物國家實施計畫(NIP)並完成其摘要版。 The 2007 Annual Report for the National Information Center of Emergency Response for Toxic Chemical Incident The Industrial Technology Research Institute's (ITRI) Energy and Environment Research Laboratories (EEL) has drawn up this plan to provide technical support services for emergency response to accidents involving chemicals and toxic substances. EERL's plan is designed to mainly serve government environmental protection agencies, while also providing services to other government agencies and businesses. EERL drafted the plan based on its long-term implementation experience with related plans, as well as the operations of chemical emergency response centers both in Taiwan and abroad. On January 18, 2007, this plan was received and carried on thanks to the oversight and guidance by EPA, and with the full effort and cooperation of our colleagues. To date, 100% progress has been achieved for this planThroughout the entire year, every day for 24 hours a day, monitoring and record-keeping is implemented for all accidents involving toxic chemicals, hazardous materials, or terrorist attacks, as well as operations utilizing professional consultation services and disaster notification. This year to the end of March of next year, there were 412 domestic cases and 325 foreign cases. Of domestic cases, 151 cases required environmental accident response teams on-site in Northern, Central, and Southern Taiwan. The highest number of incidents occurred in Taipei County. and most incidents occurring at factory sites. Fires were the most frequently occurring type of accident. There were a total of 879 normal consultation service cases, with phone consultations accounting for most of these cases and industries accounting for the highest number of service recipients. Chemical products accounted for most inquiries in phone consultations, with an average of three days for complete recovery as a result of these services. Planning is underway to fully integrate a toxic chemical substance accident prevention system and related technology, and to coordinate with civil defense mobilization and anti-terrorism response mechanisms. A 10-year outline plan has been completed, and covers short-term, mid-term, and long-term programs. The plan has also undergone two review committee discussions and revisions, and assistance has been provided to the Environmental Protection Administration's Department of Environmental Sanitation and Toxic Substance Management in carrying out revisions to laws and regulations regarding response measures. In addition, Kaohsiung Harbor has been designated as the National Toxic Accident Drill Planning site. Two on-site training sessions for national government agency mobilization have been completed each in Northern, Central and Southern Taiwan, while two on-site group training sessions for a united defense task force for toxic accidents have been completed each in Northern, Central, and Southern Taiwan. The National Conference on Toxic Incident Response has been completed in ITRI during 15-16, November. ITRI has also completed one on-site technology mobilization drill to coordinate with Taiwan national defense mobilization and anti-terrorism response operations. The results enjoyed the approval of all agencies.Data has been compiled and collected on rescue and response in domestic and foreign toxic accidents, as well as for domestic and foreign toxic chemical control data and accident cases. A new version of a data platform containing information on toxic chemical substance accidents and rescue operations has been completed and is officially online. To date, basic data has been updated on 3,625 factories operating with toxic chemical substances for purposes of location and rescue. In addition, the safety data, emergency response cards, and rescue handbook for toxic chemical substances listed by the EPA (Numbers 1 through 258) have been updated and have undergone expert review. A national Geographical Information System (GIS) has been completed, with data compiled for 472 toxic chemical factory locations. The remaining factories have provided addresses for use in search inquiries. Meanwhile, the "Environmental Toxic Accidents Electronic Newsletter" has already published 13 issues. In addition, in accordance with past meetings, revisions continue to be made to the National Implementation Plan of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, as well as the completion of an abstract for the plan. 096 毒管處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=864
桃園縣揮發性空氣污染物調查及管制計畫 行政院環境保護署於86年起針對揮發性有機污染物陸續公告相關法規,揮發性有機污染物之污染管制方向更加明確。本年度計畫以固定污染源、加油站及餐飲業為3大管制對象,透過稽巡查管制、輔導改善及加強宣導等方式來達成揮發性有機污染物減量之工作。計畫自96年4月3日簽約執行,至97年4月2日止,完成180家次固定污染源之揮發性有機污染物清查作業,另對石化製程設備元件以FID檢測儀器設備進行30家次共1053點次之洩漏檢測,對於固定污染源揮發性有機污染物之排放,則完成62點次之非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)及5點次二甲基甲醯胺(DMF) 煙道檢測作業;另配合自96年第2季起由地方徵收揮發性有機污染物空氣污染防制費,本計畫支援必要人力進行審核及資料掃描、建檔等事宜。對於固定污染源揮發性有機污染物減量宣導方面,已完成揮發性有機物空污費計費制度說明會、揮發性有機物防制技術暨法規宣導說明會及揮發性空氣污染物減量宣導活動。對於加油站之管制方面,計畫完成276站加油站清查與92站加油站油槍氣油比初測作業,持續執行新設加油站審查及列管加油站之油氣回收管理辦法之法規符合度查核,同時完成100座加油站油氣回收標章認證作業,加油站宣導作業方面,於7月23日至9月10日辦理「絕不漏氣!」加油員攝影比賽活動,並於9月19~21日三日,辦理「桃園加好康!油氣回收真健康」宣導活動,共吸引2,082輛汽車及5,349輛機車共襄盛舉。餐飲業管制部分,完成309家餐飲業之清查及建檔作業,並掌握10處本年度屢遭陳情之餐廳,進行多次複查作業。目前已有30處餐廳完成污染改善作業;完成「嗆嗆滾」美食餐廳認證制度及推動永安漁港熟食區為本縣之環保餐廳示範美食街;宣導活動部分,於9月14日辦理第2屆「嗆嗆滾美食餐廳」頒獎暨拒絕餐飲業油煙危害宣導活動,邀請縣長、反ㄧㄢ大使及各學校代表,共同宣示「無油無一ㄢ,健康全險」之觀念,同時將一ㄢ害防制宣導與教育結合。其他事項部分,主要為完成加油站油氣回收線上申報系統,讓業者可以自行線上申報,以節省人力資源。 VOC Survey and Control Plan The Environmental Protection Agency of Taiwan (EPA Taiwan) has been announcing the laws and regulations governing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) since 2007 to clarify the control of VOCs. Stationary pollution sources (SPS), gas stations and restaurants are the three major categories to be controlled in this year’s plan. Tour audits and inspections, control, guidance for improvement and publicity have been applied to achieve the reduction of VOCs.During the audit plan period from 3 April 2007 to 2 April 2008, and the VOCs audit was performed on 180 SPSes; the leaking test was performed with the flame ionization detector (FID) on 1053 locations of the petrochemical process equipment of 30 suppliers; and the VOCs emission focusing on NMHC was performed on 62 locations of SPSes and on DMF was performed 5 locations of SPSes. Also, to coordinate with the implementation of the VOCs control levy collected by local governments from Q2 of 2007, the project supplied the necessary manpower for review, data scanning, and documentation. In terms of the publicity for VOCs reduction of SPS, three activities were organized: the VOCs control levy rates presentation, VOCs control technologies and regulations presentation, and VOCs reduction activity.In terms of gas station control, the audit on 276 gas stations and preliminary testing on the GOR of petroleum dispensers of 92 gas stations were performed. Also, the new gas station review and the conformity of oil gas recycling management of controlled gas stations were implemented continually. The oil gas recycling logo certification for 100 gas stations was completed. In terms of publicity for gas stations, the Absolutely No Leaking! photography contest for gas station employees was organized during July 23-September 10. The Benefits for Taoyuan! Gasoline Vapor Recovery for Health publicity activity held September 19-21 attracted support from 2,082 vehicles and 5,349 motorcycles.In terms of restaurant control, the audit and documentation of 309 restaurants were completed, and the top 10 restaurants most complained about were recorded for re-audits. Currently, 30 of them have completed the improvement on VOCs emissions. The planning of the Yummy & Healthy restaurant certification system was completed. The planning of turning Yongan Fishing Harbor Hawker Area into the demo environmental food mall for this county us in progress. In terms of publicity, the Second Yummy & Healthy Restaurant Awards and Say No to Restaurant Emissions events were held on September 14. Magistrate, the anti-fume ambassador, and school representatives were invited to announce the concept of No Oil No Fumes, Full Insurance for Health and to combine the publicity and education of fume control.In terms of other things, the main thing is to finish the gas station oil gas recycling declaration system, letting the gas station managers report online voluntarily and save manpower. 096 桃園縣政府環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=421
水污染防治許可換發審查計畫(中區) 本計畫辦理中區水污染防治許可換發審查計畫,負責包括審查中區新竹市、苗栗縣、台中縣、台中市、彰化縣、雲林縣以及金門縣等7個縣市及新竹科學園區、中部科學園區、彰濱工業區以及雲林科技園區 (工業區部分僅執行諮詢說明會事宜)等11個單位之水污染防治措施計畫或許可證(文件)之換發申請。主要工作重點區分為二階段執行,第一階段為辦理「水污染防治許可證之換發諮詢說明會」,並配合政策調整,自7月下旬停止並取消所有有關養豬業之諮詢之工作,10月起協助辦理「新增事業水污染防治法規及許可、檢測申報作業諮詢說明會」。說明會之作業方式為採取一對三方式個別諮詢,讓換發對象瞭解新版申請表格內容及填寫方式,並協助解決換發對象相關表格填寫問題及法規方面的疑慮;協助新增事業確認應採取何種水污染防治措施或有無設置之困難,並瞭解應申請之水污染防治措施計畫核准文件或許可證(文件)種類。第二階段為水污染防治措施計畫及許可證(文件)換發審查作業,包括書面審查、現場查核及工程改善審查等,並協助事業或污水下水道系統原領有核發機關核發之水措計畫核准文件或許可證(文件)者,應依照「水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請審查辦法」第41條之規定,於中央主管機關公告之期限內(96.05.01~98.08.31)辦理申請換發,並於98.12.31取得重新核准之相關許可證(文件)。並彙整許可表格填寫常見之錯誤、許可申請文件與現場之差異性以及符合新修訂法規困難點等,做為後續修正水污法相關法規修訂之參考。本年度針對3,475家業者辦理完成149場諮詢說明會,參與業者共計3,140家(包含個別諮詢15家),整體諮詢率達到90.4 %,並完成720家業者審查作業,及263家現場勘察作業。為瞭解業者對於水污染防治措施管理及許可換發之感受程度,運用「水污染防治措施管理及許可換發問卷調查表」,調查結果發現許可換發服務部分,業者滿意度高達9成,主因為本次是採專人指導,服務到底的方式,足見本計畫在服務上的重視與用心受到民眾的肯定。 The project of review and issuance of water pollution control permits(central area) The project is to assist EPA in its replacement examination for the water pollution source preventing and controlling permission. Since May 28, 2007, this project has applied to 7 counties and cities for the permission replacement examination. According to the contact, there are 4,200 water pollution sources will be served to replace their permissions. Besides the replacement process preparation meeting focused these 7 counties and cities, there were 149 consulting meetings had achieved before December 31, 2007. At the same time, there are 3,140 water pollution sources had joined these consulting meetings and in consultation with our working group. Because of the livestock breeding consulting had been canceled in July, 2007, so that we have consulted additional water pollution sources since Oct. 2007. There were 14 additional consulting meeting had been achieved and there are 99 additional water pollution sources had obtained.In the permission replacement examination aspect, there were 736 water pollution sources to submit permission applications and there were 263 water pollution sources had accepted site inspections. This project had finished examination operations for the permission applications of 720 water pollution sources and had already conducted 263 site inspections. This project also conducts paper inspections and site inspections for general engineering projects and improvement projects. In addition, this project has provided three special lines to give the water pollution source. This project has answered questions from the water pollution source in license agents since Oct., 2007. 096 水保處 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15414
邁向健康台灣(Healthy Taiwan)-清淨家園暨無毒的家宣導計畫 辦理2場為期一週的「清淨家園暨無毒的家」宣導展示活動。完成3場宣導活動。製作「清淨家園村里動員5招式」、「遛狗不留便」及「安全使用環境用藥」等3支宣導短片。製作「清淨家園村里動員5招式」及「清淨家園IN 登革熱OUT」2支燈箱廣告,刊登於人潮眾多之台北捷運廣場。 Toward a Healthy Taiwan -- Environment Purification and A Home Without Toxic Chemicals Promotional Project At the end of December 2007 there were two promotional environmental activities in Taipei and Kaohsiung. Three short movie clips were made on the “ Five Tips for Cleaning the Environment”, “Pick Up After Your Dog” and “Safe Pesticide Use,” the clips were shown on the big electronic bulletin boards, Taipei MRT as well as Internet systems in North, Center and South Taiwan.Making illuminated Advertisements for the “Five Tips for Cleaning the Environment” and “Cleaning Environment IN, Dengue Fever OUT.” Publish them in the crowded MRT stations in Taipei. 096 毒管處 大通通路行銷股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1381
九十四至九十六年環境水質北區監測計畫(96年度) 本計畫主要針對北區十縣市各類水體進行水質監測,掌握各水體水質時間變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。96年度監測結果顯示,在河川水質方面,東北部宜蘭、花蓮地區河川普遍污染不大,水質較好,未(稍)受污染比例佔55 %,嚴重污染比僅佔1%;淡水河系河川下游則在有機物及氨氮污染濃度有較高情形,而於上游水質較佳,其未(稍)受污染比例佔48 %,嚴重污染比則佔13%;西北部桃園、新竹地區河川則以新竹頭前溪流域水質狀況最佳,而以桃園南崁溪、老街溪、茄苳溪、新竹茄苳溪及客雅溪水質污染較為嚴重,同時桃園老街溪在金屬銅、鋅有長期測值偏高之現象,其未(稍)受污染比例佔35%,嚴重污染比佔8 %,惟中度污染比例則達到44 %,為北部地區中度污染比例佔最高者。在海域水質方面,各水質項目在各縣市沿海皆符合海洋環境品質標準,整體而言,非河口測站較河口測站之水質為佳,東半部海域較西半部海域水質為佳,本島海域較外島海域為佳。近岸休憩海域水質方面,北區兩座海水浴場除福隆海水浴場於5月、6月及9月份監測期間曾受河川匯流與採樣前累積降雨影響,有監測結果及試分級結果不符甲類海域海洋環境品質標準之情形外,其餘之水質狀況均屬普通至優級。在水庫水質方面,本年度監測期間新山及西勢水庫屬於普養至貧養,翡翠水庫屬於普養,石門及寶山水庫屬於普養至優養,其餘水庫則多屬於優養,其中優養化水庫多分布於外島湖庫。在地下水水質方面則與往年類似,超過第二類監測基準之項目,主要集中於氨氮、錳及鐵等三監測項目,與各環保單位歷年對台北盆地、桃園中壢台地及新竹苗栗沿海地下水之監測結果相符合。 The Enviroment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Northern Area of Taiwan from 2005 to 2007 (2007) This project carries on water quality monitoring to five kinds of water bodies of ten counties and cities in the northern Taiwan. The changes of water quality to the time and pollution assessment for those water bodies could be provided to the relevant environmental agencies for making a sound pollution control decision. The monitored result in water quality of rivers and creeks in 2007 shows that the water quality in Yilan and Hualien cities was good, the percentage of assessed result classified into the non(slight)-polluted grade was about 55%, the heavy-polluted grade was only about 1%;A critical distinguishes between upstream & downstream was shown in Danshuei-river, the downstream got a high pollution concentration of organic matter and NH3-N, the percentage of assessed result in Danshuei-river classified into the non(slight)-polluted grade was about 48%, the heavy-polluted grade was about 13%;In Taoyuan & Hsinchu cities, Touchien-stream got the best water quality, the water quality in Nankan-stream, Laochieh-stream, Jiadong-stream, Keya-stream, were worse, especially in Laochieh-stream the monitored data of copper and zinc showed a long-time high concentration. The percentage of assessed result in Taoyuan & Hsinchu cities classified into the non(slight)-polluted grade was about 35%, the heavy-polluted grade was about 8%, the middle-polluted grade was 44%. On the other hand, the seasonal results of 43 coastal monitoring spots for the 8 marine water regions appeared that none was ever found exceeding their relative marine water quality standards in all marine regions. The water quality in eastern sea area was better than in western, Taiwan coastal waters was better than off-shore island waters and estuary. In addition, two recreational coasts in this project, except the Fulong beach was found exceeding the water quality standard on May 28, June 11 and September 10 because of the influence of rainfall, the water quality of these two coastal regions seems to be good. Regarding on the reservoir water quality, the results of monitoring spots for the dams show that reservoirs in Keelung and Hsinchu were mesotrophic to eutrophic level, Feitsui and Shihmen Reservoir were mesotrophic, and the reservoirs in Kin Men and Matsu were analyzed to be on a situation of eutrophication. Finally, ground water monitoring results show that as usual, Ammonia-Nitrogen(NH3-N), Iron(Fe) and Manganese(Mn) are the major items against the Ground Water Monitoring Standard in second category. 096 監資處 精湛環境股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1499
96屏東縣空氣品質管理發展計畫 本計畫之目的主要在於協助屏東縣環保局管制各子計畫執行內容、進度與方法,透過計畫的執行,協助環保局處理空污相關會議資料,檢討年度空污執行計畫成效與方向,有效整合各計畫力量以達到改善空氣品質之目標,此外,配合未來環保署推動之總量管制規劃,研擬空氣品質改善方向,規劃短中長程管制目標,提供屏東縣環保局未來執行空氣污染管制之建議方針。統計96年1~12月環保署於屏東縣設立之空氣品質監測站,臭氧及懸浮微粒空氣品質不良站日數為84站日,較95年同時期減少6站日;屏東縣設立之鹽洲測站,較95年同時期空氣品質不良站日數(臭氧64站日)相比減少18站日。當空氣品質趨於不良時,啟動空氣品質不良通報及回報作業,該項作業主要進行預報、通報及回報作業,並透過各計畫之測站認養機制及重大污染源之掌握工作進行查處回報。96年屏東縣辦理之空氣品質改善維護計畫共計16項,依計畫類型可區分為固定源、移動源、逸散源、綜合管理及監測與研究地方特性計畫,整體管制工作架構及推動措施如下圖所示,依各計畫管制成效分析整體平均為90.5分。本年度委託專業機構(國立中山大學社科院民意調查研究中心)針對屏東縣內33鄉鎮並以年滿二十歲以上之民眾進行全縣及特殊性區域對象(觀光路線區域及污染源集中區域)等空氣污染管制工作民眾滿意度調查,結果顯示受民眾肯定之項目在整體空氣品質方面,觀光地區空氣品質滿意度近80 %(79.8 %),而在各項空氣污染管制工作方面,加油站油氣回收管制(70.4 %)、路邊攔查-免費排氣檢測(77.8 %)、機車排氣檢測服務(93.6 %)、營建工地污染管制(54.1 %)、工廠管制(57.5 %)及道路洗掃整體觀感(68.2 %)等,此項目滿意度較高。此外,修正屏東縣空氣污染防制計畫書,主要重點內容將加強於結合「高高屏空氣品質改善行動計畫」規劃重點及96年、98年及100年需分別達到7.5%、6.5%及4.3%的目標,包括六大主軸32項子計畫為架構。評析活動強度及污染物排放量變化,固定污染源工廠、加油站及餐飲業油煙、移動污染源機動車輛、逸散污染源營建工程、露天燃燒、車輛行駛揚塵、裸露地表及施工機具操作皆為未來管制重點。據此規劃97年度空污費推動計畫,包括屏東縣空污基金編列5項計畫,向中央環保署申請補助11項相關計畫。 2007 PingTung Air Quality Management Plan The purpose of this project is to assist Bureau of PTEPB (Environmental Protection Ping Tung County) to administer the various programs scheme, the content and methodology itself. By means of the aforementioned implementation, we were able to review on what have been finished over time table and helped EPA to deal with AP (Air Pollution) agendas and minutes to boot, supervising the integration of the air quality improvement. Besides, the perspectives that the EPA are marching toward to better the Air Quality (AQ) should again be aligned with our schedule either long-term, mid-term, or short-term as a proposition in the control of the AQ in the future.For the Air Quality inspection stations of EPA, the number of days which PT AQ reported poor accounts with respect to the data analysis from Jan to Dec, 2007, O3 and PM10 were accounted for 67 days and 17 days in Ping-tung, respectively, 84 days in total and 6 days less than last year. The Yan-jou Air Quality inspection station that was set by Pingtung County governor had 46 days were reported as poor, from Jan to Dec, 2007, the main pollutants including 42 days of O3 and 4 days of PM10, less than 18 days compared the same period from last year. When the AQ tend to poor, AQ feedbacks and related operations were implementing mechanism of forecast, notify, and feedback. The emails and messages were sent throughout all sites and feedback were supposed to be supervised.There totally have 16 improving projects were held by Pingtung County governor which are following as brief. The main framework and demarches on the whole showed in figure. According to the EPA’s audit result, the average achievement point was 90.5 scores. We have contract with the Public Opinion Poll Studies Center of National Sun Yen-Sen University to survey the satisfaction among citizens above twenty-year old from 33 towns in Pingtung County about air pollution control. The result showed that 79.8% satisfied on tourism spot, 70.4% of gasoline VOCs recycle, 77.8% of random mobile bike inspection, 93.6% of mobile bike emission inspection service, 54.1% of construction sites, 57.5% of factories control and 68.2% of street cleaning etc. those could present the nearest surrounding to citizen and help us to improve the important parts.We are in charge to executive of Air Quality Manage Project (AQMP). Studying the control strategy and assemble every subproject to archive their goals that including proposal amendment. For accommodating the future trend controlling strategy, we have issued the Air Quality control plan to EPA for censoring. The content included the reduction quantity and strategy, adjusting air pollution improving and maintenance goals and the emission control of stationary sources, mobile sources, and emission inventory update. According to analysis the intensity and variety of pollutant emission, the control strategy should focusing on stationary, gasoline station, cooking industry, mobile sources, construction sites, open burning, unpaved ground in the future. We have referenced both on the principle execution of EPA and air pollution control plan of Pingtung County governor to scheme on the Air Quality Improving project of Pingtung County in 2008. That included to 5 projects for air pollution fee foundation arrangement, and also handed out the subsidy request that including 11 projects for EPA. 096 屏東縣政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=480
96年度「一般廢棄物處理處置設施檢討規劃及再利用成效查核評估」專案工作計畫 為持續推動我國「零廢棄」政策及妥善處理垃圾,行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)依據「垃圾處理方案之檢討與展望」之具體改善措施,檢討以前年度相關執行計畫,整合刻正執行之垃圾處理次類別之重大公共建設計畫(行政院已核定計畫),配合未來垃圾清理施政重點,以期達成我國「垃圾零廢棄」至民國100年之中期管理目標,並為後續目標年垃圾減量工作奠定基礎。本計畫執行之工作內容包括:●健全一般廢棄物清除處理體系●檢討及修訂一般廢棄物最終處置設施設置與管理相關規定●辦理96年後生垃圾不進掩埋場之各項工作●整合推動「垃圾零廢棄」各項工作及追蹤管考執行進度●擴充、維護及更新「一般廢棄物基線資料申報系統」及「一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄」宣導網站及一般廢棄物管理重要紀實報告 Review and Planning of General Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities as Well as Check and Assessment of Recycling Effect In order to promote “zero waste” policy continuously and treat the trash suitably in our country, according to the substantial improvement measures of “Review and Outlook of Trash Treatment Program”, the Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan (hereinafter referred to as EPA) reviews the relevant execution plans in previous years, integrates the major public construction plans which are executing for the sub-classification of trash treatment (the plans approved by the Executive Yuan), cooperates with future administrative focal points of trash treatment, to achieve the mid-term management target of “zero trash waste” in our country by 2011, and establishes the foundation for the trash minimization work of following target year. The work contents for the execution of this plan include:●Perfect the removal and treatment system of general waste●Review and revise the relevant regulations for the setup and management of final disposal facilities of general waste●Conduct the various works without sending raw trash to landfill field after 2007●Integrate and promote various works of “zero trash waste” and track and audit the execution progress●Expand, maintain and upgrade the promulgation websites of “Baseline Information Reporting System of General Waste” and “Total Classification and Zero Waste of General Waste” and the important documentary report for the management of general waste 096 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2044
南投縣96年度「固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫」 本計畫執行期程係自96年3月2日至97年3月1日止,共計12個月;主要工作項目包括:資料庫維護更新與擴充、執行許可制度、辦理空污費催補繳及查核、執行重大污染源整廠管制及執行各類稽查檢測作業等工作項目;各項作業內容與進度均依原規劃執行並符合合約要求。為掌握本縣固定污染源污染特性及配合環保署、環保局相關政策推行與考評要求,計畫執行期間推動多項重點工作與創新作法包括下列各項:一、持續執行重點污染源「認養制度」,掌握可行改善減量空間進一步簽署自願減量協議,並現場確認改善進程,96年完成5家簽署自願減量並確認完成改善,粒狀物減量0.135公噸/年、硫氧化物減量0.352公噸/年、氮氧化物減量0.956公噸/年、VOCS減量61.029公噸/年,符合本縣「空氣污染防制計畫書」之要求。二、執行許可申請代辦業及檢測代檢業之評鑑,據以提升相關代辦及代檢業之專業與服務品質。三、完成編訂「橡膠製程」、「堆置場」及「廢棄物處理及再利用」等署指定及本縣特殊製程之許可審查及排放量計算手冊,確保審查一致性與正確性。四、因應空污費徵收審查業務移撥地方執行,先期完成審查流程建置,並於96年第3、4季空污費到繳率達100%,落實污染者付費之精神。由於96年開徵VOCS空污費並修訂SOX、NOX徵收費率,96年空污費總徵收金額(包含SOX、NOX、VOCS)約為1200萬元,年徵收金額為歷年之二倍。截至97年3月1日,本縣列管固定污染源共計604家,空氣污染物年排放量分別為:粒狀物為1,809.5公噸、硫氧化物為404.2公噸、氮氧化物為351.4公噸、揮發性有機物為1,624.0公噸。「南崗工業區」仍為本縣固定污染源最主要之排放重點地區。在排放量變動方面,除氮氧化物較去年微幅成長外(增量5.5噸/年),其餘污染物種排放量則較往年低,其中以VOCS差異幅度最大,主要係因大型污染源停工或遷移、增設防制設備及原物料減量或變更等因素,使得VOCS減量最多。各項相關作業內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。 096 南投縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=764
全民綠色生活資訊平台規劃及網路行銷推廣專案計畫 本計劃的目標分為系統整合與加強行銷兩部分。系統整合的目的在於滿足環保署的資訊需求,整合目前所存在的四個網頁系統,其中綠色產品採購網係以連結的方式達成整合的目的。而加強行銷的目的則在於透過虛擬商店結合上游製造業者的綠色產品、中游銷售業者的綠色商店,以提高產品的知名度、競爭性,達到營業額倍增的目的,同時擴大對下游消費者(包括公務機關與私人企業甚至一般民眾)的教育與宣導,並將使用者的意見彙整、回饋與修正。  現階段主要架構均已架設完成,各項目包括一般訊息、採購、綜合資訊、其他功能專區功效都已達原先規劃之目標。本計畫另外加強系統整合最重要的角色判定,不論是製造廠商、銷售廠商、政府機關,其角色功能的區分均能完全表現出系統整合的部份已臻至完善。綠色商店、產品的查詢均以友善、直覺思考的方向做分類查詢。新增的記事系統也可以讓使用者對於行政會議的行程一目暸然。  首頁最新消息的介面修改讓民眾能夠掌握環境保護的即時資訊,期能將綠色採購的量體擴大,以展示環保署推動綠色生活的績效。 Project on Planning a Green-life Information Service Platform and Promotion for Green Purchase through Internet Marketing The purposes of this project are divided into two parts: the information system integration and promotion of green product selling. The information system integration is to fulfill the purpose of information demand from Taiwan EPA. There are 4 existing web pages integrated with the Green Production Procurement. This web page is linking to the other 4 web pages to achieve the information system integration. The promotion of green product selling is achieved through the fictitious store composed of upper stream manufacturers’ green product and middle stream retailers’ green store. Such joint venture will raise the competitiveness and make the green product become well known to the public, in turn, it will make huge selling amount. Also, this joint venture will educate the lower stream consumer including government agencies, private businesses sectors, or general public to participate in green product procurement. The consumer’s feedback will be collected and passed back to the store management staff for improvement through the web page. All the major mechanisms are completed in the present stage. Functions like general message, procurement, composite information, and other functions were established and they are achieving the original objective. The most important feature of this project is to differentiate the manufacturers, retailers, and government agencies. Differentiation shows the system integration approaches its best state. Green product and green stores were inquired in user-friendly mode and they are designed by public’s purchasing instinct. Newly added recording system makes users understand better of the administrative schedule. The most updated news edition function in the homepage make general public knows the most prompt news in environmental protection. We expect the amount of green procurement will be expanded and shows the effectiveness of the green life promotion done by the Taiwan EPA. 096 管考處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1264
台灣沿海工業區鄰近海域水質監測及海域三度空間流體動力模式基礎建置專案工作計畫 環保署為了維護珍貴的海洋資源及生態環境,執行臺灣沿海工業區鄰近海域水質監測及海域三度空間流體動力模式基礎建置專案工作計畫,工作內容包括一、調查與監測臺灣沿海工業區鄰近海域水質,評析沿海工業區廢水排放進入海域水體後,對鄰近海域水質環境變化影響。二、建立廢水進入海域水體後污染擴散模式,及污染物擴散推估模式驗證。三、建置海域三度空間流體動力模式基礎。在調查與監測臺灣沿海工業區鄰近海域水質部分,左營與大林蒲海放管水質動態BOD監測結果顯示,各動態測站表層水水溫與溶氧量受氣溫與大氣曝氣影響較高,且有隨水深而下降趨勢,pH與生化需氧量完全符合甲類海域水質標準。第一季左營與大林蒲海域水質調查,以排放口末端為中心500 m內調查結果顯示,表層水水溫與溶氧受氣溫與大氣曝氣影響較高,水溫、溶氧與pH有隨水深而稍微下降趨勢,鹽度則有隨水深而稍微上升趨勢。溶氧量、pH與生化需氧量皆符合甲類海域水質標準。各測站水質除左營退潮表層水(水下1 m)葉綠素a受水色異常海面有漂浮物濃度較高外,其他監測項目漲退潮數據變化不明顯。由於第一季調查結果數據變化不大,故修正第二季左營與大林蒲海域水質調查,縮小調查範圍至離擴散管口100 m內,並由專業潛水伕確實採取水下15 m及16.5 m處的水樣,第二季調查結果明顯與第一季不同,位於擴散管上方少數測站(A1、B1與C1的水下15 m雨水下16.5 m)的鹽度、溶氧量、pH稍低,而生化需氧量、矽酸鹽、硝酸鹽氮、亞硝酸鹽氮與正磷酸鹽稍高外,其他測站的水質監測結果與背景站值相當。兩季的調查結果皆顯示,海放管排放水受海水稀釋擴散速度極快,對附近海域水質影響範圍,水平方向大約只在距擴散管口沿海流方向數十公尺之內,而垂直方向僅及擴散口數公尺的範圍。大林蒲較左營的水質變化明顯,推估乃因大林蒲海放管排放量為左營海放管兩倍所致。在建立廢水進入海域水體後污染擴散模式,及污染物擴散推估模式驗證部分,四季次麥寮溫排水擴散調查結果顯示,於退潮期間,溫排水受到退潮海流及溫排水動量的影響,均有朝西南方擴散,水的密度較小,在表層的擴散影響範圍較大(超過1,000 m),而在底層的擴散影響範圍有限(約200 m)。而漲潮期間,溫排水擴散型態大致對稱於溫排水渠道方向,僅略向東北方向擴散,此外,底層溫排水擴散範圍較為有限。四季次海流調查結果,麥寮港內海流於漲潮時,流向以東北方流入港內,退潮時海流流向則以西南方流出港外;較常發生的海流流向大部分集中在SW的方向。興達海流,於漲潮時流向以西北方為主,退潮時海流流向則以東南方較為明顯;較常發生的海流流向大部分集中在SSE的方向。污染物擴散推估模式驗證,Visual Plumes模擬結果(水平方向與垂直方向)與水質調查實測值相近。在建置海域三度空間流體動力模式基礎部分,經評估四個海洋模式後,選用普林斯頓海洋模式(POM)作為臺灣海域三度空間流體模式之基礎,模式計算區域涵蓋4°×5°範圍,水平解析度1’,垂直方向共10層,本年度已完成大區域海域及高解析度細網格系統(在麥寮港及興達分別建立解析度高達200 m網格)之建立,進行模式穩定度測試、積分時間調整,以及水深、風場、溫度、潮位開放邊界條件等之建立,並配合模式需要完成程式修改。分別執行考慮東北季風、潮汐及廢熱點源污染模擬,模式算出水位、流場及水溫分布結果均已輸出製成圖檔附於本計畫的成果光碟中。 Monitoring Costal Water Quality at Industrial Sites and Underlying Three Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model around Taiwan Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration has launched the project entitled “Monitoring Coastal Water Quality at Industrial Sites and Underlying Three Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model around Taiwan” to preserve the precious marine resources and ecological system in the coastal region around Taiwan. The scope of the project has three components: 1. Surveying the water quality at two ocean outfalls from industrial parks and evaluating the impact of the effluents on the receiving coastal waters. 2. Monitoring the pattern of thermal plume from Milliao power plant and investigating ocean current at Milliao harbor and offshore of Hsingda. 3. Underlying a three dimensional hydrodynamic model around Taiwan.Field survey of water quality has been performed in summer, April to May, and in autumn, September to October, for both Tsoying outfall and Dalinpu outfall respectively. The field results showed that the effluents from both Tsoying and Dalinpu outfalls dispersed quite efficiently, the effluent can only be detected within few tens of meter in downstream of the flow direction and few meters above the discharged location. For the behaviors of the thermal plume from Milliao power plant, the thermal plume extends to the southwest during ebb tide and slightly to the northeast during flood tide because of the topographic effects. The temperature rise in the surface layer extends much larger area than the bottom layer due to the positive buoyancy effect from the thermal plume. Ocean current data present a parallel to the shoreline flow direction for both Milliao harbor and Hsingda. In Milliao, water flows into the harbor during flood tide and flows out of the harbor during ebb tide with residual current direction outward. In Hsingda, water flows northwestward during flood and flows southeastward during ebb tide with residual current direction southeastward.POM (Princeton Ocean Model), beating ADCIRC, TSNOW and The Three Dimensional Model of the China Seas, is selected for underlying the three dimensional hydrodynamic model around Taiwan. The model covers 4° x 5° with resolution of one minute. It adopts sigma-coordinate in vertical direction with ten layers. Two finer grid systems within the model domain, 200 m resolution, covering Milliao harbor and Hsingda have been set up simultaneously. So far, model stability test has been completed. Water depth, wind field, and tidal forcing at open boundary have been collected and tested. Preliminary simulations on wind induced current/water level, thermal diffusion of a point effluent source, tide driven current/water level have been tested with promising results for the future works on development of an operational hydrodynamic model around Taiwan. 096 水保處 國立海洋科技大學海洋環境工程系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1065
環境用藥防治小黑蚊藥效評估計畫 以七種供試之市售防治小黑蚊特殊環境用藥即環衛用藥A、環衛用藥B、環衛用藥C、環衛用藥D、環衛用藥E、環衛用藥F及環衛用藥G,利用超低容量噴灑玻璃筒法進行特殊環境用藥防治小黑蚊之藥效試驗。以供試藥劑推薦濃度之稀釋藥液檢測對小黑蚊之擊昏及致死效果。供試特殊環境用藥對不同地區小黑蚊品系成蟲之擊昏效果以供試蟲半數擊昏時間(KT50)表示之。所有供試處理中,有四分之一之KT50介於7~20min,其餘多數之KT50均大於30min。在藥劑對同一地區小黑蚊之致死效果方面,七種供試特殊環境用藥於施藥後24小時對小黑蚊成蟲之死亡率間,具有顯著之差異性,於四個供試地區中均以環衛用藥A之殺蟲效果最好。施用推薦濃度(180X)稀釋藥液於供試地區之小黑蚊成蟲均造成100%之致死效果。陶斯松原體(30%)之360X稀釋藥液對台中市大坑地區小黑蚊於施藥後24小時之死亡率達100%,180X稀釋藥液對歸仁地區小黑蚊之致死率亦達100%。治滅寧原體(5%)之40X稀釋藥液對大坑地區之小黑蚊亦具有良好之擊昏作用及殺蟲作用。芬化利原體(13.8%)之60X稀釋藥液對大坑地區小黑蚊品系則具顯著良好之殺蟲功效。依芬寧原體(6.5%)之200X稀釋藥液對大坑地區小黑蚊之死亡率達91.2%。賽滅寧原體(25.2%)之200X稀釋藥液對竹山、大坑及歸仁三個供試地區小黑蚊之半數擊昏時間皆大於19min。百滅寧原體(20%)之160X稀釋藥液對竹山、大坑及歸仁三個供試地區之小黑蚊成蟲,均具有優良之擊昏效果及殺蟲效果。撲滅松原體(30%)之200X稀釋藥液對大坑地區小黑蚊於施藥後24小時之死亡率達87.7%。由七種供試環境用藥原體之基礎藥效試驗結果發現:所有供試原體對南投縣竹山地區小黑蚊成蟲之半數致死濃度均大於對台中市大坑地區小黑蚊者,此即顯示大坑地區之小黑蚊成蟲對供試環境用藥原體之感受性均較竹山地區者為高。 The efficacy tests of the environmental pesticides on the biting midges Seven kinds of restricted use environmental pesticides were executed to evaluate the control efficacy of these pesticides for the adults of biting midge, Forcipomyia taiwana with ultra-low-volume spray method. Bioassays showed that, when applied to four different strains of biting midges with recommended concentrations, most dilutions of these restricted use environmental pesticides gave tested adults the low knockdown effects with the KT50 more than 30min. The killing effects of seven pesticides were significantly different for the same strain of biting midges based on the mortalities for 24 hours after treatment. In four tested areas Environmental Pesticide A had the best killing effect among all tested pesticides and 100% mortality was obtained when its 180-fold recommended dilution was applied to biting midges of four local strains. The efficacies of seven technical grade environmental pesticides (active ingredients) were evaluated. The 100% mortality for 24 hours after treatment was observed when 360-fold dilution of chlorpyrifos (30%) applied to Da-Keng strain, Taichung and 180-fold dilution applied to Guei-Ren strain, Tainan, respectively. The 40-fold dilution of tetramethrin (5%) had a good knockdown effect and killing effect against Da-Keng strain. The 60-fold dilution of fenvalerate (13.8%) also had a significantly good killing effect in Da-Keng Area. The 200-fold dilution of etofenprox (6.5%) also caused 91.2% mortality against tested adults in the same area. However, the 200-fold dilution of cypermethrin (25.2%) had no knockdown effect against Zhu-Shan, Da-Keng, and Guei-Ren strains of biting midges. When applied to the three local strains, respectively the 160-fold dilution of permethrin (20%) had a nice knockdown effect and killing effect. The 87.7% mortality was obtained when the 200-fold dilution of fenitrathion (30%) was applied to Da-Keng strain for 24 hours after treatment. Seven technical grade environmental pesticides were tested against Zhu-Shan, and Da-Keng strains based on the LC50. The results showed that the LC50 for Zhu-Shan strain was higher than those for Da-Keng strain. That was the biting midges of Da-Keng strain was more susceptible than those of Zhu-Shan strain to all tested technical grade environmental pesticides. 096 毒管處 國立中興大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1826
室內空氣品質標準檢討及自主管理診斷機制建立與推動 室內空氣品質政策為近年政府所關切的重大議題之一,因此標準的訂定與完善的自主管理制度建構也為政府的重要施政目標。而為減少未來室內空氣品質管理法執行上的疑慮,本研究團隊針對現行建議值的適用性與否進行探討,並同時就各類場所之優先管制次序進行分析,及藉由專家技術輔導的建立,提供場所室內空氣品質之管制參考與諮詢服務。此外,由於現有生物性指標結果變異性大,因此本研究團隊也建構完整的生物性污染調查流程表及初步評估其他生物性指標之替代性。最後,由於甲醛為重要室內污染物且量測不易,本研究亦針對較簡易之甲醛量測法進行評估。 在分析室內場所資料庫,發現第一類場址約有40 %以上無法符合CO、CO2、O3及細菌之規範,因此從分級管理及推動上之考量及各面向影響分析後,建議第一類場址CO訂為3 ppm、CO2為800 ppm、O3建議與第二類建議值相同即可,細菌檢測方法再現性差,本計畫亦嘗試建立其他替代性指標,因此暫建議不需訂定分級標準。在優先管制對象上,學校的優先管制對象依序為CO2、HCHO、CO和Bacteria,醫療院所為CO2、CO、Bacteria和HCHO,營業商場為CO2、CO、HCHO和Bacteria,辦公大樓則為CO2、CO和HCHO。本研究團隊亦針對國內各室內環境相關領域專家進行整合,建構北、中和南區之專家技術輔導團成員,並針對國內10家場址進行輔導,以協助場所室內空氣品質之改善。在室內生物污染指標部份,場所細菌和真菌濃度均超過標準,室內通風則可能為影響細菌和真菌濃度變化之主因,而僅管細菌內毒素與Glucan無發現與環境指標因子無發現明顯關連性,但因許多文獻發現此兩指標有人體危害的潛在風險,故將待更多採樣結果評估其自身的適用性。甲醛逸散簡易篩檢方法中,Yanagisawa甲醛簡易測定法敏感度高,與主動式DNPH採樣分析法量測結果相關性良好,應用於國內室內環境空氣甲醛之量測與篩檢,應具有可行性。本研究成果將可提供未來政府在室內空氣品質自主管理制度與污染指標擬定之參考。 Revisions of Current Indoor Air Quality(IAQ) recommendation Levels and Promotion of IAQ Management in Public Buildings in Taiwan The issue of indoor air quality (IAQ) is high on the agenda as the Taiwan Government has become increasingly concerned with the large number of health problems associated with indoor pollution. The IAQ standards setting and self-management policy establishing are crucial issues in IAQ management. The purposes of this study are: To evaluate the reasonability of IAQ standard suggested values proposed by Taiwan EPA; To suggest the priority items in IAQ managements for different indoor environments. To propose a framework of IAQ expert consulting group and to recruit professionals for IAQ consulting services in different regions of Taiwan. To evaluate the reasonability of current biological indexes (bacteria, fungi) and to assess the suitability of other biological indexes such as endotoxin and glucan. To conduct a comparison study for evaluating a passive on-site formaldehyde detector. A framework for IAQ expert consulting group was proposed by this study. The members for expert consulting in North, central and South Taiwan were recruited. Consulting services of indoor air quality improving projects in ten sites were conducted by IAQ expert consulting groups The results from comparison showed the passive on-site formaldehyde detector developed by Yanagisawa research team has good aggrement with traditional DNPH method. 096 空保處 社團法人台灣室內環境品質學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=343
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(非塑膠廢容器及廢乾電池類)專案工作計畫 本計畫為執行非塑膠廢容器類及廢乾電池稽核認證作業,本計畫之目標係以嚴謹的稽核認證程序,核算稽核認證量,以作為環保署核撥受補貼機構補貼費之依據。96年4至12月成果中,稽核認證回收量為204,118,753.5公斤(包含非塑膠廢容器類202,101,790公斤、廢乾電池類2,016,963.5公斤),認證處理量為204,934,560.5公斤。執行過程中,共計執行2,062場次稽核認證,其中到貨查驗認證為1,925場次,而其他相關認證場次為137場次。此外,本計畫96年4-12月共計記點1點以及扣量43,464公斤。本計畫亦完成合約書所規範之各項作業,包括作業程序稽核、環境查核、每月庫存盤點、會計稽核、衍生物查核(含衍生廢棄物及再生料)、異常事件處理、新設廠及變更審核、農藥逐支查驗及認證品質現勘、質量平衡、受補貼機構教育訓練、清淨家園、計畫績效指標評核等作業。再者,本計畫亦進行各項品質管理作業以管理執行品質,包括內部稽核、外部稽核、以及人員教育訓練等。藉由前述各項工作之執行,本計畫已達成96年度之執行目標。 The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste(Non-Plastic Waste Containers and Waste Batteries) This plan was an inspection and certification plan of the due recycled waste included non-plastic waste containers and waste batteries. The operation duration of this plan was from April to December in 2007. The operation guideline of this plan is “the inspection and certification operation handbooks of due recycled waste: non-plastic waste containers and waste dry batteries.” The recycled quantities of non-plastic waste containers and waste dry batteries were 204,118,753.5 kg, including 202,101,790 kg of non-plastic waste containers and 2,016,963.5 kg of waste dry batteries, during April to December in 2007. And the treatment quantities of non-plastic waste containers and waste dry batteries were 204,934,560.5 kg. The total inspection and certification numbers were 2,062 times, including on-site inspection 1,925 times and the others inspection 137 times, during April to December in 2007. The penalties for violating the regulations were included record 1 point and deduct 43,464 kg from treatment quantity.This plan also completed all work items regulated in the contract. The completed work items included the processing equipment standard inspection, environmental inspection, account auditing, derivative waste and renewable material inspection, abnormal events management, new treatment plants evaluating, pesticide containers inspection, mass balance experiment, disposal industries training, cleaning homeland plan, and the plan achievements index evaluation. This plan also was managed quality by inner auditing, external auditing, and team members training. By completed all work items, the goals of this plan have been achieved. 096 基管會 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1091
96年臺中縣街道揚塵洗掃計畫 為提昇民眾生活品質,環保署於全省各重要都會區及具地區代表性地點,皆設置自動空氣品質測站。臺中縣現有豐原、大里、沙鹿等三個環保署空品自動測站,根據臺中縣歷年來空氣品質測站監測結果有效資料分析,臺中縣空氣品質不良日數偏高,其中懸浮微粒(PM10)、臭氧(O3)為引起臺中縣空氣品質不良之主要指標污染物之一。臺中縣環境保護局為降低臺中縣道路揚塵量,使中部地區空氣品質不再日益惡化,並配合行政院環保署「加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」等相關計畫,特專案辦理「96年臺中縣街道揚塵洗掃計畫」,並延續上年度「95年臺中縣街道揚塵洗掃計畫」執行,針對全縣測站周邊及人口稠密、交通流量大及具嚴重揚塵地區,優先執行洗掃街及改善措施,期能達到空氣品質中懸浮微粒之污染改善目的。本計畫執行期程十一個月,自96年5月4日簽約,至97年4月3日止。本計畫主要工作重點為執行洗掃作業、街道髒污程度調查、洗掃作業沿線污染源管制、建立至少豐原巿、沙鹿鎮、大里巿三鄉鎮環保志工道路揚塵巡查員(其召集對象可由舊有環保志工隊成員)及辦理教育訓練1場次、推行「一鄉鎮一道路」重點道路揚塵改善機制及辦理考核、舖設木屑(塊)或稻草席或替代性材質面積1500平方公尺、辦理各項會議4場次、每月網頁資料更新,以原有網路申報系統擴充或增設公所上網申報洗街工作量、環保志工巡查結果上網申報及本計畫街道髒污程度調查結果上網申報機制、聞稿見報率每季2篇及協助每月提供新聞稿3篇、查核各鄉鎮公所洗街車運用情形及彙整月報等工作內容。本計畫截至目前(97/3/20)為止,洗掃作業持續進行中,執行成果彙整如下:一、 執行機具掃街11274.4公里,達成年度目標之102.5%,集塵量為266,748公斤。二、 執行機具洗街11,244.6公里,達成年度目標之102.2%,平均用水量為1.68公噸/公里。三、 完成洗掃街車之車輛保險、車體彩繪、澆水設施安裝。四、 完成四季髒亂點查核、髒污道路調查、污染源查核。五、 每月定期查核具有洗掃機具之鄉鎮公所執行成果,並彙整比較各鄉鎮公所網路申報資料與現場查核資料之一致性。六、 「推動一鄉鎮一道路考核作業」,辦理四場次鄉鎮公所協調會,一場志工教育訓練。七、 提供新聞稿33篇,登報刊登九篇。八、 鋪設稻草席1500M2。 Taichung County Street Dust Cleaning and Washing Program After a contract signed on May 4, 2007, Taichung County Street Dust Cleaning and Washing Program for the fiscal year of 2007 started the preliminary stage of planning and proceeded with equipment purchases and personnel training. On May 5, 2007, the program began with planned work projects including: cleaning and washing streets; inspection and coordination of the administrative offices of villages and towns; results evaluation; survey; and the actual work achievement as follows:1. Cleaning and washing operation, and inspection:After the Environmental Protection Bureau approved the planned routes of cleaning and washing, the operation officially started on May 5, 2007. During the program, there were six route changes. A total of 11,244.6 km in length of streets was washed with 18,909.7 tons of water usage and an average of 1.68 ton/kilometer. The duration of the program was for 48 weeks, averaging 234.3 kilometers every week; compared with the original plan, the total achieved percentage was 102.2%. With 11274.4 kilometers in length of street cleaned, compared with the original plan, the total achieved percentage was 102.5%, averaging 234.9 kilometers of streets cleaned every week. Total garbage cleared and transported was measured 171,360 kilograms, averaging 13.7 kilograms of garbage dust collected for every kilometer of street.2. Inspection and coordination of village and town hall:(1)In order to integrate the routes of the village and town halls which facilitate cleaning and washing machines and the Environmental Protection Bureau’s routes for achieving best efficiency, there were four job coordination meetings held for this program. Except for the coordination in details of cleaning and washing operations with every village and town offices, the meetings provided the most effective work projects and communication with every administrative offices. By sharing the experiences, it promoted the effects of streets cleaning and washing operation in the County.(2)To proceed with the inspection for the cleaning and washing operation of village and town offices in this fiscal year, website report system was provided for reporting the progress. As of now, every village and town office proceeded with the program on schedule according to their reported information.3.As to the improvement of central separation island, from August 2007 to Novernment 2007, our work team in this program started to spread, on bare ground, rice straw provided by FengYuan City at the central separation island on GangBu Road in QingShui with a total of 1500 square meters in area measure.4. For improvement of the pollution source and investigation of dirty spots on county roads, during May 2007~Apr. 2008, there were 8 pollutants monitored among which tree listed locations were removed by the end of October 2007. At least 21 dirty spots were submitted to village and town offices and Environmental Protection Bureau Pollutant Management Division for increasing the frequency of cleaning, washing and inspection.5. Execution 「The representative road for the competition of each village or town」in this fiscal year,and the finial Fongyuan City, Shengang Township and Shalu Township wine the champion. 096 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 德汰科技顧問有限公司.嘉錩環保工程有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=237
檢討研修行業別固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準及可行性評估計畫 本計畫工作內容包括完成玻璃業空氣污染物排放標準草案研擬,以及推動固定污染源空氣污染物相關排放標準研修作業等。分別說明如下:(一)完成玻璃業空氣污染物排放標準草案研擬1.修正氮氧化物排放標準:因污染控制技術的進步及污染源的汰舊換新,國內傳統玻璃熔融爐之NOx排放濃度,已可符合我國固定污染源最佳可行控制技術,但近年新設的玻璃基板之玻璃熔融爐,有逐年擴廠,且NOx排放濃度偏高的情形。此外,由於純氧助燃相對於空氣助燃,其排放濃度較高,但排放係數較低。考量純氧助燃濃度偏高之特性,另訂NOx係數標準。對於使用空氣助燃者,將以排放濃度管制。對於使用純氧助燃者,將以排放係數管制。排放標準修正,乃是考量國際管制潮流、技術可行性、經濟可行性及行政可行性。氮氧化物排放標準修正為「以空氣助燃時,排放標準為300ppm。以純氧助燃時,排放標準為2.22 kg/Gcal。」2.規定採用無砷製程:本年度針對玻璃熔融爐砷排放之檢測濃度介於810-4~410-3 mg/Nm3。低於其它國家標準值0.5~1mg/Nm3。換算之排放量最大值0.002 噸/年,亦低於美國NESHAP規定新設玻璃熔融爐爐砷標準為0.44 噸/年。依該排放量經ISC模擬對空品的影響,最大著地濃度為0.07 ng(砷)/Nm3 (年平均值),低於歐盟環境空氣品質基準:砷之年平均值為6 ng/Nm3。表示近年來玻璃業積極轉換為無砷製程,以及控制設備的良好操作下,對於空氣品質的影響程度。但過去中科砷事件顯示,控制設備的不良操作可能導致嚴重的砷事件,本計畫建議環保署參考美國MACT的規定,廠商必須裝設粉塵偵測裝置(偵測濾袋的有效性),或者直接規定採用無砷製程(源頭管制)。由於無砷製程為國際潮流,且技術可行,專諮會委員建議規定商採用無砷製程較適合。3.其它項目之檢討:含氧校正基準建議修正為15%。粒狀污染物排放管道排放標準建議新增為50mg/Nm3。硫氧化物排放管道排放標準建議新增為100ppm。(二)推動固定污染源空氣污染物相關排放標準研修作業1.硫氧化物:將採用源頭管制,指定於高屏空品優先推動含硫分限值為0.3%之液體燃料,本標準將以質量平衡換算相對應的排放濃度標準150ppm。2.氮氧化物:要求既存污染源限期符合新設污染源標準。新設污染源需採用低氮燃燒器技術,其排放標準以NOx削減率20%來訂定。3.粒狀污染物:固體燃料標準依規模大小分別為50及150mg/Nm3。非固體燃料則為50、100及150mg/Nm3。4.一氧化碳排放管道標準:新增規定為「以焦碳或煤碳為還原劑從事金屬冶煉之製程或其它經中央主管機關認定之製程,得以空氣品質模式推估符合當地空氣品質標準之相當排放濃度值為管制標準。」。5.其它法規條文的調整方面:第五條修改為「周界外無法選定適當之測點時(例如受地形或公共設施限制之地點)得在其廠界內三公尺處選定適當地點測定」。第六條修改為「周界測定之取樣時間,粒狀污染物為一小時,得連續執行」。第十條修改為「因製程特性、裝(設)置控制設備或製程改善,能有效減少污染物排放,且排放濃度較排放標準值低於40%者,應檢具書面資料報請當地主管機關核准後,始得建築低於第十條所規定高度之排放管道。」 The Review of Air Pollutant Emissions Standards for different industrial sectors The scope of work of this project includes: draft the emissions standards for air pollutants emitted from the glass manufacturing industry. And to enhance the review and draft of all the relevant air pollutant emissions standards for stationary pollution sources. The details are as follows:(1)Complete the draft air pollutant emission standards for glass manufacturing industry1. Revise NOx emission standard:Current NOx emission from the traditional glass furnaces has already complied with the existing BACT regulation, recently the LCD glass furnaces expand rapidly and their NOx emission is higher compare with the traditional glass furnaces. Besides,the NOx concentrations are higher from the oxyfuel combustion compared with the airfuel combustion , however NOx emission coefficient of the former is lower. Because of this characteristic,NOx concentration will be regulated for those with airfuel combustion. And the emission coefficient will be regulated for those with oxyfuel combustion. According to the international trend and technical, economic as well as administrative feasibility, the NOx emission standards are revised as: 300 ppm for those with airfuel combustion and 2.22 kg/Gcal for those with oxyfuel combustion.2. Requirement for Arsenic-free process: Based on this year’s investigation data, Arsenic concentration emitted from those with airfuel combustion were between 810-4~410-3 mg/Nm3, which is lower than the emission standards (0.5~1mg/Nm3) in other countries. Based on the above data, the maximum total emission is calculated to be 0.002 ton Ar/year, which is also lower than the US NESHAP’s standard for newly built glass furnaces (0.44 ton Ar/year). Simulation was also done by applying the above investigation data with ISC model, the estimated maximum ground concentration is 0.07 ng As/Nm3 (annual average),which is also lower then the EU environmental air quality guideline ( 6 ng As /Nm3 ). The above data show that air quality was improved significantly after applying Arsenic-free process or APCD (Air Pollution Control Device) by the glass furnaces factories. However, the Arsenic incident at Taichung Science Park indicated that inadequate operation of the APCD may pose significant impact on surrounding environment. Therefore, we suggest that the Taiwan EPA can request mandatory installation of dust detector to prevent baghouse leakage,or request for the use of arsenic-free process. As the arsenic-free process is adopted internationally, and it is also technical feasible,the EPA advisory counselor suggest to push for arsenic-free process.3. Review of other standards: We suggested the calibration base for oxygen content in the exhaust to be revised to 15%; to increase the emission standards for particles in exhaust to be 50mg/Nm3; and to increase emission standards for SOx in exhaust to be 100ppm.(2) To review and revise the emissions standards of Stationary Pollution Source Air Pollutants1. SOx:We suggested promoting usage of liquid fuel with sulfur content less than 0.3% at the KaoPing Air Quality Area, and the SOx emission standard to be set at 150ppm based on the mass balance calculation.2.NOx:We suggested that NOx emission concentration from the existing stationary pollution sources should comply with the NOx standard required for newly established stationary pollution sources within specific timeframe. Newly established stationary pollution sources should adopt low nitrogen combustion technology, and their total NOx emission should be 20% lower than the present one. Which means the newly established stationary pollution sources should adopt LNB technology.3. Particulate matter: For solid fuel, the particulate emission standard will be set at 50 and 150mg/Nm3 according to their operational scale. For non-solid fuel, the particulate matter emission standard will be set at 50, 100 and 150 mg/Nm3 according to their operational scale. 4. CO:Current CO emission standard is 2000 ppm, we suggested the followings to be added in the regulation ‘For Metal smelting process using coke or coal as reductant or other processes authorized by central competent authorities, the CO control standard can be adopted from the estimated concentration resulted from air quality modeling that will comply with the local air quality standard.’5. Adjustment of other Articles: Article 5 was revised as ‘When it is not possible to select a appropriate testing location for an area outside the peripheral boundary of a public or private premises (for example, due to topographic constrain or presence of public facilities), then an appropriate testing location can be chosen within three meters inside the surrounding boundaries of the factory.’ Article 6 was revised as ‘sampling collection times for peripheral boundary testing shall be one hour for particulate matter pollutants, and can be executed continuously.’ Article 10 was revised as ‘Those public and private premises that adopt pollution control measures or process improvement which can effectively reduce air pollutant emission and the emission concentration is 40% lower than the emission standards shall submit written data to the local competent authority, and after receiving approval, may build an emissions pipe lower than the specified height in designated in Article 10.」 096 空保處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1543
運用遙測技術於事業廢棄物監測及管理計畫 台灣地區廢棄物產量逐年增加,不僅由於人口成長,亦由於工商業進步,人民生活水準提高,每人日常生活中所製造的廢棄物量增加。多年的經濟與發展,除民生垃圾大量增加外,由於興盛的工廠生產,造成事業廢棄物遽增,而由於環保意識抬頭,使得各地掩埋場設置困難。廢棄物在量大且處理困難下,一些不肖業者以及不法清潔公司,將廢棄物非法棄置,造成環境重大衝擊。即時的解決問題的最佳工具即是利用遙測技術,其主要特性為其資料所涵蓋面積廣泛且具有即時之特性。對事業廢棄物的監測與認定需要在已有的監測活動上,再進行多元化分析加值資料,或另行建立監測的技術,為了對遭非法棄置點進一步掌握,於原有之分析系統加入土地利用、分類等空間分析因子,以研擬一套具前導性監測機制。未來逐步將環境評估、廢水偷排、污染管制建立客觀法治的監測能力,擴大監測成效落實業管能量。為提升與補強全面性環保單位的環境監測的能力,規劃建置多元的遙測技術監測體系,來快速增強環境偵測的能力與涵蓋面,實為當務之急。計畫目標:一、利用衛星影像資料定期監控及分析目標六縣市易遭棄置廢棄物潛在風險區;二、篩選之疑似棄置廢棄物區域,經現場瞭解非棄置廢棄物區域者,應彙整分析原因,並修正判定原則;三、利用遙測科技定期監控及分析目標六縣市轄內掩埋場掩埋容量變化情形。運用技術:一、是使用衛星影像配合空間分析及遙測分析進行非法事業廢棄物潛在棄置區之判釋;二、是選定十處業務單位轄內之掩埋場,利用地面光達,定期監測場區之容積變化情形。工作內容:區分為兩方面技術及成果[衛星遙測方面]1.所有棄置點是資料蒐集分析作業2. 空間分析處理作業3.定期(每兩個月)遙測影像分析處理作業4. 通知環保署承辦以及派員現場空拍影像處理作業[掩埋場測量]5.航空測量與空載光達量測6.五月份起每隔兩個月前往各場區進行地面光達掃描,獲得各期的DSM 7.進行差異分析得到容積(DSM差異數值)的變化8.各項工作檢討與建議。本計畫成果如下:1.空間資料分析,運用資料探勘技術找出規則,運用在潛在棄置垃圾地點找尋。2.依資料探勘歸納出之判釋規則進行影像分析,初步篩選出較高風險棄置區域。3.進一步加入光譜分析、NDVI植生指數分析、變遷分析及輔助資料…等找出疑似非法棄置場址。4.由業務單位派員現場稽查以驗證分析成果及做為判釋規則修正之參考依據。5.配合所發現疑似棄置廢棄物區域,利用航空器或UAV赴現場獲得詳細資料歷年遙測影像分析。6.資料彙整成電子檔,並予以建檔,以利後續查詢。7.航空測量與空載光達量測目標掩埋場的DSM。8.地面光達掃描目標掩埋場DSM及差值,並完成各時期目標區現場照片,提供比對環境之了解。 Industrial Waste Monitoring and Management by Remote Sensing Technology The Taiwan area waste output increases year by year, not only because the population grows, because the industry and commerce is also progressive, the lives of the people produce more waste. Many year economies and the development, besides the livelihood of the people trash massive increase, as a result of the prosperous plant production, create the enterprise waste to increase suddenly, but because environmental protection consciousness gains ground, causes each place to establish the bury sites difficultly. Waste in quantity big also under processing difficulty, some unfilial entrepreneurs as well as the illegal clean company, illegal abandon the waste, create the environment significant impact.Immediate solves the question best tool uses the Remote sensing techniques.Its main characteristic covers the area for its material widespread also has the immediate characteristic.To the enterprise waste monitor with recognized needs in already in monitor which has, again carries on the multiplex analysis to add the value material, or establish monitor technology. In order to control illegally abandons further grasps, joins spatial analysis factors such as land utilization, classification in the original analysis system and so on, draws up a set of guiding monitor mechanism. In the near future gradually the environment appraised, the waste water, pollution control governed by law monitor ability can be expanded monitor capacity.In order to promote and to make up the strong integrating environmental protection monitoring ability, the establishment of multi-dimensional remotw sensing monitor system, with the fast enhancement environment detection ability and the coverage is the actually urgent matter.The Purposes:(1)Use satellite imagery regular monitoring and analysis on six counties to identify the potential waste risk areas;(2)Screening the doubtful waste region, after investigating the scene,should analyze the entire reasons, and revises the determination principle;(3)Regularly monitor and analyze the bury fields within six counties to know the field bury capacity change situationThe techniques:(1)ses the satellite imagery to assist the waster site classification via space analysis and remote sensing;(2)In the designated ten service units govern the bury field, reaches using the ground LIDAR to measure the volume change situation through regularly monitoring of the fields The scope of work for the project consists of:[Satellite Remote sensing Aspect](1) The historical waste fields related data collection(2)Spatial analysis and processes(3)regular (every 2 monthes) RS imagery analysis processes(4)inform the EPA about the potential waste sites and go field investigation with UAV image collecting process work[Bury Field](5)Photogrammetry and LIDAR survey,(6)From May, the Terrestrial LIDAR survey every two monthes for 10 sites to obtain the DSM,(7) calculate the difference of each DSM to have the variationThe achievement of the project consists of: (1)Through the spatial data analysis, to discover the rules using the material exploration technology, to utilize in potential dumping waste sites searching .(2)According to the data exploration,the interpretation rules carry on the image analysis, screens the high risk waste fields region initially.(3)Further joins the spectral analysis, NDVI analysis, the change analysis and the auxiliary material…And so on. To discover doubtful illegal waste field sites(4)Dispatches an official as the scene examiner by confirming the achievement and as a reference to do the rules revision.(5)Goes to the scene to obtain the detailed field check images through using the aircraft or UAV for the further evidence analysis(6)The collected material becomes the electronic files, and constructs the files, in order to help following inquiry(7)Photogrammetry and LIDAR DSM of the bury fields(8) To count the difference among various times for those bury field DSM of the ground LIDAR, and to interpret the photographs to understand the environment. 096 廢管處 國立台灣大學空間資訊研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1654
資源物分類回收再利用及廚餘回收區域合作評估計畫 完成規劃未來補助各執行機關推動資源回收之重點需求與優先順序等及辦理甄選民間廠商參與廚餘回收處理辦法與跨區域契約研訂等 「Resource Sorting, Recycling and Reuse as well as Evaluation of Regional Cooperation on Kitchen Waste Recycling」 This project is consisted of two parts: sorting, recycling and reuse of recyclable resources, and evaluation of regional cooperation on kitchen waste recycling. In accordance with the project proposal, the following objectives have been achieved:Basic information for 83 resource recycling facilities was reviewed, among which 25 were investigated by on-site inspection. An operation manual was compiled based on the results of these investigations. Meanwhile, recycling operation manuals for kitchen waste and bulk waste were revised which will be provided to the environmental authorities for use as guide books. 096 督察總隊 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=651
環保科技園區國內媒體宣導專案工作計畫 順應世界前瞻趨勢,並加速國家建設發展,在雄厚經濟與科技背景下,台灣政府除了過去已成熟發展的十二項傳統產業,及半導體、光電產業外,目前正積極斥資投入推動規劃擴大八大新興產業發展政策。然而,在產業蓬勃發展的同時相繼衍生出環保問題,進而造就綠色產業契機。為解決國內仰賴進口之環保市場需求,帶動新興環保產業,並活絡經濟發展創造就業機會,台灣設置「環保科技園區」,啟動綠色產業發展、建立循環型社會與開創全球化環保市場。而「環保科技園區」推動計畫已陸續進行園區興建、整體對外宣傳及相關國內外招商的動作;時值國際間全球暖化議題帶動對環保議題的加速落實,以及國內民生相關產業漸採行的樂活風潮,正是爭取更多廠商進入的成熟時機,故行政院環境保護署特委託本公司辦理「環保科技園區國內媒體宣導專案工作計畫」。本計畫主要為運用整合行銷包裝及國內媒體的全方位使用,進行深度、明確目的性、精準目標以及創新綠色溝通的方式,全力提昇「環保科技園區」的能見度、注目度及形象,以強化廠商進駐各園區投資設廠的興趣及意願。在國內媒體宣傳方面,規劃執行了包含電視、報紙、雜誌、網路、機場、高鐵、台鐵、台北捷運、戶外電視牆、實體通路等廣告製作與露出,整體宣傳效益佳,大部分預定露出則數或秒數都有增額宣導露出,宣導媒體運用全方位,且鎖定目標企業主進行溝通,透過媒體資源的有效分配與操作,讓「環保科技園區」的媒體宣導工作跨出成功的第一步。而在其他整合行銷包裝方面,包含環保科技園區簡介光碟錄製、專案視覺及海報設計輸出、環保宣導品規劃製作等,都讓整體宣導工作的進行事半功倍,増收加乘效果。有關辦理『環保科技園區國內媒體宣導專案工作計畫』相關工作方面,規劃項目都已執行完畢。然綜觀整體效果,觀念宣導及知識建立有待長期傳播的效果累積,唯有持續不斷地透過各項媒體資源將訊息宣導傳播出去,才能日見成效。 Environmental Science and Technology Parks and Media Boardcasting Project In line with world trends while stepping up national development, and backed by the country's strong economy and high-tech competence, the government of Taiwan has embarked on a campaign to promote investment in Eight New Industries in order to accelerate national development. These eight industries are in addition to the 12 conventional industries and semiconductor and optoelectronics industries receiving support in the past. Today the environmental problems caused by industrial development have created a moment of opportunity for green industry in Taiwan. Taiwan plans to establish an Environmental Science and Technology Park (ESTP) in order to ease the country's dependence on imports of foreign environmental products, stimulate the domestic environmental protection industry, stimulate the economy, and create employment opportunities. The Park will encourage the development of green industry, strengthen the campaign for a recycling-oriented society, and help local companies tap global environmental protection markets. The ESTP Business Project has already gotten underway, the Park is under construction, and the recruiting of domestic and foreign companies has begun. Now that global warming has drawn international attention to environmental protection issues, and domestic industries have embraced the LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) trend, it is a most opportune moment for companies to enter the green market. The EPA has consequently commissioned this company to undertake the “ESTP Domestic Media Promotion Project”. Integrated marketing activities and domestic media promotion will achieve an in-depth, clear, precisely-targeted, and innovative green communication campaign. This campaign will enhance ESTP's visibility and image, and boost companies' interest in and willingness to establish operations in the Park. The Project's media publicity plan calls for the production and exposure of TV, newspaper, magazine, Internet, airport, High Speed Rail, Taiwan Railway, Taipei Metro, outdoor TV wall, and physical channel advertisements. This plan will deliver optimal awareness results; most of these channels will allow extra exposure of a preset number of features or seconds, and effective communication can be achieved with the targeted corporate decision-makers. Wise allocation and use of media resources will enable the ESTP Media Project to take a successful first step. Integrated marketing tasks will include the planning and production of an ESTP profile DVD, visual design works and posters, and environmental protection awareness articles. These items will have a multiplier effect on overall awareness. The planned work of the “ESTP Domestic Media Promotion Project” has already been completed. However, long-term, cumulative promotional efforts will be needed to maximize overall effect, awareness, and knowledge. It is therefore important to continue to use media resources to transmit information about the ESTP. 096 廢管處 台視文化事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1565
96年屏東縣資源回收體系責任業者及十一大行業販賣業者逆向回收、源頭減量查核及宣導計畫 本工作團隊執行本縣96年度「屏東縣資源回收體系責任業者及十一大行業販賣業者逆向回收、源頭減量查核及宣導計畫」計畫。本計畫執行期程自96年8月20日至96年12月31日止,截至(96年11月30日)計畫工作內容執行情況摘要如下:一、本縣資源回收情形分析屏東縣資源回收率為稍有成長之趨勢,96年1月至9月較95年成長1.2%為21.16%,顯示96年本縣執行資源回收工作有所成效。96年1月至9月約回收56,087.043公噸可再利用之資源,其中以廢紙佔42%最多,其次為廢玻璃容器之13.2%。為效減少垃圾量,期能達到保護環境、資源永續利用之目標,本工作團隊已於96年9月14日至96年10月05日期間於各鄉鎮市公所清潔隊員進行13次場在職教育訓練工作,藉由教育訓練,讓隊員們瞭解工作安全及資源分類標準,藉此增加資源回收率。大部份鄉鎮96年度1月至9月資源回收情形皆較95年度有所進步,其中以崁頂鄉、滿州鄉和竹田鄉成長幅度居前三名,尤以崁頂鄉成長幅度最高,其次滿州鄉,顯示屏東縣對於資源回收政策之落實,已見努力之成效。但須注意部份鄉鎮無明顯成長,且有6鄉鎮為負成長之狀況,潮州鎮、東港鎮、九如鄉、新園鄉,南州鄉及琉球鄉,其中九如鄉衰退幅度達20%為最高,這些鄉鎮為未來應優先加以輔導之鄉鎮。三、提昇廢日光燈與廢乾電池回收率作業計畫於10/27辦理1場次廢乾電池、日光燈管、廢容器、廢塑膠袋回收等資源回收宣導活動(人數需1,500人以上)。預計可增加對廢日光燈與廢乾電池回收之概念。本縣廢乾電池回收量96年1~7月已增加為96,017公斤,其中主要來源為機關團體,約佔56%,而廢日光燈管回收量96年1~7月已增加為89,282公斤,其中主要來源亦為機關團體,約佔51%。另於10/10辦理1場次乙場次配合本縣大型慶典(如風鈴季、鮪魚季…等)活動辦理大型乙場次宣導活動。四、十一大販賣業者稽查輔導工作目前屏東縣所列管之十一大販賣業者共有875家,以連鎖式便利商店業238家最多,約佔28%。目前已稽查769家次,以照明光源販賣業稽查389家次最多,所有販賣業者經稽查後全部合格,合格率為100%。顯示屏東縣於推動販賣業者執行資源回收工作已經落實。五、資源回收形象改造工作資源回收形象改造方面,本團隊已將名單彙整,並針對屏東縣內個體拾荒業進行形象改造之工作,計畫內已輔導轄內資源回收業者至少6家、個體業者50人以上及社區、村里、大廈資源回收站形象改造工作至少3處以上,並進行列冊管理。六、限制使用塑膠袋稽查部份與責任業者查核工作於限制使用塑膠袋稽查部份,已執行稽查836家次,於限塑推動上,執行情況良好,無不合格情形,顯示環保業務之推動已有初步之成果。於責任業者部分,共計查核907件商品,其中查核發現不合格商品件數共167件次,違規項目以「無回收標誌」者最多,共計有113家次,佔總違規家數之68%,另為「未登記」商品者,共計有54家次,佔總違規家數之32%。七、其他配合辦理事項本工作團隊已配合環保局於9/17辦理1場過度包裝說明會,對象以加工食品業者及相關責任業者為主,主要目的是讓今年新增之限制業者了解環保局查核重點及法令規範,增加配合意願。另於12/01辦理1場限制產品過度包裝暨垃圾減量宣導活動,對象以屏東市民為主,主要目的是垃圾如何減量,多數的學者認為最根本的辦法,須先由減少譁眾取寵的包裝以及建立起重複使用的觀念做起,因此,做一個心存地球的消費者而言,所要具備的購物觀念。 Ping Tung County Waste Recycling Inspection and Promotion on the Responsible Businesses and Shops For the purpose of increasing recycling rate of Ping Tung County, Ping Tung Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) had enhanced the promotion of the importance of waste separation, reusing and recycling to the Ping Tung citizens. To successfully improve the recycling rate of the county, EPB had established the “Ping Tung County Waste Recycling Inspection and Promotion on the Responsible Businesses and Shops” project to administrate and evaluate on the results of the waste recycling that local councils, schools, local communities, responsible businesses, shops, and recycling organizations which had carried out.BT Environmental Consulting had assisted Ping Tung EPB to ascertain that the above bodies had complied with the government regulations on implementing waste recycling, establishing on-site recycling facilities, and recyclables had collected and processed by EPA authorized organizations. The project had been executed by BT Environmental Consulting in the duration between 20th of August and 31st of December 2007. The results are as follows,1. Recycling results of Ping Tung CountyBoth Ping Tung County EPB and BT Environmental Consulting endeavored to increase the recycling rate in the year of 2007. The recycling rate of Ping Tung County of 2007 had increased to 21.16%. Comparing to 2006, the recycling rate had a 1.2% growth. In 2007, the county had collected 56,087 tons of recyclable goods in total. Analyzing the collected recyclables, we found 42% of the recyclables are used paper and 13.2% are used glass bottles.In order to elevate of the morale and knowledge of recycling teams and to increase the efficiency of recycling works of Ping Tung County, BT Environmental Consulting had cooperated with EPB to complete 13 training classes to the recycling teams of each local council of Ping Tung County.2. Used fluorescent light and used battery recyclingTwo large-scale recycling promotion festivals on the used batteries, used fluorescent lights, used plastic containers and used plastic bags were held on the 10th and 27th of October 2007 in Ping Tung County. The purpose of the festivals was to raise the awareness of resource depletion and educate the correct concept of recycling. The attendance at this festival was excellent; it attracted over 1,500 people for the participation. Within January and July 2007, Ping Tung County had collected 96,017KG of used batteries. The 56% of used batteries were from government departments. In the same period, 89,282KG of used fluorescent lights were collected. 51% of the used fluorescent lights were from government departments.3. Responsible Shops Inspection TasksThere were 875 registered responsible shops in Ping Tung County. Within these responsible shops, the convenient stores account up to 28% in total quantity. BT Environmental Consulting project team had inspected 769 of 875 registered responsible shops, and found all shops had established on-site recycling facilities for shoppers to dispose, which was a superb success.4. Recycling Imagine Reforming ActivitiesBT Environmental Consulting project team had assisted 6 recycling companies, 50 recyclable collectors and 3 communities to improve their working facilities and environments.5. Restricted Plastic Usage and Responsible Businesses Inspection TasksBT Environmental Consulting project team had inspected 836 shops and restaurants, and found none of the shops and restaurants was using prohibited plastic bags. In the responsible business and products inspection, our auditors found 167 out of 907 inspected products were not having recycling symbols printed on them; 113 businesses and 54 products were not registered with EPA. 6. MiscellaneousOn the 17th of September, BT Environmental Consulting had held an over-packaging prohibition legislation conference. To inform food products manufacturers and importers to understand the new regulations legislated by the EPA and inspection methods and conditions of Ping Tung County EPB.To successfully promote the importance of recycling works, succession of recycling propaganda was carried out within the project execution period. In the 1st of December 2007, the project team held an over-packaging prohibition festival in Ping Tung County. The main purpose of the festival was to publicize the concept of reusing, recycling, and reducing. 096 屏東縣政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1111
96年度「資源回收再利用整合推動及績優事業評選計畫」 本計畫工作成果可分為三大項說明:(一)落實推動資源回收再利用,展現執行成果:完成「95年度資源回收再利用年報」及「95年資源回收再利用推動計畫成果報告」之撰寫、協助擬定「97年至98年資源回收再利用推動計畫」(草案),並召開一次委員會與兩次工作小組會議,同時亦已完成全國資源回收再利用資訊網之改版及資訊更新作業,以利各界參採使用。(二)推動事業廢棄物再利用及再生資源項目之管理:完成漿紙污泥、食品加工污泥及電弧爐煉鋼爐碴等3項再利用事業廢棄物項目之分析報告,針對廢清法與資再法研修動態,提出現行管理制度問題點之因應措施,並完成研擬再生資源核准審查制度。(三)辦理事業廢棄物與再生資源清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎評選:完成年度績優事業評選之初評與複評相關作業,確定96年度獲獎事業結果為13家特優及1家優等,完成96年度獲獎事業之頒獎典禮與三場次之觀摩研討會,並完成96年度績優事業專輯之彙編,評選之相關資訊亦放置於網頁供瀏覽與下載。 Project on implementation of recycling and reuse of resources plane and the screening of institutions with proven performance on waste management as well as resource minimization, recycle and reuse in 2007. This project consists of three main components which are listed below:1.Implementation of resources recycling and reuse.(1)Compile and edit the“2006 yearbook of resources recycling and reuse”(2)Compile the achievements of various government departments about their participation in the resources recycling and reuse in 2006-2007. The report“2006 achievements of the resources recycling and reuse”is the output of our compilation.(3)Draft the “Implementation of resources recycling and reuse in the year 2008-2009” while taking suggestion of 10 various government departments.(4)Assist the renewable resource recycling and reuse promotion committee and hold one committee meeting and two workshops in 2007.(5)Revise, maintain and update the national resource recycling information website.2.Management of the promotion of recycling and renewing of industrial waste.(1)Compile and edite the analysis report of three industrial waste: paper mill sludge, food-processing sludge, and arc furnace slag.(2)Provide advisement for current management according to the reviewing process of the Resource Recycling Act and Waste Disposal Act.(3)Draw up the certification scheme and relative documents of the use of the renewable resource item.3.Rank the performance of waste disposal, resource minimization, reuse and recycling and hold awarding ceremony for the annual outstanding award. (1)Hold preliminary review, reassessment and final selection with a committee consists of experts, scholars, relevant regulatory authorities and the EPA. 14 participants are awarded as the final result.(2)Compile and edite the report of “Year 2007 Award Winners’.(3)Hold a public award ceremony honoring the various award winners for their excellent performance.(4)Hold three conferences to promote and encourage various business sectors to participate in implementation of proper waste management and recycling to achieve resource minimization. 096 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1593
臺中市空氣品質管理暨居家環境資訊系統建置計畫 本計畫目標涵括7大項,包括空污經費運用效益評析、爭取環保署考評成績、檢討修訂96年版臺中市空氣污染防制計畫、蒐集國內外空氣品質改善之創新作法、擬訂臺中市管制策略及建置「居家舒適度資訊系統」。本計畫總計38項作業項目,因應計畫目標之重點工作成果,有關空污經費運用效益評估,採4項指標評估之(空品改善效益、減量成本、環保署考評指標配比及得分率與民眾認同度),統計顯示歷年固定源管制在經費編列較低、考核績效較差。在爭取環保署考評成績上,96年提出3項創新作法為「油氣雙燃料車推動」、「花之谷專案」及「紙錢減量專案」。在檢討修訂96年版臺中市空氣污染防制計畫上,96年依污染源特性規劃固定源、移動源及逸散源之改善目標,總計31項,統計至12月,23項達成目標,達成率74%。在蒐集國內外空氣品質創新作法上,完成國內8個縣市及美國、日本及英國等資料整理,包括國外近年管制方向與具體作法、95-96年相關空污管制時事及因應臺中市特性之相關議題整理,如臭味管制、停車熄火、不強迫加油、都市交通污染管制策略及乾洗業等。在臺中市空污管制策略及工作重點,焦點議題為台中工業區及中科園區管制,執行重點如建立台中工業區服務中心合作機制、加強許可管制及臭味改善及推動交通污染減量;在中科園區管制重點為設置空氣品質監測站,建立監測資料、籌組監測委員會,執行平行比對、清查污染排放量,確保環評總量,及鼓勵園區廠商/員工使用大眾運輸、低污染車輛。在「居家舒適度資訊系統」方面,所開發之系統提供臺中市居民更完善掌握其居住區域環境現況及舒適情形,並使想移居臺中市、或本地欲換屋之民眾,更多元的臺中市在地資訊,提供使用者可依個別需求差異,查詢符合所需之居住區域。 096 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1027
紫外線預報系統與校驗實驗室計畫 本計畫為二年期計畫(執行期間:2006/03/14~2007/12/31),本年度為第二年計畫。本計畫以提高國內紫外線預報與監測之正確性為主要目標任務,主要工作分兩部份:(1)維持紫外線預報系統運作正常並進行預報與監測分析;(2)進行紫外線輻射計校驗並維護紫外線校驗實驗室品保系統。有關紫外線指數預報系統的維護與紫外線指數監測與預報結果的分析評估,大致均順利進行。監測資料有效率相當高,資料也漸趨平穩。午時輻射佔全日輻射量之比例,冬高夏低的特徵相當清楚,冬季約在72%,夏季約在62%。危險級與UVI≧8的出現機率明顯呈現冬低夏高的現象,且具區域差異與逐年變化特徵。幾個測站的UVA輻射量測值與同站的UVI測值,多具90%以上的相關性。午時UVA輻射佔全日輻射量之比例,冬高夏低的特徵清楚,季節性變動較UVI為小。在預報成效分析方面,預測誤差的上下變動幅度逐年漸次縮小,顯示整個預報系統的穩定性愈來愈佳。為更增進紫外線指數之預報之成效;本計畫嘗試以數值模擬方式探討台灣地區近地面紅斑權重紫外線輻射通量的變化,將模擬成果與實際監測資料比較,期望日後能成為每日UVI預報作業中的參考數據。二級與三級標準以及備品與測站之紫外線輻射計校驗均依紫外線校驗實驗室品保系統確實進行。 UV-Index Forecasting System and UV Instrument Calibration Laboratory This project is executed between March 14, 2006 to December 31, 2007 and is in the second year phase. The main tasks are to enhance the reliability of UV-Index forecasting system and to operate and maintain the UV Instrument Calibration Laboratory (UVICL). The maintenance of the UVI forecasting system and the analysis of the UVI monitoring and forecasting results are running very smoothly. The effective monitoring rate is very high and the data has been smoothly collected. The percentage of noontime radiative flux taken up the whole-day radiation is about 72% in winter and 62% in summer. The occurring frequencies of extremely high UVI and UVI≧8 show a seasonal pattern of low value in winter and high value in summer, and vary significantly with region and year. In the meantime, monitoring of UVA and UVI shows a 90% positive correlation. The general characteristics of UVA are very similar to those of UVI. As far as the performance of UVI forecast system is concerned, the error has been minimized gradually, which suggests a stable UVI forecast system just as expected. In order to improve the performance of the UVI forecast system, a numerical simulation approach has been taken to simulate the hourly UVI. The results show some deviation does exist between the simulated and observed results, which should be corrected in the future. Hopefully, we may apply such numerical approach next year so as to enhance the performance of UVI forecast. As to the calibration of second and third standard monitoring instruments, things are running smoothly as expected. 096 監資處 國立臺灣大學全球變遷研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1171
我國推動成立世界環境組織 (WEO) 先期規劃專案工作計畫 為落實 陳總統在國內外各場合多次呼籲非洲、太平洋及中美洲友邦國家共同推動成立「世界環境組織」(World Environment Organization, WEO),該倡議已獲各該等國元首一致支持。本專案計畫,研析聯合國附屬國際組織及其它區域多邊組織之籌組政治運作邏輯,歸納整合國內共識,研擬乙份循序漸進具體可行之政策說帖及規劃方案:(一)政策說帖:以「永續發展」為宗旨,從台灣自身的經驗出發,在平等互助的基礎上,與世界各國合作,建構一個資訊、技術以及政策的交流平台,整合國內外資源與人才,俾利更有效解決全球所面臨的環境問題。(二)規劃方案:在聯合國體系外,以循序漸進方式推動-1. 從我國角度出發,先與友邦及友好國家建立共識。2.建立區域性論壇,成為意見、技術、知識交流的平台。3.達成共識後,逐步設立常設型組織。4.俟制度與組織發展完備,正式成立世界環境組織(WEO)。本計畫完成之「世界環境組織(World Environment Organization, WEO)」政策說帖及規劃方案已於97年1月9日由本署以環署科字第0970002866號簽陳 總統府並函送外交部參考辦理。 World Environment Organization, environmental policy, global environmental governance. 096 國際事務組 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1238
桃園縣政府環境保護局96年度重大污染源連線監測與查核計畫 本計畫之計畫期程自96 年4 月22 日起至97 年4 月21 日止,計畫目的在於提昇環保局現有通訊架構,解決公私場所連線所遭遇之困難、配合環保局端系統功能之提昇,輔導協助業者傳輸模組之更新、驗證連續自動監測設施之監測數據可信度,並輔導建立品質保證作業制度、落實監測品保制度與查核作業,提升監測數據可信度及可用率、執行相對準確度測試(RATA 檢測)查核,比對監測數據與檢測數據之相關性及提昇環保局連續自動監測系統運作速率、品保、現場查核之工作。計畫執行期間,各項工作皆依預定進度執行,各項工作內容及成果詳如表1.4-1。計畫執行期間除定期執行局端之資訊系統維護及協助環保局審查各類文件外,於現場查核部分共計完成監測設施功能查核21 根次,各廠之查核缺失亦逐一輔導追蹤,以確保各廠之連續自動監測設施皆能符合規範。另執行RATA 稽查檢測8 根次,包括台灣中油桃煉廠(P002、P004、P005)、國光電力P002、長生電力P003、欣榮焚化廠P002、南亞錦興廠P501 及華亞汔電P101,檢測結果均符合管理辦理之標準;環保署96 年度針對轄境內之CEMS 連線公私場所僅查核台灣中油桃煉廠P030,查核結果無重大缺失,顯示在環保局監督及本團隊查核輔導下,CEMS 管制已逐步顯現成效。針對光電業之CEMS 設置,本團隊除協助環保局進行報告書審查外亦提供公私場所法規實務諮詢服務, 計畫執行期間受理統寶光電、友達光電、凌巨科技、中華映管及瀚宇彩晶之報告書審查及輔導; 同時CEMS 訓練說明會已於97 年2 月19 日辦理完畢,會中特別針對揮發性有機物監測相關規定進行說明,可有效提升公私場所CEMS 管理能力。於工廠上傳資料統計,各廠每季有效監測時數百分比皆大於90%,可符合現行CEMS 管理辦法規範(85%);而上傳率部分皆達95%以上,可達到即時上傳管制成效。府前廣場之大型顯示看板在本團隊維護下,目前狀況良好,除了提供空品資料及CEMS 監測數據顯示外,亦配合播放各類政令宣導資料共113則,充分利用看板資源達到宣導成效。 The great pollution sources line monitored and checked the plan in 2007 The execution of the project was scheduled from April 22, 2007 to April 21,2008; the purpose was to enhance the current communication structure of EPA,resolve linkage difficulties encountered in public/private plants, coordinate theenhanced system functions at EPA, consult and assist plants in the transmissionmodule renewal, verify the creditability of the monitoring data from continuousauto monitoring equipments, provide consultation and establish qualityassurance operation, practice the quality assurance system and auditingoperation, execute the RATA inspection auditing, compare the relativitybetween monitored and inspected data, and improve the efficiency of EPAcontinuous auto monitoring system, quality assurance operation, and onsiteinspection. All work was executed according to schedule during projectoperation; the results were as shown in table 1.4-1.During the project operation, besides periodical maintenance of EPAinformation system and assistance in document inspections, 21 onsiteinspections for functions of the monitoring system were completed. In addition,all incompliance was traced and corrected under our assistance to ensure the fullcompliance of the operation of the continuous auto monitoring system. Next,there were 8 RATA inspections performed including Taoyuan Refinery of CPCCorporation Taiwan (P002、P004、P005), Kuokuan Power Corporation P002,Chungsan Power Corporation P003, Shinzon incineration plant P002, Jinhsinplant, Nan Ya Plastic P501, and Huaya Cogeneration P101; all the inspectionsresults met the requirement standards.In 2007, EPA had only conducted inspection on the CEMS linkage to theCPC Taoyuan refinery and found no major flaws, which indicated that CEMScontrol has been gradually achieving its goal under the supervision of EPA andour inspection and consultation efforts.For the photo electronic industries, this team also provided plant regulationconsultation services in addition to the regular document inspection. During project execution, we inspected and assisted applications from TPO displaycompany, AUO, Giantplus Technology, Changhua picture tube company, andHannstar. In the mean time, the CEMS training seminar had been held on Feb.,19th, 2008; subject of volatile organic monitoring regulations had beenpresented in the seminar, which would be helpful in promoting plant’s CEMSmanagement capability.During plants uploading their data, the effective monitoring percentage hadall been greater than 90% for each plant in every season. This was incompliance with the CEMS regulation (85%). The uploading ratio also reachedabove 95%, which achieved the real time uploading control effect.The large display at the plaza in front of the city hall was in good conditionunder our maintenance; besides the air quality and CEMS monitoring figuresdisplay, the screen also promote many government policies, totaling 121broadcasts, making the full use of the electronic bulletin board. 096 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=429
使用中汽油汽車廢氣排放管制規劃暨執行專案工作計畫 為協助環保署與監理單位之溝通協商,本計畫選定台北市監理處、嘉義區監理所及高雄區監理所,共辦理3場次現場諮詢會議,會議中邀請專家學者協助提供問題諮詢以及意見協調。本計畫延續執行監理機關排氣分析儀更新作業,協助輔導監理機關共20人次取得證照,以及前往監理機關擷取95及96年度汽車定期排氣檢驗共1300多萬筆資料,並針對定檢資料進行基本資料分析。有鑑於國內自97年度起實施小型汽油車加裝OBD,本計畫調查國內汽修廠因應汽車加裝OBD之檢修能力。並針對5種污染元件進行30車次之故障模擬測試,以釐清MIL燈亮後,車主有無立即進廠維修,對車輛污染排放造成之影響;另外,本計畫選定30部車,每部車皆進行惰轉、ASM及FTP-75型車型態測試,以探討不同檢測方式之污染削減及成本效益。另針對導入OBD檢驗制度,本計畫提出4年分階段導入方案。計畫期間藉由辦理2場次汽油車排氣檢驗業務研商及諮詢會議,使監理單位與各縣市環保局針對使用中汽油車排氣檢驗相關制度以及未來導入OBD查驗制度進行溝通協商。本計畫蒐集進口使用中汽油車排氣檢驗數據資料,針對檢測數據進行分析,並持續執行使用中汽油汽車排放空氣污染物檢驗測定機構資訊管理系統之操作維護工作。 The in-use motor vehicle emissions control planning and implementation project In order to assist the Environment Protection Administration to negotiate with the Department of Motor Vehicles, the project held 3 consultative conferences separately with the Motor Vehicle Division of Taipei City, Chiayi District and Kaohsiung District. In the conference, experts and scholars were invited to assist in providing answers to questions and coordination on opinions. The project continued the service of replacing gas analyzers with new ones and sending 20 persons to receive their licenses, as well as getting a total of more than 13 million motor vehicle periodic test data from the Motor Vehicle Division’s 2006 and 2007 database for analysis.Since the implementation of OBD requirement for passenger cars from 2008, the project has surveyed domestic garages regarding their capability in testing and repairing cars with OBD. The project simulated malfunction of 5 kinds of pollution control units with 30 times vehicle test to find out the effects on vehicle emissions between MIL with and without immediate repairs. In addition, the project selected 30 cars for Idle, ASM and FTP-75 tests to find out the difference between the tests on pollution reduction and cost effectiveness. The project also proposed a 4-stage plan to phase in OBD inspection system. By holding 2 seminars on motor vehicle emissions inspection, the project has achieved to coordinate local Motor Vehicles Divisions and Environmental Protection Bureaus to negotiate on issues regarding current in-use motor vehicle emission inspection system and phasing in OBD in the future. The project has collected in-use motor vehicle emissions inspection data for analysis and continued the operation and maintenance for the in-use motor vehicle emissions inspection information management system. 096 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1129
2007綠色生活展覽會及綠色產品國際研討會專案工作計畫 為推廣綠色消費理念,擴大綠色商品市場,促使政府及民間機構落實綠色採購,創造企業交換環境資訊及技術之機會,行政院環境保護署(簡稱行政院環保署)特舉辦大型綠色生活博覽會及綠色產品國際研討會,針對推廣綠色消費做一系列宣導推廣。本計畫的工作內容主要分為二大項:綠色生活博覽會及綠色產品國際研討會。以下即就前述二項工作的執行成果說明如下:綠色生活博覽會:為向全民廣為宣導綠色產品,本計畫已於7月26日至29日完成一場次之大型綠色產品展覽會宣導活動,本次活動參與對象包含:環保署12個攤位及41個攤位為環保產品線上採購網進駐廠商,展示攤位共53個。吸引眾多民眾參與,駐足觀看,達到良好之宣導效果。本次展示會與能源、環保、水科技展共同舉辦,供吸引高達8萬人次參觀。展覽之宣傳工作依不同之管道,可分為平面報紙、網站、電子媒體、直效行銷、戶外媒體及展覽摺頁等多元化傳媒方式廣泛宣傳,提高活動之曝光度,增加民眾對於活動之認知度與認同感。綠色產品國際研討會:本計畫於11月13日及14日舉辦綠色產品國際研討會,邀請5位國外講師,分別來自美、加、瑞典、日等,4位亞洲開發中國家代表,7位國內講師。本研討會規劃4大主題:政府綠色採購措施與趨勢、鼓勵民間綠色採購、綠色行銷經驗分享、綠色產品市場與商機。共有121位國內與會者參與本次會議。 2007 green life exhibition and internation green products conference The goal of having this project is multiple: (1) to promote the concept of green consumption,(2) to enhance the market for green products,(3) to encourage government agencies and private sectors to implement green procurement, and (4) to create an opportunity for businesses to exchange environmental information and technologies.The work content of this project consists of two parts: (1) Green Living Expo and (2) International Conference on Green Products. Major achievements are listed below:(1) Green Living ExpoThe event was held between July 26 and 29 in Taipei, in conjunction with the Energy, Environment and Water Technology Show. There were a total of 53 exhibition booths designated as the Green Living Expo. Among them, the EPA had 12 booths and the rest were given to producers who had signed contract with EPA to sell products through the newly established On-line Green Product Store. The Show attracted a total of 80,000 visitors and many of them were interested in the Green Living Expo. Besides the Expo, there were very intensive media exposures before, during and after the event, including newspaper, websites, e-newsletters, pamphlets, banners and radio programs. Media exposure helped to attract consumers to acknowledge, participate and appreciate the event as well as how to implement green consumption.(2) International Conference on Green ProductsThe event was held on Nov. 13 and 14 in Taipei. There were 5 foreign speakers (from Sweden, USA, Canada and Japan) and 7 local speakers invited to give speeches and joined in the panel discussions following each session. In addition, the project sponsored four delegates from Asian developing countries (Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia) to help them learn from the more advanced programs/countries and to encourage them to follow suit. The theme of the Conference covered the following four topics:(a) Where is the Market for Green Products?(b) Trend and Measures for Green Procurement –Government and Business(c) Experience on Marketing of Green Products(d) Opportunities and Challenges for Green PurchasingAltogether, the event attracted 121 participants and was a very successful one. 096 管考處 聯合報股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1339
兩段式還原/氧化技術處理壬基苯酚前驅物之研發計畫 本計劃「兩段式還原/氧化技術處理壬基苯酚前驅物之研發計畫」為國立台北科技大學創新育成中心與進駐廠商康振環境科技有限公司共同提出之研發計畫,以研究「開發還原/氧化程序」處理非離子界面活性劑之技術為主要目的,本案選定高科技產業製程中常使用的非離子型界面活性劑—壬基苯酚聚乙氧基醇(NP9EO)作為研究對象。期望利用本案之研究成果,克服非離子型界面活性劑處理之技術門檻,提升國內處理結構複雜且分子量高有機污染物之層次;大幅降低非離子型界面活性劑在環境中的濃度,進一步減低環境的危害;並且建立含非離子界面活性劑廢水之操作設備與技術,簡化操作技術,使本技術更有利於推廣至產業界以及提升相關產業綠色生產之技術,提昇產業競爭力。本研究開發「兩段式之還原及氧化程序」,以降解非離子型界面活性劑NPnEO,先以零價鐵強大之陰電性(還原性),將立體架構先吸附於ZVI表面上,ZVI的電子轉移至立體結構上的共軛鍵(聚乙烯氧基, Ethylene Oxide)上,破壞微胞結構,形成單一長鏈狀分子。第二段氧化程序則是以氫氧自由基攻擊裸露的苯環,進行雙鍵氧化,達到有效處理。本研究之批次試驗成果顯示,兩階段還原/氧化反應於較長的第一階段還原反應停留時間(60分鐘)且較低之初始pH值1.5時,TOC去除效率及生物可分解性最佳,TOC去除效率達59%。於連續式模場化成果顯示,兩階段還原/氧化反應最佳處理條件為第一階段還原反應pH值在2.0,還原水力停留時間為1.5分鐘,第二階段氧化反應pH值在3.0,TOC的去除效率為52%,BOD5更提升至原水之2.71倍,生物可分解性由原本的0.045提升至0.24達生物易分解,結果顯示生物可分解性由難分解提升至中度生物易分解性,並與Fenton反應比較已證實本計畫可行性較高。本研究更以廢鑄鐵做測試,替代第一階段零價鐵,結果顯示TOC去除效率及生物可分解性提升效果較零價鐵不佳,但結果仍在可接受之範圍,而氧化劑替代部分,實驗結果也證實利用空氣或50%O2亦可達到本技術之可行性。除此之外,本研究成果可以作為示範觀摩用途,推廣至相關產業達到清潔生產與資源再生的目的。 Removal of Nonylphenol Precursor by Two-Stage Reduction/Oxidation Processes The project titled “Removal of Nonylphenol Precursor by Two-Stage Reduction/Oxidation Processes” is a research proposed to combine zero valent iron (reduction)/Fenton (oxidation) process for nonylphenol ethoxylate removal. Nonylphenol ethoxylate is a major ingredient in nonionic detergent and is a precursor of nonylphenol which is an endocrine-disrupting chemical affecting human endocrine system, including variety of glands and hormones. Since nonylphenol ethoxylate has micelle property at high concentration, typical biological treatment is not effective. Besides, the degradation of the phenolic structure by Fenton process along is also difficult due to that its micelle property where the non-polar/hydrophobic property of phenol is wrapped by the long-chained polar/hydrophilic ethylene oxide. The advantage of the designed reduction/oxidation process is that in the first stage, the zero valent iron, an electron donor, is capable of destructing the micelle structure under acidic condition. Therefore, in the second stage, the dissolution of ferrous ion in the first stage together with the added hydrogen dioxide could easily attack the phenolic structure to destruct the non-polar phenolic structure and enhance their biodegradability.Biodegradability was assessed by the ratio of BOD5/TOC, and the degradation of nonylphenol ethoxylate was determined by UV spectrum at wavelengths of 277 nm. The batch study results showed lower pH achieved better biodegradability enhancement and the optimum condition (59 % TOC removal) was obtained at pH 1.5 for first stage reduction time of 60 min, ZVI dosage of 10 g/L and H2O2 of 1360 mg/L. In the continuous flow pilot study results, the optimum conditions were occurred at pH 2, HRT 1.5 min for the first stage and pH 3 for the second stage. Under this circumstance, 52 % of TOC was removed but BOD was increased to 2.71 times compared to the BOD of the raw water. Biodegradability (BOD5/COD) was also increased from 0.045 to 0.24, which is better than the biodegradability of using Fenton process alone. Waste iron was also tested to replace ZVI and the efficiency was acceptable but was not as good as ZVI itself, but using air of 50 % oxygen can effectively replace H2O2. Consequently, the proposed two-stage reduction/oxidation process is able to enhance the biodegradability and removal for nonylphenol ethoxylate. The obtained results are applicable for further use in the relative surfactant industry. 096 永續發展室 國立台北科技大學中小企業創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=579
電動機車維修服務 本計畫主要在繼續協助接受補助購買電動機車的民眾能繼續使用電動機車及協助其處理電動機車在使用上的相關事宜,協調廠商和零組件供應商能提供電動機車使用者良好的使用環境,本年度並增加了對市場上現有輕型電動機車的使用現況與電動機車之資源共通性進行調查,期能藉由此調查,了解目前電動機車產業的狀況,作為環保署未來政策推動的參考和依據。 Electric vehicle repair and maintenance service This plan mainly in continue the populace which assists to accept the subsidy purchase electric scooter to be able to continue to use the electric scooter and to assist its processing electric scooter in use related matters concerned. The coordinated merchant and the part and component supplier can provide the electric scooter user's good use environment, This year increased existing light electric scooter of resources of commonness use present situation and electric scooter carries on the investigation to the market in, The time can affiliate from this the investigation, It helped EPA to understand present electric scooter industry condition for EPA future policy impetus reference and basis. 096 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1393
中英文全球資訊網系統更新及功能強化 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱 貴署,環保署網站簡稱為本網站)以藍天綠地、青山淨水、全民環保和永續家園為願景。除了支持國內社會團體的環境保護活動外,也重視國際的環保議題。本網站一方面幫助台灣民眾更了解環保相關資訊,另外還提供政府與民眾交流溝通的管道。本網站為符合無障礙規範的網站,同時也提供民眾可以使用便捷鍵來瀏覽本網站。每頁右上方的「網站地圖」能幫助使用者概覽本網站架構的所有區塊。而首頁主要分為五個區塊:1) 上方導覽連結區、2)左側相關連結區塊、3)中央主要內容區塊、4)右側相關區塊和5)下方版權宣告與建議使用網頁更新區。另外,本網站中每頁的內容都具備列印和調整字型大小的功能,以幫助使用者方便使用、獲得所需的資料。整體網站主題包括: 「關於環保署」:使民眾更了解 貴署的願景、歷史、組織執掌及相關資訊。 「動態訊息」:提供最新及歷史的環保訊息。 民眾可在「便民服務」找到常用的服務,例如:環保e言堂、下載專區及線上服務中心等。 「環保大小事」:包含主題宣導活動、電子出版品、環保電子報和行政公開資訊等。 「環保資訊」:提供環保統計、法規、兩岸環保事務等資訊。 「環境教育」:提供環境教育的相關資訊,例如:教育宣導、環保百科及單元式數位教材。 另外,民眾可從「業務專區」快速連結至空氣、非游離輻射和環保標章等主題內容。 最後,可於「相關連結」區,連結到國內外、政府及民間團體的相關網站。藉由本網站, 貴署能更容易將環保信念傳達到世界各地,同時也能提升民眾的環保議題。因此 貴署也期許使用本網站的民眾能更重視生活環境和國際的議題,並開始參與相關的活動。 Upgrading Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan Web Page Services The EPA aims to achieve a healthier and prosperous environment and a sustainable future. In addition to encourage community groups to expand their environmental activities, we also pay attention to international issues. The EPA website possesses many functions to help citizens in Taiwan to get a better understanding of the environmental information and gives an effective communication channel for the government and the people.This is a standard website for accessibility. It is more convenient to browse the text by using fast key. The Sitemap link will give users an overview of the structure of the entire site with all sections. The homepage is divided into five sections: top for the main selection, bottom for the related information, middle for text display, left and right for general selections. Also, to make the information easier to attain, content on this website has the Print link and Text Size function.The main section includes the following contents: • Users can find out more about the EPA, including our vision, history, organizational structure and information from the About EPA section. • The News section has the current and earlier years' environmental news.• The Recent Issues section contains issues are classified into feature column, recycling, air quality, waste management, general policy and so on. • The Laws and Regulations section is a link to the website of R.O.C. (Taiwan) Environment Law Library. • The Env. Statistics section provides air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution and solid waste statistics. • The Publications section is where Environmental Policy Monthly can be download from.• The Env. Information section links to the Environmental Protection Data In Taiwan website and has environmental quality information and report's search engine.• Finally, there is the e-Forum section. This section provides an avenue for people to post opinions or ideas about environmental protection and its related subjects.And the general section contains topics about environmental protection such as Air Quality, Non-Ionizing Radiation and Green Mark and these categories can be found at the left column of every page.All in all, EPA can spread its faith worldwide easily and meanwhile enhance every citizen’s consciousness of environmental protection by using the website. Therefore, we hope that people who use this website will concern about our environment and international issues more and start to take participation in environmental activities. 096 監資處 監資處 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1634
指定產品包裝檢驗計畫 本計劃配合法規之增修訂,建立檢驗機構內部之檢驗文件、作業程序及訓練教材及完成檢驗機構之人員訓練,並隨時更新包裝檢驗程序書。本公司分別於北、中、南設置檢驗中心進行指定產品檢驗及資料建檔,每季向環保署提出工作報告,共已執行9次季工作報告及2次期中報告提送。截至96年12月31日止,包裝檢驗總收件量為1,467件,其中糕餅禮盒為609件、化粧品禮盒96件、酒禮盒312件、加工食品禮盒312件、電腦程式著作光碟123件、非禮盒15件。據數據統計,收件量高峰出現在6至8月份及春節期間,推測此原因為政策正式實施以及春節和中秋節禮盒上市之緣故。計畫執行期間,依規定共執行25次之作業督導,缺失情況皆已改善完成。並執行5場次在職教育訓練及33位人員專案執行人員之教育訓練與測驗。計畫執行期間由環保署進行4次專案查核。 Package testing In accordance with the excessive packaging restriction regulations, this project set up documents and procedures for packaging testing and training materials. Our company also completed personnel training and updated packaging test procedures when necessary. Our company set up three test centers, and submitted 9 quarterly work reports and 2 midterm reports to Environmental Protection Administration. Up to December 31, 2007, we received totally 1,467 samples, including 609 pastry gift boxes, 96 cosmetics gift boxes, 312 alcoholic beverage gift boxes, 312 processed food gift boxes, and 123 computer software optical disks. According to the statistical data, there are two peaks of test loads. One is from June to August and the other is Chinese New Year. This can be explained by the enforcement date of the excessive packaging restriction policy and the sales of gift boxes for the Chinese New Year and the Mid-Autumn Festival. Our company totally carried out 25 internal audits, 5 on-job trainings, and 1 training and test for the 33 staffs implementing this project. The Environmental Protection Administration also carried out 4 project audits. 096 廢管處 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1131
南投縣96年度紙錢燃燒空氣污染防制宣導管制計畫 國內民眾由於習慣以燃燒紙錢的方式來表達對祖先的追思或神明的崇拜,因此國內廟宇林立、每年紙錢的總需求量亦相當大。紙錢的燃燒多在金爐或露天等(半)開放式的環境中進行,由於難以將燃燒條件控制於合適的範圍內,因此每年由廟宇等地的紙錢燃燒行為所產生的空氣污染物不僅種類繁多,排放特性亦隨燃燒條件不同而趨勢迥異。因此,本計劃之內容包含:(1)建置南投縣境內廟宇之基本資料;(2)針對縣內之廟宇及民眾,透過問卷調查與說明會等宣導活動,推廣紙錢減量燃燒的觀念,並協助規劃鄰近廟宇之紙錢聯合或共同處理體系;以及(3)針對廟宇周界之空氣及土壤進行採樣,以瞭解紙錢燃燒所排放的污染物對於廟宇周界環境之影響。執行結果顯示,南投縣境內多數民眾已具有紙錢燃燒屬污染行為之觀念,唯對該污染所可能衍生何種環境危害、及對健康產生之何種影響等觀念則較為薄弱。故在此情況下,對於推動相關紙錢燃燒污染防制措施,雖多數民眾表示贊同,但多數廟方代表則認為尊重與遵行傳統宗教信仰儀式亦相當重要。由此次監(或量)測數據可知,紙錢燃燒行為會明顯影響廟宇周界之空氣品質,其中以NOx、SO2、CO及PAHs等污染物的貢獻較為顯著,平均而言,約為背景值的1.4~5.5倍。因此,對於紙錢燃燒所產生之空氣污染物,其對於周界空氣品質之影響,及附近居民身體健康之影響應加以防制。 Year 2007 Project of Nantou County for Propagandizing and Control of Air Pollutions from Joss Paper Burning The burning of joss paper is a sacred ritual practice for deity worshipping in Taiwan. During important festivals, joss papers are usually burned openly or in temple furnaces, as well as in the home. However, investigations increasingly reveal that joss paper burning is a significant source of particulate matter (PM), metal elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in ambient air. Therefore, the major tasks of this project includes: (1) Build up the database of the temples in Nantou County; (2) Educate the public and the temple workers, via questionnaire and symposium, to reduce the amount of joss paper burned, and evaluate the feasibility of constructing an united joss paper treatment system; (3) Analyze the air and soil samples of the temples neighborhood to investigate the impacts of joss paper burning to ambient environments.The investigation results of this project indicate that most of the public in Nantou County understand that joss paper burning will result in pollution, but don’t clearly realize the levels of the impacts of the pollution. On the other hand, although most of the public approve the reduce-joss-paper policy, most of the temple workers think that obeying traditional religious worshipping is also very important.The analysis results of the air samples reveal that joss paper burning significantly affected the ambient air quality of the temples. The concentrations of NOx、SO2、CO and PAHs nearby the temples are averagely 1.4 ~ 5.5 times higher than the background values. Therefore, some restrictions of joss paper burning are necessary to protect the health of the public. 096 南投縣政府環境保護局 國立中興大學環境工程學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=569
事業廢水檢測申報許可管理及資料庫維護計畫 配合水污染防治相關法規及表格修正發布,以現勘方式調查各項水污染防治措施之管制現況與執行問題,並配合許可換發作業及資料庫功能之提升,已完成事業廢水許可行政管理作業,重點如下:本年度完成104家事業及下水道系統之查核後,針對不同業別對於法規之適用性及執行困難,結合本次獲得金斧獎之經驗,運用法規影響評估方式,已分別提出修法及配套管理措施之建議,並配合100家現勘結果,研議連線作業規範之建議草案,未來可朝向分業分級之管理模式,落實事業廢水之管制工作。配合法規修正後許可登記事項之更新,及今年度為民服務之重點,協助環保署辦理許可換發作業之規劃與管考,定期透過「水污染源管制資料管理系統內」整理分析換發進度,目前完成諮詢家數為9102家、完成審查或審查中之家數為1807家,達到本年度之預期目標。透過各項資訊系統之開發,本年度已順利完成空水廢毒管制資料之整合、水污染防治許可申請及檢測申報之網路傳輸、代操作業查詢系統及資料庫主機之建置等,並透過異常分析機制,結合本年度考評作業,提升資料庫品質。 The Industrial Wastewater Management and Database Maintenance Project Due to revise of the water quality protection regulations and notification forms, investigating facilities of wastewater pollution control measure, renewing permits and upgrading the database system. Our project is to execute and help the administrations of the industrial wastewater permits management.After checking 104 factories, first, we combine investigating results and the experience of “Golden Axes Award” competition then use the RIA method to make several suggestions of industrial wastewater pollution control regulations. Second, we draft the specification of the continuing wastewater monitoring system. By these results, we think the wastewater management model should be designed from different kinds and sizes of factories.For renewing the registrations of the wastewater permits, we help EPA to set up the permits renewing project and to analysis the effect of this project. Now, there are 9102 consultative cases and permits reviewing cases have been done, nearing the goal of this project.Because of running the air, water, waste, toxicant management data reunion program, we established the related management system. Meanwhile, we also maintained the error data quarrying system to feed back and to fix up the correction rate, then we can upgrade the quality of the database. 096 水保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1733
96年度綠色奈米技術之開發及應用(複合奈米材料固定化與共處理水污染物之研究) 本計畫主要配合環保署延續環境奈米科技的應用開發,發展奈米複合材料,以改善目前奈米粒子實際操作的問題包括表面活性強、易團聚、不易保存、不確定健康與環境風險等,處理日趨複雜的水污染。本計畫找出可將高鐵含量37 - 72 nm奈米Fe-Ni粒子均勻固定在微米氧化鋁(α-Al2O3)粉和多壁奈米碳管(MWCNT)上形成新奈米材料之無電鍍製程方法,藉由鎳抑制鐵的表面氧化,並可有效催化去除三氯乙烯(TCE)不產生含氯中間物產物,及去除模擬混合污染物廢水(AO7 25/100 mg/l,HSeO3-/ SeO3-2 8.07 mg/l,Pb2+11.58 mg/l)。不同鐵濃度之Fe-Ni/Al2O3在大氣環境下可去除2 mg/L的TCE其假一階基準化速率常數為0.16 - 0.38 L/h-m2,於pH 9時可處理低濃度之混合污染物達放流水標準,然微量溶解Ni。對於高濃度之複雜污染源廢水,Fe-Ni/CNT在pH 5及7處理可達放流水標準,也發現會溶解微量Fe及Ni。共處理反應後奈米Fe-Ni粒子以SEM/EDS分析仍剩餘50 %以上,可繼續利用。 Research On Nanomaterials Fastened Tighter For Remoral Of Pollutants In Wastewater This project is to develop the environmental application of nanotechnology by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA). The main purpose is to make nano-materials in order to reduce the operational problems of reactive surface, easy aggregation, difficult in preservation, and uncertain health and environmental risks as well as to treat the complicated pollutants in water body.This study found the production methods to uniformly fix the nano-particles of 37 to 72 nm iron/nickel on micro-sized α-Al2O3 powders and multi-walled carbon nano-tube (MWCNT) to form new nano-materials. The particles could reduce the oxidation of iron by nickel, effectively catalyze the de-chlorination of the chlorinated solvent (trichloroethane, TCE), and simultaneously remove mixed pollutants (AO7 25/100 mg/l,HSeO3-/ SeO3-2 8.07 mg/l,Pb2+11.58 mg/l). With different iron contents, Fe-Ni/Al2O3 could remove 2 mg/L TCE of the surface-area normalized Pseudo- first order reaction rate coefficients of 0.16 to 0.38 L/h-m2 and could reduce the low concentration of mixed pollutants to effluent standards with slightly Ni release. Fe-Ni/CNT could reduce the high concentration of mixed pollutants to effluent standards with slightly Fe and Ni release at pH 5 and 7. After the treatment, the residual Fe-Ni nano-particles were more than 50% and could still be used again. 096 永續發展室 國立虎尾科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1107
96年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫都會區-移動污染源污染減量暨機車排氣檢驗及檢驗站管理查核計畫 機車已是目前我國最普遍的私人交通工具,但是因單位面積機車數量太多,使其在都市環境走走停停的車況下,所產生的各種污染物,對人體及環境造成了相當大的危害。更由於國人長年來之使用習慣,對機車之保養維修工作十分缺乏,導致機車的污染排放亦成為空氣污染的重要來源之一。有鑑於此,環保局對機車排放廢氣的管制實施了多項措施,包括有:機車使用中車輛之定檢與攔檢工作、辦理戶外宣導、檢驗站管理等希望透過多重的把關,能徹底改善機車污染之排放。本報告資料統計日期自96年1月30日至96年12月31日止,主要工作執行成果分項說明如下,各項執行進度及效益說明如下:1、機車攔巡查作業截至96年12月31日已完成15,327輛次,其中攔查3,763輛次,巡查回覆11,564輛次,進度達成率為153%。由於期中階段攔檢成果發現住宅區之稽查點不合格率相較於工商文教區高出許多。因此期末階段擬定加強社區及夜間巡查之管制策略,將住宅區巡查次數由期中階段佔所有巡查次數之21%提升至29%,使住宅區之攔檢不合格率降至約24%,與工商文教相當。2、機車攔檢作業截至96年12月31日已完成4,046輛次,進度達成率為116%,不合格數為948輛,不合格率為23.4%,已完成複驗為821輛,複驗率為86.6%。CO整體濃度之改善率約為59%,HC濃度改善率約為47%。共可增加削減CO計14.8頓/年,而HC增加削減2.0頓/年。3、檢驗站查核評鑑截至96年12月31日已完成360家次之查核,進度達成率為100%。針對查核缺失分別於4月24日、7月25日、10月12日及97年1月15日舉辦列管檢驗站輔導訓練,計參加調訓有46家次。經調訓後皆促使檢驗站減少重複犯錯之情形。4、未定檢車公函催檢通知截至96年12月31日已完成25,000份通知到檢,已回覆數為8,810輛,回覆率為35.2%。約增加CO削減28.6噸/年及HC增加削減3.7噸/年。無法調修或不堪使用之老舊機車進行報廢共計有3078輛,依環保署削減推估,共計削減CO約24.4噸/年及13.4噸/年之HC。5、檢驗站儀器氣體比對截至96年12月31日已完成6次180家次之儀器氣體比對,進度達成率為125%。經6次比對中於6月份有3家氣體比對偏差率>6%,I16上大CO2偏差率6.74%、I24巨豐HC偏差率6.17%及I26嘉雲南CO2偏差率7.43%,其於全部合乎規定值。但經統計後發現在實施儀器氣體比對廠牌屬RIKEN RI-803機型,比對C02值常出現儀器偏高現象,針對該分析儀機型氣體比對偏高現象建議採取每日進行2次氣體全幅校正,確認檢驗站檢測品質。6、宣導活動作業截至96年12月31日已完成12場次宣導活動,共計免費檢測1,055輛次,不合格201輛次,複驗192輛次,複驗率為96%。且深入社區進行到府檢測服務,共計192輛調修複驗,推估約可增加CO削減3.3噸/年及0.4噸/年之HC。7、檢驗站品質管制於4月份及10月份舉辦檢驗站實車秘密查核,共執行2次58家次檢驗站查核,經查核發現仍有少數檢驗站存在缺失,如檢驗人員與檢驗結果單檢驗員姓名不同,未列印檢驗結果單與檢測人員行為不當等情形,除立即要求改善外,另列入各季調訓輔導名單。於4月份及10月份進行29家60站檢測儀器進行儀器漂移測試查核,經測試結果有2家檢驗站儀器有嚴重漂移,檢測隔天立即將該站檢測儀器處以停止檢測,並通知該儀器需將複檢合格方可使用,該2站已維護後完成複檢合格。除往年執行之標準氣體比對及儀器穩定度測試外,特別於今年加強標準車之測試,希望藉由多重之測試,主動發現問題,經由各項查核確認後,發現有3家檢驗站儀器有電壓衰減之情形,經立即停止檢測進行維修,目前皆已符合管制之範圍。8、車籍清查進行嘉義市兩個里車籍之親訪清查,共計達成82%之未定檢車進行定檢,另外發現約有30%之機車無法依車籍地址找到車主,與目前全面稽查管制後仍只有約70%之到檢率相當吻合,建議應建立戶籍連結系統進行車籍地址更新,將可增加通知效益。9、車輛原地噪音檢測本年共進行38輛次之檢測,檢驗結果有4輛不合格,不合格率為10.5%,由於3月8日至5月22日共分20天檢測,稽查地點為柴油車排煙檢測站內及蘭潭三信亭前,算術平均噪音量為89dB(A)。另依車種分析,汽油車共計7輛,算術平均噪音量為80dB(A),柴油車共計15輛,算術平均噪音量為91dB(A),機車共計16輛,算術平均噪音量為85dB(A),以柴油車噪音較高,不合格車輛皆依法開單告發。10、96年度工作績效考評表依據96年度嘉義市空氣品質維護改善計畫移動污染源稽查管制計畫工作執行績效考評自評表空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評指標及評分標準,在移動污染源機車部份可掌握分數應得3.5%,目前實得3.33%。 2007 Chiayi City air quality improvement maintenance plan-urban moving pollutant source reduction and motorcycle exhaust inspection statement’s management and inspection plan With motorcycles being a most common private transportation means in Taiwan, a variety of pollutants generated from the excessive number of motorcycle per unit space that moves in a stop-and-go scenario in the urban setting are poised to create considerable harm to the human body and the environment. And as marred by a common habit of operating a motorcycle by island residents who tend to neglect motorcycle maintenance and repair, this has also contributed motorcycle pollution discharge to be one of the critical source of air pollution. In light of which, the Environmental Protection Bureau has adopted a number of measures to control motorcycle exhaust discharge, which include in-use motorcycle routine inspection and spot inspection work, outdoor awareness campaigning, inspection station management and so forth by anticipating to utilize a multiple safeguard to thoroughly improve motorcycle pollution discharge. The report data are sorted from Jan. 30, 2007 to December 31, 2007, and the major task implementation results are described by category as follows, as well as the implementation progress and yield also described as follows,1.Motorcycle roaming spot inspection work As of December 31, 2007, a total of 15,327 motorcycles have undergone the roaming spot inspection, of which 3,763 motorcycles are spot-checked, and 1,1564 motorcycles responded in roaming inspection, with a progress ratio at 153%. In the intermittent stage, the spot check findings uncover that the failure rate on spot check in residential areas has inadvertently exceeded significantly than that in the industrial, commercial, cultural and educational areas. Consequently at the final stage, there are plans to draft a control strategy for community and nighttime roaming inspection, which aims to prop up the number of roaming inspection in residential areas from the intermittent stage to all roaming inspections from 21% to 29% that would reduce the failure rate of spot check in residential areas down o around 24% to be comparable to that in the industrial, commercial, cultural and educational areas.2.Motorcycle spot inspection workAs of December 31, 2007, a total of 4,046 motorcycles have undergone spot inspection, with a progress ratio at 116%. Of which, a total of 948 motorcycles have failed the spot check, with a failure ratio of 23.4%; a total of 821 motorcycles have successfully undergone the reinspection, with a reinspection ratio of 86.6%. The spot check brings an overall CO concentration improvement ratio of approx. 59%, HC concentration improvement ratio of approx. 47%, which collectively contribute to increasing the reduction of CO by 14.8t/y, and increasing the reduction of HC by 2.0t/y.3.Inspection station’s inspection and auditAs of December 31, 2007, a total of 360 inspection stations have undergone the audit, with a progress ratio at 100%. Inspection stations found with discrepancies have been enlisted to partake the inspection station’s developmental training staged on April 24, July 25, October 12 and Jan. 15, 2008, with 46 stations participating in the enlisted training. Through the enlisted training, it has cut down the inspection stations from repeating mistakes.4.Overdue inspection notice to uninspected motorcyclesAs of December 31, 2007, a total of 25,000 inspection notifications have been sent out, with 8,810 motorcycles responding to the inspection notice, with a response ratio at 35.2%. The efforts have contributed to increasing the CO reduction by 28.6t/y and increasing the HC reduction by 3.7t/y. A total of 3,078 motorcycles have been scrapped for not serviceable or operable, which by EPA’s reduction estimate, would collectively reduce CO by approx. 24.4t/y and HC by 13.4t/y.5.Inspection station’s instrument gas comparison As of December 31, 2007, a total of six instrument gas comparisons have been made to 180 inspection stations, with a progress ratio at 125%. Through the six comparison, three have been found in June with a gas comparison deviation ratio of greater than six, in which I16 Shang Da is reported with a CO2 deviation ratio of 6.74%, I24 Chu Fong is reported with a HC deviation ratio of 6.17, and I26 Jia Yun Nan is reported with a Co2 deviation ratio of 7.43%, and the rest have all met the specified ratings. However, upon tallying to discover through instrument gas comparison that the Riken brand’s RI-803 model has a tendency to prompt a higher reading of CO2, a recommendation has been drawn focusing on the analysis instrument model’s higher gas reading tendency for two daily full-range gas calibrations be sought in order to ascertain the inspection station’s screening quality.6.Promotional campaign workAs of December 31, 2007, a total of 12 sessions of campaigning activities have been staged, which offers free inspection to 1,055 motorcycles, of which 201 motorcycles have failed the test, 192 surpassed the reinspection, with a reinspection ratio at 96%. The campaign also offers in-home screening service by penetrating into the community, which brings 192 motorcycles to surpass the reinspection through adjustment and repair that is estimated to contribute to increasing the Co reduction by 3.3t/y and HC by 0.4t/y.7.Inspection station’s quality controlWith clandestine audits using real motorcycles being staged at inspection stations in April and October, a total of two audits have been held at 58 inspection stations, and audit findings show that a number of inspection stations still contain discrepancies, such as the inspector deviates from the name of the inspector shown in the inspection form, no printout of the inspection form, and improper conduct by the inspectors and so forth, which the inspection stations are not only asked to adopt improvement, but will also be enlisted in the quarterly developmental training list. With audits of instrument shifting testing performed on screening instruments at 60 stations among 29 operators in April and October, test findings reveal that the instruments at two inspection stations are found with severe shifting, prompting the screening of the instruments at the two stations to be suspended on the next day, with a notice given that the instruments are subject to a subsequent reinspection before they may be operated upon; the two stations have since recalibrated the instrument and satisfactorily surpass the reinspection. Besides the standard gas comparison and instrument stability testing sought in the past year, stepped-up motorcycle testing standards have been incorporated this year in a bid to actively uncover problems through multiple testing. As ascertained through the various audits, a total of three inspection stations are reported with diminishing voltage on their instruments, resulting in the screening suspended for repair and maintenance, and all three stations have all met the controlled parameters. 8.Motorcycle registration census checkField census check has been conducted on two local Li’s in Chiayi City, in which it brings 82% of uninspected motorcycles to undergo the routine inspection; in addition, the census also uncovers approx. 30% of motorcycles untraceable to their owners according to the motorcycle registration address, which rather coincides with approx. 70% of the inspection turnout ratio, thus it is recommendable to instill a household registration linkup system to update the motorcycle registration address, which is expected to improve the notification yield. 9.Motorcycle spot noise screeningWith 38 motorcycles being tested in the current year, four are found to fail the inspection, with a failure ratio at 10.5%. Of inspections conducted in 20 days spanning from March 8 to May 22, at inspection sites including the diesel motorcycle exhaust inspection stations and in front of the Third Credit Union in Lan Tan, the arithmetic median of noise volume is measured at 89dB(A). In addition, when analyzed by vehicle type, there is a total of seven gasoline vehicles, which carry an arithmetic median of noise volume at 80dB(a); a total of 15 diesel vehicles, which carry an arithmetic median of noise volume at 91dB(A), and a total of 16 motorcycles, which carry an arithmetic median of noise volume at 85dB(A), making the diesel vehicles the highest. In which, vehicles/motorcycles failing the test are reported with fine tickets as per the legal mandate.10.2007 working performance evaluation checklistOf performance evaluation executed according to the 2007 Chiayi City air quality maintenance improvement plan’s moving pollution source audit control plan through the self-evaluation checklist on air quality maintenance or improvement work’s execution performance evaluation indicators and evaluation criteria, the expectant score on the moving pollution source by motorcycle is set to 3.5%, and the current score achieved is at 3.33%. 096 嘉義市政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1001