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九十一年度社區環保行動技術服務團 專案計劃業務成果報告 一、組織技術服務團提供諮詢、現場勘查及指導,協助社區推動環保行動。二、透過人才培訓及技術資訊之提供,強化社區環保行動力。三、收集社區環保行動資料,編撰成果專輯,加強經驗傳承及擴大參與層面。 Improvement of Living Environment The “Improvement of Living Environment” project was started by the Environmental Protection Administration in 1997. This “bottom-up” project served the following functions through the establishment of Learning Centers of Environmental Protection: (1) to lead the residents of the communities into “Life-long Learning”, (2) to teach them how to “Rediscover the Communities”, (3) to help them build up a consciousness on “We Live in One Common Biosphere” and (4) to endow them with the abilities to participate in public affairs.Other functions of this project were: (1) to organize volunteers to carry out environmental surveys to understand the problems and the specialties of their communities, (2) to make a plan on how to improve and develop a better environment, (3) to invite the residents to participate in actions (e.g., removal of advertisements and wastes, recycling of garbage and kitchen residue, cleaning and greening the alleys, etc.) and (4) to develop community characteristics (industry, culture and social, etc.) Currently, there are 576 communities engaged in this project.The content of this project involved (1) to provide consultation, on-site inspection and guidance to the residences through a technical task force, (2) to hold training courses and to disseminate information and (3) to publish a reference manual on “How to Best Use the Community Resources” and a “Report on Achievements”. The following describes the details:(1) Inspection and consultation serviceDuring August and December, 2002, a technical task force was formed with professors and experts. They visited 17 model communities at least twice each, to help them to achieve their annual goals. (2) Workshops for volunteersThere were two large-scale workshops held in Taipei Youth Activity Center and Chang Hua Li Der Education House during this fiscal year. Several other workshops were held within the communities during the on-site inspections in order to accommodate more volunteers throughout the island. A total of 201 volunteers were trained this way. (3) Reference manual on “How to Best Use the Community Resources”The content of this manual may be categorized into: (a) how to establish a Community Environmental Protection Resource Center, (b) design of activities, (c) design of training courses, (d) how to integrate resources and (e) report on successful flee-markets. The manual also has figures and photos taken from the 17 model communities. (4) “Report on Achievements”This report is consisted of the introductions of the 17 model communities, their individual visions and the major achievements within this year. The report was further transformed into web pages in order to disseminate the information to a wider audience. There are also many 5” by 7” photos in this report. We are very lucky to have many communities which participated in this year’s project with enthusiasm and good human resource. All the goals had been met and the achievements were vividly demonstrated. 091 綜計處 鴻馬國際事業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3772
營建工程空氣污染防制設施管制標準研訂暨空氣污染防制費徵收制度檢討整合計畫 本計畫執行的目標為:一、營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收制度之檢討修正。二、建立營建工程空氣污染排放量及削減量推估方式及後續稽巡查作業標準程序之訓練。三、營建工程空氣污染管制資料系統整合提升作業。四、研訂推動營建工程空氣污染防制設施管制標準。五、協助辦理營建工程管制相關作業。本計畫係屬延續性計畫,作內容係延續九十年度執行成果,另外本年度執行的重點在於「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法(草案)」法規的研訂及營建工程空氣污染管制資料庫管理系統之整合安裝使用,另外對於上年度研擬規劃修正空污費徵收相關程序的建議事項,進行收費辦法與減免辦法的修訂,包含重新研議污染防制措施計畫書之定位、規劃強制提報污染防制措施計畫書門檻限制、小型管線空污費合併申報徵收方式及違建或先建後報之工地工期認定及處理原則等。在小型管線空污費合併申報徵收及違建或先建後報之工地工期認定及處理原則部份已列入收費辦法條文修正草案中,並預計於今年完成收費辦法修訂工作。營建工地污染管制及收費管理資訊系統已於各縣市安裝完成,並召開二場次相關教育訓練會議。其中收費系統已由環保署發函統一於91年9月15日起正式使用,至於稽巡查管制系統部份則自92年1月1日起正式使用,各縣市資料上傳環保署測試亦均已完成。至於在「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法(草案)」部份,目前已研訂完成條文共計十九條,並召開三場次研商會議。預期本管理辦法公告實施後,在執行程度達100%,普及率達100%的條件下,其整體削減率將可提昇至75~85%,在執行程度達80%,普及率達80%的條件下,其整體削減率將可提昇至48~54%。歷年營建工程解釋函網路查詢系統亦已開發建置完成,入口網頁架設於環保署空保處首頁之固定污染源管制項下。營建工程空氣污染防制費成效評估顯示,全國營建工程平均總懸浮微粒(TSP)的削減成本效益約為4仟元/TSP/公噸左右;歷年來削減成本效益較高的地區均為外島或離島縣市。營建工程粒狀污染物之總懸浮微粒(TSP)歷年削減率由民國86年的12%~15%(徵收空污費前)提升至目前的33%左右。工程種類中以道路工程與其他工程之削減率提升較高。 091 空保處 新紀環保科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3812
環境資料品質系統規劃與建立計畫 為確保環保署每年花費為數可觀之經費預算進行之相關環境資料之調查與收集之品質,以提高相關環境管理與決策之品質,本計畫參考國內外對環境資料品質管理之相關制度同時考量國內環保組織之架構、任務、資源,並考量環境資料品質之問題需求、目的、策略與執行/管理等四個層面研提出資料品質管理制度包括:(1)環境資料品質分級及所對應之資料用途分類原則,以界定資料品質為先,再依等級標定其可資應用之用途。(2)環境資料品質管理計畫書(QMP)之規範,並規劃兩階段之審查原則與執行流程。(3)根據國內現有的環境組織與制度概況,研擬了原則性的環境品質目標程序(DQO),內容涵蓋環境品質目標評判原則之建立、組織與審查程序之建立、環境品質目標分段執行流程之建立等項目。可提供未來執行環境品質目標程序時的參考。(4)由於國內現今的品保規劃書(QAPP)撰寫指引已使用有多年,不論從管理的角度或針對現行國內執行上的缺失,實有必要做調整。本計畫中將現行品保規劃書中16要項並參考美國環保署之規範,將品保計畫書重新整理歸納為四大部份,可以更明確的指出品保規劃書的每一部分所涵蓋的內容和精神。(5)提出標準作業程序(SOP)之撰寫指引,內容包括安全、衛生、環境、品質等等綜合考量事項,及標準作業程序文件之撰寫格式,並規劃標準作業程序之準備、提出、審查、修改等程序。 Development of environmental data quality system for Taiwan EPA Environmental data with an appropriate type and quality is the key factor for the successful implementation of environmental decision and technology. However, it is lack of criteria, practices and standards for the collection and management of environmental data in Taiwan. Therefore, the data quality of environmental data is difficult to be evaluated for its intended use. Therefore, the main aim of this project is to develop an Environmental Data Quality System (EDQS). The EDQS is the critical point for ensuring that environmental programs and decisions are supported by data of the type and quality needed and expected for their intended use. Therefore, the decisions involving environmental technology are supported by appropriate quality-assured engineering standards and practices. The major works of this project including: (1) to propose the policy of environmental data quality for Taiwan EPA, to develop the criteria and standard for data quality classification, and development the data Quality Management Plan (QMP); (2) to develop the criteria and standard for Data Quality Objectives (DQOs); (3) to revise the criteria and standard for Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP); (4) to develop the criteria and standard for preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); (5) to propose the system analysis of computer-aid management system for the EDQS. 091 環檢所 行政院環境保護署環檢所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3810
廢水中特定物質前處理及管理制度評估 本計畫針對「製革業」、「照相沖洗業」、「製版業」、「石化業」、「化工業」(選定為染顏料業與合成樹脂接著劑業)及「電鍍業」等各個傳統工業所產生之廢液、含有害或難處理物質等,評估其是否可納入現行「廢棄物清理法」所轄之「有害事業廢棄物認定標準」中,採集中處理(或代處理)方式進行管制,或是如非前述管轄範圍,則將其納入廢水處理過程之前,是否應有妥善的前處理單元或設施,以利將這些污染物有效的去除或破壞,避免其進入後端的廢水處理系統中,進而採稀釋方式而流佈於自然環境中。當然,如採前處理設施或單元,其牽涉到處理衍生的成本/技術可行/管制可性等多重問題,故應予以進行合宜的評析,以利主管機關後續修正相關管制規定,並有效的管制與施行。經調查與評估後發現,「照相沖洗業」與「製版業」所產生的含銀定影液在排入廢水處理過程中,有要求強制銀回收的必要性,如無廢水處理設施者,建議該廢液採回收處理或代處理方式。除前述2個行業外,有相同製程特性之「醫療機構」與「印刷電路板業」之廢定影液,建議亦比照前述方式一併管制。此外,針對合成樹脂接著業之「酚醛樹脂與氨基樹脂」油性樹脂廢液的處理上,由於其具高COD及含甲醛或酚等之生物毒害特性物質,建議該股廢液採事業廢棄物焚化方式處理,不排放廢水處理系統中,以免對廢水之綜合處理造成不良之影響。於法令的配套措施部份,含銀定影液與「酚醛樹脂與氨基樹脂」油性樹脂廢液於未來在於管制執行面上,建議採「許可登錄」制度予以管制,並在「水污染防治措施計畫」進行上述條件之審核。依目前即將公布的「事業水污染防治措施計畫許可辦法」中第三條及第五條之要求,要求業者未來在許可證變更時,應檢具前述證明文件。此外,在審核製版業、印刷電路板業及醫療機構時,應確定有「銀回收設施」進行廢定影液之銀回收前處理,做為廢水排放許可證核發之考量重點。如業者因規模甚小或願採事業廢棄物模式進行處理處置時,則應檢具委託合格清理機構之合約書,以示其符合法令規定的決心。因應現行尚無合格的廢定影液回收商或處理機構,建議等到回收商成立後再予以一併執行,以示管理之一致性與公平性。 Evaluation of Management System and Its Necessity of Pretreatment for Specific Ingredient in Wastewater In order to decide whether pretreatment or segregation is necessary or not, liquid waste and hazadous or refractory materials within is evaluated during this project which focus on leather tanning, photo developing, photoengraving, petrochemical, and chemical industries. The evaluation includes cost, technical feasibility, and regulatory feasibility.After investigation and evaluation, pretreatment and silver recovery in photo developing, photoengraving industries are found necessary; and segregation is necessary in cohesive resin industry for oil-based waste liquid. If the segregation or pretreatment are not implemented, it will severely affect the wastewater treatment system.In regulatory enforcement, those who fail to pretreat or segregate the specific waste will not be able to obtain discharge permit. For those smaller companies are capable to pretreat their wastewater, we suggest they commit legal TSDFs (if available) for the specific waste treatment and summit the contracts of the treatment to Environmental Protection Administration. 091 水保處 工業技術研究院環境與安全衛生技術發展中心/蔡振球、游惠宋、鍾美華、李茂松、呂影彬 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3808
環保署歷年辦理空氣品質淨化區成果展示冊及二00三年曆紀事冊製作專案工作計畫 一、研究目的:本計畫之總體目標在協助行政院環境保護署從歷年來核定補助設立的空氣品質淨化區中,遴選出具代表性之優良空氣品質淨化區。並將空氣品質淨化區的設置理念、歷年來的成果及此次評選的優良成果編製印刷成優美之書面宣傳方式來推廣,促使地方及民眾更進一步瞭解空氣品質淨化區設置之目的及意義,使政府與地方能夠上下一心的來推動空氣品質淨化區,進而提昇環境品質以提供全民一優質的生活環境。二、研究方法及結果:1.擬定優良空氣品質淨化區甄選辦法,以甄選出優良之空氣品質淨化區。2.邀請學者專家成立「優良空氣品質淨化區評選委員會」。3.辦理優良空氣品質淨化區甄選活動,最後決選出35處具代表性之優良空氣品質淨化區基地。4.將決選出之優良空氣品質淨化區基地資料製作成果展示冊(200份),分送各縣市政府及相關機構,使其瞭解環保署歷年推動綠化及地方維護之成果。5.將環保署推動空氣品質淨化區設置理念、宗旨及選出之優良空氣品質淨化區製作成二○○三年曆紀事冊(500冊),分送社會及相關團體,使民眾瞭解植樹綠化對改善空氣品質之效益。三、結論與建議:本委託計畫已執行完成契約書中規定之進度及相關項目之辦理,相關之建議分述如下:1.針對優良空氣品質淨化區甄選活動之辦理成果,舉辦較大型且隆重之頒獎典禮,以公開展示空氣品質淨化區之設置成效,並嘉勉地方之努力。2.未來優良空氣品質淨化區甄選活動應於每年九月底前完成辦理,以利後續成果資料之蒐集與編撰。3.成果展示冊及年曆紀事冊宜每年持續辦理,並配合該年之甄選活動將最新之空氣品質淨化區相關資訊及環保署的重要事件納入其中。4.本案相關內容及精采照片等資料應能登入環保署之網站內,提供民眾上網瀏覽或下載,並對評選優良基地予以上網公佈以表揚之。5.配合甄選活動之辦理,製作一些單張多樣化的空氣品質淨化區景觀書籤或相關且實用性文宣用品,散發給一般之民眾,以增加宣導效果。 Results exhibition of EPA’s establishment of Air Quality Purification Area in past years and publication of EPA 2003 engagement calendar project. 1.Project purpose:The overall purpose of this project is to assist EPA to evaluate all Air Quality Purification Areas (hereinafter called AQUAPU Area) and to choose representative and excellent AQUAPU Areas. Together with there results are information related to AQUAPU Area ideology and past years’ achievements all to be published in quality printing materials. This publication will be used as promotional material to assist local government and public to understand more about the significance of AQUAPU Area. Therefore, all can be working together to promote and to establish more quality AQUAPU Area which will result in quality environment and quality life.2.Method and results:2.1 Establishment of quality AQUAPU Areas evaluation methods and procedures.2.2 Invite scholars and specialists to form 「Quality AQUAPU Area Evaluation Committee」2.3 Carrying out quality AQUAPU Areas evaluation activity. As the results, 35 quality AQUAPU Areas will be chosen.2.4 To publish these chosen sites as exhibition materials (200 copies), and to send these publication to local governments and related agencies to make them aware of EPA’s greenization efforts.2.5 Incorporate AQUAPU Area’s ideology, purposes, and chosen quality AQUAPU sites into EPA’s 2003 engagement calendar. Distribute these calendars to public and related NGOs to make them aware of that greenization and air quality purification are closely related.3.Conclusion and Suggestion:This project has been accomplished according to the timing and content requirements of the contract.Related suggestions are as follows:3.1 A major award ceremony to be held to publicize the results of the establishment of AQUAPU area, and to award local government agencies for their endeavor.3.2 Future quality AQUAPU sites selection activities are recommended to be finished before September in order to have sufficient time for quality publication.3.3 Results exhibition publication and engagement calendar for quality AQUAPU Area are recommended 091 空保處 太倉規劃顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3806
動物生態評估技術之研究及評估模式之驗證 本研究針對環境影響評估作業中之動物生態調查和評估,進行方法收集和設立規範並進行探討。我國公告環評法已達七年以上,然多數的環評重點仍著重於環境的物理與化學因子,或人民的健康與生活上受到的干擾,有關生物與生態系所受到的衝擊部分,資料極為不足。目前的環評報告中,有關動物生態調查的資料因為規範過於簡單,常導致諸多缺失。故本報告由蒐集國內外的生態調查方法著手,建立生態基礎資訊資料庫、各級環境保護區的GIS圖層資料、生態或地理資訊相關網站資料庫,並彙整各物種的調查方法;選擇常用的調查方法進行評估,以提供適當的調查天數、調查時段與適用棲地類型等建議。彙整全部的資料後,撰寫「動物生態評估技術規範」草案,建議環保署提供環評執行人員參考。建議環保署以此為草案,廣邀各方專家,凝聚意見後,建立生態調查規範,以提昇我國環境影響評估之水準,進而達到環境保護、永續發展之目標。 Research on the wildlife ecological evaluation technigues and asseessment models 091 綜計處 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3822
建立二仁溪將軍溪河川生態指標與流域整治績效評估計畫 本計劃之目的在調查二仁溪及將軍溪流域之生態資料與河川水質現況,並依此而建立二仁溪與將軍溪之生態指標與污染整治績效評估。最後則利用調查資料製作環境教材與進行生態養成訓練,也研析兩條溪流污染防治之最佳策略,結果發現,雖然雨季與潮水有助於減輕污染,但是,由WQI,RPI,BOD/DO與生物相等資料判斷,兩條溪流之水質多被分類為嚴重污染之狀態,執行篩選級生態風險評估之結果顯示,目前兩條溪流中氨氮對生物之影響可能較重金屬明顯,可能是未來應注意之水質變數。兩條溪流中魚類、水生昆蟲與兩生類等直接生存於河川或其附近之生物均顯現物種數量少且以耐污種為優勢種之群聚結構。兩條河川中之水質變數與魚類及水生昆蟲群聚特徵,目前尚無法建立其關聯性。依調查資料,本研究建議魚類生物指標物種,和發展一套一般民眾與中小學生適用之無脊椎動物多測項環境品質評估系統。最後,提出下列四點建議: (1) 持續進行二仁溪與將軍溪之生態監測,以記錄與瞭解整治績效。(2) 以第二階段之風險評估法,針對重金屬與其他未評估之有機污染物,進行生態評估。(3) 利用教育人力和社區民眾來使用「無脊椎動物多測項環境品質評估系統」,協助行政單位監測水質變動,達成面狀之「水質監測網」與推廣環境教育。(4) 基於台灣地區河川補遍缺乏未污染狀態之參考資料的困境,建議發展整合水質(化學)、棲地(物理)與生物特徵以評量河川環境品質之量化指標。 Development of biological indicator systems and competence assessment of pollution management on the Erh-jen River and ching-chun River The objectives of this project were to collect the ecological data and measure the water quality of E-ren River and Gin-gen River. Based on the established database, ecological indicators were identified, and the competence of stream pollution management on both rivers was assessed. Instruction manuals and posters for environmental education were made, and training sessions were also held. Additionally, the optimal strategy to manage the current polluted situation in both rivers was proposed. Despite the pollution condition were improved due to the dilution in rainy season and from tidal change, species composition of aquatic organisms and the index values of WQI, RPI, and BOD/DO indicated the water quality in both streams were classified as serious pollution. The biological impact from ammonia-nitrogen may be greater than heavy metal based on the result of conducting a Screening Level Environmental Risk Assessment, thus more attention should be placed on the former water quality variable. Few species were present and tolerance species were dominant the fish and macroinvertebrate communities in both streams. No statistical significant correlation was identified for both streams. Biological indicator of fish species were recommended, and a multimetric system of assessing stream environmental quality designed specifically for general public and elementary to high school students were constructed. Finally, four suggestions were made:1. to continue conducting the current ecological monitoring in both streams to record and evaluate the effectiveness of pollution management. 2. to measure the ecological impact of heavy metal and unassessed organic pollutants by executing the tier II Environmental Risk Assessment. 3. to encourage educational personnel and community resident to apply the Macroinvertebrate Multimetric Environmental Assessment System in both streams to organize a network of water quality in both watersheds. 4. to dev 091 水保處 國立高雄師範大學生物科學研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3820
廢污水處理回收澆灌制度建立計畫 國內現行「土壤處理標準」管理五種事業將:1.土壤作為污水處理廠;2.廢水提供植物營養;3.土壤作為漁牧結合養殖魚塘,因現行法令適用範圍不足,因此須進行修訂。世界各國現行廢(污)水回收再利用制度可分為:(1)廢(污)水處理後回收作為各種用途,(2)以土壤進行廢(污)水處理並利用作為植物營養,和(3)禽畜廢水回收再利用等三大類。而考慮國內漁牧綜合經營將廢(污)水排放於土壤相當普遍,因此本研究亦蒐集國外『養殖水塘』土壤處理相關規定。本研究首先提出以放流水作為水資源再利用之國內廢(污)水回收澆灌制度草案。其次以『土壤處理標準』為法源,提出『土壤處理標準修正草案』。基本上,草案均侷限廢(污)水回收澆灌僅及植物和土壤層,禁止觸及地下水層。廢(污)水處理回收澆灌制度牽涉到四大領域:(1)土壤處理廢水、(2)廢水再生水資源再利用、(3)農牧綜合經營、及(4)漁牧綜合經營,各先進國家均投入大量人力物力財力進行基礎環境影響研究、各項水質標準研議分析、工程規劃標準研擬、及管理制度研定,尤其是考慮執行面時,又因各國文化差異,而其牽涉問題可謂又多而又廣。國內主管機關和目的事業主管機關針對土壤處理相關之廢(污)水回收澆灌各領域之『環境標準』和『工程設計規範』進行有系統的基礎性學理研究與現況調查,並彙整各方意見積極研修更符合國內需求之法規制度,以利國內廢(污)水處理回收澆灌制度之完整建置。 The Research on Establishing the Regulation of Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse The 『Standard of Land treatment』in Taiwan allows five kinds of industries to discharge their effluent to the land and use it as: (1). wastewater treatment plant, (2). nutrient receiver for the plant growth, and (3). nutrient receiver for fish aquaculture. The standard is out of date and need to be modified. Wastewater reclamation and reuse can be classified into three categories: (1). reuse after advanced treatment, (2). land treatment of wastewater, and (3). reuse of animal manure. Besides, wastewater reclamation for aquaculture should be includes because of many application in the rural area of Taiwan.The regulation of wastewater reclamation and reuse is first been proposed by recycling the wastewater that meets the effluent standards. The modified regulation of land treatment is then proposed to include four categories of application of wastewater reclamation and reuse. The regulation prohibits the reused wastewater to go to groundwater aquifer.The four categories of application of wastewater reclamation and reuse are : (1). land treatment of wastewater, (2). water resources applications, (3). animal manure reuse, and (4). aquaculture applications. The theoretical and fundamental studies concerning the selection of environmental standards as well as technical guidelines are suggested. The government officials of COA, MOEA, DOI and EPA should conduct more detail researches to provide complete base for building up the regulation. 091 水保處 工業技術研究院能源與資源研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3818
因應氣候變化綱要公約決策支援專案工作計畫 本研究主要係協助本署以非政府組織身分持續參與公約相關會議,掌握發展趨勢,協助研擬我國因應策略,加強國際合作交流,並檢討我國溫室氣體國家統計體系,並加強資訊傳播。本本計畫主要具體成果略以:1.建立對外溝通管道:本研究與公約執行秘書等10餘個國家代表、機構,針對國家通訊、CDM、排放交易、和國際參與議題均已接洽且持續聯絡,另委請公約負責非附件一國家之國家通訊準則主席瑞士籍Dr. Romero就我國所編撰之國家通訊初稿進行審閱。2.規劃溫室氣體統計國家體系:本計畫根據2000年氣候變化綱要公約附屬機構會議決議(FCCC/SBSTA/2000/5),檢討我國本計畫主要具體成果略以:1.建立對外溝通管道:本研究與公約執行秘書等10餘個國家代表、機構,針對國家通訊、CDM、排放交易、和國際參與議題均已接洽且持續聯絡,另委請公約負責非附件一國家之國家通訊準則主席瑞士籍Dr. Romero就我國所編撰之國家通訊初稿進行審閱。2.規劃溫室氣體統計國家體系:本計畫根據2000年氣候變化綱要公約附屬機構會議決議(FCCC/SBSTA/2000/5),檢討我國統計溫室氣體清冊的經驗,完成溫室氣體統計國家體系之規劃(含:清冊統計與資料庫管理更新、專家小組審查、數據驗證、和國家審查與通過等流程)。3.評估我國對外跨國比較指標:本研究分析人均排放、單位GDP排放、單位GDP(購買力)排放、單位初級能源排放、能源生產力等六種國際間常用指標建議未來我國參與談判工作最有利之指標為單位GDP(購買力)排放量,這項指標排放為全球79位,可展現我新興工業國之特色,且可顯示我國節約能源之效果。4.評估我國碳匯潛力:本計畫分析了馬拉喀什協定中的規範,配合我國溫室氣體清冊資料庫數據分析,LUCF吸收量占我國溫室氣體總排放量8%~12%,可知我國碳匯在溫室氣體的吸收具有相當之潛力。5.在資訊傳播方面,本計畫撰構中英文網站、說帖,發行5期資訊速報,每期2000份,寄送對象相當廣泛,包括公(39%)、私部門(29%)、教育單位(29%)與民間組織(14%),頗具傳播成效。符合公約第6條實施氣候變化及其影響的教育及提高公共意識之計畫,並編寫和交換相關材料以提供訊息等細則。此外,本計畫持續業參加國際排放交易協會(IETA)之運作,首次在公約締約國會議之周邊會議(special event)報告我國參與京都機制之立場。 The Project of Decision Support in Response to UNFCCC This project helped EPA to organize the NGO delegations for attending the relative meetings of UNFCCC, analyze the trends of the development, draw up the respond policy of Taiwan, strengthen the channels for joining the international activities about addressing climate change and disseminate the information about addressing climate change. It completed all tasks and had many solid achievements.1.Establish the channels of the international activities about UNFCCCThis project team discussed the key issues, such as national communication, greenhouse gas inventory, CDM and its operation system, emission trading with UNFCCC secretary, more 10 countries and organizations and kept contact with them. It also request Dr. Romero, who are the delegation of Switzerland and in behalf of the preparation guideline of national community for non-Annex 1 parties, to review Taiwan’s national community.2.Propose the national system for GHG inventoryAccording the UNFCCC official document, FCCC/SBSTA/2000/5, and the experiments of assessing Taiwan’s GHG inventory, this project propose the national system for GHG inventory, including the management and update of GHG inventory, expert review, certification, national review and adoption.3.Chose the indicator for the international negotiationThis project compares six international GHG indicators, such as emission per capita, emission per GDP, emission per GDP PPP, emission per unit primary energy command and energy productivity. For the indicator, emission per GDP PPP, Taiwan ranks 79 in the worldwide. It could show the characteristic of a new industrial country like Taiwan and the achievement on saving energy and be good for Taiwan’s future negotiation.4.Assess the potential on LULUCF for TaiwanThis project analyzes the LULUCF modalities on the Marrekesh Accord. According the GHG inventory of Taiwan and the modalities, the carbon sink of LUCF is 8%~12% of total GHG emissions and has good potential for Taiwan.5. Dissemin 091 空保處 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3816
鼓勵購買低污染車輛補助審查專案工作計畫 本計畫依據合約項目執行各項工作,茲就本年度之執行成果摘要說明如下:1.已受理及審核電動機車補助申請案件並執行撥款作業共計1,640件、已受理及審核電動輔助自行車補助申請案件並執行撥款作業共計3,419件、已受理及審核低污染噴射引擎機車補助申請案件並執行撥款作業共計847件。2.已完成相關受理案件資料之資料庫建檔,並定期向環保署提送月報表。3.已辦理完成1場「電動機車及電動輔助自行車審查及撥款說明會」、6場「低污染噴射引擎機車審查及撥款說明會」及1場「低污染噴射引擎機車發表會及試騎活動」及協助辦理1場「機車排氣定檢站全國表揚大會及移動污染源管制成果展示活動」。4.已建置完成「低污染車輛補助資訊網(http://wamitein.hihosting.hinet.net)」,並進行維護管理及更新。5.已設置二線專用電話,電話號碼為02-27495140及02-27495149,由專人進行接聽及記錄。6.配合及協助環保署於民國91年6月28日及10月22日進行電動機車及電動自行車新車抽驗。7.寄發電動機車問卷調查表13,119份及電動輔助自行車問卷調查表2,380份,電動機車問卷回收率23.7%、電動輔助自行車問卷回收率24.6%。8.根據各電動機車製造廠所提供之維修保養記錄、電動機車問卷回收統計及電話調查等資料進行統計,電動機車保有數量約13,575輛。9.本計畫於民國91年8月16日及12月18日召開「電動機車購買民眾後續照顧方案擬訂/研商會議」,已擬定完成後續維護方案,環保署擬以專案委託之方式辦理,並已初步完成計畫內容。10.已於民國91年4月30日完成故障通報專線及專用停車格公告,並定期於每個月於各充電站進行檢測維護。11.完成低污染噴射引擎機車污染減量評估及補助成效之檢討,經評估結果,平均每補助一輛低污染噴射引擎機車平均CO及HC+NOX之減少量為2.53 g/km及2.64 g/km;若以每輛機車平均一年行駛4,000公里計算,每輛低污染噴射引擎機車每年之污染減量為CO 10,131.75 g及HC+NOX 10,552.32 g。 Project on the inspection of the subsidy to encourage purchase of low-emission vehicle This project has performed various tasks as specified in the contract. The project summary is as follows:1.Completion of review and approval of three types of subsidy applications for 1,640 electrical motorcycles, 3,419 electrical bicycles and 847 low-emission jet engine motorcycles.2.Completion of filing the database on subsidy application cases and submittal of monthly reports to the Environmental Protection Administration on regular basis.3.Completion of one presentation meeting on 「Review and approval of subsidy application for the electrical motorcycle and the electrical bicycle」, six presentation meetings on 「low-emission jet engine motorcycles」, one demonstration test ride on 「Low-emission jet engine motorcycles」 and one demonstration on 「National award on the excellent performance of motorcycle emission checkpoints and exhibition on results of the mobile pollution source control」4.Establishment of one website (http://wamitein.hihosting.hinet.net) on「Low-emission vehicle information」 with regular maintenance and update.5.Two dedicated telephone lines were installed and operated by trained operators for assistance on subsidy application, the phone numbers are 02-27495140 and 02-27495149.6.Assisted the Environmental Protection Administration in spot-checking new electrical motorcycles and electrical bicycles on June 28 and October 22 in year 91.7.Posted 13,119 copies of questionnaires to the owners of electrical motorcycles and 2,380 copies of questionnaires to the owners of electrical bicycles with return rates of 23.7% and 24.6%, respectively.8.According to the statistical analysis on the maintenance records supplied by the electrical motorcycle manufacturers, the result of electrical motorcycle surveys by questionnaires and phone calls, there are 13,575 electrical motorcycles on the road.9.Completion of preliminary planning on「After-sale maintenance services for electrical motorcycles」based on the meetings held 091 空保處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3814
第十一屆全國環境保護模範社區遴選表揚作業 壹、 計畫緣起貳、 計畫目標參、 計畫範圍與工作內容肆、 工作方法伍、 計畫執行及考核一、 工作流程二、 入選全國性選拔名單三、 不定期訪查四、 初審會議五、 定期訪查六、 不定期訪查七、 決選會議附件一 不定期實地訪查內容簡要說明附件二 活動期間之出缺席簽名單 091 綜計處 環宇廣告股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3828
煉鋼業戴奧辛污染減量控制技術建置專案工作計畫 本計畫係以學界專業知識建立產業界與政府機關之間協調、溝通、合作的橋樑,組團赴日本與奧地利進行實場考察,瞭解煉鋼業電弧爐戴奧辛技術發展之現況,進行規劃、設計並建造一實驗模廠,研擬模廠實驗內容及目的,期尋求設計參數及最適化操作條件。此外,並協助鋼鐵公會成立自主管理專案小組,進行電弧爐戴奧辛排放改善工作,定期召開會議檢討成效;規劃辦理戴奧辛污染防制技術國際交流講習會,針對鋼鐵業模廠實驗、國內業者面臨問題以及污染防制相關法令進行交流。未來宜建立戴奧辛採樣 / 監測方法、定期申報檢驗資料;加強辦理煉鋼作業操作管理與人員訓練、進行電弧爐戴奧辛排放係數推估、電弧爐戴奧辛生成 / 破壞機制研究、模廠實驗系統發包、建造、實驗規劃及操作;另進行PCB排放量推估,檢討污染源排放量、戴奧辛減量目標與探討管制標準的合理性。 Project of Dioxin Pollution Reduction and Control Technology of EAF The objective of this research work is intended to develop the mechanism for strengthening the communication, coordination and cooperation among industry, academic and government sectors. Technical visit to Japan and Australia is to understand the current progress and state-of-art technology and management programs for controlling the Dioxin emissions from the electric arc furnace(EAF)in the course of this investigation. A pilot plant study was planned to develop the design criteria and/or operation guideline for future construction projects. In addition, a volunteer group was organized to generate the self-auditing system to check the performance made by the steel-mill industry. The international workshop on Dioxin Control Technology and Management was also organized to provide the opportunity for gathering or exchanging the information among the foreign delegation and local expert.The sampling and monitoring methods for Dioxins Determination from the air emissions of electric-arc-furnaces could be developed in the future. Further training programs to upgrade the performance made by the operators should be performed. The emission factors of formation/destruction mechanisms and pilot plant studies are the important research in need of being achieved. The inventory data or emissions of PCB and Dioxins are regularly used to assess the suitability of the current emission. 091 空保處 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3826
環境檢驗類盲樣配製技術研究及盲測樣品供應計畫 本盲樣配製計畫主要是配合環保署執行空氣、水質水量與飲用水及廢棄物檢測類別每年例行盲測之需,進行各類盲樣配製技術之研發建立與相關問題之研究探討,並完成實際盲測樣品之配製,以供應環境檢測機構及各級環保單位每年例行性盲測所需要之本土性測試樣品,俾持續監督管理及有效輔導各檢驗室之檢測能力,確保檢測數據之品質。計畫主要工作重點及成果簡要說明如下:1.完成年度例行盲測樣品配製,包括:(1)完成空氣檢測類排放管道及周界空氣中總氮氧化物、總硫氧化物、粒狀污染物、粒狀污染物之鉛及其化合物與粒狀污染物之鎘及其化合物之260組盲測樣品製備。(2)完成水質水量及飲用水檢測類34項3840瓶之盲測樣品配製,項目包括懸浮固體、總溶解固體、pH、硫酸鹽、導電度、氯鹽、氟鹽、油脂、化學需氧量、生化需氧量、氨氮、硝酸鹽氮、亞硝酸鹽氮、總磷、酚類、氰化物、砷、硼、鎘、總鉻、銅、鐵、鉛、錳、總汞、鎳、銀、硒、鋅、濁度、硫化物、陰離子介面活性劑、六價鉻與真色色度等。(3)完成廢棄物TCLP溶出液中六價鉻、鎘、銅、鋅、鉻、鉛、砷、硒與汞等9項60組之盲測樣品製備。各檢測項目之配製瓶數均能滿足目前環保署許可之環境檢驗測定機構家數及各級環保單位依檢驗分工所需之年度例行盲測之用量。2.依據前項工作內容所配製檢測類別項目之例行性盲測數據之統計結果,進行配樣技術層面相關問題之探討分析。3.配合「土壤及地下水污染整治法」公告施行後土壤檢測類新申請許可作業需求,規劃進行土壤重金屬真實樣品之採集研製,並完成三批次360瓶土壤基質樣品配製及其中鎘、鉻、銅、鎳、鉛、砷、汞及鋅等八個項次之重金屬含量測定。4.執行水中砷及汞兩項次因檢測程式所需之盲測樣品的特殊設計需要,進行配樣技術之改良。 Program of Research of Performance Evaluation Sample Preparation Technology and Performance Evaluation sample Supply #Proficiency Test Program(PTP)#is a very important procedure in the management of certified environmental analysis laboratory for National Institute of Environment Analysis (NIEA) in ROC. There are four tasks in this year#s project to support above management:1.Prepare PE(proficiency evaluation) samples for water, drinking water, TCLP and air analysis PTP(proficiency test program) test.(a) Nox, Sox, particulate, Pb and Cd on particulate total 8 items 260 set samples for air analysis are prepared. (b) 34 items 3840 bottles PE samples including Total Suspended Solids, Total Dissolved Solids, Oil Grease, COD, BOD, Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrate, Nitrite, total phosphorous, Phenol, Cyanide, Arsenic, Boron, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Silver, Selenium, Zinc, Turbidity, Sulfide, ABS, Hexavalent Chromium, Color in water and drink water are prepared.(c) Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Selenium, Zinc, Arsenic total 9 items 60 set of TCLP PE samples in are prepared.Above samples are used as proficiency evaluation samples for 90 certified laboratories and near 25 local Environment Protection Bureau in Taiwan.2.Promote preparation technique by evaluate those data from above PE sample test .3.Perform R&D of PE samples in soil under #Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act# for evaluation those laboratories applied for certified in soil analysis. 3 different sources of soil at lease 360 bottles of soil sample are needed.4.Perform Mercury and Arsenic PE samples preparation technique R&D assigned by NIEA. 091 環檢所 財團法人工業技術研究院環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 吳堉鑾 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3824
加強執行抽測南部地區污染源煙道廢氣中無機污染物及燃料中硫份含量委託檢測工作 本計畫執行南部地區污染源煙道廢氣中無機污染物之排放檢測及所使用燃料中硫份含量檢測工作。在煙道檢測結果方面,僅1支不合格,餘均合格,但在排放係數計算方面,則有8家排放係數超過公告值,值得多加注意。而在燃料方面,所抽測71件燃料中,除1家所使用柴油超過法規標準外,其餘均為合格,其中燃料油之含硫份平均值為0.44%(管制區)及0.72%(非管制區),而燃料煤之平均值為0.31%,柴油含硫份則為0.23%。 Inorganic air pollutes eluted from factories located on southern area of Taiwan In order to improve the air quality, the EPA carried out a project in 2002 that check randomly the inorganic air pollutes eluted from factories located on southern area of Taiwan.The southern area is including Chiai City, Chiai County, Tainan City, Tainan County, Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung County, Penhu County, Pintung County and Taitung County.Until November, inorganic pollutes including NOx, SOx, particle samples are collected and analyzed from one hundred and twelve funnels, the analysis results indicated no illegal emission can be found, a consequence that is really like that of other years before. In another way, the calculation of emission coefficient shows eight factories have emission coefficient that exceeded the allowed values. That is worth paying more attention to notice whether there is unormal operation.In the analysis results of fuel, totally seventy-one samples was collected and analyzed. The analysis of sulfur component in fuel showed only one sample has a disqualified result, and all other collected samples are qualified. Statistically, the fuel oil has a average sulfur capacity 0.44% in restricted areas( Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung County, Pintung County), and 0.72% in other areas(Chiai city, Chiai county, Tainan city, Tainan county, Penhu County and Taitung County). Coal analysis gives a sulfur average 0.31% and diesel analysis gives an average 0.23%. The 39th factory is using diesel as fuel supply, its analysis value 0.848% has obviously exceeded the allowed sulfur capacity 0.035% and needed further exploration to understand the disqualified reason. 091 空保處 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3830
行政院環境保署加強執行抽測北部地區污染源煙道中無機污染物及燃料硫分含量委託檢測工作 本計畫乃為行政院環保署對於列管之重大固定污染源,除平時地方環保局對不合格之煙囪排放之廢氣污染源積極的督導及取締外,特辦理「加強執行抽測(北區)污染源煙道廢氣中無機污染物及燃料硫份含量檢測計畫」,由行政院環保署篩選出150處重大污染源為稽查檢測對象,執行現場採樣分析及資料庫建置工作,故藉由本計畫可以了解固定污染源空氣污染物之排放是否符合管制標準及其污染防制設備之處理功能是否足以去除最大產能下之污染物;藉以對重點列管工廠之重大污染源檢測,建立成結果之統計資料,進而落實管制固定污染源空氣污染物之排放,及協助廠家了解其本身污染物實際排放總類、特性及排放量,以利其進行污染改善,達到空氣污染物排放逐年削減目標,才能有效改善空氣品質惡化的狀況。 The Authorised and Randomly Reenforced Analyses of Inorganic Pollutants and Sulfide Content of Fossil Fuel for the Stack Waste Gas Amoung the Stationary Pollution Sources in Northern Taiwan. This project is particularly for those major stationary pollution sources supervised by EPA ROC. It is not only to inspect or ban the waste gas emission for those heavily polluting stacks usually under the local environmental bureaus, but also to intensify the execution of random inspection and sampling of inorganic pollutant and sulfur contain of fuels for the stationary pollution sources of in north Taiwan. From 150 screened major pollution sources according to EPA’s inspection record, testing and analyses has been preformed and a database has been established. Therefore, it is easy to understand whether the emission of the stationary pollution sources has violated the emission regulation or whether the efficient of their pollution treatment system could meet the requirements during the maximum load. After all, we will utilize the database to manage and control those significant and supervised stationary pollution sources. This useful information manage system would help the polluters to understand their characteristic of their emission and help them to improve their pollution solution as well. This is an important project which aims at simple goals, yearly reduction of pollution and improving our air quality. 091 空保處 精湛環境股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3842
執行液化石油氣氣價補助及新車型排氣審驗專案工作計畫 本計畫主要工作為依照「補助降低車用液化石油氣售價作業要點」之相關規定,進行LPG售價補助款申請案件之審查及撥款業務,補助方式為合法使用之LPG車,可獲得每公升新台幣三元之補助,補助後車用LPG每公升售價由12元降低為9元,約為汽油的二分之一。 本補助措施實施後,明顯提升車主使用LPG車之意願,累計91年共核准一千八百七十七萬公升、核撥補助款新台幣五千六百萬元,平均每個月加氣車輛數為四千五百輛、平均月發氣量為一百八十八萬公升,估計所有LPG車車主全年可因而節省購買汽油費用達一億元左右。另外為確保審查品質,除了書面審查以外,並執行了六次全省加氣站現場查核之工作,以確認業者送審資料之正確性。 由於相關氣價補助策略確實有效提升車主使用意願,導致營業車市場對LPG車之需求大為增加,除了加氣站數量較90年增加三座以外,並促使台朔汽車投入生產OEM LPG新車(GREEN CAR),係我國推動LPG車之重要成果。 在蒐集LPG車使用數據方面,目前我國使用中LPG車總數為八千一百輛,較90年減少約二千輛,車輛車齡則大部分超過五年,就計程車而言已屆汰換年限,且大多數車主未來希望未來繼續使用LPG新車。在經濟誘因部分,多數車主表示藉由氣價補助,每個月可節省燃料費三千元以上,並有一成受訪者表示每個月節省燃料費高達七千元以上,顯示燃料價差是車主選擇使用LPG車之主因。 本計畫同時亦蒐集各國推動LPG資訊,目前先進國家如英國、美國等均有鼓勵措施,對於符合特定排氣標準之清潔車輛(包括LPG、CNG、電能車等)會給予相當額度的補助款或所得稅減免,相關策略應可作為研擬未來推動策略之參考。 另外參考國外研究結果,LPG車排氣中有關臭氧前趨物部分,其排放量隨著車輛引擎調校狀況之不同而有所變化,若調校狀況不良,其污染減量成效可能無明顯優於汽油車之處,然對於毒性物質之減量效果,則在任何狀況下均明顯優於汽油車,此應視為使用LPG車之另一項優點。 091 空保處 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3836
生活污水污染防治整體實施計畫 臺灣地區河川主要的污染來源為生活污水、工業廢水和畜牧廢水三種。近十年來由於行政院環境保護署積極推動之加強事業廢水污染管制計畫,已使工業廢水及畜牧廢水之污染負荷量有逐漸減少的趨勢。相對地,在隨著都市更新導致人口密集化,而臺灣地區污水下水道系統普及率仍偏低之情形下,生活污水之污染問題便日趨嚴重,儼然已成為臺灣地區水污染的主要排放源。因此為提高生活污水污染之削減率,除加強興建污水下水道系統外,應落實生活污水之污染減量對策。另外加強制訂並推動建築物興建污水處理設施,且促使其能定期清理與正常操作,則對生活污水污染減量將是一大助益。本計畫之主要工作內容包括(一)研定預鑄式建築物污水處理設施管理及審核作業制度;(二)污水下水道系統社區污水下水道系統輔導管制資訊系統建立;(三)規劃推動建築物污水處理設施定期清理制度;(四)規劃推動生活污水污染減量計畫;(五)輔導社區下水道系統改善缺失及正常操作;及(六)辦理生活污水污染防治宣導工作。在研定預鑄式建築物污水處理設施管理及審核作業制度方面,本計畫除協助研訂「預鑄式建築物污水處理設施管理辦法」(草案)外,並協助研訂「預鑄式建築物污水處理設施申請審核登記作業規定」、「預鑄式建築物污水處理設施審核基準」及「預鑄式建築物污水處理設施標準規格」,並協助規劃及試辦委託民間審核預鑄式建築物污水處理設施申請案。另外,並針對預鑄式建築物污水處理設進行五十八件採樣,以瞭解其對污水之處理情形及削減效率。在污水下水道系統社區污水下水道系統輔導管制資訊系統建立方面,針對社區污水下水道系統之特性,重新評估並設計適合之資訊管理系統,並配合環保署現行之「水污染源管制資料管理系統」同步進行Web化。另外,並規劃設計『預鑄式建築物污水處理設施管理系統』,主要建置內容包括:污水工程管制資料、基本資料、處理設施概要資料、生產、銷售及設置狀況定期申報資料、規格功能報告書及測試報告資料及稽查處分資料等。在規劃推動建築物污水處理設施定期清理制度方面,考量定期清理實為提高建築物污水處理設施處理效率之有效方法,故針對建築物污水處理設施定期清理制度進行規劃及探討。在執行策略上,包括1.區分優先執行對象並建檔列管,2.規劃建築物污水處理設施之管理人應妥善操作維護及定期紀錄,3.清理頻率及清運成本分析,4.規劃分析定期清理實施計畫相關配套事項,以做為未來推動建築物污水處理設施(如化糞池)定期清理制度之參考。在規劃推動生活污水污染減量計畫方面,以環保署及各地方環保局為主要執行單位進行各相關減量計畫之執行困難度、可行性評估,並依評估結果進行執行優先順序之排定及推動重點之研訂。另外,並依各該項削減策略之執行特性,分別以宣導、補助、回收機制、修法與立法、研發等預計推動方式進行建議採用之執行方式。在輔導社區下水道系統改善缺失及正常操作方面,針對一百家社區進行處理設施查核及輔導作業,期望藉由查核作業之進行,輔導社區正常操作其污水處理設施,並增加民眾對相關知識的瞭解。在辦理生活污水污染防治宣導工作方面,本計畫執行本項作業內容主要包括:1.辦理一場次之大型園遊會,並舉辦生活污水減量繪畫及海報比賽2.於各縣市辦理共計五十場次之社區宣導說明會宣導;3.錄製宣導短片,並複製錄影帶一千份及VCD一千三百五十份以作為宣導之用。此外,本計畫並協助修正社區及指定區所下水道系統之水污染防治許可管制方式,研訂相關配合許可表單,並依最新管制方式編撰「社區及指定區所下水道系統水污染防治許可申請作業指南」,期望能作為環保單位後續執行社區許可管制作業之參考依據。 Living sewage The main pollution sources of Taiwan rivers are from living sewage, industrialdrainage and pasturage drainage. For the last decade, the plans of enhancing industrialdrainage pollution control positively advanced by EPA (Environmental ProtectionAdministration) have gradually decreased the pollution condition of industrial andpasturage drainage. In opposite, owing to the population concentration caused byurban renovation, under the circumstances of low popularization of drainage systemin Taiwan, the problems of living sewage have thus become more serious and havealready become the main pollution source of water pollution in Taiwan.Therefore, in order to heighten the deduction ratio of living sewage, besidesenhancing constructing drainage system, we should fulfill policy of living sewagededuction. In addition, we should enhance the establishment of building drainagemanaging facilities as well as to put the regular clearing up and normal operation intoacts, which are regarded as a great help to living sewage pollution deduction.The major content of task of this plan contains (1) to study and decide thepracticing management of pro-casting building of drainage handling and its examiningoperation system, (2) the establishing of guiding control information system of regulardrainage system and community drainage system, (3) to advance the regular clearingup system of building drainage handling facilities, (4) to plan to advance thededuction of living sewage pollution plan. (5) to guide and improve the defects of thecommunity drainage system to a normal operation, and (6) to conduct the tasks ofliving sewage prevention propaganda.In respect of the practicing management ofpre-castmg building of drainagehandling and its examining operation system, in addition to assisting to study and decide “the management measures of pro-casting building of drainage handling andits examining operation system 091 水保處 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3840
中國大陸沙塵暴對台灣居民健康之影響計畫 本計畫針對中國大陸沙塵暴空氣污染對台灣居民之健康影響所進行一年半(90.11.2-91.12.31)之研究建制和研究執行計畫做詳細之說明,於上年度計畫期間內(90.11.2-91.2.28)經由人力訓練整合、儀器設備之建制及本土性研究之開展,為環保署建立中國大陸沙塵暴對台灣居民健康影響相關之風險評估工作之疾病監控系統,並在今年度前半年內(91.3.1-91.5.31)藉由此項健康風險評估工作的推展,協助環保署對於北部空氣品質流通區內之中國大陸沙塵暴空氣污染物的污染源與受體之間關係的瞭解。本計畫在上年度在急診監測網方面,完成1995/1/1~2001/10/31台大醫院和新光醫院有關心、肺和眼方面疾病每天的急診人數,和環保署提供環保署空氣品質在臺北市五個大氣監測站之污染物與天氣的逐時監測資料。經過統計分析後在過去沙塵暴來襲且PM10日平均濃度大於150μg/m3的事件日中,通常在事件發生後的第三、四天後會看到心肺疾病急診人數有明顯的增加。在易感受族群患者監測網方面,我們總共收了52位冠狀動脈心臟病病患、50位具冠狀動脈心臟病危險因素病患以及100位氣喘患童的基本資料,作為今年度沙塵暴來臨之前、中、後變化的參考。本計畫今年度執行結論有二:(一)收集並以統計模型來看2002年一月到五月間八波沙塵暴對台大醫院、新光醫院急診病患人數之影響,由於今年度1-5月沙塵帶來的懸浮微粒濃度平均雖然不高,但仍有幾次事件影響心肺疾病之急診人數的增加;其中以含輕微呼吸道疾病影響的次數最多,而對心臟疾病的影響較弱。年齡層方面則以0-6歲呼吸道疾病受到的影響最大且影響時間稍微延長,而通常在沙塵來臨之後一~三天的急診人數容易有增加的情形。(二)取得20位冠狀動脈心臟病病患和10位具冠狀動脈心臟病危險因素病患,在2002三月、四月四波沙塵暴事件之中進行沙塵來襲前後測資料比較,結果顯示沙塵來襲後凝血因素tpA顯著上升,而發炎指標hs-CRP則有上升的趨勢,二十四小時心電圖監測儀檢查的結果發現心跳速率變異性有下降的趨勢。 The Health Effects of Chinese Sand Strom in Taiwan Backgrounds. The China Sandstorm has increasingly influenced the air quality of Taiwan in recent years. The concentrations of both coarse (PM10) and fine (PM2.5) particles were particularly increased in northern Taiwan during the past China Sand Storm periods. The potential health impact of the sand storm was much worried by the people and the authorities but was not investigated before. Objectives. To estimate adverse health effects caused by the China Sandstorms in 2002.Methods. We use emergency room visits due to respiratory (ICD9: 493, 496, 486, 460-465, 466, 472-473, 477) and cardiac diseases (ICD9: 410, 411, 414, 430-437) and lagged Poisson models to evaluate the health impact of during the 2002 China Sandstorm. The emergency room visits data are from two medical centers in Taipei, National Taiwan University Hospital and Shin Kong Memorial Hospital. We also use panels of susceptible populations to investigate the mechanisms of pollution effects caused by the China Sandstorm. The panels consist of 100 and 100 asthmatic children in National Taiwan University Hospital.Results. The emergency room visits due to respiratory and cardiac diseases increase during the 2002 the China Sandstorm. For respiratory diseases, the effects are more significant for children aged 0-6 with mild upper-respiratory illness (ICD9: 460-465, 466, 472-473, 477) with 1-3 day lags. The panel of cardiac patients shows significant increases in the coagulator factor of tPA and inflammatory marker of hs-CRP and decreases in heart rate variability (HRV) during the China Sandstorm period. 091 空保處 國立台灣大學公共衛生學院 職業醫學與工業衛生研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3838
特定行業揮發性有機污染檢測及污染物特性分析計畫 隨著工商業發達以及經濟的快速成長,工商業頻繁活動所造成的空氣污染物排放,使得大氣環境承受到前所未有的負荷與破壞,所幸近年來環保署對空氣污染監測與控制不遺餘力,大氣品質惡化的現象已逐年趨緩。為了要持續改善大氣環境以及因應新興行業引進新製程所帶來的新污染物,監控新製程的污染排放以及準確推估出各行業污染排放量,並能分析出關鍵的污染排放因子與活動,將是現階段空氣污染控制、維護空氣品質的重要關鍵。本計畫將針對半導體製造業、光電製造業、黏性膠帶製造業、石化業四個產業與部分石化業設備元件進行國內外排放係數資料的蒐集,與特定行業排放管道排放濃度、排放量及設備元件污染逸散排放濃度、排放量的檢測,所得之結果可作為未來VOCs空氣污染防制費徵收的依據、污染控制設備效率檢核的指標或為總量管制、排放量推估的工具與參考,以便找出污染排放之關鍵因素,擬定相關管制策略,維護國內空氣品質。對於特定行業排放管道非甲烷碳氫化合物的檢測,本計畫遵循環檢所將於92年1月18日公告之『排放管道中總碳氫化合物及非甲烷總碳氫化合物含量自動檢測方法-線上火燄離子化偵測法』(NIEA A723.72B)進行至少2小時以上之檢測,其中對於使用活性碳吸脫附回收溶劑之膠帶業排放管道,因應防制設備操作特性,將進行連續8小時之監測。對於設備元件洩漏量、質量排放率之檢測,則將採用美國環保署所公告之吹拂法(blow-through method)進行160個設備元件數的檢測。本計畫根據8小時連續NMHC監測測結果以及廠家提供之化學用品量(含VOCs),推算出三個產業個別之排放係數,其中,半導體業的排放係數—晶圓製造程序:0.072 kg(VOCs排放量)/ L(化學品使用量),晶圓封裝(IC封裝):0.207 kg/ L。光電製造業部分,由不同光電產品推算求得之VOCs排放係數有極大差異—0.003583 ~ 0.3368 kg/L,其主要原因與製造過程所使用有機原物料中有機溶劑所佔比例有關,有機溶劑使用比例較高之STN/TN-LCD、LED上中游產品,其排放係數較有機溶劑使用比例較低之TFT-LCD、OLED產品高出10~100倍。至於膠帶業部分,檢測五家工廠之單位溶劑投入所產生之排放係數,約分佈於0.20~1.31 kg.NMHC/kg(溶劑投入量)之間,各廠間差異性甚大,而造成此種差異性最主要之因素乃在於各膠帶廠所生產的產品特性不同之故。石化業設備元件之逸散情形經圍封試驗分析後,求得逸散係數分別為輕質液泵浦:ER=2.15765E-06×SV 0.8612、法蘭:ER=9.01571E-07×SV 1.1733、氣閥:ER=1.1529E-06×SV 0.9439、輕質液閥:ER=4.92399E-06×SV 0.9041以及重質液閥:ER=1.66683E-06×SV 1.1637,其中ER=質量排放率(kg/hr),SV=檢測濃度(ppm),其結果與美國SOCMI數據分析比較後,發現SOCMI之數據樣本洩漏檢測數值均較本計畫所得值為高。 Emission Inventory and Characteristics of VOCs for Specific Industry 091 空保處 工業技術研究院 環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3846
氣候變化綱要公約國家通訊衝擊調適資料建制─氣候、水文、生態部分(一) 本研究計畫成立目的即在透過資料收集與分析,與進一步模擬研究,提供我國「國家通訊報告」中有關氣候、水文、生態之衝擊與調適策略資料建置,第一年之工作內容則以氣候與水文資料建置為主,氣候資料分析工作項目包括氣候變遷預設情境設立與台灣區域氣候資料分析模擬與預報;衝擊評估與調適策略之分析項目包括集水區流量、農業灌溉需水量、供水系統、地下水補注量及防洪系統等。各項衝擊評估主要發現為(一) 氣候 分析1942-2001年資料,全省各地氣溫增加,降雨則各地增減不一,各月份亦有差異。以大氣環流模式與區域氣候模式模擬結果分析,雖然不同模式間預測值有差異,然大部分案例顯示,溫度有逐漸上升趨勢,而降雨則有極端化之現象。(二) 集水區流量 多數情境模擬顯示豐水期流量增加,隱含著洪水災害增強的可能性;枯水期流量減少,可能乾旱情形可能嚴重化;且豐枯水期差異變大,將造成水資源調配的困難。(三) 農業灌溉需水量: 一期作的初期需水量是增加的,後期則因生長期縮短而有減少的趨勢,二期作有相同的趨勢,但初期受到夏季雨量的增加影響需水量上升幅度不大。受氣候變遷衝擊,各期作灌溉需水集中化,將直接影響到未來水資源調配的問題。(四) 供水系統由各情境模擬結果顯示因豐枯水期的流量差異變大,將增加水資源調配以及供水系統操作的困難,灌溉用水需求集中化與新工業區規劃增加未來供水系統之壓力,如何透過管理、節約用水與發展替代蓄水設施及水源為重要之課題。(五) 地下水補注量地下水補注量與蒸發散量、地表逕流量以及降雨量息息相關,分析結果顯示,台灣全區之地下水補注量以長時間來看有漸減的趨勢,且在豐枯水期有極端化的傾向,豐水期時補注量增加而枯水期時之補注量則減少。 Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations for National Communication Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – Climate, Hydrology, and Ecology (1) The purpose of this study is to provide information of climate, hydrology, and ecosystems for writing our National Communication Report. This study focuses on climate and hydrology in the first year. Climate analysis includes setup climate change scenarios and climate simulation for Taiwan region. The tasks of impact assessment include streamflow, irrigation water demand, water supply systems, groundwater recharge, and flood mitigation. The major findings are(1) Climate Analyzing recorded weather data of 1942 through 2001, the trend of temperature increase for the whole Taiwan area can be confirmed, but the trends of precipitation are not consist in different locations or different seasons. On the other hand, although predictions by different GCMs or region climate model are different, the trend of increase temperature and more extreme precipitation can be seen in most cases.(2) Streamflow Simulation results from most scenarios indicate that streamflows in humid period increase due to climate change, but decrease in dry period. It may cause the risk of more serious flood and drought. Besides, the enlarged difference of streamflows between two seasons will bring more difficulty in water resources management. (3) Irrigation Water Demand Due to higher temperature, both quantity and distribution of irrigation water may be changed. In the first growing season, the water requirement for irrigation is increased in early growth stage, but significantly reduced in later months due to shorten growth periods. In the second growing season, increase of irrigation water in early growth stage is not significant due to increase of rainfall. Centralized irrigation water demand will cause difficulty in water resources management. (4) Water Supply Simulation results indicate the increase of difference between streamflows of humid and dry seasons may bring difficulty to water resources allocation and operation. Centralized irrigation water demands and new industrial water uses may increase more pressure on water supply system. Thus, managing water resources systems, saving water uses, developing alternative storage and water resources are important issues. (5) Groundwater Recharge Groundwater is closely related to evapotranspiration, surface runoff, and rainfall. Simulation results indicate that groundwater recharge of Taiwan Island will very likely gradually decrease. The difference of groundwater recharge in humid and dry seasons will become more.(6) Flood Mitigation Because streamflow increases, there is more potential risk of overflow from embankment. Besides, the design standard of pumping station and drainage systems may need to be evaluated accordingly. The integrated operational rules of flood mitigation also require regularly being re-evaluated and adjusted. This study not only evaluates the impacts of climate change, but also provides adaptations. These adaptations are suggested based on major findings in this study and experiences of studies of other countries. 091 空保處 國立台灣大學生物環境系統工程學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3844
空氣品質長期趨勢分析與年報編撰 本計畫自九十一年五月二十八日起開始執行,至十二月期末報告止,共完成基本資料蒐集,台灣地區空氣品質長期趨勢分析,九十年度空氣污染總年報編撰,空氣品質跨年度時間、空間趨勢分析,重要事件日空氣品質分析,彙整八十三年至九十年排放清單及環保署相關委辨計畫成果等項工作。茲分別簡要說明至目前之執行摘要如下:1. 基本資料之蒐集方面:完成環保署九十年空氣品質監測資料彙整及PSI統計分析,空氣品質監測資料品管品保方法及世界主要城市空氣品質資料分析2. 台灣地區空氣品質長期趨勢分析:完成台灣地區五種污染物八十三年至九十年監測結果長期性分析,季節性變化分析。3. 台灣地區九十年度空氣污染總年報編撰:七月底提出初稿,經環保署審查、修改,並於八月底提出修正稿。主要內容包括:空氣品質現狀,空氣污染物濃度現況,相關法規政策及世界主要城市空氣品質彙整。4. 台灣空氣品質跨年度時間、空間趨勢分析:完成空氣品質PSI長期性趨勢分析,針對PM10及O3週期性頻譜分析,並針對PM10及O3進行空氣品質空間趨勢分析。由空間趨勢分析顯示台灣地區PM10濃度變化與季節性和該區人口密度關係密切,濃度最高主要發生於春東兩季,在七大空品區中以中部、雲嘉南、高屏空品區的濃度最高,宜蘭及花蓮空品區的濃度最低。台灣地區臭氧濃度變化則受季節性、季風、該區域地形及人口密度等因素影響。由等濃度圖可以看出臭氧濃度較PM10濃度更有地域性的差異存在。在主要都市中,台北市之臭氧濃度以求東較高,夏季較低;高雄市之臭氧濃度以秋季較高,夏季較低;而花東地區之臭氧濃度以春秋較高,夏季較低。5. 重要事件日區域性空氣品質分析:針對PM10及O3造成之空氣污染事件日,進行七大空品區空氣品質影響分析,探討空氣品質區域變化可能之污染來源。PM10事件日分析結果顯示,台灣地區春、秋季較易發生高PM10濃度,中部空品區各季主要風向變化,造成竹山測站其懸浮微粒在冬季、春季時均較其他測站有顯著惡化情形。南投縣空氣品質惡化原因是因南投縣在台灣盛行東北季風期,低層氣流受中央山脈阻隔,成為背風區,空氣下沈穩定,下雨機會不多,有利污染物累積,加上濁水溪河谷裸露河床、砂石業、小型木類加工廠及部份可能來自台中地區之污染源,導致南投縣空氣品質不良比率遠高於其他中部縣市。90年2月20~23日新港、嘉義、斗六、崙背測站PM10有較多高濃度值出現。依據環保署大陸沙塵暴影響台灣空氣品質異常偶發事件及統計數值修正確認報告資料及依據環保署空氣品質監測站資料分析結果顯示,造成此現象主要可能源自於大陸沙塵暴。O3事件日分析結果顯示,北部、竹苗空品區春、夏季較易發生高O3濃度,中部、雲嘉南空品區較易發生在夏、秋、冬季,高屏空品區則是全年每一月份均都有高O3濃度發生,花東空品區較易發生高O3濃度之季節為秋季,宜蘭空品區為台灣唯一全年沒有超過所定之事件日標準(120 ppb)。臭氧不僅是區域性活化先驅物的光化結果,在適合的氣象條件下先驅物也可經由中長距離的輸送在數小時中光化生成,所以在某些非工業區、低交通流量的區域,縱使其一次污染物濃度很低,但臭氧濃度的最大值也可能超過標準。因此光化污染問題並非僅是排放元的因素,在大都會所形的污染會由都會區向外散播,所造成的影響將不只侷限在都會區內。因此我們分析這些地區的臭氧問題時,必須將臭氧跨境輸送的可能列入考慮。6. 台灣地區污染物排放量分析:進行83年至90年度,環保署資料庫中排放量分析,探討各空品區之排放量變化。台灣地區主要空氣污染物來源為固定污染源-工廠及營建工程與移動污染源-汽機車。主要污染源為懸浮微粒(PM10)、硫氧化物(SOX)、氮氧化物(NOX)非甲烷類碳氧化合物(NMHC)、一氧化碳(CO)與鉛(Pb)等六大類。其中工廠之排放污染物大部分為粒狀物、SOX、NOX及NMHC等為主,車輛排放之污染物為NMHC、SOx、NOx、Pb 及粒狀物等,營建工程排放之污染物則以粒狀物為主。台灣地區六大污染物自民國83年至90年間,其污染物排放量有逐年下降的趨勢PM10在七大空品區中以北部空品區排放量最多,宜蘭空品區最少。SOX主要以高屏空品區排放量最多,其原因主要與該區域電力業與鋼鐵業有一定程度相關NOX以北部與高屏空品區排放量為最多,在固定污染源方面北部空品區是以電力業與一般工業所排放最多,高屏空品區是以電力業與鋼鐵業所排放,在移動污染源方面均為汽油車與柴油車所排放,NMHC主要以北部空品區排放最多,主要為建築施工與工業表面塗裝所排放CO以北部與高屏空品區排放量為最多,北部空品區主要為交通運輸所排放,高屏空品區主要以工業製程與交通運輸所排放,在Pb方面,北部、雲嘉與高屏空品區排放量遠高於其他空品區,主要為交通運輸中汽機車所排放。7. 彙整九十年度環保署委辦計劃及施政成果:針對綜合計劃、固定污染源、移動性污染源及國際環污事務等相關計劃,彙整其成果摘要及計劃成效。 Long-term Trends Analysis and Annual Report Editing of Air Quality 091 空保處 大葉大學 環境工程學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3848
九十一年度地方環保機關執行公害陳情處理滿意度調查專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署委託工作計畫成果報告摘要計劃名稱:九十一年度地方環保機關執行公害陳情處理滿意度調查計劃編號:EPA-91-K103-02-211計劃執行單位:政治大學民意與市場調查研究中心計劃主持人:鄭天澤計劃期程:九十一年八月十三日起至九十一年十月十二日止計劃經費:伍拾壹萬肆仟捌百元整摘要本計畫以電話訪問方式進行調查,調查對象以九十年十月至九十一年八月曾經打過環保署全國公害專線電話(0800066666)報案之民眾,詢問其陳情頻率及種類、報案中心服務人員服務態度、稽查人員處理陳情案件的態度、速度、專業程度及處理結果滿意度,回覆處理結果的方式,環保單位保密工作的滿意度及對環保署的其他具體建議。接觸樣本一共23,356人,成功受訪5,001人,訪問成功率21.4﹪。本計畫使用CATI系統進行調查訪問,經人工檢核、偵錯、補正後,進行統計分析(SPSS)。調查結果發現,民眾陳情案件主要是空氣污染及噪音;報案時大多會留下連絡電話;對報案中心服務人員的服務態度相當肯定;對稽查人員處理陳情案件的態度還算滿意,但對於專業程度處理結果則不是很滿意。對陳情民眾資料的保密做的還不錯,少數民眾宣稱在報案陳情後有遭到恐嚇,對環保署的具體建議則是加快稽查人員的處理速度。壹、前言為瞭解民眾對地方環保機關執行公害污染陳情處理之滿意度,特委託國立政治大學民意與市場調查研究中心進行「九十一年度地方環保機關執行公害陳情處理滿意度調查」,以作為相關單位日後施政參考。貳、調查內容及研究方法 【調查內容包括以下三個主題: 】一、 民眾陳情案件背景與處理n 陳情的頻率及種類n 報案中心服務人員滿意度n 稽查人員服務滿意度n 陳情案件實地勘查及回覆執行狀況n 陳情案件處理成效與時間掌控n 陳情案件資料保密二、 民眾對陳情案件之建議事項三、 基本資料n 性別n 年齡n 教育程度n 職業n 居住地區 參、研究方法l 問卷設計本次調查所使用之問卷由行政院環境保護署擬定,並與政治大學商學院民意與市場調查研究中心討論後定稿。【詳見附錄一調查問卷】l 調查對象 本次調查之對象為台灣地區(包括臺灣省二十一縣市及臺北市、高雄市),曾經使用全國公害專線電話(0800-066666)向環保機關陳情公害污染案件之民眾。l 調查期間 自九十一年八月二十六日起至九十一年九月八日。l 調查方法 本次調查採用CATI電腦輔助電話調查系統執行,電話訪問樣本共計23,356個,成功受訪者5,001人。l 資料處理及分析方法(一)資料處理由CATI系統蒐集之資料,經人工檢核、偵錯、補正後,進行統計分析。(二)分析方法 採用敘述統計量的次數分配表來對各問項做資料分析。以及利用交叉分析探討不同人口特徵背景(年齡、教育程度、職業、居住縣市及性別)受訪者的看法。 參、調查結果摘要陳情案件的次數與類型65.1﹪的受訪者或其家人過去一年內報案次數在三次以內。受訪者陳情的案件中,41.0﹪為空氣污染,30.7﹪為噪音。陳情案件過程的滿意度57.1﹪的受訪者當初陳情時有留下聯絡電話。沒有留下聯絡電話的受訪者中,87.5﹪表示服務人員並未告知幾天後可以打同一支電話查詢處理狀況。68.3﹪的受訪者對報案中心服務人員的服務態度感到滿意。陳情案件處理的滿意度28.9﹪的受訪者表示,當初稽查人員有與受訪者聯絡一同到污染源現場勘查。22.7﹪的受訪者表示,在向環保人員進行公害陳情後,稽查人員在一天以內就到污染現場勘查。31.9﹪的受訪者覺得稽查人員處理陳情案件時的態度還算親切。30.2﹪的受訪者覺得稽查人員的處理速度還算快。21.1﹪的受訪者認為稽查人員在面對陳情案件時所表現出來的處理能力還算專業。30.9﹪的受訪者對於稽查人員處理陳情案件的結果還算滿意。16.2﹪的受訪者是經由稽查人員以電話答覆的方式被告知處理後的結果。35.5﹪的受訪者覺得陳情案件經稽查人員處理後,環境有所改善。陳情後資料的保密89.0﹪的受訪者從當初陳情案件起至案件處理完成的這一段時間內,並沒有受到不明來源的警告或恐嚇等精神壓力。33.9﹪的受訪者覺得環保單位對陳情人的保密工作做得不錯,但也有52.4﹪的受訪者不知道/無意見。陳情過程的建議受訪者對環保署陳情過程的其他建議中,最希望稽查人員加快處理的速度(19.4﹪)。肆、結論與建議根據本次調查的結果,提出以下的結論與建議:陳情民眾對於報案中心的服務人員持相當肯定的態度,值得鼓勵。而對於稽查人員處理時的態度、處理的速度及處理的專業能力也都持肯定的態度,應給予鼓勵。值得注意的是民眾對處理的結果顯然並不滿意,除了可以加強宣導法令規章之外,稽查人員的說明應該有助於改善民眾不滿的態度。本次調查中發現,此調查為每年一次,大多數的民眾很難回憶當時的狀況,因此建議可以考慮每一季對所有陳情案件進行一次滿意度調查,使民眾對環保單位或稽查人員的處理程序能有更深入的瞭解,並加強宣導以化解民怨。 Service satisfication survey of the call center AbstractThis project surveys, using CATI(Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) System, those who called the number 0800-066666(Environment Protection Appealing Line) to appeal for environmental protection during the period:October 1, 2001 through August 31, 2002。A questionnaire containing the following topics: appealing frequency, types of appealing, service satisfication of the call center personnel, the attitude, speed, speciality and service satisfication of the investigation personnal, ways of replying the investigation results, the protection of personal information and other suggestions/recommendations to Institute of Environment Protection. Among the 23,356 persons contacted during the interview period, 5,001 persons complete the questionnaire. All the data collected from the CATI system are then coded, error-checked and cleaned. After this cleaning process, we use SPSS statistical package to do statistical analysis. 091 管考處 政治大學民意與市場調查研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3862
環保署九十一年度委託計畫檢測數據品保查核計畫 本計畫於今年度將針對九十一年度環保署各業務處(所),涉及環境檢測並提出品保規劃審查之委託計畫(約40件),依據各計畫性質及檢測工作的期程,分甲、乙及丙三類,於期中報告及期末報告前,各安排乙次查核或品保研習及品保查核/計畫執行成果聯合發表會。在計畫執行單位現場查核部分,為落實數據品保計畫的執行,本計畫將依照「查核」、「修正」、「複查」的模式執行本計畫的查核工作。此外,本年度亦將配合環檢所加強辦理對地方環保機關委託計畫檢測數據品質提昇之輔導計畫,係根據歷年品保查核時各單位在品保品管相關知識上實際的需求,規劃座談會內容並邀請國內相關之學者專家,針對規劃之座談會內容進行專題演講,以期能擴大與會者的檢測數據品保品管相關知識,並提供省(市)、縣(市)環保局相關人員研習機會,提高國內環保相關之監測分析數據品質,並達到推廣品保品管觀念的最終目的。 2002 Quality assurance project plan The goals of this Agency-wide Quality Assurance Project Plan System are to ensure that environmental programs and decisions are supported by data of the type and quality needed and expected for their intended use, and that decisions involving environmental technology are supported by appropriate quality-assured engineering standards and practices. In the present year, ca. 40 EPA projects are aimed to be audited. In order to fit the need of various project purposes, the projects, should be audited, are categorized into three classes. Mid-term and final-term on-site audit are plan to fulfill before mid-term and final-term report, respectively. In addition to on-site audit, two QA workshops are organized and convened in this year. 091 環檢所 國立清華大學 原子科學技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3864
加強環境清潔維護考核作業規劃執行計畫 建立環境衛生考評項目、考評標準及考核方式等相關作業程序及標準,加強推動地方環保機關進行全面環境清潔維護,藉由推動環境清潔以落實消除髒亂,確保環境整潔,提升國民生活環境品質,提昇國際形象。完成各縣市環境衛生考核作業規劃及建置研擬,以協助地方環保單位加強執行加強取締污染、全面消除髒亂、執行清溝淨灘、鼓勵舉發污染、推廣環境綠化美化、擴大教育宣導六工作要項。藉由進行定期及不定期實地檢查及民眾滿意度調查工作,督導直轄市、縣(市)環保局執行環境清潔工作績效,並將所見缺失作成紀錄,以要求主管單位清除整理,並追蹤其執行情形。發動全民參與,加強全面推動,以落實消除髒亂工作。 Planning and Implementation of Performance Audit on Reinforcing the Maintenance on Environmental Cleanliness Tasks accomplished during the working period include setting up audit procedures and standards such as criterions for environmental hygiene inspection, bench marks of environmental hygiene and the method of approach during inspection to promote and reinforce local authorities in achieving and maintaining overall cleanliness so as to eliminate illegal dumping, littering, improve living quality and boost international image.Completion of drafting and planning of environmental hygiene inspection for all counties and cities to assist local environmental authorities in accomplishing the six major tasks namely heighten pollution clampdown, environmental pollution elimination, drainage and beach clearance, encourage pollution report, “greener and more desirable environment” promotion and educational campaign enhancement. Both regular and random on-site inspections and public satisfaction poll were carried out to evaluate the performance of the local Environmental Protection Bureaus in implementing environmental cleanliness. Records are done on areas that require improvement to assist authorities in tracking down the latest implementation developments. Public participation and intensifying campaign promotion are essential in achieving the ultimate goal of environmental pollution elimination. 091 毒管處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3850
大高雄地區登革熱病媒蚊孳生源清除與教育宣導重點工作 本年度大高雄地區登革熱病媒蚊孳生源清除與教育宣導工作計畫,進行高雄市77里、高雄縣132里與屏東縣20里共229里,登革熱病媒蚊孳生源清除、教育宣導與稽查工作。另配合參與環保局、衛生局與衛生署疾病管制局的登革熱病媒蚊孳生源清除與宣導教育講座,擔任二十場次的講師,且參與多次聯繫會議商討防治措施。並主辦屏東縣各村里國中小學登革熱病媒蚊孳生源清除與教育宣導說明會一場次。發動250人次學生參與配合衛生署疾病管制局 進行屏東市及東港鎮,衛教宣導、緊急噴藥及清除病媒蚊孳生源工作,出動100人次學生施放產卵筒稽核全面噴藥與清除登革熱病媒蚊孳生源成效。 091 毒管處 國立屏東科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3858
一般廢棄物(垃圾)採樣及檢測分析技術之訂定 本報告主要係探討國內73年研訂並採用至今的「垃圾採樣方析手冊」,與現行執行方法之差異性,並且搜集美國、日本等主要國家之一般廢棄物採樣及分析方法,分析其延用於國內之適用性,藉以修訂新的垃圾採樣方法及分析方法。在垃圾採樣方法部分,主要包含兩部分。其一為一般廢棄物採樣方法。本方法之研訂除分析原作業手冊之缺失外,並以統計學原理分析探討國內執行現況,對於實務執行可能產生的差異如細步作業程序、分類方法、合理採樣數計算等,均參考國外現行法令予明訂。另一項為焚化飛灰、底渣及固化物採樣方法。本方法屬新訂定之規範,在國外針對焚化飛灰及底渣採樣的法令規訂亦不多,大部分與國內現行「事業廢棄物採樣方法」相同,屬總則式通用規範。本方法訂定時,其採樣細步規範主要參考美國明尼蘇達州(Minnesota) 2001年12月新訂的7035.2910法案。本報告附冊一為採樣方法手冊,其內容除包含採樣方法內文外,對於實際執行採樣時可能遇到的問題、表單、可行替代方案等,均參考歷年實際採樣單位之經驗及本計畫實際試行之結果,詳訂執行細則。本作業手冊將可直接提供採樣人員教育訓練及作業實務參考。在檢測方法研(修)訂部分,本計畫訂定或修正一般廢棄物(垃圾)檢測項目及方法之原則為:評估檢討「垃圾採樣分析手冊」之採樣與檢測項目方法,並參酌國美國ASTM及日本JIS的方法,比較二者較接近國內現行法,再以這些接近現行法為訂定基礎,參考相關資料加以補充,最後進行驗證,研訂「一般廢棄物(垃圾)檢測分析方法」。「一般廢棄物(垃圾)檢測分析方法」內含總則及各項檢測項目及方法,垃圾樣品之取得須依「一般廢棄物(垃圾)採樣方法」分類、保存運送回實驗室進行樣品前處理,垃圾樣品檢測項目有:單位容積重、總水分、熱值、三成分(水分、灰分、可燃分)及元素分析等。飛灰、底渣及固化物需進行水分、pH、毒性溶出試驗等項目;飛灰、底渣建議需進行灼燒減量分析。本計畫於執行期間舉辦全省四場研討會及一場研習會,廣集學者、地方環保單位及代檢驗業界多方意見,相互交流使期方法訂定涵蓋實務及經濟等層面;安排講師解說、多媒體教學、實驗室及現地示範教學觀摩等內容之研習課程,達成學員對一般廢棄物(垃圾)採樣及檢測方法瞭解之目標。 The Handbook of General Waste the sampling and analysis The purpose of this proposal is to do the research for ‘The Handbook of General Waste Sampling” that sdopted since 1984 in Taiwan and the difference of sampling methods between the handbook and the practical execution. Also, the sampling and analysis methods of the general solid waste announced in USA and Japan will be examined to provide the application reference for revising ‘The Handbook of General Waste Sampling”.There are two parts of general waste sampling methods in this proposal. The first one is about general solid waste. The second one is about the fly-ash, bottom residue and solification substance. In the first part, the deficiency and incompletion of ‘The Handbook of General Waste Sampling” will be added and corrected according to the stastic results of investigation of the practical execution in Taiwan and the criteria announced in USA and Japan such as the sampling method requirement abd the procedure guidance of project execution. In the second part, the general standard of sampling methods in Taiwan are similar to the standards adopted in USA. Therefore, the code 7035.2910 (December, 2001) of Minnesota, USA is the important reference to set the detail specifications of sampling methods in this proposal.The appendix A of this proposal is as the operation menu of sampling that includes the standard sampling methods and the execution specifications. The execution specifications are set after solving the execution problem, revising the data sheet of sampling and selection of alternative based on the execution experience of the sampling units and the results of this project. Therefore, the operation menu presented in this proposal could be used in sampling methods training and practical operation. 091 環檢所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3866
報紙媒體空氣污染防制宣導計畫 報紙媒體空氣污染防制宣導 091 空保處 聯合報股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3874
環境資料庫之詮釋系統建置、管理及公開規範制定、地方環境資料庫調查及規劃暨教育宣導計畫 為使環境資料庫建置工作能夠順利推動與完成,本先導計畫除扮演上位計畫之角色外,尚須就落實制度化與標準化部分,初步規劃與制訂相關之法規、標準與系統,以做為後續建置工作推動之依據。因此,根據徵選須知內容,本計畫之工作項目包括:訂定環境資料字典、規劃建置環境資料詮釋系統、制訂環境資訊管理規範以及環境資訊公開規範(辦法)、地方環境資料庫之調查建置與規劃與教育宣導。  主要成果包括:1)已研擬環境資料字典之規劃與設計,以期提供環境資料庫體系能有資料標準之機制與架構可資依循與參考;2)以資源管理的角度與系統分析之思維,研擬環境資訊資源管理系統之規劃、設計與建置(包括資料庫、資料集、空間資料、專案計畫、文件、會議記錄、網站、多媒體以及工具程式等),並透過環境資訊資源的詮釋資料之建立,提供使用者在環境資料之應用與利用等活動事前,能對環境資料有概括性的認知與瞭解;3)本計劃已草擬環境資訊公開辦法、要點與環境資訊管理辦法、要點。環境資訊公開辦法、要點,主要是將行政資訊公開的部分,交由行政資訊公開推動要點訂定。僅針對環境資訊的應用,以及牽涉整合性環境資料庫的部分,加以敘述。環境資訊管理辦法、要點的定位,本研究考量不能夠僅僅是行政規則,而是需經由適當授權之辦法,或是必須經由立法機關同意之其他相關法令。為健全各類環境相關資訊資源收集管道之暢通,並作為初步示範與測試,本計劃建議可先研擬一與資訊資源蒐集管理相關的行政規則,以做為未來逐步推動的基礎;4)為使地方環境資料庫之建置可滿足提供政府、研究人員及一般民眾掌握正確及完整的環境資訊與知識,並提供地方政府相關部門進行環境規劃與管理決策之參考依據。已完成台北縣與宜蘭縣環保局現有資料庫之清查與校對,並提出地方環境資料庫之建置規劃計畫與地方環保團隊組織建立之相關規範;5)已按業主需求召開一場次座談會(環境資公開與管理規範)、二場次研商說明會(地方環境資料庫建置規劃、環境資公開與管理規範)、二場次研討會(環境資料字典與詮釋系統、地方環境資料庫建置規劃)與配合環保署及地方環保機關人員進行二梯次教育訓練(環境資料詮釋系統操作),並安排完成二場次拜會台北縣與宜蘭縣縣長說明會(地方環境資料庫建置規劃)。 A Planning and Setting of Metadata System, Managed and Public Method, Local Environmental Database in Environmental Database System & Advertisement in Taiwan In order to get the completed, accurate and effective environmental database and information, the project designs a practical environmental database building strategies and standards for Taiwan s EPA as a reference to the development of its environmental database. It takes the following organizations and systems as the references for design: the structure and systems of EDR (Environmental Data Registry) & EIRMS(Environmental Information/Resources Management System), Environmental Information Management/ Public Method. In EDR, the project referred to EnVoc, GEMET, ISO/IEC 11179, etc. In EIRMS, there are nine categories within it. They are including database, dataset, spatial data, project, document, meeting, web site, multimedia and tools. In Management/ Public Method, the project referred to some relevant methods or laws in several developed countries to bring up environmental information management and public method/principle for Taiwan s EPA. Furthermore, some plans base on the existing environmental databa 091 監資處 國立台灣大學環境工程學研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3604
淘汰堪用高污染老舊汽機車補助審查專案工作計畫 由於老舊車輛污染嚴重,數量雖僅佔總車輛數約三分之一,然其污染排放量卻佔總污染排放量三分之二。故淘汰老舊車輛最具空氣污染減量成本效益。環保署為鼓勵加速污染程度較高之老舊汽油引擎汽車、機器腳踏車及營業柴油大客貨車車輛淘汰,對使用中堪用之老舊車輛,於90年度提供補助經費以提高車主加速淘汰之意願。環保署對九十年度淘汰堪用汽機車補助計畫,依九十一年度三月份統計,對下述情況;已領補助款之支(匯)票但尚未兌現或補助款無法完成寄達者(約2,000筆)申請件已收件經審查通知補正,尚未寄回者(1,291筆)車輛已回收,但申請件尚未提出申請審查者(約2,000筆)為確保車主之補助款能確實領取並兌現以及申請件能完成審查撥款工作,執行本工作 project that investigate application documents for subsidizing eliminating old and on-road car of gasoline engine and motorcycle,and allocate subsidy Old and on-road vehicles exhaust emission pollution are very heavy. Old and on-road vehicle quantities although are about one over three of registered motor vehicles in Taiwan, but exhaust emission pollution quantities are about two over three of registered motor vehicles exhaust emission pollution quantities in Taiwan. To eliminate old and on-road vehicles is the best efficiently method for reducing air pollution. EPA provides subsidy to encourage high exhaust emission pollutioned old and on-road car of gasoline engine、motorcycle、business bus and truck for speeding up eliminating early.As to the applications of subsidizing eliminating old and on-road car of gasoline engine and motorcycle in 2001 years,there are five objectives below, epa authorized itri to carry out:1.cashless subsidiary checks or bills remitted to applicants, apprise owner to cash it. 2.subsidiary checks or bills unable to remit to applicants, reremit it by the household register address.3.for the investigated and returned back application documents unremitted back to itri, apprise applicants to remit it back to epa for reinvestigating. 4.cars or motorcycles collected by epa, but unoffer the application documents for subsidiary investigating, winnow the qualifier and apprise them to bring the application documents back to epa for investigating. 5.investigate and allocate subsidy. 091 空保處 工研院機械所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3592
毒性化學物質運作資料申報輔導及運作資料處理計畫 計畫目標:一、加強申報資料的品保品管。二、維護管理毒性化學物質運作資料庫,確保系統穩定運作。三、推動毒化物運作網路申報系統,輔導業者上網申報,以期更即時的毒化物運作管理。四、修正毒化物運送六聯單網路申報系統格式,建置安全機制。五、維護管理毒化物運作廠商查詢地理資訊系統,並更新資料庫內容,提供毒災應變之參考。執行成果摘要:一、按季修正、更新、統計、列印毒化物運作紀錄、登記資料毒化物運作登記資料建檔工作包括:書面資料整理分類、審核(或人工核誤)、與運作廠商之電話聯繫、傳真聯繫、錯誤更正、填寫筆誤校正、及資料輸入等工作,於計畫執行期間,已完成毒化物運作登記資料調查、審核及建檔工作包括:許可證資料2,203筆、登記備查資料350筆、少量核可文件資料1345筆、廢棄認定聲明文件資料53筆、運作記錄申報資料7,295筆、釋放量記錄申報資料352筆;總計目前共發出1254張許可證、2567張登記備查、8645張少量核可文件,共有4689家運作毒化物的廠商。二、資料檢核及勾稽執行毒化物運作廠商申報的運作紀錄及釋放量資料之勾稽,可檢視廠商所申報運作紀錄及釋放量是否依法申報及其流向與運作量之正確性;目前本工作團隊已製作91年第一、二、三、四季和全年應申報運作紀錄廠商名冊電子檔,及91年全年應申報釋放量紀錄廠商名冊電子檔,並在今年的3月25日、6月25日、9月25 日、12月25日時傳真通知應申報人辦理申報,廠商申報之運作紀錄及釋放量紀錄資料,經人工檢核、錯誤修正及資料輸入後即可建立運作紀錄及釋放量紀錄電子檔。利用建立之運作紀錄及釋放量紀錄電子檔配合毒化物運作資料管理系統之電子勾稽系統功能,本工作團隊業已完成廠商運作紀錄及釋放量紀錄申報資料電子勾稽系統的勾憂作業,勾稽結果並已經人工檢查核對後,將資料送交署內。三、毒化物運送聯單申報系統及管理系統更新、維護作業運送聯單系統已完成新的密碼安全機制建立,並於六月一日開始使用,目前在毒化物申報網站中,可聯結至運送聯單申報系統,以統一毒化物申報窗口,新的主機經遷移後架設於環保署監資處中,故新的網址位置http://flora2.epa.gov.tw。四、毒化物運作紀錄申報系統更新、維護作業毒性化學物質運作紀錄及釋放量紀錄網路申報系統,已完成系統修正更新及測試分析的工作,於七月一日正式啟用,在申報期間內,平均每日約900人次流覽毒化物申報網站,而平時的非申報期間內,每日也約有300人次上線使用,在七月份第二季的運作紀錄申報,業者使用網路申報運作紀錄達40%,在十月份第三季的申報期更達50%的網路系統申報率,而新的系統主機將在硬體安裝及系統轉移、測試完成後,於11月2 0日正式開放使用,因主機轉移的關係,新的網址位置為http://flora2.epa.gov.tw。網路申報系統的開發,還包括,提供給環何單位使用的「運作資料管理及查詢介面」,如能充分利用「運作資料管理及查詢介面」及配合運作業者的申報紀錄,將可有效提供各縣市環保單位,管理該縣市運作業者相關運作申報資料。五、毒性化學物質申報相關諮詢服務毒化物運作紀錄申報相關的諮詢服務,在今年的計畫中扮演了一個解決業者的各式申報問題及各種新消息、政令轉達輔導的角色。本工作團隊在六月一日成立諮詢專線後,平均每日處理20件業者的諮詢案件,辦理了一場次的系統架構介紹及操作說明的教育訓練,並和各縣市環保局協辦了三十五個場次的說明會,使全國業者可在不到一年的時間內瞭解並使用整個毒化物申報系統的功能,創造了50%的系統使用申報率。六、毒化物運作廠商地理資訊系統毒化物運作廠商地理資訊系統之建置,將有助於環保署毒管處處理毒災事件,在本年度的維護計畫中,本工作團隊指派一名專業工程師,每月至署內維護系統正常運作,並提供諮詢服務,系統資料庫部分,待申報資料申報完成並驗證無誤時,將採外部程式篩選方式針對污染源資料庫部分進行更新動作。七、毒管、毒災相關資料上網及網頁更新維護環保署全球資訊網頁(www.epa.gov.tw)是所有關心環保事務人士經常瀏覽的網站,藉由此窗口可以把最新公告的法令規範及國內外環保相關訊息對外傳播,達到宣導輔助的效果。本工作團隊隨時配合毒管處 (www.epa.gov.tw/j/)的需求更新網頁內容,並將毒管處第二科的網站更新美化。此外,於計畫期間內,本工作團隊亦已將最新公告依公告時程配合上網。 Toxic Chemical Substance Data Reporting Instruction and Management Plan 091 毒管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3636
總量管制制度建置計畫 為改善污染源集中地區之空氣品質,在既有管制基礎上引用更積極、具經濟誘因且以空氣品質管理思維之總量管理制度,已是不可避免之趨勢。為達推動之目的,環保署特訂定本計畫之目標,包括(1)依區域污染特性研訂總量管制計畫,以作為區域總量管制之推動準則,並協助輔導縣市提報空氣污染防制計畫,以落實縣市配合執行管制,達成階段性目標。(2)規劃減量策略以有效改善防制區或總量管制實施區域之空氣品質。(3)規劃排放交易制度及交易中心運作機制,以作為排放抵換交易制度推動之依據。工作內容主要可分為1.總量法規制度建置。2.管理計畫與防制計畫研訂。3.減量策略研擬。4.經濟誘因制度建制5.空保處網頁維護更新。依前述工作分述如後:一、法規制度建置(一)空污法相關條文修正1.初步完成第五至第十二條防制區與總量管制相關條文修正,並同時修正五十一、五十二條對應之罰則。修正重點包括:(1)修正防制區管制規定,使三級防制區既存污染源排放量削減責任更為明確,使業界更有意願承擔減量責任。(2)增列總量管制區內適用總量管制規定之固定污染源為經指定公告或主動要求加入者,並增列參與總量管制之誘因,例如,不受地方所定較嚴排放標準之限制,多減污染可申請獎勵或保留抵換交易等。(3)增列既存固定污染源實際減量較規定為少時,在特定條件下,准許其可以抵換或交易方式補足差額之規定。(二)排放量認可及指定削減準則排放量認可及削減指定準則初步完成條文草案,並於91.08.21於環保署辦理公聽會。並就指定削減準則內容之行業削減係數進行訂定,初步完成美國聯邦及加州等區域之相關行業最佳可行控制技術(BACT)或合理可行控制技術(RACT)管制內容彙整,另亦就國內排放情形與國外進行比較,若採美國南加州管制標準之1.2倍進行管制,有少部份行業不須減量,但近八成以上行業須進行減量,顯示國內管制標準尚屬寬鬆。二、計畫規劃分為總量管理計畫與協助輔導縣市訂定空氣污染防制計畫,以下分別說明(一)總量管理計畫之研擬:依據空保處近期擬定之減量策略,修訂前年度總量管制綱要計畫內容,初步對減量目標、減量策略、推動期程等完成高屏地區空氣污染改善暨總量管制方案(草案),作為縣市擬定空氣污染防制計畫之參考,高屏地區於92年須達到PSI>100站日數比例<7.8%,迄九十五年須達6%以下目標(與全國86年水準相當)。(二)縣市空氣污染防制計畫:已完成縣市污染防制計畫內容及草案擬定,配合「高屏地區空氣污染改善暨總量管制方案(草案) 」內容修訂,於十二月中旬進行縣市查訪,掌握其撰寫進度,並於十二月下旬組專家諮詢小組,進行討論,以協助縣市儘速完成空氣污染防制計畫之擬定。三、減量對策研擬(一)完成對國內過去相關減量策略之研究進行資料收集及美國移動源減量對策彙整(二)依據環保署近期研擬推動以下方案1.因應高污染季節及地區減量方案(1)協談/鼓勵工廠以歲修、改用較清潔燃料方式減少污染排放量。(九十一年起)(2)加強陸空巡查,防止異常之污染排放。(九十一年起)(3)防制露天燃燒,輔導破碎處理及清運,並加強污染巡查,以妥善處理農業廢棄物。(九十一年起)(4)加強重大工程(高雄捷運工程、高鐵、東西向快速道路等)施工管制。(九十一年起)2.固定污染源方面(1)92年4月推動污染源登錄及申報作業:登錄前一季污染物排放量。(九十二年起)(2)一定規模新設/變更污染源落實最佳可行控制技術、容許增量限值;落實查核工廠許可登錄之污染源、控制設備操作狀態。(九十二年起)(3)加油站油氣回收管制、揮發性有機物管制:加強石化廠製程管道及元件稽查管制、修訂揮發性有機物管制及排放標準、增訂印刷、膠帶、表面塗裝製程等管制法規。(九十二年起)(4)查核現有氮氧化物防制設備(如SCR)運轉率。(九十一年起)(5)實施營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法。(九十二年)(6)燃料油管制及推廣使用天然氣(九十二年起)3.移動污染源管制(1)車輛污染管制及保養改善(九十一年起)A機車攔檢及定檢。B柴油車:進行動力計排煙檢測,於96年1月1日實施第四期排放標準及油品規範。C汽車:以遙測篩選高污染汽車至指定地點檢驗,通知進行惰轉檢測。(2)推廣使用低污染車輛(九十一年起)(3)執行車用油品品質管制: 加強柴油車用油攔檢,配合農委會及能源會查緝非法油品,共同防杜非法油品之流用。(九十一年起)(4)推動大型工廠員工共乘制度。(九十二年起)4.其他管制策略(1)實施道路髒污程度分級,提升街道洗掃技術,以增加洗掃效益。(九十一年起)(2)協調高雄港務局擇定砂石等貨物裝卸之設施標準,並加強港區儲槽及料堆管理,減少揮發性有機物及懸浮微粒之逸散。(九十一年起)(3)加強裸露地表管理(含礦區、校園等)及協調改善道路鋪面品質減少揚塵。(九十一年起)(4)高屏森林公園建制計畫。(九十二年起)四、經濟誘因制度建制(一)完成國外排放抵換交易制度收集(二)初步完成對我國採行之交易制度與交易系統運作機制規劃(三)經模擬後,在10﹪減量目標下,TSP 總防治成本約為313萬元,市場交易量為1,045噸,交易價格約為2,600元/噸;NOX總防治成本約1億5仟萬元,交易量約為2,390噸,交易價格約為24,500元/噸;VOC總防治成本約2,100萬元,交易數量約為51噸,交易價格約為10,560元/噸,SOx因防治成本較固定,故交易市場不大。五、相關配合事項辦理五場次總量產業說明會、一場次排放量認可準則座談會、交易辦法研商會、高屏地區產業配合三級防制區法規說明會等。六、空保處網頁維護(一)完成各科交付資料更新(二)完成九十年度研究報告查詢、與2002年國家通訊上載。 Total capacity control planning This is a policy implementation project in compliance with the latest Amendment of Air Pollution Control Act since 1999, which has included provisions for total capacity control. In order to take action for the management of enhanced area and future total capacity control planning, EPA has made this project a two years planning program.The project goals included (1) regional total capacity control planning according to local air pollution characteristics for future implementation reference and assistance to each local bureau’s air pollution control programs planning to achieve its required target at different stage, (2) planning for pollution reduction strategy to effectively improve air quality, (3) planning for emission trade system and trade center operation mechanism as reference for future promotion for emission trade system.Therefore, the project scopes included (1) planning for air pollutant emission banking, exchange and trade regulation, (2) planning for Kao Ping Air Quality Region total capacity management program, (3) assistance to review and approval of local bureaus’ air pollution control programs, (4) planning for emission trade system and trade operation mechanism, (5) planning for public and private sectors’ emission reduction goals and control measures, and (6) the Air Pollution Control Bureau’s website information maintenance and update.Seminars and workshops have also been held to assist industries and local bureaus in their understanding and preparation for the new policy to lower any possible resistance to it. 091 空保處 財團法人中技社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3832
空氣品質區空氣品質改善行動計畫 本計畫計有七大工作項目,包括空氣品質分析/污染成因探討與對策研擬、協助推動高屏空品區空氣污染減量查稽專案、推動空氣品質不良時期之因應措施、研擬空氣品質模式模擬規範、建立多元化空氣品質改善指標、提供各空品區污染減量行動計畫工作協調及行政支援事項、定期彙整高屏空品區跨縣市工作執行成果。空品分析部份,已完成83~90年PSI>100及各污染物濃度分析,並逐月解析91年1~10月之空氣品質變化,並自九月份開始執行空氣品質惡化預報任務,至十月底為止,計已通報二十一次空品不良之訊息至縣市環保局,並完成回報資料之彙整分析。減量查稽專案部份,固定污染源—完成十九次空中稽查任務,並將發現之污染源通報縣市執行後續追蹤,完成61座次大型鍋爐防制設備查核,並彙整廠商提出之固定源管制意見,完成揮發性有機物使用廠家查核之前置作業,22家次現場查核。移動污染源—自7~11月擴大執行柴油車攔檢作業,非法柴油流用情形有顯著降低現象,完成高屏地區全面採用一二級汽油之具體方案,並獲得中油公司口頭承諾願意於92年度空品不良時期配合實施,根據國外通勤減量實施之經驗,引進高屏空品區進行可行方案研擬。逸散面源—完成111處次現場查核並通報縣市,完成道路調查429公里並進行道路分級,協助監督40處街道洗掃作業;評估農廢非露天燃燒可行方案,規劃組合方案。空氣品質不良時期之因應措施部份,掌握十三家工廠20條製程配合空品不良期間提出減量措施減量措施,並進行現場追蹤協談。研擬空氣品質模式模擬規範部份,已協助完成「空氣品質模式模擬規範」公告,完成「最大容許增量限值」草案研擬及定案,環保署擇期將進行公告作業。多元化空氣品質改善指標部份,計算濃度-時間之加權指數﹙PAQII﹚、濃度-面積之加權指數﹙AAQII﹚,並完成PSI>100站日數比率及PAQII、AAQII改善率統計及差異性分析。提供各空品區污染減量行動計畫工作協調及行政支援事項部份,計已召開七次專案協調會及五場次總量會議。定期彙整高屏空品區跨縣市工作執行成果,並分析完成高雄縣、市揮發性有機物管制計畫之成果、建議事項及高雄港區排放量估算。 The Action Plan To Improve Air Quality In The Air Basin In this plan, there are 7 principal works. The detailed results are narrated below.1.Air quality analysis/ pollution sources research and control strategies design 2.Assist action project for inspecting air pollution reduction in Kaohsiung & Pingtung area 3.Promote strategies toward unhealthy air quality period 4.Stipulate regulations for air quality simulation 5.Establish various index for air quality improvement, 6.Support administrative affairs 7.Collect working results in Kaohsiung & Pingtung air quality area 091 空保處 中鼎工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3834
農地土壤重金屬與場址列管計畫(108公頃農地重金屬調查與場址列管計畫) 本研究計畫計調查彰化縣(市)、台南縣(市)、高雄縣及屏東縣計一零八公頃農地之重金屬濃度,以作為公告為控制場址之依據。調查結果指出,彰化縣地區農地超過管制標準之重金屬有Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn及As,農地受污染面積計70.35公頃;台南市地區農地超過管制標準之重金屬有Cd、Cu、Pb及Zn,農地受污染面積計1.86公頃;台南縣地區農地超過管制標準之重金屬有Cr、Cu、Ni及Zn,農地受污染面積計5.33公頃;高雄縣地區農地超過管制標準之重金屬有Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb及Zn,農地受污染面積計6.02公頃;屏東縣地區農地超過管制標準之重金屬有Cr,農地受污染面積計6.9公頃。此等資料均已建置完成以每一筆地號農地土壤重金屬含量清冊。並就本案調查範圍內每一塊農地,完成調查附近任何形式之地面水體(如灌溉渠道、各級排水路、河川等)、灌溉水質測站位置、相關縣市環保局列管500公尺範圍內水污染事業單位及各種可能污染源位置。此等調查資料,均已建置於每一公頃調查農地之套繪地籍數值檔,並以A3彩色圖印出,說明每一區塊農地可能之污染源及與圳道灌溉之關係。調查成果並列出農地面積小於0.01公頃,以及農地現況變化大,而未列入本案調查區域之農地土地清冊,並提供此等清冊及其背景資料蒐集之電子檔,同時以A3紙印製。最後建議於本案調查範圍內,Cr、Cu、Ni及Zn污染農地以混合稀釋法及反轉耕法,進行現地復育;Cd及Pb污染農地則以HCl溶液酸洗法進行現地復育;Hg污染農地或者以熱脫附法進行現地復育。 Farmland Soil Heavy Metal Investigation and Contaminated Site Control Plan The project was to investigate the heavy metal concentrations of 108 ha of agricultural fields distributing in County and City, Tainan County and City, Kaohsing County and Pingtung Conty, in order to use as the data for the announcement of “Control site”. The results showed that the heavy metals in the agricultural field in Changhua County, which concentrations exceed their control standards are Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, and As. The polluted area of agriculture fields is 70.35 ha. The heavy metals in the agriculture fields in Tainan City, which concentrations exceed their control standard are Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn. The polluted area of agriculture fields is 5.33 ha. The heavy metals in the agriculture fields in Kaohsiung County, which concentrations exceed their control standard are Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn. The polluted area of agriculture fields is 6.02 ha. The heavy metals in the agriculture fields in PingTung County, which concentrations exceed their control standard are Cr. The polluted area of agriculture fields is 6.90 ha. All the data of heavy metal contents for each land number of the agriculture field have been established the compilation. In addition, for each agriculture land, the investigation includes the vicinity of surface water bodies such as irrigation aqueducts, drainage aqueducts, the rivers, the position of irrigation water monitoring stations, and the water pollution industrials and the position of possible pollution surface within the range in 500m governed by the related Environmental Bureau of Counties and Cities. Moreover, these investigation data have been established in the digital files of overlapping maps for land registration and printed out by A3 size of color chart in order to depict the relationships between the possible pollution source and irrigation aqueduct for each block of agriculture fields, which not investigated in this project; the list of these date and the collected electronic file were provided to EPA. Meanwhile, the lists we 091 土污基管會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3852
武洛溪排水(高屏溪流域)污染整治施政計畫 武洛溪年平均流量約9.7cms,BOD5濃度16.5mg/L,流達污染量高達13800 kg/d;枯水期之BOD5更高達17mg/L至80mg/L之間,是高屏溪最主要之污染源。環保署為了降低武洛溪之污染改善高屏溪之水質,利用河川高灘地以接觸曝氣氧化塘之自然淨化強化法淨化武洛溪溪水。溪水經過初步沉澱池後,再以接觸曝氣氧化塘處理。初沉池表面積130.5m2,體積312 m3 ,氧化塘有效水深2m,體積1600 m3,塘內裝生物繩為介質,填充率為2.8%。實驗以31.9、62.4、15.8及12.2小時之四種水力停留時間(QH),對應之介質表面負荷(LS)分別為3g/m2/d、0.9g/m2/d、8.2 g/m2/d與5.8 g/m2/d。實驗結果以水力停留時間以不大於16小時最適宜,此時SS、COD及BOD5之總去除率分別約為63%、57%及70%,又接觸曝氣氧化塘法功能設計以水力-表面積模式最適宜,即BOD模式=> COD模式=> 式中LR= g/m3/d、Ls= g/m2/d、QH=day。該模式可做為接觸曝氣氧化塘之體積、介質表面積等設計之用,但表面積負荷限定在10 g/m2/d以內。 Implementation of Pollution Control Policies in Wu-Low Drainage , Kao-Ping River Basin Wu-Low Chi produces 9.7 m3/sec of average annual flow and 13800 kg/d of BOD5 load, is the most important pollution source of Kao-Ping Chi. Water quality of the Creek is so bad that average annual BOD5 concentration is 16.5 mg/L, and in the range of 17mg/L to 80mg/L in the dry season。In order to decreasing the pollution loads of Kao-Ping Chi, Environmental Protection Agency signed this project to purify the Water using an enforced nature purification process, saying contact aerated lagoon. The creek water was pumped into settling basin first, and then treated by a aerated lagoon which has 1600m3 of volume and packed with a lot of ropes as media. Four runs of experiment according to 31.6 hours , 62.4 hours , 15.8hours and 12.2hours of hydraulic detention time (HRT) or their respective 3 g/m2/d , 0.9g/m2/d , 8.2g/m2/d and 5.8g/m2/d of media BOD5 loads had been finished , and results are shown on the following:Hydraulic detention time should be not greater than 16hrs and the total removal efficiency of SS, COD and BOD are 63% , 57% and 70%,respectively ;Hydraulic-surface area load model is employed and gotBOD Model => COD Model => Where LR is removed mass per unit volume of lagoon , g/m3/d;LS is organic load per init surface area of media , g/m3/d ;and QH is HRT of lagoon ,day . 091 水保處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3868
九十一年推動環境保護有功團體、環保義工人員及環境保護局人員遴選表揚 獎勵為推動環保績效優良,表現卓越之環保有功團體、環保義工人員及環保局人員。 FY91 outstanding performance of organizations, volunteers and EPB staffs for promoting environmental protection. To reward the organizations, the volunteers and the staffs of Environmental Protection Bureau who have excellent achievements in promoting environmental protection. 091 綜計處 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3870
廢容器(含農藥廢容器及乾電池)回收清除處理費費率研究及監督系統維護計畫 廢容器及乾電池回收施行至今,引發諸多問題,其中尤以部分廢容器資源回收基金收支不平衡現象倍受爭議。為了解廢容器回收所引發的問題,本計畫旨在建立資源回收處理成本模式以及透過容器使用業者及廢容器處理業者的相關調查估計各種容器材質的使用量及二次料價格,並據以估算民國九十三年的回收清除處理費費率,做為費率委員會回收清除處理費費率修訂的參考。利用本計畫建立的成本模式,可透過成本變動因子(含相關的價格指數與利率)的變動來估計回收處理成本,減少市場成本調查的支出,並能反應實際支援回收市場的成本變動。 A Study of Recycling Rate for Waste Packaging Containers and Maintenance of Monitor System To solve the problems due to recycling waste packaging containers , this project aims to calculate recycling rates of waste packaging containers and waste batteries based on the estimated recycling cost model and related survey. The calculated recycling rates of waste packaging containers and batteries could provide helpful information for EPA Fee Rate Review Committee to amend the recycling rates. Moreover, the estimated recycling cost model could be used to estimate recycling cost via various changing price indices and interest rate.Finally, the study results of this project will be used to update and maintain the monitor system of recycling waste packaging containers and batteries. The system linked with cost model can simulate recycling rates for each possible scenario. 091 基管會 國立台北大學統計系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3876
廢容器(含乾電池)資源回收處理機構輔導評鑑計畫 本計畫主要工作內容包含研訂評鑑作業準則、九十場次之廢容器(含乾電池)處理機構現勘評鑑輔導作業、完成個案分析報告及整體報告並提供輔導建議書等三大項。有關研訂評鑑作業準則部分:依廠商實際之運作情形與廠商之污染防治、消防、工安、衛生設施及運作狀況、文件之保存與管理等,製作相關評鑑表單與評鑑作業準則(包含考核項目、評分方式、評分權重、及輔導意見填寫方式等細節),其主要內容包括「硬體設施」、「環境保護」、「管理制度」等三個大項,相關要項內容詳如附件二內容所示。有關九十場次之廢容器(含乾電池)處理機構現勘評鑑輔導作業部分:於本(91)年6月10日經委員會議確認後,於6月20日、21日召開評鑑說明會,並於同年7月11日起至7月30日止分別於北、中、南三區同時展開第一階段輔導評鑑作業(46場次),第二階段輔導評鑑則於10月24日至11月28日實施(46場次),總計完成92場次輔導評鑑。評鑑內容包含「設施與工安衛」、「環境保護」、「管理制度」等三大方向,輔導則針對廠商需改進的部分予以建議,並針對現行設施標準與補貼制度等法令進行說明與宣導。有關個案分析報告及整體報告並提供輔導建議書部分:依兩階段的輔導評鑑作業行程,分別製作廠商整體報告及輔導建議書,並將個案建議函送相關廠商,使廠商得以確實了解該廠之缺失與需改善之重點,另外為使廠商充分了解相關改善的標準與方向,特製作準則圖說以讓廠商得以更加瞭解改善的方向。 Assessment Plan on Waste Container and Dry-Cell Battery Recycling Facilities The objectives of our project are setting up a manual of the assessment procedure for recycling facilities, completing 90 onsite assessments on the performance of waste container recycling plants and dry-cell battery recyclers and accomplishing individual analysis for each evaluated plant as well as a comprehensive final report.Regarding to the first objective, setting up a manual of assessment procedure, we developed an evaluation checklist with respect to pollution prevention, disaster prevention, occupational safety, sanitation condition and document management, considering the operation of recycling plants in reality. We thus categorized the items in the evaluation checklist into three groups: “Infrastructure”, “Environmental Protection” and “Operational Management.” For the second objective in our project, completing at least 90 onsite assessments, we called for an assessment committee meeting on the 10th of June 2002, held two public hearings on June 20th and 21st and organized the first round of assessment between the 11th to 30th in July. 46 assessments in total were accomplished for the first round. The second round started on October 24th and lasted to November 28th; another 46 assessments were then carried out. In the two rounds of evaluation, the performance of facilities was evaluated based on the three assessment categories set in the assessment manual. Recommendations for improvement to the evaluated recycling facilities were made according to their onsite assessment results. Also the current national standards of storage and treatment facilities for recyclers were restated in each face-to-face occasion.About the individual analysis and comprehensive final report, we sent the recommendations for improvement to the evaluated recyclers after each round of onsite assessment. The final report was sent to Taiwan EPA. Besides, in order to provide more understandable suggestions to recyclers for future improvement, we prepared pictures and i 091 基管會 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3878
環境場址評估作業行政指引建制計畫 為協助當事人了解土地污染狀況以釐清當事人間法律責任,並配合「土壤及第下水污染整治法」第八條及第九條及同法施行細則第七條檢具「土壤污染檢測資料」之規定,因此參考國外環境場址評估之精神訂定一套土壤污染檢測準備程序,訂名為「土壤污染檢測準備程序--環境場址潛在土壤污染評估參考指引」(草案)。依此程序可協助取得場址潛在土壤污染資料,及若有污染可能時其潛在之污染源、污染種類、移動路徑等資訊,並據此資訊擬定土壤採樣及檢測計畫。如此將有助於提出正確有用之「檢測資料」。本計畫完成之工作內容如下:一、蒐集美國環境場址評估相關資料,針對美國常執行之環境場址評估制度(Environmental Site Assessment,簡稱ESA)進行翻譯工作,其內容包括美國材料試驗協會(American Society forTesting and Materials,ASTM)之E1527、E1528、E1903方法及程序規範、美國相關機構之環境場址評估規範等。二、以美國材料試驗協會之環境場址評估操作準則為基礎,針對我國之國情及環境背景提出修正意見,並據此研擬建議我國執行環境場址評估之行政指引。三、針對環境場址評估作業程序的行政指引草案舉辦三場修正研商會,邀請相關政府部門代表、相關產業代表、學者專家出席,並據以修正草案內容,完成定稿作為公告之參考。四、針對地方環境主管機關代表及相關產業代表就擬具之行政指引(草案),於北、中、南、東共舉辦四場說明會。 Guideline constructs for environmental site assessment This project on “Guideline constructs for environmental site assessment” was put in place for the Environmental Protection Agency. The target of this project for an environmental site assessment is to develop a procedure named “preparing procedure of analyzing soil contaminants—guidance of environmental site soil contamination assessments”. The guidance is designed to assist the userin developing information about the environmental conditionof the site to help the user realizing the soil contamination condition and preparing the soil contaminants analyzed data. The guidance summarizes the requirements and process forevaluating potential liability from environmental contamination, and will introduce users to the larger context of environmental issues associated with real property. Accordance with the guidance one could gather the information of the potential contaminations, potential contaminated source, and kind of contaminants and migrated of contaminants. This project consist the following tasks:1 Gather and translate related information and guidelines based on American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM)and other US government organizations (Civilian Federal Agency Task Force, National Park Service, and Environmental Protection Agency ).Including “Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process (E1527)”, ”Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Transaction Screen Process (E1528)”,”Standard Guide for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process (E1903)”,”Guide on Evaluating Environmental Liability for Property Transfers”,” Level I Re-Acquisition Environmental Site Assessment Guidance Manual”, and”CERCLA Enforcement Against Lenders and Government Entities That Acquire Property Involuntarily”. 2 Compare US Environmental Site Assessment models and construct a guideline named “preparing procedure of analyzing 091 土污基管會 台灣環境與災害政策學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3880
九十年度科技計畫成果報告光碟資料庫製作 本計畫之目的在針對環保署「九十年度科技成果報告光碟資料庫製作」專案需求與期望,提供一完整之軟硬體建置系統之規劃架構,並針對九十年度研究成果報告之光碟資料庫製作、整理、彙整、建置提供服務,以邁向知識管理領域。工作項目如下:(一)資料徵集建檔部份:整理、彙整、建置「八十六年度、八十七年度、八十八年度、及八十九年度年度(含八十八下半年) 、 九十年度研究計畫成果報告光碟資料庫」(二)網站系統建置部份:建置貴署「九十年度研究計劃成果報告網站資料庫」(三)光碟資料庫設計部份:設計環保署「九十年度研究計畫成果報告光碟資料庫」與「九十一年度科技研究計畫成果發表會論文集」(四)成果發表與檢討評鑑部份:辦理「九十年度科技計畫研發成果」成果發表與檢討評鑑與「九十一年度委託研究計畫」成果發表與檢討評鑑。 2001 Science and Technology Research Projects Database Production The objective of this project was to assist the Environmental Protection Administration to manage the 2001 science and technology research projects. The work completed by this project is listed below:1. On-line search system for science and technology research projects: Science and technology research projects from 1997 to 2001 could be searched on-line. The website is http://ivy2.epa.gov.tw/report/.2. CD-Rom: A CD-Rom was produced to search science and technology research projects from 1997 to 2001. Duplicates were sent to research institutes, universities, libraries, legislators’ offices. 3. The 2001 Science and Technology Research Projects Evaluation Meeting was held to review project reports. The 2002 Science and Technology Research Projects Seminar was also held to disseminate the results of 2002 projects. 091 永續發展室 凌網科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3882
廢容器就源課費之機制建構及可行性評估專案工作計畫 本計畫首先就國內一般廢容器就源課費的取捨作了詳盡的分析,除了從學理上探討環境政策的決策準則,並據以比較現行收費方式與就源收費符合各項決策準則的程度,以做為是否採用就源收費的根據。同時亦從實證上分析就源徵收在我國的可行性,評判基準包括:法源上的可行性、執行成本的有效性、對業者的經濟衝擊度。  其研究重點為:1.調查分析各材質容器原料之製造、輸入業者家數、數量,銷售使用數量及流向,以及物化性質等基本資料。2.研擬就源課費實施材質判定準則及優先順序。3.針對五項材質容器(包括PET、發泡PS、PP/PE、PVC、未發泡PS等)實施就源課費之可行性評估,並建立就源課費相關運作機制。  本計畫研擬一套評估指標系統(其中包括制度面、環境面、經濟面、成本面、社會正義、以及技術面等六項面向指標,而每一面向指標有包含若干焦點指標),並根據此指標體系,評估現制與多項就源課費之執行方案的利弊。  其評估過程為:(1)建構評估指標系統並界定指標的意義、(2)研究團隊初步評估、(3)舉辦專家座談並評估、(4)評估整合。評估結果為:根據四種政策導向下之各方案的綜合指標值的結果可知,在環境導向、永續導向、以及調和導向等三種政策導向下,現行收費制相對最佳,而方案一最差;但在成本導向下,則以方案三為最佳,這與陳雄文(2001)的結論一致,不過方案三與方案四的差異並不特別顯著。  就專家評估結果而言,從成本導向而言,以PET粒為費基的就源課費仍領先其他方案,但現行收費制則在其他三種政策導向下,居於優先地位。此一結果與本計畫團隊的評估結果實屬一致。為了評定出優先順序,本計畫根據必要性、相關業者家數、原料用途多樣性、容器使用比例、出口量佔國內用量之比例、基金虧損狀況等指標。綜合各項指標的順序值後,本計畫採用兩種評判準則來判斷優先順序:(1)獲得第一優先次數最多者;(2)各指標之累計點數最低者。  本計畫將管制作業劃分為國外進口及國內自製二部份討論,分析各別之考量因素及管制方式,探討實際執行管制時可能發生之爭端及解決方案。就管制作業而言,各方案之考量因素及管制方式大致相同。至於就源課費制度之費基與費率,本計畫以就源課費制度之可行方案為基礎,計算各方案中各項課費標的之費基及費率。本計畫並探討政府實際執行時所面臨之逃漏繳費誘因問題,並提供相關之改善建議。 The set of fee-assessment-at-source mechanism of used containers and the evaluation of its feasibility This research study first provides a detailed analysis of the approach to assess fees on used containers at source. On the one hand, it explores decision-making theory and principles for environmental policies, compares the degree of fit of current fee assessment approach and the fee-assessment-at-source approach to the decision rules, and uses the result as the basis for assessing fees at source. On the other hand, it empirically analyzes the feasibility of sessing fees on used containers at source in the nation, using criteria such as legal feasibility, implementation cost effectiveness, and the economic impacts on affected industries. he research is focused on the following: (1) Survey and analyze the basic data on the production of materials used in different containers, numbers of importers, quantity and directions of sales flows and usage, as well as the chemistry of the materials. (2) Assess the criteria and priority order by source materials of the fee- assessment-at-source approach. 091 基管會 財團法人台灣經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3884
環境水質監測評核計畫 環境水體水質監測目的除建立基本歷史數據與提供水質資訊予國民外,亦作為水污染防治之重要參考依據。本計畫旨在協助環境水質監測結果之評核,並彙整監測結果編纂水質年報,此外,亦協助水體水質網站之美化與維護。水質監測評核的目的在篩檢原始監測數據之可能異常值,以確保監測結果之正確性,就此,本年度完成環境水質監測數據評核作業標準流程與執行手冊,每月每季之水質監測數據必須先經此評核作業流程確認監測分析數據之正確合理性後,始得進行後續相關統計分析及彙編水質季報,再納入資料庫並予公布。評核作業程序之建立對於水質監測作業有其重大之效益。在水質年報編纂方面,經參考國內85年水質年報與先進國家水質年報之內容與格式,水質年報的內容以展現法規面的合格率與達成率和水體水質之空間與時間變異度,其內容除供一般國民之參考資訊外,亦提供水體污染防治工作之重要參考依據。年報共分成河川、水庫湖泊、地下水與海域四大類,共計531頁,年報附錄亦將年報中各項法規標準與水質參數如河川污染指標、河川污染長度與統計分析等計算方法詳述之,俾利日後年報之編纂與各項指標等得以標準化及有所依循。水質監測資料網站工作定期每月彙整三區水質資料共計有980筆,協助署內定期完成水質評核、確認及公佈工作,另外亦統一各項水體水質資料交換電子檔格式,一方面降低監測數據傳輸、轉換及評核錯誤之機率,一方面減少各單位資料格式轉換之工作負擔。在網頁美化、相關網頁製作部分,整理參考國內外相關資料後建置整體規劃,本年度已完成水庫(湖泊)及休憩海域次系統之更新建置,各次系統功能除保留「水質原始數據資料查詢」功能外,新增「各類水體最新水質指標查詢」功能;另外亦新增「年報及水質資料下載」、「水質指標計算說明」、「水質分析方法查詢(連結至環檢所網頁)」等功能,以豐富網頁內容及其應用度。環境水體水質資料庫由於歷年來業務分配方式、需求考量與背景差異等不同,而衍生使用上的不方便性,建議未來資料庫需配合網頁功能、使用需求及監測業務現況調整各資料表格欄位,再配合水保處補齊、更正基本資料表格、參考資料表格之資料;另外,建議於資料庫伺服器端新增資料分級及自動檢核功能,同時開發網頁介面之監測資料上傳系統,簡化目前資料上傳檢核流程。河川水體水質之變異度受水體流量影響頗鉅,是故河川污染之改善程度較不適用每月每季水質監測結果予以比較,建議應結合流量資料,建立在同一基準流量下的水質指標。至於水體污染的改善評量則可考量參照英國作法,每5年在同一時期,具相等似水文狀況的條件下來評估水體水質之改善程度;是故下一年度擬選擇幾條主要河川進行水質與流量之相關探討,並探討水體分類水質統計機率分布。在水庫湖泊方面,亦將彙整水庫管理單位之水質監測結果。此外,亦建議考量規劃河川底泥採樣分析、中下游河段增加抗生素與難分解合成有機物分析,俾逐步健全環境水體污染分佈資訊。 Auditing of Environmental Water Quality Data The importance of water quality data needs not to be overemphasized. The effort to ensure clear and correct data is the most important task in water quality field. The main objective of this project is to evaluate and validate the water quality data monitored by three independent firms for Taiwan’s three watersheds. Additionally, the team is charged to prepare the annual water quality report and, to some extent, to assist Taiwan EPA’s upgrading and maintenance of the web site for water bodies and water quality in Taiwan (http://www.epa.gov.tw/monitoring/pa21.htm).The key objective in evaluating water quality data is to identify the abnormal data as well as to verify the accuracy of the data. One needs to know whether the abnormal data should be discarded or they truly represent the actual conditions. Standard operating procedures have been prepared to achieve this goal. The major task is to ensure that strict QA/QC procedures and protocols are followed by monitoring companies for their water quality data with respect to their planning, sampling, testing, calculation, and reporting. All monthly and seasonal data that meet the above criteria are used for subsequent seasonal report and then incorporated into the data bank for eventual public dissemination. The annual water quality report, in reference of 1996 Water Quality Report as well as those reports of developed countries, emphasizes the extent of water quality that fail to meet the regulatory standards. The spatial and temporal data distribution serves not only public interest, but also as a tool for water quality pollution control strategy. The annual report (551 pp) includes the four major water bodies: streams, reservoirs, groundwater, and coastal areas.The validated monthly data from three watersheds are transformed to electronic files to facilitate the entry into the web site. For site upgrading including user friendly and expanding the content, the additional features incorporated include 091 監資處 台灣大學環境工程學研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3888
九十一年度回收清除處理機構輔導暨系統維護更新計畫 為使資源回收制度順利進行,基管會於八十八年起即建立資源回收資訊系統,以協助進行回收資訊的統計以及公佈,並期望能藉此提升人員之行政效率。新年度由於廢棄物清理法修正,相關辦法陸續公告,因此不管是回收制度以及系統功能都需要進行大幅度的修改,本工作團隊在九十一年三月起接受基管會委託執行本計畫。根據前述,本計畫之主要工作項目共計有下列幾項:一、資源回收機構及處理機構管理輔導二、資源回收機構及處理機構管理系統更新維護三、稽核認證作業管理系統更新維護四、縣市資源回收及查核作業系統更新維護五、回收點管理系統更新維護六、差異分析以及成果展現系統建置七、資料建檔維護八、說明會之舉辦總括言之,而由於新法公告在即,為使法規公告前所有相對應之表單都能同時完成,因此在91年6月前完成地方登記以及受補貼資格的申請表單和審查流程製作,另外也協助進行26件資源化工廠/處理機構之申請資料書面審查工作以及19場次的現場審查作業;另由於基管會職務變動的關係,設施標準之審查作業由物品以及容器組負責,因此本團隊則負責協助進行登記作業的資料輸入工作,以及受補貼機構申請資料之書審作業(109件)。另一方面資源回收管理系統因應本年度制度的更動,將系統做大幅度之改寫,共計異動程式447支,並將系統主網頁重新更換,使系統操作能更加簡易,且加強了人員密碼管控功能以增加整體系統及資料庫之安全性。 The 2002 recycling system operation support, maintenance and update project In order to administer the recycling system, the EPA’s Recycling Management Fund (RMF) has developed a recycling information system in 1999 to increase the administrative efficiency and provide statistics and announcement to the public. Since the Waste Disposal Act (WDA) has been amended, the purpose of the project is to make all necessary changes to the recycling system and information update. In compliance with the amendment, new forms and processes for the reimbursement qualification application have been re-designed and announced by June 2002. Since then, 26 resource recovery/treatment plants’ applications have been reviewed with 19 field inspections made. Besides, the project team also helped with the review data input (of 2 cases) and reimbursement data review (of 109 cases). The RMF has made tremendous revision to the information system with 447 programs changed. The system has been modified for easier operation and better security. 091 基管會 財團法人中技社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3890
九十一年度一般廢棄物回收清除處理稽核認證公正團體(廢電子電器物品類) 依據環保署公告之一般廢棄物回收清除處理稽核認證作業要點及廢電子電器物品類稽核認證作業手冊,執行該類物品回收量、處理量之稽核認證工作及可支持認證所需之查核工作。 The Supervising Teams for the recycling of Electric & Electronic Appliance Wastes On July 5, 1997, Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwanpublicized the recycling of electric & electronic appliance wastesthat include four items, namely, television, refrigerator, washingmachine, and air conditioner.To encourage the recycling of discarded electric & electronicappliance wastes, the EPA on December 15, 1999 announced theprinciple for approving treatment applications. Firms applying forsubsidies to recycle electric & electronic appliance wastes need tofollow these principles.According to the EPA's announcement, discarded appliance which fallunder the scope of these principles include television sets, washingmachines, refrigerators, and air conditioners. When applying forsubsidies, interested firms must submit proof first that they havethe capacity to process televisions and refrigerators and musteither—1. be a certified public or private electric & electronicappliance wastes treatment organization2. be a permitted resource recovery factory for discarded electric& electronic appliance wastes, or3. conform with other EPA approval methods.The objectives of the project i n this report is to help EPA in revisingthe supervising statute of this system and assessing these subsidyteams to ensure the effectiveness and fairness of this subsidingsystem. 091 基管會 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3894
土壤污染管制標準規定之探討 本計畫之主要目的包括探討現行土壤污染管制標準及監測基準之合宜性,土壤污染物濃度及其地上食用作物濃度間之關聯性,針對不同用途別之土地擬定不同管制標準之可行性,與高速公路兩旁鉛污染之探討。研究建議修訂農地土壤中重金屬全量的管制濃度為鎘全量降低至4 mg/kg,銅全量修訂為600 mg/kg,鋅全量修訂為800 mg/kg,鉛全量修訂為1000 mg/kg,其他元素之污染管制濃度維持不變。建議修訂非農地土壤中重金屬全量的管制濃度為銅全量1000 mg/kg。本研究建議研擬三種土壤生物有效性濃度之萃取法(0.1M HCl,0.01M EDTA,與0.005M DTPA),亦提供萃取之土壤污染管制濃度供參考。研擬住宅區及公園區土壤重金屬的管制標準比農地土壤鬆,工商業區土壤重金屬之管制標準亦比住宅及公園區土壤鬆。若為混處的地區,原則上管制標準採用兩者中較為嚴格的標準。在高速公路兩旁土壤中鉛的污染距離均在3~30公尺以內,且在表層30公分以內,估計國道一號高速公路兩旁被鉛污染的土壤重量至少45萬噸。提出建議包括:依法向污染行為人求償農民因農作物減產所造成之農作損失,(2)建議農政衛生單位宜儘速建立農地土壤生物有效性毒害濃度管制值,作為行政系統執行監測土壤及農作物之品質之依據;(3)建議針對省道兩旁之農地土壤與作物作監測或調查。 The Investigation of Regulation of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soils The objectives of this project are (1) to revise the regulation of heavy metals in contaminated soils or in monitoring system, (2) to establish the relationships between metal concentration in soil and metals uptake in the food crop, (3) to propose a regulation of heavy metals in contaminated soils for different land uses, and (4) to study the status of lead accumulation along the super freeway in Taiwan. After collecting the databases and references and making the analysis, we recommend that the regulation of total contents of heavy metals in Taiwan rural soils should be revised as Cd 4 mg/kg, Cu 600 mg/kg, Zn 800 mg/kg, and Pb 1000 mg/kg. The other elements are proposed not to be changed. For non-rural soils in Taiwan, the total Cu concentration should be revised as 1000 mg/kg. We also propose three chemical extraction methods including 0.1M HCl, 0.01M EDTA, and 0.005M DTPA to identify the bioavailability of heavy metals in contaminated soils. The regulation of bioavailable concentration of contaminated soils is also proposed. We propose that the regulation of the concentration of heavy metals in resident and park region should be higher than those of rural soils region, and the concentration of heavy metals in soils of industrial and commercial region should be higher than those of soils of resident and park region. Lead is almost distributed in the 30 cm soil depth around 3 to 30 meters along Taiwan No. 1 Super Freeway. Until now, the total deposition of lead is estimated as more than 450,000 tons. Some recommendations are proposed that the government agencies should (1) request the compensation to the farmers paid from the soil contamination producer, (2) establish the regulation of bioavailability of heavy metals in the contaminated soils for monitoring the soil and crop quality, and (3) make a detail survey on the heavy metals in the rural soils along the main roads of Taiwan. 091 土污基管會 國立臺灣大學農業化學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2196
加油站設置真空輔助式油槍油氣回收設備補助申請之檢測及審查執行計畫 本計畫原自91年9月起執行至92年3月31日止,預估完成補助400座加油站。但在「加油設施設置真空輔助式油槍油氣回收設備補助辦法」截止申請日所提出申請的加油站即高達500座。本中心於92年1月23日向行政院環保署提出計畫展延申請並獲得同意執行期間至92年5月31日止。計畫總經費由原先的新台幣九佰參拾萬元整增加為新台幣壹仟壹佰陸拾萬元整。本計畫工作主要工作項目包括:1.完成五百站加油站之申請補助案件之書面與現場審查。2.對於申請補助之加油站,進行簡易維護保養訓練。3.製作審查報告書並印製維護保養手冊,提供通過補助審查之加油站業者參考。4.完成油氣回收管制資料庫建檔及更新。5.審查合格加油站持續追蹤輔導作業。6.相關訓練參考資訊之製作及提供。本計畫共計完成審查500座加油站之申請補助案件,其中441座通過審查,3座無法通過書面審查,56座未能通過現場審查。未能通過現場審查的原因中,液阻檢測佔了41.1﹪,氣漏檢測佔了10.7﹪,氣油比檢測佔了1.8﹪,液阻及氣漏兩項檢測均無法通過的佔了46.4﹪。另為提昇加油站員工之使用操作能力,本計畫藉由現場審查的同時對497座加油站站長及加油人員共1,886人,進行油氣回收設施介紹、簡易維護保養教育訓練,並進行測驗,期能增進加油站業者瞭解對站上所使用的油氣回收設施運作原理及學習自行保養技術、持續對油氣回收系統定期的檢查、建立加油站員工正確的加油行為,落實油氣回收的工作。而經現場審查及教育訓練後,並印製審查報告書,內容包括加油站申請案之審查結果及該站之維護保養手冊,分別寄送至環保署及該加油站,共完成441站之審查報告書。並於七天內完成環保署加油站油氣回收資料庫建檔及更新。此外審查合格的加油站則於一個月以後再度至現場追蹤輔導複查,督促並確保加油站依所提申請計畫書內容確實持續進行油氣回收設施的維護保養工作。追蹤輔導複查氣油比抽測合格率百分之百達60.6﹪,而合格率維持百分之在八十以上未達全部合格的加油站佔了31.6﹪。對於追蹤輔導複查不合格的加油站已要求改善,並對合格率維持百分之在八十以下的加油站再持續追蹤輔導直至完成改善為止。對於相關訓練參考資訊之製作方面,除了更新以往的加油員訓練教材及維護保養手冊之外。亦設計規劃製作了適合作為加油員訓練之用的卡通教材,及適合作為加油站管理者工作之參考的加油站空氣保護工作指南,並主動蒐集國外油氣回收計畫推動情形供未來相關計畫的參考。同時,將所製作的教材與資料放在環保署的相關網站上供民眾參考,而動畫卡通式加油員訓練教材VCD版,亦透過加油站供油體系發送至全省各加油站。另外,透過對國內各設備廠商評鑑,提供給業者公開的資訊以獲得更好的服務。本計畫所審查通過的441座加油站,於現場訪查加油站統計的發油總量,根據美國AP-42排放係數推估,油氣排放推估每年將可減少2,292公噸的揮發性有機物排放量。總計歷年來(86年3月13日至91年12月31日止)接受環保署補助設置油槍油氣回收設備的加油站座數已達1,767座,佔目前加油站總數的77.1﹪。以往加油站較不注重設備施工品質,而在環保署推動加油站油氣回收功能檢測後,降低地下油氣管線積油阻塞情形確保油氣回收效能,減少油氣洩漏。在排除設備施工品質不良的因素後,人員對油氣回收設備操作習慣與定期的檢查、維修保養無疑是最主要的關鍵。雖然,油氣回收設備的好壞佔了一定比例的影響,但人員正確的操作習慣可以彌補設備先天不足的缺點。在「加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法」公告後,加油站的管理進入法制化的階段,為規範加油站業者維護油槍油氣回收設備正常運作。 The Test and Inspection of the Subsidy Applications Submitted by Gas Stations Intalled Vacuum Assist Phase Ⅱ Vapor Recovery The objectives of this project were to: 1.inspect the subsidy applications submitted by gas stations installed vacuum assist Phase II vapor recovery system. 2.ensure the operators of subsidized gas stations following the properly operation guidance to operate vapor recovery system.3.promote the abilities of subsidized gas station operators to maintain and repair vapor recovery system.There are two procedures to qualify each subsidy application. The first step is the document inspection to qualify the applications. Then, the second step is three test procedures conducted to quantify the performance of Phase II vapor recovery systems installed at gasoline dispensing facilities, i.e. Air to Liquid Ratio(A/L)test, Leak Decay test and Dynamic Back Pressure test.According to the Gasoline Dispensing Facilities installed Vacuum Assist Phase II Vapor Recovery System Subsidy Regulation promulgated by EPA on July 24, 2002, 500 applications were submitted by gas stations. 441 applications were qualified for subsidy, 3 applications were disqualified for subsidy in non-compliance with document inspection, and 56 applications were disqualified for subsidy in non-compliance with the three tests. Among the 56 applications, 41.1﹪were in non-compliance with the Dynamic Back Pressure test criteria, 10.7﹪were in non-compliance with the Leak Decay test criteria, 1.8﹪were in non-compliance with the Air to Liquid Ratio test criteria, and 46.4﹪were in non-compliance with both the Dynamic Back Pressure test criteria and the Leak Decay test criteria.We providing DIY maintenance manual, cartoon VCD and on-site training courses to ensure the operators of gas stations following the properly operation guidance to operate vapor recovery system, and to promote the abilities of gas station operators to maintain and repair vapor recovery system during the three tests. Total operators attended on-site training courses were of 1,886 from 497 gas stations with an average grade of 92 points as per the evaluation tests. 091 空保處 工業技術研究院 環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2194
九十一年度固定污染源稽查及空污費管制計畫 為了有效管理及掌握固定空氣污染源排放狀況並改善日趨惡化之環境空氣品質,環保署亦於民國80年起執行「建立固定空氣污染源設置、變更及操作許可制度執行計畫」,著手進行臺灣地區許可制度的建立及推動。 none In order to effectively manage and control the changeless origin of pollution and to improve the quality of air, the Environmental Protection Administration implemented a project and its name is “Establish a system of how to establish、how to change and how to operate the changeless origin of pollution”. The purpose of this project is to establish and to push the permission system in Taiwan. 091 彰化縣環境保護局 彰化縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2242
九十一年度營建工程污染管制計畫 本計畫目標為健全營建工程巡查作業,整合提升空污費電腦收費系統及現行營建計畫資料庫系統。 none The objective of this project is to enforce the inspected system of public construction and to upgrade the computer system of the charge system of air pollution and the current construction project database system. 091 彰化縣環境保護局 彰化縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2240
畜牧廢水污染防治措施提升計畫 現行養豬業放流水標準最大限值為,化學需氧量(COD) 250 mg/L、懸浮固體(SS) 150 mg/L及生化需氧量(BOD) 80 mg/L。本計畫為使法規標準合理可行,達到管制執行的目的,以行政院農業委員會輔導改善養豬廢水處理設施計畫( 91年度)及環保署補助台南縣政府執行示範改善計畫(91年度)之養豬戶為對象共30場,設置功能足夠之畜牧廢水處理設施,並以其正常操作下之水質檢驗及功能評估結果,作為檢討合理的放流水標準之參考依據。本次檢討養豬業放流水標準,就廢水處理功能設計而言,選擇以符合行政院農業委員會輔導設置之固液分離、厭氧醱酵處理、好氧生物處理三段式廢水處理設施作為調查評估對象。採集30場次畜牧場正沖洗豬舍時之新鮮原廢水,分析得出現機率50%之CODt-P50為8,588 mg/L、BOD5-P50為3,849 mg/L及SS-P50為6,000 mg/L。趁糞便未沖散前撿糞或立即分離,才可減少固體物COD進入廢水處理系統,降低廢水處理系統之處理負荷。第一次現勘30場最終放流水水質,50%出現機率之水質為COD 486 mg/L,BOD5為81 mg/L,及SS為114 mg/L。第一次現勘,豬糞尿廢水產生懸浮固體量4,780 mg/L偏高,雖經固液分離設施可去除43%,仍殘留SS為2,720 mg/L。而厭氧生物程序,亦承受較重的懸浮固體及返送有機污染物之容積負荷量(5 kgSS/m3-day及3 kgCOD/m3-day)以上。後續喜氣活性污泥程序之大多數畜牧廢水處理場皆無污泥沉澱濃縮槽及沉泥返送迴流到曝氣槽之迴流系統,無法提高好氧生物濃度(MLVSS)高於1500 mg/L以上,以致活性污泥曝氣槽之容積負荷量雖調節至0.5 kgCOD/m3-day,其進流有機物之食微比仍居高,大於0.3 kgCOD/kgVSS-day,好氧生物分解效率難以提昇。經設施補助後,第二次現勘30場,50%出現機率之放流水水質為COD 575 mg/L,BOD5 110 mg/L,及SS 115 mg/L。係以正常操作廢水處理設施為前題,有13家係為較正常操作之廢水處理設施之畜牧業。此13場畜牧業,50%出現機率之水質為COD 440 mg/L,BOD5 105 mg/L,及SS 77 mg/L ,略有改善。由連續三日三場現場觀測之水質量測結果顯示:採行源頭撿糞者,可減少溶在水中豬糞尿的量,使原廢水有機污染物濃度降低,對廢水處理系統之處理負荷減少,使得廢水處理程序可穩定操作,放流水COD能低於250 mg/L;亦可減少機械設備維修費。就30場調查評估結果,一般養豬場活性污泥槽之溶氧,普遍低於0.5 mg/L,未提供足夠溶氧以進行生物分解;且分析正常操作廢水處理設施之13場,食微比F/M達0.23 kgCOD/kgVSS-day ,曝氣槽體積負荷量高達0.86 kgCOD/m3-day,負荷尚高;又生物易分解率BOD5/CODt-P50僅為0.17,而喜氣性微生物易分解溶解性CODs,結果放流水之BOD5/CODs-P50 高達0.39,顯示放流水中有機物仍有易受喜氣微生物分解之部份。故建議BOD宜維持現行管制標準以其微生物處理程序之功能。依調查統計資料顯示,30家輔導場在第二次現勘,放流水懸浮固體50%出現機率為115 mg/L。趨正常操作廢水處理設施之13家,其50%出現機率之放流水懸浮固體為 77 mg/L,為符合放流水標準;且廢水中懸浮固體之去除,係屬於物理處理,為較易去除之污染物,若SS濃度過高,則增設浮渣擋板,即能避免浮渣經溢流堰進入放流槽。COD之處理,困難在於微生物對溶解性COD之有效分解,而生物處理技術為一般養豬戶的困擾所在。且依統計資料顯示,三段式廢水處理設施在一般操作下50%出現機率之放流水COD為575 mg/L,正常操作廢水處理設施下COD50%出現機率為440 mg/L,建議COD標準調整於400-600 mg/L範圍內。又考量BOD及SS並非具處理技術困難度,且正常操作廢水處理設施情形下即能達成,及考量水體之污染承受力與自淨能力,建議維持現行管制標準。 Upgrading study on Pollution Control Measurement of Live-stocking Wastewater Treatment The regulatory effluent standards of live-stocking wastewater have the following maximum limits : COD<250mg/L, SS<150 mg/L and BOD<80mg/L. That were announced in 1991.With regards to realistic capability of the wastewater treatment facilities existed in most of the pig-house, the COD effluent standard was readjusted to the limit of 400mg/L in 1998. In order to upgrade the process performance of the live-stocking wastewater treatment plant, the Agriculture Council and Environmental Protection Administration provided the financial support to the pig-house farmers for upgrading the treatment facilities in 2002. From a large number of the supported pig-house farms, this study selected 30 plants with different scales of wastewater treatment plant in different locations in Taiwan. Most of them have a typical three-stage treatment process to eliminate the pollutants in the live-stocking wastewater i.e. the first stage of mechanical screening unit for manure solid separation, the second stage of an aerobic digester for organic waste fermentation, and the third stage of aerobic activated sludge unit for polishing biodegradation of organic pollutants. During two investigation periods in this winter season, the statistic data of these 30 plants show the pollutant concentrations appeared with 50% of probability as the following: CODt-P50 : 8,588 mg/L ,the soluble BOD-P50 : 3,849 mg/L, and SS-P50 : 6,000 mg/L are investigated in the raw wastewater tanks of pig-house. The clarified effluent concentrations were investigated with 50% of probability as the following: COD : 486 mg/L, BOD : 81 mg/L, and SS : 114 mg/L in first survey; then, COD : 575 mg/L, BOD : 110 mg/L, and SS : 115 mg/L in the second survey.With industrious picking work of soil-manure. Separating from the raw wastewater, the final effluent could reach good quality of COD less than 250 mg/L. Therefore, the COD concentration of effluent standard is suggested to be readjusted to the more reasonable range within 400~600 mg/L according to the existed process performance of the live-stocking wastewater treatme 091 水保處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2204
九十一年度擴大宣導移動污染源管制策略計畫 南投縣政府環境保護局為加強移動污染源的管制,落實機車定期檢驗、保養的觀念,執行「擴大宣導移動污染源管制策略計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),以多元化宣導方式,督促民眾儘快完成機車排氣定檢,除可避免罰鍰外,也可以有效改善南投縣的空氣品質。 none The objective of this project is to effectively manage the removable origins of pollution. This project also aims to carry out the periodic exam of motorcycle and execute the “expanding the management of removable origins of pollution”. By the using the method of instructing, the local government hopes to push the public people to complete the periodic exam of exhaust. 091 南投縣政府環境保護局 南投縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2260
全國十年以上加油站及大型儲槽潛在污染源調查計畫(丙) 全國十年以上加油站及大型儲槽潛在污染源調查計畫(丙計畫)期末報告-摘要計畫名稱:全國十年以上加油站及大型儲槽潛在污染源調查計畫(丙)審議編號:EPA-91-GA13-03-91A171主管機關:行政院環境保護署執行單位:峰將工程顧問股份有限公司計畫主持人:賴俊良 連絡人:高平洲連絡電話:04-23582225 傳真號碼:04-23582187期程:91年6月26日至92年6月25日經費:(全程):壹仟柒佰柒拾萬元整 (年度): 仟元執行情形:年報 一、基本摘要內容:1.執行進度: 預定工作量 實際工作量 達成率(%) 1.1大型儲槽基本資料調查 1031座 1031座 100 1.2提出檢驗數據品保規劃書 乙式二十份 乙式二十份 100 1.3土壤氣體採樣分析 2062個樣品 2062個樣品 100 1.4土壤氣體調查初步篩選 26座 26座 100 1.5土壤採樣分析作業 400個樣品 403個樣品 100 1.6地下水採樣分析作業 400個樣品 407個樣品 100 1.7資料庫維護與更新 乙式 乙式 100 1.8緊急應變與管制方案研擬 乙式 乙式 100 1.9配合污染場址緊急應變 18處 18處 100 總進度:100%(分成兩大階段,已完成所有工作計畫書規定之工作內容。)2.主要執行內容: (1) 辦理1031座大型儲槽調查,以九十年環保署初步調查之大型儲槽為主要調查對象,調查區域原則上包含宜蘭縣、基隆市、台北市、台北縣、桃園縣、新竹市、新竹縣、台中縣、南投縣、雲林縣大型儲槽區,並做丙、丁兩計畫之大型儲槽區偵測結果總彙整及資料庫建置。(2) 進行大於(含)100公秉大型儲槽區之基本資料調查、土壤氣體採樣及分析,土壤氣體檢測項目為儲槽現在及曾經儲存物質及其他有機化合物,其中土壤氣體採樣之點數依照各事業單位儲槽數多寡、槽區規模大小而異,每個儲槽至少採取兩點。(3) 根據前項之初步調查結果,篩選污染潛勢較高之大型儲槽進行土壤及地下水採樣,土壤及地下水分析項目包括儲槽現在及曾經儲存物質、有機化合物及其可能衍生物、土壤及地下水管制標準所列之有機化合物、芳香族及氯化碳氫化合物等,上述兩種分析之樣品數分別不得少於400個。(4) 負責大型儲槽區調查結果之整合,進行「台灣地區大型石化儲槽資料庫」檢討並重新規劃設計,並將全國大型儲槽之監測結果鍵入資料庫(丁計畫執行單位配合執行)。(5) 根據調查結果,評估及列出可能潛在污染場址,並進行大型儲槽滲漏調查、具體管制方案(包括從污染之虞、滲漏調查、停業、復業及後續相關管制等)及緊急應變之研擬。二、主管機關要求之內容:依照本計畫目標,工作重點乃辦理中、北區共計1031座大型儲槽基本資料調查,及進行大於(含)100公秉大型儲槽區土壤氣體採樣及分析,以作為初步篩選潛在污染源之依據。 Investigate large aboveground tanks with the holding capacity greater than 100 kiloliters (KL). According to the contract, this project has accomplished tasks such as digitalization of cadastre, farmland listing, basic information collecting, field investigation, sampling & analysis planning, field sampling, soil sample analysis, data evaluation, suggestion of contaminated farmland control, and analysis of potential pollution sources and transfer routes.Based on the results of the previous screening, verification of soil and groundwater quality of the five selected sites from the second stage investigation was performed and to be provided to EPA as a base of the following legal action. The five selected sites were one (1) in Yi Lan County, CPC Oil Supply Center, and four (4) in Tai chong County, Hon Shu Company, Yi Shen Storage Company, Yong Sheng Storage Company and Huei Chau Company. Additionally, this project conducted the verification sampling of 13 other facilities provided by EPA and the total site investigation of this stage was 18, among which 10 sites were verified that soil and/or groundwater at the sites contained regulated chemicals over action levels. The 10 sites were four in the large tank investigation project and six in gas station investigation project. 091 土污基管會 峰將工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2266
工業區污水下水道系統管理計畫 檢討修正工業區污水下水道系統之管理制度,研修污水下水道系統水污染防治相關法規,包括水污染防治法施行細則、事業水污染防治措施管理辦法、許可申請相關辦法、檢測申報管理辦法等,並進行相關表單之訂定,以做為相關許可申請之配套;編製各項許可申請審理業務之作業指南及開發檢測申報審查系統,提供地方環保單位審理相關許可之參考,減少審查作業時間與人力,因應電子化的趨勢,建置 貴署網路化之「水污染源管理資訊系統」及定期檢測申報網路申報系統,有效改善 貴署與地方環保單位資料時差及資料不一致之情況、製作問答集、工業區水污染大事紀及網頁,提供資料之查詢及查詢管道;分析 貴署之水污染源管制資料管理系統,應用於資訊公開內容之查詢及相關水污染管制報表之提供,並定期維護及異動比對資料庫,確保資料庫之品質。 Industrial Park Sewage System Management Project It is a part of the scope in this project to review the Industrial Park Sewage System management and the Water Pollution Control Act related regulations, including the Water Pollution Control Act Implementation Guideline, the Industrial Wastewater Pollution Control Management Regulation, the related permit regulation, the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) management regulation, and the revision of related forms in response to the related permit amendments. The project has also compiled the application/approval guildlines of related permit and completed building a routine inspection reporting system to save time and manpower needed for the approval process. In order to follow the electronic trends, it is also required in this project to build the Internet website for water pollution management information system and DMR system to effectively improve the communication between EPA and The Responsible Agencies at various government levels in terms of data timing and consistency. The project has also completed the Q&A,the Industrial Park water pollution event memorandum and the website channel for Sewage System consultation . The water pollution management information system data bank will be available to public information request and statistic report. The information system has been routinely maintained and updated to assure its data bank’s quality. 091 水保處 財團法人中技社環境技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2270
資源回收再利用施行細則及相關子法訂定計畫 本計畫遵照九十一年七月三日總統公布之資源回收再利用法之架構,完成規劃、評估或擬定下列草案,共計一組織規程、三公告、一辦法、一核准要點及施行細則,工作簡要分項說明如后:(一) 依第五條第三項之規定,訂定再生資源回收再利用促進委員會組織規程草案(已於92.07.02公布)。(二) 依第十三條第二項之規定,研訂公告限制或禁止使用特定物品、包裝及容器之公私場所相關事宜。(三) 依第十五條第三項之規定,評估檢討目前依廢棄物清理法公告再利用之一般廢棄物及事業廢棄物作為再生資源之可行性,及其再生利用之可行方式。(四) 依第十五條第四項之規定,擬以環保署為目的事業主管機關之事業對於再生資源再生利用之清運、貯存方法、設施規範、再生利用規範、紀錄及其他應遵行事項之管理辦法草案 (已於92.06.25公告)。(五) 依第十五條第五項之規定,訂定以環保署為目的事業主管機關之事業申請再生利用未經公告為再生資源項目之申請及審核作業要點草案,及訂定再生利用計畫書格式及內容。(六) 針對我國亟須訂定國家標準之再生資源、再生產品進行評估,必要時研訂一項國家標準草案。(七) 依第二十二條第二項規定,研訂應優先採購之環境保護產品、再生資源或再生產品應含再生資源之一定比例之公告草案。(八) 訂定資源回收再利用法施行細則草案。除完成以上各項子法之分析與擬定外,本計畫並探討資源回收再利用法施行後可能產生之疑問、以及未來整體修法建議內容,供環保署未來執行及調整現行相關制度及管理規範時之參考。 Project of Drafting the Enforcement Rule and the Related Regulations for the Resource Recycling & Reuse Act This project develops some draft regulations about the Resource Recycling & Reuse Act (hereafter referred to as “the Act”), that was promulgated on July 3, 2002, including:1. The Renewable Resource Recycling and Reuse Promotion Committee’s organizational rule pursuant to Section 3 of Article 5 of the Act. 2. Some restrictions on or prohibition of the use of goods, packaging, or containers pursuant to Section 2 of Article 13 of the Act.3. In case of the EPA as the central industry competent authority, the feasibility study of the recycling waste list pursuant to the Waste Disposal Act depending on the conditions of recyclable resources items that may be reprocessed pursuant to Section 3 of Article 15 of the Act.4. In case of the EPA as the central industry competent authority, the management measures regarding collection, transport, and storage methods, facilities standards, reprocessing standards, records, and other binding matters with regard to the reprocessing of reprocessed resources pursuant to Section 4 of Article 15 of the Act.5. In case of the EPA as the central industry competent authority, draft measure which used for submit from enterprise reuse or reprocessing plans for items not yet announced to be renewable resources pursuant to Section 5 of Article 15 of the Act..6. National standards of renewable resources and reprocessed products pursuant to Article 16 of the Act when necessary.7. The list of the environment-protecting products, renewable resources, and certain percentage of renewable resources that must be preferentially purchased by government agencies, public schools, state-run enterprises and organizations, and military organizations pursuant to Section 1 of Article 22 of the Act. 8. The enforcement rule of this Act pursuant to Article 30 of the Act.Besides, this project also discusses the differences between the Waste Disposal Act and the Resource Recycling & Reuse Act, and provides the implementation suggestions as well as the key points of amendments in the future. 091 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2276
南投縣九十一年度河川水質監測計畫 本年度計畫執行期間為民國91年7月~92年7月,因91年11月起疏濬工程停工,濁水溪水質隨即明顯獲得改善。由年度監測結果顯示,氨氮及SS是主要污染項目,就整體而言,南投烏溪及濁水溪水質並無出現重大惡化之改變。 none The objective of this project is to inspect the water quality of rivers. The results showed that the pollution is mainly caused by ammonia、azote and SS. In general, the water qualities of Wu river and Cho-Shui river have not been significantly changed. 091 南投縣政府環境保護局 南投縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2246
全國十年以上加油站及大型儲槽潛在污染源調查計畫(乙) 本計畫主要調查彰化縣(部分)、雲林縣、嘉義縣(市)、台南縣(市)、高雄縣(市)、屏東縣、花蓮縣、台東縣及澎湖縣等十二個縣市共400座加油站之基本資料及土壤及地下水污染潛勢。本計畫共完成400座加油站、5018支測漏管油氣之LEL(Lower Explosion Level,低爆炸下限)、PID(Photoionization Detector,光離子檢測儀)、FID(Flame Ionization Detector,火焰離子檢測儀)及功能檢測(包括管蓋開啟、積水、透氣性等),其中功能檢測不合格之測漏管數共616支,佔總檢測數之12.3%。依據測漏管油氣及功能檢測結果研判可能之污染潛勢,並予分級後共篩選164座需進一步調查之加油站進行測漏管油氣及土壤氣體採樣分析工作。於進行測漏管油氣及土壤氣體採樣分析工作之164站中,本計畫共檢測402個測漏管油氣樣品,404個土壤氣體樣品。並依據各樣品苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯及總石油碳氫化合物之分析結果,篩選出58座加油站進行土壤及地下水檢測工作。於所調查之58座加油站土壤及地下水樣品中,計有台南市一心加油站等35站之檢測結果疑似有污染之虞。為進一步確認其污染狀況,環保署指示本計畫及丙、丁子計畫共同辦理35座加油站之污染查證工作。依據查證結果顯示,計有19站之土壤或地下水污染物濃度超過管制標準,建議後續應依「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之規定進行相關管制措施。本計畫另完成「地下儲槽系統防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備審查及監測紀錄表填寫說明」內容之檢討修正;並研擬加油站滲漏調查、管制方案及緊急應變程序供環保主管機關參考。 Potential Contamination Sources Investigation Plan for 10-years-old Gas Station and Large Tank Sites, Sub-plan B Sinotech Engineering Consultants Ltd. completed the “Potential Contamination Sources Investigation Plan for 10-years-old Gas Station and Large Tank Sites, Sub-plan B”. In this plan, the background and pollution potential of underground environment in total 400 gas stations in southern Taiwan had been investigated.In Phase I Investigation, we inspected 400 gas stations and 5,018 soil vapor monitoring wells by using LEL(Lower Explosion Level) detector, PID(Photoionization Detector) and FID(Flame Ionization Detector) and checked the capabilities of those wells (including the cap could be opened or not, water accumulation and ventilation test, etc.). There were 616 soil vapor-monitoring wells failed. According to investigation results, 164 gas stations were screened to enter the next step (Phase II). In Phase II Investigation, we inspected 164 gas stations, sampled and analyzed 402 soil vapor samples from monitoring wells and 404 samples from direct push process. Base on the analyzing values of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), 58 gas stations were sieved out to do soil and groundwater sampling investigation. (Phase III) According to the analyzing results of soil and groundwater samples, 35 gas stations have higher pollution potential among 58 gas stations. In order to confirm the pollution situation, Taiwan EPA assigned 35 gas stations to Sub-plan B、Sub-plan C and Sub-plan D to conduct the identification task. According to the identification results,19 gas stations were exceeding the “Soil Pollution Control Standards ” or the “Groundwater Pollution Control Standards”. Taiwan EPA have to do the follow-up control according to the “Soil and Groundwater pollution Remediation Rules”。 The “Criteria Examining of Groundwater Pollution Preventing Facilities and Monitoring Equipment of the UST System and Records Writing” has been reviewed and corrected in this plan. The initial steps of gas station leakage investigation, control plans and emergency process were also completed. 091 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2288
中小型廢棄物焚化爐、煉鋼業電弧爐及非鐵金屬冶煉業戴奧辛排放減量改善計畫 本計畫執行成果摘要說明如下:(一)建置中小型焚化爐基本資料庫:330座本計畫完成建置中小型焚化爐基本資料庫計330座,超出計劃目標值(300座),達成率為110%,其中包括中型焚化爐13座,小型廢焚化爐317座。(二)戴奧辛污染減量改善工作:70座(廠)本計畫完成焚化爐43座、電弧爐22廠及非鐵金屬冶煉業5廠,共70座(廠),超出計畫目標(67座(廠)),達成率104.5%。1.本計畫完成執行10座中型、30座小型及3廠大型廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛現勘評估工作,並提供業者「戴奧辛污染改善建議書」,彙整「中型/小型焚化爐主要缺失及改善建議表」,確實掌握污染現況,提供環保署參考。並持續追蹤各廠戴奧辛污染改善狀況,彙整「焚化爐戴奧辛改善追蹤表」,定期回報環保署,以確實掌握焚化爐戴奧辛污染改善進度。同時,協助4座中型(永豐餘成功廠、南亞資源回收廠、中鋼公司及榮成紙業)、6座小型(中央印製廠檢銷所、高雄長庚、奇美公司、中石化大社廠、高雄醫療及永光化學)廢棄物焚化爐完成戴奧辛污染改善,並符合法規。根據檢測數據及排放係數推估中型焚化爐戴奧辛年削減量約50.175 g-TEQ/年,小型焚化爐戴奧辛年削減量約18.3353 g-TEQ/年。2.本計畫完成執行煉鋼業電弧爐戴奧辛污染改善現勘評估工作22廠,並提供業者「戴奧辛污染改善建議書」,彙整「煉鋼業電弧爐主要缺失及改善建議表」,確實掌握污染現況,減量成效為30.54 g-TEQ/年。同時,完成電弧爐戴奧辛本土化控制技術評估分析,以提供業者做為戴奧辛污染改善參考。3.本計畫完成執行非鐵金屬冶煉業戴奧辛污染改善現勘評估工作5廠,其中包括鋁二次冶煉2廠及銅二次冶煉3廠,並提供業者「戴奧辛污染改善建議書」,彙整「非鐵金屬冶煉業主要缺失及改善建議表」,確實掌握污染現況。並依據風險評估結果,完成研擬「銅鋁二次熔煉爐戴奧辛管制及排放標準」草案。同時,完成非鐵金屬冶煉業戴奧辛本土化控制技術評估分析,以提供業者做為戴奧辛污染改善參考。(三)技術手冊:四冊完成「中小型廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛污染改善準則手冊」、「中小型廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛污染現場查核標準作業手冊」、「電弧爐戴奧辛污染改善準則手冊」及「電弧爐戴奧辛污染現場查核標準作業手冊」四大手冊,提供業者及環保機關人員參考。(四)相關研討會與訓練講習會為了提昇國內戴奧辛污染控制能力,本計畫完成辦理「焚化爐戴奧辛污染減量改善成果示範觀摩會」二場次(158人次)、「戴奧辛污染防制技術研討會」一場次(224人次)及「戴奧辛污染查核訓練講習會」四場次(56人次/場)。 Project on Reduction of Dioxin Emission for Small and Medium Types of Incinerators in Solid Waste, Arc Furnace in Steelmaking Industry, Non-Iron Smelting Industry (A) Buildup of the databank for small and medium types of incinerators: 330 stands(B) Project item for reduction of dioxin emission: 70 stands or factories.In this project item, we have consulted 43 stands of incinerators, 22 factories of arc furnace, and 5 factories in non-iron smelting industry in which achievement in totality of consultant is to exceed the project goal of 67 stands or factories and the reaching ratio is 104.5%.We have also assisted 4 medium and 6 small in the reduction of dioxin emission of incinerators for solid waste. The amount of dioxin reduction for medium incinerators was 50.175g-TEQ/yr. The amount of dioxin reduction for small incinerators was 18.3353g-TEQ/yr. The amount of dioxin reduction for arc furnace was 30.54 g-TEQ/yr. At the same time, we have also finished the assessment report of domestic dioxin control technology of arc furnace and non-iron smelting industry. On the basis of the risk assessment, we proposed the draft of “control and emission standard of dioxin for the arc furnace in secondary copper and aluminum smelting industries”. (C) Finish writing technical guideline: 4 volumesWe have finished “Technical guideline for reduction of dioxin emission in small and medium types of solid waste incinerators”, “Criteria for on-site auditing the pollution by dioxin emitting in small and medium types of solid waste incinerators”, “Technical guideline for reduction of dioxin emission in arc furnace”, and “Criteria for on-site auditing the pollution by dioxin emitting in arc furnace”. It’s supposed that the 4 said technical guidelines could be provided as references for dioxin emission-relative worker and officer of environmental agent. (D) Hold conferences and training courseswe hold 2 exhibitions for reduction of dioxin emission in incinerator, a conference for dioxin control technology, and 4 training courses for surveying of dioxin pollutant. 091 空保處 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2298
九十一、九十二年度固定污染源空氣污染防制費申報資料建檔、初審、查核、帳目核對暨分析計畫 本計畫於環保署指導下順利推動空污費徵收作業,並於91年5月分別成立北、南諮詢服務窗口提供多元化便民服務,派駐專業人力執行空氣污染防制費申報資料建檔、初審、查核、帳目核對分析作業,充分達成精省行政資源、簡化徵收作業,彰顯政府施政效能之目標。 The Data Establishment,Primary Review, Account Audit, Account Verification and Analytic Plan of 2002/2003 Stationary Source Air Pollution Control Fee Collection The project teams have set up consulting service office of air pollution control fees in Taipei and Kaohsiung respectively in May of 2002. Constructed the communication and internet devices required for the operation system, stationed the air pollution control fees evaluation experienced engineers which are in charge of the evaluation, consulting, investigation, accounts checking and file establishment of air pollution control fees application among public and private institutes. 091 空保處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2310
固定污染源揮發性有機空氣污染物管制策略規劃與減量措施推動計畫 本年度計畫目標,主要包括推動固定源揮發性有機物排放調查作業、研訂分區分期之固定源揮發性有機物整體管制策略、增修訂十三項固定源揮發性有機物管制法規、建立固定源揮發性有機物收費制度、規劃固定源有機性有害空氣污染物排放調查作業及管制策略,以及揮發性有機物排放管制宣導與訓練。完成工作項目包括(1)推動排放調查作業:協助排放量申報制度推動,掌握3,084件製程,完成10項行業排放係數建立與排放量計算手冊,建立排放量訂正作業模式及查核制度,可據以結合考評制度持續推動全國排放調查,並完成固定源資料庫查核分析,配合地方單位調查確認,資料更新率達50%,同時完成排放量前50大工廠清單之建立;(2)研訂管制策略:完成管制策略整體架構規劃,提出近、中程推動控制對策11、14項,納管排放量25%、37%,實施後減量7%、15%,並評估北、中、雲嘉南及高屏四空品區之近中長程控制對策實施後減量,配合空氣品質模式模擬,展現四空品區減量措施管制後所致臭氧改善成效,及將臭氧改善量換算為以臭氧指標物之PSI > 100比例,顯示高屏空品區推動近中程減量措施可達成空氣品質改善目標;(3)法規檢討與增修訂:完成既有5項行業法規修訂及新增8項行業法規草案研訂,及提出推動法規公告之期程,近程施行10項行業法規後減量8.6萬公噸/年,佔全國行業12%:中程施行13項行業法規之減量11.0萬公噸/年,佔全國行業15%;(4)建立收費制度:完成空污費徵收用途評估,建議採實際排放量徵收,並以非甲烷碳氫化合物為收費費基,而費率可以平均成本為基礎研訂具差別費率之空污費。徵收對象建議以固定點源優先,排放量達一定規模以上者依實際排放量繳費,其排放量計算方式依排放係數申報為第一順位,並完成收費作業與管理系統規劃,並以開徵時機為95年後推動提出各項收費前置作業期程;(5)有害空氣污染物管制規劃:完成解析美、歐、亞等國有害空氣污染物管制策略,大多數國家採技術基準與健康風險基準二種策略制度並行,而排放調查作業參考加州經驗,以二階段期程逐步建立排放清冊,並提出作業需求要項,同時納入固定源排放申報系統。完成規劃固定源有機性有害空氣污染物管制策略及推動機制,以民國100年為執行目標年規劃管制策略推動期程,先以控制技術標準為管制基準,管制排放量達一定規模以上污染源。續以健康風險考量對區內重大污染源要求進一步減量,以達保護民眾健康;(6)宣導與訓練:完成編印加油站、乾洗店及民眾類海報計20,200份,及辦理19場次訓練座談會,包括排放量申報制度推動說明會2場次、法規座談會11場次及加油站油氣回收設備訓練班6場次。 Promotion Project of Control Strategies and Reduction Measures for Air Pollutants-VOCs of Stationary Sources The objectives of this project are (1) to promote the survey of VOCs emission from stationary sources, (2) to propose VOCs control strategies for stationary sources, (3)to review and revise 13 regulations of VOCs emission control of stationary sources, (4)to establish the air pollution control fees system of VOCs for stationary sources, (5)to prepare plan of emission survey and control strategies of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) for stationary sources, (6)to conduct propaganda and training activities related to VOCs emission control. 091 空保處 財團法人中技社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2290
全國十年以上加油站及大型儲槽潛在污染源調查計畫(丁) 行政院環保署於民國89年2月公告『土壤及地下水污染整治法』,對保護土壤及地下水環境向前邁一大步;並自民國84年起,針對分布國內各處之加油站及事業單位大型儲槽進行滲漏調查,且已獲得初步成果。為能持續對加油站及大型儲槽可能造成的污染進行管制及防範,環保署特於民國91年繼續辦理『全國十年以上加油站及大型儲槽潛在污染源調查計畫』(以下簡稱本案),預期藉由持續實地調查及採樣分析,使加油站及大型儲槽之污染防制更臻完善。由世環科技工程股份有限公司結合森品環境科技股份有限公司及國立高雄海洋技術學院海洋環境工程系所組成之專案團隊,獲選承辦本案丁計畫,負責於本案執行期間,調查分佈於台灣中南部地區91處場址共1,097座大型儲槽之污染潛勢。經由儲槽區第一階段土壤氣體採樣檢測篩選,與第二階段調查場址土壤與地下水採樣分析數據彙整與評估,丁計畫所調查之91處場址中,有11處大型儲槽工廠場址之地下水樣品檢測值疑似超過環保署「地下水污染管制標準」所列限值。環保署彙整各個子計畫所完成場址調查評估結果,共篩選出51處場址依據行政區域位置劃分為三組,?計畫團隊負責辦理分布於嘉義縣、台南縣、高雄縣市、及屏東縣之17處場址,總共有8家加油站與9處大型儲槽工廠場址之查核驗證工作。污染評估查證結果發現台塑新港廠、中石化大社廠、台灣氯乙烯林園廠、紘洋化學高雄廠,與統一精工自立加油站、展利加油站、及山隆東港加油站等七處場址屬於確認污染場址,建議應即辦理污染控制改善作業,以免污染情形持續擴大。 Potential Contamination Source Investigation Plan for 10-years-old Gas Station and Large Tank Site, Sub-plan D Uni-Environmental Corp. jointed with J&L Environmental Technology Ltd. and National Kaohsiung Institute of Marine Technology (“The team”) had completed the “Potential Contamination Sources Investigation Plan for 10-years-old Gas Station and Large Tank Sites, Sub-plan D”, which was contracted by Taiwan EPA.The work scopes of the Sub-plan D were conducted in three consecutive phases. In Phase I site investigation, soil gas samples were collected from tanks areas and sent to lab for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOC). Based on soil gas testing results, 29 sites were selected for Phase II soil and groundwater investigation. During Phase II work, the team had collected 400 soil samples and 400 groundwater samples, respectively, from concerned areas in the 29 selected sites. Soil and groundwater samples were then analyzed for parameters regulated by Taiwan EPA. Comparison results of testing data revealed that the groundwater beneath eleven tank sites could have been contaminated. The team was then assigned by Taiwan EPA to conduct the Phase III identification task for those potential contaminated sites, which includes 8 gas stations and 9 large tank sites. According to test results, concentrations of soil and/or groundwater samples from seven sites were exceeding the “Controlling Standards” regulated by Taiwan EPA. Based on the contamination evaluation results, the team suggested Taiwan EPA requesting the seven confirmed contaminated sites to conduct further detail investigation and remediation tasks to control contamination situation immediately. For those sites with groundwater testing results have not yet exceeded “Controlling Standards”, further monitoring program was also recommended. 091 土污基管會 世環科技工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2302
公告指定容器類暨潤滑油類責任業者營業量查核計畫 容器類責任業者依據其製造、輸入型態,可概分為「容器製造業者」、「容器輸入業者」、「容器商品製造業者」、「容器商品輸入業者」及「應繳費容器製造業者」等五類。其中,容器製造業者係生產製造容器,並將容器提供予容器商品製造業者裝填環保署公告之物質種類後,製成容器商品。因此,容器製造業者所申報之營業量(容器銷售量)係容器商品製造業者所申報繳費之營業量(容器購入量),爰此,上游之容器製造業者申報量可據以勾稽下游之容器商品業者申報繳費量是否正確,是否涉及短漏申報繳納回收清除處理費,並可依其勾稽比對結果作為容器商品製造業者查核對象之篩選依據。另因應民國九十三年七月起即將解除「潤滑油」公告列管政策,有必要針對已列管潤滑油業者,全面清查是否有短漏或溢繳回收清除處理費情事,以符公平正義之原則。有鑑於此,基管會規畫本計畫案為實驗性質,主要在測試透過上、下游容器類責任業者勾稽比對方式進行查核之成效,及以書面審查擴大查核廣度之效果,自營業量申報系統資料庫進行選樣之構思是否為可行及有效,故委託本所執行本計畫,計畫內容係利用營業量申報系統資料庫進行選樣針對容器製造業者及容器商品製造業者展開現場查核作業外,並輔以容器商品業者及潤滑油業者之書面審查作業。截至民國九十二年九月三十日止現場查核容器製造業者、容器商品製造業者及農環藥業者共一百六十一家、書面審查容器商品製造業者及農環藥業者共五百三十八家及潤滑油業者之書面審查(不列入益本比計算)共一百一十家,現場查核短漏應補繳金額計26,971,872元,另核算受查業書面審查應補繳金額計6,826,895元,共計查核短漏金額為33,798,767元,益本比達6.71,未包括容器商品業者現場查核宏亞食品股份有限公司及活寶食品股份有限公司民國八十七年一月至八十八年十二月短漏金額2,431,384元,此部份將由業者自行向基管會申報,若將此數併入計算,則短漏金額共計36,230,151元,益本比為7.19倍。 Project on the sales volume of containers and lubricating oil responsible enterprise There are five categories of Responsible Enterprise: “Manufacturers of containers”, “Importers of containers”, “Manufacturers of container products”, “Importers of container products”, and “Manufacturers of payable container products”. Among those five categories, Manufacturers of containers produce containers and provide them to the Manufacturers of the container products for filling and producing container products. When reporting importation volume to the Customs, the foregoing importers shall also report material of the containers and other information regarding articles or container’s specification designated by the Responsible Agency at Central Government Level. The regulation on “lubricating oil” will be terminated in July, 2004, as a result, a complete recheck on recycling and clearance is essential. For this reason, Recycling Fund Management Board plan this experimental project to test upstream and downstream container Responsible Enterprise with random recheck method and review on written documents to increase the effects. Our firm is entrusted in this matter to determine the feasibility of this project that makes use of the sale volume registration system, rechecks the on-the-spot operation process, and further review the written operation of the manufacturers. Until September 30, 2003, view of the scene on Manufacturers of container, Manufacturer of container products, Sellers of pesticides including 161 companies in total, and view on the written documents on Manufacturers of container products, Sellers of pesticides including 538 companies in total, and Sellers of lubricating oil including 110 companies in total, the deferred payment on view of the scene is NT$26,971,872 in total, and the deferred payment on view of the written document is NT$6,826,895, totally NT$33,798,767, yield is 6.71. 091 基管會 致遠會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2332
PH3、AsH3、CF4、SiH4、SF6等13項污染物檢測方法之研究 吸取式FTIR檢測方法,為一現場操作直接取樣分析、不需任何前處理的檢測方法,可適用於半導體製造業排放管道及空氣中污染物之檢測。本研究旨在建立排放管道及空氣中PH3、AsH3、CF4、SiH4、C2F6、CHF3、NF3、WF6、SF6、HCF2CF2CH2OH、(CH3)2SO、(C2H5O)4Si、SiCl2H2等13項污染物檢測方法。因SiCl2H2在大氣中極易水解,本研究建立其餘12種污染物之FTIR氣體標準定量圖譜及分析方法,並依據檢測標準方法驗證準則,完成吸取式FTIR檢測方法之檢量線、方法偵測極限、濃度適用範圍、精密度、準確度之測試與驗證。另以FTIR定性與定量分析法進行污染物混合氣體圖譜分析,及選定科學園區內二座排放管道及周界完成檢測方法驗證。最後依據測試與驗證結果完成檢測方法草案。本研究建立之12項污染物吸取式FTIR氣體分析法之方法偵測極限(MDL),皆低於此12項污染物之恕限值(TLV),應可合乎民國八十八年一月六日頒佈「半導體製造業空氣污染管制及排放標準」之檢測需求。惟對工廠周界污染物檢測靈敏度需求,除PH3與AsH3外,其餘10種化合物之偵測極限均可滿足需求。 Study of the Test Methods for 13 Polluants Including PH3, AsH3, CF4, SiH4, and SF6 Extractive Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometry is a directive sampling and analytical method in the field, without any sample pretreatment, suitable for the analysis of pollutants in atmosphere air and emission exhaust of the semiconductor manufacturing industry.This study was aimed to establish the procedural and Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) bases for gaseous concentration measurements of 13 pollutants, i.e., PH3, AsH3, CF4, SiH4, C2F6, CHF3, NF3, WF6, SF6, HCF2CF2CH2OH, (CH3)2SO, (C2H5O)4Si, and SiCl2H2, in emission exhaust and atmosphere air. Since SiCl2H2 is rapidly hydrolysed in the atmosphere air, the FTIR Gaseous Standard Quantitative Spectra and analytical methods of other 12 pollutants were developed in this study. This test methods have been tested and validated according to the “Principle of the Validation of Test Method”, including the validations of calibration curve, method detection limit, concentration range, precision, and accuracy. We have employed an appropriate mathematical analysis to determine the preliminary analyte concentrations of mixed spectra. For field validation test, we have made measurements on the gases of two emission exhausts and the perimeter of the semiconductor manufacturing facilities in the Scientific Park. A protocol of this test method was accordingly proposed.Since the method detection limits of these 12 pollutants are lower than the TLVs of these 12 pollutants, this extractive FTIR protocol can fulfil the detection requirement of the “Standard for Air Pollution Control and Emissions of Semiconductor Industry” issued January 6, 1999. For the detection requirement of pollutants on the perimeter of the manufacturing facilities, except for PH3 and AsH3, the method detection limits of other 10 pollutants are within the limits required. 091 環檢所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2326
土壤及地下水污染整治費申報及審理等相關作業計畫 本計畫工作內容係執行九十一年五月二十日起民國九十二年八月三十一日相關整治費申報、審理作業,執行現場稽核,繳費審核及統計作業,進行法規制度檢討及研修,及相關行政配合措施等。綜合本計畫之成果,整治費徵收迄今,在業界大力支持下徵收作業上尚稱十分順利,然業界對土污基金籌措制度層面上仍存在許多異議。依據土污法中第二十三條之土污整治基金共有八大來源,來源多樣性亦顯現土壤及地下水之污染之複雜性,然目前基金最主要來源仍仰賴整治費之徵收,其他項目來源相對偏低,絕大部分又集中於石化業界。為實踐賦稅公平之原則,建議開徵環境稅之規劃或增加其他基金來源提撥比例,應為未來土污基金積極規劃之方向。另整治費徵收初期,為使收費制度公平、避免重複課徵,以建立「公平」、「合理」徵收制度為目標,目前徵收方式已逐漸為業界所接受,並自九十二年第一季完成網路申報系統規劃供業者開始使用,使徵收作業朝向更「簡政」、「便民」之方向繼續努力。 The Project for Declaration and Examination of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fee The individuals or companies who are responsible for putting the waste at the site are required to pay for the cost of the cleanup. If the people who caused the contamination cannot be found, then EPA pays for the cleanup. It is paid for by the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Fee, chemical and oil companies have to pay, that is set aside to help clean up the environment. To simplify the process of paying, EPA set up The Applying Program#s Web Site which provides information about characterization and applying tools for the industries or individuals. Up to date, over 1/3 people accomplished the process of applying through the web site successfully. The section of the Web site provides a friendly applying framework, guiding users step by step and saving them a lot of time and labor, and what is more, it provides answers to frequently asked questions. 091 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2356
固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測設施查核及管理系統建置計畫 本計畫最重大之目標為配合空污法第二十二條及二十三條之內容研擬「固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測設施管理辦法(簡稱CEMS管理辦法)」,經蒐集英美德與ISO國家CEMS相關法令、聽取七場座談會、公聽會之意見後,檢討修正「CEMS管理辦法」草案內容,並已於九十二年十二月三日發布施行。本次「CEMS管理辦法」中較重大之修訂內容包括(1)增加二個監測項目(HCl和VOC)及其性能規範、(2)增加CEMS監測時數有效百分率之規定、(3)放寬低濃度排放源的相對準確度(RATA)的性能規格、(4)增加系統偏移的管制,以及(5)增加罰則之訂定。除了研擬「CEMS管理辦法」之外,國內目前各縣市環保局在執行系統與功能查核作業上並無標準化的作業程序與參考準則,因此為協助縣市環保局人員在審查公私場所提報CEMS相關文件和報告、進行系統與功能查核時有所依據,共制訂出CEMS設置審查準則/手冊、CEMS系統與功能準則/手冊和CEMS監測數據查核準則/手冊等五份文件供五份文件供各地方主管機關參考。為實際瞭解目前第一、二批應設置CEMS固定污染源實際設置操作與維護CEMS之狀況,本年度計畫共計執行13場次、54根次的標準氣體查核(簡稱CGA)與系統查核,並由執行過程與結果發現部分問題(如監測時數有效百分率及監測數據系統性偏低),已提供研擬「CEMS管理辦法」草案參考,並要求各受查核之固定污染源改善CEMS管理之缺失。部分項目皆已在本年度改善,其他需採購或修改CEMS擷取紀錄與處理軟體之部分亦已訂定計畫與時程加以改善,此部分實際改善情形則需後續計畫持續追蹤。同時,本計畫利用各公私場所數量龐大的CEMS監測數據與相關資料,進行共五類、10根次排放管道的CEMS監測數據異常分析,以發現公私場所CEMS監測數據的合理性與代表性是否正常。此外,也利用前述CEMS監測數據建立共六類、27根次排放管道的排放係數,並與現行法令中採用之排放係數以及其他研究報告得到的排放係數加以比較。最後,本計畫亦於今年度開發新一代之CEMS監測數據傳輸模組,解決過去所發現之作業系統、連線不穩定等諸多問題,並於台北縣及嘉義縣進行連線建置示範作業,並獲得良好成果。 The Development of Audit and Management System for Continuous Emissions Monitoring System The main target of this plant is rulemaking of continuous emission monitoring system regulation (CEMS regulation) for Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (Taiwan EPA). The most important modification of CEMS regulation include:(1)Adding two air pollutants (HCl and VOC) should be monitored and relevant performance specification.(2)Requiring the CEMS availability should be equal to or greater than 75% and 85% in two phases, respectively.(3)Modifying the specification of RATA for low concentration emission sources.(4)Applying the system bias to prevent systematic error in CEMS.(5)Adding the punishment and penalty.To improve the feasibility of CEMS regulation, we review the CEMS regulations adopted by USEPA, ISO, UK Mcerts and Germany UBA. And seven workshops and one public hearings were held.Beside the CEMS regulation, we also prepare the CEMS documents verifying criteria and standard operation procedures (SOPs), field audit manuals and monitoring data checking manuals for the auditors of EPA and Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB).We carried out the Cylindrical Gases Audit (CGA) and filed audits for 54 stacks installed CEMS in this plan. The problems we found in the audits have been reply to the owners and operators of CEMS. A part of problems have been improved by the owners and operators of sources.The quality of CEMS data have been analyzed to determined their representativeness and reality for five categories and 10 cases. The emission coefficients (EC) based on CEMS data were also developed by six categories and twenty-seven cases by the meantime. The discrepancy of EC between this report and other published were analyzed.We also develop one new version of CEMS monitoring data submitting module to improve the performance and stability of software. The new CEMS monitoring submitting module have been setup and worked well in Taipei county EPB and Chiayi county EPB. This program and its manual will be published in the near future. 091 空保處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2370
海洋油污染衛星遙測系統監測 本計畫主要是執行環保署「重大海洋油污染緊急應變計畫」之監測與資料彙整任務,並完成後列建置工作:一、 建立全天候二十四小時緊急聯絡處理系統,除接受本署通知提供技術諮詢服務外,並配合本署九十二年度演練或重大海洋污染事件至少三次的海洋油污染遙測蒐証工作。二、 維護本署九十一年度建置之海難事件電子通報、統計及地理電腦查詢系統,並至環保署蒐集九十二年度海污事件通報紀錄,建立、彙整、統計、與分析海洋污染事件之類別與地理位置,以更新資料庫內容。三、 辦理各應變單位使用本系統之操作講習與演練,訓練對象以六O人計。四、 規劃重大海洋油汙染緊急應變遙測、衛星影像蒐證及與數位化地圖彙整之短、中、長程整體工作內容。 Use the existing remote sensing technology for marine oil-pollution monitoring The main objective of the project is to use the existing remote sensing technologies and internet communications system to aid the data collection for marine pollution. The following tasks are achieved in the project.1. The NCU project’s team has set up an emergency communication network between NCU and EPA. The team has also used the communication network and remote sensing systems to take part in the marine exercises for three times during the project period.2. The web-based system, which provides an internet environment for reporting marine oil-pollution emergency, has been program revised, functions improved, and data added. 3. A workshop is coordinated to introduce the systems developed in the project to the related government organizations. 091 水保處 國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2368
高屏溪流域非點源污染防治具體措施規劃 本計畫之研究區域為高屏溪流域集水區,主要之工作目標共有四項,分別是(1) 高解析航測影像建立及土地利用現況判釋建檔高屏溪流域環境背景資料(包括流域內各類土地利用之現況)及非點源污染物性質蒐集、調查及分析、(2)建立高屏溪流域非點源污染模式,以合理推估各類非點源污染來源及污染量、(3)研訂高屏溪污染整治目標,進行最佳管理措施之方案研擬及研選、以及(4)整合擴充流域整體性地理資料庫,並擴充更新環保署「水污染防治管理地理資訊系統」之功能。  在土地利用判釋方面,本計畫利用環保署「高屏溪等五流域水源區航遙測及養豬場地理資料建檔」計畫所建置之航攝影像為基礎,配合本計畫對於高屏溪攔河堰下游河段集水區補充進行之航攝影像,整合建置高屏溪流域之土地利用現況。依據土地利用之調查判釋結果,土地利用類型共分成52類,以林地(包括針葉林、闊葉林、竹林、針闊竹混合林等)所佔面積約67.9%為最大宗,其次依序為果園(包括水密桃園、香蕉園、鳳梨園)約佔6.5%及旱田(6.2%)。  在建立非點源污染模式方面,首先對計畫區進行基本資料蒐集、並根據土地判釋結果界定計畫區土地利用狀況及進行非點源水質採樣補充調查,建立非點源污染模式,並以非點源污染模式法及單位面積輸出法,分別推估非點源污染量。  在評選最佳污染削減方案方面,首先依據水體利用標的及相關法令規定,並考量目前水質現況、管理營運目標、經濟性與財務可行性等,研定階段性水質改善目標。再配合規劃之點源污染管制措施執行期程、整治成本與及水質改善效益,評選出優先執行污染控制之實施區域。最後再針對選定之污染控制實施區域的污染來源及污染特性,評估其污染控制之優先順序及適用之最佳管理措施,進行最佳管理措施之方案研選,並就最佳方案規劃其實施方式(期程安排與分工規劃)。  基於反應計畫區非點源污染特性、配合環保署之既定目標、量化水質改善狀況、呼應現有水質檢測項目等考量原則,本計畫選擇生化需氧量及氨氮作為評估非點源污染控制成效之指標污染物,並將高屏溪流域污染整治目標分為近程及長程兩階段目標,以為後續進行最佳管理措施之方案研擬及研選。  最後在流域整體性地理資料庫之整合擴充方面,將環保署「水污染防治管理地理資訊系統」之功能加以更新擴充,使本系統亦能輔助高屏溪流域非點源污染管制計畫及後續之追蹤管理作業需求。 The measure planning for prevention and cure of Non Point Source pollution in Kao-Ping basin The purposes of this project include (1) Establishing of the aerial surveying image with high resolution, filing of the background information of KaoPing Creek watershed, investigation and analysis of the properties of the nonpoint source pollution; (2) Building a model for NPS in KaoPing Creek watershed to estimate the source and the amount of varied NPS; (3) Setting the rehabilitating goal of KaoPing Creek polluting problem, optimizing the management of upgrade scheme and choosing two areas to implement the improvement of NPS; (4) Integrating and expanding the geographic database of the overall watershed, and updating the function of “The prevention, cure and management of water pollution of GIS for EPA. First, we use the aerial surveying image as the basis and matching up the aerial surveying image of the downstream watershed of KaoPing weir, integrating and establishing the current landuse situation of KaoPing watershed. Second, we collecting the essential data, outlining the landuse condition and sampling the water quality of the NPS for building the model, then estimating the amount of the pollutant. Third, we setting the goal of improving the water quatily first. Then, we determine which area has the most priority to rehabilitate, and estimating the best management measure and implement the optimal planning scenario. Base on the features of the NPS, tying in the set goal of EPA and etc., we use BOD and ammonia nitrogen as the indices of pollutant, and dividing the rehabilitating objective for choosing the optimal management measure and scenario in the future. At last, we update and expand the function of the “The prevention, cure and management of water pollution of GIS for EPA to make the system assist the controlling plan of the NPS in KaoPing Creek watershed and the follow-up tracing of the requirements of management work. 091 水保處 美商傑明工程顧問股份有限公司台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2362
推動環保科技園區設置專案計畫 中文摘要近年來,國際間基於永續發展目標,及建立循環型社會體系之趨勢,均積極選擇適當區域來推動生態化「環保科技園區」,其概念在於促進產業間投入與產出面之關聯性連結,進而擴展至都市主要生活圈之連結,最終目標為將產業發展融入自然生態之循環體系當中。目前,除了丹麥科倫德堡已有全球第一座自發性形成之資源/能源循環(生態化)工業區外,於加拿大、南美洲、非洲、西班牙、荷蘭等歐洲國家亦已相繼設立類似之產業園區計畫,而與我國鄰近之日本更將零排放之概念進一步融入,並成功完成18座生態化城市之計畫,堪為推動之典範。環保署為了順應世界潮流,也提昇我國之環境訴求,也努力推動設置循環型「環保科技園區」,除了促進廢棄物之資源轉換再生利用外,也可以帶動民間投資設廠,解決工業區閒置土地與失業率問題,並帶動新興環保產業,以紓解產業發展之困境,活絡經濟發展創造就業機會。更因創造良好之投資環境,吸引國際知名廠商來臺設廠,藉由技術交流合作以提昇國內環保產業之技術能力,相對的亦可提升我國產業全球競爭力,創造新的商機,進而落實國家永續發展。「環保科技園區」即基於此一概念所建構,期能透過質量/能量平衡及循環再利用之觀點,連結園區內各產業之運作,以強化生產機能。並配合低污染排放目標之規劃,開創與自然共生的高品質生活空間,進一步促進區域性之生態化理想,創造兼顧生產、生活、生態,三生一體之生活環境遠景。基於上述目標,本計畫團隊積極協助環保署完成園區甄選之前置作業:包括完成環保科技園區推動計畫訂定、完成環保科技園區設置申請須知訂定,完成「環保科技園區推動計畫作業與管理要點」及「環保科技園區推動計畫補助款執行要點」訂定。繼而協助協助環保署成立環保科技園區推動指導委員會。完成環保科技園區設置計畫書審查作業,由北區花蓮縣、基隆市、新竹縣三縣市,南區台南縣、台南市、高雄縣、高雄市四縣市,共七縣市政府中甄選北區花蓮市;南區高雄縣推動本計畫。工作小組初期先協助擬定專責單位功能提供主辦單位參考。主辦單位目前已經完成籌備處之設立,積極進行園區規劃興建與招商作業。為整合團隊之看法與提昇團隊對對環保科技園區之認知,舉辦兩天環保生態園區研討暨訓練。又為積極園區之招商,工作團隊完成招商相關文件範例研訂,供主辦單位參考。分別於民國九十一年十一月二十七日及九十一年十一月二十八日舉辦兩場環保科技園區暨資源化應用技術說明會。於民國九十二年五月八日、九十二年五月十四日及九十二年五月十五日分別在台北市、台中市及高雄市共舉辦三場招商說明會。與會人員共約208人,參與單位170家。有意院進駐園區的有25家。復於民國九十二年十一月十七日、九十二年十一月十八日分別再於台北市、台中市及高雄市共舉辦二場招商說明會。與會人員共約128人,參與單位96家。有意願的有13家。此外也協助分別拜訪企業邀商,約共訪154餘家公司,並分別建立檔案追蹤。並先後參予國際招商與環保展提高計劃之能見度。更為了提供各界深入了解環保科技園區,本報告也彙整與本計畫相關之獎勵優惠措施十大項、評估計畫引進環保產業別之評量準則研訂作業及完成建議對 象之研擬、蒐集分析國外環保科技園區資料、並蒐集國內環保產業技術資料,建立環保產業技術資料、完成資料彙整輸入作業,並加設網站提供各界參考,期望各界深入了解環保科技園區之意含,也提供寶貴意見共同促進國內環保科技與環境之提昇。 Environmental Science and Technology Parks Project Abstract Given the global sustainable development trend and the aim to become a recycling society, the Taiwan EPA is in the process of establishing two environmental science and technology parks (ESTP).In light of these objectives, the project team actively assists the EPA on parks screening by completing the drafting of an implementation plan and guidelines for establishment application, operation and management, and subsidies execution. An ESTP Guidance Committee is also formed to provide the logistical support. Of the seven cities and counties that filed proposal for the ESTP, Hualian City on the east coast and Kaohsiung County in southern Taiwan have been selected to set up the ESTP.Currently, the project overseer has set up the Preparatory Department, which is actively planning the ESTP and inviting prospective investors.To actively invite prospective investors, the project team has completed the necessary documents for foreign firms. Seminars on the ESTP and resource applications were held. A total of 336 attended the seminars, representing 266 firms, of which 38 firms expressed interest in setting up operation in the ESTP.In order to let members of various sectors know about the ESTP, this report has also compiled 10 rewards and incentives, set up evaluation standards for various types of environmental industry, collected information on foreign environmental parks, collected information on Taiwan’s environmental technology, set up a databank on environmental technologies, and set up a related website. This way, people of all sectors can get to know the ESTP and contribute their valuable input so as to advance Taiwan’s environmental technology and raise the quality of the environment. 091 廢管處 財團法人工業技術研究院,環安中心. http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2428
中港溪、客雅溪、南崁溪流域水環境生態調查與水質生物指標建置 本計畫主要以彙整過去在中港溪、客雅溪、南崁溪流域所作的各項生態與水質環境等基本調查資料,並配合本研究團隊之現地野外調查工作,建立本區域的基本河川生態資料庫,藉由地理資訊系統的整合,提供環境保護指標以及經營管理策略的建議。已完成之工作包括:1. 建立中港溪、客雅溪、南崁溪流域水環境生物資源及其分布資料,作為整治措施規劃參考,並了解水體污染現況對水環境生物生存分布之影響。2. 建立中港溪、客雅溪、南崁溪水質監測生物指標,辦理生物指標監測,作為成效評估依據,並提供可轉移給一般學生、民眾自行實施之方法。3. 配合中港溪、客雅溪、南崁溪污染整治措施訂定可行之流域生態目標願景,並就流域水環境生物多樣性復育維護提供建議。4. 研擬中港溪、客雅溪、南崁溪水環境生物指標監測教材及應用資料,選訓輔導教師學生使具備生物指標監測執行能力。5. 彙編中港溪、客雅溪、南崁溪流域水環境生態資源資料。6. 協助鑑定水生物(魚群)死亡之突發環境事件原因,以利追查可能之污染源。 Water environmental investigation and Bio-indicator construction Project of Jhong-gang stream, Ke-ya stream and Nan-kan stream. For basic references of ecology and water qualities in the Jhong-gang stream, the Ke-ya stream and the Nan-kan stream have been collected in this project. In the past one year, this team has conducted field investigation and has established an ecological river data bank for this area. By means of GIS, the environmental protection index and the references for management have been provided.The items, which have been completed in this project, are as follows.1. The aqua organism resources and its distribution of the Jhong-gang stream, the Keya stream and the Nan-kan stream have been established as references for further organization. It has also been understood that the water pollution status has influenced the distribution of the living aqua organism.2. The organism index for monitoring water qualities of the Jhong-gang stream, the Ke-ya stream and the Nan-kan stream has been established, that may be a basis to evaluate the water qualities. These methods may be provided to students and the general public.3. To cooperate with the water pollution improvement of the Jhong-gang stream, the Ke-ya stream and the Nan-kan stream, the feasible goals of river basin ecology have been made and the suggestions for restoration of bio-diversity in the river basins have been given.4. The teaching and applied materials of monitoring index organism of the Jhong-gang stream, the Ke-ya stream and the Nan-kan stream have been established and some teachers and students have been trained to have abilities to use the index of environmental aquatic organism.5. The database of environmental aquatic organism of the Jhong-gang stream, the Ke-ya stream and the Nan-kan stream has been made.6. To assist judgment of possible reasons of sudden death of aqua creatures. It might be helpful to find out possible resources of water pollution. 091 水保處 中華民國魚類學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2408
環境水質採樣監測檢驗室品保查核計畫 為配合環保署監資處規劃推動之「北、中、南三區環境水質監測計畫」(三年期計畫),環境分析學會受委託執行本「環境水質採樣監測檢驗室品保查核計畫」,針對實際參與「北、中、南三區環境水質監測計畫」有關之北、中、南三區的實驗室進行品保系統及檢測能力(績效)的查核,以確保其所提供之監測數據與資料的正確性與公信力,俾可作為環保署政策制定的參考依據。 本品保查核計畫分三年執行。第二年完成的工作包括以下二個主項目:其一為監測數據品質的查核與評估,內容包括有實驗室的品保查核,採樣現場查核,盲樣測試及數據品保目標合理性及可行性的評估等;其二則為現行檢測方法的評估與探討,針對本計畫所使用的部分檢測方法,諸如海水中溶解態鉻及汞等檢測方法的效能與適用性進行評估。除此之外,計畫中並研討監測井之維護管理規範,舉辦採樣現場查核與實務訓練,及每季定期召開查核作業檢討座談會等。 本年度計畫從92年1月1日起開始執行,至92年12月31日止合計一年,各項計畫目標均已如期達成。本報告中除了陳述各項工作內容的執行結果外,另並對實施過程中發現的問題進行檢討,並提出改進的建議。 Quality assurance project plan for natural water testing laboratories The purpose of the umbrella water quality monitoring project, which is conducted by Bureau of Environmental Monitoring and Data Processing of EPA, is to collect surface water quality data needed for water quality assessments. In order to ensure the data quality collected by those environmental testing laboratories are reconciled for original purpose, this “Data quality assurance project plan” is conducted to verify, by examination and evaluation of objective evidence, that applicable elements of the quality system are appropriate and have been developed, documented, and effectively implemented in accordance and in conjunction with specified requirements requested by the umbrella project..The purpose of this QAPP is mainly to clearly delineate EPA QA policy, management structure, and procedures which will be used to implement the QA requirements necessary to document the reliability and validity of environmental data. Besides, this QAPP has evaluated the performance and applicability of several testing methods, such as dissolved chromium and mercury in seawater. In order to provide opportunity for give-and-take, several seminars and symposiums about sampling techniques, quality system and analytical techniques were hold and opened to all of the participants of umbrella project. From the beginning to December, 31 of this year, the present project has fulfilled all of the assigned works in 12 months. In this report, the inadvisable and inevitable cause of shortcomings about QA implementation are discussed and some suggestions are also made. 091 環檢所 孫毓璋 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2612
廢棄物再利用模式與資源化管理制度建置計畫 本計畫蒐集彙整先進國家廢棄物資源化實施情形,並檢討國內相關法規及執行現況,以期為國內廢棄物之再利用及資源化管理規劃出一套符合世界潮流、並順應國情的完善制度。在國外資料蒐集方面,本計畫分別針對名詞定義、源頭管理、運作管理、輔導獎勵措施、技術研發與資訊交換等五部分,提出短、中、長程建議共十項,包括:以自願性協定的方式推動資源回收再利用工作、統一管制體系、推動能源回收、加強推動資源化產品規格化、訂定回收再利用目標等。在國內法規檢討部分,本計畫首先針對現行廢清法之再利用管理制度提出六項缺失及改善建議,並依廢清法第三十九條之刪修與否,研擬廢清法與資再法之競合解決方案,同時彙整資再法本身在執行上可能遇到的問題,提出未來修法建議。另外,本計畫並根據資再法第十二條及第二十二條規劃再生資源及再生產品通路推廣之分階段實施措施,並建議資再法第十一條、第十三條、第十四條、第十六條、以及第十八條等採取分批公告方式實施。在資源化技術及推廣方面,本計畫考量廢棄物特性、經濟性及技術成熟度等因子訂定評估原則及給分標準進行較具潛力公告為再利用廢棄物與公告為再生資源之評估,其評估結果以「自來水污泥」、「氟化鈣污泥」為較具潛力依廢清法公告為再利用之廢棄物,而「廢鐵」、「廢紙」為較具潛力依資再法公告為再生資源項目之資源化廢棄物。本計畫針對其中「自來水污泥」、「氟化鈣污泥」及「廢鐵」等項目蒐集國內外相關資源化技術資料,並規劃其再利用管理及推廣方式。另外,並針對廢食用油、廚餘、焚化底渣、以及國內大型焚化爐無法焚化之一般事業廢棄物(如廢塑膠、廢橡膠、廢樹脂、廢纖維等)加以探討。在管理制度方面,本計畫首先針對廢清法與資再法之公告模式加以彙整比較,並進而提出改善建議。至於未公告項目之申請審查模式,則以目前經濟部之運作模式作為環保署及其他目的事業主管機關之參考。本計畫並依據廢棄物再利用管理方式與申報管制措施之關聯性,提出相關改善建議包括:事業清理計畫書應予明確再利用內容、公告再利用之再利用機構應辦理登記報備、建立廢棄物再利用備查程序及申報規定等。在稽查管制方面,本計畫除彙整分析相關疑義案例外,並實際訪談環保署環境督察總隊北區環境督察大隊,以研擬「判定廢棄物再利用稽查作業之標準作業程序」,包括:判定廢棄物再利用、稽查前準備、現場稽查作業、以及稽查後管制作業等。 Establishment of waste recycling model and resource management system Waste should be treated as recyclable and reusable resources in a sustainable society. Waste Disposal Act in Taiwan was first promulgated in 1974. It has been amended seven times since then and the latest amendment was promulgated on October 24, 2001. The recycling, clearing away, and disposal of the general wastes, generated by household or other non-industries, are implemented at local government level. Management of industrial wastes is handled separately from stipulation of the designated enterprise to collection, transportation, storage, clearance, and disposal of the wastes. For moving towards a recycling-based society, the Resource Recycling and Reuse Act has been promulgated by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in 2003. The purpose of the Act is to lessen environmental burden and to build a society for sustainable resource utilization. Empowered by the Act, specific breakdown concerning the types of recyclable and reusable waste will be promulgated progressively with relevant penal provisions. In general, the EPA, as the Responsible Agency at central government level, is in charge of the permit approval, facility inspection and examination, measures and rule stipulation for the two laws. This project firstly reviews the waste recycling systems over the advanced countries and accordingly gives suggestions for the following studies. The compatibility between the Waste Disposal Act and the Resource Recycling and Reuse Act are then studied and three scenarios are consequently concluded for the enforcement model of the two laws. This project also examines the promulgating mechanism, permit application process, and declaration procedure of the two laws. A calculation method is also provided for evaluating the recycle value of the wastes. 091 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2514
大氣污染物長程傳輸衝擊評估及酸雨監測分析 本研究計畫為建構跨國大氣長程輸送模式整合系統,掌握、預警及評估台灣空氣品質及環境受境外輸送之衝擊,提供環保署及地方環保單位進行空氣品質管理決策之參考。並對空氣品質異常偶發事件時,修正空氣品質統計數值。規劃與建立酸雨監測網,並進行長期監測與資料分析,建立酸沈降臨界負荷指標,評估台灣地表環境對酸沈降之緩衝能力,研擬酸雨防制策略。最後將積極推動及參與跨國大氣污染相關議題之國際合作與技術交流,更新與維護台灣酸雨資訊網,強化環境教育與新知傳播。吾人所獲致之成果如下:● 自動化連結氣象局與美國NCEP每日全球/東亞區域氣象場,並與東亞區域暨台灣之大氣污染物(包括酸雨、沙塵暴及生質燃燒)分布之資料流完成串接工作,該項即時程序將可於每日下午6時前完成。● 已提供台灣主要地區之每日的即時後推氣流軌跡,以供研判污染之來源,以及亞洲主要污染源區,如華南、日韓等國,或亞洲沙塵暴與東南亞生質燃燒區域之氣流軌跡圖,以供長程傳送污染物之預警研判。● 針對92年度受空氣品質異常事件(例如沙塵暴)影響之空氣品質異常站日數,已利用統計模式加以修正,重新計算空品區之PSI與PM10。● 已完成第二代的酸雨監測網之建置共12站,進行酸雨監測,監測項目包括乾沈降及濕沈降。● 吾人已評估建立酸沈降臨界負荷指標本土化計算方式,並擬定實施策略。● 已進行更新與維護酸雨資訊網頁,提供最新酸雨分布現況。現在本網已登入申請為www.acidrain.org.tw。● 推動酸雨研究之區域國際合作或聯繫及參與既有國際酸雨監測網,促進技術交流,建立合作管道。目前已和APARE、EANET與CAD進行雙邊合作。並積極參與區域大氣污染相關議題之國際合作與技術交流,推動日、韓、香港、大陸(及其他有意願之國家)及我國之策略聯盟,並已召開國際酸沉降專家會議,獲致寶貴之意見及資料,未來將朝向環太平洋酸雨監測資訊網而努力。 Impact study of the long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants and acid rain monitoring network The goals of this study are (1) to establish an integrated atmospheric modeling system for studying the long-range transport of regional air pollutants in order to predict and assess their impact on Taiwan air quality, and further to provide fundamental information to the EPA and local EPB for air pollution management, (2) to revise the PSI when abnormal air pollution events occur, (3) to plan and establish a new acid deposition net work for conducting a long-term monitoring and data analysis, (4) to develop a localized critical loading of acid deposition for assessing the buffering capacity of the soil in Taiwan, (5) to update and maintain the web site of acid rain study in Taiwan, and (6) to promote regional international collaborations. To date, our achievements are highlighted below: The modeling system has integrated the meteorological data from CWB and NCEP, and subsequently performed daily simulations. Predicted trajectories originated from the major source points of air pollutants in East Asia have been provided on the website for precaution of the long-range transport. Meanwhile, backward trajectories starting at four locations of Taiwan are also provided for tracking the potential source regions. Based on a statistic model, the PSI during the abnormal event of the year of 2003 has been recalculated in consideration of Asian dust impact on PM10 measurements A new acid rain monitoring network consisting of 12 sites has been set up since January 2003 for a long-term measurement of dry and wet deposition. The web site (http://www.acidrain.org.tw) of Taiwan acid rain study has been updated with more information.  The Experts Workshop on Acid Deposition in East Asia was held in Taipei on 15-17 November 2003. Experts from Japan, Hong Kong, USA, China, and Taiwan agreed to establish a Pacific Rim region network for information sharing and exchange of acid deposition data. Our network is also extended to collaborate with EANET, NADP and CAD. 091 空保處 國立中央大學大氣物理所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2552
交通工具空氣污染檢驗管制核章作業 依據「空氣污染防制法」、「進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章辦法」及「噪音檢驗處理辦法」其他相關規定對進口汽油車、機車、柴油車實施交通工具空氣污染檢驗管制核章作業。逐一核對進口車輛合格證及其他證件如完(免)稅證明、出廠證明等,確認合格證與其他文件係同一車型後,於完(免)稅證明加蓋符合管制標準之章 ,監理單位認章後才准予登檢領。(二)計畫成果1.核章工作:自92年1月1日至92年12月15日核章數量共計有56,417輛,共為國庫增加2,820,850元。2.核章資料可轉呈月報表、年報表、污染核章資料統計報表等,提供環保署執行車輛品質管制及新車抽驗數量之依據。3.提供各級政府機關對於進口車輛核章資料查詢,於環保署執行污染控制過程中,能有效防止偽造情事發生。4.與交通監理單位及數據所完成連線工作且成為監理單位領牌作業之重要參考依據。5.「進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章辦法」草案已研擬完成且該辦法已於92年7月2日正式公佈實施。6.「機動車輛車型審驗及核章須知」已印製完成。7.統計及分析進口重型機車和使用過車輛之核章數量之趨勢與比率8.「機動車輛車型審驗及核章須知」已完成上網工作。 Issuing Certificates for those Vehicles which meet Exhaust Emission Standard According to the “Air Pollution Control Law”, “Air Pollutant Inspection Procedure for Imported Cars”, and “Noise Inspection and Handling Procedure”, and other related regulations, the air pollution inspection and control regulations and procedure for transportation means are carried out for imported cars, motorcycles, and diesel vehicles. After the certificate and other documents are verified and confirmed as the same car model, the tax receipt or tax exempt certificate will be stamped with the seal to indicate it has passed the control standard. A license will be issued after the Motor Vehicle Division has approved and stamped its seal.Achievements of this project1. Approval Work: The total number of approvals is 56,417 from January 1, 2003 to December 15, 2003, which brought $2,820,850 to the national treasury. 2. The data of approval was shown in the monthly report, annual report, or pollution approval statistical report and provided to the Environmental Protection Administration as a basis for executing the quality control of motor vehicles and the sampling size for the new car inspections.3. Query on the imported car approval information to all levels of governmental agencies was provided, and thus effectively preventing forgeries during the pollution control process carried out by the Environmental Protection Administration. 4. The network connection between the Motor Vehicle Division and the Data Division was completed, serving as the important reference and basis for the operation of issuing license plates by the Motor Vehicle Division.5. The draft plan of “Air Pollutant Inspection Procedure for Imported Cars” was completed, and such Procedure was formally announced and was effective on July 2, 2003.6. “Motor Vehicle Model Examination and Approval Instructions” already was completed. 7. The trend and ratio of the approved quantity of imported heavy motorcycles and foreign used cars were compiled and analyzed.8. The “Motor Vehicle Model Examination and Approval Instructions” were posted on the website. 091 空保處 工業技術研究院機械工業研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2628
汽車排放戴奧辛污染分析 本研究依據世界主要國家對柴油車產生之戴奧辛等排放清冊與排放因子,探討柴油車排放戴奧辛之成因,以定性方式分析戴奧辛重要指標生成物的方法取代國外研究者之定量量測方式。本文共分三部分進行,首先從國內兩燃油公司之油品中是否含有不飽和有機氯化物,比較不同油品之含氯成份差異,提供戴奧辛生成模式之前段分析工作;其次,利用實驗方式探討柴油引擎之裂解段(由開始噴油至燃燒反應前)特性以及其裂解氣體組成隨溫度變化趨勢,得到裂解氣體之莫耳生成及平均分子量的特性曲線與其三相之含氯成份變化趨勢;最後,由裂解氣體之碳氫與碳氫氯化合物,利用質量平衡與化學平衡,針對柴油引擎的操作條件之差異,模擬燃燒生成氣體隨裂解溫度的變化趨勢,再配合實際引擎之量測值,建立戴奧辛指標生成物,尤其為有機、無機氯化物,VOC(Volatile Organic Components),碳微粒之組成濃度。另外,從戴奧辛的生成模式,探討隨引擎運轉情況不同,前驅物與戴奧辛之相對變化趨勢,建立柴油車之戴奧辛排放機制,期能以此研究,提供我國的柴油車對大氣之戴奧辛貢獻量,使施政者易於擬定移動性污染源之戴奧辛排放清冊與排放管制措施。 Polllution analysis of Dioxion exhausted by vehicle ntries of the world, this study researches the reason for dioxin in diesel car exhaust. We analyzed dioxin by the qualitative method with important marked products instead of the quantitative method by the researcher in foreign.This paper is progressing in three parts. First of all, we measure the unsaturated organic chlorine content in diesel oil from the two oil company of Taiwan, and compare the difference of the two oils. That can provide the forward analysis of the formation for dioxin. For the second, we use the method of experiment to discuss the pyrolysis stage (from injection to combustion) characteristic and the pyrolysis gas component trend variety with temperature. We get the mole formation, mean molecular weight and the variety trend of chlorine content in three phase. Finally, from the carbon-hydrogen and the carbon-hydrogen-chlorine compounds in pyrolysis, we use conservation of mass and chemical equilibrium, concentrating on the variety of operating condition of diesel engine, to simulate variety trend of product with pyrolysis temperature. We identify these data as the actual measure value, and set the concentration of the marked products for Dioxin, especially inorganic or organic chloride, V.O.C. carbon particles etc.On the other hand, from the formation model of dioxin, we investigate the variety trend between the precursors and Dioxin from different operating condition of engine , and set the accurate mechanism in diesel dioxin exhaust. We hope that this study can show the contribution of dioxin in diesel car to the air. In this way, our government can easily establish the emission inventory and emission restraints for dioxin of automobile pollution sources. 091 空保處 國立中正大學 工具機研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2636
室內/室外空氣污染物之國民健康風險評估及管制成本效益分析 研究顯示,由於國人生活模式中有80%以上的時間均生活在室內空間中,因而室內空氣污染物對於民眾之污染物總和暴露量有極大部分之貢獻,而在自然通風的建築條件下,各指標污染物僅有室外臭氧濃度在所有類型之建築中均與室內臭氧濃度有良好之相關,其他污染物由於其室內空間中有較多相關之污染源,因而室內濃度一般而言高於室外濃度。本研究發現,利用考量民眾時間空間分配以及各室內空間中污染物濃度暴露狀況時,污染物與各類疾病就診率相關係數與僅使用室外空氣污染代表民眾污染物暴露量所探討之相關性有明顯之差異,因而顯示評估室內空氣污染相對於民眾來自空氣污染之暴露總量及健康效應相關性之重要。整體而言,以室外空氣中一氧化碳及二氧化氮濃度對於各類疾病就診率之影響程度較大,且該類污染物對於高污染區民眾心臟血管疾病之就診率似乎有較大之影響。另外,室內環境中許多污染物,如甲醛、揮發性有機物質、生物性氣膠等污染物對於疾病就診率之影響無法利用此類之生態流行病學加以探討,因此,本研究亦初步利用居家環境中甲醛暴露濃度資料進行民眾之致癌性風險推估,顯示其風險值高於一般之1* 10-6一般可接受之健康風險,顯示相關低污染建材及低污染日常生活材料之推廣有其必要性。就健康效益的推估上,本研究使用室外空氣污染物暴露與疾病就診率之影響係數,利用損害模式分析法估算出當改善空氣中一氧化碳及二氧化氮10%及20%之濃度時,可獲致之健康效益,可預期的在心臟血管疾病就診率的降低上獲致較高之經濟效益,但是本研究所推估之健康效益需進一步與使用總暴露量評估之健康影響係數與相關改善措施可獲致之健康效益,特別是國內目前在室內空氣品質改善上之經驗仍相當有限,無法評估相關改善設備之應用、管理措施施行下所可能獲致之實質健康效益。 Health risk and benefit assessment of indoor and outdoor air pollution According to the basic investigation of time-activity, people in investigated area spend more than 80% in different indoor environments. This result highlight the importance of potential health effects by exposing to indoor air pollution. Our data shows that general domestic and school environment with higher microbial, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, PM10 than outdoor environments. Ambient CO and SO2 tend to associate with increasing hospital admission rate of cardiovascular diseases in the area with higher ambient air pollution. Risk estimation of indoor formaldehyde exposure shows that general population in both investigated regions with life time cancer probability higher than 1×10-6. This result shows that identifying the sources form general domestic environments of formaldehyde and perform mitigation actions are necessary.Our results also shows that when ambient CO levels decreasing 10 to 20% might contribute to reduce large numbers of cost from hospital admission by cardiovascular diseases. Estimated total levels of air pollutants, integrated with levels of indoor and outdoor pollutants, and time-activity pattern, are associated with increasing hospital admission in cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases. However, the cost-benefit assessment in controlling indoor air pollution could not been examined because of lacking previous experience in improving indoor air quality in our country. Further research is needed to clarify the effects of indoor air quality in health benefit. 091 空保處 成功大學建築研究所江哲銘、成功大學環境醫學研究所李俊璋 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2638
汽車排氣遙測計畫 本計畫為延續環保署所執行之汽車排氣遙測檢驗制度,以瞭解行駛中車輛排放空氣污染物之濃度趨勢及車輛可能劣化情形及藉由通知遙測高污染車輛的到檢工作,有效減少行駛中車輛排放空氣污染物的情形。 Remote emissions sensing This project is made for extending the remote emissions sensing executed by the EPA (Environment Protection Administration), in order to perceive the concentration of pollutants vehicles emitted while driven and the possibility of vehicle deterioration. And with the identification of high-emitting vehicles through the remote sensing, it may efficiently decrease the pollutants vehicles emitted while driven on the way. 091 空保處 昌信環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2658
0800-085-717資源回收專線服務專案工作 本文係『0800-085-717資源回收免費專線服務專案工作』之成果報告,內容包含規劃建置「資源回收專線」之作業程序、方法、標準等規劃及提供完善之通報作業軟、硬體等各項設施,並提供民眾及各界公告列管回收項目之資源回收相關資訊之免費查詢、諮詢、檢舉、陳情及通報案件等服務,建立環保署與地方環警單位、協力廠商之作業模式,有效辦理民眾檢舉路邊廢車或案件追蹤等相關作業,另配合環保署教育宣導及受理案件追蹤管考工作,提昇資源回收績效。專案執行期間皆符合評選公告及合約內文之作業規範,依據訂定之話務中心營運管理、服務水平品質管理及系統設備功能需求作業之三大服務水平指標來檢視專案所有的服務達成狀況;專案執行二年期間專線組共承接319,729通進線量,專人應答率高達 99% 以上,為更深入瞭解資源回收專線提供的服務與內容是否符合民眾需求及「0800客服專線」整體滿意情形,專線組執行「資源回收專線來電民眾滿意度調查」研究專案,以做為即時改進服務品質之參考,調查內容包含資源回收專線整體滿意度、語音系統服務滿意度、專人服務品質滿意度、資源回收提供服務整體滿意度等四大項指標,由調查結果可知,來電民眾對0800專線的專員服務滿意度均維持在九成以上,語音系統的滿意度也維持在八成左右,顯示專線人員素質與語音系統皆有一定水準,民眾對環保署0800專線的服務堪稱滿意。其次,專線組建議與相關機關單位(如監理站、環警單位等)建立資訊整合作業目標,以完善解決客戶進線需求;在系統方面,提出調整語音系統主選單架構,以來電者最常查詢前五大項目問題作為提示語,並由語音判斷民眾需求引導進入系統或直接由專人處理;另一項為資源回收網建議以主題性較強業務作為網頁主宣導強項,並於主頁以彈跳視窗或跑馬燈方式突顯,讓民眾更便利運用各項系統介面。專線組本著精益求精的精神,持續加強專人各項專案訓練及系統功能調整,致力於各項專線服務滿意度持續提昇,相信可為環保署創造”五好”之資源回收專線服務:服務好、品質好、效率好、形象好、績效好。 Free resource recycling service hotline Project. *0800-085-717 The thesis serves as a conclusion report for ‘Launching the 0800-085-717 toll-free resource recycling service hotline project’, which is comprised of the operating process, method and criteria by which the ‘Resource recycling hotline’ is developed and instilled by; various software and firmware facilities necessary to provide a comprehensive reporting system; as well as services of free inquiry, consultation, tip-off, grievance filing and reporting cases relating to resource recycling under general recyclable mandates. The efforts are intended to instill an operating mode among the Environmental Protection Administration, local environmental enforcement agencies and the operators that would poise to facilitate the public’s reporting abandoned roadside vehicles and/or subsequent case follow-ups, in addition to supporting the EPA’s environmental awareness promotion, follow-up and monitoring on cases already lodged in that would poise to improve the resource recycling yield. The entire project execution period fully complies with the operating guideline specified under the public screening announcement and contractual stipulations, which in turn are used for drafting three major service level indicators – the call center’s operating management, the service level and quality management, and system equipment functionality requirement that are used for gauging the project’s state of service fulfillment rates. During the two-year project implementation period, the service hotline team received a total volume of 319,729 calls, where the call answered by designated service representatives reported a 99%-plus success rate. 091 基管會 台灣客服科技服份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2660
九十一年度基隆市地下水質監測井採樣分析評估計畫 本計畫工作摘要如下:一、 包括11口監測井四次地下水採樣及分析、監測井洗井作業及維護保養、潛在污染評估,以及後續工作規劃。二、 由四次地下水水質分析結果,地下水主要以氨氮、鐵及錳超過地下水污染監測基準。與歷年檢測資料比較,皆在歷年之變化幅度內。其他檢測項目無明顯之污染情事。三、 台電協和電廠及台肥基隆廠之檢測結果顯示,導電度、總溶解固體、總硬度、氯鹽及硫酸鹽偏高,推測可能是受到海水水質所影響,建議應持續監測。四、 興業金屬公司檢測結果顯示,pH值過於偏低,導電度、總氮、氯鹽及硫酸鹽偏高,推測其地下水中受高量酸性物質及陰陽離子影響,建議應持續監測。五、 大武崙工業區、六堵工業區及福基織造公司之監測井,由於位於工廠及工業區等較敏感區域,建議後續監測計畫增加檢測地下水污染管制標準之揮發性有機物項目,未來依檢測結果及場址特性再予以修正監測項目及頻率。六、 各監測井之高程及座標資料由於缺乏佐證資料,無法判斷高程及座標資料之正確性,並無法評估正確之地下水流向,建議下年度計畫進行高程及座標量測。 The sampling and assessment of underground monitoring wells in Keelung City in 2002 The works of this project include undertaking of quartic sampling and analysis in 11 underground monitoring wells and wells washing and maintenance. The analysis records show that NH3, Fe and Mn are all beyond the levels set by EPA in Taiwan. The water quality as for nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and chloride are high in Shey-Ho electricity power plant, Shi-Yen heavy metal plant, Lu-Du industry park, and Da-Wue-Luen industry park et.al which show that underground water in almost industry are in Keelung City are polluted. 091 基隆市環境保護局 基隆市環境保護局 顏伶珍 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2916
加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫 本計畫首先參考其他縣市經驗,研擬作業程序供本計畫執行參考。機械掃街,平均每日執行119.1公里(大於合約規定75公里);機械洗街平均每日執行93公里(大於合約規定75公里);統計本計畫粒狀物削減量TSP及PM10分別為178.74、33.67公噸;洗街作業執行用水平均每公里用水量為 0.47公噸(大於環保署考核規定每公里用水量0.2公噸以上);掃街作業收集量,平均每公里收集量為 15.97公斤。作業進行中為確實掌握街道洗掃作業之進度與成效,本計畫執行過程分別實施不同性質的管制查核作業,管制方式包括現場查核及GPS行車管理;完成12點次TSP/PM10之採樣,TSP及PM10之削減率分別為34.5±10.3%及33.5±10.5%,成本效益分析削減每噸TSP之掃街費用為6471元,洗街費用為5501元;削減每噸PM10之掃街費用為34346元,洗街費用為29199元,掃街車掃除每噸塵土之掃街費用為4725元;削減每噸坋土之掃街費用為20295元;在問卷調查部分期中受訪民眾中認為空氣品質有些惡化或有明顯惡化者約佔12.0%,期末受訪民眾中認為有些惡化或有明顯惡化者降為9.0%,但認為沒有改善者約佔55%;民眾對於該路段洗街作業之整體執行觀感,期末調查顯示認為很滿意及滿意者均有所提昇;約有八成五至九成的受訪民眾認為街道洗掃作業對空氣品質的改善成效抱持正面態度;進行二十次塵土分析,平均垃圾重量約佔10.1%,塵土重量約為89.9%;本市塵土比例約為46.1%;整體採樣路段平均收集單位塵土重量及單位坋土重量分別為18.9公斤/公里及4.4公斤/公里。 The work of augmented cleaning of Keelung City streets In this project, we achieve the efficiency of street sweeping by sweeper car 119.1 kilometer per day, and the street washing by washing car 93 kilometer per day. Through this work, the TSP and PM10 amounts can be reduce to 178.74 tons and 33,67 tons for each pollutant in these five months. The efficiency of dust collection is 15.97 tons per kilometer. 091 基隆市環境保護局 基隆市環境保護局 顏伶珍 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2912
CEMS連續自動監測系統 環保署為防制空氣污染、維護國民健康,並進一步提高生活品質,依據空氣污染防制法第二十二條之規定,自民國八十二年十月起,以分批公告的方式,規定重大固定污染源應設置連續自動監測設施,並逐步建置連續自動監測設施之相關軟、硬體設備規範、連線作業規範及品質保證作業規範。於民國九十一年七月十七日公告第二批CEMS列管廠家擴大公告範圍,其詳細統計表如表1-1,以達到改善空氣污染的目的。由於現有的CEMS資料庫的作業系統和資料庫是採用SCO Open Server 5 和ORACLE 7資料庫軟體,其技術門檻較高並需有經過專業訓練人員進行維護工作,因此於今年度宜蘭縣環保局要求全面改版成較普及且維護容易之WINDOWS BASE,故有本計畫的產生。 CEMS (continuous emission monitoring system) Continuously automatic monitoring system In order to control air pollution, maintain the public health and increase the quality of life, EPA regulated the major stationary source should setup the CEMS (continuous emission monitoring system) on the basis of No. 22, clean air act sine October, 1993. The EPA gradually established the performance standard of hardware and software, on-line and QA/QC standard and announced the second major stationary source list on July 17, 1992. Owing to the existed CEMS applied the SCO Open Server 5 operation system and the ORACLE 7 database systems, this system needed well experienced experts to perform related maintenance jobs. On the basis of the request of Ilan EPB in this year, the CEMS system was revised as a WINDOWS BASE system and became more popular and easy to maintain. 091 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 宜鼎環境科技實業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2902
91固定污染源稽查許可暨空污費補催繳計畫 台中市九十一年度固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫自91年8月10日履約日起至92年3月底執行約七個多月,所有工作已92年3月完成。實際工作成果如下:一、 許可審查核發:配合各公私場所許可申請時程,審查並核發許可證85件次,審查作業配合局內便民措施,大幅縮短審查時間,並協助提供上網查詢。二、 許可證查核台中市核發之有效設置及操作許可證分別計有16及263張,本計畫目前累計達成率達103%。達成本計畫契約91年度許可證查核率須達100%之規定。三、 稽查處分資料建檔本計畫稽查單已建檔539件及處分單已建檔20件,共計559件。四、 加油站檢測本計畫目前已進行加油站檢測5家次,檢測過程加油站之配合態度皆良好,檢測結果亦未超出法規標準。五、 煙道檢測根次本計畫目前已進行煙道檢測10家次,煙道檢測結果均符合排放管道之排放標準。六、 油品含硫量抽測本計畫目前已進行含硫量抽測30家次,其中3家油品含硫量超出法規標準,經複查後均已符合法規標準檢測值。七、 監督檢測本計畫目前共計進行44件次之監督查核作業,多數廠家皆能按照其檢測計畫進行檢測作業,但約有4.5%於監測期間發生問題,惟經過協商調整之後,均順利完成檢測作業。八、 四階段輔導作業工作流程包含(1)減量輔導前預備作業;(2)現場減量輔導作業;(3)減量協談並提計畫書及(4)複評追蹤作業等四個階段。九、 清查作業資料更新與擴充本年度計畫執行至今針對既存之列管公私場所進行清查作業,皆已進行資料庫及排放量更新作業。十、 未列管污染源納管及排放量資料更新本年度計畫執行至今針對既存之列管公私場所進行清查作業,皆已進行污染源納管及排放量資料更新。十一、 電話清查每三個月進行電話清查乙次,目前已完成二次電話清查相關作業。十二、 資料庫QA/QC已完成143家次之資料檢核,本計畫將持續進行資料庫檢核動作,修正資料庫中不完整、不一致、不合理之數據。十三、 宣導說明會 於計畫期間已完成一場次露天焚燒說明會以及三場次固定污染源法規說明會。十四、 技術轉移訓練講習會技術轉移內容包含最新空污法及許可管理辦法交流,亦說明操作使用固定源資料庫之重點。十五、 民眾滿意度調查於92年3月協助環保局辦理,針對有申請許可之公私場所101家寄送問卷調查表,整體而言滿意度高達九成以上。十六、 法規有獎問答活動此次活動反應十分熱烈,經初步統計共回收約二萬多份答案卡。十七、 空污費催補繳作業需繳交費用之廠商經本計畫持續的追蹤以及多次的輔導催繳,均已經完成繳款及申報。十八、 巡查作業本計畫已完成929家列管公私場所之巡查作業,全部皆無明顯污染狀況。 A control project of checking the moveless origins of pollution and the remedial charge of the air pollution fees in the year of 2002 To effectively push the permission of moveless origins of pollution, inspecting control and second step of prevention of air pollution, so that the comprehensive management system of air quality can be significantly improved and the quality of air could be greatly improved. 091 台中市環境保護局 台中市環保局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3004
91台中市移動性污染源稽查管制計畫 91年度『移動性污染源稽查管制計畫』主要針對機車路邊攔(巡)查、二行程機車攔檢檢測作業、定檢站查核及宣導活動之舉辦等工作進行規劃執行,執行期間自九十一年九月十六日至九十二年三月三十一日止。本計畫執行機車路邊攔查24,613輛次,初期檢測回覆17,042輛次,回覆率68.7﹪,針對未回檢車輛寄發二次通知,檢測回覆車輛提升至20,949輛次,回覆率達 84﹪。藉由本計畫推動,藉由攔查執行24,801輛次,其攔查回覆促使參與定檢約20,949輛次(攔查回覆率為84﹪),機車路邊巡查31,366輛次,檢測覆驗10,053輛次,再加上本年度二行程機車不合格複驗車輛639輛次整體定檢量貢獻約為31,641輛次,約佔定檢檢測量8.2﹪,而本市整體定檢到檢率則約78.34﹪。在稽查處分作業方面,本年度截至92年3月31前扣除移外縣市及撤銷則本市總計告發處分897件次,罰款總金額為2,791仟元,其中撤銷罰款金額1,113仟元,實收罰款金額880.5仟元。藉由機車攔查及攔檢作業中不合格複驗車輛數來估算減量成效,攔查複驗改善車輛4,913輛次、巡查複驗改善1,093輛次、攔檢複驗改善639輛次,推估減量成效:CO為203公噸、HC為 45公噸。91年度機車定檢站檢測機車388,077輛次,檢測不合格車輛62,761輛次,複驗改善59,623輛次,推估減量成效:CO為2110公噸、HC為496公噸。 A control project of checking the moveable origins of pollution in the year of 2002 The objective of this project is to lay out the plan of the exams of motorcycles along the road, periodic exam of motorcycle and to execute the “expanding the management of removable origins of pollution”. 091 台中市環境保護局 台中市環保局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2998
九十一年台中市營建工程污染管制計畫 本年度營建工程污染管制計畫計畫執行期程為自九十一年八月一日起至九十二年七月三十一日止,合計執行十二個月。計畫執行期間共完成工地巡查2,502處次的工地巡查及建檔工作。在2,502場次的巡查量中亦完成211場次的重點巡查及488場次的假日巡查,共提報了37件違反空氣污染防制法之案件及146件違反廢棄物清理法之案件。再提報案件中包含60件的道路管線工程的提報案件。總簽名率為53.8%。在污染物消減量部分,全台中市營建工程推估消減量為428.51(TSP)公噸,消減率為25.65%,在列管工地方面,所有列管工地合計消減387.99公噸(TSP),列管工地消減率為34.56%。在空氣品質測站監測值方面,PSI值大於100的日數由民國85年的32天,到九十一年12月底為止已經減為19天(西屯測站及忠明測站),可見本市的空氣品質以獲初步的改善。在宣導活動方面,合計完成二場的宣導活動。包含一場的傳統宣導說明會及一場全市市民的有獎問答。同時配合92年5月28日環保署新頒布的「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」完成全市50處大型工地的調查以及印製1,000份的工地標示貼紙供各營建工地張貼之用。在創新便民措施方面,除延續過去主動進行減免工地的查核外,還配合環評工地進行環評承諾事項的查核。為避免道路管線夜間施工道成空氣及路面污染,亦完成約65處次的夜間巡查,使台中市的管線統一挖補工程能有效的減少污染情況的發生。綜合上述,本計畫在經過七年的執行後,台中市空氣品質市容環境因營建工程所造成的污染已有大幅改善。未來本公司將繼續維護環境品質與環保局作密切配合,共同創造健康美麗的新都市。 A project of pollution control on the construction engineering in the year of 2002 The objective of this project is to enforce the inspected system of public construction and to improve the air quality and the current database system. 091 台中市環境保護局 台中市環保局空氣品質及噪音管制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2988
加速淘汰高污染老舊柴油車稽查管制專案工作計畫 柴油引擎車輛因為高輸出馬力之誘因,被廣泛使用在大眾運輸、商業、工程及軍用車輛上,其中公車、大貨車、客運車、遊覽車、貨櫃車及軍用車則為柴油引擎之最大使用者,其燃燒所排放之污染物主要以「粒狀污染物」為主,所排放之硝基化多環芳香烴(PAHs)則可能造成肺癌或呼吸道癌,嚴重危害人體健康。目前全國使用中柴油車將近九十萬輛,而動力計檢測制度成為柴油車排放黑煙之主要稽查方式。預計民國九十三年起,全島各縣市將完成設置柴油車排煙檢測站。概觀目前全國二十三條動力計檢測線,每年可檢測數量約八萬輛,依現況共四十八萬輛使用中柴油車,則需六年才可全數檢驗,因此目前無法依靠定檢制度來管制柴油車之污染排放,而須仰賴不定期檢驗辦法。但目前擅調規避檢測問題普遍存在,因此為有效執行柴油車管制政策,以達維護空氣品質之目標,杜絕擅調已成為眼前急需著手解決之問題。本計畫針對現有檢測站進行查核評鑑及相關性測試等作業,以提高執行公權力及公信力。建議成立柴油車排煙污染管制中心,就柴油車之管理、控制,從中央至地方建立完整機制,持續推動排煙檢測及追蹤,並提升檢測品質,使目前使用中之柴油車達到排放標準並永續改善。評估為加速淘汰高污染老舊柴油車,應持續推動老舊柴油車汰舊換新補助措施及推廣低污染車輛,以降低使用中柴油車輛污染排放。 Investigation, Monitoring and Control Plan for the Accelerated Replacement of Old and Obsolete High Pollution Diesel Vehicles Due to the high output of diesel engines, they are widely used in public transport, commercial, engineering and military vehicles. The biggest users of diesel engines are buses, trucks, semi trailers and military vehicles. The pollutants emitted are mainly particulates and the Nitrated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) associated with such emissions can cause cancer to lungs and throats and it is a major threat to human health.There are more than four hundred and eighty thousand (480,000) diesel vehicles in the country and the only means to monitor and test the exhaust emission of smoke from these vehicles are the Dynamometer Testing Centers. All the counties and cities in the country will be completing the installation of such dynamometer testing centers from 2004. There are now twenty three dynamometer testing lines around Taiwan with a capacity of testing eighty thousand (80,000) vehicles per year. It will take about six years to completely test all the four hundred and eighty thousand vehicles in the country. It is therefore impossible to rely on the existing testing centers to control the emission problem with regular tests. It would have to supplement the fixed and regular testing with irregular and random tests. Owners use fine tuning of vehicles as a means to pass such smoke tests and this is currently a universal problem and hence ways to control and further cut off means of cheating is an urgent issue if the air quality of the country is to be upheld. 091 空保處 品勤股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3036
91年台南縣空氣品質資料庫操作平台硬體設備及網路作業系統維護 因應空污資料庫所使用之設備其維護須由專業人員提供專業技術之維護,才能確保資料庫平台設備運作順利及正常,而目前局內無此相關技術人員,如需培訓亦不符目前急切之需求,且相關設備之更換局內亦無能力更新,為使全局資訊作業正常運作,故執行本「空氣品質資料庫操作平台維護更新與整合計劃」,以確保資料庫平台設備運作順利及正常。計畫目標1. 確保資料庫系統正常操作、管理及安全。2. 完成現有系統之功能評估及更新,以符合本局需求。計畫摘要1. 資料庫電腦相關設備之維修與更新2. 提供具MCP之技術人員一名常駐環保局3. 整合各單位軟硬體設備之應用4. 提供Avsys 交換模組三台5. 提供24 port 交換式集線器一台6. 增加公文管理系統列印三聯單及財產管系統之列印條碼功能7. 提供條碼機一台、電腦二台、印表機二台及一年份三聯單、條碼紙用量8. 將網站轉至新伺器上並保持正常運作9. 機房門禁管制系統10. 訪談環保局各課室,提出資料系統、軟硬體規劃建議書 2002 Tainan County Air quality data base operate platform hardware facilities and Internet working system protection To make sure data base facilities working normally, it should be keep in professional people to provide the profession skills. But now in the bureau no this kind of skill members, it can’t correct the hurry need if training, and we have no ability to renew the related facilities. Try to keep the data base system operate normally, we do the air quality data base operation platform renew and reform project” to make sure the data base system operate smooth and normally. Purpose1. Make sure data base system operate normally, controlled and safe.2. Complete to judge system’s function and renew now to conform to the need of bureau. Abstract1. Fix and renew the data base computer related facilities.2. Provide the MCP skill member to inspect in Environment Protection Bureau.3. Repair each unit soft or hardware facilities’ applied.4. Provide three Avsys exchange mold machines.5. Provide a 24-port exchange hub.6. Raise to print critique official paper control system and the bar code of money control system.7. Provide a bar code machine, two computers, two printer machines and the critique papers for a year and bar code papers.8. Transmit the website to the new server and keep it working normally.9. Engine room entrance guard control system.10. Visit to Environment Protection Bureau each room to provide data system and soft and hardware project paper. 091 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 台南縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2928
九十一、九十二、九十三年度建立台灣地區戴奧辛排放清冊及排放資料庫三年工作計畫 本計畫主要工作包括:規劃行業別戴奧辛檢測工作,內容包括規劃檢測名單、全程監督採樣作業、比對檢測值與受測期間污染源操作條件相關性;研擬行業別戴奧辛排放管制規範及規劃總量管制策略;蒐集國外歐、美、日、新加坡、韓國等先進國家對相關業別戴奧辛排放管制標準、排放控制技術與使用實例;建置一套固定污染源戴奧辛排放清冊、排放資料庫以及環境介質戴奧辛調查資料電腦查詢系統。針對各項工作成果說明如後:(一)93年度執行15座次戴奧辛排放源檢測工作,主要目的為:(1)評估煉鋼業電弧爐百葉窗排放設置替代煙囪合理性、(2)集塵灰處理製程戴奧辛排放調查及(3)驗證戴奧辛減量輔導成效。檢測結果發現煉鋼業電弧爐百葉窗式排放設置替代煙囪,替代煙囪檢測排放濃度有偏低現象;對集塵灰處理製程戴奧辛排放調查發現,碳鋼廠集塵灰處理設施排放濃度相當高,而不銹鋼廠集塵灰處理設施排放濃度低於0.1 ng TEQ/Nm3以下。對非鐵金屬冶煉及電弧爐重大排放源進行檢測,發現排放濃度、排放係數都較輔導前檢測值為低,顯見輔導業者改善已具改善成效。(二)93年度協助發布「煉鋼業燒結工場戴奧辛排放管制標準」,本標準於93.06.16發布,對新設之燒結工場戴奧辛排放標準值為0.5ng I-TEQ/Nm3,標準值自發布日起實施;既存燒結工場考量現有工場改善難易、改善工程進度,排放標準分兩階段進行,第一階段標準值為2.0 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,標準生效日期為95年01月01日;第二階段標準值為 1.0 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,標準生效日期為97年01月01日。對於研訂「集塵灰熱處理製程戴奧辛排放管制標準」及規劃戴奧辛總量管制制度方面,蒐集國外相關管制現況、可行控制技術分析及參考風險評估結果,建議集塵灰熱處理製程戴奧辛排放管制標準新設標準值為0.1 ng-TEQ/Nm3,自發布日起實施,對既存污染源標準值為1.0 ng-TEQ/Nm3,建議自95.01.01起實施。另外,協助規劃三年行動計畫戴奧辛排放減量目標。(三)建立國內各行業別戴奧辛排放量及指紋辨識系統:戴奧辛排放量推估部分,本計畫分別推估民國88、90、91、92年國內戴奧辛之排放量為243.8 g-TEQ,206.3 g-TEQ、299.8 g-TEQ、241.3 g-TEQ,主要排放源為電弧爐、焚化爐及燒結爐為主。建立不同行業別戴奧辛排放指紋辨識系統部分,包括:大型垃圾焚化爐、中小型垃圾焚化爐、有害廢棄物焚化爐、事業廢棄物焚化爐、醫療廢棄物焚化爐、煉鋼業電弧爐、煉鋼業燒結爐、銅二次冶鍊、鋁二次冶鍊、燃煤汽電共生、VCM製造業、水泥窯、輪胎裂解、火葬場等14個行業別;共計有535個樣本數。(四)蒐集歐、美、日、亞洲等25個國家相關戴奧辛排放管制標準及戴奧辛排放現況,對於廢棄物焚化爐排放戴奧辛管制部分,幾乎全數國家都已公告排放標準,管制戴奧辛排放;對其他之重大排放源:電弧爐及燒結爐部分,目前有日本、奧地利、加拿大、比利時等四個國家完成立法管制,相較之下國內對戴奧辛排放之立法管制腳步相當快,排放管制標準值也與先進國家相當。在戴奧辛排放減量目標方面,日本、美國及加拿大分別對戴奧辛排放源訂定減量目標及期程,且分別都已達到目標值。(五)建置戴奧辛排放清冊及排放資料庫以及環境介質戴奧辛調查資料電腦查詢系統部分,系統可以同時展現國內各行業別戴奧辛排放濃度、排放量、基本排放資料,系統同時可以用縣市別進行查詢,瞭解各縣市之排放資料,同時也彙整環境流布調查數據,相關法令部分;未來規劃將資料庫架構擴充、彙整,將焚化爐底渣、飛灰,電弧爐集塵灰等戴奧辛調查資料納入資料庫中,且將戴奧辛資料庫擴充納入重金屬鉛、鎘、汞部份。 The establishment of dioxin emission inventory and emission database in Taiwan area in 2002, 2003 and 2004 The work scope of this project includes: planning of the dioxin pollution sources testing, collecting the dioxin control guidelines and emission standard for the major sources, summarization the dioxin emission standard, emission control technology of different pollution sources for the foreign countries and planning the totally control strategy and establish a dioxin emission inventory. The achievements of this project are described as below: 1.There are a total of 15 points of pollution sources testing conducted in 2004. The objectives of the testing are to evaluate the representative of alternative stack for electric arc furnace, the emission investigation of dust recycle process from electric arc furnace and the verification of the dioxin reduction achievement through guidance for major pollution sources.2.To assist EPA to promulgates ”Dioxin Control Guidelines and Emission standards for Sinter Plant”. Starting from promulgated day, the newly installed sinter plant should meet the emission standard of 0.5 ng-TEQ/Nm3. Starting from January 1,2006, the existing sinter plant should improve to meet the emission standard of 2.0 ng-TEQ/Nm3 and improve to 1.0 ng-TEQ/Nm3 by January 1, 2008.3.The estimation of total dioxin emission of 1999, 2001, 2002 and 2003 in Taiwan area are 243.8 g-TEQ, 206.3 g-TEQ, 299.8 g-TEQ and 241.3 g-TEQ.4.To summarize the dioxin emission standard and the existing emission conditions of 25 countries, it was found that the dioxin emission standard for incinerator are almost promulgated for these 25 countries. For the other emission sources- electric arc furnace and sinter plant, only the Japan, Austria, Belgium and Canada had promulgated the dioxin emission standard. 091 空保處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3422
空氣品質監測站操作維護計畫 由於社會經濟持續發展,自然環境不斷開發,導致各項空氣污染物之污染量日漸增加,空氣品質亦有惡化之趨勢,因此花蓮縣環境保護局乃積極執行花蓮地區之空氣品質監測工作。空氣品質監測資訊,對於提供區域基本空氣品質指標,具有相當之重要性,然而要獲得準確且可信賴之監測數據,除透過嚴謹的品保作業程序外,更須仰賴完善的測站管理及維護作業系統,以維持測站運轉功能正常,進而確保完整及準確之數據品質。環保局自民國九十一年八月十九日起,乃委託祥威環境科技有限公司執行「花蓮縣空氣品質監測站操作維護計畫」,整體計畫執行為期八個月,希望藉由本計畫之執行,除擴充自動測站之監測設備外,亦能藉由定期維護工作之落實執行,以提高監測系統儀器設備之妥善率;透過完整之品保品管措施,確保良好監測數據品質,並且確實掌握花蓮地區空氣品質變化情形與可能之污染來源,以作為環保局擬定空氣污染管制策略之依據,進而達到減少空氣污染與改善空氣品質之終極目標。 The Plan of Air Quality Monitoring Sites Operation and Maintenance As a result of socio-economic level continuing develops and natural environment was exploited year by year, air pollutants were produced everyday and the air quality goes from bad to worse. Therefore, the Bureau of Environmental Protection Hua-Lien County (HL-EPB) had executed air quality monitoring constructively. The air quality monitoring information is important to be the index of the regional air quality. If we want to get the precision and believable data, we must execute QA/QC (Quality Assurance and Quality Control) measures conscientiously. We must execute monitor management and maintenance perfectly to keep the function of the monitor normal.HL-EPB had trusted Sunway Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. to execute “The air quality monitors operation and maintenance project of Hua-Lien county” from 2002/08/19 to 2003/04/18. The project purposes included increasing the monitoring instruments in station, being sure the function of the monitor and the quality of the data normal, realizing the air quality and the possible pollution sources of Hua-Lien County, being a basis of the air pollution controlled policy. The ultimate purposes of this project are to reduce the air pollution and to improve the air quality of Hua-Lien County. 091 花蓮縣環境保護局 花蓮縣政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3898
台南縣九十一年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫 依據「九十一年度台南縣加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)甄選須知規定,本計畫各項目成果簡要說明如下:一、 量化目標數1.掃街目標數20,000㎞,計畫共完成21,009.5㎞,達成率105.05﹪。2.洗街目標數20,000㎞,計畫共完成20,723.44㎞,達成率103.62﹪。3.TSP檢測目標數18點次,計畫共檢測18點次,達成率100﹪。4.問卷調查目標數300份,計畫共執行300份,達成率100﹪。5.水質檢測目標數1次,計畫共檢測1次,達成率100﹪。6.街塵粒徑分析目標數8次,計畫共執行8次,達成率100﹪。二、年度洗掃街達成削減量依環保署考評指標中洗掃街削減係數0.0138Ton/㎞計算,年度TSP削減量575.9Ton,PM10削減量108.51Ton。三、問卷調查結果經由此次問卷調查,可瞭解對於洗掃街作業成效與民眾滿意度,結果顯示已達中上之水準,並希望能持續執行各項空氣污染防制工作。四、TSP檢測結果洗掃前TSP平均濃度為335μg/m3,洗掃後TSP平均濃度下降為234μg/m3,平均下降濃度為101μg/m3,平均削減率達30.2﹪。五、街塵粒徑分析由街塵粒徑分析結果推估,本縣單位長度塵土削減量為6.38㎏/㎞,揚塵削減量係數為3.02㎏/㎞,坋土削減量係數為0.72㎏/㎞。六、水源洗掃街車使用水源均為合法,水質經檢驗合乎丁類標準,洗街車洗街平均用水量為0.215Ton/㎞。七、GPS監控系統計畫期間於洗掃街車加裝GPS行車派遣監督系統,監控中心設於環保局,藉由GPS監控提昇作業品質,掌握車輛最新動態。八、空氣品質惡化通報於計畫期間配合空品區空氣品質惡化通報,支援洗掃環保署善化及新營兩測站周圍道路,以防止PSI指數及空氣品質持續惡化,共支援18站日數,執行洗掃街104公里。九、推動企業道路洗掃認養 2002 Tainan country streets sweeps achievement project Depend on “2002 Tainan country stresses streets sweeping achievement project.” Rules, and the working abstract are as table 1 and table 2, and the details are as following: 一、Amount purpose:1. Sweeping purpose is 20,000㎞, we complete 21,009.5㎞and the rate of achievement is 105.05﹪.2.Cleaning purpose is 20,000㎞, we complete 20,723.44㎞, and the rate of achievement is 103.62﹪.3.TSP inspection purpose is 18 points, the project inspects 18 points, and the rate is 100﹪.4.The survey purpose is 300, the project gets 300, and rate of achievement is 100﹪.5.Water quality inspects purpose 1 time, project inspects 1 time and the rate of achievement is 100﹪.6.Float dusty analysis purpose 8 times, the project purpose is 8 times, and the rate of achievement is 100﹪.二、Reducing counts of sweeping in whole yearDepend on the Environment Protection Bureau signal the reducing counts in 0.0138 Ton/㎞, TSP reduces 575.9 Ton in whole year, and PM10 reduces 108.51 Ton.三、Survey resultThe result tells us that we get better than middle and hopes to do the air pollution control jobs constantly.四、TSP inspection resultBefore sweeping the TSP average concentration is 335μg/m3, after sweeping the TSP reduce to 234μg/m3, and the average concentration reduce 101μg/m3, and the reducing rate is 30.2﹪.五、Analyze the float dustyFrom the result, our country dusty reduce 6.38㎏/㎞, the float dusty reduces 3.02㎏/㎞.六、Water sourceThe sweeping car’s using water is on law, the water is correct of the standard and the average water amount is 0.215Ton/㎞.七、GPS watching systemIn the period of project the sweeping cars plus the GPS watching system, the control century is set up on Environment Protection Bureau to promote the working quality and control the activity.八、Promulgate the bad air qualityIn the period of the project harmony with the promulgation the bad air quality, help the sweeping to prevent the PSI points and air quality get bad. Total help for 18 days and do the sweeping for 104 km.九、Push industries to adopt the street of sweeping 091 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 台南縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3904
91年度台南縣環保局網頁更新維護計畫 配合蘇縣長「科技紮根」、「環保為本」之環保理念,環保局現階段之工作重點及專案計劃,也隨之需要做一些更動與調整,來讓民眾以及局內員工能更瞭解環保局未來之施政方向。環保局目前的網站,已歷經數年,其中累積了不少網頁的內容,本案之計劃目標,則是在現有網站網頁內容的基礎下,做一些結構性的重整,讓這些內容可以透過更簡潔的結構來呈現出來,並依據現階段之業務需求及方向,將現有網站網頁,做功能及結構性的更動及調整。對於在內部網路上「業務交辦事項」及「列管工作」這兩個單元,本提案書將他視為局內的一個內部資訊公告處理,而不將他視為內部行政、公文管理系統的一個流程。隨著環保業務的專精、專業化,局內各課室間的分工,日益精細化的情況下,建立局內的內部網際網路系統,讓局內員工可以透過此平台,互相分享彼此工作上所需的資訊以及工作上的心得、經驗,就顯得相當的重要。這也是本案在內部網際網路網頁(Intra-net)建置時的主要目標。網站的建置,是相當龐大且耗費心力的工作,但透過建置的過程中,可以達到從組織資訊的重整過程,可以讓組織得以「回顧過去,策劃未來」的目標,並且讓組織內的各個平行的單位中,可以重新互相連結起來,建立起共識及感情。以凝聚局內的共識,並發揮最大的組織力,讓南縣的環保工作更有成效 2002 Tainan Environment Protection Bureau renew and keep the website project Harmony with country magistrate Sui’s “ Science is the basic”, “ Environment is the basis” thoughts, Environment Protection Bureau’s job key points and special cases now need to do some change and adjust to let people and members know the direction of policy in the future. Now Environment Protection Bureau’s website pass for several years, this project’s purpose is using the basis of the website’s contents to do some rally of organization, and show the contents in simple organization. Depend on the business needs and direction to do the function and organization’s change and adjust of website.For the two units “ business handle items” and “ controlled work” in the intranet, this project take them for the intra-information to handle, not to take them for the flow in the intra-administration or official documents control system. With the environment protection business professional condition, set up the intranet system in the Bureau to let members use this to share the information of job and the experience is important. This is also a main purpose to set up the intra-net in this project. It will spend a lot of spirit and time to set up the website, but from this we can reform the information and get the purpose to see back from past and plan in the future. And we can connect each department in the organization to develop the best power to do the Tainan environment protection job efficiently. 091 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 台南縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3908
91年嘉義縣空氣污染等陳情案件快速查處管制計畫 本計畫於民國九十一年三月簽約,依據合約內容及工作計畫書,本專案小組按照計畫進度進行相關作業之準備與執行,初步完成作業成果(詳期末報告),茲將其內容摘要說明如下:(一)陳情案件管制中心(二)專案處理廢棄物露天燃燒等陳情案件(三) 建立『案件管制作業』,提昇工作品質及效率(四)民眾滿意度調查工作(五)辦理工作人員專業教育訓練(六)官能測定(七)配合環保局提交各類考核報表,檢討計畫執行成效(八)完成九十一年本縣公害陳情案件處理白皮書 2002 Chiayi Fast checking and control project of air pollution cases This project is from 2001 March, according to the contract content and require of this working plan, our team do the job and prepare all follow the project’s progress (Detail is in final report). The achievement of content is as following: (一) Case controlled center.(二) Handle throwing desert things and burning cases outdoor professionally. (三) Set up the case controlled system to promote the working quality and the efficiency.(四) People satisfaction inspection.(五) Do the professional training of working members.(六) Functional inspection. (七) Cooperate Environment Protection Bureau to provide the merit statement, and check the achievement of project.(八)Complete the handle papers of 2002 Chiayi county public damage cases. 091 嘉義縣環境保護局 嘉義縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3922
台南市政府柴油車動力計排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫 本計畫採以目視高污染柴油車以及民眾檢舉等方式,通知柴油車到站檢驗,並以強力執行路邊攔車方式,抽驗油品之含硫輛,以杜絕非法油品之使用。本計畫工作目標及各項進度達成率如下表所示:目前工作執行狀況:(資料統計至92年3月31日)一、 柴油車檢測進度:累計檢數達4,636輛,其中有277輛為檢測無負載急加速項目,其餘之4,359輛檢測全負載定轉速項目,檢測目標達成度達103.0%。檢測結果有175輛為不合格,不合格率為3.77%。二、 油品抽驗進度:截至92年3月31日為止,已執行路邊攔車抽油達9次,共抽驗200輛次油品。另外,到站車輛抽油檢驗有3次,總數量為40輛,合計油品抽驗數達240件。在油品分析結果統計方面,共計有49件油品經檢驗為不合格,不合格率為20.4%。不合格油品之平均含硫量為0.35%,超出法定標準(0.035%)甚多。合格油品之平均含硫量為0.024%,總計所有樣品之平均含硫量為0.091%。三、 排煙檢測站之設備維護與管理:1.已完成公共意外責任保險投保,投保單位為富邦產物保險股份有限公司。2.已完成排煙檢測站之保全系統安裝。3.已完成排煙檢測站之多項修繕工作,以及新增加水充氣設備、數位錄影監視系統、夜間照明設備、週邊道路引導指示牌、週邊綠美化、檢測流程告示牌等設備。 Tainan City diesel cars power gauge smoke emission examination and oil quality inspection project. AbstractThis project adopts the way of watch the high pollution diesel cars by eyes and people accuse to call the diesel car to do the inspection in station. And use the way in blocking cars strictly to test the amount of their oil to put an end to use illegal oil.This project’s purpose and every procedure and achievement rate is as follows:The purpose and rate of achievement in the projectThe working condition now:(Data is statistics to March 31, 2003)一、 Diesel cars’ inspect rate of progress:The quantity is amount to 4,636 cars,among these there are 277 test in the item of no burden to speed up suddenly,other 4359 cars are test in the item of full burden and stable speed,the rate of purpose achievement attend to 103.0%. The result is that 175 cars are unqualified,the rate is 3.77%.二、 Oil inspect rate of progress:Until March 31, 2003,we’ve block cars on the road for 9 times, and test 200 cars’ oil quality. Otherwise,total oil quality inspection amount to 240 cases. And in the side of oil analysis result,there are 49 unqualified oil,and the rate is 20.4%. Unqualified oil’s average quantity are 0.35% of sulfur,much more than the standard(0.035%). The qualified oil’s average quantity are 0.024% of sulfur,and amount to total sample’s average quantity are 0.091% of sulfur。三、 Maintain and management smoking emission inspection station:1.We’ve complete the public accident duty insurance,and the company is Fu-Bun insurance corporation.2.We’ve finished setting up the security service system of smoking emission inspection station.3.We’ve finished several fix work for smoking emission inspection station,and improve the water to full air facilities, digital video watching system, illumination in the night, the guide road sign around there、plant、 and inspection flow sign, etc…。 091 台南市環境保護局 台南市環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3916
91年台南市移動污染源稽查管制計畫 移動污染源稽查管制計畫,應落實機車定期檢驗制度、加強未定檢機車路邊攔查及二行程機車攔檢作業、辦理機車排氣免費檢測宣導活動及協助環保局輔導查核、評鑑民間機車定檢站,經由這些措施之配合,達到督促車輛使用人加強車輛保養維修管理,並且教育車輛駕駛人正確之操作觀念,進而減低車輛廢氣排放之污染,有效改善空氣品質。台南市九十一年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫自九十一年十二月二十七日起開始執行至九十二年三月三十一日止,完成未定檢機車攔查數32,467輛次,目標達成率104.9%,二行程機車攔檢數13,210輛次,目標達成率123.9%,完成辦理一場機車定檢站座談說明會,一次定檢站季查核與18家定檢站不定期查核工作,一場大型宣導與四場小型宣導活動辦理,免費機車排氣定檢數達3,355輛次,並已完成與定檢站及工研院資料管理中心作業系統連線,協助台南市環境保護局辦理民眾陳情案件處理及告發處分相關作業。由未定檢機車攔查回檢之統計資料可發現,檢測車輛之HC與CO平均排放濃度皆隨排氣量減少而有升高趨勢;二行程機車之HC平均排放濃度高達3,832ppm,為四行程機車HC平均排放濃度之11.4倍,顯示二行程機車為HC污染排放主因。由攔檢二行程機車檢測資料統計分析可發現,其HC及CO之平均排放濃度亦隨車齡增加而有升高趨勢;隨排氣量增加而有減少趨勢;若以排氣標準期程區分,則HC及CO平均污染濃度為一期車>二期車>三期車。 2002 Tainan city moving pollution source inspection and control project Moving pollution source inspection control project should do the motorcycle examine on time, block unexamined motorcycles on the road to examine, block 2 stroke motors to examine, do the smoke emission test activities for free, help Environment Protection Bureau and judge people’s inspection station. By way of these activities to push car users take care of maintenance and educate drivers correct thought in driving and to reduce waste gas pollution and to improve the air quality. 2002 Tainan City ‘s moving pollution source inspection control project is from 2002 December 27 to 2003 March 31. We complete unexamined motors for 32467, the rate of purpose achievement is 104.9%, 2 stroke motors block to test is 13210, and the rate of purpose achievement is 123.9%. We’ve finished to connect data system line with inspection station and engineering school to help Tainan City Environment Protection Bureau to handle people against cases and job of against punishment. From the statistics data we can see that inspection’s cars HC and CO’s average concentration are getting high because of the reduce follow the smoke emission. 2-stroke motors average concentration HC is high to 3.832ppm, its four Stroke HC’s concentration’s 11.4double. Cars HC and CO’s average concentration are also getting high with car’s age; but reducing follow the amount of the smoke emission. If we do the different between the standard period, HC and CO’s average concentration is a period car > two period car > three period car. 091 台南市環境保護局 台南市環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3914
91年嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫-VOCS稽查管制與輔導減量計畫 本計畫自九十一年十二月下旬開始執行,截至九十二年七月止,各項工作進度與成果如表一所示,執行進度成果說明如下:一、 揮發性有機物排放源清查建檔共完成327家工廠清查作業,達成率為327%;分別針對工廠揮發性有機物使用量、成份、排放量及各成份之排放量、含揮發性有機物之產品產量、原料與產品中揮發性有機物含量、位置、污染控制設備等加以清查並建檔。二、 列管工廠查核與追蹤改善輔導共完成263家工廠的查核作業,進行改善狀況及法規符合情況複查,並確認工廠申報資料之正確性。三、 VOCS排放量前二十大公私場所清查本計畫對前二十大進行清查作業,已建立排放量資料庫與排放清冊,達成率為100 %。四、 設備元件檢測工作共完成374個設備元件檢測,達成率104%。五、 VOCs防制技術與法規說明會於九十二年二月十三日假嘉義市垃圾焚化廠,針對各工廠代表召開一場說明會。六、 污染減量協談及輔導作業分別針對統宏(清震)興業股份有限公司、民生加油站、中國石油股份有限公司油品行銷事業部嘉南營業處、中國石油股份有限公司溶劑化學品事業部等四家工廠完成減量協談及輔導作業,達成率100%。七、 臭味官能測定共完成三處臭味官能測定,達成率為100 %。八、 餐飲業油煙處理技術觀摩會於九十二年六月十九日假嘉義市中信大飯店,針對餐飲業者舉辦一場觀摩會。九、 VOCs排放量調查推估作業針對各列管工廠之申報及查核資料,以推估其排放量。十、 查核規範已完成本計畫所訂各行業別之查核規範。十一、VOCs檢測共完成煙道六根次檢測及周界兩家次檢測,達成率為100 %。 2002 Chiayi air quality improving and protect project-Emission organic matter (VOCS) inspection control and guidance reducing plan abstract This project is beginning from the late December 2002 to the end of July 2003. Every works’ procedure and achievement are as figure1, and the details are as follows:一、 Set up the file for VOCS emission source.We finish to inspect 327 factories and the achievement rate is 327%.二、 Control the factories to examine and track them to improve constantly.We finish 263 factories inspection works, and do the reexamine for improving condition and lows to check the data which they apply correct or not.三、 The first 20 public or privacy places which emission large number of VOCS.This project do the examine work for the first 20places and set up the data bank and the list, the achievement rate is 100%.四、 Facilities for inspectingWe complete to do 374 facilities examining, the achievement rate is 104%.五、 VOCs protection skills and laws conference.On 2003 February 13 hold a conference in Chiayi’s Garbage burning factory which focus on the leader of each factories.六、 Pollution reduce discussion and guidance work.Focus on discussing reducing and guidance works for the four oil station companies, and the rate of the achievement is 100%.七、 Bad smells senses testFinish 3 places’ bad smells senses test,and the rate of achievement is 100 %。八、 Food industries oil smoking dispose of skills with model conference.It’s held on Chung-Hsin Hotel on June 19, 2003.九、 VOCs emission survey to estimateFocus on each factory’s apply which is controlled to check the data and estimate their emission number.十、 Inspection modelHave already finished each type of industries with checking model.十一、VOCs InspectionComplete smoking road 六根次inspection and two companies for reexamine,and the achievement rate is100 %. 091 嘉義市政府環境保護局 嘉義市環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3938
91嘉義市固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫 「固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫」的執行,首先就是要落實公私場所的稽巡查工作,也就是要以環保的專業技術與熱誠,實地到達公私場所的現場,去挖掘問題、反應問題、及解決問題,而政府法規則是要求公私場所進行空氣污染物質排放管制的最佳工具。公私場所稽巡查工作所建立的文書檔案,最後必須與「固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統」進行比對校驗,完成「固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統」的更新、擴充、與電腦建檔工作,以確實掌握嘉義市固定污染源的即時操作動態,維護嘉義市空氣品質的清新,建構一個現代化的優質生活居住環境。本計畫之執行架構(如圖1-6所示)主要以「稽巡查作業」為主軸,其平行的獨立工作項目有以下三項:「許可審查作業」、「煙道及臭味檢測作業」、及「空污費催補繳作業」,每一項均與「稽巡查作業」有關。在「稽巡查作業」底下的工作項目又可次分為以下五項:「陳情案件查核」、「許可証查核」、「空污費查核」、「資料庫擴充(含地下工廠普查)」、及「排放量查核」等,每一項均為「稽巡查作業」的一部份。當完成「稽巡查作業」的文書建檔後,本計畫必須將其與「固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統」進行資料庫的QA/QC與電腦更新建檔工作。最後,本計畫將完成公私場所空氣污染物排放量與削減量的確認,並對公私場所所簽定的「減量協談」結果,進行「空氣污染改善建議事項」的輔導改善及追蹤管制工作。本計畫除了必須執行上述「稽巡查作業」的所有相關工作項目外,本計畫亦必須配合環保局的需求,(1)舉辦說明會、(2)於嘉義市空品惡化時,執行相關的防制措施、(3)配合環保署空品區計畫,展現本計畫的執行成果、及(4)製作宣導品500份,以確實的改善嘉義市的空氣品質,達成嘉義市空氣污染物的減量目標。 2002 Chiayi city stable pollution source air pollution matter emission achievement. Doing “Stable pollution source license inspection control and air pollution fine’s push to pay inspection project”, the first thing is to make sure the public or private places’ examination. Use environment’s profession skill and enthusiasm to go to those places to find the problem, reflect problems, and solve them. The best tool is government low to ask those places to do the air pollution matter emission’s control. To set up the profile after inspecting public and private places and to compare with the “stable air pollution source control information system “ finally to do the “stable air pollution source control information system “ renew, expand, and set up in computer to handle Chiayi’s excellent living environment.This project’s structure (like picture 1-6) focuses on the “inspection job”, and the independence three working items are as follows: “License inspection”, “smoking and bad smell inspection”, and “air pollution fine push to pay”.Five working items in the bottom of inspection are: “Against cases examination”, “License inspection”, “Check air pollution fine”, “Expand the data bank”, and “Emission inspection”.This project not only do the above all about inspection working items but also follow the need of Environment Protection Bureau, (1) Be held the explain conference, (2) Do the protection if Chiayi city’s air quality gets worse, (3) Harmony with Environment Protection Bureau’s air quality plan to show the achievement of this project, (4) Do 500 announce books to promote Chiayi’s air quality to get the purpose of reducing Chiayi city’s air pollution. 091 嘉義市政府環境保護局 嘉義市環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3936
九十一年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫-移動污染源稽查管制計畫 一、 執行成果本計畫工作項目包括攔巡查13,550輛次,二行程機車攔檢3,060輛次,機車全生命週期推廣18,000輛次,寄發未定檢通知公文10,000輛次,大型宣導活動一場次,小型宣導活動三場次,宣導免費檢測2,000輛次,每月查核定檢站一次。 (一) 機車攔巡查作業截至九十二年三月三十一日已完成15,446輛次,進度達成率為113.8%。(二) 二行程機車攔檢作業截至九十二年三月三十一日已完成3,760輛次,進度達成率為122.9%,不合格數為1,375輛,不合格率為36.6%,已完成複驗為1,172輛,複驗率為85.2%。(三) 寄發未定檢公文作業截至九十二年三月三十一日已完成寄發15,000輛次,進度達成率為150%,回覆率為51%。(四) 機車全生命週期推廣作業截至九十二年三月三十一日已完成18,996輛次,進度達成率為105.5%。(五) 定檢站查核評鑑截至九十二年三月三十一日已完成288家次之查核,進度達成率為100%。(六) 宣導活動作業截至九十二年三月三十一日已完成一大三小場次宣導,共計免費檢測2,079輛次,不合格427輛次,複驗401輛次。(七) 定檢站說明會本計畫在九十一年八月十三日於嘉義市環境保護局第二會議室舉辦定檢站檢測人員教育說明會,由謝局長主持本會議,並由環保署空保處林志純博士解說新修訂定檢站設置及管理要點,工研院機械所陳宗賢博士解說定檢業務工作重點及注意事項,本次會議本市二十四站定檢站全部出席。(八) 辦理技術移轉本計畫在九十二年三月十九日於嘉義市環境保護局第二會議室辦理移動污染源管制計畫技術移轉,移轉車籍資料庫管理系統、違規管理系統等操作及功能。(九) 九十一年度工作績效考評表二、 計畫組織架構本計畫設有計畫主持人、協同主持人與專案經理各一名及派任執行現場與派駐環保局協助處理相關行政作業等三名。 2002 Chiayi city air quality improve and protect project- moving pollution source inspection control project 一、 AbstractThis project’s working items includes block 13550 cars, 3060 two stroke motors, and 18000 announce motor full life cycle, sent 10000 advertisements and a large announce activity, three small announce activities, 2000 motors to inspect for free and check the inspection station once a month. Table: The achievement of Chiayi city moving pollution source inspection control project(一) Block motors to examineUntil 2003 March 31, we’ve completed 15446 motors and the rate of achievement is 113.8%.(二) Block two stroke motors to inspectUntil 2003 March 31, we’ve completed 3760 motors and the rate of achievement is 122.9%. There are 1375 unqualified motors, the rate is 36.6%, 1172 motors finished reexamine, and the rate is 85.2%. (三) Sent the advertisements for not to do the inspectionUntil 2003 March 31, we’ve sent 15000 advertisements and the rate of achievement is 150%, and the repeat rate is 51%.(四) Announce motor full life cycleUntil 2003 March 31, we’ve completed 18996 motors and the rate of achievement is 105.5%.(五) Grade the inspection stationUntil 2003 March 31, we’ve completed 288 inspections and the rate of achievement is 100%.(六) Announce activitiesUntil 2003 March 31, we’ve completed one large and three small announce activities and do 2079 inspect for free. There are 427 unqualified motors, and 401 reexamine motors.(七) Inspection station conferenceThis project was held the conference in Chiayi city Environment Protection Bureau that told about the new rule of setting up the inspection station and management key point.(八) Do the transmittal of skillThis project transmits the moving pollution source skill, car data bank, and illegal management system in the Chiayi city Environment Protection Bureau meeting room on March 19, 2003. (九) 2003 working achievement figure二、 Project organizationThis project has the chairman, second chairman and special case management, one in the spot, and three to stay in Environment Protection Bureau to do the job 091 嘉義市政府環境保護局 嘉義市環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3942
91年台南市環境保護局固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催繳查核計畫 本年度許可及空污費催補繳計畫作業項目包含:(1)許可審查、(2)許可查核、(3)巡查、(4)資料庫更新與擴充、(5)資料庫QA/QC、(6)稽查檢測作業(7)空污費催繳、(8)輔導改善追蹤、(9)稽查處份資料建置等9項作業項目。其中第(1)至(6)項因屬環保署考評項目,故在工作量達成方面,以達成考評目標數期許,因而部分作業數量超出合約甚多。本年度計畫期程為簽約日(民國91年11月6日)起計至民國92年3月31日止為止。在各項作業執行進度方面,皆已達成計畫工作目標,而為免執行上產生之斷層,各項固定污染源管制上之工作仍將持續進行至計畫結束為止。 2002 Tainan city Environment Protection Bureau’s stable pollution sources license inspection and push to pay for the air pollution fine project This year’s items about the licenses and push to pay for the air pollution fine project including:(1) Licenses inspect. (2) Check the allowance. (3) Patrol. (4) Renew and expand the data bank. (5) Data bank QA/QC. (6) Inspection test works. (7) Push to pay for the air pollution fine. (8) Track and remediation. (9) Set up the punishment data, etc.Because of number 1 to number six are the grades items of the Environment Protection Bureau, we try to get the target of the exception so the amount of works are much more than the contract. This year’s project is from the date of the contract (2002 November 6) to the end of 2003 March. The procedure in the side of each works, all attend to the goal of the project. And to avoid the fault line of execution, each job of the stable pollution sources control still continue to the end of this project. 091 台南市環境保護局 台南市環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3948
九十年度「臺北市水污染源全面清查管制計畫」 本計畫針對行事業機構、污水下水道系統及疑似列管事業進行水污染之查核工作,並完成下列工作:1. 全台北市水污染源清查名單確認,以及執行期程與方式規劃,2. 至91年10月31日止,完成所有水污染源清查工作,共計597家。3. 自計畫執行起始,每週指派專案工程師至 貴局整理水污染源管制資料至少1人天,至11月30日止共計使用64人次37人天,已完成所有管制資料整理。4. 完成水污染法令輔導說明會之辦理,其中針對下水道單位有2場次,事業機構部份為1場次。5. 完成水污染法令宣導手冊第一版400冊,並已配合清查作業及相關輔導工作發送386冊。6. 完成604家之水污染防治費徵收對象現場輔導查核資料之填寫。7. 完成台北市週邊主要承受水體排入污染量(BOD值)概估。8. 在協助事業單位水質檢測部份,由於事業單位對由本工作團隊進行採樣分析所得結果之使用及適法性有所疑慮,因此並無單位有意願接受本工作團隊之協助或提出申請。 The Inventory and Controlling Project of Water Pollution of Taipei City(2001) The purpose of this project is to inventory and inspect of industry, sanitary sewer system and industry-like, The main work includes: Confirming the inventory of the source of water pollution; Completing the inventory of the 597 units of the source of water pollution; Holding the three meeting for understanding the acts of water pollution, two for sewer unit and one for industry; Evaluating the loading of BOD of water body near the Taipei City. 091 台北市政府環境保護局 臺北市政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1952
92.93年桃園縣酸雨分布及強度研究-長期趨勢分析與酸沈降對境內水域影響之調查 桃園縣酸雨監測網自1993年底開始建立包含新屋、中壢、桃園、龍潭及復興五酸雨站,今年度計畫除承續原酸雨固定採樣外,持續對境內水域受酸沈降影響進行第二年調查,計畫目標如下所述:1.建立長期酸雨資料庫,以掌握大桃園地區酸雨強度的時空分布及變化。2.分析境內酸雨強度之長期趨勢與其沈降量之分布,並探討其與環保局在空氣污染防制(如固定污染源管制、油品管制等政策)工作成效之相關性,以了解其執行效益。3.調查境內水域水質(如石門水庫集水區)受酸沈降影響之情形,以掌握環境品質之變化。 A study for the distribution and intensity of acid rain in Tao-Yuan county The acid rain monitoring net of Tao-Yuan county has began to set up since the end of 2004. The monitoring net included the Shin-Wu , Chong-Li, Tao-Yuan, Long-Tan and Fu-Shin. In this year, this project plans to sustain the sampling of acid rain and continuously Investigated the influence of acid rain to water areas.The goals of this plan are shown as follows: Set up long-term acid rain database , in order to grasp the distribution of space-time and change of the large intensity of regional acid rain of peach garden. Analyse domestic acid rain secular trend of intensity lower distribution of quantity instead of Shen, probe into it is it make working dependence of effect to defend in air pollution with Environmental Protection Agency, in order to understand that it carries out benefit. Investigate that the domestic water areas water quality (collect water district such as the crossdrift reservoir ) is lowered situation influenced by sour Shen, in order to grasp the change of environmental quality. 091 桃園縣政府環境保護局 桃園縣政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2080
91年土壤污染防治工作計畫 土壤、水、陽光及空氣是大自然中所有生物賴以生存之領域與要素,各環境領域均有其特殊之環境因子,使各領域具有不同性質,而造成整體環境之複雜與多樣性。苗栗縣環保局所委托之「土壤污染防製工作」,選定包括位於竹南鎮大厝裡、頭份鎮蘆竹裡(三個)、造橋鄉談文村及公館鄉館南村灌溉溝渠,共計完成六平方公引之小樣區細密調查(六個一平方公引區塊)土壤監測調查,共采樣樣品數42個樣品。為了因應新的土壤污染管製標準及相關法規規定,並考量重金屬對人體健康的風險評估考量,建議未來可以針對鋅達到土壤污染監測基準或含大量重金屬之區塊優先進行土壤品性重新監測工作,並以食用作物農地監測基準做為監測及列管之依據。 The prevention and control for soil pollution in 2002 Soil, water, sunshine and air are the elements which all living beings depend on for existence. Every environmental field has its special environmental factors, making every field have different natures, and causing the complicatedness and variety of the integrated environment. The EPA of Miaoli County has consigned a project-the soil pollution defending work, to investigate the soil pollution work. There are 42 samples in this project.It is suggested that the monitor of soil pollution should start from the areas where the zinc element has reached the monitoring standard. 091 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 苗栗縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1906
91年地下水水質監測作業計畫 苗栗縣環境保護局地下水水質監測之年度工作,是以建立苗栗地區淺層地下水水質資料庫,定期水質採樣檢測,掌握地下水水質與長期變化趨勢,作為防治和管制地下水污染之依據。評估地下水質狀況及研判可能污染來源,以發揮地下水監測系統之預警功能,並作為釐訂管制措施以防治地下水污染之參考。「91年度苗栗縣下水水質監測作業計畫」自民國91年8月5日簽約起,至今工作項目包括:(一)針對苗栗縣境內所規劃完成之四十八口地下水水質監測井,定期進行保養維護工作;並製作定期維護表(含監測井現況相片)及地下水井調查表。(二)已設置四十八口監測井之地下水水質採樣與分析(22項),另視區域環境特性,選擇八口監測井增加檢測有機化合物(酚、揮發性有機物)等重點水質項目。檢測頻率訂為每年二次,豐枯水期各一次。(三)定期監測場置性至少十五口監測井之地下水水質採樣與分析。檢測項目為有機化合物及重金屬(依場址受污染之種類及項目進行地下水水質監測)。檢測頻率訂為每年二次。(四)地下水水質分析資料建檔於環保署建置之地下水監測資料管理系統。 A plan for monitoring the groundwater quality in 2002 The annual work of groundwater water quality monitoring of environmental protection agency of Miaoshu county, is to set up the shallow layer of groundwater water quality database in the area of Miaoshu, measure the water quality samples, grasp groundwater water quality and long-term variation tendency. The above work will then be used to be the basis of preventing and curing and controlling the underground water pollution. Assessing the underground water quality state and studying and judging may pollute the source , in order to give play to the early warning function of the groundwater monitoring system, and as collating and stipulating the measure of controlling in order to prevent and cure the reference of the underground water pollution. 091 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 苗栗縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1886
91年場置性地下水水質調查與污染防治計畫 苗栗縣環境保護局為維護地下水資源並掌握轄內地下水污染狀況,特定擬定『九十一年度苗栗縣場置性地下水水質調查與污染防治計畫』,除針對頭份工業區設置三口地下水監測井外,並針對轄境內民眾陳情案、通霄、三義及公館等自來水尚未普及地區、6處非法廢棄物掩埋場址附近之地下水進行污染調查、監測與相關防治工作,至少50井次。以確實掌握苗栗縣各疑似或可能污染地區地下水質概況。工作內容在協助處理民眾陳情案,其鄉鎮包括通宵、三義及公館等自來水尚未普及地區及縣內6處非法廢棄物掩埋場場址附近之地下水污染調查、監測與相關防治工作,至少50口次。地下水水質資料庫建檔,應配合環保署建置之資料庫完整建置及上傳環保署。於頭份工業區內設置3口監測井,提報評估之井址並經本局同意後設置,並定期檢測地下水質。 A survey for groundwater water quality and the prevention of pollution in 2002 In order to safeguard the groundwater resources and grasp the underground water pollution state, the EPA of Miaoli county has carried a project named.In Tao-Feng industrial park, three monitoring wells were set up, the location of the well should be evaluated and agreed by the EPA of Miaoli, and the underground water quality should be investigated regularly. 091 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 苗栗縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1900
91臺中縣固定污染源污染管制計畫 本年度計畫期程自91.03.18開始,執行到92.03.17止,各項量化工作已完成契約要求。臺中縣固定空氣污染源列管家數共計1,842家,原預計清查900家,因應考評需求專案小組共完成1,172家公私場所之清查作業(其中更新1,001家/維護81家/擴充90家),作業完成率達130%。本年度更新作業共1,001家,更新前後製程數大約減少了115製程,其中紡織/印染業減少較多;而污染源更新後減少423個,其中以木竹製品製造業減少最多,約減少132個污染源。本年度共擴充90家公私場所,主要針對臺灣加入WTO後油品開放進口,故專案小組主動將臺中港碼頭儲槽區列入。另外共進行81家公私場所的維護作業,總家數僅佔總執行家數的6.9%,符合考評規定。在戴奧辛管制上,主要將固體廢棄物焚化爐、電弧爐之煉鋼業以及金屬二級冶鍊列為重點管制行業進行調查;結果發現本縣共88個相關製程,其中以固體廢棄焚化爐最多,共78個製程佔全部89%。本年度資料庫QA/QC重點工作仍持續清查(EPA97)與許可(Permit)資料庫之一致性、完整性及合理性之查驗與整合。專案小組雖從91.03開始承接本計畫,然為使公私場所申請許可案件權益不受影響,專案小組仍持續協助在計畫承接前的申請案件審查約62件,計畫開始迄今申請之件數為313件,全年度共許可申請案件共375件,以展延申請98張為最多占26%,顯示本年度許可證到期之展延佔申請案件比例甚高,與往年大為不同,也顯示未來許可證管理將邁入以管理現有有效證為主要工作之階段;操作許可申請案87張占23%次之;許可證補換證申請79件占21%,而在案件處理上每月平均處理之案件為27件,審查平均審查日數為11天,平均補正次數為1次;檢測報告書平均審查日數為5天,補正次數為0.7次;設置許可書面審查平均審查日數為10天,平均補正次數為1次。專案小組並本計畫調查公私場所申請的案件由代書代辦情形,得知約七成公私場所許可之申請均委由代書辦理,而自行辦理者只佔三成,因此代書的品質、公私場所的再教育及宣導將為未來須重視的方向。本年度共核發331張許可證,以鍋爐蒸氣產生程序最多共47張,混凝土拌合程序為次之佔39張,灰鐵鑄造程序為26張共計這三個製程即佔了總核發許可證數的34%。應提展延製程共有210個製程;其中已有130個製程已申請,約佔62%,停工或暫時停工有35個製程,而有10個製程停止設廠計畫不再申請展延,5個製程產量未達公告條件而不需再申請,另有24個製程因操作內容異動,因此重提申請操作許可證。本計畫期程中因應許可證年排放量重登載工作,專案小組共計進行675張許可證之排放量登載,以鍋爐蒸氣產生程序登載核發141張證最多,其次為金屬電鍍處理程序78張居次。總核定污染物排放量約124,119公噸。以氮氧化物最多,共52,880公噸佔全部43%,其次為粒狀物41,966公噸佔全部34%。另自91.12.01起各經濟部加工出口區之固定污染源設置及操作許可證相關業務,由經濟部加工出口區管理處暨各分處辦理,目前臺中縣境內適用的有臺中(潭子)加工出口區及臺中港加工出口區,此兩加工出口區內領有許可證之公私場所共十六家,包含二十七個製程,相關資料已完成移交。針對操作許可證現場查核作業中,應查核之許可證為587張,本計畫共查核535家公私場(廠)/748張許可證,查核無誤有404家/491張,佔總查核作業之75.5%/65.6%。查核不符後續改善方面,已改善者有113個(張)製程數,改善率為44%,主要以未定檢改善57%最多,其他改善21%最少。經與九十年查核結果比對共有69家公私場(廠)/74個(張)製程許可證有累犯現象,其中仍以未作定檢佔最多,但已由九十年45%降至九十一年的34%。在專責人員申請案件上共協助處理79件,以混凝土拌合程序19件、鋼鑄造程序8件及液晶顯示器製造程序6件較多。應設置專責人員未完成設置公私場所去年共24家,本計畫持續追蹤後尚有7家未完成設置,另本年度資料庫改版後專責人員資料已統由環訓所管理。目前本縣最新應繳空污費公私場所名單約有623家,在催繳作業上專案小組針對九十年第四季至九十一年第三季未繳費名單進行作業,經催補繳後臺中縣所催繳的金額共計994,856元,在本年度考評計算季別(九十年第四季~九十一年第三季)內,達到到繳率100%。本年度空污費查核契約數為250家,專案小組共查核274家,其中以一般性查核272件最多,其中有177件為申報正確佔65.1%,申報錯誤計84件約佔30.9%,而其他無法判定有11件約4%左右,無法判定申報金額是否正確的原因係為公私場所未將申報後的相關資料依規定妥善保存備查。專案小組掌握本縣砂石場與預拌混凝土廠共73家,其中4家停工已篩除列管、6家暫時停工,完成清查有63家。相關稽查共155家次,處分19家次,處分金額共計為9萬元。另外,本計畫期程內亦配合推動砂石業BACT草案。目前專案小組協助審查新設加油站共3家,分別為馬拉、台塑九張犁及台糖月眉加油站,此三家目前均通過第二階段審查。專案小組針對境內176家加油站,去除10座停工後之166家進行資料更新,完成加油槍油氣回收裝置者有131家,未完成設置者有35家,總設置率達78.92%;就加油槍數來看,總計共有3,535支加油槍,已完成油氣回收設置之加油槍為2,805支,完成率約79.35﹪;境內加油站92、95、98無鉛汽油年總發油量共617,618 ton/年。本計畫期程內仍持續對農民露天燃燒稻草加強宣導及現場查察;共執行露天燃燒案件數327件,有97件為宣導,230件案件為確實查獲露天燃燒行為;在91.11.27及91.12.02亦配合空氣品質不良後,進行露天燃燒巡查作業及相關處理措施。另外本年度於二期的稻米收割期間亦進行電視及廣播等宣導作業。在辦理說明會部分,專案小組共辦理二場次許可展延說明會、一場次檢測作業說明會、一場次加油站油氣回收設置說明會、一場砂石場及堆置場說明會、一場次空污費網路申報說明會及召開一場次稻草露天燃燒污染防制及宣導協調會。在諮詢服務表的統計分析方面,共完成270件的諮詢輔導,在諮詢的方式上以現場諮詢194件,佔72%最多,其次是電話諮詢有76件,佔28%。諮詢的項目部分,發現以空污費相關問題諮詢比率較多,計有74件佔28%。本計畫期程內共計巡查126家/134家次;巡查對象的排定以其他之巡查最多共64家次占48%,配合許可制度管理次之共41家次占31%;巡查結果方面暫時停工及停工13家次、建議稽查1家次、其他1家次及無明顯空氣污染118家次。環保署本年度稽查檢測總共13根次,其中10根次為檢測Par, SOx, NOx,另3根次檢測Par, SOx, NOx, HCl, CO;檢測結果不符合排放標準的只有1根次;另外燃料油含硫份,不符合標準為3家次。本年度稽查單建檔自91.01.01至91.12.31為止,共計完成稽查資料之電腦及文書建檔總數共1,961筆,在列管部份506筆,未列管部份1,455筆;經環保局人員稽查後處分之案件共104件 091 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 衛宇科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=183
91屏南工業區特定污染源戴奧辛口夫喃排放特徵之檢驗分析計畫 本研究針對屏南工業區進行可能排放戴奧辛/呋喃之污染源篩選工作。並篩選出貳座較具污染排放潛能之排放管道,分別為高興昌之廢輪胎熱解廠(T)及高鋁之二次鋁精煉廠(A)進行排放管道之戴奧辛/呋喃檢測,並建立本土戴奧辛排放源之特徵,以利政府當局針對戴奧辛進行政策研擬、法規制訂、控制、削減與排放源鑑定,此外,亦提出戴奧辛/呋喃之減量建議方案。本計畫之研究成果如下:1. 廢輪胎熱解廠(T) 燃燒塔前之管道廢氣中與煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ平均分別為0.00673 ng I-TEQ/Nm3與0.974 ng I-TEQ/Nm3。煙道廢氣PCDDs中,以1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD及OCDD所佔比例最高;而PCDFs中則以1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF及OCDF所佔比例最高。2. 二次鋁精煉廠(A) 袋式集塵器前之管道廢氣與煙道廢氣總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 濃度平均分別61.4 ng I-TEQ/Nm3與10.6 ng I-TEQ/Nm3。煙道廢氣PCDDs中,以1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD及OCDD所佔比例最高;而PCDFs中則以2,3,7,8-TeCDF、2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF、1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF及OCDF所佔比例最高。3.廢輪胎熱解廠煙道廢氣PCDD/Fs之I-TEQ排放係數平均值為20.2 μg I-TEQ/ton-feedstock;二次鋁精煉廠煙道廢氣PCDD/Fs I-TEQ排放係數平均值則為55.7 μg I-TEQ/ton-feedstock。4. 顯示燃燒塔雖然可用以去除廢輪胎熱解過程所產生之VOC或液態油,但其卻促成PCDD/Fs之生成。比較燃燒塔前管道廢氣中及煙道廢氣中PCDD/Fs之特徵剖面得知,其PCDD/Fs形成機制應與de novo機制有關。再者,於廢輪胎熱解廠燃燒塔前之採樣,發現樣品中及採樣管有許多液態油狀物。這些油狀物對於PCDD/Fs之分析,造成許多困擾,亦可能造成分析測估之誤差,這部分值得進一步探討。5.二次鋁精煉廠袋式集塵器對總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ之去除率僅為5.94%,可見本研究中之袋式集塵器對煙道廢氣中PCDD/Fs之削減,效果有限。6.廢輪胎熱解廠之戴奧辛/呋喃減量之建議方案:建議可將燃燒後之廢氣迅速導入原設立之濕式洗滌塔,或加裝一驟冷塔,以採急冷方式避免PCDD/Fs再合成。亦可利用燃燒再熱分解法再次以熱分解法破壞已生成之PCDD/Fs。7.二次鋁精煉廠之戴奧辛/呋喃減量之建議方案:減少含氯之物質進入精鍊之程序為減少PCDD/Fs生成之要點。另袋式集塵器對PCDD/Fs去除效果並不理想,因此,若於鍋爐或熱交換器之後裝置半乾式或乾式洗滌塔,隨後在裝置袋式集塵器,應屬較理想的PCDD/Fs防治方式。亦可裝置活性碳吸附床以吸附廢氣中PCDD/Fs。此外,觸媒氧化法亦已成功開發運用在PCDD/Fs去除上。 091 屏東縣政府環境保護局 正修科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=472