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應用衛星遙測科技於河川、海洋污染監控及公害糾紛處理專案工作計畫 本遙測科技應用於河川、海洋油污染監控及公害糾紛處理專案工作計畫,計畫內容利用定期經過台灣上空的福衛二號、法國SPOT等各國衛星進行地面監測工作,並應用無人低空遙控載具輔助現場調查。目標為規劃建置遙測科技應用於台灣本島及近海環境監測調查,並協助公害調查蒐證使用,以有效釐清污染環境責任,及協助損害查估,輔助公害糾紛處理,消弭公害紛爭。工作內容包括:遙測科技應用於河川及海洋油污染監控1.維護全天候24小時緊急聯絡處理系統,包含人員、電話及傳真,除接受環保署通知提供技術諮詢服務外,並配合環保署98年度演練或重大海洋污染事件, 應用衛星遙測、遙測機具、遙控直升機等先進遙測科技及航照方式,快速蒐集污染事件資料,全年搭配演練共執行10次海洋污染遙測蒐證工作(含演練)。2.對於台灣周圍海域進行定期監測,一共發現3次疑似污染情形,並依通報機制進行通報與查證的工作,強化周圍海域的稽查功能與蒐證。3.彙整3個先進國家海域船舶非法監測技術,並修訂台灣海域船舶航線疑似污染監控查察作業流程。遙測科技應用於公害糾紛處理1.配合環保署的環境調查相關業務單位執行12次調查工作。2.以三個月為週期利用福衛二號衛星進行周圍環境監測並建置遠端操控攝影機(PTZ)監視工業區煙囪排放情形,於觀音以及中壢工業區都各監測到疑似污染情形發生。3.依據本計畫示範工業區成果並參考國外遙測監測技術之最新發展趨勢,並提出工業區運用遙測方式進行定期監控空氣及水污染之建議。4.推廣應用遙測調查技術及提昇實務人員舉證責任能力。 The application of Remote Sensing Technologies to River and Marine Oil Pollution and Public Dispute Due to limited resources and high density of population in Taiwan, the large-scale pollution is normally accompanied with public dispute and environmental disaster. It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task to perform afield investigation when a large-scale pollution happens. In order to locate the spread areas of the pollution, this study integrates spatial data collection and processing technologies to help collect evidence of pollution and monitor the polluted areas. The main objective of this project is to use the existing remote sensing technologies and internet communications system to aid the data collection when public dispute and River、marine oil pollution occur. The following tasks are achieved in the project:The Utility of Remote Sensing Technology in Monitoring to River and Offshore Oil pollution1.The NCU project’s team has setup an emergency communication network between NCU and EPA. The team has provided communication network and remote sensing systems to take part in the marine training and data collection exercise for eleven times during the project period.2.A constant monitoring of the marine enviroment of Taiwan’s surrounding areas has been carried out in the project period. Three suspectable pollution cases have been detected and transferred for the in situ investigation.3.Compiling the information of ships monitoring technology in three advanced countries, and revising the investigation assessment process for ships monitoring around of Taiwan’s maritime area.The Utility of Remote Sensing Technology to deal with dispute for Environmental Pollution1.In this year, the NCU Project time has executed 12 investigations to co-operate with EPA’s need.2.Using FS-2 Satellite for surrounding environmental monitoring, and setting up PTZ cameras for emission monitoring from industrial chimneys in Jungli and Guanyin Industrial Parks for long-term monitoring.3.With the long-term monitoring results of Jungli and Guanyin Industrial Parks in this project and other remote sensing technologist in other countries in monitoring field, to make the recommendations for periodical monitoring of air and water pollution in industrial parks with Remote Sensing Technology.4.Coordinate the training courses for local government’s EPA to improve their investigation ability. 098 水保處 國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=19061
98臺中市營建工程空氣污染管制暨評鑑查核計畫 臺中市環境保護局於八十六年七月一日開始執行營建工程污染管制計畫,為使空氣品質得以確實改善,並期待執行本計畫後有效管制營建工程之污染行為與減少公害發生,確切提昇生活環境品質。期末報告執行期間(98年1月1日至98年12月31日),本計畫已蒐集分析營建工程徵收、管制、污染排放削減情形及歷年執行成果資訊進行探討,分析檢討本年度計畫與歷年之差異,年度之成果摘要說明如下。一、執行營建工程污染管制針對市境內工地污染進行管制,本年度在工地申報開工件數及金額相較於96年明顯減少許多;在稽巡查方面共完成7206處次,其中包括一般巡查6,733處次,協助稽查案件473件次,並依據查獲之污染情形協助局內完成、蒐證、告發、複查,共計處分169件次。查核符合率方面僅較97年增加0.5%,後續仍應持續加強管理辦法查核輔導作業,期使整體法規符合度進一步提升。二、專案管制成果方面,持續針對區域開發及園區工程擴大實施查核,藉以6處遙控直昇機空拍監控,輔導裸露地以鋪設稻草及植生改善8處營建工地,總鋪設面積444,700平方公尺。另外,也針對預報PSI>90之空氣品質不良日配合執行空品惡化通報查處,建立重大污染源聯絡名單,以簡訊、傳真、電話及現場查核進行即時改善,而專案工地TSP平均削減率約58.6%,優於一般工地削減率54.1%(全市營建工地扣除專案工地)。此外,今年度特加強道路管線工程查處,98年度管線開挖工程巡查件數較97年多325件,稽查件數較97年多28件;而路污告發件數由96年1件明顯增加至98年31件,表示密集性查核使得查獲污染工地的比例增加,能使工地更加用心維護周界環境,亦使得本年度法規符合度從上年度62%提昇至66%。三、污染減量成效計畫執行期間之營建工程之粒狀物TSP產生量為3787.5公噸,削減量為2212.2公噸,現況排放量為1575.3公噸,平均削減率為58.4%。工地申報數量小於97年度情形下,但在區域開發陸續施工狀況下,污染排放量仍相當大,而在今年努力下使得工地粒狀物不至於惡化,削減率由97年55.6%提升至98年58.4%。未來應加強提報稽查、缺失記點及告發,對於無配合意願或配合度不佳之污染工地,輔以勤查重罰的手段,以期能達到管制目的。 098 台中市環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15602
事業廢棄物管制中心地理資訊系統(GIS)整合規劃計畫 本計畫之目標重點主要包含:彙整現行管制中心各系統之空間資料,規劃地理資訊系統(GIS)整合平台;配合中心業務需求,規劃地理資訊系統(GIS)整合空間資訊及廢棄物管理之決策系統;研擬GIS平台發展策略及軟硬體建置方案;配合本計畫規劃項目,建立應用系統雛型。 於執行過程,訪談管制中心各系統之委辦廠商,瞭解各系統資料格式、數量、建立方式等訊息,彙整各項資料中之空間屬性,並結合與重要業務執行上所需之部分MIS資料,規劃地理資訊系統(GIS)整合平台。亦針對平台之規劃,著手規劃平台與中心現行各系統之「資料交換機制」;並針對EMS提供之機構基線資料,初步建立GIS圖層,另外,也針對IWMS之廢清書資料及IWRS之統計資料等,逐步進行資料庫建置與空間資料關連等相關作業。 並針對本計畫在平台的開發與未來整體需求,研擬整體平台發展之策略,並規劃相對應之軟硬體建置方案,進而透過GIS整合管理平台,逐步彙整相關業務需求,並提出「地理資訊系統(GIS)整合空間資訊及廢棄物管理之決策系統」之各項功能範疇,以及相關資料使用之情境模擬說明等,進一步提出如3D GIS之空間展示及聯單、軌跡等相關應用方式之未來方向等,期望可逐步配合GIS整合管理平台中資源的擴充與共享,逐步增添並著手建置更多符合業務需求之決策系統,提供相關業務單位決策支援使用。 期望本計畫執行期程中,可確立GIS整合管理平台之基礎,未來可逐步納入更多資源,已達成永續發展之目標。 Industrial Waste Management Geographic Information System (GIS) integration planning The main emphasis of this project including compiling all the spatial data of the current control center, planning geographic information system (GIS) integration platform, with the center of business needs, planning geographic information system (GIS) integration of spatial information and waste management decision-making system, planning the developing strategy of GIS platform and building software and hardware, with this project, building the applicational system of prototype. In the process of implementation, understanding the information of systems by interview the commissioned corporations. Compile spatial property of data, and combined with the important business of the part of the implementation of the required MIS data, planning Geographic Information Systems (GIS) integration platform. Also for platform planning, begin to plan platform with the center existing systems, the "information exchange mechanisms", and for the EMS to provide the institutional baseline data, the initial establishment of GIS layers, while also in the IWMS waste clear written information and IWRS statistical information, etc. Build the database of information related to space and other related operations gradually. And the platform for the development of this project and future overall demand, plan the developmental strategy of the platform, and plan to build the software and hardware, and then integrate the platform through GIS, and gather related business requirements, and to make " Geographic Information Systems (GIS) integration of spatial information and waste management decision-making system "of the various functional areas, and related information using the scenario descriptions, further, such as 3D GIS and associated spatial display, single track mode for applications of future direction, expected to operate in coordination with GIS integration management platform which could expand and share resources, build DSS which conform to business demands. Hope the implementation during this project, GIS platform can be established firmly. There are many resources which gradually bring into the GIS platform in the future. 098 廢管處 千一科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18554
98年度澎湖縣加油站測漏管監測異常土壤及地下水污染查證工作計畫 本計畫對澎湖六處高污染加油站之土壤及地下水污染查證工作、六處加油站功能及防漏測定、98年度全國土壤及地下水污染整治業務檢討會、農地土壤污染防治宣導工作、環保局交辦之相關事項及緊急應變之執行等事項皆有完善之執行成效,並將成果彙整於下:1.加油站測漏管查證  本計畫自行針對澎大加油站、馬公汽車加油站、泰永北辰加油站、大家加油站、文東加油站及湖西加油站等六處加油站進行兩次測漏管監測,結果顯示此六處加油站測漏管中PID及LEL測值均無超過異常建議值(PID>500ppm,LEL>25%),無異常現象。2.加油站土壤污染查證  針對本縣馬公汽車加油站、泰永北辰加油站、湖西加油站、澎大加油站、大家加油站及文東加油站等六站加油站之土壤查證結果顯示苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯及總石油碳氫化合物等五項污染物測值均遠低於「土壤污染管制標準」,顯示無土壤污染之現象。3.加油站地下水污染查證  考量六處加油站既設監測井現況及本計畫土壤調查結果,對文東加油站設置1口地下水標準監測井,並於98年10月30日執行豐水期採樣,99年04月28日執行枯水期採樣,結果顯示枯、豐水期之樣品檢測總酚、苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯、萘等測值皆低於方法偵測極限,MTBE及TPH-d則均小於檢量線第一點。4.加油站陰極防蝕設施調查  本計畫檢測結果發現,除文澳加油站陰極防蝕電位未符合標準值外(平均測值-473.2mV,標準值應<-850mV),其餘兩處加油站(湖西及馬公汽車加油站)均符合標準值:另由本計畫執行結果發現,使用犧牲陽極式陰極防蝕之防蝕電位有隨時間升高之現象,建議後續針對使用陰極防蝕之加油站至少每半年針對陰極防蝕設施進行一次功能有效性檢測。5.辦理四場農地土壤污染防治宣導  於澎湖縣農會、東衛社區及二崁活動中心針對湖西鄉、西嶼鄉及東衛社區巡守隊等民眾進行宣導,四場共385人參與。另亦以現地宣導方式針對151人次進行農藥使用重點說明,皆達成計畫目標。6.緊急應變處理  本計畫執行迄今已執行白沙鄉下瓦硐段266、232地號廢棄物棄置緊急應變及聯勤油料管線烏崁段漏油案件緊急應變等二案件,成果說明如下。(1)白沙鄉下瓦硐段266、232地號廢棄物棄置案  於98年11月19日接獲陳情白沙赤崁之地下水庫周邊遭不名人士傾倒大量廢棄物,環保局於98年11月20日要求土地管理人清除廢棄物後由本計畫於98年11月21日進場進行採樣分析,對土壤與地下水進行重金屬及總石油碳氫化合物等項目檢驗,均符合各項法規標準。(2)聯勤油料管線烏崁段漏油案  本案於99年04月10日遭民眾向聯勤第一地區支援指揮部舉發,位於馬公市烏崁里附近發生軍方油料污染事件,本計畫於99年04月11日進場進行土壤與地下水中石油相關揮發性有機物採樣與檢測,發現位於洩漏源下方之土壤總石油碳氫化合物及距洩漏源路邊約17.8公尺之地下水井總酚數值均超過相關法規標準,環保局已要求軍方提出細部調查及污染控制計畫。 The Survey of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in the High Potential Polluted Gas Station in Penghu County In this project, we select six high potential polluted gas stations according to the investigation result in 2008, and get five soil samples at each station. The six gas stations are as follows: 1) Taiyong-beichen gas station, 2) Ma-gong vehicle gas station, 3) Hu-xi gas station, 4) Da-jia gas station, 5) Peng-da gas station, 6) Wen-dong gas station. The results are all in line with Soil Pollution Control Standard. But it shows that there is a relatively high TPH concentration in Wen-dong gas station.According to the soil investigation result, we construct one monitoring well in Wen-dong gas station and investigate the groundwater both in dry season and wet season. The result shows that every surveyed items also met the Groundwater Pollution Control Standard. In this project, we also hand four conventions of prevention of soil pollution in agriculture. Farmers in Hu-xi village, Dong-wei community and Erkan village held a total of 385 participants. In addition, there are also 151 farmers were taught the proper way to use pesticides on site. We also dealt with two emergency cases in 2010, including one waste disposal site in Baisha township and one fuel leakage military site in Magong city. There was no heave metal and TPH pollution in groundwater and soil in the waste disposal site. We not only found TPH contamination in soil and groundwater, but phenol in groundwater. The Penghu has asked the army to detailed investigation and pollution control plan. 098 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 上準環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18003
推廣垃圾焚化灰渣及都市下水道污泥運用於工程輔導計畫 本年度計畫執行期間自民國98年12月31起至99年12月30日止,主要目的在於協助環保署及主辦縣市政府推動灰渣再利用,並進行垃圾焚化底渣再利用之相關工程性質調查、分析,研擬垃圾焚化底渣再利用作為控制性低強度(Controlled Low Strength Materials,CLSM)產品品質之輔導管理制度。另為解決都市下水道污泥佔用掩埋空間之問題,藉由蒐集國內外都市下水道污泥處理之技術、實蹟及研究等相關資料,並協助規劃都市下水道污泥之個案再利用申請審查。本(99)年度已有14縣市計20座焚化廠參與底渣再利用,統計92至98年累積達215萬公噸,再利用率達到80.87%,已協助完成參與底渣再利用計畫按季提送處理費審查及提供主辦縣市政府相關諮詢輔導,並辦理1場次業務檢討會議及2場次公共工程觀摩會議,以作為往後施政方向與推動政策之重要參考依據。 Promotion of Recycling Incinerator Ash and Sewage Sludge to Engineering Project The project was implemented over the period from 12/31/2009 to 12/31/2010. The main purpose of the project is to assist the Environmental Protection Administration and the sponsoring county and municipal governments to promote the recycling of incinerator ash,and carry out the engineering investigations and analyses associated with the recycling of bottom ash from waste incineration,as well as and to set up a management system for recycled incinerator bottom ash for additive in Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)production. In addition, in order to solve the problem of urban sewage sludge occupying the landfill space, we project to assist in the review of individual cases of urban sewage sludge recycling applications. This year (2010), 20 incineration plants in 14 counties and municipalities have participated in bottom ash recycling. Statistics collected from 2003 to 2009 show that a total of 2.15 million metric tons have been recycled, which represents a utilization rate of 80.87%. The project also assists in the completion of the review of processing fees submitted on a quarterly basis by counties and municipalities participating in incinerator bottom ash recycling programs, as well as the provision of consultation services to these local governments and the hosting of an operational review meeting and two observation meetings of public engineering, which will serve as an important basis for future policy formulation. 098 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=21257
辦理屏東縣98年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 本計畫執行期間為98年5月25日至99年3月31日止,主要目的為藉由地下水質採樣分析、加油站查核及列管場址驗證等工作了解污染潛勢,作為管制政策擬定及污染防治之依據,保障民眾用水安全。主要工作項目包括洗井維護保養、地下水質採樣分析、加油站測漏管檢測及稽查、土壤及地下水六場查證工作、緊急應變案件以及法規說明會等其他配合工作事項。執行過程首先進行水文地質、場址環境現況及歷年檢測資料等基本資料收集彙整,並進行監測井現勘作為維護保養工作依據以能取得代表性水樣。第一次洗井維護保養自98年5月15日至6月5日,針對計畫範圍內61口監測井進行地上部分損壞修復、更新、清除雜草及重新上漆等工作,另針對井管部分進行洗井清除淤積之泥砂。第二次洗井維護保養自98年8月3日至9月11日,於本次保養期間遭遇莫拉克颱風(98年8月8日),其中北場址T00080與T00081及南場址T00082與T00083井功能喪失,於後續以緊急應變方式重新設置完成,另針對北場址T00079遭受掩埋一半及南場址T00084(隱藏式)進行清除泥砂、修復及洗井工作。地下水質採樣工作範圍包括四處甲級非法廢棄場址(共17口井,其中餉潭地區4口採雙井管,共21口次)、新開寮地區非法廢棄場址(場置性7口,另包含2口區域性)(每季監測一次,其中4口為雙井管)、加油站場址(12站19口)、工業區周邊(5口)、廢棄工廠(2家5口)、皮革廠(2家6口)及3口公用水井。共計完成181口次採樣工作。工業區今年度所有水質檢測項目皆符合地下水法規標準。對照93~97年調查資料則有氨氮超過監測基準。聯夏食品(前正豐麟洛廠)今年度調查結果毒殺芬皆低於偵測極限。而一般項目氨氮超過監測基準,對照94~97年調查結果,亦曾檢測出氨氮超過監測基準。全部實業今年度調查結果氨氮超過監測基準,重金屬則符合法規標準。加油站場址車城今年度調查結果氨氮超過監測基準;山隆東港(原大鵬灣加油站)今年度調查結果有總有機碳、總硬度、總溶解固體、硫酸鹽、氯鹽及氨氮超過監測基準,於92~97年度主要為苯及萘超過管制標準,而於一般項目歷年亦為總有機碳、總硬度、總溶解固體、硫酸鹽、氯鹽及氨氮超過監測基準,以及硝酸鹽氮超過管制標準,其主要污染物苯及萘歷年結果呈現逐漸降低,至今年度已達管制標準以下;大同加油站今年度調查結果,去年新設之T00110苯超過管制標準;永勝大鵬(原文化加油站)今年度檢測結果總硬度、總溶解固體、氯鹽及氨氮超過監測基準,對照94~97年度亦為總硬度、總溶解固體、氯鹽及氨氮超過監測基準。川流加油站今年度檢測結果氨氮超過監測基準以及苯超過管制標準。對照94~97年度一般項目有總有機碳及氨氮超過監測基準;苯、甲苯及萘超過管制標準。加祿加油站今年度檢測結果總硬度、總溶解固體、氯鹽、硫酸鹽及氨氮超過監測基準,對照94~97年度則有總硬度、總溶解固體、氯鹽及氨氮超過監測基準。中油-南州及中油-佳冬今年度調查結果皆為氨氮超過監測基準,對照94~97年亦為氨氮超過監測標準。四處甲級非法棄置場址南場址及赤山巖今年度調查結果氨氮超過監測基準,餉潭今年度調查結果有一口(PT-MW33)總酚超過管制標準,對照94~97年度有總硬度及總有機碳超過監測基準。皮革廠今年度調查結果皆符合法規標準。新開寮非法棄置場址潮州鎮崙新段1277地號(T00095)及崙川分校(T00023)等2口井之1,1二氯乙烯超過第二類地下水管制標準值,崙川分校(T00023)除了有1,1-二氯乙烯超過第二類地下水管制標準值,總酚也超過管制標準,其餘監測井雖未達管制標準值,但其濃度值仍有檢測出偏高之現象,且有機污染物檢出之種類亦多,須持續觀察其濃度變化。加油站測漏管檢測及稽查自98年10月5日至98年12月4日完成145家加油站測漏管檢測,其中台灣屏東及申來加油站2家因封鎖原因無法檢測,共檢測143家,執行2,804支測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測。管蓋無法開啟有10家共17支,測漏管積水嚴重影響透氣性有2家共4支、測漏管透氣性不佳壓力>500mmHg有5家共24支,及深度不足<240cm有6家23支,統計本計畫執行結果功能不彰之測漏管有19家共計63支。油氣異常部分,測漏管LEL>25(%)有4家共11支,PID>500(ppmV)有9家共39支,有浮油情形有1家,為東隆漁船加油站1支,測漏管油氣異常總數為12家共51支。另各加油站所稽查之情形主要有經營許可執照中加油站名稱與現場大型立牌所懸掛之加油站名稱不符、進行地下儲槽系統上方RC層開挖,未於施工前向環保局進行申報、測漏管標號脫落或不清楚、地下儲槽系統之監測記錄保存不完全及油槽自動液面計壞損未修復等幾項缺失。查證作業共完成六場次。山隆東港加油站(原大鵬灣加油站)於98年11月30日於場址中進行4點土壤及地下水5口監測井採樣分析,經檢測結果符合法規標準。大同加油站於98年12月1日於場址中進行3點土壤採樣,檢測結果S01之TPH為2,750mg/Kg超過管制標準。豐田加油站於98年12月15日於場址中進行3點土壤及2口次地下水採樣分析,經檢測結果S02之TPH及苯超過管制標準,地下水T00110苯亦超過管制標準。潮州鎮檨興段89地號於98年12月16日於場址中進行20個採樣點60個樣品數之採樣,以XRF全部樣品檢測,並於其中挑選濃度最高之前3個樣品進行實驗室分析,檢測成果S01-1鋅及鉛超過管制標準。潮州鎮檨興段88地號於98年12月31日於場址中進行14個採樣點42個樣品數之採樣,以XRF全部樣品檢測,挑選濃度最高之前2個樣品進行實驗室分析,依分析結果S10-3鋅2,050mg/Kg超過管制標準。長治鄉進興段686地號於99年2月11日於場址中進行20個採樣點40個樣品數之採樣,以XRF全部樣品檢測,挑選2個樣品進行實驗室分析,經檢測結果符合法規標準。另設井作業於山隆東港加油站(原大鵬灣加油站)驗證地下水設置一口,另為確認佳冬鄉塭子國小88水災後水質情況,於該國小設置一口監測井。緊急應變措施於98年9月9日完成台糖六塊厝3口監測井(T00169~T00171)之採樣及分析工作,調查結果氨氮超過監測基準。另因88水災南北場址監測井四口損壞,經緊急應變於原位置旁重新設置完成。法規說明會於98年7月28日舉辦完成。本次新增皮革業及金屬加工業宣導對象,並加強宣導重金屬及有機物污染整治及防治內容。技術服務諮詢完成7家10場次之污染改善進度報告審查並確認改善成果。另針對謙有鋼鐵及赤山巖案件提供相關法律諮詢意見。QA/QC查核作業於98年11月9日針對執行採樣分析單位「澳新科技股份有限公司」完成品保系統查核。 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=19741
臺南縣空氣污染陳情案件稽查管理計畫 本計畫執行期間自98年1月10日至99年1月9日止,共計12個月,其中主要工作項目包括:協助陳情案件相關行政作業與文書處理、稽查陳情案件、陳情案件異味污染採樣作業、滿意度調查作業、清、複查及污染鄰近現場訪談作業、97年度台南縣公害陳情案件白皮書、彙整考核項目資料及稽查人員教育訓練等工作項目,各作業項目均已依工作進度規劃期程進行。本計畫協助陳情案件相關行政作業與文書處理,共計完成8,244件次;協助稽查(含夜間稽查及重大公害案件)共計完成1,878件次。另於執行公害陳情案件進行異味檢測共計完成10點次,其皆符合法規標準。滿意度調查作業共執行2,825件次,結果顯示滿意(含尚可)計有2636件次(97.13%),不滿意(含非常不滿意)有78件(2.87%)。不滿意(含非常不滿意)案件以異味污染物最多有28件(35.9%),其次為廢棄物案件有19件(24.36%)。針對一再陳情案件、重大污染案件及民調不滿意案件執行現場訪談作業共計21件次。分析民調不滿意原因其為公私場所排放源中含有閾值較低的污染物排放雖已確實符合排放標準,但仍造成民眾困擾,另一個原因為異味污染容易消失不易採證、且常隨污染源與陳情人的相對位置而有所差異。本計畫於98年3月18日及9月22日假環保局會議室辦理2場次稽查人員職務訓練,授課內容包含常用法規、稽查實務、採樣流程、緊急應變處理技巧及環保污染查緝技巧與個案探討;另於98年06月10日舉辦公害陳情緊急衝突應變暨電話接聽禮儀教育訓練。藉由教育訓練課程提升稽查人員對於法規的認知及更有效率處理緊急公害陳情案件。 2009 Tainan County Air Pollution Complaints Auditing Management Plan This project was carried out from Jan 10 2009 to Jan 9 2010, totally 12 months, in which the following works were executed: assistance of administrative and paper work for complaint cases, investigation of complaints, sampling of odor and pollution for complaints, satisfaction surveys, site surveys and secondary surveys, interviews in the neighborhood of complaint sites, 2008 white book for public hazard complaints in Tainan County, data summarization for items audited, and training of auditors. Each of the work items was completed as scheduled. In this project, administrative and paper work of 8,244 complaints were carried out, and assistance was provided to 1,878 cases of auditing (including night auditing and major public hazard cases). In addition, odor detection was carried out at 10 spots for public hazard complaints, all of which complied with applicable standards. 2,825 times of satisfaction survey were carried out, and the results shows 2,363 cases of satisfaction (97.13%) and 78 cases of dissatisfaction (including great dissatisfaction) (2.87%). Among the dissatisfaction (including great dissatisfaction), there were 28 cases of odor complaints (35.9%) accounting for the most, followed by 19 complaints of illegal waste disposal (24.36%). 21 on-site interviews were carried out for repetitive complaints, major pollutions, and cases of dissatisfaction. The cause of dissatisfaction was analyzed to be that the emission of pollutants with lower threshold emitted from public or private facilities may comply with emission criteria, but the odor is still a public nuisance. Another cause is that odor dissipates very quickly, and evidence collection is difficult. Also, the intensity of odor may be different due to the distance between pollution source and those who filed complaints. 2 sessions of auditor training were given at the meeting room of the Environmental Protection Bureau on Mar 18 and Sep 22 2009. Lectures were provided for applicable regulations, auditing practice, sampling process, skills of emergency response, techniques of pollution investigation, and case studies. Also, training session was given on Jun 10 2009 for emergency response of complaints, as well as telephone manners. Through the training given, auditors were improved in terms of better knowledge of regulations and more efficient handling of urgent public hazard complaints. 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17666
98年度台南縣海域環境監測及海污緊急應變計畫 台南縣環保局「98年度臺南縣海域環境監測及海污緊急應變計畫」針對縣轄海域進行定期監測,提出有效解決台南縣海洋污染防治對策,保護海域生態環境避免破壞及污染,以及在發生船隻漏油事件時,能有效進行海面上油污之清除工作。本計畫調查範圍為曾文溪以北海域沿海海域水質,北從台南縣海岸北端之八掌溪河口北側,南至網子寮沙洲外南側。本年度3次的水質調查結果與環保署甲類海域水質標準做比較,大部份皆符合甲類海域水質標準。前2次水質合格率皆為100%,第3次水質合格率為98%(其中不合格項目為總磷)。另本計畫的海域底質監測結果與國外基準值(NOAA)相比較下,發現銅濃度均小於ERL(影響門檻值),應該不會對生物造成危害。鎳則有10%測站超出ERL (低影響值,20.9mg/kg)的情形出現,本計畫底質鎳濃度平均值約16.9 mg/kg,相較於其他區域如:台南七股沿岸沉積物(45 mg/kg)、淡水河沉積物(55 mg/kg)、高雄港沉積物(59 mg/kg)、嘉義沿海沉積物(32 mg/kg),本區域測值均優於其他區域。而黑面琵鷺重要覓食區與活動區9次的水質調查結果與環保署甲類海域水質標準做比較,結果顯示在溶氧部份均符合標準,而懸浮固體物濃度與氨氮濃度,則較前一年度濃度低許多,三者皆有改善情形。而生化需氧量方面,本區域各測點皆超過甲類海域水質標準,與歷年情形相同,由於沿海有很多的養殖漁業,持續地向潟湖排出有機廢水,可能造成測值稍微偏高。此外綜觀青山漁港漏油事件,由於應變處理得當,並能在第一時間內做好有效的控制與防範,值得作為往後應變類似事件的借鏡。另外為協助台南縣境內海洋污染防治稽查環保業務,本團隊協助配合港口稽查及船舶稽查兩部份,共計查核708件,大部分為無汙染情形,無污染情形佔67%。另協助辦理其他海洋污染防治宣導,包括辦理宣導活動及印製宣導文宣等,以防止與減少相關海洋污染情形。 2009 Taina County sea area environmental monitoring and sea dirt urgent contingency plan The seashore marine water quality of the area northern Zheng-yen River basin was investigated, investigation area ranged from the north side of Ba-Zhang River estuary to the south side of Wang-Zi-Liao Sandbank in Tainan County. In comparison with Environmental Protection Agency’s marine water quality standards (Class A), the 3 monitoring results indicate that the water quality is within the standards. The first two monitoring results show that 100% of the water index concentrations are within standards. The third monitoring results show that 98% of the water index concentrations are within standards. In addition, over the years the concentrations of the total phosphorus are in the decline. In comparison with international water quality standards (NOAA), the results show that the majority of heavy mental concentrations are lower than TEL (Threshold Level). All the concentration fluctuations of Copper is lower than TEL. The levels should not cause harm to eco-system. The Nickel level has exceeded TEL standard, but is lower than ERL (Lower threshold, 20.9mg/kg). Nickel concentration detected here shows 16.9 mg/kg, in comparison with the detected Nickel concentrations from other regions, such as Qi-Gu sediment (45 mg/kg), Dan-shui sediment (55 mg/kg), Koahsiung harbor sediment (59 mg/kg), Jia-yi sediment (32 mg/kg), our results indicated better marine water quality. In comparison with Environmental Protection Agency’s marine water quality standards (Class A), our 9 monitoring results of water quality in the natural habitats of Black-faced Spoonbill indicate that the concentrations of DO, N-NH3,SS have improved. The BOD levels of this region mostly surpass marine water quality standards (Class A), it might be due to the overly populated fishery industries. As for the marine petro leakage incidents, following cleanup and the effective and complete handling at the early possible moments were all properly done, All this can be taken as the examples of further similar incidents. For assisting Tainan County marine pollution prevention, our team assisted in the checking of ports and the ships, 708 cases were completed. Only around 33% of the cases turned out to be some pollution events, they are random floating oil and trash problems. In addition, we helped to organize marine pollution prevention info. sessions, which included organizing activities and printing pamphlets. 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 亞太環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18734
98年度柴油車動力計排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫 為改善臺北市之空氣品質,給予市民乾淨清新之生活環境,臺北市政府環境保護局本年度也依據「空氣污染防制法」之目標與精神,在柴油車污染方面,透過不定期檢驗管制與調修改善,以有效提升臺北市之空氣品質狀況,達成污染減量及環境保護之成效。本計畫針對行駛臺北市柴油車,由民眾檢舉、目視判煙等方式,通知轄區內柴油車到站檢測;而油品抽測部分,則以站內採油、路邊攔檢及到客貨運場站稽查方式進行,以管制含硫量過高之非法油品。本計畫執行期間,總共檢驗柴油車輛8,868輛次,其中有565輛次馬力比不足退驗,102輛次轉速退驗,而在完成檢驗的輛次中,98年到檢車齡集中於4~6年及6~8年,主要因為98年推動公車專用道加嚴排氣分級標章專案,公車佔整體到檢比例3.8成以上,而到檢之公車車齡較新故導致,而不合格率較高之車齡歷年都出現在車齡10年以上之車輛,以行駛里程來看,歷年皆以落在50萬公里以上的車輛最多,而由污染度可發現,行駛50萬公里以上的車輛,其污染度明顯偏高。而歷年不合格率則是以行駛5-15萬公里車輛最高。本計畫執行期間,共執行柴油車目視判煙紀錄128,006輛次,篩選通知到站檢驗2,506輛次,已到檢的1,073輛中,有36輛檢測不合格,不合格率為3.4%,以車齡來看,目判最多為10~12年車輛;以車種來看,則以自用小貨車及自用大貨車被目判最多,不合格率以營業大客車最高。另外,馬力比不足退驗車輛中,大多為自用小貨車,車齡多為10~12年車輛。在油品抽驗部分,自94年1月1日起柴油油品含硫量由低於350ppm降為低於50ppm,不合格率雖然稍略降低,但是平均含硫量卻有明顯之下降,可見在經過中油於96年開始提供超級柴油後,油品含硫量確實有下降之趨勢。98年度計畫執行,抽查6,377件,送驗677件中655件完成報告,其中不合格1件,不合格率為0.15%(1/655)。另外,本計畫針對柴油車較頻繁行駛之路段,執行路邊攔檢無負載急加速排煙檢測,本計畫執行期間,發現車輛不合格率為26.2%;以車齡來看,污染度大致隨著車齡增加而增加;以車種來看,以特營大貨車及自用大貨車最高。對於污染物排放削減量推估主要改善效益來自於檢測不合格之高污染車輛之污染改善以及車輛事前調修,本計畫依環保署年行駛里程推估粒狀污染物削減149.2噸/年。 The Project of Inspection into the Diesel Vehicle’s Exhaust Emissions and Inspection into the Diesel Fuel In an effort to improve the air quality in Taipei City and offer the citizens a clean and fresh living environment and in accordance with the objectives and spirits of 「Air Pollution Control Act」, In this year the Department of Environmental Protection of Taipei City Government has enforced periodic inspection, modification and maintenance ,so that the effective refinement for the condition of air quality and the effect of pollution reduction plus environmental protection in Taipei City are achievable. The motor vehicles with diesel engine within the Taipei city area were targeted in this project. Through the approaches of citizens’ violation reporting and judgment by visual determination of smoke, motor vehicles with diesel engine were notified to report to the station for testing. As for the sampling inspection of fuel product, the methods of in-station fuel sampling and block-to-test at roadside were carried out for the purpose of controlling the illegal fuel in possession of excessive sulfur content.There were 8,868 motor vehicles with diesel engine tested in total with 565 tested vehicles rejected which aren’t reach the legal h.p rate and 102 tested vehicles rejected which rotational speed insufficiency, during the implementing period of this project. But in completes the examination in quantity, 98 years to examine the vehicle age to concentrate in 4~6 years and 6~8 years, because mainly 98 year impetus bus special-purpose road marker case, the bus occupies the whole to examine above the proportion 38%, but is examined the bus vehicle age to be new, therefore creates this situation; and the degree of pollution goes up with the age roughly, the vehicles of 10 ~ 12 years old have the highest failure rate; the most of the tested vehicles have been driving 500,000 kilometers, the pollution is increase along with the mileage while the vehicles that have been driving 50,000 kilometers to 15,0000 kilometers access a higher failure rate. During the period of enforcing the product, there are 128,006 motor vehicle with diesel engine in total performed the judgment by visual determination of smoke, 2,506 vehicles were screened and notified to report to the Station for testing, 36 vehicles amongst the 1,073 tested vehicles failed to pass the test, the failure rate is 3.4%. For the age of vehicle, most of the visually determined vehicles are10~12 years old. For model of vehicle, most of visually determined vehicles are private-heavy trucks and private- light truck while the business- town bus have the highest failure rate. Most of the test rejected vehicles, which aren’t reach the legal h.p rate, are private-light truck with an age ranging from 10 years to 12 years. Their condition of maintenance is mostly done by service providers of inspection agent.In the aspect of sampling inspection of fuel product, the failure rate has slightly dropped because of an mandatory measure to reduce the sulfur content in the diesel fuel product from 350ppm to 50ppm has been put into practice from January 1, 2005. Nevertheless, the average sulfur content has been noticeably decreasing. It is thus evident that sulfur content in fuel product is truly in a dropping tendency after the supply of super diesel fuel from China Petroleum Company incepted in October 2004. During the period of 98’s project, spot check 6,377 samplings. there are 655 sampling of 677 delivers to the research center to make the examination, and 1 of them failed to pass the test of fuel product inspection, the failure rate is 0.15%(1/655).In addition, performed the method of test for exhaust smoke under no-load and rapid acceleration for diesel automobiles at roadside mainly focusing on the road section where motor vehicles with diesel engine come and go frequently. According to the outcomes after performing the block-to-test at roadside, the failure rate is 26.2%, therein, as for the age of vehicle, degree of pollution becomes severe when vehicles get old ; considering the model of vehicle, special business - heavy trucks and private- heavy trucks have the highest degree of pollution. According to the estimated reduction volume of pollutant emission, the beneficial results of improvement is originated from the correction of pollution for highly polluted vehicles that failed to pass the test and vehicle’s beforehand modification. Reduction of particulate pollutant by 149.2 tons/year from this project is estimated in accordance with the annual driving mileage of Environmental Protection Administration. 098 台北市政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=21799
98年度營建工地整體形象及逸散源環境改善計畫 「98年度營建工地整體形象及逸散源環境改善計畫」於98年3月5日開始執行,其工作內容主要為提升雲林縣空氣品質淨化區維護管理成效暨協助相關考評作業、輔導改善營建工地與逸散源周邊環境、調查裸露地分佈現況與改善裸露地等作業。本計畫執行之具體成果包括:建置及更新65處空氣品質淨化區之相關資料,包含面積、定位點、位置圖、喬木清冊、喬木長勢、減碳量計算等。於計畫執行期間,每一空氣品質淨化區基地現勘至少達4次以上,針對其缺失做持續性追蹤管理,有效提升空氣品質淨化區維護管理成效。此外,以輔導方式對於營建工地與逸散源場所進行現勘達205件次,成功輔導11家業者進行周邊環境綠美化,其綠化面積約為1488平方公尺,並推動6家業者進行認養洗掃周邊道路,其總洗掃長度約為705.12公里。實際掌握裸露地72處共19.96公頃,其中由本計畫設置裸露改善示範區改善2公頃、企業認養改善達3.34公頃。 The improvement project for the integral image of construction sites and the emission sources environment in 2009 The project, “The improvement project for the integral image of construction sites and the emission sources environment in 2009”, was implemented on March 5, 2009. In order to improve the air quality as well as to enhance the quality of living environment provide quality living space. Thus the main contents of this project were to provide inventory, assessment and monitor related works for clean air zone, Reinforcing control of fugitive particulate emission at construction sites, investigate and establish the database of uncovered land, and control the fugitive particulate emissions, etc. We constructed and upgraded the database about 65 clean air zones. The data included area, position, plot, arbor inventory, arbor growing situation, reduction of CO2 emissions etc. In order to improve the maintenance management effect of clean air zone, we inspected at least 4 or more times in every clean air zone, and tracked and managed continuously their defects. Furthermore, we inspected up to 205 the construction sites and stationary sources of fugitive particulate emissions ease by way of counsel. There were 11 successful cases to enhance vegetation and beautification, and the total greening area spanned some 1488 m2. In addition, there were 6 construction sites to adopt and wash/sweep the road around their sites, and the lengths were about 705.12 kilometers. Moreover, we investigate and establish the database of uncovered land, and there were 72 sites of uncovered land (19.96 ha.). Within sites of uncovered land, vegetation and beautification was enhanced by us (2 ha.), vegetation and beautification were installed by businesses (3.34 ha.). 098 雲林縣環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18619
水中醫藥類及其代謝之殘留化學物質之檢測技術建立研究(3/4) 藥物和個人保健用品(pharmaceuticals and personal care products, PPCPs)與人類之日常生活密切相關,但由於大量的使用及任意排放與丟棄,導致PPCPs普遍存在於生活廢水、廢水處理廠排放水和地表水等環境中,因此將可能進一步對環境生態系統造成衝擊。然而,PPCPs在水體環境當中相當微量(ng/L-µg/L),因此建立精確、準確且具一致性的標準檢測方法是迫切且必要的,以便建立國內未來對於PPCPs的監測與控管機制。本工作團隊已於去年度將97-99年度水中醫藥類化學物質之檢測分析方法建立作整體規劃,並依照物化特性及文獻資料將化合物分類成三個族群,以達到較佳的回收率及更低的偵測極限,並成功建立水中26種抗生素化合物之液相層析串聯式質譜儀(LC/MS/MS)分析方法。本期末報告延續去年成果,蒐集彙整抗生素、β受體阻滯劑及β促效藥等醫藥類化學物質在水體環境中之分佈情形、生物毒性、及其可能對環境造成之衝擊等文獻資料。另調查統計國內中央健康保險局其β受體阻滯劑及β促效藥之使用量。於檢測技術建立方面,本工作團隊針對β受體阻滯劑及β促效藥(含propranolol、atenolol、metoprolol、acebutolol、tulobuterol、salbutamol、clenbuterol及ractopamine等8種)進行LC/MS/MS分析方法建立,包含固相萃取方法、LC分析條件、MRM離子對選定及其質譜參數、檢測方法確效(檢量線配製、回收率測試、基質測試、方法偵測極限等)。回收率(濃度為50 ng/L)結果顯示,去離子水及空白水樣中β受體阻滯劑及β促效藥的回收率分別介於83.2~107.2%及84.0~107.3%之間,除tulobuterol為33.8%及63.3%以外;方法偵測極限(MDL)測試結果介於0.4-1.2 ng/L。本工作團隊另運用本年度及去年度之分析檢測方法,檢測調查南部醫療院所放流水及河川水體樣品中26種抗生素、4種β受體阻滯劑及4種β促效藥等醫藥類化合物之含量。醫院放流水及河川水體之檢測結果,濃度範圍與國內外文獻相同,均介於ng/L-μg/L範圍。另就檢出頻率來看,以propranolol、acebutolol、ractopamine、sulfadimethoxine、sulfadiazine、sulfamethoxazole、sulfamethazine及lincomycin等醫藥類化合物之檢出頻率較高(檢出頻率>71%,總檢測樣品數為24件)。 Establishing Analytical Methods for Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environments (3/4) The occurrence of emerging contaminants in aquatic environments has been an increasing concern among researchers, policy makers and industry personnel in many European countries and the U.S. Emerging contaminants are a group of non-regulated contaminants that still require U.S. EPA evaluations. They include a variety of compounds such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), hormones and surfactants, etc. Among the variety of pharmaceuticals, antibiotics are receiving increasing attention due to their extensive use in treating diseases, protecting animals’ health and as husbandry promoters. In aquatic environments, they have the ability to alter microbial community structure and to promote the development of antibiotic-resistant human pathogens.This final report has compiled the following specific information on PPCPs: (1) environmental occurrence, (2) toxicity/estrogenicity, (3) environmental risk assessment, (4) drug usage (including amount imported and used), (5) analytical method development grouping for coming projects. In addition, this report includes our analytical results on 4 selected β-blockers and 4 selected β-agonists, including LC and mass spec optimizing conditions and QA/QC (recovery test, matrix effect study, precision and accuracy, and method detection limit). The target compounds are propranolol, atenolol, metoprolol, acebutolol, tulobuterol, salbutamol, clenbuterol and ractopamine. For recovery, DI water and real water were used as blanks, the recoveries range from 83.2-107.2% and 84.0-107.3%, respectively, except that tulobuterol are 33.8% and 63.3% for. The method detection limits (MDL) all are 1.0 ng/L. Three hospital effluents and four rivers were examined using the established analytical methods including this year and last year. Twenty-six antibiotics, 4 β-blockers and 4 β-agonists were detected in sample collected from three hospitals and four rivers.Based on analyzed data, concentrations of pharmaceuticals found were comparable to those detected around the world and were range from ng/L - μg/L. Atenolol, lincomycin, sulfadiazine, sulfamethoxazole, sulfamethazine and sulfadimethoxine were detected most frequently in all taken samples (frequency of detection >71%). 098 環檢所 國立台灣大學嚴慶齡工業發展基金會合設工業研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14515
煙道氣樣品本土戴奧辛生物快速篩選檢測技術開發計畫 國內焚化爐所產生之戴奧辛污染,是國人極為關切之環境議題,因此,工廠本身每年需定期進行焚化爐之煙道氣戴奧辛監測;而環保單位則需進行稽查工作,故其分析所耗的時間及經濟成本相當龐大。戴奧辛對於自然環境及人類健康之毒害日益受到重視,戴奧辛造成的毒性反應範圍相當廣泛,大致上可分為皮膚毒性、肝臟毒性、免疫毒性、生殖毒性與致癌性等,當戴奧辛透過食物鏈進入人體中,會產生類似荷爾蒙的作用而形成「假性荷爾蒙」效應,由此干擾內分泌系統的調控;一般而言,檢測戴奧辛的方法以高解析度氣相層析與高解析度質譜儀(HRGC/HRMS)為主,由於此項化學分析技術所需之成本甚高且耗時過長,在分析樣品日益增加的現代,建立快速、有效且低成本的檢測方法 (如生物檢測) 有其迫切性。目前,本實驗室已成功開發出戴奧辛/類戴奧辛生物檢測法(chemical-activated luciferase expression bioassay, 簡稱CALUX)之細胞株,此生物檢測方法的原理,是利用戴奧辛/類戴奧物質能夠活化細胞內芳香族羥基碳氫化合物接受器 (Aryl hydrocarbon receptor,簡稱AhR) 之特性,量測經由AhR所誘發之luciferase酵素活性,由此可推估出檢測樣品中戴奧辛/類戴奧物質之總含量,由於此特性,DRE-luciferase bioassay之檢測範圍,並不局限於某些特定或單一的戴奧辛/類戴奧物質。本計畫擬以多方合作的方式,以本實驗室開發之DRE-luciferase bioassay為基礎,由屏東科技大學新興污染物中心(趙浩然博士)及中原大學生物環境工程系(王雅玢博士)負責研發快速有效之前處理方法,對焚化爐所產生之煙道氣樣品,進行戴奧辛/類戴奧物質總量之檢測,所得生物檢測數據將與HRGC/HRMS所測得之數據進行比對,藉以探討此生物檢測法對煙道氣樣品之適用性,以期開發快速、有效而低成本的本土戴奧辛生物篩檢技術,並推廣至環境檢測機構及學術單位,此研究結果將有效降低執行戴奧辛監測之時間及經濟成本。 Recent techniques for detection and quantification of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds involve mainly the costly and time-consuming high-resolution gas chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS). To ensure environmental safety, it is extremely crucial to develop high-throughput assays for screening potential contamination of dioxin-like chemicals in various field samples from environments and foods. The Chemical Activated LUciferase eXpression (CALUX) bioassay is an in vitro luciferase-reporter-gene assay for detecting the Toxic Equivalents (TEQ) levels of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds based on their high affinity with aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). As compared with HRGC/HRMS, CALUX bioassay is a fast and low-cost method for high-throughput screening of those highly dioxin-contaminated samples from environment and foods. The technique relies on selection of stable dioxin-responsive cell lines that can maintain their responsiveness to dioxins and dioxin-like compounds. We have established a stable dioxin-responsive cell line, Huh7-DRE-Luc. In the present study, we have determined the capability of this cell line (DRE-luciferase bioassay) in detection of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds by testing with 2,3,7,8-TCDD, CRM powder, EDF-5416, and samples from various matrices (i.e., soil, sediment, and flue gas). Our results showed that the ratio of DRE-Luciferase reading (BIO) to HRGC/HRMS reading (CHE) in testing with 2,3,7,8-TCDD was around 1:1, the ratio of BIO to CHE in testing with CRM powder was around 5:1, and the ratio of BIO to CHE in testing with EDF-5416 was around 3.9:1. Meanwhile, the BIO/CHE ratios in testing with samples from soil, sediment, and flue gas are 31.2, 21.7 and 26.7, respectively. Regarding testing with pure 2,3,7,8-TCDD (with BIO/CHE ratios around 1 and TCDD detection limit of 35.4 pM), Huh7-DRE-Luc is suggested to be a qualified system for detection of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds. However when pre-treatment steps are included in the sample preparation, the BIO/CHE ratios raise markedly. This data suggests that our pre-treatment procedure may interfere with the BIO/CHE ratios. On the basis of these results, the objectives of our future studies are to improve the TCDD detection sensitivity of our DRE-luciferase bioassay system and to find out the factor(s) that may affect the BIO/CHE ratios during the pre-treatment of samples. 098 環檢所 財團法人國家衛生研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17711
98年度桃園縣資源回收責任業者與販賣業者管理重點稽查取締計畫 桃園縣政府環境保護局為落實資源回收體系上游責任業者登記、申報、繳費之執法公平性與一致性與下游販賣業者回收管道之暢通,推動「98年度桃園縣資源回收責任業者及販賣業者管理重點稽查取締計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),委託綠信環境科技股份有限公司,協助執行計畫工作項目,並派駐環保局二位專職人力共同推動本計畫。本計畫自簽約日98年06月05日至98年12月31日止,執行期程為7個月。主要工作可分為二項:第一為針對各類列管業者進行相關查核輔導作為、第二為辦理相關資源回收工作宣導,量化成果說明如下:一、各類列管業者查核輔導成果在責任業者管理工作推動上之成果有四大項:(1)完成環保署函請案件後續辦理105件(2)完成其他縣市移請案件辦理112件(3)主動查緝轄內賣場違規責任商品,總計52件(4)覆核轄內公所提報案件741件在販賣業者管理工作推動上,完成2908家販賣業者登記列管作業,並協助現場稽查取締1346家販賣業者。二、辦理相關資源回收工作宣導法令宣導工作上針對轄內業者辦理1場法規說明會,及配合環保局大型活動辦理2場次資源回收再利用宣導會。製作輔導手冊500本、輔導稽查單1000份,宣導摺頁1500份,環保宣導手冊2500份,社區成果專冊100本等。 Inspecting, ticketing of the management system for resource recycling responsible enterprises and sales enterprises in Taoyuan, 2009 In order to assure the enforced fairness and consistency of register, declaration and payment for responsible enterprises in resource recycling system, and to maintain the smoothness of recycling channel for sales enterprises at the same time, Protect-Eco Technology and Consultants Co., Ltd (or PETC) was commissioned by Bureau of Environmental Protection Taoyuan County based on the Waste Disposal Act to execute the research project entitled “Inspecting, ticketing of the management system for resource recycling responsible enterprises and sales enterprises in Taoyuan, 2009” Besides the necessary manpower involved to conduct the working items listed in the project contract, two additional staffs will be dispatched to the Bureau of Environmental Protection Tainan County .The duration of this project is ten months since Jun. 05, 2009 to Dec. 31, 2009. Major working items can comprise two categories: checking and counseling the listed enterprises from all kinds of industries, campaigning to promote resource recycling concept. All work items will be performed according to schedule in the timetable, the expected results are described as follows:1.Accomplishment in examination and counseling the listed enterprises from all kinds of industriesRegarding to the improvement of management system in responsible enterprises, investigated items can be summarized as follows:(1) 105cases requested from the Environmental Protection Administration have been processed following. (2) 112 reconsideration cases requested from the other counties have been processed following.(3) initiatives were taken in advance to examine illegal goods in shopping malls. 52 illegal goods were spot. (4) 741cases requested from the Location Administration have been processed following.Regarding to the improvement of management system in sales enterprise, 2908 cases requested from registering have been processed following and 1346 cases were taken to examine.2. Accomplishment in resource recycling promotion campaignsIn conclusion, the execution of this project is beneficial for reaching the recycling target, reporting the illegal cases and managing recycling channels. From the preliminary report, success in executing the project is witnessed. Manufacture counselling handbook 500, counselling examination list 1000, the guidance folds printed book-sheets into pages 1500, environmental protection guidance handbook 2500, community achievement special book 100. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16001
98年度屏東縣營建工程污染管理發展計畫 一、量化工作執行進度本計畫自98年3月1日至98年11月15日止,共計完成各類營建工地污染管制巡查2,319處次,其中並配合環保局人員進行稽查76次。量化工作成果如下表。項目 目標數 完成數 完成率 說明巡 查 作 業 2,600 2,319 89.2% 依系統申報資料持續進行巡查管制工作,預計98年12月底可完成至少2600件次之巡查管制作業列管工地數 - 1,896 - 列 管 率 第一級:85%第二級:75%第三級:70% 第一級:80.6%第二級:66.3%第三級:50.6% - 工地假日巡 查 120 144 100% 營建工區周圍環 境 認 養 6,000公里 6,528公里 100% 觀 光 路 線道 路 洗 掃 1,500公里 2,448公里 100% 輔 導 工 地裸 露 地 表 20公頃 21公頃 100% 污 染 嚴 重工地協調會 35 36 100% 營建機具油品檢測 20 20 100% 營 建 工 區落塵量監測 36 28 77.8% 註1空污費催繳作業 1,000仟元 5,239仟元 100% 環 保 教 育訓 練 會 1 1 100% 宣 導 資 料 1,000份 1,000份 100% 統計:98年3月1日至98年11月15日註:1.落塵量監測作業依計畫排定,針對轄區內4個監測點執行連續9個月之監測作業。2.除因88水災林邊2個監測點8、9月份無法進行監測作業外,其餘依預定進度執行。不足處補測至99年2月。 二、營建工程巡查管制計畫執行期間統計至98年11月15日止,共執行2,319處次的巡查管制作業,共列管的1,896處工地,其中計畫期間新申報列管工地為1,396處。就鄉鎮別分析,以屏東市列管工地數最多,其次為內埔鄉及東港鎮等重點鄉鎮。就工程類別分析,以其他類工程列管工地數最多;其次是建築工程及道路工程。以工程級數分析,第一級工地列管為80.61%;第二級達66.27%;第三級達50.62%。三、列管工地施工概況就施工概況分析,計畫執行期間統計至98年11月15日止,以附屬工程施工最多,佔總巡查管制作業的45.75%,主要原因為巡查時,倘工區施作無法以查核表單內施工階段進行認定之施工概況,專案小組都將其規納於附屬工程施工概況。若以工程類別分析,則以其他類工程最高,佔總巡查管制作業的58%,主要原因為今年度其他工程申報案件多。另污染潛勢高之施工階段專案小組共巡執行61處次的巡查工作。本年度專案小組在營建工程污染潛勢高之施工階段,增加巡查管制作業。針對排放量大、污染嚴重之工地,要求增加其裸露地表灑水頻率,及輔導其工區裸露地表植生或覆蓋稻草,以有效減少裸露面積。針對管制成效不彰之工地,採持續輔導協談及告發處份雙向並進。四、列管工地巡查頻率98年平均巡查頻率為1.17(次/處)較97年平均巡查頻率1.86(次/處)低,主要原因為本年度新增加三級工地列管作業,而人力支援面卻較去年減少1組人力,故整體平均巡查率較去年降低。因為本年度計畫要求第一級營建工程列管率85%,第二級營建工程列管率75%,第三級營建工程列管率70%,因此本專案小組積極加強列管工地數,使得列管工地數量多,但平均工地巡查次數卻不高。各類工程類別平均巡查率,以橋樑及區域開發工程平均巡查率較高,探討原因為此兩項工程類別之案件數較少,每月幾乎可以全部進行巡查,而剩餘之工程類別則因工地數較多,且每月均有新增加之工地。就各行政區域分析,以屏東市、長治鄉、高樹鄉、內埔鄉、萬丹鄉及東港鎮之巡查數較其他鄉鎮市來得高。以春日鄉、泰武鄉及較偏遠區域,則因幾乎無污染潛勢較高之工地在進行施工,因此其巡查頻率也就相對減少,以避免人力物力之過度耗費。五、污染防制措施設置在營建工地污染防制措施設置符合管理辦法標準比例統計方面,以裸露地表之設置比例最高,達91.26%,主要原因裸露地面防制措施設置經費低,工地執行容易有關。以工地出入口及物料堆置覆蓋符合度較低,工地出入口設施符合率較低之原因為工地出入口車輛僅以過水路之方式作為洗車設施,雖有清洗作用但效果並不佳,故本專案團隊皆將此種防制設施認定為輕微缺失,並要求加裝加壓沖洗設施。另外,本專案團隊為有效降低因車輛進出工區,所造成的路面污染或揚塵產生,今年更輔導工地承商力行非屬工程車輛不可進入工區作業,以有效降低工區內車輛進出,進而減少因出入口清洗不完全所造成的污染。在各工程類別防制設施符合率統計方面,以管線工程設置符合率較佳,以區域開發工程設置符合率較差。主要原因為「台鐵高雄-屏東潮州捷運化建設計畫」潮州車輛基地整地」為區域開發工程,於96年7月開始動工,目前屬全面開挖階段,整體開發面積達34.7公頃,裸露地表常有灑水不足之現象,故導致區域開發工程防制措施設置符合度偏低。目前已輔導業主在工程完成面或長時間不開挖之裸露地表植生或覆蓋防塵布,希望藉著降低工區裸露面積,減少風吹揚塵的產生。六、排放量管制計畫執行期間統計至98年11月15日止,本計畫執行之營建工地TSP總削減量為1052.15公噸,平均削減率為47.11%。就各月之削減率變化而言,以98年11月最高,為48.88%;以98年6月最低,為45.63%,主要的原因為計畫剛開始執行,部份工區防制措施不佳所致,而導致整體削減率有所下降。在各項工程類別中,以區域開發工程削減率最高,為53.53%,因計畫執行期間僅2筆,該工程於96年7月正式動工,各項防制措施設置符合度高,裸露地表植生面積逾10公頃,整體管制作業較為良好,防制措施多數使用防制係數”可”以上之設施進行防制,故整體削減自然提升。橋樑工程削減率最低,為35.53%,主要原因為計畫期間,有多筆橋樑工程陸續動工,各項防制措施尚未設置完善,專案小組將建議環保局於下年度計畫執行期間,針對橋樑工程進行缺失改善,除加強管制工作,亦針對營建工程業者及承包商,召開輔導減量協談作業,以期有效減少工區環境因營建工地施作所造成的環境污染。七、污染檢測作業98年度,計畫執行期間統計至98年11月15日止已完成所有採樣及檢測作業。在40件抽檢油品中,合格者有36件,平均濃度為33.86ppm。不合格者4件,平均濃度為2,795.75ppm,不合格率為11.11%。由不合格油品含硫量濃度來判斷,『紅樹林生態公園工程』及『萬年溪流域整體整治計畫-第二期(番子寮溪~無名橋)』工區內這2台機具應曾經使用過不合法之油品所致,『「台鐵高雄-屏東潮州捷運化建設計畫」潮州車輛基地整地』及『高屏溪新園堤防低水護岸防災減災工程(第三期)』兩個工區內之施工機具應為使用不合法之油品所致,專案小組除告發處分外,針對該工區排定加強油品檢測作業,希望有效杜絕非法油品之使用。八、宣導活動本年度於98年10月8日辦理1場環保教育訓練會,共計有93個單位、118人參加,主要通知對象以本縣縣府工程發包單位、公共工程發包單位、施工單位、建設公司為主,說明會除了針對營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法進行詳盡的說明外,並對與會人員進行問卷調查,針對說明會簡報前後做一調查,作為往後舉辦類似相關宣導會之參考依據。九、空污費收費作業98年1月1日至98年10月月31日止,本縣共計受理申繳案件3,149件次,應徵收金額為45,130,716元,分析98年與歷年所申報件數比較,徵收件數與歷年相仿,顯示本縣營建工程申報及施工已逐漸過了高峰期,趨於平緩。相較歷年徵收金額發現,98年徵收金額呈現上升趨勢,顯示今年度營建工程案件多數為大型工程,其中以道路工程申報空污費最多。就各行政區域申繳空污費之工地數分析,以屏東市申報件數最多,其次為內埔鄉及恆春鎮。而就繳費金額而言,以麟洛鄉繳費金額最高,其次為屏東市及東港鎮。就各類工程繳費狀況分析而言,以其他類工程申報件數最多,其次為建築工程之。其他工程類之所以佔相當高之比例,主要為現行徵收工程類別限定十分嚴謹,對於不符合各類工程作業只能依其他工程徵收,加上本縣河川河岸修護工程及各鄉鎮小型修護工程案件多,至其他工程類比例居高不下。以工地分級來看,一級工地總申報件數為752件(佔總申報件數23.88%)、二級工地為1,666件(佔總申報件數52.91%)、三級工地(含免分級)為731件(佔總申報件數23.21%),空污費繳交之金額與施工面積、工期及合約經費有相當大之關係,顯示本年度申報工地多屬於中型工地。 Pintung county is well-known for its unrivaled landscapes, which bring lots of tourists and rich industries and commercial activities. Various new construction projects including area development, sightseeing farms, agricultural biotechnology parks, hotels, restaurants, and even houses have been decided to locate in this area. Making new highways accelerated various exploitations, and therefore prospered local economics. It would become a major impact on ecological environment if we don’t take proper pollution prevention measures and try to reduce fugitive particulate emissions during the construction. In order to control the particulate pollution of construction sites in Pintung area, we have to know the current construction plans and their progress. However, up to now (2009/11/15) we have accomplished 2316 inspection rounds, registered 1896 construction sites, assisted 36 construction sites, helped construction sites improve peripheral environment with totally 6528 kilometers long and wash sightseeing routes up to 2448 kilometers this year. The reduction of the TSP amounts of construction was 1052.15 tons with an average emission reduction rate about 47.11%. We also helped the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Pintung County Government to levy the air pollution control fee. The total number of cases is 3149 and the total levy amount is NT$45,130,716 from 2009/1/1 to 10/31. This year, we focus on controlling the river dredging projects and the road and pipeline construction projects in urban area to lower the environmental pollution and hope to minimize public inconvenience effectively during the constructions. 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 環佑實業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16016
98年度環保志工培訓暨社區學校資源回收推動計畫 本計畫之工作項目包括: 一、環保志願服務培訓計畫﹔二、永續校園推廣﹔三、社區資源回收推廣﹔四、推廣及整合工作﹔五、社區資源回收、駐局人員工作。執行成果簡述如後:一、環保志願服務培訓:完成(一)業務聯繫會報4場次﹔(二)志工運用單位評鑑表揚評審會2場次、表揚作業1場次;(三)基礎訓練課程4場次﹔(四)特殊訓練課程4場次﹔(五)資深志工成長及管理課程1場次;(六)業務督導訓練1場次;(七)辦理志工保險777人。二、永續校園推廣:完成(一)環保有功學校推廣說明會1場次、遴選2場次、不定期輔導5所學校、委員輔導(現勘)6所;(二)結合在地資源學校環境教育研習會1場次; (三)學校環境創意教學活動1場次。三、社區資源回收推廣: (一)推動社區營造及資源回收2場次﹔(二)委員輔導訪視20場次﹔(三)社區資源回收及環境改造研習交流會1場次;(四)編撰「98年度社區環境改造計畫」成果報告書一式6份。四、推廣及整合工作:完成(一)成果展1場次;(二)二手物交換推廣說明會1場次﹔(三)完成輔導意見調查表單綠色商店12份、環保有功團體、義工人員10份、環保有功學校22份、綠色企業22份;(四)近3年環保環保有功團體、義工人員、學校或社區專訪16處;(五) 輔導社區、學校或民間單位閒置地方成常態型二手物品交換中心(或二手物網路交換中心)或辦理二手跳蚤市場(12場)。五、駐局人員工作:完成(一)協助召開社區輔導會議﹔(二) 協助環保局按季統計綠色商店、綠色企業資料及更新綠色商店販售資料﹔(三)協助建立匯整輔導意見調查表單﹔(四)環保局其他交辦事項 The Plan of Environmental Volunteer Traning and Community, School Recycling in 2009 Taoyuan County Government Environmental Protention Agency in order to improve the quality of environmental volunteers, teaching basic and specific courses for them. For promoting community recycling, the plan also took environmental volunteers to visit some other communities to learn their strong point. Besides, the plan choose three schools, one teacher and one student club to represent Taoyuan County joined the comment by EPA. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 惠國顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18367
98年度空氣品質監測站操作維護、能見度調查及室內空氣品質管理計畫 本計畫執行期間為民國98年3月20日至99年3月19日,計畫總經費新台幣柒佰玖拾參萬元。已完成環保局所交付支各項任務與職責,包括空氣品質人工測站之採樣分析與保養維護、自動測站之定期維護保養、軟硬體設備更新、電子看板設置、能見度調查、室內空品宣導工作及非游離輻射監測等(如表1)。計畫中各項設備需藉由完善操作與維護以確保監測品質,進而取得正確監測數據,建立空氣品質資料庫。本工作團隊已建置經驗豐富之技術人員(如表2)、購置充足之設備(如表3)與零件耗材庫存,並建立各項作業之標準作業程序及職前訓練課程,以確保工作品質。空氣品質人工測站方面,每月針對信義國小、成功國小、文山國小、北新國中、西苑中學及台鐵總站等6座測站進行1次落塵採樣與分析,每月執行2次TSP採樣與分析及維護保養,每月執行1次流量單點校正,每季執行一次流量多點校正。在自動測站部分,經由本計畫定期之每週及每季維護保養,各測站各監測項目皆能正常運作,且資料可用率均達85%以上。本工作小組亦於民國98年8月依環保署現行查核方式辦理品保查核,查核結果均為滿意。另外完成測站軟硬體更新,如數據處理軟體、冷氣機、大氣壓力計、欄杆及爬梯等。由監測結果發現,98年度之空氣品質較97年度稍有下降,98年本市空氣品質不良率為2.70%,指標污染物以臭氧為主。其中西屯測站的空氣品質不良日數共有11站日,指標污染物為PM10者有4站日、指標污染物為O3者有7站日;忠明測站的空氣品質不良日數共有9站日,指標污染物為PM10者有3站日、指標污染物為O3者有6站日。而本局設置之文山測站98年之空氣品質不良率為2.47%,指標污染物為PM10者有4站日、指標污染物為O3者有5站日(如表4)。中部空品區各縣市不良率以南投縣(3.42%)最高,其次為臺中市(2.70%)、臺中縣(2.47%)、彰化縣(1.23%)。非游離輻射監測部分,已完成10件電磁波監測,其中6件為低頻電磁波,4件為高頻電磁波,量測結果皆符合環境建議值。在電子看板部分,依照合約預定進度進行相關作業,於南屯區寶文段40地號設置電子看板。目前正進行造型施工及看板組裝作業。後續將完成看板主體架設及資訊系統建立及教育訓練等作業。在室內空氣品質管理部分,已辦理2場教育宣導及說明會並執行20家公共場所參與室內空品自主管理與CO2巡檢,CO2巡檢結果均符合環保署建議值;室內空品檢測結果顯示,真菌為常見不合格項目,不合格率60%;而CO2、CO、甲醛、TVOC、PM10、PM2.5、O3、細菌及溫度等9種檢測項目均符合標準,合格率100%。另外,室內空品評鑑結果由西區區公所及北屯區區公所,獲選室內空品評鑑優良單位,並成立為臺中市室內空氣品質優良示範場所。在能見度調查部分,本計畫探討中央氣象局臺中氣象站之長期能見度觀測PM10及PM2.5微粒之監測與分析結果,重建臺中都會地區之40年之PM10歷史濃度;及比較臺中市與中部空品區歷年能見度變化差異,建立臺中市能見度分級指標;最後建立提升能見度之污染物減量管制方案之優選模式,評估能見度提升之污染減量成本效益之優選策略。結論如下:(一)臺中市1993年至2009年11月能見度雖未有持續惡化現象,但也沒有明顯的改善,平均為9.6公里,和臺北地區能見度相當。(二)以能見度的基本敘述統計(平均值1.28倍標準差)作為能見度的分類指標,比以空氣污染指標PSI來分類時為佳。(三)台中市南區之大氣氣膠特性採樣實驗結果顯示,白天與夜間各成分在微粒中所佔的比例,並沒有很大的差異(四)由模式模擬校正與驗證程序的結果顯示,SO2主要受點源的長程傳輸的影響;NOx主要受線源的交通污染影響;PM10主要受面源的污染排放源排放量影響。(五)利用軌跡模式所模擬之PM10污染源貢獻比例削減濃度,配合多元迴歸分析由能見度與氣象因子及空氣品質濃度所得的能見度經驗式,可以得到不同能見度改善條件下,最小成本花費之執行策略。 2009 Air Quality Operating and Maintaining Stations, Visibility Investigation and Indoor Air Quality Management Project This project is executed from March 20, 2009 to March 19, 2010 and was budgeted 7,930 thousand New Taiwan Dollars. It accomplished the all assignments and duties, including the sampling with analysis and maintenance of both human and auto inspection stations in air quality, software and hardware devices updating, electrical signboard installation, visibility investigation, indoor air quality announcement and non-atomic ionized radiation monitoring, that Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) authorized.For the human inspection stations in air quality, Xin Yi elementary school, Cheng Gong elementary school, Wen Shan elementary school, Bei Shin junior high school, Xi Yuan junior high school and Taiwan Railways terminal were sampling and analysis monthly for dust fall. Besides, The TSP sampling with analysis and maintenance were executed twice a month. The fluid correction of single point and multiple points were executed once a month and once a season separately. For the auto inspection stations, every monitoring items of station operated normally according to the weekly and seasonally maintenance of the project. Therefore, the data availability ratio could be over 85%. In addition, the software and hardware devices were also updating such as data management software, air conditioners, atmospheric pressure meters, railings and ladders. The monitoring data show that the air quality in 2009 was worse than it in 2008. Nevertheless, the disqualified rate of urban air quality in 2009 was 2.70% and the index pollutant was O3 as majority. For Situn station, it has 11 days, 4 days and 7 days for disqualification of air quality, index pollutant PM10 and O3 separately. For Jhonming station, it has 9 days, 3 days and 6 days for disqualification of air quality, index pollutant PM10 and O3 separately. For the Wunshan station, the disqualified rate of urban air quality in 2009 was 2.47% and it has 4 days and 5 days for the index pollutant PM10 and O3 separately. The disqualified rate of counties and cities of air quality in central Taiwan were in turn as Nantou County (3.42%), Taichung City (2.70%) and Changhua County (1.23%). For the non-atomic ionized radiation monitoring, the 10 cases of electromagnetic wave monitoring were accomplished. 6 high frequency cases and 4 low frequency cases of electromagnetic wave were measured to fill the bill of environmental suggestions. For the indoor air quality management, 2 educated announcements and statements have been already held. At the same time, 20 public places also participated in the independent managements of indoor air quality and CO2 investigations. Consequently, the results of CO2 investigation filled the bill of environmental suggestions to Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). The results of indoor air quality show that the disqualified rates of fungi were 60% as the most unqualified item. Nevertheless, the 9 examination items of CO2, CO, HCHO, TVOC, PM10, PM2.5, O3, bacteria and temperatures were fill the bill as 100% qualified rate. Besides, West distric office and Beitun district office were awarded excellent organization of indoor air quality according to indoor air quality judgments. They were also the best demonstrated places for indoor air quality in Taichung city. For the visibility investigation, this project discussed the results of particles monitoring and particles analysis of PM10 and PM2.5 for long term visibility monitoring of Taichung Weather Station of Central Weather Bureau (CWB) and rebuilt the PM10 concentration of Taichung urban area in the last 40 years. Also, it compared to the differences of visibility between Taichung City and previous data of central Taiwan area. Therefore, it built the classified index of visibility for Taichung City. In the event, both the best model of optional scenarios and the cost effective policies of pollutant reducing and control for visibilities upgrading could be built completely. According to the study, we concluded that: (1) although the visibility does not continue to deteriorate from 1993 to November 2009 in Taichung City, it does not improve obviously also. The visibility in Taichung City was similar to Taipei area as averaged 9.6 km. (2) the basic describable statistics of visibility (averaged value  1.28 times standard deviation) was better than air pollutant index PSI when it comes to the classified index of visibility. (3) the experimental results of aerosol characteristic sampling in southern Taichung City show that the ratio of components in particles for daytime and nighttime were similar. (4) the results of model simulations and verified processes show that SO2 was effected by long term transportation of point sources, NOx was effected by traffic pollution of line sources and PM10 was effected by polluted amounts of area sources. (5) the best cost effective policy could be obtained based on different conditions of visibility upgrading from the experimental formula of visibility, phenomena factors and concentration of air quality, by using the trajectory model which simulated the reducing concentration of PM10 contributed ratio with multiple regression analysis 098 台中市環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16709
臺中港區揮發性有機液體貯槽及裝載操作設施管制規範研擬計畫 本計畫之執行期間自民國98年3月1日起至99年2月28日止,計畫期程為12個月。主要之工作內容包括:臺中港碼頭區揮發性有機液體儲槽清查作業、揮發性有機液體儲槽查核及輔導作業、揮發性有機液體儲槽防制設備評估、防制設備現地測試、相關排放標準及管制規範草案研擬等共計24項工作項目,至99年2月28日止,各項工作皆已完成,工作進度表詳如期末報告本文第一章之表1.3-1。根據本年度4次清查結果,臺中港西碼頭區倉儲業97年度之揮發性有機液體總運作量為356萬公秉,清查排放量為549.9公噸,而98年總營運量為284萬公秉,清查排放量為429.5公噸,相較之下排放量明顯下降,主要受景氣不佳而運作量減少及部分廠家儲存物種更改為低揮發性物質所影響。同時為加強倉儲業動態資料之彙整,本計畫建置了臺中港區揮發性有機液體儲槽資料庫以統計分析倉儲業各項清查及申報資料。本年度執行兩次法規符合度查核皆有發現不符的案例,主要為活性碳吸附設備未依規定操作及清槽紀錄資料不全,皆於後續輔導業者完成改善;另已達應申請許可規模但尚未申請操作許可證之業者,於轉交許可計畫進行後續追蹤後,業者已向環保局提出許可證之申請。在稽查檢測方面,98年度共計完成2400點設備元件稽查檢測作業,檢測結果並未發現超過洩漏標準之情形;執行3次裝卸載作業時之周界檢測結果亦未超過固定污染源周界排放標準。另外為加強港區倉儲業者之自主管理,本團隊擬定自主管理計畫範本以協助業者執行自主管理,並進行輔導訪談,以加強業者之污染檢視及防制作為。本年度另一個工作重點則為現地模場測試作業,在完成防制設備評估作業、2週連續採樣作業及防制設備實驗室規模測試實驗等前置作業後於9月份起進行生物濾床測試,並持續測試作業至今。測試結果生物濾床有效改善原有活性碳防制效率不佳的問題,去除率約為85%,此外將無需更換活性碳,如此不僅大幅降低操作成本亦解決廢棄活性碳二次污染的問題。測試成果將可作為業者改善防制設備之參考。除上述管制相關作業外,本年度辦理兩次專家諮詢會,第一次邀請專家學者就現行管制問題提出建議,第二次則邀集專家學者及業者代表共同針對公告指定事項草案內容進行討論;另外於98年7月17日舉辦廠商法規說明會乙場次,主要會議內容為相關管制法規說明、臺中港區儲槽資料庫簡介及儲槽VOCs排放之生物處理技術實例介紹,以提升業者對法規的認知及污染防制技術的暸解。99年2月1日則辦理生物濾床測試成果發表會,為業者解說測試成效;2月24日則辦理防制技術縣外觀摩會,至雲林縣觀摩六輕工業區在空氣污染防制所做的努力及成效。另外,為提升計畫執行人員的專業性,本計畫於98年度共計辦理8場教育訓練,訓練主題包括法規說明、資料庫應用、設備元件檢測重點等,皆對計畫人員於工作執行上有所助益。本年度為改善西碼頭區倉儲業的污染排放,除了執行各項查核作業及針對倉儲業特性研擬相關管制規範以加強管制外,並嘗試以生物濾床改善現有污染防制設備之防制效果,且已獲得良好之測試成效,因此未來可望實際應用並進一步改善倉儲業儲槽之污染排放。 Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Tank and Loading Facility’s Control Specification in Taichung Harbor Area This project’s implementation period started from March 1st, 2009 to February 28th, 2010, for a period of 12 months. Main work contents included: the checking of volatile organic liquid storage tanks in Taichung Harbor area, the inspection and guiding of volatile organic liquid storage tanks, the assessment on volatile organic liquid storage’s control equipment, on-site testing of the control equipment, and the planning and drafting of relative emission standard and control specification plan, for a total of 24 tasks. Up to February 28, 2010, all the tasks have been completed and the progress chart was detailed in this final report’s Table 1.3-1 in Chapter I. According to results obtained from the four times of checking, in 2008 the total operating capacity of volatile organic liquid in Taichung Harbor West Pier was 3.56 million kiloliter and the emission checked was 549.9 tons. In 2009, the total operating capacity was 2.84 kiloliter and the emission checked was 429.5 tons. The significant drop in emissions mainly was because the operating capacity was reduced due to recession and also partial factories stored more low volatile matters instead of high volatile matters. Meanwhile, for enhancing the compilation of warehousing business’s dynamic information, this project constructed a database for volatile organic liquid storage tank in Taichung Harbor area to carry out analysis on all kinds of checks and claimed data. There were unqualified cases found in both two regulation compliance checks conducted this year. Such unqualified issues mainly were because activated carbon absorption facility did not operate in accordance with regulations and also factories had incomplete tank cleaning record. Those were guided for improvement and the improvement has been completed as well. In addition, as for businesses that have reached the scale to apply for the permit but have not yet submitted the application, after handing the cases to authorization project for follow-up tracking, those businesses all submitted permit application to Environmental Protection Bureau. As for audits and inspections, 2400 components were inspected and did not find any unqualified cases; three perimeter detection tasks in cargo handling process were carried out and it did not find any one exceeded stationary source’s emission standard. Besides, for enhancing warehousing industry’s self-management ability in the harbor area, the team drafted a self-management plan to help industries carry out self-management tasks and also provided guidance and interviews to enhance industry’s pollution inspecting and preventing behaviors. This year, one other focus was model scale biofilter on-site test. After the completion of preliminary works, which included control equipment’s assessment, 2 week continuous sampling task, and the lab testing work, in September the model scale biofilter test was started and carried out testing tasks up to now. The test results showed that biofilter effectively improved the previous inefficient control problem by active carbon, and the elimination rate was around 85%. In addition, it’s not necessary to replace active carbon. Thus, the operating cost was reduced significantly and the problem of secondary pollution by wasted active carbon was also solved. The test results can serve as references for industries in improving control facilities. Besides above-mentioned tasks, this year we also held two times of expert consultation conference. At the 1st conference, professional and scholars were invited to provide control related suggestion, and the 2nd time, professionals, scholars, and industries were all invited to discuss issues relating to designated drafts that have been published. Also, the Regulation guidance conference was held on July 17, 2009, and the main contents included the illustration of related control regulations, introduction to Taichung Harbor storage tank’s database, and providing real examples on biological treatment of storage tank’s VOCs emissions to enhance industry owner’s cognition in related regulations and understanding of pollution control technology. On February 1st, 2010, a result presentation on the tests of biofilter experiments was held to explain the effects to factory owners. On February 24th, an out-of-county control technology related demonstration trip was held to visit the efforts in air pollution control and the effects at No.6 Naphtha Cracking Complex in Yunlin. Further, in order to promote project executors’ professional abilities, in 2009 this project held 8 education training sessions; the training topics included the illustration of laws and regulations, application of the database, and key issues in testing equipment components. Those were believed to have beneficial results in executing project personnel’s tasks. This year, in order to improve the emission of pollutants by west pier’s warehousing businesses, besides carrying out all kinds of inspection tasks and drafting related control specifications following warehousing industry’s characteristics to enforce more stringent control, the project also tried to use biofilter to improve current pollution control facilities’ control efficiency and obtained good test results. Thus, in the future, it is expected to put into practical use and for a further step to improve warehousing storage tank’s pollutant emissions. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17846
雲林縣98年度營建工程污染管制及查核作業計畫 隨著雲林縣近年來工商業蓬勃發展,各類環境污染問題逐漸浮現,其中又以空氣污染問題最為社會大眾所詬病。有鑑於此,環保局多年來致力於推動本縣空氣污染管制工作,並已初步呈現績效;然而轄內受政府大力推展公共工程等影響,境內營建工地四處可見,因施工所產生公害,包括空氣污染、水污染、惡臭、土壤污染及廢棄物污染等問題,嚴重影響附近生活品質。其中又以營建工程所涉及土、石、砂等材料所造成逸散性粉塵污染,更是加強管制之重點;為落實管制作業且降低土木施工揚塵量,環保局特別專案辦理「98年度營建工程污染管制及查核作業計畫」,針對境內營建工地,配合空污費徵收,加強稽查及管制,進而有效達到污染物減量及空氣品質改善之目標。本計畫執行期程一年,自98年4月1日至99年3月31日止,本計畫主要工作重點為協助環保局加強辦理各項營建工地、管線、道路施工之稽、巡查工作,並將列管工地資料建檔管理,透過宣導文件發放及輔導工地座談會之進行,加強工地對污染防範之認知,以落實污染改善之目的。計畫執行期間,本計畫總計列管4,236處工地,累計巡查數達6,304處次,經由例行性巡查並將工地資料如期建檔外,且過辦理4場次營建工地法規宣導說明會,輔導30處營建工地共認養47條道路,洗掃總長度達50,690公里,並透過粒狀物及油品檢測當佐證資料(執行16點次TSP檢測及50件次油品檢測),逸散TSP總計削減3,796公噸,削減率為49.09%。依營建工程納管率近三年作比較,統計結果顯示由96年的37.9%、97年的56.4%、提高至98年的76.7 %,成長了近40%。統計近三年管理辦法第一級工地符合率,由96年49%,97年68%,提昇至98年77%,成長近28%;第二級工地符合率,由96年38%,97年55%,成長近32%,提昇至98年70%。針對巡查期間未能符合管理辦法記點超過10點者,以專函通知方式告知業主限期改善,若於複查時未能完成改善者將逕行告發處分;若無法設置防制措施者協助業者提出替代方案申請;並配合工地污染協商會進行專案輔導,以提高管理辦法符合率。在告發處分方面,96年共告發14件 (依空污法告發12件,廢清法告發12件),97年共告發12件 (依空污法告發12件),98年共告發11件 (依空污法告發11件)。因民眾陳情而被告發處分者計有1件。以歷年排放情形可以看出,本計畫成效較歷年為佳,削減率已逐年提升,足以呈現環保單位對營建工程管制策略,獲得累積的成效。 98 Pollution Control Project for Construction engineering Due to the established of Yunlin County, accompanied with the economic development and growth, it brings serious environmental problems, especially for the air pollution. Besides, it affects the life quality of the neighborhood and causes a lot of protestation. In order to solve these problems, Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County initiated this project “98 Pollution Control Project for Construction engineering”. The purpose of this project is to find out the roots of the construction pollution and investigate on the public protest application. According to the findings from the investigation to restrain the air pollutants of construction, and to survey and monitor the emission sources of particles. Simultaneously, to improve the air quality and reduce the impact of the constructional engineering process to the surrounding dwellers, the proprietors of construction engineering are required to operate the air pollution control device properly.This project is proceeded in one year from June 1 of 2009 to May 31 of 2010. It focus on assisting the EPB to strengthen checking and inspecting all building sites, pipes and road works for improving the pollutions. We make lists to manage monitorial sites, and strengthen the knowledge for preventing pollutions of building sites by declared documents and forums. In the period of this project, it monitors 4,236 sites with “The project of Central Science Park”. The amounts of inspections are 6,304 times. Not only making lists by routine inspections but also holding 4 forums to announce the laws and regulations. It counsels 30 sites to clean around roads, they are cleaned for 50,690 Km in amount and tested by particles and oil to support (16 times of TSP test, and 50 times of oil test). To reduce flying TSP for 3,796 tones, the rate of reduction is 49.09%.By the emission in these years, it’s the best achievements. The rate of reduction raises year by year to provide the results of EPB’s controlling strategies. 098 雲林縣環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=21795
98年營建工程稽查管制計畫 澎湖縣政府環境保護局於八十六年七月一日開始執行營建工程污染管制計畫,為使空氣品質得以確實改善,並期待執行本計畫後有效管制營建工程之污染行為與減少公害發生,確切提昇生活環境品質。本計畫於推動九個年度後,已讓本縣轄境內營建工地深入瞭解施工過程中可能發生之污染行為及其可推動之污染防制措施,對於本縣空氣品質乃至於整體環境都有相當正面的幫助;為延續過去本計畫執行的成效,並更進一步改善維護本縣空氣品質,持續推動本計畫是必要的。 (一) 98年度自1月1日起至98年12月31日止,營建工程空污費申報件數共計 825件(含免徵件數 20件),空污費徵收金額5,176,039元;查獲未申報63件、工期延長82件及逾期申繳108件,累計完成253件,總催補繳金額為353,584元整;工期縮短辦理空污費退費計23件,退費金額為645,805元,98年度營建工程空氣污染防制費總淨收金額為 4,883,818元,達年度預算數97.7%,達成計畫目標85%。99年1月份營建工程空污費申報件數計74件(含免徵件數2件),空污費徵收金額459,006元;99年2月份營建工程空污費申報件數計36件,空污費徵收金額145,124元。(二) 本計畫推估自98年6月至99年2月止,本縣營建工程施工的污染物逸散粉塵總產生量為544.59噸,削減量為175.02噸,現況排放量為369.57噸,削減率約為32.1%。(三) 本計畫執行期間有15處營建工地提送申請替代性污染防制措施,主要申請項目為工地周界圍籬,替代措施為半阻隔式簡易圍籬緊密相連與道路認養,經審核均能達到替代性污染削減成效,審核結果為通過,准予依照替代防制措施進行操作。(四) 計畫執行期間自執行日起至99年2月底止,計已完成TSP檢測20點次、二處次上下風檢測、落塵量監測三季12點次及8處營建工程施工機具油品抽測檢測。(五) 計畫執行期間自98年6月8日至99年2月28日止,總計巡查次數為2087處次,排放量削減率達32.14%,在管制覆蓋率方面;納管率及巡查排放量率已逐月提昇,納管率達81%、巡查排放量比率達63%。依巡查納管率分析,97年度及98年度巡查納管率均達到81%,較96年度巡查納管率提昇;依巡查納管工地數分析,98年度6月至99年2月納管工地數逐月增加為158處~399處,相較97年度為190處~325處、96年度為123處~268處,逐月納管工地數均增加約70處。(六) 計畫執行期間自98年6月起至99年2月,逐月巡查查核管理辦法,並輔導改善,管理辦法符合率逐月提昇,納管第一級工地總數為208件,而符合管理辦法之件數為133件,符合率為64%;納管第2級工地總數為629件,而符合管理辦法之件數為445件,符合率為70%;依已納管第1、2級營建工地逐月分析,第1級營建工地由98年6月份62%至99年2月已提昇達到92%;第2級營建工地由98年6月份57%至99年2月已提昇達到85%。(七) 計畫執行期間自98年6月起至99年2月計協助處理民眾陳情案件27 件,其中6 件經赴現場處理並未發現陳情原因;21 件要求限期改善,並於當日完成改善並進行複查,複查結果皆完成改善。本團隊對於接獲民眾陳情營建工地,巡查員於當日完成陳情案件處理,並製作巡查紀錄,並後續追蹤複查改善情形。(八) 計畫執行期間自98年6月起至99年2月,預計每月發布3 則宣導新聞稿,至計畫結束前共需協助提供24 則媒體宣導新聞,統計至99 年2月底提送17件次媒體新聞稿,均獲環保局同意採用,統計見報則數有15則、5篇電視活動字幕播放。(九) 於98年6月26日、98年11月18日及99年2月3日辦理3場次教育訓練,98年6月30日配合辦理「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網(EcoLife)」節能減碳系統操作與推廣宣導說明會、98年7月10日~12日配合「2009菊島國際藝術沙灘節」辦理節能減碳宣導活動、98年7月31日辦理1場次營建工地協商會、9月22日配合辦理「響應世界無車日」及99年2月5日辦理營建工地污染防治管理辦法暨室內空氣品質自主管理宣導會。(十) 統計本計畫自計畫執行日起至99 年2 月28 日計輔導93 處10,000 元以上之工地,辦理開工前協調會,及輔導31 處營建工地提出道路認養,輔導對象主要以重大專案管制工地為主,營建工地道路認養總長度為10,770M。(十一) 本計畫以A2000營建工程管制資訊系統篩選本縣營建工地,發放予營建工程承包商或業主,共發放100份問卷,其中有效問卷有70份,回收率70%。對於環保局收費或審查人員的辦事效率有36%感到很滿意及41%感到滿意;對於環保局營建工程空污費徵收作業提供之相關便民措施及宣導有30%感到很滿意及44%感到滿意,約有74%認為辦事效率感到滿意。 Pollution Control Project for Construction engineering in Penghu County Due to the established of Penghu County , accompanied with the conomic development and growth, it brings serious environmental problems, especially for the air pollution. Besides, it affects the life quality of the neighborhood and causes a lot of protestation.In order to solve these problems, Environmental Protection Bureau Of Penghu County initiated this project “Pollution Control Project for Construction engineering in Penghu County”. The purpose of this project is to find out the roots of the construction pollution and investigate on the public protest application. According to the findings from the investigation to restrain the air pollutants of construction, and to survey and monitor the emission sources of particles. Simultaneously, to improve the air quality and reduce the impact of the constructional engineering process to the surrounding dwellers, the proprietors of construction engineering are required to operate the air pollution control device properly.This project is proceeded in one year from June 8 of 2009 to February 28 of 2010. It focuson assisting the EPB to strengthen checking and inspecting all building sites, pipesand road works for improving the pollutions. We make lists to manage monitorial sites,and strengthen the knowledge for preventing pollutions of building sites by declareddocuments and forums. In the period of this project, it monitors 969 sites. The amounts of inspections are 2,087 times. Not only making lists by routine inspections but also holding 5 forums to announce the laws and regulations. It counsels 31 sites to clean around roads, they are cleaned for 10,770 Km in amount and tested by particles and oil to support (20 times of TSP test,and 12 times of dust left is monitored quarterly ,and 8 times of oil test). This major task of the project in early this year was listing construction activities. At the mean time, levying the Air Pollution Fee, inspection of construction activities, propagandizing policies, sampling and test of particular substances, and other relevant tasks were kept proceeding. Since the date of contract to 28th Feb. 2010, the achievements of the project in this year has been summarized into the table below: 098 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 得眾環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16818
98年度輔導全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收專案工作計畫 本計畫在98年度補助工作中,補助相關機具及車輛部分,共補助資源回收車3-3.9噸12輛、6-6.9噸27輛共39輛,貯存場則興建4座、整建19座,相關機具共9件;另於98年10月12日函知各縣市「99年度補助計畫」,各執行機關均於98年10月30日前提出99年度資源回收補助經費申請。環保署補助資源回收經費自94年至98年增加約13.13%的補助款,資源回收率亦提升12.7%,顯示環保署所投入的補助款確實對執行機關有正面的幫助,但未來若要再提升資源回收率,須以加強稽查及獎勵等更積極的手段或方法以達到目的。本年度計畫為首次進行鄉鎮市平時資料查核工作,發現部分鄉鎮市收集之四大體系數據較粗糙而無系統化彙整,使數據資料無法完整,本計畫提供其他縣市相關作法及建議,並於98年度資源回收考核時進行平時資料缺失的複查,複查結果全數環保局皆符合複查標準。在針對資源回收率偏低縣市輔導工作,本計畫篩選97年度整體資源回收率未達22%之縣市,即屏東縣、嘉義縣及雲林縣三縣市進行每季一次實地訪查及輔導工作,共計輔導訪談12次,經由輔導及各縣市環保局之努力,受輔導縣市之資源回收率均有顯著的進步,其中屏東縣資源回收率自21.68%提升至25.05%,成長3.37%、嘉義縣資源回收率自18.94%提升至28.22%,大幅成長9.28%、雲林縣則自17.55%提升至24%,成長6.45%。本計畫協助規劃「2010媽祖遶境、台灣乾淨」資源回收活動,本年度新增萬人連署支持資源回收、節能減碳,連署人數達15,680人,另由台中縣環保局、嘉義縣環保局、彰化縣環保局及雲林縣環保局設計資源回收聚寶車,於9天8夜之遶境行程中沿途播放宣導錄音帶及並隨遶境人員加強宣導,另搭配廢乾電池及鈕釦型電池兌換宣導品活動,此次活動期間共產生127,130公斤垃圾量及39,681公斤資源回收物、廢乾電池及鈕釦型電池共募集2,711公斤,並將其變賣所得全數捐贈社團法人台中市智障者家長協會及台中縣私立鎮瀾宮兒童家園,落實環保與公益雙贏之局面。 Project for Assisting the Executive Agencies of this Country in Reinforcing Resource Recycling in 20 This Project subsidised 12 recycling trucks with the capacity of 3 to 3.9 tons and 39 trucks with the capacity of 6 to 6.9 tons, built 4 storage sites were built and 19 renovated in 2009. There were also 9 sets of equipment. A missive concerning the 2010 Subsidy Programme was sent to every counties and cities on October 12th, 2009, and authorities concerned have all applied for resource recycling subsidies for the year 2010 before October 31st, 2009. The budget of the Environmental Protection Administration for resource recycling subsidies has increased by approximately 13.13% between 2005 and 2009, while the resource-recycling rate has also risen by 12.7%. This is a demonstration of the positive influence that subsidies from the Environmental Protection Administration have on executing authorities. However, to boost future resource recycling rate, more constructive means such as intensified inspection and rewards are needed to achieve the objective.This Project this year carried out for the first time the inspection of daily data of towns and cities. It was discovered that data of the four major systems collected by certain towns and cities were incomplete. As a result they cannot be systematically organised and the digital data were thus incomplete. The Programme provides means and recommendations concerned to counties and cities, and re-inspections were conducted on the missing data during the resource recycling examination for 2009. The results revealed that all bureaus of environmental protection have satisfied the standards during the re-inspection.In respect of the guidance work for counties and cities with lower rate of resource recycling, the Programme has selected counties whose overall rate of resource recycling has failed to reach 22% for the year 2008. Pingtung County, Chiayi County and Yunlin County were chosen and quarterly field interviews and guidance work were performed. A total of 12 field interviews in conjunction with guided work was carried out, and significant advancement was noted in the resource recycling rate in these counties thanks to the guidance provided and the effort of individual bureaus of environmental protection. Among them the resource recycling rate rised to 25.05% from 21.68% (a 3.37% increase) in Pingtung County, to 28.22% from 18.94% (a 9.28% increase) in Chiayi County, and to 24% from 17.55% (a 6.45% increase) in Yunlin County.The Programme has facilitated the planning of resource recycling event 2010 Mazu Pilgrimage • Cleaner Taiwan. An additional event this year was a pledge co-signed by 15,680 people to support resource recycling, energy saving and carbon reduction. A resource recycling truck was jointly created by the bureaus of environmental protection of Taichung County, Chiayi County, Changhua County and Yunlin County. The truck broadcast public education tape along the route of the pilgrimage that lasted for 9 days and 8 nights and followed pilgrims to reinforce the publicity. A total of 127,130 kg of rubbish and 39,681 kg of recycled resources were produced during this event. In conjunction with the exchange campaign for used batteries, a total of 2,711 kg of used batteries was collected. The proceeds then went to Parents’ Association of Disabled Persons of Taichung City and Jenn Lann Temple Children’s Home in Taichung County, thus accomplishing the win-win situation of being environmentally friendly and giving back to society. 098 基管會 晶淨科技股份公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18373
嘉義市遠東段435、471、472地號土壤污染控制場址污染控制驗證計畫 本計畫藉由驗證後,確認嘉義市遠東段435、471、472等三筆地號土壤污染控制場址達成農地污染改善目標(土壤中重金屬濃度檢驗結果鉻需低於監測基準(250 mg/kg)以下、鋅需低於食用作物農地監測基準(600 mg/kg)以下),並依土壤及地下水污染整治法解除污染控制場址列管,藉以達成土地永續利用及維護人民健康之終極目標。 098 嘉義市政府環境保護局 亞太環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18688
98年臺中縣推動溫室氣體減量及空污管制宣導計畫 「98年臺中縣推動溫室氣體減量及空污管制宣導計畫」,其計畫執行期程自簽約日98年11月23日起至99年11月22日止。本計畫各工作項目包括建立臺中縣溫室氣體排放清冊、推動綠色運輸活動、節能減碳宣導示範設備設置、蒐集國內外碳捕獲與封存相關技術資料、舉辦溫室氣體減量管制策略規劃會議、辦理節能減碳簽署活動、各項宣導作業等本計畫工作團隊自98年11月23日至99年10月31日止,完成更新和分析97、98年臺中縣溫室氣體排放清冊之工業部門、住商部門、運輸部門、農業部門和廢棄物部門溫室氣體排放量建立。並分析臺中縣96、97、98年度電燈用電量和臺中縣政府大樓97、98年度辦公大樓能源使用情況。另外,彙整95至98年臺中火力發電廠排放量、溫室氣體減量措施規劃和國內外碳捕獲與封存相關技術與文獻資料各報告1式。本計畫工作團隊於計畫執行期間辦理2場次臺中縣溫室氣體減量管制策略規劃會議,並由會議結果擬定臺中縣溫室氣體減量策略1式。以及辦理參訪北部空品區節能減碳績優單位觀摩及中部4縣市減碳合作夥伴會議1場次,以瞭解未來規劃和建構大臺中低碳都市願景方向。本計畫工作團隊於計畫執行期間追蹤和彙整臺中縣98、99年內政部「既有市區道路景觀與人本環境改善計畫」之經核定計畫及後續設置情形,並提出大臺中地區自行車道建置現況報告。於8月和10月辦理宣導住商部門省電及簽署節能減碳電子抽獎活動4場次和完成辦理機關、學校及村里溫室氣體減量競賽活動相關工作項目,分別為溫室氣體減量競賽活動說明會和種子教師訓練各1場次,推動機關、學校等單位所屬人員通勤共乘(併入減量競賽作業辦理)1場次和舉辦表揚大會並頒發新臺幣60萬元之獎勵金。本計畫建置相關專屬網站,放置各項溫室氣體減量、氣候變遷等相關訊息,提供民眾閱覽和查詢;於計畫執行間辦理相關工作項目成果,也上傳至專屬網站,並每日定期維護臺中縣網站和Ecolife網站。本計畫租用太陽能電力系統設備,設置於臺中縣環保局1樓大廳外,提供洽公民眾手機或筆記型電腦充電使用。98年度本計畫於計畫執行期間,辦理節能減碳簽署活動共計40場次,並由環保署登錄綠網結果得知,十大宣言簽署人數為15,534人(合約量15,000人)、電表號數量為3,804筆(合約量3,000筆)和節能減碳生活檢核表數量為2,328筆(合約量2,000筆);相關媒體宣導作業方面,新聞稿共計見報44則(含節能減碳宣導和溫室氣體減量、空氣污染防制及氣候變遷宣導,2大類主題),宣導住商部門省電及簽署節能減碳10分和30分鐘專題,各4檔次和1檔次,有線電視跑馬燈26則。 The Reduction of Greenhouse Gas and the Guidance of Air Pollution in Taichung County in 2009 「The Reduction of Greenhouse Gas and the Guidance of Air Pollution in Taichung County in 2009」was signed on November 2009 and ended on November 2010. This project included to establish the list about the green gas emission of Taichung County, green transportation, the model as equipments for greenhouse gas reducing, any kinds of greenhouse gas reduction propaganda, and to collect the information of the Carbon capture and storage. During this year, our group not only updated the list but also established five sectors in the capacities of greenhouse gas reduction. There were industry sector, residential and commercial sector, transport sector, agriculture and waste sector. Furthermore, we also analyzed the consumption of electricity power since 2007 to 2009 in Taichung County building and the situation of using energy on 2008 and 2009 in the office building. In addition, our group also collected the information and the documents about the thermal emission of power plants, the plan of greenhouse gas reduction and the carbon capture and storage techniques since 2006 to 2009. In order to construct the low- carbon Taichung in the future, our group convenes two meetings about the issue that is draft of the plan on greenhouse gas reduction. And the conclusion of the meeting had have been collected for the recording which could be used in the future, in order that people could be against the same situations. Besides, we not only hold an observation activity in Northern which is blue chip in the Air quality section, but also convened the carbon emission tactic in four counties cooperation meeting. During the executing time of the contract, our group traced and ordered the plan of 「Improve the Urban Road and Environment for people live」from Ministry of Interior. After this plan was checked and ratified, we need to mention that the reports about establishing the lane for bicycle in present situation. On August and October, there are four E-lottery activities and the competition of the greenhouse gas reduction from institutions to schools and villages. Those competitions were included the greenhouse gas reduction seminars and another activity to train teachers who are technical in the greenhouse gas reduction. Simultaneously, the peoples who belonged to institution and school could be put in practice on carpool. After this activity, we hold recognition of the general assembly award to the people who response to this activity. It was amazing that the prize was 60 million on this activity. On the other hand, the web site which the executing team established has many kinds of information with regarding to the greenhouse gas reduction and issues of the climate change. That information could provide the people who are interested in it. In this web site, we also could find the achievements that our group processed during the implementation period; moreover, we need to update and maintain the web site of the Taichung County and Eco life. In order to promote the concepts of greenhouse gas reduction, Taichung County rented the equipments which were solar energy system on the first floor of the Environment Protection Bureau (EPB), for the people who needed to recharge the notebook or the cell phone. Our group held about 40 manifestos propagandas that was about the greenhouse gas reduction, in the mean time, we amount the Green Net which the Environmental Protection Administration provides, the public could log to sign the manifestos. The quantity of manifestos people who signed the ten manifestos were 15,534. Furthermore, the numbers of electric meter are 3,804 groups, and then the life checklists about greenhouse gas reduction are 2,328 sheets. Besides, the propaganda with medium not only have 26 messages show on the marquee ,but also have forty-four news on the newspapers that are the topic with regard to the greenhouse gas reduction, climate change and air pollution control. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 思維環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=19254
臺南市安平港區污染防制計畫 臺南市安平港區污染防制計畫執行期程為期一年,自98年6月23日至99年6月22日止,執行成果分述如下。一、 安平港區巡查管制作業(1)計畫執行巡查件數達245件次,各類別場所巡查件數達473件次,管理辦法法規符合度由初期三個月之27 %提升至執行截止日之100 %,共針對13件輕微缺失與2件嚴重缺失之單位進行發文通知改善,複查後為全數通過,整體改善率達100%。(2)港區污染防制設施替代方輔導核備案件達7件次。(3)安平港分局污染防制設施改善追蹤工作,建置完成三座自動洗車台、一座自動洗車台改善完畢;並預計於99年6月24日前完成港區密閉式倉儲規畫設計、建照申請及開工。(4)砂石裝卸作業輔導改善工作,改善船舶卸料高度過高之缺失、輸送帶接駁點設置自動灑水設施、作業料堆高壓灑水設施噴灑等防制措施。(5)港區污染防制經費編列由98年度之3,030萬提升至99年9,000萬。(6)運輸車輛之覆布下拉管制成效,由98年6月份使用防塵布比例24 %提升執行截止日之100 %,車牌辨識系統成功率達到97 %。(7)進行港區管制站直接攔檢作業提升港區柴油車自主管理納管率,統計至作業止7月1日設籍臺南市柴油車納管率為達到100 %。(8)研擬空氣污染加嚴標準與公告安平港區特定空品區之草案內容。二、 安平港區污染監測作業針對港區砂石裝卸作業區進行共計9點次機動性TSP(周界)檢測,檢測結果全數符合法規標準,平均監測值為178 μg/m3,相較歷年平均檢測值382 μg/m3為低。(2)協助本市境內固定污染源逸散性場所TSP檢測共計11點次,2家次瀝青拌合業、1家水泥製造廠、6家次堆置場,皆符合法規標準值。(3)24小時空氣品質監測,綜合結果顯示,港區砂石裝卸作業導致空品之NOx、O3及粒狀物濃度的增高,日間作業與夜間非作業期濃度差異,PM10可高達1.7倍(日間/夜間)、O3約為1.4倍、NOx約為1.2倍;另外,觀察車流量與污染物濃度相關性,由NOx、CO及粒狀物PM10濃度之相同走勢,港區砂石作業與柴油車對空氣污染物濃度造成影響。(4)落塵量監測點經第一次期中審查(98年12月23日)後,於99年1月即全數從重新規劃監測點,99/1/18~99/6/18落塵監測值濃度介於5.1~16.8 g/m2/month,依環保署公告落塵量污染程度評估標準屬中度污染。(5)作業機具用油品質抽測共計60件,檢測硫含量與芳香烴含量結果全數符合法規標準。三、 排放量削減推估港區防制措施之短中長期規劃,原始排放量估算為647.0公噸/年,短期(98年度)粒狀物排放可削減至479.2公噸,總削減率為25.9 %;而中期粒狀物排放量為110.0公噸,總削減率為83.0%;遠長期防制措施規劃之粒狀物排放量為17.4公噸,總削減率為97.3%。綜觀而言,港區粒狀物之污染防制最佳方式是為建造密閉式倉儲,可有效降低粒狀物之逸散污染。四、 民眾滿意度調查有五成六的民眾表示近一年來砂石車夾帶泥沙或漏砂情形已有改善,且多數民眾認為應持續推動立法管制砂石車車斗覆蓋帆布須下拉15公分以降低粉塵逸散,整體而言,有四成七的民眾肯定臺南市環保局執行安平港區污染管制工作成效。五、 聯繫會議辦理共計辦理7場次會議,包含(1)安平港區污染防制協商會、(2)安平港柴油車輛自主管理暨反怠速及砂石車覆蓋下拉政策法令宣導說明會、(3)各縣市港區污染管制交流會議、(4)各縣市執行空氣品質改善觀摩會-安平港參訪、(5)安平商港空氣污染防制成效評鑑會議(環保署)、(6)重劃區暨裸露地防制設施協商會、(7)固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物防制宣導會。六、 其他相關作業(1)新聞稿共計19則主題,完成固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法宣導影片1則、宣導手冊1,000份、柴油車管制宣導摺頁1,000份及反怠速遮陽板宣導品1,000份。(2)建置安平港污染管制資料庫、宣導網頁、並協助固定污源計畫依管理辦法清查具逸散作業之工廠。(3)配合本市環保局因世界地球日40周年,舉辦『揪』愛環保、關懷地球-表演比賽徵選活動及「2010年世界地球月系列活動網站」後台維護作業。 The Tainan City Anping Harbor area’s pollution prevention plan The Tainan City Anping Harbor area’s pollution prevention plan is covered by a one-year implementation period, which spans from June 23, 2009 to June 22, 2010, and the implementation results are separately described as follows,I. The Anping Harbor area’s roaming inspection control work (1) The project has conducted a total of 245 roaming inspections, and a total of 473 roaming inspections made to various sites, where the compliance ratio to the management measures has risen from 27% in the initial three months to 100% as of the implementation cutoff date, with improvement notices given to 13 cases found with minor deficiencies and 2 cases of major deficiencies, which have all surpassed the subsequent inspection, with the overall improvement ratio at 100%.(2) Completing a total of seven cases of the harbor area’s pollution prevention facility alternative developmental filing cases.(3)Completing the Anping Harbor pollution prevention facility’s improvement follow-up work, with the instilment of three automatic carwash platforms and one improved automatic carwash platform; with plans to complete the design of the harbor area’s enclosed warehouse storage facility, apply for the building permit and kick off the project prior to June 24, 2010.(4) Completing the gravel loading and unloading work’s developmental improvement work by improving the deficiency of excessive height on vessel unloading, installing automatic sprinklers at the conveyor relay points, incorporating preventive devices to prevent the forklifts from crushing the sprinkler facility.(5) The harbor area’s pollution prevention funding has been brought up from $30.3 million in 2009 to $90 million in 2009.(6) The transport vehicles’ canvas cover pull-down control results have seen the use of the dust-preventing cover ratio from 24% in June 2009 to 100% as of the implementation project’s cutoff date, and the vehicle license plate recognition system’s success ratio has reached 97%.(7) Conducting the direct intercepting inspection work at the harbor area’s control stations to improve the harbor area’s diesel vehicles voluntary management streamlining ratio, and the statistics shows that the streamlining ratio on diesel vehicles registered in Tainan City has reached 100% before July 1, 2010.(8) Studying and drafting the stepped-up air pollution criteria, and announcing the content of the draft bill on the Anping Harbor’s specific air quality zone. II. The Anping Harbor area’s pollution monitoring and testing work (1) A total of nine spots of the mobile TSP (periphery) testing has been conducted focusing on the harbor area’s gravel loading and unloading area, and the results of the screening found all tests to comply with the legal standards, with the median screening value at 178 ug/m3, which has been lowered when compared with the history median screening value of 382 ug/m3.(2) In facilitating the city to conduct a total of eleven TSP screening on fixed pollution source of permeable sites, with twice made to asphalt mixers, one to a cement fabrication plant, six to stockpile sites, all have been found to comply with legal standard ratings.(3)Of the 24-hour air quality monitoring, the integrated results show that the harbor area’s gravel loading and unloading work has drive the air quality’s NOx, O3 and particle concentration to rise, with the concentration disparity between daytime operation and nighttime non-operating period shows the rating on PM10 reaching 1.7 times (daytime/night), on O3 at approx. 1.4 times, and NOx at approx. 1.2 times; in addition, by observing the correlation of the traffic flow and the pollutant concentration, with the NOx, Co and particle PM10 concentrations on an identical trend, the harbor area’s gravel work and the diesel vehicles have impacted the air pollutant concentration.(4) Following the fallen dust volume monitoring points undergoing the first mid-term review (on December 23, 2009), all monitoring points have been redeveloped starting in January 2010, with the concentration of the monitored fallen dust volume recorded from Jan. 18, 2010 to June 18, 2010 falls between 5.1 ~ 16.8 g/m2/month, which has been found to fall under medium pollution according to the fall dust volume pollution level evaluation criteria announced by the Environmental Protection Administration.(5) A total of 60 fuel quality screening cases has been conducted on operating machinery and equipment, and the results of the sulfuric content and aromatic content have found all to comply with legally designated criteria.III. Discharge volume reduction estimates Of the short-, mid- and long-term development for the harbor area’s control measures, which initially have the discharge volume estimated at 647.0 ton/year, the particle discharge in the short term can be cut down to 479.2 tons, with a total reduction ratio of 25.9%; the particle discharge volume for the midterm set is at 110.0 tons, with a total reduction ratio of 83.0%; the particle discharge volume under the long-term preventive measure developed is at 17.4 tons, with a total reduction ratio at 97.3%. In an overview, the best way in particle pollution prevention around the harbor area has been to build the enclosed warehouses, which can effectively reduce the particles’ permeating pollution.IV. The public’s satisfaction survey Close to 65% of the general public indicate that the state of dirt brought by gravel trucks or leaky sand has been improved in the most recent tone year, and a majority of the public reckon that it should continue to push the legislative to regulate that the canvas covering the hopper of the gravel trucks needs to be pulled down by 15cm in order to reduce the powder dust from permeating. As a whole, 47% of the general public expressed recognition on the results of the pollution control work at the Anping Harbor area by the Tainan City Environmental Protection Bureau.V. Staging of contact meetings A total of seven sessions of meetings have been staged, which include, (1) The Anping Harbor area’s pollution prevention coordination meeting. 2) The Anping Harbor’s diesel vehicles voluntary management and anti-idle and gravel trucks’ cover pull-down policy awareness presentation. (3) The exchange meeting on various counties/municipalities’ harbor area pollution control. (4) The demonstrative meeting for air quality improvement implemented in various counties and municipalities – the Anping Harbor visitation. (5) The Anping commercial port’s air pollution prevention result evaluation meeting (by the EPA). (6) The rezoned area’s exposed land prevention facility coordination meeting. (7) The fixed pollution sources’ permeating particle pollutant’s prevention meeting.VI. Other relevant work (1) The press releases cover a total of 19 subject matters, with the completion of one awareness campaign clip on fixed pollution sources’ permeable particle pollutants and air pollution prevention facility management measures, 1,000 copies of the awareness campaign pamphlets, 1,000 copies of the diesel vehicle control campaign inserts, and 1,000 copies of the anti-idle sunshade awareness campaign decals. (2) Instilling the Anping Harbor pollution control database, campaign Webpage, and facilitating verifying factories running permeable operations under the fixed pollution source plan using the management measures. (3) Supporting the city Environmental Protection Bureau to stage the “Supporting the environmental protection, care for the earth – a performing contest and entry solicitation campaign” and the rear-end maintenance work for the “2010 The World Earth Month’s serial event Website” in observing the 40th anniversary of the World Earth Day. 098 台南市環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18423
98年度台東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫 計畫摘要計畫名稱 台東縣九十八年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫執行單位 台東縣環境保護局委辨單位 華門工程顧問股份有限公司計畫期程 98年3月13日~98年12月31日計畫經費 伍佰柒拾捌萬元整計畫主持人 許仲景計畫經理 陳美妏專責人員 李芃欣、羅智文、沙志強、郭威麟、王俊程、張莉莉台東縣九十八年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫,自98年3月13日開始執行,積極執行合約內容各項業務,並符合合約規範,統計至98年12月25日止,各項工作執行成果摘要說明如下:一、職前教育訓練於計畫期初舉辨計畫執行人員職前教育講習,籍由課程之說明,使計畫執行人員熟悉各項工作之內容及職掌,使人員可勝任各項執行作業並互相配合,提昇工作品質及成果。二、未定期檢驗機車稽查作業成果總計執行未定檢機車攔查、攔檢、巡查回檢14,775輛,其中完成路邊未定檢機車攔查數3,195輛次,回檢3,133輛次,回檢率為98.06%;完成路邊未定檢機車巡查數9,513輛次,回檢5,505輛次,回檢率為57.9%;完成機車攔檢2,067輛次,不合格數共213輛次,檢測不合格比例為10.30%。三、機車定檢資料統計分析在機車定檢資料統計分析方面,二行程機車HC檢測平均值為4,768ppm,CO檢測平均值為2.45%,四行程機車HC檢測平均值為301ppm,CO檢測平均值為1.13%;在各項比較上,無論依廠牌、車齡、排氣量等項目,四行程機車之排放污染度皆較二行程為佳。四、機車排氣檢驗站查核管理成果本縣49家機車排氣檢驗站完成4季評鑑工作,5次查核作業;機車排氣檢驗站標準氣體比對查核1次;機車排氣檢驗站實車查核完成5站次(每季1站)、辦理完成1場次機車排氣檢驗站教育訓練。五、宣導活動辦理1場次大型宣導活動、2場次小型宣導活動、1場次低污染車輛宣導會、1場次減碳議題宣導會及不定期檢驗專案2場(綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉);共完成1,534輛次機車排氣免費檢測。 六、削減成效推估依環保署提供之交通工具污染物排放削減量係數推估,統計98年1月至11月底止,污染物排放削減量在NMHC部份為58.642噸/年、在CO部份為251.677噸/年。七、機車定到檢制度執行成果統計至98年11月底止,台東縣機車排氣定檢到檢率分別為58.50%(回歸車籍)及51.61%(依定檢站),於二十四縣市排名第二十三名,九十八年考評納管率採回歸車籍及依定檢站之平均值計算為55.06%(平均值) 於全國二十五縣市排名為第二十三名。 098 台東縣環境保護局 華門工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=19187
98年度空氣品質管理發展計畫與逸散污染減量及高陳情污染稽查管制行動計畫 澎湖縣『98年度空氣品質管理發展計畫與逸散污染減量及高陳情污染稽查管制行動計畫』(以下簡稱本計畫)延續上年度「空氣品質管理發展計畫」與「逸散污染減量及高陳情污染稽查管制行動計畫」,配合環保局及審查委員的指示,在局內長官督導下,除了努力達成量化目標,並在實質的管制效益上精進,以期能達成預期目標。 2009 Air quality management development plan、Control project of escape pollution source and dinging industry Penghu 『2009 The air quality management development plan』 and 『2009 The control project of escape pollution source and dinging industry』extension previous year 『2008 The air quality management development plan』and『2008The control project of stationary of air pollution and dining industry』 , the coordinate environmental protection bureau and examines committee member's instruction , the senior official directs under the bureau, except achieves the quantification goal diligently, and strives in the substantive control benefit, can achieve the anticipated target by the time. 098 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17238
98年度嘉義市柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢驗計畫 為改善嘉義市之空氣品質,給予市民乾淨清新之生活環境,嘉義市政府環境保護局本年度依據「空氣污染防制法」之目標與精神,在柴油車污染方面,透過稽查管制與調修改善,以有效提升嘉義市之空氣品質狀況,達成污染減量及環境保護之成效。本計畫以行駛嘉義市柴油車為主,由民眾檢舉、目視判煙等方式,通知轄區內柴油車到站檢測;而油品抽測部分,則以站內採油及路邊攔檢方式進行,以管制硫含量超過標準之非法油品。本報告資料統計日期自98年2月18日至98年12月31日止,基本檢測分析統計整理如表1所示,各項工作執行進度如表2所示,成果及效益說明如下。1.柴油車動力計檢測:本計畫自98年2月18日至98年12月31日,柴油車到檢完成檢測有2,486輛次,其中馬力及煙度不合格者共計269輛,不合格率為11%。2.在油品抽驗部分,本計畫共完成油品抽查1,744件,送檢驗者180件,已完成檢驗180件,1件不合格,不合格率0.6%。3.路邊攔檢本計畫共完成511輛,不合格數有112輛,不合格率為21.9%。4.本計畫每兩週執行4小時假日預約檢測,車主確有這方面的服務需求,本站亦將持續提供假日預約檢測供民眾利用。5.目視判煙作業,執行柴油車目視判煙紀錄1,616輛次,篩選通知到站檢驗1,508輛次,已到本站檢測的639輛,加上複驗63輛,共計檢測702輛次,有18輛檢測不合格,不合格率為2.6%。6.環保署檢測資料庫連線系統建置,已配合完成資料庫系統連線安裝作業並上傳。及98.10.7分別舉辦1場宣導會及1場座談會,主要包含柴油車排煙管制之自主管理推廣,並對與柴油車動力計原理與馬力檢測及生質柴油特性進行說明,使參加者能更了解柴油車污染管制策略。8.受理民眾檢舉依環保署98年民眾檢舉函覆率之計算期程及計算方式,統計至98年2月18日至98年12月31日,嘉義市共受理人民檢舉案件84件,函覆率達100%。9.本計畫之執行促使車輛到檢、調修複驗及老舊車輛報廢等成效,共計可分別使TSP、PM10各削減61.4噸。 2009 Chiayi City stepped-up permeating dust curbside hosing plan In order to improve the air quality in Chiayi City and give citizens a clean and fresh living environment, Department of Environmental Protection of Chiayi City government also efficiently improved the air quality in Chiayi City this year through inspection control and adjustment for improvement on the pollution caused by diesel vehicles, and reached the goal of pollution reduction and environmental protection based on the objects and spirits of “Air pollution control act”. The project focused on the diesel vehicles on the roads in Chiayi City through ways such as reporting by citizens and visual judgment by the smoke to inform diesel vehicles in the governing area to come for on-site testing. As for oil product random testing, it was processed through ways such as on-site oil drawing, on-road stop and search to control the illegal oil products which contains excess sulfur than standards.1.Information and statistics date of this report is from 2009/2/18 to 2009/12/31. The basic analysis and figures of the testing is compiled as shown in Table 1. Progress of each task implementation is as shown in Table 2. The achievements and benefits are explained as follows: Dynamometer testing for diesel vehicles: This project has finished testing for 2486 diesel vehicles coming for on-site testing from 2009/2/18 to 2009/12/31. Among them, there are total 269 vehicles which failed the horsepower and smoke degree criteria with failure rate 11%. 2.As for oil product random testing, this project has totally finished 1744pcs of oil product random testing. There are 180pcs sent for testing. 1pc of the 180pcs which completed the test is failed with failure rate 0.6%.3.As for on-road stop and search, this project has implemented the task for 511 vehicles. 112 vehicles among them failed the test with failure rate 21.9%. 4.This project implemented a 4 hour service of taking reservations of testing on holidays every two weeks. Vehicle owners do have needs for this kind of service and we will also continue providing holiday test reservations for citizens to utilize. 5.For the task of visual judgment on smoke, we have implemented the smoke visual judgment for a record of 1616 diesel vehicles. The screened vehicles for on-site testing are 1508 vehicles and 639 vehicles have come for testing. Including 63 vehicles coming for the second testing, it is total 702 vehicles which completed the testing. 18 cars of them failed the testing with failure rate 2.6%. 6.For the set-up of Environmental Protection Administration testing database connecting system, the database system connection set-up has been completed and information has been uploaded. 7.We held one guidance conference and one workshop respectively on 2009/4/22 and 2009/10/7. The main purpose is for the guidance of self management of diesel exhaust control, illustration for the dynamometer principle of diesel vehicles and horsepower testing, and explanation for bio-diesel to have participants more understand the strategy of diesel vehicle pollution control. 8.According to the calculation period and calculation method of the reply rate of the reporting mails from citizens to the Environmental Protection Administration in 2009, the statistics of receiving case reports from citizens during 2009/2/18~2009/12/31 in Chiayi City is 84 reported cases with replying rate 100%. 9.The achievements of implementing this project including forcing vehicles to come for testing, adjustment and repair for the second testing and obsolescence of old vehicles are estimated to reduce TSP, PM10 by 61.4 tons respectively. 098 嘉義市政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15732
99年度台東縣柴油車排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫 摘 要計畫名稱:九十八年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫執行單位:華門工程顧問股份有限公司計畫主持人:許仲景計畫期程:民國98年3月13日至98年12月31日計畫經費:新台幣400.8萬元整成果摘要:1.目測高污染車輛通知到檢數計畫目標需完成執行目測高污染柴油車輛並通知到檢至少900輛次以上。累計至98年12月31日止,本計畫已完成922輛次通知作業,計畫目標達成率100.0%。2.柴油車路邊攔檢及場站稽查計畫目標需完成執行柴油車路邊攔檢及場站稽查,至少270輛次。累計至98年12月31日止,本計畫已完成路邊攔車檢測排煙數231輛次,其中不合格車輛數有53輛,不合格率為22.9%。;場站稽查115輛次皆合格,合計346輛次,計畫目標達成率100.0%。3.柴油車動力計檢測數計畫目標為排煙檢測站檢測輛數至少720輛次,本工作項目至98年12月31日止,合計動力計檢測柴油車輛數為809輛次,合格數778輛次,不合格數31輛次,不合格率3.8%。計畫目標達成率100.0%。4.油品含硫量抽測計畫目標為需於本縣轄境內之路邊攔車或於本縣環境保護局柴油車排煙檢測站稽查抽油樣等方式抽採油樣(加油站油樣不計入),並檢驗油中之硫含量,且檢測樣品數至少應達180件。(其中路邊攔車抽樣不得少於135件)。目前已完成柴油油品含硫量抽測送驗數181件,其中路邊抽測數為142件,營建及場站抽測數10件,所有送驗已完成件數181件,有1件不合格,計畫目標達成率100.0%。5.大客貨運業者油品抽測計畫目標為對本縣擁有大客貨車數10輛(含)以上之業者進行調查與建檔,並抽驗其車輛用油之硫含量,執行績效須達下列標準:【抽驗油品數與大客貨業者車輛總數(取得建檔者為主)之比率須大於10或300件】。取得建檔者有24家,總車輛數為410輛,本工作項目應做41件,實際達成數75件皆合格,計畫目標達成率100.0%。6.配合執行非法地下油行、加油站抽測計畫目標需配合執行非法地下油行、加油站油品稽查、採樣送驗及取締管制作業(油樣不少於10件)及提報推動成果。累計至98年12月31日止,本計畫已完成加油站抽測10件皆合格,共計10件油品含硫量抽測,計畫目標達成率100.0%。7.客貨運業自主管理公約簽訂合約規定須與本縣轄區客貨運業依監理機關提供登記有案之客貨運業者簽訂自主管理柴油車排煙及使用合法油品自主管理,簽訂數應達30家。累計至98年12月31日止,本計畫已完成30家簽訂,計畫目標達成率100.0%。8.漁船用油自主管理公約簽訂合約規定須與漁船業者簽訂用油自律公約45件,累計至98年12月31日止,本計畫已完成45家簽訂,計畫目標達成率100.0%。9.宣導說明會依合約規定須辦理2場次宣導說明會,已於98年7月5日及98年9月19日各完成1場次辦理,計畫目標達成率100.0%。10.其他依合約規定完成宣導品購置680份、宣導文件1,500份、宣導海報100份、有效問卷325份,及依規定辦理有線電視跑馬燈、電台、電子看板託播等。另外,完成TAF維持認證,並於計畫期間配合環保局宣導活動2場次,配合行政院環境保護署之柴油車排煙檢測站評鑑,辦理評鑑之事項及缺失改進爭取評鑑結果A等(含)以上。 098 台東縣環境保護局 華門工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=19188
98年度澎湖縣、金門縣及馬祖海域環境品質調查監測計畫暨水污染源稽查管制及巡守計畫 本計畫針對澎湖、金門及馬祖海域,進行海域環境品質之監測,包括水質水文、生態及沉積物監測調查工作等,藉以建立以上地區海域之背景資料,作為未來評估離島海域環境變化所需之基礎參考資料,研擬必要之防範措施或整治工作,以達到環境監測及防止污染之目的。澎湖海域共設置 P-01(吉貝、後寮間之海域)、P-02(西嶼鄉西側海域)、P-03(望安鄉北側海域)、P-04(馬公市東側海域)、P-05(澎湖內灣海域)、 P-06(馬公市菜園里海域)、P-07(西嶼鄉小門村附近海域)及P-08(西嶼鄉大池村外海)、共8 個測站,金門海域共設置K-01(金酒公司金寧廠外海)、K-02(金城至后頭間海域)及 K-03(羅厝漁港外海) 3個測站,馬祖海域共設置 M-01(南竿島四維外海)、M-02(閩江口外海)及 M-03(東引島北方外海)3 個測站。海域監測工作於 98 年8、9、10、12月及99年1、2月完成澎湖、金門及馬祖海域4次水質2次沉積物及2次生態採樣的監測作業。本年度4次採樣澎湖、金門及馬祖海域之水質資料中除馬祖東引島北方外海表層第二次採樣大腸桿菌群濃度超過標準外其餘皆符合甲類的海域水環境標準品質。本年度2次沉積物採樣分析結果,澎湖縣各測站濃度皆在土壤監測基準以下,合乎我國相關管制標準,但以馬公市菜園里海域的底質沉積物中重金屬含量較其他海域為高,金門縣及馬祖各測站濃度也皆在土壤監測基準以下,合乎我國相關管制標準。澎湖海域之浮游植物98年8月採樣共發現有浮游植物種類之金黃藻門中之矽藻綱51種;金黃藻綱1種;以及甲藻門2種,共計2門3類54種以上之藻類。12月採樣共發現有浮游植物種類之金黃藻門中之矽藻綱54種;金黃藻綱2種;藍綠藻門1種;以及甲藻門1種,共計3門4類58種之藻類。8月調查結果各種種類之中以矽藻綱中之旋鏈角刺藻(Chaetoceros curvisetus)為最優勢之種類,可佔總量57.34%;12月調查則以藍綠藻門之束毛藻(Trichodesmium sp.)取代前季之旋鏈角刺藻(Chaetoceros curvisetus)為最優勢之種類,佔總量66.67%。98年8月浮游動物仍如正常海域以橈腳類(Copepoda)為個體量最優勢之類群,其中之哲水蚤(Calanoida)出現較為明顯而可佔總量48.18﹪;而橈腳類之劍水蚤(Cyclopoida)亦可佔4.39﹪;而其次以甲殼類卵(Crustacean eggs)較多,亦可達總個體量之30.64﹪;魚卵(Fish eggs)於本次採樣也可占總量6.12%。12月仍如正常海域以橈腳類(Copepoda)為個體量最優勢之類群,總計可占總量56.93%,而其中之哲水蚤(Calanoida)出現較為明顯而可佔總量36.93﹪;而劍水蚤(Cyclopoida)亦可佔19.33﹪;而其次以甲殼類卵(Crustacean eggs)較多,亦可達總個體量之30.47﹪。金門海域於98年8月發現有浮游植物種類之金黃藻門中之矽藻綱25種,共計1門1類25種以上之藻類;99年1月則發現有浮游植物種類之金黃藻門中之矽藻綱32種;金黃藻綱1種;以及藍綠藻門1種,共計2門3類34種以上之藻類,種數較前季增加。98年8月的調查明顯以矽藻綱中之菱形海線藻(Thalassionema nitzschioides)為細胞密度最優勢之種類,可達細胞總密度的29.66%;99年1月的調查以藍綠藻門之束毛藻(Trichodesmium sp.)取代前季之菱形海線藻(Thalassionema nitzschioides)為最優勢之種類,可達細胞總密度的66.67%之多。98年8月浮游動物並非如一般海域狀況,不是以橈腳類(Copepoda)為個體量最優勢之類群,本次主要優勢類別則為蟹類幼生(Decapoda larvae)本次佔有率可達39.86﹪;次優勢種為螢光蝦類(Luciferidae)亦可佔18.60﹪。99年1月浮游動物正如一般海域狀況,是以橈腳類(Copepoda)為個體量最優勢之類群,本次可達總個體量之88.35﹪,其中之哲水蚤(Calanoida)於本次更可佔總量86.55﹪;其次主要優勢類別則為毛顎類(Chaetognatha)本次佔有率可達4.16﹪。馬祖海域於98年8月發現有浮游植物種類之金黃藻門中之矽藻綱23種;藍綠藻門1種;以及甲藻門1種,共計3門3類25種以上之藻類。12月則發現有浮游植物種類之金黃藻門中之矽藻綱23種;藍綠藻門1種;以及甲藻門1種,共計3門3類25種以上之藻類,種數類別與前季並無太大差異。8月調查結果以矽藻綱中之骨條藻(Skeletonema costatum)為本季細胞密度最優勢之種類,可達細胞總密度的36.92%,其次之較優勢種為菱形海線藻(Thalassionema nitzschioides)亦可佔總量30.50%;12月調查結果以藍綠藻門之束毛藻(Trichodesmium sp.)取代前季之骨條藻(Skeletonema costatum)為最優勢之種類,可達細胞總密度的83.23%之多。98年8月是以橈腳類(Copepoda)為個體量最優勢之類群共可佔總量97.11%,其中哲水蚤(Calanoida)佔有率即高達92.17﹪;12月仍是以橈腳類(Copepoda)為個體量最優勢之類群共可佔總量86.09%,其中哲水蚤(Calanoida)佔有率即高達69.61﹪;而劍水蚤(Cyclopoida)亦可佔11.54﹪。本計畫也針對澎湖縣10處休憩海域及9家海上平台進行水質調查。檢測結果顯示各測站的大腸桿菌及生化需氧量皆低於偵測極限值。相對於我國甲類海域海洋環境品質標準,各測點皆低於規定之標準值。本年度計畫配合行政院環保署進行台灣地區海域水質採樣工作,於雙湖園及山水濕地之進、出流口進行每月1次水質調查,98年7月至99年3月調查結果除山水濕地氨氮較常出現超出標準外,其餘皆符合法規標準;其他相關採樣分析支援等工作項目敘述請詳見報告第八章中。本計畫配合環保局海安輪事件已完成1次緊急應變採樣,根據檢測結果了解本次沉船並未對澎湖東側海域水質造成影響,另外配合澎湖縣政府國家清潔週活動,執行第三漁港採樣調查,分析結果各測項皆符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準。第一場法規說明會的執行已於98年8月10日於澎湖縣隘門活動中心舉行,共7個單位120人次與會。第二場於98年12月22日於澎湖縣政府消防局舉辦,共20個單位31人次參加。第三場於99年1月29日於連江縣立明俗文物館完成,共20個單位31人次參加。本計畫辦理澎湖縣事業水污染源查核管制工作,加強輔導各業者及社區污水下水道之污水處理設施操作情形與放流水質查核,執行查緝偷排行為及後續封除作業。並且推動澎湖縣縣水環境愛心巡守隊運作,辦理相關宣導活動及教育訓練,培訓環境種子教師,並同時結合民間義工團體共同守護海洋,環護本縣環境。澎湖縣目前共計列管78家事業單位(屬於水污法定義範圍內之列管事業),4家指定地區或場所專用下水道;2家社區下水道(其流量大於 250立方公尺/日)及1家建築物污水處理設施,本計劃主要針對事業進行稽查工作,在98年7月至99年3月間在稽/巡查方面,共進行了604家次的查核及101家次的採水,合計達到513點,另外為達成有效提升澎湖縣河川及海洋污染防治與緊急應變能力之目的,協助事業辦理水污染緊急應變之演練工作。完成98上、下半年水處理設施操作定期申報查核共計108家次。協助進行審查本縣事業依法提報之廢(污)水處理設施操作定期申報表,除確認各項資料是否填寫完整外,並就數據之正確性、合理性進行審核判斷。若有數據疑異者,將請業者進行說明與補正,若符合規定者,則將申報資料建檔留存,本年度共完成108家次審查。協助列管澎湖縣新增事業,並全面輔導依法取得排放許可及水污染防治法規的教育宣導。俾提升事業單位於各項申報能順利完成及了解相關法規,共同維護水體水質,達河川污染削減目標。本年度於98年10月2日至澎湖縣政府環境保護局2樓會議及12月12日至龍行新城基地B區辦理完成2場宣導說明會。為推動本縣水環境愛心巡守隊運作,辦理相關宣導活動及教育訓練,培訓環境種子教師,並同時結合民間義工團體共同守護海洋,環護本縣環境。本年度計畫執行之初原有水環境巡守隊20隊725人,因後竂社區巡守隊及東安社區巡守隊退出,不過於98年8月案山里巡守隊成立,總計37人。所以至99年3月底止澎湖縣縣內共有水環境巡守隊19隊787人,並完成巡守隊基本名冊之建立,並且辦理完成19場次的教育訓練,參加人數共1827人,另外為了更了解各巡守隊的需求,所以平時將主動拜訪並調查各巡守隊,本計劃一共進行了498電話通聯及77次主動訪查,希望增進與巡守隊間的互動。本縣海岸線長320公里,東北季風強勁,在夏天颱風季節交替影響下,常接受於來自台灣本島或經由海流吹送漂至澎湖海域間之大量垃圾與廢棄物,此外因本縣積極發展觀光產業,大批遊客除帶來經濟收益外,亦帶來不少垃圾及污染,海灘的垃圾的成分繁雜,但大部份為垃圾、飄流木、塑膠瓶、玻璃碎片等成分。有鑑於此,本計劃共計辦理16場淨灘活動,參與人數共788人次,垃圾清除量總計為29,444公斤,並且協助局裡完成3件污染通報案件的追蹤與處理,購置巡守隊所需之器具。 Auditing of the water pollution:As the auditing and patrolling during August 2009 to March 2010, we completed 494 times of examining and 95 times water sampling, and examined 24 companies of the regular check declaration.Hold a function evaluate meeting at February twelveth, 2010.58 times for patrolling, promo ion and teaching, and water sampling.Assisted the emergency pollution strain of the regulated companies.Examined the water pollution license and the plan of reducing polluted water. (exam result will be archived in the revised version)Processed 37 companies to be regulated at the first stage.Hold a illustration of new enterprise at December 9th and 10th.As the Patrol Team:Investigation is divided into 3 days, and we investigated voluntarily 41 times and phone communicated 338 times, in order to increase the interaction with the patrol team.Established a new patrol team- Shan Shui elementary school, the first school patrol team in Penghu.Held 18 times prom ion and teaching activities, summed up to 942 person-times.Held 18 regulation illustrations during August 2009 to January 2010, and we expect to hold a patrol team fraternity in March 2010.Held 18 static beach activities summed up to 1,068 person-times, eliminated total 28,835 kg wastes.Completed to help tracking and handling of 12 promulgated cases.Purchase the necessary tools for the patrol team.Made the song of the patrol team CDs in Penghu, published the new song of the patrol team, and associated the flag ceremony.Build up the website of the patrol team.Finished the assess with the EPA patrol team. 098 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 亞太環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17895
98年度台南縣固定污染源及燃燒金紙排放戴奧辛與多溴聯苯醚檢測調查計畫 本計畫針對電弧爐EAF、鋁二級冶煉廠ALS、火葬場CRE及金爐J1及J2進行煙道廢氣PCDD/Fs與PBDEs之採樣分析,成果如下:1.電弧爐EAF與鋁二級冶煉廠ALS煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ濃度分別為0.0413及0.221ng I-TEQ/Nm3,皆符合法規標準規範。排放係數分別為0.416及3.50 μg I-TEQ/ton-feedstock。2.火葬場CRE、金爐J1及J2煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ濃度分別為0.139、0.703及0.00681ng I-TEQ/Nm3;排放係數分別為3.83μg I-TEQ/body及0.166、0.00827 μg I-TEQ/kg。本計畫中金爐J2(具有水洗塔設備) (0.00827 μg I-TEQ/kg)較金爐J1(無空污防治設備)之排放係數(0.166 μg I-TEQ/kg)低上許多。3.電弧爐EAF、鋁二級冶煉廠ALS底渣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ含量分別為0.0213及0.000493ng I-TEQ/g,而飛灰中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ含量分別為0.0740及0.0499 ng I-TEQ/g。另外,在金爐爐灰部分,金爐J1及J2爐灰中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ含量平均分別為0.000457及0.000148ng I-TEQ/g。4.電弧爐EAF與鋁二級冶煉廠ALS煙道廢氣中總PBDEs濃度分別為4.32及34.9 ng/Nm3,排放係數為43.7及551μg/ton-feedstock。5. 火葬場CRE、金爐J1及J2煙道廢氣中總PBDEs濃度分別為35.8、52.3及45.0 ng/Nm3,排放係數為1000 μg/body及12.2、54.2 μg/kg。6.電弧爐EAF與鋁二級冶煉廠ALS底渣中總PBDEs分別為2.15及0.231ng/g,而飛灰中總PBDEs含量為9.59 及57.4ng/g。在金爐爐灰部分,金爐J1及J2 爐灰中總PBDEs含量平均分別為0.438及0.539ng/g。7. 台南縣鋁二級冶煉廠、電弧爐、火葬場及廟宇金爐這四種固定污染源PCDD/Fs之年排放量分別為0.323、0.396、0.0237及2.26 g I-TEQ/yr。若以這四種污染源PCDD/Fs年排放總量來看,其各別佔全部排放量之10.8%、13.2%、0.789%及75.3%;而PBDEs之年排放量則分別為70.5、524、7.24及188.7 g/yr。若以這四種固定污染源年排放總量來看,鋁二級冶煉廠、電弧爐、火葬場及廟宇金爐分別佔全部排放量之8.9%、66.3%、0.92%及23.9%。 Emissions of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans from Tainan stationary sources (a Crematory and Joss Paper) in 2009 One electric arc furnace (EAF), one secondary aluminum smelter (ALS), one crematory and two joss paper furnaces in Tainan County were investigated for their emission of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polybrominateddiphenyl ethers (PBDEs). The results are as follows. 1. PCDD/F concentrations in the stack flue gases of the EAF and secondaryALS were 0.0413 and 0.221ng I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively. Their corresponding emission factors were 0.416 and 3.50 μg I-TEQ/ton-feedstock. 2. PCDD/F concentrations in the stack flue gases of the crematory and the two joss paper furnaces were0.139、0.703and 0.00681ng I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively.Their corresponding emission factors were3.83μg I-TEQ/body, and 0.166、0.00827 μg I-TEQ/kg. The joss paper furnace with one wet scrubber as air pollution control device possessed a much lower emission factor (0.00827 μg I-TEQ/kg). 3.PBDE concentrations in the stack flue gases of the EAF and secondary ALS were 35.8, 52.3 and 45.0 ng/Nm3, respectively.Their corresponding emission factors were 43.7 and 551μg I-TEQ/ton-feedstock. 4. PBDE concentrations in the stack flue gases of the crematory and the two joss paper furnaces were 0.139、0.703and 0.00681ng I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively. Their corresponding emission factors were 1000 μg/body, 12.2 and 54.2 μg/kg. 5. Annual PCDD/F emission quantities from secondary ALS, EAF, crematory and the joss paper furnaces were 0.323、0.396、0.0237 and 2.26 g I-TEQ/yr, respectively. 6. Annual PBDE emission quantities from secondary ALS, EAF, crematory and the joss paper furnaces were 70.5、524、7.24及188.7 g/yr, respectively. 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 正修科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18622
98年臺中縣中部科學園區空氣污染物管制計畫 「98年臺中縣中部科學園空氣污染物管制計畫」,其計畫執行期程自簽約日98年3月1日起至99年2月28日止。本計畫各工作項目包括環境監測(無機酸採樣分析、周界懸浮微粒檢測、總砷量及陰陽離子檢測、機動設點檢測懸浮微粒中總砷量、重金屬鎵及銦檢測、揮發性有機物檢測等)、繪製揮發性有機物濃度及風場圖、揮發性有機物排放指紋分析及建立、蒐集中部空氣品質監測站之資料、電子顯示看板維護保養作業、科學園區業務觀摩、製作宣導品、新聞稿、網站網頁更新、專題演講及相關行政工作執行等作業。 Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung County implements this project to realize and improve the air quality of Central Science Park in Taichung County area since its initiation date from March 2009 to Feb 2010. The major work of this project included:This study measured the ambient concentrations of inorganic acids, cation and anion, PM10, AS, VOCs. The plan of execution team to collected and analyzed the air quality information for Central Science Park. We also estimated the emission of inorganic acids and VOCs. The data can be used for making the strategy of total amount control of Central Science Park. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 思維環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17436
96-98年淘汰老舊二行程機車執行計畫 高雄市政府環境保護局感謝行政院環境保護署鼎力支持,針對高高屏地區二行程機車編列預算執行汰舊補助計畫。由於高高屏地區二行程機車佔比例高達48.6%,且平均車齡為12.3年惟全國之冠,因此推動汰舊二行程機車實為必要。經本計畫自96年11月起接受民眾補助至98年12月底,完成核撥獎勵金71,840件,金額新台幣107,760,000元。其中96年完成2,506件、97年29,511件、98年39,823件。對於污染削減量根據推算汰舊二行程機車後導致空氣有效減量,NOx就三種假設情境分別增量為71 ton;162 ton;50 ton,THC分別減量為818 ton;4821 ton;2264 ton,CO分別減量為344 ton;4,185 ton;2,486 ton,TSP分別減量為16 ton;100 ton;48 ton。此外NOx有增加之情況,推測因新機車引擎燃燒效率較好使NOx有增量之情形。 96 ~ 98 year old 2-stroke vehicle out of the implementation plan The Kaohsiung City Government Environment Protection Bureauthanks to the Environmental Protection Administration support for2-stroke motorcycles in Kaohsiung city、Kaohsiung county and Pingtungcounty budget implementation plan eliminated the old 2-stroke supplement.Kaohsiung city、Kaohsiung county and Pingtung county due to the highproportion of 2-stroke motorcycles account for as much as 48.6%, and theaverage age was 12.3 years but the highest in the country, thereforeeliminating the old 2-stroke motorcycles to promote is actually necessary.After this project, starting in November from 96 years to 98 years toaccept public subsidies by the end of December to complete theappropriation of incentives 71,840 pieces, the amount of 107,760,000 NTdollars. 96 of them completed in 2,506 cases, 97 cases in 29,511, 39,823pieces of 98 years. Pollution reductions for eliminating the old two-strokemotorcycles is projected results in effective reduction of air, NOx,respectively on the three kinds of hypothetical situations in increments of 71ton; 162 ton; 50 ton, THC reduction, respectively for the 818 ton; 4821 ton;2264 ton, CO, respectively reduction for the 344 ton; 4,185 ton; 2,486 ton,TSP reduction, respectively for the 16 ton; 100 ton; 48 ton. In addition, anincrease of NOx conditions, suggesting that the new locomotive engine forbetter combustion efficiency of NOx are incremental to the situation. 098 高雄市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=25236
98年臺中縣衍生性氣膠調查計畫 本計畫收集2000-2007年台中縣7個監測站(大甲、后里、豐原、沙鹿、太平、大里、烏日) 之空品資料,進行逐年PM10濃度趨勢分析,由季節比較可發現夏季各測站PM10之濃度為最低。由區域別來比較,發現屯區之平均PM10濃度為最高,若以測站別來比較,則以大甲測站為最高。另進行台中縣3座環保署監測站2005-2007年PM2.5濃度趨勢分析,由季節比較可發現夏季之各測站PM2.5濃度為最低,由區域別來比較,發現屯區之平均濃度為最高,若以測站別來比較,則以大里測站為最高。計算PM10事件日(PM10≥125µg/m3)可發現屯區發生PM10事件日之天數為最多,其中較特別的為山線之后里測站於2007年出現較高之事件日數,係由中科后里園區開挖所影響。在懸浮微粒之逐日化學組成方面,本計畫共採樣四次,包括春、夏、秋、冬四季,衍生性鹽類以秋季之濃度為最高,冬季因採樣期間遇短暫陣雨,其濃度偏低,衍生性有機碳則以夏季有較高濃度。在測站之比較上,衍生性鹽類及衍生性有機碳大部份樣品在大里測站及大甲測站有較高測值,但七個測站間,不論細粒徑或粗粒徑衍生性鹽類其濃度均未達統計上之顯著差異,但細粒徑或粗粒徑衍生性有機碳,其濃度在七個測站間均達統計上之顯著差異。在粗、細微粒之比較上,衍生性鹽類及衍生性有機碳均是細粒徑之濃度明顯高於粗粒徑之濃度。在日間與夜間之比較上,衍生性鹽類其日間與夜間之濃度並無統計上之顯著差異,而衍生性有機碳其日間與夜間之濃度呈統計上之顯著差異,且日間濃度顯著高於夜間之濃度。由季節及日夜之數據,可推論衍生性有機碳相較於衍生性鹽類更易受光化作用之影響。綜合四季之測值,發現細粒徑衍生性氣膠(衍生性有機碳及衍生性鹽類)佔細粒徑懸浮微粒約32%~42%,而粗粒徑衍生性氣膠佔粗粒徑懸浮微粒約18%~24%。空氣污染具有時間與空間的變異性,為了明確辨別污染物為本地生成或是境外輸入,本計畫使用現址式氣膠組成量測技術於沙鹿與烏日測站探討空氣污染的特性。在受到海陸對流風的影響下,沙鹿測站在夜間往往可觀測到高濃度PM10的污染發生;然而烏日測站的逐時量測結果卻可發現每日有兩次PM10濃度峰值的發生,分別發生在早上與傍晚。分析PM10氣膠的化學組成可發現NO3-與NH4+的濃度時間序列變化與PM10氣膠逐時濃度的變化一致,而每日臭氧最高濃度與當時測得的NO3-濃度間具有良好的線性相關性,由此可顯示經由光化反應所生成的二次NO3-氣膠對於空氣品質的影響具有重要地位。依據海陸風對流傳輸與當地污染排放特徵,沙鹿地區所排放的空氣污染物在日間經由海風的傳輸可到達較為內陸地區的烏日,並參與當地具都會特性空氣污染物的光化反應;在夜間,內陸地區以生成的二次污染物可再被傳輸至沙鹿地區。如此交互影響的反應機制增加控制二次污染的複雜性。在資料分析與模式模擬方面,本研究利用Rawins 技術,改善氣象模式模擬近地層風速高估之缺點並且也改善空氣品質模式之模擬能力。由四季採樣期間資料分析可知,台中地區的平均空氣污染物以秋季為最高,其次為春季,夏季平均濃度為最低。模擬結果與觀測資料比較也顯示,此模式可掌握中部空氣品質的變化趨勢,特別是臭氧與PM2.5。 Taichung country secondary aerosols survey plan The data of air pollutants were collected from seven air-quality monitoring stations (Dajia, Houli, Shalu, Fengyuan, Taiping, Dali, and Wurih) distributed throughout Taichung County from 2000 to 2007. The year and seasonal variations of PM10 concentrations were analyzed. The lowest concentration was observed in summer for every air quality station. Among the three districts, the highest average concentration of PM10 occurred in the Tun district; whereas, among the seven stations, the highest PM10 concentration was found at the Dajia station. Similar phenomena were observed in PM2.5 concentrations, except that the highest PM2.5 concentration was found in the Dali station. The occurrence frequencies of PM10 episode days (PM10≥125µg/m3) were very high in the Tun district. It was noticed that the number of PM10 episode days in the Houli station was increased in 2007 due to the development of the Houli Science Park.Analysis results of the daily chemical compositions of suspended particles among the four seasons indicated that the concentrations of the secondary salts showed the highest value in autumn. The secondary-salt concentrations were slightly lower in winter due to few showers, and the concentrations of secondary organic carbons were higher in summer. Among the seven stations, most of the samples from the Dajia and Dali stations showed higher concentrations of secondary salts and organic carbons. Both the concentrations of coarse and fine secondary salts among the seven stations showed that the differences were not statistically significant. However, the concentrations of both fine and coarse secondary organic carbons showed statistically significant differences among the seven stations. In addition, the size distribution of secondary salts and organic carbons were mainly distributed in a fine mode. The concentrations of secondary organic carbons were significantly higher in the daytime than in the nighttime. However, these phenomena were not observed for the daytime and nighttime secondary salts. According to the above results, this study proposed that the photochemical influences are more notable for the secondary organic carbons than the secondary salts. Overall, the mass fractions of the fine secondary aerosols (including secondary salts and organic carbons) of the fine mode aerosols were 32~42%, which is higher than the mass fractions of coarse secondary aerosol in the coarse mode aerosols (18~24%).Air pollutants displayed rapid changes of spatial and temporal variations. In order to clearly discriminate local and external contributions of atmospheric particulate matter, this work applied an in-situ particulate composition technique to characterize ambient pollution in the Shalu and Wurih stations. Under the influence of sea-land breezes, the concentration peaks of PM10 were mainly observed at night at the Shalu station. However, the curve of PM¬10 of hourly concentrations at the Wurih station showed a bi-modal distribution, with the first peak in the morning and the secondary peak in the evening. Analysis on chemical compositions of PM10 found that hourly time series of NO3- and NH4+ concentrations were consisted with that of the PM10 concentrations. Good linear correlations were found at the same time between daily maximum O3 concentrations and NO3- concentrations, which clearly shows that secondary aerosol formation of NO3- by photochemical reaction played an important role in air quality. According to the influences of sea-land breeze transport and the characteristics of local pollutant emissions, the pollutants from Shalu could be transported to the inner land of Wurih, and then reacted with urban pollutants during the day. During the night, the formatted secondary pollutants of photochemical reaction in Wurih could be transported to Shalu. Interactions between the two mechanisms increased the complexity in order to control secondary pollutants. For the air pollutants data analysis and modeling study, the use of the Rawins scheme in the meteorological model showed significant improvement near the surface wind speed estimation, and hence, could improve our air quality modeling study. Data showed that the 3rd monitoring period (fall season) has the highest average air pollutants concentrations, while the 2nd monitoring period (summer season) has the lowest. Simulation results confirmed that the proposed model could reasonably simulate the variation trends in central Taiwan, especially for O3 and PM2.5. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 國立中山醫學大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18039
98年基隆逸散源污染管制計畫 098 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=21423
空氣品質管理計畫 本計畫除將引導各子計畫進行空氣污染防制工作的推動,亦將協助環保局進行空污基金補助計畫的統合管理,進而規劃本縣短中長期的管制策略分析,本縣空氣品質變化趨勢及掌握本縣境內空品不良之主要污染源,並追蹤其管制成效 098 金門縣環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=21592
97至99年環境水質中區監測計畫(98年度) 本計畫主要針對中區六縣市各類水體水質監測,掌握各水體水質隨時間的變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。河川水質計有19條河川主支流,75個監測站,每月監測一次。今年度監測結果顯示,西湖溪流域、大甲溪流域與大安溪流域水質狀況佳,未(稍)受污染等級全年比例均達88.8% 以上。而鹿港溪、新虎尾溪及北港溪流域屬中度污染至嚴重等級佔較高比例,於河川上游水質較佳,下游氨氮污染濃度較高。8月份莫拉克颱風過境,中部山區降下豪大雨,降雨延時沖刷河道,造成部分河川水質變動,如烏溪流域、新虎尾溪及北港溪流域等,水中懸浮固體濃度偏高,水質狀況不佳。濁水溪流域因流經地質特性之故,水質於平日即呈現灰色混濁。整體而言,今年度中部地區河川水水質屬未(稍)受污染等級佔最高比例為50.6%,中度污染等級佔次高比例32.5%,水質狀況較近 2 年略有轉好情形。海域水質方面監測結果與海域海洋環境品質標準進行比較,新竹香山沿海、台中港沿海及彰濱沿海屬乙類海域環境水體,雲林沿海海域屬於甲類海域環境水體,今年度監測結果均符合所屬分類海域海洋環境品質標準。今年度水質普遍較歷年為佳,台中港沿海以南大多數測站第二季及第三季水中營養鹽含量為歷年監測之最低值,其餘監測結果與歷年差異不大。海灘水質監測通霄海水浴場,由今年度11次監測結果顯示,通霄海水浴場水質狀況佳。試分級結果大致屬優良級,於7、8月採樣時,因鋒面過境受降雨及河川匯流之影響,海水浴場水質監測結果,略有轉差情形。水庫水質計有8座水庫,每季監測一次。由今年度監測結果顯示,與甲類陸域地面水體水質標準比較,日月潭水庫均符合水體水質標準,其餘各水庫以pH值不符合甲類陸域地面水體水質標準項目所佔比例最高。各水庫水質以日月潭水庫水質最佳,全年屬貧養等級比例佔 100%,其次為霧社水庫,全年屬貧養等級比例佔 75.0% ,普養等級佔 25.0% ,以大埔水庫水質最差,全年屬優養等級比例佔 100%。其他如鯉魚潭水庫及德基水庫則屬貧養至普養等級,永和山水庫、明德水庫及頭社水庫屬普養至優養等級。地下水水質監測計有 6 縣市,93個監測井,由今年度監測結果顯示,超過地下水第二類監測基準之項目與歷年結果相近,主要以氨氮、鐵及錳為主。而以彰化縣及雲林縣境內監測井之氨氮測值,較其他縣市之測值為高,應是該區域之地質特性因素所致。各監測井之水質,以Stiff水質形狀圖方式評估,屬Ca2+及HCO3-+CO32-凸出型佔最高比例,為61.0%,Piper圖解則屬I區佔最高比例,為57.5%,與歷年評析結果大致呈現一致趨勢。 The Environment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Middle Area of Taiwan from 2008 to 2010 ( The aim of this project was to monitor the water quality of rivers, ocean, reservoirs and groundwater in the six counties located in the central part of Taiwan. The monitoring data obtained in this work could be used to evaluate the current condition and to predict the quality changing trend of the water systems, and to provide information for the Environmental Protection Organization to make the pollution control policy.A total of 75 water-monitoring stations spread among the 19 rivers of the six counties were established, and the monitoring frequency was set to be once per month. The data obtained this year showed that the water quality of the Si-hu, Da-jia and Da-an River Basins were good among the rivers monitored, with an annual proportion of more than 88.8% to be of no (or slight) pollution. Meanwhile, the Lu-gang and Sin-huwei Rivers as well as the Bei-gang River Basin had a higher percentage, ranging from medium to high levels of pollution, with better water quality in their upper streams, but higher concentrations of ammonia and nitrogen contaminants in lower streams. In August when typhoon Morak hit Taiwan, mountain areas in central Taiwan experienced torrential rains, which had washed away the riverbeds, resulting in a change of water quality to some rivers, such as Wu River Basin, Sin-huwei River and Bei-gang River Basin, with higher concentrations of suspended solids in water, deteriorating their water quality. Because of geological characteristics in the Zhuoshui River Basin, its water quality appeared grey and murky. On the whole, among 50.6% of the 19 rivers surveyed this year were found to be of no (or slight) pollution, and 32.5% fell into the medium pollution level. The result was somewhat better than those of the past two years.The ocean water quality in the central part of Taiwan was also monitored. According to the data collected, the water quality near the seashores of Hsiang-shan (in Hsin-chu County), Tai-chung Harbor, and Chang-hwa all met the Water Quality Criteria of category B, while that of Yun-lin seashore met the Criteria of category A. The results monitored this year were satisfactory to quality standard for the marine environment quality for categorized sea waters. Water quality this year was generally better than the past years. At most monitoring stations to the south of Taichung Harbor, the content of nutrition salt in the water was found at the lowest level in the second and third seasons. Other monitored results were about the same as those in past years.For monitoring of water quality on beaches, Tung-hsiao Beach was chosen as a target. The area was monitored eleven times this year and results showed that the water quality of Tung-hsiao Beach was good. It may be rated as superior as a result of preliminary grading. When samples were taken in July and August, due to passing fronts and rainfalls, and the effect of merging of river waters, the result monitored at beaches showed somewhat deteriorated water quality.The water quality monitoring of the eight reservoirs was conducted once per season. As shown by the results of this year’s monitoring, with comparison made to the water quality standard for Category A land area and ground level water bodies, the results showed that the water quality of Sun-Moon Lake reservoir met the criteria. The other reservoirs were found to have failing pH values, not satisfying Category A water standards for land area and ground level water bodies. Of all reservoirs in central Taiwan, the water quality of the Sun Moon Lake Reservoir was the best, rated as 100% oligotrophe; followed by the Wushe Reservoir having a rating of 75.0% oligotrophe and 25.0% mesotrophe. The water quality of the Ta-pu Reservoir was the worst, rated as 100% eutrophe year round. The water quality of the Li-yu-tan Reservoir and Te-chi Reservoir was rated as oligotrophe to mesotrophe. The water quality of the Yung-ho-shan Reservoir, Ming-ter Reservoir and Tou-ser Reservoir was rated as mesotrophe to eutrophe. Finally, the monitoring of groundwater was conducted through 93 wells spread across the six counties. The data show that, among the monitoring items, ammonia nitrogen, iron, and manganese were found to be in excess of the Quality Control Criteria, and the same results were also observed in past years. It is worth to noting that ammonia nitrogen in the groundwater in Chang-hwa County and Yun-lin County, which could be attributable to the local geological characteristics, was substantially higher than that in the other counties. From graphical analysis of the monitoring items of groundwater obtained from each well using Stiff-plotting and Piper-plotting, the Stiff-plotting method shows that Ca2 and HCO3-+CO32- have the highest percentage, which is 61.0%, while the Piper-plotting method shows that the Area I has the highest percentage, which is 57.5%. A general trend similar to those in the past three years was observed, indicating that the groundwater quality in the area has no substantial changes. 098 監資處 清華科技檢驗股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14908
98年臺中縣空氣品質維護綜合管理計畫 臺中縣98年考評總分87.10分,較97年進步0.6分,獲得「特優」殊榮,98年度推動多項管制工作深獲委員肯定,包括研訂電力業和鋼鐵業加嚴排放標準草案;配合環保署推動PM2.5先期管制研究分析,並建立戴奧辛環境監測資料庫;固定源資料庫檢核之品質改善明顯;積極推動河港揚塵改善,建立協調平台及策略整合,並於東北季風河川揚塵啟動緊急應變;加嚴標準及緊急應變措施制定合宜,民眾陳情案件及跨單位河床裸露地管制成效佳;污染地圖即時監控營建工地,採空污費網路三合一申報系統,營建空污費多元管道繳費。98年臺中縣總計編列20項計畫,編列總經費達200,800仟元,固定源管制共計編列5項計畫、移動源管制編列3項計畫、逸散源管制編列6項計畫、專案性計畫編列6項計畫。98年臺中縣提報環保署之地方特色有三項:1.臺中港區移動源污染物減量成效評估;2.港區儲槽、加油站逸散性VOC管制;3.重要道路沿線(國道、高鐵、快速公路)推動遍地開花計畫減少稻田露天燃燒。98年臺中縣空污計畫考核要點於98年3月10日經「臺中縣第六屆空氣污染防制基金技術諮詢小組」第八次會議審議後經局長簽核公告實施,評分項目計有八大項次「資料提交管考(15%)」、「 合約工作量(10%)」、「環保署報表提報(10%)」、「委員督導查核及期中(末)審查會議考核(20%)」、「人員異動(3%)」、「有具體成效或提升滿意度之作法(22%)」、「有具體成效或提升滿意度之作法(22%)」、「計畫成果宣導效益(5%)」、「計畫團隊執行成效及作業配合度(15%)」。98年考核總成績,以河川計畫得分成績87.36分最高,其次為許可計畫86.83分第2名、機車計畫86.76分第3名。在會議辦理方面依合約規定完成之會議,包括2場業務執行檢討研商小組會議、4場工作檢討協調會、4場督導考核會議、出席98年空污計畫期中/期末審查會議、3場專家學者諮詢會議、1場98年度空氣污染防制計畫工作項目協商會議、2場中部空品區交流會議、2場聯席會議、4場次空品區工作協商會議、1場問卷說明會議、1場成果檢討會議等34場會議及5場非合約規定辦理會議,總計辦理39場會議。上述辦理之會議,每季進行意見追蹤管考,有8項意見建議99年持續追蹤執行成果。98年版臺中縣空氣污染防制計畫書,於9月17日經環保署核定,符合98年環保署考評要點規定於9月底完成核備。98年版污防書面臨之最大挑戰為空氣品質PSI>100不良率,100年要改善至1.26%,減量空間來源,現行空污計畫執行已無削減量,僅營建工地及街道洗掃有例行減量來源,未來減量空間有賴特定污染源訂定加嚴管理措施推動,包括「電力業排放標準加嚴管制」、「鋼鐵業排放標準加嚴管制」、「明定一級營建工地應採行之防制措施等級」、「公告非屬行業別管制對象之VOCs年許可排放量達一定規模者之排放標準」、「既存固定污染源指定削減原則推動」、「粉粒狀物堆置場達一定規模須採室內堆置」。98年版污防書並規劃年度空品惡化演習計畫及規劃100年臺中縣市合併之執行計畫。98年臺中縣空氣污染管制工作施政認知,最為民眾瞭解的是機動車輛怠轉時間管制規定政策(有61.39%表示知道)與加油站油氣管制措施(有58.1%的民眾表示知道),最不為民眾知道的空污管制措施項目是新購或改裝油氣雙燃料車補助政策,只有27.86%民眾表示知道。準備推動之空氣污染防制政策支持部分,政策支持度最高的空污防制措施為節能減碳措施(有94.81%)及推動鼓勵民間及企業團體認養或志工的積極參與空氣品質淨化區維護管理政策等政策(支持度91.37%)。93年以來臺中縣不良站日數逐漸減,98年空氣品質不良站日(PSI>100)共27日,扣除沙塵暴影響 (98/4/25),造成空品不良指標污染物以臭氧為主,計22站日,其次為懸浮微粒4站日,共26站日。97及98年為近6年來空氣品質最佳之兩年。計畫執行期間共發布39次應變作業,通報指標物以臭氧為主共計32次,懸浮微粒7次,應變作業減量統計,總懸浮微粒削減量達3.901公噸、懸浮微粒1.918公噸、揮發性有機物1.571公噸、甲苯0.005公噸、氮氧化物3.930公噸、一氧化碳0.108公噸。 2009 Integrated management projuct of air quality maintenance in Taichung County Taichung County scored a total of 87.10 in the evaluation for 2009, improving from 2008 by 0.6, and was recognized as “excellent”. The County was praised by the committee for a multiple of control works in 2009. These included drafting the reinforced emission standards for power industry and steel industry; conducting research and analysis in PM2.5 preliminary control in line with the EPA policy and building the dioxins-focused enviormental monitoring database; notable improvement on the quality of search in stationary source database; aggresively improving dust rising in rivers and harbors, establishing coordinating platform and strategic integration and activating immergency response to dust rising on rivers due to northeastern monsoon. Also included were the appropriate formulation of tightened standards and emergency responsive measures, good results of people appeals and inter-agency control of exposed riverbeds; real-time monitoring of constructions sites by pollution map, exercise of on-line filing system for air pollution fees and the construction of diversified payments for air pollution fees.Taichung County drew up a total of 20 projects on NT$200.8 million dollars allocated. These are 5 projects for stationary source control, 3 for mobile source control, 6 for fugitive source control and 6 for special projects.Taichung County reported three regional features in 2009 to EPA: 1. The results assessment of mobile source pollutants reduction in Taichung Port area; 2. Fugitive VOC contol on reservoirs and gas stations in the Port area; and 3. Promotion of Blossom Project along major roads (national freeways, HSR and expresswyas) to decrease burning the rice fields in open air. The regulations on evaluation of 2009 Taichung County air pollution program were announced as effective with the Bureau Director approval after the review at the Eighth meeting by the “Sixth air pollution control fund and technical consultant panel of Taichung County” on March 10, 2009. These focus on the 8 items as follows: “control and evaluation of data submission (15%)”, “contract workload (10%)”, “report of EPA forms (10%)”, “committee supervision and evaluation and evaluation by mid-term (term-end) review meeting (20%)”, “changes in personnel (3%)”, “specific results or practices to increase satisfaction available (22%)”, benefits of propaganda for project results“(5%)” and “executive results and cooperation on operation by project team(15%)”. In the 2009 evaluations, the river project scored top, with 87.36, immediately followed by permit project, 86.83 and bicycle project 86.76. Meetings completed pursuant to the contracts included 34 meetings, which were 2 business execution review panel meetings, 4 work review and coordination meetings, 4 supervision and evaluation meetings, mid-term/term-end review meeting (attended) on 2009 air pollution project, 3 expert counseling meetings, 1 task coordination meeting for 2009 air pollution control project, 2 Central region exchange meeting on air quality, 2 joint meetings, 4 regional task coordination meeting on air quality, 1 meeting on questionnaires explanation and 1 results review meeting; plus 5 meetings held outside the contracts. Above meeting held were followed by opinion follow-up control and evaluation every quarter; eight opinions suggested continual follow-up of executive results in 2010.The 2009 version of Taichung County air pollution control plan was approved by EPA on September 17, and its report was completed in end September complying with the 2009 regulations on EPA evaluation. This plan is greatly challenged in the poor air quality rate PSI>100 which should be improved to be 1.26% in 2011. To improve, only construction sites and street cleaning provide rooms for routine reduction, as the current air pollution program already has no rooms to reduce. The future rooms for reduction rely on the realization of tightened managing measures on specific polluting sources, including “tightened for control of emission by standards for power industry”, “tightened for control of emission by standards for steel industry”, “expressly stipulation of exercise of rating of control measures in 1st grade construction sites”, “standards for emissions by those not listed among controlled industries but with certain scale of annual permitted VOC emissions”, “realization of specified resuction principles for existing stationary polluting sources” and “requirement for indoor storage of powders and particles up to a certain scale”. The 2009 version of pollution control plan also plans on annual air quality deterioration drills and 2011 project of Taichung County and City consolidation.Taichung County’s practice of air pollution control in 2009 is best known to people in terms of the policy of idle time control on motor vehicles (61.39% stated to be aware) and vapor control measure on gas stations (58.1% stated to). Of the air pollution control measures, the least known is the policy of subsidies to new or modified hybrid fuel vehicles, to only 27.86% of the people. In the support for policies of air pollution control to be promoted, the most supported measures are the energy conservation measures (by 94.81%) and the management policy of promotion of active participation by adoption of private organizations and business groups or volunteers in air quality cleansing areas (by 91.37%).Since 2004, the observed days of poor quality in Taichung C ounty has been decreasing; in 2009, the poor air quality observed days (PSI>100) totaled 27, which, if the effect of sand storm (98/4/25) was excluded, resulted in 22 observed days of poor air quality with ozone as main indexing pollutant. There were also 4 observed days of airborne particle, which, together with the above-listed, added up to 26. 2008 and 2009 were the two years with best air quality in the last six years. During the execuation of the project, response operations were announced 39 times, with indexing object maining being ozone for 32 times and airborne particle for 7 times. In all, the response operations reduced airborne particle by up to 3.901 tons, airborne particle by 1.918 tons, VOC by 1.571 tons, toluene by 0.005 tons, nitrogen dioxides by 3.930 tons and carbon monoxide by 0.108 tons. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18079
98年度高雄市水質調查輔導計畫 本研究計畫於民國98年11月至99年4月期間完成『98年度高雄是水質調查輔導計畫』之履約標的,包括(1)完成高雄市100戶(含)以上之集合式住宅蓄水池水塔共50家次水質調查與輔導,(2)完成高雄市各級學校之蓄水池水塔共30家次水質調查與輔導,(3)完成高雄市99戶(含)以下之集合式住宅蓄水池水塔共50家次水質調查與輔導,(4)完成舉辦3場「飲用水安全自主管理」與1場「水污染防治宣導活動」,(5)完成更新與維護飲用水相關網頁。在高雄市100戶(含)以上、99戶(含)以下之集合式住宅與各級學校之蓄水池水塔水質分析結果,在130個監測點之10項水質參數中皆符合目前飲用水水質標準中有規範之水質參數(包括pH為6.0~8.5、自由有效餘氯標準為0.2~1.0 mg/L、總三鹵甲烷為0.08 mg/L、硬度為300 mg/L、大腸桿菌群<6 CFU/100 mL);同時進行蓄水池水塔定期清洗維護工作之輔導與填寫蓄水池和水塔設備檢查表,以利進行蓄水池水塔之清洗頻率與各水質參數間之相關性分析。由本研究中發現,不管是100戶(含)以上、99戶(含)以下之集合式住宅與各級學校,在蓄水池水塔清洗頻率上,有很大的影響,當清洗頻率愈高(1年清洗4次以上),水質狀況愈佳,由研究結果顯示,1年至少清洗2次之蓄水池水塔之水質即可達到上述最佳狀況。本研究計畫中延續97年度高雄市集合式住宅水質調查輔導計畫之飲用水多媒體網頁之構築,並持續更新該網站的內容,如增加98年核可加水站名單、98至99年2月自來水管線報告、98年度宣導資料與活動花絮等更新與維護,以提供民眾獲得最正確與最新之相關訊息。 098 高雄市政府環境保護局 國立中山大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=19674
台南縣98年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫-掃街/洗街民有民營 臺南縣環境保護局為有效改善車行揚塵污染問題,並延續歷年施政方針,特專案辦理「臺南縣98年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫-掃街/洗街民有民營」,本計畫執行期程自98年9月10日起至99年9月9日止,為期一年。本計畫期中進度達成狀況如表一所示,茲將工作成果摘要說明如下。一、本計畫總計完成道路洗街長度合計8,174.6公里,大於合約規定8,000公里作業量,總達成率為102.2%;執行道路掃街長度合計13,332.9公里,大於合約規定13,000公里作業量,總達成率為102.6%,均順利達成合約規範目標。二、本計畫總計完成洗街長度為8,174.6公里,總計用水量為9,564.67公噸,各月單位長度(公里)用水量介於1.05~1.27公噸之間,平均用水量則為1.17公噸/公里,均大於合約用水規範。三、本計畫總計完成掃街作業總集塵量為284.94公噸,每月單位集塵量介於15.24~36.15公斤/公里之間,平均單位集塵量為21.37公斤/公里。掃街總集塵量為284.94公噸,推估洗街除塵量為181.48公噸,人工掃街為14.02公噸,合計總除塵量達480.44公噸,顯示本計畫確實可有效清除路面積塵,並進而使車行揚塵污染問題得以控制。四、本計畫總計完成洗街作業長度達8,174.6公里,推估TSP削減量為112.8公噸;掃街作業長度達13,332.9公里,推估TSP削減量為184.0公噸;總計本計畫現階段洗掃街作業削減TSP達296.8公噸。五、進行全縣道路髒污普查,98年度9月至99年9月份,共普查977.76公里,A級道路佔查核總公里數的515.80公里(52.8%)、B級道路佔406.40公里(41.6%)、C級道路則佔55.56公里(5.7%)。六、統計本縣各月份之坋土比例平均值為10.79%;而在街塵負荷部份,本計畫掃街作業執行面積為13.33 km2,掃街集塵量為284,940 kg,計算後單位面積街塵負荷量為21.38 g/m2,推測應為調整洗掃作業路線,針對C級(髒污)道路增加洗掃次數(頻率)所致;98年度本縣環保署共抽查街塵負荷5條道路,街塵負荷介於2.88至11.96 g/m2之間,其中A級道路3條,B級道路1條,C級道路1條;另目視查核10條道路總計55.4 km,A級道路4條(17.7 km),B級道路6條(37.7 km),C級道路0條。七、本計畫總計企業認養道路洗掃長度達49,692.4公里,已大於合約目標數10,000公里之要求(完成率已達496.9%),顯示本計畫推動本項作業之用心及努力。同時依據環保署TSP統一削減公式計算(0.0138 ton/km),推估TSP削減量約685.8公噸。八、本計畫亦執行多項積極管制作業,包括:1.空品惡化緊急應變措施;2.建立髒污道路污染源聯合通報查處機制;3.農耕污染道路管制策略;4.協助局內進行宣導作業;5.行政區域道路分級管制機制;6.洗掃機具設備維護更新;7.輔導認養企業單位設置道路認養告示牌;8.協助髒亂點通報及建檔作業;9.配合環保署逸散污染源空氣污染物排放管制及減量計畫通報清掃作業;10.協助縣內大型活動週邊道路清潔與民眾村里髒污(農耕污染)清掃作業。 The project of enhancing street dust sweeping and washing- to sweep /to wash the street privately owned and privately operated for Taina County in 98 year In order to effectively decrease the dust pollution which caused by cars, and to continue the policies from year to year, the Bureau of Environmental Protection in Tainan county has carried out the project which enhances road flushing during 2009 --- personal road flushing business. The project began on Sept 10, 2009 and ended on Sept 9, 2010, lasting for one year. The progress of project are as shown in Table 1. The abstract of achievements is as follows.1. The complete length of road flushing of the project is 8,174.6 kilometers which exceeds the goal of 8,000 kilometers demanded by contract, and the total execution rate is 102.2 %; the execution length of road sweeping is 13,332.9 kilometers which exceeds the goal of 13,000 kilometers demanded by contract, and the execution rate is 102.6 %. Each assignment was completed smoothly.2. The complete length of road flushing of the project is 8,174.6 kilometers, and total use of water is 9,564.67 tons; the use of water is 1.05 - 1.27 tons one kilometer per month, and use of water averages 1.17 tons one kilometer. It exceeds the contract's standards.3. The complete dust gathering amount of road sweeping is 284.94 tons. The dust gathering amount is 15.24 – 36.15 kilograms a kilometer per month and the average of dust gathering amount is 21.37 kg/km. It is estimated that dust removal amount of street flushing is 181.48 tons and road sweeping by manual labor is 14.02 tons; total removal amount is 480.44 tons. It shows that the plan can scavenge the dust on the road with telling effect, and the dust pollution which caused by automobiles can be controlled.4. Now the total length of street flushing is 8,174.6 kilometers; the reduction amount of TSP is estimated to be 112.8 tons. And the amount is 184.0 kilograms as the result of 13,332.9 kilometers street sweeping. So the total amount is 296.8 tons because of street flushing and sweeping project.5. According to the investigation of degree of pollution, began on September 2009 and ended on September 2010, A level road accounts for 515.80 kilometers of totality (52.8%), and B level 406.40 kilometers (41.6%), C level 55.56 kilometers (5.7%).6. In respect to managing street dust, according to monthly statistics for this county, the average ratio value of general soil is 10.79 %;at the present stage the project's street sweeping area is 13.33 square kilometers, the weight of the accumulated swept dust is 284,940 square kilograms, and the planned unit per area dust load is 21.38 grams per square meter. This results in a predicted increase to C-level pollution sweeping frequency. In 2009 the county bureau of environmental protection randomly inspected five roads, the street dust loading is 2.88-11.96 g/m3. Three roads are A-level, one is B-level, and one is C-level; and inspected ten roads very month. The total length is 55.4 kilometers, 4 roads are A-level, 6 are B-level and C-level is none.7. The total statistics for this year acknowledges the maintainance of 49,692.4 kilometers of roads which exceeds the goal of 10,000 kilometers demanded by contract (exceeding by a rate of 496.9 %) indicating that this project has incited commitment and effort to this work. Concurrently, according to the Bureau of Environmental Protection, united sharply reduced formula calculations, estimates TSP sharply reduced volume to be approximately 685.8 tons.8. This project therefore implements a multitude of robust restraining measures:1. To urgently begin implementing measures dealing with the worsening of air quality;2. To establish coordinated reports and measures that examine and deal with the sources which pollute dirty roads;3. Policies restraining the pollution of farming and irrigation canals;4. Measures to educate the public how to assist Bureau procedure;5. Restrictive ;6. The maintainance and upkeep of flushers & equipment;7. Guide the appropriate enterprises in designing roads that take proper care of public signs 8. Measures which assist in dirty and messy places and build cases;9. To announce sanitary measures in accord with the Bureau of Environmental Protection, which rapidly disperse the sources of air polluting matter. Such emissions are to be restrained and reduced. 10. Pollution sweeping measures which assist large scale activities within the county's nearby road sanitation and public villages. 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司/欣欣環保工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=19723
排放管道粒狀污染物檢測比測執行計畫(2/3) 量測固定汙染源的粒狀物排放量的檢測,是所有環境採樣與分析中最複雜也最具挑戰性的項目。粒狀物排放量的量測過程中,排氣速度、溫度、溼度、氣膠濃度、氣膠粒徑分布、採樣設備類型、採樣團隊的經驗之間的相互作用,會影響到最終的量測結果。本計畫的主要目的,是提高煙道中粒狀物的量測能力,以及各項影響因子對於量測準確度變化上的貢獻。研究計畫中的模擬煙道測試系統於1997年建置完成,其主體為一高13.4公尺、直徑0.6公尺的不鏽鋼材質管道,在其進口端裝設有進氣過濾裝置與一具15匹馬力的離心式送風機,在出口端裝設有過濾裝置,將測試用粒狀物質收集避免造成周遭環境汙染。在模擬煙道測試系統中,主要的操作條件為粒狀物濃度、排氣溫度、相對濕度、與風扇轉速,粒狀物的產生是藉由一台PALAS粉塵產生器將已知粒徑的水泥粉末出入至系統中,來控制系統中粒狀物質量濃度;溫度控制單元則由一組750kW的加熱器與PID監測回饋系統所組成,可任意的調整排放氣體的溫度條件;排放氣體的濕度控制由一台120kW的蒸氣產生器,其水分含量控制範圍在2%至10%之間;同時藉由控制風扇的轉速來調整的風速條件,最高可提供15m/s的風速。本計畫已進行10年,在各項因子的影響方面,藉由歷年來所累積之資料所作之變異性分析所得結果發現,在管道中,無論是溫度或是含水量在不導致冷凝現象時其影響並不顯著,其最主要的影響因子為風速,其次是粉塵的輸入速度;在粒狀物的量測能力方面,經由歷年累積資料所建立的統計回歸模式,由該回歸模式可有效的預測模擬煙道系統中的粒狀物質量濃度,藉以進行量測能力的測試,經歷年測試結果顯示其成效是顯著的,計畫中參加的採樣團隊在經歷年測試後,其對粒狀物的量測能力上明顯的有較好的表現。 Proficiency Analytical Testing Program of Stack Samplings Determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources is the most complicate and challenging task among all environmental sampling and analytical procedures. It is speculated that the dust concentration measurement is affected by the interactions among exhaust velocity, temperature, humidity, aerosol concentration, aerosol size distribution, type of sampling equipment and level of experience of the sampling team. The results of this work can be used to identify the factor(s) contributing to the variability of measurements. The primary goal is to enhance the proficiency of stack particulate measurement.Built in 1997, this testing system simulating a stack is composed of an inlet filtration unit, a 15-Hp blower, a 13.4-m height, 60-cm diameter stainless steel duct, and an outlet filtration unit. The blower is capable of propelling the face velocity up to 15 m/sec. A Palas Powder Disperser is used to generate aerosol particles. A heater of 750 kW with a PID feedback system is used to control the temperature of the exhaust gas. A 120 kW steam generator is used to change the humidity of the exhaust gas, i.e., water content ranging from 2 % to 10 %. The major operation parameters include dust concentration, temperature, relative humidity, and fan rotation speed.According to the analysis of variance, the duct velocity is the most influential operation factor, followed by dust feed rate, and the interaction of duct velocity and water content in determining the aerosol concentration in the stack. However, neither temperature nor water content of the exhaust gas shows significant effect. A statistical model for predicting mass concentration of particles in the stack is established. This proficiency testing program has now been executed for 10 years. The cost-effectiveness is clear. The participated stack sampling teams showed clearly better performance. 098 環檢所 國立台灣大學職業醫學與工業衛生研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14518
雲林縣98年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫 本計畫共完成下列主要工作,執行成果分述如下︰一、本計畫總計完成道路洗街長度合計15,846.9公里,達成率為105.6 %;濁水溪沿岸-洗街長度合計6,731.6公里,達成率為102 %(至99年3月底止);執行道路掃街長度合計11,926.5公里,總計畫執行進度達成率分別為108 %。二、本計畫總計完成洗街長度為22,578.5公里,總計用水量為21,556.4公噸,各月單位長度(公里)用水量介於0.93~1.17公噸之間,平均用水量則為0.97公噸/公里,均大於合約規範。三、本計畫總計完成掃街作業總集塵量為170.74公噸,每月單位集塵量介於6.07~19.44kg/km之間,平均單位集塵量為13.99kg/km。推估洗街除塵量為339.6公噸,人工掃街為30.6公噸,合計總除塵量達540.9公噸,顯示本計畫確實可有效清除路面積塵,並進而使車行揚塵污染問題得以控制。四、本計畫總計完成洗街作業長度達22,578.5公里,推估TSP削減量為311.58公噸;掃街作業長度達11,926.5公里,推估TSP削減量為164.59公噸;總計本計畫現階段洗掃街作業削減TSP達476.17公噸。 The project of enhancing street dust sweeping and washing the street privately owned and privately operated for 98 year In order to improve the pollution of car raises dust effectively, and extend all previous years’ administration policy, the Bureau of Environmental Protection yunlin carries out “The project of enhancing street dust sweeping and washing the street privately owned and privately operated for 98 year ”. The project started on August 13, 2009 and ended on August 12, 2010, lasting for a year. The achievements of this project’s work goal are as shown in Table 1; each work is completed smoothly. The work achievements’ abstract is as follows.1.So far, 15,846.9 km of street washing is executed, The total rates are 105.6 %;6,731.6 km of the chuo-shuei River along street washing is executed, The total rates are 102 %. As for the street sweeping, the length of street are 11,926.5 km. The total rates are 108 %.2.So far the total length of street washing is 22,578.5 km and total usage amount of water is 21,556.4 ton. That is 0.93~1.17 ton/km per month, so the average usage amount is 0.97 ton/km. It exceeds the criterion of agreement.3.So far total dust collection amount of street sweeping work reaches 170.74 ton. That is 6.07~19.44 kg/km per month and the average dust collection amount is 13.99 kg/km. It is estimated that dust removal amount of street washing is 339.6 ton and 30.6 ton of street sweeping; total removal amount reaches 540.9 ton. It shows that this plan can eliminate road surface’ cumulated dust effectively, furthermore, the dust pollution of automobiles can be controlled.4.Now the total length of street washing is 22,578.5 km; the reduction amount of TSP is estimated to be 311.58 ton. And the amount is 164.59 ton as the result of 11,926.5 km’s street sweeping. So the total amount reaches 476.17 ton because of street washing and sweeping project. 098 雲林縣環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=19244
台南縣空氣污染防制宣導訓練計畫 有關「台南縣空氣污染防制宣導訓練計畫」執行階段自民國98年05月8日起,經計畫變更後修改至99年06月30日止。期末報告統計期間自98年05月08日至99年06月30日止。依照契約之規定達成各項工作項目,工作進度表如2.3工作進度表(甘特圖)所示。 計畫執行期間,除了辦理清新空氣宣導活動2場次之外,亦進行宣導文宣及環保品製作及協助辦理環保義工及社區、團體成果彰顯等工作項目,相關重點陳述如下:一、清新空氣宣導活動(一)第一場次1. 於98/06/07執行完成第一場次環保宣導活動,參與人數為1,500人,已超過原規定人數。2.現場辦理資源回收兌換,回收績效良好。3.匯集南瀛優秀且成果優異之社區共20攤來展現多年來的環保相關成果及推廣生活環保概念。4.媒體報導刊出共11則。(自06/04~06/08,共5天)(二)第二場次1.於99/04/18舉辦第一場次環保宣導活動,參與人數為1,089人。2.現場辦理資源回收兌換,回收績效良好,共回收之資源物共96公斤(第一場次無統計)。3.社區共15攤展示、政令宣導共10攤、跳蚤市場共10攤、服務攤位共3攤,總計38攤,充份展現南瀛環保的在地紮根與環保意識的普遍觸達。4.以環保趣味競賽方式號召共50個隊伍(共41個社區)進行參與。5.媒體報導露出共10則。(自04/14~04/19,共6天)二、環保義(志)工訓練1. 已於99/05/28-29辦理完成,共40人參加。2. 縣外行程安排共有四個點:(1) 參訪桃園縣楊梅鎮秀才里(環保小學堂)。(2) 參訪南投縣牛屎崎鄉土文史促進會(環保小學堂)。(3) 南投埔里桃米紙教堂。(4) 新竹縣大窩口促進會。三、宣導文宣及環保品製作1. 於98/06/07活動中已購置環保筷850雙及摸彩宣導品(後壁鄉的米)。2. 於99/04/18活動中購置1,985雙環保套裝組。四、協助辦理環保義工及社區、團體成果彰顯1. 依主辦單位之需求進行更新;網站也定期更新並下載主辦單位官網之環保訊息。(活動訊息共47則、環保新動態2則、環保新知6則)2. 每週進行週誌用以紀錄網站之工作內容,共23則(於期中報告後,開始執行之)。3. 依主辦單位提供之社區進行電子報之撰擬共13則,並由民眾上網直接登錄。 Summary of Implementation Results With regard to the implementation stage of “Prevention and Publicity Training Project on Air Pollution in Tainan County” from 8th May of 2009, the date of the project was changed to 30th June of 2010 after modification. The final report will run from 8th May of 2009 to 30th June of 2010. According to stipulations of the contract, each of the items of task should be accomplished, and the schedule of works is found as indicated in table 2.3 (Gantt Chart).I. Publicity event on fresh air 1. First session of event A. On 7th June of 2009, it had successfully completed the first session of environmental promotion event, with participants numbering to 1,500 people, in excess of the previous number as regulated. B. At the site, it had sponsored resource recycle, with excellent performance of recycle. C. In gathering of a total for 20 stalls with outstanding scores from communities of Nan-yin, they have demonstrated years of related environmental protection accomplishments, and the concept for the promotion of environmental protection life. D. 11 stories were printed on media (from 4th to 9th of June, totaling 5 days)_ 2. Second session of event A. On 18th April June of 2010, it had successfully completed the first session of environmental promotion event, with participants numbering to 1,089 people. B. At the site, it had sponsored resource recycle, with excellent performance of recycle, with a total of recycled materials of 96kgs.C. There are 15 stalls with community, 10 stalls for promotion of government policy, and 10 stalls for flea market, totaling 35 stalls. All of them have fully demonstrated local permeation of environmental protection locally at Nan-yin and the penetrative reach of environmental protection awareness.D. It resorted to fun games and contest for environmental protection to call for 50 teams (totaling 41 communities) to take part in the event.E. 10 stories were printed on media (from 14th to 19th of April, totaling 6 days.)II. Training of environmental volunteer 1. It was completed of sponsoring on 28-29th May of 2010, with 40 participants.2. Four respective locations of itinerary are arranged outside the county:A. Visit to Xiu-cai Neighborhood (small classroom on environmental protection) of Yang-mei Township of Taoyuan County B. Visit to literary and history promotion society (small classroom on environmental protection) of Niu-shi-qi Township of Nantou County C. Tao-mi paper church of Puli Township of Nantou County D. Environmental protection model community of Chiayi County III. Promotional DM and production of environmental protection objects 1. During event on 7th June of 2009, it had purchased 850 pairs of environmental friendly chopsticks and publicity gifts for lottery draw (rice from Hou-bi Township) 2. During the event on 18th April of 2010, it had purchased 1,985 environmental friendly sets. IV. Assist sponsoring training of environmental protection volunteer and community and group achievements with brilliant results 1. Based on the needs of sponsoring authority, it had conducted updating, and the website had also renewed and downloaded environmental protection news from the official website of the sponsoring authority. (activity news totals 47 copies, new activities of environmental protection 2 copies, and new knowledge of environmental protection 6 copies) 2. For every week, it will use weekly journal to record the work content of website, totaling 23 copies (they will be implemented after the mid-term report) 3. Based on the communities provided by the sponsoring authority, it has, in total, composed 13 copies of stories for community electronic newspaper, and residents can register themselves on the net. 4. Suggestions and effect evaluation will be put forth after the final report to facilitate subsequent administration. 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 卉紘公關行銷有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=19460
97年度及98年度環境監測暨維護管理計畫 本計畫主要工作包括:固定源排放管道檢測;空氣品質監測車操作維護;人工監測站儀器操作維護、校正、保養及檢驗;台化測站通訊系統及顯示看板功能維護;非游離輻射監測;道路及交通環境音量維護暨監測工作等。固定源煙道檢測主要稽查工廠的煙道排放是否符合標準,檢驗項目包括硫氧化物、氮氧化物、粒狀汙染物及流速。空氣品質監測車針對有明顯汙染之虞的地點進行連續監測8 天以上,分析的包括風速、風向、溫濕度、NOx 、S02、CO、03、THC、CH4、NMHC 與PM10等項目。人工監測站針對四站次,每月執行TSP 採樣兩次,其中一次包括硝酸鹽、硫酸鹽、正己烷抽出物及鉛、鎘的分析,以及每月採樣一次的落塵量等作業,並每月進行高點流量校正與執行測站的維護保養工作。噪音管制作業的為兩個固定式的噪音監測站,及10個移動式環境及交通測站,固定噪音站為每日進行資料的收集,移動噪音站為每一季執行2次的檢驗,每季監測結果定期上傳環境保護署的噪音管制綱,另非游離輻射的檢驗,主要針對變電箱、落地型變壓器、基地台等進行檢測並結合地圖資訊,讓民眾更清楚檢驗地點,以達便民之效。 098 彰化縣環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=19370
淡水河系生態指標及生物指標分析(2/2) 本計畫主要採取測點中之微生物、藻類、魚類、蝦蟹及底棲生物整合其各項生物指標,並利用當中優勢魚種、水棲昆蟲、藻類及多樣性指數(Species diversity index)判定水質等級,藉此得知淡水河整治的環境有無改善。大漢溪大溪以上河域總生菌數、大腸桿菌群及硫氧化菌數稀少。武嶺橋至豆荳世界的總生菌數及大腸桿菌群開始明顯上升。淡水河從新店溪及大漢溪匯流開始至二重疏洪道注入之前的這段河域,微生物的數量均顯著高於二重疏洪道以下的河域。大漢溪及淡水河23個測站,水層中及石頭表面共記錄295種藻類,分別為藍綠菌29種、矽藻141種、綠藻118種、裸藻5種及雙渦邊藻類2種,而矽藻種類占分布的大多數。下游感潮段浮游藻類調查結果所估算之GI值均甚低,大致能反應下游河域的藻類群聚屬於嚴重污染水域的特性。 98年度大漢溪和淡水河共記錄35科74種魚類,大漢溪河域記錄35種魚類,淡水河43種魚類。溪洲大橋至後村圳取水口非感潮河段共記錄31種魚類,城林橋至新海橋感潮河段共捕獲7種魚類,大眼海鰱最常見,烏魚出現在接近淡水河交匯口河域。新店溪匯流處至淡水河出海口記錄43種魚類,烏魚最常見,淡水河感潮區新增12種魚類記錄。 98年淡水河及大漢溪共採獲89個類群的底棲生物,總數達23,214隻個體。大漢溪底棲生種類的多樣性高於淡水河,大漢溪上游非感潮河域以水棲昆蟲為主,下游感潮河域底質中僅有耐污的環節動物。淡水河的物種數明顯比大漢溪河段少,以環節動物及甲殼動物為主。綜合整理97-98年度調查所得之淡水河系生物指標,結果顯示感潮河域水質最差的是大漢溪(城林橋至大漢溪口),最佳河域是淡水河本流(洲美快速路至出海口)。非感潮河域水質最差的是基隆河(長安大橋至瑞芳),最佳河域是新店溪碧潭至南北勢溪匯口,大漢溪(溪洲橋至鳶山堰)的綜合得分與新店溪碧潭至南北勢溪匯口河域及相近。根據97-98年度調查分析結果,淡水河系在94年之後生物群聚的多樣性逐漸增加,其中以魚類的群聚改變最為明顯,97-98年的物種豐富度是歷年最高的記錄。目前的淡水河除了大漢溪城林橋至新海橋之間的河域屬於嚴重汙染之外,其他河域已逐漸轉為中度汙染,部分原為中度汙染水域也逐漸轉為輕度汙染,水質獲得明顯改善。 The study of Biological and Ecological index of Danshuei River(2/2) In this research, we primarily sample the microorganism, algae, fish, shrimp, crab and benthonic organism at all monitoring site. We analyse data to understand the species diversity index of the fish, aquatic insect and algae. We finally integrate each biological indicator to determine the water quality rank and take advantage of this to know whether the renovation of Dan-Shaei river was improved. Population density of micro-organism was low in Da-Han stream upper than Da-Si township, we have less total plate count, coliform and E. coli. The area range from Wu-ling bridge to Dou-Dou-Shih-Jie, total plate count and coliform of stream water increased conspicuously. In Dan-Shaei river, the population density of micro-organism was higher in the region between Sin-dian stream and Da-Han stream converge site, and from here down to Er-Chong flooding canal converge site. In this study, 295 taxa of algae were found from the collection of phytoplankton and periphyton. There were 29 taxa of cynobacteria, 141 taxa of diatom, 118 taxa of green algae, 5 taxa of euglenophytan and 2 taxa of dinoflagellate. The GI index derived from algae community indicated the downstream area was highly polluted in general. In one year of collection from Da-Han stream and Dan-Shaei river, 74 species belong to 35 family of fishes were found in 2009. In Da-Han stream, we had 35 species of fishes, non-tidal effected area from Si-Jhon bridge to Hou-Cun-jyun water collection site with 31 species, the tidal effected region from Chen-Lin bridge to Sin-Hai bridge with 7 species. Between Chen-Lin bridge and Sin-Hai bridge Megalops cyprinoides was common species and Mugil cephalus only can collected from the converge site. Dan-Shaei river was tidal effected from Sin-Dian stream and Da-Han stream converge site down to river mouth to Taiwan strait, we had 43 species of fishes in 2009, 12 species were new records, Mugil cephalus was the most common species. The benthic macroinvertebrate collected from Da-Han stream and Dan-Shaei river in 2009 total with 23,214 individuals belong to 89 taxa. The species diversity was higher in Da-Han stream than Dan-Shaei river. Non -tidal effected Da-Han upstream with more aquatic insect than the other area, tidal effected region only have pollution tolerant species such as annelid. The species richness in Dan-Shaei river lower than Da-Han stream, macroincertebrate community dominated with pollution tolerant annelid and crustacean. Dan-Shaei river sytem in 2008 and 2009, water quality indicated by IBI, FBI, EPT and BI, the most polluted area of tidal-effected region was from Chen-Lin bridge to Da-Han river mouth, the most clean water was in the area range between Jhou-Mei express way entrance and river mouth to Taiwan strait. The most polluted area of no-tidal effected region was from Chang-An bridge to Ruri-Fang of Keelung river, the most clean water was in the area range between Nan-Shih stream and Bei-Shih stream converge site dowm to Bi-Tan of Sin-Dian stream. The water quality of Da-Han stream from Si-Jhon bridge to Yuan-Shan-Yan is similar to upstream of Sin-Dian stream. Biological community of Dan-Shaei river system with diversity increased from 2005 to 2009 gradually, the fish community with more species and higher population density. In this study from 2008 and 2009, we have fish species records more than ever before. In the mean time, the most polluted area of Dan-Shaei river system only at downstream of Da-Han stream. The other region except Da-Han downstream, the pollution was lower down from worst to more easy state. 098 環檢所 國立新竹教育大學應用科學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16607
98年度基隆市廚餘回收飼料化之研發-利用於養殖魚類之計畫 一、廚餘回收飼料化:經由物理、化學甚至生物方法將廚餘經由破碎、脫水(除油)、高溫乾燥與醱酵等過程,轉變為魚類養殖之飼料。二、建立廚餘再利用新模式:廚餘除養豬及堆肥再利用外,將廚餘乾燥後,做為養殖飼料使用,不但達到資源化再應用目的,也達到垃圾減量目的。回收後廚餘經過濾,將多餘水分去除,經由乾燥或高溫腐熟,將廚餘含水率降低至,再與其他養份物質及飼料混合,將可降低飼料成本。三、推廣廚餘飼料化養魚市場:廚餘飼料化養魚可行性評估完成,並具體提出養殖成果後,應辦理推廣宣導活動,將廚餘再利用飼料產品化、市場化。 098 基隆市環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=19395
98年度臺中市紙錢減量及露天燃燒暨餐飲業油煙防制宣導管制計畫 本年度「98年度臺中市紙錢減量及露天燃燒暨餐飲業油煙防制宣導管制計畫」,執行期程至99年1月26日止,共歷時十個月,由委辦單位三綠工程顧問有限公司協助環保局辦理執行:紙錢清運及露天燃燒管制、紙錢燃燒管制宣導活動、推動紙錢源頭減量、露天燃燒專案稽巡查作業、餐飲業油煙防制標章推廣、餐飲業專案管制作業、夜市調查等工作,量化執行成果如工作進度表所示,並摘要說明如后,詳細工作執行方法及現階段成果分述各章。一、寺廟污染減量輔導:計畫期間共完成寺廟訪談104家次,達成率100%,新增水安宮等5家寺廟配合停爐,目前本市已有10家寺廟以停爐方式推動金紙減量;25家寺廟配合推動一爐一香,達成率皆為100%。二、紙錢集中燃燒:已完成應節小型紙錢集中袋10,000個及中元節大型紙錢集中袋4,000個之製作;全年紙錢進場量達788.35公噸,計畫期間委託清運量達437.98公噸,達成率皆為100%,並於3月起依合約規定每月辦理淨爐儀式。三、紙錢集中/減量燃燒宣導:完成宣導摺頁1000份之印製,及清明節宣導活動及中元節普度宣導活動各1場次,並辦理完成集中袋創意設計競賽,達成率100%。四、露天燃燒管制:完成一、二期稻作期間露天燃燒專案巡查作業,共查獲露天燃燒117件次,減少133.4公噸的物質燃燒,並完成13戶農民簽署不燃燒稻草及宣導單張3000份之製作,達成率皆為100%。五、油煙防制標章推廣:辦理標章申請說明會1場次,出席人數64人,並於7月起執行標章申請現場查核,共完成查核82家次,有7家業者通過或得標章,自8月1日起辦理「用餐集章A好康」宣導活動,參加活動民眾超過3萬人。六、研擬空氣污染防制獎勵措施:完成餐飲業者問卷調查215份,並擬定空氣污染防制獎勵措施,提供補助申請。七、餐飲業專案巡查:針對有污染之虞、油煙排放下水道及屢遭陳情業者執行專案巡查,共完成26件次,達成率100%,並排定專家學者辦理現場診斷11場次,達成率100%。八、針對本市餐飲業陳情案件或有污染之虞者辦理空氣污染防制現場查核、採證工作,目前已完成查核271件次,達成率100%,並開立勸導單請業者執行改善作業。九、夜市調查工作:完成本市夜市調查20處次,並依據調查結果推估污染量繪製作污染排放地圖。十、中秋烤肉不用炭:辦理網路有獎徵答活動,參加人數達1,700人,並召開研商會研擬宣導作法,於9月30日辦理「燒烤不用炭 賞月Fun輕鬆」宣導活動,當日參加人數超過200人。十一、已達100%完成之工作項目尚包括:殯葬業者教育訓練會、餐飲業宣導說明會、標準作業規範手冊及年度工作規劃書製作等。 The TaiChung project of 2009, Paper money decrement and Open burning control and Food and beverage industry lampblack guidance and control 098 台中市環境保護局 三綠工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16615
九十八年度基隆市柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫 本計畫工作期程自九十八年三月十六日起至九十九年三月十五日止,主要之工作項目及執行成果摘要如下:累計到站檢驗車輛597輛次;路邊攔檢數量為1,210輛次,其中到站檢驗結果超出法規標準之數共有196輛,不合格率為5.51%。路邊攔檢共執行 70個點次,檢測數共計1,210輛次,不合格數為196輛次,不合格率16.19%。油品採樣數包含路邊稽查與站內抽樣共1,216件,經篩選後送驗數共147件,油品送驗並取得報告共147件,其中不合格數3件,不合格率為2.04%,不合格之油品平均含硫量高達173 ppmw。芳香烴檢測25件中最高值為34.9%,平均值32.37%,皆未超過35%標準。經由統計資料顯示,到站檢驗車輛以營業一般大貨車、營業一般大客車、營業貨櫃曳引車、自用一般小貨車及自用一般大貨車為主。路邊攔檢車輛以自用一般小貨車、自用一般大貨車、營業一般大貨車及營業貨櫃曳引車為主。到站受測車輛中以排氣量5,000cc以下之車輛檢測數242輛佔最多,佔總檢測車輛數40.54%,路攔則以10001~15000CC最多,有747輛次,佔總檢測車輛數61.74%。依檢測不合格率統計資料分析,以到站檢測5,000cc以下之不合格率10.74%為最高。而路攔檢測部份,以10,000到15,000cc之檢測車輛不合格率最高,達22.09%。不合格車輛以10001~15000cc最多,共計181輛;其次為5001~10000cc區間,計有37輛;5000以下為9輛;而超過15000cc以上的車輛有2輛;針對車種和排氣量再做進一步比對分析,不合格、污染度偏高的車輛,以營業貨櫃車為主,且以10000~15000 cc佔大多數。自主管理制度推行:98年10月14日於基隆市文化中心第一會議室辦理自主管理說明會,針對自主管理內容進行講習宣導,現場並安排Q&A時間與業者、工業區廠商對談。本年度共37家完成簽訂推動業者簽訂自主管理環保公約。針對轄區內客貨運業者清洗噴油嘴與幫浦,共受理19件客貨運業者之申請案,完成18件補助。本計畫於98年11月2日辦理港區聯合稽查專案研商會議,會中與港區業者協商,希望能優先雇用已加入自主管理之柴油車輛,讓進出港區車輛皆為排氣檢測合格之乾淨車輛。 098 基隆市環境保護局 得眾環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=21009
屏東縣配合辦理老舊二行程機車汰舊補助宣導計畫 二行程機車行駛過程中會因潤滑機油在汽缸內與汽油一起燃燒及利用混合氣來清除廢氣,導致燃燒不完全時,排放的碳氫化合物特別嚴重,排氣濃度高於四行程約8倍左右,為求維護環境空氣品質有必要利用經濟誘因及行政管制措施促使其儘速淘汰。行政院環保署有鑑於高高屏地區車齡逾七年之老舊二行程機車比例遠高於其他縣市,因此特別通過增加補助設籍於高高屏三縣市淘汰老舊二行程機車,每輛補助1,500元,補助期限自即日起至民國98年12月31日止。『屏東縣配合辦理老舊二行程機車汰舊補助宣導計畫』自97年4月30日簽約後開始執行,至98年12月31日止,總計完成提供7年以上限期改善通知105,427輛,完成率105.4%;雙掛號意見陳述公文通知(12,209件)及告發處分(4,067件)共計16,276件,完成率100.2%;告發處分案件改善完成件數815件,達告發改善率20.0%;此外針對告發車輛業務成立二行程汰舊宣導專案辦公室等。本縣二行程機車限期改善通知總計寄發105,427輛,然合法送達者為74,681輛,合法送達率為70.84%,其有51,611輛完成定檢,佔合法送達者69.1%;完成汰舊申請獎勵件數3,114件,佔限期改善通知比例4.17%;申請汰舊獎勵8,110件、車體不存在證明3,322件及監理站註銷車籍8,819件,三者共計20,251件,對於本縣機車管制死車篩除作業上助益頗大。由定檢資料統計分析各車齡HC及CO之排放濃度關係,則皆以10年以上車輛排放濃度較高,且二行程機車平均排放濃度為四行程機車的7.9倍,顯示二行程機車皆為HC污染排放主因。因此,環保局應繼續加強二行程機車汰舊以有效削減污染排放。依中鼎公司提供之交通工具污染物排放削減量係數推估,本計畫執行至11月底,污染物排放削減量在NMHC部份為137.71噸/年,在CO部份為366.61噸/年。 Two-Stroke Motorcycle combustion systems due to design, need to add oil to the combustion system of lubrication, thus driving the process a result of lubrication oil and gasoline in the cylinder with the combustion and the use of mixed gas to clear the exhaust, resulting in incomplete combustion, the emissions of carbon hydrogen compounds, particularly serious, so the exhaust will often fail inspection and the concentration is higher than four-stroke is about 8 times, and the other blue-white smoke emission is also long been criticized for the people, for the sake of safeguarding environmental air quality, two-stroke motorcycles there are necessary to use economic incentives and administrative control measures to facilitate their elimination as soon as possible. In view of the Environmental Protection Administration in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas of more than seven years of age the proportion of the old two-stroke motorcycles is much higher than other counties and cities, and poor air quality in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas, in order to effectively improve the pollution situation of mobile sources of pollution, so in particular through the increase in grant citizenship in Kaohsiung and Pingtung counties and cities in three out of the old two-stroke motorcycles, 1,500 yuan per subsidy, grant period from now until the Republican 98 years ending December 31, applying for grants who should pay the old two-stroke motorcycles to the Kaohsiung City Government, Kaohsiung County, Pingtung County Government Environmental Protection Agency registration, or approval of the waste motor vehicle recycling recycling or by motorcycle exhaust fixed inspection stations to notify the recovery traders can receive the subsidy. 『Pingtung County cooperate to handle the old two-stroke motorcycles replace our old subsidy advocacy program』 since 97 April 30 after signing started, to 98 years ended December 31, a total completed to provide Kaohsiung Environmental Protection Agency, "96 ~ replace our old 98 year old two-stroke motorcycles implementation of the Plan "7-year old two-stroke motorcycles for more than 105,427 vehicles to improve the notification period (required to first check for more than 7 years old and two-stroke motorcycle car membership information, and then check household registration information) to complete the the rate of 105.4%; double registered statements of opinion documents to inform (12,209 pieces), and denounced action (4,067 cases) a total of 16,276 pieces, the completion of the rate of 100.2%; denounced the completion of disciplinary cases to improve the number 815, up to denounce to improve the rate of 20.0% completion rate 108.7 %; In addition, the immediate task of environmental protection for the informant vehicle movement ban / de-action ban for issuing licenses and the cessation of transaction services, the implementation of the second full public satisfaction survey and the establishment of two-stroke eliminated the old advocacy project office. The implementation of the analysis of results from a planned point of view, this county for more than 7 years old and two-stroke motorcycles to improve the notification deadline for sending a total of 105,427 vehicles, the legal service of those who ran for 74,681 vehicles, the legal delivery rate was 70.84%, indicating supervision units for the elderly Old locomotive car Ji master room for improvement in the situation is not satisfactory. Served by the legal deadline to improve the notification of the number of view, most owners to improve the notification received by the deadline to complete the fixed-location of improvements, legal service of 74,681 vehicles, motorcycles, there are 51,611 vehicles to complete inspection, accounting for 69.1% of those who lawfully served; completed eliminated applications on old award the number 3,114, accounting for 4.17% percentage of the deadline to improve the notification, indicating the deadline for the elimination of old practices to improve the notification of the beneficial two-stroke motorcycles have yet to be upgrading and improvement; 8,110 reward for eliminating the old parts, the body does not exist to prove 332.2 Parts and Supervision Station 8,819 write-off for membership pieces, three a total of 20,251 pieces, for the county screening locomotive control cars operating on the death of a significant benefit. Not yet been completed to improve the notification received by the application deadline for eliminating the old, the body does not exist to prove, and supervision units or complete write-off scheduled for inspection by nationality, a statement of opinion again informed the 12,209 pieces of correspondence, information punished 4,067 pieces, was accused of disposition rate of 33.31%. Action against the defendant made to improve the completion of the 815 in order to prove that the body does not exist up to 419, accounting for 51.4% of informers to improve the completion rate, followed by a general retirement to 372, accounting for 45.6% of informers to improve completion rates, criminal cases of cancellation, Vehicles (Licensing) stolen registration and hand in its (off) by a total of 24 cases, accounting for informers to improve the completion rate 3.0%. Information on vehicles scheduled for review by the statistical analysis found that the vehicle age of HC and CO emission concentration relationship, then begin with more than 10 years higher concentrations of vehicle emissions, while the HC and CO emission concentrations Zeyi than four-stroke two-stroke motorcycles, and the average emission concentration of two-stroke motorcycle four-stroke motorcycles to 7.9 times, indicating that two-stroke motorcycle Jiewei main cause of HC emissions. Therefore, the EPA should continue to strengthen two-stroke motorcycles replace our old order to effectively reduce pollution. CTCI Corporation in accordance with transportation provided by the amount of pollutant emission reduction coefficient estimates, the implementation of this plan to the end of November, pollutant emission reductions in the NMHC majority of 137.71 tons / year, in the CO part is 366.61 tons / year. Next year the Environmental Protection Department for the elimination of old two-stroke motorcycles will continue the practice of 97 and 98 years for two-stroke motorcycle out of city and county to be a reward of NT is still the amount of 1,500 yuan, in order to accelerate and enhance the elimination of two-stroke motorcycles the number of two-stroke motorcycles for next year out of the practice recommendations are as follows: 1. propaganda: the proposal should be EPA's policy for a national advocacy and disseminating a manner that includes television, radio, Internet and other mass media. Notification of the local Environmental Protection Bureau in fixed location should be filling out two-stroke motorcycle pollution severity and grant related information. 2. Incentives: by the plan and taking into account any Kaohsiung Environmental Protection Agency, "96 ~ 98 year old two-stroke motorcycles replace our old implementation of the project" Survey results show that incentives do not want to apply for assistance the success of respondents, none of the wishes of the reasons for the application, the "car can also ride," the highest proportion of 68.1%, followed by followed by "too little money", accounting for 32.2%, "do not bother," was 13.1%, indicating that the current high prices and high oil price era, the wishes of the people for the replacement car is not high, even if there is an incentive grant for vehicle replacement amount, it is still disproportionate, resulting in implementation of this project the biggest obstacles, it is suggested that the Environmental Protection Department for the replacement of old locomotives the amount of subsidy should be re-assessed to increase the will of the people out of two-stroke motorcycles. 3. By the laws and regulations in implementation: (1) by a stopped inspection data show that use of the two-stroke motorcycles have one for every four test failed, it is suggested that EPA should strengthen the two-stroke motorcycle stopped inspection, and, indeed, according to Air Pollution Control Act No. 63 of the owners dispose of test failed, forcing them to phase out two-stroke motorcycles. (2) For the completion of scheduled inspection of the Weiyi two-stroke motorcycles, all sending the deadline to improve the notification, if the owners will review those who have not been completed, immediately denounced punishment. 4. Implementation difficulties: (1) the popular will: the old two-stroke motorcycle, Pingtung County, is currently about 16.5 million units, due to the survey results show that the majority of people unless the vehicle is damaged, or they will continue to ride two-stroke motorcycle, resulting in promotion of eliminated older than the other counties and cities on the high degree of difficulty. (2) effective control of vehicle ownership status: data from the supervision station is much greater than the number of applications found in the number of abandoned, taxes over 5 years high proportion of that Ghost Rider nationality problem is serious, if not effectively control the actual use of the two-stroke vehicles Ji information , for two-stroke motorcycle out of control and there will be a great error. 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14744
98年度新竹市揮發性有機物及餐飲業稽查管制計畫 098 新竹市環境保護局 新竹市環境保護局(富聯工程顧問有限公司) http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16378
固定污染源稽查管制計畫 本(98)年度本計畫主要執行項目包括:一、執行固定污染源之許可證管理、稽巡查、檢測及資料管理等工作。二、固定污染源空污費徵收工作。三、加油站油氣回收管制工作。四、烹飪油煙管制工作。五、露天燃燒管制工作。六、節能減碳政策之相關工作。七、本年度創新作法。八、其他協助或配合之工作事項,執行之各工作項目內容說明如下: 一、執行固定污染源之許可證管理、稽巡查、檢測及資料管理等工作:1.執行各項許可證申請審查共33件,其中完成發證有25件,在設置許可證申請方面,有3件變更及3件新設申請案件,經審查通過完成發證有5件,審查中通知補正有1件(書面資料不完整),在操作許可證申請方面有27件申請案件,經審查通過已完成發證有20件,審查中通知補正有3件(現場污染防制設施設置不足),被駁回申請有4件(逾期未繳費有3件,逾期未補正有1件)。2.許可現場查核73件,其中有25件查核內容與許可證規定不符,經要求改善或補正及輔導追蹤後,22件已改善完成,未改善3件中有2件因廠區受莫拉克颱風重創復建中尚未複查、1件(臺灣岩灣技能訓練所)尚未提出申請。 3.執行空氣污染防制專責人員變更申請案件之審查5件。4.執行公告應定期檢測者之監督檢測及上網申報資料審查17件。5.環保局稽查184件及處分11件,皆已完成建檔及協助改善追踨工作。6.執行公私場所污染源巡查357件,其中包含揮發性有機物(VOCs)排放源31件,並完成資料建檔工作。巡查過程中有發現93件缺失較嚴重,執行人員亦針對各缺失加強輔導,並要求立即改善或限期改善,使其缺失降至最低,以達污染管制之目的。執行成效皆於作業完成後鍵入固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統,且每月提請空氣品質管理計畫(AQMP)彙報環保署。7.本(98)年度第1~3季,公告第1、2批公私場所應申報年排放量之固定污染源有93家次,已完成申報數為93家次,申報率為100%,在排放量申報審查方面,第1~3季有62家審查符合規定,31家未符合需補正,符合率為67%,不符合之業者經由審查人員輔導修正後已完全補正改善,補正改善率100%。8.執行空氣污染物排放量申核現場查核26件,查核結果均符合規定,符合率100%。9.完成煙道空氣污染物排放粒狀污染物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物之檢測6根次、周界空氣中粒狀污染物(TSP)檢測12件、異味污染物採樣官能測定3件及液體燃料含硫量採樣檢測10件,檢測結果只有鵬燁實業股份有限公司豐工廠粒狀污染物檢測值122mg/Nm3超過瀝青拌合業粒狀污染物排放標準值100 mg/Nm3為不合格,已提送環保局裁罰,並於98年12月25日執行改善後複測,其檢測結果排放粒狀污染物檢測值29.9mg/Nm3,符合排放標準;其他檢測結果皆符合排放標準,合格率為97%。10.執行29件次異味污染源巡查,本(98)年度異味污染物採樣官能測定亦會以民眾陳情次數較高者為主,並加強稽巡查及改善追蹤。11.依照執行進度完成許可審查與查核、稽巡查、檢測及處分等資料鍵入固定污染源空氣污染管理資訊系統中。12.完成固定污染源空氣污染管理資訊系統之各項資料品管與品保(QA/QC)錯鋘修正383件、更新作業90件及擴充作業1件。更新、擴充後粒狀污染物納管排放量為710.965公噸/年、硫氧化物納管排放量為200.778公噸/年、氮氧化物納管排放量為606.984公噸/年、揮發性有機物質納管排放量為85.268公噸/年。13.本縣自從推動公私場所廠區綠美化活動以來,共計砂石場,預拌混凝土廠、瀝青拌合廠及堆置場等32家陸續參與此項活動,本(98)年度亦有15家業者持續參與,其中永豐餘造紙股份有限公司台東廠、鵬燁實業有限公司、正群實業股份有限公司及富源製磚有限公司等4家為新增家數,另礐興企業股份有限公司因受莫拉克颱風重創復建中,扣除其原種植面積300平方公尺,則累積種植面積為27,620平方公尺,TSP削減量為0.704公噸/年。 14.推動公私場所認養周界道路,目前承諾認養之業者有28家,承諾認養總長度為13.3公里,實際洗掃總長度達2,801.956公里,TSP削減量38.7公噸/年、PM10削減量7.3公噸/年,並加強執行現場洗掃情形查核33件,查核時若發現未依承諾確實洗掃者立即要求改善。15.於98年4月13日時舉辦固定污染源相關法規與污染防制說明會1場次,其主要議程內容(1)空氣污染防制法相關法規。(2)固定污染源設置與操作許可證管理辦法。(3)許可查核缺失及改善方法。(4)固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法。(5)節能減碳及諮詢服務宣導。16.於98年6月16日、8月20日及11月29日,於池上檢查哨、台九線356.5公里處(鹿野)及森永檢查哨等3處砂石車車流量較大的地方,配合柴油車排煙及油品檢測計畫執行人員及警察單位人員等執行路邊攔查工作,以督查砂石車之污染防制情形。17.執行固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法相關作業:(1)協助既存污染源空氣污染防制設施改善期限申請案件審查43家次,其中有20家符合提出污染防制設施改善期限申請,經審查後均核准申請,其核准項目皆為自動洗車設備改善期限至99年3月31日止。(2)協助調查固定污染源列管公私場所及縣內主要河川裸露地面積情形,調查結果,砂石場、預拌混凝土廠、瀝青拌合廠及堆置場等裸露地面積為11.86公頃,河川裸露地面積為633.45公頃。(3)執行現場查核污染防制設施設置操作情形及追蹤輔導改善等工作,本(98)年度共查核30家,其中輕微缺(缺失點數5點)及嚴重缺失(缺失點數10點(含)以上)各有7家,已責成限期改善,符合管理辦法規範有16家,符合率為53%。二、固定污染源空污費徵收工作:1.於98年10月22日辦理1場次「固定污染源空污費申報繳納」說明會,其主要議題內容(1)法源及相關法規。(2)申報及收費制度說明。(3)申報流程及方法。(4)案例說明。(5)檢測頻率分級。(6)結算與初審說明。(7)空污費申報常見問題。2.97年第4季至98年第3季已完成253件SOx、NOx及VOCs空污費申報建檔、審查及結算(SOx、NOx的部分199件,VOCs的部分54件),於98年第3季完成結算作業並發文通知各公私場所。3.本(98)年度完成46家次催繳作業,催繳率達100%,總申繳率亦達100%,催繳金額共計13,106元整,並執行空污費申報現場查核139件,查核結果與申繳內容均相符者有130件,查核不符合者有9件,查核不符合者,經現場輔導後已完成改善,完成改善率為100%。4.完成空污費申報系統之軟硬體設備維護,並維持正常運作。三、加油站油氣回收管制工作:1.受理1件新設加油站(瑞洋加油站股份有限公司)油氣回收設施設置第二階段申請案,分別於98年3月10日、98年9月3日派員派員親赴現場勘查及進行管線覆土前及覆土後液阻測試監督檢測,以確保品質,2.本年(98)度完成加油站之基本營運資料、油槍、油氣回收設備運作等查核54站次,並更新維護資料庫,查核時發現7站有缺失,經後續追蹤各站均已完成改善。3.完成加油站氣漏檢測及氣油比檢測25站,氣漏測試方面25站全數合格,氣油比測試亦均符合法規要求(油槍合格率達70%以上),然此25站共350支加油槍,抽測350支,抽測比例100%,初測合格槍數347支,不合格槍數3支,此3支油槍經責成改善後,並執行完成改善後之複檢,結果皆已合格,改善完成率100%。4.在加油至油槍自動跳停之油氣回收宣導方面,執行情形如下:(1) 委託有線電視走馬燈插播宣導4次(每次3線、1日)。(2)委託3個地方廣播電台插播宣導2次(每次播放30日、每日插播至少6檔次)。(3) 印製宣導海報200張,並完成發放至各鄉鎮市公所、加油站等地方張貼宣導。(4)製作宣導錄音帶50卷及CD光碟50片,並發送至各加油站播放宣導及與各鄉鎮村里長進行溝通利用各村里廣播系統進行播放宣導。(5)製作宣導帆布條15條,並張掛於環保局洗街車、掃街車、資源回收車、各重要路口及加油站等地方加強宣導工作。(6)不定期利用國立台東生活美學館、行政院退輔會馬蘭榮譽國民之家、台東縣池上鄉公所、台東縣民服務中心、台灣鐵路管理局台東車站、行政院衛生署台東醫院及台東縣觀光旅遊服務中心等7處之電子式看板播放宣導。5.於98年6月22日假國立臺灣史前文化博物館學習教室,辦理1場次加油站油氣回收設施設備操作及維護講習會,議題包括加油站相關法規說明及加油站維護保養訓練。6. 為激勵各加油站能見賢思齊,落實油氣回收設施操作維護及環境維護等污染防制工作,並支持加油至油槍自動跳停等不強迫加油政策,於98年11月23.24日完成辦理加油站油氣回收暨環境管理優良加油站之評鑑作業,評鑑結果台糖中興加油站、瑞鹿加油站、太麻里加油站3站獲評為本(98)年度優良加油站,並製頒獎牌表揚。7.本年度為進一步瞭解加油站油氣回收管制宣導成效及民眾對加油站油氣回收及強迫加油造成油氣逸散的危害,針對119位民眾進行問卷調查,並分析其結果。受訪者以居住台東市區佔多數,為年輕一代族群並且大多數具有高中以上程度,有97%受訪者覺得目前加油站之油氣味大有改善。有64%的人知道汽油揮發含甲苯、二甲苯之油氣逸散會污染環境及危害人體健康後,會改變加油習慣。但仍有36%的受訪者不知道相關資訊,未來針對宣導媒介應加強資訊網路、報紙媒介及電視走馬燈等多方面宣導。四、烹飪油煙管制工作:1.本(98)年度完成82家次餐飲業查核作業,其中包含65個中式餐館、5個西式餐館、4個速食餐館、4個日本料理、2個學校餐廳、1個義式餐館、1個量販店,查核結果,只設有簡昜式前處理空氣污染防制設備(如:檔板、濾網及排煙管道經水過濾後排出等)43家佔52%,設有前處理及後處理設備(水洗機或靜電集塵器等)較具防制效果之業者有39家佔48%,並完成更新維護管制資料庫。2.執行列管或遭陳情油煙污染者之烹飪油煙防制狀況巡查54件,並輔導6家餐飲業者進行烹飪油煙污染排放之收集或處理改善工作,改善業者有龍港海鮮餐廳、楊記地瓜酥、太師傅中式餐館、愛家國際餐飲、圓滿小吃店及台東大學知本校區等皆增設靜電集塵機並將排放口設置於適當位置等。3.完成印製餐飲業污染防制手冊200份,並利用辦理座談會及巡查時發放予各餐飲業業者。4.於98年10月26日完成辦理1場次餐飲業烹飪油煙污染防制座談會,其主要議題內容(1)油煙可能對人體產生的影響。(2)烹調可能造成的環境污染。(3)烹飪者的防範對策。(4)烹飪油煙污染來源、特性與影響。(5)油煙污染防制技術。(6)相關管制法規說明。(7)常見之餐飲業油煙問題及改善對策。(8)節能減碳宣導。五、露天燃燒管制工作:1. 本(98)年度共有63件山林田野引火燃燒申請,其中申請山坡地整地樹枝(葉)及雜草焚燒有59件,稻作及果(茶)園修枝整地焚燒有4件,燃燒面積約670,105平方公尺,燃燒重量共計247.2公噸。2.露天燃燒案件巡查方面,本(98)年度共查獲露天燃燒案件57件,其燃燒物質以稻草31件,佔54%最多,依序為樹枝葉19件,佔33%、都市垃圾6件,佔11%及木材1件,佔2%,燃燒面積為977.606平方公尺,燃燒量共計398.474公噸,經勸導後減少燃燒面積為242.198平方公尺及燃燒量所產生之減量成效,TSP削減1.592公噸,PM10削減0.759公噸,硫氧化物削減0.038公噸,氮氧化物削減0.542公噸,一氧化碳削減11.508公噸,揮發性有機物削減1.36公噸。3.在避免露天燃燒宣導方面,執行情形如下:(1)委託有線電視走馬燈插播宣導4次(每次3線、1日)。(2) 印製宣導海報200張,並張貼於銀行、郵局、鄉鎮市公所、超商、車站、加油站及農會超市等人口出入密集地方加強宣導。(3)委託3個地方廣播電台插播宣導2次(每次播放30日、每日插播至少6檔次)。(4)宣導稻草再利用及避免露天燃燒:第1期及第2期稻作收割時,利用宣導車於稻作密集鄉鎮市區域宣導10日半。(5)不定期利用國立台東生活美學館、行政院退輔會馬蘭榮譽國民之家、台東縣池上鄉公所、台東縣民服務中心、台灣鐵路管理局台東車站、行政院衛生署台東醫院及台東縣觀光旅遊服務中心等7處之電子式看板播放宣導。4. 於98年6月4日協助環保局邀請台東縣各鄉鎮市農會代表、行政院農業委員會台東區農業改良場及台東縣政府農業處等相關單位共同針對稻草露天燃燒問題之處理、稻草資源回收再利用管道、稻草再利用方法與建議、環保署目前進行之工作(資源回收利用)及分工合作等議題進行研商討論並共同決解稻草露天燃燒問題5.在不燒/減燒紙錢宣導方面,執行情形如下: (1) 印製宣導海報200張,並於中元普渡前發放至銀行、郵局、鄉鎮市公所、超商、車站、加油站及農會超市等人口出入密集地方張貼宣導(2)製作宣導帆布條20條,並張掛於環保局洗街車、掃街車、資源回收車、路口、加油站等地方加強宣導。(3)於7月31日邀請縣內共54座較大廟宇及各宗教禮俗行政主管機關辦理1場次紙錢焚燒減量及污染改善座談會,會議內容包括:祭拜活動對環境之影響、空污相關法規說明、紙錢焚燒減量及污染改善說明、環保金爐功能及特性介紹。(4)於中元普渡時節委託有線電視走馬燈插播2次(每次3線、2日)。(5)於中元普渡時節利用國立台東生活美學館、行政院退輔會馬蘭榮譽國民之家、台東縣池上鄉公所、台東縣民服務中心、台灣鐵路管理局台東車站及行政院衛生署台東醫院等6處之電子式看板播放宣導。六、減碳議題相關作業:1.利用空氣污染防制費審查系統及固定空氣污染源資訊管理系統,針對轄區內使用煤、廢塑膠混合物、漿紙污泥、低硫燃油、煤油及超級柴油等排碳源之排放量管制資料進行擴充、更新與維護,建立排放量資料,統計結果溫室氣體排放量CO2 197031.725公噸/年、CH4 2.739公噸/年、N2O 2.266公噸/年、總溫室氣體則為197808.722公噸/年。2.在減碳之評估分析方面,就工業/工廠節能減碳建議措施、辦公室/住宅節能減碳措施建議措施(節能效益最佳方向)及全民減量行動方法等議題進行評估。3. 於98年11月13日假台東縣政府社會福利館之會議室舉辦「固定污染源之節能減碳座談會」,主要議題涵蓋全球暖化與氣候變遷、國際及台灣因應對策、如何遏止全球暖化(即如何節能減碳)等。4.在配合環保署政策,推動本縣相關減碳宣導方面,於98年6月15日協同環保局宣導人員至台東縣鹿野鄉武陵村活動中心,配合該地區辦理社區治安會議時,向社區民眾宣導「節能減碳無悔措施全民行動方案」。七、本年度創新作法:為落實環保署公告公私場所定期檢測申報、年排放量申報、空污費申報及最新公告(97年8月14日) 以電子網路傳輸方式辦理固定污染源設置與操作許可證申請等業務之網路申報作業,特別規劃設立固定污染源網路申報作業諮詢服務窗口,提供連接有網路系統之電腦軟硬體設備,可供公私場所申報人員使用,如有申報上疑問亦可即時提供申報諮詢與輔導,以提昇相關網路申報審查作業之品質與效率。八、其他協助或配合之工作事項:1.計畫執行期間隨時新增或更新與本計畫相關業務資訊資料之網頁。2.計畫執行期間提供環保局相關業務之新聞稿並發佈新聞,刊登篇數有22篇。3.本計畫為配合台東縣政府及台東縣環境保護局辦理各項大型宣導活動時宣導品發送,於本年度協助製作宣導品(環保袋)200份。4.本計畫亦協助環保局完成轄內109家潛在高風險工業區污染源調查作業。5. 本(98)年度依照評選時承諾,製作更新懸掛於空氣噪音防制科樑柱之固定污染源相關管制內容看板2幅。6.本(98)年度協助環保局提送99年度空氣污染防制基金補助地方執行空氣品質改善維護計畫-固定污染源稽查管制計畫書草案,向環保署申請補助經費。 Stationary Source Examination Control And Management Plan This (98) year the main work items of Stationary Source Examination Control Plan are: (1) Stationary Sources Permit application documents exam and issue, including permit inquisition and elaboration conference. (2)Pollution sources control, including patrol, stack inorganic content inspection, sulfur content inspection of fuel oil, regular inspection surveillance and gasoline vapor recovery control. (3) Air Pollution Fee payment review and audit. (4)Cooking lampblack control. (5)Open Burning control. (6) The energy conservation reduces the carbon policy the related work(7)This year innovates the method.(8)Other assistance or the coordinate work of item, the execution each work project contents note is as follows:First, carries out permit of management the fixed source of pollution, to check does an inspection, work and so on examination and document management:1. Carries out each item of permit application to examine altogether 33, completes issues the card to have 25, in the establishment permit application aspect, some 3 changes and 3 supposes the application case newly, through completes after the examination issues the card to have 5, in the examination informs to supplement and correct has 1 (written material incomplete), has 27 application cases in the operation permit application aspect, through has completed after the examination issues the card to have 20, in the examination informs to supplement and correct has 3 (the scene to pollute against system facility establishment insufficiency), is rejected the application to have 4 (to exceed the time limit the payment not to have 3, exceeds the time limit has not supplemented and corrected has 1). 2. Permitted that the scene checks 73, including 25 check the content and the permit stipulation not symbol, or supplements and corrects and counselling tracing after the request improvement, 22 improved completes, because has not improved in 3 to have 2 the factory district to cause heavy losses the Molake typhoon duplicate constructs not yet reexamines, 1 (Yanwan Training Institute) not yet to propose the application. 3. The execution air pollution against system sole responsibility personnel change the application case to examine 5. 4. The execution announcement should the regular examination the surveillance examine and accesses the net the declaration material examine 17. 5. Environmental Protection Bureau examiner 184 and punish 11, all has completed constructs the files and assists to improve pursues the work.6. The execution public and private place source of pollution does an inspection 357, contains the volatile organic matter (VOCs) to discharge source 31, and completes the material to construct the files work. Does an inspection in the process to have discovered that 93 flaws are serious, the enforcement agents also aim at various flaws to strengthen counselling, and requests to improve immediately or to improve by a set time, causes its flaw to drop to lowly, reaches goal of the pollution control. Carries out the result all completes after the work to enter the fixed air source of pollution management information system, and each month proposes the air quality control plan (AQMP) to report the environmental protection bureau. 7. This (98) the year 1~3rd season, announced that the 1st, 2 batch of public and private places should report the year withdrawal the fixed source of pollution has 93 time, has completed the declaration number is 93 time, the declaration rate is 100%, in the withdrawal declaration examination aspect, the 1~3rd season has 62 to examine conforms to the stipulation, 31 have not tallied must supplement and correct, the coincidence rate is 67%, does not conform to the entrepreneur counsels after the examination personnel revises to supplement and correct the improvement completely, supplements and corrects the improvement rate 100%. 8. The execution air pollutant withdrawal Shanghai nuclear scene checks 26, checks the result to conform to the stipulation, the coincidence rate 100%.9. Completes the flue air pollutant emissions granular pollutant, the sulfur oxide compound, the nitrogen oxide to examine 6 times, in the border air the granular pollutant (TSP) to examine 12, the unusual smell pollutant sampling function to determine 3 and the liquid fuel sulphur content sampling examines 10, the test result only then huge mythical bird ye industry limited liability company abundant factory granular pollutant examination value 122mg/Nm3 surpasses the asphalt to mix industry granular pollutant discharge normal value 100 mg/Nm3 is unqualified, has sent the Environmental Protection Bureau to cut punishes, and on December 25 carries out the improvement after 98 years repetition measurement, its test result emissions granular pollutant examination value 29.9mg/Nm3, conforms to the emission standard; Other test result all conforms to the emission standard, the qualified rate is 97%. 10. Carries out 29 instance of unusual smell sources of pollution to do an inspection, this (98) year unusual smell pollutant sampling function determination also by populace state one's case number of times high primarily, and strengthens checks does an inspection and improves tracing. 11. Defers to carries out the progress to complete the permission examination with to check, to check does an inspection, material and so on examination and punishment enters in the fixed source of pollution air pollution management information system. 12. Completes the fixed source of pollution air pollution management information system each item of material tube with to guarantee (QA/QC) wrong wu to revise 383, the renewal works 90 and expansion work 1. After renewal, expansion, the granular pollutant accepts the tube withdrawal is 710.965 metric ton/years, the sulfur oxide compound accepts the tube withdrawal is 200.778 metric ton/years, the nitrogen oxide accepts the tube withdrawal is 606.984 metric ton/years, the volatile organic matter accepts the tube withdrawal is 85.268 metric ton/years. 13. This county since the impetus public and private place factory district green beautification activity, total the granulated substance quarry, has mixed the concrete plant, the asphalt to mix the factory and the yard in advance and so on 32 participates in this activity one after another, this (98) the year also has 15 entrepreneurs to participation continually, because the Yongfeng -odd papermaking limited liability company Taitung Factory, the huge mythical bird ye industry Limited company, the group industry Limited liability company and the natural resources make bricks Limited company and so on 4 for the addition number, ch are popular the enterprise Limited liability company to cause heavy losses in addition the Molake typhoon duplicate constructs, deducts its original sown area 300 square meters, then the accumulation sown area is 27,620 square meters, TSP reduces the quantity is 0.704Metric ton/year. 14. The impetus public and private place recognizes raises the border path, at present pledged that recognizes raises the entrepreneur to have 28, pledged that recognizes raises the total length is 13.3 kilometers, washes actually sweeps the total length to amount to 2,801.956 kilometers, TSP reduces the quantity 38.7 metric ton/years, PM10 to reduce the quantity 7.3 metric ton/years, and strengthens carries out the scene to wash sweeps the situation to check 33, checks, if the discovery has not washed sweeping according to the pledge to request the improvement immediately truly. 15. In 98 years when April 13 conducts the fixed source of pollution related laws and regulations with to pollute against system explanation to be able 1 number, its main agenda content (1) air pollution against facture related laws and regulations. (2) fixed source of pollution establishment and operation permit policing method. (3) permitted that checks the flaw and the improvement method. (4) fixed source of pollution escape granular pollutant air pollution against system facility policing method. (5) conserves energy reduces the carbon and the consultation service guidance. 16. In 98 years on June 16, on August 20 and on November 29, in pond check post, Taiwan nine 356.5 kilometers place (deer wild) and woods forever check post and so on 3 sand and crushed stone vehicle traffic flow magnitude big place, coordinates the diesel car to discharge fume and the oil quality examination plan enforcement agents and police the unit personnel and so on carries out the roadside to block looks up the work, supervises the sand and crushed stone vehicle to pollute against system situation. 17. Carries out the fixed source of pollution escape granular pollutant air pollution against system facility policing method related work: (1) assists already to save the source of pollution air pollution against system facility improvement deadline application case to examine 43 time, including 20 tally proposed that pollutes against system facility improvement deadline to apply, after examination approves the application, it approves the project to improve the deadline for the automatic car washer installation on March 31 to stop to 99 years. (2) assists to investigate in the fixed source of pollution row tube public and private place and the county the main river exposed area situation, the survey result, the granulated substance quarry, mixes the concrete plant, the asphalt to mix the factory and the yard and so on exposed area is in advance 11.86 hectares, the river exposed area is 633.45 hectares. (3) carries out the scene to check pollutes against system facility establishment work and so on operation situation and tracing counselling improvement, this (98) the year altogether checks 30, lacks (flaw points 5 spots) slightly and the serious flaw (the flaw points 10 spots (including) above) has 7 respectively, has charged to improve, conforms to the policing method standard to have 16, the coincidence rate is 53% by a set time. Second, the fixed source of pollution spatial dirt spends the collection work: 1. On October 22 handles 1 number in 98 years “the fixed source of pollution spatial dirt to spend the declaration payment” the explanation to be able, its main subject content (1) law origin and related laws and regulations. (2) reports and the charge system explanation. (3) reports the flow and the method. (4) case explanation. (5) examines the frequency graduation. (6) settles accounts and the first trial explanation. (7) the spatial dirt spends the declaration frequently asked questions. 2. This (97) the year from the 4th season to 98 year 3rd season has completed 253 SOx, NOx and the VOCs spatial dirt spends the declaration to construct the files, the examination and the settlement (SOx, NOx part 199, VOCs part 54), completes the settlement work and the outgoing message in the 98 year 3rd season informs each public and private place.3.This (98) the year completes 46 inferior press for payment works, the press for payment rate reaches 100%, total Shen Jialv also reaches 100%, press for payment amount total 13,106 Yuan, and carries out the spatial dirt expense to report that the scene checks 139, checks the result and Shanghai gives the content match case to have 130, checks tallying not to have 9, does not check tallying, after the scene counselling has completed the improvement, completes the improvement rate is 100%. 4. Completes the spatial dirt to spend the declaration system the soft hardware maintenance of equipment, and maintains the normal operation. Third, gas station oil gas recycling control work: 1. Accepts 1 to suppose the gas station (Swiss foreign gas station Limited liability company) the oil gas to recycle the facility newly to establish the second stage application document, after 98 years on March 10, 98 years on September 3 dispatches an official to go in person the scene separately to investigate and carries on the pipeline fills in and fills in the fluid anti- test surveillance to examine, guarantees the quality, 2. This year (98) completes the gas station the basic transport business material, the oil gun, the oil gas recovery system operation and so on to check 54 station times, and renews the maintenance information bank, checks when discovered that 7 stations have the flaw, has completed the improvement after following tracing each station. 3. Completes the gas station gas leakage examination and the gas-to-oil ratio examines 25 stations, the gas leakage test aspect 25 station totals is qualified, the gas-to-oil ratio test also meets the laws and regulations requirement (oil gun qualified rate to reach above 70%), however this 25 stand the altogether 350 grease guns, samples 350, samples proportion 100%, initially measured that qualified gun several 347, unqualified gun several 3, this 3 oil guns after charging the improvement, after and carries out completes the improvement, duplicate to examine, result all already qualified, improvement finish rate 100%. 4. Is refueling to the oil gun jumps automatically stops the oil gas recycling guidance aspect, carries out the situation to be as follows: (1) request cable TV galloping-horse lantern emergency broadcast guidance 4 times (each time 3, on 1st). (2) entrusts 3 Local radio emergency broadcast guidance 2 times (each time to broadcast on 30th, daily emergency broadcast at least 6 scales). (3) print guidance playbill 200, and complete the provide to various villages and towns places and so on city geographical unit of government, gas station to post the guidance. (4) manufactures the guidance recording tape 50 volume and the CD disc 50 pieces, and transmits to various gas stations broadcast guidance and long carries on the communication with various villages and towns village to use in various villages the broadcast system to carry on the broadcast guidance. (5) manufactures guidance sail cloth strip 15, and hangs up in the environmental protection bureau washes places and so on street vehicle, street sweeper, resource recovery vehicle, each important street intersection and gas station strengthens the guidance work. (6) non-periodical use state-run Nationaf Tatwng Living Art Center. the Ma Lan Veterans Home,VAC Executive Yuan. the Chihshang Township Office,Taitung-County. the Taitung County Government Contact Center. Taiwan Railways Administration Taitung Station. the Department of Health ,Executive Yuan,R.O.C , Taitung Hospital and the Department of Culture and Tourism,Taitung Government and so on 7 electronic formula electronic monitoring system broadcast guidance. 5. On June 22 the false state-run National Museum of Prehistory the classroom in 98 years, handles 1 number gas station oil gas to recycle the facility equipment operation and the maintenance seminar, the subject including the gas station related laws and regulations explanation and the gas station maintenance maintenance training. 6. In order to drive that various gas stations can see a worthy person and be inspired to be likewise, carry out the oil gas to recycle the facility operation maintenance and the environment maintenance and so on pollute against system work, and supports refuels jumps automatically to the oil gun stops and so on not to force to refuel the policy, November 23.24 dates completes in 98 years handles the gas station oil gas recycling and the environmental management fine gas station comments the work, comments the result Taiwan sugar resurgence gas station, the auspicious deer gas station, the Taimali gas station 3 stations to attain evaluates this (98) the year fine gas station, and the system proclaims the medal praise. 7. This year to further understand that the gas station oil gas recycling control guidance result and the populace refuel to the gas station oil gas recycling and the force create the oil gas escape the harm, carries on the questionnaire survey in view of 119 populace, and analyzes its result. The participant occupies the Taitung urban district to occupy most, for the younger generation tribal grouping tribal group, and majority has above the high school the degree, some 97% participant thought that oil of smell the present gas station has the improvement greatly. Some 64% person knew the gasoline volatility after the toluene, the xylene oil gas of escape can the pollution of the environment and the harm human body health, will change refuels the custom. But still had 36% participants not to know the related information, in the future should strengthen the information network, the newspaper medium and the television galloping-horse lantern in view of the guidance medium and so on various guidance. Fourth, cooking lampblack control work: 1.This (98) the year completes 82 inferior food and beverage industries to check the work, contains 65 Chinese type restaurants, 5 western-style restaurants, 4 fast food restaurants, 4 Japan to attend to, 2.School dining rooms, 1 righteousness type restaurant, 1 quantity to sell the shop, checks the result, before is only equipped with Jan I shi, to process the air pollution against system equipment (for example: The thrustplate, the mesh and discharge fume the pipeline menses filtration back row to leave and so on) 43 to account for 52%, before being equipped with, processing and the post-processing equipment (laundering machine or static electricity dust catcher and so on) has entrepreneur of against system effect to have 39 to account for 48%, and completes the renewal maintenance control information bank. 2. holds the ranks tube or suffers state one's case cooking of lampblack against system condition the lampblack pulluter to do an inspection 54, and counsels 6 dining entrepreneurs to carry on collection or the processing improvement work the cooking lampblack pollution emissions, improves the entrepreneur to have the Longgang seafood restaurant, Yang to record the sweet potato crisp, too skilled worker the Chinese type restaurant, the love family international dining, the complete snack bar and the Taitung University knows this school district and so on to additionally build the static electricity precipitron and the discharge outlet establishment in the appropriate position and so on. 3. Completes the print food and beverage industry to pollute against system handbook 200, and using handles the symposium and does an inspection when provides gives various food and beverage industries entrepreneur. 4. On October 26 completes in 98 years handles 1 number food and beverage industry cooking lampblack to pollute against system symposium, its main subject content (1) the lampblack possibly the influence which produces to the human body. possibly (2) cooks the environmental pollution which creates. (3) cooking guard countermeasure. (4) the cooking lampblack pollution originates, the characteristic and the influence. (5) the lampblack pollutes against system technology. (6) is related the control laws and regulations explanation. (7) common food and beverage industry lampblack question and improvement countermeasure. (8) conserves energy reduces the carbon guidance. Fifth, open burning control work: 1. This (98) the year altogether has 63 wooded mountain field ignition combustion to apply, applies for the hilly land preparation of soil branch (leaf) and weed burning down has 59, the rice makes and the fruit (tea) the garden prunes preparation of soil burning down to have 4, the combustion area the approximately 670,105 square meters, the combustion weight total 247.2 metric tons. 2. The open burning case does an inspection the aspect, this (98) the year altogether ferrets out open burning case 57, its combustion material by straw 31, accounts for 54% many, for tree branches and leaves 19, occupies 33%, metropolis trash 6 in order, accounts for 11% and lumber 1, accounts for 2%, the combustion area is 977.606 square meters, the burning capacity total 398.474 metric tons, after advising reduces the combustion area is 242.198 square meter and the burning capacity has the decrement result, TSP reduces 1.592 metric tons, PM10 reduces 0.759 metric ton, the sulfur oxide compound reduces 0.038 metric ton, the nitrogen oxide reduces 0.542 metric ton, the carbon monoxide reduces 11.508 metric tons, the volatile organic matter reduces 1.36 metric tons. 3. Is avoiding the open burning guidance aspect, carries out the situation to be as follows: (1) request cable TV galloping-horse lantern emergency broadcast guidance 4 times (each time 3, on 1st). (2) print guidance playbill 200, and post in the bank, the post office, villages and towns population difference crowded places and so on city geographical unit of government, ultra business, station, gas station and peasant association supermarket strengthens the guidance. (3) entrusts 3 Local radio emergency broadcast guidance 2 times (each time to broadcast on 30th, daily emergency broadcast at least 6 scales). (4) the guidance straw uses and avoids the open burning again: 1st issue and the 2nd issue of rice does when harvests, using guidance Che Yudao makes the crowded villages and towns urban district territory guidance 10th -and-a-half. (5) non-periodical use state-run Nationaf Tatwng Living Art Center. the Ma Lan Veterans Home,VAC Executive Yuan. the Chihshang Township Office,Taitung-County. the Taitung County Government Contact Center. Taiwan Railways Administration Taitung Station. the Department of Health ,Executive Yuan,R.O.C , Taitung Hospital and the Department of Culture and Tourism,Taitung Government and so on 7 electronic formula electronic monitoring system broadcast guidance.4. On June 4 assists the environmental protection bureau in 98 years to invite the Taitung County various villages and towns city peasant association to represent, the Executive Yuan Agriculture committee Taitung District agricultural reform field and the Taitung County government agriculture place and so on Coherent units aims at processing, the straw resource recovery together the straw open burning question again using the pipeline, the straw again using the method and the suggestion, the environmental protection bureau carries on the work at present (resource recovery use) and subjects and so on division of labor and cooperation carries on the discussion discussion and solves the straw open burning question .5.In not to burn definitely together/reduces burns the paper money guidance aspect, carries out the situation to be as follows: (1) print guidance playbill 200, and Before Zhongyuan Pu crosses provides to the bank, the post office, villages and towns population difference crowded places and so on city geographical unit of government, ultra business, station, gas station and peasant association supermarket posts the guidance (2) to manufacture guidance sail cloth strip 20, and hangs up in the environmental protection bureau washes places and so on street vehicle, street sweeper, resource recovery vehicle, street intersection, gas station to strengthen the guidance. (3) invites in the county on July 31 the altogether 54 big temples and various religious decorum and customs administration Controlling organization handles 1 number paper money burning down decrement and the pollution improvement symposium, the conference content includes: Worships the activity to influence, the spatial dirt related laws and regulations explanation, the paper money burning down decrement and the pollution improvement explanation, the link earnest money stove function and the characteristic introduction the environment. (4) Yu Zhongyuan Pu crosses the season request cable TV galloping-horse lantern emergency broadcast 2 times (each time 3, on 2nd). (5) Yu Zhongyuan Pu crosses season use state-run Nationaf Tatwng Living Art Center. the Ma Lan Veterans Home,VAC Executive Yuan. the Chihshang Township Office,Taitung-County. the Taitung County Government Contact Center. Taiwan Railways Administration Taitung Station.and the Department of Health ,Executive Yuan,R.O.C , Taitung Hospital. and so on 6 electronic formula electronic monitoring system broadcast guidance. Sixth, reduces the carbon subject related work: 1.Spends the auditing system and the fixed air source of pollution information management system management system using the air pollution against system, uses the coal, the waste revertex mixture, the thick liquid paper sludge, the low sulfur fuel oil, the petroleum and the super diesel oil in view of the area of jurisdiction in and so on withdrawal of control material the row of carbon source carries on the expansion, the renewal and the maintenance, establishes the withdrawal material, the statistical result greenhouse gas withdrawal CO2 197031.725 metric ton/years, the CH4 2.739 metric ton/years, the N2O 2.266 metric ton/years, the total greenhouse gas is 197808.722 metric ton/years. 2. Is reducing appraisal of analysis aspect the carbon, reduces the carbon on the industry/factory energy conservation to suggest that the measure, the office/housing energy conservation reduces the carbon measure to suggest the measure (energy conservation benefit best direction) and subjects and so on all the people decrement motion method carry on the appraisal. 3. On November 13 conference room of the false Taitung County government social welfare hall conducts “energy conservation of the fixed source of pollution in 98 years to reduce the carbon symposium”, does the main subject cover the global warming and the climatic change, international and Taiwan in accordance to the countermeasure, how suppresses the global warming (i.e. how to conserve energy reduces carbon) and so on. 4. In the coordinate environmental protection bureau policy, impels this county to reduce the carbon guidance aspect related, on June 15 coordinates the environmental protection bureau guidance personnel in 98 years to the Taitung County Luye Town Wuling village activity center, coordinates when this area handles the community public security conference, to the community populace guidance “the energy conservation reduces the carbon regretless measure all the people action plan”. Seventh, this year innovates the method: In order to carry out the environmental protection bureau announcement public and private place of regular examination declaration, the year withdrawal to report that the spatial dirt spends the declaration and the newest announcement (97 years on August 14) handles fixed network of declaration works service and so on source of pollution establishment and operation permit application by the electronic network transmission mode, plans specially sets up the fixed source of pollution network declaration work consultation service window, provides the connection to have computer of soft hardware equipment the network system, may supply the public and private place to report the personnel to use, if has in the declaration the question also to be possible to provide the declaration to consult and to counsel immediately, promotes quality and the efficiency the related network declaration examination work. Eighth, other assistance or coordinate work of item: 1. Plan execution period momentarily increases or the renewal and homepage of this plan related service information material. 2. Plan execution period provides news release of the environmental protection bureau related service and issues the news, publishes a number to have 22. 3. This plan to coordinate the Taitung County government and the Taitung County environmental protection bureau handles when each item of large-scale guidance activity the guidance transmission, assists in this year to manufacture the guidance (environmental protection bag) 200.4. In this plan also assists the environmental protection bureau to complete governs 109 latent high risk industrial district source of pollution investigation work. 5. This (98) year according to evaluation when pledged that the manufacture renewal is hanging fixed source of pollution related control content electronic monitoring system 2nd in air noise against system branch beam column. 6. This (98) the year assistance Environmental Protection Bureau sends 99 year air pollution against system fund to subsidize the place execution air quality improvement maintenance plan - fixed source of pollution examination control plan book draft, to Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan , R.O.C application subsidy funds. 098 台東縣環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15775
98年度桃園縣移動性污染源稽查管制計畫 本公司承接桃園縣政府環境保護局「九十八年度移動性污染源稽查管制計畫」,計畫期程自98年3月26日至99年3月25日止,各項工作執行成果摘要說明如表一。表一、工作執行成果摘要表項次 工作項目 合約目標數 期末進度 備註 報告頁次 達成數 累積達成率 1 攔查、攔檢、定檢三合一 1500輛 1728 100%   P.4-62 三合一攔檢數內含二行程數 500輛 625 100%   P.4-63 已定檢機車路邊攔檢 900輛 1002 100%   P.4-94 已定檢攔檢數內含二行程數 300輛 413 100%   P.4-95 機車定期定檢通知單(明信片) 12次 13 100% 每月依署提供名單寄發 P.4-146 未定檢機車巡查數 10000輛 10678 100%   P.4-117 未定檢車輛告發數 10000輛 10562 100%   P.4-438 機車排氣檢驗站查核 4 4 100% 每站每3個月查核1次 P.4-209 機車排氣檢驗站檢驗人員教育訓練會 1場次 1 100%   P.4-27 10 機車排氣檢驗站評鑑 1場次 1 100%   P.4-37 11 機車排氣檢驗站實車查核 192 192 100%   P.4-31 12 外部機制查核 25 25 100%   P.4-34 13 機車排氣檢驗站通訊雙月刊 5 5 100% 每期250份 P.4-29 14 媒體宣導 - 3 100% P.4-5715 自主管理團體 60 60 100%   P.4-6216 機車排氣定檢宣導服務 1500輛 1667 100%   P.4-4017 宣導海報 500份 500 100%   P.4-5418 宣導手冊 10000份 10000 100%   P.4-5419 計畫人員教育訓練 1場 1 100% P.4-320 機車定檢率 75% 77% 100% 環保署公開資訊 P.4-47 本計畫主要目的是要讓所有使用中機車都能維持在良好的狀態下行駛,並使老舊機車能夠逐步淘汰,因此本計畫工作項目皆以此目標進行。一、機車路邊三合一稽查作業本計畫執行機車路邊三合一稽查作業,包括攔查、攔檢及定檢三項作業,今年度共計完成2,178輛機車攔查作業及1,728輛機車攔檢作業,攔檢不合格率為10.1%,為了宣示環保局對於未定檢機車及高污染車輛的取締決心,對於不符法規規定的機車逕行告發處分,共完成告發處分157輛,經告發處分之機車複驗率為66.9%,複驗合格率達100%,顯示不合格車輛經調修、保養維護之後皆能夠符合法規規定,因此持續宣導加強機車車主定期保檢觀念,將有助於提升機車污染改善效益。二、郵寄通知作業由於目前大部分車主都不會特別注意自己所使用的機車是否已到該實施定檢的月份,因此環保署每月都會將該實施定檢的機車車籍資料提供給縣市環保局,以寄發明信片通知車主進行定期檢測,今年度完成13個月份(98年3月至99年3月)的定期郵寄通知共859,707份,回覆率為59.7%,本計畫又以路邊巡查方式完成10,678輛逾期未定檢機車再次進行夾單通知。三、機車排氣檢驗站管理作業機車排氣檢驗站是否有效管理,直接影響機車檢測服務品質及機車定檢制度推動,因此本計畫依據「桃園縣機器腳踏車排放空氣污染物檢驗站管理作業要點」規定加嚴查核,定期每3個月完成縣內192站機車排氣檢驗站現場查核工作,共完成查核768站次,統計共有605個缺失項次,現場可立即改善者,查核人員即要求其立即改善,若無法立即改善者則限期改善,查核人員亦進行後續追蹤,完成複查459站次,藉由現場查核功能讓機車排氣檢驗站都能夠符合環保法規之相關規定。四、宣導作業除了嚴格執行稽查處分之外,今年度共辦理19場次宣導活動,活動當中除了宣導定期檢測的重要性之外,並提供民眾免費定檢服務,共計檢測1,667輛機車。此外,本計畫為執行車牌辨識稽查告發處分作業,於執行前加強宣導,透過北建、北桃園及南桃園有線電視進行媒體宣導,與發送宣導海報、宣導紅布條至本縣285家公民營加油站、2處監理站及192家機車排氣檢驗站張貼懸掛,內容中強調環保局加強未定檢機車稽查的決心,期能讓車主更積極主動的實施機車定檢。 The 98 Control of mobile sources of air pollution project in Taoyuan City Our company accepted the Taoyuan County Government Environmental Protection Bureau “The 98 Control of mobile sources of air pollution project” .The course from March 26, 98 to March 25, 99.This main purpose of project is to enable all motorcycles while using to keep going at good state, make the old motorcycle can be eliminated progressively, so this planning work project all goes on with this goal.1. Motorcycle roadside trinity check homeworkThis project to contract block and examine and block an examine and to examine the tri-work. This year finish 2,178 motorcycle is block to examine homework, and finish 1,728 motorcycle is block an examine. The block and examine is 10.1% the disqualification rate, in order to declare the Environmental Protection Bureau to examining the resolution of banning of the motorcycle and high pollution vehicle uncertainly, walk and denounce punishing to motorcycle Jing which does not accord with the rules and regulations, finish denouncing and punishing 157 altogether, it is 66.9% through denouncing the reinspecting rate of motorcycle punished, it is up to 100% to reinspect the qualification rate, show that can all accord with the regulations of regulation after the vehicle not up to standard is suited well and majored in, maintaining safeguarding, so declare and lead and strengthen the motorcycle car owner and protect the idea of examining regularly continuously, will contribute to improving motorcycle pollution and improving benefit.2. Post and notify the homeworkBecause most car owners will not pay special attention to the motorcycle that oneself use and already get in the month when should examine definitely at present, so the materials of the motorcycle car that the environmental protection administration should be examined definitely every month offer the Environmental Protection Agency to the counties and cities, measure regularly in order to despatch the notice car owner of postcards, this year finishes 13 months (from March of 1998 to March of 1999) Regularly post notify not amounting to by 859,707 copies,59.7% in replying rate, this plan finishes 10,678 exceeding the time limit and examining the motorcycle uncertainly and inserting the single notice again by way of patrolling in the roadside.3. The motorcycle exhausts and examines the station to manage the homeworkThe motorcycle exhausts and examines standing to manage effectively, influence the motorcycle to measure and serve quality and motorcycle to examine the system to promote definitely directly, so “ the peach garden county helps the motor car to discharge air and pollutant and examine and stand and manage the main point of the homework “ to stipulate that add checking severely for this plan basis, 192 stations of motorcycles exhaust and examine standing to check and work live to End fixedly in Cheng County, finishing checking 768 stations of time altogether, 605 lack each to count, persons who can be improving immediately of scene, checking personnel requires it to improve immediately promptly, if the unable to improve immediately one is improved within a definite time period, check personnel and also carry on follow-up track, is it reexamine 459 station time to finish, by check function let motorcycle is it is it is it can accord with relevant regulations, environmental protection of regulation to stand to examine to exhaust live.4. Declare and lead the homeworkExcept carrying out and checking punishing strictly, handle 19 sessions declare the activity of leading altogether this year, offer the people to examine the service definitely free besides declaring and leading the importance measured regularly in the activity, measure 1,667 motorcycles altogether.In addition, this plan distinguishes and checks and denounces and punishes the homework in order to carry out the number plate, strengthen and declare leading before carrying out, build through the north, the north peach garden and south peach garden cable TV carry on the media to declare and lead, with is it is it lead poster, is it lead red piece of cloth service station, Hsinchu Motor Vehicles Office, Taoyuan Station and Jhongli Station and 192 motorcycle is it is it is it is it hang to put up to stand to examine to exhaust to this county 285 citizen camp to declare to declare to send, emphasize in the content the Environmental Protection Agency strengthens the uncertain resolution that examines the motorcycle and checks, a implementation motorcycle making car owner more positive is examined definitely. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 盈鼎環保有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17052
98年度嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗街計畫 一、計畫名稱:九十八年度嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗街計畫。二、執行期程:自98年3月25日起至98年12月31日止,計9個月。三、工作內容完成進度:1.洗街長度統計至98年12月28日,完成執行洗街17,711.84公里,完成進度為101.21%。2.減量評估:依環保署所認定之削減量公式計算,洗街17,711.84公里可達成之總懸浮微粒(TSP)削減量為244.4公噸,懸浮微粒(PM10)削減量為46.1公噸。3.道路普查:現階段A級道路佔54%、B級道路佔46%。4.洗街查核作業:現階段完成18次,達整體進度100%,總計查核140公里。5.計畫效益評估作業:(1)TSP及PM10檢測作業,已於98年10月27日全部完成,洗街後TSP削減率介於6.02%~20.59%之間,另洗街後PM10削減率介於17.50%~28.89%之間(2)街塵調查分析作業:計畫執行目前完成12點次街塵負荷調查檢測作業。在總街塵負荷削減率平均值為79.72%。(3)街道揚塵洗街作業資料核對與彙整。6. 問卷調查:已於10月份完成計222份問卷調查資料 Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Plan of Chiayi City in 2009 1.Plan Name:Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Plan of Chiayi City in 20092. PlanTime:During 98/3/25 to 98/12/31, total 9 months3.Plan Content:(1)Washes the street length statistics to 98/12/28 total execution 17,711.84 kilometers, completes the progress to reach 101.21%(2) According to the environmental protection bureau recognized the decrement formula computation, the street washing 17,711.84kilometers to compute decrease TSP 244.4 metric tons and PM1046.1metric tons.(3) The roadway census findings, non class-C level , class-A at 54%, class-B at 46%.(4 )The plan checks:Completes 18 times, reaches the overall progress 100%, the grand total checks 140 kilometers(5) benefit appraisal:a. TSP and PM10 examination work, after washes the street the TSP reduction rate between 6.02%~20.59%;After washes the street the PM10 reduction rate between17.50%~28.89%b. Street dust diagnosis work: According to the analysis result demonstrated washes off the work regarding total street dust reduction rate is 79.72%(6) Questionnaire survey:Completes 222 questionnaire surveys in October 098 嘉義市政府環境保護局 欣欣環保工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15806
生活污水中個人保健品殘留化學物質之檢測技術建立研究(3/4) 個人保健品為日常生活中民眾基於健康照護、提神、美容、殺菌等目的而使用之個人或居家用品。這些藥品或成分於使用後或是因任意棄置,可經由多重管道進入環境中,且目前已可在表面水體中可測得微量的存在。雖然水體中測得的濃度不高,但其對於水中生物或人類健康的影響仍然值得持續關注。  本計畫針對8種鎮痛解熱劑、4種荷爾蒙及作用類似物,2種清潔用品,2種防曬劑,2種美容用品,及驅蟲劑,興奮劑,保健食品與草藥類各1種等八大類共21種化合物,完成水樣前處理技術開發以及液相層析/質譜/質譜儀分析方法建立。 水樣以PolarPlus C18 (50 mm)固相萃取圓盤萃取,沖提液經濃縮回溶後,以極致液相層析儀(ultra-performance liquid chromatography, UPLC)搭配串聯式質譜儀分析。正電荷離子使用UPLC HSS T3(50 × 2.1 mm, 1.8 μm)管柱分析,負電荷則為UPLC BEH C18(50 × 2.1 mm, 1.7 μm)。採樣地點為中部主要河川中港溪、烏溪及北港溪以及北部兩座二級汙水處理廠之進流水、初級處理後污水及放流水共計27個水體樣本。 水體檢測結果顯示,ibuprofen、acetylsalicylic acid、fenoprofen、nonylphenol (NP)、oxybenzone、DEET、caffeine、methyl paraben、butyl paraben於表面水體檢出率高(>76%)。以濃度來看,ibuprofen、 NP、oxybenzone及caffeine等化合物較高,最高濃度分別為1,483 ng/L,837 ng/L,783 ng/L及3,007 ng/L。顯示多種個人保健品已存在於中部的河川流域。在兩污水處理廠的進流水樣本中,以acetaminophen與caffeine濃度最高,兩廠分別為7,509 ng/L、10,928 ng/L及6,866 ng/L、22,966 ng/L。B廠對兩化合物的移除效果佳(>99%)。 The establishment of analytical methods for personal care product ingredients in municipal wastewaters(3/4) Personal care products (PCPs) are used for daily health care, refreshment, cosmetology, and disinfection etc. The compounds or products may be disposed improperly then enter the environment. Although the concentrations of PCPs were usually at trace amount in waters, it is still a concern on their potential adverse effects on aquatic creatures and human health. This project targeted 21 critical chemicals at eight categories, including eight analgesics, four hormones, two ingredients in detergent/disinfectant, two agents in suntan lotions, two preservatives in cosmetics, one repellent, one stimulant, and one health food with herbal medicine. A method to extract them from water and followed by the determination using ultra-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) with electrospray ionization (ESI) has been developed and validated. Water samples were extracted with 50 mm PolarPlus C18 speedisk using automatic solid phase extraction system. The eluent was concentrated to barely dryness and re-dissolved by methanol/water (1:4, v/v). Analytes forming positive ions were separated on a UPLC HSS T3 column (50 × 2.1 mm, 1.8 μm), and chemicals forming negative ions were done on a UPLC BEH C18 column (50 × 2.1 mm, 1.7 μm). Water samples were collected from 21 representative points of three main streams in the middle of Taiwan. In addition, wastewater samples from influents, after primary treatment, and effluents were grabbed from two wastewater treatment plants in Northern Taiwan. The compounds of ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid, fenoprofen, nonylphenol (NP), oxybenzone, DEET, caffeine, methyl paraben, and butyl paraben were detected in more than 76% of surface water samples. The highest concentrations found were ibuprofen 1,483 ng/L; NP 837 ng/L; oxybenzone 783 ng/L; and caffeine 3,007 ng/L. Thus, PCPs would have been widely distributed in rivers of middle Taiwan. The highest concentrations found in influent were acetaminophen and caffeine, which were 7,509 and 10,928 ng/L, respectively in a plant as well as 6,866 ng/L and 22,966 ng/L, respectively in the other plant. However, acetaminophen and caffeine could be effectively removed, especially at plant B (>99%). 098 環檢所 國立台灣大學公共衛生學院環境衛生研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15798
臺南縣98年度委託辦理臺南縣廢棄物處理廠(場)環境調查、監測及監督-廢棄物管制分析及地下水監測分析等工作 一、計畫名稱:臺南縣98年度委託辦理臺南縣廢棄物處理廠(場)環境調查、監測及監督計畫-廢棄物管制分析及地下水監測分析等工作二、執行單位:華門工程顧問股份有限公司三、計畫主持人:許仲景四、計畫期程:民國98年12月23日至99年10月22日五、計畫經費:新台幣3,795,800元整臺南縣98年度委託辦理臺南縣廢棄物處理廠(場)環境調查、監測及監督計畫-廢棄物管制分析及地下水監測分析等工作,有效查察進焚化爐或掩埋場之廢棄物有無夾雜應回收再利用之資源回收物、其他不適宜焚化或掩埋之廢棄物、有害廢棄物或未經核准進廠(場)處理之廢棄物,並對於違規者協助進行現場稽查告發處分作業,藉由廢棄物處理場(含已封閉場)之環境監測及垃圾資源回收廠垃圾進廠前成份分析,得探討其目前對於鄰近區域之環境衝擊,以有效掌握其污染源及污染程度,並了解垃圾中應資源回收物質之比例,藉由掩埋場總體檢及營運督導工作,協助營運管理單位對於廢棄物之管理管制作業,維護掩埋場之操作品質,提高政府之形象。臺南縣98年度委託辦理臺南縣廢棄物處理廠(場)環境調查、監測及監督計畫自98年12月23日開始執行至99年10月22日執行成果,總計完成廢棄物進廠管制目視檢查9,082輛次,目標達成率100.0%;廢棄物進廠管制落地檢查2,154輛次,完成率100.0%;完成垃圾進廠成份分析4點次,完成率100.0%;完成新營5期、鹽水2期及官田掩埋場廢棄物TCLP檢測合計6場次,完成率100.0%;完成地下水採樣49口井,完成率100.0%;執行8場廢棄物處理場2次總體檢作業,完成率100.0%;完成廢棄物處理廠每月督導營運作業,完成率100.0%;辦理1場次清潔隊員在職教育訓練與新設地下水水質監測井一座。目前台南縣31鄉鎮市中除新營市及楠西鄉垃圾未進焚化爐自行掩埋外,其餘29鄉鎮市垃圾皆進焚化爐焚化;其中新營市因油資經費問題垃圾無法進焚化爐焚化,楠西鄉屬偏遠鄉鎮掩埋場剩餘容量大垃圾可繼續進掩埋場掩埋;至99年10月22日進焚化爐垃圾車輛數共53,518輛次,執行目視檢查車輛數9,082輛次約佔垃圾車進廠數之17.0%;落地檢查車輛數2,154輛次約佔垃圾車進廠數之4.0%,其中目視檢查不合規定車輛數272輛次約佔稽查輛數之3.0%,主要含大型物品、不可焚化及資源物質,大型物禁止進廠,資源物則撿拾後進廠。落地檢查不合規定車輛數54輛次約佔稽查輛數之2.5%,主要亦以含大型物品、不可焚化及資源物質為主,大型物禁止進廠原車退回,不可焚化及資源物撿拾後進廠,民營車輛目視及落地檢查不合格率皆為2.7%;分析焚化廠底渣之平均含水率約20.27%,灼燒減量約3.08%;進焚化廠垃圾之高、低位發熱量實測值平均值分別為2301 kcal/kg及1890 kcal/kg。廢棄物TCLP採樣完成新營5期、鹽水2期及官田各2次之採樣分析,萃出液各項重金屬皆低於事業廢棄物溶出試驗標準。各項工作成果如成果摘要表。在地下水檢測部份,若以地下水污染第二類監測基準之ㄧ般項目(共計7項)作為觀察名單依據,若99年檢測數據中有超過4項數據高於監測基準值者,則列入觀察名單,則共有新營一期#1、東山二期#1#2及將軍廣山#2、楠西#1等4口井,佔總採樣井總數49口井之8.2%。觀察項目又以東山二期#2、將軍廣山#2五項最多,其餘為四項。比較近3年檢測數據,連續3年檢測值逐年增加且99年檢測值高於監測基準者共有將軍廣山#2(總溶解固體物、總硬度)、新營一期#1(總有機碳)、新營一期#2(氨氮)、新營四期#1、#2(氨氮)、新營五期上下游(氨氮)、善化#1(總硬度)、大內二期#2(總有機碳)、新化#2(總有機碳)、歸仁二期下游(氯鹽、總溶解固體物)、東山二期#1(氯鹽、總溶解固體物、總有機碳)、東山二期#2(氯鹽、總有機碳)等13口井。在各檢測項目高於監測基準值部份,找出該項目上次檢測數據低於檢測基準值但今年檢測數據高於監測基準值的監測井及項目,則有新營一期#1的總有機碳、新營一期#2的氨氮、新營四期#1#2的氨氮、新營五期下游的氨氮、大內二期#1的氨氮、大內二期#2的氨氮、將軍廣山#1的氯鹽、學甲三期#1的氯鹽及善化#2的總有機碳、白河#3的總有機碳、後壁ㄧ期#2的氨氮、總有機碳、官田#1的硫酸鹽、總溶解固體物、東山二期#2的總有機碳、楠西掩埋場#1的總硬度。99年地下水重金屬檢測,在砷部份:新營1期井1及仁德3期井1、仁德1期井2、仁德2期井1與井2高於地下水第二類污染監測基準值,在錳部份,新營1-5期,鹽水、麻豆、官田、善化、大內、將軍、仁德1-3期、後壁1-2期、新市、新化、歸仁以及東山檢測數據高於地下水第二類污染監測基準值。 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 華門工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=23096
桃園縣蘆竹鄉中福地區(中山高速公路北側)土壤污染控制場址污染改善計畫第一部份污染改善工作 本計畫主要目的為針對桃園縣蘆竹鄉中福地區受重金屬污染農地之控制場址,藉由翻轉稀釋法配合排客土法進行土壤污染改善工作,俾能解除列管。計畫範圍包含中興段56筆地號(包含易地整治計畫),計畫開始時依合約內容於98年10月25日提送工作計畫書並經環保局核備據以實施,於100/09/23止已完成之內容包含(一)61筆地號資料收集與現勘: 其中有7筆地號被工廠等佔據,有5筆地號為造林地,另有1 筆地號內掩埋大量營建廢棄物。(二)地籍清查與鑑界: 有8筆地號為國道拓寬工程範圍且分割多出5筆地號,有2筆地 號其面積與原公告不符,地籍鑑界已完成56筆。(三)施工前地上物清除:已清運24筆地號共362.62公噸雜草及樹木(四)進行較細密補充調查: 已完成49筆地號調查工作,達成率100%,調查出之污染物大部分仍為重金屬鎘及銅。(五)污染改善工程: 主要使用之改善工法為翻轉稀釋法,改善進度為100%(地號面積 百分比)共計48筆地號。(六)驗證作業: 針對已完成施工之48筆地號皆進行自行驗證、監督單位驗證申 請及通過監督單位驗證,完成監督驗證後進行後續地力回復等工 作。(七)土壤肥力: 完成40筆地號之地力回復作業,因本計畫有8筆地號為國道拓 寬工程範圍屬道路用地,與環保局協商後不施做地力回復。 The first part of pollution improvement task in the “pollution improvement project for soil pollution control sites at Chung-fu Area (north of Chung-shan Highway), Lu-chu Township, Taoyuan County” The main purpose of this project is to engage in improving soil pollution at the control sites of farmlands with heavy metal pollution in Chung-fu Area, Lu-chu Township, Taoyuan County by way of turn-over dilution method in accordance with cleanup method which taking away the polluted soils and covering with clean soil, so as to lift the confinement. The scope of the project includes 56 numbers of lands(with plantation exchange project) in Chung-hsing section. When the project is started, the work plan would be handed in 25th, Oct. 2009 according to the contract, as well as audited and referred by the Department of Environment Protection for implementation. By 23th Stp, 2010 while the second middle-term report was presented, the tasks that were finished include: (1) Data collection and scene investigation of 61 numbers of the lands: among them, it was found that there were 7 numbers of lands occupied by factories, another 5 were plantation. Also, there was another land found with a large set of construction waste within the landfill. (2) Cadastral inventory and boundary survey: There were 8 numbers of lands within the compass of national highway widening project with surplus 5 numbers of lands comminuted, and the dimensions of 2 numbers of lands did not match the original notification. And the cadastral inventory and boundary survey of 56 lands were finished.(3) Lliquidating the objects on the ground before construction:The weeds and trees on 24 numbers of lands were removed. (4) More meticulous supplementary investigation was engaged: The land investigations for 49 numbers of lands were finished which reached a rate of 100%, and it was found that most of the pollutants were heavy metal Cd and Cu.(5) Engineering of pollution improvement: The method of turn-over dilution was used basically for pollution improvement, with the progress rate of 100% (counted by the percentage of all the lands’ dimensions), there were 48 numbers of lands finished. (6) The operation of verification: Self-verification and application for superintendent’s verification were done at 48 numbers of lands which constructions were finished, after the verification by superintendent unit, the tasks such as follow-up cultivation of soil fertility and so on were engaged.(7) The soil fertility:The 40 numbers of lands were finished and were fertilized 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=30703
98年度臺南縣移動性污染源稽查管制計畫 本年度『移動污染源稽查管制計畫』執行期程自98年9月21日起一年,主要針對機車排氣路邊攔檢、未到檢機車定點動態攔查、巡查、移動式定檢車檢測、定檢站查核、即時傳輸系統管理、定檢檢驗通知單寄發、充電站巡查、宣導活動之舉辦,以及其他業務相關宣導及行政工作等進行規劃執行,而截至99年9月20日止,各項工作執行如下:(一)機車路邊稽查作業1.完成機車排氣路邊攔檢1,508輛次,檢測不合格151輛次,檢測不合格率10.01%,其中140輛檢測不合格車輛完成複驗,複驗率92.72%。2.完成機車車牌辨識定點稽查25,045輛次,並以公文方式寄發附照片之定檢通知書給車主,截至99年9月20日止,回檢車輛有20,709輛次,回檢率82.69%。3.完成巡查作業5,097輛次,截至99年9月20日止,回檢數有4,262輛次,回檢率83.62%。(二)依據「使用中機器腳踏車排放空氣污染物檢驗站設置及管理辦法」規定設置移動式定檢站R33,每月定期至空區定點或配合申請至大專院校或機關團體進行檢測服務,共計完成1,204輛次,其中檢測不合格車輛154輛次,檢測不合格率為12.79%。(三)宣導相關作業包括計畫製作摺頁文宣12,000份,目前已完成12,000份製作、宣導品1,000份,目前已核發1,000份及新聞見報20則。另配合善化鎮牛墟管理委員會辦理機車排氣定期檢驗宣導活動並結合機車免費排氣檢測服務1場次,另於南科Park17廣場辦理低污染車輛推廣宣導活動1場次,活動現場除製作相關法規、機車定檢注意事項、新公告裁罰準則等內容之看板及布條,提供參與民眾參閱及發放相關贈品及宣導品外並有現場免費檢測服務及低污染車免費體驗試乘藉此提高民眾參與意願。(四)為有效規劃提昇本縣機車定檢數量,協助每月檢測量未達200輛之定檢站提出辦理戶外定檢申請或抄牌,並辦理定檢站認養學校、社區定期免費機車定檢活動。截至99年9月20日止總共辦理31場戶外定檢活動,完成1,519輛次之免費檢測服務。(五)依本計畫工作內容規定之頻率完成每季一次之定期查核工作,並每月不定期查核本縣定檢站至少5站,包含缺失複查、實車測試、人員及管制性耗材等。截至99年9月20日止,共完成552站次之例行查核及193站次不定期查核,整體查核缺失以月檢測數量不足為最多,其次為耗材不潔及檢測區標線脫落等。另完成51站次之實車查核,查核缺失主要有未印檢驗紀錄單11次。(六)針對縣內各鄉鎮設立之128座電動機車充電站,每半年進行巡查維護工作一次,截至99年9月20日止,共完成269站次之巡查維護,因原設置地點施工及設施損壞,發文報備拆除共計11站。(七)辦理檢驗人員教育訓練說明會1場次及年度評鑑表揚大會1場次,邀集學者專家、環保署長官、定檢站業者、服務站代表、機車公會代表,共同討論定檢業務工作執行,以及透過多元化教育訓練課程內容安排等,強化定檢站檢測之品保品管;此外,並於9月份辦理計畫執行人員在職教育訓練一場次。(八)定期寄發本縣轄內機車定檢檢驗通知單,依機車發照月份共計完成定檢通知寄發550,001件。另篩選六年以上未定檢機車寄發平信公文通知6,014件、十年以上未定檢機車寄發平信公文通知4,012、七年以上二行程未定檢公文通知5,020件、雙掛公文通知3,012件、定檢站抄牌公文通知5,003件,以加強提升定檢到檢率。(九)配合環保署實施未定檢機車禁止換發行照措施,修改新增既有之寬頻即時系統部份設備及功能,除即時與本縣定檢站以ADSL連線收取即時檢驗資料外,並定期維護更新定檢站專區及民眾專區定檢資訊網頁,作為與定檢站訊息交流的空間,提供最新的定檢相關資訊,建立便民服務的基礎。(十)在稽查處分作業方面,總計告發處分1,079件、罰鍰總金額215萬9,500元,對於告發車輛亦同時進行監理單位資料上傳,以辦理禁止異動作業。 Migration Pollution Source Inspection Control Program “Migration Pollution Source Inspection Control Program” carry out period from September 21, 2009 to September 20, 2010.The major items are motorcycle emission block & inspect on the roadside, un-inspection motorcycle dynamic block & inspect on the fixed place, patrol inspection, movable inspection station inspecting, inspection station check, transmission in-time system manage, inspection notification delivery, charge stations patrol, and to hold the campaigns of guidance, etc. Till September 20, 2010, each work execution is as follows:1. Motorcycles inspecting on the roadside(1) This project has completed 1,508 cases on this item. There are 151 disqualification, the rate of disqualification is 10.1%, in which there are 140 cases to finish re-inspection, the rate of re-inspection is 92.72%.(2) Finish 25,045 cases of motorcycles identification system inspection, and to delivery inspection notices with picture to motorcycles owner by the way of official document, in which, the cases of participation is 20,709, the rate of participation is 82.69% till September 20, 2010. (3) Finish 5,097 cases of patrolling work, in which there are 4,262 cases to inspect and the rate of participation is 83.62% till September 20, 2010.2. Establish movable inspection station R33 by “In-use Motorcycle Air Pollutants Inspection Stations Establish Manage Act” to carry out inspection service on fixed place. Finish 1,204 cases, in which 154 cases are unqualified, the rate of disqualification is 12.79%.3. In the tasks of promotion, this project made 12,000 promotion brochures, 1,000 promotion gifts, and 20 items of news. Otherwise this program carried out two campaigns of motorcycles emission periodic inspection, in which we made board and banner to explain laws and regulation, we also distributed guidance brochures and gifts to participator and to enhance the campaign’s effect.4. In the tasks of increasing inspection quantities, this project assist those inspection stations that inspection quantities not to reach 200 per month to carry out outdoor inspection offering or to write the license plate. Otherwise, this project also adopted schools and community, and for those motorcycles to inspect periodically for free. So far, this project has held 31 campaigns of outdoor inspection, this project has completed 1,519 cases for free.5. This program has to check inspection stations once a season periodically and at least 5 stations non-periodically every month, contains the flaw re-check, on-site inspections, and inspector and controlling consumable etc. This project has checked 552 cases periodically and 193 cases non-periodically. The major defect is inspection quantity that can not reach standard, next is material that is unclean, and inspection area graticule come off. Otherwise, to check by motorcycle has finished 51 cases, in which the hardcopy of inspection results didn’t be printed is 11 cases.6. To patrol 128 charging stations once every 6 months, this project has completed 269 cases, and to dismantle 11 stations in one year.7. This project organized one session of educational training for inspectors and one session of annual award ceremony, to invite scholars, experts, the head of EPB, inspection station owner, the delegate of service center, the delegate of Motorcycles Association, to discuss the works of I/M. Otherwise, this project held a conference of employee training in September 2010.8. To mail 550,001 inspection notifications by issue date of the driving license. By screening un-inspection motorcycles, to mail 20,049 official document notices with ordinary mail, to mail 3,012 official document notices with registered with A.R., so as to promote the rate of participation.9. That will ban change of driving permit for not inspecting the motorcycles, to modify equipment and add function of broadband on-line system, and to receive in-time inspection data from inspection station by ADSL, besides transmitting in-time data to EPA. To maintain and update the data of website every season periodically, and to provide convenient service.10. For violating the regulations, the total number of criminating is 1,079; the fines totaled to 2,159,500 NT dollars. At the same time, the criminating data also transmitted to Motor Vehicle Supervision Office to ban change. 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 新研車輛科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=19357
室內空氣品質管理法相關子法建置與公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理及分級標章制度推動 近年來政府積極關心室內空氣品質相關議題,因此包含法規訂定與自主管理制度等室內空氣品質重要課題均已列為政府重要施政項目當中。本年度的計畫成果包括:(1)在推動公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理制度方面,本團隊順利完成國內150家公共場所的現況訪查及巡檢,並檢測其中80家公共場所之室內空氣品質現況,進一步建構室內空品基線資料庫;此外,亦說明對各國室內空品自主管理制度彙整研析之方向,及專責人員教育訓練之作法。(2)在室內空品管理資訊整合及分級標章制度之推廣部分,本團隊已在室內空氣品質管理資訊網中建置室內空氣品質管理資訊平台,以達資源共享之目的;另外,亦研擬室內空氣品質分級標章管理施行要點,供主管機關針對公共場所推廣室內空氣品質分級管理參考(3)在室內空氣品質管理法相關子法草案研擬部分,除了完成研擬室內空氣品質管理法授權訂定之相關子法草案外,並研議彙整各目的事業主管機關推動室內空氣品質管制之配套措施與需配合修正之法條,及辦理八場的室內空氣品質管理法及子法相關草案之諮詢座談會議。(4)在健全室內空氣品質管理網站方面,本計畫除整合各機關室內空品管理各類資訊外,並彙整分析國內近年污染案件與建議改善處理方式,及提供輔導改善咨詢建議。 Plan for Establishing IAQ Management sub-regulations, promoting of IAQ self-management system in pub In recent years, the government has been actively concerned about indoor air quality (IAQ), where the related issues including the formulation of IAQ laws and regulations and the self-management system for indoor air quality have become important topics in government policy plans. The accomplishment of this year's project include: (1) For the promotion of indoor air quality management system in public facilities, the working team completed the visits and inspection in 150 public facilities (divided into six categories), and the indoor air quality for 80 public places of which were further monitored and assessed. The collected indoor air quality data embodied a national IAQ baseline database for further analysis. In addition, the working team compiled and compared the information of indoor air quality self-management systems in major countries. The team also provided the educational training practices for indoor air quality dedicated personnel. (2) For the integration of IAQ managerial system information and the indoor air quality mark, the working team has built the indoor air quality management information platform on EPA’s indoor air quality management information network for resource sharing. Additionally, the guideline of grade stamps for indoor air quality mark have been proposed to the authority for future reference in order to promote indoor air quality self-management in public facilities. (3) For the formulation of Indoor Air Quality Management Act-related regulations, in addition to empower the relevant sub-set of Indoor Air Quality Management Act draft law, the working team also studied the indoor air quality control measures in different collaborating authorities with the need to tie in with the amended law, and held eight advisory consulting forums focusing on the related regulations of Indoor Air Quality Management Act for amendment reference. (4) Finally, the working team not only embodied and maintained the official indoor air quality network, but integrated various types of indoor air management information and cases of domestic pollution in recent years to provide recommendations for related organizations and stake holder. 098 空保處 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=25005
桃園縣98年度巨大廢棄物多元再利用宣導暨修惜站設置計畫 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 威陞環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18523
98年嘉義市垃圾減量資源回收工作計畫 本計畫於98年4月21日簽約,工作執行期間自98年4月21日至12月31日共計約8.3個月。工作內容包括辦理垃圾減量、資源回收各類指定對象輔導與稽查工作等13大項工作,以下即針對各項工作成果進行摘要說明:一、輔導及管制責任業者落實登記、申報、繳費及回收標誌標示等工作協助辦理環保署函請17件稽查案件,外縣市移請13件稽查案件,查獲13件違規責任物。二、轄內垃圾減量、資源回收再利用稽查工作及成果彙整(一)完成234家次學校社區機關垃圾強制分類稽查作業。發現目前本市列管社區垃圾分類清運方式,以住戶自行將家中垃圾與回收物攜出交由清潔隊收集為主。(二)創新作法共計提出6項,分別為「推動嘉義市之餐飲業不主動提供免洗餐具」、「資源回收環保救護站」、「資源回收兌換站」、「電子體溫計回收、創造回收新世紀」、「藥品空罐做回收、強身健體好安心」及「飲料空杯做回收、垃圾減量愛地球」。(三)建置資源回收體系資料庫。彙整四大體系資源回收量協助資源回收量月報表提報,完成每月統計數據彙整、提報,使本市98年度資源回收率達29%。三、垃圾減量資源回收教育宣導工作,配合進行「綠色產品」、「環保標章產品」及「資源回收再生品」宣導。(一)大型資源回收宣導活動於98年9月11日辦理「走過風雨、愛嘉、愛地球」晚會宣導活動。(二)製作垃圾減量、資源回收系列文宣,本工作團隊完成提送宣導品(如購物袋、電子體溫計、環保杯及500cc奈米杯),及文宣(資源回收、源頭減量、限汞政策)。(三)辦理2場次綠色環保說明會,第1場綠色環保說明會於6月9日假嘉義市焚化廠辦理「98年綠色採購與綠色消費研習會」;第2場綠色環保說明會於8月25日假嘉義市焚化廠辦理「98年綠色生活研習會-辦公室做環保」。(四)運用電子媒體(有線、跑馬燈、廣告、廣播)、平面媒體(包括主動發佈報章雜誌報導)宣導資源回收工作發佈環保訊息達356則。(五)跳蚤市場活動於98年11月7日辦理「跳到我嘉、蚤到愛心」惜福愛物宣導活動。四、辦理應回收廢棄物回收、處理業申請登記及稽查作業(一)辦理業者登記申請與登記變更、展延工作,本年度9月新增1家資源回收業登記,本市列管3家回收業均依法完成登記證展延換證作業。(二)辦理業者環境衛生與營運管理輔導與查核工作每月至少1次。五、執行十一大販賣業者逆向回收稽查取締及宣導工作(一)11大行業販賣業者完成439家次稽查作業,合格率為87%,另外有39家業者現場發現違規情形,多為未張貼回收標誌、回收貼紙褪色及回收貼紙脫落的情形,均已改善完成。(二)便利商店業多為連鎖性質,因此有45%的業者統一由總公司規定進行回收。稽查人員現場調查販賣業者回收量以容器類為最大宗,高達7,306公斤,其次為廢乾電池回收2,769公斤,廢潤滑油容器回收371公斤,日光燈管回收417公斤。(三)辦理餐館業、旅館業、百貨公司完成120家次分類回收查核及建檔工作六、進行各類指定電池稽查管制工作限制含汞乾電池販賣稽查工作完成329家次業者現場稽查,檢查乾電池總數達4,178件,現場稽查結果皆為無違規之情形。七、辦理購物用塑膠袋及免洗餐具限用對象稽查管制工作辦理限制購物用塑膠袋及免洗餐具業者稽查工作,完成1725家次業者現場稽查,17家業者開立勸導單並完成複查。八、辦理本市社區及里資源回收站(點)形象改造工作(一)完成轄內20處社區大樓資源回收站設置作業。(二)個體業者輔導會議及慰勞關懷活動,辦理2場次個體業者生活輔導會議,於5月26日假星億商行結合端午節辦理第1場生活輔導說明會暨端午關懷活動;於10月2日假維成企業社(新生店)結合中秋節辦理第2場生活輔導說明會暨團圓中秋月關懷活動。(三)個體業者形象改造作業,完成50位個體業者補助機具發放作業及100位個體業者意外保險發放作業。九、加強宣導環保法令,使指定業者與民眾均能充分了解本計畫相關法令及資源回收之重要性(一)辦理2場次法令說明會議,第1場法令說明會於6月23日假嘉義市焚化廠辦理「回收業相關法令宣導說明會」;第2場法令說明會於10月27日假嘉義市焚化廠辦理「新增公告責任業者範圍及限制水銀溫度計輸入及販賣法令宣導說明會」。(二)辦理發佈媒體正向消息報導及媒體宣導資源回收工作每月至少乙則新聞稿發佈。十、進行轄內機關、學校及隨垃圾車查核民眾垃圾分類工作(一)社區、機關團體、學校完成131家次定點分類稽查。(二)完成稽查47條路線,民眾排出垃圾包之回收物多以紙類(餐盒)及塑膠類(塑膠飲料杯及保麗龍杯為主)為最大宗。十一、「限制水銀體溫計輸入及販賣」政策推動與稽查工作完成737家次稽查作業。由於環保署針對相關業者辦理多場次研商會及公聽會,大部分業者了解相關規定,僅嘉義基督教醫院尚有庫存。十二、強化物流業及社區、大廈資源回收工作調查18家嘉義市保全業之相關資料。十三、辦理其他配合機關各項計畫進行所需之必要協助執行人員教育訓練,本工作團隊於4月21日辦理第一場執行人員教育訓練;7月31日辦理第二場執行人員教育訓練,並邀請戴德法律事務所 古富祺律師講授對工作人員講解現行的環保法規;9月24日針對訓練成果進行新進人員教育訓練測驗;10月30日辦理第三場執行人員教育訓練;12月29日辦理第四場執行人員教育訓練。 The plan had been singed in 21, Apr, 2009. It was executed for 8 1/3 months in 21, Apr to 31, Dec. The plan includes the decrease of the amount of trash, recycling, and the enterprises being investigated and guidance. It was discussed with all 13 works.1. Regarding to the improvement of management system in responsible enterprises. It was completed 17 cases of EPA(Environment Protect Administration) and the county deliver 13 cases to chiayi city. It was ferreted out 13 contrary responsibilities.2. It was resulted in the decrease of the amount of trash and recycling. It was completed to investigate 234 schools, communities, and, apparatuses. Investigation of discharge garbage of school, community, apparatus, and house. It was found that community garbage always be transported to disposal personnel. There were six originality that was “Restaurant and beverage enterprises don’t provide on own exempts washes the tableware in the chiayi city”, “Recycling environmental protection emergency station”, ”Resource recovery exchange station”, “Electronic clinical thermometer recycling”, “The drugs spatial pot makes the recycling”, “The drink spatial cup makes the recycling”. Establishes the recycling system information bank. Recycling data were collected monthly and submitted data to EPA. Chiayi city’s recycling rate was 29% in 2009.3. Trash decrement resource recovery education guidance about “Green products”, “Environmental protection marker product”, and, “Resource recovery regeneration”. “2009 Experience grief, Loving Chiayi, Loving The Earth” was held in 11, Sep. To design and make the materials about “sorting garbage” and “limits the mercury policy”. We made the posters, environmental bags, electron-thermometer, and environmental cups. It was held two courses of lectures about Green environmental protection in 9, Jun and 25, Aug. There were 356 pieces environmental protection news published at the electronic media and the plane media. “Go Chiayi, Second-hand Change” of the flea market was held in 7, Nov. 4. Regarding to the improvement of management system in recycling and disposal enterprises. All of the recycling enterprises were completed to the rules. We monthly investigate the basic data of recycling enterprises and make their surroundings clean.5. Regarding to the improvement of management system in sales enterprises, 439 cases were taken to examine. The qualified rate is 87%. It was ferreted out lawless 39 cases. They almost were “No posted the recycling symbol”, “The recycling label discoloration”, and “The recycling label was fallen”. There were 45% of the chain-like convenience store parts that recycling matter was transported to company. According to the staffs investigating the amount of recycling in 7,306kg of the vessel class, 2,769kg of the dry battery, 371kg of the waste lube oil container, and 417kg of the sunlight tube. Regarding to the improvement of management system in restaurant enterprises, hotel enterprises, and department stores, 120 cases were taken to examine.6. Regarding to the improvement of management system in dry battery sales enterprise, 329 cases were taken to examine. 4,178 cases of dry battery were investigated with the rules.7. Regarding to the improvement of management system in exempts washes the tableware and the use of plastic enterprises, 1725 cases were taken to examine. There were 17 enterprises draw up the advising list and were completed the reexamination.8. The communities were established the recycling station (spot) the image transformation work. 20 communities were completed to establish the recycling station. It was held two courses of lectures about the consolation concern in 26, May and 2, Oct. We subsidized the insurance for 100 person and the tools for 50 person for recycling picker.9. Strengthens the guidance environmental protection law, causes the enterprises and the populace can understand the related law and the importance of recycling. It was held two courses of lectures about environmental laws in 23, Jun and 27, Oct. Monthly it was announced an environmental news in the website.10. It was completely checked 131 schools, communities, and, apparatuses. To check 47 routes, the populace release the garbage with the papers (meal box) and the plastics (PP and PET cup primarily) as the most large amount.11. “The limit mercury clinical thermometer inputs and trades” policy was advenced and examined. The EPA hold many courses of lectures about this policy and the public hearings. The majority of enterprises understand the related stipulation. The Chiayi Christian hospital still have the mercury clinicals.12. To strengthen the recycling work of the logistics, the communities, and, the buildings. Investigates 18 preserve companies in Chiayi city.13. It was held five courses of training education in 21, Apr, 31, Jul, 24, Sep, 30, Oct, and 29, Dec. 098 嘉義市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16492
九十八年「台中工業區及園區異味污染源來源調查暨管制、加油站油氣回收管制計畫」 本計畫乃配合台中市環保局推動加油站VOCs污染管制及固定污染源異味稽查管制等各項作業推動,藉以掌握台中市境內加油站及異味污染排放狀況,落實行政院環保署推動揮發性有機空氣污染管制策略。本年度計畫主要針對台中市境內全數加油站、台中工業區及園區異味污染源,進行基本資料及污染防制措施進行查核,另透過各項稽查檢測及污染告發,促使業者落實污染防制及改善工作,並宣揚政府對於VOCs及異味污染管制之決心及方向。於98年2月2日至98年12月31日執行期間,總計完成本市116家(含西歐中清站)加油站法規查核及建檔,104家油氣管線壓力衰減洩漏(氣漏)及114家加油槍抽氣量及加油量比率(氣油比)回收功能檢測。檢測結果顯示,氣漏全數符合法規標準,氣油比檢測1家未達標準,其餘皆標準;法規符合度查核亦無與法規不符情形。另一方面,為落實不強迫加油政策,台中市自96年10月29日公告「加油站加油槍空氣污染行為」,統計共稽查1230件次,尚無發現違反空氣污染行為,已接受正確加油訓練的有2189位,訓練率達98%。本計畫今年度辦理2場次「加油站說明會暨種子教師訓練課程」,另於98年7月25日辦理1場次「跳停就好不強迫加油民眾宣導活動」;本計畫為推動轄內加油站油氣回收設施自主管理,特延續並擴大辦理「98年度油氣回收優良示範站」評選,本年度共有10站榮獲優良示範標章,藉以提昇自主管理之意願。本計畫主要工作項目之一,台中工業區及園區異味稽查檢測作業及異味陳情查處,檢測方面完成34廠家45個異味污染源空氣樣品採集檢測作業,其中周界部分16點次、管道部分25根次,東大自行採樣評估4點次,不合格告發2件次,98年度告發之僑柏工業及資源生物科技皆已完成改善複測,另在97年度不合格告發7家,其中嘉泰化學、捷泰橡膠、順天堂藥廠、世佑壁紙及瑞昌彩藝5家皆已完成改善複測,2家已完工及停工,上述稽查結果皆較97年度測值皆呈現下降。另,陳情查處部分接獲共計80件次,以東海大學校區通報案件最高有38件,較97年度同時期之陳情93件減少13件,顯示東大異味陳情問題已有所改善,歸咎於輔導機制對污染源改善已有所成效之外,今年度針對污染物的調查與釐清也是主要的關鍵。後續仍需加強對區內工廠製程和原物料的掌握與瞭解,以更有效地將異味事件發生的頻率降到最低。整體而言,本市加油站及異味污染在環保局的積極管制下,對VOCs及異味防制工作已逐步落實。 098 台中市環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15654
98年度臺南縣固定空氣污染源許可審查及巡查管制計畫 本年度計畫作業項目包含:(1) 資料庫之擴建、維護更新(2)許可審查核發(3)許可查核(4)排放量申報查核(5)稽查檢測作業(6)專責人員及許可制度說明會等 (7)固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物管制等作業項目。計畫執行期間為民國98年9月17日至民國99年9月16日,共執行12個月,整體而言計畫工作進度符合預期目標,各項工作進度及結果說明如下:一、資料庫之擴建、維護更新本計畫預定對列管工廠進行至少600家次的資料庫更新及維護,計畫期間共完成609家之清查,作業達成率為102%。專案小組每月針對環保署提供檢核結果進行不完整不一致修正,共完成3734筆。二、許可作業本階段共核發409張許可證,包括設置39張、變更10張、操作57張、異動116張、展延86張、換補發98張、生煤許可3張,平均文書審查日數為17日/件。專案小組並主動通知101張製程(80家)辦理許可展延,77(張)製程已提出申請,18(張)製程尚未申請,6(張)製程廢止或撤銷。在許可證查核部份,已完成633張許可證查核作業(包括578張台南縣環保局及55張南科管理局所核發),查核不符張數總計77張,不符率為12.2%,其中66件已提出改善(43件已取得新證,15件尚在審查中,6件認定完成改善),改善率76.5%。三、排放量審查及查核作業目前臺南縣需排放量上網申報的公私場所共有269家(其中第一批91家,第二批178家),98年第3季至99年第2季之應申報件數為1071件,申報率為100%,且全數完成審查。現場查核已完成269家,查核結果申報正確202家(75.1%),有誤須限期補正資料者67家(24.9%)。 四、辦理稽查檢測作業本階段各項污染物稽查檢測作業均完成期末契約工作量,包括戴奧辛4根次、砷化物2根次、重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞)2根次、大型焚化爐重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞、砷) 2根次及其他(粒狀物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物)8根次;另專案小組亦完成20點次公私場所液體燃料含硫份抽驗及12點次周界粒狀物採樣。五、辦理說明會專案小組於98年12月29日假崑山科技大學電子計算中心電腦教室辦理一場次許可網路線上申請說明會,合計通知160位人員參加說明會,共126人參與,出席率達78%,另於99年3月8日假南部科學工業園區管理局1F演藝廳辦理一場次固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法法規說明會,合計通知128位人員參加說明會,共93人參與,出席率達72%。專案小組於99年07月16日假南部科學工業園區管理局1F演藝廳辦理一場次空氣品質嚴重惡化因應措施法規說明會,合計通知120家參加說明會,共88家參與,出席率達73%。六、逸散性粒狀物管制作業計畫專案小組已完成310家次現場查核作業,專案小組分四階段統計各行業之整體法規符合度,即宣導期間(98.01.08公告後至98.06.30)、98年12月底、99年3月底、99年9月。其中98年6月底整體符合度為68.7%(列管200家),98年12月底整體符合度為79.5%(列管204家),99年3月底整體符合度為88.7%(列管207家) ,99年9月底整體符合度為92.4%(列管208家),顯現宣導管制成效。另外,若以金屬類別及非金屬類別製程來看,金屬類相關製造程序業者有117家,其中完全符合規定之業者有95家(符合度81.2%);而非金屬類相關製造程序業者有91家,其中完全符合規定之業者有31家符合(符合度34.1%)。由於此分類大都需要符合堆置作業、輸送作業、運輸作業、製程作業等規定,幾乎已涵蓋所有逸散性粒狀物管理辦法之所有項目,且因如堆置場、輸送設備、運輸車輛部分,逸散性管理辦法,新增設置防制措施之詳細規範與記錄項目,已超出原本許可管制所管制範圍,因此目前非金屬類之逸散性管理辦法列管名單業者,法規符合度較低。七、一般巡查作業完成執行162家次,主要配合其他現場查核作業一同進行,本年度巡查重心仍以工廠數較多的永康市、仁德鄉與新市鄉等鄉鎮為主。八、南部科學園區砷化物管制及傳輸調查在砷化物使用量調查部分,製程內使用砷化物者有6家(如表4.5-1),但康寧公司已自96年第4季停止使用,98年度南科業者各製程中砷化氫之總使用量為2162公斤,其中發光二極體製造程序佔61%、晶片製造程序佔37%、積體電路製造程序佔2%。砷化物傳輸調查係以ISCST3模擬南科園區砷排放造成之環境增量並且以自96年至98年之每季監測結果相比較,各季之風花圖分佈顯示除了2007年9月以外,各季監測期間之風向分佈可明確區分四個監測點為主要影響處、次影響處與無影響之上風處。比較模擬增量與由監測值推估之增量,結果顯示除了由監測結果推估之增量為負值之四筆數據以外,模擬增量對由監測推估增量之比值於主影響處均大於1而為3.3至8.8,於次影響處則均小於1而為0.22至0.45,綜合主影響處與次影響處及監測時實際排放量之可能變異,由模擬結果與監測數據之比較顯示南科園區之砷排放源與排放量已經大部分掌握,擴散模擬結果主要影響處為南科西南方,與各季周界砷化物檢測結果吻合度高。九、其他工作項目(一) 配合宣導空氣污染相關環保新聞見報:計畫執行期間完成5則見報,符合期末進度。(二) 完成55冊空氣污染防制相關法規印製。(三)協助137件專責人員設置異動申請案件鍵檔。(四)空氣品質惡化通報處理共接獲通報43次,巡查45處次,以建請廠方加強污染防制設備操作及維護、周界灑水。 The main work items of Stationary air pollution source control project are:(1)Database establishment, system function upgrade and data QA/QC. (2)Stationary Sources Permit application documents exam and issue, including permit inquisition. (3) Report and check of air pollutant emissions quantities. (4)Inspection by air pollutant testing. (5)Training for dedicated air pollution control personnel.(6) Stationary source of particulate pollutants oven control.This project was empowered by a contract which issued by the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan County. The project started on Sept 2009, and will be ended on Sept 2010. The percentage of the project is 100%. The progress for each work task is outlined in detail as below.1.Database establishment, system function upgradeFor the work of emission inventory database update, the data of 609 stationary pollution sources has been checked and updated. The percentage of this work item is 102%. 2.Permit systemIn the management and issuance of permits, 409 permits have been issued, including 39 installation permits, 10 modified permits, 57 operation permits, 116 change permits, 86 renewed permits, 98 re-issued permits and 3 coal-fired permits. Periodic inspection for operation permits has been performed on 633 operation permits. Among them, 55 operation permits didn’t meet the contents of permits, and the discrepancy of inspection was 12.2%. Further, the plants have been asked to modify and improve the inconformity. 35 plants reported their modification or changes, and got new permits which fit their status quo. The percentage of improvement is 79.5%.3. Report and check of air pollutant emissions quantities269 stationary pollution sources are required to report annual emissions by regulation in Tainan County(1st batch: 91 plants and 2nd batch:178 plants). The reporting rate of it has reached 100% (from the beginning of 3st season to the end of 2nd season, 2010). Inspection for reporting annual emissions was conducted on 269 plants;75.1% of it proved correct(202 plants),24.9% of it showed discrepancy(67 plants).4. Inspection by air pollutant testingInspection by air pollutant testing was performed to fulfill the midterm requirement, including 4 plumes for dioxin testing, 2 plume for Arsenic compound testing, 4 plume for heavy metals testing, and 8 plumes for SOx, NOx and/or VOCs. We also took 20 fuel samples from different plants to check if the sulfur in the sample violets the standard (0.5%) and 12 times area sampling for surrounding particulate matter.5. Training for dedicated air pollution control personnelA conference were held on December 29 2009, the performance of approval internet on-line apply for explanation meeting, attendance percentage 78% in Kun Shan University. On March 8 2009, the performance of stationary pollution source releases source of particulate pollutants air pollution control facilities management regulations, attendance percentage 72% in southern Taiwan science park adminstration. On July 16 2009, the performance of air quality serious deterioration countermeasures regulations explanation meeting, attendance percentage 73% in southern Taiwan science park adminstration.6. Stationary source of particulate pollutants oven controlInspection was performed for particulate pollutants control in 310 plants, had four stage statistics, during public awareness (January 8 2009 to June 30 2009), 31st December 2009, 31st March 2009, September 2009, respective.Inital showed public awareness control well.For manufacturing processes of metal and nonmetal, manufacturing processes of metal had 117 plants, comply with percentage 81.2%. manufacturing processes of nonmetal had 91 plants, comply with percentage 34.1%. Due to pursuant to the following regulations had piling operating, convey operating, conveyance operating, manufacturing processes operating, in a nutshell all releases source of particulate pollutants management regulations items. Therefore, releases source of nonmetal management regulations plants list, lower conform to regulations.7.General patrol :Total of 162 times of patrol assignment were conducted.8.South trade has been completed inventory operations to use arsenic compounds, currently only 6 of the family business who still use arsenide integrated. With the views of the main effects at the Department and the monitoring of the possible time variation of actual emissions, monitoring data from the simulation results and the comparison shows that South Park emission sources and emissions of arsenic has been largely mastered.9. Other work items(1) Five articles of environmental protection news were posted.(2) 55 of air pollution control laws and regulations were printed.(3) 137 cases of air pollution qualified persons replacement were proposed and approved.(4) Case Handling for the Notification of the Air Quality Deterioration Total of 8 cases were notified during the project period and patrol staffs were then sent out to check on 58 public or private premises. 098 台南市環境保護局 衛宇科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=21835
98年度臺中縣加強水污染源稽查管制及河川巡守計畫與水源區離牧查核計畫 統計本計畫自98年6月11日執行至98年12月31日止共計完成1,043件次污染源稽查作業、535件次放流水採樣檢測、查獲22家44支繞流管(道)或不明管線(道)、完成8家事業單位水污防治設施功能評鑑作業、辦理巡守義工投保作業、補助各隊巡守設備pH偵測儀、製作巡守隊教育手冊、辦理1場次河川巡守隊教育講習會、制訂巡守隊競賽考評辦法、辦理20場次淨溪活動、40場次工作檢討會及督導巡守隊之運作達6,260.2小時,辦理3場次水污染防治法規宣導說明會、河川水污染事件緊急應變講習會及疏漏維護及防範措施講習會各1場次及配合辦理相關作業,而累積積分達2,924分,整體而言完成進度為100%, The Taichung county in the Year 98's about strengthens a water pollution source auditor control and river cruise to guard project and headwaters area to leave herding to examine a project Statistics originally plan from June 11, 98 years until December 31, 98 years. Total to complete 1,043 times pollution source auditor's homework and 535 times liquid waste sample an examination, find out 22 factories have 44 round flow tube(way) or not clear pipeline(way), complete 8 factories of affairs industry unit water dirty prevention and cure facilities function review, carry out cruise guard righteousness works of insure, subsidize each team cruise guard equipment pH detect instrument, manufacture cruise guard team education manual, carry out a river cruise guard a team education seminar, establish cruise guard a team contest examination way, carry out 20 times clean river activity and 40 times work self-criticism and the cruise guard a team of the operation reach to 6,260.2 hour, carry out 3 time water pollution prevention and cure the laws guide a presentation and river water pollution affairs emergency response seminar and careless omission maintenance and guard against measure seminar 1 for each time and concert carry out a related homework, and accumulate the integral calculus reach to 2,924 score, by all accounts complete the progress as 100%. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 德汰科技顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16655
98-99年度環工技師簽證案件查核及管理系統加值程式開發維護專案(第1年)工作計畫 行政院環境保護署辦理環工技師簽證案件查核,其目的在於了解簽證技師之簽證品質及缺失情形,進而督促簽證技師改進,以提升環工技師簽證品質。另自95年度起開始執行技師執業機構查核,查核重點為工作底稿。本年度執業機構查核最常出現之缺失為「簽證案件未申報」佔44%,其次為「簽證案件無現場查核照片」及「工作底稿首頁未簽署及加蓋執業圖記」各佔33%,顯示應持續加強「環境工程技師簽證規則」之宣導。水污染現場查核最常出現之缺失為「申請文件中文字及數值未填,填錯或前後不一致」佔73%,其次為「處理單元設計參數及操作參數不合理」佔59%,「機械設備名稱、數量及規格與申請文件不符或未填」佔32%。固定污染源現場查核最常出現之缺失亦為「申請文件中文字及數值未填,填錯或前後不一致」佔80%,「空氣污染物排放量計算錯誤,如公式引用錯誤及排放管道出口高度未以地面高程計算等」佔60%,「污染防制設施各處理單元設計參數及操作參數不合理」佔40%。此外,爲了有效管制技師簽證業務,本計畫同時進行環工技師基本管理系統之規劃與建置工作,藉由網路資料庫提供各級環保主管機關了解技師基本資料、簽證狀況、接受查核結果及獎懲等紀錄,以落實技師簽證管考。 2009-2010 Registered professional environmental engineer certification case review and management information system value added program development maintenance project (1st year)work program The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan carried out a registered professional environmental engineer certification case review. The objectives were to understand the quality and defects of certification processed by certified engineers. The review results may be used to guide the improvement of certification of engineers to upgrade the quality of certified Professional Environmental Engineers. Also, Starting in 2006, the EPA carried out the review of the operation of registered professional engineering organizations. The key points focused on work drafts inspection.This year, the review of the operation of registered professional engineering organizations found that the most frequently appearing defect was that "the certification files had not been declared accurately", around 44% of the total defects. Followed were "certification files did not have on site review photos" and " the original working manuscript did not have execution seal and signature", 33% each. This represents that there shall be continuous promotion of "Professional Environmental Engineer Certification Regulations". For the review of water pollution sites, the most frequently appearing defects were that "in the application documents, texts and values were not filled in, incorrect or inconsistent", around 73%. The next defect was "unreasonable treatment unit design parameters and operational parameters", around 59%, and "Equipment name, quantity and specifications were different from that in the application forms or not filled in the application forms", around 32%. The most frequently appearing stationary source onsite review defect was also "in the application documents, texts and values were not filled in, incorrect or inconsistent", around 80%. Followed by "Incorrect calculation of air pollutants release quantities, such the use of incorrect equations, and discharge pipe exit height did not calculated based on ground heights etc.", around 60%, and "Unreasonable pollution control equipment treatment unit design parameters and operational parameters", around 40%.In addition, to effectively control the business of professional engineer certification, this program established the Registered Professional Environmental Engineer basic database. Through an Internet database, information was provided to every level of environmental control management organizations to make available basic information on professional engineers, including their certification status, review results, and award and punishment received, to implement the review and control of professional engineer certifications. 098 管考處 台灣省環境工程技師公會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14600
98年度臺南市空氣品質監測站資訊顯示系統操作維護及分析作業計畫 本計畫主要執行目標係藉著臺南市空氣品質監測站顯示系統設備維護工作,確保運轉正常及數據品質,同時彙整維修紀錄表及改善建議報告,提供環保局掌握維修狀況。並修訂測站維護之標準作業程序及維護檢查表格以確保維護品質,配合達成環保署監測站考核標準。計畫執行成果簡述如下:一、城西里測站部分1.監測站操作維護定期進行包括每週維護(48次)、每月維護(12次)、季維護(4次)、半年維護(2次)及年維護(1次),所有作業皆依工作進度進行,計畫執行期間各設備之妥善率均達到100%。季維護執行之分析儀多點校正,其相關係數皆在0.995以上,斜率皆在0.88~1.12之間,截距皆介於±2%F.S.,均符合測站績效查核標準。2.數據管理98年計畫期程各項分析儀及之氣象設備之資料獲取率皆在95%以上。3.監測結果城西里站有6站日不良(1站日O3;5站日PM10),1站日達有害等級(PM10);安南站有17站日不良(5站日O3;12站日PM10),1站日非常不良(PM10),2站日達有害等級(PM10);臺南站有15站日不良(6站日O3;9站日PM10),2站日非常不良(PM10),1站日達有害等級(PM10);在良好日比例中以城西站較其他兩站為高。二、資訊看板部分1.定期線路檢查及環境清潔各月份檢查次數皆在4次以上。2.顯示看板資料更新作業計畫執行期程製作之相關文宣檔統計及撥放內容合計共達272筆,其中環保局共186筆,比例高達68%。三、人工監測站部分1.監測站操作維護每月上、下半月定期進行監測站之操作及維護工作,並於次月10日前提交報表以供備查;計畫執行期間各設備之妥善率均達到100%。2.校正作業每月一次之單點檢查、每季一次之多點校正(98/05/05、98/08/06、98/11/25、99/02/06)及每半年一次之追溯一級校正作業(98/04/27、98/11/25),各項校正結果均符合規範要求。3.監測結果本年度TSP監測結果中,除98年10月下旬各站測值外,其餘皆符合總懸浮微粒空氣品質標準24小時值(250μg/m3);歷年(91年~98年)本市TSP監測結果顯示各年度之趨勢大抵一致,均呈現冬季高、夏季低之趨勢。在落塵量監測部分,以極輕微污染佔44.4%為最多,其次為輕微污染29.2%,中度污染為22.2%及嚴重污染為4.2%。另外在歷年數據部分,落塵量年均值逐年下降,顯見管制之成效。4.精密度測試每季依序完成本市6座人工測站的精密度測試,計畫期程共完成12站次的併行採樣作業,整體誤差百分比介於-8.11%至8.14%之間,均符合誤差10%以內之要求。5.空氣品質劣化季節懸浮微粒採樣本項工作第1批次於98年11月02日至98年11月04日進行臺南站及安南站採樣作業(8樣品),第2批次於98年12月03日進行臺南站採樣作業(2樣品)。安南站PM10濃度以夜間略高於日間,TC及水溶性離子所佔比例亦以夜間較高於日間,元素比例則無差異;臺南站包含PM10濃度、TC、水溶性離子及元素比例均無明顯的日、夜間差異。第一、二批次的劣化採樣,研判均可能是濁水溪揚塵所造成之懸浮微粒事件日。四、宣導動畫、著色塗鴉、電子賀卡及小遊戲辦理空氣污染防制宣導動畫競賽,藉由競賽活動推廣環保政策,並於得獎作品中提交宣導動畫4則、著色塗鴉1則、電子賀卡1則及小遊戲1則。 The achievements of this annual project are stated as below: For Chencily Auto-Monitoring Station, the data obtaining rates of the analyzers were all above 95%, whereas those of the meteorological equipments were above 96%. For the PM10 monitoring reports, Chencily, EPA Tainan and EPA Annan stations showed the significant season influences on PM10. The readings in summer were obviously lower than those in winter and the trends of the three Stations were identical. During the project period, from May 2009 to April 2010, PM10 counted for 26 episode days in total: 9 days at Tainan station, 12 days at Annan station and Chencily station had the least of 5 days. For the ozone (O3) monitoring reports, Chencily, EPA Tainan and EPA Annan stations had similar readings and the trends were also identical. During the project period, O3 counted for 12 episode days. Among them, Tainan station had the most of 6 days, Annan station stood at the second with 5 days, and Chencily station had the least of 1 days. The high value mostly happened in summer, which showed the impact of sunshine. NOX and NMHC are the two major factors that form ozone (O3). Since they are mainly from the discharge of motor vehicle and motorcycle, it explains why Tainan station, which locates in urban area, had the most episode days.The TSP results at the Manual Operation Monitoring Stations were complied with the air quality standard. From year 2002 to 2009, TSP values have been showing an identical trend, high in winter and low in summer. As for the analysis of TSP constituents, the concentration of Cl- was between 1.51~14.81μg/m3. The trends were identical, slightly higher in winter. The highest of 14.56μg/m3 occurred in 2004 and the lowest of 3.76μg/m3 did in 2002. The concentration of NO3- in TSP constituents was between 4.26~20.10μg/m3. The measurements over the past years showed a trend of high in winder and low in summer. The highest of 11.25μg/m3 occurred in 2003 and the lowest one of 8.96μg/m3 did in 2006. The concentration of SO42- in TSP constituents was between 7.82~32.25μg/m3. The highest of 17.26μg/m3 occurred in 2002 and the lowest of 11.23μg/m3 did in 2005. The concentration of Pb in TSP constituents was between 0.021~0.076μg/m3. The highest of 0.112μg/m3 occurred in 2002 and the lowest of 0.030μg/m3 did in 2005. The measurements of all stations were below the monthly mean (1.0 μg/m3) in accordance with the air quality standard.The trends of dust fall at the Manual Operation Monitoring Stations were all similar. In the past years, the highest value was 11.69 tons/square km/month in 2004 and the lowest value was 4.23 tons/square km/month in 2001.For the electronic billboard, a total of 272 advertisements were broadcasting. Among them, 186 were for Tainan EPB, which counts for 68%; the rest was for the Revenue Service Office, Tainan City Government, National Tax Administration, etc. It certainly has provided an effective way to publicize the environmental protection policies.the Manual Operation Monitoring Stations have already been used for many years, from 1992 to the present, the equipment has been already old. This plan proposes compiling funds and changing the old motorcycle. This method can reduce personnel working time and part replace. 098 台南市環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18196
98年度嘉義市流域及水污染防治計畫 本團隊執行「嘉義市水污染防治計畫」,主要工作內容包含河川水質分析、許可審查及資料建檔、事業污染源稽查管制作業、偷排監錄作業及暗管調查、水環境河川巡守志工隊實施成果及其他配合辦理事項,本計畫執行期程由98年4月9日至98年12月31日止,目前執行成果(統計自98年4月9日至98年12月31日止)摘要如下:一、審查作業及資料建檔共完成24家許可申請審查,在審查缺失統計方面,資料中「廢(污)水處理設施資料表」缺失率遠高於其他申請項目,經分析後其原因主要為「水質水量平衡圖」填寫錯誤,行政院環境保護署於96年2月更新水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請表之格式,此次更新針對以往未細部規定制式格式之相關表格皆有規定,「水質水量平衡圖」於此次更新中亦有相關規定,不僅規定其污染物在圖中之濃度顯示格式統一規定為kg/day、單元中流動之水流編號亦有統一規定,業者往往未能將整個處理系統完整質量平衡或各單元間水流編號填寫錯誤,導致後續資料填寫錯誤。計畫期程內已完成審查之件次計有24件次,全部皆為排放許可審查。計畫期間共完成1333件建檔工作,其中稽查採樣資料庫更新完成1220件,裁處作業完成7件,事業許可申請作業完成24件,事業許可發證作業完成22件。在所建置的稽查案中以社區下水道306件為最高佔28.3%,其次為洗車場244家佔22.6%。二、列管事業查核作業98年度嘉義市列管事業至12月底為止實際所列管事業有89家,屬於八掌溪有42家,屬於牛稠溪有47家。其中以社區下水道最多,共有23家,佔整體的25.84%;其次是洗車場共有19家,佔整體的21.35%。自98年4月至12月底止,共完成1080家次列管事業稽查。在獨立電表查核中裝設率100%,專責人員設置方面,設置率為100 %,放流口流量計查核方面,目前所查核之89家未停工列管事業,皆有設置流量計。另經查核總計缺失有43家次,主要缺失以槽體/管線標示不清,放流口告示牌不符為主,各約佔39.5%,各相關缺失經輔導後皆已改善完成(改善率達100%)。另外為方便民眾能即時通報水污染事件本團隊設有陳情專線,計畫期間共接獲民眾陳情28件,各相關案件均依相關規定完成辦理。 截至目前為止共完成140件採樣,其中以社區下水道40家次為主(約佔28.6%)。所採樣140家次中,其檢驗結果有7家不合格,不合格率為5.1%,其中醫院、醫事機構、社區下水道、金屬表面處理業、洗車場及指定地區或場所專用下水道各有1家不合格,而畜牧業則有2家放流水水質未符合標準,均已送檢驗報告,並將其列為需加強稽查對象,截至目前為止累積罰款金額為42萬2千元,目前業者皆已完成改善作業。三、暗管調查及偷排監錄作業已於98年5月5日至9日及11月18日至21日分兩階段共放置4件次(同一點每階段各連續監測4天,共8天),以「後湖工業集中區」為主進行連續自動監測,選定的監測點其監測對象為針對3處電鍍相關列管事業為主,其中第一階段監測正常,而第二階段監測期間,其導電度與pH於11月22日下午3點後有異常微幅偏高情形,推測業者於禮拜天下午3點至6點可能有偷排情形,將後續於該時段加強針對3處重點事業稽查。另於暗管方面,截至目前為止共查獲10支暗管,目前均依違反水污法第16條(事業廢(污)水利用不明排放管排放者,由主管機關公告廢止,經公告一週尚無人認領者,得予以封閉或排除該排放管線)完成封管作業,10支皆已完成封管作業,終止污染排放。四、事業廢水處理設施功能評鑑成果本計畫針對轄區違反水污法之列管事業、及3年內未做過功能評鑑之列管事業,與另按局內實際需求(經現場勘察廢水處理功能異常事業),篩選5 家辦理廢水處理設施功能評鑑工作。並已於98年6月22日至23日間,完成5處功能評鑑之初評作業,此5家事業機構分別為陽明醫院、祥太醫院、大仁醫院、財團法人嘉義基督教醫院、財團法人天主教聖馬爾定醫院(民權院區)。針對其進行書面資料查核及製程及處理設施基本勘查,並請業者填寫查核及勘查紀錄,將彙整相關資料後與專家學者討論,經初評後發現大部分事業製程及處理設施勘查無不法情形。另於98年7月中旬提出功能評鑑實施計畫書,於8月11日至25日執行後續第二階段功能評鑑複評作業,9月底提出5家事業功能評鑑初步成果報告,於10月13日召開協談會議,並於11月至12月根據業者承諾改善事項執行複查作業,其中有5家業者表示已改善完成,另外已於12月份複查改善完成。五、河川巡守隊實施成果截至目前共成立7小隊,總人數共有104名,針對各巡守隊均已完成巡守區域的劃分,本團隊於98年4月21日、8月26日及10月11日,分別在嘉義市家庭教育中心、嘉義市垃圾焚化廠及頂庄社區生態公園辦理了3場河川巡守隊教育訓練總計參與人數達196人。於98年5月23日、8月17日及12月25日在八掌溪河畔(美得駕訓班旁)辦理3場河川淨溪活動總計參與人數達157人。於98年6月26日舉辦河川巡守隊觀摩活動參訪「高雄洲仔溼地」及「高雄下水道博物館」當天參加人數77人。並針對巡守隊每小隊主動訪查8個月份,大部份訪查情況反應良好。六、其他相關配合辦理事項(一)辦理法規說明會本年度召開3次法規說明會,對象主要為嘉義市列管之事業單位,希望能以說明會方式加強輔導交流。業者依水污染防治法之規定,按其規模或廢水量大小應按時向環保局申報廢水產生量、加藥量、用電讀數、操作參數、污泥量等廢水處理設施操作情形及放流水水質水量。本團隊於98年4月20日、8月17日及11月24日辦理3場次法規說明會,參與事業共有195家次。(二)宣導建築物污水處理設施定期清理及生活污水減量本團隊於98年10月17日辦理1場建築物污水處理設施定期清理及生活污水減量說明會,參與人數共有271人次。(三)辦理河川污染整治及海洋污染防治考核計畫本團隊將於計畫執行期間持續協助環保局提升考評成績,並於98年3月25日前協助提出98年度嘉義市「河川污染整治願景及考核計畫」計畫書至環保署。經統計分析目前相關執行成果後,大部分項目皆已達成100%目標值,並已說明重點考評項目與達成情形。(四)辦理河川巡守隊考核計畫本團隊已於98年11月12日協助環保局辦理河川巡守隊考核計畫,並參與環保署考核報告,主要分為三大部分,第一部份為結合「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網(Eco Life)」推廣河川巡守業務及訪查建議事項改正情形(佔30%),第二部分為河川巡守隊通報處理污染及辦理相關活動(佔50%)及第三部份則為特殊表現事項(佔20%)。依據上述考評項目及權重,進行本市目前得分計算。經統計98年1月1日至98年10月31日止,本市於第一部份應可得30分、第二部份應可得50分、第三部份應可得18分,合計總得分為98分。(五)辦理水污染整治規劃推動小組會議本團隊協助於97年度計畫執行期間,已邀集相關單位及專家學者組成水污染整治規劃推動小組,目前已於98年3月30日、7月16日、11月2日及12月28日召開98年度4次小組會議,主要針對生活污水減量相關措施、整合各單位水污染防治工作成果、建立水岸面髒亂點通報處理流程、「一縣市一河川」整治河川新策略、道將圳斷水期間環境惡臭問題、防汛道路旁屢遭人棄置垃圾、加強推動校園生活污水減量宣導、八掌溪軍輝橋周遭區域復育與整體規劃等八項議題與相關單位進行討論,並請相關單位加強辦理,整合相關部會資源,改善水環境,以打造城南生態休閒空間景觀。(六)嘉義市水污染列管事業衛星定位資訊整合系統本團隊於97年開始至98年陸續將水污染列管事業及河川採樣點其衛星定位資料輸入「Google Earth」軟體中,藉由簡單操作的系統及完整的衛星圖讓本局於了解本市轄區各列管事業分佈,另外因嘉義縣比鄰本市其污染可以影響至本市轄區,故資料建檔中特別增加嘉義縣列管事業讓本局於接獲陳情案件時研判可疑污染源可有更加完善的功效。 The Water Pollution Control Project in Chia Yi City 2009 Since 2004, BT Environmental Consulting Ltd has executed the Water Pollution Control Project for Chia Yi City till 2009.The purposes of the project include the execution of industrial waste water process audit; the investigation of illicit discharge; the establishment of voluntary river patrolling teams in various neighborhoods, schools and different organizations; and the management of the status of water polluters. In addition, to prevent major water pollution events, an emergency drill is conducted to the associated environmental specialists to familiarize the contingency plans and actions, and most importantly to minimize the possible damage to the environment in the real events. BT Environmental Consulting Ltd’s professional consultants and auditors actively manage and assist the registered factories in waste water treatment for the reduction of pollutants discharge into the river system of Chia Yi City. In 2009, the project team has carried out 1,080 regular inspections (including business hour inspection and after hour inspection) on the registered factories in Chia Yi City. The team also conducts 4 24-hour uninterrupted monitoring activities by using scientific technology application to track down polluters in a more effective and accurate way. As the results of inspections and with the assistance of scientific instruments, the team has tracked down 3 illicit waste water discharging facilities. Furthermore, the project team has performed discharge water samplings of 140 factories within the city, and has discovered that 7 factories have exceeded the legal discharging standards. Those factories have been given continuous counseling to improve the discharge water quality. 098 嘉義市政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司
屏東縣98年度資源回收源頭減量查核及管制工作計畫 本工作團隊執行本縣98年度「資源回收源頭減量查核及管制工作計畫」。本計畫執行期程自98年4月16日至98年12月31日止,截至目前(98年10月31日)計畫工作內容執行情況摘要如下:一、資源回收體系查核工作於責任業者查核部分,已完成1,744件次之查核工作,共查獲134件違規,其中違規項目以以商品「未登記」者最多,共計有80件次,佔總違規數59.7%,其餘為「未標示」,共計有4件次,佔總違規數40.3%。比較歷年違規情況,責任業者違規比例逐年下降,從96年18.4%大幅下降至98年7.7%,顯示屏東縣政府環保局近幾年來在政策推動上已見成效。目前屏東縣所列管之十一大販賣業者共有907家,以連鎖式便利商店業228家最多,約佔25.1%。目前已稽查958家次,其中以連鎖便利商店業稽查230家次佔24.0%為最多。比較歷年違規情況,十一大業者輕微違規比例逐年下降,從96年輕微違規152家,佔總查核數19.8%,下降至98年128家,佔總查核數13.4%,顯示屏東縣於推動販賣業者執行資源回收工作已經落實。在資源回收處理業者查核輔導方面,屏東縣目前有資源回收業者42家,處理業者11家,本團隊目前已查核53家,在所有違規項目中以「場地是否清潔完整,無飛揚、溢散、散發惡臭或溶出物污染地面」最高,共有6家業者,不合格率達11.3%,經輔導後再複查皆能達到合格的情形。二、限用政策查核作業於限制使用塑膠袋稽查部份,已執行稽查1,273家次,所有查核家次中,以有店面餐飲業最多,共934家次,佔全部73.4%。在查獲違規統計部分,以有店面餐飲業中使用塑膠類免洗餐具最多,共查獲34家次。比較歷年違規情況,有店面餐飲業97年查核702家,違規家數33家,違規比例為4.7%;98年查核934家,違規家數34家,違規比例為3.6%,雖然違規比例略為下降,但改善幅度不大,建議未來應針對此管制類別加強宣導。在限制產品過度包裝查核方面,共執行稽查5,767件商品,其中以糕餅禮盒最多,共查核2,060件,其次是加工食品禮盒,共查核1,910件,本次查核之商品,所有商品皆為合格之狀況,顯示業者也已相當清楚相關法令,皆能符合法令規範,但仍查獲14件疑似違規之商品,經過購買仔細測量後,仍在合格範圍內,顯示業者也已相當清楚相關法令,皆能符合法令規範。在執行限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣查核方面,共執行稽查814家次。其中僅1家業者仍販賣不合格之乾電池,占總查核數之0.1%,進一步比較歷年違規情況,違規比例從97年6.2%大幅下降至98年0.1%,顯示經過環保局強力宣導後,業者對此一法令已非常清楚。在執行限制水銀體溫計輸入及販賣查核,共執行稽查669家次。目前醫療機構仍有在使用水銀體溫計之業者僅有6家,近年來醫療機構仍有在使用水銀體溫計之業家數極低,使用比例均小於1%,顯示環保局於政策推動上,執行情況良好,無不合格情形。三、資源回收及垃圾強制分類查核工作於計畫執行期間(98年5月~10月)共完成24次隨垃圾車強制分類稽查,總解袋數共達394袋,以屏東市的解袋數最高,共完成262袋。屏東市在262包垃圾查核中符合規定者計有118包,屬違反情節輕微者計有132包佔50.6%,違反情節嚴重者共12包佔4.6%。進一步比較5月至9月期間各月份違規狀況可發現5月份違反情節輕微者有41包,至9月已下降至25包,違規比例從58.6%下降至41.0%,而違反情節嚴重者也從5包下降至1包,違規比例從58.6%下降至41.0%。於計畫執行期間(98年5月~10月)共完成68家定點垃圾強制分類稽查工作,總解袋數共達187袋,以屏東市的解袋數最高,共完成115袋,其中又以學校解袋數最高51袋,機關40袋次之,社區24袋為最少。針對不合格資源回收項目進一步進行統計,在紙類違規狀況統計方面以學校佔45.7%為最高,其次為社區佔45.5%,排名第三為機關佔43.8%,全量平均佔45.0%,顯示將近一半之資源性物質為紙類。四、其他資源回收相關工作焚化廠/轉運站進廠管制工作至10月31日止,共執行663輛目測判定,並針對疑似分類狀況不佳的車輛進行分類狀況查核,共執行34次查核,結果顯示所有受抽查之車輛皆超過規定之2.5%標準,由各鄉鎮市各月份查核、複查的情形來看,屏東市、潮州鎮、鹽埔鄉及萬丹鄉資源物含量平均值幾乎皆達6%以上,經過本團隊加強宣導後,各鄉鎮市違規百分比皆大幅下降,除了萬丹鄉以外其餘3鄉鎮市降幅近五成。而新園鄉及車城鄉所含之資源回收物比例大幅上升的原因,乃因廚餘及果菜殘渣比例大量增加,造成6月份違規百分比大幅提升。依據廢棄物轉運前分類場實際操作示範報告書執行前分類檢查工作,截至11月3日止,共執行40車次,其中屏北轉運站共執行9鄉鎮市,11車次。崁頂焚化爐共執行18鄉鎮市,22車次。屏南轉運站共執行5鄉鎮市,7車次。以現有資料初步估算屏北轉運站、崁頂焚化爐及屏南轉運站若以人力取代機器進行人工分選垃圾前分類工作,預估平均每月將虧損126萬元,即使政府願意賠錢經營,每月虧損之問題終究無法解決,最後一定轉嫁於民眾所繳納的稅金上面,因此建議此時暫時不適宜執行前分類分選工作。 Pingtung County, 98 year recycling reduction of the sources to check and control plan The work team implementation of this county 98 years, "the source reduction recycling audit and control plan." The project implementation period range from 98 4 from 16 to 98 years ended December 31, up to now (98 10 31) plan the implementation of the work content summarized as follows: 1, resource recovery system for checking Check some of the responsible industry, has completed 1,744 cases followed by check, uncovered a total of 134 violations, including illegal items to order merchandise "unregistered" a maximum, a total of 80 times, accounting for 59.7% of the total number of non-compliance, with the rest " is not marked, "a total of four times, accounting for 40.3% of the total number of non-compliance. Comparison of historical non-compliance, liability industry decreased year by year the proportion of non-compliance, from 96 years of 18.4% dropped sharply to 98 years 7.7%, display the East County Environmental Protection Agency in the policy pursued in recent years have paid off. Pingtung County is currently listed in the control of the 11 largest sale of a total of 907 firms in order to chain convenience store industry, up to 228, accounting for 25.1%. Now checking 958 times, of which the chain convenience store industry inspectors 230 times accounted for a maximum of 24.0%. Comparison of irregularities over the years, 11 cause the proportion of those minor breaches has decreased slightly from 96 young non-compliance 152, accounting for 19.8% of the total check number dropped to 98 128, accounting for 13.4% of the total number to check the display on the promotion of the East County, trafficking in the implementation of resource recycling industry has been implemented. In the resource recycling industry to check for counseling, Pingtung County, there are 42 recycling industry, processing industry 11, the team has to check 53, in all the illegal items to "complete the venue is clean, non-flying, spills , distribution of odor or leaching contamination on the ground, "the highest, a total of six family business persons, the failure rate was 11.3%, to counseling and then review the situation able to achieve compliance. Second, the new policy to check operation Restricting the use of plastic bags in the inspection part of the 1,273 homes have been implemented inspection times, all times to check in at home, to a maximum of a storefront restaurant industry, a total of 934 times, accounting for 73.4%. Uncovered irregularities in the statistics section, there are stores catering to the use of plastic disposable tableware in most of them were seized 34 times. Comparison of irregularities over the years, there are stores catering industry 97 years to check 702, Number 33 violations, the proportion of non-compliance of 4.7%; 98 years of checking 934, Number 34 breach, violation ratio of 3.6%, although a slight decline in the proportion of non-compliance However, modest improvements, the proposed future for this control type to be widely publicized. Excessive Product Packaging to check in a restricted area, a total of 5,767 pieces of merchandise inspection, of which a maximum of pastries gift, a total of 2,060 pieces of check, followed by processed food gift, a total of 1,910 pieces of check, this check of the goods, all goods eligible Jie Wei condition, show the industry has also been quite clear that the relevant law, in line with legal regulations have encountered, it is still seized 14 suspected illegal merchandise, after purchase, after careful measurements are still within the scope of qualified to show the industry has also been quite clear that the relevant law, all meet the legal regulations. Dry batteries in the implementation of restrictions on the manufacture, importation and sale of checks, a total of 814 times the implementation of inspection. Of which only a family business who are still selling the batteries failed, accounting for 0.1% of the total number of checks to compare the calendar year of default are violations increased from 97 years of 6.2% significantly decreased to 98 years of 0.1%, indicating a strong advocacy through the Environmental Protection Agency, the industry has been very clear on this one act. In the implementation of restrictions on the import and sale of mercury thermometers to check, a total of 669 sub-inspectors. At present medical mercury thermometers are still in use only six of the industry in recent years, medical institutions, the use of mercury thermometers are still the industry, Number of very low, the use of the ratio is less than 1%, indicating that EPA in policy to promote the implementation of in good condition, no failure case. Third, resource recovery and refuse mandatory classification checking On the project implementation period (98 May ~ 10 months) completed a total of 24 times with the garbage truck mandatory classification audit, the total number of solutions of a total of 394 bags of bags, Pingtung City, the highest number of solutions of bags, completed a total of 262 bags. Pingtung City 262 package refuse to check in to meet the requirement include 118 bags, a breach is minor and include 132 packages were 50.6%, in violation serious cases, a total of 12 packets accounted for 4.6%. Further more during the month of May to 9 month of non-compliance status of each can be found in May were 41 minor violations of packages to September has dropped to 25 packages, the proportion of non-compliance decreased from 58.6% to 41.0%, while the circumstances are serious violations from 5 pack down to a package, the proportion of non-compliance decreased from 58.6% to 41.0%. On the project implementation period (98 May ~ 10 months) completed a total of 68 fixed-point garbage classification mandatory auditing work, the total number of solutions of a total of 187 bags of bags, Pingtung City, the highest number of solutions of bags, completed a total of 115 bags, of which You Yi Xie bag a few high schools in 51 bags, 40 bags of organs followed, the community of at least 24 bags. Resource recovery project for the failure of further statistics, in the paper non-compliance status of statistics, accounting for 45.7% of school-the highest, followed by the community accounted for 45.5%, ranking third for the organs of 43.8%, full-volume average of 45.0%, indicating nearly half of the The resource material for the paper. 4, other recycling related work Incinerator / transfer station into the plant control work 10 months of 31, a total of 663 visually determine and remedy the poor condition of vehicles suspected of categories to classify status check, a total of 34 times to check results showed that all those random checks of vehicles 2.5% are exceeding the prescribed standards, by the township in the city of the month of inspection, review the case of point of view, Pingtung City, Chaozhou Town, salt Po Heung and resources Wandan Township matter content of 6% on average over almost all through the After the team to strengthen propaganda, all townships are sharp decline in the percentage of non-compliance, in addition to Wandan Township outside the city, drop Nearly half of the remaining three townships. The new car park and the urban-rural township of recyclable materials contained in a substantial proportion of reasons for the increase takes into account the proportion of kitchen waste and a significant increase in fruit and vegetable residues, resulting in a substantial increase in June the percentage of non-compliance. Waste classification based on the market for pre-shipment report on the implementation of practical demonstration before the classification and inspection work, as of November 3 only, a total of 40 trips, which screens the North Transfer Station, a total of nine townships, 11 trips. Kanding incinerator a total of 18 townships, 22 trips. Pingnan a total of five townships on the transfer station, 7 trips. A preliminary estimate based on existing information on the North-screen transfer stations, incinerators and Pingnan Kanding transfer station to replace the machine in terms of human manual sorting rubbish before the classification, estimated the average monthly loss of 1.26 million, even if the Government is willing to lose money in operations, monthly issue of losses can not be solved, after all, will ultimately have to pass on the taxes paid by the people above, it is proposed at this time being unfit to carry out the work of the former classification sorting. 098 屏東縣政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15158
98年度臺南縣室內空氣品質自主管理推動計畫 本計畫自98年4月28日開始執行迄至99年04月27日止,各項工作內容之成果摘要說明如下:針對臺南縣政府各主管機關及公私場所,於98年6月29日辦理室內空氣品質(indoor air quality, IAQ)自主管理及改善技術說明會1場次,藉由此宣導說明會介紹室內空氣品質建議標準值及相關管制法規、室內空氣品質管理及改善技術,以及室內空氣品質自主管理制度之推動,使各公共場所能瞭解室內空氣品質管理之重要性。說明會當天除現場示範直讀式儀器操作外,並發放宣導品,以增加民眾印象,達到宣導之目的。 為推動臺南縣室內空氣品質自主管理制度,本計畫初步篩選縣轄內25處重要公共場所(其中包含環保署建議4處名單),進行IAQ現況之訪查,並以直讀式儀器檢測公共場所之IAQ,巡檢項目包括: 二氧化碳(CO2)、一氧化碳(CO)、甲醛(HCHO)、總揮發性有機化合物(TVOC)、粒徑小於10微米之懸浮微粒(PM10)、粒徑小於2.5微米之懸浮微粒(PM2.5)、臭氧(O3)及溫度,共8項。檢測結果發現,公共場所普遍皆有IAQ之問題,其中第一類及第二類場所共同點均以CO2及O3超出環保署建議值居多。 參考前述25處公共場所IAQ訪查及巡檢結果,選定22處執行環保署公告方法之檢測,標的場所涵蓋醫療院所、圖書館、學校、辦公大樓、車站及營業場所(電影院、速食店、健身房及大型量販店),檢測項目除包含上述8項外,尚還有細菌、真菌及濕度,共計11項。調查結果發現,本縣公共場所IAQ常有CO2、細菌及真菌的問題,超出環保署建議值之公共場所比例依序為68%、50%及41%。於第一類場所中,醫療院所二氧化碳及細菌都有超出建議值之情形,此外,院內中醫診間施行艾灸療程時,艾粒燃燒過程亦會產生相當量之甲醛濃度及相關醛類化合物;圖書館發現有細、真菌問題;學校部份,教室內二氧化碳、細菌及真菌超出環保署建議值。第二類場所中,電影院、量販店於假日人潮較多時二氧化碳濃度超出建議值;車站、速食店及健身房則多為細、真菌問題,甚至有1處健身房中檢測出TVOC;部份則為二氧化碳及細菌之問題。 本計畫為瞭解簡易直讀儀及公告方法檢測之差異性,進行平均測值相關性統計分析,結果顯示O3、HCHO及TVOC為低度相關性(r<0.4),其餘測項皆呈現高度相關性(r>0.7)。即使直讀儀在分析能力上有部分缺憾,惟在巡檢工作上所扮演篩檢的角色仍有其不可取代之重要性,畢竟除價格低廉外、輕巧攜帶、機動性強、提供現場即時判讀等優勢,在快速篩檢及作業便利的考量之下,可即時提供公共場所時間及空間之環境品質資訊。為改善公共場所IAQ之問題,計畫委聘專家學者實地輔導改善及建議,待公共場所改善完成後隨即進行環保署公告方法全項複測,以驗證改善之成效。18家次接受IAQ改善並驗證其成效之公共場所中,於第一類場所中,5處超出環保署建議值之測項皆獲得改善成效(100%),1處為50%,1處33%及1處未有改善成效(0%);第二類場所中,5處超出環保署建議值之測項皆獲得改善成效(100%),4處改善成效率也達50%。此外,選定崑山科技大學作為採取改善措施之示範場所,採取宣導學生將窗戶預留些微空隙使室內外空氣置換對流,以及保持教室內之環境整潔,改善後教室內細、真菌皆下降至建議值內,CO2濃度降為644ppm,雖尚未符合建議值,但已明顯改善。為持續追蹤公共場所IAQ原因,協助公共場所確認相關問題,本計畫以佳里醫院為現場協談及輔導對象,除安排2次現場協談外,另進行3次巡檢及異常測項之公告方法檢測,並輔導專責人員撰寫IAQ自主管理計畫書及訓練使用直讀儀進行院內巡檢。結果顯示,醫院IAQ原有CO2、細菌及真菌超出建議值之情形,經由現場協談及輔導建議採取改善措施,增加院內送風量及加強空間清潔消毒,CO2已有明顯下降,細菌及真菌則已下降至建議值內。透過輔導調查檢測也證實,院內空氣中真菌超標主要乃受到外氣之影響。 本計畫製作臺南縣室內空氣品質維護管理措施計畫書及其相關表單,並輔導20處公共場所專責人員撰寫,提供必要的諮詢或所需相關資料的彙整,協助各公共場所完成室內空氣品質維護管理措施計畫書之建置,配合登錄訪查、調查相關資料,上傳執行成效至「室內空氣品質資訊網」之環保署考評平台以供備查。本計畫亦蒐集國外室內空氣品質之管理方式及處理改善技術,於99年4月15日舉辦計畫成果發表會,邀請受測之22處公共場所與會,透過檢測結果分析及可行之改善措施講解,進一步使公共場所能瞭解IAQ問題及其解決方案。此外,為適度傳達縣內推動IAQ執行成效,計畫亦彙整相關計畫訊息/成果見報2則新聞,並撰寫2篇論文發表於第13屆海峽兩岸環境保護學術研討會,並提供社會大眾更多IAQ資訊。 Implementation of autonomous management of indoor air quality for Tainan County in 2009 This project started from April 28, 2009 and ended with April 27, 2010. During the period of this project, the findings and results of the implementation works were summarized as the followings. The explanatory meeting on the autonomous management and improvement technology of indoor air quality was held on June 29, 2009. The invited participants include the authorities at Tainan County government and the specialists responsible for the management of public places in the organizations. The topics of this meeting were focused on the suggested standard levels of indoor air quality, the draft of related regulations, the improvement technology of indoor air quality, an introduction of the autonomous management system of indoor air quality. Besides, the practice of direct detection apparatus measurement was demonstrated during the meeting so that the participants might obtain the clear impression and realize the importance of managing indoor air quality. In order to implement the autonomous management system of indoor air quality in Tainan County, 25 public locations were selected for the screening of indoor air quality, including 4 locations suggested by Taiwan EPA. The measurement of indoor air quality was conducted by direct detection apparatus, including CO2, CO, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), PM10, PM2.5, O3 and temperature. All measurement works were implemented by October 1, 2009. The results showed that the problems of indoor air quality frequently occurred at the screened public locations, and the levels of CO2 and O3 were commonly found above the suggested threshold by Taiwan EPA. Referring to the detected indoor air quality at 25 screened public locations, 22 public locations were chosen for the detailed measurement of indoor air quality by the EPA standard methods. The chosen public locations for the detailed measurement of indoor air quality include hospitals, library, university, office building, speedway station, and business stores. Besides of 8 previous detected items, the measurements of bacteria, fungus and humidity were involved in the detailed measurement of indoor air quality. The results of the detailed measurement showed that 68% public locations exceeded the suggested threshold of indoor air quality in CO2, 50% in bacteria, and 41% in fungus. For the first category of public locations, the levels of CO2 and bacteria were above the suggested threshold in all hospitals. During acupuncture or medical therapy, a high level of gaseous formaldehyde was found in the Chinese medicine examination room. The measured items exceeding the suggested threshold are bacteria with fungus in library, and CO2, bacteria, with fungus in university. For the second category of public locations, the CO2 level was found a potential problem in the theater and hypermarket during the weekends. The measured items exceeding the suggested threshold are bacteria with fungus in speedway station, fast-food store, and exercise center. The correlation analysis of the average measurement was applied to identify the difference between the measurement by direct detection apparatus and by the EPA standard methods. The correlation of the measurements was low (r < 0.4) in O3, formaldehyde, and TVOC, while the other measured items showed a high correlation (r > 0.7). Although the measurement by direct detection apparatus has the weakness in analysis, it still plays an important role in screening measurement due to its cheap price, handy operation, strong mobility, and rapid detection. For solving the IAQ problems in public locations, the project team has invited the experts on indoor air quality to implement site surveys and provide the improvement suggestions. The examination of improvement measures was followed up, and the effectiveness of improving indoor air quality will be subsequently evaluated through the detailed measurement. Among 18 surveyed sites, the improvement measures are 100% for 5 sites, 50% for 1 site, 33% for 1 site, and 0% for 1 site in the first category of public locations. The improvement measures are 100% for 5 sites and 50% for 4 sites in the second category of public locations. Also, the showcase of Kun Shan University asked the students to keep the windows partially-open for better ventilation in the classroom, and this action greatly reduced the CO2 level to 644 ppm. The cleanup and maintenance of freshness in the classroom has effectively eliminated the problems of bacteria and fungus. For continually tracking the causes of the IAQ problems in public locations, Chia-Li hospital was selected as the voluntary showcase of improving indoor air quality. Chia-Li hospital has accepted 2 on-site negotiations, 3 walk-through detections, detailed measurement on the abnormal items, the preparation of IAQ autonomous management project, and the training of operating direct detection apparatus by the project team. The improvement measures showed that the CO2 level was greatly reduced through improving ventilation and the cleanup and disinfection in the hospital has effectively eliminated the problems of bacteria and fungus. Based on the measurement, the high level of fungus in the hospital mainly originated from the outdoors. The project team has helped the specialists in 20 public locations preparing the IAQ autonomous management projects and the related table sheets. The regarding information was summarized and uploaded the compiled profiles to the IAQ information website established by Taiwan EPA. In order to provide more information as reference for the improvement of indoor air quality, the project team has collected information on domestic and foreign management methods and improvement techniques for indoor air quality. The announcing meeting of project finding was held on April 15, 2010. The delegates from 22 public locations were invited to participate the meeting for realizing the IAQ problems and the solution schemes. In order to advertise the project result and finding, the project team has announced 2 environmental news on the newspapers and published 2 scientific articles at the 13th Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Protection Conference. 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 崑山科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18265
台中市轄內流域污染源稽查管制及河川巡守隊運作教育宣導計畫 本計畫之執行期間自簽約議價日(98年6月15日)起至98 年12底止,各工作項目均依規劃進度辦理。茲將期末報告階段之成果摘要如下:一、辦理本市列管事業水污染源查核列管事業查核計畫目標數為330 家,本計畫已全數完成此部分之查核,其中以洗車場的查核件數最高計有80件次,佔總查核件次24.2%。二、暗管查緝及封除作業目前已查獲10處(13支)不明管線或暗管,這13支不暗管業主皆已自行封管(硬管)及移除(軟管)。三、辦理工業區污水廠或工業區內列管事業廢水處理設施操作情形查核相關工作並進行放流水質採樣於計畫開始至98年12月止,共計已進行兩工業區放流水水質採樣14件次,此14件次水質採樣皆於夜間進行;在14件次放流水水質採樣中,未有放流水檢驗數值超過放流水標準者。四、辦理中部科學工業園區及台中工業區雨水道排放口及納管事業巡查方面截至目前為止共完成第一季雨水道的查核與採樣作業;台中工業區共有49處放流口,均排入工業區南邊溪。截至目前為止,發現雨水道異常處,為東岸15處及西岸10處,共計25處。五、辦理工業區重點事業執行稽查篩選歷年曾有異常排水之虞的50家次工業區重點事業單位,針對其前處理設施操作狀況、管線標示及雨污水分流情形執行查核;已完成第三及四季50家廠商兩次之查核,第三季中50家廠商查核發現管線或槽體未標示清楚共計4 家,此4家事業單位在第四季之稽查中皆已改善;50家事業單位於第三及四季皆有實施雨污水分流。六、辦理環保局指定事業廢(污)水處理設備現場功能評鑑作業已完成辦理江興鍛壓工業股份有限公司、文亮企業股份有限公司及中山醫學大學附設醫院等3家事業單元功能評鑑之行前說明會、初評、複評及評析會議,本工作團隊已做後續之追蹤並在業者提出完成報告書後提交完整之功能評鑑執行成果報告書。七、列管社區污水下水道系統廢(污)水處理設施操作查核結果完成本市列管社區第一次查核工作共340 家(運作中社區共計315 家),發現未開機操作社區僅4 家,其平均開機率已有達到98.73%;第二階段200家次之水質採樣結果不符合放流水標準家數共計10 家,本團隊工作人員在水質報告結果出來後,皆有告知此10家社區並加強其廢水操作之輔導。八、辦理本市河川巡守推廣事宜辦理台中市河川巡守推廣事宜方面,截至目前共成立6小隊,總人數共有170名。截至11月底止,台中市六大隊巡守隊已針對各巡守區域做累計達到2350.3小時之巡守工作,且本工作團隊已協助巡守隊完成達61件次之髒亂點通報處理;計畫期間辦理共計五場次之淨溪活動,並同時藉此活動輔導台中市河川巡守隊進行水質監測活動;巡守隊教育訓練於98年8月1日(星期六)假福田水資源回收中心舉行;本團隊並於10月17日協助環保局假逢甲大學體育館辦理世界水質監測日並於12月26日辦理巡守隊年終檢討聯誼。九、水污染風險管理作業方面截自12月為止,本工作團隊共計協助台中市環保局處理三件次死魚事件之清除及水質採樣分析工作;並在水污染事件之現場查核工作中完成兩件次之24小時水質監測器設置,另辦理3件環保局指定地點之水質檢測作業。十、於辦理法令宣導說明會方面,本團隊於98年9月3日假台中市公教人員訓練中心辦理一場次之「台中市生活污水處理現況與因應對策宣導講習會」,並將於12月8日辦理第二場次之「台中市事業單位法規說明會」。 Investigation of Taichung City water pollution sources and river patrolling teams This project was carried out from June 15th, 2009 to the end of Dec. 2009.The following is the abstract of each subject.One. Investigation of Taichung City Pollution SourcesWe have completed the investigation of the 330 targeted pollution sources. Among them, car-washing places takes up the highest number, there are 80 cases (24.2%)in total.Two. Investigation and Removal of Illegal Discharging Pipes13 illegal discharging pipes were discovered and removed.Three. Investigation and Water Sampling of Taichung Industrial DistrictsTill the end of Dec. 2009, we have taken 14 water samples from the two industrial districts in Taichung City, the results show that those the concentrations of water samples are all within the water discharges thresholds.Four. Investigation of Rain Ditches by Taichung Industrial DistrictsCompleted the investigation of rain ditches by Taichung industrial districts. There are 49 discharging points in total, with the wastewater discharged into Nan-bian River. So far, 15 places in the east side and 10 places in the west side were founded with illegal wastewater discharges.Five. Investigation of Targeted Units within Industrial DistrictsWe have completed 50 targeted industrial units’ investigation, attentions were paid among the following areas, the pre-wastewater treatment facilities, clear signs of each piping and operational units and the separation of wastewater and rain. For season three, 4 units were with unclear signs at their operational units but all corrections were all make during the fourth seasonal investigation.Six. Operational assessment of Wastewater Treatment FacilitiesWe have completed the operational assessment of wastewater treatment facilities for the following three industrial units: Jiang-Xing Inc. Wen-liang Inc. and Zhong-shen Hospital. All three reports were completed and handed in to the bureau.Seven. Investigation of Communal Sewage Systems340 communal sewage systems were investigated at the first stage, 200 water samples were taken and analyzed at the second stage. Among them, concentrations of 10 water samples passed the legal discharge thresholds. Those communal sewage systems were informed of the results.Eight. Taichung City River Patrolling TeamsThere are 6 river patrolling teams in Taichung city so far, 170 members in total. This year, they have completed 2350.5 patrolling hours and we have assisted them in the completion of 61 garbage removals. 5 river-cleaning activities were held during project year. At Aug. 1st, 2009, one major educational session was held at Fu-tian water resource center. At Oct. 17th, 2009, world water monitoring day ceremony was held at Fong-jia University. Nine. Management of Water Pollution EventsWe have assisted the bureau in the completion of 3 dead fish cleaning events, and water samples were also taken during these events. In addition, 24-hour water monitoring equipment was used at 2 locations.Ten. We held two water pollution regulation information sessions, they were held at Sept. 3rd, 2009 and Dec. 8th, 2009 respectively. 098 台中市環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14576
清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網企業行動計畫 本計畫針對企業推動「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網企業行動計畫」中低成本,甚至無成本的企業社會責任理念,企業界在金融海嘯之後的此刻,特別需要類似的行動專案,故本會於98年3月中起承接此計畫,在計畫期間主要工作為巡迴全國各地為企業人士或公司員工舉辦說明宣導會推廣本計畫,並配合辦理人員講習會,協助輔導企業員工使用綠網部落格平台,引介企業加入相關環保行動,透過網路部落格的功能累積環保戰鬥力。在宣導期間除大力倡導本計畫與永續發展之關連性,並鼓勵發揚企業社會責任及愛家愛鄉之精神,讓企業落實與鄰里間共同推動環保活動及節能減碳,以EcoLife綠網做為彼此聯繫與資訊揭露之平台。在本年度推動方面,辦理相關活動場次估計至少30場,共計超過300家企業投入本計畫,其中31家企業加入本會,成為下線或結盟關係,其中26家設定認養照顧區,有10家完成企業組織樹。在諮詢過約5家之企業後,本會提出相關改進建議。 Corporate action plans in neighborhood with EcoLife The purpose of this project is to promote the EcoLife, a no cost/ low cost CSR concept to every corporation or company in Taiwan. At the mean time, Since March 2009, BCSD hold many meetings and excises course to help staffs how to using EcoLife as a tool to clean their neighborhood. We encouraged and introduced people and companies to join this action plan with personal blog and group blog, they can launch their campaign and invite local neighbors maintain their environment together.The results of this project, there are more than 300 companies had logged in EcoLife website, 31 of them joined BCSD group’s blog and 26 have their own cleaning zone.10 of them have constructed an internal system among departments and employees. After consulting and interviewing, advice from 5 partner companies help us adjust EcoLife action plan. BCSD will suggest EPA and push the project better and longer. 098 整潔方案室 社團法人中華民國企業永續發展協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14687
98年度替代能源節能減碳示範計畫 『98年度替代能源節能減碳示範計畫』執行期程自98年9月10日起一年,主要推動小型太陽能蓄電充電站運行示範、推動油氣雙燃料車、電動輔助自行車運行示範、透過媒體宣導及示範觀摩方式,讓社會大眾瞭解推動替代能源節能減碳之目的、辦理低污染車輛宣導活動、製作宣導文宣及評估本縣未來大規模推動使用低污染車輛達到節能減碳之可行性,而截至99年9月9日止,各項工作執行成果如下:(一)依據合約規定,99年2月11日於縣立體育場牌樓完成小型太陽能蓄電充電站建置並開始運作,總發電功率2.1kW,每日提供電力約5.4度,一年約可產生1,671度的可用電力,除提供電動車輛充電使用外,另於夜間提供電力給5盞21W的省電照明使用。(二)依據合約規定,租賃4輛國瑞汽車(TOYOTA)所生產CAMRY及ALTIS轎車,並由運寶實業股份有限公司完成改裝油氣雙燃料車,並依合約要求投保強制險、竊盜險、車損險甲式、意外險450萬元、乘客險400萬元及駕駛人傷害險100萬元,分兩批交付臺南縣政府作為公務派遣進行低污染車輛運行示範,合計4部車輛在計畫期間共行駛108,160公里,惟因加氣便利性不足,換算實際加氣里程僅約4,510公里,約佔實際行駛里程的4.17%。(三)依據合約規定,租賃40輛電動輔助自行車(台純28輛、美利達10輛、必翔2輛),分配縣府單位19輛、河川巡守隊及河川巡守志工隊共21輛進行運行示範;根據定期訪查及問卷調查之結果,示範成效以縣府單位為最佳,河川巡守志工隊次之;估計年總行駛里程約為24,000公里,約可達成HC減量7.6Kg及CO2減量約1743.5Kg。(四)診斷並維護公務自行車,於98年11月及99年9月間共進行2次大規模健檢及維修,共計完成更換內胎20輛、更換腳踏桿5輛,截至99年9月9目,堪用自行車數量已達155輛。(五)完成電動輔助自行車啟用典禮1場次,99年1月25日於縣府前廣場由副縣長舉行授車儀式,將電動輔助自行車授予河川巡守隊及河川巡守志工隊進行運行示範。(六)宣導相關作業包括製作摺頁文宣1,000份、宣導品1,000份;另99年2月12日配合南瀛綠都心迎春花卉展辦理低污染車輛及節能減碳宣導活動1場次、99年4月18日配合2010世界地球日環保義工大會師活動辦理替代能源宣導及低污染車輛推廣宣導活動1場次。(七)完成替代能源或節能減碳相關環保新聞見報20則。 This project has completed the “2009 Alternative Energy Conserve Energy and Reduce Carbon Emission Program This project has completed the “2009 Alternative Energy Conserve Energy and Reduce Carbon Emission Program” from September 2009 to September 2010. The major items is the solar cell charging station working demonstration, the promotion LPG, and electric bicycle working demonstration etc. Till September 9, 2010, each work execution is as follows:1. This project has finished setting up and working of solar cell charging station. The overall electrical efficiency is about 2.1kw. Supplying electricity is 5.4 degree every day and supplying 1,671 degree of the available electricity in a year. In addition, solar cell charging stations supply electricity for electric vehicles and 5 21-watt lighting lamps in the night.2. In order to promote LPG and carry out “Low Pollution Vehicles Working Demonstration”, this project hired 4 cars, and finished re-equipping. 4 cars drive 10,816 km, but the LPG stations is not widespread, refueling LPG fuel is not convenient, so real refueling LPG fuel drives 4,510km, that is 4.17% of total kilometers.3. This project also hired 40 electric bicycles to carry out working demonstration. To estimate annual total kilometers that is about 24,000km. In the effects of air pollution reduction, HC reduces 7.6kg and CO2 reduces 1,743.5kg.4. This project maintained 2 times for all of bicycles in November 2009 and September 2010. There were 155 bicycles that can be used till September 9, 2010.5. To finish one begin using ceremony of the electric bicycles on January 25, 2010.6. In the tasks of promotion, this project made 1,000 promotion brochures, and 1,000 promotion gifts. Otherwise this program also carried out 2 promotion campaigns.7. This project has finished 20 items of news. 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 新研車輛科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=19358
98年度桃園縣露天燃燒源頭管制查核計畫 桃園縣政府環境保護局為加強查核露天燃燒廢棄物之源頭管制,減少因一般民眾、事業單位業者於廠內或於營建工地棄置廢棄物以違規露天燃燒方式處理,故委託執行本專案計畫,協助執行本縣空氣品質測站、高速公路附近及本縣露天燃燒陳情熱區,加強源頭廢棄物流向管制查核作業,以提昇本縣民眾生活環境品質。本報告係撰寫期末階段執行期間各相關工作成果。量化執行成果請參閱第一章之工作進度表,詳細之工作內容及成果則分述於各章節中,年度成果符合預期規劃,主要成果摘要如下。一、露天燃燒主動巡查本計畫共執行635件次巡查作業,其中包括596件主動巡查作業及39件空品惡化通報空氣品質監測站周界巡查作,巡查區域以蘆竹鄉109件最多,土地使用類別以以空地321件最多,在635件巡查案件中現場有燃燒情形者有28件次、現場已燃燒完畢者有106件次及查無燃燒情形者有501件次。現場正有燃燒情形者其中當場查獲行為人有3件次。燃燒種類以稻草、樹皮或木材佔的比例最多,各佔有24.3%。二、列管重點燃燒區巡查依據屢遭露天燃燒陳情地點、廢棄物堆置、稻作密集地區、空品測站周邊及國道沿線地區等五項因子篩選重點燃燒區22處,定期執行主動複巡其中有7處因屢遭陳情而篩選、10處為巡查發現廢棄物堆置、11處為稻作栽植密集地區及2處國道沿線,22處重點燃燒區目前已有17處重點區經連續3個月巡查無燃燒情形經判定解除列管。三、滅火及裁處635件次露天燃燒主動巡查中,現場發現燃燒情形或餘燼撲滅計134件次,佔總案件22%,裁處案件3件,佔查獲總件數之2.3%,並確認現場火源已撲滅完成記錄,裁處金額15,000元。針對巡查發生露天燃燒時火勢過大無法撲滅時,則通報消防隊協助滅火處理,共通報件次1件次。四、露天燃燒掌握排放量推估依據現場查燃燒物種及規模量化燃燒量,並依據環保署所提供之露天燃燒物質代碼及排放係數表內容推估,TSP之削減量為0.336公噸、PM10為0.289公噸、SOx為0.003公噸、NOx為0.093公噸、CO為2.857公噸、THC為0.494公噸、NMHC為0.375公噸。五、空品惡化通報查處配合空品惡化預報及通報執行測站周邊地區主動查處、回報,共計接獲空品惡化預報及通報27站次(預報北部空品區惡化12站日、桃園測站4站日、平鎮測站3站日、龍潭測站4站日、大園測站1站日、中壢測站1站日、楊梅測站1站日及龜山測站1站日),共計執行39處次之露天燃燒巡查,查核結果皆依規定記錄回報,尚無查獲露天燃燒情事。六、協助事業單位列管查核計畫期間共計協助執行事業單位查核1,248家次,其中以營建工程552家次佔總件數之44.2%居首。經查核營建工程部分單項符合率約佔營建工程總巡查數之98.5%,其中經本計畫查核判定未依解列原則完成廢棄物(建材、施工廢料等)清除或工程尚施工中案件共計8家次,本皆記錄詳實候提報承辦單位處理。另事業機構部分則有經查核不符合解除列管原則13家次,單項符合率為96.0%。七、宣導作業完成各式平面文宣之設計製作,並辦理禁止露天燃燒宣導說明會5場次,宣導農友勿以燃燒方式處理廢棄物,亦針對農業廢棄物集中清理示範作業辦理2場次協商會及2場次集中清理示範作業,清理農業廢棄物總量為3.8公噸。 The Plan of Open Burning Source Control in 2009 Taoyuan County Government Environmental Protection Agency to strengthen the audit open burning of waste at source control and reduce the general public, businesses and institutions in the factory or in construction waste disposal sites to handle illegal open burning, it commissioned the implementation of the project plan assist in the implementation of the county air quality monitoring stations, highways in the vicinity and petition the county open burning hot zone, to enhance the flow of control at source of waste audits, to improve the environmental quality of life for people in this county. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 隆楊企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18021
98年度固定污染源許可查核、空污費催補繳暨揮發性有機物減量、非許可公告製程空氣污染物查核管制暨清潔燃料推廣計畫 本計畫執行期程係自98/1/1至98/12/31止,主要工作項目包括:資料庫維護更新與管理、執行許可制度、辦理空污費催補繳及查核、執行排放量網路申報審核、定檢管制作業、連續自動監測設施查核及文件審查、宣導說明會、揮發性有機物管制、乾淨燃料及自主管理推廣、活性碳換碳頻率查核以及工業區普查等工作項目。本市列管固定污染源共計709家,篩除列管或暫時停工共37家,擴充列管共74家,列管行業以工商服務業、商業為最多。本市空氣污染物年排放量分別為:粒狀污染物286.393噸/年,硫氧化物292.413噸/年,氮氧化物561.809噸/年,揮發性有機物1805.748噸/年,而台中市垃圾焚化廠仍為本市固定污染源最主要之排放源。分析台中工業區污染行業特性,以揮發性有機污染物為主,目前總列管家數為252家,主要排放量較大之行業別為塑膠製品製造業及印刷業,操作主要製程為印刷製程,與本區之污染特性為揮發性有機物相符。為提升本市資料庫完整性及正確性,本計畫在資料庫維護更新清查作業名單以各污染物種排放量前20大、排放量申報名單、空污費列管對象為主。另外,配合簡政便民理念,本計畫配合環保局規劃空污費與郵政單位合作,減少交寄時程。同時建立活性碳操作參數等資相關基本資料,針對其合理性藉由稽查管制方式予以驗證,亦配合研提「活性碳吸附設備申請操作許可證應符合之指定事項」(草案)架構及內容,以使防制設備有效操作。鑑於本市污染特性以揮發性有機物為主,因此,揮發性有機物減量工作刻不容緩,本計畫協助推動大型光電廠無塵室機台擦拭有機溶劑之一般排氣排放管道許可納管事宜,現階段已獲各界納管共識,並核定於許可證內容,同時,下階段將持續追蹤友達公司質能平衡估算結果,以作為99年第二階段空污費開徵之查核依據。其他具體工作成果包括:完成459家現場維護更新作業、核發54張許可證、完成204個製程許可查核作業、掌握247家空污費徵收對象並執行收件、鍵檔、審查、核收、結算作業,以及117家次之硫氧化物、氮氧化物空污費現場查核、171件揮發性有機物空污費現場查核、45家次排放量申報現場查核、完成RATA監督檢測作業6根次、RATA稽查檢測1根次、煙道稽查檢測10根次、周界臭味官能測定稽查檢測5家(點)次、油品抽測20家次、戴奧辛稽查檢測2根次、重金屬稽查檢測2根次、VOCs設備元件洩漏檢測10家、法規符合度查核86家次等,各項相關作業內容及詳細成果分述於本報告各章節中,執行總進度達100%。 098 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14805
98年臺中縣柴油車排煙檢測站操作維護及檢驗計畫 摘 要依據工作契約書內容,本計畫執行期間自98年3月2日起至99年2月28日止。本計畫主要工作內容計有TAF認證維持、柴油車排煙檢測、柴油車通知到檢、柴油車路邊攔檢、油品抽測管理、民眾檢舉案件處理、舉行二場次自主管理宣導說明會及三場次聯合稽查活動、一場次擴大聯合稽查活動、品保品管測試、檢測站設施維護,以及車輛檢驗資料之統計分析等。1. 目視通知高污染車輛作業目視高污染車輛以執行目測判煙作業,計畫目標數為2,500輛次,而統計至99年2月28日止,已執行目測判煙數2,932輛次,目標達成率117.3%。2. 目視排煙合格納管率執行目視判煙作業排煙合格柴油車進行納管作業,計畫目標數為8,000輛次,統計至99年2月281日止,已執行目視合格納管數9,987輛次,目標達成率124.8%。3. 動力計柴油車檢測數依本計畫工作目標,柴油車動力計全負載檢測數為3,000輛次,至99年2月28日止,柴油車動力計已檢測3,764輛次,目前目標達成率125.5%。4. 柴油車路邊攔檢作業路邊攔檢及場站檢測目標數為1,200輛次,至99年2月28日止,其中路邊攔檢目標數為700輛次,路邊攔檢煙度計檢測796輛次,目前目標達成率113.1%;場站煙度計目標數為500輛次,場站煙度計檢測922輛次,目前目標達成率184.4%。5. 油品含硫量管制作業截至99年2月28日止,本計畫年度目標為抽驗400件次,目前已完成409件次,整體目標達成率102.3%。6. 停車熄火巡查作業依本計畫目標,停車熄火巡查作業目標數為1,000件,至99年2月28日止,停車熄火巡查已達到1,093件,目前目標達成率109.3%。7. 油品芳香烴檢驗截至99年2月28日止,本計畫年度目標為抽驗20件次,目前已完成20件次,整體目標達成率100%。8. 臺中港區聯合稽查(中部空品區)截至99年2月28日止,本計畫年度目標為3場次,目前已完成3場次中部空品區臺中港聯合稽查活動,整體目標達成率100%。9. 未參加/已參加自主管理之客貨運業者說明會截至99年2月28日止,本計畫年度目標為2場次,分別於98年5月26日完成未參加自主管理之客貨運業者說明會及99年1月7日完成已參加自主管理之客貨運業者說明會,整體目標達成率100%。10. 印製自主管理合格證截至99年2月28日止,本計畫年度目標為3,000份,目前已完成3,000份自主管理合格證印製,整體目標達成率100%。11. 印製宣導手冊截至99年2月28日止,本計畫年度目標為3,000份,目前已完成3,000份宣導手冊印製,整體目標達成率100%。12. 設備校驗維護作業本計畫於98年5月底時,已完成本年度煙度計、砝碼、溫度計、壓力計及轉速計等儀器設備例行性委外校正工作。 The diesel vehicle smoke inspection in Taichung country AbstractAccording to the contract, the execution period of this project was from March 2, 2009 to February 28, 2010. This project includes TAF authentication maintenance, the diesel vehicle smoke inspection, inspection notifying of the diesel vehicle, the diesel vehicles inspection on the roadside, the oil ingredients spot check and management, the testing of Quality Assurance & Control, the inspection equipment maintenance, and the statistical analysis of vehicle inspection results. Furthermore, this project also includes dealing with the public prosecution cases from populace, and holding two conferences of Self-Management Guidance, three union diesel vehicles inspections on the roadside and one expanded union diesel vehicles inspection on the roadside, etc.(1) Notifying numbers of visual judgment on diesel vehicle smoke emissionTarget numbers of visual judgment on diesel vehicle smoke emission are 2,500 cases. 2,932 cases were completed; the rate of achievement was 117.3% till February 28, 2010.(2) Eligible numbers of approved smoke emission by visual judgmentTarget numbers of approved smoke emission by visual judgment are 8,000 cases. 9,987 cases were completed; the rate of achievement was 124.8% till February 28, 2010.(3) Diesel vehicle smoke inspection on the dynamometer with loadTarget number of the diesel vehicle dynamometer test under full load inspection is 3,000 cases. The diesel vehicles inspected were 3,764 cases. The rate of achievement was 125.5% till February 28, 2010.(4) Diesel Vehicle smoke inspection in the roadside/ stations without loadTarget numbers of diesel vehicle inspection on the roadside/ stations are 1,200 cases, including 700 cases were examined by the opacimeter on the roadside. 796 cases were completed; the rate of achievement was 113.1%, and 500 cases were examined by the opacimeter in the stations. 922 cases were completed; the rate of achievement was 184.4% till February 28, 2010.(5) Sulfur content control in oilThe annual target of this program has to carry out 400 cases of spot check. Till February 28, 2010, 409 cases have been finished. The rate of achievement was 102.3%.(6) Operation of Inspection for checking if car engine is off while parking on the roadTarget number of the operation of inspecting car engine off while parking on the road is 1,000 cases. The inspected diesel vehicles were 1,093 cases. Till February 28, 2010, the rate of achievement was 109.3%.(7) Aromatic Hydrocarbon content in Oil ingredient spot checkThe annual target of this program has to carry out 20 cases of spot check. Till February 28, 2010, 20 cases have been finished. The rate of achievement was 100%.(8) The union diesel vehicles inspection on the roadside in Taichung harbor districtThe annual target of this program has to carry out 3 cases. Till February 28, 2010, 3 cases of Taichung harbor district union diesel vehicles inspection on the roadside have been finished. The rate of achievement was 100%.(9) The orientation for freight operators who have been/haven’t been participated in self-management programTill February 28, 2010, the annual target of this program is to carry out 2 sessions. The orientation for freight operators who haven’t been participated in self-management program was held in May 26, 2009. The orientation for freight operators who have been participated in self-management program was held in January 7, 2010. The rate of achievement was 100%. (10) Printing of Self-Management Certificate The annual target of this program has to carry out 3,000 copies. Till February 28, 2010, 3,000 copies of Self-Management Certificate printing have been finished. The rate of achievement was 100%.(11) Printing of Guidance Brochure The annual target of this program has to carry out 3,000 copies. Till February 28, 2010, 3,000 copies of Guidance Brochure printing have been finished. The rate of achievement was 100%.(12) Inspection equipment maintenance & calibrationThe inspection equipment including the opacimeter, the weights, the thermometer, the manometer and the tachometer were sent to be calibrated in the end of May, 2010. 098 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17936
一般廢棄物資源循環推動計畫 098 金門縣環境保護局 昇元工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=21240
98年度沿海地區空氣污染物及環境健康世代研究計畫 雲林縣環保局為回應「97年度空氣污染對沿海地區環境及居民健康影響之風險評估規劃第1年計畫」計劃之建議,於98年經公開招標甄選台大公衛學院進行「98年度沿海地區空氣污染物及環境健康世代研究計畫」。本計畫由台大職業醫學與工業衛生研究所詹長權教授擔任總計畫主持人進行文獻回顧、資料整合分析及生物標記之分析,並由台大醫院雲林分院社區及家庭醫學部主任洪壽宏進行世代的健康檢查及血液生化指標分析,台大預防醫學研究所李永凌助理教授進行世代的取樣方法及問卷設計、調查等,另外,委託工研院進行六輕附近鄉鎮進行空氣的實地採樣。本計劃透過台大雲林分院醫療團隊為基礎,結合社區基層醫療網,並透過地方衛生所與農會,經過一年努力之後成功建立一個流行病學世代調查模式。截至2010年6月止本研究在褒忠鄉、四湖鄉、台西鄉、東勢鄉、麥寮鄉、崙背鄉、虎尾鎮等7個鄉鎮,共執行11場次健康檢查活動,總共完成蒐集問卷世代個案2006人、肺功能2008人、健康世代1508人、生物偵測樣本1252人。從流行病學世代資料裡我們初步發現兩個結果:(一)肺功能指標結果顯示台西鄉居民的五項肺功能指標(FVC預測百分率、FEV1預測百分率、FEV1/FVC、FEF25-75%預測百分率與PEF預測百分率)比虎尾鎮、東勢鄉與二崙鄉的居民為差,麥寮鄉居民的五項肺功能指標(FVC預測百分率、FEV1預測百分率、FEV1/FVC與FEF25-75%預測百分率、PEF預測百分率)比東勢鄉、四湖鄉、虎尾鎮與二崙鄉的居民為差;(二)使用高效率液相層析儀及螢光偵測器測定尿中多環芳香烴(PAHs)的代謝物1-羥基芘(1-OHP)分析結果顯示,以六輕所在地的麥寮鄉與暴露區的台西鄉、褒忠鄉、東勢鄉居民的尿液中1-OHP濃度皆比對照區的虎尾鎮居民的濃度高。本研究透過現有的環境採樣、文獻回顧之流行病學資料庫與重大空污事件解析,匯整出六輕石化工業區使用生產原物料與相關副產物共有255種物質,當中具有潛在急性、慢性或致癌性健康危害的污染物共有132種,包含傳統污染物二氧化硫及二氧化氮、小於10微米的懸浮微粒(PM10)與小於2.5微米的懸浮微粒(PM2.5)中的19種重金屬與12種PAHs、97種揮發性有機物及半揮發性有機物(VOCs、SVOCs)。我們以矽塗層真空不鏽鋼採樣筒進行揮發性有機氣體採樣,以哈佛衝擊器加鐵氟龍濾紙採集懸浮微粒,以石英濾紙採集多環芳香族物質,透過在四湖國中、東勢國中、崙背國中、麥寮高中國中部、臺西國中、褒忠國中、虎尾國中、二崙國中、莿桐國中、元長國中等十個國中進行四個季節的現場空氣採樣;再以氣相層析質譜儀(GC/MS)進行VOCs及PAHs分析,以感應偶合電漿質譜儀(ICP/MS)分析重金屬。發現:(一)在VOCs的濃度於98年9月份六輕歲修期間濃度明顯較低,98年11月份風向主要為東北風由六輕吹向台灣海峽,沒有發現明顯之指標污染物;然而於99年1月份採樣時,當時風向為東北到北北東的風向,又加上高風速(>7 m/s),於唯一暴露區下風處的台西站發現1,2-二氯乙烷;在99年3月份採樣時,為了解極高暴露區的狀態,增列位於六輕工業東邊的豐安國小,由於當時採樣時吹西風,豐安國小為最近的暴露區下風處,發現另一個指標污染物1,3-丁二烯,顯示石化工業的污染物於大氣條件適合下,明顯會對於下風之暴露區產生影響。(二)當盛行風從六輕吹向暴露區時,在16種PAHs的濃度分布上,暴露區的平均濃度高於對照區的種類包括Benzo(a)anthracene、Benzo(a)pyrene、Benzo(ghi)peryene、Benzo(k)fluoranthene、Chrysene、Fluoranthene、Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene、Naphthalene與Pyrene等九種PAHs,僅於99年三月都測到暴露區平均濃度高於對照區的有Acenaphthylene、Anthracene與Phenanthrene等三種PAHs。(三)在20種重金屬成分中,當盛行風從六輕吹向暴露區時,暴露區重金屬濃度高於對照區有10種,包括鍶(Sr)、Mn(錳)、鋇(Ba)、Ga(鎵)、砷(As)、釩(V)、鉻(Cr)、鋰(Li)、硒(Se)與鎳(Ni)。環保署監測站長期監測資料顯示台西站二氧化硫第八大日最大小時值在2000年以前皆低於崙背站(為0.84倍)與斗六站(為0.99倍),但自2000年後則是崙背站的4.10倍、斗六站的3.73倍;同樣二氧化氮第八大日最大小時值在2000年以前皆低於崙背站(為0.73倍)與斗六站(為0.68倍),但自2000年後則是崙背站的1.41倍、斗六站的1.21倍。PM10年平均濃度約60~80 µg/m3、第八大日平均值約在110~200 µg/m3之間,都遠高於世界衛生組織所公佈的健康指引值。雲林縣的臭氧濃度逐年上升。台西光化測站的監測結果則顯示2007年~2009年這三年TVOC濃度並無改善。以上結果顯示六輕工業區對附近鄉鎮空氣品質、居民尿液中的1-OHP及居民的肺功能有影響,至於這些環境影響和個人暴露對於居民個人健康衝擊的大小,則可以藉由本計劃所建構的流行病學世代調查模式持續追蹤來進一步確認。 Air pollution and health among residents near a petrochemical complex in Yunlin County:a cohort study In order to carry out long-term follow-up of the residents’ health and the epidemiologic study, the cohort study is needed. Based on community-level local health service and support from National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch, we have tried to establish an epidemiological model for environmental cohort study in this year. Until June 2010, we have conducted 11 times of mass health screenings in Baojhong, Taisi, Sihhu, Dongshih, Mailiao, Lunbei, and Huwei. A total of 2006 subjects with questionnaire data, 2008 subjects with pulmonary function examination data, 1508 subjects with health screening data, and 1252 subjects with biological monitoring samples were collected.In the epidemiological point of view, our data revealed that (1) If we set that reference group is Taisi, the five pulmonary function indices (percent-predicted FVC, percent-predicted FEV1, FEV1/FVC, percent-predicted FEF25-75% and percent- -predicted PEF) in subjects were better in Huwei, Dongshih and Erlun. If we set that reference group is Mailiao, the five pulmonary function indices (percent-predicted FVC, percent-predicted FEV1, FEV1/FVC, percent-predicted FEF25-75% and percent-predicted PEF) in subjects were better in Dongshih, Sihhu, Huwei and Erlun. (2) We used HPLC to test urinary metabolites of PAH (1-hydroxypyren, 1-OHP). The result showed that the 1-OHP concentrations in Baojhong, Taisi, Dongshih, and Mailiao were higher than that in Huwei. In this study, we used environmental sampling and literature review of epidemiological database. There were 255 kinds of air-born chemicals related to the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex of Formosa Petrochemical Corporation. In these chemicals, 132 were acute or chronic carcinogens. Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, PM10, and PM2.5 were also related to the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex of Formosa Petrochemical Corporation, as well as 97 kinds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs, SVOCs), 19 kinds of heavy metals, and 12 kinds of PAHs.In the environmental monitoring study, the VOCs sample collection results showed that the highest concentration was 128.38 ppb, which was collected in Sihhu Junior High School in March 2010. The second highest concentration was 54.57 ppb, which was collected in Erlun Junior high School in September 2009. The rest results were all below 50 ppb. 1,2-dichloroethane and 1,3-butadiene only was collected in Taisi Junior High School and Fengan Elementary School. The main materials were toluene and benzene in the VOCs sample collection. The dimethyl benzene and ethyl benzene concentrations were higher in Lunbei and Erlun Junior high School than that in other in November 2009.The methyl chloride and dichloromethane concentrations were higher in Mailiao Junior high School than that in other in September 2009.The Solvents of Polarities sample collection results showed that the acetone and ethanol were main materials, found in all sampling collecting spots. In fourth collection, the Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) concentrations was highest in Sihhu Junior high School,the second highest was Fengan Elementary School. The second highest concentration was collected in November 2009, in Mailiao and Erlun Junior high School than that in other. We found the acetaldehyde pollution in Huwei and Cihtong Junior high School. When the wind blows from exposure zone to non-exposure zone, we could find PAHs concentrations were higher in exposure zone, including Benzo(a)anthracene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Benzo(ghi)peryene, Benzo(k)fluoranthene, Chrysene, Fluoranthene, Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, Naphthalene and Pyrene. Although the wind does not blow easterly, we could also find three kinds of PAHs higher in exposure zone, including Acenaphthylene, Anthracene and Phenanthrene. When the wind blows from exposure zone to non-exposure zone, we could find 10 kinds of heavy metals, including Sr, Mn, Ba, Ga, As, V, Cr, Li, Se and Ni were higher in exposure zone, rather than non-exposure zone. After analyzing the data from air quality monitoring station, the results showed that the SO2/NO2 concentrations were lower in Taisi than that in Douliou and Lunbei before 2000. But after 2000, SO2/NO2 concentrations were higher in Taisi than in Douliou and Lunbei. The annual average concentration of PM10 is about 60 ~ 80 μg/m3 and the eighth largest daily average concentration of PM10 is about 110 ~ 200 μg/m3. Both of them are much higher than the WHO guideline standard. In Yunlin County, the ozone concentration increased year by year. The data from Taisi photochemical station showed that TVOC did not change significantly between 2007 and 2009.In conclusion, out data showed that the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex would influence ambient air quality, pulmonary function and 1-OHP in residents nearby. We would need continuous follow-up of this environmental to identify multiple health effects in a more detailed manner. 098 雲林縣環境保護局 國立臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=19093
98年度柴油車廢氣排放之健康風險調查案 隨著經濟發展與工商社會進步,國民所得提高,生活品質的要求也隨之提高,造成機動車輛的快速成長。由於台灣地狹人稠,都會地區空氣品質相對與民眾有迫切關係。根據環保署97年環保施政意向調查結果,民眾希望政府未來一年優先加強辦理的環保工作以「改善空氣品質(29.2%)」居首。都會區各種空氣污染物排放總量中,87.8%來自移動污染源,其中柴油車所排放出來的黑煙,常導致民眾不良印象。桃園縣近年來由於經濟快速成長,人口數已突破190萬人,客貨運需求有逐年升高趨勢,截至98年12月的統計數據顯示:桃園縣籍內大客車、大貨車及特種車登記總數約達23,229輛,小貨車達17,249輛,小客車為535,501輛,機械腳踏車為1,081,978輛,總計桃園縣機動車輛高達1,702,386輛,僅次於臺北縣及臺北市,為全國登記車輛數第三高縣市。加上桃園縣都會區路網綿密,公車運輸發達,往來之各型柴油車輛相當可觀,其所造成之空氣污染十分嚴重。除縣內工業區發達外,桃園縣北臨大台北縣市,南面新竹科學園區,位居運輸樞紐,往來客貨運流量居高不下;另一方面,我國因加入WTO的緣故,於2004年開放柴油小客車進口,在國內柴油油價相對便宜的前提下,柴油小客車亦有增量潛勢,諸此客觀條件下,整體柴油車輛排放增加的問題,及其對縣民健康的影響,更是值得關注的焦點。本計畫以檢測縣內柴油車輛排放廢氣為主,建立縣內柴油車輛PM2.5、PAHs、SO2、NO2及CO等排放係數資料庫,並進行周界及交通流量等調查,主要是要讓桃園縣環保局更加瞭解柴油車於桃園縣境內之污染分佈情形,及協助辦理淘汰老舊二行程機車補助及低污染運具加碼活動等等,利用模式模擬及人力支援等方式,來提高計畫執行成效。一、柴油車排放係數計畫依據三種不同情形進行MOBILE6.2 模式模擬,探討桃園縣柴油車之空氣污染物(包括HC、CO、NOx、SO2、PM10、PM2.5及PAHs)等。1.3.5噸以下小貨車:排放係數其範圍介於0.123~0.339之間。NOx部分以模式C(6.811~2.857)之排放係數較高;CO部分模式A (3.780~2.664)所得到之排放係數較高;PM10 、PM2.5及PAHs部分模式C之排放係數較高。2.短程客運車:排放係數其範圍介於0.006~25.0之間。NOx部分模式C(3.67~2.644)之排放係數較高;CO部分模式B (12.888~9.112)所得到之排放係數較高;SO2部分模式C (0.038)所得到之排放係數較高;PM10部分模式C (24.981)所得到之排放係數高於模式A(0.314)及B(0.228)、PM10 、PM2.5及PAHs部分模式C之排放係數較高。3.長程客運車及遊覽車:排放係數其範圍介於0.005~13.0之間。NOx部分模式A(3.470~1.199)之排放係數較高;CO部分模式A(9.601~6.703)所得到之排放係數較高;SO2部分模式C (0.043)所得到之排放係數較高;PM10 、PM2.5及PAHs部分模式C之排放係數較高。4.3.5噸以上大貨車:排放係數其範圍介於0.007~22.0之間。NOx部分模式A(2.806~0.969)之排放係數較高;CO部分模式A(6.869~4.801)所得到之排放係數較高;SO2部分模式C (0.047)所得到之排放係數較高;PM10 、PM2.5及PAHs部分模式C之排放係數較高。5.貨櫃曳引車:排放係數其範圍介於0.004~71.0之間。NOx部分模式C(8.559~3.469)之排放係數較高;CO部分模式B(9.817~5.170)所得到之排放係數較高;SO2部分模式C (0.051)所得到之排放係數較高;PM10 、PM2.5及PAHs部分模式C之排放係數較高。二、淘汰老舊二行程機車、油氣雙燃料車及低污染運具※汰舊老舊高污染二行程機車98年共計撥款7,443件。※油氣雙燃料車截至98年共計488件。※低污染運具加碼活動:本年度申請油氣雙燃料車15輛,電動自行車和電動補助自行車200輛,自行車56輛,油氣雙燃料車部分將可減少排放CO:0.494公噸/年,HC:0.01公噸/年;電動自行車和電動輔助自行車將可減少排放HC:2.03公噸/年。※其他文宣:辦理6次媒體宣導活動、建立二行程機車宣導網站及桃園縣執行新購或改裝油氣雙燃料車補助作業計畫宣導網。 2009, Diesel vehicle emission health risks research project Along with economic development and industrial society progress, people's income has increased and also improves the quality of life that caused a rapid increase of motor vehicles. Because Taiwan is densely populated, the air quality in urban areas has an important relationship with citizen. According to the result of EPA 2008 Environmental Implementation Intention Survey, improving air quality (29.2%) is that people main hope Government gave priority to strengthen of environmental work in the coming year. Urban emissions of various air pollutants, by 87.8% from mobile sources of pollution, including diesel vehicles emitted black smoke, often leads to bad public impression.In recent years, due to rapid economic growth, Taoyuan County population has exceeded 1.9 million people so passenger and freight demand tended to increase year by year. The statistics as of 2009 December, Registered in Taoyuan County buses, large trucks and special vehicles up to a total of some 23,229 vehicles, Small truck up to 17,249 cars, there are 535,501 small passenger cars, machinery and bicycles are 1,081,978 vehicles, up to a total of 1,702,386 motor vehicles. Taoyuan County is the third highest number of vehicles registered in Taiwan cities and counties, second only to Taipei County and Taipei City. Urban areas in Taoyuan County, the roads are very intensive and has well-developed bus transportation so there are considerable number of various kinds of diesel vehicles passing, and cause a very serious air pollution. In addition to well-developed industrial area of Taoyuan County, the north is Taipei city and county, the south is the Hsin-chu Science-based Industrial Park. It located within the transportation hub, it has been had large passenger and cargo traffic. On the other hand, since accession to WTO, open up the import of diesel passenger cars in 2004. In the premise that the domestic diesel oil price is relatively cheap, diesel cars are also an increasing trend. Based on a lot of objective conditions, the problem is an overall increase in emissions from diesel vehicles and the public health impact of the county, is more worthy of attention. This project is mainly detected emissions from diesel vehicles to establish emission factor database, such as PM2.5, PAHs, SO2, NO2, and CO emission factors and conduct perimeter and traffic investigation. Mainly Taoyuan County Environmental Protection Agency will be more aware of the distribution of diesel pollution in Taoyuan County. Mainly Taoyuan County Environmental Protection Agency will be more aware of the distribution of diesel pollution in Taoyuan County, and assist in the elimination of old two-stroke motorcycles and low-pollution vehicles subsidies and grants activities, etc. And use the model simulation and human support to enhance the effectiveness of program implementation.1. Diesel vehicle emission factorThis project based on the use of three different situations simulated MOBILE6.2, discussing air pollutants from diesel vehicles in Taoyuan County (including HC, CO, NOx, SO2, PM10, PM2.5, and PAHs), etc.(1) Trucks under 3.5 tons: Emission factor range is between 0.123 ~ 0.339. NOx emission factor is relatively high in Module C (6.811~ 2.857). CO emission factor is relatively high in Module A (3.780 ~ 2.664). PM10, PM2.5 and PAHs are relatively high in Module C.(2) Short-range passenger car: Emission factor range is between 0.006 ~ 25.0. NOx emission factor is relatively high in Module C (3.67~ 2.644). CO emission factor is relatively high in Module B (12.888~9.112). SO2 emission factor is relatively high in Module C (12.888~9.112). PM10 emission factor In Module C (24.981) is higher than Module A (0.314) and B (0.228). PM10, PM2.5 and PAHs are relatively high in Module C.(3) Long-haul passenger vans and Tour : Emission factor range is between 0.005~13.0. NOx emission factor is relatively high in Module A (3.470~ 1.199). CO emission factor is relatively high in Module A (9.601~6.703). SO2 emission factor is relatively high in Module C (0.043). PM10, PM2.5 and PAHs are relatively high in Module C.(4) Trucks over 3.5 tons: Emission factor range is between 0.007~22.0. NOx emission factor is relatively high in Module A (2.806~0.969). CO emission factor is relatively high in Module A (6.869~4.801). SO2 emission factor is relatively high in Module C (0.047). PM10, PM2.5 and PAHs are relatively high in Module C.(5) Container tractor truck: Emission factor range is between 0.004~71.0. NOx emission factor is relatively high in Module C (8.559~3.469). CO emission factor is relatively high in Module B (9.817~5.170). SO2 emission factor is relatively high in Module C (0.051). PM10, PM2.5 and PAHs are relatively high in Module C.2. Replace old two-stroke motorcycles by oil and gas dual-fuel vehicles and low-pollution transportations.※ Replace the old high-polluting two-stroke motorcycle allocated a total of 7,443 cases in 2008.※ As of 2009, oil and gas dual-fuel vehicles total 488.※ Supplement the activities of a low-pollution transportation: This year applications for oil and gas bi-fuel cars are 15 cars. Electric bicycles and electric auxiliary bicycles are 200 cars. Bicycles are 56 cars. Oil and gas dual-fuel vehicles can reduce emissions of CO about 0.494 tons / year and HC about 0.01 tons / year. Electric bicycles and electric auxiliary bicycles can reduce emissions of HC about 2.03 tons / year.※ Other propaganda: Handle six times the media advocacy activities. The establishment of two-stroke motorcycle advocacy site and Taoyuan County to implement the new purchase or modification of oil and gas dual-fuel vehicles operating subsidy program advocacy network. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 威陞環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16436
二仁溪及鹽水溪河川巡守管理計畫(第二年)專案工作計畫 為協助及加速河川污染整治工作,91年起長榮大學河川保育中心在行政院環境保護署補助下,執行一系列促進民眾參與河川污染整治的計畫。此一系列民眾參與河川污染整治計畫已建立起民眾參與河川保育機制,透過污染通報、認養河岸、水環境教育、志工水質監測、參與整治策略規劃等,民間能量於河川整治工作。為協助南部七縣市經營河川巡守隊,河川保育中心於今年度透過網頁、Ecolife暨巡守地圖繪製工作坊、民眾參與流域環境管理工作坊等方式來促進縣市經驗交流及應用河川保育中心發展之民眾參與工具。於大台南地區性工作,為深化民眾參與,辦理二仁溪導覽志工培訓,認證35名導覽員。完成並發行12期河川巡守教育推廣電子報(溪流的呼喚)。持續推動水環境教育,參與水環境教育獎章學校共15所,17位指導老師,389名學生獲得認證(253名河川守護精靈、34名河川守護天使、102名河川守護菁英)。為持續協助整合民間河川守護能量參與河川流域環境管理規劃,河川保育中心召開六次二仁溪污染整治民間討論會,彙整各民間團體意見提案第十二~十五次二仁溪整治再生願景聯繫會報。透過今年度計畫工作,河川保育中心已逐步將推動民眾參與之經驗推廣到南部其他河川流域,並深化二仁溪之民眾參與。 To assist and speed up river pollution cleanup, River Restoration Center in Chang Jung University has conducted a series of public participation projects since 2002 under the sponsor of Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA). The series of projects have successfully establish a public participation framework to involve people in river watch, segment adoption, environmental education, volunteer monitoring, and watershed planning. This year, to further assist the seven counties in southern Taiwan managing their river watch program, the River Restoration Center established public participation website and held two workshops to promote the sharing of management experience among the County Enironmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs) and to provide the public involvement tools developed in the past few years. As for the Great Tainan Area, we held a guide training workshop for the Erhjin River. Thirty-five local volunteers were certified as the qualified River Environment Guide. Tewleve monthly newsletters were published. The Water Environment Patch Project was continued to implement in 15 schools, including elementary school, junior-high, and university, across the Great Tainan Area. The participants included 17 teachers and 389 students (253 certified River Guaridan Elf, 34 certified River Guardian Angel, and 102 certified River Guardian Ace). To involve the delegates of the River Watch groups into the watershed planning, we have also held 6 routine Counselling and Oversee meetings to discuss the watershed environmental issues for the Erhjin River. The suggestions about the Erhjin River were further submitted and disscused in 4 Erhjin River Program Implementation Committee meetings. The issues included pollution source control, biological investigation and sediment contamination study, the disposals of historical electrical waste digging up by the river bank construction, as well as river bank restoration. Through the efforts this year, the river restoration center has become a regional plateform to promote public participation in the southern Taiwan. 098 水保處 長榮大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15627
執行新購或改裝油氣雙燃料車補助及查核專案工作計畫 本計畫包括以下六項工作成果本計畫主要依「新購或改裝油氣雙燃料車補助辦法」執行補助案件審查、撥款及查核作業,並建置「油氣雙燃料車資訊管理系統」、辦理車型排氣認證合格證審查核發、彙整執行成果進行統計分析及加強教育訓練等。截至99年6月30日,協助環保署辦理申請補助案件核撥補助款共計1,595件,並完成「油氣雙燃料車資訊管理系統」建置、即時更新專屬網站及系統測試等工作,資料庫整合(包含98年7月前的申請案件)共計有9,249筆申請資料。彙整資料統計包括全國營業中加氣站共計39站,分別集中於桃園以北、中部台中市及嘉義以南。申請補助案件按車齡分佈,以2009年出廠的佔有40%為最多,廠牌以國瑞(TOYOTA)佔有率最高。協助車型排氣認證合格證明之審查核發共計71個引擎族180款車型。完成8家改裝廠現場調校技術訪談,並挑選其中4家進行實車抽驗工作。另舉辦3場教育訓練及3本範例手冊編製,陸續完成車型排氣認證申請程序、申請補助案件流程及資訊系統操作等說明,以有效降低改裝廠之申請退件率。 To Execute the Subsidy of Hybrid-LPG Vehicle This project carried out review, appropriation and inspection of subsidy of hybrid-LPG vehicle according to “Purchase or modify to Hybrid-LPG Vehicle Subsidy Regulation”. The set-up of “Hybrid-LPG Vehicle Information Management System”, the inspection of emission authentication for LPG vehicle model, the statistic analysis of the project achievement and the enhancement of training were finished in this project. 1,595 subsidy applications were approved for EPA until June 30, 2010. Simultaneously, the “Hybrid-LPG Vehicle Information Management System” and an on-line updating website were established and tested. 9,249 sets of application data from 39 LPG stations were gathered. The data almost concentrated in the north of Taoyuan, Taichung City and the south of Chiayi.The subsidy applications were classified by the vehicle age, and the highest rate was those manufactured in 2009, which is about 40% of the total applications. However, if it was classified by the manufacturer, the highest was TOYOTA. Further, 71 engine tribes and 180 vehicle models were inspected for the emission authentication. Eight meetings on regulating and calibrating were completed for the modifying manufacturers, in which 4 manufacturers were selected for spot inspection. As well, 3 training courses and 3 sample manuals were finished. In addition, the project also finished the application processes of emission authentication, the procedure of subsidy application and the information system user guide for reducing the quit rate of applications. 098 空保處 新研車輛科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18374
環境影響評估地面水水質評估模式研究 本研究主要目的在於研究環境影響評估中地面水水質評估模式,輔助目前現行技術規範的不足。擬就現行國內外各項評估模式進行分析,針對評估模式之適用條件、限制及模式參數等加以檢討,提出合理的篩選原則,提供初步適用之評估模式技術規範。 Study on Surface Water Quality Models of Environmental Impact Assessment The main purpose of this project is to study the adequacy of the use of surface water quality model in environmental impact assessment (EIA), especially rivers or streams. The results are expected to improve the document quality of current EIA reports. The study process includes: (1) collection of various water quality assessment models and methods; (2) analysis of the differences and local feasibility of the models and methods; (3) design objective selection principles. Two-steps selection flow was established and expert consultation in persons and in documents was involved. In the first step of model selection, the candidate models are identified depend on its reliability, availability, and convenience, which are simple method, AGNPS, BASINS, ESTUARY, HSPF, PLOAD, QUAL2E/QUAL2K, SWMM, and WASP. But the practical applications of PLOAD in Taiwan is too less to be selected. Thus, eight models are resulted in the first selection. The second selection is to select the possible model for specific development cases. The pollution quantity and quality, the case location, category of final receiving waterbody, nonpoint source pollution and the tidal effects of cases are the five selection principles in the second step. In addition, a selection flow chart is designed to assist the selection process. If multiple models are finally resulted, people can make decision of model use according to the priority of selection principles. Otherwise, various models for different simulations are also recommended. 098 綜計處 國立台北科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14199
98年毒性化學物質公告列管與使用用途管理計畫 本計畫執行期間自民國98年4月至98年12月止,主要目的為:(1)蒐集更新國外先進國家及國際公約之毒化物管制資訊;(2)國內重點毒化物運作現況及廢棄情形調查;(3)規劃我國未來毒化物之整體管理策略。經本計畫執行結果,在蒐集毒化物管制資訊並提出國內管理策略建議方面,已完成五氯苯等15種化學物質之中文毒理資料編譯、蒐集五氯苯等25種化學物質之相關毒理資料,並提出後續毒性分類方式之具體建議;另針對歐洲化學品管理署高度關注物質及斯德哥爾摩公約附件之五氯苯等11種化學物質,完成國內運作現況調查,其中五氧化砷、全氟辛烷磺酸基化合物及安殺番等具有運作行為,建議優先納入公告列管毒化物及其運作管理範圍;此外,參考國際綠色化學趨勢,已初步研提毒管法修法建議;再者,依據PVC各種用途對人體健康影響之資料蒐集結果,初步研提後續建議管制策略。在國內運作現況調查及減量輔導方面,已進行石綿等5種重點管制毒化物之運作廠場現場輔導,其中石綿、汞及十溴二苯醚於市面上有可行替代品,建議可減少使用,而苯及丙烯腈為化工製程主原料,並無可行替代品,建議加強設備元件改善及後端回收處理,以減少釋放量。另依國內各大專院校問卷調查及現場訪查結果,初步建議後續應優先建立實驗室藥品正確標示、MSDS及安全貯存之制度,並請藥品供應商建立廢棄或過期藥品之逆向回收制度。 Project of Control Announcements and Usage Management of Toxic Chemical Substances This Project was implemented over the period from April 2009 to December 2009. The main objectives of the project were 1) to collect information on toxic substances management from advanced countries and international conventions, 2) to implement a survey of the key toxic chemical substances relating to the current utilization and disposal in Taiwan, 3) to plan out comprehensive strategies for the toxic chemical substances management in Taiwan in the future. With respect to the collected information and recommendations of management strategies, 15 toxic chemical substances information including pentachlorobenzene was compiled in Chinese version and 25 toxic chemical substances information including pentachlorobenzene was collected to provide suggestions of toxicity classification. In addition, the utilization survey with regard to the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and 11 chemical substances including pentachlorobenzene listed in the appendix to the Stockholm Convention was complied. The survey results indicated that pentachlorobenzene, perfluorooctane sulfate and endosulfan currently in operation in Taiwan, and these chemical substances were given precedence with recommendations for being toxic chemical substances with control announcements. Furthermore, preliminary recommendations were drawn up regarding to the revision of the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act which based on the international trends in green chemical industry development. However, a provisional management strategy for PVC was formulated based on the impact of PVC on human health with various usages. As the current utilization survey of toxic chemical substances and the usage reduction guidance in Taiwan, on-site guidance was provided at operating facilities with five key controlled toxic chemical substances, including asbestos. Among these five substances, substitute products are available for asbestos, mercury and deca-BDE, and it is suggested that utilization of these substances should be reduced. Nevertheless, substitute products are not available for benzene or acrylonitrile which is primary material in chemical industry processes. It is recommended that operating equipments should be improved and recycling treatment should be set up to reduce emissions. On the basis of questionnaire surveys of universities/colleges in Taiwan and the on-site interview, priority recommendations should be given to establish the correct labeling, MSDS (Material Data Safety Sheets) and safe storage of experimental chemical substances, and chemicals manufacturers should constitute reversible recycling systems for waste and expired chemical substances. 098 毒管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15280
98年度加油站防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備查核暨網路申報諮詢計畫 台灣地區加油站大多設置於人口集中之都市或道路旁,致使其對周遭環境品質之影響日益受到環保主管機關及民眾之重視,其中以地下儲槽及管線中油品之滲漏所導致土壤及地下水污染之問題,最受關切。環保署為健全加油站防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備之設置與管理,於95年7月4日修訂公告「加油站防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備設置管理辦法」,同時為加強推動其相關業務,爰執行「98年度加油站防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備查核暨網路申報諮詢計畫」工作。本計畫共完成下列三項主要工作,包括:一、完成檢討「加油站防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備設置管理辦法」之執行現況問題與研擬改善對策,並完成修正草案及辦理3場次研商會及2場次公聽會。二、完成查核10站軍事單位及414站加油站之防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備之設置、維護與定期監測情形,其中發現污染潛勢較高者有35站,建議環保署未來應進行其土壤及地下水污染調查。三、完成維護監測申報網站及資料庫功能提升,包括:建置軍事單位地下儲槽系統網路申報系統、建置設置計畫書及完工報告書之網路申報系統、定期檢視維護系統功能及備份系統資料庫、辦理網路傳輸申報宣導會及更新並提升加油站系統功能。 Inspection of Facilities for Preventing the Pollution of Groundwater Bodies and Monitoring Equipment Most gas stations in Taiwan are located in cities with high residential density or by the roadsides. Therefore, the environmental protection authorities and the public have paid a lot of attention to the environment quality around the gas stations, especially the issues of soil and groundwater pollution caused by the leakage of underground oil tanks and pipes.The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has amended and promulgated the “Regulations for Installation and Management of Facilities for Preventing Pollution of Groundwater Bodies and Monitoring Equipment in Gas Stations” on July 4, 2006 to enhance the installation and management of these facilities and equipment. Besides, for promoting other relevant activities, the EPA then entrusted Sinotech to conduct this project.Three major achievements of this Project were listed below:1.Reviewed the current issues of implementation of and prepared the improvement countermeasures on “Regulations for Installation and Management of Facilities for Preventing Pollution of Groundwater Bodies and Monitoring Equipment in Gas Stations,” amended the draft, and held 5 seminars.2.Inspected the installation, maintenance, and regular monitoring of facilities for preventing pollution of groundwater bodies and monitoring equipment in 10 military unite and 414 gas stations. 35 gas stations were found with high potential for contamination. It was suggested that the EPA should carry out investigation of soil and groundwater contamination in the future.3.Maintained the monitoring and declaration web site and upgraded the functions of database, including:a.Established the online declaration system of Underground Storage Tank (UST) for military unitsb.Established the function of the online declaration system for on-line submission of UST’s installation and completion planc.Regularly inspected and maintained the online declaration system and performed database backupd.Held promotion meetings of the online declaration systeme.Updated and enhanced the function of the online declaration system for the gas stations. 098 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16782
酸雨監測分析及有害物質濕沉降調查評估工作計畫 本報告研究目的為 (1)維護與改進跨國大氣長程傳輸送模式整合系統,掌握、預警及評估台灣環境受境外輸送之衝擊,提供環保署及地方環保單位進行空氣品質管理決策之參考;(2) 針對空氣品質異常事件,修正事故發生時之空氣品質統計數值;(3)維護台灣酸雨監測網,進行長期監測與資料分析;(4)持續進行大氣汞溼沉降及重金屬監測網,評估對台灣的影響,估算長程輸送對台灣貢獻量;(5)更新與維護台灣酸雨資訊網;(6)積極推動及參與區域大氣污染相關議題之國際合作與技術交流。 Acid Rain Monitoring and Assessment of Acidic Deposition in Taiwan The goals of this study are (1) to establish and maintain an integrated atmospheric modeling system for studying the long-range transport of regional air pollutants in order to predict and assess their impact on Taiwan air quality, and further to provide fundamental information to EPA for air pollution management, (2) to revise the PSI when abnormal air pollution events occur, (3) to maintain acid deposition net work for conducting a long-term monitoring and data analysis, (4) to maintain an integrated atmospheric mercury and heavy metals for studying the long-range transport of regional air pollutants, (5) to update and maintain the web site of acid rain study in Taiwan, and (6) to promote regional international collaborations. 098 空保處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15843
推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫-宜蘭縣 為有效整合民間志義工等社會資源,與政府部門配合,發動全民運動,藉由「跨部會合作整頓環境」、「宣導誘發民間社會力量」及「分層負責機制」等複式動員方式,推動清淨家園全民運動計畫。「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網」Eco Life網站,不僅作為推動本計畫之媒介,亦為與認養單位照顧特定區域中住戶及民眾互動與活動紀錄之平台。本計畫完成複式動員機制規劃,使用者可於Eco Life網站中建構組織架構及層級關係,透過複式交流平台,使用者可動員複式網絡下的組織團體及個人來進行5S(整理、整頓、清掃、清潔、紀律)運動。在通報、巡檢及清理部分,完成以地理資訊系統為基礎之通報、巡檢及清理,透過空間分配機制,即時將通報巡檢案件自動分配給認養清理者及地方環保單位;另外認養及責任清理巡檢者透過google map 進行清理及巡檢範圍路線繪製,並設定巡檢箱及清理箱;利用組織功能建立組織樹,將各認養單位組織成龐大團隊,發揮組織力量。本計畫完成以地區及組織為基礎之成果統計。系統自動即時計算部落格的地區及其組織戰鬥力之積點,以及各項相關內容,並將其成果亦顯示於該部落格內。本計畫也完成種子教師培訓會、環境美化助理員教育訓練課程、村里座談會、社區宣導活動、志義工團體培訓、認養單位之推廣、建置組織樹,以整合社區環境認養之複式動員結構。 The planning and supervising of the establishment of intergrated environmental protection and multip In order to Integrate social resources such as non-governmental volunteers to coordinate with government department , and to start a non-governmental movement, multiple mobilization like 'cross-department environmental cleanup', 'propaganda to bring out the strength of civil society' and 'establish Local accountability mechanism', were carried out. Eco life website was not using only the connection to keep the project moving, but also as a platform to communicate with the inhabitants and to record the project activity. This project not only completed a scheme of non-governmental movement, also allowed users to participate '5S' movement as a group or an individual. Reporting, patrolling, and clean up were done based on the geographic information system , people who are responsible for clean up the area and the local environment protection department will be notify at first. Through the google map, people who adopt and be responsible for the certain area will proceed to clean up and design the route to patrol, and set up patrol boxes and clean boxes. Develop the power of organization by using organizing function Establishing organizing tree (system), linking every adopting single union (single community) to huge group. This project has completed the final statistics (result) based on the concept of area and organization. The system would automatically calculate the area of blogs and their battle efficiency point and related information, and showed the results on the blog. This project also has completed teacher training、environmental beautification assistant training、village meeting、community education activity、volunteer training、adopting promotion activity、established organizing tree system、in order to establish and Integrate the multi- mobilization structure of the community environment of adoption system . 098 毒管處 財團法人宜蘭社區大學教育基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15383
資源回收基金費率補貼費導入差異性分析暨廢電子電器資訊物品回收市場調查研究計畫 本計畫主要包含四大工作項目:第一,推算資源回收產業產值及提出資源回收產業資料庫規劃書;第二,檢討總體費率回收率因子;第三,廢電子電器及廢資訊物品費率基礎解盤之經濟影響評估,完成相關因子資料調查及更新;第四,健全費率審議委員會運作效能及更新費率資料庫系統資料。本計畫研究成果簡述如下:(一)資源回收產業產值估計結果為:以主計處資料推估之產值約為645億元、以環保署資料推估之產值約為1,085億元,由於環保署調查方式較能反映資源回收產業環保活動之強度,建議未來應由環保署主導建構資料之收集。(二)檢討回收率因子部分,本研究建議未來在回收率之定義,以「當年回收量/當年應報廢量」統一表述,分母以「營業量」微調的方式代入計算。(三)本研究發現以市場占有率作為課費方式,雖可提升行政作業便利性與有效運用基金,但其實際執行面仍存有許多限制。此外,針對廢家電資訊責任業者範圍及認定標準建議,本研究已針對廢家電及資訊責任業者重新檢討定義並更新文字敘述。(四)本研究已針對費率審議委員會運作分析並提出檢討,並完成各大帳戶中個別材質信託基金餘絀之拆帳作業,及加強預警系統功能。 The Project of Recycling Fee Rates and Subsidies Refer to Analysis of Variance, and the Survey and R This project consisted mainly of four major work items: First, to estimate the production value of resource recycling industry and to build the industry database; Second, to review the general recycling rate; Third, to analyze the economic impact of the system-decomposition of WEEE materials, and to investigate and update the information-related factors; Fourth, to improve the operational effectiveness of Recycling Committee and to update the recycling-fee database system. The main findings are summarized in the following: (1) The production value estimation: While the DGBAS estimated value is about 64.5 billion NT dollars, the EPA estimated value is approximately 1,085 billion NT dollars. Since the EPA survey method better reflected the reality of resource recycling industry, we recommended the EPA to lead construction of the collection of this information. (2) The review of overall collection rate: This study has suggested that the future definition of collection rate to ‘audited-and-certified collection amount / yearly amount should be scrapped’ in order to unify presentation. The denominator of ‘yearly sales amount’ should be adjusted. (3) Analysis of the economic impact of the system-decomposition of WEEE materials: While the market-share-lesson-payment approach has provided convenience and enhanced the administrative operations and effective use of funds, the actual implementation still has many limitations. Furthermore, this study has reviewed the definitions of WEEE products, and proposed additional statement. (4) We have provided directions for the effectiveness improvement of Recycling Committee and recycling-fee database. This study has also completed the individual materials in major account of the demolition of the Trust Fund deficiency accounts operations, and the establishment of early warning mechanisms. 098 基管會 中華經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16312
易發生噪音管制設施及使用中機動車輛檢舉制度建置計畫 噪音陳情案件逐年升高,至97年陳情案件已超過52,000件,成為環境公害陳情案件第一位,因此噪音管制除了現行結果管制與行為管制外,仍應加強推動噪音源頭管制。本計畫蒐集國外易發生噪音設施管制情形,調查國內相關設施之使用現況,以及研擬國內可優先公告的設施及易發生噪音設施許可管制架構,研訂國內營建施工機具聲功率檢測方法初稿,並評估國內3~5年建立施工機具噪音檢測能量之可行性。本計畫協助環保署研擬「易發生噪音設施設置及操作許可辦法」、「使用中機動車輛噪音管制辦法」及「使用中機動車輛噪音妨害安寧檢舉辦法」等草案及協助相關法制行政作業,並配合「易發生噪音設施許可」管制的推動在12月辦理完成台北、高雄、台中三場說明會。同時,本計畫協助環保署建置使用中機動車輛噪音檢舉及通知到檢網頁及資訊交換平台,並邀集各環保局操作人員共辦理完成三場教育訓練會議,檢舉網頁已於98年9月2日上線供民眾檢舉使用,至11月下旬已有16,000人次瀏覽,728件檢舉案件,且針對目前檢舉案件進行縣市別、車種及辦理情形之統計。 Project to advance the permission control of the strong noise facilities and system for impeach of in-use vehicle noise Recently, the number of noise complaint is increased year after year and reaches to over 52000 cases in year 2007, also holds the first place of environmental pollution complaints. Besides the results control and additional action control for noise mitigation policy, the “source control” should be taken action. This project reviewed the control measures for noise emission facilities in EC-countries and Japan, investigated the domestic operation conditions of these facilities; the possible top priority to be announced facilities and the control framework for being prone to noise emission facility was proposed; the draft of “Standard test method of sound power level for the construction facility” was drawn up, and the feasibility to establish adequate capacity of testing the sound power level for the construction facilities in Taiwan within 3~5 years has been evaluated. This project assisted the EPA to draw up the revised draft of “Regulation Governing the Permission for establishment and operation of being prone to noise emission facility”, “In-use Motor Vehicle Noise Control Regulation” and “Citizen Report In-use Motor Vehicle Noise Regulation”; and also assisted to process the related administration proceedings for amending the regulations.To promote the permission control measures of prone to noise emission facility three workshops for policy explanations were held in Kaohsiung, Taipei, and Taichung, respectively. While the regulations were revising, the website for citizen report and EPD information exchange platform was under establishing as well and three training courses for the EPD operators were held. The website opened at 2nd September 2009. Until end of November, there were 16,000 times browsed and 728 report cases; and the vehicles reported counties, vehicle types and sound level were summarized. 098 空保處 中華民國振動與噪音工程學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15610
98年度戴奧辛排放源輔導管理(含有害空氣污染物)暨支援環保案件調查計畫 一、戴奧辛及重金屬排放源查核及文件審查作業(1)清查68家廠商/85根次,清查狀況:運轉中57家/75根次,申請暫時停工者有4家/4根次(勁錸大同廠、中油桃煉廠-M33、環檢所、大鐘印染),已停工但未完成停工申請者有3家/3根次(鼎鑫、博宇電漿、上和),解除列管者有4家/4根次(名皓、和群、俊行記、黃家紡織);已清查廠家運轉中焚化爐有14家-19根次,輔助燃料有21家/26根次,屬公告之固定污染源及第八批次共有22家/30根次。(2)審查134件次桃園縣境內列管之戴奧辛排放源相關資料;執行53份桃園縣境內列管之戴奧辛排放源之戴奧辛檢測報告書之建檔作業(分別建檔於固定污染源管理資訊系統資料庫及台灣地區有毒污染物質資訊管理資料庫中),執行26件列管戴奧辛排放源之檢測之現場監督工作,檢測過程皆符合法規規範。(3)稽查檢測12家廠家之排放管道戴奧辛,其中3家超出法規排放標準。南洋染整股份有限公司於98年10月8日進行稽查檢測,檢測濃度為3.68 ng-TEQ/Nm3,超過中小型廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛排放標準,處理量4噸/小時以下者為:0.5 ng-TEQ/Nm3之規定,已對該廠家進行告發處分罰鍰45萬元,並要求99年4月30日前提送符合排放標準之檢測報告。名佳利金屬工業股份有限公司中壢二廠於98年10月26-27日進行稽查檢測,檢測濃度為1.22 ng-TEQ/Nm3,超過固定污染源戴奧辛排放標準1.0 ng-TEQ/Nm3之規定,已對該廠家進行告發處分罰鍰15萬元,並要求99年6月30日前提送符合排放標準之檢測報告。勁錸科技股份有限公司於98年12月2-3日進行稽查檢測,檢測濃度為1.23 ng-TEQ/Nm3,超過中小型廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛排放標準,處理量4噸/小時以下者為:0.5 ng-TEQ/Nm3之規定,已對該廠家進行告發處分,並要求99年4月20日前提送改善計畫書,99年6月8日提送符合排放標準之檢測報告;稽查檢測3根次列管重金屬排放源,分別為燃煤汽電共生鍋爐之士林紙業股份有限公司永安紙廠、銅二級冶煉之永源化工原料股份有限公司、及廢棄物焚化爐之水美工程企業股份有限公司觀音廠, 3家稽查結果均符合法規標準。(4)建立68家廠商戴奧辛排放資料庫共219筆資料,估算桃園縣境內戴奧辛98年的年排放量為6.558 g-TEQ/yr,分別來自焚化爐年排放量為0.860 g-TEQ/yr,電弧爐年排放量為3.609 g-TEQ/yr、輔助燃料年排放量為0.285 g-TEQ/yr,第八批次固定污染源戴奧辛年為1.804 g-TEQ/yr。(5)98年12月28日完成昶昕實業股份有限公司戴奧辛排放源之管制與減量實廠輔導作業,邀請數位輔導委員與會,提出改善建議,針對現勘當日所發現之問題與缺失進行資料整理與收集,於99年1月14日予昶昕實業股份有限公司戴奧辛污染改善建議書,該廠於99年3月29日請空氣污染防治設備商進行設備說明,規劃將於原有之洗滌塔前加設活性碳噴助系統及集塵器設備,以減少戴奧辛之排放。(6)本計畫運用RFID活性碳使用管理系統至實廠進行建置及測試,選取的廠家為鴻程科技股份有限公司大溪廠,並於98年12月10日假桃園縣桃園勞工育樂中心302會議室,舉辦「無線射頻識別技術應用觀摩暨固定污染源戴奧辛檢測線上申報系統研習會」。二、縣內環境空氣中戴奧辛/多氯聯苯現況調查 周界空氣中戴奧辛現況調查(採樣28點次),本年度計畫所監測觀音工業區、大園工業區及龜山工業區等9處採樣點濃度介於0.024~ 0.536 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3之間,執行之觀音工業區、大園工業區及龜山工業區的周界空氣戴奧辛平均濃度依序是0.152、0.225及0.053 pg TEQ/Nm3,龜山工業區的監測值明顯低於觀音工業區及大園工業區,其原因為於龜山工業區內僅有三家戴奧辛排放源(均為木屑鍋爐)。 本次計畫除進行周界空氣戴奧辛檢測外,並納入同為持久性有機污染物(POPs)的多氯聯苯,故進行周界空氣多氯聯苯之監測,觀音工業區、大園工業區及龜山工業區等9處採樣點濃度介於0.002 ~ 0.028 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3之間,三處工業區平均濃度依序為觀音工業區0.009 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3、大園工業區0.012 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3、龜山工業區0.004 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3,參考過去研究可發現多氯聯苯毒性當量約為戴奧辛之5 %至20 %,本次檢測多氯聯苯平均濃度含量介於6~8 %,與96年桃園縣境內周界空氣多氯聯苯毒性當量濃度相較,其差異性不大。 本年度計畫所有周界空氣戴奧辛之同源物濃度與美國各種戴奧辛排放源進行主成分分析,觀音工業區與木屑鍋爐燃燒及醫療廢棄物焚化爐關聯性較高;大園工業區與木屑鍋爐燃燒、都市垃圾焚化爐靜電式集塵器污染物逸散及廢棄物焚化爐關聯性較高;龜山工業區與木屑鍋爐燃燒關聯性較高,與其工業區內污染源種類一致。三、縣內環境空氣中重金屬現況調查 將98年觀音工業區與大園工業區之周界空氣重金屬濃度數據與今年度所作之排放管道重金屬稽查檢測數據進行主成分分析,從圖中可看出觀音國小於吹東北風時所監測之TSP、PM10、PM2.5數據均與水美工程有較大之關連性,以其地理位置來看,水美工程位於觀音國小之東北方,故其結果實屬合理;而潮音國小之第四季PM10監測時間(99.03.03)與永源化工進行稽查檢測時間(99.02.26)相近,且工廠排放出之微粒一般均以PM10為主,故推測潮音國小應有受到永源化工重金屬排放之影響。四、針對縣內工業區或高污染潛勢地區之污染管制及調查工作 本計畫於桃園縣觀音、龜山與大園三個工業區,一共6個國小的調查發現,每一工業區都有學校緊鄰於工業區旁,包括觀音工業區樹林國小、龜山工業區建國國小與大園工業區潮音國小都受到工業區所排放特殊污染物之影響,本計畫確定污染源來自於這些工業區的污染排放。化學物質都有特殊的異味,易引起異味的陳情,這些污染物中亦包括六氟化硫溫室氣體,Freon 12與Freon 22氟氯碳化物等臭氧剝奪氣體。 Project Execution Organization: National Tsing Hua UniversityPrincipal Investigator: Yong-Chien LingProject Period: 2009-4-22 ~ 2010-4-21Project Funding: NT$ 10,400,0001. Inspection of dioxin and metal air pollutant from stationary pollution sources and examination of documentation(1)We have completed the compliance inspection of 68 companies/85 stacks. Among these companies, 57/75 are in operations; 4/4 (Ener-Com Technology Co., Ltd. Datong plant, Taoyuan refinery of China Petroleum Corporation-M33, Environmental Analysis Laboratory EPA, Executive Yuan, R.O.C, and Great Bell Printing & Dyeing Co., Ltd.)have applied temporarily shut down; 3/3 (Dingsin Co., Ltd., Boyu plasma Co., Ltd., and Sun-ho fiber Co., Ltd.)shut down without advanced permit application; 4/4 (Alpha Beta Enterprise Co., Ltd., Chang-Hua fiber Co., Ltd., Chun Hsin Chi Co., Ltd., and Huang textile Co., Ltd.)are removed from control list. The companies in operation include 14 incinerators/19 stacks, 3 electric arc furnaces/3 stacks, 21 auxiliary fuel/26 stacks, 22 stationary pollution source /30 stacks listed in the 8th announcement.(2)We have completed documentation examinations of 134 cases, including dioxin testing reports and dioxin testing plans. 53 of them were keyed into the stationary pollution source information management system and Taiwan toxic substance pollutant information management system. We have carried out 26 on-site inspections of dioxin sampling at controlled dioxin source. All accorded to regulation.(3)We have completed the inspection and testing of stack dioxin from 12 companies, a total of 38 dioxin samplings and analyses were carried out. Three companies(Nan-Yang Dyeing & Finish Co., Ltd., Minchali Metal Industry Co., Ltd. and Ener-ComTechnology Co., Ltd.) violated the dioxin emission standard and was fined NT$ 450,000, NT$ 150,000, NT$ 450,000,and they all have completed improvements on due time; We also have completed the inspection and testing of stack metal from 3 companies, the metal conformed to dioxin emission standard.(4)Dioxin testing data from 68 dioxin air pollutant from stationary pollution sources (219 cases) were collected. The estimated annual dioxin emission was 0.860 g-TEQ/year from incinerators, 0.285 g-TEQ/year from plants using auxiliary-fuel, 3.609 g-TEQ/year from electric arc furnaces, and 1.804 g-TEQ/year from stationary polluting sources. The Taoyuan County annual dioxin emission is 6.558 g-TEQ/year(5)Control and reduction of dioxin emission sourceWe have carried out on-site consultation at AMIA Co., Ltd. on 12/28/2009, respectively. A report of recommending improvements based on the problems and deficiencies found on-site was provided to AMIA Co., Ltd., for reference. AMIA Co., Ltd. invited to air pollution control equipment manufacturers for equipment description, and will plan to addition of activated carbon injection systems and dust collection device before the original scrubber to help to reduce dioxin emissions.(6) We use RFID on activated carbon management system and test the management system in HongCheng Technology Co., Ltd.. We also hold "RFID technology demonstration cum stationary pollution sources dioxin online reporting system Workshop" in the Taoyuan County Government on 12/10/2009.2. Investigation of ambient air dioxin / PCBs We have sampled 28 ambient air samples for dioxin testing. The dioxin toxic equivalency (TEQ) range in ambient air was 0.024 ~ 0.536 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in GuanYin industrial park, DaYuan industrial park and Gueishan industrial park. The average concentration of ambient air dioxin is 0.152 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in GuanYin industrial park; 0.225 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in DaYuan industrial park; 0.053 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in Gueishan industrial park. The concentration of ambient air dioxin in Gueishan industrial park is lower than what in GuanYin industrial park and DaYuan industrial park, the reason for only three dioxin emission sources in Gueishan industrial park. In addition to ambient air dioxin , we also investigated ambient air PCBs. The PCBs toxic equivalency (TEQ) range in ambient air was 0.002 ~ 0.028 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3 in GuanYin industrial park, DaYuan industrial park and Gueishan industrial park. The average concentration of ambient air dioxin is 0.009 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3 in GuanYin industrial park; 0.012 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3 in DaYuan industrial park; 0.004 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3 in Gueishan industrial park. We can find that PCBs / dioxin toxicity equivalent to 5 ~ 20% in past studies, PCBs / dioxin in this plan was between 6 to 8%. Multivariate statistical analysis reveals that the values in GuanYin industrial park might be related to waste burning and wood boiler; in DaYuan industrial park might be related to wood boiler, the dispersion of pollutants from MSWI electrostatic dust collector and waste burning; in Gueishan industrial park might be related to wood boiler3. Investigation of ambient air heavy metals We use PCA to analysis the concentration of ambient air heavy metals and the inspection and testing of stack metals in GuanYin industrial park and DaYuan industrial park, and the result reveals that the ambient air heavy metals of Guan-Yin elementary school in winter be related to Super Max Engineering Enterprise Co., Ltd.,; the ambient air PM10 heavy metals of Chao-Yin elementary school be related to Yung-Yuan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd..4. Control and Investigation of industrial park and high pollution potential areas We have investigatd 6 elementary school in GuanYin industrial park, DaYuan industrial park and Gueishan industrial park for VOCs, and found that Shu-Lin elementary school, Jian-Guo elementary school and Chao-Yin elementary school were effected by the pollutions from industrial park. We are sure that the pollutions are foul, and some of them are SF6, Freon 12 and Freon 22 etc. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 國立清華大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17844
98年度桃園縣愛河護川及志(義)工巡守計畫 桃園縣縣內河川最近幾年來因為工業發達,大部分河水均遭受污染,使得河水不再清澈,人們也不再親水、愛河。為了徹底改變民眾對縣內河川的觀感,重拾民眾支持河川整治,進而保育河川、愛護河川,除了由政府進行污染源管制及處分、河岸及河面垃圾清除等相關措施外,對於一般大眾或社區志工進行河川環境教育進而讓民眾參與共同為維護縣內河川,提昇民眾保護河川意識益形重要。環保署將南崁溪及老街溪的水質治理列為近這幾年的工作重點,近幾年來由於公部門的重視與努力,使得上述兩條河川的整治已見成效,如工廠暗管的查報、嚴重污染河段的減少、河岸高灘的的綠美化及維護等等,皆有相當令人讚賞的成績。透過專業團隊的輔導,志(義)工團體對於河川的巡守漸漸步入軌道,使得河川巡守的工作更能彰顯。截至目前為止,已完成志工淨溪活動9個場次,環境教育、河川教育或生態工區教育宣導會12個場次,通報河面或河岸髒亂點45處,發現不明水路或暗管數9數及發佈新聞稿7則。如何使得這些志(義)工能夠發揮到最大的功效,並整合這些社會資源達到充分的運用,將是本計畫推動的最終目標。 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14
「公共場所(陸上道路運輸系統場站)音量品質量測及環境建議值之建立」計畫 近年來不論是國內或國外都有著類似的現象,陸上運輸系統場站已不僅具單一運輸之功能,隨著生活與交通習慣的改變,其已兼具閱讀、購物、用餐、休憩…等功能。目前美、日等先進國家已開始關注這樣的議題,如美國早已完成相關研究並已提出建議值,日本也發表了東京及周圍車站室內音環境之研究結果。由此顯見先進國家對於陸上運輸系統場站功能之變化,均已開始進行相關研究,以為未來民眾對於生活品質要求提高而預做準備,而行政院環境保護署也有同樣長遠之考量;今年度公共場所(陸上道路運輸系統場站)音量品質量測及環境建議值之建立計畫工作成果包括:(一)完成歐美日等國家針對軌道系統車站大廳(等候區等)、月台或聯絡道室內音量測定指標及方法蒐集彙整。(二)初步研擬適合我國軌道系統車站大廳(等候區等)、月台或聯絡道室內音量測定指標及方法。(三)藉由軌道系統車站大廳、月台或聯絡道室內音量測定及訪查,並參考國外相關測定指標及方法,初步提出我國軌道系統車站大廳、月台或聯絡道室內音量建議值,大廳(等候區)或聯絡道室內音量建議值為05:00~隔日01:00營運期間Leq(1h)=65 dB(A),月台室內音量建議值為Leq(事件)=75 dB(A)。(四)完成軌道系統車站大廳、月台或聯絡道室內音量測定,共完成軌道系統室內音量測定合計126次,包括:A系統場站及月台等處共計量測29次;B系統場站及月台等處共計量測27次;C系統場站及月台等處,共計量測70次。(五)完成軌道系統車站大廳、月台或聯絡道室內音量民眾問卷訪查,本計畫進行軌道系統旅客訪查合計321人次,包括:A系統訪查60人次、B系統訪查100人次及C系統共計訪查161人次。(六)辦理1場次說明會及2場次專家學者諮詢會議。(七)完成國內各類公共場所噪音陳情案件類型之蒐集並初步研擬處理之程序及軌道系統車站大廳(等候區等)、月台或聯絡道自主性噪音改善計畫。 Research Project on “Program for Development of Indoor Noise Determination and Environmental Recommended Values in Public Places (Stations of the Land Transportation System)” In recent years, with the change of people’s living and transportation behaviors, there is a similar phenomenon at home and abroad: the stations of the land transportation system not only serve the function of transport, but also possess other functions, for example providing a place for reading, doing business and enjoying relaxation. Advanced countries like the US and Japan have started paying close attention to issues like this. For example, the US has finished relevant studies and proposed recommended values long ago. Japan has published findings of studies on indoor noise environment of Railway station in and Around Tokyo. Therefore, it is obvious that advanced countries have started conducting relevant studies to deal with the change of functions of the stations of the land transportation system in order to get themselves prepared for the lift of demands for quality of life by the public in the future. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan has the same long-term consideration. The results of the “Program for Development of Indoor Noise Determination and Environmental Recommended Values in Public Places (Stations of the Land Transportation System)” this year include:1.Finished Collecting and combined the indoor noise measuring indicators and methods for the station halls (or waiting rooms), platforms and access lanes of the rail system adopted by advanced countries such as Europe, the US and Japan.2.Finished formulating the indoor noise measuring indicators and methods for the station halls (or waiting rooms), platforms and access lanes of the rail system suitable for our country.3.Finished indoor noise determination for the station halls, platforms and access lanes of the rail system and, making reference to the measuring indicators and methods of foreign countries and formulated recommended values for indoor noise limits for our country in the station halls (or waiting rooms)05:00~01:00 next day atLAeq(hr)=65dB(A) and platforms 05:00~01:00 next day at LAeq(event)=75dB(A) of the rail system.4.Finished indoor noise determination for the station halls, platforms and access lanes of the rail system and, conducted 126 measurements in the rail system and statistically analyzed their results; including A system total 29 measurements,B system total 27 measurements, C system total 70 measurements.5.Finished conducted indoor noise determination for the station halls of the rail system and 321 person-time interviews; including A system total 60 person-time interviews,B system total 100 person-time interviews, C system total 161 person-time interviews.6.Finished 1 Description meeting and 2 consulting meetings to collect opinions from all circles.7.Collected information on the types of petitions against noises in various public places in the country and formulated procedures for handling these petitions and formulated the “Improvement Program of the Autonomous Noise in the Station Halls (or Waiting Rooms), Platforms and Access Lanes of the Rail System”. 098 空保處 環境永續工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14963
98年健全環保標章制度與加強國際合作專案工作計畫 環保標章是國際性活動,被視為一種利用市場機能,鼓勵企業改善產品環保績效的經濟工具,也是推廣綠色消費運動的一種重要手段。依據國際標準組織(ISO)所公告之ISO 14024標準之定義,第一類環保標章是自發性、多重準則、經第三者驗證之計畫。對於在某類產品項目(product category)中,具有整體環境優越性(overall environmental preferability)之產品,頒發專用之標章。使用專用標章之目的在強調「獲得標章的產品是最優良的產品,消費者看到標章即可安心購買」。行政院環境保護署於1992年8月訂頒「環保標章推動使用作業要點」,促成我國環保標章制度於1993年中之正式推出。此制度鼓勵消費者採購具有可回收、低污染及省資源等環保特性之產品,並使得政府機關在採購綠色產品時,具有明確之優先選擇項目。為推展國際合作,協助我國業者擴展綠色外銷,我國環保標章執行單位歷年來曾與美、加、紐、澳、烏克蘭、捷克、日、韓、泰、菲等國之環保標章組織簽訂相互承認協議,本年度並成功協助國內某電腦公司之筆記型電腦取得捷克與歐盟環保標章,此為亞洲電腦公司取得捷克與歐盟環保標章之首例。 Promotion and Enhancing International Cooperation of GreenMark Ecolabelling Program and Certification of Type II Environmentally Preferrable Products. The Eco-labeling is an international activity which has been looked upon as an economic instrument based on market mechanism to encourage the improvement of product environmental performance、as well as an important means to promote green consumption movement. Based on the definitions as stipulated in the ISO 14024 Standard、the type-I eco-labeling program is defined as a voluntary eco-labeling program based on multiple environmental criteria and third-party certification. The eco-label is a product label which is awarded to products with overall environmental perferability within specific product categories. And the purpose of awarding such labels is to provide consumers with confidence that products with eco-labels are environmentally preferable and may be purchased with confidence and peace of mind. The Green Mark Eco-labeling Program in Taiwan was officially launched in 1993、following the promulgation of the 「Guidelines for the Promotion of the Green Mark Program」 in August of 1992. The Program encourages the consumers to purchase products with the characteristics of recyclable、low pollution and resource conserving、as well as provides preferential procurement product categories for government agencies』 mandatory green procurement actions. In order to promote international cooperation and assist the Taiwanese manufacturers with marketing of green products、the Green Mark Program has signed mutual recognition agreements with the eco-labeling programs in US、Canada、New Zealand、Australia、Ukraine、Czech Republic、Japan、Korea、Thailand、and the Philippines. In 2008、the Program also assisted a Taiwanese manufacturer in acquiring the eco-labels for portable computers in both the Czech and the European eco-labeling programs、which is the first for any Asian computer manufacturer. 098 管考處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15659
強化毒化物安全管理及災害應變計畫-中部環境災害應變隊建置計畫 本年度計畫於民國98年成立中部環境毒災應變隊,應變隊員共24名,應變隊員分別駐守於中部科學園區(台中隊)和斗六工業區(雲林隊)內。本年度應變隊到場緊急出勤19場次(台中隊到場緊急應變18場次,雲林隊到場緊急應變18場次),以及兩隊緊急出勤測試10場次。依事故類型區分到場緊急應變19場次,其中1件屬於1號作業,8件屬於2號作業,1件屬於3號作業,其餘9件屬於4號作業;若以發生類型區分為工廠火災7場、工廠氣爆3場、化學品外洩5場、不明化學品2場及其他類型2場次,19場次平均出勤抵達時間為37分鐘,一小時內到場率達80 %以上。在毒化物災害預防方面,共計完成毒性化學物質運作管理與應變輔導58場次、無預警測試34場次、協助地方環保機關輔導審視毒災危害預防及應變計畫63件次、辦理中部縣市毒化物業者之毒災防救法規宣導及說明會議共8場次、完成動員研討及聯防小組組訓各2場次、毒災演練13場次。與台塑石化、強本運輸公司簽訂相互支援協定合約,以成立毒災聯防應援團隊,強化中部地區毒災緊急應變之能量。本計畫之執行成果為完成災害預防工作,輔導、無預警測試、宣導、案例研討會等,以及變時工作,到場緊急應變、諮詢、監測採樣、災後除污,確實降低緊急事故對環境的影響。 Plan for the Center Region of Taiwan Emergency Response Team for Environmental Toxic Chemical Incide While attempting to establish the Central Region Emergency Response Teams in 2009, this plan focused on training twenty-four emergency response personnel who were assigned to the Central Taiwan Science Park Team (Taichung team) or the Douliou Industrial Park Team (Yunlin team). The two teams responded to nineteen emergency incidents in central Taiwan (eighteen for Taichung team and Yunlin team) and tested for ten emergency simulating incidents. To class with task of incidents, there were one for number one, eight for number two, one for number three, and nine for number four. To class with type of incidents, there were seven fires, three gas explosions, five leaking accidents, two unknown chemicals accidents, and two other types of accidents. The average time before arrival at the emergency site was 37 minutes, which met the criterion of 80% responses within one hour. In prevention activities included of fifty-eight guidance and thirty-four unannounced tests of toxic chemical factories, assistance environmental protection bureau with reviewing emergency response plans for sixty-three of toxic chemical factories, eight orientations on toxic chemical management law, thirteen toxic chemical exercises, and two training course on toxic chemical emergency response for personnel who work in factories and government, respectively. Further, two mutual support agreements with Formosa Petrochemical and Chiang-Pen Transportation Corporation were signed to establish support from toxic chemical factories and to strengthen emergency response ability in central Taiwan. The plan accomplished prevention activities included guidance, unannounced tests, and exercises and accomplished emergency response for providing hazardous waste information needed, for toxic substance monitoring and sampling, for controlling environmental pollution, and for assisting with decontamination with chemical emergency incidents, in order to reduce the impact on environments. 098 毒管處 國立雲林科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17157
峇里路線圖及低碳經濟之因應方案計畫(二)-國際碳金融市場之接軌及案例研擬 本計畫之工作項目包括研析峇里路線圖因應對策與關鍵因素;探討低碳經濟時代之國際金融市場;掌握與參與重要國際機構針對後京都時期之探討;整合及研擬國內因應後京都時期因應方案等部分,各項工作之成果簡述如後:分別針對四個重要附件一及非附件一國家因應峇里路線之因應策略進行研析,並提出台灣面對峇里行動計畫之立場、法律條件、可展現之能力建構。另外並即時掌握COP15會議之重要成果,以提供國內資訊掌握。另透過Point carbon、Carbon Finance、CCX及世界銀行等國際碳金融市場趨勢研析,得知國際碳金融已蓬勃發展。而搭配我國之參與,需釐清經濟面及法規面之銜接,故透過五場次專家諮詢會議,針對國際碳權購買、碳基金取得清潔發展機制額度、哥本哈根會議趨勢展望、我國未來爭取參與公約活動之策略及我國參與後京都國際事務之檢討與建議等進行討論,期能凝聚國內未來參與之共識。在公約實質參與部分,於出國前先擬定我國代表團分工建議,並由范建得教授及石信智總經理完成出席第15屆聯合國氣候變化綱要公約締約國大會。另協助製作14項中英文資料,以協助增加我國曝光度及宣傳我國因應氣候變化綱要公約相關措施。 The compliance plan of Bali Road Map and Low carbon economy 2009 The missions of this project include the key elements analysis of compliance and implementation strategies on Bali Road Map; exploration on the international financial market during low-carbon economy era; the participation and understanding of the discussions among essential international institutions on post-Kyoto era; coordination and planning strategies on domestic implementation proposals. The key findings are following:This project focused on the implementation strategies of Bali Road Map analysis from 4 important Annex I country Parties and 4 non-Annex I country Parties. Based on the findings to prepare Taiwan’s standing, legal characteristic, and established capacity buildings on facing Bali action Plan challenges. The decisions and consequences of COP15 meeting were also remained updated for decision making as reference.Through analyzing the development and trends of the global carbon financing market, such as World Bank, PointCarbon, Carbon Finance, ECX and CCX, we concluded the prosperous development of international carbon finance markets. In order to assist Taiwan’s physical participation on UNFCCC, we .hosted and completed 5 workshops and advisory meetings on issues of establishing of domestic carbon market, international carbon credits purchasing, procuring of CERs through Carbon Funds, estimation of the Copenhagen meeting, discussion of possible participation strategies on UNFCCC in the future, and finally the suggestions and analysis of the participation of international affairs after post-Kyoto era..Before the COP 15 meeting, the researchers assisted delegations to prepare worksheets proposals and participated on UNFCCC meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark. We also produced 14 English materials to promote Taiwan’s efforts on integration measures of UNFCCC regulations. 098 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 清華大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17333
九十八年推動環境保護有功團體及人員遴選表揚專案工作計畫 本計畫配合主辦單位的工作內容、需求及時程,已完成辦理「98年推動環境保護有功團體及義工人員」、「98年環境保護專業獎章」、「第18屆全國環境保護模範社區」、「98年推動環境保護有功學校、教師及學生」遴選表揚各項工作,包含整理編製推薦者、入選者及獲獎者資料,並規劃安排進行實地查訪、協助召開評審會議及決選會議、編製7類獲獎者績優環保事蹟實錄(含光碟)、製作獎盃及獎狀、頒獎典禮(計2場次,含午餐安排)及安排晉見 總統等工作事項。 Meritorious corporations and promote environmental protection for personnel selection 2009 Organizers of this project with the contents of the work, demand a timely way, has been completed the selection work for "Year 2009 promoting environmental protection groups and volunteers ", " Year 2009 National Environmental Protection Professional Medal"," Year 2009 National Environmental Protection community" and "Year 2009 promote environmental protection meritorious schools、teachers and students". Including compiled the information of the recommendations、nominee and winner. Scheduled the field visiting arrangement、arranged the reviewing and final election meeting、compiled three categories of environmental performances record (including CD-ROM), produced Award Cups and certificates of awards (in two meetings included lunch arrangement ) and arranged the meeting with the president, etc. 098 綜計處 豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14994
98年未登記責任業者之營業(進口)量相關帳籍憑證查核計畫 本計畫主要目的係透過現場查核作業以加強納管各類未登記責任業者,及暸解容器製造上游業者申報營業量情形與下游容器商品業者營業量短漏情形之關係。本計畫之執行期間為98年4月3日至99年3月31日,主要分為未登記責任業者及容器製造責任業者之下游未登記業者等二項查核作業,均已達成本計畫要求之各項目標。成果列示如後:(一)未登記業者之查核:發文並執行查核349家責任業者,達成率為100%。查獲短漏金額計新台幣38,905,407元,益本比為3.83倍,達成率為128%。經分析其短漏原因,有高達95﹪之受查業者表示「不知有此法令須登記列管」,主係因受查業者多為小規模企業,資訊接收管道不足所致,故本團隊乃就此做出法令宣導之建議。 (二)容器製造(輸入)責任業者之下游未登記業者查核:發文並執行查核201家業者,達成率101%,查獲短漏金額計新台幣1,923,022元。而經分析短漏原因,除該等業者均不知有此法令須登記列管外,且容器販賣業者未納管以致於容器售出後之流向未能控管,恐亦為短漏之主因。另本計畫辦理二場次查核作業研討會,使本計畫全體人員充分了解本計畫之內容、相關法令及查核作業流程等,有效地提昇本計畫之查核效率及品質。 Examination Project to audit operation/importion volume related books of the unregistered responsible enterprises for the year of 2009 The purpose of this project was to audit various types of unregistered responsible enterprises and to understand the shortage or relationship between the reporting volume from up-stream manufacturers of containers and down-stream enterprises of containers.The implementing period of this project was from April 3, 2009 to March 31, 2010, primarily divided into two examining operation, unregistered responsible enterprises, and down-stream unregistered responsible enterprises of container manufacturer. The project has reached its goals as follows: (1) the audit of unregistered: the noticed and audited numbers were 349 responsible enterprises, with the achieving rate of 100%. The audited shortage was amounted to NTD38,905,407, with E/P ratio and achieving rate of 3.83 times and 128%, respectively. There were 95% of audited enterprises, which stated that “they were not aware of being under controlling list by regulations.” Most of them were small- size enterprises with insufficient information. It is strongly recommended that education of related regulations/law to these enterprises is required. (2) the audit of down-stream unregistered responsible enterprises: the noticed and audited numbers were 201 enterprises, with the achieving rate of 101%. The audited shortage was amounted to NTD1,923,022. It was found that the audited enterprises had no idea about the related regulations/laws, which required them to register. Another reason might be that the containers, sold by these enterprises, were then beyond control, because they were not in the controlling list. There were two study seminars held under this project, which educated all the personnel involved in this project to fully understand the purpose, procedures, related regulations/laws and auditing operation of this project. That enhanced the audit efficiency and quality of this project 098 基管會 立本台灣聯合會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17362
98、99年度資源回收管理基金責任業者營業量申報輔導、審查、勾稽暨系統提昇二年專案工作計畫 本計畫執行期間自民國98年1月起至99年12月止,工作項目包括責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃、營業量管理系統及申報系統建置、更新及維護、加強營業量申報宣導工作、審查、輔導責任業者登記、申報及繳費等相關作業。工作成果摘要如下:責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃部分,完成年度申報申請資格放寬及相關管理措施分析、分析責任業者繳費行為並研擬相關便民措施、列管物品之海關進口稅則檢討及建議、責任業者延遲繳納之滯納金及利息計算規劃及責任業者相關表單修正建議。另針對營業量管理系統及申報系統,新開發功能包含優惠費率管控功能、文件電子化管理功能、解釋函紀錄查詢系統更新、海關進出口資料查詢更新、進行天然災害緊急應變作業演練,同時因應責任業者相關法規變動修正責任業者營業量系統相關功能。為加強營業量申報宣導工作共完成13場次網路申報輔導說明會,並完成到戶輔導作業210家次,有效解決業者在營業量網路申報作業上所遇到之困難。在審查、輔導責任業者登記、申報及繳費等相關作業上,本計畫針對各項管理作業進行檢討與精進、進行駐署人員教育訓練及績效考評,並透過每2個月乙次的內部稽核作業,來確保審查、銀行帳核對及歸檔、報表提報之品質。 Project of the Guidance and Auditig for Resource Recycling Business Reporting and Management System Upgrades and Maintenance in Year 2009 and 2010 The project, conducted between January 2009 and December 2010, involves review and design of the responsible enterprise operating volume reporting system, establishment, update, and maintenance of the operating volume management and reporting systems, enhancement of reporting publicity, as well as audit and guidance regarding responsible enterprises’ registration, reporting, and payment. The work results are summarized as follows:For the review and design of the responsible enterprise operating volume reporting system, works completed included expanding the application criteria for annual reporting and analyzing related management measures, examining responsible enterprises’ payment behavior and formulating relevant convenient measures, reviewing and providing suggestions for the controlled goods under the Customs Import Tariff, designing the penalty fee and interest calculation method for responsible enterprises’ overdue payment, and offering recommendations for the modification of relevant report forms.For the operating volume management system and reporting system, the functions developed under the project include favorable rate control, document e-management, updates on the explanatory letter retrieval system, and updates on Customs import/export data. Emergency response exercises have been performed with a focus on natural disasters. Adjustments have been made to the operating volume systems in response to changes on regulations governing responsible enterprises.13 online reporting briefing sessions have been organized to improve enterprises’ operating volume reporting. Consultation services delivered to 210 businesses have effectively resolved the problems they encounter when reporting online.As for the audit and guidance concerning responsible enterprises’ registration, reporting, and payment, each management practice has been reviewed and improved, educational training and performance assessment have been conducted for contracting staff, and internal auditing has been performed every two month to ensure the quality of the review, the confirmation and filing of bank accounting data, as well as the submitted report forms. 098 基管會 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=22696
推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫-苗栗縣 本計畫是由行政院環境保護署委託社團法人台灣環境資訊協會辦理苗栗縣「推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫」。辦理內容包含EcoLife 環保E 化網路系統經營與辦理成果登錄、並推動整合轄區認養、協助環境巡檢、協查查報,以及協助培訓相關環保志義工組織,推動村里內之團體及個人辦理環保宣導活動。另外輔導並培訓、督導考核以擴大就業方式進用之人力(整潔美化助理員),督導苗栗縣美化助理員48 位,共6 個月,每個月至少一次,協助推動計畫進行,並深入學校、社區、村里、企業、團體及個人等,辦理節能減碳宣導及環境整潔宣導說明會。至今,本計畫共辦理50 場宣導說明會,培訓人次達1,534 人,運用EcoLife 的以及本會環境資訊中心的平台,結合民間團體、熱心義工等社會資源,擴大民間團體與民眾參與,共同消除環境髒亂,完成環境清潔的工作,達到清淨家園的目標。此外,截止8 月底,苗栗縣政府及民間已辦理206 場減碳相關活動,已有5,073 人簽署減碳無悔宣言,佔苗栗口之0.9%,用電量減少8,675,450 度。 Promote the integration of environmental protection to build multiple-mobilization planning system supervision project – Miaoli County Taiwan Environmental Information Association (TEIA) had conducted the "Promote theintegration of environmental protection to build multiple-mobilization planning systemsupervision project" in Miaoli County during 16 February to 30 September 2009 for the Environmental Protection Administration. The obligations of this project included (1) tomanage and update the project accomplishment information on the EcoLife Green Blog, (2) torecruit schools, enterprises and local sectors to adopt community environment cleaning,supervision and instant pollution report work, (3) to train the volunteers to help TaiwanEnvironmental Information Association (TEIA) to conduct the "EcoLife Promotion Training"which focus on promoting energy saving and Carbon Dioxide cutting and the usage ofEcoLife Green Blog in the local communities, (4) to train, supervise and evaluate the 48"environmental clearing and protection assistants" who are university or college graduates andhired to support this project at least once per month for 6 months. Until now, TaiwanEnvironmental Information Association (TEIA) had held 50 "EcoLife Promotion Training"with 1,534 participants. Finally, we hope to implement the EcoLife Green Blog platform toinclude human resources from government, volunteers and private sectors to make ourenvironment a clean one to achieve the goal of this project. Besides, until the end of August,Miaoli County Government and the communities had held 206 Carbon Dioxide cutting relatedactivities with 5,073 persons to sign the Carbon-Cutting Declaration which the population is0.9% of Miaoli County and had successfully reduced the electric power consumption for8,675,450. 098 毒管處 社團法人台灣環境資訊協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14204
98 年度廢機動車輛回收獎勵金審核執行專案工作計畫 近年來機動車輛為人們不可或缺的交通工具,而國人車輛持有數及換車速率也逐漸提升,機動車輛的大量使用會造成許多環境問題,如老舊機動車輛排放之廢氣所造成之空氣汙染,廢機動車輛處置不當有礙環境美觀及整潔,廢機動車輛於拆解過程中所產生之衍生廢棄物(如廢潤滑油、廢輪胎、廢鉛蓄電池及冷媒等)隨意處置等,均對環境造成一定程度之負面影響。因此鼓勵民眾加速淘汰老舊之機動車輛及建立健全的廢機動車輛回收體制,將民眾報廢之廢機動車輛導入體合法制內並妥善處理,才可有效降低廢機動車輛處理不當衍生的環境問題。環保署於88年以獎勵金獎勵車主報廢車體方式導入經環保署稽核認證之合法回收體系,希望提昇廢機動車輛回收之意願及妥善處理之數量,在基管會努力的宣導推動下,統計自92年迄今經由本項政策導入合法回收體系的廢機動車輛約為194萬輛。另外從96年起基管會針對回收獎勵金第6次修正發放標準與獎勵金額,其中對於報廢車齡的縮限(汽車10以上機車7年以上)、需檢附監理單位核發之「報廢」或「繳銷」異動證明影本、非公務單位者,符合以上三項條件,始得申領獎勵金。建立完善的獎勵金發放標準除能妥善利用廢車回收基金之外,更能實質獎勵民眾主動將老舊車體回歸合法回收體系。 本計畫除受理及審核民眾申請廢機動車輛申請獎勵金作業外,同時負責輔導回收商的聯繫工作,民眾相關事項之諮詢服務等,截至12月31日止,共完成265,993案件受理及審驗作業,每月與回收商輔導通聯250通以上,以及27,479通次電話撥進/出服務,以標準作業方式達成高效能服務,符合民眾期望及本案之預期之品質。 All these decades, vehicles had become necessary transportation in people’s lives. In Taiwan, more people owned the vehicles and more people traded off the old vehicles to a new one. periodically The vehicles dumped without treatment caused a lot of environmental problems, such as the older vehicles exhausted more pollutants. The improper handling or treatment of the wasted vehicles might cause the uncomfortable views of the environment. During the wasted vehicles’ disassembly procedure produced a lot of wastes (ex: waste fuel, waste tires, waste batteries, and cool agents, etc.) All the invaluable wastes might be disposed improperly to cause damages to the environment. In order to induce people send the waste vehicles to a legal disassemble plant and proper treatment, EPA setup the incentive policy to encourage people do the right way for their wasted vehicles. In 1999, the incentive policy had addressed that people could get the award only if they applied the waste vehicle into the certified recycling plants. Accumulated from 2003 up the now there were 1940 thousands wasted vehicles had been received by the certified plants and properly recycled and treated.In 2007, EPA amended the incentive value and acceptable standard: The awarded objects which indicated that accepted vehicles’ year had been restricted (cars should be 10 years or above and motorcycles should be 7 years or above.), and the application document should be appended with the plate license discard or invalidation issued by the government. And the governmental owners should be not being awarded anymore. The policy set to encourage the old vehicles owners recycles the waste vehicles into a legal process.This project was aimed to review the awards application document and qualification to fulfill the policy. Also performed to communicate with the applicants and recycling plants. Up to Dec.31 this year, accomplished 265,993 applications, the 250/mon communication phone calls to recycling plants and applicants were. 27,479/mon respectively. This project performed high accuracy and efficiency to meet people’s expectation. 098 基管會 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16247
民眾對節能減碳措施認知程度、配合意願及支持度調查計畫 「節能減碳」是環境倫理典範轉移的一場寧靜社會革命,大家應該把高油價和資源稀少納入未來生活價值,讓節能減碳內化成自己的生活態度。一直以來,政府也以政策導引的方式,透過媒體加強宣導,讓全民節能可變成全民價值,減碳則成為產業發展與產業結構調整轉型的重要依據,逐步引領國人調整生活習慣與整體產業結構,推動社會消費與生產型態的寧靜革命。本計畫綜合「民眾對於節能減碳措施認知調查分析」、「分區意見交流座談會」及「國內外節能減碳宣導措施研析」等三大部分,期望進一步提升政府推動民眾節能減碳行動之落實程度。透過節能減碳措施調查分析得知,提高政策認知程度的確能有效提升身體力行程度。而各族群中又以學生、收入較低者、年輕或年長者、非都會區民眾對價格較為敏感;而以家管或退休者、女性及年齡較高者對改變生活習慣配合度較高。透過舉辦各界分區意見交流座談會,可瞭解地方政府及社區團體對於非都會區民眾宣導之影響力及重要性,以及公部門加強節能減碳宣導之必要性。另外,持續且密集之地方節能減碳重點宣導座談說明會亦是與會民眾與各界專家之共同期望。目前,國內節能減碳政策宣導不論方向或類型皆與國際作法相當類似;唯尚欠缺較為系統性規劃、整合及完善之定期評核方法。未來若可建立中央節能減碳資訊平台,透過地方辦公室及志工管道完整規劃全國節能減碳宣導網絡,擴大我國節能減碳媒體訊息之涵蓋程度,並將公部門及企業宣導列為優先宣導項目,必能大幅提升我國民眾對節能減碳措施之認知及配合程度,加速台灣邁入低碳社會目標。 Survey on Public Awareness of Energy Efficiency Policies “Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction” can be seen as a silent social revolution to change current environmental ethics. Everyone should understand that natural resources are not unlimited and the necessity of adopting energy saving concepts into current lifestyle is urgent. To raise public energy awareness, Taiwanese government has implemented series of policies including the promotion and education of public behavior change and the transformation of industrial structure. These government policies have been promoted via all kinds of media channels to reinforce the concepts of energy saving and carbon reduction. In order to further improve public energy awareness, this project consisted of three main parts: public survey, regional seminars, and research on domestic and foreign experiences. The public survey results showed that the degree of policy awareness can be a significant positive influence on self energy-saving practices. Besides, this survey included multiple background characteristics analysis of respondents such as sex, age, profession, and residence. Among all the respondents, students, young people and elders, and non-metropolitan residents care more about product price, while housekeepers, females and elders are more likely to change their usual lifestyle.It was concluded after five regional seminars including Taipei, Taichung, Penghu, Hualien, and Kaohsiung that the energy awareness promotions from local governments and social groups were especially important to non-metropolitan residents and that it was necessary to strengthen the promotion to public sectors. Moreover, people who attended the seminars all expected to have continuous and intensive local energy-saving promotion seminars in the future.At present the promotion measures of Taiwanese energy-saving policies are similar to international measures. However, it would be much more improved with complete planning and integrated periodical evaluations. With central energy-saving information platform, countrywide energy-saving promotion network of local energy-saving offices and community volunteers, and enormous coverage of related information in media, the public energy awareness could be largely improved and thus lead the country to low-carbon society. 098 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人台灣經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17919
97-98年度土壤及地下水污染整治費申報、審理、稽核等相關作業計畫(98年度) 整治費自民國90年11月開徵迄今,總徵收金額已達57億元;本年度執行過程完成98年第2、3、4季及99年第1季各695、765、716、742件之整治費申報案件審理工作,並寄發審理結果予繳費人。申報案件審核完成後,隨即進行整治費申報資料查核工作,並請會計師進行核章作業。此外,完成98年第2、3、4季及99年第1季各62、54、51、61件之出口退費申請案件審理工作,並將審理結果提交環保署及複審計畫。現場稽核作業方面,已完成98年第2、3、4季及99年第1季現場稽核共320件,稽核結果無誤者(含已完成補申報)共計191件,待確認(尚待繳費人確認實際進口資料後判斷是否需補申報)共計129件,總追繳金額逾486萬元。有關徵收制度調整規劃,伴隨基金支出將逐步擴大及目前整治費徵收所遭遇問題,初步預估基金在未來25年內仍需300億基金規模,爰提出制度調整方案。初步規劃將煤、鐵、廢棄物納入土污基金徵收對象,要求其他環保基金提撥及檢討現行收費制度改進方案(取消產製業者出口退費、將保險退費與工程退費合併),本計畫協助環保署與業界進行研商工作及進行收費辦法修訂。其他如資料庫及網路作業系統更新、維護作業及行政配合作業等亦持續進行:提供兩條專線電話(02-27468365;02-27689831)及專屬電子信箱(soil@sinotech.com.tw)供繳費人諮詢、定期至環保署進行工作執行現況報告,並將業者反映意見彙整送環保署參考。 2009 Filing for and Verification of Statements of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees Since the November of 2001, over 5.7 billion NT dollars of soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee has been collected. During this project execution period, 695, 765, 716, and 742 declaration reports was reviewed in the second, third, and forth quarter of 2009 and the first quarter of 2010, respectively. The reviewing results were then sent to the fee payers. After the completion of reviews, an audit was carried out by the accountant to check if the collected remediation fee is compliant with the information listed in the declaration reports. Additionally, 62, 54, 51, and 61 export refund cases were reviewed in each quarter of the project execution period. The quarterly audit reports were submitted to EPA by the auditor.320 on-site inspections were completed during the project execution period, which include 191 correct declaration cases (including those who made correction in their cases) and 129 cases required further inspection. It was found that lubricant was the major item that required for further inspections. As the result of follow-up on-site inspections, over 4.86 million NT dollars was retrieved.With the increasing expenditure and the problems with the collection of the remediation fee, proposals regarding the revision of the fee collection policies were made to accommodate the 30 billion dollars needed in the next 25 years. Preliminary planning includes: the inclusion of coal, iron and solid waste into the fee collection criteria, the contribution from other environmental funds, the cancelation of export refunds, and the combination of insurance and construction refunds. We assist with the negotiation between the EPA and the manufacturers in the future. We provide technical services include two telephone lines (02-27468365;02-27689831) and web system (soil@sinotech.com.tw) for related consultation and information to fee payers. We report our work on a regular basis and the feedback of fee payers to EPA. 098 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18131
地面水體分類及水質標準之相關環境基準研究計畫 我國水體分類水質標準自87年第三次修訂以來迄今已逾十年,因此本研究針對我國與日、美、歐、中國大陸等國之水體分類水質標準進行比較,並以水體合格率計算法進行計算,以做為我國水體分類及水質標準之修訂參考。我國目前合計劃分35個陸域水體,近三年來總磷(不合格率73.4%)、大腸菌群(不合格率61.9%)、氨氮(不合格率47.0%)、生化需氧量(不合格率35.2%)、錳(不合格率65.0%)、及銅(不合格率11.7%)等六項環境基準在全國合格率或是各水體分級合格率皆偏低,因此導致我國在陸域地面水體關於生活環境與人體健康之合格率僅有67.51%與91.6%,因此需要進一步檢討。另在各國水體分類水質標準資料蒐集部分,台、日、中國大陸及美國部分州皆將水體先進行分類後,再依水體分類之等級高低給與不同的水質基準值,而水體之用途別又與水體分類之等級高低有關。而歐盟則是將各種水體進行分類,其水體等級並未與水體之用途分類相關,且另訂各式水源基準進行另一系統之水體分類。而在特殊天然水體是否另定基準部分,由於特殊天然水體包含內容甚廣,因此無法針對個別特殊天然水體另訂標準,本研究建議可依「若未受污染之背景值已超過水體分類水質標準者,則可不受水體分類水質標準之規範」,而不另訂基準。而在我國與其他國家水質標準差異性部分,本研究發現我國在乙、丙、丁、戊類等四類水體之pH值皆較日本水質標準寬;鉛與砷的部分明顯較國外標準寬;銅與錳的部分則較國外標準稍嚴;另日本及中國大陸針對湖泊水庫另有水質標準。在保持原有五類水體分類水質標準之框架不變及現實狀況可行之原則下,本研究建議之水體分類水質標準經專家諮詢座談會及期末報告審查會修改如下:○1pH值:建議將甲類至戊類之水體pH標準直接修改為6.5~8.5。○2總磷:建議屬於甲類或乙類之水體湖泊、水庫、攔河堰、自來水取水口及其上游水體,應按照現有總磷標準管制,非屬上述之甲類或乙類水體則不需管制總磷。○3鉛:從0.1mg/L修改為0.05mg/L。○4砷:從0.05mg/L修改為0.02mg/L。○5銅:建議維持原有水質標準。○6錳:建議維持原有水質標準。○7天然特殊水體之水質已超過水體分類基準值,因非屬河川污染整治範圍,因此建議不另訂定之。○7建議先經由相關研究對我國各水體先行調查存在於水體中之含氯VOC等新興污染物種類為何後再研討修正;另BOD、氨氮與大腸菌群等基準維持現況。本研究另針對上述pH、總磷、鉛及砷修改後之水質標準進行公告水體之計算,在全國總合格率部分,pH由修改前98.1%下降至94.9%,總磷由修改前26.6%上升至36.7%,鉛由修改前99.8%下降至99.4%,砷由修改前100%下降至99.0%,而全國關於生活環境之合格率則自修改前67.5%上升至修改後68.1%,約增加了0.6%,而與人體健康之合格率則由修改前91.6%下降至修改後90.9%,僅下降0.7%。另本研究亦提出修改後如檢討放流水標準等配套方案與建議及修正草案。 Modification of surface water classification and related water standards This study proposed a modified surface water classification and their standards on the basis of comparison between present standards of Taiwan and corresponding standards from the different countries, including Japan, United States, EU, Korea and China. In the past three years, 73.4%, 61.9%, 47.0%, 35.2%, 65.0%, and 11.7% of water did not meet surface water classification standards of Taiwan on the basis of the total phosphate, E. coli, ammonia nitrogen, BOD, and Manganese standards respectively, result in 67.51% and 91.6% of surface water can meet the environmental- and human health-related standards. In addition, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, China and some parts of United States have connected their surface water standards with water usage, while EU classifies them separates into water classification and water supply system. For certain type of natural water body, no specific water standards are required. After comparing the standards from other countries along with their purpose behind setting these standards, this study recommends few modifications for surface water standards as following: (1) pH standard should be modified as 6.5 to 8.5 for all water bodies; (2) total phosphate standard only required to be setup for the certain water bodies includes the upstream of lakes, reservoir, weir and water supply uptake facilities; (3) Pb standard should be modified from 0.1mg/l to 0.05 mg/l; (4)As standard should be modified from 0.05 mg/l to 0.02 mg/l; (5) no particular standard should be set for certain type of natural surface water; and (6) further studies should be carried out for implementing few more modification of other standards which were mentioned by other countries.After modification, 94.9%, 36.7%, 99.4%, and 99.0% of surface water will meet required standard on the basis of modified pH, TP, Pb, and As standards respectively, as a result of this 68.1% and 90.9% of surface water will meet the required environmental- and human health-related standards. In addition, this study also proposed a draft of surface water classification and water standards. 098 水保處 中原大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15607
第18屆中華民國企業環保獎行政作業及獲獎績優廠商觀摩研討會 中華民國企業環保獎是為了鼓勵並表揚國內推動環境保護工作蹟效優良的企業而設立,是企業推動環保的最高榮譽獎項。評選項目包括製造業:(1)環境保護規劃及管理;(2)清潔生產工作推行;(3)污染防治措施管理與維護成效;(4)環保觀念推行與教育宣導。非製造業:(1)環境保護規劃及管理;(2)清潔營運成效;(3)污染防治措施管理與維護成效;(4)環保觀念推行與教育宣導。 自民國81年設立迄今已辦理18屆,包含本屆獲獎企業在內,計有192家環保績優企業陸續接受表揚。為鼓勵致力於環保工作之企業,環保署特設立「環保榮譽獎」,只要企業連續三年獲得中華民國環保獎,即可獲頒此項獎座。 為能將獲獎企業之各項績優環保事蹟全面推廣至企業界,本計畫編輯「第18屆中華民國企業環保績優廠商優良環保事蹟彙編」並舉辦獲獎績優事業觀摩研討會,藉此以提供企業界推動環保工作之參考,並建議個行業推動環保工作的點範和模式,全面提昇我國的環境品質,以及增加企業之國際競爭力。 Eighteenth Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection Award and Demonstration The Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection Award is the highest honor for enter prices devote to environmental protection, and the award winners regarded as models for other business sectors for their excellent environmental performance. The selection of the 18th Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection Award based on four items, which are: (1)environmental protection planning and management, (2)promotion of clean production, (3)management and maintenance of pollution prevention measures, (4) promoting public awareness of the importance of environmental protection work. Since 1992, 192 outstanding environmentally conscious enterprises have had the honor of receiving the “The Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection Award”, an award that has been in existence for 18 years. In order to recognize enterprises that have endeavored to protect the environment, the Environmental Protection Administration has established the Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection Award to reward companies which have won the Republic of China Environmental Award for three consecutive years. In order to promote the contributions of these awardees and the stories behind them to the entire business community, a “Compilation of the 18th Republic of China Outstanding Enterprises Environmental Contributions” has been published. Seminars dedicated to the study of these contributions have also been held so as to further promote their environment-related work and to make recommendations on how environmental protection can best be carried out by the enterprises. The purpose is to improve the quality of the environment as well as to raise the international competitiveness of the enterprises. 098 管考處 如是方知公關顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14798
環境品質資料倉儲系統擴充與地理資料標準建置計畫 本專案不僅延續「全國環境品質即時資訊服務平台計畫」,並擴充環境品質資料倉儲系統功能與效益,使用線上分析處理工具,加值空氣、水、廢棄物、毒化物等主題應用,持續擴充與有效彙整既有環境資料,便捷地供應正確而即時的環境資訊,以利使用者進行環境資訊相關之查詢、分析或決策支援。另外,配合國土資訊系統標準制度的推動,本專案延伸環境地理圖資朝向開放式環境概念發展,建構開放式的地理資訊系統(Open GIS),期望未來能以GML格式對外流通,作為環境地理資料的共享平台。同時,為達國際化的環境資訊交流,將環境品質資料倉儲系統建置成英文平台,以期使更多外籍使用者受惠。 本專案使用OLAP工具以多維度方式分析資料,能彈性地提供上探(Roll-up)、下鑽(Drill-down)、和樞紐分析(Pivot)等操作,將環境品質資料加以整合分析,延伸出決策所需資訊,讓使用者可以自選方式來展示時間與空間維度、不同主題之交叉分析,達成指定時空下各環境主題的展現,以方便大規模數據的分析及統計的計算,進而對決策提供參考和支持。建置之OLAP分析功能包含基金捐補助執行績效分析、污染源統計分析、監測資料分析、廢棄物與資源回收分析、稽查處分統計分析、公害陳情統計分析及決策支援分析等。 為達成開放式的資料共享機制,降低在不同伺服器中資料流通的隔閡,本專案評估環境品質資料倉儲本身之需求與環境地理資料特性訂定資料標準,引用或考量ISO/TC211 19100系列地理資訊系統標準,遵循國際標準所規定的方式加以模擬與記錄,以便支援國際標準的軟體來進行資料的解讀與應用。 本專案以環保署所編纂「國際常用環境詞彙」為主,以相關主管機關規定或習慣用法為輔,參照倉儲系統中文版網頁來建置其英文平台,功能包含倉儲靜態網頁、動態查詢功能、OLAP分析功能及動態報表。同時將世界主要國家、城市之環保公約及法規資料,與世界主要國際環保機構之重大國際環保議題納入系統內容。 除既有環保署居家生活環境資訊網、環境地理資訊系統(GIS)及環境品質資料倉儲等系統之例行維運及系統新增功能外,本案還規劃OLAP與環境品質地理資料之後續維護管理作業機制。作業內容包含系統功能變更、異常現象排除、紀錄異動之協同運作;提供後續之電話諮詢服務、技術諮詢及支援維護;進行資料擴充、GIS圖層及加盟國土資訊系統等相關維護作業;完成多項系統新增的功能,包含地圖展現、時空分析與空間統計等進階服務,以達資料倉儲例行的維修、運作與增修機制。 Project for Expanding Environment Data Warehouse System and Constructing Geographic Data Standard This Project not only sustained “National Environment Quality Real-time Information Service Platform” and extended subjects like environment quality data system functions and benefit, plan air, water, waste and poison chemical for on-line analysis as well as continues to expand and effectively collect the existing environment data, but also promptly provided correct and real-time environment information so that a user can conduct inquiry related to environmental protection, value-added analysis or decision support. In addition, together with the promotion of National Geographic Information System, this project extended environmental quality data warehouse to develop open environment and construct open Geographic Information System (GIS). We hope it can externally exchange with GML format as a sharing platform for environment GIS data. In the meantime, in order to achieve an internationalization exchange of environmental information, the Chinese Environment Data Warehouse System was constructed as English platform so that can be beneficial to more foreign users.This project employed OnLine Analytical Process (OLAP) to analyze the data by multiple dimensions, which can flexibly provide roll-up, drill-down and pivot. The environment quality data were integrated to analyze and extend information required by decision support, which a user can select by oneself to demonstrate time and space dimensions, cross analysis with different subjects as well as achieve the demonstration of each environment subject under appointed time and space. Therefore, data analysis and statistic calculation can be performed in large scale to further provide reference and support for decision. Constructed OLAP analysis include the performance analysis of fund donation and subsidy, statistic analysis of pollution source, analysis of monitoring data, waste and resource recycling analysis, statistic analysis of audit, statistic analysis of pollution statement and decision support analysis.In order to achieve open data sharing and reduce misunderstanding of data flow in different servers, this Project evaluated the demands of Environment Data Warehouse System and the characteristics of geographic data to establish data standard, cite or consider geographic information system standards of ISO/TC211 19100 series. The ways regulated by international standards were followed to simulate and record, so that can support international standard software for data reading and application.This project is based on “Environmental Terminology Commonly Used in the World” compiled by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R. O. C. (Taiwan), assisted with regulations or customs promulgated by related organizations. For more information, please refer to Chinese webpage of Environment Data Warehouse System to establish English platform. The functions include static warehouse webpage, dynamic inquiry, OLAP analysis and dynamic form. Meanwhile, environment treaties and regulations of major countries and cities in the world as well as important issues on environmental protection for international environment organizations were brought into the system contents.In addition to existing residence information network provided by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R. O. C. (Taiwan), routine maintenance and new function of GIS and environment quality data warehouse system, this project planned the mechanism of follow-up maintenance management for OLAP and geographic data. The operation contents included system function change, abnormal elimination, coordination of record modification; follow-up telephone consultation service, technical consultation and support maintenance were provided; data expansion, GIS figure layer and land information system were maintained; multiple functions were completed, including advanced services like map display, time and space analysis and spatial statistics to achieve the mechanism of routine maintenance, operation and modification for data warehouse. 098 監資處 中興工程顧問社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15107