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強化毒化物安全管理及災害應變計畫- 南部環境毒災應變隊建置計畫 本年度計畫持續建置南部環境毒災應變隊,於台南轄區及高雄轄區各設一隊,每隊16人全天候維持至少3人以上值勤,全年無休依照委託單位指揮之毒性化學物質災害應變諮詢中心通報之事故執行趕赴現場應變處理、監測及採樣與善後復原工作;轄區內發生毒化災事故到場應變案例,共計有20件案例。在毒災預防整備方面:完成60場應變臨場輔導、完成無預警測試45場次、完成地方環保機關演習整訓4場次、完成環保署交付全動反恐與環境災害相關演習兵堆20場次、完成協助地方環保機關審視毒災危害預防應變計畫338件次、完成毒災防救法規宣導及說明會8場次、完成與環保署督察大隊聯合毒災業務交流2場次、完成12個月維護署撥器材清點與保養、完成全國分區動員研討及聯防小組組訓活動共4場次、完成國外學者專家來台講授1場次、完成專家及機關案例檢討交流會議1場次、完成南部轄區內危害範圍與疏散避難區域分析報告提交予環保局作為縣市毒性化學物質災害防救業務計畫書修訂參考;並組成南部區域毒災聯防應援隊2隊,完成毒災應援隊到場參加出勤、平常器材支援或防救災訓練等共計7場次,提供能力不足之發生災害事故之業者救災之協助。 Plan for the Southern Taiwan Region Emergency Response Team for Environmental Toxic Chemical Inciden This project aims to continue the southern environmental emergency response teams (ERTs). Two teams have been setup in Kaohsiung and Tainan, respectively. Each team had 16 members and at least three members were on duty at any time following the orders from the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Toxic Control Center and EPA Toxic Information Center to provide incident response, monitoring, sampling and analysis, and recovery work. On the twenty four hours response work, a total of 20 on-scene response services were provided to date. All of the responses were arrived within one hour after incident reporting. On the prevention of toxic incidents, the two teams have visited sixty operating facilities, completed a total of forty five unnoticed testing of the operating facilities, held four drills, participated in twenty table top drills, helped the local environmental bureaus inspect the emergency response plan for three hundred thirty eight toxic facilities, provided eight workshops on promoting awareness of toxic substance control acts, held two meetings for exchange of experience with the EPA Inspector Team, performed routine maintenance for EPA on their emergency response equipment, held four workshops for national mobilization and joint response trainings, held the International Workshop on Southern Taiwan Toxic Incident Response Training, held one meeting on exchange and case studies of toxic incidents, and completed the analysis of toxic hazards and risk potential maps for south region, and provide analysis of potential hazard zone and evacuation zone for the reference for local environmental bureaus to enforce their disaster prevention and protection plans. The teams also organized and signed two joint response teams from operating facilities. The joint response teams have participated in seven response services or drills and have been an important task force for providing aids to facilities with insufficient capabilities. 101 毒管處 國立高雄第一科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40645
101年度澎湖縣營建工程稽查管制計畫 澎湖縣政府環境保護局於八十六年七月一日開始營建工程污染管制計畫,為了使空氣品質得以確實改善,本計畫已在澎湖縣執行了有十五個年度,已讓澎湖縣轄內營建工程業者深入地瞭解施工過程中可能會發生的污染行為以及營建工地可推動的污染防制措施,對於整個澎湖縣的空氣品質有相當正面的幫助,為延續本計畫在過去執行的成效,持續的推動本計畫並進一步改善澎湖縣空氣品質。本年度計畫在執行期間,推動營建空污費徵收作業、營建工地稽巡查工作、營建工地輔導作業、宣導作業、營建工地粒狀污染物檢測作業相關工作,自101年2月21日起至101年12月31日止。一、計畫執行日101年2月21日起至101年12月31日執行期間,累計巡查次數為3,414處次。統計本計畫量化目標巡查件數以2055為基準,目前進度達成率約為100%。二、每月篩選縣內營建工程繳交空污費用在1萬元以上工地辦理開工前之個別協調會,截至12月31日與65家營建業者辦理開工前協調會。三、自101年2月21日起至101年12月31日執行期間,目前已輔導12處工地於工程開工前提送替代污染防制設施申請。四、自101年2月21日起至101年12月31日執行期間,已完成15處營建工地周界TSP檢測、12處落塵量監測站的設置及2處營建工地聚落上下風處檢測。五、自101年2月21日起至101年12月31日執行期間,在營建工地施工之柴油機具進行油品抽測含硫量,目前已完成8件油品含硫量的的抽測,檢測結果都符合法規標準。六、自101年2月21日起至101年12月31日執行期間,已完成提報總共257件有嚴重管理辦法缺失之工地給環保局作後續行政處理。七、自101年2月21日起至101年12月31日執行期間,營建工地完成認養道路總長度已達到6300公尺。八、於7月11日完成第一場營建工程宣導活動,參加人數56人。10月20日完成第二場大型營建宣導會,總計參予人數245人。11月6日完成辦理第三場營建法規暨噪音減量協談會,參與人數57人。九、於7月完成第一次行政滿意度問卷調查,11月完成第二行政滿意度問卷調查。 2012 Examinaation control project for construction engineering For improving air quality, the “Construction Engineering Pollution Control Project” has been performed for 15 years from 1997 by Environmental Protection Bureau, Penghu County. For this reason, let local construction engineering owner can understand deeply that contamination accident during the course of construction and related pollution control method for building site. To sum up, the project will keep promoting, and improving air quality of all Penghu County. This project has to complete promoting Air Pollution Control Fees collection; inspecting & patrolling for the building site; providing guidance for the building site; promoting air pollution control; inspecting particulate contaminant of the building site ; and other related tasks during the period of performing.1.This project has patrolled the building site for 3,414 times, target number is 2,055 times, and accomplishment rate is 100%2.This project organized the coordination meeting for construction engineering owner who pay above NT$ 10,000 for air pollution control fees before start date.There were 65 construction engineering owners came to the consultation meeting in 20123.Guide 12 building sites to submit application cases for substitute contamination control equipment before start date in 2012.4.This project has completed 15 TSP inspections near building sit; set up 12 monitoring stations for dust falling, and 2 monitoring stations for upwind and downwind in the building sit.5.This project has completed spot checking 8 cases of the sulphur content of diesel equipment and the result was regulation.6.This project has finished submitting 257 cases for violating the laws of regulation to EPB in 2012. 7.This project has completed 3 education training meetings.8.The Building site owner adopted road was about 6,300 meters.9.the tasks of degree of satisfaction, this project has completed 146 questionnaires on the degree of satisfaction of administrative institution for building site owners and contractors, and 316 questionnaires on the degree of satisfaction of building site for those who live near the building sit. 101 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 新研車輛科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47232
101年台灣嬰幼兒暴露參數-土壤及落塵經口攝取及口部行為頻率研究延續性檢討修正計畫 土壤、灰塵中的有害物質能透過直接吸入、攝入及皮膚接觸進入人體並造成有害的健康效應,其中土壤、灰塵的攝入量對於年幼孩童而言是一重要暴露參數。本研究目的為建立污染場址鄰近嬰幼兒生活環境之土壤基本資料庫,篩選台灣北、中及南部各選取一個低pH值、高粘粒含量之土壤性質污染場址與無污染之對照組為樣區,進行土壤、灰塵及孩童糞便、飲食的採集,估算本土性嬰幼兒口部為及攝取土壤與灰塵之量化資訊,並從100年計畫中,隨機挑選18位嬰幼兒,於101年冬季進行樣本的重覆採樣,與100年計畫的結果相比,進行口部行為及土壤/落塵攝入量之季節性差異比較。101年台灣北、中及南部研究區域的污染場址及對照場址內之土壤質地為砂質粘壤土至砂質壤土。101年場址土壤中鈦及矽的濃度範圍分別為1.97 - 10.0及105 - 384 g/kg,101年場址落塵中鈦及矽的濃度範圍分別為3020 – 11,200及542 – 152,000 mg/kg,101年場址嬰幼兒糞便中鈦及矽的濃度範圍分別為112 – 4,230及82.6 – 2,620 mg/kg,101年場址嬰幼兒飲食中鈦及矽的濃度範圍分別為2.09 – 25.2及89.8 - 466 mg/kg。100年及101年計劃中的84位嬰幼兒的手到口及非飲食物體到口接觸頻率的中位數分別為9.05及9.86 contacts/h,手到口及非飲食物體到口接觸時間的中位數分別為0.35及0.35 min/h。嬰幼兒非飲食物體到口接觸頻率及時間與年齡皆呈現顯著地負相關。平時有使用奶嘴習慣組別嬰幼兒其非飲食物體到口(不包含奶嘴)接觸頻率及時間中位數皆顯著高於平時沒有使用奶嘴習慣組別嬰幼兒。根據18位重覆測量之100年樣區嬰幼兒,於101年冬季根據鈦估計之土壤攝入量顯著高於100年夏季估計之土壤攝入量,但根據矽估計之土壤攝入量於兩季節間並無顯著地差異。pH值中性偏鹼性之壤質砂土及砂質壤土地區(100年樣區)嬰幼兒根據鈦估計之土壤攝入量顯著高於低pH值、高粘粒含量之土壤性質地區(101年樣區)嬰幼兒根據鈦估計之土壤攝入量,但根據矽估計之土壤攝入量於二土壤性質地區間未達統計上顯著地差異。利用標記元素質量平衡方法,101年場址0到5歲嬰幼兒根據鈦估計之土壤/灰塵攝入量平均值及中位數分別為2,510及1,690 mg/day,根據矽估計之土壤/灰塵攝入量平均值及中位數分別為379及12.3 mg/day。根據100年度的資料代入SHEDS-Soil/dust model,估計出台灣0到2歲嬰幼兒之土壤/落塵攝入量平均值及中位數為16及7 mg/day。根據100及101年度的結果顯示糞便量、食物、營養補充品、腸胃的轉變時間、牙膏及脫落之油漆等因子會影響土壤/落塵攝入量的估計。建議未來應增加人類暴露及劑量模擬模式所需輸入之本土變項分布,如補足2到6歲嬰幼兒之手到口及非飲食物體到口接觸頻率以及室內外的時間比例、室內地板的落塵負載量、土壤-皮膚的附著係數等資料,再與標記元素質量平衡方法估計之土壤/灰塵攝入量進一步比較,可建立本土非飲食攝入因子及土壤/落塵攝入量。 Child-Specific Exposure Factors in Taiwan-Research on Non-Dietary Ingestion Factors,Mouthing Frequen Harmful substances in soil and dust may enter into human body through direct inhalation, digestion, and dermal contact causing adverse health effects. Infants and toddlers are less tolerant to toxic substances than adults, the toxic substances will pose higher risk to the children. Soil and dust ingestion thus becomes a critical exposure factor to determine the risk to children. The objective of this study is to establish a soil exposure database for infants and toddlers living near soil contaminated sites. Soils with low pH and high clay content in both contaminated and control sites at northern, middle, and southern parts of Taiwan are collected. Soil, dust, food and children’s feces are sampled to estimate the local mouthing information and quantify soil/dust ingestion for infants and toddlers. Eighteen children are also randomly selected from database of Year 2011 Project to perform duplicate sampling/examination during 2012 winter for seasonal comparison.Results showed that the collected soils during 2012 project with textures classified as loamy sand to sandy loam in the contaminated and control sites. The Ti and Si contents in soils ranged within 1.97-10.0 and 105-384 g/kg, respectively. The Ti and Si contents in dusts ranged within 3,020-11,200 and 542-152,000 mg/kg, respectively. The Ti and Si contents in feces ranged within 112-4,230 and 82.6-2,620 mg/kg, respectively. The Ti and Si contents in foods ranged within 2.09-25.2 and 89.8-466 g/kg, respectively. For the total 84 children in the 2011 and 2012 projects, the median hand-to-mouth and nondietary object-to mouth frequencies were 9.05 and 9.86 contacts/h, respectively. The median hand-to-mouth and nondietary object-to mouth contact time were 0.35 and 0.35 min/h. The median hand-to-moth and object-to-mouth frequencies and duration were negatively correlated significantly. The nondietary object (excluding pacifier)-to-mouth frequencies and medium times for children using pacifier were significantly greater than those without using pacifier. Based on the duplicate results of the 18 children from 2011 project, the soil digestiondetermined by Ti during 2012 winter was significantly greater than that from 2011 summer. The difference in soil digestion determined by Si for these two seasons, however, was insignificant. The soil digestion for children living in sites with middle –to-basic pH loamy sand was significantly greater than those with low pH, highly clayey soil based on Ti but statistically insignificant based on Si. Using tracer element-based mass-balance approach, the mean and medium children (0-5 years old) soil ingestion in 2011 project were estimated at 2,510 and 1,690 mg/day based on Ti content and at 379 and 12.3 mg/day based on Si content, respectively. Inputting the data from 2011 project into the SHEDS-soil/dust model, the mean and medium children (0-2 years old) soil ingestion were 16 and 7 mg/day, respectively. Summarizing the data of 2011 and 2012 projects, it was elucidated that the feces amount, food, nutrient supplement, gastrointestinal transit time, the falling of teeth, and the falling of painting could influence the estimation of soil/dust ingestion. We suggest that thelocal parameters/distributions used to input into human exposure and dose simulation models should be increased, such as hand-to-mouth and nondietary object to mouth contact frequency for children between 2 and 6 years old, ratio of indoor/outdoor residence time, dust loading of indoor floor, and soil-skin adherence. The obtained soil/dust digestion can be compared to those from biomarker mass balance method. The local nondietary digestion factor and soil/dust digestion can thus be established. 101 土污基管會 臺北醫學大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53697
101年臺中市營建工程空氣污染管制暨營建空污費收費管理計畫 計畫摘要臺中市政府環境保護局於八十六年七月一日開始執行營建工程污染管制計畫,為使空氣品質得以確實改善,並期待執行本計畫後有效管制營建工程之污染行為與減少公害發生,確切提升生活環境品質。期末報告執行期間(101年3月29日至102年1月31日),已蒐集分析營建工程徵收、管制、污染排放削減情形及執行成果資訊進行探討,現階段成果摘要說明如下。一、統計101年3月29日至102年1月31日止,辦理營建工程空氣污染防制費開工申報及完工結算等案件共有10,123件(開工申報5,402件、完工結算4,721件),另本市營建工程空氣污染防制費總徵收金額為145,278,416元,徵收件數共計5,402件(含免徵件數176件)。3,932件使用網路申報營建空污費(申報率32.8%較100年2,229件成長約12.8%);至於便民繳費系統共計有6,877件透過新式便民服務繳款單繳費完成,繳費比例略為提升。二、營建工地管制成果方面,持續針對區域開發及專案管制工地(含生活圈及鐵路高架化等)實施查核,以「揪」「察」「對」三重奏方式管制,辦理6場區域開發高空遙控飛機拍攝,舉辦輔導座談會10場次,大型法令宣導說明會4場次,並輔導其中12處大型營建工程舖設稻草及植生進行污染防制。此外,加強道路管線工程查處,稽查告發情節重大者24處次,管理辦法符合度為92.84%,較去年同期增加4.7%。各項精進作為使得本市工地TSP產生量為11,464.34公噸,削減量為7,648.34公噸,現況排放量為3,816.00公噸,平均削減率為66.71%,較100年度同期約成長8.71%。三、加強污染工地之蒐證作業,統計計畫執行期間提報件數共計318處次,大部分已輔導改善完成,其中揚塵污染提報152處次、路面污染蒐證155處次、管理辦法蒐證9處次及露天燃燒2處次;並配合稽查告發共計201處次,污染改善201處次。其中分別為違反空污法64處(包含16處空污法16條、40處空污法23條、8處空污法31條)及廢棄物清理法137處次。四、本計畫與洗掃計畫建立橫向通報機制,洗掃街計畫通報14處有污染之虞工地,其中1處工地經本計畫現場查核屬實嚴重,予以告發路面污染;1處則屬非營建工地列管,1處屬輕微則予現場立即改善機會,隔次複查均未發現污染。五、本計畫「營建工程污染管制稽巡查無紙化系統」已開發完成,並已於今年7月1日起使用,統計現階段採用無紙化查核件數為12,726件,設A4紙約4.5克,傳統巡查單為A3格式4聯式約7張A4重量31.5克,紙類回收之減碳係數為0.242計算,目前因使用「營建工程污染管制稽巡查無紙化系統」已減少8萬9千張A4紙張,約減碳97公斤。 101 years of Taichung City Construction Engineering Air Pollution Control & Construction empty, pollution fee charges management plan Plan SummaryTaichung City Government Environmental Protection Agency pollution control plan for implementation of construction projects starting on July 1, 1997, so that the air quality does improve, and look forward to the effective control of the execution of this project construction engineering pollution behavior and reduce pollution occurs , exactly enhance the quality of living environment. During the execution of the final report (March 29, 101 years to 102 years January 31 days), have been collected, the analysis of construction projects levy, control, pollution emission reduction situation and the implementation of the outcome of information to explore, at this stage outcomes are summarized as follows.A statistical ended January 31, March 29, 101 years to 102 years, the air pollution control fees apply for construction projects started in the reporting and completion clearing cases a total of 10,123 (5,402 pieces started reporting the completion of settlement of 4,721 pieces), another Urban Construction Engineering total levy amount of $ 145,278,416 for air pollution control fees levied total number of 5,402 (including exempted from number 176). 3,932 use the network to declare construction air pollution fee (reporting rate of 32.8% compared to 100 years to grow about 2,229 pieces 12.8%); For convenience toll system, a total of 6,877 pieces of completed payment slip through new convenient service payment, payment proportion slightly improved.Second, control the outcome of the construction site, continued to be implemented for the regional development and project control site (including the living area and the elevated railway) check, "pulling", "police", "trio ways control handle 6-field regional development altitude remote aircraft shooting, organizing counseling seminars for 10 performances, large decree guidance meeting 4 screenings and counseling including 12 large-scale construction projects laying straw and vegetation pollution control. In addition, to strengthen the road pipeline project investigated 24 times, inspectors informant severe circumstances, the management approach is consistent with the degree of 92.84%, an increase of 4.7% compared to the same period last year. Various sophisticated as TSP generated volume of 11,464.34 tonnes, a reduction of 7,648.34 tonnes emissions of the existing state of 3,816.00 tonnes, with an average reduction rate of 66.71%, approximately 8.71% growth compared to the same period last year 100 the city site.Third, strengthen the evidence collection operations of the contaminated site, during the execution of a statistical program reported to number a total of 318 times, most counseling improvements have been completed, including dust pollution reported 152 times 155 times gathering evidence pavement pollution management approach nine times and collect evidence from open burning two times; with total of 201 inspectors informant pollution to improve 201 times. Which contains 16 air pollution control law for violating air pollution law 64 (16 23 40 air pollution law, eight air pollution law 31) and the Waste Disposal Act 137.This project with the cleaning and washing plan establish lateral notification mechanism, wash the street-sweeping plan Bulletin 14 sites with the risk of pollution, including a site by the plan, the scene checked the truth of the allegations serious to be denounced pavement pollution; 1 is column tube is a non-construction sites, and a slight improvement opportunities to the scene immediately, every times review were not found contamination.Construction engineering of this project, "Pollution Control protracted inspections paperless system" has been developed to complete, and was used from July 1 this year, the statistics at this stage the paperless check number 12,726 pieces, set of A4 paper about 4.5 g, the traditional inspections single A3 format coupled about 7 A4 weight of 31.5 grams, paper types of recycling of carbon reduction coefficient is 0.242, use "Construction Engineering Pollution Control the protracted inspections paperless system" has been reduced to 80,000 9,000 sheets of A4 paper, approximately 97 kg less carbon 101 台中市環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50002
使用中柴油車污染調查及保檢制度推動專案工作計畫 移動污染源係造成都會區空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,也是環保及交通主管單位加強管制重點,其中柴油車排放之黑煙最令民眾所詬病。為使全國柴油車管制業務更臻完善,提升各縣市柴油車排煙檢測站檢測品質,本計畫持續推動柴油車保檢制度,今年度選定5家涵蓋車輛製造廠、代理商及客貨運業者等保養廠,邀請專家學者至現場進行訪查,訪查結果作為「使用中柴油車保養廠認證及管理要點」研擬之參考,俾建立優良保養廠認證制度,健全我國使用中柴油車保檢合一制度。為持續提升全國各縣市柴油車檢驗線之相關性測試品質,本計畫彙整近幾年相關性測試及複測常見問題,並設計「全國柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站自我檢查表」,提供站內檢測人員於品管測試、能力比對測試、全國相關性測試時,檢查儀器設備各項是否符合規範。另比較101年與100年度相關性測試結果之離群程度記點,本年度離群記點大都集中1點以下,顯示相關性測試已逐步提升檢驗人員專業素質,並持續維持檢測站檢驗品質及公信力。於環保署修訂柴油車檢測程序並規劃導入不透光式煙度計同時,本計畫首先以各縣市柴動站、交通部監理機關及保養廠評估推動柴油車定期檢驗制度之可行性。其次,蒐集彙整歐美日柴油車用不透光式設備規範與邀集柴油車領域之專家學者,共同編撰我國「柴油車用不透光式煙度計儀器設備」之性能參考規範。 Established in use diesel vehicles pollutant improvement and examination system plan Mobile source of pollution is a major factor leading to deterioration of urban air quality, as well as a key point of intensified control of environmental protection and transportation authorities. One of the issues that are most complained about is the dark smoke emitted by diesel vehicles. To better the national control of diesel vehicles and improve the quality of inspections at the diesel vehicle emission inspection stations throughout the country, the promotion of maintenance and inspection system for diesel vehicle continues as part of the project. This year, 5 maintenance service providers were selected, including vehicle manufacturers, distributors and cargo/passenger transportation companies, for field visits by a group of experts. The result of these visits were summarized and used as the basis of the development of “Rules Governing Certification and Management of Maintenance Services for Diesel Vehicles in Use (使用中柴油車保養廠認證及管理要點)” in the hope to establish a verification system for good maintenance service and solidify the diesel vehicle maintenance and inspection for diesel vehicles in use. For the continuous improvement of inspecting quality of correlation related to the diesel vehicle inspection lines throughout the country, common issues discovered in correlation tests and secondary inspections were compiled for this project, and the “national self-checklist for the diesel vehicle emission inspection stations equipped with dynamometer (全國柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站自我檢查表)” for the determination whether the test instrumentation and equipment comply with applicable regulations when inspection staff are performing quality control tests, proficiency tests and national correlation tests. By comparing the outliers summaries of correlation test results between 2012 and 2011, it is found that the outlier points were mostly 1 or less, indicating the correlation tests has helped improve the professional capability of the inspection staff and maintain the inspect quality and credibility of the inspection stations. As the Environmental Protection Administration amended the diesel vehicle inspection procedures and planned to introduce smoke opacimeter, this project aimed to first evaluate the feasibility of local diesel vehicle inspection stations, supervisory authorities, and maintenance services performing regular inspections. Secondly, the smoke opacimeter type equipment specifications were collected from Europe, the US and Japan and compiled, and experts in the field of diesel vehicles consulted to develop Taiwan’s own performance specifications for “smoke opacimeter equipment for diesel vehicles.” 101 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48733
兩岸廢車回收體系評析與交流專案工作計畫 世界各國莫不極力建立完整之回收清除處理機制,以解決廢車所衍生之環境問題。本計畫蒐集中國大陸廢機動車輛回收處理之法規制度以及產業營運等資訊,藉由中國大陸廢機動車輛回收處理體系相關機構參訪工作,希望能提供國內廢車回收處理產業作業模式或經營策略評估,供環保署參考。本研究依據計畫評選須知之工作內容要求,完成各工作事項,主要執行成果包括:完成兩岸在廢機動車輛回收管理制度的具體交流;從制度面、技術面、環保面及經濟面評析兩岸廢機動車輛回收制度;研提廢車回收處理系統發展方向及廢車回收處理業擴展大陸廢車回收處理市場之分析與建議。主要結論與建議有:(一) 促成兩岸在廢機動車輛回收處理體系的首次具體交流,建立將來與中國大陸廢車回收處理的交流管道。(二) 蒐集中國大陸廢車回收產業的現況資料,瞭解中國大陸廢車回收的發展趨勢。(三) 大陸對廢車產業管理方式不同造成體系設計的差異。(四) 大陸廢機動車輛回收處理之法規面與執行面仍存有落差。(五) 隨其法令管制逐漸落實,大陸廢機動車輛回收市場發展可期。(六) 藉由政策補貼及研擬強制報廢可能性,引導廢車進入回收體制。(七) 推動二手零件再製造及再利用機制,以突破資源循環技術及成效。(八) 北京及上海發展最為快速,建議未來應保持交流。(九) 建議國內廢車回收處理業者赴陸參訪瞭解市場。 Evaluation and analysis on ELV recycling systems across the strait Establishing an efficient End-of-life vehicle (ELV) recovery and recycling system has been an important task for preventing environmental issues caused by waste automobiles in almost all countries worldwide. Along with her rapid economical growth, Mainland China also actively engages in the development of circulative economy which includes establishment of the domestic recycling and reuse system for ELVs. This project is aimed to collect information on political strategies, administrative regulations, and business operations related to treatment and recycling of waste vehicles through observatory site-visits on selected enterprises and institutions in the Mainland China. We hope that observations and suggestions made can be useful to EPA in the regulatory or legal aspects and beneficial to the recycling and treatment enterprises in evaluating their operation and business strategies. In accordance with the goals and requirements of this project, we have accomplished the following goals: A total of 10 institutions/enterprises were visited in this study and communication on ELV recycling and management system cross the strait was achieved.. Types of the visited organizations are broad and complete. A report on the observatory study was delivered. The waste vehicle recycling systems has been studied from the aspects of government regulations, recycling/treatment technology, environmental protection, and economical feasibility, Suggestions and analysis are made for future development on the cross-strait opportunities for the ELV recycling industry. ELV recycling policies and recycling systems in Mainland China and Taiwan have been compared and analyzed in the four aspects of political mechanism, technical requirements, environmental regulations, and economic circumstances. Discussion and SWOT analysis on developing for ELV treatment and recycling business in Taiwan are performed. And suggestions are drawn for the business opportunities in Mainland.Major conclusions and suggestions are,(1) Realizing the conversation with related business and institutions of ELV recycling and treatment and exchanging information on ELV recycling through cross strait communication. Future communication channel has also been established.(2) Collecting information on current status and future trends of the ELV industry in mainland China.(3) ELV recycling systems are different cross strait due to their different management schemes. The leading governmental offices are economic development agencies in China, while the major role in Taiwan is environmental protection agency.(4) Law enforcement is still behind the law formation in Mainland; therefore, concerns on illegal disposal of waste exists which may influence the environmental quality.(5) It can be expected that the ELV recycling market grows continuously as the law formation and implementation moves on.(6) It is suggested that studies on the feasibility of financial incentives and mandatory retiring conditions may encourage more end-of-life vehicles entering formal recycling and treatment system. (7) It is suggested that recycling of certain major parts can be evaluated. Promoting re-manufacturing and reuse of major vehicle parts needs guidelines and test protocols for resource recycling.(8) Beijing and Shanghai, having population over 10 million, are in urgent need of effective environmental management system. It is suggested that continuous communicationswith these cities are practical and beneficial to both sides in the future.(9) It is suggested that ELV recycling business and industry in Taiwan should actively participate in activities to know more about the market in Mainland China. 101 基管會 財團法人環境永續發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42288
101年「臺中市特定污染源管制暨室內空氣品質管理計畫」 101年「臺中市特定污染源管制暨室內空氣品質管理計畫」期程自101年8月9日起至102年1月31日止,主要工作重點包含餐飲業稽查管制作業、推動紙錢集中燃燒及源頭減量、露天燃燒管制作業及室內空氣品質巡檢與輔導及自主管理宣導作業等。茲將執行至102年1月31日之各項作業說明如后:一、 餐飲業稽查管制作業執行成果目前已針對200家業者進行油煙防制設備查核及輔導工作,並完成500份宣導摺頁之印製,配合於餐飲業查核宣導時進行發送,並已成功推動25家屢遭陳情餐飲業者配合污染改善工作。本計畫亦於101年10月24日假環保局中正廳辦理完成「101年度臺中市餐飲業示範專區計畫宣導說明及推廣活動」業者說明會,選定「文心南夜市」做為本市101年度餐飲業示範專區。此外,並於102年1月20、22、23及25日共4天於文心南夜市辦理「臺中市餐飲示範專區宣導活動」,透過該場活動之辦理,促使專區餐飲業者落實自主管理,專區內有產生油煙排放的37家餐飲攤商,均已全面配合裝設洗滌或靜電式防制措施,大幅改善過去油煙瀰漫情形,提升餐飲空氣污染防治成效。。二、 推動紙錢集中燃燒及源頭減量作業執行成果紙錢減量集中燃燒宣導作業亦是本計畫工作項目之一,本計畫執行紙錢集中清運,截至1月31日止共計1248.34公噸,已達成計畫1,000公噸之目標量,顯示市民越來越能接受紙錢集中燃燒的意願越來越高;為降低民眾對紙錢集中清運至焚化爐集中焚化是否會對神明不敬之疑慮,本計畫亦於中元普渡前於本市3處焚化爐辦理淨爐法會及辦理春節與中元節紙錢清運協調宣導說明會共3場次,並完成3,000份宣導海報、5,000份宣導摺頁及2,000份彩色宣導布條的印製與發放。在寺廟訪談作業部分,已完成104家次寺廟環保措施複查,並順利推動配合環保措施寺廟19家。此外,本計畫特辦理「101年度臺中市環保寺廟示範推廣活動」,透過境內及境外環保廟宇觀摩活動辦理,使境內廟宇瞭解其他環保廟宇推動狀況及執行方式(如紙錢、香燭減量、推動環保金爐及封爐等),進而提升廟宇環保措施及污染減量觀念,以作為推動環保寺廟輔導方向及依據。三、 露天燃燒管制作業執行成果本計畫為使露天燃燒管制績效提升,並有效防止露天燃燒行為,本年度針對稽查隊所查獲露天燃燒案件進行地籍資訊查詢,並於取得地主資料後,發文勸導告知,目前已辦理完成100件,並於2期稻作期間透過主動巡查並函文預警。另為提升勿露天燃燒宣導效果,本計畫除辦理平面媒體宣導作業,提醒民眾勿露天燃燒外,亦於101年10月17日與101年12月19日分別與大雅區及清水區農會共同合作辦理禁止露天燃燒宣導會,針對該區農會選任人員、產銷班班員及農士班長等共同交流。會中除了加強本市境內稻草勿露天燃燒案件宣導,解說燃燒稻草之壞處以及對人體造成影響外、另針對推廣農廢妥善處理機制並推動稻草回收評估再利用減少農廢燃燒污染等進行說明。四、 室內空氣品質巡檢與輔導及自主管理宣導作業本計畫執行期間,針對公眾聚集量及進出量高之公共場所,以直讀式儀器進行4項巡檢(CO、CO2、甲醛及總揮發性有機物)共計20家;針對72處公共場所以及歷年加入自主管理之公共場所進行CO2巡檢;另外針對高級中學等以下學校及醫療院所等共計10家進行微生物相檢測;並篩選6家次採用環保署公告方法(10項)進行檢測。本年度亦成功新增推動20家公共場所參與室內空品自主管理。此外,配合行政院環保署推動公共場所室內空氣品質管理制度計畫」,使公共場所能對自身之室內空氣品質予以管理維護,特辦理4場說明會及3場座談會,說明臺中市室內空氣品質自主管理之推動方向、自主管理制度建立及室內空氣品質自主管理計畫書撰寫要點、室內空氣品質問題診斷、室內污染物之改善技術及改善實際案例等,並配合室內空品宣導摺頁及海報之發送,協助了解室內空氣品質管制方法及如何改善室內空品對策。 The 2012 “Taichung City Specific Pollution Source Control and Indoor Air Quality Management Project” started from Aug 9 2012 to Jan 31 2013 and consisted of auditing and control of dining business, promotion of concentrated incineration of ritual money and reduction from source, exposed burning control, indoor air quality inspections and consultation, and autonomous management and promotion. Works done by Jan 31 2013 are described as follows: 1. Achievement of auditing and control of dining businessAuditing on cooking exhaust control equipment was performed and consultation provided to 200 businesses, and 500 brochures were prepared and distributed during the auditing on these dining businesses. Assistance in pollution improvement was provided to 25 stores that had been reported for several times. A presentation of “2012 Taichung City Dining Business Demonstration Area Project Propaganda and Promotion” at Zhongzheng Hall, Environmental Protection Bureau on Oct 24 2012, and “Wenxin South Night Market” was selected as the dining business demonstration area of Taichung City 2012. The “Promotion activity for Taichung City dining business demonstration area” was held at Wenxin South Night Market on Jan 20, 22, 23 and 25 2013. This activity was provided to encourage the realization of autonomous management of dining business in the area. All of the 37 cooking exhaust producing businesses had washing or electrostatic control devices installed on their business equipment, allowing significant improvement of meandering cooking exhausts and air pollution control performance of the dining business. 2. Achievement of promotion of concentrated incineration of ritual money and reduction from sourceThe promotion of reduction and concentrated incineration of ritual money is part of this project. 1248.34 tons of ritual money were collected for removal up to Jan 31, exceeding the goal of 1,000 tons set for the project. This indicates that the idea to collect ritual money and burn it all together has been widely accepted by citizens. To clear the concern of citizens that collecting ritual money and burning it in incinerators is disrespectful to the gods, 3 sessions of incinerator cleansing rituals were performed at the City’s 3 incinerators were provided along with 3 additional sessions of presentation to promote the idea of concentrated removal of ritual money for Chinese New Year and Ghosts’ Festival. 3,000 posters, 5,000 brochures and 2,000 banners were produced and distributed. For interview with temples and shrines, inspections were performed on the environmental protection facility at 104 temples and shrines and 19 accepted assistance for establishment of environmental protection measures. Also, the “2012 Taichung City Environment-friendly Temple Demonstration and Promotion Activity” was organized to help the temples and shrines in the city jurisdiction understand what environment-friendly temples are and how they work (such as reduced use of ritual money, incense and candles, environment-friendly ritual money furnace and seal of furnace) through visits of environment-friendly temples in and outside of Taichung City, hoping to improvement the environmental protection and pollution reduction concepts of temples and shrines and point the direction for the consultation of environment-friendly temples. 3. Achievement of exposed burning controlA survey on the land registration information for the properties on which waste materials were burned in an outdoor environment found by the inspection team in order to improve the exposed burning control performance and prevent exposed burning of waste materials. 100 notifications were issued to landowners as soon as their information was acquired and inspections and warnings were provided during the second stage of rice farming. Also to discourage burning materials in an exposed environment, a printed media propaganda was facilitated to remind people not to do so, and the project team worked with Daya and Qingshui Farmers’ Associations for the presentation for prevention of exposed burning on Oct 17 and Dec 19 2012, respectively, to allow interactions among association staff, production and marketing units and local farmers. The host of the presentation urged the citizens not to burn straws in an exposed environment and explained what harms burning straws can bring to human health. Also explanation was provided for proper disposal of farming wastes and evaluation of straw recycling and reuse. 4. Indoor air quality inspections and consultation, and autonomous management and promotionFor public places where there are high concentration and access of people, inspections were carried out on 20 places on 4 substances (CO, CO2, formaldehyde and total VOC) using precision instruments. CO2 tests were performed on 72 public places and those participating in the autonomous management over the years. 10 senior high schools or lower level and medical facilities participated in the microbial morphology tests. Also 6 places were selected for tests based on the (10) methods promulgated by Environmental Protection Administration. 20 public places were successfully added into the autonomous management of indoor air quality this year. Furthermore, as part of the EPA’s “promotion plan for indoor air quality management system of public places” to prepare public places for the autonomous management of indoor air quality, 4 presentations and 3 discussion sessions were provided to explain where the promotion of autonomous indoor air quality management goes in Taichung City, the establishment of autonomous management system, key points to develop an autonomous indoor air quality management proposal, indoor air quality diagnosis, air pollutant improvement techniques and improvement cases. Also indoor air quality brochures and posters were distributed to help people understand how to control and improve indoor air quality. 101 台中市環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49944
101年度臺南市工業區空氣污染指紋資料庫建置暨連續自動監測設施查核管制計畫 計畫主要針對本市環保署指定工業區進行收集彙整及分析各公私場所之原物料、製程、污染防制設施及污染物排放量等資料,及屢遭陳情工廠與陳情資料,訂定篩選代表性廠家或製程之規範,據以篩選監測及採樣對象。透過建置簡易式氣象監測設備及VOCs自動採樣裝置,後續相關不銹鋼瓶採樣分析、OP-FTIR及CC-FTIR監測作業,建置污染源指紋資料,逐步完整掌握本市異味污染資訊,作為於空氣污染事件發生時研判掌握污染來源之依據,以落實市境內固定污染源管制工作;並協助擬訂緊急空氣污染事件應變作業程序,辦理兵棋推演及實地演練作業,以利真實緊急事件發生時得迅速妥善處理,希冀透過上述管制策略,逐步改善民眾陳情問題,提升施政滿意度及改善轄內空氣品質之預期目標。本計畫自101年1月31日起開始執行,統計至101年12月27日止,進度皆符合合約要求,相關工作現階段成果將於本期末報告書各章節進行詳細說明,摘要概述如下:1. 依據環保署指定工業區清查作業,本計畫針對「保安工業區」、「和順工業區」、「總頭寮工業區」及「樹谷園區」進行巡查作業,並重點工業區篩選作業選定「保安工業區」、「和順工業區」及「樹谷園區」等三大工業區進行指紋資料庫建置的執行對象。2. 在完成高潛在風險工業區清查結果回覆表中之760家工廠中,初步判定符合環保署公告1-8批應設置許可之工廠有23家,須經移交固定源管制計畫作進一步複查確認(保安工業區19家、和順工業區2家及總頭寮工業區2家),另辦理歷年已巡查各工業區之新增業者複查共計83家。3. 提出4季屢遭陳情工廠與近2年陳情資料分析與提報專案分析報告,提送局端審核,以101年第一~第四季陳情類型資料分析,第三季陳情案件有下降趨勢,其中以噪音陳情案件減少趨勢明顯,有可能與夏季民眾活動時間較長或營建工程夜間施工減少所致。而與空氣品質較具關係之異味污染物陳情案件第一、第三及第四季較無差異,以第二季發生比例較明顯,但目前無明確原因可供分析探討;.以101年第一~第四季陳情地點資料分析,各季陳情好發地點無明顯差異,此應與人口密度、污染源分布區域具正相關關係所造成;比對歷年前五大屢遭陳情對象資料顯示101年與去年同期相較之下廣政製革股份有限公司、物阜生物科技股份有限公司、通寶國際股份有限公司的陳情案件都無明顯改善之趨勢,但全利農工則有減少趨勢。4. 完成建立高風險空氣污染物種之健康危害特性資料MSDS表,另完成巡查作業、資料庫建置標準作業程序乙式;完成建立轄內所有工業區周界5公里範圍鄰近區域敏感受體資料(包括學校、社區、及醫院),檢附於緊急應變手冊中,供後續緊急應變作業使用。5. 完成樹谷及安平工業區氣象站及VOC自動採樣系統各2站次,並整合既有系統與新建置系統局端監控軟體功能,同時提供後續維護設備頻率與經費編列建議。6. 建置緊急應變箱,內容應包含簡易式氣象監測設備,至少應具檢測風速、風向、溫度、溼度,流量校正器(流率範圍20 mL/min至6 L/min,用來校正採樣泵流量,Gilian、SKC或同級品)、隔膜式泵(流量4 L/min以上,無臭且不會吸附異味污染物) 各一套。7. 完成更新緊急應變箱及法令、應變相關紙本、本市各區地圖、污染地圖及檢驗公司檢測項目紙本。8. 建置常備至少2個可即時採樣之鋼瓶於局端,並規劃前往各工業區之快速路線於緊急應變手冊,另配合緊急應變(台瀛造漆火警)及高污染陳情區域(亞光應材),完成4點次之即時鋼瓶採樣分析作業,分析結果顯示無與業者使用之原物料直接相關之污染物排放。9. 完成本巿重大空氣污染事件緊急應變程序及作業手冊,其緊急應變處理機制中,包含工業區工安環保管理單位緊急通報機制、可疑污染源採樣及分析、檢體樣本確保、緊急醫療網、交通路徑、後續危機處理機制等。10. 配合毒災應變中心、成大永續環境研究中心完成1場次緊急空氣污染事件應變演練,包括兵棋推演與實地演練,主要演練內容為提升校園緊急應變作業能力。11. 開徑式全頻遠端紅外線遙測分析儀(OP-FTIR)監測分析作業,完成和順工業區(東陽實業)上、下風共計2測線,綜合分析P407排放管道之CC-FTIR量測結果及下風OP-FTIR測線的量測結果和陳情人住家和工廠的相對位置,顯示工廠製程所產生之異味污染物(有機溶劑)經煙囪排放到大氣中,確有可能擴散到陳情人所在位置而產生異味污染;另完成柳營工業區上、下風共計2測線,綜合分析整體周界檢測皆未有超出法規值情形,上風處有機溶劑PGMEA測值顯示為可能造成異味之主因;下風處有機溶劑PGME及PGMEA測值顯示為可能造成異味之主因;下風處汽油及醋酸測值顯示為次要可能異味來源。12. 密閉式全頻遠端紅外線遙測分析儀(CC-FTIR)監測分析作業,完成和順工業區(東陽實業、敦陽化工及復程實業)合計3根次,東陽實業本次共獲得302筆監測數據,其中甲苯、鄰-、間-、對-二甲苯、乙酸乙酯、甲醇、乙酸正丁酯、丙酮和PGMEA均為塗料中稀釋溶劑或製程使用的有機溶劑,除了甲苯和二甲苯外,其中有機溶劑成份均未見於許可資料中;汽油和二氯甲烷的來源現階段尚無法確認。敦陽化工本次監測共獲得306筆監測數據,經數據篩檢後排放管道24小時的量測共偵測到甲苯、乙酸甲酯、乙酸乙酯、乙酸正丁酯、丁酮、環己烷、間-二甲苯、鄰-二甲苯、甲醇和對-二甲苯等10種有機溶劑污染物;其中甲苯、鄰-、間-、對-二甲苯、乙酸乙酯、乙酸正丁酯為許可中申報之原物料,丁酮、環己烷和甲醇則未見於許可資料中。復程實業本次共獲得316筆監測數據,經數據篩檢結果如下:由排放管道24小時的量測共偵測到甲苯、異丙醇、丁酮、乙酸乙酯、乙酸正丁酯和四氯乙烯等6種有機溶劑污染物;另完成檢測柳營工業區三間高陳情廠商(光洋、欣岱、新瀛)檢測3 根次,結果顯示,光洋與新瀛所測得之物種平均濃度皆符合於嗅覺閾值範圍內僅有在些微時間所測得之最高濃度超過嗅覺閾值,其可能原因為該工廠之製程燃燒不完全(光洋)與原物料污泥成分不穩定(新瀛)所導致。欣岱測得之物種含有高濃度的酚63.39ppm、甲醇69.64ppm、甲醛25.23ppm、甲苯33.83ppm,上述物種皆超出文獻臭味閾值具有高異味強度,由於這些物種皆為不完全燃燒副產物,其原因可能為該廠氧化爐燃燒效率不足(平均燃燒效率93.2%)而無法完全裂解破壞製程原物料所產生。13. 異味污染物特性分析作業,共完成10處次異味污染源製程,每個製程採上下風處各1點次(敦陽化工、復程實業、衍南壓克力、真時科技、啟耀光電等),合計20點次採樣,採樣分析結果顯示污染物排放物種與原物料使用種類較無關聯,分析可能原因應為原物料遇熱裂解或其他化學反應所致,另本項區內業者較少符合環保署建議優先檢測之81項物種,故應持續調查其他可能危害性較大污染物種,再行提報分析。 14. VOCS定性定量檢測,共計採樣分析東陽實業廠股份有限公司九廠、奇力光電科技股份有限公司一廠、典銘實業有限公司、衍南壓克力股份有限公司、欣瀛科技股份有限公司柳營廠等20家20點次,檢測結果顯示僅典銘、衍南壓克力、新力美等有測得甲苯、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、二氯甲烷與原物料相關之VOCS物種,其餘業者無檢出相符物種,分析可能原因應為原物料遇熱裂解或其他化學反應所致。15. 異味官能測定分析配合不銹鋼筒指紋採樣,共完成20點(東陽實業、典雅實業、崑亨股份、戴鉅樺實業、復程實業、奇美實業(旭美廠)、奇美實業、衍南壓克力、真時科技、和明紡織等)之檢測分析,異味官能測定皆符合法規標準,同時不銹鋼桶指紋採樣結果分析顯示,與管道VOCS定性定量同樣測得甲苯、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、二氯甲烷與原物料相關之VOCS物種。16. 完成辦理採樣方式與注意事項教育訓練,以強化環保人員巡查及緊急事件之處理技巧,合計3場次。17. 完成辦理空氣污染事件敏感受體緊急應變教育說明會,藉由對污染物質特性的了解提高對空污災害發生之敏銳度及緊急事件之處理技巧,合計辦理2場次,邀請學校(國中、小、高中教師)、各區公所、衛生所及醫院等單位,共298人參加。18. 完成指紋資料庫共計291家資料更新及維護管理作業,並辦理指紋資料庫操作教育訓練1 場次。19. 完成高陳情對象工廠進行污染評鑑改善輔導共6家次,包含屢遭陳情對象東陽、物阜等業者,並持續追蹤輔導業者改善異味源頭與防制措施,受輔導業者之陳情案件,於輔導作業完成後,已有明顯減少或未再發生陳情案件,顯示輔導成效良好。20. 執行相對準確性測試查核(RATA)主動查核8根次及監督查核8根次(包含複檢)、執行不透光率校正誤差查核(OP)主動查核8根次及監督查核8根次(包含複檢)、執行標準氣體查核(CGA)主動查核8根次。(包含複檢)、執行二氧化氮轉化率查核6根次,結果顯示業者無違法操作或排放情形,另與歷年資料相比較,無異常排放數據產生,僅東展、森霸公司設備較老舊,建議加強維護管理。21. 加強宣導連續自動監測設施法規,邀請半導體業、光電業、石化業及轄區已連線8家公私場所,完成辦理連續自動監測設施法規宣導說明會,合計2場次,共160人參加;對台灣汽電共生股份有限公司及森霸進行連續自動監測設施現場評鑑各1場次,並提出相關改善建議,目前業者仍持續改善中。22. 更新局端連續自動監測系統伺服器2部,另完成膝關數據資料上傳、趨勢圖資料分析等作業。23. 完成辦理1場次CEMS技術轉移教育訓練,主要說明CEMS法令規範、常見操作缺失與查核作業技巧等。24. 購置空氣污染緊急應變背心20件、N95口罩及活性碳口罩各一箱、無線電對講機10支、1組攜帶型電子式氣味偵測器。25. 新聞稿刊載於相關平面媒體見報、電子報及環保局網站,合計有10則主題(防止竄改監測數據 環保局加強查核、思危杜漸 環保局全面清查工業區、敏感受體緊急應變說明會 歡迎踴躍參加、環保局舉辦固定污染源連續自動監測設施法規宣導、南市建置簡易氣象監測站 協助鑑別空氣污染源等)。26. 配合父親節節日主題結合臺南市低碳元素與代表性動物:黑面琵鷺而設計,已完成製作電子賀卡、著色塗鴉各1則;另依據問答小學堂模式,完成環保達人遊戲動畫1則。 The plan designated industrial area of the city EPD collection exchange and analysis of public and private spaces of the raw materials, process and pollution control facilities and pollutant emissions and other data, and repeatedly petitioned the factory petition, set filtering on behalf of The sexual manufacturers or the specification of the process, according to object to filter the monitoring and sampling.Simple meteorological monitoring equipment and VOCs automatic sampling device by implementing the follow-up related to stainless steel bottle sampling and analysis, the OP-FTIR and CC-FTIR monitoring operations, build the sources of pollution fingerprint data, and gradually a complete grasp of the city odor pollution information, as in air pollution event occurs judged master pollution sources of the basis, in order to implement the City in fixed sources of pollution control work; and assistance in developing the emergency air pollution event contingency operating procedures, and handle the war games and field drills operations to facilitate real emergency event occurs too rapidly to properly handle hoping to through the above control strategy to gradually improve the people petitioned the problem, upgrade policy satisfaction and improve the quality of studies on the dangers of air targets.This project started from January 31, two thousand twelve years, Statistics, July 20, 101 years, the progress are in compliance with contract requirements and related work at this stage the outcome of the various sections of the report will issue a detailed description, following above are summary overview :1. On the grounds that EPA designated industrial area inventory operations, the plan for the Security Industrial Zone, Heshun Industrial District "," total Touliao Industrial Zone "and the" Tree Valley Park inspection jobs and key industrial areas Screening operating the selected "Security Industrial Area, Heshun Industrial District" and "Tree Valley Park" three industrial zone of the implementation of the fingerprint database built object.2. During the 760 completed inventory of high potential risk industrial zone replied table factories , preliminary determined to comply with the Environmental Protection Department announcement permit factories should be set 1-8 batches of 23, subject to the transfer of fixed source control plan for further review confirm (Security Industrial Area 19, Heshun Industrial Zone 2 and the total Touliao industrial zone 2), and the other to handle over the years has been to review a total of 83 inspections of the industrial zone of the new industry.3. Proposed four quarters repeated petitions factory nearly two years of analysis of petitions submitted project report submitted to the central office audit, in 101 years, first to the fourth quarter of the type of petition information analysis, the third quarter of petition cases dropped trend, which reduce noise complaint cases the trend is clearly longer possible with the summer people activities or construction engineering construction at night due to a decrease in. Relationship of odor and air quality more pollutants petitions against the first, third and fourth quarters than differences in proportion compared to the second quarter occurred, but no clear reason for Analysis and Discussion; 101 first petition to the fourth quarter of location data analysis each quarter to petition predilection was no significant difference in location, population density, pollution source distribution area with a positive correlation between the cause; than the calendar year, the top five repeated petitions object data show 101 years the same period last year, compared with wide political Tannery Co., Ltd., of Fu Biological Technology Co., Ltd., Top International, Inc. Petition Cases trend of significant improvement, but Chuen Lee decrease agricultural and industrial.4. Establish a health hazard characteristics of the high-risk air pollutants kinds of information MSDS sheets and also fimished the inspections of job, type of database construction standard operating procedures B; completion of the ASRs information to establish within its jurisdiction all industrial areas 5 km radius of the perimeter neighborhood (including schools, communities, and hospitals), attach the emergency manual for future contingency operations use.5. Tree Valley and Anping Industrial Zone Station and VOC automatic sampling system 2 stations and integrate existing systems with new build system central office monitoring software functionality, while providing follow-up maintenance the device frequency with funding recommendations enlisted.6. Building emergency boxes should contain simple meteorological monitoring equipment, shall have at least detect wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity, flow correction (range of flow rate of 20 mL / min to 6 L / min, used to correct sampling pump flow, Gilian, SKC or similar products), diaphragm pump (flow rate of 4 L / min or more, odorless and will not absorb odor pollutants) each set.7. Complete update contingency Box and decrees, strain-related paper, paper city district map, detection of contamination maps and inspection company.8. Build standing at least two are available for immediate sampling of the cylinders in the central office, and plan to go to the the rapid industrial zone line emergency response manual, and the other with the emergency response (Taiwan Ying-made paint fire) and high pollution petition area (matt Applied Materials), the completion of 4:00 followed by immediate cylinders sampling and analysis work, the analysis showed no raw materials used in industry is directly related to the discharge of pollutants.9. To complete the listing of major air pollution event emergency procedures and operating manuals, emergency handling mechanism, including the industrial zone industrial safety and environmental management units emergency notification mechanism suspicious of the sources of pollution sampling and analysis, specimen samples to ensure that the emergency medical transport path, the follow-up to the crisis management mechanism.10. With the toxic disaster response center, National Cheng Kung University Sustainable Environment Research Center the completed screenings emergency air pollution event response drills, including war games and field exercises, the major drills content to enhance campus emergency operational capability.11. Opened diameter full-range remote infrared telemetry analyzer (OP-FTIR) monitoring and analysis jobs completed Heshun Industrial Zone (Dongyang Industrial) on the downwind total survey line, integrated analysis of P407 discharge pipes CC-FTIR measurements results and lower wind OP-FTIR measurements line measurement results and Chen lover home and plant relative position, display arising from factories manufacturing process odor pollutants (organic solvent) through the chimney emissions to the atmosphere is indeed possible proliferation to the petitioner at where location and odor pollution; another completion of the the Liuying industrial zone on the downwind total survey line, a comprehensive analysis of the overall perimeter detection Jiewei higher than the legal value, upwind the organic solvent PGMEA measured value display may cause the main cause of the odor; PGME and PGMEA measured value of downwind organic solvents may cause the main cause of the odor; downwind gasoline and acetate measured value of possible minor odor sources.12. Closed full range the remote infrared telemetry Analyzer (CC-FTIR) monitoring and analysis operations, the completion of the the Heshun industrial zone (Dongyang Industries, Stark Chemical and multiple Cheng Industrial) three times, the Dongyang Industrial total of 302 document monitoring data, wherein toluene, o -, m -, - xylene, ethyl acetate, methanol, acetic acid, n-butyl acetate, acetone and PGMEA are paints diluted with solvents or process the organic solvent used, in addition to toluene and xylene In addition, wherein the organic solvent composition were not found in the license information; source of petrol and methylene chloride at this stage is not yet recognized. Stark Chemical 306 document for monitoring data in the monitoring of the measurement of the discharge conduit 24 hours, after data screening of detected toluene, methyl acetate, ethyl acetate, acetic acid, n-butyl, methyl ethyl ketone, cyclohexane Room - xylene, ortho - xylene, methanol and the - xylene, etc., 10 kinds of organic solvent contaminants; wherein toluene, o -, m -, p - xylene, ethyl acetate, n-butyl license The declaration of the original material, methyl ethyl ketone, cyclohexane and methanol is not found in the licensed material. Multiplexing Cheng Industrial were obtained 316 document monitoring data, by data screening result is as follows: toluene, isopropanol, methyl ethyl ketone, ethyl acetate, n-butyl acetate and IV were detected by the measurement of the discharge conduit 24 hours vinyl chloride and organic solvent contaminants; another completed detection liuying Industrial Area the three petitions manufacturers (Koyo Syndyne Xinying) detected three times, the results display, are the Koyo Xinying measured average concentration of species conform to only the highest concentration measured at slightly more than the olfactory threshold and its possible causes combustion process in the factory within the olfactory threshold incomplete (Koyo) unstable raw material components of the sludge (Xinying) the lead. Syndyne measured by a species containing a high concentration of phenol 63.39ppm, 69.64ppm methanol, formaldehyde 25.23ppm, toluene 33.83ppm, the above species are beyond the odor threshold value having a high odor intensity, since these species are not completely combustion byproducts, The reason may be the plant oxidation furnace combustion efficiency (average combustion efficiency 93.2%) and unable to complete lysis destruction process raw materials.13. Odor contaminants features analysis job, completed a total of 10 odor pollution source process, each process mining up and down wind at each point (Stark Chemical complex process Industries, Yan South acrylic true technology, Kai Yiu photoelectric, etc.), a total of 20:00 sampled significantly associated with sampling and analysis results show that the pollutant emissions species and raw materials use types, analysis of the possible causes for raw materials when exposed to heat due to cracking or other chemical reaction, another of the industry in the region less in line with the EPD proposed priority detection of 81 species, and it should continue to investigate other possible dangers of the larger pollutant species further mention of analysis.14. VOCS qualitative and quantitative detection, for a total sampling and analysis Dongyang INDUSTRY CO., LTD nine plants, plant Kellett Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., Dian Ming Industrial Co., Ltd., the derivative South acrylic Corporation, Yan Ying Technology Co., Ltd. Liuying factory 20 20:00 test results show only typical Ming derivative South acrylic, Sony United States have measured toluene, methyl methacrylate, methylene chloride, and raw materials the VOCS species, the rest of the industry no detectable matches species, analysis of the possible causes for raw materials when exposed to heat due to cracking or other chemical reaction.15. The odor olfactometric analysis with the stainless steel tube fingerprint sampling, completed a total of 20 points (Dongyang Industrial, elegant Industries, Kunheng shares, the Dai Juhua Industrial complex Cheng Industrial, Chi Mei Corporation (Asahi plant), Chi Mei Corporation, Yan South acrylictrue science and technology, and Ming textile), detection of odor olfactometric are in compliance with regulations and standards, while stainless steel barrel fingerprint sampling results analysis shows, the same pipeline VOCS qualitative and quantitative measurement of toluene, methyl methacrylate, methylene chlorideand raw materials related the VOCS species.16. Complete the processing of the sampling methods and precautions training to strengthen environmental inspectors and emergency handling skills, for a total of 3 performances.17. Complete the processing of sensitive receptors of air pollution incident emergency response education seminars to increase the acuity of air pollution disasters and emergency handling skills through the understanding of the characteristics of pollutants, the total for the 2 sessions, invited schools (junior, small, high school teachers), and the district office, health centers and hospitals and other units, a total of 298 people attended.18. Data updates and maintenance management jobs, and to handle fingerprint database operations training sessions, a total of 291 completed fingerprint database.19. Completed high Chen love object factory pollution evaluation to improve counseling of 6 hotels times, contains repeated petitions object Dongyang, material Fu and other industry persons, and continued to track the counseling industry to improve the odor source control measures, by counseling industry by the Chen love cases, in counseling after the job is completed, have been significantly reduced or not happen again petition cases, counseling effectiveness.20. Perform relative accuracy test audit (RATA) to take the initiative to check eight times and supervision to check eight times (including re-examination), the implementation of opacity calibration error check (OP) to take the initiative to check eight times and supervise the audit eight times (including re-examination), perform gas audits (CGA) initiative check eight times. (Including re-examination), to perform nitrogen dioxide conversion rate checking six times, the results show that the industry is no illegal operation or discharge circumstances, another calendar year data compared, no abnormal emissions data generation older, only Dongzhan Pa equipment old, it is recommended to strengthen the maintenance and management.21. Strengthen advocacy continuous automatic monitoring facilities and regulations, invited to the semiconductor industry, the photovoltaic industry, the petrochemical industry and the area connected eight public and private establishments, to complete the processing of continuous automatic monitoring facilities regulations advocacy seminars, a total of 2 sessions, a total of 160 participants ; Taiwan Cogeneration Corporation and Mori Pa continuous automatic monitoring facilities on-site evaluation of each screening and make recommendations for improvement, the industry is still continuing to improve.22. Updated central office two continuous automatic monitoring system server, another knee data upload, trend graph data analysis operations.23. Complete the processing of the screenings CEMS technology transfer training, mainly to explain the CEMS laws and regulations, common operating missing check operation skills.24. Purchase of air pollution emergency vest 20, a box of N95 masks and activated carbon masks, 10 radios, portable electronic odor detectors.25. Press release published in the print media, newspapers, newsletter and EPA Web site, total 10 topics (to prevent tampering with monitoring data EPA to strengthen check Siwei Du gradually EPA comprehensive inventory of the industrial zone, the sensitive receptors emergency strain Description will be welcome to join the EPA held stationary sources continuous automatic monitoring of facilities regulations advocacy, and studied to build Easy meteorological monitoring stations to assist in identifying sources of air pollution, etc.).26. With the Father's Day holiday theme design combined Tainan low-carbon elements and representative animals: black-faced spoonbills, has completed production of electronic greeting cards, a coloring graffiti; according to the Q & A small school model, complete environmental Daren game animation. 101 台南市環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48820
100-101年毒性化學物質環境流布背景調查計畫(第二年) 本計畫包含四項主要工作目標:(一)完成檢測10條河川、9種國際關注有毒污染物及19種持久性有機污染物或環境荷爾蒙物質之環境流布背景實地測量調查資料;(二)建立毒性化學物質環境流布檢測資料;(三)分析歷年毒性化學物質環境流布調查資料成果,並提具毒性化學物質因應管制措施建議及分析;(四)更新毒性化學物質環境流布調查成果手冊。本年度調查河川有淡水河本流、大漢溪、新店溪、八掌溪、急水溪、曾文溪、高屏溪、林邊溪、花蓮溪、卑南溪等10條河川。依調查物質環境流布特性分析水體、底泥或魚體樣本,共計完成枯水期及豐水期兩季各30個水體及30個底泥樣本,以及全年30個魚體樣本採樣。完成樣本檢測數據資料共計2,700筆,包括360筆水體樣本數據、1,632筆底泥樣本數據及708筆魚體樣本數據。10條河川之各項物質檢測平均濃度及範圍分別為,水體樣本中甲醛ND-0.00367 mg/L,四氯化碳、鄰-二氯苯、氯苯皆為ND,三氯甲烷及1,2-二氯乙烯為ND-<0.001 mg/L。底泥樣本中三氯甲烷<0.001 (ND-0.00964) mg/kg濕重;鄰-二氯苯及1,2-二氯乙烯皆為ND;氯苯ND-<0.001 mg/kg濕重;三價砷0.397 (ND-8.07) mg/kg濕重;可氯丹ND-<0.002 mg/kg乾重;毒殺芬<0.002 (ND-0.009) mg/kg乾重;總汞0.081 (0.011-0.726) mg/kg乾重;DMP及DEP皆為<0.05 mg/kg乾重;DBP,0.053 (ND-0.411) mg/kg乾重;BBP,<0.05 (ND-0.257) mg/kg乾重;DEHP,1.03 (ND-17.7) mg/kg乾重;DNOP,ND-<0.05 mg/kg乾重;TBT,ND-<0.053 mg/kg乾重;DBT,<0.038 (ND-0.133) mg/kg乾重;MBT,<0.053 (ND-0.379) mg/kg乾重;MPhT,<0.060 (ND-0.199) mg/kg乾重;DPhT及TPhT皆為ND;壬基酚,350 (1.98-7,380) ug/kg乾重;雙酚A,11.4 (ND-144) ug/kg乾重;PBDEs總量67,201 (157-954,547) ng/kg乾重。魚體樣本中可氯丹<0.001 (ND-0.009) mg/kg濕重;毒殺芬0.002 (ND-0.012) mg/kg濕重;總汞0.043 (0.018-0.111) mg/kg濕重;DMP及DEP皆為<0.025 mg/kg濕重;DBP,0.057 (<0.025-0.502) mg/kg濕重;BBP,<0.025 (<0.025-0.066) mg/kg濕重;DEHP,0.084 (<0.025-0.607) mg/kg濕重;DNOP,ND-<0.025 mg/kg濕重;TBT,ND-<0.013 mg/kg濕重;DBT,<0.010 (ND-0.051) mg/kg濕重;MBT,<0.013 (ND-0.020) mg/kg濕重;MPhT,<0.015 (ND-0.039) mg/kg濕重;DPhT,<0.010 (ND-0.050) mg/kg濕重;TPhT,0.027 (ND-0.236) mg/kg濕重;壬基酚,85.4 (3.15-687) ug/kg濕重;雙酚A,3.46 (ND-28.8) ug/kg濕重;氯苯及鄰-二氯苯皆為ND-<0.001 mg/kg濕重;PBDEs總量1,307 (132-4,967) ng/kg濕重。完成歷年毒性化學物質環境流布調查成果分析,並提具毒性化學物質因應管制措施建議,以及完成成果手冊101年版編印。 The Environmental Survey of Toxic Chemicals in Taiwan., 2011-2012 This project was to (1) determine concentrations of 28 toxic substances in water, sediments and fish of 10 rivers in Taiwan; (2) apply the investigation results for policy-making of toxic substance management; and (3) update the database of environmental distribution of toxic substances. There were 60 water and 60 sediment and 30 fish samples collected this year. In water samples, the mean concentrations and concentration ranges of analyzed toxic substances were ND-0.00367 mg/L for formaldehyde, ND for carbon tetrachloride, chlorobenzene and 1,2-dichlorobenzene, ND-<0.001 mg/L for 1,2-dichloroethylene and chloroform, respectively. In sediment samples, the mean concentrations and concentration ranges of analyzed toxic substances were <0.001 (ND-0.00964) mg/kg ww for chloroform, ND for 1,2-dichlorobenzene and 1,2-dichloroethylene, ND-<0.001 mg/kg ww for chlorobenzene, 0.397 (ND-8.07) mg/kg ww for As3+, ND-<0.002 mg/kg dw for chlordane, <0.002 (ND-0.009) mg/kg dw for toxaphene, 0.081 (0.011-0.726) mg/kg dw for total mercury, <0.05 mg/kg dw for DMP and DEP, 0.053 (ND-0.411) mg/kg dw for DBP, <0.05 (ND-0.257) mg/kg dw for BBP, 1.03 (ND-17.7) mg/kg dw for DEHP, ND-<0.05 mg/kg dw for DNOP, ND-<0.053 mg/kg dw for TBT, <0.038 (ND-0.133) mg/kg dw for DBT, <0.053 (ND-0.379) mg/kg dw for MBT, <0.060 (ND-0.199) mg/kg dw for MPhT, ND for DPhT and TPhT, 350 (1.98-7,380) ug/kg dw for NP, 11.4 (ND-144) ug/kg dw for BPA, and 67,201 (157-954,547) ng/kg dw for total PBDEs. For fish samples, the mean concentrations and concentration ranges of analyzed toxic substances were <0.001 (ND-0.009) mg/kg ww for chlordane, 0.002 (ND-0.012) mg/kg ww for toxaphene, 0.043 (0.018-0.111) mg/kg ww for total mercury, <0.025 mg/kg ww for DMP and DEP, 0.057 (<0.025-0.502) mg/kg ww for DBP, <0.025 (<0.025-0.066) mg/kg ww for BBP, 0.084 (<0.025-0.607) mg/kg ww for DEHP, ND-<0.025 mg/kg ww for DNOP, ND-<0.013 mg/kg ww for TBT, <0.010 (ND-0.051) mg/kg ww for DBT, <0.013 (ND-0.020) mg/kg ww for MBT, <0.015 (ND-0.039) mg/kg ww for MPhT, <0.010 (ND-0.050) mg/kg ww for DPhT, 0.027 (ND-0.236) mg/kg ww for TPhT, 85.4 (3.15-687) ug/kg ww for NP, 3.46 (ND-28.8) ug/kg ww for BPA, ND-<0.001 mg/kg ww for chlorobenzene and 1,2-dichlorobenzene and 1,307 (132-4,967) ng/kg ww for total PBDEs. The database searching system for concentrations of regulated toxic substances also has been updated with the investigation results this year. 101 毒管處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44549
「廢棄物非法棄置案件資料整合計畫」專案工作計畫 本計畫分為四大重點包括:1.透過系統教學使用單位了解「廢棄物非法棄置案件管理系統」之操作與欄位定義。2.協同地方環保局人員進行非法棄置場址清查與實地現勘示範。3.針對既有非法棄置場址清查狀況,進行系統資料統計及分析。4.提供諮詢服務與配合辦理事項。在系統教學部分,為強化使用者系統應用操作能力,本計畫針對系統操作及欄位定義說明等內容,派遣種子講師前往全台19縣市,總計完成共19場77人次之教學輔導行程。在實地現勘示範部分,為使本系統無縫承接舊系統資料,並進一步清查全國目前非法棄置場址現況,本次完成18場縣市現勘輔導作業(包括原規劃進行15縣市既有場址輔導,另配合3縣市新案件需求辦理),主要為協同環保局人員至現場進行座標定位、場址照片等資料蒐集,同時針對現勘流程、應注意事項等問題提供說明與專業意見,進而彙整各單位回饋之建議與意見進行後續討論。協助確認及清查全國既有案件部分,依各縣市清查結果顯示,至101年2月29日止已由原258筆(件)縮減為138筆(件),故本計畫就該相關案件之資料登載情形,區分為巡檢名單填報、場址資訊登載及監督場址紀錄三大軸向進行彙整統計。在巡檢名單部分,目前19縣市已全部完成填報;場址資訊登載部分,其281筆(包含解列、重覆、列管及新增)案件之場址調查資訊整體資料填報完成率為45%。有關上述未完成之項目,本計畫亦將各欄位填報情形進行分析,共可區分4項原因,並提出8項因應改善建議。提供諮詢服務與配合辦理事項部分,則完成協助或舉辦各類會議,包括土基會非法棄置場址研習會、署內非法棄置系統記者會、非法棄置案件管理系統辦理情形署長會報、清理方案與經費估算專案討論等4場相關會議。另亦設置專屬窗口提供使用者進行問題諮詢,並對0800客服人員進行2場次系統功能教育訓練,以提升客服人員對於系統內容之了解。另更參與4場次署內重點非法棄置場址現勘行程,提供現場諮詢與記錄協助。 2011 Project on the Integration of Illegal Dumping Management Data The project consisted of 4 parts: 1. Instructed users on the operation of the Illegal Dumping Management System (IDMS) and the column definitions; 2. Worked with environmental protection bureaus on the inspection of illegal dumping sites and demonstration of field investigation; 3. Performed data statistics and analysis of the inspection results of existing illegal dumping sites; and 4. Provided consultation service and other assistance requested.To enhance users’ ability to utilize the IDMS, the project sent instructors to all 19 cities and counties to instruct on the operation of the system and the column definitions. A total of 19 training sessions were held and attended by 77 people.Eighteen demonstrations of field investigation were held in cities and counties under the project to ensure a seamless data transition from the old system to the IDMS, and to further understand the current conditions of illegal dumping sites nationwide (3 of the 18 demonstrations were arranged for new cases). The project team visited the sites to assist EPB personnel in coordinate positioning and data collection such as site photos, offered clarification and advice on such issues as the procedure of field investigation and the points requiring attention, and compiled suggestions and comments from all units to facilitate subsequent discussion.In the aspect of confirming and checking the existing cases nationwide, the inspection results of all cities and counties revealed that the number of illegal dumping cases was reduced from 258 to 138 by February 29, 2012. The project set out to check the filling of inspection list, site information registration, and monitoring site information record based on the reported data. The results for the filling of inspection showed there were 19 cities completing the creation of the list, while the results for site information registration shows there are 281 cases including delisting, repetitive reporting, enlisting, and newly created cases with a completion rate of 45%. For the uncompleted working items, thirteen solutions were suggested to further improve the inspection list filling, site information registration, and monitoring site information record by analyzing 4 reasons from filling condition for each data block. Assistance was given to organize or help organize meetings, including the workshop on illegal dumping sites given by the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund Management Board, a press conference on IDMS held in the EPA, EPA Minister’s report on the implementation of IDMS, as well as a discussion on clearance methods and budget estimation. A telephone service was established to provide technical support for users; two training sessions were held for staff at the 0800 toll-free service hotlines to increase their understanding of the system. The project team also provided information support and assisted in record taking during 4 EPA field investigations of important illegal dumping sites. 101 廢管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=36485
氣候變遷調適行動方案及國家調適策略專案計畫 全球氣候變遷之形成原因及惡化程度仍屬於未知狀況,且無法預測,但最近十年全球各地的極端氣候現象已是無可爭議的事實,因此,啟動因應的行動以降低危害程度與極端程度應是全球各國政府與民間無可迴避的做為。環保署為能審評估全球氣候變遷可能造成之衝擊及研擬相關調適策略,因而推動本計畫「氣候變遷調適行動方案及國家調適策略專案計畫」。本計畫主要目標為:蒐研聯合國及國際間最新有關國家調適計畫之推動及運作機制相關資訊;預擬氣候變遷調適政策綱領及行動計畫之修訂;整合國家氣候變遷調適資訊平台,建置氣候變遷調適政策綱領及行動計畫複合式管理系統。 Action Plans of Climate Change Adaptation and National Climate Change Adaptation Strategies The reason and extent of global climate change are unpredictable and still under discussion. However, in the last decade, extreme events happened all over the world. As a result, it is important for decision maker and each individual to take action to lower possible damage caused by climate change. EPA promotes this project “Action Plans of Climate Change Adaptation and National Climate Change Adaptation Strategies” To evaluate the impacts of climate and propose adaptation strategies.This project aims to study the latest adaptation plans and related information worldwide; propose the revision of climate change adaptation strategies action plans; establish combined the management system of climate change adaptation strategies action plans with integration of information platform. 101 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 環興科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49146
推動機關綠色採購及規劃第二型環境保護產品認可制度計畫 由於全球資源有限,本世紀環保潮流中,不外乎透過產業優先製造環境保護產品,得到經濟與環境效益之綠色生產,並改變消費習慣,優先購買環境保護產品,建立綠色生產及綠色供應鏈,形塑綠色生活社會。政府綠色採購對於全社會的可持續消費具有強大的示範和推動作用,不僅促進廠商生產環保產品,更可以促進企業環境行為的改善,落實全民綠色消費。本計畫辦理100年度機關綠色採購績效評核作業,共完成90個一級機關之評核作業,藉由宣導與鼓勵各機關採購環保產品,並針對績效不佳的機關進行15場次訪查及11場次教育訓練,面對面了解執行問題,追蹤並給予訓練及輔導措施,以提升機關採購績效,擴大綠色採購量能。另完成收集國外環保產品宣告制度及執行經驗,提出適合我國國情之環保產品自我宣告可查證機制2方案,未來推動後應可提供更多環保產品供機關與民眾選購,促成綠色供應鏈。本計畫另透過舉辦國際論壇,邀請5位國外機關綠色採購專家學者來台,分享各國機關綠色採購執行績效及經驗交流,作為我國機關綠色採購制度檢討之參考,以達成綠色生活之目標。 To promote Green Procurement in government and establish type II environmental labels certificate sy Government green procurement has a powerful role model and promote sustainable consumption for the whole society, not only to promote manufacturers producing environmentally friendly products, but also can promote the improvement of corporate environmental behavior.This plan encouraged the implementation of green procurement, by performance assessment, doing interview the organizations to provide training and establish the correct concept.Besides, borrowing green procurement experience from Europe, U.S.A. and Asian country, we held the international forum. Foreign professionals were invited to share their expertise and provide the recommendation in the forum.We expected the forum would help to complete our green procurement regulations.Furthermore, Taiwan will borrow the experience from other countries to establish our own self-declared verification system and extend the green procurement scale/scope, and we aim for the living green. 101 管考處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45512
資源循環利用法子法研訂及相關法案檢討修訂專案計畫 為使資源循環利用法順利完成立法程序,並降低實施後對業者及相關主管機關所造成之衝擊,行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)擬委託執行「資源循環利用法子法研訂及相關法案檢討修訂專案計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),冀藉彙整資源循環利用法於立法審議階段之相關說帖與意見,並參酌各界對該法之意見與回應,據以研擬資源循環利用法及相關子法草案條文。其次,透過檢討廢棄物清理法、資源回收再利用法及相關子法與解釋,並針對廢棄物清理法與資源回收再利用法之疑義予以解釋,檢討廢棄物清理法等相關法規鬆綁之可行性。另因過去有少數不肖業者以規避環保法規降低內部成本,本計畫將蒐集歷年違反廢棄物清理法刑責之法院判例、司法見解等,研析移(函)送檢調機關偵辦處理原則,並據以研擬違反廢棄物清理法裁罰基準及不當利得之加重裁罰作業要點。此外,為使法案制定更加周全,本計畫將廣蒐國外廢棄物清除、處理、再利用法規,並比較其違法裁量方式、罰度及考量重點以為參酌。為避免新舊法過渡時期之執行於法無所依傍,本計畫亦將研擬資源循環利用法與廢棄物清理法、資源回收再利用法之新舊法之過渡相關規定、配套措施及過渡執行方式,並辦理10場次以上之專家學者諮詢會,務使資源循環利用法及相關子法更符時需。而未來環境資源部成立後,本計畫亦將協助檢討及修訂相關法規。 101 廢管處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42928
先導型焙燒與造粒系統技術應用與測試發展計畫 本計畫目標主要係完成國內分散式生質料源蒐運測試及驗證分散式生質料源運作之可行性,並評估多元料源固態燃料製造與應用之可行性。主要工作項目包括(1)移動式造粒設備測試與示範。(2)生質燃料焙燒測試,包括調校生質物焙燒先導系統、混合料源顆粒燃料及生活垃圾焙燒測試(3)生質燃料應用評估,包括蒐集與分析國外中小型固態生質燃料應用案例及2種生質煤與煤炭混摻研磨測試(4)料源評估:蒐集及分析澎湖地區銀合歡分布及造粒測試並評估其造粒後推廣及應用的可行性。(5)提供環檢所辦理「生質燃料應用評估與示範計畫」研討會所需資料。本計畫完成項目包括:(1)完成移動式造粒設備測試與示範,驗證移動式造粒設備於農林資材堆置場作業之可行性。(2)完成連續式生質物焙燒系統調校、連續運轉測試與生活垃圾焙燒測試(3)完成稻稈及菇包廢料生質物混合造粒測試及產品基本特性分析,及完成顆粒燃料焙燒測試及產品之應用規劃。完成2種生質煤(柳杉生質煤及稻稈/菇包廢料混合顆粒燃料生質煤)與煤炭混摻研磨測試。(4)完成澎湖銀合歡料源分布蒐集與分析;完成銀合歡造粒測試可行性評估,初步結果顯示具有作為生質燃料之潛力,可提供澎湖地區發展低碳島之參考。(5)蒐集及分析國外中小型固態生質燃料應用案例分析,規劃國內實際可行推動方式之建議,探討生質顆粒燃料成品於國內應用可行建議方案。 (6)參與「2012固態生質燃料應用技術」研討會進行經驗交流。 Development and Application of Biomass Torrefaction and Pelletizing Technologies The main objectives of this project are to assist EPA to set district biomass collection mechanisms and its collection demonstration, and to evaluate the feasibility of multi-biomass feedstock for producing biofuel. This project is primarily aimed at as following:(1) testing and demonstrating the mobile pelletization facility for biomass collection. (2) tuning and testing for multi-biomass resources in a pilot scale torrefaction reactor. (3) evaluation of solid biofuel application. (4) analysis of Leucaena leucocephala distribution in Penghu. (5) providing information for the biofuel application and biofuel producing demonstration conference.In this report, five completed works were described as following: (1) testing and demonstrating the mobile pelletization facility for biomass collection were completed, and the feasibility of pelletizing in the agricultural field was preliminary validated.(2) tuning and continuous testing for multi-biomass resources and RDF (refuse derived fuel) which is made from MSW (municipal solid waste) in a pilot-scale torrefaction reactor were completed. (3) pelletization of mixture of two different biomass of rice straw and mushroom cultivation waste were completed, and proximate analysis and heating value of pellets were also analyzed. And the produced pellets fuel were torrefied and the applications of products (bio-coal) were also suggested. Co-milling tests of bio-coal and coal in a pilot-scale mill were also evaluated in the report. (4) distribution of Leucaena leucocephala in Penghu was analyzed, and about 330 thousand tons of Leucaena leucocephala was estimated.(5) case study of solid biofuel application in advanced countries were analyzed, and the roadmap of bio-power and bio-heat development strategy for our country was suggested. (6) results and experiences in the project were shared in the "2012 Solid Biomass Fuels Technologies and applications Conference”. 101 環檢所 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=51665
臺東縣空氣污染等陳情案件快速查處管制計畫 近來為了落實政府產業東移政策,交通建設持續開展,工商業之開展亦蓄勢待發,因此,為防範於未然並降低因經濟發展所帶來對生活環境造成重大影響,臺東縣環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)成立公害陳情專線為一常態性、持續性之工作,並希望能藉由本計畫之執行,掌握污染陳情案件處理時效,避免污染事件之擴大或延續,讓民眾能有舒適、無污染的生活環境。本計劃自2012年5月10日簽約完成開始執行相關工作,至期末計畫工作之執行成果說明如下:一、 執行公害陳情案件受理管制作業:(一) 本計畫執行成果自2012年5月至2013年3月,協助處理950件陳情案件,平均每月處理之首次案件86件,複查案件64件,平均每日處理(包含首次、複查陳情案件)5件。(二) 受理之950案件中,以情節輕微經檢測(或認定)未違反規定499件所佔比率最多,其次為未查獲污染情事共313件,查證屬實共107件,污染事實消失共16件,其他共15件。(三) 受理之950件陳情案中,案件均進行輔導改善並追蹤複查至完成改善。而未查獲污染情事案件均加強稽查次數,避免污染發生。(四) 污染時段分析以非假日為主要的陳情時段842件佔88.63%,其次為假日108件佔11.37%。(五) 污染時段分析以日間為主要的陳情時段903件佔95.05%,其次為晚間26件佔2.74%,夜間21件佔2.21%居第三。(六) 依污染種類區分,陳情案件中以空氣污染405件佔42.63%居首位(其中以空氣污染異味佔223件,不含異味佔182件),環境衛生344件佔36.21%次之,噪音污染143件佔15.05%,居第三。(七) 平均查處時間均符合24小時內快速查處,平均查處時間為6.4小時。關於需立即處理之陳情案件由本計畫執行開始(2012年5月10日)統計至103年3月止,包含露天燃燒(148件)、餐飲業油煙污染(44件)、營建工程污染(65件),處理流程為環保局報案中心人員一接獲這些陳情案件除立即知執行之巡查人員外,也會通知相關計畫之人員,例露天燃燒陳情案件一發生時,則聯繫固定污染源計畫之人員至現場會同。(八) 陳情方式以電話為主859件佔90.42%,其次為網際網路45件4.74%,當面檢舉為18件1.89%居第三。二、 辦理專責人員教育訓練:在經由人員教育訓練下,101年陳情計畫之查處效率較100年(8.64小時)之查處時間精減1.92小時,較99年(8.88小時)之查處時間精減2.16小時,且民眾滿意度日益提升,且快速查處名次排名為全臺第9名。三、 辦理公害陳情電話接聽禮貌及業務檢討說明會:(一) 在說明會辦理結束後環保署測試電話分數由89.3分(2012年7月份環保報案中心專線電話接聽人員服務品質調查結果) ,提升至97.25分(2012年10月份環保報案中心專線電話接聽人員服務品質調查結果)得知電話接聽人員服務品質提昇。(二) 在環保局內部之溝通結果有與各科室科長、承辦們訂定出制式的權責表,如揚塵、油煙及擴音設備等屬空氣噪音污染防制科之權責項目,面對相關計畫有與計畫之承辦、經理共同協調,並達共視,如油煙異味被陳情兩次之店家,由承辦呈判是否需與固定污染源計畫一同前往輔導業者;露天燃燒案件則受理時即時電話聯繫固定污染源計畫經理,陳情區域與固定源區域相同可一同前往巡查。四、 辦理航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核:查核過程中郭宏亮委員及環保局人員給予之指導與建議內容包含在「自動監測設備」方面應維持保護箱內乾淨清潔、防鳥踏勘用情況;應裝設避雷針於各監測站;自動監測設備拆除維護時,應有替代方案。在「監測報告」方面應注意數據單位寫法、監測資料之完整性(如監則站之高度、撰寫者(公司)與受訓證明、噪音監測資料之每日最大值、每秒噪音及連續噪音等);在「陳情專線」方面應維持24小時隨時有人接聽狀態、應有一套明確的陳情案件標準作業流程等。五、 辦理101年度陳情案例分析與檢討說明會:原在2013年2月22日檢討會中提到之系統考評中依陳情人指定時間稽查比率、一再陳情案件妥善處理率、民眾不滿意案件衍生複查比率、配合公害陳情系統滿意度調查作業比率、移送其他單位處理案件追踪處理,於2013年4月25日環保署公告之2013年1月至3月之考評成績中皆已改善完成,且臺東縣之表現在無表現不良之項目。六、 製作相關業務宣導摺頁、臉書宣導帶及跑馬燈:相關業務宣導之製作是為宣導民眾維護環境安寧與做好敦親睦鄰,宣導噪音管制法規、陳情時應提供正確公害陳情相關資訊、環境中常見噪音來源等。宣導地點包含火車站、機場、衛生局、環保局、警察局、署立醫院、縣民服務中心、環保局臉書、東臺電視台等處,在宣導期間民眾多有反應與關注,顯示民眾對本計畫之宣導方式是有感的。七、 新聞稿:在新聞稿宣導的過程中本計畫有3篇新聞稿被記者所使用,如中廣新聞網 於2013年4月7日上午9:28發佈之「公害陳情APP 報案新管道」、中廣新聞網 於2012年11月16日 下午2:58發佈之「臺東噪音陳情卡拉ok佔四成」、中廣新聞網 於2012年6月4日 下午3:26發佈之「餐飲業「油煙」逸散 成為空污矚目焦點」。八、 滿意度調查:在本計畫協助環保局執行陳情案件下,使得民眾對接聽電話人員之服務與態度、現場查處人員之服務、到場時間及電話回覆等皆為滿意,且常有民眾回電感謝環保局的協助污染源的改善綜合上述觀點為降低一再陳情之公害污染案件,及達到快速處與配合陳情人查處之時間,建議未來工作重點包括:一、 專責人員教育訓練應不定期舉行考評,以維持人員素質。二、 陳情案件之處理時效應統計接獲報案時間到現場處理之時間,以及案件結案之時間,以了解處理之即時性與延時性。三、 陳情案件巡查作業除遵守環保署規定之24小時內進行首次查處、快速查處及配合陳情人時間查處等原則外,應確實了解污染原因及針對污染源頭進行管制作業,必要時會相相關單位執行聯合查處,督促污染源改善,以利陳情之頑固案件之解決。四、 對民眾宣導陳情管道、相關法規之同時,應多宣導民眾敦親睦鄰的好處,利用新聞稿、跑馬燈、摺頁、宣導品、宣導帶等各種方式告訴民眾正確的陳情方式、需給予情案件查處小組的完整人事時地物等資訊,讓陳情案件查處小組可快速及準確查處案件之同時,也可讓民眾了解陳情案件執行的專業性。五、 民眾之滿意度建議從一開始的電話報案至現場查處陪同與回覆,再至結案後之訪查,而建立一套完整的服務民眾之流程,以提升民眾滿意度。六、 航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核應邀請相關專家學者一同執行查核工作,以確保查核時之公正性與正確性。執行查核之前置作業應配合環保署公告之查核規範與表格等運作,於往後年度之航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核,應增加檢視被查核方之改善情況及後續追踨,以避免航空噪音過大與擾民情況之產生。於查核後被查核方應於1 個月內提出改善辦法,且每季繳交之航空監測資料應符合環保署之要求。 101 台東縣環境保護局 綠森環境工程技師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53026
污染場址綠色及永續整治策略研擬計畫 本計畫蒐集國際「綠色及永續整治」之推動策略、評量指標、管理機制、所遇困境及案例,並整體評估國內法規制度、污染場址管理及現況,分析綠色及永續整治概念推動之優劣得失後,擬定我國「綠色及永續導向型整治」之推動策略及可行的架構。從資料研析、國際參與、座談會及專家諮詢會的綜合分析,本計畫提出我國綠色及永續導向型整治之定義、架構、執行方式。本計畫也發展出結合最佳管理措施及環境足跡計算的評估工具與評量指標,用以推動綠色及永續導向型整治,並撰寫綠色及永續導向型整治技術參考指引。同時也擬定推動計畫及示範場址選定方式。期望未來可幫助政府機關、污染行為人、民間公司及社會大眾,在參與場址整治過程中,以綠色及永續導向型整治的思維,採行兼顧環境、經濟與社會效益的整治策略,將節能、減碳、節水、減廢及工程管理納入考量,選擇適當的整治技術、工法及土地再利用方式,達到降低環境資源的消耗及土地永續利用的最終目標。 Green and Sustainable Rmediation, Best Management Practices, Environmental Footprint Analysis The purpose of this study was to review the strategies, famework, tools and guidelines that were used to promote green and sustainable remediation around the world, in order to develope an applicable framework for Taiwan to carry out green and sustainable remediation. By participating in international conferences and holding public meetings. This project proposed the definition for green and sustainable remediation in Taiwan, and a framework that could be applied to general remedial processes. Furthermore,this project developed a toolkit to evaluate the lifecycle environmental footprints of a remediation programme, in combination with a series of best management practices (BMPs) to optimize the remedial system.This study also planned the strategies for promoting green and sustainable remediation in Taiwan. The next step, Taiwan EPA will elect remediation site as model cases to verified the framework and tools developed in this project. 101 土污基管會 業興環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53669
101年度加強事業廢棄物流向勾稽管理計畫 為落實事業廢棄物管制工作,促使業者依法妥善進行貯存清理行為並符合申報要求,新北市政府環境保護局特辦理「101 年度加強事業廢棄物流向勾稽管理計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),藉由勾稽、查核輔導及辦理宣導說明會等各項工作之推動,以強化轄內事業負責人、申報人及受託清理人對環保法規之認知及落實自廠事業廢棄物流向管制,可健全本市事業廢棄物申報及管理系統基線資料庫之正確性及合法性。事業廢棄物專案性勾稽家數共完成4,172 家次,其中行業別及特殊性勾稽作業計3,937 家次,GPS 勾稽計235 家次,確屬異常計1,178 家次,經輔導後改善率達96.52%。行業別勾稽作業計完成3,745 家次,異常計923 家,異常率為24.65%,改善率為96.86%,特殊性勾稽作業計完成192 家次,異常計43 家,異常率為22.40%,改善率為88.37%。GPS 專案性勾稽作業已完成864 筆(235 家次),確屬異常計747 筆(212 家次),依異常樣態分析以「未執行軌跡確認」計201 家次(佔85.53%)為最多,已完成改善計585 筆數(205 家次),改善率達96.70%。事業例行性申報聯單總計159,167 筆,經查核確屬異常者計3,913 筆,異常率為2.46%;依異常樣態分析以「D.清除者實際清運日至產源確認日超時84 小時」計2,120 筆數為最多。GPS 例行性勾稽作業已完成5,740 筆數,經查核確屬異常者計2,194 筆數,異常率為38.22%;依異常樣態分析以「G.應每日回傳資料於一週內未回傳者」計1,946 筆數為最多。公民營申報勾稽異常計111 家次,依異常樣態分析以「應申報未申報」計80 家次(佔72.07%)為最多,「營運紀錄與聯單申報超量勾稽」計20 家次(18.02%)為次之。針對現場查核輔導作業已完成505 家(541 家次),GPS 現場查核計100 家、廢清書及申報查核計405 家。其中GPS 軌跡現場查核已完成100 家,其中屬GPS例行性者46 家次、GPS 專案性者計42 家次,例行及專案性者計12 家次。廢清書及申報情形查核已完成405 家(441 家次),屬專案性勾稽異常計143 家次;例行性勾稽異常計39 家次,環署EP 專案計91 家次,醫療機構查核59 家次,及其他交辦事項109 家次。環保署EP 專案共移交52 件計342 家次,輔導後已改善完成計330 家次,改善率達96.49%。依EP 案件分析,以「EP1000413」移交計91 家次為最多,截至101 年12 月31 日止,計有42 項EP 專案改善率已達100%。 101 新北市政府環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司
101~102年度地下儲槽系統防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備查核暨網路申報諮詢計畫 台灣地區地下儲槽系統大多設置於人口集中之都市或道路旁,致使其對周遭環境品質之影響日益受到環保主管機關及民眾之重視,其中以地下儲槽及管線中油品滲漏所導致土壤及地下水污染之問題,最受關切。環保署為健全地下儲槽系統防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備之設置與管理,於100年1月14日修訂發布「地下儲槽系統防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備設置管理辦法」,同時為加強推動其相關業務,爰執行「101~102年度地下儲槽系統防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備查核暨網路申報諮詢計畫」工作。本計畫共完成下列三項主要工作,包括:(一)蒐集國外地下儲槽系統管理制度及污染監測技術文獻資料,提出國內具體可行策略及監測方式,並協助辦理第14條其他監測方法審核之相關作業。(二)完成查核400站地下儲槽系統之防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備之設置、維護與定期監測情形,其中發現具高污染潛勢者有68站,建議環保署未來應進行其土壤及地下水污染調查。(三)維護環保署既設網路傳輸申報系統正常運作,協助解決申報系統所遭遇之問題,提升及強化其功能,以利管制事業之申報作業及作為擬定相關管制策略之參考。 Inspecting groundwater contamination prevention structures and monitoring equipments at underground Most underground storage tank systems in Taiwan are located in cities with high residential density or by the roadsides. Therefore, the environmental protection authorities and the public have paid a lot of attention to the environment quality around the underground storage tank systems, especially the issues of soil and groundwater pollution caused by the leakage of underground oil tanks and pipes.The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has amended and promulgated the “Regulations for Installation and Management of Facilities for Preventing Pollution of Groundwater Bodies and Monitoring Equipment in Underground Storage Tank Systems” on January 14, 2011 to enhance the installation and management of these facilities and equipment. Besides, for promoting other relevant activities, the EPA then entrusted Sinotech to conduct this project.Three major achievements of this Project were listed below:1. Citing the foreign literatures about Underground Storage Tank (UST) for developing the feasible strategies and building a specific monitoring methodology in local. And then, auditing the other monitoring methodologies in regulations number 14.2. Inspected the installation, maintenance, and regular monitoring of facilities for preventing pollution of groundwater bodies and monitoring equipment in 400 underground storage tank systems. 68 underground storage tank systems were found with high potential for contamination. It was suggested that the EPA should carry out investigation of soil and groundwater contamination in the future.3. Maintained the monitoring and declaration web site and upgraded the functions of database, including:a. Regularly inspected and maintained the online declaration system and performed database backup.b. Held promotion meetings of the online declaration system.c. Updated and enhanced the function of the online declaration system for the underground storage tank systems. 101 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53055
101年度臺南市柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫 (一)到站柴油車全負載檢測數為4,349輛次,其目標達成101.1%。(二) 執行目視判煙稽查39,270輛次(含攔車目視判煙2,334輛次),計畫目標達130.9%。(三)執行目視判煙稽查36,936輛次,計畫目標達131.9%。(四)執行目測判煙通知3,329輛,計畫目標達100.9%。(五)車牌辨識系統達成43,012輛次,目標達成107.5%。(六)路邊排煙稽查採嚴格篩選機制,共檢測506輛次不合格173輛次,檢測不合格率34.2%,工作進度達成率為100%。(七)到站檢測車輛抽驗油品採80件及路邊攔查採樣100件,加油站採樣20件,共計200件,工作進度達100%。(八)完成相關性測試比對結果得知臺南市排煙站與各縣市排煙站間相關性良好。(九)完成品保次數15次,檢測值皆落在管制上下限內,表示排煙站測試能力及檢驗品質皆屬正常。(十)8月完成喜樹新站搬遷。(十一)通過全國認證基金會評鑑前訪談。(十二)完成3場次環保駕駛教育訓練及1場成果發表記者會,200份宣導海報,宣導摺頁印製2,000份。(十三)完成電子賀卡、電子塗鴉、宣導動畫各1則,並提交予環保局,目標達成100%。(十四)完成8則新聞稿見報,目標達成100%。(十五)完成受測車主滿意度調查,目標達成100%。(十六)完成新設站之土壤採樣1次及水質採樣4點次。 Plan for dynamometer testing of diesel-fueled vehicle exausts and the consultation and assessment of exhasust improvement and maintenance garage (1) 4,349 diesel vehicles arrived at inspection stations for full-load test; target reached 101.1%. (2) 39,270 vehicles had visual emission inspection (including 2,334 vehicles which had roadside visual emission inspection); target reached 130.9%. (3) 36,936 vehicles had visual emission inspection; target reached 131.9%. (4) 3,239 vehicles were notified for visual emission inspection; target reached 100.9%.(5) 43,012 vehicles were recognized by the license plate recognition system; target reached 107.5%. (6) A strict screening mechanism of roadside emission inspection was enforced; 506 vehicles were examined including 173 vehicles failed to the examination, which counts a failure rate of 34.2%. The progress of work was 100%. (7) 80 fuel samples were collected from in-station vehicles, 100 from roadside inspections and 20 from gas stations, totally 200 samples were collected. The progress of work was 100%. (8) The comparative result of a correlation test revealed that emission inspection stations of Tainan city had a good correlation with emission inspection stations of other counties / cities. (9) The quality assurance test was implemented 15 times and all the examination values were within the control limit, which indicates a normal examination ability and quality of the emission inspection center. (10) The relocation of new Xishu station was completed in August. (11) Passed the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) pre-evaluation interview (12) 3 green driver trainings and 1 press conference were organized; 200 propaganda posters and 2,000 brochures were printed. (13) Electronic greeting card, electronic graffiti and propaganda animation were created one each and submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau; target reached 100%.(14) 8 press releases were published on the newspaper; target reached 100% (15) A satisfaction investigation completed by owners of examined vehicles; target reached 100%.(16) 1 soil sample and 4 water samples were collected at newly established station 101 台南市環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=52093
101年臺南市水污染源稽查管制計畫-水污染源稽查管制工作 101 台南市環境保護局 技佳 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46043
101年事業廢棄物管理-辦理電弧爐煉鋼業及鋁熔煉業之事業廢棄物清理查核專案計畫 我國電弧爐煉鋼業每年產生之有害集塵灰約達18~22萬公噸,97年以前因處理廠容量不足,導致集塵灰貯存量超過50萬噸以上,經環保署及工業局輔導增設處理設施後,國內已有3家共4座煉鋼集塵灰處理設施,總設置處理量達27.4萬公噸,已大於集塵灰產生量,並逐步處理既有貯存之集塵灰,惟仍無法於103年6月底將貯存之集塵灰完全處理,另外煉鋼爐碴再利用亦有安定化時間長及產品滯銷問題待克服。本計畫透過18廠次電弧爐煉鋼廠、2廠次集塵灰中間處理機構、11廠次爐碴再利用機構之現場查核作業及13件次集塵灰貯存延長申請案之審查作業,督促業者確實依廢棄物清理法及相關法令規定妥善處理集塵灰及再利用爐碴,同時透過14樣集塵灰資源化處理後衍生之集塵灰及爐碴,與煉鋼爐碴再利用產品爐碴粒料之採樣分析,掌握其物質特性,經現場查核結果集塵灰及爐碴皆能妥善貯存及清理或再利用,惟部分業者仍有未能達成環保署訂定之集塵灰分年處理目標問題,本計畫已提出解決方案供業者及相關主管機關參考。另外本計畫並完成研析爐碴再利用技術、調查國內再利用設施現況及分析其再利用後產品之經濟效益,提出爐碴加速清理可行措施,供相關主管機關參考解決爐碴再利用問題。此外,本計畫亦透過現場查核8家鋁熔煉業,6家鋁碴中間處理/再利用/最終處置機構及1家鋁碴再利用產品使用業者,督促業者誠實申報鋁碴產出情形及妥清理鋁碴,同時並完成研析鋁碴處理/再利用技術、調查國內處理及再利用設施現況與分析其再利用後產品之經濟效益,提出鋁碴加速清理可行措施,供環保署參考解決鋁碴清理問題。 The Project for the Auditing of Waste Cleanup of Steel-Smelting EAF and Aluminum Smelting Industries There are about 180 to 220 thousand tones of hazardous electric arc furnace (EAF) dust generated by EAF steel smelting plant every year in Taiwan. The shortage of recycling treatment capacities led to a huge storage quantity of EAF dust of more than 500,000 tons. With the assistance from the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) and the Industrial Development Bureau (IDB), 4 treatment facilities in 3 factories have been established in Taiwan with a total treatment capacity of 274 thousand tons which exceed the annual production amount. The stored dross and dusts were treated gradually but the stored EAF dust quantity still couldn’t be treated completely by June 30 2014. In addition, the problems of product production and selling still need to be reinforced. This project has implemented on-site auditing of 18 steel plants, 2 EAF dust recycling treatment plants, 11 EAF slag recycling treatment plants; examined 13 applications for extending the EAF dust storage period in order to urge the EAF steel-smelting dust and other industrial waste generators to follow the Waste Disposal Act and other relevant laws and regulations. 14 dust and slag samples produced by recycling process and recycled slag pellets were analyzed to clarify the material properties. After on-site investigation, this project has found that the EAF dust and slag were stored, cleaned-up and treated properly, but the stored EAF dust quantity still couldn’t meet the annual treatment goal and complete the whole treatment before June 30 2014. Regarding the problem of couldn’t complete the entire treatment mount of the EAF dust, this project has already proposed measures to accelerate the treatment task and resolve the problems of proper storage of steel-smelting slag. In addition, through investigation of the treatment and recycling techniques and facilities of aluminum dross and dusts, this project has completed economical benefit analysis of recycling products. In addition, the project eight aluminum smelting factories, 6 aluminum dross treatment / recycling / final disposal facilities and one company using aluminum dross recycling products, urging the aluminum smelting industry to report the production of aluminum dross honestly, and to store, treat and recycle aluminum ballast properly. At the same time, the project completed the analysis of aluminum dross treatment/recycling technology, the investigation of domestic processing and recycling facilities and analysis of the economic benefits of recycling products. The project also proposed feasible countermeasures to accelerate the treatment task and resolve the problems of cleanup of steel-smelting slag. 101 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44327
交通噪音管制及改善措施成效提升計畫 噪音管制法97年12月3日修正公布施行迄101年12月止,全國52件民眾陳情且超標案件中,僅有23件改善計畫業經核定通過在案,除4件已參採陳述意見結案、7件未屆期外,仍有18件改善已歷經多次修改而未能審查通過。檢視相關報告,迄未通過的改善計畫大致有「未能確實分析造成陳情點噪音超出標準原因及影響程度」、「未能確實敘明陳情點與周邊之運輸環境現況」、「未能充分檢討各式防制措施組合之可行性」及「未能確實評估防制措施可獲致之隔減音效能」等問題,使得該等計畫審查多次仍未核定。有鑑於此,藉由本計畫之執行,辦理修法以來陸上運輸系統噪音管制與改善執行情形檢討分析;並藉相關現地量測作業確實瞭解我國高快速公路系統交通噪音特性,提出適用於我國高快速公路系統各項改善措施之隔減音效能、適用範圍及品質要求等技術指引草案,可供地方環保機關及交通營運管理機關參考,此外,本計畫亦針對交通系統新建改擴建及高架等計畫營運期間沿線環境影響評估,研提應注意事項及修正建議,並就鄰近交通系統建築物外牆門窗隔音效能執行資料蒐集與彙整,所得相關結論與建議提供道路交通目的事業主管機關後續研擬噪音改善計畫及各環保機關審查改善計畫時之參考。 Performance enhancement on traffic noise control and reduction measures In Taiwan, the Noise Control Act was amended in 2008 to include new regulations governing ground transportation systems, such as expressways, highways, railways, and mass rapid transit systems. According to the amendment, transport operations and management agencies shall submit traffic noise improvement plans to local competent authorities within 180 days of receiving a notice from local competent authorities and shall follow the improvement plans accordingly. Up to Dec. 2012, 52 filed cases were judged over standard and thus improvement plans were submitted. Nonetheless, 18 of the 41 cases went through evaluation process were not approved after two or more committee meetings. These unsatisfied improvement plans were found to have common deficiencies, such as fail to analyze in-situ factors cause over regulation noise, fail to fully model adjacent transportation systems in computer evaluation models, fail to present reasonable evaluation process that come up with the proposed noise reduction measures, and fail to reasonably evaluate noise reduction effect of the proposed measures using appropriate computer models. Repeated committee meetings for evaluation of these plans cause delay of executing improvement measures, and may induce complains against competent agencies. Consequently, the Environmental Protection Agency initiates this project to diagnose existing problems from angles of regulations, administrative restrictions, consulting firms, as well as executing prediction models, respectively. In-situ measurement of traffic characteristics, as well as associated traffic noise on national expressways were also performed in order to know noise characters of highway pavements, noise barriers, and expansion joints. Meanwhile, focal points of inspection on environmental impact assessment reports regarding to renovation or newly built highway projects are suggested. Moreover, an effort was devoted to collecting regulations and information on noise characters of exterior doors and windows facing transportation systems. All the above tasks were performed during this project. The concluding remarks are intended to serve as a reference for future policy making and improvement plan evaluation. 101 空保處 社團法人中華鋪面工程學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44742
噪音陳情案件研析鑑定、處理輔導計畫 101 空保處 凱鉅科技實業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42782
101年環保知識挑戰擂台賽中、南、東部16個縣(市)初賽及EPA環保頻道觀賞心得徵文比賽 本計畫主要辦理101年環保知識挑戰擂臺賽中、南、東部16個縣(市)初賽及環保署環保頻道觀賞心得徵文比賽兩大項目。在擂臺賽部分,已擬訂初賽辦法,並協助全國16縣(市)完成地方賽事辦理;另在徵文比賽方面,亦完成為期三個月之徵文推廣活動,並於12月初進行頒獎典禮。在地方擂臺賽開辦之前,本計畫已研擬今年新賽制-「積分賽」賽制說明、比賽規則及新答題設備-「即時反饋系統(IRS)」之使用說明資訊,並與各縣(市)完成研商、修訂後公告於活動網站。16縣(市)之地方初賽活動已於101年9月22日至101年11月3日完成辦理,共計有4,349人參賽。除協助地方辦理初賽外,本計畫在賽事宣傳作業上,另建置有一式擂臺賽活動資訊整合及宣傳網站,一方面彙整地方辦理資料(如參賽名單),另一方面則提供全國民眾可透過本網站取得擂臺賽完整訊息。在徵文比賽部分,本計畫自7月16日起開始進行活動推廣,其間透過為期十週之抽獎活動持續吸引民眾參與。本活動業於101年10月31日截止報名,計有國小組、國中組、高中組及社會組共555位民眾投稿,並於101年11月邀請專家完成投稿審查,另於101年12月8日假國立臺灣師範大學公館分部中正堂,進行一場次頒獎典禮。 2012 Environmental Knowledge Challenge Competition in 16 Counties/ Cities in Central, Southern The project aims to two parts: 1. organizing the environmental knowledge challenge competition in 16 counties or cities in central, southern, and eastern Taiwan, and 2. organizing a review writing competition after watching the EPA environmental channel. Concerning the environmental knowledge challenge competition, preliminary competition rules are set, assisting 16 counties and cities to hold the competition. With regard to writing competition, a three-month promotion activity and an award ceremony were held in December.Before the beginning of the environmental knowledge challenge competition, this project has studied a new competition regulation, called Interactive Response System (IRS), including its Points Race regulation illustration, competition rules, and facilities for answering. Such a new regulation was studied with counties or cities, and announced on the activity website after revisions. From September 22, 2012 to November 03, 2012, local preliminary competitions were completed, and the number of total participants was 4,349.In addition to assisting local preliminary competitions, this project also set a website for information integration and promotion of the competition, not only collecting information of local organizers, such as competitors lists, but also providing a complete competition information for the public through the website.On the aspect of the review writing competition, the competition has attracted the public to participate through a ten-week prize draw activity from the beginning of the activity promotion on July 16. The final signed-up date is on October 31, 2012, attracting 555 people in four groups, elementary, junior high school, senior high school, and social groups, to distribute their writings. Evaluations were completed by experts on November 2012, and an award ceremony was held in Jhongjheng Hall, Gongguan Campus, NTNU, in December 8, 2012. 101 綜計處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44952
2012資源回收國際研討會及展示會 本計畫為展現我國資源回收十餘年來的具體成果並行銷推廣我國獨創的資源回收制度,特分為以下四部分進行:(一)本年度邀請國外國際級講者以及政府單位代表針對城市廢棄物之回收處理以及永續發展為題進行分享,資源回收國際研討會已於2012年11月13日至16日假交通部集思會議中心舉辦,參與人數合計共472人,現場反應熱烈,會議順利圓滿完成。從宣傳期到活動次日媒體報導達14篇。(二)本計畫為使資源回收國際研討會更為完備,本團隊協助建構主題展示區並邀集相關單位設置展會,並藉由互訪機制加強雙方資源回收產業的交流及學習。(三)為使社會各界及國際人士能瞭解台灣資源回收工作的努力與成果,並且根據讀者對象差異分為中文與英文兩種版本進行編制,年鑑內容呈現資源回收體系設計的獨特之處與歷年資源回收的成果,除了讓國人瞭解資源回收體系運作之演進外,並呈現資源回收工作的環境效益,以鼓勵全民共同投入,創造資源回收之新契機。(四)為行銷推廣我國資源回收成效與制度,本計畫持續收集國外基本資料與相關廢棄物政策與制度,以及國外專家之相關聯絡資訊,做為日後在國際相關資源回收交流活動的重要參考依據。 2012 International Conference on Resource Recycling In order to highlight Taiwan’s concrete achievements in resource recycling for the past decade and promote our unique resource recycling system, there are three aspects of concern in this project: (1) This year we invite the domestic to discuss how to turn city recycle crisis (economy, environment and eco-design). The 2012 International Conference on Resource Recycling was held at the GIS International Conference Hall in October 20th-21st, 2012. It amounts to 472 people to participate in this conference. The conference responds enthusiastically and was finished satisfactorily. The relevant media report reaches 14 during this activity. (2) We utilized the conference to drive the exhibition or resource recycling award to create the activity way of web 2.0. The mechanism of exchanging visits can strengthen the study and communication of resource recycling industries of both sides. (3) In order for the public and international stakeholders to understand that resource recycling efforts and achievement of Taiwan, we divide the 2010~2012 Biennial into Chinese and English edition. The content of the Biennial presents the unique of our resource recycling system and achievement of resource recycling over the years. Let compatriots find out about the gradual progress of Taiwan’s resource recycling system operation mainly and the environmental benefit of the work appears. We hope to encourage the whole people to join this work together and create the new opportunity of resources recycling. (4) In order to market and promote our resource recycling achievements and system, we have already finished investigating relation countries, including national basic information and relevant waste management policy and system.. We hope that these achievements will become bases of the international exchange activity of resource recycling in the future. 101 基管會 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50390
101年度基隆市焚化廠營運期間之污染物流布調查及對周界環境影響衝擊研究計畫 101 基隆市環境保護局 國立臺北科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41974
101年度屏東縣空氣品質管理發展計畫 本計畫之目的主要在於協助屏東縣環保局管制各子計畫執行內容、進度與方法,透過計畫的執行協助環保局處理空污相關會議資料,檢討年度空污執行計畫成效與方向,有效整合各計畫力量以達到改善空氣品質之目標,此外,配合現階段環保署推動之涵容總量管制計畫及將推動之總量管制規劃,研擬空氣品質改善方向,規劃短中長程管制目標,提供屏東縣環保局未來執行空氣污染管制之建議方針。本計畫自101 年2 月6 日簽約完成後執行至101 年12 月31 日止,執行摘要說明如下。101 年1~12 月環保署於屏東縣設立之空氣品質監測站,臭氧及懸浮微粒空氣品質不良站日數為30 站日,較100 年同時期減少17 站日。屏東縣設立之鹽洲測站,101 年1~12 月空氣品質不良站日數為17 站日,較100 年同時期空氣品質不良站日數相比增加8 站日。主要以臭氧及懸浮微粒為主要指標污染物。當空氣品質趨於不良時,啟動空氣品質不良通報及回報作業,並透過各計畫之測站認養機制及重大污染源之掌握工作進行查處回報,空氣品質不良通報後進行加強防制行動之有效率為81 %,並削減TSP 15.68 公噸、SOX 0.098 公噸、NOX 3.75 公噸、NMHC 17.91 公噸,整體空氣品質預報不良回報率為94%。101 年屏東縣辦理之空氣品質改善維護計畫共計20 項,依計畫類型可區分為固定源、移動源、逸散源、綜合管理及監測與研究地方特性計畫,整體管制工作之架構及管制策略推動係依據屏東縣空氣污染防制計畫訂定(如下圖Ⅰ所示),主要重點包括加強地方特性及重點議題改善、配合環保署規劃推動各項作業並更新100~101 年空氣品質改善目標PSI 分別應達<4.3%及<4.2%。配合環保署考核作業推動,本年度地方特色作法將著重於天羅地網捕砂計畫、低碳雙島健康新空氣及推動低碳蓮霧園區等三大措施推動。依本年度發包進度、工作重點及執行期程,各計畫作業進度介於45~100%,總執行平均達96%,管制成效評析平均為93.9 分,統計至12 月底總懸浮微粒、硫氧化物、氮氧化物為及非甲烷碳氫化合物削減量分別為4119.64、3.61、37.17 及330.47 公噸,已達總規畫目標之100 %。而在空氣品質淨化區及樹木銀行之推動方面,已完成既有空氣品質淨化區79 處次考核作業,並透過淨化區補助、各計畫裸露地植被及種樹宣導管制作業,本年度綠地新設及裸露地改善達37.92 公頃。摘要摘要-II此外,為加強探討污染成因、評析及提昇管制成效,落實各項空氣污染管制工作、加強空氣品質環境負荷資料分析、修訂空氣品質惡化緊急應變手冊、辦理空氣污染管制工作民眾滿意度調查、辦理外縣市空氣品質改善維護業務及優良創新作法觀摩、配合高屏空品區管制工作推動、空氣品質淨化區及樹木銀行推動及低污染運具、綠色路網規劃與推動及空品淨區推動為本年度之努力重點。針對今年度空氣品質改善努力重點方向,固定污染源執行成果包含於固定源進行687 次工廠稽巡查管制,另針對本縣三座工業區已全面清查及建置高風險廠家指紋資料庫;固定逸散管辦管制於固定源管辦符合率為100%、砂石場管辦符合率為88.8%;於加油站管制已完成50 站次加油站油氣回收設施功能測試作業,測試結果皆符合規定。於空污費申報案件之建檔審查作業(包含SOx、NOx、VOCs 及個別物種)合計共完成881 件次及完成210 家次空污費申報查核作業。101 年度為有效減少屢遭陳情案件及排放減量,已針對3 家遭陳情工廠完成輔導改善工作,續建議持續追蹤各廠輔導改善進度。移動污染源執行成果包含機車管制上利用車牌辨識系統稽查未定檢機車通知檢測8,444 輛次、巡查作業時以智慧型手機查詢未定檢車輛共巡查26,163輛次、車齡5 至9 年內未定檢機車公文通知檢測51,339 輛次,目前未定檢機車回檢共14,652 輛;柴油車污染管制上於柴油車總檢測2,171 輛,於柴油車油品採樣共380 車次,並完成101 家業者1048 輛車簽訂自主管理公約。怠速熄火管制上今年度重點為針對公私立停車場、路邊停車、學校接送區、觀光區停車場等進行稽查5,966 輛。另統計本縣至12 月底於老舊車輛汰舊共43,559 輛,於低污染車輛推動上已有1,808 輛。另今年度於空品淨區推動上,主要仍以墾丁空品淨區及小琉球低碳島的推動為主要重點管制區。逸散污染源執行成果包含完成527 件稽巡查管制導正農民正確處理農業廢棄物之方式,另推動一項特色作法為推動低碳蓮霧園區,以南二高沿線列為重點管制區,於此區域內加強農業廢棄物多元化處理、成立環保農園等諸多方式來減少農民露天燃燒。河川疏浚及砂石場管制,今年度共完成巡查作業為478場次,另今年度以疏濬區域、疏濬工程、砂石場及砂石車為管制重點,並推動一項特色作法為天羅地網補砂計畫,主要為結合本縣各管制計畫能量外也跨單位共同來加強此區域內污染源管制工作。 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46182
兩岸環保服務業交流平台計畫-節能減碳分組 鑑於台灣與中國大陸兩岸產業分工日趨廣泛綿密,加上在全球邁向碳限制的願景主導下,兩岸企業所共同面對的碳減量壓力日增。因此,建構兩岸環保服務業交流平台實為當務之急。透過交流平台可建立兩岸溝通管道及交流合作機制,並蒐集彙整有效資訊(兩岸法令、規則、投資障礙),以期協助國內環保服務業擴展中國大陸市場。本計畫旨在協助國內從事「節能減碳」議題之環保服務業拓展大陸相關市場,並調查投入其市場之投資障礙與困境。因此,首要優先探討兩岸環保服務業可相互交流之項目(如溫室氣體盤查、碳足跡、碳中和、ESCO、ISO 50001等),以及如何利用台灣優勢的利基迅速進入大陸市場。其次,本計畫亦秉承總計畫之架構,負責蒐集兩岸在節能減碳方面相關法令規範、市場投資情報與趨勢,另就衍生出執行障礙或困境,適時提出建議對策與意見,以詳實回饋至交流平台,以協助促成兩岸合作推動及活絡節能減碳市場。 Cross-Strait Environmental Service Industry Communication Platform - Energy Saving and Carbon Reduct In view of dividing of industries Between China and Taiwan become more and wider, and the whole world step to the prospect of “carbon limiting”, industries Between China and Taiwan have more and more pressure of carbon reduction to face. Therefore, building “the Environmental Service Industry Cross-Strait Communication Platform” is front burner now. We can build the communication way and cooperation Between China and Taiwan through the communication platform, and collect effective informations (such as the laws, rules and the obstacle of invest Between China and Taiwan ), hope it can assist the environmental service industry in Taiwan to expand into the market of China.The aim of project is to assist the environmental service industries which is engaged in the “Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction” issue in Taiwan to expand into the market of China, and investigate the obstacle and dilemma of stretching into the market of China. Consequently, we have to discuss the issues first that environmental service industries can Communicate Between China and Taiwan (such as GHG Inventory, Carbon Footprint, Carbon Netural, ESCO, ISO 50001 ext..), and know how to use the advantage of Taiwan to expand into the market of China. Secondly, this project will collect the relative laws, informations and trend of market investing of the “energy saving and carbon reduction” Between China and Taiwan, and recommend suggestions of the obstacle and dilemma, then truly feedback to the platform to assist the cooperation of cooperation “energy saving and carbon reduction” Between China and Taiwan. 101 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人台灣綠色生產力基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46381
環保標章與國際接軌之可行性評估專案工作計畫 在所有綠色國際標章中,EPEAT為電子產品類最具影響力的代表,自EPEAT網站指出,美國自2007年起要求政府採購中,須有95 %為EPEAT註冊產品,間接促進了EPEAT制度的發展與推廣,使EPEAT成為目前全球電子資訊產品類別發展最成功的綠色標章。電子資訊產品為臺灣最重要的產業項目,目前國內品牌業者為了滿足國內及國外市場,需分別申請環保標章及EPEAT,面對二套不同的標準及申請程序。臺灣之國際品牌建立不易,這些品牌產品符合EPEAT規格,代表產品已達國際環境要求,面對國內相對較小的市場,卻還得面對另外一套環保標準。若可以在不改變原有環保標章制度下,增設一條路徑,讓品牌業者依同一套環境要求,就可行銷國內外,將可提升業者競爭力。本研究分析結果顯示,現行環保標章產品類別超過百種,而EPEAT現階段產品類別雖僅電腦主機、監視器、筆記型電腦及桌上型個人電腦等四種,但所涉及的採購金額逾兆元新台幣。這四種產品在環保標章與EPEAT環境要求亦有所差距,查證制度前者為先查證後者則為後市場查證。本研究除了維持現有環保標章制度之建議外,另提出三種評估與建議方案:第一、二種分別為將環保標章環境要求完全比照EPEAT、環保標章與EPEAT共通環境要求比照EPEAT,以上二種屬短期建議;第三種則為中長期建議方案,即於國內環保產品中增設「EPEAT資訊產品」類別,此類別之產品項目包括上述四種產品及未來EPEAT規劃納入的八項產品,而環境要求及查證制度皆比照EPEAT。在產品類別、產品環境要求及查證制度都相同的情況之下,透過二者共通的產品註冊與查證單位(即國內「EPEAT資訊產品」驗證單位同時具備EPEAT PRE資格),業者一次申請,即可獲得二種標章,亦即達成臺灣一次認證,多國市場通行的目的。 Feasibility analysis of the adoption of EPEAT to Taiwan Green Mark Among global green mark certification schemes, EPEAT adopted by US government demanding 95 % products must be EPEAT registered is the most influential and successful one since 2007. Electronics and information products are major products for industrial sector. Taiwan brand manufacturers have to apply both Taiwan Green Mark and EPEAT for domestic and international market, respectively. It is not easy for local manufacturers to establish international brands. Although those brands meet EPEAT criteria representing the conformity to international standard, they have to meet local standard for relative smaller market. If we can keep current scheme unchanged and construct another route allowing manufacturers to register once and receive more than one certificate will be helpful to strengthen the competence of local companies. In this report, we analyze the differences between Taiwan Green Mark and EPEAT. It includes the no. of categories (4 vs. 100), environmental regulations for specific products, pre-market or after market investigation strategies. Except the suggestion for retaining current scheme, other suggestions are also made as follows: 1. fully comply with the EPEAT criteria; 2. comply with EPEAT criteria for common items (short term); 3 add an "EPEAT product" category (long term), which includes 4 current product items and 8 future product items. Environmental criteria and investigation strategies are also in compliance with EPEAT. Then, utilizing a common registration and investigation entity i.e., a local certification body is also an EPEAT PRE, applicants are able to apply once and receive two certificates at the same time. A “Taiwan certification once, multi-countries pass” goal is then attained. 101 管考處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42009
101年屏東縣執行水污染許可登記及建檔管理計畫 一、協助案件審查作業及發證作業本工作團隊於101年度協助環保局進行事業許可申請案件,截至12月15日止,共協助審查193件。包含事業新申請案件共71件、重新申請共3件、補發共6件及其他如變更、展延、註銷及廢止共110件。申請種類方面,共分為水污染防治措施57件、排放地面水體許可證39件及簡易排放地面水體許可證107件。二、協助事業水污染源文書檔案管理有鑑於文書資料每年均會增加,以至於檔案室內之空間無法容納這麼多文書檔案,本工作團隊於101年度持續將紙本資料以掃描方式處理,以電子檔方式留存。截至101年12月15日止,所建立的檔數約為2,853件,其進度達成率約為100%,其中以定期檢測申報資料的數量2,245件最多,佔78.7%,其次為文件變更、申請及註銷187件,佔7%。三、協助事業水污染源資料庫建檔及維護作業(一)本計畫針對電腦資料建檔進行相關作業,於101年1月1日至101年12月15日止,本團隊已完成EEMS系統建置共3,207件,其進度達成率約為100%,其中稽查數居多,件數為2,755件,86%,採樣401件,約12%,而處分書為51件,約2%。(二)截至101年度12月15日止,應進行定期申報之單位共有2,238家,其進度達成率約為100%,其中含應網路申報單位共有185家,依行業別統計屏東縣轄內應網路申報之事業單位,其中以食品製造業居多。目前行業別屬事業者,應申報365家,計4家未完成申報,行業別屬畜牧業者應申報1,873家,迄今已申報1,841家,申報率約98%(其中未申報者計有32家,其未申報原因多半係因事業單位目前屬停養狀態)。下水道部分,應申報家數為計有44家,除社區下水道尚有1家未進行申報作業外,其他如工業區下水道、公共下水道及指定地區下水道接已全數完成申報作業。(三)截至101年12月15日止,本年度第一季異常需修正家數為43家數,第二季異常需修正家數為41家數,第三季異常需修正家數為10家數,第四季異常需修正家數為6家數,其進度達成率約為100%,包含「目前廢水排放行為屬有廢水排放,應申請排放許可種類,卻填寫不需申請」類計81筆、「大門口位置或聯絡人、電話空白」類計8筆、「填寫應申請排放許可種類,目前廢水排放行為非屬有廢水排放」類計7筆、與「許可審查情形異常」類計有4筆,佔大多數之異常原因為填寫應申請排放許可種類,目前廢水排放行為非屬有廢水排放及應申請排放許可種類,卻填寫不需申請。四、協助辦理推動化糞池污物定期清理經本團隊彙整屏東縣列管化糞池清理之文書資料顯示,目前縣轄內列管之建築物可分為機關、學校,101年度列管建築物共計475處,至101年12月15日止,共有29處建築物已進行化糞池之清理作業,共清除563.14噸廢棄物。另於化糞池查核作業方面,本工作團隊已於12月7日前完成100場次的化糞池查核作業,其進度達成率為100%。其中從未清理之機關單位計有21家、每年清理1次之機關單位計有34家、每年清理2次之機關單位計有6家、每2-5年清理1次之機關單位計有374家,而有2家委託合格清運機構且近期辦理清理作業。已建議告知機關團體化糞池應定期清理每年1-2次以上。五、辦理宣導說明會本工作團隊至101年12月15日止已完成辦理6場水污染防治法規說明會及3場次化糞池污物清理宣導會,其進度達成率皆為100%,各場次之活動辦理時間為4月16日上午10時、4月26日上午9時、5月4日上午9時、6月14日上午10時、10月25日上午9時及11月8日上午9時,配合養豬協會及其他單位辦理6場次教育宣導會。另於6月29日上午及10月23日上午與下午,辦理3場次建築物污水處理設施(含化糞池)定期清理及省水減污宣導說明會。 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42425
100 年度臺中市機車定檢站管理計畫 本計畫自簽約日100年4月1日起,統計至101年3月26日止,共計12個月,已完成工作項目:機車排氣檢驗站查核部分,定期品質查核共1,225站次、無預警匿名查核602站次、標準氣體比對602站次;提交「臺中市政府辦理機器腳踏車排放空氣污染物檢驗站管理作業要點」草案,並完成草案修正後公告;提交機車排氣檢驗站評鑑辦法及標準,並完成公告;新設機車排氣檢驗站工作方面,已完成甄選計畫公告說明會1場次、甄選說明會4場次、初選結果公告說明會1場次、複選作業1式,共計完成18站新設機車排氣檢驗站之遴選工作;機車排氣檢驗站相關會議部分,共計完成檢驗人員教育訓練4場次、業務聯繫會議2場次;完成移動式定檢巡迴車建置,並辦理戶外定檢72場次,檢驗車輛數達1,534輛;提交停車熄火宣導試辦點4處,辦理宣導作業144場次;辦理保檢合一推動方面,辦理保檢合一示範站SOP訂定審查會議1場次修正維護保養標準作業程序及標準化保養檢驗查核表格且公告之,提交保檢合一抽獎規劃草案;檢驗業務宣導新聞稿公布2篇、製作廣播廣告2則,並播放計250檔次;定檢明信片印製及郵寄通知到檢工作完成共計12個月工作量;辦理年度評鑑表揚大會1場次。計畫整體達成率為100.0%,其執行成果摘要如表一所示。 101 台中市環境保護局 思維環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=37389
101年度台南市政府豬事大吉-清潔養豬改善河川水質效益評估計畫 本計畫執行期程為自決標日(101年4月3日)起至101年12月31日止。主要透過辦理清潔養豬示範宣導座談會時,瞭解本市各畜牧業者設置豬廁所之意願,安排工作人員現勘並彙整安裝設置數量,掌握設置情形及與水體水質間相互關係,藉以瞭解各養豬畜牧場業者需求,並進而輔導建立清潔養豬流程,最後將針對裝設豬廁所之示範戶進行後續廢水處理設置及再利用輔導工作。茲將工作項目及調查結果摘要如下:1、篩選示範養猪戶並設置500個簡易式猪廁所:(1)本計畫所使用之豬廁所係依環保署清潔養豬宣導影片內建議規格,面積為1.0 公尺×1.0 公尺,使用圓形條狀鐵欄杆,高度10 公分,行間距為20及33公分。(2)依問卷及電訪結果,彙整並篩選有意願設置之養豬戶進行現場實地調查,確認13戶示範戶名單及猪廁所設置規劃及數量分配,於101年7月完成500個豬廁所裝設工作。2、辦理宣導說明會:本年度於柳營區、歸仁區、麻豆區辦理4場次「養豬業源頭減量清潔養豬(豬廁所)示範宣導說明會」,議程內容為清潔養豬宣導影片播放、豬廁所設置經驗分享等進行討論。會中發放問卷,針對養豬戶基本資料、其對清潔養豬政策瞭解、配合及現行運作情況,最後為豬廁所安裝意願問卷調查,由問卷資料顯示臺南市轄內養豬畜牧場業者多半認同環保署清潔養豬政策並願意配合辦理。3、設計清潔養豬操作紀錄表單,於安裝豬廁所後每月進行追蹤調查工作,並進行成本效益分析:表單內容包含用水量、廢水量、豬糞收集量、堆肥量、清運量及育成率等。4、指標測站及養猪戶水質採樣工作:本團隊於設置豬廁所前中後進行養豬戶原廢水、放流水水質檢測5次及河川水質測站4次的採樣分析工作。依分析結果發現,各示範戶裝設豬廁所後,於各項污染物排放量皆有所改變。5、輔導改善三段式廢水處理設施及操作,並協助輔導提高固形物清除量:邀請專家學者針對示範戶進行三段式廢水處理設施及豬廁所使用現場輔導工作,現場提供示範戶相關處理及操作建議,並在日後的現況調查中,巡視建議改善事項是否確實改善,於計畫執行期間持續進行輔導。 Assessment on the effectives of the improvement plan for water quality of rivers in cleaning and feeding pig at Tainan in 2012 The project implementation term is from 3th of April to 31st of December in 2011. Mainly, through advocacy forum for clean pig model, the understanding of the pig farm industry set up toilets will in the city, and arranged for staff to inspect the site and collect information of setting whole installation, set to master the situation and with the interrelationship between water quality, in order to understand the pig farm industry needs, and thus guidance on setting up clean pig flow, and finally for the demonstrations of installing toilets set up wastewater treatment and reuse of counseling. A summary of the project works and investigative findings are summarized as follows:1. The selection of pig famer model and set 500 simple type of pig toilet.(A)The project has completed pig toilets which were sized to meet the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan suggested specification which is a measure of 1.0m×1.0m, using the status bar of iron railings, and its height 10 cm above the ground and out spacing of 20 and 33 cm.(B)According the results of questionnaire and phone interview, collecting and selecting the pig farmers, who were willing to step up pig toilet, to implement field survey, and confirm plan and number of establishing pig toilet for the 13 model farmers. 500 pig toilets were established completely in July, 2012.2. holding advocacy description sessions : Completed 4 advocacy description sessions of clean pig model with pig toilet for source reduction in pig farm industry in Liouying, Gueiren, and Madou, Kaohsiung in 2012, the agenda is pig toilet installation and use instructions, playing cleaning pig propaganda video, sharing experience of pig toilet installation. The session has been in the questionnaires. The questionnaire is for the pig farmer’s basic information, their policies and the current operation for clean pig and the final survey of the wishes for the installation of pig toilet. The survey found that least pig famers agreed that EPA cleaning pig farmers policy and the famers are willing to cooperate through the cleaning pig policy.3. Designing the record form of cleaning operation for pig farmer is to track investigative process monthly, and execute analysis of cost efficiency:The form content includes water consumption, waste water quantity, amount of manure collected, compost, clearing waste and breeding rate etc for investigation. The record data is estimated value to be provided from the model farmers.4. Index testing station and water quality sampling for pig farmers: Our team has made 4 times of sampling analysis for waste waster, effluents and river quality. We has made 5 times of sampling analysis for waste waster, before and after establishing pig toilets.5. Guidance to improve the three-step wastewater treatment facilities and operations, and counseling to help improve the solids removal volume: Inviting experts for model farmers implement on-site assistance of three-step wastewater treatment facility and using pig toilets and provide on-site related suggestions in treatment and operation. In the future of field survey, the improvement of inspected matter whether does improve. The experts continue to assist the model farmers. 101 台南市環境保護局 茂琛環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48467
金門縣101年度逸散污染源稽查管制計畫 計畫期間總申報件數計有478件,總申報金額為6,102,347元。另外,經統計,本計畫執行期間,施工中工地共計有880處,其所產生的TSP原始排放量總計為842.8噸,而本計畫共完成2475件次之巡查,並列管其中759處(工地列管率為86.25%),且在經本計畫管制後,管理辦法符合比例為69.4%,而工地的TSP實際排放量為453.65噸(污染削減率為53.83%)。在裸露地調查與改善方面,今年度裸露地調查方向主要是以都會區、人口密集區、重要道路兩側為主,配合林務所環境綠化作業,並利用衛星影像圖進行清查;而計畫執行期間共計新增列管8筆、總新增列管面積為63,600m2。至於在改善方面,截至10月底已改善面積約為47,500m2,改善方式則主要以綠化植生為主。另外在露天燃燒管制方面,今年度共開立5張露天燃燒勸導單,加強勸導效果,;計畫期間共計59件露天燃燒巡查件(詳表5.3-1),其中52件現場發現確實有露天燃燒情形,其中32件正燃燒中,經巡查人員勸導阻止後,立即協助撲滅,有8件巡查人員至現場後無發現行為人,立即撲滅火勢,有12件巡查人於至現場時,火勢已撲滅,剩餘7件則無發現燃燒情形 101 金門縣環境保護局 安勝環境工程技師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45520
101年度執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫 由於台灣市區交通擁擠與過多的交通號誌,使汽機車經常行駛於等停紅綠燈、起步與加速頻繁且擁擠的駕駛環境,因此造成大量無可避免的排污與耗能,不但造成社會大量的成本負擔,機車乘客也身受其害;但若因停車怠速而造成的空氣汙染物排放,卻是可藉由改變駕駛者的停車習慣,而大大減少怠速污染排放與能源消耗。因此建立一套符合我國國內機車廢氣污染物排放管制措施,用來改善空氣品質及提升國人的生活環境刻不容緩。新竹市環保局為配合中央環保署新政策,特訂定本計畫,配合鄰里、社區及學校辦理停車怠速熄火宣導活動,並透過廣播媒體播放及舉辦停車怠速熄火宣導講座及活動,傳遞減緩全球氣候變遷之認知。除此之外,更積極協助公私立機關團體推動相關活動,讓社會大眾支持停車怠速熄火的節能減碳措施,使民眾養成停車後立即熄火之習慣,避免車輛長時間怠速造成空氣污染、減少溫室氣體排放,使全民都能將節能減碳付諸於實際生活中,以提升本市節能減碳之成效,作為全國其他縣市之楷模。 101 新竹市環境保護局 金石山工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45931
101年度機動車輛污染檢驗機構查核專案 本計畫仍依據「機動車輛排放空氣污染物及噪音檢驗測定機構管理辦法」,針對已獲得許可之機動車輛污染檢驗室品質管理系統之各項作業進行監督與輔導。主要目標在於藉由查核工作之進行,了解檢驗室執行品保品管程序,進而提出缺失改善之建議,並藉由實施複查,監督實驗室缺失改善情形,實質而有效達到查核目的。同時由檢驗數據查核了解檢測數據之追溯性與完整性,落實品保品管要求,以提升許可檢驗室之檢驗技術品質,確保檢驗數據之公信力。本年度主要工作成果共七項:(1)完成17家機動車輛污染測定機構完成年度輔導性訪查及複查作業;(2)針對汽油車污染、柴油車污染、機車污染及車輛噪音等4種檢測項目,共完成17家機動車輛污染測定機構75場次之年度相關性測試督導,並符合規定;(3)完成7間車輛噪音測試道之年度場地紋理深度量測並符合規定;(4)完成1場次年度機動車輛污染檢測機構業者及評鑑專家研習會;(5)完成1場次年度機動車輛污染檢測技術訓練及研討會;(6)完成1場次測定人員品保品管訓練課程;(7)完成符合汽油車第五期排放標準測試車輛規格書。 Checking on motor vehicles emission testing institutions 2012 This project was commissioned by the National Institute of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Protection Administration. The project was in accordance with「Regulations Governing Motor Vehicle Air Pollutant and Noise Emission Testing Organizations」to supervise and guide quality management systems for the licensed laboratories. This project was designed to provide improving suggestions to laboratories by annual audit for their quality management system and processes, and to check the improved actions by supplemental audit to assure the objectives of project achieved. Meanwhile, this project was also expected to enhance testing technique and quality of laboratories by checking the traceability and integrality of measurement data to assure the justice of test result. The achievements of this project include: (1) Annual audit and supplemental audit for quality system guidance of 17 laboratories were completed. (2)75 supervisions for correlation testing were completed, including 4 test items of gasoline vehicles exhausting testing, diesel vehicles exhausting testing, motorcycle exhausting testing and noise testing. All results meet the requirement. (3)MTD (mean texture depth) of 7 noise testing tracks were inspected. The results meet the requirement.(4)One symposium was hold for laboratories and assessment specialists.(5)One testing technical training and conference was hold for laboratories.(6)One QA/QC trainings was hold for laboratories.(7) The test vehicle specification meeting the Stage 5 pollutant Emission Standards was completed. 101 環檢所 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41671
推動安定廢棄物填海造島計畫(第一年) 本計畫之目的在於1.推動安定廢棄物填海造島,並規劃一座小型試驗模場,解決最終填埋設施不足問題,同時創造國土,2.辦理廢棄物填海造島政策環評,凝聚國人共識。為解決我國既有陸上掩埋場剩餘容量不足、新闢掩埋場不易之窘境,環保署以配合國家重大商港區興(擴)建或濱海工業區開發計畫,提供無害且安定不適燃之廢棄資源物,以及水庫清淤泥、風災土石、營建剩餘土石等,作為填海造島料源,不但可達成資源循環再利用,補足最終處置不足的缺口,亦可避免原填海造島(陸)計畫抽砂填海造成鄰近海域之二次污染,且可產出新生土地,對環境應屬正面效益。本計畫已蒐集推估我國最終填埋物質之填埋需求量,並就小型試驗模場可能地點篩選規劃其施工方式、海水底部滲透及滲流現地試驗、經費需求評估。且本計畫也依據「政府政策評估說明書作業規範」政策評估項目之評估內容,研擬推動安定廢棄物填海造島政策之評估項目、評估指標及作法,並已於今年3月29日召開1場次範疇界定會議,依前述範疇界定會議決議評估項目計5大項14小項。另為擴大民眾參與,廣納及聆聽民眾之意見,填海造島(陸)政策率先於事業廢棄物清理政策環評推動過程,首創先例結合政策環評與公民共識會議,於8月4日~5日及18日~19日辦理「推動廢棄資源物填海造島(陸)計畫」公民共識會議,達成「分期分階段進行填海造島(陸)」共識。本計畫亦已於8月依第2次執行指導委員會及公民共識會議意見修正完成政策評估說明書初稿,並於8月31日召開「事業廢棄物清理政策環評說明書」諮詢會議。 Promote a stable was reclamation project (first year) The purpose of this project was to 1. Promote a stable land reclamation and plan a small test mode field, to solve the problem of inadequate final landfill facilities, and create more territory, 2. Handle the strategic environmental assessment, gather national consensus. To solve the shortage in remaining capacity of our existing onshore landfill, and the dilemma of difficulty in opening new landfills, in coordination with the construction (expansion) of major national commercial ports or seaside industrial zones development plans, the EPA provided stable, non-flammable waste resources, clean silt from water reservoirs, debris and mud from typhoon and surplus materials from construction sites, and others, as material sources for islands reclamation. In this way, not only resources could be recycled and re-utilized, solving the gap caused by lack of final disposal sites, but it could also prevent secondary pollution to the adjacent sea caused by gravel extraction to be used in the original island reclamation plan, and it can also generate newborn land, which should have a positive effect on the environment. This plan had already collected an estimate of the landfill demand for our final landfill material, and was screening and planning the construction method for small-scale test mode fields at their potential locations, and assessing bottom sea water infiltration, seepage location tests and funding requirements. Also, according to the contents included in the strategic assessment items from the “Government Strategic Assessment Manual Operating Standards”, this plan intended to promote assessed items, indicators and practices in regards to the stable landfill island reclamation policy, and one subcategorization defining meeting had already convened on March 29 of this year; according to the resolution passed during the aforementioned subcategorization defining meeting, assessment items will be a total of 5 major categories and 14 small categories. Also, to broaden populace participation, to solicit and listen to the public opinion, for the first time combining Strategic Environmental Assessment and Consensus Conference, organizing a consensus conference on “Promoting a stable landfill island reclamation project” from Aug. 4-5 and 18-19, reaching a consensus about “Staging phased execution of island (land) reclamation”. Also, according to the opinions of the second executive advising committee and consensus conference in August, this plan had finished to amend the draft of the strategic assessment manual, and had also convened a consultation meeting about “Strategic environmental assessment manual on industrial waste disposal” on Aug. 31. 101 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44409
101年臺中市空氣品質維護綜合管理計畫 65項工作項目依合約規劃之工作進度提早完成,於7月25日完成第一期請款作業,完成工作量為46.6%,符合合約規定之35%;11月25日完成第二期款請款作業,完成工作量為90.5%,符合合約規定之90%,並於102年1月22日完成本計畫最後一項工作「1月份工作會議辦理」,於1月25日提交期末報告初稿及102年1月月報,整體計畫之工作量均已完成。年度最重要之2項成果摘要如下。(一)100年環保署考核成績檢討100年環保署考核成績於101年4月19日公佈,臺中市整體考核成績獲得直轄市優等績效。另空氣品質管理規劃組獲得分組績優。100年考核優點事項:固定源資料庫檢核之合理完整品質良好。完成固定源申報排放量審查比率達100 %。空污費現場查核配合度良好,查核認真並積極參與。主動針對市府所屬之文山焚化廠進行CEMS查核並開單告發,值得肯定。動力計檢測站之到站檢測數為全國最高,淘汰老舊柴油車數量為全國第1,成效良好,請保持。推動工地分區管制,配合空中攝影及網路監控工地。承辦人員與委辦公司之巡查人員對於營建工地及固定污染源十分熟稔,能有效且立即判斷缺失或輔導改善方式。確實執行「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」,未依規定執行改善措施者即進行處分,處分率極高。(二)102年版臺中市空氣污染防制計畫書編撰101年計畫執行最首要工作為協助環保局規劃102年版臺中市空氣污染防制計畫書,內容包含12個章節、2個附錄,並協助辦理公聽會、跨機關單位協調會議,及協助回覆環保署審核意見,歷經2次意見修正,於102年1月2日(環署空字第1020000382號)經環保署同意核備。本版次空氣污染防制計畫書內容詳實完整,獲得環保署肯定,因此臺中市獲邀於101年環保署辦理的全國年終成效檢討會議進行經驗分享報告。 環保署考核、臺中市空氣污染防制計畫書 We delivered 65 tasks ahead of the schedule specified in the contract. Completed the billing for Term 1 on July 25, accounting for 46.6% of the workload, which satisfied the provision of the contract at 35%; completed the billing for Term 2 on Nov. 25, accounting for 90.5% of the workload, which satisfied the provision of the contract at 90%; completed the final task of this project, “holding of meeting on January tasks”, on Jan. 22, 2013. Submitted the draft of the Final report and the 2013 January Report on Jan. 25, with which we completed the project’s workload fully. We are summarizing two main results in this year as follows. (A) Review of 2011 EPA evaluation resultsThe 2011 EPA evaluation results were announced on April 19, 2012; Taichung City received Excellent grading as special municipality in overall evaluation, and a sectional excellence in the category of air quality management planning.1Good quality of reasonably completeness in checking of database for stationary pollution sources; 100% achievement of inspection in report on emission by stationary sources; Good attitude for cooperation on on-site checking of air pollution fees, with serious execution of checking and active involvement; active checking on the municipal Wen-Shan Incinerator for CEMS and reporting on errors, which is recognized; ranking the top in the nation for tests taken at the station of dynamometer test; being number one in the nation for elimination of old diesel vehicles; we advise to keep going. Made happen zonal control of construction sites, with aerial photography and web-cam monitoring exercised. Persons on case and mobile inspectors from commissioned firms were well familiarized with construction sites and stationary pollution sources, and able to identify flaws or counsel in improvement quickly. Carried out to the full the “Regulations on the management of air pollution controlling facility in construction works”, with a high rate of prompt disposal on those failing to improve as specified. (B) Composition of Taichung City air pollution control plan Ver. 2013Of the tasks of 2012 Project, the primary one was to assist EPA in planning on the 2013 version of Taichung City air pollution control plan. While the contents include 12 chapters and two appendices, we also assisted in holding hearings, inter-agency coordination meetings and replying to EPA review comments. After two rounds of comment revision, EPA approved it for reporting (referenced by Huan-shu-kong-zi-1020000382) on Jan. 2, 2013. As this air pollution control plan in writing has detailed and complete contents, which EPA recognizes, the Taichung City Government was invited to share its experiences at the national result review meeting held by EPA for 2012. 101 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49948
101年度台東縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 本計畫自101年3月19日簽約開始執行,至101年11月20日期末報告提送前,總計完成土壤品質調查作業;枯、豐水期34口(包含8口區域性及26口場置性)監測井外觀巡查及維護保養、7口修繕及關山鎮4口監測井廢井作業;51口次定期監測水質(針對26口場置性)與3口民眾陳情地下水採樣分析;加油站第1~3季申報資料審查作業及51站加油站現場查核作業;4場次緊急應變採樣作業及相關行政配合作業。枯、豐水期34口監測井巡查與維護工作之問題以清除周圍雜草落葉覆蓋、水泥平台與警示柱重新上漆,以及告示牌、水泥平台與警示柱修補為主,其它項目如井鎖鏽蝕經過潤滑處理皆達到良好狀況。於巡查完成後針對水泥平台損壞與井牌遺失共計7口進行修繕工作,另針對非100年度設置之18口監測井額外進行井中攝影作業,確認井況情形皆屬良好。而針對關山鎮口蹄疫掩埋區廢井作業,依監測井設置相對位置及井況選擇編號1、2、3、8共4口完成廢井作業。水質調查作業於第一季(4月)枯水期26口監測井完成22口,其中中興路輸油管破裂區3口及池上加油站1口共計4口枯水期因無水可採,已與環保局協商延後執行,於第二季豐水期(8~9月)則26口全部採樣完成,並於11月初針對第一季無水四口進行第二次採樣,但其中V00055井無水可採因此僅完成3口次,共計豐、枯水期完成51口次。中興路輸油管破裂區V00055後續經井中攝影確認遭石礫丟入破壞,建議後續進行廢井。整體枯、豐水期水質分析結果於綠島火力發電廠V00062其TPH-d超過管制標準,該場址已公告為控制場址並提請進行控制計畫,後續關注其濃度變化及改善成效。另針對民眾陳情豐樂工業區進行3口次(V00036~38)水質調查,連同枯、豐水期狀況檢視,豐樂工業區水質皆未超過法規標準,但其中VOCs有部分有檢出,需持續關注其水質狀況。加油站申報審核完成1~3季(4、7、10月),中間申報過程主要多為提醒核對內容及補件後,內容皆已完備,而針對現場查核部分主要缺失為資料不齊或測漏管編號標示不清等,有11家加油站有缺失部分提請改善並經複查確認改善完成。於緊急應變部分完成4場次,第一場為永樂段423地號因地主陳情,採樣進行污染情形確認,採樣結果重金屬銅超過食用作物監測標準,後續責成地主進行改善作業;第二場則因綠島火力發電廠TPH-d檢測數據差異過大,故再行加採一次進行確認其TPH-d仍有污染;第三場為進行永樂段423改善完成驗證,經全場址重金屬驗證未超過法規標準通過驗證;第四場則為利卡夢段608地號非法棄置場址進行土壤污染確認,經確認未有污染。場址管理部分協助成立土水推動小組及設置要點,最後於行政作業配合部分包含於7月11日協助現地評鑑作業,於11月8日完成法規說明會、於6月21日完成第一場監測井設井相關規範教育訓練、11月19日第二場綠色整治及土壤調查教育訓練、資料庫更新及相關執行成果5篇新聞稿之提送。 101 台東縣環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46080
低碳永續家園建構及執行成效考核專案工作計畫 本計畫將依低碳示範城市建構對象之遴選結果,辦理低碳城市觀摩及宣導,並研析縣(市)政府提案之低碳城市建構計畫書內容,蒐集國外各項低碳措施之減量方法,分析國內適用之可行性,並提出可符合MRV之評估建議,據以計算減量成效。並將持續蒐集國外低碳相關之政策與法令,研析低碳城市運作管理機制及政策法令檢討,及研訂地方政府申請低碳城市建構相關補助原則,另外將99年度研擬之「低碳城市推動計畫(草案)」進行持續檢討修。最後,依 馬總統於100年提出之「黃金十年」政策-建構「永續環境」之國家願景,建置我國之低碳永續指標及推動架構,並辦理低碳永續推動措施之執行進度管考。 Project for Creating and Evaluating Implementation Efforts of Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Following the result of the low-carbon cities competition, this project will be continuing to develop the low-carbon cities, including to renew the establish program, CDM methods evaluation, and management models, to collect foreign policies and laws related to low-carbon, analysis low carbon urban management mechanism and policy or act, and the development of related benefits apply for a low-carbon city construction principles of local government. Finally, by the "golden decade" policy-building "sustainable environment" of the national vision, this project will assist to build and promote low carbon sustainable homeland. 101 生態社區推動方案室 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47179
化學迴圈程序處理廢塑膠之技術開發 本研究之主要目的在研發適用於處理廢塑膠之化學迴圈反應器,期能透過化學迴圈程序有效利用熱能、高轉化率等特性,研發低能耗、高效率的廢塑膠處理程序。化學迴圈程序技術主要有幾個關鍵技術,包括載氧體製備、載氧體輸送、反應器設計與參數最佳化等。而應用於固體燃料燃燒時,除了上述技術之外,亦需考慮固體燃料進料是否流暢。因此本研究將透過熱重分析系統、固定床反應器、機械強度測試來了解氧化鐵複合載氧體是否具有良好的特性可應用於化學迴圈程序。本團隊所開發之氧化鐵複合載氧體經過測試後發現具有良好的反應性及可迴圈性;除此之外,亦具有良好機械強度,可連續於化學迴圈反應系統中操作。本研究以聚氨酯(Polyurethane, PU)及聚丙烯(Polypropylene PP)塑膠顆粒作為處理對象,經由熱重分析、熱值分析後具有高熱焓值,可作為燃料使用。此外,PU及PP塑膠顆粒以固體燃料輸送系統在常溫下可穩定流暢地輸送PU及PP塑膠顆粒,並將測試後之參數用於設計處理廢塑膠之化學迴圈反應器。PU及PP塑膠顆粒在900°C下以CO2/O2作為氣化氣體進行空床氣化實驗,氣化後之組成主要為CO及H2,因此PU及PP塑膠顆粒在與載氧體進行燃燒前會先裂解、氣化為氣體燃料再與載氧體進燃燒反應。最後以本計劃所開發之移動床式化學迴圈反應器對PU及PP顆粒進行燃燒實驗,並找出最佳化的化學迴圈程序操作參數,以及透過長時間測試驗證反應器之可靠度。研究成果部分,本團隊開發之氧化鐵複合載氧體具有良好的反應性、可迴圈性及機械強度,並且以可以實際應用於塑膠顆粒燃燒實驗。在PU及PP塑膠顆粒之進料及裂解測試方面,藉由空床實驗及燃燒實驗找到適當操作條件,可完全燃燒進料之塑膠顆粒,並評估反應器處理之效能及經濟評估。在長時間連續燃燒實驗中,PU及PP塑膠顆粒可連續燃燒24小時,並且穩定維持100%的CO2產率。藉由連續操作實驗驗證本團隊開發的移動床反應系統對於塑膠顆粒燃燒的可靠度佳。 Development of Chemical Looping Process on Treatment of Waste Plastics The chemical looping technology applying to waste plastics treatment was developed in this project. The advantages of high conversion of organic species and low energy consumption of chemical looping technology are benefit to treat waste plastics more efficiently. The key techniques including preparation of oxygen carrier, transportation of oxygen carriers between fuel and air reactors and optimal design for waste plastics treatment are essential for development of waste plastic combustion by chemical looping process. The Fe-based composite oxygen carrier was feasible for chemical looping process through preliminary tests by thermogravimetric analysis, fixed-bed reactor and mechanical strength prior to moving bed experiment. Polyurethane (PU) and polypropylene (PP) were used for solid fuels as well as treated plastics in this study. The enthalpies of PU and PP were quite high to employ as fuels for combustion. Besides, gasification of PU and PP particles with empty bed operation were conducted by using CO2/O2 as gasification reactants at 900°C. The components of gaseous fuels were mainly CO and H2. Therefore, PU and PP particles would be decomposed and gasified to be gaseous fuels prior to combustion with oxygen carriers. Finally, PU and PP particles were combusted by the moving bed reactor system developed in this project, and trying to find out the appropriate operation condition in terms of PU and PP combustion and long-term operation to verify the reliability of reactor system. The Fe-based composite oxygen carrier developed for moving bed reactor operation provided with well reactivity, recyclability and strong mechanical strength. The suitable gasification conditions of PU and PP particles were found by empty bed experiments, and applied to the combustion experiments in moving bed experiments. Complete combustion of PU and PP particles were achieved by combusted with Fe-based composite oxygen carrier in moving bed reactor. The combustion performance of moving bed reactor was evaluated for scaling up. Long-term operation for PU and PP particles combustion was last for 24 hours, and 100% of CO2 yield was stably reached. 101 永續發展室 國立台灣科技大學育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40340
101年度臺南市機車排氣定期檢驗站管理計畫 本計畫機車定檢站定期查核目標數為750站次,共完成242站次960站次;定檢站實車查核預計每月查核22站次,計畫目標為242站次,共完成242站次,;不定期查核須查核220站次,實際完成241站次;定檢站之氣體比對預計每月達成22次,計畫目標為242站次,共完成243次,如期完成所有合約量化工作。101年於2月21日、6月3日、9月23日及12月7日共辦理4場次定檢站教育說明會,並辦理10場次定檢站戶外排氣檢驗服務,由定檢站至臺南應用科技大學、南台科技大學、柳營區神農村鎮西宮、大林國宅、臺南市文化中心、崑山科技大學、中華電信及新市區進行戶外排氣檢驗服務,共檢驗290輛車。計畫期間舉辦2場小型宣導活動,已於6月2日在龍崎區竹炭故事館前廣場舉辦「龍崎區【采竹節】產業文化暨阿炭伯新商標發表」;10月15日星期六在臺南市文化中心(臺南市東區中華東路三段332號)舉辦,配合「低碳臺南─幸福家園總動員」活動。各項量化工作進度詳見表一。100年度開放11家新設定檢站已於101年4月開始進行排氣檢驗服務;101年度已有16家業者完成抽籤取得新設站籌設資格,並開始進行第二階段籌設作業。依101年度各項查核結果,進行新年度分級。結果發現:236站定檢站中有104站的升級,上升比例佔全部定檢站的44.1%, D級站數由20站降為6站,76家A級站有59%維持在A級,且A級總站數提升至136站,顯示定檢站分級制度確實促進大部分定檢站品質提升。各定檢站查核缺失主要為過濾器不乾淨(29.5%)及環境不整潔(25.%),皆為可當場立即改善之項目。前者有可能影響檢測品質,但後者對檢測品質不會影響,但會影響民眾觀感。而針對各項缺失進行的複查,則都沒有缺失,顯示定檢站可以確實改善缺失。實車查核發現19站未列印檢驗結果表,5站由非合格人員檢測,1站於檢測中加油門。非合格人員檢測的5站根據情節依法處分,其中4家處以15,000元罰鍰,1家暫停檢驗1個月。中濃度氣體比對結果,以分級看,B級站缺失最多;以測項看,B級站缺失最多。C級與D級反而缺失最少,高查核頻率可能因此促使定檢站維持了排氣檢測儀的品質。本計畫亦建立了臺南市機車定檢站管理系統,其中涵蓋保檢合一系統,已提供各定檢站使用密碼,可提供未來推動保檢合一措施時,各定檢站建檔使用。創新作法中推動定檢站Facebook打卡,以及鼓勵定檢站主動巡查貼單的定檢小蜜蜂活動。Facebook打卡結果分析以年輕族群為主。定檢小蜜蜂部分,大部分定檢站執行數量偏低,且大部分不會到貼單的定檢站回檢,因此定檢站配合意願不高。但也有定檢站執行數量低,但別站貼單的車卻有很多到該站定檢者。顯示單純貼單,並無法有效提升該定檢站檢測數量。若要持續推動,定檢站除應積極巡查貼單外,應針對該站鄰近地區為主,並配合提供優惠措施,才能吸引車主至該站回檢。本計畫並擬定了新設站公開抽籤標準作業程序、保檢合一專案及定檢站保檢合一標準作業程序、定檢站退場機制等,可提供臺南市未來推動定檢站管理業務之參考。 2012 Tainan City management of motorcycle exhausted The goals of this project achieved are as the follow table, and are described as follow.The main duty of the this project for the management of the motorcycle exhausted emission inspection stations at Tainan, based on the data and results of the audit, motorcycle exhausted emissions inspection stations in accordance with the results of appraisal grading, to manage the different levels of motorcycle exhausted emission inspection stations. The objective is to use hierarchical management, improve the quality of Tainan regular inspection station.To keep the quality of the periodic inspection stations, regular and irregular audit were run, and some stations were checked by real motorbike of by standard gas. Due to the audit results, the top stations were praised in the end of the year.We held 4 set points seizure of the education and training, invited scholars, experts, EPA officers, inspection-station workers, representatives of manufacture’s service station and motorcycle trade-association to discuss the execution of the inspection business.This project also provided free inspection service for the colleges and the country area where there is no periodic inspection station. Several propagating activities were held-- all the advertising activities were to remind people and propagate the concept of annual inspection. 101 台南市環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=52090
101年度臺中市低碳城市暨溫室氣體減量推動計畫 本計畫配合臺中市推動低碳城市、溫室氣體減量及接軌國際環保政策,進行相關策略之研擬及推動,依其工作主軸,將十三大項重點內容摘要如下: 一、 蒐集彙整國際城市推動溫室氣體減量及低碳社區發展策略本工作項目主要蒐集國際資訊,提供 貴局相關因應措施建議。現階段已完成日本帶廣市、美國舊金山及英國大倫敦低碳城市發展案例的分析。帶廣市的環保點數機制為可參考的措施之一;舊金山則著重於住商部門的減碳措施,並建立新的條例或規範;大倫敦注重發展商業房產市場的永續方案,研擬能讓房東和租客都願提升建築能源效率的誘因,協助讓可能的綠色商機計畫轉換成投資級別的計畫書以尋求商業投資。二、 協助推動本市低碳城市業務本工作項目主要協助低碳辦公室推動相關業務,完成辦理臺中市跨局處之低碳城市發展工作相關會議4場次。針對本市建構低碳城市六大行動計畫,已提送「臺中市低碳城市規劃策略研析與建議」乙式。協助彙整各局處提交101年度低碳業務考核績效報告及年度考核績效檢討報告。三、 協助辦理國際低碳論壇、積極加入國際環保組織擴展本市國際觀本工作項目旨在制定低碳城市行動綱領,協助低碳辦公室辦理國際交流事務,5月24日完成辦理臺中市低碳城市論壇,參加人數超過300人次,由蔡副市長主持綜合討論;5月21日完成辦理臺中市與美國夏威夷州合作備忘錄簽署記者會;並協助市府團隊首次參加ICLEI暨Rio+20兩項大會,為市府團隊爭取到蔡副市長擔任ICLEI低碳城市分組會議與談人,讓臺中市在國際低碳城市舞台曝光,並與國際知名城市直接面對面經驗交流。辦理臺中市加入國際組織,已協助完成臺中市加入全球市長氣候變遷委員會(WMCCC)。四、 本市低碳城市推廣及相關宣導活動本工作項目旨在進行低碳城市推廣及宣導,依規定每月更新低碳城市專屬網頁,辦理低碳活動平台操作說明會,另完成撰寫專題報導二則,以「低碳綠生活、臺中最樂活」及「草地心、低碳情、擁抱臺中向前行」為題,刊登於卓越雜誌6月號及商業週刊11月23日特刊;完成辦理有線電視媒體專訪節目錄製及製作台中低碳城市推動成果宣導影片;已於101年11月17日舉辦臺中市減重101減碳101年度成果發表暨頒獎活動。五、 參酌國外住商法規,檢討臺中市節能減碳法規制度,提供本市自治法規參考已蒐集舊金山、大倫敦和新加坡案例,在舊金山法規方面,要求住宅擁有權在轉讓前需設置基本的節能節水設施以及要求商業建物之擁有者揭露建築物能源消耗資訊。在誘因機制方面,大倫敦現有的住宅整修機制 (RE:NEW)透過提升民眾對於機制「品牌」的認知度和口碑來提升參與意願。該設計考量在臺中市研擬其他民間誘因或鼓勵機制時可納入參考。新加坡針對住商部門提供之誘因機制可以參考,例如,辦理能源效率管理人員訓練課程,對象為臺中市地方機關人員、學校老師、社區管理人員等,或獎勵回饋購買節能產品之民眾。此外已研擬臺中市低碳城市與綠色成長自治條例(草案)及臺中市大型開發案之低碳行為指導原則(草案)各乙式,提供 貴局參考。六、 辦理能源及工業部門源溫室氣體盤查,掌握產業排放現況已建立固定污染源資訊系統活動數據篩選原則,完成臺中市固定污染源50大排放推估作業,並優先以第三批排放量申報對象及未盤查登錄對象進行10廠的調查確認作業,並已提出與排放量推估之差異原因。同時已自台電公司環保處取得臺中火力發電廠歷年發電量、溫室氣體排放量、改善措施成效及未來規劃改善措施等資訊,完成報告書乙式。七、 蒐研國內外盤查規定,建構城市層級之運輸部門及住商部門之盤查標準機制已完成住商及運輸部門各三式報告,住商部門已研析亞太地區的香港、加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省及澳洲,運輸部門已研析美國大芝加哥市、加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省及中國北京市,分析上述蒐研之國外資訊並將其與我國現行指引互相比照,並進行探討,並提出適宜臺中市之盤查及查驗機制之建議。八、 辦理社區、機關、學校或商圈商店之節能評估及改善示範作業已追蹤220處100年度輔導對象,其中59%的社區已進行部分改善,節電量約887,367 (kWh/年),節省電量佔全數受輔導社區過去一年總用電量的3.96%,節省成本約317萬(元/年),減碳量達672 (公噸CO2e/年);未進行改善措施之社區,主要原因包括改善經費不足,亦或是待現有設施損壞後再進行更換。商家部分已完成40處追蹤作業,共有15處有進行改善,節電量總計為52,616 kWh/年,減碳效益為32,200公斤CO2e,未改善原因主要包含店面遷址、已呈報總公司然需待總公司做整體規劃後分批改善以及經費不足等問題。已完成120處社區節能減碳診斷輔導作業,如社區採用建議措施則預估其輔導效益節電量為1,552,085度電/年,減碳792公噸CO2e/年,節省成本約9,00萬元。同時並完成4處公務機關與4處商圈商店能源使用盤查評估,包含臺中市政府大樓電梯。而代表性建物部分已在臺中大遠百裝設EARTH系統,相關節電量需待資料蒐集完備後再另行補充。九、 協助獎勵補助低碳社區及住商部門改造作業社區補助作業已受理共253件申請文件,並共完成初審作業151件,初勘作業則進行150件,共10處現勘後取消資格,已完成140處完工查驗,節能減碳效益約可節電1,664,094.6 (kWh/年),減碳1,018.43 (公噸CO2e/年),節省支出549.2(百萬元/年),補助金額累計為4,329,646元,社區自行負擔共4,472,111元。另推動低碳連鎖超商認證機制,已擬訂「臺中市低碳商店認證機制」乙式,並於10月底完成辦理11家示範商店的低碳商店現場認證審查作業,其中10家取得低碳商店認證,分別為全聯福利中心旅順店與逢甲店、全家便利商店的臺中民主店、臺中惠中店、太平育仁店、潭子榮興店、潭子真興店、潭子甘蔗店、大雅有春店,以及大雅神林店。十、 辦理低碳社區認證,建立社區減碳機制已蒐研國內外低碳社區評估指標與其他相關指標,研擬「臺中市101年度低碳社區認證標章作業規範(草案)」,諮詢相關領域專家意見修正後公告執行;已完成辦理臺中市101年度低碳社區認證,共12家社區報名,經二階段書面審查與現場複審後,遴選出5處獲得低碳社區認證,分別為大安區龜殼社區、北區龍邦登峰21大廈社區、太平區星采樓社區、北區科博京隱社區以及西屯區麗景天地摘星樓社區,並於11月17日進行公開表揚,頒發獎牌乙面與獎金參萬元整。。十一、 整合本市各部門別溫室氣體排放資料已完成100年臺中市溫室氣體盤查報告書初稿,100年度溫室氣體總排放量為27,724.18千公噸二氧化碳,以能源部門中工業能源使用排放量最高,約佔總排放量之47.8%。以低碳城市之推估項目,扣除工業能源及製程排放後,100年度溫室氣體總排放量為10,134.45千公噸二氧化碳,人均排放量為3.8公噸二氧化碳。十二、 辦理獎勵「節電省水」及「節能減碳好悠遊」競賽及抽獎活動為鼓勵民眾節能減碳生活習慣,於6月5日發布「節電省水」及「節能減碳好悠遊」競賽及抽獎活動訊息。「節電省水」達人兌獎活動至7月15日2,500份佰元商品禮券已全數發放完畢;「節電省水」活動期間報名件數共3,043件,水費收據共計970件,電費收據共計2,073件。整體用水與用電節省比例皆以11~20%占總件數比例最高,分別達29.59%及35.50%,本次節電省水活動之水電節省之減碳量分別為1,922公斤133,387度,減碳量約135,309公斤。「節能減碳好悠遊」競賽活動共計有534人已上網登錄報名參與競賽,整體總減碳量約65,151公斤。節電省水及節能減碳抽獎活動,符合資格參加抽獎數量分別為3,043件數及238名,並於101年11月12日辦理抽獎活動,共抽出139名得獎者。十三、 配合環保署辦理節能減碳績效評比相關作業已完成18區區公所及6處局處實施十大無悔措施成效追蹤。水電號新增17,855筆、部落格更新30篇。辦理12場次節能減碳相關宣導活動,並於綠網發佈活動成果。推動節能減碳行動標章相關作業,已完成10個輔導社區單位行動標章相關申請作業,共4個社區單位取得認證。配合環保局獎勵「節電省水」及「節能減碳好悠遊」競賽及抽獎活動,設計印製共計1,000份宣傳海報,提供局裡進行活動期間宣傳之用。此外,搭配市府團隊參與ICLEI與Rio,已設計印製低碳城市中英文文宣1,000份,提供外賓與臺中市民了解低碳城市相關作為。已完成2,000份宣導品製作,並已提供環保局於各類節能減碳宣導活動發放使用。 101 台中市環境保護局 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42387
25個社區故事專書出版專案工作計畫 為呈現台灣各地方社區運用在地資源,自動自發投入社區環境保護及倫理建設的溫馨、感人事蹟,藉由專書出版,以說故事方式闡述25個社區為營造清潔、舒適的生活環境而努力,除了肯定他們的用心外,也希望將推動環境保護卓有績效之經驗介紹給國人,進而成為大家學習典範。 101 綜計處 台灣赫斯特出版股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41280
環境教育能力指標暨全民環境素養調查專案工作計畫 一、環境教育旨在透過教育提昇個人環境素養為目標,期以本計畫建立環境素養評估之指標及工具,進行臺灣地區全民環境素養調查,並研擬適合國人之環境教育核心能力與能力指標。二、提交研究成果移轉至環境教育法推動業務內,落實支援機制,並達到全面性持續推廣環境教育之目的。 Environmental education capacity indicator and General environmental literacy survey project. In order to enhance the Environmental Literacy of citizens and to establish a sustainable development of our living conditions in Taiwan, we hope each citizen can be provided with correct environmental knowledge, positive attitudes, and proactive actions.By this project, we can not only set an unique Environmental Literacy guideline of Taiwanese but also construct several education levels which can correspond with each adult and suit with their abilities. In addition, students who come from different grades, teachers and officials, all become the targets of this project. According to the results of an investigation, we expect that it can provide some usable methods to provoke the environmental policy which helps to promote the environmental education.The final working items are presented as follows:1.Construct the Environmental Literacy standard guideline and Survey Scales of Taiwanese.Reviewing literatures on the Environmental Literacy from foreign country, including the United States, Japan, and Australia. Moreover, we also search for plenty reliable domestic researches to be reference resources. To carry out the Environmental Literacy standard guideline and survey scales. Apart from students who come from different grades, such as elementary school students, junior high school students, senior high school students, and university students, we also choose teachers and officials as our targets of this project. The pre-test was estimated by twenty experts and all our team members. The data were checked by Statistical analysis2.Implement a survey of citizens’ Environmental Literacy in Taiwan.Sampling and planning pre-test for our seven groups of targets. The survey was set from September to October, and we accomplished 115,990 valid questionnaires before the middle of November.3.Design a regular survey of the Environmental Literacy.Inviting plenty scholars who devoted to the environmental education and statistics to take part in the discussion. The topics include four fields, including national survey of the Environmental Literacy, how degrees of citizens interested in or concern about the environmental education, the learning situations of different educational environments and to set up a database platform of our project.4.Define the Environmental Literacy and the degree of learning contents of adult.Inviting 83 experts who come from different regions, including government authority, non-government organizations and education scholars to Focus Groups Discussion Performance which held in Northern district, Middle district and Southern district of Taiwan. The purpose of Focus Groups Discussion Performance was to summarize compatible opinions about the environmental learning ability and contents for adults. Furthermore, these materials were assessed by 10 practical experts. Finally, we synthesized useful information on the topic of Environmental Literacy. 101 綜計處 世新大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46870
生物慢毒性方法驗證及在污染調查上之應用 本計畫之主要重點為驗證羊角月牙藻 (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) 及水蚤 (Daphnia magna) 的二種慢毒性方法草案,並提出修正建議,另一重點為制定魚類慢性毒性方法之草案,並完成技術轉移。本計畫分別以五次參考毒物與五件環境樣品 (河川A、B、與工業排放水C、D、E) 對三種草案進行驗證,使用的水生生物包括羊角月牙藻 (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata)、水蚤 (Daphnia magna) 及鯉魚 (Cyprinus carpio)。羊角月牙藻慢毒性試驗以硫酸銅為參考毒物,96 小時的生長半抑制濃度 (IC50) 平均值為61.61 g/L,標準差為8.82 g /L;五件環境水樣的IC50分別為 >100%、>100%、19%、42% 及 >100%。此外,水蚤慢毒性試驗以氯化鈉為參考毒物,21 天的半數致死濃度 (LC50) 平均值為2.88 g/L,標準差為 0.61 g/L;25% 生殖抑制濃度 (IC25) 平均值為 1.62 g/L,標準差 1.40 g/L;IC50平均值為 2.24 g/L,標準差 1.28 g/L;五件環境樣品的LC50 為>100%、55.9%、12.1%、>100%及 47.2% ;IC25為:>100%、81.7%、8.3%、59.7%及 >100%;IC50為:>100%、>100%、11.8%、>100% 及 >100%。鯉魚的慢毒性試驗也使用氯化鈉為參考毒物,14 天的LC50 平均值為6.84 g/L,標準差0.33 g/L;IC50其平均值為0.94 g/L,標準差為:0.56 g/L;五件環境樣品的LC50為 >100%、>100%、>100%、56.1% 及 >100%;IC50為 >100%、43.9%、>100%、4.9% 及 >100%。同時也以青鱂魚 (Oryzias latipes) 胚胎進行毒性測試,以硫酸銅為參考毒物進行五次試驗,其LC50平均值為 0.21 mg/L,標準差為0.06 mg/L。根據以上試驗結果,已經對於羊角月牙藻及水蚤兩種慢毒性驗證方法上給予修正建議外,也訂出魚類慢毒性試驗方法草案,並提供其他模式魚種的試驗結果做對照。 The verification of chronic toxicity tests and their applications in pollution investigation The two focuses of this project were to: 1. Verify two methods of chronic toxicity tests that using algae Selenastrum capricornutum and daphnid Daphnia magna to be tested organisms, and 2. Developing a test method for chronic toxicity of fish.In this project, the organism was tested with 5 reference toxicants and 5 environmental samples (river A and B, and industrial discharge water C, D, and E) to determine the chronic toxicities. The tested organisms included freshwater algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, daphnid Daphnia magna, and carp, Cyprinus carpio. For test of algae, copper sulfate was used as a reference toxicant, and the 96-hr half-inhibitory concentration (IC50) was 61.61 g/L in average with standard deviation of 8.82 g/L. The IC50 of the 5 water samples on the algae were >100%, >100%, 19%, 42% and > 100% as dilution ratios. In addition, sodium chloride was used as a reference toxicant for daphnid, and the 21-d median lethal concentration (LC50) was 2.88 g/L in average with standard deviation of 0.61 g/L; 25% reproduction inhibitory concentration (IC25) was 1.62 g/L in average with standard deviation of 1.40 g/L; IC50 was 2.24 g/L with standard deviation of 1.28 g / L. The chronic toxicities of the 5 environmental samples to the daphnids were listed as following: LC50 >100%, 55.9%, 12.1%, 100%, and 47.2%; IC25 were >100%, 81.7%, 8.3%, 59.7% and >100%; IC50 were > 100%, 100%, 11.8%, 100% and 100%. Moreover, sodium chloride was also used as a reference toxicant for carp, and the 14-d LC50 were 6.84 g/L in average with standard deviation of 0.33 g/L; IC50 was 0.94 g/L in average with standard deviation of 0.56 g/L. The chronic toxicities of the five environmental samples were: LC50, >100%, 100%, 100%, 56.1%, and 100%; IC50, > 100%, 43.9%, 100%, 4.9%, and >100%. Besides, chronic toxicity on embryo of medaka fish was also evaluated. In the study, copper sulfate was used as a reference toxicant, and the LC50 was 0.21 mg/L in average with standard deviation of 0.06 mg/L.Based on the tested results, we proposed a few recommendations for modification of the test methods for the microalgae and the daphnia. The draft of chronic test for carp was also given in this report. 101 環檢所 國立嘉義大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41955
兩岸資源再生環保服務業交流平台計畫 保部等中央部會及地方政府所頒布有關資源再生之法令給予蒐集彙整,刊載於環保署兩岸環保服務業交流平台─資源再生網頁,提供國內民眾或企業參考。同時瞭解大陸對廢棄電子電器產品訂定基金徵收與補貼制度,並與台灣法令作對照分析。蒐集過去赴大陸投資的20家台灣資源回收再生廠商所面臨的投資障礙以及目前的廠商實際運作現況。洽詢廠商有關需政府協助解決之問題(包含:租稅、進出口管制、貨源、智慧財產、法制不彰、人力成本增加等障礙類別)。評析台灣資源回收廠商於未來大陸市場之潛在優勢(如台商於回收過程中較注重環保拆解、再生料品質、工安衛及環境管理等,於大陸市場較具優勢)與弱勢(資金、環保法規、地方人脈)。配合環保署兩岸環保服務業交流平台計畫,已完成上傳超過百筆資源再生相關投資情報或相關交流活動及活動成果等訊息至兩岸環保服務業交流平臺,提供台商進入大陸市場投資前評估之參考依據。赴大陸浙江省杭州市參加「促進兩岸資源循環產業發展研討會」,並於研討會中分享台灣資源再生現況及成果,會後並參觀台商投資之回收處理及有害廢棄物處理廠,另赴山東省濟南市參加「第五屆山東綠色博覽會」與「第二屆台魯環保論壇」,會後並與當地大陸官員及轄區內各縣市環保局局長作雙向交流,給予台商正向鼓勵,並建立台商與大陸官方雙方溝通之橋樑。此外,邀請台灣資源再生業界針對赴大陸投資辦理1場次國內資源再生回收專家、業者座談會,蒐集業者投資大陸市場經驗交流。作為環保主管機關施政之參考。 Cross Strait Envionmental Service of the Recycling Resources Communication Platform 1.Collect the Act or regulation of recycling resources issued by National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Information Industry, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and other central ministries and local governments in mainland .Compile those regulation or Act on the Taiwan-EPA “cross strait of the environmental services industry platform website—recycling resources”.To assess waste electrical and waste electronic products management control fund levy and subsidy system in the mainland, and compare with the laws of Taiwan.2.Collect investment in the mainland over the past 20 resource recycling manufacturers are facing barriers to investment, and the current the manufacturers actual operation of the existing state. Contact the manufacturers need government to help solve the problem (includes: tax, import and export controls, supply, intellectual property, legal system's poor performance in labor costs and other obstacles category). Comment Taiwanese recycler in the mainland market potential advantages (such as Taiwan businessmen in the recycling process more environmentally friendly dismantling, recycled material quality, work safety and health and environmental management to be more effective in the mainland market) and vulnerable (financial, environmental protection regulations, local human resource).3.Taiwan-Environmental Protection Agency-Cross strait of the environmental services industry platform program has finished uploading more than one hundred recycling resources related investment intelligence or related exchange activities and results of the activities of the message to the cross-strait environmental services platform, to provide Taiwan recycling industries to enter the mainland market before investing assessed reference.4.Participate in the promotion of cross-strait resource recycling industry development seminar "in mainland China, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and seminars to share the regeneration of the current situation and the outcome of Taiwan's recycling resources, and visit a recycling and hazardous waste treatment plant.The other went to Jinan City, Shandong Province to participate in the "5th Shandong green Expo" and "Taiwan Lu environmental Forum", and for two-way communication with the local waste management officials and within the jurisdiction of county and city environmental Protection Bureau, to give Taiwan industial forward encourage and the establishment of Taiwan and Shandong official communication between the two sides of the strait.5.In addition, the invited resource recycling industry in Taiwan to apply for a screening of domestic resources for investment in the mainland consumer recycled experts, industry seminars to collect industry to invest in the mainland market exchange of experience. As a reference for the Taiwan-environmental protection authorities. 101 基管會 台灣區再生工業同業公會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53627
航空噪音管制計畫 各國在航空噪音管制與防制方面不斷進行努力,而我國在這方面需加強蒐集國外之文獻資料,以做為我國之參考;而國內各機場航空噪音監測站及監控(測)中心缺失有待改進之處甚多,希望透過輔導縣市政府辦理航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核工作,提升航空噪音監測之品質,並依據查核結果擬具相關改善因應措施方案。另外辦理INM7.0講習訓練,航空噪音監測資料判讀工具訓練會,維護並更新航空噪音監測資料判讀工具之功能及更新「航空噪音防制補助資料庫」,讓各機場噪音防制補助經費資訊公開透明化,故本計畫以蒐集近5年國際各國航空噪音環保措施與作法之最新發展、輔導縣市政府辦理航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核工作,提升航空噪音監測之品質、維護並更新航空噪音監測資料判讀工具之功能,以供縣市環保局查核使用為本計畫目標。今年度航空噪音管制計畫工作成果包括:一、完成蒐集國際民航組織(ICAO)、歐盟、以及國外各主要國家和環境保護主管機關近年之航空噪音環保政策、策略與目標,並建議我國未來努力方向,亦蒐集最新國外航空噪音評估指標、標準及分析比較與蒐集國際相關航空噪音對人體影響之文獻資料。二、完成輔導縣市環保局執行4處機場航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核。三、完成1場次航空噪音監測查核程序協調說明會。四、依據查核結果,完成1場次相關改善因應措施方案說明會。五、辦理完成INM7.0講習訓練。六、辦理完成三場次航空噪音監測資料判讀工具訓練會。七、完成維護並更新航空噪音監測資料判讀工具之功能(包括飛航動態欄位名稱、型式及欄位寬度稽核是否符合定義、每秒/每小時/每日/每月/每季/一年噪音監測資料格式(1)欄位名稱、型式及欄位寬度是否符合定義。(2)有效蒐集秒數稽(查)核。(3)事件曝露音量稽(查)核。)八、完成更新航空噪音防制補助資料。 “Aviation Noise Control” Project While various countries are continually endeavoring to make improvements in aviation noise control and prevention, we need to strengthen our endeavors to collect related literature and documents to serve as a reference for our country. Since there is still much room for improvement regarding the performance of various aviation noise monitoring stations and centers at airports in our country, the Project aims to assist county (city) governments in conducting performance check-up of aviation noise monitoring stations and centers, enhancing the quality of aviation noise monitoring, and formulating related improvement measures based on the results of those check-ups. In addition, the Project also needs to conduct training programs on INM7.0 and auxiliary tools for aviation noise data interpretation, as well as upgrade the functions of auxiliary tools for aviation noise data interpretation and update the “Aviation Noise Control Subsidy Databases” in order to make the information on noise control subsidies for airports transparent to the public. Therefore, the Project plans to collect the latest development of measures and practices in aviation noise control and environmental protection adopted at various international airports during the past 5 years, assist and guide county (city) governments to conduct performance check-up of various aviation noise monitoring stations and centers in order to enhance the quality of aviation noise monitoring, maintain and upgrade the functions of auxiliary tools for aviation noise data interpretation to serve as a reference for county (city) Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs) when conducting check-ups.The results of 2012 Aviation Noise Control Project include:1. Completed collecting policies, strategies and objectives on aviation noise control and environmental protection adopted by ICAO, EU and the environmental protection competent authorities of major countries in recent years, recommending future directions for related development in our country, and collecting the latest aviation noise evaluation indicators and standards implemented in major countries, as well as collecting and comparatively analyzing the literature and documents concerning the impact of aviation noise on the human body.2. Completed assisting and guiding county (city) EPBs to conduct performance check-up of aviation noise monitoring stations and centers at four (4) airports.3. Completed a coordination meeting on aviation noise monitoring check-up procedures.4. Completed an explanation session for related improvement measures recommended based on check-up results.5. Completed a training program on INM7.0.6. Completed 3 batches of training course on auxiliary tools for aviation noise data interpretation.7. Maintained and upgraded the functions of auxiliary tools for aviation noise data interpretation (including whether or not the name, type and width of flight progress field comply with definition, and the format of noise monitoring data per second/ hour/ day/ month/ season/ year (1) whether or not the name, type and width of the field comply with definition, (2) check-up of effective collection time (number of seconds), (3) check-up of event noise exposure.)8. Updated the “Aviation Noise Control Subsidy Databases”. 101 空保處 環境永續工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41953
101年度雲林縣離島工業區紅外線連續監測及有害污染物調查計畫 本計畫於101年4月2日開始執行,工作規劃內容包括針對離島工業區鄰近敏感點位進行紅外線連續監測(OP-FTIR)共計180天,及針對離島工業區區內及區外地區進行有害污染物檢測作業,其內容包括有:揮發性污染物(VOCs)、多環芳香族化合物(PAHs)及金屬元素。藉著由本計畫之有效執行,建立離島工業區鄰近敏感點位之背景濃度資料,以作為後續監測資料比對之依據,進而瞭解離島工業區對其鄰近區域之影響程度。本年度計畫各工作項目執行成果,主要如下:(一)結合離島工業區既有監測資源,以進行污染源釐清作業。本計畫運用有害空氣污染物檢測作業補足風險評估計畫樣品數的不足,後續所得到的分析與氣象數據資料皆會以電子檔案的形式提供給風險評估計畫使用。另於污染源釐清方面,工作團隊彙整週邊台西光化站數據,並蒐集陳情計畫之陳情彙整資料、離島整合計畫之檢測資料予以比對。(二)透過紅外線連續監測作業,探討不同季節下,離島工業區對其周圍環境之影響程度。本計畫以兩部OP-FTIR於本縣離島工業區周界豐安測線及南門測線進行至少180天的監測,其結果分述如下:1.豐安測線:本測線以乙烯、丙烯及氨之最大濃度為相對較高。在歷次豐安測線監測結果中,平均濃度以氨17.64 ppb為最高,丙烯為10.72 ppb,乙烯為8.63 ppb;非0平均濃度以乙烯276.34 ppb為最高,丙烷為199.53 ppb,丙烯為149.79 ppb;出現頻率則以氨為歷次均有測得,其出現頻率最高達72.82 %。2.南門測線:本測線主要以乙烯及丙烯之最大濃度為相對較高。在歷次南門測線監測結果中,平均濃度以丙烯76.35 ppb為最高,乙烯為36.77 ppb;非0平均濃度以丙烯329.24 ppb為最高,乙烯為226.55 ppb,丙烷為103.91 ppb;出現頻率則以乙烯、丙烯及氨為歷次均有測得,其出現頻率最高分別可達29.24 %、25.16 %及42.46 %。(三)擴充CO2監測設備,探討工業區內外CO2濃度分布情形。本計畫已於101年6月28日設置完成3套CO2監測設備設置,分別位於六輕北門宿舍、尚德國小及橋頭國小。統計本縣5站CO2監測設備監測結果,各站平均值以新興國小測點462.21 ppm為相對較高,六輕南門宿舍測點423.79 ppm為相對較低;日、夜分鐘值之最大值均以廠區周界之六輕北門宿舍及六輕南門宿舍測點為較高,顯示CO2濃度可能有受到廠區影響。(四)調查離島工業區廠區中多環芳香烴化合物(PAHs)之濃度變化趨勢及分佈特性。離島工業區廠區PM2.5微粒中總多環芳香烴化合物(T-PAHs)在各季節之濃度變化趨勢分別為秋季>夏季>春季。可能的工業區PAHs(Ind-PAHs)為NaP、ACPy、ACP、FLU、ANTHR、PHE及FLT,而落塵中Ind-PAHs也有相同的趨勢;此外,屬於移動汙染源的Me-PAHs也是具有較高的特性,日間濃度約是夜間的2倍。PCA分析顯示污染源貢獻為工業製程、煉焦廠、石油燃燒及交通源。(五)建立離島工業區廠區中PAHs之指紋特性。就目前數據顯示,離島工業區廠區中的指紋特性在Ind-PAHs可能為NaP、ACPy、ACP、FLU、ANTHR、PHE、FLT及Me-PAHs。(六)調查雲林地區PAHs之濃度變化趨勢及分佈特性。鄰近工業區及遠離工業區區域PM2.5微粒中T-PAHs在各季節之濃度變化趨勢分別為秋季>夏季>春季。根據目前的結果顯示鄰近工業區區域Ind-PAHs具有傳輸的現象;此外,BkF、BeP、IND及BghiP等PAHs具有較高的比例。在遠離離島工業區區域,主要的PAHs物種為交通來源的Me-PAHs及PYR、BaA及ANTHR等。根據PCA統計分析結果,鄰近工業區區域會受到工業區的工業製程、煉鋼廠、焚化爐、交通源及燃煤電廠或生質燃燒等影響;遠離工業區區域(元長),受到附近的元長工業區、日友公司醫療廢棄物焚化爐、交通源及生質燃燒等影響。(七)評估離島工業區PAHs排放對雲林各地區其PAHs之影響。就目前數據顯示,離島工業區Ind-PAHs排放可能影響區域為鄰近工業區,包括工業製程、煉焦廠、交通源及燃煤電廠或生質燃燒。(八)於離島工業區附近區進行空氣中有害空氣污染物之監測,並提供風險評估計畫作為後續評估考量。本計畫之有害空氣污染物檢測工作主要為揮發性有機氣體、PAHs及金屬元素檢測,除前述PAHs之結果外,其餘各項結果說明如下:1.揮發性有機氣體:本年度檢測結果中,經常測得之物種分別為丙酮、2-丁酮、甲苯、丙烷及甲醇,而在距離離島工業區10公里範圍內的測點(新興國小、海豐分校、豐安國小及崙豐國小)所測得之物種數量明顯較多且濃度相對較高,其中正己烷、乙苯及乙腈均為10公里外之測點所未測得,而二氯甲烷及2-丁酮則是明顯高於其他範圍測點之濃度。此外,本年度於區內共執行12點次的檢測,相對於區外檢出的14種化合物,區內共計檢出26種化合物,其中包含1,3丁二烯、1,2-二氯乙烷及丙烯腈等,乃為離島工業區之指標污染物。2.金屬元素:PM2.5微粒中重金屬總濃度的季節分佈顯示,與PM2.5濃度有相同的趨勢,秋季>夏季>春季;由目前結果本計畫可推估可能的工業區重金屬(Ind-metal)為Ni、Cu、Cr、Co、Cd、Se及Hg The Infrared continuous monitoring and the survey of harmful air pollutants in Yunlin County on 2012 This project started on year 2012 April 2nd, which included two fixed locations to conduct the infrared continuously monitoring (OP-FTIR) for 180 days on the one hand, and one the other to conduct harmful pollutants detection operations within and outside the region which include: the volatile contaminants (VOCs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and the metal elements for offshore industrial zone. The establishment of offshore industrial zone adjacent sensitive background concentration data as the basis for subsequent monitoring and for further understanding offshore Islands Industrial Zone and its impact on neighboring area through the effective implementation of this project were mostly achieved. This project was completed as follows:1. it integrated the offshore industrial zone’s monitoring resources to identify the pollution sources.This project used hazardous air pollutants data to supplement the insufficient sampling number of the risk assessment plan and follow-up analysis and meteorological data were provided in the form of electronic files to the risk assessment plan. In other aspect of clarifying pollutants, the working team collected data surrounding Taihsi photochemical station, aggregated petition information, and compared detection information around outlying islands.2. It used infrared continuously monitoring operations to explore the offshore industrial zone’s impact on its surroundings in different season. This project applied two OP-FTIRs to measure Feng An and Nan Men two survey lines for at least 180 days and the results summarized as follows:2.1 Feng An survey line: This line showed the maximum concentration of ethylene, propylene and ammonia to be relatively high. In previous monitoring results, the average concentration of ammonia got the highest 17.64 ppb, then propylene to 10.72 ppb and ethylene to 8.63 ppb. The non-zero average concentration for the highest was ethylene 276.34 ppb, then propane to 199.53 ppb, propylene to 149.79 ppb. From this line, ammonia appeared frequently and its frequency of occurrence up to 72.82%.2.2 Nan Men survey line: This line showed the maximum concentration of ethylene and propylene to be relatively high. In previous monitoring results, the average concentration of propylene got the highest 76.35 ppb and ethylene to 36.77 ppb. The non-zero average concentration for the highest was propylene 329.24 ppb, then ethylene to 226.55 ppb propane to 103.91 ppb. The previous frequency of occurrence by ethylene, propylene and ammonia were measured up to 29.24%, 25.16% and 42.46% respectively.3. The expansion of CO2 monitoring equipment’s explored CO2 concentration distribution inside and outside industrial zone.This project completed 3 sets CO2 analyzers on June 28th 2012 respectively located in the Sixth Naphtha North Gate Dormitory, Shang Der and Giau Tou Elementary Schools.From collected data of Yulin county's five stations’ CO2 analysers , the Xinsin Elementary School showed its 462.21 ppm relatively high data compared with the average data of each station and the Sixth Naphtha South Gate Dormitory quarters showed its 423.79 ppm relatively low data. The maximum day and night value/minute were in Sixth Naphtha Cracker Factory perimeters including North Gate and South Gate dormitories which showed higher CO2 concentration may have been a factory impact.4. It investigated trends and distribution characteristics of offshore industrial zone factory in the concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).The seasonal concentration trend of PM2.5 particles of T-PAHs in offshore industrial park showed autumn > summer > spring. Possibly industrial area of PAHs (Ind-of PAHs) was consisted by NaP, ACPy, ACP, FLU, ANTHR, PHE and FLT; Ind-of PAHs in the dust also appeared the same trend. In addition, Me-PAHs belonged to mobile pollutant had the higher characteristic and daytime concentration had been about double compared with night time concentration. PCA analysis showed that the pollutants contribution from the industrial process, coking plants, oil combustion and traffic sources.5. It established the PAHs’ fingerprint characteristics on offshore Islands industrial zone.The current data showed that fingerprint characteristics of offshore industrial park in Ind-PAHs were possibly consisted by NaP, ACPy, ACP, FLU, ANTHR, PHE, FLT, and Me-PAHs.6. It investigated PAHs’ concentrations trends and distribution characteristics of the Yunlin area.The seasonal concentration trend of T-PAHs of the PM2.5 particles in neighboring industrial areas and away from the industrial area showed autumn> summer> spring. According to the current results showed that Ind-PAHs in the neighboring industrial area has transmission phenomenon; additionally, PAHs of BkF, BeP, IND and BghiP took the higher proportion. Away from the offshore industrial area, the main classification of PAHs was traffic sources of Me-PAHs PYR, BaA, ANTHR, etc. According to the result of the PCA statistical analysis, the neighboring industrial area would be affected by the industrial process of the industrial area, steelworks, incinerator, traffic sources and coal-fired power plants or biomass burning; away from the industrial area (Yuan-Chang) was affected by the nearby Yuan-Chang industrial area, the Sunny Friend medical waste incinerator, traffic sources, and biomass burning.7. It assessed the offshore industrial zone’s PAHs emissions impact on Yunlin.The current data showed that the emission of Ind-PAHs in the offshore industrial area might affect nearby industrial areas including industrial process, coking plants, traffic sources, and coal-fired power plants or biomass burning.8. It provided the monitoring result of hazardous air pollutants in the offshore industrial zone and the follow-up risk assessment.The measurement of hazardous air pollutants in this project mainly including VOCs, PAHs and metal elements, the results as follows:8.1 Volatile Organic Compounds: this year's measured compounds of testing result were acetone, 2 - butanone, toluene, propane and methanol, and the measured distance in the offshore industrial zone within 10 km (Xinsin Elementary School, Haifeng Elementary School Branch, Feng An Elementary School and Lun Feng Elementary School) showed the number of measured species were significantly more and relatively high concentration, in which n-hexane, ethyl benzene and acetonitrile were not measured 10 km away from measured points, and the methylene chloride and 2 - butanone were significantly higher than the concentration of the other range of measurement points. In addition, this year the district Run 12 times detection with respect to outside the 14 compounds detected in this district detected a total of 26 kinds of compounds containing 1,3-butadiene, 1,2 - dichloro-B such as alkyl and acrylonitrile were offshore industrial zone indicator pollutants.8.2 The Metal Elements: For seasonal distribution of total concentration of heavy metals in PM2.5 particles showed the same trend as PM2.5 concentration; it was autumn > summer > spring. As a result, it was estimated Ind-metal of industrial area were consisted is possibly with Ni, Cu, Cr, Co, Cd, Se, and Hg in the current project. 101 雲林縣環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48676
「環境災害管理資訊系統維護擴充及整合計畫(101年)」 本計畫主要有五大項工作,包括完成系統維護及管理作業、完成模擬演練及災時進駐作業、完成資訊安全維護及管理作業及其他行政配合事項;另為使系統更符合使用者需求,本計畫額外提供8項服務。在系統維護及管理作業方面,完成8項系統修正維護工作:1.鄉鎮市區的請求支援須先經縣市層級後再轉呈環保署;2.災區劃設功能;3.鄉鎮市區請求支援的儲存功能;4.五都請求支援的統計報表;5.五都災情及清理通報報表;6.顯示災情通報狀態;7.增加核定說明;8.連結氣象局網址。另為讓災害通報人員了解災害動態,本計畫在災害發生前、後共提供113則新聞及公告。為使災害發生時相關單位可更熟捻作業程序,本計畫分別於7月及11月辦理3次的水災及地震模擬演練;並於4月至9月間,配合內政部進行6次的颱洪複合災害、廣域地震複合災害及地震演練作業,進駐環保署並協助提供系統資料。在災時進駐作業方面,今年6月至8月洪汛期的颱風較多,本計畫在災時進駐次數達8次,包括計畫主持人、系統工程師、程式工程師或助理工程師等每次超過4名專案人員,在環保署內及本公司解決使用者或系統上的各項問題。投入人力共84人天。在資訊安全維護及管理方面,執行2次伺服器作業系統安全性更新,檢視維護各項資訊設備之軟硬體功能正常性及資料庫備份相關作業,每月(共計11次)交付資安檢查表以確保資訊安全無虞,並於5月18日、5月24日配合環保署進行異地備援協商會、行前演練及正式演練。在其他行政配合事項方面,除依指示主動進行約251通電話溝通(如五都作業、系統操作熟悉確認等)外,於6月18日針對環保署應變小組及中央災害應變中心進駐人員辦理進駐人員教育訓練;於台南市及屏東縣環保局辦理教育訓練時提供講師協助授課說明;設立諮詢專線、電子信箱、線上MSN等3大類主要客戶服務管道。本年度計有251件客戶服務。在額外服務方面,為使計畫效益更為顯著,額外提供系統與教育訓練的服務;在系統方面:1.增設單一縣市開設災害主題功能;2.五都災害通報客製化;3.擴充線上輪班表;4.擴充飲用水統計表,提供5項查詢資訊連結;5.新聞稿上傳下載功能;6.擴充制式簡報自動產製功能,利用圖表方式呈現及多種樣板選擇;7.環境督察總隊任務編組表線上更新功能。在教育訓練方面,分別於北、中、南等地共辦理了12場次的教育訓練,參與人數共408人次。 2012 Environmental Emergency Management Information System Implementation and Integration This project consists of five main tasks, including the completion of maintenance and management system, the simulation of station practices and processes during natural disaster, system safety maintenance and management, and other administration items. In order to tailor to the users’ needs, eight supplementary services have been included in this project.With regards to system maintenance and management, eight tasks of system correction and maintenance are completed. In sequence, the townships needing help must first report to the county and to the Environmental Protection Administration (Referred to as EPA). The second task involves marking off of disaster areas. The third task involves the accounting and recording of townships that are asking for help. The fourth task involves calculating and assessing requests from Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taichung City, Tainan City and Kaohsiung City. The fifth task includes gathering of information regarding disaster and cleanup activities from those five cities. The sixth task is the reporting of disaster conditions. Seventh comprises justification for approval. The eighth task is the establishment of link to Bureau of Meteorology website. Furthermore, in order to enable the reporting people to understand the disaster situation, this project offers 113 pieces of news and announcement before and after the natural disasters.In order to let the concerned agencies be familiar with the process when a natural disaster happens, this project accomplished three flood and earthquake simulation practices between July and November 2012, and six typhoon, flood, and earthquake compounding practices associated with the Ministry of the Interior between April and September 2012, and stationed in Environmental Protection Administration for assistance in offering system data. As for stationing during natural disaster, because of the frequency of typhoons between June and August, the head of this project, the system engineer, the program engineer, and the assistant engineer were stationed eight times. More than four project people were stationed in the EPA and our company to solve user or system problems. Totally, 84 people were involved in the project.As for data security maintenance and management, server system security were updated two times to check software and hardware system equipment and to copy the data base. Every month (11 times in total) system security checklist was handed in to make sure of system security. On the 18th and 24th of May we associated with EPA to process backup association in different areas, training practice, and formal practices.On other administration matters, besides making 251 calls to communicate as indicated (ex.5 cities operation, system manual confirm), a training program on Emergency Management Information System for EPA team and personnel was conducted on June 18th. We gave several speakers to lecture when the administration held training programs in Tainan City and Pingtung County. Hotlines, email addresses, and MSN were also set up to serve better communication with our clients. All in all, there were 251 customer services recorded this year.In order to make this program effective supplementary services such as system and training services are offered. In terms of system: 1. Enhancement of the function that one single county can set up one natural disaster theme; 2. Customization of the five cities’ natural disaster reporting system; 3. Expansion of online shift chart; 4. Expansion of drinking water statistics and provision of drinking water managing regulations; 5. News reports update and download; 6. Expansion of briefing documents to function with auto production feature, and using graphics to display and choices of modules; 7. Update of the function of environmental inspection team. In the aspects of educational training, there were 12 training sessions held separately in the North, Central and South Taiwan, and 408 people participated. 101 毒管處 大陸水工股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44217
101年度柴油車排放黑煙稽查取締計畫 本計畫自101年6月15日執行至102年6月14日,藉由本計畫之實施,辦理柴油車排煙管制作業,包括路邊攔檢、目視判煙、主動到檢及自主管理,並落實高污染車輛之追蹤管制、另進行非法油品查緝及多元化宣導以加強移動污染源管制,進而降低車輛廢氣之排放,有效改善空氣品質。整體計畫工作共完成1,520輛次柴油車排煙攔查作業,其中進行路邊排煙稽查檢測有1,497輛次,不合格240輛次,不合格率為16.0%,場站檢測23輛次。目視判煙共計通知4,525輛,到檢車輛共4,498輛次,到檢率為99.4%,其中馬力比退驗685輛、引擎轉速不足退驗55輛、不合格134輛次,不合格率為4%。加強非法油品查緝部分,完成油品採樣1,142件,送驗304件,其中共2件油品不合格。非法地下油行稽查共12件。擴大推動並宣導柴油車輛主動到檢制度項目中,通知縣轄內柴油車進行主動到檢共計20,270件,其到檢車輛數2,992輛次,到檢率為14.7%。加入柴油車自主管理暨保檢合一制度共計完成1,257輛次,取得特優級車輛共864輛,優級車輛共393輛,主要加入車種為自用小貨車共378輛。於推動桃園空氣品質管制淨區作業中,自102年1月2日起,配合環保局開始執行空品淨區稽查宣導作業,共計完成宣導車輛1,087輛次,通知排氣異常車輛已完成改善4輛次。本計畫並辦理宣導說明會,分別於101年9月7日於桃園縣政府13樓公務人員培訓中心辦理自主管理暨保檢合一制度。102年5月21日假桃園國際機場航廈B124會議室辦理機場客運業者車輛排氣污染減量輔導計畫2場次說明會。藉由本計畫稽查取締相關作業,要求不合格柴油車改善複驗,促使粒狀污染物減量達約8.7公噸/年。 The Inspection & Regulatory Project for Smoky Diesel Vehicles in Taoyuan County, 2012 This project intended to reduce the exhaust from the diesel vehicles and improve the air quality of Taoyaun city by carrying out the implementation of the diesel vehicle exhaust control program that including the roadside inspection, visual identification, the voluntary on-site checking, vehicle owner self-governance. Also, it followed up the high-polluting diesel vehicles periodically and managed the sequence. By executing the illegal fuel inspection and the diverse education campaign, it can strengthen the public awareness to control the mobile pollutant resources around us. It completed 1,520 times of diesel vehicle roadside exhaust inspection. 240 failed in 1,497 roadside emission tests with a failure rate of 16.0% and on-site station checking 23 vehicles. 4,525 diesel vehicles were spotted in the visual identification process and notified for inspection. 4,498 vehicles were processed the on-site checking with a checking rate of 99.4%. Among them, the horse power decelerating inspection were found 685 vehicles, the insufficient engine RPM ration found 55 vehicles and 134 vehicles failed on the test with a failure rate of 4%. About the illegal diesel fuel inspection, 304 cases of 1,142 samplings were checked to do the Lab test. 2 cases failed on the lab test. Also, there were 12 illegal underground oil shops found in the auditing. Regarding the vehicle owner voluntary on-site inspection program of Taoyuan county, 20,270 diesel vehicles were informed to do the inspection. There were 2,992 cars returned to station for the inspection with a return rate of 14.7% And 1,257 vehicles participated the maintenance and the inspection in one package program. In this program, 864 cars were certified as “Superior Maintenance” and 393 cars were “Good Maintenance” certified. On the hand, the major participates in this program were the small private truck owners with a total of 378 vehicles. In order to promote the concept of the Taoyuan County Air Quality Control program & the District Air Purification program, it had been introduced to the drivers about this program of 1,087 vehicle times. 4 of them improved their abnormal vehicle emission situation after the notification. It also held “ the vehicle maintenance and the inspection in one package program” seminars on 13th floor of Taoyuan county Government building and prepared the introduction leaflets to remind all the drivers of the importance of maintenance and good driving habits at the seminar on Sept 7th, 2012. 2 session seminars of “The Pollution Reduction Program of Airport Commercial Transportation Vehicles” were held at B124 meeting room of Taiyuan Airport Terminal building on May 21st, 2013. Finally, it eliminated approximately 8.7 tons of particulate pollutants in one year by running this project with the execution of the relevant regulations to raise the awareness among vehicle operators of the importance of preventive maintenance to reduce smoke emissions. 101 桃園縣政府環境保護局 得眾環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=54784
澎湖縣101年度環境教育學習課程計畫勞務採購案 我國自100年6月5日起正式實施環境教育法,該法實施的最主要目的,為透過環境教育讓社會大眾了解環境問題,培養正確的環境價值觀,以提昇全民的環境覺知及行動參與。依據環境教育法第19條精神,包括機關、公營事業單位及高中以下及政府捐助財團法人等,應每年訂定環境教育計畫,針對所有員工、教師、學生等每年實施4小時以上環境教育。澎湖縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)配合環境教育法實施推動「環境創意教學工作坊執行計畫」,辦理「環境教育學習課程」,特委託專業技術顧問機構辦理「澎湖縣101年度環境教育學習課程計畫勞務採購案」(以下簡稱本計畫),本計畫主要協助辦理推動環境教育相關學習課程,包括環境教育學習課程規劃、環境教育講師聘任、環境教育相關教材製作(環境教育影片採購)並聯繫邀請本縣轄內機關、學校等共同參與環境教育學習課程辦理。本計畫自101年6月5日至101年10月31日止,統計至101年10月31日止,邀請機關、學校、縣立醫院、軍隊等單位,陸續辦理40場次環境教育學習課程,每場次至少辦理4小時學習課程,每場次參加人數達40人次以上,總參加課程人數達2000人次以上,在課程教材製作部分,透過本地專家學者等除提供包括澎湖鳥類的認識與保育、澎湖潮間帶常見的生物等10餘種課程,搭配購置16部環境教育相關影片,以澎湖在地環境教育主題出發,結合全球環境性議題等。 2012 Environmental education learning lesson plans in Penghu County. 101 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47421
應回收容器列管制度檢討暨環保化推廣專案工作計畫 為檢討應回收容器之回收標誌標示之規定、探討現行廢容器課費機制、建立應回收容器責任物未登記責任業者之查訪途徑及評估廢容器回收再利用之碳排放成效,本計畫完成下列工作事項: 收集各界對於回收標誌標示規定之意見,並對易產生疑義部分,研析容器責任物或回收標誌標示方式之法規修訂。另蒐集分析各縣市廢容器回收情形與回收廢容器之作法,提出加強回收相關建議意見。 透過各項評估因子探討現行廢容器課費機制於不同課費層級下之優劣,並從生質塑膠相關產業之影響、法規適用、稽徵效益、後續扣抵等面向,探討生質塑膠課費作法轉換之可行性。 建立未登記責任業者之查訪作業流程圖,另透過公會會員名單比對、網路商品搜尋及販賣場所現場查訪等3種途徑,篩選疑似未登記責任業者名單,並分析具效益之途徑,供環保署參考。 完成應回收容器回收再製再生料之碳排放數據檢驗及5種廢容器材質碳足跡之實廠盤查作業;並計算紙、鋁箔包、鐵(係指鋼片)、PET及PE等5種廢容器材質之再生料碳足跡;比較原生材料製成容器原料及廢容器回收再製成再生料(二次料)之碳排放差異,並計算廢容器回收再製之減碳效益。 A Review of Institutional Regulations and Environmentalizing Extension for Designated Wasted Contain In order to review the regulations of recycling symbol and the charge scheme of waste containers, build investigation process of un-register recycling business, and evaluate the benefit of carbon reduction for recycling waste containers, the below items have been finished in this project: To collect the opinions on recycling symbol from all sectors, and studied the law on recycling symbol based on the cases which are not easy to get right labeling. Besides, collected and analyzed the recycling situation and how they practiced in different cities, and proposed relevant suggestions to reinforce recycling. Evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of the charge scheme of waste containers under different factors, and discussed the feasibility of changing the charge scheme of bio-plastic container by different levels includes:the influences of related bio-plastic industries, regulation application, charging efficiency and deduction method. Built a investigation flow chart of un-register recycling business, and searched the potential list of un-register recycling business by association member list screening, internet online searching and vending spots on-site searching. The efficient investigation method was also provided to EPA. Completed the data which had been reviewed for designated waste containers and examined 5 waste container materials’carbon footprints, then calculated paper, aseptic packs (including paper, aluminum foil and plastic composite materials), iron (refers to steel sheets), PET and PE have been calculated, and compared raw material with recycled material those could be made of containers and figured out the differences on carbon emission respectively, then evaluated the benefits of carbon reduction by using recycled waste containers to make new ones. 101 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48258
101年度逸散污染源稽查管制計畫 澎湖縣『101年度逸散污染源稽查管制計畫』延續上年度「逸散污染減量及高陳情污染稽查管制行動計畫」,在局內長官督導下,除了努力達成量化目標,並在實質的管制效益上精進,以期能達成預期目標。統計至計畫執行期間為止,本計畫之成果量化如表一所示,以下針對各項工作項目逐項摘要說明。一、餐飲業污染減量現場輔導及改善追蹤作業餐飲業減量輔導作業方面,主要篩選油煙污染排放量較大(前10大優先)的餐飲業及屢被陳情餐飲業,各別減量輔導協談做成結論承諾據以追蹤改善。執行期間已輔導92家餐飲業者26件次之油煙防制改善與減量,並提供污染防制設備資訊讓業者參考並進行油煙防制提昇作業。另外為加深餐飲業者油煙防制觀念,本年度已完成辦理餐飲業污染改善宣導會3場次,透過結合年度地方特性創新做法「餐飲油煙一把罩、清新空氣無油慮」,以推廣業者普遍性裝設污染防制設備及向民眾及業者進行宣導,推廣少油煙多健康概念。本年度創新作法已提供300份餐飲油煙百寶袋及編印餐飲業空氣污染防制宣導資料共300份供環保局核備,並於餐飲油煙宣導及油煙減量輔導時使用。二、露天燃燒管制作業計畫執行期間尚未接獲民眾陳情露天燃燒情事,相較前年度減少許多;另外針對容易發生露天燃燒之地點已完成75處次巡查作業,並插置勿露天燃燒宣導看板30次,加強宣導及嚇止露天燃燒之情事發生。三、裸露地調查改善作業101年11月底已新增列管4筆裸露地表,新增列管之面積為10,950m2,總列管之裸露地面積更達24,100m2,實際改善完成之面積為19,607m2,裸露地改善面積達掌握總面積81.4%。本年度合約規範中須將一處列管之祼露地以GPS定位其座標並配合GIS系統,透過定位系統或其他方式查詢地主資料並將裸露地改善完成,而截至11月30日已完成相關改善作業。四、民俗紙錢減量宣導本計畫於農曆年初一或十五巡廻廟宇進行輔導訪查時,對民眾進行「一爐一線香、紙錢減量燒」,並製作"米金紙"宣導,截至11月底已執行20間廟宇之紙錢減量使用宣導,同時發放紙錢減量宣導貼紙,協請廟宇配合張貼於明顯處外,並已發送1,700份"米金紙"對民眾進行宣導。本計畫今年度須辦理環保廟宇推廣及紙錢減量宣導會各2場次,已於9月2日及9月3日的上下午,共4場次已全部辦理完畢(上午環保廟宇宣導,下午紙錢減量宣導),此外,本年度合約規範須提供編印金爐設置污染防制設備宣導資料100份,已印製完成並送環保核備完成,並已於4場次宣導會分送完畢。五、敏感污染源輔導計畫執行期間至11月底,共進行75件次之逸散污染物易發源巡查及清掃作業,上年度計畫空窗期期間(1月至5月)亦協助進行42件次之巡查作業,如有髒污情事,立即進行清掃作業,避免風大時產生揚塵,影響空氣品質及道路安全,並減少民眾陳情件數。六、環保宣導活動目前本計畫已提報14件次之新聞稿予環保局進行審核,經審核後共計有15篇新聞稿刊於報上。另外已規劃於戶外大型LED電子看板刊登”烹煮油煙減量及防制”、”紙錢減量使用”等2個宣導主題加強宣導,目前已於8月24日開始播放,並於10月24日結束撥放。計畫執行期間,每月規劃4則空氣品質污染防制小常識或相關空氣污染防制宣導於地方報紙刊登(刊登尺寸不得小於14cm×10cm),讓民眾更瞭解空氣污染防制之重要性,本年度應刊登29篇次,已刊登29篇完畢。除了上述宣導工作外,亦配合環保局及環保署年度重點政策辦理宣導活動。目前已完成三場次環保宣導包含:1.第一場次(6月5日)之「65世界環境日-菊島環保減碳宣導」之辦理。2.第二場次(10月30日)101年度烹煮油煙減量及防制校園環保宣導。3.第三場次(11月2日)校園烹煮油煙減量及防制宣導說明會,符合今年合約規範共辦理三場次環保宣導。七、民眾滿意度為瞭解及掌握民眾對環保政策推動的實際觀感,計畫執行期間將針對本縣20歲以上民眾,進行對本計畫成果有效問卷調查400份以上,藉以整合規劃逸散污染源空氣污染改善評估作業方式,截至11月30日止,已完成405份有效問卷。 Penghu County "101 Year oven pollution reduction and control of high-petition contamination inspection plan Penghu County "101 Year oven pollution reduction and control of high-petition contamination inspection plan" (hereinafter referred to as the Program) on the continuation of the annual "pollution reduction and high oven petition pollution control inspection action plan", under the supervision of the Executive Council , in addition to efforts to reach quantitative targets, and control effectiveness in the real sophistication,with a view to achieve the intended objective. To 101on December 31, 2011, the program's quantitative results shown in Table 1, the following items for itemized summary of the wor 101 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司
執行機車新車型審驗、新車抽驗、使用中機車召回改正調查測試與污染排放管制措施研究 本年度計畫主要工作內容可分為四個部份,第一個部份是執行機器腳踏車新車型審驗相關管制工作,包括審驗、抽驗、污染元件與品管查核、環保車評選。第二個部份是機車審驗管制業務電子化系統維護及建置,包括整合兩證合一業務、逐車測試管理查詢、系統主機移機作業等。第三個部份是執行使用中機車召回改正調查測試作業相關事宜,第四個部份是與排氣管制相關之資料研析與研究測試,包括國內外認證數據分析、國際法規蒐集、WMTC測試、使用中大型重型機車與老舊車輛之調查測試等,計畫成果說明如下。在新車型審驗方面,部份150c.c以上五期進口車的HC與NOx污染認證值偏高;耐久測試申請,有屢試失敗之情形;年度新車抽驗有1個引擎族初測不合格,複測後合格;業者品管作業較往年有明顯進步,2012年機車污染物排放總量推估為CO 115,886噸、THC 73,712噸、NOx 10,925噸,2013車型年環保機車評比,初步篩選結果有9個引擎族入選。在電子化審驗系統方面,整合污染及噪音審驗合格證明核發電子化作業、逐車測試之管理查詢功能建置、暨有電子化系統新增功能、系統主機移機作業均已完成。使用中機車召回改正調查測試方面,已完成50輛車之測試,其中9個引擎族測試結果都合格,另1引擎族車輛都有改裝,排放值遠高於法規標準。五期車輛污染排放數據分析顯示,排氣量150cc以下約有四~九成的分析數據,150cc以上約有二~五成的分析數據可符合我國類六期法規;歐盟認證數據分析顯示,約55%可通過我國機車五期法規標準,日本認證數據則都無法符合我國機車五期法規標準;國內實車耐久數據推估至三萬公里之劣化係數平均值約為1.177~1.254;五期與WMTC行車型態污染排放的比較,CO於WMTC測試結果易高於五期,HC與NOx則相反,兩者相關性不高,WMTC測試,CO與HC污染物的排放主要集中在第一階段,高排氣量之機車於第三階段,CO與NOx的排放比例有較明顯增加之趨勢;使用中大型重型機車之污染排放現況調查測試顯示在保證里程以內車輛,大部份車輛都可符合排放標準並與該引擎族認證值的差異不大,接近或超過保證里程以上的車輛,污染易偏高,甚至遠高於排放標準,認證值接近或相同於排放標準者,於使用中則易於超過排放標準;使用中機車污染控制元件查核都合格;老舊車輛之CO與HC排放值經車輛保養後有下降的趨勢,NOx則因燃燒效率變好而增加,車輛的保養有其必要,少部份車的CO、HC有較明顯的劣化,NOx劣化的比例會更高一些。對於未依法完成自行品管作業之業者,建議可暫停其核章申請,以促其進速完成品管作業相關規定,若限期未改善可依法直接撤銷合格證明。對擅改污染排放控制設備的車輛,建議依法處罰改裝車之使用人或所有人,或強制回監理單位接受檢查及測試。 Implement of the new model motorcycle certification, C.O.P inspection, the in-used motorcycle recall The objectives of the 2012 project could be categorized into four main work items. 1): Execution of new motorcycle model emission certification related control measures. 2): Upgrade and perform maintenance on the electronic motorcycle certification application system, which include integrate the emission and noise certificates into one certificate; establish management and inquiry functions for motorcycle individual type-approval related tests; move system server mainframe to a new location etc. 3): Execution of the in-use motorcycle recall and correction investigation related tests. 4): Collect and analyze motorcycle emissions related information and test data, which include domestic and abroad emissions test data analysis; Survey the international motorcycle emissions related regulations; Perform WMTC tests, and conduct investigation tests on in-use heavy-duty motorcycles and aged motorcycles. The project achievements are described as follows:As to the execution of new motorcycle model emission certification related control measures: Some imported motorcycles with over 150 cc engines failed to comply with the Stage 5 HC and NOx standard limits; Some new models failed every durability tests; One engine family failed its initial annual selective audit test, after proper adjustments, it passed the repeat test; Manufacturers obvious improved their performance on their Conformity of Production tests; The estimated total emissions from motorcycles in 2012 were: CO: 115,886 tons, THC: 73,712 tons, and NOx: 10,925 tons; According to the initial evaluation, there are 9 engine families eligible for the 2013 model year green motorcycle award.As to the upgrade and perform maintenance on the electronic motorcycle certification application system: This project has integrated the electronic issuance of emission and noise combined certificate; Established management and inquiry functions for individual certification tests; Add new functions on current electronic certification system; Moved the electronic certification system’s mainframe to a new location.As to the recall and correction investigation tests on in-use motorcycles: This project has tested 50 motorcycles, of which 9 engine families could comply with the standards. One engine family motorcycle was found being tampered, and its exhaust emissions were far above the standard limits.The certification emissions test data of motorcycles that comply with the Stage 5 standards were analyzed, the result showed that about 40 to 90% of the motorcycles with engine displacement under 150 cc could comply with the Taiwan Stage 6 emission standards, and only 20 to 50% of the motorcycles with engine displacement over 150 cc could be in compliance; About 55% of the European standards certified motorcycles could comply with the Taiwan Stage 5 emission standards; All Japanese standards certified motorcycles could comply with the Taiwan Stage 5 emission standards; By using the domestic on road durability testing data, the average motorcycle’s deterioration factor at 30,000 km was estimated to be about 1,177~1,254; The Stage 5 and WMTC driving cycle emission tests were being conducted and compared, the results showed that the CO emission of WMTC was higher than Stage 5’s, on the contrary, the Stage 5’s HC and NOx emissions were higher. The two driving cycle test results were not highly related; For WMTC tests the emitted CO and HC emissions were concentrated at the first stage of driving cycle, but for large displacement motorcycles, emitted CO and HC emissions were concentrated at the third stage, and the percentage of CO and NOx emissions increased obviously. The investigation of exhaust emissions from in-use heavy-duty motorcycles showed that most motorcycles within their useful life warrantee mileage could comply with the standards and the test results were close to the certification data. If the travel mileage of the motorcycle was close to or exceed its useful life warrantee mileage, the emissions values tend to be high, sometimes far exceed the standard limits. If the certification data were close to the standard limits, the motorcycle tends to exceed the standard limits within its in-use period.Checking the working condition of the in-use motorcycle emission control devices, all motorcycles being checked were in compliance; for aged motorcycles, the CO and HC emission values lowed after performed proper maintenance, NOx emission increased could be due to improvement on the combustion efficiency. To perform maintenance on motorcycle is necessary, because a small portion of motorcycles tend to deteriorate more obviously for CO and HC emissions, and the NOx emission deterioration rate even higher.To encourage manufacturers to complete their Conformity of Production tests as soon as possible, this project proposed to suspend the certification applications for those manufacturers that failed to complete their regulatory required COP tests, and set a deadline for completion. The competent authority may revoke the manufacturers’ emission certificates if they fail to meet the deadline. As for the vehicle with tempered emission control devices, the vehicle user or owner shall be subjected to penalties in accordance with the law, the vehicle shall be forced to take inspection and emission tests by the competent authority designated motorcycle inspection station. 101 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=51375
101年度資源回收形象改造暨源頭管理工作計畫 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45822
使用中汽油車排氣檢驗及保養制度推動專案工作計畫 本計畫致力於國內近600萬輛使用中汽油車之污染管制策略研擬,本年度主要工作包括OBD定檢制度研擬、保養維修污染改善成效評估、以及使用中車輛污染排放調查。 因應四期車輛搭載OBD系統規定,引進歐美OBD檢驗程序與設備進行檢驗示範運行,評估OBD查驗納入定檢項目可行性。本年度係取得2,582組有效檢驗結果,具故障碼者約佔0.56%,準備就緒狀態異常者則約佔8%。依據本年度執行成果,建議OBD定檢可以MIL狀態目視檢查為先,同時加強OBD資訊宣導,再逐步擴增檢驗設備、項目與標準。 為因應未來OBD檢驗可能導入現行定檢程序,本計畫廣邀監理與代檢人員,分別於北中南3處辦理OBD實車檢驗觀摩會。此外,為瞭解原廠體系有關空氣污染防制設備檢修程序與教育訓練內容,計完成國內5大車廠體系之訪查作業;結果指出,其檢修技術多仰賴OBD,對傳統車輛之污染改善,僅依技工經驗,然其減污成效不彰。 今年度租用使用中汽油車共25輛,分別執行FTP-75及NEDC測試。結果顯示,使用中車輛之FTP-75超標率為46%,其中2期車實際劣化情形較指定劣化嚴重。兩者於污染、耗能測值均呈高度正相關;其中4期車之判定結果一致率高達90%。污染排放主要產出於冷啟動及高速段,建議可針對測試程序進行調整。污染排放與耗能受空調開啟與否影響明顯,CO與NMHC排放量之差異可達1倍以上。 Work plan of project to promote the Emission Inspection & Maintenance System for gasoline-fueled veh With the project devoting to formulating the pollution control strategy on close to six million gasoline-fueled vehicles currently in use in Taiwan, the current year’s primary work includes formulating the on-board diagnostics (OBD) routine inspection system, maintenance/repair plant pollution improvement result evaluation, and in-use vehicles’ pollution discharge survey. In response to stipulations for pairing an OBD system on all phase-four vehicles, the OBD inspection procedure and equipment prevailing in Europe and the United States have been introduced to conduct the demonstrative inspection implementation, by which to evaluate the feasibility of streamlining the OBD inspection as part of the routine inspection items. The current year has obtained a total of 2,582 sets of valid inspection results, with 0.56% of those containing faulty code, and 8% of those being found with anomaly in the readiness status. Based on the current year’s implementation result, it is recommendable that the OBD routine inspection may heed to MIL status visual inspection as a precedence, and also stepping up the OBD information campaigning before gradually expanding and adding the inspection equipment, items and standards. In response to the OBD inspection likely to be inducted into the existing inspection procedure in the future, the project has widely invited DMV and consigned inspection personnel to stage three OBD car inspection demonstrations in the northern, central, and southern regions. In addition, to decipher the original vehicle manufacturers’ relevant air pollution prevention equipment inspection/repair procedure and content of the orientation training, the project has completed the visitation audit work on five major automotive plants, and the result indicates that their inspection/repair technology largely relies on OBD, and in pollution improvement on conventional vehicles, it merely relies on the technicians’ experience, but the pollution reduction result has been lackluster. A total of 25 gasoline-fueled vehicles in use this year on lease have been put through the FTP-75 and the NEDC tests respectively. The FTP-75 test results show that the amount of pollution in 46% of the tested vehicles exceeds the new vehicle emission standard, and among them, the actual state of deterioration among phase-two vehicles is found to be severe than the designated deterioration. In terms of pollution, the fuel consumption ratings between the two types of driving cycles have high positive correlation; the consistency on the rendering results among phase-four vehicles on the two types of driving cycles has reached as high as 90%. With pollution discharge mainly generated at cold start and at high-speed increments, it is recommendable that adjustment can be made to the testing procedure. Pollution discharge and fuel consumption are ominously affected by the use of air-conditioning, and the result finds the differential in discharge volume of CO and NMHC can reach twice or more between the two situations. 101 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48278
推動室內空氣品質管理相關子法、輔導診斷及教育宣導建置作業 建築物及交通運輸等室內空間是人類用以遮風避雨、繁衍生命、生活工作的棲身之所。隨著人類文明的演進,現代建築為了保護人們免受外界惡化的環境品質所影響,加強了建築本身的密閉性,又因商業活動使人口大量聚集,在高密度人口與商業型態的需求下,建築高度不斷往上發展,高樓林立是都市化最典型的代表。在這些人口密度高而又獨立密閉的保護傘下,也衍生出許多足以危害人體健康的室內環境品質問題。從建築物本身結構、區位、開口設計、空調系統設計,各種建材、裝修材料的選擇,人類維持生活必備的各種物品、商業行為的貨品、辦公家具等,乃至於人類本身的各項行為活動,均可直接或間接的引起音、光、熱、氣、水、微生物、電磁波等室內環境問題,其中最直接、且影響最大的是室內空氣品質(Indoor air quality IAQ)不良所引起的健康危害問題。就經濟層面的考量而言,IAQ不佳所引起的不適症狀或相關疾病會引起生產力降低,甚至影響國家競爭力。室內空氣品質管理的制度面上,包含有不同使用性質空間的室內空氣品質污染源及不同的主要問題、不同的目的事業主管機關、現況及問題、建築設計及通風相關配套規範、污染物檢測能力、自主管理機制等部分,需要一個跨部會整合推動機制。行政院環保署於2006年6月於消保會135次委員會議提報所研擬完成之「室內空氣品質管理推動方案(草案)」並獲定案,隨即由各相關部會依方案分工原則,著手研擬具體3年工作行動計畫。而依照「室內空氣品質管理推動方案規劃架構」,分別應包含(1)訂定室內空氣品質標準;(2)訂定室內空氣污染物檢測標準及檢測能力提升;(3)推動公共場所自行檢測、監測、紀錄及申報制度;(4)推動室內空氣品質調查計畫等,因此行政院環保署乃於2006年5月進行「推動公共場所室內空氣品質管理制度計畫」,初步研擬相關室內空氣品質管理制度,並積極推動對應之室內空氣品質檢測專責人員與自主管理專責人員,同時亦進行「室內空氣品質自主管理推動計畫」及相關輔導機制之研擬 Promote and assist the managements of indoor air quality, to set the establishments of its education In recent years, the government has been actively concerned about indoor air quality (IAQ), where the related issues including the formulation of IAQ laws and regulations and the self-management system for indoor air quality have become important topics in government policy plans. The accomplishment of this year's project include: (1) For the promotion of indoor air quality management system in public facilities, the working team completed the visits and inspection in 200 public facilities (divided into six categories), and the indoor air quality for 80 public places of which were further monitored and assessed. The collected indoor air quality data embodied a national IAQ baseline database for further analysis. In addition, the working team compiled and compared the information of indoor air quality self-management systems in major countries. The team also provided the educational training practices for indoor air quality dedicated personnel. (2) For the integration of IAQ managerial system information and the indoor air quality mark, the working team has built the indoor air quality management information platform on EPA’s indoor air quality management information network for resource sharing. Additionally, the guideline of grade stamps for indoor air quality mark have been proposed to the authority for future reference in order to promote indoor air quality self-management in public facilities. (3) For the formulation of Indoor Air Quality Management Act-related regulations, in addition to empower the relevant sub-set of Indoor Air Quality Management Act draft law, the working team also studied the indoor air quality control measures in different collaborating authorities with the need to tie in with the amended law, and held eight advisory consulting forums focusing on the related regulations of Indoor Air Quality Management Act for amendment reference. (4) Finally, the working team not only embodied and maintained the official indoor air quality network, but integrated various types of indoor air management information and cases of domestic pollution in recent years to provide recommendations for related organizations and stake holder. 101 空保處 新紀工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47320
101年麟洛人工溼地環境監測暨經營管理成效評估計畫 本計畫由101年3月12日執行至101年11月30日止,各項工作執行成果說明如下:一、生態調查 麟洛溼地目前植物相及生長狀況均良好。與去年記錄相比植物、鳥類、爬行類、魚類與兩棲類等生物有增加之趨勢,物種有減少之趨勢為浮游植物、昆蟲、哺乳類、水生昆蟲、軟體動物及浮游動物,其他物種大多與歷年調查無太大差異。二、水質監測1.地面水 溼地正常進流水量約介於907.2CMD~1185.1CMD,水力負荷在0.071m/d~0.097m/d之間,水力停留時間約4.454天~6.090天。 水質一般特性:水溫介於20.0℃~32.1℃、溶氧(DO)大多數符合丙類陸域地面水體水質標準、酸鹼值(pH)符合甲類陸域地面水體水質標準、濁度(TB)介於3.1NTU~40NTU。進流口污染物檢測結果:懸浮固體(SS)介於19.1~43.7mg/L符合丁類陸域地面水體水質標準、生化需氧量(BOD)介於6.4~40.6mg/L超過丙類陸域地面水體水質標準、氨氮(NH3-N)介於1.14~5.96mg/L超過丙類陸域地面水體水質標準、總磷(TP)濃度介於0.475~0.866mg/L超過乙類陸域地面水體水質標準。放流口污染物檢測結果:懸浮固體濃度介於8~15mg/L符合甲類陸域地面水體水質標準、生化需氧量濃度介於1.7~11.4mg/L超過丙類陸域地面水體水質標準、氨氮介於0.06~0.35mg/L超過丙類陸域地面水體水質標準、總磷濃度介於0.096~0.848mg/L超過乙類陸域地面水體水質標準。2.水質淨化效益評估 本年度去除率與歷年去除率相比無差異者有懸浮固體及生化需氧量。總磷去除率與歷年去除率相比為降低。 利用一階反應模式評估溼地各項污染物在溼地中去除效益以及削減情形,生化需氧量之kv=0.07d-1~0.29d-1,超過歷年數據最大kv值0.26d-1,氨氮之kv=0.44d-1~0.82d-1略高於歷年數據,總磷之kv=0.005d-1~0.41d-1略低於歷年數據。三、地下水 地下水水質一般特性:DO為2.1mg/L~3.1mg/L、導電度(EC)介於609μS/cm~911μS/cm、TB為2.1NTU~120NTU;污染物之濃度分別為:SS為2.8mg/L~118mg/L,與歷年數據相比無差異、BOD濃度均N.D.~2.4mg/L,與歷年數據相比無差異、NH3-N濃度為0.17mg/L~0.67mg/L,其中井2及井3超過地下水監測標準值第二類,與歷年數據相比無差異、TP濃度為0.021mg/L~0.444mg/L,與歷年數據相比略為上升、大腸桿菌群濃度為10CFU/100mL~520CFU/100mL,與歷年數據相比相比略為上升。四、底泥重金屬 底泥中重金屬與99年數據相比鋅、鉛、鎘有微量增加,銅、鎳、鉻則略為下降。底泥重金屬檢測結果若以底泥品質指標相比較,密植區(一)內鋅、銅、鎘及鎳超過指標下限值,開放水面區內、密植區(二)及生態池內僅鎳超過底泥指標下限值。五、魚體重金屬 溼地魚體重金屬監測結果中:利用溼地各池魚體進行重金屬分析,分別為鋅濃度為13.3mg/kg~46.5mg/kg、鎘濃度為N.D.~<0.25mg/kg、銅濃度為<1.50mg/kg~2.19mg/kg以及鉻濃度為<2.50mg/kg~3.05mg/kg,鉛與鎳皆為N.D.,各監測項目與歷年數據相比無差異。檢測結果與「水產動物類衛生標準-魚類」標準相比,鎘濃度低於標準值。六、現場操作維護管理作業 溼地現場操作維護之工作項目均依照合約規定辦理,且劃分區域進行草花及花木的種植工作。種植花木不僅可以增添景觀生態美學上的豐富感,也可進行水質淨化。此外,針對溼地幾處設施進行維修,如:觀鳥台整修、金字塔涼亭維修、步道整修等。目前已於101年3月21日完成木造設施油漆。七、技術輔導與水環境宣導工作 辦理水環境宣導活動共計4場次:第一場為101年4月14日辦理「溼地飄香 低碳樂活」活動;第二場為101年10月3日在永達技術學院辦理「水環境宣導課程及教育訓練」及101年10月31日辦理「志工培訓活動」;第三場為101年10月6日「金秋環境季 志工動起來 世界水質監測及淨溼地競賽」;第四場為101年11月10日溼地環保生態體驗營。本工作團隊並推動永達技術學院運動健康與休閒系,參與溼地環境導覽志工服務。 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 昇元工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42161
執行柴油引擎汽車新車型審驗、新車抽驗及使用中車輛召回改正調查測試 行政院環保署為改善國內空氣品質,加強柴油汽車污染管制,已訂定完整之各項污染管制法規,如「柴油及替代清潔燃料引擎汽車車型排氣審驗合格證明核發撤銷及廢止辦法」等,藉由本計畫之執行,完成審查及核發250件柴油新車型合格證明函及合格證明,並執行24家車廠新車抽驗、5車次使用中柴油車召回確認調查測試及各項品質管制查核等工作。為順應法規調和之潮流等國內外情勢,本計畫適時增修訂相關法規規定,並為因應電子化趨勢另行建立柴油車審驗合格證明電子化作業系統,以提昇合格證明申請作業流程行政效率。此外另分析國內外柴油車各污染物排放水準及管制制度,及研擬適用於我國之OBD相關管理措施,俾作為各項柴油汽車污染管制策略成效評估及決策之參考。 Special Implementation Project for New Diesel Vehicle Model Certification, Conformity of Production In order to improve domestic air quality, the Environmental Protection Administration in Taiwan has strengthened the emission control over diesel vehicles and developed comprehensive regulations, such as "The Procedure of Rebelling and Abolishing the Certificate of Emission Inspection for the Types of Diesel and other Alternative Fuel Engine Vehicles." This project completed several targets to enforce the regulations, including 250 cases of new diesel engine and vehicle certification approval, conformity of production for 24 vehicle manufaturers, and 5 of in-used diesel vehicle confirm investigation tests, etc. For domestic and international situations, such as the trend of complying with the regulation and mediating, this plan revised the relevant rules and regulations timely. The electronic operating system is built to execute compliance certification of emission inspection for diesel vehicles, which can make the administrative procedures more effectively. In addition, we analyzed emission level and control strategies of pollutants in diesel vehicles, and drafted OBD relevant restraint methods applying to our country. Those will be bases to evaluate the effects of various diesel vehicle control strategies in the future. 101 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=51205
101年臺東縣關山人工濕地保育計畫 臺東縣環境保護局藉由關山人工濕地棲地之物種復育、生物及社會長期調查、研究與監測及教育推廣等工作,檢討臺東縣市鎮生活污水、畜牧廢水及農業回歸水之處理成效,期藉此瞭解臺東縣河川水質污染量,並期提高河川水體水質標準,同時提供鳥類、魚類及貝類等生物之棲息地,增加縣民休憩、娛樂及生態教學之場所,故辦理「101年度臺東縣關山人工濕地保育計畫」。針對本計畫執行相關工作簡述如下:1.棲地及物種復育工作,包含維持濕地單位運作、環境清潔及外來物種清除與防護工作。 2.每季進行水質檢測乙次,計畫期程期間共執行三次。 3.動植物普查及生物多樣性(岐異度)指數調查及監測,計畫期間共執行三次。 4.執行環境教育推廣,包含濕地生態教育宣導推廣會、濕地生態解說人員教育訓練及辦理「豐美的生態濕地探索營」導覽解說活動各1場。 5.製作「認識濕地」宣導摺頁1000份(彩色版)及國際濕地日成果展示掛圖共4幅。 本計畫執行成果概述如下: 1.濕地各單元處理效益: (1)曝氣氧化塘的懸浮固體物去除率均可達58%;生化需氧量去除率為8 %;氨氮去除率為5 %。 (2)密植濕地區(A1、A2)處理單元水質淨化效益中,懸浮固體物去除率為11 %;生化需氧量去除率為-54 %;氨氮去除率可達33 %。 (3)開放水域濕地(A3、A4)處理單元的水質淨化效益中,懸浮固體物去除率為-37 %;生化需氧量去除率為-59 %;氨氮平均去除率可達76 %。 (4)關山人工濕地整體水質淨化效益,懸浮固體物的去除率為63 %;生化需氧量去除率為-114 %;氨氮去除率為85 %。 2.動植物生態調查結果: (1)植物調查發現58科121屬137種,其中蕨類植物5科5屬5種、雙子葉植物42科79屬91種、單子葉植物11科37屬41種。在屬性方面,原生種有76種,歸化種有31種,栽培種有27種,特有種有3種分別為臺灣火刺木、水柳及臺灣欒樹等。(2)鳥類調查發現8目20科36種666隻次;記錄爬蟲類2科2種68隻次,包括飛蜥科的斯文豪氏攀蜥及壁虎科的蝎虎;兩生類記錄3科4種23隻次,包括蟾蜍科的黑眶蟾蜍;狹口蛙科的小雨蛙;樹蛙科的面天樹蛙及白頜樹蛙;蝶類調查發現1目5科24種148隻次;蜻蜓類調查發現1目4科18種326隻次。(3)魚類及蝦蟹類調查共在五個區域進行,本年度魚類調查共記錄6科6種922尾,其中以吳郭魚、鯽魚及泰國鱧為優勢種。此外無保育類、特有種或其他特殊稀有種。本年度調查記錄的6種魚類中有4種屬於外來魚種,佔魚類發現種類比例之66.7%。蝦蟹類僅記錄長臂蝦科之日本沼蝦1種。(4)水生昆蟲調查發現有13種,其中幽蟌科之短腹幽蟌屬於特有種;浮游植物5門50屬86種,各樣區種類數介於32~51種,種類數以A3、A4開放水域第一季記錄51種最多,而以活動式擋水堰前第三季記錄32種最少。浮游動物調查發現3門33屬33種,各樣區種類數介於5~14種,種類數以密植濕地(A2放流水)於第二季調查記錄14種最多,而以第三季之曝氣氧化塘、A4放流水、A5開放水域記錄5種最少。3.人工溼地教育推廣執行成果:本計畫舉辦教育推廣活動帶領民眾親身走入濕地,瞭解關山人工濕地的環境、生態資源及濕地淨化水質的功能與提升民眾對人工濕地之認同感,達成環境教育之功能。並舉辦解說人員教育訓練及導覽解說活動,透過具備豐富解說經驗的講師以經驗分享及生態的旅遊遊程設計訓練達到培育種子教師解說員訓練,培育專屬關山人工濕地之解說員。參加本次活動的遊客及學員除了表達收穫豐富外,對每場活動都給予極高的評價,並願意推廣或再度參加相關活動。綜合上述,關山人工濕地整體水質淨化處理效果各項污染物去除率有65%以上,顯示濕地各單元對處理臺東縣之生活污水、農牧廢水及農業回歸水等污水有一定之成效,惟經由動植物生態調查結果發現,區域內有外來物種出現之問題,後續針對外來物種的問題,為管理單位需要注意之事項。 101 台東縣環境保護局 嘉德技術顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41985
101年度事業廢(污)水排放稽查管制暨愛護河川宣導演練計畫 101 新竹縣環境保護局 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45600
101年度高雄市流域及水污染源稽查管制計畫 高雄市境內共有二仁溪、阿公店溪、典寶溪、後勁溪、愛河、前鎮河、鳳山溪、鹽水港溪及高屏溪等九條重要河川,總流域面積達4,032.4平方公里,列管之排放廢(污)水事業及污水下水道系統約1,911家。為有效掌握及改善各流域水體水質狀況,藉由「稽查管制」及「輔導改善」並行方式,積極管制事業污染防治措施及杜絕非法排放,以降低各流域水質污染惡化情形,有效減輕水體環境負荷。於計畫執行期間共執行1,868家次稽查、17家次事業單位廢水處理設施功能評鑑、共查獲48支不明管線及辦理6場次法規宣導說明會。在經營民眾參與水環境巡守的部分,本團隊共辨理26場次活動、協助通報157處髒亂點及10支不明管線,並安排2場次媒體專訪河川巡守隊及發布3篇平面媒體報導。 There are nine major rivers in Kaohsiung City, where located at the Erren River, the Agongdian River, the Dian-Pao River, the Hou-Jin River, the Love River, the Chian-Jen River, the Fengshan River, the Yanshuei-Gang River and the Kao-Ping River. The total river basin area of them is about 4,032.4 km2 and there are 1,911 registered enterprises and sewage systems in these river basins mentioned above.In order to control and improve the water quality of water bodies of each river basin efficiently, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government restrains the water pollution control measure of enterprises and eliminates illegal discharge actively by inspection control and counseling improvement for mitigating water quality deterioration of each river basin and environmental loadings of water bodies effectively.In the time of this project, we have an achievement, which is auditing 1,868 registered enterprises and sewage systems, to appraise 17 industries of wastewater treatment .we found 48 unknown pipelines, and hold six conference meeting to declare the water pollution regulations. Besides that, our team to hold 26 activities and to assist to announce that there are 157 dirty bulletins and 10 unknown pipelines, furthermore, we also arrange two interviews of mass media and three news for patrol team operation. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 環佑實業有限公司
101年度「廢機動車輛回收獎勵金審核執行」專案工作計畫 101 基管會 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49498
移動污染源排放總量推估及管制、綠色運輸推廣與地方執行成效考評 本計畫已針對民國100年移動源排放量加以推估驗證,並更新推估參數及來源,而在移動源總量管制策略之部份本團隊也針對各空品區之主要污染物貢獻來源進行管制建議;另外移動源績效考評作業則是完成1~4季之現場查核,並完成全國環保局柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站之評鑑作業,本年度計畫目前工作成果項目摘述如下:(一)、 總量推估與管制已按合約項目完成總量推估並產出各污染物之100年排放總量,完成測站資料與總量推估之結果進行比對;本年度污染物占比部分,係以96基準年之TEDS7.1總量之資料進行分析,並完成各污染物在不同車種下之占比與空品區占比關係。在車輛成長對總量之影響部分,已完成各車種各期車之車輛數分布與污染物分布之評析,交通模式及車流量進行總量推估及評析部分,已完成車流量資料之彙整,並藉此進行總量推估工作,SIP縣市考評車速調查之執行已於101年10月31日前完成,本團隊核對去年調查資料發現車速調查結果普遍較去年低。總量管制部分已完成移動污染源減量目標之推算,與各管制策略之削減量,並完成二場次之北部空品區交流座談會。車載量測實驗已按照合約工作項目完成所有測試條件,並進行各地區之行車型態特性分析與地區之污染排放特性分析。(二)、 本團隊已完成綠色運輸應用資訊平台之建立並置於移動污染源管制網中(http://mobile.epa.gov.tw/GTIP/),網站內彙整國內外綠色運輸之實際案例,除此之外網站內也增加綠色運輸新聞快訊、綠色運輸小知識、綠運輸管理、活動站、示範生活區行動專區、常見問與答(FAQ)等六大類功能資訊以宣導綠色運輸之相關成果,除此之外為讓各地方環保局能夠充分利用此平台,並利用此平台上傳地方綠色運輸特色,也在101年11月22日於空保處14樓第二會議室舉辦一場次之教育訓練,並於102年3月15日完成綠色運輸觀摩會。(三)、 目前已完成101年度1~4季縣市移動源管理工作績效考評作業,包括每季系統數量勾稽查核、異常清單產出及現場查核工作,並將統計後之考評認定數提交給署內核定,本團隊已完成各縣市考評項目推動數量統計及分數計算並將排名成果公布於填報系統上,以利環保局精進之;二行程機車汰舊補助及烏賊車檢舉政策滿意度調查作業,已於1月底完成,並於2月分析完畢。由滿意度調查成果可看出,民眾多表示正面評價。民眾取得二行程汰舊補助相關資訊以機車行為主;烏賊車獎勵金資訊則以電子媒體及網路為主。(四)、 已完成101年度柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站評鑑,共完成全國19個縣市、19座排煙檢測站之評鑑工作,評鑑結果共有13站評定為A級、4站評定為B級、2站評定為C級,A級排煙檢測站較100年度增加6站佔全國柴動站68%。針對C級之柴動站,建議該縣市可落實檢測人員教育訓練、相關文件建檔保存及儀器校正等事項,亦應建立SOP並確實執行,以進一步提升排煙檢測站檢測品質及維持穩定運作。 Evaulate and Control the Total Quantity of Automobile Emission、Promote Green Transportation and Surv This project accomplished: estimation and verification of the 2011 mobile source emission; renew parameter and parameter source; advised Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to control major mobile pollution source in the Air Quality region; status audits of 2011 local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs) in conducting the mobile source management and control tasks, and performance audits of 20 cantonal dynamometer testing facilities.Our team has been estimated total annual emission according to contract, and also contrasted the monitoring stations data with predicted results. The proportions of air pollution have been calculated in different air quality region based on TEDS 7.1. We also evaluated the changes in the pollution of various types of vehicles. The effect of vehicles growth rate and mobile source emission completed included: synthesize the number of all type vehicles and traffic flow rate in Taiwan, and through which we can estimation of the mobile source emission. The velocity of SIP auditing works have been finished before 31 Oct. 2012. The results show that velocity was lower than last year. In the total quantity controls of Mobile sources, the reductions of different control strategies have been calculated. We also held 2 forums of "Communicate with North Air Quality Area.” Our team have been finished on-board Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) test according to contract.Green Transportation Information Platform already builds on the Mobile source Information Platform website. (http://mobile.epa.gov.tw/GTIP/) On the website, it not only synthesize global actual case of Green Transportation, but also increased green transportation news, green transportation tip, green transportation manage, activity stations, model living circle corner, frequently asked questions (FAQ). For EPBs to make full use and raise the utilization ratio of the website, EPA sponsored the training course on 22 Nov. 2012. There will also holding a session of "Observation of Green Transportation."This project completed the 2012 Mobile Source Management Review included: reviewing seasonal audits of vehicles; onsite verification and a score report for the amount of the control work implemented by county/city. Our team has been carried out a census score and submitted result to EPA.The enforcement of the 2-stroke engine scooter retirement and motor vehicle that generates excessive amounts of visible exhaust emissions (“squid vehicle” in Chinese) were supported by the public as evident through the public surveys. Our team has been complete the survey on Jan. 2013, and parsed on Feb. 2013. The incentive information of the retirement of the 2-stroke engine scooters was obtained mainly from the motorcycle shops. The incentive information of the report of the squid vehicle was obtained mainly from the electronic media.Nineteen cantonal dynamometer testing facilities were audited during 2012. The cantonal dynamometer testing facilities ranking were be classified into A to C, and 2 stations were graded as class C. The A-Class dynamometer testing facilitie number was improved from seven to thirteen than last year. The recommendations for the C stations are: training operators, following SOP and keeping good records. 101 空保處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53793
溫室氣體減量技術及成本應用評估與案例分析追蹤專案計畫 本計畫執行的目標主要有五個分項,分別是:(1)掌握國內外溫室氣體排放額度市場供需概況與減量成本,建議我國產業自願減量策略推動方向、(2)分析國際減量專案投資分析方法,建議我國減量專案之投資分析決策參考原則、(3)分析國內外溫室氣體減量策略方向與減量技術方案,研提我國各部門節能減碳策略、(4)研擬我國耗能產業溫室氣體減量最佳可行參考技術並分析減量成本,與(5)協助分析開發個案溫室氣體排放評估之合理性,並追蹤減量執行情形。本計畫將透過完成上述五項工作,協助環保署推動相關的產業溫室氣體減量工作。 The Greenhous Gas Reduction Technologies, Cost Assessment, and Cases Studies Tracking Project The first part of this project analyzes the demand, supply, and possible market price of domestic reduction credits generated from “Early Action Project” and “Offset Project”. The results show the possible market price of credit is expected could not give the sufficient incentives to the decision makers to apply the Offset Project further. In order to solve the problem, a flexible market adjust mechanism is suggested in this project. In the second part, the international decision making procedure of CDM on investment additionality is investigated. The localized industrial benchmarks are then established based on the empirical data. Furthermore, ten cases of investment analysis of Offset Project applications and five international CDM methodologies have examined by this project to facilitate the work of EPA. The statistical data of cross-countries’ energy usage and GHGs emissions management strategies are analyzed in this project to re-examine the policy of GHGs management. In turns, this project reviews the international best available techniques (BAT) and available technologies for GHGs reduction for the three industries, the iron and steel production, cement manufacturing, and large combustion plants system, respectively. The BAT reference documents of GHGs reductions for the industries above-mentioned are constructed as consequences. Also, the costs of voluntary GHGs reduction measures of the iron and steel production, cement manufacturing, and synthetic fiber manufacturing at domestic level are analyzed in the project so as to formulate effective environment-related policies.To assist with analysis and review the individual case of GHGs emissions evaluation and case tracking, this project has examined fourteen cases of environment development activities and three tracking cases have been checked with report for each individual case. Finally, four experts consulting meetings and a series of training programs are held so as to support the issues about the GHGs management. 101 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 中華經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50237
河川水體增氧技術評估計畫 本計畫評估設置增氧裝置對於河川水體溶氧增加的成效,依環保署近5年國內河川水質測站之溶氧合格率,篩選21處溶氧偏低之水質測站,並進行水質調查作業,總檢測數量共63點。水質分析項目包括pH、溶氧(DO)、生化需氧量(BOD)、氨氮(NH3-N)及葉綠素a等。依前階段調查結果,篩選出二仁溪支流三爺溪永寧橋段及鹽水溪排水線支流安順排水榮順橋段2處,分別以噴射式曝氣系統與氧氣溶解系統設備進行24小時現地測試,求得並驗證耗氧與再曝氣參數,並利用水質模式模擬該些試驗河段推動增氧措施後之水質變化,就前述已篩選出之21處溶氧偏低河段,選擇10處較適當河段,進行水體增氧工法規劃與成效推估,並提出研擬河川水體增氧最佳可行技術評估指引及補助作業要點。 Study for dissolved oxygen enhancement technologies for rivers The purpose of this study is to evaluate the dissolved oxygen enhancement of a river through the employment of aereation equipments.Through the anaylsis of the water quality monitoring data reported by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA), 21 water quality monitoring stations were proposed as the candidate river sections for future possible implementation of oxygen enhancement projects. Further water quality analyses of pH, DO, BOD, NH3-N, Chlorophyll a were conducted for these selected river sections. Besides, two 24-hour on-site experimental studies for river water DO enhancement were conducted. One was implemented at the Yung-Ning Bridge section of San-Yeh River, and the other was at Rong-Shun Bridge section of An-Shun drainage channel. The water quality data obtained from these studies were further applied to the determination of contaminant degradation kinetic constants and re-aeration coefficients, and these constants were employed for water quality simulation using Qual2K and modified Streeter-Phelps equation. Additionally, these previously-selected 21 candidate river sections were further screened to obtain 10 river sections which had the highest priority for oxygen enhancement implementation. The improvement of water quality and the oxygen enhancement efficiency were estimated using Qual2K and modified Streeter-Phelps equation. The Guideline for River Oxygen Enhancement Best Applicable Technology Evaluaton and Protocol for Subsidy Allocation for River Oxygen Enhancement Projects were drafted. 101 水保處 明志科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=51243
污染土壤離場之處理、處置、運用與追蹤查核計畫 本計畫目標重點在於針對污染場址土壤離場處理之管理追蹤方式、處理設施設置等議題進行分析與規劃,將土壤離場處理之申報及管理方式納入廢棄物清理法體系,協助研擬納入廢清法指定公告事業之條文,並提出廢清法相關配套法規、規範研擬,藉由完備之法令規範對於污染土壤離場處理之清運及處理業者進行有效之管理及管制。此外,配合目前廢棄物管制中心申報系統功能架構,本計畫調整新增污染土壤廢棄物代碼離場清運作業申報機制相關資料填報或查詢功能,搭配完備之污染土壤離場處理之追蹤機制,未來可有效控管整體清運過程。運用申報作業搭配本計畫擬定之污染土壤清運計畫提報機制,以及新增系統線上審核作業功能,可有效辦理土壤離場清運申報之勾稽查核工作。本計畫亦協助辦理污染土壤處理設施之審查同意作業,並就提出申請處理污染土壤或具有處理污染土壤可行性之設施,完成20場次之現地查核與訪查作業。本計畫亦協助研擬污染土壤再利用設施之設置與操作參考規範,可提供主管機關在審查核定處理設施設置時參考。 The project for the treatment, disposal, tracking and audit of contaminated soil off-site treatment. The objectives of the project focus on tracking and treatment management and the establishment of treatment facilities for contaminated soil off-site treatment of contaminated site. For the integration with the Waste Disposal Act on reporting and management method of contaminated soil, the project drafted revelent regulations and articles for the announcement of contaminated site as a designated business regulated by the Waste Disposal Act. The transportation and treatment facilities of the contaminated soil can be management under these regulations. In addition, under the frameworks of the Industrial Waste Control Center reporting system, the project created the reporting and inquirying function for newly established contaminated soil code. With the tracking mechanism of the contaminated soil, the control and management of transportation process can be more efficient.The project assisted with review of contaminated soil treatment facility for remediation plans, and completed 20 site visite works. This project also assisted to develop setup and operation reference specification for the contaminated soil reuse facilities, which can be the reference in the reviewing and approvement of treatment facilities for the competent authorities. 101 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=54352
101年度國家重要濕地(大樹舊鐵橋人工濕地)保育計畫 (一)濕地場址調查監測1. 截至2012年11月份為止已完成4次之水質、水文、2次底泥監測及2次生態調查工作,水質、水文監測包含濕地水池,A系統進出流口,以及B系統之進出水口共4個測站,共執行16點次;底泥量測包含濕地B系統之進出流口共2個測站,共執行4點次,其中枯水季(4月13日增加底泥金屬監測)。7月30日之水質水文測量部分,A系統之A6出流口改為A5,原因為出流口A6池,水位過低且池內之池水只剩中間一部分有水,調查原因為由溢流孔流出故A5之池水,相同狀況於9月20日及10月25日採樣時還未改善,因此,7月30日、9月20日及10月25日,將出流口之監測點改為A5池之出流口。2. 水文量測結果,4次監測A系之進流口流量約介於16,102-6,900 m3/d ,出流口流量約為13,199-11,916 m3/d,進流口以四次平均流量約為12,091±3,327 m3/d,出流口平均為11,803±1,646 m3/d;B系統之B1進流口流量約為4,751-6,366 m3/d,B2出流流量約介於3,890-6,059 m3/d,監測四次之平均流量進流口為5,531±786 m3/d,出流口為5,087±1,075m3/d。3. 水質監測結果,四次監測A系統之各項水監測標準(BOD、COD、OP、TP、NH3-N及TN) 去除效率分別介於(37-86%、16-89%、93-98%、0-98%、43-72%及38-68),SS僅於10月25日有去除效率但效果不佳,其餘知項目皆有穩定去除之效率,其中正磷去除成效佳,氨氮相較於磷不穩定,但整體之營養鹽去除效果良好。B系統之去除效率分別為,BOD介於0-78%、NH3-N介於0-61%、TN介於14-31%、OP介於35-95%及TP介於61-78%,B系統之去除效率,在BOD之去除效率不穩定,營養鹽之去除OP、TP相較於NH3-N及TN佳,SS在7月30日及9月20日有去除效率分別為65%及63%。生物性指標部分,葉綠素a為優養化之指標,由A、B系統之監測葉綠素a出流口皆高於進流,A1進流口含量為4.28-25.14 μg/L,出流口為15.68-71.01 μg/L,B系統B1進流Chl-a為6.4-33.6 μg/L,B2出流為9.2-119.9 μg/L,有優養化之現象,大腸桿菌之部分,有相當之去除效率。A系統以WQI值水質指標評估進流至出流可由中下轉變成中等程度,B系統以WQI判定除了4月13日B1進流口為不良程度,其餘的水質指標皆屬於中下程度。4. 底泥監測於4月13日(枯水季)、9月20日(豐水季)採集底泥,兩次監測酸鹼值介於6.3 -6.7,B1有機質值含量2.6%、2.98%及B2含量為2.4%、3.53%;B1總氮含量為231 mg N/kg及481mg N/kg、B2含量為131 mg N/kg及416 mg N/kg;B1總磷含量分別為1,312 mg P/kg及1,402mg P/kg、B2濃度含量791 mg P/kg及1,061mg P/kg。以上之有機質、總氮及總磷皆有累積之趨勢,9月之濃度皆大於4月且進流口皆大於出流;底泥重金屬部分為Fe含量最高約28,609-39,756 mg/kg,Cd低於偵測極限,其中需注意Cu、Zn之濃度,Cu為69.11-96.7 mg/kg,Cu已達法規之下限值須密切注意, Zn濃度為546.9-325.5 mg/kg,已達法規上限,嚴重超標。5. 本計畫自2011年7月起至2012年底在舊鐵橋濕地進行生態調查,包含鳥類、昆蟲(蜻蛉類與蝶類為主)、魚類、兩爬及植物種類調查及棲地環境記錄,以瞭解濕地復建過程中園區生態之演替情況。調查結果共記錄鳥類26科47種,陸生爬行類3科4種,兩棲類4科6種,蜻蛉類3科15種,蝶類5科40種,水生爬行類3科3種,魚類7科10種,植物53科126種。其中鳥類之優勢物種為麻雀及白頭翁,蜻蛉類以薄翅蜻蜓和褐斑蜻蜓較為優勢,蝶類則以微小灰蝶與迷你小灰蝶為優勢物種。水域爬行類以斑龜較多,魚類之優勢種為外來種三星鬥魚、吳郭魚與吉利慈鯛,原生種魚類則以鯽魚較為優勢。陸域生態以鐵橋南側之多樣性較高,水域環境以A2池之生物較為多樣,但濕地整體水域環境皆以外來種生物佔優勢。另外,也記錄到入侵外來種多線南蜥、巴西龜、花狹口蛙、紅魔鬼、線鱧、泰國土虱、琵琶鼠、非洲大蝸牛、福壽螺等,建議予以進行限縮移除。(二)濕地種子教師培訓與民眾導覽解說成果1.濕地保育與管理維護藉由社區民眾及地方志工合作推動舊鐵橋濕地園區之管理與維護作業,每月至少完成4場次,截至12月15號已完成計畫規定36場次(9個月 × 4次/月),參與人數達291人次。社區協會與民間團體志工踴躍參與濕地保育與管理維護工作,清除園區內雜草、落葉與大型樹枝垃圾等,使園區內部保持環境整潔,讓舊鐵橋濕地園區逐漸恢復往日風采。2.濕地管理維護單位教育訓練研習舊鐵橋濕地園區面積廣達120公頃,期望能以辦理維護單位教育訓練的方式,使在地志工與社區民眾了解與學習對人工濕地的維護管理方式,提升參訓人員日後協助濕地管理和維護作業之能力與知識。截至10月底已完成4場次之計畫數量,參與人數訓練研習達202人次,部分受訓人員已實地參與管理和維護工作,並協助大專和國高中學生參與志工體驗活動。3.濕地保育種子教師與導覽解說訓練結合附近社區發展協會與民間團體共同參與舊鐵橋濕地園區的導覽解說訓練活動,藉由本訓練可培育導覽解說之種子教師,以便能更深入到校園或其他單位進行教育宣導活動。截至10月底已完成6場次之計畫數量,參與種子教師與導覽解說訓練人數達271人次,受訓種子教師已有能力擔任遊客溼地導覽解說員並至鄰近中小學推廣濕地保育課程。4.民眾參與濕地園區生態及環境教育活動解說導覽由種子教師及志工進行舊鐵橋濕地園區之導覽解說,帶領參與民眾團體親身體驗人工濕地生態保育及環境教育的功能,並解說濕地如何淨化水質及動植物在濕地中所扮演的角色。目前皆依合約規定每個月執行2梯次以上的民眾解說導覽,截至12月份已完成21場次,超出合約數量18場次(9個月×2梯次/月),共有721人熱情參與,本項解說導覽工作主要由受訓之種子教師擔任,實際參與解說導覽活動,以印證課堂上所學得的知識。 5.濕地復建過程影音紀錄截至101年12月15日止,已攝錄包含維護管理及各大小活動復建(育)影音資料17段,目前已進行剪輯配音等後製作業,於影音紀錄光碟製作完成後,提交200片光碟供 貴局審核,以完整忠實呈現本年度舊鐵橋濕地園區濕地保育與管理維護、教育研習與導覽解說訓練、環境教育活動解說導覽等工作之成果。 2012 Conservation Plan for Major National Wetlands (Da-Shu Old-Iron-Bridge Wetland) 1. Wetland Site Investigation and Monitoring(1) 4 water quality and hydrology testings, 2 sediment monitorings and 2 ecological surveys were completed by Nov. 2012. Survey sites include wetland pond, System A and B influent and effluent points. There are 4 sites in total and 16 surveys and testings were completed. Sediment monitoring sites include the influent and effluent points of System B. There are 2 sites and 4 surveys were completed. Metals in sediment was included in the April 13th testing (dry season). Water quality and hydrology of July 30th testings, the testing site of System A is switched from A6 effluent point to A5 effluent point, due to the fact that the water surface levels of A6 effluent point was too low, with water covered only the middle part. After investigation, it was found that the water of A6 was outflown from A5 effluent point. Same conditions occurred during the Sept. 20th and Oct. 25th testings. As result, the July 30th, Sept. 20th and Oct. 25th testings were switched to A5 effluent point.(2) Results of water quality testings indicate that the influent flow was between 6,900 to 16,102 m3/d, the effluent flow is between 11,916 to 13,199 m3/d. The average influent and effluent flows are 12,091±3,327 m3/d and 11,803±1,646 m3/d, respectively. The B1 influent flow by System B was between 4,751 to 6,366 m3/d, the B2 influent flow by System B was between 3,890 to 6,059 m3/d. The average influent and effluent flows are 5,531±786 m3/d and 5,087±1,075 m3/d, respectively.(3) The results of water quality testings indicate that the removal rates of water quality standards , such as BOD, COD, OP, TP, NH3-N and TN, of System A are 37-86%, 16-89%, 93及總磷-98%, 0-98%, 43-72% and 38-68%, respectively. The SS removal rate was only noticeable for the Oct. 25th testing, however not very good. All removal rates for all other water quality parameters remain stable, with orthophosphate good and ammonia slightly unstable. As a whole, the removal rates for nutrients are good. The removal rates for BOD, NH3-N, TN, OP and TP by System B are 0-78%, 0-61%, 14-31%, 35-95% and 61-78% respectively. As for the overall removal rates for System B, BOD is unstable, nutrients such as OP and TP have better removal rates than NH3-N and TN. The SS removal rates for July 30th and Sept. 20th testings are 65% and 63 % respectively. As for the biological indicating parameters, Chlorophyll a is an indicator of eutrophication, the Chlorophyll a levels for the effluents of System A and B are all higher than their influents. Chlorophyll a level for A1 influent point was 4.28-25.14 μg/L, 15.68-71.01 μg/L for the effluent point. Chlorophyll a level for B1 (System B) influent point was 6.4-33.6 μg/L, 9.2-119.9 μg/L for the B2 effluent point, with eutrophication occurred. The removal rates for e coli. are fairly noticeable. The WQI indicators showed that the pollution levels of System A are improved (influent level to effluent level); it also showed that apart from the B1 influent point of April 13th, which was not good, all other water quality parameters remain lower than average. (4) The sediment monitorings were carried out at the dry season (April 13th) and wet season (Sept. 20th), with pH levels between 6.3 to 6.7, organic matter of B1 is 2.6% and 2.98% and 2.4% and 3.53% for B2. The total nitrogen for B1 is 231 and 481 mg N/kg, 131 and 416 mg N/kg for B2. The total phosphorus levels are 1,312 and 1,402 mg P/kg for B1, 791 and 1,061 mg P/kg for B2. The organic matter, total nitrogen and total phosphorus seemed to accumulate, with the levels of Sept. testing higher than the levels of April, testing. The heavy metals of sediment showed iron levels are the highest (28,609-39,756 mg/kg) and cadmium levels are lower than the detectable levels. Attention should be paid to the copper and lead levels, copper concentration is between 69.11 to 96.7 mg/kg, reaching the minimum standards by the Water Pollution Act. Lead concentration is between 325.5 to 546.9 mg/kg, reaching the maximum standards by the Water Pollution Act.(5) Ecology surveys were completed between July, 2011 to the end of 2012. Birds, insects (damselflies class and butterflies, mainly), fish, and plant species surveys and their habitat surroundings were recorded to understand the park ecological succession in wetland rehabilitation process. The survey results indicated that there are 26 kinds of birds (within 47 classes), 4 kinds of terrestrial reptiles (within 3 classes), 4 kinds of amphibians (within 6 classes), 3 kinds of damselflies (within 15 classes), 5 kinds of butterflies (within 40 classes), 3 kinds of aquatic reptiles (within 3 classes), 7 kinds of fish (within 10 classes), 126 kinds of plants (within 53 classes). The advantaged species for the birds are sparrow and pulsatilla, thin-winged dragonflies and brown spots dragonfly for the damselflies class, micro-budding peaks and mini the butterfly are the dominant species for the Butterflies. There are more spot turtles among the aquatic reptiles, for the fish, the advantageous alien species are Samsung Rumble fish and tilapia Ji Lici snapper, carp for the native species. The south side of the bridge contains higher diversity of species for land eco-system and A2 pond for higher diversity of species for aqua eco-system. The alien species are more advantageous for the aqua eco-system of the wetland. In addition, it is also recorded that the invasion of exotic species, such as multi-line South lizard, red flower Narrow-mouthed Frog, Red Devil, line snakehead, catfish Thailand, pipa rats, giant African snails, apple snails, etc., restriction of their habitants and the following removal is recommended. 2. Wetland Consultation Guides Training Sessions and the Public Guided Tours(1) Wetland Conservation and ManagementWetland conservation and management is implemented by the cooperation of the communities and local volunteers. There are 4 guided tours monthly and there are 36 tours scheduled till Dec. 15th, with 291 participants. The communities organizations and NGO volunteers participated the wetland preservation and management to clean up the grasses, leaves, large branches and garbage. The aim is to return the old iron bridge wetland to its old time glory.(2) Wetland Conservation Training SessionsOld-iron-bridge wetland consists of a park area of up to 120 hectares. By organizing conservation training sessions, the local communities and volunteers can learn more about the wetland management. The targeted 4 sessions were organized with 202 participants. Part of the participants have already engaged in the management and preservation work and they also assisted the college and high schools students during the guided tours.(3) Wetland Consultation Guides Training SessionsWetland consultation guides training sessions targeted members of the community development committees and NGOs. 6 training session were organized by Oct. 2012 with 271 participants. The trained seed councilors started to engage in the preservation courses. (4) Wetland Public Guided ToursThe purification process of wetlands and the roles of wetland animals and plants were explained during the guided tours. 2 sessions of guided tours per month were carried out, with 21 tours (18 as the targeted number) organized and 721 participants. The tours were guided by the trained see councilors to apply their professional knowledge.(5) Audio and Video Recordings of the Wetland Rehabilitation Process Up the Dec. 15th, 2012, 17 audio and video recordings of the wetland rehabilitation processes has been edited and completed, with 200 pieces of CD made to be submitted to the EPB. The CD showed the complete preservation processes and the management and guided tours 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司
101小黑蚊危害地區防治專案計畫 近年來臺灣地區『小黑蚊』騷擾問題日益嚴重,影響民眾之生活起居降低生活品質亦成為發展觀光休閒旅遊產業的負面因素。因此自101年1月份起中臺科技大學接受環保署委託,執行「101年度小黑蚊危害地區防治專案計畫」,持續於小黑蚊危害地區(臺中市、臺南市、南投縣、彰化縣、花蓮縣、嘉義縣、雲林縣等7縣市)進行小黑蚊密度調查,並由雲林縣、嘉義縣與臺南市中選定小黑蚊發生熱點共50處,實地進行防治工作。依不同培訓對象規劃課程內容,已舉辦教育或宣導會29場次,其中包括通報處理及防治人員培訓班5場次;防治組織推廣說明會2場次;教育宣導說明會2場;協助其它單位辦理小黑蚊防治教育22場,總計培訓2817人,並輔導成立防治工作團隊2處。輔導雲林縣、嘉義縣與臺南市環保局建立通報與防治處理能力,每2個月至少1次至該單位提供通報與防治必要之協助。在小黑蚊防治推廣中心業務部份,以電子信箱、專線電話提供小黑蚊鑑定、防治規劃諮詢等服務,並在網站上新增密度公告、密度通報與個人化防治報告書等功能。 Control of Forcipomyia taiwana in the infestation area of 101 year In recent years, the Forcipomyia taiwana, "biting midge" (common name), invades more extensively. These biting midges constitute a serious problem for the normal life style of human being and the business of scenic area. In view of this, Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology undertook the project “Control of Forcipomyia taiwana in the infestation area in year 101”. The major works contained monitoring biting midge density in Taichung City, Nantou County, Hualien County, Changhua County, Yunlin County, Tainan City and Chiayi County. We selected 50 “hot spot”areas from historical density data to engage the integrated control. Based on training objects, we designed wide range courses applied in different purpose workshops, which total number of participants was one thousand three hundred ten persons. Two working teams were also established to participate in control works. We counseled Yunlin County, Chiayi County and Tainan City Environmental Protection Bureaus to establish communications chennals and build biting midge control capabilities. Once every two months the newest information and revised policy were provided. The Biting Midge Control Center has been continuously providing the information of biting midge identification, prevention and control services to concern parties through the website, e-mail and hotline. 101 毒管處 中臺科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44962
101年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫 101 新竹市環境保護局 瑩諮科股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46040
101年度環境影響評估技術顧問機構業者評鑑及環保機關環境影響評估業務檢討會專案工作計畫 環保署為瞭解環境影響評估技術顧問機構之執行現況與素質,自86年起開始辦理「環境影響評估技術顧問機構業者評鑑」工作,並將評鑑結果公告於環保署網站,供各界及開發單位選擇環境影響評估者時參考。環評相關顧問公司對於此項評鑑結果亦極為重視,因而積極提升本身素質、設備及人力。本計畫以協助建立環境影響評估業者評鑑相關資料、評鑑制度及辦法,並由專家學者組成評鑑小組共同評估業者之技術能力與服務品質,使環境影響評估技術顧問機構業者評鑑之工作得以更趨嚴謹與周全。本年度評鑑內容包括「基本資料審查」、「評鑑委員審查」、「主管機關審查」及「環評委員調查」等4部分,並納入「環評書件缺失」扣分項目。本年度合計37家技術顧問機構業者報名參與評鑑,由評鑑結果區分出A級7家、準A級3家、B級16家、C級10家及D級1家。另本年度應參與而未參與評鑑之業者合計27家,則將其列為N級。本報告亦針對評鑑執行過程發現之缺失提出建議,供未來執行相關計畫時參考。 Evaluation of Technical Consulting Firms on Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact The Environment Protection Administration (EPA) in Taiwan has initiated “The Evaluation of Technical Consulting Firms on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)” since 1997. The evaluation takes place every two years, and the result is announced on the website of EPA once the evaluation is completed. The developers can refer to the result of evaluation to choose the appropriate technical consulting firms to work with. As a result, the technical consulting firms in Taiwan always try their best to improve their quality on EIA, so that they can receive a good result of evaluation. Based on this influence, the EPA has been trying to build up a good model of evaluation, and make the evaluation objective and impartial. The process of this year’s evaluation of technical consulting firms on EIA includes 4 parts, which are “basic information of the technical consulting firms”, “Quality of Reports Reviewed by the Evaluation Committee of EPA”, “Quality of Reports Reviewed by the EIA Evaluation Committee”, and “Quality of Reports Reviewed by the Environment Protection Administration (EPA) or the Environment Protection Bureau (EPB)”. This evaluation also includes “Neglect of Reports” if there is any falsification in the final report of EIA of the technical consulting firm. There are 37 technical consulting firms that signed up this year’s evaluation. 7 of the 37 technical consulting firms are A-grade, 3 of them are A-to-be, 16 of them are B-grade, 10 of them are C-grade, and 1 of them received D-grade. On the other hand, there are another 27 technical consulting firms that should participate in this year’s evaluation but reject to be evaluated are N-grade. In order to make the evaluation more and more authentic, which may promote the participation of evaluation, we also arranged the experiences of project implementation and oral reports of technical consulting firms for future improvement. 101 綜計處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43723
土壤及地下水污染場址調查、整治與管理發展趨勢探討 本次「土壤及地下水污染場址調查、整治與管理發展趨勢探討」計畫案,透過國內外學者專家之專題演講及座談,共同探討土壤及地下水污染場址之調查、整治與管理發展趨勢,提供產官學界相互觀摩學習、討論及意見經驗交流的機會,同時也提供亞洲鄰近國家,從事土壤及地下水污染場址整治與管理相關工作之專業人士討論的平台,持續推動臺灣為亞洲土壤及地下水資訊交流中心,與其他國家分享法規、技術、管理策略及相關經驗,並且提升我國土壤及地下水污染場址調查、整治與管理之技術能力。本案主要工作成果為:1.已於2012年6月25日上午於臺北市辦理半天「綠色暨植物整治國際論壇」,參加人數包含外賓13人及國內專家學者與各縣市環保局等25人。2.已於2012年6月25日下午辦理半天「國立故宮博物院」參觀活動,外賓參加人數為12人。3.已於2012年6月26-27日於高雄市辦理兩天2012年臺美環保合作計畫之「土壤及地下水污染場址植物整治講習會」,報名參加人數為290人。4.已於2012年6月28日辦理一天「高雄台塑林園廠及佛光山佛陀紀念館」參訪活動,外賓參加人數為12人。5.已於2012年10月30-31日於臺北市辦理兩天「2012年土壤及地下水污染場址調查整治與管理國際研討會」,報名參加人數為550人。6.已於2012年10月30-31日於臺北市國際研討會地點同步舉辦兩天「2012台北土壤及地下水環境展」,兩天累計超過800人次蒞臨展場參觀。7.已於2012年11月1日上午辦理半天「臺南市中石化安順廠」參訪活動,外賓參加人數為25人。8.已於2012年11月1日下午於臺南市辦理半天「亞洲國家土壤及地下水污染調查及整治座談會」,參加人數包含外賓25人及國內專家學者與各縣市環保局等55人。9.已於2012年11月2日上午於臺北市辦理半天「亞洲土壤及地下水污染整治工作小組第三次事務會議」,外賓參加人數為9人。10.已於2012年11月2日辦理一天「臺北市區及國立故宮博物院」觀光活動,外賓參加人數為20人。11.已於2012年11月2日「亞洲土壤及地下水污染整治工作小組第三次事務會議」促成兩個新會員國-澳大利亞及斯里蘭卡加入。 Trend Study of Characterization, Remediation, and Management of Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Si The project is to conduct (1) 2012 International Forum on Green Technology and Phytoremediation for Contaminated Sites to be held on June 25, 2012; (2) 2012 Taiwan-United States Workshop on Phytoremediation be held on June 26-27, 2012; (3) 2012 Taipei International Conference on Remediation and Management of Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Sites be held on October 30-31, 2012; (4) 2012 Taipei Soil and Groundwater Exhibition be held on October 30-31, 2012; (5) Symposium on Remediation Soil and Groundwater Pollution of Asian Countries to be held on November 1, 2012; (6) 3rd Business Meeting of Working Group on Remediation for Soil and Groundwater Pollution of Asian Countriesfield to be held on November 2, 2012; (7) Study Tours on the soil and groundwater contaminated sites in Taiwan to be held on June 28 and November 1, 2012. 101 土污基管會 社團法人台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46727
空氣中致過敏性真菌之微陣列基因檢測技術建立(2/2) 空氣中有多種真菌的孢子與人類呼吸道過敏有關,現在環境保護與公共衛生監測和臨床檢測等領域,要求快速、高通量和準確的檢測致過敏真菌的技術能力。本計畫發展空氣中致過敏性真菌定量核酸保護分析微陣列晶片系統,搭配大體積的空氣樣本採集,可改善傳統培養或鏡檢方法耗時費力與分類困難,和一般微陣列方法偵測靈敏度不足等問題。晶片共選用14屬/種標的菌之16個專一性探針,包含9個為種專一性探針,7個為屬專一性探針。晶片探針具準確性與專一性,檢測下限為每立方米空氣樣本15 - 90個孢子,檢測曲線R-square>0.9,此偵測技術可以同時處理大量 (96個) 樣本,減少批次間的偵測誤差與單一樣本逐個處理的時間與人力資源耗費,使大量樣本有可實際應用的檢測技術。此外,本計畫建立過敏與真菌相關性調查模式,以台灣過敏民眾發病前後之居家真菌菌相變化,找出可能最常引發過敏之真菌名單。 Establish an Air-Born Allergenic Fungi Detection Technique by Microarray Many airborne fungi associated with respiratory allergy. An accurate, fast and high throughput technique is demanded to detect and monitor allergenic fungi in the air for environment protection, public health and clinics needs. In this study, we develop a microarray detection technique for airborne allergic fungi by quantitative Nuclease Protection Assay System and large-volume air samples collection method. This microarray contains 16 specific probes for 14 target fungal genera/species, including 9 species-specific and 7 genus-specific probes. Decent calibration curves were generated and R-squares>0.9. The detection limit was 15 - 90 spores/m3 air. Ninety-six samples are able to be processed by the microarray technology simultaneously, which reduce bias among batches and decrease time and labor consuming for practical application of large number samples’ routine detection. To study the airborne allergic fungi in Taiwan, we investigated the fluctuation of airborne fungal spore at patients’ home when patient with / without syndromes. The protocol could be used to establish the airborne allergic fungal list in Taiwan. 101 環檢所 東海大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41539
101年度臺北市推動資源回收形象改造暨物業管理工作計畫 為重新塑造個體業者與回收商(站)等業者形象,臺北市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局),自94年起配合行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)『資源回收形象改造』政策,今年度持續推動「101年度臺北市推動資源回收形象改造暨物業管理工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),以本市資源回收商、中盤商、社區回收站、物業管理與資源回收個體業者為對象,由內部整潔與外觀美化出發,結合社會資源,改變民眾對於回收工作『髒』與『亂』的刻板印象,提高民眾對於資源回收工作者的認同。本計畫共分7大工作項目,其執行內容及成果包括(一)推動健康形象回收商:本年度完成轄內16家回收商設施檢查與現場拍照、完成96家次環境衛生巡查作業,巡查結果15家為優良1家尚可、完成更新16家業者專卷資料彙整、輔導5家回收業者辦理回收登記證展延作業。(二)推動健康形象回收站:完成歷年184處健康形象回收站設施檢查,並協助社區完成設施修繕達41件、新增設置32處健康形象回收站、輔導轄內820處物業社區進行每月回收量申報作業並完成現場巡查作業、另完成辦理3場次整合物業管理宣導說明會。(三)辦理回收中盤商分級分類管理:完成轄內84家中盤商基本資料更新維護與建置專卷管理、完成每月50家次以上現場環境衛生巡查作業,共計完成497家次、另完成辦理2場次回收業者相關法令宣導說明會,辦理成果回收業者都肯定今年度會議辦理成效,對於相關法令的瞭解程度也有明顯的提升。(四)辦理拾荒業者輔導與關懷:今年度已完成辦理4場次拾荒業者整編輔導會議,共完成整編69位拾荒業者、協助尋企業關懷拾荒業者,今年度捐贈金額達45萬元、另於小蜜蜂築巢計畫已完成媒合17位拾荒業者,導入社區協助進行資源回收專區整理。(五)媒體宣導與文宣品製作:已完成141則跑馬燈露出及16則電子媒體露出、另配合環保局加強宣導紙容器回收,完成設計「放對是資源 丟錯是垃圾」宣導海報1則。(六)相關宣導教育:配合本市區里社區活動辦理12場資源回收宣導活動、另今年度完成辦理1場「2012回收愛地球攝影比賽」,其參與人數達150人。(七)創新作法:今年度本工作團隊規劃「回收便利Q一下」,讓社區民眾在每日進行資源回收時,只要利用手機或平板電腦掃描『回收便利Q一下』上QR Code圖片,即可將相關環保資訊顯示於手機或平板電腦上,不但可即時查詢,又可節省紙張印製,其各項工作進度成果對照如表1所示。藉由本計畫之推動,協助環保局於資源回收相關政策法令之落實、輔導回收業者自主管理場區營運管理規範以及相關教育宣導等工作已有執行績效。 101 台北市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41407
加強源頭減量及產品包裝輕量化專案計畫 本計畫執行期間為自民國101年1月起至101年12月止,計畫目標主要為加強廢棄物源頭減量,持續推動一次用產品管理相關措施、精進限塑政策,研訂塑膠製品減量管理措施、輔導推廣綠色包裝、輕量包裝與包裝減量工作以及辦理「限制產品過度包裝」公告相關包裝檢驗工作 Waste prevention improvement program and promoting product packaging light-weighting 101 廢管處 永發環境科技管理有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45009
101年度台東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫 為解決移動污染源所對環境品質之影響,稽查取締與宣導工作刻不容緩,今年度本縣環保局持續落實車輛之維修保養及定檢制度,以達到改善環境空氣品質之目的。本計畫之各項工作相關成果摘要說明如下:本計畫於期初即辦理職前教育訓練,使計畫內所有成員對於工作項目、工作方法、進度掌控及相關規定等皆充分了解,並不定期實施稽核,以確保各項工作順利推動與執行。在定檢通知作業部分,目前已完成101年1月份至101年12月份發照機車之通知定檢明信片寄發,共寄發明信片通知129,403件,有66,284件參加定檢,扣除明信片退件5,004件,平均到檢率為53.28%,執行未定檢機車攔查、攔檢、巡查19,082輛,其中完成路邊未定檢機車巡查數3,154輛次,回檢2,585輛次,回檢率為81.83%;完成機車攔檢2,043輛次,不合格數共289輛次,檢測不合格比例為14.1%,完成車牌辨識13,885輛,可通知1,398輛,通知率為10.07%。在定檢站品保品管作業及座談交流部分,共完成2場次定檢站人員教育訓練,本縣各定檢站檢測人員皆完成環保署每年受訓4小時之要求。本縣49家機車排氣檢驗站完成5次評鑑工作,5次查核作業。由101年度設籍本縣機車1~12月排氣檢測數據分析結果顯示,整體不合格率為6.38 %,二行程不合格率為11.25 %,係四行程機車之2.4倍;50C.C機車之檢測不合格率為11.09 %,約為125C.C之2.3倍以上;二行程機車之HC平均濃度為4484 ppm,約為四行程之13倍,排氣檢測到檢率呈現依年份逐年遞減現象,由此可知,為達有效改善空氣品質之目的,應加強老舊及二行程高污染車輛之稽查及汰舊工作。本計畫執行發現,民眾對機車定檢之認知程度尚可,包括每年應實施定檢、不定檢要遭受罰鍰、定檢業務可改善空氣品質等,大部分機車車主仍相當依賴定檢通知單之提醒,因此明信片通知作業與二次通知有必要繼續進行。為使通知作業能發揮更大效用,宜持續更新機車車籍與定檢資料,有效利用車檢輔助管理系統,提升使用中車輛控管,相關作業本公司持續進行資料更新,已應用於本縣車輛屬性分析,篩選5年以上未定檢車輛加強二次通知,進行汰舊輔導。 101 台東縣環境保護局 得眾環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50053
酸雨及有害物質溼沉降監測分析調查專案工作計畫(二) 101 空保處 中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49373
中部生活圈低碳永續家園十項推動方案規劃計畫 基於以低碳城市為基礎延伸發展為永續社會之構想,行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)積極推動「低碳永續家園推動方案」規劃,將七大具體減碳面向轉化為十大運作機能,由生態綠化、建築節能、設備節能、再生能源、綠色運輸、資源循環及低碳生活等減碳面向,增加防救災與調適、法律與經濟財稅工具及社會行為科學與評比工具等機能。環保署動員整合全署相關單位人力資源,並同步督促各縣市政府成立低碳永續家園推動辦公室,中部生活圈則由臺中市政府協助邀集苗栗縣、南投縣、彰化縣及雲林縣等中部縣市,共同籌組跨縣市推動低碳永續家園組織,召開各分區地方推動會議,以建立中央與區域行政溝通、作業協調整合平台,強化區域整合及聯繫協調功能。此外,考量低碳永續家園建構涉及眾多專業技術與智識,故成立各運作機能專案小組,分別為由產、官、學、研、民(NGO團體)等專家代表組成技術與資訊諮詢小組,及為達整合協調資源及人力之效,另納入各生活圈內所在地方政府及其所屬鄉鎮市機關代表,而組成方案推動與協調小組。各運作機能專案小組藉由密集研商、討論、合作,主要工作在研析重要課題與解決方案、整合相關資源訊息(法規、產品、技術…等),並協助研提管考執行及評比機制(項目、方法及綜評指標),提出各區低碳永續生活圈推動計畫。最後由環保署彙整成為「低碳永續家園推動方案」,請相關機關配合檢討修正法令與措施,將低碳化理念與行動融入經濟與社會的發展及生產與生活各領域,落實低碳永續家園建構工作。本計畫已協助地方政府建立「技術與資訊諮詢小組」及「方案推動與協調小組」,共計130位委員,包含產、官、學、研、民(社團、NGO)多元領域,透過持續召開相關會議並配合署內會議不斷地回饋資訊,逐次研提十項推動方案規劃書,透過會議滾動式修正,目前已有階段成果摘錄於本文,相關資料以附冊作呈現。低碳永續家園十項推動方案規劃計畫經中央、北部、中部、南部、東部生活圈的推動建立,計提出184項行動項目,依縣市、鄉鎮市區、村裡層級,另區分優先、一般指定、自選等。其中,透過多次彙整與協調,中部生活圈低碳永續家園十項推動方案規劃方案,計提出45項行動方案,分別為生態綠化(8項):低碳社區生態綠化、樹木養護方案、工展校地立面植栽綠籬景觀推動方案、安全島露台窗台花卉綠美化推動方案、建立生物通行廊道及生態綠網、建造多孔隙生物棲地、表土保護及有機堆肥方案、種植原生或誘鳥誘蝶植栽;建築節能(4項):公有建築節能計畫、民間建築節能計畫、推動申辦綠建築標章、綠色工廠建築節能計畫;設備節能(2項)社區節能輔導計畫、節能家電採購計畫;再生能源(5項):車站月台屋頂太陽光電系統設置、不良農田太陽光電系統設置、學校屋頂太陽光電系統設置、沼氣熱力用系統、推動休耕地種植能源作物(牧草)提供生質能利用;綠色運輸(7項):設備完善的自行車網路、完整街道計畫、推動果菜市場車輛電動化、發展替代性燃料車輛、提升公共運輸使用率、改變社會大眾運輸行為、推動租賃車輛電動化;資源循環(1項):減廢夥伴;低碳生活(4項):低碳生活願景規劃、天然有機生活、無毒家園、與社團合作推廣低碳生活講座與課程;防救災與調適(6項):自主防災社區、防災手冊普及化、社區防災計畫修訂、進行地(社)區撤離編組及疏散撤離演練、建立石化業天然災害防救、建立熱浪對石化工業區之環境調適計畫;法律與經濟財稅工具(3項):獎勵綠轉型計畫、低碳旅遊計畫、電動汽車推廣計畫;社會行為科學與評比工具(5項):行政區自我評估與區分、綠色挑戰及社區計畫、建構低碳社會行為評估、機關四省專案、低碳生活教育推廣。本計畫應完成50場次技術小組會議、30場次方案小組會議,因部分推動機能之方向明確,且成果經半數委員認可,故決議不再舉行會議,共計5場未完成之會議由環保局採減價收受(綠色運輸、法律與經濟財稅工具、社會行為科學與評比工具等),總計完成48場技術小組會議,27場方案小組會議。另完成兩場次媒體宣導活動及一場次成果發表會,計參與人次達510人次,反應相當熱烈。 101 台中市環境保護局 財團法人臺灣建築中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40121
101年度臺南市固定空氣污染源許可審查及巡查管制計畫 本年度計畫作業項目包含:(1) 資料庫之擴建、維護更新(2)許可審查核發(3)許可查核(4)排放量申報查核(5)稽查檢測作業(6)專責人員及許可制度說明會(7)戴奧辛管制(8)逸散性粒狀物管制。計畫執行期間為民國101年01月18日至民國101年12月31日,共執行12個月,已完成所有量化工作(見第一章),專案小組除每月配合環保局工作檢討會,依循各項內部教育訓練及品保做業外,在計畫執行中亦配合環保局SIP計畫查核,以確保各項工作進度及品質,本年度各項工作結果說明如下。一、資料庫之擴建、維護更新本年度須執行資料庫更新、擴充及維護的公私場所共1,000家,本計畫至101年12月31日止專案小組共完成1,002家現場清查作業現場查核,作業達成率為100.2%。完成1,002家清查資料庫更新後,全市固定污染源排放量如下:粒狀物為2596.1公噸/年,硫氧化物為4386.5公噸/年,氮氧化物為5418.2公噸/年,揮發性有機物為4683.8公噸/年。資料庫的檢核,每月依環保署所下傳的檢核資料內容進行QA/QC,現階段共完成9,343筆資料修正。二、許可作業現階段共核發459張許可證,包括設置35張、變更16張、操作46張、異動134張、展延130張、換補發85張、生煤許可13張,文書平均審查日數為13.79日/件,並協助87件專責人員異動申請案件處理及鍵檔,在南科及科工區許可案件會審案件則有46件。專案小組並通知即將到期之許可證辦理展延作業,共發文通知229家/295張許可證。在許可證查核部份,已完成816張許可證查核作業(包括736張環保局、58張南科管理局以及22張科工管理處所核發),查核不符張數總計55張,不符率為6.74%,目前39件已提出改善(其中,19(張)製程已取得新證、13(張)製程目前正在審查中、7(張)認定為已完成改善)。三、排放量審查及查核作業目前本計畫針對臺南市需排放量上網申報的公私場所共有346家進行排放量申報管制作業(其中第一批103家,第二批243家),100年第4季及101年第3季之應申報件數為1311件,申報率為100%,且全數完成審查,審查結果申報正確者1011家佔77.1%,限期補正資料者300家佔22.9%。現場查核已完成313家,查核結果申報正確300家(95.8%),有誤須限期補正資料者13家(4.2%)。限期補正者,其主要原因為製程原燃物料申報狀況與現場不符(包含漏報、單位錯誤)共計6家佔46.2%。四、辦理稽查檢測作業本年度針對排放管道(粒狀物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物)稽查檢測已執行12根次,排放管道戴奧辛則已執行8根次檢測,周界粒狀物稽查檢測亦已完成12點次,本計畫針對歷次定檢結果硫氧化物濃度較高者進行燃料油含硫分抽驗,完成30點次,以上稽查檢測結果均符合排放標準。另外進行12 點次機動性TSP(周界)檢測,結果皆符合標準(500μg/Nm3)。五、逸散性粒狀物管制本計畫針對「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」規範行業別進行現場查核及輔導作業。101年4月底前即完成全面性第一次清查,查核對象共計237家,其中9 家已無逸散污染或無營業,202 家符合法規,初段符合率84%。5 月份後執行分級管制初期開始針對污染情形較大之ㄧ級逸散源加強巡查,在加強複查及歷經八個月的分級管制後各逸散污染源多已能注意管理法辦之規定並確實執行,故12 月份符合率達94.59%,顯示依分級管理頻率巡查能使其符合率提升及部分廠家能更確切改善,較全面性一次清查更具效力,本項作業統計整年度法規符合率為88%。六、辦理說明會本年度專案小組辦理七場相關說明會,分別為「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法宣導說明會」、「砂石車覆網下拉宣導說明會」、「里長協助逸散源巡檢及污染通報宣導說明會」、「固定污染源空污費暨許可相關法規說明會」、「固定污染源許可制度及法規宣導說明會」共計7個場次。七、戴奧辛管制作業台南市適用戴奧辛行業管制規範列管名單共57 家(74 根數),今年度已完成53家(71根數),其中戴奧辛法規符合度符合率為100%,許可查核方面則有2家不符,符合率為96%,有缺失之工廠皆已改善完成。八、其他工作項目(一)配合宣導空氣污染相關環保新聞見報:已有10則見報。(二)完成4場次教育訓練及1場次技術轉移。(三)完成宣導單張2,000份、宣導品500份、電子賀卡、著色塗鴉及動畫小遊戲各1則。(四)空氣品質惡化通報處理,接獲通報後共巡查43處次,已建請廠方加強污染防制設備操作及維護。(五)配合指紋計畫執行工業區普查後移交之名單進行擴充作業,共擴充19家。 Tainan City「Stationary Sources Permitting System Enforcement and Air Pollutant Inspection Project」of Year 2012 The main work items of Tainan stationary air pollution source control project are as follows: (1)Database system key-in, maintain and renew, (2)Review and issue of Stationary Sources Permits, (3)Inspection of Operation Permits, (4)Audit of factories emission inventory reports, (5)Inspection of plume emissions by air pollutant testing, (6)Training workshops for dedicated air pollution control personnel, (7) Dioxin emission control and (8)Fugitive dust air pollution from stationary source control.This project was empowered by a contract which issued by the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan County. The project started on 18th January 2012, and ended on 31st December 2012. All work tasks were completed. The result for each work task is outlined in detail as below.1. Database system key-in, maintain and renewWe completed 1,002 stationary pollution sources database key-in, maintain and renew while the goal is 1,000 sources.The annual emission amount of each air pollutant is as follows: particles is about 2,596.1 ton, SOx is about 4,386.5 ton, NOx is about 5,418.2 ton and VOCs is about 4,683.8 ton.2. Review and issue of Stationary Sources Permits459 permits have been issued, including 35 installation permits, 16 modified permits, 46 operation permits, 134 change permits, 130 renewed permits, 85 re-issued permits and 13 coal-fired permits. Periodic inspection for operation permits has been performed on 816 operation permits. Among them, 55 operation permits didn’t meet the contents of permits, and the discrepancy of inspection was 6.74%. Further, the plants have been asked to modify and improve the inconformity. 39 plants reported their modification or changes, and got new permits which fit their status quo. 3. Audit of factories emission inventory reportsIn Tainan city, 346 stationary pollution sources are required to report annual emissions on a seasonal base by regulation. The reporting rate of it has reached 100%. Audit for reporting annual emissions was conducted on 313 plants; 95.8% of them proved correct(300 plants), 4.2% of them showed discrepancy(13 plants).4. Inspection of plume emissions by air pollutant testingInspection by air pollutant testing was performed to fulfill the requirements, including 8 plumes for Dioxin testing and 12 plumes for SOx, NOx and particulate. We also took 30 fuel samples from different plants to check if the sulfur content violets the standard (0.5%). And the results of the total suspended particulate in ambient air times are in compliance with standards (500μg/Nm3).5. Fugitive dust air pollution from stationary source controlTo control fugitive dust air pollution emissions from stationary sources, the first comprehensive inspection was completed within two months. We classified 237 factories which listed by regulation for inspection. The inspection results show intensive inspection can force stationary source to improve their fugitive dust emissions. 6.Training workshops for specified air pollution control personnelWe held 7 workshops for propagating stationary source control related laws and policy, including Air Pollution Control Fee Collection Regulations, Stationary Pollution Source Installation and Operating Permit Management Regulations and Management Regulations for Facilities to Control Fugitive Dust Air Pollution from Stationary Pollution Source.7. Dioxin emission controlOn-site inspection works had been performed on 57 plants with 74 stacks and 2 of them were under Dioxin monitoring span supervision. The results demonstrated all of them could meet the requirement and emission standard.8. Other work items(1) 10 articles of environmental protection news were posted.(2) 4 internal training camps and 1 technical training panel were held.(3) 2000 fliers and 500 souvenirs were made. An E-card, A scrawl and An animation E-game were designed.(4)43 plants were inspected when the air quality was announced deteriorated, they were told to maintain their air pollution control devices.(5) 19 new plants were filed in the database by the list given by fingerfrint establishment project. 101 台南市環境保護局 衛宇科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=52091
101年度固定污染源許可制度及空氣污染防制費催繳稽查管制計畫 本項計畫為延續性之管制計畫,計畫執行主要分為三個部分:一、執行各類空氣污染物污染減量工作,包括硫氧化物、氮氧化物、粒狀污染物及揮發性有機物等;二、落實固定污染源許可管理工作;三、擴大經濟誘因策略,包括空污費收費、獎勵、及補助。以掌握本縣固定污染源污染特性及排放現況,並協助擬定固定污染源空氣污染管制策略及行動方案,進而維護本縣空氣品質。本計畫之執行期程自101/3/23至102/3/22止,共計12個月,各項作業執行進度皆依預定行程執行,執行內容包括:資料庫維護更新與管理、執行許可制度(包含審查作業及查核作業)、辦理空污費催補繳、審查及查核、執行排放量網路申報審核、工業區查核作業、活性碳效率驗證及廢棄活性碳查核、辦理各類宣導說明會等工作項目。計畫執行期間固定源列管2,693家,列管製程數以機械設備製造修配業、紡織、印染業、化學製品製造業居多。在計畫期間針對環保署指定48家進行清查作業,查核結果同時回饋至固定源系統及環保署「排放量管理計畫」進而更新TEDS8.0版本資料,另統計計畫執行期間空氣污染物年排放量分別為:粒狀污染物3577.965公噸/年,硫氧化物12389.386公噸/年,氮氧化物14564.492公噸/年,揮發性有機物7141.384公噸/年。本年度重點工作為工業區查核管制作業,篩選平鎮工業區及幼獅工業區進行現場清普查221家,現階段掌握平鎮工業區總進駐廠家為129家,已清普查115家,掌握率為89.1%,觀音工業區進駐家數為121家,已清普查106家,掌握率為87.6%,針對該部分也查獲13家新增列管之公私場所應納入空污費管制及申請操作許可證。而活性碳吸附設備之效率驗證作業共計查核12家20個設備,整體符合率95%。其它具體工作成果包括:完成許可審查1293個製程並核發899張許可證、完成205個製程許可查核作業、掌握1,361家空污費徵收對象並執行408件催補繳(62,583,585元)及567家次之空污費現場查核、完成100年第4季~101年第3季空污費審核、核收結算等工作,各項相關作業內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。建議計畫執行仍可就以下項目採取較精進之做法,包括:加強生煤管制,提升後續資料分析之效率,建議建立生煤資料整合系統,將空污費、排放量、操作許可資料、定檢資料等進行整合,提供更快速、方便、確實及合理的資訊,作為策略擬定之參考。針對空污費收費方式及排放量申報基準,建議環保署應盡快整合排放量申報系統,而讓空氣污染物排放量確認,除空污費收費更為精準,其他污染管制規劃也更有依據。 This project is a continuous regulatory or control plan that wasexecuted in the following 3 main stages: The first stage involved performing various tasks related to reducing air pollutants, including sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, particulate pollutants or matter, and volatile organic compounds. The second stage involved implementing management and permit tasks related to stationary pollution sources. Finally, the third stage involvedexpandingthe economic incentive strategy to include air pollution fee collection, rewards, and subsidies. The above stages were performed toenhance current understandings of the pollution characteristics and emissions situation of stationary pollution sources in the county and assist in the formulation ofair pollution regulatory strategies and action plans for stationary pollution sources, thereby improving and protecting the county’s air quality. This plan was executed over 12months from March 23, 2012, to March 22, 2013. The various relevant operations were executed according to a predetermined schedule. The executed operations included database maintenance, updating, and management; permit system functions (including review and checking or auditing);pursuing, reviewing, and auditing outstanding air pollution fees; auditing and reviewingonline emission declarations;auditing industrial parks; verifying activated carbon efficiency and auditing waste-based activated carbon; and organizing various promotional information sessions.During the plan executionperiod, 2,693 stationary pollution sources were listed and regulated. The majority of the regulated manufacturing processes were performed by the mechanical equipment manufacturing and repair, textile, print and dye, and chemical products manufacturing industries. Additionally, 48 businesses designated by the Environmental Protection Administration were inspected. The inspection results were inputtedinto the stationary pollution source system and communicated to the Environmental Protection Administration’s Emissions Volume Management Project, after which the information in theTEDS version 8.0 was updated.Furthermore, statistics of the annual air pollutant emissions volume during the project execution periodwere as follows: particulate pollutants or matter: 3,577.965 metric tons per annum; sulfur oxides: 12,389.386 metric tons per annum; nitrogen oxides: 14,564.492 metric tons per annum; and volatile organic compounds: 7,141.384 metric tons per annum.The key tasks for this yearwere to inspectand regulate industrial parks. Thus, 220 businesses in the Pingzhen Industrial Park and Youth Industrial Park were selected for on-site inspections.Currently, of129 businesses in the Pingzhen Industrial Park, 115 have been inspected, for a coverage rate of 89.1%. Of the 121 businesses in theGuanyin Industrial Park, 106 have been inspected, for a coverage rate of 87.6%. Considering these particular sites, we recommend that the 13 public and private areas recently added to regulated sites should be included in air pollution fee regulations and required to apply for operation permits. Regarding operations to verify activated carbon adsorption equipment efficiency, 12 businesses and 20 pieces of equipment have been inspected. The overall compliance rate was 95%.Other specific achievements include the completion of 1,293 permit-related manufacturing process inspections, the issuing of 899 permits, the performance of 205 manufacturing process permit audits, the identification of 1,361 businesses liable for air pollution fee collection,the successful pursuit of 408 cases of outstanding fees (totaling NT$62,583,585), the execution of on-site air pollution feeauditsat567 businesses, the completion of an air pollution fee reviewfor the fourth quarter of 2011 to the third quarter of2012, and relevantverification, acceptance, and settlement. The content and results of various operations are detailed in the sections of this report.We recommendthat more progressive methods, as listed below, be adopted for plan execution.•Enhance bituminous coal regulations andincrease the efficiency of follow-up data analysis. We suggest developing an integrated system for information related to bituminous coal, such as air pollution fees, emission volumes, operational permit data, and regular inspection information, to provide faster, more convenient, accurate, and logical information as a basis for establishing policies. •Regarding the collection of air pollution fees and the benchmarks for emission volume declarations, we recommendthat the Environmental Protection Administration integrate emission volume calculation methods as soon as possible. Besides increasing the precision of air pollution fees, the verification of air pollutant emission volumescan provide a basis for the planning of other pollution regulations. 101 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=54277
「新興物理性公害之調查及研究」專案研究計畫 目前民眾受到光污染的影響情形日漸嚴重,陳情案件增加,依據我國國情特性,調查及研析民眾對光污染類型之人體舒適性感受程度,以提出光污染相關防制對策建議。本計畫已完成法規蒐集彙整、科學研究文獻10篇之摘譯分析;配合民眾陳情情形,選定閃爍、眩光及色飽和等3個光污染因子,完成LED看板64點次閃爍與眩光量測,以及色飽和眩光以及閃爍之人因實驗;完成專家諮詢會議1場;並依據研究結果提出光污染防制相關建議。本計畫相關研究結果說明如下:一、色飽和眩光研究結果:本研究採用9張彩色影像呈現於LED看板,進行色飽和眩光人因實驗,研究得知影像品質(色飽和)對於受測者的眩光舒適度評價有相當的影響;有關色飽和眩光舒適度的平均笛波爾(de Bore)分數,男性與女性分別為4.66分及3.93分,而40歲以上的中老年族群及40歲以下的青壯年族群,則分別為4.54分及4.05分。於本計畫實驗條件下,眩光舒適度的平均笛波爾分數,對於不同之年齡族群、性別族群,皆為接近恰可接受(5分)與妨礙(3分)之間的水準。本項研究受測者共20人(3240人次)參與。二、閃爍研究結果:不同的年齡分組之人因實驗結果,並未獲得統計上的顯著影響性,但仍可討論年齡的影響趨勢。40歲以上和40歲以下的族群,眩光舒適度的平均笛波爾分數分別為3.41分(標準差1.47分)、4.67分(標準差0.64分)。前述40歲以上的閃爍實驗受試者,其平均笛波爾分數較低,此與色飽和眩光實驗結果恰好相反,推測其因素可能是閃爍實驗為單純的白方塊測試圖案,而色飽和眩光實驗採用靜態彩色影像,所以造成此差異。另閃爍頻率於32 Hz的平均笛波爾分數為4分。本項研究受測者共25人(1275人次)參與。三、在光污染防制策略上,依據色飽和眩光人因實驗使用的LED看板平均亮度推算眩光評價函數,結合眩光舒適度平均笛波爾分數的結果,可以得到眩光評價亮度建議表,於平均笛波爾分數5分及4分,實驗結果對應之LED看板的平均亮度最大值分別為618 cd/m2 、1590 cd/m2,這些亮度值,可做為未來訂定相關管制策略之參考。因此,在不減低影像品質的前提下,降低色飽和並降低亮度,則可減少眩光的發生機率,同時從節能的角度,亦可降低能耗,也能降低用電成本,一舉數得。四、依本計畫之研究結果,影像品質、環境背景亮度、亮度、閃爍頻率可能有交互作用,建議未來可針對此這些因子的交互作用進行更深入的研究與探討。 New physical public nuisance survey and study People are subject to the effects of light pollution is become increasingly serious, petition cases also increased, based on the characteristics of conditions of our country, we investigation and analysis of the degree of light pollution types of human comfort sensation, and proposed a proposal of light pollution control strategy.In this project, we study the light pollution issue, which include the study on 10 literatures and regulations, analyze the petitions of citizens and practice the ergonomic experiments of LED screen on the parameters, such as color saturation, glare and flicker, etc. We also complete an expert advisory meeting and complete 64 physical test results of glare and flicker impact of LED screen. Based on the above study, we got a proposal of light pollution control strategy. In study the color saturation and glare evaluation experiments of LED screen using 9 color images, we find out the image quality of LED screen under test will affect the de Bore glare evaluation score. The averaged de Bore scores of female and male are 3.93 and 4.66, respectively. The averaged de Bore scores of elder people (above 40 years old) and younger people (under 40 years old) are 4.54 and 4.05, respectively. These four averaged scores are between ~4 and 5, which mean they are between just acceptable (de Bore score 5) and disturbing (de Bore score 3). There are 20 objects involve in this study, and related collected data are 3240. In the flicker evaluation experiments, we show simple white block on LED screen. We find out, the averaged de Bore score of elder people (3.41±1.47) is less than younger people (4.67±0.64). This result is conflict to result from color saturation and glare experiments, which might due to the basic characteristics of test patterns of these two experiments, are different significantly, which might be due to static color images used in color saturation and glare experiment, while flickering white block test pattern used in this experiment. The corresponding averaged de Bore score of 32 Hz is 4. There are 25 objects involve in this study, and related collected data are 1275. For the control strategy of light pollution, we got a luminance suggestion table of respective glare evaluation score from the color saturation and glare evaluation experiments. Base on this table, we suggest the maximum average luminance can be 618 cd/m2(de Bore score 5) or 1590 cd/m2(de Bore score 4). These luminance values can be used as a reference of the management strategy set in the future. Hence, we suggest to reduce the color saturation and luminance without scarify image quality of LED screen. This suggestion will reduce the glare and energy consumption and electricity cost. This suggestion will also benefit to the citizens and the environments.According to above results, we suggest to study the interaction between the parameters, such as background luminance, image quality, luminance and flashing frequency of LED screen, in the near future. 101 空保處 中華民國計量工程學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43247
101年度「臺中市電動車輛推廣計畫」 「101年度臺中市電動車輛推廣計畫」,其計畫期程自簽約日101年5月1日起至102年4月30日止,執行期程共12個月。本計畫工作團隊自101年5月1日起至102年4月30日止,各項工作執行成果說明如下:蒐集國外電動車、充電模式及低污染車輛推廣現況與特性現況調查及相關單位推動政策,並參考已推動城市經驗,完成適合本市之『臺中市電動車輛推動策略規劃』報告提交。完成『臺中市接駁型城市公共單車租賃系統評估規劃建議報告』,包含蒐集其他城市U-BIKE、C-BIKE及荷蘭、巴黎作法,分析本市大眾運輸、週邊商業、通勤、旅遊、公車接駁點等分析分析暨配合捷運、市區公車、台鐵等建立信用貨幣付費機制系統評估規劃公共單車租賃系統。於計畫執行期間辦理油氣雙燃料車推廣,完成申請臺中市改裝油氣雙燃料車補助案件初審共計120件;協助申請通過案件核發8,000元加氣卷共計78件,核發金額總計624,000元。並完成100年-101年度油氣雙燃料車補助成果報告。完成老舊二行程機車報廢審核及撥款共計6,651件,協助請款案件核發1,500元補助金共計6,335件,核發金額總計9,502,500元。並完成製作大眾運輸付費卡6,000張;協助汰舊換購低污染車輛審核及行政作業共742件,核發金額總計3,890,500元。辦理老舊二行程機車汰舊推廣使用低污染車輛宣導作業,宣導內容關於汰舊二行程機車換購低污染車輛補助辦法,減少民眾對於申請流程及相關規定的疑慮,鼓勵民眾淘汰家中老舊二行程機車;已完成50場次宣導作業。每週更新臺中市綠能交通網業資訊及充電站資訊,更新最新低污染車輛及電能車輛補助資料以供查詢。每季例行性巡查電動機車充電站,已完成三季電動機車充電站巡查,並且統計使用電輛及保養,以確保充電功能可正常使用。每季執行電動汽車充電站例行性巡查,已完成共四季巡查作業,紀錄使用電量、巡查時間及充電站相規資訊,以維護電動汽車充電站的功能正常。已完成97座電動汽車充電站現勘作業,其中85座已完成初勘、複勘、施工中勘查及完工驗收,尚缺12座電動汽車充電站無法設置,雖已完成現場初勘作業,但因設置經費等相關問題無法完成設置。已完成設置的電動汽車充電站,投保竊盜險及第三責任險,共計149座,保險期間自驗收完成成後至102年4月30日止。於102年1月10日完成共計25站電動車充電站停車格位車輪擋設置,包含大甲地政事務所3站、第四分局大墩派出所1站、勞動檢查處2站、農業局2站、豐原區公所2站及陽明大樓第二停車場15站。製作廣播電臺廣告稿4則及主持人口播稿21則,並於HITFM、好事聯播網及大千廣播電台進行宣導撥放;已完成廣告播出1,000個檔次,主持人口播次數已達500個檔次。完成租用小型輕型鋰電池電動機車16輛,已於5月30日提送租用合約,合約期間自101年9月至102年4月為期8個月。每月例行性維護保養環保局海報清除作業使用的50輛電動自行車及4輛電動代步車1次,並針對50輛電動自行車提供符合車輛規格全新備用電池各2組,總計100組電池。完成電動汽車充電站營運規劃評估報告,內容包含充電站後台營運管理成本分析、軟硬體擴充規劃、收費機制、營運規劃等。辦理電動汽機車試乘體驗及推廣解說活動,藉由進行電動汽車及電動機車之性能講解與實際試乘體驗以及宣導本市所推動之綠能交通相關措施,並利用平板電腦播放電動車輛資訊及影片,藉以增加參與試乘宣導民眾對於電動汽(機)車資訊與本市相關綠能交通推廣政策之認知與瞭解,進而提高其改採用電動車輛之意願。計畫執行期間共計舉辦50場次,參與宣導試乘活動之民眾合計3,092人次。於101年6月13日辦理1場次企業租賃電動公務車啟用交車典禮記者會,臺積電公司響應臺中市政府綠能交通推廣租用10輛電動公務車,作為臺中廠與新竹廠間的公務往來接駁使用,也建置了3座電動汽車充電站。 2012 Electric Vehicles Promotion Project in Taichung City 1. Collect foreign electric vehicles, charging mode and promotion of clean vehicle current situation the status and characteristics. The related unit impels the policy and reference to the promotion of urban experience. This project proposed an “electric vehicles to promote strategic planning in Taichung City”.2. Completed the " evaluation and planning proposals Report of connection type public bicycle rental system in Taichung city ". include collecting other cities U-BIKE, C-BIKE and the Netherlands, Paris practices. Analysis of Taichung City public transport, the surrounding commercial, commuter, travel, bus connection points with the urban bus, TRA such, planning the establishment of credit system evaluation public for bicycle rental system.3. This project has finished 120 cases of initial audit for re-equipping gasoline vehicles into vehicles with LPG and gasoline dual fuel systems. In which, there were 78 cases passed audit and got NT $8,000 coupons for Gas. The total subsidy amount was NT$ 624,000.4. This project completed 6,651 cases of initial audit for 2-stroke old scooter scrapped. In which, there were 6,335 cases passed audit and got NT$ 1,500 subsidy amount. The total subsidy amount was NT$ 9,502,500. Also, this project offered 6,000 public transportation payment cards and post to people. Furthermore, this project completed 742 cases of audit for elimination old vehicle to buy less pollution vehicle which total subsidy amount were NT$3,890,500.5. Conducts replace older 2-stroke old scooter scrapped and promote the use of cleaner vehicles advocacy work. Content replace older 2-stroke old scooter scrapped and promote the use of cleaner vehicles of Subsidies. Encourage people out of the home of 2-stroke old scooter scrapped. this project held 50 seminars.6. Update web page of the Taichung green energy transportation in weekly. Include charging station and updated with the latest low-pollution vehicles and electric vehicles subsidy data.7. Inspection of motor vehicle charging stations in seasonal. Had 3 times inspection. Statistical use of electric vehicles and maintained to ensure charging function the normal use.8. Inspection of electric Vehicles charging stations in seasonal. Had 4 times inspection. Record electricity, inspection time and charging station with regulatory information. Statistical use of electric vehicles and maintained to ensure charging function the normal use.9. Completed 97 electric Vehicles charging stations to inspect the site operations. Of which 85 have been completed, still missing 12 electric Vehicles charging stations can’t be set. Been set for electric vehicle charging stations, insurance theft insurance and third party liability claims, totaling 149, final acceptance into the insurance period to Apr.-30, 2013.10. In Jan.-10,2013 to complete a total of 25 electric vehicle charging station parking Sites wheel gear.11. There were 4 radio advertising articles and 21 anchorperson articles, which were broadcasted via HITFM FM 89.1, Bestradio FM 90.3 and SuperFM 99.1.12. Complete the rental of 16 small lightweight lithium battery motors.13. 50 electric bikes comply with vehicle specifications each spare battery two groups, a total of 100 sets of batteries.14. Complete electric vehicle charging stations operational planning assessment report. Includes charging station background operations management, cost analysis, software and hardware expansion plan, charging mechanisms, operational planning.15. handling electric vehicle trial experience and marketing commentary activities. this project held 50 seminars and there were 3,092 people participated.In Jun.-13,2012 conduct a screening enterprises leasing electric town car enabled press conference. 101 台中市環境保護局 新研綠能科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53715
101年度一般廢棄物源頭管理工作暨資源回收宣導工作推動計畫 臺北市政府環境保護局為配合資源回收再利用法、廢棄物清理法令推動,以有效達到源頭減量成效,辦理「101年度一般廢棄物源頭管理工作暨資源回收宣導工作推動計畫」之相關工作,以教育宣導與查核輔導兩大策略,加強對業者與民眾宣導源頭減量及綠色消費觀念,期藉由民間自發性力量的運作,逐步完成「垃圾全回收零廢棄」的目標。本計畫共分9大項工作,其執行內容及成果包括(一)一次用產品源頭減量宣導:完成邀集70間餐廳推出自備餐具享好康優惠、22間餐飲業推出自備購物袋享優惠、54間餐飲業使用可重複清洗餐具並舉辦12場次源頭減量宣導活動(其中包含2場次高中、職辦理活動),參與民眾達1,827人。另完成辦理2場次廢乾電池回收處理流程暨注意事項、資源回收分類技巧及後續處理之環保教室講座。(二)資源回收網站(含無障礙)網頁維護更新:持續修正資源回收網站、再生家具網站、垃圾源頭減量網站等,並維持資源回收網取得無障礙網頁。(三)自備餐具享優惠App建置、維護更新:完成GPS定位與路徑規劃、最新消息與後端維護功能。(四)政府部門及公私立學校「限制使用免洗餐具」查核:完成341間查核及29間百貨公司及量販店(含美食街)查核,均未使用免洗餐具。(五)「限制塑膠類托盤及包裝盒使用」查核:已完成583間查核,均符合規定。(六)「限制產品過度包裝」查核輔導:已完成4大節慶、百貨公司週年慶過度包裝查核1,044件,不合格商品10件,疑似不合格商品12件,移交各縣市環保局轉交權責機關進行後續複查作業。完成辦理2場次過度包裝法規與量測說明會。(七)水銀體溫計限制輸入販賣查核:完成實地訪查作業共22家。(八)媒體露出及教育宣導:已完成154則跑馬燈露出及46則電子媒體露出。(九)創新作為:已完成Facebook粉絲團架設並將連結放至於北市政府資源回收網站中供民眾使用、android app軟體上架於android Market中,供民眾下載使用。透過本計畫之執行,協助臺北市環保局推動「源頭減量、資源回收政策」之政策,未來將持續執行本計畫各項工作,以提升源頭減量成效。 2011 promotion project in disposable products and resource recycling I In order to achieve the performance of source reduction of waste, mandated by Resource Recycling Act and Waste Disposal Act Enforcement Rules, the department of environmental protection of Taipei City Government implements “2011 promotion project in disposable products and resource recycling” on the basis of education and counseling to intensify the concept of source reduction and the idea of green consumption for the citizen and firms so that “the goal of all recycling with zero waste” can be reached from human spontaneous behavior.This project is divided into nine major tasks and these executive achievements are described as below:1. Advocacies of source reduction of disposable products: We have invited 70 restaurants to participate in activities which offer special discount for whom brings his own tableware, 22 restaurants provide discount for self-own shopping bags and 54 casting shops to adopt the reusable dishware. Meanwhile, we’ve also hosted 12 advocacy activities of source reduction with 1,827 participants in Taipei City and the accompanied recycling achievement have been accomplished, including 2 workshops about the issue of safety recycling of mercury-containing products, regulation and proposal writing skill for limited plastic trays and packaging boxes reduction.2. Founding and maintenance the website of recycling and accessible web: Maintaining and updating associate web of recycling including the website of recycling, website of resource recycling as well as website of furniture recycling. Meanwhile, we had have A+ certification in the accessible.3. Establishing and updating App software to search the discount of self-own cutlery:Completing GPS location and sort path planning and maintaining the function of news and server.4. Verification of “restricted disposable tableware” used in government departments, public schools and private schools: We have investigated 341 inspections and 29 department stores and all of them are qualified.5. Verification of the usage on “limited plastic trays and packaging boxes”: We have verified 583 inspections and all of them are qualified.6. Verification and counseling on “excessive product packaging restrictions”: We have investigated 1,044, 10 of them are disqualified as well as 12 of them are suspected substandard which have send to department of environmental protection for review inspections. Meanwhile, we have provided assistance to department of environmental protection to accomplished 2 fairs addressing excessive product packaging. 7. Verification of “restriction of the import and sale of mercury thermometers”: We have investigated 22 inspections. 8. Media and educational advocacy: We have provided media advocacy on the basis of 154 news ticker messages and 46 electronic messages.9. Innovation: We have added Facebook into the web of recycling of Taipei City Government and published android app software which can be downloaded from App market. According to the requirements of project, we will continually assist with department of environmental protection to promote “the policy of source reduction and waste recycling” and will enhance the performance of source reduction through associated executions. 101 台北市政府環境保護局 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司
高屏溪河川揚塵及疏濬作業對區域性空氣品質影響評估、預警通報及宣導演練計畫 因98年八八風災造成高屏溪多處大面積裸露地(exposed river-bed area),使得河川揚塵事件日亦嚴重,為了解高屏溪河川揚塵對於本縣民眾之影響,故透由本計畫進行水文及氣象等基本背景資料調查,判斷可能污染源及影響範圍,並建置一河川揚塵預警通報系統,提供即時的空氣品質惡化預警功能,可於揚塵事件發生時第一時間進行緊急應變及防範,減輕揚塵對於民眾生活環境品質之影響。本計畫執行依計畫合約要求,完成高屏溪流域水文及氣象資料分析,並針對PM10及PM2.5之濃度變異趨勢進行探討。透由屏東測站河川揚塵事件日篩選分析及高屏溪沿岸空品測站(林園、大寮及美濃測站)與攔河堰現地測站之河川揚塵事件監測資料分析結果歸納出高屏溪易發生河川揚塵之可能條件:(1)以屏東測站為基準:風向為西北風向且風速達至2級風以上及PM10濃度大於150 μg/m3且PM2.5-10/PM10比值大於0.4;(2)以大寮測站為基準:風向為南風或西南風向且風速達至4級風以上及PM10濃度大於150 μg/m3且PM2.5-10/PM10比值大於0.8。此外,本年度完成高屏溪流域裸露現地巡查作業共計124次,並完成屏東縣高屏溪現地巡查標準作業程序。同時,本計畫亦購置高屏溪之衛星影像圖資並進行影像分析,以了解沿岸裸露地、水體及植披面積等於不同時節之變化情形,並將分析結果提供予第七河川局及相關單位作為後續現地工法施作參考依據。依據現地巡查以及衛星圖資分析結果並歸納出易發生河川揚塵情事之裸露區塊分別為:1.里港大橋上下游河段;2.里嶺大橋至斜張橋下游1.7km處河段;3.高屏溪攔河堰至舊鐵橋間河段;4.萬大大橋左岸上游(0.5km)至下游(1.5km)處河段;5.新園鄉田洋村河段(中央裸露地)至雙園大橋上方3km處右岸(高屏自來水輸水管下方裸露地)。於巡查過程中除記錄河床裸露地粒徑分布狀況外,同時亦記錄現地氣象資料及與空品測站監測數據進行比對,結果顯示現地風速明顯高於空品測站。建議後續計畫應持續進行現地與測站風速及風向之差異比對,以利有效管制揚塵逸散情形。本年度計畫亦完成高屏溪流域河川揚塵預警及通報系統平台,該平台係採以無障礙空間概念規劃架構,並設有河川揚塵預警通報之功能,計畫執行期間藉由召開之聯繫會議與各級單位接洽後,已建置完成「高屏溪流域揚塵預警及通報標準作業程序」及「高屏溪揚塵預警通報緊急聯絡資料表」,將可於河川揚塵發生時進行受體通回報作業。最後,本年度於4次河川揚塵事件中,皆啟動本縣河川揚塵應變機制,以及後續更進行電訪追蹤揚塵影響範圍,相關成果皆已彙整並記錄以作為後續應變之參考,以期達成降低河川揚塵對本縣民眾之影響。本年度除辦理3場次高屏兩縣市河川揚塵防制聯繫會議外,另辦理兩場次國中小學教育訓練及3場次高屏溪河川揚塵防護演練。透由上述會議使相關單位對自身於河川揚塵權責分工及防制現況能更進一步了解、並加強學校師生於河川揚塵發生時之自我防護意識,以提升本縣相關單位於揚塵發生時之應變處置能力。另透由大眾媒體宣導分別進行電台廣播及電視跑馬燈防護宣導,於發生揚塵事件時,加強廣播口述及跑馬燈宣導作業。而為確定高屏溪沿岸民眾是否受河川揚塵影響,亦進行3點次之大氣空氣品質監測車駐點式連續24小時監測作業(連續7天次),以了解河川揚塵對環境空氣品質之影響。 The regional air quality impact evaluation over fugitive dust and dredging operations at Kaoping river Pingtung county – warning notification and drilling advocacy Large river-bed areas of Kaoping river has been exposed due to Typhoon Morakot in 2009 leading to severe fugitive dust events at the river region. In order to investigate the effect of fugitive dust on the communities, basic hydrological and meteorological background information was collected and evaluated to justify the possible pollution sources and affected areas. A river fugitive dust warning and reporting system was then established according to the background information which can help conducting the emergency response and prevention at the first place.Hydrological and meteorological background information of Kaoping river region was analyzed according to the contract, the variation trend of PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations was studied in relation to the project. Through the screen analysis of the river fugitive dust event days from the Pingtung station, Kaoping weir onsite station and air quality stations along the Pingtung river (including Linyuan, Daliao and Mino stations), the possible environmental conditions which might cause the fugitive dust events in the Kaoping river region were concluded as following: (1)based on pingtung station, while the wind direction is north-west with grade 2wind speed and PM2.5-10/PM10 ratio is greater than 0.4; (2) based on Daliao station, while the wind direction is south-west with grade 4 wind speed, PM10 concentration is greater than 150 μg/m3 and PM2.5-10/PM10 ratio is greater than 0.8.Furthermore, a number of 124 field inspections were conducted over the exposed river-bed at the Kaoping river region and a standard operation procedure of Pingtung county Kaoping river field inspection was established accordingly. Meanwhile the satellite images of Kaoping river region were purchased for image analysis which may help understanding the seasonal changes of exposed river-bed, water body and vegetation covered area. The results were provided to the Seventh River Management Office and other units concerned as references for constructing methods. The exposed river-bed areas where likely occur fugitive dust events were determined as following according to the satellite image analysis and field inspections: 1.upstream and downstream of Ligang bridge; 2.Ligang bridge to 1.7km downstream of Cable-stayed bridge; 3.Kaoping Weir to Old Steel bridge; 4.0.5km upstream to 1.5km downstream of the left bank of Wanda bridge; 5.The reach within Tianyang village, Xinyuan township(central exposed river-bed) to Shuangyuan Bridge (exposed river-bed under the Kaoping running water distribution pipe). During the inspections the particulate size and distribution over the exposed river-bed areas were recorded, and the onsite meteorological data was collected to compare with the monitoring data from the air quality stations, which revealed the onsite wind speed was generally stronger than air quality stations’. It is suggested the following project shall carry on differencing the wind speed and wind direction between onsite and air quality station, in advance to control the emission of fugitive particulate matter. River fugitive dust warning and reporting platform was constructed in this annual project, such platform adopted accessible space concept to build the framework. By holding meeting with units at all levels during the execution of this project, the “warning and reporting standard operation procedure for fugitive dust in Kaoping river region” and “Kaoping river fugitive dust warning and reporting emergency contact list” were built for the receptors to report the river fugitive dust events. In the four river fugitive dust events occurred this year, the river fugitive dust contingency mechanism was activated timely, telephone survey was conducted to follow up the influence on the fugitive dust region and the outcomes were gathered up for the future reference, in respect to decrease influence of the river fugitive dust on the communities. Three sessions of “Kaohsiung city and Pingtung county river fugitive dust control conference”, two sessions of primary school/junior high school environmental education and three sessions of Kaoping river fugitive dust protection drills were managed this year. These mechanisms allowed all units concerned to further emphasize their responsibilities and recognize the control status, and helped the school teachers and students to improve the awareness of self-protection. Furthermore, by advocating the self-protection awareness through public media such as radio broadcasting and television scrolling text marquee could advance the communities to protect against the fugitive dust. In addition to investigate the communities sitting along the Kaoping river were ever affected by the fugitive dust, the air quality monitoring mobile base was sent to the receptor areas three times each in consecutive 24 hours, allowing studying the impact on the environmental air quality. 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 環佑實業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42535
101年「臺中市空氣污染源稽查管制與應變計畫」 本計畫乃配合臺中市政府環境保護局推動固定污染源稽查與管制管制等各項作業推動,藉以掌握空氣污染排放狀況,落實行政院環保署空氣污染管制策略。本年度計畫主要針對臺中市轄區內,執行特定行業別及相關法規符合度查核、定期檢測管理、審核及建檔作業等相關管制作業等,確實掌握固定污染源管制工作之執行、保存固定空氣污染源完整最新資料外,並可做為管制成效之評量及相關政策擬定之參考,另透過各項稽查檢測及污染告發,促使業者落實污染防制及改善工作,並宣揚政府對於空氣污染管制之決心及方向。本計畫於101年4月11日至102年1月31日執行期間,配合101年指定工業區清查作業,其中已完成臺中市工業區113家、大甲幼獅工業區138家、中港加工出口區20家、精密園區2家及臨星工業區2家,總計已完成275家次;工業區指紋更新建置及擴充已執行採樣並分析建置更新68家,累計點數203點次,其中3點次為配合緊急空氣污染應變事件進行周界採樣,另辦理臺中工業區及高風險區域污染物調查,透過光學遙測技術(OP-FTIR)進行周界現況監測及調查4場次,並透過密閉式(CC-FTIR)進行可疑來源管道連續監測10根次;高風險工廠巡查作業共完成315家次,其中交辦案件172家次,陳情案件為10家次,例行性巡查133家次;特定區域派駐查處作業共計完成10656件次主動巡查,受理區域陳情通報153件次,平均每月陳情達約15.3件次(100年度為24.5件次),區域陳情下降約60%(4月至10月),另安排原特定區域派駐之人力進行每日東海里的夜間巡查,共巡查364件;空氣污染物稽查檢測作業,完成煙道或周界檢測已執行106根(點)次、設備元件抽測已執行10,024點次及液體燃料含硫份抽檢41點次,稽查檢測不合格為11件,管道粒狀物不合格1根次、管道異味不合格4根次、周界異味不合格3點次及管道戴奧辛不合格3根次,另完成特定區域周界重金屬監測7點次。另外定期檢測管理、審核及建檔作業統計自4月1日起共協助審查網路1455件次及書面327件次,總計1782件次;固定污染源煙道無預警監督檢測已完成182場次;為整合「臺中市空氣污染事件之應變及緊急處理機制」,於101年7月3日辦理臺中港西碼頭正式辦理實地演練,亦配合本市空品不良時節及重大空品事件發生啟動緊急應變作業;另本計畫協助辦理「臺中市固定污染源異味排放標準草案」座談會2場次及東海里陳情檢討及說明會2場次。 This project is a cooperative effort for the promotion of fixed pollution source auditing and control enforced by Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung City Government as the attempt to stay on top of air pollutant emissions and realize the air pollution control policy of the Environmental Protection Administration. This annual project consisted of auditing efforts on specific trades and regulation compliance, management, review and file establishment of regular inspections. It was performed to stay in control of fixed pollution sources, maintain the most up to date information of the fixed pollution sources and provide reference materials for control performance evaluation and policy development. Also the auditing, inspection and pollution reporting efforts pushed business owners to realize pollution control and improvement and make public the government’s determination and direction of air pollution control. This project joined force with the designated industrial park inspections in 2012 from Apr 4 2012 to Jan 31 2013 and inspections were performed on 275 businesses, including 113 in Taichung City Industrial Park, 138 in Dajia Industrial Park, 20 in Taichung Export Processing Zone, 2 in Taichung City Precision Machinery Innovation Technology Park and 2 in Lin Xing Industrial Park. For the industrial park fingerprint database update and expansion, samples were taken from 68 businesses for analysis and data update and 203 points were accumulated including 3 for sample taking at the surrounding of emergency air pollution response events. Also pollutant survey was carried out at Taichung Industrial Park and high risk areas by providing 4 sessions of perimeter monitoring and survey using OP-FTIR. 10 sessions of continuous surveillance on suspicious sources were conducted using CC-FTIR. 315 patrol inspections were performed on high-risk factories, including 172 on transferred cases, 10 on reported cases and 133 routine inspections. 10656 patrol missions were performed for the inspections of specific areas and 153 inspections on area reports with an average 15.3 cases/month (compared to 24.5 in 2011) and a decrease of 60% (Apr to Oct). Arrangement was made for the manpower that was assigned for specific area patrols to carry out night patrols of Donghai Borough, and 364 patrols were performed. For air pollutant auditing and testing, 106 samples were taken for exhaust duct or perimeter testing, 10,024 samples for random equipment and element inspection and 41 samples for testing of sulfur content in liquid fuel. 11 samples tailed the tests, including 1 for particles in exhaust duct, 4 for odor in exhaust duct, 3 for odor in perimeter and 3 for dioxin in exhaust duct. In addition, 7 sessions of heavy metal monitoring was carried out at the perimeter of specific areas. For the management, review and file establishment of regular inspections, assistance was provided from Apr 1 for 1455 online reviews and 327 written report reviews, in total 1,782. 182 sessions of raid inspection were performed on the exhaust duct of fixed pollution sources. An exercise was organized on Jul 3 2012 at the west wharf of Taichung Harbor as part of the “Taichung City air pollution response and emergency handling mechanism,” and emergency response actions were initiated in major air pollution incidents and when the air quality was poor in the city. In addition, assistance was provided for the development “Taichung City Standards for Odor Emission of Fixed Pollution Source (draft)” by organizing 2 discussion sessions and 2 sessions of review and presentation for pollution reports of Donghai Borough. 101 台中市環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49930
推動水區劃定計畫(南區) 鑑於我國近年來產業活動與都市化發展快速,為充分運用水資源,行政院環境保護署評估各主要河川流量、支流流量、水體、水質、流域人口數及居民用水結構,逐年劃定並公告水區。另部分水體水區早於70年代劃定,河川情勢變遷已不符當年公告劃定水區之用途,為評估水體受污染程度以重新規劃既有水區之範圍、用途及研擬未來河川水區劃設標準作業程序,故委託執行「推動水區劃定計畫(南區)」(以下簡稱本計畫)。本計畫各項工作內容包含(1)完成劃定13條縣(市)管河川水體公告草案、(2)調查推估受損水體污染源及污染量、(3)擬定受損水體水質改善策略,及(4)檢討調整水區範圍及公告事宜。完成之工作內容,包括針對13條未劃定河川,經由專家諮詢會議建立水區劃定標準作業程序及劃定原則、蒐集分析水區基本資料、辦理13場次河川現勘作業、研定13條河川水體公告草案及協助水區劃定公告前置作業及相關會議。透過水質評價方式,評估河川水體受損水質項目,研擬適合該受損河段之污染整治策略,彙整編撰「受損水體水質改善策略規劃參考指引」,作為政策推廣文宣品及環保人才教育訓練工具,並辦理1場次「受損水體水質改善策略規劃參考指引講習會」,邀請河川水體所轄縣市之目的事業主管機關及相關公務部門、水體用途單位,及各行業環保相關人員、研究單位或大專院校相關科系師生,以及對水體改善策略有興趣者與會。另針對已公告劃定之16條中央管及縣市管河川水體,分析各河段流量、水質、水體目的用途、土地使用現況,並提出檢討與調整建議。本計畫亦整合水區劃定之相關資訊,包含:各河段分類情形、水系分佈、取水位置、測站位置、水區範圍、現勘情形及污染源位置等,建置可供套疊及展示之圖資管理系統,以協助主管機關進行河川水體分類決策分析、現勘作業及促使民眾瞭解水區劃分之範圍。 The Promotion Project of River Water Zones Delineation and Water Bodies Classification (South Distri Owing to the rapid development of industrial activity and urbanization of our country in recent years, and in order to make full use of water resources, and having assessed the major rivers flow, tributaries flow, water bodies, water quality, population number and the water using structure of resident, the Environmental Protection Department delineated and announced the uses of water zone year by year. Due to river change, in order to re-assess water contamination extent and re-plan the water area of the scope, purpose, and draw the future river water zones set up standard operating process, it commissioned "to promote water area delineation plan (Southern District)" (hereinafter referred to as the program).The extent of the plan contains:(1) the completion of draft of the notice of the delineation of the 13 counties (cities) river water body , (2) survey and estimate the water pollution sources and the amount of pollution, (3)develop the improvement strategies of impaired water quality,and (4) review the adjustment the range of the water zones and announcement matters.The work content which have completed , aimed at the 13 not delineated river, through expert consultation meeting ,to establish water area delineated standard operating procedures and the delineation principle, to collect and analysis the basic data of Water Zones, to handle 13 session of the site operations performances to inspect the river, to establish the draft of the notice of the water body for the 13 rivers and to assess the items of impaired water quality for river body ,to establish the pollution dredge strategy of impaired part of river, to collect and suggest the guide to improve the water quality for impaired rivers , to be the publicity material to popularize policy and to be the tool to educate and train the environmental members , and handle one session of lecture and study for “guide to improve the water quality for damaging river “, and invite the industry competent authority ,the using units of water body , the related member of environmental protection for other industry ,the teacher and student of research organization or university ,or the interest for water body improvement. And for 16 rivers which already declined by central authority and counties, analysis its flow rate, water quality, use, present land use situation, and propose proposals to review and adjust. This project also integrate information which the water zone are delineated by, includes: the river classification case, water system distribution, location of water intake station, the water area , the site situation to inspect and pollution sources, and to build management system available for overlay and display, to assist the authorities to analysis and make decision for the river water body classification, to inspect the site operations and to promote public understanding the range of the water zone division. 101 水保處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43998
101年水體水質改善支援及評核計畫   本計畫針對烏溪、鹿港溪、朴子溪、將軍溪、高屏溪、東港溪、新豐溪、客雅溪、舊濁水溪、洋子厝溪、得子口溪、美崙溪及太平溪等13條河川進行相關環境背景資料建置,並依據各流域之污染來源及特性,研擬相關污染整治策略如依據優先整治河段之污染源申報資料合理性分析建議分級稽查管制名單及作法、晴天污水截流及現地處理設施設置地點、彙整及檢討污水下水道建設進度及建議興建優先順序等;以及中港溪、曾文溪與西定河等3條河川之建議現地處理設施設置地點或污染源解決方案。  此外,亦完成得子口溪、新豐溪、客雅溪、烏溪、鹿港溪、朴子溪、將軍溪、東港溪及高屏溪等九條河川水體水質水量補充調查,以完善建置各流域之長期水質監測資料及研判污染來源及研擬相關污染削減策略。並於各單位污染整治相關計畫推動的同時,協助督促縣市政府正常操作維護現地水質淨化設施,落實場址自主管理之目的;並同時新增陸續完工之現地處理設施場址於相關資訊網頁,以提高民眾對於相關環保設施之認識。  同時本計畫協助完成編製100年度各縣市、各行業及40條重點流域三類水污染綠色國民所得帳,以提供 貴署施政參考及行政院主計處編算環境品質質損帳之用;並協助支援全國河川緊急應變相關工作、水質異常原因分析及辦理相關水質管理會議等,以掌握河川水質變化趨勢並滾動式管理相關污染整治情形。 2012 Support and evaluation project for water quality improvement in waters This project is to create the environmental background data on thirteen rivers, which are Wu River, Lugang River, Puzi River, Jiangjun River, Gaoping River, Donggang River, Xinfong River, Keya River, Old Jhuoshuei River, Yangzicuo River, Dezikou River, Meilun River and Taiping River, and draw up pollution control strategies based on the sources and characteristics of the pollution in these basins, such as the suggestion for a list and practice of rated checking and control, positions for setting up clear-day sewer interceptors and on-site treatment facility, and summarization and review of progress of sewer construction, based on rational analysis in the reports on polluting sources in prioritized river sections for control, as well as the suggested priority on construction. The suggestions also include the positions for setting up on-site treatment facility or solutions to polluting sources in Zhonggang, Zengwen and Xiding Rivers.Accomplishments also include supplementary survey of water quality and volume in nine rivers, which are Dezikou River, Xinfong River, Keya River, Wu River, Lugang River, Puzi River, Jiangjun River, Donggang River and Gaoping River, to soundly create long-term water quality monitoring data, judgement of polluting sources, and formulation of relevant pollution mitigating strategies in the basins. This project has operated and maintained the on-site water quality filtering facilities, fulfilling the object of autonomous site management, while adding in the related web pages the data on the sites where new treatment facilities were completed at different time, to increase people’s understanding of the relevant environmental protection facilities.This project also assisted in the completion of the preparation of 2012 Green GDP in respect of the water pollution in categories of counties & cities, all industries and 40 focused river basins as reference for the Agency in administration and for Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting & Statistics in formulating the environmental quality degradation account. The project also assisted in the support to national emergency responses in rivers, cause analysis of water quality anomaly and related meetings at water quality management, to provide comprehension of the tendency of changes in river water quality and the pollution control like rolling management. 101 水保處 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42317
101年度嘉義市柴油車空氣污染管制及稽查計畫 柴油引擎廣泛地被應用在客貨運輸車輛與軍事、工程機械等用途上,其排放的黑煙不僅產生視覺上的不適,且對人體健康的危害甚鉅。在管制上,除新車審驗趨嚴外,針對使用中車輛推動檢驗保養是改善空氣品質的關鍵。本計畫藉由目測判定或民眾舉發高污染車輛等措施篩選污染車輛,進行動力計排煙檢測。若檢測不合格即予以告發處分並要求複驗,落實保檢合一。另外針對轄區內各加油站、油庫及受排煙檢測的車輛,進行油品硫含量檢驗,以稽查有無使用非法油品。計畫自101年2月16日至101年12月14日止,柴油車到檢完成檢測有3,046輛次,不合格計49輛,不合格率1.6%。而油品已完成檢驗180件,1件不合格,不合格率0.56%。路邊攔檢完成502輛,不合格數有165輛,不合格率為32.9%。另柴油車目視判煙篩選通知到站檢驗1,307輛次。在受理民眾檢舉共受理人民檢舉案件76件,需檢測車輛42輛,截至12/14止,已完成檢測有39件,並皆回覆檢舉人。本計畫之執行促使車輛到檢、調修複驗及老舊車輛報廢等成效,共計可分別使TSP、PM10各削減60.8噸。本計畫達成效益如下所列一、移動污染源中之柴油車排煙與油品問題,在多年推動管制下,似乎已有顯著效果,道路上排放大量黑煙之柴油車輛大為減少;為使管制更有效益,故逐年加強路邊排煙攔檢作業,讓高污染車輛無所遁形,使用中車輛不合格率降低至約2.07%。二、過去本型之動力計扭力依原廠設計,校正僅可進行至約20公斤‧米,而本市排煙站導入全國第一套線性扭力校正器,可校正至全幅80%,使校正範圍包含目前國內所有受檢車輛之馬力範圍,檢測數據均更可靠。三、本市柴油車排煙檢測站接受行政院環境保護署年度評鑑,深受委員肯定,榮獲最高等級A級成績。四、本市推廣柴油車自主管理,今年度參加柴油車自主管理車輛782輛次,經檢測車輛計有A級507輛,約佔64.8%,B級者計有275輛,約佔35.2%,A級效益提升21%,顯示由業主主動配合提高納管數與自我檢查,可減少柴油車空氣污染物之排放及落實車輛保養與檢修。五、為推動使用中柴油車保檢合一制度,今年度輔導保養廠從源頭管制起,輔以後端檢驗,確認車輛維修保養成效。期藉由「保養為主,檢驗為輔」,逐步建構保養廠維修保養能力,並協助使用中柴油車達到實質污染減量之目的。經由輔導嘉義縣公車處、嘉義客運及強本汽車貨運公司,今年取得A級標章較去年效益提升27.8%,保檢合一成果優異。 2012 Chiayi City Diesel-Fueled Vehicles air pollution control project & audit plan Diesel engines are extensively used in passenger and cargo transportation vehicles and military and engineering machines. The dark smoke emitted is not only a discomfort to see, but also very harmful to human health. For better control, the key to improve air quality is to promote proper inspection and maintenance practice on vehicles in use in addition to stricter inspection regulations on new vehicles. For this program, vehicles suspended of producing pollution were filtered out by visual inspections and reporting of good citizens, and tested for emission using dynamometer. Vehicles that failed the test were punished and asked for a second test as part of the efforts for unification of inspection and maintenance. Also, tests were carried out on gas stations, fuel reservoirs and vehicles going thorough emission test for sulfur content in fuel in order to determine whether illegal fuel was used. The program was carried out from Feb 16 2012 up to Dec 14 2012. During this period, 3,046 diesel vehicles arrived for inspections and 49 failed with a failure rate of 1.6%. 180 fuel samples were tested and 1 failed with a failure rate of 0.56%. Roadside pull-over inspections were performed on 502 vehicles and 165 of them failed the inspections with a failure rate of 32.9%. In addition, 1,307 diesel vehicles were asked in visual inspections to report to inspection stations for testing. 76 vehicles were reported by the public and 42 of them found requiring testing. Up to Dec 14, 39 vehicles reported to the tests and all reporters were replied. The program was successfully put to work, leading to effectiveness of inspections of vehicles, secondary inspections after vehicle tuning, and scrapping of old vehicles. It is estimated to reduce each of TSP and PM10 by 60.8 tons. The following are the program’s achievements: 1.The years of control efforts seem to make significant results for the issues of emission and fuel in the diesel vehicles as a major mobile pollution source. The number of diesel vehicles on the roads leaving a thick, dense trail of smoke has dropped dramatically. For more effective control, the roadside inspection efforts will be intensified to identify as many as highly polluting vehicles as possible and reduce the failure rate of vehicles in use to 2.07%. 2.The torque of the dynamometer used previously can only go as many as 20kg-m after calibration based on original design. Chiayi City introduced the first linear torque calibrator in Taiwan that is capable of calibrating up to 80% of the entire range. Now the calibration covers the horsepower range of almost all vehicles tested, producing more reliable test data. 3.The diesel vehicle emission test station of Chiayi City went through the annual assessment of the Environmental Protection Administration, and recognized by the assessment board with a class A evaluation. 4.Chiayi City has been promoting self management of diesel vehicles. This year, the owners of 782 diesel vehicles placed their vehicles under self management. 507 of them were awarded class A at 64.8%, 275 class B at 35.2%. The number of class A improved by 21%, indicating that the owners are willing to participate in the control efforts and self management. This really helps reduce the emission of air pollutants from diesel vehicles and realize the maintenance and repair of these vehicles. 5.For the implementation of unification of maintenance and inspection for diesel vehicles, Chiayi City helps maintenance service providers for control from the very sources. In addition, the inspections at the rear end are provided to confirm how well these service providers do their jobs. The intension is to establish the maintenance capability of service providers with the idea of “maintenance before inspection,” and help diesel vehicles in use achieve physical reduction of pollutants. Chiayi County Bus Administration, Chiayi Bus and Qiang Ben Cargo Transportation were helped to win Class A this year by improving 27.8% compared to last year, a good indication of what the unification of maintenance and inspection has achieved. 101 嘉義市政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41492
廢棄物管理政策回顧與前瞻政策之宣傳管理計畫 本計畫協助環保署規劃廢棄物管理與資源循環各項政策宣傳策略,包含「資源循環」、「填海造島」、「永續物料管理」等三大政策,並依據政策推動現況提出相對應之宣傳要點與行動方案(包含不同對象之各式說帖),可使宣傳廣度和深度兼備,提升政策推行成效。本計畫辦理「環保署25週年署慶-廢棄物管理及資源回收紀實發表會」、「2012台灣國際綠色產業-綠色設計及源頭減量展覽」、「101年綠色包裝設計競賽頒獎典禮暨得獎作品展示」,及「102年惜福過好年-跳蚤市集義賣活動」等各項活動,達到廢棄物管理政策之宣傳及大眾參與之目的。此外,為忠實記錄環保署廢棄物管理25餘年之歷程,本計畫廣為收集歷年重大政策史料並專訪歷任署長,完成拍攝40分鐘「資源循環零廢棄-物有所歸 永續環境」紀錄片,可提供即時而快速的資訊傳達,並保存歷史紀錄,有助於環保觀念的宣導及環境政策的行銷。本計畫並協助環保署進行各項重點政策記錄史實,如:填海造島政策公民共識會議、填海造島政策論壇、「101年度廢棄資源管理績優事業選拔活動頒獎典禮」等,客觀全面展現廢棄物管理政策制度之重要歷程與民眾參與機制,以作為日後成果展現之依據,並供日後政策宣傳使用。 Restrospective review and prospective promotion of waste management policy. Deeply and broadly providing 3 major strategies in “resource recycling”, “reclamation” and “sustainable materials management”, this project benefit EPA in making action plans and drafting statement to promote waste management policy and raise public awareness effectively.In this project, events were hold to broadcast waste management policies and encourage public participation, such as the “EPA 25th Anniversary Celebration– Waste Management and Resource Recycling Documentary Press Conference”, “2012 Green Design & Waste minimization in TIGIS(Taiwan International Green Industry Show) ”, “2012 Green Packaging Design Competition Awards and Exhibition” and “2013 Flea Market Charity Event”.Furthermore, in order to truthfully present the 25-year waste management achievements, a 40-minute documentary was filmed and titled “Cradle to cradle,Sustainability in Environment”. By interviewing former and current ministers to get a restrospective review and prospective promotion, this documentary not only preserves history but also provide quick and instant information for green marketing promotion. Another vital work in this project was to document various essential policies, such as “reclamation and policy consensus conference”, “reclamation policy forum”, and “2012 Excellence in Waste Resource Management Awards Ceremony”. Those precious documentaries recorded stakeholders’ opinions, fully explored the legislative history, breakthrough and milestones, and even the public participation mechanisms. The documents will be a valuable resource for waste management policies making and awareness promotion. 101 廢管處 晶淨科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=51597
飲用水管理資訊系統維護工作計畫 本年度持續運行系統資料更新及維護,未發生系統異常及無法連線的情形,每日固定執行EEMS(環保稽查處分管制系統)資料匯入,使飲用水水質檢驗資料同步更新,同時資料庫每日進行備份。另飲用水全球資訊網持續進行網頁更新、新聞稿發布,及網頁美化更新,此外配合更新最新飲用水管理相關法規及各項飲用水水質檢驗標準。最後於年度中舉辦系統使用教育訓練說明會。 The Drinking Water Management Application Maintenance Project The major task of this project was to updates and maintenance of system also continues to operate; no system abnormal on disconnection occurred. The EEMS (Environmental Enforcement Management System) data input was also implemented daily to allow a synchronized update of drinking water quality test data, and the database was also made daily a backup plan. The webpage updates, news release, and beautification of the webpage layout on the website of drinking water information also continue to be processed. Updated the test values of all items and the drinking water management regulations. Training on the system was also held. 101 毒管處 智通工程科技股份限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44209
海洋污染應變資源管理系統整合計畫 本計畫主要有五大項工作,包括強化本系統污染應變相關功能、持續建全應變所需資訊、彙製臺灣海岸地區環境敏感指標(ESI) 地圖、教育訓練及客戶服務、以及系統維護及資訊安全等,整合前述工作內的項目,以系統主題的方式分項說明其執行成果如后。本年度全新開發應變資材資訊查核系統,規劃設計資材機關進行資材數量及規格的建立、資材保養作業記錄、以及資材的狀態及數量異動的管理等,本計畫彙整資材的分類、規格項目,以及規格常用的單位後,建立其間的對應關係,以利系統統一管理規格的紀錄方式;另一方面,利用使用者的所屬機關設計個人對資料的管理權限,並提供相關人員於緊急事件發生時的資源調度參考,包括資材樣式、規格、數量及地圖分布的調閱查詢。對於應變機關及其人員有逐一單位電話聯絡進行確認,並將系統內的資料予以更新,以利各方的聯繫使用。在海運化學品應變查詢工作,則是將原來的45種化學品的網頁式資訊整體轉換為資料庫式資訊,全新開發化學品組合查詢功能、化學品列表比較頁面、單一化學品分列主題呈現資訊等,讓使用者可以在本系統中利用事件現場僅能獲取的片段資訊來搜尋可能的化學品。本計畫另對45種化學品的物理、化學等特性資料、以及海岸、海上救援的應變事項,分項逐一整理後,彙整對應項目並在資料庫中完成資料的建立作業。強化事件通報方式作業方面,本計畫增列三項強化功能:1.利用與交通部每日交換的船舶預報資料,並提供縣市主管單位查詢船舶的保險資料功能;2.在海洋事件通報系統上,設計事件發生的通報單位與事件所在地關係的權限控管;3.對於在事件發生7天後,卻無後續處理的回報或結報的污染事件,本計畫開發系統主動發送email通知環保署相關業務負責人員,以利掌握事件處理進度。建置海域水質監測資料則是利用環保局最熟悉的Excel為海域檢測資料的建檔工具,結合輸出xml資料格式,讓環保局可簡單地把監測資料轉換成電腦可以判讀的資料格式,並設計資料上傳及檢核系統,便利環保局可以直接將檔案上傳到海洋系統中;此外,開發資料查詢系統,提供環保署及相關單位在同一平臺上查詢到全國的海洋水質狀況。在蒐集海域監測資料方面,已蒐集本年度目標的九個縣市環保局,並逐筆整理各縣市歷年來的測項以及測值資料,建置於本系統中。在強化ESI 調查結果查詢功能及污染擴散模式的整合功能方面,除了完成ESI生態龜類的資料查詢功能以外,完成化學品溢漏擴散污染模擬結果上傳及整合功能,除了進行ChemMap模擬結果shp檔案的解析以外,規劃系統上傳檔案的流程以及必須輸入的標的物質描述以及模擬環境描述等參考資料的項目設計,開發上傳模擬結果的系統,並整合於GIS平臺上,以動態方式呈現化學品模擬的結果。在網際地理資訊平臺,依據ESI圖資分類建置現有圖資及其疊合的功能,並建置系統自動展示圖臺範圍的ESI海岸分類的型態,並提供其海岸特性以及簡易的應變原則資訊。同時,建置海象資料整合平臺,由中央氣象局每日介接而來的海象資料,在系統上結合使用者權限管理,對相關學者專家建立海象資料的供應管道。在彙製臺灣海岸地區環境敏感指標(ESI)地圖方面,依系統內地理空間及數據資料等繪編ESI地圖,範圍為環保署於民國100年度以前已完成調查的10個縣市;本計畫清理圖冊所需的圖資及聯絡索取圖資,並在取得圖資後進行圖資處理程序,並加入專業美工設計,目前已完成大尺度(經度左右12度、緯度上下18度)地圖31幅,以及小尺度(經度左右6度、緯度上下9度)地圖53幅,每份ESI地圖均包括地圖以及說明頁。對整體網站,本計畫進行無休的系統營運及維護作業、配合環保署進行資安相關的檢核作業、編制系統操作手冊,並於北、中、南共計辦理五場次的系統實機操作說明會。 The Integration System of Marine Pollution Prevention and emergency resources This project consists of five main tasks including strengthened pollution response functions of information system, completion of the database, design and publication of ESI maps, operation of education and customer service, and system maintenance and information security. The outcome of integrating the aforementioned works shall be shown by system subjects separately.Developing an all new emergency materials and equipment information management system is the one of most 2 important jobs in this project. It contains to develop the database and function of material quantity and format, maintenance records, and condition & number of transactions by authorized organization. This project establishes a correspondence between aggregate classify of materials and common units, to unified record. The system also provides the function of resources inquiry including style, size, quantity, and map distribution. In the other hand, contacted related staff by phone to confirm and renew the contact information to update the database.In terms of the search for Marine HNS emergency measures, this project have transformed the original web-paged integer information of 45 chemicals into a database, with the newly-developed searching function of chemical combination, chemical compare and contrast page, single chemical information displayed by subjects, etc. so the users may search out possible chemicals via this system with fragmental information collected at the scene. This project also targets the 45 chemicals, sorting them separately according to their physical and chemical properties as well as coastal and sea rescue emergency management, and later compiling the correspondent items and creating the database.Regarding strengthened pollution response functions, this project has added three fortified functions: 1) based on ship visa data exchanged daily with Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the system provides the function to check out the insurance information of coming ships; 2) design the events notification and authority on marine reporting system; 3) If there’s no respond 7 days after pollution occur, the system will using e-mail to inform the related person in EPA.This project use Excel as a tool to build marine water quality monitoring data-built tool. The tool integrates the “xml” data format to output the file which the system could accept and transfer to database automatically. The marine water quality inquiry system has developed. Furthermore, marine water quality monitoring data have been collected this year for nine counties. Totally, about 28,000 water quality monitoring data have been established into database.As to the issue of uploading ChemMap simulation results to this system, the graphic files adopted by the research team make the simulation results uploaded to the system have an optimal performance so that experts in this field can participate in discussion, the contents of uploaded data can be stipulated, the numerical analysis of simulated chemicals spill concentration can be done, and thus the user can identify chemicals spill concentration on the GIS.ESI Maps book is another one of most 2 important jobs in this project. 10 counties geospatial and information data from EPA projects before are collected and make ESI map. Furthermore, this project collects maps from the related government organizations. Combining with professional graphic and design skills, the 84 ESI maps are made by 2 kinds of scale, and all of them got illustrate page. Totally, ESI Maps book is about 220 pages calculated by A4 size.Meanwhile, overall website maintenance and information review will continue to be implemented. Technical manuals have been produced and five operation training courses have been held. 101 水保處 方達科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43613
街道揚塵洗掃監督管理及評估計畫 101 新竹縣環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48190
101年公告事業用地土壤污染評估調查及檢測制度推動計畫 本計畫針對土壤及地下水污染整治法(以下簡稱土污法)第8、9條公告事業用地土壤污染評估調查及檢測制度進行推動、成效分析與對策研擬,主要工作成果包括:(一) 統計分析民國101年1月1日至101年11月30日止之申報案件計580件,彙整常見問題並研擬對策。(二)協助環保署查核審查中心執行狀況,完成26件申報案件之預審內容與電子化檔案查核。(三)完成193處未依規定申報事業初勘,針對其中40處場址進行現地勘查,並完成其中21處場址之土壤採樣查證,其中8處超過法規標準。(四)完成8處環保署指定已申報事業用地之土壤採樣查證,其中3處超過法規標準。(五)分析土污法第8、9條子法,研訂執行所需配套措施,推動評估調查人員制度於101年12月1日正式啟動,修正土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料格式,規劃第三批公告事業,並協辦1場次專家諮詢會議。(六)配合子法推動與評估調查人員制度的實施,完成資料管理系統與人員管理系統表單及功能之修正與新增。(七)協助環保署完成191位評估調查人員登記,12場次研討會或訓練課程累計時數74小時核定與10場次評估調查人員現場查核。(八)協助環保署辦理2場次宣導說明會與1場次教育訓練,合計出席超過360人,並提供39件專業技術諮詢。 Project for promoting soil pollution assessment investigation and test of the land used by enterpris This project was to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in promoting activities related to Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act (hereafter referred to as SGPRA), analyze the result, and provided consultation. The following work items were implemented in the project:1.Compiled the soil pollution assessment investigation and test cases reported to the EPA in this project (580 cases), analyzed the problems of execution and offered the suggestions to solve them. 2.Audited the execution of two review centers and checked 26 cases of pre-review contents and digitized files. 3.Among the un-reported companies, initial checked 193 publicly designated industrial land sites, inspected 40 sites, conducted soil sampling and verification of 21 sites, and 8 sites of them exceed regulatory standards. 4.Among the reported companies, conducted soil sampling and verification of 8 sites assigned by EPA, and 3 sites of them exceed regulatory standards. 5.Developed the supporting of the regulations, promoted the assessment investigation personnel system officially launched on December 1, 2012, amended the soil contamination assessment investigation and testing data format, planned the categories of enterprises (Batch III) and held 1 expert meeting. 6.Maintained “Information Management System of Soil Pollution Inspection on the Land Publicly Designated Industrial Land” and “Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation Personnel Management System”, and upgraded system functions. 7.Helped 191 Personnels to register, approved 12 meetings and trainings (total 74 hours), and audited 10 Personnels. 8.Held 2 guidance meetings, 1 trainings, and over 360 visitors were participated. Provided professional and technical consultation of 39 cases to the EPA. 101 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41621
臺中市101年度執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫 行政院環境保護署已於101年2月16日訂定「機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法」,並於101年3月1日起施行。車輛惰轉所排放空氣污染物濃度較行進時為高,對人體健康之影響亦較高,此外也會產生噪音。為落實「機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法」此項法令規定,透過藉由本計畫所辦理相關法規說明會、停車怠速查核作業、製作宣導品、製作宣導單張及海報等工作,宣導民眾停車3分鐘內應將車輛熄火,以減少車輛停等怠速所造成之空氣污染排放情形。因此臺中市環境保護局透過製作宣導單張、宣導海報、廣播託播、路口LED跑馬燈播放相關宣導法令、新聞稿發佈與稽查管制作業方式,加強落實停車怠速熄火相關工作,本計畫工作團隊自3月21日至12月5日,執行「101年度執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫」,執行成果如表1所示,各項成果說明如下:為了使查核作業能更流暢化,因此本計畫工作團隊訂定一套查核作業標準程序,以供查核人員執行。其查核作業自101年4月1日至101年12月15日執行車輛怠速查核作業,共計查核6,033件次,其中以小型車數量最多,達3,369件次,其比例為55.8%,小型車發生怠速時段以11:00至11:30最多,占13.6%。在查核地點中,以「學校」地點件數最多,共計1,331件,占22.1%,學校發生怠速時段以16:30至17:00最多,占19.5%,其次為運輸轉運站共計查核1,123件次,占18.6%,運輸轉運站發生怠速時段以10:30至11:00最多,占14.0%,另外商圈亦為常發生車輛怠速行為之地點,其查核件數為886件次,占14.7%,商圈發生怠速時段以15:30至16:00最多占27.2%。從4月及5月查核件數1,574件中,有379件為拒簽或駛離,所占比例為24.1%,然而自從101年6月1日開始執法後,6月至12月查核件數4,459件,而民眾拒簽或駛離高達1,404件,所占比例高達31.5%。本計畫工作團隊為使各級機關與業者知曉法令內容,配合政策宣導,於101年5月22日辦理法規宣導說明會2場次;本計畫製作宣導單張380,000張、宣導海報2,000張及宣導品6,000份發放予民眾;為宣導停車怠速法令內容選擇58處公家機關、醫院及學校,以及20處在車流量較多之LED電視牆螢幕播放相關法令內容;於廣播電台進行宣導播放相關法令,共計完成播放695檔次,並發布5則新聞稿刊登於平面及電子媒體上,並於101年11月20日辦理停車熄火網路有獎徵答公開抽獎,參加人數達8,305人次。冀望透過上述多元化之宣導方式,以提升宣導成效。 Motor vehicle parking Idle Management Measures was set by EPA on February 16, 2012, and is effective as of March 1, 2012. Vehicle idling emissions as high, the impact on human health is also higher in the concentration of air pollutants than road, in addition to also produce noise. This Act for the implementation of the measures, briefings of the regulations, parking idle checking through the process by this project, the work of the of making propaganda goods, making propaganda leaflets and posters, propaganda people Parking within three minutes should turn off the vehicle, in order to reduce air pollution caused by emissions stop the vehicle, such as idling situation. Through the production of propaganda leaflets, propaganda posters, radio and LED marquee player advocacy Act, the press release with the inspection, to strengthen the implementation of the Parking idling-stop work. The results such as shown in Table 1 and the outcomes are described below.Total audit 6,033 pieces, including small cars the number up, up to 3,369 pieces proportion of 55.8%, small cars occurred idle periods to11:00 to 11:30 up to 13.6%. Location Number of "school" in place of checking up, a total of 1,331 items, accounting for 22.1%, the school up idle periods occurred from 16:30 to 17:00, accounting for 19.5%, followed by the transport the transfer stations totaling check 1,123 pieces times accounted for 18.6%, transportation transfer station occurred idling period from 10:30 to 11:00 the most, accounting for 14.0%, In addition, the district is also the location of the vehicle idling behavior often occurs, the check number 886, accounting for 14.7% district occurred idling period up 27.2% at 15:30 to 16:00. April and May check the number of 1,574 pieces, 379 refused to sign or leaving, the proportion was 24.1%, since June 1, 2012 after the start of law enforcement, however, from June to December Check Number 4,459 pieces, and the people refused to sign or leaving up to 1,404 pieces, the proportion is as high as 31.5%.To make the general public aware of the Act content with policy advocacy, and the handling regulations guidance meeting two performances on May 22, 2012.This project produced propaganda leaflets ,sheets, propaganda posters and advocacy goods be released to the public. The Act of propaganda content select 58 government agencies, hospitals and schools, as well as 20 in traffic flow more LED video wall screen playback Act content. Radio station promotion play Act finished playing a total of 695 grade, and issued five press releases published in the print and electronic media, and on November 20, 2012 to apply for a parking stall network quiz public lottery. The number of participants reached 8,305 people. 101 台中市環境保護局 思維環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48690
高雄新市鎮後期發展區低(零)碳建築諮詢 101 綜計處 英商奧雅納工程顧問有限公司臺北分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43560
加強清運機具即時追蹤系統管制及提升監控系統功能計畫 本計畫的目的在於利用即時追蹤系統以掌握事業廢棄物流向,依據計畫工作項目共可分為5大目標:GPS圖台升級為ArcGIS、審驗作業之執行、營運管理基準建立及檢討、監控系統穩定性之維護調整及擴充性之建議、勾稽稽查作業。今年度配合環保署政策辦理虛擬主機與系統圖台升級之相關作業,旨在強化系統效能;並推動地方辦理轄區異常車輛勾稽作業,以落實中央與地方權責。迄今已列管超過6,800輛清運車輛,1,923家清除機構,共13家即時追蹤系統供應商。除延續上一年度工作,每日根據勾稽態樣移交疑似異常名單,並依據長時間累積的勾稽經驗修正勾稽規則。本計畫完成97.9%的車機轉檔程式標準化作業,進而達到各廠牌車機軌跡接收系統統一性的控管與維護。此外,亦持續維護「超可攜式電腦(UMPC)即時動態追蹤稽查輔助計畫」,提供50組3G門號協助地方環保局進行稽查外,並提供相關軟硬體維修服務工作,以利稽查單位有效執行現場稽查跟監作業。然為了有效展現目前所掌握的資訊,本工作團隊透過地理資訊系統進行流向追蹤管理,除將資訊交叉比對外,也導入新的勾稽方法,使管理人員能夠更直覺化的進行操作。相關會議共舉辦2場次說明會、6場次教育訓練與33場工作會議報告,並於各類型會議中宣導環保局自行勾稽功能,藉由稽查人員的稽查回饋,更精進勾稽樣態,以削減意圖不法之行為。 Implementation of Controlling Policies, Operation, Maintenance and Monitoring System on Industrial W This project were to monitor industrial waste from source to destination with Global Positioning System (GPS) real-time tracking systems on industrial waste clearance and transportation vehicles. The project included 5 scopes: system update, examination, operation and daily management, abnormal activities monitoring and validation processes. The system update was carried out this year to improve system efficiency. The monitoring process was transfer to the local authorities to streamline operation process and minimize complexity. At present, there are approximately 6,800 vehicles with 1,923 transportation companies equipped with GPS from 13 GPS providers. This year the project team continued monitoring processes and submitting cases of suspicious vehicles on a daily basis. The project team also revised the inspection rules based on past experiences of inspecting illegal operations. The project completed a total of 97.9% of the integrated operations of standard conversion programs. In addition, this year the project provided ultra-mobile personal portable computer-related lease of 50 3G mobile phone numbers, and provides relevant software and hardware maintenance services to facilitate the effective implementation of audit inspection unit with the monitoring operation. The project team uses GIS (Geographical information system) to trace waste, not only cross reference information but also bring in suspicious vehicle location. Management levels could gather spatial information with GIS tools intuitively. Two business review meetings, 6 training courses, and 33 project meetings were held this year. Project team promoted and illustrated validation functions for EPB on seminars and related meetings. Based on the feedback of the EPB, the system has been further improved to prevent illegal operations. 101 廢管處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42733
101年度「臺北市推動社區、學校資源回收宣導工作計畫」 本計畫為提升臺北市市民回收意識及建立民眾資源再利用習慣,自101年3月21日至101年12月31日止,協助臺北市政府環境保護局針對機關單位、各級學校、一般民眾及外籍人士進行資源回收宣導工作,本計畫工作包括資源回收宣導、績效考核、系統維護及餐養豬廚餘流向調查等4個面向,各項工作執行成果說明如下:一、辦理學校、社區、鄰里資源回收宣導活動:(一)辦理各級學校資源回收宣導研習會、說明會、活動:於101年6月1日假實踐大學辦理大專院校及高中職學校資源回收宣導說明會1場次;另於101年9月13日假台北市立圖書館(總館)B2演講廳辦理國民中、小學校資源回收宣導說明會1場次。(二)結合本市學校或區里、社區活動辦理資源回收相關活動12場次(每場次參與人數達100人以上)。(三)提供社區、機關、學校等資源回收活動、說明會講師服務2場次。二、更新維護環保局資源回收申報系統及調查本市養豬廚餘流向,並彙編年度績效成果報告:(一)指派專人負責「臺北市環境保護局資源回收申報管理系統」網頁維護與更新工作,並協助本市機關、學校、團體、社區每月定期申報回收量,共計輔導261家學校及223間機關按月申報資源回收量,申報率達96%。(二)清查大安及文山2個行政區內之餐飲業者產生之養豬廚餘量及流向,於工作規劃書中提交「養豬廚餘量及流向調查作業」,並於4月份建立2個行政區之餐飲業者調查清冊,5月份起現場開始進行廚餘量及流向調查,10月31日前完成大安及文山2區餐飲業廚餘調查共計3430家;以此2行政區廚餘量推估全市養豬廚餘量。三、協助辦理「101年度村里推動資源回收工作績效評比」工作:於4月份完成提報二階段評比作業方式,9月30日前協助後續各里補助經費核銷作業及成果資料彙整工作,並於10月2日進行頒獎。四、辦理環保手工藝教學活動:辦理環保手工藝教學活動,於4月份工作規劃書中提報環保手工藝教學課程,於10月31日前共計完成12場次環保手工藝教學。五、協助辦理廢鋁箔包及廢紙容器回收宣導於3月28日完成廢鋁箔包及廢紙容器回收宣導記者會1場次。六、媒體宣導、文宣品製作及相關教育宣導:(一)於電子媒體、電子看板、雜誌、報紙、網路或電台相關媒體發布報導,統計至10月31日止,已透過媒體宣導則數達113則。(二)於跑馬燈露出報導,統計至10月31日止,共計發布則數達176則。(三)委託專業美工(設計)公司設計資源回收相關宣導海報、摺頁或手冊,已完成廢潤滑油回收海報設計1則,及廢鋁箔包回收海報2則。七、資源回收創新作法:於5月17日提報「資源回收磁鐵托盤」及「資源回收外語show」創新作法企劃書2則,於6月30日前完成「資源回收磁鐵托盤」製作及成果報告;於9月21日、10月27日及10月28日分別配合歐洲學校、美國學校活動針對該校師生與家長完成資源回收外語show,並於10月28日於台北市外勞文化中心完成新移民資源回收宣導活動。八、其他事項:完成資源回收宣導管道問卷設計並製作線上問卷,結合社區宣導活動及網路發送,10月31日前共計完成1028份問卷調查。 2012 Taipei City Promotion of Recycling in Communities and Schools Program PETC is in support of the DEP’s (Dept of Environmental Protection) “2012 Taipei City Promotion of Recycling in Communities in order to raise the consciousness and habit of recycling work for the citizen. The programs is implemented form March 21, 2012 to December 31, 2012, and promote the recycling work between, relative constitution schools, the citizens, and the foreigner, the promotion activities including recycling promotion annual outcome reports, recycling system maintenance and the flow of leftovers for pigs. The implemented main items are explained below:I. Promotion activities conducted at colleges, universities, and all levels of schools, communities, and neighborhoods(1) Conducting promotional and education seminars, talks, and activities on recycle at all levels of schools: The first event was the College Level Recycling Promotional Seminar held on June 1 at Shih Chien University. The second event was the High School or Under School Recycling Promotional Talk held on Sept 13 at the Taipei City Public Library B2 Conference Room.(2) Combined with all levels of school or neighborhoods or community in Taipei city, conducted 12 recycling related activities, with over 100 people attending each event.(3) Providing community, constitution and schools twice recycling promotion and speaker services.II. Update the reporting system of the recycling system investigation the flow of Taipei City’s kitchen leftovers for pigs and the report summarizing annual outcome(1) “The Taipei City Government Dept of Environmental Protection (DEP) Recycling Reporting Management system” Website maintenance and updating work has helped Taipei City agencies, schools, organizations, and communities to file the collected amount monthly. We have coached a total of 261 schools and 233 agencies to file the recycled amount, with a reporting rate of 96%.(2) We choose the Daan and Wenshan District diners and restaurants as survey targets for this year’s kitchen leftovers for pigs and have filed the “The Investigation on Quantity and Flow of Kitchen Leftovers for Pigs”, and have finished restaurant investigation brochure for two district in April. Then start to invest the kitchen leftovers and flow from May, in addition, we had finished 3430 restaurant investigation for Daan and Wenshan district until October 31. Therefore, we expect the whole city’s kitchen leftover’s for pigs.III. Assist the comparison of recycling work done at the community and neighborhood levelWe had finished the comparison work in April, assisted neighborhood apply allowance procedure and date summarization before September 30. Finally, we hold award ceremony in October 2.IV. Conduct the Environmental Hand arts classOur working team submitted a teaching activities plan on April and conducted a total of 12 handicraft teaching activity.V. Assist in the recovery of scrap aluminum foil and waste paper container promotionWe had finished the news conference of the Waste aluminum foil package and abolished container recycling promotion in March 28.VI. Conduct promotion for the media, production of promotional items and related educational promotion (1) The media used included electronic media, electronic billboards, magazines, and newspaper, internet, or radio stations. The numbers filed in these media was 113, focusing on environmental handicrafts as theme, the data summarization before October 31.(2) We have posted 176 messages on the electronic billboards at the MRT and schools.(3) Have entrusted professional arts design company to complete 3 poster design promoting used motor oil and scrap aluminum foil and waste paper container environmental healthy and recycling.VII. Innovative ways of doing recyclingWe have proposed two innovation program “ Magnet Pallet for Recycling” and “Foreigner Language Show for Recycling” on May, 17, then, have finished the “ Magnet Pallet for Recycling” outcome report before 30,June.Secondly, have completed “Foreigner Language Show for Recycling” in assist of the college and parents for Europe and American schools on September 21, October 27&28 seperately. Finally, we have finished ed the recycling promotion for immigrant in Taipei city foreign laborers’ cultural center on October 28.VIII. Other assigned tasksWe have finished questionnaire design and the online questionnaire procedure, have combined the community and Internet promotion, and received the 1028 questionnaire investigation before October 31. 101 台北市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41410
推動水區劃定計畫(北區) 本計畫工作成果主要包含(1)完成劃設1條跨省市河川(磺溪)及11條縣(市)管河川水區公告草案、(2)調查推估受損水體污染源及污染量、(3)擬定受損水體水質改善策略,及(4)調查檢視17條已劃設水區河川之水體用途現況,檢討調整水區範圍及公告事宜。本計畫完成劃定12條縣(市)管河川水區,包括:磺溪、蘇澳溪、南澳溪、得子口溪、大堀溪、苑裡溪、吉安溪、三棧溪、立霧溪、豐濱溪、老梅溪及瑪鋉溪等。另檢討17條既劃設河川水區,包含8條中央管河川:蘭陽溪、鳳山溪、頭前溪、中港溪、後龍溪、大安溪、秀姑巒溪及花蓮溪;1條跨省市河川:淡水河;8條縣(市)管河川:新城溪、雙溪、南崁溪、老街溪、社子溪、新豐溪、西湖溪及美崙溪等。為利河川水區劃設作業,本計畫參考歷年國內河川水區劃定相關計畫成果及美國、歐盟劃定河川水區或訂定水體用途之考量因子,經數次專家學者諮詢會議後,研擬「河川水區劃定公告作業程序」與「河川水區劃設原則」。河川水區劃設作業程序包括(1)基礎資料蒐集分析及確立水區劃定原則、(2)現地勘察、(3)研擬水體分類建議、(4)研商會議、公告草案及公聽會、(5)公告程序等步驟。河川水區劃定原則包括(1)符合既有水體用途之分類等級、(2)保護現況水質不惡化、及(3)考量天然水體特性及水質改善之可達成性。為完成1條跨省市河川(磺溪)及11條縣(市)管河川水區劃定作業,首先蒐集分析水區基本資料,包含流域範圍、土地使用調查、水資源利用調查、污染源及污染量調查與推估及1Y75(年度75%水樣數合格準則)之近10年水質評價結果等,並辦理12場次河川現勘作業以瞭解現況,根據蒐集資料及現勘結果,提出12條河川水區水體分類草案建議,透過專家學者諮詢會議及研商會議前說明會後,研提12條河川水區公告草案。為篩選12條新劃設河川水區之受損河段及水質項目,本計畫透過1Y75(年度75%水樣數合格準則)、5Y75(5年75%水樣數合格準則)及C75(5年75%百分位濃度合格準則)等3種方式分析近5年水質評價,據以研判受損河段及水質項目,並考量河段水體污染程度及目的用途,選定優先改善標的污染來物,包括畜牧廢水、農業排水及生活污水等,研擬該河段短中、長期污染整治策略,包括:(建築物污水處理設施、農排管理措施及污水下水道等)。並完成編撰「受損水體水質改善策略規劃參考指引」及辦理「水區劃定及受損水體水質改善策略規劃參考指引講習會」,做為政策推廣文宣品及環保人才教育訓練工具。為檢討17條已劃設水區河川之水區範圍及公告事宜,本計畫調查檢視歷年17條水區河川之公告事項,以統一公告內容格式及使其符合現況並提升完整性,重新繪製公告水區範圍圖資,並檢視各河段水質達標情形、水體目的用途、分段點及行政範圍,研提公告事項之調整建議及修訂相關公告內容。檢討結果並無需調整17條河川水區現行公告之水體分類等級,僅需調整例如淡水河、蘭陽溪、頭前溪...等10條河川水區之行政區域範圍;應檢討變更淡水河水區支流新店溪長度;另建議可考慮新增劃定淡水河水區支流三峽河及磺港溪之水體分類等級。為讓使用者清楚掌握集水區相關資訊,本計畫以Google Earth API技術,建立水區劃定網際網路GIS平台(系統網址:。在水區範圍及水體用途方面,平台圖資涵蓋水系、集水區、次集水區、集污區、土地利用(現況)、非都市使用分區(規劃)、重要道路及取水口;在水環境特質方面,圖資涵蓋區域地質、斷層、衛星影像(地貌、植被)、地形(坡度陰影)、水質監測站、流量站及雨量站;在水資源利用權益關係方面,圖資涵蓋水權資料、村里界、重要道路、水質水量保護區、水庫堰壩及限制發展區(環境敏感區);在水質目標與整治策略方面,圖資涵蓋水質評價(報告文件)、公告草案(報告文件)、分類劃分點(分色表示)、列管污染源及水質監測站。透過前述圖資之套疊、將使主管機關能更清楚陳示水區劃定結果、瞭解水區劃定基礎資訊及使用同一作業平台進行河川水區劃定決策。 The Promotion Project of River Water Zones Delineation and Water Bodies Classification (North Di The project contents includes: (1)finishing one delineation of cross border river (Huang River)and 11 counties/ cities bulletin drafts about river water zones; (2)investigation and evaluation of pollutant and the amount of pollution of impaired of water bodies; (3)delineation improvement strategies of impaired water bodies quality; and (4)investigation and survey the status of using water bodies of 17 delineated river water zones, and reviewing the adjustment of water zones also the bulletin matters. In order to facilitate the delineation works of river water zones, this project takes the relative research results of river water delineation in recent years inside country as references, also takes the United States and EU’ s water zones delineation and using water bodies as considering factors. After experts and scholar consultation meetings, decided the “Bulletin Working Procedures of River Water Delineation” and the “Delineation Principals of River Water Zones” drafts. The former one includes: (1)basic information collection and analyzing; (2)sites exploring; (3)water bodies classification review; (4)study meeting, drafts declaration and public hearing; (5)procedures declaration etc. The latter one includes: (1)according with the classification of water bodies usages; (2)protection the status quo of water quality and (3)considering the characteristics of natural water bodies and water quality repairing reachability. For finishing one delineation of cross border river (Huang River)and 11 counties/ cities bulletin drafts about river water zones, we should collect basic data and analyzing it, such as river basin, land using survey, water using survey, pollutant and the amount of pollution survey and estimation, 1Y75(75% water sample qualified standard in a year) of water quality evaluation results within 10 years. Also conduct 12 river site exploring works for understanding the status quo. According to the collection data and the exploring results, proposes 12 draft suggestions of river water bodies classification. Through the consultation meetings of experts and scholars, decided 12 bulletin drafts of river zones before study meeting and after illustration meeting. To sift 12 new delineation river water zones and bodies out of impaired reaches and quality, the project is going to use 1Y75(75% water sample qualified standard in a year), 5Y75(75% water sample qualified standard in 5 years), C75(75% percentile concentration qualified standard in 5 years)to evaluate the water quality in recent 5 years, so that to judge the impaired reaches and quality items. Also consider the polluted level and usages to decide which should be the priority improvement, and make whole polluted improvement strategy for the reach in short term, middle term and long term. Completion of compiling of “Improvement Strategy Planning Reference Guild of Impaired Water Bodies Quality” and manage “Improvement Strategy Planning Reference Guild Workshop of Water Zones Delineation and Impaired Water Bodies Quality” as propaganda for policies and environmentalists education training tools. To review the 17 delineated river water zones of water zones also the bulletin matters, the project investigates all bulletin matters of 17 delineated river water zones, in order to unified the forms and enhance the integrity to comply with existing state. To redraw the bulletin water zones and to survey the quality standard water body usage, segmented point and administrative division of each reach, so as to propose adjustment suggestions and revision the declaration contents of bulletin matters.  For the purpose of predominating the relative information of water zones for users, the project uses Google Earth API to build a internet GIS platform for water zones delineation( In the aspect of water zones sphere and water bodies usages, the platform contains water systems, catchment area, sub-catchment area, sewage collection area, land usage(existing state), non-city using zones(planning), main roads and water intakes. On water quality aspect, the system including regional geology, faults, satellite images(landforms and vegetation), topography(gradient shadow), water quality monitor stations, flow stations, and rainfall stations. Interest in the relationship on water usage, including water rights information, village borders, main roads, water quality protection area, reservoir and restrict developing area. On the aspect of water quality standard and remediation strategies, the platform serves the estimate of water quality(report documents), bulletin drafts(report documents), classification demarcation points(represent by colors), regulated pollutants, and water quality monitor stations. Through the aforementioned platforms, cam make direct authorities much more understands the water zones delineation and basic information, also uses the same platform to make river water delineation decision. 101 水保處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45072
澎湖縣101年度空氣品質管理發展計畫 一、環境負荷分析:澎湖環境背景資料,依據行政院主計處統計資料分析(截至民國101年10月),並彙整如人口、車輛(汽機車及柴油車)、工廠數等變化趨勢如下。1.澎湖縣人口數截至101年10月達97,612人(較100年年底增加1,455人),占全國總人口數的0.42%,人口密度為772.06人/平方公里,高於全國平均人口密度(777.3人/平方公里)許多,而澎湖縣之總人口數為全國23縣市的倒數第二多,僅較連江縣多,但人口密度則排名全國第11名,值得重視此一情況,加強民眾之環保意識宣導,以減少人口增加對環境之影響。2.澎湖縣主計室資料統計101年第3季之工廠登記家數為109家,除污染規模較小的工廠外均已列入固定污染源巡查管制作業。而固定源資料庫至101年底共計列管98家工廠,分布之行政區分析如圖2.2-3所示,以馬公市70家之數量最多,其他鄉鎮包括湖西鄉12家、望安鄉6家、西嶼鄉4家、白沙鄉4家及七美鄉2家,再分析產業特性,如圖2.2-2所示,以加油站業為18家最多,依次為觀光旅館業15家、洗衣業14家、船舶建造修配業10家、電力供應業9家、預拌混凝土製造業7家,其他產業則均低於4家,顯示本縣以輕工業及民生工業為主,而電力供應為民生所必需,因此湖西鄉、望安鄉、七美鄉、桶盤嶼等處均設有電力發電廠,因此設有發電廠之鄉鎮,如尖山發電廠所在之湖西鄉,雖然其列管家數雖較少,但污染排放量仍相當高。3.交通部統計資料顯示,至101年10月底本縣所有機動車輛數達97,872輛,較100年之車輛量增加2,285輛,成長比例為1.9%,總數為歷年最多,機動車輛中以重型機車之數量最多,共計57,167輛,其次為自用小客車20,012輛,再其次為輕型機車16,062輛。而自用大客車登記數量8輛最少,其次為營業用大貨車16輛。因此顯示本縣機動車輛仍以機車及小客車為主要機動性車輛,其中機車仍為目前數量最多之機動車輛。二、空氣品質資料分析:計畫執行期間工作團隊持續收集及更新本縣氣象資料,氣象資料分析包括風速與風向、溫度和溼度、降水量與降水日數等氣象因子,並針對各氣象因子特性進行探討,101年1月至12月之澎湖氣象站資料彙整於表3.1-1、近四年之氣象資料彙整於表3.1-2。此外,每週定期提報上週測站空氣品質資料,亦分析本縣空氣品質不良(PSI>100)、接近不良(80≦PSI<100)、普通(50≦PSI<80)與良好(PSI<50)之日數比例於表3.2-5,從近年資料來看,PSI值在81~100的日數96年增加至19天,而98年已減少至16日不佳日數,100年不佳日數更降至8日, 101年度PSI值>80的不佳日數更僅發生1站日。三、人工空氣品質監測站維護及樣品分析澎湖縣之人工測站為環保局所轄,民國71年開始設置管理,82年6月遷至澎湖縣公車總站,而99年度因公車總站擬將拆除,故於9月份將人工測站遷至中正國小。本縣人工測站監測項目抱括有落塵量、總懸浮微粒、硝酸鹽、氯鹽、硫酸鹽、正己烷抽出物、鉛含量等。本計畫執行期間協助進行人工監測站的日常維護及採樣作業,採樣頻率為每月落塵量採樣1次、TSP採樣2次,樣品採集後送至檢測公司進行樣品分析作業。分析結果如章節3.2.1內容之說明。三、追蹤檢討各項空污費補助計畫辦理成效1.為確認每月並加強查核各項計畫執行進度、資料合理性及完整性,並作成報表,以有效管控計畫執行現況,相關查核日期如表3.3-1所示,各次子計畫查核結果如表3.3-2所列,各次查核完畢亦追蹤各子計畫完成缺失改正。2.每月並配合行政院環境保護署計畫管制作業,協助彙整各計畫所提報環保署月報及季報之各項例行性報表,並查核其正確性及品質。四、召開工作協調會為協調確認各子計畫執行情形,除隨時與子計畫負責人員及承辦人員進行溝通之外,並於每月工作協調會上針對各子計畫之查核缺失部份進行討論及建議,以提昇整體管制成效。計畫執行期間共辦理8場次工作協調會,而各場工作協調會之行程亦於期初排定完畢,以利各計畫台灣人員訂定往返機票及排定行程(如表3.4-1),每次工作檢討會會前亦進行確認上次會議結論辦理情形於會中檢討,亦透過工作協談會彙整討論環保署要求提報之相關資料,籍由直接面對面討論減少資料整合時間。五、污染排放地圖繪製澎湖地區轄內無大型作業工廠,最大污染物排放源為台灣電力公司尖山電廠,而為掌握澎湖縣境內污染物排放分佈情形,彙整環保署固定污染源資料庫資料進行污染地圖之繪製,污染源基本資料如附件二所列,共列管及掌握97筆名單,目前已彙整環保署最近公告之TEDs 8.0排放量資料及固定源資料庫資訊,整合後再匯入”GOOGLE 地球”,藉此提升污染排放地圖的便利性,相關資料已完成整合及彙入作業,整合結果示意圖如圖3.5-1所示,而澎湖地區之污染源主要集中於馬公市。由圖3.5-2可看出澎湖地區之污染源主要集中於馬公市,但各污染物排放量總計最多之行政區卻為湖西鄉,原因為最大污染物排放源-尖山電廠座落於湖西鄉,該廠以六號重油為主要燃料,燃料油之含硫量低於法令標準,因此硫氧化物排放量已減少許多,而氮氧化物則採用觸媒及添加尿素來進行排煙脫氮,有效減少氮氧化物之排放。六、空氣品質淨化區管理維護查核作業1.本縣空氣品質淨化區列管17處,目前列管空氣品質淨化區之基本資料如表4.4-1所列,而分佈位置如圖4.4-1~4.4-3,目前空氣品質淨化區有16處為環保署核定並定期查核,其餘1處目前正停工中。2.各列管空氣品質淨化區每月派員至現場查核各空氣品質淨化區維護改善及施工進度情形,並作為紀錄送相關單位參考改善,工作執行期間分別於101年3月15日、4月18日、5月22日、7月11日、8月8日、9月10日、10月9日、11月9日及12月10日至各空氣品質淨化區進行維護管理成效考核,各空氣品質淨化區各月份考核發現之缺失則如表4.4-2。3.澎湖縣空氣品質淨化區栽植許多樹木,並盡心管理維護,樹木吸收碳有所不同,為讓樹木吸收碳的成果數量化,讓民眾更容易感受到減碳成果,特於5月17日下午於澎湖縣文化局演講室舉辦「樹木碳吸存量量測說明會」,特別邀請中華民國永續發展協會魏麗莉所長向與會之空品淨化區維護管理單位、縣內各鄉市公所、縣府農漁局、縣府建設局、縣府教育局、縣內學校單位及一般民眾進行說明,宣導內容包括有”空氣品淨化區介紹”、”樹木碳吸收機制說明”、”碳吸收量測及計算說明”、”節能減碳宣導”,藉此讓與會民眾能夠瞭解室內植物淨化空氣及美化環境的好處,讓與會人員獲得更多不同的資訊,當天會場照片如圖4.7-1所示。4.國人每人每天約有80~90%的時間處於室內環境中,室內空氣品質的良窳,直接影響工作品質及效率,甚至直接影響活動人員的健康,淨化室內空氣品質的方法除了排氣通風外,還可以依照場所的特性來擺放不同室內植物〈植栽〉來淨化空氣,以提升及改善室內空氣品質、提高工作效率、保障民眾身體健康及生活品質等。為此,特別於5月17日上午於澎湖縣馬公市公所簡報室舉辦「淨化室內空氣品質植物宣導會」,宣導內容包括有”室內空氣品質對我們的影響”、”淨化室內空氣品質之植物介紹”、”室內植物擺設說明”、”室內植物養護說明”、”節能減碳宣導”,籍此讓與會民眾能夠瞭解室內植物淨化空氣及美化環境的好處,並從介紹室內空氣品質對我們的影響開始,進而介紹民眾認識淨化空氣品質的植物及選擇適合的室內植物,讓室內植物發揮最大淨化空氣效益,當天會場照片如圖4.7-2所示。5.澎湖縣已完成設置之自行車道,已以GPS定儀進行定位及資料處理,並將讓自行車道及空氣品質淨化區結合及隨時更新,提供民眾更多選擇,地理資訊系統整合結果如圖4.5-3所示,可透過簡易操作獲得各自行車道及淨化區之基本資料及現場照片,並已放至環保局網頁,提供民眾下載使用,民眾下載後直接點選開啟即可使用,也可以用”GOOGLE MAP”軟體來開啟,將空氣品質淨化區及自行車道的訊息提供給民眾。七、環保新聞宣導計畫執行期間每月提交2則宣導新聞稿,至計畫結束前一共需協助18則媒體宣導新聞刊登,計畫執行期間共提供環保局21件次新聞稿,其中20篇新聞稿獲環保局同意採用,統計共有1則新聞跑馬燈及見報則數有17則,累積達成目標數共有18則,達成合約規範數量,而各篇新聞稿提供情形以及刊登情形如表5.3-1所示。八、地方特性具體作法-菊島後花園e觸即到長久以來菊島空氣品質淨化區在各管理維護單位盡心盡力維護下,在有限的經費下讓整體維護成效展現最好,亦獲環保署考評委員的高度讚許,部份淨化區亦是民眾日常生活的最佳休憩場所,讓空氣品質淨化區除了具有淨化空氣品質的功能外,亦是菊島民眾的後花園。為了讓民眾獲得更多空氣品質淨化區的資訊,以往大都是以地方媒體及宣導說明會的方式,將訊息提供給民眾,本年度初步構想,先強化已建置空氣品質淨化區網路資料,再結合二維條碼,透過智慧型手機日漸普及的無線網路運用,提供民眾一個更方便捷及快速便的查詢管道,民眾可隨時隨地深入感受菊島每處空氣品質淨化區的美。九、執行人員教育訓練為讓計畫執行人員都能瞭解本年度計畫工作項目及執行重點,於4月10日、7月10日及10月4日等三日,進行教育訓練,並邀請專家學者進行人員教育訓練。首次教育訓練內容針對環保署空污費系統查核重點及常見問題外,並請講師於教育訓練前預先查核本縣空污費系統,針對有疑異於當天進行現場指導,確保系統的正確性及完整性,使後續計畫執行更加順暢,4月10日教育訓練資料如圖5.5-1所示。第二次教育訓練針對計畫執行同仁面對空氣污染突發事件發生時,可及時協助 貴局立即進行應變處理作業且縮短應變時間。第二場次教育訓練課程表如表5.5-2所示,而教育訓練照片如圖5.5-2所示。第三場次執行人員教育訓練本次教育訓練邀請中興工程顧問公司鍾有賢工程師擔任講師,因應本(101)年9月6日修正發布之「空氣污染防制費收費辦法」及同步公告之「公私場所固定污染源空氣污染物排放量計算方法規定」,以及「公私場所固定污染源設備元件抽測原則及揮發性有機物排放量重新計算規定」,期藉由本次教育訓練說明相關法規修正重點以及固定污染源(不含營建工程)空氣污染防制費系統操作差異,以利提升固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收作業之整體管制品質,第三場次教育訓練課程表如表5.5-3所示,而教育訓練照片如圖5.5-3所示。 2012 Air quality management development plan AbstractProject Name:The air quality management development planExecuting Period:From 2012/4/10 to 2012/12 /31 Penghu 『2012 The air quality management development plan』extension previous year 『2011 The air quality management development plan』the coordinate environmental protection bureau and examines committee member's instruction , the senior official directs under the bureau, except achieves the quantification goal diligently, and strives in the substantive control benefit, can achieve the anticipated target by the time. On 2012/12/31, achievement of quantification as shown in Table1 this plan one, following work of project item by item abstract explanation in view of this plan. 101 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司
蒙特婁議定書管制物質削減與含氟溴物質庫排放管控方案研擬與宣導專案工作計畫 本計畫為第一年計畫,執行內容包括非政府組織參與蒙特婁議定書國際活動、檢討並協助政府執行我國蒙特婁議定書因應策略、彙整分析替代技術發展趨勢與ODS交換運作管理模式、推動我國含蒙特婁議定書列管化學物質之既有設備使用與棄置階段之ODS管理策略及研擬含氟物質庫管理策略、協助辦理列管化學物質查緝走私相關業務與銷毀模式、及加強推廣臭氧層保護相關資訊傳播及教育宣導工作等6大類。參與蒙特婁議定書國際相關活動方面,本計畫持續掌握國際管制動態並向國際友人展現我國積極參與國際環保事務的決心,分別已於7月23日至27日派員參加於泰國曼谷召開的第32次蒙特婁議定書不限成員工作小組會議(OEWG-32),掌握國際管制動態。並於11月12日至16日派員參加於瑞士日內瓦召開的第24次蒙特婁議定書締約方會議(MOP-24),除蒐集蒙特婁議定書管制規範的決議外,為積極與國際交流,今年首次於會場中舉辦一場次會議:氟氯烴(HCFCs)減量管理與替代品推動策略會議,和與會來賓並針對我國如何成功藉由核配制度達到削減與管理目標與我國交換寶貴的經驗。本計畫另統計2011年HCFCs消費量為152.805 ODP公噸,佔我國消費基準量23.95%,低於蒙特婁議定書的管制規範(要求2010年起已開發國家應削減至25%)。並遵循蒙特婁議定書規範,協助環保署向聯合國環境規劃署臭氧祕書處申報我國ODS消費量。此外,WCO已公告2012年版ODS之HS code,歐盟已依據WCO公告ODS之 HS code修改其 CN code,應密切關注國內發展以因應後續消費量計算事宜。在ODS的核配作業方面,101年度協助行政院環境保護署完成國內廠商取得101年與102年上半年氟氯烴(HCFCs)核配量作業並統計101年核配廠商之使用量數據。此外,亦協助完成溴化甲烷於檢疫與裝運前處理用途之101下半年與102年上半年廠商申請許可作業,並統計使用量資料。同時,為因應蒙特婁議定書對HCFCs之下一階段管制,本計畫協助研擬管理方案,並召開專家座談會議,彙整各界建議以提供環保署後續研擬修法時參考。此外,為有效管理溴化甲烷使用於QPS用途,本計畫亦檢討修訂溴化甲烷管理辦法,完成舉辦專家座談會、跨部會協商會議、廠商研商會議等,協助行政院環保署儘早完成修訂公告作業。在替代技術趨勢發展分析與ODS交換運作管理模式方面,本計畫主要是蒐集彙整國際間氟氯烴替代技術發展現況,以提供我國廠商作為停用氟氯烴之替代選擇參考。此外,為讓既有的海龍藥劑與庫存或回收之CFCs或HCFCs得以不被任意排放,且能有效利用,本計畫辦理一場國防單位使用海龍藥劑之運作與管理座談會,協助檢討並研擬相關交換與運作管理策略。今年也特別協助國內航空公司了解國內外海龍管理與流通現況,並協助環保署研擬航空公司特別用途申請海龍滅火器進口流程,以利航空公司順利取得海龍滅火器。在推動我國ODS既存設備避免排放之管理方案方面,乃為減少冷媒不當洩漏與排放,以及棄置階段未遭處置後任意排放,今年研擬連鎖超商和量販店之冷凍冷藏設備使用階段管理作業程序與含氟物質庫管理策略建議方案。並針對超商超市與其冷凍冷藏設備廠商,舉辦一場冷媒管理討論會,宣導冷媒替代與使用階段避免排放資訊。另外亦針對減少溴化甲烷排放,彙整分析國際間管控策略與國內使用溴化甲烷之工安規範,辦理一場宣導會議,向國內廠商宣導正確使用溴化甲烷之方式,以減少不必要的排放與注意勞工作業安全。在協助辦理列管化學物質查緝走私相關業務與銷毀模式方面,今年持續研析國際ODS銷毀技術相關資料,並聯繫國內相關可處理單位如成功大學環境資源研究管理中心,討論ODS銷毀模式,以作為後續研擬走私ODS沒入處置作業時參考。同時本計畫亦作為行政院環保署、海關、海巡等單位之溝通橋樑,以協助相關單位迅速將查獲案件處理完成。在臭氧層保護宣導部份,今年除持續透過網際網路的方式,更新臭氧層保護中英文資訊網站的資訊、發行兩期中英文電子報,推廣宣導最新相關新聞與管制進展。同時,本計畫也舉辦多媒體簡報設計比賽選出前8名,並於9月16日國際臭氧層保護舉辦頒獎典禮與成果發表會。最後,本計畫也設計製作中英文版捲筆與文宣品,宣導臭氧層保護觀念。 Enacting Consumption Reduction Strategy for ODS Controlled by Montreal Protocol, Conducting Emissio This is the first year project of the two-year program. This project categorized into 6 tasks,1.participating in the international meetings related to the Montreal Protocol as an NGO observer; 2.overviewing and assisting the Government to implement the ODS management measures following the national policy to compliance with the Montreal Protocol;3.gathering and analyzing the alternative technologies to ODS on the global development and market availability; 4.developing the ODS management measures for the existing equipment contained the substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol and disposal phase;5.assisting the related government agencies in tackling ODS smuggling and developing the seized ODS destruction process;6.strengthening the information dissemination and education on the issues relating to ozone layer protection. Regarding to the participating in the Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol and propagating our achievements, this project continuously keeps monitoring the global controlling measures on ozone depleting substances (ODS) and expresses Taiwan’s proactive participation of international environmental protection to our international friends. Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) participated in the 32st OEWG, Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in July and assisted the Taiwan EPA to participate in the 24rd Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in November. Furthermore, this project also assisted the Taiwan EPA in reporting the 2011 ODS consumption in Taiwan to the UNEP Ozone Secretariat for showing our resolution of compliance with the Montreal Protocol. The HCFCs consumption in 2011 in Taiwan was 152.805 ODP metric tons, accounting to 23.9% of the amount of the HCFCs reduction baseline 638.156 ODP metric tons, well controlled within the target controlled by the Montreal Protocol, 25%. In the issue of ODS allocation, this project assisted the Taiwan EPA to finalize the domestic allocation process on Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) for year 2012 and the first half of 2013 as well as finalize statistical data on the amounts used by the manufacturers in 2012. In addition, this project also finalized the allocation on methyl bromide for the second half of 2012 and the first half of 2013 on the usage in the quarantine and pre-shipment treatment. For compliancing the reduction target for HCFCs in 2015 in the Montreal Protocol, this project develop the draft managing measures and hold a discussing meetings with experts and industries for gathering suggestions to revise the HCFCs managing regulation. Meanwhile, for effectively managing methyl bromide uses in QPS and upgrating the process of methyl bromide permission applicaton, this project develop and assist Taiwan EPA to revise the Mehtyl Bromide Management Regulation. On information on alternatives to HCFCs, this project also gathered the development information of the HCFCs alternatives in the international community as reference for feasibility analysis of the usage in Taiwan and the development of the promotion mechanisms in the future. About the ODS exchange management, this project assist the government to manage abandoned Halons and CFCs and transfer to needed organization. This year, this project also assist the airline companies to apply to the Taiwan EPA for Halons extingushers or systems importation. For tackling ODS smuggling and developing the destruction process, this project assisted the Coast Guard and the Customs units in educational training of seizure of ODS smuggling, provide the ODS seizure operational mode to enhance the capability of customs officials in handling ODS seizure in the future. And this year we were focused on gathering and analysing information about ODS destruction technologies and discussing the feasibility of the destruction facility in Environmental Resources Management Center of National Cheng Kung University.On publicity for protection of the ozone layer, this project edited and emailed two issues of the Chinese and English electronic newsletters of Ozone Layer Protection in Taiwan and irregularly updated the information website Ozone Layer Protection in Taiwan, and publicized to various circles via internet on the model and efforts of Taiwan in compliance with the Montreal Protocol. This year for celebrating the 25th anniversity of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer with the internation communities, this project develop and hold a multimedia presentation contest and a awards ceremony on 16 September. 101 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46942