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彰化縣大城鄉低碳永續環境教育總體規劃專案工作計畫   環保署與各地方政府為達成第三次全國能源會議所提出的結論,加上2011年環境教育法開始施行,環保署希望能夠結合低碳永續以及環境教育等議題,在彰化縣大城鄉「後國光石化」的時代中,預期以「推動低碳社區示範計畫」來落實行政院所核定的「彰化縣大城鄉經濟振興方案」,其低碳社區的營造,絕大部分是可以建立在多元面向的環境教育的架構上。  本計畫擬以推動低碳暨環境教育社區總體營造工作之規劃,來協助低碳社區的培力以及居民的環境教育觀念建立,強化居民對於自我生長環境的歸屬和認同,改變居民既有的想法和思維,並進一步改善居民的生活品質。計劃初期,將成立10人以上環境教育規劃團隊,提供資源現場調查、現況評估及輔導諮詢等服務,進而選定兩處社區作為未來環境教育課程方案開發的潛力地點。  期中將陸續辦理兩場的環境教育增能課程,主要對象是針對社區志工與學校教師進行環境教育的研習培力,旨在加強教師及社區志工們對環境教育的瞭解,同時促進參與及投入社區工作的意願。至於環境教育課程方案開發的部分,則會以文獻資料及資源現場調查的結果為題材,建置一套包含四個單元及一個體驗式活動的環境教育課程方案。  最後,將以此環境教育課程方案, 對鄉內預定協助課程推展之社區志工及學校教師進行實作訓練,其重點將放在熟練各個環境教育課程方案之目的與帶領技巧上,並在訓練第一批大城鄉低碳永續及環境教育種子教師的過程中找出教學可改進之處,以期共同發展未來二年的中長期環境教育活動。 Comprehensive Planning Project on Chang-hua Da-cheng Township for Low-Carbon Sustainability and EE   Due to the EPA and local governments tried to reach the third National Energy Conference’s conclusions, and the Environmental Education Act was implemented on June 5th 2011. Therefore, towards the “post-Kuokuang petrochemical” era, the EPA is looking forward to combining Low-Carbon Sustainability with Environmental Education. Through “Demo Project for Low-Carbon Community Promotion” is activated by EPA, which would help to fulfill the Administrative Yuan’s “Chang-hua Da-cheng Township Economy Boosting Scheme”. Among those works for Low-Carbon Comprehensive Community Building, almost all those works could base on the multi-structure of Environmental Education.  This project is planning to promote Low-Carbon and Environment Education Comprehensive Community Building, to help the community empowerment for Low-Carbon life and their concepts of Environmental Education. That would strengthen their sense of belonging and identity of self-growing environment, changing the way of thinking and improving their quality of life. In the beginning of project, a ten-professionals EE Committee will be established. They are able to provide service with on-site resource investigations, evaluations and consultancies. Furthermore, the two potential communities will be selected for developing EE program.  In the middle, two EE Empowerment Training courses will be organized. The major participants are community volunteers and school teachers. The aims are strengthening their comprehension of EE and encouraging their will to join the community works. Base on the results of literature research and on-site investigations, a set of 4 units and one experienced EE Teaching Program will be set.  At the end, the project will use this set of EE Teaching Program to train the volunteers and teachers for promoting the EE Teaching Program. The priority is letting them as seed-teachers and familiar with each aims of EE teaching program and practicing skills. Through this procedure, the teaching amendment will be found. That is the nutrition for co-developing EE Teaching Program in the next two years. 102 生態社區推動方案室 中華民國環境教育學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62070
102年度彰化縣臭氧前驅物長期背景監測計畫 彰化縣環境保護局為建置臭氧前驅物背景資料及提升臭氧管制成效,遂研提「102年度彰化縣臭氧前驅物長期背景監測計畫」,利用OP-FTIR進行揮發性有機物背景調查工作,並透過臭氧控制機制分析、臭氧管制方案修訂及評估臭氧行動日之可行性等作為,以提升彰化縣臭氧管制工作績效。工作成果概要如下:一、監測成果與空品分析(一)大城鄉東港村大城地區VOCs物種濃度大致皆低於周界標準,且VOCs物種多半呈現未檢出的情形。當大城地區吹南風系列時段,甲烷、氨、臭氧、甲醇、一氧化碳、二氟一氯甲烷及乙炔等物種高濃度出現頻率有增加趨勢。透過國科會質點擴散模擬結果得知,海陸風機制主導大城地區污染物擴散機制。(二)中科二林地區受到中科二林基地基礎工程與二溪路的道路拓寬工程的施工影響,99年至102年PM10年平均濃度明顯提升,雖然濃度有逐年下降但仍高於98年;受到中部空品區整體空品趨勢的變化,中部三縣市臭氧年平均濃度自99年起皆有明顯升高趨勢,惟二林測站呈現下降趨勢。VOCs物種監測,由於中科二林基地周邊產業以農業與畜牧業居多,甲烷、氨氮等環境背景物種顯著;受到測線鄰近工廠、宮廟及農田燃燒等影響,甲苯、丁酮、乙酸乙酯及多環芳香烴...等物種較顯著。而整體污染物濃度皆低於周界標準。(三)屢遭陳情或重大污染源PU皮革業監測結果顯示,由風向判斷、批次式出現的時機及使用原物料等資料,比對該廠運作情形後其相關性吻合度甚高,且二甲基甲醯胺、丁酮與乙酸乙酯等高濃度出現時機有同步的情形,判定污染源由該行業可能性最高。印染業監測結果顯示,由物種出現時機與風向判斷、原物料及製程中逸散的排放物種等,推測異丙醇、乙酸乙酯與甲苯等三種物種應為同一污染源所貢獻,判定此三項物種由印染業產生之可能性頗高。二、臭氧管制策略依據歷年空氣氣品質分析結果與臭氧控制機制顯示,彰化縣臭氧管制未來仍需針對VOCs加強管制,未來管制工作建議,以減少污染量、排放量管制及落實環境教育的角度出發,包括:加嚴VOCs排放管制、清查工業VOCs排放量、分區分段普查死車、提升民眾對於生活中的臭氧防制認知等。。臭氧行動日經初步評估建議可由為彰化縣SIP 計畫發布,發布通報條件依據中部空品區次日臭氧8小時平均值達75-95 ppb時,通報對象包括:縣府各局處室、學校、企業等,通報方式以電子郵件或行動電話簡訊通知。由於臭氧行動日屬於全民減量運動,應以「減少健康危害」的角度倡導民眾由日常生活中著手減少VOCs的排放,待民眾對於臭氧防制意識提高後,再進行第二個階段推動工作,其達成全民減量的效益才可彰顯。 The Ozone 2013 long term background monitoring project for ozone precursor for Changhua County The Environmental Protection Bureau of Changhua County has proposed “2013 long term background monitoring project for ozone precursor for Changhua County” in order to set up the background data for ozone precursors and to enhance the ozone control effectiveness. In the project, OP-FTIR is used to perform background survey work for volatile organic compound. Moreover, through actions such as ozone control mechanism analysis, ozone control project revision, and the evaluation of the feasibility of ozone action days, the work performance of ozone control of Changhua County is then enhanced. Finally, the work results are briefed as in the followings: I Monitoring results and air quality analysis(1) Tungkang Township of Dacheng HsiangMost of the concentrations of VOCs species in the Dacheng District are lower than the surrounding standard. Moreover, most of VOCs species are not detectable. In the time periods when south-bound wind dominates in Dacheng District, the frequency of appearance of high concentrations of species such as methane, ammonia, ozone, methanol, CO, difluoro-monochloro-methane and acetylene is in the increasing trend. Through the mass point diffusion simulation result sponsored by National Science Council, it can be seen that sea-land wind mechanism has dominated the pollutant diffusion mechanism in the Dacheng District.(2) Central Taiwan Science Park Erhlin DistrictAffected by the construction of the infrastructure engineering of Central Taiwan National Science Park Erhlin District Base and the road broadening engineering of the Erh-hsi road, the average PM10 concentrations from 2010 to 2013 are obviously higher, although the concentrations are in descending trend year by year, yet it is still higher than that of year 2009. Affected by the entire air quality trend change in the air quality area of central Taiwan, the annual average concentrations of three counties and cities in central Taiwan are significantly higher starting from 2010, however, only theErhlin test station shows a descending trend. For the monitoring of VOCs species, since the peripheral industries in Central Taiwan Science Park Erhlin Base are mostly agriculture and pasturage, environmental background species like methane, ammonia and nitrogen are significant. Since the test lines are affected by the neighboring factories, temples and the burning actions in the farm field, species such as toluene, butanone, ethyl acetate and multi-rings aromatic hydrocarbons are more significant. And the entire pollutant concentration is lower than the surrounding standard. (3) Constantly complained or major pollution sourceFrom the monitoring results of PU leather industry, after a comparison is made among wind direction, timing for batch appearance, data of the raw material used, and the operation situation of the factories, the correlation was found to be very high. Moreover, synchronous appearance was seen for the timing of appearance of high concentrations of dimethylformamide, butanone and ethyl acetate, hence, it was judged that the pollution source comes from that industry. From the monitoring results of the printing and dying industry and from factors such as timing of appearance of the species, wind direction, raw material and the released species emitted from the process,it was estimated that three species such as isopropyl alcohol, ethyl acetate and toluene should be contributed by the same pollution source, hence, it was judged that these three species have very high probability to be generated by dying and printing industry. II Ozone control strategyAccording to the historical air quality analysis results and ozone control mechanism, it was seen that future ozone control job in Changhua County should be emphasized on VOCs control. Suggestions for future control jobs are: Reduction of the pollution quantity, control on the release quantity, and the fulfillment of environmental education. They include: Make strict requirement on VOCs release control, perform entire checking of the release quantity of industrial VOCs, make census of dead vehicles in different areas and different sections, and enhance people’s ozone control recognition in the daily life. After initial evaluation of ozone action days, it was suggested that it can be announced by SIP project of Changhua County, and the announcement condition should be based on 8 hours average ozone concentration of 75~95 ppb of the next day in the air quality area of central Taiwan. The announcement targets include: Bureau, department or office in the County Government, school or enterprises, etc. And the announcement method can be email or text message of mobile phone. Since ozone action days is basically an activity for the quantity reduction among all the nationals of this country, it should be based on the view point of “reduction of the hazard to the health” to ask the general public to reduce the release of VOCs in the daily life, after the ozone control consciousness of the general public is enhanced, the promotional job in the second stage can then be launched. Eventually, the effectiveness of the quantity reduction among all the people in this country can then be seen. 102 彰化縣環境保護局 東禾工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62095
推動低碳永續家園建構及評等考核專案工作計畫 推動低碳永續已為世界各國之共同趨勢,而為確保我國未來各項施政均能兼顧低碳建構與永續發展,以引導各部會落實減碳目標及綠色經濟轉型,確保國家競爭力與環境永續,擬藉由本計畫持續完成低碳永續家園推動方案(草案),並建構評等認證制度,分為縣市、鄉鎮市及社區村里層級,逐步擴大推廣,引導公民營機構投入參與,結合縣市相關執行計畫,共同實現黃金十年政策之低碳永續家園願景。 Action Plan for Promoting the Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland - Establishment and Ranking Evalua Promoting low-carbon and sustainable development has become a global trend. In order to ensure that low-carbon construction and sustainable development would be taken into consideration when forming future policies to assist each ministry to achieve its carbon reduction goal and promote green economy transformation, this project will completed the “Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Program (draft)”; In addition, with the certification scheme established by TEPA, which divides participants into cities\counties, townships, communities and villages level, the program will be promoted step by step. Meanwhile, leading the public and private organizations to join with local government related plans. Furthermore, the certification scheme should also be defined clearly in order to realize the goals listed in the Golden 10 Years Policy. 102 生態社區推動方案室 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62047
嘉義市低碳永續家園專案計畫-綠牆與垂直綠化設計及照明節能示範及推廣 本計畫依照「嘉義市低碳永續家園專案計畫─綠牆與垂直綠化設計及照明及能示範及推廣」之規定完成以下工作:(一)推動社區、公共場所建築物綠化:1.為推廣實施建築物綠化,辦理2場次說明會,讓社區民眾瞭解施作綠牆與垂直綠化所帶來的好處,並說明綠牆之補助申請辦法,提供諮詢服務讓民眾掌握相關資訊以順利辦理補助申請。並遴選出5處社區或公共場所並補助施作成為綠牆之示範點,冀望透過示範點之設立引領在地民眾相互觀摩學習,增進響應與設置意願。2.製作4,000本「綠牆與綠屋頂之宣導手冊」,使民眾對於綠牆與綠屋頂有更進一步的瞭解,並透過宣導手冊上之建議來評估自身社區施作綠牆或綠屋頂之效益,手冊內有相關建置費用及施作範例,可作為參考依據供民眾評估。3.建築物綠化觀摩活動:帶領民眾觀摩臺南市政府安平區區公所,引領民眾親身體驗並深入瞭解綠牆與綠屋頂所帶來的節能減碳效益,讓參訪之民眾將觀摩活動之參訪心得分享並應用於自身社區上。(二)推動照明節能改善作業:1.針對嘉義市各里長及各社區管理委員會配合綠牆與綠化垂直設計宣導共同辦理2場次說明會,宣導照明節能之重要性,並說明相關補助改善作業。2.成立嘉義市能源技術輔導團,透過輔導團之評估與規劃,完成17處社區或公共場所之效益評估及照明節能改善作業。(三)低碳永續家園資訊平台之登錄:本計畫推動社區、公共場所之建築物綠化及照明節能改善作業成果登錄於低碳永續資訊平台,供民眾參考。本計畫已完成各項工作之執行,並建立5處綠牆與垂直綠化設計示範點及17處照明節能改善示範社區,以利嘉義市其他在地社區跟進響應,共創嘉義市低碳永續家園。 Project for Development of Low-Carbon and Substantial Homeland: Greening Wall and Vertical Greening Design, and Energy-saving Lighting Demonstration and Promotion. Abstract The purposes of this project were threefold. Firstly, it aimed to promote the greening construction in communities and public spaces. The settings of greening garden would improve air quality and living condition. The information meetings including two secessions were held to explain the advantageous of setting the greening and vertical garden, as well as to give details about the governmental grants. In addition, to increase the willingness to establish the greening constructions, five settings of the greening constructions as the model could be found in many regions. Moreover, 4000 manuals were made to enhance people’s understandings about the greening constructions like greening walls and greening roofs. The detailed information such as the estimated cost of building greening constructions and the demonstration of energy-efficient public buildings were also included in the manuals. Besides, a number of observational activities were held in Anping District Office in Tainan City. This was to make the visitors understand the efficiency of building green constructions, and then they were encouraged to share what they learned in the activities to others. Secondly, the promotion of energy-saving lighting system would reduce the electricity use. The explanation meetings consisted of two secessions were held by the head of neighborhood and its community management committees in Chiayi city. The purpose of the meetings was to promote the important concepts like saving energy and to give details about the governmental grants. In addition, the Green Teams in Chiayi city were made to evaluate the energy conservation programs in 17 communities and public buildings and to improve the energy efficiency in older buildings. Finally, the information for promoting low-carbon and substantial homeland was recorded, and it could provide people with standards for selecting the energy saving equipment. The achievement of this project would be passed via the platform to promote the establishment of low-carbon and energy-saving building and to enhance the concept of substantial homeland. 102 嘉義市政府環境保護局 奇威管理顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62024
住商部門建築減碳效果評估專案工作計畫 在節能減碳的國際潮流下,我國政府亦展現積極推動建築節能減碳的決心,推動許多的建築節能減碳計畫(方案)。大部分的建築節能減碳計畫是以單一建築物進行節能改造,改造前後可以計算出節約能源效果並換算減碳的效果。但卻缺乏對社區整體以及節能技術全程(life cycle)減碳效果的評估工具,以至於不易評估建築節能計畫對全國減碳目標的效果,也產生政策施行前評估資訊不足的現象。因此本計畫將在環保署與美國能源部合作下,引進國際已有許多案例使用的「EnergyPlus模型」,建立台灣建築與設備等本土資料庫,建立「EnergyPlus模型」節能減碳評估技術在台灣使用的示範案例,以及台灣社區整體節能減碳效益之評估,以供委辦單位評估建構建築部門之減量策略與預期減碳效益。本工作計畫工作目標如下:(一)建置住商建築能源模擬模型(Energy Plus),進行住宅與商業建築減碳技術評估。(二)建置低碳減量策略評估模型之本土化建築相關資料。(三)試行低碳社區減碳效果策略評析(以EnergyPlus模型)與溫室氣體模擬模型減碳整合策略評析。(四)建置住商部門溫室氣體模擬模型模組,進行住宅與服務業部門減碳策略評估。(五)協助掌握國際相關組織發展動態,促進我國低碳社區/城市減碳策略與經驗之交流。 Assessment of residential and commercial buildings Energy conservation and CO2 mitigation effect pro In the international trend of energy saving and carbon reduction, our government also shown a determination to actively promote building energy saving and carbon reduction, executed many building energy saving and carbon reduction programs. Most of the building energy saving and carbon reduction programs aim at a single building for energy saving. Energy conservation effect can be calculated and also effect of carbon reduction by the transformation, but lack of assessment tools for the effect of arbon reduction for community as a whole as well as energy-saving technology throughout whole life cycle. It cause that building energy saving effort and carbon reduction effort for whole country difficult to assess and assessment information prior to the implementation of a policy. This project will cooperate with national laboratory of DOE, USA, to introduce EnergyPlus model that had been used by many international case, to create local building and equipment database and to establish demo cases of energy saving and carbon reduction effort assessment by Taiwan local EnergyPlus model. This project also use that model to analysis CO2 mitigations measures effect in low carbon city. All the result will be reference for Taiwan EPA. The goal of this project are :1.Develop EnergyPlus model for Taiwan Residencial and commercial buildings and assess energy saving and carbon reduction technologies.2.Investigate and Set up local database of low carbon building’s EnergPlus model.3.Link assessment of EnergyPlus model and CO2 mitigations analysis model ( Markal) Establishing cooperation channels with international low-carbon research teams in exchange of low carbon city policies and assessment methodology.4.Develop greenhouse gas simulation model for residential and commercial.buildings and assess of Residential and service sector carbon reduction strategy.5.Help grasp the developments of the international organizations, to promote the exchange of experience for carbon reduction strategies and Taiwan's low-carbon communities / cities. 101 生態社區推動方案室 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61837
「101年南港溪愛蘭橋測站育英橋水質淨化工程改善及擴增計畫-委託技術服務案」 南投縣政府環境保護局執行「101年南港溪愛蘭橋測站育英橋水質淨化工程改善及擴增計畫」工程案,計畫場址於埔里區枇杷城排水河床用地,藉由礫間接觸處理方法,處理民生橋下涵管之生活污水,期能改善目前愛蘭橋水質測站污染程度。本工程規劃利用礫間淨化工法,期能達到節能減碳及污水淨化目標,預估每年可減少1.7萬公斤的CO2排放,節省4佰萬元以上操作成本費用。本計畫規劃淨化設施日處理量約1,000~2,000CMD(平均日約1,500CMD),每日約可削減BOD達60kg/日,每年達21,900kg/年,可降低愛蘭橋水質測站污染程度發生的比率。本工程係由「悍馬營造股份有限公司」承攬施作,設計監造單位為「能碩工程顧問股份有限公司」,自102年6月24日開工至102年10月7日竣工,工期為106日曆天,施工內容主要分為導水溝及引水溝(9.5m)、礫間接觸淨化區(229m)及流末跌水工排水區(10.3m)等,合計總長度約248.8m。並於槽體上部覆土自然植生以達綠化效果,本工程建造經費為4,370,000元整。另整建育英橋下游密閉式礫間淨化設施,維護設施妥善運作,持續削減埔里地區生活污水污染量。本計畫另擬訂淨化設施功能操作維護管理計畫,並對後續接管維護單位召開教訓訓練,以供後續管理操作維護單位之依據。本案亦希望藉由自然淨化工法設置,將自然生態環境結合環境教育宣導,使環境保育觀念深植民心,達到資源永續利用發展目的。 101 南投縣政府環境保護局 能碩工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62050
102年度屏東縣小琉球及東港地區登革熱病媒蚊監測工作 102年登革熱病媒蚊的平均布氏指數為0.2以下,琉球鄉8村中以花器數量最多佔49.4%(7433/14938),水桶數量有38.5%(5755/14938)次之;東港2里以66.7%(2332/3496)花器數量多於其他的,次之為水桶的數量有26.6%(930/3496),就每月平均數量而言,琉球鄉與東港地區的登革熱病媒蚊孳生容器數並無差異,分別為169.8與158.9個。琉球鄉與東港地區的花器多集中於9-12月間,乾季時數量多於雨季的。孳生容器材質皆以塑膠材質為主,琉球鄉有76.6%的塑膠容器、東港區則有79.4%;每月容器發生數量兩區以9-12月時為高峰期,與觀光人潮有關。乾季時琉球鄉每月積水孳生容器多於雨季。兩區利用誘蚊產卵器監測病媒蚊發生種類全為白線斑蚊。應用含百利普芬藥劑誘蚊產卵器防治登革熱病媒蚊,除2月時未將產卵器內含藥水帶回飼育,因此琉球鄉中福村與大福村各有1隻白線斑蚊羽化;東港朝安里有18隻埃及斑蚊,其他各月份皆無斑蚊成蟲羽化。白線斑蚊遍存於琉球鄉環境中,今年監測資料顯示埃及斑蚊數量為0。而東港朝安里有埃及斑蚊發生,此處有漁市與碼頭為觀光人潮聚集處,有必要長期持續監測病媒蚊發生斷絕傳播途徑。本年度疫區病媒蚊監測於四月爆發登革熱的屏東春日鄉進行,四至八月的監測期間,於4月22日及6月26日噴藥2次,第一次噴藥後二周及第二次施藥後一周,產卵器陽性率即升至50%,部落內孳生容器積水少,顯然該地區施藥範圍外的病媒蚊孳生源仍未徹底清除。 102 屏東縣政府環境保護局 大仁科技大學
廢汽車觸媒資源回收之研究 本計畫主要是採用「濕法治煉」方法來回收廢汽車觸媒中之鉑、鈀、銠有價物。本計畫研究成果顯示,廢汽車觸媒樣品經研磨10分鐘後,大約有96%之顆粒尺寸小於0.84mm,另研磨後樣品顆粒大小大都集中在0.84mm~0.297mm之間,另此廢汽車觸媒樣品之鉑、鈀、銠全含量依序為669 mg/kg、240 mg/kg與26.3mg/kg,而其水分約為0%、灰分約為99.39%、可燃份約為0.61%,比重為2.5。另最佳鹽酸浸漬回收鉑、鈀、銠之條件為:10N鹽酸、70℃、5分鐘、1g/50ml、2,000倍H2O2理論添加量,在此浸漬操作條件下,其鉑、鈀、銠之浸漬回收率分別可達100%、100%、58.21%。此最佳浸漬液經以氫氧化鈉或氨水進行pH調整,皆無法有效沉澱回收鉑、鈀、銠。另此最佳浸漬液經以氯化銨、氯化鈉與氯化鈣進行沉澱,其結果顯示,以氯化銨之沉澱效果最佳,但鉑、鈀、銠沉澱回收率皆未超過50%。另此最佳浸漬液經以鋅片與鐵片置換,亦皆無法達成鉑、鈀、銠金屬之分離。另此最佳浸漬液經晶析所得之產物,其鉑、鈀、銠金屬含量之富集程度約可分別提升10.73倍、8.91倍、7.59倍。因此本研究建議之最佳回收流程為:先將廢棄車觸媒研磨過篩至50mesh以下,以10N鹽酸在1g/50ml、70℃、5分鐘下,可將100%鉑、100%鈀、58.21%銠予以浸漬溶蝕,再將此最佳浸漬液以晶析法回收,以富集晶析產品中之鉑、鈀、銠金屬含量。 Resource Recovery of Spent Automotive Catalysts The target of this project is to develop a hydrometallurgical method to recover valuable metals, which include platinum, palladium and rhodium, from spent automotive catalysts. In this project the spent automotive catalyst was ground for 10 minutes until about 96% of the particle size was less than 0.84mm, the remainder was between size 0.84mm – 0.297mm. The metal content of the final sample of the spent automotive catalyst for platinum, palladium and rhodium is 669 mg/kg, 240 mg/kg and 26.3 mg/kg respectively.Composition analysis for the sample for water content, ash content, combustible content and density for this sample is approximately 0%, 99.39, 0.61 and 2.5 respectively. Results from this project revealed the optimum leaching conditions in hydrochloric acid impregnation for the recycling of platinum, palladium and rhodium are: 10N hydrochloric acid heated to 70oC for 5 minutes with a solid-liquid ratio of 1g/50mL, with 2,000 times the theoretical value of H2O2. Under these conditions platinum and palladium can be recovered at 100% efficiency and rhodium can be recovered at58.21% efficiency.The optimal laching solution with sodium hydroxide or ammonia solution to adjust the pH is not effective for the recovery by precipitation of platinum, palladium or rhodium. The precipitation of optimal laching solution between ammonium chloride, sodium chloride and calcium chloride was ammonium chloride, which resulted in recovery of platinum, palladium and rhodium precipitates with less that 50% precipitation. Also, the replacement of optimal laching solution using zinc plate and iron plate was unsuccessful to reach platinum, palladium and rhodium metal separation. The optimal laching solution can obtain the crystallization product. The enrichment of platinum, palladium and rhodium metal content of crystallization product is approximately 10.73, 8.91 and 7.59 times respectively. Therefore, this study suggests that the best recovery process is ground scrap car catalyst to below 50mesh sieve, react with 10N hydrochloric acid with a solid liquid ratio of 1g/50ml, 70oC for 5 minutes. Leaching of 100% platinum, 100% palladium and 58.21% rhodium can be achieved and impregnated into solution. Then this optimal laching solution can be crystallized to enrich platinum, palladium and rhodium metal. 102 基管會 大葉大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62027
101年度屏東縣小琉球及東港地區登革熱病媒蚊監測工作計畫 101年度琉球鄉八村有3次有登革熱病媒蚊發生,布氏指數全為2;而對照區於12月時東港中興里稽查有蚊布氏指數為2,其他監測村里之指數皆為0。琉球鄉八村每月容器數量有643~1154個,全年以水桶6355個最多;對照東港2里每月容器數量166~294個,種類以水桶有1335個最多。兩區孳生容器材質皆以塑膠製產品為最大量,琉球八村有8009個塑膠製品數量居冠,佔總容器數量的75.2%;東港對照2里有1929個容器塑膠材質,佔總容器數量的73.9%,兩地的容器仍需仰賴民眾的自動自發清除。琉球八平村每月容器平均積水率在11.3~43.20%間,且以5~7月時積水容器數較多。各村里放置5個24小時監測誘蚊產卵器的總卵數比以往少有8~1580粒,全年成蟲羽化率以6月時南福村的51.7%最高;東港二里監測僅朝安里在6月與11月有卵,分別有17與26個卵、羽化率各為0%與7.7%。革熱病媒蚊稽查的蚊種類多為白線斑蚊,但10、11月時在琉球本福村與東港中興里,各有2與1隻埃及斑蚊發生,可能因暖冬氣候的影響,值得進一步探討原因。利用含生長調節劑的誘蚊產卵器防治登革熱病媒蚊,琉球鄉八村每月總卵數為933~ 3843粒,每個誘蚊產卵器平均卵數為35.0~119.8粒;東港2里月總卵數為0~627粒,平均卵數/誘蚊產卵器為0~85.6粒,結果顯示使用百利普芬的誘卵與防治效果良好。101年琉球鄉稽查的埃及斑蚊發生在1月份天氣較冷時,不是登革熱流行季, 能儘早降低戶外病媒蚊密度,斷絕傳播途徑,是以有必要繼續利用誘蚊產卵器進行長期監測。東港登革熱病流行區病媒蚊5流行里監測,斑蚊種類多為白線斑蚊;而埃及班蚊發生最多的在9~10月時(36、38~40、41週)的朝安里,應加強孳生源清除防治工作。 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 大仁科技大學
永續發展國際論壇及聯合國永續發展大會(Rio+20)成果追蹤及因應專案工作計畫 聯合國於2012年6月20-22日於里約辦理「聯合國永續發展大會」,為了解各國於Rio+20後續因應作為,本計畫透過聯合國及國際資料蒐集,共蒐集聯合永續發展目標研擬、聯合國環境規劃署之強化、高層政治論壇之辦理以及自願性承諾提報等相關資料,供行政院永續會參考。本計畫並協辦行政院永續發展委員會於2013年9月13日假國家圖書館國際會議廳辦理「2013永續發展國際論壇」之辦理,共邀請來自德國、加拿大、美國及韓國共四位國外專家及三位國內專家擔任講者,並邀請行政院國家永續發展委員會委員擔任主持人,本次會議共計219人次參加。此外,為了解國際間永續發展指標狀況,本計畫蒐集澳洲、德國、加拿大、韓國、英國及日本等六國之永續發展指標,並我們要的未來條文,與我國現有永續發展指標相對應,提出我國永續發展指標修正建議,供行政院永續會參考。今年度亦會協助彙整「2012年永續發展指標」書據結果,並編撰「2012年永續發展指標」現況報告書,以評量我國2012年永續發展成效。 The follow-up of Rio+20 and held the 2013 International Forum on Sustainable Development The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development(Rio+20)was held in Rio de Janeiro on June 20~22, 2012. In order to realize the follow-up actions between the world, the project collect the information from UN and other international organization. Four theme actions for the national council for sustainable development for reference such as develop a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were provided to strengthen the UNEP function, the High Level Political Forum and the Voluntary commitments. The 2013 International Forum on Sustainable Development was held on Sep. 13, 2013. There are seven speakers and three moderators. The speakers shared their international experience with the participants. There are 219 people attend the 2013 forum. To realize the trend of the sustainable development indicators around the world, sustainable development indicators from six countries were chosen for the study. In accordance with the sustainable development indicators around the world and the future we want, we make some suggestions for the Taiwan Sustainable Development Indicators. The project also completed a report on “2012 Sustainable Development Indicator in Taiwan”. 102 永續發展室 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61738
102-綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉環境衛生計畫 台東地區近年致力發展觀光產業,政策方向既定,各項觀光產業所需之搭配事項即為政府所應致力規劃及執行之部分;為營造美好生活觀光之環境形象,台東縣致力於全縣各區域環境衛生維護不遺餘力,其中海岸地區環境衛生管理更為執行重點之一,且近年來環保署實施「清淨家園、全民運動」考核活動,各項環境衛生清潔維護更成為指標性之成果展現。 102 - Green Island Township and Lanyu Township environmental health programs Taitung area in recent years, efforts to develop the tourism industry, policy direction established, with matters of the tourism industry is the government should endeavor to plan and perform the part of; sightseeing environmental image to create a better life, Taitung County is committed to all regions of the countyenvironmental health maintenance spare no effort in environmental health management of coastal areas more perform one of the priorities, and the implementation of "clean their homes in recent years, the EPA, the national sport" assessment activities, the environmental sanitation cleaning and maintenance have become indicative of the results to show. 102 台東縣環境保護局 聯聖工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=59291
嘉義市細懸浮微粒管制對策及健康風險評估計畫 本計畫透過嘉義市大氣中懸浮微粒PM2.5採樣與分析,瞭解懸浮微粒對民眾健康危害之關係及影響性。共完成之工作包含第一季(偏北風季節)之各特定場所PM2.5直讀式採共40點次、第二季(偏南風季節)之各特定場所PM2.5直讀式採共20點次,人工採樣部分,於行政院環境保護署測站興嘉國民小學,進行三季(五月、七月及九月)共12點次採樣,分析PM2.5樣本之質量濃度與成分比例,與各污染來源作對照,並利用受體模式分析嘉義測站、之污染來源,探討污染物主要來源及貢獻量。以下是本計畫成果摘要:1. 嘉義市交通頻繁路口平日以傍晚交通尖峰時段PM2.5濃度較高,下午非尖峰時間PM2.5濃度則明顯較低,尖離峰差異明顯,推測受交通車流量之影響,假日之車流型態及貢獻與平日不同,於離峰時段之車流量高於平日,導致假日交通頻繁路口之尖離峰PM2.5濃度差異縮小。平日人為活動頻繁處PM2.5濃度以住商混和區較純住宅區高,尖離峰濃度差以純住宅區較大,且於假日出現尖離峰時段反轉之特性,推測假日純住宅區之居民於下午活動較為頻繁。郊區背景濃度尖峰離峰時均低於法規日平均標準。2. 嘉義市汽車通勤情境車內循環空調模式即使是平日尖峰時刻車內濃度亦僅有0.6 μg/m3,顯示乘坐於汽車內通勤之民眾可得到良好的屏障,免除暴露於PM2.5濃度。內外循環空調模式PM2.5濃度稍微上升但仍屬極低值(1~2 μg/m3),顯示空調之空氣過濾元件作動良好,可控制PM2.5濃度於相對低值。3. 嘉義市機車通勤情境PM2.5濃度呈現間歇性讀值,推測因機車行駛間切線風速高使直讀採樣器吸引量不足所致,平日高值出現於嘉義市區之路段,假日高值出現於假日忠孝路北段。此外機車行駛間主要濃度貢獻由號誌停等怠速期間,因此可由「交通頻繁路口」之採樣結果獲得機車騎士之PM2.5暴露濃度資訊。4. 嘉義市公車通勤情境之PM2.5高濃度值集中於前2~6分鐘,尤其於公車停等區尚未上車前之暴露濃度遠高於車內濃度,最高可達25 μg/m3,亦為各類通勤情境中最高者,反之於公車行進間車內濃度則與汽車內濃度相若,因此建議民眾若以公車作為通勤工具,則於公車停等區等待時應做好自身防護措施,則可大幅降低PM2.5之暴露。5. 第一季(五月)嘉義測站PM2.5人工採樣日均值介於9.7~54.9 g m-3,前二次所採得之PM2.5濃度偏高,而在後二次採樣之前與之後均有間歇性小雨,可見降雨強度及延時不需大或長即可有效降低空氣中PM2.5濃度。空間分布上以本市西方之育人國小及北方之宏仁女中有較高PM2.5濃度,因採樣期間風向偏西北,前述位於市區上風處之採樣點濃度均較下風處之嘉義測站高,顯示除市區交通及人為活動外,於本市西北可能有污染源對PM2.5濃度產生貢獻。成分組成部分,興嘉國小大氣PM2.5以水溶性離子(SO42-、NO3-、NH4+、F-及Cl-)佔最多有37.7%,其次為總碳含量,佔有35.1%,金屬總量有10.3%及未能分析出之成分有16.9%。離子成分以SO42-最多,佔PM2.5 mass的20.5%,其次是Cl-的6.1%,再者為NO3-的5.6%、NH4+的4.4%及Na+之3.2%。含碳成分中以OC最多,佔PM2.5質量的17.6%,EC則為13.7%。6. 第二季(七~九月)嘉義測站PM2.5人工採樣日均值介於8.8~19.9 g m-3之間,由於本季颱風帶來豐沛雨量影響,以及夏季熱對流強盛導致午後雷陣雨頻繁發生,本季所採得之PM2.5濃度偏低,由此可證降雨可有效降低空氣中PM2.5濃度。空間分布上以本市宏仁女中有較高PM2.5濃度,顯示該測點因靠近市區,交通及人為活動而產生之PM2.5高於其他地區。本季於興嘉國小各成分佔質量比例,最高者為水溶性離子(SO42-、NO3-、NH4+、F-及Cl-)有43.0%,其次為總碳含量,約佔30.8%,金屬總量有21.9%及未能分析出之成分有4.3%。離子成分依然以SO42-最多,佔PM2.5 mass的29.1%,其次是Na+的8.3%,再者為NO3-的8.0%、K+的5.3%及Cl-之5.2%。含碳成分中仍然以OC最多,佔PM2.5質量的17.2%,EC則為13.5%,EC與OC之平均百分比相較於第一季差異並不大。7. 第三季(九~十月)嘉義測站PM2.5人工採樣日均值介於19.2~38.8 g m-3之間,由於介於西北風與東南風向轉換之際,故總體而言嘉義測站與上述之周界測站PM2.5濃度較相近。本季所採得之PM2.5濃度有增高之趨勢,沒有降雨情形來掃除空中PM2.5,因此其濃度較具有代表性,表示嘉義市平時空氣中存在之PM2.5濃度偏高。本季兩次採樣102年9月7日及13日於興嘉國小各成分佔質量比例,以水溶性離子(SO42-、NO3-、NH4+、F-及Cl-)佔最多有37.8%,其次為總碳含量,佔有30.1%,金屬總量有19.9%及未能分析出之成分有12.2%。在離子成分中佔最比例的為SO42-,佔PM2.5 mass的23.5%,其次是NO3-的6.3%,再者為Cl-的6.3%、K+的4.2%及Na+之6.3%。含碳成分中EC與OC佔的比例相近,EC佔PM2.5質量的15.1%,而OC則為15.0%。8. 本計畫人工採樣於三季均與環保署人工採樣同步,平行比對之R2分別為0.9998、0.9877及0.974,二者具高度線性相關;而本計畫之人工採樣與環保署自動連續監測之比對,三季之R2分別為0.962、0.960及0.917,亦屬高度線性相關,而線性回歸之斜率為0.948、1.506及1.481,顯示第二、三季首/自動採樣法結果有明顯差異,須經過一係數轉換,可觀察到環保署自動採樣之PM2.5濃度有偏高的趨勢,尤其空氣中PM2.5濃度較低時易出現高估結果。綜合全年採樣結果之平行比對,本計畫手動與環保署手動之R2為0.978,斜率為1.033,顯示二方法平均值比對十分相近;本計畫全年人工採樣與環保署自動連續監測之比對,R2為0.924,斜率為1.036,亦顯示二方法平均值比對十分相近。9. 嘉義市所有測站樣本之受體模式解析,模式分析指標如判定係數(R2)、卡方值(Chi square)與自由度(Degree of freedom)均可達到模式要求。10. 5月份採樣期間平均而言,興嘉測站最大之污染源為交通排放(44.6 %),其次為硫酸銨(18.9 %),生質燃燒(17.4 %),之後依序是地殼物質(10.0 %)、海鹽飛沫(9.5 %)、鋼鐵業(3.8 %)、硝酸鹽(1.7 %)及水泥業(0.8 %),而未定量則高估6.7 %。其中除了硫酸銨、海鹽飛沫、鋼鐵業之解析較為穩定外,其他污染源解析在時間尺度上之解析變動較大。11. 7月採樣期間平均而言,交通排放貢獻比例以興嘉測站最高(55.2 %),其他依序為蘭潭測站(48.2 %)、宏仁測站(35.7 %)及育人測站(34.4 %)。硫酸銨貢獻比例以蘭潭測站最高(37.8 %),其他依序為興嘉測站(35.0 %)、育人測站(31.6 %)及宏仁測站(28.6 %)。海鹽飛沫貢獻比例以蘭潭測站最高(21.2 %),其他依序為興嘉測站(17.2 %)、育人測站(17.2 %)及宏仁測站(13.5 %)。前三大污染源之推估貢獻量於興嘉、蘭潭、育人及宏仁測站分別為107.6、107.2、83.2及77.7 %,而前三大之污染源空間分佈差異上以硫酸銨及海鹽飛沫較小且趨勢一致,但交通排放之空間變異則相對明顯且其他不同。另外,電力業則順利被解析出來,主要之原因是夏季之風向為南風,且大氣混合層相對較高造成位於高雄地區之電力業排放微粒,經長程傳輸影響嘉義市之採樣測站,其影響程度以蘭潭測站最大(9.1 %),其他依序為育人測站(6.8 %)、宏仁測站(3.9 %)及興嘉測站(1.9 %)。12. 9月份採樣期間平均而言,交通排放貢獻比例以蘭潭測站最高(68.2 %),其他依序為興嘉測站(50.5 %)、育人測站(49.8 %)及宏仁測站(30.9 %)。硫酸銨貢獻比例以宏仁測站最高(47.5 %),其他依序為蘭潭測站 (39.9 %)、育人測站(29.4 %)及興嘉測站(23.5 %)。生質燃燒貢獻比例以宏仁測站最高(19.0 %),其他依序為興嘉測站 (18.7 %)、育人測站(9.2 %)及蘭潭測站(未解析出),海鹽飛沫貢獻比例以宏仁測站最高(13.8 %),其他依序為育人測站 (10.5 %)、興嘉測站(9.8 %)及蘭潭測站(8.8 %)。地殼物質貢獻量比例以育人測站最高(9.7 %),其他依序為宏仁測站(8.0 %)、蘭潭測站(4.5 %)及興嘉測站(4.2 %)。前三大污染源之推估貢獻量於蘭潭、宏仁、興嘉及育人測站分別為108.1、97.4、92.6及88.4 %,而前三大之污染源空間分佈變異大。另外,電力業被水泥業取代被解析出來,主要之原因是應是風向改變之原因,此時之風向以北風為主,其影響程度以育人測站最大(3.8 %),其他依序為興嘉測站(3.1 %)、蘭潭測站(2.0 %)及宏仁測站(未解析出)。13. 本計畫對本市之原生性污染源提出建議之管制策略,包括(1) 固定污染源管制:加油站油氣回收管制、餐飲油煙管制。(2) 移動源管理:機動車輛停車怠速管理、機車定期檢驗、柴油車自主管理、二行程機車汰舊及補助政策、推廣油氣雙燃料車、補助電動汽機車。(3) 逸散污染源管制:道路認養洗掃、禁止露天焚燒、推動寺廟以米/功代金。14. 跨縣市傳輸之二次衍生型PM2.5部分,在環保署進行全國整合防制前,建議本市與鄰近縣市如嘉義縣、雲林縣、台南縣與台南市等組成PM2.5資訊共通策略聯盟,目的為達下風縣市出現濃度高值時得以追朔主要貢獻源、而非僅於轄區內進行原生物種之控管,該聯盟可透過定期舉行會議,提出地域性污染事件,並搭配各季氣象條件,以達雲嘉南空品區PM2.5綜合管理效果。 Control Strategy and Health Risk Assessment of Fine Particulate Matter in Chiayi City Through this project, Chiayi City atmospheric aerosols PM2.5 sampling and analysis to understand the suspended particulate hazards to public health and affect sexual relationships . The work includes the completion of the first quarter (northerly wind season) each of the specific areas of PM2.5 direct reading taken 40 points times the second quarter (southerly wind season) each of the specific areas of mining PM2.5 direct reading 20:00 times , manual sampling part , on EPA Xing Jia Guomin primary station for three quarters (May, July and September) 12:00 samples were analyzed samples PM2.5 mass concentration and composition ratio with the various sources of pollution as a control , and using receptor modeling analysis Chiayi station , the sources of pollution sources and explore the contributions of the main pollutants . The following is the work accomplished during this project received a preliminary summary of the results :1. Chiayi City due to heavy traffic intersection in the evening rush hour on weekdays higher concentrations of PM2.5 , PM2.5 concentration in the afternoon non- peak hours was significantly lower off-peak sharp differences are significant , suggesting that the impact of traffic by traffic , the traffic Holidays and contribution of different types on weekdays , at off-peak hours of traffic than usual , leading to frequent crossing of the holiday traffic peak concentration of PM2.5 from sharp narrowing the gap . Frequent human activities on weekdays at the PM2.5 concentration mixed residential and commercial area than pure residential high, sharp deviation from the peak concentration in pure residential area larger, and on holidays appear sharp reversal characteristics of off-peak hours , suggesting that residents of Holiday pure residential area more frequent in the afternoon activities . Suburban background concentrations were lower than when the peak off-peak day average standards and regulations .2. Chiayi City car commuting situation recirculated air mode even weekday rush hour car concentration is also just 0.6 μg/m3, display of riding in a car commuting people get good barrier, eliminating exposure to PM2.5 concentrations. PM2.5 concentrations inside and outside the cycle air conditioning mode increased slightly but still very low value (1~2 μg/m3), shows the air filter elements for air moving well, can be controlled at a relatively low concentration of PM2.5 .3. Chiayi City commuter locomotive situational PM2.5 concentrations showed intermittent readings , presumably due to high wind speed locomotive traveling between the tangent to make direct reading sampler attract insufficient due to the high value appears weekdays in Chiayi city 's roads , high value holidays appeared in the holiday Zhongxiao northbound . In addition locomotive traveling major contribution from the semaphore concentration during idling stop, etc. , so by "heavy traffic intersection" of the sampling results obtained motorcyclists PM2.5 exposure concentration information.4. Chiayi City Bus commuter situational high concentrations of PM2.5 values concentrated in the first 2 to 6 minutes , especially at bus stops and other areas not on the front of the car is much higher than the concentration of exposure concentrations up to 25 μg/m3, also the highest of all kinds of commuter scenario , whereas in the road between the bus and the car interior concentrations comparable concentrations , it is recommended that the public as a commuter bus terms of tools , then wait at bus stops and other areas should make their own protective measures , you can significantly reduce the exposure to PM2.5 .5. The first season (May) Chiayi station daily average PM2.5 manual sampling ranged 9.7~54.9 μg m-3, the first two of PM2.5 mined high concentrations , and in the post- secondary sampling both before and after intermittent rain, rainfall intensity and visible without large or long delay can effectively reduce the concentration of PM2.5 in the air . Spatial distribution of educating people in the city west and north of Grace Elementary School Girls have a higher concentration of PM2.5 , wind northwest side due to the sampling period , the aforementioned downtown upwind of sampling points downwind concentrations than the Chiayi station is high, show that apart from urban traffic and human activities, there may be sources of pollution in the city's northwest on the concentration of PM2.5 generated contributions. Component part of the Ka-hing elementary to soluble ions in PM2.5 (SO42-, NO3-, NH4 +, F- and Cl-) accounted for up to 37.7% , followed by total carbon content , occupy 35.1% of total metal there are 10.3% and failed to analyze the composition of 16.9%. Up to SO42- ion components , accounting for 20.5% of PM2.5 mass , followed by 6.1% of Cl- , NO3- addition to the 5.6%, NH4 + and Na + 4.4% 3.2% . Up to OC carbonaceous component , accounting for PM2.5 mass 17.6%, EC was 13.7%.6. The second season (June to August) Chiayi station daily average PM2.5 manual sampling ranged 8.8~19.9 μg m-3 between the typhoon season brought abundant rainfall impact and lead to strong thermal convection in summer afternoon thunderstorms occur frequently mined season low concentration of PM2.5 , which can effectively reduce rainfall provable concentration of PM2.5 in the air . Spatial distribution Grace Girls in the city have a higher concentration of PM2.5 , showing that the measuring point is close to the city due to traffic and human activities arising PM2.5 higher than other regions. Season at Hing Ka Elementary mass ratio of each component accounted for , the highest water-soluble ions (SO42-, NO3-, NH4+, F- and Cl-) with 43.0%, followed by the total carbon content of about 30.8% , metal there are 21.9% and total failure analysis of the ingredients are 4.3%. Ionic components still to SO42- up , accounting for 29.1% of PM2.5 mass , followed by 8.3% Na+ , NO3- addition to the 8.0%, K+ and Cl- 5.3% 5.2% . Carbonaceous components still OC most, accounting for PM2.5 mass 17.2%, EC was 13.5%, EC and OC percentage compared to the average in the first quarter is not much difference .7. The third quarter (September to October) Chiayi station daily average PM2.5 manual sampling ranged 19.2~38.8 μg m-3 , between the northwest wind and Southeast wind between conversion of the occasion, so overall Chiayi station and the perimeter of the station PM2.5 concentrations than similar. Mined season have increased the concentration of PM2.5 trend , no rain situation to eliminate air PM2.5, so its concentration has a more representative , which means that Chiayi City usually present in the air of the high concentration of PM2.5. Season two samples 102 years on September 7 and the 13th country in the Ka-hing quality accounted for a small proportion of each component , water-soluble ions (SO42-, NO3-, NH4 +, F- and Cl-) accounted for up to 37.8% followed by the total carbon content, occupy 30.1%, 19.9 %, and the total amount of metal failed to analyze the composition of 12.2%. Accounted for most of the ion composition ratio of SO42-, PM2.5 mass accounted for 23.5%, followed by 6.3% NO3-, Cl- addition to the 6.3%, K+ and Na + 4.2% of 6.3%. Carbonaceous components EC and OC proportion similar , EC accounted for 15.1% of PM2.5 mass , while the OC was 15.0% .8. Manual sampling at three seasons of this project are synchronized with the EPA manual sampling , parallel comparison of R2 0.9998,0.9877 and 0.974 , respectively , both highly linear correlation ; manual sampling plan and the automatic and continuous monitoring with EPD the comparison of the three quarters of R2 were 0.962,0.960 and 0.917 , is also highly linear correlation , and the slope of the linear regression 0.948,1.506 and 1.481 , showing the second and third quarters first / automatic sampling, the results were significantly different , subject to a conversion factor can be observed in the EPD automatic sampling of PM2.5 concentrations higher trend, especially at low concentration of PM2.5 in the air prone to overestimate the results. Consolidated annual sampling results of the comparison operation , the project manual and EPA Manual of R2 is 0.978 , a slope of 1.033 , compared to the average show two methods are very similar ; manual sampling of the annual plan with the EPD automatic and continuous monitoring the comparison , R2 is 0.924 , a slope of 1.036 , also shows that the average ratio for the two methods are very similar.9. Hing Ka stations receptor model analysis of the first quarter , the largest sources of emissions from transport (between 29.7-103.1 %, with an average of 44.6%), followed by ammonium sulfate (range 14.7-27.1 %, with an average of 18.9%) , the third largest source of pollution compared to biomass burning (range 0-39.2 %, with an average of 17.4%) , followed in descending order crust (average 10.0%), sea salt spray (average 9.5%) , iron and steel industry (3.8%) , nitrate (1.7%) and cement industry (0.8%) , but not quantitatively overestimated by 6.7% . With the exception of ammonium sulfate, sea salt spray, stable steel industry analysis , other sources resolved at parse time scale of a large jump .10. Ka-hing stations receptor model analysis of the second quarter , the largest sources of emissions from transport (between 50.8-67.3 % , with an average of 55.2%) , followed by ammonium sulfate (range 31.5-45.1 % , with an average of 35.0%) , the third largest source of pollution compared to salt spray (range 14.3-25.4 % , with an average of 17.5%) , followed in turn, are the steel industry (average 10.4%) , electricity industry (average 1.9%) and nitrate (1.7%) , raw mass burning (0.0%) and crustal material (0.0%) did not find this analysis , without quantitative overestimated by 20.5% . With the exception of ammonium sulfate, sea salt spray, stable steel industry analysis , other sources resolved at parse time scale of beating bigger.11. Ka-hing stations receptor model analysis of the third quarter , the largest source of pollution is still as transport emissions (range 35.8-59.4 % , with an average of 50.5%) , followed by ammonium sulfate (between 15.7-36.2% , with an average 23.5 %) , the third largest source of pollution compared to biomass burning (range 16.2-22.8 % , with an average of 18.7%) in the first quarter situation is the same , after the order is sea salt spray (average 9.8%) , crustal material (an average of 4.2%) and cement industry (3.1%) , while the steel industry (0.0%) , nitrate (0.0%) did not find this analysis , without quantitative overestimate of 9.7%. With the exception of ammonium sulfate, sea salt spray, stable steel industry analysis , other sources resolved at parse time scale of beating bigger.12. The plan of the city's original nature of the pollution control strategy recommendations , including(A) stationary sources control : oil and gas recovery control , catering fume control;(B) Mobile Source Management: idling motor vehicle parking management, periodic inspection locomotives , diesel vehicles self-management;(C) Fugitive Source Control : Adopt road sweeping , banning open burning, promote temples in m / reactive voucher;(D) Low-carbon city / air quality related projects oriented: stroke motorcycles replace old and subsidy policies to promote oil and gas dual-fuel vehicles, electric cars and motorcycles subsidies.As for the city and the county's second -derived PM2.5 transmission part, a national integrated prevention in EPA recommended before the city and neighboring counties such as Chiayi County, Yunlin County , Tainan County and Tainan City and other components PM2.5 information common strategic alliance for the purpose of reach high concentrations downwind counties appear to be traced when the main contribution to the value of the source , not just in the area for the control of native species, the alliance through regular meetings, proposed regional pollution event, and with each season meteorological conditions in order to reach the Southwest District PM2.5 air quality integrated management results. 102 嘉義市政府環境保護局 正修科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61973
102年度屏東縣加強辦理交通管理措施推動暨非法油品查緝計畫 本計畫主要工作內容包含:停車怠速熄火宣導與稽查作業、低碳社區及低污染車輛宣導推廣作業、柴油車非法油品稽查檢測作業、柴油車保養廠保檢合一制度推動及配合局內各項行政業務。期末報告初步統計期程為102年3月29日至12月31日止,各項工作成果摘要如下:一、停車怠速熄火宣導與稽查作業宣導文宣以易於民眾接受為原則,共製作宣導單張5,000張、宣導海報2,000張及宣導品1,000份。宣導單張及宣導品於宣導活動及執行路邊稽查作業時進行發送;宣導海報則以派員發送及寄送之方式至各縣公務機關、工廠、客運業者、各級學校及風景區等。為使停車怠速熄火宣導遍及各個層面,製作停車熄火廣播宣導帶,並於5月25日起開始密集播放120檔次,另於KISS CLUB玩樂誌六月號刊登停車怠速熄火相關資訊,共計發送達30,000份。。今年度車輛怠速稽查及宣導輛次共計5,110輛次,主要勸導車種以小型車為主,佔所有勸導輛次的96.3%。規劃稽查及宣導地點以本縣車流量較大之路段及校園周邊為主,此區域的執行比重約佔73%,以公務機關、車站周邊及觀光區執行區域此區約佔16%,而本縣市區及偏遠鄉鎮之路段,稽查及宣導比例約占11%;另計畫期間配合縣府各單位、社區及學校辦理20場次停車怠速熄火宣導活動、1場次柴油車保檢合一訓練說明會及1場大型宣導活動,針對縣內工廠代表、柴油車保養廠代表、與鄉鎮公所說明柴油車保檢合一及停車怠速熄火等環保措施,且學校與社區皆前往辦理低污染運具及停車怠速熄火宣導,藉由互動問答之方式與民眾交流,提高民眾配合停車即熄火之意願。二、低碳社區及低污染車輛宣導推廣作業為了配合環保署推動低碳永續家園政策,歸納出10項綠色運輸行動項目,並配合相關局處、單位辦理及彙整其相關資訊;另也針對歐美、亞洲及台灣各縣市執行各項綠色運輸與低碳島資料進行彙整,再從本國綠色運輸推動方向與適合本縣在地性之發展,提供在地性綠色運輸策略擬定之參考。依低污染運具之推廣評估將本縣各行政區概分為5大區塊,分成都市型、混和型(都市及郊區)、郊區型、山地型及特殊觀光型,並歸納出該區域合適推廣之低污染運具。如屬都市型之地區,由於人口較為密集,且無高低起伏較大之地形,在低污染運具上建議以電動公車作為日常民眾公車接駁使用,此外,都市型人口平日行駛里程大多為上下學、上下班、購物及外出飲食等短距離生活習慣,並建置電池交換站以推廣民眾購買使用電動機車或輔助自行車等綠能運具,如屬郊區型區域,因該類型人口之分布較為稀廣,且分布多以村落為人口聚集點,在推動上亦與混和型類似,如在推廣電動巴士則建議採間段性接駁,而電動機車及輔助自行車等低污染運具,則建議民眾考量自身行駛習慣,若僅於村落間行駛尚可購置,因該車種不適於長程行駛,故於郊區型推廣電動機車及輔助自行車其成效恐低於期望值。現階段電動機車及電動輔助自行車之續航力皆能有效因應都市型人口生活習慣,高乘載及較長途固定路線可採用電動巴士做為接駁使用,如通勤接駁或導覽使用;若短程運送貨物或飯店接駁客人,因人數較少,適合適用高爾夫球車或採用中小型巴士;而電動機車及電動輔助自行車其適用性較為廣泛,可做為市區代步車及短程上下班使用,若作為於觀光區租賃使用,建議須搭配電池交換站或充電站等相關配套措施。三、非法油品查緝作業本計畫配合柴油車計畫於路邊攔查及動力站內檢測時,逐車進行油品檢查,針對顏色或氣味異常之樣品進行抽驗檢測,今年度截至12月31日共計總攔車檢查數為2,089輛次,分別路邊總檢查車輛數有831輛次;動力站總檢查車輛數有1195輛次,場站總檢查車輛數有37輛次及配合國土小組總檢查數1輛次;其中攔車檢查採樣125件樣品,經送驗結果尚未發生有不合格油品。四、柴油車保養廠保檢合一制度推動本計畫依據縣府工商科及蒐集至柴油車動力計檢測站執行排煙檢測之車輛,維修及調修之保養廠業者名單,共歸納328間保養廠,並逐一電話訪問結果,扣除無人接聽、空號或非柴油車保養廠業者,僅有76間屬於柴油車保養廠,經過初步篩選及現場訪查之後,共有4家保養廠進入第二階段評鑑作業,並於102年10月7日邀請專家學者及局內長官完成評鑑作業,其評鑑結果依序名次為優先評選出2家柴油車認可保養廠,分別為裕益汽車股份有限公司屏東分公司及屏東客運修配廠。另於11月7日針對兩家保養廠人員辦理柴油車認可保養廠教育訓練,課程安排包含柴油車排煙檢測原理及儀器設備介紹,另外針對「柴油汽車排氣煙度試驗方法及程序」說明及現行法規之排放標準規範等課程,並且安排人員實際操作演練及現場進行考核測驗,以確認認可保養廠技術人員具備執行檢測能力。 2013 Pingtung County Project on strengthening traffic management measures and promoting illegal oil commodities investigation The main content of this project included: Parking idling-flameout advocacy and auditing operations, low-carbon community and low-pollution vehicles advocacy implementation operations, diesel vehicles illegal gas inspection operations, and diesel vehicles maintenance factory insurance and inspection two-in-one system implementation and promoting all the administrative operations correspond to Environmental Protection Bureau. Final report preliminary statistics period is from March 29, 2013 to December 31, 2013. The results of the work are summarized as follows :I. Parking, idling, flameout advocacy and inspection operations Promotional brochures were designed to be easily accepted by the public. There were 5,000 propaganda leaflets in total; 2,000 propaganda posters and 1,000 promotion items. Propaganda leaflets and promotional products were delivered in the promotional activities and roadside inspection operations; propaganda posters were delivered by personnels or mailed to the county public service offices, factories, passenger transportation business operators, schools at all levels and scenic areas and so on. In order to promoting parking-idling-flameout throughout various levels, we have made propaganda broadcast video tapes on parking and flameout, and 120 times of intensive playing of the propaganda videos have been done since May 25; besides, on KISS CLUB Monthly Design posted parking-idling-flameout information with a total of distribution of 30,000 copies. Till the end of December, the vehicle idling inspection and promotion have reached a total of 5,110 motor vehicles. The vehicles under persuasion are mainly small-sized vehicles, accounting for 94.3 percent of all the motorcycles. The planned inspection and promotion location are mainly the road with heavy traffic and campus peripheral areas with the executive proportion of about 71%; as to public agencies, station areas and tourist area about 19 %; urban remote and rural areas about 10%. During the project period, corresponding to every office in the county government, communities, schools, there are 20 propaganda actives on parking-idling-flameout; one time of training seminar of insurance combined with examination on diesel vehicles and a large-scale promotional activities, mainly for factory representative in the county, diesel maintenance factory representatives, and in town or township offices, the orientation of insurance combined with examination on diesel vehicles and the environmental protection measurements on parking-idling-flameout; in schools and communities, the promotion activity of low pollution transportation means and parking-idling-flameout are held to interact with the public by talking to them directly to improve the willingness of the public toward parking with flameout.II. Promotion operations of low-carbon community and low-pollution vehicles To cope with the EPA policy to promote low-carbon sustainable homes, 10 action items of green transportation can be concluded with the help of relevant bureaus and units for compiling related information; besides, information about green transportation and low-carbon island from Europe, Asia and cities in Taiwan is also complied. The direction of promoting country’s green transport and applying to the local development can provide the reference of local green transport policy. In accordance with the assessment of low-pollution transport, our county can be divided into five major parts: urban, mixed(urban and suburban), suburban, mountainous and special sightseeing types and it has been summarised which low-pollution transport should be promoted in this area. In the case of urban areas, due to the relatively dense population and no rugged terrain, electric buses are suggested as low-pollution transport with the proposal to use as a daily shuttle bus; in addition, in urban areas, people use it for going to school, work, shopping and eating out in short distance with battery exchange stations built to promote people to buy electric vehicles or motor assisted bicycles as green transport; in the case of suburban-areas, due to more dilute population distribution and villages as their population gathering point, when it comes to implementation, it is similar to that of the mixed type; as for the promotion of electric buses, they are recommended as periodical shuttle busses; as for the low-pollution transport such as electric motor vehicles and assisted bicycles, in consideration of people’s driving habits, people can use the vehicles between villages because those vehicles are not suitable for long-distance driving. Therefore, as for the suburban types, the promotion of electric scooters and assisted bicycles is feared to be under expectation. For now, the sustainability of electric scooters and electric-assisted bicycles are effective to the urban living habits. As for heavy load and long-distance regular routes, electric busses can be used as shuttle buses; as for commuter transportation or navigation, short-distance cargo transportation or hotel shuttle buses, because the number of users is small, it is suitable to use golf vehicles or small/medium-sized buses; however, the applicability of electric vehicles and motor-assisted bicycles is wider, so they can be used for short-distance urban commuting. If for leasing in the tourist areas, it is recommended that battery exchange stations or charging station and related measures should be used.III. Illegal gas investigation operations The project, correspondent with diesel vehicles plan, when at the roadside checkup points and inside the power stations, every vehicle is under the gas inspection, according to its colour and odour of the gas samples. This year till December 31st, there is a total of 2,089 vehicles under checkup: 831 vehicles checked at the roadsides; 1195 vehicles checked at the power stations; 37 vehicles checked at the factories and 1 vehicle checked with the cooperation with the homeland group respectively. Among all the 125 gas samples, after checkup, there were no gas disqualified. IV. The promotion of the two-in-one policy of the insurance and maintenance at diesel vehicles factories According to county executive and Industry branches and collection of the vehicle maintenance factory list from the vehicles examined at diesel vehicle power inspection stations, there are 328 vehicle maintenance factories. After telephone interviews, (unanswered calls, wrong numbers, and non-diesel maintenance factories excluded), there were only 76 diesel vehicle maintenance factories. After preliminary screening and on-site visits, there were four vehicle maintenance factories on the second stage of evaluation. On October 7th, 2013, experts, scholars and executives in the bureau completed the evaluation job. According to the results of evaluation, two diesel vehicle maintenance factories came on top: Yu Yi Motor Company Limited Pingtung branch and Pingtung Bus Group. Education trainings are arranged for the staff in those two companies on November 7th. The courses included diesel vehicle emissions testing principles and equipment introduction. Other courses also included orientation for diesel vehicle exhaust emissions testing methods and procedures and existing regulations for emission standards and personnels were arranged to do practical exercises and on-side evaluation tests to assure the technicians in the authorised maintenance factories are qualified with the ability to do checkups. 103 屏東縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81927
聚乳酸回收料再製可分解生物質塑膠膜之探討 近年國內環保意識抬頭,政府提倡節能減碳與環境保護政策推廣下,生質塑膠聚乳酸 (Polylactic acid, PLA) 已有替代一些傳統塑膠,使用於市場上部份包裝容器產品。PLA進口隨著使用量有逐年增加的趨勢,為因應未來可能累積龐大的PLA回收塑料,因此PLA回收料再製商品的研究與開發,成為本計畫的研究重點。本研究計畫區分為三部份進行探討。實驗第一部分乃針對PLA回收塑料的處理程序之建立,並藉由研磨過篩程序搭配擠壓機熱加工分離程序,獲得純度較高的PLA回收再製粒以供後續實驗使用。實驗第二部份則導入生質材料(如澱粉)、相容劑與PLA回收再製粒經擠壓加工共混煉,製成具有良好生物可分解性之生物質混煉樹脂。同時將此樹脂經吹膜加工程序,驗證其製成商業膜、袋類產品之可能性。實驗第三部份將利用酵素分解環境及模擬多菌相分解環境,進行回收PLA再製生質塑膠膜的生物可分解性評估,了解本計畫開發的塑膠膜內PLA回收料比例對應生物分解性之關聯性。 成果摘要如下:第一部分結果顯示將研磨時間提升至90秒時,則PLA純度約為97.3%-99.6%,而回收率可提升至78.7-93.3%。接著以96.9% PLA純度之樣本,進行擠壓加工過濾程序,結果顯示雜質可被過濾。第二部份顯示膜厚為0.03mm時,PLA原料添加量10%-50%,拉力約為12MPa-17MPa,延伸率約為930%-170%。PLA下腳料(pr-PLA)添加10%-50%部分,拉力約為7MPa-11MPa,延伸率約為885%-40%。PLA乾淨回收料(cr-PLA)添加10%-50%部分,拉力約為8MPa-11MPa,延伸率約為570%-28%。PLA回收廠回收料(r-PLA)添加10%-50%部分,拉力約為10MPa-15MPa,延伸率約為427%-18%。由此結果顯示,回收PLA再製品之機械物性受到不同回收來源的影響。第三部份結果顯示,於酵素分解環境,60天分解時間下,添加10%-50%之pr-PLA,其分解率約為36%-86%,添加10%-50%之cr-PLA,其分解率約為40%-84%,而添加10%-50% r-PLA,其分解率約為36%-86%。以模擬多菌相分解環境,60天分解時間下,添加添加10%-50%之pr-PLA,其分解率約為18%-46%,添加10%-50%之cr-PLA,其分解率約為10%-44%,而添加10%-50% r-PLA,其分解率約為14%-48%。顯示不同回收來源之PLA再製膜對分解率具有影響。 Explore remanufactured biodegradable plastic films by polylactic acid recycled material Due to the awareness of environmental protection, the promotion of energy saving and the reducing carbon dioxide initiated by the government. The biomass plastics, e.g. poly-lactic acid (PLA), have been used to replace some of the traditional plastics, e.g. plastic container. Since the increasing quantities of imported PLA that will result in the increasing quantities of recycled PLA materials, the investigation of using recycled PLA as the plastic materials for manufacturing usable products becomes the major topic of this research proposal. There are three parts of experimental arrangement in this proposal. The first part of experiment is the design of proper pretreatment procedure to reduce the contamination of recycled PLA. This part of experiment will include an extrusion combining filtration process to make the less-contaminated recycled PLA pellets. The second part of experiment will be a design of compounding process that including the biomass, e.g. starch, compatibilizers, and recycled PLA. The compounded materials will be proceeded to make the plastic products, e.g. plastic films or bags, with good biodegradability. The third part of experiment of this research will be the setup of enzymatic and also the multi-microbes environments that will be used to test the biodegradability of the recycled PLA compounded plastics. The success of this study will promote the fruitful industries of using the recycled PLA for the manufacture of reusable plastic products that will be degradable harmlessly and returning to the nature. 102 基管會 大同大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61855
102年度「嘉義市固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫」 1.落實法規制度:本計畫執行各項檢測作業,包含20點次油品硫含量稽查抽測、異味官能測定及周界粒狀物稽查抽測各3點次、加油站氣油比及氣漏檢測15站、焚化廠重金屬稽查檢測1件次、RATA 1件次,各項檢測皆符合法規。而在空污費徵收方面,完成101年第4季至102年第2季空污費徵收審查作業,總計70廠次空污費徵收作業,平均申報率及到繳率為100%。硫氧化物及氮氧化物空污費查核方面,共計完成50件次,揮發性有機物空污費查核方面共計完成50家次查核。本年度查核場所中,僅3廠申報有誤,本計畫小組已現場輔導改正,並協助重新推估排放量,故不影響公私場所繳交金額。2.推動許可制度:本年度計有23件許可申請案件,分別為許可設置申請2件次、許可異動申請8件次、許可操作申請4件次、許可展延申請9件次。本計畫為有效落實許可制度,執行許可查核35件次,業者均符合法規。3.更新固定源排放清單:現階段更新及維護資料庫QA/QC作業92件,經更新後,嘉義市固定污染源總列管公私場所為343家。由完成建檔的固定污染源資料庫資料統計顯示,製程污染排放量部分,粒狀污染物為65.11公噸/年、硫氧化物19.65公噸/年、氮氧化物107.87公噸/年、揮發性有機物129.80公噸/年、一氧化碳35.16公噸/年。4.相關作業:完成稽巡查作業533件次、辦理3場人員教育訓練及3場宣導說明會。年度執行中污染物削減量來自於2家業者解除列管及24家業者活動強度減少,總計促成污染物削減45.01公噸/年。分別為粒狀污染物削減1.179公噸/年、硫氧化物削減0.262公噸/年、氮氧化物削減0.66公噸/年、揮發性有機物削減7.92公噸/年、一氧化碳削減34.984公噸/年。推動道路認養,本年度洗掃長度總計62.4公里,預計促成粒狀污染物削減0.86公噸/年、PM10削減0.16公噸/年。此外,本計畫執行加油站之稽查檢測結果,平均油槍氣油比合格率為98.7%,不合格油槍已監督業者全數改善完成,共計削減0.698公噸揮發性有機污染物。此外,透過許可重新檢核(分別為清震實業股份有限公司-M01、萬諳機械工業股份有限公司-M01),回收許可排放量:粒狀污染物3.521公噸/年、硫氧化物0.065公噸/年、氮氧化物0.153公噸/年及揮發性有機污染物0.132公噸/年。 Abstract From February 22, 2013 to December 16, 2013, the results of the work are summarized as follows:I. Implementation of the rules and regulationsThis project is currently running all the test operations, including 20 periods of the detection sampling tests of sulfur content in oil, odor sensory measurement sampling tests and detection sampling tests of the perimeter granular materials, 3 periods respectively, discharge pipe three, gas station oil ratio and leakage detection 15 stations, and incineration plants RATA and heavy metal detection 1 time. Except for one odor detection not meeting the standard, the other tests all met the standard in compliance with laws and regulations. In the aspect of air pollution fee collection, the air pollution fee collection procedures have been completed from the 4th quarter of 2012 to the 3th quarter of 2013. A total of 70 plants have completed their procedures of air pollution fee collection. The average declaration rate, fee-paying rates and late fee-paying rate are 100 %. As for the sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides air pollution fee check, , currently a total of 50 has been completed. As for the check of air pollution fee for volatile organic compounds, a total of 50 has been completed. In this year, places being checked, there were only 3 incorrect declaration. The project team has been corrected on-site, counseling and helping to re-estimate the emission amount.II. Promotion of the licensing systemThis year till September 30, there were eight cases of permit applications, which were 12 replacements of operating licenses and 1 applications of permit transaction and extensions of operating licenses respectively. Among them, one case of application for license extension was rejected. The other ten operating permit application have been reviewed and issued nine licenses and the other three operating license application has been approved and has entered the license-making permit. The plan was made for the effective implementation of the licensing system. There were 35 implementing license check. And all the industries were in line with the industry regulations.III. Updating the list of stationary emission sourcesAt this stage, there are 92 updates and maintenance of the database QA / QC operations. After the updates, the total controlled public and private place for the stationary pollution sources in Chiayi City are 343. From the filing-completed stationary sources database statistics, it showed that in the part of process pollution emissions the particulate pollutants are 65.11tons/year, SOx, 19.65 tons/year, nitrogen oxides 107.87tons/year, volatile organic compounds 129.80tons/year, and carbon monoxide 35.16 tons/year.IV. Related jobsIn the project, we have now completed a total of 533 cases on protracted inspection operations, held four staff education and training conventions and four advocacy briefings. 102 嘉義市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61491
102年度資源回收責任業者及販賣管理重點巡查取締工作計畫 臺北市政府環境保護局依據廢棄物清理法,為落實資源回收體系上游責任業者登記、申報、繳費之執法公平性與一致性與下游販賣業者回收管道之暢通,推動「102年度資源回收責任業者及販賣業者重點巡查取締工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),委託綠信環境科技股份有限公司,協助計畫工作項目執行外,並派駐環保局七位專職人力推動本計畫執行。本計畫自102年2月7日至102年12月31日止,執行期程為11個月。主要工作可分為六大項:第一為辦理責任業者巡查取締工作、第二為辦理販賣業者巡查取締工作、第三為辦理販賣業者回收量及資料庫維護工作、第四為推動機關、學校、團體辦理資源回收工作、第五為辦理媒體宣導與相關文宣品及印製與第六項協助辦理各類業者查核輔導工作,截至102年10月31日止,各項工作皆依預定進度辦理並達到契約內容要求,量化成果說明如下:(一)辦理責任業者巡查取締工作在責任業者管理工作推動上之成果有六大項:一、完成函請案件辦理374件,二、完成移請案件辦理506件,三、完成民眾檢舉案件辦理79件,四、主動查緝轄內賣場違規責任商品總計384件,所有案件皆依環保署規定進行辦理追蹤,五、輔導業者網路申報220家,皆為今年度新增業者或短漏報業者,六、完成1場次責任業者宣導說明會辦理,共計有214位業者與會。(二)辦理販賣業者巡查取締工作在販賣業者管理工作推動上,陸續完成10,446家列管業者查核輔導工作(其中包括量販店、超級市場等10大業者5,875家、連鎖速食店業495家、飲料自動販賣機業765家、連鎖飲料店業2,352家以及電子電器販賣業959家),所有查核結果均完成稽查處分系統建檔工作;此外,亦針對電子電器販賣業者及回收業者辦理6場次法令說明會。(三)辦理販賣業者回收量及資料庫維護工作完成102年2月至9月販賣業者回收量催報及彙整提報工作,目前申報家數已達89家。(四)推動機關、學校、團體辦理資源回收工作完成12場次教育宣導活動辦理工作,吸引超過2,917位以上的民眾參與。(五)辦理媒體宣導與相關文宣品購製針對民眾購買新四機享有免費舊機回收服務,於本市2處行政區區公所及57處捷運站刊登跑馬燈宣導共計413則;此外,協助環保局完成6則新聞稿的撰寫工作,並於電子媒體及平面媒體完成39則的披露登載。(六)協助各類業者查核輔導工作在協助各類業者查核輔導工作上之成果有四大項:一、完成限制乾電池政策列管業者查核輔導3,478家,二、完成一次用外帶飲料杯源頭減量及回收獎勵金政策列管業者查核輔導4845家,三、完成限制產品過度包裝重大節慶前夕禮盒查核694件,四、完成限制塑膠類托盤及包裝盒使用列管業者查核336家,五、完成限制水銀體溫計列管業者查核22家,所有案件辦理成果均依環保署規定進行提報。總結,藉由本計畫之推動,協助環保局於資源回收相關政策法令之落實、違規案件執法公平之落實以及相關教育宣導等工作已有初步之執行績效。 102 台北市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61832
102年度臺北市推動資源回收形象改造暨物業管理工作計畫 為重新塑造個體業者與回收商(站)等業者形象,臺北市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局),自94年起配合行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)『資源回收形象改造』政策,今年度持續推動「102年度臺北市推動資源回收形象改造暨物業管理工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),工作內容包括(1) 推動健康形象回收商,持續提升本市回收商企業形象、導向系統管理。(2) 推動健康形象回收站,提供民眾更便捷的回收管道。(3) 整合本市物業管理,結合物業管理公司統整社區資源回收工作,提升社區資源回收效率與形象改造推動效果。(4) 個體業者輔導與關懷,結合企業資源關懷個體業者,提高民眾的認同感。(5) 辦理媒體與再生物品運用宣導資源回收,吸引更多市民關心資源回收工作。(6) 協助環保局撰寫年度形象改造成果報告。本計畫執行成果完成每月回收商營運管理與環境衛生巡查作業,設置健康形象回收站共達249站,媒合22位體個業者進入社區協助資源回收分類工作,另外在創新作法部分,今年度本工作團隊規劃「社區環保經理人競賽」,藉由社區經理人對環保政策與常識的了解程度及想法經驗,做為競賽評分項目,包含:環保政策常識、資源回收常識、社區形象改造、資源回收循環再利用、特殊事蹟等五項。 102 台北市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61857
102年度一般廢棄物資源回收宣導工作推動計畫 臺北市政府環境保護局為配合資源回收再利用法、廢棄物清理法令推動,以有效達到資源回收成效,辦理「102年度一般廢棄物資源回收宣導工作推動計畫」之相關工作,以教育宣導與辦理活動兩大策略,加強對業者與民眾宣導資源回收及綠色消費觀念,期藉由民間自發性力量的運作,逐步完成「垃圾全回收零廢棄」的目標。 本計畫共分6大項工作,其執行內容及成果包括。 (一) 辦理推廣資源回收相關主題活動宣導:分別於學校、區里、社區、機關及其它單位辦理完成101場次有效宣導(每場次須達100人以上)活動;已完成辦理3場資源回收活動記者會。 (二) 資源回收相關網站維護及更新:修正資源回收網網站連結、資源回收網頁更新、再生家具延慧書庫網頁功能增修;修正facebook資源回收粉絲團名稱、各項活動訊息發佈更新;已分別完成建置可於ios、android及windows phone三項作業平台運行之資源回收行動app程式;協助修正更新自備餐具享優惠app內容。 (三) 辦理環保手工藝教學活動:已辦理完成12場次環保手工藝活動,並完成教學步驟手冊1則(12場)及教學影片1部(12場)。 (四) 媒體相關宣導:已完成電子媒體新聞報導185則;電視看板跑馬燈完成231則(包含臺北市境內各大捷運站230則及有線電視1則);配合飲料紙盒包資源回收分類宣導完成製作海報1則;配合資源回收分類L夾宣導,完成中(英)文版文宣1則。 (五) 配合本局提出本年度5項創新作為具體規劃,相關規劃須於簽約後1個月內提出,相關成果須於計畫結束前1個月提出成果報告: 合約簽訂日期為4月12日,已於5月10日提出5項創新作為規劃。 (六) 辦理2場次資源回收相關主題大型宣導活動:分別於8月20日辦理「溫馨開學季─資源回收再利用 關懷弱勢送愛心 」活動、10月23日辦理「102年度大專院校資源回收觀摩學習活動」。 透過本計畫之執行,協助臺北市環保局推動「資源回收」之政策,未來將持續執行本計畫各項工作,以提升資源回收成效。 102 台北市政府環境保護局 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61838
102年度「臺北市推動機關、學校資源回收工作計畫」 資源回收、廢玻璃容器回收、廢照明光源回收、大專院校 102 台北市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61858
101年度執行臺北市溫室氣體減量國際參與及節能減碳推廣計畫 101 台北市政府環境保護局 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61885
101年度「臺北市空氣品質改善計畫規劃整合暨成效評核計畫」 (一)研析空氣品質及空氣污染物排放特性變化,檢討及規劃空氣污染管制策略。(二)整合並辦理各項空氣品質防制策略宣導工作,加強並提升市民配合改善本市空氣品質觀念。(三)協助執行「臺北市空氣污染防制基金」運作及空氣污染防制業務之行政事宜。(四)協助執行行政院環境保護署年度考評之整合性工作。(五)協助修訂臺北市空氣污染防制計畫。 101 台北市政府環境保護局 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61873
101年度臺北市機車排氣定檢檢驗站考核評鑑定檢通知計畫 本計畫執行期程為民國101年4月20日至民國102年4月19日,期間針對臺北市所有機車排氣檢驗站執行考核評鑑相關作業,目的在於提昇臺北市機車排氣檢驗站的服務品質及公信力,並確保檢驗站落實機車排氣檢驗工作,維持檢驗站服務品質,以提高臺北市空氣品質;同時進行機車排氣檢驗通知單製作及寄發工作,並協助辦理民眾檢舉烏賊車之陳情案件,以遏阻高污染車輛的使用。 The performance period of the project is from April 20, 2012 to April 19, 2013. The project is to evaluate the inspection procedures of the motor-exhaust inspecting stations. The goals of the project include improving the service quality of the stations, increasing the public trust, ensuring that all the stations are doing well, improving air quality of Taipei city, sending inspect notices to motorcycle owners, and assisting people to inform the authorities of an unlawful pollutant motor. 101 台北市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61884
101年度彰化縣大城鄉推動低碳社區整體規劃計畫 民國96 年行政院決定國光石化由雲林台西鄉改至彰化縣大城鄉,惟100 年4 月政府不支持國光石化來彰化縣大城鄉設廠。因而政府研議其他對大城地區有益的產業,兼顧創新和環保,並能創造更多的就業機會。根據大城鄉之特性,本計畫以綠能教育示範休憩園區整體規劃為最上位架構,開展各項工作項目,包括水、土、風、光4 大主題,涵蓋風能、太陽能與生質能等再生能源項目,以及因應當地氣候所擬出的整合性對策,規劃3 大整合功能,以創造或增進當地就業機會,並規劃包含低碳措施示範、環境教育展示、提供低碳旅遊資訊之3 種功能的整合中心,並選定2 個低碳示範社區,規劃並建置相關可行低碳行動項目作為可供全國其他社區學習效仿的示範亮點,再藉由規劃交通路網成為大城鄉綠能教育示範休憩園區的聯繫骨幹,並期待連結再生能源、產業升級與環保生態等主題,整合學術研究、產業投資與居民參與。此外,本計畫期間透過辦理低碳宣導說明會教導民眾低碳概念與低碳社區建置規劃並製作低碳社區整體規劃網頁作為低碳知識教育與政府低碳宣導平台,全面塑造大城鄉新的形象與風貌為最終規劃目標。 The Development Plan of Low-Carbon Community Promotion in DaCheng Township, ChangHua County In 2007, Executive Yuan decided to implement Kuokuang Petrochemical project in Dacheng Township, Changhua County instead of Taisi Township, Yunlin County. However the central government suspended this project in April 2011 due to serious protests and the consensus. To sustain local development and industrial innovation, and induce more employment with simultaneous protection of the eco-systems in Dacheng, the government prepared an action plan to support green economy and low-carbon evelopment.Under the action plan, this project constructs a framework of development to establish a green industrial park including green energy,environmental education, and eco-tourism industries according to its unique culture and climate in Dacheng. The planned park covering four themes of renewable power, which are hydro, biomass, wind, and solar power, also provides functions in research, tourism, and education. This project aims to enhance the green employment and economic growth.Within the park, a center integrating low-carbon measures demonstration,environmental education, and low-carbon tourism purposes has also beenproposed in the project. Besides, two demonstrative low-carbon communities in Dacheng were selected in the project. We assisted thecommunities to implement low-carbon measures including transportation,energy, and low-carbon life. Through duplicates of experience on demonstration in other villages/communities in Dacheng, it is expected to promote the protection of eco-systems and penetration of renewable power systems and local industries upgrades. Furthermore, low-carbon measure workshops were held to deliver low-carbon concepts to the public during the project. A webpage introducing the demonstration of low-carbon communities and low-carbon policies was also designed as the showcase of the project. 101 彰化縣環境保護局 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61773
102年度臺北市民眾參與河川污染巡守推動計畫 環境問題的地理空間有其地方性與跨地域性的特點,其空間範圍不一定受現有的行政轄區所界定,故若要對污染者產生嚇阻,並達到環境改善的目的,唯有透過當地人士對污染問題長期觀察,進而串聯各地域關切此問題的人士,化關心為行動力,改造方能達成。淡水河系沿岸之民眾對河川水環境保護的觀念不足,使得流域內每個人都成為附加河川負荷的加害者,亦是水體環境破壞後的受害者。要使淡水河系水質明顯改善,除對事業點源污染需有效控制外,並加速污水處理廠興建及污水幹管舖設,提昇民眾對河川環境之關切與行動力,亦將有極大助益。本計畫今年度共 18 隊357 人,計畫執行期間志工巡守績效舉報污染次數達81 次,部份污染案件經公務部門稽查取締後,有顯著改善。計畫中亦辦理7場次教育訓練或宣導活動、3 場淨溪活動及3 場分區座談會,共計培訓59 位義工取得志工證。使巡守各流域之志工有機會交流與再接受教育訓練。除參與臺北市境內之河川巡守工作之外,本計畫執行期間,臺北市河川巡守隊員亦積極參加其他單位辦理之環保活動,分區舉辦之「臺北市河川巡守志工經驗交流」活動均得到河川巡守隊員的極大迴響。透過義工監測制度與污染通報系統之推動,串連愛鄉護河的每個人,由點而面,重新累積對河川的情感,本計畫延續多年成果,已漸漸達成此目的。 102 台北市政府環境保護局 東南科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61413
「低碳永續家園社會行為科學與評比工具組行動項目推動專案工作計畫」 本計畫為環保署「低碳永續家園推動方案」運作機能中第10組「社會行為科學與評比工具」組之行動項目推動計畫,目的為建構「企業低碳永續認證評比」行動項目和「低碳永續推廣展示活動」行動項目成為開發專案及推廣專案,並協助環保署持續辦理本組之技術與諮詢小組相關推動與諮詢會議。「企業低碳永續認證評比」,係參考碳揭露專案(CDP)、中華民國企業環保獎及國家永續發展獎等國內外企業評比認證方式架構,「企業低碳永續認證評比」行動項目為規劃環保署鼓勵縣市政府未來推動企業低碳永續認證評比之重要參考工具。「低碳永續推廣展示活動」,則考量縣市不同層級(如縣市、鄉鎮、村里社區及學校)所執行活動的效力及成果的展現將會有所差異,可藉由填寫本計畫提出之低碳永續推廣展示活動實施成果報告表來說明各層級政府與單位的執行效益。本計畫為規劃環保署鼓勵縣市政府推動企業低碳永續認證評比行動,另外,低碳永續推廣展示活動則利用環保署訂定之環保低碳活動LOGO配合事項,鼓勵辦理各項活動時,應注意活動規劃、執行及後續工作之過程中,儘可能減少碳排放。特藉由辦理2場次推動輔導會議、2場次觀摩會議與企業及縣市環保局等進行討論與意見交流,並鼓勵縣市政府能有效運用「企業低碳永續認證評比」和「低碳永續推廣展示活動」作為行動項目參考。 Planning for social behavior and certification tools for sustainable low-carbon homeland There are ten action plans for the “sustainable low-carbon homeland”, and the “Social behavior and certification tools” project is the tenth of them, aimed at developing "sustainable low-carbon enterprise certified appraisal" and "sustainable low-carbon promotion exhibition", and assist EPA to conduct technical and advisory group meeting.In terms of the "sustainable low-carbon enterprise certified appraisal" we refer to related sustainable development certified appraisal framework both domestic and international such as CDP, Annual enterprises environmental protection Award, National sustainable development Award. "Sustainable low-carbon enterprise certified appraisal" action item is an important tool for EPA to promote sustainable low-carbon enterprise certification.Regarding the implementation and performance different from counties at different levels (county, township, village communities and schools), each unit can illustrate the implementation result by fill in the “sustainable low-carbon promotion exhibition” result report. This plan is for EPA to encourage city and county government to promote sustainable low-carbon enterprise certified appraise. In addition, with the use of the environment friendly low-carbon LOGO, reducing carbon emissions can be strength when holding sustainable low-carbon promotion exhibition. By holding two promote counseling event and two observe meeting, we exchange views with companies and Department of environmental protection, and encourage city and county government to use the "sustainable low-carbon enterprise certified appraisal" and "sustainable low-carbon promotion exhibition" effectively. 102 永續發展室 社團法人中華民國企業永續發展協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61622
102年臺北市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 為確實掌握台北市地下水及土壤品質,本計畫主要執行台北市地下水及土壤調查工作。場置性監測井共9口,其中北投農地6口,內湖焚化廠2口及興隆國小1口,北投農地W-4及北投區清潔隊於豐、枯水期各採樣1次,其餘7口於枯水期採樣1次、加油站現場查核作業、6處場址土壤驗證等工作。調查結果顯示:一、場置性地下水質檢測結果,北投農地6口監測井(W1~W5及北投區清潔隊)常達地下水污染監測標準之污染物包括:氨氮、總有機碳、總溶解固體、氯鹽、總硬度、鐵、錳、砷等;其他3口場置性監測井常超過地下水污染監測標準之污染物包括:氨氮、總有機碳、錳等。上述之污染物並無新增項目,均為本計畫9口場置性監測井地下水歷次檢測中常見超過監測標準之污染物。二、AM000002場址驗證成果,土壤總石油碳氫化合物仍超過管制標準,未通過驗證,其餘5處污染改善完成場址(遠東航空公司發動機維修工廠、國防部軍備局生產製造中心第202廠營區、松山機場航油中心、台灣中油中央北路加油站及台灣優力內湖加油站)土壤及地下水驗證結果,均低於管制標準,符合解除列管之規定。三、本計畫加油站現場查核結果,缺失均與陰極防蝕相關,包含無設置陰極防蝕者4家,有設置陰極防蝕但無法檢測者5家,及檢測結果陰極防蝕電位大於-850mV者19家,共計28家。在測漏管功能測試的部分,全國撫遠街加油站、大直橋加油站、協記加油站及全國景美站等4家測漏管有阻塞之虞;另統一精工內湖一站加油站、世新加油站、大直橋加油站、南港加油站、西歐士林站、全國台北交流道站、協記加油站、長安加油站、全國景美站及福華站等10家加油站之PID或FID測值有超出警戒值之情形。 In order to confidently groundwater and soil quality the plan was to test and ensure the quality within Taipei. 9 of the groundwater monitoring system wells in Taipei city were performed chemistry analysis, including W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, W-5, B011, B051, B052, and B081. Samples were collected twice for W-4 and B011, and once for others. The other items include pollution investigation of gas stations, 6 sites soil and groundwater verification. The results of investigation are implied as follows,1. As the results of the groundwater samples collected from the 6 monitoring wells in BeiTou farmland, those pollutants include NH3N, TOC, TDS, Hardness, Cl-, Fe, Mn and As etc.. And the rest 3 monitoring wells were over the standard of groundwater pollutants, including NH3N, TOC, and Mn etc.. There were no new items in the above-mentioned pollutants, which are the common pollutants that can be found in this inspection and detection.2. For the soil and groundwater verification in AM000002 site, the TPH in soil is over “Soil and groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standard”. And the results of the other 5 sites soil and groundwater verification are lower than the “Soil and groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standard”.3. The results of the on-site inspection of the gas stations are mostly with minor errors. Besides, we found the results of the oil-gas of ten gas station is upper than warning value(500ppmV). 102 台北市政府環境保護局 光宇工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61774
101年度關渡自然公園水磨坑溪人工溼地操作維護計畫 本計畫於101年5月19日至102年5月18日期間,執行人工溼地場址之各項操作維護工作,並按月定期提送月報資料、環境教育宣導相關工作、緩衝池與終沉池清淤工作、八吋脆裂管筏把手汰換更新作業、按月定期水質檢測、兩次生態調查作業、操作維護手冊修訂及操作維護人員教育訓練等事項。確保場址引入流量可有效維持至少2,000 CMD以上(除相關設施維修與測試、颱風與豪雨警報需調節水位、清淤作業等因素暫停引水外),使人工溼地系統可有效運作,改善水磨坑溪水體水質。場址水質定期檢測結果統計,其場址地入流及出流之平均水質變化,溶氧由4.63mg/L提昇為5.74mg/L (提昇率23.97%;設計目標:達3.0mg/L以上)、生化需氧量由9.44mg/L下降至3.34mg/L(移除率64.62%;設計目標:達8.0mg/L以下)、氨氮由1.21mg/L下降為0.20mg/L (移除率83.47%;設計目標:達3.0mg/L以下);而場址年度最大之污染移除總量,生化需氧量約為3,398 kg、氨氮約為136 kg、懸浮固體約為25,289 kg。對於污染之移除,已達到原設計之目標,並成為環境教育展示場所,促進關渡自然公園之永續經營。此外,透過解說導覽、宣導、體驗等活動方式,辦理環境教育宣導工作及多元環境教育研習及體驗課程,總計有517人次參加。有助於參訪民眾更深入瞭解本場址相關設施、功用及污染淨化效益,亦讓人工溼地更具吸引力,藉此達到環境教育宣導之效果。 The tasks of this project were proposed to maintain the normal operation for the constructed wetland at Guandu Natural Park, to promote environmental education for wetland, and to adjust the affiliated instruments in wetland. The duration of tasks was assigned for one full year since May 19 of 2012 to May 18 of 2013. After the completion of this project, there are several accomplishments as following:The constructed wetland may function as a water treatment site on daily 2,000CMD treatment capacity normally, which reduced the concentration of BOD from 9.44mg/L to 3.34 mg/L (removal rate 64.62%), ammonia from 1.21 mg/L to 0.20 mg/L (removal rate 83.47 %), and enhanced dissolved oxygen from 4.63 mg/L to 5.74 mg/L (DO 23.97% enhanced). The total removal of assigned pollutants has been reached as 3,398 kg of BOD, 136kg of ammonia, and 25,289 kg of suspensed solids during one year operation.There were 517 persons engaged in environmental education program. They have visited the wetland site and realized this new instrument for wastewater treatment. This experience has helped them to cooperate with nature to make environment better. 101 台北市政府環境保護局 財團法人台灣水利環境科技研究發展教育基金會(TIIWE) http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=56028
101年度臺北市民眾參與河川污染巡守推動計畫 環境問題的地理空間有其地方性與跨地域性的特點,其空間範圍不一定受現有的行政轄區所界定,故若要對污染者產生嚇阻,並達到環境改善的目的,唯有透過當地人士對污染問題長期觀察,進而串聯各地域關切此問題的人士,化關心為行動力,改造方能達成。淡水河系沿岸之民眾對河川水環境保護的觀念不足,使得流域內每個人都成為附加河川負荷的加害者,亦是水體環境破壞後的受害者。要使淡水河系水質明顯改善,除對事業點源污染需有效控制外,並加速污水處理廠興建及污水幹管舖設,提昇民眾對河川環境之關切與行動力,亦將有極大助益。本計畫今年度增加為18隊共360人,計畫執行期間志工巡守績效舉報污染次數達297次,部份污染案件經公務部門稽查取締後,有顯著改善。計畫中亦辦理六場次教育訓練或宣導活動及三場淨溪活動,包括三場分區座談會、校園志工參與河川巡守與生態關懷研習營、東吳大學生態環保義工培訓、關渡溼地體驗學習課程活動、101年景美溪鴨鴨放流暨淨溪活動、2012年基隆河淨溪及水官慶生活動及2013大稻埕淨溪活動,共計培訓66位義工取得志工證。使巡守各流域之志工有機會交流與再接受教育訓練。除參與臺北市境內之河川巡守工作之外,本計畫執行期間,臺北市河川巡守隊員亦積極參加其他單位辦理之環保活動,分區舉辦之「臺北市河川巡守志工經驗交流」活動均得到河川巡守隊員的極大迴響。透過義工監測制度與污染通報系統之推動,串連愛鄉護河的每個人,由點而面,重新累積對河川的情感,本計畫延續多年成果,已漸漸達成此目的。 ne of the characteristic of environmental issues is cross-district. Therefore, building environmental awareness among local public is an important way to assist government management. In order to enhance the living quality for people who live along Tam-Shui River, as well as to preserve the water quality in the river. Speeding up sewerage system upgrade and point source such as industrial wastewater control is one way; enhancing people’s attention to the living environment by encouraging community participate environmental protection activities is the other efficient way.There were a total of 360 patrol volunteers categorizing into eighteen groups this year. 297 pollution cases were reported by volunteers during their patrol. Followed by EPB’s investigations, some cases were banned and improved significantly. There were total six training workshops and three river patrol campaigns in the project, which held in Soochow University, Guandu Nature Park, Chingmei River, Keelung River and Dadaocheng respectively. There are 66 volunteers being certificated after these trainings.Our volunteers not only participate in river patrol within Taipei City. They also take part in some workshops and campaigns held by other department. By connecting volunteer patrol and environmental protection, people found their love for river is back. This project has been executed for years and has achieved this goal gradually. 101 台北市政府環境保護局 東南科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=56225
廢玻璃容器回收處理技術暨創新加值服務模式示範性計畫 近年來,在農田或鄉間產業道路兩旁,常遭缺乏公德心的民眾任意棄置廢玻璃瓶,農民、民眾遭割傷事件頻傳,根據行政院環保署統計資料顯示,被丟棄的玻璃容器以提神飲料廢玻璃瓶為主,在廢玻璃容器回收中佔了86%的比例,且其破碎後具有危險性。而本計畫為因應節能減碳措施及減少環境污染目標,開發「國產化廢玻璃容器回收設備」,同時架構「廢玻璃容器回收服務模式」,以果菜批發市場為示範性場域試營運,導入POS(proof of service)服務模式,提供便利性之回收設置點與獎勵回饋機制,提高民眾回收意願,所以透過本計畫的實施,不僅為廢棄玻璃容器賦予嶄新生命,更為其創造有別傳統回收獎勵制度之極高附加價值,預期將可減少玻璃容器被棄置行為,蘊含環境保護概念之研發成果將推廣至更多不同的場域營運,號召民眾加入回收愛地球的行列。本計畫POS創新服務模式,以雲林縣西螺果菜市場周邊為場域委辦試營運,提供便利性之回收設置點與獎勵回饋機制,導入服務模式後,截至2013年11月29日活動結束,已累積22,494支,其中有將近32%約7,200支係由民眾從農田或水溝裡撿來回收累積點數來兌換獎勵贈品。以整體效益若經回收並加入50%原生料再製成玻璃瓶,約可較以100%原生料製成之玻璃瓶減碳9,000kg(公斤)以上。而且每回收一支玻璃瓶,約可節省0.8度電量,點亮100燭光的燈泡4小時。 A paradigm program of recycling technology and innovative value-added service of one-time using glas In recent years, glass bottles were discarded on both sides of the farm or country roads by people without morality. Farmers and people were hurt by the broken glass bottles from time to time. The statistics of EPA shows that broken refreshing beverage bottles are dangerous and accounted for 86% of recycling glass bottles.In response to the target of energy-saving, carbon reduction and environment pollution reduction, the development of domestic glass bottles recycling equipment is proposed. The service mode of glass bottles recycling is planned to give fruit & vegetable wholesale market area as a first trial operation. P.O.S. (Proof of service) service mode is introduced for providing a convenient recycling station and a reward feedback mechanism in order to promote public recycling desire. Through the implementation of this project, not only give new life to the discarded glass bottles but also create high value added reward mechanism which is different to traditional recycling. It is expected to reduce the behavior of glass bottle discarding. The environmental protection achievement of R&D result can be extended to a wider various operation field, which calling more people to join the line of loving the earth through recycling. The project of POS(Proof of Service) innovative service , neighboring Yunlin County Siluo fruit and vegetable market was commissioned by site trial operation, providing convenient recycling set point and Reward feedback mechanism (Thermal Printers) , import the Proof of Service , as of 2013.11.29 end of the activities, has cumulative 22,494 bottles, of which nearly 32% of the approximately 7,200 bottles was picked up by people to recycling from the field or ditch to exchange a gift. If the overall efficiency of 50% was recovered and joined the original raw material and then made into glass bottles, glass bottles can be more about 100% raw materials made of carbon reduction 9,000 kg (kilograms) or more. And each to recycling a glass bottle can save about 0.8 degrees electricity, which can be used to light 100 candle light bulbs for 4 hours. 102 基管會 財團法人精密機械研究發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=59298
102年度桃園縣空氣品質監測站暨實驗室資訊品保品管查核計畫-空氣品質監測站品保品管查核工作 本計畫主要針對桃園縣政府環保局空氣品質監測站執行品保品管作業,計畫執行期程自102年1月1日至102年12月10日止,各項工作項目已全數完成,包括:(1)完成4站次自動監測站績效查核(2)完成16站次自動監測站功能檢查、(3)完成4站次自動監測站電力安全及接地系統查驗工作、(4)完成28站次人工監測站查驗、(5)完成1次緊急維護或設置事項作業。  績效查核以查驗監測數據與標準值之誤差(準確度)為主,本年度完成4站次績效查核,共查核72項查核項目,其中未達查核數據品質目標為2個項次,整體滿意率為97.2%,各監測儀器類型之查核結果中,為一氧化碳(CO)、臭氧(O3)各出現1站次查核缺失。  功能檢查主要對監測站監測站週邊、儀器設備、類比線性輸出測試、及準確度檢查表現等進行檢查評估,本年度共執行16站次功能檢查,未發現任何缺失項目。  電力安全及接地系統查驗工作主要針對監測站作業安全進行確認,期中工作進度已完成4站次查驗,在電力安全檢查部份與接地系統查驗部份則未發現缺失,且接地系統阻抗值符合標準。  人工監監測站之查核作業主要包括監測站及採樣器檢查、TSP高量採樣器流量查核兩部份,本年度共執行28站次查核,未發現缺失項目。  今年度緊急維護或設置事項作業包括:3站的接地系統更新、4站次的電力安全及接地系統查驗工作與2項相關設備的購置。系統更新作業與設備購置皆已在期限內完成,4站次的電力安全檢查部份與接地系統查驗部份則未發現缺失,且接地系統阻抗值符合標準。 Air Quality Monitoring Stations and Laboratory Information QA/QC Audit Plan of Taoyuan Country in 2013- Air Quality Monitoring Stations QA/QC Audit Project This project executing period was from January 1st 2013 to December 10th 2013. The main purpose of this project is aiming at non-periodically inspecting and auditing all current Taoyuan County government environmental protection bureau (EPB) air quality monitoring stations to guarantee the quality of monitoring network data. The work of the project has been fully completed, included (1) the execution of monitoring instruments performance audit 4 stations, (2) the execution of instruments functional check 16 stations, (3) the execution of air quality monitoring station electrical safety and grounding system check 4 stations, (4) the execution of manual air quality monitoring station functional check 28 stations, (5)the execution of the other related work once. The performance audit primarily inspected the deviation between the monitoring data and the standard value (accuracy), there were 4 stations completed, audited items total was 72, just 2 item does not meet the audit quality objectives, the degree of satisfaction was 97.2%. There were two types of monotoring instrument ,CO and O3, in one station that performance audit results fails to meet the audit quality objectives. The functional check was mainly to focus on non-periodically surveys and assessments on stations house maintenance, facility equipments, the analog linear output, and the monitoring instruments accuracy inspection. There were totally 16 functional checks, and did not find any missing terms. Air quality monitoring station electrical safety and grounding system check was mainly to focus on operational safety of the station. There were totally 4 stations checks, and did not find any missing terms in electrical safety check and grounding system check. The performance audit for manual monitoring station include station and equipment functional check, and accuracy audit for TSP sampler. There were totally 28 stations audited, and did not find any missing terms. The other related work include replacement grounding system of 3 staions, electrical safety and grounding system check for 4 staions, and the 2 items of equipment purchase for Taoyuan EPB’s monitoring center. All the work are completed within the deadline. There were not any missing terms of electrical safety and grounding system checks in 4 stations. 102 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台灣綠碁科際股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61420
102年度補助應回收廢棄物回收處理創新及研究發展計畫之責任業者查核選樣方法與回收制度改善之研究 依據「廢棄物清理法」,經公告應負回收、清除、處理責任之業者,應向主管機關辦理登記,繳納回收清除處理費。有效的查核催稽作業,除可督促業者誠實繳納回收清除處理費,提升資源回收基金的稽徵成效,並可確保廢棄物清理法執行之公平性。本研究透過未登記與已登記責任業者查核選案模型之建立,預期將可輔助查核者辨認潛在之短漏報責任業者。研究結果發現在未登記業者,企業銷售額較大、存續歷史越短、資本額越小、樣本來源來自海關者,其短漏金額、重大短漏頻率皆較高。桃園縣、彰化縣、宜蘭縣之企業其短漏金額顯著較大。鋁箔包、紙容器、PS/未發泡PS、PP/PE、照明光源、農藥、乾電池、資訊物品,與電子電器者,其短漏行為較嚴重。已登記業者部分,企業因污染環境遭環保署開罰之金額較高者、負債比率較高者,其短漏金額亦較高。相對於電子工業而言,食品工業、化學生技醫療之短漏報金額顯著較高。針對目前業者至少四年被查核一次的政策、連續查核之實務現象、採取事前預告之查核政策、有關查核機制可採取補貼與處罰、瞭解責任業者短漏報之影響因素,本研究亦逐一提出觀點與建議,以期可供查核者作為未來執行相關業務的參考。 Study on Sampling Method and Recycling System for Auditing Target Companies According to the “Waste Disposal Act”, enterprises responsible for recycling, clearance and disposal officially announced (herein referred to as the responsible enterprises) shall register with the competent authority, and pay recycling, clearance and disposal fees. And the central competent authority in consultation with the central industry competent authority shall determine management regulations for the registration, reporting, fee payment methods, procedures, deadlines, deductions, refunds and other binding matters for the responsible enterprises. Effective audit policy to enforce the act could ensure the operation of the “Resource Recycling Management Fund”, and make sure the fairness of the recycling, clearance and disposal activities.This study integrates both academic and field experience to construct the sampling methods on both non-registered and registered responsible enterprises, expecting to help the auditor recognized the firms which tending to evade the fees. The empirical results show that for non-registered responsible enterprises, evasions are positively related to dollar sales and samples from customs, and negatively related to firm history and capital. Some districts and certain articles and the packaging and containers are also positively related to fee evasion. For registered responsible enterprises, this study finds that firms with fines related to environment pollution are more tended to evade. Contrasting to the electric industry, food and biological medicinal chemicals industries have more evasions in dollar amount.For the policy of audit all the responsible enterprises for which manufactured or imported articles and the packaging and containers within 4 years, the popular circumstances that continuous audit if companies being found underreport their fee, the audit policy that inform the audited enterprises in advance, and the mechanisms of subsidy and punishment for evasion companies, we provide some opinions and propose some suggestions. Also, the analysis of firm characteristics related to the evasion of recycling, clearance and disposal fees are expected to help the auditors manage their audit policy more efficient and effective in the future. 102 基管會 東海大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61708
「鄰近交通系統沿線建築物隔音設施及相關規範研究」專案研究計畫 本計畫依目標執行,完成以下工作事項:(一)蒐集分析國、內外建築物隔音設施(至少包含建築物外牆開口部門窗)相關規範及文獻資料1. 國外相關規範及文獻資料至少包含歐美國家及日本、香港。(1).完成美國IBC與ICC隔音建議值、日本建築基準法隔音要求與住宅品質確保促進法、香港環境評估法及全面樓宇環境表現計畫、英國建築法與BSI隔音建議以及中國大陸GB 50352等資料蒐集。(2).完成我國CNS 15160-5、美國ASTM E90與ASTM E336、日本JIS A1417、英國BS EN ISO 140-4與BS EN 20354、中國大陸GB/T 19889.3~GB/T19889.5及ISO140-5等資料蒐集。(3).國外文獻包含中國大陸方丹群教授對玻璃厚度影響隔音之分析及葡萄牙António J.B.對窗戶氣密性影響隔音效能研究等。2. 國內相關資料須包含主管建築機關相關法規現況,及國內相關單位研究文獻資料。(1).完成國內建築主管機關隔音設施相關規範資料蒐集與分析,包括建築技術規則施工編第46條、住宅法第37條及住宅性能評估實施辦法以及建築研究所委託屏科大林芳銘教授辦理之住宅音環境現況調查等研究。(2).完成國內相關單位研究文獻蒐集與分析,例如:成功大學林松茂先生對住宅外牆開口部隔音性能之研究。(二)研析我國鄰近交通系統沿線建築物受交通噪音影響情形,及建築物外牆開口部門窗隔音效能現況。1. 依據不同交通系統噪音特性,規劃選定至少30個本計畫執行測定調查之具代表性地點,並說明所採用之測定方法相關規範。(1).依不同交通系統類別共完成154處適當點現勘,經討論選定其中32處執行調查。(2).交通噪音測量方法係參照陸上運輸系統噪音管制標準與NIEA P201.94C執行,建築物外牆開口部隔音效能則參照CNS 15160-5執行。2. 依選定之代表性地點,每地點須辦理鄰近交通系統沿線之交通噪音情形調查,以及該地點建築物外牆開口部門窗隔音效能調查分析。(1).完成32處交通系統噪音調查,由結果分析可知高速公路與道路之LAeq多數在65 dB(A)~75dB(A)之間;軌道系統LAmax有部份測點高於法規值約5 dB。(2).完成32處建築物外牆開口部門窗隔音效能調查,由結果分析可知影響開口部隔音效能主因為氣密性,此外現場安裝窗戶時則需注意五金扣件與填縫工程之施工品質。關於組合式隔音窗一般R’45°,w隔音等級在17 dB~33 dB之間;在橫拉窗調查測點中,部分測點有氣密性不佳的情形,因此導致漏音問題產生,至於氣密性較佳之測點,隔音效能則相對較佳。整體而言,橫拉窗R’45°,w隔音等級在12 dB~31 dB之間。(3).完成32處建築物整體外牆隔音效能調查,由分析可知影響鋼筋混凝土整體牆面隔音效能主因為開口部隔音特性,一般橫拉窗(有氣窗)在中高頻630 Hz~ 2000 Hz之間常有氣密性不佳而導致隔音效能衰減的現象,Dls,2m,nT,w隔音等級在20 dB~35 dB之間;組合式窗則因氣密性較佳,Dls,2m,nT,w隔音等級在30 dB~37 dB之間。(三)研提我國建築物外牆開口部門窗隔音效能及建築管理規定相關建議。1. 協助環保署辦理1場與相關機關研商會議,此會議已於102年12月10日辦理完畢。2. 依據實際調查研析結果,研提建築物外牆開口部門窗隔音效能建議。此點相關建議包含(1)改善窗戶漏音問題、(2)玻璃厚度之選用、(3)高氣密性窗型之選用、(4)雙層玻璃之選用、(5)窗構件隔音等級30 dB以上、(6)開口部周邊設置吸音材及(7)國外開口部與整體牆面隔音建議值等。3. 依據實際調查研析結果,研提建築管理規定相關建議。此點相關建議包含(1)住宅性能評估實施辦法以及(2)提供建築物隔音效能評定相關資料供銷售買賣時之參考等。 The Study of Facilities and Regulations of Sound Insulation in Buildings of Nearby Transportation Sy (一)Collection and analysis for facilities (include openings of exterior wall in buildings ) and regulations of sound insulation in Buildings.1.Related regulations and papers with sound insulation of openings of exter- ior wall in buildings, which include Europe, U.S.A, HongKong, and Japan. (1)The regulations of sound insulation in buildings in this study was included IBC and ICC in American, Japan’s Building Standards Law and Dwelling Performance Evaluation Book, HK-BEAM and CEPAS in Hong Kong, Building regulations 2000 approved document E 2003 and BS 8233 (1999) in UK, GB 50352 in China.(2)The sound insulation testing standard in this study was included CNS 15160-5 in Taiwan, ASTM E90 and ASTM E336 in American, JIS A1417 in Japan, BS EN ISO 140-4 and BS EN 20354 in UK, GB/T 19889.3~GB/T 19889.5 in China, International Standard ISO 140-5.(3)Papers with sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings in this study was included “Noise control engineering” by Dan Qun Fang Professor, “Sound transmission through single, double and triple glazing. Experimental evaluation” by António J.B..2.Related papers with sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings in Taiwan. (1)The study for sound insulation of buildings in Taiwan in this study was included Building Technical Regulations Article 46, Housing Act Article 37, and Regulations of Grading Housing Performance. In other hand, the paper was studied by Architecture and Building Research Institute (ABRI) which like “The Research of Investigation and Diagnosis Mechanism on Sound Environment of Dwelling Houses” by Fang Ming Lin Professor.(2)The study for sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings in this study was included “Study on the Sound Insulation of the Openings of External Walls in the Residences” by Mr. Song Mao Lin.(二)Analysis for traffic noise and sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings of nearby transportation systems in Taiwan.1.Acrroding to different transportation systems to select 30 locations for re- search, and describe the test method for traffic noise and sound insulation.(1)The 154 locations for prospecting were finished, and selected 32 locations for research and measurement after discussion with EPA.(2)For test method, traffic noise is by Noise Control Standards for Land Transportation Systems and NIEA P201.94C. Sound insulation test is by CNS 15160-5.2.To measure traffic noise and sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings for 32 locations.(1)The measurements of SPL of 32 transportation systems locations were finished. The results showed that LAeq of highway and road was about 65 dB(A)~75dB(A), and LAmax of Rail system in some locations were higher than Noise Control Standards for Land Transportation Systems about 5 dB(A)(2)The sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings of 32 locations were finished. Test results showed the pressurization performance is the main factor for sound insulation of windows, especially need to care about the metal fastener and the chink around window process quality in site. The sound insulation R’45°,w was 17 dB~33 dB for combination windows, but because the sliding window appeared weak between casement and window frame for some cases in this study, it was not good for sound insulation, therefore R’45°,w was 12 dB~31 dB.(3)The sound insulation of exterior wall in buildings of 32 locations were finished. Test results showed the main affection factor for sound insulation of concrete wall was the window’s sound insulation performance. Because some cases of sliding window in this study appeared weak between casement and window frame, therefore it was not good between 630 Hz and 2,000 Hz for sound insulation. The results showed Dls,2m,nT,w was 20 dB~35 dB for concrete wall with sliding window, and 30 dB~37 dB for concrete wall with combination windows.(三)Provide related suggestions for sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings and management of sound insulation in buildings.1.This study convened a conference for sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings on 10.Dec.2013.2.Acrroding to test and analysis result to provide related suggestions for sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings in this study, included (1)Improve the pressurization between casement and window frame,(2)Apply for glass thickness, (3)Apply for high pressurization windows, (4)Apply for double glass, (5)Apply R’45°,w ≧ 30 dB for windows, (6)Install absorption materials around the openings of exterior wall in building, and (7)The suggestion values for sound insulation of openings and exterior wall in buildings of overseas.3.Acrroding to test and analysis result to provide related suggestions for regulations and management of sound insulation in buildings, included (1)The test result applies to Regulations of Grading Housing Performance for R’45°,w ≧ 30 dB, and(2)Provide related sound insulation information which include windows to consumer for reference. 102 空保處 凱鉅科技實業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61279
永續發展教材編撰專案工作計畫 為增進國民保護環境之知識、技能、態度及價值觀,並充實環境教育圖書館,讓不同領域的民眾學習相關環境智識,行政院環保署特擬訂各項相關教材編撰計畫,本計畫即係協助行政院環保署編撰永續發展教材,期望能藉此提升民眾對於永續發展相關議題的覺知,了解國際與我國對於達成永續發展目標策略,進而落實綠色生活。此外,亦協助發展教學簡報與教學講義、電子書及網路學習課程等教學工具,供環境教育者教學時運用。 The project of editing the textbook of sustainable development To improve the knowledge, skill, and attitude of protecting environment, and replenish the stocks of environmental educational resources, the Taiwan EPA planned some projects about editing textbooks. This project is to edit the textbook of sustainable development, to strength the general awareness of the sustainable development issues. Besides, the project also develops some kind of different materials, such as handouts, e-book and e-learning system, as teaching aids. 102 綜計處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61700
102年度桃園縣空氣品質監測站暨實驗室資訊品保品管查核計畫-實驗室資訊品保品管查核工作 本計畫之主要目標為辦理TAF實驗室認證輔導工作、開發建置符合ISO 17025規範之實驗室資訊管理系統(LIMS)、及辦理實驗室績效查核作業等。執行成果包括如下:1.完成辦理實驗室參訪。2.完成辦理實驗室預評,並提報認證輔導工作計畫書。3.完成辦理4場次教育訓練,訓練主題涵蓋ISO 17025條文解析、實驗室品質管制方案(偵測極限、檢量線、管制圖、查核樣品、添加回收)、量測不確定度表示指引、內部稽核規劃與實施、儀校管理及環境安全衛生訓練等。4.完成指導建立量測不確定度評估標準作業程序、及檢討制定儀器設備校正追溯計畫。5.完成辦理環境安全衛生管理及查核、協助處理TAF監督評鑑之缺失、協助進行內部稽核及召開管理審查會議。6.完成檢討編修實驗室品質管理系統文件,包括品質手冊、作業指導書、標準作業程序及各項紀錄表單。7.完成資訊軟硬體設備交貨安裝,包括伺服器2台、資料庫軟體1套、軟體開發工具1套、工作站主機10台、螢幕10台、文書處理軟體10套。8.完成實驗室資訊管理系統(LIMS)開發建置,系統功能包括系統管理、基本資料、檢驗設定、樣品流程、檢驗作業、統計品管、人員訓練、儀器管理、藥品管理、品質文件、環境品質監測整合等11項子系統、102項功能作業。9.完成擬定並提報年度績效查核計畫書。10.完成發放年度績效查核(盲樣測試)樣品共計11瓶,試驗項目包含(1)Demand 需氧量、(2)Nutrients 營養鹽、(3)Solids固體、(4)Minerals 礦物質、(5)pH 酸鹼值、(6)Trace Metals 微量金屬、(7)Turbidity濁度、(8) Microbiological微生物、(9) TCLP Metals 廢棄物TCLP重金屬及(10) Metals in Soil土壤重金屬等10類共計28項。11.完成績效查核結果回收及判定,判定結果全數合格,不須執行複測,原定複測樣品全數移交檢驗室。12.完成召開績效查核檢討會議,盲測結果屬非常滿意,並提報年度績效查核成果報告書。13.完成其他改善維護設置事項,包括收樣區佈建工程、收樣設備採購安裝、伺服器機櫃採購安裝、教育訓練設備器材採購安裝、收樣區綠美化等,並提報改善維護設置事項工作報告。 Air Quality Monitoring Stations and Laboratory Information QA/QC Audit Plan of Taoyuan County in 2013 - Laboratory Information QA/QC Audit Project The main objectives of this project are handling TAF laboratory certification counseling, development of laboratory information management system (LIMS) which meet ISO 17025 specification, and conduct laboratory performance audit work. The work completed include:1.Visit external environmental laboratory.2.Complete the laboratory pre-assessment and to report certified counseling plan.3.Complete four training sessions, training topics covering ISO 17025 introduction, laboratory quality control program, the measurement uncertainty expression, internal audit planning and implementation, instrument management, environment safety and health training.4.Guide to establish the measurement uncertainty evaluation SOP and review the instrument calibration plan.5.Conduct environment safety and health audit, help to deal with NCR by TAF evaluation, assist in internal audit and management review meeting.6.Complete the review of laboratory quality system documents, including quality manuals, SOPs, worksheets and record forms.7.Complete the software and hardware delivery and installation, including the 2 sets of server, a set of database software, a set of application development software, 10 sets of workstation, 10 sets of monitor, 10 sets of Office software. 8.Complete the LIMS development, system functions including system administration, basic setting management, analysis setting management, sample flow control, examination process control, statistics quality control, personnel training management, intrument data management, drug data management, quality documents management, environment monitoring integration. Total 11 sub-systems and 102 functions.9.Complete the draft and to report annual performance audit plan.10.Complete the delivery of performance test sample, including (1)Demand (BOD/COD), (2)Nutrients (NH3-N/NO3-N), (3)Solids (SS), (4)Minerals (Conductivity/Chloride), (5)pH, (6)Trace metals (Cd/Cr/Cu/Ni/Pb/Zn), (7)Turbidity, (8)Microbiological (Coliform), (9) TCLP Metals (Cd/Cr/Cu/Ni/Pb/Zn), (10)Metals in Soil (Cd/Cr/Cu/Ni/Pb/Zn). Total 28 items.11.Complete the judgement of performance test, verdict fully qualified, do not need to perform retest, all retest sample transfer to the laboratory.12.Complete the performance review meeting, blind test results are very satisfied, and deliver the annual performance test audit report.13.Complete the other maintenance matters, including construction of sample receive area, installation of sample receive equipment, server cabinet, training equipment, and deliver the maintenance work report. 102 桃園縣政府環境保護局 鑫聯網國際股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61721
102年度桃園縣環境品質監測計畫 本計畫主要針對桃園縣進行噪音、地下水水質、河川水質及水庫水質等監測,掌握各項測值變化趨勢,並進行趨勢分析及監測結果綜整檢討,以提供環保單位污染防制之參考。噪音監測計有12個環境與12個交通噪音監測點,每監測點每季執行2次48小時連續監測作業,由102年度監測結果顯示,噪音合格率為100%。地下水質監測計有3口戰備水井及32口場置性監測井,由102年監測結果顯示,超過地下水污染第二類監測標準之監測井比例為58/64,其中超過監測標準值之項目(站次/總站次),計有硝酸鹽氮(1/64)、銅(1/64)、氨氮(10/64)、鐵(22/64)及錳(24/64)等項,另中壢工業區之內定國小三氯乙烯測值超過地下水污染第二類管制標準,濃度與歷史值相近,約在0.15mg/L左右。河川水質監測計有19處監測點,每監測點每季採樣1次,由102年監測結果顯示,整體水質大多呈現中度污染,其中未符合丙類陸域地面水體水質標準之項目(站次/總站次),計有大腸桿菌群(48/76)、懸浮固體(14/76)、生化需氧量(41/76)、氨氮(72/76),而未符合環境基準值者,計有鋅(3/76)、鉛(1/76)、銅(30/76)及錳(64/76)四項。水庫水質監測僅一處監測點,每監測點每季採樣1次,102年度監測結果顯示,重金屬測值皆符合甲類陸域地面水體水質標準及環境基準值。 The Environment Quality Monitoring of Taoyuan County(2013) This project focuses on monitoring the noise levels, river water and ground water qualities of Taoyuan County to understand the varying trend of the monitored analytes. The trends of the variations were analyzed and reviewed to provide the Environmental Protection Office a reference for future regulations.There are 12 environmental noise and 12 traffic noise monitoring stations, which were continuously monitored for 48 hours twice every quarter. The 2013 monitoring results show that the noise pass rate was 100%.There are three military reserved well and thirty-two regular monitoring wells which were monitored for groundwater quality. The analytical results of 2013 dry season indicated that the proportion of the wells that exceeded the type II ground water monitoring standards is 58/64. The analytes exceeding standards were nitrate nitrogen(1 out of 64),copper(1 out of 64) , ammonia nitrogen (10 out of 64),iron (22 out of 64)and manganese(24 out of 64). In addition, the concentration of trichloroethylene found in Nei Ding Elementary School monitoring well of Chung Li industrial park exceeds the type II ground water pollution standards. The result was about 0.15mg/L, which was consistent with the historical data. Nineteen monitoring stations for the rivers were sampled once every quarter to monitor the river water qualities. The analytical results of 2013 indicated that most river water bodies were moderately polluted. The analytes that exceeded the Class C internal surface water quality standards were coliform group(48 out of 76),suspended solids(14 out of 76),biological oxygen demand(41 out of 76),ammonia nitrogen (72 out of 76).The analytes that exceeded the environmental standards were zinc(3 out of 76)、lead(1 out of 76)、copper(30 out of 76)and manganese(64 out of 76).Only one reservoir was monitored for water quality. Samples were collected once every quarter. The result of 2013 indicated that heavy metals met the Class A internal surface water quality standards and environmental standards. 102 桃園縣政府環境保護局 琨鼎環境科技股份公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61490
「使用中機動車輛原地噪音量測技術研究」專案研究計畫 我國使用中車輛噪音管制須於市區道路執行原地噪音檢測,但都會區符合規範的場地不易搜尋,而且背景噪音較高易干擾檢測;因此,本研究提出於「隔音箱」內量測使用中車輛原地噪音量測的構想,並評估技術可行性,主要研究內容包含:(一)建立機動車輛原地噪音檢測專用標準化隔音箱之性能、規格與驗證方法,並研析本程序及方法可行性。(二)評估隔音箱方法與現行CNS5799方法二者結果之差異與關聯性。(三)研析隔音箱作為使用中機動車輛原地噪音檢測標準設備之可行性,及研提其相關規定草案。針對隔音箱型式設計,模擬分析4種隔音箱之聲場特性後,擇一較佳型式進行實體組裝,並評估隔音箱材質選用對箱體聲學性能的影響。其後以隔音箱進行汽、機車各4部之實車測試,以評估箱內聲壓均勻性、溫度、測點位置及氣流導管型式等設計參數之影響。其次,本研究以50部機車於實驗室及以4部車實際市區道路旁檢測,評估現行檢測方法與隔音箱方法之測試結果差異性;二種方法的測試結果具備良好關聯性,但仍有幾部車會有差異大於3dB(A)的情形。本研究針對差異較大的車輛特性探討原因,經改善後針對排氣噪音量測驗證差異可在3dB(A)以內,但以聲學理論而言仍有進一步改善之空間,期未來可進一歩改善隔音箱,使二種測試方法的測試結果更加一致。上述研究成果將隔音箱型式、材質規格及聲學性能的驗證方法等整理成作業程序草案,作為以隔音箱方法執行使用中車輛原地噪音測試的參考依據,未來若評估技術可行,可以該草案為基礎制訂相關技術規範。 In-use vehicle noise control, Stationary noise test, Sound enclosure cabinet For the in-use motor vehicle noise control, the inspector needs to perform roadside noise test in the urban area. Because it is not easy to find a proper test-site that can meet the standard requirement, and the background noise is often too high to do the test. The idea of applying an acoustical sound enclosure cabinet to measure the stationary noise of motor vehicle is proposed in this project. To assess the feasibility of the new test method (Hereinafter refered as sound enclosure cabinet method), this project take the following work items:(1) To setup the geometry parameters, construction materials and target acoustic performance of the sound enclosure cabinet, for the purpose of testing motor vehicle stationary noise. Then setup the test procedure then accessing the feasibility of the new procedure. (2) Compare the difference and the relationship of noise test results between current CNS 5799 method and sound enclosure cabinet method.(3) Review and access the feasibility of using sound enclosure cabinet method to be standard test equipment for measuring the stationary noise of in-use vehicle, and propose some drafts for related regulations. By applying the acoustic simulation analysis of four sound enclosure cabinet models, the better geometric cabinet type was identified and prototyping. The effect of construction materials were evaluated first. And then the interior sound pressure uniformity, interior temperature effect, microphone positions and the connecting tube were reviewed by using the sound enclosure cabinet to measure the stationary noise of four cars and four motorcycles.Moreover, 50 motorcycles were tested in the laboratory and another 4 motorcycles were tested in the practical urban roadside to evaluate the difference and relationship of noise test results between current CNS 5799 and the sound enclosure cabinet methods. The results show good relationship between the two methods. Nevertheless, for some cases the difference will greater than 3dB(A) and we try to review the reason for the particular cases. After design modification, the difference between two methods can be less than 3dB(A), but still need some improvement to be in line with acoustic theory, and to improve the conformity of the two methods.Above research conclusions as regards to the geometry parameters of sound enclosure cabinet, construction material, acoustic performance specifications and their verification procedures were summarized into some drafts and operation procedures. Which can be used as reference of measuring the stationary noise of motor vehicles by sound enclosure cabinet method. And if the assessment of feasibility is possible to apply the method as part of in-use vehicle noise regulation, above drafts can be used as the basis of technical specifications. 102 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61450
102年金門縣推動環境教育計畫 摘要一、世界環境日活動透過健行活動,讓參與民眾走到戶外感受新鮮的空氣,更安排導覽解說活動除了健行之餘,讓參與民眾更了解金門當地的生態環境人文特色及其他人文風情,讓在地人更加愛護這片土地。期望縣民在「體驗、探索、發現」和「導引、覺察、反思」之過程中,培育出環境意識與土地倫理,結合環境教育與低碳政策,實踐「生態、永續」。二、金秋環境日活動:綠色環保體驗營暨星光鳴奏音樂會環保公園有豐富的環境生態,吸引了各類昆蟲、蛙類、鳥類的駐足,因此環保局想要邀請民眾在炎炎夏日的夜晚,除了來環保公園聆聽大自然的天籟外,爵士樂團和管樂團的現場演奏,相信能夠在夏夜的徐徐晚風裡,帶給民眾不一樣的體會。透過生態導覽,讓民眾了解環境與生活的是互相依存,減少需求,減少破壞,與自然共存與維護的責任感。並發現閩南式建築老祖宗智慧的綠建築概念。教育民眾如何取材于自然打造出與自然共生共存的舒適環境,就是老祖宗們最引以為傲的綠智慧。三、金秋環境日活動:金食在低碳美食料理大賽金門縣為推動全民低碳健康飲食的理念,推行「金食在低碳美食料理大賽」活動,希望能藉此推廣「在地、少肉、多蔬果」的低碳健康飲食的概念。讓享用美食的過程兼具低碳、健康及環保三大要素,可達到節約能源及疾病的發生率,同時愛護地球響應環保。期藉由本比賽徵選出優良低碳健康美食料理,鼓勵建立本縣低碳健康飲食,藉此營造金門縣低碳健康飲食的文化,以朝向低碳家園的永續目標邁進,培養低碳生活的習慣由日常生活札根做起,並培育本縣新一代的低碳種子。四、社區環境教育巡迴宣導活動:社區環境教育巡迴宣導活動之規劃,將預定傳達的法律知識,配合場地布置與活動規劃設計,將環保局要宣達的理念傳遞給參加宣導活動的民眾。透過各種宣導與教學活動引發市民對環境覺知與敏感度,充實市民環境永續相關的知識,讓市民對人與環境的互動有正確的價值觀,並在面對地區或全球性環境議題時,能具備改善或解決環境問題的認知與技能,由鄰里社區由下而上逐漸擴展至全市,厚植本縣環境教育的基石。五、學校環境教育巡迴宣導活動:學校環境教育巡迴宣導活動之規劃,將預定傳達的法律知識,配合場地布置與活動規劃設計,將環保局要宣達的理念傳遞給參加宣導活動的學校師生。經由學校師生參與,共同營造具備安寧舒適、自然生態、當地特色的校園環境,並積極關懷周遭土地、生命、社會活動與推廣工作,逐步建構環境行動經驗,帶動學校參與社會共同學習。六、低碳綠能電影院活動計畫低碳綠能是本縣未來環境發展主軸,喚起各界重視環境保護,期藉由環境教育影片觀賞,進而守護環境並於日常中實踐環保。透過影片宣導促使公部門員工、學校教職員生逐漸瞭解環境問題現況及其對人類社會文化的影響。以期能培養尊重與愛護自然環境中之萬物,進而養成關懷生命、保護自然環境的態度。七、環境教育工作坊使學校間能互相觀摩,交換教學心得,進而提昇學校師生對環境與永續發展理念和內涵的正確認知,建立積極正面的價值觀、態度及行動,以引導學生體認自身環境可貴,產生積極的環保行動,藉由環境創意教學技巧的提昇,促成學生對環境保護的認同與行動。透過環境教育工作坊齊聚各校教師代表,發掘學校各項推動環境教育及環保營造上之問題與困難,並透過教學方式及戶外體驗讓各校教師代表學習到環境教育的智能與技能,藉由經驗分享使本縣各校間能夠充份相互學習成長,給予本縣莘莘學子一個優質良好的環境教育學習環境。八、協助國家環境教育獎初選作業金門縣環保局依環境教育法第二十一條第二項及國家環境教育獎獎勵辦法第十二條規定訂定金門縣推動環境教育有功遴選表揚獎勵辦法,依有功遴選辦法第2條提到,獎勵之對象分別為團體、民營事業、學校、機關、社區及個人,共六類。九、環保志(義)工環境知識競賽為提倡環保志(義)工運動風氣,促進身心健康,擴展人際關係並激勵環保志(義)工之榮譽感,以利其協助各項環保工作之推動。本活動將於舉辦全國環保志(義)工環境知識競賽前,於金門縣轄區內預先舉辦地方初賽,遴選40名環保志(義)工選手參與環保署102年全國環保志(義)工環境知識競賽。透過具環保意涵的趣味競賽,不但能凝聚環保志義工的向心力,並讓環保志義工朋友一同活動筋骨、彼此相互交流,增加團隊合作之默契。十、金門縣102年環保知識挑戰擂台賽:為增加金門地區學生及社會人士對環境保護的正確知識,透過活潑、刺激、有趣的競賽活動將環境教育落實於日常生活中,以提升學生及社會人士對環境的覺察與行動能力。為強化大眾環保知識,透過本活動之辦理與宣教,引導國民對環保相關領域知識加以重視與學習,經由教育深化環保意識和知能,進而以實際行動落實保護環境的行為,將有助於生態城市的推動。十一、環保志工特殊訓練及環境教育志工特殊訓練為增進金門縣環保志工對於環境教育認識及環保服務熱忱感,也可藉由培訓課程讓志工學習環保新知及將新觀念帶回村里,傳達予社區及團體,加強環保愛護地球的意願。以環境教育特殊訓練課程提升志工之環境教育概念智能及相關技能,並落實環境教育法及志願服務法,使環境教育志工更能有自信、有效率的協助各項環保政策推動,擔任各項環境教育種子人員。十二、環境教育設施場所認證申請輔導作業依環境教育設施場所(以下簡稱設施場所)認證及管理辦法提到,具整合環境教育專業人力、課程方案及經營管理,用以提供環境教育專業服務之具有豐富自然或人文特色之空間、場域、裝置或設備,可申請環境教育設施場所。協助輔導環境教育設施場所,針對環境場域、教案,提供相關支援或管道,協助籌備環境教育場域申請資料並取得認證。 102 金門縣環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61596
101年度臺南市噪音監測季航空噪音防制區檢討劃定計畫 本計畫目標旨在完成臺南市噪音移動式環境及交通噪音監測站操作工作、環境音量陳情案件監測工作、航空噪音臨時性監測、使用中車輛原地噪音量測作業及宣導作業,並配合達成行政院環境保護署環保機關績效考評中噪音管制項目。在移動式環境及交通噪音監測中,完成環境及交通音量監測作業192點/次,其監測結果均符合管制標準,並完成每季考核表、每季各站監測記錄表單及各監測點位四方位照片上傳至噪音管制系統,共完成4季上傳(101年第4季及102年第1季至第3季)。航空噪音臨時性監測,共執行2點次作業,每個點次須執行十日,已於102年7月底前完成2點次,其2個點次作業之監測結果均符合管制標準;但發現監測資料與軍方鄰近測站資料差異性極大,已建議環保局後續除了精進每季審閱軍方提報航空噪音季報告並建請軍方改善之作法外,未來環保局也將定期抽查航空噪音監測站及航空噪音監控中心軟硬體設施。在使用中車輛原地噪音量測部分,共辦理64場,其中21場配合辦法環保署大執法計畫,經統計64場攔檢及攔查數量後,總計輛次為1070輛次,如區分出汽車部分,攔檢及攔查數量上有176輛次,其中進行檢測有34輛,並有26輛不合格,不合格率為76.5%;而機車及重型機車部分,攔檢及攔查數量上共有894輛次,其中進行檢測有274輛,並有217輛不合格,不合格率為79.2%;對於不合格之車輛經回檢後改善完成者共155輛次。由於部分車輛於計畫結束前尚未回檢,因此工作團隊針對檢測不合格或網站檢舉而尚未回檢之車輛,經兩次通知不到後,將建請環保局依法給予告發處分。此外,102年度5月~9月配合102年度環保署「使用中機車噪音稽查大執法計畫」的辦理,經統計21場攔檢及攔查數量後,總計攔檢及攔查631輛次車輛,並檢測其中148輛之車輛,其中不合格輛次為132輛,不合格率為89.1%;亦達成校園稽查及跨縣市稽查等行政配合,最終成果則榮獲全國績效優良第一名。 This plan intended to accomplish operation of noise mobile environment and traffic sounds monitoring site, inspection of public plead cases of environmental noises, impromptu aviation noise gauging, and in-use vehicles stationary noise gauging and education of Tainan City while cooperatively achieving noise control issues which will be used for EP organization performance evaluation by Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan.There were 192 site /time environmental and traffic sounds monitoring have completed among mobile environmental and traffic sounds monitoring. All monitoring results conformed to control standards. Seasonal evaluation forms, seasonal monitoring records, and four aspect photos of each monitoring sites were uploaded to noise control system. Totally 4 seasonal data has been uploaded (the 4th season of year 2011 and the 1st through 3rd seasons of year 2012).2 location-times were conducted for impromptu aviation noise monitoring, ten days for each location. 2 location-times had been conducted by end of July 2013 and monitoring results conformed to control standards. However, we found that there were significant variation of monitoring data between our sites and military monitoring sites. We have not only suggested EPA to strengthen seasonal review of seasonal aviation noise reports monitored by military but also suggested military to modify measures of noise monitoring. EPA will make spot check of aviation noise monitoring sites and software and hardware facilities of aviation noise monitoring center periodically in the future.For in-use vehicles stationary noise gauging, there were 64 times in total, 21 times among them were carried out in cooperation with EPA’s law enforcing plan. Summarizing 64 times audition and inspection on the road side there were totally 1070 vehicle-times. Classified by vehicle types, in 176 stopped motor vehicles there were 34 vehicles inspected and 26 vehicles failed in tests which constructed fail rate of 76.5%; in 894 stopped vehicles there were 274 vehicles inspected and 217 vehicles failed in tests which constructed fail rate of 79.2%; for vehicles failed in tests there were 155 vehicle-times passed recheck tests after improvement. Due to the fact that some vehicles which have not returned for rechecking before plan ending, task force will submit vehicles list to EPA to file a lawsuit per enactment after two ignored notices. In addition, in cooperation with “In-use vehicles noise inspection law enforcing plan” of EPA during May through September 2013, summarizing 21 times audition and inspection on the road side there were totally 631 vehicle-times. There were 148 vehicles inspected among them and 132 vehicles failed in tests which constructed 89.1% fail rate; we carried out campus inspections and inter-jurisdictional inspections in cooperation with administration authorities and we were granted the top performance team in the nation. 101 台南市環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61518
澎湖縣102年度澎湖縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 一、地下水水質監測結果本年度已完成二次調查工作,調查結果在超出法規標準部份,可分成二方面探討,詳述如下:(一)超出監測標準部份:包含尖山發電廠、馬公油庫、澎湖舊發電廠等場置性監測井,在總溶解固體、氯鹽、硫酸鹽、氨氮、總有機碳、總硬度等項目,常有超出監測標準情形,經以piper diagram分析,的確屬海水影響,研判可排除人為影響因素。(二)超出管制標準部份:仍以場址為主,包含統一精工加油站、天祥加油站及永安營區,此部份由於場址仍屬改善階段,將持續追蹤改善工程進度及工法,並監測地下水水質。(三)大家加油站有測得三氯乙烯,雖未達該區域所屬之第二類管制標準,但以第一類管制標準審視,已超出限值,已於鄰近處設置監測井進行調查。二、加油站調查結果現階段已完成縣內非軍方加油站測漏管調查工作,調查結果在北辰加油站、望安加油站及七美加油站FID有測得測值,但最大值僅141 ppmV,較警戒值500 ppmV為低。另大家加油站有3支透氣性不佳,在102年7月複測時,已皆正常。三、緊急應變由於永安營區有測得三氯乙烯,故針對鄰近民井進行採樣調查,調查結果亦測出三氯乙烯,測值未大於第二類管制標準,但仍對使用對象宣導,地下水不要進行飲用、淋浴等直接接觸之使用方式。 102 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 亞太環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=59373
環境地理資訊系統改版與資料標準落實計畫 環保署為國土資訊系統中環境品質資料庫分組之召集機關,自民國89年底,即開始規劃一個健全的環境資料庫系統架構與建置體系,搭配國土資訊系統之推動作業,已於民國98年至100年期間完成擬定環境品質資料標準。署內現有環境地理資訊系統,彙整各單位提供的環境品質地理圖資,部分圖資服務仍採用舊版ArcIMS 9圖台系統,故藉由本計畫之環境地理資訊系統改版,重新清查環境品質地理圖資。為清查署內環境品質地理圖資,本計畫協助辦理研商「本署地理圖資流通供應與運用地圖服務作業機制」會議、「本署地理圖資更新及詮釋資料填寫說明會」,更新地理圖資闕誤內容,以及更新圖資服務採用ArcGIS 10圖台系統。本計畫另開發GML轉換工具,以落實空氣品質類及水質類環境品質地理資料標準。最後綜整近三年署內各單位與GIS相關之計畫成果,據以提供後續規劃方向之建議。 Environmental geographic information system revision and implementation of GML This project includes environmental geographic information system revision and system service updates, maintenance and updating of environmental geographic information App application, the implementation of data standards (air quality and water quality) and with the overall development of the National Geographic Information System. 102 監資處 互動國際數位股份有限公司內湖分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61502
102 年度台灣外島及澎湖內灣海域環境品質及污染來源調查監測暨強化緊急應變計畫 102 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 亞太環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=59951
光污染防制專案工作計畫 目前民眾受到光污染的影響情形日漸嚴重,陳情案件增加,本計畫依據我國國情特性,進行LED顯示看板及LED組合式燈動態光源量測方法之探討,及量測程序草案研擬,並研提我國動態畫面之光污染源防制對策建議。本計畫完成國際法規蒐集彙整3篇之摘譯分析、國內外法規綜合分析1式;完成改變光源影響情形重要因子分析並選定亮度、垂直照度、眩光及閃爍為本計畫研究之光污染因子;完成LED顯示看板動態畫面之亮度、垂直照度、眩光及閃爍量測程序草案研擬;完成新竹市及高雄市實地量測,合計亮度9點次、動態亮度監控5點次,反射光源亮度2點次、垂直照度9點次、垂直照度監控2點次、水平照度監控10點次,反射光源動態亮度監控2點次、反射光源動態垂直照度監控2點次、反射光源動態水平照度監控2點次;完成LED組合燈眩光與閃爍量測共46點次;協助環保署完成光害防制法草案1件。本計畫相關執行結果說明如下:1. 動態光源亮度量測:依據目前的LED顯示看板實地量測結果,建議量測方法為針對選定的待測點進行一段時間的亮度監測,測得顯示看板相對最大亮度的機率較高。2. 動態光源垂直照度量測:依據目前的LED顯示看板實地量測結果,建議量測方法為面向選定的待測點進行一段時間的垂直照度監測。3. 眩光與閃爍量測方法:建議採用動態影像式亮度量測儀(DILMD),以錄影模式來紀錄待測場景亮度分佈隨時間的變化。4. 眩光與閃爍評價經驗公式:將亮度分佈隨時間的變化量測結果代入動態統一眩光指數(UGR(t))及動態閃爍指數(FI(t))得出修正後的動態舒適級數(Comfort Rating),公式如下所示: 。5. LED組合燈閃爍狀態的評價:依前述眩光及閃爍量測方法與影響程度評價經驗公式,計算同步閃爍、放射堆疊、扇形堆疊、放射掃描、扇形掃描等5種狀態,其所得之最小動態舒適級數分別約為3分、4分、4.6分、4.9分、6.7分與實際觀看感知趨勢一致,換言之,扇形掃描相對最舒適,同步閃爍最不舒適。Comfort Rating與各組合燈條件之關係,可看出若以上述公式計算,計算值在多數條件下,與人因實驗值都還算符合,但是在部分條件下,相較於人因實驗值,Comfort Rating值偏高太多,理論上隨著LED看板輸出亮度逐漸減小,Comfort Rating應逐漸上升,但人因實驗的評分僅微幅上升,似有其他機制影響,需再深入探討。6.日間太陽反射光的亮度量測,因為反射光亮度隨時間的變動大,目前建議針對選定的待測點進行亮度監測。7.完成光害防制法草案研擬,及依光源設施類型、量測指標、光源設施使用行為提出防制管理方案建議。 Light pollution control project The impacts of light pollution become increasingly serious to people in Taiwan and the petition cases increased recently. In this project, we study dynamic characteristics of the LED display board and the LED combo, develop its measurement method drafts, and propose the scintillation light pollution prevention countermeasures according to conditions of Taiwan. In this project, we collect international regulations and complete three regulations and guidelines summary translation analysis, and completed a comprehensive analysis of domestic and international regulation; after the influence factor analysis, we selected luminance, vertical illuminance, glare and flicker as key light pollution factors; complete measurement procedure drafts of luminance, vertical illuminance, glare and flicker for the motion pictures of LED display board, respectively; complete Hsinchu and Kaohsiung on-site measurements, include 9 luminance measurements, 5 dynamic luminance monitoring measurements, 2 reflected luminance monitoring measurements, 9 vertical illuminance measurements, 2 vertical illuminance monitoring measurements, 2 reflected vertical illumination monitoring measurements, 10 horizontal illuminance monitoring measurements, 2 reflected horizontal illumination monitoring measurements; complete 23 glare and 23 flicker measurements of LED combo; assist Taiwan EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) to complete a draft of light pollution prevention Act.Related implementation results of this project are as follows:1. Dynamic luminance measurement of light source: according to the current field test results of LED display boards, the proposed measurement method might have the higher probability to get the maximum luminance of LED display board, which using a luminance meter point at selected test point for a period of time to monitor the luminance of LED display board.2. Dynamic illuminance measurement of light source: according to the current field test results of LED display boards, the proposed measurement method is using an illuminance meter face to the light source for a period of time to monitor the vertical illuminance.3. Glare and flicker measurement methods: we recommend the use of dynamic imaging luminance measurement device (DILMD) with video mode to record the test scene luminance distribution variations.4. Evaluation glare and flicker empirical formula: with the ergonomic experiment data, the temporal unified glare rating (UGR(t)) and the temporal flicker index (FI(t)) we have a dynamic comfort rating as following: .5. LED combo evaluation: based on glare and flicker measurement methods and impact evaluation of the empirical formula to calculate five status of LED combo, include synchronous flashing, radial stack, argument stack, radial scan, and argument scan, the corresponding smallest comfort ratings of these five statuses are approximately 3, 4, 4.6, 4.9, and 6.7, respectively. This result is consistent with the viewing perceived trend; in other words, argument scan is most comfortable, synchronous flashing is most uncomfortable.6. The sun reflected luminance measurements, because the huge reflected luminance variation, the current proposal is using a luminance meter to monitor the luminance of the selected test point.7. Complete the light pollution protection draft ACT, and a proposal of light pollution control according the light source types, measurement parameters, and light source utilization behaviors, respectively. 102 空保處 中華民國計量工程學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61329
101-103年度各級環保報案中心公害陳情系統功能提昇暨維護管理專案工作(第2年)計畫 「環保報案中心公害陳情案件管理系統」於82年成立迄今,持續擔任受理全國民眾於各種管道所提出之公害陳情報案,系統將陳情案件依所屬轄區及陳情次數特性即時交辦至對應各級26個環保單位處理,102年統計至11月30日止,平均每月超過1.9萬件的陳情業務,本系統已成為各公害陳情業務單位所依賴之重要工具。本專案除維護系統軟硬體環境以維持相關業務處理之正常運作與成長,於今年依業務推動與民意所趨增修22項系統功能,以提昇系統便民與輔助行政績效,計畫期間為確實達到意見整合與政策推動,共辦理2場教育訓練、1場業務檢討會議、6場業務相關會議及17次工作進度報告,會議辦理皆提供會議簡報、講義及說明手冊、講座邀請等,加速計畫目標與政策之達成性。本年度計畫中統整101及102年度公害陳情處理結果統計,並與各環保單位溝通交換意見,擬定提昇辦理品質與突破困難相關政策之推行。除此之外,於今年度有以下幾點計畫執行重點,以期對於現場稽查與決策支援提供更友善與自動化之平台:1. 為節省人力及提高案件處理效率,由公害陳情系統接受所有來自1999派工系統所指派之公害陳情案件,並統一於公害陳情系統處理及回覆陳情民眾,大大減少因重覆鍵檔所造成之人力耗費。2. 為瞭解行政院環境保護署環境督察總隊北、中、南三區環境督察大隊及新北市、臺中市、臺南市及高雄市等直轄市與17個縣市環保報案中心專線接聽人員服務品質,據以辦理電話接聽品質測試,目前已完成4-10月之電話禮貌測試,共計784通。3. 持續追踨一再陳情及民眾滿意度調查不滿意案件之分析,並分別提供一再陳情案件清單交付三區環境督察大隊複查及每二個月一次一再陳情案件妥善處理率交付主辦單位,以同時提昇公害陳情案件處理品質。4. 擴增維護公害陳情案件地理資訊平台;結合全球衛星定位(GPS)技術與應用地理資訊(GIS)系統,利用陳情案件地域性顯示親和度以輔助並提昇稽查人員到達現場案件處理時效,整合端管理者可依公害陳情案件分佈之密度顯示區域警示功能(熱區),達到經驗累積與傳承甚至預測之目的。 National Environmental Nuisance Cases Center MIS Implementation & Maintenance project 2013 Since it was first established in 1993, the Environment Protection Reporting Center’s Public Nuisance Reporting Management System has been responsible for handling the public nuisance complaints that are submitted by members of the public throughout Taiwan via various different channels. Depending on the local government authority that has jurisdiction over the area in question, and the number of complaints received, the System notifies one of the 26 county- and city-level environmental protection agencies to respond to the complaint. During the first eleven months of 2013, the System handled an average of just over 19,000 complaints per month; the System constitutes a vital tool for the various government agencies involved in handling public nuisance cases. The present project involves the maintenance of the System software environment, in order to ensure that System operations can be carried on normally, with room for further expansion; the project also involves adding 22 new functions to the system this year, in line with operational requirements and the general public’s needs, so as to make the system more convenient to use and enhance administrative performance. During the project implementation period, in order to achieve the building of consensus and effective policy implementation, the following activities have been carried out: 2 training sessions, 1 operations review meeting, 6 other operations-related meetings and 17 progress report presentations. In every case, these activities were supported by the provision of meeting presentations, lecture materials and handbooks, as well as lecture invitations, etc., so as to speed up the successful achievement of the project’s goals. In the current fiscal year, as part of the present project, statistics were compiled regarding the results of public nuisance complaint handling in FY2012 and FY2013, and these results were used in communication and the sharing of views with environmental protection authorities, to facilitate the formulation of strategies for enhancing the quality of complaint handling and overcoming obstacles to improved handling. In addition, project implementation in the current fiscal year has also focused on the following key areas, with the aim of providing a more user-friendly, more highly automated platform for on-site auditing and decision-making support:1. To reduce the inefficient use of manpower and improve the efficiency with which cases are dealt with, it was decided that the Public Nuisance Reporting Management System would handle all public nuisance complaints received under the 1999 Assignment System, with complaint handling and the process of replying to the members of the public submitting the complaints being centralized under the Public Nuisance Reporting Management System. This has led to a significant reduction in unnecessary waste of effort caused by the creation of duplicate files. 2. In order to gain a clearer understanding of the quality of service provided by the personnel responsible for taking complaint calls at the Bureau of Environmental Inspection’s Northern, Central and Southern regional offices, and at the environmental problem reporting centers of the special municipalities of New Taipei City, Taichung City, Tainan City and Kaohsiung City, and 17 individual counties and cities, telephone call handling quality testing was performed. Telephone courtesy testing has already been completed for the period April – October, with a total of 784 calls being examined. 3. Ongoing follow-up has been performed with respect to repeated complaints, along with analysis of items where low satisfaction has been reported in public opinion surveys. A list of repeated complaint cases has been prepared and submitted to the Bureau of Environmental Inspection’s Northern, Central and Southern regional offices. In addition, every two months details of the percentage of repeated complaint cases that have been successfully dealt with is submitted to the project commissioning party, to help improve the quality of public nuisance complaint handling. 4. Expansion and maintenance of the Public Nuisance Complaint Handling GIS Platform: This involves the integration of GPS (Global Positioning System) and GIS (Geographical Information System) systems, utilizing the revealed locational affinity of complaint cases to support and enhance on-site handling performance by inspection personnel, and making it possible for coordinating managers to designate particular areas as “hotspots” using the zone warning function, on the basis of the density of public nuisance complaints. This new functionality will facilitate the accumulation of experience and the transfer of this experience to new personnel, while also, ideally, making it possible to achieve greater predictive accuracy. 102 督察總隊 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61510
「光污染影響及民眾感受認知研究」專案研究計畫 本計畫研究目標為依據我國國情特性,調查及研析民眾對光污染影響民眾舒適性感受與認知的程度,以提出光污染相關防制對策建議。透過相關光害法規蒐集彙整及科學文獻分析,並整理民眾陳情現況,選定動態畫面之眩光及閃爍2個為主要探討造成光污染感受的因子,並操控LED看板亮度、背景亮度、曝照或觀看時間長短和9段常見影片類型。主要工作包括:(一)光污染源量測與分析,進行可控制參數操作條件之LED看板閃爍與眩光物理光學性量測及結果分析;(二)光污染源人體感受舒適界線研究:執行夜間眩光和閃爍的人因主觀評量實驗。最後,將依據我國現況及人體不舒適性感受程度,評估目前光污染對民眾生活之影響,並且研析相關光污染改善措施可行性。本計畫如期完成期末進度與各項查核工作。首先,本研究已摘譯整理6篇以上關於國際間光污染對人體不舒適性之研究資訊及文獻。再者,關於實驗光污染源對象的量測與分析工作,已針對選定的光污染源LED看板進行132次色彩特性量測;9段動態畫面光源刺激之亮度變化分析和頻率域分析;利用動態影像亮度量測儀來實現不同LED看板亮度下的9段動態影片的舒適度量測與分析。次者,完成光污染源人體感受舒適界線研究的實驗,問卷設計包括平均眩光、最大眩光、閃爍、最大閃爍等4種光污染源人體感受與認知,募集20位受試者執行160人次試驗,共收集3240筆資料。最後,實驗結果與分析發現重點如後續說明。對民眾的最大眩光感知而言,光源亮度、背景亮度、影片類型、年齡層等因子對舒適評價有顯著影響,曝照時間分別與光源亮度和年齡層之間有交互作用。對民眾的最大閃爍感知而言,光源亮度、曝照時間、影片類型對舒適評價有顯著影響,影片類型分別與光源亮度和年齡層之間有交互作用。藉此研究結果提出光污染防制相關建議:利用本研究發展之眩光預測模式和閃爍預測模型,個別提出動態畫面眩光評價亮度建議表和動態畫面閃爍頻率強度評價建議表,將可作為未來訂定管制策略之參考。透過感受最大眩光發生時間點分析和感受最大閃爍發生時間點分析,討論以目前儀器設備可實施量測動態畫面光污染源的依據。最後,提出一種新式的動態光源眩光與閃爍量測方法草案,也嘗試量測組合燈型的光源,初步結果顯示與人因實驗數據有相關性,可做為未來進一步研析光污染影響的工具之一。 Investigation of Light Pollution Impacts on Human Perception and Cognitions Objectives of this project are based on the domestic conditions of Taiwan to investigate and to analyze the phenomena of the impacts of light pollution on people's feelings of discomfort, and to propose the related tactics and recommendations. Through survey of the relevant regulations and the scientific literatures and the collection of pleader cases, this research focuses on both perception of glare and flicker via controlling the luminance of LED billboard, the luminance of background, the dose of duration and 9 kinds of video contents. The main tasks include (1) measurements of light pollution source and (2) study on the borderline between comfort and discomfort (BCD) of human perception and cognitions to perform subjective evaluation of glare and flicker at night condition. Finally, according to the domestic status and experiment results and the evaluation of influence of light pollution on people's life to investigate the feasibility of improvements related to light pollution.This program has finished all milestones on schedule. First, this study made summary and translation above 6 literatures. Second, in the measurement and analysis of light pollution, this work conducted 132 measures for the selected LED billboard, analyzed the changes in the brightness of the light source and frequency domain analysis for 9 motion pictures, used dynamic imaging luminance measurement device to measure 9 testing videos at varied brightness of LED billboards. Third, the experiments have conducted for BCD of light pollution. The questionnaire included the overall glare, the maximum glare, local flicker, maximum flicker. There were 20 participants involved and 3240 data were recorded. The experimental results and conclusions are described as follows. For the perceived maximum glare, four main effects of luminance of LED, luminance of background, video type and age were significant. The interaction of luminance of LED and dose was significant. The interaction of luminance of LED billboard and age was also significant. For the perceived maximum flicker, three main effects of luminance of LED, dose and video were significant. The interaction effect between video and luminance of LED was significant. There was also significant interaction effect between video and age. According to the glare perdition model, this study lists a luminance recommendation table of Glare for motion pictures.According to the flicker perdition model, this study lists a frequency magnitude recommendation table of flicker for motion pictures. Based on the time-series analysis of occurrences of the maximum perceived glare and the maximum perceived flicker, this study discusses the feasibility of current measuring instruments and methods. Based on the results of subjective evaluations of light pollution, a new dynamic imaging luminance measurement device is adopted for measure glare, flicker and comfort rating as well. The results revealed that there were a reasonable correlation between the new device and subjective data. 102 空保處 中華民國計量工程學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61310
澎湖縣102年度節能減碳宣導推動計畫-低碳生活營造計畫 一、地方政府落實無悔措施執行期間已進行22處公務機關節能無悔措施查核作業29件次,查核結果彙整如表3.2-4所示,目前受核單位之22處公務機關僅澎湖縣政府稅務局及澎湖縣馬公市第一衛生所之符合項目未超過10項,持續透過輔導及協助方式提升符合項目,進而使年度考評成績增加,而澎湖縣西嶼鄉立圖書館、澎湖縣政府消防局、澎湖縣白沙鄉公所、澎湖縣湖西鄉公所等機關,第一次查核之符合項目雖已達10項之標準,但仍有進步空間,因澎湖縣為可重複考核,故針對單位有意願再加強提升之項目輔導提升,諸如協助”設置資源分類回收專區,並清楚標示「回收內容」”及”利用廢棄資源,製作成節能減碳宣導設施”等簡易、快速之項目,藉以提升整體無悔措施符合項目。執行人員至現場進行節能減碳無悔措施查核時,針對室內冷氣控溫查核時作業時,除以直讀儀偵測室內溫度是否大於26℃外,因偵測儀器為複合式功能,另可偵檢室內CO2濃度,故結合環保署年度重點政策”室內空氣品質自主管理”,當CO2偵檢值如超過1000 ppm之標準值時,即告知場所管理人員,目前室內空氣品質不好,需進行室內外空氣置換的動做,提升室內空氣品質及避免影響活動人員的健康狀況。二、節能減碳措施推廣執行期間亦協助環保局推動縣內各公務機關節能減碳無悔措施具體做法及進行執行成果查核,相關推廣方向包括有:"冷氣不外洩"、"公共區域節能設備裝設"、"低碳蔬食推廣"、"低碳運輸"及"資源永續回收再利用"等項目,藉此有效將低碳生活的意念從公務機關中落實,進而推向大眾。(一)冷氣不外洩執行期間已繪製『冷氣不外洩,節能減碳護地球』宣導示意圖(如圖3.3-1),並設計推廣簽署單(如圖3.3-2)結合機關單位無悔措施查核時進行推廣簽署動做,加強機關單位的印象,藉以提升整體機關單位之節能減碳措施符合項目,已完成推廣的機關如表3.3-1所列。(二) 公共區域節能設備裝設近年來澎湖低碳島盛行,公務單位落實節能減碳責無旁貸,為推廣公共區域裝設節能設備,執行期間已輔導澎湖縣鄉立圖書館採用節能設備及省水設施,對於環境衝擊可有顯著幫助,同時節能省水設備可反映在電價及水價上,於用電成本有直接性降低之成效。目前工作團隊已於澎湖縣湖西鄉立圖書館公用區域裝設感應式照明,不須手動開燈,人員靠近2米內即自動偵測亮燈,並提供活動人員適足的亮度,人員離去時即會自動熄滅,藉以減少燈具照明開啟時間,進而達到節能減碳的效果;除此節省電源之外,水資源管控也可達到減碳的效果,並規劃於洗手間的水龍頭裝設省水閥,有效達到用水量減少的成果,有效減少菊島珍貴水資源的消耗,又可以達成減碳的目標,進而提升該單位節能減碳無悔考核項目成績,亦可以此為起點向其它機關推廣,相關設備裝設對照圖如圖3.3-3所示。(三) 低碳蔬食推廣目前已完成20場次之推廣宣導,宣導對象清冊如表3.3-2所列,推廣過程照片如圖3.3-4所列,與會單位及人員均對低碳飲食及會議蔬食餐盒的措施深表認同及願意嘗試。執行期間亦已完成「低碳飲食及會議活動時提供蔬食餐盒」推廣簽署單設計(如圖3.3-5),並結合機關單位無悔措施查核時進行推廣簽署動做,加強機關單位的印象,藉以提升整體機關單位之節能減碳措施符合項目。(四)低碳運輸執行期間已設計「每週一日不開車」推廣簽署單(如圖3.3-6)結合機關單位無悔措施查核時進行推廣簽署動做,加強機關單位的印象,藉以提升整體機關單位之節能減碳措施符合項目,受輔導之單位如表3.3-3所列。二、能減碳行動標章推廣102年環保署節能減碳行動標章之申請辦法規範於7月2日公佈(詳如附件四),截止報名日期為8月31日,由於推廣及推動期程較短,故需因應本縣特性擬定推動計畫,目前工作團隊已於7月23日參與環保署舉辦之節能減碳行動標章推廣說明會,並於該場宣導會之綜合討論時提出問題進行黎清,以提升推動方向之正確性,有效減少申請單位提出資料的錯誤率,致使申請案件通過率提升,並於8月8日在馬公市案山里活動中心及西嶼鄉赤崁村活動中心辦理推廣說明會,宣導會過程針對有意願提出申請之單位現場輔導資料填寫,已輔導提出申請單位名單如表3.4-1所列之12處,各申請單位自評分數亦符合70分以上之申請原則,工作團隊亦輔導有意願之單位於8月底前順利向環保署提出申請,環保署已安排委員於10月6日~7日至澎湖進行現場查訪作業,工作團隊亦協助準備相關資料,各申請單位之簡報資料如附件五所示,而相關實施成果上傳環保署「低碳生活執行績效填報專區」之資料如附件六所附。三、節能裝置安裝比率調查執行期間(102年5月28日~12月13日),共計執行551家餐館及旅宿業者之節能省水裝置安裝情形依表3.5-1內容進行訪查作業,年度目標訪查完成率達100%,其中包括有228家旅宿業者及323家餐館業者,訪查結果如表3.5-2所列,依目前訪調結果可看出,旅宿業之安裝比例明顯較餐館業之安裝比例高出許多,顯示餐館業尚有許多推動空間,再從表3.5-3中可看出餐館及旅宿業節能設施種類設置情形,目前以省電燈具較為民眾接受且設置比例較高,而省水設備則是安裝率不高,至於其它類型方面,其實菊島業者也有不錯的節能減碳綠觀點,部份業者已進行包括兩段式沖水馬桶、淨化空氣盆栽、租用電動機車、加強室內通風、設置隔熱窗簾及使用綠建材等等,工作團隊在訪調過程中亦提供業者節能減碳的資訊,邀請業者攜手加入節能減碳護地球的行列,還可以省下不少經營成本及提升企業經營形象,一舉多得。四、低碳生活推廣(一)低碳生活民眾推廣計畫執行開始即密切與相關單位進行活動推廣行程安排作業,深入社區、走入鄉里,期能將低碳生活的觀念向廣大民眾推廣,邀請鄉親們從日常生活中的小地方做起,落實節能低碳新生活,累計執行期間,共辦理30場次低碳生活宣導活動,相關辦理場次如表4.1-1所列,合計宣導人數達2,188人次,宣導過程剪影如圖4.1-1所展示,辦理過程中除感謝民眾大力配合外,亦承蒙環保局承辦及長官鼎力支持,得以在短時間內順利推動,將低碳生活的觀念向基層民眾推廣,獲得良好反應及成效。(二) 低碳生活校園推廣1.減碳綠色書籍透過減碳十大宣言推廣節能減碳,除了向學生宣導節能減碳的重要性,提醒學生們立即從自己生活行為的小改變,即可為地球減少二氧化碳,唯有瞭解與理解建立對環境的同理心,方能產生負責任的環保行為。透過書籍等節能減碳相關之教材,以深入簡出的並搭配圖文的方式做呈現,希望能成為非正規教育之宣導教材,參考書籍已購置「生活小改變,地球好自在」、「低碳大行動」、「涼夏智慧王」等三套相關書籍合計160本,作為宣導教材(圖4.1-2~圖4.1-4)。減碳書籍發送各校請導師進行導讀及講解後,進行減碳文章徵稿活動,再委由陳昭蓉老師、莊淑娥老師進行閱卷審查,從中年級(三、四年級)、高年級(五、六年級)中各選出前三名及佳作五名進行公開表揚,各組獲選名單如表4.1-2~表4.1-3所列。2.低碳生活推廣活動文宣為將低碳生活推廣給民眾瞭解,本年度計畫執行期間編製5,000份活動文宣,文宣方向包括「低碳生活」、「低碳飲食」,合計將編製5,000份文宣,目前已完成版面設計(如圖4.1-5~圖4.1-6),分別包括「低碳生活」宣導單張1,000張及「低碳飲食」宣導單張2,000張、「用餐自備環保筷」宣導貼紙1,000張及「旅宿自備盥洗用品」宣導貼紙1,000張(如圖4.1-7)。依合約內容規範,將印製1,000份「節能減碳生活小卡」,卡片設計,呼籲民眾一齊投入低碳生活、落實並養成日常生活習慣,目前已配合環保局之要求及指示編製「低碳旅宿不主動提供盥洗用品小卡」(如圖4.1-11),合計共編製2,100份,後續亦於計畫期間協助發送至適宜及有需求之低碳旅宿業者。而為了讓更多地民眾及遊客對低碳生活及低碳旅遊更進一步瞭解,工作團隊特地設計簡顯易懂的宣導圖示(如圖4.1-13),並已製做成易拉桿成品5組放置於馬公航空站、馬公港旅客服務中心、澎湖風景管理處遊客中心、澎湖生活博物館、南海遊客中心 之明顯處(如圖4.1-14),增加低碳生活及低碳旅遊之宣導曝光點。3. 低碳生活行銷推廣”微笑健康澎湖樂遊遊粉絲團”更新維護作業之年度目標為分享次數達2,000人以上及粉絲人數達1,000人以上,”微笑健康澎湖樂遊遊粉絲團”之累積人數如圖4.1-7所示已達1,029人,已順利達成本年度目標工作量,並獲得署考評項目的滿分結果,亦會持續結合宣導活動過程中,直接邀請民眾使用本計畫提供之電腦或以個人智慧型手機透過二維條碼連結方式加入。文章分享次數依環保署綠網-評比戰況結果顯示如圖4.1-10所示,目前文章分享次數已達2,097次,已達成目標量,後續亦配合發表部落格文章及推廣民眾分享,讓低碳生活推廣成效持續延伸及獲得更多民眾的肯定與支持。進一步依部落格分享類型、分享則數、分享次數分析及文章瀏覽人數來探討(如表4.1-4),執行期間已分享151則資訊、分享次數達2,095次、總瀏覽人數達5,066人次,以一般文章分享數量最多,分享次數及瀏覽人數也是最多,但如單則分享成效來看,”減碳書香”及”低碳飲食菜單”類型之分享成效不錯,可做為後續推廣分享類型加強提供之參考。4. 地方媒體節能減碳行銷推廣計畫執行期間持續宣導節能減碳相關環保新聞及跑馬燈每月至少2則,執行期間已提供環保局15則新聞稿及16則跑馬燈,均獲環保局採用,合計工作量計為15則新聞稿及16則跑馬燈,符合合約之規範,新聞稿及跑馬燈列表於表4.1-5,相關文章亦於綠網部落格中刊登,並於”微笑健康澎湖樂遊遊粉絲團”網站中分享,讓節能減碳的資訊擴藉由網路及地方媒體擴展開來。工作團隊在節能減碳之行銷推廣方式,除透過社群網站及地方新聞媒體之外,亦於合約規範外設計”低碳飲食”及”低碳生活”等兩版平面媒體廣告圖示(如圖4.1-10),在澎湖時報及澎湖日報之付費廣告區中連續刊登一個月,期藉由密集的宣導來提醒民眾從生活中簡單做到”低碳飲食”及”低碳生活”。五、低碳飲食輔導及推廣1.低碳蔬食日推廣及簽署一日無肉日活動為落實推廣低碳飲食,計畫執行期間將至各機關、學校辦理低碳蔬食日推廣及簽署一日無肉日活動10場次,執行期間已完成10場次宣導會辦理,低碳蔬食日推廣及簽署一日無肉活動辦理規劃則如表4.2-1所列,除辦理宣導說明會外,亦購置宣導品1,800份供計畫宣導使用,包括有”環保宣導餐墊”1,000份及”環保購物袋”800個,藉此機會向民眾推廣多多使用環保商品,從生活中隨手做環保。2.低碳飲食推廣活動原招標內容之”結合學校舉辦低碳蔬食推廣活動2場次(上下學期各1場,每次活動期間至少3個月,同時考量含暑假期間學生不在校內,應留意宣導及推廣活動之有效時段)”項目,於範籌界定會議中,與環保局協商考量計畫發包時間點已為101年度下學年結束,改以低碳飲食行動劇的方式執行,分別於10月18、19、20日連續三天,邀請澎湖縣故事閱讀學會,以劇場方式,在文化局演講室、湖西鄉林投沙灘以及內垵社區活動中心,以劇場方式演出,宣導主題主要以低碳蔬食為主要訴求,輔以節能減碳十大無悔措施的環保教育;演出內容以嫦娥奔月為故事背景,導入低碳蔬食等方向,期望以劇場的演出,宣導活潑的互動方式,帶領民眾從生活做環保,引導民眾對於低碳蔬食的認識,不再只是侷限於蔬食就是素食的錯誤觀念,並且慢慢導正飲食的觀念,開始從低碳蔬食做到節能減碳的好生活,宣導活動之議程表如表4.2-2所示,活動過程之相片如圖4.2-3~4.2-5所示。演出期間派員負責全程錄製現場演出情況,活動精華剪輯後製完成後,將以政府機關廣告名義方式在地方電視台託播,並在中興電影院入口處環保局所購置的電視機上重複撥放,期能將低碳飲食的觀念推廣給更多民眾,獲得更多認同。3.低碳飲食推廣宣導為加強本縣餐廳(小吃店)及飯店(民宿)不提供一次性免洗餐具(盥洗用品),執行期間已於本縣4輛公車之車身張貼廣告文宣,如圖4.2-2~4.2-4所示,將從7月至10月份進行為期4個月的宣導廣告,推廣至各大社區,讓低碳健康飲食深入每一位民眾的生活之中,促使民眾在個人日常生活中,鼓勵落實生活環保,做到每人每天至少減碳一公斤,讓台灣加速邁向「低碳社會」,實踐低碳飲食的概念。六、環保餐館及環保旅宿輔導執行期間已針對列管之旅宿及餐館業者進行環保旅宿及環保餐館成效訪調作業,訪調表單如表4.2-3所示,目前列管之551家業者已進行228家旅宿業者及323家餐館業者之訪調作業,合計訪調551家年度目標訪查完成率達100%,訪調結果已初步進一步分析,藉以掌握目前業者低碳生活推動成效。七、低碳永續家園推動低碳永續家園推動業務雖非本計畫年度合約內規範之執行工作量,但為協助環保局在環保署年度考評中獲得最佳成績,工作團隊於執行期間協助進行低碳永續家園之推動及資料填報作業,執行期間雖不長,但有賴環保局及多數地方社區大力協肋,得以順利推動許多低碳家園、低碳社區的活動及措施,相關推動成果均於10月31日前上傳環保署指定系統中,並獲得該項考評分數滿分成果,而得分成果則如表4.3-1所示。 2013 of Penghu promotion of energy saving and carbon reduction - to create a low-carbon life plan 『2013 of Penghu promotion of energy saving and carbon reduction - to create a low-carbon life plan』extension previous year 『2012 of Penghu promotion of energy saving and carbon reduction - to create a low-carbon life plan』 the coordinate environmental protection bureau and examines committee member's instruction , the senior official directs under the bureau, except achieves the quantification goal diligently, and strives in the substantive control benefit, can achieve the anticipated target by the time. On 2013/12/20, achievement of quantification as shown in Table1 this plan one, following work of project item by item abstract explanation in view of this plan. 102 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61172
102年度桃園縣推動資源回收形象改造暨責任業者與販賣業者管理重點稽查取締計畫 桃園縣政府環境保護局為落實資源回收體系上游責任業者登記、申報、繳費之執法公平性與一致性與下游販賣業者回收管道之暢通,及推動資源回收形象改造及物業整合管理工作計畫,訂定「102年度桃園縣推動資源回收形象改造暨責任業者與販賣業者管理重點稽查取締計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),委託綠信環境科技股份有限公司,協助執行計畫工作項目,編制計畫經理一名,四名助理工程師及一名駐局工程師派駐環保局共同推動本計畫。本計畫執行期程為自簽約日102年2月27日至102年11月30日止,約9個月。主要工作為推動資源回收形象改造工作,輔導查核列管責任業者與販賣業者依法應盡權利義務,協助彙整審查興辦事業計畫書及回收處理業相關審查工作資料,及辦理相關資源回收輔導與宣導業務,統計至11月14日止量化成果說明如下。(一) 辦理6場次「電子電器物品販賣業者及回收處理業者之宣導」相關法令及稽查要點說明會,分別於10月23日及10月31日於桃園市勞工育樂中心101會議室,10月24日於八德市長青學苑,10月25日於龍潭鄉公所大禮堂,10月29日於楊梅市的桃園職訓中心,10月30日於中壢市公所會議室等完成6場次會議辦理,累計308人參與會議。建議未來有關業者法令宣導說明會辦理方式可以依列管家數區分,如業者列管數多者建議以政令宣導講習方式促進多方互動,若為業者列管數少者則配合現場稽查作業時進行法令宣導或提供文宣品做直接互動輔導,可提高業者接受輔導的家數或實際回饋管理意見。(二) 辦理轄內資源回收績優之社區、村(里)及學校實地標竿學習參訪活動,依參訪地點與邀請對象分為社區村里及學校二梯次辦理,分別於7月11日參訪桃園市中聖里及楊梅市秀才里,7月25日參訪陽明高中及中原大學。彙整現場參加者意見包含建議跨縣市參訪,或結合農村再生社區營造等增加參訪標的的廣度與深度。(三) 辦理公所環境衛生稽查人員稽查證回訓課程,由參訓人員採用選修方式進行講座訓練與測驗,分別於8月30日、9月2日及9月3日於在大溪羅莎會館辦理24堂講座課程,經統計報名參訓410人,符合講座訓練出勤簽到及測驗成績達到標準,共計87人核發結訓證書,其餘未取得結訓資格者建議後續辦理補考或再訓練課程,以達回訓作業的目標及強化稽查人員本職學能。根據二年度辦理結果發現,稽查人員對於法規熟悉度或標準作業原則仍有不足,建議可規劃相關法令講座或稽查作業研習的定食或長期學習平台,或者結合環保署訓練所課程,將稽查人員教育訓練作業規劃年度時數或目標課程數以鼓勵稽查人員自主性增加訓練頻率。(四) 媒合篩選23處轄內村(里)、社區(物業)、大廈進行資源回收形象改造計 畫,於簽約日起30日內(102年3月28日)提送計畫書及回收站篩選原則至環保局核備,8月提報完成二階段篩選名單23處村里社區回收站作為形象改造示範點,分布透過9鄉鎮市,由鄉鎮市公所撥附補助經費及協助23處村里社區設置採購資源回收設施與進行完工驗收。(五) 協助篩選轄內各級學校9處進行資源回收設施形象改造計畫,計畫書需於簽約日起30日內(102年3月28日)提送擬定申請資源回收設施形象改造工作補助之計畫書,截至9月底共12所高中職與大專院校報名申請,經審查申請資料的完整性及現場設施改造合適性等,計有武陵高中、長庚大學等9所學校接受補助改造資源回收設施。(六) 有關觀光景點及商圈形象改造計畫已於簽約日起30日內(102年3月28日)提送計畫書,針對本縣中原夜市、竹圍漁港等處觀光景點及龜山鄉轄區內中和南路市場商圈,每處各媒合1名拾荒業者者於每週五、六、日、一利用手推車或菜籃車型式的簡易行動環保回收推車收取遊客資源回收物,並在現場遊客或民眾容易注意的地方或手推車上製作資源回收宣導形象看版。(七) 同時針對本縣歷年已補助輔導形象改造回收站115處進行現況調查,其中5處(會稽里辦公處、大勇里辦公處、冠桃園、巴黎花都、呈泓公司)為重複申請2次,共計歷年形象改造站點有112處,經現場巡查維護使用狀況,補助物品遺失或場址空地者解除列管36處,1處為拒訪,其餘正常運作,建議未來補助對象可著重於提供社區堅固回收設施教具長久使用,並可由轄區清潔隊進行篩選補助名單的工作,讓補助形象改造資源可以在透過執行機關做最大效益發揮。(八) 協助辦理「非都市土地申請變更為應回收廢棄物回收業設施使用之興辦事業計畫」審查資料彙整及進度追蹤,統計至11月29日累計完成核准興辦計畫書80件資料電子化掃描,其中今年度核准案件36件電子化及完成製作光碟燒錄,歷年興辦計畫書核准案件計有44件,案件資料建檔至ACCESS資料檔為377筆。(九) 協助辦理應回收廢棄物回收處理業登記申請相關審查作業,統計至11月14日共計協助彙整追蹤163件申請案件,包含回收業103件,處理業60件,其中5件尚在辦理中。統計業者列管家數為公告應回收廢棄物回收業90家、處理業18家,未登記回收商計有261家。(十) 建立本縣資源回收體系業者之基本資料地理資訊系統,分為「管理系統」及「平板電腦」功能,其中PC端資料管理系統為建置業者基本資料與未來輔助稽查資訊,及搭配提供15台平板電腦做為現場紀錄操作,目前已完成轄內販賣業者、回收處理業、責任業者等資訊建置地理資訊系統,於簽約日60日內(4月23日)提送辦理教育訓練時間。(十一) 辦理販賣業者稽查輔導作業,統計至11月14日止,彙整13公所執行成果之稽查12行業販賣業2,443家,電子電器販賣業377家以上,及本計畫完成現場稽查輔導販賣業者計有12行業販賣業610家,稽查電子電器販賣業230家,稽查連鎖飲料店業44家。統計目前本縣列管14行業販賣業共計4,436家。(十二) 責任業者查核輔導成果統計至11月14日,包含協助辦理年度環保署函請案件82件;協助辦理其他縣市移請案件辦理49件;主動查緝轄內賣場違規責任商品計101件;覆核轄內公所年度提報案件586件,核可件數417件,不符退件169件。統計在環保署函請案件辦理結案期程,未登記案件平均為15日可完成現場稽查回覆,「未按期申報」及「營運不明」的部分則約為30日。「未標示回收標誌」案件於現場輔導查核作業時多無法發現違規事實,可能為商品運送途中黏貼的標示脫落或標示於外包裝盒,或回收標誌標示或輸出模造於不易辨識的位置等,皆屬無法告發辦理結果。分別於4月8日、7月10及10月8日提送三季資源回收責任業者與販賣業者管理重點稽查取締計畫成果季報表。(十三) 每週持續彙整本縣各機關及民間業者回收換好禮訊息,統計至11月29日止共計完成收集121則回收兌換或換好禮訊息。(十四) 辦理本縣轄內回收處理業(含已登記及未登記)、資源回收場(站)基本資料、村里回收場(站)之營運狀況暨歷年列管拾荒個體戶資料彙整及更新維護作業,統計至11月14日計有回收業90家,處理業18家,無登記回收場261家,村里社區168家,個體業者530位。 102 桃園縣政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61492
交通噪音管制及改善措施成效提升計畫 本計畫首先進行國內、外文獻蒐集整理,國外文獻軌道系統噪音改善措施在德國、丹麥、瑞士、美國及日本主要採以音源處(如車體:牽引動力音、鋼輪:鋼輪音及彎道段磨擦音鋼軌噪音、波狀磨耗)作為改善目標,國內軌道系統文獻噪音改善措施採以1.營運管理方面(如電力機車取代柴電貨車),2.路徑控制方面(如設置隔音牆),3.音源控制方面(一般鐵路系統使用長焊鋼軌,加裝噴油系統;大眾捷運系統進行降速與軌道磨軌)為主要控制方式。另外為評估陳情點受體端建物於改善措施前、後減音成效,採陸上運輸系統噪音管制標準於民宅處進行連續 24 小時量測。進一步為瞭解我國軌道系統於傳遞路徑及音源處採用改善措施前、後實際減音成效,分別於傳遞路徑及音源處,依ISO10847 量測規範進行隔音牆量測調查及ISO3095 量測規範進行(噴油、降速、夯實、磨軌)量測,調查對象分別為大眾捷運系統5處、一般鐵路系統15處,共計20處。最後綜整本計畫20處量測結果與蒐集國內、外相關文獻,彙編內容依營運管理措施、音源處改善措施、傳遞路徑進行彙編適用於我國軌道系統之各項改善措施的執行方式,隔減音效能驗收方法及適用範圍與條件及品質要求,建立在音源處、傳徑路徑及受體,選用改善措施功能評估程序,提供未來地方環保機關及交通營運管理機關選用適合改善措施執行方式之參考,以達到改善措施實際成效。 Project for traffic noise control and improving noise abatement projects The purpose of this research project is first to collect the literature on the anti-noise measures taken by railroad operators around the world. German. Denmark, Switzerland, US and Japan are among the countries that have been surveyed. The anti-noise measures used by these country are concentrated on traction noise and wheel and rail interaction noise. The counter measures taken by the operator in Taiwan are concentrated on the speed control, construction of sound barrier and the improvement of rail condition.Secondly, the understand the effectiveness of anti-noise measures, 20 locations along the TaiRail system where the noise complaint has been filed and Anti-noise measure was carried out were selected for test the effectiveness of these anti-noise measures. ISO standard 3095 and 10847 were used to measure the railway noise and the insertion loss of the noise barrier. Also24 hours noise level monitoring were carried out at these locations to determine if the noise from the rail system complies to the noise limit set by Taiwan EPA.Finally, the effectiveness of these counter measures were compiled together with theSOP for carrying out these counter measured. The counter measures include abatement for noise source, transmission path and for the receivers. And a procedure for carrying out noise abatement project were also proposed in the project. 102 空保處 國立臺灣海洋大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61609
澎湖縣102年水污染源稽查管制及巡守計畫 澎湖縣事業單位放流水的水質近年因觀光人口增加及飯店業持續增長而產生大量廢水。為保障澎湖縣居民的健康及避免接收水體的水質惡化至無法自然修復起見,實有必要對廢(污)水排放加以管制;此外,巡守隊以義工性質所組成,以海域環境清理、巡視海灘及其他環保作為為其運行目標。因此澎湖縣政府環境保護局特研提出本計畫「澎湖縣102年度水污染源稽查管制及巡守計畫」,希望有效管理澎湖縣事業廢(污)水處理及巡守隊運作情形。為持續了解澎湖縣事業資料,故今年度事業資料庫已維護更新至49家次,並為管制業者廢水處理設施運作及放流水水質情形,各事業單位實際巡查已達405家次,並採樣送驗53家次。其中不合格4家次,而以今年度整體各事業採樣結果而言,其合格率為92%,而不合格單位萬里畜牧場及海豚灣飯店已複查改善完成,天和生物股份有限公司及軍事基地通訊營推測其不合格可能原因,為有熱廢水排入及放流水中的SS較多,從而引起BOD升高上浮等可能情形;也為了使事業單位持續對環保署水污法規更新及水污染防制方法有所了解,今年度也舉辦2場次說明會,希冀對事業廢水管理有所幫助。此外,各事業廢水排放前必須取得排放許可證,澎湖縣較少新成立事業單位,故許可證需申請或變更者不多,以展延為主,今年度已審查許可文件計25件;而為使業者自行維護管理其廢水,每半年需送申報表至局裡,今年度下半年已審查申報文件計53件。為保護澎湖縣海洋環境,巡守隊以義工性質持續進行海域巡檢及清理,今年度淨灘計10場次,垃圾清除總量計3,190kg,主要來源為台灣本島及大陸漂移至澎湖的廢棄物,此兩處源頭雖難控管,但因巡守隊員不間斷的為海域環境付出心力,使得澎湖海洋依舊美麗;也為使環保局與巡守隊員保持良好關係並感謝隊員們一年來之辛勞,通報專線通聯測試達125次並舉辦一場大型年終檢討會,以犒賞其努力,另外計劃人員並親自到各隊進行水污染防治及水質檢測等教育訓練,計17場次,今年度更新成立風櫃國小巡守隊,未來也希望巡守隊學生化以使得巡守隊運作更有活力。本計畫也至各社區辦理生活污水減量宣導5場次,並印宣導摺頁發放,所有宣導作為,皆希望讓民眾對節水減污有所認知,進而可以減少用水浪費及達到污染減量。 The management scheme of water pollution and the project of water volunteer cruising in Penghu County2013 The management scheme of water pollution and the project of river volunteer cruising. 2013 executed from Apr. 12,2013 to December 31,2013. The scheme deatails is showed as following: We executed 49 patrols with 405 sites and collected 53 water simples from companies. Hold 17 sessions of professional education training,including 10 times for cleaning beaches with cleared total of garbages, 3190 kg. Published 18 NEWS in EPB of Penghu. 102 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 新研綠能科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=59540
金門縣102年度逸散污染源稽查管制計畫 102 金門縣環境保護局 安勝環境工程技師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=56422
102年度「嘉義市空氣品質考核及管理計畫」 本年度各項工作成果摘要如下:(一) 環境負荷及變化趨勢本市人口總數自88年起至101年度,歷年平均成長率為2.3%,人口增加緩慢,自99年起近3年人口有負成長情形。101年度人口數為27萬1,220人,人口密度為每平方公里4,518.41人,全國排名第2,僅次於臺北市(9,835.28人/平方公里)。本市101年車輛登記共29萬1,562輛,近10年各類車輛數為成長趨勢,成長率為14%,與過去10年(88~97年)成長率24%相較,已有趨緩。車輛密度4,857.29輛/km2,遠高於其他縣市,當中尤以機車負荷最高。全國僅次於臺北市 6,830.53輛/km2。本市工業登記總家數,101年共437家,較100年家數(423家)略為成長,近10年(92年至101年)整體趨勢呈現負成長,變動率 -9%。營建工程自97年起有逐年增加趨勢,99年與100年達近5年之高峰,件數達1,150件,污染管制亦有相當成效,削減率達51.7%。統計101年營建工程數計930件,較100年減少19.13%,污染管理配合管制措施,削減率達57.09%較去年51.7%佳。本市95~101年陳情案件數,呈現逐年增加的情況,平均每年案件數成長約9%,截至101年案件數1,145件較95年675件,成長470件,成長率70%,各類陳情以餐飲業、營建工程及露天燃燒為主。(二) 空氣品質現況雲嘉南空品區PSI值大於100 之比例,近10年(92~101年)以101年最佳,不良率0.85%,不良日數為28站日(懸浮微粒8站日;臭氧20站日),為自83年以來不良日數最少的一年。統計本年度(截至11月)本市空氣品質測定日數共329站日,空氣品質不良事件日計5站日,不良比率1.51%,符合防制目標(2.53%)。(三) 空氣品質不良通報應變作業本年度配合行政院環境保護署之空氣品質監測網,共計實施空氣品質不良通報60次(含即時15次、預報40次、濁水溪揚塵通報5次),其中均以懸浮微粒為主,整體次數較往年同期(12月)應變次數55次,略為增加。各次不良通報後,PSI值上升者計21次、具改善成效者(PSI值<100)共28次、持平者計1次,空氣品質不良事件日計4日(懸浮微粒3站日及臭氧1站日)。(四) 空氣品質淨化區本市共設置8處空氣品質淨化區,整體嘉義市空氣品質淨化區共計裸露地綠化4處、環保公園2處,自行車道2處,總計綠化面積達11.45公頃。本年度分別於5月7日和12月9日進行現場維護管理考核,各基地以「嘉油鐵馬道」最佳,其次為「啟明路綠化工程」、「富國重劃區裸露地綠化工程」,此三區域於環境清潔、設施維護及植栽維護均良好。(五) 室內空氣品質自主管理本年度共計完成50處室內場所之二氧化碳巡檢,作業達成率100%。統計各場所之巡檢結果,二氧化碳巡檢濃度平均值以醫療機構最高、幼兒園次之,濃度各為713ppm與682ppm,且最高濃度測值為1,136ppm(醫療機構)、1,494ppm(幼兒園),實應重視通風和換氣,並加強室內空氣品質管理。 2013 Chiayi City air quality assessment and management plan The results of the year are summarized as follows:(一) Environmental loads and trendsThe total city population from 1988 to 2012, the average growth rate is 2.3%. Over the years, the population increased slowly since 1999. In these three years, the population growth has shown negative growth. Till 2013, the amount of population reaches 271,220 people. The population density is 4518.41 people per square kilometer, which ranked No. 2 in the whole country, second only to Taipei City (9,538.28 people / sq km). In 2012, the registered vehicle accounts for a total of 291,562 vehicles. In the past 10 years, as for the growth of the number of all types of vehicles, the growth rate is 14%. That has been slowing down then past 10 year (1999~2008) growth rate 24%. The overall density of vehicles is 4,857.39 vehicles / km, which ranks second in Taiwan, only to Taipei (6,830.53 vehicles / km).Till 2012, there are in total 437 registered industries. Compared with that in 2011, it was the same. Over the years (2003 to 2012), it showed negative growth, and the rate of variation is -9%.As for construction projects since 2008, the number has gradually decreased. In recent years, the number of engineering has increased. The highest is in 2010 and 2011 respectively, with the number of 1,150 pieces. Pollution management with the control measures, the reduction rate has reached 51.7 %. Till 2012, the number of engineering is 930. Compared with that last year, it has decreased by 19.13%. Pollution management with the control measures, the reduction rate has reached 57.09 %, higher than 51.7% last year. Petition cases of environmental pollution has gradually increased year by year in the city, and non-odor pollutants (such as open burning, dust (construction engineering), industrial, vehicle idling and exhaust) are the main ones. It results from the rise of the public environmental awareness and concern at home environmental quality.(二) Current air quality conditionsYun Chia Air Quality Region, As for the PSI>100 rate is 0.85%, that air quality adverse event day is 28 station day. Since 1994, the best year for air quality.As for Chiayi city in this year (November), that air quality adverse event day is 5 station day (Particulate、Ozone). Rate is 1.52%, which less than 2.53%.(三) Adverse air quality notification operationsStatistically, the number of the adverse air pollution notification is 60 times in total this year (including 15 times of found and 40 times of forecasting and 5 times of Jhuoshuei river dust notification), with the suspended particles in majority. Total air pollution notification additon than last year (2011 year is 55 times). After each adverse notification, their PSI values have increased, which is 21 times in total. The ones with improved effectiveness are 28 times (PSI values <100).The fair is 1 times. The air pollution days is 4 times.(四) Air purification zonesThere were had 8 air purification zones in chiayi city. that include 6 green space , 2 bicycle paths, total greenlands was 11.45 Ha.Air purification zones will complete its assessment of the condition in management and maintenance on May 7th and December 9th this year. The achievement rate is 100%. After the field assessment, there is a total of three bases with the best maintenance.(五) indoor Air managementStage, completed a total of 50 public places carbon dioxide detector, the completion rate of 100%. Statistics 50 places the test results, the average concentration of carbon dioxide in order to detect the highest hospitals, kindergartens followed. The concentrations is 713ppm in hospitals, and 682ppm in kindergartens. Then the top concentrations values is 1,136ppm in hospitals and 1,494ppm in kindergartens. That should to manage indoor air quality, and pay attention. 102 嘉義市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=59227
102年度資源回收創意宣導工作計畫 高雄市資源垃圾回收制度在早期為民眾自發性回收有價值之資源垃圾(如鐵、鋁罐、舊報紙等),至87年配合環保署「資源回收四合一」政策,結合社區民眾、回收商、各清潔隊與回收基金,全面推動資源回收、垃圾減量的工作,為有效減少垃圾量,以經濟誘因鼓勵民眾做好資源回收工作,並陸續辦理清潔隊定點收取回收物;在垃圾收集上為解決過去垃圾子車可能造成景觀與髒亂之問題,實施垃圾強制分類、垃圾不落地政策,正式將廢棄物(垃圾)管理由未端管制朝向源頭減量資源回收管理,對於整體資源回收率提升具重大貢獻。資源回收體系對象包含一舨民眾、社區、販賣業者、製造輸入責任業者、回收處理業、回收商及公部門之清潔隊、機關、學校等,在業者部份,可透過稽查及輔導工作,使其遵守法令規定,公部門單位可透過行政體系資源,使其落實資源回收工作,民眾部份,則得仰賴多元化宣導,方能使其建立正確之資源回收觀念,本計畫之執行目標,即是運用有限資源進行妥善規劃,以提高宣導有效度,讓本市民眾對於資源回收工作有更進一步的體認,進而協助推動資源回收政策,以降低本市垃圾清運量,提升本市資源回收率。 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64062
102年度金門縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 今年度縣內共有8處列管場址,其中昔果山修彈廠為縣內第2個公告為控制場址營區,預計102年8月30日提送控制計畫書於環保局進行審核作業;其他7處場址均採土污法第七條第五項列管之場址,期中報告前已完成紅山靶場與金沙加油站驗證作業,並已於102年6月6日(府環二字第1020044556號)依照土污法規定辦理紅山靶場(控制場址)的解除列管與不公告金沙加油站為控制場址等行政作為。 According to the plan specifications for investigating and verifying the soil and groundwater contamination in Kinmen County during 2013, our team sampled and measured 63 soil and 123 groundwater samples, conducted 5 gas stations of leakage installation, held 12 propagandistic meetings, and conducted 3 petition processing. With respect of the soil investigation, the results showed that the control site in Hong-Shan shooting field can be delisted and the Jin-Sha gas station should not declare to be a polluted control site. In addition, the results also indicated that the transferred military camps were not contaminated by heavy metals, the agricultural soils on upper watershed region were not contaminated by supervisal pesticide, and the playgrounds in public area and schools were not contaminated by restricted spray lacquers as well. Regarding the groundwater investigation, the contents of ammonium, nitrate, and total dissolved solid in monitoring and the domestic wells exceeded the corresponding standards, which were associated with the leachate from local landfills, sewage, and agricultural activities. Based on this results, the possibility of purchasing water from Mainland China can be considered according to the “Kinmen Groundwater Source Evaluation Plan” by Water Resources Agency in the Ministry of Economic Affairs to import water from Amoy in 2016. Subsequently, techniques for pollutant control and negotiation among different Ministries could be applied to improve the groundwater quality in Kinmen County in the future. 102 金門縣環境保護局 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61472
金門縣102年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫 本年度『移動污染源稽查管制計畫』執行期程自102年2月19日至102年12月20日止,完成機車排氣路邊攔檢706輛、未到檢機車車牌辨識510輛、巡查800輛、訪查3,357輛、定檢站定期查核70站、實車查核7站、定檢站人員教育訓練1場及稽查人員教育訓練3場、定期檢驗通知單30,166件及二次通知10,788件寄發、充電站巡查4次158站;柴油車路邊攔檢301輛及場站檢測541輛、油品檢驗60瓶、目視判煙合格406輛、不合格30輛次、烏賊車案件處理、完成製作摺頁文宣3,500份、宣導品2,500份、機車定檢小貼紙18,000份,並舉辦3場宣導活動2場柴油車綠色駕駛及怠速熄火說明會、新聞見報10則。 Migration Pollution Source Inspection Control Program “2013 Kinmen County Mobile Pollution Source Control Project” had begun from Feb.-19- 2013 to Dec.-20-2013. This project has completed 706 inspections for motorcycle emission on the roadside; 510 judgments of identifying the license plate for un-inspection motorcycles; 800 patrolling inspections; 3,357 visiting for those vehicles which didn’t inspect for over 3 year; 70 on-site inspections for inspection stations; 7 on-site inspections by riding motorcycles; holding one education training meeting and 3 seminars of inspectors ; delivering 30,166 period inspection notices and 10,788 second notices; patrolling 4 times and 158 points of charge stations. Moreover, in the tasks of diesel vehicles, this project completed 301 inspections on the roadside and 541 inspections in the diesel inspection; 60 bottles of oil ingredient inspected; 406 visual judgments for smoked vehicles, in which there were 30 cases unqualified; dealing with the cases of smoked vehicles; making 3,500 handbills, 2,500 gifts, and 18,000 stickers; holding 3 promotions, 2 seminar for diesel vehicles drivers and ilding stop; and publishing 10 press releases on newspaper. 102 金門縣環境保護局 新研綠能科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=57179
嘉義市民俗活動、餐飲業及露天燃燒空氣污染稽查管制計畫 本年度各項工作成果摘要如下:(一) 推動寺廟空氣污染減量 依本年調查,7間寺廟主動配合減少金紙重量或拜香支數,其中4間寺廟平均紙錢減量26%,另3間寺廟平均拜香減量46%。自96年推動迄今(102年度),本市寺廟總共紙錢減少66,772公斤/年,拜香則減少4,262,346支/年,與100年紙錢及拜香減量相比,紙錢減量成長達426%,而拜香減量成長達232%,共促成各污染物減量,包含懸浮微粒668公斤、硫氧化物154公斤、氮氧化物167公斤、一氧化碳7,278公斤及多環芳香烴5公斤,並減少碳排放量100公噸。 節能效益方面,自99年推廣迄今,總計已完成更換LED燈泡23萬2,007顆,汰換率達93%,累計約減少682萬度用電,減少碳排放量4,091噸,相當於34萬棵喬木年吸收量。(二) 紙錢集中焚燒活動 清明節期間共有62處單位配合,集中紙錢13,710公斤,平均每單位集中紙錢約221公斤;而101年配合單位則有60處,集中紙錢14,080公斤,平均每單位紙錢約234公斤,減少比例達5.6%,顯示針對大樓住戶宣導紙錢減量使用與集中處理,漸有效果。 中元普渡期間,共計有152處單位響應,較101年度85處相比增加67處,成長率達79%。本市朝天宮主動配合紙錢減量,平均將每戶紙錢祭拜量由去年0.146公斤降為0.117公斤,減少比例達20 %。在紙錢集中處理量,共計集中約79.25公噸,較101年72.94公噸,成長了8.6%,經本計畫估算共計約有6.2萬人參與,顯示民眾逐漸願意配合紙錢集中燃燒作業。(三) 露天燃燒陳情案件稽巡查作業 今年度共接獲200件次民眾陳情案件,其中有燃燒痕跡或為尚在燃燒情形者共94件(佔陳情件數47%),而與101年相比較,燃燒物類型差異小,以稻草、樹枝葉及木材為主,各查獲地點,好發於西區人口密度較低之處,未來可加強該區之巡查及管制。為免稻穫後露天燃燒情形,在稻作收割後,加強農業區巡查作業,共巡查95件,發現10件次,因應天氣影響,導致稻草露天燃燒行為提早至6月及11月,顯示未來第1、2期稻作收割加強巡查管制及推動稻草再利用措施須較歷年提早執行。(四) 餐飲業飲油煙污染與防制資料普查作業 今年度共計完成餐飲業普查131家,依經營型態區分,以中式餐飲為主,佔了42%;依前處理設備區分,62%之業者皆有裝設擋板式設備;依後處理設備區分,有裝設防制設備之比例達34%,其中以裝設水洗式比例最高。(五) 餐飲業空氣污染稽查作業 今年度共完成餐飲業稽巡查290件次,屬油煙(餐飲業)陳情案件共接獲121件,與歷年同期相比,發現陳情比例減少達13.1%。顯示經宣導及管制,各業者已逐步加強污染管制工作,降低民眾污染陳情反映。(六) 餐飲業空氣污染輔導減量 今年度共計完成餐飲業輔導減量15家次,作業達成率100%。各業者經輔導委員(國立中山大學環境工程研究所 周明顯教授),現場勘查及建議後,皆已完成改善工作。 Chiayi City folk activities, catering and open burning of the Air Pollution Control plan Summary of the work results during the year are as follows:(A)The promotion of the reduction of air pollution from temples According to the survey this year, there are seven temples actively cooperating to reduce the weight of ghost money or the amount of incense. Among those temples, there are four temples reducing the amount of ghost money by 26% on average, the other three temples reduce the amount of incense by 46% on average. Since 2007 till now, a total of 66,772 kg/year of ghost money can be reduced in the temples of ours city; as for incense, a total of 4.26 million incense has been reduced. Compared to the amount of the ghost money and incense in 2011, the growth rate of ghost money reduction reached 426%; the incense reduction rate 232 %, reduced emission including 668 kg of particulate pollutants , 154 kg of sulfur oxides , 167 kg of nitrogen oxides , 7,278 kg of carbon monoxide , 5 kg of polycyclie aromartic hydrocarbons , and 100 tons carbon emissions can be reduced . As for energy efficiency, since the promotion in 2010 till now, a total of 232,007 pieces LED bulbs has been replaced and the replacement rate reached 93 %. It has been calculated that approximately 6.82 million degrees of electricity has been reduced cumulatively and the reduction of carbon emissions is 4,091 tons, equivalent to the absorption amount of 340,000 trees.(B)Ghost money burning together activities During the tomb-sweeping holiday, there are 62 places cooperating with us. 13,710 kilograms of concentrated ghost money, ghost money per unit concentrated to about 221 kg; while there are 62 places cooperating last year , 14,080 kilograms of concentrated ghost money, ghost money per unit of about 234 kg, reducing the proportion of 5.6%, which shows that the advocacy gradually works when we promote the reduction of ghost money and concentration burning activities. During the mid-ghost month, there are 152 places cooperating with us. Compared with 85 places in 2012, there are 67 places more with the growth rate of 79%. In our city, Chao Tian temple actively cooperated with us on reducing burning ghost money. On average, the quantity of burned ghost money by every household has greatly dropped from last year’s 0.146 kg to 0.117 kg this year with the decreasing rate by 20%. As for the amount of gathered ghost money, it is a total of 79.94 tons, compared with 72.94 tons in 2012, with a slight growth of 8.6%. It is estimated that about 6.2 million people join this activity, indicating that the public has accepted the operation of ghost money burning together.(C)Open air burning petition cases and inspection operations we have received a total of 200 public petition cases in this year. Among them, there were 94 cases with burn marks or still burning situations (taking up 47 % in the petition cases), The type of buring objects this year, compared with those in 2012, has a small difference. Straw, branches leaves and plants are the mojority. The revealed and burnt locatons mostly are situated in the west of where the population density is slower, which showed that the inspection or control measures should be enhanced in this region. To avoid open burning waste after rice harvest, the patrol inspection operation in the agricultural area has been strengthened after the rice harvest. A total of 95 cases have been inspected, 10 cases have been revealed. In response to weather effects, the straw open burning has advanced to June and November, which shows that a step up inspections and control of the harvesting rice straw and the promotion of straw re-use measures are required to perform earlier than that in the previous year.(D)Smoke pollution prevention information census operations in the food and beverage industry 131 places of the food and beverage industry have been completed in this year. According to the management style, Chinese food business accounts for 42%; according to the pre-treatment equipment, 62% of the business have been equipped with baffle equipment; according to the post-processing equipment, 34% of the business are installed with control equipment. Among them, the installation of the water-wash equipment occupied the most.(E)Air pollution inspectors operation in the food and beverage industry in this year, there were 290 cases of inspection finished. 121 petition cases on air pollution are received from the food and beverage industry business. Compared with that in the previous year, the number of petitions have declined with a reduction proportion of 15.2 %. What mentioned above showed that with the advocacy and control, the industry owners have gradually strengthened pollution control work, and reduced public pollution petition feedback.(F)Air pollution reduction counseling in the food and beverage industry A total of 15 times of counseling has been completed. The operation achieving rate is 100%. After the counseling member’s, Professor Zhou Ming xian, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, on-site investigation and recommendations. There were all industries have completed improvement. 102 嘉義市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股粉有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=58832
102年度公告事業用地土壤污染評估調查及檢測制度執行成效追蹤及推動計畫 本計畫協助環保署推動土壤及地下水污染整治法(以下簡稱土污法)第8、9條公告事業用地土壤污染評估調查及檢測制度,主要工作成果包括:一、統計分析民國102年1月1日至102年11月30日止之申報案件計635件,彙整常見問題並研擬對策,分析歷年申報資料並研擬績效指標,展現制度執行成效。二、分析土污法第8、9條子法實施現況與執行問題,研訂子法修正草案,規劃第三批公告事業與線上申報執行策略,探討土污法第8、9條納入地下水檢測可能產生的問題。三、完成189處未依規定申報事業初勘,針對其中35處場址進行現地勘查,並完成其中21處場址之土壤採樣查證,計有6處場址超過法規標準。四、完成7處環保署指定已申報事業用地之土壤採樣查證,結果均未超過法規標準。五、協助環保署查核審查中心執行狀況,完成38件申報案件之預審內容與電子化檔案查核,提出審查中心未來發展方向。六、配合子法規範,修正與新增資料管理系統與人員管理系統表單及功能,建立線上填寫平台,以利後續推動線上申報制度。七、協助環保署完成新增25位評估調查人員登記與13場次研討會或訓練課程累計時數57小時之核定。八、協助環保署辦理2場次宣導說明會與1場次教育訓練,編印2種宣導手冊、1種宣導摺頁、1種宣導海報,並提供專業技術諮詢。 Project for promoting and tracking the soil pollution assessment investigation and test system of th This project will assist the Environmental This project was to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in promoting activities related to Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act (hereafter referred to as SGPRA). The following work items were implemented in the project:1.Compiled the soil pollution assessment investigation and test cases reported to the EPA in this project (635 cases), analyzed the problems of execution and offered the suggestions to solve them. Analyzed historical data and defined performance indicators to assess the performance.2.Analyzed the regulations, planned the categories of enterprises (Batch III), made draft amendments, and discussed the problems of groundwater pollution assessment investigation and test.3.Among the un-reported companies, initial checked 189 publicly designated industrial land sites, inspected 35 sites, and conducted soil sampling and verification of 21 sites of them. Finally, there were 6 sites that the concentrations of pollutants exceeded standards.4.Among the reported companies, conducted soil sampling and verification of 7 sites assigned by EPA. All concentrations of pollutants did not exceed standards.5.Audited the execution of two review centers, checked 38 cases of pre-review contents, digitized files, and planned the development in the future.6.Maintained “Information Management System of Soil Pollution Inspection on the Land Publicly Designated Industrial Land” and “Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation Personnel Management System”, upgraded system functions, and set up an on-line reporting platform.7.Helped 25 Personnel to register, approved 13 meetings and trainings (total 57 hours).8.Held 2 guidance meetings and 1 training. Published 2 booklets, 1 brochure and 1 poster, and provided professional and technical consultation to the EPA. 102 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=57882
金門縣102年度固定污染源許可管制及餐飲業輔導改善計畫 本計畫執行期程係自102年2月19日至102年12月31日止。主要工作項目包括:執行許可制度、資料庫維護更新與管理、辦理空污費催補繳及查核、執行排放量網路申報審核、辦理本縣空氣污染防制費徵收、催補繳及查核作業、提昇固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法法規符合度、餐飲業油煙減量及公私場所異味污染改善及加油站油氣回收管制作業。整體實際工作項目執行率達97.2%,共完成6件固定污染源操作許可申請審查及發證作業,目前仍受理審查申共有6件次。稽查檢測作業共進行6根次之煙道稽查檢測、12件次油品含硫份採樣檢測、12點TSP周界採樣檢測次;執行43家次固定污染源巡查作業,協助審查14家次空氣污染物排放量案件及40家空氣污染防制費審查。並辦理6場相關法規宣導會。本計畫也在金門縣地方電視台,進行為期2個月餐飲業污染減量之媒體宣導作業。 The fixed pollution sources permits being in charge of the peculiar smell pollution of and the food and beverage manufacturing industry to coach the plan of improving Performance duration of this project is between February 19, 2013, and December 20, 2013. Main work items include performance of permit system, maintenance and update and management of database, reminding and supplementing payment and examination of air pollution control fee, performance of internet declaration and review on emission amount, collection of air pollution control fee in the county, reminding and supplementing payment and examination, compliance degree with Measure for Promoting and Governing Air Pollution Protection Facilities against Dispersing Particle Pollutant Produced by Stationary Sources, Oil fumes Reduction in Food Services and Pollution Improvement of Peculiar Smell in Private and Public Places and Recycle and Control of Fuel Vapor in Gas Station. Up to now, execution rate of overall work items of this stage is 97.2% and total 6 cases of application for operation permit of stationary pollution sources are accomplished, 6 case of application for establishment permit, 6 cases of fume channel audit and test, 12 cases of sampling test for sulfur content of oil products, 12 locations of TSP perimeter sampling test; examinations of 43stationary pollution sources, assistance in reviewing 8 cases of air pollutant amount and 40cases of air pollution control fee. Relevant laws and regulations of promotional activities held 6 sessions, This project was also transmitted as a media campaign through the local Kinmen TV station for 2 months for the purpose of pollution reduction in food service. 102 金門縣環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=56418
102年環保知識挑戰擂臺賽總決賽專案工作計畫 本計畫目的為辦理全國性環保知識挑戰擂臺賽總決賽;經由各直轄市、縣(市)政府環境保護局及教育局(處)的地區性初賽辦理,至全國性的環保知識競賽活動,按照點而面的實施方式,先讓地區的參賽者熟悉環保知識競賽型式和題目類型,以於全國性的環保知識競賽活動能達到平等性的競賽環境,真正實踐民眾對於環保知識知和行學習的目的。本計畫完成之工作事項為:1.辦理全國22縣(市)總決賽,負責場內競賽進行即問題處理相關事項。2.聘邀全國22縣(市)總決賽共8位環境教育或環境工程專長相關的專家學者,組成總決賽裁判團,每組別2位專家學者各擔任裁判長及裁判委員,以維持公平及公正的競賽品質。3.聘請全國22縣(市)總決賽共4位場內競賽司儀,進行場內競賽活動主持,並進行活動開幕及頒獎典禮。4.安排十位人力學習使用IRS即時反饋系統,進行場內競賽儀器操作;並準備讀卡機、答案卡及一應相關文具作為競賽備案。5.研擬全國環保知識挑戰擂臺賽總決賽之競賽規則。6.於102年12月14日辦理國小組、國中組、高中(職)組及社會組全國總決賽。7.規劃並安排全國22縣(市)總決賽參賽選手及參與人員包含競賽場地、休息區域、餐飲、交通住宿、裁判、主持人及司儀聘請、賽事轉播、獎金及獎狀發放等相關事宜。8.針對全國22縣(市)總決賽規劃活動網站,進行線上轉播並公告活動相關事宜。9.於全國22縣(市)總決賽活動會場設置五關闖關遊戲,並提供價值新台幣六萬元總計71個獎項,供完成闖關遊戲之參賽選手及參與人員抽獎。10.完成活動各項製作物設計及製作。11.於全國22縣(市)總決賽活動後達到共21則媒體曝光,並獲得共805,000元之媒體效益。 Environmental Knowledge Challenge Competition Project The project aims at organizing the environmental knowledge challenge competition around Taiwan. The preliminary round was held by each city (county)’s Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Education, which allowed the participants to get familiar with the environmental knowledge contest forms and types of questions at the national environmental knowledge contest to achieve equality of the competition ; the target is to increase participants and citizens’ awareness and knowledge about environmental protection.The following is a list of the project content:1.To organize the final round of the environmental knowledge challenge competition in 22 counties or cities.2.To invite 8 scholars from the field of environmental education or environmental engineering as judges to maintain the equity and quality of the competition.3.To invite 4 contest moderators to host the opening ceremony, competition, and award ceremony.4.Arrange 10 staffs to operate the Interactive Response System (IRS)5.To develop the environmental knowledge challenge competition final round’s competition rules.6.Arrangethe four groups: elementary, junior high school, senior high school and social groups, to the final competition on December 14, 2013.7.Arrange 22 counties or cities’ final round participants’accommodation, transportation, dinning, resting area, competition area, judges, broadcast, host, awards and etc.…8.To broadcast the competition live on the event website and to announce the latest announcement related to the competition on the event website.9.Set-up interactive games in 22 counties or cities’ during the final competition. And give-out 71 drawing prizes, which is equivalent to $60,000 NTD, to citizens who participated in the interactive game.10.Completed the finals event production for design and production.11.To reach a total of 21 media exposure; 805,000 NTD of media effect. 102 綜計處 新視紀整合行銷傳播股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61335
102年度高雄市資源回收形象改造工作計畫 高雄市資源回收制度在早期為民眾自發性回收有價值之資源垃圾(如鐵、鋁罐、舊報紙等),至87年配合環保署「資源回收四合一」政策,結合社區民眾、回收商、各區清潔隊與回收基金,全面推動資源回收、垃圾減量工作,為有效減少垃圾量,以經濟誘因鼓勵民眾做好資源回收工作,並陸續辦理清潔隊定點收取回收物;在垃圾收集上為解決過去垃圾子車可能造成景觀與髒亂之問題,實施垃圾強制分類、垃圾不落地政策,正式將廢棄物(垃圾)管理由末端管制朝向源頭減量資源回收管理,對於整體資源回收率提升具重大貢獻。 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61392
102年度金門縣節能減碳宣導推動計畫 102 金門縣環境保護局 尚竑工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61489
102年度嘉義市逸散污染源稽查管制計畫暨空氣污染夜間陳情案件處理計畫 本市逸散性污染源中有很大的比例來自營建工程,而工程施工帶來生活上的不便利性、噪音、污染…等是最常為民眾垢病的部分。計畫除了由巡查過程中督促業者確實做好污染防制,今年度也持續透過「出入口管制」及「重大工地專案管制」、「道路認養加布條及張貼洗掃專線」做為巡查輔助措施,來提升管制品質。自嘉義市政府設置「1999」陳情專線以來,民眾可更即時的反應各項問題,使計畫需處理的陳情案件略有增加,本計畫以提升處理的滿意度為前題,做為陳情案件處理的準則,希望藉此維護市民享有良好居住環境的權利。計畫執行完成2,086次的工地巡查作業,管理辦法法規符合狀況查核稽巡查列管工地92.36%。一、二級營建工地管理辦法符合率81.5%,TSP產生量1,375.76公噸,TSP削減量878.65公噸,削減率63.87%。其他工作項目概述如下:舉辦2場次營建工程污染防制協調會暨營建噪音協談會,以及1場次營建噪音協談會和102年度優良工地評選1場次。推動道路認養洗掃達4,540.75公里及道路洗掃專線10處,42處的圍籬綠美化及工地裸露地進行植被綠化15.11公頃,另配合環保署執行營建工程噪音管制稽巡查共119件。處理空氣污染夜間陳情案件、執行各項巡查管制工作及相關交辦陳情案件累計至目前止達1,586件,其中包括1133件陳情案件處理、335件一般例行性稽查(包括空污41件、噪音21件、露天燃燒270件、營建工程3件)、52件空氣品質預報不良稽查、20件露天燃燒及廢棄物重點區域巡查、46件制高點觀測巡查。而陳情案件到場平均時間為14.02分鐘,在滿意度調查部分整體得分為99.53分。 The sources of fugitive particulate emissions in Chiayi city come mostly from constructions. Additionly, the inconvenience, noise, pollution, etc. that constructions cause are most commonly complained by civilians. Besides supervising constructors through inspection process to execute pollution prevention, this year we elevate quality of control by including three steps - gateway control, control of major construction sites and giving information of road-adoption on a strip of cloth. Since Chiayi city government set a special line "1999" for nuisance dispute cases, civilians have been able to raise various questions in time. Hence, nuisance petitions increase slightly. Therefore, it is our aim to elevate satisfaction concerning handling nuisance petitions. By doing that, we hope for remaining civilians' right of enjoying a good living environment.As per the project, 2,086 inspections of construction sites have been implemented. 92.36 percent of the inspections comply with the Regulations of Management Measures and 81.5 percent of those comply with the Management Measures for Level-1 and Level-2 Construction Sites. The TSP production is 1,375.76 tons; the TSP reduction is 878.65 tons with the reduction rate 63.87 percent. The following are other implemented tasks: holding two meetings for the purpose of coordination in the policy of construction site's air pollution prevention including coordination regarding construction noise in the second meeting, holding an election of good construction sites for the year of 2013,advancing road-adoption up to 4,540.75 kilo-meter, and greening 42 fences and 151,122.52 square meters of bare construction sites.Up to now there are 1,586 cases processed from public nuisance dispute system, inspections of different controls, and environmental protection agencies. Among them 1,133 cases are nuisance petitions, 335 general routine inspections (including 41 air pollution, 21 noise pollution, 270 open fire and 3 construction works), 52 bad forecast of air quality, 20 open fire and general wastes, and 46 from high points of the city. The average time of arriving on the scene for nuisance petitions is 14.02 minutes. The overall satisfaction survey is 99.53 points. 102 嘉義市政府環境保護局 詠續環保企業社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=60212
金門縣101年度空氣品質管理計畫 空氣品質管理計畫執行期程係自101年2月16日至101年12月20日止,主要完成工作項目包括:空氣品質監測資料蒐集分析、空氣污染排放清單更新、協助研擬空氣品質管理策略、考核管理各空氣污染委辦計畫辦理成效、按時彙整提報各項例行性工作表、完成空氣品質改善工作成效滿意度問卷、進行公共場所30家CO2巡檢與5家室內空品污染物檢測並協助環保局辦理有關空氣品質管理業務。金門縣人口數、機動車輛數等環境負荷有逐年增長情形,101年至10月止共發生5不良日,不良比例為1.37%,為近年來同期空品最佳之年度,顯示除了氣候條件因素之影響外,各項污染管制工作亦發揮了相當大的成效。依據「金門縣101年度空氣污染防制計畫管理及考核評分辦法」各計畫考核總成績皆為80分以上,考核等第為佳。問卷調查結果整體而言,有七成的民眾滿意環保局改善空氣污染之整體努力成果,而以汽、機車管制及露天燃燒管制為最多民眾認為該加強污染管制之項目。而公私場所CO2巡檢30家中有2家超過CO2濃度建議值,經輔導後濃度已下降。另協助環保局完成空氣污染防治計畫書(102年版)、提報101年度金門縣特色作法及金門縣空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評要點、彙整環保署期初座談會書面資料及參加環保署各項大小會議。 The air quality management plan The implementation period of the Air Quality Control Plan was from February 16th, 2012 to December 20th, 2012. The main workitems completed during this period included: collection and analysis of air quality monitoring data, the updating of air pollution emission lists, assisting in the development of air quality control strategies, assessment of the effectiveness of various air pollution control measures, producing scheduled work charts for various routine items, the completion of a questionnaire on public satisfaction levels towards the effectiveness of efforts to improve air quality, the inspection of CO2 levels in 30 public places, and of air pollutants in five public places, and assisting the Environment Protection Agency in its air quality control work.Environmental stress factors, such as population, and motor vehicle numbers, have increased year on year in Kinmen County. In the year 2012, up to October, there were 5 days PSI > 100, a ratio of 1.37% over the year, and the best air quality for this same period in recent years. This demonstrates that, apart from the influence of climatical factors, the effectiveness of various efforts at pollution control have also had a significant impact. According to the 'Management & Assessment Score for Kinmen County's 2012 Air Pollution Prevention & Control Plan' the various measures undertaken scored a combined 80+ points, an 'Excellent' assessment rating. As to the overall results of the survey, 70% of the public expressed satisfaction with the efforts of the Environmental Protection Agency on air pollution, with 'motor vehicle control measures' and 'burning of outdoor fires control measures' being the items most people believe to be in greatest need of reinforcing. In the 30 public and private locations inspected, two had CO2 concentrations above the recommended levels; through counseling, these concentration levels have been brought down. Assistance was also given to the completion of the Environmental Protection Agency's Air Pollution Prevention & Control Plans (2013), a report was made on the special methods used in Kinmen County for the year2012, and the main points for consideration in the maintenance or improvement of Kinmen County's air quality, written data was consolidated for the Environmental Protection Agency's opening seminar and the various conferences and meetings of the EPA were participated in. 101 金門縣環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53780
以國際經驗提昇我國土壤及地下水整治策略績效及未來發展評析計畫 本計畫主要透過蒐集先進國家土水業務推動歷程找出國內可參考之經驗,同時比較我國現行制度與先進國家之差異性,期能完備我國土水制度。為了解國內土水業務推動瓶頸,計畫中分別召開國內土水產業及政府機關業務執行研商會,彙整各方意見後作為蒐集三處國際土水領域發展健全國家之土壤及地下水相關經驗、遭遇困難及因應方法重點方向,透過評析各國土水制度之差異性及優缺點,提出未來法規修正、相關單位分工合作之建議。除此之外,本計畫亦將重點置於協助國內土水產業發展,因此在先進國家的資訊蒐集上,針對其發展產業之經驗如技術提升、市場開拓策略等進行蒐集。為研擬我國土水產業輸出策略,計畫中彙整三處新興國家土水發展現況,包含主要污染類型、政府分工、法規建制進程、產業發展、市場機會等進行資訊蒐集,並比較與我國現況之差異性,了解我國土水產業的優、劣勢所在,據以提出投入新興國家市場應做之準備,於期末召開環保產業交流會,使業界透過計畫成果了解新興國家市場發展狀況,並提出對政府部門施政方針之建議。為使國內土水制度與業務能與國際趨勢接軌,計畫中同時邀請美國專家辦理國際土水趨勢之教育課程並與國內專家學者進行意見交流、赴澳洲參加2013年整治技術研討會進行資料蒐集並與南澳環保局進行交流,最後提出我國未來政策發展方向之建議。 Project of Promoting the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Efficiency via Foreign Experience To understand the soundness of our soil/ groundwater remediation system, this project introduces seminars to know the suggestions from industrial and governmental points of view. Through the reviews of experiences from three advanced countries including the programs that help the development of technologies and marketing strategy for remediation related industries. We then suggest the programs and related guidance to be adopted in our country. Also, we recommend the parts of regulation system to be modified. To help our environmental industries to export their technologies and experiences, this project collects soil/ groundwater remediation status including regulation, pollution types, government cooperation, remediation technologies, marketing opportunities etc. from three developing countries. By the end of this project, we reveal the information gathered to industries to know if further aids are needed. In order to get connected with international trend nowadays, we also invite expert from advanced country for a training session and hold a meeting with experts in our country. To get connected with international trend in remediation, we participate in the Cleanup 2013 held in Australia and interact with South Australia EPA for experience exchange. All the suggestions are provided for future policy development. 101 土污基管會 台境企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61342
低碳永續家園調適與災害防救行動項目推動專案工作計畫 本計畫執行工作為推動「環境調適與災害防救」行動項目執行,依據工作項目要求,將彙整國內各推動層級執行之相關計畫與成功案例資料蒐集、研修本運作機能推動策略與措施、建立行動項目認證與實施專案以及辦理輔導宣導會議以利行動項目推動試行。 Promoting Action Plans of Disaster Prevention and Potection and Adaptation for Low Carbon and Sustai This project is improving the action plans of adaptation and disaster prevention and protection for the low-carbon sustainable society. The major contents of this project are: (1) to collect the related projects or programs and successful cases of the adaptation and disaster prevention and protection that have been executed or are executing by Taiwan Government; (2) to research and revise the implement strategy of this operation mechenism- adaptation and disaster prevention and protection; (3) to build the certifying and executive projects of the action plans; (4) to hold tranning and advocating conferences. 102 毒管處 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61038
102年度全國執行土污基金相關業務管制考核計畫 本計畫執行期間為102年3月11日起至102年12月15日止,共有3項主要工作,第1項工作為辦理相關會議與培訓課程,促進國內技術交流與發展,培訓本土土壤及地下水專業人才。內容包含101年度地方環保機關績效考評總成績頒獎典禮;依據訂定之業務評鑑制度,協助籌組評鑑小組,並辦理1場次行前說明會並舉辦2天1夜業務評鑑及成績審查確認會;廣邀產官學界,完成1場至少300人次之技術開發及模場專案成果發表與研討會議;協助辦理例行性補助計畫相關作業;於暑假期間完成90人次大專院校「土壤及地下水污染整治種子人才培訓營」;針對技術面與政策面資訊交流擬定系統性主題,邀請國內外專家學者進行10場次之公開性演講。第2項工作為檢討環保署相關行政管理文件及資訊系統,提升土壤及地下水污染整治工作品質,強化土壤及地下水污染整治工作管理機制。工作包含擬訂計畫執行情形及成果追蹤管理查核表,彙整相關成果並追蹤辦理情形;完成績效考評指引供各地方環保局參考,回饋考評系統辦理修正作業,並協助辦理系統測試;修訂「103年度地方環境保護機關土壤及地下水污染整治業務推動績效考評計畫」,按季提出考核季報,以確保地方環保機關上傳考評系統資料正確性;協助追蹤彙整101年度績效考評獎勵金之運用情形;彙整現行「土壤及地下水污染研究計畫與技術提昇補助辦法」執行問題及歷年成果,並提出建議。第3項工作為推展土壤及地下水污染整治工作成果,提昇國內土壤及地下水調查及污染整治技術。完成101土壤及地下水污染整治年報;協助辦理102年度土壤及地下水污染整治基金補助研究及模場試驗專案計畫追蹤管考與審查工作,彙整審查委員意見提出計畫執行成果報告;協助辦理103年度土壤及地下水污染整治基金補助研究及模場試驗專案計畫相關申請工作;每月蒐集、彙整、摘譯各國及重要國際組織發表之新興技術、實際應用案例及執行流程等技術面資料至少5篇;按季提交國外相關國際會議與動態資訊供環保署參考;按季提交本署施政成果內容更新,並於「土壤及地下水污染整治網」中對外公布。 Audit and Evaluation of Control and Management of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund As The duration of this project was from March 11th, 2013 to December 15th, 2013. This project included 3 major tasks. The first task was to hold all kinds of meetings and training sessions to enhance the technology promotion and personnel training including: the awarding ceremony of 2012 achievement evaluation for Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB). Establish the board according to the audit rule and hold 2-day evaluation meeting then finish the score examination. Carry out a conference exhibition related to technology development and pilot-scale test for at least 300 people. Assist local EPBs on subsidy application for regular soil and groundwater related work. Hold a training session for 90 college level students during summer time. Arrange a series of 10 lecture sessions and invite international and domestic professionals as speakers.The second task was to review the document and information system of administration process in order to enhance the soil and groundwater remediation management quality. The objectives include: Design the evaluation function to exam and collect the achievements of EPBs. Propose the guidance of audit system for EPBs’ reference and assist the revising test for the on-line system. Complete the score calculation for EPBs each quarter of the fiscal year of 2013 and check the accuracy of the data uploaded. Prepare the “Audit Rules Guidance of Fiscal Year 2014”. Analyze the grant utilization of EPBs of fiscal year 2012. Collect the results and obstacles of research and technology development projects and provide the suggestions.The third task was to promote the achievements of remediation activities and elevate the skills of investigation and remediation, includes: Complete the edition of soil and groundwater remediation year book of 2012. Assist the application and review processes of research and pilot-scale projects for 2013 and 2012 respectively. Set topics and translate 5 articles for each month and compare with the situation in our country. Provide international conference information for authorization’s reference. Renew the government accomplishments on official website seasonally. 102 土污基管會 台境企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61289
「噪音業務績效管制及噪音管理系統更新維護計畫」專案工作計畫 本計畫擴充「噪音管理資訊系統」功能以及「噪音管制資訊網站」持續更新維護,以提供民眾完善方便之噪音管制資訊查詢系統,查詢最新噪音管制業務各項施政成果,並協助環保局線上建置及統計分析噪音相關資料。工作包括:限定使用資料庫之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備分,保護資料安全;同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考核資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另外,本年度轉入約53,184件稽查紀錄資料,修改102年度績效考評功能及公務報表。噪音管制資訊網中,更新維護環保林園大道、近鄰噪音及低頻噪音網頁;以及更新9個縣市噪音管制區連結、3個縣市航空噪音防制區連結。 The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Management Information System” and “The Noise Control Management Information Website”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the public and helped the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) users to set up and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project also presented noise control data on “The Noise Control Management Information Website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year. Within the project, the team implemented the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. They also upgraded functions of determinative output, data validation, inquiry and statistics, modified 2013 performance evaluation function for EPB. These functions could make the application be more efficient. There were about 53,184 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database. The project team expanded modified the environmental garden avenue web pages, neighborhood noise web pages and the low-frequency noise web pages. At the same time, the project team had renewed 9 links of cities/counties noise control districts data, 3 links of aviation noise protected district data. 102 空保處 智通工程科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61240
屏東縣工業區臭味物質監測及有害污染調查計畫 本計畫工作期程自102年3月30日至102年12月31日為止,各項工作進度達成率與成果摘述如表1所示,現階段執行成果說明如下:一、背景資料蒐集與分析依據行政院環保署「易致空污突發事件之高風險工業區風險潛勢評估手冊」估算,篩選屏南工業區及內埔工業區為今年度計畫執行之工業區。本計畫完成屏南及內埔工業區清查作業,屏南工業區列管工廠46家(目前已停工7家、部分製程停工有2家)及未列管工廠37家(目前停工5家);內埔工業區列管工廠22家(目前已停工1家)及未列管工廠33家(目前停工4家)。另為掌握空氣污染事件之應變能量,本工作團隊將協助轄區內目標工業區鄰近區域之敏感受體(包含學校、社區及醫院)及避難場所資料,並協助定期(每半年一次)檢視及更新「空氣污染事件應變處理查詢系統」應變資源之資料,確認實際使用應變器材數量,目前依行政院環保署-空氣污染事件處理查詢系統上之資料,屏東縣102上半年更新日期為2013年5月27日,下半年更新日期為2013年11月14日。二、敏感區位污染源清查及評鑑作業屏南工業區使用81項高風險物種之工廠有「申豐化學工業股份有限公司」、「長興化學工業股份有限公司屏東分公司」、「盟鑫金屬有限公司」、「高興昌鋼鐵股份有限公司」、「鯤晟五金股份有限公司」、「宏萊實業股份有限公司屏南廠」、「旭紘環保科技股份有限公司」、「協麟實業有限公司」等共計8間工廠,18個製程,其中使用高風險物種11種;屏東工業區使用81項高風險物種之工廠有「崑興企業股份有限公司」等計1間工廠,1個製程,使用高風險物種1種;內埔工業區現則無使用高風險物種之工廠與製程存在。依製程風險指標計算方法,估算轄區內各工業區風險潛勢後,得知屏東縣轄內工業區屏南工業區屬高度風險程度、屏東工業區及內埔工業區屬低度風險程度。本年度計畫將規劃高風險之工廠區污染源評鑑作業,彙集相關資料並對疑似污染源廠商之製程、許可內容及空氣污染防制設備進行輔導評鑑提出改善建議,篩選評鑑對象有「申豐化學工業股份有限公司」、「長興化學工業股份有限公司屏東分公司」、「盟鑫金屬有限公司」、「高興昌鋼鐵股份有限公司」、「鯤晟五金股份有限公司」、「宏萊實業股份有限公司屏南廠」等共計6間工廠,六家次高風險評鑑作業,分別於102年10月25日及102年11月8日委由專家學者進行高風險評鑑作業。三、工廠指紋資料檢測VOCs採樣完成3點次採樣及周界有害空氣污染物檢測作業已完成5處次之採樣,另依環保署「工業區空氣污染物指紋資料建置與鑑定比對準則」建議之檢測分析方法,進行排放管道或製程區(若該製程無排放管道)之採樣分析,建立風險污染源之排放指紋資料,本項作業完成執行3根次排放管道採樣。製程周界VOCs採樣檢測排放污染物種中檢測出二氯二氟甲烷、氯甲烷、1,3-丁二烯、二氯甲烷、4-甲基-2-戊酮、三氯一氟甲烷、丙酮、2-丁酮、甲苯、乙苯、鄰,間,對-二甲苯、苯乙烯、1,2,4-三甲基苯、丙烷、甲醇、一氯二氟甲烷、丙烯腈及alpha-甲基苯乙烯等物種,其中以甲醇所測得濃度為最高(0.0254 ppm),次高濃度污染物為丙酮((0.0043ppm),第三高濃度污染物為1,3-丁二烯(0.0038ppm)。周界有害空氣污染物檢測作業結果分析五處次污染物種中皆檢測出二氯二氟甲烷、丙酮、2-丁酮、苯、甲苯及甲醇等6種共同性污染物。風險污染源之排放指紋資料排放管道採樣結果,崑興企業股份有限公司及鯤晟股份有限公司屏南廠鹽酸分析結果分別為0.155ppm及小於1.19ppm,另協麟實業有限公司甲苯分析結果為0.02g/s。四、開放路徑紅外光譜儀連續監測(OP-FTIR)屏南工業區中,分別於申豐測線測得甲醇、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、乙酸乙酯、丙烯腈、1,3-丁二烯等,共5種污染物;長興測線測得甲醇、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、乙烯、乙酸乙酯、1,3-丁二烯等,共5種污染物;和協測線測得甲醇、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、乙酸乙酯、正丁烷、正己烷、環己烷、正庚烷、1,3-丁二烯等,共8種污染物,其中於三測線皆測得的污染物共四種,合計本次於屏南工業區共出現10種不同的汙染物。內埔工業區監測作業中測得甲醇、乙烯、乙酸乙酯、乙醇、環己烷、氯二氟甲烷、二氟二氯甲烷等,共7種污染物。屏東工業區監測作業中測得1,1,1,2-四氯乙烷、甲醇、乙酸乙酯、二甲醚、二氟二氯甲烷、三氟溴甲烷、氯二氟甲烷、異丙醚等,共8種污染物。五、硫化氫空氣品質連續監測站暨臭異味事件應變系統維護102年1月1日至11月20日硫化氫濃度最大值濃度為21.76ppb(儀器查核工作監測數據已排除),102年1月至11月之日平均濃度為2.17ppb。根據屏南監測站102年1月至11月間之氣象資料指出,風向主要來自西北方及西南西方一帶,風速大約多在0~4m/s 區間。以硫化氫月平均值分析結果顯示,1至3月為冬季及春季,風向多屬西北風,監測站測得濃度多為西北方工廠之空氣濃度,硫化氫1至3月平均值為 2.94ppb,1至3月之日最大平均值為5.28ppb,4至6月為夏天梅雨季節濕度較高,風向仍為西北風居多,硫化氫平均濃度值比起1~3月較無突發性高值出現,硫化氫4至6月平均值為2.59ppb,4至6月之日最大平均值為3.82 ppb,7至9月為秋季,風向以西北風跟東北風為主,硫化氫平均濃度值比起1~6月,7月有突發性的高值出現,硫化氫7至9月平均值為1.36 ppb,7至9月之日最大平均值為4.16 ppb,10月至11月為秋季跟冬季,風向10月以東北風為主11月以西北風為主,硫化氫10至11月平均值為2.14 ppb,10至11月之日最大平均值為4.71ppb。完成1~11月每月至少一次例行性現場維護,首先針對系統外觀進行檢視是否毀損;將第一部分採樣鋼瓶更換以維持採樣效用;再檢視第二部分連線是否正常,呈現綠燈即為連線正常,最後檢視電源供電部分是否正常(氣象站即時數據若數天皆相同,可能為電源供應不正常)。現場維護將依據檢點表上所編列之事項進行維護作業。六、緊急應變實兵演練今年度本計畫仍續協助辦理空氣污染緊急事件應變演練一場次,演練預計分為兩大部分:第一階段為兵棋推演:主要演練步驟為接獲空污災害後環保局與本縣各單位之聯繫,與將事件現況通報環保署並視情況進行器材之調借作業。第二階段則為實兵演練:本階段自現場指揮官趕赴現場起,演練指揮調度環保局各單位進行污染的處置及採證,並監控污染情形至警報解除為止。102年11月11日及102年11月12日於長興化學工業股份有限公司屏東分公司完成辦理工業區空氣污染突發事件兵棋推演及實際模擬演練各1場演練。七、教育訓練本計劃於102年10月3日假屏南工業區污水處理廠管理大樓2樓會議室辦理一場次之教育訓練會議,會議邀請由采晶科技有限公司 張維宸工程師針對紅外線氣體成像儀檢測及原理等來進行講解,協助環保局承辦人員及作業同仁對於紅外線氣體成像儀系統實務操作經驗提升及運作方法掌握。八、環保新聞依據本計畫勞務契約之規定,計畫執行期間需配合宣導空氣污染相關環保新聞刊登至少2則,截至101年11月30日止,完成發佈屏南工業區企業認養清潔道路 敦親睦鄰提升形象宣導,另協助屏東縣政府環境保護局辦理召開「工業區道路揚塵管理防制」會議進行宣導,2則新聞稿已通過環保局審核。九、其他配合事項依據本計畫勞務契約,計畫執行期間需協助辦理其他有關本縣空氣污染防制改善、彙辦工作及臨時交辦相關工作事宜,今年度完成三場次紅外線氣體成像儀監測作業,並於作業中發現污染源洩露超過管制標準立即現場告發,另6月3日協助辦理屏南工業區道路認養活動及11月29日配合行政院環境保護署召開工業區道路揚塵防制評鑑計畫。此外屏東縣政府環境保護局在日常巡查時也發現工業區內2家水泥預拌業及1家石材製品業較有影響空氣品質情形,為有效改善工業區道路揚塵污染,遂於102年12月12日與屏南工業區服務中心進行協談,會後屏南工業區未來將訂定工業區逸散性粒狀物空氣污染防制管理要點,納入空氣污染防制法第31條、逸散源管理辦法第6條及第9條、營建工程管理辦法第10條及第13條等相關規定,環保局也將於近期召開道路揚塵管理防制說明會,邀集屏南工業區各業者並針對法規及防制管理要點說明,以期各業者能先行自主管理降低道路揚塵污染。 102 屏東縣政府環境保護局 慧群環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=58885
102年度屏東縣「加強農業廢棄物露天燃燒稽查管制及紙錢減量焚燒處理計畫」 摘要 本計畫主要工作有兩項,一為改善農業廢棄物露天燃燒,二為推動紙錢集中焚燒及減量,無論在各項稽巡查管制作業、宣導措施上一向不遺餘力,目的無非是希望要導正農民處理農業廢棄物之方式及焚燒紙錢量代表誠心之觀念,根本解決農業廢棄物及紙錢露天燃燒情形以維護空氣品質。 102 年度屏東縣「加強農業廢棄物露天燃燒稽查管制及紙錢減量焚燒處理計畫」自102 年3 月29 日簽約後開始執行至12 月止,總計完成露天燃燒巡查件數共461 件,其中以南州鄉查獲案件較多,而查獲物種大都為蓮霧廢枝葉,針對查獲案件之基本資料已更新鍵入GIS 系統中,另利用地政單位數化地籍圖及現場作物核對複查以建置農民資料庫,完成5011 筆農民資料庫之建檔工作;針對易燃燒之果樹枝葉提供破碎處理輔導,透過輔導及補助15 個代工班,執行1213 筆地號破碎作業,共計354.4 公頃;執行農業廢棄物多元化處理共69.9 公頃,其中包含裁剪枝葉焚化處理3.64 公頃、覆土膠布回收66.26公頃;推動台糖出租農地自主管理,抽選264.2 公頃出租農地進行查核,查核時皆未發現露天燃燒情事,顯示以租賃契約來約束承租人頗具成效;輔導5個產銷班成立環保農園、查核19 個已成立環保農園,各產銷班均妥善處理農業廢棄物,管制產銷班不露天燃燒141.47 公頃;推動跨單位之農業廢棄物處理輔導,修訂「屏東縣推動農業廢棄物妥善處理輔導方案」及召開協商會議。 紙錢集中焚燒作業於清明節收運紙錢40.83 公噸、中元節收運85.69 公噸;歷年清運量及清運單位逐年增加,收運量由98 年6.14 公噸至102 年度已達40.83 公噸,配合單位亦由3 處提升至7 處;今年度更配合廟宇-里港鳳凰宮重大節慶收運紙錢,共收運15.51 公噸;經歷年努力,今年度佳冬鄉自主性集中紙錢並清運至焚化爐;篩選98~101 親訪之廟宇共35 家,經輔導後有20 家廟宇配合執行減量措施;完成辦理3 場露天燃燒宣導會;2 場行為人再教育講習;中元節前夕辦理3 場次紙錢宣導會;於禁止露天燃燒、紙錢集中焚燒與減量相關活動中發送宣傳單、海報、宣導品,共2000 份,並配合相關活動或訊息刊登新聞稿2 則。 The Plan to Strengthen the Control of Burning Agricultural Wastes in Open Space and the Implementation to Decrease Quantity of Burning Joss Paper in Pingtung County Abstract The objective of the plan is to correct farmers’ behaviors of handling agricultural wastes and burning joss paper in open space, intending to maintain good air quality of the precinct. In the aspect of patrol and control work, there were 461 cases found to have burned things in open space. The townships having serious burning cases were Nanzhou Township, Fangliao Township and Linbian Township. The objects to be most frequently burned in open space were the waste leaves and twigs of wax apples. These cases of burning things in open space are entered in our geographical information system so as for making subsequent follow-up inspection and investigation. Besides, in order to effectively solve the problem of burning agricultural wastes in open space, multiple guidance and assistance items were offered to farmers this year, including teaching farmers the correct way of handling 354.4 hectares of waste fruit leaves and twigs by crumbling, diversified handling 69.9 hectares of agricultural wastes, 25 eco-plantations were set up for self-management operation and implementing self-management operation of the farmland of Taiwan Sugar Corporation, and checking of 264.2 hectares of leased farmland. This year concentrated burning of joss paper was held at Ching Ming Festival、Ghost Festival and temples’ major festival, having burned a total of 142.03 tons of joss paper. Through personal visits, there were 20 temples being advised to decrease the quantity of sacrificial offerings. 102 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62194
事業廢棄物建置基線資料及申報流向勾稽管制計畫 本計畫102年度執行成果,包括:輔導未上網申報及未檢具廢棄物清理計畫書送審之事業共9,071家次(3,918家)事業之清查工作,完成解除列管檢視事業共計6,865家,共47家變更解除列管條件。透過前述作業,本計畫執行期間上網申報率已達97%,而應檢具清理計畫書之送審率達98%、通過率97%。 針對事業廢棄物流向追蹤勾稽部分,共計完成約37,095家,專案性勾稽部分共成立36個勾稽專案提報。爲了統合清理計畫書之審查作業及提升填報品質,已完成33大類行業別(中類與細類)事業廢棄物清理計畫書參考例、「原物料、產品與廢棄物對應關聯表(含製造流程、單元)」及審查標準作業手冊。而在事業廢棄物清理計畫書檢視作業部分,已完成共計16,425家事業,並移交派駐人員後續追蹤輔導。 本計畫推動成效可歸納為:1.有效提昇申報品質及有害事業廢棄物應報而未報之追蹤,並加強區域性之勾稽管理;2.健全事業廢棄物管制系統資料庫之基線資料之完整性及正確性;3.專業專職技術派駐人員,提高縣市環保單位業務執行能量。 The Industrial Wastes Database Management and Flow Control Administration Project The works of the Protected are as follows, including: guided and assisted 9,071 companies (3,918 incidences) that had not made declarations online and had not submitted the industrial waste disposal plan. As the results, 6,865 companies were de-controlled, while 47 remained in the control list. Through the above mentioned work, during the Project’s implementation period, on-line declaration rates have reached 97%, and the submission rates of those who should submit clearance planning reports reach 98% with an approval rate of 97%.The industrial waste flow tracking in 37,095 cases, case type compilations were established in 36 case submissions. In order to integrate the evaluation work of clearance planning reports and to elevate the quality of submissions, 33 major categories of industries (medium and small categories) and their industrial waste clean-up plans references were completed, as well as “raw materials, products, and waste correspondence chart (including manufacturing procedures and units),” and evaluation standard work manuals. In terms of industrial waste clean-up plans evaluation, 16,425 businesses were evaluated, and transferred for further tracking and consultation.The promotion achievements of this project can be summarized as: 1.enhanced the reporting quality and the tracking of unreported hazardous industrial waste effectively and strengthen the regional auditing management; 2. improved the completeness and accuracy of the baseline information in the database for the industrial waste control system; 3. deployed full time professional technical staff to enhance the business execution intensity of county and city environmental agencies. 102 廢管處 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61139
近鄰噪音管制暨多次陳情案輔導改善計畫 噪音陳情案件為目前主要公害陳情項目之一,民國 90年計2萬3千餘件至101年已增加至7萬5千餘件。為解決民眾困擾,本計畫主要目標包括:彙整及分析噪音陳情案件、辦理噪音陳情案件輔導改善工作、協助推動營建工程噪音管制計畫、協助噪音管制標準之修正及相關法制作業、研提娛樂或營業場所管制及輔導計畫及辦理全國噪音管制工作檢討會等。所完成工作內容包括:(1).針對95年至101年噪音陳情案件及重複陳情案件依陳情型態、處理過程、處理結果進行彙整及分析。(2).新增102年6篇噪音相關案件法院判例,並分類置放於網頁供民眾查閱。(3).針對101年度「營建工程噪音管制專案計畫」推動情形及辦理結果,據以修正本年度計畫內容,並協助審查及追蹤統計。(4).輔導31件噪音陳情案件,並針對其中5件進行後續追蹤作業,輔導對象最多者為娛樂營業場所;噪音源設施多以空調室外機為主。針對過去1年間曾輔導之噪音陳情輔導案件進行追蹤調查共5件。(5).協助環保署修正「噪音管制標準」及相關法制作業,並於標準修正發布後檢視歷年來與噪音管制有關之釋示函內容,檢討各釋示函與現行法規之適用情形。(6).研提娛樂或營業場所管制及輔導計畫,計畫包含防制技術資料彙整、篩選示範案例及舉辦兩場研商說明會。(7).協助環保署辦理 1場次「全國噪音管制工作檢討會」,與會人員包括各環保局及學術、警政、交通單位。 The project of neighborhood noise control and repeatedly petitioned cases counseling and improvement The noise complaint is one of the major public environmental pollutions. The number of noise complaint were approximately 23,000 cases in 2001. In 2012, the number went up to 75,000. In order to solve this problem, the objective of this project included compiling and analysis of noise complaint cases, executed of counseling for noise complaint cases, promoted ”Noise control plan of construction sites”, completed to amend Noise Control Standards and providing the recommendations entertainment establishment research noise handling mechanism and noise control workshops and national noise control affairs conference. The abstract is as following.1.Compiled and analyzed the complaint and repeatedly petitioned cases by types, processes, and results for the two years and last seven years.2.Added six judicial cases of noise complaints that sentenced from January to November 2013, and posted on the website for public to browse.3.In accordance with the result of “Noise control plan of construction sites for 2012”, this study revised the detail of the plan for 2013, and then assisted EPA in reviewing and tracking the implementation results of EPDs.4.Completed 31 cases of counseled noise complaints, and continually tracking 5 cases among these cases. The complaint cases for entertainment premises were the main complaint cases. As for noise sources, air-conditioner outdoor unit were the main noise sources of counseled cases. This project completed tracing 5 counseled cases that were reporting in the past year. 5.The Noise Control Standards and relevant rule of law operations were amended for EPA. This study also reviewed the explanation letters for noise control over the past years to fit the amended standards after it released. 6.Researched and provided entertainment or business premises control and counseling program, the plan included prevention technical data collection, selected at demonstration case and organized two seminars.7.Assisted EPA to conduct a review meeting of “National Conference on Noise Control”, members in attendance including EPB, police, academic units and traffic relevant authorities. 102 空保處 凱鉅科技實業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61204
102年環境檢測機構管理作業服務計畫 「102年環境檢測機構管理作業服務計畫」係依據 「環境檢驗測定機構管理辦法」及「機動車輛排放空氣污染物及噪音檢驗測定機構管理辦法」對營運中或新設置之環境檢測機構、機動車輛測定機構檢驗室欲申請之項目,進行其品管系統與檢測技術評鑑工作。執行方式包括邀請現場評鑑專家至現場進行系統評鑑、術科考試績效評鑑、或執行其他績效評鑑,例如盲樣測試與實地比測等方式,並由評鑑技術委員會對各申請案評鑑結果執行審查,每年1次對各檢驗室許可項目進行例行性盲樣測試或實地比測。本年度申請案中,完成文件審查225件次、辦理系統評鑑114場次、盲樣測試與實地比測182場次、術科考試(採樣、上機)484場次,及檢測報告簽署人評鑑392場次、召開12次評鑑技術委員會審查、各舉辦1場次現場評鑑專家與評鑑技術委員之評鑑技術研討會及環境檢驗測定機構業者座談會;另檢測機構年度性盲樣測試,共計100個受測單位,發送盲樣2344項次,合格率達96.5 %,與去年測試結果比較,合格率皆呈現平穩情況,顯示檢驗室對檢測技術與數據品質管理持續精進中。 FY 2013 Authorized Environmental Analysis Organization Management Services Project The report of "Authorized Environmental Analysis Organization Management Services Project of year 2013" was commenced for the Environment Analysis Laboratory, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan. The accreditation works of quality system and testing techniques of applied items for both new-setup and in-operation laboratories had arranged based on the "Management Regulations of Environmental Analysis Organization" and the "Management Regulations of the Motor Vehicle Emissions and Noise testing organizations". These auditing works included laboratory quality management system auditing, testing techniques auditing (in-lab instrumentation and in-field sampling), and performance tests (in-lab and in-field). After these auditing works had been done, the Technical Assessment Committee evaluated the records of these auditing works and made the final decision of approval of the application of new-setup or/and in-operation laboratories. One auditing methodology conference for the auditing specialist and the members of Technical Assessment Committee and a conference for the authorized environmental analysis organizations were held in this year. There were 225 cases of documentation evaluation, 114 cases of quality system auditing, 182 cases of performance testing (in-lab and in-field), 484 cases of testing techniques auditing(in-lab instrumentation and in-field sampling) and 392 cases of report signatory qualification had been evaluated within 12 Technical Assessment Committee meetings. There were 2,344 performance test samples sent to 100 laboratories this year, the satisfactory rate of performance test was 96.5%. There were no significant differences in auditing reports and performance test by statistics as compared with previous year, which indicates the sustainable performance of these authorized environmental analysis organizations. 102 環檢所 鑫聯網國際股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=59723
環境整潔綠美化促進法及相關子法管制規範計畫 本計畫目標為環境整潔綠美化促進法相關工作推動,包括國內外資料蒐集、研析優先管理課題、提出可行性建議、協助推動全國環境整潔綠美化推動計畫、環境整潔綠美化促進法(草案)、施行細則及相關子法之研析、輔導民間團體推動環境整潔及綠美化措施。本計畫執行成果包括:一、蒐集與彙整國內外資料建立管理課題,並透過SWOT分析,提出管理方法並作成可行性建議。二、研析優先管理課題提出可行改善管理建議。三、協助推動全國環境整潔綠美化推動計畫草案研擬,並辦理1場次專家學者諮詢會議。四、協助辦理環境整潔綠美化促進法草案、施行細則及相關子法立法工作,其中母法草案已於102年9月12日提送行政院審核,本計畫亦完成施行細則及相關子法草案之修正,並辦理5場次法令研商會議。五、輔導民間團體推動環境整潔及綠美化措施,並辦理3場次志義工訓練會議。本計畫已於計畫期間完成所有工作項目並達成計畫目標。 A Study of Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Act and Regulations Norms Program The purpose of this project was to promote associate tasks of the environmental cleaning, greening and beautification, which includes domestic and foreign data collection, analysis of the priority management issues, putting forward feasible suggestions, helping promote the National Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Promotion Program, analyzing the Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Act ( draft ) and related regulations, and Counseling non-governmental organizations in implement relatedromoting measures.The achievements of the project are described as blow: 1. Collected and compiled domestic and foreign data and establish management issues, and through SWOT analysis to propose management approach and made feasible suggestions. 2. Analysis priority management issues and put forward feasible suggestions to improve management. 3. Helped promote the National Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Promotion Program(draft) and conduct 1 conference of experts consultation. 4. Assisted with the revision of theEnvironmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Act ( draft ) and related regulations, so that the drafted Act could the submitted to Executive Yuan for review September 12, 2012. The project also completed the regulations study and conducted 5 conference of advocacy. 5. Counseled non-governmental organizations to promote measures and held 3 volunteer trainings. As a conclusion, all tasks had been completed and the project goal has been reached. 102 整潔方案室 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61229
城市碳盤查暨碳揭露管理專案工作計畫 本計畫兩年度持續掌握國際城市組織與關注相關指引之發展。101年盤查臺中市、宜蘭縣、金門縣之排放量,102年協助新北市與臺南市教育訓練。執行經驗用以回饋於我國指引,提供修改建議;並編撰政府機關溫室氣體盤查作業手冊。完成建置城市層級溫室氣體碳揭露服務平台,輔導縣市進行排放量登錄。舉辦教育訓練與說明會,協助相關人員了解城市溫室氣體盤查議題。各項工作說明如下:(一)研析國際城市組織、指引及碳揭露資訊,彙整國際溫室氣體管理資訊並應用於國內盤查機制,提供地方政府參與國際相關事務或活動之參考。(二)依據我國盤查指引進行臺中市、宜蘭縣、金門縣之盤查,並協助臺南市與新北市辦理教育訓練與說明會,以實際盤查經驗檢視指引之修正。參考ISO標準文件產出程序,完成政府機關溫室氣體盤查作業手冊;希冀透過此作業手冊簡化政府機關邊界盤查之過程,符合使用者需求。(三)101年度參酌我國城市盤查計算指引及國際cCCR平台登錄項目規劃,考量我國城市屬性及操作習慣,建置我國城市層級碳揭露服務平台及資料庫。102年度持續擴充碳揭露服務平台功能與介面,藉以提升友善性並完成機關登錄子系統建置。(四)101年度辦理4場次教育訓練及15場次之說明會,共約1,500人參與。102年度於北、中、南、東辦理4場次、新北3場次、台南1場次、金門1場次之教育訓練、說明會或起始會議,共約500人參與。 Project for GHG Inventory Estimation and Carbon Disclosure Management of Cities This project studies the developments of international organizations of cities and their relevant guidelines. In providing feedbacks to amend Taiwan’s own guideline, as well as compiling a city government GHG emission inventory manual, practical GHG emission inventories have been established for Taichung City, Yilan County and Kinmen County during the year of 2012, and assisting Tainan City and New Taipei City for training lectures in 2013. At the same time, the project has established a carbon disclosure service platform system for cities, counseled city and county governments to register emissions, and organized trainings and seminars to assist relevant personnel to gain an understanding on the topic of city GHG emission inventory. Accomplishments of the project are summarized below:1.An in depth study was performed on international organizations of cities, guidelines, and carbon disclosure information. Collected international GHG inventory management information and applied to domestic mechanism for local governments, as well as relevant international organizations and activities as a reference.2.Carried out Taichung City, Yilan County and Kinmen County GHG inventory trials in accordance with Taiwan’s GHG inventory guideline, as well as assisted Tainan City and New Taipei City to conduct trainings and seminars. Finished city government GHG emission inventory manual in accordance with the ISO standards, and hoping this manual will simplify the process of determining inventory boundary of city government for its users.3.Based on international registry platform (cCCR) and Taiwan’s city GHG inventory guideline, our carbon disclosure service platform system was established in 2012. In 2013, we continued to expend the functions of the platform and enhance its user friendliness, as well as established a sub-system for sub-governmental agencies.4.Four training sessions and 15 information sessions were held in 2012 with total 1,500 participants attended. In 2013, four sessions were held at northern, central, southern and eastern of Taiwan, three sessions in New Taipei City, one session in Tainan and one session in Kinmen for training, information providing and start-up meeting purposes with total 500 participants attended. 102 生態社區推動方案室 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=60969
102年度屏東縣細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)空間分布及管制策略評估計畫 屏東縣為掌握不同地區細懸浮微粒空氣品質濃度及其成分分布,了解主要污染來源及傳輸途徑,故透過本計畫選擇具代表性測站分析細懸浮微粒之濃度及組成,輔以受體模式(CMB)分析污染可能來源,據以研擬對應之管制策略,達成細懸浮微粒空氣品質改善目標。本計畫完成屏東縣細懸浮微粒空氣品質四季24小時採樣與分析。採樣點包含觀光景點(大鵬灣)、背景站(屏東科技大學)、工業區(屏南工業區)、市區(中正國小)及高污染地區(潮東國小)。另外亦於交通密集地區採樣分析 (屏東商業技術學院、里港大橋、長治交流道),並同步進行24小時車流量調查。分析之PM2.5成分包括有機碳、元素碳、水溶離子、重金屬及多環芳香族碳氫化合物(PAHs)等。PM2.5濃度空間分布以交通站與觀光景點最高,其他大氣站濃度次之背景站最低。大氣採樣點以第一季最高(60-13μg/m3)、第四季次之(52-28μg/m3)、第三季(37-16μg/m3)與第二季(18-12μg/m3)濃度較低。水溶離子均以SO42-、NO3-、NH4+二次氣膠占比最高(81.8%-96.5%),金屬元素以地殼元素(Mg, Al, Ca, Fe)為主(80%以上)。PAH 濃度以交通站為高約117~141 ng/m3,其他測站約為31~67 ng/m3。而毒性當量(Total-BaPeq)交通測站亦明顯較高(16~24 ng/m3),其他測站為低(4~12 ng/m3)。由CMB模式所得之成因分析顯示以交通源為主,硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽與海鹽飛沫次之並有、鍋爐、鋼鐵業、電力業為可能污染源。交通排放貢獻量,以第三季(8-9月)占比為最高 48(潮東國小)~65%(屏商),硫酸鹽貢獻量以第四季最高介於29(大鵬灣)~35%(屏南工業區)。硝酸鹽貢獻量以第一季最高介於12(中正國小)~32%(屏南工業區),鍋爐貢獻量以屏商占比為最高第三季介於5~12%,鋼鐵業貢獻量以里港占比為最高第二季介於5~8%,電力業貢獻量以屏商占比為最高第一季介於3~4%。本計畫回顧屏東縣近年來推動空氣污染管制作為之減量成效。掌握屏東縣細懸浮微粒及其前驅物之現況排放量。提出屏東縣細懸浮微粒管制可行方案,量化各項管制作為之減量成效,評估對屏東縣空品改善之成效。因應細懸浮微粒可行性管制策略,進行相關管制面減量成本研析。另外收集國內外對於細懸浮微粒健康風險評估研究成果。模擬屏東縣2007-2010年細懸浮微粒濃度變化對縣民健康之影響與產生之健康效益。結合屏東縣特性製作細懸浮微粒減量宣導文宣並規劃民眾可配合事項。配合其他環保單位,交流提供相關資料,並參加會議等配合事宜。 The Assessment of Spatial and Seasonal PM2.5 Concentrations in PingTung County This project is to assess the fine air particulate (PM) concentration’s spatial distribution, compositions and transport paths in PingTung County. In addition, the possible emission sources were identified by modeling with the Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) model with the analyzed sampled compositions, the results are used to plan the control strategies in order to improve the air quality in this area. The four-season, 24-hour PM sampling with chemical analysis in PingTung County was accomplished. The sampling sites included tourist area (the Dapeng Bay), background site (the National PingTung University of Science and Technology), industrial site (the Pingnan Industrial Park), urban site (the ChungCheng Elementary School) and highly polluted area (the ChaoTung Elementary School). In addition, sites near the heavy traffic areas: the National PingTung Institute of Commerce, the Ligang Bridge, and the Changzhi Junction were sampled together with 24-hour traffic counts recorded. The chemical analyses of PM2.5 content included organic carbon, element carbon, ions, metals, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, PAHs. The spatial distribution of PM2.5 showed the highest concentrations were at the heavy traffic and tourist areas, the lowest were in the background site, and other ambient sites were in between. The temporal distribution showed the first season had the highest concentrations (60-13μg/m3), the fourth season next (52-28μg/m3), the third season followed (37-16μg/m3) and the second season was the lowest (18-12μg/m3). The secondary aerosol (SO42-、NO3-、NH4+) had the highest weight percentage of ions (81.8%-96.5%). The metal contents of PM were abundant in earth elements (Mg, Al, Ca, Fe) with over 80% by weight. The PAH concentrations are much higher in the heavy traffic sites (117~141 ng/m3) than those in other ambient sites (31~67 ng/m3). The toxic equivalent (Total-BaPeq) is also higher in the heavy traffic sites (16~24 ng/m3) than other sites’ (4~12 ng/m3). The results of CMB modeling showed that the source contribution ranking in order: transportation, sulfates, nitrates and sea salts as major sources, and boilers, steel industries, and electric industries as minor sources for possible PM2.5 mass contribution. The highest transportation contribution was in the third season (August to September) ranging from 48%(ChaoTung Elementary School) to 65% ( National PingTung Institute of Commerce). The highest sulfates contribution was in the fourth season (October) ranging from 29% (Dapeng Bay) to 35% (Pingnan Industrial Park). The highest nitrates contribution was in the first season (March-April) ranging from 12%(ChungCheng Elementary School) to 32% (Pingnan Industrial Park). The highest contributions from boilers and electric industries were the highest at the National PingTung Institute of Commerce ranging from 5-12% during the third season and ranging from 3-4% during the first season respectively. At Ligang Bridge, the contribution from the steel industries was the highest about 5~8% in the second season.This project reviewed the emissions reduced from the air pollution control works implemented by the PingTung County and the current emissions inventory of both PM and PM precursors. In addition, the feasible control strategies with reduction potentials and costs were proposed to improve the air quality in PingTung County. The PM health risk literature from domestic and international assessment was referenced and the health benefit of improved air quality from 2007-2010 was modeled. In addition, the outreach materials regarding PM and health effects plus the action items which can be anticipated by residents were published. We also involved with other environmental agencies providing related information for exchange and attended meetings. 102 屏東縣政府環境保護局 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=60595
102年度嘉義市下埤段農地污染調查工作計畫 1. 於101年執行嘉義市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證計畫,發現嘉義市下埤段部分農地有遭受重金屬之污染,為確實掌握該區污染情形及污染來源,藉以杜絕污染惡化,因此進行執行嘉義市下埤段農地控制場址附近土壤品質調查相關工作,本計畫工作內容及執行成果摘要詳述如下。 2. 本計畫已完成下埤段247個農地坵塊的現勘作業,現勘面積約50公頃左右,依據102年8月6號契約變更內容,農地土壤調查面積約為8.7公頃,以坵塊為單位進行51筆農地坵塊調查,檢測結果顯示超過土壤污染(食用作物)管制標準坵塊共1筆(2%),其坵塊面積為1425 m2,為重金屬砷超標;超過土壤污染(食用作物)監測標準坵塊共5筆(9.8%),其坵塊面積為3827 m2,主要為重金屬砷超出監測標準,其餘45筆(88.2%)皆低於監測標準。 3. 而底泥分析結果顯示,土溝與嘉義大排之底泥重金屬污染樣態各不相同,土溝之底泥顯示以鉻和鋅為主要污染物種(S1超過鉻管制標準),其次為砷和鎳(部份採樣點超過監測標準),而嘉義大排之底泥則是匯流了土溝的底泥後,另有微量的鎘、汞濃度。嘉義大排水質採樣調查結果中,除pH、導電度、氯鹽、氨氮較高之外,8項重金屬濃度皆低於相關標準,其中採樣點W1、W2及W3皆有檢測出砷和鋅。 4. 另外有進行額外承諾之2口地下水質採樣、2點次管制農地土壤鑽探以及水質連續監測作業,綜合調查上述結果篩選鄰近事業,進行了12家事業進廠稽查作業,發現有3家事業的底泥樣品含有高濃度重金屬鉻與鋅,將其列為可疑污染來源,另外1家則是使用地下水井灌溉農田,而該農地坵塊之主要污染物為砷,其地下水井井壁沉積物砷含量亦很高,推測該農地坵塊之砷污染是由地下水引灌而來。 5. 針對計畫調查範圍提出未來預警系統之建議,並將調查結果建置於「土壤及地下水污染場址資訊系統」中。 2013 The Farmland Pollution Investigation Plan in Shapi Section of Chiayi City 1. As shown by the project executed in 2012 for the investigation and verification of soil and groundwater pollution in Chiayi City, certain farmland areas located in Shapi section of Chiayi City were contaminated by heavy metals. In order to determine pollution levels and to locate pollution sources, as well as to protect the farmland from further pollution, this present project was carried out by focusing on investigating the quality of the topsoil near the Shapi farmland control site. The major tasks and execution results of the present phase were summarized as follows: 2. This project completed the on-site survey of 247 farmland blocks, which are located in an area of about 50 hectares of farmland. According to the changed contract contents of August 6, 2013, the surface area of the farmland to be investigated is 8.7 hectares. As the investigation results showed, among the 51 farmland blocks which were examined, one block of 1425 m2 (that is, 2% of the all farmland blocks) exceeded soil (for food crops growing) pollution control standards, its pollutant being arsenic; 5 blocks, which covered a surface area of 3827 m2 and comprised 9.8% of the farmland under investigation, exceeded soil (for food crops growing) monitoring standards, their major pollutant being arsenic; the rest of the farmland blocks (45 blocks; 88.2% of the blocks under investigation) met monitoring standards. 3. An analysis of bottom sediments showed that the heavy metal pollutants sampled from earthen ditch outlets were different from those gathered from Chiayi Irrigation Canal. Examination of bottom sediments in earthen ditch outlets showed chromium and zinc as major pollutants (S1 exceeding chrome control standards), and arsenic and nickel as minor pollutants (a part of the samples exceeding monitoring standards). The examination of bottom sediments flowing from Chiayi Canal to converge with those of earthen ditches showed traces of cadmium and mercury concentrations. The quality analysis of Chiayi Canal water samples showed that their eight heavy-metal concentrations were lower than relevant standards, though their pH values, conductivity, and the levels of chloride and ammonia containments were higher and sampling sites W1, W2 and W3 were detected as containing arsenic and zinc. 4. In addition to the completion of planned tasks, the team also accomplished the extra work of 2 groundwater samplings, the soil drilling of 2 controlled pieces of farmland, and the continued monitoring of water quality. The research results of this project was used to screen the industries in the neighborhood. Among the 12 industries screened, the samples of bottom sediments gathered from 3 of them contained high concentrations of chromium and zinc and these industries had been listed as suspected sources of pollution. Another industry used underground irrigation wells; as the main pollutant of the farmland block was arsenic and the content of arsenic on the underground well walls was also high, it could be inferred that the arsenic pollution in the farmland block was caused by underground irrigation water. 5. Suggestions for the construction of future early-warning system for the area under investigation were proposed, and the present research findings would be included in “Soil and Underground Water Pollution Sites Information System.” 102 嘉義市政府環境保護局 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=59806
自動化社區污水處理與回收系統之研發-MCFSBR自動監測與控制系統之開發與驗證 本年度研究目的延續去年度計畫,以建置完成之自動化生活污水處理系統與回收系統為對象,對處理系統、監測系統、控制系統進行一連串測試、檢討、修正、改良,將生活污水處理至符合環境用水需求之出流水水質。本計畫所開發之結合CFSBR處理系統與薄膜過濾系統,其透過CFSBR生物處理系統有效去除水中有機碳與氮磷營養鹽,再經過薄膜過濾系統進一步將水中懸浮固體濃度與TCOD濃度降低,讓出流水水質符合再利用水水質建議值。在監測方面開發一套光學自動監測裝置,以雷射光與Webcam做為裝置元件,量測水位高度、MLSS濃度、SS濃度及污泥沉澱速度,水位量測結果與過去量測方法比較,相對誤差小於1%,MLSS濃度量測與市售儀器相對誤差小於5%,並可有效量測SS濃度。在控制方面溶氧控制跳動範圍小於10%、新增添加碳源控制系統,並將原本運作相排列AOA(厭氧/好氧/缺氧)修正為AOAOA(厭氧/好氧/缺氧/好氧/缺氧),可有效將進流水氨氮濃度82 mg/L經處理後出流水氨氮濃度小於10 mg/L、亞硝酸鹽濃度小於1 mg/L及硝酸鹽濃度小於1 mg/L。藉由調整運作相的循環可將高濃度氨氮處理至符合排放標準,再結合薄膜過濾系統,將水中COD濃度進一步降低,使MCFSBR處理系統之出流水水質可符合再利用水水質建議值。 Development of Automatic Wastewater Treatment and Recycling system in Community This year principal objective continue the plan of the last year to build a sewage treatment systems and automated recovery and to do series of test , review, revise, improve for processing systems, monitoring systems, control systems, the sewage can be treated in keeping with the effluent water quality of the environment. This project developed by combining CFSBR processing systems and membrane filtration systems, through CFSBR biological treatment systems effectively remove organic carbon and nitrogen of phosphorus nutrients, through membrane filtration system to decrease further the concentration of the suspended solids and TCOD , let effluent water to conform the recommended value of the reuse water quality.In monitoring control develop device, which can be measured water level, MLSS concentration and SS concentration by laser light. Water level measurement results compared with the previous measurement methods, the relative error is less than 1%, MLSS concentration measured relative with commercial instruments error less than 5%,and can effectively measure the concentration of SS. In automatic control, control of dissolved oxygen beating range is less than 10% ,by operating can decrease influent ammonia 82 mg / L to less than 10 mg /L, and nitrite less than 1 mg / L and nitrate less than 1 mg/L.By adjusting the cycle of the operation can be treated the high concentration of ammonia nitrogen to meet emissions standards ,and combined with membrane filtration system, will further reduce the concentration of COD, so MCFSBR effluent water treatment system can conform the recommended value of the reuse water quality. 102 永續發展室 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=58943
公害蒐證調查技術諮詢服務第1年(二年計畫)專案工作計畫 目前公害事件處理上常見困難為環保人員於事件發生後未能於第一時間抵達現場,故如何加快第一時間蒐證之機制為本計畫主要重點,本計畫透過各機制研擬及相互配合方式之確認以加快第一時間蒐證之機制、提高現場作業效益,期使應變及蒐證同步作業。針對工作項目一之研析各縣市因應公害事件蒐證處理能力部分,挑選好發公害之6縣市並規劃公害糾紛處理相關資源調查表,用來分析環保局設備及器材、資源配置、應變系統及程序完整性,後續再邀集專家至環保局訪視,評估公害事件處理能力並給予建議,並且使用假如分析法進行公害糾紛處理評估分析,利用問與答方式列出公害事件處理過程中可能造成無法確認因果關係,針對現況提出改善建議和應採取之行動方案,彙整分析以上工作結果可看出多數環保局常面臨之經費及人力限制問題,且仰賴委辦廠商之情況甚重,針對局內人員之教育訓練應再予以加強,另協助雲林縣政府環境保護局提供蒐證海報及摺頁供參考,以利宣導公害事件發生後之民眾可自行蒐證項目,期能透過宣導減少民眾對公害事件不理性行為應以合適之方式處理。針對工作項目二維護及提升公害糾紛處理資訊系統功能部分,現有公害糾紛處理資訊系統已具備公害糾紛及鑑定資訊查詢、公害案件查詢、公害案件資料管理、相關表格或資料下載等功能,而為使各功能對使用者更加友善,本計畫亦持續進行資訊系統之內容強化與功能新增,目前已完成建置公害事件處理相關網站蒐集40個並製作使用說明供使用者參考、公害糾紛緊急紓處小組名單以及環保署公害糾紛裁決委員名單、建置專家學者(領域涵蓋環工、農林作物、水產生物、人體健康、法律、化工、蒐證、環境教育與資訊管理等)總計78人,並提供環保單位蒐證及採樣之建議、建置北、中、南、東各分區之鑑定單位聯繫方式以利環保單位聯繫並進行蒐證或送樣分析之協助;且利用系統自動完成篩選所需補正資料,定期寄信給環保局承辦人確認資料正確性並同時控管案件之進度、定期更新各環保局(連江縣除外)最新任公害糾紛調處委員名單。 針對工作項目三研析公害蒐證與環境污染應變結合之機制部分,為使公害蒐證與環境污染緊急應變程序能同步進行,本計畫蒐集國內外既有公害蒐證與環境污染應變機制作為,並自現有各種環境污染緊急應變程序中評析其介入蒐證步驟之時機及分工,且透過辦理討論會之方式蒐集環保單位之意見,以確保兩項作業同步進行之可行性,目前已初步完成公害蒐證與環境污染應變結合之機制,由地方設立資訊平台,彙整事件資訊後通報予中央,以妥善處理事件針對工作項目四加速公害事件現場蒐證之效率,提升公害事件之處理成效部分,為提升公害蒐證效率之各工作項目做法,包括協助提供處理原因不明公害事件之建議,本計畫已完成設計可縮短蒐證準備時間之公害蒐證箱,便利箱內物品為事件處理所需最低應變之要求,環保局則可依實際狀況設計本身的蒐證工具清單,並分別於於高雄、台中、台北分別辦理一場地方環保局說明會,說明討論公害便利箱使用方式,參與人數合計為289,另協助嘉義縣環保局至現場勘查3件公害事件,並提供後續處理建議,加強環保局之處理效率。針對工作項目五增進地方環保單位公害糾紛處理經驗之交流部分,已於10月30日及31日辦理102年度全國性公害糾紛處理工作檢討會,邀集各縣市環保局人員共62人,分享公害糾紛事件之經驗並提出相關意見。 The Project Plan of Advisory Services for Public Nuisance and Evidence Examination Technology One of the problems of environmental protection bureaus in public nuisance event processing is failure of arriving at the scene at the first time. Therefore, the project aims to speed up the efficiency of evidence collecting. We planned some mechanisms to make sure evidence collecting more efficiently.The first work item of the project is to analyze the evidence collection abilities of local environmental protection bureaus in public nuisance events. We selected six public nuisance prone counties and planned resource questionnaire for public nuisance event processing. The questionnaire was used to analyze equipments, resource allocation status, response mechanisms and process integrity of local environmental protection bureaus. Then we invited experts from related areas and visited six selected local environmental protection bureaus to evaluate the public nuisance processing ability and propose suggestions. The experts used What-If Analysis to conduct Risk Assessment of public nuisance events processing, used Q & A mode to list factors in failure of causality confirmation, and proposed suggestions for improving current situation and actions to be taken. Some results from the work items are: 1) most local environmental protection bureaus often face problems of restricted funds and manpower, and deeply rely on commissioned firms, and further education and training are necessary for strengthening the abilities of bureaus staffs; 2) the project provided helps to Yunlin Environmental Protection Bureau in promoting populace self-evidence collection in order to reduce irrational behaviors of populace and promote appropriate methods of processing public nuisance events.The second work item of the project is to maintain and upgrade public nuisance dispute information management system. The system contains several functions such as: public nuisance disputes and identification information inquiry, public nuisance cases inquiry, public nuisance cases management and data download etc. The project established 40 public nuisance events processing related sites and manuals, information of public nuisance related units, information of 78 experts from different areas, information of public nuisance identification units. The system filters lacked information in the established cases and send e-mail to local government each quarter, in order to preserve the validity and grasp the progress of the cases.The third work item of the project is to analyze the integrated mechanism of public nuisance evidence collection and environmental pollution response. In order to synchronize the public nuisance evidence collection and environmental pollution emergency response process, the project collected current foreign and domestic mechanisms, analyzed the time points and work divisions of environmental pollution emergency response process in getting involve to each evidence collection step. We hold several meetings and collected opinions of local environmental protection bureaus to ensure the feasibility of synchronizing two operations. The project initially completed the integrated mechanism of public nuisance evidence collection and environmental pollution emergency response process, local bureaus need to set up the information sharing platforms, collect events information and inform central Environmental Protection Administration in order to deal with the events properly.The fourth work item of the project is to accelerate evidence collection efficiency. In order to enhance the effectiveness of dealing with pollution incidents; we provided recommendations for some events. We also designed the box containing equipments for evidence and held three meetings to discuss suitability of that .The fifth work item of the project is to improve the experience exchange of dealing with public nuisance events. We held a meeting on October to provide more experience sharing opportunities for local Environmental Protection Bureaus. 102 管考處 國立雲林科技大學水土資源及防災科技研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61162
建置二手物品交換資訊整合平台專案計畫 為了促進二手物品資源循環再使用,目前全國各縣市環保局皆定期或不定期舉辦二手物品交換(易)活動,但由於二手物品交換(易)活動資訊分散於各縣市環保局網站且未有完善持續的宣導計畫,一般民眾資訊取得不易,環保署為提供民眾更便利的搜尋到二手物交換資訊,規劃建置二手物交換資訊整合平台。本計畫工作成果可分為五大項說明:(一)完成蒐集、整理及分析政府部門及民間機構網路平台27個、固定點交換43處、跳蚤市集28處的政府單位及20個民間機構完成彙整分析不同二手物品交換(易)運作模式之方式、種類、維運及推動成效。(二)完成建置二手物品交換資訊整合平台,包含固定點二手物品交換資訊及跳蚤市集活動訊息登錄、成果提報,並完成制定服務條款15條、禁止刊登物品29類及限制刊登物品10項之登錄作業規範。(三)依低碳永續家園推動方案之認證評比機制,按照不同交換(易)運作模式,提出4種行動項目執行方式,並參照行動項目之認證評分計算原則,自動核算各層級之認證分數。(四)針對二手物品交換之減碳效益,並完成建立二手物品交換減碳效益計算方式,提出點數累積機制,設計4種點數給予方式,分別為網站使用者登入、網站宣傳獎勵、網站互動獎勵及物品交換(易)成果,並提出減碳存摺之回饋方案。(五)完成二手物品交換資訊整合平台資訊方面維運自給自足,與明年度平台網路虛擬面及實體面推廣宣傳計畫。 The second-hand stuff exchange integrated platform has established For the promotion of reusing second-hand stuff, the second-hand stuff exchange activities are regularly held by EPBs. However, information of the activities is lack of promotion on EPB’s website, the EPA has established a second-hand stuff exchanging platform for the public to get relative information in a convenient way.Five main results of the project are shown below: 1. 27 governmental and private online platforms are collected, compiled and analyzed; 43 fixed exchange places, 28 governmental and 20 private flea markets are completely collected and compiled for the analysis of the methods, categories, operation and achievement between different second-hand stuff platform operation modes.2. The second-hand stuff exchange integrated platform has been established, including fixed places for exchange, flea market activities announcement, and achievement reports. Additionally, log-in operation regulations are done, including 15 service regulations established, 29 categories of stuff banned to publish, and 10 items limited to publish.3. According to the certification evaluation mechanism of low-carbon and sustainable living area promotion project, 4 action items are proposed for conduction based on different exchange operation modes. Moreover, by the certification evaluation principle of mobile items, evaluation scores for different layers will be counted automatically.4.Due to the benefit of carbon reduction by second-hand stuff exchange and the calculation of carbon reduction by the exchange of second-hand stuff, point collection mechanism is proposed by designing 4 ways to give points, including user log-in, website promotion, website interaction and the achievement of exchange. Additionally, the carbon reduction passbook is proposed as a feedback plan.5.The self operation and maintenance of second-hand stuff exchange integrated information platform is completed, and the plan of virtual and concrete platform for next year is promoted. 102 廢管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61147
固定污染源許可、空污費、工業區稽查管制及總量管制先期作業計畫 本年度許可及空污費審查計畫作業項目包含:(1)許可審查、核發(2)許可查核、(3)巡查、(4)資料庫更新與擴充、(5)排放量申報查核、(6)CEMS查核及抽測(7)特殊行業別法規符合度查核及陳情案件稽查檢測(8)定期檢測監督作業 (9)空污費審查及查核作業(10)稽查檢測作業(11)許可及增修定法規講習會(12)內部教育訓練(13)陳情案件輔導(14)逸散性粒狀物管理辦法符合度查核(15)工業區管制(16)總量管制配合事項(17)新聞稿發布(18)民眾滿意度調查。在各項作業執行進度方面,整體而言計畫工作進度符合預期目標。茲將成果摘要說明如下:(一)許可審查及查核作業自計畫簽約日至102.11.30止完成許可現場查核140條製程,及許可審查發證83製程,總計許可審查及查核共223製程,本計畫目標數為200條製程,達成率為112%,而其中許可查核不符的有25製程,佔17.9﹪,符合率為82.1%符合合約80%目標規定。(二)定期檢測監督與線上審查作業本年度需執行定檢監督檢測作業54根次,截至102年11月30日完成許可定期檢測監督共56根次,達成率為104%,所有完成檢測之煙道其檢測濃度均符合排放標準。(三)資料庫更新與擴充作業本年度預計完成200家資料庫更新與擴充作業,截至102年11月30日止共完成201家,達成率101%。(四)排放量現場查核作業本年度針對需申報排放量之公私場所進行現場查核,目前已完成60廠之現場查核,計畫目標60廠,達成率100%,現場查核60廠中,計有43廠申報正確,正確率佔查核數之72%。現場查核作業申報不正確有17廠,不符率佔查核數28%,皆已完成補正。(五)空污費審查至102年11月30日止空污費申報案件之建檔審查作業(包含SOx、NOx、VOCs及個別物種)合計共完成872件次,目標量為828件次,合約達成率為105%。(六)空污費查核從計畫開始至102年11月30日為止已完成209家次(包含SOx、NOx、VOCs及個別物種)空污費申報查核作業,目標量為207家次,合約達成率為101%。統計101年第四季至102年第三季為止SOx、NOx及VOCs己申報件數為872件,目標量為812件次,合約達成率為107%;網路申報率則為100%,符合合約目標95%以上;而所有申報工廠皆已完成申報結算公文核發作業。(七)巡查作業統計至102年11月30日為止,本計畫共執行353廠次巡查作業,計劃目標為250廠次,達成率為141%。(八)稽查檢測作業至11月30日止檢測作業已完成小型焚化爐戴奧辛抽測2件、大型焚化爐重金屬管道抽測1件、油品檢測30件、陳情案件抽測5件及設備元件4001點次。小型焚化爐戴奧辛完成2根次檢測作業,符合排放標準;另外抽測大型焚化爐戴奧辛及重金屬檢測各1根次,符合排放標準。油品含硫份分析共完成30件樣品,102年預計完成抽測30件,達成率100%,已完成檢測件數中裕瑋鋁業(股)公司油品含硫份1.4%,已完成告發,研判該廠使用非法油品,建議持續列為後續重點抽驗工廠;另外進行陳情案件檢測5件次,符合排放標準。102年度進行共4001點設備元件檢測,以排放標準符合度為抽測目的,抽測結果皆符合排放標準。(九)特殊行業別法規符合度查核至102年11月30日止完成50件特殊行業別法規符合度查核作業,達成率100%,抽測加油槍總數為490支,合格486支,合格率達99%,均高於法規規範70%以上。未符合100%合格率之加油站計有3站(雍東加油站、整樹長治加油站、潮南加油站),已要求限期提報檢修及複測報告,經後續追蹤結果均已完成改善;至目前為止已完成50站次氣漏測試,無抽測不合格之加油站,合格率100%。本年度另針對縣內各大型連鎖業者推動示範一場增設油氣回收警示系統,工作內容為輔導站方增設微壓表,境內大型業者及其站數,包括中油直營30站、福懋加油站6站及台糖加油站8站,其餘則多為各體系加盟業者,因此將以輔導上述三個主要大型連鎖加油站業者,各推動1場增設油氣回收警示系統為目標,至目前為止已完成各一站微壓表裝設工作,分別為中油和生路加油站、福懋屏東加油站及台糖和生加油站。(十)逸散性粒狀物管理辦法符合度查核本計畫針對逸散性管理辦法法規內容規範共完成50家公私場所現場查核及輔導作業,目標工作量為50家,達成率100%,其中20家不符合管理辦法法規符合度,不符合率40%,已要求限期改善完成。(十一) 許可及增修訂法規講習會一、空污費收費辦法、排放量計算方法暨收費費率計算與未來法規推動說明會於102年04月25日辦理一場次空污費收費辦法、排放量計算方法暨收費費率計算與未來法規推動說明會,本次說明會目的主要向業者宣導空污費收費辦法法原修正重點說明,亦對修正重點明定執行原則及強化查核作業及簡政便民進行加強宣導之工作。二、排放量申報作業增修功能說明會環保署於102年3月29日修正公私場所「固定污染源空氣污染物排放量申報管理辦法」內容,法條修正內容由原條文16條,本次刪除3條,新增1條,於修正後計14條,修正緣由包含統一空氣污染物排放量應申報範圍及計算方法及加強地方環保局排放量申報查核管理機制等。對此,為使排放量申報適用之對象,了解法條修正後申報範圍及計算方法,本計畫特於102年04月29日召開排放量申報作業增修功能說明會,也由本公司執行屏東縣固定污染源計畫專案經理黃詠方先生擔任主講人,針對本次排放量申報作業增修功能進行說明。三、固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準法規宣導說明會環保署於102年4月24日修正公私場所「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」內容,法條修正內容粒狀污染物(重量濃度)將排放管制值由排氣量函數改為定值管制,管制對象分為燃燒過程及燃燒以外過程,簡化單一標準管制。因此,為讓業者了解本法修定之精神,本計畫於102年09月18日召開固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準法規宣導說明會,也特別邀請行政院環保署空氣品質保護暨噪音管制處科長黎揚輝先生進行法規修定之說明。四、固定污染源管理資訊系統更新功能操作說明會行政院環保署於102年12月份進行固定污染源管理資訊系統更新作業,更新項目包含定期檢測申報系統、排放量申報系統、許可網路申請系統等。對此,為使業者在系統更新後能確實了解各項介面之操作,本計畫於102年11月22日召開固定污染源管理資訊系統更新功能操作說明會,也邀請環科工程顧問股份有限公司鄭月足小姐進行系統更新功能操作說明。 (十二)連續監測設施功能測試本年度於6月17日針對P001進行CEMS系統與功能、每日零點及全幅偏移測試查核,崁頂鄉垃圾資源回收廠各項監測項目及儀器皆位於標準值範圍內;另於7月10日針對P002進行CEMS系統與功能、每日零點及全幅偏移測試查核,崁頂鄉垃圾資源回收廠各項監測項目及儀器皆位於標準值範圍內。另P001各項監測項目之評定結果RA值所測試五個項目之評定結果RA值所測試含氧、SOx為A級,NOx及CO為B級,排放流率為C級需加強,建議改善監測設備之硬體或軟體,以提高監測準確度;P002各項監測項目之評定結果RA值所測試NOx、SOx為B級,含氧及CO為C級需加強,排放流率為A級,建議改善監測設備之硬體或軟體,以提高監測準確度。(十三)內部教育訓練為提升執行人員專業能力,本計畫今年度完成2場次內部教育訓練會,於102年6月14日辦理空污費現場查核技巧教育訓練會(包含內容一致性、完整性及統一性等),由本專案工程師張瓊華小姐進行現場查核實務討論及經驗分享。於102年10月21日辦理空污費審查注意事項審核技巧教育訓練會,由本公司林鴻展先生以實務審核經驗進行分享。(十四)工業區管制完成屏東工業區清查作業,清查完成工廠尚未發現與固定污染源資訊系統不符工廠,完成清查率為100%,而所有工業區法規符合度清查掌握率則達100%。另外在工業區陳情件數改善作業方面,102年度工作目標為陳情件數比101年度減少10%,因此本年度針對101年陳情數較多工廠持續進行輔導及加強稽查,彙整屏東、內埔及屏南工業區101年及102年11月止之陳情案件分別為72件及49件,到102.11.30止實際陳情件數符合年度目標64件。為落實屏東縣政府未來面臨空氣品質惡化及毒性化學物質外洩時造成空氣污染事件等應變能力,本年度已於102.11.12進行工業區緊急應變演練一場次。 (十五) 總量管制作業於102年05月06日召開總量管制宣導說明會,於說明會中向業者進行說明「總量管制」未來推動方式及應注意事項。為使首批受規範業者(需網路排放量申報工廠),能瞭解總量管制內容及推動方式及期程,在說明會簡報中加強範例說明。另外配合環保署高屏空品區總量管制試行作業,對於本年度排放量查核工廠,亦會協助其進行總量管制認可試行作業,總計已協助60家操作管理平台,以利後續總量管制工作推動,而認可試行內容主要向業者說明空氣污染物削減量差額管理平台網站操作方式。 (十六) 戴奧辛查核102年度本計畫已執行6根次戴奧辛法規符合度及污染源操作狀況查核作業,查核重點說明如下:一、污染源操作狀況是否符合許可規範內容及防制設備設置及操作參數查核。二、採樣設施是否符合戴奧辛採樣規定。三、定期檢測頻率是否符合規定。本年度查核6家公私場所並無發現不符規定事項。另針對境內3家火化場防制設備設置情形進行調查,除屏東市公所火化場未設置任何防制設備外,高樹及枋寮火化場皆設有袋式集塵器,最近一次定檢年份為101年符合規定。(十七)民眾滿意度調查102年度問卷調查至少完成500份調查,已完成調查件數1147件,符合計畫目標,結果檢討說明如下:一、您覺得屏東縣的工廠有那些空氣污染行為?回答以78.1%的受訪者表示沒意見/不知道/拒答、8.3%的受訪者表示排放臭異味會對屏東縣的工廠產生空氣污染行為、7.0%的受訪者表示車輛進出造成揚塵會對屏東縣的工廠產生空氣污染行為、3.9%的受訪者表示排放黑煙會對屏東縣的工廠產生空氣污染行為,另有2.7%受訪者表示其他會對屏東縣的工廠產生空氣污染行為,因此建議持續進行「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」法規符合度的查核及宣導,及加強異味陳情案件輔導及抽測,使業者能建立污染防制觀念。二、請問您覺得屏東縣工廠排放黑煙等污染情形較去年改善嗎,回答有19.6%的受訪者表示改善很多、31.6%的受訪者表示有改善、4.3%的受訪者表示改善不大、5.3%的受訪者表示非常沒有改善及39.2%的受訪者表示沒意見/不知道/拒答。顯示51.2%民眾感到黑煙污染情形較往年改善,但仍有9.6%民眾認為改善不大,因此建議仍持續加強工業區管制及黑煙排放陳情案件為後續管制重點。三、請問您覺得屏東縣加油站油氣逸散污染較去年改善情形,回答有24.3%的受訪者表示改善很多、41.1%的受訪者表示有改善、2.4%的受訪者表示改善不大、7.5%的受訪者表示非常沒有改善及24.8%的受訪者表示沒意見/不知道/拒答,顯示65.4%民眾感到改善,但仍有9.9%民眾認為改善不大,因此加油站管制仍有加強空間。(十八)屢遭陳情工廠輔導102年度為有效減少屢遭陳情案件及排放減量,針對遭陳情工廠進行輔導改善工作,預計完成3家輔導作業,至102.11.30止已完成3廠輔導改善作業,後續建議持續追蹤各廠輔導改善進度。(十九)發布新聞稿102年計畫執行期間配合計劃執行內容發佈之新聞稿共2則,分別為「排放量申報作業增修功能說明會」及「空氣品質惡化及毒性化學物質外洩時造成空氣污染事件之災害緊急應變演練」召開前先行發佈相關訊息之新聞稿。 Stationary Sources Permit and Air pollution Fee project The main work items of Stationary Sources Permit and Air pollution Fee project are: (1) Stationary Sources Permit application documents exam and issue, including permit inquisition and elaboration conference. (2)Pollution sources control, including patrol, stack inorganic content inspection, sulfur content inspection of fuel oil, regular inspection surveillance, accuracy reviewed of CEMS and dioxins inspection of incinerators. (3) Database establishment, system function upgrade and data QA/QC. (4) Air Pollution Fee payment review and audit.(5) Training for Air Pollution Responsibility Personnel and so on.In permit program, there are 29 processes for new located applications, 81 for operation permit and 41 for permit extension in the year. By on-site checking, 35 processes do not pass the examination. These companies were asked to correct their documents to follow the Air Pollution regulations.Pollutants inspection also held in this program. We inspected regular air pollutants of 5 stacks, 30 sulfate components of oil test, they would get the penalty when these samples exceeded standards. And we take RATA inspection for CEMS too. By this way, we can give the right data to the companies that they can modify the CEMS programs.This year, the main conferences were held for introducing fee rates for stationary pollution source air pollution control fees.We invited environmental personnel to have education lessons for Fee rates and fee calculation method for volatile organic compounds,Calculation method and fee rates for sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides,Applicable conditions and calculation formula incentive coefficient bracket ratio and etc.The other subject was introducing the permitted regulations, education lessons for new regulations, modeling criteria, BACT and the declaration of pollutants emission quantity and etc. All these teachings would improve those people’s acquaintance on their routine works.In emission quantity update, we renewed 201 factories’ data. The results showed the particulate emissions totally are about 2940 ton/year, SOx 395 ton/year, NOx 609 ton/year and VOC 497 ton/year. 102 屏東縣政府環境保護局 元律科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=60938
102年國家永續發展資訊與成效之推廣專案計畫 本計畫完成發行102年版國家永續發展中英文年報、更新維護國家永續發展資訊網站中英文內容、辦理「102年國家永續發展獎」選拔表揚工作,及協辦永續會會議庶務、研擬議案及背景資料工作,彙整成果如下:1.發行102年版國家永續發展中英文年報:完成「102年版國家永續發展年報」之編撰、美編編輯印製及製作光碟,並寄送至國內外相關單位。2.更新維護國家永續發展資訊網站中英文內容:完成永續發展委員會資訊網維護及資料更新工作,並持續進行33次網站更新、協助各部會上線完成「2012永續發展指標系統」之指標初始資料填報作業、指派專人維護及檢閱網站民意信箱、網站升級成IPv6及進行網站壓力測試及資安測試等工作。3.辦理「102年國家永續發展獎」選拔表揚工作:協助永續會秘書處辦理「102年國家永續發展獎」選拔表揚相關庶務工作,總計辦理30場次實地複評、決選作業及編撰得獎專輯、籌辦「102年國家永續發展獎」頒獎典禮。4.協助辦理行政院國家永續發展委員會各項會議及活動之相關庶務工作,並協助行政院國家永續發展委員會秘書處研擬議案及撰寫背景資料:包含各次委員會議及工作會議,資料彙整,年報資料整理,協助辦理永續會相關會議庶務工作,協助辦理「102年國家永續發展獎」選拔複評及實地訪查、協助國家永續發展委員會秘書處各項方案計畫之追蹤管考作業,協助國家永續發展委員會秘書處各項方案計畫之追蹤管考作業及配合議案所需,協助進行資料蒐集、彙整、分析,並撰寫背景資料報告。 2013 National Sustainable Development Information and Achievements Propagation Project This project has accomplished the following tasks: publication of 2013 Annual Report on National Sustainable Development, maintaining and updating contents for National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD) Website, implementing the selection and commending works for 2013 National Sustainable Development Award, and assisting NCSD with general works. The achievements are summarized below:1.Publication of the 2013 Annual Report on National Sustainable DevelopmentAccomplished the compilation, graphic designing, and printing of the Annual Report and sent copies to related domestic and overseas organizations. 2.NCSD Website update and maintenanceAccomplished the maintenance and information updating for NCSD Website. Performed 33 website updating operations in total. 3.Selection and Commending Works for 2013 National Sustainable Development AwardAssisted NCSD Secretariat with selection and commending related works for 2013 National Sustainable Development Award. Organized 30 onsite field re-evaluation, prepared for final selection, published Winners Special Report, and organized the awarding ceremony for 2013 National Sustainable Development Award. 4.Assisting NCSD with General Works related to Meeting and Activity Organization, and Assisting NCSD Secretariat with Proposal Development, and Writing of Background Information The worker allocated to the NCSD Secretariat assisted with the general works related to NCSD, including organizing work meetings and activities for NCSD, as well as compiling information for the Annual Report and Sustainable Development Action Plan. 102 永續發展室 惠國顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61064
中華民國環境事件史料彙編專案工作計畫 回首世界環境發展過程,不難發現環保意識大多起源於過度追求經濟發展帶來的環境災害,臺灣亦是如此。回顧臺灣歷史,居住在這片土地上的人們和環境將是如何相處?本計畫便是在為臺灣環境發展留下記錄,收集並且還原曾經發生在島上的環境事件發展史料,為歷史留下重要紀錄。 國史館曾於民國95年出版《台灣環保運動史料彙編》,該史料彙編著重於民間環境運動資料,並未納入行政部門相關資料,致無法展現中華民國環境發展之完整過程。故編撰《中華民國環境事件史料彙編》專書,以歷史的角度提供研究使用,涵括行政院環境保護署及行政院環境保護小組等相關單位的史料與新聞相關資料,以週延臺灣環境保護發展之全貌。 本計畫參考《中華民國重大環境事件彙編》及參酌《台灣環保運動史料彙編》未完整案例,篩選出十大環境事件:杜邦、李長榮、五輕、六輕、反核、潮寮、國光石化、北桃林口火力電廠、濱南工業區及反建高爾夫球場。透過蒐集各家報紙媒體環境新聞事件與網路揭露的相關環境事件內容,搭配立法院、監察院以及環保署等政府公文書相關文件資料與歷史檔案,製作彙編內容,以達到完整紀錄環境新聞事件,留下歷史見證的目的。 Taiwan Republic of China Compiled Documentation of Environmental Events Looking back at the progression of international environment developments, it is not difficult to find that environmental awareness movements originated from environmental disasters as a result from the excessive pursuit of economical development. Taiwan is not an exception. In retrospect of Taiwan’s history, how did people on this land get along and interact with the environment? In order to better preserve history, this project aims to develop a thorough record of Taiwan’s environmental progression by collecting and recording the environmental events that have happened on this island. Academia Historical published “Taiwan’s Historical Compilation of Environmental Movement” in 2006. The compilation mainly focuses on the documentation of popular environmental movements, not including environmental movement data from government departments. This results in presenting an incomplete picture or progression of the environmental movements and developments in Taiwan. In response, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has commissioned Central University to compile a document of “Major Environmental Events in Taiwan, Republic of China” to provide a more well-rounded historical perspective and reference for future environmental research. The content of the compilation will include the history and relevant media information of the EPA and its environmental groups, which will present a more complete picture of Taiwan’s progression in environmental protection. This project references related information from “Major Environmental Events in Taiwan, Republic of China,” and “Taiwan’s Historical Compilation of Environmental Movement,” namely DuPont, LCY Chemical Corporation, anti-fifth naphtha cracker, anti-sixth naphtha cracker, anti-nuclear protests, the pollution episodes in Tsoliao, Guoguang petrochemical plant complex, thermal power plants in Northern Taolinkou, Pin-Nan industrial area, and oppositions against the construction of golf courses, among ten other major environmental events. Through collecting related environmental information from the media, related information uncovered via internet, government documents and archives from government departments such as the legislative branch, the judicial branch, and the EPA, the content of this compilation project will not only be a record of our progression, but a witness to history. 101 管考處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61133
屏東縣102年環境教育計畫 102 屏東縣政府環境保護局 中華醫事科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=60715
推動農業、醫療、營建廢棄物管理策略計畫 本計畫之工作主要包括農業、醫療、營建廢棄物管理之現況蒐集分析、滾動式檢討並推動管理策略,分別說明各項工作成果。農業廢棄物管理策略草案經與相關部會研商,擬定包括「明確訂定農業廢棄物之範疇及定義,並完備其管理機制」、「訂定合適農業廢棄物專用廢棄物清理計畫書格式及檢討網路申報規定,強化輔導機制」、「建立非生物性農業廢棄物收集、回收、處理體系」、「輔導地方政府訂定管理規範並提供去化管道」等策略,並依據權責持續進行管理工作,同時建立地方環保機關績效評估方式與量化指標;本計畫統計分析農業廢棄物每季廢棄物之種類、產生量、清理流向,查核輔導20家農業相關事業或再利用機構,並彙整國外農業廢棄物管理相關規範,與我國比較分析,以持續檢討管理策略。另完成更新「農漁業廢棄物源頭減量及回收再利用宣導手冊」及建置「農業廢棄資材之管理資訊網」,以宣導農業廢棄物管理。生物醫療廢棄物管理策略已於本年度奉署內核定並函頒至相關單位,其中研擬包括「檢討生物醫療廢棄物之管理範圍」、「整併申報代碼,修改申報系統代碼」、「規劃代辦小型產源遞送聯單之管理機制」、「修訂醫療機構專用廢清書格式」、「修訂事業廢棄物清理計畫書審查作業規範(要點)-醫療機構部分」、「請衛生福利部持續輔導醫院及再利用機構」等策略及對應之推動措施,本年度亦完成建立地方環保機關機關績效評估方式與量化指標,並藉由研商會滾動式檢討管理策略之推動內容;本計畫團隊逐季統計分析醫療廢棄物廢棄物之種類、產生量、清理流向,並完成查核輔導40家醫療機構及10家具有自行處理設施之醫療機構,亦彙整國外之醫療廢棄物管理相關規範,與我國比較分析,據以提出「有害事業廢棄物認定標準」及「事業廢棄物貯存清除處理方法及設施標準」中有關生物醫療廢棄物相關條文修訂建議。另一方面,計畫完成國內生物醫療廢棄物處理量能之檢討,並修訂醫療廢棄物緊急應變原則;本年度另完成醫院水銀體溫計、血壓計使用情形及汱換清理現況調查,並更新「醫療機構事業廢棄物管理作業參考手冊」,以及其他產源廢棄物清理指引,同時蒐集及分析使用者意見,據以更新「醫療廢棄物宣導網」網站,以宣導醫療廢棄物管理。營建廢棄物管理策略草案包括「強化營建剩餘土石方及營建廢棄物橫向聯繫管理機制」、「建置裝潢修繕廢棄物管理體系」、「健全事業廢棄物清理計畫書審查作業」、「強化再利用機構實質管理權責及提供不適燃廢棄物去化管道」等項目,經與相關部會研商後依據權責持續進行管理工作,並建立地方環保機關機關績效評估方式與量化指標;本計畫逐季統計分析營建資源、營建廢棄物、裝潢修繕廢棄物種類、處理量能、清理流向,並完成查核輔導43家戶裝修廢棄物產源及處理設施,另彙整國外營建廢棄物管理相關規範,與我國比較分析;研擬「營建剩餘物分類處理場設置管理暫行要點」並辦理研商會;彙整22個地方政府關於裝修廢棄物之清運機制,包含清運原則之蒐集彙整,並制定績效評估方式,以評析執行機關成效。另研擬家戶及非事業產生裝潢修繕廢棄物管理機制之配套措施。檢討裝潢修繕廢棄物網路填報作業系統流程,規劃整合納入生活廢棄資源管理系統。完成研訂適合地方政府之營建剩餘土石方及營建廢棄物橫向審查機制範本;更新「再生綠建材資訊服務網」並研擬轉型為「營建廢棄物管理資訊網」,以宣導營建廢棄物管理。 The Promotion of Strategy for Agricultural, Medical and Constructional Waste Management The main work of the project included collection and analysis status of agriculture, medical, and construction waste management, and rolling reviews and promotes management strategies. Following described results of the work. The drafted Agricultural Waste Management Strategy consulted with relevant ministries, and proposed the “Explicitly set the scope and definition of agricultural waste, and complete their management mechanisms”, “Set up suitable agricultural waste disposal plan format and review internet reporting requirements, strengthen consulting mechanisms”, “Create a non-biological agricultural waste collection, recycling, and treatment system ”, and “Assist local governments set management regulations and provide disposal ways” and continuing management based on responsibilities and authorities, and established quantitative indicators of performance assessment methods. The Project analyzed quarterly the types, the quantity of output, clearance, and treatment flow of agricultural waste, and checked and consulted for 20 agriculture-related industials or reuse organizations, collected foreign agricultural waste management related regulations, and comparatively analyzed and continued to review Taiwan’s management strategies. The Project also updated "Agricultural and Fishery Waste Source Reduction and Recycling Handbook" and built of "Agricultural Waste Materials Management Information" website to promote agricultural waste management. Medical Waste Management Strategy approved by Environmental Protection Administration this year and issued to relevant units, and included the “Reviewing the scope of biomedical waste management”,” Integrating the reporting codes and modifying the codes of the reporting system”,” Planning agency management mechanism of the delivery manifest”,” Amending medical institutions waste disposal plan format ”,” Amending industrial waste disposal plan examination requirements - medical institutions part”,”Recommending Ministry of Health and Welfare to continue consulting for hospitals and reuse organizations”, and established performance evaluation methods and quantitative indicators for local environmental protection authorities, and held consulting meeting to rolling review. The project statistical analyzed quarterly the types, generation, clearance, and treatment flow of medical waste, checked and consulted for 40 medical institutions and 10 medical institutions had self-treating waste facilities and collected foreign medical waste management, comparative analysis. The project proposed amendments to" Standards for Defining Hazardous Industrial Waste" and "Methods and Facilities Standards for the Storage, Clearance and Disposal of Industrial Waste" relating to biomedical waste; and reviewed of the biomedical waste treatment capacity, proposed amendments to principle of the medical waste emergency management; investigated mercury thermometers, sphygmomanometer in hospitals usage and phase-out, and clearance status; updated "Medical Waste Management Handbook", and small generation source waste disposal guidelines, and collected and analyzed user feedback, updated "Medical Waste Guidance" website to promote medical waste management. The drafted Construction Waste Management Strategy included “Strengthening the construction surplus earth and graveling and construction waste horizontal linkages management mechanism”, “Building decorating and renovation waste management system”,” Completing industrial waste disposal plan examination requirements”,” Enhancing reuse organizations essential management responsibilities and providing disposal way for unsuitable burning waste”, and consulted with relevant ministries, and continuing management based on responsibilities and authorities, and established quantitative indicators of performance assessment methods. The Project statistical analyzed quarterly the types, generation, clearance, and treatment flow of construction resources , construction waste, renovation waste, checked and consulted for 43 households renovation waste source and treatment facilities, and collected foreign construction waste management, comparative analysis; proposed" Construction Residue Classification and Treatment Site Management Interim Guidelines" and held consulting meeting; collected 22 local government renovation waste clearance mechanism, including the principle of clearance and established performance assessment methods to assess the effectiveness of the enforcement authorities. The project also proposed the supporting measures of management mechanism for households and non-industrial generating renovation waste, reviewed the process of renovation waste reporting system, and planed to integrate into"Life Waste Resource Management System", completed the construction residue and construction waste transverse review mechanisms template for local government; updated " Recycling Green Building Materials Information " website and developed transition to "Construction Waste Management Information" website to promote of construction waste management. 102 廢管處 新洋科技顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=60819
資源循環利用法暨子法研訂及相關配套措施計畫 本計畫執行成果主要分為四大部分:(一)資源循環利用法立法背景說明: 1、完成彙整廢棄物清理法、資源回收再利用法及其相關子法歷年修正沿革資料整理。2、完成協助資源循環利用法草案行政院之審查程序,本草案行政院業於102年8月5日正式函請立法院審議。(二)研析廢清法與資再法整合法案之相關子法之管理關連性及過渡期間之配套措施:1、完成資源循環利用法草案應予公告或訂定子法之授權條文彙整。2、完成廢清法與資再法相關子法可供資源循環利用法草案參考對照。3、完成資源循環利用法立法通過後過渡時期配套措施之研析。4、完成資循法草案條文對照及索引,以及資源循環利用法草案管理架構圖。(三)研擬資源循環利用法草案及相關子法草案條文:1、完成追償不法利得之適用性及改善建議研析,並提出可行之不法利得追償方案。2、完成設置事業廢棄資源物清理基金之可行性及必要性研析,並提出事業廢棄資源清理基金收支保管運用辦法(草案)。3、完成非法棄置廢棄資源之裁處、求償準則。(四)協助資源循環利用法立法程序相關交辦事宜:1、完成資源循環利用法草案相關說帖。2、完成資源循環利用法草案相關簡報、意見彙整等文書資料製作。3、完成資源循環利用法草案相關新增子法之衝擊性評估,並研提「違反資源循環利用法裁處不法利得認定核算辦法」、「違反資源循環利用法違規記點準則」草案條文。4、協助回覆廢清法、資再法相關疑義共計18則。5、辦理10場次諮詢會議。 The Project of the Resources Recycling Act and Relevant Regulations Amendment and the Relevant Measu The implementation results of the project are outlined in four sections: 1.Explain the background of the Resource Recycling Act legislation: (1)Collect and review the past revision histories of the Waste Disposal Act, Resource Recycling And Reuse Act, and related regulations. (2)Assist Executive Yuan to review the proposed legislation for the Resource Recycling Act. The proposal was formally submitted to the Legislative Yuan for legislative review on August 5, 2013. 2.Study the Waste Disposal Act, Resource Recycling And Reuse Act, and related laws to develop the new combined legislation’s regulatory coverage and transitional procedures. (1)Outline the necessary public announcements and administrative regulations of the proposed Resource Recycling Act. (2)Review the current regulations under the Waste Disposal Act and Resource Recycling And Reuse Act and compare their applications under the proposed Resource Recycling Act. (3)Develop the necessary transitional regulations after the passage of the proposed Resource Recycling Act. (4)Prepare comparisons and references for the regulations of the proposed Resource Recycling Act. Produce a regulatory framework chart for the proposed Resource Recycling Act. 3.Draft the legislation and regulations of the proposed Resource Recycling Act. (1)Study the suitability of suggested improvements for the recovery of illegal profits. Draft feasible regulations for the recovery of illegal profits. (2)Analyze the feasibility and necessity for the establishment of an Enterprise Waste Disposal Fund. Propose regulations for the collection and management of the Enterprise Waste Disposal Fund. (3)Define the principles for the penalties and liabilities of illegal waste disposal. 4.Assist in the legislative process of the proposed Resource Recycling Act. (1)Prepare roduce explanatory materials for the proposed Resource Recycling Act legislation. (2)Produce presentations, survey opinions, and prepare other supporting documentation for the proposed Resource Recycling Act legislation. (3)Evaluate the potential impact of the proposed Resource Recycling Act legislation. Drafted regulations for the “Recognition And Calculation Of Illegal Profits From Violations Of The Resource Recycling Act” and “Point System For Violations Of The Resource Recycling Act”. (4)Reply to questions raised regarding the Waste Disposal Act and Resource Recycling And Reuse Act, totalling 18 issues. (5)Finished 10 consultant meetings. 102 廢管處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61011
102年桃園縣南崁溪及老街溪等流域水污染源科學稽查管制計畫 桃園縣水污染來源為生活污水及工廠廢水,縣內工廠規模變異大且家數多,故所排放之污染物種類與數量差異也亦大。礙於環保機關檢驗及查核人力有限、經費短缺、事業單位非法偷排手法日異翻新,使得稽查取締非法偷排行為的工作更加困難,故本計畫援用可行之科學儀器設備協助蒐證方式,以分擔查核所需人力及物力,提昇稽查效率,降低本縣河川污染負荷,改善河川水質。本計畫已完成23家事業之功能評鑑作業,所有事業均出現廢水處理流程與許可不符合的情況,已依評鑑委員之意見建議業者進行許可變更與功能改善;另已完成6家許可深度查核事業,其中針對元大、五福及仁福3家畜牧業邀請專家學者至現場協助查核,發現該廠廢水處理設施與水污染防治措施完全不一致,且操作不當,設備維護不良,並有違反水污染防治法相關稀釋規定之情事,本計畫已請養豬協會協助輔導該3家畜牧業者,並將於7月進行複查,以追蹤業者改善進度與情形,另外配合環保署針對連大興、錦美及德昌皮革等3家事業進行污泥量許可深度查核,3家事業污泥推估量與實際清運量差距均在50%以上,污泥量不合理,截至12月20日本計畫已利用水質連續監測儀器、管內檢視錄影器、3G無限網路攝影機等設備協助環保局查獲15件暗管及重大水污染事件,無主暗管已由本計畫完成封閉,後續將持續協助環保局查獲違法廠商,以杜絕事業單位進行水體之污染;在水源區養豬拆除補償戶巡查作業,24家養豬拆遷補償戶已巡查24家,確認24家均已停養或已變更地目另作他用。本計畫已完成第1~4季7座工業區日、夜間雨水道放流口與廢水處理廠放流口水質採樣工作,第4季部分水樣水質仍於環保局檢驗室分析中,分析102年第1~4季工業區巡查與監測工作共發現24件許可放流口及40件雨水道放流口水質異常事件,許可放流口水質平均合格率僅為78.6%,雨水道水質平均合格率為98%,現場均立即告知工業區服務中心人員,使工業區服務中心能立即以查證權進行污染源追蹤與處理,並將現場狀況回報環保局,後續將持續追蹤異常水質之雨水道,並協助追蹤污染源,比較近三年本縣各工業區雨水道監測合格率,合格率維持在95%上下,本年度有提升的趨勢。本計畫已完成辦理本年度第1~4季工業區或園區自主管理成效會議,與各工業區討論列管案件之執行情形及進度。 Water Pollution Scientific Investigation and Management on Nan Kang River and Lao Jie River Project, 2012 The main water pollution sources could be classified into household sewage and industrial wastewater. The ultimate resolution to household sewage would be the construction of domestic sewage system which directed all sewage from each house to sewage treatment plant before discharging into the rivers. Furthermore, Industrial wastewater management would require preventive measures from government bodies such as discharge and permit audit, wastewater treatment facility inspection, and consultation to the management of wastewater. Due to the insufficient of funding, resources and technologies, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Taoyuan County (TYEPB) had initiated the Water Pollution Scientific Investigation and Management on Nan Kang River and Lao Jie River Project to invite consulting bodies to assist in water pollution prevention businesses.The performance of major tasks in the project and the execution results were stated as follows:The project had established a group of specialists to undertake 23 wastewater treatment facilities (WTF) functional inspections and to provide pragmatic suggestions for the management of WTF. The project had completed onsite in-depth water pollution permit audit and investigation to 6 factories, including 3 livestock farms and 3 factories. Among those 6 factories, all of them fell short of Water Pollution Act, and the WTF processes or operations did not meet their water pollution prevention permit. The project had recorded the investigation findings and filed to both the factories and the TYEPB for records. The TYEPB would take necessary administration actions to accuse if these factories fell to improve their WTF. In addition, the project had successfully implemented scientific instruments such as automatic water quality monitoring system, 3G video surveillance camera and LED inner pipe recording facility in the investigation of 11 illicit discharges. All the illicit discharges had been removed and their owners were fined and forced to improve their WTF.In order to monitor the storm drainages water quality of industrial zone or park, a total of 64 sites of water quality sampling were executed. It was found that the overall pass rate of WTF discharges of 7 industrial zones were 78.6%, and the overall pass rate of storm drainage of all industrial zone were 98%. The project had forwarded the abnormal sampling analysis results to associated industrial zone service center to allow improvement on wastewater treatment efficiency. In addition to industrial zone wastewater management, the project had conducted one industrial zone self-management conferences in May 10th of 2013, Aug 8th of 2013, Oct 25th of 2013, and Nov 11th of 2013 to encourage industrial zone service center placing more efforts and attentions in water pollution prevention of industrial zone. 102 桃園縣政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司
研析環境影響評估納入處理機構許可程序專案工作計畫 為使廢棄物處理機構之管理更臻完備,本計畫將蒐集國、內外處理機構應實施環評之相關認定規範,以檢討我國與其他國家的差異,並依據分級分類概念,分析國內處理機構之種類,提出國內應實施環評之處理機構之認定標準及修法建議。另評析全國廢棄物處理機構於興建、增建及擴建時執行政策環評之可行性。再透過我國與其他國家環評制度的差異比較,研擬環評制度納入許可程序之可行性及提出具體之修法建議。 A Study on Including Environmental Impact Assessment into Institutions Permit Procedures Project Wor To ensure that management of waste handling institutions are more complete, this program collects the related recognition specifications of implementation environmental assessments by institutions domestically and internationally. This is done to discuss the differences between what is done in our country and others, and based on a concept of grading and classification to analysis the types of domestic disposal institutions and propose the recognized standards and recommendations for amendment of laws and regulations for the environmental assessment that should be done by disposal institutions domestically. In addition, an analysis of the feasibility of implementing government policy related environmental assessment when disposal institutions nationwide construct, construct more and expand. Also, by comparing the differences of the environmental assessment system of our country with those of other countries, we propose to research the feasibility of including environmental impact assessment into the permit granting procedures and propose concrete recommendations to amend existing laws and regulations. 102 廢管處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=60804
事業廢水水質特性分析及污染管制措施研議計畫 環保署自99年起依據事業廢水水質特性調查結果,訂定高科技產業和石油化學產業放流水標準,本計畫追蹤放流水水質及放流水污染物削減管理計畫之執行情形與改善成效。另綜整化工業廢水水質特性,於本年度提出化工業放流水標準(草案),以及針對屠宰業和具動物屍體之化製製程之食品製造業和廢棄物焚化廠或其他廢棄物處理廠(場) 訂定放流水大腸桿菌群之管制;並評析美國聯邦環保署針對蒸汽發電廠放流水新增之管制規定,以及養牛業和電鍍業放流水標準COD管制限值合理性。本計畫綜整國內外文獻與廢水水質調查結果,建立製革業和印染整理業廢水管理指引,同步蒐集廢棄物掩埋場的廢水污染特性,形成廢水特性說明文件;另針對102年增訂水污染防制措施及檢測申報管理辦法中「逕流廢水污染削減管理」和「生物急毒性管理規定」部分,協助環保署累積逕流廢水和生物急毒性背景水質數據,追蹤事業逕流廢水污染改善成效。此外,研提生物急毒性鑑定和減量評估作業準則,以實際案例進行測試;以及歸納美國「依水體水質為基準之排放限值」計算之準則與實際案例,提出管理策略和管制方式建議。 The Study of Pollutant Characteristics of Industrial Wastewater and Pollution Control Measures Since 2009, based on a series of survey on industrial wastewater characteristics, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has amended the Effluent Standards of high-technology Industries and Petrochemical industries. In this project, we traced the effluent quality of the two industries and the implementation of their Effluent Pollutant Elimination Management Plans. The second focus was to conclude the wastewater characteristics of chemical industries and draft the Effluent Standard drafts for this year. Besides, we drafted the E-coli effluent limitations for the slaughter industry and food industry as well as waste incinerators and other waste treatment plants (facilities) with animal wastes. Furthermore, we assessed the new regulations of the Steam Electric Power Generating Effluent Guidelines drafted by the US EPA. The rationality of effluent standards of COD for livestock industry (Applicable to cow) and electroplating industry (chromium) were reviewed and assessed.For leather tanning industries and printing, dyeing, and finishing industries, this project summarized the domestic and international literatures and the relevant reports of wastewater characteristics to draft the “Industry Wastewater Management Guideline” of the two industries. Besides, the wastewater characteristics of waste landfill were investigated and the “Document of the Wastewater Characteristic” was proposed. For the run-off wastewater elimination and effluent acute toxicity control of the “Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management Regulations”, we accumulated the wastewater background data of run-off wastewater and effluent acute toxicity as well as traced run-off wastewater elimination measures. Besides, we proposed the acute toxicity identification and reduction evaluation protocol as well as tested one real case. In the project, we concluded the calculation protocol and real cases for water quality based effluent limitations of the US EPA. The suggestions were then proposed. 102 水保處 財團法人中興工程顧問社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=57249
應用生物處理技術去除臭味及水中有機物之可行性研究計畫 養豬事業在臺灣,是一個事業龐大的生產產業體系。102年5月份的統計養豬頭數為600萬隻及養豬戶為8,881戶。粗估豬舍之沖洗水量約在20~50 L/頭.日,每日即產生12~30萬公噸(m3)之養豬廢水量,換算每年產生相當0.5〜1.2個日月潭的貯水量左右的污水。即使經過處理,排放水的COD常高達2,000mg/L以上,長久以來造成嚴重的水質污染。使用本「複合型微生物菌群」的工法,除了有效處理水質污染問題外,最大的好處是建置成本很低且操作簡易。在不更改農戶的污水處理設備下,穩定的操作可得到的水質數據如下:懸浮固體量(~75 mg/L)、油脂(~2.0 mg/L)、生化需氧量(~160 mg/L)、化學需氧量(~320 mg/L)及總磷(~10 mg/L)。粗估去除率分別達到90%、80%、90%、90%及70%。適當使用本「複合型微生物菌群」的工法,也將有效降低豬舍及是雞舍的異味。在本實驗的雞舍大門外施作前後,空氣中NH3 濃度由36.9 ppm下降到ND;而H2S濃度由172.4 ppb下降到ND。由現場的感官及照片蚊蠅數量都可以進一步證明臭味已大幅下降。本研究經實場等質化驗證,能在合理成本的考量下,有效去除水中有機物,而且沒有二次污染的疑慮。 A feasibility project on application of biological treatment technology to remove odors and organics Swine production has been one of the key agricultural industries in Taiwan for a long time. Over 6 million hogs were produced this year (2013), and they generated around ten million tons of solid sewage per year, an amount equivalent to the capacity of the Sun-Moon Lake. More importantly, the COD of effluent is often up to 2,000mg/L or more even after treatment. Large amounts of swine waste have been causing environmental concerns such as greenhouse gas, odor emission and potential nutrient contamination to surface and ground waters. The water pollution problem could be effectively improved by applying the new method —“Compound Microbial Flora” without requiring to change the sewage treatment facilities. Morever, the application cost is low and the operation procedure is easy for farmer. The following water quality could be obtained after continuous operation of the “Compound Microbial Flora” : SS(~75 mg/L)、OIL(~2.0 mg/L)、BOD(~160 mg/L)、COD(~320 mg/L) and P(~10 mg/L), and the roughly decontamination efficiency would be 90%, 80%, 90%, 90% and 70%, respectively.It can also reduce the odor of chicken coop or pigsty very significantly by proper use of “Compound Microbial Flora”. The concentration of NH¬3 and H2S is decreased from 36.9 ppm to ND and from 172.4 ppb to ND, respectively, after applied the method in outdoor of chicken coop. Through experiments on the the chicken coop and pigsties, it has been proven that “Compound Microbial Flora” is effective on swine wastewater treatment and deodorizing. And most importantly, it is low costed and easy to operate. 102 水保處 旺德生技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61010
工業區污水下水道系統管理及輔導計畫 本計畫為一年期行政執行計畫,計畫內容包括:(1)自動監測及聯繫傳輸設施規劃(2)辦理工業區污水下水道系統管制現況檢核(3)建立水污染防治績效評核機制(4)研擬提升利用率與污染減量分析建議(5)協助推動工業區專用下水道系統深度查核作業,以提升相關單位查核技能,與(6)其他行政協助事項 Industrial Area Sewerage System Management and Counseling Program This is a one-year administrative assissting project,the major tasks including:(1)assising to estabilsh CWMS(2)auduitng the industrial area sewerage system controlling status(3)planning water pollution prevention benchmarking performance indicators(4)studying how to elevate the utilization rate and pollution quantity reduction(5)assisting the EPB to conduct funtional inspection and to improve the inspection skill(6)other administractive assistance works. 102 水保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64645
提升應變諮詢監控能量、整訓、毒災聯防及化學品專業諮詢推動暨執行毒化物運作災害評析計畫(第二年) 本計畫因應99至102年之「強化毒化物安全管理及災害應變第二期」規劃與延續既有毒災應變體系功能之需求,維持諮詢與監控24小時不打烊、中央毒災應變中心平時與變時開設作業、參與協助國際化學品公約相關會議、製作毒災簡訊、規劃國內環境毒災年度常訓課程與更新防救災應變資料等工作,本年度則以國內毒化災應變人員訓練課程、聯防組織能量評析制訂與廠場輔導機制等方面為主,並辦理國際交流訓練、聯防組織文件審核與實場應變能量測試、毒化物運作廠場輔導、高風險工業區運作災害評析與制訂疏散避難規劃等精進工作項,以強化國內環境災害事故處置作為之目標。全年無休24小時進行化學品等災害專業諮詢服務與災害通報作業方面:變時作業協助65場次環境災害事故應變諮詢監控作業,並提供現場救災單位311點建議,30分鐘內發送第1則簡訊其達成率為100 %(合約要求為90%);平時作業則完成媒體監控案件1,113件(包括國內監控279以及國外監控834件)以及一般諮詢案件211件,總計完成1,324件(合約要求至少950件),同步通報相關處室共174件次;配合毒化物全民防衛動員與反恐應變作業,協助參與與辦理3場次演練協調會;發行環境毒災簡訊電子報4期(第46至49期),發份數共計11,172份,總瀏覽人數累積為448,927人次;每日點檢與系統測試為確保系統正常操作與資安維護,執行11項系統功能修正、新增與強化工作。推動毒化物國際交流防救業務方面,依據102年03月27日「環署毒字第1020025286號」計畫變更項目,全程派員參與斯德哥爾摩公約、巴塞爾公約、鹿特丹公約等三化學品國際公約共同會議與辦理周邊會議,已於六月底提交出國成果;參與第十四屆「國際化學程序工業損害預防及安全促進研討會」與完成出國成果報告提交;辦理國際毒化災防救交流訓練課程研討議程計四日,共262人次參與(合約要求至少120人次);依據101年課程教學綱要,逐步彙整其教材內容,已完成NFPA章節之五級制程序內容摘述與說明,未來則提供國內毒化災應變教材編撰大綱參考依據。強化國內毒災防救預防與整備能量方面,協助審查9件聯防組織複審作業,5件聯防組織資料異動以及13家業者進行聯防媒和之需求輔導,統計全國聯防工作圈共87組,計684廠家數加入,完成無預警測試暨實場運作演練聯防工作圈輔導訓練工作,計32場次共686人次參與,並依據其成果制訂相關記點原則;辦理3梯次常訓訓練工作,計269人次參與(合約要求至少150人次);辦理「毒化物災害應變中心專責人員聯繫協調會議及參訪」工作,計101人次參與;辦理全國毒化物事故案例研討會,計有408人次參與(合約要求至少300人次);辦理毒災業務檢討會,計有159人次參與(合約要求至少100人次);完成7場次環保署撥發儀器設備駐地訓練與高風險毒性化學物質運作工業區危害模擬研析進階訓練,計有172人次參與(合約要求至少70人次);環境災害事故分析檢測數值查核與協助方面,計完成23場次1,720筆監測數值。高風險毒化物與工業區運作災害評析與疏散避難原則暨運作安全管理方面,延續高風險毒性化學物質篩選原則會議制訂之方法,本年度計執行12種次高風險毒化物研析工作;完成8個高風險工業區區塊(涵蓋14個工業區,計332廠家)危害模擬研析及疏散避難作業之技術資料,同步辦理7隊次高風險毒性化學物質運作工業區訓練課程,計有172人次參與(合約要求至少100人次);依「毒性化學物質運作安全管理輔導工作規劃」辦理,並完成10場次輔導工作,完成「毒性化學物質績優運作評選活動」,計有4個績優單位獲獎,並藉由公開場合表揚,以彰顯業者的努力與付出。 The project of enhancing the capacities for incident monitoring and consulting integrated training m This plan was drafted in response to the 2010-2013 "Promotion of Toxic Chemical Safety Management and Incident Response—Stage II," and meets the functional needs of the existing toxic chemical accident response system. The plan provides for constant 24-hour advisory and monitoring services. The central toxic incident response center also conducts operations routinely and during emergencies, participates in and helps hold conferences connected with international chemical products, produces toxic chemical accident text messages, plans domestic environmental toxic accident annual training classes, and updates accident prevention and response data. The plan's primary tasks this year include the holding of training classes for domestic toxic chemical accident response personnel, drafting of joint prevention organization assessment methods, and implementation of plant assistance mechanisms. Other important tasks intended to strengthen Taiwan's environmental incident handling capabilities include holding of international interchange training, review of joint prevention organization documents and on-site inspection of response capabilities, provision of assistance to toxic chemical substance handling sites, and analysis of operating accidents in high-risk industrial areas and drafting of evacuation and escape plans for those areas.Regarding 24-hour year-round professional accident advisory services related to chemical products and accident notification tasks – for actual accidents, the center performed environmental incident response, consulting, and monitoring services on 65 occasions, provided 311 recommendations to on-site disaster relief units, and achieved a text message delivery rate of 100% within 30 minutes of issuing each message (the contractual requirement is 90%). During ordinary periods, when no accidents occurred, the center completed 1,113 media monitoring cases (including 279 domestic monitoring cases and 834 foreign monitoring cases) and 211 general consulting cases, for a total of 1,324 cases (the contractual requirement is at least 950). The center further notified EPA service units a total of 174 times; assisted with and organized three drill coordination meetings as a part of toxic chemical public prevention mobilization and counter-terrorism operations; and issued four volumes (Vol. 46-49; a total of 11,172 copies) of this year's environmental toxic accident text message e-bulletin, which were browsed 448,927 times. Daily point inspections and system tests were performed to ensure that the system functioning normally and information security was maintained; system functions were revised, added, and strengthened on eleven occasions.To promote international interchange concerning prevention and response matters involving toxic chemical substances, this plan sent personnel to attend joint conferences and peripheral conferences held pursuant to the three main international conventions addressing chemical products—the Stockholm Convention, Basel Convention, and Rotterdam Convention—in accordance with the plan change items in Huan-Bao-Du-Zi No. 1020025286 of March 27, 2013, and the results of overseas trips to relevant conferences were reported at the end of June. Personnel participated in the 14th "International Chemical Procedures – Industry Damage Prevention and Safety Promotion Symposium" at the end of June, and completed submission of a trip results report. An international toxic chemical accident response interchange training class curriculum review conference and discussion were held over the course of four days; a total of 262 persons took part in this event (the contractual requirement is at least 120 persons). The description and instructions for the content of level five procedures of the NFPA chapter was completed and will serve as a reference for the drafting of domestic toxic chemical accident response educational materials. With regard to strengthening domestic toxic chemical accident prevention, response, and readiness capabilities, this organization assisted with the follow-up review of 9 joint prevention organizations, assisted with data updating for 5 joint prevention organizations, and helped match 13 firms with joint prevention organizations. A total of 87 joint prevention working groups nationwide have been organized to date, and 684 firms have joined these groups thus far; one joint prevention working group presentation meeting was conducted drawing 87 participants. Thirty-two sessions for no early warning testing, field operating exercise joint prevention working group assistance training work, in which a total of 686 people participated, were carried out. Three routine training sessions were held and attended by 269 persons (the contractual requirement is least 150 persons). A total of 101 persons participated in the "Toxic Chemical Accident Response Center Responsible Personnel Liaison and Coordination Conference and Visit." This organization also held a national toxic chemical accident case study seminar, which was attended by 408 people (a minimum of 300 people was contractually required), and a toxic chemical disaster services review meeting, which was attended by 159 people (a minimum of 100 people was contractually required). One-hundred and seventy-two persons took part in seven EPA-issued instruments and equipment site training and advanced high-risk toxic chemical substance handling industrial area hazard simulation and analysis training (a minimum of 70 people was contractually required). With regard to environmental accident analysis and testing value audits and assistance, a total of 1,720 monitoring values were analyzed in 23 sessions.With regard to high-risk toxic chemical substance and industrial area operating accident assessment, evacuation and escape principles, and operating safety management, building on the methods formulated at high-risk toxic chemical substance selection principle conferences, this organization carried out work for twelve high-risk toxic chemical substances, completed the technical information for hazard simulation and evacuation operations for eight high-risk industrial segments (covering 332 firms in 14 industrial zones) for this year. Seven high-risk toxic chemical substance handling industrial area training classes were held for teams, and were attended by 172 people (the contractual requirement is least 100 persons). An inspection visit list and on-site inspection plan were compiled in accordance with the "Toxic Chemical Substance Handling Safety Management Assistance Work Plan." An implementation plan for the "Toxic Chemical Substance Outstanding Operating Assessment Activity" was submitted. Four outstanding organizations received awards and were acknowledged at a public awards event to spotlight operators’ efforts and achievements. 102 毒管處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=60619
國際環保動態資訊蒐集及趨勢分析 本計畫之工作目標包括:(1)蒐集各國及重要國際組織之環保法令及政策動態,定期提供環保署施政參考。(2)針對各國及國際重要環保政策發展趨勢進行分析,提供環保署政策研擬參考。本計畫為期11.5個月,在蒐集國際環境動態資訊方面,至12月31日止總計已摘譯並發送國際環境訊息752則、編輯及寄發國際環保新聞週報49次。本計畫所蒐集之環境資訊,共蒐集有關40個國家或區域的訊息,其中以美國及歐盟的新聞最多,比重約達43%。議題方面以氣候變遷與節能減碳的新聞最多,比重達18%,而空品保護及噪音管制類的新聞篇數次高佔15%,廢棄物管理佔14%,水資源與水質保護類佔12%,另環境衛生與毒物管理及環境綜合政策各佔10%,土壤及地下水污染整治及森林保護與自然保育類各佔7%,其次依序為綠色消費、環境教育等,環保署重要業務大致平均涵蓋。在分析國際環保趨勢方面,至12月31日止,已完成季趨勢報告4次,並依環保署指定的題目,完成專題報告5篇,在本報告中亦對全年度的國際環保動態完成整理與分析,至目前為止,完全符合計畫進度。 International Environmental News Collecting and Trend Analysis Project This project, commissioned by Office of Sustainable Development, the EnvironmentalProtection Administation(EPA), focused on international environmental information collection and trend analysis. The main tasks of this project consisted of the following: (1) to collect, select, and translate environmental news and policies and provide them periodically to EPA to aid its policy implementation; (2) to analyze trendsin international environmental protection, environmental regulations and policies and provide the analysis to EPA to aid its policy formation. The project duration is 11.5 months. Regarding the first task, through December 31 2013, 752 international environmental news articles were selected and collected. The highlights of the news were translated and distributed to the subscribers. 49 issues of international environmental weekly news were edited and published. A total of 40 coutries or regional political entities are covered by the news. The majority of the news collected by this project (43%) originated from the US and EU. As to news classification, news about Climate change, energy saving and carbon reduction takes up the highest percentage (18%) . News about air quality protection takes the second highest percentage (15%), waste managemen protection takes 14%, water resource and quality pretection takes12%, and environmental hygiene and toxic management and integrated environmental policy each takes up10%. Other categories such as soil and groundwater remediation and Forest protection and nature conservation each takes up 7%. The rest are about green consumption and environmental education…etc. The major fields that are relevant to EPA works are more or less evenly covered. Regarding the second task, 4 issues of quarterly analytical reports on international environmental protection trends were published. 5 special topic reports, with the topics selected and assigned by the EPA, were completed and provided. In this final report, a yearly news trend analysis was also performed for the entire duration of this project. As of the present, all tasks required by this project were accomplished on schedule. 102 永續發展室 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61068
102年度臺中市PM2.5來源分析及管制計畫 本計畫主要透過實測分析,深入探討臺中市PM2.5組成及貢獻來源,包含大氣環境PM2.5採樣分析、管道PM2.5檢測分析以及逸散源檢測分析。大氣環境PM2.5成分分析顯示硫酸鹽含量27.3%最高,次為硝酸鹽14.6%,再次為銨鹽13.4%,有機碳11.2%占第四,金屬占2.3%。排放管道PM2.5採樣顯示鋼鐵業電弧爐總微粒(FPM+CPM)濃度最高,約6.5mg/Nm3,次為食品業燃油鍋爐4.7 mg/Nm3,垃圾焚化爐約0.7 mg/Nm3排放濃度最低。逸散源PM2.5/TSP比值顯示電力業貯煤場0.19,水泥製造業0.10~0.13,鋼鐵業製程0.08~0.15,街塵0.06~0.13。指紋資料分析顯示電力業燃煤鍋爐的煙道PM2.5及貯煤場PM2.5指紋圖譜均以碳成分最高,鋼鐵業煙道PM2.5以金屬元素成分最大,鋼鐵業逸散PM2.5以碳組成、硫酸鹽及鈣化合物為主。本市大氣環境中衍生性PM2.5以硫酸鹽比例最高;衍生性硫酸鹽必須區域聯防,才能見到成效。原生性PM2.5貢獻以交通源的貢獻量15.7% 最高。臺中港區為本市排放原生性PM2.5最大工業區,應列為PM2.5優先管制地區,建議在港區示範「大型企業自主加裝一定比例濾煙器」方案,以長程運輸為主的大型柴油車加裝濾煙器為目標。臺中市欲達到105年的20μg/m3階段目標,原生性PM2.5需減量1,636公噸/年,衍生性PM2.5需減量1,660 公噸/年。105年到110年原生性PM2.5必須再減量1,781公噸/年,衍生性PM2.5必須再減量1,931 公噸/年。 Source Analysis and Mitigation Strategy of PM2.5 over Metropolitan Taichung in 2013 The atmospheric PM2.5 ingredient proportion demonstrated that the majority sampling sites were highest in sulfate, next nitrate, followed by ammonium, organic carbon and last heavy metals. On average, sulfate was 27.3%, nitrate 14.6%, ammonium 13.4%, organic carbon 11.2% and heavy metals 2.3%.PM2.5 mass concentration in flue gas for stationary sources showed that the electric arc furnace total particle matters (FPM + CPM) are the highest, approximately 6.5 mg/Nm3; next the food industry fuel oil boiler 4.7 mg/Nm3; followed by steel industry sintering plant 2.8 mg/Nm3; the coal-fired plant 1.76 to 1.85 mg/Nm3; and the municipal solid waste incinerator 0.7 mg/Nm3 is the lowest. The dissipation of the PM2.5 demonstrated that coal store yard power plant PM2.5/TSP ratio was 0.19, the cement industry was between 0.10 to 0.13, the steel industry was between 0.08 to 0.15, and street dust was between 0.06 to 0.13. Carbon fractions were the most in fingerprints of PM2.5 of flue gas for fuel coal boiler and coal store yard in power plant. In steel industry flue gas, heavy metals were the main fraction for stationary sources whereas carbon, sulfate and calcium compounds for dissipation.As secondary pollutants of sulfate in PM2.5 was the main portion for Taichung, we would suggest, together with surrounding neighbor cities and counties to look into the mitigation strategies for the traffic emissions. Local primary pollutants PM2.5 contribution to the amount of traffic sources was less than 15.7%.To mitigate the PM2.5 in the region, the heavy load diesel trucks were fitted with catalyst particulate filter and this has been studied. Under the present air pollution control measure, we would suggest that the primary PM2.5 decrement goal may be 1,636 metric ton/year and secondary PM2.5 1,660 metric ton/year in the year of 2016. Furthermore, primary PM2.5 decrement goal to aim for is 1,781 metric ton/year and secondary PM2.5, 1,931 metric ton/year in 2021. 102 台中市環境保護局 台灣綠碁科技股份公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=58677
102年推廣環境奈米科技知識平台及知識整合計畫 本計畫的目標主要為維護及管理環保署「環境奈米科技知識平台」網站(Taiwan Nanotechnology EHS Database, 網址http://ehs.epa.gov.tw/),依國內外的奈米EHS的研究成果充實其內容,及更新環境奈米的知識文件等工作。目前已整理並完成上傳的國內研究報告及出版文獻篇數為:中文版網站—研究報告全文共174篇(新增65篇)、出版文獻連結699篇(新增162篇);英文版網站—研究報告摘要149篇(新增49篇)、SCI論文連結523篇(新增222篇) (統計日期:2013年11月25日)。在SCI論文的分類方面,研究領域以奈米科技的應用為主、微粒種類以氧化物為主、暴露或危害標的以其他/未指定為主、風險暴露群以其他/未指定為主、產生方法以工程奈米微粒為主。目前已完成五項主題的奈米知識文件的蒐集、整理及更新工作,並整理ISO及OECD有關奈米科技環境、健康、安全(EHS)議題的發展趨勢。本年度已發行知識平台的電子報四期上傳至知識平台,並以e-mail方式通知訂閱者最新的nano-EHS消息,nano-EHS知識,近期活動及下期預告,用戶可以下載及瀏覽文件,過去的歷史文件也可以在平台的e-paper專區找到。目前環境奈米科技知識平台的電子報訂閱人數為525人,2011年以來的瀏覽人數為69,328次。本計畫依據環保署102年提出奈米國家型計畫環境議題優先發展項目規劃,並參考美國環保署在2009年的"奈米物質研究策略報告"中的四個聚焦研究主題,提出環保署未來重點發展項目規劃並修正「2014年環保署的全球負責任奈米技術的回顧與展望」中英文文件,並已舉辦研商會1場。為了加強奈米技術的風險認知及溝通,本計畫已於102年10月21日在台大集思會議中心舉辦「102年環境奈米科技論壇」,首先邀請勞委會、環保署、衛福部、工研院及學界等產官學研專家舉行圓桌會議,討論了本國的nano-EHS的政策、法規、標準及研究進展,環保署過去一年的研究成果也以論文發表及討論方式介紹給國內相關人士。論壇共吸引了產、官、學、研各界147人報名,實際有101人參加,充分達到了nano-EHS知識傳播及風險溝通的目的。最後,為了加強與國際的互動及介紹台灣奈米EHS研究現況,本計畫專訪了奈米EHS議題的二位專家學者,分別為國立成功大學環境工程學系王鴻博教授及國立清華大學動力機械工程系李國賓教授,訪問稿並以中英文方式呈現。 The Promotion of Taiwan Nanotechnology EHS Database and the integration of knowledge The goal of this project is to maintain the website of "Taiwan nanotechnology EHS database"(http://ehs.epa.gov.tw/) and provide data and information by integrating the international and domestic research achievements on nano-EHS related issues. Up to now, 174 full articles for research reports (increased by 65 articles) and 699 research papers in abstract (increased by 162 papers) have been uploaded in the Chinese website. In addition, 149 abstracts for research reports (increased by 49 articles) and 523 SCI papers (increased by 222 papers) with the links to the publishers’ websites have been uploaded in the English website, which demonstrates fruitful results in the nanotechnology EHS area in Taiwan (The statistics date is Nov. 25, 2013). Regarding the category analysis of SCI papers, nanotechnology applications, oxide, other exposure or hazard target, other risk exposure group, and engineered are the main subjects in the research area, particle type, exposure or hazard target, risk exposure group, and generation method, respectively. Recent advances on nano-EHS related issues in five topical areas and in ISO and OECD were also reviewed, compiled and updated in the web page.Four issues of e-papers were issued. Members can receive the latest nano-EHS news, nano-EHS knowledge, recent activities and the announcement of the next issue through e-mails, retrieve and read the fulltexts and track the historical files at the exclusive e-paper zone in the website. The numbers of members and visitors continue to increase this year. So far, the number of subscription of e-paper is 525. The number of visiting to the website is increased to 69,328.Referring to the nano-EHS research strategies and research themes of USEPA, considering domestic resource constraint, previous research achievements, and the research activities of other domestic agencies, the "Global Strategic Plan for Responsible Nanotechnology in 2014" was re-written in both Chinese and English versions and the the review meeting was held with domestic experts.To strengthen the risk perception and the communication of nanotechnology, the "2013 Environmental Nanotechnology Forum" was held on October 21, 2013 at GIS NTU conference center, Taipei. At the beginning, experts from Council of Labor Affairs, Environmental Protection Bureau, Department of Health, Industrial Technology Research Institute and universities representing industry, government, academia and research sectors were invited hold the round table forum to discuss the domestic progress on nano-EHS policy, regulation, standards, guidelines and research achievements. and EPA's research achievements in the past year were presented to different domestic stakeholders through paper presentations and discussion. From industry, government, academia and research institutions, there were 147 people registered and 101 people actually attended the forum for fruitful knowledge dissemilation and risk communication on nano-EHS issues. Finally, to promote the international interactions and introduce the domestic nano-EHS research achievements, two experts in the nano-EHS field were interviewed, including Professor Hung-Po Wang from the Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, and Professor Gwo-Bin Lee from the Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University. The interview reports were prepared in both Chinese and English. 102 永續發展室 國立交通大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=59182
102年參與亞太經濟合作(APEC)海洋及漁業工作小組專案工作計畫 本計畫之執行係回應亞太經濟合作(APEC)海洋相關部長之宣言及行動計畫,以推動公私部門夥伴關係。本計畫完成派員出席於102年5月在印尼舉行之第2屆APEC海洋及漁業工作小組(OFWG)年度會議,於會議中報告我國於2012年所舉行之第13屆亞太經濟合作組織企業/私人部門參與海洋環境永續性圓桌會議之成果,並提出我國自費辦理2014年第15屆亞太經濟合作組織企業/私人部門參與海洋永續性圓桌會議之計畫。並於台北舉辦第14屆亞太經濟合作(APEC)企業/私人部門參與海洋環境永續性圓桌會議。此外,本計畫亦需完成發行APEC Bulletin on Marine Resource Conservation and Fisheries第15卷第1、2期刊物以及網路維護等工作。 The Project on the Involvement of APEC Marine and Fisheries Working Group -2013 This project was implemented in according to the Declaration and the Plan of Action of the Ocean-related Ministers of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) on the promotion of partnership between the public and private sectors. The principal investigator of this project attended the 2st APEC Ocean and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG) meeting on May, 2013, in Indonesia. 102 永續發展室 國立臺灣海洋大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=59892
推動資源循環及低碳永續運作機制整合工作計畫 本計畫目標為促進資源循環體系運作,協助進行跨部會會議與推動成果彙編,蒐集國外最新資訊,強化資源回收再利用法機能;計畫中以推動資源循環及低碳永續兩方向做為主軸,在進行例行工作的同時,借鏡國外案例供未來施政方向參考,成為推動計畫的最佳幕僚角色。資源循環方面,本計畫已完成「101年度資源回收再利用年報」定稿,協助彙整各部會提交今年前三季成果,及「103年至104年資源回收再利用推動計畫」之下階段目標提報,協助招開工作小組及再生資源促進委員會會議以維護資再法運作機能。低碳永續方面,一方面協助環保署生態社區推動方案室,建立低碳永續家園之資源循環行動項目;另一方面蒐集國際上近三年會議資料與資源循環零廢棄相關實施策略,共10篇會議資料及32筆期刊報告。為達資源循環零廢棄之願景,本計畫從新檢視並修訂明年度「廢棄資源管理績優事業選拔活動」報名須知,追蹤歷年獲獎事業後續執行成果,加深業界對於資源循環之共識;舉辦「低碳永續家園之資源循環示範點-臺北市延慧書庫觀摩」活動及102年「臺北101資源循環觀摩」組織學習活動。強化政府與產業、地方與中央之間的交流。 Integration Program of Promoting Resource Recycling and Low-Carbon Sustainable Operating Mechanism Goals of this program are to promote a resource recycling system, to support cross-agency meetings and editing of the outcomes, to collect latest information from abroad, and to strengthen mechanisms of recycling and reusing. The program puts emphasis on promoting the recycling system and the sustainable low-carbon management. While implementing routine procedures, case studies of foreign countries are used to be references of future policies in order to aid in performing the program.On the recycling system, the “Annual Report on Resource Recycling and Reusing of Year 101” has been completed to support appropriate authorities to submit the outcomes of this year’s first three quarters. The next stage of “Promotion Program of Resource Recycling and Reusing during Year 103 and 104” has also been submitted to further help forming task groups and meetings of resource recycling committees to enhance the compliance of the Resource Recycling and Reuse Act.On the sustainable low-carbon management, resource recycling procedures has been founded in order to achieve a low-carbon sustainable environment by supporting the Office of Ecological Community Promotion, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, while collecting data and strategies from foreign conferences and implementation of resource recycling and zero waste in last three years, and consequently 10 conference reports and 32 journal reports have been collected.To achieve the goal of resource recycling and zero waste, the program has reviewed and modified the registration information of "Waste Resource Management Remarkable Performance Institutional Selection Campaign" of next year, while tracking previous rewarded organizations to strengthen a common understanding of the importance of resource recycling between industries. Two learning activities, “Yanhui Book Shop Observation: A Reference Site of Resource Recycling Regarding Building a Low-carbon Sustainable Environment” and "Taipei 101 Resource Recycling Observation 2011," were also taken place to further enhance communications and idea exchanging between the government and industries/central and local governments. 102 廢管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=59987
流域水質管理策略及成效考評計畫 本計畫工作項目包括(1) 參考先進國家流域水質管理做法,檢討我國水體水質標準適宜性,提出修正建議,並分析其可行性,包括建立流域水質管理評量架構及相關指標,強化流域水質管理面向,執行水體水質分級或用途標準蒐集、諮商及研定;(2) 因應中央組織改造及縣市升格,檢討中央監督及引導地方落實流域水質管理策略及措施,建置流域水質管理新作為,另檢討現行評量地方水質管理成效之指標及做法,研擬評量地方水質管理成效之簡易可行指標及考評方式建議;(3) 針對近3年來曾發生優養化水庫至少5座,依本署及水利機關已擬定之改善策略推動改善作為,並執行優養化水庫水質改善策略諮詢及分工協商,以及研析水庫集水區常見主要作物需磷量及肥料含磷量現況,評估推動低磷肥料之可行性。成果方面,提出新增我國地面水體分類及水質標準(保護人體健康相關)名單,建議新增「我國地面水體分類及水質標準(保護人體健康相關)新增名單建議」共12項,包括重金屬1項(鎳Nickel)、農藥1項(大滅松Dimethoate)、揮發性有機物6項(四氯化碳、1,2-二氯乙烷、二氯甲烷、甲苯 Toluene、1,1,1-三氯乙烷、三氯乙烯)、持久性有機污染物1項(多氯聯苯),以及其他類3項(氰化物、酚、陰離子界面活性劑),以及國內管制提出建議值;另評析丙、丁類水體氨氮、生化需氧量(BOD)、磷之管制標準建議:就氨氮而言,管制丁、戊類河川之氨氮在人體健康與環境保護之層面作用不大,但須考量氨氮引發之臭味問題;BOD方面,配合先進國增訂丁、戊類之限值,由於臺灣河川短但水溫高,或可為10 mg/L以下及15 mg/L以下;磷方面,一般河川如流入湖泊及水庫者,亦應考量總磷含量,另由於達成率過低,建議河川先從丙類水體開始。此外,為提升評鑑效果與增進效率,本計畫整併原有版本之項目以及原有五大面向之精神,並融合「因應氣候變遷」、以及「整合水土林資源」精神,整合為共計為14項關鍵績效指標之評鑑系統。優養化水庫方面,完成石門、寶山、明德、鏡面與澄清湖等5座優養化水庫之現地踏勘、水庫水質改善策略諮詢及分工協商會議並整合集水區磷肥控制策略,包括緩釋和控釋肥料、硝化和脲酶抑制劑,及其應用與選擇等。 Project for Evaluating the Strategy of Watershed and Water Quality Management Program This project compiled the existing watershed regulatory framework, as well as the future charges of the “Environmental Resources Department” establishing. In addition, the goals, strategies, action plans of the healthy watershed management were established based on the response to climate change. For the key performance index, it needs to consider the impact of climate change, as well as the future capital after the establishment of “Environmental Resources Department”, which integrates land and resource information, land planning, restoration and conservation of forest resources, water resources planning and river management, water conservation, hillside, soil conservation, and watershed management works.This project proposed new classification of surface water bodies and water quality standards (protection of human health-related) list, which consists of two heavy metals and inorganic salts, seven volatile organic compounds, one pesticide, polychlorinated biphenyl and anionic surface reactive agent, a total of 12 new additional candidate lists, as well as the value of domestic regulatory. In addition, the control standards of ammonia, BOD, and phosphorus for C and D class water bodies were proposed. For promoting the effectiveness and efficiency of the performance evaluation, this project reviewed and proposed a condensed version of the key performance indicator (KPI) system which combined the original system of the five dimensions, and the spirit of “in response to climate change,” and “integrated forest land and water resources,” with total 14 KPIs.The situ reconnaissance, water quality improvement strategy consulting and integration division of consultative meetings and catchment phosphorus control strategies of the five eutrophic reservoirs, i.e., Shimen, Baoshan, Minde, Chinmen and Chengching lake, were accomplished. The “low-phosphate fertilizers”, including sustained-release and controlled release types, nitrification and urease inhibitors, as well as their applications and other options, were also proposed. 102 水保處 國立臺灣大學嚴慶齡工業發展基金會合設工業研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=60499
102年環境教育管理資訊系統功能擴充與行銷專案工作計畫 我國於民國99年6月正式公布「環境教育法」(以下簡稱環教法),並於民國100年6月5日開始實施,為國內環境教育作業奠定永續發展的里程碑,而因應環境教育法建置「環境教育管理資訊系統」(簡稱EEIS系統)供全國列管對象進行線上申報作業,另外亦配合環保署環教業務擴充四大子系統以及兩大推廣子系統,本計畫提供各類優質的環境教育教案及最新活動資訊,以及通過環境教育認證之相關資料,讓每一位國人從認知、價值觀、態度及技能等方面來落實環境保護之行為。目前本系統除提供應申報單位填報環境教育計畫與成果外,亦提供各縣市地方環保局辦理環境講習課程,及掌握環境教育申報及環境講習之情況,同時,在101年度另配合環保署業務建置「環境教育補助成果線上申報管理子系統」、「財團法人管理資訊系統」、「環境教育教案資料庫子系統」及「環境教育最新活動消息發布與後臺審核管理子系統」等四大子系統輔助法規之推動。今年(102)更整合過去蒐集之相關資料建立兩大推廣子系統,分別為「環境教育旅遊地圖子系統」及「環境教育圖書館子系統」,以協助環保署推動提升全民環境教育素養,促進國民瞭解個人及社會與環境的相互依存關係。本計畫藉由「環境教育旅遊地圖子系統」及「環境教育圖書館子系統」建立一個完整、多元、豐富、便捷且有效的資源共享平臺,讓執行單位到全體民眾都可以輕易找到自己需要的資源,也讓此平臺可以成為環保署引導及規畫未來環境教育整體推動的關鍵工具。 The Expansion and Marketing of Environmental Education Management Information System in 2013 The Environmental Education Act, a milestone of environmental education on sustainable development, was formally released on June, 2010 and executed on June 5, 2011 in Taiwan. In response to such an act, Environmental Education Information Management System (EEIS) has been formally online, providing controlled members with online reporting operation. Additionally, in response to EPA’s environmental education business of expanding four subsystems and two promotion subsystems, the project not only provides quality teaching plans for environmental education on diversities and the latest information, but also presents environmental education certification in the hope of that people can conduct environmental protection behaviors from the aspect of cognition, values, and attitudes.In addition to providing reporting units with filling and reporting environmental education plans and achievements, the system gives Environmental Protection Bureaus in cities or counties to organize environmental education courses, and also controls environmental education reporting and environmental courses conditions. Moreover, in response to EPA’s business in 2012, four sub-systems, including Environmental Education Subsidy Achievement Online Reporting Management Subsystem, Non-profit Corporation Information Management System, Environmental Education Teaching Plan Database Subsystem, and The Latest Environmental Education Activities Announcement and Background Auditing Management Subsystem, are established, to assist to promote regulations. Additionally, by integrating information collected in the past, two promotion subsystems, Environmental Education Tourist Map Subsystem and Environmental Education Library Subsystem, are established for raising the public’s environmental education knowledge and letting people to the relation between individual and society and environment.By Environmental Education Tourist Map Subsystem and Environmental Education Library Subsystem, the project has built a complete, multiple, enriched, convenient and effective resource-sharing platform, allowing conducting units and the public to easily find the resources they need, and making the platform as a critical tool for the EPA to introduce and organize environmental education promotion in the future. 102 綜計處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=59653
事業廢棄物認定、貯存、清除及處理之管理策略及法規研修專案工作計畫 本計畫蒐集國內廢棄物質量情形、清除處理情形及處理技術現況等資料,分析環境風險較高之事業廢棄物管理現況及研擬相關改善建議,分析結果為無機性污泥及廢切削油製成之再生產品由於其成分及品質不穩定具爭議性,未來恐有造成產品/廢棄物認定之虞,建議針對部分風險較高之再利用產品建構再利用產品履歷制度,或採以切結書併聯單(轉售或再利用)方式加以管理。此外,本計畫參考國內歷年有關廢棄物判定之解釋函文及國外之認定規範,研提廢棄物判定原則,原則內容包括:(1)事業不能、不用或不願再用而拋棄者,屬廢棄物。(2)不具效用、效用不明而擬拋棄者,屬廢棄物。(3)由產源付費委由他人清理者,屬廢棄物。(4)需進一步資源化,缺乏銷售市場或去化管道,屬廢棄物。(5)長期貯存而有棄置污染環境之虞者,屬廢棄物。若疑義個案存在上述參考原則之一者,則該物質即判定為廢棄物。另,為使國內相關機關對於廢棄物疑義個案之判定更臻明確,本計畫依行政程序法規定訂定「是否屬廢棄物疑義個案判定原則」草案,以做為相關機關對於是否屬疑義個案之判定依據。配合實務需求,本計畫研修「指定廢棄物清理法第二條第一項第二款之事業」,新增事業項目包括(1)採土壤離場處理之土壤或地下水污染場址、(2)土石方資源堆置處理場(土資場)、(3)醫事檢驗所、醫事放射所與(4)公共下水道污水處理廠。另研修「有害事業廢棄物認定標準」,配合國內電子資訊產業發展競爭全球戰略物資趨勢,扶植國內資源再利用產業,以促進廢棄資源再生利用,故檢討我國與巴塞爾公約對有害廢棄物之輸出入管制規定,刪除混合五金廢料,俾與國際接軌。此外,為強化現行事業廢棄物於貯存、清除、處理及最終處置等階段之管理,並釐清實務執行面之相關疑義,研修「事業廢棄物貯存清除處理方法及設施標準」。為配合研擬廢棄物判定參考原則與法規修正,於計畫執行期間分別辦理6場次專家學者諮詢會與4場次研商會議。此外,協助署內就廢棄物清理法相關案件,已提供1則法律意見書及17則相關案件意見回復。 Project on Management Strategy and Regulation Amendment for Determination, Storage, Clearance and Di This project collected national information regarding waste material quantity, disposal process, and processing techniques. We analyzed the environmentally hazardous industrial waste disposal management situation and proposed improvement suggestions. Our analysis concluded that inorganic sludge and waste oil derivative products are potentially controversial due to their unstable content and quality. This may cause problems with the recognition of such products or waste materials in the future. We suggested that certain high-risk reused products require additional supervision, by implementing product history record regulations, or by requiring a liability waiver (for resale and reuse).In addition, the project has reviewed the history of regulatory decisions and other countries’ regulatory standards to propose new waste disposal classification guidelines. These guidelines include:1. Waste materials are materials that enterprise cannot, do not, or will not re-use.2. Discarded material without applications or with unknown applications is considered to be waste material.3. When the producer pays an outside agent to handle the cleanup, the material is considered to be waste material.4. If the material requires additional processing, and lacks a natural market or consumption channel, it is considered to be waste material.5. Material that requires long-term storage and cause contamination concerns is considered to be waste material.If the case in question falls within one of the above criteria, it should be classified as waste material. In order to clarify the classification of waste materials in future cases, the project drafted “Waste Material Case Classification Guidelines” in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, for reference by related agencies to make determinations on future cases.To meet practical requirements, we revised “Industries Regulated By Waste Disposal Act 2.II.A” to cover additional industries including:1. Contaminated sites where the soil or groundwater have been excavated for offsite processing.2. Soil and construction debris processing sites.3. Medical testing labs and radiology clinics.4. Public wastewater treatment plants.We also drafted “Standard for Defining Hazardous Industrial Waste” in accordance with national electronic and IT industry developments and competitive needs for globally strategic raw materials to promote the national resource reuse industry and the recycling of waste materials. We reviewed national regulations in comparison with the Basel Convention regarding the import and export of hazardous waste materials, and proposed to eliminate the ban on mixed metal scrap materials to match international standards. In addition, to strengthen the supervision of waste material storage, cleanup, processing, disposal, and to clarify questions regarding their implementation, we prepared a proposal for “Methods and Facilities Standards For The Storage, Clearance And Disposal of Industrial Waste.”To support the proposed guidelines and legislations regarding waste material classification standards, six expert panels and four public opinion hearings were conducted. Additionally, we provided the Bureau with one legal opinion and seventeen case reviews regarding the Waste Disposal Act. 102 廢管處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61088
102年提昇生活廢棄資源清理執行成效及整合維運相關管理系統計畫 本計畫執行期間自民國102年2月21日起至102年12月底止,主要目的係協助推動廢棄物管理政策之回收、清除、再利用工作,期能提昇生活廢棄資源清理執行成效並整合維運相關管理系統。主要工作成果包括:(一)檢討地方清潔人員編制,協助研訂「地方清潔人員設置參考原則」,並已於102年11月函頒提供地方參辦;(二)檢討一般廢棄物清理法規制度,接續修正「一般廢棄物回收清除處理辦法」法制作業程序,已完成預告程序並辦理研商公聽會。同時,蒐集歷年一般廢棄物清理、廣告物管理、清潔人員管理相關文書及解釋函令,彙編成冊提供執行機關參考;(三)完成100個執行機關之清理現況調查及輔導,提昇減量及回收成效,掌握至102年8月份,全國之資源物、廚餘及巨大廢棄物等三項回收再利用率約較去年同期提升0.97%;(四)推動資源回收站登記管理制度,辦理5場次登記管理系統說明會,並完成206家資源回收業者現場訪查,輔導業者上網登記並定期填報資源回收現況;(五)整合建立「生活廢棄資源管理系統」,已確認系統架構、各業務單位應整合之資料範圍、資料介接方式、釐清重複申報項目與申報期間頻率等相關事項,完成第一階段系統建置作業。 Project of promote general waste clean execution achievement and management system relating work mai The Project was implemented over the period from February 21, 2013 to December 31, 2013. The key objective of the Project was to assist in the promotion of recovery, disposal and recycling work relating to waste management policy, with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness of household waste disposal implementation and coordinating the operation of the related management systems. The main work results achieved in the Project were as follows (1) Reviewing the organization of local sanitation workers, and assisting in the formulation of the Guidelines for the Establishment of Local Sanitation Personnel, copies of which were submitted to local governments for their reference in November 2013. (2) Reviewing the legal and regulatory framework for the management of general waste, and continuing with the drafting procedures for the revision of the Regulations Governing General Waste Recycling, Clearance and Disposal; the advance notice procedures have already been completed, and a public hearing for the revisions was held. In addition, documents and interpretation rulings from past years relating to general waste management, management of advertising materials, and sanitation personnel management, were collected and collated in book form for the reference of the implementing agencies. (3) A survey of current waste disposal practice at 100 implementing agencies was completed, along with the provision of related guidance, in order to enhance the effectiveness of waste reduction and recycling; as of August 2013, the nationwide recycling rate for three categories of waste – resource waste, kitchen waste and large-sized waste – had risen by 2% compared to last year. (4) Promotional efforts were made with respect to the adoption of a registration management system for recycling stations, with the holding of five workshops on the registration management system, and the conducting of on-site visits to 206 firms engaged in recycling activities, providing them with guidance regarding online registration and regular reporting of recycling status. (5) Coordination was provided for the establishment of the Household Waste Management System. The first stage of system establishment has been completed through the confirmation of the system architecture, the scope of the data that implementing agencies are expected to collate, as well as the data interface method, and through the clarification of issues relating to duplicated reporting and reporting frequency. 102 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=60222
噪音感受度調查及對健康影響之評估 交通噪音是都市化過程中衍生的環境問題,交通設施(如道路、鐵路和機場等)的建設與擴展,使得交通噪音的影響也越來越大。許多歐盟國家已經或者將要制定有關噪音暴露可接受程度的規定,也執行噪音煩擾度的全面研究,以確認高噪音量會對城市居民造成煩擾的主要因素,並評估其預測值。交通噪音等的形成相當複雜,對於民眾的影響不分日夜早晚,且感受各自不同,若單以聲音的響度來考量,並不客觀,若能再加上噪度的影響,較能反映民眾的感受,對於未來修訂相關噪音管制標準時有莫大助益。為測量、評估我國交通噪音導致的煩擾度,建立交通噪音量─反應關係曲線,本計畫初擬交通噪音民眾煩擾度現地調查作業要點(草案),其係參考ISO/TS 15666[1]採用社會聲學調查(socio-acoustics surveys)的方式進行調查,而煩擾度等級的定義則參考歐盟環境噪音指令,根據被調查者人數的比率來定義。透過今年度小批量調查之實際規劃、執行與分析過程,顯示本計畫目前初擬之作業要點(草案)應可應用於道路交通噪音民眾煩擾度之調查。此外,為了評估交通噪音對人體之主觀噪音情緒及客觀噪音情緒反應,以及為了建立完善交通噪音之動物生理實驗作業,以確保實驗結果品質,初擬交通噪音人體煩擾度調查實驗作業要點(草案)和交通噪音動物生理實驗作業要點(草案)。在交通噪音人體煩擾度調查及動物生理實驗部分,除研擬調查與實驗方法外,也依初擬內容實際執行實驗,期藉由實驗結果完善研擬之調查與實驗方法。人體實驗部分,驗證人體感受度實驗有效樣本數達16個,實驗刺激音為真實環境下道路交通噪音,但真實道路噪音的聲音品質及參數變動過大,建議未來人體實驗時,以模擬音源進行人體實驗較為合適。動物實驗方面,驗證動物生理實驗有效樣本7個,由於懷孕週期較短,以致懷孕母鼠未能完成所有噪音刺激實驗,建議未來動物實驗先不進行懷孕母鼠的實驗較為適宜。 Investigation of noise annoyance and evaluation of the effects of noise on health. Traffic noise is one of the environmental problems derived from urbanization which has caused significant impacts on people’s living. Many countries have already developed regulations concerning the acceptability of environmental noise exposure. In general, it is more objective to establish noise control standards based on the susceptibility of people. For this reason, it is important to obtain noise exposure/response relationships via social and socio-acoustic surveys. In order to establish the relationships between noise exposure and noise-induced annoyance in Taiwan, the “Guideline for the Annoyance Survey on Traffic Noise (Draft)” was proposed according to the Technical Specification ISO/TS 15666. The percentage of persons annoyed (%[A]) and the percentage of persons highly annoyed (%[HA]) are used as the descriptor of noise annoyance in a population based on the position paper prepared by the European Communities. In order to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed guideline for traffic noise annoyance surveys, a preliminary field survey was conducted according to the proposed guideline. The results show that the proposed guideline would be applicable to perform traffic noise annoyance surveys in the future.In addition,this project was to assess the traffic noise on human subjective and objective noise emotional responses, as well as for the establishment of animal physiology lab assignments to ensure that the quality of the experimental results, the proposed draft guidelines for human traffic noise annoyance survey experiment and traffic noise animal physiology experiments. The traffic noise annoyance to human and physiology of animal was investigated, in addition to develop the survey and experimental methods, but also the procedure of survey was to be in accordance with the actual implementation of the experiment. The experimental methods were improved and developed by the experimental results. For human experiment, human perception was verified by 16 subjects. The real environment of traffic noise was adopted as the experimental stimulus tone, but the sound quality and parameter changes in real road noise were uncertain. The simulated tone adopted for human trials was more appropriate for the future human experiments. For the animal experiment, there were 7 rats adopted in the animal physiology experiment. The pregnant rat failed to complete all the noise stimulation experiments because the period of pregnant was too short. The suggestions for future animal studies excluded the pregnant rat experiment were more appropriate. 102 空保處 國立暨南國際大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=60906
環境災害資訊整合及管理支援維運推動計畫 本計畫工作內容可分成有【行政與作業支援】及【系統維運與功能開發】等2個面向。在行政與作業支援中,今年度除提供了1,630通的電話諮詢服務外,為使環保署、縣市環保局、鄉鎮市區清潔隊等相關人員能暢通資訊往來及熟捻通報程序,工作團隊也逐一確認各機關單位的災害聯絡人員資料,並以情境模擬方式,於臺北、臺中、臺南、台東、花蓮等地方,舉辦了8場次的實機教育訓練(參與人數達443人)及3次全國性的災害模擬演練。此外,在今年8個侵臺颱風期間,工作團隊亦依合約規定,完成6次的進駐服務工作,總投入人力累計達52人天。在系統維運與功能開發方面,為有效提高災害通報的效率,今年度除創新利用數字組合的方式,改善電話語音通報速度外,也整合GPS定位、照片上傳、顏色變化、作業提醒、我的首頁等功能,開發了Android的行動通報系統。此外,在現行系統中,為強化災害發生期間中有關調度分配、統計分析、審查核定等請求支援作業效率,工作團隊除將請求支援功能進行重新改版外,也開發了縣市救災資材相互支援的資訊建置與查詢功能、自動產製DOC格式的工作日報表功能、進駐人員快速簽到功能、線上統計報表列印功能等。最後,今年度工作團隊也蒐集226則相關災害新聞供通報者參考,並配合環保署執行11次安全性檢核及5次系統的更新作業。 2013 Environmental Emergency Management Information System integration and maintance This project was divided into “administrative and operational support” and “system maintenance and function development” two dimensions. In respect of administrative and operational support, in addition to providing 1,630 calls for consulting services, the team also identified the disaster contact personnel information of each government agencies to let the concerned personnel in the Environmental Protection Administration, county/city environmental protection bureaus, township and municipal cleaning squads be smooth in communication and familiar with the reporting process. There were also 8 on field training via scenario simulation held in Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, Taitung and Hualien (total in 443 participants) and 3 national disaster simulation practices. In addition, the team also completed 6 stationing service tasks as set forth in the contract during the period of 8 typhoons attacking Taiwan. Totally, 52 people were involved in the project.As to system maintenance and functional development, in addition to improve the voice reporting sped by using creative number combination, there were also Android mobile reporting system integrating with the Global Positioning System(GPS), photo uploading, color changing, operation reminder and home functions to effectively enhance the disaster reporting efficiency. Besides, to reinforce current operational efficiency in term of allocation, statistical analysis, review and approval such supporting operations, the team has developed establishment and searching for mutual rescue resources support among counties and cities, auto-generated working journal in WORD format, speed sign up function for stationing personnel, online statistic report printing functions other than update the support request functions. Finally, the team has also collected 226 related disaster news as references for the reporting people and implemented 11 safety inspections and 5 system updates in cooperated with the Environmental Protection Administration this year. 102 毒管處 方達科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61119