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臺南縣95年度空氣品質劣化季節加強街道揚塵掃街計畫-民有民營 台南縣環境保護局為有效改善車行揚塵污染問題,並延續歷年施政方針,特專案辦理「臺南縣95年度空氣品質劣化季節加強街道揚塵掃街計畫-民有民營」,本計畫執行期程自95年11月23日起至96年01月22日止,為期2個月。本計畫工作目標達成狀況如表一所示,各項工作均順利完成,茲將工作成果摘要說明如下。一、街道揚塵洗掃作業街道揚塵掃作業執行成果,本計畫總計完成掃街2,634.1公里,其中每週掃街長度均大於250公里,重點道路部份則為每週執行1次,均順利達成合約目標。統計本計畫掃街作業削減揚塵量達36.35公噸,對於改善本縣車行揚塵排放污染甚具效益。二、企業道路認養企業道路認養推動成果,共計8家參與本計畫道路認養作業,總計認養道路洗掃長度為2,554公里,統計本項作業削減揚塵量達35.24公噸。 The project of enhancing street dust sweeping to sweep the street privately owned and privately operated for 95 year In order to improve the pollution of car raises dust effectively, and extend all previous years’ administration policy, the Bureau of Environmental Protection Tainan county carries out “The project of enhancing street dust sweeping to sweep the street privately owned and privately operated for 95 year ”. The project started on November 23, 2006 and ended on January 22, 2007, lasting for two months. The achievements of this project’s work goal are as shown in Table 1; each work is completed smoothly. The work achievements’ abstract is as follows.1. sweeping street workThe result of carry out the work of sweeping the street: This project completes sweeping street for 2,634.1 kilometers. The length of sweeping is longer than 250 kilometers; the key path part carries out the project once a week. Both of them achieve the contract goal. Calculating by this proportion, washing and sweeping work of project achieves 36.35 metric tons of dust reduction.2. Enterprise street adoption The result of promoting enterprise street adoption: There are eight enterprises to participate this adoption street project totally. The total length of street which enterprises recognize to wash and sweep is 2,554 kilometers. Calculating by this proportion, washing and sweeping work of project achieves 35.25 metric tons of dust reduction. 095 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司、欣欣環保工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=5188
台南市九十五年度加強街道揚塵洗掃 根據環保署台南市自動測站(台南及安南測站)統計資料顯示,各測站之PSI>100天數中,大多由於懸浮微粒所造成。台南市政府環保局為配合環保署空品計畫中「加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」,並延續上年度「台南市加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」執行,針對全市測站周邊及人口稠密處、交通流量大及具嚴重揚塵地區,優先執行洗掃街及改善措施,期能達到空氣品質中懸浮微粒改善之目的。 Strengthen the wind-borne dust of the washing and sweeping street plan for Tainan in 2006 According to the statistical data of the EPA auto-monitoring stations (the station of Tainan and Annan) in Tainan, the days of PSI>100 of the two stations mostly caused by the suspend particle in air. The Environmental Protection Bureau of government in Tainan city in order to cooperate with in EPA’s air quality plan ‘strengthen the wind-borne dust of the washing and sweeping street plan’, extend and carry out in the year before last ‘strengthened the wind-borne dust of the wash and swept street plan in Tainan city’, it is aimed at around the stations and populous place, traffic flow heavy and have serious wind-borne dust areas, have priority to carry out and improve the measure of the washing and sweeping street plan, to achieve the purpose of the improvement of the air quality. 095 台南市環境保護局 群運股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=627
95年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢驗計畫 本報告資料統計日期自95年2月14日至95年12月31日止,主要工作執行成果分項說明如下,各項執行進度說明如下1.柴油車動力計檢測:本計畫自95年2月14日至95年12月31日,柴油車到檢完成檢測有1,617輛次,其中不合格者為52輛,不合格率為3.2%。2.在油品抽驗部分,本計畫共完成油品抽查1,486件,送檢驗者180件,已完成檢驗180件,總計有18件超過法規標準,不合格率10.0%。3.路邊攔檢本計畫共完成693輛,不合格數有94輛,不合格率為13.6%。民眾檢舉烏賊車案件亦較往年減少,已顯現本市柴油車管制成效。4.本計畫每兩週執行4小時假日預約檢測,車主確有這方面的服務需求,本站亦將持續提供假日預約檢測供民眾利用。5.目視判煙作業,執行柴油車目視判煙紀錄1,641輛次,篩選通知到站檢驗1,506輛次作業中,已到本站檢測的645輛中,有15輛檢測不合格,39輛退驗複驗,不合格率為2.3%。6.行政院環境保護署檢測資料庫連線系統建置,已配合完成資料庫系統連線安裝作業並上傳測試中。7.95年度行政院環境保護署動力計檢測站評鑑,本市檢測站已完成評鑑,總平均分數為86.25,名列A級。8.95年4月19日及95年9月1日共舉辦二場次客貨運宣導座談會,針對油品政策及柴油車管制稽查新措施進行宣導,出席率皆有達9成以上。9.受理民眾檢舉依行政院環境保護署95年民眾檢舉函覆率之計算期程及計算方式,統計至95年1月至95年12月,嘉義市共受理人民檢舉案件105件,函覆率達95.2%。10.嘉義市排煙檢測站(認證編號:1626)於95年11月16日取得財團法人認證基金會(TAF)認證通過之測試領域實驗室。 2006 Chiayi city air quality improvement plan and diesel cars power gauge smoke emission inspection station project. The statistic data in this report lasts from February 14 to December 31 of 2006. The primary work achievements and their progresses are listed and explained in items below:1.Diesel vehicle Emission Inspection: There were 1,617 diesel vehicles had been completed the inspection from February 14 to December 31 of 2006, among which 52 vehicles were not qualified with the unqualified rate of 3.2%.2.On random inspection of oil products, the Project has completed random inspections of 1,486 items, in which 180 items selected and completed the testing. In total, they were 18 items exceeded legal standards with unqualified rate of 10.0%.3.The Project completed roadside stop-and-checks of 693 vehicles, among which 94 were unqualified with a rate of 13.6%. The number of so-called “octopus vehicles” informed by people diminished compared with latest years. It does confirm that control of diesel vehicles is effective.4.The Project provides biweekly four hours inspection service on weekends made by appointment. Should vehicle owners need the service; the Station will continue the inspection service on weekends for the people who can make appointments in advance. 5.There were visual observation records of 1,641 vehicles made, in which 1,506 vehicles had been notified to report to in-station inspections. For those 645 vehicles did check in the station, 15 of them were unqualified, 39 were rejected for another time. The unqualified rate is 2.3%.6.Environmental Protection Administration inspection database linking system has been installed so that the installment operation of database linking and the uploading testing have been completed accordingly. 7.In the evaluation of 2006 emission inspection stations, Chiayi Inspection Station has been assessed wit the average grade of 86.25 points, ranking Level A.8.There were two promotion announcement seminars for passenger and goods vehicles held on April 19 and September 1 of 2006, which were focused on the promotion announcement for improvement of oil product policy and the new control and inspection measures for diesel vehicles . 9.According to the statistic period and method adopted by EPA for the reply rate of turn-in letters from the people in 2006, from January till December of 2006 there were 105 cases of turn-in letters received by Chiayi City. The reply rate is 95.2%.10.Chiayi City Emission Inspection Station has been certified on November 16, 2006 as an Inspection Field Laboratory by Taiwan Accreditation Foundation. (Certification Number: 1626) 095 嘉義市政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1842
95年度資源回收管理基金責任業者營業量申報輔導、審查、勾稽暨系統提昇計畫 本計畫主要目的為審查、輔導公告指定責任業者登記、例行申報營業量及繳納回收清除處理費等相關作業、95年底前達成上網申報總家次至少8,000家次、規劃疑似短漏報之電子化勾稽作業制度、以94年所建置之營業量管理系統為基礎,提昇自動勾稽、查詢及決策分析資料、檢討現行繳費、審查制度,落實簡政便民及提高管理效率的精神。並在工作期程內完成公告指定責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃、公告指定責任業者登記、申報及繳費核帳等作業輔導、審查及建檔、統計報表提報作業、公告指定責任業者營業量管理系統建置、更新及維護、應回收廢棄物營業量申報系統建置更新及維護及辦理相關業者說明會等工作項目。責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃,本計畫已於95年度完成的項目有:八大基金管理方式合併或分別管理之優劣點比較分析、加強推動責任業者網際網路申報作業規劃、網路申報後續罰則訂定及法規修正規劃及責任業者年度申報法規修正規劃等。系統建置、更新及維護作業部份,包含營業量管理系統、責任業者網際網路申報系統及營業量內控作業系統之更新及維護,95年度新開發之功能包含電子郵件系統自動發送功能、電子化勾稽系統、法務資料管理系統、查核資料匯入後關檔功能、異地備援方案、線上登記系統、說明會線上報名系統、責任業者電話諮詢紀錄及申請廢止登記審核輔導紀錄系統更新等,務使營業量管理系統更能發揮強大的功能。本計畫已於95年8月至9月期間為順利推動營業量網路申報作業,針對尚未使用網路申報業者辦理相關說明會,共計13場次,責任業者對於說明會的內容、政令宣導及網際網路營業量申報繳費作業等均表示高度肯定,另本計畫亦於95年4至5月完成專案式到戶輔導作業共31家,95年11月完成集中式之到戶輔導作業共71家,有效解決業者在網際網路營業量申報繳費作業上所遇到之困難,順利完成申報繳費作業,達成本計畫目標。為確保公告指定責任業者營業量書面申報資料審查建檔、核/銷帳及歸檔、報表提報及系統開發維護等工作之品質及進度合乎要求,本團隊每2個月進行乙次內部稽核作業,目前已完成至95年第6期,並針對營業量計畫駐署人員績效考評,提高管理效率的精神。 Project of the Guidance and Auditing for Resource Recycling Business Reporting and Management System Upgrades and Maintenance in Year 2006 The purpose of this project is to complete the following agenda: guiding the target businesses to register as responsible parties and report their operation conditions and pay the disposal charges; mandate at least 8,000 responsible parties to report data online; planning electronic auditing system to inspect short-reporting based on the information from operation quantity management system established in year 2005. The functionality of the auditing and inquiry system will be upgraded and more analysis will come out to make policy amendment referral. The existing disposal charge payment mechanism and responsible parties’ reporting data are reviewed to make the system more convenient to the user and raise the management effects. Also the project proposal includes the following objectives: the planning and reviewing of the overall reporting mechanism; registering the target businesses as “responsible parties”; guiding, auditing, and filing of the responsible parties’ registration, data reporting, and disposal charge payment; regularly making statistic data report; establishing, updating, and maintaining the responsible parties’ operation quantity management system and mandated recyclable resources quantity reporting system, and holding training symposium. All the objectives were completed within the required period of time. The completed project items for planning and reviewing of the online reporting mechanism for responsible parties in year 2006 are: analyze the benefit and weakness incurred by merging or separating the management of eight funds, reviewing of the mandatory internet reporting mechanism and suggesting its corresponding enforcement measures along with regulatory amendment. Annual reporting regulatory amendment for responsible parties is also reviewed. The system establishment, update, and maintenance include operation management system, responsible parties online reporting system, and internal operation system. In year 2006, functions are newly developed including the followings: electronic mail automatic sending function, electronic auditing system, regulatory information management system, post-closure function after data are imported, information back-up planning, online registering system, online symposium registering system, responsible parties’ phone call consulting recording and update of registration abolishment recording system for responsible parties. These systems combined together to make the operation management system more powerful than ever. To promote better online reporting for responsible parties, there were 13 symposiums completed in August and September in year 2006. Participants were highly satisfied with the symposium content, policy propagation, and online report system. On-site training services were offered to 31 responsible parties individually and 71 responsible parties collectively in November, year 2006. These symposiums and services assisted participants understand how to make online reporting, resolving their difficulties during overall reporting, and completely achieved the goal of this project. To ensure the paper reporting auditing and filing, responsible parties’ accounting information recording, report making, and system development and maintenance are proceeding within the proposed schedule and all the items are meeting the quality control requirement, the project executive team have internal auditing conducted bimonthly. This internal auditing carried out from the beginning of the project until 6th term in year 2006. Another auditing was performed aiming at the contracting staffs’ work performances. The aforementioned auditing raised the overall management efficiency. 095 基管會 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1527
毒性化學物質安全管理策略規劃及減量評估計畫 本計畫主要工作包含「參考先進國家及國際公約管理機制,規劃毒化物管理策略」、「目的用途調查與危害評析檢討,實施運作場所臨場輔導」、「推動源頭減量及輔導減量;探討氯乙烯及環氧氯丙烷危害及防治;執行壬基酚及石綿減量輔導與實施運作場所臨場輔導」及「蒐集國際有關用途管制法規及資訊,評估禁限用相關措施」等四大項,主要工作成果摘要說明如下:一、參考先進國家及國際公約管理機制,規劃毒化物管理策略(一)本年度邀集學者專家組成「整體策略規劃小組」,辦理完成四場次會議,並於會議中完成下列各項工作內容之討論與審查:1.毒化物危害資訊之鑑定2.毒化物之風險簡介內容及所需提供之資料3.毒化物之社會經濟報告及所需考慮之社會經濟4.全國毒化物管理策略之整體評估(二)參考「持久性有機污染物斯德哥爾摩公約」附件E之架構建立「毒性化學物質風險簡介」,將附件E之項目(六)內容修改為「風險說明」,強化附件E之項目(七)內容,並加入國內法規說明。在基本資料方面,將以環保署「毒性化學物質諮詢委員會」之相關資料為主,不再另行蒐集,以遵循統一版本。本計畫已完成多氯聯苯(00101 PCB)、汞(02201)、鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(06801 DEHP)及壬基酚(NP)等四種毒化物之風險簡介。(三)參考「持久性有機污染物斯德哥爾摩公約」附件F建立「編訂毒化物質之社會經濟報告」目錄架構,並參考其實施指導文件:「關於依照『斯德哥爾摩公約』制訂與執行國家實施計畫所涉社會經濟評估指南(草案)」之內容,摘要說明社會經濟評估所應考量之執行方式與擬訂社會經濟評估應考慮之項目。(四)以公告之許可目的用途與目前核發之許可證核發資料進行比對,可發現在目前已公告之123類列管編號包含180種毒化物,總計1412種毒化物用途組合中,有96%以上國內無相關製程,82%以上國內無相關輸入紀錄。二、目的用途調查與危害評析檢討,實施運作場所臨場輔導:(一)針對毒化物管理資料庫內容進行篩選核對及分析,確認實際申報之運作之目的用途。(二)選定運作量較大之10種毒化物包括:石綿、環氧乙烷、環氧氯丙烷、苯、氯乙烯、鉻化砷酸銅、甲基第三丁基醚、鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯、鄰苯二甲酐、丙烯醇,已於10月5日完成10種選定毒化物之減量輔導行程,每場次2位學者專家參與。(三)除了鉻化砷酸銅及鄰苯二甲酸(2-乙基己基)酯外,其餘8種毒化物均無適當之替代產品,以降低毒化物之使用量。(四)毒化物許可用途禁止、限制使用之相關討論、座談或說明會至少6場次,已完成2場次,6月26日辦理石綿圓桌會議1場次,10月24日於宜蘭辦理法規說明會1場次,12月6日於高雄縣辦理法規說明會2場次,12月13日於新竹縣辦理法規說明會2場次。三、推動源頭減量及輔導減量;探討氯乙烯及環氧氯丙烷危害及防治;執行壬基酚及石綿減量輔導與實施運作場所臨場輔導:(一)完成蒐集彙整氯乙烯及環氧氯丙烷之生產(如原料、製程)、使用(如相關產品)、污染物之排放及危害防治策略,並著手建立生命週期評估氯乙烯及環氧氯丙烷之執行架構。(二)以問卷調查方式,針對國內113家壬基酚運作廠商之運作數量及運作目的進行調查,回收44份,其中23家有運作,21家無運作,問卷回收率38.94%;追蹤未回報廠商,16家無運作生產,業者運作情況掌握率為53.1%。(三)辦理石綿及壬基酚運作場所減量輔導:已完成6場次減量輔導;經由壬基酚及壬基酚聚乙氧基醇運作單位現場輔導訪查,已有業者停止生產或使用替代產品進行自發性減量工作。提升壬基酚聚乙氧基醇替代產品之效能與降低其價格,將有助於壬基酚聚乙氧基醇之減量;已有業者研發新製程來停止石綿之使用,故以非石綿產品取代石綿產品應屬可行。石綿替代產品之發展性與其消費市場競爭力息息相關,將關係石綿產品之減量成效。(四)辦理石綿國際研討會:已於6月28日台北市福華文教會館,辦理一場次白石綿國際研討會,並邀請加拿大及日本之專家學者,針對石綿禁限用議題進行探討,據以做為後續相關政策推動之參考。四、蒐集國際有關用途管制法規及資訊,評估禁限用相關措施:(一)蒐集並審查雙酚A及砷化氫毒理、物理及化學特性等相關資料後,經由毒性化學物質篩選原則確認表依法規規定逐項確認評估審查,雙酚A及砷化氫現階段審查結論為依目前資料無法判斷是否列管,皆建議列入追蹤名單。(二)計畫執行期間,協助環保署毒管處辦理多項即時性的業務,統計至10月17日完成交辦事項共計46件。(三)成立內部品管審查委員會,包含預審期中及期末報告初稿,合計辦理三場次之內部品管審查委員會諮詢會議。(四)完成石綿、鉻化砷酸銅、全氟羧酸化合物、壬基酚等化學物質之議題資料蒐集彙整與回應。(五)計畫成果電子檔資料依項目類別建置於網頁資料中。(六)完成下列法規更新:美國TSCA、美國EPCRA、歐盟REACH、歐盟76/769/EEC、加拿大CEPA、加拿大NPRI、日本化審法、日本毒劇法、全球調和制度GHS、斯德哥爾摩公約、巴塞爾公約。五、辦理台美殺蟲劑管理與焚化爐灰渣處理國際研討會已於11月28日至12月2日協助辦理完成台美殺蟲劑管理與焚化爐灰渣處理國際研討會。 The strategic planning and reduction assessment of toxic chemicals management The main work of this project includes “Consult the management mechanism of advanced country and international convention, plan the management framework of toxic substance”, “Investigate the purpose and utilization as well as review and analyze the hazard, implement the field guidance at the operation place”, “Promote source reduction and guide the reduction, study the hazard and control of vinyl chlorine and epichlorohydrine, execute the guidance for reduction of nonyl phenol and asbestos and implement the field guidance at the operation place” and “Collect relevant international relevant utilization and control regulations and information, assess relevant measures of restriction”. The major work achievement is summarized as follows: Consult the management mechanism of advanced country and international convention, plan the management framework of toxic substance: Invite scholars and experts to make up “Total Framework Planning Team” in this year, four sessions of meeting have to be completed, and the following contents of work have been discussed and examined in the meeting: Characterization for the hazardous information of toxic substance Content for the introduction on the risk of toxic substance and the information needed to be submitted Report on social economy of toxic substance and social economy needed to be considered Total assessment for the management framework of toxic substance in the whole country Consult the Annex E of “Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutant” to set up “Introduction on the Risk of Toxic Chemical Substance”. Revise the content of Item (6) of Annex E into “Risk Description”, strengthen the content of Item (7) of Annex E, and add the description of domestic regulations. As for basic information, the relevant information of “Toxic Chemical Substance Consulting Committee” of Environmental Protection Administration will be used as the unified edition without collecting other information. The “Risk Introduction” of polychlorinated biphenyl (00101 PCB), mercury (02201), di(2-ethylhexyl phthalate (06801 DEHP) and nonyl phenol (NP) has been completed in this project. Consult the Annex F of “Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutant” to set up the content scheme of “Edit the Report on Social Economy of Toxic Substance”, and consult its guidance directive: According to the assessment guidance of social economy (draft) specified in “Stockholm Convention”, illustrate the execution way and items required to be considered by the assessment of social economy. Upon checking the permitted purpose of utilization and the information of permit, it is found that 180 kinds of toxic substance have been already announced in 123 restricted substances. In 1412 combinations of toxic substance, over 96% of them does not have relevant manufacturing permit, and over 82% of them does not have relevant import permit. It is judged that it may not reach the operation basis of large amount, so only the registration documents and permit documents of local competent authority are applied. Investigate the purpose and utilization as well as review and analyze the hazard, implement the field guidance at the operation place: Screen, check and analyze the content of toxic substance management database, and confirm the purpose use for the operation of actual reporting. Select 10 kinds of toxic substance with relatively high operating amount, which include asbestos, ethylene oxide, epichlorohydrine, benzene, vinyl chlorine, chromated copper arsenate, methyl tert-butyl ether, di(2-ethylhexyl phthalate, phthalic anhydride, and allyl alcohol. The guidance session for the reduction of these 10 kinds of toxic substance has already been finished by October 5, and 2 scholars or experts participate in every session. Except the chromated copper arsenate and di(2-ethylhexyl phthalate, there are no suitable substitution products for other 8 kinds of toxic substance, to reduce the utilization amount of toxic substance. 6 sessions of seminar, symposium and demonstration meeting for the restriction of toxic substance have been held. A round table meeting for asbestos was held on June 26. A regulation demonstration meeting was held in Yielan on October 24. Two regulation demonstration meetings were held in Kaohsiung County on November 6. Two regulation demonstration meetings were held in Hsinchu County on November 13. Promote source reduction and guide the reduction, study the hazard and control of vinyl chlorine and epichlorohydrine, execute the guidance for reduction of nonyl phenol and asbestos and implement the field guidance at the operation place: Finish the collection of the production (such as raw material, process), discharge of pollutant and hazard control framework of vinyl chlorine and epichlorohydrine, and create the execution scheme for the assessment of life cycle of vinyl chlorine and epichlorohydrine. The questionnaires were sent to 113 nonyl phenol operation firms to investigate their operation amount and operation purpose. 44 questionnaires were recovered, wherein 23 firms were operating and 21 firms were not operating. The recovery rate was 38.94%. As for other firms, 16 firms were not operating. About 53.1% of firms were under control. Conduct the reduction guidance for nonyl phenol and asbestos at the operation place: 6 sessions of reduction guidance have been completed. After field investigation, some firms have stopped the production of nonyl phenol and nonyl phenol polyethoxy alcohol or used the substitution product to reduce the amount. When the performance of substitution product is raised and the price is reduced, it will assist the reduction of nonyl phenol polyethoxy alcohol. Some firms have developed new process without using the asbestos, so it will be feasible to use non-asbestos product to substitute asbestos product. The development for the substitution product of asbestos has close relationship to its competitiveness in the consuming market, and it will affect the reduction efficiency of asbestos product. Conduct “Chrysotile International Scientific Workshop”: The “Chrysotile International Scientific Workshop” was held in Taipei Howard International House on June 28. The Canadian and Japanese experts and scholars were invited to discuss the restriction topics of asbestos. The information will be used as the reference for the follow-up of relevant policy. Collect relevant international relevant utilization and control regulations and information, assess relevant measures of restriction: After collecting and reviewing the toxicity, physical and chemical properties of bisphenol A and arsine, it is not able to determine whether bisphenol A and arsine should be restricted according to the screening principle of toxic chemical substance specified in the regulations, and it is recommended to put them into the tracking list During the execution of project, help the Department of Environmental Sanitation and Toxic Substance Management, Environmental Protection Administration to deal with many instant businesses, and 49 items of work were completed by November 15. Establish the internal quality control review committee, to review the preliminary draft of mid-term and final report, and 3 sessions of consulting meeting were held for the internal quality control review committee. Finish to collect and respond the information of asbestos, chromated copper arsenate, total fluorine carboxylic compound, and nonyl phenol etc. Put the electronic information of the achievement into the webpage in accordance with the project classification. Finish the update of the following regulations: USA TSCA, USA EPCRA, European Union REACH, European Union 76/769/EEC, Canada CEPA, Canada NPRI, Japan Chemical Review Act, Japan Toxic Substance Act, the Global Harmonization System GHS, the Stockholm Convention, the Basel Convention. Hold the “Pesticides Management and Ash Treatment International Workshop”: Help to hold the “Pesticides Management and Ash Treatment International Workshop” from November 28 to December 2. 095 毒管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1697
95年度第一柴油車排煙檢測站興建及營運示範計畫期末報告 由於經濟的快速成長,使用柴油車輛也急遽增加,造成道路交通之空氣污染愈形嚴重。所以為配合環保局柴油車輛排放管制策略的運作,達成「空氣污染防制法」之目標,從主要污染源柴油車下手:就其使用中的現況,透過定期檢驗管制與調修改善,以有效改善桃園縣空氣污染,達成環境保護之成效。本計畫將以桃園縣柴油車為主,以目視判煙、民眾檢舉、代驗外縣市等方式通知轄區內柴油車到站檢測。 Final Report for the first stage of scheme to construct the diesel vehicle emission inspection station and thereof demonstrative administration in 2006 In the wake of rapid growth in economy, the number of in-use diesel vehicle has been increasingly growing as well which contributes serious air pollution to the road traffic. Consequentially, as an effort to coordinate with the strategy manipulated by Environmental Protection Bureau to control the emission of diesel vehicle and achieve the goal of 「Air Pollution Control Act」, the major source of pollutants, diesel vehicle, was targeted as an inception of control:In view of the existing situation of diesel vehicles currently in use, regular inspection, control, tuning and maintenance have been enforced in a bid to effectively reduce the air pollution around Taoyuan County and accomplish the effect of environmental protection. The Scheme was to mainly focus on the diesel vehicles under the jurisdiction of Taoyuan County. Owners of diesel vehicles were told to drive their vehicles to Station for inspection when notified in a manner of emission violation by visual inspection, accusation to authority by the public and notices from entrusted institutions of other city/county governments, etc. 095 桃園縣政府環境保護局 茂迪環境有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1868
購物袋及免洗餐具限制使用後續推動計畫 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)為落實源頭減量精神,故持續推動購物用塑膠回收再利用工作、機關及大專院校於內用禁止使用各類免洗餐具及限制塑膠類托盤及包裝盒使用政策,並進行已列管對象使用現況及減量調查。另針對PVC袋膜類產品評估管制措施及建議與配套措施規劃,本計畫執行完成之工作內容包括:自95年5月1日起陸續開始試辦塑膠袋回收試辦計畫, 14個縣市總計回收廢塑膠袋2,043,372公斤。參考韓國塑膠包材分年減量之方式協助制訂限制塑膠類托盤及包裝盒使用政策公告草案,以訂定量販店及超級市場使用之塑膠類托盤及包裝盒每年25%之減量目標。依調查結果顯示,在購物用塑膠袋部分,推估整體限制使用對象個數減量率為58.37%,重量減量率為79.75%;因此整體購物袋個數減量使用53.52%。在塑膠類免洗餐具部分,個數與重量減量率分別為85.53%與81.26%,但整體免洗餐具使用個數仍呈現減少1.39%,重量增加13.08%,顯示本政策之推動仍有達成減少使用免洗餐具之效用。經蒐集國內PVC袋膜類產業狀況,針對四類PVC袋膜類產品,其中家用保鮮膜、PVC塑膠袋因產業衝擊之因素;PVC卡片類因產品接受度及產業衝擊之因素,較不可行,而以飲料瓶標籤類之可行性較高,故建議可優先管制。 Shopping bag and disposable dishes use restriction program In order to achieve the source reduction goal, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) continues to promote the recycling and reuse of shopping plastics, forbid the use of various disposal tableware within government agencies and public and private schools, restrict the use of plastic tray and packing box policy, and investigate the current condition of use and reduction for the controlled subjects. Besides, the control measures and suggestion as well as the supplementary measures concerning PVC bag and film products are assessed. The contents of work completed in this plan include:The trial plastic bag recycling program has been implemented in 15 cities and counties since May 1, 2006. The total of 14 cities and counties has recovered 2,043,372 kilograms of waste plastic bags by November 30.Consulting the annual reduction way of plastic packing material in Korea to help stipulate the draft of “Plastic Tray and Packing Box Use Restriction Policy”, the goal is to reduce 25% of plastic tray and packing box used in mass merchants and supermarkets every year.As for the plastic shopping bags, the investigation result shows the number reduction rate is 58.37%, the weight reduction rate is 79.75%, so the number reduction rate of whole shopping bags is 53.52%. As for the plastic disposable tableware, the number and weight reduction rate is 85.53% and 81.26%, respectively. But the consumption number of whole disposable tableware reduces 1.39%, the weight increases 13.08%. It shows the implementation of this policy still has the efficacy to reduce the use of disposable tableware.After collecting the industrial situation of domestic PVC bag and film industry, four kinds of PVC bag and film products are studied. Among them, home plastic wrap and PVC bag are not feasible due to the impact of industry. PVC card is not feasible due to the acceptance degree of product and the impact of industry. The feasibility of beverage bottle label is higher, so it is suggested to be controlled in priority. 095 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2140
『環境公害民眾抗爭問題探討分析』二年(第二年)工作專案計畫 本研究計畫係二年計畫,第一年工作計畫已於94年度執行完畢,本次計畫則屬延續第一年計畫之第二年計畫,工作內容分別為:(一)在第一年所蒐集並彙整之歷年國內民眾抗爭背景及實例訪談資料及本年度持續蒐集彙整所得資料之基礎上,分析整理我國歷年民眾公害抗爭問題之特色(包含問題性質、類型及其變遷態樣),以及對於各該公害民眾抗爭問題所提供之各種環保抗爭處理方式,以及各種相關之環保措施與政策。(二)配合第一期工作計畫關於公害民眾抗爭問題之性質、類型與變遷之分析成果上,進一步形塑、具體化所國公害民眾抗爭問題之特質。(三)延續第一期工作計畫內容關於現行公害糾紛處理體系之任務劃分與功能界限(包含行政處理機制之界限及其與司法救濟體系之分工問題),進一步整理、分析現行司法救濟體系(包含民事訴訟與行政訴訟)之功能界限,回饋檢討既有公害糾紛之行政處理機制之制度目的、任務劃分與制度設計之妥當性,並嘗試重新架構適合解決我國公害民眾抗爭問題之公害糾紛處理體系(包含行政處理機制與司法救濟體系二者間,於任務劃分與制度功能上之整合調整問題)。(四)在前述(三)關於公害糾紛之行政處理機制與司法救濟體系二者之體系定位基礎上,檢討健全我國當前司法救濟體系之相關內容、議題及建議。(五)整理、介紹英國、美國等海洋法系公害糾紛處理體系之制度設計與結構關聯,試圖說明其公害民眾抗爭問題之可能性質與類型,並與我國既有公害糾紛處理體系之分析成果(包含第一期工作計畫成果與前述三部分之成果)連結,進一步比較分析我國公害糾紛處理體系之特色、侷限與可能修正建議。(六)於前述(一)~(五)之分析基礎及第一期工作計畫研究成果上,並持續配合既有環保措施與政策之可能影響,以及我國公害民眾抗爭問題之性質、類型與變遷,進一步回饋檢討我國既存公害糾紛處理體系之功能結構,能否契合或配合當前公害民眾抗爭問題之解決需求。並再次審視第一期工作計畫工作目標中,有關「嘗試建構我國之公害糾紛處理體系,包含各種具體處理機制之任務功能劃分、體系分工整合以及相關修法或政策建議」之成果建議之妥適性及其相關建議。(七)邀集學者專家組成「環境保護協定簽訂輔導服務團」,輔導事業與當地居民或地方政府簽訂環境保護協定,且對簽定協定等相關問題進行分析;並配合委託單位需求,派員前往各地協助相關宣導活動事宜。(八)邀請法官、檢察官與司法單位合辦環保糾紛司法偵審實務研究班(含研討會)(計二梯次,每梯次期程5天4夜)以促進交流,提升環境執法之共識,消弭雙方對環保法令認知之差距,建立辦理公糾案件之聯繫管道。(九)邀集中央及各地方環保單位代表,舉辦環保人員公害糾紛處理檢討會,共同討論環保相關議題,促進公害糾紛處理實務之經驗交流,俾助於國內環境保護工作之推展。 Analysis of Public Nuisance Disputes and Dispute Resolution System with Comparative Legal Researches Thus Project is intended to be completed in 2 years. Implementation of the 1st-year plan was done in 2005. The content and target of the 2nd-year (i.e., 2006) plan are as follows:(1)Analysis of the protestors’ background and the cause of nuisance disputes arising in the past years based on the information collected from the interview with relevant protestors(2)to follow-up the interview completed during the 1st-year plan to make the field data more comprehensive and sufficient, and propose relevant comments and suggestions on the resolution measures in respect of nuisance disputes and/or on other relevant environmental measures and laws/regulations based on such field data.(3)Research on the limitation of judicial remedies (including civil suits and administrative suits): except for the provisions regarding civil suits, which has been introduced, documented and analyzed during the 1st-year plan, the plan for the current year will examine on (i) whether administrative suits can be used as a proper resolution measure for nuisance disputes, and (ii) whether there is any insufficiency or improperness on the current regulatory scheme or other relevant system(s) of Taiwan.(4)Research on the resolution system(s) of nuisance disputes adopted by certain common law jurisdictions (such as the United States and the United Kingdom): the relevant provisions regarding civil law jurisdictions (Germany and Japan) have been done in the 1st-year plan. The current year’s plan will focus on the resolution system(s) of nuisance disputes adopted common law jurisdictions, so as to propose refinement measures on the resolution system of Taiwan.(5)Research on the refinement measures on the system of judicial remedies: based on the analysis and research on the aforementioned legal system(s) of foreign jurisdictions and the civil/administrative system of Taiwan, the project will try to integrate the roles played by the modern system of judicial remedies, and propose recommendations thereon.(6)To organize the consultancy service group(s) for execution of environmental agreements, so as to assist the local industries enter into environmental agreements with local people or local government, and help on the propaganda thereof.(7)To hold at least 2 workshops (including panel discussions) on judicial investigation and review of environmental disputes.(8)To hold the seminars for environmental officials on dispute resolutions of nuisance matters.(9) To hold the seminars for judges and prosecutors to facilitate the appreciation and applications of environmental law and too promote the public consensus, so that improve the communications between administrative sectors and judicial organizations and eliminate the gap between the law-making and the law-applying sectors. 095 管考處 國立政治大學公共行政及企業管理教育中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2170
加油站油氣回收設施設置清查及測試計畫 本計畫主要工作內容分別為:1.確保加油站油氣回收設施正常操作。2.維護更新加油站管理資料庫。3.宣導加油站與民眾油氣回收法規、設施維護保養與正確加油觀念。4.設置環保局加油站油氣回收附屬網頁。5.推估加油站污染排放量。 The Facility Examination and Function Test of Vapor Recovery System in Petroleum Stations The main targets of this project will be classified into five sections. (1)Ensure the function of the gasoline vapor recovery facility. (2)Regular maintenance and update gas station management database. (3)Holding activities, such as the propaganda of gas station environment rule and gasoline vapor recovery equipment maintain and operate. (4)Building a sub Web-Site of gasoline vapor recovery for EPB. (5)Estimate gas station pollution value. 095 南投縣政府環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1489
台中市指定業者輔導、登記、管制及宣導計畫 為落實責任業者、販賣業者、限用對象及指定事業之管制,以提供民眾方便之回收管道,本計畫擬加強回收體系上游責任業者與下游販賣業者之輔導、登記、查報及巡查等工作,並針對購物用塑膠袋、塑膠類(含保麗龍)免洗餐具限制使用對象及限制產品過度包裝業者進行管制及宣導作業,以利資源回收相關業務之推行。 The project of counsel, enrolling, regulate and advertise for appointed industries in Taichung City To compass the regulating of responsibility industries, sell industries, limited-use objects, and appointed business to provide easy ways for recycle, the purpose of this project is to increase resources recycle rate by improving counsel, enroll, survey and investigate for appointed industries, and regulate and advertise limited-use objects. 095 台中市環境保護局 能碩工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1371
以藻類去除水體氮磷技術評估及調查計畫 台灣中南部河川,在無污染或輕度污染的淺流河川,絲狀藻各季節均有出現,豐富度很大,尤其是剛毛藻屬,其次是水綿屬,微孢藻屬出現機率較少,污染嚴重之河段不會出現。經初步勘查,台灣中部鯉魚潭水庫以南至屏東牡丹水庫之各水庫上游,各河道不同季節大量滋生附著性大型絲狀藻,此類底棲藻類在低營養鹽濃度河水中,生長良好且可收穫,是一種良好的濕地植物,因此有進一步研究之價值,為瞭解其營養鹽之去除速率及藻類之生長環境等。本研究調查第一部分選擇南部水庫之上游河道,針對此類大型附著性絲狀藻之種類和相對豐富度,以及單位面積之生物量和其季節性變化及棲息環境等的調查與分析,並對其特性、生活史及形態做研究,以做為進一步探討其作為水體中去除氮磷營養之植物可行性之評估。第二部分進行大型附著性絲狀藻藻床生態工法(程)之研究,包括底棲藻床模型場之建構,附著性藻類之生長速率,N、P營養源去除效率之實驗,藻床生態工法(程)實場設計參數之探討,及其去除功效之評估。第三部分則進行附著性絲狀藻體之收穫與利用之研究,至收穫方式、處理方法、藻體組成、結構特性等之研究,及探討其可能之利用。第四部分則利用衛星遙測技術估計集水區之土地利用與非點源之控制,發展適當的系統,整合衛星遙測技術與集水區污染源之管理,並試執行集水區污染物預估、集水區之邊界確定、污染量之推估及展示之功能。第五部分是利用衛星遙測技術監測評估水庫之優養情形,由衛星遙測資料研究水庫優養情形之空間分佈、優養狀態指數包括葉綠素a的濃度、無機性懸浮微粒及有色溶解性有機物,整合衛星遙測技術應用合成優養情形之空間分佈,並討論評估可行之工具及方法。 A study of macroalgae in Headwater of Reservoirs: Distribution investigation and Studies of Nutrient Uptake Capacities. Filamentous algae can be found in all seasons in rivers that originate in the central-south region of Taiwan, including unpolluted or mildly polluted shallow rivers. These algae are highly abundant, especially Cladophora and Spirogyra is the second most abundant, but Microspora is less observed and is not found in severely polluted river regions. A preliminary study showed that the upstream river channels of various dams, from south of the Liyutan Dam in central Taiwan, to Mudam Dam in Pintung, experience massive growth of attached large filamentous algae in different seasons. Benthic algae grows well in low nutrient rivers and can be harvested; it is a good wetland plant. Therefore, further study of its nutrient eliminating speed and the living environment of the algae would be worthwhile. In the part1 of the study, we choused river channels from the upstream side of southern dams to do investigation and analysis on species of attached large filamentous algae and their relative abundance, their biomass and its seasonal variation, and the algae’s habitat. The characteristics, living history and morphology of the algae also were studied, to evaluate the feasibility of eliminating plants for nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients. In the part2, algal bed ecological engineering of attached large filamentous algae was investigated, including discussions on the model construction of benthic algal beds, the growth rate of attached algae, the elimination rate of nitrogen and phosphorus sources, the actual variable on the practical design of algal bed ecological engineering, and evaluation of the effectiveness of elimination. In the part3, the harvesting and uses of attached filamentous algae were analyzed. Moreover, the method of harvesting and processing, the algal composition, and their structural characters were analyzed to discuss possible utilization of the algae. A remote satellite sensing-based method of reservoir watershed pollution was undertaken to study the spatial distribution of point and non-point pollution condition in reservoir watershed. This study, the prototype performs the mechanical function to identify appropriate point and non-point pollution, watershed boundaries, prepare the pollutants data, and visualize the results. A remote satellite sensing-based method of reservoir eutrophication was undertake to study the spatial distribution of eutrophication conditions in reservoir environment. A trophic state index include chlorophyll a concentration, non-algal particles (NAP) and colors dissolved organic matter (CDOM). A remote satellite sensing overlay technique was applied to synthesize the information into a final map illustrating the spatial distribution of eutrophication conditions within the study area. The different tools and methods associated with reservoir eutrophicartion assessment using rensing were discussed. 095 水保處 國立成功大學環境研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1395
大氣中奈米微粒濃度監測與成分分析計畫 本計畫為一配合國內環境、勞安、衛生(ESH)三部門整合性計畫之一環,由環保署負責環境中暴露風險及管理,衛生署進行奈米微粒對健康風險評估,勞委會針對職場勞工健康、製程安全進行研究,共同打造一個負責任的奈米科技研發環境。希望透過此計畫對於大氣中奈米微粒監測與成分分析的工作有更進一步的認識,並逐步健全奈米微粒風險管理制度。計畫內容包括:(1)建立大氣中奈米微粒濃度即時監測技術,實際監測奈米粉體工廠周界及背景地區;(2)以大氣擴散模式模擬奈米粉體工廠附近地區之奈米微粒濃度分佈情形,並以實際量測值校正模式;(3)進行大氣中奈米微粒成分分析,以了解奈米微粒之成長轉換機制,並探討污染源貢獻比例;與(4)將上述量測所得之結果進行成果推廣及技術轉移,以提供衛生署之生醫專家進行後續暴露與生物之測試研究等。本計畫之執行共為期十個月,除了圓滿達成上述所訂的目標外,並初步建立了奈米微粒、次微米微粒之採樣與即時監測標準作業程序;ISCST3大氣擴散模式的模擬則驗證了該方法的可行性。此外,本研究證明了以LA-ICP-MS定量分析利用ELPI收集的極細微粒、細微粒與粗微粒的可行性;利用本研究所發展的標準品製備方法,使得空氣粒塵中元素濃度即使低於奈克/m3,也能有效的予以定量分析。本研究所發展的分析方法可以進一步用來評估地區性的污染排放對大氣承載的直接衝擊。所得數據顯示:地區性的工業活動的確明顯地影響大氣中奈米金屬微粒如:Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, As 與V等的濃度分布。研究結果發現:無法以傳統的碳分析技術定量分析ELPI分階奈米微粒的有機或無機碳成分,但SEM/EDX可以提供其他主要成份的相關資料,並詳細說明其可能的形狀與表徵。也可以利用傳統的IC分析技術測定奈米微粒樣品中的陰離子成分與含量,但濾紙樣品秤重的問題,仍有待克服 The monitoring and composition analysis of nanoparticles in the atmosphere This project is an organizational project collaborating with different categories including the environment, safety, and health (ESH). With the environmental protection administration evaluating the risk and management from environment, the department of health being responsible for the assessment of health risks from nanoparticles, and the counsel of labor afairs researching on the health and safety of labors, a responsible nanotechnology research institute can be constructed. Through this project, it is expected that the understanding of nanoparticles monitoring and composition analysis is advanced, and an inclusive nanoparticle risk management system can be built. The contents of this project includes: (1) establishing real-time monitoring technique to estimate the concentration of nano-particles in the atmosphere; (2) using ISCST3 model to simulate the distribution of concentrations of nano sized ZnO particles near the atmosphere of a ZnO production factory, and comparing with the actual monitoring data; (3) analyzing the chemical composition of nano-particles in the atmosphere, and estimating the formation/conversion mechanism of these particles; and (4) introducing the developed analytical technique as well as obtained data to the department of health or related organizations for further exposure or bio-medical studies. All above objectives have been successively achieved within ten months. A standard operation procedure about sampling and real-time monitoring of nano-, sub-micro and micro- airborne particles has been established; The simulation of ISCST3 validates the application feasibility of this model. It is also proved that LA-ICP-MS can be used to analyze the nano-, sub-micro and micro- airborne particles collected respectively by ELPI. The obtained data shows that chemical as well as physical characteristic of nano-particles in the atmosphere can be investigated to satisfy the needs of environmental, safety and health as well. 095 永續發展室 清華大學生醫工程與環境科學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1325
廢機動車輛回收清除處理體系檢討暨源頭減量再利用分析調查專案工作計畫 本計畫之工作項目包括六大部分,共36 項工作項目分別為:(一)國內外廢機動車輛回收制度與相關法令規範之調查分析;(二)廢機動車輛回收制度配合兩法合一之相關配套措施研擬;(三)廢機動車輛回收處理市場各層面之營運成本之檢討分析及源頭減量與再利用技術提升;(四)調查分析廢機動車輛未進入資源回收體系之原因,並研擬因應策略;(五) 輔導改善國內廢機動車輛回收處理業者之回收處理及再利用技術;(六)協助環保署廢車粉碎分類示範廠委託操作之監督營運工作;相關成果可歸納為:1.提送歐盟廢車回收指令、荷蘭廢車回收法、德國廢車處置法、瑞典廢車拆解法令、日本自動車回收處理法全文中英(日)文對照譯本及韓國電器產品及廢車回收法廢車部份中英文對照譯本,完成日本及歐美各國回收制度及回收成效比較。2.協助「廢機動車輛報廢回收系統」部份規劃與系統改善建議、完成「廢機動車輛回收貯存清除處理方法及設施標準」修訂、提送「應回收廢棄物回收清除處理稽核認證作業手冊(廢機動車輛類-回收業)」修訂草案,進行下一年度稽核認證作業程序簡化建議。3.製作回收業成本訪查調查表單製作及現地訪查,完成120 家回收業者成本營運調查及調查結果統計報告,確立以趨勢法及持有數法推估機動車輛販賣量及廢棄量,並蒐集相關資料,以新資料建立使用年限法(報廢機率法)以推估機動車輛廢棄量。4.完成40 家體制外回收業者營運狀況調查及調查結果統計報告,分析體制外回收成本。5. 進行7 家應新增拆解項目相關機構訪查,完成新增拆解項目可行處理技術與流通管道評估及30 家回收業者配合拆解意願及影響調查。6.協助基管會辦理2 次年度觀音廠委託營運績效評估會議。審核觀音廠提送之2 次年度營運計畫書,並將審核結果發文基管會。審核觀音廠提送之4 次季環保檢驗報告,並將審核結果發文基管會。協助辦理觀音廠財產2 次年度清點,追蹤機具維修進度,於週報記錄提報基管會。提送觀音廠監督營運4 次季報及52 次週報。 A project for reviewing the system of recycling, cleanup and disposal of ELV, and surveying the solution to reduce waste of ELV in up-stream by reusing and recycling. The project including 36 schemes is categorized in six parts as follow: (1) investigateand analyze the recycling system of end-of-life vehicle (ELV) and its laws between domesticand foreign、(2) study the reply the integration of Waste Disposal Act and Resource RecyclingAct、(3) review the operating costs of market of ELV and analyze skills upgrade of reducewaste of ELV in up-stream by reusing and recycling、(4) study the reply that ELV did notenter official recycling system、(5) guide and improve the recycling or disposal enterprises ofELV to upgrade its recycling technologies、and (6) monitor and supervise the Kuan -YinShredding and Classifying Plant that operate consigned by EPA. 095 基管會 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=896
利用整治列車系統處理受DNAPL污染之地下水 由於受DNAPL (dense non-aqueous phase liquid, 重質非水相溶液)污染場址之整治具有相當高之困難度,而傳統之整治方式(例如抽取處理法及空氣灌入法)僅針對溶解相之DNAPL污染進行處理,並無法有效移除DNAPL造成之污染源,造成整治時程之延長及整治經費之提高。我們在本計畫中所研發之三階段整治列車系統,可有效同時移除DNAPL污染源並處理溶解相之地下水污染,而此整治列車系統之研究成果預期將可作為規劃設計DNAPL污染場址整治系統之重要參考依據。在本研究中,我們以三氯乙烯(trichloroethylene, TCE)為目標污染物,而研究計畫所提出之三階段之整治方式包括第一階段之界面活性劑之沖排(surfactant flushing),第二階段之高錳酸鉀氧化及第三階段之生物整治牆系統。當第一階段之處理效率降低後,即進行第二階段之高錳酸鉀氧化處理,以氧化殘留於地下水中之TCE。我們預估此二階段之整治將可去除超過90%以上之TCE去除率,而剩餘之TCE將應用生物整治牆之方式進行降解去除。由批次試驗結果可發現,本計畫所採用之整治列車系統確實可在經濟與技術可行性考量下,有效移除地下水中之TCE。而前兩階段之物化程序如本計畫預期,移除與降解地下水中90%以上之TCE;而剩餘10%之TCE可由生物整治牆降解至符合地下水管制標準。此外,由地下水沖排之批次試驗結果可知,以未加界面活性劑之地下水沖排可移除40至50%之TCE,此結果顯示在使用界面活性劑沖排前若先以地下水進行沖排(如現地pump and treat處理),應可降低整治成本。研究結果亦顯示土壤有機質將影響TCE之移除效率,而以含有界面活性劑之沖排受TCE污染之地下水確實比以無界面活性劑之地下水沖排獲得較佳之處理成效。所使用之兩種界面活性劑Tween 80與Triton X-100之沖洗效率略優於第三種界面活性劑Simple Green (簡稱SG),但在環保(SG有較佳之生物分解性)與成本雙重考量下,本計畫決定使用SG(成本為其他二種界面活性劑之1/3至1/4)進行後續之管柱試驗。在高錳酸鉀氧化批次試驗方面,經過假一階反應動力參數推算後發現,當有添加0.1 wt% SG於高錳酸鉀氧化TCE之系統時,其反應速率常數皆高於未添加SG之系統。因此添加SG對於高錳酸鉀氧化地下水中之TCE有正面效果,主要原因為SG可增進增進高錳酸鹽傳輸及提昇氧化速率之功能。研究結果顯示,在96 mg/L高錳酸鉀處理5 mg/L TCE之系統中,高錳酸鉀耗損速率常數及氯離子產生量可佐證添加SG確實有助於提昇高錳酸鉀脫氯降解TCE之效率。綜合批次試驗之成果得知,本計畫所提之整治列車系統確實可在經濟與技術可行性考量下,有效移除地下水中之TCE。較佳之整治列車系統處理40 mg/L地下水之組合程序依序為(1)地下水沖排,(2)以0.1 wt% SG移除在土壤/地下水中之TCE,(3)利用含有0.1 wt% SG之96 mg/L [MnO4-]溶液,脫氯降解未被界面活性劑移除而殘留在地下水中之TCE,(4)同時注入好氧性污泥與糖蜜構成生物整治牆以降解剩餘之TCE。我們以較佳之整治列車系統組合程序進行管柱試驗,發現第一階段地下水及界面活性劑之沖排可達到90%之TCE去除率;而第二階段之高錳酸鉀(添加 0.1 wt% SG)氧化可再去除7.2%之TCE,殘留之TCE將可由第三階段之生物整治牆去除,使TCE污染之介質達到完全整治之目標。針對受TCE污染之土壤與地下水所建立之整治列車系統概念的設計研發,不僅是一條可行的方向,亦是普遍受到業界認同。因此,未來在市場上應有相當不錯之佔有率。此外,就其設計理論推斷,此技術對整體環境之負面影響應是相當低,故此技術在市場上應有相當程度之競爭力。 Treatment of DNAPL Contaminated Groundwater by Treatment Train System Soil and groundwater at many existing and former industrial areas and disposal sites is contaminated by halogenated organic compounds that were released into the environment. Halogenated organic compounds are heavier than water. When they are released into the subsurface, they tend to adsorb onto the soils and cause the appearance of DNAPL (dense-non-aqueous phase liquid) pool. Thus, a combination of several different treatment technologies is required to remediate DNAPL contaminated soil and groundwater. Among those halogenated organic compounds, trichloroethylene is more difficult to treat compared to other organics. Thus, TCE is used as the target compound in this study, . The objective of this study is to assess the potential of combining three different treatment processes to clean up DNAPL contaminated sites. In this study, a concept of “treatment train” has been proposed. The first remedial phase applies surfactant flushing to remove the major amount of DNAPL in the groundwater. Thus, more than 50 to 60% of the TCE can be reduced in groundwater. After the flushing with the surfactant, the groundwater permeability would decrease due to the clogging. This would be minimized after the subsequent oxidation process. The second phase is the chemical oxidation process applying potassium permanganate (KMnO4) technique. Approximately 20 to 30% of the remaining TCE could be reduced after the oxidation process. The residual 10 to 20% of the TCE would be remediated by the third process, which is biological permeable reactive wall. In the first surfactant flushing stage, three different surfactants were evaluated including Tween80, Triton X-100, and Simple Green (SG). Results from the bench-scale study indicate that Tween80 and Triton X-100 had higher TCE removal efficiencies. However, SG is selected for the following column study based on the effects that SG is more biodegradable and cost effective. Results from the oxidation experiments show that higher TCE oxidation efficiency was achieved when 0.1 wt% of SG was mixed in potassium permanganate solution. This is due to the effects that SG is able to enhance the transport of potassium permanganate, and thus, enhance the oxidation efficiency. TCE oxidation can be further confirmed by the analyses of chloride concentrations and rates of potassium permanganate consumption Results of this study will aid in designing a system for field application. The proposed treatment scheme would be expected to provide a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to remediate TCE contaminated sites. The following operational steps are recommended for the future application on TCE contaminated sites: flushing with site groundwater, followed by SG (0.1 wt%) flushing, and oxidation by potassium permanganate containing with 0.1 wt% SG. Results from the column experiment indicate that approximately 90% of TCE could be removed after the groundwater and surfactant flushing. The potassium permanganate (KMnO4) oxidation is able to remove 7.2% of the remaining TCE. The residual TCE could be further remediated via the biological permeable reactive wall process. Thus, more than 97% of initial TCE could be removed using the three-stage treatment scheme. Results of this study will aid in designing a system for field application. The proposed treatment scheme would be expected to provide a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to remediate TCE contaminated sites. This developed remedial scheme can also be applied for other DNAPL contaminated sites. Because the developed integrated remediation system is able to remediate the TCE contaminated soil and groundwater effectively, this system would be accepted as a sound technology in the remediation market. Moreover, this system would not cause any adverse impact on the subsurface environment, and thus, it would be a more environmentally friendly technology compared to other technologies currently in use. 095 永續發展室 國立中山大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2178
水污染源科學儀器設備及蒐證系統民間機構協力處理合作計畫 以往之稽查大都採勤查重罰,其功能在於嚇阻不法以保障守法,並確實督導業者設置廢水處理設施以符合法令規定,現在業者廢水處理設施大都已設置,但正常操作時需花錢而不操作卻可省錢,因此造成稽查人員疲於奔命,目前除稽查人員專業素質要求提升外,有能力執行功能評鑑及查證污染改善之程度(查出不法),或透過協談改善等都是必要手段。此外,爲查獲廠商非法偷排之證據,稽查人員常需花許多時間與油錢搜證,而降低稽查處分效率。行政院環境保護署為落實水污染防治管理工作,乃遴選顧問機構辦理「水污染源科學儀器設備及蒐證系統民間機構協力處理合作計畫」,期望運用民間專業人力,運用科學稽查儀器設備,積極對重點工廠水污染源進行稽查管制,以徹底掌握工廠廢水處理情形,蒐集非法偷排證據,以提升稽查處分效率。計畫執行期間依據技佳公司所擬定之「水污染源科學稽查儀器設備及蒐證系統稽查標準作業程序」執行環保單位所提重點廠商查核,查核項目包含現場查核及廢水處理設施合理性分析作業,據以研判推定偷排情形,針對有環保犯罪之虞者,進一步以專業污染蒐證技術及先進儀器使用,進行污染源追蹤及查察、水質連續監測工作,與事業污染事證蒐集及保全作業,以最迅速、最有效方式調查污染證據,針對有污染事實之事業單位進一步通報環保機關執行稽查及採樣,取得污染直接證據,以遂行公權力。 The folk organization unites processing cooperation plan of the water pollution scientific instrument and certificate system In the past, the common methods of the water pollution controlprogram are incessant pollution audits and heavy fines. The purpose is todeter from lawlessness and to ensure polluters conforming to theregulations on the establishment of waste water treatment facilities.Seemingly, although most polluters nowadays have established waste watertreatment facilities, many of them are not in operation. The reason is simple,PDF 檔案以 "pdfFactory Pro" 試用版建立 www.pdffactory.comII“cost saving”. Hence, illicit discharges to the water bodies that cause waterpollution are often seen. The Environmental Protection Administration ofTaiwan (EPA, Taiwan) consequently requires to advance the skills of theinvestigation personnel to effectively locate illicit discharges, toprofessionally perform waste water treatment facility functionalexamination, and to successfully collect material evidence of theproprietors. In addition, polluters vary in scales, types and location. Hence,it is often required huge human resources and administrative costs tocorrespond to each cause.To successfully tackle these problems and difficulties, theenvironmental protection bodies would need enhanced methods andadvanced scientific equipments to assist in investigation works. For thisreason, Environmental Protection Administration Taiwan (EPA, Taiwan)cooperated with BT Environmental Consulting Ltd. to carry out a waterpollution control project, “Scientific Equipments and Evidence CollectionSystem to Aid Water Pollution Source Investigation Project of 2007”. Thepurpose of the project is to anticipate the use of scientific technology totrack down polluters more effectively and correctly.During the execution of the project, BT Environmental Consulting Ltdfollowed the guideline and the standard operating procedure of waterpollution source investigation using the scientific technology set by theEPA Taiwan. The investigation tasks that BT Environmental Consultingexecuted in the project included waste water treatment facility functionalanalysis and examination, polluters tracking, scientific technologyapplication, 24 hours uninterrupted pollution monitoring, and pollutionevidence collection. Once polluters were identified and evidences werecollected, BT Environmental Consulting would forward the polluters to theEPA for further prosecution and penalty. 095 水保處 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2036
「一般廢棄物掩埋場工程品質查核督導」委託專案工作計畫 本計畫95年度主要執行項目,除了研擬95年度中央查核縣(市)政府執行掩埋場工程施工品質等相關業務成效之作業流程、表單及後續追蹤外,並邀請2人具有掩埋場工程專長之專家或學者(應為公共工程委員會「工程品質查核小組」成員或環保署推薦公共工程委員會查核委員並接受相關講習)至環保署所指定60場施工中之掩埋場進行工程品質查核作業,並進行相關工程材料檢驗工作【混凝土抗壓強度(含鑽心取樣)20處、不透水布(抗拉強度、撕裂強度及厚度)15處、土方壓實度5處、混凝土氯離子含量檢測20處】。彙整前項查核結果,對施工中掩埋場就工程主辦機關、技術服務廠商與承包商分級予以評鑑量化,並提供掩埋場工程施工品質之規劃設計及制度檢討改善之建議(含環保署工程查核小組運作之作業流程、標準程序研擬以及掩埋場工程查核缺失項目之修正擬定)。 Evaluation Project of Construction Quality Management of the Sanitary Landfill The main objective of this project is to evaluate the construction quality and operation management of sanitary landfill sites. Furthermore, two sanitary landfill technological experts were invited to evaluate the construction quality of sixty landfill sites and administered the construction material testing, including compressive strength of concrete (core specimen) twenty places, geomembrane (tensile strength, tear strength, thickness)fifteen places, relative compaction five places and chloride ion concentration of concrete twenty places .According to the results of evaluation, all of the sponsors, technological consultants and contractors were graded, and proposed the improvement in construction quality and operation management of sanitary landfill sites. 095 督察總隊 國立中興大學環境工程學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1713
高高屏總量管制制度建置推動及細懸浮微粒策略分析專案 本計畫分三大重點1.推動既存污染源自願性參與差額排放量認可及保留試行計畫,並進行產業登錄、抵換交易及排放量查核模擬2.研擬我國細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制架構與推動方向;3.協助縣市空氣污染防制整體規劃與績效管理考評作業、網頁維護及其他相關行政業務。推動既存污染源自願性參與差額排放量認可及保留試行計畫,並進行產業登錄、抵換交易及排放量查核模擬:(一)完成既存固定污染源排放量基線認可與指定削減準則及差額認可保留抵換及交易管理辦法兩項草案。(二)草擬既存固定污染源自願參與試行計畫之申請、審核、查核與核發認可之相關作業程序、表單文件格式及參考技術指引,並試行100家公私場所差額排放量及減量潛勢分析、排放交易模擬系統建置,及完成30家模擬結果分析。分析結果顯示,近5成7業者均不願意釋出差額排放量,導致交易成本接近平均防制成本1.5~2倍左右。(三)分析國內大型開發案對空氣品質之影響衝擊結果顯示,現階段管制尚無法有效抑制污染增量。短期因應方案規劃以加嚴空氣污染物容許增量限值及落實新增開發案環評審查,中長期規劃以修改空氣污染法第6條至第12條有關防制區及總量管制相關條文,擴大各類污染源之保留抵換交易規定及減量認可查核規範,以達成有效改善空氣品質之目標。研擬我國細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制架構與推動方向部份:(一)蒐集美國、加拿大、歐盟、日本等國家及世界衛生組織(WHO)資料,彙整分析細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)之各國法令制定、管制規範及相關空氣品質標準,研擬我國細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)之管制策略建議及規劃納入空氣品質指標(Air Quality Index,AQI)推動期程。(二)彙整分析國內細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)監測資料,若在無相關PM2.5管制策略配套下,比照美國現行AQI指標系統(稱AQI_40),將使AQI>100比例達33%,約為目前國內PSI>100比例(約5.2%)的6.4倍,需進一步評估我國空氣品質指標AQI取代PSI的可行性。(三)研擬建置我國本土性之細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)污染排放資料庫,及規劃細懸浮微粒之防制效率調查、防制技術引進與研發等相關作業,以提高未來管制策略推動之成效。協助縣市空氣污染防制整體規劃與績效管理考評作業、網頁維護及其他相關行政業務:依照95年8月地方考評作業檢討會議,空污技術諮詢委員均認為應強化地方空氣污染防制計畫之定位及規劃內容,本計畫綜合歸納委員意見後,提出96年縣市訂修空氣污染防制計畫重點,提供縣市參考。 Implementing Kaoping airbasin Cap & Trade System and Control Strategy Analysis for Fine Particulate matter There are three major work items within this project - (1) to Promote Cap and Trade pilot program, (2) to draft PM2.5 management framework, (3) to help reviewing local authority’s work and relative administrative work. The major accomplishments of first work:(1)Complete two draft management regulations which relate to setup emission baseline and reduction target for designated stationary sources, and administrative procedures of ETS (Emission Trading system).(2)Count up potential reduction from 100 chosen stationary sources, and complete trading simulation analysis involving 30 stationary sources hypothetic emission trading scheme. The result shows that almost 57% of stationary sources reluctant to sell out their ERCs (Emission Reduction Credit), and trading costs around 1.5 ~ 2 times of control costs.(3)After assessing air quality impact from recent major industry developing case, it shows that there are limited control elements to constrain emission increment. To combat these situations, we propose short-term strategies and long-term strategies. Short-term strategies are to strengthen PSD value and EIA review, long-term strategies are to amend Air Pollution Control Act on order to expand authority to manage the emission increment of mobile sources and agriculture open fire.The major accomplishments of second work: (1)From gathering PM2.5 related research document and government control status from overseas, this project comes up with draft recommendations of national PM2.5 control strategies, and promotion schedules to include PM2.5 as an pollution index in AQI.Besides above works, we establish SIP draft guidance for local authority, and maintain EPA air pollution control division’s homepage and the contents update 095 空保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=5217
南投縣九十五年度公私場所臭味及禁止露天燃燒管制及改善計畫 有關本年度「公私場所臭味及禁止露天燃燒管制及改善計畫」,執行期程為95年4月21日至96年1月31日止,計畫成果如下:一、巡查管制作業為有效落實惡臭味管制作業成效,對於管制作業依據性質類別分為主動的一般性巡查、專案性巡查(輔導改善追蹤)及協助陳情案件查察。而露天燃燒具有時效性,除了一般性巡查作業與協助機動處理民眾陳情案件外,配合稻作收成季節加強巡查稻作種植區域露天燃燒案件。本計畫執行巡查管制作業初步執行成果所尋獲露天燃燒污染點共計有423處,其中包含例行性主動巡查386處、協助民眾露天燃燒陳情案件查處37處,目前由例行性主動巡查以草屯鎮尋獲之件數最多,計有116處,佔主動巡查作業發現之總露天燃燒污染點之67.4%;其次為南投市及竹山鎮。協助陳情處理共計37處,其中有14處未發現燃燒事實。惡臭味管制作業共協助執行208件臭味巡查案件,其中以南投市之比例最高,計有71處,佔巡查作業之35.3%;其次為名間鄉及草屯鎮,顯示南投市、名間鄉及草屯鎮是巡獲惡臭數量最高的行政區域。二、臭味源採樣檢測作業本計畫執行期間將針對特定臭味污染源進行10點次之臭味採樣分析,採樣對象包括重大陳情案件及稽查案件,樣品則委託合格之檢測公司(琨鼎環境科技股份有限公司,環署環檢字號第042號)依三點比較式嗅袋法(NIEA A201.10A)進行分析。本計畫配合環保局選定10處次公私場所污染源(具代表性、陳情人指定位置),進行綜合臭氧濃度(三點比較式嗅袋法)檢測,其中6點為環保局重大陳情檢測另外4點為臭味稽查檢測,檢測結果顯示其中有6件樣品超過法規標準,對於不符法規標準之事業單位已進行輔導改善或進行告發處分。三、宣導作業本計畫執行期間提供發佈新聞稿8則,於第一、二期稻作期間執行14日廣播宣導勿露天燃燒,執行有線電視插播式字幕(跑馬燈)連續播放7天,製作廣告夾報400份及巡查人員於巡查輔導時發送宣導手冊。本年度共辦理四場次公開宣導說明會,其中包含兩場次非露天燃燒處理技術宣導說明會、一場次臭味源改善處理技術宣導說明會及一場次畜牧業輔導座談會,會議中特別邀請相關學者專家進行專題演講,藉以讓與會人員能對目前相關法令、處理技術有新的認識。四、露天燃燒污染減量綜合本計畫阻止露天燃燒污染量削減總效益推估,包含一般廢棄物露天燃燒,撲滅後剩餘物料83,700公斤、及農業廢棄物露天燃燒的撲滅後剩餘物料估計約為75,220公斤。經由排放量推估公式計算可得到各類污染物削減效益,各污染削減量推估總懸浮微粒(TSP)削減1,221.96公斤、PM10削減945.56公斤、SOx削減9.41公斤、NOx削減360.05公斤、CO削減10,651.51公斤、THC削減1,469.76公斤與NMHC削減1,048.33公斤。 The plan promotes pollution controlling and improving for public and private stink polluting and open burning. This plan promotes noxious material burning pollution control and improved burn plans for public and private open burning for this year. The following issues remain from the Cheng plan from January 31, 2007.First, patrol and manage the manufacturingThe objective is a prescription and plan for effective non-polluting open area rice stalk burning. Special project patrols will be instituted ensure proper measures are followed and give a full accounting of area stalk burning activities. Full cooperation is necessary to strengthen the harvest season and effectively patrol the rice cultivation areas during planting and open burning.Help is needed to give a full accounting and deal with burn patrolling of 423 locations in the open at present. Include 386 generally patrolling and 37 cases of giving a full account. Help to give a full account and deal with 37 places altogether, among them 14 have not found the fact of burning. Coaching and cooperation with real-time processing to account for 208 patrol cases.Second, sample and measure the air pollution sourceThe case samples will be used to account for pollution sources. The sampling will be performed by a qualified measuring company. The sample and detection method will be performed according to environmental protection standard methods, announced in advance as required by the requisite law (using comparison sample bags).Finish measuring 10 points for a pollution source in public and private places. Accept the pollution sample measurement industry person 10 times, only the above standard value of measuring value of 6 times. The public institution which exceeded the regulation standard had already coached improving or denounced and punished.Third, declare and leadOffer 8 news releases and carry out radio announcements for 14 days. When the second rice stage is achieved, carry out cable TV announcement inserting the sowing type with subtitles (horse race light) for 7 days. Place 400 advertising inserts in the newspaper. Deliver manuals to local rice farmers during patrolling and coaching.Conduct four sessions to lead to declare publicly. Include two burn treatment technology sessions, and one pollution source treatment technology session, and one animal husbandry forum session.Fourth, burn pollution decrement in the openThis plan carries out and burns the frequent district to patrol, open burning. The surplus supplies are estimated to be about 241388 kg after burning general offal, and 83,700 kg after burning agricultural wastes. Estimate formulae and calculate that must move all kinds of pollutant and reduce the emission amount of every pollution source and suspended particles (TSP) reduced to 1221.96 kg, PM10 reduced to 945.56 kg, SOx reduced to 9.41 kg, NOx reduced to 360.05 kg, CO reduced to 10651.51 kg, THC reduced to 1469.76 kg and NMHC reduced to 1048.33 kg. 095 南投縣政府環境保護局 松暉工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1533
九十四至九十六年環境水質中區監測計畫(95年度) 本計畫主要針對中區六縣市各類水體水質監測,掌握各水體水質隨時間的變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。中區河川各流域相比較,以分佈於彰化縣與雲林縣之河系,水質狀況較差,尤其以鹿港溪之污染最為嚴重。95年度污染較嚴重的河川為中港溪流域下游、烏溪流域、鹿港溪流域與北港溪流域。在河川水質相對較好之測站,於豐水期間易受懸浮固體影響造成污染等級變差,以大安溪及老莊溪等流域較為明顯;水質較差之測站,其懸浮固體濃度較高,於豐水期懸浮固體對水質之影響較不顯著,而氨氮、生化需氧量等有機性污染物,則因水量增加造成稀釋作用而使濃度有降低之情形,其中以中港溪及後龍溪下游測站、旱溪、鹿港溪、新虎尾溪及北港溪等流域變化較為明顯。另5月至6月時因梅雨鋒面過境降雨量增加,部分河川例如大安溪、大甲溪、烏溪流域及北港溪等流域,受河道沖刷影響,懸浮固體及化學需氧量等測值,有偏高的情形。整體而言,本年度之河川水質較94年度有略為轉好之趨勢。海域水質監測部份,19個海域水質測站分屬甲類及乙類海域環境,95年各季監測結果均符合所屬各類海域海洋環境品質標準。由於第二季採樣期間受滯留鋒面影響,豐富的降水造成陸域河川水量激增,海水鹽度測值普遍較其他季節略低。第一季及第四季大多數測站亞硝酸鹽氮濃度較往年為高,應持續監測海域內亞硝酸鹽氮是否有隨降雨量或季節變化之趨勢。近岸休憩海域水質計有3個休憩海域測站,進行6至9月共9次採樣監測中,大腸桿菌群及腸球菌群試分級結果,其中崎頂海水浴場、通霄海水浴場及大安海水浴場各有3次、2次及6次不符甲類海域海洋環境品質標準。水庫水質計有8座水庫,每季監測一次。95年度四次監測結果中,8座水庫均偶有部分測值超過甲類陸域地面水體水質標準情形。而各水庫優養化程度以日月潭水質最佳,水質優養程度均屬貧養等級,大埔水庫水質最差,水質均屬優養等級。綜合95年度水庫水質狀態,計貧養等級佔25﹪,普養等級佔50﹪,優養等級佔25﹪,整體水質狀況較去年(94年度)佳。地下水水質監測計有6縣市,85個監測井,主要超過第二類監測基準之項目與歷年結果相近,主要以氨氮、鐵及錳為主。各監測井之水質監測項目以Stiff圖及Piper圖圖解方式分析,變化趨勢與94年度一致,無明顯異常情形。 Water Quality Monitoring, Water Quality Standards, Method Detection Limit The project was aimed to monitor the water quality of river, ocean, reservoir and underground waters in six counties located in the central part of Taiwan. The survey program was expected to provide useful data to evaluate current pollution condition of the water systems, to predict the changing trend of quality of the water systems, and furthermore to provide reference information for government to making pollution control policy.As to the river water quality is concerned, the monitoring results show that the rivers located in Chang-hua county and in Yun-lin county were found in relatively high extent of pollution. Among the rivers investigated in 2006, the most polluted rivers are the downstream section of Jhong-Gang river, Wu river, Lu-Gang river and Bei-Gang river. In abundant water seasons, suspended solid was found to be one of the most important factors impacting on the RPI(River Pollution Index) in some water systems, especially in the area of Da-An stream and Lao-Jhuang stream, where the quality of waters is in relatively good condition. For some water systems of relatively poor water quality, it was found that the both the concentration of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and bio-oxygen-demand (BOD) were substantially diluted in abundant water seasons, these happened especially in the downstream of Jhong-Gang river and Hou-Long river, Han river, Lu-Gang stream, SinHuWei stream and Bei-Gang river. In the plum raining season from May to June, higher suspension solid and chemical-oxygen-demand (COD) were observed especially in Da-An river, Da-Jia river, Wu stream and Bei-Gang river. In summary, the quality of water systems in 2006 was found to be somewhat better than in 2005.The monitoring of ocean shows that the water quality of all the 19 stations investigated in 2006 can meet the criteria of category A or B. The salinity measured in 2nd quarter was found obviously lower than other seasons due to heavy raining. The concentration of nitrite nitrogen (NO2-N) in 1st and 4th quarters was found higher compared to that of the past years. We suggest that EPA may need to continue this ocean monitoring program in order to establish the relationship between the concentration change of nitrite nitrogen and high rainfall.The monitoring of three beaches was conducted from June to September in 2006. Among the measured items, colon bacillus and Enterococcus were two specific items frequently exceeding the control criteria. For total of nine consecutive measurements in this monitoring program, the frequency which did not meet the criteria of category A was recorded as in the following:Ci-Ding beach three times, Da-An beach two times and Tong-Siao beach six times, respectively.The monitoring of reservoir water covered eight dams and the frequency was once per quarter. The results obtained in 2006 show that all the eight reserveoirs did not meet the criteria occasionally for some monitoring. The eutrophic level of the Sun-Moon Lake reservoir was the best, but the Da-Pu reservoir was the worst. By summing up ,the monitoring results of reservoirs water,it shows that the percentage of oligotrophe is 25%, mesotrophe is 50%, and eutrophe is 25%,respectively. The water quality of reservoirs in 2006 is found better than in 2005.Finally, the monitoring of groundwater was conducted in six counties covering 85 wells. Among the monitoring items, ammonia nitrogen, iron and manganese were found not meeting the quality criteria of 2nd category. We analyze graphically each monitoring item by Stiff-plotting and Piper-plotting, and the results show that there is no significant difference compared to that of 2005 . 095 監資處 清華科技檢驗股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2118
95年度輔導全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收專案工作計畫 本計畫主要為協助環保署辦理「95年度推動全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作考核作業」,以及「96年度補助直轄市、縣(市)環保局辦理垃圾減量、資源回收工作補助事宜」、「資源回收形象改造計畫及輔導作業」等,以期達成資源回收工作永續經營目標。95年度全國資源回收率達27.72﹪,已超過95年度目標值26﹪,且較94年度23.12﹪成長4.60%,另每人每日垃圾清運量部分也由94年之0.663公斤降為95年度0.605公斤,顯見資源回收成效逐年進步。95年度資源回收工作績效考核作業也配合各項時程要求據以辦理完成,「95年度全國執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作輔導暨考核計畫」,第一組前三名為:台中市、台北市、台南市;第二組前三名:高雄縣、台中縣、桃園縣;第三組前四名:宜蘭縣、花蓮縣、新竹縣、澎湖縣。另本計畫期間共計審查興建或整建之資源回收貯存場案28件,共計補助14,990.6仟元,經費核撥比例約為82.3%。 Project for Assisting the Exeutive Agencies of This Country in Reinforcing Resource Recycling in 2006 “Project for Assisting the Exeutive Agencies of This Country in Reinforcing Resource Recycling in 2006” that project is mainly for assisting EPA in implementing the “Plan for Accelerating the Executive Agencies of This Country to Intensify the Assistance and Performance Evaluation of Resource Recycling” ,and the “Principles of Subsidizing the Environmental Protection Bureaus of Special Municipalities and Counties (cities) for Carrying out the plan for Reducing Garbage Volume and Resource Recycling for the Year 2007” and the “Plan for Assistance Image Improvement of Resource Recycling” in hope to reach the goal of permanent operation of resource recycling.National resource recycling rate was 27.72% in 2006, already more than annual target 26%. With regard to resource recycling 2006 was raised from 23.12% in 2005 to 27.72% in 2006, with a growth rate up to 4.60%. The weight of garbage of per person and per day had reduced to 0.605kg in 2007 from 0.663kg in 2006. It was apparent that the effectiveness of resource recycling progress.Based on the “Plan for Accelerating the Executive Agencies of Resource Recycling”, the results of performance evaluation on the executive agencies of this country in resource recycling in 2006 have been announced .The top three in first section are Taipei City ,Taichung City ,and Tainan City;the top three in second section are Kaohsung County ,Taichung County and Taoyan County;the top four in third section are Ilan County, Hualien County, Hsinchu County and Penghu County. This plan had reviewed 28 sites of resource recycling for construction or rebuilding. Total granted 14,990.6 thousand. Funds appropriated ratio was about 82.3%. 095 基管會 騰美環境資源股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1283
「應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體﹙機動車輛-北區﹚專案工作計畫」 行政院環境保護署95年度委辦計畫執行摘要計畫名稱:應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢機動車輛-北區)專案工作計畫計畫執行期程:民國95年4月1日至96年3月31日止計畫編號:EPA-94-HA13-03-D077執行單位:台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司計畫主持人:伍中流聯絡人:陳建州聯絡電話:(02)2299-3279 ext.3942傳真號碼:(02)2299-2911計畫經費:新台幣貳仟零玖拾萬元整 執行情形:期末報告執行進度:預定:100% 實際:100% 經費支用(千元):預定20,900 實際:20,900 支用比率100%執行摘要:行政院環保署自民國86年推動「全民參與回饋式資源回收四合一計畫」,意在透過經濟市場機制,結合產源製造與資源回收體系,完成資源回收清除處理市場制度之整體規畫與管理辦法,藉由結合社區民眾、地方政府、回收拆解商及基金,開創便利且全民參與之回收管道,提高資源回收成效,以保護環境衛生,並維護資源永續利用。行政院環保署依相關規定並經公開甄選程序評選稽核認證團體,依據稽核認證作業手冊執行稽核認證作業。稽核認證作業主要功能與目的如下:一、建立確實有效之稽核方法與程序,俾使回收清除處理工作皆能順利推動。二、針對公告應回收之一般廢棄物,確實認定其回收量與處理量。三、查核並防止回收清除處理各環節中之可能弊端與風險。四、查核並輔導處理機構於回收清除處理作業上符合相關環保規範。本專案計畫回收處理機構計有106家,每次須派2名稽核人員至各回收處理機構進行認證,於95年4月至96年3月共計完成汽車133,499輛,機車194,128輛之稽核認證回收作業。同時本專案計畫亦就處理機構之作業程序與環境方面等執行相關查核,若發現有不符規範的情事,要求處理機構限期改善,並追蹤確認改善成效。藉由此項查核與要求,輔導處理機構於處理環節亦皆能符合相關環保規定。 Project of inspection and certification on the recycling waste vehicle (Northern district of Taiwan) 行政院環境保護署95年度委辦計畫英文摘要Project of inspection and certification on the recycling waste vehicle (Northern district of Taiwan)ABSTRACTProject title:Project of inspection and certification on the recycling waste vehicle (Northern area of Taiwan)Project code:EPA-95-HA13-03-D077Execution unit:SGS Taiwan Ltd.Project director:Mr. chung-liu WuProject period:April 1, 2006~March 31, 2007Project budget:20,900,000 NTDSince 1997, EPA has launched “public participation feed-back recycling four-in-one project”, which integrated market mechanism, the production and recycling system, to achieve the overall planning and management of the resources collection, clearing, and recycling market. By means of adjusting the system and regulations, and with the integration of community public, local governments, collectors, and the recycling fund, it is to create a convenient and public participation collection way to increase resources recycling results for the protection of the environments and the sanitation as well as the sustainable utilization of the resources.In accordance with relevant regulations, EPA, through open selection procedure, evaluates and selects fair bodies, and fair bodies execute the inspection and certification operation by the promulgated inspection and certification operation manual. Main functions and purposes of the inspection and certification operation are as under:1.To establish practical, economic, efficient, open, and transparent inspection methods and procedure, so that the works of the collection, clearance, and disposal could be promoted in a fair condition.2.To ascertain the collection and processing quantities of the promulgated general waste to be recovered.3.To inspect and prevent any possible malpractices and risks in the process of the collection, clearance, and disposal.4.To check and facilitate the collection, clearance, disposal operations in recycling organizations to meet related environment protection regulations.There are 106 vehicle-recycling organizations in northern district of Taiwan. This project demands 2 inspectors at recycling organizations for each inspection and certification operation.Until March 31, 2007 there are 133,499 cars and 194,128 motors inspected and certified. In this year, this project has checked the recycling process and the environment of the recycling organizations. If any irregularities found, the execution unit of this project will require the recycling organizations to improve and follow up the results of their improvement. Thus, the inspection and certification operation could achieve the quantity ascertainment and quality assurance in the collection, clearance, and disposal of the promulgated general waste to be recovered. 095 基管會 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1573
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢潤滑油類) 1.95年4月~96年3月廢潤滑油稽核認證回收量計17,964,087公升2.95年4月~96年3月廢潤滑油稽核認證處理量計17,977,052公升3.回收業採樣油品經化驗水份/沉澱物百分比大於50%僅占1.9%,針對此部分已依據 貴署訂定之補貼費率,不予核發補貼費用。4.查核回收業設施標準不合格次數計有15次,其不合格原因為運送車輛未具備標示牌及緊急滅火設備不符規範,至於處理業查核結果不合格原因主要為滅火器不符規範。5.每月針對處理業執行環境工安查核,查核不合格部分主要為廠區滅火器藥劑有效期限逾期及滅火器保養檢查卡毀損等,針對上述異常本會已追蹤確認改善完成。6.每月針對處理業執行衍生廢棄物貯存環境及庫存數量查核並針對處理業處理衍生廢棄物及再生料,執行出廠流向追蹤查核工作。7.執行回收業及處理業會計稽核,經查核報表及相關憑證均能相互勾稽,且未見重大異常。8.配合應回收廢棄物回收處理業受補貼機構申請案審核執行成果,共計配合2家處理業及8家回收業之現勘審核工作。9.有關異常事件計有66件異常,其中已結案有58件,尚需持續追蹤有8件,本會將持續追蹤未結案異常之改善情形。10.累計執行稽核認證521場次,並達本計畫合約書所要求之最高級距目標。11.完成每月在職訓練及年度專業訓練等相關人員訓練工作。12.依本會制定內部稽核制度進行系統面與執行面之查核作業,相關內部稽核小組查核之缺失皆已確實改善。 The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste(Waste Lubricants) The execution results of the Project conducted by FTIS during the project period, April 01, 2006 to March 31,2007, can be summarized as following:1.Certified recycled quantity:17,964,087 liters.2.Certified disposal quantity:17,977,052 liters.3.Analyzed by the chemical method, only 1.9% of the collected sample from recycling industry is composed with water/sediment percentage greater than 50%. Therefore the remediation fund for this part is not approved under EPA regulation.4.There are 15 unqualified results for the equipment standard inspecting of recycling industry. No appropriate sign on the recycling truck and unqualified emergency extinguisher were the major causes. In the other hand, the unqualified reasons for the disposal industry were the barely readable checklist on extinguishers . For those who unqualified above, FTIS will investigate continuously and ensure the future improvement. 5.For the monthly working environment safety inspection, the major causes unqualified results in disposal industry are emergency extinguisher. Thus all the improvements have been implemented. 6.According to disposal industry, inspect the derivative waste storage environment and audit the inventory monthly. Also inspect and track the flow of the derivative waste and the recycled material.7.There is no abnormal event regarding to the accounting auditing for recycling and disposal industry.8.During the project period, FTIS evaluate the field inspections of 8 recycling firms and 2 disposal firms for subsidized qualification.9.Total 66 abnormal events were found during the project period. 8 cases are closed and 3 cases are still in improving. FTIS will inspect and ensure the future improvement continuously.10.Total 521 inspection trips are executed which achieves the highest-class goal of the project.11.All inspectors are required to fulfill 40-hour training and examination at least. In addition, the in-job training is held monthly and the annual professional training was held.12.FTIS promulgate the internal inspecting regulations for both systematic and executive examinations. All the flaws found by the internal inspecting crew were corrected. 095 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1493
95年度南投縣懸浮污染物暴露與居民健康之調查 本計畫研究主要在探討南投縣台16線砂石運輸車對附近環境及居民健康之影響,以台16線沿線之環境及居民作為暴露組,另選擇遠離砂石運輸路線之地利及和社作為對照組,針對南投縣水里、集集及竹山地區之車流量調查、懸浮微粒、室內外塵土、路面塵土採樣、心血肺功能及相關問卷調查等進行擴散模式推估、懸浮微粒塵土、尿液、重金屬分析。在大氣懸浮微粒部分,暴露組大量砂石車明顯影響大氣微粒濃度,且在夜間懸浮微粒之濃度仍無法降至環境之背景值。而室內外大氣重屬濃度,暴露組地區明顯承受較多金屬污染。在水里之居家塵土分析中,發現室內金屬負荷量,依近程、中程及遠程呈現遞减之現象。暴露組居民尿液中金屬濃度大部份均高於對照組居民尿液中之金屬濃度,由於該地區並無固定污染源排放金屬之影響,故砂石車等移動污染源之影響是不容忽視問題。另由大氣懸浮微粒細粒徑元素碳及有機碳可知暴露組地區主要貢獻者應是砂石車。大氣擴散模式推估顯示由於夏季盛行風為西南風,故污染物多往東北方擴散。若將車流量將砂石車移除(不含砂石車),道路揚塵逸散明顯下降,可看出因疏浚工程而引起砂石車數量上升對大氣濃度之貢獻量頗大。藉由各種車種之排氣量、街塵濃度及車流量數據,並配合ISC ST3模式所推算之結果,發現水里及集集兩地區懸浮微粒及OC之濃度,有超過85%以上係由砂石車所貢獻,而EC之濃度幾乎全部係由砂石車所貢獻。 在居民健康方面,本研究針對台十六線與台二十一線道路所架設的大氣微粒採樣點附近五百公尺內之成年居民進行心肺功能及腎功能檢查。在調整干擾因子的效應後,發現疏浚工程道路沿線民眾有較差肺功能及較高收縮壓之可能趨勢;此外,腎功能評估在不同地區間並未呈現顯著差異。以多變項迴歸模式來評估心肺功能及腎功能與尿液重金屬濃度之相關。在調整干擾因子的效應後,顯示尿中鋁之增加與收縮壓及舒張壓增加可能相關。尿中鋅之增加也與心跳速率、N-乙醯胺基葡萄糖甘酶、視醇結合蛋白質增加可能相關。而尿中砷之增加也可能與收縮壓增加具有統計相關。個體重金屬暴露劑量之增加與心肺功能及腎功能的改變具有統計上之可能相關。但是本研究因為受限於追蹤的時間與樣本數的規模,並不適宜驟然定一結論,往後仍需長期性的追蹤觀察當地環境與民眾健康,以增加研究結果之可信度;然而,現今之結果仍可提供相關單位參考,並建議應訂定合宜的防範措施,以保障當地居民的健康。 The study of Particulate Matter and Health risk assessment of Nantou in 2006 This study focused on impacts of transportation of dump trucks on the health risk of residents near the Tai-16 roadway in the Nantou County. We selected the residents in Dy-Li and huo-she as control set. The traffic volume survey and atmospheric diffusion model were conducted to simulate the particulate matter exposure of residents. Besides the particulate matters, indoor/outdoor dust, and blood/urine sampled were collected and were analyzed for their metal contents. The residents’ cardiovascular, respiratory, and kidney functions, related questionnaires were collected to assess their health conditions. The particulate matter levels in the exposure sets were obviously higher than those in the control set. The high particulate matter levels were contributed by the transportation of dump trucks. Additionally, particulate matter levels in the exposure sets did not decrease to the background levels in the control set even at the night.The residents in the exposure set obviously suffered higher metal levels of outdoor particulate matters than those in the control set. The metal loading in the indoor dusts decreased with the distances from the roadways. Similarly, the metal concentrations in the urine of residents in the control set were significantly. Because there was not any stationary sources for the metal emissions, the transportation of dump trucks was possible response for the metal emissions. The major source of both element and organic carbon for this area was the exhaust of dump trucks. The model simulated results of ISC-ST3 showed the high concentrations of particulate matter located in the east-northern side of the roads. If the traffic volume did not count the dump trucks, the simulated particulate matter concentrations by ISC-ST3 significantly reduced comparing to the traffic volume containing dump trucks. Above 85% of particulate matters were contributed by the dump trucks. After adjusting the confounding factors, the results for residents’ cardiovascular, respiratory, and kidney function measurements indicated that the residents had poorer respiratory functions and higher systolic blood pressure. Multivariate regression was also employed to the evaluate the relationships between respiratory, and kidney function. After adjusting the confounding factors, the systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure increased with the blood aluminum levels. The heat-beat, N—acetylglucosamindase, retinol binding protein were also increase with the blood zinc levels. The systolic blood pressure significantly correlated with urinal arsenic levels. The cardiopulmonary and kidney functions may be altered by the metal concentrations in exposed populations. Because the sample size of the population in the study, the results obtained from this study was not confirmed. Further investigation is necessary to assess the long-term influences of transportation of dump trucks on resident’s health. It suggests that some protective measurements should be taken to protect the public health in this area. 095 南投縣政府環境保護局 中山醫學大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=5101
辦理民眾檢舉高污染車輛管理暨移動污染源資料庫整合管理專案工作計畫 1.95年度共受理39,667件民眾檢舉案件,截至96.01.10止,尚有2,338件仍在處理中,已通知檢驗案件計22,931件,不合格案件佔所有通知檢測且已結案件之2.6%,與94年2.20%不合格率相較比例略為提高。可見本項業務確實在移動污染源不定期管制各項策略中具相當成效,值得繼續推動。2.95年10月26日在全國環保機關首長見證下,隆重完成「95年度鼓勵民眾檢舉烏賊車抽獎活動」,本次共提供1,135個獎品,其中包括63個大獎及1,072個普獎,總金額超過新台幣70萬元。3.配合系統使用之情形及需求,完成全國環保機關100%以自然人憑證驗證登入系統專區作業、推廣滿意度調查、線上學習活動、建立環保局線上自動化填報考評作業、修訂標準作業程序、完成網站連線自動偵測作業,並完成系統10項功能增修作業。4.為提昇執行效力及執法之共識,完成2場教育訓練及2場業務聯繫檢討會,進行意見交換並達成多項共識,系統配合進行操作功能擴增,以提昇本業務執行之品質。5建置「移動污染源資訊管理系統」,功能包括95年度績效考評填報及自動化統計作業、以e化方式建立委辦計畫查核方式及查核重點、移動污染源各項資料庫之整合、統計及分析作業,並初步建立移動污染源資料共享及提供重要資訊予環保署在政策推動時之重要參考,並使各項成果及污染削減量得以保存及應用。6.建立機房管理及例行維護標準作業,以輔助移動污染源相關各專案系統建置或備份於環保署,以利移動污染源資料處理及彙整,使移動污染源具有實體資料,無論現況檢討或未來決策支援,皆為良好之工具平台。 Polluting vehicles appeal cases management system and mobile pollution source database integration project Within this project 2006, there have been 39,667 suspected polluting vehicle cases were accepted. Among the accepted cases, 22,931 vehicles have been notified to be inspected, 2,338 cases are still under processing. All the other closed cases, 2.6% isdisqualified in all the notifications, compare to year 2005(which is 2.2%) the disqualification rate is higher.Under the witness of national EPBs’ directors. the lottery ceremony was held Oct.26, 2006. There were 1135 awards provided, which included 63 high value awards and 1072 regular ones. The total value is more than NT$700,000 dollars.With the accordance to the strategy 2006, there are several functions and modes of system areaccomplished. Also this project has revised EPBS’ standard operation proceclure handbook. The implementation of security access has been unified by citizen digital certificate. The other systemimplementation includes to unite the national wide epbs’ webs to receive report cases from one web. The checking and verification process and evaluationfunction was accomplished. Data exchange and integration nationwide platform was built. The award recording and Web connection monitoring system and self evaluation automatical system were well established. All the function and mode have improved the quality of handle process and made to perform theaim of strategy.Two training programs and two nationalconferences were held within this project whichprovided the business connection and difficultiesresolution.To accomplish the vehicles emission inspection cross platform specification, management and plan.The analytical result presents the eliminating pollutant of this project 2006 is 600Ton/yr.The elimination amount is more than last year.The mobile Web of EPA is built-up in this project. Which provides all the projects on-line review and editing. Via the web EPA can easily manage different projects and overlook the checkpoint and accomplishment.The mainframes management standard operation procedure is established. 095 空保處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2062
以政治、經濟與法律層面探討後京都時期因應方案計畫 本計畫之工作項目包括三部分:(一)探討及研析後京都時期關鍵因素;(二)掌握與參與重要國際及研究機構針對後京都時期之探討;(三)整合及建置國內因應後京都時期制度。各項工作之成果簡述如後:(一)探討及研析後京都時期關鍵因素:(1)政治層面-(a)完成介紹亞太清潔發展與氣候夥伴(APP)之工作規劃、行動方案及九個分組之重要進展,研析掌握美國、澳洲、日本等國對於該協定之態度,尋求雙邊合作之可能性並探討我國在APP發展過程中之因應作為;(b)瞭解韓國、印度、新加坡及中國等後京都重要集團之結盟情勢分析。(2)經濟層面-(a)彙整國際油價變化趨勢,認為歐洲碳市場在2006上半年受油價與天然氣價格的影響較高,但後續受到過度分配的政策面影響,導致碳價格崩盤的結果;(b)碳市場交易分為分配額交易及計畫別交易,前者主要以歐盟排放交易制度(EU ETS)為主,後者以CDM計畫為主,全球碳市場已在2006年上半年達到新高紀錄。(3)法律層面-(a)已彙整第1至12次締約國大會之重要決議,同時細部分析第12次締約國大會法律決議、京都議定書之內容,並掌握「加強執行公約以因應氣候變遷之長期合作行動對話」之進展;(b)法律研析WTO/ FTA與後京都方案之關連,並針對WTO重要討論議題「環保商品」之分類與各國立場進行說明。(二)掌握與參與重要國際及研究機構針對後京都時期之探討(1)參與聯合國氣候變化綱要公約相關會議-本計畫2006年出席第24及25屆附屬機構會議及第12次締約國會議,會議討論為各國將以謹慎的做法進行下一階段的談判,回歸到科學與技術面的基礎,而避免政治性的談判與承諾;而我國之因應則可著重在(a)以溫室氣體管制法架構下的交易法規為基礎,搭配法律通過前的行政命令(國營事業)與契約安排(自願減量與國外市場之聯繫;包括CCX及CA或其他),啟動協助國內減量先驅者保有減量實績的國內碳交易制度;(b)以投資為核算基礎啟動前述所謂計劃中之計劃的示範性CDM國際合作案。(2)與國際重要國家及研究機構建立管道-分別與日本國家環境研究院(NIES)、韓國環境研究院(KEI)、美國Pew Center等建立聯繫管道,並瞭解與APP相關國家及美國芝加哥氣候交換所(CCX)合作研析計畫之可能性。(三)整合及建置國內因應後京都時期制度(1)歐盟與美國之因應立場方面-由於歐盟已表態繼續支持排放目標與市場機制,加上美國目前已提出五個與溫室氣體管制相關的法案,包括排放目標與交易,歐盟與美國東北部九州的RGGI,也正在進行雙方交易市場在後京都連接的評估,因此短中期內「market pull」的角色將逐漸地強化,而「technology push」仍然是許多國家的長期目標。(2)整合規劃我國經濟制度與國際接軌之方案方面-完成政策思考之考量問題提出;提出京都機制生效後對我國之衝擊影響及機會說明;並研議當前我國應特別側重的因應方向,例如:完成碳交易市場可行性分析,包括:釐清碳交易市場之意義、台灣發展碳交易市場的必要性、台灣發展碳交易市場的政策目標、啟動交易(Emission Trading)機制所須法規與治理制度、推動我國與國際接軌之碳交易市場、推動策略建議等。(3)我國相關國際資訊之情境分析方面-釐清重行提出國家通訊之性質與影響,以確保我國遵守義務基準不致損害國家利益;瞭解現階段我國國家清冊資料呈現受限之原因,以利後續提出改善,並完成中美洲友邦相關碳市場合作計畫構想。(4)建設台灣碳交易市場所需政策與法律規劃圓桌會議-配合出國經費之調整,邀請講師來台辦理圓桌會議,針對以下三個議題進行討論:(a)溫室氣體管制政策與法規介紹—以美國及台灣為例、(b)台灣碳交易參與對象及交易標的探討、(c)如何藉由國營事業現有監督體制啟動示範碳交易。 The politic, economic and legal analysis on compliance strategic after Kyoto This project includes three parts: first, the discussion and analysis of the key elements after Kyoto; second, the report collection from research institutes and international events participation after Kyoto; third, domestic Kyoto compliance systems integration and capacity building. On International politic level, this project achieved the introduction of the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP) and also included the estimation about the possible participation of Taiwan. We also found the high-raise gasoline price caused the carbon price went down in year 2006. After participated the COP13 and other subsidiaries meetings, we concluded that Taiwan could create offsets market and assigned it to Chicago Climate Exchange for management. The state-owned enterprises could also participate the CDM project through their regulatory mandatory system. We also concluded the domestic market could be created and linked with foreign markets like Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) by the arrangement of domestic legislation and contract negotiation. Those State-owned enterprises could also participate the international CDM investment projects through specific arrangement from current regulations. The information collection from the United Nations and other related materials show the current emission markets are trying to create trading mechanism in Post-Kyoto period. The regional reduction activities in United States also provide proper examples for our newly development of domestic regulation and implementation strategies. The local market could learn their experiences to link our market to those regional voluntary reduction groups. Finally, this project also hosted an international conference for sharing the market-based experiences in United States. The discussion of the necessity of local emission trading market and the importance of developing support system and regulations of newly local emission trading market are also followed. 095 空保處 國立清華大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1553
垃圾焚化底渣再利用查核及最終處置場設置推動專案工作計畫 為配合行政院環境保護署持續推動底渣再利用查核及最終處置場之設置工作本年度執行摘要如下:一、協助地方政府推動一般廢棄物最終處置場部分:(一)推動進度落後面臨退場之縣市政府,協助解決合約與法律面向之問題。(二)繼續推動之縣市,給予相關許可申辦之諮詢與營運管理之協助。(三)修訂「公民營機構興建營運垃圾焚化灰渣再利用廠及最終處置場設置計畫補助款執行要點」。二、垃圾焚化底渣再利用部分:(一)協助審核底渣再利用相關文件。(二)底渣再利用現場查核。(三)產品流向追蹤查核。(四)建置各主辦縣市垃圾焚化底渣再利用請款系統網頁資料庫,內容至少包含:焚化底渣進場量、退運量、各類再利用產品產量、再利用量、再利用流向等,以加速處理補助費撥款速度。三、其他與本計畫執行有關之相關之事業廢棄物產出調查事項:(一)協助追蹤第一批及第二批應置廢棄物專業技術人員之事業,其廢棄物專業技術人員之設置情形即自行清除許可申請情形,建置專用網頁統計執行成效。(二)協助環保署彙整各目的事業主管機關事業廢棄物處理及處置設施規劃及執行情形,並隨時掌握進度。(三)協助辦理環保署「廢棄物管理三十年紀實」「廢棄物管理政策演進」部分之資料蒐集、編纂。(四)辦理各縣(市)處置場建檔及餘裕量調查等工作,以及辦理各縣(市)一般廢棄物焚化灰、底渣產量及流向調查工作。四、辦理一次與本計畫有關之事業廢棄物業務協調聯繫會報,參與對象為相關部會、縣(市)環保局及本署相關人員。五、成立專人專責服務窗口,並建置本計畫網頁,並隨時更新資料。 The Evaluation of Incinerator Residue Reuse and the Promotion of Final Disposal Site Establishment Project 1. Help the local government to promote the final disposal field of general waste:(1) As for the county and municipal governments that faces lag progress of promotion and will be withdrawn, help them to solve the problem of contract and law aspects.(2) As for the county and municipal governments that promote it continuously, provide the relevant consulting for the application of permits and assistance for the management of operation.(3) Revise “Enforcement Rules for the Subsidiary of Setting Recycling Plant of Trash Incinerating Ash and Final Disposal Field by Private and Public Authorities”.2. The recycle of trash incinerating bottom ash:(1) Help to review the relevant documents for the recycle of bottom ash.(2) Check the field for the recycle of bottom ash.(3) Track and check the flow direction of products.(4) Establish the webpage database of payment system for the recycle of trash incinerating bottom ash in each competent county and city, the contents at least include: the incoming amount of trash incinerating bottom ash, the amount returned, throughput of recycled products, recycling amount, recycling flow direction etc., in order to speed the payment of subsidiary fund.3. Other investigation items related to the throughput of relevant industrial waste:(1) Help to track the first batch and the second batch of enterprise businesses undertaking which should establish the professional technician of waste, to understand the establishment condition for the professional technician of waste and the application condition for the permits of self removal, and set the special-purpose webpage to count the execution effect.(2) Help EPA to gather the planning of treatment and disposal facilities and the execution condition for the industrial waste of each competent authority, and grasp the progress at any time.(3) Help EPA to collect and edit the information for “Real Record for 30-year Waste Management” and “Evolution of Waste Management Policy”.(4) Help the filing of each county (city) disposal field and the investigation work of surplus amount, and deal with the investigation work for the throughput and flow direction of general waste incinerating ash, bottom ash in each county (city).4. Hold a coordination and liaison meeting associated with the industrial waste business of this project, the participating subjects are relevant bureaus, the Environmental Protection Department of county (city) and relevant personnel of EPA.5. Establish the specific service window, set up the webpage of this project, and update the information at any time. 095 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2020
95年度責任業者管理、稽查相關法務作業專案工作計畫 本計畫之目標為辦理責任業者應繳納回收清除處理費追繳等法律事務、回收、處理業因違反廢棄物清理法等相關環保法規衍生之法律事務,並運用外在法律專業資源,協助處理相關法律事務及辦理資源回收相關法規之教育訓練,增進作業執行效率。本計畫之執行方式為辦理環保署回收基管會轄管之責任業者、回收業者及處理業者所提行政救濟之答辯、針對逾期繳納或拒繳納費用之業者移送行政執行、涉及刑責移送偵查案件與民事涉訟案件,並提供法律諮詢及辦理教育訓練等。執行期間完成訴願答辯23件、行政訴訟答辯10件、回覆法律諮詢2件、辦理移送行政執行作業81件、民事涉訟案件1件,並舉行2次法令研習及2次法律專題講座。本所執行本計畫期間從各項工作之進行觀之,就環保署所面臨之立即性法律問題的解決、常態性法律認知的調整、或奠定正確的法律知識等方面,都已達成本計畫所要求運用外在法律專業資源,提昇相關作業成效之目標。 Project of Legal Issues Regarding Inspection of Responsible Proprietor The purpose of this project is to accomplish the assignments regarding the pursuit of recycle and disposal fees and rest of associate legal affairs from the Responsible Proprietors, Recycle and Waste Management violating “The Waste Disposal Act” and rest of associate “Green Acts” and to enhance the administration effects by dealing with associate legal affairs and holding legally educational training related to recycling act, and regulating by applying external professional legal resources.The methods to execute this project include defending cases with regard to the Responsible Proprietors who are obligated by the Recycling Found Management Board, Recycle and Waste Management in administrative remedy proceedings, applying for administrative enforcement, specified to those management who over-time or refused to do the payment, reporting cases involving criminal conduct to the authority for investigation, handling civil cases, and providing legal consultation and holding legally educational training.The Executor’s accomplishments during the Project Term include defense in 23 cases during administrative appeal proceedings, defense in 10 cases of administrative litigation, 2 cases of providing legal consultation and 81 cases concerning the application for administrative enforcement to the Responsible Proprietors failing to pay fees. In addition, we have further held legal seminars twice and also held legal monographic speeches two times. In view of the prompt resolution of EPA’s legal problems, adjustment of the legal knowledge of default rules, or establishing correct knowledge of laws, we have indeed achieved the ultimate purpose of this project to enhance the effects of inspection-relevant jobs by means of external legal professional resources. 095 基管會 寰瀛法律事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1862
95年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫-加強街道揚塵洗街計畫 對於都會區之浮微粒污染,車行揚塵為最主要之貢獻源,因此僅仰賴固定源之控制效果不顯著,故藉由街道清洗作業以減低懸浮微粒污染。嘉義市環境保護局為降低本市道路揚塵量及維持市區道路之整潔,使市區內空氣品質不再日益惡化,故申請行政院環境保護署補助辦理嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗街計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),希能透過街道清洗作業達到改善街道市容之整潔及提升空氣品質之目的。本次報告屬95年度期末報告,計畫執行期間含括95年1月至12月31日止,針對市區內14條主次要道路,進行洗街工作,行政院環境保護署核定全年洗街總長度12,000公里。95年度1月至12月31日洗掃街執行統計結果顯示,本計畫洗街長度共完成12,566.3公里,累計洗街長度達成率為104.7%。依洗街平均車速約為13.5km/hr,其各月每公里平均用水量值介於1.18-1.21,總平均約為1.19公噸/公里。今年度至12月31日止已進行6次之洗街用水及1次備用水源水質採樣分析,結果顯示可符合回收水利用於抑制揚塵之管制標準(惟該標準已於今年10月公告廢除),將持續觀察。本計畫配合辦理TSP及PM10檢測,經彙整分析後並整理本計畫歷年來檢測結果,TSP及PM10檢測之削減率與洗街作業有正相關性,亦即進行洗街作業可減少空氣中懸浮微粒含量。但影響空氣品質的因素極多,如未能排除其他變因(特別是天氣因素及背景濃度),要了解進行一次洗街作業對特定路段的削減率有實際上的困難。不過整體而言洗掃之成效在隔日同一時段仍可維持相當的削減率,顯示本計畫確有執行之必要。。問卷調查結果顯示,嘉義市民眾對空氣品質及街道揚塵之感受程度,屬尚能接受,但仍需努力改善。在洗掃街作業方面民眾則維持九成以上之高度肯定。顯示本計畫有持續執行之必要。 Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Plan of Chiayi City in 2006 Concerning the aerosol pollution in metropolitan areas, vehicle dust is the primary culprit for it. In fact, the effect will not be very significant if we just rely on containing stationary sources of pollution. Therefore, street washing operation needs to be applied in order to decrease aerosol pollution. Intending to decrease road dust volume and to keep streets clean in the City so that the air quality of the City will not be getting worse day by day, Chiayi City EPB report to EPA for fund assistance in “Chiayi City Street Washing Project” (The Project hereafter), which may help to get to the objectives to clean up city streets and improve air quality by means of street washing operations.This report is one of the 2006 year end reports. The project duration spanned from January to December 31, 2006. There were 14 primary and secondary roads in the urban area of the city targeted to be washed. EPA authorized totally a length of 12,000km of streets that have to go through street washing in the year. The achievement statistics of street washing from January to December 31, 2006 indicates that there was a length of 12,566.3 km has been undertaken by the street washing project; the achievement ratio is 104.7% in total. The average street washing speed was about 13.5km/hr. The average monthly used water volume per kilometer was between 1.18-1.21 ton with an average of 1.19 ton per kilometer.There were seven sampling analysis for street washing water quality in this year till December 31. The results have shown that the control standard has been met for the retrieved water to be used in containing dust, (though the standard was abolished in October this year.)This Project is being held in accordance to TSP and PM tests. After compilation and analysis of these test results in years, positive correlation between street washing operation and the decrease rate in TSP and PM tests has been revealed. That means street washing operation indeed can reduce the aerosol quantity in the air. However, there are many factors that will influence the air quality. If other variables have not been prevented (especially climate factors and background density), there will be factual difficulties to realize how a street washing operation can reflect the reduce rate in a certain road section. But generally speaking, the street washing effect can maintain equal reduce rate as same as that of next day. It does indicate that this project is necessary after all.The result of the questionnaire appears that it is acceptable for Chiayi residents in terms of air quality and street dust with expectation that they will be approved somehow. As for street washing operation itself, people maintain more than 90% affirmative attitude. It tells that this project is necessarily to be executed continuously. 095 嘉義市政府環境保護局 澄品顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1852
日本電子電器物品之資源回收政策與作為及落實循環型社會執行經驗交流計畫 本計畫內容分為四大項:一、蒐集日本執行循環型社會之策略形成、規劃及現階段執行情形。二、蒐集日本廢電子電器設備之資源回收政策與作為,並與國內資源回收體系交叉比對。三、執行案例研究:(一)瞭解北九州生態科技城於日本建構循環型社會策略之角色、現階段推動狀況及發揮之功效。(二)瞭解日本愛知博覽會之資源回收、零廢棄執行經驗。四、赴日考察實際瞭解資源回收政策與作為及零廢棄執行經驗。透過本計畫的執行成果,可以綜覽日本建立循環型社會及廢電子電器物品資源回收制度之形成背景,瞭解日本建立循環型社會之相關策略,並深入瞭解日本廢電子電器物品之資源回收推動現況,同時佐以赴日參訪的案例研究結論,以作為我國於資源回收政策之參考。 The Practice Investigation for the Japanese WEEE Policies and the Sound Material-Cycle Society The project consists of 4 main parts listed as below:1. To collect the strategies, policies and administrations for the Sound Material-Cycle Society in Japan.2. To Collect the policies and practices of the WEEE in Japan for comparing with the system in Taiwan.3. Two study cases:- To understand the playing role of the Kitakyushu Eco-twon and its administration effects for the Japanese Sound Material-Cycle Society strategy.- To survey the practices of the Recycling activities and zero waste policies in the EXPO 2005 AICHI, Japan.4. To make an on-the-spot investigation for surveying the zero waste and recycling policies in Japan.Through this project, we can get the overview of the formation background, the strategies and administration effects in Japan, especially for the WEEE Policies and the Sound Material-Cycle Society. Such results with field investigation studies are referential for making recycling policies in Taiwan. 095 基管會 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1836
『95年度臺南市餐飲業空氣污染物管制與輔導改善暨環保餐飲街示範計畫』期末報告 台南市政府環境保護局為提昇市民生活空氣品質,遂積極推動『台南市餐飲業空氣污染物管制與輔導改善暨環保餐飲街示範計畫』,希望藉由餐飲業油煙污染稽查管制及輔導改善雙管齊下的策略,積極解決逐漸顯著並造成民怨之困擾。南市之餐飲業以中小型規模為主,以本年度巡查之503家業者而言,僅有少數約四成業者設置處理設備,而設置較理想之管末處理設備僅有二成。累計完成50家之輔導改善,有效達到污染減量之效果,包括TSP總削減量達40.347公噸/年,NMHC總削減量達7.023公噸/年,THC總削減量達12.542公噸/年。本計畫建議環保署盡速研擬餐飲業管制相關辦法並公告施行;建議設置環保攤販區,將攤販納入同一區域,透過共同收集處理方式;同時建議下年度能提高編列油煙廢氣特性採樣分析作業經費,擴大分析點次及污染物,以求能精確建立本市餐飲業污染相關數據資料庫,提供未來管制作業參考。 “Air Pollutant Control and Assistance Improvement for the Restaurant Industry in Tainan City & Demonstration Plan of Environment-Friendly Restaurant Street” Under the purpose of air quality improvement in Tainan City, the City Environmental Protection Bureau legislate the regulation of “Air Pollutant Control and Assistance Improvement for the Restaurant Industry in Tainan City & Demonstration Plan of Environment-Friendly Restaurant Street” which provides the strategies of inspection and control of soot pollution, and improvement assistance for restaurant industry, thus, constructively solves the pollution problems and public discontent. Based on this project, the scale of restaurants in Tainan City is mainly in middle and small size. Thus, the information of soot pollution and their prevention technologies are sufficient for restaurant owners. 457 restaurants were inspected in this year. Only around 40% of them installed the prevention equipments, while only 20% installed more advance prevention equipments. In the part of improvement assistance, because of less enforcement under regulation, only fifty restaurants were completed and reached the effective pollution reduction, such as total reduction of TSP in 40.347 tons/year, NMHC in 7.023 tons/year, and THC in 12.542 tons/year.This project suggests that Environmental Protection Administration should promptly make related regulations in controlling and managing restaurant industry, which will provide the regulation basis for inspectors in supervision and assistance in Taiwan. Moreover, this project suggested that the restaurants investigation and evaluation can be constantly executed in next year, which contributes Tainan as a city with environmental protection actions and delicious foods. Thus, it will result in more attracted visitors and prosperous city development. Finally, this project also suggests that rising budgets in samples analysis and characterization of waste soot, and expanding the analysis times, points and types of pollutants should be fully consideration in coming year, which will establish the pollution database system for restaurant industry in Tainan City, and provide the future information in control and management. 095 台南市環境保護局 劦廣環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=637
營建資源暨裝潢修繕廢棄物再利用推動計畫 據研究台灣地區每年產生超過1,000萬公噸的營建與拆除廢棄物,然其所含物質如:混凝土塊、磚、木材、塑膠等多可回收再利用。在永續發展的世界潮流下,行政院環境保護署著手推動營建資源暨裝潢修繕廢棄物再利用。本計畫所完成的工作項目及成果,說明如下:1.已協調環保署「事業廢棄物管制網」及營建署「營建剩餘土石方資訊中心」之申報系統新增超連結至對方申報頁面,做為整合的模式。2.已研訂完成10項再利用產品驗證規範與程序,並檢驗完成再利用產品至少30件,其檢驗結果均達到CNS標準。3.已研提緣石及緣石側溝、高壓混凝土地磚、混凝土磚、木絲水泥板、鋪地磚等5項施工綱要規範具體修改內容,以利推動使用相關再利用產品。4.已持續維護更新環保署綠建材再利用產品資訊網相關內容。5.已研析營建廢棄物清運車輛加裝GPS之可行性,初步的研究成果是可行的,但需要相關配套措施。6.已規劃完成縣市政府推動「裝潢修繕廢棄物再利用推動計畫」之執行方式,包括3種辦理模式、2種補助款種類及經費申請等。7.已完成『環保署補助縣(市)政府辦理「裝潢修繕廢棄物再利用推動計畫」申請補助原則(草案)』之研擬,內容包括申請程序及補助方式、各階段經費補助申請計畫書格式、審核方式及管考措施等。8.已就現行管理辦法加以探討國內裝潢修繕廢棄物的管理機制,並針對不足之處研擬修正草案。9.已辦理一場次推動營建廢棄物再利用業務檢討會,三場次再利用產品說明會及相關研商、公聽會議事宜。期望透過本計畫上述各工作項目的執行,能創造再利用產品的市場與需求,促進營建混合物回收與再利用。 A Project to Recycle Building Construction and Demolition Wastes in Taiwan According to studies, more than ten million tons of building construction and demolition wastes (CD&Ws) were generated each year in Taiwan. However, most of its contents such as concrete debris, brick, woods, plastics, and so on, are recyclable. With the global trend of sustainable development, the Taiwan EPA has geared to the recycling and reuse of all the CD&Ws. This research project completed the following work items:1.Conducted meetings to add the hyperlink in each other’s systems, between EPA’s Waste Declaration and Auditing System and CPA’s (Construction and Planning Agency) Residual Soil Declaration and Auditing System, to improve the integration of both systems.2.Developed testing specifications and validating procedures for 10 recycled products, and tested 30 recycled products. The testing results were all satisfactory.3.Modified construction specification of 5 products, including road curb, concrete floor brick, concrete block, wood cement board, and pavement brick, to facilitate the reuse of construction and demolition wastes.4.Maintained the website of Green Building Products and updated the information.5.Conducted the feasibility study of imposing the installation of GPS for all the vehicles transporting the CD&Ws. The initial result shows it is feasible, but will need supporting actions for the policy.6.Planed the execution models for the local counties to build a collection and recycling channel for CD&Ws generated from household remodeling. As a result, 3 execution models, and 2 types of compensation costs were proposed.7.Developed the procedure and all the necessary documents for the local counties, who are interested in participating in the project of collecting and recycling CD&Ws, to apply for the compensation from EPA. In addition, a rating scheme was proposed for EPA to select the proper counties to participate in the project.8.Studied and developed a draft regulation of collecting and recycling of CD&Ws generated from household remodeling.9.Hold 3 workshops for promoting construction recycled products and 1 meeting for EPA to discuss all the related matters with all the delegates from local counties.With the implementation of all the above work items in the project, hopefully the market initiatives and demands for recycled products can be increased and all the CD&Ws properly recycled and reused 095 廢管處 中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1205
符合歐盟RoHS及WEEE法規之環保電線電纜披覆材料配方與製程技術開發 電線電纜廣泛應用於地鐵、機電和高層建築等人員比較集中的公共場所,人們對電線電纜的安全與環保的要求漸高;目前電線電纜使用的材料以傳統的PVC為主,然而PVC含鹵素,鹵素化合物具毒性且嚴重影響人們健康,頗具環保問題,在歐盟RoHS及WEEE法規制定與實施後,將會逐漸被淘汰。因此,電線電纜使用具備環境相容性之無鹵低煙阻燃材料,性能符合歐盟RoHS、WEEE法規及IEC92-359標準中對熱塑性材料的規定,將是未來的趨勢。所以,取代PVC且具防火效果之難燃劑逐漸衍生,包括目前頗具環保的無鹵難燃電線電纜材料,即利用PE及EVA摻雜氫氧化鋁或氫氧化鎂,使其在燃燒時分解產生水,降低燃燒溫度,以達到耐燃的效果,但添加量往往大於60wt%,產品物性大幅下降。本研究即利用添加量少且具相乘效果的摻雜含磷及氮系列的化合物,利用磷具有多餘的電子,可在火災發生時,與空氣中的氧鍵結而在物品表面形成一層焦炭層來阻絕火焰,達到阻燃的效果,由於添加量少,產品物性下降不多,可兼具無鹵低煙阻燃與高物性之產品配方研究。本計畫達成之指標包括:1.符合RoHS 及WEEE 之法規。2.難燃劑『相乘』技術之建立。3.比重達1.1以下之無鹵難燃聚烯烴材料。4.無鹵難燃聚烯烴材料技術提昇指標:拉伸強度(ASTM D790)達12.8MPa,延伸率達453.4%,氧氣指數(LOI)達37,UL 94 1/8英吋達V0規格。透過本計畫的開發完成,建立了無鹵低煙難燃技術平台,可依此平台,建構廣泛的應用技術與產品,擴展到其他的應用領域。此外,本技術除了申請多項國內外專利之外,也將該技術成功的移轉給合作廠商竟興公司,另外,所衍生的難燃技術,亦轉移給上市公司華榮電線電纜,預期短期內將可為上述公司,增加數千萬的營業收入,增加產業的競爭力,並且藉由此技術的開發完成,對於未來自然生態、環境保護上,貢獻一份心力。 The recipes and processing technology of green wire/cable materials fitting with the RoHS and WEEE restrictions Wires-and-cables are widely used in subways, electrical facilities, and tall buildings where the population density is usually high. The needs for safe and environmentally friendly electrical wires-and-cables become stringent. The currently used electrical cables use PVC materials as the electrical shielding layer, which contains the halogen element that is harmful for human health. Due to its environmental concern, European Union’s RoHS and WEEE regulations inhibit the further utilization of PVC. Accordingly, the future trend is to utilize cables complying with the regulations of RoHS, WEEE, and IEC92-359, without using halogen as the flame retardant constituent. To replace PVC, current approaches use the compounded polyolefin mixtures of PE, EVA, POE and fire retardant, such as aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. These hydroxides release a large quantity of water vapor during burning and, consequently, retard the further burning of the polymer. However, with an added quantity higher than 60 wt%, the mechanical properties of the composite become deteriorated. This study aims at using a minor fraction of phosphorous-containing and nitrogen-containing compounds as compounded the fire retardants, which enhance each other’s performance synergistically. The free electron pair in phosphorous can react with air during burning, forming a charcoal layer to inhibit the further burning of the polymer. As their added quantities can be very low to achieve the fire retardation effect, the performance of the composite can be maintained. Non-halogen composite formulations with high mechanical strength can thus be attained.Targets of green wire and cable:1.Complying with RoHS and WEEE regulations.2.The technology of synergistic effect of fire retardants.3.Eco-cable materials with densities lower than 1.1 g/cm3.4.The ultimate tensile strength higher than 12.8 MPa (ASTM D790), elongation larger than 453.4%, Limiting Oxygen Index ( LOI ) higher than 37, UL94 V0 standard for a diameter of 1/8”. Through this project, a core technology- non-halogen and flame retardant technology, was established. This technology can also be used in many other applications. Besides, this technology has filed Taiwan’s patents, and transfer to Jing Shing Industry Co., Ltd., the cooperation company in this project. By the way, the relative technologies, which was transferred to Hua Eng Wire &Cable Co., Ltd., will create the income more than ten million NT dollars, and increase the competitiveness as well. The achievement of this project is major in the environmental protection and eco-friendly issues. 095 永續發展室 遠東科技大學 精密機械創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1265
土壤及地下水污染整治資訊整合與維護計畫 本計畫執行期間為95年12月起至97年3月止,共有5項主要工作,第1項工作為持續擴充及建置「土壤及地下水污染整治資料庫」,計畫執行期間除須整合環保署其他委辦計畫資料、協助納入地方環保局補助計畫成果、登錄公告函、納入各級環保機關所執行之土壤及地下水檢測數據,亦持續進行系統推廣、維護與功能開發。資料登錄部分共計完成公文共211件、列管污染場址資料共108件(含清查筆數)及計畫成果共17個,並且進行全面系統性與資料建檔100%之品保品管。第2項工作為彙整95年度土壤及地下水污染查證、調查及整治執行成效;除彙整地方環保局執行計畫之成果外,亦檢討各計劃之執行成果。針對95、96年結案之補助計畫,總計完成16個計畫資料之統整,同時編撰完成95年度土壤及地下水污染整治年報及土基會五週年專冊。第3項工作為協助維護「土壤及地下水污染整治網」之資料更新、網站管理維護與網頁改版相關事宜,同時開發訊息發佈功能,協助環保署即時發佈相關訊息於土水網。以推動土壤及地下水污染整治相關工作,繼續宣導政府在土壤及地下水方面之保護決心與展示施政成果,促進資訊公開。第4項工作為辦理土基會資訊系統效能及網路安全管理相關作業,並且提供土基會行政管理資訊技術支援,以推動土壤及地下水污染整治相關工作。計畫執行期間資料庫每日備份,每週專人檢視備份檔並進行資料庫還原測試共計60次。第5項工作為其他事項;包含設置專屬諮詢窗口及專線服務人員,總計完成384件事項之辦理。同時定期彙整使用者意見提出改善方案,並因應系統功能增修或改版,辦理使用者教育訓練事宜,及其他交辦相關資訊技術協助事項。 Integration and Establishment of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Information There were 5 major tasks accomplished within the period of the project execution time (December, 2006 to March, 2007). The first item is continuation of expanding and establishing of “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Database”. This task is aiming at integration of the data from EPA or EPB sponsored project, soil and groundwater monitoring data, making online public announcement, maintain and develop the system. For the data entry part, there were 211 official documents, 108 listed pollution site cases (including cases being investigated), and 17 project results completed. The comprehensive systematic and data filing quality control were proceeded with 100% guarantee of excellent quality. The second task is the collection of investigation and remediation of the soil and groundwater pollution in year 2006. The remediation results were reviewed and there were 16 projects done in year 2006 and 2007 integrated. Meanwhile, the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Annual Report in Year 2006 and the Journal of 5 Years History in the Soil and Groundwater Management Board were edited. The third task is the information update, website maintenance and revision of web page of “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Web”. Such maintenance developed news announcement function to instantly makes public understands how the remediation works, and propagates the government’s achievement and its determination in protecting our soil and groundwater. The fourth task is the information system efficiency upgrade and internet safety management. We offer administrative and technical support to promote the soil and groundwater pollution remediation. The database copied the entire data daily to avoid data lost; the designated personnel review the copied data weekly and test the restored database 60 times totally. The fifth task includes many other miscellaneous tasks like set-up of consultant personnel, collect user comments and issue improvement suggestion regularly, hold user training sessions if the system functions change, and other technical support. Totally 384 tasks were completed. 095 土污基管會 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=659
研發轉換下水污泥為聚乳酸原料 乳酸及其衍生物廣泛用於製藥、釀酒、食品、飲料、保健品、造紙、皮革、捲煙、油漆、油墨、電鍍和塑料工業等。乳酸的光學異構物L-(+)-和D-(-)-乳酸經過聚合後可生成聚乳酸(polylactic acid, PLA),PLA是一種可再生利用、在自然情況下可被環境微生物所降解的塑膠。而且可藉由控制L-(+)-和D-(-)-lactic acid 異構物的比例來改變PLA的物理特性而賦予PLA製品各種不同的用途。目前乳酸的生產方式主要是利用乳酸菌將植物澱粉發酵之後再將發酵液經過萃取純化所製得。而製造過程中原料與光學異構物分離所需的成本是造成目前PLA價格居高不下的主要原因。Lactobacillus pentosus是一種進行同型發酵(Homo fermentation)的乳酸菌,其代謝醣類產生的乳酸佔總代謝產物的90%以上。根據研究發現許多Clostridium 屬的厭氧菌能夠分泌胞外酵素複合體(cellulosome)用來分解纖維素作為生長所需的碳源。但是因為Clostridium需要絕對厭氧的環境才能生長,而本實驗室菌種庫有一株好氧菌Bacillus 可以用來營造絕對厭氧的環境,同時研究顯示Bacillus也具有分解多種基質得能力,包含纖維素在內。本研究嘗試利用含有大量的纖維素組成的民生下水污泥堆肥與造紙事業的廢棄污泥作為生長基質,經過 L.pentosus 發酵及利用共培養的方式,探討將有機廢棄物資源化之可行性。目前的實驗結果顯示民生下水污泥堆肥與造紙廠的廢水污泥經過L.pentosus發酵後最高分別可產生5.02(g/L)與1.008(g/L)的乳酸。但由於民生下水污泥堆肥來源不穩定且成分組成過於複雜,因此最後決定採用造紙廠的廢水污泥作為研究的材料。利用L. pentosus 、Clostridium 共培養的實驗發現最高約可產生1.35(g/L)的乳酸,而利用L. pentosus 、Clostridium 、Bacillus 共培養的實驗發現最高約可產生0.9(g/L)的乳酸。同時也發現一個有趣的結果,就是當有Clostridium 存在時D-乳酸最後會被分解消失只剩下L-乳酸約0.83(g/L),因此可以考慮透過這樣的方式來獲得L-乳酸而不用再經過分離的步驟。雖然本實驗所得到的乳酸產量並不高,但由於所使用的污泥沒有經過任何的前處理幫助纖維素分解,所以也省下了一比相當可觀的費用。因為作為基質的污泥並不需要任何的成本,加上乳酸具有較高的經濟效益,而發酵過的污泥則可作為垃圾掩埋場的覆土或土壤改良劑,所以可更進一步降低生產成本。亦或是將發酵液用來培養光合產氫菌(Rhodopseudomonas palustris)用來產生氫能源也是一種可行的方案,如此將賦予事業廢棄污泥更多的經濟效益。為了降低光學異構物分離的成本,本研究同時計畫以分子生物學的方式分別將D- 或L-lactate dehydrogenase的基因破壞得到產生單一形式乳酸之L.pentosus 突變株。因此構築了數種重組質體並以electroporation的方式送入L. pentosus菌體內,期望利用homologus recombination的方式破壞染色體DNA上的基因,目前此部分仍在進行中。 Production of lactic acid from regenerated resources by Lactobacillus pentosus Lactic acid (LA) and its derivatives are versatile chemicals used in food, pharmaceutical, leather, and polylactic acid (PLA) plastics industries. A homolactic fermenter, Lactobacillus pentosus 124-2, was used to produce lactic acid by our laboratory. For reducing the cost of purification L-(+) and D-(-) lactic acid isomers respectively, three approaches have being used in this study. The first, a regenerated resource, the wastewater sludge from a paper-manufacturer , was used as the only carbon source. After growing for 48 hours, 1.01 g/L of lactate could be retrieved from a 100 ml-batch culture. The second, L. pentosus was co-cultured with two water rating bacteria (Clostridium M1 and Bacillus I) to improve the converting efficiency of biomass in sludge. When L. pentosus was co-cultured with Clostridium M1, the production of lactic acid was increased to 1.35(g/L) after a growth of 34 hours and existed only as L-(+) isomer (0.56 g/L) after 108 hours. If L. pentosus was co-cultured with Clostridium M1 and Bacillus I simultaneously, still only L-(+) isomer, but a little more (0.837 g/L), could be detected after growing for 155 hours. The third, a molecular biological approach was used to knock out the L-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) gene and D-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) gene of L. pentosus, so that the resulting mutants will produce L-(+) and D-(-) isomers, respectively. Six recombinant plasmids have been constructed and some other works are in progress. 095 永續發展室 國立屏東科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2134
我國陸生圈各類土地使用及擴大空氣品質淨化區後碳量總量之評估及監測計畫 本研究案為延續上年度「我國陸地碳匯潛力評估及管理策略」的研究計畫案。為進一步落實我國能透過「土地使用、土地使用改變與森林」(LULUCF)的方式減少我國空氣中溫室氣體的排放總量,本年度之研究案除持續收集整理國際間最新的LULUCF相關議題與文件作為參考外,亦協助各縣市政府建立碳量及碳匯的統計與通報系統。環保署利用「空氣污染防制基金」推行「空氣品質淨化區」的設置已有多年,並有相當的成效。因此,本研究案仍依IPCC對陸地生物圈的碳量及碳匯調查統計上的專業要求,延續前期對都市綠地及空氣品質淨化區樣區的碳量調查,並持續進行碳匯效益或生長速率的分析,以更了解我國都會集居區的綠地碳量及碳匯對於減少二氧化碳排放至大氣中的貢獻。其成果除可供建立本土的資料庫外,並提供未來空氣品質淨化區在碳匯植物選種上之參考,且得以擴及應用至全國的碳量管理策略。此外,本研究並對國際間的碳匯項目及碳交易案例進行收集分析,以為未來可能利用我國碳匯效益投入國際碳交易市場機制之參考。 The Carbon Survey and Monitoring Plan for Terrestrial Biosphere Land Uses and Aquapu in Taiwan This project is a continuation last year’s , project entitled ”The Potential Evaluation and Management strategy of Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration in Taiwan”. This year’s research aims to evaluate and reduce the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through implementing the “LULUCF” framework. In addition to updating the international documents on carbon sequestration of terrestrial biosphere and land uses, this project also provides guidance and assistance to county and city governments in Taiwan to establish their own approach in surveying. Compiling and reporting county wide or city wide of terrestrial carbon sink.EPA has successfully given impetus to establish the “air quality purification area”, i.e. AQUAPU, for many years. Therefore, in order to scientifically quantify and understand more about the contribution and added values of carbon sequestration in AQUAPU, the research of this year continues to investigate the trees in urban parks and AQUAPUs and estimate their carbon quantity and growth rate. In addition to last year’s six sample plots, this year will add three more. The investigation method will also follow IPCC’s professional requirement like last year. The results of these investigations will not only help set up the local database on tree carbon growth rate, but also provide suggestions for species selection in order to maximize the benefits of carbon sink in the future. This research also collects and analyzes the latest projects on international terrestrial biosphere carbon trades, so as to provide reference for Taiwan to participate in the international carbon sink trading markets in the future. 095 空保處 財團法人台灣發展研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1105
非游離輻射溝通宣導及防護法規草擬計畫 鑒於去(95)年4月21日召開之國家永續發展會議,會議共識項目之一即是「針對非游離輻射潛在威脅,檢討現有管制標準,積極調查、研究與預防,制定非游離輻射防護法」。因此,為了回應社會大眾之要求,特規劃此計畫,針對非游離輻射之特性進行資料蒐集、協助檢討現有非游離輻射管制標準,及非游離輻射防護法草案訂定,同時進行民眾教育溝通。計畫期間,陸續蒐集國內外相關的電磁波立法法規共9篇,每日有關電磁波的相關新聞16篇及國內外相關文獻資料20篇,並藉翻譯瑞士、義大利等國相關法規文件,並參考國外立法依據研擬國內非游離輻射防護立法草案,對於臺灣地區之一般環境,設定以ICNIRP之標準訂定非游離輻射標準,另針對低頻(60Hz)輸配電設施對於敏感地區所產生之非游離輻射,建議採取瑞士之預防原則精神以及義大利之減量目標概念,特別設定磁通量密度為8.33μT之標準。此外,本計畫製作「認識電磁波」之生活指引手冊,藉以手冊的方式提升民眾對於電磁波的認識,讓民眾對電磁波有正確的觀念。 本年度分別於台南、台北、花蓮、台中各舉辦1個場次,邀請學者專家及電力、電信業者參與對民眾之溝通宣導會,藉以解決民眾對於電磁波的諸多困惑,並減少不必要的恐慌和對立。四場次參與人數達400人以上。由民眾所提之意見得知,一般民眾最想知道電磁場對於健康之影響為何?以及應如何避免電磁場傷害等問題。 The project for the Non-Ionizing Radiation communication conference and protection standard draft. One of the conclusions for the International Forum on Sustainable Development 2006 is "Considering the potential threat of the non-ionizing radiation, the existing standard should be reviewed, investigation, research and prevention should be positive, and the ordinance relating to Protection from Non-Ionizing Radiation should be formulated". Therefore, in order to respond the request of the populace, draw up the project collecting the references about characteristic of the non-ionizing radiation, assisting to discuss the existing non-ionizing radiation standard, legislating the draft of electromagnetic field (EMF) protection standard, and simultaneously educating and communicating with the populace. 9 domestic and foreign EMF legislation and regulations, 16 related news and 20 domestic and foreign references were collected. The ordinances of Switzerland and Italy were translated to refer and draw up the draft of EMF protection stand in Taiwan. In our opinion, the EMF standard for the general environment should be obeyed the suggestion of ICNIRP in 1998. In addition, for the precautionary principle, like the concept of Switzerland, and the decrement goal concept of the Italy, the magnetic-flux density produced by the low frequency (60Hz) power distribution facility have to lower than 8.33 μT for the place of sensitive use. In the education and communication part, we edit the handbook name "what is the electromagnetic field". It can be used to promote the knowledge of populace and make them having the correct concept of the EMF. On the other hand, We hold four conferences separately in Tainan, Taipei, Hualian, and Taichung in this project. The visitors include scholars, EMF experts, the electric power suppliers, the mobile phone dealer, and the populace. 400 people joined these four conferences. They have the full discussion and communication about the EMF in these conferences. The communication is useful for reducing the unnecessary panic and the opposition. The common responses of visitors including the request to know the health effect of EMF, and how to avoid the injury make by the EMF. 095 空保處 環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1515
屏東縣95 年度柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫 一、 柴油車檢測作業截至96年3月20日,共計執行柴油車動力計檢測1,535輛次,執行路邊攔車檢驗343輛次,共計執行有效之柴油車檢測作業為1,878輛次,目標達成率為100%。二、 非法油品稽查管制配合95年度油品計畫執行,柴油車油品含硫量檢測共計300件,在完成的300輛次抽驗樣品已全數完成化驗,檢驗不合格者有50輛次,目標達成率為100%。送驗不合格率為17%,而以整體攔車抽驗不合格率為3%。三、 預約系統本計畫於95年5月10日開始執行柴油車排煙檢測全面預約化,統計至96年2月底止已接受2,098部之車主實施預約檢測。四、 民眾檢舉案件處理95年度共計受理民眾檢舉高污染柴油車件數211件,扣除資料不全案件1件及不辦案件71件外,其餘139件已全部通知檢測,平均案件處理天數為34天,合乎環保署所規定之的45天,依環保署公佈之95年度柴油車民眾檢舉案件評分,本局達滿分標準。 Diesel Vehicle Emission Inspection Project The Bureau of Environmental Protection (EPB) of Pingtung County government has been executing these tasks as follows to reduce diesel vehicles emission pollution.1. Diesel vehicle emission inspection:During the executing period, 1,535 diesel vehicles were inspected in the dyno-station, and 343 diesel vehicles were examined by roadside inspection. Since 1,878 vehicles were inspected totally, the main goal of this project was achieved.2. Illegal diesel fuel examination:The project was asked to coordinate with “Diesel Fuel Qualities Examining Plan. There were totally 1,502 diesel vehicles roadside blocked 1502, and 300 samples sent to analysis. The result of analysis shows that 51 samples were disqualified. 3. Inspection booking system:After the inspection booking system set up, 2,098 vehicle owners had made appointment before inspection.4. The dealing of high-pollution vehicle report:211 high pollutant diesel vehicles report were received, and 139 were accepted. All accepted cases were informed to inspect their diesel vehicle. The average case processing time was 34 days, meets the standard processing time-- 45 days. 095 屏東縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=534
95年移動污染源稽查管制及機車排氣定期檢驗服務管理計畫 移動污染源係造成空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,為改善機車排放對於空氣污染所造成的問題,環保局實施多項措施以管制機車排放空氣污染物,包括:執行未定檢機車巡查、機車不定期檢驗、檢測服務、機車排氣檢驗站管理、鼓勵使用低污染車輛,及淘汰高污染老舊機車等,以有效改善空氣品質。 Moving pollution source inspection control project and locomotive exhaust periodic inspection service management project Mobile pollution sources is one of the main cause for the air quality decline, in order to improve the air pollution problems caused by motorcycle exhausted emission, the environmental protection bureau has implemented many projects to control motorcycle exhaust discharge air pollutant, include the execution which locomotive did not make regular inspection, the roadside blocks examines, the examination service, and management of motorcycle exhausted emission inspection stations, encouraging use the low-emission vehicle, eliminating old motorcycle, to improve air quality efficiently. 095 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=275
95年度宜蘭縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 宜蘭縣為農業縣,縣境內有許多農地,生產之作物行銷全台,土壤若發生污染將直接影響到作物的品質及民眾的生命安全;且宜蘭縣地下水資源豐富、水質良好,為宜蘭地區公共用水、灌溉及工業用水之主要水源,又蘭陽平原地下水分區之地下水位高且距地面淺,一旦有污染物排入時,地下水極易受到污染,故土壤及地下水污染 實為本縣極為重要之環境議題,需確實執行土壤及地下水污染防治工作,以杜絕污染及達到保護民眾安全之目的。就保護土壤或地下水而言,懷疑縣內是否可能受到污染,必須加以採樣檢測確認,方能確保土壤或地下水是否不受污染,阻止受污染區土壤、地下水源被誤使用之可能,並避免若因受污染,進一步擴大而再控制,可節省或減少未來龐大的整治經費,事前的防治工作有事半功倍,杜絕污染及節省費用之效。本年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作重點包括:(1)針對以往經調查發現有超過土壤或地下水監測基準情形之地區,進行污染來源追蹤分析及管制,並將包含其他具有潛在污染源之地點,進行細密調查及結果分析等工作,以控管並建立當地長期土壤及地下水環境品質資料,作為相關政策推動之參考依據,及適時依法作適當處置。(2)降低民眾健康及居家環境安全遭受不良影響之風險。(3)達到事先防治之功效,以杜絕污染及避免未來因污染整治而造成資源浪費之情形。(4)因應縣內其他地區之需要,可適時機動支援各種緊急應變之所需,協助進行土壤及地下水污染情形調查。(5)藉由將各項檢測資料鍵入行政院環境保護署土壤污染系統資料庫,達成建立資料庫以長期分析環境品質的目標。 Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Pollution project in Yi Lan County 2006 095 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 峰將工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1256
台南縣95年度空氣品質資料庫操作平台維護更新與整合計畫 透過專業廠商負責維護 貴局資訊系統運作,保持平台作業順利進行,並採用最新資訊技術,提升操作平台效率與可用性,實是本案最重要的目的。 The maintenance project of operation platform for air quality database in 2006 To keep the operation of database by professional vendor and improve the performance and use the latest tech is the most important topic. 095 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 宏聯電腦股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1293
資源回收相關作業之查核稽催暨追蹤管制專案工作計畫(95年度) 行政院環境保護署資源回收管理基金管理委員會依據廢棄物清理法為落實資源回收體系上游責任業者登記、申報、繳費之執法公平性與一致性與下游販賣業者回收管道之暢通,於95年度持續推動「資源回收相關作業之查核稽催暨追蹤管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),委託惠元環境資源股份有限公司,協助規劃計畫工作項目與落實執行外,並派駐環保署與各縣市環保局33位大專以上專職人力共同推動本計畫。本計畫歷經13個月執行期間,在責任業者管理工作推動上之成果主要有兩大項:一、完成95年度資源回收基金應催收費用,經本計畫欠繳金額稽催與控管,實際提高回收基金總金額達3億9,368萬3,792元整(統計至96年1月底);二、95年度辦理各縣市函請及主動違法責任業者稽查與告發案件控管作業,總控管案件總計3,272件,經各縣市環保局實際稽查處理執行率高達97%以上,總計告發16件,告發金額實際挹注地方財政達960,000元(統計至96年1月底)。整體而言配合重點稽查取締案件推動,各縣市環保局稽查取締案件執行成果良好。在販賣業者管理工作推動上,陸續完成27,758家販賣業者登記列管作業,並實際於全省現場輔導與查核40,725家販賣業者,較原計畫目標查核點數20,000家,約達2倍。本年度輔導責任業者辦理網際網路申報作業工作,其輔導對象主要係以資本額1,000萬(含)以下之責任業者為主,共計輔導1,443家責任業者,其中經輔導後業者已辦理網路申報作業之家數共計1,363家,已達成計畫預計輔導800家業者;另在資源回收相關作業成果,協助環保署勘查各縣市辦理35場次「補助民間團體辦理資源回收活動」。此外配合本計畫各項工作推動修正網際網路專案管理系統功能,共計修正及新增31類表單或功能,並逐一檢視各類統計表單運算邏輯及性能使用便利性。藉由本計畫之推動,協助環保署於資源回收相關政策法令之落實、資源回收基金納繳率的提高、違法案件執法公平之落實與回收管道管理等工作之成效顯著。 Project of auditing, tracking and administrating the resources recycling procedures (2006) Based on Waste Disposal Act, The Recycling Management Fund(RMF)of Environmental Protection Administration(EPA)enforces Responsible Enterprise to registering, declaring and paying recycling fee in the fair and consistent manner and maintain smooth recycling channel for sales enterprises. In2005, RMF has been promoted the project" Auditing, tracking and administrating the recycle procedures " and authorized Hui Yuan Environmental Resources Co., Ltd. to plan and manage the project items, Hui Yuan also missioned over 33 employees in EPA and EPB(Environmental Protection Bureau)of local governments or administrations assisting this project.From January 2006 to January 2007, the project was authorized by RMF to manage Responsible Enterprise and sales enterprise for nine months. The project reached two major achievements in managing Responsible Enterprise: First of all, the project enforces Responsible Enterprise to submit recycling fund and increased NT$393,683,792 in recycling fund. Secondly, there have been 3,272 illegal Responsible Enterprise in counties audited and supervised. In those illegal cases, there were 16 punishment cases and enforced to pay fine which is increasing NT$960,000 in local governments finance. In sales enterprise management, the best achievement of this project is to assist 27,758 sales enterprise to register and to inspect 40,725 sales enterprise to obey the Waste Disposal Act. Other achievements reached were helping EPA to supervise items of expenditure of recycling subsidies applied by local environmental protection agencies (bureau); recording 35 activities sponsored by government to encourage communities to participate in recycling activities; And also coaching 1,443 responsible enterprises to complete their declarations for the fee.In order to set the project action, we develop a computer system of project management. It provides the user date input and statistics functions in internet immediately.In conclusion, the accomplishments of the project are to assist EPA on policy implement, to increase revenue of recycle fund, to practice justice to illegal cases; and to administrate the recycling channel. 095 基管會 惠元環境資源股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1998
95年度事業廢棄物與再生資源清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎評選 95年度參選事業包括工業、醫療、教育、科學園區、農業、廢棄物清理等六組及再生資源回收再利用類等共計33家事業,經由各中央目的事業主管機關、學者專家及環保署等單位歷經初評、複評及決選等程序評定後,選出14家特優事業及7家優等事業。環保署除公開表揚績效優良事業外,並對其績優事蹟編彙「95年度事業廢棄物與再生資源清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎優良事蹟彙編」,期能建立各行業推動妥善清理事業廢棄物及資源減量回收再利用之典範與模式。並舉辦3場次觀摩研討會,藉由經驗分享,提供予事業參考,以提昇事業廢棄物清理、資源減量及回收再利用之成效。 Incentives and award rules for institutions with proven performance on In order to encourage various business sectors to implement proper waste management, resource minimization, recycle and reuse, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in June 2002 has promulgated the “Incentives and award rules for institutions with proven performance on waste management as well as resource minimization, recycle and reuse”.In 2006, there are 33 institutions from six sectors such as agriculture, industry, education,hospital,and science park, competing for the 2006 performance award. After preliminary review,reassessment and final selection by the committee consisting of experts, scholars, relevant regulatory authorities and the EPA, this year 21 distinguished performance awards have been announced for 2006. 095 廢管處 豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2064
95年度北區河川巡守義工深化學習教育課程暨社區巡守義工種子教師培訓計畫 The Advanced Classes for River- Patrolling and Training Program for Master Teachers of community Patrolling volunteers 095 水保處 台灣綠色公民行動聯盟協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2144
未登記責任業者之清查、輔導及營業(進口)量相關帳籍憑證查核計畫 本計畫共輔導607家責任業者完成辦理登記作業、申報營業量及繳納回收清除處理費,已收繳之回收清除處理費金額為1,608萬4,251元。另選取209家辦理現場查核,查獲短漏金額計新台幣幣2,753萬4,164元,總計金額為新台幣4,361萬8,415元,益本比為4.75倍,計畫目標益本比為4倍,本工作團隊已達成計畫目標之118.8%。本計畫透過執行團隊縝密規劃及專業分工,在清查、輔導及查核作業各方面均已達成本計畫之各項目標,除強化營業量查核稽催作業外,亦提升各類資源回收基金稽催之成效,並符合廢棄物清理法執行之公平性及一致性。有關本計畫之執行情形,於第三章「工作執行成果」依「清查」、「輔導」及「查核」三部分說明執行結果及分析,另於第四章「查核結果統計分析」,則就查核作業之受查業者,以統計方式作實證結果之分析及探討,第五章「結論與建議」則為本團隊就執行本計畫所發現之問題,提出建議之事項。 Audit plan for examining, assisting and conducting operating (import) volume related accounts voucher of unregistered responsible enterprises This project had assisted 607 unregistered responsible enterprises to process their registrations, file their operating volumes and submit their Recycle-Clearance-Disposal Fees with total amounts of NT$16,084,251. We also selected 209 enterprises to perform on-site audit of the related book accounts and vouchers. The result shows shortages of NT$ 27,534,164 recycled funds which come out with the total audit amount up to NT$ 43,618,415, P/E ratio reaching 4.75 over the target P/E ratio of recycling originally setting at level 4. Our project team had achieved 118.8% of target goals. Our project teams have cooperated with seamless strategies and professional staffs to achieve the project goals in terms of examining and auditing the recycling processing. In addition to increase the operating reviewing processing, this project also enhance the collection ability of recycling waste funds and comply with the fairness and consistency of the “Waste Disposal Act” .As to the implementation of this plan, the “project implementing results” are provided in Chapter 3, which is to illustrate the implementing result and analysis based on our “examination”, “assistance” and “audit”. In Chapter 4, "statistics analysis of audit result”, we analyze and discuss the audited enterprises based on the statistical substantial results. Finally, we provide our comments based on problems discovered during implementing the plan in Chapter 5, “conclusions and suggestions". 095 基管會 立本台灣聯合會計事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2048
餐飲業油煙及臭味處理之設備開發 由於台灣地區經濟快速成長與國民所得大幅提高,餐飲業隨之蓬勃發展。而餐飲業油煙廢氣污染卻一直是國內空氣污染事件中被一般民眾陳情比例最高的一項。儘管環保署非常重視餐飲業油煙污染的問題,目前亦研擬未來相關管制之法規,但是大多數的業者卻僅以擋板、濾網等簡易濾材直接攔截油滴,較大粒徑之油霧液滴被去除後,小粒徑油霧液滴及其它廢氣成分則以集氣罩抽氣直接排入大氣之中,對空氣及水污染造成不小的潛在影響。本研究主要設計一實驗室級與實場系統來建立高級氧化程序對於餐飲業油煙處理之技術。以實驗室之小型系統模擬烹調過程,並以單純加熱油品及添加食材混合加熱兩部份,測試產生之油煙與處理系統之效率,並據以建立實場可應用之技術相關資料。由實驗結果可知,調整不同氣液比(0.6、0.9、1.5m3/L)對臭氣處理效率皆約在25%左右,而對THC的處理效率介於47%~50%,因此改變不同氣液比對於油煙廢氣成份之去除似乎影響不大。若添加觸媒於搭配水幕,則其臭味的改善效率由25%提升至45%;就THC的去除而言,去除率約在50~58%,且隨著氣液比的減少,其去除率有增加的趨勢。以水幕搭配觸媒再結合臭氧之高級氧化程序,發現增加臭氧劑量皆可明顯提升臭味及THC的處理效果。水幕搭配觸媒及臭氧/過氧化氫程序是本次實驗最高處理效率之組合,對臭氣的去除效率可由44%提升至82%,而油煙中的THC處理效率亦可提升至77%,對循環洗滌水之總有機碳亦有氧化減低的效果,洗滌水的循環使用可被有效延長。針對PAHs的氧化,未添加食品之油炸,產生的油煙廢氣之PAHs僅存在雙環之Naphthalene且相當微量,故為了更接近實際烹飪過程,選擇添加不同組合之油炸物,總PAHs於水幕搭配觸媒、過氧化氫及臭氧處理,處理效果可達到68~75%,於臭氣可有80%左右的效果,THC的去除效率則達到73~78%,搭配觀察其TOC的變化,比較之未添加食材仍能維持一定的去除效果。而另外挑選了西式及中式餐廳作為實場的部份來比較,在臭氣濃度及THC最高分別可達到80%左右的處理效果,總PAHs濃度則是最高可有約70%處理成效,可見其處理效果之穩定性及適用性。本研究依據不同規模及相對風量推估其基本設計與成本分析,推估在5、20~30、50~60、150~180CMM等風量中,若為中型規模餐廳(20~30 CMM)以上,需用以水幕搭配觸媒、過氧化氫另添加臭氧處理,以5年設為設備壽命,年平均總成本為4至15萬元之間,若為小於20CMM之小型規模,則年平均總成本則在四萬元以下。就整體而言,本研究之處理效果較其他普遍使用之技術有較高的成效,且有完善之系統規劃,對於環保署可提供處理餐飲油煙另ㄧ新技術,加強控制其污染排放量,使餐飲油煙對於人體及生活環境之影響降至最低。 The Establishment of Smoke and odor Treatment Technology for Kitchen off Gas Due to the rapid increase on economical growth and individual income in Taiwan, restaurants are getting popular and expanded significantly in the recent years. However, the smoke emitted from those restaurants is frequently argued or accused by the residents living nearby. Although EPA in Taiwan has noted the issues of randomly emitting smoke by restaurants to intensify air pollution and initiated a new law which will be implemented beginning from October to regulate the necessity of equipping hardware facilities for the abatement of smoke emission by those commercial kitchens, most restaurants conventionally use rather simple facility, such as blocking plate and filter, to screen the smoke. Thus, air pollution by the emission by kitchen smoke can not be neglected. This research will focus on the design of lab-scale and field-scale treatment system to deal with kitchen smoke using advanced oxidation technologies. The information obtained form the lab-scale facility will be referred and applied on the design of filed-scale system.According to the experimental results, varying gas-liquid ratios from 0.6 to 1.5 m3/L will not obviously affect the treatment efficiency. The removal of odor and total hydrocarbon (THC) by water scrubbing process are 25 % and 47~50%, respectively. The addition of using goethite catalyst with water scrubbing will improve the removal of odor and THC up to 45% and 50~58%. Using ozone-based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) plus goethite catalysts and water scrubbing would result in better removal of odor and THC. The co-addition of hydrogen peroxide with AOPs could achieve the best treatment efficiency by 82% odor removal and 77% THC abatement. In addition, organic matters in the circulation water would be oxidized by hydroxyl radicals generated by the AOPs and the TOC concentration could be properly reduced. Based on this advantage, the use of circulation water will be prolonged effectively. For the control of PAHs in the smoke, only small quantities of naphthalene were detected by heating cooking oil without adding any food materials. Therefore, the addition of food materials in the cooking oil was simulated and more THC and PAHs were quantitatively measured. Nevertheless, the use of lab-scale treatment system equipped with water scrubbing, goethite catalyst, hydrogen peroxide, and ozone would obtain the removal efficiency of 68~75% for PAHs, 80% for odor components, and 73~78% for THC. Based on the promising results from the lab-scale treatment system, a field –scale system for the control of emitted smoke from kitchens was fabricated and applied on two selected restaurants, one was oriental cuisine and the other was western cuisine, closed to Feng Chia University. 80% of odor and THC removal and 70% of PAHs abatement were obtained. Thus, the efficacy of cooking smoke treatment system using either lab-scale or field-scale will maintain stably and equally.According to this research, four ranges of gas flowrate can be classified as: less than 5, 20~30, 50~60, and 150~180 cubic meter per day. Water scrubbing plus goethite catalyst and hydrogen peroxide can be applied for the gas flowrate less than 30 CMM and the annual cost is less than forty thousand dollar calculated for 5-year operational period. If gas flowrate emitted from commercial kitchen is greater than 50 CMM, ozone would be suggested to combine those treatment processes mentioned above and the annual cost will be increase up to one hundred fifty thousand dollar depending on the selection of facilities required. To sum up, the outcome of this research has provided another useful alternative for the treatment of wasted cooking gas from kitchens. The most credible benefit using this technology is the emission control of gaseous components in the cooking wasted gas. If this new-developing treatment facility can be commercially applied in the future, the relief of adverse impact of restaurant wasted gas on our living environment could be expected. 095 永續發展室 逢甲大學環保育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1159
低污染車輛補助審查專案工作計畫 1.本計畫受理之電動自行車補助申請案共4,606件,撥款件數4,121件;低污染噴射引擎機車補助申請案共2,016件,撥款件數1,914件。合計受理件數6,622件,撥款件數6,035件,現場查核件數為604件。2.完成相關受理案件資料之資料庫建檔,並定期向環保署提送月報表。3.建置完成「低污染車輛補助資訊網(http://wamitein.hihosting.hinet.net)」,並進行維護管理及更新。4.除設置免付費專用電話(電話號碼為0800200060)外,亦保留二線專線電話(電話號碼為02-27495140及02-27495149)供民眾使用,並由專人進行接聽及記錄。5.寄發電動輔助自行車問卷調查表3,000份及低污染噴射引擎機車3,000份,電動輔助自行車問卷回收率38.2%、低污染噴射引擎機車問卷回收率37.87%。6.每季定期於各充電站進行檢測維護。7.於民國95年10月27日及95年11月8日配合及協助環保署赴利昂科技事業股份有限公司及巨大工業股份有限公司進行新車抽驗,抽驗結果與該廠商送環保署審核之檢驗數據相符,皆符合相關規定。8.完成補助資料庫更新及分析。 Review of Subsidy Applications for Low-Pollution Vehicles 1. Completion of review and approval of two types of subsidy applications for 4,121 electrical bicycles and 1,914 low-emission jet engine motorcycles.2. Completion of filing the database on subsidy application cases and submittal of monthly reports to the Environmental Protection Administration on regular basis.3. Establishment of one website (http://wamitein.hihosting.hinet.net) on「Low-emission vehicle information」 with regular maintenance and update.4. One free dedicated telephone lines were installed and operated by trained operators for assistance on subsidy application, the phone numbers are 0800200060.5. Posted 3,000 copies of questionnaires to the owners of electrical bicycles and 3,000 copies of questionnaires to the owners of low-emission jet engine motorcycles with return rates of 38.2% and 37.87%, respectively.6. Seasonal testing and maintenance has been performed at all charging stations. 7. Assisted the Environmental Protection Administration in spot-checking new electrical bicycles on October 27 and November 8 in year 95.8. Completion of review of subsidy efficiency and assessment of pollution reduction by low-emission jet engine motorcycles. 095 空保處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2018
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢機動車輛類-南區)專案工作計畫 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會於95年4月1日起至96年3月31日止執行本計畫,其執行成果摘要如下:1.認證回收量/處理量稽核執行成果:(1)95年4月1日至95年3月31日執行廢車引擎100%逐一實地稽核,廢車殼清運卸載端實地清運稽核與駐廠稽核。(2)95年4月1日至95年3月31日引擎實地稽核認證通過廢汽車98,307輛與廢機車172,550輛,處理廢汽車97,789輛與廢機車168,582輛;廢車殼清運稽核共57,897,360公斤。(3)95年4月1日至96年3月31日執行廢機動車輛粉碎分類處理業(綠化、上啟源、集合成及宏青昌公司)駐廠稽核認證作業。共計駐廠稽核進場廢車殼241,726,610公斤,認證量核發220,900,645公斤。2.防止補貼費用溢領執行成果:95年4月1日至96年3月31日執行彰化縣以南及花東、離島等地區之南區廢機動車輛回收業與全國廢機動車輛粉碎分類處理業之稽核認證作業,累計節省25,500,276元補助金之發放。 The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste (Waste Motor Vehicles-south Region) The execution results of the Project conducted by FTIS during the project executed period, April 01, 2005 to March 31, 2006, can be summarized as following:1. Inspection and certification include certified recycled-disposal quantity․execute 100% engine auditing on site of waste motor vehicle, body clearance auditing of waste motor vehicle, and factory resident auditing.․certified engine quantity:98,307cars and 172,550 motorcycles certified disposal quantity:97,789cars and 168,582 motorcycles certified body clearance quantity:57,897,360kg․factory resident auditing on comminuting classifying disposal enterprises of waste motor vehicles(Green Environment Engineering Incorporation, Sun Chi Yuan E.P.T. CO., Ltd., Gi Ho Chen Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. And Clean Up Environment Technology Corp.):disposal quantity 241,726,610kg with certified disposal quantity 220,900,645kg2. Subsidy checking Totaled 25,500,276 NT dollars subsidy on waste motor vehicles of the recycling enterprises of southern Taiwan and comminuting classifying disposal enterprises nationwide is deducted for disqualified events. 095 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1591
執行液化石油氣氣價補助及查核暨污染減量實車測試專案工作計畫 本年度執行95年1月至95年12月共12個月份「降低車用液化石油氣售價」補助款申請案之審查及撥款工作,並完成80站次加氣站現場查核。目前營業中加氣站有16座、平均每個月核准LPG 620萬公升、較去年成長35%,加氣車輛數超過1萬輛、較去年成長40%。累計自90年實施氣價補助以來,每月發氣量已成長300%、加氣車輛數成長200%、加氣站數量成長77%。 在國際推動資訊方面,澳洲政府自2005年9月起公布一個為期8年的政策,提供最高2千澳幣補助款,以鼓勵民眾使用LPG車,英國、澳洲、大陸及香港等地區開始使用LPG機車及開發LPG/柴油混燒技術。國內現況方面,發氣量及每月加氣車輛數均較去年增加,且多數加氣站已有盈收,並有二座新站開業以及數家籌建案進行中,顯示環保署補助氣價政策確實提升LPG車使用意願。 依照實車測試之結果,LPG車在CO、HC、NOX、揮發性有機物、多環芳香族、臭氧潛勢及醛酮類化合物等方面均有程度不同之減量效益。且根據兩位不同背景專家之風險評估研究顯示,LPG車對人體健康之衝擊低於汽油車,在相同評估條件下,LPG車廢氣之致癌風險、非致癌風險都比汽油低40%以上,另外若以每一位民眾生命價值70萬美金計算,推動使用LPG車可減少37,100~144,200萬美金的生命價值。 The Subsidy to debase the price of LP-Gas Works of reviewing subsidy application cases and allocating fund were conducted during the period from January 2006 to December 2006, There are 16 gas stations and more than 10,000 vehicles , checked and approve LPG 6,200,000 liters per month, grew up 35% last more year. Also checking gas stations 80 times. Australian government announces a policy lasting 8 years since September of 2005, offer highest Australia's $2,000 subsidize in order to encourage the people to use LPG car, Britain , Australia , mainland China and Hong Kong ,etc. begin to use LPG motorcycle and develop LPG / diesel oil mix technology. In Domestic, the LPG consumption and the number of LPG vehicle are increase stably. Most gas stations were able to make profit, two more new Service stations will open for business soon and several establish cases are under construction. This outcome indicated that EPA’s subsidy strategy increased the willingness to use LPG vehicles. According to the test result of Bi-fuel vehicles, LPG can reduce chemical compound such as CO , HC , NOX , VOC , PAH , OFP,etc in vary degree . also LPG has lower potential to affect the human health than the petrol, under the same condition of assessing, the carcinogenic risks and non- carcinogenic risks of the LPG are all lower by more than 40% than the petrol, Assume 700,000 dollars for every people's life in addition, promote and use the LPG car can save 37,100- 144,20 ten thousand dollars lost. 095 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1683
全國河川巡守隊推廣計畫 本計畫目的是協助進行水環境巡守隊之組織運作、教育訓練、統籌執行與管理事務等規劃工作,以使水環境巡守隊長期經營運作。因此協助縣市環保局建立起水環境巡守之經營管理模式,並辦理教育宣導活動,使河川環境保育觀念往下扎根,使全民參與河川污染防治與整治工作能長期經營與管理。並進行巡守隊之問卷調查、網站交流平台與編製教育訓練手冊,使得水環境巡守隊動力和能力都能提升,並促使機關、學校、企業和民間團體舉辦清淨家園行動或個人力行環保,以建立民眾平時主動愛護環境,以期共創漂亮優質的生活環境。 Promotion and Guidance for Nationwide River Watchy Programs This project aims to assist Environmental Protection Bureaus(EPBs) nationwide in organizing and managing their River Watch programs. We have publishes 'Management Guideline for River Watch Program',conducted evaluatiions of the effectiveness of program administration for each EPB,and help training workshops for river watch volunteers.In these workshops,we encouraged the river volunteers to tale at least one of the six actions to protect water quality. These actions includes reportion pollution,assistion pollution investigation,attending training workshop,monitoring water quality,picking up river bank rubbishes,and pollution prevention in household.'River Volunteer Handbook' with the necessary information to conduct the six actions was distributed to the attendees during the workshops.In this project,we also conducted a questionnaire study to evaluate the suitability of current River Watch program to the volunteers. The result suggested most of volunters satisfied with the present program. In order to improve the skills of river watching and monitoring,web-based communication platform was established. In this way, the idea of protection the aquatic environment can be deelply rooted,illegal wastewater discharge can be watched and prevented, and the river cleanup project can,thus,be ensured. 095 水保處 台灣社區重建協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2164
衛星等遙測科技應用於環保與公害糾紛處理專案工作計畫(第三年) 台灣地區地狹人稠,資源有限,每當發生重大或突發性公害污染事件,通常必須注意是否會擴大污染範圍,破壞生態環境遭,甚至造成環保抗爭和公害糾紛事件。傳統上,對於此類公害污染事件,大部份是以傳統地面調查的方式進行,通常費時耗工,無法詳細查估。因此為因應公害污染事件發生時,如何協助環保相關單位,了解當地整體環境狀況,並確定污染物出處、影響範圍、及迅整蒐集保全相關證據,本年度計畫為三年計畫的第三年,下述工作為主要目標:1. 公害污染事件空間資料及相關查詢管理資訊系統之建置。2. 重大、突發或敏感性公害污染事件之機動性遙測資料獲取。3. 各項衛星遙測影像即時傳輸機制之建置。4. 敏感公害糾紛設施鄰避變遷評估及探討分析。5. 遙測技術應用推廣與教育訓練。 The application of Remote Sensing Technologies to Environmental Protection and Public Dispute Due to limited resource and high density of population in Taiwan, The large-scale pollution normally is accompanied with public dispute and environmental disaster. It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task to perform ground investigation when a large-scale pollution happens. In order to locate the spread areas of the pollution, this study integrates spatial data collection and processing technologies to help monitor the polluted areas. There are five objectives in this year’s study which is the second year of a three-year project:1. Establish a database system for the use of pollution events and background information quarry.2. Use remote sensing technologies to collect the evidence when the polluted events occur. 3. Propose various transmitting devices for transferring remote sensing data.4. Produce and analyze the spatial data for Not-In-My-Back-Yard utilities. 5. Coordinate the training courses for regional and local EPA personnel. 095 管考處 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2128
固定污染源揮發性有害空氣污染物周界濃度管制標準研擬計畫 本計畫透過對30廠次特定行業固定污染源周界及排放管道揮發性有害空氣污染物排放特性之調查,並彙整歷年國內揮發性有害空氣污染物相關計畫執行之成果,以及先進國家周界濃度管制標準及背景資料的蒐集、分析及彙整,藉以提供更完整的背景資料,做為研擬更紮實周界濃度管制標準的依據,進而修訂25種特定揮發性有害空氣污染物之周界濃度管制標準建議值。完成之工作成果包括31廠次(62點次)周界排放特性調查對象之檢測作業、45家特定行業防制設備與5家石化業設備元件法規符合度查核、及150點次石化業設備元件揮發性有機物圍封檢測。此外,並研擬25種揮發性有害空氣污染物周界濃度標準建議值,彙整歷年設備元件圍封檢測成果,進而建立本土化石化業設備元件洩漏之排放係數。其次,完成國外周界相關管制策略資料及國內外周界濃度檢測方法資料蒐集彙整,並規劃應建置之周界濃度檢測方法清單,協助修訂餐飲業法規草案與建議餐飲業油煙管制應採防制設備處理效能之驗證機制等工作。 Establishing peripheral boundary concentration standards for Hazardous Volatile Organic Compounds from Stationary Sources The project will investigate the peripheral boundary pollution and the volatile hazardous air pollutant emission characteristic of process stack from 30 specific stationary sources. The results, as well as the previous achievements, and the background information on peripheral control standards from advanced countries, will be complied into complete background information, which serves as the basis of drawing up control standard of the peripheral boundary concentration, and making recommendation for revision for 25 specific volatile hazardous air pollutants.The tasks performed included the investigation of emission characteristic of the peripheral boundary from 31 factories (62 spots), the pollution preventive equipment from 45 specific factories, and the volatile organic compounds emission rate of 150 elements of equipments from 5 petrochemical factories. In addition, we would frame the suggested standard values of peripheral boundary concentration for the 25 specific volatile hazardous air pollutants, and collected the entire information of previous years to establish VOCs emission rate of the equipment components in local petrochemical industry. We also correlated the information of the peripheral boundary for control and strategy from foreign countries and collected domestic and foreign examination methods of peripheral boundary as well. We also collected the control information of emission from restaurant operations in foreign countries. The results assisted to drafting the regulations of the restaurant business, and to suggest the verification of the pollution preventive equipments. 095 空保處 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1403
屏東縣空氣品質管理發展計畫 本計畫之目的主要在於協助屏東縣環保局管制各子計畫執行內容、進度與方法,透過計畫的執行,協助環保局處理空污相關會議資料,檢討年度空污執行計畫成效與方向,有效整合各計畫力量以達到改善空氣品質之目標,此外,配合未來環保署推動之總量管制規劃,研擬空氣品質改善方向,規劃短中長程管制目標,提供屏東縣環保局未來執行空氣污染管制之建議方針。自95年2月10日簽約完成後執行至95年12月31日止,各項執行工作項目與成果摘要說明如下:1.屏東縣空氣品質變化分析屏東縣空氣品質在屏東測站、潮州測站及恆春測站,95年屏東縣空氣品質不良日共計92站日,其中以PM10為主之事件日為12站日,以O3為主之事件日為80站日,與94年相比,O3減少11站日,PM10減少16站日,而在鹽洲測站方面,空氣品質不良站日數為64站日,與94年累計不良站日數相比減少1站日。依屏東縣屏東測站、潮州測站、恆春測站及鹽洲測站之整體趨勢而言,皆以臭氧為主要指標污染物,除落實各項空氣污染管制計畫落實管制工作及空品不良季節之加強管制與應變措施,並積極透過三縣市之共同合作,以改善空氣品質。2.空氣品質不良通報及回報作業本年度該項作業主要進行預報、通報及回報作業,當空氣品質趨達不良或達任一測站即時空品監測值PM10之PSI副指標大於95或O3之PSI副指標大於85、高高屏空品區PSI預報值大於100時,即進行簡訊及e-mail發送通報,並透過各計畫之測站認養機制及重大污染源之掌握工作進行查處回報。統計95年3月1日至12月31日,高屏空品區空氣品質預報屬於「不良」之日數為141日,實際發生不良之日數為44日,預報為「普通」或「良好」,但實際為發生空氣品質不良情形者為11日,總計實際空品發生不良日數共55日。在環保署空品預報不良141日中,各計畫回報率普遍超過80%,整體回報率為87.16%,分析未回報之原因中,大多為計畫疏忽及假日未安排巡查路線之因素。為因應本縣空氣品質發生不良情況,採用假日認養之機制進行查處,以加強防制工作。3.空氣污染管制各子計畫執行進度掌握及評析95年度屏東縣辦理之空氣品質改善維護計畫共14項,可分為固定源、移動源及逸散源管制等三大類,除每月分析管考各計畫執行進度外,藉由各項指標評析各計畫之執行成效,包括環保署考核成果自評、工作項目及進度控管、執行方法及計畫執行品質、污染源減量、作業配合度及整體成效等。自各計畫執行日起統計至12月31日,評析結果分別為固定源管制計畫88.1分、移動源機車管制計畫88.7分、柴油車管制計畫88.2分、砂石場管制計畫84.5分、洗掃街作業計畫79.8分、營建工程管制計畫78.6分及露天燃燒管制計畫82.5分,整體平均為84.34分。營建及洗掃街計畫分數偏低主要原因為屬跨年度計畫,因此於部分工作達成量需於明(96)年達成使得評分偏低。95年度削減量目標為總懸浮微粒1,080公噸、硫氧化物4公噸、氮氧化物6公噸、非甲烷碳氫化合物150公噸,實際減量成效在總懸浮微粒為1,449.05公噸、硫氧化物為4.34公噸、氮氧化物為8.25公噸及非甲烷碳氫化合物189.57公噸,達成率分別為134.17%、108.50%、137.50%及126.38%,皆已達規劃目標。4.修正屏東縣空氣污染防制計畫書本計畫負責執行屏東縣空氣品質管理發展計畫,研擬管制策略並整合各計畫執行成效與方向,本年度檢討修正空氣污染防制計畫書主要重點內容在於加強配合中央政策做法與因地制宜創新作法擬定各項工作項目、由三級防制區達到二級防制區之期程說明及重大開發案對境內之影響衝擊與因應措施。5.評析活動強度及污染物排放量變化屏東縣TSP主要貢獻來源為固定源、砂石場、營建工程及露天燃燒,SOx、NOx主要貢獻為固定源、露天燃燒及移動源汽機車排放廢氣,NMHC主要貢獻來源為固定源、移動源、露天燃燒及加油站,依縣內實際執行之固定污染源工廠管制、逸散源之營建工程、砂石場及露天燃燒管制及移動源計畫所掌握各污染物之活動強度及污染物排放量,推估95年排放量在TSP為7,606.13噸、SOx為347.02噸、NOx為572噸、NMHC為1,134.48噸,車輛數為904,089輛,較94年成長2.27%,車輛數之成長亦為縣內SOx、NOx及NMHC污染物排放量增加之原因之一,本縣除持續推動機動車輛管制外,並將配合本縣特有之觀光資源衍生之車潮及活動作為管制推動重點。6.規劃96年度空污費推動計畫96年度規劃屏東縣空氣品質維護改善計畫推動方向上,本計畫參考環保署「直轄市及縣(市)空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評要點」中,有關經費用於空污防制執行性重點計畫比例考評指標及未來之執行工作重點,考量預期效益並檢討以往同類型計畫執行成效,規劃九十六年度計畫包括屏東縣空污基金編列計畫,如營建工程污染管制計畫、柴油車檢測計畫、街道揚塵洗掃計畫、空氣品質管理發展計畫及空品測站操作維護計畫。向中央環保署申請補助之相關計畫包括屏東縣固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳計畫、屏東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫─機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動計畫、屏東縣砂石場清查列管及裸露地管制計畫、屏東縣加油站、揮發性有機物及餐飲業調查管制計畫、屏東縣柴油車油品檢測計畫、屏東縣固定源臭味及煙道採樣計畫、屏東縣加強農業廢棄物露天燃燒稽查管制作業計畫及屏東縣加強金紙、香及爆竹等祭祀用品焚燒之空氣污染管制計畫。 2006 PingTung Air Quality Management Plan The purpose of this project is to assist Bureau of PTEPB(Environmental Protection Ping Tung County) to administer the various programs time table, the content and methodology itself. By means of the aforementioned implementation, we are able to review on what has been finished over time to help EPA deal with AP(air pollution) agendas and minutes to boot, with a sole eye to the integration of the air quality improvement. Besides, the perspectives that the EPA are marching towards to better the air quality(a.k.a. AQ) should again be aligned with our schedule either long-term, mid-term, or short-term as a projection to the control of the AQ in the future.Starting at Feb. 10, 2006, all executions as of Dec. 31, 2006 are as follows in brief:I. The analysis of the AQ variation in PT CountyThe number of days which PT AQ reported poor accounts for 92 days in Pingtung, chaujou and Hengchuen area. With respect to the data analysis, PM10 , O3 accounts for 12 days and 80 days respectively. As opposed to the same period of time last year (2005), O3 declines by 11 days whereas PM10 declines by 16 days. In Yanjou, poor AQ days are 64, declines by 1 day as opposed to the same period of 2005. The target compound should be O3 for our reference to reinforce the controlling projects and take effective measures, and meanwhile boost up the ties among three counties, with a sole view again to fight the AQ.II. AQ feedbacks and related operationsThis operation is to implement forecast, reporting, and feedback. With the AQ exceeding 95 on the scale of PSI w.r.t. PM10 , or 85 on the scale of PSI w.r.t. O3 , or 100 on PSI w.r.t. KKP AQ areas, emails and messages are sent throughout all sites and feedback are supposed to be supervised, too.From Mar. 1st, 2006 to Dec. 31st, KKP AQ areas were reported poor in 141 days, during which 44 days were actual live up to “bad” level. Out of poor AQ days reported mediocre accounted for 11. In total, poor AQ days are 55. From 141 days reported poor, we can see the feedback is more than 80%, overall rate is 87.16%. Out of the flawed causes are some negligible cases. That is, preventive controls should be tightened up.III. Subprojects schedule reviews and controlsThe AQ improving plan has 14 subprojects in 2006, including three parts of Stationary Sources, mobile source and emission sources management. The reduction goals of pollutants were 1,080 tons of TSP, 4 tons of SOx, 6 tons of NOx and 150 tons of non-methal-hydrocarbonates (NMHC). The actual reduction of PM reaches to 1,449.05 in ton, sulfates 4.34 in ton, while NOx and NMHC are 189.57, which already measure up to 134.17%、108.50%、137.50%, and 126.38%, respectively. All make the purpose.IV. Adjust the Air pollution control proposal of Pingtung County We are in charge to executive of Air Quality Manage Project (AQMP). Studying the control strategy and assemble every subproject to archive their goals that including proposal amendment. In compliance to the Central government’s stipulation and contingencies, our air pollution control program reviews will focus on the collaboration between the 2 parties. Additionally, we should be well-prepared to cope with drastically unprecedented measures to upgrade the rate 3rd restricted area to the 2nd restricted area.V. Analysis the intensity and pollutant emission varietyIn Pingtung County, The TSP was mainly contributed by those sources that including Stationary Sources, gravel heap sites, construction sites and open burning. SOx and NOx were mainly contributed by Stationary Sources, open burning and mobile sources, and NMHC by Stationary Sources, mobile sources, open burning and gasoline station. According to the practical execution in each subproject of those sources, we estimated the emission quantity were that 7,606.13 tons of TSP, 347.02 tons of SOx, 572 tons of NOx and 1,134.48 tons of NMHC from Jan. to Dec. in 2006. In respect of mobile sources, we used the mobile bike quantity in Pingtung County that provided from Department of Statistics, Ministry of Transportation and Communications instead. The result showed out that 2006’s grows rate were 2.27% with 2005. That also causes the augmentation of SOx, NOx and NMHC. So we suggest to continuing the mobile bikes management that combined feature tourism sources as the main issue in the future.VI. Planning the Air Pollution Fee Promote Project in 2007We have reference the principle execution of EPA to scheme on the Air Quality Improving project of Pingtung County in 2007. That including Air Pollution Fee Foundation arrangement of Construction Site Manage Project, Diesel Vehicles Inspecting Project, Street Emission Sources Cleaning Project, Air Quality Management and Development Project, Maintain Project of Air Quality Inspection Station. We also hand out the subsidy request that including several project of Stationary Sources, Mobile Sources and Construction sites and Open Bunning etc. 095 屏東縣政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1763
桃園縣蘆竹鄉中福地區土壤污染控制場址污染改善計畫 桃園縣政府環境保護局委託美商傑明顧問股份有限公司台灣分公司(MWH)執行「桃園縣蘆竹鄉中福地區土壤污染控制場址污染改善計畫」,總計包括中興段131-6、131-7、131-8、148-1、154、154-2、155、155-2、207、208及210-1等11筆地號,面積約5.6公頃,及觀音鄉大潭地區1筆地號,面積約0.28公頃,主要為土壤重金屬鎘、銅、鎳及鉻的污染。本計畫執行期間為民國95年12月5日至96年12月4日,美商傑明公司已完成本計畫相關工作內容。本計畫之土壤污染改善作業分為改善前置作業、土壤補充調查及改善規劃設計、土壤污染改善、成果驗證以及地力回復等五階段。土壤污染改善主要以土壤翻轉混合稀釋法進行,以達到土壤污染食用作物農地管制標準以下為目標(鎘5mg/kg、銅200mg/kg、鎳200mg/kg及鉻250mg/kg)。由桃園縣環保局監督驗證結果顯示,各地號的土壤重金屬檢測結果皆符合食用作物農地之管制標準,已達改善目標。依土壤及地下水污染整治法第二十條規定,建議桃園縣環保局將改善完成成果陳報行政院環保署後,解除各農地控制場址之列管。 Soil remediation for heavy metals-contaminated farmland in Lujhu Township of Taoyuan County The project is about the soil remediation of heavy metals-contaminated farmland Control Site in Chung-Fu areas of Lujhu Township, Taoyuan County. Taoyuan County Government Environmental Protection Bureau (TYEPB) entrusted MWH to carry out the plan. First, it included 11 numbers lands of the Chung-Hing section, which were 131-6,131-7,131-8,148-1,154,154-2,155, 155-2,207,208and No.210-1. The improvement area was approximately 5.6 hectares. The second, , it included 1 numbers lands in the Tai-Tam area of Guanyin Township. The improvement area was approximately 0.28 hectares. The major heavy metals-contaminated of soil were cadmium, the copper, the nickel and the chromium.This plan execution period was from December 5th, 2006 to December 4th, 2007. MWH has carried out this plan and completed all work during the period. This improvement work were divided into five stages, including pre-improvement work, the supplement investigation and design, the soil pollution improvement, the result verification and the farmland reconstruction and restoration. It took soil mixture and dilution method as the improvement way. The main goal after the improvement was to reduce the concentration of soil heavy metal to lower than the Food Crops Farmland Soil Control Standards (Cadmium 5mg/kg; Copper 200mg/kg; Nickel 200mg/kg; Chromium 250mg/kg).By the supervision and verification of TYEPB, the heavy metals concentration of the improvement soil were lower than the Food Crops Farmland Soil Control Standards. MWH had already completed the soil pollution remediation work. According to Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act Article 20, suggested that TYEPB must announce the removal of controls and restrictions on the Control Site. 095 桃園縣政府環境保護局 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=12
水污染防治法新增事業調查及法規輔導計畫 依據本專案計畫契約項目,包括:調查及建立新增事業名稱電子資料檔、辦理相關法規宣導及諮詢輔導、提出計畫執行情形分析報告、提出具體實施計畫、工作報告、期中報告、期末報告、全國各縣市環保局討論會、現勘方式確認者建立之事業名單等相關內容,規劃相關工作執行進度,其執行之成果摘要如下。1、水污染防治法事業分類及定義於94年12月6日公告發布,並區分發布施行及96年7月1日施行之對象,而本計畫之對象範圍為該96年7月1日起施行之對象。故本會依其列管定義及執行狀況整理出新增事業之範圍及執行對象,彙整本計畫所屬新增事業種類計23類新增事業範圍。2、本會已執行自來水水質水量保護區行政區範圍之蒐集及彙整作業,係自經濟部水利署之自來水水質水量保護區水源保育及回饋業務之網站,整理出各縣市自來水水質水量保護區行政區範圍之公告及地圖。3、本計畫依新增事業名單來源加以調查,取得初步之新增事業名單約有30,386筆。水系統中疑似事業名單經篩選後,初步符合本計畫新增事業條件之行業別以畜牧業所占比例最高,占60.9%,其次為其他工業占11.1%。另自各類來源蒐集之初步名單經篩選後,其新增事業條件之行業別以其他工業之新增家數為最多,占全部家數35.3%,其次為洗衣業占全部家數10.7%。4、本計畫新增事業中無列管條件之事業包括:陶窯業、水泥業、清艙業、實驗室、動物園、土石加工業、土石堆置場及營建工地,除營建工地外,其餘行業於名單來源蒐集並與水系統勾稽後,即可視為本計畫新增事業之確認名單。本計畫中無適用條件之事業初步名單來源資料共2,962家,經水系統篩選排除後計有2,111家應為列管事業。5、本計畫由環保署內各業務單位相關之資訊管理系統、各產業同業公會、各目的事業主管機關及其他(如網際網路資訊)等名單來源共計取得30,806家,其中排除已受水污染管理系統列管者、資料明顯不符合者及畜牧業者後為16,910家。後續經調查計畫之各項作業(電訪、問卷、現勘及蒐集文獻資料推估等方式)篩選排除,並考量管制成本,輔以事業規模(工廠員工人數超過30人)為篩選條件,最終提出11,243家可能之新增列管名單(含事業基本資料檔)供環保署作為後續執行管制之依據。另配合彙整環保署95年度溫泉事業調查計畫所提供之溫泉業者757家,兩者合計為12,000家。6、本計畫之新增事業名單篩選作業共計傳真問卷調查表至3,011家疑似列管之事業單位,其中給予回函的事業計95家,問卷回覆率為3.16%。另完成現勘104家疑似新增列管事業,於執行現勘作業時,除針對水污染產生有關之製程、廢污水產生、收集及排放情形詳細調查,以確認其適用條件外,同時亦針對疑似新增事業單位進行法規宣導及建議改善方式等輔導作業。7、篩選後新增行業別家數之縣市別以台北縣為最多,共計有2,302家共占全部家數19.18%,其中以其他工業達1,023家佔最多;次之為台北市2,192家,占全部家數18.27%,以洗衣業987家佔最多;再次之為桃園縣1,193家,占全部家數9.94%,以其他工業545家佔最多。若以區域劃分,北部地區(為基隆以南、新竹以北)之新增行業別家數占全部家數52.47%;中部地區(為苗栗以南、嘉義以北)之新增行業別家數占全部家數21.58;南部地區(為台南以南、屏東以北)之新增行業別家數占全部家數19.08%;東部地區(為宜蘭、花蓮、台東及外島等地)之新增行業別家數占全部家數6.87%。若以行業別而言,其他工業之新增家數為最多,占全部家數28.41%,又以台北縣分布最多;其次為洗衣業占全部家數15.6%,以台北市分布最多;再其次為營建工地占全部家數11.47%,仍以台北市分布最多。8、本會於95年7月21日完成諮詢人員教育訓練,並製作諮詢作業手冊及設置三線諮詢輔導專線(27555962、27026472及27026491),提供各新增事業詢問有關水污法相關事宜。9、完成水污染防治法新增列管事業宣導手冊,並寄送該手冊予疑似新增列管事業(10,100家),進行水污染法規之宣導及輔導,達成法制推動之目的。 Investigation and Law Consultancy Project of New Enterprises Under the Water Pollution Control Act Owing to the amendment of the Water Pollution Control Act and relevant regulations, the meaning of “enterprises”, which must be governed by the Act, had been broadened. Therefore, there is a need to find out those “new enterprises” to fulfill the requirements of the laws. The main purposes of this Project are to enlist and inform those “new enterprises.” The followings are summaries of this Project’s major results: 1. The “Official Announcement of Determination of the Water Pollution Control Act Industry Classifications and Definitions” was issued in December 6, 2005. According to the said law, some enterprises must be governed by the law immediately after the regulation issued, but the others will not be regulated until July 1, 2007. The later is the so-called “new enterprises” by definition. There are 23 categories of new enterprises.2. Since new enterprises within or outside the “drinking water source quality protection areas” may governed by different standards, the Project had classified all “drinking water source quality protection areas” in Taiwan province according to the Water Resources Agency of the Ministry of the Economic Affairs at the very first. 3. The Project had collected 30,386 new enterprises in the beginning, among them, mostly were “livestock industry” (comprises 60.9% of all new enterprises), “other industry” was second by 11.1%.4. Enterprises enlisted as “new enterprises” are those with effluents exceed effluent standards, which are varied by industry categories. However, there are some industry categories with no specific effluent standards and which means if any enterprise falling into those industry categories it is enlisted as “enterprises” with no exceptions. Those industry categories are termed as “no requirements categories”, which include: ceramic industry, cement industry, ship cleaning industry, experimental/testing (chemical) and research laboratories, zoos, soil and gravel processing industry, soil and gravel storage (disposal) sites and construction sites. The Project had collected 2,962 enterprises of “no requirements categories” at first, after compared with the “Water System” and deducted some already enlisted, there are 2,111 new enterprises of the “no requirements categories” in the list. 5. After the first run of screening, there were 30,806 enterprises in total. By hading compared with the “Water System”, and deducted some already enlisted and the livestock industry, there were still 16,910 enterprises in the second run. Then deducted via further screening by questionnaires, the Project had submitted 11,243 enterprises in total. (If combined with 757 hot spring enterprises proposed by another project, there were 12,000 “new enterprises” in total.)6. The Project team had faxed questionnaires to 3011 suspected “new enterprises”, but received only 95 reply (the returning rate was 3.16%). The Project also conducted 104 site audits to confirm the suspected “new enterprises” were sure targeted “new enterprises”. 7. If grouped by Counties, the Taipei County is toped by 19.18%, which has 2,302 “new enterprises” in total (among which, mostly are categorized as “other industry”); the Taipei City is the second, with 18.27% or 2,192 “new enterprises” (among which, mostly are “laundry industry”); the Taoyuan County is the third, with 1,193 or 9.94% “new enterprises” (among which, mostly are “other industry”). According to the final results of the Project, more than half (52.47%) of the “new enterprises” are located in the northern part of Taiwan, in the rest, 21.58% are located in the middle, 19.08% in the southern and of 6.87% in the eastern part of Taiwan. In terms of industry categories, the “other industry” is topped by 28.41%; “laundry industry” is second by 15.6% and “construction industry” is third by 11.47%.8. The Project had set up 3 specific telephone lines (02-27555962、02-27026472 and 02-27026491) to answering questions about the new amendments of the Water Pollution Control Act and relevant regulations. Staffs engaged in this Project had all been trained before July 21, 2006. 9. After the “new enterprises” list had been established, the Project mail educational brochures to those 10,100 “new enterprises”. 095 水保處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1737
第三代會計系統(I)開發專案工作計畫 環保署於1996成立「空氣污染防制基金」,初期為便於會計帳務處理,僅倚賴簡易套裝軟體以處理帳務工作,惟伴隨1998年成立資源回收管理基金、2001年成立之土壤及地下污染整治基金、以及2006年成立之水污染防制基金,原賴以處理各分基金會計帳務之套裝軟體,已無法負荷各項會計事務以及業務施政管理之需。行政院環境保護署「第三代會計系統(I)開發專案工作計畫」為建置主管之環境保護基金(包括空氣污染防制基金、資源回收管理基金、土壤及地下水污染整治基金、水污染防制基金)、資源回收管理基金-信託部分、清潔人員執行職務死亡濟助基金等基金整體會計業務運作所需之資訊系統, 從預算編列、預算控制、會計審核、會計帳務、出納作業至決算書製作採一貫作業外,並進一步統合各項補助、委辦計畫,建立對外部單位之資料傳遞機制,以達到流程、內控、稽核自動化之成效。本案同時導入行政院主計處推動之「就源輸入原則」,由環境保護基金業務單位於啟動預算編列、收支估計作業時,即由各業務單位同仁逕行上線輸入編列,並於交易事項發生時,直接進入基金會計系統登打動支明細,並由會計單位藉由電子資訊傳遞加以審核,避免現有人工重複登打、比對、彙整等作業,除增加業務單位對預算支用之自主性,亦增進會計數據之正確性,以提升行政效能。 The third generation of Accounting System (I) development plan In 1996 to 2001, The EPA only relies the packaged software to process the accountant bookkeeping works. And later, the packaged software has been unable to afford neither the each item of accounting business nor the need of the service administration management.For Consistent works, the EPA「The third generation of Accounting System (I) development plan」wish to establish the management systems can deal with the budget planning, the admission of accounting application , and the accountant bookkeeping. Works. Those works can be general development service information of system work, and also retains in advance the surface specification that transfers the files with the other systems of EPA. Further achieved the results of system conformity flow, inner controls and the automatic of the information systems.After carries out this case, the systems becomes the following result:In using aspect:a. All of then Accounting Systems will be electronically.b. Upgrades administrative potency by inducts “The principle of original unit inputs the data ".c. Reducing the load of working by data sharing.d. For controlling then progress of each budget plan, providing the functions to city governments which’s filling the executive achievements.e. Receiving the voucher news by Email.f. Verifying and checking the data on-line.In managing aspect:a. Establishing the standard flows of this accounting works.b. Controlling the assess.c. To avoid the application repetitiously.d. Querying the execution of budget plans immediately.e. To display different colors for each kind of situationf. Integration the authority control and the AD system.g. To public the news on the website home page in the accounting system.h. Protecting the security by limiting the authority.In decision of strategic aspect:Provides the officer rapidly to draw up each of the policy goal, and help the execution of the accounting works.To sum up, this system inducts “The principle of original unit inputs the data “which is the Executive Yuan planning to avoid the budget, accounting bookkeeping and other works data repetitiously. And also let the system promotes accuracy of the accounting data, upgrades administrative potency. 095 監資處 康大資訊股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1511
台南市95年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫 台南市『移動污染源稽查管制計畫』, 各項工作執行如下:1. 執行機車未定期檢驗作業本工作團隊共計進行機車攔查582 輛次, 其中回檢機車354 輛次,回檢率60.8 %。攔檢機車18161 輛次,巡查機車19153 輛次,回檢機車9396 輛次。合計27318輛次。2. 宣導活動本年度預計進行一場大型宣導活動, 已於94 年8月至9 月間, 利用抽獎方式辦理一場大型宣導活動, 並透過平面媒體進行宣傳,合計共1100 位車主參與抽獎活動。本年度預計進行三場小型宣導活動,已分別於95 年6 月27 日、95 年6 月28 日、95 年6 月29 日、95 年10 月22 日辦理四場小型宣導活動, 活動中共計免費進行機車檢驗834 輛次。3. 機車定檢站定期查核本工作團隊共計進行機車定檢站定期查核239 站次, 機車定檢站不定期查核77 站次。在本團隊查核過程中可發現, 定檢站常見之缺失如下:a. 未按時填寫日報表b. 車牌輸入錯誤或標籤錯誤c. 採樣管之矽膠損壞或變形d. 動線不明、場地髒亂e. 電腦合約書、認可證、操作手冊、標準氣體證明等證明文件或作業程序未放置於適當地點。f. 未更換新版本軟體。在發現缺失同時, 本團隊會要求定檢站立即改善或限期改善, 並不定期進行複查, 以確保定檢站針對問題或缺失執行改善措施。4. 機車定檢站教育訓練本年度預計舉辦三場定檢站教育訓練,已分別於95年7 月29 日、95 年10 月4 日與95 年12 月24 日舉行,參與人員包括環保署長官、環保局長官、本團隊工作人員與定檢站檢測人員, 會議中除對戶外攔查檢工作注意事項進行講解外, 並由環保局局長(10/04)親自主持座談會, 與定檢站作一雙向溝通, 除了解定檢站目前執行困難之處外, 更對定檢站說明環保局理念與作法, 期望藉由教育訓練的舉辦, 落實定檢制度的執行與推廣, 達到污染減量的目的。5. 定檢通知單寄發本工作團隊共寄發351349 份定檢通知單, 其中包含二次通知20949 份, 平均寄達率為96.47%, 未寄達原因以查無地址與遷移新址不明最多, 二者合佔70.5%。根據95 年度與96 年1 月的檢測資料,有27.7%的民眾在收到通知單後會於檢驗期限內進行檢驗。 095 台南市環境保護局 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=595
逸散污染源粒狀污染物管制推動及檢討 目前我國空氣污染物問題係由臭氧(O3)及懸浮微粒(PM10)所引起,95年全國空氣品質不良計有863站日(有效測定站日數為20,760站日),其中以懸浮微粒為指標污染物計有352站日(佔41﹪),環保署為改善空氣品質,自93年起推動逸散污染源粒狀污染物管制計劃,陸續研擬固定污染源逸散性製程作業、營建工程施工作業、車行揚塵、裸露地風蝕揚塵及露天燃燒等污染源管制策略,並加以推動。本計畫主要協助環保署督導及提升各縣市環保局逸散污染源管制成效,計畫執行期間配合推動固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物防制設施管理辦法草案及土石採取處理業空氣污染防制費徵收草案法制作業,並規劃相關配套措施。另針對露天燃燒及民俗活動燃燒等空氣污染問題,調查各縣市污染現況及管制措施,並參考國外先進國家管制經驗,研擬可行之管制策略,作為環保署後續政策推動參考。此外,為落實95年1月5日公告之「公私場所固定污染源引擎使用之液體燃料超過限值或種類者,為易致空氣污染之物質」,針對全國營建工程施工機具進行720處油品含硫量抽測,調查分析國內營建工程施工機具種類、數量及使用年份等資料,研擬營建工程施工機具空氣污染物排放管制制度。另配合執行環保署對於各縣市之逸散污染源管制執行績效考評作業,分析各縣市執行成果及空氣品質改善成效,並完成720處營建工程污染管制成效現場查核作業及72處周界粒狀污染物檢測工作,針對各縣市逸散污染源管制提出具體改善建議。 Control Strategies for the Fugitive Particulate Emissions. Air pollution in Taiwan is mainly caused ozone (O3) and particulates (PM10). In 2006, the air quality was extremely poor on 863 monitoring days (out of 20,760 effective monitoring days). The major pollutant in 352 monitoring days was PM10 (41%). In order to improve air quality, the Environmental Protection Administration in 2004 implemented its Control Strategies for Fugitive Particulate Emissions. The purposes of the initiative are to standardize management procedures for fugitive particulate emissions of stationary sources, pollution of construction sites, and dust from traffic, exposed land, and fires. The Administration is also responsible for the execution of the policy. The main goal of the plan is to help the Environmental Protection Agency to supervise and improve local governments’ control of fugitive particulate emissions. The plan is implemented alongside the Draft Management Regulations of Air Pollution Control Facilities for Fugitive Particulate Emissions from Stationary Sources and the Draft of Quarry Air Pollution Emissions Charge Policy. Supplementary measures are also planned. To deal with air pollution from open fires and from traditional religious activities, the Administration investigated current pollution and its countermeasures. Viable strategies were then enacted with reference to the pollution control experiences of advanced nations. They will serve as a reference for the Environmental Protection Agency in future policy-making.Furthermore, to carry out the “Control Act of Liquid Fuel Pollution in Public or Private Settings” announced on January 5, 2006, construction equipment fuel at 720 sites was inspected for sulfur content. The types, number, and age of equipment were also recorded. The data will be used as a reference in the drafting of the Control Act of Construction Equipment Emissions.The Environmental Protection Administration has also evaluated the performance of local governments on controlling fugitive particulate emissions. Pollution control performance was inspected at 720 construction sites, and peripheral particulate detection was conducted at 72 sites. The Administration then provided specific recommendations on how to improve the control of fugitive particulates for each locality according to the results. 095 空保處 新紀工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1226
事業廢棄物查核輔導及管理技術整合提昇第二年專案工作計畫 本年度計畫目標為執行400家事業及廢棄物再利用機構之廢棄物流向與營運管理之追蹤查核工作,並進行有關事業廢棄物管理相關法規、妥善清理技術、申報實務等宣導及輔導工作。蒐集及更新國內外有關事業廢棄物產出相關資料、產出因子推估及編纂行業或製程稽查技術參考手冊。蒐集調查各類現行使用之事業廢棄物稽查管理相關資源或資料庫特性及應用領域,評估參考使用價值,並規劃建置查詢索引系統及設計建置資源管理應用系統,以作為全國事業廢棄物稽查管制之整合應用。本計畫已完成400家事業及廢棄物再利用機構之廢棄物查核與輔導改善或追蹤工作,並從查核行業別中,推估廢棄物的產出與原物料及產品的關係,進而推估其產出因子模式;亦完成8種行業類別之「事業廢棄物行業製程技術稽查參考手冊」編纂,同時將相關成果建置於事業廢棄物查核與輔導計畫專案管理系統,提供主管機關隨時下載使用。此外,為強化事業廢棄物稽查管理實務之應用性及便利稽查人員查詢稽查管理相關資訊,本計畫已建置一「事業廢棄物稽查管理資訊查詢索引系統」,將所蒐集之書面資料、網站資料,予以系統化分類,樹狀化結構設計,將相關分類資料藉由簡易文字說明,期盼能更有效協助相關稽查人員查詢相關資訊與參考使用。 The Project of Providing Consultation with the Evaluation on Waste Management of Enterprise and Designing Integral Information System for the purpose of Upgrading Inspective technique on Waste Management This annual project attempts to inspect waste flow at 400 enterprises and waste reuse organizations, public education and consulting services with regard to the waste management act and the technology used to treat waste. Furthermore, national and international data was updated for waste-producing companies and factors affecting waste production were analyzed. Finally, reference material for inspection of industries and manufacturing processes was compiled. Current application of resources were analyzed a database for waste generated by enterprises. The value of utilizing the references was determined.An indexing and querying system combined with resource management is employed to achieve integrated administration of national regulations and company inspections and 400 companies along with the consultation services were completed data was analyzed. Via an inspection of different industry categories, the relationship between waste production, raw materials, and the resulting products can be estimated, such that assessments based on model factors can be performed. The Reference Manual of Waste of Enterprises and Inspection Techniques for Manufacturing Process, which utilizes 8 industry categories, has been completed. Additionally, related achievements have also been filed in the project management inspection system to enable inspectors to download data at any time. Furthermore, an index and query system for management and inspection of enterprise waste has been established to enhance management and inspection of enterprise waste and facilitate searches for relevant information. The hardcopy data and website information has been classified systematically using a tree-structure information system that presents relevant information in the form of simple language so inspectors can easily search for related information and references. 095 廢管處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1846
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢照明光源類)專案工作計畫 (一)行政院環保署依規定公開甄選程序評選為稽核認證團體,並依公告之稽核認證作業手冊執行稽核認證作業,而稽核認證主要目的如下:1. 建立確實、經濟、有效、公開、透明之稽核方法與程序,俾使回收清除處理工作皆能於公正、公平之狀態下推動。2. 針對公告應回收之一般廢棄物,確實認定其回收量與處理量。3. 查核、檢驗、勾稽、追蹤並防止回收清除處理各環節中可能之弊端與風險。4. 查核並輔導受補貼機構於回收清除處理作業上符合相關環保規範。(二)本專案計畫受補貼機構計有4家,每家受補貼機構須派2名稽核人員進行駐廠認證,由於受補貼機構地理分布較廣作業執行上需要充沛執行人力、周詳人員調度及行程安排、熟練之稽核認證專業技能。(三)計畫執行期間,受補貼機構各月之廢照明光源認證處理量如下:月份 95.04 95.05 95.06 95.07 95.08 95.09 95.10 95.11 95.12 96.01 96.02 96.03稽核認證量 434,704 445,228 414,007 375,085 427,282 386,235 405,777 380,840 402,105 415,224 291,443 329,453單位:公斤(四)於計畫執行期間,共執行稽核認證920場次,從執行作業中可見受補貼機構在回收分類的工作上有極大成效,本年度各受補貼機構進廠之廢照明光源挑除之雜質,從95年4月至96年3月共扣除雜質332.6 kg,違規扣重方面扣除23.1 kg,合計扣重355.7 kg。(五)由於廢照明光源之稽核認證作業係採取完全挑除雜質後才進廠認證,因此在本年度之稽核認證結果,並無如其他回收材質有補貼金額因扣除認證回收量與進廠量之間的差異量所節省的補貼金額;唯因完全挑除雜質,使進廠量即為回收量及處理量,故實際執行上仍使本計畫之補貼費用完全發放於廢照明光源回收物,達到計畫之效益。(六)本專案計畫就受補貼機構之作業程序與環境方面執行查核,若發現有不符規範的情事,要求受補貼機構限期改善,並追蹤確認改善成效。在95年4月至96年3月期間,共執行作業程序稽核與環境查核各920場次,作業程序稽核不合格次數77次,僅佔0.4%,環境查核不合格次數96次,佔1.49%,足見本專案計畫輔導稽核認證之成效。藉由此項查核與要求,輔導受補貼機構於處理環節亦皆能符合相關環保規定。如此,稽核認證作業對於公告應回收廢照明光源之回收清除處理達致數量之確認及品質之確保。(七)在攝錄監視系統查核方面,在95年4月至96年3月期間,發生次99件異常,經本專案之輔導後,均能迅速將異常解決,並持續追蹤輔導受補貼機構,防範異常之再度發生;會計稽核方面,於95年4月至96年3月間,共執行7場次,查核結果良好;內部稽核共執行22場次,共44人次受稽;其他諸如教育訓練方面,95年4月至95年3月間,合計執行40小時。(八)稽核認證作業事項繁瑣,茲整體專案執行成果摘要整理如下:執行項目 執行成果(計畫執行時間:95年4月 至 96年03月)稽核認證 計畫期間共執行920場次。執行效益 (1)雜質扣量332.6 kg。(2)違規扣量23.1 kg。(3)計畫期間合計扣重355.7 kg。作業與環境查核 (1) 作業程序稽核與環境查核各執行920場次。(2) 作業程序稽核不合格次數77次,占0.4%。(3) 環境查核不合格次數96次,占1.49%。CCTV (1) CCTV異常:合計99件。異常事件記點 (1) 其他異常:無。會計查核 (1)計畫期間共執行7次。內部稽核 (1)計畫期間共執行22場次。(2)共44人次受稽。教育訓練 (1) 計畫期間至目前為止,共執行教育訓練總時數40小時。(九)本專案計畫之執行,除堅持貫徹作業規定確保作業品質外,並以實際執行經驗就攝錄監視系統、衍生廢棄物、作業程序與環境之查核、行程及人力運用等問題提出作業檢討與改善建議,使稽核認證作業與回收清除處理體系之管理皆得以持續改善。 Project of inspection and certification fair body on the collection, clearance, disposal of the general waste (waste fluorescent light tubes) A. In accordance with relevant regulations, EPA, through open selection procedure, evaluates and selects fair bodies, and fair bodies execute the inspection and certification operation by the promulgated inspection and certification operation manual. Main functions and purposes of the inspection and certification operation are as under:1. To establish practical, economic, efficient, open, and transparent inspection methods and procedure, so that the works of the collection, clearance, and disposal could be promoted in a fair condition.2. To ascertain the collection and processing quantities of the promulgated general waste to be recovered.3. To check, inspect, cross-check, follow and prevent any possible malpractices and risks in the process of the collection, clearance, and disposal.4. To check and facilitate the collection, clearance, disposal operations in recycling organizations to meet related environment protection regulations.B. There are 4 wasted fluorescent light tubes recycling organizations, this project demands 2 inspectors at a recycling organizations for the inspection and certification operation. Due to geographical locations of recycling organizations, this project demands sufficient manpower, thorough arrangement of the inspectors and schedules, and experienced inspection and certification expertise.C. The execution of this project, the certified collection volume of waste fluorescent light tubes are as under:Month 95.04 95.05 95.06 95.07 95.08 95.09 95.10 95.11 95.12 96.01 96.02 96.03Collection volume(kg) 434,704 445,228 414,007 375,085 427,282 386,235 405,777 380,840 402,105 415,224 291,443 329,453D. During project, we executed the inspection and certification operation 851 times in total. The project had great benefit on works of the collection, clearance and disposal. From April, 2006 to February, 2007, there were 332.6 kg impurities and 23.1 kg irregulars be deducted from weights of wasted fluorescent light which into recycling organizations. There were total 355.7 kg wasted fluorescent light be deducted.E. Due to the execution of this project discriminate against impurity before inspection. Even so, some materials or objects, which are not the promulgated general waste, had occasionally been mixed in the objects to be inspected and certified. Solely through the job of impurity inspection, the execution unit of this project has not saved recycling fund like another waste material. But the inspection and certification operation could achieve the quantity ascertainment and quality assurance in the collection, clearance, disposal of the promulgated general waste to be recovered.F. In the meanwhile, this project has checked the recycling process and the environment of the recycling organizations. If any irregularities found, the execution unit of this project will require the recycling organizations to improve and follow up the results of their improvement. From April, 2006 to February, 2007, we had executed 920 checks of recycling process and the environment. The checks of recycling process were found 77 unqualified cases, the unqualified rate was 0.4%. The checks of environment were found 96 unqualified cases, equal to 1.49 %. Thus, the inspection and certification operation could achieve the quantity ascertainment and quality assurance in the collection, clearance, disposal of the promulgated general waste to be recovered.G. There were 99 CCTV unusual cases occurred from April, 2006 to February, 2007. After project’s assistance, the recycling organizations could solve contraventions quickly. We will follow up the results of improvement. We had practiced 7 accounting examinations from April, 2006 to February, 2007. The results of accounting examinations were good. We had practiced 22 internal examinations, there were 44 members be examined in total. Otherwise, there were 40 hours job training be carried out from April, 2006 to February, 2007. H. We list the achievement efforts in the duration time of the project as under:Executed work Achievements (April, 2006 ~ February, 2007)Inspection and certification (1) Completing 920 times in the period of time.Beneficial results (1) Discount the weight of impurities on waste fluorescent light tubes are 332.6 kg.(2) Discount the weight of violated regulations on wasted fluorescent light tubes are 23.1 kg, total is 355.7 kg.Examined the assignments process and environment (1) Carrying out 920 times of examining the assignments process and environment.(2) The disqualified parts of process examination are 77 times, equal to 0.4%.(3) The disqualified parts of environmental examination are 96 times, equal to 1.49%.CCTV (1) Contravention of CCTV:92 documents.Demerit scores (1) Other Contraventions:nothingExamined on accounting (1) Carrying out 7 times.The internal inspect and audit (1) Carrying out 22 times.(2) There were 44 members be examined. Education and training (1) The job training reaches to 40 hours during the time.I. The execution of this project not only insists on the operation regulations to assure the quality, but also, based on execution experiences, bring forth operation review and improvement proposal on the issues of CCTV, generated waste, checked the recycling process and the environment of the recycling organizations, inspection manpower and schedules, in a view that the inspection and certification operation and the management of the recycling system could be continually improved. 095 基管會 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1471
95-96年度土壤及地下水污染整治費申報、審理、稽核等相關作業計畫 整治費自民國90年11月徵收至今,徵收金額已達38億元,本計畫執行總計完成3,220件之申報案件審理工作,並將寄發審理結果通知繳費人。在完成各季申報案件審查後,即並請會計師進行整治費收入與申報資料核對工作,並逐季提送會計核章報告至環保署。現場稽核作業方面,本計畫共執行321件現場查核工作。疑似未申報及待確認之化學物質方面,以「潤滑油/脂/膏」為最大宗。本計畫現場稽核及後續追蹤之追繳金額總計3,618,685元。追繳金額前五大物種鉛、二氯乙烷、有機溶劑、丁烷及丁醇追繳金額佔總追繳金額之73.47%。網路申報率自92年度首季32.63%,目前已達76.57%,申報率已超過書面申報,也為目前各類環保基金最高。本年度加強輔導繳費金額較多之繳費人網路申報,故網路申報案件之繳納金額比例,從以前最低8.22%,提高至目前87.95%,網路申報之案件數及金額雙方面比例均獲得顯著成長。另自96年1月份開放網路申報出口退費,目前出口退費網路申報率已有29%,未來將逐一與未使用網路申報出口退費之繳費人連繫,了解不採用之原因並加以改進,努力提升出口退費網路申報率。在法規制度研修部分,本計畫除蒐集美國超級基金最新狀況,並配合目前政策進行環境費用整合研析、能源稅徵收對整治費之影響分析等,另配合土污法修法提出擴大費基建議方案。此外,召開專家學者座談會與業界座談會,並將與會委員、業者之寶貴意見彙整提供環保署做為修訂收費制度之參考本計畫同時協助環保署研擬增列目前無對應貨品號列之整治費徵收物質貨品號列,以利國貿局作為後續增列稅則號別參考依據。其它技術服務工作包括:提供專線電話及專屬網站供繳費人諮詢,辦理3場次土壤及地下水污染整治費申報作業、制度座談會,並將業者反映意見彙整送環保署參考,順暢整治費徵收作業。 Filing for and Verification of Statements of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees in 2006 There is a total of NT$ 3,800,000,000 soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee have been collected since November, 2001. During the project execution period, a total of 3,220 soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee report had been reviewed, approved and notified to the fee payers. As the quarterly review and approval is fulfilled, it was audited by the accountant regarding the collected Remediation fees and fee reporting information. Then the quarterly audit reports were submitted to EPA by the accountant.In respect of the on-site inspections’ part, there are totally 321 on-site inspections had been taken during the project execution period. It was found that the lubricants were the major chemical substances that required to be confirmed for its quantity and appearance. Through the follow-up on-site inspections, a total of NT$ 3,618,685 evaded fees had been pursued. About 73.47% of the respective evaded fees are as results from failing declaration of Lead, Di-chloro ethane, Organic solvents, Butane and Butanol.The internet filing system of soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee reporting has increased from 32.6% in 2004 to 76.6% in 2007. The percentage of internet filing has increased from 8.22% to 87.9% regarding the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee reporting. The internet filing system regarding those export chemical substances have also been set up in Jan. 2007. The usage rate of this newly set-up internet filing system was 29% in the beginning.In respect of regulation revision part, information regarding the most updated U.S. Superfund situation had been collected. And the potential impact of collecting soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees on the collection of environmental tax, energy tax policy had also been evaluated through this project. Besides, expanding the remediation fees collection criteria had been recommended based on the revised Soil Pollution Regulation. And the consulting meeting had been held with experts, scholars and fee payers to discuss the drafted alternatives.This project also assists EPA to establish CCC code for those chemical substances currently without the CCC code which will provide as a reference for the Bureau of Foreign Trade when adding those chemical substances to the CCC code list. The technical consultation services also include providing special telephone lines and web system and related consultation to fee payers. Three convening meetings were held with the fee payers regarding the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees filing system and the comments from fee payers were summarized and provided to EPA as a reference. 095 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1311
95年資源回收費率審議運作及稽核認證團體監督查核評鑑計畫 環保署依據廢棄物清理法針對應回收廢棄物所發放之回收處理補貼費,在國內現行資源回收體系之運作扮演關鍵性的角色。本計畫之工作項目之一即為協助環保署監督委員會確實執行確保補貼費發放公正性的稽核認證制度之監督作業,並協助資源回收費率審議委員會進行費率審議工作。  另應回收廢棄物處理業者申辦相關證照過程中,常遭遇土地之合法使用申請作業流程之相關問題,而為協助業者相關法令及申請作業疑義之協助,本計畫工作目的之一即為提供諮詢管道協助業者及地方環保局排除相關困難。  本計畫共達成下列成果:1.完成協助稽核認證監督委員會,針對環保署委託執行稽核認證工作之稽核認證公正團體,實施9場次定期評鑑、18場次不定期查核(以無預警方式進行),並協助歷次會議之紀錄彙整,以及稽核認證團體應改善事項之正式發文幕僚作業。2.完成協助資源回收費率審議委員會,針對「95年容器類暨廢乾電池類回收清除處理費費率草案」召開14次費率審議臨時會,並協助紀錄及資料彙整建檔等行政幕僚作業。3.成立專線電話,並完成處理回收處理業土地合法化回覆諮詢電話計16件,每季以發文方式彙整縣市環保局對於土地合法化工作之審查進度,已完成土地合法化申請案件合計為676家,以及完成彙整應回收廢棄物回收業及處理業土地合法化申請所需相關資料製成網頁,供回收業及處理業參考,並持續更新與維護網頁資料。 2006 years resources recycling tariff consideration operation and Inspection and certification party According to the Waste Disposal Act, the recycled subsidy dispatching from EPA plays a very important role in financing the domestic recycling system in Taiwan. The inspection and certification party are assigned by EPA and dispatched to supervise the recycling processing units. As a result, one of the objectives of the project in this report is to assist EPA in revising the finance of this system and to assess these inspection and certification parties to ensure the effectiveness and fairness of this subsiding system.For the objective of assessing these parties, the project is to assist the assessing committee on the once or twice per year assessment. This report has finished this requirement by the contract on schedule for year 2006. Before completing the assessments, related works and activities were completed as well.With regard to revising the finance of the subsidy system, this project is aimed at discussing and establishing a model of operation for the financing of this system. We called for eleven formal meetings and one informal meeting in total. The agenda, conclusions and summaries of these meetings provide the basis for the financing of year 2006 and are listed in related tables. These data are also stored in the electronic form. In the future, this project will also assist in organizing other meetings and proposing applicable suggestions.In the process to apply for licenses of both recycling and processing industries, there are often several problems will meet. The other purpose of this project is to provide consultation for both industries and EPBs to remove these difficult. The grand total completed processing land legalization reply consultation telephone 16 cases, and collected to puts land legalization achieved progress 676 work. Moreover finished making the land legalization information homepage to provide pipelines for industries. 095 基管會 晶淨科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1775
南投縣政府環境保護局 九十五年度「小黑蚊重點防治區計畫」 本計畫在南投縣鹿谷鄉、中寮鄉、草屯鎮、竹山鎮、魚池鄉、埔里鎮等六鄉鎮進行小黑蚊發生之調查與探勘;成、幼蟲藥效篩選試驗、並推動小黑蚊社區防治工作。小黑蚊社區防治訓練教育課程,結合社區防治教育宣導講習會,本年度舉辦八個場次。參與規劃並提供防治方案之社區為:「草屯牛屎崎社區」、「竹山社寮社區」、「埔里麒麟國小」、「中寮鄉永福社區協會」、「中寮龍眼林社區協會」、「鹿谷鄉清水村」。另外,推動觀光產業相關業者自行防治小黑蚊實務,參與自行防治計畫之業者為魚池鄉德化社一民宿業者「富豪群」。目前實際執行防治輔導之社區團體,計有社區一處:竹山鎮「竹山社寮里社區發展協會」;學校一間:「埔里鎮麒麟國小」;以及業者一家:「富豪群休閒度假民宿」。 成蟲藥劑測試結果顯示市售小黑蚊環境衛生用藥均具滅蟲效果,計測試幼蟲藥劑:Neem oil(苦煉素—苦煉種子萃取物)、益達胺(類尼古丁)、蚤蟑清(昆蟲生長調節劑)等,以及成蟲藥劑: 全菊(異治滅寧+賽酚寧+協力精)、台衛快滅蟲(賽滅寧)、克必寧(依芬寧+協力精)、治芬寧(依芬寧+治滅寧+協力精)、麥賽多(芬化利)等;效果均良好。 針對竹山鎮與鹿谷鄉小黑蚊發生猖獗之四個社區,自94年5月起進行長期之密度發生監測,數據顯示94年小黑蚊密度發生高峰在七月份,本年度則在八月份小黑蚊密度發生為該地區數年來最嚴重,其中鹿谷鄉清水村單點調查密度高達847隻。分析94年5月至95年5月小黑蚊發生與氣候因子之相關性,結果顯示溫度、降雨量、降雨日數、相對溼度等氣候因子均與小黑蚊發生有很大關聯性;惟各地複因環境條件不同,當地居民的活動與行為是否容易提供小黑蚊血源、天候因子對各地的影響亦不盡相同。 Demonstration program of biting midge control in 2006 in Nantou 095 南投縣政府環境保護局 國立中興大學昆蟲系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1787
資源回收處理體系檢討暨長期政策綱要訂定計畫 本計畫主要研究範圍乃以訂定長期性之「資源回收指導綱要計畫」為主要以作為未來資源回收制度改善之參考。為了有效達成本計畫研究目標之需求,並具體協助行政單位就目前之政策內容進行規劃,根據計畫目標及主要項目,本研究分5項個主要範圍進行研究:(1)國內基本資料現況調查的主要工作重點在於繳費業者及回收處理業者的調查訪問與分析,一方面釐清各公告項目的責任業者範圍;另一方面則進行回收處理廠商之調查,以瞭解回收量與管道行為者之相互關係;(2)資源回收成效策略研擬方面的分析,則進行和目前資源回收體系有關的制度議題政策性研究,包括廢家電與資訊項目調整合併之配套研擬、聯合櫃臺制度的簡化與配套研擬、歐盟指令如WEEE等影響、兩法合一的配套研擬、以及目前法規的全面性檢討;(3)國外資源回收體系法令運作模式的調查,包括容器材質的使用趨勢;(4)針對回收率異常或單項材質信託基金收支異常探討其成因並研擬相關之退場機制與因應對策;(5)結合上述工作要項之成果,作為擬定我國5項材質(廢電子電器及廢資物品、廢機動車輛、廢照明光源、廢乾電池及各項材質容器)長期性之資源回收指導綱要計畫之草案。在各章節除詳細具體呈現研究成果外並附有針對該議題相關之結論與建議,最後並附上研究計畫執行期間舉行之產、官、學座談會會議紀錄以供參考。 A Study of Correction for Recycling Disposal System and Constitution for Recycling Policy Guideline Guided by the principles of integrated research, this project undertakes a comprehensive review and planning of all the issues relating to the recycling and treatment of waste objects in Taiwan. The aim is to use consistent definitions and methods to correction for recycling disposal system and constitution for recycling policy guideline that should be applied to different types of waste objects and the set of evaluation mechanism of countermand of due recycle waste.The project also involves research into institutional issues, such as the impact to recycling system when announcing new and countermanding items, the effect to recycling system as applying complete sorting for general solid waste, and the update of responsible proprietors. Also the investment and analysis of recycling system is proceed.In addition to the examination of issues relating to overseas and domestic for manufacturer and recycling, which includes surveys, estimates and recommendations for solving the various problems, the research project also covers the examination overseas of containers made from different materials. Finally, based on the synthesized information through this entire project, the research team made conclusions on the recycling necessity of the 5 recycling policy guidelines and suggestions for supplementary instrument installation or recycling regulation changes in the future. Otherwise, the investigation for operating cost for recycled and treated proprietors. 095 基管會 中華經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1687
空氣品質淨化區調查評估暨後續追蹤考核專案工作計畫 (一)研究目的本委託計畫主要是對空氣品質淨化區進行調查評估暨後續追蹤考核之工作,以協助環境保護署建立完整的空氣品質淨化區體系,以改善並提昇我國的空氣品質,進而提供全國唯一優質的生活環境品質,本計畫可概分為14項工作。(二)研究工作內容、方法及結果包含下列各項:1.修定空氣品質淨化區設置申請補助辦法,並將上述資料提供環保署上網。2.空氣品質淨化區基地調查現勘與追蹤考核(1)新提報空氣品質淨化區基地之調查及評估(共完成79處基地)(2)已核定空氣品質淨化區基地之計畫執行進度進行追蹤、督導與查核(共完成87處基地)(3)已完工空氣品質淨化區之維護管理、使用情形進行追蹤、督導與查核(共完成28處基地)3.研擬提昇空氣品質淨化區之實質發展計畫4.檢討修訂「直轄市及縣市空氣品質淨化區維護或改善工作執行績效考評要點」5.辦理各縣市考評作業6.修正環境綠化育苗申請補助辦法,並將上述資料提供環保署上網。7.追蹤考核評估公有苗圃之現況並探討日後之執行方案。8.計畫相關資料建檔及網頁資料更新9.建置網路平台10.協助輔導網路平台及執行作業要點之教育訓練11.協助安排專家學者實地現勘活動12.辦理空氣品質淨化區設置及環境綠化育苗成果研討會一場13.辦理學術研討會一場14.辦理空氣品質淨化區維護管理說明會二場 Air quality purification area inventory、assessment and maintenance evaluation project. A. Project purpose: The purpose of this project is to provide administrative assistance to EPA to expand their “air quality purification area” (hereinafter called the “Aquapu Area”), system and related works, and also evaluate the planting, construction and maintenance quality in each Aquapu Area.B. Project Contents、Methods、ResultsThis project includes the following working items:1.Revise the working manual of application and subsidy for Aquapu Area, and upload such information onto EPA website.2.Aquapu Area’s site inventory and evaluation(1) Conduct inventory and assessment of newly applied Aquapu Areas (79 sites)(2) Supervise and evaluate the implementation schedule of approved Aquapu Areas (87 sites)(3) Inspect and evaluate the condition of maintenance and public use of completed sites of Aquapu Areas (28 sites)3.Draft the Physical Development Plan for the Aquapu Areas4.Review and revise the “SIP related rules and regulations for Aquapu Areas”5.Organize the SIP related field inspection and evaluation operation in each county (city).6.Revise the working manual of application and subsidy for seedlings cultivation, and upload such information onto EPA website7.Supervise and evaluate conditions of existing public nurseries, and explore potential implementation plans8.Date filing and update website information9.Establish internet platform10.Assist the setup of training programs for internet platform users and project implementation11.Assist and arrange on-site inspection activities for project-related advisors and experts12.Hold one symposium on Aquapu Area and public nursery mainly for experience exchange among all participants13.Hold one academic seminar14.Hold two maintenance/management briefings on Aquapu Areas 095 空保處 中華民國永續發展學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2100
大型垃圾焚化廠周界空氣、植物及土壤中戴奧辛含量調查計畫 木柵廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.0388 pg I-TEQ/ Nm3、2.16 與1.77 ng I-TEQ/kg。桃南廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.0976 pg I-TEQ/ Nm3、8.04 與3.49 ng I-TEQ/kg。將焚化廠各採樣點周界大氣與木柵廠、桃南廠及其他固定污染源及移動污染源煙道廢氣PCDD/Fs特徵剖面進行主要成分分析與階層群集分析,結果顯示周界大氣PCDD/Fs與各焚化廠無明顯關聯性。竹南廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.0331 pg I-TEQ/ Nm3、1.69與0.549 ng I-TEQ/kg。永康廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ濃度平均濃度分別為0.0368 pg I-TEQ/ Nm3、2.41 與0.757 ng I-TEQ/kg。由於四季採樣期間竹南廠仍在建造中,而第一、二永康廠尚未試車運轉,第三、四季採樣時永康廠始試車運轉,本年度計畫中竹南廠及永康廠為背景值之資料建立,將作為未來該廠營運後對環境影響比較之參考資料。由環保署於89年及今年(95年)針對木柵廠和桃南之調查結果顯示大氣、植物、土壤PCDD/Fs等位軌跡圖之分佈和其他固定污染源之分佈相當密切,而與木柵廠和桃南廠無明顯之相關性。由t檢定結果可知,木柵廠周界大氣PCDD/Fs濃度較六年前有下降趨勢,但周界植物和土壤PCDD/Fs含量六年前後之變化並不顯著;由於89年桃南廠周界PCDD/Fs濃度為背景值資料(89年桃南廠仍建造中),桃南廠運轉6年後,即95年桃南廠周界介質PCDD/Fs濃度(含量),經與89年之結果進行t檢定分析後,結果顯示95年桃南廠周界大氣PCDD/Fs平均濃度皆低於六年前(89年)桃南廠營運前之背景周界大氣PCDD/Fs濃度,且代表長期累積之周界土壤PCDD/Fs含量亦較六年前(89年)為低。木柵廠及桃南廠運轉6年後之周界介質PCDD/Fs濃度(含量)均有下降趨勢應是由於環保署各類污染源PCDD/Fs排放標準生效後,使得89年至95年各類污染源總PCDD/Fs排放量下降所致,且桃南廠運轉6年後並未對當地PCDD/Fs造成增加之影響。 Investigation on dioxin level of ambient air, vegetation and soil nearby large-scale municipal solid waste incinerators The mean PCDD/F concentrations in ambient air nearby Muzha, Taonan, Chunan and Yongkang municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs) are 0.0338, 0.0967, 0.0331 and 0.0368 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively. The mean PCDD/F contents in Ficus leaves nearby these three MSWIs are 2.16, 8.04, 1.69 and 2.41 pg I-TEQ/g, respectively. The mean PCDD/F contents in soil nearby these three MSWIs are 1.77, 3.49, 0.549 and 0.757 pg I-TEQ/g, respectively. By comparing the PCDD/F concentration of maximum ground concentration sampling sites, upwind sampling sites and downwind sampling sites, the distribution of the PCDD/F concentration isopleths in the atmosphere and the result of PCA and Cluster Analysis, the PCDD/F influence from MSWIs on nearby ambient air, vegetation and soil is not obvious, however, some sampling sites which are around by other stationary emission sources are found with elevated PCDD/F level.After six year’s operation, the dioxin level of ambient air, vegetation and soil nearby Muzha and Taonan MSWI still maintain in the same level. By analyses with the t test, there is no significant difference on the dioxin level after six years operation. 095 空保處 第二科 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1571
工業區專用下水道系統操作及營運管理自動監測系統之研發計畫 面對人類永續發展與水資源永續利用之需求,透過廢水處理系統的自動化與最佳化來提升廢水處理之穩定性、效率及效益,已成為必然的趨勢。開發光學非接觸式線上即時廢水水質與水量監測系統,其具有快速量測、不需外加藥劑、不干擾處理系統等優點,可有效解決及改善傳統量測或實驗分析所面臨之問題,並提供資料及資訊以輔助及提升自動化處理成效。本計畫針對工業區專用下水道系統(包括污水處理廠)之廢水水質水量自動監測需求,利用光學頻譜分析及影像頻譜分析技術,以及運用商場發展較成熟之光學影像量測系統,研究開發光學非接觸式水量水質自動化監測系統。目前研究成果於流量量測方面,其應用光學影像分析量測具有良好之準確度與穩定度外,更進一步結合三角函數及迴歸模式量測方法,其平均量測誤差百分比在2.5%內,不僅提供可用即時監測之修正機制,亦可降低量測環境影響或人為影響;於進放流水質量測方面,其懸浮固體量測在進流之量測平均誤差百分比約為13.6%,而真色度量測平均誤差百分比約為20%,利用光學頻譜分析技術於廢水中之COD、SS量測,其平均誤差百分比為皆在15%內;於重金屬(鐵)進放流水量測方面,量測差值分別為0.8mg/L與0.06mg/L。對於處理系統而言,其在放流水中成分較為穩定,故誤差相對減少。利用光學頻譜分析及影像頻譜分析方法,開發光學非接觸式水量水質自動化監測系統,研究結果顯示,廢水處理系統之進放流水質及水量量測具有良好準確度,除可作為工業區專用下水道系統之廢水水質水量自動監測系統,亦可用來建立廢水處理廠操作之預警系統,以提高廢水處理效率與效益。 Develpment of Automatic Monitoring for Sewer System Operation and Management of Industrial Park This study applies the digital image analysis method to develop an effective and economical method for on-line monitoring of the wastewater flow、true color and suspended solid. Experimental results show that digital image analysis method performed not only with good accuracy and precision but also high sensitivity in the measurement of flow、true color and suspended solid..In addition, this study is mainly to set up basic spectrum database and then develop a qualitative and quantitative samples for rapidly estimating concentration approximately, and the other is to quantitative the concentration of samples accurately. Scan the absorption spectrum of wastewater, and to calculate the concentration of composition using algorithm. Experimental results show that algorithm is useful and accuracy calculate the concentration of chemical oxygen demand、suspended solid and heavy metal.This study show applies digital image method and algorithm is useful and accuracy calculate flow、true color、suspended solid、oxygen demand and heavy metal respectively. The optical monitoring technology can provide wastewater on-line、real- time and, promote the wastewater treatment plant operate. 095 永續發展室 國立中央大學育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2070
廢機動車輛回收獎勵金審核執行 中華民國因應經濟進步,工商業發達,人民生活水準之提昇,同步帶動機動車輛之使用逐年成長,帶動對於車輛汰舊換新速率也較快速,故在新車數量增加及汰舊換新時間縮短二個因素牽引下,廢機動車輛也因應年度而快速成長,然淘汰之車輛本體仍有許多物品可以資源再生,如輪胎、電池、車體等,環保署於88年以獎勵金獎勵車主報廢車體方式導入經環保署稽核認證之合法回收體系,希望提昇廢機動車輛回收之意願及妥善處理之數量,整理歷年獎勵金補助情形,顯示廢機動車輛報廢申請獎勵金,有明顯增加之趨勢。92年至95年12月回收廢機動車輛之統計結果,基管會以獎勵金方式誘使車主進行廢車回收作業,以提昇汽機車回收的量及保障、後續作業之合法性,已構成廢機動車輛申請獎勵金每年成長30~40%之效果,確實值得繼續推廣。讓我國有效推動回收再生永續經營觀念,並將觀念深植於企業及人民習慣中,同時也藉由體制之建立及稽核認證之落實可漸漸杜絕地下回收體系過去以犧牲環境換取近利之不法行為。經由資料蒐集,統計數字顯示機動車輛認證回收量中,民眾申請獎勵金之車輛佔認證車輛之比例,分別於92、93、94年,佔50%、57%、63%,逐年以7%之高成長率提昇,也再一次證明獎勵民眾報繳之管道,已成為全國認證回收廢機動車輛之主流,是以本案之工作量與重要性,審驗之敏感度也愈形重要。本計畫除受理及審核民眾申請廢機動車輛申請獎勵金作業外,同時負責回收商聯單之印製及聯繫,民眾相關事項之諮詢服務等,截至12月31日止,共完成386,166案件受理及審驗作業、35萬份聯單印製及發送、65,286通次客服電話進/出服務;專案皆以標準作業方式達成高效能服務,符合民眾期望及對本案之預期品質。 Waste Vehicles Recycle Awards Application Review and approval project Responding to the economic growth, living standard upgrade in R.O.C, which induce the vehicles growth increase, and average life of vehicles decrease. Through above two causes, the waste vehicles are increasing rapidly in last 3 years. The waste vehicles have many parts can be recycled which as tires, batteries, bodies, fuel, etc.. In 1999 EPA intended to carry out the promotion for vehicles’ owners who can give the waste vehicles to the legal recycling system, EPA established the awarding strategy. Via the incentive created 30~40% growth of annual waste vehicles delivered to the legal recycling system. Which proved the strategy fulfill the aim-waste vehicles recycle properly.According to the data collection, the statistic figures indicate the total certified waste vehicles in 2003, 2004, 2005, the source from the award application in taking part of 50%, 57%, 63% separately, which also explain the award strategy is strongly to enhance the recycling vehicles quantity. All the figures conclude this project is very important and the examination shall be held carefully and all the application IDs must be handled confidentially through the process.This project has accomplished to accept and examine 386,166 cases from jan.01 to Dec. 31. 2006. Within this period, the 350,000 manifest were printed and delivered to the certified recycle centers, 65,286 phone calls service properly handled by project call center. The task has carried out the goal to meet applicators expectation and provide very good performance. 095 基管會 第2組 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2030
臺南市95年度『營建工程管制暨空氣品質管理計畫』 為使臺南市空氣品質得以確實改善,上境科技股份有限公司(以下簡稱本公司)依據臺南市環境保護局(以下簡稱 貴局)評選須知,綜合「空氣品質管理計畫」以及「營建工程污染管制計畫」,提出『營建工程管制暨空氣品質管理計畫』(以下簡稱本計畫),其中「空氣品質管理計畫」扮演協助 貴局執行統籌管理各項空污費子計畫之角色,充分整合各項空污費計畫之執行成果及人力,並針對未來之管制方向,提出整體性之建議,以供 貴局未來推動污染減量工作之參考。本計畫自94年2月開始推動至今,陸續完成計畫預定之工作項目,其各項工作執行成果摘要如下:一、本市環境負荷與空氣品質資料分析臺南市於民國80年至95年底人口成長率平均為0.64%,呈獻逐年穩定微幅成長;車輛數亦逐年增加,其中機車與汽車成長最為顯著,民國87至95年8月間,平均成長率增加2.97%;臺南市工廠方面,自民國80年至95年底工廠家數由3405家減少至2546家,顯示其下滑趨勢,歷年來平均下滑了1.74%。由臺南市95年1月至12月之空氣品質不良站日數累計資料可知,95年度之空氣品質不良日多由臭氧所造成(臭氧33站日、粒狀物21站日),主要增加為3月時懸浮微粒增加7站日、9~11月間臭氧急增21站、懸浮微粒增加7站所致。針對本市於95年3月份發生7站日之懸浮微粒不良站日及1站日之臭氧不良站日,依據「雲嘉南地區空氣污染管制行動計畫」分析指出,臺南市3月份氣象局發布2次沙塵暴事件,觀察雲嘉南地區各測站,大部分均有不良之情形,研判應與區域性及氣候影響有關;另依過去污染物排放資料來看,臺南市VOCS僅佔11.7%、NOX佔9.1%,除高於嘉義市外,皆低於雲嘉南其他縣市排放量;顯示除氣象因素外,臺南市鄰近地區空氣污染排放量應亦有影響。若細分PSI後發現,臺南市事件日均以臭氧為主,其臭氧事件日發生率普遍較雲嘉南為高;雲嘉南地區則以粒狀物事件日居多,週期分佈不明顯,普遍而言夏季以臭氧事件日為主,冬季以粒狀物事件日為最;在PSI值分布上來看粒狀物事件日PSI值多落在50~80間,臭氧事件日PSI則大多位於0~80間。二、轄區內各類污染源污染物排放結構以環保署提供之TEDS-6.0版排放量資料庫及成長係數為基礎,並整合近年臺南市固定污染源資料庫、空污費申報資料、CEMS資料、營建工程污染管制及收費管理資訊系統及各子計畫蒐集之排放量資料等,進行臺南市空氣污染物排放清單更新。分析臺南市91~95年各污染物排放量比較之結果顯示,本市污染物排放量結構中,移動污染源產生之污染物佔全市總污染相當程度之比例,就交通部統計處資料顯示,本市的車輛數由93年的713,722輛增加至94年的741,239輛,成長3.9%,至95年統計數量為765127輛,94年至95年間再成長3.2%,另就年排放料資料顯示移動源之公路運輸污染物排放量亦有逐年增加趨勢,因此,如何管制車輛數增加及減少污染物的排放,將是本市日後最重要之課題,本市95年度已逐步進行車輛反怠速活動,據以管制移動源污染物排放問題。另95年移動源之排放量,環保署釋出之TEDS6.0版於移動源排放係數進行更新後,各物種相關係數有顯著之提高,排放量計算後相較歷年更趨完整,未來於移動源污染排放分析之完整及合理性將可進行進一步之掌握。三、依空品預報執行劣化通報,以修訂應變作業程序環保署預報臺南市空氣品質不良而實際產生PSI>100事件日比率約為25.42%,其中O3預測準確性23.52%,PM10預測準確性22%,一方面可能原因為預報系統無法精準預測空品不良日之發生,另一方面或許可說是雲嘉南各縣市進行劣化通報緊急應變有其一定之控制效果。然未有預報不良反而發生PSI>100事件日佔所有空品不良站日數之比例達11.11%,顯示目前預報系統之準確性已有提升(94年度未有預報不良反而發生PSI>100事件日佔所有空品不良站日數之比例達45.5%)。臺南市執行緊急應變與實際空品不良天數,95年度1~12月共計啟動執行86天緊急應變措施,包括41天PM10及45天O3應變,實際發生空品不良(PSI>100)為32天,其中指標污染物PM1010天,O322天,總計緊急應變執行有效性為62.79%,其中PM10執行有效性75.61%,略高於O3執行有效性51.11%。四、持續檢討修正本市空氣污染防制計畫書本計畫將依據過去各子計畫執行經驗及本市特性,針對各空氣污染管制計畫(含固定污染源管制、移動污染源管制、營建工程管制、其他逸散污染源管制及其他管制研究計畫等)擬定策略,並對管制策略建議提出具體作法及量化目標,其中近程管制策略實施期程為民國95~96年,中程管制策略實施期程為民國98年,長程管制策略實施期程為民國103年後。另亦根據地方特性,定訂地方特性之目標,以加強地方重點問題改善。五、規劃追蹤本市各項空氣污染防制計畫之辦理品質成效本計畫每月召集各執行性計畫舉行月工作檢討會;每季擴大舉行季工作檢討會並邀請學者專家及相關單位共同檢討各計畫執行狀況,協助量化成果及提出改善建議;另為有效控管工作成效,本計畫針對各空污計畫每月進行相關考核工作及執行成效追蹤檢討,除書面查核,並配合現場查核,以掌握各計畫執行狀況。六、辦理 貴局空氣品質淨化區業務本計畫除協助訂定空氣品質淨化區管理考核辦法及評分標準外,並協同 貴局業務課執行各次現場查核,及配合環保署考核作業製作相關簡報資料,其中平時考核由 貴局業務課負責執行,佔總分20%,另聘請景觀、園藝及環保學者專家及 貴局主管等組成年終考核小組,實地考核空氣品質淨化區(環保公園、都會區自行車道規劃設置及道路綠美化工程等)維護管理成果,佔總分80%,並於95年3月21日、6月27日協助環保局完成1、2季考核作業。七、辦理相關空氣污染防制技術轉移會及民眾滿意度調查本計畫於民國95年6月22~23日(星期四~五),為使環保局空氣噪音防制課及其他課室同仁,瞭解環保署最新政策、95年度各項「空氣品質改善維護相關計畫」創新作法及執行成效等業務,特辦理技術移轉訓練會議,以達到專業技術進行移轉之作用。另本計畫特委託卓觀行銷顧問有限公司辦理各項空污管制之民眾滿意度調查工作,目前已完成本市20歲以上民眾對移動污染源空氣污染改善及洗掃街作業之滿意度調查,以了解民眾對環境改善之認知程度。結果顯示民眾對環境污染仍認為以空氣污染為主;主要來源為車輛所致,其中以柴油車為最;而汽機車定檢方面認知頗高,且每年定期檢測之比例亦高,達94.1%;洗掃街方面則有57.6%的民眾覺得街道洗掃作業執行後,最明顯變化為「街道揚塵減少」,所佔比例最高;另於紙錢集中燒之推動,有73.3%的民眾表示「同意」。而行政作業滿意度調查方面,主要是了解固定污染源許可證申請案件、營建工程空污費徵收案件兩部分,針對審查、現場查核人員之服務態度、辦事效率及專業性等行政作業,調查業者之滿意度。固定污染源許可證案件申請情形方面,67.7%的業者對所申請的固定污染源許可證案件,環保局的審查及核發效率感到滿意(含很滿意);對申請的固定污染源許可證案件審查意見,65.8%的業者表示對到現場查核人員的專業性感到滿意等。 Tainan City 95 yearly“Constructional Activities Control and Air Quality Management Project” In order to improve the air quality of Tainan City, the “Constructional Activities Control and Air Quality Management Project” was being executed by us (Excellent State Tech. Co., LTD) according to the demand of the Tainan City EPB. The achievements of the project have been summarized as follows:1. Background data analysisThe average population growth rate of Tainan City from 1991 to 2006 is 0.64% which had grown gradually and stably. The number of motor vehicles had increased dramatically since 1998 until 2006 whose average growth rate is 2.97%. The number of plants had decreased form 3,405 sites in 1991 to 2,546 sites in 2006, the average reduction rate is 1.74%.According to accumulated data of the days and sites whose PSI>100 from Jan. to Dec. 2006, most of PSI>100 days was caused by ozone (33 site-days for ozone and 21 site-days for PM10). The major PSI>100 days was 7 site-days increased of PM10 in Mar., and 21 site-days increased of ozone and 7 site-days increased of PM10 during Sep. to Nov..2. Air pollutants composite structure of different sourcesThe result of the comparison of the quantity of air pollutants from 2002 to 2006 reveals that the air pollutants generated by mobile sources accounts for the major proportion of Tainan City’s total air pollution. The City has been promoting the “Anti-idling activity” for motor vehicles since 2006 so as to control air pollutants of mobile sources.3. Announcement for inferior air pollution by air quality forecast and reaction SOPThe accuracy of the EPA forecasts for PSI>100 is about 25.42% per day. The accuracy of forecast for ozone is 23.52% and 22% for PM10.4. Continue to improve Air Pollution Control Plan of Tainan CityThis project is to draw up the air pollution control strategy according to the experiences of every sub-project as well as the characteristics of Tainan City; the short-term control strategic period was set to be 2006 to 2007, the med-term control strategic time is 2009 and the long-run is the year 2014.5. OthersThis project has been mainly supervised by the EPA and the Tainan City EPB, the supervisory group is composed of scholars and specialists from environment, landscape and horticulture as well as the management of Tainan City EPB.This project had done several satisfaction survey including the citizen and organization’s satisfaction on the administration. The 67.7% of Stationary Sources Discharge Permit applicants showed the satisfaction on the efficiency of permit examination and grant, and the 65.8% of Stationary Sources Discharge Permit applicants showed the satisfaction on the profession of on-site inspectors. 095 台南市環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=635
固定污染源空氣污染防制費申報資料建檔、初審、帳目核對暨分析計畫 本計畫於環保署指導下順利推動空污費徵收作業,完成諮詢服務窗口之建置提供多元化便民服務,並辦理11場次空污費申報作業宣導說明會。另派駐專業人力執行空氣污染防制費申報資料建檔、初審、帳目核對暨分析作業,充分達成精省行政資源、簡化徵收作業,彰顯政府施政效能之目標。本計畫迄今共受理四季空污費申報案件建檔初審作業計21,271件,其中包括採書面申報方式13,785件及網路申報方式7,486件,統計本年度全國平均到繳率達98.2%,實收金額為1,448,099千元。為維護徵收制度之公平性,本計畫協助各縣市加強辦理催繳作業,配合本計畫建置之「空污費申報管理系統」即時篩選各季尚未申報之公私場所名單,協助地方環保局執行催繳作業,並依據收費辦法之規定篩選各季空污費指定查核名單共4,636件轉由查核單位進行複審現勘作業,以確保申報資料之正確性。此外,考量現階段臭氧為我國空氣品質不良指標污染物,為有效減緩臭氧污染,加速氮氧化物減量,遂調整空污費費率機制,參考國外先進國家依「排放量分級收費」之成功經驗進行制度規劃,期經由費率調整,有效改善臭氧污染現況,促使業者逐步降低污染物之排放,避免環境品質持續惡化。本計畫延續歷年執行之成功經驗,執行空污費電腦系統維護暨功能擴充,提供業者網路申報服務,除大幅縮短申報作業時間,並有效降低費額計算錯誤之人為疏失提高申報正確率。此外並結合電子數位化網路查詢網站,相關業務參辦可透過管理權限,查詢、下載各項申報資料及最新統計數據,提昇催繳作業效能,實現資訊公開及資源共享之目標。 The Data Establishment, Primary Review, Account Verification and Analytic Plan of Stationary Source Air Pollution Control Fee Declaration The project teams, under the supervision of the Environmental Protection Administration, have successfully implemented the air pollution control fee declaration, completed the establishment of consulting service offices to provide diversified convenient services to the people, and organized eleven air pollution control fee declaration promotional seminars. Moreover, experienced air pollution control fees evaluation engineers were stationed to execute the data establishment, primary review, account verification, and analysis of the air pollution control fee declaration for public and private institutes, thereby fully achieving the downsizing of administrative resources, simplifying the declaration procedures, and showing the administrative performance of the government. Up to date, this plan has accepted a total number of 21,271 applications for the data establishment and primary review of air pollution control fee declaration for four quarters (one year.) Among them, 13,785 applications were filed by written documentation whereas 7,486 applications were filed by the Internet. The annual average collection rate reaches 98.2%, and the premium collected is NT$ 1,448,099 thousands. In order to put the levy system into practice, this project teams assist different counties and cities with the consolidation of payment reminder operations. Moreover, the “Air Pollution Fee Declaration Management System” established by this plan immediately screened a list of both public and private institutes that have not yet declared the fees, thereby assisting the Environmental Protection Administration with the execution of the payment reminder operations. Moreover, pursuant to the stipulations governing the procedures for payment collection, a total number of 4,636 cases for different quarters were screened for the designated air pollution fee audit list, which was then transferred to the audit units for re-examination, to ensure the accuracy of the filing data. In addition to this, ozone is the current national index pollutant for poor air quality. To alleviate ozone pollution and accelerate NOx reduction, air pollution control fee rate system was adjusted with reference to the successful experience from advanced nations in “progressive emission charge system”. It is expected to effectively improve current ozone pollution, reduce pollutant emission from the industry and stop environment quality worsening.This project has continued the successful experiences achieved in the previous years by implementing the maintenance and functionality expansion of the air pollution control fee computerization system and providing service stationary air pollution sources with electronic filing services over the Internet. Therefore, this can greatly shorten the declaration time, effectively reduce fee calculation errors, and increase declaration accuracy. Also, assisted by the E-query website, related services can be managed by digital rights management, information query, and downloading of declaration information and updated statistics. Also, payment reminder services are enhanced. In summary, the purpose of this project is to achieve freedom of information and sharing of resources. 095 空保處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1695
95年臺中縣逸散面源及營建工程污染管制計畫 台灣地區近年隨著工商業的快速蓬勃發展,國民所得已有大幅度提高,相對生活品質亦不斷提昇,促使各式各樣的營建工程如火如荼的展開,然而伴隨著各類型營建工程所帶來對環境的衝擊亦日漸擴大,所產生的噪音、粉塵逸散、水污染和施工期間大量的砂石、固體廢棄物之任意堆放及運送不當等。這些污染所涵蓋的範圍相當廣泛,不但有礙觀瞻,對生活環境品質亦帶來嚴重的負面影響。臺中縣轄內烏日高鐵興建工程及建築工程等影響,境內營建工地四處可見,嚴重影響附近空氣品質。再加上目前中部科學園區正積極發展,故縣境內諸多區域開發工程正在施工中。然由於營建工程含蓋範圍廣泛,作業項目繁多,需經歷各種不同的施工階段方能完成,故營建工程因施工所產生公害種類很多,包括噪音振動、空氣污染、水污染、惡臭、土壤污染、地層下陷及廢棄物污染等問題,其中以營建工程所涉及土、石、砂等材料所造成逸散性粉塵污染,更是環保單位加強管制之重點。一般營建工程空氣污染物發生源接近地表,不易向大氣環境擴散,將直接侵害周圍住戶而嚴重影響身體健康,同時煙、粉塵發生狀況會導致視覺障礙而影響情緒。因此民國91 年6 月19 日修正公告「空氣污染防制法」第31 條即明確宣示在各級防制區及總量管制區內,不得有下列行為:從事營建工程、粉粒狀物堆置、運送工程材料、廢棄物或其他工事而無適當防制措施,致引起塵土飛揚或污染空氣。有鑑於此,臺中縣環境保護局為能落實縣內及加強營建工地之空氣污染管制及相關法令之宣導特於民國九十五年度繼續執行『逸散面源及營建工程污染管制計畫』,期使能有效管制逸散面源及營建工程之污染,以減少空氣污染並改善環境品質。 095 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=73
九十五年度桃園縣地下水水質監測計畫 本計畫主要執行桃園縣地下水污染調查監測相關工作,建立該縣及地下水資訊管理系統,以確實掌握本縣之地下水品質,提出必要之因應措施,杜絕污染惡化,藉以達成土地賡續利用及維護人民健康之目標。本計畫之主要目標為地下水井水質監測工作,希望藉由本監測計畫達成下列目標:一、定期監測轄區內地下水監測井,建立完善桃園縣地下水監測資料。二、針對桃園地區地下水水質進行監測,發揮地下水質變異之預警功能,以防微杜漸,掌握污染處理時機。本計畫主要為地下水質監測工作,分為區域性及場置性兩種。以下茲就兩種型態之地下水監測井做結論。本次計畫針對桃園縣境內25口區域性地下水進行二次之監測,其監測數據以氨氮、鐵及錳超過監測基準需多加注意,其超過監測基準之地點於該二次調查中皆相同。 The Groundwater Monitoring Project of Tao-yuan County in 2006 095 桃園縣政府環境保護局 新野科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1347
95年度台中市推動資源回收形象改造工作計畫 環保署自94年起推行「推動資源回收形象改造工作」之政策,台中市環保局配合環保署之政策,亦積極進行各項相關工作,本年度推行形象改造工作重點包括:(1)資源回收形象改造工作資訊系統建置(2)回收商之清查列管、巡查及輔導改善(3)資源回收個體業者輔導與協助回收工作(4)協助及輔導設置資源回收點(5)資源回收形象改造宣導工作等,希望藉由本計畫各項工作事務之推行,能將台中市資源回收工作之成果再更向上提升。 The Working Project of Boosting the Environmental Concerning & Image Transforning at Taichung City 095 台中市環境保護局 上浩工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1373
水質淨化生態工程/現地處理網頁製作計畫 行政院環境保護署為順應環境永續發展潮流, 應用生態工程淨化河川溪流水體水質, 並加速河川集水區之水質、水量、生態等面向整合, 以落實環境保護與保育的目的。環保署補助各地方政府辦理自然淨化工程改善水質, 場址已達5 0 處以上, 而近年調查評估結果, 其水質處理成效逐年增加, 相較於傳統環境工程之污水處理, 所花費的成本低廉, 卻可得到相同或更佳的效果。因此, 環保署為推廣水質淨化生態工程, 選擇2 0 處人工溼地、現地處理場址, 透過本案執行完成2 1 處場址之地面拍攝與2 0 處場址之空中拍攝作業, 全部場址實際拍攝完成地面拍攝照片總數超過10 0 0 張, 空拍照片總數超過1 4 0 0 張, 同時完成2 處場址之宣導短片製作, 使用拍攝之照片設計以及2 0 0 8 年年曆設計完稿, 最後, 綜合前述各項成果, 再將案例之基本資料、處理單元、生態與人文、淨化成效等圖說照片資料整理, 透過網頁的建置, 以生動活潑的方式來強調水質淨化生態工程之生態及水質的功能與效益, 供社會大計畫成果中英文摘 要【簡要版】-2眾瀏覽、查詢, 達到宣導與教育的目的, 展現政府施政績效, 達到持續推動現地處理之目標。 Web site implementation for water purifying engineering/on site treatment To accommodate the tendency towards sustainable development ,Environmental Protection Administration applies ecologicalengineering to clean up the water of rivers and streams as well asaccelerate the integration of water ecological, quality and quantityin watershed so that the goal of environmental protection ispracticable. Environmental Protection Administration subsidizeslocal governments to process natural clarification over 50 sites.According to recent assessment, the effects increases year by year,and compared with traditional sewage t reatment , t he cost i s l ess andthe result is the same or better.Accordingly, Environmental Protection Administration chooses20 artificial wetland and processing sites to popularize water qualityclarification. They take pictures from ground as well as high up inthe air, then pick 2 sites to make short guidance film. The basicinformation, treatment uni t , ecological environment , culture, andclari fication effects of the cases are sorted. They emphasize thebenefits and functions of natural clarification in graphical and livelyway through the construction of the website. It provides the public amethod to view and inquire so the goal of education and guidance isachieved. In addition, the photos is also used to design the monthlycalendar of next year. 095 水保處 千一科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1828
應回收廢棄物稽核認證作業管理暨制度檢討精進計畫 本計畫主要係協助環保署針對現行之稽核認證制度提出檢討及改善對策,據以作為提升整體稽核認證作業及環保署政策執行規劃之參考依據。本計畫針對現行稽核認證制度及作業程序進行具體檢討,並參採國外相關回收處理量驗證制度,據以研提短、中長程規劃改善方案;短程規劃重點係以不涉及變更廢棄物清理法之方式進行調整,針對可立即改善之簡化作業程序、統合稽核認證作業手冊、標案整併及研擬應回收廢棄物進廠認定圖鑑集等進行規劃,另中長程改善方案係以提升受補貼機構自主管理及稽核認證效率為目標,並規劃分級管理制度、電子化申報作業及網路化遠端監控等方案,惟中程乃係針對各改善方案進行前置作業,包含受補貼機構分級管理作業、各類稽核認證表單整合及設計、攝錄監控設備及系統之建置等,其中分級管理部份,將業者主動參與納為重要機制之一,而自主化申報,期將現行人工查核及書面往來之繁複作業,據以簡化。本計畫另完成輔導8縣市已登記回收業計有95.59%符合各類應回收廢棄物回收貯存清除處理方法及設施標準、完成協助監督稽核認證團體執行稽核認證作業每月4場次及完成受補貼機構衍生廢棄物流向追蹤等輔導查核作業每月2場次。 Improvement Plan on Management Process and Scheme Evaluation of Due Recycled Wastes Audit and Verification This plan is mainly to help the Environmental Protection Administration to propose making a self-criticism and improving the countermeasure to the current checking approval procedure, in order to be regarded as and improved and auditted the authentication homework and reference basis of carrying out planning of administration's policy of environmental protection wholly.This plan, to auditting the approval procedure and operation procedure to examine currently concretely. And consult and adopt inspection in foreign countries and certification institution, regard as grind and carry on short, medium and long term plan for improvewment.The key point of the short term plan is the adjustment without any change to Waste Disposal Act. It’s aimed at simplification in procedure, mergence of the Promulgated Inspection and Certification Operation Manual and inspection and certification plan. Also, the regulated recyclable waste acceptable standard and inadmissible illustrated handbook are planned as well.The target for the medium and long term plan is about rising up the initiatively administrable institution and inspection and certification efficiency certification efficiency for the subsidized organization;also the plan about the gradational administrable institution, electronization report institution and online control institution. The medium-term plan is the pre-work for all the reforming proposal;including the administrational work for all the subvention organization, the integration and design of all the inspection forms, and the establishment of CCTV.For the classified management section, the initiative partipication form the dealer is included as one of the important issues;and hope that e-application will simplify the inextricable paper work and manual inspection.This plan also completes councelling the registered recycling and disposal organization and 95.59% of them are reached to the methods and facilities standards for the storage, clearance and disposal of regulated recyclable waste. Also, the supervision has completed to make sure the inspection and certification organization carrying out the inspection work 4 times every mouth and also inspection about tracking the derivative waste for all the subvention organization twice a month. 095 基管會 晶淨科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1369
95年度再生資源再使用及再生利用推廣計畫 本計畫爲協助環保署研擬公告再生資源再使用/再生利用項目,訂定再生產品之使用規定/規格及其國家標準,並輔導再使用及再生利用業者提昇技術及產品推廣。在研擬公告再生資源再使用/再生利用項目方面,其成果如下:1. 研擬十項再生資源再使用項目公告草案。包括:木材棧板、塑膠棧板、金屬棧板、紙棧板、電纜線鐵捲軸、太空袋、肥料包裝袋、活性碳、五十加侖(含)以上之工業用鐵桶及五十加侖(含)以上之工業用塑膠桶。2. 協助環保署舉辦再使用之再生資源項目及管理方式草案研商會議。訂定再生產品之使用規定/規格及其國家標準方面,其成果如下:1. 針對符合再生產品定義之國家標準進行調查,判定可能符合再生產品定義之相關國家標準共有2,173項,並以此範圍進行分析,其結果可做為相關再生產品國家標準之對照。2. 提出「木材、塑膠再生複合材」國家標準制定建議,做為未來相關再生產品制定國家標準參考之依據。輔導再使用及再生利用業者提昇技術及產品推廣方面,其成果如下:1. 建立諮詢輔導之作業流程2. 辦理再生資源再生利用法規輔導講習說明會兩場3. 辦理再生資源再生利用業者網路申報輔導講習說明會兩場 The 2006 Project of the Promotion of Renewable Resource Reuse and Recycling There are three main goals of this project: (A) Studying the potential “reuse and recycling renewable resources items” in order to support EPA to promote resources reuse and recycling and to strengthen the recycling markets; (B) Proposing relating regulatory requirements and national standards;(C) Providing consulting service to recycling business in technology improvement and market promotion. In goal (A), this project makes progress in two aspects:1. completing the regulatory proposal for ten “reuse and recycling renewable resources items;” these ten items are: wood pallets, plastic pallets, metal pallets, paper pallets, electric cord and cable reels, bulk bags, fertilizer bags, activated charcoal, metal buckets bigger than 50 gallons(including) for industrial uses, and plastic buckets bigger than 50 gallons(including) for industrial uses; 2. organizing the public discussion meeting of the regulatory proposal of these ten “reuse and recycling renewable resources items” on May 29, 2007.In goal (B), this project achieves the following results.1. This project analyzes the current national standards and finds that there are 2173 items meet the definitions of recycling product。 We also make some suggestions for EPA:a. If a new recycling standard is issued by developed countries, such as U.S., Japan, or European countries, and the product is successfully sold in the market without safety concerns, we suggest to introduce such standard into Taiwan in order to reduce the gaps between Taiwan and the global recycling markets.b. We suggest to establish more national standards in the areas of construction materials in order to meet the international trends in “green construction.”c. Because the current green labeling issuing by governments is still lack of the basis of mother laws, we suggest to establish a new law in this direction to provide strongerlegal supports in promoting recycling products. d. We suggest to provide clear requirements and labeling for recycling products, so the public can easily distinguish whether a product is “environment-friendly,“ and it will help to promote the image of those companies producing recycling products. 2. Based on the requirements of Japan national standard JIS A 5741:2006 Wood-plastic recycled composite, we also introduce a similar draft proposal of wood-plastic recycled composite for Taiwan’s national standard.In goal (C), this project not only provides consulting service to recycling and manufacturing companies but also completes a operation procedures for company consulting. In addition, this project also organizes 4 conferences for recycling related companies in legal requirement consulting and inter-net reporting system consulting. 095 廢管處 饒河管理顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1273
95年度推動環保標章及第二類環境保護產品專案工作計畫案 環保標章是國際性活動,被視為一種利用市場機能,鼓勵企業改善產品環保績效的經濟工具,也是推廣綠色消費運動的一種重要手段。依據國際標準組織(ISO)所公告之ISO 14024標準之定義,第一類環保標章是自發性、多重準則、經第三者驗證之計畫。對於在某類產品項目(product category)中,具有整體環境優越性(overall environmental preferability)之產品,頒發專用之標章。使用專用標章之目的在強調「獲得標章的產品是最優良的產品,消費者看到標章即可安心購買」。行政院環境保護署於1992年8月訂頒「環保標章推動使用作業要點」,促成我國環保標章制度於1993年中之正式推出。此制度鼓勵消費者採購具有可回收、低污染及省資源等環保特性之產品,並使得政府機關在採購綠色產品時,具有明確之優先選擇項目。環保標章計畫實施至今已經十四年,已開放99項產品規格標準以供申請,分為低污染、可回收及省資源等三大項目。至2005年的12月為止,計有3303件產品獲頒標章,標章的使用總枚數則超過48億枚,估計價值超過720億元。 Promotion of GreenMark Ecolabelling Program and Certification of Type II Environmentally Preferrable Products Environmental labeling is an international activity. It is considered an economic instrument to encourage the industries to improve their environmental performance and an important measure to promote green consumption. Based on the ISO 14024 standard、Type I environmental labeling is a voluntary program with multiple requirements and third-party certification. Type I program gives a patented logo to product (including services) proved to have an overall environmental preferability. The use of a patented logo gives out the notion to the general consumers that 「These labeled products are the best green products within a specific product category. Therefore you may choose them without doubt.」The Environmental Protection Administration started the Green Mark program in Taiwan in August 1992 and finalized the procedures in the end of 1993. The Environment and Development Foundation (EDF) had been the certification body of this program since then. Up until now、there are 99 product criteria developed and published for application. These criteria may be categorized into three major groups: Low pollution、resource-saving and recyclable. There are a total of 3303 labeled products and the number of logo use has already exceeded 4.8 billion which is equivalent to an estimated production value of more than 72 billion NT. 095 管考處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2130
電動機車維修服務專案工作計畫 本計畫主要在繼續協助接受補助購買電動機車的民眾能繼續使用電動機車及協助其處理電動機車在使用上的相關事宜,協調廠商和零組件供應商能提供電動機車使用者良好的使用環境,本年度並增加了對市場上現有輕型電動機車的使用現況與電動機車之資源共通性進行調查,期能藉由此調查,了解目前電動機車產業的狀況,作為環保署未來政策推動的參考和依據 The electric scooter repair and maintain system project This plan mainly in continue the populace which assists to accept the subsidy purchase electric scooter to be able to continue to use the electric scooter and to assist its processing electric scooter in use related matters concerned. The coordinated merchant and the part and component supplier can provide the electric scooter user's good use environment, This year increased existing light electric scooter of resources of commonness use present situation and electric scooter carries on the investigation to the market in, The time can affiliate from this the investigation, It helped EPA to understand present electric scooter industry condition for EPA future policy impetus reference and basis. 095 空保處 工研院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2010
固定污染源整體管制策略及制度檢討強化、溫室氣體排放減量規劃及資訊系統更新維護計畫 本計畫分為四大重點包括:1.檢討修訂現行法規制度。2.執行技術工具提昇。3.提升地方環保單位管制作業執行技術及品質。4.中央及地方績效成果整合。檢討修正法規制度部分,本計畫今年共協助完成惡臭污染物相關管制法規,包括臭味緩衝區標準劃定及臭味管道標準修正、「連續自動監測設施管理辦法」修正、「檢查鑑定公私場所空氣污染物排放狀況之採樣設施規範」修正草案、空污法處分條文修正草案、「固定污染源設置及操作許可證管理辦法」修正及新增五種行業製程最佳可行控制技術(BACT)。執行技術工具提昇部分,完成空氣污染防制設備操作查核技術手冊、許可審核及排放量檢測指引手冊、完成固定源整合查詢系統(OLAP)、建立CEMS月報整合傳輸系統、建置整合申報管制作業系統、修改及擴充許可電子化申請及審查系統功能等項目。提升地方環保單位執行品質部份,除協助規劃96年固定污染源執行重點管制工作外,並藉由辦理50小時執行技術講習會、執行230家現場抽查作業,提出許可制度、排放量申報制度等管制工作檢討及改善建議,有效提升縣市管制工作執行品質。中央及地方績效整合部分,依空保處各項專案計畫所提交之績效指標及環保署自提目標進行評估,並配合減量、法規研訂及工作量等績效評估目標達成性,並參考政府其他機關年報之編撰格式,以圖文並茂方式展現固定源之年度成果。 Project for Stationary Source Management Strategy enhancement, Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Planning, and Enhancement of Database Application System There are four focuses in this project, including 1) revising regulation 2)improving execution tools 3) promoting the performance quality of EPBs and 4)integrating effect of EPA and EPBs. The first section is revising 7 regulations about odor, CEMs, pollutant sampling, permit , penalty and BACT. The 7 draft regulation can supports EPA to amende enforcement problems.The secend section is compiling the handbook about auditing of control equipment, permit application and emission register. The other thing is enhancing stationary sources control and management database system, The project accomplish management data OLAP, monthly report of CEMs transport system and enlarge e-permit system.The third section is mapping out EPBs FY96 work, holding 50hr training courses and auditing 230 factorys. That administer to improve EPBs result of stationary sources control.The forth section is integrating all plans efforts of EPA and EPBs. According to emission reduce and inspection amount evaluate achievement of objective. Then helps EPA to publish an annual report to present government contribution. 095 空保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1351
垃圾掩埋場總體檢委託專案工作計畫 本計畫為調查全國現有的垃圾掩埋場,瞭解目前使用現況及復育後的成效與否,因此針對自西元1985年後所設立的垃圾掩埋場全面展開總體檢,藉由體檢作業之執行,瞭解可能缺失,以供作建立垃圾掩埋場完善營運與管理之依據。主要工作包括垃圾掩埋場基本資料蒐集建置、營運管理現況體檢作業、蒐集垃圾處理計畫及研擬設施政策,以及相關工作會議召開等工作。 在基本資料蒐集建置工作方面,所蒐集建檔之全國掩埋場基本資料計有537座,並完成系統資料庫開發。 在掩埋場營運管理現況體檢工作方面,包括完成專業技師體檢營運中掩埋場計145座,其中邀請專家學者會同辦理體檢工作計60人次(30座),並針對缺失提出改善建議;完成上、下游地下水監測井採樣檢測計100場次;完成體檢作業影像紀錄光碟50片。 在蒐集垃圾處理計畫及研擬設施政策工作方面,包括蒐集歷年垃圾處理計畫內容及執行成果,並研析各地方未來十年最適化垃圾處理方式。 在相關工作會議召開工作方面,包括辦理1場前置作業說明會議及北、中、南、東4場成果諮詢說明會議,每場出席人數皆達80人以上。 Grand inspection of nationwide landfill sites This project inspected presently existing landfill sites throughout the nation to understand the condition of utilization and remediation. A grand inspection of landfill sites constructed since 1985 was carried out to discover any possible deficiency for future operation and management reference. Scope of work included the collection of basic data and current operation and management condition, waste treatment plans from all landfill sites for policy planning and relevant meetings. Regarding basic data collection, a total of 537 landfill sites data has been established and a system databank was built. Regarding landfill sites operation and management inspection, a total of 145 landfill sites has been inspected by professional engineers. A total of 60 professionals were invited to participate in the inspection of 30 landfill sites and gave comments to improve deficiency. A total of 100 groundwater monitoring wells has been sampled for analysis. Photos of the grand inspection were recorded into 50 CDs. Regarding collection of waste treatment plans and policy planning, the project collected past years waste treatment plans and implementation results for analysis of past 10 years best waste treatment methodologies at different sites. Regarding relevant meetings, the project completed 1 pre-investigation workshop meeting and 4 investigation results consultation workshop meetings respectively at the north, the central, the south and the east with at least 80 persons attended at each meeting. 095 督察總隊 惠元環境資源股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1765
「應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢塑膠容器類)」專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)依「廢棄物清理法」第十八條第二項規定,訂定「應回收廢棄物稽核認證作業辦法」,以辦理應回收廢棄物之回收處理量稽核認證,作為環保署資源回收管理基金管理委員會支付受補貼機構補貼費之依據。台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司(以下簡稱本公司)執行本計畫廢塑膠容器類稽核認證工作,針對民國95 年4 月至96 年3 月期間之17 家受補貼機構進行廢塑膠容器類回收/處理量之稽核認證作業,共計稽核認證廢塑膠總回收量173,658,676 公斤,處理量171,693,322 公斤;不符合品管作業規定遭扣量為1,910,017 公斤,防止溢領補貼費用達新台幣11,074,775 元,對於健全資源回收體系有正面的意義。本公司於95 年4 月至96 年3 月間,共執行會計稽核213 次、環安衛稽核204 次、作業程序稽核2,524 次、CCTV 監視系統查核時數63,823 小時,其中,稽核認證作業發生之異常狀況共計55 件,主要異常為雜質或認證物品異常與不良現象。此外,為瞭解廢塑膠容器類上游商品製造業者繳費之容器數量與下游受補貼機構回收廢容器數量之關係,配合環保署要求,分二次完成18 顆PVC 瓶磚之逐一檢視及廠牌分類計畫;另為瞭解受補貼機構再生料再利用情形及衍生廢棄物妥善處置,本公司完成衍生物流向追蹤查核59 場次,查核結果正常。為了因應相關法令要求並將不合現況之規範予以修正,本公司提供環保署執行稽核認證作業改善方向及具體建議,作為相關法規及手冊修訂之參考,並於96 年4 月1 日順利公告修正之作業手冊,以提昇稽核認證執行效率及品質。最後,本公司分別針對受補貼機構管理問題及資源回收體系現況分別予以說明及提供建議事項,作為環保署日後修正及研擬相關政策及法規之參考。例如針對PVC 再生料銷售通路、回收業者登記、公告或新引進之材質無法有效處理、及受補貼機構環安衛問題等4 方面提出建議,再者針對廢標籤再利用管理、CCTV 設備維護、廢塑膠容器受補貼機構產業特性問題等3 方面說明現況,詳細內容見本文。以上有關受補貼機構現場管理問題及資源回收體系現況,本公司將以稽核認證團體角度於環保署監督之下,持續觀察及追蹤現有問題及改善措施 ,隨時提供環保署最新資訊,共同提升資源回收體系品質。 The Third-party Inspection and Certification on Waste Plastic Conatiners Executive Yuan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) promulgated“Recyclable Waste Auditing and Certification Regulation” based on Article 18,paragraph 2 of “Waste Disposal Act”. EPA Recycling Fund Management Committeeis in accordance with the audited and certificated amount by auditing and certificationgroup to subsidy the subsidized organizations. TUV Reinland Taiwan Ltd. (TUV)was entrusted by Taiwan EPA to implement the project “ The Third-party Auditing andCertification on Obligated Recyclable Waste Plastic Containers”, from April 01, 2006to March 31, 2007. Seventeen subsidized organizations were audited and certificatedduring this period. The collected and treated amounts of Waste Plastic Containerswere 173,658,676 kilograms and 171,693,322 kilograms, respectively. TUV auditingand certification team found 1,910,017 kilograms of impurity and prevented to oversubsidy of 11,074,775 NT dollars from Management Committee’s issuance tosubsidized organizations. It was positive for waste recycling auditing and certificationsystem.TUV executed 213 times of accounting audit and inventory check, 204 times ofenvironment-safety-health audit, 2,524 times of facility check, 63,823 hours of CCTVmonitoring check in the project. The total results of major deviation and abnormalevents found through regular/irregular inspections and audits were 55, mainly including impurity of incoming shipments, as well as abnormal certified quantity. For betterunderstanding and management on the type of PVC plastic containers, TUV hadaccomplished a special program by providing the service on “bottle-to-bottle countinginspection” for EPA on 2 times of 2006. To enhance the control mechanism andassure the proper treatment/disposal on wastes, TUV had accomplished 59 times ofoutside inspection program of “Derivative wastes tracking”.In accordance with the current situation and problems found, TUV had not onlyprovided concrete solutions for improvement, but also proposed several programs andrecommendations for enhancing the auditing and certification efficiency and modify“The Operational Manual”, which was announced on April 1, 2007.Last, TUV provides several recommendations based on the management experienceon recycling plants and current situation of recycling system. Recommendationsinclude PVC derivatives down stream market analysis, collector registration, treatmentproblem in new announced obliged materials and environmental/health/safety issues.Those recommendations can, in the future, help EPA to come up with concrete policiesand regulation revisions. More, TUV also focuses on recycling analysis of PVC label,CCTV maintenances, business feature studying of plastic container recycling plant anddeveloped solid solutions. Details please refer to the following chapters.TUV has been continuously providing the latest information of recycling systemand current status of each recycling plant. In order to increase the operation quality ofrecycling system, as a qualified certification body under EPA’s supervision, TUV willfollow up the existing problems and improvement actions and feedback the instantoperation results to EPA. 095 基管會 台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1577
95年度推動全國水肥妥善清理計畫 本年度(95)本計畫依工作要求完成相關工作成果,簡要說明如下:1.針對有處理設施之5個縣市台北市、新竹市、台中市、台南市及高雄市進行問卷調查作業,期望藉由問卷資料分析取得較可靠的清除量資料。2.本計畫推動至今,各水肥清除業者(許可項目D-0104水肥或糞尿等廢棄物)由682家成長至770家,共增加88家;甲級略減1 家,而乙級由411家成長至445家,共增加34家;丙級由231家成長至286家,共增加55家。3.本計畫今年度共現勘了11處水肥(替代)處理設施,包含5處既有水肥廠(含投入站) :台北市迪化水肥投入站、新竹市水肥處理廠、台中市水肥處理廠、台南市水肥處理廠、高雄市水肥處理廠;2處營運中替代設施:基隆市天外天掩埋場水肥轉運站、彰濱工業區污水處理廠;3處近期內可使用之替代設施:湖口工業區污水處理廠、台南縣安定滲出水處理廠、宜蘭縣壯圍污水處理廠水肥投入站;1處評估中設施:台中縣大里工業區污水處理廠。4.國內僅有既有之5座水肥處理廠,經過一年的努力持續宣導推動的結果,本年度新增處理設施包括3座污水處理廠水肥投入站(宜蘭縣壯圍、桃園縣林口南區、大樹下水道污水廠),6座工業區污水處理廠投入站(新竹縣湖口、台中縣大里、彰化縣彰濱工業區線西污水廠、芳苑工業區污水廠、高雄縣仁武、大社工業區污水廠),3座滲出水處理廠水肥處理設施(嘉義縣水上鹿草、台南縣安定、屏東縣大寮)及台中市擴建水肥投入站,明顯各縣市已針對水肥處理設施積極爭取設置。5.為解決水肥處理設施不足、清運路線遠與清除處理成本高的問題,可於農業縣或偏遠鄉鎮的既有掩埋場補助設置符合法規要求的水肥加熱、腐熟與消毒設備,水肥經處理後可提供作為農地再利用用途。6.建置「全國各縣市水肥妥善清理推動計畫管考系統」,各縣市提報計畫內容與工作事項規劃進度,並由承辦人員每季填報執行成果,藉以追蹤各縣市水肥清理推動計畫之執行進度,並建立環境地理資訊系統,提供各縣市替代設施相關資料參考。7.於台北縣、基隆市、新竹縣、彰化縣及台南縣分別舉辦4場次教育宣導說明會,落實水肥清運業者正確清理觀念。8.於南區環保科技園區辦理1場次成效檢討會,邀請各縣市分享水肥妥善清理推動經驗。 The promotion plan for night-soil appropriate treatment The work items completed for this project in this year (2006) are briefly summarized as followings:1.Surveys have been conducted in regions having treatment facilities including Taipei City, Hsinchu City, Tainan City and Kaohsiung City. The purpose of the survey is to obtain more reliable information about the treatment capacity from analyzing the data collected.2.Since the implementation of this project, the total human waste treatment/cleaning companies (approved item: D-104 for human waste) have increased from 682 to 770 that is an addition of 88 companies. Among those, the number of class A companies have reduced to one less, the number of class B companies have changed from 411 to 445 (an addition of 34 companies), and class C companies have changed from 231 to 286 (an addition of 55 companies).3.We have inspected 11 human waste (substitute) treatment facilities including 5 existing human waste disposal companies (including dumping stations). They are Dihua Taipei human waste dumping station, Hsinchu City human waste treatment facility, Taichung City human waste treatment facility, Tainan City human waste treatment facility, Kaohsiung City human waste treatment facility, 2 operating substitution facilities (Keelung City disposal site human waste transfer post, Chuanghua Industrial Park waste water treatment facility), 3 under-testing substitution facilities (Hukou Industrial Park waste water treatment facility, Anding of Tainan County leach-out water treatment facility, Chuang-Wei of Yilan County waste water treatment facility & human waste dumping station), and 1 under-evaluating facility (Dali Industrial Park Taichung County waste water treatment facility).4.There are only 5 human waste treatment facilities in Taiwan. However, after one year of endeavor and continuous promotion, many new facilities have been built for operation which include 3 human waste dumping stations & treatment facilities (Chuang-Wei Yilan County, Southern District Lincou in Taoyuan County, Dashu Sewage treatment facility), 6 industrial waste water dumping stations & treatment facilities (Hukou of Hsinchu County, Dali of Taichung County, Hsienhsi Industrial Park in Changhua County waste water treatment facility, Fangyuan Industrial Park waste water treatment facility, Jenwu of Kaohsiung County, Tashe Industrial Park waste water treatment), 3 leach-out water & human waste treatment facilities (Lutsau Shueishang of Chiayi County, Anding of Tainan County, Daliau of Pingtung County), Taichung City expanded human waste dumping station. It is obvious that counties or cities nationwide are striving to build more human waste treatment facilities.5.In order to solve the problem of insufficient human waste treatment facility, remote cleaning route, and high treatment cost, facilities that comply with the regulations for human waste heating, putrescence, and sterilization can be set up at the existing disposal site in agricultural counties or far-located towns. The treated human waste can be re-applied for agricultural usage.6.An auditing system for managing the human waste treatment promotion projects from counties and cities nationwide has been set up. The proposal suggested by each county or city contains project content, work items and schedule planning. The achievements for the project are reviewed and recorded each quarter in order to keep on track the progress. In addition, environmental and geological information systems have been set up as the references for substitution facilities in other counties or cities.7.Four promotional campaigns have been held in Taipei County, Keelung City, Hsinchu County, Changhua County, and Tainan County, respectively to educate the human waste treatment companies and give them correct concept about human waste treatment.8.A performance review was held at the Environmental Science & Technology Park in Southern Taiwan to invite participants from every county and city to share their experiences in promoting human waste treatment and disposal. 095 廢管處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2176
95年環保共識網路論壇 本計畫主要工作內容包括:一、篩選環保議題,二、建置共識網站,三、網路論壇討論3項議題,及四、辦理1場環保共識會議。共識網站針對3項核定議題進行跟隨討論,由1位主談教授及5位與談人共同參與,其中1題經核定後作為環保共識會議之討論議題,完成環保共識會議為本計畫最主要任務。執行本計畫需事先挑選適合的環保議題,進一步架設論壇網站開放網友對議題發表意見,每項議題超過200篇討論文章,其中第2項議題經挑選核定為共識會議的題目,題目為「您是否贊成汽機車採取總量管制?」共識會議隨機篩選20位一般非專業民眾參與,經4星期日上課討論及1日評論會議,全程參與共17名,最後完成本議題之「共識結論報告」,其主要結論為「有條件贊成管制汽機車,但亦建議配套措施營造優質交通環境。」結論報告之公佈採記者會型式,後續引起社會關注交通相關議題,成果豐碩可做為未來環保與交通政策之參考。 Environmental Consensus Internet Forum in 2006 This project could be divided as 3 major parts:(1) To select the proper environmental issues (2) To construct a web forum for these issues (3) Discuss 3 issues on the web forum、(4) To hold a environmental consensus workshop. This is the third time to hold an environmental consensus workshop in Taiwan. The purpose is to form a bottom up strategy for collecting opinions from the laypeople. For preparing the workshop、to select proper issues and construct a web site forum is necessary for better warm-up and clear focus. At the beginning of this project、many issues are discussed、then、three of then were selected as the priorities on the web forum. After assessment and approval、the 2nd issue concentrated more attentions from people who visited the web forum. Therefore、this issue titled 「Would you agree the vehicle amount control policy?」 was selected to be the issue for the consensus workshop. This workshop was held through 5 Sundays from Oct.15 to Nov.5. Seventeen laypeople attend the whole process of this workshop. After education and discussion、they finally made a conclusion report about this issue. Their main point is:「Agree vehicle amount control policy conditionally、and a complete set of vehicle policy should be accompanied.」There are several news reports related to this decision report subsequently. The issue had been getting more attention from society. The consensus workshop become a new model which not only to collect the information from laypeople but also a good reference for the government decisions. 095 永續發展室 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2104
推動全民二氧化碳減量運動暨溫室氣體減量規劃 為向全民廣為宣導二氧化碳減量之重要性,本計畫已於9月24日完成一場次之大型全民二氧化碳減量宣導活動,本次活動參與對象包含:住商部門行業及民間團體等十個單位。本計畫亦建置全民二氧化碳減量資訊網站,提供二氧化碳減量相關資訊、活動,供產業、消費者、教師、學生等不同對象之需求搜尋資訊,並有二氧化碳貢獻計算程式,供民眾試算,讓民眾了解節省電費也能減少溫室氣體排放。本計畫於5月底即開始辦理口號徵選活動與全民二氧化碳減量生活小撇步票選活動,參與口號徵選投稿件數達344件,生活小撇步票選活動累積票數更高達152,888票,活動期間透過台北捷運車廂廣告、公車車體廣告、台鐵電聯車車廂廣告、與全台各大型賣場張貼海報、發送酷卡等、「科學人」雜誌及「大家說英語」雜誌廣告、中時電子報入口網站宣導等多元化傳媒方式廣泛宣傳,提高活動之曝光度,增加民眾對於二氧化碳減量之認知度與認同感。文宣品製作部分包含:1. 生活小撇步宣導手冊,至目前為止共發行16,000份,廣發於民眾以達推廣目的。2.發行各3期之「中英文二氧化碳減量活動」電子報以及口號徵選及生活小撇步票選電子報各1期,廣發活動消息於民眾,提高民眾參與度。3. 為配合口號徵選活動與全民二氧化碳減量生活小撇步票選活動,製作海報及酷卡,提高活動能見度,並灌輸民眾二氧化碳減量觀念。本計畫蒐集研析各主要國家對於住商/交通部門之溫室氣體統計、減量策略及推動相關減量活動,蒐集的國家包括美國、加拿大、歐盟、英國、德國、日本、新加坡等。蒐集管道來自UNFCCC網站各國家所提最近一次的國家通訊、各國相關網站、研討會相關資料等。本計畫也蒐集OECD國家住商部門減量措施與策略的減量技術、Pew Center、UNDP 的能源相關課題等資訊。本計畫蒐集第二次全國能源會議、行政院推行全民二氧化碳減量暨節約能源運動專案、溫室氣體減量法(草案)等資訊,分析執行成果後建議各部會應持續推動提升全民溫室氣體認知之相關宣導活動。本計畫亦分析不同建物溫室氣體排放量資料與推估效能標準,調查的對象包括22家政府機關(縣市政府)、9家辦公大樓、350家學校(台北縣市國小)、60家知名旅館、59家大型賣場(包括百貨公司/量販店/健身房)等共計500家。問卷回收率為48%,最高者為旅館業者(30%)。18家旅館的溫室氣體排放量佔最大宗(佔47%),240家國小次之,佔20%。但這18家旅館的溫室氣體排放量,佔我國2005年商業部門溫室氣體排放量不到1%。計算單位樓地板面積之用電量(EUI值)與溫室氣體效能標準,旅館業分別為219kWh/ m2.Year與177 kgCO2/ m2.Year。可是,國小則約僅有十分之一,分別為26kWh/ m2.Year與17 kgCO2/ m2.Year,可見商業部門各種不同建築物的使用狀況差異性很大。我國能源之星標章申請案件至2006年12月止,計有28家台灣國內廠商之產品獲得能源之星標章,產品項目包含液晶螢幕監視器、多功能產品、掃瞄器、多功能事務機等,共計326件產品獲得能源之星標章,其中電腦8項、監視器216、多功能裝置38項、掃瞄器64項,其效益為每年約可節省853萬度(kWh)的電力,相當於省下1,765萬新台幣的費用,每年相對可減少5,292噸二氧化碳排放。在能源之星標章追蹤考核作業方面,共查核市場上100件產品,發現華碩電腦三件電腦顯示器產品,未經申請違規使用能源之星標章,目前追蹤情況為華碩電腦已經向美國能源之星標章提出申請,並獲通過部份型號之電腦顯示器產品。本計畫舉辦兩場次之推廣合作說明會,與標章產品廠商、大型賣場及民間團體等單位建立合作機制,廣發能源之星標章相關訊息於其內部之電子報及公告,強化員工溫室氣體減量教育訓練。另外能源之星標章網站依據產業及消費者等不同對象之資訊需求情況,設計廠商與民眾兩種不同對象版型頁面,以滿足不同對象之需求,並針對不同對象進行宣導。在能源之星標章電子報方面,發行三期中英文電子季報與製作能源之星標章宣導摺頁與中英文成果專刊。 Citizens’ Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction Campaign and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Planning Project In order to convey to the consumers the importance of carbon dioxide emissions reduction, this project has held a large scale carbon dioxide emissions reduction promotional event on September 24, 2006, which was jointly organized by 10 residential, commercial and civil organizations. In addition, the citizens’ carbon dioxide emissions reduction information website was established to serve as a portal to provide the industry, consumers, teachers and students with information related to carbon dioxide emissions reduction activities. Also provided on this website is an equation to calculate the contributions to carbon dioxide reduction, so that through simple calculation the consumers may know how much electricity is saved through their emissions reduction actions. Beginning in May 2006, the project initiated the Internet Voting for the Best Daily Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction Tips and the Best Emissions Reduction Slogans Contest, and has received 344 submissions of slogans contest and accumulated over 152,888 votes for the tips voting. During this voting event, promotional posters were posted on the cars/buses of Taipei Rapid Transit, city buses, Taiwan Railway commuter cars and major large-scale retail stores throughout Taiwan. Advertisements were also placed on journals and magazines, such as Scientific Americans, Studio Classroom, and the online edition of China Times newspaper. The objective of such multimedia promotional activities is to raise the citizens’ awareness to the importance of carbon dioxide emissions reduction actions. In terms of promotional materials, the following were produced by the project: 1. Over 16,000 copies of Daily Emissions Reduction Tips were distributed to the consumers; 2. Three issues of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction Newsletters were published in both Chinese and English, and one issue of newsletter on Best Slogan Contest and Best Daily Tips Voting was also published; 3. In order to increase the participation in the aforementioned contest and voting, cool cards and promotional posters were also distributed around the island.This project collected and analyzed information related to major countries’ residential, commercial and transportation sectors’ greenhouse gas emission statistics, emissions reduction strategies, and relevant promotional activities. The countries in which information were collected included US, Canada, European Union, UK, Germany, Japan and Singapore, and the information was collected from national communications posted on the UNFCCC website, and each countries’ relevant websites, as well as conferences proceedings and meeting materials. The project also collected information related to OECD member countries’ emissions reduction measures, strategies and technologies for commercial and residential sector, and energy related information from the Pew Center and UNDP. For this part of the task, the project collected information related to the Second National Energy Meeting, the Citizens’ Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction and Energy Saving Campaign Project, and draft Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act.In order to analyze the greenhouse gas emissions from various building types and estimate and establish the energy efficiency standards, over 500 organizations were surveyed for their energy consumption, which included 60 famous hotels, 59 department stores/wholesale-clubs/gyms, 350 Taipei city/county elementary schools, 22 government agencies and 9 office buildings. Of the organizations surveyed, 48% responded to the survey, including 18 hotels. The 18 hotels take up the greatest portion (47%) of all respondents’ emissions, while the 240 elementary schools only take up 20%. Yet the surveyed hotels emissions are less than 1% of total commercial sector emissions in 2005. The calculated unit electricity consumption per floor area (EUI value) and GHG emissions efficiency standard for the hotel business in Taiwan in 2005 are 219kWh/ m2.year and 177 kgCO2/ m2.year respectively; while the corresponding values for elementary schools are only 26kWh/ m2.year and 17 kgCO2/ m2.year respectively. These results show that great differences exist between different building types even within the commercial sector in terms of energy efficiency.As of December 2006, 326 products from 28 Taiwan domestic manufacturers are qualified to use the ENERGY STAR mark under the ENERGY STAR program in Taiwan. These products include 8 computers, 216 monitors, 38 multifunction devices, and 64 scanners. The environmental benefits achieved through these products are 8.53 million kWh in electricity saving, which is equivalent to savings of 17.65 million NT dollars in energy costs and reducing 5292 metric tons in carbon dioxide emissions.For the after-market surveillance of ENERGY STAR products, a total of 100 products were sampled from the market in 2006, and only 3 computer monitors from Asus were found to be using ENERGY STAR mark without application. Asus has since applied for use of the mark to the ENERGY STAR program in US and has qualified to use the mark on some of its monitor models. The project also held two promotional seminars, in order to establish cooperation mechanism with the qualified product manufacturers, large scale retailers and civil organization, to spread ENERGY STAR information in their internal newsletters and announcements, and strengthen their employee training on greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Furthermore, in order to meet the different demands of consumers and manufacturers, the information on the ENERGY STAR website was divided into two parts for consumers and manufacturers respectively, and provides different sets of information. As for the ENERGY STAR newsletter, three issues were issued in both Chinese and English language; in addition, ENERGY STAR promotional pamphlet and a special booklet on results and achievements of ENERGY STAR was also published. 095 空保處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1699
宜蘭縣95年度空氣品質經營管理綜合計畫 95年至96年度宜蘭地區空氣品質平均值屬於良好等級(PSI<50),惟各種污染物監測濃度值有逐漸上升情況,顯示附近地區環境負荷較往年大,應加強管制工業區、道路揚塵、砂石場以及北宜高通車後之車流。民眾居家附近空氣污染的主要來源以車輛行駛路面揚塵(17.32%)、汽機車廢氣排放(16.23%)、烹煮食物之油煙排放(15.26%)、營建工地之揚塵(11.24%)。對目前所居住地區的空氣品質與一年前相比較,其改善程度之感受為維持現狀者為44.9%,明顯改善及稍有改善29.1%,整體而言,但須注意的是稍有惡化及明顯惡化為20.7%,顯示雖環境空氣品質改善,但仍應注意民眾感受之程度,未來應強化民眾滿意度之提升。統計至96年6月底止,空氣污染陳情案件惡臭以工廠(35%)、商業行為(22%)、其他(21%)及燃燒行為(18.9%)為主。不含惡臭以燃燒行為(53%)、工廠(15%)、營建工程(15%)及商業行為(8.2%)為主。顯示工廠、露天燃燒、餐飲業及營建工程為本縣主要民眾陳情之對象。空氣品質現況統計至96年6月PSI值為46.4,指標污染物所佔比例為PM10(59.6%)、O3(40.4%),顯示PM10為主要指標污染物。本縣應針對PM10之污染源加強管制。95年6月北宜高速公路全線通車(目前僅限小型車通行)後,今(96)年 5月底累積之觀光人次達1,657,522人次較去年同期(1,105,571人次)增加50%。各項環境負荷指標有逐年增加之趨勢,包括用油量至95年底汽油每年平均增加2.1%(1.0%~5.2%),柴油每年平均增加2.0%(-9.3%~10.7%)。營建工地數每年平均以1.49%(-1.1%~4.35%)成長,工程成長快速期為92~93年間。96年5月底之機動車輛總數為409,588輛,較去年同期(402,570輛)增加1.7%,每年平均以約2.1%(0.6%~2.8%)之數量持續增加。依據95年排放量統計,TSP排放量中以車輛行駛揚塵為最大貢獻來源,佔49.4%。針對車輛行駛揚塵應加強防制,包括應加強道路洗掃工作等;SOx之總排放量主要來源為工業之排放佔81.2%,為最主要之貢獻來源;NOx之排放量以水泥及預拌混凝土排放量佔47.7%,為最主要之貢獻來源,顯示目前主要管制方向仍應以水泥及預拌混凝土為主;VOCs排放量以公路運輸排放之55.7%,其次則商業排放量佔23.7%,商業排放量中則以一般消費品之逸散為主,但民眾較不易察覺,可經由宣導方式提醒民眾注意相關生活用品之使用。同時機車排放量共計17%,因此建議強化稽巡查落實定檢制度,令未符合HC之排放標準機車進行調修,相對亦可改善空氣中HC之濃度。96年7月19至20日辦理96年度宜蘭縣空氣污染管制暨長隧道污染防制研討會一場次,與會人員對於會議之議題、場地、時間、議程及資料安排平均滿意度達95%。於96年4月15日至6月28日對本縣縣民進行問卷調查,人工書面問卷調查,樣本數共2402份,在95% 的信賴區間, 抽樣誤差在(+/-)3%。96年5月25日邀請局、處、區、鄉(鎮、市)公所召開空氣品質淨化區經營維護管理說明會一場次。本年度本計畫協助環保局之各相關會議如下1.95年10月19日96年度地方政府申請補助空氣品質改善計畫審查會議2.96年1月5日96年度空品區空氣污染管制行動計畫研商會議3.北部及宜蘭空品區污染管制交流會議, 96年3月29日、96年4月23日、96年6月4日、96年7月13日,共參加4場次。4.96年5月16日港區粒狀污染物逸散污染管制工作研討會。5.96年6月22日96年度「空氣污染防制技術諮詢小組」空品區座談會議。 2006 I-Lan County State Implement Plan 095 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=269
九十四至九十六年環境水質北區監測計畫(95年度) 本計畫主要針對北區十縣市各類水體進行水質監測,掌握各水體水質時間變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。95年度監測結果顯示,在河川水質方面,東北部宜蘭、花蓮地區河川普遍污染不大,水質較好;淡水河系河川下游則在有機物及氨氮污染濃度有較高之情形,而於上游水質較佳;西北部桃園、新竹地區河川,則以新竹頭前溪流域水質狀況最佳,而以桃園南崁溪、老街溪、茄苳溪、新竹茄苳溪及客雅溪水質污染較為嚴重,同時桃園老街溪在金屬銅、鋅有長期測值偏高之現象;另於本年度上半年之3月間受到鋒面經過以及5、6月份梅雨季節之降雨影響,普遍有水量較豐與水質較濁之情形。在海域水質方面,各水質項目在各縣市沿海皆符合海洋環境品質標準,整體而言,東半部測站水質狀況較西半部測站為佳,本島海域較外島海域為佳。近岸休憩海域水質方面,北區兩座海水浴場除福隆海水浴場於6月份第二次監測期間受河川匯流影響以及9月份第二次監測期間受到採樣前兩日累積降雨影響,而有試分級結果不符甲類海域海洋環境品質標準之情形外,其餘大致多呈良好之水質狀況。在水庫水質方面,本年度新山水庫屬於貧養至普養,西勢水庫屬於普養,翡翠水庫介於貧養至普養,石門水庫均屬優養,寶山水庫則介於普養與優養之間,其餘水庫則多屬於優養,其中優養化水庫多分布於外島湖庫。在地下水水質方面則與往年類似,超過第二類監測基準之項目,主要集中於氨氮、錳及鐵等三監測項目,與各環保單位歷年對台北盆地、桃園中壢台地及新竹苗栗沿海地下水之監測結果相符合。 The Enviroment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Northern Area of Taiwan from 2005 to 2007 (2006) The project is to monitoring water quality of various water bodies, so that the changes of water quality to the time and pollution assessment for those water bodies could be provided to the relevant environmental agencies for making a sound pollution control decision. There are 134 sampling spots to monitoring the stream water quality including 36 streams and branches once every month. The result of the project shows a critical distinguishes between upstream & downstream was shown in Danshuei -river. The water quality was per-bad in Taoyuan & Hsinchu. On the other hand, the seasonal results of 43 coastal monitoring spots for the 8 marine water regions appear that none was ever found exceeding their relative marine water quality standards in all marine regions. In addition, two recreational coasts has been intensively monitoring once every two weeks during summer period between June and September. Generally, besides the Fulong beach was found exceeding the water quality standard on June 19 and September 25, the water quality of these two coastal regions seems to be good. Regarding on the reservoir water quality, the resulf of 47 monitoring spots for the dams show that reservoirs in Keelung and Feitsui Reservoir was between oligotrophic and mesotrophic, the other reserviors in north Taiwan were between mesotrophic and eutrophic, and the reservoirs in Kin Men and Matsu were analyses to be on a situation of eutrophication. Finally, for those 120 ground water monitoring wells within 7 municipal regions in northern Taiwan, NH3-N, Fe and Mn reach the Ground Water Monitoring Standard in second category. 095 監資處 精湛環境股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2114
都會區移動污染源排放空氣污染物減量行動計畫推動 以相較於95年2000萬汽機車數,設定105年減少700萬,研擬「都會區移動污染源排放空氣污染物減量行動計畫」交通管理措施執行方案,進行空氣污染物減量、空氣品質改善、健康風險降低等效益評估,執行最佳減量方案後105年PM10、SOx、NOx、NMHC、CO排放量較95年,減少19%、75%、27%、59%、18%。長期而言,北部空品區空氣品質O3事件日濃度影響為例,尖峰濃度可改善2.0-8.5 ppb,高O3污染(>120 ppb)暴露量改善效益百分比26-32%; PM10事件日濃度影響為例,長期日平均PM10濃度整體改善約3.0-6.3 μg/m3,整個空品區的高污染(>125μg/m3)空間暴露量則是約30%。在健康風險的評估部分,針對惡化日時可減少的人口損失評估其薪資損失分析,整體效益約在4億至14億間。研擬策略推動機制流程,經費來源規劃立法階段以中央預算編列,執行階段由空污費、牌照稅、能源稅抽取固定比率。制訂管制考核方式,以提昇公共運輸使用率、降低私人運具行駛里程為策略目標;以大眾運輸運量/人口數、大眾運輸車里程及乘載率(乘載人數)及車輛數、延車公里為績效評估指標。協助環保署召集相關部會召開一場專家學者座談,及兩場跨部會諮商會議,以利推動各項移動源管制措施規劃及完成「環境與交通運輸管理」推動方案報告。協助環保署辦理兩場相關執行工作成果發表會及「環境與交通運輸管理」論壇,擴大執行成果之宣導成效。 Promotion of Action Plan of Mobil Source Pollution Reducing in Urban Area Compared with the number of vehicle in year 2006 (20 millions), decrease 7 millions in year 2016. Total emission for PM10、SOx、NOx、NMHC、CO will decrease 19%、75%、27%、59%、18%. Air quanlity of peak concentration of O3 in the noth air base will be impproved 2.0-8.5 ppb by those strategies, peak concentration of PM10 will be impproved 3.0-6.3 μg/m3 . According to the health impact assessment based on the emission reduction during episode, the salary loose could be saved about 4~14 hundred million.At the legislative process, the administrative expenditure is recommended from Central Government Budget. During execution period, the expenditure could come from Air Pollution Fee, Car License Fee, and Energy tax. The strategies for the object are increasing the use of mass transportation system, and reduce the use of personal vehicles. The index to evaluate the achievement could be the service volume of mass transportation per population, the total running mileage, occupancy ,running vehicles or passenger mileage for mass transportation.Assist call the experts and inter-ministries meetings to finish the report “Environment and Transport Management”. Assist to convene 2 “Execution Achievement Work-shop” and 1 “Environment and Transport Management Forum” to expand the understanding of the public. 095 空保處 中鼎工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1323
95固定污染源空氣污染物稽查管制及減量輔導計畫 摘 要 本計畫執行期程係自95年3月15日至96年3月14日止,共計12個月。本次期末報告中所列各項作業進度及成果分析之統計期間係自95年3月15日至96年3月14日止(以下簡稱本階段),其中主要工作項目包括:資料庫維護更新與管理、執行許可制度、辦理空污費催補繳及查核、執行排放量網路申報審核、辦理專責人員在職訓練及各類宣導說明會等工作項目;各項作業內容與進度均依原規劃執行並符合合約要求。 截至本階段,本縣列管固定污染源共計2,029家,較上年度減少209家,列管行業以橡/塑膠製品相關行業、金屬製品製造及加工業、木竹製品相關行業為最多。本縣現階段空氣污染物年排放量分別為:粒狀污染物由原先4829.451噸/年增加至6,517.851公噸;硫氧化物由16310.208噸/年減少為16,046.008公噸、氮氧化物由26307.82噸/年略增為26426.66公噸,揮發性有機物由7431.981噸/年減為7,077.171公噸,而台灣電力股份有限公司台中電廠仍為本縣固定污染源最主要之排放源。 本計畫有鑑於揮發性有機污染物即將收費以及列管工廠數有多數皆已多年未更新資料,其於資料庫的可信度已偏低,因此,在資料庫維護更新的清查作業上主要以揮發性有機物排放量大者及三年以上未清查過之工廠為作業重點,另外,配合簡政便民理念及環保署考評(特色及創新作法),規劃執行許可ISO制度並協談台電簽署自願減量協議及公告堆置場洗車平台設置規範,希冀藉此能突顯計畫執行效益。 在許可作業方面,完成許可ISO9001認證,計畫執行期間共核發273件設置及操作許可證,許可申請案件審查期程均能符合環保署法定期程,非屬重大申請案及第一類許可案件之審查期程平均縮短在10日之內。另爲確保公私場所污染源與許可申請文件內容一致及合理,本年度操作許可審查作業程序新增了許可前查及核證前協商確認制度,計畫執行期間共完成152廠次煙道之監督檢測作業,262個製程之操作許可證核發前現場查核作業,及344件次之核證前協商確認作業。另外,完成287個製程之許可證核發後現場查核,查核結果不符合許可內容者,有108個製程,查核不符合率達37.63%(其中環保署委託單位審查機關核證者查核15張,不符合8張,不符合率達53.33%)。 在空污費相關作業上,掌握申報名單648家,完成219家次工廠空污費查核作業並查得應補繳1,000元以上者共42家次,另針對每一季別未如期完成申報之工廠進行131家催補繳作業,共催得679,787元,催繳後到繳率為93.89%,總申繳率為99.2%。 在資料庫維護管理作業,本年度維護更新名單來源為原EPA97資料庫中已列管之工廠,篩選條件為VOCS前100大之公私場所、CO2排放量前100大之公私場所、三年內未曾清查,及配合環保署資料庫相關清查作業名單執行本年度之維護更新作業,比較分析94年度及95年度列管固定污染源各污染物年排放量變化,發現於95年共新增列管8家工廠,新增完成設置2家,刪除列管60家,暫時停工5家,目前列管工廠為2029家,較計畫執行前列管數減少31家,而較去年度減少了209家。在製程污染源狀況部份94年至95年本縣列管工廠總製程數減少44個、污染源減少104個、防制設備減少29個及煙道管制數減少41根次,主要減少原因為28家工廠停工或遷移。 其他具體成果包括掌握更新應申報名單176家、輔導521家次應申報排放量公私場所完成95年度第一、二、三季網路申報作業,並完成434件第1~3季申報排放量審核作業及查核問題之現場查核;完成查核廠家之空污費、排放量比對、掌握確認許可第8批公告名單101家、.辦理5場次專責人員複訓、1場次法規宣導及許可填表說明會、1場次許可公告第八批法規及填表說明會、1場次排放量網路申報說明會、更新列管污染源之二氧化碳排放量資料、協助規劃因應臭氧三級防制區之固定污染源管制策略及管制措施、配合環保局交辦事項等,其相關作業內容及詳細成果,分述於本報告各章節中。 Abstract The duration of the project was from 3/15/2006 to 3/14/2007, totaling 12 months. The statistics of all operation progresses and analysis results included in the final report were for the period from 3/15/2006 to 3/14/2007 (herein refer to as this stage). The main operations included database maintenance/renewal/management, execution of the permit system, conduct air pollution charge collection and auditing, online emission volume application review, and conduct personnel on job training and various promotion seminars; all operations and progresses were completed according to the original plan and in compliance with the content of the contract. Up until this stage, there are 2029 listed county controlled fixed pollution sources, a reduction of 209 sources compared to last year. Majority of the listed control pollution sources were rubber\plastic related industries, metallic product manufacturers\ processors, and wood\bamboo related product manufacturers. The current annual air pollution emission volumes in the county were: particle pollution increased from 4829.451 tons/year to 6517.851 tons/ year, oxysulfide reduced from 16310.208 tons/year to 16046.008 tons/year, NOx slightly increased from 26307.82 tons/year to 26426.66 tons/year, and volatile organic compound reduced from 7431.981 tons/year to 7077.171 tons/year; Taiwan Power Company, Taichung Plant was still the major fixed pollution source in the county. Because new volatile organic compound pollution charges are ready to start and many of the listed control factories haven’t been renewed for years; the creditability of the database has decreased a great deal. Hence the focus of this database renewal operations were placed on major volatile organic compound pollution sources and factories that miss out renewal check ups for over three years. Additionally, in conjunction with the policy of simplified and convenient government operation procedures and evaluation by the Environmental Protection Agency (features and innovations), we planned to initiate the ISO permit system, negotiate the signing of the voluntary reduction agreement with the Taiwan Power Company, and publicize the establishment regulations for the storage yard car wash platform; we hope these actions can help highlight the performance of the project. In the permit operation, the ISO9001 certification had been accomplished; a total of 273 establishment and operation permits were issued during the project execution period; the applications had all been reviewed according to the regulated time frame by the environmental protection agency; the review period for the non-major applications and the first category permit applications had been decreased to be within 10 days. In addition, to confirm the public/private places pollution sources and the content of the applications are consistent, we added the pre-permit inspection system prior to issuing the permit. During theproject execution, 152 factory chimney inspections were completed along with 262 pre-permit on site inspections and 344 pre-permit negotiations. In addition, 287 certified production processes’ on site inspections were completed, which 108 processes were found incompliance to the content of their permits; the incompliance ratio was 37.63% (among which 15 permits were inspected by the EPA entrusted agencies, which included 8 incompliance; the incompliance ratio was 53.33%) In the air pollution charge operation, the declaration list had a total of 648 companies, we completed 219 air pollution charge inspection and found 42 companies with unpaid air pollution charge over NTD1000. We also completed collection actions against 131 delayed payment and collected a total of NTD679,787; the delayed payment collection ratio was 93.89% and the total declaration collection ratio was 99.2%. In the database maintenance and management, the source of the renewal list for this year was the EPA97 controlled factories, the screening terms were the top 100 VOCs public/private places, the top 100 CO2 emission public/private places, places that have not been reviewed for three years, and the inspection list included in the EPA inspection database. Compare the 2005 and 2006 annual pollution emission volume for the controlled fixed pollution sources; we found 8 newly listed controlled factories, 2 newly established factories, 60 excluded factories, and 5 temporarily shut-downs. At the moment, there are 2029 controlled factories, 31 controlled factories short from the list prior to the project execution and 209 factories less than the list last year. In the production process pollution sources, from 2005 to 2006, there were 44 less pollution processes, 104 less pollution sources, 29 less protection equipments, and 41 less controlled chimneys; the major contributor to the decrease was shut-downs and transfers of 28 factories. Other concrete achievements included new declaration list of 176 factories, 521 consultations helping public/private places completing first three quarters’ on line declaration operations, completed reviews and on site inspections of 434 declarations in the first three quarters, completed comparisons of air pollution charges and emission volumes, confirmed 8th batch of publicized 101 permitted companies, held 5 training sessions for operation personnel, held one regulation promotion and permit application form presentation, held one permit publication regulation and application form presentation, held one online emission declaration presentation, renew CO2 emission data for controlled pollution sources, assisted planning of control strategy and measures for fixed pollution sources of third degree ozone prevention area, and coordination of EPA entrusted operations; detailed operation and results were outlined in different chapters in the report. 095 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 康維開發科技(股)公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=193
95-96年度加油站防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備查核暨網路申報諮詢計畫 環保署為健全加油站防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備之設置與管理,於95年7月4日修正公告「加油站防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備設置管理辦法」,同時為加強推動其相關業務,遂執行「95-96年度加油站防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備查核暨網路申報諮詢計畫」工作。 The Inspection and Appraisal of Groundwater Pollution Control Facilities and Monitoring Equipment in Gas Stations, and the Consultation of Declaration Through Internet for Year 2006 and 2007 EPA has amended and promulgated the “Regulations for Installation and Management of Groundwater pollution control Facilities and Monitoring Equipment in Gas Stations” on July 4, 2006 to oversee the installation and management of these facilities and equipment. Besides, for the enhancement of promoting other relevant activities, the EPA then entrusted Sinotech to conduct “The Inspection and Appraisal of Groundwater pollution control Facilities and Monitoring Equipment in Gas Stations, and the Consultation of Declaration Through Internet for Year 2006 and 2007”. 095 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=820
95年度彰化縣東西二圳重金屬污染物污染探討及加嚴排放標準研訂計畫 蒐集彙整和建立東西二圳與各分支線排水路流域範圍內,其排放重金屬之電鍍及金屬表面處理業等製程相關基本資料、污染排出資料及相關水執法規規定等,以確實掌握流域範圍內水污染源之污染防治現況。  本計畫所研擬的加嚴排放標準方案包括,排放濃度加嚴方案、區域排放濃度加嚴方案、參考美國電鍍工業放流水限值標準(PSES)訂定加嚴方案、避免農地重金屬污染之排放濃度加嚴方案以及其他方案(排放量管制加嚴方案、增加上游烏溪引水量與零排放等)。本計畫所研擬的加嚴排放標準中,針對銅而言,其加嚴程度最為顯著的是區域排放濃度加嚴方案,其加嚴程度為53%(由現行放流水標準3 mg/L加嚴至1.41 mg/L);針對鉻而言,其加嚴程度最為顯著的是美國電鍍工業放流水現值標準訂定加嚴方案,其加嚴程度為61.5%(由現行放流水標準2 mg/L加嚴至0.77 mg/L)。其他金屬而言,加嚴鎳之方案有區域排放濃度加嚴方案、排放濃度加嚴方案及美國電鍍工業放流水現值標準訂定加嚴方案,其加嚴程度為58%(加嚴至0.42 mg/L)、51%(加嚴至0.49 mg/L)及6%(加嚴至0.94 mg/L);而加嚴鋅之方案有避免農地重金屬污染之排放濃度加嚴方案(以土壤監測基準計算),其加嚴程度為31%(加嚴至3.45 mg/L)。 Discussing the pollutant of heavy metal and analysing the drainage standard at Dungshi No. 2 of Changhua County in 2006. This report compiles the fundamental data for understanding the situation at present of the escape canal at Dungshi No. 2.The fundamental data includes the data of manufacturing and the pollution data of drainage and the regulation of water quality.This report draws up the strict drainage standard plan includes the plan of drainage density strict and the plan of region drainage density strict and the plan of refering to the American Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources(PSES) and the plan of avoiding the farmland heavy metal pollution and others.This report aims at the copper, the standard draws up degree most is remarkable is 53%. This report aims at the chromium, the standard draws up degree most is remarkable is 61.5%. This report aims at the nickel, the standard draws up degree most is remarkable is 58%. This report aims at the zinc, the standard draws up degree most is remarkable is 31%. 095 彰化縣環境保護局 亞新工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=522
機車排氣檢驗站品質管理與數據連線系統整合專案計畫 行政院環保署為改善機車排放對於空氣污染所造成之問題,於八十五年度起由空氣污染防制費中一部份經費用來推動「機車排氣定期檢驗制度」。自八十七年元月起全面實施機車排氣定檢制度,經過九年來的努力,目前機車排氣定檢業務已上軌道。至94年檢驗站數也高達2,086站,年檢驗車輛6,063,320輛次,年補助排氣檢驗費用近5億元。為有效協助、輔導及管理全國眾多機車檢驗站,以提高檢測品質;及為有效應用空污費,規劃建立未來實施定檢收費制度所需的相關配套措施,特執行本計畫,執行成果分別:(一)機車排氣檢驗站查核與管理:完成100家現場查核,及以實車查核方式查核50家檢驗站,辦理六班次對列管檢驗站檢測人員講習,環保局處分違規檢驗站計21站。協助完成戶外機車定檢服務活動注意事項及相關申請表格。推動檢驗站分級作業,完成擬定檢驗站分級配分表(草案)。(二)機車排氣檢驗站檢測數量審核與經費核撥:檢測數量申請補助計5,648,660輛次,審核通過計5,528,072輛次,刪除134,105輛次,核撥補助經費484,321,200元,節省10,728,400元公帑。(三)機車排氣定期檢驗及監理資料庫資訊維護、管理與整合:篩選機車車籍資料12,925,180輛,提供各環保局郵寄定檢通知,實際郵寄通知計9,595,487輛,節省公帑4,497,950元。(四)規劃及推動機車定檢數據即時連線系統整合相關配套措施:完成每日檢驗資料檔上傳環保局及資料處理中心之接收即時處理系統;完成定檢資料即時傳輸功能更新;完成未到檢機車禁止換發行照及解除禁止換發行照處分之處理系統。(五)完成各縣市機車移動污染源管制計畫工作執行績效考評工作及移動污染源空氣污染改善滿意度調查。(六)機車排氣定期檢驗執行成本效益評估及定檢污染減量成果統計分析:完成分析機車排氣定期檢驗污染減量成效,完成機車排氣定檢不合格改善成本分析,完成使用中機車污染管制成本效益評估,完成機車排氣定檢污染改善效益評估,完成94年機車年行駛里程探討,完成機車定期保養對空氣污染物排放減量成效分析,完成機車等停熄火對空氣污染排放之影響研究。分析定檢數據提供高污染車種供環保署、環保局及機車廠,進行後續追蹤及分析。完成使用中機車污染管制建言,能對未到檢的車輛強制到檢,以提高整體的機車污染管制率。 The Project for the Quality Management and Data Link System Integration of Motorcycle Exhausted Emission Inspection Station In order to improve the air pollution problem caused by motorcycle exhausted Emission, EPA has used part of air pollution control fund to promote “The Regular Inspection System of Motorcycle Exhausted Emission” since 1996. The System has been implemented fully since 1998. At present, the inspection task of Exhausted Emission has worked in order after nine-year endeavor. By 2005 ,the number of inspection stations have been up to 2,086, and 6,063,320 motorcycles-times are inspected every year. About 500 million dollars are subsidized for the Exhausted Emission inspection every year. This project is implemented to assist, coach and manage the numerous motorcycle inspection stations in the whole country effectively, to raise the inspection quality, and in order to utilize the air pollution control fee effectively, to plan and create the relevant supplementary measures required for the implementation of regular inspection fee collection system in the future. The implementation achievement is summarized as follows:(1)The audit and management of motorcycle exhausted emission inspection station: The field audit has been completed for 100 stations, and the vehicle-carrier audit has been completed for 50 stations. Six classes of lecture and study have been held for the inspecting personnel of guided inspection stations. 21 violated stations have been punished by the Environmental Protection Bureau(EPB). Assist to finish the cautions of outdoor motorcycle exhausted emission inspection service activities and relevant application form definitely. Promote the classification operation of inspection stations,and finish the scoring list for the classification of inspection stations (draft).(2)The application inspected number verify and fund subsidization of inspection stations: The application inspected number for fund subsidization were 5,648,660 cases, 5,528,072 cases were approved, and 134,105 cases were deleted. NT$484,321,200 were subsidized, and NT$10,728,400 were scanted.(3)The data maintenance, management and integration for regular exhausted emission inspection and monitor information database of motorcycle: Screen 12,925,180 vehicle informations of motorcycle. Offer the informations to EPB for mailing the regular inspection notice. 9,595,487 notices were mailed actually, and NT$4,497,950 were scanted.(4) Plan and promote the relevant supplementary measures for the integration of real time link system of motorcycle regular inspection data: Finish the transmission of daily inspection data to the EPB and the real time processing system data processing system. Finish the update for real time transmission function of regular inspection data. Finish the processing system for forbidding the license replacement of un-inspected motorcycle and removing the forbiddance of pass-inspection.(5) Finish the achievement review work of motorcycle moving pollution source control project and the satisfaction investigation of moving pollution source air pollution improvement in every County and City.(6)The cost-effective evaluation for the implementation of motorcycle exhausted emission regular inspection and the statistical analysis for the achievement of pollution reduction: Finish the analysis for the achievement of motorcycle exhausted emission regular inspection pollution reduction. Finish the cost analysis for the improvement of regular inspection rejected motorcycles. Finish cost-effective evaluation for the pollution control of using motorcycle. Finish the cost-effective evaluation for the pollution improvement of motorcycle exhausted emission regular inspection. Finish the review of annual driving mileage of motorcycle in 2005. Finish the efficacy analysis for the periodic maintenance of motorcycle on the reduction of air pollutants. Finish the study for the influence of idling-stop of motorcycle on air pollution. Analyze the regular inspection data and provide the high pollution vehicles to EPA, EPB and motorcycle factory for carrying on follow-up tracing and analysis. Finish the recommendation for the pollution control of using motorcycle. Enforce the inspection of un-inspected motorcycle, so as to raise the whole motorcycle pollution control rate. 095 空保處 工業技術研究院 機械與系統研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1689
九十四至九十六年環境水質南區監測計畫(95年度) 本計畫主要針對南區九縣市各類水體水質監測,掌握各水體水質時間變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。河川水質計有31條河川主支流,109個監測站,於每月監測一次,95年1月至3月皆無明顯降雨屬枯水期,河水乾涸,河川污染物濃度偏高,造成嚴重污染比例偏高,其餘各月則因降雨豐沛,懸浮固體偏高,以致未(稍)受污染程度偏低,中度污染程度超過50%。海域水質計有8個沿海區域,42個監測站,於每季監測一次,各季沿岸測站受河口感潮影響,無機鹽類濃度較高,而大鵬灣沿海測站則因藻類作用,pH有不符合海域環境品質標準之現象。近岸休憩海域水質計有5個休憩海域,15個監測站,於6月至9月每兩週監測一次,其中水質以杉原海水浴場較佳。水庫水質計有16個水庫,42個監測站,於每季監測一次,今年因降雨豐沛,透明度下降,各水庫大致呈現優養狀態。地下水水質計有9縣市,189個監測井,各縣市超過監測基準之比率介於10%~90%,其中超過地下水污染第二類監測基準主要項目為氨氮、鐵、錳。 Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Southern Area of Taiwan from 2005 to 2007 (2006) The goal of this project is to monitor the water qualities of nine cities and counties located in the southern area of Taiwan, and to proceed with the analysis of degree of pollution to various water bodies through understanding the trend of variation of various water qualities with time, the result of this investigation can provide grounds for policy making to environmental protection authorities. For river quality, there were 31 rivers, including main streams and sub-streams being monitored, 109 sampling sites were monitored monthly. Since there was a major water shortage for this year, particularly there were no rainfalls during the period from January to March, a part of rivers were nearly dried up, the test results for most pollutants were high, and thus the percentage of serious pollution would tend to look high. For ocean monitoring, there were 8 coastal areas being monitored, 42 sampling sites were monitored quarterly. Since the estuary areas were affected by the river during high tide, the concentrations of the inorganic salts were high in 1st quarter. There were also 5 beaches being monitored, 15 sampling sites were monitored biweekly during period of June to September. Among the 5 beaches, the water quality of Shan-yuan Beach was the best. Sixteen water reservoirs, 42 sampling sites were monitored quarterly, water levels had all reached the alarm level due to water shortage in 2nd quarter, eutrophication phenomena were observed for most of the water reservoirs. There were 189 ground water sampling sites for the nine cities and counties being monitored quarterly, with the exception of Tai Dong County, ammonia nitrogen, iron, and manganese were the major items with results that reached the regulatory monitoring criteria. The failing rates are between 10 to 90% for different cities and counties. 095 監資處 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2160
固定污染源空氣污染防制費查核、分析暨連續自動監測設施查核比對計畫 為實現「污染者付費」之社會正義原則以及「空氣污染防制法」的立法精神,並且以經濟誘因方式,促使公私場所主動減少污染排放量,進而達到改善空氣品質之目標,行政院環境保護署自八十四年七月一日起開始徵收空氣污染防制費。環保署經檢討空污費徵收與審查架構後,將審查管制流程區分為「建檔篩選」、以及「複審查核」等兩大段落之工作,本計畫即屬後者。在書面複審部分,共完成831件審查(包含CEMS部分80家),符合合約規定之工作量780件要求;現場查核部分,共完成385件(包含CEMS部分之81家)之現場查核工作,亦符合合約規定之工作量380件要求。目前在完成審查之公私場所中,總申報金額為11,137,845仟元,其核定金額為1,153,421仟元,應補繳金額為15,576仟元。在煙道抽測成果與檢測數據結果方面,共完成20家煙道檢測作業,由本次抽測結果可知大部分工廠檢測等級皆為A級之水準;本計畫追蹤去年(94年)計畫執行煙道抽測之工廠,其自行定期檢測仍維持A級之水準,僅有5家廠檢測數據等級不為A級,針對此工廠應於未來再進行輔導;在比對去年(94年)計畫執行監督檢測之檢測報告,可知其中僅有1家並未與本計畫之監督結果相符,本計畫仍依據監督查核結果進行核算空污費。在相對準確度(RATA)煙道抽測與監督檢測方面,共完成20家RATA煙道抽測與60家RATA監督檢測,其中1家公司硫氧化物排放量需乘以偏移校正因子,氮氧化物應改採公告係數計算排放量。另外排放量須乘以偏移校正因子之公私場所共有27家。本年度執行CEMS書面審查與現場查核工作部分,共完成83家書面審查與81家現場查核,發現之問題包括「排放量數據計算不符合法規規定」、「鍋爐起爐燃燒之污染量未列入計算」、「申報數據與月報數據不符合」、「氮氧化物監測數據不含二氧化氮濃度」及「監測數據無法落於全幅20-80%範圍內」等。在「分析國外空氣污染防制費申報、查核作業系統」方面,本計畫針對美國聯邦政府及部份已建立完整收費架構之州及地方政府,摘要解析排放收費制度相關內容,本報告除收錄美國空氣污染排放費相關規定外,另收集歐洲及大陸地區之相關資訊,以供台灣地區研修空氣污染防制費制度之參考。在研修固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收審查制度方面,本計畫針對空污費收費辦法進行修訂,主要係針對近年執行空氣污染防制費申報審查、核定及通知業務過程中,發現部分申報、審查作業,業者仍有認知差異,故擬透過修法,俾使法規更完備明確,也利於業者遵行。而對於CEMS管理辦法研修時之建議,則包含明定RATA檢測程序與比對方式、明定排放流率小數點位數取捨、明定排放流率計算方式。本年度尚針對縣市環保局辦理空氣污染防制費申報書面及現場查核作業技術轉移、配合空污費費基之改變及揮發性有機物之收費,辦理固定污染源空氣污染防制費申報計費及自廠係數建立說明會、以及協辦全國固定污染源管制業務檢討會等。 Examination and Analysis of Declaration in Air Pollution Control Fee of Stationary Pollutant Sources and Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) Audit In order to realize "the pollution to pay fee" the social just principle, and by the economical inducement, urges the public and private place initiative reduction pollution emission, then achieved objective of the improvement air quality. The environmental protection administration starts to levy the air pollution fee on July 1 1995.In the written reexamination part, had completed 831 examinations; In the scene checks part, had completed 385 scenes to check the work, both of them had conformed to contract work load. At the unexceptional case to be more paid 15 million 576 thousand dollars.In the pipe detection part, had completed 20 detection; The exhaust gas data quality had become A degree.Samples in the relative accuracy (RATA) flue with the surveillance to examine the aspect, altogether completes 20 RATA flues to sample and 60 RATA surveillance to examine, 1 company the nitrogen oxide compound should change the announcement coefficient computation. Moreover there are 27 company must be multiplied by the bias adjustment factor.At work in coordination with CEMS’s plan, find some problems in CEMS. Just like “The data computation not to conform to the laws”; “The boiler gets up contamination of the burning not to include the computation”; ”The declaration data and the monthly report data does not conform to” ; ”The monitor data is unable including the dioxide nitrogen concentration”.The research of the air pollution fee system, air pollution fee law had correct the rules of examination, the checking . So that the laws and regulations were more complete are clear about, also favored the entrepreneur to follow.This project had trained the scene checks and a review conference for the county environment protection bureau. Furthermore, convened conferences to explain the air fee laws changed, and one conference to critique the national stationary sources control works. 095 空保處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1367
95年度「環保罰款催繳管理系統功能提昇暨維護管理」專案工作計畫(第1年) 本系統自90年10月起,以三年之時間規劃及建置,93-94年推廣及功能提昇,目前於環保署及各縣市環保局已建置完成並開始上線運作,本年度計畫執行重點除確保現行系統功能正常運作及維護管理外,並規劃與建置現行系統網際網路化的改版工作,藉此提昇系統功能,並達到減少環保機關因重複建檔所增加之人力負荷等相關功能,經過多次與各縣市環保局與署內各業務處的相互討論與系統確認,擬定系統各功能畫面與系統應達到之目標,新系統於本年度10月1日開始進行第一階段測試,希望在經過測試之後系統能更加完善,另外本年度亦派遣專人至各縣市地方環保局針對現行系統進行輔導與維護及操作使用說明等工作,同時整合各環保局系統使用者對本系統功能提昇之建議,經環保署管考處評估後進行系統功能提昇,促使本系統符合各方之要求。本計畫之工作成果包括了:1.本年度共完成了36個現行系統功能新增與需求。2.本年度共處理了8個現行系統問題,使系統在使用上更加穩定。3.本年度共完成了3個署版系統功能新增與調整,讓管理者在使用上更加便利,也 讓所查詢出之資料更正確。4.配合署內舉辦資安演練,主機符合署內資安要求。5.共舉辦了1場次之現行系統說明會,藉由說明會之舉辦讓使用者於系統操作上更加熟練。6.本年度進行了1次全國各縣市環保局訪談服務,7.規劃及建置網際網路Web-based版本環保罰款催繳管理系統,包含系統分析文件、需求規格書、需求確認座談會、分析文件審查會議、系統開發、測試等工作大項。8.完成使用者對新系統所提出之測試問題與建議需求共115個。9.舉辦了2場次的新系統教育訓練,並採用1人1機的電腦教室辦理。10.共召開了16次工作會議,藉由工作會議之召開確實的掌握計畫執行進度。11.所有縣市反映問題均於24小時內回應處理狀況。 Effiency Upgrade and System Maintenance Management of the Environmental Protection Penalty Follow-Up Management System 2006 Starting at October 2001, we spent 3 years to establish this system. In year 2004 to 2005, we promoted and upgraded the system. The system now is operating in EPA and each local environmental agency. The project carries out this year is to ensure normal operation and system maintenance. We also plan to change the system web version in order to upgrade the system performance and reduce the burden of repetitive filing. Through discussion between EPA and each department within the local environmental agency, we confirm the goal we would like to achieve and each web page presentation. The newly revised system was first tested on October 1, this year. We also send professional trainers to each local environmental agency to conduct training session. Meanwhile, we also conduct customer interview from EPA and each local agency to collect comment on topic of system upgrade. Using these comments as guidance, we upgrade this system accordingly. The achievements within this project including:1.36 functions were added in this year. 2.8 requests regarding system operations were resolved in this year, which made operation becomes more stable. 3.3 functions for central government use were added and adjusted, which made the system use more friendly and data inquiry more accurate. 4.Computer security practices were held to ensure hackers have no chance to exploit systems or gain unauthorized access. 5.1 training session was held. The sessions made audiences become more familiar with the system.6.1 customer interviews are conducted for all the local environmental agencies in this year.7.Web-based Environmental Protection Penalty Follow-up Management System was developed by performing system analysis document, required format development reviewing, system analysis reviewing, system, development, and testing. 8.Install database exam program in each local agency to ensure the data transferring safety and data transmitted from local and to central government are the same. 9.2 training sessions were held in one-person vs. one-computer classroom. 10.16 meetings were held to understand the progress of the meeting. 11.All the problems sent out by local office were responded within 24 hours. 095 管考處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2156
公告指定容器製造責任業者營業量相關帳籍憑證查核暨容器販賣業者調查與管理規劃作業計畫 本團隊執行「容器空瓶販售(經銷)業者訪查作業」共訪查29家受訪業者,經統計發現受訪業者之空瓶來源購自容器製造業者生產之上游業者共計48家,經查其中已完成責任業者登記之容器製造業者計29家,另疑似未依規定辦理責任業者登記之容器製造業者計19家(比率為39.58﹪)。本團隊執行「廢商品容器抽樣調查作業」執行情形,共執行回收處理業者(含處理廠及回收商)29家業者,執行率達145﹪,執行各項材質現場隨機抽樣計資料比對作業共計2,209家樣本數,並逐筆登錄本團隊自行研發之「容器商品回收端市佔率統計系統」作業平台,經統計、分析樣本結果,發現有非屬公告列管之容器商品製造業者之商品容器、有品牌業者標示與責任業者登記名稱不符之商品容器、有疑似未登記業者容器商品製造(進口)業者之商品容器,共計665家尚待逐一釐清。本團隊執行「容器製造責任業者營業量帳籍憑證查核作業」共查核容器製造受查業者163家,執行率為109﹪,查核結果發現渠等容器製造受查業者,短漏報其銷售對象共計2,142家,其中完成責任業者登記為791家,另有待查證是否為公告應列管之業者為1,351家,本團隊依約將陸續移請環保署責由其它查核計畫執行機構續辦查核釐清作業。 The project to audit the sales volume of the announced container manufacturers through related books and to exam and administer the container sellers We interviewed totaled 29 enterprises while having performed “the assignment of interviewing and investigating sellers, or dealer, of containers and empty bottles”. The statistics results showed that there were 48 upper stream enterprises which purchased the empty bottles from container manufacturers. Among these 48 enterprises, 29 of them have completed registrations; the rest of them, 19 enterprises or 39.58%, were considered for not having registered. We took totaled 2,209 samples out of 29 enterprises, including disposing factories and recycling enterprises while having performing “the assignment of investigating discarded containers by sampling”. The performing rate reached 145%. A self-developed software named “the program to compute market share of container goods at recycling ends” was also used in recording the sampling results one by one. Through statistics and analysis, there were 665 samples left to be clarified, which were the merchandise containers manufactured with non-announced materials, or the merchandise containers with differences between labels and registered names or the merchandise containers from suspiciously non-registered container manufacturers (importers). We examined 163 container manufacturers while having performing “the assignment of examining sales volume of container manufacturers through books”. The performing rate reached 109%. The results showed that there were totaled 2142 buyers who were reported short in the sales volumes. Among these 2142 buyers, 791 of them have completed registrations and the rest of them, or 1351 buyers, were left for further examination. We will follow the agreement and advise Environmental Protection Administration to perform further examination step by step by other organizations. 095 基管會 立本台灣聯合會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1289
土壤及地下水污染事件應變調查、查證及技術支援工作計畫(95年度) 本計畫為兩年度計畫,本(95)年度工作主要分為(1)成立應變支援單位辦理緊急污染案件、(2)持續檢討修正「土壤及地下水污染事件應變處理參考手冊」(以下簡稱參考手冊)等二大項目。本(95)年度合計完成11件次污染案件之應變工作,工作團隊皆可依交辦單位之要求配合協助,並完全遵照交辦單位要求之時程內,赴現場現勘、調查,且充分討論溝通規劃查證作業程序及內容。辦理之成效皆能符合合約及主管機關之要求,且使主管機關能迅速掌握各場址污染特性與狀況。其中4案經本計畫調查檢測確認污染超出管制標準,超出管制標準之污染物為重金屬或TPH,污染物濃度則皆未達管制標準20倍,目前皆由環保局或相關單位配合辦理後續工作中。且本(95)年度由執行過之農地、工廠、非法棄置、加油站等類型污染場址應變處理案件中,各挑選一件案例進行手冊修訂版套用驗證,經由案例比較可知目前實際執行流程可與修訂過的參考手冊相呼應。另經與各級環保主管機關所召開之參考手冊修訂研商會,瞭解地方環保局關切重點,並依其意見修改參考手冊,使參考手冊更能符合其實際需求。 Investigation, Verification, and Technical Support for the Incidents of Soil and Groundwater Pollution (2006) The scope of this project was mainly categorized into the following two parts: 1. to establish a response team that assisted government in handling the incidents of soil and groundwater pollution; and 2. to continually revise the original “Soil and Groundwater Contamination Emergency Response Manual (SGCERM)”.The response team finished 11 incidents of soil or groundwater pollution. The conducting item of each incident included site survey, soil or groundwater investigation, pollution evaluation, source identification, and others that base on EPA’s requirements. All the outcome of conducting result of each incident are fully following the contract of project, and fitting in EPA’s requirements and objects. That helps EPA know well about the extent of pollution and easier to follow-up or decide an appropriate response. According to the result of above, there are four site’s soil or groundwater were polluted and pollutant’s concentration exceeds soil or groundwater pollution standard. All the four polluted sites, local EPBs are doing things that following relative regulation. After meeting with relative government authorities, the revised SGCERM was slightly adjusted to the conclusions of meeting. Basically, the revised SGCERM is ready for executing. Moreover, the project also tests the revised SGCERM with different kinds of cases, which included agricultural land, factory, dumping site, or gasoline station pollution incidents. The result of test confirmed the revised SGCERM can match the real response process. However, it also needs to revise continually, and let it easier and suitable for government agency. 095 土污基管會 瑞昶科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1307
95年度區域性地下水井維護及資料更新計畫 本(95)年計畫主要以環保署分別於93及94年度辦理之「區域性地下水水質監測井網檢討計畫」、「區域性地下水井維護及資料更新計畫」之經驗為基礎,擴大區域性監測井評估與維護之範圍,並實施監測井基本資料校正更新,以確保區域性地下水水質監測井之正常功能,進而達成水質污染預防之施政目標。依工作計畫契約書之規定,本(95)年計畫工作包括:「定期清洗區域性地下水監測井,維持監測井況正常」、「健全區域性地下水監測井網環境資料,驗證地下水井基本資料」、「強化地下水井體設施維護,更新井體設備環境」等三大項目。針對各項工作成果說明如下:(一)定期清洗區域性地下水監測井,維持監測井況正常前案計畫(93及94年度計畫)中已針對431口區域性地下水水質監測井,篩選出121口井況較差之監測井施作井下攝影及微水試驗,並於其中篩選出需執行完井作業之監測井65口,扣除已完井及環保署已另案重設新井,尚餘20 口未施作完井工作,故本(95)年由前案計畫中尚未實施井況評估之310口中,依五項篩選原則篩選出60口井進行井況評估,分別進行井下攝影及微水試驗,結果顯示功能正常有22口,建議需重設或暫停監測有3口,建議優先完井名單33口;另有2口建議納入後續完井名單。此外,前案計畫尚未進行完井的監測井中,篩選出7口加上本(95)年度建議優先完井有33口,合計40口分別於95.08.23~95.09.27進行完井工作,並於完井前、後施作微水試驗,另於完井後進行井下攝影。由井下攝影結果顯示,以井壁及井篩積垢或附著生物膜現象最普遍;於完成完井作業之40口監測井中,共計有苗栗縣后庄國小等28口於完井工作後,透水性屬正常良好或有改善,另12口完井後監測井的回水狀況並無明顯增加,依其設置的紀錄資料地質組成顯示,上述12口中共計有6口井篩開篩位置恰位於透水性差之黏土或粉土層,故研判回水緩慢的原因,應與監測井附近地質條件有關,而有5口監測井並無地質組成資料以茲比對回水狀況是否正常,另1口(嘉義縣六美國小)監測井為細砂或礫石,其有可能為監測井紀錄資料有誤,或受其他不確定因素影響,建議可進一步施作土壤連續取樣,以判視地質分層狀況。(二)健全區域性地下水監測井網環境資料,驗證地下水井基本資料本(95)年計畫依據431口監測井設置年份、設置廠商、以及資料卡上不同高程系統等三項篩選原則,篩選出40口監測井執行高程驗證工作。依高程驗証結果顯示,部份監測井井頂實際高程與紀錄高程有-3.284M〜17.489M之明顯差距。此外,配合井下攝影進行之60口井篩驗證結果顯示,約有60%井篩長度與開設位置與資料卡紀錄不符,前述結果均已更新基本資料卡。(三)強化地下水井體設施維護,更新井體設備環境本工作包含「地上型監測井改為隱藏式」及「更新防水井蓋並設置排水孔」,惟本(95)年於計畫執行期間,並無相關急迫性工作。 Project of Maintenance and Information Correction of the Regional Groundwater Monitoring Wells This project is based on the experience of the previous projects including “Evaluation Project of the Network of the Regional Groundwater Monitoring Wells (RGMWs)” and “Project of Maintenance and Information Correction of the Regional Groundwater Monitoring Wells” which executed in year 2004 and 2005 respectively. The objective of this project is to secure the function of the RGMWs through the extension of the well maintenance work and the correction of the basic well information, thus the RGMWs can provide pollution precaution and help to protect groundwater body. According to the contract, the tasks of this project include (1) providing periodical cleaning to the RGMWs; (2) the verification and correction of the basic well information; (3) the maintenance and rehabilitation of the well facilities. The project results of the above three major tasks are described as below:1. Providing periodical cleaning to the RGMWsIn the previous projects, totally 121 wells were selected from overall 431 RGMWs and evaluated within down-hole video inspection and slug test. In the evaluated 121 wells, totally 65 wells were recommended to receive well cleaning and 29 of the 65 wells have been cleaned during year 2004 and 2005. In this project, totally 60 wells has been selected and evaluated from the 310 well which were not evaluated in the previous projects. According to the results of down-hole video inspection and slug test, the tested wells can be classified into following four categories: (1) the function is normal (22 wells); (2) needs instant well cleaning and maintenance (33 wells); (3) recommends for well reinstallation or ceases groundwater monitoring (3 wells); (4) recommends for well cleaning and maintenance in the future (2 wells). In addition to the 33 wells recommended for instant cleaning, additional 7 wells were selected and cleaned from the remaining 36 wells which were not cleaned in the previous projects. Thus the total quantity of cleaned wells in this project achieves 40 wells and has been executed between 8/23/2006 and 9/27/2006. According to the work plan proposed previously, the down-hole video inspection and slug test were applied to each well before and after the well cleaning.According to the results of down-hole video inspection before well cleaning, scaling and biological fouling on well casing and screen prevails in most RGMWs. After well cleaning, the hydraulic conductivities of 28 wells among the 40 cleaned wells, including Hou-Chung Elementary School, Miao-Li, et al., have recovered or maintained in good condition. At contrast, the hydraulic conductivities of other 12 wells remain in poor condition and the primary reason is due to the geological conditions of the aquifer (6 wells), including silt or clay properties. In addition, the geological records of 5 well among the 12 wells is missing and the geological conditions of one well (Leo-May Elementary School, Chia-Yi) is not consistent to the hydraulic conductivity. The aquifer geological conditions of this well is recommended to be investigated again in the future.2. Verification and correction of the basic well informationIn this project, the altitude and the screen depth and length of the selected 40 wells was examined. Generally, the altitude recorded in the basic well information showed significant error (-3.284m ~ +17.489m) and all were corrected. On the other hand, the screen depth and length of 60% examined wells showed errors in the basic well information and were correct accordingly.3. Maintenance and rehabilitation of the well facilitiesIn this project, no necessity of maintenance and rehabilitation of the well facilities has been found. Thus, this part of task were not executed in this project according to the instruction of EPA. 095 監資處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2186
桃園縣南崁溪等流域河川污染源削減及稽查管制計畫 本計畫之計畫目標主要針對觀音工業區內之雨水道及排放至承受水體前之雨水道排放口進行巡查,以避免工業區內廠商偷排廢水及偷倒廢液至雨水道管線之情形。另辦理法令宣導說明會,以督促水污染源之各項作為能符合法令之規定,進而主動進行污染削減工作,以逐步減少污染物排出。計畫期間亦針對本縣重大污染源進行廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑作業,以透過專家學者之技術協助,從工廠廢水處理設施之處理單元設計及現場操作上發現放流水水質可以改善之空間,並提供工廠改善之建議後,要求工廠配合改善計畫之提報,再透過行複查追蹤管制,以使業者主動積極從事污染改善工作。而環保局於本(95)年度計查獲暗管偷排或重大水污染事件有76家。以行業別分析結果,以印刷電路板製造業佔54%為最多,其次為印染整理業佔17%;以處分事實分析結果,其中事業遭處分事實以事業放流水排放超過放流水標準63 %為最多,其次以事業違反事業水污染防制措施及排放廢污水管理辦法佔33 %。截至計畫結束止,經限期改善及後續持續追蹤結果,已有17家經查核確認完成改善。至於罰款繳交情形,已有18家之罰款已繳清,29家尚在限期繳款中,尚未繳款者則有21家,移送法辦有4家。 tyepb 095 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=5051
95年度南投縣臭氧成因解析及空品改善規劃 彙整近年南投縣重大臭氧污染資料得知:在臭氧濃度超過120 ppb的事件日中,出現頻率前五高天氣型態依序為微弱東北季風、高壓迴流型、太平洋高壓、標準東北季風、低壓帶,且其出現機率合計佔所有臭氧超標站日的74.73%,與常年天氣型態分布不盡相同。由監測結果得知:臭氧月平均濃度測值在春、秋二季較高。埔里站臭氧月平均濃度測值較南投及竹山二站高。氮氧化物及非甲烷碳氫化合物月平均濃度在冬季較高。在2000~2005年中,南投縣空品測站曾有90個臭氧超標站日,微弱東北季風、高壓迴流型、及太平洋高壓等三類亦為全時距內常出現之天氣型態。本計畫蒐集及確認南投縣臭氧前驅物排放量資料,應用光化網格模式模擬解析臭氧事件形成機制。在事件日一(10/27/2003 ~ 10/31/2003)的高壓天氣型態中,海域東北風及向內陸遞減之風速,結合下沉氣流而構成利於沿海地區污染物傳輸至內陸堆積反應。事件日二(6/1/2003 ~ 6/5/2003)颱風外圍環流與地形綜合作用,使內陸山脈後方風速較低,結合強勁下沉氣流而利於沿海污染物傳輸至內陸而反應。事件日二梅雨鋒面型態中,因風速較低不利污染物擴散而在內陸反應。本計畫臭氧模擬值與測值具良好相關性。事件日一中高臭氧濃度區多生成於南投縣西南部,繼而依地形沿東北西南向擴張,隨入夜縮小。在事件日二中,颱風型事件日高臭氧濃度區生成於南投縣西北部,逐步朝內陸擴張,入夜後逐漸縮小。以H2O2/HNO3, O3/HNO3, H2O2/NOy, O3/NOy, 及HCHO/NOy等五種光化指標解析得知在模擬事件日中絕大多數高臭氧事件為氮氧化物主控,顯見尋求氮氧化物減量應為臭氧管制策略優先思考方向。不同天氣型態臭氧事件主要貢獻鄉鎮不盡相同,東勢鎮、彰化市及南投市為本計畫模擬事件日中較常出現者。惟主要貢獻仍以南投縣外中部空品區鄉鎮為主。南投縣有某些高臭氧污染事件日之臭氧濃度超標量,高於中部空品區排放貢獻之和,在本研究模擬之事件日中,此類事件日以低壓帶天氣型態為主。減少臭氧超標站日之策略,建議朝向針對臭氧濃度僅小幅超標之事件小時,以及由超標情形較不顯著事件小時構成之站日著手。以2000到2005年的資料彙整結果顯示:南投縣三處空品測站中,在總共227個超標站日中,臭氧濃度只在一個測站僅有一小時超標5ppb以內的站日數有69天,佔總超標站日數的30%強。 Causes of ozone events in Nanto County and planning of air quality improvement in 2006 Among the historical data of ozone event days, the top five frequent weather types, which contribute 74.43% of ozone event station days, are mild northeast monsoon, high-pressure system with recirculation, Pacific high-pressure system, standard northeast monsoon, and low-pressure zone. Higher monthly average ozone concentrations were observed in spring and autumn. The monthly average ozone concentrations measured in Puli are higher than the ones measured in Nanto and Chushan. Higher monthly average nitrogen oxides and non-methan hydrocarbons concentrations were observed in winter. There were 90 ozone event station days in Nanto County during 2000~2005, weather types with highest frequency are mild northeast monsoon, high-pressure system with recirculation, and Pacific high-pressure system. In this project, the mechanisms of ozone event are simulated by photochemical grid model. In event day 1 (10/27/2003 ~ 10/31/2003), lower wind velocities were simulated inland. The pollutants were transported from the areas near sea to the inland area and react to form ozone. In event day 2 (6/1/2003 ~ 6/5/2003), the circulation around typhoon leads to lower wind velocity and pollutant accumulation behind the montains. The simumlted and measured ozone concentrations exhibit good correlationship. During the event day 1, areas with high ozone concentration originate in the southwest part of Nanto County, and develop along the northeast-southwest direction, then diminish in the night. In the event day 2, areas with high ozone concentration originate in the northwest part of Nanto County, and develop from west to east, then diminish in the night. The dominating precursor of ozone can be determined as nitrogen oxide by using the photochemical indicators H2O2/HNO3, O3/HNO3, H2O2/NOy, O3/NOy, and HCHO/NOy. The reduction of nitrogen oxides emission should have higher priority in developing the ozone control strategy. The major contributing areas of ozone are different for ozone event days with different weather types. Doshe, Chanhwa City, and Nanto City are the frequent contributors. However, the ozone concentration is contributed mainly by emission sources outside the central air quality zone. The strategy to reduce the ozone violence days is suggested to focus on the event hours with only small ozone violence. From the data of 2000~2005, there are 69 days with only one hour ozone concentration exceedence among the 227 ozone violence station days. 095 南投縣政府環境保護局 國立聯合大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1481
大甲溪河床裸露地揚塵防制計畫 「大甲溪河床裸露地揚塵防制計畫」主要是針對大甲溪流域具有揚塵逸散之河床裸露地進行稻草蓆覆蓋及植生綠覆蓋等防制之工作;對於大甲溪裸露河床污染防制,蒐集並且建立完整的歷年資料。此外針對覆蓋防制工作評估對於裸露河床覆蓋之成效。本計畫執行期間自95年12月18日簽約日起至97年3月17日止,本工作團隊已掌握大甲溪流域境內具揚塵之虞共計33處,包括河川工程15處,其中已完工之工程計14處,而目前仍持續進行作業之工程為1處;河床裸露地18處(包括預計或已施作地點8處),針對大甲溪流域具揚塵之虞及揚塵防制作業預計施作地點或已施作地點,工作團隊每月至少需巡查20處次。於計畫執行期間進行稽巡查工作時,確實紀錄具有揚塵之虞地點周邊環境影響情況及揚塵防制作業施作後續維護之情況,並加以拍照及攝影存查;已計完成248處次的稽巡查作業。TSP檢測作業共計完成144點次之監測。大甲溪流域揚塵來源依其上、中、下游各別區段詳述之,則上中游區段方面,主要是以河川防洪工程、疏濬工程及道路修復工程為主要揚塵之來源;中下游區段部方面,主要是位於豐原市與神岡鄉之所屬區域豐洲堤防防汛道路一帶,砂石車所引起之車行揚塵問題尚為嚴重;下游區段主要來源,為出海口附近之河床高灘裸露地,及暫租農地休耕期間之揚塵污染。每到東北季風來臨時,強風挾帶著裸露地面之揚塵四逸飄散,不僅造成臺中縣空氣品質不良,更已嚴重影響沿岸居民之生活品質及健康狀況。環保局有鑑於其影響甚鉅,並研擬「大甲溪河床裸露地揚塵防制」方案,希冀透過有效的揚塵防制工法,降低因河床裸露地揚塵對環境生態的不良衝擊,因此,邀集學生團體及環保志工隊,分別於96年10月20日,在后豐橋旁300公尺處完成12公頃稻草蓆覆蓋防制作業;及96年5月26日、9月29日、12月15日,在神岡鄉豐洲堤防尾(國道四號旁)、豐原市后豐橋旁、豐原市后豐橋200公尺等3處,共計8公頃河床裸露地進行植生綠覆蓋施作。本計畫中稻草蓆覆蓋河床高灘裸露之地表,可減少因稻草焚燒所產生之空氣污染;施作12公頃約可減少CO2排放量達90,192噸。(以每平方公尺鋪設500g重之稻草蓆來計算,每公頃可減少之CO2排放量約7,516公噸。),TSP削減量則為49.68公噸/年。(環保署研究報告所示:一般裸露地TSP減量係數為0.345公噸/公頃);在植生綠覆蓋減量成效,TSP排放減量為49.344公噸/年。(環保署研究報告:一般裸露地TSP減量係數為0.514公噸/公頃)另外,於96年12月24日辦理1場次「臺中縣河川及其工程之裸露地表揚塵管制研商會」,會中邀請河川工程施工單位及目的事業主管機關等單位共同商討,徹底防制及改善因河川及其工程之裸露地表所引起的揚塵問題,造成周圍環境之負面衝擊,並且納入年度維護管理,並建請針對污染行為撰寫污染防制計畫書,以提供環保局查核及評估分析防制效益。本計畫工作團隊於計畫執行期間,協助臺中縣環境保護局主動發布管制現況新聞稿計16則;刊登於各大報之新聞剪報計10則共計26則。希透過各式新聞媒體的宣導作業,以讓民眾了解河川揚塵污染的管制相關成果,並讓相關主管機關更加了解河川流域防制之重要性及其有關規範。 The Tachiaxi Exposed River Bed Wind-Boren Dust Prevention Project The Tachiaxi Exposed River Bed Wind-Boren Dust Prevention Project” is first to implement a series of preventive measures such as straw mat and green plant coverings in the exposed rived beds with wind borne dust problems within the Tachiaxi Basin. The second part of the project is to collect and to build a complete database on the previous prevention measures implemented. The third part of the project is to assess the effectiveness of the preventive coverings on the exposed river beds from this project.The project execution period, began from December 18, 2006, which was the contract initiation date, and ended on March 17, 2008. The project team had covered 33 locations with potential wind-borne dust pollution problems, including 15 river-engineering locations, which encompassed 14 completed locations and 1 construction on-going locations, 18 exposed rived bed locations (including 8 planned or completed locations). For locations with potential wind-borne dust pollution problems or planned locations or preventive covering completed locations, the team had to inspect each locations 20 times per month to document, photograph, and video for future references. A total of 248 inspections were completed. Another total of 144 TSP point were completed. The origins of wind-borne dust in Tachiaxi Basin came from all sections of the river. The flood control locations, the river dredge and channel locations, and road repair construction locations were the sources of the wind-borne dust in the upper and middle section of the river. The large construction vehicles on the regional Fengchu embankment flood prevention road between Fengyuan City and Shengan Village were responsible for the wind-borne dust problems in the middle and lower section of the river. The exposed river bed around the estuary and the fallow period of the surrounding farmland were responsible for the wind-borne dust problems in the downstream section of the Tachiaxi. The strong wind, accompanying the northeast monsoon season, carried dust from the exposed river basin, not only worsen the air quality in Taichung County, but also severely affect the quality of life and the health situations of the residents within the area. The Taichung County Environmental Protection Agency had drawn “The Tachiaxi Exposed Rived Bed Wind-Borne Dust Prevention Plan”, in the hope, that through effective preventive measures, adverse effects from the wind-borne dust on the environment can be reduced. Therefore, student groups and environmental volunteers were invited to join forces and completed the covering of the 12 acres of exposed river bed, located 300 meters from the Hofeng Bridge, with straw mat October 20, 2007. And, on May 26, 2007, September 29, 2007, and December 15, 2007, perspectively, in the tail part of Fengchu embankment flood prevention road in Shengan Village (close to the Federal Highway Four), right next to and 200 meters of the Hofeng Bridge, green plant coverings were used to cover a total of 8 acres of exposed river bed in these 3 locations.By covering the exposed river beds with straw mats, this project can reduce the air pollution caused by the burning of such material, therefore an estimated CO2 emission of 90,192 metric ton can be reduced by the covering the 12 acres of exposed river beds mentioned in this project (every m2 requires 500g of straw mat, therefore 1 acre can reduce CO2 emission o by 7,516 metric ton). TSP reduction equals to 49.68 metric ton per year (According to study conducted by the Environmental Protection Bureau, average exposed land has a TSP reduction coefficient of 0.345 metric ton/ acre). The green plant coverings has a TSP reduction equals to 49.344 metric ton per year (According to study conducted by the Environmental Protection Bureau, average exposed land has a TSP reduction coefficient of 0.514 metric ton/ acre). Moreover, ”Conference on Wind Borne Dust Control within Taichung County Rivers and its Exposed River Beds related to River Engineering Construction Locations” were held on December 24, 2007. Contractors responsible for river runway construction locations and related authority organizations were invited to discuss how to improve and prevent wind-borne dust problems and harmful environmental effects related to rivers and river engineering or construction locations. Inclusions of environmental preventative measures related to the above issue in the annual maintenance management were also discussed. Pollution prevention plan were also recommended so Environmental Agency can check and assess the effectiveness of such preventive measures. During the duration of this project, had voluntarily assisted the Taichung County Environmental Agency to issue 16 river runway dust control news releases, resulting in 10 news reports in major newspapers, which totaled 26 coverage. Hopefully, the coverage of wind-borne dust control in the exposed river runway will result in the public’s better understanding of the efforts and the achievement in this area. Also, all the related authority agencies, through media, can understand more about the importance and related rules to the above pollution control. 095 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 康維環保顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=177
95年度「巴塞爾公約相關資訊蒐集分析與行政協助事宜及專家小組計畫」 (一)廢棄物輸出入管理執行諮詢1.完成辦理4次專家小組會議2.協助詢問或查詢歐盟及中國等國家廢棄物輸出入管理規定3.提出混合五金廢料、重金屬污泥及含鎘電池稅則號列增修建議(二)我國因應巴塞爾公約決議之相關措施1.完成舊(廢)手機越境轉移管制規範重點內容彙整及電腦小組業者參與議題問卷調查2.完成舊手機再使用技術準則介紹、國內法規及廢手機回收情形、國內管理差異及提出調整建議3.完成電子廢棄物二手商品交易四個發展面向說明、重點工作規劃及二手電腦國外管理及國內交易案例分析4.提出有害廢棄物越境運送管理因應方案架構(草案)(三)巴塞爾公約國際參與重點1.完成五人次出席五次會議:(1)第五次開放工作組會議、(2)OECD「廢棄物預防與回收工作小組」第9次工作小組會議、(3)NIES第三屆E-Waste會議,及(4)第2屆亞太固體廢棄物專家會議(5)第八次締約國大會2.完成生物保健及健康保健廢棄物環境無害管理技術準則之2006年更新版回覆意見(四)國際研討會1.舉辦「電子廢棄物管理與越境轉移研討會」2.舉辦「廢棄物越境轉移管理模式經驗交流」及「參與巴塞爾公約電腦夥伴計畫之優劣探討」圓桌會議3.安排拜會環保署、經濟部、環工協會及參觀廢家電處理廠及廢車粉碎廠(五)巴塞爾公約資訊宣導1.完成蒐集206則巴塞爾公約訊息2.完成網站架構調整、網站更新22次、配合網站資訊安全測試2次3.完成辦理一場次業務檢討會 2006 Basel Convention Project:Collecting and analyzing related information, providing implementation assistance and working with the Expert-Committee. The achievement from this project includes five aspects as follows.1. Providing legal advises on the regulations regarding the management of waste import/export. Our project team organized four meetings with Basel Convention Expert Committee. We also assisted inquiry the regulations on transboundary movement of waste of EU, China and the other countries. Besides the revision of coding mixed metal scraps, sludge with heavy metals and batteries with Cadmium was also completed.2. Responding to the decisions of the Basel Convention In this project, the summary of the Guideline for the Transboundary Movement of Collected Mobile Phones and the investigation on interested issues of Working Group on Computing Equipments with a questionnaire were completed. We also introduced the Guideline on the Refurbishment of Used Mobile Phones, status of domestic legislation and recycling of waste mobile phones, the difference of the management between Taiwan and BC guideline and the suggestion for changes in the future. In addition to introducing the trade of the second-hand electronic equipments, the summary of international management of used computers as well as domestic case studies of reuse and trade of second-hand computers were made. Furthermore, we drafted the response to the framework of the transboundary movement of waste.3. Participating in the Basel Convention activities. In 2006, we participated in five different meetings or conferences: the 5th Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG5) in Geneva, the 9th Working Group on Waste Prevention and Recycle; WGWPR in Paris, the 3rd NIES E-Waste Conference in Japan, the 2nd Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific - For Networking of Experts and the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal on its 8th meeting (COP8).We completed the revised comments on the “Technical Guidelines for the Environmentally Sound Management of Biomedical and Health care Wastes (Y1; Y3)”4. Holding international conferences. In June, 2006, we held the 2006 international conference in Taipei: Conference on E-Waste Management and Transboundary Movements.” Along with main conference, two round tables: “Experience Exchange on the Management of the transboundary movement of waste” and “Benefit and Loss of attending the Computing Partnership” also took place. For the international conference participants, we arranged the on-site visits to Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, an end-of-life vehicle recycling plant and a recycling plant for home appliances in Taiwan.5. Collecting and promoting BC related information. We completed and evaluated 206 news, articles, reports and papers regarding the Basel Convention, and, updated both of the Chinese and English Basel Convention information websites for 22 times in total. (http://ivy2.epa.gov.tw/web/english/index.htm). The research team also organized a 2-day-workshop for local environmental officials. 095 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1838