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103年資源回收暨物業管理計畫 辦理資源回收宣導、垃圾強制分類稽查(沿線及定點)、責任業者及販賣業者稽查、回收處理業稽查,資源回收形象改造、個體戶宣導列冊、禁限用政策相關稽查工作 103 新竹市環境保護局 金石山工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81674
土壤底泥中農藥、多環芳香烴、酚類、塑化劑、有機錫調查計畫(2/2) 殺蟲劑、酚類(尤其是氯酚)、塑化劑、有機錫等之廣泛施用,可經由雨水沖刷或空氣沈降至河川、地下水及土壤等環境中。多環芳香烴亦能經由交通污染或燃燒源透過空氣散佈至他處,沉積於底泥或土壤。上述化合物在處於底泥或土壤的厭氧環境中,可能導致其於環境之持久性,因而底泥與土壤中之污染物殘留,較適合代表環境中較為長期之污染趨勢。雖然上述各類化合物目前皆有其個別之分析方法,但是仍無可將其一併分析者。本研究開發以極致液相層析-質譜/質譜儀(UPLC-MS/MS)與氣相層析-質譜/質譜儀(GC-MS/MS)偵測土壤與底泥中有機磷類(11種)、氨基甲酸鹽類(5種)、合成除蟲菊精類(7種)、塑化劑(8種)、酚類(16種) 、多環芳香烴(24種,包含16個環保署優先多環芳香烴)、有機錫(8種)等共79個重要環境污染物之方法。土壤與底泥先經由QuEChERS前處理後,殺蟲劑、塑化劑、多環芳香烴、有機錫等以UPLC-MS/MS偵測,酚類則主要以GC-MS/MS分析。殺蟲劑、塑化劑以電灑游離(electrospray),多環芳香烴則以大氣壓光游離(atmospheric pressure photoionization)佐以管柱後添加10%苯甲醚 (anisole) 當作摻雜劑,酚類則以電子游離(electron ionization)。基本上每個待測物以多重反應監測(MRM)偵測兩個離子對,並以同位素稀釋技術進行定量。各待測物土壤和底泥 (溼重) 之方法偵測極限範圍大多在數個至數十個 ng/g; 大部分待測物檢量線的範圍皆能達r2 = 0.990以上。大部分待測物之基質效應因子約為70-130%,但利用穩定同位素標定內標準品校正可使大部分待測物的達良好的回收率(大多在75-130%)。為驗證分析方法之適用性,本研究分析16個河川底泥、2個民生污水廠污泥、4個港口底泥、13個河川周遭土壤、5個工業區周遭土壤樣本等共40件實際樣本,以瞭解79種重要環境污染物於土壤和底泥之背景殘留。底泥及土壤中以塑化劑與多環芳香烴類檢出濃度及檢出率較高。除了自行添加之樣本外,本研究也使用認證參考樣本進行方法驗證。本研究建立IPR (Initial precision and recovery) 和檢測方法草案,供計畫委託單位參考。 The survey of pesticides,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,phenols,phthalates,and organotins in soil Pesticides, phenols, phthalates, and organotins were heavily used and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were widely generated from air pollution, such as transportation and combustion. All the above chemicals may run off via rain or air deposition to the river, ground water, sediment, and soil. Since most conditions in soil and sediment are anaerobic, the above compounds may exist in the environment persistently; consequently, the residue level in soil or sediment may represent a long term trend of pollution. Although there are some existing methods available on analyzing these compounds, there is none can analyze these groups together.This study developed a method for detecting 79 important environmental pollutants, including 11 organophosphates, 5 carbamates, 7 pyrethroids, 8 phthalates, 16 phenols, 24 PAHs (containing the 16 EPA priority PAHs), and 8 organotins, in soil and sediment, using ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). Soils and sediments samples were treated with QuEChERS and the extracts were analyzed using UPLC-MS/MS with electrospray ionization (ESI) for insecticides, phthalates, and organotins, and atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) with post-column addition of anisole as a dopant for PAHs; phenols were analyzed with GC-MS/MS using electron ionization (EI). Data acquisition were at multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) mode with monitoring two ion transitions at each analyte, and the quantitation were done with isotope-dilution techniques.The limits of detection of soil and sediment ranged most from few to tens of ng/g (wet weight) and 30 to 180 ng/g (wet weight). The square of regression coefficients (r2) of calibration curves were higher than 0.990. The matrix effect factors of analytes were most between 70-130%, and the use of isotope-labeled internal standards can cancel out the effects on quantitation resulting from matrix effects or variations of extraction efficiency, then reached good recoveries (most between 75-130%). For method validation, 40 real samples were analyzed, including 16 river sediments, two sludge from a water treatment plant, four sediment samples from two harbors, 13 soil samples around rivers, and 5 soil samples from industrial parks. Among the analytes, phthaltes and PAHs were in higher positive rates in the real samples. This study established the initial precision and recovery (IPR) and two drafts of standard analytical procedures for the National Institute of Enviromental Analysis. 103 環檢所 國立臺灣大學公共衛生學院環境衛生研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74365
103年機動車輛污染檢驗機構查核計畫 本計畫仍依據「機動車輛排放空氣污染物及噪音檢驗測定機構管理辦法」,針對已獲得許可之機動車輛污染檢驗室品質管理系統之各項作業進行監督與輔導。主要目標在於藉由查核工作之進行,了解檢驗室執行品保品管程序,進而提出缺失改善之建議,並藉由實施複查,監督實驗室缺失改善情形,實質而有效達到查核目的。同時由檢驗數據查核了解檢測數據之追溯性與完整性,落實品保品管要求,以提升許可檢驗室之檢驗技術品質,確保檢驗數據之公信力。本年度主要工作成果共七項:(1)完成17家機動車輛污染測定機構完成年度輔導性訪查及複查作業;(2)針對汽油車污染、柴油車污染、機車污染及車輛噪音等4種檢測項目,共完成17家機動車輛污染測定機構70場次之年度相關性測試督導,並符合規定;(3)完成8間車輛噪音測試道之年度場地紋理深度量測並符合規定;(4)完成1場次年度機動車輛污染檢測機構業者及評鑑專家研習會;(5)完成1場次年度機動車輛污染檢測技術訓練及研討會;(6)完成9間噪音檢驗室噪音計訊號延長線衰減情形確認,確認結果無明顯衰減之情形;(7)完成國內各檢驗室層流式流量計及SAO流量計使用情形調查,並提出校正建議方案。 Checking on motor vehicles emission testing institutions 2014 This project was commissioned by the National Institute of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Protection Administration. The project was in accordance with「Regulations Governing Motor Vehicle Air Pollutant and Noise Emission Testing Organizations」to supervise and guide quality management systems for the licensed laboratories. This project was designed to provide improving suggestions to laboratories by annual audit for their quality management system and processes, and to check the improved actions by supplemental audit to assure the objectives of project achieved. Meanwhile, this project was also expected to enhance testing technique and quality of laboratories by checking the traceability and integrality of measurement data to assure the justice of test result. The achievements of this project include: (1) Annual audit and supplemental audit for quality system guidance of 17 laboratories were completed. (2)70 supervisions for correlation testing were completed, including 4 test items of gasoline vehicles exhausting testing, diesel vehicles exhausting testing, motorcycle exhausting testing and noise testing. All results meet the requirement. (3)MTD (mean texture depth) of 8 noise testing tracks were inspected. The results meet the requirement.(4)One symposium was hold for laboratories and assessment specialists.(5)One testing technical training and conference was hold for laboratories.(6)The confirmation on 9 Noise Test Laboratories for the attenuation of the extended signal wire of the noise meter has been completed. These is no obvious attenuation on the final confirmation.(7)The investigation on the usage of LFE or SAO flow meters for each domestic laboratories has been completed and the suggested calibration scenarios have been put forth. 103 環檢所 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72649
宜蘭縣103年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 「宜蘭縣103年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」計畫目標包含宜蘭縣施用禽畜糞地區相關調查、利澤焚化爐落塵分析調查、過往具污染潛勢案件追蹤調查及緊急應變採樣調查,並執行地下水監測井維護及監測作業與其他相關相關配合性工作,以達長期維護管理土壤及地下水品質目標。本計畫執行期間為103年1月1日至103年12月31日,本年計畫成果進行匯整,計畫執行摘要表如表1,工作內容辦理情形與執行成果摘要說明如下:一、針對宜蘭縣過往相關土壤污染案件調查結果,挑選具污染潛勢之地區,並經環保局同意後調整為10點次土壤重金屬採樣分析、8點次XRF與民井地下水採樣分析(原項目為土壤6點次重金屬、3點次TPH及3點次PCB)。包含「宜蘭市梅洲新段420地號(前東一鋼鐵污染場址周邊土地)」2點次土壤採樣、「冬山鄉安平段403與405地號土地」6點次土壤採樣(包含8點次重金屬XRF)、「冬山鄉北富段2011地號場址周邊農地」2點次土壤採樣及1口次「冬山國小周邊民井」地下水一般項目與VOCs採樣,本年度調查結果僅在安平段403地號上有檢出一點次土壤銅含量超過監測標準;北富段2點次土壤因地質因素造成砷含量超過監測標準。安平段407地號為解列之7條5場址,403地號第一階段調查時超標污染物與407地號過往相似,故建議後續針對此區擴大追蹤。梅洲新段420地號鄰近7條5場址,後續針對場址驗證時可針對420地號再次確認。北富段經過3年追蹤調查,土壤砷超標應為使用砷含量較高之地下水灌溉造成,非人為污染二、針對宜蘭縣使用禽畜糞地區進行相關調查工作,已完成四階段採樣工作,內容包括10點次過往高監測值之8項重金屬採樣分析、140點次重金屬之XRF篩測、60點次土壤8項重金屬調查之採樣檢測,2口簡易井設置與10口次地下水採樣與一般項目及重金屬分析,以及與50萬元彈性調查內容(含30點次的土壤質地分析、有機質分析(OM)、陽離子交換容量(CEC)、酸鹼值及導電度分析,以及10點次的地下水糞便大腸桿菌與糞便鏈球菌分析)。調查結果顯示非所有高灘地重金屬濃度均偏高,長期施用禽畜糞之農地會有較高之污染潛勢;因農民污染防治概念增強,採用機器翻土及翻耕深度加深,導致過往高濃度點位重金屬含量下降。三、利澤焚化爐周邊落塵污染潛勢調查已完成採樣分析,已調查利澤焚化爐週邊落塵高污染潛勢區域,並完成落塵乾、濕沉降通量模擬,將利澤焚化週邊區域依主要落塵著陸區(沉降通量0.20~0.28 g/m2/yr)、次要落塵著陸區(沉降通量0.11~0.20 g/m2/yr)、低量落塵著陸區(沉降通量0.04~0.11 g/m2/yr)與無或微量落塵著陸區(沉降通量0.01~0.04 g/m2/yr)分為四類。本計畫已依據模擬落塵量於焚化爐周邊地區採集60點次土壤進行XRF篩測,並挑選20點次進行8項重金屬分析以及6點次的戴奧辛分析。本次調查範圍重金屬與戴奧辛累積情況不明顯,建議後續可針對植物進行採樣調查。四、監測井水質調查與相關工作:1.完成50口場制性監測井之地下一般項目水質監測與19口次揮發性有機化合物監測,並針對氮與鐵、錳、砷濃度偏高之情況進行統計與評析。完成南澳地區(東澳國小)(G00155)、蘭陽溪下游(壯圍)(G00156)及梅洲地區(礁溪)(G00157) 3口新設監測井之設置與地下水質檢測。宜蘭縣之地下水質砷濃度超標屬自然因素;龍德工業區、親水公園、冬山河沿岸之監測井鐵錳濃度偏高;龍德工業區、宜蘭市垃圾掩埋場、親水公園、冬山河沿岸之監測井氨氮濃度偏高。2.完成9口監測井進行井況評估(含井攝、微水試驗與資料處理),另完成5口次監測井的再完井作業以及5口次監測井的異物清除與清除後的井攝作業。3.監測井維護與巡查工作已執行完畢,並完成9口次井體維護更新作業以及3口次井體設施修復作業。五、緊急應變案件之污染調查作業共完成本縣18件之土壤或地下水採樣分析及調查工作。冬山鄉北富段2011地號土壤污染改善驗證於103年1月第一次未通過,另於本年3月第二次驗證後確認土壤重金屬含量皆已低於食用作物農地土壤染管制標準,達到改善目標;冬山鄉鹿安段773地號與蘇澳鎮隘城段831地號土壤污染案完成採樣調查工作,鹿安段無現勘結果顯示無爐渣使用現像,蘇澳鎮隘城段則有重金屬鋅含量未超過管制標準,亦針對周邊土壤及地下水調查後暫未執行相關管制措施;三星鄉德豐牧場排放污水污染農田阿里史段阿里史小段129-10與129-26地號土壤因應民眾陳情,調查結果顯示無重金屬含量超標情況;壯圍鄉新福段1203-2地號土壤污染案調查結果發現TPH含量超過土壤污染管制標準,隨後由環保局輔導進行改善,已完成驗證調查,達到改善目標;大同鄉四季段219與220地號農地污染案改善驗證案於1月完成改善驗證調查,土壤重金屬含量已低於食用作物農地監測標準,已解除依土污法第7條第5項之列管作業;宜陽瀝青土壤污染案於101年發現總石油碳氫化合物(TPH)超過土壤管制標準,於第二次改善驗證於本年度3月完成改善並通過驗證;員山鄉粗坑段125與126地號土壤污染場址,疑似收受有機性及無機性污泥進行廢棄物堆肥處理並導致土壤含鎳、鉻、銅及鋅等重金屬污染,於本年度5月進行兩次改善驗證後,始達改善目標;蘇澳油料分庫場址驗證(地下水部分)於本年5月進行採樣後,地下水TPH含量仍高達1390 mg/L,故環保局亦於本年度將本區地下水公告為控制場址;礁溪鄉龍泉段129地號於本年6月完成改善後即進行驗證工作,並於8月8日解除7條5之列管作業;礁溪鄉開蘭二段123地號與蘇澳鎮七星段193地號於本年度禽畜糞調查時,查出有汞污染超過時用作物農地管制標準,分別於本年6月與7月依7條5進行管制,開蘭段在8月完成改善與驗證通過後,環保局即在9月解除開蘭段之管制作業,七星段則在10月份完成改善與驗證作業,環保局於11月11日解除列管;本年10月進行的礁溪鄉公園段1地號周邊地下水疑似受回填爐碴影響與榮益環保科技股份有限公司油品洩漏案兩緊急陳情事件中,公園段1地號之地下水經檢測後推估暫時未受爐碴影響,但榮益環保雖已先執行緊急應變但其洩漏至廠區範圍外之土壤樣品經檢測後土壤TPH含量高達1470 mg/kg,已超過土壤管制標準,建議環保局應對其進行相關措施;本年10月底亦依環保署指示針對新興加油站與府城加油站規劃2次土壤氣體監測及五結加油站地下水VOCs檢測分析,目前已完成採樣,結果仍在分析中。六、其他相關工作事項完成103前三季之加油站網路申報審核作業,業者申報率皆為100%。截至103年12月底止已完成辦理5場次土壤及地下水污染防治宣導活動、3場次法規說明會與2場次專題講座訓練。亦完成每月一次宜蘭縣內污染場址周界綠美化及定期巡檢與清理工作,並於環保署「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網(Eco-life)」設置之部落格,定期更新場址整治進度。完成環保局土壤及地下水污染整治業務之中英文雙語專屬網站每月更新及維護作業(每2個月通過無障礙A+檢測)。此外,亦協助環保局修正過往監測井與加油站分級管理制度。 The project on Investigation and Verificationof Soil and Groundwater Pollution in Yilan County, 2014 This project achieved a number of objectives regarding investigation of groundwater and soil contamination, verification of regulated sites, maintenance and management of groundwater monitoring wells in Yilan County. Whilst the project duration was started from 1/1/2014 to 31/12/2014, the major achievements are stated as follows:1. Re-investigation of 4 high pollution potential sites locating at Yilan City and Dongshan Township was accomplished. In total, 10 sampling points of controlled heavy metal (HM) and 8 sampling points of X-Ray fluorescence analysis in soil were conducted, and 1 groundwater monitoring well was analyzed for general items and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). One site in Dongshan Township was found high concentration of Arsenic in soil, in view of this region is affected by natural geochemical characteristics of As-polluted groundwater and sediments, a sustained monitoring of groundwater and soil is recommend ; another site in Dongshan Township was found copper concentration in soil exceeded Standard Monitoring Levels.2. Extensive investigation related to fecal-source HM contamination of farmland was complete after performing 140 sampling points of X-Ray fluorescence analysis, 30 sampling points of soil texture, 70 sampling points of controlled HM in soil, and 10 groundwater wells analysis for general items and heavy metal. In conclusion, Yilan County could be divided into 3 areas with different risk levels of fecal-source HM contamination. The highest area was located in Datong Township(upper reaches of Lanyang river) where long-term and high-frequency fertilization of abundant feces from livestock and poultry significantly dominated the accumulation of HM with farmland. Nevertheless, a current phenomenon was observed that farmers in Datong Township tend to deepen plowing depth which led to the decline of detected HM accumulation.3. Environmental impact assessment of surrounding area of Lize Incineration Plant was accomplished through establish an ISC-ST3 model (Industrial Source Complex Short-Term Mode) and rank the dust-fall quantity of different area. The model was applied to arrange 60 sampling points of X-Ray fluorescence analysis, 20 sampling points of controlled HM in soil, and 6 sampling points of dioxin analysis. The result had shown scarcely accumulation of HM and dioxin in the soil, hence a further investigation specifically aimed at plants was suggested.4. The maintenance, management and monitoring of groundwater wells including accomplish 49 groundwater monitoring wells’ sampling for general items and the HM, construct 3 standard monitoring wells, implement slug test analysis and well development. 5. The emergency sampling and investigation during the process of this project including 18 investigation cases. Site locations include Dongshan Township, Su’ao Township, Sanxing Township, Zhuangwei Township, Yuanshan Township, Jiaoxi Township and Wujie Township 103 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 環興科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77791
移動污染源細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)調查技術開發 近年來,國內、外相關法令已將機動車輛的粒狀污染物列入管制的對象,其所排放的粒狀污染物濃度預期將會有更明確檢測方法與更新的管制標準。在如此國際趨勢中,發展適切的粒狀物濃度評估方法是必要的。因此本研究的目的在於發展一套針對使用中機車引擎尾氣排放粒狀污染物的量測系統。 實驗系統包含採樣緩衝腔、除溼裝置、旋風分徑器、自動連續監測儀器等部分。首先利用125 c.c.機車引擎搭配動力計系統產生穩定的尾氣排放條件,以建立尾氣中含水率、粒狀物粒徑濃度分布以及微粒之吸濕成長特性,作為分徑與除水裝置之依據。之後再以實車在惰轉狀態下,驗證與比較不同儀器組合的性能與限制。在除水裝置方面,有稀釋法、Nafion dryer以及冰浴法;分徑裝置則以旋風分徑器為主;而微粒濃度量測方面則有濾紙秤重、SMPS、FMPS、CPC、microAeth AE51黑碳計、Dusttrak、Opacity meter等方法。 由量測結果顯示機車引擎動力計排氣中的粒狀污染物,在惰轉狀態(1750 rpm)之下CMD約為0.05μm、GSD為1.8、數目濃度則為104~105 #/cm3。而從微粒之吸濕成長特性曲線可知尾氣中的微粒即使在相對濕度約100%的環境之下,並沒有顯著的吸濕現象。因此,稀釋的目的主要是為系統降溫,並避免凝結水於採樣管路中形成。樣本氣體含水量在惰轉狀態下約為7%,並隨著轉速增加而增加。當轉速最高為4000rpm時,約為10%。因此,實驗測試發現稀釋倍率約10倍應可避免凝結水的產生,但是卻同時降低粒狀物的濃度。平板型Nafion dryer在3 L/min之下對於次微米微粒(30~750 nm)無微粒穿透損失且能達到除水效果,但價格高是主要的缺點。而冰浴法發現操作簡單又能達到除溼與降溫效果。在PM2.5旋風分徑器實驗發現,流量分別在為16.7、3 L/min與美國EPA PM2.5分徑曲線符合。最後實際測試27台機車排氣,粒徑分布約在50 nm左右。當中化油器引擎19台,其質量濃度730.4±187.6 μg/m3、數目濃度2x106±721725;電子噴射引擎8台其質量濃度139.6±78.8 μg/m3、數目濃度1.2x105±8562 #/cm3。在不透光量測方面,多重反射式不透光度計(光徑達13公尺)測試結果得知當粒徑在70nm以上、質量濃度在1mg/m3、數目濃度在104~105 particles /cm3以上,不透光度計才有反應。故不透光度計受限機車粒徑多約在50 nm附近,質量濃度小於 1mg/m3 造成不透光度計無明顯反應。此外,在FMPS、SMPS、Black carbon、CPC與機車尾氣質量濃度分別比對的結果發現,FMPS (r=0.785)、SMPS (r=0.764)、CPC數目濃度 (r=0.698)、Black carbon (r=0.961)。從中發現microAeth AE51此台儀器所量得知黑碳質量濃度與濾紙質量濃度相關性最佳(r=0.961)。因此,最佳化採樣系統應選擇冰浴法搭配分徑器並串接自動連續監測儀器microAeth AE51作為使用中機車攔檢作業粒狀物之篩選工具。 Development of fine particle (PM2.5) measurement technology In recent years, the vehicle particle emissions standards had been included by regulations. The new measurement technology and control regulations for particle emissions can be expected. Hence, the development of particle concentration measurement system is essential. The purpose of this is to develop a measurement system for screening motorcycle exhaust particle emissions. The measuring system consisted of a buffer chamber, dehumifier, cyclone, and measurement instruments. The test particles were generated by a four-stroke engine of 125 cc motorcycle installed on the dynamometer. The particle size distribution, hygroscopic characteristic, and water content of emissions were evaluated for choosing the particle selector and dehumifier. Afterward, the different instruments were employed for measuring particle number and mass concentration on engine idle condition. The test dehumifiers including dilutor, Nafion drayer and ice bath. The particle selector was the cyclone. The particle number and mass concentration were measured by filter weighting, SMPS, FMPS, CPC, AE51, Dusttrak, and opacity meter. The results indicated that the engine emission at idle mode (1750 rpm) had a particle CMD of 0.05μm, GSD of 1.8 and number concentration of 104~105 #/cm3. The particles generated from engine emissions did not growth even if the RH achieved 100 %. Hence, the purpose of dilution was to decrease the sample temperature and avoid the water condensed on the sampling tube. The sample water content was 7 % and 10 % at idle mode and the full speed mode, respectively. The water content increased with increasing engine speed. The dilution ratio of 10 was enough for avoiding water condensed, but the drawback is the low particle concentration because of the dilution. The Nafion dryer had no particle loss for particles (30 ~ 750 nm) and had excellent dehumifiy efficiency. The expensive price was the drawback of Nafion. The ice bath is most cheap and simple method to decrease temperature and humidity. The cyclone had the same particle penetration curve with US EPA PM2.5 size-selection curve at the flow rate of 16.7 and 3 L/min. The particle characteristic measure by 27 motorcycles indicated that the particle mode is 50 nm. The mass concentration and number concentration of 19 carburetor engines were 730.4±187.6 μg/m3 and 2×106±721725 #/cm3, respectively. For 8 electronic injection engines, the mass concentration and number concentration were 139.6±78.8 μg/m3 and 1.2×105±8562 #/cm3. The multi-reflection opacity meter (light path= 13 m) had a detection limit of 1 mg/m3 when the number concentration was 104~105 #/m3 and particle size was 70nm. Hence the opacity meter had no response for the motorcycle particle emissions. The regression value of mass concentration on FMPS, SMPS, AE51 and CPC measurements were 0.785, 0.764, 0.698 and 0.961. The highest correlation existed between the filter weighting and AE51. Hence, the combination of AE51 and ice bath dehumifier were recommend method for the motorcycle particle emission screening. 103 環檢所 台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72810
應回收廢塑膠容器再生料驗證評估 技術之建立—以聚丙烯(PP) 塑膠為例 國內外皆有廢塑膠容器回收再利用相關環保標章或法令規範,要求特定商品製造時需摻配一定比例的消費後塑膠料。但目前尚無一套驗證再生料添加比例之檢測方法。因此,本研究以回收量較大之聚丙烯(Polypropylene, PP)為研究樣品,分析不同摻混比例之塑料性質,期能建立再生料添加量之檢測方法。 以新料/回收料進行相關參數之測定以設定射出成型加工條件,並製成各比例試片,分別進行熱性質分析、機械性質分析及形態學觀察,並與熱重分析之動力學結果(活化能Ea)進行驗證,以探討不同摻混比例之混和塑料特性。 實驗結果顯示,新料熔點約為171.97℃,回收料約為170.24℃;新料熔融指數約為8.3 g/10 min,回收料約為25.6 g/10 min;新料黏度介於11,600~13,400 poise之間,回收料介於7,120~8,320 poise之間。依基本性質分析結果,及現場設備實際操作狀況,設定各比例試片之射出成型加工條件,並射出各比例式片。各試片熔點約介於167~169℃之間;各試片熔融指數介於7.59~18.36 g/10 min之間,隨回收料比例提高而增加;黏度隨回收料摻混比例及轉速提高而下降;最大裂解溫度隨回收料摻混比例增加而下降,隨升溫速率增加而提高;楊氏係數介於112.11~191.02 Mpa之間,隨回收料比例提高而上升;衝擊強度介於37.94~49.41 J/m之間,無明顯趨勢;掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM)分析結果顯示,S1~S3之破斷面皆可觀察到未完全斷裂之纖維絲,其拉伸應變值亦較大,與拉伸試驗結果相應;衝擊試驗之破斷面形態呈現良好之相容性,且其分布特性並未因回收料摻混比例有差異性;穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission electron microscope, TEM)分析結果顯示各試片分散性良好,且微結構之分布特性並未因回收料摻混比例有差異性;活化能介於39.91~12.07 kcal/mol之間,隨回收料比例提高而下降,活化能與熔融指數及楊氏係數呈高度負相關,與黏度呈高度正相關;本研究依實驗及統計分析結果,對回收料摻混比例評估之應用,提出3種推估方法,所建立之關係式可用於檢測PP塑膠回收料摻混比例之參考。 The establishment of verification assessment standard of recycled Polypropylene (PP) as renew There are green marks or regulations regarding recycled plastics, which request that specific products must be blending with certain ratios of postconsumer recycled plastics. However, there’s still no standard of verification on plastics blended with various ratios. Consequently, this project is aimed to establish a method of verification on Polypropylene (PP) plastics blended with various ratios by investigated the thermal and mechanical properties of the blended plastics. In this study, blended specimens are produced by injection molding with various ratios based on the parameters obtained from previous experiments. The blended specimens are analyzed and tested with thermal properties (by DSC, viscosity, MI, and TGA), mechanical properties (by tensile test and impact test), and morphological observations (by SEM and TEM), then verify the results with the activation energy (Ea) obtained from the kinetics, to investigate the characteristics of the blended specimens. The results revealed that Tm of new PP chips was 171.97℃ while that of postconsumer recycled PP was 170.24℃. MI of new PP chips was 8.3 g/10 min while that of postconsumer recycled PP was 25.6 g/10 min. Viscosity of new PP chips covered the range of 11,600 to 13,400 poise while that of postconsumer recycled PP covered the range of 7,120 to 8,320 poise. The operational parameters to inject blended specimens were set based on the testing results and operating conditions on-site, and produced the specimens with various mixing ratios. Tm of the specimens were in between 167-169℃. MI were in between 7.59-18.36 g/10 min, increased with increase of the ratio that recycled PP took account, and with increase of rotation speed as well. Maximum decomposition temperature decreased with increase of the ratio that recycled PP took account, and increased with increase of heating rates. Young’s Modulus (E) were in between 112.11-191.02 Mpa, and increased with increase of the ratio that recycled PP took account. Impact strength were in between 37.94~49.41 J/m and revealed no specific trends. The results of SEM showed that the specimens became more brittle with the increase of the ratio that recycled PP took account, which corresponded to the results of the tensile tests. Results of morphology analysis indicated good dispersions among the specimens by TEM. Ea were in between 39.91-12.07 kcal/mol, and decreased with increase of the ratio that recycled PP took account. Ea had significantly and highly negative correlation with MI, and E, and had significantly and highly positive correlation with viscosity. According to the experimental and statistical analysis results, we established equations to estimate mixing ratios in three different ways, and those equations can serve as reference for verifying the mixing ratios of PP plastics. 103 基管會 國立高雄第一科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74653
103年度「嘉義市逸散污染源稽查管制計畫暨空氣污染夜間陳情案件處理計畫」等2項計畫 本市逸散性污染源中有很大的比例來自營建工程,而工程施工帶來生活上的不便利性、噪音、污染…等是最常為民眾垢病的部分。計畫除了由巡查過程中督促業者確實做好污染防制,今年度也持續透過「出入口管制」及「重大工地專案管制」、「氣候劣化營建工地污染防制通報」做為巡查輔助措施,來提升管制品質。自嘉義市政府設置「1999」陳情專線以來,民眾可更即時的反映各項問題,使計畫需處理的陳情案件略有增加,本計畫以提升處理的滿意度為前題,做為陳情案件處理的準則,希望藉此維護市民享有良好居住環境的權利。計畫執行完成1,712次的工地巡查作業,管理辦法法規符合狀況查核稽巡查列管工地65.0%。一、二級營建工地管理辦法符合率85.2%,TSP產生量1,795.09公噸,TSP削減量1,158.23公噸,削減率54.52%。其他工作項目概述如下:舉辦2場次營建工程污染防制協調會暨營建噪音協談會,以及1場次營建工程污染防制協調會之公共工程單位主管會議、103年度2場次優良工地評選和1場次營建工程示範觀摩會。推動10處工地道路認養洗掃達5,371.49公里,40處的圍籬綠美化及工地裸露地進行植被綠化21.46公頃,另配合環保署執行營建工程噪音管制稽巡查共65件。處理空氣污染夜間陳情案件、執行各項巡查管制工作及相關交辦陳情案件累計共達1,708件,達成率為100%(1,708件/1,300件),其中包括1,545件陳情案件處理、118件一般例行性稽查(包括空污51件、噪音17件、露天燃燒46件、營建工程3件、空污不含異味1件)、22件空氣品質預報不良稽查、23件制高點觀測巡查。而陳情案件到場平均時間為16.48分鐘,在滿意度調查部分整體得分為99.49分。 The sources of fugitive particulate emissions in Chiayi city come mostly from constructions. Additionly, the inconvenience, noise, pollution, etc. that constructions cause are most commonly complained by civilians. Besides supervising constructors through inspection process to execute pollution prevention, this year we elevate quality of control by including three steps - gateway control, control of major construction sites and giving information of road-adoption on a strip of cloth. Since Chiayi city government set a special line "1999" for nuisance dispute cases, civilians have been able to raise various questions in time. Hence, nuisance petitions increase slightly. Therefore, it is our aim to elevate satisfaction concerning handling nuisance petitions. By doing that, we hope for remaining civilians' right of enjoying a good living environment.As per the project, 1,712 inspections of construction sites have been implemented. 65 percent of the inspections comply with the Regulations of Management Measures and 85.2 percent of those comply with the Management Measures for Level-1 and Level-2 Construction Sites. The TSP production is 1,795.09 tons; the TSP reduction is 1,158.23 tons with the reduction rate 54.52 percent. The following are other implemented tasks: holding two meetings for the purpose of coordination in the policy of construction site's air pollution prevention including coordination regarding construction noise in the second meeting, holding an election of good construction sites for the year of 2014,advancing road-adoption up to 5,371.49 kilo-meter, and greening 40 fences and 214,607.94 square meters of bare construction sites.Up to now there are1,708 cases processed from public nuisance dispute system, inspections of different controls, and environmental protection agencies. Among them 1,545 cases are nuisance petitions,118 general routine inspections (including 51 air pollution, 17 noise pollution, 46 open fire, 3 construction works and 1 odor-free air pollution ),22 bad forecast of air quality, and 23 from high points of the city. The average time of arriving on the scene for nuisance petitions is 16.48 minutes. The overall satisfaction survey is 99.49 points. 103 嘉義市政府環境保護局 詠續環保企業社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77067
來去環保小學堂福田社區 一、 啟發親子認識在地鄉土文化,給孩子一個難得的在地性生態體驗。二、 讓親子了解社區文化的魅力,加強對在地生態的關懷。 三、引導學童認知鄉土珍貴自然生態資源,及增進親子間的互動。 四、 達到社區發展結合生態旅遊與環境教育的社會教育功能。 103 彰化縣環境保護局 彰化縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=76016
103年度嘉義市民俗活動、餐飲業及露天燃燒空氣污染稽查管制計畫 本計畫主要工作內容包含:寺廟神壇空氣污染排放調查與污染減量推廣、露天燃燒空氣污染管制作業及餐飲業空氣污染管制作業。各項執行成果報告摘要如下:一、寺廟神壇空氣污染排放調查與污染減量推廣(一) 寺廟空氣污染物排放現況調查結果本計畫今年度針對23家寺廟進行調查,現階段完成69件次普查工作,有3間寺廟並未販賣紙錢,而其他寺廟紙錢重量落在0.2~0.3公斤比例最高,以嘉興宮紙錢重量最重0.53公斤;平常日普查的23家寺廟中,每日紙錢用量以南天門太子行宮最多、其次為天后宮、朝陽宮;初一及十五的寺廟中,每日紙錢用量以天后宮最多,南天門太子行宮次之;節慶普查寺廟中,每日紙錢用量以上帝廟最多,東門忠義十九公廟次之。(二) 自主管理寺廟維護及評鑑作業今年度寺廟空氣污染自主管理推廣方面,新增5間寺廟參與,使本市實施污染減量與管理之寺廟總數達57家,佔了全市寺廟的39%。紙錢集中燒於95年推動迄今,合計紙錢收集約1407.7公噸,且各寺廟減少72,144公斤的紙錢及4,795,972支的拜香。節能效益方面,總計完成汰換傳統燈泡約234,035顆,汰換率達93.1%。(三) 以米代金活動今年度有12家寺廟願意配合推廣以米代金,相較於去年成長33%,經活動統計響應人數已達3,938較去年成長128%,總計減少紙錢787.03公斤燃燒將可減少96.04公斤的空氣污染物,當中粒狀污染物共7.84公斤,降低二氧化碳排放量1180.6 公斤。(四) 重要節慶紙錢集中燒及以功代金活動今年度清明節紙錢集中燃燒活動自共計有62處單位響應,並經活動後統計,本次紙錢集中達8,230公斤,估計參與人數達3,919人,且與102年13,740相比減量達40%。且共有282位民眾響應使用冥間支票,較102年的50名增加5倍以上,約可減少592.2公斤紙錢燃燒,促進減少888.3公斤的二氧化碳排放。結合3個社福機關團體宣傳推動「以功代金」,而共計有399人參與,響應金額累計達85,294元,共可減少1,804公斤紙錢燃燒,促進減少2,706.7公斤的二氧化碳排放。今年度中元節紙錢集中燃燒活動自共計有162處單位響應,並經活動後統計,本次紙錢集中達76,110公斤,以九華山地藏庵收集紙錢量最多佔67.6%。且有588位民眾響應超商紙錢集中活動,收得紙錢610公斤,相較於去年集中量增加200公斤,響應人數由232位提升至588位,增加2.5倍。結合3個社福機關團體宣傳推動「以功代金」,而共計有226人參與,響應金額累計達13萬675元,共可減少2,744.2公斤紙錢燃燒,促進減少4,116.3公斤的二氧化碳排放。二、露天燃燒空氣污染管制作業今年度計畫期間執行了412件的露天燃燒稽巡查作業,加上1月份11件,共計423件次,其中陳情稽查有139件次,較去年同期189件低,減少比例達26%。而陳情案件中,主要的行政區域則以西區為主,達84件次(60%)。在陳情稽查發現狀況部分,仍以未發現60件(43%)最多,主要是因為大部分露天燃燒以點源為主,以及陳情民眾告知資訊不足;而查獲燃燒物種以樹枝葉及植物為主,且所查獲露天燃燒總燃燒量達15.04公噸,約可減少1314.9公斤污染物排放。三、餐飲業空氣污染管制作業(一) 餐飲業普查作業為掌握本市餐飲業油煙排放和防制情形,針對本市277家餐飲業者普查結果進行分析。依經營型態區分,以中式餐飲為主,佔了48%;有57%之業者皆有裝設擋板式設備;有33%的裝設水洗式或靜電集塵機等後處理設備;針對處理設備的保養維護部分,有85%的業者皆會進行保養。(二) 餐飲業空氣污染稽巡查作業今年度計畫執行期間,共完成餐飲業稽巡查239件次,加上1月份稽巡查量,總計260件,其中屬油煙陳情案件共接獲72家,陳情比例為歷年同期最低。且經稽查後續輔導及追蹤,共計有43家業者完成改善,經推估共促成TSP減量1700.4公斤及THC減量4027.8公斤。顯示經宣導及管制,各業者已逐步加強污染管制工作,改善本市餐飲業油煙污染情形。(三) 餐飲業空氣污染輔導減量今年度完成餐飲業輔導減量21家次,作業達成率達100%。各業者經輔導委員(國立中山大學環境工程研究所周明顯教授),現場會勘與建議後,截至12月15日有19家完成改善,其餘仍尚在改善期間,後續仍持續追蹤。 The main content of this project included: air pollution emissions investigation at temples and altars, pollution reduction promotion, open burning air pollution control operations and catering industry air pollution control operations. The results of the implementation report are summarized below:A. The Investigation of air pollution emissions at temples and altars and pollution reduction promotion1. Investigation results of the air pollution emissions at temples and altars. 69 times of the census has been done in this stage in the project and among 23 temples investigated, tree temples did not sell paper money with the weight of paper money from 0.2 to 0.3 kg, which is the highest proportion; on the weekdays, as for the number of pilgrims and the amount of paper money, South Gate Prince's palace ranked the highest; as for the number of pilgrims at festivals and the amount of paper money, the God Temple ranked the highest.2. Self-management and evaluation operations of the temple maintenance In this year, as for the promotion of the self-management of temple air pollution promotion, a total of three temples participated so that the total amount of the city's pollution has reduced and the number of temples has reached 57, accounting for 39% of the city's temples . From 2007 till 2014 September, the total collection of the paper money has been about 1,407 tonnes, and each temple cumulatively annually has reduced 72,144 kg of spirit money and 4,795,972 sticks of incense. In the aspects of energy efficiency, a total of about 234,035 light bulbs has been replaced with the replacement rate of 93.1 %.3. Rice substitute spirit money This year there are 12 temples are willing to cooperate to promote a meter voucher, grow 33% compared to last year, the number has reached 3,938 activity statistics in response to growth of 128 percent over last year, for a total reduction of burning paper money 787.4 kg;96.04kg will reduce air pollution matter, which total 7.84 kg particulate pollutants, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1180.6 kg.4. Concentration money burring on festivals and ghost check activity In this year, as for the concentration money burring activity on Tomb Sweeping festival, there was a total of 62 units participating, and after the activity, the statistics showed that this concentrated paper money has reached up to 8,230 kilograms with an estimated number of 3,919 people; compared with 13,740 in 2013, the reduction amount has reached 40 %. A total of 282 people responded to the use of ghost checks, w A total of 282 people responded to the use of ghost checks,ith the increasing rate up to five times, compared to 50 in 2013. About 592.2 kg of the paper money had been reduced, which promoted the reduction of 888.3 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. Combining three welfare agencies and organizations to promote to ghost check, a total of 399 people involved with the amount reaching NT$85,294, with a total reduction of 1,804 kilograms of paper money burning, and the reduction of 2,706.7 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. In this year, as for the concentration money burring activity on Hungry Ghost festival, there was a total of 162 units participating, and after the activity, the statistics showed that this concentrated paper money has reached up to 76,110 kilograms . Jiuhua Mountain hut to collect the amount of concentration money up to 67.6%. There are 588 people respond and concentration money centralized activities, collected paper money 610 kg, compared to last year increased by 200 kg centralized response number increased from 232 to 588, an increase of 2.5 times. Combining three welfare agencies and organizations to promote to ghost check, a total of 226 people involved with the amount reaching NT$130,675, with a total reduction of 2,744.2 kilograms of paper money burning, and the reduction of 4,116.3 kg of carbon dioxide emissions.B Open burning air pollution control operations In this year, a total of 412times of the open burning inspections was completed, with 139cases of pétition inspection; it has been reduced by 26%. However, in the petition cases, the main administrative regions dominated Western parts, with up to 84times (60 %). As for the problem occurring in the petition inspection, the unfound cases were 60 (43%), which was the most. It’s mainly because of mostly the burning origins in the open burning, and insufficient information provided by the petition individuals; while the burning species found were mainly tree leaves and plant with the total combustion amount of open burning reaching 15.04tonnes, which contributed to the reduction of pollutant emissions about 1314.9kg.C. The food and beverage industry air pollution control operations1. Food and beverage industry census operations To capture the city food and beverage industry smoke emission and control scenarios, the city's 227 food and beverage industry survey results were analyzed. By the operating patterns, Chinese restaurants accounted for 48%; 54 % of the industry had installed the baffle equipment; 33% with the installation of wet scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators and other post-processing equipment; as for the maintenance of the processing equipment, 85 % of the industry conducted maintenance.2. Food and beverage industry air pollution inspection operations In this year,239cases of food and beverage industry has completed the inspections, among which a total of 72 cases of smoke petitions was reported; compared with previous years, the proportion variation of the petitions was only less than 3 %. After the the follow-up counseling and follow-through inspection, a total of 42 industries completed improvement. By estimation, the amount of 1700.4kg of TSP and4027.8 kg THC reductions was achieved. It showed that with the advocacy and control, each industry has gradually strengthened pollution control efforts to improve the city's restaurant industry soot pollution situation .4. Food and beverage industry air pollution reduction counseling In this year, the reduction counseling has reached 21 industries with the job fulfillment rate of 100 %. After the on-site checkup and suggestions by the counseling member (Professor Zhou Mingxian from Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University), there were 19industries have completed improvement till September, each industry is still improving and will be followed up according to the project. 103 嘉義市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74804
103 年金門縣環境教育推動計畫 我國環境教育法自民國100 年6 月5 日實施以來,今年已邁向第四年。環境教育法的推動,主要是希望促進國民瞭解個人及社會與環境的相互依存關係,增進全民環境倫理與責任,進而維護環境生態平衡、尊重生命、促進社會正義,培養環境公民與環境學習社群,以達到永續發展。金門地區近年來在經濟開發與生態保育之間的衝突不斷,除了鱟的生態棲息地遭受破壞以外,歐亞水獺的生存目前也成為全民關注的焦點。長期受到軍事管制的金門地區,在解除軍管之後所帶來的觀光與開發衝擊,對於原本受到良好保護的自然與人文環境,均帶來不小的衝擊與影響。工作團隊在本年度工作期程(103 年2 月26 日至11 月30 日)當中,辦理了77 場次環境教育活動,共吸引10,069 人次參與。本年度活動執行的重點在於「海洋環境教育」以「公民參與環境議題」的方向,希望藉由這些環境教育活動的辦理,能夠喚醒金門居民重視長期被忽略的海洋環境保護,以及在地公民為故鄉故土發聲的行動力。藉由活動回饋單的呈現,我們觀察到金門居民多數仍舊非常關心故鄉原有的文化與生態環境,但是受到民風純樸的影響,多數居民仍不願於公開場合表達相關意見。 In Taiwan, the Environmental Education Act (EEA) has been implemented for four years since 2011. The purpose of legislating EEA is to promote people understanding the interdependence among individual, society and environment, promoting humans environmental ethics and sponsibility,maintaining the ecological balance of environment, respecting for life,promoting the social justice, and finally achieving sustainable development.In recent years, the conflicts between economic development andecological conservation in Kinmen County were more and more serious. Inaddition to the issue of habitat destruction for horseshoe crabs, Eurasian otter'ssurvival has become the new focused issue. However, since Kinmen County isan island close to Mainland China, which has been subject to military controlfor several decades of years. Especially, after the lifting of martial law greatimpact of tourism and development were brought into this small island, andthus the original natural and cultural environment were well protected.This project executing team hosted 77 session environmental educationactivities in Kinmen County, which attracted 10,069 people to participate inthose activities in the year of 2014. The activities were focused on marineenvironment education and citizen participation in environmental issues. It washoped to implement such kinds of environmental education activities toencourage people in Kinmen achieving marine environmental protection andcitizen participation. Through the activities feedback forms, we observed thatthe majority of residents in Kinmen County were still very concerned about theoriginal culture and environment. However, due to the influence of simple folkculture in Kingmen County, the majority of residents were still reluctant topresent their views in public place. 103 金門縣環境保護局 國立中山大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77975
「光污染影響及民眾感受認知研究」專案研究計畫 本計畫研究目標為依據我國國情特性,調查及研析光污染影響及民眾感知的程度。經彙整研析國際間相關光害法規、技術規範、科學文獻,並整理我國民眾陳情現況,選定動態畫面之眩光及閃爍為探討造成光污染感受的主要2個因子。主要工作包括:(一)光污染源量測與分析;(二)人體對光污染源感受之舒適界線研究;(三)調查及研析環境背景亮度及照度對量測結果之影響情形;(四)參考國際規範及我國現況,研提我國光污染防制管理方案。首先,本研究摘譯整理26篇國際間光污染對人體不舒適性,以及視覺刺激對腦生理影響之研究資訊及文獻。再者,針對選定的LED看板進行132次色彩特性量測;10段動態畫面之亮度變化分析和頻率域分析;利用動態影像亮度量測儀來實現2種不同LED看板亮度下的10段動態影片的舒適度量測與分析。此外,完成人體對光污染源感受舒適界線研究實驗,問卷內容包括最大眩光和最大閃爍2類,實驗因子為LED看板亮度(1000 cd/m2;5000 cd/m2)、曝照時間(約60秒、120秒、180秒)和10段常見影片類型,募集20位受試者,執行120人次試驗,共收集1200筆資料。本計畫結果與重點如下:對民眾感知的最大眩光而言,光源亮度、影片類型、年齡層、性別等因子對眩光主觀評價有顯著影響效果,但光源亮度與影片類型的影響較大。對民眾感知的最大閃爍而言,光源亮度、曝照時間和影片類型對閃爍主觀評價有顯著性影響效果,但曝照時間的影響最小。依本計畫研究發展之眩光預測模型和閃爍預測模型,提出動態畫面眩光評價亮度建議表和動態畫面閃爍頻率強度評價建議表,可作為未來訂定管制標準之參考。同時,完成臺北市與新竹市2類都會區共4處的環境背景亮度及照度之監測與結果分析,並研擬光源亮度量測方法、垂直照度量測方法、動態光源之眩光與閃爍指數量測共3份草案。另本計畫參考國際規範與法案及我國現況,及依據近期可推動之優先順序、可行性與技術完備性等分階段目標,完成管理通則、管制標準、行為管制之防制管理方案研擬。 Project of Investigation of Light Pollution Impacts on Human Perception and Cognitions Based on the domestic conditions of Taiwan, this project aims to investigate and analyse the impacts of staturoty nuisance from artificial light, and then to propose the related tactics and recommendations. Through survey of the relevant regulations and scientific literatures and collection of pleader cases. This research focuses on both perception of glare and flicker. The main tasks include: (1) measurements of light pollution source, (2) study on the borderline between comfort and discomfort (BCD) of human perception and cognitions to perform subjective evaluation of glare and flicker at night condition, (3) case study of the background luminance and illumination level impacts on measuring resultants, and (4) proposal of prevention and management program of light pollution according to the international regulations and domestic status.First, this study made summary and translation above 26 literatures. Second, this work conducted 132 measures for the selected LED billboard, analyzed the changes in the brightness of the light source and frequency domain analysis for 10 motion pictures, used dynamic imaging luminance measurement device to measure 10 testing videos at varied brightness of LED billboards. Third, the experiments have conducted for BCD of light pollution. The questionnaire included the maximum glare and the maximum flicker. The independent variables included the luminance of LED (1000 cd/m2 and 5000 cd/m2), the dose (~60 sec, ~120 sec, and ~180 sec) and 10 motion pictures. There were 20 participants involved and 1200 data were recorded. Results revealed that:1) For the percevied maximun glare, four main effects of luminance of LED, video type, age and gender were significant. The luminance level of LED and video were more serious.2) For the percived maximum flicker, three main effects of luminance of LED, dose and video were significant. However, the means of 3 dose leves were close.3) Comparing with the previous study, this study develops a glare predition model and lists a luminace recommendation table of glare for motion pictures.4) Comparing with the previous study, this study develops a flicker predition model and lists a frequency magnitude recommendation table of flicker for motion pictures as well.Meanwhile, this study conducted a total of 4 case studies of monitoring the luminance of LED billboards, vertical and horizontal illuminance in Taipei metropolitan area and Hsinchu downtown area. Then we proposed a draft of luminance measuring method, a draft of vertical illiminance measuring method and a draft of UGR and flicker index for dynamic light sources. In addition, there were divided into different stages to practice the prevention strategies of light pollution in accordance with urgency, feasibility and technical completeness based on domestic status and results in this study. Final, three directions of general guidelines, requlatory compliance and behavior control were suggested for the prevent control and management of light pollution. 103 空保處 中華民國計量工程學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81973
聚乳酸回收料之可分解塑膠膜產品開發與環境友善評估 近幾年來PLA已經大量應用於容器與射出成型的產品。因此,PLA回收容器將隨著其使用量而逐年增加。本計畫執行為尋求PLA回收塑料的再製成可分解膜產品的開發與環境友善評估。本計畫執行區分為三部份進行探討。實驗第一部分乃針對回收廠收取的PLA回收塑料處理程序模式之建立,並藉由粉碎與擠壓機熱熔分離程序,獲得純度較高的PLA回收再製粒以供後續實驗使用。而實驗第二部份則探討物性改善劑對PLA回收塑料的物性提升,以滿足後續產品開發所需的基本物性需求。此外,導入生質材料(如澱粉)、相容劑與PLA回收再製粒,經擠壓加工共混煉,並由工業級吹膜機規劃購物袋、環保垃圾袋與環保傘套等生物可分解膜袋類製品。實驗第三部份則將上述的膜袋類產品,進行生物可分解性評估,同時檢測所開發製品是否含有環境荷爾蒙等成份。此計畫的執行乃有助於處理大量的PLA回收物與開發出環境友善的可分解膜袋類產品。 The development and eco-friendly evaluation of biodegradable recycled PLA plastic film products Large quantities of Polylactic acid (PLA) container and injection molded products have been applied for recent year. Therefore there are mass quantities of recycled PLA products needed to be reused. This study proposed the environmental-friendly development of biodegradable film products to reuse the recycled PLA material. There were three parts of the experimental design in this project. The first part was the setup of the recycling model for the PLA recycling procedure. We used the meshing process together with the melting-extrusion process to obtain the relatively purified PLA pellets from the PLA recycling stream. The second part of study was the inclusion of property modifier to strengthen the properties of recycled PLA materials. Meanwhile the biomass (e.g. starch), modifier, and recycled PLA were compounded in the extrusion process to find the proper combination ratio and procedure for the film products, e.g. environmental-friendly shopping bag, trash bag or umbrella bag, etc. The film products were tested in the industrial scale of manufacturing process. The third part of experiment was the biodegradation test for above mentioned film products to evaluate the biodegradability effects by the inclusion of property modifiers. Besides, the measurement of endocrine disruptor in the re-made products were evaluated in this project. The success of this proposal benefitted the necessity of reusing large quantities of recycled PLA and also developed the useful environmental-friendly plastic film products for our society. 103 基管會 大同大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74568
固態生質廢棄物衍生燃料之綠色設計、技術開發與環境效益評估 臺灣地區對於進口能源之依賴程度高,故開發新能源與節能減碳遂成為政府當前重要的施政目標,其中以固態廢棄物衍生燃料(RDF-5)之生質能源較具發展潛力,且有利於溫室氣體減量。基於國際間環保意識高漲,生命週期評估已逐漸成為產品環保化設計重要評估工具,可作為改善產品設計以達污染防治與永續發展之目標。本研究計畫針對行政院環境保護署規範之應回收廢棄物生質塑膠,使其與生質廢棄物(稻稈)及廢甘油拌合轉製成RDF-5,並藉由產品生命週期技術評估整體製程,以找出符合綠色設計理念之最佳合成RDF-5的操作條件。此外並進行RDF-5之量產與實廠試燒試驗及相關空氣污染物檢測,以探討RDF-5作為鍋爐燃料之可能性。本計劃之研究結果得知量產化在缺乏加熱設備之下,目前單套設備可獲得之產量為50 kg/h,且實場製備RDF-5之最佳配比為稻稈:PLA:廢甘油為8:8:1。所製備獲得之RDF-5之密度、容積重、堅牢度、水分分別為1.34 g/cm3、648.6 kg/m3、95.6%、2.78%,皆符合優質生質燃料顆粒的規範。實場試燒條件為RDF-5與棕櫚殼燃料混合試燒(質量比1:2),每小時進料總燃料約1噸且每噸燃料可獲得每小時2.4噸蒸氣量;由空氣污染物檢測分析結果可推算出RDF-5可能的空氣污染物排放量,相關計算結果顯示:以RDF-5作為燃料使用,其空氣污染物排放量與濃度皆低於目前法定之標準排放量,因此本計畫所製備之RDF-5可作為鍋爐燃料使用。以問卷調查RDF-5工廠設備製造商規劃新設工廠之設備需求,進而利用工程經濟方法來計算設廠之成本,其中針對原物料端、製造端、運輸端及使用端之成本效益進行評估,使產品對環境的衝擊最小,並使廠商獲得最佳利潤。經濟評估結果顯示:稻稈比率為73%、PLA為21%及廢甘油為5%時,RDF-5之成本為51萬元/噸,而稻稈比率為51%、PLA為45%及廢甘油為3%時,成本增加為53萬元/噸。利用情境分析針對不同產量與不同原物料價位進行模擬,結果顯示於每日RDF-5量產2公噸情境下,於低、中、高原料價位,每公噸RDF-5生產成本分別為7,854、13,526及16,898元;於每日RDF-5產量8公噸情境下,於低、中、高原料價位,每公噸RDF-5生產成本分別為5,558、10,103及14,628元。此外,於模擬新設廠及舊有廠的情況所獲得之結果,建議以新設廠之操作方式雖然成本較高,但可降低一些無法預期的風險成本。本計畫搭配多目標模糊規劃模式及實廠進行RDF-5之燃燒所獲得之數據製備最低碳排及最低成本之產品,使研發產品之碳排及成本有效降低,進一步使得資源回收之再生產品能具有降低對環境衝擊及較低之開發成本等優勢。 Green Design, Technology Development, and Environmental Benefit Assessment of the Densified Biowaste As the energy crisis and resource shortage continue, the development of new energy, energy conservation and carbon reduction have become important goals of the current policy for the government. The usage of densified refuse derived fuel (RDF-5) assisted in reducing the emission of greenhouse gases so as to possess high potential to be used as the biomass energy. Based on the international environmental consciousness, the life-cycle assessment (LCA) has become an environmental assessment tool for improving product design to achieve goals of pollution prevention and sustainable development. The objectives of this project were to manufacture RDF-5 from waste bioplastics (polylactic acid, PLA), biowastes (rice straw), and waste glycerol by means of green design and environmental benefit assessment. In addition, the induced green design concept of LCA assisted in the search for the optimum operating parameters. The RDF-5 from the large-scale production was used as a fuel in a real scale boiler and the emissions from the stack were monitored in order to investigate the feasible application. The production rate of RDF-5 reached 50 kg/h under the lack of heating equipment during the mixing. The ratio used in the scale-up manufacturing process was rice straw: PLA: waste glycerol equal to 8: 8: 1. The density, bulk density, durability, water content of the resulting RDF-5 were 1.34 g/cm3, 648.6 kg/m3, 95.6%, and 2.78%, respectively, which showed that the obtained RDF-5 possessed good quality as biofuel. The combustion of the mixture fuel of palm kernel shell (PKS) and RDF-5 at a ratio of 2:1 produced 2.4 ton steam/h/ton fuel under the total feedstock rate of around ton/h. The emission of air pollutants during the combustion process satisfied the emission standard of the boiler factory. The results from the green design showed that the manufacturing costs of the RDF-5 containing PLA of 21 wt.% and PLA of 45 wt.% were about 510,000 NT/ton, and 530,000 NT/ton, respectively. The Scenario analyses were done for two production scales: 2 and 8 ton/day. The former showed that the production costs were 7,845 NT/ton, 13,526 NT/ton, 16,898 NT/ton for low, medium and high material prices, respectively. In addition, the latter indicated the production costs were 5558 NT/ton, 10,103 NT/ton, 14,628 NT/ton for low, medium and high material prices, respectively. In summary, this project has successfully produced RDF-5 from waste PLA, rice straw with/without waste glycerol in a large scale and the real-scale combustion study showed the emission of air pollutants from the stack all satisfied the emission standard as the RDF-5 was used as fuel for the boiler. The usage of obtained RDF-5 in this study indeed reduces the emission of greenhouse gases and reaches the goal of sustainability and zero waste. 103 基管會 東海大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75647
金門縣103年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫 本年度『移動污染源稽查管制計畫』執行期程自103年1月21日至103年12月20日止,完成機車排氣路邊攔檢702輛、未到檢機車車牌辨識514輛、巡查754輛、訪查1,013輛、定檢站定期查核77站、實車查核7站、定檢站人員教育訓練1場及稽查人員教育訓練3場、定期檢驗通知單29,042件及二次通知18,369件寄發、充電站巡查4次268站;柴油車路邊攔檢303輛及場站檢測469輛、油品檢驗76瓶、目視判煙合格409輛、不合格43輛次、烏賊車案件處理、完成製作摺頁文宣3,500份、宣導品2,500份、機車定檢小貼紙18,000份,並舉辦10場宣導活動2場柴油車綠色駕駛說明會、1場柴油車濾煙器說明會及新聞見報4則。 2014 Kinmen Migration Pollution Source Inspection Control Program “2014 Kinmen County Mobile Pollution Source Control Project” had begun from Jan.-21- 2014 to Dec.-20-2014. This project has completed 702 inspections for motorcycle emission on the roadside; 514 judgments of identifying the license plate for un-inspection motorcycles; 754 patrolling inspections; 1,013 visiting for those vehicles which didn’t inspect for over 3 year; 77 on-site inspections for inspection stations; 7 on-site inspections by riding motorcycles; holding one education training meeting and 3 seminars of inspectors ; delivering 29,042 period inspection notices and 18,369 second notices; patrolling 4 times and 268 points of charge stations. Moreover, in the tasks of diesel vehicles, this project completed 303 inspections on the roadside and 469 inspections in the diesel inspection; 76 bottles of oil ingredient inspected; 409 visual judgments for smoked vehicles, in which there were 43 cases unqualified; dealing with the cases of smoked vehicles; making 35,000 handbills, 2,500 gifts,, and 18,000 stickers; holding 10 promotions, 2 seminar for diesel vehicles drivers, and 1 seminar of DPF; and publishing 4 press releases on newspaper. 103 金門縣環境保護局 新研綠能科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80543
「使用中機動車輛原地噪音量測技術研究」專案研究計畫 本研究主要針對現行地方環保單位不定期於路邊執行使用中機動車輛(機車)原地噪音稽查檢測時,若道路旁檢測場地空間不完全符合CNS 5799規定,評估不同量測環境條件對使用中機車原地噪音量測結果之影響程度,以作為檢測執行方式修改或量測結果修正之參考依據。另參考國際間聲學量測規範量測環境修正因子(K2A)將其結果與原地噪音評估結果比對其關聯性,以歸納後續量測程序改善之方向。主要內容包含:一. 蒐集分析國內外對於使用中機車之噪音量測方法與管制現況,以及研析國際間相關噪音量測規範對量測環境之要求與修正方式。二. 調查及研析不同量測環境條件對使用中機車原地噪音量測結果之影響,及該影響情形與聲場環境修正係數之關聯性。三. 評估於市區環境中執行使用中機車原地噪音量測之影響因素,並研提量測程序改善相關建議。 彙整研究文獻與市區實測數據,研析於市區環境中執行使用中機車原地噪音量測之影響因素,並針對測試場地要求條件、量測結果計算方式等研提測試程序改善建議;重點結論如下:1.國際間對使用中車輛噪音檢測程序之研究,以理論觀點說明原地噪音的量測方式,在開放環境下受到反射聲波影響的程度不高,除非特定頻率聲波在該環境中產生駐波效應而放大,不然以現行近接量測方式,對使用中車輛在各種不同場地量測的重現性與穩定性應該是最適合的;本研究實測分析結果與上述一致,佐證現行測試程序之客觀合理性。2.各場地條件所評估K2A與實車原地噪音測試值,相對於標準開放場地的差異都小於±1.5dB(A),變異幅度相當,但二者關聯趨勢則不明確。只能歸納市區不完全符合標準的場地對檢測結果影響幅度不大,可控制在一定範圍。而K2A≦2dB 的結果,佐證市區不完全標準的場地聲場範圍可視為具有近似自由音場特性。3.以本研究累計實測數據分析,歸納在各種不完全符合CNS 5799 場地規定的環境執行原地噪音檢測,在95%信心水準下,量測不確定度為1.7dB(A);且與在標準場地的測試結果差異在±2dB(A)以內。4.總體而言,市區場地差異對檢測結果影響不大,針對我國使用中車輛噪音測試程序,建議可修訂既有測試程序將市區檢測的不確定度以一固定值作修正;或仍維持現行程序,於裁處時考量不確定度因素作為判定。 The research for the stationary noise technique of in-use vehicle This project focused on the test procedure of in-use vehicle noise control (for motorcycle). If the test site in urban area not fully comply with the current CNS 5799 test standard, and the local Environmental Protection Bureau needs to perform the noise test at the roadside of urban area. This project evaluates the influence of stationary noise test results carried out at various non-standard locations and applied the K2A (environmental correction factor) test to evaluate the acoustic field properties of urban test locations. Then compare the results between K2A and motorcycle’s noise test results to sum up the suggestions for result correction or further revise to improve the test procedure more appropriate for assessment of in-use motorcycle noise test. The main outlines are as follows: 1.To survey and analyze the noise test method and regulation status of in-use motor vehicle. Also, investigate the relative international noise regulations for test-site demands and correction method. 2.To investigate the effect of stationary noise of motor vehicle by measuring noise at different test-sites and sum up the relevance with environmental correction coefficient of sound field (K2A).3.To assess the influencing factors of stationary noise results measured at the urban non-standard sites, and make recommendation for improvement of the test procedure.To organize the literature of past research and test data in the urban area, and to investigate the influencing factors of stationary noise test for recommendation of test-site demands, test procedure and data calculation process. The main conclusions are summarized in the following: 1.The reference lectures of past research in noise test procedure of motor vehicle, which evaluate the influence of sound-reflecting surfaces on a theoretical basis to explain that the close-proximity measurements setup of stationary noise were essentially unaffected by reflective surfaces in the open environment. Only if a specific frequency wave may be suffered from standing wave effect. The reproducibility and stability should be most suitable for motor vehicle testing.2.The test-site evaluation with K2A and stationary noise of motor vehicles are compared to standard test-sites. The difference of K2A and stationary noise are less than ±1.5dB(A), the different range are fairly consistent, but the relevance trend is not clear. The results show that the influence of stationary noise tested at non-standard locations are small, and can be controlled in a specific range. As per the ISO 11201 standard, the results of K2A≦2dB showed that the non-standard urban test sites could be approximately regarded as a free-field environment.3.By summing up all of the test results obtained at various kinds of non-standard test sites, the measurement uncertainty under 95% confidence is 1.7dB(A), and the noise difference in the test result for the standard and the non-standard sites were found to be no greater than 2dB(A) when the results were rounded according standard procedure. 4.In conclusion, measurements carried out at the non-standard locations agreed well with the corresponding test results obtained at the standard test-site. The influence is not significant. To improvement the in-use vehicle noise control, the countermeasure may either to revise the current test procedure (correct the noise test result with a fixed value for the uncertainty); or to take the uncertainty into consider while determining the penalty with current test standard. 103 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81941
103年臺中市環境教育宣導及人才養成計畫 為使臺中市在環境教育推動上更加落實,使環保志工隊成員充分瞭解環境議題,體認環境倫理及責任,提升環境素養;爰此,臺中市政府環境保護局於本年度辦理「103年臺中市環境教育宣導及人才養成計畫」,本計畫團隊對於環境教育戶外學習提出具體完整的執行規劃,以季節及戶外學習場域之特性研擬實際執行方式,作為臺中市推動環境教育及人才養成的基礎,培養臺中市環保志工隊成員具有環境教育認知、態度及行動力,落實於環境教育推動之人才。 103 臺中市政府環境保護局 鼎澤科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79356
土壤中有機污染物濃度與實際污染強度關聯性研究計劃 瞭解污染物在不同介質的平衡分佈與作用機制,可以推估污染物在地下環境的宿命行為,進一步篩選出合適的整治技術,加速整治工作的進行。土壤是礦物質與SOM所組合成的雙重作用體,有機物對礦物質之作用是表面的吸附作用,呈現非直線型的等溫吸附線;SOM則是類似溶解機制的分配作用,產生直線型的等溫吸持線。在水溶液系統中,礦物質表面會優先被水分子所佔據,導致有機物對土壤的作用力主要是以分配到SOM為主。在氣相系統中 (通氣層),有機物對土壤的作用力會隨著相對濕度的變化而改變。對乾燥的土壤而言,礦物質表面的吸附為主要作用力;潮濕土壤則主要是分配到SOM的作用,其比例會隨著相對濕度而有所不同。有機物在整體土壤的濃度會和土壤有機質含量 (fom) 及污染物無因次分配係數 (Kom) 有關。基於潮濕土壤對有機物主要是分配作用,提出有效土壤污染濃度觀念,有機物在整體土壤的濃度與土壤有機質含量 (fom) 和污染物無因次分配係數 (Kom) 有關。土壤有機物污染濃度管制值必須考慮到土壤有機質成分,所訂定出來的地下水污染管制標準對不同的土壤才具有一致性。 Investigation of the correlation between the organic contamination level in soils and the actual con Concentrations of organic contaminants in common productive soils based on the total soil mass give a misleading account of actual contamination effects. This is attributed to the fact that productive soils are essentially water-saturated, with the result that the soil uptake of organic compounds occurs principally by partition into the soil organic matter (SOM). The soil contamination intensity of a compound is governed by the concentration in the SOM (Com), i.e., the effective contamination level, rather than by the concentration in whole soil (Cs). This SOM-based index is considered timely needed for a evaluating the contamination effects of food crops grown in different soils and for establishing a dependable priority ranking for intended remediation of numerous contamination sites. 103 環檢所 中央大學環境工程研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73426
噪音行為暨航空噪音管制計畫 透過本案輔導縣市環保局辦理機場定期申報之航空噪音監測資料(含光碟資料)審查分析作業工作,以提升航空噪音監測之品質,另持續維護並更新航空噪音監測資料判讀工具之功能,以供縣市環保局查核使用;蒐集分析我國航空噪音之風速監測限值資料,研析直昇機低頻噪音評估方法;蒐集全球民航航空噪音環保措施與作法之最新發展。另一方面,由於各縣市的噪音問題有著地區性與民眾感受度等地方特性,故於噪音管制法第八條及第九條中乃授權各縣市政府視轄境內必要之噪音問題進行公告管制。此外,並進行噪音相關科技群組計畫之控管作業,協助掌握各計畫執行進度、內容成果、需協助事項與下階段重點,俾利確認執行內容未與原先規劃或施政內容悖離,以提昇各計畫執行品質。本計畫有關工作內容說明如後。一、完成研析各縣市依噪音管制法第8條及第9條以行為法或標準公告管制項目,包括:(一)分析目前各縣市噪音陳情案件及重複陳情案件,分別研提可依噪音管制法第8條及第9條規定,以行為法或標準管制公告項目及內容。(二)針對研提建議之管制項目及內容,依本署需求進行調查並評估其可行性。(三)協助進行噪音相關施政及科技群組計畫之控管作業。(四)協助有關科技計畫國科會網站填報資料及彙整。(五)辦理「全國噪音管制會議」相關行政作業。二、完成輔導縣市環保局辦理機場定期申報之航空噪音監測資料(含光碟資料)審查分析作業,以提升航空噪音監測之品質,包括:(一)針對航空噪音季報告書內容邀集專家學者召開1場次諮詢會議,輔導辦理機場所在地縣市環保局航空噪音監測資料審查分析作業,並召開監測資料審查討論會。(二)更新全國航空噪音防制補助資料庫,蒐集國內軍民合用機場及純軍用機場航空噪音防制補助情形,並更新航空噪音防制補助資料,以供民眾查詢。(三)調查我國內政部空中勤務總隊直昇機場飛航現況,以供縣市環保局掌握航線與架次等資訊。(四)建立並彙整全國航空噪音監測站之「噪音監測站說明表」。三、完成維護航空噪音監測資料判讀工具之功能,以供縣市環保局使用,包括:(一)檢討提高蒐集率可行性與「總計均能音量」、「事件均能音量」、 「背景均能音量」航空噪音監測資料與參數合理性範圍。(二)提升及維護航空噪音監測資料判讀工具之功能。(三)辦理機場所在地縣市環保局航空噪音監測資料判讀工具討論會。四、完成蒐集分析我國航空噪音之風速監測限值資料,研析直昇機低頻噪音評估方法,包括:(一)蒐集我國機場不同風速或超過10公尺/秒時之航空噪音測值,分析風速超過10公尺/秒時對航空噪音測值之影響,研提航空噪音之風速監測限值。(二)蒐集各國直昇機低頻噪音管理措施,包含量測方法及評估標準。(三)依據陸軍三座直昇機場航空噪音等噪音線圖,研析納入低頻噪音管制之可行性。(四)依據研析結果研提對應草案,並於完成草案後邀集專家學者召開諮詢會。五、完成蒐集全球民航航空噪音環保措施與作法之最新發展,包括:(一)蒐集ICAO、歐盟、以及國外各主要國家之民航航空噪音環保政策、策略與目標;並進一步了解其最新發展與未來努力方向。(二)蒐集國外各主要國家民用航空和環境保護主管機關對於航空噪音環境面之政策方向與範疇界定。(三)蒐集國外各主要機場之航空噪音環保政策、目標與相關管理措施。(四)蒐集國外各主要國家民用航空主管機關及機場所採行之相關航空噪音環保措施與行動方案。(五)研析歐洲相關航空噪音模擬軟體使用之可行性。(六)協助檢討相關航空噪音法規。 Noise behaviors and Aviation Noise Control Project The purposes of this project include: 1) counsel and assist the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of various counties (or cities) in reviewing and analyzing the aviation noise monitoring data (including data CDs) regularly submitted by various airports, in order to enhance the quality of aviation noise monitoring operation, 2) constantly maintain and update the functions of tools for aviation noise data interpretation to make them available for check-up by the EPB of various counties (or cities), 3) collect and analyze information on the wind speed monitoring limits regarding the aviation noise in our country and evaluate the assessment methods for low-frequency noises produced by helicopters, and 4) collect information on the latest development of the environmental protection measures and practices on civil aviation noise control around the world. On the other hand, since the noise issue in various counties (or cities) involves some localized features, such as localization and public perception, the Articles 8 and 9 of the Noise Control Act authorizes the local government of various counties (or cities) to publish controlling items concerning the noise issue in their jurisdiction as necessary. In addition, this project also aims to assist with the control operation of various noise-related technology group projects, in terms of implementation progress, content & results, matters needing assistance, and highlights of the next stage of various projects in order to make sure that the execution content is not swerving from the original plans or policies, so as to enhance the implementation quality of various projects. The achievements of this project are described as follows:1. Studied and analyzed the controlling items published as the behavior approach or standards by various counties (or cities) in accordance with the Articles 8 and 9 of the Noise Control Act, including:1) Analyzed the noise petition cases and repeated complaints currently received by various counties (or cities) and proposed controlling items and content to be published as the behavior approach or standards in accordance with the Articles 8 and 9 of the Noise Control Act. 2) Studied and evaluated the feasibility of the proposed controlling items and content based on the EPA requirements.3) Assisted with the control operation of noise-related policies and technology group projects.4) Helped with form filling and aggregation concerning science and technology projects on the National Science Council’s website. 5) Performed related administrative work for the National Noise Control Meeting.2. Counseled and assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of various counties (or cities) in reviewing and analyzing the aviation noise monitoring data (including data CDs) regularly submitted by various airports, in order to enhance the quality of aviation noise monitoring operation, including: 1) Invited experts and scholars to participate in a consultation meeting to discuss the content of Quarterly Report of Aviation Noise. Counseled and assisted the EPB of counties (or cities) where an airport is located in reviewing and analyzing the aviation noise monitoring data and organized a meeting to discuss the result of aviation noise monitoring data review. 2) Updated the “Aviation Noise Control Subsidy Database”, collected information on aviation noise control subsidy at military-civilian airports and military airports in the country, and updated data on aviation noise control subsidy for public inquiry.3) Investigated the current situation of the air traffic at different heliports administered by the National Airborne Service Corps, MOI, to provide information on air routes and number of flights for reference by the EPB of countries (or cities). 4) Established and aggregated the “Noise Monitoring Station Description Table” of aviation noise monitoring stations around the country. 3. Maintained and updated the functions of tools for aviation noise data interpretation to make them available for use by the EPB of various counties (or cities), including: 1) Reviewed the feasibility of collection rate enhancement, the aviation noise monitoring data, such as total average sound level, event average sound level and background average sound level, and the reasonableness of the range of parameters.2) Enhanced and maintained the functions of tools for aviation noise data interpretation.3) Organized meetings to discuss the tools for aviation noise data interpretation for the EPB of counties (or cities) where an airport is located.4. Collected and analyzed information on the wind speed monitoring limits regarding the aviation noise in our country and evaluated the assessment methods for low-frequency noises produced by helicopters, including:1) collected aviation noise measurements at different wind speeds or at wind speeds over 10 m/s at various airports in our country, analyzed the effect of wind speeds over 10 m/s on the aviation noise measurements, and proposed wind speed monitoring limits.2) Collected the helicopter low-frequency noise control measures adopted by various countries, including measuring methods and evaluation criteria. 3) Analyzed the feasibility of inclusion of low-frequency noise control based on the aviation noise contours of the three Army Heliports.4) Proposed a corresponding draft based on the analysis results and held a consultation meeting participated by experts and scholars after completion of the draft. 5. Collected information on the latest development of the environmental protection measures and practices on civil aviation noise control around the world, including: 1) Collected the environmental protection policies, strategies and goals on civil aviation noises adopted by ICAO, EU and other major countries and investigated their latest development and future directions. 2) Collected information on the policy direction and scope definition of aviation noise environment adopted by the civil aviation and environmental protection authorities of major foreign countries.3) Collected information on environmental protection policies, goals and related regulatory measures on aviation noises adopted by major foreign countries.4) Collected information on environmental protection measures and initiatives on aviation noises adopted by civil aviation authorities of major foreign countries. 5) Analyzed the feasibility of adoption of European aviation noise simulation software.6) Assisted with review of related aviation noise laws and regulations. 103 空保處 環境永續工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75063
MCFSBR自動化社區污水處理與回收系統之驗證 本計畫所開發之水及廢水自動化處理系統是以一半開放單槽式CFSBR處理系統為主體,藉由生物處理之方式,將社區污水處理至符合排放標準,且結合薄膜過濾系統透過過濾程序,以去除處理系統出流水中之顆粒與微生物,以符合水回收再利用之用途。針對社區型污水系統之專業操作維護人力與成本問題、出流水水質提升與穩定問題及出流水水質監測三大問題與需求,進行多項自動監測與自動控制策略之技術開發。自動監測技術方面,進行水位、SS、MLSS、污泥沉澱速度、污泥氈高度及COD等監測技術開發;自動控制策略技術方面,開發操作與控制策略訂定工具並結合雲端科技,將現地處理系統之監測資料、操作參數及處理結果進行資料儲存與分析及人工智慧學習,並定利用遠端控制進行不斷回饋控制方式以確保處理系統獲致最佳處理效率與效益。透過實廠生活污水進流之方式,進行MCFSBR處理系統高穩定性、低操作與維護成本、及高處理效率之驗證,以符合市場上之需求與提升市場之競爭力。 Validation of an Automation community Wastewater Treatment and Recycling system of MCFSBR This project developed by combining CFSBR processing systems and membrane filtration systems, through CFSBR biological treatment systems effectively remove organic carbon and nitrogen of phosphorus nutrients, through membrane filtration system to decrease further the concentration of the suspended solids and TCOD , let effluent water to conform the recommended value of the reuse water quality.In monitoring control develop device, which can be measured water level, MLSS concentration and SS concentration by laser light. Water level measurement results compared with the previous measurement methods, the relative error is less than 1%, MLSS concentration measured relative with commercial instruments error less than 5%,and can effectively measure the concentration of SS. In automatic control, control of dissolved oxygen beating range is less than 10% ,by operating can decrease influent ammonia 82 mg / L to less than 10 mg /L, and nitrite less than 1 mg / L and nitrate less than 1 mg/L. By adjusting the cycle of the operation can be treated the high concentration of ammonia nitrogen to meet emissions standards ,and combined with membrane filtration system, will further reduce the concentration of COD, so MCFSBR effluent water treatment system can conform the recommended value of the reuse water quality. 103 永續發展室 國立中央大學創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79049
102-103年度環工技師簽證案件查核及管理系統開發維護(第2年)專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署辦理環工技師簽證案件查核,其目的在於了解簽證技師之簽證品質及缺失情形,進而督促簽證技師改進,以提升環工技師簽證品質,另自95年度起開始執行技師執業機構查核,查核重點為工作底稿。 本年度執業機構查核最常出現之缺失為「查核結果不合理或與文件內容不一致」占70%,其次為「簽證案件須演算及計算部份未留存相關文件」及「工作底稿首頁未簽署及加蓋執業圖記」各占20%,本年度執業機構查核僅1位技師出現「簽證案件未申報」。水污染現場查核最常出現之缺失為「申請文件中文字及數值未填,填錯或不一致」占80%,「處理單元設計參數及操作參數不合理」占50%,「操作情形或控制參數與申請文件不一致」、「質量平衡計算錯誤或不合理」、「不同製程或來源廢水未分別列出或檢測」各占25%。度固定污染源查核最常出現缺失為「申請文件中文字及數值未填,填錯或前後不一致」占75%,「事業基本資料(大門座標、排放管道出口位置相對於大門口之座標、聯絡人及專責人員等)與現場不符或於文件中不一致」及「污染防制設施各處理單元設計參數及操作參數不合理」各占38%。土壤及地下水污染整治簽證案件現場查核最常出現之缺失為「缺污染物資料及製程污染防制資料」、「污水處理設施區內未佈點採樣」、「未敘明場址現況及用地歷史」、「未依場址先前使用狀況,即進行佈點規劃及採樣」等三項。 此外,為了有效管制技師簽證業務,本計畫同時進行環工技師基本管理系統之規劃與建置工作,藉由網路資料庫提供各級環保主管機關了解技師基本資料、簽證狀況、接受查核結果及獎懲等紀錄,以落實技師簽證管考。 本計畫另一工作項目則持續協助評析環境工程技師、環境工程業及環境類技術顧問公司之法制研議,協助研議與技師法、技師考試法等相關法規修正意見之彙整。 2013-2014 Registered professional environmental engineer certification case review and management in The objectives of Exective Yuan EPA’s registered professional environmental engineer certification cases review were to understand the quality and defects of certifications processed by certified engineers. The results may be used to guide the improvement of certification engineers and to upgrade the quality of certified Professional Environmental Engineers. Also, Started in 2006, the operations of registered professional engineering organizations have been reviewed. The key points were focused on inspection of work drafts.This year the review of the operation of registered professional engineering organizations found that the most frequent defects was "the results of review is not reasonable or not consistent with the contents of the document”, around 70%. Next on the list were “the certification case shall have calculations and no relevant documents are saved for calculations” and “the first page of the original working manuscripts did not have executed seal and signature ", around 20% each. For this year, review of the operation of registered professional engineering organizations found that only one professional engineer has “not reported certificate case”. For the review of water pollution sites, the most frequent defect was "in the application documents, texts and values were not filled in, incorrect or inconsistent", around 80%, followed by "unreasonable treatment unit design parameters and operational parameters", around 50%. “Operation conditions or control parameters are not consistent with application document”, "mass balance calculation incorrect or unreasonable ", and “wastewater from different processes or sources are not listed separately or tested”, 25% each. The most frequent defect appeared on stationary source onsite review was "in the application documents, texts and values were not filled in, incorrect or inconsistent", around 75%. “Company basic information (gate coordinates, discharge pipe location in relation to the coordinates of the gate, contact person and professional personnel etc.) are not consistent with on site or document” and “Unreasonable design parameters and operational parameters for each processing units of the pollution control facility”, 38% each. The most frequent defects for the on site review of soil and underground water remediation certification cases were “no pollutant information and process contamination control information”, “there are no sampling points deployed and sampled inside the wastewater treatment facility”, “no current conditions of site and history of the site utilization”, carry out sampling point planning and take samples without based on the previous use conditions of the site”, etc. three items.In addition, to effectively manage the professional engineer certification process, this program established the Registered Professional Environmental Engineer management information system. Through an Internet database, information was provided to every level of environmental control management organizations to make available basic information on professional engineers, including their certification status, review results, and award and punishment received, to improve the management of professional engineer certifications.Another objective of this program is to continuously assist the evaluation of regulation development for registered professional environmental engineers, environmental engineering industry and environmental consultant companies, the collection of comments for relevant amendments for professional engineer law, professional engineer examination law etc. 103 管考處 台灣省環境工程技師公會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81137
北區環境教育區域中心設置專案工作計畫 本計畫設置「北部環境教育區域中心」,依循美國「環境教育增能計畫(EE Capacity)」之五大方案:專業領導(Leadership Academy)、增能學習(Building Environmental Education Capacity)、科技支援(Technology to Support the Field)、研究評估(Research and Evaluation)與夥伴推廣(Dissemination Partnerships)之項目原則,協助增能與落實臺灣地區的環境教育。  在專業領導方面,舉辦國際研討會引進美國環境教育增能計畫之執行經驗,協助中區環境教育區域中心制訂全國性環境教育卓越發展準則,並於今年底提出環境教育機構申請;在增能學習方面,舉辦兩場不同主題的工作坊,並利用定期的夥伴關係會議與網站資源建立環境教育共學平台;在科技支援方面,將設置計畫專屬網站,發展具區域特色環境教育通識課程架構,並結合現代科技開設通識課程;在研究評估方面,將研議區域中心之發展願景、永續經營制度、管理工具以及績效評量系統;在夥伴推廣方面,與在地產、官、學及民間團體建立夥伴關係,每月進行交流會議,本中心將與夥伴團體合作舉辦主題性的環境教育增能工作坊,並進一步將工作坊推廣之主題編寫為教案,進行試教。 The work plan of establishing Northern Taiwan Environmental Education Regional Center The establishment of “Northern Taiwan Environmental Education Regional Center" follows the five programs of “EE Capacity” in the United States : Leadership Academy, Building Environmental Education Capacity, Technology to Support the Field, Research and Evaluation and Dissemination Partnerships. With these five programs, the center will assist with the implementation and capacity building of environmental education in Taiwan.In the aspect of Leadership Academy, we will organize an international conference to introduce the implementation experiences of the “EE Capacity”, helping Central Regional Environmental Education Center to develop national environmental education guideline for excellence. In addition, we plan to apply for the certification in environmental education institution at the end of this year.In the aspect of Building Environmental Education Capacity, two workshops with different topics will be hosted. Also, a co-learning platform will be established through partnership meeting monthly and environmental education resources online.In the aspect of Technology to Support the Field, we will set up a dedicated website and develop general education curriculum framework with regional characteristics. Based on the curriculum framework, modern technology will be used to support the general education program.In the aspect of Research and Evaluation, the sustainable management systems, management tools and performance evaluation systems will be studied and built. In the aspect of Dissemination Partnerships, partners from local industries, government agencies, academia and non-government organizations will be convened together to participate in the monthly meetings. Furthermore, we will assist our partners to hold the capacity building workshops with particular themes, in which thematic teaching plans will be developed. 103 綜計處 國立臺灣師範大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76989
兩岸環境檢測(監測)服務業交流計畫-拓展中國大陸市場(1/3) 本計畫透過資料蒐集分析、問卷調查分析、深度訪談、舉辦及參與交流活動等方式,蒐集中國大陸環境檢測(監測)業相關資料。中國大陸民營環境檢測機構管理的上位法尚未公佈,但已開始起草了政府向社會購買環境監測服務的指導意見。中央於起步階段先讓各省級去試點實施,未來成功經驗可能納入中央規範。目前各地開放進度、項目不一,甚至同一省中不同縣市的開放程度亦差異很大。國家重點監控企業自行監測制度將於2015年起強制實施,可能會增加民營環境檢測的市場,但因為企業亦可自行檢測且不需認證,因此市場增加可能有限。本計畫亦完成了廣東省、福建省兩地的環境檢測業投資指南,內容包含了外商投資法令、中國大陸認證系統CMA (China Metrology Accreditation, 中國計量認證/認可)與CNAS (China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment, 中國合格評定國家認可委員會)的介紹、CMA申請方式、中國大陸環境檢測方法、持證上崗方式、常見問題集等。在海峽兩岸服貿協議開放陸資來臺方面,業界評估認為以併購臺灣現有檢測公司的可能性最高,對臺灣市場僅有些微的影響,但影響原因為增加市場競爭對手。只要主管機關秉持原則,公平對待臺資、陸資及外資,落實管理規定,即可將衝擊降到最低。兩岸交流方面,本計畫於5月在臺灣順利舉辦《第二屆海峽兩岸環境檢測(監測)技術交流會》,共161人參加,會中更首度舉辦兩岸環境檢測業的產業論壇。10月底組成涵蓋產、官、學界共28人之代表團,參訪中國大陸北京及江蘇省多個環境檢測/監測的中央及地方單位。未來建議應持續兩岸交流,並建立持續性的交流平臺,掌握中國大陸民營化環境檢測市場發展趨勢,並提供臺灣相關管理經驗以促進其發展。臺灣的政府、學界及民間業者,亦可扮演不同的角色,推動跨業整合,協助臺灣環境檢測業者有機會拓展中國大陸環境檢測市場。 This project has collected the market information of environmental analysis industry in Mainland China. The central management regulation for commercialized environmental analysis industry has not been set yet. However, the Ministry of Environmental Protection is drafting the instruction opinions for the whole country. At present, the central government allowed all provinces to test the different systems, and the successful experience might be accepted as central system. Since 2015, the enterprises subject to intensive monitoring and control of the state will be forced to self-monitor, but the increase of the environmental analysis market may be limited, because the enterprises could do the monitoring by themselves but not release the works to the commercialized laboratories. The environmental analysis industry investing guidebook for Guangdong Province and Fujian Province are finished, and the content includes China Metrology Accreditation (CMA) application, introduction of China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS), environmental analysis methods of Mainland China, Q&A….etc. The estimates of this project show that the influence of the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement to the industry of environmental analysis for Taiwan is little. As long as the authority makes sure the management system run well, the impact to the quality of the environmental analysis will be prevented. There are many cross-strait communication events for the environmental analysis industry this year. “The 2nd Cross-Strait environmental monitoring (analysis) technology exchange symposium” was hold by this project in New Taipei City in May. In October, this project called a delegation of 28 members to visit Beijing and Nanjing. In the future, the cross-strait should keep exchange for the commercialized environment analysis industry, and build a sustainable exchange platform. 103 環檢所 中華民國環境檢驗測定商業同業公會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72682
強化地理資訊服務與落實資料標準計畫 環保署於民國89年年底開始,規劃一個健全的環境資料庫系統架構與建置體系,期能據以建置一個能夠即時提供完整、正確且有效資料與資訊的環境資料庫。並於後續辦理『環境資料庫規劃與系統建置計畫』,建立一可持續運轉的環境資料庫建置及管理體系,整合各單位已建置之環境資料,使得民眾、署內跨業務單位及其他政府跨部會業務所需之資料有一個共通的供應管道。另於98及99年度執行「環境品質資料倉儲系統擴充與地理資料標準建置計畫」及「環境品質地理資料交換標準及圖資加值應用計畫」完成環境地理資訊系統網頁功能建置,並擬定空氣品質類、水質類、土壤污染類、廢棄物類、污染防治類、環境衛生類、噪音振動類及非屬原子能游離輻射類等共8類之GML共通地理資料標準。本年度計畫將持續落實資料標準工作,將土壤污染類、廢棄物類、污染防治類、噪音振動類、環境衛生類及非屬原子能游離輻射類等6大類資料進行實體資料轉換及相關工具之開發,作為後續其他類資料轉換時可參考之依據外,並維護「環境地理資訊系統」、「居家生活環境資訊網」及「環境即時通」APP應用系統功能及作業平台運作正常,加強資料庫內容豐富度與提高資料正確性。 Improve “Environmental Geographic Information Service” and implement data standard At the end of 2000, EPA has planned environmental database system architecture in order to instantly provide complete, accurate and valid environmental information to all users. Environmental Database Planning and Development Project is then executed to establish a sustainable operating environment for database development and management system that integrated existing environmental data from all operating units. The general public, EPA departments, and inter-ministerial government agencies, then, have a common platform to access the comprehensive environment information. In year 2009 and 2010, Environmental Quality Data Warehousing Project and Environmental Quality Geographic Data Exchange Standards and Value-Added Applications Project were completed with Web GIS applications as data sharing platform and total of eight categories of GML standard, i.e., air quality, water quality, soil pollution, waste, pollution prevention, environmental health, noise and vibration, and non-ionizing atomic radiation, for later on data exchange to follow.This year’s project continues on to implement data conversion and tool development for 6 GML data standards, including soil, pollution, waste, pollution prevention, noise and vibration, environmental health, and non-ionizing atomic radiation. The outcomes can also be utilized as reference and base for newly updated data and new data type conversion. This project has also enhanced, augment and maintain the following EPA systems and applications, Environmental geographic information System, Living Environmental Information and Environmental Instant Messenger App following the guide from EPA to strengthen GIS service via extend the data richness and improve data accuracy. In order to better make use of existing EPA GIS service platform, an ArcGIS for Server upgrade plan (from 10.0 to 10.2) is also provided. The migration can result in better mapping performance, better service utilization and a new easy to configure a GIS portal for environmental data, map, and presentation, story sharing and open GIS data exchange. 103 監資處 互動國際數位股份有限公司內湖分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78940
屏東縣河川水質監測計畫 本計畫將今年屏東縣河川水質監測水質採樣結果與行政院環保署所頒布之「地面水體分類及水質標準」、「河川污染程度分類表(RPI)」及水質指數分類表(WQI)作比較,以評估屏東縣境內河川的水質狀況,進而建立屏東縣河川長期水質資料,供主管機關掌握屏東縣河川水質及未來擬訂相關管制措施參考,以達防治河川污染、保護河川生態之目的。本計畫自103 年1 月起至12 月31 日止,各項工作進度及成果報告如表1 所示。本年度採樣自民國103 年1 月至12 月,已完成12 次採樣檢驗分析。水質檢驗結果綜合分析如後:(一)東港溪流域:東港溪流域水質之優劣大致分為上游測站(含成德大橋及萬巒大橋)及下游測站(含五魁橋及港東二號橋)兩個河段;大體而言,上游測站之水質略優於下游測站。按RPI 分類評估各測站水體水質,成德大橋與萬巒大橋為未受污染至中度污染,而五魁橋與港東二號橋為輕度污染至嚴重污染。按WQI 分類評估,本年度1 月至12 月,上游成德大橋與萬巒大橋兩測站水質大多介於良好至中下水體,下游之五魁橋與港東二號橋水質大多介於中等至中下水體,顯示東港溪上游之水質優於下游。(二)林邊溪流域:林邊溪流域依RPI 分類,新埤大橋及林邊大橋兩測站屬輕度至嚴重污染程度;在12 次採樣中,新埤大橋測站有7 次(1 月、2 月、4 月、5 月、6 月、7 月及12 月)及林邊大橋測站亦有1 次(4 月)屬嚴重污染程度,其餘月份為輕度至中度污染。依WQI 分類評估,新埤大橋在在12 次採樣中有6 次屬中下等水體、6 次屬不良水體,而林邊大橋主要為中等及中下等水體。(三)萬年溪流域:萬年溪依RPI 分類,今年1 月至12 月歷次採樣中,除7 月份崇蘭舊圳與新圳匯流處為嚴重污染外,三摘-2測站各月水質大致為輕度至中度污染程度。(四)其餘河川:縣管河川(林邊溪除外)及中央管之四重溪流域按RPI分類水質,3 月份除保力溪屬輕度污染外,其餘測站皆為未受污染;6 月份枋山溪屬未受汙染,楓港溪、四重溪、保力溪及港口溪的滿洲橋屬輕度污染外,其餘為中度污染;9 月份枋山橋及港口溪的滿洲橋屬未受汙染,臨楓港溪、四重溪及港口溪的港口橋屬輕度污染外,其餘皆為中度汙染;12 月份枋山橋、四重溪及港口橋的滿州橋屬未受污染外,其餘皆為輕度至中度污染。依WQI 分類評估,3 月份時其餘河川皆屬於中等至優良,6 月份時屬中下至良好,9 月份屬中等至良好水體,12 月屬中等至中下水體。建議如下:1. 針對未達公告水體水質測站之所屬排水流域,建議採取適當的污染源(畜牧廢水、家庭污水、工業廢水等)管制措施,包括:畜牧廢水處理之稽查、污泥妥善處理率之稽查、規劃興建污水下水道系統、推動設置污水截流設施、嚴格審核事業廢水之排放許可與發證,並持續進行事業廢水排放之稽查及許可證稽查之工作,以降低河川污染總量(如生化需氧量、氨氮量或總磷量)。並藉由對境內中央管、縣管河川作持續之監測與研究,以瞭解污染源管制之成效,作為主管機關擬訂補救改進方案的參考依據,使屏東縣境內各中央管、縣管河川之水質除能符合公告水體之標準外,並藉由各污染防治措施之執行,進而提昇各水體之水質,以達到保護河川生態之目的。2. 各河川在不同月份及不同測站所得之污染程度均有差異,故未來在整治策略上應針對不同河段及不同季節,訂出不同之污染改善方法。建議未來在枯水期期間(每年11 月至隔年4 月)能加強各可能污染源(如畜牧場)稽查率,要求確實做好廢水處理,以減少污染排放。3. 東港溪流域之NH3-N 及T-P 濃度高,大部分污染主要來自畜牧業之污水排放,建請未來可加強畜牧業稽巡查與輔導,以提高畜牧業污水處理設施開機率及正常操作。 103 屏東縣政府環境保護局 國立屏東科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80204
103年一般廢棄物資源回收宣導工作推動計畫 臺北市政府環境保護局為配合資源回收再利用法、廢棄物清理法令推動,以有效達到資源回收成效,辦理「103年度一般廢棄物資源回收宣導工作推動計畫」之相關工作,以教育宣導與辦理活動兩大策略,加強對業者與民眾宣導資源回收再利用及綠色消費觀念,期藉由民間自發性力量的運作,逐步完成「垃圾全回收零廢棄」的目標。透過本計畫之執行,協助臺北市環保局推動「資源回收」之政策,未來將持續執行本計畫各項工作,以提升資源回收成效。 103 臺北市政府環境保護局 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81184
103年苗栗縣營造永續優質環境衛生計畫-複式動員教育訓練、績優村里觀摩活動暨辦理清掃學習活動 (一)、 複式動員教育訓練:辦理複式動員訓練、績優村里觀摩活動共5場次-參與對象為村里民及環保志(義)工。(二)、 辦理清掃活動10場次:簡報補充撰寫或協助彙整、活動期程與場地規劃、出席活動之各式表單設計(種子教師認證卡、活動參與紀錄卡等),及與會人員名單列管與協助聯絡等。1. 前述人員與會名單應以縣內環保單位人員、公廁清潔管理單位管理人員、清潔人員、公廁管理人員、環保義工及各學校學生等為召集對象。 2. 規劃辦理10場次廁所清掃學習現場活動教學,並應聘請具有實務經驗之人員進行講座,活動教學前應找尋示範場地,印製相關簡報供與會者。(三)、 推動學生參與居家至學校環境巡檢照顧計畫-推動2場次各級學校教職員及學生之綠網種子教師環境教育推廣活動。(四)、 得標廠商應於每月10日前提送次月活動辦理規劃,及彙整前一月份之工作成果報局備查。(五)、(一)至(三)訓練及活動應至環保署「環保低碳活動平台」登錄活動,並將登入情形列為年底成果報告內容(平台網址為http://greenevent.epa.gov.tw/maberdoc.asp)。 103 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 德汰科技顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81574
103年度臺東縣清潔養豬及水質改善計畫 臺東縣環境保護局為使本縣養豬戶達省水減污,藉由推廣清潔養豬並且遴選出清潔養豬示範戶裝設簡易型排糞架(豬廁所),以改變豬隻排糞習性進而集中豬隻排泄物,養豬戶因此可減少沖洗豬舍面積,達省水功效,另藉由三段式污水處理設施輔導提升養豬廢水處理效能,故特辦理「103年度臺東縣清潔養豬及水質改善計畫」。針對本計畫執行相關工作簡述如下:一、篩選養豬場設置簡易式集中排糞架豬廁所,分配表完成8戶至少210個(含)以上簡易式集中排糞架豬廁所設置,且為避免豬舍潮濕及豬糞尿腐蝕鐵材,本案排糞架材料需採不銹鋼材質。二、輔導示範養豬場配合豬廁所設置採取清潔養豬畜產管理方式,並輔導示範養豬場改善三段式豬糞尿廢水處理設施及操作、提高豬糞固形物處理效能與再利用。三、於計畫執行期間,針對本案示範養豬戶原水、放流水及放流處之下游水體進行3次水質採樣檢測工作(設置前1次、設置後2次)。四、宣導說明養豬業清潔養豬(豬廁所)正確認知,辦理清養豬業清潔養豬示範宣導座談會及成果座談會,共2場次。五、設計製作清潔養豬為主題之宣導品800份(含)以上。六、撰寫有關清潔養豬相關活動或業務或成果等新聞稿3則。本計畫9戶示範養豬戶於103年8月底進行安裝豬廁所,並於103年9月1日全數(210個)安裝完成,執行成果概述如下:一、篩選養豬場設置簡易式集中排糞架豬廁所部分:(一) 本計畫已針對台東縣37家列管養豬戶,透過現況調查及座談會意見調查,結合河川流堿背景調查後,遴選出9家作為清潔養豬示範戶,分別為關山鎮為秋貴牧場、錦福農牧場、東昱牧場、瑞祥牧場、瑞清牧場、秀旺牧場、茂盛畜牧場、王祥豫牧場等8家及鹿野鄉愛馨牧場1家。(二) 參考優良養豬畜舍實例手及豬廁所設施規格建議,完成仔豬及肉豬設計不同型式之簡易型排糞架(豬廁所),8月完成生產210個排糞架(豬廁所),於9月1日全數安裝完成。二、輔導及成效評估作業:(一) 依合約規範於103年9月4日、9月5日、9月18日、9月19日及9月26日辦理完成9家示範養豬戶輔導及成效評估(專家學者評估)。並於10月、11月份進行後續改善追踨。三、水質檢測及追蹤調查評估設置後各面向效益:(一) 清潔養豬示範戶原廢水及放流水已於103年8月10日、9月15日及10月8日,分別完成豬廁所設置前後水質檢測,氨氮去除率普遍較差,對於豬廁所裝置後,示範戶業者因人力不足,無法完整將固形物完全清除後再進行沖洗,導致原廢水濃度增加,但相對顯示用水量大幅減少,豬廁所集中糞便功能較為顯著。(二) 於懸浮固體檢測部份,除秋貴牧場於第二次水質檢測超過放流水標準外,其餘皆符合標準。化學需氧量除秀旺牧場於第一次水質檢測時超過放流水標準外其餘均符合排放標準。生化需氧量部份除錦福農牧場及東昱牧場三次水質檢測均符合放流水標準外,其餘7戶示範養豬戶均有部份超過放流水標準。(三) 示範養豬戶下游水體分別於103年8月10日、9月15日及10月8日進行檢測,共計三次,顯示RPI指數略有下降趨勢。(四) 在示範養豬戶現場追蹤及輔導方面,截至11月完成現況調查及輔導,合計共95家次,經現況調查輔導後,原曝氣池污泥量不足問題,已有改善。(五) 豬糞集中效果就觀察紀錄顯示,分佈於豬廁所外佔該欄面積比均有明顯縮小,示範養豬戶均有縮小糞便分佈比例,平均縮小面積約18-48%,其中成效最佳為錦福農牧場。(六) 於9家示範養豬戶省水成效,平均每日省水量為0.7-12.5CMD。(七) 省電成效效益最佳為王祥豫牧場,較豬廁所安裝前每日最多減少2.14度電量,其次為錦福農牧場每日減少使用1.32度,愛馨牧場每日減少1.15度。(八) 於省時成效方面,9家示範養豬戶於9月省時比例介於1.74-11.85%,10月份省時比例介於2.36-27.42%,顯示示範養豬戶因裝置豬廁所節省作業時間,達到省時之功效。(九) 9家示範養豬戶於固形物收集成效方面,實際收集固形物重量範圍介於797-5,169公斤,最多為愛馨牧場為5,169公斤,就示範養豬戶7次共收集23,945公斤。(十) 9家示範養豬戶中,除愛馨牧場及王祥豫牧場育成率約在70-80%之外,其餘多維持90%以上。(十一) 固形物再利用去處統計顯示,5家清潔養豬示範戶將污泥及固形物分別曬乾後,拿至自已的農地使用,另有4家清潔養豬示範戶則曬乾後提供附近農民使用,均未隨意棄置污泥及固形物造成環境污染。(十二) 101年補助裝置豬廁所之養豬戶,共裝置40個,目前正常使用有37個,損壞3個。四、宣導說明養豬業清潔養豬(豬廁所)正確認知:(一) 於103年6月24日完成一場次清潔養豬示範宣導座談會,並於會後調查裝置排糞架(豬廁所)之意願,經統計共有15家有意願裝置。另於103年10月9日辦理成果說明座談會,進行清潔養豬示範戶之執行成效進行分享及說明。(二) 本計畫需發佈三則(含)以上有關清潔養豬相關活動或業務或成果等新聞稿,已完成四則新聞稿之發佈,並發佈於台東縣政府網站,藉由此新聞稿發佈讓民眾及相關人員了解清潔養豬對於河川水體改善的重要性。(三) 宣導品目的在於加深民眾印象與吸引民眾樂於配合政府政策,已完成購置800份宣導品,並送交環保局完成點交。 103 臺東縣政府環境保護局 嘉德技術顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73172
健全廢棄物越境轉移法規制度計畫 本計畫完成項目,分為(1)混合五金廢料取消禁止輸入影響分析及法規管理配套;(2)檢討國內廢棄物越境轉移法規;(3)輸出廢棄物處理境外訪視;(4)廢棄物管理國際參與等四部分。各項成果簡述如后:(一)混合五金廢料取消禁止輸入影響分析及法規管理配套1.為兼顧環境保護與產業發展,已針對解除禁止輸入12項混合五金廢料進行環境影響及法規管理配套分析與評估,並研提三方案研析報告。2.報告內容依(1)評估緣由及範圍;(2)混合五金廢料管制沿革;(3)我國稀有金屬相關產業現況;(4)取消禁止輸入可行性評估;(5)建議方案之法規管理配套等提出完整說明。(二)檢討國內廢棄物越境轉移法規1.配合資循法草案,已研擬「廢棄資源越境轉移辦法」、「禁止輸入之廢棄資源種類及其管理事項」、「禁止輸出之廢棄資源種類及其管理事項」等三個子法草案條文,以及現行「屬產業用料需求之事業廢棄物種類」修正草案、「廢棄物輸出入許可核發審議規範」草案條文。2.已配合環保署環訓所,提供廢棄物輸出、輸入管理教材,並完成巴塞爾公約資訊網頁更新14次。(三)輸出廢棄物處理境外訪視1.已依據輸出至韓國、新加坡廢棄物情形,篩選受訪處理機構,並於12月2日至6日參訪韓國、12月17日至20日參訪新加坡各2家處理機構及環保主管機關。2.已完成韓國及新加坡廢棄物管理法規架構及輸出入法規彙整研析,彙整四個處理機構之處理方式、污染防治設施、實際處理我國廢棄物種類及數量等資料。並針對我國於亞太區域資源循環因應提出建議。(四)廢棄物管理國際參與1.已完成巴塞爾公約第九次開放式工作組會議(2014年9月15日至9月19日)2人次出席,並彙整會議重點及與會交流資訊,提出出國報告;並蒐集亞洲廢棄物相關會議資訊。2.彙整研析日本廢棄物管理相關法規並予以中譯,另針對日本廢棄物處理法、巴塞爾法之廢棄物、特定有害廢棄物定義,提出研析說明。 Improvement of law management project of transboudary movement of wastes The project completed the following tasks: (1) the environmental impact analysis and regulatory management supporting measures for permitting mixed metal scraps import, (2) reviewing domestic regulations and laws of transboundary movement of hazardous wastes, (3) abroad on-site visit of exported waste disposal facility, and (4) the participation of international activities related to waste management. Details are described in the following section.1.The environmental impact analysis and regulatory management supporting measures for permitting mixed metal scraps import(1)In consideration of both the benefits for rare metal industry development and the potential environmental impacts, the environmental impact analysis was conducted on twelve categories of mixed scrap metals proposed for import permission, and the supporting management measures were evaluated, including analysis report of three alternative plans.(2)The contents of the analysis report includes: (A) the introduction and scope of the report, (B) the regulatory history of the mixed scrap metals, (C) the status of rare metal industry in Taiwan, (D) the feasibility assessment of revoking ban on mixed scrap metals import; and (E) the proposal of legal regulation and supporting management measures.2.Reviewing domestic regulations and laws of transboundary movement of hazardous wastes(1)In concert with the draft cyclic resources act, regulations and laws were drafted and proposed, including the draft transboundary movement of hazardous wastes regulation, the draft waste resource categories import ban and management regulations, the draft waste resource categories export ban and management regulations, the draft revision of industrial waste categories for industrial material requirements, and the draft waste export/import permit reviewing and issuing regulation.(2)The waste export/import management training materials were provided to the environmental professionals training institute, EPA. The industrial waste export/import permit application and procedure instruction handbook was completed. The Basel Convention information website was revised fourteen times.3.On-site visit to waste disposal facilities abroad(1)Two separate on-site visit trips to Korea and Singapore were completed. Each trip visited two selected disposal facilities which processed wastes imported from Taiwan, as well as one government environmental agency.(2)The waste management regulatory framework and regulations of Korea and Singapore were researched and analyzed. Data collected from four on-site visit disposal facilities were synthesized, including the disposal methods, the pollution control installations, and the categories and amounts of waste imported from Taiwan. Suggestions were made regarding the cyclic resource issues in the Asia-pacific region.4.The participation of international activities related to waste management(1)Two representatives participated in the ninth meeting of the open-ended working group of the Basel Convention (from September 15 to 19, 2014). The meeting information and discussion with other meeting participants were synthesized and written in report. Asian conference information related to waste management ware also collected.(2)The waste management regulations of Japan were collected, researched and translated to Chinese. An analysis report of the Japanese waste disposal laws, and the definition of wastes and hazardous wastes in the Basel Convention were completed. 103 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會
廢鉛蓄電池處理廠廢水中的重金屬去除及回收之技術研究 依據環保署的統計,廢鉛蓄電池年回收量約達5萬公噸,經由回收系統回收後再送到處理業處理。處理作業流程係以裁切或粉碎設備,將廢鉛蓄電池予以拆解、破碎分離,再經分選設備回收塑膠碎片及鉛電極板等含鉛物質。鉛電極板等含鉛物質再以熔煉方式處理,生產鉛錠等再生鉛製品。塑膠碎片則賣給塑膠再利用廠製成塑膠粒,成為生產塑膠相關產品的原料。 廢鉛蓄電池處理廠回收鉛都採火法冶金技術,火法冶金設備有空污與耗能等問題,並產出兩大類的含鉛副產品,一種為俗稱的鉛冰料;一種為空污設備的集塵灰,此兩類副產品都含鉛成分,如果要重進爐處理需較高的溫度與能源效率較低。 為解決處理火法冶金技術的缺點,本計畫發展技術浸漬加電解,一方面減少汙泥量,另一方面所得到的鉛再次成為鉛原料再利用,符合廢棄物減量技術以及資源化再利用精神。(一).本研究發現集塵灰(SEM-EDS)成分分析主要元素組成為鉛(Pb)、硫(S)、氧(O),鉛重量百分比在63-78 wt%之間,鉛含量相當高,具回收與再利用價值。研究處理集塵灰浸漬加電解實驗於鉛濃度(20 g/L)條件下,每產出1公斤鉛需,每公斤成本低於2元。優於業主所提供鉛膏火法冶煉成本每公斤粗鉛3.8元,電解陰極產物鉛純度達99.9%,符合粗鉛品質要求。(二).廢硫酸浸漬集塵灰研究1. 提高固液比可以浸漬出較多鉛離子並有效提高pH值,減少工廠廢水處理液鹼中和廢硫酸水成本。2. A廠最佳固液比操作條件在1.0 (kg/L)。3. 廢酸初始pH高低會對鉛離子漬出量及pH改變造成影響。4. 產出物鑑定為可利用PbSO4成份,如通過一系列反應可生成多種以上的化工產品,如紅丹、黃丹、硝酸鉛、醋酸鉛、鹼式碳酸鉛等,這個硫酸浸漬集塵灰新處理流程成本低且產出價值高。(三).低階鉛冰料浸漬及電解鉛研究目標將鉛冰料的鉛資源化並能將殘餘物無害化,以目前實驗數據20-60%含鉛量估算,每噸鉛冰料可回收200-600公斤鉛,相當於1.2~3.6萬元/噸(鉛價以6萬元/噸計),如能達污泥無害化可節省每噸1.2萬元有害廢棄物處理費(鉛冰料廠內浸漬及電解處理成本以0.6萬元/噸計),與之前方法比較淨利益為1.8-4.2萬元/噸,本案例廠業主每月產出10噸低階含鉛冰料,預估每月淨效益為18-42萬元 (暫不估算投資設備成本)。發展浸漬加電解技術,可將集塵灰與鉛冰料資源再生為鉛金屬,轉化率集塵灰為80%以上與鉛冰料50%以上,這項技術與火法冶金比較有初設成本低的優點。 Removal and recycling of lead from wastewater of waste lead-acid battery treatment plants Lead acid batteries are commonly used in the automobiles. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has estimated that about 50,000 tonnes of lead acid battery waste were created every year. Recycling processof lead-acid batteries causes a lot of interest in the issues of the environmental protection.A treatment method is disclosed. The treatment method can recycle lead from air pollution control residues (APCR). In the treatment method, at first, APCR is well mixed with waste sodium hydroxide to release lead ion from APCR. Then, an electrolysis device including at least one cathode and at least one anode is provided for the leachate. Thereafter, an electrolyzing step is performed to use the electrolysis device to electrolyze the leachate so as to reduce the lead ions on the cathode for metal recovery.A hydro-electrometallurgical process to treat with fly ash by leachant and leachate electrolyte on lead recovery was proposed. This study was undertaken to determine the physical and chemical characterization, leaching and electrolysis characteristics of the fly ash, generated by an actual plant and to investigate various leaching agent yield and leachate electrolysis on lead recovery. The fly ash from spent of discarded lead-acid batteries contains mostly lead compound, the main content of A1 sample lead was 66.3%, the particle size distribution of A1 sample 90% was <24.8 μm . X-ray powder diffractograms of the fly ash were identification of PbO2.PbO and PbSO4. It can be solubilized with leaching agent, the result being solubility lead that can ultimately be exposed to electrolysis. In order to investigate how [OH−] influences fly ash of leachability , NaOH was used as alkali leaching agent and how [H+] influences fly ash of leachability, HNO3 and CH3COOH were used as leaching agent. The percent of lead leaching yield % in leachate was found between 3.5~69% of fly ash. The parameters considered were the leaching agent concentration, the S/L ratio, and the leaching time under the working circumstances, the optimum conditions was 1.875 M NaOH, S/L ratios of 12, at 8 hour and temperatures 27±3℃, The lead leaching yield % in leachate was found 69% of fly ash. To explore the changes of leachate electrolytic on lead recovery, the anode material and current density and specific energy consumption were also considered during the reaction. The experiments of cathodic Pb and anodic PbO2 electrodeposition, the weight percentage of cathodic Pb and anodic PbO2 for Pb were the range of 22.4~32.1% and 66.0~77.6% during 120 min electrolysis, respectively. We aimed at developing a process using both reactions simultaneously for treating aqueous of Pb2+ from lead–acid battery recycling plants of fly ash. It was new method to treat of fly ash and considered with economic and environmental issue.1. Component analysis of Fly ash by SEM-EDSThe main elements of fly ash are lead (Pb), sulfur (S), oxygen (O), and the lead weight percentage of fly ash is between 63-78 wt%. Fly ash have a high recovery value because of its high lead (Pb) content. From fly ash leaching and electrolysis experiment, we can know that producing of 1 kilograms of lead cost less than 2 dollars at lead concentrations (20 g / L) conditions. This method is better than pyrometallurgy, which is using in factories. The producing of 1 kilograms of lead cost 3.8 dollars by pyrometallurgy. At the end, the method can produce the purity 99.9% of lead on the electrolytic cathode, the purity of lead fits the quality requirements of crude lead.2. The study of fly ash leaching with waste H2SO41. We can increase the pH of waste H2SO4 and the concentrations of lead by increasing the solid-liquid ratio. Because of increasing the pH of waste H2SO4, we can reduce the cost from waste acid-base neutralization.2. The optimum operating conditions is 1 (kg/L).3. The intial pH of waste H2SO4 will affect the leaching concentrations of lead and the magnitude of changes of pH.4. The sludges of leaching experiment is PbSO4 by XRD analysis. It can be produced to many chemical products,such as yellow lead, mineral orange, lead nitrate, lead acetate, basic lead carbonate by a series of reactions. The process is low cost and have high value of products.3. The study of slags leaching and electrolyze leadThe target is reclamation of the lead in slags and the surplus to become innoxious. Accordind to our experiment data, slags contain 20~60 wt% of lead. So 200~600 kg of lead can be reclaim from every ton of slags. It is equivalen to 12~36 thousand NT dollars. If the surplus can be innoxious, we can save 12 thousand NT dollars from every ton of slags. The factory A produces 10 ton of slags every months. We can that there will 180~420 thousand NT dollars of benefit every month.Developing the technique of leaching and electrolysis can reclaim lead from fly ash and slags. The recovery of fly ash and slags is more than 80% and 50%. Compare with pyrometallurgy, this technique has the advantage of low cost of devise in the beginning. 103 基管會 國立成功大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74695
建立結合新世代生物科技之污染場址監測與整治策略研發計畫(2/2) 102年計畫目的在於結合生物復育與次世代定序技術,透過篩選及純化、並分析具分解汙染物能力的微生物之基因體與代謝轉錄體,找出相關的污染物代謝轉錄途徑,篩選出相關的功能性基因。於計畫中對微生物應用新世代定序技術在基因體與轉錄體技術,本團隊成功從台南中石化安順廠的海水池土壤中分離出Rhodococcus erythropolis B11,具OCDF八氯戴奧辛分解能力,也成功解序其完整基因體序列,又篩到Burkholderia cenocepacia 是一與植物共生具促進植物生長和高戴奧辛、金屬汞耐受性的細菌,我們團隊把這株菌進行了全基因體與轉錄體定序,確切的比對到了一些RNA的資訊可能參與了戴奧辛運輸到細胞內、及一些芳香苯環狀物分解的代謝途徑。103年計畫則期以微生物菌群在不同試驗環境下的差異分析,找出差異表達下的菌群及基因之代謝轉錄體,以將這些生物因子應用於環境鑑識上。於103年計畫中成功建立土壤微生物總基因體與總代謝轉錄體分析流程,並由總基因體分析中顯示雖然在不同土壤採樣點可能造成微生物的差異,但微生物因汙染物種類而影響的趨勢大致相同。本研究發現土壤微生物群在多環芳香烴影響下:Alcanivora菌屬族群大量生長,及Erythrobacteraceae科的微生物,族群有小幅上升趨勢,都有潛力成為檢測標的之一。六組實驗土壤交相比對,發現在具環境汙染物的實驗組放線菌Gaiellaceae科比例逐漸提高,可視為土壤的毒物壓力指標之一。此外在代謝轉錄體分析上,找到4個transcripts (mhpA、 dsrA、 MAP2K2、E2.8.3.),可能可作為戴奧辛汙染的Biomarker,提供環境檢測的相關依據,冀望未來繼續更進一步的評估與研究。 Development of new bioremediation strategy through next generation biotechnology In the project of year 2013, we used both next generation sequencing technology and bioremediation approaches to discover the detailed mechanisms of dioxin degradation. The potential bacteria strains that can degrade dioxin were isolated and characterized via both genomic sequencing and transcriptomic analysis. The genome annotation and functional genes expressed under dioxin induction were analyzed and the specific metabolomic pathways were identified. We isolated Rhodococcus erythropolis strain B11 that can degrade OCDF (eight chlorine dioxin) and the whole genomic information was completed. Nevertheless, we also found an endophyte, Burkholderia cenocepacia, that can benefit plant growth and show tolerance to both highly chlorinated dioxin and mercury. Both whole genomic sequencing and transcriptomic analysis under dioxin inducing were finished. Using BLAST tool, important functional genes such as genes belong to tonB family that may involve in the intracellular dioxin transportation were identified. In the project of year 2014, the differential analysis of both meta-genome and meta-transcriptomic analysis were done under different contaminations to identify dominant bacteria and their functional transcripts. The identified biological factors identified from results were expected to further used in the field of environmental forensics. In addition, we established the overall pipeline of soil samples for meta-genome and meta-transcript analysis. Based on metagenomic data, dominant bacteria still survived, suggesting that specific contaminations may not interfere substantial tendency although different sample locations may affect soil microbe constitutions. We also found that soil microbial population in aromatic polycyclic, hydrocarbons condition: Alcanivora genusis is dominant while Erythrobacteraceae family population is slightly rising. Both of them have potentials to become detectable targets. Furthermore, compared all six experimental samples, we found the proportion of Gaiellaceae family of Actinomyces gradually increased, and it could be regarded as one of the pressure indicators in the contaminated soil. On the other hand, based on the transtriptomic data, we found four specific transcripts (mhpA, dsrA, MAP2K2, E2.8.3) that may be used as dioxin contamination biomarker. It provides the indication of environmental testing that can be further investigated and evaluated. 103 環檢所 中興大學生科中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74147
103年度資源回收創意宣導工作計畫 本計畫結合相關單位辦理宣導活動,期利用資源回環保創意策展、資源回收宣導活動及民眾最熟悉的媒體形式宣導以達事半功倍的效果,逐步降低垃圾清運量提升資源回收率。 2014 project for creative promotion on resource recycling This project combined with relevant units for processing advocacy activities of environmental resources back to the curatorial creativity, recycling and public advocacy activities most familiar forms of media advocacy to achieve a multiplier effect, gradually reduce the volume of garbage cleared enhance resource recovery . 103 高雄市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78294
103年度整合碳足跡排放係數建置方法與基線專案研究計畫 於碳足跡計算服務需求增加之發展趨勢下,產品與服務碳足跡計算之基礎能力建構,已逐漸成為政府及產業界達成減碳目標、碳資訊揭露、對外宣示其企業社會責任及產品綠色行銷之重要溝通工具。為呼應國內業界需求,行政院環保署碳足跡計算服務平台已經開始運作,並持續擴充碳足跡計算服務平台所需(基礎原物料600項)的碳足跡排放係數數量。加速基礎原物料碳排放係數數量擴充速度的機制研擬為本計畫的工作要項之一,包含括擴大合作對象(學界、公協會)及引進已經建置完畢之碳足跡係數(國內業界碳係數提供及國外資料庫引進),研擬合理可行的引用機制,謀求可縮短碳排放係數建置時程,以供國內產業各界所使用。另一方面,國際上生命週期評估議題的發展,已經不僅只關注碳足跡單一環境指標的衝擊,而是朝多元的環境衝擊方向關注環境議題,如歐盟正在發展中的環境足跡、以生命週期成本分析方式應用於環境考量面及社會生命週期評估等。本計畫透過專家、委員的意見交流與建議,已彙整後續之發展重點及提出短中期可具體執行的整合政策建議。依照計畫時程規劃,本專案工作計畫已完成查核點之各項工作內容要求,以下摘述本專案工作計畫執行迄今之重要成果:1.與低碳建築聯盟合作,檢視其所建置碳排放係數之建築材料清單並提出12項建議優先建置項目,於係數選項研商專家座談會由委員給予排序,依執行可行性建置前5項建築材料碳排放係數並評定其數據品質,達基本品質者將以三階段審議納入品質庫,僅初估品質者則納入參考庫。2.搜尋並分析多個國外碳足跡資料庫型態,有盤查資料(美、澳、歐盟)者,較有可能本土化於國內產業使用,經過資料庫試行本土化轉換程序,並評估了此種轉換可能遭遇的問題,包括資料可解讀性、作業時間、數據品質等級等之後;提出資料本土化轉換機制(SOP),並對未來持續充實參考庫係數項目提出具體建議。3.發展國內業者提供碳排放係數的引用機制,以在維持品質資料庫品質前提下,快速累積可用碳排放係數數量。這類係數判斷是否納入品質庫的要素,在於該係數是否完成查證,若未進行查證則建議放入參考庫,此外,放入參考庫的評斷要素為所提供說明資料之完整性、符合質量平衡符合-10%到+20%的誤差範圍、與其他資料庫係數比對低於50%的誤差範圍內,本計畫已針對上述國內資料採納的機制建立標準作業程序(SOP)。4.針對碳足跡計算平台資料庫提出「參考庫」概念,目的是收納有別於現行經三階段嚴謹審議後所納入之碳足跡排放係數。不僅能夠快速增加可用係數數量,也不致於使得現行建置之係數資料庫因混入數據透明度較差的係數而影響整體資料庫品質。平台的係數用於碳標籤產品的計算時,應儘量使用高品質的係數,使用參考庫資料在所計算的碳足跡貢獻的比例,建議不超過30%(參考歐盟環境足跡指引的數據品質規定,至少前70%環境衝擊貢獻項目要為優良品質),單項活動數據採用參考庫係數,應要求計算出的碳足跡對總碳足跡的貢獻比例,低於3%。5.針對歐盟環境足跡(EU PEF)、生命週期成本分析(LCC)應用於環境考量面及社會生命週期評估(SLCA)等蒐集發展現況,並透過與碳標籤審議會委員及生命週期管理專家之座談與意見交流,提出環境整合性政策建議。其中LCC及SLCA暫不列入政策規劃,但鼓勵廠商接受示範性輔導,在PEF方面,建議於碳足跡產品類別規則(CFP-PCR)中納入ISO14025的第三類環境宣告產品類別規則(EPD-PCR)概念,引導業界逐步熟悉與接受環境足跡。 Integrated approach to build carbon footprint emission factor and baseline research project Product carbon disclosure has become an important and inevitable measure for businesses to declare their social responsibilities while in keeping pace with the international trends of carbon reduction. To echo the domestic demand, the Executive Yuan EPA carbon footprint calculation service platforms already in operation, and continue to expand the carbon footprint emission factors for computing services, but the current expansion rate is still unable to meet the user's expectations. To this end, this project through cooperation with domestic industrial circles or academia to introduce carbon footprint coefficient; but also raised several new way to increment coefficient quantity.The growing trend of life cycle assessment issues is expansion from single environmental thinking (such as carbon footprint), other environmental impact (such as EU Product Environmental Footprint, PEF), economic costs (Life cycle cost, LCC) or social issues (Social life cycle assessment, SLCA) may going to be include in. This project will continue to focus its development, and to make policy recommendations, proposed some suggestion as short-term and mid-term task-integrated policy through precious opinion and advice between experts.The significant results are summarized as follows:1.Data separate into 2 types of CFP emission database (quality database, reference database) are recommended. This logic decision method not only reduces the risk of incorrect declaration, but accumulating more CFP quickly. When emission factor is used to make an application for an EPA carbon footprint label, high quality factor have priority to be used. We recommend that the proportion of contribution from reference database in carbon footprint calculating shall less than 30% (Refer to the EU's environmental footprint guide data quality requirements. At least top 70% of the product environmental impact shall be calculated by good quality data).Contribution from any one source of GHG emissions of more than 3% of the anticipated total GHG emissions associated with the product should being calculated by using good or basic data quality emission factors2.We cited original data of carbon footprint emission factors from low carbon building alliance, check the correctness and completeness. Then through expert advice, arrange data update order and successfully upgraded 5 sets of carbon footprint emission factors this year. CFP quantification results in good or basic data quality will be included in quality database, preliminary estimates data quality will be included in reference database.3.We have searched and analyzed several foreign life cycle inventory or carbon footprint database. U.S. NREL Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Database, Australia AUSLCI Database, and some ELCD data have inventory, so the data of these database could be used for localization. Then from each database, trying data localization transforming, and assessing such conversion which may encounter problems including data interpretability, operating time, and data quality grade. Finally, a data localization mechanism (SOP) is proposed, and a list for prospects is made.4.Developing an adapting mechanism (SOP) for the CFP quantification results, which are provided from domestic company. The available emission factors could be rapidly accumulated under maintenance of database quality. Certification is a key process. If it isn't carried out, the emission factor will be collected in reference database. In addition, the way to decide data was collected in reference database or not is by two factors, one is the mass balance in line with -10% to + 20% error, the other is comparing with similar emission factors, the error should be less than 50%.5.We have studied papers of EU Product environmental footprint, life cycle cost (LCC) analysis methods applied to environmental aspects and social life cycle assessment (SLCA), exchanged opinions with experts, and made recommendations. LCC and SLCA are excluded from policy planning, but encourage manufacturers implement. Besides, we recommend that CFP-PCR should adopt EPD-PCR concept. Then the CFP-PCR would guide industry to gradually become familiar with product environmental footprint. 103 管考處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74192
103年度屏東縣加強辦理交通管理措施推動非法油品查緝計畫 本計畫主要工作內容包含:停車怠速熄火宣導與稽查作業、低碳社區及低污染車輛宣導推廣作業、柴油車非法油品稽查檢測作業、柴油車保養廠保檢合一制度推動及配合局內各項行政業務。期末報告初步統計期程為103年2月8日至12月31日止,各項工作成果摘要如下:(一) 停車怠速熄火宣導與稽查作業宣導文宣以易於民眾接受為原則,共製作宣導靜電貼紙5,000張、宣導海報2,000張及宣導品1,000份。宣導靜電貼及宣導品於執行路邊稽查作業及宣導活動時進行發送;宣導海報則以派員發送及寄送之方式至各縣公務機關、工廠、客運業者、各級學校及風景區等。為使停車怠速熄火宣導遍及各個層面,製作停車熄火廣播宣導帶,並於4月25日起開始密集播放120檔次。由計畫開始截至11月30日車輛怠速稽查及宣導輛次共計5,042輛次,主要勸導車種以小型車為主,佔所有勸導輛次的87.1%。規劃稽查及宣導地點以本縣車流量較大之路段及公務單位與車站為主,此區域的執行比重約佔53.6%,以觀光區執行區域此區約佔9.5%,而本縣市區及偏遠鄉鎮之路段,稽查及宣導比例約占6.0%;另計畫期間配合縣府各單位、社區及學校辦理22場次停車怠速熄火宣導活動、5場次補習班業者宣導及4場反怠速大型宣導活動,藉由互動問答之方式與民眾交流,提高民眾配合停車即熄火之意願。(二) 低污染車輛宣導推廣作業配合環保署推動低碳永續家園政策及本縣規畫推動重點,本年度協助之重點規劃於本縣行人徒步區、自行車租賃系統建置、電動巴士推廣、低污染運具推廣、電池交換站推動及推動工業區移動源評鑑計畫等方向。完成協助輔導中山黃昏市場及瑞光夜市之行人徒步區規畫;而屏東縣自行車租賃系統由高雄捷運公司承攬並於5月9日開始動工, 10月24日辦理試乘活動,於12月4日開始營運;電動巴士則由屏東汽車客運公司於3月1日開始試營運統計至11月31日共計9,586人次搭乘。(三) 非法油品查緝作業本計畫配合柴油車計畫於路邊攔查及動力站內檢測時,逐車進行油品檢查,針對顏色或氣味異常之樣品進行抽驗檢測,今年度截至11月31日共計總攔車檢查數為2,181輛次,分別路邊總檢查車輛數有678輛次、動力站總檢查車輛數有1,482輛次、場站攔查21件,其中檢查採樣132件樣品,經送驗結果2件不合格皆為動力站採樣發現。(四) 柴油車保養廠保檢合一制度推動本計畫以102年度評鑑獲選2家柴油車認可保養廠,分別為裕益汽車股份有限公司及屏東客運修配廠執行每月輔導訪查作業。並於6月9日邀請專家學者、各縣市環保局及本縣柴油車保養廠至取得保檢合一認證資格保養廠「屏東汽車客運股份有限公司」進行教育訓練,藉由認證保養廠現場說明與講解,進一步提升本縣其他保養廠業者相關能力、保檢合一之觀念建置及認同;11月10日則針對104年度柴油車新5期標準及認證保養廠評鑑說明邀請專家學者進行會議說明,藉由提前召開會議,提供與業者有改善時間,利於104年進行相關評鑑作業。 103 屏東縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79663
103年度金門縣節能減碳宣導推動計畫 「103年度金門縣節能減碳宣導推動計畫」執行期程為103年2月18日至103年12月31日,主要有5大工作項目,包含「節能減碳行動標章推廣」、「低碳飲食推廣」、「地方政府具體落實無悔措施專案」、「熱門社群網站推廣及推動活動碳中和」及「其他配合事項」。各工作項目執行說明如下:1. 節能減碳行動標章推廣  103年度辦理2場次「節能減碳行動標章」說明會,參加對象為有意願申請節能減碳行動標章之企業、社區、商家、村里及民間團體,合計86人,並輔導了13個單位提送節能減碳行動標章申請資料,期望藉由輔導以提升環保署審核通過率,藉由實質獎勵提高企業、社區、商家、村里及民間團體辦理「節能減碳行動標章」的意願。其中第二場說明會進行碳中和活動計算,說明會過程大約產生380.177 kgCO2,經與會民眾填寫「二氧化碳減量行為承諾簽署單」,總計願意承諾減碳量為383.91kgCO2,其中以提高冷氣設定度數、自然風取代冷氣及使用環保筷三項為減碳效益最高的項目,顯示與會民眾願意改變個人生活習慣減少排碳量。2. 低碳飲食推廣  低碳飲食推廣包含製作文宣、低碳料理示範活動及村里低碳飲食巡迴宣導,其中在文宣部分,內容包含低碳飲食原則、意義及在地食材產區之宣導文宣資料500份,並以實際舉例說明購買「在地食材」的重要性。低碳料理示範活動於103年6月8日假金門縣水產試驗所與世界環境日活動共同舉辦,參加對象為金門縣縣民,參加人數共101人;在村里低碳飲食巡迴宣導部分,總計完成35場次村里巡迴演出,總宣導人次達3,132人。另針對低碳飲食推廣其中8場次進行活動碳中和計算,最低排碳量為36.43 kgCO2,最高排碳量為80.67 kgCO2,總計8場次總排碳量為436.55 kgCO2;經過活動中提供民眾簽署的「二氧化碳減量行為承諾簽署單」,簽署包含以環保杯代替紙杯、不吹冷氣改吹自然風等作為,統計民眾自行填寫之「二氧化碳減量行為承諾簽署單」,承諾之減碳量最低為78.09 kgCO2,最多為257.52 kgCO2,而總計承諾減碳量為1,212.26 kgCO2,減碳效益相當顯著。藉由宣導、闖關等實際參與活動,增加了金門縣鄉親對低碳飲食的了解,鼓勵鄉親落實低碳飲食原則,及教導如何用簡單的料理製作方式完成低碳料理,以減少食材因運輸、冷藏及包裝所消耗的能,進而減少碳排放,有效減緩溫室效應。3. 地方政府具體落實無悔措施專案  包含辦理說明會及進行機關查核,在辦理說明會部份,本年度辦理1場次「行政機關推動節能減碳無悔措施說明會」,參加對象為金門縣縣內各局、處、鄉鎮公所等單位,共40人。除辦理說明會外,另針對各單位現地輔導完成40家次,總計38家機關達成標準,其中優等為16家、甲等為20家、乙等為2家,可見鼓勵該機關落實辦理可達節能減碳效益,舉例以查核項目中「一、冷氣控溫於26度以上」來說,一台冷氣溫度設定提高一度,每小時可省6 %的電力,並減少0.033 kgCO2的碳排量,若一機關共3台冷氣,一天運作8小時,如將冷氣溫度從原25度調整設定為27度,就減少了1.584 kgCO2的碳排量。因此,期望從行政機關以領頭羊的角色,帶動節能減碳之風氣並擴展至學校、企業,以及村里社區等。本次說明會約產生336.669 kgCO2,經統計與會來賓填寫之「二氧化碳減量行為承諾簽署單」,顯示於機關生活中,減碳效益行為最高為落實於午休下班時間將電腦關機及不吹冷氣改吹自然風,願意承諾減碳量總計為901.82 kgCO2。4. 熱門社群網站推廣及推動活動碳中和  在熱門社群網站部份,本計畫並也以管理者身分經營環保局Facebook,定期發布節能減碳相關活動以及更新相關資訊,總計發布382則文章。環保局Facebook粉絲團人數自102年11月初起(160人)至103年12月15日(705人),共增加545人。統計最受歡迎的前10名文章中以省電省水妙招,具獎項誘因之節能競賽/活動消息等為點閱對象,顯示民眾以關心切身之經濟相關主題較具吸引力。  而在推動碳中和部分,本計畫除在每場次活動及說明會前至環保署「環保低碳活動平台」(http://greenevent.epa.gov.tw)申請環保低碳序號外,於活動辦理前事先進行計算,從當次活動所使用設備、講義文宣、餐點的提供及參與活動的交通方式等,每一動作皆產生不同的碳排量。本計畫藉由提供「二氧化碳減量行為承諾簽署單」向民眾宣導,並完成10場次二氧化碳減量承諾簽署單。減量承諾簽署單設計以一周為單位,在讓民眾簽署願意在一周內所做的減碳行為。統計10場次活動、宣導會產生碳排量為1,153.398 kgCO2,經民眾進行承諾後,總承諾減碳量為2,506.99 kgCO2,已達成減碳宣導效益。5. 其他配合事項  配合提送執行低碳生活運作機能階段性成果及節能減碳業務績效,並每月至環保署網站及各新聞網站蒐集環保相關新聞、文章等,張貼於環保局社群網站,供民眾方便查詢資訊及達到宣導之功能。 103 金門縣環境保護局 尚竑工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80571
自動監測(視)連線傳輸及污水下水道系統綜合管理計畫 本計畫為工業區及公共下水道之行政協助管理計畫,主要工作內容包括:協助推動自動監測(視)及連線傳輸作業、廢(污)水自動連續監測(視)及連線傳輸系統功能升級、支援地方主管機關辦理自動監測(視)及連線傳輸及提供行政技術諮詢、辦理污水下水道系統管制現況檢核、許可及定檢資料關聯性分析、異常資料分析及建立管理指標,與其他行政協助工作等五類工作。本計畫完成之執行成果摘要如下:(一)完成協助推動自動監測視相關配套措施(含提供法規、連線技術諮詢與現場技術支援、10場相對誤差測試查核、申請審查手冊,及教育訓練等) (二)完成自動監測(視)系統功能升級(含資料轉入系統、相對誤差測試登錄查詢介面,及設置審查資料庫等)(三)提供地方主管機關辦理自動監測(視)及連線傳輸之行政及技術諮詢(四)辦理污水下水道系統管制現況檢核、許可及定檢資料關聯性分析、異常資料分析及建立管理指標(五)完成5項其他行政協助工作。 Continuous Water Monitoring System (CWMS) and Sewerage System Management Project This project is a master administration assisting and regulatory plan for industrial park and public sewage systems. The major tasks of this project includes five kinds of works, includes: assisting to establish the supporting measures of the Continuous Water Monitoring System(CWMS); upgrading the CWMS data system; offering the administrative technical support of the CWMS and data transmission for TEPB; reviewing the current control status, correlation about the permit and DMR, data consistency analysis, and building management indicators of sewage systems; and other administrative assistance works.This project has accomplished the following outcomes:(1)establishing the CWMS supporting measures of industrial parks(including regulatory and data transmission’s technical consultation; technical support in situ; 10 tests of RATA; application and Examination manual; and holding training courses (2)upgrading the CWMS data system(including data transmission system from TEPB to TEPA; RATA login and inquiry system; and data base for CWMS’s setting up and application review)(3)offering administrative and technical consultation of the CWMS’s install and monitoring data transmission for the TEPB(4)checking of the current control status, correlation analysis between the permit & DMR, and data consistency analysis of the industrial parks and public sewage system(5)completing five different kinds of other administrative assistance works. 103 水保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81069
103年度土地品質宣傳推動計畫 「土壤與地下水」保育,是一般民眾長期忽略、卻又深受影響的共同課題。不單關乎個人財富的土地買賣價值,土地的健康永續,也影響著未來世世代代的健康與生活。為持續推動土壤及地下水保育及污染整治工作,深耕國內民眾「土地品質即價值」之觀念,建立國人正確的環境保護知識,提醒全民對身處環境應有之責任態度。 Land Quality Media Campaigns and Promotion Project “Soil and ground water” preservation is an issue that has long been neglected yet poses a profound impact on the general public. It is not only simply related to the worth of land traded for one’s personal wealth, the health and sustainability of our land carries a definite impact on the health and lifestyle of our future generations. In an effort to continue with the promotion of soil and ground water preservation and pollution remediation to foster the concept of “land quality = value” for the general populace, thereby helping citizens to acquire relevant knowledge of environmental protection while reminding them that everyone should be accountable for the environment we live in. 103 土污基管會 則越廣告行銷有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76246
103年度澎湖縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 本計畫主要成果,在地下水監測部份,枯水期已執行33口次,其中超過管制標準者計3口,為統一精工加油站(X00047),超出項目為MTBE(管制標準之3.4倍)、苯(管制標準之12.6倍)、鎳(管制標準之1.3倍);天祥加油站(X00045),超出項目為鎳(管制標準之2.0倍);永安營區(X00074),超出項目為三氯乙烯(管制標準之8.4倍)。豐水期亦已執行34口次,其中超過管制標準者僅有天祥加油站(X00045),超出項目為鎳(管制標準之2.0倍)。枯水期超出第二類監測標準之監測井則有16口,包含統一精工(X00033、X00047、X00070);天祥加油站(X00031、X00036、X00037、X00045);尖山發電廠(X00027、X00028、X00073);舊澎湖發電廠(X00039);馬公油庫(X00041);馬公加油站(X00019);萬里畜牧場(X00069);永安營區(X00074、X00075、X00076);烏崁里125-7號及125-8號(X00072);超出第一類監測標準之監測井則有3口,興崁掩埋場(X00016、X00026、X00071),超出監測標準之項目鐵、錳、總硬度、總溶解固體、氯鹽、硫酸鹽、總有機碳、氨氮、鎳。豐水期超出第二類監測標準之監測井則有18口,包含統一精工(X00033、X00047、X00070);天祥加油站(X00031、X00036、X00037、X00045);尖山發電廠(X00028、X00073);舊澎湖發電廠(X00039);馬公油庫(X00041);馬公加油站(X00019);萬里畜牧場(X00069);永安營區(X00074、X00075、X00076);烏崁里125-7號及125-8號(X00072)、澎大加油站(X00020);超出第一類監測標準之監測井則有3口,興崁掩埋場(X00016、X00026、X00071)。測漏管土壤氣體監測工作,在17座加油站已於4月份日完成288支,其中澎大加油站9號測漏管FID測值達528.0ppmV,超過警戒值;大家加油站3口測漏管(8、11及15號)透氣性檢測發現透氣性不佳;泰永加油站2口測漏管(P17及P19號)井管蓋損壞,不符合基本功能檢測。其餘測漏管檢測並未發現有異常情形。在10月時進行複測,澎大加油站進行原超出警戒值之A9測漏管再次量測,量測結果在PID及FID測值皆<5ppmV;大家加油站3口透氣性不佳之測漏管,亦於重測中檢測通過,二家站方皆表示有請申報定檢執行單位,進行簡易抽氣或維修。而泰永加油站測漏管井管蓋已於6月更換。 103 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 亞太環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80577
103年度基隆市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 一、針對轄區內被提報為土壤或地下水污染之公私場(廠)所,建立相關污染資料, 採取相關管制與改善措施,以避免污染擴大現象。 二、延續未解除列管之特定土壤污染場址,進行改善追蹤,並建立相關文書資料,包括:監督管理、協商、階段整治、驗證、成果彙製與相關行政配合作業。 三、進行轄區內高污染潛勢地區及工業區周界地下水質監測井水質監測,發揮預警功能及掌握污染處理時機。 四、辦理「土壤及地下水污染整治法」相關法規宣導說明會,以推動相關法規,以及底泥品質管理、目的事業主管機關檢測土壤及地下水備查作業辦法等政策。 103 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77847
資源循環利用法及現行事業廢棄物管理子法研析計畫 本計畫就資源循環利用法及現行事業廢棄物子法之執行成果與內容,主要為下列四部分:(一)資源循環利用法草案相關子法之研訂準備:1.蒐集德國、日本美國、歐盟、英國、南韓等國之廢棄資源循環政策、制度、法規等相關資料,並彙整得出可供我國參酌之經驗啟示。2.擬訂資源循環利用法建議應優先訂定之子法清單,並完成資源循環利用法施行細則等子法條文草案初稿。3.彙整事業廢棄資源清理基金相關意見進行研析並提出因應作法。4.研提資源循環利用法第11條、第19條、第47條第2項、第74條至第76條、第80條、第105條及第106條等條文之研析意見及配套。(二)事業廢棄物清理管理及有害事業廢棄物認定等子法之檢討修正:1.針對「事業廢棄物貯存清除處理方法及設施標準」及「有害事業廢棄物認定標準」兩項子法於修法過程中所遇之疑義問題,蒐集國外政策、制度、法規等資料並提出具體差異分析。2.研擬「指定廢棄物清理法第二條第一項第二款之事業」修正草案,建議新增「淨水處理廠」、「再利用機構」、「屠宰場」、「畜牧場」、「其他農業」等5項事業。3.參據公聽會意見修正「事業廢棄物貯存清除處理方法及設施標準」草案,並研提修正條文之衝擊評估。4.綜整各界意見及國內處理情形後,建議維持「有害事業廢棄物認定標準」附表二混合五金廢料認定對照表之規定,並修正「有害事業廢棄物認定標準」草案。(三)廢棄物認定及廢棄物清理法精進探討:1.蒐集我國、歐盟、美國及大陸之廢棄物認定或終止認定策略、制度與法規。2.研提「廢棄物疑義個案參考原則」、繪製疑義個案認定流程圖並研提廢棄物認定預警機制。3.彙整近年最高行政法院、高等行政法院就廢棄物清理法第30條、第46條、第71條相關判決見解並研提精進管理意見。(四)辦理意見蒐集及溝通事宜並配合行政執行作業:配合署內推動法規之行政程序,協助製作法案審查相關簡報及書面資料、協助回復廢清法及資再法相關疑義共計31則、辦理11場次專家諮詢會議。 The Project of Analysis the Resources Recycling Act and Current Enterprise Waste Management Regulati The results of this project are divided into following four sections:1)Information collection and related regulations studies1.Collected and proposed the information about waste management and recycling policies, laws and regulations in Germany, Japan, the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, South Korea and so on. 2.Made a list by priority of key regulations for the Resource Recycling Act law and have done the Resource Recycling Act regulations draft.3.Analyzed public opinions to the Industrial Waste Clean Fund for revising the regulation.4.Provided the analysis opinions and complementary measures for the Resource Recycling Act articles 11, 19, 47.2, 74~76, 80, 105, and 106.2)Studied on the industrial waste management and hazardous classification standards regulations1.Collected and presented comparative analysis of foreign policies, laws, and regulations regarding the Industrial Waste Storage And Cleanup Standards.2.Revised the draft for enterprises designated by Waste Disposal Act article 2 and suggested adding “water treatment plants”, “recycling facilities”, “slaughterhouses”, “livestock yards”, and “other farm facilities” as newly-designated ones.3.Revised the draft of “Methods and Facilities Standards for the Storage, Clearance and Disposal of Industrial Waste”, and proposed the impact assessment of the revisions.4.Table 2 of the Standards for Defining Hazardous Waste or Industrial Waste was suggested to maintain in compliance with public opinions and current conditions, and the draft of the standards above was supposed to be revised.3)Advanced analysis of "waste classification" and Waste Disposal Act1.Reviewed strategies, management system, and regulations of waste or non-waste material classification in Taiwan, the European Union, the United States, and China.2.Proposed a Waste Material Dispute Resolution Reference, drawing up a decision-making flowchart and presented a proactive waste material classification system.3.Reviewed recent court decisions regarding Waste Disposal Act articles 30, 46, and 71 to propose more effective administration ways.4)Opinion collection and communication of administration activitiesFor the sake of the implementation of regulations, legal review presentations and reports were produced, 31 queries about Waste Disposal Act and Resource Recycling Act were replied, and 11 expert discussion meetings were conducted. 103 廢管處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80625
103年度紫外線預報系統與儀器校驗實驗室 「103年度紫外線預報系統與儀器校驗實驗室」專案計畫 (以下簡稱本計畫) 以提高國內紫外線預報與監測之正確性為任務,年度專案計畫目標如下:一、運轉及維護紫外線指數數值動力預報模式系統。二、維護紫外線監測數值之正確性。三、提供紫外線預報輔助資訊。四、紫外線輻射計校驗品質管理。除了一般作業之外,完成下列工作:紫外線監測系統之觀測資料分析結果顯示:紫外線指數的監測資料有效率相當高,資料也漸趨平穩。午時輻射佔全日輻射量比例冬高夏低的特徵相當清楚;危險級與UVI≧8的出現機率具區域差異與逐年變化特徵。月與月間之天氣氣候變化快速,導致UV輻射也快速變化。2014年上半年月平均UVI統計檢定與過去相比略微降低,下半年則呈現偏高。此外本計畫應用最高溫、日較差、水汽壓、雲量及降水場等氣候參數分析,探討逐月UVI觀測異常的可能原因。進行紫外線監測及預報成效分析。結果顯示:紫外線指數的預測誤差上下變動幅度逐年相近。另外,分析天氣圖和測站氣溫和濕度以及衛星雲圖,探討預報誤差大的個案發生的可能原因以幫助改進UVI預報。為維護UV監測數值之正確性,今年度共完成32台紫外線輻射計校驗(4台UVA和28台UVB)。今年度新增中央氣象局紫外線輻射計(UVB)的備品校驗工作,依年度規劃共完成5顆備品的校驗。本年度計畫依要求完成各項交付之工作內容。於每季提報上一季紫外線監測資料分析報告、儀器校驗狀態及預報分析成果報告、召開討論會議,均有利於瞭解紫外線指數的變化趨勢及預報與監測能力。 UV-Index Forecasting System and Instrument Calibration Laboratory The main task of this project, “UV Forecast System and Monitoring Instrument Calibration Lab.-Fiscal year 103” is to enhance the UV forecast and monitoring ability in Taiwan. The objective of this project are : (1) To maintain and operate the UV Index forecast numerical dynamical model system. (2) To maintain the numerical fidelity of UV monitoring. (3) To provide UV forecast auxiliary information. (4) To execute UV instruments calibration quality control. Beside of operational works, the following jobs have been done:The data of the UV monitoring system is analyzed. It is shown that the ratio of valid data is quite high. The variation of the observation is stable. The proportion of the radiation sustained during noon in daily total amount appears high in winter and low in summer. Probability of UVI larger than hazard –scale as well as UVI≧8 show spatial and inter-annual variability. Climate and weather as well as UVI changed abruptly. The first half of 2014, Taiwan’s UVI showed slightly lower than in the past, the second half showed high, but not significantly. Furthermore, meteorological data such as maximum temperature, diurnal temperature range, vapor pressure, cloudiness, and precipitation have been analyzed to explore the causes of monthly UVI anomalies.UV monitoring and forecast data have analyzed. It is shown that UVI forecast performance is quite stable. Furthermore, in order to improving UVI forecasting, meteorological data such as weather map, station temperature and humidity, as well as satellite image have been studied while forecast is fail.To maintain the correctness of UV monitoring values, UVI Calibration Lab. did the calibration of 32 radiometers (4 UVA and 28 UVB) in this year. In 2014, UVI Calibration Lab. also completed the calibration of 5 radiometers of CWB (CWB’s UVB).All works proposed have been accomplished. The content of the raw data and statistics analyzing result of observations, and UV instrument calibration records have been kept and updated by schedule; held scheduled discussion meetings. All these work helps to enhance the UV forecast and monitoring ability in Taiwan. 103 監資處 國立臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75820
103年度輔助空氣品質及沙塵預報系統專案工作計畫 本計畫針對臺灣地區的空氣品質預報作業進行系統之研發與維護,並提供作業上必要的協助。主要工作內容包括中尺度氣象動力模式、中國大陸沙塵動力模式(TAQM/KOSA;WRFDUST)、本土沙塵動力模式(TAQM/TWKOSA)、臺灣空氣品質模式(TAQM)以及第三代空氣品質動力化學模式(CMAQ)的維運。資料分析的部分完成動力模式的預報輸出結果與監測站的監測資料,包括WRF氣象模式的氣象變數輸出、空氣品質模式的臭氧與細懸浮微粒濃度進行分析,衛星資料反演的細懸浮微粒濃度結果與監測站監測資料進行比較分析。為提高空氣品質預報的能力,也進行空氣品質模式預報觀測校驗工作,找到動力模式可改進的部分,未來可回饋於修改模式的參考依據。河川揚塵的起因分析,蒐集環境、氣象與河川的相關地理因子特性進行分析。高污染個案分析則完成兩個中國大陸霾害影響臺灣空氣品質事件之個案。在協助環保署進行預報的部分,包括派有計畫駐署人員協助整理氣象局供應之資料,整合分析沙塵及空氣品質預報資訊,提供各種預報決策參考所需的資料。本計畫也支援提供環境保護署的組織學習教育訓練,以及計畫主持人於中國大陸沙塵事件日提供專家諮詢意見並且參加檢討會議。本年度模式運作的變更包含將CMAQ的版本自V4.6 提升至V4.7 版,CMAQ空氣品質模式與本土沙塵模式的氣象輸入資料改以WRF模式取代MM5 模式,TAQM維持使用MM5。針對本土沙塵動力模式支援紫外線的預報資料,提供WRF2MM5以順利轉換為WRF模式預報結果。另外中國大陸沙塵與霾害預報作業增加WRFDUST 線上coupled模式每日進行00Z的模擬參與運轉,提供給預報人員參考評估。配合環保署103 年10 月1 日起新增實施細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)指標,同時修正空氣品質預報輔助系統,提供環保署PM2.5 預報資訊。 Auxiliary Air Quality Forecast system and Mineral Dust Forecast System of 2014 The purpose of this project is to maintain forecasting systems to facilitate dailyforecast of air quality over the Taiwan area. The main works include: Maintain and operatethe numerical forecasting model, the China dust dynamic numerical model(TAQM/KOSA;WRFDUST), local dust dynamic model (TAQM/TWKOSA), Taiwan AirQuality Model (TAQM), Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model andmesoscale numerical weather prediction system (MM5 and WRF) included. Analyze thecharacteristic of atmospheric factors, ozone and PM2.5 between the model simulatedresults, site monitoring data and MODIS satellite retrieval data. The results will feedbackto as the references to modify the relative dynamic numerical model in the future. In thepart of seriously polluted events analysis, two cases focusing on high level haze eventswere completed. For the reason of dust from riverside, using statistical analysis to figureout the correlation among the factors of environment, weather and river. Providespecial-duty manpower to organize, integrate all of the information to offer the referral forthe EPA air quality pre-warning decision and supporting the organization learning of EPA.Project coordinate director join the Mainland China dust event forecasting examiningmeeting and provide the expert opinion to EPA.The main modified of operation models are to upgrade the CMAQ V4.6 to V4.7,using WRF instead of MM5 for air quality and local dust models and provide theWRF2MM5 conversion program for the TAQM/TWKOSA and ultraviolet ray forecastingproject. Increasing the WRFDUST model to joined as one member of the operation models.Air quality auxiliary forecast system is modified to increase the function of forecasting thePM2.5 from 1st Oct. 2014. 103 監資處 國立臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76321
補助苗栗縣政府辦理103年環境教育基金補助環境教育終身學習護照推廣計畫 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)為鼓勵全民充分運用學習資源,養成終身學習之習慣,進而促使國人重視環境並採取行動,型塑學習型社會,已規劃執行「環境教育終身學習護照推廣計畫」,並於「103年度地方環境保護機關績效考評指標、評分標準及權重」-綜合業務類-環境教育項目之考評指標(七)配合推廣「環境教育終身學習護照」,請地方政府辦理所屬員工開通終身學習護照之宣傳,並訂定民眾參與「環境教育終身學習護照」獎勵計畫,及辦理相關宣傳推廣活動,以提升計畫成效。為使順利推行前述環保署計畫,以達到鼓勵民眾踴躍參與之目的,苗栗縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)爰訂定「103年度苗栗縣環境教育終身學習護照推廣計畫」。將辦理環境教育終身學習護照推廣宣導活動及開通,規劃委託製播宣導短片及廣播,於地方電視台及廣播媒體播出向縣民宣導推廣環境教育終身學習護照,並規劃設計本縣環境教育學習登錄系統,提升環境教育時數登入效率,並提高民眾個人資料安全性。以達到配合環保署推動「環境教育終身學習護照」成效。 103 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 德汰科技顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81575
環境中奈米物質量測及特性分析技術開發 本計畫針對市售六種奈米銀紡織品及三種含銀噴霧罐進行一系列的微粒逸散特性量測及化學成分分析。在奈米銀紡織品的部分,具有奈米標章的襪子A的銀含量較低(12.63 ± 0.57 μg/g),且均勻分布於整雙襪子;而無標章的襪子B與襪子C的銀含量較高且集中在腳趾部位(2499.10 ± 122.59 與34.42 ± 4.74 μg/g);襪子D僅在腳趾部位的發現銀(2.89 μg/g);毛巾與具有奈米標章的手帕的銀含量分別為8.75與4.73 μg /g。在第1次清洗後,奈米銀紡織品會在清洗水體中釋出較多的金屬,這些釋出的金屬與添加在紡織品中的材料有關。釋出的金屬量會隨著清洗次數增加而逐漸下降。具奈米標章的襪子A經20次清洗後,在空氣微粒逸散數目及水體的金屬釋出量都是所有紡織品中最低的,同時抗菌率仍可以保持90%以上。此外,襪子A的TEM與EDS分析結果顯示銀訊號非常稀少,代表添加在紡織品中的奈米銀微粒,並不會輕易的被磨擦出來。在含銀噴霧的部分,逸散量測結果顯示在這20-60秒內,人體將會有很高的微粒暴露風險。在三種含銀噴霧所產生的質量濃度分布的部分,MOUDI與ELPI的比對結果相近,前者的總質量濃度較後者分別高出8%、6%及8%。噴霧A與B呈現雙峰分布,第一個峰值介於1-3 μm,第二個峰值介於0.18-0.48 μm;而噴霧C則為單峰分布,峰值介於0.29-0.44 μm。本計畫的另一重點工作項目為大氣奈米微粒的數目及質量濃度量測。中山測站奈米微粒數目濃度平均為1.8 ± 1.2×104 #/cm3,微粒數目濃度與NOx及CO相關,主要受到交通排放影響;沙鹿測站平均為8.0 ± 5.4×103 #/cm3,微粒數目濃度與O3較相關但R2值不高,主要受到光化反應及工廠排放影響;斗六測站平均為平均為4.7 ± 1.8×103 #/cm3,微粒數目濃度與SO2較相關,主要受到交通排放與光化反應的影響。本研究使用在上述測站測得的質量濃度及數目濃度,計算微粒有效密度(ρeff),再利用計算出來的有效密度將過去3年本團隊在中山、新莊及竹東測站以MOUDI所量測的質量濃度轉換成數目及表面積濃度,結果顯示台灣北部地區PM0.1/PM2.5質量濃度比率雖低(7.9 ± 4.4 %),但數目濃度的比率則高達89.0 ± 5.5 %,而與人體健康最具相關性的表面積比率佔42.1 ± 12.8 %,因此可知PM0.1在人體健康效應的影響上不容忽視。微米微粒量測的部分,APS (Aerodynamic particle sizer, Model 3321, TSI Incorporated, USA)因偵測下限較大(0.5 μm),小於0.7 μm的微粒偵測效率較低,造成量測到的微粒總數目濃度較OPC (Optical particle counter, Model 1.108, GRIMM technology inc., USA)低。質量比對結果顯示,PM2.5手動採樣器PQ-200(BGI Inc., USA)與DustTrak (DustTrak DRX 8533, TSI Incorporated, USA)有良好的相關性(R2= 0.70),而即時儀器間的比對以DustTrak與OPC相關性最高(R2= 0.82)。本研究在交大校園及中山測站針對大氣PM2.5的水溶性離子及前驅酸鹼氣體即時監測之可行性進行評估。結果發現平行平板濕式分離器-液膜微粒採樣器(Parallel plate wet denuder particle-into-liquid sampler, PPWD-PILS)和手動採樣器 (Porous metal denuder sampler, PDS)於前驅氣體及微粒水溶性離子濃度比對結果良好,顯示兩種儀器具有良好的相關性(R2 > 0.75)。由微粒中主要的水溶性離子(NH4+、SO42-及NO3-)濃度推估中山測站、交通大學及竹東測站大氣中PM2.5無機鹽成分的主要形式為NH4NO3及(NH4)2SO4。在微粒質量濃度連續監測的部分,交大PM2.5成分以無機鹽類為主(佔54.0 ± 9.5%),屬於存於空氣中較久且吸附較多無機鹽類的高齡微粒;中山測站量測到的OM與EC的平均濃度均高於交通大學,交通污染源為OM與EC的主要貢獻來源。在竹東的採樣期間受東北季風的影響,PM2.5,F(b-r)濃度變化大,風花圖顯示污染物大多來自東北方。此外,計算OC/EC比值顯示石化燃料燃燒與交通排放為竹東OM與EC的貢獻源。 Development of analytical tools for measuring and characterizing nanomaterials in the environment The particle emission characteristics and chemical components of six kinds of textiles containing silver nanoparticles and three kinds of silver nano-sprays were tested in the present study. For the textiles containing silver nanoparticles, the sock A with nanoMark contains low silver nanoparticle concentration of 12.63 ± 0.57 μg/g, which were distributed uniformly within the whole sock. The sock B and C without nanoMark contain higher silver nanoparticle concentration of 2499.10 ± 122.59 and 34.42 ± 4.74 μg/g, respectively, as comparted with the sock A, in which the silver nanoparticles were concentrated on toes’ spot. The silver nanoparticle concentration in the sock D was only observed on the toes’ spot of 2.89 μg/g. The towels and the handkerchief with nanoMark contain 8.75 and 4.73 μg /g silver nanoparticle concentration, respectively. After the first washing, textiles containing silver nanoparticles were found to release more metals related to the materials added in the textiles, as compared to the tested socks, towels and handkerchiefs. The released metal concentrations decreased with increasing times of washing. After 20 times of washing, the sock A emitted the lowest particle concentration and released the lowest metal concentration among the all textiles. Besides, according to the results analyzed by TEM and EDS, the silver signal is very low, suggesting that the silver nanoparticles added in the sock A is not easy to be emitted by rubbing.For the nano-sprays containing silver, the experimental results show that risk of nanoparticle exposure for human body is very high within 20 to 60 seconds emission test. The mass concentration distributions of three nano-sprays containing silver measured by MOUDI were slightly higher than those measured by ELPI of 8, 6 and 8 %. The mass concentration distributions of nano-sprays A and B showed bimodal distributions, in which the first peak was located between 1-3 μm and the second peak was located between 0.18-0.48 μm. Nano-sprays C shows single modal mass concentration distribution with peak in the size range between 0.29-0.44 μm.Another work item in this project is to measure the number concentration and mass concentration distribution of atmospheric nanoparticles. The average number concentration measured in the Zhongshan site was 1.8 ± 1.2×104 #/cm3, which highly correlated with NOx and CO influenced by traffic emissions. The average number concentration was 8.0 ± 5.4×103 #/cm3 in Shalu site, which slightly correlated with O3 concentration influenced by photochemical reaction and industries emissions. The average number concentration was measured to be 4.7 ± 1.8×103 #/cm3 in Douliou site and the correlation between SO2 concentration and the average number concentration is high due to traffic emissions and photochemical reaction. Based on the number and mass concentration measured in the sampling as the aforementioned, the effective density was calculated to convert the mass concentration measured by MOUDI into number concentration and surface concentration. The results showed that although the mass ratio of PM0.1/PM2.5 of 7.9 ± 4.4 % was low, the number concentration ratio of PM0.1/PM2.5 was 89.0 ± 5.5 %, and the surface concentration ratio was 42.1 ± 12.8 %. Therefore, we should pay attention to the adverse effect of PM0.1 on human health. The experimental results showed that the submicron particle number concentration measured by APS (Aerodynamic particle sizer, Model 3321, TSI Incorporated, USA) was lower than those measured by OPC (Optical particle counter, Model 1.108, GRIMM technology inc., USA) because the APS detection efficiency for particles with size smaller than 0.7 μm is low. Besides, the mass concentration measured by PM2.5 manual sampler PQ-200 (BGI Inc., USA) was highly correlated with those measured by DustTrak (DustTrak DRX 8533, TSI Incorporated, USA) (R2= 0.70). The correlation of real-time mass concentration measured by DustTrak and by OPC is high with R2 of 0.82。In this study, the applicability of the real-time measurement of atmospheric PM2.5 water soluble ions and trace acidic and basic gases concentration was investigated. The results showed that the atmospheric PM2.5 water soluble ions and trace acidic and basic gases concentrations measured by Parallel plate wet denuder particle-into-liquid sampler (PPWD-PILS) were in good agreement with those measured by Porous metal denuder sampler (PDS) with R2 > 0.75. In NCTU and Zhudong, NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 were measured to be the main components of the PM2.5 inorganic salts. Inorganic salts in NCTU accounted for 54.0 ± 9.5% of PM2.5, which were highly aged aerosols. OM and EC measured to be higher than those in NCTU were mainly came from traffic emissions. PM2.5 concentration in Zhudong varied significantly, which mainly came from north-eastern side transported by north-eastern monsoon. The OC/EC ratio suggested the OM and EC in Zhudong were mainly attributed to combustion of fussil fuel. 103 環檢所 國立交通大學環境工程研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76406
高科技產業放流水之生物效應評估及鑑識(2/4)-有機污染物 本研究建立高科技產業放流水用之生物毒性鑑定評估程序,有效確認具生物毒性真實水樣之毒性物質為金屬銅離子,另添加有機污染物(四甲基氫氧化銨及4-氯酚)及重金屬污染物(硫酸銅),製備具生物毒性之人工水樣,經相關物化處理後,可明確分辨及鑑定其毒性物質,證實計畫建立之高科技產業放流水之生物毒性鑑定評估程序的可行性。選用十二烷基硫酸鈉(SDS)為參考毒物,評估日本青鱂魚執行淡水及海水水質生物急毒性之可行性。試驗所用青鱂魚於參考毒物試驗前須馴養在相同鹽度海水中,且為1.0 ± 0.2cm之幼魚。在淡水中使用SDS 參考毒物之5次96hr-LC50平均值為31.93 mg/L,CV值為4.39 %。在海水中之96hr-LC5 0值隨海水鹽度增加而降低,表示在較高鹽度下,青鱂魚對SDS的耐受度會降低,但與自行調配之人工海水測值相近。顯示日本青鱂魚可被馴化於海水中,並做為淡水及海水水質生物急毒性物種。選擇短角異劍水蚤作為無脊椎生物檢測海水水質生物急毒性之可行性探討,以SDS做為參考毒物,執行5次參考毒物試驗,SDS 48hr-LC50平均值為29.09 mg/L,CV值為4.28%;比較人工海水及自然海水之SDS毒性差異時,發現其48 小時LC50差異性小,比較人工海水及自然海水之SDS毒性差異時,發現其48hr-LC50差異性變化範圍差距小,且具有易於實驗室養殖及不受季節影響等因素,可做為檢測海水生物急毒性物種。 The study of biological toxicity evaluations and characteristics in high-tech industry effluent (2/4 This study establishes the toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) procedure for use in high-tech industry effluents. The procedure was effectively used to confirm metal ions as the toxicant in toxic real aqueous sample. Toxic and artificial aqueous samples prepared by adding organic pollutant (tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide, 4- chlorophenol) and metal pollutant (copper sulfate) were subjected to relevant physico-chemical treatment procedures first. The toxicants were correctly identified and confirmed thereafter. The results demonstrate the feasibility of using the established TIE procedure in high-tech industrial effluents.We used sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as reference toxicant to evaluate the feasibility of using Japanese medaka fish for testing freshwater and seawater toxicity. The 96hr-LC50 average was 31.93 mg/L with 4.39% CV (n=5). Before testing, all medaka fish have to be domesticated in seawater with similar salinity to become 1.0 ± 0.2cm larva. The LC50 value decreases with increased salinity of seawater, indicating that in higher salinity the Medaka fish tolerance to SDS was reduced. However, similar 96hr-LC50 values were observed in both natural and artificial sea water spiked with SDS as reference toxicant. The results demonstrate the feasibility of using Japanese medaka fish for testing freshwater and seawater toxicity. We used SDS as reference toxicant to evaluate the feasibility of using Apocyclops royi invertebrate for testing seawater toxicity. The 48hr-LC50 average was 29.09 mg/L with 4.28% CV (n=5). The 48hr-LC50 difference due to SDS is small between the natural and artificial seawaters. The Apocyclops royi, possessing the advantages of easy culturing in laboratory and independent of seasonal effects, is feasible for testing seawater toxicity. 103 環檢所 國立清華大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77323
清淨家園全民運動顧厝邊部落格綠色生活(Eco Life)網成效提升計畫 本計畫已增設系統異常事件監控作業以持續維護綠網運作:每月定期監控且提交系統異常記錄報告。配合個資安全保護作業,已隱藏所有身分證號碼記錄欄位及加密資料庫個人敏感資料。已完成整潔度評比修正與照顧區管理系統修正。已完成Google Map API、全國村里邊界圖資及微軟的重大更新等作業;定期執行系統磁碟的病毒及壞軌掃描。 Eco Life Website Effectiveness Enhancement Project System Abnormal Events Surveillance was established to continuously maintain the operation of EcoLife website; regular monthly surveillance and reports of system abnormal records had been conducted. In response to personal data security protection, ID Number recording columns had been concealed and personal sensitive information had been encrypted. The correction of cleanness evaluation and the correction of the management system of bloggers’ caring areas had been completed. Tasks including Google Map API, Taiwan Villages/Townships Boundary Mapping Information, and Microsoft critical update had been done; regular scanning of system disk virus and bad tracks had been conducted; System database MS SQL2008 R2 and Google Map V3 had been upgraded. 103 環管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79770
「開發行為噪音、振動評估審核機制之研究」計畫 基於國家長期發展利益,環境保護與經濟發展應兼籌並顧,行政院環境保護署於民國83年12月公布「環境影響評估法」,施行至今已十幾年,已歷經3次修訂,對於環境保護發揮了應有的作用,在規劃階段應同時考量環境因素,以達永續發展之目標。有鑑於此,環保署乃研擬「開發行為噪音、振動評估審核機制之研究」計畫,期能經由現場調查進行音源與噪音管制標準之比較分析,並透過噪音、振動評估程序說明會,說明未來進行開發行為噪音、振動評估時所需提供之相關資料,完成開發行為噪音、振動評估審核機制之建立。 The study of the reviewing process of the noise and vibration issues of development projects For the purpose of balancing long term development interest and the environmental protection issues, the EPA of Taiwan has published the “Environmental Impact Assessing Law” in December of 1994 and has gone through 3 revisions. And this law now has profound impact on the protect of the environment.And this project called “The study of the reviewing process of the noise and vibration issues of development projects” is aimed to set up a standard reviewing procedure for the noise and vibration issues raised in the development process. It includes SOP noise and vibration assessment and SOP for the reviewing process. 103 空保處 國立臺灣海洋大學振動噪音工程研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77777
奈米微粒細胞毒性系統之建立及驗證 全球奈米科技正如火如荼的發展,雖然此尖端科技在各個領域上開拓新的希望、應用價值與新興產品,然而這些具有奈米結構的物質,其本身的化學性質與物理性質,會隨著粒徑大小的不同而有所變化,對人體的毒性危害或影響也可能有所改變,因此對於安全衛生環保亦將可能產生重大的衝擊。本研究團隊在去年度的計劃中建立以細胞電阻檢測法為奈米物質的細胞毒性之篩選平台,此項新的檢測方法,可以免除一般傳統細胞毒性測試方法之染劑或指示劑的使用,進而降低其與奈米物質干擾所產生之不一致結果,並可發展更穩定、快速及可測試大量奈米微粒樣品的毒性篩選平台。今年度的計劃持續以細胞電阻檢測法為細胞毒性篩選平台,進行以數種不同細胞株暴露於奈米零價鐵下,細胞生長的動態變化:也將利用數種技術,如電子顯微鏡等分析奈米零價鐵之特性;並以流式細胞儀檢測奈米零價鐵對細胞的生物功能影響,如細胞內吞奈米微粒的數量、氧化壓力的改變、細胞凋亡的比率等。此外,配合環境監測所取得的細懸浮微粒PM2.5,也會建立以細胞電阻檢測法監測空氣中細懸浮微粒PM2.5對細胞生長的影響及細胞功能的傷害程度與變化,期能早期反應環境改變而制定出適當的標準,將生物傷害程度降至最低。 Establishment and validation of an in vitro cytotoxicity assessment of nanoparticle exposure Nanomaterials have received considerable recent attention because of their unique properties and diverse applications in technology and life sciences. However, the nano-structures of these materials possess very different physical and chemical properties compared to their larger size counterparts. Given the increasing use of nanoparticles in a range of products, it has become crucial to develop a fundamental understanding of the biological effects of nanoparticle exposure. Many in vitro studies have suggested that nanoparticles are cytotoxic and genotoxic; however, results are inconsistent, mainly due to interference between nanoparticles and dye molecules commonly used in traditional cytotoxicity assays. The purpose of this study was to establish and validate an in vitro cytotoxicity screening platform for evaluating biological effects of nanoscale zero-valent iron. In addition, the characterization of nanoparticles will be examined by TEM/SEM. Moreover, the effect of PM2.5 particles, fine particles 2.5 micrometers or less in size will be examined using the cell impedance measurement and flow cytometry. 103 環檢所 國立中興大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73792
103年環境保護許可系統、事業廢棄物申報管理系統及清運機具監控系統管理專案計畫 本計畫依計畫目標共執行91項(未含提供4名人力支援)工作項目,依工作屬性可分為管理制度研析、系統功能新增與提升、統計資料彙整提供、例行系統維運與行政支援等4大類型。除已完成共4項廢棄物代碼名稱及定義檢討外,另亦完成清運機具管制範疇之研析,及先行完成後續GPS車機設備結合行車紀錄器之規劃,逐步運用科技工具協助提升管理能量。更持續提供事業廢棄物各項申報資料之統計彙整,除依合約要求完成1次年報匯整、17次共15類管理軸向等作業外,亦協助環保署及外部單位完成23件申報數據統計分析作業。 Integration of Environmental Protection Permitting system,and online Management and Monitoring Funct This plan is divided into 91 working items (excluding 4 manpower supports) in accordance with scheduled target, and into 4 major types in accordance with work properties including management system analysis, additional and improved system function, compiled statistical data, routine system maintenance and administrative support. Key points of executive achievement are as follows: In addition to the review of 4 waste code name and definition completed in this plan, analysis of collection machine control scope has been completed and the subsequent plan of GPS vehicle equipment in combination with event data recorder is first completed to promote management energy by gradually applying technological tools, causing industrial waste management system to be more in line with practical operation in this year (2014). Regarding waste collection proposal and internet declaration announcement are now reviewed by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this plan has completed amendatory operation for EMS and IWR&MS functions according to the contents of announced provisions being determined to revise; meanwhile, this plan also completed planning the relevant system function correction in the submission to EPA after continuously rolling modification based on EPA’s analysis direction, which is to ensure the operation of system and regulations in synchronism. Additionally, this plan still keeps providing industrial waste with statistical summary for various declarations. Besides 1 annual report and 17 operations totaling 15 kinds of managements as required by agreement, this plan also assists EPA to complete statistical analysis for 23 declaration data.As regards to system maintenance and administrative support, this plan also completed 5 sessions of business presentation and 1 session of international communication meeting for Taiwan-Japan-Korea as well as at least more than 258 temporary demands other than regular database scheduling, backups maintenance confirmation and system rebooting, etc. 103 廢管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80326
103年度社區環境改造及環保小學堂專案管理計畫 103年度所執行的「社區環境改造及環保小學堂專案管理計畫」,其主要精神為採取由下而上的行動方式,配合地方社區的需求及特色,達到社區環境改善及深化環境教育意涵的主要目的。本年度計畫內容包括:(一)辦理聯合提案輔導審查會議及環保小學堂輔導審查會議,以提高社區人員執行之知能;(二)辦理縣市層級輔導會議,強化縣市環保局承辦人員對本計畫之認知與協助;(三)辦理社區環境教育種子講師培訓班,宣導環境教育理念及提供社區環境教育解說人員之專業知識;(四)辦理成果分享及下年度計畫申請說明會,以達到社區間相互學習及瞭解本計畫申請要項之目的;(五)辦理聯合提案社區及環保小學堂現場技術輔導,深入社區實地勘查,協助聯合提案社區及環保小學堂解決執行計畫之瓶頸;(六)協助直轄市及縣市執行「社區環境改造計畫」及「環保小學堂計畫」,並按季統計社區執行「社區環境改造」及「推動環境教育學習」成果;(七)建置本年度各社區及環保小學堂基本資料及歷年來社區環保行動網頁參與社區資料整理、更新及連結;(八)編撰「社區環境改造計畫」及「環保小學堂」成果專輯,宣導計畫推動的意義與作法,加強經驗傳承;(九)辦理社區環境改造後民眾滿意度調查,藉以瞭解及分析社區環境改造計畫及環保小學堂之執行成效。 2014 Environmental Reforms & Learning Center Project The major works of this project included: (1) to hold both appraisal meetings for multi-community and environmental learning center applicants and assistant meeting for local government public servants, (2) to hold assistant meeting for local government public servants for promoting understanding of this project,(3) to hold environmental education seed teacher training workshops for improving the concept of environmental education, (4) to hold experience sharing conferences for promoting the understanding among different communities, (5) to provide on-the-spot technical counseling for both multi-community and environmental learning center, (6) to assist communities in implementing projects of environmental reforms and to analyze community indicators on a quarter basis, (7) to establish an Community Environmental Action Website including information database and update previous related data, (8) to compile the publications of the achievement in the multi-community and environmental learning center this year and, (9) to assess the effectiveness of current community environmental reforms by analyzing a satisfaction questionnaire. 103 綜計處 嘉藥學校財團法人嘉南藥理大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73526
海洋污染緊急應變科學支援暨監控專案工作計畫 本(103)年度計畫欲藉具有國際公信力的美國ASA公司的專業溢油模擬軟體(OILmap)、化學品擴散模擬軟體(CHEMmap),配合臺灣地區海域觀測與數值模擬之風場、流場及地理資訊等相關資料,提供海洋溢油、化學品洩漏之軌跡模擬。並將結果提供環保署作為決策的參考與依據。計畫執行期間24小時待命,在接獲環保署緊急海洋污染通報後,於指定時間內製作出模擬與分析報告,提供環保署擬定應變處置策略,並在應變結束前,每日持續製作出污染擴散報告。另外,利用挪威MIROS公司所發展的雷達偵測油污、波浪、海流系統(Oil Spill Detection system,OSD),協助獲取即時海氣象資料,此系統架設於8.5公噸的卡車上,可針對海域突發溢油事件於最短時間到達現場,進行事故地點3至8公里範圍內之油污、波浪、海流、風速、風向等資料進行即時偵測,同時亦能立即顯示海面上油污的位置,並預測短期內油污漂移的速度與方向。OSD系統偵測的各項即時環境資料,亦可作為輸入OILmap與CHEMmap模擬之環境參數,以提昇油污染與化學品污染擴散模擬的準確度,模式模擬結果可立即提供環保署及相關單位緊急應變與指揮的參考。另依據化學品模擬結果與風場條件,提供環保署及相關單位應變處理建議及諮詢服務;包括熱區、冷區範圍劃定與應變人員防護與警戒處理方式等,以利事故發生時作為緊急應變指揮參考。整體計畫執行成果(油及化學品污染模擬)均依規定方式整合至環保署現行「海洋污染防治管理系統」,提供環保署海洋污染緊急應變科學支援及監控平台。計畫期間,亦針對環保署指定海域設置一處水質監測站,實施海域水質連續且即時監測,可隨時掌握當地海域水質狀況。若有任何污染事件發生,能立即通報環保署及相關單位,以進行適當的處理;監測結果也能評估海水水質的長期變化趨勢,並為制定污染管制策略提供重要的依據。 Scientific Support and Monitoring for Marine Pollution Emergency Response The plan of year 2014 is to run the oil spill and chemical dispersion simulation modeling software, based on the well-known Applied Science Associates product, with the related information on water region of Taiwan; and to provide the contaminants track for the right commands in urgent situations. After receiving emergency marine Pollution Bulletin from the EPA, the analysis reports are established within the specified time -24hours a day –in order to provide EPA as a reference during project execution. Another application is to use OSD (Oil Spill Detection system) developed by the Norway MIROS, to install into radar for detecting the oil spill, waves, currents system during sudden spill event. It also instantly detects the mobility of oil pollution, waves, currents, and wind speed/direction observations. With the detection range of 3-8 km, this system not only can instantly displays the locations of the oil spills, but also can predict the speed and direction of short-term oil spill drift. The real-time data detected by OSD system can be used as input parameters of the OILmap software as well as CHEMmap software for enhancing the accuracy of the oil pollution and chemical pollution dispersion models. Two major goals of these results are to integrate these applications for 「MARINE POLLUTION PREVENTION SYSTEM」 as well as to provide a scientific foundation for EPA to establish programs of numerical simulation on emergency contamination in the ocean. During the project, with the implementations of real-time continuous monitoring systems on water quality in marine area or even in occurred significant pollution regions, we can track the changes of seawater quality. If a pollution incident occurs, the warning signals will be informed automatically and the acquired observations from monitoring systems can be used to evaluate the trends of seawater at that moment. Not only this, the acquired information also provides us an important foundation for the development of marine pollution control strategies. 103 水保處 國立高雄海洋科技大學(海岸水與環境中心) http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78559
103年環境影響評估河川水質評估模式技術支援計畫   環境影響評估河川水質評估模式技術規範自101年3月1日生效,為支援行政院環保署審查開發單位所提開發行為環境影響評估案件之河川水質評估模式模擬結果,審查確認模式模擬書件品質,以協助環保署環評審查委員審酌確定開發行為放流水對河川水體可能影響的風險評估大小,納為後續風險管理決策參考,以達保護河川環境之目的。本計畫主要成果包含:(一)篩選環評書件查詢系統所列審查中開發案件19件,提出模式模擬審查意見。(二)彙整分析技術規範施行3年來個案河川水質模式模擬結果、對審查判斷之幫助及檢討建議。(三)整合提供環境影響評估河川水質評估模式技術所須背景輸入或參數資料。(四)辦理經驗交流會議,廣徵專家學者、地方政府、開發單位及顧問公司等各方意見,作為後續技術規範推動或修訂參考。 Plan of technical support on environmental impact assessment for river water quality The purpose of this study is to assist Taiwan EPA in reviewing the report of environmental impact assessment (EIA) on the section of receiving water quality modeling. Four main tasks are conducted to provide technological support in examining the results of Water Quality Modeling which is used in the assessment of surface water quality. The tasks include: (a) reviewing at least 19 EIA reports, (b) evaluating the performance of the four models (HSPF/BASINS, SWMM, WASP, and Qual2k) which were applied in EIA cases, (c) holding a workshop to discuss Water Quality Modeling, and (d) providing suggestions for revising the guideline of Water Quality Modeling. In 2014, all of the water quality models (e.g. HSPF/BASINS, SWMM, WASP, Qual2k, and mass balance method) which listed in guideline of Water Quality Modeling are used in project development as EIA report process. Five EIA cases assessed by the complex models (HSPF/BASINS, SWMM, WASP and Qual2k), ten EIA cases used mass balance method and four cases assessed by water quality effluent standard. The five water quality models (HSPF/BASINS, SWMM, WASP, Qual2k and mass balance method) are evaluated for their capability and applicability to the application of EIA cases. The results indicate that simulation of the four models can obtain comparable results under well fit of the process of calibration and confirmation. The location of water quality data collection also affects the result by using the mass balance method. Finally, several suggestions might help in the future. This study recommends that government agencies should work with institute (e.g. WERC, Water Environment Research Centre) to revise the modeling guideline or implement models for EIA case applications. Moreover, the institute could play critical role in archiving models and data, maintaining and upgrading them for future applications. The modeling workshop should place frequently to emphasis on modeler education; guideline for model assessment should be developed. 103 綜計處 國立臺北科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72129
資源循環再利用政策宣傳(導)與包裝輕量化專案計畫 本計畫協助環保署彙整歷年廢棄物管理相關宣傳成果,完成影音數位帶轉檔進行系統化整理及保存,同時檢討並分析歷年宣傳活動辦理成效,透過會議調查討論,確立重點宣傳活動,據以擬定年度政策宣傳(導)計畫。本計畫辦理「2014臺灣國際綠色產業-搖籃到搖籃」、「源頭減量新趨勢邁向永續零廢棄系列活動」、「辦理重點政策記者會-包裝輕量化 地球少負擔記者會」、「源頭管理相關政策之宣傳規劃與執行-製作成果影片」以及針對「重要議題文宣刊登2則全版廣告」等,已達到廢棄物管理政策之宣傳及大眾參與之目的。此外,為推廣包裝輕量化政策,輔導「業者推動包裝輕量化及綠色設計工作」、追蹤「志願性減量協議簽署業者之減量成效」、研發「包裝輕量化範例」、辦理「包裝檢驗工作及法令檢討」以及編撰「包裝輕量化專刊」,為了提升執行成效,將各項工作進行整合,透過系列活動推廣達到國際交流的目的,有助於提升全民包裝輕量化觀念的宣傳(導)及源頭減量政策的行銷。本計畫協助環保署維護及更新「限制產品過度包裝網站」、研擬「餐飲業及夜市免洗餐具減量方案」及辦理相關宣導活動規劃等行政作業。此外,更協助辦理臨時性或緊急性議題的因應作業,如摺頁及簡報等相關政策文宣的製作,以作為日後成果展現之依據,供日後政策宣傳使用。 Resource Recycling Reuse Promotion Policy and Green Package Project We plan to assist Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in aggregating performance of promotional results pertaining to historical waste management, achieving video/audio digital tape conversion for systematic organization and storage, while reviewing and analyzing effects of campaigns over the past years in this program; we also plan to investigate and discuss it via meetings and further confirm focus of campaigns to develop annual policy campaign (promulgation) program.We have organized “2014 Taiwan International Green Industry – Cradle to Cradle”, “New Trendy Source Reduction to Sustainable Free of Waste Event”, “Focus Policy Press Release – Light Package for Less Burdens of Earth”, “Campaigns for Policies as to Source Management and Execution – Video Play of Performance” and “two full-size advertisements for key issues” and other activities that we have achieved purposes of promoting management policy of wastes and public engagement.In addition, we have guided “operators to facilitate light package and green design”, tracked “effect of contractors’ voluntary reduction”, developed “example of light package”, held “package examination and review of law” and compiled “Light Package Column”; we have integrated a variety of tasks to improve performed effect; we also have achieved purposes of international exchange through versified campaigns, which is helpful to the improvement of promotion (promulgation) in public concept of light package and marketing policy on source reduction.We assist Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in maintaining and updating “Banned Product for Excessive Package Website”, developing “Initiative of Reducing Disposable Tableware in Restaurant Industry and Night Market” and execute administrative operation including but not limited to related campaigns. What is more, we even have assisted in the response to temporary or emergent issues such as production of policy materials including but not limited to flap and brief for presentation of performance and references of new policy campaigns. 103 廢管處 晶淨科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81560
懸浮微粒污染源特徵指標技術之建置與評析 本計畫針對電力業、鋼鐵業、水泥業及石油煉製業排放之顆粒物進行元素特徵分析,研究期程內共選擇13家廠商進行排放管道(共計17根次)所排放顆粒物採樣分析,以及13廠周界粒狀物、30種原物料及17種集塵灰(含2種底渣)的採樣分析。根據感應耦合電漿質譜儀(Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, ICP-MS)分析結果,探討其成分特性、建立元素組成源譜、評估較佳元素特徵比值以及計算排放管道及逸散源排放係數。結果顯示四種工業(不論其製程)之煙道顆粒物普遍富集之元素,包括Se、Tl、Ga、As、Pb、Zn、Cd、Sn、Sb及Ge,這些元素皆屬揮發性較強者,亦屬Chalcophile(親硫性)元素,然其富集程度在個別產業有差別。個別產業污染顆粒之特徵指標元素,例如燃煤電廠的As、Se與Ge,鋼鐵廠電弧爐製程Fe、Mn、Pb、Cr、Zn、及Sn,鋼鐵廠煉焦製程Ca及Ba,鋼鐵廠燒結製程K、Cd、Rb及Cs,水泥廠生料製程Ca、Sr、Ti、Tl及Cs,水泥熟料Ca、Tl及Cs,石油煉製(重油燃燒)Co、Sb、Ni、V、La及P,石油煉製(觸媒裂解)La、Ce及Nd;另外,倘若特別貧乏者亦有潛力作為指標特徵,例如水泥業之Na。大致而言,燃煤電廠及鋼鐵廠之煙道顆粒與其集塵灰元素成分相似。燃煤電廠煙道顆粒物雖有許多富集元素,然其元素間比值多與地殼組成或其他污染排放源者接近,不易做為特徵比值,唯有As/Se及Se/Ti合併使用。鋼鐵廠顆粒物具有許多明確特徵比值,多與不銹鋼金屬(如Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu、Cr及Ni)相關,如鋼鐵業電弧爐Fe/Al、Mn/Ti、Cu/Ba、Zn/Cu、Cr/Ti及Cr/Ni,鋼鐵業燒結的Rb/K。水泥業排放顆粒中除Ca含量高外,特別醒目特徵是Tl(尤其生料製程),不論其含量、排放濃度及EF值(達104),意味著其極適合應用為水泥業特徵比值,包含Tl/Ca、Tl/Se、Tl/As、Tl/Ga、Rb/Cs;另這也意味著水泥業或為大氣中Tl的最重要排放源,但因其毒性強,故其沈降對廠區下風處之居民及環境生態可能衝擊,值得關注。至於煉油業的部份,在重油燃燒製程上,潛力特徵比值包含Co/Ti、Ni/Ti、Cu/Sb,Ni及V亦是重要重油燃燒源之指標元素,較特別的是V/Ni比值(0.19)遠比國外文獻中(2-3)甚低,是否由於石油提煉中有否添加Ni,值得進一步瞭解;另一特別是Co的含量相當高,這是過去鮮為所知的特徵。而倘若煉油製程為觸媒裂解,則La/Ce及La/Nd可當作特徵。然而,將本研究之結果與美國SPECIATE 4.4比較,發現國內外相同的污染業別(或相同製程)其元素特徵差異明顯,突顯建立本土污染源元素特徵的重要性。另外值得注意的是,根據排放管道及逸散源排放係數推估結果,此四大行業的煙道排放顆粒量遠大於逸散量。最後利用本研究所建立的排放源資料庫配合桃園及竹東地區大氣懸浮微粒之採樣結果,推估此兩地區大氣微粒之污染來源,結果顯示桃園地區微粒之污染源包括塵土(28 %)、交通(22 %)、燃煤電廠(17 %)、鋼鐵業(13 %)、水泥業(10 %)及石化業(10 %),而竹東地區則以塵土為最(40 %)、其次依序為交通(34 %)、水泥業(16 %)、石化業(6 %)及鋼鐵業(4 %)。 Develope and evaluate the characteristic index of particulate matter source The purpose of this study is to establish the source profiles and fingerprinters of particulate matters (PM) emitted from various major stationary pollution sources in Taiwan, including power plant, steel manufacturing, cement mill/clinker and petroleum refining. To achieve this goal, PM of aerodynamic diameter less than 100 m (total particulate matter, TSP) emitted from 13 eligible plants were collected isokinetically using an in-stack sampling device. The ambient TSP in the surrounding air of these plants was also simultaneously measured in order to estimate the fugitive emissions. The target metals in all aerosol samples were analyzed by ICP-MS. The result shows that the major elements such as Al, Fe, Na, Mg, K and Ca emitted from all the stacks were very similar; however, abundance of Ca, Fe, K were, respectively, found in cement mills/clinkers, steel arc and steel sintering. It is also found that some trace metals such as As, Se and Ge (coal power plant), K, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, Cr and Sn (steel plant), Ca, Sr, Ti, Tl and Cs (cement mill), Co, Ni, V, Sb, La and P (heavy oil burning) along with La, Nd and Ce (petroleum refining) could be regarded as tracers for the specific sources. High enrichment factor (EF) values for Se, Tl, Ga, As, Pb, Zn, Cd, Sn, Sb and Ge in all sources indicate that these elements were profoundly from anthropogenic origins. Furthermore, we constructed some fingerprinting ratios in different sources: (1)As/Se and Se/Ti for power plants; (2)Fe/Al, Mn/Ti, Cu/Ba, Zn/Cu, Cr/Ti along with Cr/Ni for steel arc; (3)Rb/K in steel sintering; (4) Tl/Ca, Tl/Se, Tl/As, Tl/Ga and Rb/Cs for cement plant; (5) Co/Ti, Ni/Ti and Cu/Sb for heavy oil combustion; (6)La/Ce and La/Nd for petroleum refining. The specific ratio will be a powerful tool to qualitatively identify the pollution sources of atmospheric PM. The result for emission factor reflects that the emissions of PM from stack were much higher than those from fugitive process in all stationary sources. Finally, the source profiles were employed to assess the source apportionments of atmospheric primary PM at Taoyuan and Zhudong sampling sites. At Taoyuan sampling sites, soil dust (28 %) was the predominant source of primary PM, followed by traffic emissions (22 %), power plant (17 %), steel manufacturing (13 %), cement mills (10 %) and petroleum refining (10 %). For Zhudong sites, soil dust (40 %) contributes largest fractions of airborne primary PM, followed by vehicle fleets (34 %), cement mills (16 %), petroleum refinery (6 %) and steel plants (4 %). 103 環檢所 中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73168
103年度高雄市資源回收形象改造工作計畫 針對高雄市轄內回收體系中里、社區回收站及個體業者等實施形象改造,並透過宣導活動及媒體等宣導方式,推動校園、社區、偏遠地區及港口船舶等辦理資源回收工作。 image limproving Recycling system for the jurisdiction in Kaohsiung, community and individual operators such as the Recycle Bin implement image transformation, and through advocacy activities and media advocacy approach, promoting the campus, community, and other remote areas and port handling ship recycling work. 103 高雄市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77452
彰化縣103年度小黑蚊密度調查暨環境衛生教育宣導計畫成果報告書 近年來臺灣地區1/3比例以上的鄉鎮普遍遭遇小黑蚊危害問題,小黑蚊學名為臺灣鋏蠓 (Forcipomyia taiwana),其雌成蟲嗜吸人血,叮咬後皮膚會感覺搔癢難耐。雖然目前尚未發現小黑蚊可傳播任何疾病,但其白天活動與吸血習性已影響當地學童上課及干擾民眾日常生活,甚至妨礙觀光休閒產業的整體發展。由於其蟲體微小不善飛行及幼蟲為陸生偏好潮濕環境之特殊性,使其在各地之主要危害區域集中於郊區與低海拔山區。彰化縣東側緊鄰八卦山脈,山腳沿線的鄉鎮市亦身受其害。為落實行政院跨部會小組決議事項由各主政單位自主管理所轄範圍之小黑蚊防治工作,本年度彰化縣環保局特別對彰化地區之環保設施場所辦理小黑蚊防治工作之推動、密度調查暨環境衛生教育宣導。共選定彰化市垃圾掩埋場、資源回收場、花壇鄉空氣品質淨化區、社頭鄉資源回收場和芬園鄉資源回收場五個場域辦理小黑蚊之自我管理與防治工作,內容包括(1)辦理環保機關通報處理、密度調查及防治人員培訓班,讓所屬單位人員了解小黑蚊防治技術。(2)進行環保設施場所之小黑蚊密度調查與防治成效監測。(3)設置防治宣導看板,提醒出入民眾避免被小黑蚊叮咬。(4)進行環保設施場所之小黑蚊棲地改善工作。為推動防治工作,本年度編印「環保設施場所小黑蚊防治作業手冊」,透過作業手冊之指引與操作人員之詳實記錄,改善孳生環境並進行成效檢討,以逐步解決小蚊危害問題。另外,持續輔導大佛風景區、三清宮、清水巖、虎山巖、贊天宮、寶藏巖等地之小黑蚊防治工作,並辦理小黑蚊防治紮根教育,舉辦8場合計844人次之教育宣導,教導學校師生小黑蚊防治與防護觀念。另整理小黑蚊防治技術相關文件供參,本計畫之執行可提供縣內各環保設施場所於小黑蚊防治工作之參考也可提供給它縣市參酌。 103 彰化縣環境保護局 中臺科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72497
事業廢水檢測申報許可管理及資料庫維護管理計畫 本計畫主要工作內容及專案成果,在事業廢水法制面之研修,除針對「水污染防治法」進行草案條文研擬外,並因應增(修)規定,檢討規劃不法利得核算及推估、水污基金收支、保管及運用方式、違反水污染防治法罰鍰額度裁罰準則等配套重點。另配合環保專責(技術)人員訓練法令之整合,研擬廢(污)水專責單位或人員設置及管理辦法草案,並研析水污染許可及定檢申報代理申請(報)之管理機制。在事業廢水管理部分,本計畫協助檢討水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請文件審查指引,並輔導重大違規對象完成自動監測(視)及連線傳輸設施設置。另辦理2批次污泥申報異常名單篩選與彙整地方主管機關確認回報情形,並完成委託代操作資料勾稽預警報表,及新增港口區域污染預防及削減計畫管理系統。除了行政管制措施之研析外,在系統面之應用面,加強系統內部資料庫異常分析比對,並配合環保署空水廢毒之整合作業,協助完成資訊管理系統之功能提升。另為提升系統應用功能,完成複合查詢運用介面友善度提昇之改版作業,並配合EEMS系統增修處分後續處理資料管理運用功能。最後並協助完成各項行政作業之推動,辦理水污染考核與各項宣導說明會議,編製事業廢水管理電子季刊與回覆民眾電子郵件等。 The Industrial Wastewater Management and Database Maintenance Project The aim of this project is to amend wastewater regulations system, which includes review and draft “Water Pollution Control Act”. In order to response to additional articles, this project review and plan the accounting of illegal gains, revenue and expenditure of water pollution fund and violation fines calculating. Moreover, in order to integrate the regulations of training the technical personnel, the project develop the management regulation for wastewater exclusive personnel and agents management measure for application of wastewater pollution permit and testing report.In the part of industrial wastewater management, this project assists to review the revision guidelines of water pollution control measures plan and permit application, also guide the violation businesses to setting CWMS. Moreover, the project screening the abnormal data from sludge report and check with local government, analyze the data from commissioned operator to provide the warning report, and add the management system for port water pollution prevention and pollutant reduction plan.For application of wastewater information database systems, this project has strengthened the functions of abnormal data analysis and improve the function of information management system with EPA’s integration work of air, water, wastes and toxics management system. Moreover, in order to enhance the function of systems, the project provide composite search function and management function for subsequent processing of punishment data. Finally, the project also helps EPA to publicize water pollution control policy and regulations, conduct the water pollution examination and explanation conferences, compile industrial wastewater management E-newsletter and reply public inquire or request by email. 103 水保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79792
推動環境事故預防整備專業技術服務計畫 於人類不斷地追求生活品質與科技文化演進下,因而促成工業化及高科技的發展,其伴隨著化學物質種類及其使用量的快速增加,我國常用者就約有七、八萬餘種,從近年重大化學災害事故環境污染型態檢視,多數屬於複合型災害,影響層面涉及空氣、水、土壤、廢棄物以及毒化物等環境災害情境,凸顯未來環境災害事故預防整備與災害應變體制整合之需求。本計畫承襲既有建置之毒災應變體系,並著眼強化於空、水、廢等相關整備與應變機制作為,以利因應複合型災害事件。於設置環境事故專業諮詢監控中心方面,依據業務屬性則區分為行政組、監控組、諮詢組、空污小組以及技術組等5小組,本中心於平時預防整備執行成果包括媒體監控案件總計1,624件(包括國內監控437件以及國外監控1,187件)以及化學相關諮詢服務案件計212件,總計完成1,836件(合約要求至少1,000件以上),空氣污染事件監控通報案件計380件,通報環保署業務單位共143件次;變時應變處置執行成果包括完成73場次環境事故處理作業,提供現場救災單位360點建議,30分鐘內發送第1則簡訊,達成率為100 %(合約要求至少90%以上),7場次實際空污事件處理作業。因應上述作業需求完成環境事故專業諮詢監控中心環境災害應變作業手冊修訂、辦理7場次空污應變講習課程(參訓人數為244人次)、召開3次「專業技術小組工作會議報告暨應變視訊會議」、召開8次「專業技術小組工作會議報告暨應變視訊會議」、9次「應變作業網路會議」、更新182筆「毒災中央災害應變中心」各相關人員基本資料以及電話通聯測試(1,358人次,通聯成功比例100%)以及建置51位環境事故諮詢與空氣污染應變專家群。於推動環境災害防救國外專家學者交流方面,於103年10月27至31日參加於義大利羅馬召開斯德哥爾摩公約相關會議第10次持久性有機污染物化學品審議委員會 (POPRC10);於5/26至6/4派員參與IAFC研討會以及參訪新加坡民防學院訓練設施國外環境會議與參訪;辦理4場次國外專家學者交流訓練與會議,邀請美國、新加坡、泰國以及澳洲等國之5位專家學者與會分享,總參與人數為341人;赴國際專業機構辦理應變指揮官專業訓練完成行前訓練、國外訓練以及出國成果報告,參訓對象包括中央防災單位、經建會、環管處、環境督察總隊、空保處、各縣市環境保護局局長、副局長或課(科)長以上人員、環境事故專業諮詢監控中心以及環境事故專業技術小組等單位,總參訓人數為28人,並辦理行前訓練、國外訓練課程以及經驗分享會議等,於國參訪亞歷山大消防局,瞭解其化學品預防、整備以及應變實務策略。於強化國內環境事故預防與整備能量方面,完成305種列管毒化物年度更新作業與新增43種毒化物科普版資料以及發行4期(第50、51、52、53期)環境事故簡訊電子報,發行份數共計:14,639份,總瀏覽人數累積為545,952人次;辦理通識操作級、技術專業級以及帶隊官等課程,總計5梯次(8場次)的訓練工作,總計318人次參與;實施7場次環保署撥發儀器設備駐地訓練,計有190人次參與;完成環境事故分析檢測數值查核24場次,計2,981筆監測數值;執行評選活動簡章與活動宣傳網站建置、籌組評選委員會、初複評會議以及頒獎活動等項目,計有17家參選,有6家廠商獲得此優良獎項,辦理「中央專責人員聯繫協調會議」、「全國環境事故案例研討會」與「業務檢討會」等活動,總計上述活動參與人數為526人次。於強化運作業者聯防整備量能方面,全國性聯防組織包括跨區域聯防87組715家以及區域性聯防76組3,759家,今年協助審查10件聯防組織複審作業,3家業者進行聯防媒和之需求輔導,並提供縣市毒災聯防備查文件草案範例格式以及製作少量核可版本,並完成1場次聯防工作圈說明會,參與人數132人;協助縣市環保單位完成38場次聯防籌組說明會,完成年度無預警聯防工作圈、縣市毒災聯防小組以及實場運作模式觀摩等名單篩選,總計執行33場次;於高風險運作區域危害評析與落實廠場運作安全管理方面,完成8個高風險工業區名單、廠家篩選、發文工作以及危害模擬研析及疏散避難作業之技術資料,總計發文廠家數為245家,已回收227家,整體回收率為93%,辦理7場次高風險毒性化學物質運作工業區訓練課程,共計190人次參與訓練,運作廠場毒化物運作安全管理輔導訪視,完成訂定年度輔導訪視篩選原則、輔導檢核表、輔導成員以及輔導名單等項目,並針對桃園縣中小企業運作安全管理輔導訪視工作,選定11家毒化物與公共危險品高風險廠家,執行輔導工作,並依據年度輔導訪視篩選原則、輔導檢核表以及輔導成員等項目,全年度總計輔導訪視工作共完成40場次。 Promoting professional and technical service project of prevention and preparedness at emvironmenta As people pursue a higher quality of life and our technological civilization continues to evolve, growing industrial development and increasingly advanced technology have been accompanied by rapid increases in the amounts and types chemical substances in use. At present, roughly 70,000-80,000 chemicals are commonly used in Taiwan. As a consequence, the majority of major chemical accidents and environmental pollution incidents in recent years have constituted compound disasters, and had environmental effects spanning the aspects of air, water, soil, waste, and toxic chemical substances. This underscores the need for the integration of environmental accident prevention, readiness, and response systems in the near future. This plan has inherited existing toxic chemical accident response systems, emphasizes the strengthening of air, water, and waste readiness and response mechanisms, and will facilitate response to compound disasters.The dedicated environmental accident consulting and monitoring center has five groups focusing on particular service areas: an administrative group, monitoring group, consulting group, air pollution task force, and technology group. This center's routine prevention and readiness implementation results included 1,624 media monitoring cases (including 437 domestic cases and 1,187 foreign cases) and 212 chemical consulting cases, for a total of 1,836 cases (the contractual requirement is at least 1,000 cases), as well as 380 air pollution incident monitoring and notification cases, and 143 notifications of the EPA's service units. In addition, emergency response and disposal results included on-site handling of 73 toxic chemical accidents, provision of 357 recommendations to on-site disaster response units (attainment rate of 100% for a first text message within 30 minutes; the contractual requirement is at least 90%), and on-site handling of four air pollution incidents. Responding to the foregoing needs, we completed revision of the dedicated environmental accident consulting and monitoring center's environment accident response handbook, and held seven air pollution response training classes (attended by 244 persons), eight "technology group work conference report and response videoconferences," and nine "online response task conferences," updated 182 relevant basic personal information items connected with the Central Toxic Disaster Response Center and performed telephone connection testing (1,358 person-times; the connection success rate was 100%), established 51 environmental accident consulting and air pollution response expert teams.With regard to promotion of interchange with foreign environmental accident prevention and response experts and researchers, we will participate in the Tenth Meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee (POPRC 10), which will be held in Rome, Italy, during October 27-31, 2014. We also sent personnel to participate in an IAFC conference and toured the training facilities of Singapore's Civil Defense Institute between May 26 and June 4, and held four foreign expert and scholar interchange training sessions and conferences; five experts and scholars from the US, Singapore, Thailand, and Australia were invited and shared their experiences with a total of 341 participants. After completing pre-departure training, personnel attended response commander training hosted by an international organization and gave results reports; participants included personnel at the level of bureau chief, deputy bureau chief, and section (subsection) chief and above affiliated with central government disaster prevention units, Council for Economic Planning and Development, Environmental Management Office, Chief Environmental Inspection Team, Bureau of Air Quality Protection, and all county and city environmental protection bureaus, as well as the dedicated environmental accident consulting and monitoring center and environmental accident technology group; a total of 28 persons participated in training. Apart from pre-departure training, foreign training classes, and experience sharing conferences, the participants visited Singapore's Alexandra Fire Station, and gained an understanding of its chemical accident prevention, readiness, and response strategies.In order to strengthen domestic environmental accident prevention and readiness capabilities, we completed annual updates for 305 regulated toxic chemical substances, added popular science data for 43 toxic chemical substances, and issued four (50th, 51st, 52nd and 53rd issues) environmental accident text message e-bulletins; a total of 14,639 e-bulletins were issued and were viewed a cumulative total of 545,952 person-times. We completed general operating level, specialized technical level, and team leader levels annual readiness training; a total of 318 persons took part in five phases (eight sessions) of this training. We implemented seven on-site training sessions for EPA-issued instruments and equipment, and attracted 190 participants. We completed 24 quantitative audits of environmental accident analysis and testing work involving 2,981 sets of monitoring data. We completed simplified selection activity guidelines established an activity awareness website, organized a selection committee, held a preliminary second selection conference, and conducted an awards activity; a total of 17 companies participated in the selection process, and six companies obtained the Superior Award. We held a "central responsible personnel liaison and coordination conference," "national environmental accident case symposium," and "service review conference," which were attended by 526 people.With regard to strengthening chemical handlers' joint prevention readiness capabilities, nationwide joint prevention organizations included 87 inter-regional joint prevention organizations including 715 companies and 76 regional joint prevention organizations including 3,759 companies. During the year, we assisted in the follow-up review of 10 joint prevention organizations, helped three companies meet their joint prevention needs, provided a draft sample format for city and county toxic chemical accident joint prevention reference documents and produced small numbers of an approved version, and held a joint prevention work circle explanatory meeting attended by 132 people. We also helped city and county environmental protection units to hold 38 explanatory meetings concerning the organization of joint prevention teams, and completed roster selection procedures for no-warning tests of joint prevention working circles and city and county toxic chemical accident joint prevention team and on-site operating model workshops, and held a total of 33 sessions. With regard to plant operation safety management and hazard assessment in high-risk operating areas, we completed a list of eight high-risk industry areas, selected companies, and issued notification documents, and collected hazard simulation analysis and evacuation/escape data; a total of 245 companies were issued notification documents, and 227 companies have returned their documents, for a 93% response rate. We conducted seven training classes in industrial areas where high-risk toxic chemical substance handling occurs, and a total of 190 people took part in this training. We performed toxic chemical substance handling safety management assistance visits to handling plants, and completed drafting of annual assistance visit selection principles, an assistance checklist, assistance participants, and an assistance roster. With regard to handling safety management assistance visits to SMEs in Taoyuan County, we selected 11 companies handling toxic chemical substances and having high levels of public hazard, performed assistance work, and helped with assistance checklist and assistance member items in accordance with annual assistance visit selection principles; a total of 40 assistance visits were completed during the year. 103 環管處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=80481
103年台中市辦理垃圾採樣及訂定區域資源回收目標計畫 近年來由於經濟發展與環保意識之提升,對於如何妥善處理都市垃圾的要求愈來愈高。臺中市為了解區域內垃圾性質變化,已逐年建立垃圾物理組成與資源回收相關資料,做為臺中市擬定相關垃圾減量與回收管理策略參考。本計畫為延續性計畫,本年度重點為辦理本市29區(包含民營化)垃圾採樣作業,分析其物理組成(共90樣品)、資源回收比例 (共180樣品)。本年度垃圾單位容積重全市年平均值為155.9 kg/m3。由垃圾樣品物理組成分析,平均資源回收物由高至低依序為,廚餘21.10%(含養豬廚餘與堆肥)、紙張6.58%、塑膠容器4.90%、紙容器3.96%、玻璃0.95%、金屬0.34%、鋁箔包0.20%、陶瓷0.07%、乾電池0.05%、物品類0.02%與行動電話充電器0.02%。本年度資源回收比例垃圾樣本中,一般垃圾、資源回收物、廚餘年平均分別為78.93、12.12與8.95% 。其中資源回收比例成效較佳之前三名行政區域為大雅、石岡與太平區。 103 臺中市政府環境保護局 弘光科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74479
103年度環保集點制度規劃及建置專案工作計畫 近年來,為因應全球暖化與氣候變遷,各國政府也開始重視環境維護為發展之重要議題,如何在維護經濟利益的同時,又不與環境保護相互牴觸,是企業與各國政府所必須面對的棘手課題。環保集點制度推動是一個環保行為有價化的概念,是一個金融與行銷的推動制度,針對不同對象分別建立具體環保行動誘因,由政府、企業及民眾共同參與實踐。「環保行動有價」即是指透過環保集點制度,政府各部會攜手合作,給合民間資源,共同獎勵選購綠色產品及參與環保行動者。制度推動之初,規劃以綠色產品(服務)製造商、販售商做為主要綠點提供者,輔以環保署提供綠點加碼提高誘因,啟動環保集點制度,擴大整合公部門相關部會與民間資源,可供後續綠色消費使用,以點數交換、扣抵環保產品費用,支付公共交通費用捐款等形式回饋給消費者。引領民眾力行綠色生活,並藉由乘數效果,擴大綠色消費市場,帶動綠色經濟循環。本計畫借鏡韓國(Green Card)、日本(COCOCA、ECO AP)、中國(綠色信用卡)等國綠點相關制度及我國現行集點制度(相關載具、電子發票、紅利積點、綠色商店等),並由各機關單位訪談內容強化可能情境研析。本計畫完成導入政府機關及民間資源,研析成立環保集點推動工作圈,蒐集並研議對於民眾及企業之誘因方案;研析完成環保集點管理單位相關配套措施、研析法規作業限制,建置綠色產品資訊平臺,規劃整體試行之環保集點平臺相關系統,環保集點制度於10個全國性通路持續試行,規劃我國環保集點制度短中長期推動策略與辦理宣傳活動提升民眾認知度。 2014 Green point system planning and building project plans In recent years, governments around the word have begun attaching the importance of environmental maintenance issue to promote environmental protection in the global context. The thorny issue that a government must face is how to safe the economic interest to be not in conflict with environmental protection. Green point system to promote environmental protection is a valuable environmental behavior of the concept, is a financial promotion and marketing of the system, namely the establishment of specific incentives for different objects environmental action by governments, businesses and the public to participate in practice."Environmental Action valuable," which means the set point system through environmental, government ministries will work together to close private resources together to award the purchase of green products and actors involved in environmental protection. System to promote the beginning, planning to green products (services) Manufacturers, Vendors, as the primary provider Green Point, Green Point overweight supplemented by EPA to provide improved incentives, environmental set-point system to start and expand the integration of the public sector related ministries and private resources available for subsequent use of green consumption, to exchange points, imputed cost of environmentally friendly products, pay for public transport costs back to consumers in the form of donations. Lead people to practice green living, and through the multiplier effect, expand the green consumer market, driving the green economy cycle. This project learn Korean (Green Card), Japan (COCOCA, ECO AP), Chinese (green credit card) and other relevant national Green Point system and our current set-point system (related to vehicles, electronic invoices, bonus points, green shops ), and interviews by the departments and units to strengthen research and analysis of possible scenarios. The plan to complete the import government agencies and private resources, and research analysis was established to promote the work circles, gathering and deliberations incentives for people and businesses of the program; Research and Analysis Unit complete management related measures, research and analysis of operating restrictions and regulations, build green Product Information platform, the overall planning of the platform-trial system, implement 10 national channels trial promote, short and long-term planning strategies to promote and handle publicity campaign to enhance the public awareness. 103 管考處 汎宇電商股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77577
南區環境教育區域中心設置專案工作計畫 本計畫以「環境教育增能計畫」(EE Capacity)的運作架構,計畫執行區域範圍,包括:嘉義縣、嘉義市、台南市、高雄市、屏東縣、澎湖縣等六縣市,並依照美國環境教育增能計畫的五個主要方案規劃工作項目,包括:專業領導、增能學習、科技支援、研究評估與夥伴傳播。本年度計畫工作以整合南部地區產、官、學及民間組織等各方的環境教育資源及人力,形成夥伴網絡並建置專業學習社群,彙整併歸納南部地區的環境資源特色,以有效推廣環境教育工作,針對目前環境教育實施現況,進行機構、場域及人員之現況分析,提出可行方案。並以產業化導向作為主軸發展,提出試運行方案評估後續發展之可能。 Project of Southern Regional Environmental Education Center Construction "Environmental education (EE) capacity" is used as the operational framework in this project. Six cities and counties are covered in this project: Chiayi, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Penghu. The tasks including leadership academy, capacity building, technological support, research and evaluation, and dissemination partnership are planned according to the five programs of a US EE capacity project.This year, we integrated the environmental education resources and manpower of industries, governments, academic institutes, and NGOs in southern region to form partner networks, developed professional learning communities, summarized the features of local environmental resources to effectively promote environmental education, analyzed the current status of environmental education in terms of agencies, venues, and personnel to propose feasible measures. We also adopted industrialization as a theme for development and devised a tentative program to assess subsequent developmental possibilities. 103 綜計處 國立高雄第一科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77121
「103年度臺中市綠色消費宣傳及綠色採購推動計畫」 為配合行政院環境保護署103年度綠色消費宣傳及綠色採購推動計畫,擬委託專業服務廠商辦理,以達推動計畫實效及完成作業項目內容。計畫目標:(一)辦理綠色消費宣傳及推動民間企業與團體實施綠色採購考評之相關工作。(二)結合學校及社區資源,落實推動生活環保工作,積極推動民間企業、團體成立綠色商 店,鼓勵民眾購買環保標章產品落實減碳生活,以培養具有環境保護觀念之市民,建立積極正面的價值觀,進而產生對環境永續發展之正確態度。 103 臺中市政府環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79345
103年度綠色消費推廣計畫 綠色消費宣傳及綠色採購推動計畫,為鏈結民間企業及團體、商店、志義工、學校機關、旅宿業者、婚禮業者、餐飲業者等對象設計出之多元化宣導與執行規劃之推動計畫,以鼓勵民眾優先選購具有環保標章的綠色商品或服務,落實生活簡約原則,成為綠色消費達人。本計畫之重要工作效益包括:(一)完成79家業者實施行銷力評鑑,較去年21家成長276%,且獲得績優綠色商店獎項的業者達16家,活動期間參與人數達249.4萬人次;(二)完成種子講師培訓營7場次,參與人數372人,共發出312份訓練證明,合格率達82.3%;(三)結合10個縣市1,048家綠色商店辦理綠色消費宣傳活動11.6萬人次參與;(四)培訓種子人員推廣綠色消費,其中環保旅店達733家較去年602家成長21.8%、星級環保餐館達189家較去年135家成長40%、綠色婚禮供應鏈業者達292家較去年215家成長35.8%;(五)輔導9家業者申請環保標章,並完成至少5家業者提出申請,且協助旅館業、旅行業及平版印刷業取得環保標章,餐館業、汽車租賃業則已提出線上申請,且業者取得環保標章後辦理行銷活動之效益達20.7萬人次;(六)辦理環保行銷活動,累計33.7萬人次參與;(七)完成30場次機關綠色採購訪查及提升1,578萬的綠色採購申報金額。 2014 Green Consumption Promotion project The objective of this project is to advocate Green Consumption and Promoting Green Procurement which is designed to collaborate with private enterprises, organizations, stores, volunteers, schools, hotels, wedding industry, and catering industry places… etc., to encourage people to consume products and services with Green Mark and become an green expert. The important work of this project and benefits include:(1) The completion of 79 traders to implement a marketing evaluation. Compared with 21 traders last year, this year grew 276 percent and more than 16 excellent green stores to get industry awards. The number of participants during the event reached to 249.4 million.(2) Holding 7 trainings of green consumption instructor, which drew attendee of 372, issued a total of 312 training certificate, a pass rate of 82.3%. (3) Combined 1,048 green stores in 10 counties and held green consumption campaign, a total of 116,000 passengers participated in.(4) Training green consumption instructor to promote green consumption, environmentally friendly hotel amounted to 733, compared with 602 last year, grew 21.8%, green star restaurants and hotels amounted to 189, compared with 135 last year, grew 135 40%, green wedding industry amounted to 292, compared with 215 last year, grew 35.8 %.(5) Counseling nine industry to apply for Green Mark, and completed at least five traders’ application, and helped the hotel industry, travel industry and lithographic industry has got Green Mark, the restaurant industry and the car rental industry already applied for online application, and the industry which got green mark held marketing activities amounted to 207,000 passengers participated in.(6) Apply for environmental marketing activities, a total of 337,000 passengers participated in.(7) Completed 30 sessions of green procurement agencies and enhance 15,780,000 to declare the amount of green procurement. 103 管考處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77973
103年環保知識挑戰擂臺賽總決賽專案工作計畫 環境教育法已於100年6月5日正式實施,為推廣環境教育法之實施,加深民眾對於環境教育的重視,藉由本計畫工作推廣環保知識及環境教育的重要性。本計畫辦理環保知識挑戰擂臺賽總決賽,採互動性的環保知識問答,促進民眾對於環保知識上的學習及了解,以達到環保知識的推廣與行動實踐,使環境教育及環保知識之推廣紮根於民眾之日常生活。也期許各縣(市)參賽選手及參與人員擔任環保種子的任務,將環境知識教育的概念宣傳至各地區,達到個人、縣(市)及全臺灣環境知識與保護的推廣。計畫工作項目為一、研擬環保知識挑戰擂臺賽比賽規則及辦理相關研商會。二、維護更新環保知識挑戰擂臺賽宣傳網頁。三、辦理環保知識挑戰擂臺賽之全國總決賽。四、其他事項 Environmental Education Environmental Knowledge Challenge Contest The project aims at organizing the environmental knowledge challenge competition around Taiwan. The preliminary round was held by each city (county)’s Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Education, which allowed the participants to get familiar with the environmental knowledge contest forms and types of questions at the national environmental knowledge contest to achieve equality of the competition; the target is to increase participants and citizens’ awareness and knowledge about environmental protection. 103 綜計處 社團法人台灣環保生活協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75006
執行機動車輛噪音新車型審驗、新車抽驗及車輛噪音管制計畫 本計畫之主要工作在協助環保署辦理汽車新車型噪音審驗合格證明作業之各項工作,並檢討我國現行機動車輛噪音管制制度的合適性,以提供改善策略及方案供主管機關作為施政參考;另亦持續研究歐盟及各國發展趨勢,適時建議修正國內相關法規,以確保我國法規管制與歐盟調和同步。首先,在噪音合格證審驗作業方面,2014年至11月30日止共計噪音車型組審查共1340件,核發機動車輛排氣與噪音審驗合格證共1231張,新車抽驗及品管測試報告的統計結果均符合品質一致性的要求。其次,在新車噪音審驗管理方面,為落實簡政便民的施政原則,本計畫於第一季即已完成開發柴油車噪音審驗電子化作業系統,並於2014年3月1日起取消辦理柴油車合格證紙本申請作業,轉為全面電子化作業模式,目前辦理所有車輛種類噪音合格證均可以電子化審驗作業系統進行審驗,對於提升審驗效率將有具體的效益。此外,為有效監督指定噪音檢驗測定機構執行法規測試之過程實況,本計畫於機動車輛噪音檢測報告資訊管理系統,新增「檢測機構案件查核碼申請功能」,並藉由噪音檢測流程影像數據傳輸系統與噪音檢測機構即時連線,將可提高對所有機構檢測流程公正性與品質之掌握。最後,為即時因應國際法規發展趨勢,並改善使用中機動車輛噪音管制執行問題,本計畫今(103)年度已完成公告我國噪音管制法規,汽車/機車五期、機車六期機動車輛噪音管制標準值期別轉換時程。目前歐盟新版噪音管制標準期程,機車自2016年1月1日,汽車自2016年7月1日開始實施。我國應備妥相關方案以便可與歐盟法規即時調和。 The main work items of this project included: assisting the EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) to examine the approval of new vehicle types with regard to noise, reviewing the current regulations and noise control policy for further improvement and studying the world-wide development of regulations in the new of vehicle noise control .Firstly, for new vehicle type approvals with regard to noise, 1,340 new type cases were examined and 1,231 certifications were granted up to November 30, 2014. The statistics of test reports of new vehicle’s spot checks and quality control comply with the COP (Conformity of Production) requirements. Secondly, to implement a policy for simplifying the examination process, the E-certification systems for diesel vehicles was developed during the first season of this project. By offering electronic reports instead of paper reports for approval granting for all vehicle categories beginning March 1, 2014, the efficiency of the examination process was improved significantly. Besides, in order to monitor the testing process executed by all authorization institutions, a video record and transmission system has been set up in the office of competent administration. The system provides realtime connection between the authorization institutions and the competent administration and helps to inspect and to guarantee the impartiality and quality of the testing process.Finally, to ensure a quick response to international regulatory trends and to improve the noise control for in-use vehicles, the schedule of the 5th and 6th stages for vehicle noise regulations in Taiwan was publicized in 2014. Moreover, the EU will apply new regulations for motorcycle noise on January 1, 2016 and for car noise on June 1, 2016. Taiwan should prepare relevant schemes so as to harmonize with EU instantly. 103 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=74299
103 年麟洛人工溼地環境監測暨經營管理成效評估計畫 本計畫由自103 年5 月15 日執行截至103 年12 月24 日止,各項工作執行成果說明如下:一、 生態調查生態調查103 年9 月16 日~9 月19 日進行, 結果共發現;植物: 65 科155 屬197 種; 陸生動物: 爬行類3 科5 種、蝴蝶類5 科15 種、鳥類15 科25 種、哺乳類3 科5 種、兩棲類4 科5 種;水生動物:水生昆蟲3 目4 科、蝦蟹貝類5 科5 種、魚類3 科3 種、浮游動物4 門17 種; 浮游植物共6 門27 種。二、 水質監測1. 地 面 水溼地正常進流水量約介於903CMD~1244CMD , 水力負荷在0.074m/d~0.102m/d 之間,水力停留時間約4.24~5.85 天。水質一般特性:水溫介於25.3℃ ~31.0℃、DO 介於2.0mg/L~4.6mg/L、pH 介於7.3~7.9、濁度介於11NTU~54NTU。進流口污染物檢測結果: 懸浮固體介於12.2~71.5mg/L 、生化需氧量介於6.6mg/L~16.3mg/L、氨氮介於8.8mg/L~17.1mg/L、總磷濃度介於1.67mg/L~3.40mg/L。放流口污染物檢測結果:懸浮固體濃度介於7.8~28.0mg/L、生化需氧量濃度介於4.3~7.4mg/L、氨氮介於0.10mg/L~0.43mg/L、總磷濃度介於0.110mg/L~0.496mg/L。2. 水 質 淨 化 效 益 評 估麟洛人工溼地對於生化需氧量的處理成效良好。本年度TP去除率( 86%) 高於歷年平均去除率( 74%) , 103 年度SS 去除率( 45%)略低於歷年平均去除率SS( 49%),103 年度BOD 去除率與歷年相同均為47%。利用一階反應模式評估溼地各項污染物在溼地中去除效益以及削減情形, 生化需氧量之kv=0.076~0.243d- 1 , 氨氮之kv=0.534~1.014d- 1 高於歷年數據, 總磷之kv=0.204~0.603d- 1 略低於歷年數據。結果顯示,溼地處理效率以氨氮最高,其次為總磷, 以生化需氧量效率最差。三、 地下水地下水水質一般特性: DO 為2.8mg/L~3.7mg/L、pH 濃度介於7.3~7.7 之間; 污染物之濃度分別為: SS 為5.4mg/L~80.0mg/L , 與歷年數據相比無差異、BOD 濃度均2<2.0~2.8mg/L , 與歷年數據相比無差異、NH3-N 濃度為0.81mg/L~2.6mg/L,其中井1、井2 及井3 皆超過地下水監測標準值第二類, 與歷年數據相比無差異。四、 底泥重金屬底泥重金屬5 種有檢測出濃度, 其中鋅濃度為132mg/kg~180mg/kg、銅濃度為55.0mg/kg~99.5mg/kg、鎘濃度為N.D. 、鉛濃度為26.2mg/kg~95.4mg/kg 、鎳濃度為20.7mg/kg~33.4mg/kg 以及鉻濃度為22.5mg/kg~43.1mg/kg。其中在密植區(一)之鋅、銅、鎳,開放水面區之鋅、銅、鉛、鎳,密植區(二)之鋅、銅、鉛、鎳與生態池之銅超過底泥品質指標下限值。五、 魚體重金屬溼地魚體重金屬監測結果中:6 種檢測項目中只有1 種檢測出濃度, 分別為鋅濃度為2.62mg/kg~3.02mg/kg、鎘、銅、鉻、鉛與鎳皆為N.D。其魚體重金屬與歷年數據相比無差異。六、 現場操作維護管理作業與水環境宣導工作已完成103 年9 月10 日完成木作橋樑維修及更新、103 年9月14 日進行水社柳生態復育、103 年5 月14 日及103 年9 月15日進行水生植物撈除、103 年9 月29 日進行解說牌更新、103 年12 月2 日進行木作油漆保養。計畫期間已辦理7 場次麟洛溼地公園導覽解說及水環境宣導活動共有545 人參與: 第一場為103 年5 月24 日「520 我愛媽咪 為媽咪種下一朵花」;第二場為103 年6 月7 日「全方面教育研習活動」; 第三場為103 年7 月19 日「溼地環保夏令營-教育訓練活動」; 第四場為103 年8 月2 日「溼地環保夏令營-教育訓練活動」;第五場為103 年10 月11 日「改造溼地新面貌活動」;第六場為103 年10 月26 日「低碳遊溼地」;第七場為103 年11 月9 日「麟洛溼地環境教育暨資源回收競賽頒獎活動」。本工作團隊並於103 年12 月4 日推動民生家商, 參與103 年度麟洛溼地志工培訓活動。本工作團隊於103 年9 月27 日辦理麟洛人工溼地志工戶外研習活動。 103 屏東縣政府環境保護局 昇元工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80178
環境害蟲綜合防治計畫(1/3) 本計畫藉由對害蟲廣泛的生態、種類、豐度、分布及季節發生之調查及基礎藥效測定,建立鑑識劑量以進行害蟲抗藥性及交互抗藥性調查,提供執行環境害蟲防治之環保、衛生機關、病媒防治業者用藥時,藥劑選擇及使用之參考,以有效應用環境用藥,減少因用藥錯誤,而造成環境的危害,並可協助國內環境衛生用藥製造業者了解環境害蟲對藥劑的感受性,以決定藥劑生產的方向。 Environmental integrated pest management program(1/3) This project by a wide range of pest ecology, species abundance, distribution and investigation and determination of the basis of efficacy occurred season to establish forensic dose for pest resistance and cross-resistance surveys, enforcement of environmental pest control environment, the health authorities, when pest control operators medication, drug selection and use of reference to the effective application of environmental agents, reduce medication errors, and harm the environment, and help domestic environmental sanitation agent manufacturing pharmaceutical understand the environmental pest susceptibility to determine the direction of pharmaceutical production. 103 環管處 國立高雄大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80183
毒災防救管理資訊系統維運及強化整備應變計畫 依據環保署毒災諮詢監控中心統計資料顯示,於國內每年約發生300件毒化災事故,以化學品運作廠場最多,其次為是交通事故,上述事故可能因為人為操作失誤或設備失誤造成人員傷亡與財產損失。有鑑於此,中央及地方平時擬定災害防救業務計畫,事故發生時則成立災害應變中心來因應災害事故發生。本計畫目標則以建置毒災防救單一平台,提升行動裝置軟體、規劃及建置事故經驗分析及檢核機制、加強系統應用並滾動修正架構、規劃防災雲及運輸事故之系統可行方案等項目為主。 The project of integreting toxic chemical disaster management information and enhancing emergency The establishment of a unified toxic chemical disaster prevention and response platform and improvement of software for relevant mobile devices has produced the following achievements. 103 環管處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80558
環境音量品質規劃研析計畫 一、蒐集國外長期連續噪音監測站最新管理架構資訊。二、研擬我國環境音量品質監測網設置維護管理架構、地點規範與選定原則。三、研提環境音量品質監測站監測結果在環境品質管理及決策之應用建議。四、評估行動裝置即時噪音陳情蒐證內容、軟體功能需求以協助應用於陳情稽查作業。 The study of environmental noise quality analysis 1. To collect the framework information of foreign long-term noise monitoring system.2. To propose the maintenance and management, site choosing and selection guideline of environmental noise monitoring sytem in Taiwan.3. To propose the management and decision-making by the results of noise monitoring.4. To assess the evidence collection content and software function of mobile devices for applying to the noise complaint cases. 103 空保處 台灣聲學學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76167
103年度環境保護產品環境效益評估專案工作計畫 本計畫目的為擬定環境效益指標項目、環境效益評估方法及分項產品環境效益指標。基於計畫目的,本計畫共完成以下工作事項:(1)蒐研美國能源之星、美國EPEAT、節能標章、省水標章等共計11個國內外產品環境效益計算方法或案例。(2)篩選出桌上型個人電腦、電風扇、貯備型電開水器、使用回收紙之衛生用紙、洗衣清潔劑、肌膚清潔劑等共21項具有不同環境效益代表性環保標章產品類別,同時參考國內外環保標章規格標準,完成蒐研21項分項產品類別之環保產品評估基準及一般產品評估基準,並量化其年度總環境效益。自前述分項產品中篩選60個環境保護產品,實際量化分析其環境效益。(3)完成以Microsoft Excel建置一環保產品環境效益標準化計算工具,可計算單項環保產品之環境效益,亦可量化單項環保產品類別之總環境效益。(4)與「環保集點制度規劃及建置」專案工作界接,提出環保產品環境效益指標正規化之框架,並建置一民眾可簡易使用之線上環保產品環境效益計算機。在計畫期間,共召開6場專家諮詢會與學者專家請教討論。根據計畫成果,建議短期規劃上應持續擴大環保產品環境效益資料庫,量化不同環保標章產品類別及不同單項環保產品之環境效益。中、長期規劃則於未來生命週期評估各階段相關數據更週全時,可適時擴大量化計算的完整性、完善使用模擬情境之設定。另外,在建置不同類別一般產品相關數據資料庫應持續與其他標章制度接軌,同時維護環保標章數據完整性。 2014 Evaluation of Environmental Benefits of Green Mark Products The purpose of this project is to establish the indicators of environmental benefit, method to evaluate environmental benefits, and indicators of environmental benefits for 21 product categories.Based on this, four main items are accomplished as below: (1)Research on 11 kinds of method or cases from different green labeling system including Energy Star, EPEAT, Green Mark, and water conservation label etc. (2)Select 21 product categories that can represent different environmental benefits, including laptop, electric fan, Electric storage drink water heater, tissue made with recycled paper, detergent, skin cleansing agent etc. (3)build analysis tool with Excel to standardize the environmental benefits of eco-products. (4)To coordinate with the “2014 Evaluation of Environmental Benefits of Green–Mark Products “ project, the framework of environmental benefit indicators of eco-products is proposed, and the calculator of environmental benefit of eco-product is provided to consumers online.There were six expert consultations held during the project period to provide more comprehensive ideas to the project. In the short term, adding more data to current database of the environmental benefits to quantify different Green-Mark product categories and environmental benefits of product items. In the long run, more comprehensive settings of calculations and simulated scenarios can be implemented as data in different stages of product life cycle are more complete. At the same time, the database should be updated regularly to comply with international labeling system and maintain its completeness. 103 管考處 安侯永續發展顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73845
環境影響評估相關審議及議事規範整合修正研究 我國自83年公布「環境影響評估法」,規定各種開發行為對環境有不良影響之虞者,在規劃階段應同時考量環境因素,實施環境影響評估。此外,亦陸續訂定相關環評審議及議事規範,提供予委員會委員審查及相關人員參與會議時之參考。然而相關規範訂定至今已歷時多年,因時空背景及社會民情的改變,於實際運作上逐漸浮現問題及困境。本計畫為強化環評審查效率,提昇審查作業品質,藉由彙整既有環評相關審議、議事規範之法令規定、行政規則,及環評審查範疇相關之其他法令規定,並辦理「環境影響評估相關審議及議事規範研討會議」,邀請歷屆委員會委員提供相關意見與建議,以研擬提出整合修訂之審議及議事規範建議,提供委員會委員主持或參與環評審查會議時之參考。 Study on Revising Regulations for Reviewing of Environmental Impact Assessment and Directions Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Act has been enforced since 1994. The purpose of the EIA system is to enforce developers to assess the potential impacts on the environment before deciding whether or not the development activities should go ahead. Taiwan EPA has legislated related regulations and directions for the EIA committee to consult during the review procedure. Nevertheless, the regulations and directions have been enforced for decades and are necessary to be revised. Therefore, during the operation period of this project, the related regulations and directions were compiled and conferences were held to collect suggestions from the EIA committe members. In conclusion, revisions on regulations for reviewing of environmental impact assessment and directions for procedure of environmental impact assessment review meetings were made to achieve the objective of improving the efficiency and the quality of EIA review operations. 103 綜計處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78177
推動低碳永續家園資源循環相關工作專案計畫 本年度計畫以推動資源循環及低碳永續兩方向做為主軸,協助環保署召開103年度再生資源再利用促進委員會與工作小組會議,同時藉由舉辦線上網頁活動及實體示範觀摩活動,宣傳善用二手物品的惜物理念,將資源循環理念深植民眾生活,全面推動並落實資源循環再利用理念。資源循環推動方面,本計畫完成會整各部會102年度「資源回收再利用推動計畫」推動成果,為能強化年報可閱讀性,在版面編排上參考國外年報風格,並以全新架構及編排方式完成「102年度資源回收再利用年報」定稿,並配合廢止績優事業獎勵辦法,檢討修訂「103年至104年資源回收再利用推動計畫」(修正草案),以滾動式檢討持續維護資再法運作機能。維護資源回收再利用宣導網部分,截至11月底為止累計更新42則資源循環相關新聞,宣導網瀏覽量亦達214,046人次。低碳永續方面,一方面協助環保署生態社區推動方案室,檢討修正資源循環行動項目之「二手跳蚤市集活動及交換平台推廣行動」認證專案內容,讓各縣市環保局可藉由使用愛二手物(i2so5)平台取得評等認證分數;另一方面積極宣傳愛二手物(i2so5)平台,辦理「二手物品交換推廣宣導會議暨資源循環示範觀摩活動」,及「就愛二手物(i2so5)~隨手通關得好禮~」手機版網頁線上尋寶活動。同時擴增平台功能,建置手機版網頁及環保局專區兩大功能,並導入搜索引擎優化技術(SEO),增加各大網站的曝光度,截至11月底為止共累計282,519人次的瀏覽量。 Project for Promoting Resource Recycling of Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland The project consisted of two main components: Promoting resource recycle, and sustainable low-carbon management. The main efforts include the Resource Reuse and Recycling Promotional Committee 2014 (co-organized with EPA), lucky draw event on Mobile Website, and the visit to distinctive two-handed stuff market venues. The main goal of the project is to promote the concept of resource recycling and second-hand stuff reusing, thus brings the idea of resource recycle into daily lives and implements the concept of resource circulation as well as reuse.On Project of Resource Reuse and Recycle Promotion, the accomplishments of appropriate authorities in 2013 had been collected in “2013 Resource Recycling and Reusing Annual Report”. In order to improve the readability, the report has been reconstructed refer to the annual report from Germany and has been presented as a brand new framework. Since the Waste Resource Management Excellent Performance Reward Regulations has been repealed in 2014, the“Promotion Program of Resource Recycling and Reusing during 2014 and 2015” (revised Draft) has also been brought into discussion and revision. As for statistics on resource reuse and recycling promotional website, there are 42 new stories been updated and up to 214,046 views to the site at the end of November 2014.For promoting the Action Program of Resource Recycling in Low-carbon Sustainable Society (LCSS), the certification program of “Promotion of Flea Market and Exchange Platform Action Plan” have been revised under EPA’s policy. In the new program, the county and city governments who participate the program earn certification points according to their performance statistics on “I Love Second-Hands” (i2so5) The Second-hand Stuff Exchange Integrated Platform. Further more, “Second-hand Stuff Exchange Promotion Conference and Demonstration activities of the distinctive used market venues” as well as the event “Find the Reward codes for i2so5 platform” on Mobile Website have raised the public consciousness of i2so5 website. The website has become more user-friendly, thanks to the updates on mobile website and EPA exclusive page. The project utilized the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) technology for better visibility on major search engines. As a result, the number of viewers visiting Second-hand Stuff Exchange Integrated Platform has come to 282,519 at the end of November 2014. 103 廢管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79219
東區環境教育區域中心設置專案工作計畫 東區環境教育區域中心,含括宜蘭、花蓮、臺東三縣市。區域中心規劃的願景是模仿日本里山倡議及關鍵觀點來建構。本計畫將由區內三所大學環境教育中心聯合執行由環保署規劃之專業領導、增能學習、科技支援、研究評估、夥伴推廣等五項計畫工作。分三年逐年深化擴展、持續執行,以形塑東部社會對環境變遷的應變韌性,朝向建構永續發展的資本及能力。年度報告呈現各項工作內容,專業領導方面,各個社群已進行本年度工作項目的規劃,並開始執行。環境教育機構也正進行各項文件與課程規劃。增能學習方面,已於6月20日及8月15日在宜蘭與臺東辦理工作坊,並剖析在地特色社群。科技支援方面,東區環境教育區域中心的網站完成規劃與建置,並展開對教案的資料撰寫工作與規劃具區域特色環境教育學習課程,完成教案。研究評估方面,研議環境教育設施場所增能計畫及建置績效評量系統。夥伴推廣已於10月辦理三場次,並於社群發展中分享,增加連結,並進行二場次教案試教。 EE Regional Centers For Eastern Taiwan The Environmental Education Regional Center for Eastern Taiwan Project granted by the Environmental Protection Administration covered areas of three counties, Ilan, Hualien and Taitung and is being conducted jointly by environmental education centers of three local universities. Satoyama Initiative visions will be pursued by implementing five major tasks: leadership academy, building environmental education capacity, technology to support the field, research and evaluation, and dissemination partnerships which were designated by the Environmental Protection Administration. The project will be operated for three years, with purposes to accumulate the human capitals, EE capabilities, and to enhance resilience of the societies in Eastern region to adapt with environmental changes and pursue sustainability.This report described the progress of major tasks in interim report. For the academic leadership, all the theme based learning circles are starting the planning and delivery process. The documents for applying EE institute are also collecting and drafting. The team has accomplished two workshops for capacity building at Yilan county on 20thJune ,at Taitung country on 15thAugust and the analyzed the assets of local EE communities. On the application of science technology, the team has established the website and the preliminary information on curricula are under collecting and developing. The team alsofinished capacity building workshop for EE sites and facilities, development performance evaluation. Partnerships and networking are also diffusing and implementing at the theme. 103 綜計處 國立東華大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76970
強化整合生活廢棄資源管理及系統維運專案計畫 本計畫執行期間自民國103年4月2日起至103年12月底止,主要目的係協助推動一般廢棄物管理政策之回收、清除、再利用工作,並完成建置生活廢棄物質管理資訊系統(HWMS)與其維運管理,以強化整合一般廢棄物清理效能。主要工作成果包括:(一)藉由執行機關問卷調查、再利用廠現訪、執行機關清理成效公務統計資料及蒐集國外一般廢棄物相關措施等,作為檢討我國一般廢棄物相關管理措施之基礎;(二)完成「一般廢棄物回收清除處理辦法」、「公有廢棄物掩埋場管理規範」及「廢食用油再利用管理方式」等三項法規增修草案,並訂定緊急調度清理機具作業程序及檢討修正公務統計報表,以期由制度面提升管理成效;(三)掌握執行機關針對一般廢棄物清除處理基金運作管理、廢潤滑油流向追蹤、資源回收點(站)管理、法規執行現況等,協助環保署督導地方落實執行清理工作;(四)完成現行九項源頭減量業務網站之資訊整併,並提供整合填報及統計查詢功能;(五)完成建置HWMS系統,持續整合現有相關資料庫與資料介接工作,並於103年12月上線提供地方環保單位進行試填表單。 Project of promote general waste clean execution achievement and management system relating work mai This Plan was implemented over the period from April 2, 2014 to December 31, 2014. The main objective of the Plan was to assist with the promotion of general waste recycling, clearance and disposal work, and to complete the establishment of (and implement maintenance of) the Household Waste Management System (HWMS), so as to improve the coordination and efficiency of general waste disposal. The main work results achieved were as follows: (1) On the basis of questionnaire surveys conducted by implementing agencies, on-site interviews with recycling firms, official statistics regarding the efficiency of disposal related work undertaken by implementing agencies, and the collection of information regarding the general waste management measures that have been adopted in other countries, etc., a review was undertaken of the management measures relating to general waste in Taiwan. (2) Revised drafts of the Regulations Governing General Waste Recycling, Clearance and Disposal, Rules Governing Management of Publicly-owned Landfill Sites and Method for the Management of Recycled Cooking Oil were compiled, procedures were formulated for the emergency dispatch of disposal equipment, and review was undertaken was respect to the revision of official statistical report formats, with the aim of using systemic improvements to enhance overall management efficiency. (3) Investigation was undertaken to determine the current status of implementing agencies’ management of the operations of the General Waste Management Fund, monitoring of the movement of waste lubricating oil, management of resource recycling points (and stations), implementation of relevant laws and regulations, etc., so as to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) with its supervision of the implementation of waste disposal work by local government authorities. (4) Data coordination was implemented across nine existing source reduction related websites, and integrated report compilation and statistical search functions were added. (5) The work of establishing the HWMS was completed, and ongoing integration of existing databases and data peering work was carried out; the HWMS system was brought online in December 2014 for trial use in report compilation by environmental agencies at local government level. 103 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77729
103年度「推動營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」 本計畫執行期間自民國103年2月13日至103年12月31日為止,主要目標為協助環保署持續推動「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」,執行經行政院核定六(98-103)年專案計畫之第六年度。本年度執行內容為:(1)每月15日查核各縣市綠網登錄相關資料情形,並於每月月底前提交輔導報告至環保署;(2)針對99年度至102年度22個示範區級之鄉鎮市區進行後續維護查核;(3)辦理各縣市政府環保局補助計畫執行成果查核;(4)針對103年度12個受補助之環保示範區進行推動進度查核;(5)遴選出8個104年度「營造友善城鄉環境」推動單位;(6)於4月份、10月份各辦理1場次地方政府研習會,供各縣市政府人員藉此機會能互相交流學習。此外,本計畫彙整歷年(98-103年)相關成果,並製作成果電子書及微電影以供民眾參閱。 The works carried out in 2014 included:(1)Summit the counseling report to EPA by the end of every month; check off the EcoLife content provided by local governments on the 15th day of every month; (2)Follow up checking for the twenty-two model districts of high-quality environment elected in 2010-2013; (3)Inspect the outcome of subsidied programs implemented by local government’s Environmental Protection Bureau;(4)Inspect the implementation of twelve subsidized 2014 model districts of high-quality environment;(5)Select eight 2015 “Establish Environmental Friendly Urban and Rural Area” promoting units; (6)Conduct two local government seminar sessions in April and October, respecting to local government civil servants opportunities to share experiences with each other. Finally, the project collected relating outcomes over the years of 2009 - 2014 and integrated the information into an e-book and a micro-film for the public sharing. 103 環管處 長榮大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76854
103年綠色生活行銷網絡經營及推廣計畫 本計畫於103年2月24日開始執行,服務對象包含政府機關、民間企業與團體、製造廠商、銷售業者、0800人員、一般民眾、管理者環保署及其委辦計畫。工作執行目標在於綠色生活資訊網系統(包含環保標章電子化網路申請作業系統、政府綠色採購網路申報系統、及環保產品線上採購網站)的維護管理、更新、及輔導使用者為主,並確保環保產品線上採購網的運行(不涉及金流與物流);對於宣傳方面則著重於網絡經營及推廣,結合微電影行銷綠色生活與環保標章。今年度持續維護管理及更新綠色生活資訊網站及環保產品線上採購網站,推廣行銷環保標章及綠色消費,共完成開發8項新功能,包括服務類環保標章申請介面與自評表單管理系統、第二型環保產品宣告登錄、統計及記事平台、環保標章審查通過統計查詢功能、「政府綠色採購網路申報系統」102年資料補登功能、103年機關綠色採購評核系統、103年民間企業與團體評核系統、連鎖型綠色商店管理系統及環保標章相關專屬遊戲。為確保標章審查、機關綠色採購與對民眾資訊揭露等工作能順利進行,本計畫維護10項系統功能,包括維護及更新環保標章規格標準、標章使用枚數登錄系統、標章產品違規處分、環境保護產品統計報表、綠色採購資料換算環境效益成效、政府組織變更進行重整、第三類標章產品進行資料更新、種子人員派遣系統、環保產品線上採購網站平台及綠色生活相關網站推廣等功能。系統推廣及宣導,至12月底為止,完成翻譯並發布35則中英新聞,並辦理機關綠色採購系統說明會共16場次、0800教育訓練4場次、環保標章申請系統操作說明會4場次,發布19則影音訊息、寄發1至12月電子報。為提高網絡推廣與行銷,本計畫完成辦理「這些年,我們一起綠色採購的生活」徵選大賽微電影活動,相關行銷活動:人氣投票活動、「下載綠色生活小舖APP馬上抽」抽獎活動網站、「這些年,我們一起分享的綠色微電影」Facebook 影片分享及留言活動,總參與人數達8萬人,成果斐然。此外,本計畫也完成設置5個環保標章及綠色消費活動專區網頁。行動裝置行銷推廣-「綠色生活小舖」APP已於Google商店上架,總安裝人次達1,616人次。此外,「綠色生活」官方臉書粉絲團以多元行銷方式進行推廣,粉絲人大幅成長了2.61倍,躍升至6,835人。 The Greenlivng and BuyGreen Promotion Plan of 2014 This project began on February 24th 2014, providing services to government agencies, private enterprises, organizations, manufacturers, sellers, customer service staff of 0800 toll-free, general public, the EPA as regulator, and its commissioned projects. This year, the project was mainly focused on the maintenance, management, and updating of the GreenLiving Information Platform (including the Green Mark E-Application System, the Government Green Procurement Online Reporting System, and the BuyGreen website), and on guidance provision for users of the Platform. The project was also aimed at ensuring the operation of the BuyGreen website (not involving cash flow and logistics). Promotional efforts were directed to diversify the internet marketing strategy instead of brick-and-mortar marketing.8 major functions or systems were completed for the purposes of system establishment or revamp, including the Green Mark E-Application System for Services, the Type II Green Mark E-Application System, the statistical function for Green Mark, 2014 Government Green Procurement Online Reporting System, Date Key-in function for Green Procurement System (2013), 2014 Private Enterprise and Organization Green Procurement Reporting System, a web-game for children website and the chain-store management system for Green Shop. Also, 10 systems were upgraded this year to comply with the latest requirement. For promotion and publicity, 35 news items in Mandarin Chinese, 35 news items in English were translated and published. 24 training sessions were held, including 4 education and training workshops for customer service staff on 0800 toll-free, 4 workshops for Green Mark application and 16 workshops for Green Procurement. 19 video/audio messages and 12 e-papers (for both web pages) were sent so far. For promotion purpose, a micro-film competition named "The years of our green procurement" was completed together with its marketing activities. More than 80,000 publics were involved throughout the whole competition. Also, 5 web pages were established for the Green Mark and Green Living promotional purpose. The Green Living Shop’s APP is available in Play Store from now on, and it reached 1,616 installations in total. Also, the GreenLiving’s fan-page on Facebook gain tremendous growth and hit 6,835 fans this year. 103 管考處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78602
103年毒性化學物質管理評估及公告列管前置作業專案工作計畫 本計畫執行期間自103年3月31日至103年12月31日止,主要目標為蒐集國際間化學物質及環境荷爾蒙物質之最新管制資訊供國內管理參考,並進行重點物質之國內運作調查,據以提出法規修正建議及協助推動環境荷爾蒙跨部會分工管理。主要工作成果包括:(1)協助新增公告列管國際關注之六溴環十二烷、α-六溴環十二烷、β-六溴環十二烷及γ-六溴環十二烷等4種物質,並研擬「篩選作業原則內控程序」,做為現行篩選作業原則內部管控之依據。(2)因應毒管法修法,協助公告「第四類毒性化學物質核可管理辦法」,並研提20種重點第四類毒化物之管理建議。(3)研提汞等15種毒化物之管制濃度調整建議,並針對現行得使用用途涉及衛福部權責之毒化物進行問卷調查,以瞭解對業者可能之影響及衝擊。(4)完成2,4,6-三丁基第三丁酚等7種化學物質之國內運作調查,並提出公告列管評估建議。(5)協助召開跨部會管理推動小組會議,並完成市售清潔劑、修正液及油漆等100件採樣,本次抽檢商品均符合相關毒管法之規定。(6)協助辦理解除限制或禁止用途申請案之預審及複審作業,並依環保署需求完成臨時交辦事項142件。 Plan for Management Appraisal and Preparatory Work for the Announcement of Toxic Chemical Substances This Plan was implemented over the period from March 31, 2014 to December 31, 2014. The main objectives of the Plan were to collect the latest information on the management of chemical substances and environmental hormones in other countries, for use as a reference when implementing management within Taiwan. In addition, a domestic use survey has been conducted targeting the usage of key materials in Taiwan, so as to provide a basis for formulating proposals for the revision of current laws and regulations and for promoting management of environmental hormones based on an inter-departmental division of labor. The main work results achieved through implementation of the Plan include the following: (1) Assisting with the preparations for the adding of four new substances – hexabromocyclododecane, alpha-hexabromocyclododecane, beta-hexabromocyclododecane, and gamma-hexabromocyclododecane, all of which have become a major focus of international attention – to the official list of controlled substances in Taiwan, and formulation of Internal Control Procedures in Relation to Screening Operation Principles, to serve as a reference for internal controls with respect to existing screening principles. (2) In response to the revision of the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act, assistance was provided for the notification of the Regulations Governing Approvals Management for Category Four Toxic Chemical Substances, and for the drawing up of management recommendations with respect to 20 types of Category Four Toxic Chemical Substances. (3) The formulation was undertaken of recommendations regarding adjustment of permitted concentration levels with respect to 15 types of toxic chemical substances, including mercury, and evaluation of the appropriateness of utilizing certain types of toxic chemical substance the scope of usage of which falls within the purview of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. (4) A domestic use survey has been conducted targeting 7 types of chemical substances, including styrene, etc., and recommendations formulated regarding the adding of these substances to the official list of controlled substances. (5) Assistance has been provided for the convening of meetings of the environmental hormone inter-ministerial management promotion team, and sampling has been completed of 100 samples of cleaning agents, correction fluids, paints, etc. that are currently sold in Taiwan. All of the sampled products were found to conform to the relevant provisions of the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act. (6) Assistance has been provided for preliminary hearings and appeals in relation to applications for the lifting of restrictions or prohibitions on usage, and a total of 142 instances of extraordinary processing were implemented on behalf of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). 103 環管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80272
環境整潔綠美化業務推動計畫 本計畫目標包括(1)推廣運用「大型活動環境友善度管理指引」、(2)協助辦理「環境整潔綠美化促進法」作業及整合「全國環境整潔綠美化推動計畫」、(3)髒亂程度判定通報及維護環境整潔宣導重點、(4)社區或村里環境整潔綠美化影響因素調查及分析、(5)蒐集及更新國內外環境整潔綠美化資訊。各項工作成果:一、辦理8場次「大型活動環境友善度管理指引」推廣會議,共372人參與,回收有效問卷284份;大型活動環境友善度落實度確認6場次;透過推廣會議及落實度確認,提出指引調修及後續推廣建議;研擬大型活動環境友善度管理獎章評鑑計畫制度。二、彙整中央及各縣市政府對於環境整潔綠美化相關法規,共17項類別,249項(含3項草案);「全國環境整潔綠美化推動計畫」(草案) 針對中央部會業務主管機關及環保署業務權責規劃環境標的短中長期之兩種計畫版本。三、完成A、B版整潔度指標與月報製作通知作業流程、6篇新聞稿之撰寫、髒亂熱點分析報告、髒亂點預警機制規劃。四、完成社區或村里環境整潔綠美化現訪調查,並彙整及比較分析調查結果,提出社區(村里)環境整潔綠美化策略及措施報告。五、蒐集國內外文獻共272篇;修正後臺管理區整潔方案室發布專區查詢系統功能;歷年文章內容超連結重新檢視並更新。 Environmental Cleaning, Greening and beautification Promotion Program The purposes of the project were aimed (1) to popularize a guide of environmentally friendly management on large-scale activities, (2) to assist in planning and revising the draft or the Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Act and Greening and Beautification Promotion Program, (3) to formulate an untidy spot determination and reporting dirty level, and environmental cleaning promotion scheme, (4) to implement a field investigation and analysis on factors of environmental cleaning, greening and beautification to communities or villages, and (5) to gather information or update regulations on environmental cleaning, greening and beautification. The efforts and achievements are stated as below. (1) 8 sessions of promotion lecture were held to popularize a guideline of environmentally friendly management on large-scale activities, amount of 372 attendees participated on, and 284 valid questionnaires were collected. 6 large-scale activities were chosen to evaluate the practicability of the guideline. According to outcome of questionnaires and evaluations, suggestions were proposed, and a reward program was developed on environmentally friendly management on large-scale activities. (2)Central and local governments’ regulations on environmental cleaning, greening and beautification were gathered, in 17 categories on 249 regulations (3 drafts included). The versions of Greening and Beautification Promotion Programs were planned for the central authorities and the EPA. The environmental cleaning indicators and reporting predictions, 6 news releases on environmental cleaning, an analyzing report on Taiwan untidy hotspot, and an early warning system plan on untidy hotspot were completed. The field investigation and analysis were carried out furthermore, practical strategies were proposed. 272 pieces of information were gathered. Also a search function on EcoLife backstage was revised. Former information and reconnected hyperlinks were checked and reconnected. 103 整潔方案室 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77871
推動產業綠色設計與資源循環專案工作計畫 本計畫執行期間自民國103年3月13日起至103年12月31日止,主要工作為:(一)推動搖籃到搖籃設計理念相關工作並研擬推動機制,(二)辦理與資源循環相關之環境教育、組織學習及推廣活動,(三)配合辦理相關計畫之行政作業。本計畫透過「策略聯盟」、「知識平台」、「宣傳推廣」與「制度研擬推動」等策略,整合性執行搖籃到搖籃相關工作,包含辦理2場討論會,共同研商聯盟未來發展願景及學習綠色創新設計;訪談11家聯盟會員或潛力會員,追蹤及瞭解會員應用搖籃到搖籃設計理念之現況,並招募10家新會員加入聯盟,共同分享搖籃到搖籃相關知識;更新優化知識平台網站,順應網路趨勢改善平台設計及整合平台資訊,以增強平台功能及使用性;辦理3場種子講師培訓班、2場專家圓桌論壇或交流論壇、1場產品設計競賽、1支10分鐘紀錄宣導影片並印製300份光碟與300份口袋型紀錄宣導圖冊,以及參展「2014國際綠色產品展」,多元宣導及推廣搖籃到搖籃設計理念;輔導3家廠商進行搖籃到搖籃產品設計及生命週期評估環境衝擊,並追蹤歷年輔導的廠商改善產品設計現況;研提與我國環保標章連結之機制及相關配套措施;以及協助辦理組織學習活動及配合計畫相關的行政作業,提升計畫成效與品質。 The Special Project for Promoting Green Design in Industry and Resource Recycling This project's implementation period extends from March 13, 2014 to December 31, 2014. The main tasks include: (1) Promotion of work related to the Cradle to Cradle concept and drafting the promotional mechanisms; (2) Implementation of environmental education, organizational learning, and extension activities related to recycling; and (3) Assisting with administrative works for related projects. This project relies on a “Strategic Alliance”, “Knowledge Platform”, “Awareness and Promotion”, and “Drafting of Institutional Systems” to comply the integrated implementation of the Cradle to Cradle works, including two discussion conferences to jointly discuss the strategic alliance's development vision and learn green innovative design; interviews with 11 alliance members or potential members in order to track and understand members' situation of application about the Cradle to Cradle concept and recruit 10 companies to join the alliance and share Cradle-to-Cradle-related knowledge; the establishment of an updated, optimized knowledge platform website with integrated information and improved platform design in keeping with the Internet trends, which will enhance platform functions and usability; the implementation of three training sessions for seed lecturers, two roundtable discussions or interchange forums for experts, one product challenge, and the production of one 10-minute documentary video and 300 DVDs and 300 illustrated awareness booklets; participation in the "Eco-Products International Fair 2014," which uses various methods to publicize and promote the Cradle to Cradle concept; providing assistance to three companies performing Cradle to Cradle product design and life cycle environmental impact assessment, and tracking efforts made by companies had received assistance to improve product design; development of mechanisms and relevant accompanying measures related to the Taiwan Green Mark system; and providing of assistance with implementation of organizational learning activities and implementation of administrative procedures connected with the project in order to enhance effectiveness and quality. 103 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73874
103年度「臺北市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」 為確實掌握台北市地下水及土壤品質,本計畫主要執行台北市地下水及土壤調查工作。場置性監測井共9口,其中北投農地6口,內湖焚化廠2口及興隆國小1口,北投農地W-4及北投區清潔隊於豐、枯水期各採樣1次,其餘7口於枯水期採樣1次、特定區域土壤污染調查、加油站現場查核作業、法規宣導說明會、4處場址污染改善完成驗證、列管場址巡查工作及緊急應變等工作。調查結果顯示:一、場置性地下水質檢測結果,北投農地6口監測井(W1~W5及北投區清潔隊)超過地下水污染監測標準之污染物包括:氨氮、總有機碳、總溶解固體、硫酸鹽、總硬度、鐵、錳、砷等;其他3口場置性監測井常超過地下水污染監測標準之污染物包括:氨氮、鐵、錳等。上述之污染物並無新增項目,均為本計畫9口場置性監測井地下水歷次檢測中常見超過監測標準之污染物。二、30點特定區域土壤樣品均已採樣完成,文山區農地26個採樣點土壤重金屬皆未達土壤污染監測標準,北投農地4個採樣點中,S47、S49及S61的砷、S47和S61的銅均有超過土壤污染管測標準之情形。三、本計畫加油站現場查核結果,缺失均與陰極防蝕相關,包含無設置陰極防蝕或無設置陰極防蝕箱者共17家,有設置陰極防蝕但檢測結果陰極防蝕電位大於-850mV者共16家,共計33家。在測漏管功能測試的部分,松山機場加油站、台灣中油中央北路加油站及長夏內湖站等3站之測漏管有效深度不足(標準為50cm),大直橋加油站之測漏管有阻塞之虞;另長夏內湖站之FID測值有超出警戒值之情形,大業站、大直橋加油站則是於測漏管發現有浮油,但油氣值未超標。四、本計畫於103年1月至12月間針對各列管場址進行每個月至少巡查一次,巡查結果各列管場址均依預定進度執行污染改善工作,無發現異常情形。五、本計畫已舉辦3場次說明會,並至興隆、西湖、玉成、長春及新湖等5所國小辦理15堂教育宣導課程。 103 臺北市政府環境保護局 光宇工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81172
103-104年度環境保護產品驗證監督及追蹤管理專案工作計畫(第1年) 本計畫期藉由精進監督及追蹤環境保護產品制度、監督環境保護產品驗證作業,以及辦理環境保護產品查核及追蹤管理三大項工作,以確保核發環保標章公信力,彙整本年度的計畫重點及成果如下:研析5個先進國家環境(綠色)宣告指引內容,並研訂我國「環境宣告管理作業要點草案」;建置冒用環保標章處理程序,嚴格辦理冒用環保標章及廣告不實之情事,有效矯正廠商錯誤行為;召開3場次專家學者座談會,針對冒用環保標章、監督驗證作業、環境保護產品追蹤查核程序及環境宣告管理作業要點草案架構等主題進行研討,召開3場次廠商座談會共計252人參與,以鼓勵相關業者申請環保標章。完成建置驗證機構監督標準作業機制,監督驗證機構辦理驗審會及現場查核,並提出監督改善建議予驗證機構,協助2家驗證作業趨於一致性;蒐集分析環保標章制度與驗證機構滿意度問卷調查共211份,提供環保署政策推動及修正之參考,辦理2場次環境保護產品驗證機構驗審人員辦理法務教育訓練,達成學術與實務上之交流。建置環境保護產品後市場查核標準作業程序,抽樣檢驗環保標章產品400件,不符合比率為3%,不符合項目中以冷氣機塑膠件鉛含量不合格比例最高,建議明年度須加強控管;抽測非環保標章產品80件,市面上墨水匣揮發性有機物含量皆超出規格標準管制限值,建議修訂此項目之規格標準管制限值,今年度甫函頒第二類環保標章環境訴求評定基準,有助於提升第二類環境保護產品之數量,建議未來規劃可抽測第二類環境保護產品,以確保核發第二類環保標章公信力。 Certification and Monitoring Plan of Environmental Products Diligent oversight of this project and product tracking system for environmental protection, monitoring of environmental protection product verification operations, as well as apply for environmental goods checking and tracking management of the three items of work to ensure that the issuance of Green Mark credibility.With five National Environment Research and Analysis advanced declare the guidelines as a reference, complete set of research, "declared the draft environmental management work points" to guide enterprises to establish a credible environment are declared; build fraudulent Green Mark Handler, strictly handle fraudulent green Mark and advertising untrue circumstances, effective corrective manufacturers wrongdoing; held three sessions experts forum for fraudulent use of green Mark, supervision verification operations, environmental protection and environmental product declaration checking procedures to track management operations Highlights of the draft architecture and other topics will be discussed; handle north, central and southern three sessions totaling 252 participants vendor forum to encourage businesses to apply for environmental protection related marks, advocacy and labeled for use green Mark, reducing fraudulent cases, increase green market confidence.Build complete verification agency oversight standard operating mechanism, supervisory agencies for verification and on-site inspection trial will check and make recommendations for improvement to supervise certification bodies, assist two jobs tend to verify the consistency of, the proposed increase for next year quality system certification body check to better supervise the implementation effectiveness; collection and analysis system green Mark certification bodies satisfaction survey, compile the manufacturers recommend green Mark certification system of the system and provide EPA policy to promote and reference, as amended; for environmental protection product certification bodies mortem examination personnel, handling legal education and training, the implementation of green Mark certification authority to verify the work of the auditors to review the full participation of all reached on the exchange of academic and practical.After the build environment protection products on the market to check the standard operating procedures, including the production site and check places of selling management, product inspection sampling mechanism; sampling inspection Green Mark products 400, does not meet the ratio of 3%, the project does not conform to air conditioners plastic pieces of lead content failed highest proportion proposal next year to step up the Control Manager; 102 years compared to strictly apply environmental sampling discrepancies product vendors, manufacturers more emphasis this year for green Mark product quality control, and more Check out the necessity of the market appeared after work; sampling tests and non-environmentally friendly products 80 mark, as proposed amendments to the specifications, sampling tests on the market ink cartridges VOC control limits are exceeded specifications, for fear that end product specifications number zero the main reason, the proposed amendments to the specifications of the control limits of this project, this year just awarded a second class letter to apply for a job specification for environmental protection product, will help to improve the number of the second kind of environmental protection products, some suggestions for future planning and sampling I check the number of the second kind of environmental protection products, to facilitate the issuance of the second category in order to ensure the credibility of environmental protection product certification and consumer protection. 103 管考處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75421
103年度屏東縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 本計畫執行期間自103年1月3日至103年12月31日止,已完成全部工作項目,包含全部場址水文地質資料、場址周邊環境及歷年相關檢測資料彙整,兩次監測井維護保養作業,其中另進行20口井況評估作業,經維護後監測井狀況維持良好。枯、豐水期採樣作業,其中共有10口次因無水或損壞,經與環保局協商後不予採樣,共計完成117口次。水質檢測結果其中有川流加油站及新開寮地區地下水污染超過管制標準,皆為列管場址管制中。另於5月間完成配合檢測作業公司佳美公司及正修科大之QA/QC查核作業,整體品保內容經審員審查修正後據以執行。於2月份完成南北場址6口廢井作業。列管場址周邊調查於7~10月完成,皆未超過法規管制標準。查驗證作業共完成8場次,包含柚隆木業、順興企業社、中油里港站、麟信段444地號、中油潮州站、大同加油站、萬丹河堤旁廢油工廠,主要皆應因其可能有污染疑慮進場查證,其中萬丹河堤旁廢油工廠已確認土壤TPH及鋅污染,另完成新時金屬驗證作業,其結果並未通過。緊急應變作業進行7場民眾陳情污染調查,其中6場包含潮州鎮劉厝庄段984地號、鹽埔鄉振寓公司、萬丹鄉地勇公司、竹田鄉六巷段254地號、屏市新興段434地號、崁頂鄉頂孝段428地號,經調查確認無污染,另一場崁頂鄉港東段190地號,懷疑該地區地下水砷濃度偏高情形,後續協請環保署緊急應變計畫進行大面積調查。針對加油站已完成33家測漏管查核作業,其中發現中油里港加油站油氣濃度偏高,後續進場查證未有污染,亦針對稽查作業完成上下半年度查核與12家環保署查核之複查作業,主要缺失為保存資料不齊全等,經輔導後已改善完成。另配合行政作業部份,於3月26日分別針對工業區、底泥水體目的事業主管機關、加油站業者完成3場法規說明會,於5月30日完成第1場針對軍事單位之教育訓練研習會議,另於12月11日完成1場緊急應變演練作業,執行土壤及地下水污染防治宣導完成12場次共宣導近3千人次,另包含發布完成5篇新聞稿、14場次之技術服務諮詢;列管場址巡查完成449場次;1~12月環保署SGM資料庫維護更新以及建置完成一套「巡查通報管理系統」資料庫。 This project periods was from 2014/1/3 to 2014/12/31, has completed all works, including all site hydrogeological data and the surrounding environment-related test data aggregated over the years, the two times monitoring wells maintenance operations, which were 20 other well condition assessment, monitoring wells after maintenance to maintain good condition. Dry, wet period 117 times the sampling operation, water quality test results including groundwater contamination and Chuan-Liu and Xin-Kai-Laos region over control standards, are all in the control. The QA/QC checks with Jia-Mel Company and Zheng-Xiu HKUST's in May, after the overall content quality assurance review by the auditor to perform the correction, according to. On February 6 complete waste sites north and south well operations. Tube sites surrounding the completion of the investigation in July to October garnered over control standards and regulations. Check verification work completed eight sessions, including Yo-long wood, Shun-Hing business community, CPC Li-Gang station, Lin-Sin section to number 444, CPC Chao-Zhou stations, Datong gas stations,Wan-Dan embankment beside the oil factories, mainly all because of possible contamination concerns should approach verification, another verification completion of the Sin-Shin company, which Wan-Dan embankment beside the oil factory has confirmed TPH and Zn contaminated soil, has been tube procedures, Sin-Shin company were instructed not validated job supplement to improve operations. Emergency operations were seven pollution survey, which contains six sections Liu-Chuang-Chao section to No. 984, Yenpu Township Zhen-Yu companies, Wan-Dan Di-Yong company, Jhu-Tian Township Liu-Xiang section to No. 254, Pingtung City Sin-Sing section to number 434, Kanding Township Ding-Siao section to No 428, the survey confirmed that pollution, another Kanding Township Gang-Dong section to No. 190, after investigation of groundwater As concentrations in the region have high case, please follow the Association of environmental protection Department emergency plan to investigate.33 stations have been completed for the pipe leak check operations, which found high concentrations of oil and gas stations CPC Li-Gang, subsequent verification approach not contaminated, but also on the second half to complete the review and 12 to check for the EPA to check the audit work operations, mainly for the preservation of the missing information is not complete and so, after the completion of counseling has improved. Another part of the job with the administration, on March 26, respectively, for the industrial zone, the bottom mud body competent authority, gas station operators to complete three games regulations briefing, on May 30 to complete the first field of education for the training of military units learning Conference, the other on December 11 to handle an emergency drill field operations, the implementation of soil and groundwater pollution prevention advocacy advocacy completed a total of 12 sessions of nearly 3,000 people, and the other contains a press release issued to complete the 5, 14 sessions of technical Services consulting; tube site inspections completed 449 screenings; 1 to December EPA SGM database maintenance updates and build a complete "inspections notification management system" database. 103 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77938
事業廢水污染特性分析及管制措施研議計畫 環保署自99年起依據事業廢水水質特性調查結果,訂定高科技產業和石油化學產業放流水標準,本計畫追蹤放流水水質及放流水污染物削減管理計畫之執行情形與改善成效。另調查發電廠廢水水質特性,歸納美國聯邦環保署針對蒸汽發電廠放流水新增之管制規定,研提發電廠放流水標準加嚴標準;針對含氮物質運作事業和放流水具真色色度排放疑慮之事業進行水質調查分析,提出放流水標準氨氮管制建議優先序,及特定事業真色色度加嚴管制限值,此外,參考國外事業放流水標準管制方式,提出依水體水質或特定區域加嚴事業放流水標準管制建議。本計畫綜整國內外文獻與廢水水質調查結果,建立金屬基本工業和造紙業廢水管理指引,並完成石油化學業和化工業許可與指引比對和三場次指引教育訓練;另針對102年增訂水污染防制措施及檢測申報管理辦法中「逕流廢水污染削減管理」和「生物急毒性管理規定」部分,協助環保署累積逕流廢水和生物急毒性背景水質數據;此外,針對排放水量達一定規模以上事業,提出污泥減量管理規定建議。 The Study of Pollutant Characteristics of Industrial Wastewater and Pollution Control Measures Since 2010, based on a series of surveys on industrial wastewater characteristics, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has amended the Effluent Standards of high-technology industries and petrochemical industries. In this project, we traced the effluent quality of the two industries and the implementation of their Effluent Pollutant Elimination Management Plans. The second focus was to investigate the wastewater characteristics of steam electric power plant and conclude the new regulations of the Steam Electric Power Generating Effluent Guidelines drafted by the US EPA. The Effluent Standard drafts for steam electric power plant were proposed. Besides, this project was to assess the wastewater characteristics of industries using ammonia-bearing substances and with the discharge concern of true color. We suggested the priority of the Effluent Stnadard regulation for ammonia nitrogen and the strengthened limitation of true color for the specific industries. Besides, we considered the effluent standard of a variety of countries and proposed the suggestion of the strengthened limitation based on the receiving water quality or specific areas.For metal manufacturing industries and paper manufacturing industries, this project summarized the domestic and international literatures, as well as the relevant reports of wastewater characteristics to draft the “Industry Wastewater Management Guideline” of these two industries. Besides, we compared the requirements in “Petrochemical and Cheical Industry Wastewater Management Guideline” and the discharge permits of some industries to analyze the difference. We conducted three education and training courses of the finalized guidelines. For the run-off wastewater elimination and effluent acute toxicity control of the “Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management Regulations”, we accumulated the background data of industrial wastewater, run-off wastewater and effluent acute toxicity. In the project, we proposed the suggestion of sludge reduction management rule for the specific factories with the wastewater amount higher than some specific value. 103 水保處 財團法人中興工程顧問社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79718
103年度推動低碳永續家園之法律經濟與財稅工具行動項目規劃 本計畫為完備低碳永續家園認證評等制度,將針對10大運作機能各擇2項行動項目研析推動建構過程可運用之法律、經濟與財稅工具,並檢討與修正102年度研提之行動項目內容,以朝實務推動可行及符合專案登錄規範,修正成果將登載於環保署低碳永續家園資訊網,提供行動項目推動者執行之參考。 the legal, economic and fiscal tools of complement the low-carbon sustainable homes This project is prepared to complement the low-carbon sustainable homes rating system certification. For each of 10 operational functions, there have two actions plan in which will be analyzed to the legal, economic and fiscal tools while it will be promoted to build the low carbon homeland. Otherwise, this project will modified the action plan which has been proposed in 2013 to compliance with EPA low carbon sustainable homeland login specifications and toward to the practical feasibility. Each of corrected action plan will be posted on EPA low carbon sustainable homeland network for information provided. 103 綜計處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77515
103年環境教育研習工作坊專案工作計畫 為促進更多學者專家投入環境教育的工作,成為環境教育的種子教師,並藉由此研習會,提出更多與國家相關的環境教育發展方向與執行方式之意見,使我國的環境教育工作更能與先進國家接軌,也更能符合國人需要與永續發展之方向。 2014 Environmental Education Joint Workshop Through this workshop, EPA would inspire more scholars/experts to participate in environmental education as environmental educators. EPA expects the participants to provide more ideas and approaches for the environmental education in the future to link the local environmental education and the trend and to satisfy the need of the citizens and sustainable development in Taiwan. 103 綜計處 中華民國環境教育學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72071
建構寧適家園計畫-南區環境事故專業技術小組服務計畫 本年度計畫在建置南區環境事故專業技術小組,於台南轄區及高雄轄區各設一隊,每隊16人全天候維持至少3人以上值勤,全年無休依照委託單位指揮之毒性化學物質災害應變諮詢中心通報之事故執行趕赴現場應變處理、監測及採樣與善後復原工作;本年度轄區內毒化災事故到場應變共計有20件事故案例(含空氣污染事件3場次);其中事故轄區分佈為高雄市14件、台南市5件,本計畫已完成執行環境災害事故(含空氣污染事故)之災況訊息傳輸、化學品偵測、協助環境災害業者現場處理及若成立毒災應變中心時之整合協調、複合確認、接受報到與物資調配相關事宜;及環境事故現場環境監測工作包括:現場空氣污染物及毒化物相關檢測、採集、監測、氣象資料及毒化物容器危害熱影像監測等工作。另執行空氣污染事件模擬緊急出勤9場次,以符合和約規定並可與平時整備演訓數合併計算,模擬緊急出勤以使用新建置空污偵檢設備為主,並依空污環境偵檢作業程序執行模擬。在毒災預防整備方面:完成80場應變臨場輔導、完成無預警測試40場次、完成地方環保機關演習整訓6場次、完成環保署交付全動反恐與環境災害相關演習兵推41場次、完成協助地方環保機關審視毒災危害預防應變計畫234件次、完成12個月維護署撥器材清點與保養、完成毒災防救法規宣導及說明會10場次、完成全國分區動員研討及聯防小組組訓活動共4場次、完成國內環境事故應變技術及國際經驗交流2場次、完成專家及機關案例檢討交流會議1場次,並完成南部轄區內危害範圍與疏散避難區域分析報告提交予環保局作為縣市毒性化學物質災害防救業務計畫書修訂參考;並組成南區區域環境事故聯防應援隊2隊,完成毒災應援隊到場參加出勤、平常器材支援或防救災訓練等共計12場次,提供能力不足之發生災害事故之業者救災之協助。 Project for constructing a safe and comfortable homeland : The plan for the setup of southern enviro This project aimed to setup southern environmental incidents specialist teams with one team each in Kaohsiung area and Tainan area. Each team has 16 staffs with 3 staffs on duty at any time to provide round-clock on-scene emergency response actions, monitoring, analysis and recovery following the commands from Emergency Information Center for Toxic Substances. A total of 20 responded incidents in the jurisdiction area including 3 air pollution incidents. Among these incidents, 14 incidents occurred in Kaohsiung City and 5 incidents in Tainan City. This project completed the information communication, detection of chemicals, assisted the response actions for operating companies, and integration, coordination, confirmation, reporting, and materials sourcing for emergency response center. The work done on the monitoring and analysis for environmental incidents includes analysis of air pollutants and toxic chemicals, sampling, monitoring, weather information, and thermal hazard monitoring by infrared camera images. In addition, 9 simulated drills of air pollution incidents were done to meet contract requirement. The simulated drills aimed at using new air pollution monitoring equipment and following the environmental monitoring protocols. On the toxic incidents preparedness, 80 on-site visiting to operating facilities; 40 unannounced testing; 6 drills with local environmental bureaus; 41 EPA assigned drills on civilian mobilization, anti-terrorism, and environmental incidents; 234 reviews of toxic incidents hazard prevention and preparedness plans, and regular inspection and maintenance of EPA allocated equipment were completed. Also 10 workshops on toxic incidents code compliance, 4 workshops on mobilization and joint response team trainings, 2 workshops on national and international experience exchange of environmental incidents response technology, and 1 specialist and meeting on incident case studies were held. A report on the analysis of hazard potential and evacuation area for southern Taiwan was completed and handed to local environmental bureaus for updating the county/city government toxic incidents disaster prevention and response action plans. Finally, two supporting teams for environmental incident response were set up and participated in 12 incidents, drills, or trainings in supporting of other operating facilities with insufficient capabilities. 103 環管處 國立高雄第一科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81057
推動及帶動閱讀環保生態讀書風氣和推廣民眾生活空氣減污計畫 1.設立計畫網站,並開設部落格由5所大學學生及社會人士每月發表閱讀感想。年底召集所有讀書會成員舉辦心得分享座談會。2.至全國安排15場講座,宣導室內外生活空污減量及噪音相關問題。3.打造淨化室內空氣污染之示範教學場地,供民眾參訪學習。4.由專人藉由Facebook推廣,和民眾互動交流分享。 The project for promoting the environmental reading culture and reducing air pollution in daily life 1.Setting up blogs on the project website. Participator will post their reading reflection on the blogs monthly. At the end of the year, holding a public forum on book reviews.2.Holding 15 lectures about reduction of air pollution in daily life and noise issue.3.Maintaining a sample space of plants to reduce air pollution indoors. Public can visit here and learn some knowledge.4.Sharing reading reflection, activities, etc. and interacting with the public on Facebook. 103 空保處 財團法人環保媽媽環境保護基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76180
103年廢棄物清除處理機構許可管理專案工作計畫 本計畫主要工作重點為透過現場查訪以確實督促廢棄物處(清)理機構確實依廢棄物清理法及相關法令規定妥善處理事業廢棄物、進行處理機構容量檢核及設施量能分析、規劃並推動廢棄物清除處理機構許可及營運管理系統,並協助蒐集、分析與檢討相關管理制度以回饋修法參考等工作。此外,配合相關行政作業,以提升相關施政成效。本年度主要工作成果摘要說明如下:(一)廢棄物清除、處理機構查核輔導工作:完成廢棄物清除處理機構查核輔導工作標準作業程序(SOP)、5家清除機構與15家處理機構之查核輔導篩選建議名單以及深度查核輔導委員名單提報與核定,以及邀請業者完成行前說明會等工作。並完成5場次廢棄物清除機構現場查核輔導工作以及15家處理機構現場深度查核輔導作業,並提供輔導改善建議供參。此外,並完成輔導申設機構許可申請、協助輔導地方環保局上網填寫查核輔導資訊,以及完成污泥處理成本分析作業。(二)廢棄物清除處理機構許可及營運管理系統之維護與管理:完成系統功能架構及其相關內容(包括公開資料、申報作業、稽查查核、資料查詢、統計分析與資料維護等)、依產源及民眾、清除處理機構以及環保機關等分眾網頁架構及其相關內容、訂定系統管理規範及操作手冊等系統維護及管理工作,以及第一階段之查核輔導與各類查詢功能。並完成第二階段之清除處理機構各類許可申請表單製作、清除機構線上許可申請與審查功能、許可證線上填寫功能,以及環保署廢管處對於系統功能需求擴增之規劃,並持續辦理相關系統功能建置與開發之工作。此外,並完成監視系統(CCTV)連線監督可行性研析以及教育訓練。(三)廢棄物清除、處理機構管理制度分析與檢討:完成協助修訂「公民營廢棄物清除處理機構許可管理辦法」有關移動式處理設施運作管理以及掩埋場封閉後監測維護管理等條文草案,以及完成協助修訂「公民營廢棄物清除處理機構申請許可案件收費標準」草案,並完成蒐集彙整署內有關清除處理機構相關法規解釋函,編排成冊印製200份函送各(縣)市政府。(四)廢棄物處理機構容量檢核及設施量能分析:完成處理設施量能檢核及分析工作標準作業程序(SOP)、20家處理機構設施功能查驗篩選建議名單,以及邀請業者完成行前說明會等工作,並完成辦理20家廢棄物處理機構容量檢核及設施量能分析。以及完成調查分析公民營廢棄物處理機構掩埋場剩餘容積量、蒐集國內外處理機構處理後產生之產品性質、規格,以及受查機構產品數量、用途及去化等。(五)配合相關行政作業,提升相關施政成效:完成掃描、彙整歷年許可文件,建置電子文件資料庫,並完成辦理3場次全國座談會。此外,並配合廢管處指示,完成協助修訂「廢棄物及剩餘土石方清除機具處理設施或設備扣留作業辦法」(草案),協助完成辦理邀集環保局說明研商會,並依與會意見修訂草案,以及完成「廢棄物清除處理季刊」發行作業規劃報告。另原1場次業務檢討會奉承辦科指示不予辦理。 Waste Treating Permit Management in Public and Private Waste Clearance and Disposal Organizations, 2 This project aimed to inspect and verify the current operation of public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations to handle waste treatment properly. In addition to inspecting, this project investigated and collected the comments from those organizations experiencing dilemmas of operation due to the rigid regulations. Established the “Management of Waste Clearance and Disposal Information System” for a management tool and provided a platform for information exchange. Finally, it provided the policy proposals to improve the improper regulations. The achievements of this project in this year were as below:1.Conducted inspection and provide technical guidance for 20 public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations (included 5 for the waste clearance organization and 15 waste treatment organizations for deeply inspection in one-day-insitu-audition). It was to make sure that the public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations follow the Waste Disposal Act and other laws related to waste disposal.2.Established the “Management of Waste Clearance and Disposal Information System”, including public information, permit application, permit verification, online reporting, audition and inspection, information query, statistics and analysis, and system maintaining for users.3.Reviewed and revised the public and private waste clearance and treatment organization permit management regulations.4.Conducted the capacities analysis for 30 public and private waste treatment organizations. Investigated the landfill capacities and the specifications of products. 5.Held 3 meetings to advocate decrees and listen those organizations comments through discussion, and to assist them to solve the problems. There was one seminar did not be held due to instruct by EPA. 103 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81251
環境影響評估審查會議支援計畫 環保署為提昇環境影響評估書件審查品質及效率,自103年度起於環評審查會議前增加書面審查。此外,為因應最高行政法院於102年之120號判決理由,自102年度起,於一階環評審查時優先考量開發行為是否須進入二階環評,因此二階環評案件大幅增加。在會議辦理場次及相關會議資料處理數量大幅增加之情況下,本計畫主要工作目的為協助辦理環評相關審查會議,藉由蒐集、彙整及分析各次會議的相關意見,提供環評審查委員參考並掌握審查情形以延續前次會議之進行,並於會議結束後整理相關資料以製作會議紀錄,希冀提昇環評會議辦理效率及審查之品質。本計畫執行期間,支援辦理環評審查會議共約200場,協助審查會議之各項庶務行政事宜及審查意見與範疇界定結果之綜整分析,包含(1)完成72件開發行為歷次會議審查意見之蒐集及彙整,綜整各類別開發行為主要關切議題,針對要求補正事項進行分析,提出改善建議;(2)完成7件開發行為二階環評範疇界定結果之綜整分析,其中4件開發行為已完成範疇界定;(3)協助辦理66件開發行為之環評審查會議,其中已通過環評審查者有26件,經初審會議審查1次後即提環評審查委員會議審查之案件有11件;並協助完成225場會議核銷作業及144場會議紀錄製作等工作。 Project for Assistance on Holding Environmental Impact Assessment Review Meetings To improve the efficiency and quality of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) review, document review has been added into the EIA process since 2014. Besides, according to Judgment No. 120 by the Supreme Administrative Court in 2013, the EIA review committee should give priority to deciding if the development activities need to undergo the second stage procedure of EIA. Consequently, more and more development activities are obliged or volunteer to undergo the second phase EIA. To respond to the increasing number of EIA review meetings, the main objective of this project is to assist with holding the EIA meetings, collect and organize the comments of each meeting.During the operation period, this project assisted with holding around 200 meetings and completed the tasks as follows: (1) collecting and organizing the comments of 72 development activities and 35 scoping meetings, (2) writing off receipts of 225 meetings, and (3) taking the minutes of 144 meetings. 103 綜計處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73062
103年度健全事業廢棄物申報資料與流向管制工作專案計畫 本計畫年度執行成果包括:輔導未上網申報及未檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書送審之事業共8,478家次(4,552家)事業之清查工作,完成解除列管檢核事業共計7,700家,共138家變更解除列管條件。透過前述作業,本計畫執行期間上網申報率已達97%,而應檢具清理計畫書之送審率達98%、通過率97%。針對事業廢棄物流向追蹤勾稽部分,共計完成約28,549家,專案性勾稽部分共成立33個勾稽專案提報。爲了統合事業廢棄物清理計畫書之審查作業及提升填報品質,已完成10大類行業別(中類與細類)事業廢棄物清理計畫書參考例、「原物料、產品與廢棄物對應關聯表(含製造流程、單元)」及審查參考作業手冊。而在事業廢棄物清理計畫書檢視作業部分,已完成共計5,274家事業,並移交派駐人員後續追蹤輔導。本計畫推動成效可歸納為:1.有效提昇申報品質及有害事業廢棄物應報而未報之追蹤,並加強區域性之勾稽管理;2.健全事業廢棄物管制系統資料庫之基本資料之完整性及正確性;3.專業專職技術派駐人員,提高縣市環保單位業務執行能量。 103 廢管處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=79562
海洋污染防治管理系統支援暨維運整合計畫 海洋污染防治管理系統已納入過去幾年環保署海洋污染防治管理業務相關成果,對於海洋污染之空間與屬性資訊掌握,已有相當成效。本年度將透過擴建地理資訊系統(GIS),整合相關環境空間資訊與應變資源,直觀提供決策管理者所需之應變資源,以利緊急應變調度所需。本計畫今年度主要計畫目標為地理資訊系統之功能擴充,整合環境空間資訊與應變資材能量,強化系統整體運作效能,進而提升海洋污染事件通報與應變處理能力。地理資訊系統主要整合緊急應變所需之污染事件、環境敏感區位圖層、油及化學品模擬結果、應變單位以及資材儲存場所之空間點位與屬性資料,並結合海域水質監測資料分析查詢功能、海氣象資料等環境資訊;此外,本計畫亦建置海洋污染行動管理APP,提供即時通報污染事件、即時查詢地理資訊圖台之鄰近環境敏感圖層與應變資材等功能,達到即時應變之目的。為強化海污系統之決策分析管理服務,針對緊急應變所需之相關管理文件,本系統已建置各應變階段之事件記錄功能,提供智慧型圖文報表產製,可有系統的彙整各應變歷程,並透過彙整研析國內外重大海洋污染事件緊急應變案例,供後續指揮官之決策參考依據。除此之外,本年度假法國Cedre中心辦理103年度海洋油及化學品污染應變人力養成訓練,計有24名學員參加,藉以協助我國海洋污染應變各單位人員汲取國外先進經驗,促進我國海洋污染應變專業知識與應變技術之提升。 MARINE POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SUPPORT AND MAINTANCE INTEGRATION PROJECT Marine pollution prevention system which has great results in the command of spatial and property information pertaining to marine pollution has been included in the related achievements of marine pollution prevention affairs of Environmental Protection Administration over the past few years. This year, related environmental space information and response resources will be integrated to directly provide policy managers with required response resources to facilitate emergency response by expanding geographic information system (GIS).The chief objective of this year's project is to expand the function of GIS, integrate environmental space information and response materials, equipment, and capacity, strengthen the entire operation efficiency of the system, and further improve marine pollution incident reporting and response abilities. GIS mainly integrates pollution incidents, layers of environmental sensitive areas, simulate results of oil and chemicals, response units and the space and property information of material and equipment storage locations required for emergency response, and it combines with analysis and check functions of sea water quality monitoring information, marine meteorology information, and other environmental information. Moreover, the project has established mobile marine pollution management APP to timely report pollution incidents and to inspect the adjacent environmental sensitive layers of geographic information maps, and response materials and equipment to reach the goal of prompt response.To strengthen the policy analysis and management service of the marine pollution system, the system has established an incident recording function for each response stage and provides the smart production and manufacturing of picture-word report forms which systematically organize each response process in the light of related management documents for emergency response. In addition, the study organized and analyzed emergency response cases of major marine pollution incidents home and abroad to serve as references for future commanders in making policies.Furthermore, response personnel training for the pollution of marine gasoline and chemicals of 2014 was held in Cedre Center in France with 24 participants to assist Taiwan's marine pollution response personnel to obtain advanced experience from other countries and to enhance professional knowledge and response techniques for marine pollution. 103 水保處 環輿科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=77595
彰化縣103年環保知識挑戰擂台賽計畫 一、參賽組別:區分為國小組、國中組、高中(職)組及成人組等4場次比賽。二、活動方式:採淘汰賽及驟死賽方式辦理。(一)淘汰賽採筆試方式辦理,以2B鉛筆電腦答案卡作答,題目共80題,筆試時間40分鐘,皆為4選1單選,答錯不倒扣。(二)現場公布進入驟死賽名單,各組取分數前20%名額進入驟死賽。(三)驟死賽以舉牌方式答題,競賽試題以「選擇題」4選1的方式作答,每位參賽者桌上有選項1至選項4之四面牌子,參賽者以舉牌方式答題,採單題答錯即淘汰方式進行。(四)驟死賽次數無限制比賽次數,直至選出前10名並分出名次為止(名次依序為特優、優等、甲等、佳作,各錄取名額依序為特優1名、優等2名、甲等2名、排名第6至10名者列為佳作)。三、獎勵:各組特優、優等、甲等、佳作(前10名)者,頒發獎狀及禮券2,000元,另各組特優可獲得平板電腦1台。計 畫 成 效一、經由競賽方式激發全縣學生及民眾對環保之興趣,能經常使用行政院環境保護署「環境E學院」網站,建立正確的環保知識。二、提升全縣學生及民眾對環境保護的意識,正向影響家人朋友,將環保落實於日常生活中。三、選出各組前10名優勝者參加全國決賽,持續帶動學生教師及社區家長關注環境保護議題,提升社區整體環保知能及實踐力。 103 彰化縣環境保護局 京丞資源國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/FileDownload.aspx?fid=75951
遙測科技應用於公害糾紛處理專案工作計畫 臺灣社會由農業型態轉變為工業化的過程中,雖創造了經濟奇蹟,但所付出的代價卻是生活環境品質遭受破壞及污染,近年來隨著人民教育水準的提升以及環保意識的高漲,因環境污染所造成的公害問題成為與大眾息息相關且令人關注的議題,而政府歷年來也致力於環境污染防制科技的推動以及相關法令規章的訂定與實施,希望能夠預防以及杜絕污染事件,但是突發性的重大公害污染仍時有所聞,影響社會大眾及政府甚鉅。本計畫是運用福衛二號、法國SPOT-5衛星以及應用無人飛行載具系統、地面光達(LiDAR)等遙測儀器進行公害污染監測調查。目標為建置遙測科技應用於環境監測調查,並協助公害調查蒐證使用,以有效釐清污染環境責任,及協助損害評估,輔助公害糾紛處理,消弭公害紛爭。 The application of Remote Sensing Technologies to Environmental Protection and Public Dispute Eviden Over the past decades, Taiwan has gone through the transformation from agriculture basis to industrialized society. Pollution and vandalism beyond the growing economy have drawn public’s attention to the importance of environmentally friendly. The public pollution and the damages it had brought to the environment have led to some critical issues nowadays for the government to keep an eye on. Policies and regulations have been made and announced by the official authority accordingly. The Taiwanese government has promoted the environmental protection technology over past years to prevent the occurrence of pollution and to suspend such cases for happening. Nonetheless, sudden major public pollution still appears from time to time and causes damages to the public society. This project aims at applying satellite imagery from FORMOSAT-2 and SPOT-5, as well as images from Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) and LiDAR to monitor public pollution. The goals of this project is to plan and build applications on remote sensing technology for the benefit of environmental investigation. The imagery data can also be used as proofs for public polluted investigations and references to clarify the accountability on the damages. In addition, the data can also assist the damage assessment. 103 管考處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=76466
強化事業廢棄物再利用管理制度計畫 本計畫今年度執行重點分為4大面向:事業廢棄物再利用政策制度研析與相關法規修訂:分析國內外事業廢棄物再利用之執行措施及成效,提出管理制度問題說明、分析及因應對策。協助辦理環保署事業廢棄物再利用管理辦法草案公聽研商會,提出草案修正版本。研擬「事前保全,事後保全」的財務保證、債權保全及假扣押制度,並提供修法建議,以推動再利用之財務保證制度。執行事業廢棄物再利用相關管理措施:更新環保署「事業廢棄物再利用管理參考手冊」,並彙整完成75項公告/附表及許可廢棄物再利用之運作管理參考資料。完成再利用技術審議規範,可供技術審查委員及審查機關參考使用。另辦理6場專家學者諮詢會議,以提升本計畫對再利用管理規劃的實用性,促使制度規劃更為完善。維護資源再利用管理資訊系統:資源再利用管理資訊系統係用於管理再利用機構之主要工具,除針對基本功能進行維護外,亦比照各部會相關再利用系統既有功能進行新增建置。成立再利用管理團隊辦理再利用案件審查、追蹤、管理工作:於環保署旁設立獨立辦公室,今年共計辦理審查3件再利用許可,並透過每月例行性的資源化產品營運紀錄申報資料勾稽工作,協助輔導再利用機構依法進行再利用或函請環保局加強查察再利用運作情形。 Project of Reinforcement on Industrial Waste Reuse There were four key tasks in this year’s project:Research and analysis of policies and systems of industrial waste reuse, and amendments of relevant laws and regulations: After analyzing the execution plans and effectiveness of industrial waste reuse in Taiwan and other countries, we explained the problems of the management systems in Taiwan, and proposed measures to deal with these problems. We also assisted the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in holding public hearings on the draft of the “Measures for Management of Reuse of Industrial Waste”, and proposed amendments to the draft. The system of financial guarantee, protection of creditor rights, and provisional attachments that reflect the spirit of “Prior Security and Post Security” was developed and the recommendations on amending laws and regulations were made to promote the financial guarantee system of industrial waste reuse.Execution of relevant management measures of industrial waste reuse: The “Manual on Industrial Waste Reuse Management” published by the EPA was updated, and the reuse management methods of 71 different industrial wastes from different agencies were compiled. The technical evaluation standards for industrial waste reuse were completed to serve as reference for technical evaluation committee members and evaluation agencies. To improve the related policies and plans, six advisory meetings of experts and scholars were held to promote the practicality of this project in terms of the planning of industrial waste reuse management.The maintenance of information systems of resource reuse management: The information system of resource reuse management is the main tool for agencies to manage resource reuse. In addition to maintaining basic functions, new functions were added to the information system to incorporate the existing functions of each agency’s resource reuse information system.The establishment of an industrial waste reuse management team responsible for the evaluation, monitoring and management of industrial waste reuse cases: An independent office was established next to the EPA to evaluate three applications for permits for industrial waste reuse. Through the management records of resourcezation of products that were filed and audited monthly, we provided assistance to agencies responsible for industrial waste reuse, according to the relevant laws, or sent letters to request the EPA to reinforce its inspection of the operation of industrial waste reuse. 103 廢管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80296
103年推動廢棄物非法棄置案件管理策略行動計畫 本計畫除持續辦理場址清查核對、修訂作業程序或規範及提昇IDMS系統功能外,並配合資源循環利用法(草案)立法,協助訂定非法棄置案件場址之善良管理人注意義務認定準則;為因應緊急事故,減輕污染危害或避免污染擴大,協助訂定非法棄置案件場址之啟動緊急應變及應採取必要措施辦法;探討建立非法棄置案件場址危害等級及排序機制。場址清查部分,截至103年4月30日止,IDMS系統共計列管案件420處,其中有202處解除列管,218處為持續列管場址。本計畫自IDMS系統持續列管218處場址中,以新增且尚列管場址為清查標的(即排除由原系統移列258處場址),並以近年重要棄置案件(棄置桶裝、污泥)為清查標的,共計執行場址勘查61處,逐場址製作勘查紀錄表、大事紀要、系統勘誤表、估算清理經費等,並於103年11月拜會各環保局,以釐清場址清理及行政查處進度。資源循環利用法(草案)配套措施部分,本計畫以「污染土地關係人之善良管理人注意義務認定準則」為藍本,並參酌環保署98年7月8日環署廢字第0980059664號函釋,研擬「土地所有人、管理人或使用人之善良管理人注意義務認定準則(草案)」。為減輕污染危害或避免污染擴大,資源循環利用法(草案)第105條第3項參考土壤及地下水污染整治法第15條規定,增加因應緊急事故應採取之必要措施。本計畫參考歷年非法棄置案件及相關環境法案條文,擬定為因應緊急事故之必要措施啟動條件及「非法棄置廢棄物事件緊急應變必要措施作業程序」。此外,以HRS系統危害等級評定制度為發展架構,並配合IDMS系統現行列管運作方式,建立場址等級評定及排序機制,並應用於清查場址排序,將臺中市第288號場址、臺南市第385號場址、第353號場址,雲林縣第429號場址等4處場址列為優先清理序位。另本計畫完成「私有土地遭棄置廢棄物清理作業程序(修正草案)」及「廢棄物非法棄置案件追蹤列管及解除列管原則(修正草案)」,提供顧問及法律諮詢服務(包括提供法律意見書)32件,協助彙處監察院查復資料,出席會議或簡報4場次,並配合執行養鴨場現勘18場次。 FY 2014 Promoting Strategy and Action Plan of Illegal Waste Disposal Case Management This year, the project continued on cleanup site verification, procedure revisions, and IDMS enhancement. It also helped regulate the list of responsibilities for a site owner. With respect to the emergency responses for minimizing the accidental pollution, the project established the procedures of initiating emergency responses for illegal disposal events. The project also established the ranking and the ranking mechanism for the illegal disposal site classification.With respect to the site cleanups, up to April 30th, 2014, there were 420 listed site in the IDMS. 202 out of the 420 sites were delisted later and 218 of them were still in the list. Within the 218 sites, 61 of the newly listed sites, which included abandoned barrels and sludge, were visited and the site visit records, site history, system errors, and cleanup cost estimates were conducted. In November, 2014, the related local environmental protection bureaus were visited to verify the progress of the cleanup and administrative measures.As for the peripherals of the Resource Recycling and Reuse Law (Draft), the project drafted the necessary responsibilities of a site owner into law. In order to diminish the pollution, the Law added the response measures of an emergency reaction. The project referenced the past cases and the related environmental regulations to draft the measures. Besides, it also established the site ranking and ranking mechanism based on the HRS classification and IDMS operations. The system has been applied on the No. 228 site in Taichung, the No. 385 site in Tainan, the No. 353 site in Tainan, and the No. 429 site in Yuenlin County.In addition, this project also drafted 2 regulations regarding cleanup operation procedure for private lands and enlisting and delisting of illegal waste disposal cases. 32 consultation and legal services were provided. 4 attendances of information reply, meeting attendance, and presentation requested by the Control Yuan. 18 duck farm visits were conducted. 103 廢管處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75208
推動低碳清運及生質燃料垃圾車引進配套規劃專案計畫 為能持續過去年度老舊垃圾車汰換成效,本計畫將持續協助各縣市汰換老舊垃圾車並優先鼓勵換購低碳垃圾車,同時針對低碳垃圾車辦理效益評估並評估未來低碳垃圾車推動方向,以能達成持續汰換老舊垃圾清運機具,維持垃圾清運品質與效率,同時達成推動低碳垃圾清運與降低垃圾清運油耗之目標。 Project of promoting low carbon clearance and planning complementary measures on introducing biofuel In order to maintain the effectiveness of replacing refuse collection vehicles in the past years, this project will assist local governments to renew their refuse collection vehicles and encourage the redemption of low carbon refuse collection vehicles.Considering the benefit assessment of low carbon collection vehicles, we will assess the directions of promoting low carbon collection vehicles in the future, so as to achieve sustainable renewal of refuse trucks, maintain the quality and efficiency of refuse collection, as well as promote low carbon refuse collection and reduce fuel consumption of waste collection. 103 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81567
環境資源類政府出版品特展專案工作計畫 本計畫之目標為藉由「環境資源類政府出版品特展」提升民眾對於環境資源之認識,並傳達與環境資源相關之「氣、林、土、水」四大元素,透過整合國內相關公部門之出版品進行展出,預計募集豐富環境資源出版品規劃本次展覽,以特展辦理與民互動,鼓勵民眾由出版品中認識環境,進而培養環境保護的觀念。本次活動於103年11月21日至103年11月23日在華山1914文創產業園區四連棟CD館舉行,共計27個機關團體及出版業者參與,展出共計超過700件出版品,三天共計3,864人次參與。特展於開展時規劃開展儀式,並邀請署長及各相關單位長官們一同舉行啟動儀式;更於特展連續三天中安排接連六場的名人分享會,邀請知名講者從音樂、旅行、生活等角度結合環保,引領現場民眾從不同的角度得知環境保護的知識及豐富性。為使特展更加生動有趣,特別推出天天抽平板、打卡或購書可免費換咖啡等活動,吸引大量民眾一同共享盛舉;並於閉展時規劃傳愛到偏鄉的活動,邀請各單位一同將書籍贈送給偏遠小學,為活動劃下完美的句點。 Government Publication of environment resource category exhibition Through the “Government Publications On Environmental Resources Expo”, we aim to enhance public understanding of environmental resources and increase public awareness of “Air, Woods, Soil & Water”, which are the 4 most important environmental resources elements. By exhibiting a vast collection of integrated environmental resources relevant publications from different government departments to interact with the public, we hope to encourage people to be more aware of environmental protection issues by further understanding the environment. The event was held from the 21st to the 23rd of November, 2014 in Halls C & D of the Huashan 1914 Creative Park. With 27 participant organizations and publishers, over 700 publication exhibits, we achieved a total of 3,864 vistors.An opening ceremony was held with the participation of the Minister and relevant senior officers. Throughout the 3 days, we also arranged 6 celebrity events sharing environmental protection topics combined with music, traveling, lifestyle and etc., leading the audience to see and learn about environment protection through different aspects.Promotion events were arranged to make the expo more vivid, such as daily tablet PC giveaways, compliment coffees for book purchases or Facebook check-ins, which successfully stimulated considerable audience participation. A charity book donation event for elementary schools in remote parts inviting all was held at the closing of the expo, giving the entire expo a meaningful and perfect ending. 103 綜計處 新視紀整合行銷傳播股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75541
推動化學物質登錄審查管理專案計畫 本計畫配合我國環保署毒性化學物質管理法之修訂,強化我國源頭管制之機制為主軸,參考國際源頭登錄法規之管理精神,規劃設計化學品源頭登錄之流程架構、資訊項目、運作模式及發展配套指引,開發建置化學品源頭管制之相關登錄工具系統與平台,並配合主辦單位因應毒性化學物質管理法之正式實施,協助研擬登錄管理辦法以及相關配套措施,為主辦單位後續推動化學品源頭登錄奠定實質基礎,並加強擴大與利害關係人之溝通。依據計畫書之規劃,目前執行進度符合計畫書規定,已研提毒管法部分條文修正之授權增修相關子法內容,產出相關登錄管理辦法以及附表表單七式,其中包含初步新化學物質登錄作業指引架構,內容涵蓋登錄流程、各類別資訊繳交級距規劃與資訊繳交項目規格、豁免排除條件以及建議測試方法,並完成特殊登錄類別建議表單、登錄碼編碼建議規則以及定期申報規劃等指引與相關文件。同時配合毒管法子法內容規劃既有化學物質分階段登錄運作流程建議,與第二階段共同登錄機制規劃建議,並完成第一階段登錄作業指引與相關工具規劃設計,同時包含登錄人連結規劃、優先化篩選流程規劃、標準登錄國際接收規劃等配套措施研擬文件。此外,配合我國毒管法登錄機制,完成新化學物質與既有化學物質登錄系統平台與工具之建置,產出整合各登錄需求之「化學物質登錄平台」,內容包含新化學物質以及既有化學物質之檔案上傳與登錄功能、線上收費管道、定期申報介面及管理端審查平台,並完成登錄工具「CHEMIST」,提供登錄人進行化學物質資訊數據之填報與測試報告附件上傳等功能。本計畫亦延續往年國際交流管道,持續蒐集國際間源頭管理趨勢與現況資訊,提供聯合國SAICM國家化學物質管理策略。並完成辦理20場廠商與3場主管機關之系統說明會,提供實際進行登錄制度可能面臨之系統以及工具介面與功能之操作解說;以及4場大型法規宣導說明會提供廠商化學物質登錄發展政策之宣導,提升利害關係人對於化學品危害管理之認識,並同步收集各界之建議與問題持續進行登錄架構規範以及系統工具之調整,同時彙整相關問題提供回覆以促進法規實施的推動,落實延伸保護環境之企業責任。建議本計畫相關成果應配合登錄管理辦法公告實施正式版本做必要之調整與更新,以確保支援毒管法登錄制度的順利開展實施。 Implementation plan of Chemical Substances Registration and Management Responding to amendments to the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act(TCSCA)proposed by the EPA to further strengthen schemes of source control, this project proposed workflows, information requirements, operation models, and guidances of chemical source control and registration, based on the spirit of internal chemical source control and management. Relevant supporting IT tools and platforms were established. Followed by the official enforcement of the TCSCA, this project provided assistance in drafting management provisions governing registration and related compliance measures that prepared a firm ground for future chemical source control registration and facilitate communication with stakeholders. According to the schedule planned, this project the punctually proposed sub-ordinance content authorized by the amendment of the TCSCA. This covered the regulations of registration management and relevant appendixes. A preliminary frame of new chemical registration guidance was provided, including process of registration, information requirement by quantity bands, criteria of exemption, and suggested testing methods. Also guidance and document relating to forms for special category registration, rules for registration serial numbers, and periodic report were suggested. To back sub-ordinance of the TCSCA, workflow of phased registration for existing chemical substances, and scheme designed for phase-2 joint registration were suggested. Also guidance and tools devised for phase 1 registration were completed. This covered program of registrants’ connection, workflow of substance prioritization, international data exchange under standard registration, as well as other compliance measures. Besides, to smooth registration process, a consolidated platform that performed all function of registration, “Chemical Substances Registration Platform” was built. The functions included new and existing chemical registration and dossier upload, online payment service, a portal page for periodic report, and a backstage for managerial evaluation. In addition, a chemical information system and tool, CHEMIST was provided for registrants to report chemical testing data and upload attachments.This project continued international information exchange, and collecting information on current and future trends of international source control management. Information on WTO SAICM development was also provided. twenty IT system operation seminars and 3 train-the-trainer workshops were delivered for industries introducing IT tools with possible aspects that they may face in system handling. Three national policy promotion conferences were held to ensure stakeholders understanding of chemical hazards control and registration development. Meanwhile opinions and views of stakeholders were taken into account the improvement process of registration framework and supporting system tools. Analysis based on opinions and questions collected was provided as a feedback to industry, which helped implement regulation and foster responsible business practices. It is recommended to update all technical guidances and supporting installation developed in this project to comply with the official version of registration regulations for proper implementation. 103 環管處 財團法人安全衛生技術中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80304
103年兩岸病媒防治服務業及環境用藥管理交流計畫 由於病媒防治是特殊的服務業,雙方必須經由技術認證循平等互惠、循序漸進的原則,因而建立兩岸病媒防治環保服務業資訊交流平臺。已完成之工作內容如下:一、調查病媒防治業進入兩岸市場的投資障礙、困境,提出建議對策。二、蒐集大陸地區病媒防治相關管理法規(含中央、地方之法令規定),並與臺灣法規對照及進行分析比較,並隨時更新。三、瞭解大陸地區病媒防治投資趨勢分析,相關交流活動資訊、活動成果及心得,分享於交流平臺。四、協助有意前往大陸投資、工作之病媒防治公司登記及技術人員證照培訓之諮詢及解決現有問題。五、辦理兩岸人員交流,實際瞭解大陸地區病媒防治管理現況。六、相關資訊上傳至交流平臺,設專責人員執行資訊系統。有鑑於此,已完成上傳產業資訊24則、專題介紹8則,完成辦理2場工作檢討會及1場次國際研討會,完成組團前往大陸廣州深圳、北京及蘇州昆山之參訪活動。本年度已有四家廠商分別前往大陸地區登記公司或進行雙方實際合作活動。 Studies in the information exchange of PCO and EAC services of both sieds of Cross-Strait. Because pest management industry is a special technical service which must be approved by governments according to equal and mutual-beneficial principles, the Cross-Strait information exchange platforms of pest management industry should be established. Therefore, these studies were carried out as following:1.This study surveyed the obstacles and difficulties in the development of pet management industry in Cross-Strait market, and then proposed some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions against the problems. 2.This project collected and updated the related regulations of pest management industry (including decrees of both federal and local government), and then compared the differences of these regulations between Taiwan and mainland China.3.This investigation analyzed the investment trends of pest management industry in mainland China and Taiwan, and also shared information and reflections of activities on information exchange platforms.4.We assisted the pest management enterprises that intend to invest or work in the mainland China in company registration while provided consulting for either licenses obtaining or problems solving.5.This project organized the Cross-strait information exchange activities and understand the current situations of pest management industry.6.This study uploaded the relevant information to the exchange platform and assigned the exclusive personnel for managing information system.Thus, 24 industrial information and 8 lecture articles have been uploaded through the information exchanges platform. Moreover, we have held two workshops and one international conference of pest management industry, and have organized the delegation to visit Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Peijing and Suzhou in Mainland China. Until now, there have been 4 companies either registered or started their business in China. 103 環管處 工業技術研究院 綠能與環境研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=80126
103年參與亞太經濟合作(APEC)海洋及漁業工作小組專案工作計畫 我國將自費辦理2015年第16屆亞太經濟合作組織企業/私人部門參與海洋永續性圓桌會議之計畫。本計畫已於2014年9月23-25日在台南舉辦第15屆亞太經濟合作(APEC)企業/私人部門參與海洋環境永續性圓桌會議。此外,本計畫亦完成APEC Bulletin on Marine Resource Conservation and Fisheries第16卷期刊初稿,並已完成網路維護等工作。 The Project on the Involvement of APEC Marine and Fisheries Working Group -2014 This project was implemented in response to the Declaration and the Plan of Action of the Ocean-related Ministers of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) on the promotion of partnership between the public and private sectors. The principal investigator of this project attended the 3st APEC Ocean and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG) meeting on May 9-12, 2014, in Qingdao, China. In the meeting, the summary of the14th APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector held in 2013 was presented. The project proposal for the 16th APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector in 2015 was also put forward and endorsed by the OFWG at the meeting. Furthermore, the 15th APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector has been held in Tainan on September 23-25, 2014. In addition, Volume XVI Issues I of the APEC Bulletin on Marine Resource Conservation and Fisheries and the project web pages have been completed to fulfill the requirements of the project. 103 永續發展室 國立臺灣海洋大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=78745
「近鄰低頻噪音及振動之調查及改善措施研究」專案研究計畫 國內住宅密集近鄰活動所產生出噪音及振動嚴重影響住戶日常生活品質,若能針對低頻噪音及振動的發生機制進行探討,以及瞭解民眾對於低頻噪音及振動的感受度,將有助於相關法規的訂定並提高國內民眾的生活品質。國內目前噪音管制標準(低頻噪音)主要管制對象為空氣音所產生之低頻噪音,未涵蓋「結構音」所衍生之低頻噪音範圍。本研究彙整國外振動量測或評估方法,所提出之振動建議值及適用範圍不盡相同,於振動建議值多著重在交通運輸以及建設活動方面,且多數國家依據ISO2631-2訂定振動的相關建議值及評估方法。為與國際趨勢一致,我國振動量測方法及標準之訂定可朝此方向研訂。本研究於低頻噪音陳情案件研究結果發現,主要低頻音來源為結構振動所引起之結構噪音,結合人體實驗調查結果得知振動量大於52dB,人體會感受到振動與噪音,而陳情案的振動值大多超過52dB,兩者之調查結果大致相符。後續研究可依此振動值作為參考基準,進一步收集更多陳情案例與人體試驗結果,確認振動管制值的基準及相關管制方法,以使國人生活品質進一步提升。 Investigation of neiborhood low-frequency noise and vibration and research projet for improvement me Because the building desity is getting higher, the activities in the neighborhood causes low frequency noise and vibration and affects daily life greatly. Therefore, if the mechanism of low noise and vibration and their correlation with the perception of the general public is understood, then, it will help the establishment of the related regulation on vibration and improve the quality of living of the general public. The current low frequency noise regulations only regulate low frequency air-borne noise, the low frequency noise generated by structure-borne mechanism is not included.First, the literature on the low frequency and vibration measurement methods and regulations are reviewed worldwide. The vibration laws in foreign countries targets construction activities and traffic systems, and mostly uses ISO2631-2 as their guideline for vibration measurement, Therefore, this ISO standard can also be used as a guideline as our measurement standard for vibration.And in this project, as the complaint cases of low frequency noise gathered, it is found that it is predominately caused by vibration. And together with the jury tests in the laboratory, we found that 52dB is the threshold of feeling of both noise and vibration, and this is inline with the the complaint cases that in most cases vibration exceeds 52dB. Therefore, in future project, more complaint cases will be collected and more jury test will be conducted to help setting up the vibration limits and its regulation, and hopefully to improve the quality of our daily life. 103 空保處 國立臺灣海洋大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=81970