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歐盟建築能源效能與台灣建築節能法令體系之比較評析計畫 地球暖化議題日益嚴重,環境保護、節能已被視為當前重要的課題,近幾年歐盟視建築節能政策為永續環境政策最重要的一環,歐洲議會呼籲更多公共投資投入建築物的能源效能,並有意推動於2019年達到零能源消耗建築。為了達成京都議定書在2020年降低溫室氣體排放量20%的目標,歐盟在建築節能的領域裡,頒布實施「建築能源效能指令」(EBPD),台灣在國際能源危機與永續環境之壓力下,我政府近年也大力推動「綠建築政策」,為了改善我國在建築能源效率上之缺失,歐洲議會的建築能源效能指令EPBD的經驗乃是最值得我國借鏡的典範。本研究即針對此最新建築能源效能EPBD指令進行研究,同時為了能擷取其優點落實於我國的建築節能政策,針對推動節能成績斐然的德國建築節能體制,本研究也一併進行深入彙整分析,對台灣建築節能法令體系與歐盟EPBD的比較研究,同時探討我國推行EPBD系統的可行性研究。 The survey of Energy Performance of Buildings Directive(EPBD)comparison with building energy saving Global warming is an important issue in the world, how to improvement the Earth's environment system and ecology are emergency topics. In 2006 the European applying more stringent standards to new buildings and renovations will enable the EU to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and realize an energy saving potential of more than 20 percent by 2020. This will be a considerable contribution towards meeting the Kyoto targets. The research of Energy Performance of Buildings Directive(EPBD)- The Implementation of the Building Directive delves into how the European Union is planning to tackle climate change and meet the Kyoto requirements through the introduction of energy savings measures and rigorous requirements for buildings. In order to improve buildings energy efficiency use in Taiwan. We referral the Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD), has been intended to increase awareness of energy use in buildings and result in a substantial increase in investments in energy efficiency measures,. It discusses the various energy efficiency initiatives currently in focus in the EU, with a specific emphasis on the implementation of the EPBD and how it will affect business in the future for Taiwan. 098 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16113
公告指定小量繳費責任業者營業(進口)量相關帳籍憑證輔導查核計畫-南區 辦理公告指定已登記容器類南區小量繳費責任業者營業(進口)量相關帳籍憑證查核作業,並宣導資源回收相關政策及輔導責任業者誠實申報繳費. Southern Specified Enterprises of small fees with the Guidance and Examination Project of related operation/Importation bookkeeping. Southern Specified Enterprises of small fees with the Guidance and Examination Project of related operation/Importation bookkeeping. 098 基管會 聯逸會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=22416
全國環境用藥與毒性化學物質管理(含運送即時追蹤)應用資訊系統推動計畫 「全國環境用藥與毒性化學物質管理(含運送即時追蹤)應用資訊系統推動計畫」今年達成的主要目標有:1.整合毒災救援資訊及地理空間技術,擴大系統應用廣度;2.推動毒性化學物質運送車輛裝設即時追蹤系統(GPS),落實運作與管理整合工作;3.規劃多元管理機制及功能,提昇服務水準及系統永續經營;4.協助業務推動及資料補登,健全資訊內容及強化管理工作;5.提供全方位的操作說明與教育方式,增進使用流程正確性;6. 落實網路安全管理相關作業,有效防堵駭客入侵。為了強化業者在申辦作業時的便利性,本計畫於今年度擴充了運送聯單複製功能、許可證照申請案件複製功能、病媒防治施作紀錄簡化流程、毒性化學物質和環境用藥專業技術人員設置線上申請審查作業、病媒防治訓練計畫線上填寫功能以及全面性的網頁外觀改版,俾利使用者能得到更佳的服務以及更豐富的資訊。在管理方面,本計畫今年度建置了權限管理機制、單一入口網、精靈版查詢(主題式查詢)、104地理查號台以及完善的審查輔助功能,讓管理者便於使用系統來控管毒性化學物質及環境用藥,並進而有效獲得相關統計數據、展現政府施政績效、即時審閱電子申請書、自動提醒應處理案件以及落實政府e化服務。而在教育訓練方面,本計畫今年度辦理了毒性化學物質業者端系統操作說明會以及環境用藥業者端系統操作說明會各3場次,並針對管理者辦理系統操作說明會2場次以及協助各縣市辦理相關說明會共14場次,以期能讓使用系統之相關業者與管理者能更加熟練系統之操作方法,減少不必要的操作錯誤,提升系統的使用率。 National Toxic Chemical Substances And Environmental Agents (including Real-time Tracking) Management Information System Project The accomplished targets of “National Toxic Chemical Substances And Environmental Agents (including Real-time Tracking) Management Information System Project” included:1. Integration of toxic chemical substances hazard rescue information and geo-spatial technology to expand the breadth of system application; 2. Implementation of the installation of real-time tracking system (GPS) on vehicles transporting toxic chemical substances; 3. Planning management mechanisms and functions to improve service and to make the management system sustainably; 4. Assistance of business promotion and information error correction to make a sound content and to enhance management; 5. Providing a full range of operating instructions and educational methods to enhance the correctness of the use of process; 6. Implementation of network security management to protect against hackers effectively. In order to enhance the convenience of the application processes, the project team provided functions of copying transportation manifest and permit application documents, the simplified process of pest control operation records, the on-line application and approval system for the professional and technical personnel of national toxic chemical substances and environmental agents, on-line filling function of pest control operation records training program. The project team also redesigned web functions to provide better services and more information.As to the management system, the project team built authorization management systems, a single portal network, the wizard version of query (theme-based queries), 104 geographical directory assistance, as well as the complete function of approval process system to let administrators operate easily and access statistical data effectively, and therefore administrators could present management performance. Moreover, system provided real-time review of electronic applications and automatic reminder of project to fulfill the vision of government e-services.As to training, the project team held 3 training programs of toxic chemicals owners and 3 training programs of environmental agents owners, and 2 training programs for administrators. Furthermore, the project team assisted in Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) with training courses for 14 times. We hoped users become more familiar with the system, avoid unnecessary mistakes, and therefore system usage could be increased. 098 毒管處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14881
98年度「各縣市執行空氣品質改善維護計畫之成效彙整分析及協助考評工作推動計畫 本年度分析縣市共通性計畫執行經費、人力成本及工作成本上之差異,提供環保署未來補助計畫經費之參考。各縣市共通性計畫執行空窗期多在3個月內,對提高縣市執行品質具正面意義。評析排放量申報、機車定檢、柴油車檢測、農廢燃燒、餐飲業及加油站等管制工作,以檢測不合格改善等推估污染減量。其中機車定期檢驗減量成本為23元/公斤,路邊攔檢減量成本為1,244元/公斤。另由環保署其他專案查核結果顯示法規規範內容辦理情形、機車告發數、油品檢測樣品合格率、營建工地符合管理辦法規範比率等均較97年提升或持平。許可證核定正確率、排放量計算結果正確率較97年減少,需再加強。在協助執行績效考評作業方面,完成98年陳情資料篩選,共篩選出19個縣市379家屢被陳情案件,進行縣市查處結果彙整分析。完成縣市道路181條之目視查核結果,各縣市道路均可維持在乾淨及普遍等級,優於97年。完成縣市道路街塵負荷分析120條,各縣市道路均可維持在乾淨及普遍等級,平均街塵負荷4.43g/m2,低於97年。「民眾空氣品質改善滿意度」問卷調查20,136份,民眾對縣市空氣品質較去年改善情形整體滿意比例由97年36.9%提升為40.4%。辦理相關考評會議及執行成果觀摩會,提供縣市交流與環保署溝通之橋樑,及空污技術諮詢委員提供政策建議之管道。在考評要點修正方面,考評項目納入排放量管理相關指標,以結果論反映地方執行成果。另於「地方特色及區域管制」項目中明確訂定重點管制工作,以利縣市依循。協助考評資訊系統整合與考評運作機制方面,提供縣市填報考評報表及考評相關查詢資料格式,協助SIP考評資訊系統將考評資訊電子化,做為未來管理縣市執行成果之工具。 Project for Analyzing SIP Achievement of Local EPBs and Assistance on Performance Audit Works in2009 The differences of execution budget, manpower cost and working expenditure in common plans among counties were analyzed, and it provided subsidizing plans for reference. The suspend period of common projects is shorter than 3 months for most counties and cities. This is a positive signal for counties to improve the project quality. To assess about emission declaration, motorcycle’s regular inspection, diesel vehicle’s inspection, agriculture waste burning control, restaurant and gas station control, the emission reduction was estimated from the improvement that was unqualified originally. The emission reduction cost for motorcycle’s regular inspection is 23 NTD/kg, and 1,244 NTD/kg for roadside inspection. The inspection results of other EPA’s projects showed that the works including regulation consistency checking, motorcycle inspecting and disciplining, and the qualified ratio of sampled diesels and construction sites are all improved in this year. But the accuracy ratios of permit approval and emission calculation were lower than that of 2008 and needs further enhancement.Several works were done to assist EPA to audit the performance of local EPB’s State Implementation Plan. 379 petition cases from 19 counties or cities were screened and the inspection results were analyzed. 181 roads were inspected for their cleanness condition. These roads were classified as clean or moderate, and the result is better than that of year 2008. Dust loading of 120 county roads were sampled and analyzed. Most of the roads may be maintained in a clean or moderate level. The average street dust load is 4.43g/m2 which is less than that of 2008. 20,136 copies of “Questionnaire for the satisfaction of air quality improvement” were accomplished. The ratio of satisfaction increased from 36.9% for year 2008 to 40.4% for year 2009. The auditing conferences and demonstration party/meeting were hold for opinion exchange between local EPBs and EPA, and to receive recommendations from air pollution control consultant committee.About the reviewing and revising of “Auditing Rules for Effects of Local EPBs’ State Implementation Plan in 2010”, setting island counties in separate competitions, and additional levels of scores corresponding to the allocation proportion of air pollution fee for island counties should be made available to increase the evaluation flexibility and weights adjustment. Auditing indicators were modified referring to EPA major policies for year 2010 and 4 indicators were added following the Eco-Life set by Department of Supervision Evaluation and Dispute Resolution. To assist the content maintenance of “SIP Audit Information System”, a subsystem of EPA "Integrated Management Information System for Stationary Source Control", comments and suggestions from the Auditing Committees and local EPBs about the operation and data transfer are discussed, summarized and proposed through this project. 098 空保處 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17992
進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章作業暨新車污染管制資料庫建立 本年度計畫之工作項目,主要分為核章作業、制度改善、教育訓練、政策配合等四個工作方向進行,針對2009年各項工作成果摘要說明如下:1、執行進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章作業(1)2009年共完成進口汽車申請排氣及噪音驗證核章申請件數共計10,049件,包含汽油車46,863輛、柴油車7,824輛及機車2,361輛合計57,048輛,另國產大客車執行噪音驗證核章共計核可1,576輛,確保所有掛牌上路車輛皆符合空氣污染物排放標準,有效管制國內移動污染源之污染排放。(2)完成進口車輛實車查核66輛次,所有實車查核案件皆符合。(3)提供核章業務申辦民眾方便使用及穩定運作的「進口車驗證核章管理系統」,本年度經由此系統提出申請案件共有9,016件,佔總收件數89.7%(其餘案件則以書面申請),共計有57,048輛,民眾藉由此系統辦理進口車輛驗證核章之申請,可大幅節省申請及審核之作業時間。(4)統計進口車核章之退件數,2008年為16件,2009年為4件,退件比率由2008年的0.03%降低至2009年的0.01%,顯示經由本計畫所辦理的教育宣導活動及電子化已發揮其功能。(5)按月提供進口汽車核章數量相關統計報表,作為環保署網站對外公開的資訊;並彙整及分析進口車輛有關數據,提供汽油車、機車、柴油車排氣與噪音審驗計畫執行單位及主管機關作為車輛污染管制相關工作之參考內容。 (6)依據汽油車、機車、柴油車排氣及噪音合格證明審驗辦法規定及主管機關要求,對於達到核章管制條件之車型進行必要的核章資格控管,本年度協助處理完成133件管制案,落實各項新車管制作業。2、管制制度改善(1)為避免過去國產車輛尚未完成環保署空氣污染與噪音管制作業即至監理機關辦理牌照的情形再次發生,本計畫已完成「國產車驗證核章管理系統」建置,並於2009年1月開始試行,針對符合環保署管制標準的車型資料定時傳輸至交通部監理單位以作為領牌之管制資訊,2009年共完成國產車排氣及噪音驗證核章申請件數共計574,629輛,包含汽油車187,980輛、柴油車12,488輛及機車374,161輛,確保所有辦理領牌作業之國產車皆已符合環保署排氣及噪音管制標準,使新車管制作業更為完善。(2)「新車污染管制資料庫」已成功整合包括汽油車、機車、柴油車等各排氣審驗合格證明管制資料及國內認可法規測試實驗室之測試報告資料,可加速進口車輛驗證核章作業時間,主管機關環保署也能及時掌握各排氣法規管制所需之必要資訊。(3)完成「新車污染管制資料庫」建置,未來若能整合其他部會有關資訊,對於國內車輛污染總量推估工作將有正面助益。3、辦理相關教育訓練為使車輛驗證核章工作順利推動,對於本計畫協助更新之「進口車驗證核章管理系統」、協助建置之「國產車驗證核章管理系統」及整合完成之「新車污染管制資料庫」,辦理相關之說明會、協調會及教育訓練課程共7場,並編修相關核章須知及系統操作手冊,以使申請核章業務民眾與相關單位了解核章業務推動內容,有助於本計畫各項工作的推行。4、政策配合事項本計畫持續配合各項法規辦法的修正及規劃整合電子化作業系統,以落實車輛排氣污染管制工作。並配合研考會「創新e化-汽車進口服務」建置專案系統維護,及完成核章繳費電子化系統,實施正式電子化繳費系統後,民眾可省去現行至郵局繳費的不便,達到簡政便民及提升行政效率的目的。 Project for the Certification and Authorization of Imported Motor Vehicle Air Pollutants&the establishment of Vehicle Air Pollutants Control Database The main four objectives for the project include implementing the process for vehicle emissions compliance certificates; improving the emissions certification application process; training and education on vehicle information system operations; and providing EPA assistance on policy required actions. The achievements for each objective are described as follows:1、Implementing the process for vehicle emissions compliance certificates(1)All 2009 year total 10,049 cases were being applied for imported vehicle exhaust and noise emissions certificates, which include 46,863 gasoline vehicles, 7,824 diesel vehicles, and 2,361 motorcycles, total 57,048 vehicles. In addition, 1,576 domestic made buses were approved for the noise certifications. The implementation of certification requirements could be provided to ensure the compliance of emission standards for every registered and enter into service vehicles and control the mobile emissions from vehicles effectively.(2)Total 66 vehicles were conducted on site inspections for certificate verifications, one diesel vehicle failed due to the inconsistent contents between its emissions label and filed vehicle documents, and the maker was informed and requested for the following improvement actions. The others vehicles were passed the inspection tests.(3)Providing public the stable operated “Imported and vehicles certification management system” for imported vehicle certificate applications. This year total 9,016 cases were being applied through this system, which include 57,048 vehicles and accounted for 89.7% of total applications (others were applied through paper documents process). By using this system the public could save a lot of time on application and verification process for vehicle importation.(4)Statistic has shown that the failed imported vehicle certificate application cases was 16 in 2008, 4 cases in 2009. The fail rate was dropped from 0.03% in 2008 to 0.01% in 2009, which has proven the effectiveness of the promotion and education efforts for this project.(5)Providing statistic report monthly on imported vehicle certification application cases and posted on EPA website as public information: Collecting and analyzing the imported vehicle related data the results could be provided as references for related projects and competent authorities for research or regulation planning.(6) According to the provisions listed in the gasoline, diesel vehicles and motorcycles exhaust and noise emissions certification related regulations and response to the competent authority requirements, total 133 cases of quality control process being conducted in 2008 to ensure the effectiveness of new vehicle emissions control.2、Improving the emissions certification application process(1)To avoid vehicles that getting license plates from motor vehicle office without completed necessary emissions certification process, the project has established the “Domestic made vehicle certification management system” and started running since January 2009. The system transmits emissions compliance vehicle type’s information to the Motor Vehicle Service Stations, Ministry of Transportation and Communications periodically to ensure the registered vehicles could comply with exhaust and noise emissions standards.The number of domestic made vehicle totally were 574,629 which include 187,980 gasoline, 12,488 diesel, and 374,161 motorcycles. This action could ensure the completeness of new vehicle control process.(2)The new vehicles emissions control data archive has integrated gasoline, diesel vehicles and motorcycles exhaust emissions certification information and test results from accredited laboratories. Its establishment could accelerate the imported vehicle certification process and providing necessary information to competent authorities. (3)Established the “New vehicles emissions tests data archive”. In the future, if being integrated with vehicle information of other related agencies, could provide valuable information for vehicle emissions estimations. 3、Training and education on vehicle information system operations:To facilitate the promotion of vehicle verification process, the project has finished upgrading of the “Imported vehicle certification system”, assisted to establish the ”Domestic made vehicle certification management system”, integrated the “New vehicles emissions tests data archive”, held 7 related discussion, coordinate meetings and training courses, and prepared the related guidelines and system operation menus. These actions could provide public and competent authorities the information of how to apply and the contents of vehicle certification application process.4、Providing EPA assistance on policy required actionsThe project continuous updating the certification process related regulatory amendments and planning on integrated electronic application process system. Cope with the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission establishing and maintaining the innovative electronic process for imported vehicle services, finished planning on the procedures for electronic certification fee payment process. In the future, the implementation of electronic certification fee payment process, will provide public a convenience environment and save a lot of time as the currently requirement on personally attendance to the post office for certification fee payments 098 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17225
98年度廢棄物越境轉移國際因應及國內管理計畫 本工作分成國際參與及國內運作二大部分,分為四項工作說明如后:(一)巴塞爾公約與亞太區域參與1.電腦設備夥伴計畫(PACE)參與:配合國內業者圓桌會議結論,本計畫團隊自費參與PACE。完成PACE本身、臨時工作組及三個子計畫簡介及摘要國際通訊會議內容。2.亞太區域參與:完成「第六屆亞洲太平洋島嶼固體廢棄物專家會議」、「2009海峽兩岸固廢管理論壇」及「第四届固體廢物管理與技術國際會議」三個會議,五人次與會及出國報告。此外,已就我國2010年主辦亞洲太平洋島嶼固體廢棄物專家會議進行規劃。(二)國內運作-廢棄物越境轉移事務執行1.巴塞爾公約專家小組運作:已於2009年7月8日及11月5日完成二次專家小組會議召開,重點議題包括:中國越境轉移法規運作說明、電腦設備夥伴計畫進度、第六屆亞洲太平洋島嶼固體廢棄物專家會議出國報告、財務擔保及責任保險金額研析、廢棄物越境轉移管制清單草案規劃及亞太區域專家會議籌備說明。2.協助廢棄物輸出入管理相關事宜:包括查詢中國「限制進口廢物審批表」、中國國家品質監督檢驗檢疫總局國內收貨人、國外供應商註冊登記管理、查詢中國境外供貨企業名單、案件審查提及之英國法規資訊釐清、歐盟廢棄物越境轉移管制清單及特定廢棄物疑義判定等之機動協助。(三)國內運作-廢棄物越境轉移法規調整建議1.國外法規研析:完成巴塞爾公約、經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)、歐盟、英國及中國之越境轉移法規研析。2.國內法規管理:已完成廢棄物越境轉移條文修正草案(2008.11.28送立院版)說明及法規配套措施彙整。3.國內管制清單研擬:依廢棄物清理法修正草案,參酌國外管制現況,提出廢棄物越境轉移管制清單草案(含禁止輸入廢棄物種類及禁止事項、禁止輸出廢棄物種類及禁止事項、第一類及第二類事業廢棄物類別)。4.廢棄物輸出入財務擔保或責任保險額度研析:參酌國際法規如巴塞爾公約、OECD、歐盟及其會員國(英國及德國),我國現況法規、案例摘要、建議計算公式及金額粗估。(四)國內運作-資訊蒐集宣導1.蒐集摘譯巴塞爾公約國際新聞、報導及論文:今年共計發出120則新聞,其中含論文共10則,並就前述資訊中的特定議題及重要論文內容,進行研析。2.維護更新專屬中英文資訊網站:已建立網頁更新制度標準化,每次更新均依據此標準去執行更新維護網站,更新網站27次。3.辦理三場次法規說明會及報關行說明會。 Management of Transboundary Movement of Solid Waste: under the framework of international practice a The major achievement of this project can be classified into two parts: the international participation and the domestic implementation which conclude four aspects as follows.1. International Participation at the global level (1) Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment(PACE):Follow-up the conclusion of the industry round table for evaluation of attending the PACE, we’ve been participating it at our own expense. A summary of the PACE projects and about 20 times teleconferences were completed. (2) Participation in three waste related conference in Asia-Pacific region: Five experts from Taiwan attended the following meetings: the 6th expert meeting on solid waste management in Asia and pacific island(SWAPI), the Two-Coast Forum on Sustainable Solid Waste Management 2009 and the 4th International Conference on Waste Management. In addition, the 7th expert meeting on solid waste management in Asia and pacific island in Taipei in 2010 is planned. 2. Domestic Implementation of Transboundary movement(TBM)of Waste (1) We held two meetings with Basel Convention Expert Committee in 2009. In which, issues including the China TBM regulations, progress of PACE, the 6th SWAPI report, the analysis of the amount of the financial guarantee and responsibility insurance, domestic TBM lists and preparation of the 7th SWAPI were deliberated. (2) Our project has provided assistances to the Environmental Protection Administration(Taiwan EPA)in the implementation details of Chinese , Britain and European Union regulatory information as well as identifications for specific waste. 3. Providing legal advises on the regulations regarding TBM of waste (1) The Basel Convention and the TBM regulations in OECD, EU, UK and China have been collected and complied as reference materials for Taiwan EPA. (2)Assistance on the explanation and collection of the measures of the revision draft of the TBM related articles in the Waste Disposal Act which was sent to the Legislative Yuan on November 28, 2008. (3)According to the revision draft of the Waste Disposal Act and the international implementations, the draft domestic TBM lists were worked out. In which, issues including import and export prohibited items as well as the waste items of the 1st and 2nd categories of industrial waste were deliberated. (4)Referring to the international TBM regulations, domestic law, simplified case studies, the formula and the amount of the financial guarantee and responsibility insurance were suggested.4. Collecting and promoting Basel Convention related information (1)We have completed evaluation on 120 news, articles, reports and papers regarding to the Basel Convention, E-waste and TBM of waste. (2) Both Chinese and English Basel Convention information websites were updated for 27 times (http://wm.epa.gov.tw/web/index.htm). (3) Three TBM workshops respectively for customs brokers and domestic officials were held in 2009. 098 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15205
環境中奈米微粒之細胞毒性研究 機車引擎排放廢氣中含大量有機奈米微粒,而工業易排放無機奈米微粒,此些奈米微粒易透呼吸系統與皮膚進入身體內部。本研究乃藉由細胞模式,暴露於奈米微粒(含有機奈米微粒與無機奈米微粒)下,評估奈米微粒對於人類呼吸道細胞的生長影響。  本研究是利用溶膠凝膠法合成或水熱法合成,在不同燒結時間與溫度作用下,得到不同粒徑TiO2或SiO2奈米微粒。有機奈米微粒則由機車引擎廢氣所排放,並予以分徑求得。另外,本研究亦以定量輸出霧化器及電噴霧氣膠產生器產生奈米粒徑範圍多粒徑分布( polydisperse ) 及單粒徑分布的氣懸微粒。在細胞毒性檢測部份,研究結果發現不論是有機或無機奈米顆粒,對細胞生長的影響均有抑制與促進增生現象發生,其中以TiO2 300nm(500ug/ml)對NIH/3T3細胞抑制生長最明顯可高達90%的抑制效果,進一步分析這些奈米顆粒抑制細胞生長的機制,利用annexin V來分析細胞是否有進行細胞凋亡,結果顯示所有的奈米顆粒並不會誘導細胞凋亡,而是可能直接造成細胞壞死來抑制細胞生長。  奈米顆粒促進細胞增生方面,有機奈米微粒Oganic-10nm對A549以及NIH/3T3有明顯細胞增生的現象,TiO2_10nm與300nm粒徑則分別對HacaT與BEAS-2B細胞株具顯著的細胞增生,對細胞促進增生的情況都可高達50%,進一步利用細胞癒合測試來分析奈米顆粒是否會促使細胞進行轉型癌化,結果顯示所有奈米顆粒並不具促使細胞轉型癌化的能力。  綜合以上結果我們發現不論是有機或無機奈米微粒都會造成細胞毒性,特別是在某些粒徑大小的奈米分子會造成特殊細胞生長特性的改變,而細胞生長改變的方式分別有抑制和促進增生的現象,但尚未發現有轉型癌化的情況。此外我們此次研究發現奈米顆粒如TiO2與SiO2有凝集的現象,此現象是否會對細胞攝入奈米微粒產生影響仍待確定。我們已設計一套良好的奈米顆粒暴露模式,希望未來能應用確保細胞株皆能正確地反映出遭受奈米微粒暴露後的機制。 Reaserch in cytotoxicity of invironmental nano-particles  Motorcycle engine exhaust emissions containing large amounts of organic nanoparticles, while industrial emissions of inorganic nanoparticles easily, these nanoparticles easily enter into body by the respiratory system and skin. In this study, the human respiratory cell lines were exposed to the organic and inorganic nanoparticles to investigate the effects of cell growth.  The sol-gel and hydrothermal synthesis method were use to produceTiO2 or SiO2 nanoparticles by different sintering time and temperature. Organic nanoparticles from motorcycle engine exhaust emissions were subpath obtained. In addition, the study has given quantitative output of plastic atomizer and EFI fog generator produces nano-size range of multi-particle size distribution (polydisperse) and single-particle size distribution of aerosol particles. Four respiratory-related cell lines, A549, HEp2, HacaT, BEAS-2B and a non-transformation of NIH/3T3 were used for cell toxicity study. The inorganic nanoparticleTiO2, SiO2 have not serious toxicity for these cel lines. However, the results of MTT assay find that some nanoparticles have a significant effect on cell growth, such asTiO2 and SiO2 on NIH/3T3 cell lines significantly inhibited the growth, 10nm and 50nm ofTiO2 particle have a significant growth inhibition of the BEAS-2B cell lines, and while the diesel exhaust extract filtrate 13 markedly inhibited HEp2 cell growth. The nanoparticles induced cell death by necrosis pathway, not apoptosis, in the annexin V assay. In addition, we found that some nanoparticles would significantly promote cell growth, such as 10nm Organic nanoparticles for A549 and NIH/3T3 and 10nm and 300 nmTiO2 for HacaT and BEAS-2B cells. Most of nanoparticles do not have transformation activity for human respiratory cell lines.  Based on the above results, we found that most of the nanoparticles do not cause cell toxicity and only some specific nanoparticles can cause characteristic changes for specific cell lines, while changes including cells inhibition and proliferation phenomenon. In addition, we have design a cell exposure model to prevent aggregation for nanoparticle and make ensure that the cell lines to correctly reflect the effect of nanoparticles. 098 永續發展室 國立宜蘭大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15354
環境資訊互動網建置計畫 本計畫之目的,係建立一完整資訊且便民、親民之「環境資訊互動網」,達成行政院安適e家園計畫之需求與期望,除了需滿足行政院提出之要求外,需要促進民眾與社群之參與,使環保教育達到全民化之目的。本計畫主要工作結合web 2.0的技術、分析環保署環境品質資料倉儲資料庫現況,並參考國外相關網站,規劃、設計、開發建置「環境資訊互動網」。主要系統功能包括:前後台權限管理、整合Ecolife綠色生活網帳號共同使用的會員機制,使用環境資料倉儲系統8個主題測項,可依時間、地區進行環境資訊查詢,建置參與討論及文章發佈積點獎勵機制、開闢環境e博士專欄、環境e教室之線上學習平台等功能。在網站內容經營上,極力邀請學者專家撰寫環保百科知識或環境時事評論文章,將環境詞彙上傳至維基詞典、研擬25項環保新聞議題做為推薦查詢範例,並於每季提出環境品質資料倉儲檢討,為環境資訊互動網內容專業優質化奠定基礎。待網站上線即開始經營使用者社群,主動連絡學校社團或環保團體,協商共同辦理實體推廣活動,落實環境資訊教育服務,推廣環境品質資料倉儲系統,讓民眾了解環境資訊之重要及與生活之關聯性。並透過舉辦網站開站活動、廣告Banner交換、刊登U-paper、關鍵字行銷等方式,進行網站推廣與行銷,增加網站曝光率與環境資訊查詢度。在推廣活動結束後,綜合實體推廣活動問卷與網路會員之使用行為,產出社群分析報告,了解民眾之使用需求,做為本站未來改善與前進的參考。 Environment Information Interaction Website Establishment Project The purpose of this project was to establish “Environment Information Interaction Website” that can provide complete information and convenience to the people as well as achieve the demand and expectation of e-home project proposed by the Executive Yuan, R. O. C. In addition to meeting the requirements proposed by the Executive Yuan, R. O. C., the public and group participations were needed to achieve the purpose of general people for environmental education.This project not only combined web 2.0 and analyzed the current situation of environment data warehouse database proposed by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R. O. C. (Taiwan), but also planned, designed and constructed “Environment Information Interaction Website” by referring to foreign websites. Main system functions included: authority administration, Ecolife account membership and eight subjects in environment data warehouse system, which can inquire environmental information according to the time and location to construct a reward mechanism for article discussion and publication and set up Dr. E column, e-class learning platform and so on.On the operation of website contents, we made great efforts to invite scholars and experts, not only writing knowledge or articles related to environment protection but also uploading environmental terminology to Wiki Dictionary, planning 25 issues on environmental news as suggestion example to inquire. In addition, environment data warehouse was quarterly proposed to review and give foundations for Environment Information Interaction Network.When a website started to run user groups, we voluntarily connected schools, associations or environment parties to perform entity promotion together, fulfill environment information education service and promote environment data warehouse system, so that the public can understand the importance of environment information and the connection of life.By hosting activity to run website, advertisement banner change, publishing U-paper and keyword marketing for website promotion and marketing, website exposure and environmental information inquiry can be enhanced.After the promotion activity finished, the questionnaire of entity promotion and the behavior of network member’s behavior were summarized to produce a group analysis report and understand the demand of the public for the reference of improving this website in the future. 098 監資處 百商數位科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15242
固定污染源許可管制執行暨檢討提升縣市執行工作計畫 為強化與落實我國固定污染源管理制,本計畫分為建立固定污染源中長程管制重點、推動許可分級審核及全廠管理制度、推動排放量整合作業,強化排放管理制度、建立固定污染源防制設施管理規定、推動潛在風險工業區改善、新增及檢討修訂固定污染源管理法規、評鑑及考核審核機關工作執行成效及強化固定污染源管理資訊系統等8個工作主軸。針對固定污染源管制規劃,本計畫以工業發展部門所規劃之產業發展策略,分列政府重點扶植新興產業、高科技產業、內需產業、基礎工業及民生產業等5大產業類別,據以分析面對產業發展所應考量的管制重點,另分析國外固定污染源管制現況、法規等內容並召開專家諮詢會議,規劃固定污染源管制應以空氣品質改善、關注民生議題、管制有害空氣污染物及建立整合性管制策略等4大類別展開管制作業。於許可管理制度檢討與研修訂部份,本計畫以新增許可公告條件、修訂固定污染源設置與操作許可證管理辦法等方式,具以改善執行面之問題;其包括環評總量區域新增納管952製程、排放量申報對象新增納管847製程等,預計新增納管率約14%,污染源排放量平均納管率可提升至90%以上;另因應管制需求研析新增管制對象,包括非金屬電鍍處理程序、火葬程序及太陽能電池製造程序等對象,估計新增納管184家公私場所,另藉由許可管理辦法之修正逐步朝向有害空氣污染物及污染源異常排放預防管理。在排放量整合管制策略研訂與推動部分,分析固定污染源排放量管理現況問題,針對排放量相關制度建立整合性排放量管理策略,及規劃應執行修訂之法令項目及其推動期程,並著手推動,規劃整合排放量申報管理制度,即統一排放量及空污費實際排放量計量方式,改善公私場所排放量多重申報且結果不一致之問題,並完成排放量管理辦法草案、第三批排放量申報對象草案兩項法規及研擬整合表單、填表說明、計算原則及範例、排放量申報問答集、修正排放量申報審查及查核作業指引等配套措施,藉以達成實際排放量齊一之目的。於強化排放管理制度部分,針對新設污染源,本計畫依據空品改善模擬結果,據以分析檢討向下加嚴之可行空間及成本可行性,並修訂新(增)設或變更固定污染源空氣污染物排放量規模;另於固定污染源最佳可行控制技術部份,共計修正電力業、鋼鐵業、玻璃業、石化業、焚化爐、膠帶業、光電業、堆置場、PU合成皮業等共計10項製程之加嚴標準;針對既存固定污染源則推動三級防制區改善至二級防制區之行動計畫及針對異味物質推動防制設施管理辦法,期藉由新設、既存等不同面向考量,強化排放管理作為。針對工業區強化管理部份,各縣市依據敏感受體、陳情問題及排放量等因素考量,自行篩選高風險工業區進行清查納管,總計執行32處工業區、7,336家工廠清查作業,清查完成率皆達100%。其中已納管於管理資訊系統之排放源為2,204家,共計新增納管707家。在考核與評鑑審核機關工作成效部分,特別針對過去幾年所發現縣市之許可查核缺失進行輔導改善。共完成236件許可書面及場查核作業(含117件許可證核發及展延;119件許可證內容查核),完全符合者共112件,總計查核發現之缺失問題共217項;在排放量查核部份,完成54件97年排放量申報案件之書面及現場審查,完全符合者共33件,總計查核發現之缺失問題共34項。於資訊系統強化部分,配合環保署污染流向整合政策,完成12批次管編確認及轉換,另配合行業、工業區、製程及物料等四類代碼整合及固定源所有相關代碼約1,300餘萬筆資料轉換、近15個系統程式及欄寬修改轉換作業,並配合EMS系統完成許可電子付費系統及虛擬櫃檯界接作業。 The implemental and integrated permits control system of stationary sources plan stationary sources, control strategy, permit, system 098 空保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18915
清淨家園全民運動-環境清潔維護考核專案工作計畫 本計畫針對全國地方政府進行環境清潔考核,由環保署聘請考核委員,針對25個縣市、69個鄉鎮市、160個村里及440座公廁進行騎腳踏車實地考核,考核項目包括辦公廳舍周遭50公尺的環境清潔、所轄單位的動員情形及宣導情形,以有效促使公部門能帶領民間重視環境清潔工作。依據本計畫考核結果,環保署公開表揚及頒獎98年度執行環境清潔績優之17個縣市、16個鄉鎮市、90個村里及77個績優公廁管理單位,嘉許他們在環境清潔努力的表現。本計畫將有效促使地方首長更重視環境清潔工作並以持續維護為長期施政重點,加強督促地方環保單位積極推動全面環境清潔維護,取締污染、消除髒亂、執行清溝、淨灘、鼓勵舉發污染及教育宣導、發動全民參與等項工作,以落實「清淨家園全民運動」達成『看不見垃圾』、『看不見髒亂』及『提昇國民生活環境品質』之目標。 “The National Exercise of Clean Homeland” of the 2009 Clean Environment Maintenance and Evaluation P This project conducted comprehensive scheduled audits by riding bicycle to 25 cities/counties, 69 townships , 160 villages/boroughs and 440 units public lavatories. The audit covered a cleanness survey within 50 meters surrounding a public office building and the ability of the local government to promote clean environment exercise within its jurisdiction area to play a leading role in clean environment. Based on the audit results, the Environmental Protection Administration publicly announced and gave the year 2009 Clean Environment Awards to 17 cities/counties, 16 townships, 90 villages/boroughs and 77 superintendents of exceptional lavatory to distinguish their performance in environment cleaning.The project will ensure the local government leaders to take seriously the maintenance of environmental cleanness and to incorporate it into their long-term administrative policy. The project has also enhanced supervision on local environmental cleanness and maintenance regarding pollution citation, dirty spots elimination, clean beach and sewers, encouragement for pollution awareness, educational promotion and initiation of public participation by all people, etc. The project has consolidated the implementation of “Clean Up Taiwan Campaign” to achieve the objectives of “no garbage ”, “no dirty spots” and “enhanced living quality”. 098 毒管處 豐鏵環境科技管理股份 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16321
全國河川巡守隊經營成效提升與e化管理推動計畫 本 年 度 計 畫 執 行 主 要 為 針 對 各 縣 市 河 川 巡 守 隊 之 歷 年 執 行 成 效進行分析, 並就現階段組織管理、作業流程提出多面向之檢討與建議, 以作為環保署另案輔導計畫及各縣市政府巡守隊運作之推動參考。本計畫提出結合村里長加入巡守隊之作業, 以六力特性提出經營成效提升之各項綜合建議。以及配合署內整體EcoLife 平台進行系統開發, 並將巡守作業導入e 化管理以及資料整合應用, 藉以提升河川巡守效能, 並發展與民眾資訊互動之網絡關係。今年度開發完成在EcoLife 平台之「河川保育網」系統,系統功能包含照顧區、通報、巡檢、活動發起、列管事業資訊公布與串接河川水質監測資訊,並於系統完成後, 把原系統「全國河川巡守隊資訊網」資料彙整入新系統中供使用者查詢。而後辦理各縣市系統操作與宣導說明會,教導地方環保局與巡守隊員使用新系統進行作業以及署內推行之相關政策,並透過e 化管理之自動統計相關績效,節省地方輔導人力。於會議後蒐集相關意見提出河川巡守業務執行的建議事項。 E-management Promotion and Operation Efficiency Upgrade of the River Watch Team Nationwide The main focus of this plan was analyzing performance of riverconservation patrol teams in different counties and cities. It reviewedand revised the previous managements and processes, which providevaluable information for the EPA when executing other plans tomanage river conservation patrol teams. This plan also asked all village heads to join the force of river conservation patrol teams andimprove its management and performance from 6 different forces. Toincrease the performance of river conservation patrol teams and toincrease the information flow between citizens, this plan also built asystem that integrated with the “EcoLife website" , using electronicsystem to manage river conservation patrol teams and datamanagement. “ River Conservation" website was built this year,provide functions for public to “ adopt" areas to clean, to “ report"spots or polluters, to “ record" the status of environment, to“ organize" activities, it also provide information about businessesunder controls and water quality for different rivers. All data fromEnvironmental Water Quality Monitoring and Information System wasalso integrated into “ River Conservation" website for public tosearch for information. Training sessions for the using “ RiverConservation" system and passing ideas from the EPA were hold indifferent counties and cities, while showing them how electronicsystem safes their time and resources. Feedbacks from different riverconservation patrol teams were also collected after each session. 098 水保處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15142
98年度環保設施品質查核督導委託專案工作計畫 本計畫98年度主要執行項目,除了研擬98年度中央查核縣(市)政府執行環保設施工程施工品質等相關業務成效之作業流程、表單及後續追蹤外,在環保署所指定55場工程查核中,其中有45場每場須邀請2人、有10場每場須邀請3人具有環保設施工程專長之專家或學者(應為公共工程委員會「工程品質查核小組」成員或環保署推薦公共工程委員會查核委員並接受相關講習)至環保署所指定55場(包括查核、複查及複核等)施工中環保設施工程進行工程品質查核作業,並進行相關工程材料檢驗工作【混凝土抗壓強度(含鑽心取樣)10處、土方壓實度5處、混凝土氯離子含量檢測10處】。彙整前項查核結果,對施工中環保設施工程就工程主辦機關、技術服務廠商與承包商分級予以評鑑量化,並提供環保設施工程施工品質之規劃設計及制度檢討改善之建議(含環保署工程查核小組運作之作業流程、標準程序研擬以及環保設施工程查核缺失項目之修正擬定)。 98 Auditing Project of Construction Quality of the Environmental Protection Facilities. The main objective of this project is to evaluate the construction quality of environment protection facility. Furthermore, two of the engineering technological experts were invited to evaluate the construction quality of 55 construction sites and administered the construction material testing, including compressive strength of concrete (core specimen) 10 places, relative compaction 5 places and chloride ion concentration of concrete 10 places .According to the results of evaluation, all of the sponsors, technological consultants and contractors were graded, and proposed the improvement in construction quality and operation management of sanitary landfill sites. 098 督察總隊 國立中興大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17206
空氣污染防制宣導計畫 為增進全民對環保署施政之了解,提升民眾空氣污染防制意識及知識,運用大眾媒體行銷,宣導空氣污染防制。規劃辦理活動,塑造環保署積極推動形象,以提升施政滿意度。配合環保署施政要點,製作「寧靜標識」、「檢舉烏賊車輛」、「卡拉OK及裝潢施工噪音防制」、「室內空氣品質」等四支宣導短片,並安排於電視媒體、台鐵電視連播網及台北捷運統播放。同時針對政策宣導重點,設計「選購環保車輛」、「檢舉烏賊車輛」、「卡拉OK及裝潢施工噪音防制」、「檢舉噪音車輛」等四款海報與廣告,印製海報並於全國性雜誌及全國性報紙刊登。並依專案計畫與環保署施政需求,辦理「寧靜標示記者會」、「綠廊道整合座談會」及「七夕給親心的他清新好禮」等三場活動,同時配合文宣製作,達成專案宣導計畫,運用大眾媒體行銷,增進全民對環保署施政之了解,提升民眾空氣污染防制意識及知識目標。 Air pollution against system guidance plan To improve the public’s understanding of policies made by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) and enhance their knowledge and consciousness of air pollution prevention, EPA utilizes public mass media marketing to promote air pollution prevention. Through organizing activities, EPA aims to build an active image so as to increase their satisfaction rates. In response to related policies, EPA produces four promotion short films: “Quietness Logo,” “Report High-emitting Automobiles and Motorcycles,” “Prevent Noise from Karaoke and Building Renovations,” and “Indoor Air Quality.” These four short films are arranged for broadcasting in cable and wireless TV, Taiwan Railways Administration TV channels, and Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation TV channels. Aiming at main points in policy promotion, EPA also designed four posters and advertisements as follows: “Choose and Purchase Environmental Cars,” “Report High-emitting Automobiles and Motorcycles,” “Prevent Noise from Karaoke and Building Renovations,” and “Report Motor vehicle noise”—posters are printed and published in national magazines and newspapers. As needed by specific projects and EPA policies, three activities are hosted: “quietness logo selected Press Conference,” “A green passage of the bicycle symposium,” and “Refreshing Gift for the Loved Ones in Chinese Valentine’s Day.” With paper promotion production, EPA completes project promotion plans; with public mass media marketing, EPA attempts to improve the public’s understanding of EPA policies as well as to enhance their knowledge and consciousness toward air pollution prevention. 098 空保處 天喜整合行銷事業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14489
2009資源回收國際研討會及國際發展計畫 本計畫為展現我國資源回收十餘年來的具體成果並行銷推廣我國獨創的資源回收制度,特分為以下三部分進行:(一)本年度邀請國內外專業人士與學者從經濟、環境及生態化設計等3E的觀點來探討如何化全球WEEE危機為台灣的轉機,資源回收國際研討會已於2009年10月20日至21日假國家圖書館國際會議廳舉辦,參與人數合計共423人次,現場反應熱烈,會議順利圓滿完成。從宣傳期到活動次日媒體報導共計平面媒體16則、電子媒體2個、廣播媒體1個及網路新聞與社群討論63則,媒體效益高達200萬以上;(二)為使社會各界及國際人士能瞭解台灣資源回收工作的努力與成果,分中文與英文兩種版本進行印製,年鑑內容呈現資源回收體系設計的獨特之處與歷年資源回收的成果,除了讓國人瞭解資源回收體系運作之演進外,並呈現資源回收工作的環境效益,以鼓勵全民共同投入,創造資源回收之新契機;(三)為行銷推廣我國資源回收成效與制度,本計畫已完成調查23個邦交國與15個非邦交國之國家基本資料與相關廢棄物政策與制度,依對象完成三種不同類型的資源回收政策制度行銷推廣方式,結合不同類型合作對象與長短期規劃策略,研擬各種國際行銷標準作業程序(SOP),包括菁英研習營、外賓參訪、參展與參加國際會議四種標準作業程序,並收集相關訓練教材及手冊,成為日後在國際相關資源回收交流活動的重要參考依據。本計畫為使未來的資源回收國際研討會更為完備,本團隊建議未來的國際研討會的目的、對象與宣傳標的能夠定位得更加明確,可利用研討會帶動展覽或資源回收獎項,營造web 2.0的活動模式,並藉由互訪機制加強雙方資源回收產業的交流及學習,最後建議本計畫期程可延長為二年,將可使國際研討會之籌備時間更加充裕。 2009 International Resource Recycling Conference and International Development Project In order to highlight Taiwan’s concrete achievements in resource recycling for the past decade and promote our unique resource recycling system, there are three aspects of concern in this project: (1) This year we invite the domestic and international professional personage and scholar to discuss how to turn global WEEE crisis into the opportunity of Taiwan from the view of 3E (economy, environment and eco-design). The 2009 International Conference on Resource Recycling was held at the National Central Library International Conference Hall in October 20th-21st, 2009. It amounts to 423 people to participate in this conference. The conference responds enthusiastically and was finished satisfactorily. The relevant media report reaches 19, and the media benefit is up to more than 2 million dollars during this activity. (2) In order for the public and international stakeholders to understand the resource recycling efforts and achievements in Taiwan, 2008/09 Biennial Report was published in Chinese and English. The content of the annual presents the unique of our resource recycling system and achievement of resource recycling over the years. We hope to encourage the society as a whole to join this work together and create the new opportunity of resources recycling. (3) In order to market and promote our resource recycling achievements and system, we have finished investigating 23 diplomatic Allies and 15 non-diplomatic countries, including national basic information and relevant waste management policy and system. We design the standard operation procedure and collect some relevant teaching materials of different international marketing by long-term and short-term strategy, include workshop, inviting the foreign personage to visit Taiwan, participating the international exhibition and conference. We hope that these achievements will become bases of the international exchange activity of resource recycling in the future. In the cause of perfecting International Conference on Resource Recycling, we have the following suggestions: first, the propose and the subject of international conference can be more clearly. We can utilize the conference to drive the exhibition or resource recycling award to create the activity way of web 2.0. The mechanism of exchanging visits can strengthen the study and communication of resource recycling industries of both sides. Finally, we propose lengthening this project period as two years; it can make preparatory time of international conference abundant. 098 基管會 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18058
推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫-臺南市 本計畫自民國98年2月起全程共6個月,主要執行工作項目為宣導整潔美化、節能減碳的重要性,宣傳並輔導民眾使用環保署所推出的「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活 (Ecolife)網」,使之全民化。透過EcoLife網站及複式動員系統將台灣整潔環境提升與日本、瑞士看齊。 同時本計畫輔導、宣導環保署所聘用的台南市36位整潔美化助理員。教導他們EcoLife網站的操作並且於每月進行考核督導他們確實完成規定的工作。 本計畫於台南市完成了共39場的村里宣導說明會,並針對整潔美化助理員辦理了1教育訓練及1場的回訓。此外也與台南市環保局合作辦理多場環境保護相關活動,使得環保署「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活 (Ecolife)網」曝光率、使用率大幅提高,至今(98年8月11號)台南市已有超過6萬9千個部落格。 Promote the integration of environmental protection to build multiple-mobilization planning system supervision project - Tainan city This is a 6 month project starting from February, 2009. The main objectives of this plan were to promote the importance of creating a clean environment, energy saving, and reduction of carbon dioxide emission. It also included propaganda of EcoLife website launched by the Environmental Protection Administration, provide guidance to customer on how to use EcoLife website, make it popular and wildly use. By doing so, we hope to upgrade Taiwan’s environment to the same level as Japan and Switzerland. This plan also included guiding 36 Environmental Supporter hired by Environmental Protection Administration, training them on how to use Ecolife. Assessment administration were performed will be held each month to make sure their jobs were carried out properly. There were a total of 39 speeches given across the whole Tainan city, and 2 classes specifically designed for the Environmental Supporters. Several events were also held with support from the Environmental Protection Bureau in Tainan city. Through all these speeches, events, and propaganda, up until now, there have been more than 69 thousand blogs registered and currently in use. 098 毒管處 中華民國環境教育學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14217
98年清淨樂活·環保永續宣導專案工作計畫 在全球致力於環保議題的同時,台灣自然也不能落後,為了推動清淨家園,讓民眾由生活中的環保做起,並積極從政策及價值觀各方面大力宣導,故透過本專案規劃執行了包含電視、雜誌、網路等宣傳規劃進行溝通。規劃執行了包含新聞專題製作及報導、電視新聞快訊、電視新聞或節目專題訪談、創意活動、簡介影片製作、電視特別節目等方式進行宣傳。運用電視媒體為主軸,製造環保相關議題在電視頻道播送並邀請相關人士進行節目訪談,透過跨媒體資源的有效分配與操作,讓「清淨樂活‧環保永續宣導專案工作計畫」的媒體宣導工作跨出成功的第一步;外辦理創意活動邀請民眾參與製造話題,一步一腳印發現新台灣節目也為宣傳效果上大大的加分。有關辦理「清淨樂活‧環保永續宣導專案工作計畫」相關工作方面,規劃專案進度都已執行完畢。然綜觀整體效果,觀念宣導及知識建立有待長期傳播的效果累積,唯有持續不斷地透過各項媒體資源將訊息宣導傳播出去,才能日見成效。 The cleanliness of 98 attracts , and the environmental protection permanently arranges it and is happy. As the whole world is devoted to environmental protection, Taiwan cannot afford to lag behind. For a better environment, the project aims to positively demonstrate the value and policy of environmental protection, making people practice the concept in daily life. The execution of the project contains the promotion plans in different ways such as TV, magazines and network.Further information of the execution includes features, news snap shot,TV news, interviews, creative events, showcase, special programs and so on.For more direct communication, the EPA invited representatives of targeted businesses to appear on television talk shows. This effective allocation and use of media resources is a successful first step in the promotional campaign for the “The cleanliness of 98 attracts , and the environmental protection permanently arranges it and is happy “. Other promotional tools include creative event to attract attention and the program of discovering Taiwan—all of which make significant contributions to the project. The planning of“The cleanliness of 98 attracts , and the environmental protection permanently arranges it and is happy“campaign is now completed. A long-term media campaign that uses all avenues is now necessary to ensure that the program’s environmental values and knowledge are effectively. 098 綜計處 聯意製作股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18372
推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫-臺北市 「推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導」專案計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),為輔導培訓環保e化網路協助作業人員,並透過環保e化網站,有效輔導參與民眾及公私部門團體登入其執行成果與績效資訊,建立複式協查查報作業及督導管理機制,供考核地方政府執行成效及決策分析用,以達整合公私部門複式動員、提昇生活環境品質之目標。本計畫在執行成果部分,完成參加環保署辦理之種子教師訓練講習會、研訂本計畫工作人員標準作業手冊、研訂整潔美化助理員作業規範、辦理整合性環保複式動員系統相關作業、培訓整潔美化助理員暨種子教師講習會(目標:2場次59人,實際:3場次73人)、辦理Eco Life、節能減碳及環境整潔宣導說明會(目標:75場次2,245人,實際:88場次2,716人)共六項工作。本報告亦提出執行計畫之結論及建議,供未來執行相關計畫之參考。 The planning and supervising of the establishment of integrated environmental protection and multiple mobilization system-Taipei City The project of “the planning and supervising the establishment of integrated environmental protection and multiple mobilization system”(hereinafter referred to as the project)involved training of operating personnel of environmental protection and e-network, assisting individuals as well as public and private organizations in recording outcomes and performance by logging into the “Eco Life” webpage, establishing composite checking system and supervising management, reviewing the performance of local authority and providing information for decision-making etc. Consequently, the goals of integrating composite manpower mobilization of public and private sectors were achieved and the quality of living environment was promoted. The achievement of the project included the following: 1) participating training session held by EPA, 2) formulating standard operation manuals for the project staff, 3) drafting operation guides for cleaning and landscaping assistants, 4) handling the related work of environmental protection and composite manpower mobilization, 5) training cleaning and landscaping assistants and seed teachers by holding seminars (target: 59 participants to 2 sessions, Actual: 73 participants to 3 sessions), and 6) handling propaganda events for Eco Life, energy conservation, carbon reduction, and environmental cleanliness (target: 2,245 participants to 75 sessions, Actual: 2,716 participants to 88 sessions). The project also provided conclusions and suggestions for future relevant projects. 098 毒管處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=13743
空氣品質模式技術及對策支援計畫 一、緣起依據空氣污染防制法,第六條第二項及第三項規定:二級及三級防制區內,新增或變更之固定污染源污染物排放量達一定規模者,其污染物排放量須經模式模擬證明不超過污染物容許增量限值;以及第八條第二項亦規定:符合空氣品質標準之總量管制區,新設或變更之固定污染源污染物排放量達一定規模者,須經模式模擬證明不超過該區之污染物容許增量限值等規定。空氣品質模式的發展與應用,須包括不同專業領域的科技知識與資訊、相互整合與交互支援才能達成其任務。空氣品質模式相關資料分散在各學術與技術顧問機構中,造成資源分散、重複建置、品質不一及資訊屏障等缺點。「空氣品質模式支援中心」實質上屬於決策技術支援的定位性質,以橫向整合產官學相關的人力人才與數據資源。本年度完成之各項工作及相關成果依據計畫目標順序分別敘述於後:二、本年度計畫目標(一) 配合推動空氣品質模式申請認可及協助模式認可審查作業(二) 協助縣市環保局辦理模式模擬技術審查與技術諮詢(三) 辦理容許增量限值模式模擬所需相關資料更新與公告 (四) 評估空氣品質模式相關法規對空氣品質改善之有效性(五) 空氣品質模式支援網站維護管理及諮詢服務(六) 運用空氣品質模式協助進行新興計畫之空氣品質影響評估(七) 美國AERMOD模式系統在國內應用的可行性評估三、執行結果本計畫各項工作結果依據計畫目標順序分別敘述於後。(一) 配合推動空氣品質模式申請認可及協助模式認可審查作業(1) 模式認可申請所需之文件及資料庫已大致建置完成,並由主管機關完成發佈作業,部份資料項目在本年度亦完成更新,並持續進行資料之維護更新及執行成效檢討,相關資料經由網路系統提供模式使用者下載。(2) 協助環保署針對環境影響評估案件中關於空氣品質模式使用方面之技術審查,至98年12月底已協助提供51個環評案之建議。(二) 協助縣市環保局辦理模式模擬技術審查與技術諮詢(1) 調閱2006~2007年地方或代核許可(工業局、科管局)等機構之原始資料,了解目前「容許增量限值」制度的執行狀況,並提出改進建議。本年度篩選59件的申請個案,有54件有完整的資料回覆,其中有4件同一廠商,併成一件審查。因此,實際進行審查的案例共計51件。(2) 分別於98年11月19日、11月17日、11月13日依序完成北區、中區及南區三場次之空氣品質模式研習會。參加人員包括各縣市環保局、環境工程顧問公司相關執行人員及學術單位人員,總受訓人數達78人。 (三) 辦理容許增量限值模式模擬所需相關資料更新與公告 (1) 經主成分分析後,所挑出的污染案例日包含2/8-2/17、4/10-4/19、4/30-5/4、5/7-5/11、9/12-9/16、10/22-10/26、12/11-12/15。運用本研究團隊研發之高斯軌跡傳遞係數模式模擬O3及PM10污染案例日之污染源軌跡線。挑選出台灣各個地區的發電廠作為順軌跡模擬之汙染源,模擬台灣陸地地區所受到的汙染範圍,而逆軌跡模擬則以台灣七個空品區的環保署測站作為受體點,模擬其到達軌跡。經過分析與討論後﹐對各空品區之O3與PM10各建議二個污染案例日。(2) 完成2007年2、4、5、9、10、12等6個月NCEP/AVN全球網格氣象資料庫之蒐集﹐及氣象模式模擬,並已提供空氣品質模式進行初始場之建置。另外﹐也完成2007年公告案例日之天氣分析與模擬評估。 (四) 評估空氣品質模式相關法規對空氣品質改善之有效性(1) 美國與台灣於空氣污染物模式模擬及容許增量限值相關法規基本架構大致相同,皆包含適用規模、模式選用、模式輸入資料原則、模式參數設定原則及容許增量限值。(2) 針對現行空氣品質模式模擬相關法規疑義,徵詢專家學者、環保單位及顧問公司意見並辦理座談會,以具實務經驗及相關承辦人員針對法規疑義提供意見,提出法規修正建議。建議修正法規包括:「直轄市、縣(市)各級空氣污染防制區」、「空氣污染物容許增量限值」及「空氣品質模式模擬規範」。(3) 已完成現行「排放量規模」之合理性分析:若僅考慮法規規範值可涵蓋管制之污染源比例,建議以NO2目前「排放量規模」40公噸/年對應之納管排放量比例85%為管制基準線,則TSP「排放量規模」應從15公噸/年調整為3.5公噸/年;SO2「排放量規模」應從60公噸/年調整為15公噸/年;而NMHC「排放量規模」應從30公噸/年調整為10公噸/年。(4) 現行「容許增量限值」之合理性分析:若僅考慮法規規範值可涵蓋管制之污染源比例,建議以目前三級防制區NO2小時平均「容許增量限值」8 ppb之納管比例75 %為管制基準線,則NO2年平均「容許增量限值」應從2 ppb調整為0.3 ppb;TSP之24小時值「容許增量限值」應從63 g/m3調整為3.0 g/m3;SO2年平均「容許增量限值」應從1 ppb調整為0.2 ppb,日平均應從3 ppb調整為1.2 ppb,小時平均應從8 ppb調整為5 ppb;並增訂PM10年平均「容許增量限值」為0.5 g/m3、小時平均為2.0 g/m3。(五) 空氣品質模式支援網站維護管理及諮詢服務(1) 空氣品質模式網站除提供靜態文件供閱讀與下載外,亦提供空氣品質模式相關問題的諮詢與討論。另外提供線上資料查詢功能與整合性的資源服務。提供地方政府與顧問公司從業人員獲得充份的資料檔與技術的支援。本年度的主要工作是將網站進行全面更新,同時維護更新網站功能。 (六) 運用空氣品質模式協助進行新興計畫之空氣品質影響評估(1) 完成「環境影響評估開發案空氣污染物增量抵換審查規範(草案)」研擬。(2) 收集並訂定台灣地區以及中部空品區之PSI>100之比例及臭氧指標污染物之比例。並以2007基準年之排放與氣象資料,分四個情境完成以空氣品質模式模擬分析中部空品區在目標年2011年和2016年污染源(NOx、VOCs)之允許排放量。(3) 已完成2007年5月7至11日及4月30日至5月4日二個案例日彰濱工業區排放量之影響分析。 (七) 美國AERMOD模式系統在國內應用的可行性評估 (1) 目前完成的工作包括:檢討AERMOD及相關輔助程式在國內應用時,是否有足夠的資料支援程式的運算、修改AERMET氣象前處理程式使之可用於國內環境、檢討高斯模式使用規範與AERMOD模式相容性,同時建立了AERMAP的替代程式、完成AERMOD在國內第一次複雜地形的演算,已較工作範疇獲致更多之成效。 A supporting to air quality modeling and control strategy 1. IntroductionAccording to Article 6, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Air Pollution Control Act, those newly added or modified stationary pollution sources within Class 2 and Class 3 of air pollution prevention regions in which air pollutant emissions quantities reach a certain regulatory scale is required to perform modeling and simulation for their pollutant emissions quantities in order to verify that these quantities will not exceed allowable increment limits of air pollutant concentrations. As Article 8, Paragraph 2 stands, within a total quantity control zone that meets air quality standards, those newly installed or modified stationary pollution sources for which pollutant emissions quantities reach a certain scale is required to perform modeling and simulation for their pollutant emissions quantities in order to verify that these quantities will not exceed allowable increment limits within the zone. The scientific and technical knowledge and information that the development and application of air quality models need to accomplish their missions spread in all kinds of academic and advisory organizations, which result into the decentralization of resources, duplicate constructions, various qualities, and barriers of information. Taiwan Air Quality Modeling Center (TAQMC) actually is a policy and technique supporting organization with a combination of experts and data resources in the industry, the government and the academics. The tasks accomplished and relative productions are shown as follows according to the sequence of objectives for this year in the project plan.2. Objectives for this year in the project plan(1) Cooperate in the application and examination of air quality models to be approved.(2) Assist the Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) of counties and cities in technical examinations and consultations of air quality modeling.(3) Update and pronounce the relative data for the simulations of allowable increment limits of air pollution concentrations.(4) Assess the benefits of air quality modeling related laws on the air quality improvement(5) Maintain and update the TAQMC website and consultation service(6) Evaluate the influence of new development programs on air quality using air quality models(7) Analyze the feasibility of the application of the AERMOD model system in Taiwan3. Execution resultsThe tasks accomplished in this project are shown as follows according to the sequence of objectives in the plan.(1) Cooperate in the application and examination of air quality models to be approved(a) The required documents and database for the application of models to be approved were approximately established, and published by the governing organization. Some database were updated this year and continuously maintained and examined. These data can be downloaded from the website.(b) Until the end of December, 2009, EPA was assisted to review 51 environment impact assessment cases concerning air quality modeling. (2) Assist the EPB of counties and cities in the technical examinations and consultations of air quality modeling(a) The raw data during 2006-2007 in local governments, industrial bureau, and scientific industry park management bureau were reviewed to find out the implementation status of “allowable increment limits” strategy and give suggestions for amelioration. This year 59 cases were selected, among which 54 cases provided complete data and 4 cases from the same company were combined into one case. Therefore altogether 51 cases were reviewed.(b) This project conducted three air quality model workshops: in the north region on November 19, in the central region on November 17, and in the south region on November 13. The total 78 participants include the executors in EPB of local governments, environmental engineering in advisory companies, and the academic researchers. (3) Update and pronounce the relative data for the simulations regarding allowable increment limits (a) With primary principle analysis, seven episodes were selected, including 2/8-2/17、4/10-4/19、4/30-5/4、5/7-5/11、9/12-9/16、10/22-10/26、12/11-12/15. The trajectories of O3 and PM10 emission sources were simulated using Gaussian Trajectory transfer-coefficient modeling system (GTx). Some power plants in Taiwan were selected as the emission sources of forward trajectory modeling to show the pollution area. The monitoring stations of EPA in seven air basins were selected as receptors in backward trajectory modeling. Some episodes for O3 and PM10 were suggested as official cases in priority sequence after analysis and discussion.(b) NCEP/AVN global meteorological grid database of the six months in 2007 were established; besides, the meteorological fields were simulated for February, April, May, September, October, and December in 2007, as the initial conditions for air quality modeling. Moreover, the simulated meteorological parameters in all the selected episodes in 2007 were analyzed and evaluated with the observations. (4) Assess the benefits of air quality modeling related laws on the air quality improvement.(a) The basic structures of the laws related to air pollutant modeling and allowable increment limits in Taiwan are generally similar with those in the USA, including applicable areas, principles for input data to models, principles for the parameters in models and allowable increment limits.(b) In reference to the questions on the air quality simulation related laws, our project consulted experts, researchers, environmental agencies, and advisory companies, and held forums to collect the opinions and suggestions on the laws. The rules of laws that should be modified include “air pollution prevention regions in municipalities, counties, and cities”, “Allowable increment limits of air pollutant concentrations” and “Simulation guidance for air quality models”.(c) Based on the 85% control ratio of total emission quantity for NO2 corresponding to an regulatory emission scale of 40 ton/year, it is suggested that the regulatory emission scale of TSP should be adjusted from 15 to 3.5 ton/year, and that of SO2 from 60 to 15 ton/year, and that of NMHC from 30 to 10 ton/year.(d) Based on the 75% control ratio of total emission quantity for the hourly average NO2 with the allowable increment limit as 8 ppb in the third restriction area, it is suggested that the allowable increment limit of yearly average NO2 should be adjusted from 2 to 0.3 ppb, and that of daily average TSP from 63 to 3.0 g/m3, and that of yearly average SO2 from 1 to 0.2 ppb, and that of daily average SO2 from 3 to 1.2 ppb, and that of hourly average SO2 from 8 to 5 ppb. Also, the allowable increment limit of PM10 should be added with the yearly average number as 0.5 g/m3 and hourly average number as 2.0 g/m3. (5) Maintain and update the website of TAQMC and consultation service(a) The TAQMC website provides not only the documents to read and download, but also advisory and discussion of questions on air quality models. Meanwhile, online data search and incorporate sources are also available. It provides adequate data and technical support for the local government and the staff in advisory companies. The main task this year is to update the website and maintain the functions.(6) Evaluate the influence of new development programs on air quality by air quality models(a) Our project accomplished the “Review guidelines on the offset of incremental air pollutant emissions in environmental impact assessment of new development program (draft version)”.(b) The ratio of PSI > 100 in Taiwan and central air basin were collected and ozone indicators were calculated. With the emission inventory and meteorological data in 2007, four scenarios in the central air basin in 2011 and 2016 were simulated to calculate the allowable emission capabilities of NOx and VOCs.(c) The environmental impact of Changpin Industrial Park was analyzed in two episodes during May 7-11 and from April 30 to May 4 in 2007.(7) Analyze the feasibility of the application of AERMOD model system in Taiwan(a) Our project inspected whether or not there is enough data to support the utilization of AERMOD and relative preprocessing sub-models in Taiwan, modified the codes before the meteorological simulations of AERMET to use in Taiwan, examined the compatibility of guidelines on Gaussian model and AERMOD, and wrote the substitute codes for AERMAP, as well as the first complicate terrain calculation in Taiwan. 098 空保處 雲林科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16243
98年度土壤及地下水污染防治調查及監督驗證查核工作計畫 本計畫延續歷年計畫工作內容,進行土壤及地下水污染場址之監督驗證與查證作業、定期監測、資料庫建檔與審查工作、以及辦理民眾說明會等。此外本年度另配合清查縣境內地下水監測井之數量及井況功能共計206口,並整合區域性、場置性監測井編碼系統,建置監測井資料卡,以有效維護及管理地下水監測井。本計畫於履約期限屆滿前(99年3月4日),順利完成各項工作,且工作件數達成率超過計畫合約要求。在場址監督驗證與查證工作方面,計有6處場址土壤或地下水污染查證結果超過管制標準,環保局後續將依土水法之相關規定進行公告列管。本年度定期監測結果與歷年監測情形相似,但於虎頭埤地下水定期監測場址中,於第二季檢出砷含量超過地下水污染監測基準(第二類),另外依場址特性增測法規新公告之項目皆未超過法規限值。在依法令執行文件審查及資料庫建檔之工作方面,工作進度及完成率皆超過計畫合約要求。此外針對加油站業及土壤及地下水污染整治法之修法內容,完成法規說明會共2場,另配合縣府單位完成緊急應變演練1場,藉以提昇民眾對於土壤及地下水污染防治之認知。 The project of soi and groundwater pollution prevention, Investigation, supervising, and verification in 2009 The proceedings of the project including tasks of supervision, verification, regular monitoring, database establishment, document examination and public symposiums, etc. Furthermore to maintain and manager wells in Tainan County, it is also including the tasks to check well conditions, integrate regional and specific wells coding and make the well cards thoroughly total to 206 wells.Before the end of this project, 4 Mar, 2010, each has successfully completed or exceeded the requirements of the work. On site supervision and verification, EPB (Environmental Protection Bureau) would list six sites verified whose analysis results are greater than the soil and groundwater control standards into the soil and groundwater pollution control site according to Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act.Regular groundwater monitoring results are similar to the earlier analysis except As concentration in Hu-Tou-Pi site at the second season reached the second category groundwater pollution monitoring standards. And newly legal pollutant items which were inspected by sites are all under legal limits. The tasks about the official documents examination and database maintaining were both achieved over 100 percentage of scheduled progress. And two seminars which one is for gas station business and the other is on amendments of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act have done. In addition, we executed one emergency measure drill along with Tainan County for general people to realize soil and groundwater pollution remediation. 098 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17862
「以生命週期分析廢容器回收體制及市場價格對回收管道之影響」專案工作計畫 (一) 針對不同廢容器回收模式,以生命週期評估概念盤查各階段能資源使用狀況與污染物排放情形;其中,「以回收業為主體」回收模式,建議採行前應建置完善監督機制,並輔以經濟誘因以確保資源回收;「以清潔隊為主體」及「清潔隊與回收業共同參與」等回收模式,就產生源(民眾)、收集者(清潔隊)及分類者已分別研提相關改良方案與措施,以促進資源回收。(二) 透過蒐集市場交易價格,並利用迴歸分析建立市場價格預測模式,另研提以「躉售物價指數(WPI)」作為執行機關與業者訂定變賣價格變動參考依據。(三) 透過調查/分析公告應回收廢容器未進入認證補貼體系之比例及推估數量,以掌握國內廢容器流布。另調查發現廢鋁容器補貼費遠低於市場交易價格,係業者考量分類/稽核認證行政成本,故有較多已回收已分類但不認證情形;廢紙容器由於業者基於利潤考量,混入廢紙未進入認證體系。(四) 調查廢容器相關回收處理成本,並配合促進容器商品環保化設計與推行單一補貼費率政策,研提99年廢容器回收清除處理費率與補貼費率建議值。(五) 透過PLA(聚乳酸)容器產業調查,評估以「就原料源課費」為最適課費模式,並依據環保署指定回收處理方式試算/研擬PLA容器回收清除處理費率及補貼費率。 A Life-Cycle Analysis of Waste Container Recycling System and the Market Price Effect on the Recycli This project applied the concept of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and carried out life cycle inventory analyses to explore the energy consumption and emissions of pollutants during all stages within different collection models for waste containers. Moreover, it is advised that a supervision mechanism should be employed before implementing "to be collected by recycling companies" model, which could be further supported by providing economic incentives. In terms of "to be collected by sanitation teams" and "to be collected jointly by sanitation teams and recycling companies " models, improvement plans and measures were proposed for the source of generation (general public), the collector (sanitation team) and the classifier to facilitate resource recycling.Forecasting models for price were established through regression analysis based on surveying relevant market prices of the regulated recyclable waste containers. Moreover, the project has identified the "wholesale price index (WPI)" as a reference price for enforcement authorities (sanitation teams) and recycling companies to consider changing the sale price.In order to master the domestic flow of the waste containers, this project has surveyed / analyzed the proportion of the regulated recyclable waste containers which do not entered into the certification recycling system. For aluminum containers, many are recovered, sorted but not certified. The reason is that subsidized fees have been much lower than the market prices and collectors often take the administrative costs of classification and certification in consideration. Besides, waste paper containers are often mixed into waste papers due to profit considerations, so do not enter into the certification recycling system.To investigate the collection and recycling costs for the regulated recyclable waste containers, and to comply with the EPA’s policy (to facilitate the environmentally friendly design of container goods and to promote one-stage subsidy, etc.), the project has proposed recommended levies and subsidies for collecting and recycling containers.By surveying the domestic PLA container industry, the project has concluded that the optimal billing model is "billing from raw material source." In addition, the project has estimated/devised collection and recycling levies and subsidies for PLA containers based on the recycling approach designated by the EPA—"the material recycling (Re-granulation)", and made recommendations to EPA for future consideration. 098 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16164
推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫-新竹市 「推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導」專案計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),為輔導培訓環保e化網路協助作業人員,並透過環保e化網站,有效輔導參與民眾及公私部門團體登入其執行成果與績效資訊,建立複式協查查報作業及督導管理機制,供考核地方政府執行成效及決策分析用,以達整合公私部門複式動員、提昇生活環境品質之目標。本計畫在執行成果部分,分別為參加環保署辦理之訓練講習會、研訂本計畫工作人員標準作業手冊、研訂整潔美化助理員作業規範、辦理整合性環保複式動員系統相關作業、培訓整潔美化助理員暨種子教師講習會(目標:1場次16人,實際:2場次75人)與辦理Eco Life、節能減碳及環境整潔宣導說明會(目標:20場次600人,實際:24場次659人)共六項工作。本報告亦提出執行計畫之結論及建議,供未來執行相關計畫之參考。 The planning and supervising of the establishment of integrated environmental protection and multiple mobilization system-Hsinchu City The project of “the planning and supervising the establishment of integrated environmental protection and multiple mobilization system”(hereinafter referred to as the project)involved training of operating personnel of environmental protection and e-network, assisting individuals as well as public and private organizations in recording outcomes and performance by logging into the “Eco Life” webpage, establishing composite checking system and supervising management, reviewing the performance of local authority and providing information for decision-making etc. Consequently, the goals of integrating composite manpower mobilization of public and private sectors were achieved and the quality of living environment was promoted. The achievement of the project included the following: 1) participating training session held by EPA, 2) formulating standard operation manuals for the project staff, 3) drafting operation guides for cleaning and landscaping assistants, 4) handling the related work of environmental protection and composite manpower mobilization, 5) training cleaning and landscaping assistants and seed teachers by holding seminars (target: 16 participants to 1 session, Actual: 75 participants to 2 sessions), and 6) handling propaganda events for Eco Life, energy conservation, carbon reduction, and environmental cleanliness (target: 600 participants to 20 sessions, Actual: 659 participants to 24 sessions). The project also provided conclusions and suggestions for future relevant projects. 098 毒管處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=13745
98年度「97-98年事業廢棄物清理管制-管制中心整體管理資訊系統功能提升、整合及決策支援專案工作計畫案」 本計畫分為四大重點包括:1.檢討研擬現行法規及相關管理措施。2.各類廢棄物統計資料之需求整合。3.創新技術應用。4.系統功能提昇及維護。檢討研擬現行法規及相關管理措施部分,本計畫今年度共協助完成「應檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書之事業」及「應以網路傳輸方式申報廢棄物之產出、貯存、清除、處理、再利用、輸出及輸入情形之事業」二公告之修訂草案;「以網路傳輸方式申報廢棄物之產出、貯存、清除、處理、再利用、輸出及輸入情形之申報格式、項目、內容及頻率」檢討;乾電池與違法輸出廢棄物之流向管理機制及5項許可項目電子化功能規劃。各類廢棄物統計資料之需求整合部分,完成包括事業廢棄物管制系統架構檢討,區分為一般民眾、作業階層、管理階層與決策階層四大層級架構,同時彙整共53項統計表報產出資訊,並依各項統計表報之屬性調整其相關欄位增修及關聯定義;另亦針對OLAP進行功能提昇及改版作業,主要以簡化其操作流程及新增多種不同維度為目的,使更符合管理需求。創新技術應用部分,除結合廢棄物各類申報資訊,完成空間地理資訊系統雛型建置外,並進行網路電話試導入作業及規劃電話語音簡易申報方式,提供業者多元化的諮詢管道及申報方式。系統功能提昇及維護部分,除定期執行系統維護作業外,亦完成與EMS系統進行6大功能整合及2項許可資料整併、與空保處及水保處二單位進行系統介接、新增2項e管家服務功能及配合管理政策執行5大項臨時需求。 Controlling of Industrial Waste Disposal and Treatment in Year 2008 and 2009-Upgrade, Integration, and Policy Support for Overall Information System Management in Industrial Waste Control Center The project was divided into the emphasis on four main subjects: (1) The review of existing regulations and the relevant management measures, (2) Integration of statistical information of each waste, (3) The application with innovative technologies, and (4) System function upgrade and maintenance. In aspects with the review of existing regulations and the relevant management measures, this year the project has cooperated to complete two announced draft amendments, "Enterprises that should submit an industrial waste disposal plan for review" and "Enterprises that shall report the production, storage, clearance and disposal, reuse, export, import, or cross-boundary transport or transshipment of waste via online transmission"; and reviewed "the submission format, items, content and frequency for the reporting of the production, storage, clearance and disposal, reuse, export, import, or cross-boundary transport or transshipment of waste via online transmission"; also, finished in the planning for dry batteries and illegal waste output flow control mechanism, and the planning of 5 electronic permits.In regards to integration of statistical information of each waste, completions include the framework review for the Industrial Waste Control Center Reporting System, which is divided into a 4-level framework: the general population, operating level, the management level and the decision-making level; also 53 statistical information reports of the industries were compiled, which has adjusted/added relevant columns and defined correlations according to their characteristics; furthermore, the OLAP functions were upgraded and the edition was revised. This is to mainly simplify the operating process and add different dimensions as purpose, which may even better meet with management needs.For the application with innovative technologies, not only did the project combined the various wastes registration information and completed the Geography Information System prototype, but also introduced internet calling and the planning with a simple and convenient registration through voice phone. This provides vendors multiple consolation channels and registration methods.In system function upgrade and maintenance, besides regular scheduled system maintenance, the project has also completed integration with the EMS system in 6 major functions and the merging of 2 authorized information items, has finished system connections with the Department of Air Quality Protection and noise control and the Department of Water Quality Protection, and added two E-management services and five main provisional demands to coordination with management policy implementation. 098 廢管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14738
98年度各級環保報案中心公害陳情系統功能提升既維護管理專案工作(第1年)計畫 「環保報案中心公害陳情案件管理系統」於82年成立迄今,持續擔任受理全國民眾於各種管道所提出之公害陳情報案,系統將陳情案件依所屬轄區及陳情次數特性即時交辦至對應各級31個環保單位處理,98年統計至11月30日止,平均每月超過1.5萬件的陳情業務,本系統已成為各公害陳情業務單位所依賴之重要工具。本專案除維護系統軟硬體環境以維持相關業務處之正常運作與成長,於今年依業務推動與民意所趨增修31項系統功能,以提昇系統便民與輔助行政績效,計畫期間為確實達到意見整合與政策推動,共辦理3場教育訓練、2場GIS圖台系統操作訓練、8場業務相關會議及17次工作進度報告,會議辦理皆提供會議簡報、講義及說明手冊、講座邀請等,加速計畫目標與政策之達成性。本年於計畫中統整97及98年度公害陳情處理結果統計,並與各環保單位溝通交換意見,擬定提昇辦理品質與突破困難相關政策之推行。除此之外,於今年度有以下幾點計畫執行重點,以期對於現場稽查與決策支援提供更友善與自動化之平台:1.配合環資部共構機房先期建置專案,於本年度11月19日完成公害陳情系統移植作業,目前系統於台中文心機房正常運作中,原台北機房主機提供系統備援使用。2.完成公害陳情系統與監資處資料倉儲系統資料交換作業,達成環保署各項業務資料共享之目標。3.協助環境督察總隊召開2次「研商公害陳情系統代碼增修暨操作事宜」討論會議,並完成公害陳情系統各項代碼增修作業於99年度1月1日啟用,提升公害陳情系統各項代碼能更加實用及完善。4.完成規劃並推動公害陳情案件處理結果2次不滿意追蹤處理作業,提供3區大隊追蹤瞭解不滿意案件產生之原因,進而提昇各環保單位公害陳情案件處理品質與效能。5.加強一再陳情及民眾滿意度調查不滿意案件之分析,列入年終考核成績,以同時提昇公害陳情案件處理品質。6.規劃並建置公害陳情案件地理資訊平台;結合全球衛星定位(GPS)技術與應用地理資訊(GIS)系統,利用陳情案件地域性顯示親和度以輔助並提昇稽查人員到達現場案件處理時效,整合端管理者可依公害陳情案件分佈之密度顯示區域警示功能(熱區),達到經驗累積與傳承甚至預測之目的。 National Environmental Nuisance Cases Center MIS Implementation & Maintenance project 2009 「National Environmental Nuisance Cases Center」accepted nationwide environmental nuisance cases since 1993 in EPA. The accepting center will dispatch the reporting cases to the designed 31 authorities respectively. In year 2009, accumulated the cases up to Nov. 30, there were over 15,000 nuisance cases reported and transferred to the designed environmental agencies by 「National Environmental Nuisance Cases Center MIS」, therefore, the system was performed an sole and important platform for the task and all the staff.The goals of the project included system maintenance and data collection of 「National Environmental Nuisance Cases Center」. This year, the project team gathered 31 new function needs and suggestions from the users and decision makers. Within the project, implemented 31 functions of the system to make system interface more friendly and satisfy users’ needs and expectations. The project team carried out 3 training programs, 2 GIS platform presentation, 8 conferences and 17 project regular checkpoint meetings to achieve the users’ opinion and policy strategy. All conference and meetings provided the meeting briefings, handouts, manuals, and expert’s speeches to achieve the goals and strengthen the case management skills.The project analyzed the result of nuisance cases in 2008 and 2009, which was discussed with the environmental agencies and exchanged the different opinions to finalized the improving service quality strategy. Through the meeting and discussion the case management quality strategy was addressed. Other than those achievements, there were several targets achieved:1.Complying with the mainframe construction project, the system was removed to the new location in Taichung; the system is functioning smoothly up to now. The Taipei mainframe is performing backup purpose properly. 2.Accomplished the nuisance data transfer with the Information Management Division data warehouse task, fulfilled information sharing automatically.3.Assisted on 2 code implementing and operating matters discussion meeting, the code will be used in 1st of January, 2010.4.Accomplish the continuously 2 time unsatisfied cases analysis and traced the handling process until to be made improvement.5.Analyzed frequent nuisance cases and the results which people were not satisfied. From the analysis to establish new SIP to improve nuisance cases handling processes.6.Developed 「National Environmental Nuisance Cases Geographical Information Systems」: Integrating with leading-edge technology such as GPS and GIS, and to increase geographical view and action efficiency. Decision makers could analyze from the geographical view such as the hot zone could be defined of higher nuisance cases areas and should put more efforts to reduce the major pollutions. All the geographical points and the inspection results could be accumulated and also could a good prediction tool for decision makers to set up the strategy priority. 098 督察總隊 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14702
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢機動車輛類-北區) 98年1月1日至99年12月31日執行廢車引擎100%逐一實地稽核與廢車殼清運卸載端實地清運稽核。引擎實地稽核認證通過廢汽車191,436輛與廢機車262,767輛,處理廢汽車189,803輛與廢機車261,981輛;廢車殼清運稽核共103,119,510公斤。 本會作業程序查核分為「回收規範」、「貯存規範」及「清除規範」、「受補貼資格」、「機具設備」及「作業廠區規範」等六大類,查核共計有723項次不合格,(總計查核項次數為56,160項次),平均不合格率為1.29%。針對所查核之不合格情形,均在本會輔導要求下於稽核現場立即改善完成。 環境工安查核共分為「環保設備」「廠區環境及污染防制」「消防設施」及「人員安全防護與緊急應變」等四大類,查核共計299項次不合格(總計查核項次數為45,240項次),平均不合格率為0.66%。針對所查核之不合格情形,均在本會輔導要求下於稽核現場立即改善完成。 98年1月1日至99年12月31日執行基隆市(含)以南、台中縣(含)以北及宜蘭縣、南投縣等地區之廢機動車輛回收業稽核認證作業,累計節省6,679,540元補助金之發放。 The auditing and certification project of the regulated recyclable waste (waste vehicle) From January 01, 2009 to December 31, 2010, the Project team FTIS completed 100% for the engine auditing on site of waste motor vehicle, the body Clearance auditing of waste motor vehicle. The Certified engine quantity was 191,436 cars and 262,767 motorcycles. The certified disposal quantity was 189,803 cars and 261,981 motorcycles. The certified body clearance quantity was 103,119,510 kg.The operational processes auditing was divided into 6 categories:”The Collection standards”, “The storage standards”, ”The disposal standards”, “The subsidized qualification inspections”, “The equipment inspections”, and “The working area standards”. There were total 723 unqualified events(the number of Auditing subjects was 56,160times). The average unqualified rate was 1.29 %.All the unqualified events above were improved immediately on site by the requests of the auditing team. The environment safety auditing was divided into 4 categories: “The environmental protection equipment”, “The working area environment and the Pollution prevention of the system”, “The fire-prevention equipment” and “The Personal safety and emergency plans”. There were total 299 unqualified events(the number of Auditing subjects was 45,240 times). The average unqualified rate was 0.66%. All the unqualified events above were improved immediately on site by the requests of the auditing team. For the subsidy of waste motor vehicles for the recycling enterprises in the northern Taiwan, total 6,679,540 NT dollars was deducted because of the unqualified events. 098 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=22810
98年度區域性地下水井維護及資料更新計畫 本計畫主要目標係為延續民國93~97年之地下水監測井評估維護之工作,持續維護區域性地下水監測井,以維持監測井最佳狀態;另一方面同時驗證監測井基本資料以健全區域性地下水監測井網工作。本計畫依據民國97年9月至98年3月北中南三區監測井巡查維護紀錄,依「井深異常」、「回水緩慢」、「明顯混濁物」、「抽出水色異常」、「滯留水臭味」等5項原則篩選出35口監測井進行井況評估。茲將各項工作成果說明如下:一、定期維護區域性地下水監測井,維持監測井況正常1.完成36口監測井之井下攝影與微水試驗等井況評估工作。除原35口井況評估外,苗栗縣後龍海濱遊憩區三區巡察回報遭傾倒油漆,依環保署指示直接納入井況評估名單,故實際共執行36口井況評估工作。2.完成31口再次完井工作,包含施作微水試驗及進行井下攝影。包括監測井井況異常(依據97年9月至98年3月環保署三區地下井維護資料篩選)計有25口,監測井異常頻率頻繁計有3口,設井後從未進行井況評估計有3口。3.完成35口監測井之流速流向測定,以作為監測井背景資訊。4.完成31口監測井地下水採樣及水質檢測分析。另以Stiff、Pipper以及各種水質指數分析水質趨勢。另加入PHREEQC計算地下水中飽和狀況及可能形成之礦物組成。5.完成3口地下水即時採樣,進一步了解監測井水質與周遭含水層水質情形。二、建立區域性地下水監測井基本資料庫,完成基本資料驗證更新,分析環境變化1.完成45口監測井高程驗證,原監測井資料卡之高程,與本計畫引用一等水準點所進行測量之高程差距於-11.98公尺至3.56公尺間,誤差超過10公尺共計有1口。2.完成35口井篩驗證工作,本計畫以井下攝影進行井篩驗證工作,共計有台北市玉成國小等14口監測井井篩長度與資料卡資料差異資料較大外,其餘監測井井篩長度與資料卡上大致符合。3.完成35口監測井之環境資料變化。本計畫依據歷年水位及基本資料卡紀錄之井篩位置分析前述35口監測井之環境資料變化,共計有7口歷年水位階位於井篩區間內,共計有16口歷年水位超過井篩上緣或下緣段,共計12口監測井歷年水位皆高於井篩區間。4.建置區域性地下水監測井基本資料庫網頁,本計畫依據前案93~97年及本(98)年執行成果,建置區域性地下水監測井基本資料庫網頁,後續依環保署所規劃土壤及地下水管理系統整併作業期程開放,以供民眾查詢。5.於澎湖縣港子國小設置地下水保育之教育看板,並與全體教師座談,同時將邀請教育部及地方環保區與會,強化我國環境教育中之地下水保育觀念。三、強化地下水監測井體設施,更新地表設備環境1.完成更新48口告示牌。2.完成高雄市中正國小等3口監測井異物排除作業。3.完成苗栗縣尖山國小等2口隱藏式基座改善。4.完成新竹市千甲里活動中心等5口防水井頂蓋施工5.完成台中縣大雅國小、神岡國中、后里鄉立托兒所太平聯合分所及高雄縣月美國小等4口監測井新設作業。 Project of Maintenance and Information Correction of the Regional Groundwater Monitoring Wells The objective of this project is to maintain the function of the Regional Groundwater Monitoring Wells (RGMWs) continously and to keep the best condition of the RGMWs, which based on the experience of the previous projects of 2004 to 2008. On the other hand, the basic well information is corrected in order to establish the integrity of the network of the RGMWs. According to the maintenance records of the well inspected from 9/2008 to 3/2009, the 35 wells are screened to proceed the evaluation of well condition in this project by the 5 principles of the “unusual well depth”, “groundwater recovery slowly”, “obvious turbidity in well”, “unusual color of groundwater”, and “the odor of water in well”. The project results of the major tasks are described as below: 1. Providing periodical cleaning to the RGMWs(1)The 36 wells were completed to evaluate well condition within down-hole video inspection and slug test. Among that, the well located in Houlong Seashore Recreation Park, Miaoli County, was poured paint based on the inspected report. Thus, it was directly taken into the list of well development besides the original 35 wells according to the directive of the EPA. So that all 36 wells were executed well condition evaluated.(2)The 31 wells redeveloped were completed and executed the slug test and down-hole video. All 31 wells involved 25 wells of condition unusual, screened from EPA wells maintenance information reports from 9/2008 to 3/2009, 3 wells of unusual condition occurred frequently, and 3 wells of never implement well condition evaluated since they were installed.(3)The 35 wells borehole flow velocity and directions were measured and provided monitoring well background information.(4)The groundwater sampling and water quality measurement of the 31 wells were completed. Meantime, the trend of the water quality by the Stiff and Pipper figures and variable aqueous indices were done. Also, PHREEQC program was measured the groundwater saturated condition and possible minerals formatted.(5)The 3 wells of groundwater real time sampling were completed. Therefore, to understand the quality condition of groundwater in well and aquifer groundwater surround well.2. Verification and correction of the basic well information(1)The altitude of the selected 45 wells was examined. Generally, the altitude recorded in the basic well information showed significant error (-11.98m ~ +3.56m) and all were corrected. One of all examined wells altitude error exceeded 10 m.(2)The screen depth and length of the selected 35 wells were examined by the down-hole video. Among that, 14 wells were error in screen depth and length involving Yu-Cheng elementary school, Taipei City. Others were as same as the basic well information records.(3)The variants of environmental data of the 35 wells were analyzed. Among that, the water table of the 7 wells was located the screen depth in the history. Others 16 wells were above the screen up or below the screen bottom. The historical water table of 12 wells was always above the screen up.(4)The homepage of the basic information of the RGMWs was established according to the implemental results of previous projects from 2004 to 2008 and to date. Follow up the schedule of soil and groundwater management system by EPA, it will open to search for people.(5)The educated board for groundwater protection installed in Gang-Zi elementary school, Peng-Hu County. Also, teachers, MOE and local EPB were invited to join discussion in order to enforce the concept of groundwater protection in environment education.3. Renew the equipments of the well(1)To renew the 48 wells of the bulletin board.(2)To complete the objects removal from the 3 wells located in Chung-Cheng elementary school, Kaohsiung City and so on.(3)To improve the 2 unapparent wells structures located in Jian-Shan elementary school, Miaoli County and so on.(4)To construct the 6 wells water-repellent cover located in Qian-Jia Activity Center, Hisn-Chu City and so on.(5)To set up 4 new wells in Da-Ya elementary school, Shen-Gang junior high school, Tai-Ping Union Nursery school, How-Li Township, Taichung County and Yue-Mei elementary school, Kaohsiung County. 098 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15178
98年度資源回收制度規劃及整合性產品政策推動計畫 本計畫包括以下五大工作成果(一)推動電機電子設備納入生產者延伸責任回收制度:包括國內回收通路研析、國內外公告回收推動回顧、提出挑選優先推動回收項目方法、項目及建議執行方式。(二)協助落實環保署與15家行動通訊業者簽署之「廢行動通訊產品回收合作備忘錄」:包括國內外資料更新、業者輔導與成果彙整,以及建置專屬網站。(三)推動廢包裝用發泡塑膠回收:完成蒐集國外資料、協助環保署與民間責任業者簽訂契約、輔導及監督查核民間業者自辦回收清除處理稽核認證作業、公告廢包裝用發泡塑膠為應回收廢棄物評估事項。(四)廢棄物減量、資源回收之績效指標:在國內垃圾及OECD都市廢棄物統計名詞定義與範疇相近的狀況,進行指標之跨國比較。(五)推動我國產品類別整合性產品政策:1.蒐集並分析先進國家之整合性產品政策(IPP)、耗能產品環境友善化設計指令(EuP)及危害物質限用指令(RoHS)等最新政策、實施方法與執行最新資訊。2.評析國外環保指令於我國之應用性,依廢棄資源循環促進法草案之產品環境友善化設計條文,研擬「產品環境化設計管理計畫(草案)」。 2009 Project of Planning Resource Recycling System and Promoting Integrated Product Policy The major achievements of this project consisted of five main parts in this report as follows.1. For promoting the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) recycling system for the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment(WEEE)in Taiwan, we analyzed domestic material flow of the WEEE and reviewed the similar process inland and aboard. We developed the methodology for prioritizing the WEEE items which should be included into the Extended Producer Responsibility recycling system first. Finally, the selected items and the implementation ways were suggested.2. We assisted to carry out the signed voluntary “Memorandum on Cooperation in Recycling of Waste Mobile Communications Equipment” between the EPA and the 15 mobile telecommunication industry representatives, including information update, industry guidance and results compiling and an exclusive web-site establishment.3. For promoting the recycling of Expanded Polystyrene(EPS)package, we compiled recycling information overseas, helped accomplishing the signing of a contract between the EPA and the EPS producers, assisted auditing process and assessed EPS package as the Due Recycled Waste according to the Waste Disposal Act in Taiwan.4. The comparison of municipal waste indicators between the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)countries and Taiwan based on similar definitions and scope has been made in this project.5. Promoting the concept of “Integrated Product Policy” for Electrical and Electronic Equipment(EEE)products: First of all, we compiled the implementation measures and latest information of the Integrated Product Policy (IPP), the directive of Energy-using Products (EuP) and the directive of Restriction of Hazardous Substance (RoHS) in EU and other developed countries. Then, we analyzed the mentioned IPP-related policy and regulations for domestic applications. Besides, we drafted the management plan for the “design for environment(DfE)” according to the DfE article of the draft Act for Promotion Cycle of Waste Resources. 098 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15051
飲用水水質標準中較難檢驗項目抽驗計畫   本計畫主要針對國內25個直轄市及縣市行政轄區364個自來水供水系統及36個簡易自來水檢測點進行飲用水水質中較難檢驗項目之抽驗,其分析項目包括重金屬(砷、鉛、硒、鉻、鎘、鋇、銻、鎳、汞、銀;簡易自來水另含銦、鉬)、揮發性有機物(三氯乙烯、四氯化碳、1,1,1-三氯乙烷、1,2-二氯乙烷、氯乙烯、苯、對-二氯苯、1,1-二氯乙烯)、氟鹽、陰離子界面活性劑(僅自來水系統)、總三鹵甲烷,共21~22項水質項目。  98年度監測結果發現,自來水供水系統之抽驗點中四氯化碳、1,1,1-三氯乙烷、1,2-二氯乙烷、苯、對-二氯苯等5項,以及簡易自來水之抽驗點中三氯乙烯、1,1,1-三氯乙烷、1,2-二氯乙烷、氯乙烯、苯、對-二氯苯等6項之檢測結果皆為ND,本年度重金屬因全部改以ICP-MS進行分析,偵測極限較歷年為低,故檢出頻率較往年為高。本年度水質抽驗合格率,以縣市而言,除雲林縣TTW-J09(虎尾淨水場)、連江縣TTW-W04(勝利淨水場)等測點之水質合格率為95.2%外,其餘各檢測點之水質合格率皆為100.0%;而就抽驗點而言,除氯乙烯、總三鹵甲烷等項之檢測點合格率為99.7%外,其餘各分析項目之檢測點合格率皆為100.0%。 A Survey of Drinking Water for Certain Specific Analytes in the Water Quality Standards   The purpose of this project is to examine the water quality of the pre-chosen 364 drinking water systems and 36 simple tap-water systems of the 25 municipal counties (or cities). The items being tested include heavy metals (As, Pb, Se, Cr, Cd, Ba, Sb, Ni, Hg, Ag ; In, Mo only tested at simple tap-water systems), volatile organics (trichoroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, vinyl chloride, benzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, 1,1-dichloroethene), fluoride, MBAS (only tested at drinking water systems) and THMs , a total of 21 to 22 items.  The analytical results indicates that most of the analytes were detected in some drinking water systems except carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, benzene and 1,4-dichloro- benzene were found to be not detected in the systems. Most of the analytes were found in some simple tap water systems except trichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, vinyl chloride, benzene and 1,4-dichlorobenzene were found to be not detected in these systems. This annual, because of heavy metals detected by ICP-MS, detection limits were lower than ICP-OES, and so detected frequency was higher than past years. The results indicated that only one value of vinyl chloride at one site(TTW-J09) of Yun-Lin county and one value of THMs at one site(TTW-W04) of Lien-Chiang county which did not meet the regulation, the test results for rest of the items all in compliance which the drinking water quality standards. 098 毒管處 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14490
事業廢棄物清理管理及再利用查核輔導專案工作計畫 本計畫主要工作重點為執行400家事業、廢棄物再利用機構之查核輔導作業,本年度主要工作成果摘要說明如下:(一) 完成執行400家事業、廢棄物再利用機構或其他廢棄物產生源之營運管理與廢棄物流向追蹤,並進行事業廢棄物管理相關法規、妥善清理與資源化技術、申報實務等宣導及輔導工作。(二) 完成檢討分析現行事業廢棄物流向追蹤管理工具及相關法規制度,研提事業廢棄物申報管制策略修正建議。(三) 完成調查70家再利用機構產品流向用途與市場價值,就現行可再利用事業廢棄物之種類、再利用方式或產品用途為分類原則,進行成本效益評析,並研提相關管理制度改善建議。(四) 完成檢討廢棄物清理法涉及事業廢棄物管制相關法規、稽查作業及行政處分等效果,提供改善稽查處分問題,以提昇事業廢棄物管制成效。(五) 依本計畫查核輔導工作成果,建立事業或廢棄物再利用機構製程廢棄物種類特性、產出關聯性分析與因子推估,編纂行業或製程稽查技術參考手冊。 Surveillance and Consultation Project for the Reuse and Disposal of Industrial Waste This project aimed to inspect and verify the waste flow records of 400 enterprises. The achievements of this project in this year are as below: 1. To trace the waste flow records and working for enterprises, recycling agencies or other waste source and to prepare inspection guidance on the operational management. To promote and provide guidance with regard to the related laws and regulations, proper clearance technologies and declaration practice of industrial waste management. 2. Investigating the present enactment and flow direction about industrial waste, and providing recommendation and amendment of management regulations. 3. To analyze the flow records of recyclable products, market value and its cost-benefit analysis for 70 waste reuse organizations that basic on the kind of industrial waste, reuse way or purpose of product. And provide management regulations. 4. Review the effect of Waste Disposal Rules that involve with industrial waste control, investigation work and administrative penalties. Promote the control effects of industrial waste and improve the disciplinary problem.5. In accordance with the results of inspection and guidances, to carry out the following works: z Formulation of waste characteristics for various industries and process. z Analysis of interrelation between waste input and output. z Estimation of influence factors of waste output. z Preparation of inspection manuals on processes and technologies of various industries.. 098 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14521
98年河川環境水體整體調查監測計畫 本計畫主要針對淡水河、南崁溪、老街溪、濁水溪、新虎尾溪、急水溪、鹽水溪、二仁溪及愛河等9條流域進行河川水體與底泥之基本性質調查及分析水體與底質之污染物含量,並進行包括藻類、螺貝類及底棲生物等之種類及族群分布調查,建立相關生物圖鑑資料,同時應用統計方法探討污染物的污染潛能與可能的污染來源,以提供河川污染管理之參考。藉由流域污染程度評估,來瞭解河川環境水體之背景現況,其中水體品質部分參考河川污染指標(RPI),底質部分主要參考美國環保署之底質污染風險評估基準,針對底質污染情形對水生生物及人體健康造成危害之影響程度,作進一步的評估,生物部分則利用藻類、魚類及大型甲殼類、水棲昆蟲(Shannon 種岐異度指數)作為指標生物來判斷水質階級。針對各測站之水質、底質與生物調查等監測結果,進行污染等級判定,並列出各河段之水質與底質指標物,作為後續監測之參考依據。 Integrated Investigation and Monitoring for the Water Quality of Tan-Shuei River, Nan-Kan River, Lao-Jie River, Jhuo-Shuei River, Xin-Hu-Wei River, Ji-Shuei River, Yan-Shuei River, Er-Ren River, Love River (2009) The main purpose of this project is to investigate the background information for the water and sediment of Tan-Shuei River, Nan-Kan River, Lao-Jie River, Jhuo-Shuei River, Xin-Hu-Wei River, Ji-Shuei River, Yan-Shuei River, Er-Ren River, Love River, and to analyze the concentration of pollutants in the river water and sediment. These investigations also include findings of the distribution and varieties of algae, conch, shellfish and benthic organism in the area, and a biological graphic illustration is established. A statistical method is used to study the potential effects of pollution and most probable pollution sources; these findings can serve as a guideline for the oversight of pollution control of this area.In order to understand the environmental background of the river basin under investigation and to estimate the degree of pollution of these rivers, RPI method was used for water quality, and the degree of potential hazards of heavy metals issued by USEPA sediment pollution risk assessment criteria were used as a reference to evaluate the magnitude of harm to human health and aquatic animals resulting from the sediment pollution. Algae, fish, crustacea and aquatic insects were used for the biological evaluation. According to the results of the above findings, we were able to classify the degrees of pollution for the whole river basin under investigation. The distinctive pollutants and major biological species identified from various sections of the river will serve as a guideline for future monitoring. 098 監資處 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14921
環境影響評估書件及審查結論執行情形監督專案工作計畫 本計畫針對已通過環境影響評估審查之六個開發案,包括:核能一廠、核能四廠、中科三期(后里農場)、台塑六輕、南科(樹谷園區)及中油公司三輕更新擴產計畫。協助環保署依「環境影響評估法」監督各開發單位對於施工或營運階段有關環境影響評估相關書件及審查結論工作執行情形,透過每月派員現場勘查執行成果、每季派員會同六案之監測執行情形三次及協助辦理監督委員會或監督小組每季定期召開,以落實環境影響評估書件及審查結論的執行成效,有效強化環境影響評估制度效能。經查核結果,其中六輕相關計畫因未確實執行地下水監測井設置及地下水檢測作業裁處新臺幣30萬元罰鍰,及麥寮一廠輕油廠4個製程固定污染源小時排放濃度超過承諾標準,裁處新臺幣150萬元罰鍰,另南科(樹谷園區)因未確實執行土石方管理裁處新臺幣40萬元罰鍰。 The Supervision Project for Environmental Impact Assessment This Plan is directed toward six developing plans which had through environmental effect appraisal examination, including: the 1st nuclear power plant, the 4th nuclear power plant, the 3rd phase of Central Taiwan Science Park(630-acreHouli science park), the 6th Naphtha Cracker Project of FPCC, Tree Valley Park, and the 3rd Naphtha Cracker Renovation and Expansion Project of CPC. Assisting the Environmental Protection Administration follow the “Environmental Impact Assessment Act” to supervise the implement of the environmental effect appraisal and the examination conclusion of each development unit in the construction or operation period.For realizing the effect of environmental effect appraisals and the examination conclusions and strengthening environmental effect appraisal system by investigating on the spot every month, supervising the operations of the environmental monitor three times of the six cases, and assisting to handle convention of the surveillance committee or the surveillance group meeting every season.The results of this research are: A) The 6th Naphtha Cracker Project of FPCC is fined three hundred thousands NTD for not executing the install of underground water monitor well and not detecting underground water correctly. Mai-Liao 1st Naphtha Cracker factory is fined one and half million NTD for the exhausting level of 4 manufacture procedures were over the standard of stationary pollution source for one hour. B) The Tree Valley Park is fined four hundred thousands NTD for not executing the control of earth correctly. 098 綜計處 福邦工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15390
98年度社區環境改造專案計畫 環保署自民國八十六年所推動的「生活環境改造計畫」至九十七年所執行的「清淨家園計畫」,其主要精神為採取由下而上的行動方式,配合地方社區的需求及特色,達到社區環境改善及提昇的主要目的。本年度計畫內容包括:(一)辦理縣市層級輔導會議及聯合提案社區審查會議,以提高縣市及社區人員執行能力;(二)辦理社區經驗交流座談會,以達到社區間互相學習及借鏡之目的;(三)協助直轄市及縣市執行「社區環境改造計畫」,並按季統計社區執行「社區環境改造」成果;(四)輔導參與98年度社區環境改造之社區註冊使用本署「清淨家園全民運動顧厝邊部落格綠色生活網」;(五)製作成果專輯及社區環保行動網更新,宣導社區環境改造計畫的意義與作法,加強經驗傳承;(六)辦理社區環境改造後民眾滿意度調查,以了解社區環境改造計畫執行成效;(七)研析社區環境改造未來推動方向,作為未來政策推動之參考。 Community Environmental Enhancement and Management Project in 2009 A series of environmental reforms have been implemented by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Executive Yuan since 1997. Up to now, these environmental reforms of community (ERC) have received positive responses from communities. The purpose of this project is to promote the environmental quality of local community by meeting local demand and taking actions in a bottom-up style. The main works in this project included: (1) to hold assistant meetings for public servant in local government and appraisal meeting for community participant applications this year; (2) to hold experience sharing conferences for enhancing the mutual understanding among various communities; (3) to assist local communities in implementing ERC project and to collect community indicators on a quarter basis; (4) to assist local communities in registering the Eco Life website; (5) to compile the publication of the achievement in the environmental development of community in 2009 and to upgrade the information on the Community Environment Action Website; (6) to evaluate the effectiveness of ERC project by conducting a satisfaction questionnaire; (7) to analyze future strategies for implementation of environmental reforms. 098 綜計處 嘉南藥理科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15264
98年度推動縣市執行營建資源回收再利用計畫 根據先前研究,台灣地區每年產生超過一千萬公噸的營建廢棄物,然其所含物質如金屬、混凝土塊、磚、瓦、木材、塑膠及玻璃等,多可回收再利用。在永續發展的世界潮流下,行政院環境保護署近來已著手推動縣市執行營建資源回收再利用計畫,尤其是針對一般家戶裝潢修繕所產生之營建廢棄物。本計畫主要目標為協助行政院環境保護署進行營建資源回收再利用計畫,完成工作項目及成果說明如下:1.已完成98年1~11月「營建工程污染管制及收費管理系統」與「事業廢棄物管制資訊網」勾稽比對作業,比對案件共計3568件。並針對兩系統目前比對資料差異,進行符合列管資格廠商資料複查比對作業,提出建議加強稽查名單。2.已完成98年度營建廢棄物申報資料欄位相關性分析,拆除工程影響廢棄物產生量因子為建築用途,新建工程影響廢棄物產生量因子為建築用途、建築構造及現場是否分類等三項。此外,依據事業廢棄物管制資訊網資料之統計分析,97年度及98年度新建工程平均單位產生量為0.053公噸/平方公尺,而拆除工程為0.314公噸/平方公尺。3.已完成蒐集國外先進國家營建廢棄物管理策略相關文獻,並針對國內營建廢棄物管理遭遇問題進行探討,並擬定營建廢棄物管理改善策略。4.已提送「混凝土基本材料及施工一般要求」、「級配粒料基層」、「級配粒料底層」、「瀝青混凝土鋪面」、「水泥混凝土鋪面」、「緣石及緣石側溝」等6項施工綱要規範予農委會水土保持局,給予修改施工規範參考使用。5.已持續維護及更新綠建材再利用產品資訊網相關內容,包括網址更新、更新綠建材標章規定、新增再生綠建材標章廠商、增設計數器及瀏覽次數統計等。6.已配合署內召開第二次跨部會會議,並依會議內容修改減量推動計畫,已擬定完成營建廢棄物減量推動計畫(草案)新版,並加入三大減量成效之評估依據,預計在4年內能達到營建廢棄物減量20%及再利用率達40%之目標。7.已正式提送「CNS1240混凝土粒料」及「CNS2466圬工灌漿用粒料」等兩項國家標準草案予國家標檢局申請修訂認證。8.已建置完成營建廢棄物工地現場分類回收之程序及宣導短片內容之規劃,並拍攝製作完成6分鐘之宣導影片及製作兩摺頁六面之宣導手冊。9.已完成營建事業廢棄物再利用機構現場查核輔導說明書及現場查核輔導調查表,並已完成11家再利用機構現場查核輔導作業。10.已彙整14個縣市政府截至10月份之「裝潢修繕廢棄物再利用計畫」執行進度表,並於98/6/29~98/6/30辦理一場次示範觀摩會,出席人數共計53人。11.已辦理一場次推動縣市執行營建資源回收再利用業務檢討會,參加人數共計44人;三場次營建再利用產品說明會及相關研商會議事宜,參加人數共計362人。12.已於98/6/3~98/6/5協助環保署參與WASCON 2009國際研討會。期望透過本計畫上述各項工作項目的執行,能創造再利用產品的市場需求,促進營建廢棄物回收與再利用,達成國家推動綠營建政策零廢棄與資源永續利用之目標。 A Project to Promote Recycle Building Construction and Demolition Wastes in Taiwan Local Governments According to previous studies, millions tons of building construction and demolition wastes (CD&Ws) were generated each year in Taiwan. Nonetheless, most of the contents in CD&Ws, such as metals, concrete debris, brick, woods, plastics, glasses, are recyclable. Following the global trend of sustainable development worldwide, the Taiwan EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) has been putting efforts in recycling and reuse of the CD&Ws in Taiwan. Special attentions have been given to those CD&Ws generated from household renovation.This project was to assist Taiwan EPA in achieving the goals of reducing and recycling of CD&Ws and has completed the following work items:1.Completed the task of auditing the data between January and November of 2009 in the Construction Air Pollution Control Fee Collection Information System and the Industrial Waste Report System. We audited a total of 3568 projects and produced a list of projects for the EPA. Those projects need further inspection for correct data reporting.2.Analyzed the data in the EPA’s Industrial Waste Report System to identify the factors affecting the generation of CD&Ws. Factors identified including the functional purpose of the building,the structural type of the building, and whether recycling is implemented on site. In addition, according to the data of the Industrial Waste Report System, 0.053 and 0.314 ton of CD&Ws were generated per square meters of floor area for the building construction project and the building demolition project, respectively.3.Conducted literature reviews and developed local strategies for Taiwan EPA to facilitate the construction waste management.4.Submitted six of the previously developed construction specification drafts to the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, as their reference in making their construction specifications. The six items included 「General Concrete」、「Base Aggregate」、「Subbase Aggregate」、「Asphalt Pavement」、「Cement Concrete Pavement」 and 「Curb and Culvert」.5.Maintained the website of the Green Building Products in the EPA and updated the corresponding information. Completed tasks included changing of the web address, updating the application information of the recycled product Green Mark, adding the listed name of the companies obtained the recycled product Green Mark, and adding a statistical counter for recording the number of people visited the website, and so on.6.Assisted the EPA in holding two meetings in developing a 「Construction Waste Reduction Plan」in Taiwan. It was estimated that by conducting the three work items in the plan the construction wastes can be reduced by 20% and a recycling rate of 40% could be achieved.7.Submitted two items, namely the「CNS1240 Concrete Aggregate」及「CNS2466Cement Concrete Aggregate」to The Bureau of Standards, Metrology & Inspection for making the revision of the national standards.8.Completed the making of a 6-minute video to promote on-site recycling of construction wastes in construction projects.9.Inspected 11 recycling companies for proper operations and data reporting.10.Kept track on the progress of the 14 participated counties in the「Renovation Wastes Reduction Plan」. In addition, a workshop was held on 98/6/29~98/6/30 for techniques in renovation waste reduction.11.Held 1 conference of exchanging and sharing the experience in recycling CD&Ws. There were 44 participants. In addition, 3 workshops were held in different parts of Taiwan to promote the construction recycled products with a total participants of 362.12.Assisted the EPA to attend and present a paper in the WASCON 2009 International Conference, which was held in Lyon, France on June 2-5, 2009.With the implementation of the above works, the recycling and reuse of CD&Ws can be facilitated and the wastes can be reduced. 098 廢管處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15432
98年度光化學評估監測站操作品保例行性計畫 本計畫主要工作目標包括執行光化學評估監測站(Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations, PAMS)儀器品保查核,確保儀器功能正常、建立數據品保標準作業流程,提升數據處理效率及分析監測數據,建立區域污染特徵。本年度執行成果在儀器品保除完成品保查核作業手冊制定,同時依手冊規範完成各項查核,現場查核缺失以表單記錄未落實或維護人員未簽名為主,各項缺失均已改善完成;數據品質查核除小港站98年1月數據妥善率未達85%品保要求外,其餘均符合品保規範;系統查核各站正戊烷及甲苯相對差異百分比全數符合品保規範10%;系統及績效查核除發現萬華、土城及小港站歷年至98年6月間,對二甲苯濃度錯誤(本計畫已全數修正),另發現乙烯疑似有穿透及乙炔氣體衰減嚴重現象;各測站甲苯物種濃度均較高,實驗室與測站平行比對發現此物種分析偏差較小;連續式溫度監控結果顯示各測站溫度穩定。本計畫亦完成兩場次人員教育訓練,說明光化測站運轉模式、數據處理流程及現場實作解說,使與會人員對光化測站有更深層認知。 Quality Assurance and Data Validation on Ozone precursor Monitoring from Photochemical Assessment Mo The main objectives of this program included implementing the quality assurance audits of analytical systems, ensuring that instruments were functioning properly, establishing standard operating procedures for data quality assurance, streamlining data processing, analyzing the collected data, and characterizing the local pollutant profile for Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS).A quality assurance auditing manual was established and all the field audits were carried out accordingly. The incidents of nonconformance mostly consisted of incomplete records or missing inspectors’ signatures; corrective actions have already been performed. The data quality audits in each PAMS met the quality assurance criteria (85%) except for Shiau Gang PAMS in Jan. 2009. Analytical system audits showed that the standard deviations for n-Pentane and Toluene at all PAMS met the quality assurance criteria (10%). Data audits and performance evaluation showed the m,p-Xylene concentrations in Wan Hua, Tu Cheng and Shiau Gang PAMS were incorrect from the establishment of each of these three PAMS through Jun. 2009. All incorrect m,p-Xylene concentrations have already been corrected in the course of this project. In addition, a breakthrough effect of Ethylene and decay of Acetylene in the standard gas mixture were also observed. All PAMS indicated that Toluene had the highest concentration of the target analytes. Parallel studies between the laboratory and the PAMS showed that the relative percent deviation for Toluene was small. The continuous temperature monitoring also indicated that the temperature of each PAMS was stable. Two training sessions were conducted to provide an introduction to the theory and operation of PAMS as well as data analysis procedures, and a site visit accompanied by a detailed explanation of the analytical system to give the participants a thorough understanding of PAMS. 098 監資處 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15460
化學物質爆炸、燃燒衍生空氣污染物危害風險探討計畫(一) 計畫工作項目主要針對列管 259 種毒性化學物質及具潛在重大危害之非列管毒性化學物質,進行國內外燃燒、爆炸或熱分解等相關危害、影響或研究資料之蒐集。並推估化學物質在運作過程中,發生爆炸或火災意外時,其在火勢波及、熱輻射等高溫環境下,經燃燒或熱分解產生衍生物。依建立之篩選原則,選定約 40 種物質接續後續之燃燒驗證試驗,非列管毒化物物種之篩選,由署內提供十種環境用藥名單為優先考量,另增列非危害事故化學品。除文獻蒐集外,另以理論結構式推估各物質可能衍生物。原規劃10種非毒化物物種,經署內提供10種環境用藥名單為主,經討論決議,建議以環藥製成品進行燃燒試驗或針對特定物種進行試驗,以環藥(正百寧 Cypermethrin)為優先測試對象,其餘依非毒化物事故統計物種,挑選至少10種(含正百寧)物質進行試驗。高溫裂解儀器實驗分析方面,以緊急排放處理儀 (Vent Sizing Package 2, VSP2) 進行高溫裂解實驗,藉由 VSP2 昇溫及追壓特性,進行化學物種之高溫裂解,後續經由採樣收集後,再透過氣相層析質譜儀 (Gas Chromatography/Mass, GC/MS) 測定分解產物測試。以反應前及反應後之化合物列表比對,如反應前、後均有該物質,則該化合物應屬來自原化合物之主成份或不純物。如為反應後新增的成份則可初步假設為產生之化合物。同時比對空氣採樣袋之分析結果及空白分析結果,確認反應前、後之差異。燃燒分析實驗方面,燃燒試驗中,則選用熱重分析儀/熱天平 (Thermal Gravimetric Analysis,TGA) 進行:將化學品置於昇溫爐體之秤盤內,藉由昇溫過程中,可獲得物質質量變化之情況,在爐體後端,接續以傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜分析儀 (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy,FTIR) 進行產生物種之量測。其中依據 TGA 爐體載氣之區分,可進行純氮及氮氧混合比例載氣之燃燒試驗,分別可代表無氧燃燒及有氧燃燒之條件。在已執行之列管及非列管物種中,多數物種所得圖譜,經判別後大多為原生物種,從物質本身物化特性判斷,在加熱過程中相轉換汽化成氣體,在未達可燃燒溫度條件下,已形成蒸氣,在載流氣體帶動下,IR能捕捉到之物種,僅止於原始分析物,而無法有效得知高溫燃燒下之衍生物。總計針對毒化物部份,共計有35組完全/不完全燃燒TGA-IR試驗已全數完成,高溫裂解 VSP2試驗方面,扣除氣體與固體物種,實完成31種。部份物種衍生物具強烈腐蝕性造成採樣袋毀損,改以氣體採樣瓶進行試驗採樣。非毒化物14種(含環藥正百寧),皆已達合約要求以上。風險評估工作方法首先針對 269 種化學品(含 259 種毒化物 及10 種非毒化物)進行簡易之風險評估評分計算,以物質相對危害風險等級評估方法,利用DOW 火災爆炸指數 (Fire & Explosion Index, F&EI) 中之物質因子,參考 NFPA 易燃性 (Nf)、反應性 (Nr) 及健康危害性 (Nh) 分類,另依化學品之閃火點/沸點評估物質參數,並考慮其反應特性進行分類及評分,最終結合各項參數因子進行加總,依評分結果進行危害風險等級進行分類。現有 259 種毒化物中,除28種物種分類判定無分類數據,尚無法進行風險度判定外,共計有40種屬高度危害等級、10種為中高度、45種中度、101種低度及35種無顯著危害等級。結合容量、溫度、壓力等參數,提供廠商進行風險等級判別,該判定方法及分類方式將提供廠商自行進行運作化學物質危害風險等級判定。結合物質及製程相對危害等級評估結果,結合風險評估矩陣概念,判斷其對應之相對危害風險,得知造成高危害風險之來源,可依物質本身或製程條件進行改善。透過相對矩陣,依其物質相對危害與製程相對危害,交叉對應判定廠區製程區域危害風險程度。判定主要造成重大或高度風險等結果之來源,進行相對應之防護作為。五種物種風險評估模擬:結合洩漏源模式及後果分析結果,配合當地地理資訊(可能之人口分佈及點火源分佈之情況)與失誤頻率資料,評估廠區所存在對廠區內員工及鄰近週遭活動人口之個人風險及社會風險值,危害情境依洩漏條件可區分成最嚴重情境 (Worst Case Scenario, WCS) 與可能替代情境 (Alternative Case Scenario, ACS),擴散模擬參考參數,包含毒性效應、火災熱輻射及爆炸過壓值,依後果影響分析結果,配合地理資訊地圖、人口密度進行人員的風險計算,完成5種物質風險評估模擬工作項,選定以氯乙烯、氯氣、光氣、1,3 丁二烯及二硫化碳作為假定廠址模擬目標物,除上述五種毒化物,另針對國內常見易燃、易爆之化學品:液化石油氣 (LPG) 進行非毒化物假定場址模擬。宣導及教育訓練工作方面,毒性化學物質燃燒衍生污染物資訊手冊之初稿已於98年10月完成,召開一次專家學者建議及意見徵詢、兩次審稿會議,另透過意見徵詢會議,取得各界對於手冊所需求之資訊,修正彙整相關資訊後,召開第二次專家學者建議及意見徵詢,徵詢單位包含政府、業界等,最終透過全省舉辦5場次之教育訓練,藉由宣導直接與業界及相關單位溝通,彙整各方資訊後,經最後調整及校稿後,始進行定稿複印,並提供網路平台下載。辦理毒性化學物質燃燒衍生物質危害教育訓練方面:於99年01月05日至01月11日完成辦理5天、5場次(每場次半天)預估人次之教育訓練。原訂報名人數為300人,後續實際報名人數達507人,最後總計實際到場人數達595人。 The potential risk study of chemical derivatived pollutants by explosion and combustion conditions ( This project aims to understand the 259 kinds of toxic chemical substances, listed by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) and some potentially serious hazardous chemicals during the “operational acts” with the explosion or fire accidents, the fire spread, heat radiation and other high-temperature environment, the derivatives produced by the combustion or thermal decomposition may result in toxicity, environmental endangering and potential risks.The objectives and project content includes: (1) the research and analyze on the derivatives during combustion, (2) the hazardous risk assessment of the derivative material, (3) review, propaganda and training.The work of this project investigated and collected the references of 259 kinds of toxic chemical substances and potentially hazardous chemicals (non-toxic chemicals) about the combustion, explosion or thermal decomposition and other hazardous information. The derivatives of chemicals in the course of the explosion or fire accidents, combustion or thermal decomposition were estimated. According the established screening principles, about 40 chemicals (30 toxic and 10 non-toxic chemicals) were selected to the burning test. By using Vent Sizing Package 2 (VSP2) for the high temperature pyrolysis experiments, the reaction samples were collected and then the Gas Chromatography/Mass, GC/MS) was employed to determine the decomposition products, as to identify possible chemicals of the derivatives.Using the Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) for the combustion analysis, followed by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to measure decomposed species. The carrier gas of TGA on behalf of the conditions of the anaerobic (purity nitrogen) and aerobic (nitrogen-oxygen mixture) combustion, respectively.For the IR spectrum, mostly chemicals showed the original species. From the physical and chemical properties of these chemicals, the phase transformation during heating process, mostly chemicals vaporized into gas below the combustion temperature conditions. IR can capture of the species, showing the original compounds that can not be effectively known the derivatives under the high temperature combustion.Risk assessment method for the 269 kinds of chemicals (including 259 kinds toxic and 10 kinds non-toxic chemicals) for summary of the risk assessment score calculated that, with the material’s relative hazard risk rating assessment methods. Referring to the DOW Fire and Explosion Index within a material factor and NFPA flammability (Nf), reactive (Nr) and health hazardous (Nh) classification, the parameters of factors combined to calculate the hazardous score, according to score the results of hazard risk rating classification. Others consider with capacity, temperature, pressure and other parameters, providing manufacturers to determine the process risk rating assessment. Material’s and process’s relative hazard level assessment results combined with the concept of the risk assessment were to determine the relative risk.Consider with the leakage source mode and the result to do the risk assessment, simulation for five chemicals (vinyl chloride, chlorine, phosgene, 1,3-butadiene, carbon disulfide and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)). This study integrated the local geographic information (population distribution and ignition source distribution) and the fault frequency to assess the potentially personal risk and societal risk about the employees and neighboring population.The demands and opinions for toxic chemical factories were to manufacture the combustion derivatives of toxic chemical information handbook. We collected all information to do the final adjustment, finalize copy and provide network platform to download. 098 毒管處 國立雲林科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16694
98年度環保創新科技研發計畫-含重金屬布袋蓮資源化之處理技術開發 本計畫以「含重金屬布袋蓮資源化之處理技術開發」為主要目標,含重金屬之布袋蓮從資訊收集與採樣,經破碎前處理的設備與技術,應用其破碎與混合均勻(0.5公斤/分鐘,粒徑可達0.5mm,35Mesh過篩率95%以上)之特性,提供後續資源化程序的運用,以「重金屬的生物溶出技術」及「厭氧醱酵程序」(包括:堆肥化、厭氧醱酵或是乾式快速醱酵)兩大關鍵技術,將布袋蓮以高效率及安全性的考量下,建立完整處理機制以達到有機廢棄物的減量化、資源化及回收再利用;然而,布袋蓮屬於富纖維素難分解的有機固體物且有良好的吸附重金屬的能力,本團隊致力藉由破碎設備應用與高效率的重金屬溶出與醱酵程序的處理運作機制的探究,初步已採用高雄縣境內含有重金屬的布袋蓮進行高效率的破碎設備的預處理,增加後續處理程序的基質利用率,接序進入重金屬之生物溶出程序,再利用之生物溶出技術,將重金屬於系統中予以分離回收再利用,確保有機廢棄物是無或低濃度重金屬的危害性之後【布袋蓮中重金屬之溶出:固體物濃度及硫添加量之最佳操作值分別為 1-3% 及 0.05-0.2% 間,布袋蓮中銅、鋅、鎳及鉻分別有 20%、20%、50% 及 40% 以上之溶出效率(可達安全性標準,其中布袋蓮中重金屬之溶出效率以為鎳為最高,鉻及銅次之,鋅則最差。);SS及VSS降解率則分別會超過 60% 及 80%。】;再次進行如有機固體廢棄物的堆肥化、厭氧醱酵或是乾式醱酵的處理方式,在厭氧醱酵實驗,以基質濃度10%(8克)時,需較長時間30天(30~60天)才有明顯產氫的現象,總累積產氫量為150mlH2(約90天);再以酸前處理(5%HCl)與反應溫度50℃操作下,可縮短遲滯期至10天即有產氫現象發生;對於生物性溶出後之布袋蓮搭配輔助基質糖蜜可以縮短遲滯期(約0.25天),皆可有效增加生物性利用的速率;另外回收更多有效及有益的能資源,包括:布袋蓮經過生物性溶出之出流物搭配輔助基質糖蜜以全因子實驗設計進行試驗,「布袋蓮經生物性溶出後之出流物」取20~25g,且「輔助基質糖蜜」加入1~2g時,可得最大的累積產氫量(約100~130mlH2)【產能最佳的組合為20g:1g:102mlH2(布袋蓮經生物性溶出後之出流物:輔助基質糖蜜:累積產氫量)】,以及此條件下可回收醱酵系統中的乙醇約為600~800ppm、乙酸約為300~600ppm及正丁酸約為1200~1500ppm。充分達到有機廢棄物的減量化與處理,並藉此可獲得高效率的能資源產出與環境有益微生物的土壤底泥改良劑,經現地試驗的結果,對於養殖蝦池的水質穩定與產量增加有相當助益(育成率達60%以上,收成30~40尾/斤,提昇總產能達50%以上)。 To build the processing technology for recovery resources from Eichhornia crassipes including heavy The purpose is to build-up a processing technology for recovery resources from Eichhornia crassipes including heavy metal. This system will be equipped with smash unit, fermentation process and heavy metal leaching by biological technology . That is because the eichhornia crassipes have a good ability to grow up and absorb heavy metal in the water or soil. It had made a important influence for the river and environment. Especially the eichhornia crassipes including heavy metal will be the most difficult to clear up the problem of heavy metal to the ecology. We first uesd the smash unit to solve the particle size of the Eichhornia crassipes is one of important factors affecting the efficiency of the fermentation. Of course, the fermentation includes composting, anaerobic fermentation and dry an-oxygenic digestion process. In this study, we used the smash unit to treat our organic wastes. This break rate of this unit and its particle size were 0.5 kg Eichhornia crassipes /min and 0.5 - 1.0 mm(about 35 mesh), respectively. The smash unit could reduce 95% of the organic wastes’ volume. After the smashing, we use the biological technology to leach the heavy metal, including Zn, Cr, Cu and Ni. The metal leaching rate was Ni (50%)>Cr (40%)>Cu (20%)>Zn (20%), and caused the solid decreasing more than 60% decreasing rate as SS and 80% as VSS. After bio-leaching, it had a maximum hydrogen production about the ratio were 20g:1g:102mlH2 (outflow:molasses:hydrogen production), and ethnol, acetic acid, and butyric acid production was about 600~800ppm, 300~600ppm, and 1200~1500ppm, respectively. Moreover, some field works indicate that the nutrient could enhance/recover the activity of soil or sediment. For the case in the shrimp pond farming, it not only can make the water stability and increase in shrimp production, but also up to 60% as Incubation rate and 50% as total shrimp production capacity. 098 永續發展室 高雄第一科技大學創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17071
98年度南部微粒超級監測站操作品保及數據分析計畫 本計畫之主要目的為執行南部超級微粒測站的品保查核作業,自動與手動監測方法之平行比對,監測數據之有效運轉率確認及對於污染事件之案例分析。品保查核作業每月執行10站次以上的現場查核,包括每月之儀器操作查核、綜合查核及儀器之校正查核與每月定期之品保查核會議,討論儀器之正確性及監測數據之合理性;另外因受莫拉克颱風影響造成部分測站儀器損壞,在九月增加執行各站之流量查核,結果除了橋頭站之EC/OC監測儀以外都符合操作規範。查核與討論之結論大都已完成儀器操作維護的調整,例如EC/OC監測儀的濾紙更換由雷射校正值0.88改為0.90時;NH3監測儀的零點及多點校正偏移與操作參數超出範圍等;尙待處理的建議為在資料庫內加入各種氣相監測儀的操作參數、OC/EC監測儀split time手動修正與加裝不斷電系統以供測站於瞬間斷電時能維持正常操作等。監測方法之平行比對已完成四季之採樣;比對結果顯示PM2.5質量濃度和硝酸鹽濃度兩種方法之一致性均可符合統計檢定;硫酸鹽濃度因為理論轉化率之差異而造成顯著不同,氨自動監測儀之較高測值則是因為轉化器將其他含氮污染物同時轉化為NO的結果,Grimm1.108由於雷射光源的衰減未更新造成濃度低估而H2O2監測儀則未正常運轉。四站共通儀器的有效運轉率除OC/EC監測儀以外均高於90%,尤其PM10與PM2.5監測儀的有效運轉率每月均達於96.5%以上,而OC/EC監測儀由於測值小於MDL而造成平均有效運轉率為84%。核心站僅有之儀器的有效運轉率除光譜儀與SMPS+C因為缺值而偏低以外其他儀器均達於95%以上。污染事件之案例分析結果顯示PM10事件日除了氣象之擴散不良以外主要之人為因素有兩個:分別為上、下班車潮及工廠排放。四月份事件日為沙塵暴事件日,PM10濃度增加的比例最大,而PM2.5增加的比例不顯著。臭氧事件日於輔英核心站大多為NOx控制,而臭氧前驅物來源主要為高雄臨海工業區與高雄市區。在臭氧高濃度後的幾小時,硫酸鹽與OC濃度均有上升的現象,故光化反應對衍生性氣膠有顯著的增量。 Quality Assurance Auditing and Data Analysis of PM Supersite in Southern Taiwan for Year 2009 The objectives of this project include auditing the operation/maintenance of the southern Taiwan PM supersites, intercomparison of automatic and manual sampling methods on sites, evaluation of effective operation rates for each instruments, and analysis of contribution sources to pollution episodes. There were more than ten times auditing every month, including operation conditions of each instruments, comprehensive audition, and calibration audition. Additional flow rate calibration auditions were conducted in September due to the damage by Typhoon and only the EC/OC monitor at Chatou exceeded the operation ranges. Most of the corrections or modifications were done on sites or after the routine monthly auditing meeting. For example, the replacement of filter for EC/OC monitor has been changed from laser correction of 0.88 to 0.90; the correction for shift of zero/span calibration of NH3 monitor and its out of operation range. However, there are some unfinished suggestions, like the inclusion of detail operation parameters into data bank, the split time correction for EC/OC monitor, and the UPS for power breakage. The results of parallel intercomparison show that there are good agreement for PM2.5 mass concentration and nitrate concentration between automatic and manual methods and they both pass the U test. The differences for sulfate concentration are due to the uncertainty of theoretical conversion factor of RP8400S. The overestimation of NH3 monitor is caused by the conversion of other nitrogen-containing species into NO by the NH3 converter. The intercomparison also found that the laser source of OPC has decayed and needed to be replaced. For instruments at all four sites, the effective operation rates are all greater than 90%, except for EC/OC monitor; those for PM10 and PM2.5 were even greater than 96.5% every month. The average effective operation rate for EC/OC monitor is 84% and the lower rate is due to some concentrations less than MDL of monitor. The effective operation rates for instruments at the core site are all greater than 95% except for POM and SMPS+C and their lower rates are due to the missing data. In addition to the effect of poor dispersion, the PM episodes are caused by additional emissions from two anthropogenic sources: mobile emission during rush hours and stationary sources. For the PM episodes in April caused by Asia dust storm, PM10 concentrations increased significantly but not for PM2.5. Most of the ozone episodes at core sites are NOx-sensitive based on the measured NOy/O3 ratios and the ozone precursors are from Kaohsiung city and coastal industrial park. Both sulfate and OC concentrations increased after high ozone episodes, implying the significant contribution of photochemical reactions to secondary aerosol.Based on this year and previous studies, the following suggestions are made: establishment of criteria for normal operation after breakdown, establishment of criteria for operation conditions of gaseous monitors, and the double check of effective operation rates. Parts of both RP8400N and RP8400S are not available any more and substituted instruments should be installed. The Asia dust storm, local dust storm, and rice straw open burnings should be monitored in order to analyze their possible impact on the ambient air quality. 098 監資處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15644
98~99年度空氣品質監測儀器品保查核作業 本計畫主要針對環保署現有監測站執行不定期品保作業,確保維護作業及監測站網監測數據品質。計畫工作內容包括(1)執行監測站儀器績效查核共80站/年、及績效查核複查10站/年、(2)執行監測站功能檢查共486站/年、(3)每季提交監測數據季評估報告。 績效查核主要評估監測數據準確度,2年總計完成160站次績效查核,總查核項次為2875項次,未達查核品質標準共96項,整體滿意率96.7%。近四年查核滿意度分別為96.2%、96.2%、96.8%、96.5%。各監測儀器類型查核滿意度,以氣狀物監測儀平均滿意度99.2%為最高,粒狀物監測儀平均滿意度98.1%居次,而氣象監測儀滿意度92.8%為滿意度最低的監測儀器。 功能檢查主要不定期對測站站房設施設備、文件記錄狀況、監測儀運轉狀況、異常數據檢查及測站儀器準確度狀況等進行完整之檢查評估。2年總計完成972站次功能檢查,總檢查項次達134217項,共發現779項檢查缺失,缺失率0.58%。整體檢查缺失率有逐年下降趨勢。各類檢查類型缺失發生率依序為準確度檢查之1.62%、站房設施設備之0.66%、氣象儀器設備之0.42%、監測儀器之0.39%、文件紀錄之0.33%。另為了解整體監測儀器運轉狀況及管理狀況,本計畫共提交了8次監測數據季評估報告,報告內容除包括品保執行結果外,另針對維護管理事項、監測資料可用率等方面進行整理並綜合彙整分析。 Taiwan Air Quality Monitoring Station Quality Assurance Project This project executing period was from May 8th 2009 to May 7th 2011. The main purpose of this project is aiming at non-periodically inspecting and auditing all current Environmental Protection Administration’s Air Quality Monitoring Stations to guarantee the quality of monitoring network data. The work content mainly included (1) the execution of monitoring instruments performance audit 80 stations/per year, (2) the execution of monitoring instruments functional check 486 stations/per year, (3) submit the quarterly reports of monitoring data quality. The performance audit primarily inspected the error between the monitoring data and the standard value (accuracy), there were 160 stations completed within two years , audited items total was 2875, just 96 items does not meet the audit quality objectives, the degree of satisfaction was 96.7%. The satisfaction degree of recent four years respectively was 96.2%, 96.2%, 96.8%, and 96.5%. According to the monitoring instrument type, the highest satisfaction degree was 99.2% performed by gaseous monitoring instruments, the second one was 98.1% done by particle monitoring instruments and the lowest one was 92.8% done by meteorological monitoring instruments. Another functional check was mainly to focus on non-periodically surveys and assessments on stations house maintenance, facility equipments, the document recording conditions, the monitor operation conditions, the unusual data check and the monitoring instruments accuracy inspection. There were totally 972 functional checks within two years ,checked items total was 134217, just finded 779 items missing, the whole result of functional check demonstrated the defect rate only 0.58%. Which presented declining trend year by year due to the high quality in sustaining operation and maintenance of monitoring stations. According to different kind of functional check result, the unqualified defects were shown in sequence. The highest defect rate was accuracy check 1.62%, the second was station & facility equipments 0.66%, meteorological instruments 0.42%, then malfunctioned monitors 0.39%, and finally document recording conditions 0.33%. In order to assessment the quality of monitoring data and maintenance management condition, total submitted 8 times quarterly reports of monitoring data quality, the report content included the results of quality assurance, the maintenance management conditions, the availability of monitoring data, and another related contents. 098 監資處 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=24256
97年度北區水污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理計畫 於發生重大水污染事件時,協助管轄機關於第一時間依水污染事件緊急應變處理作業要點規定,成立現場緊急應變中心,協調處理緊急應變作業,並適時啟動水污染事件緊急應變聯防體系共同處理水污染事件。 The 2008 Project of Prive Emergency Handling Institution for Water Pollution Incidents Occuring in Northern Region During major emergency incidents, we will, according to the emergency handling and controlling manual, help the local EPA create an emergency controlling center without delay. This center is to coordinate all bodies involved in any emergency incidents and to start the emergency network to better handle the cirses. 098 新竹縣環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65
工業區下水道系統水污染管制綜合管理計畫 本計畫為ㄧ年期之工業區管理規劃施政計畫,主要內容包括:規劃工業區下水道系統稽查管制標準作業手冊與美、德裁處資料研析、建置許可文件與定期檢測申報審查資訊化審查作業系統、建置工業區放流口水質自動監測及連線作業與監測查詢網頁、進行重點工業區污水處理場功能評鑑作業及其他行政協助工作等五大類工作內容。本計畫完成之執行成果摘要如下:(一)完成美國、香港、新加坡、日本、德國之稽查管制資料蒐集研析,並製作稽查管制標準作業手冊、處理設施操作參數異常判斷手冊、廢水處理設施單位水量硬體設施與操作成本手冊,及完成2場稽查示範說明會,以及蒐集美德環境行政裁處不法利得資料與運用國內之可行性研析 (二)檢討修正水污染源資料管理系統功能、建立空水廢毒管理資訊系統與水系統之管理作業平台,及開發稽查輔助系統 (三)提升工業區水質自動監測連線軟體功能與查詢網頁,並完成10場現場輔導 (四)完成功能評鑑8處對象名單篩選及功能評鑑作業 (五)完成97年工業區專案執行計畫執行成果統計與研擬98年執行計畫、規劃工業區水污染防治工作檢討報告、完成3場水污染相關法規訓練、2場委託查證說明會、5場專家諮詢會,與分析98年自評作業結果提供大署管制參考。 The industrial park sewer system water pollution control and management Project This is a one-year master regulatory and management planning project for the industrial park, with major subjects on:completing out the manual about standard operating procedure of inspection for the industrial parks and study enforcement data about USA and Germany、completed on-line application and reporting document check-up system of permit and DMR、constructing on-line continuous wastewater monitoring system of outfalls for the industrial parks、proceeding functional evaluation of united wastewater plants of the industrial parks, five different kinds of administrative assistance works.This project has accomplished the following outcomes:(1)gathering and studying inspection data of USA、Hong Kong、Singapore、Japan and Germany;working out the manual about standard operating procedure of inspection;accomplishing the manual of operation trouble-shooting for united wastewater treatment plants;analyzing and finishing the manual of construction and operation fees of unit wastewater volume for the industrial parks;holding two meetings of inspection illustration and demonstration;collecting and analyzing the enforcement availability about administrative civil liability of economic profit in USA and GERMANY if adopted in Taiwan; (2)analyzing and modifying the managing system for water pollution;establishing managing platform between EMS and the managing system for water pollution;constructing the inspection assisting system; (3)promoting software functions about on-line continuous wastewater monitoring system and query website for wastewater quality of effluents and holding ten meetings for in-site consultation; (4)screening a list of eight wastewater plants of the industrial parks and completing functional evaluations; (5)analyzing the yearly project of industrial parks of year 2008, proposing the yearly project of industrial park of year 2009 and review report of water pollution control for the industrial park, holding three meetings about regulations of water pollution control, two meetings about commission of water pollution self-verification tasks for the industrial parks administration and five meetings to gather suggestions of experts and professors;analyzing the outcome of water pollution self-verification tasks for the industrial park administration to offer administrative suggestion to TEPA 098 水保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14729
98 年度各級環保報案中心專線電話接聽人員服務品質調查專案工作計劃 本調查為瞭解各級環保報案中心專線接聽人員服務品質,針對各報案中心專線接聽電話人員進行測試,整體表現分數為 93.3分。接聽狀況分數為 48.8 分,服務態度與品質為 43.9 分(陳情案件屬環保單位權責為42.4 分,非屬環保單位權責測試為 47.3 分,處理結果回復狀況為 48.7分),加分項分數為0.5分。另外,少數專線接聽人員易忽略「給予陳情人報案編號」 、 「主動詢問陳情人願意會同稽查與否」 ,建議應加強教育訓練與宣導同仁在處理陳情案件時應注意到細節,讓陳情民眾感受到環保報案中心對於其所陳情事件的重視程度。 The Quality in Phone Answering Service of the EPA Staff Handling Complaints of The objectives of this survey were to understand the quality in phone answering 目錄及摘要 III service of the EPA staff handling complaints. The interviewed were the EPA staff handling complaints. The final findings: -- The score of overall quality in phone answering service is 93.3. -- The score of status for those answering phone calls was 48.8. -- The score of the service etiquette of the EPA units was 43.9. The score of complaints about contamination issues which were the duty of the EPA staff was 42.4. The score of complaints about contamination issues which were not the duty of the EPA staff was 47.3. The score of the EPA units in response to the handling results was 48.7. -- The score of the additional items was 43.9. Additionally, there were certain faults that need to be heeded in order to show that EPA really cares, such as failing to give callers a report registration number, and failing to ask if the callers were willing to go to the contamination site with official investigators. 098 督察總隊 故鄉市場調查股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14818
97-98年度土壤及地下水污染整治資訊整合暨維護計畫(98年度) 環保署為建立完整之土壤及地下水資料庫,並協助環保機關業務執行,遂辦理「97-98年度土壤及地下水資訊整合暨維護計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),主要工作項目包含:持續擴大整合土壤及地下水污染整治相關應用資訊、提升土壤及地下水污染相關資訊電子化管理與橫向聯繫機制、持續建置相關資訊網站促進資訊公開、維持資訊系統可用率確保資訊安全及其他事項。為整合土壤及地下水相關資訊,本計畫辦理7系統整併作業,提供3種系統整併方法供各子系統辦理,並於99年5月28日完成系統上線,使所有系統功能均可於本系統內進行操作與管理。並且完成系統開發格式規範文件訂定,做為未來環保署相關業務規劃與辦理之依據。同時完成EMS系統介接,串接系統相關事業基本資料。本計畫同時督導土壤及地下水相關資料之登錄建檔作業,訂定土壤及地下水相關資料建檔標準作業程序。配合行政作業開發5大項管理功能,節省作業時間。另完成整體性地理資訊建置作業規劃,作為環保署未來發展之參考。計畫執行期間遵守相關規範維護土壤及地下水污染整治網,完成宣導專區建置並定期更新網頁內容。並且遵循環保署相關規範辦理各項資安演練、系統維護管理與網路安全管理等相關作業,並配合設備搬遷計畫於98年11月19日完成系統主機搬遷。本計畫同時每週辦理圖書整理作業及配合業務需求完成242幅製圖服務。並設置專屬諮詢窗口、辦理7場次系統使用說明會,協助各縣市使用者操作與運用。 Integration and Maintenance of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Information in 2009 In order to establish completed soil and groundwater data base and assist occupational execution of environmental protected institutions, the EPA had conducted " Soil and groundwater data combination and management project for year 2008 and 2009" (below called this project) which main job duties included: keep on expanding soil and groundwater pollution renovation related combination, promote the electric management of soil and groundwater pollution related and its cross communication function, continue on establishing related data websites to advance opening information to the public, maintain the usability of system, make sure the security of data and other duties. For the purpose of combination of soil and groundwater related data, this project conducted 7 system combination operation and provided 3 methods of system combination for side system usage, also completed system on-line on May 28th 2010 to let all system functions may be processed and managed from this system. Moreover this project had accomplished system log-on format and documents set up to be basic example for the EPA future related business scheme and process. In the same time, this project had completed connection with EMS system to link to system basic related business data.This project simultaneously superintended the sut up of log-on operation for soil and groundwater related data and established standard operation procedures of constructing files for soil and groundwater related data, cooperated with executive departments to develop 5 major management functions for saving operational time, also completed entire geographic information set up operation scheme for reference resources of EPA future development.During the execution of this project, the soil and groundwater pollution renovation website has been maintained under obeying related regulations, promoting area has been well eseablished and the contents of website have been updated regularly. Also all data security practices, system maintaining management, internet security management and related operations have been cunducted under EPA related regulations. And to cooperate with equipments relocation project, system main server has been completely relocated on November 19th 2009.Meanwhile, this project conducted library collecting operation weekly and cooperated with necessary business operation to accomplish 242 pages figures drawing service, and established specific questions service window, conducted 7 serial system usage seminars to assist local users to operate and apply. 098 土污基管會 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18869
南部地區河川污染整治推動、輔導及評析計畫 全國各重點河川污染整治績效管理原分別委辦計畫執行,惟環保署為擴大整治成效,將原來各別河川績效管理計畫,改分為北、中、南三區績效管理計畫,期望可進一步整合,督促縣市政府落實推動,放大執行成效及能量。依「河川及海洋水質維護管理計畫」(97-100年),在南區選定包含台南縣、台南市、高雄縣…等8縣市,及污染較為嚴重之急水溪、鹽水溪、二仁溪、阿公店溪、愛河5條重點河川,和鳳山溪、屏東縣萬年溪等2條都會型河川辦理相關工作,有效掌控水質改善進度及整治成效,以達到「不缺氧、不發臭及水岸活化」目標之具體效益指標為最終目標。 Promotion, Guidance and Analysis of the Rivers Water Quality Improvement in South Area In former years the country‘s “major rivers” pollution management and remediation works was commissioned respectively. In view of the performance of rivers restoration and improvement performed separately was not easy to demonstrate. In order to control the progress of all the relevant units effectively and review the results of water quality improvement for the various rivers , The Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) selected more serious pollution rivers from 8 counties in south area with 5 “major rivers”- the Ji-Shuei River, Yan-Shuei River, Er-Jen River, A-Gung-Dian River and Love River, as well as 2 “urban rivers” - the Fengshan River in Kaohsiung County, the Wan-Nin River in Pingtung County and synchronization of the remediation steps . For the “major rivers”,the performance management works of this project was established water quality models, review and assessment the effectiveness of each water quality improvement,ecological surveys ...and so on, expected to effect control the progress and treatment results of water quality improvement. During the process of the rivers implementation of this plan, The project had invited the experts and scholars together to establish a quantitative, specific and reducing human disturbance of the national evaluation system for water pollution remediation, and integrated the result of the” major rivers” pollution remediation regularly, real-time responded and made recommendations and to complete the annual pollution remediation report on the outcome, hoping to achieve the ultimate goals of "no shortage of oxygen, non-smelly and waterfront activation,". 098 水保處 京華工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15299
超可攜式電腦(UMPC)即時動態追蹤稽查輔助計畫 本計畫於98年度擴大導入行動設備於事業廢棄物流向稽查流程與作業,冀望利用最新技術—行動設備的行動性、高度擴充性與運算能力高...等特性,協助稽查人員即時追蹤清運機具。計畫提供44台行動裝置(Ultra Mobile Personal Computer, UMPC),於Windows平台上運作,內建GPS,並增加3.5G行動網卡,讓行動裝置隨時隨地存取事業廢棄物相關系統,取得稽查所需資訊。根據去年執行的經驗,今年度逐步完善硬體配件與軟體功能,加強方便性、簡便性與使用者介面友善性。本計畫以稽查人員動態跟監與靜態定點埋伏等稽查需求,開發行動裝置端追車功能與網站系統功能。行動裝置端追車功能利用GPS定位稽查人員座標、3.5G網卡連線GPS即時追蹤系統取得目標車輛座標、GIS與路徑規劃工具協助稽查車輛以最佳路徑跟監可疑車輛。執行現場稽查時,則可以利用連接於行動裝置的網路攝影機,拍照或攝影現場稽查情形,並上傳照片或影片檔案,回報稽查情形。網站系統提供稽查案件、車輛、事業與申報聯單等基本資料查詢以協助稽查人員瞭解稽查對象背景資訊。今年度強化可疑車輛追蹤,增加變頻功能,根據與目標車距離動態取得即時車輛位置,以強化動態稽查,突破30秒回傳的限制,縮短時間差距至5秒;開發精靈式介面,以使用步驟循序漸進的方式,以提高使用者友善性;開發影像平台,提供即時與非即時的回傳方式,並結合GPS座標,以蒐集現場情況;除系統功能強化外,於業務執行方面,共提出42勾稽專案,並舉辦1場次業務檢討會、2場次需求訪談、6場次教育訓練,說明行動裝置軟硬體功能,教育訓練整體滿意度達96%;今年度系統使用率大幅增加,相較於去年度每一部行動裝置的使用率,今年度平均使用率為去年的264%。 Real-time and Dynamic Tracking and Inspection System with Ultra Mobile Personal Computer The project goal in 2009 was to introduce leading-edge mobile devices into inspection processes of industrial waste. The project team aimed to assist inspectors tracing vehicles by these latest mobile devices. Mobile devices or Ultra Mobile Personal Computer (UMPC) had high mobility, scalability and computing ability. This year, the project provided 44 UMPCs, operated on the Microsoft Windows platform, with built-in GPS and HSDPA modem allowed users accessing industrial waste management systems and retrieving information on the go. According to the first-year experience, the project team gradually improved hardware accessories and the software functions to enhance convenience, simplicity and user-friendliness. Based on inspectors’ requirement for tracking vehicles and patrolling at a certain location, the project team developed two main systems: a tracking system on mobile devices and the mobile inspection website. The tracking system on mobile devices achieved dynamically tracking vehicles with UMPCs built-in GPS to locate real-time position, HSDPA modem to retrieve positions of target vehicles and the network analysis function of GIS to navigate to target vehicles. While inspecting, the inspectors could take pictures and videos about inspection targets by the webcam connected to mobile devices, and upload those photos and videos to the system. The mobile inspection website provided functions for looking up inspection projects, vehicles and companies profile and manifests. Several important functions were improved and enhanced this year. First of all, the project team developed a real-time tracking system so that the inspectors could retrieve real-time vehicle’s locations dynamically according to the distance with the target vehicle within 5 seconds. Secondly, the project team developed a wizard-style interface provided a step by step approach to improve user friendliness. The other one is the development of image platform which provided real-time and non real-time transmission with GPS coordinates to collect on-site situation. In addition to the enhancement of system functionality, the project team turned in 42 inspection projects and held one business review meeting, two requirement interviews and 6 training courses. The overall satisfaction of training courses was 96%. The usage rate was greatly increased. Comparing to the usage of last year, the growth rate this year was 264%. 098 廢管處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14719
噪音管理系統暨噪音管制資訊網更新及維護計畫 本年度噪音管理系統維護工作成果包括:設計限定使用資料庫之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備份,以保護資料安全。同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考核資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,以提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另外,轉入約57,069件稽查紀錄資料,修改98年度績效考評功能及公務報表。噪音管制資訊網中,新增環保林園大道及更新維護低頻噪音之專屬網頁;維護高鐵噪音管制專屬網頁,並納入97年監測結果資料;通過無障礙第一優先等級(A+),並更新10個縣市噪音管制區連結、6個縣市航空噪音管制區連結。各辦理1場系統諮詢及檢討會議與成果發表會。 Noise Management System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Maintenance Project This project had developed many results this year in the maintenance of the noise management system. Including the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. This project also provided functions of determinative output, check-up input, inquiry and statistics. These functions could make the application be more efficient. About 57,069 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database, and we had modified 2009 performance evaluation function for environmental protection bureaus(EPBS).This project also expanded the environmental garden avenue web pages and modified the low-frequency noise web pages. By the way, we also modified the high speed rail exclusive web pages and supplemented the noise monitoring data of 2008. This web site was awarded the level of diagnosis priority 1 (A+) of the web accessibility service. At the same time, this project had renewed 10 links of cities/counties noise control districts data, 6 links of aviation noise control district data. The promotion of using this system included a training course for local environmental protection bureaus. 098 空保處 智通工程科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14573
98年度飲用水水源水質保護區地理資訊系統整合建置及擴充計畫 在系統功能維護及擴充部分;除了針對「全國飲用水水源水質保護區地理資訊網」進行維護作業外,也加強改善網頁友善度部分;另外,為符合飲用水保護區管理單位的需求,也針對維護管理系統及行動查報系統陸續擴充許多因應功能。第二,在空間資訊整合維護及擴充部分,為有效整合國內飲用水水源水質保護區及自來水水質水量保護區空間資訊,進而提供功能完善及強而有力的地理資訊系統;因此,利用Google Maps APIs及ESRI ArcIMS等兩種不同的地理資訊技術,分別開發出簡易版及專業版的地理資訊系統,以針對不同使用對象及使用目的提供適合的地理資訊系統。第三,在飲用水水源水質保護區劃定現況分析檢討部分,首先針對面積前三十大的飲用水水源水質保護區進行現況分析,並以政策、法規、組織、經費、經營管理模式、回饋制度、民眾參與等七個角度進行分析檢討,並提供相關報告供未來規劃施行時的參考依據。第四,在圖資搜集及匯整作業部分,進行二十處簡易自來水設施定位及數化作業;同時,匯入台北自來水事業處所管轄的自來水淨水場及自來水取水口共九筆地理圖層及全國近一千四百多萬筆的地籍圖層,以上成果可增加土地判定的精確度。第五,在業務協助與推廣作業部分,今年度總共舉辦一場全國飲用水管理業務檢討會、六縣市地方環保局業務需求訪談、三場次全國系統操作明會、六縣市地方環保局現地探勘主機交接作業、協助土地判定作業、災後保護區範圍套疊作業。最後,在資訊安全及維護作業部分,除了每月提供資安報表外,也進行資訊安全檢測以維持系統正常營運。 The Integrated Establishment and Upgrade Project of Drinking Water Source Protection Area Geography Information System In the system maintenance and upgraded operations, the project team not only maintained “National Drinking Water Source Protection Area Geographic Information System”, but also improved the system user friendliness. In addition, to conform the demands of the managers of the drinking water source protection area, the project team also upgraded the corresponding functions in the maintenance management system and the exploring mobile system. In the spatial information integrated maintenance and upgrade operations, in order to integrate spatial information of drinking water source protection area and tap water quality protection area, and to provide powerful geographic information systems, the project team used Google Maps APIs and ESRI ArcIMS collectively to process geographical data to supply spatial results on these two mapping systems. In the status analysis and reviews operations of drinking water source protection area, the project team first analyzed the status on the thirty biggest drinking water source protection areas; and then reviewed these areas by seven different aspects which included policies, laws, organization, funds, management, reward and participation. Then, the results could also provide EPA with reference for drinking water source protection area’s planning and management in the future. In the geographic data collection and integrated operations, the project team collected nine water supply geographic data from Taipei Water Department and approximately fourteen millions cadastral geographic data from EPA this year. Meanwhile, the project team also located and digitized twenty simple water supply facilities. The results could raise the accuracy on land use permit and operations. In the business assistance and operation instructions operations, there were many types of training programs or meetings held this year, which were national drinking water business meetings, EPB business requirement meetings, system operation training programs, land use permit operations and post-flooding areas analysis. In the information securities operations, the project team not only provided monthly information security reports, but also carried out simulated attacks on information security for maintain functioning. 098 毒管處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14584
加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫(第五期)(乙) 行政院環境保護署為預防土壤及地下水污染,確保土地及地下水資源永續利用,及落實「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之規定,於98年辦理「加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫(第五期)(甲、乙)」,分別由中興工程顧問股份有限公司負責執行中北部區域之甲計畫工作,及美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司負責執行中南部區域之乙計畫工作(以下簡稱本計畫),預計共完成42站(甲、乙兩計畫各21站)加油站土壤及地下水污染調查工作。本計畫第一階段調查共完成21站加油站349支測漏管基本功能測試及油氣之LEL、PID及FID儀器檢測,7點土壤間隙氣體之PID及FID儀器檢測。依調查結果顯示,本計畫加油站之測漏管油氣濃度測值經評估具高污染潛勢(B級)僅5站。依環保署指示,本計畫第二階段調查對象除了第一階段21站外,亦配合環保署指示增加台中縣順天加油站等2站之調查,故共計完成23站調查作業。本計畫第二階段調查將第一階段23站納入調查工作,其中1站國產實業建設股份有限公司嘉義廠因現場設施已挖除,經環保署核准停止後續調查作業,故完成22站加油站74點土壤採樣及檢測分析、57點簡易井地下水採樣及檢測分析。依檢測分析結果顯示,計有11站加油站之土壤污染物濃度達土壤污染管制標準;有7站加油站之簡易井地下水污染物濃度達地下水污染管制標準。於第三階段調查之7站加油站中,計有3站加油站之地下水污染物濃度達地下水污染管制標準。總結上述本計畫調查結果,共計有11站加油站之土壤污染物濃度或地下水污染物濃度超過管制標準,均應依土壤及地下水污染整治法相關規定進行管制。本計畫另依據本計畫調查之加油站基本資料、加油站防止污染地下水體設施及定期監測申報資料等,與加油站之污染潛勢進行相關性分析,以提供環保機關做為後續行政管制措施之參考依據。 Investigating Soil and Groundwater Pollution at the Gas Stations in Taiwan (the Fifth Project) (B) In order to prevent soil and groundwater pollution, ensure the sustainable use of soil and groundwater, and fulfill the regulations of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, the Environmental Protection Administration (the EPA) initiated the Project of Investigation of Soil and Groundwater Pollution for Gas Stations (5th Phase)- Plans A and B in 2009. Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Ltd. (Sinotech) was entrusted to carry out Plan A, covering Central and Northern Taiwan, while MWH Taiwan was assigned to carry out Plan B (this Project), covering Central and Southern Taiwan. Each consultant completed the investigation of soil and groundwater pollution at 21 gas stations, which made a total number of 42 stations investigated.This Project (Plan B) was to investigate soil and groundwater pollution for 21 gas stations in central and south Taiwan as reference in the follow up control activities. This project was implemented in three phases. The 1st phase was to measure the oil vapor density of soil vapor monitoring well. Based on the results of 1st phase, the 2nd phase foucus on high pollution potential area which screening of 1st phase to conduct the detection and analysis of soil samples. In addition, groundwater samples from temporary groundwater sampling wells were also detected and analyzed. Based on the results of 2nd phase, the 3rd phase selected the gas stations with the pollutants’ density in the groundwater higher than the control standards to install standard monitoring wells and detect and analyze groundwater samples.The 1st phases was to test the basic functions of 349 soil gas monitoring wells, measure the oil vapor densities by using LEF, PID, and FID and the soil vapor of 7 samples by using PID and FID in 21 gas stations. The results indicated that the oil vapor density detected by soil gas monitoring wells in 5 gas stations with the high pollution potential (B Class). According to the EPA’s requestion, two more gas stations also need for investigation in the 2nd phase. Therefore the total amount of investigated gas stations of 2nd phase are 22.The 2nd phase conducted the detection and analysis of 74 soil samples and 57 groundwater samples from simple wells in 22 gas stations. As a result, it was concluded that the pollutants’ densities in the soil of the 11 gas stations had reached the control standards; the pollutants’ densities in the groundwater from the simple wells of the 7 gas stations had reached the control standards. The 3rd phase was to investigate the 3 gas stations. The pollutants’ densities in the groundwater of the 11 of them had reached the control standards.As a result, it was concluded that the detected pollutants’ concentration in soil of the 11 gas stations were higher than the control standards, and the pollutants’ concentration in groundwater of the 3 gas stations out of the 11 gas stations were higher than the control standards. All of them should be controlled in accordance with the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. Besides, a correlation of the basic data of the gas stations surveyed in the project, groundwater pollution control facilities, and their periodic declaration reports, vis-à-vis the pollution potential of the gas station was conducted and the results provided as references for the EPA in the follow up activities of administrative control measures. 098 土污基管會 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18234
光污染現況調查與案例分析 隨著時代的進步,戶外照明逐漸成為展現城市特色的手法。然而,不當與過度的照明反而造成諸多層面的影響。這些夜間照明所產生的溢出光線對於環境產生的負面干擾與影響即為光污染(light pollution),包括天空輝光(sky glow)、光侵擾(light trespass)以及眩光(glare)的影響。同樣地,白天來自玻璃與牆面的反射光、甚至室內的燈具眩光也不容小覷。這些光污染不但影響人類的日常生活、身心舒適感,並且干擾生態系統、耗用更多能源。然而目前國內光污染議題尚未引起廣泛重視,相關規範付之闕如,因此本研究首先蒐集國際光污染現況與趨勢,作為我國光污染防制規範的參考;爾後進行光污染現況調查與案例蒐集解析,瞭解國內光污染現況;最後彙整提出光污染防制之建議。本研究將有助於改善現有設計觀念與照明品質,創造良好之都市戶外照明環境。 analyze Taiwan light pollution data As time goes by, outdoor lighting has become the method to enhance the city characteristic at night. However, improper lighting design or use may cause light pollution which includes sky glow, light trespass, and glare. Furthermore, the reflecting light from glass and building walls, and the glare from interior lighting are also the parts of light pollution. It would affect humans daily lives, cause uncomfortable feeling, disturb night ecosystem, consume more energy and increase environment load.Since the relative studies of light pollution are at the initial stage in Taiwan and people have not generally pay much attention to this issue, the purpose of this study is to diminish the impact of environment from light pollution. Firstly, it collected current international issues and standards of light pollution as references. Secondly, it surveyed and analyzed conditions of light pollution in Taiwan. Finally, according to above results, it proposed suggestions and strategies of reducing light pollution. These results could be used to improve existing lighting design and enhance the lighting quality in the future. 098 空保處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14895
98年度加強垃圾分類回收及資源再利用計畫 為持續推動垃圾強制分類工作,本計畫藉由協助整合與強化執行機關推動垃圾強制分類政策執行成果外,透過輔導未達政策目標縣市執行機關(嘉義縣與雲林縣)、訪查家戶民眾進行垃圾分類情形及方式、調查執行機關後續資源物再利用流向與輔導大型事業協助推動生活垃圾分類回收工作,以及研擬事業進行生活垃圾分類工作推動措施草案等工作,強化垃圾強制分類工作推動成效。執行結果顯示,一般家戶執行垃圾分類工作之困難主要在於空間不足、時間無法配合及分類方式等三大層面,因此未來應加強宣導並落實垃圾分三類的概念,以降低分類所需的空間及時間,並簡化分類方式,以提昇民眾落實分類意願。在調查執行機關資源回收物變賣流向部分,本計畫共訪查51個以統包單價與統包分價標售資源回收物執行機關(合計169個)之資源回收商,發現執行機關資源回收物統包變賣比例已由93年之23%提升至98年之70%,顯示採統包模式進行資源回收物變賣的執行機關比例,有逐年成長的趨勢;針對統包商後續資源物流向之廠商家數比例分析,但54%的資源物流向已有登記處理之廠商業者,46%為未登記業者;然而統包商表示標售執行機關資源回收物經常遭遇困難包括高價資源物比例偏低(37.3%)、低價資源物比例偏高(47.1%)、廢棄物比例偏高(41.2%)、資源回收物數量不穩定(33.3%)、缺乏合法去化管道/技術(19.6%)、收購價格過低(9.80%)與價格不能隨市場機制進行(27.5%),因此未來除應進一步要求執行機關密切掌握資源回收物再利用流向外,並應協助執行機關訂定完善之招標注意事項,以導正資源回收產業健全發展。此外,本計畫發現事業單位對於員工生活垃圾多數皆有基本之分類回收措施,主要缺失為管理辦法及措施未能建立與落實,因此未來應以協助事業單位建立管理機制並落實管理為輔導重點,以提昇事業單位生活垃圾分類回收成效。為提升執行機關資源回收與垃圾強制分類工作成效,本計畫建議持續推動垃圾不落地措施、強化執行機關資源回收服務效率、控管資源回收物流向與推動事業進行生活垃圾分類回收工作,將有助於進一步協助執行機關於完成階段性垃圾強制分類工作後,持續達成更佳之資源回收與垃圾強制分類工作成果。 2009 Mandatory Garbage Sorting and Recycling Enhancement Project To enhance Mandatory Garbage Sorting (MGS) Policy and recycling performance, on-site consultant service for implementation agencies (Chai-Yi county and Yunlin county), household garbage sorting investigation, recyclable flow investigation, enterprise non-hazardous business waste recycling promotion and promotion proposal were implemented. From project implementation outcomes, the difficulties of sorting household waste lied in insufficient space, unable coordinating time and complicated sorting modes. Therefore, we should focus on educating and insuring the concept of sorting trash into three main categories. It could save space and time and simplify the ways of sorting to raise the will of sorting. Regarding on recyclable flow investigation, 51 recyclers, who bought recyclables from 169 implementation agencies by Fixed-Price-Single-Contractor model and Various-Prices-Single-Contractor model, were interviewed on-site. We found an increase of Single-Contractor model tenders that shared 70% and 23% of total implementation agencies number in 2004 and 2009, respectively. The project also found that only 54% recyclables were delivered to registered processor and the rest 46% recyclables were sent to unregistered business. The main problems that Single-Contractor model recyclers usually encountered included low percentage of high value recyclable (37.3%), high percentage of low value recyclable (47.1%), and high residual percentage (41.2%), instability of recyclable volume (33.3%), no available legal processors/techniques (19.6%), low recyclable market price (9.80%) and unfixable tender recyclable price (27.5%). It demonstrated the necessity for intensive control of recyclable flow and more compressive tender rules when implementation agencies sold recyclable. The project also found that there were basic recycling facilities for refuse in most enterprises. The main defects were management and measures were not established and practiced. Therefore, the government should assist the enterprises to establish and implement the management mechanisms for improving the recycling of refuse in enterprises.The following topics were recommended for an higher recycling and mandatory garbage sorting achievement (1)continues enforcing Keep Trash Off the Ground requirement, (2)improve implementation agency recycling efficiency, (3)strict management on recycle flow and (4)encourage enterprise to recycle refuse. 098 廢管處 永發環境科技管理有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17810
環境災害監控、整訓、毒災聯防暨專業諮詢推動計畫第二年(98年) 工業技術研究院(以下簡稱工研院)以長期執行相關性質計畫的基礎,並參酌國內、外現行化學品應變諮詢服務中心運作方式,規劃以環保單位為主要服務對象及其他政府相關單位與業者為輔之技術支援服務,於98年1月1日起承接本計畫,執行期間承蒙委辦單位(環保署)的監督與指導,及相關同仁之全力配合,執行進度達100%,符合計畫期程規劃。在環境災害監控、整訓、毒災聯防推動部分,投入監控值班730人次,實施電話、傳真通聯測試計365次,另自1月1日起增設視訊通聯測試,計完成730次。環境毒災事故應變部分,共執行69場次環境毒災事故應變,投入時間3848.4小時,產出76份速報、69份查處表、1份新聞稿。分別完成北中南三區共6場次毒災防救教育訓練辦理,參訓人數333人。POPs參訪行程部份於5月4日至5月8日參加聯合國於日內瓦舉辦的COP4並完成出國報告。陸續完成4梯國內毒災防救單位技術級常訓課程,共201人參訓。「毒災中央災害應變中心」開設演練部份,7月1日假環保署緊急應變中心完成一次沙盤推演。完成「毒災中央災害應變中心」各部會人員基本資料更新。為強化國內毒化物運輸管理,5月初完成「SQAS毒性化學物質運輸管理機制研析」供署內參考。專業諮詢推動部分,全年無休24小時進行毒化物災害、化學品災害、恐怖化武攻擊事故之監錄、專業諮詢服務與災害通報作業,截至12月31日為止,緊急諮詢通報案件(包括國內外電子媒體監控)761件;215件國內緊急諮詢通報案件中,請求應變隊到場支援69件。新增毒災防救網頁「事故救災資訊整合」與「毒化災線上諮詢」等二項功能。執行一般諮詢案件(包括以電話、傳真、書面、新聞稿或電子郵件網路方式諮詢)534件,3日內回覆完成率100%,緊急諮詢案件於30分鐘內回覆,全年達成率達94%。統合毒災防救體系,與全民防衛動員及反恐機制的整合應變協調,強化救災技術能量部分,持續提交未來四年毒災體系的研析作業並提交署內供參。完成259種毒化物毒理資料更新(含7月31日新增公告毒化物雙酚A)。10月19~20日完成辦理毒災業務檢討會,參與人數計60位;11月3~4日完成辦理全國毒災應變事故案例研討會,參與人數達560位。完成一年二次之全國專家群名單通聯測試,並新增邀請產學界專家共13人進行簡歷回收,環境毒災簡訊電子報共完成7期發刊;並提供翻譯20篇英文稿件。 The Project of Monitoring, Training, Creating Mutual Aid and Emergency Consultation for Environmental Incident The Industrial Technology Research Institute's (ITRI) Energy and Environment Research Laboratories (EEL) has drawn up this plan to provide technical support services for emergency response to accidents involving chemicals and toxic substances. The EEL's plan was designed to mainly serve government environmental protection agencies, while also provide services to other government agencies and businesses. EERL drafted the plan based on its long-term implementation experience with related plans, as well as the operations of chemical emergency response centers both in Taiwan and abroad. On April 1, 2008, this plan was received and carried on. Thanks to the oversight and guidance by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA), and with the full effort and cooperation of our colleagues, 100% progress has been achieved.Promotion of Monitoring, Training, and Joint Prevention of Environmental Disasters: A total of 730 monitors were assigned to carry out a total of 365 telephone line and fax communication tests., video link tests were added and a total of 730 tests completed. Regarding environmental toxic disaster emergency response, a total of 69 trainings on environmental toxic disaster response were held, involving 3848.4 hours of training, and the production of 76 bulletins, 69 site audit reports and one press release. Six educational trainings on toxic disaster control were held, respectively, with a total of 333 participants. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) conference participation included the Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention (POP 4) of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants held by the United Nations in Geneva May 4-8 and completion of report on overseas trip. Four technical training courses for domestic toxic disaster prevention agencies were successively completed. As for the inception of drills at the Central Toxic Disaster Response Center, a tabletop exercise was held at the EPA Emergency Response Center on July 1 and drills at the Central Toxic Disaster Response Center. An update was completed of basic information on staff assigned to the Central Toxic Disaster Response Center by all cabinet agencies. Formation of an organization for joint industry prevention of toxic disasters: An industry support agreement for the said organization was completed and accepted after being checked in three unannounced tests. In order to strengthen the management of domestic toxic chemical substance transport, an “Assessment of SQAS system on Toxic Chemical Substance Transport Management Mechanisms” was completed in May and submitted to the EPA for reference.Promotion of expert consulting: video monitoring, expert consulting services and disaster reporting regarding toxic chemical substances disasters, chemical product accidents and terrorist chemical weapons attacks were provided round the clock 365 days a year. As of the end of November, a total of 761 emergency consulting cases were reported (including domestic and abroad monitoring via electronic media). In 69 out of 215 cases of disaster consulting, the emergency response team was asked to provide on-site assistance. A total of 534 cases of general consulting (including by telephone, fax, in written form, via press release, e-mail or the Internet) were carried out with responses being made within three days in all cases. Integrating disaster prevention systems, coordinating with the integrated response of the National Defense Mobilization System and the Anti-Terrorism Mechanism, strengthening technical rescue capabilities: Studies and analyses regarding the toxic disaster system for the EPA for internal reference will continue to be submitted for the coming four years. Two updates were completed of toxicity information regarding 259 toxic chemical substances (including Bisphenol A). The Review of Toxic Chemical Substance Disaster was held on Oct. 19-20. A total of 60 people attended the symposium. The 2009 National Symposium on Toxic Chemical Substance Emergency Response was held on Nov. 3-4. A total of 560 people attended the symposium. Telephone interviews were conducted to update the national list of expert teams, 13 experts from industry and academia were invited to retrieve their resumes. Seven issues of the Environmental Toxic Chemical Substance e-Newsletter were published; twenty articles and bulletins were provided for posting on the EPA’s English website. 098 毒管處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15011
98年東沙島沿岸海域環境水質監測計畫   本年度環保署開始針對東沙島沿岸海域進行水質調查,主要針對東沙環礁潟湖、東沙島沿岸海域及東沙島潟湖,進行4次海域水質之監測採樣調查工作;檢測項目計有水溫、溶氧、酸鹼度、鹽度、懸浮固體、生化需氧量、氨氮、總磷、大腸桿菌群、葉綠素a 及矽酸鹽等11項。由水質監測結果顯示,各測站各季次之監測結果均無明顯差異;懸浮固體、總磷、生化需氧量、矽酸鹽等項測值普遍均以東沙島潟湖測點測值較高;其中小潟湖因屬一封閉湖泊,該區域之潟4測點普遍為各測項之最高測值,主要可能是因為受到降雨、生物死亡分解,再加上水體循環交換不良所導致。 The Environmental Monitoring of the Water Quality at Dongsha Island   In 2009, the Environmental Protection Administration carried on the water quality investigation for Dongsha Island, mainly aimed at the Dongsha Atoll area, the Dongsha Island coastal area and lagoon area for the first time. Water samples were collected four times for this investigation. Eleven analytes were examined for water quality: temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, suspended solid, biochemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, E-coli group, chlorophyll a, and silicates.  The analytical results of water quality from samples collected in different seasons did not show significant differences. The values of SS, TP, BOD, and silicates measured at the lagoon area are higher than measured at the other areas. Since the small lagoon is a closed lake, site L4 had the highest measured values among the lagoon area sampling locations, possibly due to rainfall, decomposition of recently deceased fauna, and/or poor water circulation. 098 監資處 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15745
低污染車輛補助審查專案工作計畫 098 空保處 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18488
98年度環保政策風險管理發展計畫 政府組織及政策除了有責任保護人民不受傷害,也必須相對的保護行政作業上的權益。因此,不管是對於民眾安全或是對於組織運作的順暢,風險管理工作都有其必要。本計畫在2007及2008年環保政策風險管理計畫的執行基礎上持續推動風險管理的工作。主要內容及成果包括:藉由同仁的回應和環境的趨勢,持續檢討修訂環保政策風險管理標準作業程序。接著,從前兩年度的風險議題篩選出3個主要議題,藉由6場以風險議題蒐集及風險對策為主軸的討論會議,建置本土的環保政策風險管理案例。在教育訓練方面,本計畫以「風險、危機、準備與面對」及「演習的設計與規劃程序」為主軸,持續辦理署內風險管理教育訓練4場,共計273人次參與。在知識物件的建立上,本計畫訂定政策風險溝通作業內容及建立自我檢定機制。資訊系統部分則新增7項風險管理資料庫功能。在危機管理方面,本年度開始檢視與分析署內現有之危機處理機制,並建立政策風險與危機管理演習作業內容,進而草擬危機管理示範演習計畫。最後,本計畫依據環保署擇定之3個議題,完成年度政策風險評估報告。 The Study of the Risk Management on the Environmental Protection Policy for the year of 2009 No matter for the safety of the general public or the smooth running of the state, it is necessary to have risk management. Based on the risk management framework in the environmental protection policies and the projects of 2007 and 2008, results of the project of 2009 Environmental Protection Policy Risk Management Project include:(1)The improvement of the EPA’s risk management operation model and standard operation procedure based on the staff’s responding and environmental trends;(2)3 local cases for risk management of environmental protection policies were established through 6 meetings, for both risk issues and strategies; (3)In the education and training portion, 4 sessions of the courses for risk and crisis management were held with totally 243 participants; (4)In the knowledge material accumulation part, the risk communication process and self evaluation checklist for the EPA were constructed;(5)7 new functions were supplemented to the risk management database; (6) In the crisis management aspect, this project reviewed EPA’s current emergency response plans, draft the contents for risk and crisis management drills, and set up a drill plan; (7)Finally, the annual risk management evaluation report was completed. 098 管考處 瑞鉅災害管理及安全事務顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15307
機車排氣檢驗站品質管理與資訊應用平台維護 機車排氣定期檢驗制度自民國85年起,推行至今已邁入第13年。本年度計畫係致力於機車定檢資訊系統軟硬體功能擴充,進一步提昇整體服務效能。計畫主要例行性工作包括定檢站查核管理及教育訓練、定檢站相關法規增修、定檢補助款審查核撥作業、車籍與檢測資料庫系統操作維護、定檢數據統計分析、以及各縣市機車管制計畫工作執行績效考評等。計畫期間針對全國2,537家定檢站完成不良定檢站篩選及查核作業,並依環保署規定於北、中、南辦理訓練課程,加強定檢站人員在職訓練。針對現行定檢站設置及管理辦法,主要因應環保署及定檢站端系統功能提升,針對檢驗數資料上傳及補助款審查資料規定完成修正公告。送審資料審查篩除率約為0.7%,篩除原因多為重複檢測問題。於系統資料相關工作,完成全國定檢站檢測資料即時傳輸,且同步備份至環保署系統主機,同時透過年度軟體認證作業,強制檢測軟體廠商配合強化資訊傳輸安全機制;針對環保單位機車管制需求,除持續提供定檢紀錄批次比對、檢測資料修正、戶外稽查PDA系統、戶外定檢電子化申請、二次通知及告發處分資料列管等功能外,另開發導入稽查資料整合管理平台,協助各縣市共享各項稽查資料,有效降低行政資源浪費。針對車籍及檢測資料庫,確實整理各縣市提報之死車資料,並有效控管定檢站日檔上傳率,98度全國整體上傳率達99.8%。透過系統提供之各項實用功能,98年度全國機車排氣定檢到檢率(80%)達歷年最高。其他計畫詳細成果,請參閱報告本文說明。 The project for the quality management and data applied platform maintain of motorcycle exhausted emission inspection station This is the 13th year since the regular motorcycle inspection system was in place in 1996. This annual plan is dedicated to the expansion of hardware and software functions of the system and further improvement of overall service and performance. The primary routines of the plan consist of the management and training of inspection station auditing, addition and revision of legal requirements related to inspection stations, review and appropriation of subsidies for regular inspections, operations and maintenance of vehicle registration and inspection database, calculation and analysis of inspection data, and the evaluation of performance on the works carried out for motorcycle control plans entrusted to each of the counties and cities. During the implementation of the plan, 2,537 inspection stations around the countries have gone the screening and auditing for stations of poor practice, and enhancement training programs were given in northern, central and southern Taiwan for improvement of in-job training capacity of inspection station personnel. For the current rules for establishment and management of regular inspection stations, correction announcements were made as required for upload of inspection data and subsidy review data in response to the improvement of the entire system at EPA and station ends. The washout percentage after review of data submitted was approximately 0.7%, mainly due to duplicated inspections. As for works related to system data, the real-time transmission of inspection data from the stations around the country was complete, and data is now backed up simultaneously to the system mainframe of EPA. Also with the annual software certification, the inspection software producers were required to enhance the information transmission security, while establishing the electronic review of subsidies. For the needs of motorcycle control for environmental protection authorities, the integrated management platform for auditing data was developed and introduced, in addition to continuous provision of batch comparison of inspection records, correction of inspection data, PDA system for outdoor auditing, electronic applications for outdoor inspections, second notification and control list for reporting and punishment data, to help county and city governments share auditing data and effectively reduce unnecessary waste of administrational resource. The information about “dead” motorcycles reported by the counties was sorted out precisely according to the vehicle registration and inspection database, and effective control of daily data upload percentage of the stations allowed 99.8% of the overall upload percentage in the entire country in 2009. With the practical functions provided in the system, the number of inspections performed and the percentage of inspection check-in (80%) in 2009 reached the highest in recent years. For more details of the implementation results of the plan, please refer to the main body of the report. 098 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16903
98年度焚化灰渣再利用查核評鑑及管理專案工作計畫 為能有效督導垃圾焚化灰渣之流向管理,環保署於94年起開始辦理焚化灰渣處理及再利用管理流向查核工作,並於96年7月26 日修訂公佈「一般廢棄物-垃圾焚化廠焚化底渣再利用管理方式」,增訂底渣再利用三級品管制度, 供為中央及地方政府加強底渣再利用管理之法源依據。本計畫目標即為配合環保署政策,延續歷年辦理成果,持續推動焚化灰渣處理及再利用之妥善管理事宜。本計畫執行期間自98年2月6日起至99年2月28日止,主要工作內容包括:執行底渣品質查核評鑑作業,並依據執行成效研提改善建議與因應對策;定期辦理書面及現場實地查核作業,督促焚化廠、灰渣掩埋場及底渣再利用機構加強灰渣處理及再利用管理;以及持續協助環保署辦理各縣市水肥清理、灰渣再利用計畫等業務之執行現況追蹤及成效檢討等工作。 Appraisal and Management of Incinerator Ash in Incineration Plants for 2009 In order to effectively supervise the management of final destination for waste incinerators ash, the Environmental Protection Administration( EPA) has performed inspection of the flow direction of incinerator ash treatment and reuse since 2005.On July 26, 2007, the EPA amended and promulgated “ The Management Methods for Reuse of the General Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash," in which a 3-step quality management system was established as the implementation guidance for both central and local governments to enhance management for the reuse of the incinerator bottom ash.The main purpose of this project was to assist the EPA in the continuous promotion of appropriate management of treatment and reuse for incinerators ash, in accordance with the EPA' s policy based on the achievements of the relevant projects over the past few years.The executing period of this project was from February 6, 2009 to February 28, 2010 and major tasks included:to carry out the appraisal work of incinerator bottom ash quality and provide improvement suggestions and propose related countermeasures, to conduct records/reports check and perform sites inspection of refuse incineration plants, ash landfills, and bottom ash reuse organizations periodically to strengthen management for treatment and reuse of the incinerators ash, and to assist the EPA in continuously tracing and monitoring the current status and execution progress of city and county governments for promoting relevant works of both septic tank clearance and treatment and ash reuse projects. 098 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16702
98年公告指定容器類責任業者營業(進口)量相關帳憑證查核計畫案 本年度計畫執行期限自民國98年4月3日起至99年3月31日止,針對行政院環保署資源回收管理基金管理委員會委辦之廢棄物清理法公告列管之容器類責任業者自行申報之營業(進口)量進行查核工作,並分析其查核成果。本計畫目標預計完成560家業者之查核,本受委託單位-安永聯合會計師事務所已完成之現場查核家數為569家並提報已完成工作執行報告之家數為569家,查核家數之計畫目標達成率為101.61%,現場查核累計查獲應補繳金額為新台幣1億2,860萬5,376元,益本比約為7.14倍。本年度計畫已依查核標準作業程序完成之569家業者中,查獲短(溢)報之業者有417家,其中短報業者為337家,截至99年2月5日止,已有231家受查業者完成補繳申報作業,短漏家數補繳率為67.94%;另累計已補繳金額為新台幣2,863萬7,302元,到繳率為22.22%,為本次計畫總經費之1.59倍。本計畫報告並蒐集受查業者意見,列入各受查業者之工作執行報告,並加以分類統計分析,以提供未來政策修訂之參考。依據本計畫之執行成果,建議未來持續針對短漏業者列入查核,展現政府推動政策之決心並維持公平性。現場查核時,加強責任業者相關法令之宣導,佐以輔導責任業者上網申報營業量資料正確性,如此將可提升回收清除處理費稽徵成效,並建立完善之管理資料庫。 Announcement to specified plastics container enterprises with the examination project of related operation/importation bookkeeping The implementation period for the Examination Project toward the Operation / Importation Accounts of the Mandatory Recycling Items Companies and Project of Auditing Procedures ( hereafter “ Project ”) started April 3, 2009 and ended March 31, 2010. The purpose of the Project was to conduct audit and analyze the operating or import volume of the container of responsible companies as designated by the Waste Disposal Act. This Project aimed to audit 560 companies and as of completion date of March 31, 2010, the actual completion rate was 569 companies . The achievement rate of the audited companies was 101.61% . The accumulated recycling-clearance-disposal fees to be payable by the audited responsible companies based on the Project result was NT$128,605,376 with Revenues to cost ratio of about 7.14.Among the audited 569 responsible companies conducted in accordance with the standard procedures, 417 responsible companies were reported to have either over or under paid the recycling-clearance-disposal fees, of which 337 responsible companies have under-paid the recycling-clearance-disposal fees. As of February 5, 2010, 231 of the 337 responsible companies or 67.94% have submitted declaration to pay off the delinquent fees. Total of NT$28,637,302, 22.22% of the total accumulated recycling-clearance-disposal fees, have been made. This represents 159.10% of the total budgeted professional fee. Comments were also collected and analyzed from the audited responsible companies to be included in the implementation reports for future policy making purposes. According to the examination result of this project, the study suggested that the EPA should continue to audit those responsible enterprises that had underpaid the recycling-clearance-disposal fees in order to reveal government’s determination on policy promoting and fairness of audit regarding to all related responsible enterprises. In conducting on site audit , the responsible companies will continued to be trained to become familiar with the related government policy to enable them to correctly submit the declarations of the operating or import volume. This will increase the efficiency and effectiveness in collection of the recycling-clearance-disposal fee and at the same to maintain completeness of the database for management purposes. 098 基管會 安永會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17343
執行柴油引擎汽車新車型審驗、新車抽驗及使用中車輛召回改正調查測試計畫 行政院環保署為改善國內空氣品質,加強柴油汽車污染管制,已訂定完整之各項污染管制法規,如「柴油及替代清潔燃料引擎汽車車型排氣審驗合格證明核發撤銷及廢止辦法」等,藉由本計畫之執行,完成審查及核發224件柴油新車型合格證明函及合格證明。協助環保署確認國產車業者及進口車代理商對於製造或進口之車輛,保證期限內是否符合排放標準,於98年度共計抽驗重型柴油車6家廠商,共計完成5車次引擎及12車次黑煙測試;至於輕型柴油車及柴油小客車抽驗9家廠商,共計完成16車次污染及黑煙測試。另針對1引擎族共5車次(三陽工業:TUCSON D-DX),執行使用中柴油車召回確認調查測試。針對超過保固期限之使用中柴油引擎汽車進行污染調查測試,柴油小型車5車次及重型柴油車5引擎次。查核廠商98年度品質管制測試統計資料共計68家廠商提報品質管制統計表,其中達到品管數量且進行品管測試之廠商共16家,所有提報品管資料皆符合法規規定。為順應法規調和之潮流等國內外情勢,本計畫適時增修訂相關法規規定,並為因應電子化趨勢另行建立柴油車審驗合格證明電子化作業系統,以提昇合格證明申請作業流程行政效率。此外另分析國內外柴油車各污染物排放水準及管制制度,及研擬適用於我國之OBD相關管理措施,俾作為各項柴油汽車污染管制策略成效評估及決策之參考。 Special Implementation Project for New Diesel Vehicle Model Certification, Conformity of Production Auditing and the Surveillance Test of Vehicle Recall and Correction In order to improve domestic air quality, the Environmental Protection Administration in Taiwan has strengthened the emission control over diesel vehicles and developed comprehensive regulations, such as "The Procedure of Rebelling and Abolishing the Certificate of Emission Inspection for the Types of Diesel and other Alternative Fuel Engine Vehicles." The project in past year has completed several targets to enforce the regulations, in which including 224 approval licenses released to new diesel engines and vehicles. This project has assisted EPA to monitor and validate the market car emission, which within warranty from both local automakers and import agent. A random inspection to brand new car from 15 automakers, and 5 in-used diesel vehicles (SYM:TUCSON D-DX) confirmed tests, and 5 over warranty periods in-used diesel vehicles and 5 engines emission tests…etc. All inspected products mentioned above have met emission standards. There are 68 automakers and agents have submitted quality control plan according to statistic record in 2009. Among those 16 have reached the quota requirement and carried out all quality needs, and consisted with the ruling procedure of regulation.This project has not only mediated and submitted the updated regulation to criterions and methods in terms of complying with international emission controlled trend, but transferred the certification system into electric operation completely in order to ensure the proceeding effectively. The electronic certification system according to EPA certificate information management system and e-approval system, to revision work flow of system in this year. And according to the user opinions, adjust functions of the original system. In addition, we have drafted OBD relevant restraint methods applied in Taiwan. Therefore, those achievements will be the bases of ruling next emission strategy to various diesel vehicles. 098 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17042
水污染防治許可換發審查計(南區)(第三年) 本年度為延續96年及97年計畫辦理南區十個縣市(包括:南投縣、嘉義市、嘉義縣、台南市、台南縣、高雄市、高雄縣、屏東縣、台東縣及澎湖縣)之水污染防治許可換發審查計畫,並於98年3月調整桃園縣換發案件納入南區審查。98年度總共受理審查1,089件許可換發申請作業,完成換證958件;受理審查33件新增列管事業,完成發證28家;以及現勘複查執行401家次。 本計畫輔助南區縣市三年許可換發受理審查總數量3,057件,南區各縣市整體換發達成率達98.3%。其中嘉義縣、台南市、高雄縣及澎湖縣等四縣市達100%之換發目標。 本計畫配合網路許可申請傳輸作業進行許可審查,除確保建檔資料正確性,達成政府行政作業e化外,並能減少行政成本負擔。又單一證照管理後,許可文件管理單純化,增加業者行政效率,減少許可資料建檔時間,同時節省文件影印,達到節能減碳。本計畫三年實際經費約3,052萬元,但對社會整體貢獻而言,卻創造約1億2400萬元約4倍價值之經濟效益。綜合上述,其所節省之時間成本、人力成本、實際經費及整體環境效益,對台灣整體效益而言有莫大助益。 Project of Water Pollution Preventing and Control Permission Replacement Examination (South Area) (3-rd years) The goal in this project was 4,200 licenses should be examined and replaced, which included 3,300 paper examinations and 400 site examinations. But the examination requirements of each county application were difference from the original prediction in this project. Therefore the Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) regulated the examination amount of each county by actual situation monthly. This project was examined and replaced application for 10 southern counties from 1 May 2007, and added the applications of Taoyuan County to southern area from March 2009. Results of the implementation were described as below:In 2007, 653 permission applications were examined in this project, which included 24 engineering improvement examinations, 619 permission replacement examinations (471 site examinations and 148 paper examinations), and 10 were not issued permission applications (6 site examinations and 4 paper examinations).In 2008, 1,399 permission applications were examined, which included 1,289 approved cases (174 site examinations and 1,115 paper examinations) and 50 unissued cases (10 site examinations and 40 paper examinations). Besides, there were 162 new added permission applications ( 36 engineering improvement paper examinations, 29 site examinations and 97 paper examinations) in this year.In 2009, 1,089 permission applications were examined, which included 348 approved permission replacement for animal husbandry (163 site examinations and 185 paper examinations), 67 unissued cases (only paper examinations), 610 approved permission replacement for non-animal husbandry (245 site examinations and 365 paper examinations), and 64 unissued cases (20 site examinations and 44 paper examinations). Besides, there were 33 new added businesses submitted the permission applications (18 site examinations and 15 paper examinations) and 401 factory site survey.As described permission replacement examination, new added businesses permission examination, and factory site survey, furthermore 3 appointed phone calls for business consultants and service regularly in this project. 098 水保處 京華工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15598
北區河川守護計畫 本年度北區河川守護計畫工作內容結合Eco-life環保森林組織樹精神,完成淡水河流域、南崁溪及老街溪河川守護義工工作坊及義工交流活動共3場次,至少500人次參加;以及完成訓練基隆河導覽人員訓練55人並推動導覽。完成工作項目成果如下:1. 完成訪談淡水河流域、南崁溪及老街溪各河川巡守隊7隊,完成河川巡守隊巡守地圖及巡檢、通報、清理、志願認養及舉發的責任區作成DM,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。2. 完成輔導河川巡守隊認識「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網」,共有21隊(北市2隊、北縣16隊、桃園縣5隊完成架設部落格),學習鍵入各河川巡守隊河川守護行動或污染整治部落格方式,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。3. 完成10次不定期巡查塔寮坑溪支流潭底溝、鹿角溪、鶯歌溪、南崁溪及老街溪,製作污染地圖,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。4. 完成辦理4場次河川巡守工作坊及義工交流活動,共513人參加:1)完成邀請基隆市、台北縣市、桃園縣及新竹縣市河川巡守義工經驗分享及交流;2)工作坊內容已含Eco-life環保森林組織樹精神及作法、巡守重點、通報流程、河川巡守義工可執行事項、河川污染整治重點、流域文史、經驗分享及巡守特色、河川生態等。符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。5. 完成以自行車訓練基隆河導覽人員訓練共61人。於8月23日、8月29日、8月30日、9月11日開辦兩梯次基隆河流域導覽解說員培訓課程,分別於北市內湖社區大學和松山社區大學舉行,兩梯次共完成訓練導覽人員61名,最後根據其中完成課程並通過驗收者,提出導覽人員建議名單。符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。6. 完成規劃基隆河污染整治特色處10點,作為訓練解說範圍,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。7. 完成訓練課程16小時並實作模擬,課程結束後提出導覽人員30人建議名單,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。8. 完成辦理對外接受申請新店溪及淡水河本流導覽人員規劃及宣導,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。9. 完成辦理已完成訓練之新店溪及淡水河本流導覽人員加強導覽重點及注意事項回訓課程與座談會2場半日合計56人,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。10. 完成辦理6場次接受15人以上的機關團體或學校申請新店溪及淡水河本流導覽工作,統計分析導覽人數、河川整治相關問題及導覽意見反應,符合計畫內容,達成計畫預期目標。本計畫之成果效益:1. 增進河川巡守義工對各流域污染整治政策的認識,推廣民眾參與。2. 舉辦河川巡守學習教育,持續培育義工與吸引更多民眾加入河川巡守行列。3. 促進巡守義工間的交流,加強河川巡守的功效。4. 將河川關懷與觀光休閒結合,促使更多民眾容易親近河川。5. 增進觀光業者與民眾對於基隆河流域污染整治的了解。6. 推廣河川保育,促進民眾關心河川。建議:一、完成巡守隊抽樣訪談,建議北區(這是指北台灣嗎???)各縣市比照北縣環保局作法,邀請巡守隊進行定期河川聯繫會報,以擴大巡守資訊透明、經驗交流及增強民間巡守參與的信任感。二、針對跨縣市河川污染,可搭建流域會議進行地區公、私部門跨縣市的污染重點合作稽查與巡守。三、發展三軌制度(課程培力地方河川巡守隊員自行管理、計畫培訓招募協助上傳巡守通報的河川義工群、協調地方環保局要求各縣市河川巡守培力的專案執行團隊工作應納入協助巡守隊上傳通報) 以輔助河川巡守隊熟悉「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網」的建置與後續的通報。四、發展河川影像紀錄義工,以增加後續推廣親水教育與巡守義工招募的教材。五、培養更多河段的河川導覽義工來發展定點定時的樂水行導覽活動。六、每年可固定時間舉辦河川日活動,吸引大眾與媒體對河川的關注。七、河川培力計畫建議往發展河川巡守培訓教育、民眾親水教育之模式研發中心。 The River Guard in Northern Taiwan According to the contents of the project, the achievements that have been conducted are described as the following. 1. Organized seven teams of river-patrolling volunteers in the Tam-Shui River , Nan-Kan River and Lao-Jie River regions after completing the interviews in those areas; the DMs containing the patrolling, maps, reports, cleaning, volunteering, etc. are also finished, which have met the expectation. 2. Advised 23river patrolling teams, (2 from Taipei, 16 from Taipei County and 5 from Taoyuan County setting up blogs) to learn how to input the reports, data, results, their activities and other criteria in the website “EcoLife” to meet the project requirements. 3. Finished ten irregular patrols and completed the maps of polluted areas in the connecting streams of Ta-Liao-Ken River like Tan-Di Creek, Lu-Chiao Creek, Ying-Ge Creek, Nan-Kan Creek and Lau-Jie Creek, which has met the expectation of the project.4. Finished 4 one-day workshops of river patrolling and communications for volunteers’ interaction, proficiency training and experience sharing. There were 513 participants joining the workshops. 1) Invited the river patrolling volunteer teams from Taipei City, Taipei County, Keelung City, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu City and Hsinchu County to share their experience. 2) The contents of the workshops had included the principles, procedures, reporting process, the criteria that were able to be conducted by volunteers, river pollution prevention and treatment, the history of rivers, ecosystems, proficiency training etc. Those mentioned above have met the expectation of the project. (1) The volunteer workshop of Nan-Kan Creek and Lao-Jie Creek in Taoyuan was held at Room 101, The Labor Recreation Center in Taoyuan County from 8:30 to 18:30 on October 17th, 2009. There were 82 participants who are river patrolling volunteers from Taoyuan, university or graduate students, community university students and the general public. (2) The volunteer workshop of Tamsui River patrolling was held at Tatung Community University in Taipei City from 8:30 to 17:00 on October 24th, 2009. There were 29 participants who are retired teachers, volunteer tour guides, students, river patrolling volunteers, and 2009 tour guide trainees of Keelung River, etc. (3) The volunteer workshop and birthday party for Tamsui River patrolling volunteers was held at Bi-Tan River Bank Square in Hsindian, Taipei County from 8:00 to 17:00 on November 11th, 2009. There were 318 participants who are river patrolling volunteers, students, and the general public. (4) The volunteer workshop for Jing-Mei River patrolling volunteers was held at the river bank of Wan-Ching Park in Jing-Mei creek from 9:00 to 12:00 on November 29th, 2009. There were 84 participants including river patrolling volunteers from Tamsui River regions and community university students. 5. Finished the bicycle training for 61 Keelung River tour guide trainees. The training was held twice at Nei-Hu and Sung-Shan community universities in Taipei City on August 23rd, 29th, 30th and September 11th. The recommended tour guide trainees were selected from the 61 participants after the tests. The results have met the expectation of the project.6. Accomplished selecting 10 important locations to be the tour guide training areas for the pollution treatment of Keelung River, which has met the expectation of the project. 7. Finished the 16-hour proficiency training and role play, and selected 30 recommended tour guide trainees from the participants, which have met the expectation of the project. 8. Accomplished the tour guide training and propaganda of Hsindian River and Tamsui River, which have met the expectation of the project. 9. Finished two half-day re-trainings and forums for the tour guide trainees of Hsindian River and Tamsui River to reinforce the guiding focus and proficiency. The total participants were 56 people. The results have met the expectation of the project. 10. Finished 6 appointed tours in Tamsui River for organizations or schools with more than 15 people, conducted the visitor analysis, and collected the questions about the river pollution treatments and the comments of the tours, which has met the expectation of the project. The benefits of this project: 1. Improve river-patrolling volunteers’ proficiency and understanding about the river pollution treatments and policies and the participation of the general public. 2. Organize the river patrolling trainings to educate the volunteers and to attract more people to involve with the river patrolling. 3. Promote the interactions among the river patrolling volunteers to reinforce the results of river patrolling proficiency. 4. Integrate the tourism and recreation activities and river protection together to help the public get close to the rivers. 5. Help the tourism and recreation industries and the public understand the pollution treatments in the Keelung River regions. 6. Promote the river protection concepts and attract the public to join river protections. Suggestions: 1. To finish the river patrolling teams' interviews, we suggest each county in North Taiwan follows the procedures applied by Protection Bureau in Taipei County, which are inviting river patrolling teams to the regular meetings to enable the patrolling information open, share experience and reinforce the trusts and participation among civil patrolling. 2. As to the river pollutions that territories run across different counties or cities, build up the meetings regarding river regions so the public and private sectors can cooperate and patrol together and examine the focus polluted areas.3. Develop three systems, trainings about local river patrolling team members' self management, recruiting and training volunteers who are in charge of reporting, coordinating the local environment protection bureaus to requests the reporting should be listed in one of the duties of river patrolling, to help river patrolling teams to familiar with set up and following up reports on Ecolife website. 4. Train volunteers to film the documentaries so those documentaries can be used as the training materials for the further river and water education and new volunteers.5. Recruit more volunteer tour guides to develop new locations for appointed river guide tours. 6. Set up River Day and activities to attract the public and media attention to the river protection.7. Build up a research center for the trainings of river patrolling, the river educations for the public. 098 水保處 台灣綠色公民行動聯盟協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15701
總量管制計畫及細懸浮微粒管制策略規劃 本計畫係屬環保署施政計畫,分以下 二大主軸說明成果: 1.研擬總量管制計畫:(1)完成高高屏地區總量管制計畫初稿:第一期程設定目標為固定源排放總量不增加,採既存固定源指定削減為零、排放量達一定規模之新增或變更固定源須取得增量抵換,或採取減量承諾,方可設置及操作。(2)修訂「既存固定污染源污染物排放量認可準則」:經指定應申請排放量認可之固定源,其排放量認可依據,來自依空污費制度(SOx、NOx、VOC)或年排放量申報制度(TSP),於申請日前7個完整年度之排放量申報記錄。(3)訂定「固定污染源空氣污染物削減量差額認可保留抵換及交易辦法」:既存固定源經採行防制措施後,致實際削減量較指定為多者,或因關廠或拆除防制設備減少之排放量,可向環保局申請削減量差額認可。(4)依前二項法規,建制排放交易制度及排放量查核系統。(5)完成98年全國縣市排放量管理計畫檢討分析,製作參考指引。2.研擬細懸浮微粒PM2.5管制上位計畫:(1)研析測站監測數據發現,國內PM2.5/PM10約0.47~0.63。(2)選擇新莊超測站及斗六測站進行能見度與PM2.5採樣分析發現:微粒總體積濃度升高時散光係數也隨之增加;秋冬二季微粒組成均以有機碳為主。(3)彙整苗栗、台中硫氧化物及懸浮微粒近年監測資料,分析低硫燃料油政策對空氣品質影響,分析結果係季節性影響較顯著。 The study on air pollutant emissions ceiling program and the control measures for fine particles pol The study plays a major role supporting Taiwan EPA’s policy plan, the three main topics of this study are shown below:1. Developing district-wide air pollutant emissions ceiling program:(1)Drafted district-wide air pollutant emissions ceiling program for Kaohsiung city/county and Pingtung county area : the goal of initial phase is to stabilize the total stationary sources’ emissions, the target emissions reduction from designated existing sources would be zero, major new sources or major modification from existing sources should be required to offset their increased emissions, or surrender their reduction commitments, while applying their installation and operation permits.(2)Amended the “The Criteria for the Recognition of the Pollutant Emissions of Existing Stationary Sources”:The Applicants could select their emissions to be authorized based on historical emission report, back to 7 years before the application date. The local authority shall recognize the applicants’ entire plants’ emissions based on their historical records.(3)Established ” the regulations for the recognition of the emissions reduction difference for banking, offsetting or trading.” : Those existing stationary sources that, as a result of the adoption of control measures, or reduction due to shut down, achieve actual emissions reduction quantities greater than designated reduction quantities may bank, offset or trade the difference after authorization by the local competent authority.(4)Furthermore, the study established emissions tracking system, and emission reduction credit (ERC) registry platform as well.(5)Finished the analyses of year 98 national emission control projects and established the guideline.2. Drafted Fine particles PM2.5 control plan:(1) The national PM2.5/PM10 is about 0.47 ~ 0.63 from the data analysis of sampling stations.(2)The analyses of visibility and PM2.5 from Sinjhuang and Douliou sampling stations, the total volume concentration of fine particles rises, the scattering coefficient rises too;The main component of fine particles during fall and winter is organic carbon.(3)Compiled the SOx and PM monitoring data of Miaoli and Taichung, analyzed the correlation between low sulfate fuel oil and air quality. The seasonal influence is more significant than adopting low sulfate fuel control strategy. 098 空保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17986
資源回收環保創意推廣專案工作計畫 行政院環保署為推廣資源回收新附加價值,整合資源回收政策、成果與關懷環保事務,以「環保加溫 地球降溫」為主軸,規劃「回收類別 要認清」、「妥善回收 管道多」、「創意回收 再利用」、「資源再生 新價值」為四大主題,自98年7月22日至10月15日,辦理「資源回收環保創意系列活動-代言物命名、30秒影像、四格漫畫及環保天團」徵件與網路票選活動,除建置活動專屬網站,另於熱門入口網站廣告宣傳,總曝光量達34,432,780次。代言物命名活動獲投稿計527件、四格漫畫及30秒影像比賽投稿計884件,環保天團共17隊參加,經公開評審及票選作業,共84個獎項獲頒獎金新台幣60萬元。 為傳達資源回收再利用新價值,提高民眾響應環保動機與參與度,攝製「小動作 大降溫」與「美的推手」2支30秒廣告影片及3分鐘影片。已於7家電視台,共託播426檔次。「小動作 大降溫」電視託播於98年9月28日起至10月18日共215檔次,託播效益的GRP(總收視百分點)達30.30,預定觸及的目標視聽眾百分比(1+Reach)達21.4%,與平均廣告接觸次數(F.q)達1.4。「美的推手」電視託播於11月11日至11月20日,託播共211檔次,GRP(總收視百分點)達30.48,預定觸及的目標視聽眾(1+Reach)達19.3%,與平均廣告接觸次數(F.q)達1.6。 本活動搭配多元媒體傳達環保政策及活動訊息,以12則電視新聞報導、設計4款環保政策與活動海報,及29則報章雜誌刊登等,另藉由專業攝影及展示盒陳列規劃,提升民眾對回收再利用認知、促進資源回收工作發展,行銷國內整體資源回收成果。 Publicity Project For -Recycling Environmental Protection Imagination Promotion Project In order to promote the new added value of resource recycling, integrate the policies and results of resource recycling, and care about environmental-protection affairs, the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, conducted the “Series of Creative Activities for Resource Recycling and Environmental Protection— Denomination for the Representative Mascot, 30-second Video Clips, Four-frame Cartoon, and Outstanding Environmental-protection Groups” campaign, soliciting works and online voting, based on the main theme “Environmental Protection Warms Up, the Earth Cools Down” and four designated topics: “Clarifying Recycling Categories, ” “Diversifying Recycling Channels,” “Recycling & Reusing Creatively,” and “Regenerating Resources, Adding New Values,” from Jul. 22, to Oct. 15, 2009. In addition to the establishment of specific website for this activity, advertising propaganda was also made at major portals, and the total volume of our activities’ exposure was hit to 34,432,780 times. We received 527 pieces of works for the “Denomination for the Representative Mascot,” 884 pieces for the “Four-frame Cartoons” and “30-second Video Clips,” and 17 participating teams in total for the “Outstanding Environmental-protection Groups.” After open review and voting procedures, 84 prizes and NTD 600,000 money rewards were given away.In order to spread the new value of resource recycling and reuse, and to enhance the public’s motivation and participation in responding to environmental protection, we shot “A Small Action Leads to Great Cooling Down” and “the Beautiful Push Hand,” two advertising footages that were 30 seconds and 3 minutes in length respectively, and they were already broadcasted at seven TV stations for 426 times. The “A Small Action Leads to Great Cooling Down” was broadcasted 215 times from Sep. 28 to Oct. 18, 2009 and its GRP (Gross Rating Point) reached 30.30; the percentage of the target audience anticipated to be reached (1+Reach) amounted to 21.4%; the average frequency of advertisement contact (F.q) amounted to 1.4. “The Beautiful Push Hand” was scheduled to broadcast for 211 times from Nov. 11 to Nov. 20; the estimated GRP (Gross Rating Point) is set at 30.48; the percentage of the target audience anticipated to be reached (1+Reach) is set at 19.3%, and the average frequency of advertisement contact (F.q) is set at 1.6.Combined with multi-media tools, this campaign intends to spread our agency’s environmental-protection policies and activity information: 12 TV news reports, 4 types of poster designs for environmental-protection policies and activities, 29 articles published in newspapers and magazines, etc. Besides, we also intend to enhance the public’s understanding about recycling and reuse, to promote the resource recycling project, and to market the entire domestic resource recycling results by way of professional photographing and displaying box installations. 098 基管會 新視紀整合行銷傳播股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16179
推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫-嘉義縣 本計畫以「複式動員」為策略,其目的即在於透過中央與地方的合作、政府與民間的合作、學術與產業的合作、所有資源的整合與投入希冀將環保的觀念與行動深入村里與每一位民眾;本計畫種子教師訓練共辦理2場次,參與人數共計62人及環境教育村里宣導會共辦理62場次共計1,904人次。每月整潔美化助理員實地績效考核共298人次(扣除因離職未替補人員次數),每月整潔美化助理員登錄正確性查核共301人次,整潔美化助理員實地績效考核結果之總平均為74.5,登錄正確性查核之總平均為76.45,二者皆總平均以上,等級”A”佔57.89%,二者其一總平均以上,等級”B”佔21.05%及二者皆總平均以下,等級”C”佔21.05%,其結果顯示將近80%的鄉鎮市,實際操作上情形普遍尚佳,但由於對於職責尚未熟悉,或對評分標準無所適從,故未達最佳績。考核的結果較好鄉鎮為義竹鄉及六腳鄉,較差的鄉鎮為環保局及阿里山鄉。複式協查查報並於系統上登錄共74次。本計畫建議未來應考慮政策之形成宜有更充分的醞釀期,確定各層級組織分工及執行能力,瞭解基層村里對環境品質之需求重點,以及目前民間社團、學校、企業等相關環境活動等前置作業宜充分掌握,方能達到政策目標。過去以環保署綜計處主導的清淨家園計畫與本計畫之間的聯結性不明,致政策的延續性不足,過去執行的成果未能有效發揮,建議加強整合環保署相關單位,及其他相關部會,如內政部、文建會、農委會等社區相關計畫之整合性,以發揮整體效果。 Project on assessment of the system of multi-level personnel mobilization for environmental sanitation-Chiayi county This project aimed to carry out the EPA’s EcoLife Website to ensure that the system of multi-level personnel mobilization is activated quickly for clean-up operations. Besides, this project managed to increase the powers and responsibilities of local authorities to maintain environmental sanitation, mobilizing the general public, cooperating with communities, academies and enterprises, and integrating the contributions of volunteers can all help to achieve the policy goals. We held 2 training courses for 62 seed lecturers, i.e. environmental aestheticians. Also 62 advocating meetings with 1,904 attending personals were accomplished by this project. 301 person-times on-site performance and booking validity checking for the environmental aestheticians were carried out. The averaged score was 74.50 regarding on-site performance checking, and 76.45 regarding booking validity for all environmental aestheticians in Chiayi County. Among them, 57.89% were classified into A grade with scores both higher than the average numbers mentioned above; 21.05% into B grade with either one score higher; 21.05% into C grade with both lower scores. The results revealed that nearly 80% townships in Chiayi County performed well. However, they didn’t reach the best due to unfamiliar to their duties, or feeling difficult to follow the varying scoring criteria. In all townships, Yijhu and Lioujiao performed the best, while Environmental Protection Bureau and Alishan did the worst. We also booked 74 informing messages of double-environment-inspection on the Ecolife Website.Based on the enforcing experiences, we suggest that more sufficient fermenting period is necessary for policy formation. In advance, division of labor and capabilities of every hierarchical organization are needed to be ensured. Pre-works such as gathering the villagers’ key demand about environmental quality, getting good acknowledgement about the relating environmental activities, etc. must be done before launching the campaigns. The connection between this project and the corresponding clean homeland projects led by the Department of Comprehensive Planning of EPA was not clear, resulting in discontinuousness of policy and reducing the effectiveness of policy enforcement. Better integration of corresponding projects concerning communities among departments within EPA and other ministries such as MOI, CCA and COA are also suggested for better performances. 098 毒管處 環球技術學院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14164
「環保法規標準化英譯及法規雙語網站檢索系統暨軟體維護」專案工作計劃 鑑於環保法規之英譯,具有高度專業性及複雜性,法規英譯亟需力求嚴謹,故英譯環保法規無法與最新環保法規同步更新,爰於本雙語網站提供「最新的中文法規原文」之連結,以利知悉英譯環保法規之最新現行規定之中文內容。並讓國人對環保法規最新異動資訊可以及時取得。今年工作仍繼續進行環保法規英譯工作、製作中英環保法規AAA無障礙標準的網頁並擴充網站內容。 R.O.C. Environmental Law Standardized Translation and Bilingual Web Search System Data and Software The translation of environmental laws and regulations into English is a complex process that requires a high degree of expertise. The English translation of laws and regulations also requires careful review and attention to detail. For this reason, the English translations cannot be concurrently completed in the same timeframe as the new and revised laws in Chinese. Thus, the R.O.C. (Taiwan) Environmental Law Library website provides a link to the “most recent original laws and regulations in Chinese” on the site to familiarize users with the source regulations in Chinese with respect to the most recent English version of the corresponding law or regulation, while also providing R.O.C. citizens with timely access to the latest information on changes to various laws and regulations.  This year’s work continued the English translation work, AAA Priority English and Chinese web page production, and further expanded the overall content of the website. 098 法規會 精粹有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17956
98-綠島節水及污水回收整體規劃示範計畫 為了開發綠島地區可利用之水資源,增加島內可用之水源及調查綠島地區水污染現況,台東縣環保局(後簡稱環保局)研擬『98-綠島節水及污水回收整體規劃示範計畫』,以開創島內可利用之水資源(運用雨、污水等循環再利用)及落實節約用水之行動,以解決綠島用水問題,本計畫欲達下列目標:(一)研擬綠島節水及雨污水回收系統發展策略(包含其可行方式與地點選定),並切合世界性永續島嶼發展議題。(二)規劃雨污水回收系統,以增進本島水資源回收再利用。計畫工作內容包括:(一) 調查分析綠島鄉水污染來源、污染量及空間分布:細部設計部份:針對綠島地區依據不同水污染來源完成污染量調查,並依據地區分佈繪製污染分佈圖。(二) 調查分析綠島鄉全島雨水及其它可用水源、水量及分布。(三) 規劃一處全島回收水(雨污水)資源中心(包含選址、進水系統、處理系統及配水系統等)及雨污水回收再利用系統,另評估與飯店、民宿業者及公務機關等合作,發展回收示範系統之可行性。(四) 研擬並提出綠島鄉節水策略。(五) 廣邀當地公務機關、各級學校、社區協會及飯店業者等辦理雨污水回收再利用技術、經濟效益及環境效益宣導說明會2場次。(六) 製作及安裝節水宣導看板三面,設立於機場、港口及鄉公所等處所。 This project, carried out by Prime Green Environmental Professional Office on commission by Taitung County Government, is to plan a recycling system of effluent and rainwater in Lyudao Rural Township (commonly called Green Island), the county’s offshore island to the east, to produce reclaimed water for reuse on the supply side and to propose water-saving strategies on the demand side. The work in the project mainly consists of (1) field surveys of sources, volumes and spatial distribution of water pollution in the island; (2) field surveys of sources, volumes and spatial distribution of available water resources in the island; (3) planning for an effluent/rainwater recycling center including site selection, an effluent/rainwater supply system, a treatment system and a distribution system of reclaimed water for reuse; (3) formulation of water-saving strategies; (4) advertising to boost the aforementioned recycling and water saving. The results of surveys and work done are as follows: (1) daily-life wastewater mainly accounts for water pollution and 10 sources of water pollution have been found; (2) the county government is constructing a natural treatment system of wastewater at a village, with produced effluent estimated at 150CMD after the system is operated; (3) rivers and water bodies on the ground are not feasible for recycling because of small volumes and remote locations, while the only airport has a rainwater-collecting area of 17,079m2, translating into 28CMD on average; (4) a site behind the administration center of the rural township is selected for planning the effluent/rainwater recycling center of which the capacity is 500CMD of reclaimed water with BOD ≤ 10mg/L, SS ≤ 5mg/L and no coliform group detected in terms of quality; (5) total engineering cost is estimated at NT$93.665 million (US$2.93 million), equivalent to NT$12.40 per cubic meter of reclaimed water which is too high as compared with the current price for water supply in the island; (6) surveys of potential users show that only 7 units are willing to use reclaimed water with total demand volume of 53CMD; (7) two meetings to introduce the planned recycling center to government units, schools and hotels mainly; (8) adverting of the water-saving need, including promotion of replacing existing water supply equipment with water-saving models. 098 台東縣環境保護局 綠森環境工程技師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15794
綠色運輸環境維護宣導短片攝製 綠色運輸短片以實拍與卡通動畫結合方式呈現,結合環保協查志工「柯柏武」變形金剛執行任務,發現路上有不符合綠色運輸的車輛,包括:一人一車、亂排放黑煙…,於是與以攔阻警告,同時,更推廣綠色運輸,如:共乘、步行、大眾運輸工具、自行車…等,強調綠色運輸不但能節能減碳,更可以守護地球,呼籲全民大家一起來!環境維護以社區環保以義工–抹奇為主角貫穿於各級公共廁所間,採用實景與卡通人物結合呈現,經由抹奇的介紹讓民眾更加了解各級公廁的標準,但因民眾的不當使用與維護,導致特優笑臉變成哭臉,期透過公廁整潔維護及檢查改善,落實公廁清潔分級制度,以提升公廁環境品質。 Green Transportation and Safeguarding the Environment: Production Plans for Public Information Films This short film about green transportation is a mixture of live action and cartoon animation. The transformer Optimus is an environmental protection investigation volunteer. In carrying out his task, he discovers vehicles that fail to meet the principles of green transportation, including cars carrying only one person, and vehicles with dirty exhaust emissions. He stops them to warn them, at the same time spreading the green transportation message of pooling transportation, walking, using mass transit and biking. He emphasizes that green transportation can not only save resources and cut carbon emissions, it can also protect the Earth. Optimus calls upon everyone to work together!In the battle to safeguard the environment through community environmental protection, Miss Magic volunteers to take the lead role to penetrate public toilet facilities at all levels. This short film employs a combination of real scenes and cartoon characters, introducing Miss Magic to the public to make everybody better understand all levels of standards in public toilets. When people inappropriately use and fail to look after public toilets, her smiling face turns to tears. It is hoped that through cleaning and looking after public toilets and improving inspections, a sanitary grading system for public toilets can be implemented, in order to improve the quality of the environment in public toilets. 098 綜計處 敦煌傳播有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=464
98年度垃圾清運體系調查規劃及垃圾車更新專案工作計畫 本計畫主要目的在於協助地方環保機關汰換老舊清運機具,維持垃圾清運能力與提高清運效率,以確保民眾清潔、衛生、健康之生活環境與品質。本計畫延續歷年(自民國 96 年起)推動執行「一般廢棄物資源循環推動計畫」(行政院 96 年 3 月 1 日核定)之「補助地方政府汰換老舊垃圾清運機具工作」 ,協助環保署辦理補助汰換相關工作,並研擬提昇清運車輛使用效益之措施,研訂新型清運機具之規格規範。本(98)年度計畫執行期限自 98 年 2 月起至 98 年 12 月止,秉公開、透明、專業與嚴密監督之原則,研訂密封壓縮式垃圾車採購規範與共同供應契約招標文件,並完成招標採購作業;同時,由地方環保機關提出垃圾清運車輛汰換申請補助計畫書,經環保署核定後利用共同供應契約進行訂購,並於完成製作後,向環保署申請補助撥款及提報汰換成果。本年度共補助地方環保機關完成 331 輛各式容積密封壓縮式垃圾車之汰換訂購作業,累計自 96 年起環保署共補助 23 個縣市採購 1,086 輛密封壓縮式垃圾車。在研訂新型清運機具提昇清運車輛使用效益方面,本年度採購項目新增雙廂式垃圾車,可供地方環保機關明年(99 年)起訂購使用,具有節省清運人力、車次之效益。本年度亦配合 CO2 減量政策,探討採購液化石油氣(Liquefied Petroleum Gas, LPG)垃圾車之可行性,完成規格規範(草案)。此外,針對地方環保機關合法之條件下使用車後踏板之需求,亦完成垃圾車上下作業勞工之安全裝置改進評估,提供環保署與交通部及行政院勞工委員會研商訂定車後踏板安全規範與使用規定之參考。 The Nation-wide Survey of the Garbage Collection Systems and the Planning for the Renewal of Garbage The objectives of this project were to assist local governments to renew their refuse collection vehicles so as to maintain their capabilities of refuse collection services and to promote the efficiency for providing people a clean, sanitized and healthy environment to live in with better quality. This project was designed continuously to implement the “Program of financial assistance local governments to renew refuse collection vehicles” included in “General Waste Resource Recycling Promotion Plan”, approved by Executive Yuan in March 31st, 2007. This project contributed to promote the renewing progress and gave support to the EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) on the relative tasks. This project also drafted the specifications for new models, improvements on functions and safety requirements. This project was carried out from February 2009 to December 2009. This project finalized the bidding documents for vary capacities of rear loader refuse trucks with advisory supervision of the professionals. The bidding documents had been utilized for the invitation of tenders and the whole procurement procedures had been finished, in accordance with observing the principle of fairness and openness, together an inter-entity supply contract. In the meantime, local governments might deliver the renewal plans with request for financial assistance. As soon as the EPA approved the renewal proposals, local government might place the orders via the inter-entity supply contract. In this year, 2009, the EPA has granted procurements of 331 refuse trucks with vary capacities to local governments for renewing. And the granted procurements had been accumulating to a total of 1,086 trucks over the years from 2007 to 2009. A new model of dual-compartment rear loader refuse truck has been added to the procurement plan, and the local governments would soon have chance to order the new model for trying to improve their collection performances from 2010. According to the green gas reduction policy, the feasibility of procuring Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) refuse trucks has been investigated together with a draft of specification as outcome. Besides, a study on improving the safety of using riding steps also was been accomplished at the request to legally employ footboards. The outcome and suggestions would provide the basis for future discussions and negotiations on the revision of the related regulations with the related authorities including the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) and The Council of Labor Affairs (CLA). 098 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15631
98年度推動建構小黑蚊防治專案計畫 本計畫擬在小黑蚊發生較嚴重的台中、南投、彰化、花蓮、台南、嘉義、雲林縣及台中市等八縣市,推動學校、社區與觀光景點之小黑蚊防治工作。計畫內容包括:(1) 監測各縣市小黑蚊棲群密度變化,分析小黑蚊變遷原因;(2) 協助推動學校、社區與觀光景點之小黑蚊綜合防治工作,含防治教育訓練、棲群密度調查、防治策略擬定、小黑蚊防治之教育宣導與防治成效評估等工作,以期建構小黑蚊社區綜合防治模式,進而達到全國的防治示範;(3)辦理教育訓練班,區分環保人員及一般民眾提供防治推廣師資人力培訓。(4) 舉辦宣導講習會,並以觀光景點單位,於各縣市選擇重點防治區域,規劃長期密度調查監測區域及現場探勘,指導防治小組成員定期重點防治區,進行小黑蚊棲群密度調查與監測;(5) 編印小黑蚊防治手冊、摺頁與光碟加強宣導效果,詳述小黑蚊形態及特徵,介紹小黑蚊生活史、成蟲吸血習性、雌蟲產卵習性、繁殖潛能、幼蟲孳生源、個人防護、居家及社區環境改善、物理及化學防除觀念等,期能教導民眾認識小黑蚊及主動參與防治工作;(6) 舉辦全國性學術研討會,邀請國內研究小黑蚊專家共同為小黑蚊問題提出具體建言。此外,持續維護專屬網站與專線電話,提供防治小黑蚊相關資訊與防治技術諮詢,建立疫情通報與標準處理程序的工作平台。計畫執行完畢撰寫成果報告書,檢討計畫執行情形與防治成效,並進行綜合評估。本年度計畫的防治成果將以降低觀光景點小黑蚊密度為指標,期能針對觀光景點尋求有效遏阻小黑蚊危害之技術與對策。 Promotion of Capability Building of Control of Invasion of Forcipomyia taiwana Serious infestation of the biting midge has been occurring in many parts of the country in recent years. In order to establish a workable control scheme of this pest, this control program will be conducted in seven most epidemic counties, i.e., Taichung , Nantou, Changhua, Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan , Hualian, and Taichung city, with the participation of communities schools and sightseeing spots. Framework of the control program includes four parts; (1) monitoring of biting midge density and analyzing of its migration; (2) helping communities schools and sightseeing spots to establish efficient control strategy through education, population dynamic studies, control strategy planning, public education and program evaluation; (3) holding workshops for the environmental officals and the public, establishing long-term density surveillance with the assistance of local residents, and periodically visiting and discussing with local participants to promote the control practices; (4) publishing handbooks, brochures and CDs containing information of different midge species, for their general characteristics, life cycles, adult midge feeding patterns, female reproduction, fertility, larval habitat, chemical, physical control practices and other preventative measures, etc.; (5) holding biting midge symposium to enhance the participation of researchers, governmental agencies and the public for planning better control strategy in the future. At the same time information provided by the community will help the center with its future planning. For public services, the Biting Midge Control and Extension Center will update its website and offer special line services to provide related information and control tactics, establish the platform for standard operation procedures. A direct telephone line will also be at service upon request. The ultimate goal of this project is to aim at sightseeing spots to decrease the density and occurrence of biting midge, and propose efficient control strategy. 098 毒管處 國立中興大學昆蟲系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15530
環保標章規格標準研(修)訂、驗證技術及環境效益評估專案研究計畫 我國環保標章制度係於民國82年底開始推動,迄今已開放105項產品項目供廠商申請。歷年來環保標章產品規格標準之研擬,因為資源限制嚴謹度確有不足。本計畫之目標即為建立較完整之標準作業程序。本計畫完成工作包括: (1)蒐集國內外相關環保標章制度之篩選產品項目、研擬規格標準、規定測試方法等程序資訊並加以比較;(2)收集並研析國內外有關碳足跡標章制度、認證作業方式等資料並研提國內實施碳足跡標章制度之可行作法建議;(3)研析國內外環保標章之檢測方法;(4)檢討環保標章之行政管理制度;(5)研析完成20項以上國內環保標章產品之環境績效評量指標; (6)完成6項環保標章規格標準草案; (7)完成現有規格標準用詞一致化檢討、重金屬含量限值規定檢討及目前多項規格標準尚無產品申請原因檢討與建議; (8)完成其他行政配合事項。本計畫所達成之效益包括: (1)由全球大多數環保標章組織取得第一手資料; (2)建立較嚴謹規格標準開放程序; (3)完成未來優先開放30項產品之遴選與本年度11項產品之規格標準草案; (4)取得與上述產品相同或類似環境績效評量資訊與生命週期考量報告; (5)參考美國EPEAT計畫工具,針對3項示範性產品進行環境效益分析; (6)召開多次業界溝通會議、座談會、說明會等活動以展示我國環保標章之國際合作成果。 Product Criteria increased and revised of GreenMark Since the introduction of Green Mark Program in 1993, 105 product categories are now available for application. For the past years, due to budgetary constraint, the Green Mark product criteria drafting process was sometimes not adequately rigorous or transparent. The purpose of this project is to remedy this situation and establish a more complete and rigorous standard criteria development process.Under this project, the following tasks have been completed: (1) gathered information on processes and procedures for selecting product categories, developing criteria and specifying testing methods from other relevant foreign and domestic eco-labeling programs. Comparisons and analyses of gathered information were conducted; (2) gathered and analyzed 25 life cycle reports and 30 product environmental performance evaluation reports; (3) conducted 3 products’ environmental benefits analyses based on US EPA’s EPEAT program’s environmental benefit calculation tool; (4) drafted the “Operating Procedure for Selection and Offering of Green Mark Product Criteria” and the “Operating Procedure for Private Entities’ Proposal of Draft Product Criteria”; (5) proposed screening conditions for future candidate product categories; (6) drafted product criteria for 6 product categories; (7) reviewed standard language and contents of heavy metals in existing criteria, and analyzed 34 categories without qualified products, and proposed recommendations to deal with the situation; and (8) conducted miscellaneous administrative affairs. 098 管考處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15660
高屏溪流域水污染源航照判釋及評析計畫 高屏溪為台灣最大流域,流域內約54%被劃定為飲用水源保護區,為高高屏地區飲用水主要來源。因區域發展及人口成長,高屏溪近年來匯集了大量市鎮、畜牧及工業廢水,上游水源集水區也因果樹及檳榔樹之栽植等農業行為,帶來不同程度之污染,造成河川水質惡化而影響水體正常利用。有鑑於此,環境保護署國88年起推動「水源區養豬戶依法拆除補償計畫」,至90年底完成拆遷,削減豬隻47萬餘頭,削減率達98%,對水質改善已有極大助益,為維持計畫之成果環保署並計畫每5年對上游養豬戶複查一次避免復養。   本計畫擬運用航照資料或衛星影像,結合各項污染源資料,進行判釋分析,提出潛在水污染源及水源區內豬隻可能復養場(區) 。研析環保署及相關單位歷年計畫與水質監測成果,估算高屏溪流域污染量,並提出後續水質改善策略建議及技術諮詢。更新「水源區養豬戶(場)航遙測影像應用系統」及新增功能,以三度空間互動式視覺展示模擬系統呈現並完成系統操作人員訓練。 Project for Aerial Photo Interpretation and Analysis of Water Pollution Sources in KaoPing River River Kaoping is the largest river in Taiwan. Within the basin, 54% is designated as the drinking water source protection area. It is the main source of water supply the area of Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung County and Pingtung County due to regional development of population growth, increasing amount of waste water from the township, livestock and industry keep pouring into the River Kaoping. Farming activities such as fruit and beetle nut plantation creates various pollutions that cause deterioration of river water quality. For this reason, Environmental Protection Administration initiated the dismantling project which started in 1999 and completed in 2001. The result was a great improvement in water quality, given that 98% or 470 thousands of pigs were removed from the upper basin. In order to ensure the success of the project, this project was proposed to investigate the potential water pollution sources and possible pig farming spots, using aerial photos and satellite images and relevant data sets. Integrated Water Management Model (IWMM) was used to estimate the amount of pollution of Kaoping River basin and propose strategies for subsequent improvement on water quality. In this project, a three-dimensional display and simulation system was provided for further training, using the data collected in this project 098 水保處 環球技術學院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15405
98年公告指定容器類小量繳費責任業者營業〈進口〉量相關帳籍憑證查核輔導查核計畫-北區 本年度計畫執行期限自民國98年3月12日起至98年12月31日止,針對廢棄物清理法公告列管之責任業者進行查核工作,並分析其查核成果。本計畫目標預計完成500家業者之查核,已完成之現場查核家數為500家並已全數提報完成工作執行報告,查核家數之計畫目標達成率為100.00%,現場查核累計查獲應補繳金額為新台幣313萬1,971元。本年度計畫已依查核標準作業程序完成之500家業者中,查獲短(溢)報之業者有282家,其中短報業者為207家,截至98年11月30日止,已有199家受查業者完成補繳申報作業,短漏家數補繳率為96.13%;另累計已補繳金額為新台幣297萬2,707元,到繳率為94.92%。本計畫報告並蒐集受查業者意見,列入各受查業者之工作執行報告,並加以分類統計分析,以提供未來政策修訂之參考。依據本計畫所執行500家業者之查核結果分析,小量責任業者短漏率偏高,主因大至以不清楚環保署公告列管範圍。現場查核時,所以應加強責任業者相關法令之宣導,佐以輔導責任業者上網申報營業量資料正確性,如此將可提升回收清除處理費稽徵成效,並建立完善之管理資料庫。 The guidance and examination project for the revenue(import) bookkeeping of the specified container The implementation period for the project started from March 12, 2009 to December 31, 2009. The purpose of the project was to conduct the auditing and analysis for the operating volume or import volume of responsible enterprise regulated by Waste Disposal Act. This project aimed to audit 500 firms and had completed auditing 500 firms.The achievement rate of the audited firms was 100%. The accumulated recycling-clearance-disposal fees payable from the audited responsible enterprises based on the project result was NT$3,131,971.Among the audited 500 responsible enterprises 282 responsible enterprises were recognized as shortage (excessive) of the recycling-clearance-disposal fees payable and out of which 207 responsible enterprises were short on the recycling-clearance-disposal fees. By November 30, 2009, 199 of 207 responsible enterprises or 96.13% had submitted declaration to payoff the debt and the total debt amount of 199 responsible enterprises was NT$2,973,707, which was 94.92% of the total accumulated recycling-clearance-disposal fees payable. The project report collected opinions from audited responsible enterprises and those opinions were included in the work implementation reports. The project had classified and analyzed the statistics, and provided the information for the future policy making. Based on the 500-enterpreneurs audit plan, we conclude that the shortage percentage of recycling –clearance-disposal fees for these entrepreneurs is higher than the others. The main reason was that they did not clearly understand the scope announced by EPA. By continuing to train enterprises to get more familiar to government policy, we are able to guide responsible enterprises to correctly submit declarations of the operating volume or import volume. Therefore, accuracy in the responsible enterprises’ recycling-clearance-diaposal fee declarations would be improved, and the database management will be perfect. 098 基管會 誠品聯合會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17479
濁水溪河口整體規劃專案工作計畫 濁水溪是彰雲地區的重要河川,她孕育了彰化、雲林豐饒的物產與薈萃的人文。然而隨著兩岸及上、中、下游的人為開發活動及建設,濁水溪的自然、生態也逐漸改變。每年11月至隔年3月東北季風吹起裸露河床砂塵,對兩岸居民造成危害,濁水溪兩岸三面光生硬堤防、畜牧區廢水注入主河道,一再加劇破壞濁水溪自然生態環境。為改善逐漸被破壞的環境品質,營造出兼具生活、生產的生態永續長廊,還給彰雲地區清新健康的環境,本報告以環境保育林、人工濕地、自行車道及步道三大主軸進行整體規劃。 本案規劃範圍為濁水溪自強大橋至西濱大橋及濁水溪南北堤岸間高低灘地。經由實地訪查及分析,本報告針對三大主軸規劃簡述如下:一、環境保育林 本報告進行濁水溪兩岸植被調查,土地權屬調查,耕種作物調查,以規劃防風植栽位置。並提出南北兩岸保安林串聯、綠色堤防、田間綠籬、阻砂丘、西瓜田耕作管理等計畫及分期分區計畫。保安林串連將形成綿密防風綠帶,有效改善揚塵。二、濁水溪人工濕地 本報告進行大義崙及八角亭排水水質調查並提出水塘溼地、大義崙溼地、八角亭溼地等計畫。並進行人工濕地200m2示範施作。未申請耕作許可之河川公地逐年進行水塘及濕地復育,以逐漸減少裸露地。三、濁水溪步道及自行車道 本報告進行實地調查,運用綠色堤防計畫之堤頂腹地,提出濁水溪堤頂環狀自行車綠廊、濁水溪南北兩岸聚落田間自行車道規劃。並提出分年分區計畫推廣綠色運具及低碳深度旅遊行程。 本報告將運用生態規劃手法,營造綿密串聯的環境保育林,有效改善揚塵危害。逐年增加人工濕地水塘,有效減少裸露地範圍。運用自行車綠廊,串連地方資源成為深度旅遊遊程,創造地方綠色經濟。 Comprehensive Planning of the Jhuoshuei River Jhuoshuei River is one of the most important rivers in the central Taiwan. It nourishes the plentiful agricultural productions and magnificent culture of Changhua and Yunlin County. However, with human development along the river, the ecological environment has changed. Every year from November to March, the northeast monsoon brings dust from the sandbank to the nearby area causing damage. The hard embankment and the waste water from livestock industries have also damaged the environment of Jhuoshuei River region. In order to improve the environment of the Changhua and Yunlin area and create a productive, lively ecological corridor, a master plan is proposed including the Sand-Binding Forest,constructed wetlands, and bike/pedestrian trails.1. Sand-Binding Forest:A ground survey of area plants species, land ownership, and agricultural productions along the Jhuoshuei River was generated and used as a reference for the connection of the Sand-Binding Forest, green embankment, fugitive dust control and watermelon field management.2. Constructed Wetland:The water quality of the Dayilun and Bajiaoting drainages were monitored and analyzed providing the foundation for the later Shuitang, Dayilun and Bajiaoting wetland project. A 200 m2 wetland model was also built. In the future, the un-leased public land will become ponds and wetlands, gradually reducing the dust from the uncovered-land.3. Bike and Pedestrian Trails:The green embankment is proposed to replace the existing hard embankment. A bike and pedestrian trail loop is planned on the top of the green embankment and will connect to the rural trails along the Jhuoshuei River. Green transportation and the low-carbon in-depth trip is also suggested in the plan.In this report, this ecological plan is proposed to create an environmental protective forest to control the dust, to build ponds and wetlands to reduce the uncovered-land, and to encourage the in-depth trip via green bike trail. 098 生態社區推動方案室 青境工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17887
「廢電子電器暨廢資訊物品類處理技術調查評估」專案工作計畫 本計畫主要研究目的乃以提昇國內廢電子電器及廢資訊物品類處理業者回收處理及再利用成效。為了有效達成本計畫研究目標之需求,並具體協助行政單位就目前之政策內容進行規劃,根據計畫目標及主要項目,本研究分四項主要範圍進行研究:(1)國內基本資料現況調查的主要工作重點在於回收處理及後端處理廠業者的調查與分析,一方面釐清各項目產出物的數量;另一方面則進行回收處理廠產出物之數量調查,以瞭解整體產業狀況之相互關係;(2)回收處理及再利用技術分析方面,則進行國內外相關產業之技術蒐集與研究分析,包括研擬處理廠有害物質合理回收量(率)及管理配套措施、以及目前回收處理技術基礎規範之檢討;(3)針對衍生物及再生料研擬去化管道及純化技術、並規劃回收再使用體系(市場)以活絡國內回收處理再利用體系、透過目前國內處理狀況評估未來可能開放(禁止)輸出入之廢棄物種類、經由整合規劃產業之回收處理及再利用機構,提出整合行方案提升國內處理廠回收成效;(4)整合規劃物料供應系統評估區域性資源整合,並輔導國內處理廠以提昇整體產業之回收處理再利用成效。依據本研究問卷調查結果顯示,目前廢電子電器物品以及廢資訊物品之再利用比率均高達80%。由於各廠由於資訊不透明之情形,造成變賣價格有高低差異情形。產出物中廢塑膠、電線、壓縮機、馬達以及印刷電路板等由於其產量大以及再利用價值高可配合本研究所提兩套整合型方案進一步提昇。國內廢電子電器及廢資訊物品產出物主要輸出國為中國,含金屬之印刷電路板廢料及其粉屑為最高,中國多以人工拆解、分選元件後再以機械處理回收廢金屬等;美國及比利時因廢棄物性質較複雜則擁有較先進機械處理設備。依據調查處理廠之產出物再資料不對等之狀態下,導致變賣價格出現高低不等之情形,而二手商品目前由於並未有法令規範,因此仍在體制外市場流通中。未來透過建立交易平台的方式,公布再生料之資訊以及價格,並且將二手商品資訊公開化,減少黑心商品之問題發生。考量如何提昇處理廠資源回收再利用比例情形下,亦能符合經濟效益,以處理後產出物之處理方式可能合作對象,提出整合方案:一為廠內增設處理設備,另一方案則與再利用機構或具再利用資格之製造業者進行資源回收,即與相關再利用業者,尋求合作或結盟方式,以提昇處理廠整體資源回收再利用比例。未來處理廠可採行研究與發展並重的策略,並可朝整合型資源回收體系發展,積極突破現今發展上的瓶頸,方能獲取較高的利潤與持續穩定的成長,短期以提昇各處理廠資源回收再利用比例為主要目標;中期主要致力於資源化技術提昇;長期則以拓展資源回收市場為最終目標。 Investigation and Assessment on Recycling Technology of the Waste electrical and electronic applianc The purpose of this project was promoting the recycling efficiency of waste treatment organizations for waste electrical and electronic appliances in Taiwan. In order to effectively achieve the objective of this project and assist policy-making for government, this study mainly contains the following aspects: (1) investigation on the quantity and information of derived waste and regenerated materials for the waste electrical and electronic appliances that circulate in Taiwan; (2) searching for new foreign recycling technology and establishing a management system of hazardous substances including recycling rate; (3) establishing refinery technology system for the derived waste and the regenerated materials and establishing two integraed improving schemes, through the integration of current recycling and reuse agents; (4) establishing a materials supply system “Cradle to Cradle,” and providing guidance and assistance for waste treatment agents to promote their recycling performance. According to the survey results, that reuse ratio of the waste electrical and electronic appliances is 80% at the present situation. The market prices of reused appliances are not clear as a result of information enclosure by private agents. Waste plastics, wires, compressors, motors and printed circuit boards have large generation with high values therefore they can be integrated into the two improving schemes for further recycling promotion. China is the major receiving countries for waste electrical and electronic appliances, mostly metallic printed circuit board scraps and fenxie. Manual dismantling is the major processing method in China. The United States and Belgium have more advanced mechanical processing equipment for the complex waste composition. Currently the second-hand goods by law have no prduct standards therefore they still circulate outside of the EPA’s recycling system. Considering increasing resource recycling rate by the registered waste treatment agents, this project has two integration schemes: (1) addition of processing equipment and (2) establishment of new refineary agent based on mutual cooperation and alliances among currently registered recycling agents.The waste treatment agents should adopt a strategy of engaging in research and development towards an integrated resource recycling system development, and agressively develop for a breakthourgh in order to obtain higher profits and stability of growth. The short-term goal is to upgrade resource recycling of waste treatment agents; the medium-term goal is to improve resource recycling technology aggressively. In the long run, it is expected to expand the market of resource recovery as the ultimate goal. 098 基管會 國立台北科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16306
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(非塑膠廢容器類) 098 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=22352
空氣品質淨化區調查評估暨後續追蹤考核專案工作計畫 空氣污染防制是環境保護工作中重要的一環,因此,行政院環境保護署將其部分空氣污染防制費之經費用於推動設置空氣品質淨化區,來改善台灣地區之空氣品質。自推動以來,經環保署核定之空品淨化區共計833處,綠化面積共計約1,427.77公頃、自行車道長度約237.3公里。本計畫內容屬持續性工作,主要是對空氣品質淨化區進行調查評估暨後續追蹤考核之工作,協助環境保護署有效推動空氣品質淨化區之建立,以改善並提昇我國的空氣品質,進而提供全國一優質的生活環境品質。本計畫已完成相關要點及準則之修訂作業(提供空氣品質淨化區及環境綠化育苗計畫申請作業與SIP考評作業執行使用,以促使空污費能有效應用),並進行空氣品質淨化區各項調查現勘、追蹤督導及考核作業,並建立考核標準及評定準則,同時輔導2基地進行改善(以督促地方空氣品質淨化區設置相關作業,提升整體執行效益),定期更新相關資料,同時進行「空氣品質淨化區及環境綠化育苗計畫」網站更新維護工作(以掌控最新執行進度,提升執行效率及管理效能),建置自行車綠色路網推動平台(提供自行車使用者ㄧ完善、便捷的路網及相關資訊查詢系統),持續蒐集「河川河床裸露地揚塵污染改善」相關案例並修正補助原則、項目及作法,並協助花東空品區配套減量策略會議之召開,和協助邀請委員進行實地現勘、召開討論會共三場(以瞭解不同方案之預期效益及應用方式,掌控河川揚塵發生之因素,提供未來改善參考)。已協助環保署辦理績效考評作業共二次,並於會後辦理一場成效檢討會,以督導各地方單位確實改善,進而提昇下一年度之空氣品質淨化區執行成效。同時以照片比對方式呈現環保署歷年執行空氣品質淨化區成果、建置空氣品質淨化區電子資訊系統、完成空氣品質淨化區宣導品之製作,並辦理相關活動(包括:教育宣導活動一場、綠色路網推動平台說明會二場、業務檢討會一場、學術研討會一場、網路平台教育訓練會議一場)及提供其他行政協助。 Air quality purification area inventory、assessment and maintenance evaluation project. Air pollution control is one of the important works to protect environment. Therefore, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has used a portion of air pollution control fund to establish the air quality purification area(hereinafter called the Aquapu Area)for improving the air quality of Taiwan. Since then, EPA has approved a total of 833 Aquapu areas covering an area of about 1,427.77 hectares and the bike trail length of about 237.3 kilometers in total. The content of this project is a continuous work to provide the inventory, assessment and monitoring related works of the “air quality purification area” for assisting the EPA to establish a quality living environment in Taiwan.The outcomes of this project include (1) the revision of relevant guidelines and criteria used as the basis of aquapu area and plant nursery programs, application process and SIP evaluation works (2) completion of on-site inventory, monitoring and assessment works with the establishment of assessment criteria, (3) provided improvement guidelines for 2 sites which can be used as examples for local governments to install Aquapu Area effectively. (4) updating related information regularly, updating and maintaining Aquapu Area website and plant nursery website (controlling latest progress in implementation as well as to upgrade the performance and management efficiency). (5) establishing Green Bicycles Trail website (providing cyclists a query system covering the entire trail network. (6) continuously collecting the case studies related to the control of dust pollution from barren riverbed, revising relevant aid programs and methods. (7) arranging 3 meetings related to the air quality improvement project of “Eastern Taiwan Air Quality Zone”. (8)inviting and arranging evaluators for on-site visitation.Our working group have provided EPA all needed administrative assistance during SIP evaluation process twice a year, and held a round table conference to review the evaluation results in order to supervise the indeed improvement of local government and to enhance new year’s implementation results. And also have completed the photo comparison work (i.e. before and after construction, and existing status) of each Aquapu Area, and also established the Aquapu Area electronic information system; designed promotional materials; held related activities including one educational seminar, two explanatory meetings of Green Bicycle Trail website, one review meeting, one academic conference, one network platform education training conference, aside from provided other administration assistance. 098 空保處 中華民國永續發展學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18209
推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫-臺東縣 為有效整合民間志義工等社會資源,與政府部門配合,發動全民運動,藉由「跨部會合作整頓環境」、「宣導誘發民間社會力量」及「分層負責機制」等複式動員方式,推動清淨家園全民運動計畫。「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網」Eco Life網站,不僅作為推動本計畫之媒介,亦為與認養單位照顧特定區域中住戶及民眾互動與活動紀錄之平台。本計畫完成複式動員機制規劃,使用者可於Eco Life網站中建構組織架構及層級關係,透過複式交流平台,使用者可動員複式網絡下的組織團體及個人來進行5S(整理、整頓、清掃、清潔、紀律)運動。在通報、巡檢及清理部分,完成以地理資訊系統為基礎之通報、巡檢及清理,透過空間分配機制,即時將通報巡檢案件自動分配給認養清理者及地方環保單位;另外認養及責任清理巡檢者透過google map 進行清理及巡檢範圍路線繪製,並設定巡檢箱及清理箱;利用組織功能建立組織樹,將各認養單位組織成龐大團隊,發揮組織力量。本計畫完成以地區及組織為基礎之成果統計。系統自動即時計算部落格的地區及其組織戰鬥力之積點,以及各項相關內容,並將其成果亦顯示於該部落格內。本計畫也完成種子教師培訓會、環境美化助理員教育訓練課程、村里座談會、社區宣導活動、志義工團體培訓、認養單位之推廣、建置組織樹,以整合社區環境認養之複式動員結構。 The planning and supervising of the establishment of intergrated environmental protection and multip In order to Integrate social resources such as non-governmental volunteers to coordinate with government department , and to start a non-governmental movement, multiple mobilization like 'cross-department environmental cleanup', 'propaganda to bring out the strength of civil society' and 'establish Local accountability mechanism', were carried out. Eco life website was not using only the connection to keep the project moving, but also as a platform to communicate with the inhabitants and to record the project activity. This project not only completed a scheme of non-governmental movement, also allowed users to participate '5S' movement as a group or an individual. Reporting, patrolling, and clean up were done based on the geographic information system , people who are responsible for clean up the area and the local environment protection department will be notify at first. Through the google map, people who adopt and be responsible for the certain area will proceed to clean up and design the route to patrol, and set up patrol boxes and clean boxes. Develop the power of organization by using organizing function Establishing organizing tree (system), linking every adopting single union (single community) to huge group. This project has completed the final statistics (result) based on the concept of area and organization. The system would automatically calculate the area of blogs and their battle efficiency point and related information, and showed the results on the blog. This project also has completed teacher training、environmental beautification assistant training、village meeting、community education activity、volunteer training、adopting promotion activity、established organizing tree system、in order to establish and Integrate the multi- mobilization structure of the community environment of adoption system . 098 毒管處 財團法人宜蘭社區大學教育基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15352
農業廢棄物產量推估模式建立暨縣市農業廢棄物回收再利用體系推動輔導計畫 本計畫調查畜牧廢棄物及獸醫診療機構廢棄物產出、處理及再利用情形,藉以提出妥善處理之建議及措施。我國97年畜牧廢棄物中禽畜糞約234萬噸、死廢禽畜約5萬5千噸,死廢禽畜中的斃死豬項目尚有多項誘因,可能使斃死豬流入非法肉品加工體系。國內處理斃死豬技術以化製為主,國外依不同地區以掩埋、焚化、化製及鹼性水解等技術處理斃死畜禽。根據農委會資料,約90 %「死廢禽畜」採化製處理。惟化製三聯單之填報與查核未落實,使得斃死豬仍有非法流用之可能,本計畫建議應於「動物傳染病防治條例」增訂對養豬場之罰則,以強化化製三聯單管理機制。參考國外對獸醫診療機構廢棄物之管理作法,及考量國內寵物的龐大數量(約155萬隻貓狗),本計畫建議應階段性管理獸醫診療機構所產出之廢棄物。本計畫完成3縣市農業廢棄物減量再利用體系輔導、現勘輔導30場畜牧廢棄物相關業者、20場獸醫診療機構及相關公會。編纂「防範斃死豬非法流用宣導手冊」5千本、製作「防範斃死豬非法流供食用」宣傳布條5百幅及電視、廣播媒體宣導等相關宣導工作。辦理「農業廢棄物管理說明座談會」及「環保團隊養豬場稽查聯繫檢討會議」,廣納各界意見以利政策推動。 The yield estimation model of agricultural waste establish and agricultural waste of city recycling The present project surveyed the production, processing, and reusing of agricultural waste and waste from veterinary medical facilities, and suggested advice and measures for their proper processing.In 2008, Taiwan’s agricultural waste consisted of 2.34 million tons of livestock manure and 55 thousand tons of dead livestock. Of the dead livestock, the item of dead swine still posed many incentives, and could result in dead swine ending up in illegal meat processing facilities. Taiwan’s dead swine processing technology is mostly by rendering. Overseas countries also utilize technologies such as burying, incineration, rendering, and alkaline hydrolysis to process dead livestock.According to Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan data, approximately 90 % of the processing of “dead livestock” utilized the rendering method. However, the filling in and approval of triplet forms were not implemented which brought about the possibility of illegal circulation of dead swine. The present project advised increase penalty for livestock farm on “Statute for Prevention and Control of Infectious Animal Disease” to strengthen the management mechanism of triplet forms. With reference to waste disposal management methods of overseas veterinary organizations and in consideration of Taiwan’s huge pet quantities (approximately 1.55 million cats and dogs), the present project advised interim management for wastes generated by veterinary organizations.Complete agricultural waste reduction and reuse system counseling for the three counties and cities. Onsite counseling for 30 agricultural waste related parties, 20 veterinary clinical institute and related associations. Complete the publication of “Prevention of Illegal Use of Dead Swine” 5000 copies, production of 500 “Prevent Illegal Use of Dead Swine for Food” propaganda banners, and related television and media propaganda work. Hold “Agricultural Waste Management Seminar” and “Environmental Protection Team Swine Farm Survey Review Conference”, and listen to opinions from different sectors for policy implementation. 098 廢管處 晶淨科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18609
98年度包裝及盛裝飲用水水源水質檢驗工作計畫 本計畫之計畫目標乃執行台北縣、苗栗縣、南投縣、彰化縣、高雄縣、屏東縣、宜蘭縣、花蓮縣、台東縣、金門縣等10個縣24處主要包裝及盛裝飲用水水源水質,並藉由檢測結果瞭解其水質是否符合飲用水水源水質標準,以作為相關單位執行管制工作之依據。本計畫採樣作業係由各縣環保局按排定時程進行,且將所採集之水樣自行送達或寄達中環公司,由中環公司辦理各水質項目之檢測工作,檢測項目包括飲用水水源水質標準第6條規定中42個管制項目,各檢測項目之各項品管分析要求均符合本計畫訂定之品保目標,本年度定期、不定期績效查核結果亦均合格,使本計畫水質樣品分析數據更具深一層之品質保證。由本年度分析結果中發現,各縣市水源檢測點各檢驗項目測值均符合飲用水水源水質標準。 Packaged and Containerized Drinking Water, Water Quality Analysis, Water Sources Quality Standards The purpose of this project was to determine the quality of a total of twenty-four water sources samples for the packaged and containerized drinking water in the administrative areas of Taipei County, Miaoli County, Nantou County, Changhua County, Kaohsiung County, Pingdong County, Yeelan County, Hualien County, Taitung County, and Kinmen County. The respective governing agencies use the data collected from the inspection to verify if the water quality meets the drinking water regulations. All samples analyzed in this project were collected by respective local Environmental Protection Bureaus according to a preset schedule. Samples were either delivered by the sampling crew or shipped to the Cenpro Technology Corporation. The analytical results indicated that all quality control analyses of the target analytes met the quality assurance criteria of the project. The scheduled and non-scheduled performance evaluation sample analysis results were all within the acceptable limits as well. The quality assurance of sample analysis data of this project was made more significant by the above measures, where the analyses were performed. Forty-two analytes in the water quality standards for drinking water sources were analyzed. The analytical results indicated that in the twenty-four samples, all samples met the water quality standards for drinking water sources. 098 督察總隊 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=19
98年度及99年度「資源回收再利用整合推動及績優事業評選計畫」 本計畫工作成果可分為三大項說明:(一)落實推動資源回收再利用,展現執行成果: 完成「97 年度資源回收再利用年報」及「97 年資源回收再利用推動計畫成果報告」之撰寫, 協助擬定「99 年至100 資源回收再利用推動計畫(草案)」, 並召開一次委員會與一次業務檢討會會議, 同時亦已完成累積至少8 次以上之定期維護、網頁內容更新,以利各界參採使用、(二)推動事業廢棄物再利用及再生資源項目之管理: 進行含有稀有金屬事業廢棄物再利用分析(煉油產業、面板產業、半導體產業)、不適合再利用之事業廢棄物種類評估[廢酸洗液2 鋁二級冶煉程序集塵灰、廢顯/ 定影液、電弧爐煉鋼爐碴 、漿紙污泥]、再生資源項目及管理方式分析(廢酒糟、酒粕、酒精膠);並召開一場講習座談會;並與業者進行訪談、(三)辦理事業廢棄物與再生資源清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎評選: 完成年度績優事業評選之初評與複評相關作業, 確定98 年度獲獎事業結果為16 家特優及3 家優等, 完成98 年度獲獎事業之頒獎典禮與三場次之觀摩研討會,並完成98 年度績優事業專輯之彙編, 評選之相關資訊亦放置於全國資源回收再利用資訊網供瀏覽與下載 2009-2010 Integration, Promotion, and Appraisal of Excellent Performance on The project “2009-2010 Integration, Promotion, and Appraisal of Excellent Performance onResource Recycling and Reuse” consisted of three main components. And the achievements oneach component are listed below:1. To implement the promotion of resources recycling and reuse with perfect results.(1) Compiling and edited the“2008 Yearbook of Resources Recycling and Reuse"(2) To compiled the achievements of this project performed by the participated in 2008. Toexamine this project and to revise it for 2010-2011.(3) The Renewable Resource Recycling and Reuse Promotion Committee held one committeemeeting in 2009. And one workteam meeting was called in 2009.(4) To maintain the national resource recycling information website at least 8 times and helpthe content fresh to public.2. To promote industry waste reuse and renewal resources management.(1) To analyze three reused industrial wastes that contain rare metal.(2) Evaluating industrial wastes which may not be suitable to reuse.(3) Analyzing three items reusable resources and the management mechanism.(4) To hold a big seminar for industrial sector and interact with this sector by visiting them.3. Ranking the industrial performance in the categories of waste disposal, resource minimization,reusing and recycling and awarding the outstanding companies.(1) To accomplish the performance evaluation by experts, scholars, and regulatory authoritiesand the EPA. Nineteen enterprises were awarded as the final result. The relevantinformation was posted on our website.(2) To prepare “Year 2009 Award Winners’ Fact Summary for Excellent Performance in WasteDisposal, Resource Minimization, Reuse and Recycling".(3) Holding a public award ceremony to honor award winners for their excellent performance.Held three conferences to promote and encourage industry sectors to achieve waste control,reduce and reuse, waste management and recycling. 098 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15457
98 年空氣中有害物質長程傳輸監測先期評估 台灣位於東亞大氣污染與東南亞生質燃燒傳輸途徑的下風處,此區域氣象條件有利於將上游地區污染物(如酸性污染物、沙塵及生質燃燒等)傳送至台灣。隨著亞洲經濟高度發展,化石燃料消耗量與工業污染物排放量大幅增加,使得空氣污染物長程傳輸的影響日益重要。為瞭解空氣中有害物質長程傳輸對於台灣環境品質的衝擊,環保署規劃此計畫以達成下列目標:有害物質長程傳輸常規性監測可行性評估、建立有害物質長程傳輸監測技術、有害物質長程傳輸對我國環境衝擊之國際合作。由於空氣有害物質種類眾多,本研究先就汞與戴奧辛之監測進行評估。2008-2009年在馬祖、彭佳嶼、富貴角、竹子山、合歡山、鹿林山、恆春、蘭嶼及東沙等地共進行19次重點觀測,進行大氣汞與戴奧辛之採樣分析,每次重點觀測至少持續7天。除富貴角與合歡山,其他地點至少各進行2次重點觀測以探討長程傳輸之季節性變化。大氣汞濃度介於1.06與2.97 ng m-3,戴奧辛濃度介於0.42與390 fg-I-TEQ m-3;兩污染物之濃度皆出現季節性變化,通常夏季濃度較低,而冬、春季濃度較高,此與氣團來源之季節性變化有關,夏季西南季風帶來較乾淨的海洋性氣團,大氣汞與戴奧辛濃度偏低,而隨東北季風而來的大陸性氣團之有害物質濃度則偏高,顯示長程傳輸的影響。此外,本研究還分析鹿林山大氣氣膠(PM2.5與PM2.5-10)的化學組成,包含水溶性離子與金屬元素。2008-2009年分析結果顯示硫酸根與硝酸根離子為主要陰離子,銨離子為主要陽離子,鐵、鋁、鎂為主要金屬元素,而鉛則是最常偵測到的有害金屬元素。國際合作之進行,除了參加相關國際會議外,主要是與日本學者於2008年8月10-18日在日本富士山測候站進行大氣汞共同觀測,以及2009年3月26日至4月17日在韓國濟州島Gosan測站進行大氣汞與戴奧辛觀測。 Assessment of the Monitoring of the Long-range Transported Hazardous Air Pollutants Taiwan is located downwind of the transport paths of the East Asian air pollution and the Southeast Asian biomass burning. Regional meteorological conditions are suitable for the transport of air pollutants (e.g. acidic pollutants, dusts, and biomass burning emissions) from upwind source regions to Taiwan. Due to the economy booming in Asia, regional fossil fuel consumption and industrial emission increase dramatically. Accordingly, the influence of the long-range transport of air pollutants is also increasing. To investigate the impact of long-range transported hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) on Taiwan’s environmental quality, Taiwan EPA drew up this project to achieve the following goals: feasibility assessment of the routine monitoring of long-range transported HAPs; establishment of the monitoring technology of long-range transported HAPs; international collaboration on the study of the impact of long-range transported air pollutants on Taiwan’s environment. Because there are many HAPs, mercury and dioxins were selected for evaluation of routine monitoring in this study. In 2008-2009, a total of 19 intensive observation periods (IOPs) were conducted at the following sites: Mazu, Pengjiayu, Fugueijiao, Mt. Bamboo, Mt. Hehuan, Hengchun, Lanyu, and Dongsha. Atmospheric mercury and dioxins were measured during each IOP. Each IOP lasted at least 7 days. Except at Fugueijiao and Mt. Hehuan where only 1 IOP was conducted, respectively, at least 2 IOPs were conducted at each of the other sites to investigate the seasonal variation in long-range transport. Concentrations of atmospheric mercury and dioxins were 1.06-2.97 ng m-3 and 0.42-390 fg-I-TEQ m-3, respectively. Seasonal variations in concentrations of both pollutants were observed, usually with lower concentrations in summer and higher concentrations in winter and spring. The seasonal variation in pollutant concentrations was related to the seasonal variation in air mass origins. In summer, the prevailing southwest monsoon brought clean marine air masses with lower concentrations of mercury and dioxins. On the other hand, in winter and spring, the prevailing northeast monsoon brought continental air masses, which contained higher HAPs concentrations. This study also investigated the chemical composition, including water-soluble ions and metal elements, of Mt. Lulin aerosol samples (PM 2.5 and PM 2.5-10). In 2008-2009, SO42- and NO3- were the major anions, while NH4+ was the major cation. Fe, Al, and Mg were the major metal elements. Pb was the most frequently detected hazardous metal element. Regarding the progress of international collaboration, besides the participation of relevant international conferences, the co-measurement of atmospheric mercury with Japanese researchers at Mt. Fuji weather station in Aug. 10-18, 2008 and the measurement of mercury and dioxins at Gosan in Jeju Island, Korea in Mar. 26-Apr. 17, 2009 were the principal tasks performed. 098 監資處 國立中央大學大氣物理所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14674
執行機動車輛噪音新車審驗、新車抽驗及車輛噪音管制計畫 本計畫主要工作包含 (一)加強機動車輛噪音管制,預計辦理新車型審驗800輛次及新車抽驗100輛次;(二)檢討我國現行機動車輛噪音管制及檢測制度;(三)我國機動車輛噪音管制制度研擬等三項。一、統計至12月14日止,計核發757張車型組合格證明、新車抽驗177輛次及稽催廠商執行車輛噪音品管、印製97年機動車輛排放空氣污染物及噪音管制彙編,並定期維護網頁與車輛噪音合格證明清冊。二、98年度輔導縣市環保局執行使用中車輛噪音檢測,共計配合輔導16次、執行137輛次;今年全國共有14縣市實際投入執行,完成檢測638輛次(機車佔373輛次),其中205輛次NG;已較往年提升,相信在配合本(98)年度實施「民眾檢舉通知到檢」,將促進使用中機動車輛噪音管制朝更普及化的方向發展。三、蒐集並研析歐盟車輛噪音法規發展資訊,並藉由實車評估歐盟新版測試草案,以累積更多的測試數據及技術經驗,未來將有助於提升我國機動車輛噪音管制制度與世界潮流接軌,精進台灣汽車產業研發技術,並確保我國後續法規調和過程產、官、研各界皆能順利銜接。其他具體成果與建議如下:(1)辦理2場「噪音新車型審驗合格證明申請作業說明會」,協助業者了解車輛噪音合格證申請流程及作業細節,以提高噪音審驗作業效率。 (2)建置「機動車輛噪音測試報告上傳系統」,有效提升使用中機動車輛噪音查詢資料庫之更新速度,並有利未來機動車輛噪音審驗作業朝電子化發展。(3)舉辦「使用中機動車輛噪音檢測技術觀摩會」及「使用中機動車輛噪音管制業務檢討會」,以協助各縣市環保局建立檢測技術、執行經驗的分享與制度面問題檢討,以健全我國使用中機動車輛噪音管制制度,並落實執行成效。(4)召開「機動車輛噪音指定實驗室技術交流會議」,定期透過此交流平台,針對執行法規檢測問題,討論後續統一作法,確保主管機關與檢測機構的把關標準一致;及分享歐盟新版草案之檢測技術,以提升機動車輛噪音檢測實驗室之技術及知識。 (5)針對ECE R41-04草案新增ASEP管制項目,以實車18輛機車,依據草案的測試方法,藉由本中心完整的測試跑道與實驗設施累積測試數據,評估ASEP之管制效益,以作為未來國內研商與歐盟法規調和是否增列ASEP管制項目之參考。 Preforming the vehicle noise type approval ,conformity of product and vehicle noise control This project includes three major tasks: (1) Granting 800 certifications, performing 100 sample tests of vehicle noise control. (2) Reviewing current vehicle noise control regulations and scheme. (3) Developing and proposing the draft of vehicle noise control scheme of R.O.C.(1) During 2009( from 1-Jan. to 14-Dec.), we granted 757 vehicle type approval certifications; performed 177 vehicle noise sample tests; and follow up the certification holders’ quality control. This project also published the database of vehicle certification which was issued in 2008 and continued to update the certification database in the website of Automotive Research & Testing Center (ARTC).(2) ARTC attended the road-side inspection for 16 times and assisted 137 inspections. 14 EPBs totally performed 638 inspections during 2009. These results indentified 205 incompliance vehicles. The efficiency of in-use vehicle inspection is increased than 2008. While co-operate with the scheme of citizen inform against vehicle noise, the efficiency of vehicle noise control will be improved in the future.(3) Surveying the status of vehicle noise control regulations homologation, “additional sound emission provisions” based on latest UN ECE regulations’ draft. This will help Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to harmonize vehicle noise control regulations with international regulations.There are 5 achievements and suggestions which are listed below:(1) In order to improve the efficient of issuing the certification, we held a “vehicle type approval proceeding conference” to coach certification applicants be familiar with the vehicle type approval tasks.(2) We developed a program to transform and upload the certification documents to the vehicle approval database. Through which we may coordinate the task of E-stamping process and improve the efficiency of document processing in the future.(3) To coach Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of cities or counties in Taiwan in the task of in-use vehicle noise inspection, we held an “in-use vehicle noise test technique demonstration lecture” and an “in-use vehicle noise control task conference” for EPBs’ members. In these meetings, we shared the in-use vehicle noise inspection experiences and examined the noise control scheme with EPBs’ members.(4) To convene a technical interaction meeting between the two appointed vehicle noise test Labs. And these 2 Labs discussed the technique issue with government officers to identify the processing principle in the meeting.(5) This project followed latest UN ECE R041-04 draft to perform 18 motorcycles “Additional Sound Emission Provisions” (ASEP) in ARTC proving ground. These results will help EPA to decide to include ASEP in the vehicle noise control regulations of Taiwan or not. 098 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14677
98年二手電腦回收轉贈作業專案工作計畫 爲滿足消費者的需求,資訊產業不斷研發出高品質及新功能的產品,導致產品快速地汰舊換新。以個人電腦為例,平均使用年限僅4-6年,大量的報廢品常被任意閒置,產生污染物質擴散的問題。行政院研考會 97年的「數位落差調查報告」顯示,數位落差造成社會貧富不均,進而形成新的社會階級鴻溝。因此,藉由二手電腦的資源回收原形重組再利用,縮減我國的數位落差,實為本計畫的目標。本團隊依據以往實際操作的經驗,持續深耕二手電腦轉贈之效益,著重輔導重點偏鄉學童與結合社會資源,落實資源回收再利用的環保教育目標。以轉贈350台再生電腦為目標,偏遠地區學校或弱勢族群為重點對象,提供學生接觸資訊科技之機會,並降低廢資訊物品對環境的污染。具體的工作內容包含建立二手電腦回收機制、組裝再生電腦、轉贈安裝再生電腦,以及宣導作業。基於過去實地操作二手電腦轉贈的寶貴經驗,重新設計包裝該社會工作。經研究推估得知台灣社會每年約有一萬台人次的中低收入學童需要再生電腦。2008年底的金融海嘯重擊,預期會有更多家庭因經濟條件趨於困苦而需要再生電腦的奧援。因此,希望能逐步建立一再生電腦供需的社會平台,結合政府及民間企業、社會人士的力量,深耕此一園地,以達永續發展的活水目的。 2009 Project for Recycling & Donating Used Computers In order to meet the consumers’ needs, the information industry keeps producing products of higher quality and with newer functions, which shortens the life-cycles of products at the same time. Taking the personal computer as an example, the product’s commercial life is only about 4 to 6 years. A great amount of scrap is often discarded and gives rise to serious pollution problems. According to the 2008 “Report on the Investigation of the Digital Divide,” prepared by the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission of the Executive Yuan, the digital divide often results in a gap between the poor and the wealthy. Thus, the essential goal of this project was to bridge the digital divide by recycling and refurbishing the used computers and donating them to lower income students. After running the project for several years, making it much better with more benefits for those children in need has always been the key point. The project focused on the lower income students in rural areas and minority groups and it aimed to donate 350 refurbished computers. The donation of used computers might help those students gain easier access to information technology, and might also achieve the other goal of reducing the pollution caused by information products. The content of the project included the jobs of recycling, reassembling, donating and promotion. As a social project, it has been modified to make it a better one based on our previous valuable operating experience. Besides, the research also showed that around 10,000 lower income students need such used computers. With the unleashing of the financial tsunami at the end of 2008, we may predict that more and more families will want to have used computers. Hence, this project should move forward to a brand-new platform that combines the resources from government, enterprises and the general public step by step. 098 基管會 社團法人台灣三益策略發展協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15771
推動產業非二氧化碳溫室氣體排放減量 本計畫自2001年起持續協助行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)執行「推動含氟溫室氣體產業排放減量計畫」,促成環保署先後與台灣薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器產業協會(TTLA)及台灣半導體產業協會(TSIA)簽署PFCs自願排放減量合作備忘錄(MOU),為環保署協助國內產業協會積極因應溫室氣體排放減量的先例。本年度計畫執行成果可分為五大主軸說明︰(一)彙整分析N2O、CH4等管制及減量資訊,研擬我國工業部門減量策略本計畫完成國內N2O、CH4排放源及排放量等基礎調查工作,並現場訪視12家食品業及工業製程相關廠商,研擬我國產業N2O及CH4減量策略及優先順序。針對N2O及CH4等溫室氣體減量技術資訊方面,本計畫已蒐集CDM方法學中有關硝酸製程對副產品N2O的減量計畫,及N2O的破壞減量技術,主要包含燃燒破壞與觸媒氧化。而在CH4減量技術資訊方面,本計畫已蒐集CDM方法學中關於工業製程CH4的排放減量技術,以天然氣管線加速更新為主,主要採用聚乙烯管取代舊的鑄鐵管或無陰極保護之不鏽鋼管,可減少天然氣分配網管線的洩漏。(二)推動我國主要含氟溫室氣體產業之自願減量工作,研擬減量優先順序本計畫已完成2008年及2009年各35廠次光電及半導體協會會員廠商之溫室氣體減量之第三者查證作業,並協助廠商將查證結果上傳至國家溫室氣體登錄平台。TTLA自2005年至2009年,含氟化物減量達2,800萬噸CO2e,而TSIA自2000年至2009年,其含氟化物減量亦達1,800萬噸CO2e,該兩協會含氟化物減量的成效相當卓著。本計畫亦舉辦1場「鎂合金產業SF6排放減量座談會」、3場「電力事業SF6回收技術座談會」及1場「推動台電公司與鎂合金協會SF6減量協議」研商會議,並成功促成台電公司與鎂合金協會於2010年9月1日簽署SF6減量合作備忘錄。(三)彙整分析產業含氟溫室氣體自願減量成果,建立相關減量技術資訊本計畫已完成國內TFT-LCD產業蝕刻製程SF6使用情境、削減程序分析和經濟效益評估,以及此產業各世代SF6減量後排放強度趨勢分析,並藉由實際檢測資料來推估蝕刻製程SF6破壞去除率和製程利用率之相對誤差值。於派員參與國際會議方面,本計畫已參加世界半導體技術藍圖2009年及2010年會議、世界半導體環安工作小組會議及世界半導體環安工作小組2010年第一次會議,出國已達4人次,藉以蒐集國際最新含氟溫室氣體減量資訊,做為政策研擬與規畫之參考。(四)建立光電、半導體業之溫室氣體排放強度(草案),並推動電子業碳足跡查證案例針對光電及半導體產業溫室氣體排放強度部份,本計畫分別辦理5場次的排放強度研商會議,並研擬光電及半導體產業歷年的溫室氣體排放強度中位值及計算準則,提供環保署研擬政策之參考。另針對電子產品碳足跡查證部份,本計畫協助友達光電之電視機終端產品取得PAS 2050之碳足跡查證聲明,亦參與英國皇家認可委員會(UKAS)的產品碳足跡認證標準試行計畫,此為全球唯一參與此計畫的電子業者,並於2010年6月10日通過認可。本計畫辦理1場次「電子業自願性溫室氣體減量研討會」,邀集美國環保署的資深經理Scott Bartos與會分享美國含氟氣體的管制趨勢;並辦理1場次「全球高科技產業氣候保護論壇」,邀請大氣NF3及CFCs量測權威Dr. Ray Weiss(美國加州大學教授)及美國環保署的資深經理Scott Bartos進行專題演講及交流,提升我國高科技產業對溫室氣體減量之能力及視野。(五)其他行政配合及宣導本計畫亦持續更新網站、編撰5期中英文電子報、印製SF6減量技術手冊及含氟溫室氣體減量成果等文宣資料,並於國內及國際研討會中發表4篇我國產業非二氧化碳減量成果,積極宣導並擴散非二氧化碳減量的相關資訊。 Promoting Reduction on Industrial Non-CO2 greenhouse gas emission program The project of promoting the actions for the emission reduction of fluorinated greenhouse gas has been started execution since 2001 in Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration(TEPA). TEPA signed MOUs with Taiwan TFT LCD Association(TTLA)and Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association(TSIA). The two associations have been endorsed for voluntary reduction on PFCs and become precedents for TEPA in actively assisting domestic industry associations for GHGs reduction. This year the implementation of project can be concluded following:(一) Investigating and analyzing the status of CH4 and N2O emission and studying emissions reduction strategies in related industries.This project was implemented to investigate industry emissions of N2O and CH4. Twenty food producing industries were surveyed in order to draw up strategies and an order for reducing the N2O and CH4 produced in Taiwanese industries. In accordance with current information regarding N2O and CH4 reduction technology, this project researched and collected CDM methods information of N2O byproducts produced by nitric acid manufacturing and technology employed to destroy N2O including combustion and catalyst oxidation. Regarding CH4 reduction technology, this project examined emission reduction technologies from chemical manufacturing and leak avoidance when utilizing a natural gas distribution grid by replacing old cast iron or steel pipes. (二) Promoting voluntary reduction of fluorinated gas emissions in the electronic industry and studying the reduction schemes In activities concerning the voluntary reduction of emissions, this project approached thirty five factories in the TFT-LCD and semiconductor industries in GHG verification by the third party and registry to the Taiwan EPA GHG Emission Registration system. From 2000 to 2009, these two associations accomplished 46,000,000 tons CO2e reduction of fluorinated gas emissions, their performance is significant and praiseworthy. This project also held a voluntary SF6 emission reduction Symposium for the Magnesium industry, in addition to three conferences for the Power industry and MOU meetings, which encouraged Taiwan’s Power Company to cooperate with the Magnesium industry by recycling SF6 waste. Eventually, on September 1, 2010 Taipower signed a cooperation agreement for SF6 emissions reduction with Taiwan’s magnesium association. (三) Analyzing the TFT-LCDs and semiconductor industries achievements in fluorinated gas emissions reduction and in establishing reliable information for the reduction technologiesIn analyzing fluorinated gas reduction achievements, this project analyzed the SF6 usage trends, emission reduction processes, economic benefits, emission intensity and uncertain factors in the etching process. Four staff members were appointed to participate in two meetings of the ‘International Technology Roadmap’for semiconductors and WSC ESH in 2009 and 2010 and also in the 2010 ITRS to search international information regarding fluorinated GHG reduction. (四) Establishing emission factors in the TFT-LCD and semiconductor industries and promoting the verification of carbon foot-prints in the electronic industriesThis project held five meetings of PFCs emission intensity in TTLA and TSIA to study the calculation rules. This project was assisted by AUO Corporation, the first corporation to participate in the UKAS carbon footprint pilot project. It received a third party statement of its carbon footprint in June 10, 2010. This project held‘Voluntary GHG Emission Reduction Conferences for the Electronics Industry’and‘Exploring Post-2010 Opportunities for Climate Production Cooperation’. It also invited the senior project manager of the U.S.A’s EPA strategy planning, Mr. Bartos, to discuss the inventory and emission reduction trends required to assist domestic high-tech industry in reducing their GHG emissions. Professor Weiss was the invited guest at this meeting; his specialty is in the measurement and quantification of atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gas emissions. Mr. Bartos and our industrial representatives along with our related experts and scholars started the forum discussion.. The major discussion issues included; international climate protection and greenhouse gas management; industrial greenhouse gas emission management and the cooperative mechanism for emissions reduction amongst industries and their suppliers along with other issues. (五) Other administrative coordination and guidanceFurthermore, this project has continued to update the non-CO2 website and has produced five numbers of non-CO2 e-paper in addition to publishing two brochures pertaining to SF6 reduction technology and Taiwan’s fluorinated greenhouse gas emissions reduction performance. This project has also published four papers in conference to show the Taiwan’s non-CO2 reduction performance. 098 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=22292
溫室氣體排放減量抵換機制建立及案例分析追蹤計畫 本計畫分析歐盟、加拿大、美國東北州區域、美國西部及美國加州等國家與地區對於溫室氣體抵換規範、抵換比例之限制、實施對象、適用門檻及抵換方案,並應用MARKAL-MACRO分析模式結合計量經濟模式評估不同境外抵換比例,對於經濟、社會及環境的衝擊影響程度。在評估不同境外抵換比例對於經濟(以邊際減量成本、國民生產毛額與物價水準為指標)、社會(就業率與國民健康為指標)及環境(空氣品質、水質水量與土地利用變動指標)衝擊方面,模式分析結果顯示,四種(35%、40%、50%、60%)境外抵換比例的減量情景,推估於2006~2025年,以CDM專案作為抵換額度來源之GDP年平均成長率損失介於0.71%~0.95%之間 (以CDM價格US$22/t CO2e估計),境外抵換比例越低,GDP損失越大;再結合「計量經濟模型(econometric model)」分析結果,整體而言,境外抵換比例愈低,雖較不利經濟構面,但長期而言卻有利於能源安全、水資源安全及人體健康安全等環境效益。有鑑於我國環評審議作業已將溫室氣體列為重要審議項目,重大開發案亦被要求需執行溫室氣體盤查登錄與減量,因此本計畫參考美國、澳洲、加拿大等國家對於開發行為溫室氣體管制方式,規劃環評溫室氣體審查及監督作業程序並研擬開發行為溫室氣體排放增量評估及抵換規範指引(草案)。另外亦協助環保署完成10件環評個案溫室氣體增量評估與抵換規劃之審查與3件個案的追蹤查核。 The Establishment of Carbon Offset Mechanisms and the Examination of Green-house Gases Emission Redu This scheme is to collect some countries’ information about the offset system for greenhouse gas (GHG) on the program rules, the allowance proportion of GHG offset, eligibility criteria, and the cases of offset projects. These data and information were collected from the countries including the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, and the European Union. To analyze the effects in economics (using the index of marginal decrement cost, gross national products and price level), society (index of employment and health), and the environments (index of air quality, water quality, and effects of land-use), MARKAL-MACRO Analysis Model combined with Econometric Model are used in this study. The results reveals that the averaged loss of annual growth rate in GDP (based on the carbon price US $22/t-CO2e), in the duration of 2006~2025, is from 0.71% increased to 0.95% as the carbon offset proportion is from 60% reduced to 35%, that is, the lower the carbon offsets from out-of-state the greater in GDP loss. However, for national long-term benefit, higher proportion of carbon reduction in the state (or lower GHG offset from abroad) will be beneficial to national energy security, water safety and human health.The Committee of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIS) has made greenhouse gas emissions an integral part of assessing environmental impacts, moreover, the significant exploitation projects will be requested to take GHG emission inventory, register and reduce emissions. Refer to the GHG management systems of the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, and the European Union, this scheme establishes the examination procedures and monitoring programs of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission for exploitation project in the EIS procedure. Besides, “The Guidelines of Assessing Incremental Emissions and the Use of Carbon Offset for Exploitation Projects” is drafted. This scheme had examined 10 projects on its GHG emission assessment applying in EIS. There were three projects on sites to be supervised and watched over on its commitments of GHG emissions. 098 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18410
配合土壤及地下水污染整治法修正研修相關子法及配套研擬措施計畫 本計畫配合土壤及地下水污染整治法修正草案內容,完成施行細則之研訂,並提出土污法修正草案公告後之過渡時期執行要點、土地關係人管理土地準則以及翻譯日本土壤污染對策法之最新法規,施行細則修訂主要內容包括目的事業主管機關定期監測方式、委託機關辦理查證、技師簽證內容、採取適當措施時機、整治計畫書陳列地點、控制及整治計畫書內容等。另配合修正草案中新增技師簽證之規定,本計畫協助研擬技師簽證之文件範圍,並擬訂技師簽證內容與簽證工作底稿樣式。在蒐集國外污染土壤外運處理之資訊方面,本計畫針對美國、日本、英國、荷蘭、澳洲等國家之法規與相關規範,分析其污染土壤之管制程序、運送管制方式、再利用技術、土壤處理標準、再利用用途及程序等。依據所蒐集之國外相關資料,本計畫研擬我國受污染土壤外運處理參考標準、外運處理程序及清運處理機構之管理方式,完成「污染土壤離場清運作業要點」(草案)之研擬,並提出相關之管制流程、表單、申報程序及方式。針對清運、處理機構之管理方面,研擬許可申請、核發、廢止方式等制度之建立方式,並建議清運車輛之資格、處理機構之資格等。配合所研訂「污染土壤離場清運作業要點」,本計畫亦協助環保署修正及建置污染土壤離場申報系統,並進行相關測試工作。 The development of relevant regulations, rules and supporting measures for amendment of the Soil and In accordance with the proposed amendment of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, this project completed the draft enforcement rules, draft implementation rules for transition period after the implementation of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act amendment and the land management guidelines for relevant parties, as well as translation of Japanese Soil Contamination Countermeasures Law amendment. Enforcement Rules amendments mainly include regular monitoring rules of the competent authorities, ,time to take appropriate measures, display locations of remediation plan, contents of control and remediation plans. The project also helped to develop the scope and contents of documents which require to be certificated by licensed professional engineers. Regarding the collection of contaminated soil off-site treatment information of other countries, this project collected regulations and guidelines regarding contaminated soil off-site treatment of the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia and other countries, analyzed their controlling procedures, transportation control measures, treatment technologies, soil treatment standards as well as re-use methods and procedures. Based on the collected information, the project developed reference treatment standards of contaminated soil, off-site treatment procedures as well as management methods for transportation and treatment facilities. This project also drafted the “Operation Directions for Transportation of Contaminated Soil”, developed controlling procedures, application forms, methods and procedures. In the aspect of management for transportation and treatment facilities, the project established a system for permit applications, issuance and revocation. Base on the draft “Operation Directions for Transportation of Contaminated Soil”, the project also assisted EPA to review, establish and test a computer system for contaminated soil transportation and treatment reporting. 098 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15731
水環境介質中奈米微粒轉換及宿命研究 在所合成之二氧化鈦(TiO2)與氧化鋅ZnO奈米懸浮液中,經電子顯微鏡確認TiO2與ZnO奈米顆粒粒徑大小在奈米等級,其中TiO2奈米懸浮液具有非常良好的穩定性,溶液中之粒子的粒徑可以維持在100 nm以下超過25天以上,而自行合成之ZnO奈米懸浮液中顆粒初始大小為100nm左右。本研究背向光散射技術量測水中奈米顆粒之技術,較傳統之動態光散射技術更能準確偵測高濃度下之粒徑大小。在奈米TiO2顆粒濃度 10 mg/L至 6 g/L 之間,粒徑也未明顯變化,但濃度小於 1 mg/L 則會聚集。而奈米ZnO顆粒濃度 50 mg/L至 500 mg/L 之間,粒徑也未明顯變化,皆維持110nm左右,但濃度小於 1 mg/L 則會使強度不足而影響偵測;高於500 mg/L則會使顆粒間碰撞機率增加而獲得較大顆粒。在15~35℃範圍下,溫度對TiO2與ZnO顆粒粒徑之影響不明顯。穩定性TiO2水溶液顆粒粒徑會隨pH變化,在TiO2之等電點( pH 7.2 )上下一個pH單位可發現明顯的粒徑增加與沉澱現象。穩定性ZnO水溶液顆粒粒徑會隨pH變化,在ZnO之等電點( pH 9.7)上下兩個單位可發現明顯的粒徑增加與沉澱現象。當水溶液中存在塩類時,會因離子電荷可壓縮電雙層,進而促使奈米顆粒聚集沉降,而且提高離子濃度會加快其奈米顆粒絮聚的現象。對此穩定型TiO2而言,隨著塩類濃度的增加,離子強度增加後亦使絮聚現象更趨明顯,Cl-的臨界混凝濃度(critical coagulation concentration, CCC)約為300 meq/L, SO42-的CCC為1.4 meq/L。顯示在相同強度下二價陰離子會較一價陰離子更易中和表面電荷,而使之聚集而且改變水中pH值接近pHZPC時,可使之聚集之鹽類濃度也隨之下降。對於穩定型奈米ZnO,Cl-的CCC為30 meq/L, SO42-的CCC為0.25 meq/L。而奈米顆粒團聚的反應能可以使用DLVO (Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek)理論來解釋。而透過能障(energy barriers)隨著離子強度的增強而降低也符合奈米顆粒大小分析之結果。此外,與奈米粉體結果相比較,此兩穩定性奈米材料之塩類CCC值皆顯著高出許多,顯示欲使之聚集需要較高濃度塩類存在於水環境中。低濃度腐植酸(humic acid, HA)存在會使TiO2之粒徑保持穩定,可能由於腐植酸吸附在顆粒的表面使顆粒穩定,當有含有過高濃度之腐植酸( 60 mg/L )時,會使TiO2奈米懸浮液中之奈米顆粒與腐植酸間產生架橋作用,進而使顆粒團聚,而後沉澱,然而在不同pH條件下腐植酸無法有效的穩定TiO2,在pH 7左右顆粒會快速的聚集。在不同pH 7與11條件下,HA能夠維持ZnO的穩定,在pH 9.4時HA的存在(1mg/L)下ZnO而會較快聚集,當HA的濃度為10mg/L 會較慢聚集,所以當pH接近ZnO的等電點HA的存在能夠減緩ZnO的聚集。黃酸的添加也會使顆粒的表面電位下降,在存在黃酸時,奈米懸浮液中顆粒會隨著黃酸的濃度提高而粒徑增加,但可維持粒徑的穩定性。所以此類穩定性奈米材料仍可能存在潛在環境風險。此二者奈米材料在不同水質環境中之結果,指出當兩種奈米材料存於自然水體中,當受自然水體的pH緩衝作用而使其pH接近中性,顆粒會團聚形成大顆粒而沉澱。另外在在工業廢水或汙水廠之水體中,又存有大量的離子及其強度也都大於本實驗所得到之CCC濃度,此表示奈米顆粒流布於環境水體中,容易團聚而形成沉澱。但這些成果顯示此穩定型TiO2相當穩定,需高濃度鹽類或調整pH才能使之聚集,進而影響其傳輸或者殘留於環境中,造成汙染甚至產生毒害仍需再進一步探討。隨著奈米顆粒應用的增加,需繼續研究商用奈米懸浮液與奈米產品在水環境中之奈米微粒轉換與其宿命,以利評估奈米顆粒對環境的危害。 關鍵詞: 穩定型奈米懸浮液,聚集,酸鹼值,離子,腐植酸 The fate and transformation of nanoparticles in water environmental media The fate and transformation of engineered nanoparticles in environmental is of significant interest to ecosystem and human health due to the large application and development of engineered nanoparticles in recent years. Stable TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles in suspensions were synthesized with benzyl alcohol and diethylene glycol as capping agents, respectively. This research investigated the stability and morphology change of two stable metal oxide nanoparticles in a variety of aqueous conditions. The sizes of these two synthesized particles of TiO2 and ZnO were identified as in nanoscale by a transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Nano-sized particles of TiO2 were stable more than 25 days and ZnO nanoparticles were stable more than 1 day due to their surface modification to create high zeta-potentials. The particle size change with time in the aqueous phase was monitored by a dynamic light scattering (DLS). The morphology and characteristic of these two nanoparticles were also examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and TEM. The particle concentration did not significantly affect the particle size of the stable nanoscale TiO2 suspensions but the particle size of TiO2 nanoparticles increased when the particle concentration less than 10 mg/L. The particle size of zinc oxide maintained approximately 110 nm when the range of particle concentration between 50 mg/L to 500 mg/L. The particle intensity of ZnO was too low to detect when the concentration less than 50 mg/L. For the ZnO concentration higher than 500 mg/L, the particle size increased due to the more collision of particles. The temperature in the range of 15~35 oC also did not significantly affect the stability of TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles. With the aqueous pH close to the pHzpc of TiO2 nanoparticles (pH 7.2) and ZnO nanoparticles (pH 9.7), the obvious coagulation behaviors were observed. These two stable nanoparticles could suspend when aqueous pH out of 1 and 1.8 units of their pHzpc for TiO2 and ZnO, respectively. The ionic composition and strength can strongly affect the aggregation and sedimentation of these two stable nanoscale materials in the aqueous environment. For the stable TiO2 nanoparticles, the particle size increased more quickly in a high concentration of salts. The critical coagulation concentration (CCC) values for nanoscale TiO2 particles were estimated as 340 meq/L NaCl, 290 meq/L CaCl2, and 1.4 meq/L SO42- respectively. The results indicated that the divalent anion than monovalent is more easily to neutralize the surface charge of particles and increase aggregation in the same ion strength. The second affective factor is the ion strength resulted in compression of the electrical double layer (EDL), and therefore a decrease in the EDL repulsive energy such that the flocculation can be predicted. Multivalent anions could form bridges with nanoscale particles or neutralize their positive surface charges to induce a quick aggregation. Furthermore, these CCC values are higher than those of TiO2 nanoparticle powders in previous study, indicating the strong stability of the synthesized TiO2 nanoparticles. For stable zinc oxide, the CCC values for sodium chloride, calcium chloride and sodium sulfate are 30 meq/L, 30 meq/L and 0.25 meq/L, respectively. The interaction energies of nanoparticles in water can be analyzed using DLVO (Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek) theory. The decreasing energy barriers of nanoparticle with the increase of ion strength increasing are consistent with the observation of the particle size change. Furthermore, the energy barriers decreased to the maximum value as the ion concentration of CCC.In the presence of a low humic acid concentration at low pH, the stability of these TiO2 nanoparticle suspensions can keep several days. When the humic acid concentration was higher than 50 mg/L, TiO2 nanoparticles aggregated because humic acid could bridge these nanoparticles. In different pH conditions, the addition of humic acid cause the pHzpc of TiO2 shift to a low value. The increase of the concentration of humic acid enhanced the pHzpc shift. At pH 7, the quick aggregation of TiO2 nanoparticles was observed even in the presence of humic acid, indicating that humic acid can not maintain the TiO2 nanoparticles stable when aqueous pH close to pHzpc of TiO2. However, humic acid can decrease the aggregation process of ZnO nanoparticles in the presence of humic acid higher than 10 mg/L when the aqueous pH close to pHzpc (pH 9.7) of ZnO. At pH 7 and 10, humic acid can maintain the ZnO nanoparticles stable. In the presence of fulvic aicd, the zeta potentials of TiO2 and ZnO also decreased. With the increase of fulvic acid concentrations, the stability of these two nanoparticles increased. Humic and fulvic acids seem to facilitate the stability of ZnO nanoparticles, which could result from the steric repulsion caused by humic molecule structure of functional groups in humic and fulvic acids.Once these two stable nanomaterials into four environmental water samples, they aggregated because aqueous pH close to the pHzpc of TiO2 nanoparticles and ion strength in water samples enhanced the coagulation process. Hence, the particles are more easily to aggregate in the environment. Especially both effluents from industry wastewater and sewage wastewater contained a lot of ions more than the CCC values of these two stable nanoparticles, they easily aggregated and precipitated in wastewater effluents. These results suggest that these two stable nanoparticles could not cause the nanotoxicity effect in aqueous environment due to the easy aggregation process of them in aqueous phase..The fate of these stable metal oxide nanoparticles in water would depend on pH, ionic strength, ionic composition and humic substance in the aqueous environment. The aqueous pH and pHzpc play key roles in the stability. These findings provide important insights into the ways in which stable nanoparticle change under different aqueous conditions that may be generally relevant to the nanoparticle fate in diverse natural environment. 098 永續發展室 國立中興大學土壤環境科學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15402
98年度綠色包裝設計推動計畫 本計畫蒐集包括中國、美國、加拿大、歐盟與日本等國之政府及產業之包裝減量及綠色包裝設計推動措施及案例、並參酌各國推動經驗,於蒐集分析各國綠色包裝設計評估程序及工具軟體(COMPASS與PACK-IN)與包裝材料及其生命週期環境衝擊盤查資料(日本JEMAI-LCA Pro資料庫)後,修訂我國綠色包裝設計評估程序與工具軟體開發建置作業。在推動作業部分,本計畫於完成5家廠商配合辦理評估程序與工具試行作業後,另邀集5家液晶螢幕面板與筆記型電腦廠商參與自發性包裝減量協議簽署與活動發表會。另藉由再設計包裝評選活動的辦理(合計70組作品參選)、綠色包裝宣導手冊的製作與綠色包裝研習會的辦理,強化綠色包裝宣導工作。本計畫建議未來持續推動輔導業者試行綠色包裝設計評估工具與擴大簽署自願性減量協議工作,並由業者提報推動成果,確保產業持續導入綠色包裝設計工作。另建議研擬推動綠色包裝標章方案,提供做為未來全面性推動綠色包裝設計與包裝減量工作之輔助機制,同時配合各種活動邀請各國相關單位參與,以加速包裝管理工作推動,除可宣導我國推動成果與保障我國產業利益外,並實質達成包裝源頭減量工作。 2009 Green Packaging Design Promotion Project The implementations of green packaging and packaging source reduction in China, US, Canada, EU and Japan were investigated. Green packaging evaluation procedures and tools, such as COMPASS of US Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC), Pack-In of UK EnviroWise and life cycle assessment inventory database likes LCA Pro of Japan, were analyzed and applied into the re-formulation of Taiwan Green Packaging Evaluation Procedure and its tool programming. To enhance green packaging during industries / business product packaging design stage, there were 5 industries / business joining pilot project and their feedbacks on the procedure/tool were referred during the tool developing. Moreover, 5 industries from notebook computer and LCD display sectors were successfully reached a voluntary packaging reduction agreement with Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA). To promote green packaging, tasks like 2009 Green Package Design (70 sets participation), green packaging design manual and workshop were implemented during the project period.Further collaboration of green packaging design evaluation pilot project and voluntary packaging source reduction between government and industries was suggested and thus the implementation of green packaging design could be confirmed via industries / business performance reporting. The evaluation proposal for green packaging design scheme was also suggested as the operative mechanism of green packaging design and packaging reduction tasks in the future. The function of the mechanism could be enhanced through international collaboration with various green packaging design contest or workshop. Thus, not only the packaging reduction, the green packaging promotion and industries / business interests could be reached. 098 廢管處 永發環境科技管理有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15052
桃園縣97年度第一柴油車排煙檢測站興建及營運示範計畫 由於經濟的快速成長,使用柴油車輛也急遽增加,造成道路交通之空氣污染愈形嚴重。所以為配合環保局柴油車輛排放管制策略的運作,達成「空氣污染防制法」之目標,從主要污染源柴油車下手:就其使用中的現況,透過定期檢驗管制與調修改善,以有效改善桃園縣空氣污染,達成環境保護之成效。本計畫將以桃園縣柴油車為主,以目視判煙、民眾檢舉、代驗外縣市等方式通知轄區內柴油車到站檢測。 Final Report for the first stage of scheme to construct the diesel vehicle emission inspection station and thereof demonstrative administration in 2008 In the wake of rapid growth in economy, the number of in-use diesel vehicle has been increasingly growing as well which contributes serious air pollution to the road traffic. Consequentially, as an effort to coordinate with the strategy manipulated by Environmental Protection Bureau to control the emission of diesel vehicle and achieve the goal of 「Air Pollution Control Act」, the major source of pollutants, diesel vehicle, was targeted as an inception of control:In view of the existing situation of diesel vehicles currently in use, regular inspection, control, tuning and maintenance have been enforced in a bid to effectively reduce the air pollution around Taoyuan County and accomplish the effect of environmental protection. The Scheme was to mainly focus on the diesel vehicles under the jurisdiction of Taoyuan County. Owners of diesel vehicles were told to drive their vehicles to Station for inspection when notified in a manner of emission violation by visual inspection, accusation to authority by the public and notices from entrusted institutions of other city/county governments, etc. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 茂迪環境有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14315
2009全民減碳運動之「青年環保大使」培訓計畫 2009年12月將於丹麥首都哥本哈根舉行「第十五屆聯合國氣候變遷會議」,希冀藉由本培訓營之研習測驗,甄選出具有代表我國參加聯合國氣候變遷會議資格的「青年環保大使」數名,並將以公費補助出國相關費用。本培訓營相關課程包括全球氣候變遷議題、國際禮儀及語言訓練等,進而培養出具有國際觀之能源與環境事務之人才。 training course of youth represe COP15 United Nations Climate Change Conference will be in Copenhagen, Denmark in December this year. TISE organizes the training course to find candidates to represent Taiwan at this conference. All traveling expenses will be provided at public expense.The training course is about issues relating to global climate change, international etiquette, and language training, aiming to train candidates with international outlook on energy and environment. 098 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15962
八八水災-災區重建環境輔導與建言整體計畫 民國98年8月8日,莫拉克颱風帶來的豪雨,造成台灣南部、中部、東部地區嚴重災情。南部山區及沿海地區因淹水嚴重,造成道路橋樑及水利設施受損、河川溢堤及災區土石流,死傷及失蹤人數不斷攀升,農業損失相當慘重。環保署整合全國三十所大學院校水災逾百位學者專家,組成「88水災區重建環境輔導與建言團隊」,針對雲嘉投(A區)、台南縣市(B區)、高雄縣市(C區)、屏東縣(D區)及台東縣(E區)等五個區域,災區的空氣品質、臭味、水質之現況變化與影響進行資料收集與分析,並協助政府及災民進行環境復育規劃、災區重建,作為未來國土規劃之重要依據。而各項重點工作項目中,藉由召開顧問諮詢會議中,所凝聚出重點執行項目種類,包含各區針對災區環境污染物潛勢評估、災民關懷與輔導、建置地理資訊工作平台、災區重建及國土規劃芻議建言報告等項目,進行實地調查並配合問卷量化結果進行評估。由各地區災區現況環境調查分析結果得知,雲嘉投(A區)地區,僅於斗六測站PM2.5-10 粗粒子有明顯上升趨勢,推估其可能原因為災後粗粒子揚塵所引起;台南地區災民安置區室內一氧化碳及甲醛超出建議值,安定鄉灰渣掩埋場地下水監測井之水質初步發現有遭受到污染;大高雄給水區原水濁度飆高之外,其餘地表水採樣點均檢測出雙酚A (bisphenol A);屏東因原水濁度飆高而增加氯量,另林邊給水廠因水災期間淹水,其慢濾池濾床內含有淹水後留下之微細淤泥,導致慢濾池出水不穩定,其清水濁度常超出飲用水水質規定;東部地區亦無重大環境污染之問題。災民關懷與輔導部分,民眾頗接受以環境專業服務形象進入災區,配合儀器施測行動,可促使災民願意接受訪談,藉由訪查問卷調查結果,認為災後提供最大幫助者為宗教團體、志工與軍隊,甚少認為中央政府或地方政府提供重要幫助,且災民普遍表示希望回到原居地居住,對於已經放棄原居地者,也希望政府能興建永久屋,而非組合屋供其居住。另建置地理資訊工作平台部分,於中央研究院地理資訊專題研究中心負責建置,平台上的資料共有55層,可分為五大類分別為基本資料、環境品質監測、災情資料、災後復原資料以及環境影響評估等,藉由各區熱點圖層之建置,即可快速分析評估重建現況。現階段災區重建及國土規劃芻議,由台灣北中南東各區域之地理、地質、水利、土木、資訊、環工、環教、公衛、原住民族及人文社經學界共同協力執行。台灣位於南北半球及西太平洋地區,面對大環境全球氣候變遷之衝擊及暖化問題,未來自然災害之發生將更趨頻繁,故本計畫之成果除提供相關單位對此次災害之後續因應方向外,亦提供了日後面對類似災害之應變與組織模式,以便在最短時間內,完成組織動員與災害分析評估之工作。 In August, Taiwan experienced its worst floods in 50 years after Typhoon Morakot struck the most of the central, south, and east areas of Taiwan. As much as two meters (2,000 mm) of rainfall was brought by Morakot. Central, southern, and eastern Taiwan suffered serious flooding damage caused by Typhoon Morakot. The storm destroyed homes, farms, buildings, and roads, causing about NT$100 billion (US$3 billion) in damage. On Aug. 21, professors from local universities, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), local government agencies, and volunteers from non-governmental organization (NGO) met at National Kaohsiung University, and jointly initiated an environmental impact assessment, monitoring, and reconstruction project. Five disaster-area investigation teams were formed after the meeting. The major tasks for the five teams were to collect field data, construct geographical information system (GIS) for disaster areas, delineate environmental sensitive area, and develop environmental reconstruction plans. The objectives of this study included the following: (1) environmental monitoring and data collecting, (2) environmental sensitive area delineation, (3) construction GIS for disaster areas, (4) victims counseling, guidance, and assistance, and (5) environmental rebuilding plans development. Each of the five Disaster-area Investigation Teams was in charge of different investigation areas. Team A (Region A) was in charge of Nantou County, Chiayi County, and Yunlin County (Central Taiwan area); Team B (Region B) was in charge of Tainan County; Team C (Region C) was in charge of Kaohsiung County; Team D (Region D) was in charge of Pingtung County; and Team F (Region F) was in charge of Taitung County (Southeast Taiwan area). A total of 30 universities and 150 professors and researchers were involved in this project. Results from this study indicate that the increases in PM2.5-10 concentrations were observed in central Taiwan areas. The increased formaldehyde concentration in indoor air was observed in several temporary shelters in Tainan areas. Due to the increased suspended solid concentrations in raw water, higher chlorine concentration was observed in the treated water at of the water treatment plant in Pingtung County. Conclusions from this study include the following: (1) Integrated and multimedia watershed management strategies need to be developed for those most sensitive and intensively used watersheds. (2) Application of natural treatment systems (e.g., land treatment, constructed wetland, porous media infiltration) for domestic wastewater treatment in the temporary and permanent home areas. (3) Construction of the watershed GIS and real time water quality monitoring system to effectively monitor and manage the watershed. Future work includes the following: (1) Application of developed GIS for damage area and impact status evaluation. (2) Development of the EIA guidelines for the disaster areas and environmental sensitive areas. (3) Determination of the indicators for the environmental sensitive areas. (4) Analysis of the endocrine disrupting chemicals and emerging contaminants in water samples. (5) Follow-up multimedia (air, surface water, drinking water, soil, groundwater, sediment, sludge) investigation at the environmental sensitive areas and potential environmental pollution areas. (6) Development of green and sustainable permanent home areas. 098 綜計處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15456
加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫(第五期)(甲) 行政院環境保護署為預防土壤及地下水污染,確保土地及地下水資源永續利用,落實「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之規定,於98年辦理「加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫(第五期)(甲、乙)」,分別由中興工程顧問股份有限公司負責執行中北部區域之甲計畫工作(以下簡稱本計畫),及美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司負責執行中南部區域之乙計畫工作,預計共完成42站(甲、乙兩計畫各21站)加油站土壤及地下水污染調查工作。本計畫(甲計畫)工作為辦理中北部區域共21站加油站土壤及地下水污染調查工作,以作為後續管制之依據。調查工作分為三個階段執行,第一階段調查為測漏管與土壤氣體檢測;第二階段調查為針對第一階段篩選出之具污染潛勢加油站進行土壤採樣分析及以簡易井進行地下水採樣分析;第三階段調查則為針對第二階段地下水超過管制標準之加油站,進一步設置標準監測井及進行地下水採樣分析。本計畫第一階段調查共完成21站加油站336支測漏管基本功能測試及油氣之LEL、PID及FID檢測,9點土壤間氣體之PID及FID檢測。依調查結果顯示,測漏管油氣濃度測值經評估具高污染潛勢(A級)有6站, 次高者(B級)有2站,合計為8站。依環保署指示,本計畫第二階段之調查對象除前述之21站加油站外,亦增加2站加油站進行調查,共計有23站。本計畫第二階段調查共完成23站加油站89點土壤採樣及檢測分析、58點簡易井地下水採樣及檢測分析。依檢測分析結果顯示,計有11站加油站之土壤污染物濃度達土壤污染管制標準;有9站加油站之簡易井地下水污染物濃度達地下水污染管制標準。於第三階段調查之9站加油站中,計有5站加油站之地下水污染物濃度達地下水污染管制標準。總結上述本計畫調查結果,共計有13站加油站之土壤污染物濃度或地下水污染物濃度超過管制標準,均應依土壤及地下水污染整治法相關規定進行管制。此外,依據本計畫調查之加油站基本資料、加油站防止污染地下水體設施及定期監測申報資料等,與加油站污染之潛勢進行相關性分析,以提供環保機關做為後續行政管制措施之參考依據。 Investigating Soil and Groundwater Pollution at the Gas Stations in Taiwan (the Fifth Project) (A) In order to prevent soil and groundwater pollution, ensure the sustainable use of soil and groundwater, and fulfill the regulations of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, the Environmental Protection Administration (the EPA) initiated the Project of Investigating Soil and Groundwater Pollution at the Gas Stations(the Fifth Project)- Plans A and B in 2009. Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Ltd. (Sinotech) was entrusted to carry out Plan A, covering Central and Northern Taiwan, while MWH Taiwan was assigned to carry out Plan B, covering Central and Southern Taiwan. Each consultant completed the investigation of soil and groundwater pollution at 21 gas stations, which made a total number of 42 stations investigated.Plan A performed by Sinotech was aimed to investigate soil and groundwater pollution at 21 gas stations in Central and Southern Taiwan. The findings generated will be used as references for the follow-up pollution control. The investigation was implemented in the following three stages:1. Stage 1: The fuel vapor of soil gas monitoring well was detected and measured.2. Stage 2: At the gas stations with high pollution potential, based on the results of Stage 1, the soil sampling analysis and groundwater sampling from simple wells analysis were conducted.3. Stage 3: Focusing on the gas stations with groundwater pollutants beyond the control criteria, standard monitoring wells will be further installed and groundwater sampling analysis will be conducted.For Stage 1, 21 gas stations were investigated, covering basic function tests of 336 soil gas monitoring wells, measurement of fuel vapor concentration by using Lower Explosive Limit(LEL), Photo Ionization Detector(PID), and Flame Ionization Detector (FID), and inspection of the soil vapor of 9 samples by using PID and FID. The results indicated that through the evaluation of the fuel gas concerntration detected by soil gas monitoring wells, there were 6 gas stations with the highest pollution potential (A Class) and 2 gas stations with the second high pollution potential (B Class), totaling 8 gas stations. According to the EPA’s instructions, except the aforesaid 21 gas stations, two more gas stations were investigated in the 2nd Stage, which made total 23 gas stations under investigation in Stage 2.For Stage 2, 23 gas stations were investigated, covering the detection and analysis of 89 soil samples and 58 groundwater samples from simple wells. The findings showed that the soil pollutant concentration of 11 gas stations and groundwater pollutant concentration from the simple wells at 9 stations were under the control criteria. For Stage 3, five out of nine gas stations had the groundwater pollutant concentration under the control criteria.It was concluded that there were 13 gas stations which had soil pollutant concentration above the control criteria in the implementation of Plan A. All of these stations should be remedied in accordance with the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. In addition, the correlation analyses of basic data of the gas stations investigated in the project, groundwater pollution control facilities, periodic declaration reports, and pollution potential at the gas stations were also conducted for the project. The outcomes will serve as references for the environmental protection agencies in the follow-up administrative control measures. 098 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18328
98年度一般廢棄物最終處置前組成採樣及分析工作委託專案計畫 本年度計畫執行期限自民國98年3月起至99年2月止,分別針對全國23個縣市進行每季每縣市採集樣品一次,並分析其物理、化學性質及垃圾可燃物之重金屬分析。本計畫主要目的在於延續歷年全國各縣市之垃圾採樣及分析工作,透過縝密之採樣規劃與分析結果,建立長期連續性之垃圾基本特性資料,並掌握垃圾性質之長期變動趨勢;並期藉由本計畫之執行成果,作為未來制定未來垃圾處理政策、研發新穎資源回收與再利用技術、評估規劃安全性處理處置技術之重要參考依據。 根據本年度採樣分析結果顯示,垃圾濕基組成中紙類、廚餘類及塑膠類約佔總物理組成比例之93.59%,其中紙類含量最高,約佔垃圾組成中38.95%,其次為廚餘類之38.19%及塑膠類之16.45%,至於金屬類及玻璃類則分別佔0.58%及0.89%。皮革橡膠類、纖維布類及木竹落葉類含量總和,約佔垃圾物理組成之4.11%左右。考量歷年垃圾物理組成比例之變化趨勢可知,紙類及塑膠類全國各縣市全年度平均值均低於去年之平均值,且根據歷年垃圾清運量明顯降低之趨勢,垃圾中紙類及塑膠類之總量已逐年降低,然塑膠之組成比例分析結果,若相較於近三年(民國95~97年)之平均值而言,本年度塑膠類含量(16.45%)仍稍高於近三年平均值(16.15%)。本年度廚餘類組成比例(38.19%)高於去年度全國各縣市平均值(30.96%),亦高於近三年之平均值(33.05%)。此外,歷年來垃圾中金屬與玻璃類之組成比例均呈逐年降低之趨勢。進一步探討垃圾中紙類組成之種類,分析結果顯示紙類中以紙製衛生用品之其他紙類含量最高,約佔總紙類含量之66%,其次為紙張約佔24%。塑膠組成種類之分析結果顯示,厚度未達0.06mm之塑膠袋含量佔總塑膠種類之21.87%、塑膠容器類(如PET、PP/PE、PVC及PS等)則約佔10.28%。本年度全國垃圾三成分平均值分析結果,分別為水分54.86%、可燃分40.73%及灰分4.41%,其中水分含量高於去年度(51.3%)及近三年全國平均值(52.13%),此與本年度垃圾組成中廚餘含量高於近三年之結果相吻合。此外,本年度全國垃圾平均低位發熱量為1891 kcal/kg,亦低於去年度(2105 kcal/kg)及近三年全國平均值(1941 kcal/kg),此與本年度全國垃圾平均含水量較高有關。至於5個採樣縣市之垃圾中可燃物重金屬分析結果顯示,除重金屬鎘均低於儀器偵測極限外,其餘試驗重金屬鋅、鉛、銅及鉻之平均含量,分別為29.15 mg/kg、5.67 mg/kg、8.1 mg/kg及5.2 mg/kg。整體而言,本計畫執行除可長期建置全國垃圾基本性質資料外,亦將提供未來國家擬定垃圾管理政策及處理技術選擇之重要參考依據。 The Sampling and Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Composition in Taiwan (2008) This project was designed and implemented continuously for the sampling and analysis of municipal solid waste composition in Taiwan, from March 2009 to February 2010. This project was planned to sample 23 municipal solid waste (MSW) sources (municipalities) in Taiwan once a season for every source and to analyze the physical and chemical compositions of MSW samples. The objectives of this project were to establish the database of long-term physical and chemical characteristics of MSW and to evaluate the variation of MSW composition and property by careful sampling, sample preparation and the analytical techniques. Meanwhile, the performance of this project could be also useful in adopting the strategies of municipal solid waste management, developing the innovative technologies of recycling and recovery, and assessing the safe technologies of MSW disposal.According to the results of sampling and analysis, the major compositions of the municipal solid waste were paper, plastics, and food scraps. The composition content of the above waste was almost 93.59% of the total municipal solid waste. Paper products made up the largest component of MSW generated (38.95%, wet basis), and food scraps comprised the second-largest component (38.19%, wet basis). Plastics were also a major component in MSW. The average content of plastics was 16.45% (wet basis) of the total MSW in2009. The contents of metals and glasses of the total MSW were 0.58% and 0.89%, respectively. Wood and yard trimming, rubber, leather, and textiles combined made up about 4.11% of MSW. The results showed that the variation of composition in paper and plastics were increased in the past 10 years. However, the amounts of paper and plastics of the total MSW decreased significantly that resulted in amounts of MSW collection decreased in past decade. Meanwhile, the compositions of food scraps, metals and glasses of MSW decreased gradually every year. On the other hand, the types of paper of MSW included office paper, newspaper, corrugated paper, paper bag, paper container, and paper for toilet products, etc. In this project, approximately 67% of paper from MSW sampling was paper for toilet products. The overall average moisture content in the MSW was found to be 54.86%. This is due to the high moisture content of the food scraps fraction. The combustibles made up an above 40.73% of the MSW on average due to the low content of metals, glass, and other inorganic components. The average lower heating value (LHV) was about 1891 Kcal/kg. The analysis results of tested metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, and Zn) in combustible of MSW indicated that the tested metals concentrations, Zn, Pb, Cu, and Cr, were 38.15 mg/kg, 6.17 mg/kg, 9.43 mg/kg, and 4.63 mg/kg, respectively. Meanwhile, the Cd concentrations of combustible in MSW were below the instrument detection limit. Based on observations of this project, it was concluded that a well-established database of MSW using the results of long-term sampling and analysis projects could reduce bias in results. This project also provided important information regarding consideration of trend in MSW management. 098 督察總隊 逢甲大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16415
奈米科技之風險感知及政策研究 本研究的重點在於提供給政府的相關機關可行的溝通政策,使民眾對於奈米科技有更深入且清楚認識。本計畫透過專家深度訪談、焦點團體座談會與電話訪問調查方式,進行資料的收集,調查的對象包括了相關領域的奈米專家學者、與從事奈米工作的職場員工以及一般民眾。其中以電話訪問方式訪談一般民眾(N=4,600),以面訪方式調查奈米工作的職場員工(N=301);以及透過網路調查及面訪方式訪問奈米科技專家學者(N=50)。然而比較今年(98)與去年(97)調查結果發現,對於奈米微粒(奈米級材料)會導致癌症的產生,一般民眾同意程度的比例較去年下降65.0個百分點;專家學者同意程度較去年下降22.4個百分點。對於奈米微粒(奈米級材料)擴散到環境中會對生態產生影響,一般民眾擔心程度的比例較去年下降5.3個百分點;職場員工擔心程度的比例較去年上升28.6個百分點;專家學者擔心程度較去年下降6.8個百分點。對於目前產品業者對奈米科技產品的安全保證,一般民眾信任程度的比例較去年上升13.6個百分點;職場員工信任程度的比例較去年下降1.6個百分點;專家學者信任程度較去年上升2.4個百分點。對於媒體對奈米科技的報導,一般民眾信任程度的比例與去年相同(31.1%);專家學者信任程度較去年上升0.2個百分點。對於政府部門(如環保署、衛生署等)對奈米科技的管制,一般民眾信任程度的比例較去年上升3.2個百分點;職場員工信任程度的比例較去年上升4.1個百分點;專家學者信任程度較去年下降26.3個百分點。可見不同團體對於奈米科技風險感知的看法都存在極大的不同。建議政府的相關機構可規劃一個良好的溝通措施,並提供更多奈米科技宣導教育及相關研究。 The Risk Perceptions about Nanotechnology and policy research The main focus of this study is to help government authorities establish a workable communication policy so that the public can gain a clear and profound understanding of nano technologies. In-depth interviews with experts, focus-group seminars, and telephone surveys were conducted to collect data. Those involved in the polls were: nano experts and scholars in related fields, with their opinions got through Internet surveys and face-to-face interviews (N=50);people working at the nano-related job sites, with their thoughts attained through face-to-face interviews (N=301);and the general public, with their responses collected through telephone interviews (N=4,600).In comparison with those of last year, findings of this year show that the approval rating among the general public on the statement that nano particles may cause cancer dropped 65 percentage points while that among the experts and scholars decreased 22.4 percentage points. Regarding the statement that nano particles may produce certain ecological effects when the substances are apreading throughout the environment, the ratio of concern level among the general public and the experts and schoalrs reduced 5.3 and 6.8 percentage points, respectively, while that among those working at the nano-related job sites swelled 28.6 percentage points.About the guarantee against safety risk offered by nano product manufacturers, the ratio of confidence level among the general public and the experts and scholars went up 13.6 and 2.4 percentages points, respectively, while that among those working at the nano-related job sites was down 1.6 percentages points. As for the media reports on nano technologies, the ratio of confidence level among the general public was similar to that of 2008, at 31.1%, while that among the experts and scholars rose 0.2 percentage points.For the government departments (such as the Environmental Protection Administration, the Department of Health, etc.) on the control of nanotechnology, the general level of trust in the proportion of the population increased by 3.2 percentage points over last year; workplace trust in the proportion of employees increased by 4.1 percentage points over last year. Trust in experts and scholars down 26.3 percentage points compared with last year. Can see that different groups for the views of nanotechnology risk perception exists a great difference.Suggested that the relevant institutions can plan a good communication measures, and to provide more education and advocacy nanotechnology research. 098 永續發展室 異視行銷市場調查股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16605
廢棄工廠土壤及地下水污染潛勢第四期調查計畫(乙) 本計畫為全國廢棄工廠土壤及地下水污染潛勢調查計畫之第四期計畫,包含二個子計畫,分別由瑞昶科技(股)公司及美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司執行,計畫執行期間為98年3月至99年5月。本計畫由經濟部工業局停歇業工廠資料庫中,篩選出810家較具代表性工廠,業別配合土污法第9條第二批公告事業實施,納入20大事業別,經基本資料校正、確認及由量化篩選評分系統篩選出92家建議調查候選名單,再經現場勘查後確認50家優先調查之工廠。在污染調查階段,針對50家調查工廠以直接貫入方式進行土壤及地下水污染調查工作,總計執行407組土壤採樣及138組地下水簡易井設置及採樣分析工作,其中有30個廠址土壤或地下水污染物濃度超過土壤或地下水污染監測基準或管制標準而進入查證階段;在查證階段,共執行146組土壤採樣及78組地下水採樣分析作業。調查∕查證結果顯示,50家調查對象中有28個廠址發現土壤或地下水污染,大部份廠址為土壤污染,僅6個廠址有地下水污染;上述場址已建議依土污法第12條列管場址或依土污法第7條第5項實施應變必要措施。此外,本計畫已建立15類高污染潛勢事業之調查指引,並研訂整體管制策略,以供為爾後執行調查及實施整體廢棄工廠管制之參考。 Investigating of Soil and Groundwater Contamination of Abandoned Factories (IV) The project was the 4th year of continuous project for investigation of potential soil and groundwater contamination about the abandoned industrial sites in Taiwan. It contained two subsidiary projects and was carried out by Apollo Technology Co., Ltd and MWH Americas Inc., Taiwan Branch. The execution period of the project was from March, 2009 to May, 2010. Eight hundred and ten sites were screened from the suspended factories database of Industrial Development Bureau based on twenty high potential contaminated enterprises. After modification and verification the basic information and site surveyed, nighty two sites abandoned before January 1, 2005 were selected to the score and screen system for the fifty priority investigation sites. In investigation stage, the preliminary soil and groundwater investigation was executed for the fifty sites. Four hundred and seven sets of soil were sampled and one hundred and thirty-eight temporary groundwater wells were installed by direct push machine, Geoprobe. Thirty sites which soil or groundwater pollutant concentration exceeded soil and groundwater monitoring or control standards were selected to verify. In verification stage, one hundred and fourty-six sets of soil were sampled and seventy-eight standard groundwater monitoring wells were constructed to sample groundwater to analyse. Twenty-eitht sites were found soil or groundwater contamination in the result. Most of the sites were soil pollution and only six site was groundwater pollution. The sites were suggested to announce as Soil or Groundwater Control Site by article 12 or adopt appropriate emergency measures by article 7, paragraph 5. In addition, the investigation reference guides had been setup for the fifteen high potential contaminated enterprises and the policy for further management about the abandoned industrial sites had been proposed. 098 土污基管會 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18075
公害糾紛處理與環境損害責任之運作機制探討及法制研修推廣(第二年) 環境污染所造成的環境問題越來越複雜而難以既有的機制處理。在環境基本法的要求下,未來建制的環境責任法應當能適當的回應現代環境問題及損害的多樣性,並應具備前瞻性的視野及早思考氣候變遷的問題。 本研究透過資料的整理分析、比較法以及學說之研析,一方面掌握台灣污染狀況及機制運作狀況和問題,另方面掌握環境議題的演變及責任機制的發展趨勢。在這樣基礎之上,規劃我國的環境責任制度。 草案規劃的架構下,主要以公告事業或設施的方式特定責任主體。經公告的事業或設施,就其污染行為所致之人身、財產及自然資源損害負嚴格責任,也被強制投保補償保險,或應主管機關要求應投保環境責任保險或提供相對應的財務擔保機制。污染行為的被害人就其不同損害,可以循體制內各種機制確保其利益。透過損害賠償、補償保險、強制責任保險、補償基金以及回復基金之設置,環境責任及相關爭議應可獲得較為合理妥善的解決。 本研究亦規範跨境責任、氣候變遷之因應以及環境爭議事件之處理,提供內國或跨境環境責任爭議事件的法制基礎。未來跨境責任爭議有法律基礎可循,而國內的環境責任爭議事件,在損害賠償訴訟外,更可以透過仲裁、緊急小組及環境保護協議書等相關機制予以處理。而政府則為最終責任承擔者,不僅必須確保上述機制能有效運行,也必須全面承擔最終環境責任。相信這一套環境責任機制將可以更全面而有效的回應台灣未來的環境責任問題。 A Study on Operation and Law of Environmental Dispute Resolution and Environmental Liability (The Second Year Report) The current legal system is insufficient in dealing with the more and more complicated problems derived from environmental pollutions. According to the Basic Environmental Act, a future environmental liability legal system shall be able to respond properly to both the diversified environmental problems in the modern day and climate change challenges.By empirical analysis, comparative law study and theoretical inquires , this research first tried to understand the current pollutions situations and the problems environmental liability system practiced in Taiwan on the one hand, and the change of environmental issues and the trend of environmental liability law on the other. Based on the above understandings and analysis, this research proposes a future environmental liability law for Taiwan. The primary regulated bodies in the proposed Environmental Liability Law (hereinafter “proposed Law”) are enterprises and facilities specified by the competent authority which shall be subject to strict liability for personal injuries, property damage and natural resource damage caused by their pollutions. Moreover, enterprises and facilities specified by the competent authority are required to take out compulsory compensation insurance or environmental liability insurance upon the request of the competent authority, or to provided alternative financial guarantee mechanisms. Victims suffering from pollutions are entitled to utilize various mechanisms within the legal system to obtain compensation for various injuries and damage. The design of compensation, compensation insurance, compulsory liability insurance, compensation fund and restoration fund are expected to solve environmental liability problems and related issues more properly. Transboundary environmental liability and response to climate change are included in the research and the proposed Law as well. The proposed Law provides the legal foundation for transboundary environmental disputes in the future. Local environmental disputes, in addition to litigations, can be settled by institutions such arbitration, emergent panels and environment protection agreements. The government, as the final responsibility taker, shall not only insure the operation of the above institutions but also take the final responsibility for the environment. Such a environmental liability mechanism is expected to solve environmental liability problems Taiwan will encounter more effectively and comprehensively. 098 管考處 財團法人台大法學基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15684
冷卻水塔循環水以觸媒高級氧化處理回收再利用之技術開發 目前國內冷卻水塔的用水量高,為減少用水量,大多增加循環水的濃縮倍數,因此,相對其排放廢水中的化學藥劑量及有機物濃度高,增加廢水處理或回收的成本。而且若循環水水質的不良,亦可能會導致冷卻水塔中有機物逸散的問題,並衍生出空氣污染的問題。本計畫研發可處理冷卻水塔循環水及回收其排放廢水的技術,以臭氧與觸媒高級氧化處理為主,藉由臭氧與觸媒產生強氧化基 (OH•) 將有機物、中間產物反應成二氧化碳和水的最終產物,再以離子交換樹脂去除水中的無機鹽類(氯離子、硝酸根離子、硫酸根離子、鈣離子、鎂離子、三價鐵離子),此系統不僅可回收冷卻水塔的排放廢水,減少廢水的排放,並控制冷卻水塔水質,提高冷卻水濃縮使用之倍數,更能解決上述所提到傳統化學加藥之缺點,以有效節省水資源為永續發展之目標。本計畫執行主要分為兩個主要單元,第一階段乃提出實驗室的研究成果,第二則針對實際設備系統進行組裝及實測的工作。實驗室測試結果為:當臭氧進流濃度50 mg/L、進流流量400 mL/min、觸媒劑量627 g、蠕動幫浦流量600 mL/min、E廠冷卻水之進流流量50 mL/min,在經過兩次循環處理後,對有機物之降解效率可符合冷卻水塔水質之建議值(小於10 mg/L);再通過陽離子交換樹脂和陰離子交換樹脂,其去除率為硬度95%、氯離子99.7%、鈣離子93%,其餘測項之去除率為100%。模廠測試乃是至E廠冷卻水塔進行實際測試,其操作條件為臭氧進流流量3 L/min、冷卻水進流流量9.5 L/min、樹脂進流流量為3 L/min,結果顯示:經本系統處理後冷卻水質為化學需氧量小於10 mg/L、導電度小於100 μS/cm、氯離子小於5 mg/L、硝酸根離子小於5 mg/L、硫酸根離子小於5 mg/L、鈣離子小於20 mg/L、鎂離子小於5 mg/L、三價鐵離子小於0.3 mg/L,皆遠低於工業用水標準,而相對去除率分別為化學需氧量大於85%、氯離子大於95%、硝酸根離子大於95%、硫酸根離子大於95%、鈣離子大於90%、鎂離子大於95%及三價鐵離子大於90%。該系統只有離子交換樹脂需3%~5%的水再生,因此,廢水回收率大於90%。冷卻水塔排放廢水經觸媒高級氧化及樹脂回收處理技術之經濟成本評估,其每噸廢水操作成本粗估為新台幣8.8元,其成本低於計畫書中預計之操作成本新台幣10元,符合原計畫書的目標,且每噸廢水總成本包含操作及設備成本為新台幣12.9元。 Treatment and Reclamation of Recycled Cooling Tower Water Using Heterogeneous Catalytic Oxidation Te Since there is a significant demand on the circulating water for the use of cooling tower, the circulation operation with high frequency is often facilitated by many industries to moderately cut the running cost. Therefore, the accumulated concentration of chemicals and organic matters in the cooling water is relatively high, which would potentially result in the difficulties on wastewater treatment or reclamation, and even locally polluted air by organics striping as well. This project was proposed using a combined process of heterogeneously catalytic ozonation and ion exchange unit to treat the wastewater discharged from cooling water tower, where the organic compounds can be effectively oxidized by hydroxyl radicals induced via the catalytic ozonation reaction into the final products, such as carbon dioxide and water, and inorganic ions, including chloride, nitrate, sulfate, calcium, magnesium, ferric iron, are removed by ion exchange resins. Based on the operation mentioned above, the cooling water could be substantially recycled for fresh water supplement to achieve a sustainable development objective of preserving water resource.Two phases, including laboratory operation and pilot-scale system assembling and testing, were carried out in this project. It is noted that the optimal conditions, such as 50 mg/L of inlet ozone applied dosage, 400 mL/min of ozone flowrate, 627 grams of goethite catalysts, 600 mL/min of inner circulation flowrate, and 50 mL/min of inlet test sample flowrate, etc., was experimentally determined to meet the suggestion standards at chemical oxygen demand (COD) less than 10 mg/L of cooling water tower quality with the operation of two consecutive circulations. If the cooling water was subsequently treated by ion exchange processes, including anion and cation resins, the removal rates for hardness, chloride, and calcium were 95%, 99.7%, and 93%. Other than that, the removals for silicate, nitrate, sulfate, magnesium, and ferric iron were almost complete. Pilot plant was fabricated and transported to Taiwan Formosa Incorporation in Mai-liaw for in-situ practices. The operational conditions were controlled as 3 L/min of ozone flowrate and 9.5 L/min and 3 L/min of inflow cooling water through heterogeneous ozone-based AOPs and ion exchange resins, respectively. The results reveal that all concentrations in the cooling water as treated were able to meet the standards of industrial water use. The degradation rate of COD was found to be higher than 85% and the removal rate of all ion species were more than 90%. Because only 3 to 5 percent of water was necessitated for the purpose of resin regeneration, the recovery of spent cooling water would reach 90 percent at least. As for the evaluation of economic cost using AOPs and ion exchange technology, it is found that the operational cost is estimated as merely NT$ 9.8 and total cost including facility depreciation is NT$ 12.9 for per ton of cooling water treatment. 098 永續發展室 凱特利斯科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17091
推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫-南投縣 本計畫是由行政院環境保護署委託社團法人台灣環境資訊協會辦理南投縣「推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫」。辦理內容包含EcoLife 環保E 化網路系統經營與辦理成果登錄、並推動整合轄區認養、協助環境巡檢、協查查報,以及協助培訓相關環保志義工組織,推動村里內之團體及個人辦理環保宣導活 動。另外輔導並培訓、督導考核以擴大就業方式進用之人力(整潔美化助理員),督導南投縣美化助理員44 位,共6 個月,每個月至少一次,協助推動計畫進行, 並深入學校、社區、村里、企業、團體及個人等,辦理節能減碳宣導及環境整潔宣導說明會。至今,本計畫共辦理48 場宣導說明會,培訓人次達1,451 人,運用EcoLife 的以及本會環境資訊中心的平台,結合民間團體、熱心義工等社會資源,擴大民間團體與民眾參與,共同消除環境髒亂,完成環境清潔的工作,達到清淨家園的目標此外,截止8 月底,南投縣政府及民間已辦理244 場減碳相關活動,已有15,800 人簽署減碳無悔宣言,佔南投縣人口之2.97%,用電量減少50,534,132 度。 Promote the integration of environmental protection to build multiple-mobilization planning system supervision project-- Nantou County Taiwan Environmental Information Association (TEIA) had conducted the "Promote theintegration of environmental protection to build multiple-mobilization planning systemsupervision project" in Nantou County during 16 February to 30 September 2009 for theEnvironmental Protection Administration. The obligations of this project included (1) tomanage and update the project accomplishment information on the EcoLife Green Blog, (2) torecruit schools, enterprises and local sectors to adopt community environment cleaning,supervision and instant pollution report work, (3) to train the related volunteers to helpTaiwan Environmental Information Association (TEIA) to conduct the "EcoLife PromotionTraining" which focus on promoting energy saving and Carbon Dioxide cutting and the usageand feature of EcoLife Green Blog in the local communities, (4) to train, supervise andevaluate the 44 "environmental clearing and protection assistants" who are university orcollege graduates and hired to support this program at least once per month for 6 months. Fornow, Taiwan Environmental Information Association (TEIA) had held 48 "EcoLife PromotionTraining" with 1,451 participants. Finally, we hope to implement the EcoLife Green Blogplatform to include human resources from government, volunteers and private sectors to makeour environment a clean one to achieve the goal of this project. Besides, until the end ofAugust, Nantou County Government and the communities had held 244 Carbon Dioxidecutting related activities with 15,800 persons to sign the Carbon-Cutting Declaration whichthe population is 2.97% of Miaoli County and had successfully reduced the electric powerconsumption for 50,534,132. 098 毒管處 社團法人台灣環境資訊協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14206
推動建置整合性環保複式動員系統規劃督導計畫-高雄市 自民國98年2月起至9月本計畫全程共6個月,工作項目包括與民眾宣傳整潔美化、節能減碳之重要性,輔導、教導民眾使用「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活 (Ecolife)網」。推展清淨家園複式運動,鼓勵全民做環保。此外本計劃於3月份開課教導、輔導環保署於高雄市所聘請了58位整潔美化助理員,使其了解EcoLife的操作方式並確保他們完成每月所規定之工作項目。78場村里宣導說明會也辦理完成,所有民眾來自459個村里共計超過2295人參加。本計劃案也於計畫期間與高雄市環保局合作辦理相關環境衛生活動,提升環保署「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活 (Ecolife)網」曝光率、使得更多民眾知道、了解並使用EcoLife網,以提升台灣整體生活品質,確保居家周圍環境整潔,以達恬靜居家與寧適環境之目標。 Promote the integration of environmental protection to build multiple-mobilization planning system supervision project-Kaohsiung City This project started from February, 2009 to September, 2009 as total of 6 months. The main tasks of this plan included, promote the importance of creating cleanness environment, energy saving and carbon dioxide emission reduction. It also included propaganda of EcoLife website launched by the Environmental Protection Administration, provide guidance to citizens the use of EcoLife website, and make EcoLife popular and wildly used. Promote the integration of environmental protection to through multiple-mobilization system, encourage everyone put more efforts in environmental protection. Part of this plan included guiding 58 Environmental Supporters hired by Environmental Protection Administration, teaching them how to use EcoLife while making sure they do their job properly. There were a total of 78 speeches done within Kaohsiung City with more than 2295 audients from 459 different villages. Special event for “Earth day” was also held with the collaboration from Bureau of Environmental Protection Kaohsiung City to increase the popularity of EcoLife website, aims to improve the living standard in Taiwan, ensures cleanness of our environment, which creates a great place for us to live. 098 毒管處 中華物業管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=13759
海洋污染防治成效評析及資料庫管理系統功能檢討專案工作計畫 蒐集國際海洋污染防治管制資訊及國際公約最新內容,評析聯合國海洋法公約第十二章內容,分析海洋法公約與海洋污染防治法之差異,提出海洋污染防治法之檢討建議。分析雲林離島工業區內事業許可申報原物料,海域水質檢測結果皆符合甲類海域水質標準。分析國內水質監測資料欄位種類與差異;完成海域水質監測資料建置流程;規劃「測站資料」與「監測資料」工作表,完成32,030筆水質監測資料。完成公私場所利用海洋設施輸送油作業查核表格研擬,完成5場查核。完成海洋污染防治各項許可申請與海洋監測表單規劃及表單填寫說明,規劃表單共10類。完成查核4場次海洋棄置作業,查核結果均符合海洋棄置許可內容。完成海洋棄置區範圍適當性檢討,提出建立選址準則、規範監測項目於許可管理辦法之修正建議。建議我國徵收海洋棄置費方式,提出主管機關執行人力衝擊分析,建議修正「海洋棄置費收費辦法」。完成「99年度海洋污染防治考核計畫」,提出各項考核指標,辦理現地考核作業;提出99年度海洋污染防治考評指標、評分標準及權重表。完成環境敏感指標(ESI)之魚類生物資源調查資料整合示範,充實環境敏感指標之海岸分類資料庫,建置台灣東部海岸分類調查及地理資訊系統圖層。完成油污染調查、ESI分類與現場調查手冊修正建議。蒐集中央與地方政府相關港口污染改善計畫,完成9個港口污染源調查。研擬港口污染改善計畫,並提出港區污染稽查計畫,規劃污染源稽查方式與稽查紀錄表單。辦理一場說明會。建置20噸以上我國船籍港船舶資料共有5984筆資料,完成資料庫查詢船舶廢油污水收受申報資料。完成EEMS海洋污染稽查處分之自動傳輸功能,定時交換EEMS的稽查處分資料。完成「水污染緊急應變通報系統」改版與程式撰寫,系統已上線使用。規劃海洋污染許可及網路申請(報)作業納入「空水廢毒管理資料系統(EMS)」,完成系統架構規劃。分析船舶未申報廢油污水自動篩選機制,納入船舶保險資料查詢系統。更新生物資源、人類利用資源、ESI調查成果。完成15種海運化學品緊急應變支援系統查詢功能。更新系統頁面設計,規劃新增系統功能:新增緊急通報資料的刪除、結報發送E-MAIL、通報/回報/結報案件登錄時間、船舶保險資料查詢。 Project for the review of marine pollution prevention and strategy, renew of information management network This report has gathered the most updated information on international marine pollution control and international conventions. From evaluation on Chapter 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and analysis on the differences between the Law of the Sea and Taiwan’s Marine Pollution Control Act (herein referred to as this Act), recommendations on regulation amendments have been proposed. Analysis on the raw materials specified in the permits of Yulin Offshore Industrial Park. Test results of the marine water quality are in line with Group A marine water quality standards. Various domestic water quality monitoring databases have been analyzed regarding the fields and types of databases in order to create an integrated system and to design worksheets format for the collection of information on monitoring station and monitoring data from various sources. In total, 32,030 sets of data have been transferred to the new integrated database. Check sheets have been developed to audit the public or private premises that use marine facilities to convey oil. This year five of Operation Directions audits have been conducted.Ten types of forms have been designed with detailed instructions for the application of marine pollution control permit and the report of ocean monitoring plan.Four audits of marine dumping activities have been conducted and the results are in line with the marine dumping permits. Marine dumping areas have been adequately reviewed for the amendment recommendations on site selection criteria and the monitoring items on the regulations governing permit applications. It is suggested to collect marine dumping fee after the impact analysis of human resources by the competent authority. Subsequently, the Regulations Governing the Collection of Various Marine Pollution Control Permit Application Fees shall be amended.The 2010 Marine Pollution Prevention Audit Plan was carried out. Auditing criteria have been proposed. In the second stage auditing, on-site inspection was organized. The auditing criteria, benchmarking and associated weighting table are then proposed for next yearly audit plan.Fish is chosen to demonstrate the data integration model for creating biological resource index as one of the Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI). In order to enrich the database of coastline classification in ESI system, an investigation of coastline in eastern Taiwan has been conducted and thematic layers of Geographic Information System (GIS) have been created. The oil pollution investigation process, ESI classification and the manual of shoreline cleanup assessment technique have been reviewed and revised.The pollution improvement plans of ports have been collected from the central and local governments. The investigation of pollution sources of nine chosen ports is completed. Plans to improve port pollution are developed. Audit plans for port pollution is proposed. Auditing method and check sheets have been designed. A discussion meeting has been held. The information of ships of more than 20 tons and of domestic port registration are collected. 5,984 datasets have been established. The database is enriched so that one could check the amount of waste oil and wastewater discharged and received by each ship. The interface of Marine Pollution Control Management System (herein referred to as the Management System) and the Environmental Enforcement Management System (EEMS) is established to send automatically the information of marine pollution audit disposition to EEMS and to obtain regularly the information of audit disposition from EEMS. Water pollution emergency response system has been revised and put on line for use. The system integration framework is proposed to integrate the Management System into the Environmental Management System (EMS). Correlating the information of waste oil and wastewater reported by ship and its associated nationality registry, the system can automatically screen out those who do not report the amount of waste oil and wastewater. The information of each ship’s Marine Hull Insurance is added to the Management System. The ESI thematic layers are updated due to the expansion of biological resources and human-use resources.The marine chemical emergency response supporting system is added to the Management System and can provide information on 15 kinds of chemicals. The interface of the Management System has been redesigned to enhance its functions: addition of emergency notification information delete function, e-mail function of final reports, submitting time of notification, response and final report, as well as the search function of ships’ insurance information. 098 水保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18699
98年度桃園縣空氣品質監測站操作維護計畫 本計畫「98年度桃園縣空氣品質監測站操作維護計畫」以桃園縣政府環境保護局所設於桃園縣境內三民公園、蘆竹國小、內壢國中、新興國小及觀音工業區服務中心等地設置五座空氣品質自動監測站,及七處空氣品質人工監測站,分別位於如大園工業區服務中心、龜山工業區污水處理廠、楊梅圖書館、中壢檢驗科、桃園農工、蘆竹衛生所、內定國小為維護標的。為確保監測數據之可靠性與儀器之穩定性,各監測站依照標準程序進行定期維護保養,如雙週維護、月維護、季維護與年維護,與不定期故障排除與維修,以維持本計畫各站監測儀器之正常運轉;計畫期間並完成儀器功能檢查與測站績效查核等改善作業,以確保儀器持續正常運轉並預防缺失發生。本計畫年度各站監測結果,一氧化碳(CO)濃度以交通測站三民站最高為0.86ppm,一般測站最高為內壢站0.73ppm,最低為蘆竹站0.60ppm;二氧化硫(SO2)監測結果以工業測站觀音站測值為最高(9.3ppb),一般測站最高為蘆竹站7.8ppb,最低為內壢與新興站均為5.0ppb。其餘區域性污染物臭氧(O3)與懸浮微粒(PM10)各站濃度變化相近,O3與PM10濃度均以觀音站居高,其PM10為85μg/m3,O3濃度為25.8ppb,測得PM10濃度最低於三民站為47μg/m3,O3濃度最小為蘆竹站22.5ppb。人工站監測結果與成份分析顯示,以龜山站的TSP為85 μg/m3,硫酸鹽17.6μg/m3,硝酸鹽8.71μg/m3,落塵量17.7 公噸/平方公里/月為最高;近海大園站的氯鹽4.32 μg/m3為最高,交通量大的中壢站所測得的鉛0.447 μg/m3為最高。 本計畫目前使用中之儀器設備有70%皆已超出使用年限、僅30%的儀器設備是在使用年限內;若以儀器狀況來評估,則有76%的儀器設備屬在正常運作、17%的儀器屬於堪用、另7%的儀器設備建議汰舊換新,以新興與三民站建議汰換THC分析儀,而新興與內壢站建議汰換PM10監測儀。 Air Quality Monitoring Site Operation and Maintenance in Taoyuan Country of 2009 The project of “Air Quality Monitoring Site Operation and Maintenance in Taoyuan Country of 2009” aims at five automatic continuing monitoring sites, which are locating in Sam-Ming park, Lu-Chu elementary school, Ne-Li senior high school, Sin-Sing elementary school, Guane-Ine industrial area, the other sites are seven artificial sites including in Da-yuan industrial area, Gui-Shan industrial area, Yun-Mei library, Chung-Li examine department, Taoyuan-Ron school, Lu-Chu sanitation clinic, Nei-Din elementary school. In order to make sure that both reliability of data and stability of instruments, various monitoring stations carry on the work of routine maintenance according to the standard procedure, example for weekly-twice maintenance, monthly maintenance, seasonal maintenance and yearly maintenance along with non-periodical trouble shooting and the recovery service, it is important to keep this project normally work. During this annual period, there are instruments functional checks and the survey station achievements checks and so on the improvement work for guaranteeing the instruments proceeding normally and preventing the flaw occurrence.This annual project for each station monitor results, the carbon monoxide (CO) stands highest as 0.86ppm of Sam-Ming site(traffic site) in all, for ambient monitoring sites stands high as 0.73ppm of Ne-Li site, lowest for 0.60ppm of Lu-Chu site; the sulfur dioxide(SO2) monitor result by the industrial station of Guane-Ine site measured the highest value(9.3ppb), the ambient ones stands high as 7.8ppb of Lu-Chu site, and the lowest for 5.0ppb for Sin-Sing sites. Other regional pollutant as ozone(O3) and suspended particulate matter(PM10) vary closely for each sites. Guane-Ine site measured highest its PM10 as 85μg/m3, O3 as 25.8ppb, lowest value obtained PM10 is 47μg/m3 of Sam-Ming site, the O3 is 22.5ppb on Lu-Chu site. The artificial sites demonstrate monitoring results and ingredient analyses, TSP is 85μg/m3, the sulfate is 17.6μg/m3, the nitrate is 8.71μg/m3, fall-dust is 17.7 ton/km2/month, these value stands for highest of Gui-Shan site; The closed offshore Da-yuan site stands chlorine salt as 4.32μg/m3 for highest, and high traffic flow near Chung-Li site has the lead as 0.447μg/m3 for highest value.The project of this year uses the instruments to have 70% at present all to surpass the service life. If appraised by the instruments condition, then there is 76% to be in the normal operation, 17% belongs serviceable, and 7% instrumentation equipment to suggest in addition selects exchanges old. What suggested to exchange includes in THC analyzer and PM10 monitoring apparatus for Sin-Sing, Ne-Li, and Sam-Ming sites. 098 桃園縣政府環境保護局 國際環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18066
綠色生活資訊網暨環保產品線上採購網行銷推廣計畫 一、規劃、管理及更新綠色生活資訊網站及環保產品線上採購網站。二、利用綠色生活資訊網站及環保產品線上採購網站,推廣行銷環保標章及民間綠色消費相關計畫。 Project on Promotion for Green Procurement through Greenliving Information Platform and Greenmark Product Online Shopping Website 1.Planning Greenliving Information Platform and Greenmark Product Online Shopping Website2.Promotion for Green Procurement through Greenliving Information Platform and Greenmark Product Online Shopping Website 098 管考處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15671
98年度行政院國家永續發展委員會會務運作及推動專案計畫 本報告內容共分為10章,包含計畫目標與效益、發行98年版國家永續發展年報、更新維護國家永續發展資訊網、協助辦理行政院國家永續發展委員會會議庶務、完成2008台灣永續發展指標報告、協助永續會秘書處研擬議案及撰寫背景資料、工作成果、結論與建議及審查意見回覆等主題。本計畫自98年5月26日開始執行,至99年3月底止,共完成國家永續發展中英文網站資料更新、完成2008台灣永續發展指標現況報告、編印98年度國家永續發展年報、辦理國家永續發展獎評選,及永續發展委員會庶務工作協助,彙整專案計畫成果如下:1. 年報編印方面:完成永續發展委員會本身及各分組資料彙整,並對績優學校、企業、民間團體進行專訪,文稿英譯、美編後,編印成冊,寄送至國內外相關單位。2. 網站改版與資料更新方面:完成永續發展委員會資訊網改版及資料更新工作,並加強英文版網頁內容,增加國際永續發展新聞及重要文件、國家永續發展獎等內容,並持續進行網站更新工作。3. 庶務工作:駐署人員於秘書處進行全年度永續會工作協助,包含各次委員會議及工作會議,各項永續會活動,年報資料整理。4. 辦理國家永續發展獎評選:  分為初選、複選及決選三階段。最後評定出11個具實績貢獻之獲獎單位,包括3所學校、3家企業、3個社團以及2個行政單位。5. 完成2008台灣永續發展指標現況報告:協助各部會上網填報指標初始資料、撰寫及編印2008台灣永續發展指標現況報告、蒐集至少五個國家永續發展指標報告,及提供我國永續發展指標修正草案之研析意見。 The Enhancement and Enforcement Project of NCSD Affairs in 2009 This project, lasting from May 2009 to March 2010, accomplished several assignments including the publication of the 2009 Annual Report on National Sustainable Development, publication of 2008 Sustainable Development Indicator Report, maintenance of the National Council for Sustainable Development website, Evaluation of 2009 National Sustainable Development Award and assistance to the work of the Secretariat of the NCSD. The results are summarized below:1. Publication of the Annual ReportInformation was collected from each NCSD working group and interviews were conducted with schools, enterprises, and NGOs with outstanding performance in the area of sustainable development. This information was carefully reviewed, translated and compiled into the 2008 Annual Report. After publication, the report was sent to related domestic and international organizations.2. Web site reorganizing and maintenance:The website has been reorganized and updated with improved English content and more international sustainable development news. Important documents and the Sustainable Development Award page have been added to the web site as well.3. Assistance to the work of NCSD SecretariatEquivalent manpower of one full-time worker was assigned to assist the Secretariat in organizing meetings of the National Sustainable Development Commission and various activities, as well as compiling information for the Annual Report.4. Evaluation of 2009 National Sustainable Development AwardThe event is divided into preliminaries, semifinals, and finals. In the finals, 11 winners are chosen after deliberation among the judges. The winners are made up of three schools, three enterprises, three NGOs and two governmental agencies.5. Publication of 2008 Sustainable Development Indicator ReportAssisting government agencies with uploading raw data of sustainable development indicators, composing and publishing the 2008 Sustainable Development Indicator Report, collecting at least 5 countries' sustainable development indicator reports, and analyzing on the Taiwan Sustainable Development Indicator Revision Draft. 098 永續發展室 惠國顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17748