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遙測科技應用於公害糾紛處理及廢棄物非法棄置蒐證專案工作計畫 台灣地區地狹人稠,資源有限,每當發生重大或突發性公害污染事件,通常必須注意是否會擴大污染範圍,破壞生態環境遭,甚至造成環保抗爭和公害糾紛事件。傳統上,對於此類公害污染事件,大部份是以傳統地面調查的方式進行,通常費時耗工,無法詳細查估。本遙測科技應用於公害糾紛處理專案工作計畫,計畫內容係利用通過臺灣上空的福衛二號、法國SPOT系列衛星以及應用無人低空遙控載具等進行遙測工作。目標為規劃建置遙測科技應用於環境監測調查,並協助公害調查蒐證使用,以有效釐清污染環境責任,及協助損害查估,輔助公害糾紛處理,消弭公害紛爭。 The application of Remote Sensing Technologies to Environmental Protection and Public Dispute Due to limited resource and high density of population in Taiwan, The large-scale pollution normally is accompanied with public dispute and environmental disaster. It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task to perform ground investigation when a large-scale pollution happens. In order to locate the spread areas of the pollution, this study integrates spatial data collection and processing technologies to help collecting evidence of pollution. 101 管考處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45219
光污染防制策略規劃及建置專案工作計畫 目前民眾受到光污染的影響情形日漸嚴重,陳情案件增加,本計畫依據我國國情特性,進行LED螢幕型看板及LED組合式燈閃爍式光源影響因子、量測方法之探討,及量測程序草案研擬,並研提我國閃爍式光污染源防制對策建議。本計畫已完成國際間及國內法規蒐集彙整、科學研究文獻11篇之摘譯分析;完成國內15個縣市民眾陳情案件分析,選定亮度、眩光及閃爍為本計畫研究之光污染因子;完成LED螢幕型看板及LED組合式燈之眩光及閃爍2種量測方法的探討及量測程序草案研擬;完成131點次之亮度、眩光與閃爍量測,並搭配人因實驗結果,得出舒適級數(comfort rating)及閃爍級數(flicker rating)2評價經驗公式,並計算LED組合燈3種閃爍狀態的評價結果;完成2場專家諮詢會議及1場相關機關研商會議;並依據執行結果提出光污染防制相關建議。本計畫相關執行結果說明如下:一、眩光與閃爍量測方法:本計畫建議眩光量測方法,採用影像式亮度量測元件,紀錄待測場景的亮度分佈後,計算統一眩光指數(UGR);另關於閃爍量測方法,建議採用高速照度型光偵測器,紀錄照度隨時間的波形變化後,計算低通閃爍指數(LPFI)。二、眩光與閃爍評價經驗公式:將眩光與閃爍量測結果(統一眩光指數及低通閃爍指數之量測計算結果),搭配人因實驗所得舒適度與閃爍之平均笛波爾(de Bore)分數,得出舒適級數及閃爍級數2經驗公式,該2經驗公式均包含了眩光效應以及閃爍效應之貢獻,建議未來對閃爍式光污染的影響程度評價,可用兩者之一來評估計算即可。三、LED組合燈閃爍狀態的評價:依前述眩光及閃爍量測方法與影響程度評價經驗公式,量測計算閃爍、扇形掃描及放射掃描等3種狀態,其所得之平均舒適級數分別約為 4.9分、8.5分、5.1分,可知扇形掃描狀態較不會易引起民眾不舒適感受。四、有關光污染源防制對策,建議未來可分為行為管制、源頭管制、標準及法規等三個面向來進行。行為管制,可考量進行分區域、分時段及特殊情況等方式之管制;源頭管制,可考量訂定光源設置前之審查相關規定,例如訂定LED廣告看板功能性規格審查項目,確認其規格可以符合分區域、分時段管制規定後才准予設置,設置後,主管機關可查核該廣告看板是否符合申請設置時之規格;至於標準及法規,近期建議依現有法規規定進行廣告招牌之管理,中長期建議制定專法予以管理及管制。五、目前閃爍式光污染主要為LED看板播放動態畫面,以及LED組合燈呈現複雜動態圖案所造成的,建議未來針對彩色靜態畫面、彩色動態畫面,以及複雜圖案的閃爍所造成的閃爍式光污染,進行更深入之研究與探討分析。 Light pollution control strategic planning and build The impact of light pollution on people is become increasingly serious, petition cases also increased, based on the characteristics of conditions of our country, we study the flickering light pollution phenomenon, which include the test methods and impact factors study, and proposed a proposal of light pollution control strategy.In this project, we study 11 international laws and regulations and the scientific literatures, and 13 local laws and regulations, the light pollution appealing cases of 15 cities. We find out, the dominant appealing light sources are LED screens, and the dominant impact factors are dazzle, too bright and flicker, for the light pollution phenomenon. In summary, we will focus on the test methods study of glare and flicker of flickering light pollution. We also complete two expert advisory meetings, one light pollution relevant authorities of government and civil society discussion meeting, two test draft of glare and flicker of LED screen, and complete 128 physical test results of glare and flicker impact of LED screen. Based on the above study, we got a proposal of light pollution control strategy.In our study, we recommend to use image-type luminance measurement device to evaluate the glare induced by flickering light source, and use high speed illuminance-type light detector to record waveform and evaluate the flicker induced by flickering light source. Combine with the human factor experimental results and measuring results of glare and flicker of LED screen, we get comfort rating experienced model and flicker rating experienced model with a score value from one to nine. Both of these models are including glare effect and flicker effect with related weighting factors. Hence, we suggest using one of these models to evaluate the impact of flickering light pollution.In light pollution control recommendations, which can be divided into three categories, they are behavior control, source control, and standards and regulations control. Behavior control can be divided into sub regional control, time-zone control and special circumstances permit. On source control, starting from the set censorship before the light source is disposed; for example, set the LED screens functional specifications requirements to confirm its specifications can meet the sub regional and time-zone control values, authorities may also irregular spot checks to confirm the screens control values set in line with the application. In standards and regulations, use the current standards and regulations to control the light pollution, and revised standards and regulations or build new standards and regulations in long term. In current status, the major flickering light pollution sources are LED screens with motion picture content or LED combo lamps with complex patterns, hence we suggest studying flickering light pollution induced by the complex pattern of LED combo lamp or color images and color motion pictures of LED screen in the near future. 101 空保處 中華民國計量工程學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44572
國內生質燃料的料源調查與應用評估 本計畫針對國內較大宗的生質廢棄物-稻稈及廢棄香菇太空包,建立其做為生質燃料使用時可行性的分析,包含料源收集、處理及應用等模式。目前已完成國內外生質物料源收集、運輸及處理技術等文獻之蒐集,用以評估生質料源於國內應用的可行方案;並選定其一以稻稈為主、當地其他可用生質物為輔之示範區-彰化縣溪州鄉;另一個香菇太空包示範區-台中市新社區,調查香菇太空包木屑用量(含進口量)與廢料流向,於兩個示範區詳細進行料源收集、運輸、造粒與焙燒之成本分析與討論。此外,為使計畫順利進行,計畫執行期間已舉辦三次專家諮詢會議,由計畫主持人邀集相關專家、學者,以不同領域的角度就目前現地調查、技術可行性、經濟可行性等不同面向,提出專業諮詢意見。研究分析後之結果顯示,在兩個示範區建立生質顆粒燃料廠,其生質料源的供應無虞。料源若只經造粒而不焙燒所製成之顆粒燃料,與經焙燒製成之顆粒燃料相比較,其單位成本之熱值較高、而總成本較低,但經過焙燒後之生質燃料熱值可提升至與燃煤相近,相較於未經焙燒之生質物料,其能源密度可提升至原先之1.3倍,且為疏水性,易於保存。目前生質炭之成本雖高於燃煤,但低於燃料油之市場價格,其燃燒時污染排放較使用燃煤及重油為低,將來如果以生質廢棄物轉製之固態生質燃料,可朝向作為小型鍋爐燃料,取代原有重油鍋爐等方向推廣與應用。因此,同時考量成本及熱值,本研究建議不論是造粒或焙燒程序,若能提高產量,則設備成本與人力成本皆會降低,有利於維持生質燃料市場價格競爭力。 Investigation and Evaluation of the Domestic Biomass Resources for Bio-fuel Application The aim of this project is to develop the feasible collection, treatment and application model for two of the most abundant biomass resources - rice straw and wasted shiitake mushroom growth bags, as alternative fuel use. To evaluate feasible solutions for domestic application, referring and sorting out domestic and foreign literatures related to collection, transportation and technologies in treating biomass wastes has been completed. Two demonstration areas for different feedstock have been selected in this project. Xizhou Township, Zhanghua County is selected as the demonstration area, where rice straw will be utilized as major biomass resource mixed with some other local useable biomass wastes. Xinshe District, Taizhong City is selected as the demonstration area for using shiitake mushroom growth bags, which were investigated the quantity of sawdust used (including the imported amount) and the whereabouts of the wastes. Additionally, three expert consulting meetings have been held. From those invited experts and academics, expertise points of views in technical and economic feasibility, and on-site investigation would be helpful in conducting this project. The results showed that supply of the biomass feedstock is able to meet the demand for setting up the manufacturing plant in both demonstration areas. To compare the product for using and no using the torrification when manufacturing, the pellet product without torrification process owns higher heating value per unit cost, and lower total cost. However, the heating value of the torrified product can achieve to a level similar to the fuel coal, its energy density is 30% more than the non-torrified product. Also, its storage is much easier for its hydrophobic characteristics. For the time being, though the cost of biomass charcoal is higher than the fuel coal, it is still lower than the marketing price of the fuel oil and its emitted pollutant is lower than the fuel coal and heavy oil. In the future, if the biomass wastes will be converted to solid biomass fuel, it can be applied as the fuel of the small boiler and substitute the current heavy oil boiler. To consider both the cost and heating value, no matter if it is torrified or not, it is proposed that both primary equipment and labor cost will be significantly decreased if the yield capacity can be increased to certain level, and will be highly competitive in biomass fuel market. 101 環檢所 國立臺灣大學生物能源研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41464
車輛二氧化碳排放管制計畫 彙整與探討國外車輛二氧化碳排放數據及管制策略,了解國外技術與法規趨勢,並參考國外管制架構,提出國內車輛未來可行之減量策略方針。另調查國內小客車自願性減量協議簽署廠商近三年減碳成效,估計透過協議簽署已減少36,151噸CO2排放,汎德、台灣賓士及和泰汽車均已提前達到15%的減量目標。考量國際上車輛二氧化碳排放管制多已訂立強制性法規,首先在基礎參數部分,蒐集國內新車數據進行線性車重及覆蓋足跡比較分析,考量國內現況,建議未來強制性法規以車重參數為基礎,未來視國內產業及國際現況進行調整。其次為避免新車二氧化碳管制標準實施後,現今雙軌制測試程序會造成管制上的不一致性,廠商也可無須額外測試造成成本負擔,選定28輛小貨車進行歐盟及美國測試程序轉換係數研究,研究結果顯示轉換係數不隨著不同排氣量等級、是否使用渦輪增壓裝置及油品類別而有所差異,數值約介於1.04~1.30之間,建議轉換係數以單一數值做為基準,即NEDC_CO2= FTP_CO2×1.15 。透過兩場專家座談會的舉辦,提出小貨車二氧化碳排放管制標準(草案),方案(一)建議加嚴車輛容許耗用能源管理辦法;方案(二)建議納入整廠總量管理概念,設定2015年需達205g/km之國家目標,且可考量透過兩階段斜率與納入相關彈性措施,舒緩廠商衝擊。最後透過國際期刊投稿,說明國內近年車輛二氧化碳管制政策,除可提升國際能見度外,並宣示我國持續推動車輛二氧化碳管理之決心。 Setting vehicle CO2 emission regulations and control strategies This project has completed the following objectives: collected foreign countries’ vehicle test data on CO2 emissions; surveyed current available energy saving technologies and CO2 control strategies in the world; took the trends of regulatory frameworks being implemented by advance countries as basis to propose future vehicle CO2 emissions reduction strategies in Taiwan.Current investigations show that BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Hotai Motor of the Voluntary Agreement signees have achieved their targets of 15% CO2 reduction. Through the Voluntary Agreements, about 36,151 tons of CO2 reduction has been accomplished in recent three years.Considered the linear vehicle mass in Europe and footprint in US were used as control parameter units for their mandatory CO2 emissions standards, the advantages and weakness were the discussion topics for two experts meetings held by this project. Take current conditions of vehicle industry in Taiwan into consideration, the linear vehicle mass based CO2 emissions standards are more viable, and may be adjusted in the future if conditions of vehicle industry have changed. Two different vehicle CO2 emission standards were being proposed in this project. The first one is to set more stringent vehicle fuel economy standards, and the second one is to adopt corporate average emission standards, in which the average 205g/km of CO2 emissions from new light duty trucks (under 2,500 kg), vans, and SUVs was set as our national target to be achieved by 2015. Two slopes for the control target lines and flexible measures were provided to mitigate impacts on manufacturers.Both the EU and the US test driving cycles are recognized in Taiwan, to avoid inconsistent of the two test procedures and not to add burdens on manufacturers, this project tested 28 light duty trucks (under 2,500 kg), vans, and SUVs, performed best fit of the test results to get conversion factors between the two driving cycles. The results show that the conversion factors for light duty trucks (under 2,500 kg), vans, and SUVs with different engine sizes were between 1.04 and 1.30, the effect of turbo charge and fuel types were not relevant. A single conversion factor of 1.15 is proposed to be used as shown in the following formula: NEDC_CO2= FTP_CO2*1.15.Finally, to increase Taiwan’s international visibility and declare our determination to reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles, this project has submitted its execution summary report to an international journal and expects to be published in the future. 101 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45971
101年環保施政意向暨各級環保機關執行公害陳情處理案件滿意度調查 本計畫為瞭解民眾對我國環境品質之感受、環保施政措施認同度及對各級環保機關公害陳情處理之滿意程度,以供釐訂政策及提升服務品質之參考,除循例於計畫期間內辦理2次環保施政意向調查(以下簡稱意向調查)及1次公害陳情處理滿意度調查(以下簡稱公害陳情調查)。 第1次意向調查,係為瞭解民眾對我國環境品質的感受,於本(101)年4月20日至5月9日進行電話訪問。採分層比例抽樣法抽取樣本,完成有效樣本5,880人,在95%的信心水準下,抽樣誤差在1.3個百分點以內。調查結果顯示:三成四的民眾最近一年曾遭受過戶外空氣污染的困擾,主要污染源為機動車輛排放廢氣或白煙;三成一的民眾最近一年曾遭受過噪音的困擾,主要噪音污染源為交通噪音;二成六的民眾對河川水質表示有改善;6項一次性物品的使用或行銷方式以一次用飲料杯所造成環境負擔最嚴重;5項環境衛生問題改善程度以棄置垃圾包及違規張貼或噴漆廣告改善最多;七成五的民眾對於全球暖化的關心程度較過去一年增加;八成九的民眾表示願意配合每週選擇一日以本土當季蔬果取代肉食,以減少二氧化碳排放;約半數的民眾知道土壤或地下水一旦遭受汙染該土地所有人須負起復育整治責任及在購買土地前應注意土地品質和地下水污染情形;7項環境品質及環保措施成效中,以資源回收成效(91.3%)的滿意度最高;六成二的民眾對環保署過去一年推動環保工作的表現表示滿意。 第2次意向調查,係為瞭解民眾對各項已推動或將推動之環保措施之贊同程度,於本年10月8日至10月27日進行電話訪問。採分層比例抽樣法抽取樣本,完成有效樣本5,676人,在95%的信心水準下,抽樣誤差在1.3個百分點以內。調查結果顯示:6項環境永續槪念的平均認同度為4.43分,以「環境保護,人人有責」4.67分最高;15項環保署已推動的環保措施,平均知悉率為66.2%(以「推廣使用低污染車輛」及「鼓勵民眾回收生活用水及使用省水標章產品」86.2%最高),平均贊同率為94.1%(以「鼓勵民眾主動維護住家環境及檢舉環境髒亂」97.1%最高 );9項正規劃的環保政策平均支持率為90.6%,以「推動環境整潔綠美化」97.4%、「制定溫室氣體減量法」94.5%及「國內大型醫院列為室內空氣品質管理法之公告場所」94.3%等3項支持率居前3位;七成三的民眾對目前住家附近環境整潔表示滿意;五成七民眾對環保署過去一年推動環境保護工作的表現感到滿意。 公害陳情調查,為了瞭解100年10月至101年9月向各級環保機關陳情公害污染案件之民眾對陳情處理之滿意度,於本年6月10日至6月17日及10月15日至10月22日進行電話訪問。依陳情案件類別比例進行隨機抽樣,完成有效樣本各為3,146人,調查結果顯示:陳情案件污染類別以「噪音」(32.3%)較多,陳情時段以「日間(6-20時)」(73.0%)較多,提供給環保單位的陳情資訊以「污染地點」(98.7%)較多,陳情管道以「電話」(89.9%)較多;九成的陳情人對陳情專線電話接聽人員服務態表示滿意,八成二的陳情人對網路陳情服務表示滿意;七成四的陳情人表示環保人員會依據所提供的資訊前往陳情現場勘察;二成的陳情人會同環保人員至陳情案件現場實際稽查,七成八的陳情人對到場處理時效表示滿意,八成一的陳情人對到場處理環保人員服務態度表示滿意,六成八的陳情人對到場處理環保人員的專業能力表示滿意;四成的陳情人有要求環保機關回復處理情形,其中有七成六陳情人表示環保機關回復處理情形方以「電話」回復為主;八成八的陳情人對環保機關回復處理結果的態度表示滿意,八成的陳情人對環保機關回復處理情形的速度表示滿意;四成二的陳情人對陳情案件處理的結果表示滿意,五成三表示不滿意,不滿意原因以「污染情形未改善」比率最高(82.3%);四成六的陳情人會再針對同一個陳情原因一再陳情;陳情人認為環保機關在處理公害陳情需要提供的服務或改進事項主要為「要依法辦理並加強公權力之行使」(37.8%),其次為「對陳情案件應不定時複查」(37.7%)及「對陳情案件應持續追蹤」(36.6%)。 The Environmental Protection Administration conducted three surveys in 2012 to evaluate and understand the following from the public: their impressions about the current environmental quality, identification extent with the environmental protection measures, and satisfaction of nuisance petition. The findings of the surveys are to be used as reference for EPA policies of the future. EPA conducted the two surveys about the policy perception to the citizen aged 20 and above. The first second of this series was undertaken by use of phone calls during the period from April 20 October 8 to May 9 October 27, 2012. A total of 5,880 5,676 valid samples were collected, using a stratified random sampling method, under a confidence interval of 95%, with a sampling error within 1.3 percentage point.The first of this series was concerned with the public’s reception. It was to understand the feelings of satisfaction to comply with the policy the residents. The Findings of the Surveys:1. Over the last year, 33.8% of the public reported having been bothered by air pollution, with the main source coming from exhaust gas or white smoke emissions released by motor vehicle (41.4%) and from exhaust gas discharged from factories (21.3%). About 31.1% respondents they had been annoyed by noise over the last year, with the main source from traffic (33.8%). In addition, 25.6% respondents a feeling that the water quality of rivers been improved.2. The public held the view that the use or marketing of six items – plastic bags, single-use drinking cups, paper tableware, single-use washroom supplies, excessive packing of products, and moving advertisements -- exerted negative effects on the environment, with the severity of the problem falling between 3.3 and 3.9 (with 5 being the most serious and 1 the least serious). Among the six, the single-use drinking cups were regarded as the greatest burdens on the environment.3. The public were of the opinion that the improvement level of five environmental sanitation problems – disorderly dumping of garbage, discarding of garbage bags, posting or painting advertisements against regulations, outdoor dog waste being not cleared away, and filthy public lavatories – fell between 3.4 and 3.7 (5 representing the highest while 1 the lowest in the improvement degree). Among the five, conditions of the discarding of garbage bags and the posting or painting advertisements against regulations had improved most noticeably.4. Compared with the previous year, 75.2% of the public expressed greater concern about global warming. At least 88.6% of them indicated willingness to help reduce emissions of CO2 by eating seasonal local vegetables instead of meat one day per week. 5. About half of the public said they realized the fact that the owner of the land had to take responsibility for recovery and renovation once the soil or underwater was contaminated. They also acknowledged that they should check soil quality and groundwater pollution prior to land purchase.6. Concerning achievements in the following seven environmental protection areas: – resources recycling, garbage disposal, comfortable residential environments, adequate sanitation, including greenery and beautification, quality of drinking water, quality of outdoor air, and energy conservation, including carbon emission reduction – resource recycling were given the highest satisfaction level at 91.3%, respectively. The lowest satisfaction level went to energy conservation (including carbon emission reduction) at 55.9%.7. 62.4% of the public expressed satisfaction with the performance of the EPA over the last year. In comparison with the result produced in October 2011, the latest satisfaction rate went down by 1.7 percentage points but went up by 4.7 percentage points compared with the outcome yielded in April-May 2011.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The second of this series is about the policy perception of environmental protection. It aims to assess the approval level and degree of desire for support from citizens of environmental protection measures under way or to be introduced. The Findings of the Surveys:1. The average level of identification of the public with the idea of environmental sustainability in six categories stood at 4.43 points, with the category advocating responsibility for all in environmental protection gaining the highest score, registering at 4.67 points.2. The average awareness rate of the 15 environmental protection measures undertaken by the Environmental Protection Administration was 66.2%. Of the 15, the highest rate, 86.2%, went to these two items -- promotion of the use of low pollution vehicles as well as encouragement to recycle water for daily life uses and to use products with water conservation logo. The average approval rate of the 15 measures was 94.1%, with the highest rate of 97.1% going to the item calling for the public to actively protect the household environment and inform against environmental disorders.3. As for the nine environmental protection policies under planning, the average approval rate was 90.6%, with the three highly favorable items going respectively to promotion of clean and green beautification for the environment (97.4%), development of method for measuring greenhouse gas reduction (94.5%), and designation of large hospitals as the site for making public ways to control indoor air quality (94.3%).4. About 73% of the public expressed satisfaction with the cleanliness of the current living environment near home.5. About 57% of the public expressed satisfaction with the performance of the Environmental Protection Administration over the past year in pushing forward the environmental protection work.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This nuisance petition survey aims to understand from October 2011 to September 2012, the environmental protection authorities at all levels of pollution in cases of pollution to petition the public, on the petition dealing with the satisfaction. Telephone polls were conducted from June 10 to June 17 and from October 15 to October 22, 2012. A total of 3,146 valid samples were collected, using a stratified random sampling method, under a confidence level of 95%, with a sampling error within 1.7 percentage points. Findings of the survey:1. Among the public nuisances stated by the public, 32.3% fell into the category of “noise,”higher in percentage point in comparison with other items. Most of the complaints, or 73.0%, were made during the daytime (6 am to 8 pm), and were concerned about pollution sites (98.7%), with 89.9% being lodged through phone calls. 2. About 90% of the people voicing the complaints expressed satisfaction with the courtesy shown by those responsible for answering phone calls of annoyance reports .Nearly 82.1% of the people making the complaints expressed satisfaction with the courtesy shown by those responsible for handling online annoyance reports.3. About 74% of the people filing the complaints said that representatives of environmental protection agencies would go to the sites of the reported public nuisances in accordance with the information they received. And 20% of the complaint makers would accompany the representatives to the sites for inspection, among whom 78% said they were happy about the courtesy demonstrated by the environmental protection officials and 68% said they were satisfied with the professional skills the official possessed in dealing with the complaints. 4. More than 40% of the people bring the complaints asked environmental protection agencies to reply as to how they had handled the complaints. Among the 76%, 88% said they were happy. For those who had requested the agencies to respond, 60% said they received reports of the results through phone calls from the agencies. As a whole, 80% of the complaint makers expressed satisfaction with the number of dates the agencies spent on answering the complaints. 5. At least 42% of the people lodging the complaints said they were satisfied with the results t of their reports being handled, with the highest dissatisfaction degree, or 53%, went to the pollution they reported being not properly reduced. 6. More than 46% said they would re-lodge the complaints again and again to the authorities concerned. 7. They also listed the following items for the environmental protection organizations to improve: Handling complaints in accordance with law and enhancing the enforcement of government authority, the highest at 37.8%; continuing to re-exam the complaints on an irregular basis , the second highest in percentage point 37.7%; and continuing to track the reported complaintsat at 36.6%. 101 統計室 異視行銷市場調查股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41004
101年桃園縣南崁溪及老街溪等流域水污染源科學稽查管制計畫 桃園縣水污染來源為生活污水及工廠廢水,縣內工廠規模變異大且家數多,故所排放之污染物種類與數量差異也亦大。礙於環保機關檢驗及查核人力有限、經費短缺、事業單位非法偷排手法日異翻新,使得稽查取締非法偷排行為的工作更加困難,故本計畫援用可行之科學儀器設備協助蒐證方式,以分擔查核所需人力及物力,提昇稽查效率,降低本縣河川污染負荷,改善河川水質。本計畫已完成18家事業之初評前現勘及現場初評作業,所有事業均出現廢水處理流程與許可不符合的情況,已依評鑑委員之意見建議業者進行許可變更與功能改善;在已完成103家許可深度查核事業中,其中有63家事業不符合法令規範的情形,佔103家查核對象61%;其次是不符合許可事項的有51家,佔總查核家數之50%;而設備維護不良與疑似有繞流排放行為者,各有15家與佔總查核家數之15%,本計畫已彙整事業相關缺失,並依缺失嚴重程度排列優先順序,提送至環保局,環保局依提供之名單完成告發處分31家;本計畫執行期間已利用水質連續監測儀器、管內檢視錄影器、3G無限網路攝影機等設備協助環保局查獲30件暗管及重大水污染事件,無主暗管已由本計畫完成封閉,後續將持續協助環保局查獲違法廠商,以杜絕事業單位進行水體之污染;在水源區養豬拆除補償戶巡查作業,24家養豬拆遷補償戶皆已停養或已變更地目另作他用。本計畫已完成第二季11座工業區或園區日、夜間雨水道放流口與廢水處理廠放流口水質監測工作,101年第二季與水道巡查與監測工作共發現18件許可放流口及37件雨水道放流口水質異常事件,許可放流口水質年合格率為86.3%,雨水道水質年合格率為95.2%,現場均立即告知工業區服務中心人員,使工業區服務中心能立即以查證權進行污染源追蹤與處理,並將現場狀況回報環保局,後續將持續追蹤異常水質之雨水道,並協助追蹤污染源,比較近三年本縣各工業區雨水道監測合格率,合格率維持在95%上下。為獎勵各列管工業區做好自主管理工作及區內事業污染查證工作,本計畫已完成訂定101年度「工業區或園區下水道管理機構水污染自主管理獎勵辦法」,並完成辦理本年度第2季與第3季工業區或園區自主管理成效會議,與各工業區討論列管案件之執行情形及進度。本計畫已於大坑缺溪流域竹科龍潭園區放流口、大坑缺橋、平鎮工業區放流口及平鎮一號橋等四處建置天羅(監視器)及地網(水質自動連續監測器)河川污染監測預警蒐證系統,現場監測數據透過有線或無線方式傳至接收伺服器,環保局可隨時監控河川水質及重大污染源廢水排放情形,並能在水質異常時以手機簡訊通報環保單位,藉以提高稽查品質及對業者進行遏阻。系統建置後2週本計畫辦理第一場系統使用操作教育訓練,加強人員對於設備運用的熟悉度。截至11月底天羅地網系統共監測到21筆異常通報事件,主要為平鎮工業區雨水放流口(RD01)排出大量泡沫廢水、大坑缺橋下方出現大量異常黃褐色河水及龍科園區營建工地排放未妥善處理之逕流廢水至大坑缺溪,本計畫人員在接獲異常簡訊後,立即通報環保局,並運用移動式天羅地網系統追蹤污染源,成功協助查獲7處重大污染源。本計畫每二星期至少進行1次水質自動連續監測器維護保養校正工作,並做成維護保養校正紀錄,以確保水質儀器設備水質分析之合理性、準確性、即時性。 Water Pollution Scientific Investigation and Management on Nan Kang River and Lao Jie River Project, 2012 The main water pollution sources can be classified into household sewage and industrial wastewater. The ultimate resolution to household sewage is the construction of sewage system which directs all sewage from each house to sewage treatment plant before discharging into the rivers. Furthermore, Industrial wastewater management will require measures from government bodies such as discharge and permit audit, wastewater treatment facility inspection, and consultation to the management of wastewater. Due to the insufficient of funding, resources and technologies, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Taoyuan County (TYEPB) has initiated the Water Pollution Scientific Investigation and Management on Nan Kang River and Lao Jie River Project to invite consulting bodies to assist in water pollution prevention businesses.The performance of major tasks in the project and the execution results are stated as follows:The project had established a group of specialists to undertake 18 wastewater treatment facilities (WTF) functional inspections and to provide pragmatic suggestions for the management of WTF. The project had completed onsite in-depth water pollution permit audit and investigation to 103 factories. Among those 103 factories, 63 factories fall short of Water Pollution Act, 51 factories’ WTF processes or operations did not meet their water pollution prevention permit, and 15 factories were suspected to have illicit discharge. The project had recorded the investigation results, and filed to the TYEPB. The TYEPB had taken necessary administration actions to accuse and fine 31 factories. In addition, the project had successfully implemented scientific instruments such as automatic water quality monitoring system, 3G video surveillance camera and LED inner pipe recording facility in the investigation of 30 illicit discharges. All the illicit discharges had been removed and their owners were fined and forced to improve their WTF.In order to monitor the storm drainages water quality of industrial zone or park, a total of 62 sites with 756 points of water quality sampling were executed. It was found that the overall pass rate of WTF discharges of 11 industrial zones were 86.3%, and the overall pass rate of storm drainage of all industrial zone were 95.2%. The project had forwarded the abnormal sampling analysis results to associated industrial zone service center to allow improvement on wastewater treatment efficiency. In addition to industrial zone wastewater management, the project had conducted three industrial zone self-management conferences in May, September, and December of 2012 to encourage industrial zone service center placing more efforts and attentions in water pollution prevention of industrial zone.Furthermore, the project had implemented Skynet water pollution monitoring system on Da Keng Chue Creek. In the first stage of execution, the project had conducted a thorough investigation on the water quantity and quality of the creek and based on the surveyed information to select four sites for the fixed Skynet water pollution monitoring system installation. The second stage was to successfully install 4 monitoring sites at Long Tang Technology Park wastewater discharge, Da Keng Chue Bridge, Pingjhen Industrial Zone discharge, and Pingjhen Bridge. The main functions of the Skynet included 1. continuously water quality monitoring, the substance of monitoring were pH, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Electrical Conductivity and Suspended Solid; 2. river water environment 24hrs surveillance monitoring; 3. abnormal water quality message warning. The third stage of the project was to conduct two user training sessions to allow users familiarizing the functions of the system. The Skynet water monitoring system was continuously in operation for 6 months, and was routinely maintained fortnightly. Throughout the operation, the system had detected 21 abnormal incidents. In follow up of those abnormalities, the project had applied mobile Skynet water pollution monitoring systems in the investigation of the pollution resources. The project had successfully determined seven water pollution sources and forwarded to the TYEPB to take legal actions against the polluters. 101 桃園縣政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42511
101年度綠色消費宣導及民間綠色採購推動專案工作計畫 行政院環保署、直轄市及縣市環保局自96年起推動「民間企業與團體實施綠色採購計畫」,結合工廠、公司、非營利組織、旅館飯店、醫院、私立學校、宗教團體、社區組織等力量共同辦理,以創造綠色商機及降低交易成本為誘因,期望將供應端、銷售端及消費端三方契合串連,並藉由教育宣導提昇全民對綠色消費的認同及環保標章的認識,進而優先採購環保產品,達成經濟與環保雙贏,發揮環境預防功能,讓全民享有健康安全的生活環境。本計畫100年度執行成果包括:(1)於環保署綠色生活資訊網開設綠色商店系統及辦理績優「連鎖型」及「社區型」綠色商店表揚活動,並輔導、鼓勵逾10,995家合法賣場登錄為綠色商店,取得使用綠色商店標誌,公布店內販售環保、節能、省水等標章之產品種類,提供民眾查詢,就近購買。(2)建立推動綠色消費人才庫,目前登錄種子人員627人,協助查核綠色商店及深入社區、企業、學校、機關推廣綠色消費,共計辦理1,695場次之推廣活動。(3)全台共有182家旅宿業者簽署同意參與綠行動傳唱計畫,並達到5萬4千人次民眾熱情參與,共同支持住宿旅宿自攜盥洗用具的綠行動方案(4)輔導企業、團體及民眾實施綠色採購,金額逾167億元。(5)辦理1屆企業環保座談會,共有664家民間企業及團體簽署綠色採購同意書。為延續過去民間綠色消費推動成果及擴大其成效,特規劃本(101)年度工作項目、執行內容及評比考核等相關事宜,並以「綠色消費與生活」為主軸,辦理500大企業輔導、輔導婚紗(顧)業者參與低碳婚禮、輔導旅宿業者參與綠行動傳唱計畫,進而申請環保旅館、輔導餐飲業者落實環境管理,進而申請環保小吃、結合綠色商店行銷活動及地方特色活動,宣導綠色消費及生活指引手冊、依據綠色商店設置規範,清查社區型綠色商店及抽查連鎖型綠色商店之綠色商品陳列情形、調查綠色商品仿冒情形及各類環保標章品及非環保標章商品之價格,及辦理綠色生活及消費相關系列活動,以期提昇國民綠色消費正確概念,進而帶動綠色採購,創造綠色商機。 Advocating Green Consumption and Promoting Green Procurement The objective of this project, Advocating Green Consumption and Promoting Green Procurement designed to collaborate with private enterprises, organizations, stores, volunteers, school and institutions, hotel and lodging industry, wedding houses and catering business etc., is to raise campaign for consuming products and services with Green Mark and living with elegant simplicity. In line with the themes of “Let’s go LOHAS” and “Get discount of going green”, the outcome of implementation is summarized as follows:(1)Holding 3 kick-off meetings for the “Project on taking in green procurement among private enterprises and organizations”;(2)Counseling 1,310 private companies on promoting green life and consumption. There are 196 enterprises signed an agreement of green purchasing, and the amount of green procurement is claimed to be NTD 660 million;(3)Assisting private sectors to log in the green products containing with 1,370 characteristics in total;(4)Conducting 10 sessions of “Advocating Eco labeling events”, which drew attendee of 28,775;(5)Holding 6 promoting events of “Going Green” coordinated with Zojirushi Taiwan and UFO Network, which broadcasted content of “Advocating Eco labeling” and made clear of the essence to the audience of 18 million people;(6)Holding 5 press conferences relevant to “Green Life and Consumption” and carrying 112 media coverage;(7)Counseling 449 enterprises consisted of hotel and lodging industry, wedding houses and catering business etc. to promote “Green Life and Consumption”, and assisting 16 newly-wed couples to take green wedding well in place;(8)Conducting “Green Wedding Exhibition” for 3 consecutive days, which is recognized as sensational promotion drawn more than 12,000 people visited. 101 管考處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45504
檢討廢棄物非法棄置案件問題並撰寫管理策略 101 廢管處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=52175
香港樂活博覽2012活動展示攤位設計規劃工作計畫 一、 展覽時間,地點(一) 展覽地點:香港會議展覽中心3G展廳。(二) 展出時間:102年2月10日(星期五)~2月12日(星期日)。(三) 進場時間:102年2月09日(星期四) 共10小時。 下午2點到晚上12點前依規畫施工佈置完成。(四) 展場面積:6Mx6M=36M。(五) 參展單位:(1) 行政院環境保護署(場地面積:2個攤位3Mx3M)。 二、 展攤規劃、設計:(一) 展攤視覺形象規劃設計。(二) 依本署各權責單位提供參展內容(含文字說明及實體物件),規劃設計展攤佈置方式、並完稿輸出展示掛軸、立牌、桌牌、拼圖、說明牌、五大標章舉牌等等。三、 展攤佈置施工:(一) 展體硬體工程(投射燈)之施作及配置。(二) 展攤基本設施(含展示桌、折椅、垃圾桶等)配置及佈置。(三) 場佈時間為102年2月09日(星期四)下午2點至晚上12點。四、 展攤維護及清理:(一) 需提交展攤佈置完工、展覽期間照片之光碟片乙份。 Lohas expo 2012 event booth design in HK Explore the Lifestyles Of Health And Sustainability in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Hall 3G.10-12 February 2012. 101 管考處 聯動行銷股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=35600
兩岸環保服務業交流平臺專案工作計畫 近年來國際環保趨勢已由地區性擴大為全球性,污染防治技術亦由過去單純之管末處理,發展朝向污染預防的整體改善,隨著貿易與環保爭端的增加,「環保議題之技術性貿易障礙」顯示「企業環保商機化」時代已來臨,目前國際之趨勢為推動「永續產業發展」,因此如何配合「永續發展」來調整推動整個國家的產業結構,並進而提升產業競爭力,以因應綠色產業的世界潮流,成為當前最重要的課題。有鑒於大陸產業發展迅速,而所面對的空氣污染、水污染、廢棄物處理、生態保育、低碳與綠色產業等問題亦日趨嚴重。中國大陸環保產業發展隨著經濟腳步同時發展,「十二五」規劃中亦著重強調節能減排與環境保護。十二五規劃是中國大陸結構轉型的關鍵時期,以內需平衡出口帶動經濟成長的策略,為台商帶來許多商機。依WTO 服務貿易承諾規定,大陸於2002年已開放環境保護服務業進入大陸市場,國內亦准許陸資企業進入臺灣市場,惟雙方均有相關法規制度及商業競爭限制,致使環境保護服務業進入大陸市場困難重重。「兩岸環保服務業交流平臺」係一資訊整合的交流平臺,先藉由資料蒐集分析、交流互訪、研討協商等程序,了解業者進入大陸市場的現況、投資意願及障礙,最終再至ECFA服務貿易協議,以期能協助業者拓展大陸市場。 Cross-strait environmental services industry exchange platform International trend of environmental protection in recent years has grown from a regional expansion into a global, pollution control technologies from the past simple of pipe end processing, development of overall improvement towards pollution prevention, with the increase in trade and environmental disputes, "environmental issues of technical barriers to trade" display "corporate environmental opportunity" era has arrived, the current international trend to promote "sustainable industrial development", so how " Sustainable development "to adjust the industrial structure of the whole country, and in turn, improve industrial competitiveness, in response to world trends of green industries, become the most important issue.In view of the rapid development of the mainland industries, and the air pollution, water pollution, waste disposal, ecological conservation, low-carbon and green industry is becoming a serious problem. Development of environmental protection industry as the pace of economic development in mainland China, the "12th Five-Year Plan " also emphasizes energy conservation and environmental protection. Twelve-Five planning is the key to restructuring in mainland China, to domestic demand to balance export-led economic growth strategy, many opportunities for Taiwanese businessmen.According to WTO commitments on trade in services provisions, in the 2002 open environmental protection services into the mainland market in mainland, domestic land-funded enterprises, would also be allowed to enter Taiwan market, subject to the relevant regulations and commercial competition both limits, resulting in difficulties in environmental protection services into the mainland market. "Environmental protection services across the Taiwan Strait Exchange platform" of a communication platform for the integration of information, through data collection, analysis, exchange of visits and seminars consultation procedures, understanding of the status of the workers entered the mainland market, investment and obstacles and eventually to the ECFA agreement on trade in services, with a view to assist industry to develop the mainland market. 101 綜計處 財團法人環境永續發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44593
環境用藥及病媒防治管理執行計畫 本計畫分為三大部分,年度完成的重點工作如下:完成蒐集歐盟、歐洲國家、美國及亞洲地區環境用藥相關管理規定之評析;本年度完成收集環境用藥管理資訊共計11個國家,包含管理法規、管理背景、架構及許可管理制度等資料,同時進行各國資料與我國管理規範評析比較,如:禁用有效成分、申請規費、地理環境等,針對國際法規完成10項制度建議,重點建議:研擬陶斯松逐步減量政策、導入低風險審理制度、建立類似英國「暴露事件通報」等。辦理環境用藥安全使用及病媒防治宣導與安全使用網站資料更新及維護;在宣導面完成製作數位學習10個單元共計100分鐘宣導片、30秒廣告及燈箱廣告10幅,網站維護部分進行7個節慶版頭置換,環境用藥宣導網站累計至101年12月28日止,瀏覽人次約34,000人。辦理環境用藥應用及病媒防治技術研討會;完成辦理2012年環境用藥應用及病媒防治技術研討會,與會專家學者、環境用藥業者與民眾共計123人次參與,並於會後辦理一場次圓桌會議,提出制度改善建議報告。 The project can be divided into three parts, and the following shows the annual achievements:The regulations of environmental agents control in EU, European countries, American, and Asia areas have been collected and accessed. The information on environmental agents control has been collected from 11 countries, including control regulations, control background, frame, and permission control regulations. Meanwhile, the comparison and assessment between other countries and domestic control regulations have been done, including no active ingredient, application fees, and geographical environment. Additionally, focusing on the international laws, 10 suggestions on the regulations have been proposed, mainly including the study on the policy of gradual decreasing using of the Chlorpyrifos, the implementation on low-risk audit regulations, the establishment of the reporting similar to the Exposure Event Report in UK.The safety use on environmental agents and the promotion on disease prevention have been done, and the safety use of website information has been updated and maintained. On the promotion aspect, 10 units of digital learning have been created, including 100 minutes promotion clips, 30 seconds advertisements, and 10 light box advertising. On the website maintenance, 7 holiday banner versions have been changed accordingly, and about 34,000 browsing people have visited until November 29, 2012.The conference on the application of environmental agents and disease prevention has been held in 2012. There are 123 participants in the conference, including experts, scholars, environmental agent enterprises, and the public. In addition, a post-conference round table discussion was held, providing suggestions on regulation improvement. 101 毒管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44981
強化毒性化學物質管理暨流向追蹤計畫 藉助本計畫重新改寫毒化物管理系統,並藉助資訊化管理、勾稽及現場查核作業,有效掌握毒化物流向,且為解決環保管理人力不足的問題,共計派駐23位專業環保人才補足環保署及環保局的人力、針對原有的稽查方式無法發現流向的問題共計訪查500家來擴大稽查成效。 Promotion of the Toxic Chemical Substances Institutions and Flow Tracking Management Project This year the project has focused on the following six main aspects:Scheme plan: Establish relevant measures of anti-abuse scheme. In the aspect of flow tracking, propose solutions to cases raising false alarms and set up standard procedures as well as the checklist of on-site inspection. In the aspect of delivery management, select substances classified as the first, second, and third kinds of toxic chemicals with relatively high risks of delivery and propose nine suggestions based on the analysis of domestic and foreign regulations governing high risk delivery management.Value-added system: This project has created the renewed application form of toxic chemicals, provided on-line services of the fourth toxic substance application, improved the auditing of toxic chemicals, and offered the operation record of multiple applications. After the system was advanced, the number of customer complaints has dropped by 96%. Besides, environmental protection administrations have approved of the advanced system by 90%. Archive check: To improve the accuracy of archive, the project has checked the 8,012 applications submitted between 2008 and 2012, the validity of 6,535 certificates, and 564 virtual certificate numbers thoroughly. It is expected that local environmental protection administers may avoid making mistakes of auditing effectively.System integration: This project has completed the integration with Environmental Management System (EMS) in terms of single sign on, national electronic signature, and five municipality e-payment services. The operation of single sign on shall improve the confirmation of base line data and meet the policy demand of electronic signature completely.Staff management: 23 personnel have been assigned to all competent authorities to conduct interior audit and the average score of these two terms of auditing reaches 95. Besides, national toxic chemical audit team was established and the cases it completed auditing have increased by 11,219 more than last year. In addition, the cases of auditing were 10,501, with 160 of them being penalized. Apparently, the audit team has brought about the trend of auditing among national environmental protection administrations. Campaign and workshop: 18 campaigns have been conducted so far, including issues of toxic chemicals, environmental agents, the Class C designated personnel workshop, relevant regulations, and system operations. Participants of campaign have approved of these events by more than 80%. Besides, this project has assisted local environmental protection administrations to organize 28 campaigns, with the satisfaction rate of more than 90%. 101 毒管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45440
兩岸病媒防治環保服務業資訊交流計畫 基於世界貿易組織(WTO)基本原則,透過簽署「海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協定」,以進一步增進雙方的貿易與投資之合作機制,因而建立兩岸病媒防治環保服務業資訊交流平臺。已完成之工作內容如下:一、研究目前病媒防治業進入兩岸市場之實際情況。二、研究病媒防治業進入兩岸市場的投資障礙、困境,提出建議對策。三、瞭解大陸地區病媒防治相關管理法規(含中央、地方之法令規定),並與臺灣地區法規對照及進行分析比較,並隨時更新。四、瞭解大陸地區病媒防治投資趨勢分析,相關交流活動資訊、活動成果及心得,分享於交流平臺(http://csesep.tesd.org.tw)。五、建置兩岸環境衛生殺蟲劑及害蟲名詞對照表,供雙方專業人士參考。六、加強與分組會員的聯繫及資訊整合。七、相關資訊上傳至交流平臺(http://csesep.tesd.org.tw),設專責人員執行資訊系統。完成臺灣地區753家病媒防治業進入大陸地區市場實際情況調查,以瞭解病媒防治業進入大陸地區市場之實際現況、未來潛力及投資障礙、困境之結果分析及整合。完成上傳法令標準32則、產業資訊58則、交流訊息43則、專題介紹15則,相關網站7則,共155則,並完成辦理2場工作檢討會,及進行兩岸病媒防治環保服務業至北京-上海-南京之交流,參加第29屆全國衛生殺蟲藥械學術交流會、第四屆媒介生物可持續控制國際論壇暨第一屆亞太重要傳染病與熱帶病防控國際研討會。綜合以上結果,由於病媒防治是特殊的服務業,雙方必須經由技術認證循平等互惠、循序漸進的原則,希望藉由本平臺之建置,逐步提升海峽兩岸病媒防治環保服務業之經貿合作。 Studies in the information exchange platform of pest management operator services of both sides of C Based on the basic principles of World Trade Organization (WTO), and the signed of " Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)“, further promote the relationship between trade and investment, the establishment of mechanisms conducted to the prosperity and development of Cross-Strait economic cooperation, thus establishing Cross-Strait information exchange platform for pest management operator services. The main elements of the work were carried out as following:1. To survey the current situation of pest management operator industry to enter the cross-strait market realities.2. To survey the market obstacles, difficulties, recommend countermeasures of the pest management operator services industry to enter Cross-Strait market.3. To collect pest management operator services of related regulations (Decree of the federal and local) in Cross-Strait and compare the difference.4. To understand the intelligence, trends and investment of pest management operator services industry in mainland and Taiwan.5. To promote activities related to establishing cross-strait information exchange platform(http://csesep.tesd.org.tw) , professional terms for insecticides and pest names translation table.6. To strengthen links with the group members and information integration.7. The relevant information uploaded to Exchange platform(http://csesep.tesd.org.tw), set up a task force personnel management information system.Through the exchange of relevant information and the investigation, we surveyed 753 pest management operator services on entering the mainland market in Taiwan, and realized the actual situation of pest management operator services industry to enter the market status, future potential and actual investment obstacles, difficulties, recommend countermeasures and investigated how many Taiwan Pest Control Association member. We collected the reference articles of 32 low and policy, 58 industry information, 43 exchange messages ,15 lecture articles and 7 relative websites.Two workshop sessions and exchange the information of pest management operator services (Beijing - Shanghai - Nanjing), participated in the 29th National Hygienic Insecticides & Equipments Symposium and the fourth information Forum for Sustainable for sustainable vector management 25th -29th,Haikou, Hainan,China..Based on the results, due to the pest management operator services is a special technical service, both must be approved by the technical certification on the equality and mutual benefits by the principle of gradual and orderly progress. Through the platform establishing, the economic cooperation of both sides of Cross-Strait will be promoted gradually.Key words: Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, pest management operator services, information exchange platform 101 毒管處 高雄大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44917
車用汽、柴油品質現場查核計畫 本計畫執行期程為101年1月9日至12月31日,主要工作內容為依據『空氣污染防制費收費辦法』辦理移動污染源空氣污染防制費審查作業、依據『車用汽柴油販賣進口許可及管理辦法』及『車用汽柴油成分管制標準』,對製造者及進口者之廠(場)區、成品儲槽、油庫、銷售地點或其他公私場所,查核相關資料及檢測汽柴油品質以及持續蒐集國內外油品(含生質燃料)管制相關資料。本計畫統計101年1~12月全國計徵收汽柴油空污費約28.92億元,較100年1~12月減少約0.84%,汽柴油月平均申報量與100年比較變化幅度均不大。於空污費網路申報系統方面,第1~4季弱點掃瞄結果顯示,系統並無存在任何潛在風險。另分析業者汽油硫含量,各煉油廠1~12月檢驗結果介於2.21~8.54 mg/kg,已符合101年修正後管制標準;各煉油廠1~12月柴油硫含量檢驗結果介於2~7.65 mg/kg,亦符合管制標準。於現場查核方面完成1~12月煉油廠143組、供油中心之144組及加油站123組之汽柴油採樣,檢驗結果均符合「車用汽柴油成分管制標準」;4~5月份並完成7家生質柴油業者現場查核。國外管制規範方面,歐盟燃料品質規範之重點包含禁用含鉛汽油及降低燃料硫含量,美國環保署則依據各項評估計畫(如新配方汽油計畫、汽油硫含量限制計畫、移動源空氣污染物計畫等)研擬相關管制規範,亞洲國家如日本、南韓、香港特別行政區及我國多遵循歐盟相關規範,並歸納出目前全球管制規範之趨勢走向,即低硫化、低苯化及低添加劑等3大重點,另就我國管制規範適切性提出相關建議。2場油品稽察管制業務成果座談會議已於7月4日及12月4日分別於台北市及台中市辦理完畢,根據各單位執行油品稽查經驗,建議多輔以夜間時段進行查核,尤以夜間運輸頻率高之貨車為主要攔檢對象,提高查緝效率。101年全國非法油品稽查不合格率為0.14%,1~12月份地方執行機關已提供30組疑似非法油品之樣品,經GC/FID及GC/MS分析圖譜比對後判定為漁船用油等異常情形共計6組。 The Field Inspection for the Quality of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels The project period was from Jan 9, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012. The tasks included auditing the air pollution control fee for non-stationary pollution sources based on the “Air Pollution Control Fee Collection Regulations”, inspecting the data and testing the quality of gasoline and diesel fuels in producers/importers’ refineries, storages, depots, retails and other distribution places based on the “Selling and Importing Permit Management of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels” and the “Standards for the Composition of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels”, and collecting and analyzing the foreign and domestic regulations of fuels(including bio-fuel). From January to December, the air pollution control fee of both gasoline and diesel collected was 2.892 billion NT dollars. It decreased about 0.84%comparing to last year. The monthly average reporting volumes of gasoline and diesel also changed but within a minor range. About the web reporting system of air pollution control fees, the scanning results of 4 quarters showed no vulnerabilities. The average sulfur contents of gasoline produced by domestic refineries were between 2.21~8.54 mg/kg from January to December. The results already reached the 2012’s new standard. The average sulfur contents of diesel were between 2~7.65 mg/kg which also complied with the standard. For the field inspection, the sampling number of gasoline and diesel fuels was 143 for refineries, 144 for depots, and 123 for gas stations. All the testing results complied with the “Standards for the Composition of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels”. Besides, the field inspections of 7 bio-diesel entities had been finished during April to May. In the aspect of foreign fuel regulations, the main purposes of the fuel quality regulations in European Union were unleaded gasoline and low sulfur content. US Environmental Protection Agency promulgated fuel regulations based on the various evaluation projects including Reformulated Gasoline project, Tier 2 project, and Mobile Source Air Toxics project. Asian countries like Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan are following the fuel regulation of European Union mostly. The project concluded the global tendency for the fuel regulation, that is, low sulfur, low benzene and low additives. It also provided the suggestions for the regulation standards. 2 fuel inspection tasks and achievements forums had been hold in Taipei on 4th July and in Taichung on 4th December respectively. According to the fuel inspection experiences of municipalities, inspecting at night was more effective. For raising the rate of successful inspection, the transportation truck running frequently during night time should be the target. The unqualified rate of domestic illegal fuels from January to December was 0.14%. The municipalities provided 30 illegal fuel samples for testing during the project time. All the samples had been analyzed by GC/FID and GC/MS equipment, there found 6 abnormal samples which confirmed as fishing vessels fuels by the spectrum comparison. 101 空保處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50011
101年度南區低碳永續生活圈規劃與推動專案計畫 為落實行政院低碳永續家園轉型之政策願景,行政院環保署於民國101年主辦「低碳永續家園推動方案」,延續民國100年「低碳城市建構對象競逐遴選及先期作業規劃專案計畫」所規劃之4大低碳生活圈(北區、中區、南區、東區)與4個低碳示範城市架構,由北區新北市、中區台中市、南區臺南市與東區宜蘭縣4個低碳示範城市成為生活圈之領導城市,並於民國101年接受環保署補助辦理各區之「低碳永續生活圈規劃與推動專案」各別推動各生活圈之低碳永續之重要課題與解決方案。其中本計畫便代表南區生活圈的「低碳永續生活圈規劃與推動專案」,協助臺南市政府統籌南區五縣市:嘉義縣、嘉義市、臺南市、高雄市與屏東縣,辦理相關規劃、整合與推動工作,並透過生活圈、縣市、鄉鎮市區與村里各層級之年度評比機制,逐步完成推動體系之運作機能,同步尋找各地區當前低碳永續之重要課題與解決方案,逐步提升全國各村里所有成員與設施之低碳永續程度。本計畫的主要工作內容包括:(1)成立生活圈十大運作機能技術與資訊諮詢小組與推動協調小組,並召開南區低碳運作機能之諮詢與推動會議;(2)蒐集國內外生活圈十大運作機能技術路徑圖,規劃南區十大運作機能行動項目路徑圖;(3)建立管考及評比之項目與評定方法及綜評方法;(4)撰寫南區低碳永續生活圈十大運作機能推動方案計畫書;(5)建構南區生活圈十大運作機能技術資訊系統平台;(6)輔導南部生活圈低碳示範社區及鄉鎮市參與年度評比機制並辦理一場次南區低碳永續生活圈推動方案研討會。 Project of Planning and Promotion of Low-carbon and Sustainable Living Area of Southern District In order to carry out the vision of policy of transformation of the low-carbon and sustainable society, Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan initialized "The Executive Program of Low-carbon Sustainable Society” in 2012 and continued to the framework of 4 low-carbon exemplary cities, New Taipei City presented northern district, Taichung City presented central district ,Tainan City presented southern district , and Ilan County presented eastern district, from 4 district planned by "The Preliminary Plan of Low-carbon Cities Competition and Selection”. In 2012, the 4 exemplary cities gained the project grants from EPA to plan the promotion and solution of important issues of low carbon and sustainable district.Whereas this project presented the program of planning and promotion of low-carbon and sustainable of southern district assist Tainan City Government to coordinate the southern district: Chiayi County, Chiayi City, Tainan City , Kaohsiung City and Pingtung County to handle, plan as well as integrated associated works to promote the southern low carbon sustainable level for the public.Eventually, the main tasks of this project are described as below:(1)To establish the advisory and implemental group of ten low carbon operations of southern district and to held the meeting for consultation and promotion.(2)To collect domestic and international low carbon technical road map and to analyze the feasible of road map for southern district.(3)To establish the evaluation methods, appraisal indexes and comprehensive mechanism. (4)To complete the planning and implemental book of ten operation for low-carbon and sustainability of southern district.(5)To plan and to construct ten operations information IT systems for low-carbon and sustainability.(6)To counsel and assist southern demonstration communities and townships to participate appraisal mechanism and place one published seminar. 101 台南市環境保護局 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45819
擬訂資源循環實施策略及行動計畫專案工作計畫 本計畫執行重點為配合國內廢棄資源物循環利用及管理策略,引進國際資源循環零廢棄相關實施策略,探討國內現況,並研擬資源循環實施策略及行動計畫。已完成蒐集並彙整德國、經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)、歐盟(EU)、芬蘭、荷蘭、丹麥、英國、美國、日本及比利時對於資源循環零廢棄相關作法,並完成摘譯15篇近10年相關國際研究論文或報告,其重點為:(1)建構永續物質管理(2)綠色設計、生產及消費 (3)強化源頭減量(4)發展垃圾低碳清運系統(5)規劃妥適最終處理設施(6)地方特色 (7)水資源循環(8)其他創新作為。已完成發表國內外期刊論文等發表,並研提資源循環零廢棄實施策略規劃專案計畫書–草案。配合我國環保署低碳永續家園推動方案規劃作業,已召開5次諮詢小組會議,擬訂實施策略行動方案推動重點,且參與其它諮詢小組會議共25場次及「低碳永續家園評等認證行動項目專家咖啡館系列會議」,其研擬資源循環行動項目為:(1)巨大廢棄物再生再利用計畫 (2)建立資源化物質分析交換平台 (3)污水循環再利用 (4)資源循環教育與宣導(5)廚餘再利用系統 (6)堆肥資源化 (7)推動廢棄物資源集中分類回收場(8)農業廢棄物回收再利用計畫 (9)舊建物保存再利用(10)建立減廢夥伴 (11)推動資源循環友善農場 (12)使用省水器材 (13)雨水回收再利用(14)熱處理回收燃料工廠 (15)低溫炭化低碳工廠。展望未來,將以建立完整的資源回收體系,發展低碳永續家園之優質生活環境。 Resource Recycling Policy Implementation of Strategy and Action Planning In coordination with the domestic regarding waste resource recycling and management strategies, this project aims to introduce international related implementation strategies and explore current status in Taiwan and develop corresponding resource recycling implementation strategies and action plans and project work plans. Information regarding measures of resource recycling and zero waste in different countries has been collected. A total of 15 articles from international journals in the recent 10 years have been extracted and translated. The key points are: constructing sustainable material management, green design, production and consumption, enhancing source reduction, developing low-carbon waste transportation system, well planning final disposal facilities, local characteristics, waste resource recycling, and other innovative actions. The thesis has been published in domestic and foreign journals and the draft of the Resource Recycling and Zero Waste Implementation Strategy Project Plan. Following the planning operation of the Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Promotion Project, five consulting team meeting have been held. And we have participated in 25 other consulting group meetings regarding planning for resource recycling action items. In the future, a complete resource recycling system will be built, for the purpose of developing a high-quality living environment for the low-carbon sustainable homeland. 101 廢管處 國立雲林科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40359
推動我國溫室氣體可量測、可報告及可查驗之管理制度計畫 鑒於京都議定書有效期限即將在2012年屆滿,聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(UNFCCC)締約方會議(COP)在熱烈討論後京都時期減量目標與責任分配之同時,各國亦體認到溫室氣體可量測、可報告與可查證(measurable, reportable and verifiable, MRV)為增進國際互信,強化國際合作的基礎。因此,如何建立國際溫室氣體MRV,遂成為COP近年來討論的焦點。聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第17屆締約國會議於2011年12月落幕,會中針對國家適當減緩行動(Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions, NAMAs)登錄平台、附件一國家雙年報、非附件一國家雙年報、國際審查與評估(International Assessment and Review, IAR)及國際諮詢和分析(International Consultation and Analysis, ICA),分別建立指引草案,成為未來減緩行動的加強措施。行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)基於國家溫室氣體政策之主導立場,為建構我國溫室氣體認證及查驗管理機制,推動良好品質之溫室氣體盤查與查證作業,積極研擬國內認證與查驗管理之務實作法,不僅持續掌握聯合國及歐美等國際主要溫室氣體方案之具體作法,更透過耗能產業溫室氣體盤查與查證試行計畫,以及減量專案確證等試行計畫之推動,累積豐富實務經驗以掌握國內產業之執行現況;復因應各界對盤查結果之查驗一致性作法之期待。本計畫延續2004~2011年度之豐碩執行績效,整合包括溫室氣體盤查登錄制度建構以及溫室氣體認驗證管理機制,致力於推動我國溫室氣體MRV管理制度與國際接軌。將遵循「推動我國溫室氣體可量測、可報告及可查驗之管理制度」計畫甄選須知所規範之目標,於現行研訂之產業溫室氣體盤查、登錄、查驗之本土化制度基礎上,掌握國際溫室氣體認驗證管理機制,工業、能源、住商及運輸部門溫室氣體盤查登錄及排放源帳戶管理作法趨勢,考量我國產業推行條件,持續深化我國溫室氣體管理制度,以支援未來整體國家政策之推行。本計畫今年度之推動目的如下:一、配合國際可量測、可報告及可查驗發展趨勢,建立我國國家層級溫室氣體排放量化與查驗管理機制。二、掌握國際城市組織溫室氣體排放量化方法,建立我國縣市層級溫室氣體排放量化管理機制。三、強化我國產業溫室氣體盤查登錄管理制度,規劃產業溫室氣體排放量申報及管理模式四、因應我國溫室氣體管理策略,強化我國認查驗管理機制及配套技術工具五、擴充更新國家溫室氣體登錄平台可量測、可報告及可查驗之管理功能 Promotion of the National Greenhouse Gas Management Scheme for Measurement, Reporting and Verificati On December 31, 2012, the Kyoto Protocol’s first commitment period will expire. While country members at the Conferences of the Parties (COP) of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are aiming emissions reductions targets and the differentiated responsibilities, a sound process that is measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV) facilitating transparency is essential for building confidence and enhancing trust between countries. Therefore the establishment of MRV system has been one of the main focus on the agenda of past years’ Conferences. Following the closure of COP-17 in December 2011, several development have been agreed upon by the Parties including the registry supporting developing countries’ Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), Parties’ biennial reports on provision of climate finance that will subsequently be subject to a process of International Assessment and Review (IAR) and International Consultations and Analysis (ICA).The Environmental Protection Administration (the EPA) is actively formalizing practical approaches for domestic GHG accreditation and verification management as well as ensuring good GHG accounting and verification processes based on EPA’s main role in the making of the national greenhouse gases (GHG) policy. Such outcomes have been achieved not only through continuous follow-up of international development such as UNFCCC, Europe, U.S. etc., but also accumulating domestic experiences via pilot programs over GHG accounting, verification and emissions reductions project validation on sectors of high energy consumption in order to meet up the expectations from the public and private sectors.The project for Promotion of the National Greenhouse Gas Management Scheme for Measurement, Reporting and Verification (the Project) is an ongoing work on domestic MRV based on earlier studies from 2004 to 2011 including the institution for GHG accounting and GHG accreditation management mechanism. The Project will be meeting the criteria required by the project tenderers guideline set out by the EPA and the current GHG policy direction in mind, taking domestic energy, industrial, residential, commercial and transportation sectors as backdrop, to assess international development including GHG accreditation, accounting and registration account management. The Project will continue to strengthen domestic GHG management involving the following:1.Establishing national-level GHG accounting and verification mechanism with international development on MRV into consideration;2.Assessing international GHG accounting approach and establishing domestic management mechanism at city level;3.Enhancing domestic accounting institution and developing associated GHG emissions reporting and management method for industries;4.Enhancing domestic accreditation management and developing relevant supporting tools;5.Expanding GHG registry with the MRV support. 101 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49943
執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫 本年度『停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫』執行期程自101年9月11日至101年12月31日止,主要蒐集、規劃本縣停車怠速熄火管制目標及策略、辦理停車怠速熄火大型宣導會、舉辦停車怠速熄火政策說明會、辦理停車怠速熄火宣導活動、製作宣導文宣以及其他業務相關宣導及行政工作等進行規劃執行,而截至101年12月20日止,各項工作執行如下:(一)完成蒐集及本縣停車怠速熄火管制目標及策略規劃。蒐集各國怠速熄火的法規及其執行現況,並條列出各項怠速熄火執行策略以供參考,其相關報告已呈交至環保局。(二)於9月22日配合澎湖縣政府舉辦「101年澎湖縣低碳島鐵馬逍遙遊活動」大型宣導活動,藉由活動能讓民眾了解停車怠速熄火的各項好處,進而能夠自主管理並遵守停車怠速熄火相關法規,(三)於10月16日假環保局會議室辦理停車怠速熄火政策說明會,由環保局馬副局長為說明會開場致詞,另邀請環保署空保處張和中先生前來為說明會主講。政策說明會活動當天共有74人參與。(四)辦理停車怠速熄火宣導活動1.停車怠速熄火宣導活動目標40場次,辦理完成40場次,宣導人次達1,802人。2.配合宣導活動相關作業,製作完成宣導海報200份、宣導單張4,000份、購置宣導品2,000份。3.租用2處LED電子螢幕看板,連續2個月播放停車怠速熄火標語及影片。4.完成10處次停車怠速熄火固定式宣導看板設置。(五)停車怠速熄火稽查管制作業1.於10月23日完成辦理停車怠速熄火稽查實務說明會1場次。2.配合停車怠速熄火稽查管制作業,製作停車怠速熄火勸導單1,500份。3.完成稽查停車怠速車輛,並開立勸導單50輛次。(六)民眾反應及滿意度1.宣導新聞稿目標8則,已提送8則。2.工作成果滿意度問卷調查500份,完成502份滿意度調查。(七)計畫本期完成比率:100% 101 annual Penghu County Executive Parking idle turn off the propaganda and control plan Abstract“2012 promotion & control project of the switch off idling engines” had begun from Sep.11-2012 to Dec.-31-2012. The major item were collection related information, planning the switch off idling engines control strategy, holding related seminars and promotions, making promotion DM, and other related tasks. The results as below:1. In the tasks of collection, review and analysis of international “switch off idling engines” related information, this project proposed a “control strategy planning report of the turn off idling engines, which can provide the relevant government unit as reference.2. This project held one big promotion for “2012 low-carbon island travel by bicycles in Penghu” to enhance promotion. 3. This project held one seminar of the switch off idling engines strategy, which were held at EPB, there were 74 people participated, on oct.-16-20124. Promotion(1)This project held 40 promotions for the switch off idling engines, there were 1,802 people participated.(2)This project printed 200 posters, 4,000 handbills, 2,000 promotion gifts.(3)Rent two locations with LED screen to play slogans and films of the switch off idling engines for two months.(4)There were 10 locations which were set up fixed promotion billboards for the switch off idling engines.5. Inspection and control(1)This project held one similar of the switch off idling engines on Oct.-23-2012.(2)This project made 1,500 warning tickets of the turn off idling engines.(3)This project completed the inspection task, and wrote 50 warning tickets.6. Public opinion and satisfaction questionnaires(1)This project issued 8 press releases.(2)This project completed 502 output satisfaction questionnaires.7. The rate of completion is 100%. 101 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 新研車輛科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44176
101年度低污染車輛補助審查專案工作計畫 本計畫主要協助環保署進行電動輔助自行車及電動自行車補助申請案件之審核、查核等相關工作,101 年1月統計至12月31 日,已完成電動輔助自行車補助申請案件之審核及建檔作業共計8,054件,撥付補助款9,150件;電動自行車補助申請案件之審核及建檔作業共計22,802件,撥付補助款26,699 件,現場查核共618件。本計畫內設置免付費專線電話(0800-050-058),回覆並服務民眾關於低污染車輛相關問題,同時設置低污染車輛補助資訊網頁(http://mobile.epa.gov.tw/lowpoll/index.aspx)供民眾及廠商查詢補助進度並提供相關文件下載。本計畫電動輔助自行車及電動自行車補助申請案件之資料庫系統建檔,包含申請文件資料建檔、審核及查核作業資料建檔、撥款作業資料建檔,同時為避免案件有重複申請狀況,於資料庫系統中設定警示功能,申請人身份證、車架號碼若重複鍵入,則系統自動跳出訊息視窗,同時強制該案件無法存檔,提醒建檔人員注意。本計畫協助環保署進行台北捷運車站電動機車充電站之管理維護,以及電費繳納工作,統計101年度至102年03月之電費共已繳納17,644元。 Completion of subsidy verification for low-pollution vehicle The major target of the project was to check and review the subsidy application of purchase on electrical assisted bicycles and electrical bicycle. Accumulated the applications from Jan. to Dec.31 2012, 8,054 electric assisted bicycle subsidy cases had been proved and filed, 9,150 subsidy cases had been accomplished; 22,802 electrical bicycle subsidy cases had been proved and filed, 26,699 subsidy cased had been accomplished, 618 on-site validations were accomplished. This project provided toll-free number (0800-050-058) to serve for the public as information service center.The web-site is http://mobile.epa.gov.tw/lowpoll/index.aspx which provided the application procedure status and questions & answers ,and also through the web, users could download application and necessary documentation. The management information system of the project included the application information, examination and verification information, subsidy management information. In order to except the duplication of applications by the regulation, the automatic alarm function was designed in the system, the occurrence of applicant identification, bicycle plate number duplication, the system will deliver the alarm message, and the data will not be accepted in the beginning of data input step . This project also provided the maintenance of Taipei Metro-Line electricity charge stations and the electricity fee, the annual electricity fee was NT$17,644 dollars. 101 空保處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=52073
101年度環保創新科技研發計畫─回收寶特瓶再製三層寶特瓶新技術 臺灣每年回收高達10萬噸以上廢寶特瓶,約為45億支寶特瓶,廢寶特瓶再生碎片60%以上應用於紡絲纖維製品,抽絲成布Bottle to Fiber為再生環保紗;下階段「Bottle to Bottle」在歐美國家已是趨勢,因此,本計畫以回收寶特瓶再製三層寶特瓶新技術,開發熱澆道型共射成型技術、改質PET技術,將改質非食品級回收PET包覆在中間層,三層環保瓶採用30~50%回收寶特瓶,提昇回收PET瓶到瓶環保目標。 New technology for three-layer PET bpttles from recycled PET bottles Taiwan's current annual recycling waste PET bottles have more than 100,000 tons, about 4.5 billion plastic bottles. More than 60% of waste PET bottles have been applied to the spinning fiber products. Green yarn made from waste PET is the most important product by “Bottle to Fiber” process. Another trend of recycling bottles, it is a "return to the past" - after the processing steps through the same recovery, then made of a PET drinks bottle. From the traditional "Bottle to Fiber" to "Bottle to Bottle, B to B," a variety of recycled PET reproduction of goods, is representing the concept of environmental protection and technological development in Taiwan, the first step toward another milestone. In order to ensure that the B to B Food Safety, cleanliness and pure degree requirements for the recycling of materials, would be more "Bottle to Fiber" more stringent. This project, hot runner co-injection molding system, will establish the innovational co-injection molding system for multi-layer PET bottles. This innovational co-injection molding system is based on a hot runner co-injection mold by utilizing the two-component injection molding machine. This project will establish the 3-layer single cavity hot runner co-injection molding system for PET bottles. In order to develop the mass production for multi-layer PET bottles, we will establish multi-position valve gate co-injection hot runner system and independent temperature control in manifold with combination of injection molding and PET mold companies. We will develop green 3-layer PET bottles made of more than 30~50% of waste PET. The new green 3-layer PET bottles are the new products by “Bottle to Bottle” process.We have got the following targets :1. Chain extension technology for R-PET: the IV value of the bottle grade new PET is about 0.79, and waste PET is about 0.65. The IV value increases from 0.65 to 0.72 by chain extension technology for R-PET.2. Rheological identification for PET: the shear viscosity of bottle grade new PET and R-PET like Newtonian fluid. The modified R-PET has shear thinning behavior with comparison with PET and R-PET.3. 28g-600ml 3-layer PET bottle: the core layer content ranges 36~46% of layer thickness in the PET/R-PET/PET 3-layer bottles. 101 永續發展室 遠東科技大學精密機械創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41738
因應環境資源部成立辦理環境影響評估法規整合研修專案工作計畫 隨政府組織再造環境資源部成立,本研究於今年受託研究現行環境影響評估程序有無配合修正必要,委託事項目標及範圍有四,即:1. 環評法規外部競合之評估及修正建議、2. 環評法規內部競合之評估及修正建議、3. 環評審查程序是否有窒礙難行處之檢討及修正建議、4. 協助處理未來併入環資部之機關單位之意見。本報告第一章介紹本研究相關背景,第二章則為研究方法、範圍及執行進度說明,第三章為我國現行環評審查制度介紹。本報告第四章係本研究團隊於研究現行環評制度及相關法令後,分類歸納為七大議題(包含環評委員組成、機關名稱、環評審查認定標準、迴避、執行及監督等因環境資源部成立而有必要重新探討及基於現行環評制度之履行所產生之議題),進行討論分析並提出建議。為使建議更為周延及可行,本研究團隊除於民國101年7月26日舉行研商座談會,廣邀機關單位代表等參與及提供意見外,於第五章,本研究團隊分別訪談在組織改造或環評方面素有研究或涉獵之專家學者(包括沈政雄律師、張英磊博士、胡博硯博士及連哲輝博士),並就其所提供之回饋意見,分別予以回應。本研究團隊並於相關議題提出外國立法例與制度,作為建議依據或參考之用。本報告第六章分別就外部法規競合,及環保署52項環評法規進行審閱,就有無修正必要及修正條文提出逐項建議,並於本章第三節研析現行環評制度有無窒礙難行之處,即提出建議與修正流程圖。本報告附錄則分別對本研究案審查意見予以回應,並提出52項法規修改建議對照表。 As our government plans to establish the Ministry of Environment and Resources under the policy of the government reform and innovation, this study is assigned by the Environmental Protection Agency this year to study issues relating to current environmental impact assessment(“EIA”) and review whether any EIA law or regulation is necessary to be modified or amended subsequently. The four targets and tasks of this study are as follows : 1. to evaluate external application of laws and regulations governing EIA and address reform proposal if there is conflict thereof; 2. to evaluate internal application of laws and regulations EIA and address reform proposal if there is conflict thereof; 3. to find out the obstacles or difficulties in applying and enforcing EIA mechanism and address reform proposals thereof; and 4. to handle and response to the opinions from government agencies set to be incorporated into the Ministry of Environment and Resources in the future.In Chapter 1 of this study, we introduce relevant background in this study. In Chapter 2 of this study, we introduce the research method, scope and progress of this study. In Chapter 3 of this study, we introduce the current system of EIA in Taiwan.In Chapter 4, we categorized and concluded 7 main issues necessary to be reviewed with the establishment of the Ministry of Environment and Resources and disputes relating to the implementation of current EIA system after analyzing the current EIA system and relating laws and decrees. These 7 issues relates to the members and organization of the EIA review committee, the names of government agencies as the authority, review criteria of EIA, obligation to recuse, due process, enforcement and supervision of current EIA system. Representatives from government agencies were invited to a conference held on July 26, 2012 to exchange ideas and provide opinion and comments to us so that our proposal may be more comprehensive and feasible. Moreover, we interviewed experts and scholars in the area of government reform or EIA, including Mr. Cheng-Hsiung Shen, Dr. Ying-Lei Charles Chang, Dr. PoYen Hu, and Dr. Che-Huei Lien, and we give response to their written opinions respectively in Chapter 5 of this study. We also address relevant foreign system and legislation in the relating issues to support our proposal or for reference purpose.In Chapter 6 of this study, we review and tabulate all external application of 52 laws and regulations governing EIA and address legal reforms and proposal. In addition, we propose and chart all possible obstacles and difficulties in the EIA system and provide proposals in the same Chapter as well.In the supplement of this study, we respectively response to the review opinions from the review committee and chart our revise proposal to the 52 laws and regulations one by one. 101 綜計處 恆業法律事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=51784
臺中市101年度柴油車動力計排煙檢測及非法油品檢測計畫 爲降低臺中市柴油車輛排放黑煙對空氣品質影響,臺中市政府環境保護局持續推動「柴油車動力計排煙檢測及非法油品檢測計畫」,執行柴油車輛排煙檢測、油品管制及相關工作。本計畫以提升檢測及服務品質為本年度執行原則,計畫工作項目包括動力計排煙檢測、路攔排煙檢測、目判高污染車輛以、油品管制等工作、臺中港區之管制、柴油車自主管理及保檢合一等,已完成合約之工作目標。截至102年1月30日止已完成柴油車動力計全負載排煙檢測8,070輛次、路攔/場站無負載排煙檢測801輛次、路邊攔查篩選3,880輛次、目測判煙通知到檢2,507輛次、柴油車車輛之車用油品篩選6,647輛次、油品檢測樣品數共600件、新增自主管理簽署16家、柴油車自主管理通行證或市公車分級標章3,033張。今年度創新做法為於臺中港區增設車辨系統5套,篩選臺中港及大甲、后里收費站疑似污染柴油車進行規劃管制,同時建立一、二期車進出台中港區之背景資料及增加納管率。另檢測站於今年重新建立品質管制圖,至今已執行62次品保測試,測試結果均在管制限值內,顯示檢測站系統相當穩定。 To reduce the emission of black smoke from diesel vehicles and its influence on air quality, the Taichung City Government Environmental Protection Agency continues to promote" the diesel emissions testing and illegal oil test plan ". To implement the emissions testing on diesel vehicle and oil control. The implement principle for this year for this project is to enhance the detection and service quality. Also include plan such as dynamometer emissions testing, the smoke detection on the side of the road, and to diagnose the high-polluting vehicles, oil control and the control of Taichung Harbor, diesel vehicles’ independent management, also the insurance and examination of the diesel vehicles etc. All work have been completed and the objectives of the contract.There were total of 8,070 vehicles were diesel emissions tested diesel till the 30th January, 2013. It included road bar / station load emissions testing of 801 vehicles. Check on the side of the road of 3,880 vehicles, visual diagnose of 2,507 vehicles were seized, the diesel car vehicle automotive oil filter 6,647 vehicles, oil testing sample of 600, self-management of the signing of 16, 3,033 grading marks were sent to self-management of diesel vehicles and to city buses.This year's innovative approach is to expand License Plate Recognition System at Taichung Harbor. It can check the high-pollution diesel vehicles include Taichung Harbor, Dajia & Houli Tollbooth. At the same time Establishing the Vehicle Information of Taichung Harbor and increaseing the rate of the diesel vehicles controlling. The inspection station also re-establish a quality control chart this year and the implementation is 62 defective warranty testing and. The test results were within the control limits and the inspection station systems were stable. 101 台中市環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64186
101年度澎湖縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 澎湖地區相對於台灣本島為工業較弱區,土水法公告以後,已有三處土壤或地下水遭污染逕而公告為土壤及地下水污染控制場址,主要為油庫及發電場等,目前除尖山發電廠已解除列管外,另二處正進行污染整治中,環保局加強監督前開污染場址;本計畫針對本縣境內既設34口場置性監測井進行水質檢驗,以瞭解轄內地下水水質狀況,此外,針對縣內18座加油站除進行每月例行稽查,亦進行測漏管及陰極防蝕檢測,並辦理污染防治宣導會。 本計畫期程自決標日(101年1月18日)起至101年12月20日,現就已完成之工作成果說明如下: 一、污染改善場址之稽查與驗證 本工作團隊已分別於101年02月16日、101年05月10日及101年08月08日召開控制場址監督審查會議;另定期進行現場監督查核(每週1次),自101年02月至101年11月已完成10月次定期稽查作業,以確實掌握污染改善工作執行情況。 本工作團隊已於101年03~04月至台電尖山發電廠設置完成1口(井號JS-EPB01)監測井,並採集5點土壤樣品及1口地下水樣品,土壤及地下水監測結果均符合管制標準,環保局已於101年04月25日解除台電尖山發電廠控制場址列管。 另統一精工澎湖加油站改善期限屆滿,經豐枯水期監測結果顯示地下水尚未改善完成,環保局欲了解土壤狀況,故本工作團隊已於101年10月18日至統一精工澎湖加油站採集5點土壤樣品,土壤監測結果除重金屬之鉻及鎳因地質因素達監測標準及管制標準外,其餘項目均符合土壤監測標準及管制標準。 二、加油站之稽查核及輔導 本工作團隊已於101年02月至101年11月已完成10月次定期稽查作業,各站均定期執行各稽查項目;另加油站測漏管及陰極防蝕檢測於101年06月執行,油氣檢測僅龍門漁船加油站測值有LEL及FID達警戒值之情形;此外,亦協助環保局完成100年第四季、101年第一季、101年第二季及101年第三季網路申報審查作業。 三、地下水水監測 本計畫之地下水水質檢驗之監測井分別為34口場置性地下水監測井及3口新設地下水監測井,監測頻率為1年1次(統一精工澎湖加油站、台電尖山發電廠及天祥加油站為1年2次),檢測項目為一般項目(總硬度、總溶解固體、氯鹽、氨氮、硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽氮、亞硝酸鹽氮、總有機碳)、總酚、重金屬(鉛、鎘、鉻、銅、鋅、鎳、砷、汞)、VOCs(20項)、MTBE及TPH-d。 1.101年04月已完成34口場置性地下水監測井採樣及分析,監測結果達第一類地下水污染監測標準之項目為總溶解固體、氯鹽、硝酸鹽氮、氨氮、總硬度及總有機碳等六項;達第二類地下水污染監測標準之項目為總溶解固體、氯鹽、硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽氮、氨氮、總硬度及總有機碳等七項;監測結果達第一類地下水污染管制標準之項目為鎳(興崁掩埋場HK-MW3);監測結果達第二類地下水污染管制標準之項目為鎳(天祥加油站TS-MW1及TS-MW6、統一精工澎湖加油站PH-MW3)。 2.101年08月已完成14口場置性地下水監測井採樣及分析,監測結果達第一類地下水污染監測標準之項目為總溶解固體、氯鹽、總硬度及總有機碳等四項;達第二類地下水污染監測標準之項目為總溶解固體、氯鹽、硫酸鹽、氨氮、總硬度及總有機碳等六項;監測結果達第二類地下水污染管制標準之項目為鎳(天祥加油站TS-MW6、統一精工澎湖加油站PH-MW3)及苯(統一精工澎湖加油站PH-MW3)。 四、地下水監測井設置與維護 本工作團隊已於101年03月至尖山發電廠新設地下水監測井1口,101年10月至中油湖西供油中心新設地下水監測井1口;101年04~05月及101年08月執行縣內區域性及場置性地下水監測井外觀維護工作,並針對異常之2口監測井進行井下攝影作業。 五、緊急應變 本工作團隊協助環保局啟動緊急應變至永安營區進行土壤及地下水之查驗作業,於101年10月16~19日進場進行土壤及地下水查驗作業,共計設置3口地下水監測井,以及採集8點土壤及3口次地下水樣品,土壤監測結果除重金屬之鉻及鎳因地質因素達監測標準及管制標準外,其餘項目均符合土壤監測標準及管制標準;地下水監測結果達第二類地下水污染監測標準之項目為總溶解固體物、氯鹽、氨氮及總有機碳等四項,達第二類地下水污染管制標準之項目為三氯乙烯(X00074);建議環保局依土污法第七條第五項規定函文永安營區提出應變必要措施,並持續進行監測以確認其污染物濃度之變化。 六、其他庶務工作 1.配合學校時段進行土壤及地下水污染整治宣導會,上下學期共預計辦理50場次,共計執行65場次。 2.協助環保局舉辦土壤及地下水法規說明會,已於101年06月22日於台灣中油股份有限公司油品行銷事業部嘉南營業處馬公直銷服務中心辦理。 3.協助環保局將計畫相關公文、會議記錄、場址巡查紀錄、監測井巡查紀錄、宣導說明會及新聞稿等考評指標項目鍵入土壤及地下水污染場址資訊系統,截至11月底為止,得分為65.11。 4.協助澎湖縣加油站業者進行Ecolife巡查日誌更新,澎湖縣14家加油站皆位居前30名中,績優比例為100%。 5.本工作團隊協助環保局每月發佈2篇新聞稿於澎湖日報或澎湖月報。 101 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45930
101年度臺南市揮發性有機物稽查管制及空污費催補繳計畫 本計畫主要工作內容包含:揮發性有機物排放量查核、建檔及維護與減量輔導作業、加油站油氣回收設施功能稽查檢測與監督作業、辦理餐飲業查核與輔導、執行固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收申報收件及資料建檔、審核、催補繳及查核作業事項。成果報告統計期程為101年1月18日至101年12月31日止,各項工作成果摘要如下:一、揮發性有機物管制作業本計畫依合約規範,完成80家資料庫更新建檔及維護。各列管公私場所經現場資料更新擴充後,公私場所基本資料、製程、設備及污染源均無異動者共計有66家次,約佔清查83%,公私場所基本資料異動有8家次,佔10%,製程、設備異動有6家次,佔7%。經更新後,轄區專法列管公私場所操作製程233個、污染源2,203個、652個控制設備、799根排放管道、771個儲槽、99座廢水處理池及10個裝載設施。由固定污染源資料庫統計顯示,轄區清查之專法列管製程污染排放量更新後之空氣污染量,粒狀污染物為267.4公噸/年、硫氧化物1,491.9公噸/年、氮氧化物1,506.8公噸/年、揮發性有機物1,746公噸/年。其中,更新後之資料庫中,各項污染物排放量以硫氧化物增加88.73公噸/年為最高,其次則為氮氧化物57.40公噸。然而,在污染物削減部分,則以粒狀污染物年排放量呈下降趨勢,污染排放量減少11.12公噸/年。推估造成更新前後排放量差異之主要原因有:估算數據不同、原物(燃)料使用量不同、產品生產狀況不同、設備變動、工廠產能變動。二、監督檢測與報告審查本計畫執行檢測監督作業100根次,工作達成率100%。其中49根次為PSN、46根次為VOCs檢測,其他檢驗項目為5根次,經現場監督,業者均依檢測規範執行。網路定期檢測申報審查(公告第1、2批)部分,本計畫小組依執行定期檢測網路審查之程序,已完成605根次網路申報之檢測報告之審查作業,以及599件次書面檢測申報,皆符合規範。三、異味稽巡查作業本計畫依規定每月提報15家異味污染源大事記。本年度完成409件異味巡查,依據巡查現況及民眾陳情數量,總計提報33處公私場所,納入異味稽查抽測名單。本年度執行之409件巡查作業,現場人員查核時未聞有明顯異味佔最大宗,約73.1%,而廠內有明顯異味則佔7.1%。本年度巡查場所多為屢遭陳情案件,經由稽巡查或專家學者現場輔導後,多已改善操作條件,或增設空氣污染防制設備、除臭設施等。經本年度巡查管制,僅4廠陳情數量未下降,其中,除了廣政制革公司有明顯上升,其餘3廠僅小幅度增加2件陳情。除上述4廠外,其餘各廠陳情數量皆明顯下降,顯示定期巡查能有效監督管制業者異味污染防制。四、加油站稽查管制本計畫今年度依據合約規範,完成200站次法規符合度查核作業及加油站排放量及相關設備清查作業、130站次加油站稽查檢測,各項工作達成率100%。 經查核,各站均符合法規規範。加油站油氣回收設施功能稽查檢測方面,加油站130站次抽測中,總計檢測1,012支油槍,查得42支不合格油槍,業者已全數改善完成,促成污染物削減19.4公噸/年。五、餐飲業稽查管制本年度餐飲業現場巡查作業400家次,工作達成率100%。依據巡查資料顯示,餐飲業經營型態以中式83%佔最大宗,而餐飲油煙防制設備方面,分析有裝設油煙後處理設備業者佔56%,其中以靜電集塵機裝設率最高(30%),其次為水洗機佔19%。本計畫配合推動環保夜市,於4月26日假東區環保局五樓會議室辦理環保夜市暨商圈推廣協商會。經過餐飲夜市及商圈的擴大普查並提送普查結果及可行性評估報告。經普查,響應市府推動政策,安平商圈為本市遊客較多之商圈,故擇定推廣安平商圈。本計畫配合101年7月16日公告的餐飲補助案,於8~9月針對安平商圈未裝設防制設備之99家業者,逐一拜訪並發放餐飲宣導手冊。六、空污費徵收審查作業本年度共計完成373家次空污費查核,分別為硫氧化物/氮氧化物查核214家,查核不符率為52.8%;揮發性有務查核259家次,查核不符率為54.5%。本年度查核不符情形多屬小型工業,不影響繳費金額。各季查核數量,皆高於考評規範數量。統計截至101年12月止,共計完成238件結算補繳公文計發作業,追補繳201家次業者,追得667萬5仟516元,補繳率為84%。統計彙整至101年12月止,透過各項管制作業,達成空污費申報率為100%、網路申報率100%及低污染申報輔導100%。本計畫執行期間,執行空污費審查案件,執行200件內部稽核作業,整體符合率達84%。此外,本計畫協助辦理5場(3廠)自廠係數減免會議、3場(4廠)空污費防制設備減免會議。七、宣導說明會本年度因應契約規範要求辦理各項說明會,工作達成率100%。分別於101年3月27日假南部科學工業園區管理局1F演藝廳辦理加油站法規宣導說明會,出席率達72.7%。另外,本年度辦理2場揮發性有機物管制說明會,出席率分別為76.6%、86 %。另外,空污費法規說明會分別於101年10月20日及101年10月24日假假南部科學工業園區管理局1F演藝廳辦理,會中邀請專家學者針對新修正/公告之空污費收費辦法及計量方式說明。八、輔導管制作業本年度計畫小組針對轄區屢遭陳情或有污染改善疑慮業者,邀請專家學者執行現場勘查及輔導,工作達成率100%。其中,總計完成3場次異味輔導(福特汽車、尚多企業及廣政製革公司)、3場次揮發性有機物減量輔導(茂迪五廠、欣岱實業柳營廠及冠東實業公司)及15場次餐飲油煙污染輔導改善作業。相關成果均已提報局內核備,並有效降低陳情次數。九、異味稽查檢測作業本計畫完成50點異味稽查檢測,分別為管道異味檢測37點次、周界異味檢測13點次,工作達成率100%。本年度執行之異味稽查檢測作業中,計有18點次超過法規規範之排放標準,分別為管道異味檢測10件、周界異味檢測8件,上述超過法規排放標準場所,已將檢測報告呈核 貴局進行行政作業。異味檢測中,周界異味檢測不合率為62%,其中,榮剛材料科技柳營廠,於稽查檢測後,提出當日未執行污染源運作證明,經核定後予以撤銷告發處分作業。而管道異味檢測不合格比例相較為低,約27%。其中,優達樹脂化工官田廠及中楠企業公司,因超過法令標準比例偏高,予以加重處分。十、其他檢測作業本計畫針對空污費申報前十大工廠執行THC檢測10根次。檢測結果顯示,僅森鉅科技公司稽查檢測結果測值,較空污費申報結果測值略高,建議納入下年度管道前後端驗證檢測名單。此外,本年度針對屢遭陳情場所,經 貴局核定後,執行10處鋼瓶氣體採樣分析作業。經由上述採樣分析結果顯示,屢遭民眾陳情之物種甲醇,促使鄰近民眾感受到異味。其中4廠亦執行異味檢測。經檢測顯示,榮星電線電纜公司管道異味檢測值4,120,超過排放標準1,000,已告發處分限期改善。十一、其他作業本計畫小組已完成2場教育訓練辦理、1場技術轉移、新聞稿發布9則。此外,計畫執行期間,協助局內執行稽查、處分之EEMS稽查系統建置,以及各項工廠異味陳情數量彙整與統計分析作業,達成率100%。 Volatile organic compounds control operations The statistical period of the outcome report of the project is between January 18, 2012 and December 31st, 2012. The results of the tasks are summarized as follows:I. Volatile organic compounds control operationsIn this project, in accordance with the contract specifications, 80 databases of filing, updating and maintaining have been completed. After all the controlled public or private factories had their on-site information updated, there are still 66 factories with the same basic data, processes, equipment and pollution sources, accounting for 83% in the inventory; eight factories with data change, accounting for 10%; 6 factories with process and equipment changes, accounting for 7%. After being updated, there are 233 public and private factories in the area of special law for operation process, 2,203 pollution sources; 652 control equipment; 799 discharge piping; 771 tanks; 99 wastewater treatment ponds, and 10 loading facility. Statistics show from the database of the stationary pollution sources that, the amount of air pollution of the pollution emission from operation process after updating in the area with special law is as follows: 267.4 tons/year of particulate pollutants; 1,491.9 tons/year of sulfur oxides; 1,506.8 tons / year of nitrogen oxides, and 1,746 tons / year of volatile organics.In the updated database, as for the pollutant emissions, sulfur oxides increase 88.73 tons / year, which was the highest, followed by 57.40 tons of nitrogen oxides. However, as for the reduction of contaminants, particulate pollutants show a downward trend in annual emissions, where pollution emissions reduce 11.12 tons / year. It is estimated that the differences of the pollutant annual emission before and after the updating result from the reasons: different estimated data, different original (fuel) use amount, different production conditions, equipment changes, and factory capacity changes. II. Supervising inspection and report examinationsIn the project, the supervising detection has done 100 times. The working achievement rate reached 100%. Among them, 49 were PSN, 46 for VOCs detection, and 5 for other test items. After on-site supervision, practitioners all implemented according to the detection specifications. As for network periodic testing declaration review (bulletin batch 1&2), in this project, teams has completed 605 online declarations of testing review in accordance with the implementation of procedures of the periodic testing network review, and 599 written reviews of testing declaration are all in compliance with the specifications.III. Odor-verifying inspection operationIn the project, under the provisions, 15 factories should be reported monthly for the odor pollution sources. In this year, there are 409 odor inspections completed. On the inspection of the status and number of people to petition, a total of 33 sites were reported and submitted onto the list of odor inspectors.Among the 409 inspection operations performed this year, during an inspection where site personnel didn’t smell any smell significantly, accounting for the majority, about 73.1%, while the factory with obvious odor accounting for 7.1%. In this year, workplaces inspected mostly are the repeated petition cases. After the protracted inspections or experts and scholars on-site counseling, the operating conditions have been improved, or additional air pollution control equipment, or deodorization facilities have been established.After this year’s inspection control, only 4 factories with the same number of petitions, expect for Guang Zheng leather-making company with obvious rising petions, and the other three companies with slight increase on the petition cases. Except for the four companies mentioned above, the number of petitions in the rest of the companies significantly decreased, which showed that regular inspections can effectively supervise, control and prevent industry odor pollution.VI. Gas station inspection and controlIn this project, during this year, according to the contract specifications, 200 stations have completed the checking operation on the regulation compliances, the gas station emissions, and related equipment inventory operations. There are 130 stations completing the inspections. And, the task achievement rate reached 100%. After checking, the stations are in line with regulatory norms.As for functional test of the oil and gas recovery facilities at gas stations, there were 130 gas stations under check up. There was a total of 1,012 oil gun detected, among which 42 oil guns failed. However, the practitioners have fully completed the improvement, which contributed to the 19.4 tons / year reduction of pollutants.V. Inspection and control of the food and beverage industryIn this year, 400 times of restaurant industry on-site inspections have done, and task-achieving rate reached 100%. Based on the inspection information, Chinese restaurants are the majority in the management style of the food and beverage industry, accounting for 83%, while as for the dining fumes control equipment, analysis shows that the practitioners with installed fume processing equipment accounted for 56%, among which the rate of installation of electrostatic dust collector was the highest (30% ), followed by washing machines (accounted for 19%). This project was in line with promoting environmental-friendly night markets. In the conference room on the 5th floor at EPA, Eastern District, a promotion consultation of environmental night market and shopping district were held. After the expanded survey on dining night market and shopping district census, the results were submitted for feasibility assessment report. After the survey, in response to the city government’s policy promotion, the Anping shopping district is with more tourists so it was chosen to be the promoted shopping district. This project was in line with the food and beverage subsidy policy announced on July 16, 2012. From August to September 2012, 99 business practitioners without installing the control equipment in Anping district were visited individually and distributed with food and beverage propaganda manual.VI. Air pollution levy review operationIn this year, a total of 373 factories have completed their air pollution fee checking, with 214 factories checked for sulfur oxides / nitrogen oxides respectively. The rate of not conforming to the regulations accounts for 52.8%; 259 factories with volatile and the rate of not conforming to the regulations accounts for 54.5%. During this year, industries not conforming to the regulations mostly are small-scale industries, which won’t affect the payment amount. The number of checks in each season was higher than the evaluation norms quantity. Statistics shows that until December, 2012, there was a total of 238 cases of settled conscience money documents which awaits to be delivered. The conscience money from 201 industries was collected and the amount is NT$ 6,670,005516. The conscience money collecting rate is 84%. Statistics had been compiled until December 2012. Through various control operations, the air pollution fee declaration rate has reached 100%; online reporting rate 100% and low pollution reporting counseling 100%.During the implementation of this project, the implementation of the air pollution fee reviewed cases, 200 internal checking operations have been implemented, and the overall compliance rate reached 84%. In addition, the project is to assist with hosting 5 venues (3) self factory coefficient remission conference and 3 venues (4) air pollution fee control equipment remission conference.VII. Promotion meetingThis year in response to the contract specification requirements, various seminars have been held. The task-achieving rate reached 100%. On March 27, 2012, on the 1st floor in the administration bureau in Southern Taiwan Science Park, gas station regulations promotion meetings were held, and the attendance rate reached 72.7%. In addition, this year two conventions of volatile organic compounds control were held. The attendance rates are 76.6% and 86% respectively.In addition, air pollution fee regulatory seminars were held on the 1st floor auditorium in Southern Taiwan Science Park Administration bureau on October 20th and 24th, 2012 respectively. In the meeting, some experts and scholars were invited to give instructions on the new revised/announced air pollution fee charging measurements and calculation methods.VIII. Counseling control operationsThe project team this year focused on the practitioners who suffered from petitions or had room for pollution improvements. Experts and scholars were invited for the on-site inspection and counseling. The task-achieving rate reached 100%. Among them, a total of 3 sessions of odor counseling have been completed (Ford, Shang Duo Enterprises and Guang Zheng leather-making company); 3 sessions of volatile organic compounds reduction counseling (Mao Di 5th Factory, Syndyne Phenolic Resin Laminates Manufacturer (Liuying branch) and East Ring INTL. Co., LTD.) and 15 sessions of food and beverage soot pollution counseling improvement operations. The related outcomes have all been reported to the bureau for approval and recordation, which have effectively reduced the number of petitions.IX. Odor investigative test operationsThis project has completed 50 sites for odor detection: 37 times of pipeline odor detection, and 13 times of perimeter odor detection. The task-achieving rate reached 100%. In this year’s implementation of odor test, there are 18 exceeding the emission regulations and standards. There are 10 for pipeline odor detection, 8 perimeter odor detection respectively. The places with exceeding emission regulations have been reported to the bureau for related administration operations. In the odor detection, the perimeter odor detection substandard rate is 62%. Among them, the Gloria Material Technology Corp. (Liuying branch) provided its operation certificate of the unprocessed pollution sources on the day after the investigation. However, after approval, the denounced sanctions were revoked. The pipeline odor detection substandard proportion is relatively low, about 27%. Among them, Yuta Resin company (Guantian branch) and Zhong Nan Enterprise companies were severely punished for exceeding legal standards.X. Other testing operationsIn this project, air pollution fee reporting top ten factories should be done THC detection for 10 times. The test results showed that only the test results from Xxentria tech company were higher than the air pollution fee reporting results. It is suggested that this company should be included on the list for the verification testing of before and after the pipeline for the second half of the year.In addition, during the year, for repeatedly petitioned places, after approved by your bureau, 10 cylinder gas sampling and analysis operations should be processed. From the sampling and analysis results, it showed that methanol is repeatedly petitioned by people, making the neighboring people smell odor. Among them, 4 factories also perform odor detection. After testing, it showed that the odor testing value in Jung Shing Wire is 4,120, exceeding the emission standards by 1,000, and the sanctions has denounced the company for improvement before deadline.XI. Other operationsIn this project, the team has completed 2 education training: one for technology transfer, 9 news released. In addition, during the project execution period, we have assisted the Bureau to conduct investigations, disposition the establishment of EEMS inspection system, and organized the number of smell petitions from various factories for statistical analysis. The achievement rate reached 100%. 101 台南市環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=51257
101年度高雄市資源回收源頭減量查核及管制工作計畫 本計畫執行目標:(一)落實應回收廢棄物回收處理業者登記制度管制。(二)推動資源回收責任業者及11大行業販賣業者重點稽查取締工作。(三)促使民眾加強垃圾分類及降低本市垃圾清運量。(四)推廣行政院環保署廢四機回收政策及廢潤滑油解除列管配套措施 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=54128
101年度營建工程污染管制計畫 101 新竹市環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45959
進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章作業暨新車污染管制資料庫整合 本年度計畫之工作項目,主要分為進口車核章作業、國產車核章作業、系統維護操作、政策配合工作等四個工作方向進行,進口車空氣污染物驗證核章作業,2012年完成進口汽車申請驗證核章核定件數共計23,319件,包含汽油車75,812輛、柴油車18,014輛、機車8,409輛及電動車480輛合計102,715輛,另國產大客車執行噪音驗證核章共計核可3,395輛,協助處理完成199件管制案,國產車驗證核章申請件數共計888,606輛,包含汽油車239,342輛、柴油車28,249輛、機車615,251輛及電動車5,764輛,落實各項新車管制作業,確保所有掛牌上路車輛皆符合空氣污染物排放標準,有效管制國內移動污染源之污染排放。於相關系統維護操作,本計畫針對「進口車驗證核章管理系統」,持續各項功能增修:包含公務用途車輛線上核章系統、車輛管控系統、完成規劃車輛二氧化碳管制系統及噪音測試資料傳輸等,完成進口車輛驗證核章作業無紙化作業環境,提供民眾一個更好的申請作業系統,於「國產車驗證核章管理系統」工作推動上,持續執行系統功能的維護與除錯,以維持系統的正常運作外,也針對傳輸作業現況進行檢討並規劃進行機制調整,計畫並成功整合包括汽油車、機車、柴油車等排氣審驗合格證明管制資料及國內認可法規測試實驗室之測試報告資料納入「新車污染管制資料庫」,可加速進口車輛驗證核章作業時間,主管機關環保署也能及時掌握各排氣法規管制所需之必要資訊。有關政策配合工作事項方面,為使車輛驗證核章工作順利推動,本計畫協助更新「進口車驗證核章管理系統」、協助建置「國產車驗證核章管理系統」、整合完成「新車污染管制資料庫」,並編修相關核章須知及系統操作手冊,以使申請核章業務民眾與相關單位了解核章業務推動內容,有助於本計畫各項工作的推行。本計畫持續配合研考會「創新e化-汽車進口服務」建置專案系統維護,及完成核章繳費電子化系統,實施正式電子化繳費系統後,民眾可省去現行至郵局繳費的不便,達到簡政便民及提升行政效率的目的。 Project for the Certification and Authorization of Imported Motor Vehicle Air Pollutants & Integrate The main four objectives for the project include implementing the process for imported vehicle emissions compliance certification application; domestic made vehicle emissions compliance certification application; vehicle information system maintenance and operations; and providing EPA assistance on policy required actions. As to the implementing the process for imported vehicle emissions compliance certificates applications, in 2012 total 23,319 cases were being applied for imported vehicle exhaust and noise emissions certificate, which include 75,812 gasoline vehicles, 18,014 diesel vehicles, 8,409 motorcycles and 480 electric cars, total 102,715 vehicles. In addition, 3,395 domestic made buses were approved for the noise certifications. Total 199 cases of quality control process were being conducted to ensure the effectiveness of new vehicle emissions control. The implementation of certification requirements could be provided to ensure the compliance of emission standards for every registered and enter into service vehicles and control the mobile emissions from vehicles effectively.As to the work item of implementing the process of domestic made vehicle emission certification application. The system transmits emissions compliance vehicle’s information to the Motor Vehicle Service Stations, Ministry of Transportation and Communications periodically to ensure the registered vehicles could comply with exhaust and noise emissions standards. The total number of domestic made vehicles in 2012 is 888,606 which include 239,342 gasoline, 28,249 diesel, 615,251 motorcycles and 5,764 electric cars. This action could ensure all the registered domestic made vehicles could comply with the EPA emissions and noise standards and fulfill the completeness of new vehicle control requirements.As to the maintenance and operation of vehicle information system, the Development and Evaluation Commission was commissioned to establishing and maintaining the innovative electronic process for “Imported vehicle certification management system”, continuously adding new functions such as: official use vehicles online verification of the system; vehicle control system; complete the planning vehicle carbon dioxide control system; noise test information transmission to establish a non paper requirement process and provide public a friendly application system. As to the ”Domestic made vehicle certification management system”, besides continuous maintaining and debugging to keep the system function normally, this project also reviewed and planning on some function adjustments for the current transmission process. The new vehicles emissions control data archive has successfully integrated gasoline, diesel vehicles and motorcycles exhaust emissions certification information and test results from accredited laboratories. Its establishment could accelerate the imported vehicle certification process and providing necessary information to the competent authorities. As to providing EPA assistance on policy required actions, the project assisted to upgrading the “Imported vehicle certification management system”, established ”Domestic made vehicle certification management system”, and integrated the “New vehicle emissions data achieve” .Eedited the guidelines for certification process and system operation manuals which could provide references to the applicants and competent authority to understand the application process and to facilitate to promote working items for this project. This project also coped with the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission establishing and maintaining the innovative electronic process for imported vehicle services, finished planning on the procedures for electronic certification fee payment process. In the future, the implementation of electronic certification fee payment process, will provide public a convenience environment and save a lot of time as the currently requirement on personally attendance to the post office for certification fee payments. The electronic certification application process could simplify the application process and improve the administration effectiveness. 101 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=51540
101年度嘉義市固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫 1.落實法規制度,本計畫執行各項檢測作業,包含15點次油品硫含量稽查抽測、異味官能測定及周界粒狀物稽查抽測各3點次、加油站氣油比及氣漏檢測13站、鋼瓶氣體採樣分析1點、焚化廠RATA及重金屬檢測各1根次,除1件次異味檢測有污染疑慮外,各項檢測皆符合法規。而在空污費徵收方面,完成100年第4季至101年第2季空污費徵收審查作業,總計63廠次空污費徵收作業,平均申報率及到繳率為100%。硫氧化物及氮氧化物空污費查核方面,本年度共計完成43件次,揮發性有機物空污費查核方面共計完成46家次查核。本年度查核場所中,僅14廠申報有誤,已現場輔導改正,並協助重新推估排放量。2.推動許可制度,本年度計有7件許可申請案件,分別為許可設置申請5件次、新申請操作許可證1件,以及許可異動申請1件次。其中,駁回2件次許可設置申請,核發3張設置許可證,及2張操作許可證,平均審查日數7.4日。本計畫為有效落實許可制度,執行許可查核32件次,業者均符合法規。3.更新固定源排放清單,現階段更新及維護資料庫QA/QC作業108件,經更新後,嘉義市固定污染源總列管公私場所為352家。由完成建檔的固定污染源資料庫資料統計顯示,製程污染排放量部分,粒狀污染物為43.59公噸/年、硫氧化物17.49公噸/年、氮氧化物94.09公噸/年、揮發性有機物127.57公噸/年、一氧化碳30.54公噸/年。4.相關作業,共完成稽巡查作業479件次、辦理4場人員教育訓練、4場宣導說明會及1場技術轉移會議。 Abstract I. Implementation of the rules and regulationsThis project is currently running all the test operations, including 15 periods of the detection sampling tests of sulfur content in oil, odor sensory measurement sampling tests and detection sampling tests of the perimeter granular materials, 3 periods respectively, discharge pipe three, gas station oil ratio and leakage detection 13 stations, and incineration plants RATA and heavy metal detection 1 time. Except for one odor detection not meeting the standard, the other tests all met the standard in compliance with laws and regulations. In the aspect of air pollution fee collection, the air pollution fee collection procedures have been completed from the 4th quarter of 1998 to the two quarter of 2012. A total of 63 plants have completed their procedures of air pollution fee collection. The average declaration rate, fee-paying rates and late fee-paying rate are 100 %. As for the sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides air pollution fee check, , currently a total of 43 has been completed. As for the check of air pollution fee for volatile organic compounds, a total of 46 has been completed. In this year, places being checked, there were only 14 incorrect declaration. The project team has been corrected on-site, counseling and helping to re-estimate the emission amount.II. Promotion of the licensing systemThis year till December 7, there were eight cases of permit applications, which were 5 replacements of operating licenses and 1 applications of permit transaction and extensions of operating licenses respectively. Among them, one case of application for license extension was rejected. The other ten operating permit application have been reviewed and issued nine licenses and the other three operating license application has been approved and has entered the license-making permit. The plan was made for the effective implementation of the licensing system. There were 32 implementing license check. And all the industries were in line with the industry regulations.III. Updating the list of stationary emission sourcesAt this stage, there are 108 updates and maintenance of the database QA / QC operations. After the updates, the total controlled public and private place for the stationary pollution sources in Chiayi City are 352. From the filing-completed stationary sources database statistics, it showed that in the part of process pollution emissions the particulate pollutants are 43.59 tons/year, SOx, 17.49 tons/year, nitrogen oxides 94.09 tons/year, volatile organic compounds 127.57 tons/year, and carbon monoxide 30.54 tons/year.IV. Related jobsIn the project, we have now completed a total of 479 cases on protracted inspection operations, held four staff education and training conventions and four advocacy briefings. 101 嘉義市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41535
機車排氣檢驗站品質管理與資訊應用平台維護專案工作計畫 機車排氣定期檢驗制度自民國85年起,推行至今已邁入第16年。本年度致力於檢驗站管理辦法修訂、定檢不合格率下降原因分析、標準氣體廠查核,以及定檢成效分析。計畫主要工作包括檢驗補助款審查核撥、檢驗站查核管理與教育訓練、檢驗設備認證查核作業、檢驗資料庫系統維運擴增,以及定檢數據統計等。101年度全國符合補助條件者計714萬台,核撥金額計5.7億;透過照片審查有效降低車號誤植問題,車號誤植率由0.14%降至0.05%。檢驗站管理方面,透過50站實車查核與5站監控畫面調閱,確實瞭解目前執行實務問題,俾利後續管制策略檢討修正。本年度首次辦理標準氣體廠查核作業,確認廠商製程品管與送審文件一致性,並由委員提出策進建議,供未來認證標準修訂參考。系統作業方面,除系統操作維運,另建置檢驗軟體品質指標平台,應用檢驗站上傳各項紀錄監控軟體品質,並因應個資法適行,調整系統車籍使用、查詢權限與介面。污染減量成效部份,除不合格複驗改善之減量貢獻,另配合二行程機車淘汰、基管會回收車資料,統計因無法通過定、攔檢而淘汰之減量成效。101年不合格複驗改善後,CO、HC分別計減量8,212、1,280公噸;近2年因檢驗制度促使機車淘汰、回收或報廢計440,996台,CO、HC分別計減量4,781、1,972公噸。 The motorcycle exhaust inspection station’s quality management and information application platform This year was the 16th year of regular motorcycle exhaust inspection system since it started in 1996. This year’s key programs were in amending the “Management Rules of Inspection Stations”, analysis of reasons for reduced failure rate of regular inspections, on-site audit of standard gas factories, and performance analysis of regular inspection system. The main tasks of the program included review and appropriation of subsidy funds for inspection, auditing management and training for the inspection station, certification of test equipment, maintenance and expansion of the inspection database system, and statistical analysis of regular inspection data.In 2012, there were 7.14 million inspection records that qualified for the subsidy conditions, totaling NT$570 million allocated in subsidy. Through full-scale screening of inspection photos, the miskeying of license plate number for inspection record reduced from 0.14% to 0.05%. Regarding inspection station management, through on-site motorcycle audit of 50 stations and screening of video monitor records from 5 stations, the actual problems of execution at the inspection stations were verified to serve as reference for management and control strategy discussions and amendments. The on-site audit of standard gas factories, which was held for the first time in this annual plan, ensured the uniformity of quality control of factory manufactured products with the application documents. The improvement recommendations presented from the commissioner, which will serve as reference for amendment of certification standards. In terms of system operations, in addition to maintenance work on the system, a software quality indicator platform was set up. It utilized various records uploaded from the inspection stations to continue monitoring software quality. In compliance with the “Personal Information Protection Act”, the system access for the vehicle's registration information and the inquiry authority and interface were also adjusted accordingly.In terms of pollution reduction performance, other than improvement on reduced amount of inspection failed vehicles those passed the recheck, the elimination of 2 stroke motorcycles and recycled vehicles that were unable to pass regular inspection or roadside inspection were also collected. In 2012, because of improvement on recheck, the amount of CO and HC has reduced 8,212 and 1,280 metric tons respectively. In the last 2 years, the reduction in CO and HC from 440,996 vehicles, which included elimination of 2 stroke motorcycles, recycling or junking motorcycles, were 4,781 and 1,972 metric tons respectively. 101 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53001
建置室內空氣品質標準值暨室內空氣污染源調查及監測查驗制度(第二年) 本計劃為兩年期計畫,第一年已依約完成建置甲醛、主要揮發性有機污染物物種標準值之工作,並初步建議與健康危害有關的特定真菌菌種及分析技術,且利用5點次巡檢視檢測儀器及公告方法實場採樣結果,初步建立相關標準程序規範。此外,為了解室內環境與個人因子對健康影響,本研究團隊亦於第一年嘗試利用適應負荷模式進行評估。第二年則承續第一年計畫成果,進行各項環境實場採樣,並彙整兩年之結果,提出室內空氣品質標準修訂之依據及巡檢式檢測儀器實場使用規範,以供主管機關施政之參考。本研究收集近年國內外室內半揮發性有機物研究顯示,鄰苯二甲酸酯類(Phthalate Esters, PAEs)為目前室內濃度(包含地面灰塵、空氣與微粒濃度)與健康風險較高的半揮發性有機物之ㄧ,室內灰塵為重要的蓄積與暴露介質。本研究分析國內20所小學/幼稚園灰塵中PAEs濃度(n=54),其中濃度最高者為DEHP,其次為DNOP,相較於國外研究,其濃度與檢出率均較為突出。室內灰塵PAEs暴露總量上,以DEHP總暴露量最高,主要暴露來自灰塵食入。風險評估結果,校室內灰塵PAEs暴露對兒童及成人無明顯健康危害,但對低齡兒童的健康危害仍不可輕忽。於國內室內空氣中PAEs管理上,建議以建立較完整資料庫為優先,未來必要時再以RfD或TDI進行室內空氣品質標準之建立。真菌指標評估經彙析國內外室內空氣中微生物相關文獻資料,以及33點次不同類型場所的樣本收集分析後,顯示台灣本土優勢菌種類分佈與國際間相似,且室內外環境中最常見、容易受到室內環境特性影響而易出現濃度累積情形,以及會影響人員健康之真菌屬為Aspergillus spp. 和Penicillium spp., 建議需優先列為往後評估作為標準研擬之目標菌屬。此外,由qPCR技術分析真菌前驅測試結果,顯示與活性培養法的濃度呈正向關係,且部分具有健康風險的麴菌種 (A. versicolor、A. fumigatus、A. flavus、A. niger)亦於環境樣本中被偵測出來。研究於15個辦公空間中收集88位受試者的健康指標、生物檢體及所處辦公空間的環境品質,並以線性迴歸模式分析其間的關係。分析結果顯示室內環境因子和適應負荷模式與SBS無顯著關係,但室內相對濕度、光照度、TVOC與HCHO和8-OHdG濃度有顯著關係。然因研究收集的樣本數有限,因此,環境因子是否可影響適應負荷模式進而影響SBS的表現,有待未來收集更多樣本數以利探討。在比對CO、CO2與O3巡檢式檢測儀器和公告方法的實場監測值後,本研究團隊建議僅以NDIR為偵測原理的CO2直讀式儀器可有效監測場所的CO2濃度,但仍需和公告方法比對,以確認不同廠牌的適用性。彙整國內外巡檢式檢測儀器使用規範與查驗制度和實場比對資料,CO、CO2與O3巡檢式檢測儀器使用規範與查驗制度草案以下列內容為主:(1) CO、CO2與O3巡檢式檢測儀器基本性能規範說明,(2)採樣前,CO、CO2與O3巡檢式檢測儀器需完成的校準項目、水準與流程,(3)採樣期間,CO、CO2與O3巡檢式檢測儀器的使用規則,(4)採樣後,CO、CO2與O3巡檢式檢測儀器監測結果的處理流程,(5)查驗項目與流程等五大部份,以提巡檢式檢測儀器監測結果之代表性與應用性。 Examination of IAQ recommendation levels, investigation of indoor source and establishment of monito Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) first announced recommendation levels for 10 indoor air quality indexes in 2005. Nevertheless, scientific information has continued to grow and the need to revisit whether the proposed values reflect the local realities in Taiwan or the existing standard method was appropriate in future application has gained concensus. Objectives of this current study include:1.Analyzing the HCHO levels distribution in different indoor environments in Taiwan, and measuring the levels and species of VOCs in Taiwan to propose revised standards for local application. Moreover, this project will complete the sampling of major semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and collect references on sources and health outcomes of SVOCs.2.Preliminary assessment of the characteristics and distributions of fungi species with potential health risk in indoor environments.3.Develop a preliminary non-invasive measurement of comprehensive biomarkers so that assessment the relationship between indoor environmental factors and health outcomes.4.Assess the serviceability of real-time instruments in indoor environments, and make the relative standards.The major achievements, findings and recommendations of this study are summarized as following:1.A comprehensive literature review was performed on the environmental fate and health risk of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), especially for phthalate esters (PAEs), in indoor environments. The major phthalate were DEHP and DNOP with median concentrations of 520 μg/g dust and 135.1 μg/g dust, respectively. Estimated average daily doses of phthalates from ingestion, dermal and inhalation exposures are less than the reference doses (RfD) established by US EPA and tolerable daily intake (TDI) set by EFSA. The difference in exposure estimates between children and adults in this study supports previous reports that children are at greater risk from pollutants that accumulate indoors. A risk based approach for setting PAEs IAQ standards based on RfD and TDI values is recommended. However, to establish a comprehensive indoor PAEs database may be more important than the issue of standard setting at this stage.2.Our study was found that the genera of Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp. were the most common fungi in the indoor environment, and their growth were easily affect by the environmental characteristic factors like house age, building materias, and had significant health concern, so we finally suggested that Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp. could be the fungal indexs when the rules draw up in the future. Besides, we established an qPCR analysis methods to detect the concentration of total fungi and species of Aspergillus, and the results showed a positive association with culturable concentration, and the species of Aspergillus like A. versicolor, A. fumigates, A. flavus, A. niger which were related to health concern were also detected in these public environment.3.Our study measured the health indicators, bio-samples and indoor environmental indexes for 88 subjects in 15 offices. We used linear regression models to examine the effects of environment and individual factors on allostatic load model, SBS (Sick Building Symptoms) and 8-OHdG. Results showed that allostatic load model and SBS were not significantly correlated with environmental indexes, but there were significant correction between temperature, light TVOC and HCHO and 8-OHdG levels. Our study only collected 15 offices, researcher are need to collect more samples to investigate the relationship between environmental indexes and allostatic load and SBS. 4.Data of real-time monitor for CO, CO2 and O3 were compared with standard method, we suggested that only CO2 real-time monitor is more appropriate to measure the levels of CO2 in field, but it still must be assessed the association between real-time monitor and standard method to confirm that whether different kinds of CO2 real-time monitors can be used to measure the levels of CO2 in indoor. Base on the use rules of real-time monitors and the sampling data at 16 fields, the project accomplished a draft document for “The standard testing method for using real-time monitors for CO, CO2 and O3”, and suggested that the contents should include: (1) the information of basic functions of instrument, (2) the items, level and flow path of compartison before sampling, (3) the operational guideline during sampling, (4) the collection and analysis of sampling data, and (5) the items and flow path of checking. 101 空保處 國立成功大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46607
「99至101年度公有一般廢棄物處理設施營運管理監控及輔導改善委託專案工作計畫(101年度,第3年)」 本計畫101年度主要執行項目共分三個工作項目,第一項為「延續強化一般廢棄物掩埋場地方維護系統管理資訊平台」,延續100年度第2年計畫內容,持續擴充資訊平台之功能,並辦理2場次環保機關操作說明會協助今年度開放縣市環保局順利上網進行填報公務報表作業。第二項為「提昇一般廢棄物衛生掩埋場正常營運管理」,完成辦理100年度掩埋場體檢績優場次頒獎暨101年度掩埋場營運管理研習會,37場次掩埋場總體檢工作,3場次地下水採樣及水質分析21項目及協助修改總體檢要點內容等工作。第三項為「研擬轉運站設置計畫作業指引」,完成調查彙整8場垃圾轉運站基本資料、檢討與評析其執行成效及因應改善措施,並研訂轉運站設置作業指引原則。掩埋場資訊平台今年度開放縣市環保局上網辦理填報督導掩埋場及轉運站公務報表及更新各場基本資料等作業,環保署可藉由資訊平台彙整各場營運現況資料。37場次總體檢評比結果,獲優等共9場、甲等18場及乙等10場,相較於100年度成績等級,臺南市、高雄市及桃園縣環保局所督導管理之場次成績進步為優等。辦理新竹市浸水場、苗栗縣竹南鎮廠及高雄市燕巢區域場3場次地下水採樣檢測結果,3場應評估納入總溶解固體物、總硬度、總有機碳及鐵、錳等項目為定期檢測項目,以長期監測其變化。垃圾轉運站問題主要與規劃設計不良與使用者參與度過低有關,對於後續轉運站設計與選址時應提高使用者參與度,以其了解實際狀況、條件、需求與後續維護問題而能使轉運站之設置達較佳效能。 Project of Operation Management Monitoring and Improvement Assisting for Public Waste Treatment Faci This project's main executive items in 2012 are divided into three. The first work item is to “continue to strengthen the management information platform of local maintenance system for the general waste landfill sites,” continuation of the 2nd-year plan content of 2011, continue to expand information platform function, and hold environmental protection agencies explanatory conferences in order to assist making smooth internet access open to counties and cities Environmental Protection Bureaus in this year for the purpose of filling in and submitting official statements tasks. The second work item is to "enhance the normal operational management of the general waste sanitary landfill sites, complete conducting outstanding sites award resulting from landfill site checkup as well as 2012 landfill sites operation management workshops, overall landfill site examination work of 37 sites, 21 items of groundwater sampling and water quality analysis for 3 sites, and help modify the main point content of total examination work, etc. The third work item is to "develop transfer station establishment plans operating guidelines", to complete the survey and compilation as regards eight sites of waste transfer stations’ essential materials, review and evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation and improvement measures in response, and develop the guiding principles of the transfer station set-up task .This year the landfill site information platform makes internet access open to counties and cities Environmental Protection Bureaus for filling in and submitting official statements task with regard to the supervision on the landfill sites and transfer stations and updating each site’s basic information, etc. Environmental Protection Administration collects and compiles current operational status information by means of the information platform. Among 37 sites’ total examination appraisal results, 9 sites attain excellent rate, 18 sites attain grade A, and 10 sites attain grade B. Compared with 2011 result grade, sites under the supervision and management of Tainan City, Kaohsiung City and Taoyuan County Environmental Protection Bureau attain improved results and excellence rate. Handle Hsinchu City waterside site, Miaoli County Zunan Town site, and Kaohsiung City Yenchao area site groundwater sampling and testing results. Three sites should assess the inclusion of total dissolved solid bodies, total hardness, total organic carbon and iron, manganese, etc. in periodical testing items, in order to monitor changes on a long-term basis. Problem of refuse transfer station mainly relates to poor planning and design as well as overly low level of user participation. Regarding subsequent transfer stations design and location selection, user participation extent should be increased so as to realize actual situation, conditions, demands, and follow-up maintenance problems, and enable the establishment of transfer stations to achieve better efficiency. 101 督察總隊 尚竑工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41869
屏東縣『加強農業廢棄物露天燃燒稽查管制及紙錢減量焚燒處理計畫』 本計畫主要工作有兩項,一為改善農業廢棄物露天燃燒,二為推動紙錢集中焚燒及減量,無論在各項稽巡查管制作業、宣導措施上一向不遺餘力,目的無非是希望要導正農民處理農業廢棄物之方式及焚燒紙錢量代表誠心之觀念,根本解決農業廢棄物及紙錢露天燃燒情形以維護空氣品質。101年度屏東縣「加強農業廢棄物露天燃燒稽查管制及紙錢減量焚燒處理計畫」自101年3月6日簽約後開始執行至12月止,總計完成露天燃燒巡查件數共527件,其中以南州鄉查獲案件較多,而查獲物種大都為蓮霧廢枝葉,針對查獲案件之基本資料已更新鍵入GIS系統中,另利用地政單位數化地籍圖及現場作物核對複查以建置農民資料庫,完成5000筆農民資料庫之建檔工作;針對易燃燒之果樹枝葉提供破碎處理輔導,透過輔導及補助11個代工班,執行1070筆地號破碎作業,共計350公頃;執行農業廢棄物多元化處理共61.67公頃,其中包含裁剪枝葉焚化處理1.38公頃、覆土膠布回收60.28公頃;推動台糖出租農地自主管理,抽選260公頃出租農地進行查核,查核時皆未發現露天燃燒情事,顯示以租賃契約來約束承租人頗具成效;推動台灣蓮霧發展協會自主管理作業,取得50位會員簽署不露天燃燒公約書、管制36公頃蓮霧園;輔導5個產銷班成立環保農園、查核19個已成立環保農園,各產銷班均妥善處理農業廢棄物,管制產銷班不露天燃燒108.078公頃。紙錢集中焚燒處理作業共收運86.06公噸(清明節期間收集30.54公噸、中元節期間收運55.52公噸)運往高雄中、南區資源回收廠集中焚化;篩選縣內100家廟宇進行親訪輔導,經輔導後有15家廟宇配合執行減量措施;完成3場露天燃燒宣導會,分別於佳冬鄉公所、南州鄉農會及佳冬鄉羌園國小辦理宣導說明會;於中元節前夕辦理紙錢宣導會,分別於屏東市慈鳳宮、南州鄉代天府及內埔鄉公所各辦理1場紙錢宣導說明會;於禁止露天燃燒、紙錢集中焚燒與減量相關活動中發送宣傳單、海報、宣導品,共1500份,並配合相關活動或訊息刊登新聞稿2則。 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62193
101年全國環保志(義)工趣味運動會專案工作計畫 為凝聚全國環保志工的向心力,並促進縣市志工的相互交流,達到環保教育與創意樂活的全國性環保志工指標性活動 Project of National Entertainment Games Sport Day for Environmental Volunteers 2012. EPA, Executive Increase the coherence and mutual exchange of environmental volunteers nationwide for the purpose of achieving the true meaning of environmental education and creative design based on Lohas. 101 綜計處 新視紀整合行銷傳播股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42166
露天燃燒及環境污染陳情案件稽查管制計畫 101 新竹縣環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46621
節能減碳氣候調適全民行動計畫 面對全球暖化、氣候變遷的威脅,目前國際上因應氣候變遷的方式分別為減緩(Mitigation)與調適(Adaptation)行動,世界各國除了持續積極致力於人為溫室氣體排放的減量之外,也開始透過調整既有的生活及社會運作方式,適應因「全球暖化」下所造成各項極端環境狀態。計畫重點以建立全民節能減碳、減碳調適行動概念,並推廣民眾與企業於日常生活和企業文化中開始落實行動,為首要目標。並積極鼓勵參與國際環保節日,喚起社會大眾對於節能減碳意識,並藉此宣傳節能減碳及氣候調適之間的重要性,加強臺灣於國際上視野。同時持續辦理環保署節能減碳行動標章申請活動,透過標章之認證,鼓勵且肯定國內企業、民間團體及社區對於落實節能減碳行動的努力,進而帶動社會上節能減碳、氣候調適風氣。配合目前的社會潮流與推廣當季當地飲食概念,開發低碳智慧生活網網頁及辦理低碳美食推廣活動,把減碳調適、蔬果少肉的概念能夠深入社會各階層當中並慰為潮流。計畫內亦進行持續推動能源之星標章計畫,加強民眾對於能源標章的認知。計畫內完成辦理地球日、世界環境日等環保大型活動,共計近10,000多人次參與;完成辦理101年度節能減碳行動標章申請、審查及頒獎活動,共計238家企業、社區、民間團體等單位自願性申請提出認證,經評審後共137家獲得此標章之核可,顯示出社會上對節能減碳議題之重視及對環保署節能減碳行動標章之認同;完成辦理「低碳蔬食餐盒」創意料理競賽活動及「低碳智慧生活網」,成功傳達給民眾低碳蔬食與低碳生活的理念;完成63項能源之星標章產品追蹤考核作業,並持續環保署推動能源之星標章計畫。 The Plan of Protection of Public Action in Adaptation to the Climate Change with Energy Saving and C The mitigation and adaptation are two primary actions in response to the threat of climate change. Apart from the effort to reduce the anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, countries in the world continue proactively to adjust the current living and societal functions so as to adapt to the extreme environmental events caused by global warming. The focus of this project is to build up the consensus of energy conservation and carbon reduction among the public and promote these concepts to be put into practice. This project not only proactively took part in the international environmental festivals but also continue to arouse the sense of environmentalism and the importance of extreme weather adaptation. By doing so, Taiwan is able to follow up the world trend in climate issues as well as broaden the horizon domestically. This project at the same time is proceeding with the carbon reduction mark application activity which utilized to encourage domestic enterprises, community and society to implement carbon reduction action, furthermore to stimulate the atmosphere of protection of our environment. In order to promote the low carbon living style, the execution of carbon reduction-related mobile application, low carbon diet and energy-star product agenda that hopefully in the end the concept of low carbon living can be implanted into public’s mindset and express to the daily life.This project has completed the implementation of following events:Earth Day and International Environment Day which is estimated 10,000 participants involved;The annual processing of carbon reduction action mark application held for 3 sessions, accounted for 238 units applied, businesses, communities and other voluntary units included. The result came out that 137 units have been approved the certification, showing that the increasing consciousness of carbon reduction campaign as well as the mark issued by Environmental Protection Administration(EPA);The ‘low carbon cuisine contest’ has successfully conveyed the idea of low carbon diet to the public;Completion of tracking and assessing 63 Energy Star label product, and will continue to promote the plan of Energy Star. 101 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=49093
101年度雲林縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 本計畫已依契約規定完成各項工作。各項工作成果摘要如下:(一)土壤污染調查工作:於北港鎮溝皂里農地的土壤監測,調查出6處農地土壤砷含量達食用作物農地土壤污染管制標準,環保局已依規定辦理食用作物剷除銷燬及補償作業。另本年度查出多處位於排水渠道的底泥調查點位其重金屬含量超出底泥品質指標限值,雖然排水渠道不屬於土污法第六條第五項之列管水體,惟仍建議應將此部分調查資料轉相關水利單位接手調查或辦理後續行政管理作業。(二)持續縣內場置性監測井監測、維護工作:部分監測井地下水水質有氨氮、總有機碳、鐵、錳及總溶解固體等項目偏高的情形。歷年璟美掩埋場場址地下水總酚測值已低於管制標準,但氨氮及總有機碳仍屬偏高,仍應持續監測。另後續調查如持續正常時,建議環保局可考慮依土污法第二十六條及執行細則第二十四條規定,彙整相關資料報請中央主管機關解除場址列管。(三)緊急突發事件緊急應變作業:本年共計執行完成13場次緊急應變工作。其中於龍岩厝段4口簡易井之2次地下水監測,檢測結果地下水總有機碳及氨氮濃度有超過監測標準的現象,應持續監測。(四)行政支援工作:已完成4季次加油站網路申報審查作業、1場次法規宣導說明會,與協助完成環保署現地評鑑、發佈3篇土水相關新聞稿及至轄內4所國小進行教育宣導等相關土壤及地下水業務之推動工作。經由本計畫的執行,相關建議供環保局參考:(一)本年度於部分調查區域排水溝渠中檢測出底泥含量超出底泥品質指標限值,雖然排水溝渠尚不在土污法列管範圍,但仍具有污染風險,建議後續應將相關資料轉相關水利單位接手調查辦理,如疏浚清淤等工作,並應追蹤其後續辦理情形。(二)北港鎮溝皂里的農地土壤砷含量的來源初步研判應與附近皮革廠關聯性不高,而與農民長期抽取含砷地下水累積於土壤中有關,建議環保局未來向環保署申請研究計畫,透過瞭解及調查該區域用水歷史、抽水井位置、耕作習慣及土壤砷濃度分佈的相關性,來釐清土壤中砷來自自然因素的確切性,以瞭解污染成因並擬訂未來管制策略。(三)本計畫於龍岩厝段非法棄置場址簡易井持續檢測出地下水總有機碳及氨氮濃度仍超過監測標準,建議後續仍應持續監測,未來污染物濃度如有增加,則應建置標準監測井作長期監測。 2012 Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification For Yunlin County All tasks of this project had achieved before 2012/12/31. The following is a list of accomplishments under the contract: I. Soil pollution investigation in high pollution potential zone This work was to investigate the soil quality of the farmlands around Taiwan Colors and chemical Co. (TCC), Beigang Township Gouzao Village, Fongtian Industrial Park and Tapi pickled-vegetable Factory. According to the results, some farm had been polluted by heavy metal As pollution around Bengang town Gouzao Village. The As concentration of six farmlands around the Bengang town Gouzao Village met the standards of ”Control Standards of Food Crops Farmland Soil Contamination”. It is evaluated the source of As content maybe come form groundwater. Some polluted heavy items are found at sediment, it is recommended that holding a meeting with Department of Hydraulic engineering and Department of Agriculture to discuss how to remove the polluted sediment.II. Groundwater well monitoring The results of the investigation to the water quality of groundwater this year are consistent with the results of the former project. In general, the items of NH3-N, TDS, Mn, Fe at some monitoring well are higher than Groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standards, and it is consistent with EPA investigated results. Some researchers considered that it is a common phenomenon in West Taiwan. Furthermore, the investigated data of other heavy metal and VOCs/SVOCs were lower than the pollution standards. Besides, the concern item of total phenol in Gin-Mei landfill site is lower than “Groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standards”, and it is necessary that monitoring sustained this site.III. The inspection of the remediated siteIt is 25 polluted sites till 2012/12, including 14 sites in Mailiao Industrial Park. The polluted sites such as Huwei gas station, Douliou University gas station and Douliou Shinanhuan Road gas station, has much pollution potential because of delay remediation, it is suggested that restricting severely those polluted site. Besides, Polluted sites in Mailiao Industrial Park will supervised and verification by other project.IV. Other worksThe inspection of 13 emergent case, the verification of network data reporting by 122 gas stations, the implements of one guidance meetings about “The introduction of the management rule of underground bucket and the Green Remediation”, etc., have been accomplished completely.Through the implementation of this project, some relevant recommendations for the EPB reference:(A) this project found some sediment pollution at the drainage ditches, although the drainage ditches is not yet the restricted scope of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, but is still has a risk of contamination, it is recommended that holding a meeting with Department of Hydraulic engineering and Department of Agriculture to discuss how to remove the polluted sediment.(B) it is presumed that the arsenic content of the farmland soil in Gouzao Village Bengang township may form the groundwater. Some programs are needed to research the behavior of irrigation, pump position and the distribution of arsenic concentration in the farmland, etc., and to clarify the resource of arsenic or to establish the strategies for restrict the using of groundwater and the planting of plant.(C) the water item of NH3-N, TOC are higher than Groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standards project in Longyan Section Yuanchang Township, it is recommended that continued monitoring of pollutant concentration. If the concentration of pollution increase, establish the standards monitoring wells for long-term monitoring is necessary. 101 雲林縣環境保護局 澳新科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41592
101年發行英文環保政策月刊專案工作計畫 一、 發行英文環保政策月刊12期。二、 處理環保署英文文件。三、 發行網路月刊。四、 維護英文環保政策月刊查詢系統。五、 協助製作英語及西班牙語多媒體簡報。六、 英譯署長立法院書面報告。 Publication of Environmental Policy Monthly in 2012 The objective of this project was to provide the international community convenient channels to understand how Taiwan carries out its environmental protection policy as well as propagate the performance. This is done by translating professional reports concerning the development and future trends related to Taiwan's environmental protection policy into English and publishing them in periodicals as well as on the Internet. As of December 2012, 12 issues of the English version of Environmental Policy Monthly were published, with 900 copies for each issue, 100 copies of which reserved for EPA. A total of 718 copies were mailed out each month, with 401 copies sent out domestically and 317 internationally; a total of 4,272 copies were sent out over the Internet. Combining the mail outs and Internet copies, the total readership for the Environmental Policy Monthly came in at 4,990. Contents of the Monthly were provided to Taiwan’s EPA for use on relevant departmental websites. Two editors were sent to the EPA to assist with the editing of English documents. Other tasks included producing and updating the EPA's multimedia English presentations and Spanish presentation as well as providing the English version of the EPA's two policy briefings to Legislative Yuan in 2012. The Environmental Policy Monthly database and search system were also maintained and updated regularly. 101 永續發展室 惠國顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44486
100年度桃園縣高污染潛勢加油站查證及列管場址污染改善驗證工作計畫   桃園縣政府環境保護局辦理「100年度桃園縣高污染潛勢加油站查證及列管場址污染改善驗證工作計畫」,以利確實掌握桃園縣轄區加油站土壤及地下水污染現況和確保列管場址之污染改善成效。 本計畫加油站調查工作將分三階段辦理,第一階段進行加油站測漏管功能和油氣檢測,再依據第一階段調查結果,篩選第二階段調查名單,執行第二階段的土壤查證和簡易井地下調查工作,再依據第二階段地下水調查結果,篩選第二階段調查名單,執行第三階段的地下水查證工作。 本計畫已完成下列工作:(1) 第一階段調查:41座加油站陰極防蝕功能檢測、27座加油站測漏管功能查核和19座加油站測漏管油氣之LEF、PID和FID檢測。(2) 第二階段調查:10座高污染潛勢加油站的第二階段土壤污染查證和地下水簡易井採樣及檢測分析作業。(3) 第三階段調查:3座高污染潛勢加油站的第三階段地下水標準監測井採樣及檢測分析作業。(4) 6處列管污染改善場址驗證、1處工廠和16筆農地疑似土壤重金屬污染場址查證作業。(5) 110口井之巡查作業和31座加油站進行Eco-life網頁維護和推廣工作。(6) 辦理2場次加油站污染防治講習會。 Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation of the High Pollution Potential Gas Stations and Verification of the Polluted Sites in Taoyuan County for 2011 In order to prevent soil and groundwater pollution, ensure the sustainable use of soil and groundwater, and fulfill the regulations of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act , the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of Taoyuan County initiated the Project. This project was to investigate soil and groundwater pollution for the high pollution potential gas stations and to validate the regulated polluted sites. This project was implemented in three phases. The 1st phase was to measure the oil vapor density of soil vapor monitoring well. Based on the results of 1st phase, the 2nd phase focus on high pollution potential area which screening of 1st phase to conduct the detect ion and analysis of soil samples. In addition, groundwater samples from temporary groundwater sampling wells were also detected and analyzed. Based on the result s of 2nd phase, the 3rd phase selected the gas stations with the pollutant s’ density in the groundwater higher than the control standards to install standard monitoring wells and detect and analyze groundwater samples. The work conducted so far includes: (1) The 1st phase was to check the cathodic protection equipment of 41 gas stations, test the basic functions of soil gas monitoring wells of 27 gas stations and measure the oil vapor densities of 19 gas stations by using LEF, PID, and FID. (2) The 2nd phase was to conduct the detection and analysis of soil samples and temporary groundwater sampling wells for 10 high pollution potential gas stations. (3) The 3rd phase was to conduct the standard monitoring well installation at the gas stations with high pollution potential, to sample and analyze groundwater in which the pollutants are beyond the control standard from the 3rd phase investigation. (4) 6 regulated polluted sites, 1 factory and 16 agricultural Lands of high pollution potential areas with soil pollution of copper were validated. (5) The project team crew implemented to patrol 110 wells and assist 31 gas stations to maintain the Eco-life web page of EPA. (6) Two advocacy workshops were hold for 257 gas station works. 101 桃園縣政府環境保護局 駿興工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45715
101年度台灣南部海域環境品質調查監測及海洋垃圾調查計畫 屏東縣政府環境保護局接受行政院環保署補助,針對台灣中部及東部以南沿岸地區含彰化縣、雲林縣、嘉義縣、臺南市、高雄市、屏東縣及臺東縣等縣市重要港口附近海域之水質及海洋垃圾汙染,進行監測調查的工作,並由國立中山大學海洋環境及工程學系負責此項監測及調查的工作,以期建立該區海域完整之水質背景資料,做為未來規劃與管理該區海岸開發利用時之參考。於101年度計畫中選擇台灣彰化縣,雲林縣,嘉義縣,臺南市,高雄市,屏東縣與臺東縣等縣市七處重要港口附近海域,進行水質與海洋垃圾調查工作。此七處採樣的地點由北至南為彰化縣-王功漁港,雲林縣-箔仔寮漁港,嘉義縣-東石漁港,臺南市-安平漁港,高雄市-第一港口,屏東縣-山海漁港與臺東縣-綠島(南寮漁港)附近海域,共為七個測站。於測區內各選擇一個測點,進行監測海域水質及海洋垃圾汙染調查。將所取得之資料加以分析討論,研討所得之結果詳載於本報告書中,文中內容略述如下:第一章前言描述本計畫之緣由。於第二章節中描寫有關各區域採樣點位置之選定及採樣點座標。第三章討論有關採樣方式及包含pH值、溶氧量、總磷、重金屬及海洋垃圾調查...等各項採樣分析之方法。第四章節中針對所採樣品之水質經由分析化驗後之數據資料及海洋垃圾汙染調查統計分析,依七處海域分別逐項討論之。第五章中對於本實驗室之數據品保及品管予以分析討論。第六章中對所有分析結果討論後予以做成詳細結論。第七章為本文之參考文獻。報告書中所包含之圖表資料為所測之化學分析數據、氣象資料、潮汐資料、採樣點位圖等。 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 國立中山大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44385
交通及環境噪音管制及改善策略之研究 101 空保處 凱鉅科技實業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43861
「美國環境影響評估實務案例之研析及參考手冊編製」專案研究計畫 我國環境影響評估法自83年施行以來影響國內開發與環境保護甚鉅。國內環評制度可借鏡美國國家環境政策法下衍生之環境影響評估制度與40餘年之實施經驗。雖然我國的行政體制、立法程序與美國聯邦政府截然不同,但其環境影響評估的執行精神卻是一致,同是重視環境價值、追求環境保護之最終目的。本案執行期間起自民國101年2月起至101年12月底止,彙整美國環評之詳細步驟,並輔以實務之說明,工作成果包括:1. 相關書籍、參考資料收集整理。2. 分析美國環評之詳細步驟及法規規定。3. 彙整美國環評制度流程,說明建議行動案判定為排除類(Categorical Exclusion, CE)、環境評估(Environmental Assessment, EA)、環境影響報告(Environmental Impact Statement, EIS)之標準。4. 以實例說明美國環評委託第三人(Third party contractor)之詳細作法。5. 編製完成「美國環境影響評估程序參考手冊」。6. 11月下旬於中部與北部各舉辦1場研究成果發表會,邀集中央與地方政府相關單位,以及民間規劃顧問公司等代表,與會者深入瞭解並釐清美國與我國環評制度之差異。 Case Study and Analysis of Environmental Impact Assessment in the United States of America and Formu Case Study and Analysis of Environmental Impact Assessment in the United States of America and Formulation of Reference ManualEnvironmental assessment practices originated from National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 in the United States of America is a meaningful reference. Environmental protection is the ultimate goal despite distinctive differences of administrative and legislative processes between the two nations. During the period from February to December in 2012, the study synthesizes how the United States operates environmental impact assessment, accomplishing following matters: (A) Collection reference materials and books,(B) Analysis of U.S. environmental impact assessment related acts and rules and regulations,(C) Compilation of U.S. environmental impact assessment process, and illustration of whether a proposed action is determined as a categorical exclusion (CE), environmental assessment (EA), or environmental impact statement (EIS),(D) Case study of the process to commission a third party contractor, (E) Formulation of “Reference Manual of Environmental Impact Assessment Practices in the United States.”(F) Two seminars were arranged in late November, one in central region and the other in northern Taiwan, with participants from central and local governments, as well as planning consultants in private sector, to discuss differences of environmental impact assessments between the two nations. 101 綜計處 中華民國永續發展學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46072
101年度嘉義市營造永續優質環境衛生計畫 政府為全面改善環境衛生,營造永續優質環境,及落實馬總統的「去污保育護生態、清淨家園樂活化」之環境政策。行政院於97年9月核定環境保護署所提「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」,期程自98年至103年,規劃以6年時間,建置清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活(Ecolife)網及複式動員系統,呼籲以「超過日本,趕上瑞士,脫胎換骨,就從清淨家園全民運動做起!」為願景,並以「垃圾帶回它的家,馬路不是垃圾桶!不見垃圾見整潔,美麗台灣送給您!」為行動準則。期望藉全民參與及共同監督,促成國民素質全面快速蛻變,維持整潔及美化的生活環境。計畫內容包括:建構複式動員系統、全面提升城鄉環境衛生、營造優質環保示範區及重塑清淨海岸風貌等四大主軸。 101 嘉義市政府環境保護局 奇威管理顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41860
柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢驗計畫 新竹縣政府環境保護局在柴油車污染管制方面,為改善新竹縣之空氣品質,給予縣民乾淨清新之生活環境,定期委託辦理「柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢驗計畫」,期透過不定期檢驗管制與調修改善,以有效提升新竹縣之空氣品質狀況,達成污染減量及環境保護之成效。本計畫以稽查行駛於新竹縣之柴油車為主,由民眾檢舉、目視判煙等方式,通知行駛於轄區內柴油車到站檢測;而油品抽測部分,則以站內採油、路邊攔檢及到客貨運場站稽查方式進行,以管制含硫量過高之非法油品。本計畫執行期間,總計完成檢驗1,940輛次,其中不合格者為107輛次,不合格率為5.5%,而在完成檢驗的輛次中,以車齡12-14年車輛及排氣量2,500c.c.以下的車輛為不合格率較高族群;從行駛里程來看,污染度則大致隨著里程數而增加;以車種來分,101年度不合格率以自用小客車較高。今年加強執行目視判煙及車牌辨識,目前完成目視判煙稽查13,635輛、車牌辨識成功車輛數為54,560次,針對有汙染之虞車輛寄出目判通知及主動到檢通知,藉以提升本年度之柴油車納管率。今年度為配合竹竹苗空品區劃定新竹科學園區為柴油車空氣品質淨區,聯合稽查全部安排在新竹科學區加強稽查,每月單週星期二,本縣及新竹市稽查小組針對新竹科學園區進行包圍式聯合稽查,苗栗縣則針對竹南園區進行稽查。計劃期間共執行13次聯合稽查,三縣市總共稽查168輛次,不合格56輛次、不合格率為25%。在油品抽驗部分,自101年柴油油品含硫量標準加嚴,由低於50ppm降為低於10ppm。101年度計畫完成抽查2,473件,含硫量送驗246件,取回報告235件,沒有不合格油品。另外,本計畫針對柴油車較頻繁行駛之路段,執行路邊攔檢無負載急加速排煙檢測,本計畫今年路攔作業,著重執行效率之提昇;共計攔查1,263輛次,經目判及黑名單篩選,篩選後檢測240輛次,其中不合格84輛次,不合率為35.0%。進行路攔分析後發現,污染度大致隨著車齡增加而增加;以車種來看,營業大貨車及特營大貨車不合格率有偏高的情形。對於污染物排放削減量推估主要改善效益來自於檢測不合格高污染車輛之污染改善以及車輛事前調修,本計畫依環保署年行駛里程推估粒狀污染物削減32.79噸/年。 101 新竹縣環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46358
100年度服務業環保標章規格標準制訂專案工作計畫 本計畫執行服務業環保標章規格標準制訂之對象,係由環保署指定包含餐館業、餐飲攤販業、旅行及相關代訂服務業(旅遊業)、清潔服務業、美髮業、汽車美容業、汽車租賃業等7項服務業中選擇5項進行制訂。經環保署選定餐館業、旅行及相關代訂服務業(旅遊業)、清潔服務業、汽車美容業、汽車租賃業等5項服務業後,除參考我國旅館業環保標章規格標準內容為基礎外,另亦參考其他國家環保標章管制要點,如加拿大環境選擇計畫(Environmental Choice Program )CCD–095、澳洲環境選擇計畫(Good Environmental Choice Australia Standard)GECA 42-2008、加拿大環境選擇計畫CCD–061、北歐天鵝標章(Nordic Ecolabelling)-洗車設施(Vehicle wash installations)Version 2.1、北歐天鵝標章-餐館業(Restaurants)Version 1.3、美國綠標章計畫(Green Seal)-餐館與食品服務業(Restaurants And Food Services)、美國綠標章計畫-商業與機構清潔服務(Commercial and Institutional Cleaning Services)、北歐天鵝標章-清潔服務(Cleaning services)Version 2.2、澳洲環境選擇計畫GECA 37-2008等,再透過與各利害相關公會、團體、專家學者進行討論,最終由審議會委員確認通過後,再公告外界申請。 2011 Project of Drawing up Green Mark Criteria for Service Industry The purpose of this project is to draw up Green Mark standard for service industry, precursors of which designated by EPA include restaurant, travel agency, commercial & residential cleaning, car wash as well as car leasing & rental services.In addition to the reference to Ecolabel Standard in Hotel Industry, there are a series of relavant foreign regulations being referred to and taken into consideration, such as Canadian Environmental Choice Program CCD-061 & CCD-095, Good Environmental Choice Australia Standard GECA 37-2008 & 42-2008, Nordic Ecolabelling-Vehicle Wash Installations Version 2.1, Nordic Ecolabelling-Cleaning services Version 2.2, Nordic Ecolabelling-Restaurants Version 1.3, U.S. Green Seal-Restaurants And Food Services, Green Seal-Commercial and Institutional Cleaning Services, etc., and then cautiously discussed by various stakeholders associations, organizations, experts and scholars. Ultimately approved and confirmed by the members of Auditing Conference, the Criteria put into effect by official announcement for applications. 101 管考處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43916
廢機動車輛源頭減量分析規劃暨廢車粉碎廠監督營運專案工作計畫 本計畫主要執行工作項目分為五大部分,包含費率修訂,回收業管制模式檢討,溫室氣體盤查和節能減碳輔導,廢車殼合理重分析和處理業衍生物流向管控,以及觀音粉碎廠監督營運。藉由計畫執行詳細檢討責任業者繳交的回收清除處理費費率,調查業者對於現存二級費率再增加一級距的申請意願,以及其可能符合各級距的車輛銷售數,提出適當費率調整機制與建議的收費金額,希望使廢車回收基金能維持平穩。另外,分析因加強回收車源管制對廢車回收量影響的趨勢,提出於重大廢車回收政策影響下,可能的廢車回收量變化推估模式。因應國內廢車回收體系近年回收量減少而廠家數增加的轉變,則蒐集國外競爭型費率機制相關資訊,研議國內可行的競爭型費率制度,以尋求較適當國內回收業管制模式。本計畫還透過實際細部拆解9輛汽車與9輛機車,詳細紀錄各項元件重量,以加權計算方式求得業者回收車輛的平均重,再藉由問卷調查業者不拆除直接當廢車殼的元件比例,經由詳細分析計算,提供廢車回收拆解後應送交廢車粉碎廠建議的合理重量。配合國內近年的節能減碳推動政策,本計畫亦將溫室氣體盤查作業程序與相關知識傳遞給廢車處理業,輔導其成立專責小組,協助完成溫室氣體盤查清冊;並且對國內五家廢車處理業者進行節能診斷,就實際勘查與量測情形予以輔導,再依照各業者使用狀況提出改善方案供其參考,最後確認各業者初步節能改善成果。另外,針對廢車殼進口可能管道進行產業調查,並分析廢車殼經由不同處理管道對環境的影響;並對廢車殼處理後產生衍生物的最終處理方式作詳細的統計分析。本計畫延續以往,持續對觀音廢車粉碎廠執行營運作業監督,確保運轉操作與維護保養均能妥善執行;今年度特別與委託營運業者討論觀音廠作為環境教育場所的可能性,研擬出環境教育課程特色,並由討論過程瞭解欲設置為教育場所應突破或改變的關鍵點。本計畫建議廢車清除處理費率制訂同時需重新考慮廢車回收基金合理存量,而因經濟衰弱產生的回收量減少問題,應對回收業者作適當總量管制,獎優汰劣以使回收體系正常發展,在廢車殼處理方面,完成廢車殼合理重修正後,可以考慮處理業費率機制朝向增進後端衍生物再利用率規劃。 The Project of End-of-Life Vehicles Reducing, Recycling Investigation and Shredding Plant Operation The contents of the project can be divided into five parts, including the recycling fee reviewing, the recycling enterprise controlling mode reviewing, greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions inventory and energy conservation and carbon reduction consulting, End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs) reasonable weight analysis and the disposal enterprise derivatives control, and Guanyin shredding plant operation supervising. The implementations were summarized as follow: 1. By applying of this project, reviewed the recycling, clearance, and disposal fee rate of vehicle responsible enterprise to make ELV fund stay in a steady level. This project investigated the willingness applying for existing and new fee rates, obtained the selling volumes of every classification and suggested the appropriate fee rate and adjusting mode. 2. To response the decreasing ELV recycling volumes and the increasing recycling enterprises in recent years and to seek a more appropriate controlling mode of domestic recycling enterprises, this project searched the information of overseas competitive recycling mode. 3. To promote the energy conservation and carbon reduction policies, this project delivered the GHG knowledge and operated procedures to the ELV disposal enterprise to help them establish the GHG operating group and assisted in the completion of the GHG inventory. 4. Nine cars and nine motorcycles were selected for detail dismantling in this project. We recorded the weight of the various components, calculated the weighted average weight of the recycling vehicles, then used the questionnaire to investigate the ratio of ELV shell weight that hadn’t been scrapped then gave the reasonable weight of ELV shell that the recycling enterprises should transport to the shredding plants. 5. Kept supervising the operation of Guanyin ELV shredding plant to make sure all the operation and maintenance would be executed properly. This year, we intentionally discussed the possibility of this factory to apply for public place of environmental education. Investigated the characteristic of the course and found out the break through or changing key point of setting up the public place. This project suggested that we should reconsider the ELV recycling reasonable fund when establish the ELV fee rates. In order to reducethe decrease problem of the ELV recycling volumes from the recession, we should do total amount control and reward good recycling enterprises so that we could make the recycling system growth continuously. After the ELV reasonable weight had been amended, we could reconsider the ELV disposal enterprises fee rate and promote the reusing rate of the ELV derivatives. 101 基管會 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48392
毒性化學物質流布調查研究-玉螺生殖構造異常之探究計畫 台灣在持久性有機污染物(Persistent Organic Pollutants)在內之多種環境荷爾蒙禁用後,仍有環境殘留問題,因腹足綱螺類對環境荷爾蒙污染敏感,故常用為環境荷爾蒙污染監測的指標生物,其中玉螺類是沙泥底生態系統中重要的次級消費者,它們的移動性低是西海岸沙泥底常見之漁獲螺類。本計畫以腹足綱螺類為研究物種,進行螺類生殖構造異常之研究,並探討其與環境荷爾蒙有機錫、烷基酚及汞污染是否相關。工作項目有三,1.收集歷年玉螺漁獲資料並分析其變化趨勢;2.調查評估各地二至三種螺類樣本異常狀況;3.分析各地二至三種螺體內環境荷爾蒙(有機錫、壬基酚、辛基苯酚、雙酚A、總汞及有機汞)之濃度。歷年玉螺漁獲數量有隨時間下降之驅勢,但調查方法、底拖範圍及時間未詳細說明,是否確實降低仍無法論斷。雌細紋玉螺外觀無特殊異狀,各地雄螺陰莖型態正常之比例介於20-50%,扁玉螺則介於9-58%,二種螺樣點間差異顯著。蚵岩螺所有樣點都有雄化現象,占雌螺之25-100%,象牙鳳螺也有雄化現象(7-18%),二種雄螺陰莖長度經除以殼長標準化後,樣點間亦有顯著差異。細紋玉螺及扁玉螺所有樣品均未檢出苯基錫,總丁基錫濃度可達3975 及 2527 ng/g dry wt,其中以三丁錫濃度最高,各丁基錫濃度內臟團高於腹足,並有種別差異。烷基酚化合物部分,所有樣品均未檢出辛基酚,但所有樣品均含壬基酚,濃度在572 - 2109 ng/g dry wt之間,壬基酚濃度多呈現腹足高於內臟團,種別差異不顯著。汞檢測則是腹足總汞濃度為42 – 554 ng/g dry wt,內臟團總汞濃度為211 – 1116 ng/g dry wt,種別差異顯著;有機汞濃度介於0.009- 0.150 mg/kg wet wt,無食用上的安全顧慮。相關分析顯示螺類生殖構造異常(標準化後雄螺之陰莖長度、標準化後雌螺之陰莖長度、或雌螺雄化比例)和污染物濃度(總丁基錫濃度、壬基酚濃度、或總汞濃度)二者間無顯著相關。從螺類生殖構造異常和污染物累積來看,螺類可能同時受到丁基錫與壬基酚的影響,建議繼續對有機錫及壬基酚污染加強管制。 The Study on the Environmental Distribution of Toxic substances – Examination on the reproductive ab Although many environmental hormones, including persistent organic pollutants, have been banned in Taiwan, environmental residues are still a concerned issue. Gastropod snails are known to be the most sensitive bioindicators to reproductive-related environmental hormones. In the sand bottom ecosystem, the moon snails are one of the most important 2nd consumer. In this project, concentrations of environmental hormones, i.e., organotins, alkylphenols and Hg were determined in gastropod snails. And, the reproductive abnormalities of snails were correlated to the environmental hormones. The evaluation included the status of moon snail fishery, examination of snails’ reproductive structure and determining the concentrations of the environmental hormones.A decrease trend in moon snail fishery has been found. However, due to a lack of detail description in trawling methodology, the decrease trend can not be certain. In the lined moon snail Natica lineate, there was a significant defference among sites in the ratio of normal to abnormal male penis which ranged from 20 to 50%. In the bladder moon snail Neverita didyma, significant difference among sites in the ratio of normal to abnormal male penis has also found and the ranges were 9-58%. In the oyster drill Thais clavigera, the percent imposex varied between 25-100% with significant difference among sites. In the ivory shell Babylonia areolata, the percent imposex was 7-18% and significantly differed between sites.In the N. lineate and N. didyma, phenyltins was not detected and butyltin concentrations were high, i.e. 2527-3975 ng/g dry wt, with tributyltin as the major component. The concentrations of butyltins were higher in the hepatopancreas than in the foot and significant difference was found between the examined species. Nonylphenol (NP) was detected in all snail samples, with the concentrations of 572-2109 ng/g dry wt. In general, the foot had higher NP concentration than the hepatopancreas and there was no difference among species. The concentrations of total mercury (HG) in the foot and hepatopancreas ranged, respectively, from 42 to 554 and 211 to 1116 ng/g dry wt. Significant difference was observed in the concentrations of HG among species in both tissues. Additionally, the concentrations of organic HG were below the food safety limit (0.009-0.150 mg/kg wet wt). According to the correlation analyses, there was no significant correlation between standardrized male penis length, standardrized female penis length or percent imposex and butyltins, NP or HG. Based on the results, it is likely that snails are affected by organotins and alkylphenols at concerned level, extra control actions are strongly suggested. 101 毒管處 國立中山大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=31770
101年度環保創新科技研發計畫─結合CFSBR與薄膜過濾自動化社區污水處理與回收系統之研發計畫 本計畫之目的是開發一套兼具低操作與維護成本、低操作技術及低耗材等優點之自動化生活污水處理與回收系統,將生活廢污水處理至符合環境用水需求之出流水水質,以達到水資源永續利用之訴求。整體而言,本計畫所開發之薄膜過濾與CFSBR處理系統可有效處理生活污水中之碳、氮及磷等營養鹽,其出流水已能符合排放標準。在監測技術方面,水位量測結果其誤差在量測水位高度49~100cm為0.2公分(誤差百分比為0.4%);虛擬監測結果顯示利用ORP監測資訊可有效推估DO濃度(誤差百分比為11.38%)。在控制結果方面,馴養期以固定式操作其CFSBR之出流水COD濃度為15mg/L~53mg/L,SS濃度為10 mg/L ~94mg/L;在經過薄膜過濾系統,其COD濃度為13mg/L~41mg/L、SS濃度為2mg/L~18mg/L。CFSBR處理系統採用固定操作方式,同時透過pH與ORP及水位監測所得之監測資訊,其結果已經可以達到符合排放水質標準,並搭配薄膜過濾系統成為MCFSBR處理系統,其出流水水質可達到水回收再利用之水質標準。 Developed CFSBR Combined Membrane Filtration For Automatic Wastewater Treatment System in Community The purpose of this plan is to develop of a set lower operation and maintenance costs, low operating technology and low consumptive material of automation sewage treatment and recycling system. The effluent quality of treatment and recycling system can meet domestic water demand and to achieve sustainable use of water resources. Overall, the membrane filtration system combine CFSBR can effectively treat carbon, nitrogen phosphorus and other nutrients in wastewater that effluent can be meet water quality regulations. In monitoring technology of water level, the result shows in the range of 49 ~ 100cm of the water level the measurement error is 0.2 cm.The dissolved oxygen virtual monitoring technology results show that the use of ORP monitoring information can effectively estimate the DO concentration (the error percentage is 11.38%).The fixed operation results show the CFSBR effluent COD concentration is 15mg /L~ 53mg/L and SS concentration is 10 mg /L ~ 94mg/L. After the membrane filtration system, the effluent COD and SS concentration of filtration system respectively are 13mg /L~ 41mg/L and 2 mg /L ~ 18mg/L. The CFSBR with fixed-time operation and use the monitoring information of pH、ORP and water level that the effluent can meet water quality regulations. Combined with a membrane filtration system to become MCFSBR processing system, the effluent quality achieves water recycling and reuse of water quality standards. 101 永續發展室 水礦科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42039
101年度社區環境改造及環保小學堂專案管理計畫 為提升我國生活環境品質,環保署自民國86年開始推動「生活環境改造計畫」,而後持續推動社區環境面向相關改造之系列計畫,至101年所執行的「社區環境改造及環保小學堂專案管理計畫」,其主要精神為採取由下而上的行動方式,配合地方社區的需求及特色,達到社區環境改善及深化環境教育意涵的主要目的。本年度計畫內容包括:(一)辦理聯合提案輔導審查會議及環保小學堂輔導審查會議,以提高社區人員執行之知能;(二)辦理成果分享及下年度計畫申請說明會,以達到社區間相互學習及瞭解本計畫申請要項之目的;(三)辦理聯合提案社區及環保小學堂現場技術輔導,深入社區實地勘查,協助聯合提案社區及環保小學堂解決執行計畫之瓶頸;(四)協助直轄市及縣市執行「社區環境改造計畫」及「環保小學堂計畫」,並按季統計社區執行「社區環境改造」及「推動環境教育學習」成果;(五)建置本年度各社區及環保小學堂基本資料 及歷年來社區環保行動網頁參與社區資料整理、更新及連結;(六)編撰「社區環境改造計畫」及「環保小學堂」成果專輯,宣導計畫推動的意義與作法,加強經驗傳承;(七)辦理社區環境改造後民眾滿意度調查,藉以瞭解及分析社區環境改造計畫及環保小學堂之執行成效。 2012 Environmental Reforms & Learning Center Project The Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has implemented a series of environmental reforms since 1997. In order to promote the environmental quality of community, the main characteristics of these environmental reforms are focusing on both bottom-up mechanisms and local community demands. The major works of this project included: (1) to hold both appraisal meetings for multi-community and environmental learning center applicants and assistant meeting for local government public servants, (2) to hold experience sharing conferences for promoting the understanding among different communities, (3) to provide on-the-spot technical counseling for both multi-community and environmental learning center, (4) to assist communities in implementing projects of environmental reforms and to analyze community indicators on a quarter basis, (5) to establish an Community Environmental Action Website including information database and update previous related data, (6) to compile the publications of the achievement in the multi-community and environmental learning center this year and, (7) to assess the effectiveness of current community environmental reforms by analyzing a satisfaction questionnaire. 101 綜計處 嘉南藥理科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41399
建立周界丙烯醯胺等有機空氣污染物之調查技術 本計畫主要目的為評估與建立周界中丙烯醯胺(Acrylamide,AA)、己內醯胺(Caprolactam,CAP)、二甲基亞碸(Dimethyl Sulfoxide,DMSO)、二甲基甲醯胺(Dimethyl Formamide,DMF)、甲胺(Methylamine)、二甲胺(Dimethylamine)、三甲胺(Trimethylamine)與乙胺(Ethylamine)等8種空氣污染物在周界環境之採樣與檢測技術,包括樣本收集、萃取程序、儀器分析與樣本保存進行探討。本計畫以不同產業四場次(魚市場、除草劑、農藥廠、殺蟲劑農藥廠、掩埋場之廢水池)之現場環境檢測和檢驗品質管制/品質保證等措施,以確實驗證此方法可行性。計畫亦進行檢測技術擴散2場次,以達到技術檢討與轉移之效用。本計畫依據八種不同目標化合物之特性,分為三種不同方法進行採樣,分別以吸附管(活性碳、NBD-XAD7和10%磷酸-XAD等吸附劑,採樣流量控制在0.1 – 0.2 lpm。採樣後,以適當溶劑進行萃取與淨化工作,胺類仍須以衍生方式進行分析工作。最後分別以GC/FID或HPLC/FLD進行全校採樣工作。採樣時之採樣流率(後段吸附劑不得超過前吸附劑5%作為品質管制基準)與穿透定義、各種儀器之線性範圍、偵測極限、保存期限等,均為現代臭異味連續且持續發生之問題。依據其偵測極限,便可計算出周界空氣中目標化合物之監測極限。 Development of ambient sampling and analysis of organic compounds (acrylamide, etc) The purposes of this project are to evaluate and establish ambient air sampling and analysis method for high solubility and strong polarity chemicals such as acrylamide, caprolactam, dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethyl formamide、methylamine、dimethylamine、ethylamine and trimethylamine. The ambient air sampling and analysis method includes adsorbent samplig, sample collection, preservation and instrumental analysis. Through five different ambient air sampling programs at the ambient of various factories, the ambient air sampling and analysis method was tested and verified its effectiveness and the quality control/quality assurance protocol. Technical transfer meetings were also held twice to encompass the thorough goal of this project.Because of the high solubility and strong polarity of target chemicals, most factories applied scrubbers to clean up their exhaust gas, then emit through stacks and become potential odor sources. The required task issues including sampling requirement, the sampling flowrate of 0.1-0.2 lpm was recommended as the upper limit to avoid possible breakthrough. Gas Chromatography equipped with flame ionization detector (GC/FID) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) associated with Fluorescene detector (FLD) were applied to all three sampling and analysis methods. All target compounds were tested from the beginning of sampling, followed by analytical protocals, and finalized by appropriate detectors. Three analytical methods were proposed according to the previous research and results. 101 環檢所 私立天主教輔仁大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41093
101年環境教育人員認證補助、計畫審查與宣導計畫 環保署為推動環境教育,加強學校及社區對環境教育的重視,並善用經認證之環境教育人員人力資源,透過本計畫組成環境教育講師團與環境教育計畫審查團,辦理環境教育講座及協助環境教育計畫審查及相關補助作業。整體工作成果包括完成58件各級學校指定人員申請環境教育認證費用補助、594人次環境教育人員識別證製作及寄發、受理162場次社區、學校申請辦理環境教育講師鐘點費補助及進行5,674件審查並回覆各機關(構)所提之環境教育計畫;另完成2場次環境教育工作坊暨記者會及協助「環境教育終身學習獎勵計畫」草案研擬工作。透過本計畫的推動,相關社區、學校可透過網路平台查詢環境教育講師資訊,連絡講師進行環境教育課程,已獲致良好之媒合效果,同時透過各單位提報環境教育計畫審查,提供其102年環境教育計畫擬定之建議意見,相信未來各單位將能更有效、更落實推動環境教育,朝培養環境公民與環境學習社群,達到永續發展的目標邁進。 The project for the subsidy of environmental education personnel certification program, plan review In order to promote environmental education to enhance public respect to the importance of environmental education in schools and communities, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) has provided subsidy to related program in environmental education workshop and assisted the review of environmental education plan in this project through the formation of environmental education lecturer group and environmental education plan reviewer group as well as the arrangement of certified environmental education lecturer manpower resources.The project has completed the task of subsidy to 58 cases of environmental education personnel certification fee application for persons assigned by schools as well as the issuance and mailing of the certificates to 594 persons who attended the environmental education program. The project also supported 162 community workshops and subsidized the payment to environmental education lecturers by their teaching hour. A total of 5,674 cases of review were conducted and suggestions were provided to the environmental education plan proposed by each institution. Two environmental education workshop and press conference were conducted in this project. The project also assisted the planning of “Lifelong environmental education promotion program”.It was through the promotion in this project that communities and schools are now able to search for environmental education lecturer information and to contact the lecturers for environmental education courses arrangement through the platform built on website that provides good matching results. The environmental education plan review in this project also provided suggestions to the planning of environmental education program for 2012. It is believed that the project has enabled every institution to promote environmental education more effectively towards the training of environmental civilians and environmental learning groups to achieve the goal of sustainable development. 101 綜計處 豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40273
生質塑膠及農藥廢容器回收處理機制檢討專案工作計畫 檢討國內外生質塑膠使用型態及用途,發現2011年全球總使用量為85萬公噸,其應用方式以包裝材及紡織纖維為主;而國內2011年生質塑膠原料進口量為8,854公噸,以環保餐具及一次性容器使用量最大,占79%。檢討廢生質塑膠容器與其他塑膠容器混練加工或合塑處理之可行性,完成廢生質塑膠容器瓶磚經分選、粉碎、造粒、合塑、射出再生商品等各階段試驗。r-PLA粒子與PLA及PC新料合塑之最適處理條件分別為造粒後50% r-PLA 粒子添加50%PLA新料及23.75% r-PLA粒子、71.25%PC新料與5%相容劑分別進行合塑處理。並於宜蘭縣、台中市及高雄市辦理3場次廢生質塑膠容器回收宣導活動,參與人數共170人。完成以物質回收方式處理農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器之處理廠規劃,處理流程係將農藥廢容器於人工分選後經破碎、水洗、脫水後販售。二次污染控制技術部分,廢氣處理係將異味濃度較高之作業區域圍封抽氣後,經水洗再以活性碳吸附,去除異味後排放。廢水處理則將作業廢水收集後經沉澱、調勻,再以臭氧高級氧化處理後,經活性碳過濾至納管或放流水標準後排放。在農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器處理緊急應變措施及啟動機制方面,規劃當原有農藥廢容器處理廠停工達5個月,或處理廠連續6個月內總處理量小於100公噸時,由各縣市之垃圾焚化廠緊急處理暫存之農藥廢容器。研析國外農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器回收制度,發現德、美兩國由自主回收組織推動回收作業;日本則視農藥廢容器為事業廢棄物,農會收集後依不同容器材質分類後,經破碎、焚化後安定掩埋。而經檢討國內農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器課費制度,建議可將製造原體新增為課費標的,並完成相關費率估算。另本計畫已修正調整回收率公式,並規劃將申報作業納入法規命令予以規範,以提升回收率公式之準確性。 Reviewing the Recycling Mechanism of Bio-Plastics and Pesticide Waste Containers The global usage of bio-plastics in 2011 was 850,000 tons, mainly applied in package and fabric industries. In contrast, Taiwan had imported 8,854 tones of bio-plastics raw materials, about 79% were used to make environmental tableware and disposable containers. After exploring the feasibility of various mix of bio-plastics and other plastic containers with repetitive experiments - sorting, crushing, granulating, mixing, injection-molded, we found the best conditions to blend the r-PLA, PLA and PC are (1) the impurity rate of waste PLA containers should lower than 1%, (2) the blend ratios of r-PLA/PLA purity were 50:50, and the blend ratios of r-PLA/PC purity and polymeric mixture were 23.75:71.25:5. In addition, for promoting the recycle of waste bio-containers, three propaganda campaigns were held in Ilan County, Taichung City and Kaohsiung City, and in total there were 170 persons participated. This project has completed the planning on treatment factories to recycle waste pesticide containers. The proper procedures to treat waste pesticide containers are to sort, smash, wash, dehydrate, and sold them at last. In order to control the secondary contamination, exhaust gas treatment equipments are used to blockade the area filled with peculiar odor, then eject, wash and absorb with activated carbon to remove the odor. In addition, wastewater treatment equipments are used to collect wastewater through precipitation, mix thoroughly, and use ozone advanced oxidation processes to meet with the effluence standard before draining waste water out. Regarding to the measure and inception mechanism of emergency response to waste containers used for pesticide and special environmental sanitation, the government allows those waste containers to be burnt in counties’ or cities’ public incinerators as long as the treatment factories have shut down for over 5 months, or when the factories treat waste containers less than 100 tons within successive 6 months. After literature reviewing the recycling institution for waste pesticide and environmental sanitation containers in foreign countries, we found that the recycling is undertaken by autonomous organizations in Germany and US, In Japan, waste pesticide containers are collected and classified by famer’s association, either recycled or burnt. Besides, after investigating the taxation base on waste pesticide and environmental sanitation containers, we suggest to also tax those factories which produce technical grade pesticide. Meanwhile, we modify the formula of recovery rate to improve the accuracy of estimating Taiwan’s recovery rate. 101 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47644
101年度綠色消費網路行銷推廣專案工作計畫 本計畫於101年1月17日開始執行,服務對象包含政府機關、民間企業與團體、製造廠商、銷售業者、0800人員、一般民眾、管理者環保署及其委辦計畫。本年度工作執行目標在於綠色生活資訊網系統(包含環保標章電子化網路申請作業系統、政府綠色採購網路申報系統、及環保產品線上採購網站)的維護管理、更新、及輔導使用者為主,並確保環保產品線上採購網的運行(並不涉及金流與物流);對於宣傳方面則著重於網路行銷,並不包含實體管道的行銷。系統建置或改版,已完成新增及精進至少58項功能,包括環保標章電子化網路申請作業系統、政府綠色採購網路申報系統、記事系統、政府機關綠色採購評核系統、民間企業團體綠色採購申報系統、數位學習系統、種子人員派遣系統、兒童網站、英文網站、標章產品電子型錄…等。推廣及宣導,至12月31日,完成翻譯並發布52則中文新聞、52則英文新聞以及273則最新消息,並完成辦理說明會共20場次、0800教育訓練6場次,且已發布12則影音訊息、寄發24則電子報。採購網營運部分,已全數完成系統建置作業,至12月31日止會員數達21,851人、共輔導53家廠商簽約與操作、上架450項產品以及總銷售金額為1,135,818元。 Year 2012 「Greenlivng and BuyGreen Promotion Plan」 The project began on January 17, 2012, providing services to government agencies, private enterprises and organizations, manufacturers, sellers, customer service staff on 0800 free phone number, the general public, the EPA as regulator, and its commissioned projects. This year the project was mainly focused on the maintenance, management, and updating of the GreenLiving Information Platform (including the Green Mark E-Application System, the Government Green Procurement Online Reporting System, and the BuyGreen website), and on guidance provision for users of the Platform. The project was also aimed at ensuring the operation of the BuyGreen website (not involving cash flow and logistics). Promotional efforts were directed at Internet marketing instead of brick-and-mortar marketing.At least 58 functions were added and enhanced for the purposes of system establishment or revamp, such as the Green Mark E-Application System, the Government Green Procurement Online Reporting System, an organizer system, the Government Green Procurement Evaluation System, the Private Enterprise and Organization Green Procurement Reporting System, a digital learning system, the Seed Staff Dispatch System, a website for children, an English website, and the Green Mark products e-catalogue.For promotion and publicity, 52 news items in Mandarin Chinese, 52 news items in English and 273 latest updates were translated and published. 20 briefing sessions were held, 6 education and training workshops were organized for customer service staff on 0800 free phone number. 12 video/audio messages were released and 24 e-papers were sent.The construction of the BuyGreen website was entirely completed. By the end of December the website had up to 21,851 members. Guidance was provided to 53 companies in assistance with contract signing and system operation. A total of 450 products were marketed on the website and total sales amounted to NT $1,135,818. 101 管考處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44003
生態學校分級認證與推廣專案計畫 本報告為101年度「生態學校分級認證與推廣」專案工作計畫之期末報告,本計畫工作內容包括制定適用於我國的生態學校認證指標與認證辦法,進行「生態學校認證」與「低碳永續家園之社會行為科學與評比運作機制」、「國家環境教育獎獎勵辦法」之整合與協商,設置我國生態學校網站,以及配合低碳永續家園計畫團隊之宣導活動。本計畫已依規定及環保署指示完成辦理各項工作摘要如下:(一)完成制定適用於我國的生態學校認證指標與認證辦法,包括辦理專家座談會共2場次,參加之專家學者共13人,透過社會科學方法,蒐集整合各專家學者之建議,得到適用於我國的生態學校認證指標。(二)完成「生態學校認證」與「低碳永續家園之社會行為科學與評比運作機制」、「國家環境教育獎獎勵辦法」之整合與協商。(三)完成設置我國生態學校網站基礎架構,網站內容包括生態學校簡介、如何成為生態學校等。(四)完成辦理5場次配合低碳永續家園計畫團隊之宣導活動,分別於臺北市、新北市、宜蘭縣及臺中市辦理,宣導人數共計335人。本計畫各項工作成果已詳列於本報告中。 The Eco-Schools certification and promotion project This report is the final report of the “Eco-Schools Certification and Promotion Project”. The work of this project include to establish the eco-schools certification indicators for Taiwan, integrate eco-schools certification into EPA’s low carbon sustainable project and national environmental education award, establish a Taiwan eco-schools website, and to hold 5 propaganda meetings with the low carbon sustainable project team.This project has been in accordance with the EPA's regulations and instructions to complete all the work. The results were summarized as follows:1. Held 2 conferences, with a total of 13 participants. Established the eco-schools certification indicators for Taiwan by the social science methods and collecting suggestions from experts.2. Integrated eco-schools certification into EPA’s low carbon sustainable project and national environmental education award3. Establish a Taiwan eco-schools website including what about eco-schools and how do you become an eco-school, etc.4. Held 5 propaganda meetings with the low carbon sustainable project team in Taipei city, New Taipei city, Taichung city and Yilan county, with a total of 335 participants. 101 永續發展室 財團法人台北市美麗人生教育基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44145
101年度新竹市揮發性有機物及餐飲業稽查管制計畫 計畫自101年1月19日至101年11月15日完成科學園區之稽巡查共計138家次(巡查70家次、稽查48家次、陳情20件),巡查70家廠商VOCs排放量全年總計106.22公噸,排放量前三名廠商分別是巨擘科技股份有分公司(14.95 t/year)、力晶科技股份有限公司P1廠(8.93 t/year)及台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司8廠(7.46t/year)。排放管道末端VOCs定性定量檢測作業6根次,各廠排放主要物種為丙酮及甲苯;科園排放管道(NMHC)檢測20點次,除昇陽國際半導體股份有限公司(P001(酸))超出半導體揮發性有機物排放標準(0.6 kg/hr)已進行懲處,欣興電子股份有限公司新竹園區分公司(P011(酸))空操許可證登載為酸排,檢測出含有VOC濃度達11ppm,已請廠商提出說明,並追蹤列入下年度檢測名單,其他皆未超出法規標準值。園區周界完成3點次VOCs定性定量,主要為丙酮及甲苯。排放管道FID篩測完成20根次,除力晶科技股份有限公司P3廠及P2廠於酸排中測出分別含VOCs濃度362ppm及54.42ppm,後續廠商已調整LOCAL SCRUBBER氣燃比比例,至目前無類似情況發生,而其他9家廠商皆未發現異常或混排情形。餐飲業巡查作業162家次,已執行陳情案件及再陳情共213件,陳情案件衍生複查246件,主動稽查20件及交辦案件3件,已進行相關處份作業及後續輔導改善,共482件餐飲陳情之文書資料檔案建置。派克雞排(光復店)異味官能測定檢測值為19,已予以處分。加油站完成71家次之稽巡查作業,針對有缺失之加油站進行輔導改善。加油站汽油比測試(A/L Ratio test)及油氣管線密閉性測試17家次,北大路、長隆、台亞經國路一站、昇冠及全國園區加油站共6家加油站有油槍不合格情形,均已完成改善及相關行政程序。10點處油品含硫份與芳香烴檢測檢測結果皆未超過法規標準。於101年3月30日舉辦「加油站自主管理」,101年9月28日舉辦「高科技產業的異味與微粒污染現況與防制」說明會,並於會中發放不強迫加油宣導品。園區陳情案件共20件,主要高翠路、力行一路、力行二路及力行路,並針對偶有不明異味之廠商-聯華電子股份有限公司FAB 8E及友達光電股份有限公司L3A進行煙道異味污染物檢測,檢測值<55未超過法規排放標準。 101 新竹市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41488
生活污水污染削減及管理計畫 本計畫蒐集國內外生活污水除氮處理技術及相關案例,另蒐集國外公共污水下水道系統放流水營養鹽管制標準,彙整其管制項目、管制方式、管制限值及管制特點等,並與國內管制現況比較,同時篩選8處公共污水處理廠進行實地查驗,以瞭解各廠營養鹽水質、處理效能及操作參數,另彙整國內公共污水處理廠之實際進流水質概況,並完成研擬公共污水下水道系統營養鹽放流水標準草案及草案施行後之衝擊分析。 統計公共污水處理廠歷年水質水量利用率,並進行低利用率之原因分析;透過72點次實地查驗,瞭解接管家戶生活污水及截流污水與水肥投入之水質概況,作為研擬改善對策參考。另就法令規範、提升公共污水處理廠進流水質、改善環境衛生及後續費用支出等面向,完成用戶接管時是否保留化糞池之探討。蒐集國外公共下水道系統管理方式,並依水質水量利用率低之原因分析,研擬利用率提升改善對策。 完成生活污水總氮污染量推估,並針對淡水河系、南崁溪、老街溪、濁水溪、北港溪、新虎尾溪、急水溪、鹽水溪、二仁溪、阿公店溪及愛河等11條重點河川,篩選優先推動生活污水除氮區域,另配合公共下水道系統規劃及建設情形,完成短、中期生活污水總氮削減策略研擬。 另協助推動101年生活污水削減專案計畫、彙整社區管理常見疑義並提出改善建議、研擬曝氣及消毒單元操作參數納入社區許可檢核之作法、協助完成預鑄式建築物污水處理設施審定登記新申請案及現驗表單建檔93件,及其他配合執行事項等。 Project of domestic wastewater pollution reduction and management This project gathered nitrogen removing techniques and related cases both in Taiwan and abroad, and the standards for controlling nutrients in effluent in public sewage systems in foreign countries, with their control items, methods, limits and characteristics summarized to be compared with the current control exercised in Taiwan, while conducting on-site inspection at eight selected public sewage treatment plants to understand the water quality of nutrients, efficacy of treatment and operation parameters at the plants. Also, the project summarized the real influent water quality at Taiwan’s public sewage treatment plants and drew up the draft of effluent standards for nutrients in public sewage systems and conducted analysis in the impact of the enforcement of such draft.We made statistics on the historical water quality and water use rate at public sewage treatment plants and analyzed the causes of low use rates. By 72 on-site inspections, we understood the water quality of domestic wastewater and intercept sewage and nightsoil dumping as reference for considering improvement strategies. We also completed the investigation in whether users retained the septic tanks when they connected the piping regarding legal specifications, the improvement on influent water quality at public sewage treatment plants, the improvement on environmental sanitation and subsequent costs. We gathered the methods of public sewage system management in foreign countries and drew up, based on the analysis in the causes of low water quality and water use rate, strategies for improving use rates.We projected total nitrogen pollution in domestic wastewater and selected prioritized areas to try nitrogen removal from domestic wastewater for 11 focused rivers, which are Tamsui River system, Nankan River, Laojie River, Juoshuei River, Beigang River, Xinhuwei River, Jishuei River, Yenshuei River, Eren River, Agongdian River and Love River; we also drew up short-term and mid-term strategies for total nitrogen reduction in domestic wastewater in line with the public sewage system plan and constructions.In addition, we promoted the Project of 2012 domestic wastewater reduction, sorted the common questions about community management with recommendations for improvement presented, contemplated on the exercise of taking operation parameters of aeration and sterilization units as part of the checking of community approval, assisted in the file creation of 93 cases of new application for registration of sewage treatment facility at prefabricated buildings and site inspection forms, and other executions as required. 101 水保處 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44467
2012細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制策略研討會 為使關心細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)空氣品質各界了解細懸浮微粒對健康影響、來源(生成原因)及管制策略規劃及推動現況等,特規劃辦理2012細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制策略研討會,以促進學術界、政府及民間之官產學三方交流,凝聚對於細懸浮微粒管制共識,並改善細懸浮微粒污染情形。2012細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制策略研討會,由行政院環境保護署、台灣氣膠研究學會以及國立中興大學環境工程學系共同主辦。此研討會將提供國內各致力於PM2.5控制之相關研究團隊、政府部門及民間團體一個有效交流平台。會議日期為2012年9月21-22日,舉辦地點為國立中興大學化材館國際會議廳。 101 空保處 台灣氣膠研究學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40861
提升中部及雲嘉南空品區空氣品質改善計畫 本計畫主要工作內容包括研析空品區空品變化趨勢及擬定空品改善目標、協助推動重大開發案或重點污染源熱點(Hot Spot)管制及減量工作、協助推動揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準法規,並追蹤六輕工業區空氣污染減量工作及改善成效、檢討修訂固定污染源相關管制排放標準,提昇PM2.5等空氣污染物減量成效。主要成果摘要如下:一、空品區空品變化趨勢及擬定空品改善目標環保署於101年6月14日修正「直轄市、縣(市)各級空氣污染防制區」,南投縣懸浮微粒劣化為三級防制區可能與莫拉克風災後之河川揚塵、疏濬工程及土石運輸有關。臭氧改善部分則可能與固定污染源、移動污染源改善或天氣型態改變有關。101年中部及雲嘉南空品區(包含南投縣)空品不良率已有顯著改善,為近十年來最佳狀況。排放因子分析顯示,SOx及NOx於90~100年減幅達29.4、23.2%,VOCs初期仍以排放量掌握為主,成效仍待努力。移動污染源方面,98年相較於76年排放量,PM10排放量降低5%,SOx排放量降低95%,NOx排放量降低22%,NMHC排放量降低69%,CO排放量降低68%,Pb排放量降低98%,顯見所實施的管制措施已具成效。但98年車輛數較88年成長30%,排放減量工作仍須持續加強。氣象因子分析顯示,101年月降雨日數明顯較多,也有助於一次污染物之去除效果,並減少二次污染物之生成機率。六輕對空氣品質影響分析顯示,台西站乙烯及丙烯濃度佔比相對其它光化測站為高,另台西站在六輕營運後SO2異常日數達每年80日,97年起改善,100年已減為12日。台西測站乙烯、丙烯及苯濃度最大值發生在特定風向(北北西),該方向上風處為燃燒塔,而濃度依風向別,類似高斯煙流模式型態分布,推測燃燒塔常態排放,在北北西風向,台西測站受到顯著影響。二、協助推動重大開發案或重點污染源熱點管制及減量工作空品區減量行動計畫推動方式係邀集各縣市共同提出議題,由中央地方合作解決。移動污染源議題含淨區管制,探討阿里山空品淨區之處分爭議對類似案之影響;針對業者即時通報,以替代道路規避稽查作業行為,以中部及雲嘉南空品區七縣市合作進行柴油車聯合稽查(台中港區)來突破。逸散污染源議題含追蹤西濱快速公路(台61線)員林大排至西濱大橋營建工程道路揚塵改善情形;推動濁水溪管制之跨單位合作協商機制;探討減少稻草露天燃燒、稻草再利用平台、以焚化爐處理可行評估。固定污染源含重大開發案(如台中港區投資案),參考六輕管制經驗,下階段擴大辦理;中小型污染源則探討塊煤鍋爐管制及燃料使用變化趨勢。針對燃料使用變化趨勢,如燃油改燃塊煤、燃油改燃NG或LPG、燃塊煤改燃生質燃料等,提出改善建議,包含加嚴粒狀物標準、增訂塊煤含硫量檢測方法、研擬以單位輸出熱值之排放量標準、掌握因應燃油鍋爐改燃NG、LPG或生質燃料情形。三、協助推動揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準法規,並追蹤六輕工業區空氣污染減量工作及改善成效法規推動部分:已協助完成VOCs標準申報表單4項,協助環檢所修訂檢測方法完成4項,另有2項檢討中。追蹤六輕減量部份:100年查核發現燃燒塔廢氣熱值不足問題,101年因業者添加燃料補充熱值已解決,排放總硫問題將於101年底廢氣導入高溫氧化設備後解決,設備元件洩漏問題,業者已導入線上修護技術解決,大於10,000ppm洩漏濃度從97年0.13%降為100年之0.04%,已具初步成效。VOCs標準生效後燃燒塔等VOCs、SOx及CO2分別減量達986、916及1,385,572噸/年。協助六輕排放量確認部分:101/7/25環評審查會219次會議,決議將燃燒塔(含異常排放)、油漆塗佈、冷卻水塔、儲槽清洗及歲修作業之VOCs排放量,納入六輕計畫排放總量計算,其查核方式納入定稿。100/12/5行政院訴願委員會撤銷環評大會決議。因有先減量後投產及淨減量決議,影響有限。另為完備管制作業,已於101/1/4辦理VOCs公告係數修正草案公聽會。協助VOCs標準執行困難部分:業界建議減少由地方環保主管機關審查項目。針對業界意見,本計畫亦收集國外管制規定及作法,提供縣市審查之參考。四、檢討修訂固定污染源相關管制排放標準,提昇PM2.5等空氣污染物減量成效。針對民國80年間發布標準提出修正草案,提出檢討修正計11項,預估實施後,粒狀污染物減量效益為3,823公噸/年,硫氧化物減量效益為12,733噸/年及氮氧化物減量效益為37,089公噸/年,其中以電力設施修正草案減量最高,國內燃煤汽電共生鍋爐需投資46.2億增設SCR以符合NOx排放限值。考量排放量高及節能減碳等因素,建議其中5項優先實施。鋼鐵業燒結工場已於6/14修正發布,固定污染源及煉鋼業電爐已完成預告修正,電力設施及玻璃業標準亦與業界完成研商。 The Plan to Improve the Air Quality in the Central and South Taiwan The scope of work for this project includes analyzing air quality trend and develop air quality improvement goals of air quality zone, promoting the control strategy and pollution reduction of major development projects or main pollutant source hotspot, promoting the air pollution control and emission standards of volatile organic compounds(VOCs), tracing the air pollution reduction and improvement effects of the No.6 Naphtha Cracking Plant, reviewing the amendments to the stationary source emission standards, improving the reduction effect of fine suspended particles(PM2.5). The critical results are abstracted as followed: 1.Analyzing air quality trend and develop air quality improvement goals of air quality area.EPA has announced the modified air quality control region for each class of special municipality, county and city on 2012/6/14, and the amendment will be in effect on 2013/1/1. In which, Nantou country PM2.5 deteriorated to Class 3 control region. It may relate to river bank fugitive dust, river channel dredging work, and transportation of earth and gravel caused by Typhoon Morakot. The improvement of ozone control region may relate to improvement of stationary source and mobile sources or climate change.The poor air quality rate of Central Taiwan and Yun-Chia-Nan Air Quality Zone (including Nantou County) had improved significantly in 2012, which is the best condition for the past decade. Emission factor analysis shows that in 2011 the SOx and NOx emissions reduction is 29.4% and 23.2% comparing to 2001. The main strategy of VOCs control in the early stage is to identify major emissions sources. The VOCs reduction will be done in the future. Between 1987 and 2009, mobile sources showed 5% reduction in PM10 emissions, 95% reduction in SOx emissions, 22% reduction in NOx emissions, 69% reduction in NMHC emissions, 68% reduction in CO emissions, and 98% reduction in Pb emissions. It shows that the implementation of control measures have been effective. However, the amount of vehicles has grown by 30% between 1999 and 2009; the emissions reduction of mobile sources has reached a bottleneck. The meteorological factor analysis shows that the monthly raining days in 2012 were significantly higher than past few years. It contributed to the removal of primary pollutants and reduced the generation rate of secondary pollutants.According to the analysis of the air quality impact from the No.6 Naphtha Cracking Plant, the concentration of ethylene and propylene at Taisi monitoring site is higher than other sites. The SOx abnormal days reached 80 days per year since the operation of the plant. However, it has started to improve in 2008, and decreased to 12 days per year in 2011.Maximum concentrations of ethylene, propylene and benzene detected at the Taisi monitoring site occurred in a specific wind direction(north-northwest). It may be caused by the constant emissions from flares in the north-northwest wind direction.2. Promoting the control strategy and pollution reduction of major development projects or main pollutant source hotspot.The emission reduction strategies in air quality zones were proposed by local governments and coordinated by the central government.Issues of controlling mobile sources in designated “Clean Air Zones” include dispute of sanctions in Alishan, and joint investigation of diesel cars in 7 counties and cities to prevent cars from escaping inspections by taking detours.Fugitive source air pollution issues include tracking the improvement of fugitive dust from construction of West Coast Expressway(Route 61), promoting the cooperation and consultation mechanisms of ChoShui River fugitive dust control, and feasibility of reducing the straw open burning, straw reuse platform and incineration.Stationary sources issues including major development projects (ex. Taichung Harbor) will be implement in the next phase according to the air pollution control experience of the No.6 Naphtha Cracking Plant. Small and medium-sized pollution sources issues include lump coal boiler control and the study of change of fuel consumption.For the change of pollution source fuel consumption trends, such as oil changed to lump coal, oil changed to NG or LPG, lump coal changed to biomass etc., we proposed the improvements including strengthen the particle emission standards, proposed the sulfur content detection method of lump coal, proposed the specific heating value emission standard, and analyzed the feasibility of the oil fuel boiler changed to NG, LPG or biomass fuel.3. Promoting the air pollution control and emission standards of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and tracing the effect of air pollution reduction of the No.6 Naphtha Cracking Plant.For the promoting of VOCs air pollution control and emission standards, we helped developing four VOCs standards reporting forms and assisted Environmental Analysis Laboratory in the completion of four test methods. There are still two test methods amendments in progress.For the tracking of No.6 Naphtha Cracking Plant air pollution reduction results, the audit found out that the heating value of exhaust gas was too low in 2011. It had been solved by adding fuel gas. The total sulfur emissions of the Naphtha Cracking Plant will be reduced after the completion of high-temperature oxidation equipment in 2011. The leakage problem of equipment components had been solved by using the online repair technique. The chance of leak concentration greater than 10,000ppm was decreased from 0.13% in 1997 to 0.04% in 2011. It has gotten preliminary results. After the VOCs standards take effect, the VOCs, SOx and CO2 emissions reduction from flare and other equipments were 986, 916 and 1,385,572 tons per year, respectively.For confirming air pollutant emissions from the No.6 Naphtha Cracking Plant, in the 219th EIA meeting(2012/7/25), EIA adopted that emission estimating item should include flare(including abnormal emission), painting ,cooling tower, tank washing and yearly repair. The confirming method was into the final draft. Our project helped EPA and Yunlin County EPD jointly to resolve the No.6 Naphtha Cracking Plant air pollution emission dispute.For the implement difficulties of VOCs standards, the industry suggested to cut down the investigating item of local competent authorities. According to the suggestion, our project also collected the international control regulations and methods providing references to local competent authorities.4. Review of the amendments to the stationary source emission standards, and improve the reduction effect of fine suspended particles(PM2.5)Our project proposed eleven revision drafts for the emission standards announced in 80s. If these standards were coming into effect, the estimating pollution reductions of particle would be 3,823 tons per year, sulfur oxides reduction would be 12,733 tons per year, and nitrogen oxides reduction would be 37,089 tons per year. Among them, the revision draft for power generation facilities has the highest emission reduction. The coal-fired cogeneration boilers in our country need to invest 4.62 billion NT dollars in adding SCR to comply with NOx emission limits. Considering emissions, energy conservation and carbon reduction and etc., it is recommended that five drafts should be implemented first. Steel Industry Sintering Plant Dioxin Control and Emission Standards had been announced on 2012/6/14. Notification for amendment of Stationary Pollution Source and steelmaking industry electric arc furnace emission standards were also announced. Power generation facilities and glass industry emission standards had been discussed with the industry sufficiently. 101 空保處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47939
101年土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 一、針對轄區內8口監測井進行枯、豐水期採樣,分析項目為一般項目,重金屬及 揮發性有機物、總酚及總石油碳氫化合物。本次分析結果顯示濃度皆低於地下水 染管制標準;而一般項目中以鐵、錳、氨氮濃度超過地水監測標準居多。其中仍以華碁廢棄物處理場之數據較引人注意,一般項目中總硬度、總溶解固體、氯鹽、氨氮超過監測標準甚多。比較歷年數據,各口井之水質趨勢上並無太明顯之差異。此外,亦針對該些水井進行2次之巡查及維護工作藉以維持其監測功能。二、針對西區進行3口標準監測井設置作業,包括建國路加油站地下水標準井、下埤段409地號地下水標準井及玉山國中地下水標準井,其水質經檢測後並未發現有異常或污染之情形,後續則列入定期監測工作中。三、針對轄內37站加油站之管理作業,包括網路申報審查作業及現場查核作業,共計完成10站現場查核工作。其主要查核缺失為書面資料與現場不符合,於現場查核發現缺失皆已於第一時間告知站方限期改善,並已改善完成。此外,亦完成剩餘27站加油站之書面審核工作。四、於計畫執行期間每月至少執行一次轄內列管場址巡查作業,轄內共計2處列管場址,其中一為建國路加油站執行污染控制中;另一為下埤段5筆農地汙染控制場址。於巡查時並未發現異常或不法之情事,後續將巡查結果作成紀錄,且於Eco-Life網站發表場址現況。五、本計劃共計執行2次說明會,分別於民國101年3月16日舉行第一場底泥品質說明會及加油站管理辦法,參加人數42人。根據會後所填寫之意見顯示,業者對地下儲槽管理辦法大致了解,會後亦無相關意見。第二場於101年10月11日舉行,共計117人參加。由於此說明會之性質較屬柔性宣導,業者對於底泥及加油站管理辦法多無意見,較具吸收新知的效果。六、本年度計畫中緊急應變工作,總計執行4件,其中以清除遠東段排水溝渠之底泥較為重要,於民國101/03/26至04/06完成清理工作,共計清除670公斤之底泥,並交由焚化廠進行最終處理作業,遠東段農地之污染調查,污染改善及污染源管制工作到此有一完整處理。其他如華碁廢棄物處理場地下水禁用之告示牌設置、下埤段農地控制場址附近底泥及周遭農地之採樣工作及林森路加油站之地下水井水質採樣分析工作皆於環保局指示下完成。 Abstract   Enviromental Protection Bureau,ChiaYi City (ChiaYi City EPB) has excused soil and groundwater investigation and audition plan since 2006. The plan based on the plan is to understand soil and groundwater quality in ChiaYi City.1.Monitoring of groundwater quality regularly   In This part,it has completed the sampling work of 8 groundwater wells once of a year,there was no any result higher than groundwater pollution control standards for all well,but should focus at the groundwater quality of MW-5,its concentrations of total hardess,TDS,chloride,ammonia nitrogen,manganese were higher than the category 2 of groundwater pollution monitoring standards.All monitoring wells took good care in order to keep the function of monitoring and extend the using time of monitoring wells.2.Gas station management audit In the part,it including owner of gas station keyed in data of operation reported by internet every season and then review these data by ChiaYi City EPB,and the order hand,checkout 10 gas stations on-site,purpose to implement these spirit of regulation.3.The presentation of sludge and gas station management regulation This Plan carried out two presentation of sludge and gas station management regulation.Because the topic was new to participators,and there was no regulation enforcement,so it could take likeas new knowledge introduction.4.Emergency investigation  There are 8 events of emergency response have executed.Including: (1)Set up the billboard at former Hwa-Gi(華碁)waste treatment factory. (2)Clean up the sludge in the ditch at Yuandong(遠東)land section. (3)Take the sludge and water Samples in the ditch at Xiapi(下埤)land section. (4)Take soil samples of agriculture land polluted control sites at Xiapi(下埤)land section. (5)Take soil samples which locate at the inlet of irrigation in the agriculture land polluted control sites at Xiapi(下埤)land section. (6)Audit former Hwa-Gi(華碁)waste treatment factory on site. (7)Take groundwater samplein the Linsen Road station. (8)Audit the agrculture land locate at Sidong land section site.  At last,we suggest that ChiaYi City EPB should be continues to monitor potential contaminated land and groundwater in order to achieve the goalof pollution prevention. 101 嘉義市政府環境保護局 恆逸工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48387
空氣品質綜合管理計畫 101 新竹縣環境保護局 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46617
國際環保動態資訊蒐集及趨勢分析 本計畫之工作目標包括:(1)蒐集各國及重要國際組織之環保法令及政策動態,定期提供環保署施政參考。(2)針對各國及國際重要環保政策發展趨勢進行分析,提供環保署政策研擬參考。本計畫為期約11.5個月。 International Environmental News Collecting and Trend Analysis Project This project, commissioned by Office of Sustainable Development, the EnvironmentalProtection Administration (EPA), focused on international environmental information collection and trend analysis. The main tasks of this project consisted of the following: (1) to collect, select, and translate environmental news and policies and provide them periodically to EPA to aid its policy implementation; (2) to analyze trends in international environmental protection, environmental regulations and policies and provide the analysis to EPA to aid its policy formation. The project duration is 11.5 months. 101 永續發展室 財團法人環境與發展基金會&惠國顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44476
101年度污染土地再利用政策規劃、執行架構驗證與資訊平台建置計畫 為落實「污染土地再利用政策」之推動,使國土永續經營獲得更全面的效益,本計畫解析污染土地之現況,提出國土受污染衍生的關鍵問題,並確立再利用推動目的,進行政策推動之內外在環境分析,據以建置污染土地再利用政策中、長期發展藍圖與執行方案,規劃相關策略,建立污染土地再利用制度架構,並將相關規劃內容作為基本的溝通資訊,藉由不同類型之研商方式,確立政策規劃願景與方向。污染土地再利用行為可分為活化與再開發,本計畫設定以建置再開發行為之執行程序與配套措施為工作主軸,藉由解析國內土地開發之相關法規,提出配合污染土地再開發之跨部會法規整合建議,提出補助、獎勵與融資優惠措施建議,研議污染場址管理方式,並以實作場址之規劃成果,驗證污染土地再利用制度之執行程序。另,本計畫建立了污染土地再利用之資訊平台 (雛型),預期未來可供民眾查詢相關場址管理與開發資訊。綜合前述工作成果,整體計畫為環保署後續推動「污染土地再利用政策」完成了階段性的策略規劃內容。 For the implementation of the contaminated land revitalization policy and land sustainable development, the promotion of contaminated land revitalization was established by analyzing the current situation of the contaminated lands in Taiwan and uncovering potential problems of contaminated lands in this project. The framework of contaminated land revitalization was constructed, and the long-term blueprint and strategy for contaminated land revitalization policy were set up by both internal and external analyses of policy promotion. The project also established the policy’s vision and direction by different types of committees and forum. Contaminated land revitalization behaviors can be divided into activation and redevelopment. This project used the implementation and supporting measures of the redevelopment as the work spindle to resolve domestic regulations relevant to land development and propose the recommendations of subsidies, incentives, financing incentives and integration regulations of various ministries and departments. This project also deliberated management style of contaminated sites, and assessed contaminated land revitalization system for the implementation of the program by using the revitalization plan of a site. In addition, this project hosted a preliminary web site offering contaminated land revitalization information, and the public will be able to search for information in the future. Consolidated results of aforementioned work completed the strategic stage to promote the contaminated land revitalization policy for Taiwan’s EPA. 101 土污基管會 財團法人興工程顧問社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47213
細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)調查技術開發 本計畫針對移動污染源的質量濃度與分徑調查方法進行探討,分別在效能測試系統與機車引擎動力計系統對儀器與量測方法進行驗正。在效能測試系統中,對實驗使用的PM2.5 cyclone、Diluter做效能測試,並以SMPS、APS在奈米與微米的粒徑分佈範圍,對EEPS、ELPI、MOUDI與濾紙採樣做量測的效能比對。測試結果顯示PM2.5 cyclone、Diluter符合預期的需求;三台儀器其比對結果相近,但因偵測範圍與功能性考量,計畫中選擇ELPI與PM2.5 cyclone濾紙採樣作為量測儀器。在機車引擎動力系統中,ELPI與PM2.5 cyclone濾紙採樣被使用於量測稀釋10倍後的引擎排氣中粒狀污染物,在不同轉速條件下分別就數目濃度、體積濃度與質量濃度進行量測,同時也一併量測溫濕度與Opacity。實驗結果顯示,在引擎轉速2000 rpm時的微粒數目濃度約1.5×107 #/cm3、質量濃度約15~20 mg/m3,並有隨著轉速增加而減少之趨勢,其中PM2.5約佔總質量濃度的90~95%。結果中發現ELPI所測得的體積濃度與質量濃度並無相關性,其可能為微粒帶電與成分組成造成的影響有關,造成大粒徑微粒範圍量測值的誤判。同時Opacity在量測上也受到濕度與排氣壓力的影響,其量測值得正確性仍需再作探討。依本研究結果建議,機車引擎排氣中粒狀物的量測,可以ELPI量測數目濃度,並搭配濾紙分徑採樣量測質量濃度,採樣時應依排氣條件進行稀釋,以符合儀器偵測極限與避免水氣過飽和凝結。 Development of fine particle (PM2.5) measurement technology This study aimed to characterize the aerosol emission from motorcycle engine, and to explore the feasibility and necessity of adopting the PM2.5 size-selective sampling convention. A dynamometer was used to control a four-stroke motorcycle engine to generate stable exhaust aerosols. Several aerosol size spectrometers including a scanning mobility particle sizer, an electrical low pressure impactor, an engine exhaust particle sizer, and a multi-orifice uniform deposition impactor, were used in this work to measure the aerosol number concentration and size distribution. A PM2.5 cyclone was employed as the size-selective device. An aerodynamic particle sizer was used to verify the cut-off size of this pre-separator. A sampling chamber was used as an adaptor connecting to the tailpipe. This system allowed the emitted aerosol particles to coagulate for up to 2 seconds when the engine was set at idle condition, so that the number concentration could be reduced to 106 particle/cm3 to lower the effect of aerosol coagulation. A dilution system was made and mainly used reduce the relative humidity of cooled exhaust air to avoid the waster condensation. This diluter also helped to bring the aerosol concentration down to the working range of some aerosol instruments. The results showed that the aerosol number concentration decreased from 1.5×107 #/cm3 at tailpipe exit with the distance downstream of the sampling chamber to 106 #/cm3. However, the mass concentration remained unchanged, indicating that the decrease in number concentration was mainly due to aerosol coagulation. The water content in the exhaust air was higher than the saturated vapor pressure when the exhaust air cooled down along the exhaust pipe. Therefore, the use of diluter was essential to eliminate the contamination and interference caused by waster condensation. The use of SMPS and EEPS was limited because of the pre-impactor equipped upstream of the sampling line. The ELPI appeared to be an ideal aerosol instrument for investigating the PM2.5 of motorcycle engine exhaust from the working size range manufacturer claimed, but the mass concentration converted from ELPI’s number concentration did not match with the filter weighing data. Therefore, the ELPI performance needs to be re-validated. For the time being, the use of TEOM with a PM2.5 pre-separator was recommended. The use of opacity together with PM2.5 separator is also a potential option if the device is well designed and engineered. The filter samples showed that PM2.5 accounted for over 90% of total aerosol mass concentration. 101 環檢所 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41516
環境教育基金規劃運用 本環境教育基金規劃的主要任務為規劃民國103年至106年有關環境教育基金的運用方式與關鍵績效指標,作為未來環境教育基金應用的參考。規劃小組經過多次的專家會議、分組討論,邀集近100位相關專家、政府部門、NGO、NPO等單位,整理諸多意見後,提出15項規劃理念、4大策略方針,希望達成環境教育願景的需求。主要規劃成果說明如下:一、新增35項「國家環境教育行動方案的實施方式」。二、關鍵績效指標闡明對於環境教育基金執行之期待。三、提出環境教育基金規劃的4個主要策略:「全民親近自然」、「在地紮根行動」、「活絡環教產業」、「全球環境守護」。四、民國103年至106年各年度的亮點計畫:1. 民國103年「環境體驗年」:系統建構、深化戶外環境學習。2. 民國104年「地方智慧年」:厚植基礎、強化地方紮根行動。3. 民國105年「環教社群年」:產業連結、活絡環境教育產業。4. 民國106年「全球守護年」:國際推展、提昇全球環教交流。本計畫透過多方的意見蒐集、討論,集思廣益,歸納出幾個主要的計畫,希望這些計畫能符合現階段的環境教育需求,並能導引整個環境教育成全民親近自然,並透過在地的扎根,能活絡環教產業,並能參與全球守護,善盡地球公民的力量。 The present project is to plan for the proper use of environmental education fund of Taiwan during 2014 and 2017, in the amount of 1.2 billion New Taiwanese dollars. This planning is aimed to implement four progressively strategies¸ i.e. (1) to enhance every citizen with the chance of being educated environmentally in our environment at least once a year, (2) to take root in the local communities for the people to become aware of their own natural surroundings, (3) to activate environment-related enterprises in Taiwan for supporting environmental education at various levels, and (4) to watch the world environment for a sustainable future of Taiwan and the earth.To make certain these four strategies will be fully supported, the research team conducted a series of study where focus group interviews, qualitative interviews, expert meetings, questionnaires, and workshops were used. A total of more than 100 experts, professionals and scholars have contributed their expertise in making this project effective, efficient and successful. Most importantly, they include members from NGOs, NPOs, Universities, government agencies, private enterprises, and concerned individuals. A total of 4 strategies, 15 planning goals, yearly highlights, action plans and various key performance index (KPIs) are suggested as a result of this planning project.As the highest environment related central agency, the Environmental Protecting Agency (EPA) has played an important role in initiating such a progressive and evolutionary track for the environmental education of Taiwan to be transformed in a series of three four-year plans. The action plans of the nation shall serve as main pillars for the realization of sustainable environmental education. Taking into consideration of the past experience, this project has steered its action plans to be complementary to past environment education, but with a new light which is highly related to the stated four strategies.The highlights of the following four years will be: (1) deeply experiencing the environment, (2) earthy localizing the environmental actions, (3) professionally networking the stakeholders, and (4) truly watching for earth conservation. These yearly highlights cover not only the improvement of environmental education sites, institutes, and personnel, but also the exchanges of experience and knowledge of the local, outsiders and people around the world. By so doing, sustainable knowledge for each locale will be possible, and the science community shall be able to be informed for developing better and proper situated knowledge for all.Other important results of this project include reinforcing school environmental education of all levels, encouraging means for environmental education to take root in local counties, subsidizing international networking for environmental education to share with and to learn from the international community. 101 綜計處 國立臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53951
「研析容器流布暨費率與回收率檢討」專案工作計畫 1.研析100年廢容器流向分布,並推估101年狀況,以掌握廢容器廢棄流向。2.檢討更新容器回收清除處理費率與補貼費率之評估因子,以維持基金永續運作。3.調查整合廢容器回收率計算因子,並試算100年及101年回收率,以反應廢容器實際回收狀況。4.依資源循環利用法(廢清法與資再法合併立法)草案之自主制條文架構,規劃實施所需配合推動之作業細節,以利回收管理體制改制之銜接。 The project of examining distribution, fee rates and collection rate of waste container. In order to investigate and analyze the waste containers distribution, review and update the evaluation factors of the container fee rate, integrate the factors of collection rate calculation for waste containers, and plan the details of the automats operating system for waste containers. The following items had been completed in this project :The total amount of waste containers which projected by multiple regression analysis and time series method were 651,964 tones in 2011 and 666,599 tones in 2012 respectively. As the result, the multiple regression method has the best predictive ability than other methods. Moreover, the highest proportion of collection paths was small recyclers accounted for 50.27%. The data had been investigated, including international raw materials prices, purchase prices for recyclable waste containers in the recycling market, prices for recycled materials, and the unit processing cost of waste containers recycling and processing entities in 2011. By analyzing these data for past three years, the average net cost had no significant change from 2010 to 2011. Besides, because the new rates were announced and applied in this year, there’s no need to adjust the fee rate at this stage. For surveying preferential fee rate of PET container, the result shows that the proportion of qualified PET bottles increased to 74.8%. In addition, the implementation of the subsidy rate for the glass dichroic difference stimulated and raised the monochrome glass proportion from 65.19% to 68.21%.The project performed the moisture and impurity context experiment, and calculated the collection rate of waste containers from 2011 and January to October 2012. For the containers which collection rate was less than 50%, this project proposed suggestions to improve their recycling.The details of waste container automats operating system had been drafted including the calculations of the registration fee and the warrant, the suggestion of waste recycling target for container producers, the automats auditing and the certification model, and the proposal to deal with the problems of waste recycling operating system conversion. 101 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48439
台歐盟跨境溫室氣體觀測(第3年)專案工作計畫 氣候變遷和全球暖化,是全球人類在21 世紀所面對最嚴峻的生存考驗,將迫使全球各國對溫室效應氣體的排放量採取更為嚴格的管制措施,透過產官學研相互合作執行觀測計畫在海空方面的二氧化碳監測,其建立全球的溫室效應氣體觀測平台可加強我國與國際間溫室效應氣體觀測的技術合作,另一方面則可提升我國自主的全球溫室效應氣體觀測能力,並將觀測器資料提供台灣、歐盟及全球相關機構使用,以顯示我國有能力對全球在氣候變遷上做出正面貢獻,且藉本觀測計畫的執行成為國際環境調查的背景資料,增加我國的國際曝光率和發言權,以避免我國在全球溫室效應氣體管制談判過程被邊緣化。 Taiwan-Europe Cross Countries Greenhouse Gases Measurement Project(3/3) 101 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53599
101年環境教育補助成果線上申辦、相關系統功能新增及擴充計畫 我國「環境教育法」於民國100年6月正式實施,為國內環境教育作業奠定永續發展的里程碑,而因應環境教育法建置「環境教育管理資訊系統」於正式上線以來,提供各類優質的環境教育教案及最新活動資訊,以及通過環境教育認證之相關資料,讓每一個人能從認知、價值觀及態度上來落實環境保護之行為。目前本系統除提供應申報單位填報環境教育計畫與成果外,亦提供各縣市環保局辦理環境講習課程,及掌握環境教育申報及環境講習之情況。除此之外,今年度另建置「環境教育補助成果線上申報管理子系統」、「財團法人管理資訊系統」、「環境教育教案資料庫子系統」及「環境教育最新活動消息發布與後臺審核管理子系統」等四大子系統輔助法規之推動,以提升全民環境教育素養,促進國民瞭解個人及社會與環境的相互依存關係。本團隊為協助環保署執行環境教育補助申請流程e化管理,以利對執行進度做有效的時程控管;另提供財團法人設立審件流程電子化,將歷史資料皆建立電子檔,可做為檢閱歷年資料管理狀況。此外,因環境教育推廣過程中須有優良之環境教育教案,以及民眾能及時獲取其他單位辦理環教活動訊息,本系統提供教案分享及最新消息專區供廣大民眾所使用。系統本身除滿足基本需求外,也應具備良好的宣導及推廣教育之功能,透過相關四大子系統之建置,讓環境教育管理資訊系統為全國環境教育之重要入口網站,全面提升政府推動環境教育的整體績效與形象,可促進國民重視環境倫理關係,增進環境教育之知識、技能、態度及價值觀,以達永續發展之公民教育過程。 The Environmental Education Act, a milestone of environmental education on sustainable development, was formally executed in Taiwan on June, 2011. In response to such an act, Environmental Education Information Management System (EEIS) has been formally online, not only providing quality teaching plans for environmental education on diversities and the latest information, but also presenting environmental courses in accuracy and diversity in the hope of that people can conduct environmental protection behaviors from the aspect of cognition, values, and attitudes.In addition to providing foreground users with filling and reporting environmental education plans and achievements, we also provide Environmental Bureaus in cities or counties with organizing environmental education lessons, and control environmental education reporting and environmental courses conditions. Moreover, in addition to upgrade the system, four sub-systems, including Environmental Education Subsidy Achievement Online Reporting Management Subsystem, Non-profit Corporation Information Management System, Environmental Education Teaching Plan Database Subsystem, and The Latest Environmental Education Activities Announcement and Background Auditing Management Subsystem, are established, to assist to promote regulations for raising the public’s environmental education knowledge and letting people to the relation between individual and society and environment.The team has assisted the EPA to conduct environmental education subsidy application e-management, benefiting to do an effective schedule control. Also, we provide non-profit corporations with the establishment of e-process on file audition, whereby historical data are converted into e-files, allowing to review the condition on previous year’s file management. Moreover, the system provides teaching plans for sharing and the latest information to the public since quality teaching plans and other organizations’ education activities are necessary information for the public during the promotion of environmental education.In addition to suffice the basic requirement, the system also equips promotion and extension education functions. Through the establishment of four sub-systems, EEIS has become the most important portal website for domestic environmental education, wholly raising the government performance and image for the promotion on environmental education, thereby encouraging the public to value the relationship of environmental moral, raising environmental protection knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values, and achieving sustainable development by citizen education. 101 綜計處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46513
101年度空品不良期間加強濁水溪沿岸街道揚塵管制計畫 一、本計畫統計至102.3.31已執行洗街長度累積達23,821公里(達成率100%);人力掃街作業累積人力掃街長度共5,571公里(達成率100%)。二、本計畫總計洗街長度為23,821公里,總計用水量為29,041.4公噸,各月單位長度(公里)平均用水量介於1.18~1.28公噸之間,總平均用水量則為1.22公噸/公里,符合環保署規範數值(單位用水量須大於0.9公噸/公里)。三、完成街塵(坋土)負荷量評估作業,採樣36點次,可作為本計畫執行成效分析與執行過程品質驗證之重要參考依據;執行2次水質檢測分析,共計採樣分析17點次(達成率100%)。四、於101年4月11日、101年6月18日及19日,假環保局四樓會議室、環保局一樓中庭,辦理洗掃作業人員教育訓練兩場次,達成率為100%。五、於101年9月21日辦理外部稽核1場次,針對委員意見亦有回覆及說明,作為後續執行作業之改善與提昇之準則,達成率為100%。六、於計畫執行初期完成洗街車輛GPS行車監控管理系統連線,及標準作業程序手冊擬訂等,達成率皆為100%。七、本計畫於6月25日完成洗街車車體彩繪,其彩繪內容除含相關計畫彩繪比賽之圖稿外,更增加2013年農博標制宣導,以期透過車體彩繪,使執行作業更為親民。八、本計畫於101年7月18日及19日,前往宜蘭縣環境保護局辦理參觀其他縣市河川揚塵相關計畫觀摩會,會中研討現階段之源頭防制技術仍有其極限,且源頭防制易受颱風之來襲,而使得源頭設備或植被而毀損,故其河川揚塵防制,除源頭之努力外,亦須管末之灑水控制。九、執行濁水溪沿岸居民前期滿意度調查1,200份,達成率100%。問卷調查中,48%的受訪者認為「街道車行揚塵」為主要造成揚塵原因;66%的受訪者知道濁水溪附近揚塵防制措施為「洗掃街作業」;70%的受訪者認為揚塵防制措施「洗掃街作業」較有效;41%受訪者認為濁水溪揚塵產生月份為7月至10月;34%受訪者認為一日中揚塵影響最大為下午。十、於101年10月17、18日本計畫配置洗街車輛2台,假雲林縣西螺大橋旁配合辦理「河川揚塵空品不良期間相關計畫緊急應變演練」,演練內容係將災害程度分為四等級。十一、本計畫特於102年1月22日辦理問卷調查結果相關說明會,會中邀請專家學者,進行問卷設計解說、問卷執行說明、及相關結果說明。 The project of poor air quality during Cho-Shui-Hsi coastal strengthens street dust control for 101 year The project began on April 01, 2012 and ended on March 31, 2013. The execution achievements and schedule met the contract requirements. The related achievements are as follow:1. The length of street cleaned was completed 23,821 kilometers and the total achieved rate is 100%; the total length of labor street cleaning work which organized 1,300 street cleaners was finished 5,571 kilometers and the achieved rate is 100%.2. The total street cleaning length is 23,821 kilometers and total water consumption is 29,041.4 tons in this project. The average water consumption per month is about to 1.18~1.28 tons per kilometer, and total average water consumption is 1.22 tons/km. It exceeds the EPA′s standards (a unit of water consumption should be more than 0.9 tons/one kilometer).3. The load of street dust estimation task that took samples from 36 places was completed. It could be a major reference for project execution effect analysis and execution process quality verification. The water quality testing which took samples for 17 places was performed two times. Both of achievement rates are 100%.4. An education and training for street cleaners was hold on April 11th and June 18th , 19th , 2012 in EPA′s building, and the achievement rate is 100%.5. An external audit was hold on September 21, 2012. Based on committee members′ comments to establish a standard for improving the next operations. The achievement rate is 100%.6. Street washing vehicle GPS traffic monitoring and management system connections completed in the early stage of project implementation, and development of standard operating procedures manual, the achievement rate was 100%.7. Street washing vehicle body painting the project is completed on June 25th, the painted content in addition to containing related projects painted game artwork, adds to the standard system in 2013 Nongbo advocacy to through body painting, to enable the Executive the job is more close to the people.8. The plan on July 18th and 19th, 2012, to the Yilan County Environmental Protection Bureau handled rivers dust related plan to visit other cities and counties to observe will discuss at this stage of the source control technology still has its limits, and the source ofprevention vulnerable to typhoon struck, and makes the source device or vegetation damage, so the of its rivers dust control, in addition to the source of the efforts also pipe end of the sprinkler.9. The satisfaction questionnaire for residents who live in riverside of the Cho-Shui-Hsi was done, and the achievement rate is 100%.1,200 questionnaires were filled out in earlier period, Survey, 48% of respondents think "Street Dealers dust" is mainly caused by dust reasons; 66% of the respondents know that the Cho-Shui-Hsi River near dust control measures for cleaning and washing operations "; 70% of the respondents that dust control measures more effective cleaning and washing operations "; 41% of the respondents that the Cho-Shui-Hsi River dust the month of July to October; 34% of respondents believe that the day in the dust the greatest impact for the afternoon.10. This project on October 17, 18, 101 years, configure 2 sets of street washing vehicles next Yunlin County Siluo Bridge, with the handle "rivers dust poor air quality related projects during the emergency drill", drill the disaster, is divided into four levels.11. The plan on January 22, 102 years, to apply for a description of the survey results will invite experts and scholars, the design of the questionnaire commentary questionnaires execute instructions, and the instructions of the relevant results. 101 雲林縣環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=52186
基因量子點奈米系統應用於環境致病性微生物之檢測 本「基因量子點奈米系統應用於環境致病性微生物之檢測」計畫為配合已開發的新微生物檢測技術進行改良。此新檢測平台可同時解決定量與標定問題,且期望簡化檢體製備流程。利用量子粒的特性配合微珠嵌連之專一性單股核酸探針,提供一全新的檢測技術。環境致病性微生物中退伍軍人菌一直是公衛的重點,因為像醫院、旅館、室內商場、辦公大樓、三溫暖等大型建築物的水塔均是可能的汙染源。然而退伍軍人症的臨床檢驗採細菌培養,費時且易錯失治療的黃金時機,因此發展一套精確、快速的基因檢測方法有其重要性與必要性。我們針對之前平台的不足提出改進包括微珠材料與大小的改進、單一反應同步偵測多種微生物的可能性、Click chemistry 強化量子粒探針的評估與環境實測。本研究將提供一新有效的微生物偵測法,可同時節省偵測時間又可定量。 Gene-Quantum Dots Detection System for environmental pathogen The main purpose of this project, Gene-quantum dots detection system for environmental pathogen, is to modify previous EPA project for more sensitivity and also application purposes. This new technology aims to measure the quantity and quality by simple labeled methods thus the detection procedure will be short and faster than current methods. We propose the quantum dot probes combined with microbead linked specific oligonucleotides as detection system that will be able to provide higher sensitivity and specificity. We selected Legionella spp as our research targets. Legionella spp has been pointed out as the major environmental pollution issue by CDC of government. Legionnaires’ disease (LD) is caused mainly by inhalation of aerosols generated from water sources contaminated with Legionella spp. Environmental culturing of water systems for Legionella spp. has been recommended for hospitals. Thus, we developed our quantum dots based microbead system for common Legionella spp. Following the previous project, the bead material will be changed and the size of bead will be enlarged than before. For quantum dots linked oligonucleotide, the Click reaction will be tested. And the quantum dots mixes will be applied for detection of 8 Legionella spp. in a single tube. Finally, the environmental samples were collected to examine this system for this project. Therefore, we try to develop a useful tool to detect pathogen with shorter operation time and to quantify and qualify the pathogen DNA in high specificity and sensitivity. 101 永續發展室 中原大學創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=40641
101年度基隆市河川流域管理暨海洋污染宣導演練計畫 101 基隆市環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41976
101年度宜蘭縣移動污染源稽查管制及機車排氣定期檢驗服務管理計畫 移動污染源係造成空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,為改善機車排放對於空氣污染所造成的問題,環保局實施多項措施以管制機車排放空氣污染物,包括:執行未定檢機車巡查、機車不定期檢驗、機車排氣檢驗站管理,及淘汰高污染老舊機車等,以有效改善空氣品質。 Moving pollution source inspection control project in 2012 Mobile pollution sources is one of the main cause for the air quality decline, in order to improve the air pollution problems caused by motorcycle exhausted emission, the environmental protection bureau has implemented many projects to control motorcycle exhaust discharge air pollutant, include the execution which locomotive did not make regular inspection, the roadside blocks examines, and management of motorcycle exhausted emission inspection stations, eliminating old motorcycle, to improve air quality efficiently. 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68793
水污染地理資訊系統專案工作計畫 本年度所建置之水污染地理資訊系統,收納環保署之流域管理概念,於水保處整體業務架構下為一整合型GIS系統。本年度初步完成跨部會、跨單位之資料彙整、整合與檢核,包含水利署、營建署、農委會等部會。另透過「水污染源管制資料管理系統」與「環境保護許可管理系統」列管事業大門口位置進行比對,座標錯誤者計3,389家,座標異常者計1,762家,扣除重複出現於2種名單之事業後,總計4,850家事業大門口位置座標需重新校核。座標錯誤名單資料已經由直轄市、縣(市)環保局及相關單位進行座標資料確認、修正,並回報至主管機關進行再次審核。本年度建立水污染地理資訊系統,提供水污染管理所需之GIS功能,包括11條重點河川之水質濃度漸層變化、水列管事業之基線資料查詢、RPI與CTSI指數計算、河川水區水體分類查詢、水質淨化處理場址之基本資料與建置前後水質變化查詢、事業之水體途徑查詢、上游可疑污染源查詢、集污區污染總量統計分析等。為改善流徑相關圖層不連續問題,本計畫透過空間模擬方式輔以流向屬性資料以補漏不連續之水體途徑圖資,提供概略之污染源流徑檢視功能。 Water Pollution Geographic Information System The Water Pollution geographic information system built this year, both the concept of watershed management, and the EPA overall business structure is an integrated GIS system.This year completed initial inter-ministerial, inter-unit data aggregation, integration and calibration.These data include the Water Resources Agency, the Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior, the Council of Agriculture.By utilizing the “WPGIS” and “EMS” for comparison to the deviation in the longitude and altitude of the location to the entrance of the enlisted regulating enterprise, the deviations reveal those with coordinate data error tally to 3,389 enterprises, those with coordinate data anomaly tally to 1,762 enterprises. And upon deducting the repetitive data of redundant enterprise data, a total of 4850 enterprises’ entrance location coordinates need to be recalibrated. The erroneous coordinate list data have also had the coordinate data verified and amended by county/city environmental protection bureaus and pertinent units, and have also been declared with competent government authorities for revalidation.The current year’s application systems development work has been completed, which includes 11 focused river/stream tributary’s water quality concentration layer change, enlisted water-regulating enterprises’ baseline information check, river/stream water quality monitoring stations’ monitoring data and RPI value calculation, river/stream water areas’ water body classification check, dam water quality monitoring stations’ monitoring data and Carlson Index calculation, water quality purification processing site’s basic data and the nearest measurement statement calculation, accountability method, enterprise water body path check, upstream probable pollution source check, pollution collecting area’s enlisted regulating enterprises’ total pollution volume statistical analysis, graphic tendency data check, verification data simple graphic printout and the like. 101 水保處 環輿科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46111
重點河川綜合管理及整治技術應用計畫 為維護水體環境品質,持續打造宜人樂活之水環境,環保署自101年至106年推動「水體環境水質改善及經營管理計畫」,集中資源推動11條重點河川之整治工作,期提升環境品質並增進國民健康,而本計畫目標主要為追蹤及檢討全國11條重點河川污染整治計畫之執行成效,並評估先進廢(污)水處理技術及聚落式污水處理對重點河川污染整治之應用。本計畫針對全國11條重點河川分析水污染問題、污染來源及影響程度、既有整治計畫可行性及效益等環境現況,同時利用水質模式模擬,檢視河川整治目標達成情形及污染整治計畫執行成效,供各級環保單位參考執行。相關整治策略包括污水下水道建設、污水截流系統操作、晴天排水現地處理設施、事業水污染稽查管制及聚落式污水處理等,並評估先進廢(污)水處理技術及聚落式污水處理於重點河川污染整治之應用;另籌辦重點河川污染整治計畫追蹤檢討會議,藉由會議辦理凝聚各單位之共識,滾動式管理重點河川流域之階段性污染整治策略。此外,為提高民眾對政府環保施政的瞭解,進而投入更多的關注及參與,在本計畫中同時辦理了二仁溪整治紀錄片發表、河川整治成果訪視巡禮及淡水河、二仁溪整治資訊網頁之更新與維護。 The Integrated Management and Restoration Technique Application in Primary Rivers. EPA has impelled “Water Quality and Environmental Improvement and Management Program” from 2012 to 2017. The program focused on most resources regarding to the works of pollution control for 11 primary rivers, and the purpose of this program is to build, to maintain, and to improve the water quality for making better environment.  For executing the project, we analyze the problem of water pollution, identifying pollution sources and its extent of negative impact, also managing feasibility and benefits of pollution control plans for 11 primary rivers. Meanwhile, we are not only reviewing the effectiveness of the river pollution control plan, examining the goal of river pollution remediation via water quality model through the project; but also providing the available references to environmental protection organizations.  The related strategies of River pollution remediation include sewer construction, operation of sewage interception systems, on-site treatment facilities of dry weather flow, inspection of industrial wastewater of the environmental, and decentralized waste treatment systems. We also evaluate the effectiveness of the decentralized wastewater treatment systems on primary rivers.  The progress meetings were often held to review the outcome on each phase of the pollution remediation by management.  In addition, to improve the public understanding of government environmental policy, and to arise the attention of getting supports from public, we execute many activities, such as “documentary film of pollution remediation of Er-Jen River”, “visiting the results of river pollution remediation”, and updating the maintenance of Tamsui River , and Er-Jen River pollution remediation website pages. 101 水保處 美商傑明工程顧問(股)公司台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46241
屏東縣101年度垃圾減量資源回收工作計畫 本年度在本工作團隊努力下,本縣資源回收率至101年10月份為止,回收率為33.0%,較100年31.2%提升1.8%,進步率為全國第10名,也符合環保署訂定屏東縣101年度回收率32.1%的目標,10月份單月回收率更達35.5%之新高。本計畫執行期程為自101年4月7日至101年12月31日止,本年度截至11月30日為止,計畫工作內容執行摘要如下列說明:一、資源回收體系查核工作1.辦理資源回收責任業者重點管理稽查取締工作,共計執行704件次之查核工作,665件合格,合格率94.5%,另39件違規,違規比例為5.5%。2.辦理11大行業販賣業者稽查取締工作,依照環保局實際交辦案件完成查核輔導工作,總計交辦及完成65家次,其中有32家次不符合規定,皆現場輔導完成改善。3.完成回收處理業查核作業,總計執行66家81家次查核作業。4.完成查報4件逾環保署公告應向主管機關辦理登記,符合年度3件之目標。5.邀請專家學者進行3家曾違規處分之回收、處理業者現場輔導,包括「鴻運聯邦企業有限公司」、「勇盛開發企業有限公司」及未登記之「金鑫資源企業社」計3家回收業者,業者均依專家學者所提意見,完成改善作業。二、限用政策查核作業1.配合環保局進行轄內販賣業及製造業限制產品過度包裝查核取締工作,本年度共計進場現勘107家,完成196件商品的查核工作,符合每月查核20件規定,查核結果均符合。2.本年度執行限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣管制查核取締工作計核505件,查獲1家業者販賣1件違規商品,除請業者現場立即配合將違規商品下架外,並開立處分書。3.本年度執行屏東市等19鄉鎮81家藥局及藥妝店,水銀體溫計查核與回收查核與宣導,未發現違規販售行為。另配合辦理宣導活動及清潔隊在職教育訓練,宣導水銀體溫計對人體健康及環境影響,家中不使用或破損水銀體溫計,應妥善包裝後送交資源回收車回收等重點,總計宣導人數約10,287人次。三、協助推動機關、學校、團體辦理資源回收工作完成417件次資源回收分類查核,並輔導提報月報表。目前計有171個機關團體單位提報環保局回收量月報表。經本計畫加強輔導提報資源回收量月報後,1-10月資源回收量61,372噸,較100年同期提升4.5%。101年度1-10月份同期學校回收量統計,經本計畫加強輔導學校提報資源回收量月報後,101年1-10月提報的資源回收量達1,373噸,並有逐月小幅增加趨勢,10月份回收量251公噸,更創5年來單月新高。本年度在執行學校輔導追蹤後,已提報環保局月報之學校單位為194所。四、資源回收及垃圾強制分類查核工作各月份查核場次分別為4月份7場次,均為「資源物資3件以上,現場輔導分類改善」;5月份18場次,其中10場次「資源物資3件以上,現場輔導分類改善」,8場次符合規定;6月份7場次,均為「資源物資3件以上,現場輔導分類改善」;7月份5場次,其中2場次「資源物資3件以上,現場輔導分類改善」,3場次符合規定;8月份4場次,均為「資源物資3件以上,現場輔導分類改善」;9月份6場次,其中5場次「資源物資3件以上,現場輔導分類改善」,1場次符合規定;10月份4場次,其中2場次「資源物資3件以上,現場輔導分類改善」,2場次符合規定;11月份5場次,其中3場次「資源物資3件以上,現場輔導分類改善」,2場次符合規定。 五、資源回收源頭減量相關輔導查核作業1.查核一次用外帶飲料杯之使用、回收獎勵金實施及回收情形,每月4場次以上。本年度計完成31家,總計34家次「連鎖飲料店業」及「連鎖便利商店業」查核及輔導作業。2.執行政府機關及學校餐廳免洗餐具限制使用查核工作,每月至少4家次。本年度查核37家次政府機關及學校餐廳免洗餐具限制使用查核工作,無發現違規情事。3.完成張貼汽車317輛次、貨車128輛次及機車65輛次,共510輛次,未移置拖吊數為87輛。六、提升資源回收率工作1.本工作團隊執行本計畫已邁入第3年,99年度至100年度本縣各鄉鎮市回收率明顯提升,亦突破30%關卡。一般縣市回收率突破整數關卡均會有回收率延緩增加之情形。因此,本計畫以前2年輔導及掌握各鄉鎮市資源回收狀況,完成33鄉鎮「鄉鎮特性診斷分析說明」及「客製化研擬鄉鎮提升回收率作法」,並將33鄉鎮市區分為「都會型」、「鄉村型」、「觀光型」及「山地原住民型」等四種型態,依照不同型態及各鄉鎮市特性,深入診斷現階段各鄉鎮市所遭遇之問題與建議解決方式;並且在本計畫前往各鄉鎮清潔隊輔導回收率提昇工作時,一一告知清潔隊長該鄉鎮回收率偏低之問題點,與本年度突破問題點,與本計畫合作共同執行回收率提升之關鍵性作法。目前各鄉鎮均以本計畫建議措施開始執行輔導改善作業,預期101年度回收率可持續提升,而回收率較明顯提升之時間點應會落在102年度。2.透過宣導山地鄉教會及輔導山地鄉商店設置資源回收點後,回收率偏低之4個山地鄉截至10月份為止,回收率均較去年度提高,提升比率區間為3.0-11.6%。3.優先輔導100年度回收率低之佳冬鄉、霧台鄉、高樹鄉、泰武鄉及竹田鄉等5鄉鎮,各鄉鎮回收率均有所提升,提升率介於3.6-11.6%。另考量全縣回收率之提升因素,亦將100年回收率低於30.0%的9鄉鎮亦納入加強輔導對象,本年度各鄉鎮回收率均有所提升,提升率介於1.7-9.9%。各鄉鎮回收率成長成效,確立了本計畫「客製化研擬鄉鎮提升回收率作法」之輔導效益。4.完成輔導媒合11個鄉鎮16名個體業者進入社區服務。5.完成5處社區回收站形象改造作業。6.完成辦理12場次「101年度屏東縣清潔隊員在職教育訓練暨村里推動資源回收績效評比說明會」,各鄉鎮市執行成果已全數提報至環保局,環保局亦依評比辦法獎勵績優村里。七、辦理各項宣導說明會、觀摩活動及執行教育、宣導活動1.協助輔導鄉鎮市公所辦理總計10,000人次以上之在職教育,本計畫規劃製作相關課程及教材,提供各公所清潔隊每月選定不同教育訓練主題,辦理清潔隊人員教育訓練工作,另每月追蹤及彙整清潔隊辦理成果提報環保局。統計至10月底止,總計辦理人數為31,536人次。2.7/26、7/27完成辦理外縣市資源回收業務交流活動。3.加強推動機關、團體、社區、學校採購使用再生製品及取得環保標章商品類之再生品(料)之再製產品,本年度已完成調查26種類。4.完成辦理14場次資源回收宣導活動、21場資源回收教育宣導說明會及2場次跳蚤市場活動,總計37場次。5.完成辦理春天吶喊資源回收宣導活動,並提出成果報告。。6.本年度總計委託媒體走馬燈896則、廣播電台廣告59則及平面媒體廣告3則,總宣導則數為958則,已達年度目標量。另平面媒體、網路媒體新聞揭露計75則,總計資源回收媒體宣導則數為1,033則。7.完成辦理4場次回收、處理業暨製造、販賣業相關法規說明會 8.本計畫以延續性及有續航力為原則,研擬及執行下列四項資源回收宣導創新作法: (1)「學校申報月報順喔!」(2)「鐘愛肥料袋、休緣塑膠袋」(3)「豬踢塑袋、珍愛紙袋」(4)「拜拜做好環保 神明保佑你唷!」9.10/14完成辦理1場,結合節慶、地方特色之大型垃圾減量資源回收創意宣導活動,活動名稱「綠行動 王爺公來保庇 垃圾減量資源回收宣導活動」。八、配合環保署重大政策施行1.完成環保局交辦查核輔導機車行99家、汽車維修廠102家,總計201家。2.完成環保局交辦廢四機回收新制輔導訪查案,執行輔導及查核作業計26家30件次。 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41533
推動永續物質循環利用專案工作計畫 本計畫執行期間自民國101年1月20日起至101年12月31日止,主要工作為:(一)整合資源永續循環利用推動計畫,(二)探討我國事業廢棄物再利用管理機制及研擬配套參考措施,(三) 辦理環保科技園區督查察、追蹤管考及相關成果統計彙整作業,(四)配合辦理相關計畫之行政作業。本計畫已依100年度所研提之「資源永續循環推動利用計畫(草案)」,不定期召開修正研商會,並協助計畫修正、簡報製作及進行審查意見回復等相關提報行政院之前置作業。此外,已建構搖籃到搖籃平台等網絡,並於101年4月2日辦理策略聯盟成立大會,後續並邀集會員召開年中及年末大會,共同研商聯盟未來發展及願景;本年度輔導3家廠商進行搖籃到搖籃產品設計、認證申請及生命週期評估。本計畫彙整國內外事業廢棄物管制相況、問題解析及管理制度,研提「事業廢棄物管理評析報告」,並依據相關單位權責,規劃部門分工及執行期程。在環保科技園區方面,本年度完成4個園區各2次現場查察,桃園、台南及高雄園區招商情形與廠商營運績效良好,上半年已有約82億產值,估計全年可達160億以上,以投資值為基準,則有139%的成長,顯見環保科技園區仍屬穩定成長狀態。 The Special Project for Promoting Sustainable and Cyclical Material Use This project, which was implemented from January 20, 2012 to December 31, 2012, primarily included the following tasks: (1) An integrated sustainable and cyclical resource promotion plan. (2) Investigation of Taiwan's industrial waste reuse management mechanisms and drafting of accompanying reference measures. (3) Implementation of environmental science and technology park supervisory inspections, follow-up control examinations, and a compilation of relevant result statistics. (4) Administrative procedures required for the implementation of relevant projects. When needed, this project has held review meetings in accordance with the "Resource Sustainable Cyclic Use Project (draft)” proposed in 2011, which has assisted with project revision, briefing production, response to review opinions, and other preliminary tasks before reporting to the Executive Yuan. In addition, a network with a cradle to cradle platform has been established, and a strategic alliance establishment conference was held on April 2, 2012. Members have also been called together for mid-year and year-end conferences to jointly discuss the future development of strategic alliances and their prospects. Three firms were given assistance with cradle to cradle product design, application for certification, and life cycle assessment this year. This project compiled domestic and foreign industrial waste control, problem-solving, and management system information, issued the “Industrial Waste Management Assessment Report,” and drafted departmental assignments and an implementation timetable in accordance with relevant units' duties and powers. With regard to environmental science and technology parks, two on-site inspections of each of four parks were performed this year, and the state of corporate recruiting and company operating performance was excellent at the Taoyuan, Tainan, and Kaohsiung parks. The parks had an output value of approximately NT$8.2 billion during the first half of the year, and could reach an estimated output value of NT$16.0 billion for the whole year. The parks have enjoyed 139% growth in terms of investment value, making it apparent that the environmental science and technology parks are still in the midst of steady growth. 101 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45100
環境資源資料庫整合規劃及專案管理 參考國內外資料倉儲與環境資源資料系統,規劃整體「環境資源資料庫」之系統架構以及建議納入之核心資料。核心資料由訪談10個機關(構)後蒐集56個系統共2,219個資料表單,彙整後列出1,065個核心資料,作為建置計畫時之參考。並規劃102年到105年陸陸續建置項目,由空氣大氣、水資源資料開始,至生態、土石流、地質、地礦資料陸續建置。並規劃現有環境品質資料倉儲內資料轉置新系統時的作業程序與注意事項。訂定共通性項目規範、詮釋資料訂定規範、資料滙入及更新機制規範等內容,作為後續資料建置之作業流程。以及引進專案管理團隊協助本署監資處公共建設經費相關委辦計畫之管考稽核輔助推動工作,完成「環境資源資料庫整合計畫」、「環境資料庫地理資訊系統資料蒐集建檔計畫」、「碳資訊揭露服務計畫」之102年與103年之先期計畫與成果提報。與進行「環境資源資料交換平台建置(CDX)」、「居家生活環境資訊網改版及功能擴充計畫」、「共構機房資訊設備監控委外服務」之履約監控。 Environmental and natural resources integrated database planning prioject and project management te The project Reference data warehousing and data systems of environmental resources at home and abroad, To plan whole system architecture and core data of environmental resource database. The project interviews with 10 departments and collected 56 systems, 2,219 data forms/data tables to find core data, Finally summarize 1,065 core data, as a reference to the following implemental projects from 102 to 105 years, starting from atmospheric air, water resource data, to ecology, landslides, geology, and mineral resources data continuously. To plan the procedure and method to transpose the existing environmental quality data warehouse into new environmental resource database. To produce common project specification, metadata set specification, data importing and updating mechanism specification , as the following implemental projects to follow-up.The project buildup a project management office to assist the Environmental monitoring and information service, Environmental protection Administration about funding plan tube exam promotion work for the audit to complete, the 102 and 103 years of advance planning and results presentation for "environmental resource database consolidation plan", "environmental database of GIS data collection documentation plan", "carbon information disclosure services plan". And 101year "Environmental resource data exchange platform (CDX)", " Home living environment information network project revision and functional extension ", " Data center consolidation equipment monitoring outsourcing services" performance monitoring 101 監資處 資拓宏宇國際股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43434
強化海洋油污染應變能力與提昇應變能量計畫 隨著工業與科技的進步發展,海洋資源開發給人類帶來巨大的經濟效益,卻也令海洋生態面臨重大的衝擊,為了維護珍貴的海洋資源及生態環境,減少海洋污染事件對台灣海洋生態環境的影響,推動積極性海洋污染防治作為及建立區域性海洋污染緊急應變系統顯得相當重要。國內海洋污染事件發生時,初期應變之重擔往往落在主管機關身上,各縣市轄內應變資源包含應變人力與應變設備的管理維護,將決定初期應變的良窳,而主管機關實施海洋污染應變設備管理與維護工作困難之處,在於業管人員大多未具備專業機械背景,易造成設備保養不佳之情況,導致在第一時間未能利用設備之圍堵回收效能,降低污染擴散。因此本計畫藉由強化海洋污染緊急應變能力及應變機制,進而評鑑地方政府油污染應變設備器材整備,期落實妥善使用,另以調查海洋環境敏感指標分類,以提供海洋污染緊急應變相關資訊,藉由多樣性策略的規劃提供未來發生事故時之應變參考,希冀提昇應變實際作業效能。本計畫主要工作:強化我國海洋油污染緊急應變能力及應變機制;評鑑地方政府油污染應變設備器材,落實能量妥善整備效率;辦理中部地區海洋環境敏感區域調查作業,執行環境敏感地圖建置工作;支援海洋油污染緊急應變行政協助,提昇實際作業效能。國內海洋污染應變設備自90年起由環保署編列預算購置,再交由海巡署或地方主管機關使用,設備從無到有,逐漸健全應變能量,建議未來需要定期查核各地之應變設備且編列預算購置汰換更新適用設備,另外可藉由簽訂開口合約或支援協定之方式,以多管齊下之策略獲得、充實與鏈結國內海洋油污染應變能量,節省政府經費。為結合全國海洋油污染應變資源及能量,共同維護海洋環境、保護海域資源,本計畫於年終舉辦一場次之「海洋污染緊急應變設備器材評估檢討研商會議」,出席單位包含各縣市環保局、海洋局、漁業署、海巡署、交通部、經濟部、內政部等,藉由評析國內相關機關單位之海洋污染緊急應變設備及能量,邀集相關應變單位進行海洋污染應變設備量能提升之交流,並同時可提升應變人員之專業性。本計畫完成中部區域縣市(新竹縣、新竹市、苗栗縣、台中市、彰化縣、雲林縣及嘉義縣)海洋環境敏感指標分類236公里調查,建置環境敏感地圖除了讓決策者根據海岸分類選用適當的除污法,另外生態敏感區及人類利用資源可幫助決策者決定保護標的優先順序。由於生態與漁業資源均是珍貴重要的資產,若受到破壞需要花費許多的代價甚或無法復原之狀況,因此平時的監測更顯重要,建議應持續蒐集生態資料、整合相關單位之調查資訊及與溢油模式相結合,以豐富及完善環境敏感地圖。為求完善 貴署海洋油污染應變期間實際需求與提昇即時應變能量,藉由規劃建立全時應變支援作業流程、審查地方政府海洋油污染應變演練計畫、評估輸油業者應變作業能力、結合往例實況訂定海洋油污染緊急應變作業流程與應變事項,可有效提昇海洋油污染緊急應變實際作業效能。 To strengthen marine oil pollution response capabilities and enhance strain energy plan With the development of industry and the advancement of technology, the development of marine resources has brought huge economic benefits to mankind. It also let the marine ecosystem of Taiwan have to face major impact. In order to safeguard the precious marine resources and ecological environment, and reduce marine pollution incidents the impact of Taiwan, to promote enthusiasm marine pollution prevention and to establish the regional marine pollution emergency response system is very important. Domestic marine pollution incident, the first respond burden often falls on the competent authority. Counties and municipal strain resources contain the management and maintenance of strain human and equipment. The initial strain will determine to be good or bad. The difficulty of The competent authority for the implementation of the marine pollution response equipment management and maintenance is that most of the industry control officers did not have the background of specialized machinery, could easily lead to the situation of the poor maintenance of equipment. It could be not to use the equipment for the first time. The failed recycling performance could not induce the reducing the spread of contamination. This project by to strengthen marine pollution emergency response capabilities and contingency mechanisms, thus evaluation of local governments Oil Pollution Response Equipment Readiness could be implemented properly use. In addition to survey the classification of sensitive indicators of the marine environment, to provide information on marine pollution emergency, contingency reference provided by diversity strategy planning future incidents, hoping to enhance the strain of actual job performance.The main work of this project: strengthening of marine oil pollution emergency response capabilities and response mechanisms; evaluation of the local governments Oil Pollution Response Equipment, the to implement energy properly Readiness efficiency; handle the survey of the sensitive areas of the marine environment of central region and build environmentally sensitive map; support for marine oil pollution emergency administrative assistance to enhance the performance of the actual job.Domestic marine pollution response equipment was compiled purchase budget by the Environmental Protection Department since 1990, then handed over to the Coast Guard or local authority. The equipment is from the ground up and the strain energy is gradually improving. This project suggested regular checks throughout the strain equipment and replacement update applies to the device. In addition to sign the opening contracts or support agreed to a multi-pronged strategy, enrich and link domestic marine oil pollution strain energy savings in government funding.For the combination of national marine oil pollution response resources and energy, safeguarding the marine environment and protecting the marine resources, this project organized a marine pollution emergency response equipment assessment review of the study and Conference at the end of this year. Attending units contain county and city environmental protection bureau, Marine Bureau, Fisheries Agency, Coast Guard Administration, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of the interior. By analysis of marine pollution emergency response equipment and energy of the relevant domestic departments and units, to help response units exchange experience and enhance the marine pollution response equipment energy and at the same time can improve professional response.This project is to complete a sensitive indicator of the marine environment of the central region counties (Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, Miaoli County, Taichung City, Changhua County, Yunlin County and Chiayi County) Category 236 km survey, build environmentally sensitive map in addition to the decision makers according Coast classification choice of the appropriate method of decontamination, and other ecologically sensitive areas and the human use of resources can help policy makers decide to protect the subject priority. Since the ecology and fisheries resources are precious and important asset, have to avoid the need to spend a lot of price destruction or situation could not be undone. Therefore the usually monitoring would be more important. There is a proposal to continue to collect ecological data, survey information and integration of related units combined with the oil spill mode, in order to enrich and improve the environmentally sensitive map.In order to improve the actual needs and enhance the immediate strain energy during marine oil pollution response period, by planning to build the full-time strain support work process, reviewing of local government marine oil pollution response drill plan, assessment of oil industry strain operational capability,combined with a the former examples instance set marine oil pollution emergency operating procedures and response matters, which can effectively enhance the actual operating performance of marine oil pollution emergency. 101 水保處 海暉環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45011
101年度產品碳足跡資訊揭露服務專案工作計畫 於產品碳足跡計算服務需求增加之發展趨勢下,碳足跡資訊揭露之基礎能力建構,以及國際間碳足跡交流溝通管道之建立,均被視為未來產品於綠色行銷時必須考量重要因素之一。有鑑於此,本專案工作計畫係透過國內外碳足跡計算軟體或服務平台發展現況與趨勢之資訊蒐集、碳足跡計算服務市場現況之調查,以及專家座談會之辦理等方式逐步完成建置我國碳足跡計算服務平台雛型系統之建置,並建置1套應用程式介面(Application Programming Interface, API),以利民間發展應用軟體使用我國碳足跡公用排放係數資料庫。於碳足跡公用排放係數資料庫建立部分,除先藉由座談會之舉辦以確認我國碳足跡公用排放係數建置目的與範疇,以及公用排放係數揭露項目外,亦分別藉由高耗能與高產業關聯度之類別篩選、國際資料庫比對、產業製程清單、產業結構關聯圖與產業年鑑等相關資訊,完成668項應優先建置之碳足跡排放係數清單規劃,並從中挑選50項進行本年度碳足跡排放係數之建置。此外,為確保碳足跡公用排放係數資料庫之數據品質與資料完整性,亦完成碳足跡公用排放係數資料審查作業要點與數據品質系統及運作規範等文件。最後,亦透過國際交流機制與管道之建立,除持續蒐集國際碳足跡相關標準之最新發展動態外,亦已成功提供15筆碳足跡排放係數資料予國際資料庫參採,達到促進並強化我國碳足跡公用排放係數資料庫之豐富度、能見度及引用率之目的。 The Service of Carbon Information Disclosure Under the trend that product carbon footprint calculation is increasingly required, product carbon disclosure has become an important measure for green product marketing. In this project, we carry out questionnaire survey and symposium of experts of industries, counseling units, academic and research institutions for collecting opinions on carbon footprint calculation. And, all of the collected and compiled information will be the base for developing the carbon footprint calculation service platform. The official database is also developed in order to simplify data acquirement process and assist Taiwan industries effectively respond relevant and emerging CFP tasks. Hence, the measures such as energy balance sheets of industry, international database, industry process, industrial chain diagram and industry yearbook are all adopted to help us to select and list 600 sets of carbon footprint emission factors from all the industries. This year, we select 50 sets of data out of all the data to set up the carbon footprint emission factors. In addition, the life cycle data quality guideline and international cooperation are also established to ensure carbon footprint’s data quality on accuracy and completeness. The utilization and application of our official database is enhanced. 101 管考處 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42852
99至101年度環保設施品質查核督導委託專案工作計畫(101年度,第3年) 本工作計畫之主要執行項目,除研擬本年度中央查核縣(市)政府執行環保設施工程施工品質等相關業務成效之作業流程、表單及後續追蹤外,於環保署所指定之50場次工程查核中,依約邀請具有環保設施工程專長之專家或學者擔任外聘查核委員(應為公共工程委員會「工程品質查核小組」成員或環保署推薦公共工程委員會查核委員並接受相關講習)至環保署所指定之場次工程現場進行工程品質查核作業,並彙整前項查核結果,對施工中環保設施工程就工程主辦機關、技術服務廠商與承包商分級予以評鑑量化。 99 ~101Auditing Project of Construction Quality of the Environmental Protection Facilities.(101third The main objective of this project was to evaluate the construction quality of environmental protection facilities. Furthermore, at least two engineering or technological experts were invited to evaluate the construction quality of 50 construction sites and to administer the construction material testing. According to the results of evaluation, all of the sponsors, technological consultants and contractors were graded, and proposed the improvement in construction quality and operation management of sanitary landfill sites. 101 督察總隊 國立中興大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43504
101年度桃園縣營建工程空氣污染防制費催繳稽查管制計畫 本計畫自101年6月1日起至102年2月28日止共執行9個月,主要工作項目包括有營建工程空污費收費作業、工地稽查管制作業、推動工地自主管理及城市美化作業、預警管理作業、營建工程管制宣導及缺失輔導作業、表單提報及資料分析等。在營建工程空污費徵收部分,共完成申報案件3,645件,其中免徵收件數35件,總徵收金額95,832,582元,各申報案件皆已全數完成資料建檔列管,空污費徵收率約達88.3%,而催繳達成率約96.2%。完工案件共計1644件,總完工面積達535,007平方公尺;統計每月平均施工中營建工程約有2,146件,施作面積達3,934,697平方公尺。完工結筭簡訊提醒服務,共新增184位同意申請,且目前已發送190則通知簡訊。在巡查列管工地方面,因應營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法之實施(以下簡稱管理辦法),本計畫執行期間共完成11,180處次之稽/巡查作業;巡查排放量之掌握上達92.2%;巡查納管率部分則達71.95%;排放量削減率已達55.9%;針對未符合管理辦法工地則要求其限期改善,一級工地管理辦法法規符合度88.5%,二級工地管理辦法法規符合度87.6%。營建工地人員簽名率77.3%,施工機具油品檢測共80點次,有1點次超過含硫量標準50ppmw,max,有1點次超過含硫量標準10ppmw,max,其餘均符合含硫量標準10ppmw,max,符合率達98%。在推動工地自主管理及城市美化方面,工地周邊道路認養總共推廣25處,總洗掃長度則達38,660.0公里,並配合營建工程較易產生污染階段之出土工程,共進行40處次盯梢作業,且均已輔導改善完成。推廣並輔導本縣境內共3處營建工程設置活體植栽綠圍籬,面積達251.79平方公尺;推廣3處面積達3,288.6平方公尺完成生態化鋪面施作,施作方式為植生;共推動及輔導本縣營建工地41處參與防污標章活動。預警管理作業,本年度完成每季10站共30站次落塵監測,其測值均有呈現改善的情形;計畫執行期間辦理各項相關輔導說明會共11場次,平均參與人數均達50~100人左右,且與會相關人員互動良好,確實達到宣傳及輔導的效果。本計畫合約內之工作項目均已於期程內完成。 2012 Plan for Collection Notification of Air-pollution Prevention Fee and Audit/Control of Construction Projects in Taoyuan County The project commenced on June 1 2012 and ended on February 28 2013. Major tasks in the 9-month implementation included Air-pollution Prevention Fee Collection against construction projects, site audit and control, promotion of site autonomous management and urban beautification, pre-alarm management, promotion of construction project control and defect consultation, form reporting & data analysis, etc.Regarding the Air-pollution Prevention Fee Collection against construction projects, a total of 3,645 cases has been reported, of which 35 cases were exempted for paying the fee. Fee collection totaled 95,832,582 NTD, data compilation of all reported cases was accomplished for control. 88.3% of the cases completed the payment, 96.2% of notification for payment were successful. Project completion totaled 1644 cases, the total area of completion reached 535,007m2. Statistically, the average number of projects under construction was 2,146 cases per month, with a total site area of 3,934,697m2. 184 new applicants agreed on a Short Message Service reminder for account settlement on completion of project; up to now, a total of 190 messages has been sent. In the aspect of audit/patrol and control of construction sites, in order to cope with the implementation of Regulations on Management of Air pollution Prevention Facilities (hereafter referred to as “Management Regulations”), the project accomplished 11,180 audit/patrol operations during the implantation period. Accomplishment for becoming aware of emission quantity reached 92.2%; attainment of patrol jurisdiction reached 71.95%; reduction of emission reached 55.9%; sites that failed to conform to the Management Regulations were given notice for improvement within a deadline; statutory compliance to the Management Regulations of Class-1 sites was 88.5%, that of Class-2 sites was 87.6%. Signature Ratio of site personnel was 77.3%. Oil inspection of construction machines totaled 80 points, of which 1 inspection point exceeded sulfur content standard (50ppmw max.) and 1 inspection point exceeded sulfur content standard (10ppmw max.), all the rest complied with sulfur content standard (10ppmw max.), reaching a compliance ratio of 98%.In the promotion of site autonomous management and urban beautification, adoption of roads surrounding the site succeeded 25 cases, total length of road-cleaning reached 38,660.0km, coordinated with 40 tailing operations in coordination with construction sites where pollution was prone to occur during the excavation stage, all of which has successfully accomplished counseling. Promoted and counseled 3 construction sites within the county for setting up moveable plantation fences, with a total area reached 251.79m2. Promoted 3 sites, area totaled 3,288.6 m2, for bio-pavement by way of vegetation. Promoted 41 sites within the county for participating the Pollution Prevention Emblem activity. Accomplished 10 stations per quarter, a total of 30 stations for the whole period, for Pre-alarm Management of dust monitoring. All recorded values showed improvements. 11 presentations of relevant counseling had been carried out during the project implementation, with an average number of attendees of 50-100. All participants interacted smoothly and reached the aims of the promotion and counseling. All the contractual tasks of the project had been accomplished within the scheduled period. 101 桃園縣政府環境保護局 新紀工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53852
101年度「大里溪橋上游污染熱區、潭子加工區及中部科學工業園區稽查管制暨民眾參與巡守推廣計畫」 (一)污染熱區及事業查核作業:計畫內查核作業1,232家次,達成率為100.0%,其中有關電鍍及金屬表面處理業放流水採樣分析391件次,達成率為100.0%,也高於合約目標件數。此外查獲32件違反水污染防治法案件,當中放流水未符合標準的事業有25家次;另外協助暗管查核26件次(業主皆已將所有不明管線封閉及移除),有效杜絕污染源的產生。在重金屬污染熱區之電鍍及金屬表面處理業水污染防治專案查核上,已完成重金屬污染熱區電鍍業及金屬表面處理業名單建置,及其排放承受水體位置分布圖。而在今年度協助查核作業中最終有裁罰事實者計有109家次,由環保局進行開罰,共累計裁罰金額新台幣3,868,000元整,且將不定期針對這些業者進行水質連續監測之追蹤作業。而在功能評鑑作業部分,業者也於11月26日前提送改善計畫書,後續將再進行追蹤複查作業,確實掌握改善情況。(二)中部科學工業園區及7大工業區污水廠放流水污染物調查及管制中部科學工業園區(含臺中、后里及七星園區)及7大工業區污水廠放流水污染物調查及管制作業上,針對污水廠放流水採樣檢驗結果,若與放流水水質標準進行比較,則無異常;但若與環評報告書中之加嚴標準值而言,大安專管與后里污水廠之BOD值均有超標的疑慮。另外連續監測作業上,結果均為正常。 (三)河川巡守隊經營輔導:水環境巡守隊之成立與運作部份,已完成全部隊伍的訪查作業(達成率100%),統計巡守隊隊員巡守時數達成5,622小時以上,達成率100.0%,並辦理17場次的淨溪活動(達成率100.0%),同時亦協助髒亂點通報共計有86點次及暗管或不明排水6支(達成率100.0%),以提升巡守隊經營運作的效率。(四)許可審查及申報等建檔作業:辦理許可申請案件審查及核發作業上,共計完成1,117件次,其中以排放地面水體許可審查件數761件最多,佔68.1%,水污染防治措施審查322件次之,佔28.8%,逕流廢水削減計畫審查34件次,僅佔3.0%。另外協助電腦所建立的檔案數約為1,337件,主要以巡查記錄單建檔為主1,031件,約佔77.1%。而今年度許可審查作業上所遇各項問題建議未來新年度開始時,可藉由法規說明會的辦理,要求事業或代辦、代操業者出席,說明許可審查作業原則及常見缺失,避免造成審查人員的負擔及審查時間過長的情形。(五)其他事項:水污染緊急應變共協助處理22件次,以河川死魚事件為主,原因包含水質污染或是基流量過低所導致的。水污染法規說明會上已針對電鍍業及金屬表面處理業、社區污水道事業、設置專責人員事業以及畜牧業部分辦理,共計有710人次參與;NGO交流會部分則已辦理完成1場次,並將會議所提之建議彙整。同時亦協助處理22場次的河川污染應變事件;提送新聞稿共14篇與8則水污染防治相關最新法規(達成率100%)。(六)河川水質改善:今年度至10月底止,大里橋測站水質DO值落在72mg/L ~ 10.32mg/L之間,符合DO≧2mg/L的目標,達成率100%;4項水質達成率因該測站屬丁類水體環境基準計算,故達成率為100%,符合4項水質達成率50%的目標;而整體水質情形已RPI值表示,101年度1~10月份其平均值為2.83,相較於去年同期(100年1~10月份)為4.23,以有明確改善,與去年平均為4.03比較同樣也有改善且達到RPI年平均值低於3.20以下的目標。 101 台中市環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42430
101年宜蘭縣推動水環境守望襄助巡守計畫 計畫名稱:101年宜蘭縣推動水環境守望襄助巡守計畫執行單位:國立宜蘭大學主持人:李元陞期程:101年3月13日至101年12月31日止摘 要環保署於91年訂定為「河川污染整治」年起,全面性推動規劃辦理河川巡守隊,藉由民眾參與河川污染巡守及污染通報,以遏止河川流域偷倒或偷排情事。本縣環保局於93年3月25日(星期四)於宜蘭縣運動公園辦理「宜蘭縣環境保護巡守隊」的成軍授旗典禮,協助執行縣內有關之環境保護巡守工作。環保署為擴大義工河川巡守之廣度,於民國99年5月起更名為水環境守望襄助巡守隊,持續並擴大看守環境的力量。此計畫之主要目的為建立完整的水環境巡守體系、建構巡守組織及有關的巡守隊污染通報與考評等管理機制。利用河川保育中心,以作為水環境巡守推廣、溝通、義工教育訓練、巡守隊考核及成效評估等工作的平台。河川保育中心成立後,持續輔導現有水環境守望襄助巡守隊,規劃巡守隊有關年度工作事項、輔導巡守隊、辦理有關教育訓練、參與各項活動及巡守隊與隊員考評作業等事宜。在各鄉鎮市公所及環保局的協助努力下,今年度的各項作業,均能如期如質完成。依本縣巡守隊及隊員進退場機制辦理評核後,本縣計有水環境守望襄助巡守隊15隊,隊員共計163位。今年度巡守總時數為3053小時,人均時數為21.2小時。巡守隊及有關單位通報之髒亂點或棄置垃圾共3件次,均已清理完畢。在較嚴重污染或易受人為任意傾倒廢棄物之河段均有巡守隊參與。年度總計辦理巡守隊教育訓練共計10場次,輔導巡守隊參與各項環境教育活動共計5場次,及年度成果檢討會及志工專業訓練乙場次等,已超過所需之合約量。於年度成果檢討會上獎勵績優巡守隊-五大隊等8隊及績優巡守隊隊員-李煥田等工5位,並對榮退8位隊員頒發感謝獎牌。建議取消績優巡守隊隊員部份之獎勵,以符合更公平原則。巡守隊Ecolife綠網登錄情況,在同組之各縣市中有多項名列前茅。為延續有關的巡守工作事宜,保育中心會持續進行有關之工作。 The project of promoting of water environment watching and helping in Project:The project of promoting of water environment watching and helping in patrolling of Yilan county in 2012 Execution :National Ilan University Manager:Li, YuanshenPeriods:2012/3/13~2011/12/31ABSTRACTThe Environmental Protection Administration schedules 「the river pollution improvement」projects from 2002. The integrity plans give an impetus to handle the river cruise workshop. By participating of river pollution cruising and pollution notification of people to suppresses the illegal dumpling to river basin. Environmental Protection Bureau of Yilan county gave an 「Yilan Environmental Protection Cruise Teams」army ceremony in Yilan sporty park on March 25 (Thursday) 2004. In order to expand the breadth of river patrol volunteers, from May 99, was named ream of water environment watching and helping in patrolling. In order to continue the river cruise work, the purpose of the plan is to setup integrity of environmental protection cruise system, construction of a cruise organization, examination of notification process and assessment. At the same time, it established the river-care-center to do the platforms of relative works, such as population of environmental protection cruising, the communication, the volunteer education and training, inspection of cruise teams and assessment of the effect. The project started from an contact-signing day to December 31,2012. The related counseling will be continued to Feb. 28 2012. After the river care center was established, counseling the existing environmental protection cruise teams, meeting with all cruise teams, planning year round schedule and assessment of cruise teams. An education and training handbook and a carrying cruising card were made. It total has 15 water environment watching and helping patrolling teams in Yi-lan County. The totally cruising member is 163. The cruising time was 3053 hours which was 21.2 hours per person. The notifications of messy and dirty spots were 109 which were cleaned up. The numbers of illegal wastewater drainage by industries which reported by cruising terms were 3. The total fine was 180,000NT. The educational trainings and activities were held 13 and 9 times which satisfied the contract needed. We also help the communities and students to participate the inspection of river quality and reduction of domestic water. It revised the inspection and the reward part of the “Yilan County to impel the river cruising volunteers plan”. It revised “The competition standard of excellent environmental protection cruising team of Yilan County”. We obtained an excellent grade in Ecolife green-net registration. It had finished the evaluation works about the cruising terms and gave the rewards to the excellent cruising terms and members at the achievement critique meeting. In order to extent the cruising works, the care center will continue the related works. 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 國立宜蘭大學環境工程學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41948
101年度新竹縣養豬業源頭減量清潔養豬(豬廁所)推廣計畫 101年度新竹縣養豬業源頭減量清潔養豬(豬廁所)推廣計畫執行期程為自決標日(101年2月24)起至101年12月20日止。主要透過辦理清潔養豬示範宣導座談會時,瞭解本縣各畜牧業者設置豬廁所之意願,安排工作人員現勘並彙整安裝設置數量,掌握設置情形及與水體水質間相互關係,藉以瞭解各養豬畜牧場業者需求,並進而輔導建立清潔養豬流程,最後將針對裝設豬廁所之示範戶進行後續廢水處理設置及再利用輔導工作。本計畫至11月為止已完成所有合約工作項目。玆將工作項目及調查結果摘要如下: 一、辦理宣導說明會及成果發表會 (一)宣導說明會 (二)辦理成果發表會 二、篩選示範養豬病設置300個簡易型豬廁所 (一)本計畫所用之豬廁所依環保署清潔養豬宣導影片內容建議之規格設計。 (二)依問卷調查及電訪結果,彙整並篩選有意願設置之養豬戶進行實地訪查結果。 三、設計清潔養豬操作紀錄表單。 四、指標測站及養豬戶水質採樣工作。 五、輔導改善三段式廢水處理設施及操作。 依據現況調查結果分折設置效益,可發現養豬場豬舍在豬廁所設置後,豬隻經訓練已逐漸出現定點排糞行為,受天氣炎熱影響,畜舍沖洗尚需為豬體降温,夏季省水成效較不顯著,在10、11月份調查中,用水量已有較顯著的下降,相較設設置前,示範戶每日約可節省共10噸/用水量,用電量在豬廁所設置前後差異較小,每日約可減少4度電力使用。另肉豬舍可維持98%以上育成率。 針對本案水質改善效益部份,101年度示範戶因設置豬廁所後,每日用水量可降低30%。本年度12場示範戶歷次放流水質監測中有過半已出現水質改善情況,隨著用水減少伴隨放流水量下降,污染總量有下降趨勢。示範戶放流承受水體水質保持最輕微的未(稍)受污染,符合本計畫執行情形。 101 新竹縣政府環境保護局 亞太環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=83530
101年度臺東縣固定污染源稽查管制計畫 101 台東縣環境保護局 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=48782
揮發性有機物稽查管制計畫 本計畫目的旨在針對轄內固定污染源所排放之揮發性有機物進行稽查、管制及查核作業。並有效掌握各工業區或非工業區域周遭工廠行業別及揮發性有機物污染現況,並進一步輔導改善作業,以提升民眾生活環境品質並降低陳情事件之發生。本工作團隊於 96 年開始針對本縣VOCs 排放源前120 大之排放情形、法規符合程度及排放量進行清查,為確實掌握本縣VOCs 排放源之排放情形,本工作團隊積極持續進行VOCs 排放源清查及建檔作業並配合環保署實施VOCs 空污費徵收內容進行查核;97 年度排放量較高且歷年來查核有缺失之工廠進行查核;98 年度計畫查核重點包含本縣中小型(排放量50 公噸/年以內)之VOCs 排放污染及防制情形及未達VOCs 空污費起徵門檻工廠進行查核;99 年度針對轄內所有使用VOCs 原物料之列管工廠進行查核作業;100 年度針對各行業歷年缺失率偏高及使用活性碳吸附設備工廠加強查核;本年度工廠查核之對象以高科技產業(半導體、光電業、光碟業)為主進行查核,再配合篩選使用VOCs 原物料較大之其他行業別(塗裝業、印刷業、金屬品處理業等)。並因應環保署於100 年2 月1 日所修正公告之『揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放準』本計畫加強轄內石化製程之調查與查核作業,共計完成157 家次工廠查核及輔導作業。另清查轄內公私場所設備元件、儲槽及裝載設施之檢測,檢測點次達轄內石化業申報之設備元件7,600 個元件;活性碳吸附設備效能驗證答33 家次;加油站油氣回收設施效能檢測即輔導改善達82 站次;民眾陳情所衍生之異味官能測定共27 件;揮發性有機物排放管道之NMHC 檢測達31 根次。本年度總揮發性有機物削減量達31.76 公噸。本計畫為宣導執行成效,於每月 5 日前彙整前月執行成果登於本計畫專屬網頁之上,供民眾了解;並製作『跳停就好』宣導貼紙與摺頁置於各加油站發放予加油之民眾,主要目的希望新竹縣內開車或騎車之民眾能將貼紙貼於加油口附近,以落實"加油跳停就好"政策,該貼紙及宣導摺頁的發放及張貼預計可達宣導的效果,並且也可以對加油站的油氣逸散防制產生實質的效益。此外未因應近年來逐年陳情案件逐年升高,本計畫針對全世界最大之單一化纖工廠『遠東新世紀化纖總廠』,亦為本縣近兩年陳情件數最高工廠,本計畫利用OP-FTIR、周界及一般排放管道Canister 採樣、3D 光達、臭異味檢測等技術進行遠東新世紀異味污染物指紋圖譜建置,並與固定污染源計畫橫向配合,針對製程中所有可能產生之化學反應登載於許可之上。同時規劃邀請專家學者針對該廠之集氣、控制技術提出建議,並督促業者改善。另針對廠方承諾之改善事項不定期進行查核並要求廠方自行添購手持式TVOC 檢測儀器,並於每季進行管線洩漏檢測作業本計畫執行期間自 101 年1 月1 日(簽約日起)至101 年12 月31 日止,統計至101 年11 月25 日本計畫進度達97.6%。 101 新竹縣環境保護局 慧群環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46389
101年幼兒環境教育教案徵選專案工作計畫 本計畫藉由辦理三區幼兒環境教育教學工作坊暨教案徵選說明會,提昇並協助參與者具備環境知識及教案規劃能力,再由各區教案審查小組委員針對教案內容進行初審,通過初審之教案始能參與後續之複審及全國總決選,最後透過實際的試教活動,選出優秀教案,可供未來幼兒教師們使用,藉此推動幼兒的環境教育,使幼兒能從小體認環境保護之重要性,內化成生活態度。 2012 Programme for Early Childhood Environmental Education Teaching Plan Competition Environmental education is the groundwork of environmental protection, aiming at the development of people’s responsibilities towards environment. Simultaneously, the transition from kindergarten to primary school means young children are shifting from informal learning to formal education. It is the fundamental stage of every education curriculum. Mind-sets regarding to environment shaped in early childhoods can directly influence the enhancement of their environmental attitudes and environmental literacy when growing up. In order to encourage children’s curiosity and exploring actions on the subject of natural environment and humanities, and enlighten their awareness of one-self and the environment, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C thrives to boost the participants’ planning ability on Environmental Education Lesson via workshop. The workshop also invite individuals who are creative, passionately interested in early childhood education as well as environmental education. The total numbers of submitted Lesson plans are 293 countrywide. After initiate selection in writing, district run-off selection and the final countrywide selection, we have chosen 21 district A-Level entries and 3 national A-Level entries, as well as 3 national AA-Level and 3 national AAA-Level lesson plans. These excellent lesson plans can be combined with kindergartens’ environmental education activities. They enable early childhood to understand the importance of environmental protection from early age and inspire them to be passionate about the nature, as well as raise them to constitute a living attitude of valuing lives and protecting natural environment. 101 綜計處 鼎澤科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45451
101年度屏東縣營建工程污染管理發展計畫 屏東縣幅員廣大,擁有全國聞名的好山好水,民眾樂於到此遊憩,亦隨之帶動工商業發展,境內各類區域開發、觀光休閒農園、農業科技園區、旅館、飯店與民眾住宅新建等營建工程建設,紛紛選擇屏東縣落腳。隨著快速道路興築,加速各種開發案之進行,帶動地方經濟開發,若未妥善管制營建工程施工過程或作業所應採行之污染防制設施,減少粒狀物排放,勢必造成環境生態衝擊。為重點掌握屏東地區營建工地粒狀污染情形,實有必要先行掌握縣內各項工程規劃及施工狀況。本年度計畫共完成5,858處巡查管制作業、列管4,136處工地、輔導40處工地、營建工區周圍環境認養9,786公里、觀光路線洗掃6,170公里。執行營建工程TSP總削減量為3,303.6公噸,平均削減率為54.0%。協助屏東縣政府環境保護局辦理營建工程空氣污染防制費申繳案件3,757件,收費金額達55,476,872元。針對本年度加強『河川疏濬工程』及『市區道路管線工程』管制作業,降低因施工所造成之環境髒亂,以期有效改變民眾對營建工程施工所造成之不便。 Control of pollutions during constructions in Pingtung county-Year 2012 Pintung county is well-known for its width and beautiful scenery, which bring lots of tourists and the following industries and commercial activities. Many new constructions including area development, sighseeing farms, agricultural technical parks, hotels, restaurants, and even houses located in this area. Making new highways accelerated various exploitations, and therefore prospered local economics. It would become a major impulse on ecology if we don’t take proper anti-polluting measures and try to decrease granular discharge during the construction. In order to know the extent of granular pollution in construction sites in Pintung area, we have to know the current construction plans and their process. We have accomplished 5,858inspection rounds, superintended 4,136construction sites, assisted 40 construction sites, improved environment peripheral to the construction sites totally reached 9,786 kilometers and washed sightseeing routes to 3,654 kilometers during the past year. The decrease of the TSP amounts of construction was 6,170 kilotons with an average decrement about 54.0%. We also helped the environmental protection agent of Pintung-couty-government to levy the prevent-air pollution fee. The total case number is 3,757cases, and the total amount is 55,476,872NT. This year, we focus on “river-dredge constructions” and “city-road-lining-system constructions” controls to lower the dust and dirty during the construction. We also hope to overcome the inconvenience of the public during the constructions. 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 環佑實業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50623
101年度移動性污染源管制計畫 雲林縣移動性污染源管制計畫係針對本縣轄區內之機車是否完成定期檢驗,藉由加強路邊稽查、辦理機車免費排氣檢驗宣導活動及協助環保局輔導查核民間機車定檢站等工作,經由這些措施之配合,達到督促車輛使用人加強保養維修,並且教育駕駛人正確操作觀念,進而降低車輛廢氣排放之污染,有效改善空氣品質。截至102年02月28日止,已查獲未定檢機車18,028輛,已回檢14,679輛,回檢率81.4%,雲林縣88家定檢站共完成查核352家次,並協助環保局辦理民眾陳情案件處理及告發處分等工作。 The Mobile Source Inspection and Management Project in 101th The Mobile Source Inspection and Management Project in Yulin County focused on the inspection and management of motors in the county. By reinforcing to check at the roadside, to conduct activities for free to check the exhaust of motors, and to help Environment Protection Bureau to review the motors’ checking stations, this project has successfully pushed the car user to have fortified maintenance of their motors and taught the drivers correct operation to reduce the pollution from motors’ exhaust to improve air quality effectively. By Feb 28,2013, this project finished checking 18,028 un-inspected motors and have 14,679 motors have returned for inspection. The rate of returning to check was about 81.4%. This project achieved 352 periodical reviews for 88 Inspecting Stations. Also assisted the Environment Protection Bureau of Yulin County to handle peoples’ state and plead, and to report the results. 101 雲林縣環境保護局 思維環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53688
重點河川污染整治生態調查計畫-濁水溪、新虎尾溪、北港溪、愛河及阿公店溪流域 本計畫主要分成三部分,第一部分為執行濁水溪、新虎尾溪、北港溪、阿公店溪及愛河(各河川均包含本流及支排流)之溪流生態調查,調查項目包含水質分析、魚類、底棲生物(水生昆蟲、蝦蟹類、螺貝類、環節動物)、浮游植物、附著藻類與浮游動物;第二部分為蒐集調查河系之生態調查文獻資料,提出河川污染整治生態效益報告;第三部分為結合河川巡守隊成立河川生態環境教室,並協助進行環境教育。溪流生態調查方面,於2012年至2013年共執行五條溪流各4季次調查。各溪流調查結果分別敘述如下:(一)濁水溪:記錄魚類8科24種,包括屬於第Ⅲ級保育類的埔里中華爬岩鰍,以及外來種計3科5種,但僅零星出現數量並不多,因此濁水溪魚類組成仍以原生物種為主,也是本計畫五條溪中臺灣特有種最多者。底棲生物方面共調查到65種,包括3種特有種,所記錄物種以水棲昆蟲種類最多。(二)新虎尾溪:記錄魚類10科21種,包括外來種5科8種,種類雖然以原生物種較多,但數量卻以外來種占絕大多數,其中又以俗稱「琵琶鼠」的豹紋翼甲鯰數量最多且分布最廣。底棲生物方面共調查到88種,包括4種特有種。(三)北港溪:記錄魚類14科28種,包括外來種6科9種,同樣以豹紋翼甲鯰為分布最廣且數量最多的外來種,目前除了位於最上游的湖本橋及出海口的雲嘉大橋樣點未記錄外來種外,其餘樣點均有發現。底棲生物方面共調查到109種,包括4種特有種。(四)阿公店溪:記錄魚類13科28種,為本計畫中發現外來種最多的溪流,共計6科12種,其中以豹紋翼甲鯰分布最廣,而高體高鬚魚數量為最多。底棲生物方面共調查到78種,包括4種特有種,其中盤蜷(Laevapex sp.)為過去文獻並未發現過的物種。(五)愛河:記錄魚類18科28種,為本計畫發現最多科魚類 的溪流,但所發現的8科12種初級淡水魚中,其中外來種便有6科9種,所占比例明顯較其他溪流高。因感潮帶所占的比例較其他四條溪流長,因此河口性魚類的比例也較其他溪流高。由於大多數樣點屬於感潮帶,所以水生昆蟲較少,底棲動物方面共調查到47種,包括1種特有種。綜合五條溪流生物調查結果計算各項生物指標結果顯示,五條溪流中以濁水溪的水體環境為最佳,愛河最差。本計畫一年來所累積大量的濁水溪、新虎尾溪、北港溪、阿公店溪流域及愛河等生物分布及分類基礎資料,將來均可做為污染改善後,水域生態系演替的參考基準。蒐集相關於五條溪流生態調查文獻資料,共得40篇文獻。分析1990至1997年文獻資料與本年度調查結果比較,2013年底棲生物及魚類均有明顯增加,反映整治效益良好,河川生物多樣性漸增。但過往歷史文獻中顯示濁水溪及北港溪應可讓更多種類魚類在此棲息,實為爾後應持續努力的方向。而在結合河川巡守隊成立河川生態環境教室,並協助進行環境教育部分,本計畫共協助成立3處生態教室,包括新虎尾溪「廣興河川生態環境教室」、濁水溪「鹿谷河川生態環境教室」及阿公店溪「彌陀河川生態環境教室」,期望藉由生態教室的設立及推展,讓民眾可以了解河川保育重要性。另本計畫亦完成辦理3場次河川生態教育訓練課程,對象即針對上述負責河川生態環境教室維護管理的河川巡守隊成員,除課程外同時也設立標本、海報掛圖、影片及圖文書等生態環境的推展教材,讓有興趣的民眾及各級學校師生參觀學習河川生態知識。 Ecological survey of River pollution remediation Project in Zhuoshuixi river, Hsinhuweichi river, Be The project of this year was focused on monitoring the stream ecology in the basins of Zhuoshuixi river, Hsinhuweichi river, Beigan river, Agongdian river and Ai-River during 2012-2013 once per quarter. The water quality condition was compared with the results of quantitative survey of phytoplankton benthic microalgae, zooplankton, fish community, benthic animal including aquatic insects, crustacean and annelids. References and cases survey and collection of pollution site control and management of the rivers. The results of the survey were applied to volunteers training, the ecological education for promoting water environment knowledge of river patrol team and setting up river ecology classroom.Total of 24 species of 8 families of fish were recorded from Zhuoshuixi river, 21 species of 10 families from Hsinhuweichi river, 28 sepcies of 14 families from Beigan river, 28 species of 13 families form Agongdian, and 28 species of 18 families from Ai-River. However, the highest family number were recorded in Ai-river the problem of invasive species were also most serious. To summarized the ecological data and translated into the biological index shown that water quality and environment of these five rivers. The Zhuoshuixi river with the best water quality and water environment and the Ai-river is the most polluted.More than 40 references related to the basins of Zhuoshuixi river (15), Hsinhuweichi river (7), Beigan river (7), Agongdian river (4) and Ai-River (7). All the references from 1990-1997 were reviewed and compared this result. The species numbers of fish and benthic animals were increasing in 2013. The recovery of biodiversity was reflected to the polluted control. However, the more fish species number was recorded in Zhuoshuixi and Beigan from historical data. The more effort to conservation of water environment and promoting water environment knowledge and conservation to the volunteers and river patrol team is important. 101 水保處 民享環境生態調查有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=54468
噪音業務績效管制及噪音管理系統更新維護計畫 本計畫擴充「噪音管理資訊系統」功能以及「噪音管制資訊網站」持續更新維護,以提供民眾完善方便之噪音管制資訊查詢系統,查詢最新噪音管制業務各項施政成果,並協助環保局線上建置及統計分析噪音相關資料。工作包括:限定使用資料庫之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備分,保護資料安全;同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考核資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另外,本年度轉入約79,997件稽查紀錄資料,修改101年度績效考評功能及公務報表。噪音管制資訊網中,新增噪音監測站地圖網頁、維護環保林園大道、近鄰噪音及低頻噪音網頁、維護高鐵噪音管制專屬網頁;以及更新10個縣市噪音管制區連結、7個縣市航空噪音防制區連結。 The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Mainten The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Management Information System” and “The Noise Control Management Information Website”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the public and helped the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) users to set up and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project also presented noise control data on “The Noise Control Management Information Website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year. Within the project, the team implemented the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. They also upgraded functions of determinative output, data validation, inquiry and statistics, modified 2012 performance evaluation function for EPB. These functions could make the application be more efficient. There were about 79,997 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database. The project team expanded web pages of noise monitoring stations map, modified web pages of environmental garden avenue, neighborhood noise, the low-frequency noise and the high speed rail web pages. The project team had renewed 10 links of cities/counties noise control districts data, 7 links of aviation noise protected district data. 101 空保處 智通工程科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41353
執行機動車輛噪音新車型審驗、新車抽驗及車輛噪音管制計畫 本計畫之主要工作在協助環保署辦理汽車新車型噪音審驗合格證明作業之各項工作,並檢討我國現行機動車輛噪音管制制度的合適性,以提供改善策略及方案供主管機關作為施政參考;另亦持續研究歐盟及各國發展趨勢,後續規劃將適時修正國內相關法規,以確保我國法規管制與歐盟調和同步。 首先,在噪音合格證審驗作業方面,2012年至11月30日止共計核發994張車型組合格證,新車抽驗及品管測試報告的統計結果均符合品質一致性的要求。 其次,在新車噪音審驗管理方面,為落實簡政便民的施政原則,本計畫亦積極與柴油車污染審驗單位、核章單位及重型柴油車業者研商重型柴油車輛污染與噪音審驗二證合一作業的推動作法,並將整合方案提報環保署認可,刻正修改相關電子化作業系統,預計明年初開發完成即可完成所有車種之二證合一整合作業模式。為進一步提升二證合一的作業效率,本年度亦於既有汽油車、機車噪音審驗系統新增開發「噪音審驗電子化申請作業模組」,年底上線後業者於同一系統填一次資料便可同時申請排氣污染與噪音二項審驗,達到單一窗口申請、共用資料平台、單一窗口發證且無紙化的效能提升目標。 此外,為改善使用中車輛噪音檢測易受環境干擾的問題,本計畫提出以隔音箱進行使用中車輛原地噪音量測的創新構想,並試作隔音箱搭配實車進行技術可行性的初步評估,評估結果認為此方式具有可行性,後續可朝此方向進一步研究以導入實現。 最後,為因應國際法規調和趨勢,本計畫持續追蹤歐盟法規修訂進度,並與環保署及車輛業界密切研商我國五期噪音管制方案;目前UN/ECE R41新版機車噪音法規已公告將於2014年開始實施,日本及歐盟亦將同步轉換。而UN/ECE R51汽車新法規實施期程較不明確,我國應備妥相關方案以便歐盟法規定案時可即時與其同步調和。 Implement of the new vehicle type approval with regard to noise, the new vehicle spot check and the The main work items of this project included: assist EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) to examine the applications of new vehicle type approval with regard to noise, to review the current regulations and noise control policy for further improvement and to study the world-wide regulations development in vehicle noise control area. Firstly, for the new vehicle type approval with regard to noise, 994 new type certifications were granted up to November 30, 2012. The statistics of new vehicle spot check and quality control test reports showed fully comply with the COP (Conformity of Production) requirements. Secondly, to implement the policy of briefing examination process, this project review with emission examination, authorization and industries to integrate the Emission and noise certification of Diesel Vehicles. Now the E-system is being modified to integrate the certification process of all vehicle types, and this will be achieved at the beginning of next year. To improve the certification efficiency, the noise application interface is developed and integrated with the Gasoline/Motorcycle emission certification E-system. This will integrate the application and grant become single window process. On the other hand, owing to the measurement of in-use vehicle noise often be interfered by background environment. This project proposed an soundproof-box to prevent the disturbance, we finish some real vehicle test data which showed the feasibe of this method. Finally, because of the tendency of international regulation harmonization, this project continually paid close attention on the progress of UN/ECE vehicle noise regulations. Since the new UN/ECE R41 had been pubilished and will be implemented from 2014. The Japan and European Union will synchronize to adopt this new regulation. We should prepare revlevant schemes in order to homonize with EU regulation immediately. 101 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41564
執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫 立法院於100年4月8日三讀通過修訂空氣污染防制法部分條文的提案,增定停車怠速熄火相關規定,並制定「機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法」,自101年3月1日正式施行,為宣導車主配合,3月至5月定為宣導及勸導期,6月1日起正式開罰。依據交通部機動車輛統計月報資料顯示,新竹縣交通工具依據交通部統計月報資料顯示截至101年9月底止,機動車輛登記總數為481,612輛,因此如何持續加強稽查縣境內機動車輛停車怠速所造成的污染,並構思如何持續宣導機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法及相關政策,讓駕駛及民眾達到停車即熄火之良好習慣,以利在環保單位資源有限之情況下,有效並持續稽查本縣之機動車輛怠速行為,以降低排放污染,是本計畫執行的宗旨及目標所在。本計畫契約期程,自101年3月1日起至101年12月31日止,共計10個月,期末報告統計期程,自101年3月1日至101年12月10日,在人力及設備的投入情形如下表所示,共計投入計畫執行人力3名(含計畫經理)。本(101年度)計畫各項工作項目量化達成數及預定執行期程說明,已詳述於本期末報告第4章4.1節,為持續加強宣導稽查於本縣轄內有怠速行為之車輛造成之污染,在稽查管制部份,針對縣轄內人口較多及車潮較密之鄉鎮市地區中較容易有怠速行為的地點加強宣導及稽查作業,來有效提昇本縣之空氣品質狀況,進而透過強力的管制作為,降低機動車輛怠速所產生的空氣污染並提昇二氧化碳削減量,截至目前為止,以至縣內各地點稽查宣導達4,405輛次,其中包含561件紅外線錄影數。本計畫針對如國中小教師及人員等舉辦教育訓練會議2場次,分別為5月及6月份舉辦,透過以上人員將本政策及法令規範散播,讓駕駛及民眾更能清楚了解反怠速相關資訊。此外本計畫規劃印製相關宣導單、宣導文宣2,500份、宣導品1,500份以及宣導海報500份至轄內各大轉運接駁站、公私立停車場及學校等處發放,並以電台廣播的方式,播放施行本政策的好處及重點方向,播放期程自101年4月起。而本計畫已發佈3則新聞稿,散播有關反怠速政策的最新資訊,並透過專屬網站的設立,讓民眾能在日常生活中吸收本法令政策相關資訊。為有效落實環保署機動停車怠速管理辦法,機動車輛停車有惰轉行為未關閉引擎者進行管制,本計畫配合竹竹苗聯合稽查宣導活動,依照暨排定之時間、至三縣市預定地點進行機動車輛怠速宣導暨稽查作業。此外也製作90條宣導紅布條,至國民小學以及風景區、鄉鎮市公所等地進行懸掛並在種子教師會議當日發放。另本計畫透過怠速率之調查,希冀以此觀念作為未來針對停車怠速作為污染減量目標。 101 新竹縣環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=46564
環境水體水質監測作業整合先期規劃 本計畫主要目的在評析國內外環境水體監測執行現況及績效,並規劃我國環境水體監測作業整合方案。於國內外有關環境水體監測執行資料中,本計畫蒐集我國及美國、日本、荷蘭、新加坡、德國、澳洲、紐西蘭等國家之水質監測資訊,探討各國環境水體監測運作方式,並比較國內外常用水質指標、數據統計、資料呈現方式等,提出採用或調整建議。此外,為深入了解國內執行水質監測作業單位現況,以及通盤檢討評析現階段作業方式,本計畫分別辦理相關單位意見訪談及兩場次專家學者諮詢會,將訪談成果及諮詢會之意見納入我國水體監測作業規劃之參考依據。本計畫提出數個監測控制點分級之建議方案,將環境水體水質監測點分為「國家級」及「地方級」,並因應政府組織再造與五都改制,配合水質監測控制點建議成果,規劃中央機關與地方政府之執行分工方式數方案供參,經評估建議可由五都先行就轄內河川水質監測點做監測為最優選擇,並依水體用途與水性調整監測頻率及監測項目以將經濟效益最大化。本計畫同時規劃河川流量及水質併同觀測,建議現行46個水質監測點與流量測站做合併監測,以確實反映河川污染量。本計畫並建議我國之水質指標可做調整,因水庫之卡爾森指標為溫帶湖泊指標不適用於台灣,建議改由聯合國採用之OECD葉綠素a單一指標判定優養法取代卡爾森指標;河川指標部分則建議由成功大學溫清光教授於2008年提出之WQI7取代目前RPI河川污染程度指數,較能反映河川真實污染情況。 An Advanced Project to integrate the Water Quality Monitoring Procedures The purpose of this project is to evaluate the condition and performance of the present water quality monitoring systems, and to suggest a holistic project to integrate every monitoring procedure. Some suggestions about applications and adjustments toward the present evaluating approaches are provided in this project; the project team makes comparisons of the water quality indexes, statistic data within stated countries by researching data and approaches to water quality monitoring procedures in domestic and overseas system in the countries, such as the USA, Japan, Holland, Singapore, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand. Furthermore, to understand and to review the present domestic water quality monitoring procedures and procedures, the project team interviewed the related project teamities and held two symposiums with a panel of experts. The opinions of these experts are taken as important references to develop the future plan of the water quality monitoring systems.This project also suggests that central and local governments should mutually provide data and information. Water quality monitoring stations could be classified into two levels - national stations and local stations , in accordance with the reformation of the government organization and the new local divisions of the five major cities in Taiwan. These five major cities should monitor water quality within their own districts first, and then adjust the frequencies of monitoring based on each water quality and water usage data. By doing so, the economic benefits of the present water monitoring procedures could be maximized. The project team also advises that the existing monitoring processes the process of monitoring water quality and water flux should be combined together to reflect the contaminated condition more precisely. Another highlight of this project is that the project team recommends replacing the current indicators. Carlson's Trophic State Index, which is usually applied to the lakes in temperate area, is considered not suitable for the condition in Taiwanese dams, that is suggested to be replaced with OECD indicator of eutrophication for lake, which is a single indicator that determined by chlorophyll-a. With regard to the index for rivers, the project team suggests to replace the currently used index RPI, with WQI7, proposed by Professor Ching-Gung Wen from National Cheng Kung University in 2008, which is also considered to be able to precisely reflect the contaminated conditions of the rivers in Taiwan. 101 監資處 環醫工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=43136
101年環保(污染防治)支出統計調查 本調查目的為推估政府及產業部門之環保(污染防治)支出,藉以瞭解環境與經濟間關係及我國環保(污染防治)支出規模,供環保政策釐訂與編算綠色國民所得帳參考。以資本支出加經常支出扣除污染防治附帶收入分別計算政府部門與產業部門環保(污染防治)支出,100年(資料時間)主要調查結果如下:一、100年我國環保(污染防治)支出1,411.1億元,含資本支出403.8億元、經常支出1,089.7億元,並扣除污染防治附帶收入82.4億元;就用途別言,以廢棄物處理448.9億元最多,水污染防治396.1億元次之,空氣污染防制391.2億元第三。二、100年政府部門環保(污染防治)支出714.2億元,包括資本支出238.1億元,經常支出500.6億元,扣除污染防治附帶收入24.5億元。按用途別觀察,以廢棄物處理支出348.5億元(占48.8%)最高。就政府級別而言,地方機關支出441.3億元,大於中央機關之272.9億元。三、100年產業部門環保(污染防治)支出696.9億元,其中資本支出165.7億元、經常支出589.1億元,並扣除污染防治附帶收入57.9億元。就用途別言,以空氣污染防制347.0億元及水污染防治205.6億元為主;就經資部門觀察,資本支出以新購設備支出163.2億元(占資本支出98.5%)為主;經常支出以操作維護費用441.8億元(占經常支出75.0%)較高。四、國內目前已有235家廠商建立環境會計,並記錄環保財務資訊,697家雖未建立環境會計,但有特別記錄環保財務資訊;另有187家正在規劃建置,525家有計畫建置,但尚未進行規劃。 2012 Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures The objectives of this survey were to estimate the environmental protection expenditures by the government sector and the industry sector, and to understand the relationship between the environment and economic development. The findings of this survey were used for estimating the Green GNP and as the basis for related government policies. The environmental protection expenditures by the government sector and the industry sector equal capital expenditures plus current expenditures minus receipts from by-products. Major findings estimated from the sample of this survey were summarized as follows:1.The environmental protection expenditures totaled NT$141.1 billion, which equal NT$40.4 billion of capital expenditures plus NT$109.0 billion of current expenditures minus NT$8.2 billion of receipts from by-products. In terms of pollution abatement items, we found that the NT$44.9 billion for waste treatment ranked first, while the NT$39.6 billion for wastewater treatment ranked second and the NT$39.1 billion for air pollution treatment ranked third.2.The environmental protection expenditures by the government sector totaled NT$71.4 billion,which equal NT$23.8 billion of capital expenditures plus NT$50.1 billion of current expenditures minus NT$2.5 billion of receipts from by-products. In terms of pollution abatement items we found that the NT$34.9 billion(48.8%) for waste treatment ranked first. In terms of different levels of the government, the results showed that local governments spent a total of NT$44.1 billion, more than the NT$27.3 billion spent by the central government. 3.The environmental protection expenditures by the industry sector totaled NT$69.7 billion, which equal NT$16.6 billion of capital expenditures plus NT$58.9 billion of current expenditures minus NT$5.8 billion of receipts from by-products. In terms of pollution abatement items, the NT$34.7 billion for air pollution treatment and the NT$20.6 billion for wastewater treatment were the most environmental protection expenditures. NT$16.3 billion, 98.5% of the capital expenditures, were spent in the procurement of pollution abatement equipment, while NT$44.2 billion, 75.0% of the current expenditures, were spent in equipment operation and maintenance.4.Currently there are 235 firms in Taiwan that have established environmental accounting to record financial information. A total of 697 other firms keep a record of financial information about environmental protection, with environmental accounting not to be established yet. Another 187 firms are drawing up plans for the establishment while 525 others have plans for the setup pending actual movements. 101 統計室 異視行銷市場調查股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42328
101年屏東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動計畫 移動污染源稽查管制計畫,對於機車應落實定期檢驗制度、加強未定檢機車稽查工作,配合環保局辦理各項宣導活動及協助環保局輔導查核民間機車檢驗站,經由這些措施之配合,達到督促車輛使用人加強車輛保養維修管理及配合推動保檢合一政策,並且教育車輛駕駛人正確之操作觀念,進而減低車輛廢氣排放之污染,有效改善空氣品質。101年度『屏東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動計畫』自101年3月6日簽約後開始執行至101年12月31日止,總計完成未定檢機車稽查回檢20,246輛,完成率100.0%;每月車籍資料篩選未依規定實施排氣定檢機車寄發通知到檢公文5,000份,共寄發50,021份,完成率100.0%,完成未定檢機車回檢28,179輛,回檢率56.33%;機車攔檢作業1,032輛,完成率100.0%;機車免費排氣檢測作業1,061輛,完成率100.0%;定檢站認養偏遠地區鄉鎮執行機車定檢作業1,409輛,完成率100.0%;檢驗站分級評鑑查核624站次,完成率100.0%;檢驗站不定期查核50站次,完成率100.0%;標準氣體查核比對作業121站,完成率100.0%;實車查核121站次,完成率100.0%;機車排氣檢驗站教育說明會辦理1場,完成率100.0%;機車排氣檢驗站業務座談會辦理2場,完成率100.0%;印製及寄發明信片定檢通知13個月;本縣主要道路之車流量、平均車速及行車型態調查;協助環保局處理民眾檢舉案件、辦理二行程機車汰舊併新購電動機車審核作業及建置死車資料庫等。整體工作進度達成率皆已達100%(如下表所示)。 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=41172
101年度柴油車污染管制及排煙動力計操作檢測計畫 摘 要一、計畫簡介計畫名稱 101年度「柴油車污染管制及排煙動力計操作檢測計畫」執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司計畫期程 101年1月1日至101年12月31日期末報告定稿本統計期程 101年1月1日至101年12月31日計畫執行經費 新台幣8,510,999元整計畫主持人 艾文健 職稱 技術負責人 電話 02-8511-0701#31計畫經理 張秉華 職稱 計畫經理 電話 039-907548計畫站長 陳豐明 職稱 站長 電話 039-907548依據交通部公路總局台北區監理所宜蘭監理站提供資料顯示,本縣柴油車設籍總數共計為13,848輛次,屬於大客車或大貨車總數亦達4,676輛次,由於柴油車對轄內移動污染源整體的排放總量及影響佔有一定比重,亦顯見環保單位持續加嚴管控的重要性。此外在國道5號通車後所帶來之龐大柴油車流量,尤其是以南北向為主的雪山隧道高架平原段各主要匝道,以及連結各鄉鎮的東西向主要道路,對本縣空氣品質的影響亦不容小覷,因此如何持續加強管制行駛於縣境內及於特定區域作業的柴油車輛排放污染,並構思如何持續要求設籍轄區內之柴油車輛,參與自主管理及保檢合一措施之意願,以求在環保單位稽查資源有限之情況下,有效以目視判煙、民眾陳情檢舉通知到檢、車牌辨識系統拍攝以及不定期路邊攔檢等相關稽查管制工作,並依據行政院環保署當年度考核要點提昇柴油車納管率,持續列管行經本縣且設籍外縣市之柴油車輛,以降低柴油車整體排放總量,是本計畫執行的宗旨及目標所在。本計畫契約期程,自101年1月1日起至101年12月31日止,共計12個月,期末報告定稿本統計期程,自101年1月1日起至101年12月31日止,在人力及設備的投入情形如下表所示,共計投入計畫執行人力9名(含計畫經理),另本計畫執行各工作項目,所需之儀器及設備如下表所示。二、執行人力及設備項次 項目 合約規範 計畫執行 備註1 執行人力(人) 9 9 2 檢測電腦軟硬體(式) 1 1 3 電腦設備(套) 3 4 4 無線電話(組) 1 1 5 有線電話(組) 2 2 含傳真6 大氣壓力計、溫度計(套) 2 2 7 通訊傳輸網址(個) 1 1 8 柴油車煙度計(台) 2 2 9 NOx排氣分析儀(台) 1 1 10 噪音計(台) 1 1 11 風速計(台) 1 1 12 油品比重計(台) 1 1 13 筆記型電腦(套) 2 2 含查核14 油品比色表(組) 2 2 15 油品採樣設備(式) - - 採抛棄式16 行車記錄器含導航功能(台) 1 1 17 數位單眼相機(台) 1 1 目判用18 監控錄影設備(套) 1 1 19 數位攝影機(台) 1 2 目判用20 車牌辨識系統(套) 1 1 21 公務車輛(台) 2 2 22 遮陽傘及車主休憩座椅(組) 1 1 23 檢測站防水匝門 5 5 三、期末報告定稿本執行成果本(101年度)計畫各項工作項,量化達成數及預定執行期程說明,詳述於本期末報告修正稿第5章5.1節,各項作業工作進度,皆已依據計畫初期預訂期程如期達成,此外為持續加強管控行駛於本縣轄內移動源所造成之污染,在柴油車污染管制部份,依據提昇柴油車納管率考核項之管制依據執行目視判煙、不定期路邊攔檢、自主管理及主動到檢推動等措施,來有效提昇本縣之空氣品質狀況,進而透過強力的管制作為,降低老舊柴油車輛汰舊及提昇粒狀污染物減量,為提昇計畫執行成效,本年度亦持續針對以轄區各主要柴油車類別進行區分管制,包括轄區大型客貨運業者、國道5號客運業者、疏浚工程砂石車輛、鄉鎮公所車輛、進出利澤焚化爐廠區車輛、進出蘇澳港區車輛、觀光遊覽車業及運輸物流業等族群進行主動到檢作業,以督促相關業者落實維修保養,亦持續控管縣內各型柴油車輛所排放之污染物。此外本計畫也藉由民眾陳情烏賊車檢舉、路邊攔檢不合格、目視判煙通知到檢及外縣市移入案件通知檢測等管制作為,通知有污染疑慮之柴油車,限期至排煙站進行檢測,並運用相關儀器設備,針對柴油車輛所衍生之氮氧化合物進行抽驗管制,在油品抽測化驗部分,運用比色表及比重計,從到檢車輛油箱中隨機採樣,亦加強針對如吊車及挖土機等重型機械進行油品管制,並挑選可疑油品送交環保署認可機構進行硫含量分析,以管制硫含量超過標準之非法油品,本年度亦新增推動轄內車輛代理商及業者自設保修廠進行訪談作業,進而評估各業者之維修保養能力,並以加強對到驗車主宣導之方式,讓車主避免選擇以擅調方式進行車輛維修,逐步杜絕通知到驗車輛因馬力比測值過低退驗的問題,亦可達成實際預期污染減量效益。 diesel vehicle pollution controls and arranges cigarette motive force to count and operate the plan of measuring ' in 101 Fourth, carry out the achievement Relevant environmental pollution that may cause in order to strengthen and is in charge of accusing of the diesel vehicle and discharge the granular pollutant, this plan controls some in diesel vehicle pollution in 96 annual plans, by controlling maintaining and improving with the vehicle not up to standard positively through checking, in order to effectively improve Yilan air quality state of the counties,and not actively because of should expressway, since November 15, 1996, the air pollution may cause ed to open the large-scale passenger traffic vehicle and open to the traffic is struck completely, it is to obtaining for national road five passenger traffic operation right property not second of go on ' pollution not low, the with low noise ' signature of declaration not environmental, expect by give a full account cuttlefish car inform against, roadside is it examine not up to standard to stop, eye is it sentence cigarette is it examine to notify to depend on and other counties and cities move in case is it measure etc. and control the way in pluralism to notify, notify have diesel vehicle time limit, pollution of doubt to arrange cigarette stand and measure, use relevant instrument and equipment to inspect by random samples controlling to the noise which the diesel oil vehicle derives, nitrogen oxygen chemical compound; Make spot check to test some in the oil, the stochastical sampling from reaching the vehicle fuel tank of examining and analysing the thicknes s of sulphur content, in order to control the illegal oil with above standard sulphur content. 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68625
101年度環保創新科技研發計畫─利用高效率觸媒低溫分解/礦化穩定性全氟化物技術及光電/半導體廠模擬測試之研發 高暖化潛勢溫室氣體-全氟化物(PFCs)應用於高科技產業十分廣泛,已引起世界各國高度重視。尤其經濟景氣逐漸復紓,台灣光電及半導體業每年使用全氟化物將超過330公噸,對於環境生態危害及溫室效應所造成之全球暖化會直接造成影響。光電產業清洗程序及半導體業在乾蝕刻/化學氣相層積反應腔清洗製程中分別須使用PFCs氣體,而全氟化物對溫室效應的影響遠高過CO2數千倍,對人體健康、環境與生態造成莫大的衝擊,已成為國際必需正視之環保重要課題。因此,本計畫主要目的是利用高催化性人造沸石(ZSM-5/Y zeolites)、高比表面積(>2000 m2/g)之金屬有機架構物(MOFs)分解及高活性顆粒狀草酸鹽(Li2C2O4、Na2C2O4及K2C2O4三種),在中溫反應(723-823 K)條件下礦化最常使用之4種穩定性PFCs溫室氣體(四氟化碳(CF4)、六氟化二碳(C2F6)、八氟化三碳(C3F8)及八氟化四碳(C4F8)),取得最佳分解/礦化反應條件、反應動力及機制,評估產物分佈、具附加價值之鹽類(Li、Na及KF)回收再利用之可行性。另外,亦利用貴重儀器XRD、TEM、FE-SEM/EDS、XPS、FTIR/Raman spectroscope、XANES/EXAFS,深入瞭解PFCs之人造沸石、MOFs及草酸鹽與穩定性PFCs之界面化學及反應機制,以利後續提升去除穩定性PFCs效果;並模擬進行光電廠測試穩定性PFCs廢氣之分解/礦化去除效率,以取得最佳流體化床操作條件、工程放大及經濟效益評估,以便提供後續基本工程設計之參考。另外,本計畫亦收集彙整國內外含氟溫室氣體之處理及回收減量技術等相關實務資料,預期本技術具有新穎性、高效率,低耗能、容易控制、高破壞處理效果、生成少量腐蝕性氣體(HF)及鹽類回收再利用等多項優點,有效而實際解決光電及半導體業未來必須面對更嚴苛空氣污染管制政策之困境。 Technical Development for High-efficiency Catalytic Decomposition/Mineralization of Stable PFCs and Recently, perfluoro compounds (PFCs) have been widely used in a variety of industrial, commercial, and consumer applications. In Taiwan, over 330 tons per year (TPY) of PFCs are extensively used for etching silicon wafers or clean chambers in chemical vapor deposition processes. Thus, the main objectives were to mineralize PFCs using oxalates, ZSM-5/Y/Beta/SBA-15 zeolites, and MOFs. Morphological observations, crystallinity, fine structures, oxidation states of products were also investigated with FE-SEM/EDS, TEM, XRD, FTIR, XPS or EXAFS/XANES techniques. Experimentally, they may also have effective destruction of PFCs by the rapidly capture of F atoms with subsequent nucleation/mineralization of salts under 573-673 K in few minutes. The morphologies of oxalates were irregular shape of inorganic powders with the particle sizes of 30-50 nm. The XRD patterns of oxalates samples showed are all crystalline structures. FTIR and EDS data also showed that PFCs may be mineralized completely by oxalates was decomposed to form salts, carbon, sulfur, and CO2. The main species in solid residues were S8 species having the bond distances of 1.98 Å with the coordination number of 1.15. This result indicates that SF6 may be completely mineralized and converted to elemental sulfur and salts. Based on FTIR spectra, the decompostion ability of SF6 is ZSM-5>Beta>Y and only ZSM-5 can degrade CF4, C3F8, and C4F8. The adsorption capacities of C3F8 and C4F8 is Beta>ZSM-5>Y. It may be resulted that the pore size selectivity of Y>Beta>ZSM-5 that moelcular size of C4F8 is similar to the pore size of zeolite Beta and ZSM-5. MOFs have much large pore size that PFCs molecules may be desorbed easily. Moreover, The government policy of new options by industries for reducing PFCs emissions included the technologies of adsorption recovery, mineralization and catalytic decomposition will be warranted and environmentally attractive in the future. 101 永續發展室 元智大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=45714
101年度桃園縣環境品質監測計畫 本計畫主要針對桃園縣進行噪音、地下水水質、河川水質及水庫水質等監測,掌握各項測值變化趨勢,並進行趨勢分析及監測結果綜整檢討,以提供環保單位污染防制之參考。噪音監測計有12個環境與12個交通噪音監測點,每監測點每季執行2次48小時連續監測作業,由101年度監測結果顯示,噪音不合格率為0%。地下水質監測計有3口戰備水井及32口場置性監測井,豐、枯水期各採樣一次,由101年兩次監測結果顯示,超過地下水污染第二類監測標準之監測井比例為19/35,其中超過監測標準值之項目(站次/總站次),計有氨氮(16/70)、鐵(18/70)及錳(22/70)等項,另中壢工業區之內定國小三氯乙烯測值超過地下水污染第二類管制標準,濃度與歷史值相近,約在0.11mg/L左右,而龜山工業區之中國電器公司四氯乙烯測值亦超過地下水污染第二類管制標準。河川水質監測計有19處監測點,每監測點每季採樣1次,由101年監測結果顯示,整體水質大多呈現中度污染,其中未符合丙類陸域地面水體水質標準之項目(站次/總站次),計有溶氧量(1/19)、大腸桿菌群(18/19)、懸浮固體(5/19)、生化需氧量(18/19)、氨氮(19/19),而未符合環境基準值者,計有鋅(2/19)、銅(10/19)及錳(19/19)三項。水庫水質監測僅一處監測點,每監測點每季採樣1次,101年度監測結果顯示,重金屬測值皆符合甲類陸域地面水體水質標準及環境基準值。 The Environment Quality Monitoring of Taoyuan County(2012) This project focuses on monitoring the noise levels, river water and ground water qualities of Taoyuan County to understand the varying trend of the monitored analytes. The trends of the variations were analyzed and reviewed to provide the Environmental Protection Office a reference for future regulations.There are 12 environmental noise and 12 traffic noise monitoring stations, which were continuously monitored for 48 hours twice every quarter. The 2012 monitoring results show that the noise failure rate was 0%.There are three military reserved well and thirty-two regular monitoring wells which were monitored for groundwater quality. Samples were collected once in both dry and wet seasons. The analytical results of 2011 indicated that the proportion of the wells that exceeded the type II ground water monitoring standards is 19/35. The analytes exceeding standards were ammonia nitrogen(16 out of 70),iron (18 out of 70)and manganese(22 out of 70). In addition, the concentration of trichloroethylene found in Nei Ding Elementary School monitoring well of Chung Li industrial park exceeds the type II ground water pollution standards. The result was about 0.11mg/L, which was consistent with the historical data. And China Electric Mfg. Corporation perchloroethylene monitoring results was exceeds the type II groundwater pollution standards at Guishan industrial park.Nineteen monitoring stations for the rivers were sampled once every quarter to monitor the river water qualities. The analytical results of 2012 indicated that most river water bodies were moderately polluted. The analytes that exceeded the Class C internal surface water quality standards were dissolved oxygen(1 out of 19),coliform group(18 out of 19),suspended solids(5 out of 19),biological oxygen demand(18 out of 19),ammonia nitrogen (19 out of 19).The analytes that exceeded the environmental standards were zinc(2 out of 19)、copper(10 out of 19)and manganese(19 out of 19).Only one reservoir was monitored for water quality. Samples were collected once every quarter. The result of 2012 indicated that heavy metals met the Class A internal surface water quality standards and environmental standards. 101 桃園縣政府環境保護局 琨鼎環境科技股份公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=44346
101年度「加強街道揚塵洗掃作業暨規劃管理計畫—規劃與管理」 為對屏東縣之街道洗掃作業的執行狀況做進一步的掌握,本計畫所有工作項目均力求質與量的確保,除了落實各項監督查核的機制外,也積極橫向聯繫其他單位之執行狀況,以呈現本縣整體道路洗掃作業的狀況,本年度現階段各工作項目已依預定之目標及進度落實執行,執行摘要說明如下各點,詳細工作成果見各章節內容。一、於101年1月18日計畫執行開始時即成立規劃與管理組及稽核組,訂立各種監督查核等管理表格並舉辦人員教育訓練。二、洗掃里程量化洗掃執行單位「冠達環保有限公司」自101年1月18日開始執行洗掃街工作,至12月25日為止共累計執行掃街13,548.9公里,進度達成率104.2%,洗街19,503.5公里,進度達成率102.7%,平均每週掃街276.5公里,洗街398.0公里。執行進度在本計畫嚴格控管下均能符合預定規劃之要求,亦達到規劃較佳洗掃街工作量之目標。三、洗掃作業GPS查核依規定執行衛星定位記錄資料查核,總查核數以道路洗掃年度作業里程數,掃街13,000㎞/年,洗街19,000㎞/年為主。截至12月25日為止,完成洗掃街作業GPS行車紀錄里程數查核,掃街查核里程數為13,548.9㎞,進度為104.2%,亦即掃街車實際核定作業長度;洗街查核里程數為19,503.5㎞,進度為102.7%,亦即洗街車實際核定作業長度,整體符合年度執行工作量。四、洗掃前後TSP之測定本年度計執行24點次檢測,其中2/6屏東市和生路檢測當日風速異常,致TSP檢測數據異常偏高不納入分析。由23次分析資料顯示,洗掃後TSP濃度有降低之情形,洗掃後第1小時有23次、洗掃後第2小時有23次及洗掃後第3小時有21次是較洗掃前濃度降低,另洗掃後第3小時有2次TSP濃度係較洗掃前濃度增加之情形。洗掃後TSP濃度變化方面,洗掃後第1小時較洗掃前之TSP濃度變化介於減少54.1~410.3μg/m3之間,平均TSP濃度為減少173.3μg/m3,改善率介於減少32%~69%之間; 洗掃後第2 小時較洗掃前之TSP濃度變化介於減少22.0 ~294.2μg/m3,改善率介於減少13%~56%之間;洗掃後第3小時較洗掃前之TSP濃度變化介於減少250.1~增加28.4μg/m3,改善率介於減少42%~增加16%。五、洗掃前後乾沉降之測定本年度本計畫在2月份、3月份及7月份執行9個乾沉降檢測樣品。其中2/6屏東市和生路檢測當日風速異常,致檢測數據異常偏高不納入分析。另8次洗掃後乾沉降通量變化方面,洗掃後第1小時較洗掃前之乾沉降通量變化介於減少328~1,582g/m2*day之間,平均乾沉降通量為減少880g/m2*day;洗掃後第2小時較洗掃前之乾沉降通量變化介於減少164~764g/m2*day,平均乾沉降通量為減少481g/m2*day;洗掃後第3小時較洗掃前之乾沉降通量變化介於減少0~600g/m2*day,平均乾沉降通量變化為減少266g/m2*day。六、街塵負荷量測作業完成125筆採樣分析量測資料結果,得平均街塵負荷量為1.48g/m2,負荷量介於0.45-4.06g/m2 , 而平均坋土負荷量為0.37g/m2 , 負荷量介於0.10-1.20g/m2。對於各道路街塵負荷量檢測分析結果,有高於環保署公告之B級髒污路段1-5g/m2,均列為提高洗掃頻率及加強洗掃路段之對象,另與目視普查道路髒污等級比較亦有一致性。七、道路髒污普查及路段調整配合目視普查及道路塵土量負荷量之量測,進行洗掃路段及頻率之修正,累計執行11階段之路段調整作業,透過路線不斷的修正,可確保較佳的洗掃品質,提供較大的洗掃效益。八、洗掃橫向聯繫機制完成提報第三區工程處之髒污道路髒污點計47處。各髒污點經本計畫現勘後均完成改善,其中有7處本計畫跨月份持續現勘普查後,仍有積土情形,啟動PDCA機制持續提報三工處持續改善,並列為易髒污點,目前已持續性維持乾淨程度。另提報「營建工程污染管理發展計畫」58處次營建工地污染道路情形,在本計畫提報各營建計畫污染後,營建計畫均依權責執行輔導管制並回覆本計畫,污染改善情形良好。九、洗掃作業之QA/QC為監督洗掃執行單位落實洗掃作業、提高洗掃的品質,工作團隊採用行車監控管理系統,車機應用GPS衛星定位系統進行車輛位置定位,並以GSM將定位信號傳送至監控中心,由監控系統上可隨時監看每一部洗掃車輛的位置及執勤狀況,全面掌握執行人員的出勤狀況,對於計畫的品質具有相當的助益。十、網頁製作及新聞稿發佈完成15頁以上成果網頁製作,及11月份發佈1則「屏東加強洗掃街道 民眾滿意」新聞稿1則。十一、減量成效統計各單位洗掃街執行里程數,執行TSP削減量推估,TSP污染物共削減了1047.1公噸,平均每月可削減TSP污染量87.3公噸;PM10污染物共削減了197.3公噸,平均每月可削減PM10污染量16.4公噸。十二、民眾問卷調查(1) 委託中山大學社科院執行全縣性問卷問卷結果顯示,在「洗掃街車對車道揚塵之改善程度」方面,總計有91%的民眾認為洗掃街車對車道揚塵之改善有幫助。另「洗掃街車對道路乾淨度之提升程度」方面,計有92.9%的民眾認為洗掃街車執行道路洗掃對道路乾淨度會有提升。(2)洗掃路段問卷調查本計畫自行針對洗掃路段執行人員到戶面對面問卷調查,。A. 一般洗掃路段「洗掃街工作對於降低車輛行駛道路所造成揚塵之改善程度」方面,整體認為有改善民眾為92%;「道路洗掃後整體道路乾淨度」,有92%民眾認為洗掃後道路乾淨度有提升;「對於環保局道路洗掃成效的表現滿意情形」,有94%民眾滿意環保局道路洗掃成效的表現。B. 河川疏濬鄰近主要洗掃路段計有87%的民眾認為道路乾淨度有提升。十三、各項監督及成效評估記錄及結果皆於每月十五日前準時提送環保局核備,供督導管理參考。十四、協助環保局臨時交辦事項皆順利完成,此外並協助環保局做好街道揚塵洗作業監督查核工作。十五、工作團隊於計畫執行開始即備妥相關器具(如攝影器材、GPS通訊設施等)並符合合約規範。 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=42859
兩岸因應氣候變遷與大氣保護交流合作 本計畫藉由蒐集研析中國大陸有關因應氣候變遷與大氣保護相關策略之發展動態,同時透過辦理舉辦學術研討會之方式,與中國大陸進行相關領域之交流並拓展合作之機會。在因應氣候變遷領域方面,兩岸之交流已穩定邁入第三年,這次更由中國大陸主導因應氣候變遷政策之重量級人物率產官學界計42名專家來臺,第三屆會議於101年6月26日~6月27日假香格里拉臺北遠東國際大飯店舉行,會中針對(1)極端天氣預報暨氣候觀測技術、(2)排放交易管理制度、(3)企業節能減碳作為、(4)排放交易實務分享、(5)減量技術交流、(6)低碳社會營造等六大議題,由兩岸專家學者深入交換意見及經驗交流。本次會議已初步確立未來兩岸可朝循環型低碳城市、產業低碳策略、綠色經濟工具及因應氣候變遷預警等方向展開實質合作,本計畫亦研提「兩岸因應氣候變遷實質合作推動小組」之機制規劃,期於未來展開並落實兩岸實質合作。 在兩岸大氣保護學術研討會方面,邀請中國大陸6位專家學者來臺,相關會議於102年1月15日~16日假首都大飯店舉辦,會中針對「兩岸空氣品質保護管理之法令、制度與控制策略」及「兩岸空氣品質監測與檢驗」進行經驗交流,本次會議為兩岸大氣保護之業務主管單位奠立友好關係之基礎,期望未來兩岸大氣保護亦能展開定期交流與合作。 Cross-Strait Exchange of Responses to Climate Change and Atmospheric Protection By collecting the related information of responses to climate change and atmospheric protecting development and holding the conference, this project brought up an experience exchanging and expanded the cooperative opportunities with Mainland China. This is the third year that Taiwan and Mainland China have had exchange of responses to climate change. 42 industrial, governmental, and academic important experts joined the conference in Taiwan during June 26th to 27th, 2012. During the conference, both sides discussed and exchanged opinions on six subjects including (1) Forecast of extreme weather and climate monitoring technology, (2) Emission trading management regime, (3) Energy-saving and carbon reduction actions in enterprises, (4) Experience sharing of emission trading, (5) Technical exchange of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction, and (6) Constructions of low carbon society. In the conclusion of the conference, both sides would start cooperation with subjects like recycling-based low carbon cities, Strategies of low carbon industries, green economic tools, and early warning of climate change. In addition, this project planned a Cross-strait Climate Change Cooperative Team in order to promote the future solid cooperation. For the Cross-Strait Conference on Atmospheric Protection in Taiwan, six experts and scholars from Mainland China were invited to join the meeting during January 15th to 16th, 2012. During the conference, both sides exchanged experiences on “arts, systems and control strategies on the protection and management of air quality” and “the monitoring and inspecting of air quality”. This conference laid a foundation of building friendly relationship between competent business units of atmospheric protection in Taiwan and Mainland China, and was expected as the beginning of regular Cross-Strait exchange and corporation of atmospheric protection in the future. 101 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人台灣綠色生產力基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50262
水污染源排放資料盤查及制度檢討計畫 目前環保主管機關掌握事業之水污染排放現況,主要是透過排放許可與定期檢測申報等二項重要工具,而水污染防治費係依水質及水量進行計費,故須正確取得水質及水量等排放資訊為基礎,方有助於推估可能徵收費額、掌握主要對象、進行產業衝擊評估及研擬因應措施等一連串接續工作,爰此,環保署為檢核現有取得排放許可事業之許可及檢測申報資料是否完整正確,據以推估水污費徵收規模,並檢討修訂我國水污染防治費徵收制度,遂公告甄選技術顧問機構辦理「水污染源排放資料盤查及制度檢討計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)之各項工作內容,期能協助環保署藉由書面、資料庫與現場查驗等作業,提昇事業水污染排放資料品質,建立排放資訊,並基於過去研擬水污費徵收制度之基礎,更新國外管理資訊,檢討修訂我國水污費徵收制度與作業方式,以因應如經立法院審議通過後,可依現有法規制度及申報書表,順利進行水污費各項徵收作業。 101 水保處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=54541