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陸上運輸系統噪音、振動特性調查及管制措施之研究(一) 本研究針對路上運輸系統,進行系統性之振動與噪音及其特性之調查,並研擬其管制措施。第一年之研究將針對捷運系統,而調查之對象為台北捷運系統,研究之內容包括下列項目:1.依據大眾捷運系統之列車種類、軌道結構、軌道特性、列車車輪種類、班次及車速等條件,選擇代表性測點實地進行噪音(至少二十五處)及振動源特性(至少二十五處,不同距離二點)之量測。2.依據前項量測結果,探討大眾捷運系統噪音管制指標之量測方法,及標準作業程序(至少包含量測方法及背景音量、量測數據分析等研究)。3.依實地量測結果及陳情案件等相關資料,分析噪音源及振動源特性,並建立噪音量及振動量資料庫。4.蒐集彙整我國、香港、日本、歐美等國外大眾捷運系統噪音及振動改善對策,及國外管制措施相關資料。5.依據噪音及振動源特性,研擬我國大眾捷運系統噪音及振動改善措施及管制政策。6.邀集相關機關進行管制政策研商。而執行後本計畫已完成下面二項目標:1.建立捷運系統振動與噪音資料庫,並擬定管制指標之量測方法及標準作業程序。2.研擬大眾捷運系統振動與噪音改善措施及管制政策。 The Study of Acoustic and Vibration Characteristics and its Control Measures for Transportation Systems (I) The goal of this project is to investigate the vibration and noise characteristic and its control measures for transportation systems. The system to be investigated for the first year is the rapid rail transit system, and the existing system suitable for investigation is the Taipei Rapid Transit System. The topics to be investigate are1.According to the type of rail, structure, train velocity, etc. select at least 25 points for noise measurement, and at least 25 points (at 2 different distances from track) for vibration measurement.2.According to the results from noise and vibration measurement, determine the standard procedure for noise measurement.3.From the measurement results, analysize the characteristics of noise and vibration from rapid transit system, and establishes the data base for noise and vibration measurement.4.Collect literatures form Japan, U.S. Hong Kong, and Europe on the noise and vibration control measures for rapid rail systems.5.According the characteristics of measured data, propose the regulations and control measures for noise and vibration from rapid rail transit system.6.Invite government agencies related to the noise and vibration regulation from rapid rail transit system to discuss the proposed regulations from the researchAfter carrying out six research topics mentioned above, two objectives have been accomplished.1.Establish standard measurement procedure for noise and vibration from rapid rail transit system.2.Propose regulations and control measures for noise and vibration from rapid rail transit system. 094 空保處 國立台灣海洋大學系統工程暨造船學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4208
九十四年毒性化學物質運作登記及流向管理行動計畫 本計畫順利完成網路申報系統改版作業,包括運作紀錄、釋放量,運送聯單等系統,並開發完成廠商少量核可文件線上申請作業系統,可減輕地方環保局之人力負荷。亦完成15個縣市到場訪談服務,暸解地方環保局需求,並將訪談建議作為系統修正之依據。而管理端部分,亦配合中央與地方業務需求,完成開發毒化物輸出入統計與公務表單產出功能,及完成開發整合性複合查詢、證件系統相關加值功能等系統,提供整合性、完整的資訊。針對電子化系統宣導活動工作,已完成四場次環保單位系統操作說明會,亦協助各縣市環保局辦理毒化物法規及網路申報說明會,已完成七縣市共計十一場次說明會。目前已完成有93年釋放量紀錄3件、93年運作紀錄年報1,882件及94年第一季~第二季運作紀錄資料建檔634件、第四類核備文件717件、廢棄認定聲明書264件,總計共完成了3,505筆資料建檔的工作,並成功推動網路申報作業,達到86%的申報率,使毒化物電子化管理作業更加即時。 Toxic Chemical Substance Operation Data Reporting and Flow Tracking Management in Year 2005 The project in this year completed online reporting system modification; including operation record, data release, manifest reporting, and small quantity permit online application. Such change will reduce huge burden bearing by the local environmental agency. On-site interviews in 15 local agencies were conducted for understanding clients’ need and develop the system based on the interview. For central and local agencies, the toxic chemicals have import/export statistic and tablet generation function. Integrated compound inquiry and credential verification are developed to offer complete information. There were 4 sessions of training held for environmental agencies personnel. Eleven training sessions for public participation on online reporting were held in 7 local agencies. There were 3 data releasing records completed in year 2004, 1,882operation annual reports in 2004, 634 filed operation records for first and second quarter in year 2005, 717 category IV permitted documents, 264 waste recognition declarations, totally 3,505 data were entered. There were 86% online reporting rate achieved and toxic chemicals management becomes prompt and more convenient. 094 毒管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4206
汽車排氣遙測專案工作計畫 本計畫工作的執行進度摘要如下:一、 汽車排氣遙測監測點作業:依選點原則完成28個遙測監測點作業,包括21個高速公路匝道及7個市區道路。行前教育訓練已於6月1日舉行。遙測作業已於6月7日開始進行,截至8月30為止,遙測數量為204156輛。篩除無效輛次後,可分析數量為166032輛,有效率為81.4% 二、 汽車排氣遙測檢驗站作業:完成簽約各縣市至少一站次共計76站檢驗站,並舉辦四場次說明會及於高污染通知書寄發前完成所有站次查核及連線作業。三、 高污染車輛已經篩選並寄發4228件通知,回檢3553件,回檢率84.03%,檢測費用已全數撥付。四、 諮商會議已完成2場次。五、 邀請中部地區環保局協調會進行2場次。六、 技術轉移說明會已於12月5-7日舉辦。七、 汽車不定期檢驗辦法草案已修訂。八、 遙測作業規範已修訂完成。九、 高污染通知到檢程序已初步修訂完成。十、 未到檢資料追蹤管制作業機制已初步研訂完成。十一、 民間汽車不定期排氣代檢驗站認可規範與管理草案已初步研訂完成。十二、 汽車排氣動力計檢測模式已研擬完成,並舉辦觀摩會1場次。十三、 已完成設置遙測網站及陳情中心專責處理民眾及檢驗站相關事宜,宣導文宣品已製作完成並於簽約之不定期檢驗站發放。十四、 國內外相關資料已收集並彙整於報告中。十五、 由本年度工作,可知車輛排放污染物大部分都在低濃度範圍,污染度濃度與車齡呈正相關,與排氣量約成負相關。就廠牌而言,CO方面以福特汽車排放濃度較高,HC排放濃度較高廠牌為慶眾汽車。高污染車型分析結果CO平均值最高之車型為國瑞汽車AT1EMN車型,HC平均值最高之車型為福特汽車FESTIVA-3U車型。本年度遙測數據經由複迴歸分析結果可藉由遙測數據預測車輛惰轉數據,藉以提高通知高污染車輛之機率。由93年度與本年度遙測成效而言,在回檢率與被通知高污染輛排放減量方面,均比93年度高。十六、 遙測計畫除篩選高污染車輛外,亦可篩選清潔車輛進行獎勵。且宜設置長期監測路段,分析移動污染源排放與空氣品質之相關性;並可由遙測資料推估進行NOx之管制;車齡與污染呈現正相關,故可積極推動汽車汰舊,以降低污染;未來可藉由本年度複迴歸方程式提高篩選高污染車輛之機率,以有效降低高污染車輛之排放。 Vehicle Remote Emission Sensing Project The project has completed remote sensing sites selection of 28 monitoring sites including 21 sites on highway ramps and 7 sites on surface roads. A total of 204,156 vehicles were measured. After screening of invalid data, 166,032 vehicle data were available for analysis. The data validity was 81.4%.A total of 76 garages signed contracts for the operation with at least one station in each city or county.A total of 4,228 high emitters were identified and notified. Among them, 3553 vehicles showed for the tests, the call back rate was 84.03%. Test fees were also paid to the garages.Two seminars were hosted in the project.Central district EPBs were invited twice for coordination meetings. Technology transfer workshops were conducted from December 5 to 7.The non-periodical vehicle inspection regulation draft was revised. The remote sensing operation specification was revised. High emitter notification protocol was revised. The control mechanism for vehicles failed to show for the test was drafted. The non-periodical inspection stations approval and management regulation draft was drafted. The dynamometer test model was drafted and a demonstration was conducted. The remote sensing webpage and public information center have been established to take care of motorists and test stations needs. Outreach materials were printed and delivered to test stations. The project collected relevant domestic and oversea information for references. It is found in this project that most vehicles are within the low emission range. Vehicle emission concentrations increase with vehicle ages and decrease with engine displacement volumes. Linear regression analysis of this year’s remote sensing data found idle test high emitters can be predicted from the remote sensing readings to increase the probability of high emitters notified. Compared to the 2004 remote sensing project, this year’s project exhibited higher pollution reduction results. In addition to high emitters screening, remote sensing can be applied to clean screening that offers incentive to clean cars. 094 空保處 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4204
區域性地下水井維護及資料更新計畫 本計畫主要以 貴署93年度辦理之「區域性地下水水質監測井網檢討計畫」之經驗為基礎,進一步擴大監測井評估與維護之範圍,並開始實施監測井基本資料校正,以確保區域性地下水水質監測井之功能,進而達成水質預警與污染預防之施政目標。依工作計畫契約書之規定,本計畫主要工作包括:「區域性地下水監測井完井及井況檢討」、「區域性地下水監測井資料更新及驗證」、「地下水井體設施維護」、「地下水即時取樣」、「監測井維護資料查詢網頁」等五大項目。 Project of Maintenance and Information Correction of the Regional Groundwater Monitoring Wells This project is based on the experience of the previous project “Evaluation Project of the Network of the Regional Groundwater Monitoring Wells (RGMWs)” which executed in year 2004. The objective of this project is to secure the function of the RGMWs through the extension of the well maintenance work and the correction of the basic well information, thus the RGMWs can provide pollution precaution and help to protect groundwater body. According to the contract, the tasks of this project include (1) the evaluation and purging of the RGMWs; (2) the verification and correction of the basic well information; (3) the maintenance and rehabilitation of the well facilities; (4) the in-situ groundwater sampling around existing RGMWs; and (5) the construction of inquiring web site for the basic well information and the maintenance results for the RGMWs. 094 監資處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4240
生活污水污染削減與源頭減量效益評估及輔導計畫 我國河川主要污染來源,生活污水所佔的污染量比例已漸提高。目前當務之急除了加速興建公共污水下水道收集生活污水處理,亦可從推廣源頭減量及提昇管末處理,雙管齊下提昇生活污染之削減。目前全國受列管的100戶以上社區專用污水下水道約2500家,其普及率10%已與公共污水下水道普及率13%不相上下,故重要性亦不言而喻。然而,民眾不關心污水流向、不知從何處著手、不知源頭減量有什麼好處,均是推廣生活污染減量工作的困難;而社區管理人對自身污水處理設施的陌生、對相關法規認知的不足,甚至對操作維護費用未編列足夠的預算,也是造成社區污水處理設施常常備而不用的情況。因此,本計畫首先錄製一式3000片生活污水處理設施操作維護技術教學及污染減量措施宣導影帶,作為未來推廣工作之有效工具。再者,篩選三處有輔導意願之300戶以上社區作為示範社區,輔導住戶執行污染減量措施及正確操作管理污水處理設施,污染量削減優良者,加以表揚與獎勵,再將其模式與效益作為明年度各縣市持續推廣之參考。在管理制度上,有鑑於社區污水處理設施多有委託專業廠商執行代操作,然而代操作業素質良萎不齊,一般人無法得知其好壞;目前法規對代操作業之操作能力尚未制定明確的規定,故實有迫切需要研擬代操作業資格與管理辦法。最後,辦理二場研商會,邀請環保機關與代操作廠商等單位參加,除分享本計畫輔導心得外,針對國內未來生活污水管制策略與方向(包括代操作業相關管理與資格等議題)進行多方討論,廣徵各方意見,以作為未來修法及執法之參考。 Estimation and Counseling Project of Pollution Reduction of Domestic Sewage. Domestic sewage has become one of the major sources of river pollution in Taiwan. The most effective way to resolve the household wastewater problem is to speed up the construction of public sewage systems. Moreover, advocating the concept of source reduction for the public and improving the treatment efficiency of end-of-pipe systems are particularly advantageous to mitigate the current pollution by domestic sewage. The general subscription ratio to community sewage systems, 10%, is comparable to that to public sewage systems, 13%. Therefore the importance of community sewage systems should not be overlooked. Generally, the members of community committee are strange to their own treatment facilities and to related laws. Additionally, the mal-operation and insufficient maintenance budget prevent the sewage systems from wielding their maximum function. To resolve the problems, this project would first shoot a video, teaching the public how to correctly operate community sewage systems as well as how to implement pollution control measures in our daily lives. It is planned to distribute 3000 copies, in a wish to effectively promote this project.Secondly, three communities, where the household number exceeds 300, would be chosen for demonstration. Then the main task of this project is to coach the residents how to take various measures of source reduction as well as how to correctly management their own treatment facilities. One of the three communities, which demonstrates the best result, would be rewarded and promoted as the role model around Taiwan. Because the quality of wastewater operating companies is critical to the treatment efficiency, it is necessary to create the specific rules and qualifications for these companies to meet. Finally, two seminars would be held. Environmental authorities and wastewater operating companies invited would share their idea about this counseling project and discuss future policy and management direction for domestic sewage. Therefore, the future law revision and enforcement will be supported by diverse opinions. 094 水保處 台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4238
九十四年度推動垃圾強制分類專案工作計畫 分析第一階段執行機關推動結果顯示,均已能達成政策規劃目標(資源垃圾回收率25%,廚餘回收率5%)。在垃圾清運量部份平均減量率約10%,廚餘回收部分平均成長率達66%,而資源回收部份平均成長率更達32%,顯示政策規劃與執行機關相關推動工具確能發揮效用,有效減少垃圾產出,提升資源垃圾與廚餘回收。然第一階段執行機關推動垃圾強制分類工作主要遭遇問題包括(1).資源物及廚餘回收項目規定不一;(2).資源物及廚餘量增加造成垃圾清運時間過長問題;(3).補助經費不足無法採購相關機具影響清運作業安全問題;(4).資源物回收變賣問題與(5).禁止廚餘養豬後回收管道問題,均需於未來第二階段政策推動時協助妥善解決。 此外,配合資源回收業務民營化工作推動部分,建議推動策略包括配合地方需求特性、優先達成回收效率、整合地方工作資源、加強建立資源回收產業管理規範、管制非法回收業者與加強進場管制等。在推動資源垃圾細分類廠跨區經營部份,具體策略包括強化現有細分類廠操作管理、確保資源垃圾質量與配合資源回收業務民營化作業等策略,以提升資源垃圾細分類產業功能,深化垃圾強制分類政策推動基礎。 FY2005 Mandatory Garbage Sorting Enforcement Project The performance evaluation of 10 implementation agencies of the first stage implementation of Madatory Garbage Sorting (MGS) Enforcement shows that both recyclable and food waste recycling rate meet the policy goal (25% for recyclable recycling and 5% for food waste recycling). The MSW reduction rate, recyclable recycling rate and food waste recycling rate are 10%, 66% and 32%, respectively and the viablility of designed measuremts of MGS is proved. However, challenges like recyclable definition, collection schedule dely due to collection of increasing recyclable and food waste, unsafe collection facility, sale of collected recyclable and proper recovery system for food waste should be resolved for the coming second stages implementation.The recommended promot stragies of privation of recycling service includes (1).fulfill implementation agency demand, (2).increasing recycling rate in priority, (3).resource synthesis of nearby implementation agencies, (4).revise related regulation, (5).contorl of illegal recycler and (6).ban of recyclable into landfill. Furthermore, Material Recovery Facilities, (MRFs) cross-zone operation could be encouraged through exist MRFs function improvement, stable recyclable volume and quality and collaboration with privation of recycling service. These efforts will empower the mechanism for further MGS enforcement. 094 廢管處 永發環境工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4236
清運機具即時追蹤系統管制推動、營運管理及監控系統功能整合提升計畫 環保署在事業廢棄物管理,為對事業廢棄物自產源至最終處置或再利用過程之清運行為進行會程追蹤監控管理,策略是利用公告方式要求指定行為或業者之車輛加裝GPS。本計畫即在這宗旨下協助公告之辦理,同等針對GPS車機之品質是否符合署監控之目的,進行前期測試;清運業者設置GPS相關審驗工作辦理及輔導;審驗核可之清運車輛營運管理推動及異常狀況之篩選作業(勾稽)等。由於環保署為維持市場開放之機制,故目前歷經三批公告作業,已有七家車機業者參與環保署車機供應業者,同時本計畫之重要精神在於清運全程的監控,故即時及歷史軌跡資料都非常重要,綜合以上特點,署目前已納管近1300清運車輛;約450業者,車機共有三批,六家車機業者,所以顯現本案在營運管理之複雜性。有鑑於署管制管略,不斷推動,營運管理之重要性,本案即大致為為5個主題工作;分別為公告作業之推動,審驗作業之執行(包括車機前期測試及設署GPS清運業者之審驗作業),營運管理基準建立及檢討,監控系統穩定性之維護調整及擴充性之建議,營運監控異常作業之篩選(即勾稽作業)。公告作業之執行重點及成果為協助推動第四批公告作業,計畫協助事項包括第四批納管對象之篩選及定義、公告條文依據過去執行之經驗進行條文修正及原因說明、協助主辦單位與公告相對象、業者主管機關、單位進行協助及管理之修正與整合協助相關文字之修正及意見回覆、協助公聽會之辦理及參與法制作業過程中之必要支援等。第四批公告作業中,共參與了四次目的主管機關,單位執行機關之協商,五次車機業者之協商,二次公告對象業者之協商,一次公告事項公聽會,一次主管協商。審驗作業之執行重點及成果包括車機前期測試及清運車輛設置GPS之審驗作業,車機前期測試對象包括第三批公告參與前期測試之三家車機業者及第四批公告規格之六家車機業者之前期測試作業。設置GPS清運車輛之審驗作業,主要包括第三批臨時操作核可轉為正式核可之緊急支援,作業在10月已完成600輛正式審驗核可之案件。營運管理作業之執行重點包括審驗系統之重新設計建置,對於裝置GPS之清運車輛,依據公告精神,建立營運管理篩選自動化機制,其重點包括監控基準自動化作業(回傳率之計算及檢討),業者週確認之作業調整及檢核,監控系統圖形之更新及擴充,以利監控目的之便利及整體化,在回傳率計算及檢討中,執行妥善率之分布,以建立良好車機品質之判定基準。監控系統穩定性維護調整及擴充性建議,由於本業務為收納不同車機業者回傳之軌跡轉檔程式,第一批為GSM之車機與第二、三批GPRS不同通訊協定等複雜性,軌跡資料之追蹤對本案最為重要,故轉檔程式之運作平順與正,各資料整合時系統效能是否可以支援相關使用者執行作業等,皆為本案之重要基礎,故本案先期系統異常狀態發生,工作成果皆能釐清因果關係,且對於造成障礙部份應設法移除或改寫,以使系統平順支援本業務之營運管理,同時於計畫期間進行壓力測試,制定備援作業手冊,預定於12月週末,系統離峰時間執行備援作業及離峰壓力測試作業,以作為未來系統之擴充性建議之參考。勾稽作業在本案是屬於在營運管理上之加值應用及與事業廢棄物流向申報作業交叉比對查核作業,事業廢棄物管理精神,著重業者主動申報聯單,業者主動藉由設置GPS週確認作業中了解自身車機是否穩定,對於回傳率不足或有缺漏路段時,應藉由週確認作業進行補說明,計畫期間共參與11次勾稽會議及提送數10個提案,並於9月份擬定勾稽主題,其重點包括聯單中具有應設置GPS行為之清運業者尚未申請者,已申請解除列管仍有載運公告廢棄物行為者,回傳率<80%且未週確認者,回傳率<80%有聯單且週確認勾今日未出車者或正常者感染性事業廢棄物清運車輛之清運行為勾稽,依其頻率及特性勾稽非冷凍車者,聯單有清運但軌跡無合理停頓點者,軌跡中有固定停頓但無法對應聯單申報資料者。本計畫已建立設置GPS軌跡營運管理基準之基礎,同時已建立車機業者及署系統判定之模擬監控程式,作為未來系統異常時監看之依據,同時建立營運管理作業中,必要之自動化及輔導業者之通聯記錄建置於資料庫中,以為執法時之參酌依據。配合維護PDA程式,供稽查人員可透過PDA結合GPS與GPRS,查詢清運機具及聯單申報作業之即時資訊,方便稽查及攔查攔檢作業之進行。 Clean vehicles equipped with GPS, implementation, management and system monitoring integration project. Through the application of GPS Technology, the EPA has achieved its mission to monitor the trajectories 1300 tracks. All their designated vehicles are responsible for transporting industrial wastes from sources to treatment or reuse facilities. Continuous monitoring of designated vehicles can prevent, the illegal dumps or improper reuse of industrial waste. Taiwan’s environment and nature resource and ultimately protected. To forward achievement of industrial waste strategy, operation and management is very important. There are 5 main targets legal announcement assistant, examination achievement, operation & management framework built-up and review monitoring system stability abnormal evidence cross-check work. The 4th wave of announcement assistant was actualized. The work included the target pinpoint, amended the amouncement, meeting among transporters and GPS providers, public hearings, there accumulated by 9 meetings overall to proceed the 4th wave announce west. The examination work is defined both to GPS examination and the transporters equipped with GPS examination work. Within the project 600 vehicles were examined and passed. Operation and management work included examination system complimented, the tracks return rate auto calculation and screening system, week confirmation optimized adjust, monitoring accessability. The performance rate was built and presented on the web monthly. For the varieties of GPS and transfer files operation which complicated of maintenance and operation and trouble-shooting work Each system operation trouble accrued. The team was always able to identify the cause and remove the trouble smoothly. The system peak test and back-up suggestion and action was made. 094 廢管處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4234
環境影響評估公眾參與作業規範及範例之建立 本計畫主要工作內容為彙整國內各類型環評案件之公眾意見調查方式及蒐集各國公眾參與環評之方式,進而加以研訂出環境影響評估公眾參與作業規範,並且以近兩年環評個案為對象,研訂各式範例。在國內資料之蒐集方面,依據環保署89年~93年通過審查之環評案件,總計有323件,有辦理公眾參與之案件,計有107件;未辦理之案件,計有216件,歸納整理出公眾參與方式包括:問卷調查、公眾閱覽、公開說明會、評估範疇界定、現場勘查及公聽會等,並進行參與內容及優、缺點分析。在國外資料蒐集方面,蒐集國家有歐盟、美國、日本、中國大陸及香港等,歸納整理出各國環評之法令依據、實施時間、公眾參與方式、公眾參與項目及資訊公開化等之比較分析。在作業規範方面,研訂公眾參與方式包括:問卷調查、訪談、座談會、協調會、討論會、公眾閱覽、公開說明會、現場勘查及公聽會等八項。在範例研訂方面,民國92~94年9月通過環保署審查之環評案件計有118件,研擬之範例各擇一區域開發及線性開發作為案例篩選之代表性,在區域開發方面為「南區(龍崎廠)事業廢棄物綜合處理中心環境影響說明書」,建構範例包括:訪談、座談會及公開說明會等三項,在線性開發方面則為「三芝北投公路規劃環境影響評估報告書」,建構範例包括:問卷調查、座談會、公眾閱覽、公開說明會、現場勘查及公聽會等五項。 The Standard Operating Procedure and the model establishment of the Environmental Impact Assessment public participation. The main content of the project is coordinating ways to the public opinion investigation of all sorts of local environmental evaluation cases, and collect ways of public involvement of environmental evaluation from other countries. Then, public involvement operation standard for environmental influence evaluation can be established, and set up different kinds of models from individual environmental evaluation cases within the two years time.In the aspect of data collection, according to the EPA, there were total 323 cases that passed the environmental evaluation examination from year 2000 to 2004. The ways that the project coordinated to the public involvement in environmental influence evaluation includes questionnaire, public reading, assembly for public statement, evaluation standardization, on-site examination, and public hearing, etc, and analyzing the advantages and disadvantages throughout the content. For data collection from overseas, collecting from countries such as, EU, the US, Japan, China and Hong Kong etc, the project concluded comparative analysis of law accordance, starting point of time, ways and items of public involvement, and information publication on each country’s environmental evaluation.In the operation standardization and models setting, the project’s operation standard includes, questionnaires, interviews, forums, coordinated meeting,symposium , public reading, public assembly, on-site examination, and public hearing. Settings on the related models, Selection of the chosen models is choosing an area to develop and linear-develop as representative. In the area to develop, the chosen case is “Environmental Influence Guidance Book for Southern area operation waste combined processing center,” and the structure includes interviews, forums, and public assembly. For area to linear-develop, the chosen case is “Environmental Influence Guidance Book for San-Zi and Pei-Tou road planning,” and the structure includes questionnaires, forums, public reading, public assembly, on-site examination, and public hearing. 094 綜計處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4232
辦理民眾檢舉高污染車輛管理計畫 一、 成功達成94年度26,296件民眾檢舉烏賊車案件,且以資訊化作業收錄,分類成不同受理來源,處理結果,並增列查證代碼分級作業,回覆民眾及對優良檢舉人獎品及獎狀發放輔助自動化作業。二、 完成94年度獎勵民眾檢舉烏賊車抽獎活動,所有獎項為1060個,中獎率高達20%以上,總金額在70萬元以上。三、 配合本年度業務方針,完成多項系統功能增修自然人憑證登入作業,及標準作業手冊之編訂,系統增加功能部份包括縣市環保局網站連線監控作業、查證作業與查證品質分級作業、資料交換整合作業、環保局獎勵民眾發放獎品、獎狀造冊作業,SIP考核自動化作業等,使本年度業務改善可以迅速調整,達成預期目標。四、 不定期查訪縣市執行困難,並針對民眾以線上學習方式進行教育宣導,以降低本項業務不同角度之落差,建立良好溝通平台。五、 完成使用中汽機車排氣檢舉資料整合作業,以利不同車種檢測結果可以自動回執寫入系統中。六、 數據分析結果,顯示本年度污染物削減量為364.3Ton/yr,但若以通知檢測且己結案之案件,做九十三年、九十四年之比較,則顯示九十三年不合格率佔3%,九十四年不合格率佔通知檢測且已結案案件2.2%,故在處理品質上近二年已略為提昇,未來可以在品質提昇上繼續努力。 Polluting vehicles appeal cases management system This project has accomplished successfully to accept 26,296 polluting vehicles report cases. All the report cases have been digitalized and organized systematically by the MIS to different ways of source, classification of handle result,responses to reporters,and awards to the excellent reporters.The lottory compaign of 2005 has been accomplished by Oct. 26.This project is responsible for the provide of 1060 awards. The total value is over NT$700,000.The chance to pick is over 20 percentage.With the accordance to the strategy 2005,there are several functions and modes of system are accomplished. Also this project has uvised EPBS’ standard handbook. The implementation of the system includes to unite the nationalwide epbs’ webs to receive report cases as one web. The checking and verification process and evaluation function was accomplished,. Data exchange and integration nationwide platform was built. The award recording and Web connection monitoring system and self evaluation automatical system were well established. All the function and mode have improved the quality of handle process and made the strategy performed.This project has accomplished collection and rationalization of the epbs’ difficulties. Also provided the promotion program for people to know the report informantion and how to report.To accomplish the vehicles emission inspection cross platform specification, management and plan.The analytical result presents the eliminating pollutant of this project 2005 is 364.3Ton/yr.The elimination amount is more than last year .But if review the disqualified cases amout the inspection vehicles through this project,.the percentage of year 2005 is 2.2 percents, the year 2004 is 3 percents Which indicates the handle quality is improved. This is main effort the project shall be emphasized in the next year. 094 空保處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4230
參與亞太經濟合作(APEC)海洋資源保育工作小組計畫 「海洋環境永續性」和「私人部門參與」,業已被亞太經濟合作會議(APEC)列為重要政策。本計畫旨在回應上述政策,並蒐集與傳布海洋保育相關資訊,其工作成果包括:(一)編輯發行二期平面刊物(APEC Bulletin)並建構APEC海洋資源保育網頁;(二)參與於泰國普吉島舉行之第十八屆APEC海洋資源保育工作小組會議,及與該組與漁業工作組織聯席會議;(三)籌辦APEC架構下私人部門參與海洋環境永續性之圓桌會議;及(四)協助執行2005年APEC海洋環境品質評估計畫。 APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group Sustainability of marine environment and involvement of the private sector have been the major policies in APEC. In response to these policies and promoting the concept of marine resource conservation, this project obtained the designated results as follows: (1) Editing and publishing two issues of APEC Bulleting on Marine Resource Conservation and establishment of a web on the activities of marine resource conservation initiated by APEC and other international organizations; (2) Participation in the 18th Meeting of APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group and Workshop on Aquaculture; (3) Organization of APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector in the Sustainability of the Marine Environment; and (4) Implements of the project 「Assessment of Environmental Capacity and Development of Risk Assessment Methodologies and Guidelines for Use in Sustainable Marine Aquaculture in APEC Region」 094 永續發展室 海洋台灣文教基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4272
九十四年環境水質北區監測計畫 本計畫主要針對北區十縣市各類水體進行水質監測,掌握各水體水質時間變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。本計畫河川水質計有36條河川主支流,134個監測站,於每月監測一次。監測結果顯示,在河川水質方面,東北部宜蘭、花蓮地區河川普遍污染不大,水質較好;淡水河系河川下游則在有機物及氨氮污染濃度有較高之情形,而於上游水質較佳;西北部桃園、新竹地區河川,則以新竹頭前溪流域水質狀況最佳,而以桃園南崁溪、老街溪、茄苳溪、新竹茄苳溪及客雅溪水質污染較為嚴重,同時桃園老街溪在金屬銅、鋅有長期測值偏高之現象;另於3月以及6~9月分別受到冷氣團鋒面經過降雨以及夏季颱風過境與外圍環流影響,桃園、新竹及東部山區則有水質較濁之情形。海域水質計有8個沿海區域,43個監測站,於每季監測一次,本年度在各縣市沿海之各項監測結果除基隆與台北沿海曾有溶氧未符合水質標準外,其餘則皆符合海洋環境品質標準。近岸休憩海域水質計有2個休憩海域,6個監測站,自6月6日起至9月底前,每兩週監測一次。本年度6~9月之監測結果,北部休憩海域水質除第二次福隆海水浴場受到河水匯流影響,有不符甲類海域水體水質標準外,其餘多屬優良。水庫水質計有34個水庫,47個監測站,於每季監測一次,本年度監測結果顯示,新山水庫皆為普養,西勢及翡翠水庫介於貧養至普養之間,寶山水庫、石門水庫、儲水沃下霸、儲水沃上霸、橋仔、紫沃、福正及菜浦沃則屬於普養至優養之間,其餘水庫則皆屬於優養,且多集中於外島湖庫。地下水水質計有7縣市,120口監測井,水質方面則與往年類似,達第二類監測基準之項目主要集中於氨氮、金屬錳及鐵等三監測項目,與各環保單位歷年對台北盆地、桃園中壢台地及新竹苗栗沿海地下水之監測結果相符合。 The Enviromental Monitoring of Water Quality Project.(Northern Reqion of Taiwan) The project is to monitoring water quality of various water bodies, so that the changes of water quality to the time and pollution assessment for those water bodies could be provided to the relevant environmental agencies for making a sound pollution control decision. There are 134 sampling spots to monitoring the stream water quality including 36 streams and branches once every month. The result of the project shows a critical distinguishes between upstream & downstream was shown in Danshuei -river. The water quality was per-bad in Taoyuan & Hsinchu. Furthermore, because of the rainfall on March and during summer, the river water was sometimes more turbid. On the other hand, the seasonal results of 43 coastal monitoring spots for the 8 marine water regions appear that only DO was ever found exceeding their relative marine water quality standards in Keelung and Taipei. In addition, two recreational coasts has been intensively monitoring once every two weeks during summer period between June and September. Generally, besides the Fulong beach was found exceeding the water quality standard on June 20, the water quality of these two coastal regions seems to be good. Regarding on the reservoir water quality, the resulf of 47 monitoring spots for the dams shows that reservoirs in Keelung and Feitsui Reservoir was between oligotrophic and mesotrophic, the other reserviors in north Taiwan were between mesotrophic and eutrophic, and the reservoirs in Kin Men and Matsu were analyses to be on a situation of eutrophication. Finally, for those 120 ground water monitoring wells within 7 municipal regions in northern Taiwan, NH3-N, Fe and Mn reach the Ground Water Monitoring Standard in second category. 094 監資處 精湛環境股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4782
紡織業之事業廢棄物清理技術調查評估計畫 本計畫針對環保署選定15個行業別之一的紡織業業(包含紡紗業、織布業、不織布業、其他紡織業等),進行廢棄物種類特性調查及建立未來管理規範。主要成果以下事項:(1)完成紡織業總廢棄物申報量之調查工作,含各種廢棄物種類及數量、處理技術及再利用流向之統計工作。(2)完成紡織業製程代碼之建議修改方案,以符合紡織業特有的製程特性。(3)彙整現場訪查及問卷資料,整理各製程單元原物料與廢棄物產出之對照表,共完成11個紡織業製程代碼與廢棄物關聯表。(4)依據ITIS產業資料庫及管制中心資料庫合併後之統計資料,共發放2612家紡織業問卷調查,問卷回收率91.8%。(5)完成40家紡織業及11家廢棄物資源回收再利用機構之清理計畫書查核及現場訪查。(6)完成廢棄物採樣及檢測:以TCLP分析方法進行廢棄物有害特性確認,分析屬於無害性污泥,以ICP/AES、FTIR及GC/MS分析方法協助建立廢棄物之指紋資料。(7)調查紡織業廢棄量較大之污泥、煤灰、廢纖維、廢木材、DMF等之處理流向及再利用方式,並提出推動零廢棄與後續管理之具體建議。(8)蒐集彙整國外紡織品相關的法令規範與廢棄物處理及再利用技術 The Investigation of the Waste Collection and Treatment Technology in the Textile Industry The main achievements accomplished in this project for spinning, weaving, non-woven and other textile industries are listed below:(1)Completed the investigation of the wastes including the waste characteristics, quantities, treatment technologies and the transportation for reuse and recycling in textile industries.(2)Proposed the amendment of the manufacturing process codes for textile industries.(3)Collected the information from onsite audit and questionnaire survey to accomplish the connection table of manufacturing process units and produced wastes.(4)Surveyed the waste production situation by questionnaire and accomplished 91.8% returns-ratio.(5)Completed onsite audit of 40 manufacturing plants and 11 companies treating or reusing the textile wastes.(6)Accomplished the waste sampling and testing for identification of the waste toxicity and establishment of the waste fingerprint information database.(7)Investigated the treatment transportation and recycling method for the main wastes and proposed the draft of the zero waste.(8)Collected the foreign management policy and recycling technologies for the textile industries. 094 廢管處 財團法人紡織產業綜合研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4270
環境影響評估總量管制資料之建置與更新 本計畫以淡水河流域為範圍,跨縣市彙整環境敏感地、空氣品質、水體水質、水資源、土壤品質、交通、土地利用、廢棄物等環境因子1980至2004年環境變遷資料,並進行各環境因子總量管制分析、管制基準研擬、以及各環境因子總量管制政策實施成效評估與模擬,以為後續淡水河流域環境管理、環境影響評估審查之參考與應用。 Dataset Builds up and Renews of Total Load Control Plan for Environmental Impact Assessment Objective of this project is to set up data set for EIA and total load control in Dasuie river watershed. The results of this project included data collection from 1980 to 2004 of environmental sensitivity area, air quality, water quality, water source, soil quality, transportation, land use and waste. Then, total load control analysis, control standards set up, and efficiency of total control policy simulation are practiced at every environmental factor in Dasuie river watershed. 094 綜計處 中國文化大學環境設計學院景觀學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4268
九十四年環境水質南區監測計畫 本計畫主要針對南區九縣市各類水體水質監測,掌握各水體水質時間變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。河川水質計有30條河川主支流,107個監測站,於每月監測一次,94年03~05月皆無明顯降雨屬枯水期,河水乾涸,河川污染物濃度偏高,造成嚴重污染比例偏高,其餘各月則因降雨豐沛,懸浮固體偏高,以致未稍受污染程度偏低,中度污染程度超過50%。海域水質計有8個沿海區域,42個監測站,於每季監測一次,除第二季因沿岸測站測點位置略有變動外,其餘各季沿岸測站受河口感潮影響,無機鹽類濃度較高,而大鵬灣沿海測站則因藻類作用,pH有不符合海域環境品質標準之現象。近岸休憩海域水質計有5個休憩海域,15個監測站,於6~9月每兩週監測一次,其中水質以杉原海水浴場較佳。水庫水質計有16個水庫,42個監測站,於每季監測一次,今年為降雨豐沛,各水庫大致呈現普養狀態。地下水水質計有9縣市,189個監測井,各縣市達監測基準之比率介於10%~90%,其中達地下水污染第二類監測基準主要項目為氨氮、鐵、錳。 Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Southern Area of Taiwan The goal of this project is to monitor the water qualities of nine cities and counties located in the southern area of Taiwan, and to proceed with the analysis of degree of pollution to various water bodies through understanding the trend of variation of various water qualities with time, the result of this investigation can provide grounds for policy making to environmental protection authorities. For river quality, there were 30 rivers, including main streams and sub-streams being monitored, 107 sampling sites were monitored monthly. Since there was a major water shortage for this year, particularly there were no rainfalls during the period from March to May, a part of rivers were nearly dried up, the test results for most pollutants were high, and thus the percentage of serious pollution would tend to look high. For ocean monitoring, there were 8 coastal areas being monitored, 42 sampling sites were monitored quarterly. Since the estuary areas were affected by the river during high tide, the concentrations of the inorganic salts were high in 1st quarter. There were also 5 beaches being monitored, 15 sampling sites were monitored biweekly during period of June to September. Among the 5 beaches, the water quality of Shan-yuan Beach was the best. Sixteen water reservoirs, 42 sampling sites were monitored quarterly, water levels had all reached the alarm level due to water shortage in 2nd quarter, eutrophication phenomena were observed for most of the water reservoirs. There were 189 ground water sampling sites for the nine cities and counties being monitored quarterly, with the exception of Tai Dong County, ammonia nitrogen, iron, and manganese were the major items with results that reached the regulatory monitoring criteria. The failing rates are between 10 to 90% for different cities and counties. 094 監資處 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4780
環保法規標準化英譯及法規雙語網站檢索系統資料暨軟體維護專案 本專案為營造英語生活環境,因應全球化及國際化需求,依行政院頒布之全國法規英譯作業規範辦理環保法規英譯及環保法規雙語網站建置工作,並將環保法規通用術語及專業術語予以標準化納入資料庫,期望因雙語化環境之建置,能與外界建立良好的溝通互動管道,並達到環保法規全球化、無紙化及資訊化之環境。 ROC Environmental Law Standardized Translation and Bilingual Web Search System Data and Software Maintenance Project The Environmental Law Standardized English Translation and Bilingual Law Website Search and Software Project was implemented as part of Taiwan's effort to create an English living environment and address the need for enhanced international communication on environmental topics. Conducted in accordance with national English translation standards for laws and regulations as well as accessibility and bilinguality standards for web development as established by the Research, Evaluation and Development Commission, the project greatly increased the number of ROC environmental laws and regulations available in English and further added to the corpus of standardized terminology. The original Chinese laws, English translations and corresponding lexical data was also put into a database and made available online in a convenient bilingual format. The resulting website is expected to provide an effective channel and information-rich interactive platform for local and international communication on Taiwan's environmental laws. 094 法規會 精粹有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4266
事業廢水污染預防及防治管理工作計畫 台灣近幾年來工商業發展迅速,半導體、光電工業、生技產業及餐飲服務業等行業更是急速成長,單純的從傳統的管末處理進行管制並無法改善前述行業之環保問題,且環保單位對於許可證之功能性實質審查也無法落實,故本計畫基於污染預防之角度出發,提出相關之管理方案。為了有效提升許可品質,本計畫已協助完成環保單位委託技師專業單位進行許可功能審查之規劃及推動,並提出技師簽證時機應包含施工階段之全程參與內容,及簽證不實採違規計點等懲處建議。藉由14家相關產業之現地調查,及召開相關研商會議後,對於光電產業廢水所含氮、磷濃度應加以管制,半導體業之化學研磨廢水管制方式則應改為透視度及濁度,至於生技產業則應規範相關業者增設去活化設備,期以預防管理加強此類新興產業之污染防治。透過分級分類管理方式,未來自來水水源水質保護區內之餐飲業,將向下加嚴納入廢水量10CMD以上之業者,以杜絕小型餐廳對於飲用水安全之危害,另外並將要求普遍裝設油脂截留器,並提供環保單位設備查核依據,以督促業者正常操作,降低餐飲廢水之污染。 Pollution Prevention and Management Works of Industrial Wastewater With the rapid economic growth in Taiwan recently years, Taiwan has experienced new pollution control problems from semiconductor, optoelectronics, and biotechnology industries. Traditional end-of pipe treatment is no longer the only solution for these problems. Lack of experienced engineer limited local environmental agency in reviewing discharge permit proposal. The “Pollution Prevention and Management Works of Industrial Wastewater” project studied the above problems and provided practical suggestions to environmental administration office.This project has designed the standardized contract format for local EPA to consign the review works of discharge permit proposal to Professional Engineer (PE) Association. Professional Engineer will then play more important roles in local environmental administration service. On site survey of 14 factories and 10 meetings between EPA and industries were proceeded in this project. The results of the survey and summaries of the meetings provided suggestions to mitigate the impact of inorganic nutrients (ie. N and P), iodine ion, arsenic, nano-particles, and infectious wastewater discharged from semiconductor, optoelectronics, and biotechnology industries. The Best Available Technologies (BAT) to treat and control the discharge of the above pollutants are also evaluated. For those median and small restaurants in water preservation area, regulation will be enforced to any restaurant that discharged over 10 CMD of wastewater. Grease and oil treating equipment are required for these restaurants. 094 水保處 工研院環安中心 曾治乾 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4264
環境衛生用藥劑型標準規格研究 為了因應環境衛生用藥在國際上的流通與其產品規格的國際化,本研究在於提出國際標準相調和的環境衛生用藥劑型規格,以提昇環境用藥品質,確保消費者用藥之安全與防治效能。本研究以世界衛生組織 (WHO)、聯合國糧農組織(FAO)和其他國際組織分別訂定之殺蟲劑劑型品質規範作為評估使用之依據。本(九十四)年度完成了下列工作:1、建立環境衛生用藥各類劑型規格規範,以作為主管機關執行查驗登記環境衛生用藥有統一之登記原則;2、完成現有環境衛生用藥成品劑型清單,同時完成固體劑型分類檢測技術;3、訂定現有環境衛生用藥劑型規格規範,完成檢測機構資源及檢驗費用之評估。經由研究調查顯示,目前國際上通用之環境衛生用藥劑型主要種類計68種,其劑型名稱、代碼與定義可做為國內申請查驗之規範。為與國際上之環境衛生用藥之劑型分類相調和,環境衛生用藥採用劑型之形態和施用方法來分類,即分為原體(Technical material)與成品製劑,而成品製劑則分為固體劑型、液體劑型與特殊劑型三種,以達到方便管理與使用之目的。經由本研究調查發現,國內環境衛生用藥檢測機構資源不足,產品劑型規格仍未能完全符合現有國際規格,因此,在檢測機構與產品劑型規格方面仍須極積進行輔導工作。經由申請檢測環境衛生用藥意願調查結果發現,現行環境檢測機構大多數沒有意願參檢測工作,其最主要原因為沒有檢驗設備與人力、沒有市場、欠缺標準檢驗方法與與政策未推動。因此,建立環境衛生用藥劑型規格規範後,仍須發展環境衛生用藥各種理化性質檢驗方法,同時列為政府優先推動之工作。 Research of the Standard and Specification of Formulations in Environmental Sanitation Pesticides In response to the international circulation and product standardization of pesticides used in environmental sanitation, this research addressed the formulation specification for environmental sanitation pesticides according to international standard to raise the quality of environmental sanitation pesticides and to assure users’ safety in using pesticides and prevention / treatment effect. This research uses the insecticide formulation and quality norm separately set up by World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and other international organizations for the basis of usage assessment. This year, 2005, the completed are listed below:1. Setting up various formulation specification norms for environmental sanitation pesticides for the authorities to base on when executing examinations and registrations of the pesticides as a uniform registration principle.2. The finished goods formulation list for environmental sanitation pesticides and also the classification examination techniques for solid formulations completed.3. Setting up formulation specification norm for existing environmental sanitation pesticides and completing the assessment of resources and examination fee of the examination institutes.Shown by research investigation, there are 68 formulations of environmental sanitation pesticides presently in general use; their formulation names, codes and definitions can be used as the norm for application for examination domestically. In order to coordinate with international formulation classification of environmental sanitation pesticides, their formulation morphology and application methods were used for classification, i.e. separated into technical materials and finished goods formulations; while the finished goods preparations were separated into 3 kinds of solid formulation, liquid formulation and special formulation for convenience of organization and application purposes.Found by this research investigation, the resources of domestic examination institutes for environmental sanitation pesticides are insufficient and product formulation specifications are still unable of completely meeting current international specifications; so there are needs in active assistance work in the respects of examination institutes and product formulation specifications.Found through the investigation of willingness in applying for examination into environmental sanitation pesticides, existing examination institutes are mostly unwilling to participate in examination works. The main reasons are lack of equipment , manpower , market, examination method, and policy promotion. So, in establishing formulation norm specifications of environmental sanitation pesticides, development of various examination methods for physical – chemical properties of environmental sanitation pesticides should be listed as the priority of the government. 094 毒管處 中華環境有害生物防治協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4262
放流水標準支援計畫 基於養豬業不斷陳情放流水標準過於嚴苛,為檢討我國標準是否合理,本計畫詳細蒐集日本、韓國、馬來西亞、美國、丹麥及荷蘭等6國養豬業放流水之管制精神、內涵、方式、標準及環境品質影響等,以及簡單蒐集新加坡、中國、越南、菲律賓、澳洲、芬蘭、英國、法國及義大利等9國之養豬業放流水標準,據以提出標準寬嚴之比較及我國之適用性。 為分析環境溫度對三段式廢水處理設施處理排放水水質之影響,由29場養豬場之放流水質分析結果指出,正常開機操作下多數可符合標準,惟硬體設施與軟體操作不理想之狀況下,放流水質會遠高於標準2~30倍以上,此影響並非溫度所致。評估較低溫10~15℃對第二段厭氧處理出流水質濃度會有所影響,但後續之第三段好氧處理負擔均在活性污泥可處理範圍內,故放流水質與溫度適宜時(25~30℃)之差異不大。統計3~11月之SSave、BODave及CODave分別為 35mg/L、49mg/L及200mg/L;而至少80%可達到之SSP80、BODP80及CODP80分別為49mg/L、76mg/L及299mg/L,均已可符合現行標準,更反應目前COD管制?600mg/L相當寬鬆。養豬廢水之大部分有機物可藉由廢水處理流程所分解,由COD去除率達95%以上評估難分解物質含量有限。 為瞭解養豬廢水對水體之影響,以90年高屏溪水源區拆除約46.6萬頭豬之水質進行分析,其原水氨氮濃度顯著降低至0.3mg/L以下,上游之氨氮達成水體水質標準之合格率明顯從0%提昇至75~100%。最後,依據各國排放標準及相關科學性數據,提出放流水標準說帖,並舉辦二場專家學者討論會。基於我國現行養豬業放流水標準已較歷年管制?、較我國其他行業、較其他國家為寬鬆,同時我國養豬密度居全球第三、環境負荷亞洲第一,我國養豬業放流水標準應不宜再放寬,且理應較各國為嚴格。因應加入WTO之國際壓力,更應仿效採用「作業標準」之歐美或日本諸國,致力於低污染飼養技術與堆肥再利用等源頭減廢工作,方可減輕管末處理的困境與成本。 Effluent Standard Support Project Because the swine farming industry has been complaining about the strict effluent standards, one of the main tasks is to review whether these standards are applicable by referring to the detailed collected information on livestock effluent controls in Japan, Korea, Malaysia, America, Denmark, and the Netherlands. Additionally, simplified information in some countries are collected for analysis, comparison and applicability study as well.In a study about analyzing the effect of temperature on the three-stage wastewater treatment process, the result points out that the water quality discharged by 29 swine farms meet the effluent standards on the condition that the treatment facilities are under normal operation. However, if the hardware facilities or the operators failed to perform well, the effluent would exceed the standards by 2 to 30 times, which has nothing to do with temperature. It is estimated that although the lowered temperature of 10~15℃would influence the second stage of anaerobic digestion, the third stage of aerobic treatment could show a better process performance. Therefore, no significant differences in SS, BOD and COD concentrations of the final effluent were observed between a lowered temperature of 10~15℃ and an appropriate temperature of 25~30℃. From 2005 March to November, the values of SSave, BODave, and CODave were 35, 49 and 200mg/L and the values of SSP80, BODP80 and CODP80 were 49, 76 and 299mg/L respectively, which complied with the present standards. It is reported that the present maximum limit of COD is fairly lax. To understand the effect of swine wastewater on the water bodies, the water quality of the source water protection zones in Kao-Ping Creek is to study, where approximately 466 thousands heads of swine had been cut down by 2000. After that, the NH3-N concentration fell under 0.3mg/L, greatly improving the compliance from 0% to 75~100%.Finally, it is suggested that our livestock effluent standards should be tougher. The reasons are that our standards are less strict than those of other industries and of other countries. Moreover, our high swine density is ranked number three around the world (number one in Asia). To relieve the pressure of joining the WTO, our government should refer to some advanced countries as role model by adopting their performance standards. By devoting to source waste deduction measures, we can thus reduce the cost of swine wastewater treatment. 094 水保處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4260
以生態工法淨化水庫水質控制優養化研究計畫 本計畫重要成果摘要如下:(一)蒐提國內水庫歷年報告及基本資料,顯現多為逐漸加重優養化之趨勢,內部氮磷污染來源則為水庫集水區等外部而來,去除方法建議以曝氣之方式來去除氮磷等污染物。另外優養化之改善亦可以:1. 物理方式:攪動水體、放流中底層水、遮光等方法。2. 化學方法:硫酸銅等殺藻劑,改變水中營養鹽組成。3. 生物方法:放養魚類或抑制藻類生物與人工溼地等。(二)本計畫同時收集美國、日本、歐洲及中國大陸湖泊水庫營養鹽控制策略及案例分析,國外有使用蘆葦、菱角與布袋蓮等方式控制優養化之案例,並以曝氣方式控制與打破分層,來抑制優養化。其曝氣之動力來源則以風力與太陽能,以節省能源。(三)本計畫並完成邀請相關機關團體、專家學者辦理北、中、南部共9場座談會及1場全國水庫庫區控制優養化技術研討會;最後選定蘭潭水庫及新山水庫列為最優先整治之水庫:1. 蘭潭水庫:入流口設置一處人工溼地,經費約5000萬元,每年操作維修費200萬元。增設及維修曝氣設備2066萬元,每年操作維修費100萬元。2. 新山水庫:增設2座曝氣設備經費3000萬元,每年操作維修費500萬元。進水沉澱池5000萬元,每年操作維修費500萬元。水質自動監測設備300萬元,每年操作維修費50萬元。 Eutrophication control for reservoir water quality by ecological engineering The accomplishment of this study is summarized as follows:1. Following a review of the gathered study reports, data, and information, excessive nitrogen and phosphorus loads from the watershed are identified as the main cause of increasing eutrophication in Taiwan’s reservoirs. Reaeration is recommended to be the main practice to control reservoir eutrophication. In addition, the following mitigative measures are also recommended:(a) Physical processes: water column destratification, selective withdrawal, and shading(b) Chemical processes: using copper sulfate to kill algae and changing the nutrient composition in the water column(c) Biological processes: fish farming, algal growth control, and man-made wetland construction2. Other practices for lake and reservoir eutrophication control are also identified from a number of case studies in US, Japan, Europe, and China. They include growth aquatic species such as Phragmites communis L., Trapa natans L. var. bicornis Mak., and Eichhornia crassipes Solms to control eutrophication. In addition, reaeration and destratification are used to reduce reservoir eutrophication, with wind power and solar energy as the main power source to save energy.3. Data and information analyzed were presented at 9 regional technical workshops in northern, central, and southern Taiwan and one national workshop. Experts from academia, research institutions, regulatory agencies, and stake holders were invited to attend and to critique the results. Shinsan and Lantan Reservoirs have been identified as the first sites for implementing eutrophication control.(a) Lantan Reservoir: a man-made wetland (NT$50M as the construction cost; NT$2M as annual operating cost. Additional reaeration equipment (NT$20.66 as construction cost and NT$1M as annual operation and maintenance cost)(b) Shinsan Reservoir: 2 reaeration facility (NT$30M for construction and NT$ 5M as annual operation and maintenance cost); Sedimentation Pond (NT$50M as construction cost and NT$5M as annual maintenance cost); and automatic water quality monitoring facility (NT$3M and NT$0.5M for construction and annual operation and maintenance) 094 水保處 台大土木系 郭振泰 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4258
守望淡水河志工培力及巡守計畫 本計畫完成下列9項工作:1.舉辦「社區大學水資源課程觀摩研討會」一場。2.舉辦6場次「淡水河巡守義工培力工作坊」,共計培訓300位河川巡守義工。3.開闢『環境監督社區群組』http://www2.coolloud.org.tw/user/emcc/xoops/modules/tinyd0/ 定期將一些社團巡守活動的資訊及本計畫舉辦願景工作坊相關手冊文章放上網。並對外宣傳讓更多人來使用這一個免費的學習、經驗交流的平台。4.親水步道調查與巡守,開闢10條親水步道。5.巡守志工標準作業程序。6. 淡水河巡守宣導摺頁製作。7. 進行7次河流相關公私部門拜訪。8. 舉辦「假日河川巡守成果發表」與「水質監測日河川巡守成果發表」。9. 巡守通報6次(處罰有兩件)與媒體行銷(共計10次)。本計畫綜合以上工作之成果,對未來「河川義工培力及巡守專案工作」提出建議:包含河川義工的擴大招募與培力、遊說政府相關單位設立河流巡守報案專線牌、鼓勵地方政府定期將河川管制的資訊公開、促進民間團體巡守經驗交流、持續建立親水步道並發展流域巡守會師、透過培養河岸導覽解說人員推展定時定點解說、跨媒體聯繫進行河川關懷報導與訊息傳遞,以收擴大淡水河守望的能見度。 The Volunteer-Training and River-Patrolling Work for Watching and Protecting the Tamshui River We finished nine main work items in this project:1. To hold a learning seminar on courses in water resource at community colleges.2. To hold six workshops on training volunteers for river patrol of the Tamshui River, training 300 volunteers in total to protect the Tamshui River.3. To set up the Environment Monitoring Communities Collective (EMCC;http://www2.coolloud.org.tw/user/emcc/xoops/modules/tinyd0/), routinely posting information of group patrol activities and articles related to the vision workshops held by this project; to promote this platform of free learning and experience interchange to attract more people to use it.4. To survey the trails by the riversides of the Tamshui River and conduct river patrol.5. To set up standard operating procedures of volunteers for river patrol.6. To make promotional brochures of patrolling the Tamshui River.7. To visit the river-related public and private sectors.8. To hold exhibitions of displaying the outcomes of the river patrols on holidays and those on water quality monitoring days.9. To report patrol results and engage in media marketing.This project integrates the outcomes of the work items mentioned above and proposes the following suggestions for similar projects of river volunteers training and river patrol in the future. To broaden the visibility of guarding the Tamshui River, they include recruiting river volunteers on a broader scale and training them, lobbying related governmental units to set up placards of the reporting hotline for river patrol, encouraging local governments to routinely disclose the information of river control, promoting non-governmental groups to exchange experiences, continuing establishing trails by the riversides of the Tamshui River and holding force-joining activities of patrols around the Tamshui River Basin, promoting fixed-time and fixed-spot interpretation by developing personnel of guiding and interpreting work by riversides, and interconnecting with media to report and distribute information of caring for the Tamshui River. 094 水保處 綠色公民行動聯盟 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4256
各縣市執行水質維護改善綜合管理計畫 完成94年度各縣市水質維護改善計畫績效考評內容包含制定績效考評作業、召開審查委員及縣市說明會、進行三次現地考評作業等,並於94年10月18日假宜蘭縣進行工作執行成果檢討及縣市觀摩會,供第二次及年終現地績效考評之參考。  完成94年度12場次工程查核作業,其中十處工程評定為甲等,二處工程評定為乙等。常見缺失為文件資料及工程品質。已於94年12月2日假高雄縣政府辦理工程查核觀摩會。完成其他相關單位評鑑作業優缺點比較分析及本年度考評優缺點改善方案,納入95年績效考評要點。  完成資料建置與查詢系統功能擴充,並新增照片上傳功能及彙整90年至94年資料及2,500張成果照片。除此之外,亦完成「水質維護改善計畫-資料上傳及意見交流網站」建置及教育訓練,供中央、地方意見交流之需。  完成協助辦理95年度委辦及補助計畫審核工作,包括補助原則擬定、召開各縣市說明會、11場次分區審查會議等,共協助審核54件計畫。  完成水質指標評選作業,並進行問卷調查,結果顯示,水質指標展現多數喜好笑臉符號及地圖+活動圖形  綠色國民所得93年點源污染排放量估算結果為BOD 121,965噸/年、COD 277,165噸/年、SS 117,573噸/年及NH3-N 21,954噸/年。養豬業操作維護費介於10,197~62,231元/噸BOD,其中規模越大操作維護成本越低。高屏溪生化需氧量需削減10,400kg/day、氨氮需削減4,984kg/day;朴子溪於嘉義北排上游河段氨氮需削減302kg/day,才能達成水體分類水質標準。 Water Quality Improvement Management Project for Local Government Completion of 2005 annual water quality improvement assessment at all counties, including establishing assessment procedures, conducting seminars for the assessors’ and county government, and holding 3 on-site assessments. A showcasing event was held on 2005/10/18 at I-Lan County, and was used as a reference for the second and final on-site assessment. 12 engineering audits were completed in 2005. Among them, 10 were graded as “good”, 2 were graded as “normal”. Common non-compliances included inappropriate documentation and engineering quality. A showcasing event for engineering auditing has been held on 2005/12/02 at the Kaohsiung County. Assessments on local government by other parallel departments have been completed, and action plans for improvement have been proposed and included in the assessment in the following year.The data build function and query system expansion have been completed, and 2,500 photos have been uploaded following the development of the photo upload feature. Additionally, “water quality maintenance and improvement plan – data upload and discussion forum website” has been developed, and training has been conducted to facilitate idea exchanges between the central and local governments. Assistance to reviewing the 2006 outsourcing and funding projects has been provided, which included developing funding guidelines, running seminars at different counties and cities, and 11 regional assessment meetings. Overall 54 projects have been assessed. Water quality indicator selection procedures have been completed, and survey by questionnaire conducted. The outcome indicated that symbols and maps were the preferred indicators.Estimations of the 2004 Green GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for point source pollutant loading were determined to be 121,965 tons/yr-BOD, 277,165 tons/yr-COD, 117,573 tons/yr-SS, and 21,954 tons/yr-NH3-N. The operating and maintenance cost of pig farming was between 10,197 and 62,231 dollars/ton-BOD, and the cost reduced as scale of farming increased. A reduction of 10,400 kg/day-BOD and 4,984 kg/day-NH3-N at Kaoping river, and a reduction of 302 kg/day-NH3-N at the upper reaches of Putzi river would be needed if the water quality compliances were to be achieved. 094 水保處 美商傑明工程顧問股份有限公司台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4254
跨部會環境水質監測資訊整合計畫(第一階段) 政府單位一直以來即積極推動水源的開發與管理,目前全國性環境水質監測作業的所有監測採樣檢驗工作,係將全國分北、中、南三區,分別由合格代檢測公司進行各水體各項水質監測的工作。現階段已經完成了全省河川、水庫、地下水水質及海域的定期監測,並將資料整合至環保署水質資料庫,以供初步統計與分析之用。本計畫藉由資訊管理、網際傳輸以及WebGIS(網際網路地理資訊系統)的技術,在後端提供了完整的水質資料檢核流程功能,將所有監測數據透過一連串的科學化評核機制,如採樣記錄及實驗記錄審查輔助功能、異常數據篩選功能、審查會議輔助功能等等,而提升監測資料的品質及有效管理品保流程;在前端展現方面,除了整合其他機關的水質水量資訊而強化資料流通及應用外,透過電腦資料處理,將空間分布特性、統計分析、水質異常警訊等,以圖形化、親切化之介面展示,更提升了水質監測的決策支援即時性作為決策的參考。本專案達成的目標有:(一) 開發水質監測資料品保、統計分析及GIS應用系統,提昇水質監測資料庫功能。(二) 整合水質監測及地理圖資,提供網際地理資訊系統之互動式查詢及展示介面。(三) 跨部會水質、水量監測資訊的整合,提供展示交流平臺。 The Project (I) of the Cross-Departmental Informative Integration Program about Water Monitoring The exploitation and management of water resources has been the most important policy of government, especially, the monitoring of water quality, divided into northern, central and southern regions, is executed by certified companies. Nowadays, the database of water periodical quality including rivers, reservoirs, groundwater and seas has been collected for years by EPA for elementary statistics and analysis.This system has integrated complete processes of water quality of Quality Assurance/Quality Control via serial science reasonable examination, such as report examination of sampling and laboratory, filtering out of extraordinary data, and assist function of censor meeting to promote the quality and management during the process. Furthermore, the system not only exchanges data from other units also displays the spatial distributing, advanced statistical analysis and unusual warning of water quality with friendly and graphical users’ interface(GUI). All of the information is very valuable and necessary for decision support in time.The goals of this system are1.Accomplish the Quality Assurance/Quality Control process, statistical analysis, GIS application of water quality for enhancing the database.2.Display the sequential and spatial data of water quality in a interactive GIS based on internet technique. 3.Establish an inquiry system and database center including quality and quantity of water among administrations. 094 監資處 銳俤科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4252
以生態工法去除水庫集水區營養源研究計畫 本計劃之目標如下:一、 蒐集國內10座優養化水庫集水區近10年以上研究、調查報告及論文,完成水庫基本資料建檔,並分析提出各座水庫集水區之入庫溪流污染量、逕流污染量、逕流係數、至少5年以上污染量趨勢、各座水庫氮磷污染來源、去除水庫集水區氮磷方法、去除方法施作結果之工法(生態工法、現地處理工法)類別及適用條件、去除效率及建設、維護操作成本等分析、集水區土地使用情形與優養化關係。二、 蒐集10年以上美國、日本等國家去除水庫集水區營養鹽現地處理、生態工法報告及研究資料,分析提出: (一) 各現地處理、生態工法去除集水區氮磷之案例分析、工法類別、反應機制、適用條件、去除效率、操作維護成本等。 (二) 去除水庫集水區氮磷之策略。三、 邀相關機關團體、專家學者辦理十場座談會,並提出可行的分年持續研究的方向、計畫內容及行動計畫。 Removing Nutrient Sources for Reservoir Watersheds by Using Ecological Engineering Approaches The purpose of this project (I) to establish the background data file for the 10 major eutrophic reservoir in Taiwan area, that contents include: characteristics of reservoir, river system of reservoir basin, nutrient loading from reservoir basin, method for nutrients (N, P)control, the subjection for individual eutrophic reservoir for the ecotechnology maitance cost, operation condition, the relationship between land use and reservoir eutrophication, or on engineering for nutrients control; and 5-year nutrient loading change.(II)Collection 10 year duration papers and in formations from Japan and U.S.A. about nutrients control methods (BMPs, ecotechnology). And giving the subjection for: on sit practical technology; cases analysis of ecotechnology for nutrients control for reservoir watershed, classification for engineering methodology, reaction mechanism, operation condition, maintenance cost; nutrients control strategies for reservoir watershed. In order to meet the purpose of this study, 10 series conferences that invading academicians, regulatory officials, manager of reservoir, experts, were meted. We were focused on discussing practical of the ecotechnology that would be useful to the nutrients control for reservoir watershed. 094 水保處 溫清光 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4250
新竹縣及苗栗縣二座焚化廠興建政策評估民意調查 為妥善處理垃圾,民國80年訂定「垃圾處理方案」,以「焚化為主、掩埋為輔」,同年核定「台灣地區垃圾資源回收(焚化)廠興建工程計畫」(預計興建21座廠);後因焚化廠興建經費龐大,期結合民間力量,避免影響政府財政調度,於85年再訂定「鼓勵公民營機構(BOO/BOT)興建營運垃圾焚化廠推動方案」(預計興建15廠),原預計興建共36座廠。惟執行以來,迭遭民眾抗爭、土地取得困難等因素,並隨著87年推動資源回收以後,資源回收率已大幅提昇,待處理垃圾量大幅減少,幾經檢討已刪減9座廠,修正興建為27座廠。目前外界對於27座廠處理容量高於待處理垃圾量質疑,要求檢討聲浪不斷,為了解民眾對新竹縣及苗栗縣二座焚化爐興建政策的看法,特委託辦理民意調查,作為興建政策評估的重要參考。本次調查共成功訪問3,764個有效樣本,在信心水準為95%之下,抽樣誤差範圍為正負2.9%。調查結果摘要如下:一、四成一的民眾不贊成停建新竹縣及苗栗縣二座焚化爐在不知道新竹縣及苗栗縣二座焚化爐目前興建狀況時,四成一的民眾不贊成停建新竹縣及苗栗縣二座焚化爐,三成九贊成停建,不贊成與贊成的比例相差不大。二、若停建新竹縣焚化爐,五成九的民眾不贊成跨縣市轉運方式處理垃圾,不贊成的主要原因是認為「垃圾應於境內處理,縣市需有自主處理設施」。若政府停建新竹縣焚化爐,五成九的民眾不贊成跨縣市轉運方式處理垃圾,不贊成跨縣轉運垃圾的主要原因是認為「垃圾應於境內處理,縣市需有自主處理設施」;三成六民眾贊成在停建新竹縣焚化爐時,以跨縣市轉運方式處理垃圾。三、若停建費用小於續建費用時,五成民眾不贊成停建新竹縣焚化爐;若停建費用大於續建費用時,七成二的民眾不贊成停建新竹縣焚化爐。若停建費用小於續建費用時,五成的民眾不贊成停建新竹縣焚化爐,不贊成停建的主要原因為「動工後再停工造成前面投入的資源浪費」;而有四成三的民眾贊成停建,贊成停建的主要原因是認為「停建政府投入總費用比續建低,有利於財政」。若告知停建費用大於續建費用時,七成二的民眾不贊成停建新竹縣焚化爐,不贊成停建的主要原因是「動工後再停工造成前面投入的資源浪費」;二成一的民眾贊成停建,贊成停建的主要原因為「目前焚化爐數量已經足夠處理全國垃圾量」。四、若停建苗栗縣焚化爐,六成一的民眾不贊成跨縣市轉運方式處理垃圾,不贊成的主要原因是認為「垃圾應於境內處理,縣市需有自主處理設施」。若政府停建苗栗縣焚化爐,六成一的民眾不贊成跨縣市轉運方式處理垃圾,不贊成的主要原因為「垃圾應於境內處理,縣市需有自主處理設施」;三成四民眾贊成在停建苗栗縣焚化爐時,以跨縣市轉運方式處理垃圾。五、若停建費用小於續建費用時,五成五民眾不贊成停建苗栗縣焚化爐;若停建費用大於續建費用時,七成五的民眾不贊成停建苗栗縣焚化爐。若停建費用小於續建費用時,五成五的民眾不贊成停建苗栗縣焚化爐,不贊成停建的主要原因為「動工後再停工造成前面投入的資源浪費」;三成九的民眾贊成停建苗栗縣焚化爐,贊成停建的主要原因為「停建政府投入總費用比續建低,有利於財政」。若停建費用大於續建費用時,七成五的民眾不贊成停建苗栗縣焚化爐,不贊成停建的主要原因為「動工後再停工造成前面投入的資源浪費」;有一成八的民眾贊成停建苗栗縣焚化爐,贊成停建的主要原因為「目前焚化爐數量已經足夠處理全國垃圾量」。 Assessment Poll on the Setting Up of 2 Incinerators in Hsinchu and Miaoli In order to comprehend public opinions on the policy of setting up 2 incinerators in Hsinchu and Miaoli, this poll was implemented for providing references for the policy assessment. This poll makes a total of 3,764 successful samples. With a confidence level of 95%, the sampling tolerance is +/- 2.9%. The outcome is summarized as follows:1. 41% of the public disapproves stopping the 2 incinerators in Hsinchu and Miaoli.2. If construction of the Hsinchu incinerator is to be stopped, 59% of the public disapproves a cross-boarder transfer for handling waste treatment, of which the main reason is that “waste treatment shall be carried out inside the territory, and a local government shall have its own facilities for carrying out the task”.3. 50% of the public disapproves stopping the construction of Hsinchu incinerator provided the cost for stopping is less than the cost for continuing. The main reason for disapproval is “waste of the previously input resources since the project has already started”. While being told that the cost for stopping is greater than the cost for continuing, 72% of the public disapproves stopping the construction of Hsinchu incinerator.4. When stopping the construction of the Miaoli incinerator, 61% of the public disapproves a cross-boarder treatment of the waste based on the reason “waste treatment shall be carried out inside the territory, and local government shall have its own facilities for carrying out the task”.5. If the cost for stopping is less than the cost for continuing, 55% of the public disapproves stopping the construction of Miaoli incinerator, based on the reason “waste of the previously input resources since the project has already started”. If the cost for stopping is greater than the cost for continuing, 75% of the public disapproves stopping the construction of Miaoli incinerator. 094 廢管處 全國意向顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4248
94年「國際環保議題研究─亞太經濟合作及台美環保議題研究」 本計畫蒐集我國在93年6月至94年4月海洋資源保育立法及執法工作之重要進展,涵蓋行政院環境保護署、行政院農業委員會、行政院海岸巡防署、內政部、港務單位及學術機構之資料,加上網路上搜尋之資料,彙整後完成我國海洋資源保育中文及英文進展報告。本計畫配合行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)促進國際交流協助環保署辦理國際性會議,包括9月26日至29日之「2005年台美雙邊回顧會議」與9月19日至21日美國「國際環境鑑識科學學會(International Society of Environmental Forensics,簡稱ISEF)」在台合辦一場「東南亞環境鑑識科學國際研討會」。在計畫執行期間分別進行會議資料蒐集、會議安排/聯繫/接待、會議紀錄製作等,提供技術性或事務性幕僚服務。本計畫包含原計畫由環保署撥予ISEF之經費美金20,000元外,本院承諾另贊助美金30,000元給ISEF支付本次會議之其他相關費用。最後因ISEF的原故本院決定全額贊助本年度之研討會。為加強「台美環境保護技術合作協定」合作關係,本計畫針對我國與美國環保署共同關切議題(主要在空氣品質保護領域)完成環保署主要業務領域近三年(91-93年)重要計畫之英文報告檔。相關議題為:1. 非法油品的管制2. 隨車徵收移動污染源空氣污染防制費之可行性評估3. 修訂船舶空氣污染排放標準4. 持續建立汞排放係數以及排放清冊資料庫5. 其他HAPs物種之排放調查與研究6. 持續推動徵收VOCs空污費報告內容包括該領域所遭遇的困難、亟需解決問題、該領域重要政策、報院方案、投入的經費、該領域所採行的措施、重要成就、未來展望及所引用的資料,作為後續雙方可以進一步合作計畫的依據。 2005 International Environmental Protection Issue Study-- We focused on organizing important achievements in developing marine resource conservation policy in the period of June, 2004 to April, 2005. The information of the achievements is collected from several governmental and academic agencies, including Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Council of Agriculture (COA), Coast Guard Administration (CGA), Ministry of interior (MOI), and Harbor Bureaus. Also, the progress of marine resource conservation in Taiwan was presented in the bilingual report. Secondly, we assisted Taiwan EPA to host two international conferences, i.e. 2005 Southeast Environmental Forensics Conference on 19 September to 21 September and 2005 TECRO and AIT Annual Meeting on Environmental Issues of Common Concern on 26 September to 29 September. The first one is co-held by International Society of Environmental Forensics (ISEF) and Taiwan EPA. Several tasks including organizing the conference proceedings and memoranda, agenda arrangement, conference hosting, professional consulting have been done during the period of the conferences. Taiwan EPA originally promised USD 20,000 for ISEF conference, and ITRI promised 30,000 for the same conference. But ITRI finally decided to fully sponsor for the conference after discussion with ISEF.To enhance the cooperation and understanding of the “Agreement between the TECRO and the AIT for the Technical Cooperation in the Field of Environment Protection”, we summarized EPA projects over past 3 years on concerned topics which was mainly focus on the field of air quality protection. The related topics list as the following:1. Unqualified Fuel Prohibition2. Feasibility Analysis of Levying Air Pollution Fee from Automobiles Consumers3. Revising the vessel air emission standard4. Establishing Mercury Emission Factors and Emission Inventory Database5. Investigation and Risk Assessment of Other HAPs Species6. Levying Air Pollution Fee of VOCThe summarized contents describe the difficulties and problems of these topics, effects, influences, and performance of the related measures and policy, achievements and the future planning, and this information would provide as the issues of the cooperation in the future. 094 永續發展室 工研院環安中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4246
車輛排氣粒狀物中多環芳香烴 本計畫之目的為開發柴油引擎車輛排氣中之粒狀物所含之含硝基多環芳香烴及多環芳香烴成分之分析方法。以此分析方法檢測柴油引擎排放粒狀物與周界空氣樣品,其數据將用於對環境人體健康之影響的評估,以作為管制政策之依據。 本方法為以dichloromethane為溶劑,索式萃取空氣樣品十六至二十小時,在萃取前先加入surrogates (internal standards);以無水硫酸鈉及濾紙過濾萃取液、氮氣吹至乾、溶解於DMSO、以正己烷萃出脂肪族化合物、DMSO層溶於水後再以環己烷萃取出極性較高的硝基多環芳香烴碳氫化合物、環己烷層濃縮後再經由高效能液相層析儀將NPAHs與其他基質分離,所有的步驟均於弱光或於使用棕色玻璃器皿中進行。濃縮至乾之沖提液溶於含內標物(recovery standard)之溶液後,以高解析度氣相層析儀-電子捕獲檢測儀或質譜儀進行檢測。 本計畫進行柴油引擎排放粒狀物樣品與周界空氣粒狀物與氣態樣品的檢測。 Development of the Analysis method of Nitrated-Polycyclic The project is to develop a method of the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nitrated-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (N-PAHs) in diesel engine emission and ambient air particles and gas phase. Data obtained will be used for the assessment of human health and environmental impact.The principle of the method is to extract NPAHs by Soxhlet apparatus for a period of 16 to 20 hours with DCM. Prior to extraction samples are spiked with a solution containing isotopically-labelled NPAHs. The extract is dried over anhydrous sodium sulphate, filtered through filters and blown down to dryness. Samples are redissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and aliphatic compounds are removed from the solution by liquid-liquid extraction with hexane.The DMSO solution is diluted with water and aromatic fraction is extracted from DMSO/water with cyclohexane.The cyclohexane fraction is concentrated and is subjected to the HPLC normal-phase fractionation on an analytical silica column with a gradient of DCM in hexane as a mobile phase. The N-PAH fraction is collected and concentrated to a known small volume for analysis. All procedures are performed under subdued yellow light and samples are placed in amber glassware or wrapped in foil as NPAH are light sensitive.Qualitative/quantitative analysis for N-PAHs is performed with a high-resolution gas chromatograph-electron capture detector or mass spectrometer (HRGC-ECD or MS). Quantification is based on the use of surrogates (isotopically-labelled compounds added before sample workup) as internal standards. An isotopically-labelled standards, added to sample extracts immediately before analysis, serve as recovery standards for the quantification of surrogate recovery.The developed method was applied to the analysis of diesel engine emission particulate matter and ambient air particle/gas phase samples. 094 環檢所 徐永源 謝建台 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4244
車輛排氣粒狀物中多環芳香烴檢測技術建立之研究 本計畫之目的為開發柴油引擎車輛排氣中之粒狀物所含之含硝基多環芳香烴及多環芳香烴成分之分析方法。以此分析方法檢測柴油引擎排放粒狀物與周界空氣樣品,其數据將用於對環境人體健康之影響的評估,以作為管制政策之依據。 本方法為以dichloromethane為溶劑,索式萃取空氣樣品十六至二十小時,在萃取前先加入surrogates (internal standards);以無水硫酸鈉及濾紙過濾萃取液、氮氣吹至乾、溶解於DMSO、以正己烷萃出脂肪族化合物、DMSO層溶於水後再以環己烷萃取出極性較高的硝基多環芳香烴碳氫化合物、環己烷層濃縮後再經由高效能液相層析儀將NPAHs與其他基質分離,所有的步驟均於弱光或於使用棕色玻璃器皿中進行。濃縮至乾之沖提液溶於含內標物(recovery standard)之溶液後,以高解析度氣相層析儀-電子捕獲檢測儀或質譜儀進行檢測。 本計畫進行柴油引擎排放粒狀物樣品與周界空氣粒狀物與氣態樣品的檢測。 Development of the Analysis method of Nitrated-Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Auto Emission Particles The project is to develop a method of the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nitrated-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (N-PAHs) in diesel engine emission and ambient air particles and gas phase. Data obtained will be used for the assessment of human health and environmental impact.The principle of the method is to extract NPAHs by Soxhlet apparatus for a period of 16 to 20 hours with DCM. Prior to extraction samples are spiked with a solution containing isotopically-labelled NPAHs. The extract is dried over anhydrous sodium sulphate, filtered through filters and blown down to dryness. Samples are redissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and aliphatic compounds are removed from the solution by liquid-liquid extraction with hexane.The DMSO solution is diluted with water and aromatic fraction is extracted from DMSO/water with cyclohexane.The cyclohexane fraction is concentrated and is subjected to the HPLC normal-phase fractionation on an analytical silica column with a gradient of DCM in hexane as a mobile phase. The N-PAH fraction is collected and concentrated to a known small volume for analysis. All procedures are performed under subdued yellow light and samples are placed in amber glassware or wrapped in foil as NPAH are light sensitive.Qualitative/quantitative analysis for N-PAHs is performed with a high-resolution gas chromatograph-electron capture detector or mass spectrometer (HRGC-ECD or MS). Quantification is based on the use of surrogates (isotopically-labelled compounds added before sample workup) as internal standards. An isotopically-labelled standards, added to sample extracts immediately before analysis, serve as recovery standards for the quantification of surrogate recovery.The developed method was applied to the analysis of diesel engine emission particulate matter and ambient air particle/gas phase samples. 094 環檢所 徐永源 謝建台 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4242
毒性化學物質災害防救技術支援體系建置計畫—南區毒災應變諮詢中心專案工作計畫 本計畫已於九十四年三月三十日完成簽約程序,依據合約完成下列工作事項:在執行強化南區毒災應變實場操練,建立石化/化工廠之毒災應變實場訓練場址與應變人員認證制度工作事項方面:完成建立認知級(Awareness Level)、操作級(Operation Level)、技術級(Technical Level)與專家級(Specialist level)演練課程之規劃;完成場地租賃建置作業及廠商「實境訓練」,藉以提昇災害發生時的應變能力及落實實作訓練。在執行強化南區毒災應變諮詢中心應變技術能量工作項目方面:完成熱影像監控傳輸系統之租賃作業與實際緊急毒災事故之應用,於災害現場進行熱危害監控,防止現場爆炸與2次火災發生;完成事故現場不明毒氣快速偵檢採樣分析與辨識技術建立,作為毒化物災害事故發生時,第一時間有效掌握危害物質名稱與種類,以減低災害的擴大;完成協助業者成立3組毒災應變團隊,期望此毒災應變隊之組成能有效提供能力不足之災害業者救災之協助;完成事故應變設備器材車之租賃作業,利於中心將大型救災設備迅速上車、送抵災區使用;在蒐集國外含環境賀爾蒙及其他各種化學品管制有關資訊案例中,將持續進行文獻資料蒐集(資料來源:www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov),並蒐集曾於國外期刊上發表的相關資料。執行強化南區毒災應變諮詢中心整備與操練能量工作項目方面:完成毒性化學物質運作廠場空氣污染濃度監測與背景值建立,總共完成29家運作場所、共234筆採樣分析及資料建檔工作;完成毒性化學物質運作場址週遭水及土壤環境採樣分析與背景直建立工作,總共完成44家運作場所知採樣與分析、共完成199件分析資料建檔;在執行辦理各縣市毒災模擬演練工作項目,完成8場次之演練工作;在收集國、內外毒災相關案例方面,完成10件國內毒化災案例之分析檢討;毒災事故案例研討會部份已於10月17~18日完成辦理「2005全國毒災事故應變案例研討會」1場次。執行收集南區毒性化學物質運作廠場防救基本資料工作項目方面:中心針對毒災資訊建置方面的工作,已建置智慧型應變資料庫查詢與傳送系統一套,並將完成之資料傳送北區毒災應變諮詢中心的「緊急應變諮詢中心資料登錄與查詢系統」資料庫建檔,已完成612家廠商建置;在更新列管編號一至五十四號之毒化物應變資料方面,已完成更新防救手冊、緊急應變卡、物質安全資料表、毒理相關資料等。在執行強化南區毒災防救體系與聯防小組災害應變能量工作項目方面:完成修訂「毒性化學物質運作?場運作與應變檢核表」;在執行南區廠場進行毒性化學物運作管理與應變輔導方面,完成40家廠商之輔導並完成15場次之ALOHA擴散模式推估其工廠所運作毒化物發生事故時可能產生之範圍;在協助環保局進行毒化物運作場所無預警測試方面,已完成35場次;中心亦舉辦南區毒災聯合防救小組含應變隊成員之組訓2場次,已於6月14日及11月15日各完成1場次;各縣市環保局、消防局及軍事單位等動員講習2場,,已於5月17日及10月4日各完成1場次;中心今年度發行三期簡訊,23、24、25期簡訊分別於五、八、十二月份發行,每期發行1,500份。在執行全年無休24小時專責人員待命工作項目方面,截至95年12月31日為止,電子媒體監控記錄共計有159件,毒災應變事故到現場諮詢案例共計有35件,詳細的報告將於本文詳述。 Setup Project of Disaster Mitigation Technology and Supporting System for Toxic Chemical Substances Incidents - Southern Center for Emergency Response of Toxic Substance Project This project completed the contacting procedure on March 30 2005. According to the contact, the following work items have been carried out and completed:On the enforcement of southern area field training capabilities for response of toxic substances, the planning of training course for awareness level, operation level, technical level, and specialist level has completed. The lease of a training field has completed, training equipment was also installed. The training program will greatly facilitate the response capability in toxic incidents.On the improvement of response capabilities of southern center, the following items have been completed: a thermal image system has been installed and applied to actual incidents to prevent the occurrence of explosion and secondary fire. A rapid field detection of unknown toxic substances is also installed and applied to actual incidents. The system allows the responders to know the identities of the toxic substances such that proper actions and precautions can be taken. Three response teams were organized from toxic substance operating facilities. The response teams aim to provide help to relevant facilities with less response experiences. A equipment truck is also leased to facilitate the shipping of large equipment. Foreign information on environmental hormone and chemical regulatory control were collected regularly from www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov and other journal articles.On the enforcement of response preparedness and practice capabilities of southern center, the following items have been completed: air pollutant monitoring has been performed for 29 operating sites with a total of 234 samples; water and soil sampling and analysis has been performed for 44 operating facilities with a total of 199 samples; 8 drills were held at different counties; 10 national and international case studies of toxic incidents were performed. Finally, the 2005 national conference on incident investigation of toxic incidents was also held on October 17~18, 2005. On the data collection of toxic substance operating facilities of southern center, the following items have been completed: a database search and transmission system is built and data pass to the north center with a total of more than 612 sets of data; revisions of MSDS, response cards, and rescue manuals of listed toxic substances no. 1~54 were made. On the enforcement of response system and response team capabilities of southern center, the following items have been completed: 40 operating facilities were visited and 15 ALOHA dispersion modeling were made; 35 unnoticed check were made to the operating facilities; two joint response trainings were held; two response mobilization trainings were also held for the local environmental bureaus, fire bridges, police bureaus etc. Three response team communications were also published on May, August, and December this year.On the 24 hours reponse work, a total of 159 media events were recorded to date and 35 on-scene response services were provided. Detailed reports will be presented in the text. 094 毒管處 國立高雄第一科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4294
九十四年度推動全國水肥妥善清理計畫 本年度(94)本計畫依工作要求完成相關工作成果,簡要說明如下:1.針對各縣市156處火車站、43處客運公司、30處監獄及11處航空站等單位進行水肥清理現況調查、水肥產生量調查及流向掌握。2.為協助各縣市落實水肥產生量與清理量的掌握,參考台北市與台中市的執行經驗,研擬水肥源頭管理機制,對於列管對象分批實施聯單申報。3.對於既有的5座水肥處理廠進行處理現況了解與執行兩階段10場次的檢測,藉以評估其處理性能,並提出缺失改善建議。4.除既有水肥處理廠外,提出工業區污水處理廠、垃圾掩埋場滲出水(含水肥)處理廠、下水道污水處理廠附設水肥投入站等替代處理設施之相關資訊做為縣市規劃水肥處理設施之參考。5.目前因大部份縣市現有的水肥處理設施不足,除台北市的設施餘裕量較大,可以提供作為協助臨近區域如基隆市、台北縣新店、三重、汐止與永和等處理水肥,故現階段水肥跨區清理計畫仍難推動。6.水肥水質因含低固體量、高水份,較難單獨進行堆肥化處理,宜與其他有機廢棄物混合再利用,如與廚餘混合進行厭氧消化產生沼氣發電的生質能源應用。7.為解決水肥處理設施不足、清運路線遠與清除處理成本高的問題,可於農業縣或偏遠鄉鎮的既有掩埋場補助設置符合法規要求的水肥加熱、腐熟與消毒設備,水肥經處理後可提供作為農地再利用用途。8.根據縣市訪查現況提出相關管制法規檢討、修法建議及水肥清除處理流向管制機制。9.邀集專家學者到25縣市環保局進行訪視輔導水肥管制執行成效,並提供改善方案。10.建置「全國各縣市水肥妥善清理推動計畫管考系統」,各縣市提報計畫內容與工作事項規劃進度,並由承辦人員每季填報執行成果,藉以追蹤各縣市水肥清理推動計畫之執行進度。11.於台北、桃園、彰化、台中及高雄分別舉辦5場次教育宣導說明會,落實水肥清運業者正確清理觀念。綜觀目前各縣市對於水肥管理的主要問題,則是水肥處理設施不足,無法提供清運業者做為合法去處,連帶可能影響包括清除機構合法化輔導與水肥妥善清理工作的推動,因此補助各縣市及協助規劃水肥處理設施,應是環保署目前推動水肥管理的首要重點工作,另外對於水肥替代方案的推動,環保署也將積極整合現有資源並協調其他部會協助來解決此水肥問題。 The promotion plan for night-soil appropriate treatment The accomplishments within this project (year 2005) were briefly listed as the followings:1.Night-soil quantity generation and flow tracking survey was conducted in 156 train stations, 43 public transportation companies, 30 prisons, and 11 airport terminals domestically. 2.To assist each agency clearly controls the night-soil quantity generation and disposal quantity, we referred to the executive experiences in Taipei and Taichung to create night-soil generation source management mechanism, and separated enlisting target businesses into different stages for manifest reporting. 3.We studied the existing 5 night-soil treatment facilities, in terms of executive condition by 10 analyses, and suggested improvement strategy.4.We offered relevant information regarding industrial sewage treatment facilities, leachate (including night-soil) treatment facilities for landfill, night-soil sewage pipe within sewage treatment facilities to the responsible agencies for planning night-soil treatment facilities. 5.Most local night-soil treatment facilities have limited treatment capacities, except Taipei City. Keelung, Sindian, Sanchong, Hsichih, and Yonghe are available to offer limited assistance on treating night-soil; hence cross-region disposal is not suitable in the existing condition.6.Night-soil contains low solid content, high water content, and hard to use it as fertilizer alone. It is suitable to mix night-soil with other organic waste, like mixing with kitchen residue to generate methane gas for electricity generation.7.To resolve the problem of limited availability of night-soil treatment facility, long disposal route, and high cost, establish night-soil heating and disinfection equipment in existing landfill located in rural and agriculture area will offer a resolution. 8.Provide suggestions for the amendment and review of relative regulations, management mechanism according to the survey conducted locally. 9.Invite scholars to 25 local environmental agencies to supervise the effectiveness of the night-soil management, and provide improvement suggestions. 10.Establish “Night-soil Proper Disposal Promotion Auditing System” to let the responsible personnel report predetermined executive schedule, content, and result of operation quarterly, in order to trace progress of the operation. 11.Five training sessions were held in Taipei, Taoyuan, Changhua, Taichung and Kaoshiung to convey correct night-soil disposal operation principles.The major problem facing by the night-soil disposal is limited availability of the night-soil treatment facility. IT will be difficult to promote proper disposal and legitimatize the disposal facilities. Subsidizing each local agency and establish night-soil treatment facility is the most important resolution. Also, EPA will actively integrate the existing resource and other central competent authorities to resolve the problem. 094 廢管處 工研院環安中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4292
電動機車維修服務專案工作計畫 本計畫主要在繼續協助接受補助購買電動機車的民眾能繼續使用電動機車或協助其處理電動機車在使用上的相關事宜,協調廠商和零組件供應商能提供電動機車使用者良好的使用環境,本年度並增加了對市場上現有輕型電動機車的使用現況與電動機車之資源共通性進行調查,期能藉由此調查,了解目前電動機車產業的狀況,作為環保署未來政策推動的參考和依據。 The electric scooter repair and maintain system project This plan mainly in continue the populace which assists to accept the subsidy purchase electric scooter to be able to continue to use the electric scooter or to assist its processing electric scooter in use related matters concerned. The coordinated merchant , the part and component supplier can provide the electric scooter user's good use environment, This year increased existing light electric scooter of resources of commonness use present situation and electric scooter carries on the investigation to the market in.The time can affiliate from this the investigation, It helped EPA to understand present electric scooter industry condition for EPA future policy impetus reference and basis. 094 空保處 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4290
大型國營事業及汽電共生廠之事業廢棄物清理技術調查評估計畫 本計畫針對大型國營事業及汽電共生設施(廠)之事業廢棄物清理現況進行調查評估,主要工作內容包括(1)針對大型國營事業及汽電共生設施(廠)進行問卷調查;(2)完成20場廠大型國營事業.10家汽電共生設施(廠)及10家廢棄物處理或清理機構或再利用機構之現場訪查作業;(3)分析與檢討大型國營事業及汽電共生設施(廠)申報資料,並提出未來最具成本觀念之清除處理技術與方法;(4)針對大型國營事業及汽電共生設施(廠)之事業廢棄物處理技術.管制目標與管理政策,提出具有可行性之管理措施及建議方案;(5)編撰大型國營事業及汽電共生設施(廠)之事業廢棄物清除處理技術手冊及稽查手冊等. Survey and Assessment of waste collection and Treatment Technology of the State-run enterprise and Cogeneration facility This project is to conduct survey and assessment of waste collection and treatment technology of the state-run enterprise and cogeneration facility. The main tasks consist of(1)Survey on baseline data of industry waste management system of the state-run enterprise and cogeneration facility.(2)Completion of plant audits on waste production,collection and treatment at 20 state-run enterprise and 10 cogeneration facility. (3)Plant audit and assessment of treatment efficiencies at 10 institutions for treatment or reuse of the state-run enterprise and cogeneration facility waste.(4)Comments and recommendations on technology,policy, revisions or amendment on relevant regulations and criteria of treatment the state-run enterprise and cogeneration facility waste.(5)Draft of a waste treatment technology manual and plant audit manual for the state-run enterprise and cogeneration facility. 094 廢管處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4288
94年鹽寮福隆沙灘監測 東北角鹽寮福隆沙灘附近,不但是北部僅剩生態系保存較完整的海岸,已劃歸為海洋資源保護區,生物種類與數量皆極為豐富,也是貢寮漁民世代賴以生存的重要漁場,而鹽寮到福隆一帶更是有著長約三公里的細粒石英質沙灘,素有「黃金海岸」的美稱,這些都是東北角無價的生態及觀光資產。為持續了解核四廠附近﹙鹽寮福隆﹚沙灘變遷情形,環保署自92年度起,委託專業單位進行沙灘監測,除確實掌握沙灘變化情形,亦與台電公司之調查測量資料進行比對,以做為日後相關因應措施採行之依循。計畫範圍為台北縣貢寮鄉,作業範圍北起核四廠重件碼頭南方沙灘,往南至堤岸約4公里長之岸線地形。本計畫之工作流程為透過控制及水準量測並與台電提供之控制點進行連測後,進行海岸地形測繪與水深測量各三次,並製成測量報告,再經由88-94年衛星影像、航空照片與相關歷史資料彙整,以利海岸沙灘變遷分析進行。計畫之工作內容包括1.平面控制基準測量2.高程控制基準測量3.海岸地形測繪4.近岸水深測量5.購買及分析衛星影像及農航所航照資料6.蒐集當地海岸變遷資料配合影像資料,繪製沙灘消長分佈。本計畫預期成果如下:1.連測台電提供之高程基準與控制基準,控制系統及高程系統連測台電公司基準相關資料,以方便比對。2.透過地形測量與水深測量,建立鹽寮福隆沙灘數值模型。3.歷年遙測影像分析。4.歷年航空照片濱線變化分析。5.繪製沙灘消長分佈,包含水上、水下、DTM地形變更比對、零米濱線變化分析等。 Monitoring of Topographic Changes of Beach in Northeastern Taiwan due to Nuclear Power Plant The 3 kilometers long beach between Yen-liao and Fu-long, two places located in the northeastern coast of Taiwan, is reputed as a “golden coast” characterized by biological variety and fine quartz grains of great sightseeing value. The beach is zoned for ecological protection and conservation of oceanic resources, and the adjacent sea area is an important fish ground.Since Taiwan’s fourth nuclear power plant is under construction on a site near Yen-liao, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Executive Yuan has had consultants monitoring any changes along the beach since 2003, with the data analyzed in combination with the results of surveys by Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower) to see the plant’s impact on the beach as reference for taking appropriate measures. Taipower will operate the nuclear power plant.The target area of monitoring for this project is a 4-kilometer coastal strip comprising the beach, with Taipower’s industrial wharves (for importing heavy equipment) situated to its north.The project uses horizontal/vertical control surveying and level surveying to map the coastal topography of the target area three times and strikes soundings of the contiguous sea area three times as well. The data is then integrated with satellite imagery sensed and aerial photos taken in 1999-2005 as well as other related historical information for comprehensive analysis of physical shift of the beach.The scope of work for the project consists of (1) surveying controlled by horizontal datums; (2) surveys controlled by vertical datums; (3) mapping of coastal topography; (4) soundings of the adjacent sea area; (5) analysis of satellite imagery and aerial photos; (6) ground surveys and mapping of changes in the beach.The achievement of the project consists of (1) integration of surveying with horizontal and vertical datums provided by Taipower; (2) establishment of a digital terrain model (DTM) of the beach through surveying and sounding; (3) analysis of remote sensing imagery sensed cumulatively to date; (4) analysis of coastline changes based on aerial photos taken cumulatively to date; (5) maps showing changes in the topography of the beach and surface and underwater topography of the adjacent sea area as well as contrast between DTM changes and shifts of the zero-meter coastline. 094 綜計處 台灣大學理學院空間資訊研究中心朱子豪 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4286
推動公民營廢棄物清除處理機構管理、處理技術評析及環評追蹤改善工作計畫 本計畫為掌握公民營廢棄物清除處理機構及取得自行處理、餘裕容量處理許可及工業廢棄物共同處理許可之事業確實依相關法令規定妥善清除處理事業廢棄物等處理機構之廢棄物清除、處理情況,係派遣專業人員至現場查核與比對資料方式,據以瞭解處理機構之處理成效查核與監督工作,本(94)年度共計完成113家處理機構之現場查核工作。同時,依環境影響法規定邀請學者專家持續辦理13家處理機構之環評追蹤考核工作,以瞭解通過環境影響評估之處理業者後續實際執行情形。另本計畫亦於本(94)年度對於10家具有許可之公民營廢棄物處(清)理機構掩埋場所產出之滲出水及其附設廢水處理設施所發揮之處理成效,以及各掩埋場對週遭地下水環境的影響等議題,藉由執行水質重金屬採樣檢測工作,據以評析檢測結果及檢討相關管制規範。 Managing, Tracking and Reviewing the Technologic Waste Disposal and Environmental Impact Assessment in Public and Private Waste Clearance and Disposal Organizations This project focuses on evaluating and supervising the ways of waste clearance and disposal which are abided by laws in public and private organizations (have self-disposal permit or remaining capacity waste disposal permit or industrial waste co-treatment permit). Up to now, 113 public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations had checked. Specially, 10 landfills had sampling and determining the heavy metal in water seepage and treatment facilities. 094 廢管處 晶淨科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4284
垃圾衛生掩埋場工程品質及營運督導成效計畫 本計畫94度主要執行項目為至環保署指定之施工中衛生掩埋場執行查核工作,除了研擬一般廢棄物衛生掩埋場工程施工查核之作業流程及表單外,並邀請2人具有掩埋場工程專長之專家或學者(應為公共工程委員會「工程品質查核小組」成員或環保署推薦公共工程委員會查核委員並接受相關講習)至環保署所指定10場施工中掩埋場進行檢核作業(包括初核及複核),並進行相關工程材料檢驗工作【混凝土抗壓強度(含鑽心取樣)5處、不透水布(抗拉強度、撕裂強度及厚度)5處、土方壓實度5處、混凝土氯離子含量檢測5處】;至環保署所指定垃圾場進行下列採樣飛灰固化物或底渣掩埋場垃圾滲出水檢測25場次25個樣品,滲出水處理廠放流水水質檢測20廠次20個樣品,掩埋場地下水採樣25場次計50個樣品,掩埋場飛灰固化物或底渣25樣品分析工作。彙整前項查核結果對施工中掩埋場就工程主辦機關、技術服務廠商與承包商分級予以查核量化。 Evaluation Project of Construction Quality and Operational Management of the Sanitary Landfill. he main objective of this project is to evaluate the construction quality and operation management of sanitary landfill. After evaluation, the imperfection founded is analyzed and the method of related improvement .Seventy-five landfill sites at construction stage were evaluated and all of them were rated. There are forty-one sites identified as A class and thirty-four sites as B class , respectively .The major problems include poor quality control, lack of examination report, etc. 094 督察總隊 國立中興大學環境工程學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4282
車用汽柴油油品查驗及空氣污染防制費查核 1、辦理車用汽柴油空氣污染防制費之受理申報、審查及催補件作業,共計催補繳空污費72萬元整,並將每月業者申報車用汽柴油空氣污染防制費金額及審查後認定之應繳金額彙整製表,由會技師簽證後提送環保署,徵收之車用汽柴油空氣污染防制費計10.45億元。2、抽驗完成306個汽油及203個柴油之製造廠油槽與加油站樣品的採樣與分析,確定油公司製造及加油站販售之油品符合「車用汽柴油成分及性能管制標準」規定。3、邀集國內油品專家學者、製造、販售業者辦理「車用汽柴油改善技術研討會」,提供雙向溝通管道,以利提昇國內油品品質,提供更潔淨車用燃料。4、辦理完成「車用汽柴油採樣查核訓練」,有效提昇地方環保單位之車用汽柴油採樣稽查能力,並有助於後續油品管制政策之持續與推動。5、整理並分析國內外油品管制相關規定,作為加強規劃修訂「空氣污染防制費收費辦法」及「車用汽柴油成分及性能管制標準」之評估依據。 Monitoring the Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Quality and Auditing the Air Pollution Control Fee The auditing of air pollution fee collected from gasoline/diesel during Jan. to Nov. 2005 were completed and the results were quite satisfied. The total quantity of gasoline and diesel are 8.7 millions and 3.65 millions kiloliter. The air pollution fee attributed to gasoline and diesel are 680 and 365 million NT$. CPC need to pay 720 thousand NT$ for amendment. 306 gasoline and 203 diesel random samples, taken from fuel storages and gas stations, were analyzed. The comparison of quality of fuels between fuel storages and gas stations were no difference. Two workshops “Gasoline and diesel quality improvement and sampling training course” have been hold. Many people join these workshops include industrial, expertise, professor etc. It’s help to discuss many subjects about gasoline and diesel and to give chance to improve the ability of Implementing of Agency. This project revised data bank of “Measures of collection of air pollution fee” and “Control Standard of characteristic and performance on gasoline/diesel for vehicle use”. 094 空保處 工業技術研究院化學工業研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4280
推動環保科技園區設置專案工作(第三年)計畫 行政院於91年9月9日核定「環保科技園區推動計畫」後,環保署於92年1月21日甄選花蓮縣及高雄縣,復於93年3月23日甄選桃園縣及台南縣,目前全國共有4座園區正積極推動中。本計畫協助環保署定期招開指導委員會及推動小組會議,積極督導主辦縣府推動設置園區,另為順利進行招商作業,本計畫積極協助主辦縣府辦理6場招商說明會,並寄送海報、DM及宣導手冊約15,000份予相關單位,此外辦理園區研討暨訓練會議、參與環工學會舉辦之環保科技展覽、製作說帖邀請國營及大型企業進駐園區,以及拜訪國內外廠商計45家。由於各園區已有廠商陸續進駐營運,因此本計畫已進行查核輔導作業,除至現場勘查各園區主辦單位及入區廠商設置進度外,也藉此機會了解上述單位於設置過程所遭遇困難及提供因應解決方案。此外,環保署已於本年度公告研究補助計畫申請,本計畫業協助訂定「環保科技園區研究計畫補助審查原則」及對入區廠商所提研究計畫進行初審作業,並協助環保署完成本年度研究計畫評選,計有7家廠商獲選。總計目前經核准入區之廠商計有20家,分別位於高雄園區14家、台南園區5家及桃園園區1家,分析其執行績效為:土地面積14.8公頃、投資金額66億1,300萬元、提供就業人數733人、年產值141億1,100萬元、循環再利用資源物及水再利用量分別為13萬9,260公噸/年及7萬3,805公噸/年,參考目前引進產業現況,推估園區土地全部出售後,各項目應可達成甚至超過推動計畫所定目標。 Environmental Science and Technology Parks Project Owing to the global trend towards sustainable development and the aim of becoming a recycling society, many countries have recently chosen appropriate areas for establishing ecological or environmental science and technology parks. The concept involves allowing industry make a connection between input and output, thus expanding to connect the living circles of cities. The ultimate aim is to infuse industrial development into ecologically recycled systems. Countries such as Denmark, Canada, Spain, the Netherlands, and Japan have all implemented ecological projects.To comply with global trends towards sustainable development and the objective of becoming a recycling society, the Taiwanese EPA is establishing four environmental science and technology parks (ESTPs)。For quickly establishing these ESTPs, the ESTP Guidance Committee have held two committees, and the EPA have held 14 work shops on ESTPs design, construction and invitation of investors during 2005.The project team has completed the necessary documents for seeking prospective investors. A seminar and exhibition on the ESTPs were also held in Taiwan this year. Currently 17 companies have been approved for admittance to the ESTPs in Kaohsiung and Tainan.To let members of various sectors know about the ESTPs, this investigation has gathered information on environmental science and technology parks to serve as a reference. Through this approach, we hope that people involved in all sectors learn about the ESTP and contribute their valuable input to improving environmental technology in Taiwan and enhancing the quality of the environment. 094 廢管處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4278
河川水質淨化工法設計研究計畫 經蒐集環保署補助26處以上不同工法河川水質淨化場址監測實驗分析資料,並配合美、日國家諸多案例資料蒐集,及日本學者(本橋敬之助與尾崎保夫)來台(5/26台日河川水質淨化工法設計操作維護研討會)作實務經驗交流,建議台灣水質淨化工法設計操作與維護考量如下:1.本土性設計參數,在不同工法對BOD與NH4+的生物分解係數(Kv,單位:1/day)建議值:表面流人工濕地為0.32與0.26;礫間接觸氧化處理為0.65與0.19;地下滲濾工法為0.11與0.06。2.表面流人工濕地適合處理BOD與SS濃度範圍為4~60mg/l與40~200mg/l。礫間接觸氧化處理宜應用在小面積、大流量、水中SS濃度<30mg/l的場址。地下滲濾工法因有土壤濾床果效,可處理BOD濃度50mg/l以上,但若其水力停滯時間超過一日,則容易造成阻塞。3.選擇具水質淨化成效與耐暴雨及颱風沖刷之水生植物種類為:覆瓦狀莎草、香蒲、田字草、開卡蘆、高野黍、荸薺,其栽種間距建議在0.8~1.0公尺。4.在河川水質淨化工法設計之選擇,應以所需處理的水量、處理場址的面積、來源水質的特性為主要考量三個指標。5.對未來三年水質淨化工法規劃方向,建議透過本土性設計參數與評估模式建立,並整合國外引進的技術,編定「水質淨化生態工法設計及施工規範」為目標。 Study of Purification Technology to Improve Stream Water Quality Based on the experimental analysis of the 26 stream water natural purification sites funded by EPA of Taiwan, numerous case studies of USA and Japan, and the sharing/exchanging experiences by Japanese scholars Keinosuke MOTOHASHI and Yasuo Ozaki, who were the keynote speakers on the symposium on May 26th, we proposed the operation and management of natural purification technology of stream water quality as the followings:1.Regarding the local parameter, Kv ( 1/day), the BOD and NH4+ proposed value for FWS/SSF artificial wetlands was 0.32 and 0.26; SSF was 0.65 and 0.19; and underground filter tank was 0.11 and 0.06, respectively.2.The treatment range of FWS/SSF artificial wetland for BOD and SS is 4~60mg/l and 40~200mg/l, respectively. SSF system is best applied to sites with small area, large flow, and SS<30mg/l. The underground filter tank can treat BOD>50mg/l, however, if its HRT is longer than 1day, clogging may occur.3.Taken the influence of rainstorms and typhoons into consideration, six species of aquatic plants best suitable for the constructed wetlands are: Cyperus imbricatus, Typha angustifolia L., Marsilea minuta, Phragmites vallatoria, Eriochloa prrocera Retz, and Eleocharis dulcis. The planting interval is recommended between 0.8 and 1.0 meter.4.Regarding the design options, it should consider three factors:treatment water capacity, area of the treatment site, and water quality of the inflow and outflow.5.As for the strategy for the next three years on the stream water natural purification technology, it is recommended that with local parameters, model assessment, and integrating the technology from abroad, to compile and edit “water purification by ecological engineering design and construction handbook”. 094 水保處 國立台灣大學生物環境系統工程學系 張文亮 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4276
事業排放水汞污染排放調查計畫 行政院環境保護署為掌握國內汞污染情況,優先針對事業之潛在含汞廢污水中之汞含量展開清查,並期望將具體成果落實並研擬有效之汞污染削減目標及方案,以降低環境危害。為此,特擬定「事業排放水汞污染排放調查計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)進行前期作業,希研擬透過源頭管制、加強稽查與環境中移除汞污染源之三階段可行方式,逐步消除環境中總汞物質危害。本計畫共選定經環保署認定之可疑汞污染含量較大之50處事業對象做調查,並依行業別及地區性做分類,以進行各事業單位潛在含汞廢(污)水處理設備現況調查、使用情況及現場水質採樣,並以調查之結果及採樣數據分析結果來擬定總汞水污染量削減控制目標及建議措施。希望藉由各項調查成果及建議措施,促使用汞事業單位在汞物質使用上能妥善管理及處理,以防止環境遭受污染。 Investigation project of mercury contamination in industrial wastewater discharge In order to clearly understand the degree of the mercury pollution at Taiwan, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Taiwan made an emphasis on the investigation of the mercury concentrations of the potentially mercury-polluted wastewater discharged by certain enterprises. EPA expects to carry out the results of the investigation and plan a practical method to effectively reach the goal of deduction of mercury pollution to lessen its threat to the environment. For doing so, our group draft “The investigation of the mercury-polluted wastewater discharging enterprises”. To carry out this project, we plan to categorize the initial phase into three workable step by step the control of the discharging origins, the emphasis on the investigation and the removal of the mercury pollutants from the environment, to eliminate the threat by the total mercury pollutants to the environment step by step.This project targeted 50 enterprises (list confirmed by EPA of Taiwan), which allegedly produce higher amount of mercury pollution, for investigation. It also categorizes those enterprises according to the type of industries they belong to and their locating regions. It aims to investigate the current usage conditions of the mercury-contained wastewater treatment equipment of the targeted enterprises, as well as their water quality testings. In addition, the results of the investigation and the analysis of the water quality testings can be utilized for planning the strategic goals of lessening the total mercury pollution and can provide useful suggestions. The investigation results as well as the suggestions can hopefully be used to prompt the mercury-using enterprises to properly handle and manage mercury-related materials, to prevent the environment from being polluted. 094 水保處 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4274
94年度環境檢測機構管理作業服務計畫 1. 年度內承接並完成完成檢測機構許可申請案件文件審查40件次,完成81件次,達成率203%。2. 年度內承接並完成檢測機構許可申請案件系統評鑑50件次,完成50件次,達成率100%。3. 年度內承接並完成檢測機構許可申請案件盲樣測試70件次,完成88件次,達成率126%。4. 年度內承接並完成檢測機構許可申請案件術科考試50件次,完成79件次,達成率158%。5. 年度內承接並完成召開檢測機構評鑑技術委員會10次,完成10次,達成率100%。6. 年度內承接並完成發送水質水量檢測類等相關類別盲樣測試樣品計及其複測2梯次,完成2梯次,達成率100%。7. 辦理許可檢驗室許可項目及環保機關盲樣發送及盲樣測試結果數據分析工作3500項次,完成5,032項次,達成率144%。8. 舉辦環境檢測機構業者座談會1場次,完成1場次,達成率100%。9. 舉辦現場評鑑專家與評鑑技術委員之評鑑技術研討會1場次,完成1場次,達成率100%。10.更新主管機關檢測機構管理系統之檢測機構基本資料、許可、處分資料60件次,完成121件次,達成率=202%。11.更新主管機關檢測機構管理系統之人員異動資料200筆,完成1127筆,達成率564%。 FY2004 ENVIRONMENT TEST LABORATORIES OPERATION SERVICE Project 1.Combined with last year’s unfinished cases, a total of 137 effective submittals in the year of 2005, only 16 cases were scheduled and unfinished. Among these 137 effective submittals, 81 cases of examination have been undertook and completed by these project team respectively on the permit, extension, restoration for business, additional laboratory, additional test items and additional test category filed by environment test laboratories.2.39 cases of arrangement and preparation for system assessment have been undertook and completed respectively on the permit, extension, restoration for business, additional laboratory, relocation of laboratory, and additional test category filed by environment test laboratories.3.88 cases of blind test have been undertook and completed respectively on the permit, extension, restoration for business, additional laboratory, relocation of laboratory, additional test items and additional test category filed by environment test laboratories.4.79 cases of arrangement and preparation for technical examination have been undertook and completed respectively on the permit, extension, restoration for business, additional laboratory, relocation of laboratory, and additional test category filed by environment test laboratories.5.10 technical committee meetings for test laboratories assessment have been Completed.6.Held one seminar for test laboratories: The seminar for test laboratories was held on December .2th, 2005.7.Held one seminar on assessment technology participated by site assessment experts and technical members. This seminal was held on September 15th-16th.8.Updated 121 lots of data on Environmental Test Laboratories Information System, test laboratories on permit and disposition.9.Updated 1,127 lots of date on changed personnel from test laboratories as approved by National Institute of Environmental Analysis. 611 newly retained laboratories staffs and 516 laboratories staffs have resigned.10.Completed 5,032 items in two stages on permit items for approved laboratories, dispatch of blind tests and blind test results data analysis of environmental laboratories. A total of 1,654 items for the first routine blind test in the current fiscal year has been dispatched and 74 of them were failed. With a total of 3,378 items for the second routine blind test and 119 of them were failed. 094 環檢所 鑫聯網國際股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4328
開放輸入具回利用價值之應回收廢棄物項目評估計畫 本研究工作為「開放輸入具回收利用價值之應回收廢棄物項目評估計畫」,期能瞭解國內回收、處理一般回收之產值,並評估開放輸廢棄物對國內相關面向之衝擊以出相關之配套措施。 Open the importation to have back to make use of value of should recover the wastes item valuation project This research work is "the opening input has the recycling to be supposed to recycle the reject project appraisal plan using the value", the time can understand output value of the domestic recycling, the processing general recycling, and the appraisal opening loses the reject of by to leave the correlation to the domestic correlation face it impact the necessary measure. 094 廢管處 饒河管理顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4324
工業區專用污水下水道系統管理評比及輔導計畫 目前台灣地區已開發完成之工業區計超過一百處,其中有四十九個工業區設有污水處理廠,分別由行政院國科會、經濟部工業局、及相關縣市政府設置管理單位進行管理,污水處理廠之管理成效也因主管機關不同而不同。由於工業區內事業較為集中,所產生之污染亦更形集中,對承受水體環境而言,實為一重大之污染來源。加以目前已開發之工業區除少數專業區外,其餘大都為綜合性工業區,事業性質複雜,產生之廢(污)水性質亦甚為複雜,造成廢水處理廠操作、維護、管理及管制上產生諸多問題,諸如具污染性工廠前處理未符合標準,未將廢水預先達到規定限值即納入污水處理廠,致使污水處理廠功能失調;具污染性工廠因無法達到污水處理廠對於入流水質之前處理規定,未納入聯合污水處理廠處理,經通知改善未果,致拒絕其廢水排入污水處理廠後逕將其廢(污)水排入雨水下水道造成嚴重污染等。所以環保署在水污染防治工作上視其為一大污染源,並列為現階段重點管制工作及進行管制,為提高管制成效及克服目前管制上之瓶頸,今年環保署辦理「工業區專用污水下水道系統管理評比及輔導計畫」,目的是為了持續推動工業區廢水管制計畫,加強雨水下水道稽查及區內事業前處理管理,落實整個專用下水道系統管理。本年度計畫主要之工作目標為完成全國49工業區專用污水下水道系統廢水處理設施及整體管理成效評比及輔導,並公佈評比結果。完成全國49處工業區評比問題及缺失診斷,提出全國工業區專用下水道系統整體管制方案評析與建議,並協助追蹤督導及會商各相關單位研議執行。 The evaluation and guidance plan of the specified wastewater sever system of industrial parks The industrial parks explorted nowadays in Taiwan are over 100,among which 49 have established wastewater treatment plants and are governed respectively by National Science Council of Executive Yuan, Industrial Development Bureau of Ministry of Economic Affairs, and administrative authorities related of counties or cities. As the enterprises are comparatively concentrated in industrial parks, and as a result , their wastewater become great polluting sources. In addition, because, except few specified ones , the nations of enterprised are complicated, and wastewater are also consequently . All these cause many difficulties in operation, maintenance, administrations and controls, for example , the pre-treatment of polluting factories don’t match the standards ,or the wastewater in consistent with the regulated values are conducted into wastewater treatment plants, so the function of them fail. furthermore, polluting factories, being below pre-treatment regulations of wastewater-recycling factories, and not accepted into united wastewater treatment plants, though notified, have no improvement and refuse to conduct wastewaters into wastewater treatment plants but instand conduct into storm-water sever system, and consequently cause heavy pollution. Environmental Protection Administration, therefore, regard water-pollution-prevention as a being focused work and must be put into practice. In order to upgrade the result of controls and conquer the bottle-neck, Environment Protection Administration, this year, bring forwared「the evaluation and guidance plan of the specified wastewater sever system of industrial parks」,in the hope that the wastewater control plan in industrial parks is promoted continuously , that the inspection of storm-water sewer and the pre-treatment of enterprises are strengthened, and that the administration of total specified sever system is really put into action. The main purpose of this year’s plan is the accomplishment of establishment of wastewater sever system, the evaluation of total administration and guidance, and the publication of results of evaluation. The evaluation and defects-diagnoses of the 49 industrial parks accomplished, Environment Protection Administration can bring forward the evaluation and suggestion of total control plan and offer continual help to guide and urge the units related to do researches and put them in execution. 094 水保處 鋒騰科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4322
農業廢棄物產出、再利用情形調查與管理制度建立計畫   本計畫主要為調查農業廢棄物之產出及再利用情形,並建立廢棄物基線資料建置模式,檢討現行相關法令及政策,以及規劃一永續發展之農業廢棄物妥善再利用處理之體系。  本計畫共達成下列成果:1.彙整84年~93年10年間農業廢棄物產出情形,並推估未來五年農業廢棄物產出量變化趨勢。2.完成40場次農業廢棄物產出/再利用機構之現勘,並修正統計資料與現況不符者。3.蒐集彙整國內堆肥及飼料相關規定,目前禽畜糞堆肥仍有重金屬偏高的疑慮主要為銅、鋅二項。4.辦理80個土壤相關再利用產品檢驗,結果顯示收受工業廢棄物的再利用機構其產品重金屬含量仍偏高,並有部份樣品超過土壤管制標準。5.彙整國內相關法規,可了解目前國內相關法規建置尚稱完善。有關國外於農業廢棄物之管制資料可發現,大多數國家皆未訂定複雜之法規進行管理,僅針對特定之物質及禁止行為進行回收與管制。6.本計畫藉由「農委會與環保署相關管制項目比對」後,規劃建置「掌握農業廢棄物流向之基本資料及統計數據」7.針對農業廢棄物現況問題,提出相應策略及具體措施,冀望透過提昇廢棄物申報率等措施,能分階段提昇農業廢棄物再利用率,逐步達成零廢棄目標。 The Investigation of Agricultural Waste Producing and Recycling Circumstances and Waste Management System Setup Project This project mainly delivers the investigation of agricultural waste producing and recycling circumstances, and also demonstrates the waste baseline data model to review the current related regulations and policies. At the same time, it establishes a proper recycle processing system of agricultural waste for the sustainable development.This project accomplishes the following achievements.1. Collecting and analyzing the data accumulated in the last 10 years from 1995 to 2004 to estimate the change tendency of agricultural waste producing quantity for future five years.2. Completing 40 sessions of the field investigation of agricultural waste producing and recycling institutions, and modifying the statistic data which is inconsistent with the current status.3. Collecting the domestic laws and regulations of compost and the fodder to reveal the high concern of heavy metals, mainly the copper and the zinc, of the animal manure compost.4.Examining 80 inspections of soil recycling products, which reveals the heavy metal content in products of the industrial waste recycling institutions is still high, and the partial samples exceed the soil pollution control standard.5. Recognizing the insufficient of the domestic laws and regulations. Showing from the overseas agricultural waste control data, most countries do not establish complicated regulations to manage the agricultural waste. They only aim at specific materials and the prohibited behaviors to demonstrate the recycling and the control.6.By comparing the control items of COA and EPA, this project plans to conduct the basic data and statistics of agricultural waste flow direction.7.Proposing the corresponding strategy and the concrete measure for the current issue of agricultural waste, through the actions for e.g., raising up the reporting rate of agricultural waste, we expect to promote the recycling ratio of agricultural waste, which will gradually achieves zero waste. 094 廢管處 晶淨科技股份有限公司、財團法人環境資源研 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4320
溫泉廢水管理前置計畫 行政院環境保護署配合溫泉法公布,並因應全國溫泉區近二分之一位於水源水質水量保護區情形。藉由本計畫進行研擬相關溫泉業環保法規管理草案,作為溫泉業廢水管理制度及措施制訂的方向,以維護溫泉區河川水質、自然生態,並使業者永續經營。本計畫目前完成與溫泉業有關之環保法規及草案為1.水污染防治法事業分類及定義(已於94年12月6日進行公告)2.事業水污染防治措施管理辦法部分條文修正草案3.事業水污染防治措施計畫申請審查辦法修正草案條文4.應先檢具水污染防治措施計畫之事業種類、範圍及規模修正草案條文。溫泉業之定義已於94年12月6日進行公告,正式納入環保管理之事業。其他相關水污染防制法之草案,目前正在陸續研擬中,預計於95年正式公告,最遲於96年7月31日進行管理。本計畫依照93年度擬定溫泉廢水管制方式,鼓勵溫泉業者採用分管排放,將其中水量較大的單純泡湯廢水,採取處理設施進行管理,單純泡湯廢水除水溫須符合放流水標準(目前事業廢水水污染管理辦法,僅針對水溫進行管制,但為使業者確實維護及操作設備,建議增加管制COD及大腸桿菌群兩項水質項目),若排放至原屬地面水體,即可進行排放;若排放至非原屬地面水體者,需所有放流水水質項目皆處理至符合放流水標準才可進行排放。並依照所排放之水域,僅規範需經簡易水處理設施處理後即可排放,藉以鼓勵溫泉業者朝分管排放方式處理溫泉廢水,期有效降低溫泉區之河川污染負荷及生態影響。 hot spring water quality to construct a protocol of environmental regulations concerning In compliance to the promulgation of the Hot Spring Act and in response to the close proximity of almost half of the domestic hot spring areas to the drinking water source quality and quantity protection areas, the Environmental Protection Agency in Executive Yuan proceeds to construct a protocol of environmental regulations concerning hot spring industry through this project. The protocol will direct the establishment of waste water management programs and measures in the hot spring industry in order to preserve the water quality and natural ecology of rivers in the hot spring areas and to promote the sustainable management of the industry.In this project, the currently completed environmental regulations and protocols concerning hot spring industry are:1.Industry categorizations and definitions in the Water Pollution Control Act (which were announced in December 6, 2005),2.Protocol amendment clauses (partial) of the management program in the Water Pollution Control Measures for industries,3.Protocol amendment clauses of application and evaluation in the Water Pollution Control Measure Program for industries, and4.Protocol amendment clauses of the advance implementation inspection of Water Pollution Control Measure Program for the application and alteration of industry type, scope, and size.In December 6, 2005, the definition of hot spring industry has been announced to be included formally in the environmental management industries. Other related protocols of water pollution control regulations are being drafted at this time. They are estimated to be announced in 2006, and to be executed no later than July 31, 2007.According to the hot spring waste water control framework, this project encourages owners of hot spring businesses to adopt dividing pipe discharge to handle the greater amount of purely bathing waste water with treatment facilities. The purely bathing waste water either has to meet the temperature, COD, and coliform standards for effluent or it has to be discharged to its original surface water body. If it is discharged to water bodies other than its original surface water body, it has to be treated to meet all the effluent water quality standards before it can be discharged. Depend upon the discharge watershed, regulations can allow discharge to be made after simple water treatment is applied in order to encourage owners of hot spring businesses to move toward dividing pipe discharge in treating hot spring waste water. This is done in the hope of effectively reducing the pollution loads and ecological impacts in rivers in the hot spring areas. 094 水保處 台灣大學環境工程學研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4318
推動編列綠色國民所得帳計畫 綠色國民所得帳是一套整合環境與經濟之社會會計帳,它以數字帳的方式表現出環境與經濟之間的關係。藉由綠色國民所得帳的估算可提醒大眾在耗損或破壞環境資源及自然生態時社會所需付出之代價,進而使大眾思考如何在不破壞自然環境的前提下,利用有限資源發展經濟。本計畫根據管制中心資料加以編撰而得廢棄物質損帳如下表所示,並藉以了解廢棄物污染與經濟活動間之關係,及衡量廢棄物產生對經濟所造成之損失,進而提出有效的廢棄物污染防治措施建議。 Promote and compile the green account plan of national income Green National Income(Green NI) is a social accounting balance explaining there lationship between environment and economic. Green NI tells us the social cost would have to pay on the environment damage and nature resource lost if the society arbitrary consumes the environment and natural resource. The Green NI will remind public to wisely utilize the limited resource to have economic development under the consideration of preserve natural resource. The following table is made according to the data issued by the Waste Control Center. This table will offer us an insight on waste pollution vs. economicactivities, and the capital lost incurred by the waste generation. Effective strategy of waste pollution prevention will be inspired by consulting the following tables. 094 廢管處 晶淨科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4316
遏止黑心再生商品暨建立重製商品標章制度評估計畫 目前環保署公告回收之資源物質中,以廢電視機及床墊等為較常爆發黑心商品事件之物質,為避免此類舊品新裝之「黑心商品」事件再度發生,對消費者造成身心健康傷害及權益受損等情事,當前重要的課題應是有效加強控管再生資源物質流向及利用正確而有效的資訊傳播媒體,宣導民眾瞭解如何判定及購買具合格標示和檢驗之產品;若民間獲得有效資訊不足,政府又無法嚴格把關,有效稽查未通過衛生與品質標準規定的產品並懲罰不肖的地下工廠業者,致嚴重影響消費者權益,也將使合法優良的產品一併受到影響。有鑑於此,本計畫除對於現行各項資源回收物質流向及背景資料進行調查蒐集外,亦進行本計畫之短中長期管制措施規劃及相關配套措施研擬,如二手專櫃市場建立、定型化契約、保險制度落實、二手市場之管制法案、加強產品查驗、標章制度建立評估及結合電子識別系統(RFID)建立產品履歷等規劃方案,以作為環保署未來推動方向之參考,期維護消費者的權益並杜絕黑心商品事件發生。 The Project of Deterrence The Conscienceless Recycled Merchandises And Evaluate The Feasibility of Establishing The Label System of Reused Goods It is believed that abolishing television and mattress are more often break out the conscienceless recycled merchandises events between the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA)announcement recycling materials. In order to prevent the recycled goods incident of this kind of old product new clothes from happening once again, cause the feeling thing such as being damaged of physical and psychological health hazards and rights to consumers. At present the important subject is to strengthen control of in charge of the regenerated resources and material to flow into and utilize the information dissemination media effectively, declare and lead the people understand how to judge and buy that products qualified to label and examine; If one who obtain effective information insufficiently, the government being unable to check on strictly, not pass through the hygiene and quality standard and punishes the person who violates the regulations, it influences consumer's rights and make the fine products too influenced in the lump. In view of this, this plan is except that retrieve material flowing into and investigate background information, also draft relevant supplementary of the plan in short and medium and long term measures. The contents include the second hand special counter market sets up, finalizing the design agreement, the system of the insurance implements, the control bill of the market of second hand goods, strengthening the products been checked, assess the set up of label system of the chapter, accord with the Radio Frequency Identification system (RFID) to set up products life cycle etc. The objectives are to promote the reference of the direction of EPA, in order to maintain consumers’ rights and interests and stopping the recycled goods incident happening in the future. 094 廢管處 京華工程顧問股份有限公司/財團法人資策會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4314
九十四年度推動環保標章及第二類環境保護產品專案工作計畫 環保標章是國際性活動,被視為一種利用市場機能,鼓勵企業改善產品環保績效的經濟工具,也是推廣綠色消費運動的一種重要手段。依據國際標準組織(ISO)所公告之ISO 14024標準之定義,第一類環保標章是自發性、多重準則、經第三者驗證之計畫。對於在某類產品項目(product category)中,具有整體環境優越性(overall environmental preferability)之產品,頒發專用之標章。使用專用標章之目的在強調「獲得標章的產品是最優良的產品,消費者看到標章即可安心購買」。行政院環境保護署於1992年8月訂頒「環保標章推動使用作業要點」,促成我國環保標章制度於1993年中之正式推出。此制度鼓勵消費者採購具有可回收、低污染及省資源等環保特性之產品,並使得政府機關在採購綠色產品時,具有明確之優先選擇項目。環保標章計畫實施至今已經十三年,已開放94項產品規格標準以供申請,分為低污染、可回收及省資源等三大項目。至2005年的12月為止,計有2986件產品獲頒標章,標章的使用總枚數則超過45億枚,估計價值超過650億元。為提供誘因以促使廠商申請並使用環保標章,行政院自2001年7月起展開「機關綠色採購推動方案」,在92年度起指定產品項目部分設定60%的採購目標,並建置績效評核機制以追蹤成果。由於此一法制化之推動機制,環保標章產品之銷售數量已明顯增加,預計民國95年之指定採購項目將達到34項,指定採購比率將為80%。 Promotion of GreenMark Ecolabelling Program and Certification of Type II Environmentally Preferrable Product. Environmental labeling is an international activity. It is considered an economic instrument to encourage the industries to improve their environmental performance and an important measure to promote green consumption. Based on the ISO 14024 standard, Type I environmental labeling is a voluntary program with multiple requirements and third-party certification. Type I program gives a patented logo to product (including services) proved to have an overall environmental preferability. The use of a patented logo gives out the notion to the general consumers that “These labeled products are the best green products within a specific product category. Therefore you may choose them without doubt.”The Environmental Protection Administration started the Green Mark program in Taiwan in August 1992 and finalized the procedures in the end of 1993. The Environment and Development Foundation (EDF) had been the certification body of this program since then. Up until now, there are 88 product criteria developed and published for application. These criteria may be categorized into three major groups: Low pollution, resource-saving and recyclable. There are a total of 2986 labeled products and the number of logo use has already exceeded 4.5 billion which is equivalent to an estimated production value of more than 65 billion NT.In order to provide incentive to the manufacturers to apply for the use of the logo, the executive branch of the ROC government, the Executive Yuan also promulgated the Plan for Implementing Green Procurement by Government Agencies in July 2001 and has since established performance evaluation rules and mechanism for the evaluation of performance. In 2003,the plan mandates that green products purchased in each designated product category should be at least 60% of purchase amount in that category for each agency. As Green Mark labelled products are recognized as environmentally preferable products by the government’s green procurement legislation, the above measures have significantly increased the sale of ecolabelled products.In 2006, the number of designated product category will be 34 and the goal will be 80%. 094 管考處 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4312
政府環境影響評估研習及作業手冊編製 政府政策環境影響評估(以下簡稱政策環評),係指政府部門對於其政策、計畫、方案及替代方案進行有系統且全面性的環境影響評估。其功能定位為「儘早評估」與「整合評估」兩要項,強調政府應就施政可能造成的影響,儘早評估,且應打破個別計畫的侷限,從整體影響的角度,強調整體、加總或累計的影響。我國政策環評制度源起於1994年底「環境影響評估法」之三讀立法,其後於1997年公布「政府政策環境影響評估作業要點」,作為政策環評工作推展主要依據;2000年修正為「政府政策環境影響評估作業辦法」迄今。在該作業辦法中,規範共十項「有影響環境之虞」之政府政策,應實施環境影響評估,並於該政策報請行政院核定時須檢附評估說明書;然至2005年9月底止,已完成評估說明書與相關審議作業者,僅有工業區設置(工業政策)、高爾夫球場設置(土地使用政策)、自來水水質水量保護區縮編(土地使用政策)、台灣地區水資源開發綱領計畫(水利開發政策)等四個政策細項。為落實政策環評制度,環保署擬藉由「政府政策環境影響評估作業手冊」的編製,提供各主管機關研提政策環評的參考,期能要求政府部門於決策過程中整合環境考量,以促進國家之永績發展。另為加強各主管機關對於政策評估流程及方法之瞭解,本會執行辦理政府政策環境影響評估研習會,藉由研習會之舉辦,擴大宣導政策環評之工作,並提供政府各相關部會之雙向溝通機會。 Strategic Environmental Assessment the Thorough Study and Work handbook Establishment Government Strategy Environmental Assessment (SEA) is the government agency aiming at policy, plan, program and replaced project to have a systematic and thoroughly environmental assessment. Its function is positioned for early assessment and integrated assessment, to emphasize the government should evaluate on the possible influences by the policy been made. Moreover, limits on individual project should be dismissed, and focus on the influences as a whole from different angle, in order to emphasize on the whole, add-ups and total influences.The country’s SEA system began when “The SEA Standard” was legislated after third read in end of 1994. After that, the “SEA operation principles” was announced in 1997, in order to have a main basis for SEA operation development, and it is modified as the “SEA operation methods” in 2000 until now. In the method, there were 10 government strategies with “environmental influences”, which supposed to operate SEA, and should report to the Executive Yuan with assessment explanation report. However, until end of September 2005, there were only four strategies finishing the assessment report and all the examinations, that are, set-ups for industrial parks (industrial strategy), set-ups for golf courses (usage of land strategy), cut-downs of water quality and quantity protection areas (usage of land strategy), and water resource development principle plan in Taiwan (water development strategy). In order to make the SEA practicable, the Environmental Protection Administration plan to provide every organizations information on SEA as referral through the making of the “Government Strategy Environmental Assessment Operation Manual”. It is in order to demand all the government departments to take environmental protection into consideration while making some strategic decisions, and promote the country’s sustainable development.On the other hand, in order to increase the understanding of the SEA’s processes and methods for the organizations, we will execute and hold seminars on government strategy environmental assessment. Through the seminars, we will promote SEA operation in a large scale, and provide chances for communications between governments different departments. 094 綜計處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4310
環保創新科技研發推動工作 「環保科技育成中心計畫」計畫為行政院環境保護署為協助國內環保產業提昇環保技術,加速改善國內環境品質,所大力推動之創新研發計畫。計畫執行期程自92至96年度,為期5年。藉由補助部分經費的方式,協助國內各創新育成中心與廠商,共同開發創新或具實用性的環保設備或技術。本年度補助項目包括「有害廢棄物創新處理技術或設備」、「土壤及地下水整治創新處理技術或設備」、「資源回收再利用創新處理技術或設備」、「具前瞻性環保創新技術或設備」及「環境檢驗創新技術開發研究」等5大類別之計畫。  本年度計畫於2月辦理計畫徵選公告,共有21個計畫提出申請。經過「技術審查委員會」審查後,共計補助15個計畫,進行創新技術或設備之研發工作。此外,本年度計畫亦彙整國內外育成中心相關資料,並參酌計畫執行之實際狀況,針對計畫的制度面提出改善建議。 Environmental Protection Innovative Technology Research and Development Impetus Work “Environmental Protection Innovative Technology Research and Development Impetus Work” is a five-year (2003-2007) project that was launched under the leadership of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the Executive Yuan to facilitate the technological upgrading in the environmental industries and speed up the improvement of domestic environment. Grants are made available for local incubators and companies to develop innovative or workable environmental equipment or technologies. The 5 major categories of this year’s grant scheme are for the “hazardous wastes treatment”, “remediation for soil and underground water polluted sites”, “resource recycling and reuse” , ”foreseeing environmental issues” and “environmental analysis”. This year, 21 plans applied for the grant separately on February. Later, after reviewed by a Technology Review Committee, 15 plans were approved for granted. Besides, information about running and promoting the incubators has been collected from US, Japan, Europe and mainland China, which is compared with domestic incubation plans. Moreover, through the comparison above and checking of this year’s project, system review has been made to bring out some improving suggestions for “The Plan for the Promotion of Environmental Technology Incubators”. 094 永續發展室 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4308
九十四年環保共識網路論壇 本計畫主要工作內容包括:一、篩選環保議題,二、建置共識網站,及三、辦理1場環保共識會議。共識網站針對4項核定議題進行跟隨討論,由1位主談教授及10位與談人共同參與,其中1題經核定後作為環保共識會議之討論議題,環保共識會議尤為本計畫之最主要任務,為匯集民意所辦理的審議式型態會議。執行本計畫需事先挑選適合的環保議題,進一步架設論壇網站開放網友對議題發表意見,每項議題約有200篇討論文章,其中第1項議題經挑選核定為共識會議的題目,題目為「您是否贊成立法制定管制溫室氣體排放法令,以順應京都議定書之全球趨勢?」共識會議隨機篩選20位一般非專業民眾參與,經4星期日上課討論,全程參與共17名,最後完成「共識結論報告」,其主要結論為「為減緩地球溫暖化效應、維護環境生態永續發展,並避免我國遭受可能經濟制裁,我們強調應採取積極預警及預防之態度來順應『京都議定書』之全球趨勢,並儘可能將其內容「內國法化」。我們亦認為,積極制訂一個以溫室氣體減量為對象的法律有其必要性,以宣示我們的決心,並同時建立法制化規範機制,以作為全民依循之根本。」公佈結論報告採記者會型式,約有10篇平面媒體報導此次會議,其內容多屬正面報導,成果豐碩並可作為後續環保政策之參考。 Environmental Consensus Internet Forum in 2005 This project could be divided as 3 major parts:(1) To select the proper environmental issues (2) To construct a web site forum for these issues (3) To hold a environmental consensus conference. This is the second time to hold a environmental consensus conference in Taiwan. The purpose is to form a bottom up strategy for collecting opinions from the laypeople. For preparing the conference, to select proper issues and construct a web site forum is necessary for better warm-up and clear focus. At the beginning of this project, many issues are discussed, then, four of then were selected as the priorities on the web forum. After assessment and approval, the 1st issue concentrated more attentions from people who visited the web forum. Therefore, this issue titled “Do you agree to control the green house gases by enforcement for the compliance to the Kyoto Protocol?” was selected to be the issue of the consensus conference. This conference was held through 4 Sundays from Oct.16 to Nov.6. Seventeen laypeople attend the whole conference. After 4 days education and discussion, they finally made a decision report about this issue. Their main point is: 「For mitigating the green house effect, safeguarding the environmental ecology to sustainability, and prevent our country from suffering the possible economic sanctions. We emphasize to adopt the attitude of precaution and prevention to complying with the "Kyoto Protocol". Also, as much as possible to interior it’s content to the national law. We consider it is essential to regulate a new law typically for controlling the green house gases. This could set up our minds on this issue, formulate the basic legal mechanism, also to be a basic guideline that all the people may clearly to follow.」There are about 10 news reports related to this decision report. All are positive and affirmative. The consensus conference become a new model which not only to collect the information from laypeople but also a good reference for the government to make better decisions. 094 永續發展室 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4306
人造纖維製造業、合成樹脂及塑膠製造業事業廢棄物清理技術成效調查與追蹤評估報告 本計畫針對人造纖維、合成樹脂及塑膠製造業之事業廢棄物清理現況進行調查評估,主要工作內容包括(1)針對人造纖維、合成樹脂及塑膠製造業進行問卷調查;(2)完成20場廠人造纖維製造業、60家合成樹脂及塑膠製造業之現場訪查作業;(3)分析與檢討人造纖維、合成樹脂及塑膠製造業申報資料,並提出未來最具成本觀念之清除處理技術與方法;(4)針對人造纖維、合成樹脂及塑膠製造業之事業廢棄物處理技術、管制目標與管理政策,提出具有可行性之管理措施及建議方案;(5)編撰人造纖維、合成樹脂及塑膠製造業之事業廢棄物清除處理技術手冊及稽查手冊等。 Survey and Assessment of waste collection and Treatment Technology of the manmade fiber and plastic resin industries This project is to conduct survey and assessment of waste collection and treatment technology of the manmade fiber and plastic resin industries . The main tasks consist of (1) Survey on baseline data of industry waste management system of the manmade fiber and plastic resin industries. (2) Completion of plant audits on waste production, collection and treatment at 20 manmade fiber industries and 60 plastic resin industries. (3) Plant audit and assessment of treatment efficiencies at institutions for treatment or reuse of the manmade fiber and plastic resin industries waste. (4) Comments and recommendations on technology, policy, revisions or amendment on relevant regulations and criteria of treatment the manmade fiber and plastic resin industries waste. (5) Draft of a waste treatment technology manual and plant audit manual for the manmade fiber and plastic resin industries. 094 廢管處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4304
台東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫 台東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫係針對本縣轄區內之機車是否完成定期檢驗,藉由加強路邊稽查、辦理機車排氣免費檢測宣導活動及協助環保局輔導查核民間機車檢驗站等工作,經由這些措施之配合,達到督促車輛使用人加強車輛保養維修管理,並且教育車輛駕駛人正確之操作觀念,進而減低車輛廢氣排放之污染,有效改善空氣品質。本公司執行台東縣94年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫,自94年2月25日起至12月31日止,已完成未定檢機車稽查數23,434輛次,當中回檢共12,877輛次,回檢率約54.95%;機車攔檢數3,010輛次,檢測不合格共764輛次,不合格率約25.38%。統計分析資料以94年度完成稽查定檢資料為依據,篩除不完整之定檢資料可做統計分析者有11,053筆。經資料統計分析結果,在各項比較上,無論依廠牌、車齡、排氣量等項目,四行程機車之排放污染度皆較二行程為佳。本計畫根據中鼎公司所提供交通工具污染削減係數推估污染物削減量,台東縣94年1月至94年11月執行成果,機車定檢不合格複檢所產生污染物之削減量NMHC為16.52噸/年,CO預估為125.36噸/年。截至94年11月底止,台東縣機車排氣應定檢數為104,573輛,依檢驗站之定檢到檢率為47.14%;依回歸車籍之定檢到檢率則為51.22%,因今年度環保署考核標準為檢驗站與回歸車籍二者之定檢到檢率平均計算,所以台東縣之定檢到檢率為59.98%,顯見本年度之計畫推動成效頗佳。 Taitung Country ambulation pollution source check and control project Taitung Country Ambulation pollution source check and control project is to aim at whether this county motorcycles in the magistracy complete the periodical examination or not. By enhancing the wayside checking、Carry out The motorcycle waste gas exhausts Free examination Activity and helping environmental protection bureau To Guide and investigate The waste gas exhausts and examines station. Through the concert of these measures,Reach and speed up the Vehicle usage person to Enhance The vehicle maintains and maintains the management. And educateing the vehicle’s driver the Right of operation idea,Then turning down the pollution exhausted by vehicle waste gas,Improving the air quality effectively.Our company carries out 94th year in Taitung Country ambulation and pollutes the source check and control project,Since February 25th first till December 31th,Have completed the undecided check motorcycles 23,434 timeses,Among return and check total 12,877 timeses,the rate of Return and check about 54.95%. The motorcycle blocks and checks 3,010 timeses,Examine unqualified 764 timeses,The unqualified rate is about 25.38%.Was statisticsed by data analytical result,In variously comparing,Depend on the brand, car age no matter, the volume of exhaust etc. item,Four route of travel motorcycles of exhausting and polluting the degree all compare two route of travelses as good. 094 台東縣環境保護局 環境保護署 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1878
柴油汽車第五期排放標準訂定專案工作計畫 本計畫廣泛蒐集歐、美、日等國家相關的柴油及替代清潔燃料引擎汽車排放標準、管制措施及測試方法,以及引擎製造廠對應未來法規的技術發展資訊。根據上述資訊,擬定排放標準草案,草案適用於小客車、輕型貨車及重型柴油引擎,建議內容包含排放標準值、油品規範、實施時程、測試方法及相關測試設備要求。主要成果:1.召開研商會,針對草案內容與業者進行意見交換。2.擬訂五期標準草案,採用歐美雙軌制度並行,引進歐盟2008年EURO V及美國2007年的排放標準,並配合國外趨勢導入車上診斷系統(OBD)管制。3.完成國內現有污染測試設備與歐美日各國法規對測試設備要求之差異分析。4.針對車輛配置電子車身穩定裝置、限制轉速功能及恆定四輪驅動裝置等,提出柴油汽車排煙檢測程序修定建議。5.完成五期標準實施後對於車輛產業的衝擊分析及環境污染減量評估。其他建議:1.配合排放標準的實施,提前供應市售無硫柴油(S≦10ppm)給消費者。並應著手規劃後處理器添加劑(如尿素等)配銷、儲存與安全防護等相關事項。2.未來可結合動力檢測站,逐漸導入OBD檢測實施定期檢查制度。3.應建立與設備製造廠的聯繫窗口,持續蒐集設備昇級或更新的可能性,並同步籌措設備採購經費,以備未來之需。 Project for Diesel Vehicle fifth emission standards This project with the extensively collected information of emission standards, control measures and testing methods of diesel and alternative fuel engine vehicle from European , U.S. and Japan, and the technology development information from diesel engine manufactures, we analyze and reference the above information and then to draft proposal for diesel vehicle stage 5 emission standards. The stage 5 standards apply to passenger car, light-duty diesel trucks and heavy-duty diesel engine. The new regulatory proposals cover exhaust emission standards, fuel requirement, practice schedule and testing methods. Testing equipment suggestion for stage 5 standards will also be included. Main achievements:1.We held seminars and had adequate and fruitful communication and discussion with manufactures.2.The diesel vehicle stage 5 emission standards , not only refers to European 2008 EURO 5 emission standards and U.S. 2007 heavy-duty engine emission standards, but also adopt OBD (On-Board Diagnostic) regulations.3.We accomplished the analysis about the difference between domestic testing equipments and abroad equipments.4.We proposed the diesel vehicle smoke testing procedure for those equipped with VAS (Vehicle Stability Assist) or 4WD(four wheel drive).5.We completed the analysis of possible impact on the environmental contamination and domestic economic in case of practicing the diesel vehicle stage 5 emission standards.Other suggestions:1.At the same time of taking effect The diesel vehicle stage 5 emission standards, government shall also supply sulfur-free diesel fuel to consumers. In addition, the delivery, storage and safety requirements of reagent (e.g. urea) requirement for exhaust aftertreatment system should also put into consideration.2.To introduce OBD inspection program that combine future in-use diesel vehicle emission periodical test program by chassis dynamometer smoke test station.3.To set up contact windows with testing equipment manufactures for continually collecting information of equipment upgrades, and search possible funds resources for testing equipment at the same time. 094 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4302
94年度勘察我國廢棄物輸出境外接受國處理及管理情形 我國自民國82年1月29日環保署訂定發佈「有害事業廢棄物輸入輸出許可辦法」起至目前為止,輸入部份於2005年起核准輸入不含油脂廢電線電纜共10,000噸,實際輸入共371噸;輸出部分,由民國85年起核准約397,566噸之有害事業廢棄物輸出處理,主要為PCB、混合五金廢料、廢印刷電路板和電鍍污泥等廢棄物。因此本計畫針對國內有害事業廢棄物輸出量較大之國家進行勘察,包括中國大陸、法國、德國、南非及韓國等五國及清遠市陽山縣再生資源有限公司、清遠市億寶物資回收有限公司、清遠市智盛電子加工廠、清遠市佛力有色金屬有限公司、清遠市豐裕金屬企業有限公司、增城市聖邦五金製品有限公司、增城市金屬回收公司加工廠、杭州市科韻金屬製品有限公司、佛山市南海華弼金屬有限公司、葫蘆島市虹京鉬業有限公司、上海市寶山真興金屬加工廠、上海市華益銅業有限公司、法國S.N.A.M處理廠、法國Tredi處理廠、德國Metall + Recycling GmbH處理廠、德國Siegfried Jaco Metallwerke Gmbll處理廠、Rand Refinery Limited廢棄物處理機構、Impala Platinum Limited廢棄物處理機構與Kobar Limited廢棄物處理機構等十九家處理機構,執行目標包括勘察我國歷年輸往境外處理之有害事業廢棄物,其國外處理機構接受處理情形、二次污染防治情形及過去操作營運相關紀錄。另接受國中央環保主管機關對於有害事業廢棄物輸入處理之相關管理規定及管理情形,處理機構所在地環保主管機關過去對於該機構之管理情形亦為本計畫執行之重點。故本計畫完成重要成果計有:1. 完成勘察德國、法國、南非、韓國及中國大陸等五國及其境內十九家處理機構之處理情形,評估境外接受國之處理廠接受處理情形、二次污染防治情形及過去操作營運相關紀錄,提出後續勘察與管理之重點。2. 完成彙整國內合格輸出機構及廢棄物輸出狀況,以研析歷年國內事業廢棄物輸出趨勢。3. 完成勘察接受國中央環保主管機關與處理機構所在地環保機關對於過去相關有害廢棄物處理機構之管理情形,並探討國內外對混合五金廢料危害性的認知不同,提出修正我國有害廢棄物定義修正方向建議。4. 完成評析我國歷年主要輸出境外處理之有害廢棄物之處理及營運管理情形,提出環保署於審核國內業者輸出有害廢棄物時可立法限制具較複雜性之高有害性廢棄物(PCB與集塵灰等)應嚴格限制送至先進國家之處理廠處理,以確保我國輸出之廢棄物能獲得妥善處理;反之,低有害性廢棄物則可留在國內、送至開發中國家或技術先進國家等處理廠處理。 Government inspecting about the treatment and management of waste-export accepting country in 94 In Jan. 29. 1993, Taiwan EPA published the “Hazardous Industrial Waste Import Export” permit measures. Input part, Since 2005 check and approve introduction do not suck the oil and abolish the electric wire cable about 10,000 tons, Input and amount to 371 tons actually. But had exported about 397,566 tons of the disposal of hazardous industrial waste, mainly are PCB, mixed metal scrap, waste printed circuit board, galvanic sludge etc.. Due to the hazardous waste and other wastes transit and transboundary is deeply concerned internationally. All countries should lower down the related problems as minimum as possible, and the transportation of the hazardous industrial waste being transfer overseas should be properly control.This project is especially made for the hazardous industrial waste export which has larger quantity’s country, including China, France, Germany, South Africa and Korea nineteen treatment facilities, including Yangshan Counry Recycling Resources Co. Ltd. (China), Qingyuan Yibao Recyling of Material Co, Ltd. (China), Chin Uen City Zisen Electronics Processing Factory (China), Buddha Power metal Recyle Co. Ltd. (China), Feng Yu Metal Industry Co. Ltd. (China), Conghua Yuxin Metal Co. Ltd. (China), Tzeng Cherng City Metal Recycling Co. Ltd. (China), Hang Zhou Keyun Matel Manufacture Co., Ltd. (China), Huabi Metal Recycling Co. Ltd. (China), Huludao Hong Jing Molybdenum Products Company (China), Shanghai Baoshan Zhenying Metals Fabrication Factory (China), Shanghai Hua Yi Copper Co. Ltd. (China), S.N.A.M Limited (France), Tredi Limited (France), Metall + Recycling GmbH Limited (Germany), Siegfried Jaco Metallwerke Gmbll Limited (Germany), Rand Refinery Limited (South Africa), Impala Platinum Limited (South Africa) and Kobar Limited(Korea) were visited. The purposes of executing this project are including exporting hazardous industrial waste overseas during the years and those treatment facilities that undertook it, the pollution control condition and the past related records for operation. The exported country for responsible agencies (EPA) at the central government level about the related management law and condition for the treatment of hazardous waste moreover the past management record of the local treatment facility were also audited. So a plan finishes the important achievement has:1. 19 treatment situations of dealing with the organization that finish reconnoitre five countries , such as Germany, France, South Africa, Korea. and China, treatment facilities that undertook it, the pollution control condition and the past related records for operation, propose follow-up reconnaissance and focal point of management.2. It is whole at home and qualified to export the organization and offal and export the state that finish gathering together, grind and analyse the domestic undertaking offal over the years and export the trend.3. Finish reconnoitring and accept the competent authority of central environmental protection of the beginning and deal with the environmental protection organ of organization site to the management situation of the relevant hazardous waste treatment organization of the past, it is different to the cognition mixing the waste material harmfulness of five metals to probe into both at home and abroad, propose revising the harmful offal of our country and defining and revising the direction suggestion.4. Finish evaluation and analysis our country hazardous waste treatment and operation of offal appeared outside the border dealing with to fail manage the situation mainly over the years, propose that administration can legislate to exercise restraint in having environmental protection than the high hazardous waste of complexity while verifying the persons who engage in at home and outputting the hazardous waste l (PCB and dust etc.). Should exercise restraint in sending and dealing with to the treatment factory of the advanced country strictly; so as to ensure that the offal that our country exports can be dealt carefully; on the contrary, the low hazardous waste can stay at home , give and deal with the factory to deal with to developing countries or the modern techniques country ,etc. 094 廢管處 本年度勘察之環保機關及境外19家處理機構 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4300
全國垃圾採樣及樣品分析工作(94年度) 垃圾組成採樣及分析工作對於垃圾適當之管理極為重要,尤其是垃圾組成受到季節、生活習慣、地理型態、人口及法規等因素之影響,同時上述因素之變動性亦將影響正確及具代表性之垃圾組成樣品。因此,本計畫將採集足夠之樣品數量進行分析,以確保本計畫之統計分析結果。有鑑於此,本計畫之主要目的包括(1)確定垃圾之組成比例;(2)分析垃圾之物理、化學及生物性質;(3)作為資源回收可行性之評估;(4)提供處理技術與設備設計之參考依據。本年度仍為延續性計畫,執行期限自民國94年2月起至94年12月止,台灣地區共計39個鄉鎮市為採樣地點,每季每鄉鎮市採集樣品一次,並分析其物理及化學性質,以及連續7天之社區及辦公大樓各3處之採樣分析工作。台灣地區過去十年來垃圾組成隨著生活型態、生活水準、以及包裝材料之變化而異。其中紙類佔垃圾組成中比例最多,比例約為38.82%;廚餘佔垃圾組成比例之第二位,其比例為26.4%。塑膠含量呈逐年降低之趨勢,本年度分析結果為19.51%,金屬與玻璃類含量分別佔垃圾組成之2%~5%,皮革橡膠類、纖維布類及木竹落葉類含量總和佔垃圾組成之7%;至於其他可燃物含量則僅佔垃圾組成之1%。廚餘中水份量約為70%,紙類中殘餘水分之含量亦較高,整體而言,垃圾中平均含水量為54.56%;由於垃圾中金屬、玻璃及其他無機成分含量較低,因此,可燃分佔垃圾之90%;垃圾中平均低位發熱量為1656.17 kcal/kg。根據長期垃圾採樣分析結果,有助於提供台灣地區垃圾性質分析之完善資料庫,同時本計畫結果亦可提供未來垃圾管理趨勢之重要參考依據。 The sampling and analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Composition in Taiwan(2005) Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) composition established studies are important to the proper management of waste in municipalities and communities. The composition of generated waste is extremely varied due to seasonal, lifestyle, geographic, demographic, and legislative impacts. These variations make it difficult to obtain an accurate and representative waste composition sample. In order to ensure the statistical significance of project results, a sufficient number of samples must be sorted and a sufficiently large sample weight must be correctly collected for sorting. The objectives of this project were to (1) identify composition of component generation; (2) analyze physical, chemical, and biological properties of wastes; (3) estimate materials recovery potential for recycling; (4) aid in the design of processing equipment. To accomplish this objective, a composition and property project was designed and implemented continuously for Taiwan, from February 2005 to December 2005. This project was planned to sample 39 municipal solid waste (MSW) sources (municipalities) in Taiwan once a season for every source and to analyze the physical and chemical compositions of MSW samples. Meanwhile, this project was also planned to sample and analyze each 3 residential area and municipal service area (office buildings) in Tai-Chung city for 7 days.MSW composition in Taiwan has changed dramatically in the past 10 years, accompanying changing lifestyles, higher living standards, and, more recently, a sharp increase in consumer packaging. Paper products made up the largest component of MSW generated (38.82%), and food scraps comprised the second-largest component (26.40%). Plastics were also a major component in MSW. The average content of plastics was 19.51% of the total MSW in 2005. The results showed that the trend of variation in plastics was decreased in the past 10 years. Metals and glass each constituted between 2 and 5 percent of the total MSW. Wood and yard trimming, rubber, leather, and textiles combined made up about 7% of MSW. Other miscellaneous organic wastes made up approximately 1 percent of the MSW in 2005. The average moisture content of the food scraps fraction was about 70 %, the remaining moisture being mostly associated with paper. The overall average moisture content in the MSW was found to be 54.56%. The combustibles made up a 90% of the MSW on average due to the low content of metals, glass, and other inorganic components. The average lower heating value (LHV) is about 1656.17 Kcal/kg. The results also showed the variation over past five year of moisture content and LHV. Accordingly, it is apparent that the dependency of the LHV on moisture content. The results obtained on MSW composition and properties will be useful in optimizing MSW collection, transformation, and disposal strategies and in studying the feasibility of introducing waste recycling ventures in the municipality of Taiwan. Based on observations during the Taiwan waste composition analysis project, it was concluded that a well-established database of MSW using the results of long-term sampling and analysis projects could reduce bias in results. This project also provided important information regarding consideration of trend in MSW management. 094 督察總隊 逢甲大學環境工程與科學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4298
低污染車輛補助審查專案工作計畫 1.本計畫受理之電動自行車補助申請案共3,241件,撥款件數3,006件;低污染噴射引擎機車補助申請案共3,177件,撥款件數2,878件。合計受理件數6,418件,撥款件數5,884件,現場查核件數為629件。2.完成相關受理案件資料之資料庫建檔,並定期向環保署提送月報表。3.建置完成「低污染車輛補助資訊網(http://wamitein.hihosting.hinet.net)」,並進行維護管理及更新。4.除設置免付費專用電話(電話號碼為0800200060)外,亦保留二線專線電話(電話號碼為02-27495140及02-27495149)供民眾使用,並由專人進行接聽及記錄。5.寄發電動輔助自行車問卷調查表2,594份及低污染噴射引擎機車2,851份,電動輔助自行車問卷回收率33.2%、低污染噴射引擎機車問卷回收率35.8%。6.每季定期於各充電站進行檢測維護。7.於民國94年6月16日配合及協助環保署赴美輪科技股份有限公司進行新車抽驗,抽驗結果與該廠商送環保署審核之檢驗數據相符,皆符合相關規定。8.完成補助資料庫更新及分析 Review of Subsidy Applications for Low-Pollution Vehicles 1. Completion of review and approval of two types of subsidy applications for 3,006 electrical bicycles and 2,878 low-emission jet engine motorcycles.2. Completion of filing the database on subsidy application cases and submittal of monthly reports to the Environmental Protection Administration on regular basis.3. Establishment of one website (http://wamitein.hihosting.hinet.net) on「Low-emission vehicle information」 with regular maintenance and update.4. One free dedicated telephone lines were installed and operated by trained operators for assistance on subsidy application, the phone numbers are 0800200060.5. Posted 2,594 copies of questionnaires to the owners of electrical bicycles and 2,851 copies of questionnaires to the owners of low-emission jet engine motorcycles with return rates of 33.2% and 35.8%, respectively.6. Seasonal testing and maintenance has been performed at all charging stations. 7. Assisted the Environmental Protection Administration in spot-checking new electrical bicycles on June 16 in year 94.8. Completion of review of subsidy efficiency and assessment of pollution reduction by low-emission jet engine motorcycles. 094 空保處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4296
民眾參與河川污染巡守推動計畫 為協助及加速大台南地區河川污染整治計畫,行政院環境保護署於90年起以委託或合作計畫方式,由長榮大學聯合流域內大專院校、團體、社區執行一系列民眾參與計畫,其目的在:(1)與流域內各團體建立河川保育的夥伴關係;(2)建立河川志工監測及巡守制度;(3)促進民眾團體與環保行政人員之溝通;(4)促進民眾流域環境保護觀念。本計畫延續90年環保署「鼓勵民眾參與二仁溪河川保育」、91年「二仁溪、將軍溪志工巡守及檢舉機制推動」、92年「推動二仁溪、鹽水溪、將軍溪三流域河川巡守工作」、93年「推動民眾參與河川污染巡守計畫」等計畫,持續運作於長榮大學設立之「河川保育中心」,此中心負有計畫推廣、溝通、志工培訓及計畫成效評估等功能,目前計有七所大專院校、八個環保團體、二個社區、四所國小、一所高中及一個電台加入本計畫,各自依其地域及特性,志願進行河川巡守、水質監測、環境教育或計畫推廣工作。今年度由本計畫共同主持人孫逸民教授另爭取台南市志工巡守計畫,並重點發展鹽水溪沿岸社區、學校、村里組成巡守隊,目前已成立十四隊,志工人數約300人。本計畫主持人洪慶宜助理教授協助培訓台南縣河川巡守隊,目前已成立八隊,志工人數約170人。加上河川保育中心原23個單位志工,人數近600人。今年度重點工作在:(1)持續推動民眾參與水環境巡守及污染檢舉通報;(2)志工巡守與河川保育觀念之推廣;(3)辦理志工電子報以促進志工單位間之聯繫;(4)協助民眾了解政府河川整治作為;(5)推動志工巡守網路通報模式;(6)編撰製作志工宣導教材、手冊及光碟。於「持續推動民眾參與水環境巡守及污染檢舉通報」方面,協助環保署召開污染管制會議,並與縣市環保局、督察大隊溝通污染源,協助發覺及管制污染源包含三爺溪紅色污染、五空橋拾荒老人、二仁溪河岸廢電路板、台南市水肥處裡場、和順工業區電鍍廢水污染、肉品市場污染。於「志工巡守與河川保育觀念之推廣」方面,協助鹽水溪社區、學校組成嘉南大圳河川環境教育守護聯盟、建置兼具推廣教育之河川保育中心空間、協助台南縣市成立河川巡守隊、主動辦理或受邀之志工巡守培訓14場;於「辦理志工電子報以促進志工單位間之聯繫」方面,正常出刊至十二月號(23期),今年度共編製12期;於「協助民眾了解政府河川整治作為」方面,結合台江文化促進會辦理「守護河川、守護家園─94年南部河川巡守志工大會暨台江文化季」,以室內志工表揚活動及室外學習站的方式,在嘉南大圳旁的海佃國小及堤岸旁道路舉辦,擴大邀集南台灣七縣市河川巡守志工及附近民眾約600多人參與;於「推動志工巡守網路通報模式」方面,年初已辦理說明、示範教學,並已於6月將網頁管理移交社區大學負責,截至11月各志工團體上網登錄193筆,其中120筆有水質監測資料;於「編撰製作志工宣導教材、手冊及光碟」方面,已完成初版,宣導光碟並已於94年南部河川巡守志工大會、台南縣河川巡守隊授旗暨培訓會上播放。此一系列計畫已建立一民眾參與河川污染整治的架構,透過民眾的巡守及污染通報,協助環保單位管制水污染源;透過污染管制會議,民眾提供地區環境特性資料及對河川整治之意見,進而參與整治策略之建議。因為近四年來河川保育中心及所聯合的志工團體的嘗試及成功經驗,目前在環保署推動河川整治的工作中,已納入此志工巡守策略。在各縣市已多自組水環境志工巡守隊,並今年度環保署首以二仁溪做示範,邀集縣市民選首長簽署河川願景宣言,下一階段的民眾參與工作,除了再落實志工巡守工作外,需深耕到水環境教育、水質淨化設施認養及民眾參與流域整治策略等層面,如此方能更廣泛深植河川守護理念,進而以民間力量監督縣市政府,落實河川整治宣言。故,我們建議未來需著手推動的民眾參與工作為:(1)持續運作河川保育中心,強化政府─環保社團、社區─學校三邊對河川保育的策略聯盟;(2)編撰適用於各級學校的水環境教育教材及系統;(3)培訓熱心居民、教師參與水質淨化設施的研究及認養;(4)建立民間參與流域決策及監督的機制。 Promotion of public participation in river cleanup projects A public participation framwork has been established as a measure to assist pollution control in the watershed managmenet programs for the rivers of the Great Tainan Area since 2002. These watersheds include Erhjen, Yenshui and Chiangchun rivers, which were declared as the Priority Cleanup Rivers by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration. The objectives of the public participation program are: (1) to form a partnership among various groups of people for river restoration; (2) to establish a river volunteer monitoring and patrolling mechanism; (3) to promote communications among stakeholders through various meetings and volunteer training courses; (4) to raise a general awareness on watershed environmental protection. This project is the 4th year of the public participation program. In 2002, the first year of the long-term program, an office named “River Restoration Center” was established under a joined project between Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) and Chang Jung Christian University. The center functions as promotion, communication, volunteer training, and progress evaluation for the program. Seven universities, eight environmental NGOs, two communities, four elementary schools, one high school, and one radio station have signed on as the volunteer groups for river patrolling, water quality monitoring, environmental education, and/or program broadcasting. The tasks that we are aiming to accomplish this year include: (1) keeping the operation of the River Restoration Center and faciliating pollution reporting and communication processes; (2) further promoting the importance of river quality and the public participation framework through lecture and workshop activities; (3) publishing monthly newsletter to enhane the communication among volunteers; (4) assisting TEPA to inform public about the various river cleanup measures accomplished by the governments; (5) training the volunteers to use Web Pollution Reporting System as the alternative to the current telephone reporting system; (6) publishing volunteer handbook, brochure, and video for the river patrolling program. The program has established a framework for public involvement in the watershed managmenet programs for the rivers of the Great Tainan Area. Through the series of projects, three levels of public participation, which include informing government policy, engaging in pollution control, and involving in decision making process, are being performed. Few lessons have been learned: (1) establishing public trust and recognizing volunteer groups’ unique characteristics keep the program running smoothly; (2) motivating community college sustains river patrolling and pollution control activities; (3) involving governors’ commitment and enforcing hazardous waste management help controlling illegal wastewater discharges. The framework and experience built up in this program can be a model to the public involvement programs in other watersheds. We also suggest that (1) adopting the USEPA Watershed Patch Program as the education framework, (2) involving people to the water quality and biological monitoring of the constructed wetlands, and (3) establishing participation mechanism for watershed management decision, are the tasks for the next stage of the public participation program. 094 水保處 長榮大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4348
營建混合物流向追蹤及再利用推動計畫 國內重大公共工程與民間建築工程每年產生大量營建混合物,故若能加以再使用或再生利用,不僅可促進混合物減量,減少掩埋或焚化處理,更可積極達成資源永續利用目標。尤其面臨2005年京都議定書二氧化碳減量壓力下,若能從鼓勵再生建材之使用著手,亦可大幅減少建築素材之開採,對於二氧化碳減量之貢獻十分宏大。而要達成營建混合物之再利用,工地產生源頭與清運之管理、中間處理與再利用場所管理、以及再生粒料與產品之去化等環節可說是環環相扣,缺一不可。本計畫即配合環保署目前所規劃之營建混合物之處理與再利用管理體系架構下,針對上述三個環節進行相關制度、規範與標準等之訂定,除針對全國營建混合物網路申報資料進行近千處營建工地勾稽比對,並彙整勾稽結果提出建議稽查名單,以加強申報源頭管理外,並調查彙整全國各地區相關回收處理業者(100家)作業資料,加以整合與分析後提出回收再利用分級設置與認證規範,以鼓勵民間投資參與設立回收再利用廠。此外,在綠建材產品驗證與開發方面本研究針對營建工程所需之產品類別,訂定10項尚未公告之綠建材再利用產品品質標準與規格草案,且研定綠建材再利用產品認證規範與程序10項,以及檢驗再利用產品35件。並且建立綠建材再利用產品資訊平台,提供相關機關與業者再利用建材產品資訊與法令訊息,擴展綠建材產品市場通路與經濟效益。最後期能落實營建混合物之處理與再利用,減少國家公帑之支出與社會成本之浪費,以達成國家推動綠營建政策零廢棄與資源永續利用之終極目標。前 言國內重大公共工程與民間建築工程每年產生大量營建混合物,依建研所先前研究,光是經合法申請拆除之建築混合物數量據估計每年就約有1,100多萬公噸,若加上新建施工過程以及其他建築室內裝修拆除、違章建築拆除、政府徵收拆除、自然滅失建築拆除、以及非法擅自拆除等所產生之混合物,則其數量將更為可觀。每年如此龐大之營建混合物產生,對於地狹人稠、掩埋空間十分有限的臺灣地區而言,無疑造成環境之龐大負荷。尤其營建混合物中多為可再利用之安定資源如混凝土磚瓦、金屬、木材、塑膠、玻璃等,若能加以再使用或再生利用,不僅可促進混合物減量,減少掩埋或焚化處理,更可積極達成資源永續利用目標。此外,國內工程結構物大多採RC構造,所使用之營建材料無一不是高污染、高耗能產品,二氧化碳排放量十分可觀,在面臨2005年京都議定書二氧化碳減量壓力下,若能從鼓勵再生建材之使用著手,亦可大幅減少建築素材之開採,對於二氧化碳減量之貢獻十分宏大。本研究將依契約內容執行相關工作項目,主要工作項目及內容分述如下:一、提升營建混合物回收再利用技術與層次,擴大民間參與以建立資源回收再利用體系。1.調查現有從事營建剩餘土石方、營建混合物及營建混合物之處理、再利用相關業者至少100家,以了解實際流向、處理與再利用情形,俾研析提升再利用方式與途徑,並提出具體建議。2.依營建工程所需之產品類別,訂定回收再利用廠分級設置與認證規範草案(含設置標準及處理流程),以落實建立分級管理制度。3.依促參法規定,訂定相關可行推動措施方案,以鼓勵民間設立回收再利用廠。4.針對全國營建混合物網路申報資料進行勾稽比對至少1000處營建工地(名單由貴署提供),並彙整勾稽結果,提出建議稽查名單。二、評估與發展多樣性與高品質綠建材產品市場性與經濟性,提升綠營建品質。1.依營建工程所需之產品類別,建議多樣性與高品質之綠建材再利用產品品質標準與規格,並參考國家品質標準格式,訂定至少十項尚未公告之綠建材再利用產品品質標準與規格(草案)。2.研定綠建材再利用產品認證規範與程序至少10項,並檢驗再利用產品至少35件。3.建立綠建材再利用產品資訊網,提供再利用建材產品、再利用機構、相關法令訊息等,以暢通市場通路。4.協助貴署辦理研商、說明、公聽會議之相關事宜。研究方法1.研究動機與目的之確認:2.國內外文獻回顧:經由相關文獻及案例之蒐集、整理與分析,了解國內外目前之營建混合物回收及再利用方式、相關規範之訂定情形等,以利後續研究之進行。3.調查現有從事處理與再利用相關處理業者100家:利用實地走訪民間各相關處理業者,藉由參觀訪談方式,蒐集調查營建混合物回收再生利用方式與所遭遇之問題,以利後續研擬回收再利用廠分級與認證規範草案之參考。4.訂定回收再利用場分級制度與認證規範草案:透過實地走訪各處理廠了解實際作業情形,將相關處理廠所面對的問題加以整理歸納。依據各場區其後端再利用用途方式加以分級,使各級處理場所都能有效處理收受之營建混合物,並進一步製成再利用產品,以期有效落實營建混合物之後端處理,達到「全回收零廢棄」的目標。此外並為再生綠建材產品制定認證規範,保證再生綠建材產品品質,確保消費者對於再生綠建材產品之信心。5.依促參法訂定相關可行推動措施方案:針對促參法相關獎勵措施與規定,積極研擬相關可行措施方案,以健全回收再利用場分級制度之設立。6.針對全國營建混合物網路申報系統資料進行勾稽比對至少1000家:透過網路申報系統資料,針對相關廠商提報資料進行勾稽比對,以落實營建混合物流向追蹤,並將勾稽比對結果,提出建議稽查名單。7.依營建工程所需之產品類別,建議多樣性與高品質之綠建材再利用產品品質標準與規格:參考國家品質標準格式,訂定至少十項尚未公告之綠建材再利用產品品質標準與規格(草案)。8.研定與檢驗綠建材再利用產品認證規範與程序:研定與檢驗綠建材產品認證規範與程序至少10項與35件。9.建立綠建材再利用產品資訊網:提供再利用建材產品、再利用機構、相關法令等,以暢通市場通路。10.協助環保署署辦理研商、說明、公聽會議之相關事宜:針對分級制度與認證規範草案擬定完成後,辦理相關公聽會與座談會,確保確保所有相關規定均符合現況之需求,及並無滯礙難行之規定。11.整合與建議:整合相關專家與業界建議,針對管理制度與規範程序其缺失之處進行修正,使之符合現況及持續推動。12.報告撰寫:成果報告之撰寫定稿。結 論1. 完成調查現有營建副產物之處理、再利用相關業者100家根據本研究實際訪查100家處理業者發現,不同類型處理場皆具同樣之功能,是為將營建工程所產生之副產物加以分類、處理,期望將可再利用之材料充分運用,並將不可回收之物料處理至最少量,最後送至掩埋場或焚化場進行最終處理。2. 擬訂營建副產物收容處理場所分級制度本研究所擬訂針對營建副產物收容處理場所之分級制度,目前以該場所具備之機具設備為主要評估指標。並加強說明分級處理場於申設階段所需具備之資格與限制規定。並提出分級制度中管理單位、前端產出源頭及後端再利用廠商之效益分析。3. 依促參法規定,訂定相關可行推動措施方案有鑑於國內營建混合物回收再生廠不足,多數營建混合物未充分再利用,故本計畫已協助環保署擬訂「營建資源再利用推動計畫」(草案)及「促進民間機構參與裝潢修繕工程混合物再利用要點」(草案),作為日後環保署及主辦機關於辦理促進民間機構參與設置裝潢修繕工程混合物回收再生處理廠及營運管理相關作業之依循。4. 完成全國營建混合物網路申報資料進行勾稽比對1093處營建工地本研究依照所要求列管之條件(1)工程面積達2000平方公尺以上 (2)工程經額達5000萬以上(3)屬拆除工程者。共選取出1242筆資料符合一定規模之工地,並彙整勾稽結果,提供比對結果與相關單位參考。5. 完成訂定十項尚未公告之綠建材再利用產品品質標準與規格(草案)有關回收材料摻配比率主要參考本計畫所舉辦10項國家標準草案座談會委員意見、各國環保標章之規定、內政部綠建材標章所訂定之再生建材材料摻配比率及委託實驗室分析廠商所提供之綠建材再利用產品例檢驗結果,經本工作團隊討論,石質材料摻配比率在20﹪至50﹪之間。木質部分摻配比率亦訂為20﹪至50﹪之間。一般目前所採用的碎石替代品為強度較高的爐渣或鑄造砂為主。經粉碎後的建築廢混凝土強度無法達到要求,無法大量取代碎石使用。6. 完成研定綠建材再利用產品認證規範與程序十項,並檢驗再利用產品35件各種再利用途徑中,填方、級配料消耗量最大,但是附加價值較低。再生骨材以再製混凝土製品之附加價值較高。資源化產品為求品質功能及環境影響無虞,其再利用須著重於標準及認證規範的建立。資源化的產品必須是對環境無害,且應確保資源化產品於生命週期各階段中不致造成環境衝擊。資源化產品的規格標準及品質應符合法規及一般功能性要求。資源化產品也必須是對人體無毒,以確保對人體不造成健康的危害。7. 完成建置綠建材再利用產品資訊網 經分析本計畫建置網站目的、瀏覽網站對象探討以及網站內容功能規劃,已建置「綠建材再利用產品資訊網」,網站功能項目包括:再生綠建材介紹、再生綠建材產品資料庫、再生綠建材標章申請流程、再利用機構查詢、再生綠建材品質檢驗、最新消息、相關法規查詢、其他相關機關連結、Q&A問答集及聯絡我們等功能項目,以滿足各類型瀏覽者(含潛在瀏覽者)之需求。8. 舉辦營建混合物業務研商會與CNS座談會本計劃於執行期間,舉辦『九十四年度營建混合物流向追蹤及再利用推動業務研商會』與『九十四年度「營建混合物流向追蹤及再利用推動計畫」CNS國家標準草案修訂座談會』,藉以達到各相關單位相互交流與專家意見交換之目的。建議事項營建混合物流向追蹤及再利用之推動為一重要且龐大之計畫,本研究團隊現階段執行之成果必須配合後續相關方案之推動,使得計畫更為健全。以下針對本年度執行之相關工作提出立即可行與中長期之具體建議事項:一、立即可行建議1.行政院環境保護署於民國94年8月1日起正式將一定規模以上之營建工地正式納入管理,惟實際作業上相關業者對於網路申報大多不熟悉,有待環保單位持續進行教育宣導,俾有效提高營造業管理之成效。2.目前營建廢棄物之申報由環保署之事業廢棄物申報系統,營建剩餘土石方則由營建署營建棄填土資訊系統負責,許多業者反應須分別向兩單位進行申報造成困擾。建議儘速整合環保單位與工務單位之申報平台,以簡化營建資源之申報程序。3.建議儘速向行政院提報「裝潢修繕再利用推動計畫」(草案),俾早日依該計畫推動裝潢修繕工程廢棄物妥善清除處理及再利用。另於行政院核定計畫後,建請邀集相關單位研商修正「促進民間機構參與裝潢修繕工程混合物再利用要點」(草案)內容及辦理公告事宜,供環保署及主辦縣市推動院核定計畫相關作業之依循。4.「綠建材再利用產品資訊網」內容業已建構完成,建議儘速提供監資處辦理網站架設事宜,並持續辦理網頁資料更新及維護,以提供各界最即時及最正確之資訊。二、中長期建議1.一般而言,新訂定CNS標準最快約18個月,如各方意見踴躍,則可能須耗費2-3年。如果依原有CNS標準以修訂方式增加功能或使用材料類別,則可縮短作業時程。2.建議國內再生產品的認證制度可結合現行相關實驗室協助進行測試,而須配合廠商製造現場系統評鑑及技術審查而確定(如回收料摻配比率等),故原則上認證模式應採系統評鑑+產品驗證+技術審查等方式進行較為嚴謹與完整。3.依照環保標章的申請要求,須採用70%以上的廢棄物。目前取得環保標章的業者,使用之再生材料以廢鑄砂、爐渣以及廢玻璃為主。為求品質均一,也都由固定的粒料加工廠提供再生粒料。這類加工廠大部分由砂石場轉型而來,利用其既有的設備以廢鑄砂、廢玻璃等廢棄物為原料進行加工。如果目的事業主管機關能強化這類工廠的功能,加強其產品的品質管理能力,提供固定品質的再生粒料,相信對資源化建材的推動有相當大的助益。4.綠建材再利用產品欲符合認證,除有賴建材廠商新的綠色產業理念與自律自主的品質管制,也須透過綠建材認證技術審查委員會的現場評核、系統評鑑與產品檢驗等措施加以嚴格把關。 Development of a Strategic Plan for Controlling the Flow and for Recycling of Construction and Demolition Wastes According to study, for the building demolition wastes alone there are more than 11,600,000 tons of construction and demolition wastes (CD&Ws) was generated each year in Taiwan. With the global trend of sustainable development, recycling and reuse of CD&Ws gradually become a regular practice in those advanced countries such as United States, Japan, Canada, and European countries. In Taiwan, due to the lack of proper certification on recycled products, users are hesitating in using recycled products. In addition, the equipment erected and the capability for treating CD&Ws in different treatment plants varied in a wide range. That further troubles users and the publics in getting good quality of “alternative” construction materials from CD&Ws. As a result, the market is lack of initiatives for using recycled products of CD&Ws. With the ultimate goal of recycling all the CD&W, this research attempts in developing a strategic plan for controlling the flow and for recycling of CD&Ws. Several actions are considered in the plan. An auditing and tracing system can be installed for controlling the flow of CD&Ws to make sure all the CD&Ws are properly sent to the capable treatment plants. The development of a grading system for grading the treatment plants can ensure the quality of “alternative” construction materials from CD&Ws. In addition, the development of a certification system for certifying recycled products can alleviate the worry of subsequent users. Furthermore, the development of a website for providing information regarding CD&W recycling can help in educating and promoting the use of recycled products. Each of these actions will be evaluated and plans for implementing them developed in this study. Hopefully with the implementation of all these actions in the plan, the market initiatives and demands for recycled products is increased. 094 廢管處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4344
巴塞爾公約相關資訊蒐集分析與行政協助事宜及專家小組計畫 (一) 爭取實質參與巴塞爾公約活動及國際交流:1.持續參與手機工作小組,密切關注電腦工作小組之籌備進度2.協助推動區域中心(BCRCs)合作之實質參與或雙邊交流:完成我國參與評估,實質互動方面,今年第一次派員參與中國亞太區域中心會議3.提出「生物醫療和衛生保健廢棄物無害環境管理技術準則」及「有機溶劑之生產和使用所產生有害廢棄物技術準則」二項準則修改建議4.完成2006國際研討會之規劃(二) 研析我國因應巴塞爾公約決議之相關措施:1.完成「廢鉛酸蓄電池技術準則」及「持久性有機污染物技術準則」二項公約技術準則之檢視與國內建議2.完成區域保險之立法假設、區域保險設計規劃、提出「強制有害廢棄物運送責任保險辦法(草案)」以及「強制有害廢棄物運送責任保險保單條款(草案)」3.完成國內責任基金設置所需法律條件檢視、可能方案研訂(三) 廢棄物輸出入管理政策法規諮詢:1.完成巴塞爾公約專家小組四次會議之召開2.完成我國事業廢棄物輸出入管制沿革及重要執行措施之彙整、編撰,提供製作「廢棄物管理30年紀實」(四) 巴塞爾公約資訊蒐集宣導:1.協助參與巴塞爾公約四個國際會議2.完成公約相關最新資料之蒐集與分析3.完成國際間與巴塞爾公約相關新聞、報導及論文之蒐集、研析(五) 巴塞爾公約資訊宣導:1.完成辦理一場次之業務檢討會2.巴塞爾公約資訊中英文網站資料之維護與更新 2005 Basel Convention Project:Collecting and analyzing related information, providing implementation assistance and working with the Expert-Committee. 1. Active participations and involvements in Basel Convention (BC) activities and other international events: (1)Consistent involvement in the Mobile Phone Partnership Initiative (MPPI) and observing the development on the establishment of the Computer Refurbishment and Recycling Working Group (CRRWG). (2)Assisting and promoting the interaction and collaboration with the Basel Convention Regional Centers, BCRCs. Evaluating opportunities of further involvements and for the first time participated in the Regional Centre meeting held in China. (3)Submitting the comments on the “Technical Guidelines for the Environmentally Sound Management of Biomedical and Health care Wastes (Y1; Y3)”and the “Technical Guidelines on Hazardous Waste from the Production and Use of Organic Solvents (Y6), (4)Accomplished the pre-arrangements of the 2006 international conference in Taipei.2. Evaluating and analyzing the policies undertaking in compliance with the BC resolutions: (1) Completion on the Review of both the technical guidelines on the Environmentally Sound Management of Waste Lead Acid Battery and Environmentally Sound Management of Persistent Organic Pollutants as Waste with comments. (2) Completion on the planning and designing of the hypothetical regulatory establishment of regional insurance and proposed the “Draft regulation of the compulsory insurance on the responsibility of hazardous waste transportation” and the “Draft policies of the compulsory insurance on the responsibility of hazardous waste transportation”.(3) Completion in the review of the legal requirements in establish a municipal responsibility fund and evaluating the possible schemes.3. Providing legal advisory on the regulations regarding the management on import/export of waste. (1) Organizing 4 meetings with Basel Convention Expert Committee (2) Completion in the collection, compilation and editing of information concerning the development of the import/export of municipal waste and related policies for the “Report on the Management of Waste in the Past 3 decades”4. Collection and promotion of BC related information: (1) Assisting in participation in 4 BC international conferences.(2) Completion of collection and evaluation of news, articles, reports and paper regarding the Basel Convention.5. Promotion of Basel Convention related information: (1) Organized a 2-day-workshop for environmental officials (2) Maintenance and updating both the Chinese and English Basel Convention information website (http://ivy2.epa.gov.tw/web/english/index.htm). 094 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4342
翡翠水庫水源保護區污染源調查計畫 本計畫針對台北水源特定區中之翡翠水庫集水區各種形式點源與非點源污染之發生源、空間分佈及污染量進行現勘調查,重要成果摘要如下:(一)以93年與87年之SPOT衛星影像資料為比對基礎,進行土地覆蓋之變異分析,再針對變異地區進行現勘、佐以高解析度航照圖進行土地利用判識及數化建檔作業,完成土地利用數值檔案之更新與各類土地利面積現況與變遷。土地利用變化較顯著為農地由1434公頃增加至1986公頃增加率約38%(二)針對污染源進行調查,項目包括針對住家、畜牧業、餐飲業、商店、農場及相關遊憩露營場、施工所等進行現勘同時利用衛星定位系統(GPS)標定污染源位置並建立圖層。(三)勘查污染源是否已納入污水下水道系統、各類污染源總戶數與營業情形,核算污水排放量及污染量。(四)由水庫中的養分物質的收支平衡關係,可以由養分物質輸入、沉積與輸出量間之關係,藉由水庫放水量、淤積量佐以水質及淤泥之含量濃度算出水庫每年之養分物質通量(排出量)與沉積量,結果顯示以往對集水區非點源養分物質之輸出量估計有嚴重低估傾向,主要因素是非點源污染之發生係依附在降雨事件中,颱風暴雨是台灣特徵,引用國外文獻造成颱風暴雨之影響被忽略,颱風暴雨造成脈衝式短時間大量輸出,甚難監測,以往本國之研究資料甚為缺乏,因此產生極大之缺陷。(五)水庫集水區應加強水土保持之工作,禁止裸露表土的施工與耕作方式,禁止土地超限利用,防止表土流失,是防範養分物質流失最經濟與最有效的方法。北宜高速公路84年起開始施工,其影響可由水庫之淤積量反映出,水庫淤積量顯示在工程初期沖蝕加劇,尤其是85年之水庫淤積量創下歷史最高3.476×106 M3為歷年平均值之3.4倍。(六)翡翠水庫集水區為亞熱帶森林生態系,養分流通較快,雨量豐沛每年沖蝕深度約為3.4mm,將富含有機物與養分物質之表土沖入水庫之中,應注意維持各水層水質之好氧狀態,以防底泥磷的釋出,因此對水庫優養化之威脅,除污染處理外,集水區之生態功能管理更為重要,健康之生態系能調節養分之循環,使涵容力更強。 Pollution Sources Investigation of Feitusi Reservoir Watershed The purpose of this study is to investigate the point and non-point pollution sources within Feitsui reservoir watershed. The following conclusions can be draw from this study.1. Land cover variation between 1998 and 2004 was judged by using SPOT satellite images and with the help of aerial photographs the landuse change can be identified. Agricultural land increased remarkably from 1434 hectare to 1986 hectare about 38%.2. All the point sources such as household, store, farm, and recreation areas have been located by GPS and recorded as a GIS layer.3. The wastewater treatment system and the service area has been examined as well as the amount of nutrients discharged from the treatment plant.4. From the nutrients budget of reservoir shown that former studies all under estimate the loading of the reservoir due to neglect of deposition of the sediments.5. The construction of Freeway No.5 has significant influence on soil erosion at the early construction stage in 1996 the annual sediment loading as high as 3 times of average year and up to per year. 6. Feitsui watershed belongs to subtropical rainforest ecosystem plant growth fast soil and water conservation is the most important measures to keep the water quality in good condition. 094 水保處 國立台灣大學生態工程研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4340
各縣市柴油車排煙檢測站年度查核及評鑑專計畫 行政院環保署為有效管制使用中柴油汽車污染排放,特依據空污法第四十、四十一及四十二條規定,於各縣市建置柴油車排煙檢測站,推動使用中柴油汽車不定期檢驗制度,促使柴油汽車使用者善盡維護保養責任,確保使用中柴油汽車污染排放水準,改善都會區空氣品質。 今年度計畫完成兩次排煙站評鑑及查核作業,並利用大小馬力標準車執行排煙站相關性測試,以評估各縣市排煙站檢驗業務品質及能力表現,促使各排煙站改善檢測品質。另外透過柴油車排煙檢測資料庫系統建置及使用中柴油車排煙檢測業務標準作業手冊與排煙站品質手冊編撰,協助排煙站架構完善品保運作體系,有效提昇各檢測站執法公信力。最後完成宣導海報與手冊之編製,並邀請全國客貨運業者參加政策宣導會議,以達成簡政便民,減少社會成本與民怨目的。 Audit, Evaluate of Chassis Dynamometer Smoke Test(CDST) station in counties and cities. To control air pollution of in-used diesel vehicle effectively, according to the 40th , 41st and 42nd regulation of the air pollution control law ,Environmental Protection Administration established the Chassis Dynamometer Smoke Test(CDST) stations in counties and cities, to execute in-used diesel vehicle non-periodical emission inspection program.The program urge vehicle owner to repair and maintenance the vehicle at well condition,to ensure that vehicle can emitted pollutant at a reasonable level and improve the air quality in the district. This project had audited the CDST stations twice this year, and implemented the proficiency testing program by standard vehicles,to evaluate the station’s inspection quality and ability,in conclusion,to improve the inspection and testing quality of CDST stations.And through the implementations of diesel vehicle smoke test database system ,testing standard operation procedure(SOP) manual and quality control manual,to promote the public trust and enforce the law effectively. Finally, the project made poster and manual of diesel vehicle smoke control measure policy,and invited national transportation business person attend the policy meeting, to make emission control policy simplify and convenient for people,in addition,can reduce the social cost and resentment. 094 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4338
限塑政策後續推動及PVC與含汞產品管制措施評估計畫 環保署為落實源頭減量精神,故持續推動限塑政策針對機關、大專院校及集中式攤販(夜市)輔導使用可重複清洗餐具。另針對其他塑膠品項評估限塑政策後續擴大實施之可行性;評估PVC產品或其他添加劑可行性之管制方式,以及含汞產品之背景調查、管制措施建議與配套措施規劃,本計畫執行並完成之工作內容包括:l 推動機關、大專院校及集中式攤販(夜市)於內用使用可重複清洗餐具,多數單位均支持減少免洗餐具使用之政策方向,而改用可重複清洗餐具之關鍵在於衛生安全考量及法令規範是否明確,另外,相關主管單位之配合亦為重要之環節。l 限塑政策現況及減量績效調查,在購物用塑膠袋方面,使用個數較政策實施前整體減少59.86%,使用重量亦減少28.5%。在有店面餐飲業部分,因實施厚度限制,故在使用個數減少33%下仍致使用重量增加74%。此外,七類特定對象之購物用塑膠袋之年使用個數達104億個,使用重量亦達56,175公噸/年,值得進一步推動管制。l 評估限塑政策後續擴大實施之可行性,協助環保署邀請國內具規模之量販店及連鎖超市參與「塑膠類生鮮托盤、蛋盒、糕餅麵包盒改用完全生物可分解材質試辦計畫」試辦活動,由業者自行選定特定規格之托盤、蛋盒及糕餅麵包盒參與試辦,已彙整試辦結果呈環保署作為評估管制政策之參考。l 針對PVC產品或其添加劑評估可行之管制方式,經評估後,可針對特定PVC產品仿照歐盟採自願協議,並依廢清法第21條授權,採限制或禁止使用方式,或仿照歐盟採自願協議,邀集大型企業協商主動規劃逐步減少PVC包裝材或產品之使用。l 針對含汞乾電池及汞體溫計、血壓計等產品,已協助於94年10月5日進行「限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣」公告草案預告,設計以含量限制、形式認證及電池本體標示等方式進行管制,並已完成配套措施之初步研擬。 The evaluation project of sequentially promotion of plastics restriction policy and PVC and mercury containing products control demarche In order to fulfill the spirit of pollution source reduction, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) promotes plastics restriction policy continuously, and assists the institutes, colleges and universities, as well as eating and drinking establishments that operate out of storefronts to use rewashable tableware. EPA also evaluates the feasibility to excute the expansion of plastics restriction policy associated with the other plastic items; and evaluates feasible control way for PVC products and other additives; as well as evaluates the background investigation, recommendation of control measures, planning of coordination measures for mercury containing products. The work contents executed and completed in this project include: ˙To promote the institutes, colleges and universities, as well as eating and drinking establishments that operate out of storefronts to use rewashable tableware. Most units support the trend and policy to reduce the utilization of disposable tableware. However, the key factor for using rewashable tableware is health and safe consideration as well as the laws and regulations are clear or not. Besides, the cooperation of related authorities is also very important. ˙To investigate current condition of plastics restriction policy and reduction accomplishment. As for plastic shopping bags, the amount is reduced by 59.86%, and the weight is reduced by 28.5%, compared those before the implementation of this policy. As for eating and drinking establishments that operate with storefronts, the amount is reduced by 33%, but the weight is increased by 74% due to thickness limitation. Besides, other seven sectors use 10.4 billion plastic shopping bags per year, and their weight is 56,175 ton/year, which is worth to be controlled further. ˙To evaluate the feasibility to excute the expansion of plastics restriction policy. Aiming to use biodegradable materials (without 5P) to substitute plastic materials. The domestic mega retail stores are invited to attend the trial activities. They select specific trays, egg cases and bread cases to conduct trial run, and submit the results to EPA as references for the evaluation of control policy. ˙To evaluate feasible control way for PVC products and other additives. According to Article 21 of Waste Disposal Act to limit or inhibit the utilization of specific PVC products. Or refer to the volunteer agreement of European Union to invite large enterprises to reduce the utilization of PVC packaging materials or products volunteerly. ˙On October 5, 2005, according to the promulgation of “Limitation for the Manufacturing, Import and Sales of Dry Battery”, mercury containing dry battery, mercury body thermometer, blood pressure meter etc. have been controlled through content limitation, type verification and battery body labelling etc. And the preliminary proposal of coordination measures has been completed. 094 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4336
94年資源回收費率審議運作及稽核認證團體監督查核評鑑計畫 環保署依據廢棄物清理法針對應回收廢棄物所發放之回收處理補貼費,在國內現行資源回收體系之運作扮演關鍵性的角色。本計畫之工作項目之一即為協助環保署監督委員會確實執行確保補貼費發放公正性的稽核認證制度之監督作業,並協助資源回收費率審議委員會進行費率審議工作。另應回收廢棄物處理業者申辦相關證照過程中,常遭遇土地之合法使用申請作業流程之相關問題,而為協助業者相關法令及申請作業疑義之協助,本計畫即為提供諮詢管道協助業者及地方環保局排除相關困難。  本計畫共達成下列成果:1.完成協助稽核認證監督委員會實施9場次定期評鑑、19場次不定期查核(含1次研鈦廢輪胎處理廠火災後現勘)以無預警方式進行,並協助歷次會議之紀錄彙整,以及稽核認證團體應改善事項之正式發文幕僚作業。2.完成協助資源回收費率審議委員會,針對「95年容器類計廢乾電池回收清除處理費費率草案」召開4次費率審議臨時會,並協助紀錄及資料彙整幕僚作業。3.成立專線電話,並完成處理回收處理業土地合法化回覆諮詢電話計19件,每季以發文方式彙整縣市環保局對於土地合法化工作之審查進度合計達531家,以及完成彙整應回收廢棄物回收業及處理業土地合法化申請所需相關資料製成網頁與網頁資料更新及維護。 The plan assessment on the deliberation of recycling-related charges, the performance of inspection and certification party, and the consultation of land legalization for recycling and processing indu According to the Waste Disposal Act, the recycled subsidy dispatching from EPA plays a very important role in financing the domestic recycling system in Taiwan. The inspection and certification party are assigned by EPA and dispatched to supervise the recycling processing units. As a result, one of the objectives of the project in this report is to assist EPA in revising the finance of this system and to assess these inspection and certification parties to ensure the effectiveness and fairness of this subsiding system.For the objective of assessing these parties, the project is to assist the assessing committee on the once or twice per year assessment. This report has finished this requirement by the contract on schedule for year 2004. Before completing the assessments, related works and activities were completed as well.With regard to revising the finance of the subsidy system, this project is aimed at discussing and establishing a model of operation for the financing of this system. We called for eleven formal meetings and one informal meeting in total. The agenda, conclusions and summaries of these meetings provide the basis for the financing of year 2004 and are listed in related tables. These data are also stored in the electronic form. In the future, this project will also assist in organizing other meetings and proposing applicable suggestions.In the process to apply for licenses of both recycling and processing industries, there are often several problems will meet. The other purpose of this project is to provide consultation for both industries and EPBs to remove these difficult. The grand total completed processing land legalization reply consultation telephone 20 cases, and collected to puts land legalization achieved progress 468 work. Moreover finished making the land legalization information homepage to provide pipelines for industries. 094 廢管處 晶淨科技股份有限公司、財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4334
加油站油氣回收設施調查及揮發性有機物排放查核管制計畫 本計畫主要工作項目包括台東縣轄內加油站查核管制作業、VOC排放資料清查作業、排放管道VOC或周界臭(異)味檢測作業等。94年度至12月31日止共受理一件新設加油站申請案(第三階段),目前台東縣共有四家新設加油站。本計畫執行加油站環境檢測及污染管制作業,係針對台東縣境內所有加油站進行加油槍氣油比檢測及氣漏檢測。為掌握加油站業者經由檢測及輔導建議後之改善狀況,於本計畫安排第一次油氣回收設施檢測後,針對第一次檢測結果不合格者,請業者進行改善並於改善完成後執行檢測作業。第一次油氣回收設施檢測,總計檢測41家加油站,氣漏檢測不合格率為48.8%、氣油比檢測不合格率為29.3%。而氣漏檢測及氣油比檢測不合格家數分別為20家及12家,總計有27家需提送改善報告,業者提報改善後檢測皆符合規定。本計畫針對台東縣境內可能產生揮發性有機物之污染源進行清查作業,並以本縣VOC前二十大排放源為主要執行現場清查作業對象,其中又以加油站為VOC清查作業主要對象,並配合加油站回收設備查核及檢測作業共同進行。其餘清查執行對象尚包括乾洗業、發電業、汽車保養維修業、瀝青拌合業、氣體燃料供應業。台東縣境內加油站所有加油站VOC排放量共209噸/年。關於台東縣境內VOC潛在來源推估,總計台東縣內VOC排放量約5401噸/年,其中固定源約佔62%,為3346公噸/年、移動源約佔38%,為2055公噸/年。固定源部分又以商業活動為污染最大來源,包括有一般消費、汽車保養、加油站、乾洗業、餐飲業油煙等,共計1313公噸/年。而移動源部分,則以公路運輸為主要來源,包括汽油車、柴油車、機車等,共計1990公噸/年。周界臭味稽查檢測分別為鴻進汽車有限公司(周界臭味、甲苯、二甲苯)、台東鋼瓶有限公司(周界臭味)、永豐餘造紙股份有限公司台東廠(周界臭味)、中國石油公司東區營業處台東供油中心(周界臭味),本計畫針對其中1家進行現場查核後建議其集水站加蓋以避免臭(異)味逸散。 Investigation of Oil Gas Retrieves Facilities at the Gas Station, and VOC Emissions Check Thoroughly and Control Plan In order to understand the emission problem of VOC in Taitung county, we check the pollution source first and set up basic materials and investigation of the present emission situation, besides implementing several standards and regulations, and to draft a control strategy for distribution of pollution source and emission situation to conserve environment quality of Taitung county. This project contain gas station check and control, VOC emission check, the VOCs smell measurement. One applying case (third stage) of service station have been accepted till 2005/12/31, there are four new service stations in Taitung. In brief, there are 20 and 12 stations not up to standard in Static Pressure test and A/L test individually. The substandard ratio in Static Pressure test is 48.8%, and the substandard ratio in A/L test is 29.3%. After improvement, all stations conform to standard in Static Pressure test and A/L test. The main industry of VOC emission check of this project is gas stations, and the others contain dry-cleaner, power plain, automobile maintain and maintenance, mixing of asphalt, gaseous fuel supply industry. The VOCs emissions of gas stations is 209 ton/yr. The emissions of VOC potential sources is about 5401 ton/yr, in which the fix sources account for 62%, about 3346ton/yr, and the mobile sources account for 38%, about 2055ton/yr. The objects of VOCs smell measurement are HongJin motors Ltd, Taitung gaseous fuel supply Co., Yuen Foong Yu Group (Taitung), Taitung supply center of Chinese Petroleum Corporation. 094 台東縣環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司
推動屏東縣水環境守望相助巡守隊及加強民眾參與計畫 本年度各工作項目已依預定之目標及進度落實執行,執行摘要說明如下各點,詳細工作成果見各章節內容。一、河川巡守隊志工招募1.本縣河川巡守隊成立現況:計畫執行初期工作團隊於4月24日及30日於崁頂鄉港東國小及內埔鄉東寧社區活動中心,辦理二場河川巡守志工招募宣導說明會,在縣府及環保局積極招募下,本年度新成立10隊河川巡守隊,新加入志工計201人,併同去年度8隊巡守隊,合計志工人數達280人。2.本縣河川巡守隊成立大會暨授旗典禮:本計畫特於中華民國94年7月9日假屏東縣政府禮堂辦理「屏東縣水環境守望相助巡守隊成立大會」,進行志工的授旗誓師活動,並於同年11月20日完成河川巡守成果展暨頒獎典禮活動。3.辦理巡守志工講習訓練:本年度共辦理10場次志工教育訓練,由於志工平時均有固定工作,所以本訓練均利用夜間或假日時機至各小隊就近辦理,故出席率良好,合計出席人數達202人次。二、巡守通報機制及績效查核1.巡守隊通報成果:統計94年5月1日至94年11月15日,本轄河川巡守隊共回報登記有案之各類件數共計55件,其查報案件中含廢棄物堆置18件、露天燃燒案件7件及水污染案件30件。其中小型垃圾堆置均由巡守隊員自行清除,大型堆置物則移請廢管課或清潔隊處理,估算因此而處理之廢棄物量超過10公噸以上,另發現私油船及暗管7處已通報稽查課處理。2.巡守隊網路通報成果:為了避免巡守隊員們因電話報案無法完整呈現污染現況,本計畫教導隊員們多利用環保署網路陳情系統進行污染通報,本年度共計完成受理案件達9件(廢棄物2件、水污染6件及環境衛生1件)。3.志工值勤時數統計:現勘查核志工執勤記錄表所統計的時數中得知,總計94年5月至94年11月止,河川巡守隊共計執勤12,079.4小時,其中本年度成立之巡守隊共計值勤8,349.4小時,佔總時數69.1%。4.績效考核實施計畫:本年度針對本縣93、94年度成立之18隊水環境河川巡守隊進行考核作業,藉以評核巡守隊之績效作為年度獎勵之依據。考核結果共頒發出3個團體獎及38個個人獎。三、認識河川研習活動1.培訓環保小尖兵:本計畫於5月16日起至7月31日止分別於崇蘭國小、瑞光國小、潮南國小、新園國小、高朗國小、里港鄉、長治鄉農會等辦理7場次環保小尖兵研習會,參加人員包括國小師生、社區巡守隊員及民眾等,出席人數每場次均達120人以上,共計1,190人參加。2.認識縣內主要河川研習活動:於9月10日於新園鄉田洋村新園堤防辦理認識高屏溪研習活動(雙溪平原的月光),藉由寓教於樂的方式,讓民眾瞭解河川的功能及維護的重要性。 3.1001淨灘行動日活動:10月1日於東港鎮鎮海公園旁的沙灘舉行淨灘活動,藉由實際行動喚起大家隨時隨地關心周遭環境污染的問題。 4.我愛河川大手牽小手親子寫生比賽活動:10月23日於屏東市河濱公園進行戶外寫生比賽,藉由這次的寫生過程裡也增加了親子之間的互動,鼓勵民眾常到戶外,了解大自然,親近大自然。5.水資源生態巡禮-大手牽小手隘寮溪畔走一走:10月30日於里港鄉過江河堤公園辦理,透過運用親子共同參與、增進親子互動及親子情感之聯繫,並結合人文、生態及河川功能作綠色環保觀念的建立。 6.水環境河川巡守隊成果發表展及頒獎:11月20日於三地門鄉口社村集會所廣場前辦理, 會中除表揚優良巡守隊員外,並頒發親子寫生比賽各組優選及佳作等獎項,會場並展示寫生比賽優選作品及平日巡守隊辛勤成果展現。四、水資源保育多元化宣導1.電子網頁宣導:截至11月30日止已提出初步成果並送局核備,現階段已完成驗收,並於11月28日辦理電子網頁相關業務人員及管理人員之教育訓練會,課程包含網頁伺服器安裝、使用、建置及維護等,以確保網頁之完整性及正確性。2.平面媒體宣導:已完成製作6張水環境河川巡守隊宣導海報並寄發相關單位。3.在媒體宣導方面,本計畫購置有線電視熱門廣告頻道刊登跑馬燈,宣導水環境維護短片,收視區域包含屏東市等13處鄉鎮市,收視戶數共計約80,000戶。4.計畫期間巡守隊成立至今先後辦理過多場宣導活動,並與多家新聞媒體聯繫,包括台灣時報、台灣日報、中國時報、台灣時報、民眾日報及自由時報等,相繼登載水環境河川巡守隊相關活動報導,希望透過新聞報導後能讓更多民眾對於本縣水環境的認識,並與巡守隊一同加入志工行列隨時隨地維護關心水環境。五、各巡守隊建議彙整1.建議環保單位能提供電腦設備供巡守隊使用,以利相片資料建檔使用。2.建議定期邀請巡守隊參加各項愛溪護溪或河川水資源保護活動,以促進巡守隊之各項愛護河川水資源及環境保護觀念並藉此活絡巡守隊員之間的訊息交流。3.巡守隊於偏僻地區查獲污染源,但常因地點不易敘述導致環保單位無法於前往正確地點稽查,建議環保單位能提供GPS衛星定位儀供巡守隊使用。4.養豬廢水偷排情形普遍,巡守隊均顧及大家均需養家餬口而不予舉發,建議環保單位加強輔導養豬戶以減少廢水排放污染河川之現象。5.巡守隊巡守時大部分隊員皆騎乘機車,建議環保單位能補助油資,以減少開支。6.對於河岸常遭傾倒廢棄物,遇雨季來臨時廢棄物均遭沖入河川,巡守隊員經常自行清除廢棄物,建議環保單位配合設置告示牌或提供告示牌供巡守隊使用。7.建議於巡守隊隊部設置巡守隊名稱之牌匾,以利匯集巡守隊之人氣,進而吸引其他村民參與巡守行列。8.河川巡守均為義務性質,填寫巡守記錄表造成巡守隊員之負擔,建議能在查獲實際污染源後再行填寫。 Impels established Pingtung River Guard and strengthens the populace participate in the plan Each item of tasks has been done and reach our objectives as previously scheduled. The overall accomplishments of this project are summarized as follows.A.Recruitment of the river guards 1.Current situation: during this project of 2005 river guards were recruited respectively on April 24 and on April 30. Two hundred and one voluntary river guards are classified into 10 teams, along with the 8 teams recruited last year. We’ve got 208 river guards right now.2.2005 Pingtung River Guard was formally established in county on July 9. River guard performance and award was held on November 20 of the year.3.This year ten training seminars were offered at nighttime or on weekends for those volunteer guards, most of them have full time job at daytime and thus got a high attending rate of 202 times.B.Pollution report and efficiency evaluation 1.According to the statistics collected from May 1 to November 15 of this year, 55 pollution reports by phone include 18 cases of waste heaps, 7 cases of open burnings and 30 cases of water pollutions. River guards had cleaned up the tiny heaps of wastes while the large heaps of wastes had been passed onto the Waste Management and Control Department of this county. 2.Another approach to pollution report is adopted on line. 9 pollution reports were undertaken in such way.3.From May to November of 2005, the amount of river guards’ working hours goes up to 12,079.4 hours. The new recruits of this year singly contributed 8,349 hours, forming a large proportion ( 69.1% ) of the total hours.4.Government seriously evaluated the efficiency of the eighteen teams of river guards who were recruited in 2004 and 2005. Three group performance awards and thirty-eight individual performance awards were given.C.Seminars on knowing our rivers 1.Environmental protection needs all of us, despite of age and class. Seven seminars were held since May 16 to July 31 of 2005 in lots of elementary schools of Pingtung County. Both teachers and pupils were our target members to be educated as environmental guards against water pollutions.2.“Knowing Our Rivers in Pingtung County” conference was held on September 10, in attempt to introduce the functions of the rivers and to highlight the importance of protecting our rivers from pollutions.3.Beach Clean Day of October first was celebrated to encourage the public to care more about our environmental problems.4.Sketch contest gave the public an opportunity to have a closer contact with nature, know our nature and further love it. Water resources exhibition and ecological tours were also given to serve the optimal goal—caring for our environments.D.Multiple publicities 1.Exclusive website was established to publicize the importance of water resources protection and preservation.2.Advertisements in print are also useful form of publicities. Six posters of River Guard Performances were designed and printed.3.Media through television commercials and press conferences are another forms of publicities, which we had frequently resorted to. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4330
九十四年度事業廢棄物與再生資源清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎評選 為了鼓勵事業機構妥善清理廢棄物、資源減量、回收再利用,環保署於民國91年6月訂定「事業辦理廢棄物清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎勵辦法」及民國92年7月訂定「再生資源回收再利用績效優良獎勵辦法」,以辦理相關獎勵評選活動,本次辦理之「94年度事業廢棄物與再生資源清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎」,為環保署第三次辦理,評分標準包含兩大類:●管理系統方面: 為事業體之政策目標與自我管理,包含廢棄物清理、減量或回收再利用政策、目標、廢棄物管理組織、作業管理制度、設備維護及操作制度、管理制度的推動等。●績效表現方面: 為實際運作及達成績效,包含廢棄物清理、減量或再利用總體提昇量化資料、能資源節省情形、設備及設施投資改善情形、操作效能改善情形、研究發展等。今(94)年由環保署會同目的事業主管機關頒發「94年度事業廢棄物與再生資源清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎」。●特優獎:(1)農業組:順豐堆肥場(2)教育組:國立台東大學、弘光科技大學、明志科技大學(3)醫療組:財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院大林分院、財團法人天主教聖保祿修女醫院、國軍新竹醫院(4)工業組:台灣飛利浦建元電子股份有限公司(5)科學園區組:聯華電子股份有限公司FAB6A廠、力晶半導體股份有限公司環保署為表揚獲得94年度特優獎之事業機構,本計畫特出版「94年度事業廢棄物與再生資源清理及資源減量回收再利用績效優良獎優良事蹟彙編」,期能將其廢棄物減量、資源減量、回收及再利用之績效,藉由經驗分享及相互切磋推廣至其他事業。 Project-Plan for 「Appraisal and Selection of year 2005 Award for excellence performance on Waste Disposal, and Resource Recycling and Reuse」 In order to encourage various business sectors to participate in proper waste management, including waste disposal, waste minimization and resource recycling and reuse, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has promulgated the” Incentives and Award Rules for Institutions with Proven Performance on Waste Disposal, Waste Minimization and Resource Recycling and Reuse” in June 2002, and “ Incentives and Awards Rules For Proven Performance on Resource Recovery, Recycling and Reuse” in July 2003.In 2005, the EPA has held “Year 2005 Award for Excellent Performance in Proper Waste Disposal and Resource Recycling and Reuse”. This award is third time ever held. The criteria for the performance awards consists of two main parts:●Management Systems:The management system includes policy, objectives and programs for waste collection and treatment as well as waste minimization, waste management organization, operation management system including audit and documentation control, operation and maintenance, and educational training.●Performance Records : The performance records appraisal includes waste minimization, resource recycling and reuse, energy savings, investment and improvement in equipment and facilities, operation efficiency improvement, research and development and other proven performance records.In 2005, there are 20 institutions from various sectors as agriculture, hospital and science park, competing for the 2005 performance award. After preliminary review, reassessment and final selection by the committee consisting of experts, scholars, relevant regulatory authorities and the EPA, this year ten distinguished performance awards have been announced for 2005.In 2005, the EPA has publicly held an award ceremony to honor the distinguished performance award winners. In addition, for the distinguished award winners, the EPA has published this “Distinguished Performance Fact Summary for the Excellent Performance in Proper Waste Disposal, Waste Minimization and Resource Recycling and Reuse of Year 2005” for experience sharing and promotion of waste minimization and resource recycling and reuse. 094 廢管處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4362
廢棄石材回收之技術開發 利用人工合成的方式製作人造石材(Engineering stone)的技術在國內外已經非常成熟,其主要的原理是利用粉碎後的礦石細砂再加上不飽和樹酯與硬化劑,藉由振動與抽真空的方式將細砂與樹酯結合成一體。本計畫的主要工作是利用廢棄的石粉或是石材作為主要的原料進行人造石的開發,其關鍵技術包括有:各種粒徑石粉的參配、化學添加劑的反應參數與最後的製成參數實驗,完成後的產品可以達到與目前天然石材相同水準的表現。在未來天然石材的供應日益減少時,若能夠利用技術的研發,增加廢棄石材所佔的百分比來製造人造石,此技術將可以有效解決日益短少的天然資源。 Development of Engineering stone with recycle material The manufacturing process of engineering stone is developed and implemented abroad for past decades. The fundamental issue of manufacturing engineering stone is using unsaturated polymer, additives and crashed stone to mix together, and then the density of the stone will increase through the processes of vibration and vacuum. This work focus on the usage of wasted stone mixing with chemical agent to produce engineering stone. The main studies include: how to find the best mixing percentage of different sizes of stone patches, the response of chemical agent and the parameters of processing. This project plans to use the recycle material to make the recycle engineering stone. Through the investigation of process parameter and fundamental material, the characteristics of the recycle engineering stone can be controlled. It is believed that this work can help the people to solve the lack of natural stone. 094 永續發展室 張棟瑜 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4360
屏東縣河川水質監測計畫 由於各種不同污染量及型態排入河川,造成水質惡化產生程度上的差異,其變異程度可藉由統計軟體(如SPSS或SAS)進行各項統計分析,並可針對各監測站水質變異量進行分析及預測。本研究主要依據屏東縣東港溪歷年水質監測資料,進行統計分析,以利於水質資料之判讀及應用。在東港溪四個監測站(成德大橋、萬巒大橋、五魁橋、港東二號橋)所進行的河川水質採樣分析中,水質分析項目眾多,共22項,因此可利用統計軟體將大量數據資料予以簡化,分析影響河川水質變異的主要因子,進一步掌握東港溪的污染型態,作為未來重點監測項目與改善的參考。由變異數分析結果顯示,不同年度之氨氮和總磷經多重比較法(Tukey method)分析後可得到顯著的差異,若將東港溪各測站氨氮和總磷的濃度依季節整理分析,發現東港溪水質明顯受豐枯水期的影響。各水質監測項目以因子分析分類程序找出新的綜合指標,結果指出在相關性分析中原先與懸浮固體有高度相關約(0.89)的濁度經最大變異轉軸後,與該第三因子對於水質變異具較高的相關性(負荷值約0.94),懸浮固體與該第三因子對於水質變異則具有較高的相關性(負荷值約0.93),顯示因子分析得到的結果與相關性分析相符。第一因子中優氧化因子;第二因子屬於除了溶解性參數外亦包含了耗氧性參數,COD因子負荷值約0.60,硝酸鹽氮相對呈現高度負相關性(負荷值約-0.79)。因子分析可得到新的4個主分量及相關矩陣,其性質可分成第一因子屬溶解性及耗氧性因子,第二因子屬於除了溶解性參數外亦包含了耗氧性參數,第三因子屬於混濁性因子,第四因子屬於物理性或自然因子,由此可得到代表東港溪水質變異之主要污染因素所在。 Survey and Monitor of the River Water Quality in Pingtung County Either naturally occurring processes or human activities may have a significant impact on the quality of subsurface waters and further limit its use as water supply. With the aids of multivariate statistical techniques, this study attempted to puzzle out these processes and attribute their influence on groundwater quality. Kaohsiung County area holding parts of two main groundwater regions of Taiwan was selected for this study. Water quality data including temperature, pH, EC, DO, SS, turbidity, BOD, COD, NH3-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, TP, TKN, E-coli, anionic surfactant, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, Hg. from four monitoring stations were subjected to factor and cluster analysis. Principal component analysis (PCA) was utilized to reflect those chemical data with the greatest correlation, whereas cluster analysis (CA) was used to evaluate the similarities of water quality in groundwater samples. CA results illustrated that the overall quality of groundwater within hinterland was better than that within coastal area, where was partially salinized as a result of seawater intrusion. By utilizing PCA, the identified four major principal components (PCs) representing almost 94% of cumulative variance were able to interpret the most information contained in the data. PC 1 reflects the dominance of salinization, which was characterized by the elevated concentrations of EC, hardness, chloride, sulfate, sodium, potassium and magnesium in groundwater. PC 2 with the elevated concentrations of iron and manganese is thought to be representative of mineral dissolution within the aquifer. PC 3 shows a strong monotonic relationship with zinc concentration in the groundwater revealing the linkage of the oxidizing/reducing conditions within the aquifer. PC 4 describes the infiltration of organic matters that resulted in the enhancement of TOC on groundwater quality. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 陳瑞仁,黃益助 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4358
氧化生物分解塑膠ASTM D6954-04測試方法之開發 Tier1內的氧化部分參照ASTMD5510規範使用熱來達到脆裂終止點,改變不同的老化溫度,分別用70℃,100℃樣品拉伸延伸率降至5%,達到氧化目的。 Tier2及Tier3的測試。Tier2生物分解測試,依據ISO14855,塑膠中心已取得CNLA認證,另外Tier3的毒性測試依據ASTM D6400規範,預計12月底提出CNLA認證。 Standard guide for exposing and testing plastics that degrade in the environment by a combination of oxidation and biodegradation(ASTM D6954-04)test method development Experiments are carried out based upon ASTM 5510 instead. Films are placed in an oven to perform aging process. The optimal operating condition change heat aging temperature 70℃and 100℃,Elongation of the aged specimens could drop to 5%。Plastics Industry Development Center has obtained the certificate of Tire 2 of ISO 14855 (for biodegradability test) as well as the CNLA verification. Verification from CNLA for tire 3 (toxic materials test) based on ASTM D6400 is expected to be accomplished by the end of this December. 094 永續發展室 朱美珍 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4356
磷酸鹽底泥於難燃塑膠之應用 本計畫以鋼鐵業磷酸鹽皮膜表面處理製程產生之磷酸鹽底泥作為塑膠難燃劑使用;難燃塑膠產品以難燃鞋材所要求之物性為開發標的。實驗結果顯示,在塑膠基材中添加磷酸鹽底泥雖有助於難燃性的提升,添加40%時可達UL 94 V1水準。磷酸鹽底泥搭配氫氧化鋁使用產生之協乘效益使難燃性達UL94 V0水準,此外各項物性在塑膠/磷酸鹽/氫氧化鋁=65/20/15及65/15/20可達成查核點的要求。 The phosphate mud used in flame retardant plastic The phosphorate mud was adopted as flame retardant for plastics. The goal of this research is to develop a flame retarding plastics for meeting shoe sole’s requirements. The result shows that 40% phosphorate mud added to plastics can increase the flame retarding ability from UL-94 HB to V1. Moreover. ATH,combined to phosphorate mud,can have a synerqy effect for improving the flame retarding performance. The ratio of plastics/phosphorate/ATH can be either 65/20/15 or 65/15/20,and both of them can meet the check point’s demands. 094 永續發展室 莊朝印 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4354
台東縣卑南溪流域初來橋等測站水質改善整體規劃及細部設計計畫 本計畫主要為分析台東縣現有河川水質狀況,並依環保署監測站區分為十個河段,透過監測資料及環保署河川整治策略,篩選出重點河段,並進行重點河段之污染來源分析及污染量推估,評估結果以鷺鷥湖景觀區為優選場址,並以人工溼地與沉砂池為主要工法,進行細部設計。 Water Quality improvement Planning and Detail Design for Trulai station in pennan river in Taitung The main purpose of project is to analysis water quality of rivers in Taitung to find out the priority of river section estimalate. Luse lake park turn in to the first decision of building constructed wetland and sedimentation pond. 094 台東縣環境保護局 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1872
台東縣人工溼地生態研習營計畫 台東縣人工溼地生態研習營計畫主要工作項目可分成兩種類型,分別為關山人工溼地之維護工作與辦理環保教育相關宣導活動。計畫工作內容中關於環保教育推廣活動的項目有辦理台東縣人工溼地生態研習營、進行河川污染緊急應變演練與媒體文宣等。 Constructed Wetland ecological camp in Taitung Two purpose of the project are Constructed Wetland ecological camp and environment education. 094 台東縣環境保護局 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4352
「二○○五年亞太地區海洋污染防治研討會」專案工作計畫 台灣四周海域每年三萬艘油輪經過,海域污染的威脅仍然不容忽視;海岸發展凌亂,污穢棄置、景觀單調、堤岸水泥化,亟待推動海岸復育及總體營造;河川及其他陸源性污染持續減損海域環境品質,毒魚炸魚和過漁現象,仍不斷破壞珊瑚礁、漁場和生物棲地。海洋污染不但直接影響漁產產量、經濟發展與健康品質,也激發區域合作的必要性和相關技術及生態工法之研發。有鑑於海洋污染之防治與管制,必須持續建立整合、完整的機制,同時納入區域觀、國際觀,爰呼應行政院海洋事務推動委員會「二○○五海洋年」之構想,辦理本計畫,期藉邀集亞太區域內產官學民專家學者之共同研討,交換資訊與經驗,一步步建立國際溝通網路,協助解決台灣與區域內海洋污染問題,並使本研討會逐步發展為亞太地區最為重要的環境論壇之一。 2005 Asia Pacific Marine Pollution Conference The marine environment is an integral part of the Earth’s life support systems and has provided one of the most important sources of natural resources for human development. The Pacific Ocean, the world largest ocean, is critical to support the economy and long-term welfare for countries and peoples around its rim. However, marine pollution has been a major concern in the Asia-Pacific region. A significant volume of municipal wastewater and various land-based pollutants have been continuously discharged into the marine environment without proper treatment. Many human activities are quickly degrading the quality of marine environment. Incidents, such as oil spills, have aggravated the situation. Exotic species and some ecologic concerns (e.g., antifouling materials) have also been the focus of marine environmental management and regional cooperation. In this regard, the 2005 Asia-Pacific Conference on Marine Pollution Prevention and Control (ACMP) is international conference is to provide a forum for exploring the current status, identifying the major issues, exchanging information and ideas as well as adequate strategies to overcome the problems of marine pollution in the Asia-Pacific region. It is also hope that the ACMP can be one of the important fora in the region. 094 水保處 中華民國海洋防治污染協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4350
複合式塑膠木材之環保創新技術商品化開發 本計畫開發之複合式塑膠木材(Wood Plastic Composite)是將回收的高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)加溫融化,再將木屑、稻穀或各種自然纖維磨成粉末顆粒,以真空披覆的方法先使這些自然顆粒被覆一層HDPE塑膠,使其達到有效防水功能,再根據產品之功能用途,採用射出成型法或擠壓成型法製造出各種形式的形狀。製造成型時,調配適當比例(比例成分由40-60%之間)加工製造成為外觀、觸感類似木材的產品(Wood Plastic Composite, WPC)。本研究的計畫重點工作有下列四個項目。ㄧ為WPC產品設計與開發,結合現代化之電腦輔助技術及商品設計技術,從產品構想、戶外及室內空間設計、到空間設計規劃等,建立一套完整之WPC產品開發程序以強化創新設計能力。二為材料配方開發及測試,發展一套混合技術,使HDPE完全包覆粉末顆粒,達到耐久使用及完全不受潮溼等優點;並進行各項物理及機械性質測試。三為建立產品生命週期分析,發展一套矩陣式簡約產品生命週期分析,採用問卷調查研究以發展出WPC產品生命週期;另外也建立一套完整的理論架構於WPC產品在前製階段(Premanufacture)、製造階段(Product Manufacture)、組裝與運輸階段(Product Packaging and Transport)、使用階段(Product Use),以建立完整的產品生命週期分析機制。四為建立WPC製程技術及破壞機構,發展射出成型及擠壓成型方法,以製造出WPC產品,並建立WPC破壞機構模式,以強化其機械性質。最後再提出WPC產品的回收機制,作為將來WPC商品化的建議。因此本計畫之成果,比起一般傳統塑膠更具環保性,無論在材料配方、商品應用、回收使用或製程技術上,均有專利潛力。 The Development Project for Innovation Recycled Commercialization Product of Wood Plastic Composite The project is that the research of innovation recycled commercialization product of wood plastic composite material. The project includes manufacturing process, material study and product design and development. The manufacturing process integrated recycled rice husk fiber coated with thin polymer to protect from water and combined with recycled plastic, such as HDPE, then the product is produced. The powders are made of powder of HDPE, wood, rice husk and natural fiber and its optimized material percentage is studied. Follow on, product design and development, wood house, table and chair, outdoors design is also further studied in the project. There are four categories are summarized. Firstly, The process of industrial design is applied for the wood plastic composite and then developed innovative ideas and new products as well. Secondly, the research on the materials of wood plastic composite is conducted and mechanical and physical properties are concluded. Thirdly, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of wood plastic composite is processed to study the commercial WPC product. The data is collected and analized. Finally, the standard of recycled process is also proposed for the WPC product and recommended to the government. The results of the project is worthy of industrial application as well as patent launched. 094 永續發展室 亞東技術學院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4372
94、95年度資源回收管理基金責任業者營業量申報輔導、審查、勾稽暨系統提昇2年計畫 本計畫主要目的為審查、輔導公告指定責任業者登記、例行申報營業量及繳納回收清除處理費等相關作業、94年底前達成上網申報總家次至少6,000家次、規劃疑似短漏報之電子化勾稽作業制度、以93年所建置之營業量管理系統為基礎,提昇自動勾稽、查詢及決策分析資料、檢討現行繳費、審查制度,落實簡政便民及提高管理效率的精神。並在工作期程內完成公告指定責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃、公告指定責任業者登記、申報及繳費核帳等作業輔導、審查及建檔、統計報表提報作業、公告指定責任業者營業量管理系統建置、更新及維護、公告指定責任業者應回收廢棄物營業量申報系統建置更新及維護及辦理有關本計畫相關作業業者說明會等工作項目。責任業者營業量申報制度檢討與規劃,本計畫已於94年度完成的項目有:八大基金合併或分別管理、後續強制網路申報批次公告之作業方案與配套措施、廢清法相關法規之修正建議、銀行帳核帳資料更帳原因及改善建議、家次統計原則及改進、列管門檻檢討評估、規劃疑似短漏報之電子化勾稽制度、協助擬定回收清除處理費用之補抵作業準則及列管名單有效管理等。公告指定責任業者營業量管理及申報系統也建置了責任業者網際網路申報系統、法務計畫整合系統、輔助廢止登記辦理整合系統、帳號管理者與分公司之網路申報作業、公會資料整合查詢系統、異地備援方案、線上登記系統、電子郵件系統自動發送功能及申請書面申報控管系統等,務使營業量管理系統更能發揮強大的功能。本計畫已於94年6月至7月期間與各環保局共同辦理相關說明會,共計10場次,責任業者對於說明會的內容、政令宣導及網際網路營業量申報繳費作業等均表示高度肯定,另本計畫亦於94年9至10月共同完成專案式及集中式之到戶輔導作業共100家,期能徹底地解決業者在網際網路營業量申報繳費作業上所遇到之困難,從而順利完成申報繳費之作業,亦充分達成本計畫目標。為確保公告指定責任業者營業量書面申報資料審查建檔、核/銷帳及歸檔、報表提報及系統開發維護等工作之品質及進度合乎要求,本團隊每2個月進行乙次內部稽核作業,目前已完成至94年第4期,並針對營業量計畫駐署人員績效考評,提高管理效率的精神。 Project of the Guidance and Auditing for Resource Recycling Business Reporting and Management System Upgrades and Maintenance in Year 2005 and 2006 The purpose of this project is to complete the following agenda: guiding the target business to register and report their operation condition and pay the disposal fee; mandate at least 6,000 target business report data online; planning electronic auditing system to inspect short-reporting based on the operation quantity management system established in year 2004. The functionality of the auditing and inquiry system will be upgraded More analysis will come out to make policy amendment referral. The existing disposal charge payment and auditing system is reviewed to make the system more convenient to the public and raise the management effects. Also the project proposal includes but not limits to complete the planning and reviewing the online reporting mechanism, registering the target business as “responsible party”, guiding data report on charge payment, auditing and filing of the payment data, creating statistic data, establishing, updating, and maintaining the responsible parties’ management system on operation quantity and mandated recyclable resources quantity and holding training symposium. All the objectives will be completed within the required time period of time. The completed items for planning and reviewing of the online reporting mechanism for responsible parties in year 2005 are: merging or separating eight funds, planning of the mandatory internet reporting mechanism and its corresponding executive measures, suggesting of regulatory amendment, correcting banking information and figuring out the reason, suggesting statistic principle, creating reasonable criteria for enlisting target business, planning short-reporting electronic auditing mechanism, assisting on creation of recycling, disposal, and treatment fee subsidization principles, and assessing effective management on responsible parties. .Operation Management System establishes responsible parties online reporting system, regulatory information integration system, registration abolishment recording system, administrator and its branch office reporting system, business guilds information integration and inquiry system, information back-up planning, online registering system, electronic mail automatic sending function, and paper application management systems. These systems combined tighter to make the operation management system more powerful than ever. We had 10 symposiums complete in June and July in year 2005. Participants were highly satisfied with the symposium content, policy propagation, and internet charge payment system. We also offer on-site training service to 100 businesses individually or collectively in September and October in year 2005. We hope these symposiums and services will assist participants understand how to make online reporting and completely achieve the goal of this project. To ensure the application auditing, filing, bank information recording, data tablet creation, and system development and maintenance proceeding within the proposed schedule and all the items are meeting the quality control requirement, we have internal auditing conducted bimonthly. The internal auditing also audits the contracting staffs’ work performance; it has completed in fourth quarter of year 2005, and raises the management efficiency. 094 基管會 環資國際有限公司 邱垂傑 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4370
屏東縣河川流域生態工法水質淨化工程細部規劃設計 屏東縣近年來積極推動生態工法淨化水體水質,除了已完成數個研究性計畫外,目前在武洛溪的水質改善計畫中,兩期的生態工法工程業已完工運轉,而麟洛鄉多功能的生態園區也即將在今年度動工。此外,屏東縣環保局在轄區內亦全面性清查可供建置人工濕地等自然水質淨化系統場址。如何在有限資源下評估最適合的優先場址,是九十四年度工作重點之一。決定最優先場址需先列出最完整的候選名單,然後經過現勘調查,本年度總共現勘調查了二十四處場址,再依據八項評估因子,初步篩出適合的數處場址,最後舉辦專家會議,利用專家學著評估法,綜合各項考量,客觀訂出人工濕地場址的建設期程優先順序。 The desing of river water quality improving by ecological engineering method in Pingtung County In recent years, Pingtung County has been promoting the ecological engineering method to purify water. Until now, several researchful plans were finished, the ecological engineering method industry of the Wulo River water quality improving project was completed and put into operation, and Linluo Township multi-purpose ecological park is to be started this year. Additionally, Pingtung County Environmental Protection Bureau is inspecting the natural water purifying sites available for constructed wetlands. How to assess the most proper priority sites is one of the main tasks in 2005. The priority site shall be decided by listing all candidates first and inspecting them on the spot. There were twenty four sites undergone on-the-spot inspection in this year, among which several sites were chosen according to eight assessing factors. Finally, the seminar was held to decide the order of importance for the constructed wetland construction time in consideration of all potential conditions by the assessing methods of experts and scholars. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 台灣永續工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4368
災後都會及鄉村地區環境衛生評估指標及其實施機制之研究(一) 為能夠使各級單位確實掌握災後環境衛生情形,並且強化災後環境衛生問題處理能力,本計畫乃結合結果管理、系統分析以及管理思維與步驟等觀念與方法,發展一套災後環境污染防治管理體系架構(其中包含災後環境污染防治績效指標),同時依此體系架構而檢討目前災後環境污染防治機制,以做為各級單位進行災後環境污染防治工作之依據。本計畫並進行都市地區與鄉村地區災後環境特性之界定與差異分析,依此結果而發展災後環境衛生評估指標以及災後環境污染防治(含環境衛生問題處理)能力評估指標(分為平時資源建置、災前整備及災後執行三個階段),並評估10個縣市平時資源建置階段之災後環境污染防治能力。評估結果顯示,總體分數為60~74分(尚可)者包括台北縣、基隆市、台中縣、澎湖縣、新竹市、台北市、桃園縣等7縣市,而59分以下者包括宜蘭縣、新竹縣、台中市等3縣市,而且各縣市均有部分指標值低於3分之情形,本計畫以「在民國97年底以前,平時資源建置階段之災後環境污染防治能力評估等級可達『良』(75分),而各面向之評估指標值皆可達3分以上」為目標,擬定(1)民國95年完成編制內災後環境污染防治人力工作之分配調整、(2)民國97年完成增購災後環境污染防治機具設備等、(3)民國96年完成志工人力納入編組、(4)民國96年完成簽訂災後環境污染防治工作委託合約、(5)民國96年完成政府間支援垃圾處理容量之協定等5項策略,再針對每個縣市提出細項策略及行動計畫以做為具體改善方案,以使各級單位在災害發生後,能夠快速而有效的處理環境衛生問題。 A Study on the Environmental Health Evaluation Indicator and its Implementation Mechanism for Urban and Rural Area after Natural Disaster (I) To enhance the capabilities of the authorities to solve the problem of environmental health after natural disaster, this study uses the concepts and methods of Managing for Results (MFR), system analysis, and management thinking and procedure to develop a management framework for environmental pollution control after natural disaster. This framework also includes performance indicators of environmental pollution control after natural disaster. The current mechanism for environmental pollution control after natural disaster is modified based on this framework and is applied as the guidance for the authorities. The differences of environmental characteristics between the urban area and the rural area after natural disaster are analyzed and identified. The environmental health evaluation indicator and the capability evaluation indicator (including three stages of establishment in usual time, preparation before disaster, and execution after disaster) of environmental pollution control after natural disaster are developed based on the above analysis results. This study uses the developed capability evaluation indicator to evaluate the capabilities in the stage of establishment in usual time of 10 local authorities for environmental pollution control after natural disaster. The evaluated results indicate that the evaluation values of seven local authorities, including Taipei County, Keelung City, Taichung County, Penghu County, Hsinchu City, Taipei City, and Taoyuan County, are between 60 and 74 which are classified as the level of “fair”. The evaluation values of three local authorities, including Yilan County, Hsinchu County, and Taichung City, are below 59. Furthermore, each local authority has some indicator values which are below 3. This study suggests the improvement objective as that the capability in the stage of establishment in usual time can achieve the level of “good” (the evaluation value above 75) and each indicator value can be above 3 by 2008. Five major improvement strategies are developed in this study, including: (1) allocating the governmental human resources for environmental pollution control after natural disaster by 2006; (2) purchasing equipments for environmental pollution control after natural disaster by 2008; (3) organizing the volunteers by 2007; (4) making the contracts with private enterprises for environmental pollution control after natural disaster by 2007; and (5) making the inter-governmental agreements for waste treatment by 2007. Moreover, the detailed strategies and action plans are generated as the improvement alternatives for the 10 local authorities. The analytic results and alternatives can be used to assist the local authorities to effectively solve the problems for environmental pollution control after natural disaster. 094 毒管處 南亞技術學院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4366
東港溪流域「龍東橋」及「潮州大橋」、高屏溪流域「里港大橋」測站水質改善整體規劃及細部設計計畫 高屏溪與東港溪流域為整個高高屏地區的用水主要來源,其水體用途主要為公共給水、農業用水、養殖用水與工業用水,高屏溪更為大高雄地區主要自來水源,水體相當重要。然而近年來經濟快速成長,以致家庭污水、工廠排放水及畜牧廢水大量排入高屏溪與東港溪,造成水質嚴重惡化。本研究主要目標為改善里港大橋、龍東橋及潮州大橋三測站之水質污染問題,本研究分別蒐集與彙整兩流域相關資料,推估各集污區之污染負荷量,以QUAL2E模式評估兩流域之涵容能力,並配合流域整體性水質改善目標,研擬污染削減策略及水質改善方案之規劃。研究結果顯示,里港大橋集污區指標污染物為懸浮固體物,龍東橋及潮州大橋集污區之指標污染物為DO 與NH3-N,畜牧廢水為龍東橋及潮州大橋集污區內最主要之污染源,其BOD與NH3-N污染負荷量各佔總排污量之80.15%與75.29%。根據現場調查與污染負荷量推估之結果,本研究針對兩流域水質改善目標提出下列之整治策略,希冀以提升河川自淨能力,有效改善河川水質,(1) 積極進行流域上游及沿岸水土保持、邊坡復育等工作。(2) 評估進行泥沙清除以改善排水路與水質,提昇河川自淨能力。(3) 加速興建生活污水下水道。(4) 增加高灘地使用率,並運用生態工法有效處理廢污水。 (5) 持續離牧政策之追蹤,管制畜牧廢水並加強取締非法養豬業者。(6) 加強河川巡守、查察,避免河川遭受人為破壞,增加河川環境負荷。 The integral plan and detail design for improving water quality on stations in Long-tong Bridge and Chao-zhou Bridge of the Tung-kung River and Li-kung Bridge of the Kao-ping River The basins of Kao-ping River and Tung-kung River are the major fresh water supplier of Kao-ping area. The usage of water is mainly for the public water supply, agriculture, cultivating and industrial using. Kao-ping River is the most important water resource to Great Kaoshiung Area. Nevertheless, tremendous residential and industrial wastewater drained to Kao-Ping River and Tung-kung River because of the rapid developing of economy and human activities. That Course the severe damage to water resource quality. This study is for proving water pollution around three inspecting stations of Li-kung Bridge, Long-tong Bridge, Chao-zhou Bridge. We are not only collecting and searching the relative information between the two basins, but also review the waste loading around those pollutant areas. Using the QUAL2E model estimate the capacity between those basins. The goat of this study is establishing the tactics for reducing pollutant and improving water quality. The result of this study shows that the index pollutants were Suspend Solid (SS) in Li-kung Bridge, DO and NH3-N both in the Long-tong Bridge and Chao-zhou Bridge. Pasturage waste water is the major pollutants which percentage of BOD and NH3-N were 81.15% and 75.29% In Long-tong Bridge and Chao-zhou Bridge. According to the result of inspected and estimated pollutant loading, we are suggested following steps that could improve the water quality by enhancing the assimilative capacity of river. (i) Improving and maintain soil and water conservation and slopes recovery both on river headwater and bank areas. (ii) Estimating to scavenge sediment that can enhance assimilative capacity by improving the drainage and water quality of river. (iii) Accelerating measure to build more residential sewerage system. (iv) using the flood terrain area frequently and also use the ecological engineering to treat waste water more efficiently. (v) Keeping the policy for reducing wastewater from the swine industries in Kao-ping River and reinforcing crackdown the illegal culture violator. (vi) enforcing the bank patrolling to keep away from deteriorated by human activities. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 環保署、屏東縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4380
屏東縣固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳計畫 本計畫作業項目包含:(1)許可審查、核發及說明會辦理(2)許可查核、(3)巡查、(4)資料庫更新與擴充及QA/QC、(5)煙道無機物含油品含硫份抽測作業、(6)CEMS查核(7)焚化爐戴奧辛抽測作業(8)定期檢測監督作業 (9)空污費催繳及查核作業(10)稽查處份資料建檔等作業項目。在固定污染源許可審查作業,各批次許可申請狀況包括設置/變更、操作/異動、展延、及補換發共計139件,已完成審查並發證者共105製程,文件平均審查日數為13.3天,目前屏東縣有效之操作許可證共316張,以鍋爐製程佔25%為最多,許可制度對全體固定源納管率,在製程為42%,污染源、防制設備及排放口則為72~89%,而對儲槽及堆置場則只有34~42%。在許可查核方面,共完成255條製程之查核作業,查核不符率16.1%為近年來之高點,其中有將近一半之不符原因為燃、物料用量或產品產量超出核可值。針對公告應定期檢測煙道,共計完成75根次之監督作業,其中有4根次檢測過程中有瑕疵,導致檢測作業無法完成,分析過去3年之定期檢測資料,篩選燃油鍋爐、燃木鍋爐及旋轉式乾燥爐並計算其檢測排放係數,其中燃油鍋爐及旋轉式乾燥爐檢測排放係數低於空污費公告係數,而燃木鍋爐之檢測排放係數確高於空污費公告係數。在資料庫作業方面,本計劃共完成資料庫更新354件,達成率104%,更新後在設備數上有些許下降,而在排放量部分,TSP及VOCs有較明顯之減量,主要為砂石場、加油站所減量;而NOx之排放量卻明顯上升,主要為崁頂焚化廠垃圾焚化量增加所致,更新後之排放量仍有部分工廠之排放量與空污費資料庫有所差異,分析原因大抵為為估算方式不同所致,而空污費申報錯誤亦為原因之一。在稽查檢測作業方面,併同環保局另外發包之稽查檢測計畫,共執行煙道無機物檢測29根次、臭味周界檢測20點次、油品含硫份31件、中小型戴奧辛檢測3根次及CEMS相對準確度試驗2根次,其中煙道無機物檢測不合格1根次、油品含硫份不合格1件、臭味採樣不合格1件;而RATA部分,雖兩根次煙道之RA值尚在許可範圍內,經由信賴係數與誤差值比較後,其中1根之CEMS有明顯系統偏移現象,可能導致排放量低估。此外,在行業別法規符合度共計執行中小型焚化爐戴奧辛排放、大型焚化爐戴奧辛排放、電力業、石化業、汽車表面塗裝業、煉鋼業、鉛二次冶煉、瀝青業、磚瓦窯業、熱風乾燥機等10行業、27廠次之查核作業,查核結果大致良好,惟其中一家汽車表面塗裝業之乾燥式廢氣經處理後,VOCs削減率未達90%而予以告發。在空污費相關作業方面,本計畫\共計完成28家工廠之催繳作業,並針對空污費申報有疑慮之廠家篩選31家進行申報資料查核,其中申報錯誤率高達35%,由此可見空污費相關制度仍有相當大之宣導空間。 Pingtung staionary resource permitting system and air pollution project The works of Stationary Sources Permit and Air pollution Fee project including: (1) Stationary Sources Permit, including permit inquisition and elaboration conference. (2)Pollution sources control, including patrol, stack inorganic content inspection, sulfur content inspection of fuel oil, regular inspection surveillance, accuracy reviewed of CEMS and dioxins inspection in random of incinerators. (3) Database establishment with electronic reporting and system function upgrade and QA/QC. (4) Air Pollution Fee payment review and audit. (5) Penalty records filing of patrol and so on.In permit system, 23 processes of settlement, 58 processes of operation permit and 29 processes of permit extend were applied. During our audit, we have collected and codified several problems that was often confused in permit apply cases and propaganda to local plant employee who is in charge of air pollution affair. Another conference was held for introducing the permit system to plants that were listed of eighth batch factories by Environmental Protection Administrator (EPA). In permit audit, there was 16.1% of discrepancy that mainly caused by exceeded the permit value of raw material and fuel.In stationary controlling, we inspected 29 stacks for inorganic content in random and analyze 31 sulfur content cases that both have 1 case exceeded the standards. There were no incorrect cases both small-middle incinerators dioxin emission and CEMS accuracy inspection. In emission quantity upgrade, we renew 354 factories or 63% in list. The result showed out the particle emission was declined because of the reduction of mucking gravel by the effect of poor weather condition. VOCs also declined partly because gasoline station reduction measure taking place. NOx quantity was arise obviously because of the incinerated waste quantity was increased that bring by waste transship station operation. Therewith, there also have some factories reduced their pollution by using clearer fuel.In air pollution fee payment review and audit, there were 27 factories need to reregistered and repay that included 6 factories never paid before. Further, we audit 25 factories that have registered in random and 32% in that was uncorrected. That shows out a lot of factories was unfamiliar on Air Pollution Fee System. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 元科公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4378
屏東縣高屏溪流域事業污染源及暗管稽查管制計畫 本計畫係對高屏溪流域列管事業進行稽查管制及暗管查核追蹤作業。經執行事業稽查管制作業,總計查獲不明管線或暗管達35支,依法進行公告封閉作業;另依據稽查實際結果推估流域畜牧廢水污染源,流域BOD及SS產生量分別為99,367kg/day及119,239kg/day,BOD及SS排放量分別為40,353kg/day及45,323kg/day,推估目前流域畜牧業BOD及SS污染削減率分別為59.4%及62.0%,BOD及SS削減量分別為59,014kg/day及73,916kg/day。重點排水:萬年溪及殺蛇溪等五條河川監測,河川污染程度分屬於中度污染至嚴重污染程度。考慮污染削減可行方案:畜牧廢水之源頭減廢及回收再利用,推廣高床式之豬舍,以人工或機械式收集豬糞等均可有效減少廢水量及廢水設備負荷,而其中豬糞堆肥化及放流水回收再利用是減少廢水及廢棄物之最佳方式。 The Plan of Industry Polluting Source and Unregistered Dischargeable Points Inspection and Control on Kaoping River in Pingtung County This project is to control and investigate illegal discharges to the Kaoping River. The result of the investigation has shown 35 illegal pipelines discharging to Kaoping River, which will be publicized and closed if not claimed by the owners. It is estimated that BOD and SS are produced at a rate of 99,367 kg/day and 119,239 kg/day, respectively, from the livestock farms. The actual discharging rate is 40,353 kg/day and 45,323 kg/day for BOD and SS, respectively. The reduction rate is approximately 59.4% (59,014 kg/day) and 62.0% (73,916 kg/day) for BOD and SS, respectively. Severely polluted rivers: River water quality is being monitored at five rivers, including Wan-Nien River and Sa-Ser River. The degree of pollution in these rivers ranges from moderate to severe. Feasibility of pollution reduction plan: Wastewater from livestock farms is to be reduced at its source or recycled. Raising-Bed Pig farms are to be promoted. In addition, manual or automatical collection of the manures will effectively reduce wastewater productions and the loads to the wastewater treatment units. Composting of the manures and the re-collection of the discharging wastewater are the best approach to reduce solid waste/wastewater quantity. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4376
資源回收相關作業之查核稽催追蹤管制專案工作計畫(94年度) 行政院環境保護署資源回收管理基金管理委員會依據廢棄物清理法,為落實資源回收體系上游責任業者登記、申報、繳費之執法公平性與一致性與下游販賣業者回收管道之暢通,於94年度推動「資源回收相關作業之查核稽催暨追蹤管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),委託惠元環境資源股份有限公司,協助規劃計畫工作項目與落實執行外,並派駐環保署與各縣市環保局33位大專以上專職人力共同推動本計畫。本計畫歷經9個月執行期間,在責任業者管理工作推動上之成果主要有兩大項:一、完成94年度資源回收基金應催收費用,經本計畫欠繳金額稽催與控管,實際提高回收基金總金額達3億3,623萬7,181元整(統計94年全年度);二、94年度辦理函請各縣市違法責任業者稽查與告發案件控管作業,總控管案件總計3,020件,經各縣市環保局實際稽查處理執行率高達97.4%以上,總計告發85件,告發金額實際挹注地方財政高達5,850,000元。整體而言配合重點稽查取締案件推動,各縣市環保局稽查取締案件執行成果良好。在販賣業者管理工作推動上,陸續完成27,830家販賣業者登記列管作業,並實際於全省現場輔導與查核39,784家販賣業者,較原計畫目標查核點數10,611家,約達4倍。本年度自五月份起新增輔導責任業者辦理網際網路申報作業工作,其輔導對象主要係以資本額1,000萬(含)以下之責任業者為主,共計輔導835家責任業者,其中經輔導後業者已辦理網路申報作業之家數共計716家,已達成計畫預計輔導600家業者;另在資源回收相關作業成果,協助環保署勘查各縣市辦理63場次「補助民間團體辦理資源回收活動」。最後配合本計畫各項工作推動修正網際網路專案管理系統功能,共計修正及新增54類表單,並逐一檢視各類統計表單運算邏輯及預留系統擴充性能。總結,藉由本計畫之推動,協助環保署於資源回收相關政策法令之落實、資源回收基金納繳率的提高、違法案件執法公平之落實與回收管道管理等工作已有顯著之執行績效。 Project of auditing, tracking and administrating the resources recycling procedures.(2005) Based on Waste Disposal Act (Oct. 24, 2001), The Recycling Management Fund(RMF)of Environmental Protection Administration(EPA)enforces Responsible Enterprise to registering, declaring and paying recycling fee in the fair and consistent manner and maintain smooth recycling channel for sales enterprises. In2005, RMF has been promoted the project" Auditing, tracking and administrating the recycle procedures " and authorized Hui Yuan Environmental Resources Co., Ltd. to plan and manage the project items,Hui Yuan also missioned over 33 employees in EPA and EPB(Environmental Protection Bureau)of local governments or administrations assisting this project.From April 2005 to December 2005, the project was authorized by RMF to manage Responsible Enterprise and sales enterprise for nine months. The project reached two major achievements in managing Responsible Enterprise: First of all, the project enforces Responsible Enterprise to submit recycling fund and increased NT$336,237,181 in recycling fund. Secondly, there have been 3,020 illegal Responsible Enterprise in counties audited and supervised. In those illegal cases, there were 85 punishment cases and enforced to pay fine which is increasing NT$5,850,000 in local governments finance. In sales enterprise management, the best achievement of this project is to assist 27,830 sales enterprise to register and to inspect 39,784 sales enterprise to obey the Waste Disposal Act. Other achievements reached were helping EPA to supervise items of expenditure of recycling subsidies applied by local environmental protection agencies (bureau); recording 63 activities sponsored by government to encourage communities to participate in recycling activities.In order to set the project action, we develop a computer system of project management. It provides the user date input and statistics functions in internet immediately.In conclusion, the accomplishments of the project are to assist EPA on policy implement, to increase revenue of recycle fund, to practice justice to illegal cases; and to administrate the recycling channel. 094 基管會 惠元環境資源股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4374
屏東縣砂石場廢(污)水削減及隘寮溪污染源總量管制計畫 在台灣,非點源污染是造成水質問題之主要原因之ㄧ,非點源污染隨著暴雨逕流與土壤侵蝕從農業區沖刷出來,污染源散佈非常廣泛,且傳輸途徑與過程十分複雜,很難加以辨別及監控。高屏溪流域為高屏地區主要農業用水、工業用水及自來水水源,水體用途相當重要。隨著高屏溪攔河堰上游豬隻禁養政策之實行,點源污染已逐步控制,非點源污染削減之重要性逐漸提高。由於流域上游集水區大都以農業活動為主,非點源污染亦為造成高屏溪水質惡化之主要原因之一,高屏溪流域集水區之管理規劃,應針對非點源污染予以調整評估及規範,方能達到水資源永續利用之目標。本研究應用多介質模式(Integrated Watershed Management Model, IWMM )模擬評估高屏溪流域主要支流之ㄧ隘寮溪集水區非點源負荷對於隘寮溪水質之影響,進一步探討降雨量及土地利用型態與非點源負荷量之關係,並針對非點源污染研擬及進行可行性整治方案之效益評估,希冀以在高屏溪流域集水區管理上有所助益。模式評估結果顯示,隘寮溪集水區2004 年全年之氨氮非點源負荷量為92,177 kg/year,農業活動為其主要污染來源,於豐水期期間非點源污染輸出量最大。本研究提出下列3 點主要之管理策略,以有效進行流域管理及污染控制,並降低非點源污染對於高屏溪水質之衝擊:(1)建立集水區地理資訊系統(geographic information system, GIS )及即時水質監測系統以有效監測及管理集水區污染;(2)結合GIS 系統與多介質模式,以有效研擬流域之管理策略及各整治策略之效益分析;(3)應用非點源最佳管理作業(best management practices, BMPs )及自然處理系統處理集水區暴雨逕流挾帶之非點源污染。本研究計畫結果與經驗將有助於集水區之管理策略規劃及其他河川流域污染控制政策之擬定。 The Plan of Grit Industry and I-Liao Creek Basin Polluting Sources Reduction and Control in Pingtung County In Taiwan, non-point source (NPS) pollution is one of the major causes of the impairment of surface waters. NPS pollutants, which are associated with stormwater runoff from agricultural land uses can be quite diffuse and difficult to treat. The I-Liao Creek Basin, located in southern Taiwan, flows through approximately 90-km and drains towards the Kaoping River. It is one of the major subbasin in the Kaoping River Basin, which is the largest and the most intensively used river basin in Taiwan. Field investigation results indicate that the main water pollution sources in the I-Liao Creek Basin are NPS pollutants from agricultural activities. NPS pollutants contribute more than 75% of the overall pollution load to the I-Liao Creek. An integrated watershed management model (IWMM) was applied for simulating the water quality in the I-Liao Creek watershed. The model includes a global atmosphere module, a land module, a human impact module, a canopy module, and a global ocean module. Those modules can be linked and managed by a graphic user-interface. The model was calibrated and verified with field data, and was used to investigate potential NPS pollution management plans. Concern about the deteriorating condition of the river led the Government of Taiwan to amend the relevance legislations and strengthen the enforcement of the discharge regulations to effectively manage the river and control the pollution. The following remedial strategies have been taken to reduce the impacts of NPS pollution on the water quality of I-Liao Creek: application of best management practice (BMP) for NPS pollutant control; application of natural treatment systems (e.g., land treatment, constructed wetland, overland flow, riverbank sedimentation/ aeration pond) for the treatment of stormwater runoff; and construction of the watershed geographical information system (GIS) and real time water quality monitoring system to effectively monitor and manage the watershed. GIS system is an important mean for land-use identification and waste load estimation in the catchment. Linking the information of land utilization with the NPS pollution simulation model may further provide essential information of pollution potential of NPS pollution for all sub-regions in the river basin. Results and experience obtained from this study will be helpful in designing the watershed management and NPS pollution control strategies for other similar river basins. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4388
屏東縣空氣品質管理發展計畫 屏東縣位於高屏空品區,由於空氣污染物排放特性複雜、氣象及地理條件不利於污染擴散,加上電力、石化、鋼鐵及水泥等重工業林立,造成該地區曾為全國空氣品質最不良區域,在空氣污染物排放特性掌握程度、管制對象及各項管制標準趨於完備及加嚴之下,空氣污染指標(PSI)>100之日數自86年至94年雖整體呈現下降之趨勢,唯臭氧及懸浮微粒仍為主要之指標污染物亦屬環保署公告之三級防制區,顯示僅就個別排放源管制對空氣品質之改善效果有限,欲達到國家環保計畫95年之2%(高屏目標6%)及100年之1.5%(高屏目標4%)之空氣品質目標,並由三級防制區降至二級防制區,以整體性空氣污染排放管制之考量及環保署推動之總量管制方式為未來之管制重點。因此,本研究針對屏東縣內應加強之管制工作,提出以固定源、移動源及逸散源管制等三大類別污染源為主並結合屏東縣特有污染源及觀光資源之管制策略,期達到改善屏東縣空氣品質之目標。 2005 Pingtung County’s air quality control and develop project Pingtung County is located at Kao-Ping Air Quality Area that once was poorest area in Air Quality section. The have some reason cause the disadvantage diffusion of pollutant that including complicated pollutant feature, climate, geographic condition, and also numbers heavy industrial like electricity, petroleum, steel company as well. Under the control measure of pollutant feature, emission sources and all kinds of standards was completing and stern, the days of PSI >100 were down since 1997 to 2005 but the ozone and particles are still the main index of pollutant. That shows the limitation of improving air quality if we still control single emission source. If we want archive the national goal 2% (Kao-ping is 6%) in 2006 and 1.5% (Kao-ping is 4%) in 2011 and also upgrade to second grade from third grade. The key points are to considering tout ensemble measure and capacity strategies of EPA. Therefore, this study approaching three sources control measure that including stationary, mobile and emission, associating the control strategies features of pollutant sources and tourism to archive the goal of improving air quality. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4386
屏東縣執行水污染許可登記及建檔管理計畫 本計畫相關工作項目及作業成果說明如下: 一、協助事業水污染源文書檔案管理本計畫所建立之文書資料包括各類許可申報,包括事業排放許可申請及污水下水道許可申請共計520件,其水污染防治措施計畫書所建立之文書檔案為30件,功能測試報告書32件,工程採購計畫書30件及逕流廢水削減計畫3件,其申請目的為新設立事業及變更。另外,為落實定期檢測申報之制度並有效地控制污染源之排放及其能迅速確實掌握各污染源狀況,現階段已確實建立完整的資料檔,協助定期檢測申報資料建檔為1,703件。二、協助事業水污染源電腦建檔及資料庫管理依事業所申報資料依序輸入,其內容包括:管制現況資料520筆、事業許可申請作業資料516筆、事業許可發證作業資料432筆、下水道許可申請作業資料4筆、下水道許可發證作業資料5筆、水污染防治措施計畫資料30筆、工程採購計畫書30筆、功能測試報告書資料32筆及定期檢測申報資料1,703筆。此外,依照環保局之需求,提供各式資料報表,包括每月5號前提供上個月份稽查記錄次數表、有關水污染防治各項業務可能產生異常之事業及分析本轄區各類污染源質量與流域相對關係。三、協助各項申報文件審查作業本計畫協助各項申報文件初審包括:污水下水道系統水污染防治許可申請4家次及事業排放許可申請(含首次申請、展延、展延暨變更、變更)516家次。對於業者申請許可證時常常會因為一些細微的錯誤而一再補件,不僅浪費時間亦且耗費人力,本計畫針對此點,亦製作一簡易手冊供業者參考,使其申請能更加迅速,此手冊已於歷次環保局所舉辦之許可證展延說明會發給業者參考。四、其他協辦工作本計畫已於94年6月14日至11月7日假屏東縣內七處機關輪流召開九場法令說明會,由於場次增加並且深入各地舉辦,故業者出席率達46.4%均較往年為高。另外,計畫期程內有業者諮詢水污染防治法相關問題,亦由環境局進行答覆與協助。 Project for Licence of Water Pollution and Establishment/Management for database in Pingtung County The working items and result of this Project are as below,1.Establish and manage the document files of water pollution source. 2.Key-in job and maintenance for database in computer system.3.Inspect various applications for agreement of water pollution source.4. Other administration for Management of water pollution source. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4384
移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動 摘 要本計畫履約期限為簽約日至94年12月31日止,截自期末報告資料統計日期94年12月18日為止,各項工作項目執行成果說明如下:在攔(巡)查、攔檢方面:總計完成機車攔(巡)查26152輛,機車攔檢5492輛,合計完成量為31644輛,其中經由本計畫攔查、攔檢作業,完成定檢之車輛共29930輛,回檢率達93.4﹪;宣導活動方面亦完成25場次,其中包括:縣內大專院校、大型工廠、機關團體、租車行、中古車行及偏遠地區等區域之巡迴免費檢測工作,活動中並免費檢測機車共5053輛;在定檢站查核評鑑方面,共計完成5次定期查核、24家氣體檢驗及8家實車查核,查核結果並無重大缺失,相關查核及評鑑結果亦提送環保局進行獎懲工作;而定檢站教育訓練方面亦按進度規劃於5月及11月完成二場次教育訓練並配合定檢站聯誼會於10月加強舉辦一場次;而在定檢通知方面,計畫期間共寄發27000封公文通知及252392封機車定檢明信片通知,且寄發之程序均按環保署之規定按時完成寄發及退件信件之建檔工作;另民眾檢舉案件方面,則依規定完成查證及函覆工作,本年度共接獲民眾檢舉案件共157件,告發件數共為12件。整體而言,在環保署公佈之到檢率方面本縣10月份到檢率為45.95﹪,比較本縣歷年92年度及93年度同期之2月至10月定檢率之提昇之結果,以本年度增加幅度最大到檢率上升8.21﹪,由此結果顯見本計畫之執行對於督促車輛使用人注意車輛保養維護管理有明顯提升之成效。在檢測結果之統計分析方面:未定檢車輛數最高的主要集中於屏東市,其次是內埔鄉、東港鎮、萬丹鄉及潮州鎮等區域,而值得注意的是琉球鄉、恆春鎮、枋寮鄉、高樹鄉及林邊鄉等已設定檢站之鄉鎮,未定檢車輛比例均高於其他鄉鎮。由其機車車齡分佈可知,大部分定檢不合格及未定期完成定檢機車車齡集中於9年以上之老舊車輛。另依污染物排放濃度及機車廠牌之關係,不論CO或HC均以偉士牌及永豐排放污染量較高,光陽及三陽機車排放污染量較其它廠牌低。而由本縣定檢站檢測數統計結果月平均超過500輛者有6家,其中有1家檢測數超過900輛,另外有6家月平均檢測數低於100輛,由此統計結果之差異性顯示各定檢站的檢測數仍有成長空間。軟硬體設備的提升:本年度額外進行資訊管理系統的開發且目前本縣各定檢站均已完成寬頻連線。而本系統之特色可針對檢測數據即時化的管理及傳輸,以解決撥接方式所造成之效率問題,本軟體可經由寬頻連線資料傳輸,對各定檢站檢測數據進行查核,以判斷其合理性,藉以得知定檢站是否進行不當的檢測,更可進行相關資料公告及彙整分析,提供定檢站進行機車定檢資訊之查尋以避免各定檢站發生重複檢測之問題。在污染削減量方面,根據SIP績效考評空氣污染排放削減量計算原則,統計至11月底經攔檢及定檢檢測不合格車輛,經調修至合格後之車輛合計有184,395輛,其中二行程車輛佔33﹪、四行程車輛佔67﹪,合計削減之排放量NMHC為90.07公噸;CO之削減量為688.53公噸。在環保署94年評分指標辦法,本計畫除各季之考評之資料完整率均達滿分以外,經計算本計畫自評考核得分,其中預計可得滿分者為:未定檢機車稽查率、機車不定期檢驗不合格率、被告發車輛改善完成率、檢舉案件主動查証比率及人民檢舉污染車輛檢測並函覆處理比率;其它未得滿分的項目為機車排氣定檢率。 Mobil source emission examination control plan – locomotive exhaust inspection and guidance activity AbstractWe should accomplish this project from the day the contract was signed to 30st Dec. 2005. The executed achievements of each item were described as follows:In the aspect of inspection and examination: we have accomplished 26,152 vehicles for inspection and 5,492 vehicles for examination. Final, there were 31,644 vehicles finished the regular inspecting process and the re-checking rate reached 93.4%. In the aspect of advertised activities, we have also completed 25 courses which were held in college campuses, plants, government organizations, car & motorcycle leasehold stations, secondhand car & motorcycle shops and remote country areas, respectively and 5,053 vehicles for taking free inspection.And as for checking the regular vehicle inspection stations, we have accomplished 5 rounds of regular checking, 24 stations of gas-test and 8 stations for real car-test. The results indicated there were no significant problems existed. The relative check and evaluation reports have already committed to the department of environmental protection (DEP) to issue rewards or punishments. In the aspect of education-training for the workers on regular vehicle inspection stations, we have held two courses in May & Nov this year and added one in Oct to co-operate the station’s federation. We also have sent 27,000 official documents and 252,392 postcards for regular inspection to remind the receivers to inspect their vehicles on schedule. All messages were sent before the deadline set by the DEP, and recorded those unclaimed messages that were sent back. At the mention of popular impeachments, we have got 157 cases and replied 12 cases of them were indicted. According to the reports from DEP, the registration rate of Ping-tung country in October was 45.95% and had the highest raised rate (8.21%) was compared with those from Feb to Oct in the last two years. It could indicate distinctly this project had good effects to press drivers and bikers pay their attention on vehicle maintenance.According to the statistic analysis results of vehicle-inspection, unchecked vehicles were mainly centralized in Ping-tung city, and then take turns as follows: Nei-pu village, Tung-kang town, Wan-tan village and Chao-chou town. It’s notable that here were higher registration rate for vehicle inspection in Liu-chiu, Heng-chun, Fang-liao, Kao-shu, Lin-pien village where had regular vehicle inspection stations, there were higher registration rate for vehicle inspection. If the vintage of vehicle was considered, we could find the most ineligible vintage were almost found in old motorcycles which produced more than 9 years. As far as the relationship between the pollution concentration and the vehicle brand, it was found that no matter the concentration of CO or HC, Vespa and Kawasaki were higher than other brands and Kymco and SYM had lower than others. From another statistic record, there were 6 inspecting stations has more than 500 vehicles for inspection monthly , one of them even reached more than 900, but there were also 6 inspecting stations were found less than 100 motorcycles monthly. That meaning of those static reports indicated the vehicles for inspecting in every station still left more to be desired. In the aspect of promoting the equipments of software and hardware, we have developed additional information management system and completed ADSL lines for each station in Ping-tung country this year. The characteristics of this system included immediately manage and transfer the figures of inspected vehicles to resolve the efficient problems were generated by direct dialing. This software also could transfer information by using ADSL to cross-check all the inspected figures in every station and further assess its justification and find out whether the station have performed unfair inspection, even proclaim and integrate relative data as well as facilitate each station to retrieve regular inspecting information and prevent from overlapping. In the reduction of pollution amount, according to the formula was developed by SIP Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for measuring the amount of air pollution, there were 184,395 ineligible vehicles got repaired, including 33% of two-stroke vehicles and 67% of four-stroke vehicles. Total reduced amount of NMHC and CO were 90.07 and 688.53 metric tons, respectively. According to the evaluation guideline of Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in 2005, all the evaluative information from each season within this project was accomplished. We also expected the following items would be appraised to perfect score: in the proportion of investigation how many vehicles remain unchecked, the proportion of irregular inspection which find out vehicles that were not qualified, the proportion to push the ineligible motorcycles to get repaired, the proportion of actively checking out the impeachment cases as well as inspecting the impeached motorcycles and replying such kind of letters. But there would be one item miss the perfect score: the proportion of regular inspection of vehicles emission. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4382
94年屏東縣空氣品質惡化緊急應變管理計畫 本計畫自94/3/16日起簽約執行,預計執行至94/12/31日。計畫目標以協助環保局推動屏東縣空氣品質惡化緊急應變措施之研擬與執行,並協助辦理高高屏清淨公約行動委員會及配合環保署相關考核作業與資料提供,並協助推動空氣品質不良查處作業。計畫具體工作項目包含(一)建制空氣品質惡化通報系統;(二)研訂及執行空氣品質惡化因應措施;(三)協助公私場所提報/修訂各級空氣品質惡化防制計畫;(四)強化屏東縣小區域空污災害事故應變整備與操練技術能量,擔任環保局之應變幕僚;(五)配合環保署相關資料提報與協助辦理相關會議等五大項。本計畫作業成果說明如下:一、 計畫執行期間,屏東縣實際發生空氣品質不良情形共60天,其中以O3佔55天,PM10佔5天。本縣以屏東測站、潮州測站涵蓋區域內之臭氧污染情形較為嚴重。其污染成因多與本縣地理位置位居高屏地區下風處,及季節性氣候影響,造成下沈氣流,污染不易擴散有關。二、 計畫執行期間,環保署監資處共發布41天空品預報不良情況,實際發生不良日為20天,指標污染物主要是臭氧。因應不良日之查處作業,各專案計畫配合進行相關各項管制工作,並透過經常性的稽巡查加強防制。本年度查處作業方式除交由各專案計畫依據污染物進行測站認養外,對於查處作業落實與否,亦提高管控要求。對於未回報,或回報未說明等情況,要求負責之專案計畫提供必要說明。各專案計畫回報查處作業成果之比率超過70%。三、 計畫執行期間,本計畫採以屏東、潮州、恆春測站之PSI值作為空氣品質不良通報指標,以每天每小時指標污染物PSI監測值作為條件判斷。當PM10 之PSI大於95以上或O3 之PSI大於85以上時,旋即發送簡訊通知各專案計畫進行查處作業,並請公司場所業者配合採取防制措施。四、 依據環保署「空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急防制辦法」規定,及參考本縣轄區內氣象及污染源特性,修訂屏東縣「區域空氣品質惡化防制措施」草案。五、 篩選各類排放量前20大污染源,作為空氣品質不良之優先查處對象,及後續應訂定「各級空氣品質嚴重惡化防制計畫」之公私場所建議名單。六、 建立小區域空污災害事件處理系統,內容涵蓋諮詢、通報、救災、醫療、調查及環境監測等,並結合縣府原有之災害應變體系,強化整體應變能力。考量環保局職權及對公私場所環保業務長期管制下之狀況瞭解,將重點強調在救災諮詢、事故調查及環境監測作業上,再配合本縣既有之消防、緊急醫療、毒災等應變體系後,使得本縣整體救災體系中,空氣污染防制領域部分之緊急應變措施得以周全。七、 本計畫針對屏東縣內砂石場、農廢露天燃燒污染源,及屏南工業區等地,進行大氣採樣分析作業。根據採樣分析結果顯示:(1)本縣砂石專區進行河床砂石開採作業時及周圍砂石場正常作業時,大氣微粒之粒徑主峰分佈為3.2~5.6μm,且河床開採作業進行時,大氣中是以粗微粒(2.5~10μm)所佔比例較高。(2)廢蓮霧枝與稻草露天燃燒之大氣微粒粒徑分佈在0.56~1.0μm間,以細微粒為主。燃燒後微粒上水溶性離子濃度與碳成分濃度遠高於燃燒前之背景值,且離燃點越近,測值越高。(3)屏南工業區大氣環境中,日間SO2濃度較夜間SO2濃度高5.5倍。NO2及NOx濃度變化與上下班時間之交通流量相關性高。O3濃度變化範圍為18.6~110ppb,O3濃度在中午後明顯上升,至下午兩點時達最高值。THC濃度變化範圍為1.06~14.5ppm。NMHC濃度變化範圍為0.05~2.54ppb。CO濃度變化範圍為0~0.985ppm。 2005 Pingtung County's air quality get worse-urgent emergency project. This project begins from 94/3/16th, estimating execution to 94/12/31st. The goal is to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau of Pingtung County (EPB) to propel the emergency measure of local air quality deterioration, assisting the Kao-Ping Area cleaning treaty action committee and the coordinate EPB relative inspection work and the material provides, and assists to propel the investigation when air quality is worsen. The terms including (1) establish air quality worsening notification system; (2) grinds subscribes and carries out the air quality to deterioration in accordance to the measure;(3) assistance public and private place to establish the reports and revises all levels of air quality deterioration controlling project; (4) reinforcing the air pollution accident cooperation and the technical drilling in Pingtung County small region, Holds the general staff character of the EPB; (5) coordinating EPB correlative data report and assistance copes the conference and so on five major terms. This project work achievement elaboration as follows:1.During the execution, Pingtung County actually has the air quality deterioration altogether 60 days, the proportion were 55 days of O3 and 5 days of PM10. As the reason of Pingtung County is beneath Kao-Ping Region and the effect of climates that cause pollutant not easy to diffuse. There O3 pollution were much worsen around the Pingtung and Chaozhou inspection station.2.The environmental protection Administration (EPA) Supervises Department to issue 41 days deterioration forecasts, and 20 days that actually occurred, index pollutant was O3. Patrolling work in accordance to deterioration forecasts, each project coordination carries on is connected each control work And the regular checks does an inspection to reinforce the guard system. This year investigation was not only carried on the inspection station based various pollutants by each specify project but also to regard investigation work realization or not, also enhances the control process. Regarding has not reported, or reported situation was not cleared, the request is responsible for the special case plan to provide essential elaboration. Ratio of the various special projects reported investigation work achievement surpasses 70%.3.This project picks PSI value of Pingtung, Chaozhou and Hengchun inspection station as the deterioration index. The inspection stations judge every day by each hour index pollutant PSI value. When PSI of PM10 >95 or PSI of O3 >85, at once transmits the news brief to inform various special project carry on the investigation work. And asks the company work place coordination to take control measure.4.According to the “Air Quality Serious Deterioration Control treaty” and based on the EPB’s local characteristic. Revising "the region air quality deterioration system measure" draft for Pingtung County.5.20 major sources was been selected initially based on each kind of pollutant as first investigates the object when the air quality deterioration occurred, and following should subscribe the suggestion resources list of "the all levels of air quality deterioration control system plan".6.Establishes the small region air pollution event process system. The content contain the consultation, the notification, the disaster relief, the medical service, the investigation and the environmental monitoring and so on, and union county government office original disaster strain system, Reinforce overall capacity. To considerate EPB authority and under the long-term control condition understood to the public and private place environmental protection service that emphasis in disaster relief consultation, accident investigation and environmental monitoring work, After again coordinates this county cope system that already have like the fire prevention, urgent medical service, poisonous disaster and so on, establish overall disaster relief system in this county.7.This project was carried on the atmospheric sampling analysis inspection. gravel heap site, agricultural waste open-air burning source in Pingtung County and places such as Pingnan industrial district, Demonstrated according to the sampling analysis result that:(1) This county sand and crushed stone special area carries on when the river bed sand and crushed stone mining work when and periphery gravel heap site in normal work condition, Particle size of peak distribution in atmosphere was between 3.2μm and 5.6μm, and gets higher proportion of thick particle(between 2.5μm and 10μm)when the mining work carries on. (2) The particle size distribution was between 0.56μm and 1.0μm when open-air burning of waste branch and straw, mainly thin particle, and the measured value higher if burning place nearer. (3) In Pingnan industrial district atmosphere, SO2 concentration in the daytime was higher 5.5 times than that at night. The density change of NO2 and NOx was more relative to the traffic flow. O3 value was between 18.6ppb and 110ppb.The concentration obviously rises after the noon then reaches the maximum at 2 PM afternoon. THC concentration range was between 1.06ppm and 14.5ppm.NMHC concentration range was between 0.05ppb and 2.54ppb and CO concentration range was between zero and 0.985ppm. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4394
高重力旋轉填充床反應器應用於以臭氧氧化程序處理光電產業之廢水 現行之光電與半導體產業對產品製程之潔淨度要求甚嚴,故大量採用特定之化學品進行處理,再以大量純水進行清洗,此為本類產業為人詬病之環境考量之一。有鑑於管末處理對製程之重要性,且現有之廢水處理大多以生物法為主,但對於具多成分且中低濃度之光電業廢水而言,目前面臨較為急迫者為清洗製程大量產生之含異丙醇(IPA)廢水,傳統之生物降解易產生多種有機代謝物,如丙酮及有機酸等,不易控制處理效率。尤其在有機廢水部分,考慮工安問題及廢水之濃縮與流佈,傳統燃燒法及再生使用之效益不高。而從水資源回收的觀點而言,中低濃度之異丙醇(IPA)廢水,其污染物種類少,水體負荷低,也較易於進行水回收。在考量光電產業廢水處理之成本居高不下以及污染防治設備之設置與維護保養負擔,本育成計畫擬利用高重力式之旋轉填充床,配合進行臭氧對有機廢水之強制性質傳與氧化程序,開發適用於光電製程現場之廢水處理設備單元。擬開發之設備乃藉由臭氧之高氧化能力,將製程廢水中之有機物氧化分解,同時透過旋轉填充床之高質傳特性,克服以往臭氧程序因溶解度不足而無法有效處理大量廢水之窘境,且因臭氧利用率提升,能於製程現場及時將廢水分解並減少尾氣臭氧濃度,進而降低操作成本且免於臭氧廢氣之後處理。從測試結果得知,由實驗結果顯示,以鐵氟龍氣密軸封配合軸承與變頻馬達,可得到良好的高速旋轉效果,並達到超過800G的高重力環境。此外,根據臭氧質傳試驗分析得知,以較大的進氣流量及低氣液比(G/L=1.0-1.5)與高轉速(600-1800rpm)能造成較高的臭氧質傳係數(kLa= 0.588min-1),促進水中的臭氧溶解速度達飽和平衡值。相較於其他臭氧質傳反應器,雖有較佳之質傳效果,但質傳面積卻相對偏低,推測是高重力環境可能影響質傳行為。而從實際進行異丙醇(IPA)有機廢水的臭氧分解實驗結果發現,在中低濃度範圍下(異丙醇<100mg/L),本計畫所開發之高重力旋轉填充床氧化系統能有效地將異丙醇(IPA)及其中間產物(丙酮及醋酸)有效分解,並克服以往臭氧程序在臭氧利用率以及處理量上的障礙,在模場測試中,單機每日處理量可達70噸。而根據成本分析,以本設備從事異丙醇(IPA)廢水的處理,設備成本約為175萬元,單機運轉時可將處理費用降至35元/噸,並能直接進行管末排放或進入水回收再利用程序。另對於中高濃度異丙醇(IPA)廢水(250-20,000mg/L)之處理,則可藉由單機設備之串並聯運轉設計及回流反應系統的架設,達到快速且有效的運轉效能。 Treatment of Wastewater for Semiconductor and TFT-LCD Manufacturings by Ozone Oxidation Process using Rotation-Packed-Bed Reactor The ozonation of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) wastewater from TFT-LCD wet process using a rotating packed bed reactor (RPB) was investigated in this study. Various rotor speed, flow rate ratio of gas to liquid, ozone gas concentration, and the vibration and noise were investigated to realize the effect on the gas-liquid contacting and the stability of rotating packed bed operation process. Heat generation of sealing was eliminated by water flow and the pressure drop of the reactor opposite to atmosphere was up to 2.5 kg/cm2. Vibration of the RPB in horizontal direction is much greater then in vertical direction possible due to the parallel spinning of rotor to horizontal surface. The noise of RPB during the operation was increase with rotor speed, which means that the friction in RPB was not tuned well. Automation equipment couple special sensor and PID controller were set up for pilot run and process scale up. Also, the various level of organic wastewater could be treated in this project to evaluate the potential of RPB in wastewater treatment, especially in TFT-LCD and semiconductor manufacturing. In this study, isopropyl alcohol (IPA) removal degree was defined from the observed data and employed to quantify the treating efficiency of ozonation process in rotating packed bed reactor.When rotor speed was controlled at 1800 rpm with mean acceleration rate of 5233 m/s2 (543G) at radius of 0.15m, the liquid film was thinner and interface renewal on pall rings was more rapid in a rotating packed bed reactor. Experimental results indicated that kLa for the rotating packed bed reactor was four-fold of kLa for the referenced packed bed reactor. The kLa for the rotating packed bed reactor was proportional to 0.15 order of rotor speed and increased with decreasing flow rate ratio of gas to liquid, simultaneously. RPB with larger disk radius and higher rotor speed could create a special environment with extremely high gravity, in where, the property of water and ozone molecules might change and phase equilibrium behavior was un-predictable. During the operation of RPB, the isopropyl alcohol (IPA) wastewater in the range of 0.5 to 100mg/l were completely removal by ozone process and the operating cost was estimated about 35 NT$/ton. The total cost of RPB with other utilities for pilot run was also controlled at the limit of 1.75 million NT$. Treating of high level isopropyl alcohol (IPA) (200-20,000 mg/l), a matrix of RPB reactor with serial and parallel connection will achieve higher capability of wastewater treatment and water recovery. Further examination of RPB and the performance of organic wastewater removal by ozone process with RPB were undergoing. 094 永續發展室 國立台灣科技大學化工系 顧洋、李嘉平 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4392
天然皮革廢料回收再生製程技術 將回收之皮革以抓式粉碎法製成皮纖維後利用乳膠(NR/SBR=4:6)進行纖維補強可得到較佳之物性強度。在操作製程研究中發現游離度在680-760/3g、皮漿濃度2%、pH=8.2、溫度在80℃時可得到較佳之操作穩定性及產品物性。 Applied Technology in Recycling Leather Board Production. Using the latex solution,the ratio of NR/SBR = 4:6 is the best formula ,as a reinforcement agent to improve the physical strength of leather board, which was made of recovery leather fiber.In the process of leather board producing, the physical properties of the product and the operating system would be better under the following operating conditions: the concentration of leather fiber:2%;pH=8.2;temp.=80℃;degree of freedom=680-760/g. 094 永續發展室 財團法人鞋類暨運動休閒科技研發中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4390
塑膠容器製造責任業者調查、管理規劃暨營業量相關帳籍憑證查核計畫 本計畫主要目的為利用塑膠容器製造責任業者調查作業為研究基礎,檢討目前容器製造業者之管理制度,評估就源課費之可行性。此外,針對目前已經列管之塑膠容器製造責任業者營業量申報資料進行相關帳籍憑證查核作業、加強清查並納管未登記塑膠容器製造責任業者。同時,針對未依規定辦理責任業者登記、申報營業量(進口量)之公告責任業者進行輔導;並配合現場查核相關帳籍憑證資料,期能強化營業量查核稽催作業,提升塑膠容器製造責任業者管理成效,以符合廢棄物清理法執行之公平性及一致性。計畫主要執行成果包括:(一)塑膠容器空瓶購入源調查及管理研究此次調查結果係本次受訪者之組成情形,共計有效訪查家數為66家次。初步推估無廠牌塑膠容器市場每年空瓶使用量總重初步估算約為422萬公斤。與去年(93年)之營業量申報統計結果比較,約佔整體塑膠容器市場4.54%,可課費額度約5580萬元/年。此外,在考量法令面、執行面及經濟面之各項行政及稽核成本效益下,該市場之列管方案,經評估目前可考量以上游容器製造業者作為列管對象,並參考平板容器之課徵原則進行規劃,較具實施之可行性。惟上、下游詳細產銷通路及整體市場運作機制,仍須擴大進行其他相關調查作業,方能強化整體市場資訊之完整性。(二)容器製造業者帳籍憑證查核本計畫已完成103業者之現場查核作業,經彙總統計所查獲之查核差異量為514,408,061個容器個數。就查核結果分析顯示,目前PP/PE材質市場業者有較嚴重之短漏申報情形。且從查核效益相較結果發現,本次查核之已登記與未登記業者之平均單家查核數量,兩者稽查效益比例約為1:2.5。另外,就各廠商申報狀況來看,則以中、南區受查業者較需要進一步宣導依法申報之觀念。 除此之外,於現場查核同時,針對未依規定誠實申報之公告指定塑膠容器類製造責任業者,亦透過查核人員加強宣導環保署資源回收相關政策及輔導尚未登記申報營業量之受查廠商,依法於環保署辦理登記。另外,由專業會計人員提報現場受查業者之帳籍憑證審查資料及查核程序調整建議,已彙整查核分析結果,茲回饋相關營業量查核稽催作業,以提升塑膠類容器責任業者之整體管理效益。(三)就容器製造源業者課徵可行性評估經整合容器製造責任業者相關調查資料,並彙整相關文獻及專家學者座談會等執行成果後,本計畫已進一步依據環境政策之四大評估準則層面,分別提出客觀指標及相關分析方法,並就環境、經濟、行政可行性等層面進行探討。綜觀整體評估結果,短期上應以建構就源課費之可行性的環境為優先考量;其次,中期則以賦予容器製造業及商品業者相關之實體回收清除責任或財務責任作為目標;最後長期規劃上方能賦予原料業者相關責任。 Making a survey of the operation of plastic containers, establishing management programs and examining related operation bookkeeping The purpose of this project is to study the data collected from the enlisted plastic container manufacturers and use the data to review the existing management mechanism. These data can also be used as evaluation basis on possibility of operating sources pay principle. Besides that, we did bookkeeping examination on the operation data and disposal fee accounts from enlisting plastic container manufacturers. We will enlist more manufacturers as target businesses in the future. Meanwhile, we will guide these manufacturers who shall be enlisted but not being yet registered to perform their responsibility like registration, reporting operation quantity or import quantity. On-site account audition is performed to reinforce the audition effect. By doing this, we would like to have better management so legal execution consistence and fairness shall be highly achieved. . The major achievements accomplished within this project are in the following: I. The plastic container purchasing source survey and management study The composition of the survey targets is the result we are aiming at. There were 66 businesses surveyed. Initially, we estimate 4,220,000 kg of empty containers produced by the factories without brand name. Comparing with last year, the quantity is about 4.54% of the overall market, which means there are 55,800,000 NT dollars available for levying disposal charge. Through assessment, in the aspects of regulation, execution, and economic reason, enlisting manufacturers who produce the containers, planning the levying by consulting plain containers disposal charge levying principles is practically executable. However, more deep survey aiming at selling channel and overall market operation mechanism is needed, for completing the study. II. Plastic container manufacturers bookkeeping examination There were 103 on-site auditions performed, and there are 514,408,061 containers not in match with the reported data. From the analysis, PP/PE manufacturers have serious problem of short-reporting the quantity. The audition ratio of registered business vs. unregistered business is 1:2.5. The central and southern region has serious problem of reporting and need more public propagation. For these businesses that do not report the data honestly, Taiwan EPA will have inspector goes to the site to educate them the relevant policy and guide these businesses to complete registration. Professional accountants will submit the account information and audition process adjustment suggestion to environmental agency to upgrade the overall management effects. III. Appraisal on the execusability of the levying charge on container manufacturers. Through integration of the survey data and consultation of the scholars and technical literatures, we offer practical solution and review according to the four environmental policy criteria in the aspect of environment, economic, and administration. Through overall appraisal, consideration of establishing environment suitable for sources pay principle shall be top priority in short period of time. Actual disposal and financial responsibility assignment into container manufacturers and merchandise business will be goal in medium period of time. Finally long-term objective is the responsibility assignment into material providers. 094 基管會 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4396
在光合生物反應器中具環境影響力微藻對二氧化碳利用性之研究 本計畫共執行二年(93和94年度),由輔仁大學研發團隊與人宇生物科技公司共同合作,主要的目標在探討以藻類生物進行CO2資源化利用的可行性。第一年度技術開發主要在設計出一套串聯式200公升藻類固定CO2光合生物反應器,以及篩選固定CO2效率較強的藻種;第二年度技術成果主要在結合生物固定化技術和藻類培養技術,在200公升光合生物反應器中進行藻類Microcystis利用固定CO2並轉化為高價值microcystins。此二年計畫之主要研究成果綜合如下:第一年度主要技術成果:1、篩選20株藻類,其中藻類FJ03有較強的固定CO2效率。藻類FJ03在CO2濃度為10%時,有最好的生長情形。2、在200公升反應器進行藻類FJ03連續固定CO2,操作條件為細胞濃度大約維持在OD600值約0.7,CO2濃度10%,曝氣量為0.616 L/sec,則藻類FJ03固定CO2效率為0.371 g-CO2/L/day,每天可以生產藻類細胞乾重44.235公克。3、「串聯式200公升藻類固定CO2光合生物反應器」已於2004年11月30日送件至中華民國經濟部智慧財產局申請專利,申請案號093136923。4、成果已撰寫一篇研究論文「綠藻FJ03培養基營養組成之研究」發表於「輔仁學誌」, ISSN 1028-5679,刊登於2004年12月第三十八期(p.197-209)。5、計畫成果亦於2005年9月7-8日發表於「The 2nd UNSW/TPRI Workshop」國際會議(台灣電力公司主辦)。2005年11月11日發表二篇論文(C-12和EP-10)於「2005輸送現象及其應用研討會暨過慮技術最新發展論壇」(台灣大學)。第二年度主要技術成果:1、藻類Microcystis在CO2濃度0.03%(空氣)和5%中皆有良好的生長情形,濃度10%以上的CO2並不適合用於培養藻類Microcystis。2、藻類Microcystis連續流生物膜光合反應器中藻類動力模式模擬值與實驗值誤差皆為5%以內,統計上為可接受的結果,可作為未來連續流光合反應器實廠放大設計最佳的運算工具。3、藻類Microcystis連續流生物膜光合反應器動力模式實驗結果推導較佳之二氧化碳利用和microcystins生產之分析:當1個50 L反應槽流速(Q)設定為0.375 L/h時,光合生物反應槽中藻類Microcystis細胞濃度達到穩定時OD600值為0.92,推導出200 L藻類連續流生物膜光合反應器每1天利用CO2之量為7.743 g-CO2/day,可生產microcystins為0.4635 mg/day。4、由本計畫成果推估,若建立有營運規模之12,000 L培養系統,則估算每1天固定利用CO2之量為464.58 g-CO2/day,Microcystis藻細胞乾重生產率為278.1 g/day,microcystins生產率至少為278.1 mg/day,市場值約11.124萬美元。預估目前全球市場至少約有20公克之需求量,若市場佔有率預估有70%,一年市場價值約560萬美元。 Utilization of Carbon Dioxide by Microalgae with Environmental Impact in Photobioreactor In this 2nd-year project, the research team of Fu-Jen University cooperating with Zen-U company applies bio-immobilization and microalgal culture technologies in converting CO2 to valuable microcystins using Microcystis. The results for the project are listed as followings:1. In term of inorganic carbon sources, the results showed Microcystis.preferred CO2 and possessed the specific growth rate, 0.0192 h-1 ,.when used NaNO3 as a nitrogen source. 2. Using Fractional Factorial Design to analyze nutrient factors, the results showed that NaNO3 is significantly the positive factor affecting the growth of Microcystis. 3. Comparing with different concentrations of NaNO3, the medium IBI adding with 2.0 g/l NaNO3 gave Microcystis with the optimal growth. 4. Microcystins isolated from Microcystis was analyzed by HPLC and found with the peak at 12.23 minutes of the retention time. 5. Microcystis can grow well in the media sparging with 0.03% and 5% of concentrations of CO2, but are inhibited in the media with more than 10% of concentrations of CO2. 6. Parameters of kinetic model for the growth of Microcystis: growth coefficient (Y) 1.1 mg-cell/mg-CO3-2, specific growth rate (m) 0.53 day-1, specific substrate utilization (k) 0.48 mg-CO3-2/mg VSS-day, death coefficient (b) 0.33 day-1, Monod half saturation coefficient (Ks) 0.06 mg-CO3-2/L.7. In the kinetic model of continuous biofilm photobioreactor for Microcystis the experimented data are statistically matched to modeling data with the standard deviation below 5%, which can be effectively applied to scale-up design.8. From results of the 200-liter continuous Microcystis-biofilm photobioreactor the better utilization of CO2 and productivity of microcystins were estimated with 7.743 g-CO2/day and 0.4635 mg/day, respectively, while flow rate Q is set on 0.375 L/h in each 50-liter tank and Microcystis biomass reached to 0.92 of OD600 value. 094 永續發展室 輔仁大學創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4400
監督輔導民間自行辦理廢包裝用發泡塑膠回收處理計畫 環保署於92年12月31日與中華民國保麗龍回收再生協會(以下簡稱回收協會)簽訂「廢包裝用發泡塑膠民間責任業者自辦回收清除處理合約」,自93年1月1日至96年12月31日委託回收協會試辦全國廢包裝用發泡塑膠之回收清除處理及再利用等工作。執行本計畫之目的為監督及輔導民間責任業者自辦廢包裝用發泡塑膠之回收清除處理工作。經查核輔導93年第一季至第四季及94年第一季至第三季回收協會業務執行狀況及財務狀況,回收協會提供資料之完整性及提報會報資料之正確性均有明顯改善,回收處理之財務收入及支出內部控制機制也已建立,未來仍需持續監督及輔導回收協會落實執行內部控制機制。此外,本計畫已規劃包括回收市場面、財務支出面、人才技術面、運作管理面等四個層面之建議方案,以提昇回收協會民間自辦廢包裝用發泡塑膠回收處理作業之管理效率。 Supervision and Facilitation of Private Responsible Parties for Self Management of Recycle and Treatment of Foam Packaging Plastics The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has signed the contract “Self Management of Recycle and Treatment of Foam Packaging Plastics by Private Responsible Parties” with the Chinese Taipei Expanded Polystylene Recycling Association (CTEPSRA) on December 31, 2003.Based on the contract, The CTEPSRA has been authorized by the EPA to implement a national program for recycle, treatment and reuse of foam packaging plastics in Taiwan from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2007.The objective of this project is to supervise and facilitate the private responsible parties for self-management of recycle and treatment of foam packaging plastics.Based on the audit on the first, second and third seasons’ operation records and financial reports of the CTEPSRA, the integrity and accuracy of the data information provided by the CTEPSRA has been improved significantly.The CTEPSRA has established an internal control mechanism of financial income and expenditure for recycle and treatment. However, the internal control mechanism shall be continuously supervised and facilitated to ensure sound implementation. This project has also proposed a plan to promote the management efficiency of the CTEPSRA with respect to recycle market, financial expenditure, technical expertise, and operation management. 094 基管會 行政院環境保護署 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4398
指定公告事業用地土壤污染檢測執行成效追蹤及技術諮詢計畫 本計畫係針對土壤及地下水污染整治法(以下簡稱土污法)第8條、第9條指定公告事業執行用地土壤污染檢測作業之實際成效進行檢討追蹤,並規劃建置備查資料資訊化制度,同時研議國內現階段執行環境場址評估相關人員機構之條件、訓練規劃與推動策略,以及研析國外金融保險制度於國內推動措施。主要工作成果包括:(一)完成「指定公告事業土壤污染檢測資料資訊管理系統」之規劃建置,並協助環保署將各縣市已備查之土壤污染檢測資料登錄於資料庫中,同時編製70本資料庫使用者操作手冊、辦理三場次教育訓練與25縣市現場輔導作業。(二) 彙整統計各縣市有關土污法第9條用地土壤污染檢測之案件數,並從中篩選5家備查事業進行土壤污染查證工作;依據查證結果及問卷調查統計,研析土污法第8條、第9條之後續管理與執行策略。(三)蒐集三個國外環境場址評估案例及相關資料,研析國內現階段執行環境場址調查評估制度之可行性與相關法令配套措施,包括專業人員或機構之資格條件、訓練方式及實施策略等內容。(四)蒐集國內外有關環境金融保險之相關法令及作法,並研議國內推動之可行性與策略。(五) 辦理三場次土污法第8條及第9條推動業務策略與宣導會,並編印640本宣導手冊,提供環保署專業與技術諮詢。 Performance Follow-up to and Technical Consultation on Inspection and Examination of the Soil Contamination on the Land Used by the Designated and Publicized Industries The objective of this project was to perform the following 4 major tasks in carrying out the prevention measures defined in Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act: To evaluate the performance of the soil pollution inspection of the land used by designated industries To design and establish a computerized reporting system To study and draw up: The plan for promoting the environmental site assessment activities to various cities and counties The qualifications for environmental site assessment personnel and a training program for them The requirements for government entities that wish to carry out environmental site assessments To prepare a plan for promoting Environmental Insurance in Taiwan by studying and analyzing foreign environmental insurance systems 094 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4406
揮發性有機物及餐飲業排放調查及管制計畫 本計畫完成查核前50大揮發性有機物排放之公私場所,彙整原物料使用量、產品量、燃料使用量資料及污染物種類確認,同時訂定餐飲業稽巡查標準作業程序,及建立各項作業表單,建立205家中大型餐飲業者基本管制資料建檔管制,並針對5廠表面塗裝製程氣罩集氣效率評估,多數因處理設備未定期維護、風管未時常清洗除垢、風車未定期檢查葉片及馬達效率而影響集氣效率。依據防制設備種類及效率等資料推估排放量,其中石化業VOCs排放量為238.538公噸,加油站VOCs年排放量為193.33公噸,餐飲業TSP年排放量約為203公噸,PM10年排放量約為195公噸,THC年排放量約為68公噸,NMHC年排放量約為38公噸。並對石化製程及汽車表面塗裝製程之行業別法規符合度之查核,同時掌握前20大公私場所揮發性有機物之124.414公噸/年減量空間。108站裝設油槍油氣回收設備加油站油槍油氣回收效率測試,整體合格率為97.6﹪,並針對其中40站進行氣漏檢測,合格率為50﹪,針對查核及功能檢測結果提出加油站污染源防制管理之標準作業程序。2040個製程設備元件檢測皆低於1000ppm,均未超過法規洩漏定義值,針對樹脂廠及表面塗裝製程5枝排放管道檢測處理效率介於96.7%~99.7%,均符合排放標準要求。10家公私場所輔導減量改善成效追蹤,廠方均能依建議及承諾進行污染改善或做適當修正讓污染減至最小。 VOCs and Restaurant emissions control plan The largest number of VOC emission sources, 50, were checked in this year. This included the number of feedstock, products, fuels and pollutants. This project established a pollutant check list SOP for restaurants and set up a database of 205 restaurants. Five surface coating factories were selected for hood suction efficiency assessments. We found that without pipe cleansing maintenance hood suction efficiency decreased.According to the emission database 238.538 MT VOCs came from petrochemicals and 193.33 MT VOCs came from petrol stations. Restaurant emissions were 203MT TSP, 195MT PM10, 68MT THC and 378MT NMHC.It was found that 124.414MT VOCs were reduced from the largest 20 VOC emission sources.This project tested A/L of 108 petrol stations and obtained 97.6% qualified and tested 2 inch WC static pressure performance in vapor recovery system dispensing facilities with 50% qualified.There were 2040 sources from which volatile organic compounds leaked below 1000 ppm. The THC concentration in the emissions from 5 stationary sources were qualified.In this year, according to our suggestions, 10 VOC emission sources improved their pollution control systems. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 松暉工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4404
公告指定物品類責任業者營業(進口)量相關帳籍憑證查核計畫 本專案計畫目標預計完成525家業者之查核,本期末報告內容涵括受查業者560家,共計有150家之受查業者有短漏申報之情形,短漏申報家數佔總查核家數約26.79%,短漏金額合計新台幣49,231,877元,益本比為3.13倍,已達成合約之目標。本期末報告並蒐集受查業者意見,並列入各業者之工作執行報告,並加以分類統計分析,以提供政策修訂之參考。 Examination Project toward the Operation/Importation Accounts of the Mandatory Recycling Items Companies(Exclude General Batteries and Containers). The original objective of this project expected to examine around 525 operations. The final report of this project had investigated the total of 560 operations in the period end including 26.79% of uncompleted examinees which are 150 operations not yet completed its reported or report the amount less than it should be. The forgoing amount of uncompleted recycle fee was NT$49,231,877 with P/E ratio 3.13 times, and we had met the project goals.The above year-end project report also investigated the examinees opinions as part of the operation working reports. We also classified and analyzed those opinions in order to provide additional information for future policy amendments. 094 基管會 致遠會計師事物所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17581
屏東縣地下水暨不明棄置場址地下水水質調查計畫 本計畫完成計畫內所有主要工作及成果摘要簡要說明如下:在地下水監測井設置方面,本年度完成監測井設置,使上、下游監測井數至少維持三口藉以提供完整水質資料;於場置性監測井維護保養方面,本年度完成17口井地下部分維護保養,地上部分保養完成項目包含二口井之墊高作業;另地下水水質調查方面,本年度完成17口場置性監測井及110口民井之地下水水質調查作業,以供環保局作為後續地下水水質管理之參考依據;在健康風險評估方面,本年度完成赤山巖及萬丹大鼎飼料旁等二處不明棄置場址之健康風險評估;於緊急應變措施方面,本年度完成屏東市歸仁段污染事件土壤及地下水查證作業,整治完成後進行複驗採樣調查,調查結果低於監測基準值;在加油站稽查作業及測漏管檢測方面,本年度完成加油站法規說明會共有114家與會;另完成133站兩次普查,共2036支測漏管功能測試及油氣調查,另篩選油氣濃度異常五家進行實驗室油氣分析;在建置土壤及地下水檢測之資料庫方面,本年度資料庫系統功能已建置完成,並納入屏東縣民國八十四年至九十三年土壤檢測資料及八十七年至九十三年屏東縣內場置性及區域性監測井檢測資料;在辦理土壤及地下水污染整治相關領域研討會方面,假墾丁飯店會議廳舉辦完成,25個縣市環保局有23個皆派員參加除席人員超過75人,並獲出席長官嘉許;本年度亦進行彙整區域及場置性監測井110口基本資料乙冊及更換井鎖方面,依92年彙整成果加入棄置場址17口及加油站5口場置性監測井資本資料並彙整成冊,完成110口井址97座標之定位及統一井鎖。 The investigated project of groundwater and not clear dump on the address groundwater fluid matter in Ping-Tung country The investigated project of groundwater and not clear dump on the address groundwater fluid matter in Ping-Tung country. The origin plans to start carry out after the category defined and had already completed all main works inside the project and the result summary as attach. The following aims at this team namely to complete at present of each work carry out a result one by one a synopsis explanat:The constitution work of the groundwater well, complete the well constitution, make up, the downstream well number maintains three people at least by with provide complete fluid matter data. The field place wells maintenance to maintain work, complete 17 wells in underground part maintenance to maintain before sample every season, ground the upper part cent maintain completion item to include high homework of the mat of 2 wells. The groundwater quality investigated work, Sample homework, and complete the analytical work of all samples in the completion well inside the provision term and 127 wells. complete to compare 17 field place wells and 110 wells with drinking water headwaters laws standard and the irrigation water fluid matter the standard. Add to measure the cation and anion to carry on the Piper illustrated manual table method, the method, the degree of hardness valuation of the irrigation water valuation and Simpson method valuation in the plentiful water period. The risk assessment of health, complete the risk assessment of health in Chih-Shan-Yen and Wan-Den. The survey of emergency response, complete returns the Kuei-Jen segment the pollution affairs soil in Ping-Tung City l and groundwater an identification homework, analyzing a result totally have two heavy metals in the soil grounds to have over the situation of the control standard, identify of two people the running water company the underground pump water well all low in control standard. Whole cure completion juniors to go recheck the sample inquisition, investigate a result low in monitor basis value. The gas station inspection work and measures to leak the tube examination, hold the laws explanation of the completion gas station to will there are 114s to attend meeting totally, and complete totally 133 stand two censuses. The adoption measures to explode the machine and PID to investigate 133 stations to complete 2036s to measure to leak tube function to test totally and the oil spirit work. The examination database of the soil groundwater, the examination database of the soil groundwater was built-completed, and also brought into the soil data in 1995~2004 and the data local area well in 1998~2004 in Ping-Tung. Carry out "the national soil and the groundwater pollution whole to cure business seminar", the seminar has hold in the meeting room of Ken-Din Hotel. 25 environmental protection bureaus have 23s to all send a member to attend in addition to seat personnel over 75 people, and get to attend a superior to praise.. Compile basic data of the district and 110 field places wells and changes a well lock, compile a result to join to dump on an address 17 people and the gas station 5 people's field to place sex well capital data and compile volume according to 2003, complete 110 people the well address fixed position of the coordinates in 97 and unify a well lock. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4410
公告指定容器類責任業者營業(進口)量相關帳籍憑證查核計畫 本專案計畫目標預計完成500家業者之查核,本期末報告內容涵括受查業者504家,共計有307家之受查業者有短漏申報之情形,短漏申報家數佔總查核家數約60.91%,短漏金額合計新台幣323,807,090元,益本比為16.89倍,已達成合約之目標。本期末報告並蒐集受查業者意見,並列入各業者之工作執行報告,並加以分類統計分析,以提供政策修訂之參考。 Examination project toward the Operation/Importation Accounts of the Specified Container Enterprises. The original objective of this project expected to examine around 500 operations. The final report of this project had investigated the total of 504 operations in the period end including 60.91% of uncompleted examinees which are 307 operations not yet completed its reported or report the amount less than it should be. The forgoing amount of uncompleted recycle fee was NT$323,807,090 with P/E ratio 16.89 times, and we had met the project goals.The above year-end project report also investigated the examinees opinions as part of the operation working reports. We also classified and analyzed those opinions in order to provide additional information for future policy amendments. 094 基管會 致遠會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17580
屏東縣砂石場清查列管及裸露地管制計畫 摘 要一、清查與列管本計畫於計畫執行初期即進行高屏溪、荖濃溪、隘寮溪、林邊溪及東港溪等主要河川進行沿線式全面性清查,經清查後共計新增4家砂石場、復工1家、轉讓經營有1家,總計現階段本計畫共列管60家砂石場(廠),其中正常運作中49家、暫時停工計11家、另因停工而篩除者(設備移除)13家。另根據清查資料統計,本縣砂石場作業設備總計土石料倉77個、立篩27台、顎碎機69台、震動篩193台、 錐碎機142台、石庫、洗選機115台56個及輸送帶582條。二、加強追蹤管制完成全面清查並彙整篩選出30家未符合第三級列管標準之廠家,列為本年度加強追蹤管制與輔導對象。經加強輔導設置及修復廠內污染防制設施後,現階段符合第三級分級列管者已由初期21家提升為49家,第二級為由30家降低為0家,各廠家均能落實操作污染防制設施。三、廠區內原物料來源掌握及建立堆置場規範高屏溪持續開放河川疏浚採石,砂石開採量為130.9萬m3,及高雄縣圓潭地區開採陸砂,提供本縣砂石場(廠)充裕的砂石原物料來源。由於原物料之堆置區極易因風蝕而產生揚塵逸散之現象,本年度配合環保署政策提出砂石場(廠)原物料堆置場之管制規範,規範區分為二項,分別為砂石原物料短期規範,堆置時間一個月以下者及中長期堆置規範堆置時間一個月以上者,均需符合制定之相關規範,以有效管制堆置場污染排放,目前本縣砂石場(廠)廠區原物料堆置均符合本規範。四、污染減量協談作業本年度針對4家新設置、1家復工及1家轉換經營之廠家(計有6家),彙整各廠家污染情形後,規劃彙整各廠家需改善項目,且製作了“污染減量協談承諾書”,逐廠進行污染減量協談,目前5家完成污染改善,1家因工廠用地遭法院拍賣中而無法進行廠區污染防制設備施工,且目前處於停工狀態。五、推行聯外道路認養在推行聯外道路認養之做法上分為兩大方向(1)砂石集中區之聯合認養(2)散居業者之個別認養;對於砂石集中區域之業者本計畫乃輔導其採聯合方式進行道路認養,認養工作包括每日灑水、道路維護保養及定期洗掃道路等;對於散居業者則採個別認養方式,本計畫輔導其至少認養廠區前道路0.2公里以上,本年度完成21條聯外道路,長度20.5公里之輔導認養工作。配合之廠家均承諾並填寫企業道路認養申請書,本計畫亦每月均進行各砂石場(廠)道路認養落實度進行查核,有效改善聯外道路車行揚塵。六、裸露地清查列管與輔導裸露地清查列管作業主要目的為掌握屏東縣境裸露地分佈、面積及其基本資料並進行輔導改善。列管砂石場(廠)、廢棄砂石場(廠)、測站週邊鄉鎮鄰近敏感區之人口密集區域與交通活動頻繁處裸露地為第一階段調查區域。第二階段清查範圍擴展至其他鄉鎮。運作中砂石場(廠)廠區裸露地清查列管10.28公頃,廢棄砂石場(廠)列管11處裸露地面積為5.96公頃,一般裸露地列管23處裸露地面積為11.35公頃及河灘裸露地列管1處面積1.0公頃,總計本年度清查掌握本縣境各類型裸露地面積為28.6公頃。在裸露地輔導改善方面,砂石場(廠)廠區裸露地輔導鋪設碎石面積5.06公頃,廢棄砂石場(廠)植被改善4.24公頃,一般裸露地及河灘裸露地輔導改善8.54公頃,共計改善17.84公頃,各項輔導改善均展現了具體成果。七、建立砂石場空品不良應變機制本年度積極與業者溝通協調並透過辦理示範宣導說明會,向砂石業者說明建立本縣空品不良應變機制之重要性,並廣為宣導空品不良緊急應變措施,讓業者了解在各級空品不良或惡化發生時,須如何配合環保單位進行廠區污染源作業之應變機制。目前完成組織本縣各砂石場(廠)集中區域空品不良之五大通報區域網,並完成搜集各廠家聯繫之行動電話號碼,完成建立在發佈空品不良訊息時環保局與縣境砂石場(廠)之通報應變機制。八、排放量與削減量依據本計畫94年3月~11月份期間實際巡查所得防制措施與基本資料進行推估,合計資料庫中建檔之60家次推估年總排放量約為2077.34公噸/年(平均排放量為173.1公噸/月),平均控制效率為60%。本年度砂石場(廠)之削減量來源,主要為輔導廠家加裝污染防制設備及裸露地輔導改善。依執行本計畫自3月至11月份為止,各項防制措施減量效率計算出削減量為272.26公噸,裸露地改善削減量為7.08公噸/年,合計總削減量為279.34公噸/年。有關本項作業之各項細節,詳報告第五章所述。 Control Plan for Checking and Managing Pingtung County’s Sand Quarries and Bare Grounds AbstractA. Detection and traceDuring the process of the project, we detect the gravel plants along the rivers of Gao-ping, Lao-nong, E-liao, Lin-bian and Dong-gang in Pintong County and have Sixty gravel plants in control—forty-nine operate properly and eleven stop temporally. Among others, the pollution emissions of thirty plants don’t meet the standards of the third-rate (the ideal rate) regulations and thus become the targets for trace and consultation. All the plants in trace take efforts to reduce the pollutions they produce and could comply with the third-rate regulations. Forty-nine gravel plants (from initially twenty-one) become the third-rate.B. Source and regulation The abundant sources of gravels in Pintong County come primarily from the dredging of Gao-ping River and the sand collection of Yuan-tan areas in Kaohsiung County. Gravel heaps are likely to spread dusts around because of wind erosion. In an attempt to advocate the policies of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this project focuses on gravel heaps regulations, including those of short-term (within one month) and long-term (over one month). C. Consultation On the basis of the detection result (four gravel plants are found new, one reopened and one changed its owner), we arrange consultations with these six gravel plants and make plans to help them reduce their pollution emission. Five of them have completed requirements to improve the pollution problems and the last one is in the condition of closedown.D. Roads cleanliness Gravel plants are responsible for the cleanliness of all roads connected to other counties and should keep neat their front road, at least more than 0.2 kilometers in length. The relevant jobs include daily street flushing, road maintenance and regular road sweeping. This year they have assumed the responsibility of the cleanliness of twenty-one roads (20.5 kilometers in length) to nearby counties.E. Mutual communication Seminars are also held to educate the gravel plants owners about how to react when air quality becomes worse. Five communication nets are established and the communicative cell phones of each gravel plants are collected. Therefore, every gravel plant can react properly when the regional environmental protection bureau announce bad air quality. F. Emission and reductionAccording to the statistics of pollution database that are collected from March to November of 2005, the pollution emission of this year is amount to 2077.34 tones per year (173.1 tones per month) and the pollution reduction rate is 60%. Pollution control apparatuses are largely adopted by those plants which we have consultation with. Therefore, the overall pollution reduction amount goes as 279.34 tones per year. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4416
「廢潤滑油回收體系檢討」專案工作計畫 本計畫蒐集美、加、澳、紐、日、歐盟等先進國家對廢潤滑油的管理制度及最近發展,經由相關業者與參酌國內近年所做之廢潤滑油流向調查分析結果,探討國內現況問題,盼對現行制度不足之處,提出改善建議。本計畫從資源回收體系及事業廢棄物管理制度探討,對未能完全將廢潤滑油之回收、處理、與再利用等行為納入環保法規所設計之體制,以致回收量及回收率偏低之原因,配合訪談及調查所得到的市場資訊進行分析討論,並提出建議摘要如下。(1) 廢潤滑油成分、列管範圍與廢潤滑油產生率之建議。應評估以配合經濟部能源局能源需求統計、或民間業者分類方式,作為潤滑油認定標準。(2) 回收率計算公式之建議。建議應考慮「妥善處理率」,並將「回收量」定義為包含未受稽核認證但已再利用之廢潤滑油量兩方向修正。(3) 回收處理作業流程之管控機制方面。改善汽機車保修廠及中小型工廠廢潤滑油產生量及回收清運之申報登錄與查核。將熱能回收作為再利用用途明確化,並可達提升回收再利用量之效果。(4) 市場價格及體制外回收業者競爭問題。考量給予體制內業者包括依照處理技術、污染防制及行政管理工作的合理補貼,以增加業者競爭力。(5) 研擬設置回收點之原則與策略。增設回收據點可朝國內汽車維修保養連鎖通路與大型汽機車維修廠研擬規劃,並援引相關設施標準做為設施規範。(6) 資源回收再利用與廢棄物管理之整合。建議可行方案有,鼓勵製造者與進口業者籌組自願性回收體系;提供再利用技術研究開發條件以鼓勵研發。 A Study to Re-evaluate the Status of Used Oils Recycling and Reuse This study collects information and recent progresses on management system in U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and European Union. Results of a couple of previous surveys are also referred. Recycling rate based on the data collected through auditing and verification mechanisms of the Recycling Funds remains low for years. The objective of this study is to try to identify why the auditing-and-levee mechanism for general waste and reporting-and-control system of industrial waste have not been able to collect all the waste oil which is subject to proper reuse, recovery, treatment and final disposal. Recommendations and suggestion are discussed as follows.(1) CCC Codes adapted by Energy Bureau may be considered and Simplified categories may clarify current calculation for recycling rate and related fees.(2) The “recycled amount” should include the amount of waste reused even it is not audited.(3) Recovery as heat and energy should be enhanced to improve the overall result of recycling and reuse.(4) Legal business should be encouraged by providing assistance to upgrade their technology level and financial support by re-evaluating the levee.(5) Setup of recycling points can be coped with the existing Recycling Fund system.(6) Suggested measures can be construction of voluntary recycling system by manufacturers and importers, better environment of investment for developing recycling technology, and establishment of codes and standards for green-products. 094 基管會 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4418
土壤及地下水污染整治場址土地開發利用執行措施建置計畫 目前「土壤及地下水污染整治法」係採取雙門檻之整治基準,除訂定管制標準外,另外考量場址可能因涉及其他土地開發之用途,故於整治場址之土地因配合土地開發而為利用者,其土壤、地下水污染整治基準或目標,得由中央主管機關會商有關機關專案核定;同法第46條則考量,在環境主導模式為原則,效益指導模式為例外之原則下,規定土地開發行如涉及土壤、地下水整治場址之污染土地者,其土地開發計畫得與污染整治計畫同時提出,並各依相關法令審核。行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)為鼓勵民間配合土地開發進行整治場址整治工作,加速場址之整治及開發,遂執行本計畫以研擬土壤及地下水污染場址整治獎勵制度,並建置整治場址土地利用開發相關制度及程序。本計畫完成主要工作包括建立土壤及地下水污染場址整治獎勵制度,鼓勵民間配合土地開發進行整治場址整治工作、規劃整治場址土地再利用程序,建立整治場址土地利用開發相關制度、彙整我國土地使用變更審議法令及流程,及與污染土地有關實務運作機制、探討污染整治工作配合土地開發利用執行程序,提出土污法有關土地開發利用之修法建議等。 Establish of implementation measures for land developments of soil and groundwater contaminated sites project The “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act” specifies two separate possible procedures for its remediation standard. One procedure is for land that is deemed a remediation site and the other is for land deemed a remediation site but also utilized to accommodate land development. For land used to accommodate land development, the soil or groundwater pollution remediation standards (targets) may be specially approved by the competent central authority after consulting with relevant government agencies. Article 46 of the “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act”, also stipulates the following provision which is mainly based on the principle of bettering the environment while balancing the economic benefits:If a land development plan involves a remediation site, the land development plan may be submitted together with the pollution remediation plans and be reviewed pursuant to applicable laws and regulationsIn order to encourage private citizens sectors and non-governmental agencies to conduct land development involving remediation sites and therefore speed the remediation and development of such sites, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) carried out this project to study and prepare a system of rewards for the remediation of soil and groundwater pollution sites and establish the relevant systems and procedures:The main tasks of the project are as below:To establish the system of reward for encouraging the private remediation of the soil and groundwater pollution sites.To plan the land use procedures for the remediation sites.To build up the relevant land use and development systems for the remediation sites..To compile the domestic laws, regulations and procedures for changing the classification of land use.To compile the relevant practical operation measures for polluted land.To study the execution procedures for the pollution remediation work in accordance with the land use and development.To provide suggestions on the amendment of the “Soil and Underground Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act” related to the land use and development. 094 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4422
加油站油氣回收設施設置清查及測試計畫 本計畫主要工作內容分別為:1.加油站資料庫維護、更新、擴充與建檔管理,並建立文書檔案。2.辦理加油站環保法規宣導及油氣回收設施維護保養訓練會。3.確保加油站油氣回收設施功能,並研擬評估改善方式及經費,4.推估加油站污染排放量,5.加油站後續追蹤管制方案研擬。加油站營運中列管名單有90站,其中有77站已設置油氣回收設備,設置率為86%(更新至94.11)。43座加油站油氣回收設備功能檢測,油槍氣油比平均合格率為71%,已要求加油站進行改善與複查,檢測與輔導之VOCs減量成效為67公噸/年(含裝設油氣回收設備之減量)。加油站須有定期維護,並配合設備維護資料建檔管理與定期檢測,至於維護頻率建議3個月至少一次,清積油頻率2~3天一次,加油站可視發油量現況與站上維護技術,自行調整頻率與委託專業廠商或加強人員訓練,方能維持設備有效操作與回收功能。辦理二場設備維護操作保養訓練與法規說明會,共126站次參加,提升加油站維護保養之技術、教育正確加油觀念、訓練加油站自我檢測與故障排除,並宣導管理辦法及配合管理辦法加油站相關注意事項,輔導未設置業者盡快裝設回收設備,有效與參加之業者進行雙向意見溝通,並將業者反映問題及建議提報環保局。依據本計畫執行成果與管制執行面需求,研擬管制方案,考量行政、技術及法律等三方面,利用查核、優良表彰、技術宣導與輔導、管制原則明確化等作為,以期提升加油站油氣回收設備合格率,確實達到污染減量,改善環境空氣品質。協助環保局對油氣回收設置計畫書之審查與現場施工查核。今年度共有2家新設站設置案件,審查結果皆通過,對於審查中發現之缺失,已告知業者,並輔導業者進行改善,以確保新設站油氣回收設施正確之裝設。 The Facility Examination and Function Test of Vapor Recovery System in Petroleum Stations The main targets of this project will be classified into five sections.(1) The regular maintenance, update, expand, set up and management files, and set up document files. (2) Hold two meetings such as gasoline station environment rule propaganda meeting and gasoline vapor recovery equipment maintain and operate meeting. (3)Make sure the function of the gasoline vapor recovery facility and consider the way of estimate improve and cost. (4)Estimate gasoline station pollution value. (5)Study gasoline station follow-up track restrain.There are 77 out of total 90 gasoline stations had build gasoline vapor recovery equipment, the rate of build is 86%. (update to 94/11). The Air to Liquid Ratio (A/L) test is conducted to 43randomly selected gasoline stations. The average qualified rate is 71%. For those unqualified stations, improve and double check their current situation via offering, the total reduce volume is 67 tons/year after these 43 stations’ assistance that had examined and student counseling (included the total reduce volume of gasoline vapor recovery). Periodical maintained and facility maintained, data filing managed and examined for gasoline station. Suggest that the maintain rate at lest once every three months, once every tow or three days for clean residual gasoline. In oil amount situation and maintain technology in gasoline station, gasoline station can adjust maintain rate by themself and entrust professional factories or enhance training for staff, it could be maintain efficient operation for facility and recycle. Hold two meetings such as maintain operation train meeting and gasoline station’s rule interpretation meeting, total attendant station is 126. Due to promote the technology for gasoline station maintain, education the right fuel up concept, train themself check for gasoline station and the fault eliminate, cover and cooperate mange way for gasoline station notice matters, guidance and assistance non-set up gasoline vapor recovery’s gasoline stations set it up immediately. Effective against communicate with proprietor and address the questions and suggest for EPA. According to the project’s requirement for implement fruitful results and manage. Study manage scheme and consider three ways for administration, technology and law, that be using check, excellent commend, technology propagate and guidance and manage principle clear and definite, in order to positive that expect promote gasoline vapor recovery quality rate, achieve pollution reduction and improve environment air quality. Assist EPA to examine and check the gasoline station in suit for gasoline vapor recovery facility proposal. There are have 2 new set up stations case and pass through the examine in this year, found fault in examine that has told proprietor and improved, in order to positive that in right set up for new gasoline station’s gasoline vapor recovery. 094 南投縣政府環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司
總量管制制度建置(二)計畫 本計畫為以高高屏為主之二年之總量管制施政計畫,本計畫主要針對縣市空氣污染防制計畫、高高屏地區之污染物基線認可、指定削減、排放量保留、抵換、交易、查核等內容進行規劃。本計畫完成之執行成果摘要如下:(一)檢討縣市空氣污染防制計畫規劃內容並辦理諮詢會議,完成94年計畫目標、工作內容、計畫達成度計算方式與95、96年空氣污染防制計畫書審查,提出97、98年計畫書撰寫範本(二)研訂高高屏總量管制計畫,完成空氣品質分析、問題分析、規劃36大類建議推動措施及32大類建議替代備用措施、減量情境分析、模式模擬分析與2次研商會議(三)完成總量管制配套法規規劃與硫氧化物及氮氧化物指定削減試算,硫氧化物西部四空品區實施指定削減後共可減量15,853公噸,主要來自高高屏空品區,氮氧化物共有減量31,799公噸,主要亦來自高高屏空品區,並完成規劃認可與指定削減準則、申請程序與試算指引之編撰(四)規劃排放量保留、抵換、交易、查核制度,建議我國總量管制交易制度二階段三期之推動方式(第一期為記設污染源自願參與減量、第二期為新設/變更之一定規模污染源實施抵換交易及一定規模既存污染源實施指定削減、第三期全面實施配額總量管制交易制度),並整理國外實施經驗,初步規劃交易中心組織與運作重點,完成「固定污染源差額排放量認可、保留、抵換及交易辦法(草案)」、高高屏發電廠抵換交易試行模擬、業者參與意見調查並參與國內外會議(五)協助空氣品質關計畫整合(六)空保處網頁資料更新維護。 Total Air Emissions Control Project This is a two-year master regulatory project which takes Kao-Kao-Pin Air Quality Management District (KKP-AQMD) as an example to implement the total air emissions control scheme. For the second year, the main purposes of the project is planning emissions offset/trading scheme, its relevant policy package, RACT, baseline emissions, offset, trading, banking and other relevant rules and policys.The following summarize work that have been done in this year: (1) reviewed 2005 State Implementation Plans (SIPs), completed the work of goals of improvement, task goals, and achievement calculation methods of 2005 SIPs, conducted SIPs workshops and seminars, and provided the advices and writing sample to states for their 2008 and 2009 SIP preparation; (2) revised and updated KKP-AQMP including completing the work of air quality analysis, problem analysis, 36 control measures and 32 suggested contingency measures planning, emission reduction scenarios, modeling analysis, and 2 workshops on relevant topics; (3) completed the planning of policy package for total emission control scheme and the work of RACT compliance guidance, application process, and reduction estimation for SOx (15,853 tons) and NOx (31,799 tons); (4) reviewed experiences from other countries, completed planning for the Emissions Reduction Credits (ERCs) relevant work and rules, including schemes of ERCs banking, offsetting, trading, auditing, 2 phase and 3 stage of draft implement plan for applying ERCs, ERCs management center, and ERCs applying and relevant rules and regulations; (5) supported related air quality projects; (6) updated and maintained the website for the Department of Air Quality Protection and Noise Control. 094 空保處 財團法人中技社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4424