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南投縣養豬業源頭減量清潔養豬(豬廁所)推廣計畫 環保署鑑於清潔養豬具減污及綠能功效,且已有成功案例,故執行養豬業源頭減量豬廁所示範推廣計畫,以輔導推廣養豬戶改變傳統畜產管理方式。為配合環保署河川整治計畫之目標,積極推動各項具體減量及改善管制措施,南投縣政府環境保護局於本(101)年度特規劃推動「南投縣養豬業源頭減量清潔養豬(豬廁所)推廣計畫」,冀望藉由本計畫之執行,推廣清潔養豬,將傳統養豬產業躍進為綠能產業,落實本縣境內各河川水體水質改善工作,給予本縣全體縣民一個既乾淨清澈之河川生態。本計畫執行期間係自簽約日(101年10月19日)起至101年12月20日止,其工作項目及內容為(1)篩選計畫對象養豬場至少6場(家)共補助設置至少200座簡易式集中排糞架豬廁所、(2)辦理養豬業源頭減量清潔養豬(豬廁所)宣導、(3)輔導縣內養豬業以清潔養豬方式改進畜產管理作業並提升廢水處理效率、(4)探討豬糞固形物妥善再利用方法及去處,協助養豬業建立豬糞固形物妥善再利用方法及去處、(5)調查分析本計畫各面向成本效益評估。在南投縣政府環境保護局全力協助及工作團隊努力之下,本計畫已於合約執行期限之內完成各項工作,計畫執行歷程與達成率詳見表1,各項工作內容均已順利執行,整體工作完成率為100%。計畫對象養豬場示範戶篩選共有久泰牧場(管制編號M3303125)、大順畜牧場(管制編號M3303241)、維德牧場(管制編號M3303296)、松品牧場(管制編號M3604387)、宏昌畜牧場(管制編號M3700115)、喬登養豬場(管制編號M4300244)等六家畜牧業者,經評估其畜牧場內適合設置豬廁所之畜舍空間及數量,本計畫設置200座簡易式排糞架分配如下:久泰牧場(16座)、大順畜牧場(35座)、維德牧場(47座)、松品牧場(26座)、宏昌畜牧場(42座)、喬登養豬場等(34座),合計200座。 101 南投縣政府環境保護局 能碩工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73706
綠能城市低碳家園-低污染車輛租賃系統建置計畫 為改善本市空氣品質並推廣綠色交通,鼓勵市民購買電動機車,在提升電動機車使用率上,除成本面及技術面需考量外,建立利於電動車使用之環境亦相當重要,為排除民眾對於使用電動機車時,有路程中無電可用的疑慮,建立便利的電力補充環境是非常重要一環,因此本市積極建置電動車充電站,營造使用電動車之示範城市。各項工作成果說明如下。(一)於102年12月經嘉義市政府環境保護局核定西區戶政事務所、垃圾焚化廠、中央廣場、文化局、體育場、港坪運動公園等6處設置電動機車充電站。(二)102年4月18日於嘉義市政府環境保護局第二會議室召開低污染車輛充電系統建置說明會。(三)102年2月1日向中華汽車工業股份有限公司嘉義經銷商常嘉有限公司租購電動輔助自行車50輛及備用電池10顆,租期至103年12月1日止。(四)103年6月22日於經國新城社區辦理低污染車輛充電站啟用典禮。 Green City, Low-carbon Home - Low pollution vehicle rental system establishment program Citizens are encouraged to buy electrically power motorcycles to improve the city’s air quality as well as to promote green transportation. When it comes to improve the use of electric motorcycles, it is important to build an environ-ment that is friendly to electric vehicles in addition to financial and technical considerations. A very important factor is to establish an environment in which power supply is readily accessible to electric motorcycle users when they have the concern that the power runs out and there is nowhere to recharge the motorcycles. For this, Chiayi City is taking the initiative to establish motorcycle recharging stations throughout the city as the attempt to make Chiayi the demonstrational city that is electric motorcycle friendly. The results of the implementation are described as follows:(1) 6 electric motorcycle recharging stations were approved by Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi City in Dec 2013 and established at West District Household Registration Office, the waste incineration plant, central plaza, Cultural Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Stadium and Gangping Sports Park.(2) The presentation of the establishment of low-pollution vehicle recharging system was held at the second con-ference room of Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi City on Apr 18 2013. (3) 50 electrically aided bicycles and 10 spare batteries were rented from Chang Jia Co., Ltd., which is a distributor of CMC Motor, from Feb 1 2013 to Dec 1 2014. (4) The launch ceremony of low-pollution vehicle recharging station was held at Jingguo New Village community on Jun 22 2014. 101 嘉義市政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=75657
南投縣101年度垃圾轉運監督稽查暨效能評估計畫 南投縣為國內未興建自有焚化廠的縣市之ㄧ,過去生活垃圾皆以衛生掩埋方式處理;配合94年7月20行政院核定之「垃圾全分類零廢棄方案第一階段執行計畫」政策,生垃圾不再進行掩埋,因此本縣每日產生約250噸之垃圾,必須轉運其他縣市焚化廠處理。為使轉運作業順利進行,避免轉運作業產生弊端或造成環境污染,南投縣政府環境保護局(下稱環保局)於民國101年7月20日起委託日揚公司執行「南投縣101年度垃圾轉運監督稽查暨效能評估計畫」(下稱本計畫),藉以監督查核本縣之轉運作業,並對轉運作業進行效能評估與後續規劃。本計畫執行期間為101年7月20日起102年7月19日止,主要工作項目包括轉運作業實地稽核、文件查核、效能評估,以及後續轉運方案建議與協助轉運計畫招標等。本計畫派駐人員1名與車輛1部,以執行轉運實地稽核作業,包括轉運站作業環境與工安衛生要求,不定點、不定時跟/隨車查核,以及車輛GPS查核等。今年度並未發現重大轉運缺失,僅有一次民眾陳情及二次轉運過程中垃圾飛散之問題。在文件查核方面,主要審核了13鄉鎮市轉運站至12處焚化廠之轉運路線與里程,包括核定與替代路線各156條;另對轉運公司提出之緊急應變計畫、相關報表及每月轉運量與轉運費等文件進行審查。於效能評估方面,除分析本縣垃圾轉運之經濟與環境效益外,亦進行轉運作業之SWOT分析,針對轉運作業提出如何善用優勢與機會之建議,以及停止劣勢與威脅之作為。最後研擬本縣短、中、長期垃圾轉運方案,並協助擬定後續垃圾轉運計畫招標作業之文件。有關本縣垃圾轉運之問題,主要為焚化廠歲修與年節期間,轉運焚化廠調度困難,為短期亟需解決之重要問題,本計畫已研擬處理方案。另轉運站數量眾多(13處),除造成轉運車輛機具調度上之困難外,對環境造成之衝擊也較大,本計畫建議再增設二處區域性轉運站,並將其列為中期轉運策略。長期策略則是全面推動「垃圾零廢棄」之減量及資源回收等政策,以期達成「垃圾零廢棄」之目標。 no no 101 南投縣政府環境保護局 日揚環境工程有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71675
細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)手動監測品保查核作業 有鑑於空氣中小於2.5微米粒徑之微粒能深入人的肺臟,對健康危害大,環保署自101年新增30個PM2.5手動監測站,除定期維護校正及採樣分析外,另委託第三公正單位執行品保查核作業。本計畫主要包括下列工作項目:1. 建立PM2.5手動監測品保作業表單,優化品質管理系統。2. 執行PM2.5手動監測儀器現場查核作業,共執行180站/年。3. 執行PM2.5手動監測儀現場流量/大氣流量多點查核,及內部濾紙溫度查核,共執行120站/年。4. 實驗室稱重查核,共執行12次/年系統查核。5. 執行PMM2.5手動監測採樣平行比對,共執行60站/年。 Quality Assurance Program for (FRM) PM2.5 Performance Evaluation The executing period of this project is from July 1st 2012 to September 30th 2014. In order to reach the confirmation of the analysis quality of sampling and weighting also to uplift the reliability of data, the project is undertaking the field check on PM2.5 manual sampler, lab system audit, collected measurement, and supervising the certainty of three divisions on executing PM2.5 sampling and analysis work, the working accuracy of sampler, and the reliability of monitoring data. The main objects going to be fulfilled by this project are as follows: (1) Building forms and SOP for quality assurance work. (2) Executing thirty PM2.5 samplers field single checks for every two months, and that is one hundred and eighty checks per year. Executing thirty PM2.5 samplers field multi checks for every season, and that is one hundred and twenty checks per year. (3) Executing Lab system audit separately on three labs for every season and that is four times per year. (4) Executing collected measurement on thirty instruments for very half a year, and that is two times per year and sixty stations in totals. (5) Assessing the executing performance carried out by the authority for integrating PM2.5 manual inspection work of the north, mid, south sections, and data analysis work and so on, to assure the accuracy of data analysis. The field check is mainly mean to inspect the accuracy status of sampler. This project has accomplished three hundred and sixty PM2.5 manual sampler single check work (2,160 checks) and two hundred and forty multi check work (1,440 checks) since December 2012 to September 30th 2014. The satisfaction rates as the whole work are 97.4 % for single check and 96.5% for multi check. The major defect for both single and multi field checks are flow defect. After the discussion and finding other solutions, the defect of check has an apparent decrease.Lab system audit is mainly deal with the inspection on filter conditioning、weighing records, and quality management, to insure the work quality. since December 2012 to September 30th 2014, this project has accomplished twenty-four lab system audits. The check defects has lessened apparently from the former check. The semi-annual collocation measurement is mainly based on the published method NIEA A205.11C by EPA Environmental analysis laboratory. It will be conducted in the same manner and the same time to enhance the reliability of data. since December 2012 to September 30th 2014, the project has finished four times one hundred and twenty field collocated measurement work. And the result shows that only five coefficients of variation are above 10%, taking 4.2% of total measuring numbers, indicating the measured PM2.5 monitoring value is highly credible.The quality assurance for monitoring data mainly assure the three sampling sections to execute sampling analysis procedure, form filling, concentration calculations, lab quality assurance and quality control, and so on every three days in the way Environmental analysis laboratory defined. This project has carried out 6,536 pieces of data of thirty monitoring stations since November 29th 2012 to September 30th 2014. Among them, there are one hundred and twenty-one pieces of data are “sample failed”, fourteen pieces are “quality assurance failure”, and eighty pieces are “not executed sample.” The overall rate of available data is 96.7 %.The defects that are discovered from both field check and lab system audit will be revealed and discussed in the meeting. The three sections will propose the improving situation, and let the EPA and the project to follow up the defect improvement. 101 監資處 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=71230
101年度推動垃圾減量、資源回收工作計畫期末報告 計畫名稱:『101年度推動垃圾減量、資源回收工作計畫期末報告』 執行期程:101年7月05日至102年03月20日 計畫經費:5,240仟元 計畫主持人:許仲景  計畫人力:計畫經理陳柔妤及工程師吳茂洲、林翠娟、洪伊亭等三人 nono nono 101 南投縣政府環境保護局 華門工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=73713
102年度桃園縣街道揚塵洗掃作業及街塵減量效益評估計畫 茲說明本計畫於民國102年8月31日起至103年8月30日止之計畫各項工作推動成果如下:1.洗掃街作業執行成果:本年度共累計民營洗街57,376.12公里、掃街27,885.62公里,洗街累計達成率為106.25%、掃街累計達成率為103.28%,公營掃街280,962.2公里,公民營洗掃街總計366,223.94公里。2.洗掃街污染削減量效益推估:本年度累計洗掃街長度為366,223.94公里,依據環保署減量公式(削減量=洗掃街長度×減量係數)推估,TSP 可削減5,053.86公噸,PM10 為959.5公噸,PM2.5 為222.29 公噸。3.道路洗掃街成效評估:為分析洗街作業對街塵之去除情形,評估洗街作業之減量成效,分別於洗街作業前、後進行街塵分析作業,本計畫針對30條代表性道路進行採樣結果顯示,在洗掃作業前坋土負荷量平均為0.397 g/m3、總街塵量平均為1.775g/m3;洗掃作業後坋土負荷量平均為0.242 g/m3、總街塵量平均為1.022 g/m3,在坋土負荷量總平均削減38.27%,街塵負荷量總平均亦削減41.53%。如以洗街前後削減率來看,本計畫之洗掃街作業對於減低街道揚塵負荷,初步已達成效,進而改善空氣品質。4.道路髒污等級調查:為加強掌握及提升桃園縣道路髒污等級,並作為規劃洗掃街路線之參考依據,本年度共普查2,070條道路,總公里數達5,841.1公里,經藉由污染源消弭及加強洗掃頻率等措施後,於103年8月A級道路比例以逐月提高至91.2%。5.洗掃街現場查核作業:為確保洗掃街工作可達到預期之執行成效,本團隊採不定時不定點執行洗掃街作業之執行現況調查工作,共執行現場作業車輛查核624車次。6.民眾滿意度問卷調查:為瞭解桃園縣民對環保局推動之街道揚塵洗掃計畫工作之認知、態度及評價,作為相關政策研擬、業務推動、居民溝通之重要參考依據,已完成本縣洗掃街道路之住家進行問卷調查500份(有效份數)。調查結果受訪者對於目前街道揚塵與垃圾有66.4%表示「尚可」,有68.1%的民眾表示是「親眼目睹」得知環保局有委託民間進行清洗掃街計畫。7.洗掃街示範宣導推廣會議:為讓桃園縣洗掃街作業人員瞭解洗掃街作業之目的、成效及洗掃街作業標準程序,已於102年11月27 日假桃園縣中壢市清潔隊辦理洗掃作業示範宣導會,並以簡報資料說明、動態示範及問題討論等方式實施,藉由問題與討論提出目前洗掃作業之優、缺點並提供各改善項目與有效建議方案,擬定未來洗掃作業執行效率,有效改善本縣道路髒污情形,進而減少粒狀污染物排放,改善空氣品質及地球永續發展之目標。 2013 Taoyuan County street cleaning and sweeping program and street dust reduction performance assessment plan The promotion results of various cleaning projects from August 31, 2013 until August 30, 2014 are as follows:1. Implementation results of street cleaning and sweeping program: Based on the annual street cleaning and sweeping program done by the private sector, a total accumulation of 57,376.12km and 27,885.62km of streets had been cleaned and swept this year, respectively. They accounted for a cumulative rate of 106.25% and 103.28% of street cleaning and sweeping achievements, respectively. Coupled with 280,962.2km of street cleaning and sweeping done by the public sector, a grand total of 366,223.94km of streets had been cleaned and swept by private and public sectors this year.2. Benefits estimation of street cleaning and sweeping to contamination reduction: An accumulation of 366,223.94km of streets had been cleaned and swept this year. Based on the estimated reduction formula (reduction = street cleaning and sweeping distance × reduction coefficient) of Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), a total of 5,053.86 metric tons of TSP, 959.5 metric tons of PM10, and 222.29 metric tons of PM2.5 can be reduced this year. 3. Effectiveness evaluation of street cleaning and sweeping: To analyze the dust removal situation and assess the reduction effectiveness of street cleaning operation, a street dust analysis was done before and after the street cleaning program. The sampling results of this study on 30 representative roads show that the average silt loading before cleaning and sweeping was 0.397g/m³, and the average total street dust amount was 1.775g/m³. With average silt loading amount of 0.242g/m³ and average total street dust amount of 1.022g/m³ after the cleaning and sweeping program, it has found that the silt loading amount has reduced with an average total of 38.27%, and the street dust loading amount has reduced with an average total of 41.53%. Based on the reduction rate before and after street cleaning, the purpose of street cleaning operation to reduce street dust loading conducted by the study has reached its preliminary effectiveness, thereby improving the air quality. 4. Dirty road rating survey: To master and reduce the dirty road rating of Taoyuan County to serve as a reference basis in planning the street cleaning and sweeping routes, a total of 2,070 roads with a total distance of 5,841.1km had been investigated this year. The proportion of A-class roads has gradually dropped from 87.1% in September 2013 to 67.9% in February 2014. After implementing the pollution sources elimination and strengthening the cleaning and sweeping frequency measures, the proportion of A-class roads has gradually increased to 91.2% in August 2014. 5. On-site verification of street cleaning and sweeping program: To ensure that the street cleaning and sweeping program are able to meet with expected implementation effect, an indefinite-time and indefinite-spot prevalence survey was conducted by our team on street cleaning and sweeping program. A total of 624 on-site checks were done on vehicle trips of road sweepers. 6. Public satisfaction questionnaire survey:To understand the perception, attitude and evaluation of the public of Taoyuan County on street dust cleaning and sweeping program done by EPA to serve as an important reference basis in promoting relevant policy development, business promotion, and residents communication, 500 questionnaires (valid number of copies) were distributed by the study to homes where the streets in front of them had been cleaned and swept. The survey results indicate that 66.4% of respondents reflected “acceptable” on the current status of street dust and garbage, and 68.1% of residents responded that they “witnessed” the private sector performing the street cleaning and sweeping program entrusted by EPA. 7. Demonstration and promotion of street cleaning and sweeping in promotion conference: To allow the street cleaning and sweeping operators of Taoyuan County to understand the purposes, effectiveness and standard operation procedures of street cleaning and sweeping program, a demonstration and promotion conference was done by our team on 27 November, 2013 at Jhongli City Clean Team. It was implemented by means of presentation, dynamic demonstration and discussion, etc. Through issue discussion, the advantages and disadvantages of the current cleaning and sweeping program were proposed, and various improvement projects and effective proposals were offered by our team to help draft the future effective cleaning and sweeping program. The aims are to improve the county’s dirty road conditions, and further reduce particulate emissions and improve the air quality to reach the final goal of global sustainable development. 102 桃園縣政府環境保護局 欣欣環保工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=71022
101年度高屏溪沿岸揚塵影響調查預警通報及宣導管理計畫 本計畫已完成高屏溪沿岸污染源調查,其中里港大橋及里嶺大橋間的砂石場及疏濬工程,及於里嶺大橋上游、斜張橋下游,高屏溪攔河堰上下游及潭平路外堤防四個區位的河川裸露灘地為高屏溪沿岸主要污染來源,而高屏溪因汛枯水期明顯,於汛水期間,大雨沖刷高屏溪沿岸低灘地,以致於低水位時呈現大幅灘地裸露,於強烈風勢下將造成河川揚塵事件。由歷年空品資料顯示,94年迄今共計發生因河川揚塵事件所造成之空品不良事件共計11站日。整體而言高屏溪沿岸懸浮微粒濃度自民國85年以呈現逐年改善之趨勢,懸浮微粒的高濃度的好發月份仍集中於每年10~12月及隔年1~3月間。本計畫選定佛陀紀念館及高屏溪攔河堰管理中心,於5月22日完成架設並進行PM10自動監測作業,監測數據於河川揚塵事件發生時均較環保署所設立之空品測站來的高,顯示本次選點監測可即時監控河川揚塵之好發時段。此外本年度針對懸浮微粒例行性採樣,並於6月29日及6月30日完成密集性採樣作業,採樣結果發現河川揚塵事件係以原生性污染源影響為主,同時地殼元素也較非河川揚塵事件日高出6~7%的排放比例,值得注意的是高屏溪發生河川揚塵事件時,均以南風為主要盛行風向,因此海鹽等海上污染物亦影響高屏溪沿岸村里。本年度除橫向聯繫屏東縣環保局及河川管理單位進行高屏溪揚塵管制之協商會議外,另業已辦理三場次預警兵推實兵作業,加強於河川揚塵事件發生後,高屏二縣市的聯繫機制,將有助於未來管制河川揚塵之效。 101 annual the Kaoping river coastal dust affect the investigation, warning communications and advocacy management plan Investigations of Kaoping river coastal pollution source has been completed in this project. The main pollution sources of Kaoping river coast is the gravel field and dredging works between the Ligang Bridge and Liling Bridge and the exposed sandbank of upstream of Liling Bridge, downstream of cable - stayed bridge, up- and downstream of Kaoping Weir, and the dike outside of Tan Ping Road. Due to the obvious dry season of flood in Kaoping river, rain washed the sandbank of Kaoping river so heaviliy during High water level that sandbank exposed significantly in the low water level. Therefore, the dust events were caused by strong wind. The data of air quality showed that there were 11 events of the poor air quality due to the rivers dust since 2005. Overall, suspended particulate concentration of the the Kaoping river coast presented improvement since 1996. High concentrations of suspended particulate predilection month is still in spring and winter every year.We erection and conduct PM10 automatic monitoring at Buddha Memorial and Kaoping weir Management Center on May 22. The monitoring data was higher than those established by the EPA air quality monitoring stations when dust events happened, which means the selected point monitoring could real-time monitor the predilection periods of rivers dust event. In addition, We handed unto routine sampling of suspended particles, and have completed intensive sampling operations on June 29 and 30. According to the sampling, the dust event was mainly impacted by the raw pollution, and the crustal elements was 6~7% higher than those in dust event. It is noteworthy that when the the Kaoping river occurred dust event, southerly was the prevailing wind, therefore, marine pollutants, such as sea salt, also affect the coastal village of Kaoping river.This year, in addition to hold the consultative meeting of the the Kaoping river dust control and link Pingtung County Environmental Protection Bureau to river management units, we also has handled three times of The warning soldiers push real soldiers job to strengthen the contact mechanism between Kaohsiung and Pingtung counties when dust events occured, which would be helpful for dust control in the future. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=71012
102年推動廢棄物非法棄置案件管理策略行動計畫 為遏阻事業廢棄物非法棄置事件,環保署自民國100年起陸續函頒「國有或公有土地遭棄置廢棄物之清理參考作業程序」、「地方政府辦理廢棄物非法棄置場址巡檢及通報作業流程」、「私有土地遭棄置廢棄物清理作業程序」、「廢棄物非法棄置案件追蹤列管及解除列管原則」及「行政院環境保護署協助地方政府代清理廢棄物求償案件債權保全追蹤運作標準作業程序」,並將原「廢棄物非法棄置場址查詢暨報案系統」進行功能提升,更新建置為「廢棄物非法棄置案件管理系統(Illegal Dumping Management System, IDMS)」,截至102年8月底止(本計畫執行前),各縣市環保局於IDMS系統中登載之場址數總計382處,完成解除列管場址共138處,而仍有244處場址持續列管中。為加強非法棄置案件管理與加速辦理場址解除列管,爰委辦本計畫辦理IDMS系統場址清查及複查,並持續精進非法棄置廢棄物場址的管理作業規範,及提供相關案件顧問諮詢服務。此外,另於102年12月新增計畫工作項目,以研擬事業廢棄資源清理基金與土壤及地下水污染整治基金妥適接軌之運作方式。本計畫共計辦理106處場址之清查及複查,包括持續列管場址50處及已辦理解除列管場址56處,本計畫除分別蒐集場址歷史資料,提供現勘資訊、場址大事紀要、IDMS系統勘誤資訊等,並就仍持續列管之50處場址分別提出處置策略建議及清理經費概算(執行成果詳見報告第三章,個別場址書面資料以新竹縣場址為例,詳如附件一,餘詳列於電子檔)。統計至103年3月底止,各縣市環保局於IDMS系統中登載錄案之場址總數共計418處,已完成解除列管場址共193處,雖仍有225處場址持續維持列管狀態,但已達到加速辦理場址解除列管之預期成效。在持續精進場址管理作業規範方面(詳見第四章),本計畫已完成協助訂定「行政院環境保護署處置廢棄物非法棄置事件標準作業程序(L-H-2-7-08,103年1月21日生效)」,並完成協助研提債權保全提前啟動之時機及做法,而環保署於103年1月13日頒布環署廢1030002433號解釋令,規範有關「廢棄物清理法」第71條「屆期不為清除處理」之認定原則,即為其具體成果。此外,提出「廢棄物非法棄置案件追蹤列管及解除列管原則」修正草案,並將「國有或公有土地遭棄置廢棄物之清理參考作業程序」及「私有土地遭棄置廢棄物清理作業程序」整合修訂為「廢棄物棄置場址清理作業規範(草案)」。另本計畫並提出IDMS系統增修優化需求建議,及13件顧問諮詢服務、5件法律意見書與協助彙處監察院查復資料共4件。在新增計畫工作項目部分(詳見第五章),本計畫蒐集研析美國RCRA、CERCLA法案及國家緊急應變計畫(National Contingency Plan),論述美國相關環保法規架構及與我國「土壤及地下水污染整治法」、「廢棄物清理法」間之差異,並參考美國場址管理運作機制,針對非法棄置事件,就有關「資源循環利用法(草案)」中事業廢棄資源清理基金之啟動機制、要件及運用範圍加以探討,提出具體建議如下:(1)應參考「土壤及地下水污染整治法」訂定土地關係人之善良管理人注意義務認定準則;(2)建立非法棄置案件之場址危害等級評定機制,以啟動緊急應變及採取必要措施;(3)應先明確界定「資源循環利用法(草案)」第105條第1項所稱之”污染危害”,以便與「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之基金運作範圍妥適區隔與銜接。此外,建議應參考美國CERCLA法案及超級基金運作方式,促請國(公)有土地管理機關擔負場址清理義務,並據以爭取場址清理經費預算編列。 Promoting Strategy and Action Plan of Illegal Waste Disposal Case Management(FY 2013) In order to stop illegal disposal of industrial wastes, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan has promulgated several relative regulations since 2011 and improved a reporting system with an updated version of Illegal Dumping Management System (IDMS). Till the end of August, 2013, the local environmental protection bureaus has reported to the system and the total number of the enlisted sites has accumulated to 382 with 138 sites were delisted from the system. In order to enhance the control of the illegal disposal case and speed up the delisting process, this project helped verified the IDMS system and continued improving the system process of the illegal disposal control and providing consultation services. Besides, an additional work was requested to delineate the procedures between the Industrial Waste Cleanup Fund and the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund.A total number of 106 sites were verified during this project period, including continuing the control of the 50 sites and delisting 56 sites. This project did not only collect the site information, history, and the errata of the IDMS system for the 106 sites, but also provided the strategic approach to clean up the 50 sites with the cost estimation. In addition, the total number of the sites enlisted by the local environmental protection bureaus was 418, which 193 sites were delisted. Although 225 sites left in the list, the goal of the delisting enhancement was achieved.The continuation of the site control improvement helped set up the Standard Operation Procedure regarding Handling of the Illegally Disposed Wastes (L-H-2-7-08, enacted on January 21, 2014). It also helped define the timing and procedures of the early activation of the creditor protection. Taiwan EPA announced an interpretation document (No. 1030002433) regulating the Article 71 of the Waste Disposal Act, modified the Enlisting and Delisting Principle of the Illegal Dumping Case, and combined the Cleanup Procedures of the Disposed Wastes on Public Lands with the Cleanup Procedures of the Disposed Wastes on Private Lands to become the Draft of the Cleanup Regulation of the Wastes Disposal Site. The project also provided the suggestion for system enhancement, 13 case consultations, 5 legal opinions, and 4 replies to the Control Yuan.The additional work collected and studied the RCRA, CERCLA, and the National Contingency Plan of the US described the law framework, and compared the environmental laws between Taiwan and the US. Comparing with the site control mechanism of the US, the activation of the industrial waste cleanup fund, the necessary conditions, and the enforcement of the Draft of Resource Reuse and Recycling Act is suggested with the following: (1) the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act should be considered for the regulation of the land stakeholders in order to determine whether the behalf of fulfillment should be carried out, (2) establish the evaluation mechanism of the illegal dumping site classification in order to activate the emergency response actions, (3) well define the term hazard due to pollution in the Draft of Resource Reuse and Recycling Act in order to work with the soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund. Besides, the CERCLA and the operation of the Superfund of the US should be referenced to reinforce the cleanup responsibility of the land governed by the public sectors. It is also necessary to get the cost reimbursed to the Fund due to the cleanup work. 102 廢管處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72036
全國土壤及地下水污染整治策略旗艦領航計畫 環保署希望透過本計畫之執行,針對目前土壤及地下水污染整治工作面臨之各項關鍵議題,提出解決方案,工作主要分為:(1)研提我國土水污染整治工程保險工作規劃,以強化土污法與金融保險業連結;(2)強化國內場址污染整治工作管理,奠定我國土水環保產業永續發展之基礎;(3)研提我國土水技術研究發展主軸與技術地圖工作規劃,整合各界資源發展我國具競爭優勢土水技術;(4)研提確保我國持續成為區域土水整治技術樞紐工作規劃,協助我國土水產業開拓海外市場等四大項目。本計畫已依上述四項工作目標,蒐集目前國內、外相關資訊並彙整研提建議方向與對策,希望相關成果能為土水產業永續奠定基礎。未來,環保署希望能整合國內產、官、學各界的知識與量能,達成亞洲區域領導中心。 The Strategy Plan for Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation The project goal is to find solutions for the key issues of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation. The main task includes the following aspects: (1) to plan the environmental liability insurance system of soil and groundwater pollution; (2) to strengthen management of pollution sites; (3) to plan the research and development road map for Soil and Groundwater investigation and Remediation technologies; (4) to plan Taiwan to be the regional technical center of Soil and Groundwater investigation and Remediation. We have collected domestic and international information, and made 4 plans for the key issues of Soil and Groundwater Remediation. Those will lay the foundations of Sustainable Development for the Soil Pollution and Groundwater Remediation industry. Taiwan EPA would integrate all resource from Industry, government, and academy to reach the aim of becoming an Asia pioneer in Soil and Groundwater field, including investigation and remediation. 102 土污基管會 美商傑明工程顧問股份有限公司台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70985
導入加州南岸管理制度經驗提昇臺灣空氣品質管理策略績效專案工作計畫 本計畫主要工作為參酌加州南岸空氣品質管理局(SCAQMD)空氣品質管理制度推動經驗,解析空氣品質管理計畫(AQMP)發展程序與支援系統,探討國內空氣品質管理以及空氣污染防制費面臨問題,提供國內未來精進空氣品質管理制度之參考。SCAQMD遵照美國聯邦清淨空氣法要求發展AQMP;解析加州南岸AQMP內容結果顯示,其核心項目包括空氣品質監測、排放清冊、控制對策、空氣品質模擬以及社經分析,並透過合理進展制度及公佈年報等機制追蹤AQMP執行成效。檢視國內近10年空氣污染防制費徵收資料顯示,每年徵收金額約40-70億元不等,由移動源:固定源:營建工程所收費用比例約40%:43%:17%;中央與地方政府應用空氣污染防制費推動各項空氣污染防制與空氣品質改善工作,已有效促使各類污染源改善減低排放量。參酌加州南岸經驗,國內空氣品質管理強化之核心工作為訂定空氣品質管理制度政策核心計畫、建置各項支援作業系統以及訂定執行具減量效果之控制對策。而提昇國內空氣品質管理績效重要關鍵在於強化發展控制對策所需支援工具,提昇排放清冊系統完整性與品質以及提昇空氣品質模擬作業績效。空氣污染防制費制度則需藉由更周延慎密之徵收/支用評估機制調整各項污染源/污染物改善投入資源比例,提昇績效。 Analysis Air Quality Management System in South Coast and Conduct it to Improve the Performance of T This project was conducted to study the air quality management system in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCQAMD) and learn their successful experience to develop the management strategy in Taiwan for the better future air quality. SQCAMD has developing the Air Quality Management Plan(AQMP) under the requirement by the US Federal Clean Air Act and the California State Clean Air Act which mandate the attainment of air quality standard by the designed year. This project also studied the organization of SCAQMD, working task for AQMP development, and supporting program for plan development. Key supporting programs, including air quality monitoring, emission inventory, control measure development, air quality modeling, and social economic assessment, were studied in the project. All these items were input to develop the supporting programs in Taiwan EPA for developing an efficient management strategy for better air quality in the future. The air quality management program and the air pollution fee program in Taiwan were also studied in this project. The budget of air pollution fee program ranged in 4-7 billions NT dollars per year during the last ten years. The relative contribution of fee program were 40% from mobile sources, 43% from stationary sources, and 17% from construction activities. The air pollutant fee were applied to support many programs which has reducing air pollutants emissions from various sources, improving the air quality, and made the management program efficiently. This study also propose the recomandation to enhance the supporting programs for air quality management plan and fee program in order to improve the air quality. 102 空保處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70955
高污染潛勢工業區污染源調查及管制計畫(第三期) 為掌握國內高污染潛勢工業區之土壤及地下水品質狀況,行政院環境保護署委辦「高污染潛勢工業區污染源調查及管制計畫(第三期)」。依據全國工業區土壤及地下水品質管理燈號分級狀況,選擇高雄市林園工業區及桃園縣大園工業區2處屬橘燈之工業區,作為本年度計畫調查對象。現場調查分兩大部分進行,第一部分為工業區尺度調查作業,包含工業區內之地球物理探測、地質鑽探等水文地質調查,以掌握工業區之水文地質概況;第二部分則為工業區工廠調查作業,透過工廠實地的現勘與訪談,評估工廠之污染潛勢,篩選進場調查名單。調查方式主要藉由工廠污染潛勢評估結果,應用地球物理探測技術,搭配其他現場篩測工具,針對高污染潛勢區域進行土壤及地下水調查及查證作業。最後,依據前述調查結果,進行健康風險評估並提出後續行政管制措施建議等事項。本計畫共完成2處工業區51處工廠環境場址評估作業,並篩選出具高污染潛勢10處工廠進行調查,調查結果中共計4處工廠之土壤及地下水檢測結果超過管制標準,2處工廠之土壤檢測結果超過管制標準。超過管制標準項目,在土壤方面包含有重金屬(鉻、銅、鋅、鎳)、苯及總石油碳氫化合物;在地下水方面則為重金屬(鉻、鎳)、苯、硝酸鹽氮及亞硝酸鹽氮。針對土壤或地下水超過污染管制標準之工廠,建議依土壤及地下水污染整治法相關規定進行公告列管,並列為污染行為人,同時要求其進行後續污染改善作業,避免污染持續擴散。依據健康風險評估結果,本計畫調查之2處工業區目前污染情形對於調查範圍內受體不具有致癌及非致癌性風險,且已無使用地下水做為製程及日常生活用途,無受體主動暴露途徑,惟林園工業區部份場址仍有有裸露地表,故有食入、吸入、誤食土壤之可能風險,雖在保守評估下總致癌風險及非致癌風險皆已低於目標值,建議於土壤上進行鋪面隔絕直接接觸土壤之途徑,並持續進行工業區內土壤及地下水監測,以掌握污染物濃度及保障廠區內從業人員之健康。 Contamination Source Investigation and Mitigation Plan for Industrial Park of High Contamination Pot In order to assess soil and groundwater qualities in the industrial parks, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) issued the project “Contamination Source Investigation and Mitigation Plan for Industrial Park of High Contamination Potential (PhaseⅢ)”. Based on the Light Classification Management designated by the EPA, the Linyuan industrial park and the Dayuan industrial park were selected in this project.In this project, the investigation included two stages. At the first stage, geophysical surveys and geological drilling were conducted within the areas of the above-mentioned industrial parks. At the second stage, questionnaire surveys and interviews with workers were conducted to select the factories with higher pollution potential. A total of 10 sites were selected for further investigation in which geophysical surveys, soil sampling, well installation, and groundwater sampling were subsequently conducted. Based on these results of the two stages, the plumes of contamination and hot spots were identified. Human health risk assessments was conducted in order to ensure the safety of residential water usage. Furthermore, the administrative control measures was also proposed.According to the investigating results of 10 factories, pollutants of soil and groundwater in 4 factories were found to be over the pollution control standards, and pollutants of soil in 2 factories were found to be over the standards. The soil pollutants included Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni, benzene and TPH; the groundwater pollutants included Cr, Ni, benzene, NO3--N and NO2-N. It has been suggested that all the factories listed above be supervised by the Environmental Protection Bureau, according to the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Regulations.Regarding to the human health risk, the values were lower than the target values within the 2 industrial parks. It was recommended that the Environment Protection Bureau should cut off direct contact by pavement for contaminated soil, and continuous monitoring of the industrial zone of groundwater contaminant concentrations within this area people exposing to the contaminated groundwater. 102 土污基管會 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70906
102年度桃園縣特定陳情污染源監控暨輔導改善示範計畫 由於桃園縣工業區與工廠數甚多,若單只靠環保局與義工等有限人力的監控,尚無法全面且有效的掌握污染源排放狀況,也因此導致仍有部分不肖業者存有僥倖心態,試圖以減少前端污染處理成本,利用各種不法途徑蓄意排放污染,謀取不當利益,進而使得環境品質受到衝擊。有鑑於部分不肖廠商之違法排放,為提昇管制有效性及違法排放事件之掌握度,彌補人力不足所造成之陳情案件及環境衝擊,擬透過本計畫之執行,藉由科技化監控系統之建置、測試及示範,針對特定污染源進行監控,達成有效降低不法排放事件及提供即時污染資訊預警,期可藉由科技化污染監控系統之建置,建立遏止不法排放行為之監控模式,進而達到輔導改善及陳情減案之效益,有效提升桃園縣的環境品質。一、特定污染源快速稽查及監控中心建置本中心建置之目的,為提升稽查管制業務執行效率,同時活化現有之辦公空間,由於計畫規定於進行建置前,需提供相關之規劃說明並舉辦施工前說明會,目的為交流環保局人員與廠商間的意見,以利後續建置之進行,故本計畫於102年9月18日提送規劃書,並於9月27日辦理建置說明會,然因建置過程環保局提出相關變動施工之需求,因此在10月8日再次提送修正版規劃書,施工期程相當順利,提早於11月5日完成中心之建置,並於11日14日驗收啟用。二、快速稽查行動app系統功能建置此部分建置之內容包含快速稽查行動app、噪音管制圖區app、業務稽查文件管理網頁以及上述系統之資料庫建置,相關之軟體開發已於11月25日完成,目前屬於測試階段,將針對相關錯誤與網頁畫面進行改善,預計將於12月10日前完成測試,12月26日前完成系統修繕並舉辦教育訓練會議,12月31日前提供相關開發軟體與文件。 三、稽查人員制服與設備購置稽查服裝之購置,目的為提升稽查人員形象識別之用,避免執勤時民眾產生不必要之誤解,因此,本計畫於102年9月27日提送規劃書後,並已於11月13日完成夏令與冬令制服各70套之採購與驗收作業。此外,為提升稽查人員所使用之儀器符合法規標準與作業所需設備之強化,分別購置一組”RION”噪音校正器、12支稽查用腳架、30張4G記憶卡與116頂稽查工作帽,提供稽查人員執勤之用。四、污染監控改善示範性方案此示範性方案由環保局提供名單,選定之對象為位於桃園縣蘆竹鄉的諾瓦材料科技股份有限公司,主要原因為該公司於102年10月8日接受環保局稽查時,違法從涇流廢水放流口排放廢水(RD01),以致有污染南崁溪之虞,遭環保局通知改善,因而自報改善,故本計畫於102年10月18日進行現場勘查,10月24日完成監控設備之架設作業且開始執行監控,直至11月4日止完成監控,共計監控時間為11日,監控期間該公司無排放廢水行為。此外,根據成效分析的結果可知,利用科技化監控約較傳統使用人力24小時站崗的方式節省 3,000元/日,更重要的是科技化監控能提供及時且無時差的監控,對於不法污染排放之防範,實有相當的助益。 Taoyuan County particular petition pollution monitoring and counseling to improve the demonstration project There are numerous industrial parks and factories in Taoyuan County. The environmental pollutions from them cannot be well and full monitored by only the limited man-powers from Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) and environmental conservation volunteers. That causes some factories to discharge pollution materials illegally for cost-down and extravagant profits, and further to impact the living environmental quality.Therefore, the aim of this project is to establish a more effective and prompt monitoring system to prevent these possible illegal pollution discharges. This system was established, tested, and demonstrated on an automatic technology base for providing real-time pollution monitoring capacity and pollution warnings, and finally to help and guide the factories to reduce their pollutions and citizen complaints, and improve the environmental quality of the county. So far the main work and results are listed as the following:1. Establishment a fast inspection and monitoring center for specific pollutionsThe center was established for promoting the task efficiencies of the environmental pollution inspections and controls, as well as reactivating the current office space. In order to gather more and better suggestions and interactions from/between EPB and relevant factories, a center establishment plan was handed in on Sep. 18 2013, and there was an illustration meeting was hold on Sep. 27. Both the establishment plan and meeting were required by the project requirements. Later, a revised plan was handed in again on Oct. 8 after adding suggestions from EPB. The construction work for the center was finished on Nov. 5, earlier than the original schedule. The center is opened already on Nov. 14 2013.2. Establishment of a mobile fast-inspection app systemThe system includes a mobile fast-inspection app, a noise control map app, an inspection document management web station, and a database. The software development tasks were done on Nov. 25 2013, and the software set is currently under a test stage for better system robustness and user interface. The test task and system improvement will be done before Dec. 10 and 26 2013, respectively.3. Purchase of inspector uniform and equipmentAll official inspectors should wear uniforms to show their public/official image and capacity when they execute inspection missions. Therefore, the purchase plan for two sets of inspector uniforms respectively for summertime and wintertime was handed in on Sep. 27 2013, and the purchase plan for totally 140-suite uniforms was already processed on Nov. 13 2013. In addition, the EPB is expected to purchase of 116 inspector caps, 12 tripods, a set of “RION” noise corrector and 30 memory cards. In order to improve the efficiency of work and identity. 4. Demonstration case for pollution monitoring improvement planA demonstration case was used to investigate this automatic pollution monitoring system. The company, NOVAX Material & Technology Inc in Luzhu Township, Taoyuan County, selected by EPB was served as the case. The company illegally discharged industrial waste water into Nankan River on Oct. 8 2013, and was tracked down and asked to improve their waste water processing both by EPB. Currently the company is under the stage of a voluntarily reporting the suspension of work to improve their manufactory process. First, this monitoring project had an in-site investigation on this company on Oct. 18, and installed necessary monitoring equipments on Oct. 18 and then started an 11-day (i.e. up to Nov. 4) monitoring observation. The monitoring result reveals that no more illegal emission event during the 11 days. Also, the cost effectiveness analysis shows that the automatic monitoring system can significantly save cost than traditional 24-hour man-power inspection, up to NT$ 3000/day. Most importantly, the system can provide a real-time monitoring capacity. In other words, it gives a very effective power to stop illegal pollution discharges. 102 桃園縣政府環境保護局 廣萊環境企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70889
宜蘭縣102年度營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收計畫 計畫名稱:102年度營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收計畫委辦單位:康廷工程顧問企業有限公司計畫期程:102年7月1日至103年6月30日宜蘭縣「102年度營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收計畫」由委辦單位康廷工程顧問企業有限公司協助環保局執行宜蘭縣轄境之營建工程稽巡查管制、管理辦法查核、營建空污費徵收、宣導作業等工作,所有工作項目皆依規劃進度執行完成,詳細之工作內容及成果則分述於各章節中。隨著空污費的徵收,在營建工程空污費申報作業上由申報導向轉為強調民眾對於申報品質的滿意導向,今年度持續著重於人員整體服務品質的加強,在污染管制方面,則將有限資源妥善分配於重大工程管制,亦能有效達成污染削減之目標。期末階段量化摘要成果條列如下:一、空污費徵收作業充實空污基金方面,執行期間本縣營建工程空氣污染防制費新徵收件數2,122件,每月份平均申報177件,各類工程申報情形以建築(RC)工程960件最多,佔統計期間總數45.2%,其次依序為其他工程(如道路修復、環境美化、水利設施工程、統包工程) 840件佔39.6%,第三為建築(SRC)工程154件,約佔7.3%;在空污費催收方面,總計催繳應收總金額計新台幣32,284,552元,實收總金額計新台幣30,872,667元,催繳實收金額計新台幣1,411,885元。各月原先自動到繳率介於的90.7%~99.6%之間,經後續催收後到繳率皆能達到100%。二、巡查管制作業執行期間共完成6,472處次及協助稽查103處次,合計6,575處次,各月平均巡查件數539處處次,稽查9處次,各鄉鎮市巡查件數以污染負荷最大地區宜蘭市972件最多,其次依序為冬山鄉(692件)、三星鄉(695件),假日巡查值勤共計299處次;計畫期間新增施工中列管工地數共計2,122處,納管率為93.8%。另外,針對施工工地數列管工地總數為3,451處之一、二級工地管理辦法總查核率76.4%,在整體工地管理辦法查核符合率為74.6%。三、工地輔導查核輪替輔導73處大型工地,其中有高達61處工地缺失點數高達10點以上,藉由輔導作業,改善至0點者計48處工地,有效提升法規符合度;計畫期間蘇花公路19處改善工程管制,TSP總產生量為1,385.0公噸,TSP總削減量為714.1公噸。四、污染物排放量管制逸散粉塵之削減量約在612.0公噸/月~1,034.8公噸/月之間,平均每月為819.1公噸/月。12個月內逸散粉塵量削減量共9,829.2公噸,削減率達53.1%。五、工地道路洗掃認養全縣營建工地執行道路認養共計131處,總掃街里程為9973.9公里、總洗街里程為32,263.2公里,共計認養洗掃道路33,237.1公里,TSP污染物共削減458.7公噸,PM10削減86.4公噸。推動區域路網道路認養清洗17區,篩選附近95家營建工程,陸續以現場輔導組織組織業者投入洗掃認養、髒亂清除、圍籬養護等工作,共計認養道路洗掃街長度共49.8公里(共新增51家工地,新增17.25公里)。六、教育宣導辦理4場次營建工程空氣污染防制之相關法規及營建噪音防制技宣導說明會及1場次疏濬工程與砂石載運等工程污染改善協商會,主要對象分別為本縣管理辦法缺失記點違規工地、疏濬工程等業主與承包商,透過說明會辦理增進業主、承包商法規觀念及教授常見缺失項目的防制技巧;五場會議業主及承包商共計出席141家,出席人員共計167位;同時,將業務推展的成果以電子網頁的方式加以呈現,並逐月更新維護,並配合環保局要求,取得並通過A+無障礙網路服務-標章,以擴展服務層面。 Abstract The topic of project: The pollution preventing of constructional engineering 2013.The project execution unit: Content Engineering Consulting Services, Ltd.The duration of the project: 2013/7/1~2014/6/30 102 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70881
宜蘭縣101年度營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收計畫 一、空污費徵收作業 落實污染者付費觀念,徵收相對之空污費。統計計畫期程(101年8月至102年6月)共受理申報營建空污費有統計申報2,231件,徵收金額共37,198,073元,空污費主動到繳率為65%,經本計畫多元化(電話、公文、簡訊、e-mail)提醒催繳後,空污費到繳率提升至94%。二、巡查管制作業本計畫期程內累計巡查共5,114處次,各月份平均巡查處次為465處次,已達成本計畫所規劃巡查率100%。各鄉鎮市巡查件數以污染負荷最大地區宜蘭市1,053件最多,工程類別則以建築(RC)工程(3,003件)為主,其中零缺失(白單)佔63%,輕微缺失(黃單)佔31%,嚴重缺失(藍單)佔6%。嚴重污染工地提報建議稽查,其中計畫共告發處分7件。三、污染排放量削減統計101年8月至102年6月總逸散粉塵產生量達22,597.3公噸,平均每月約產生2,054.3公噸,其中包含TSP共6,304.6公噸及PM10共3,502.6公噸,經管制後總逸散粉塵削減量為13,257.3公噸,其污染削減率達58.7%,依工程類別區分則以區域開發(社區)及工業區之削減率為最佳,分別為66.5%及62.5%,其次依序為橋梁工程(60%)、隧道工程(59.4%)、道路工程(55.8%)、建築-SRC(55.7%)及建築-RC(55.4%),其於類別皆低於50%。四、教育宣導作業利用輔導及宣導的方式,使宜蘭縣境內營建工地施工人員能對營建工程專案管制執行內容及法令有明確的瞭解,藉此達成共識並共同參與或提供各項建議,作為日後環保局擬定相關管制策略之參考。計畫期間共辦理營建法規講習暨噪音防制宣導會議4場次以及村里長綠網工作推廣說明會1場次。五、其他工作成果近年來社會進步迅速,各類型的營建工程大量增加。營建工程內的塵土因機械擾動或受風吹而揚起並向四周傳播,揚起後短時間內及落至地面而形成所謂的落塵,進而導致周邊空氣品質的惡化。1. 推動工地道路認養及路網管制,經計畫期間11個月的推廣成效,累計道路認養共計122處,道路認養總洗掃街里程為27,363公里;依環保署公告係數計算約削減TSP污染物377.6公噸、PM10削減71.1公噸。另外,路網部分共篩選19區鄰近58家營建工程,輔導組織業者,投入洗掃認養。2. 工地油品抽驗作業,依據環保署發布條文柴油硫含量標準值為50ppmw(max),計畫期間共抽驗機具油品5處,其含硫量檢測值為7.1~9.1ppmw間,皆無超標狀況。3. 落塵量監測作業,計畫期間監測3站每季執行1次落塵量監測,共監測12站次,經送驗分析各落塵監測結果,第一季為1.16~2.71(g/m2/月),第二季為0.19~1.02(g/m2/月),第三季為0.63~0.81(g/m2/月),第四季為1.35~3.28(g/m2/月),依據環保署空氣品質測站監測落塵量之判定,空氣品質皆於良好0~5(g/m2/月) 等級內。 Abstract The topic of project: The pollution preventing of constructional engineering 2012.The project execution unit: Content Engineering Consulting Services, Ltd.The duration of the project: 2012/8/1~2013/6/30As the government levies air pollution fees, the most important part is the satisfaction of declaring quality. We keep improving the service quality. In the other hand, we allot the manpower to important constructional engineering in order to control the pollution emission. The results conclude as following:1. For the income of air pollution fees, there are 2,231 new declaring case. The total revenue is 37,198,073 dollars..2. It has achieved 5,114 pollution investigates. It contributes 63% for the white documents(with slight pollution), 3.1% for yellow documents(with general pollution) and 6% for blue documents (with serious pollution). 3. The total dust emission are 22,597.3 metric ton. After reduction of the amount of total dust control 13,275.3 tonnes.4. There are 122 cases to adopt streets for cleaning. The total length are 27,363 kilometers .5. To combine the poster, symposiums and the internet website for showing the efficiency to people. 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70888
101-102年高雄市室內空品暨餐飲業輔導計畫 辦理高雄市轄區空氣品質巡查、輔導工作:包括:1.寺廟資料庫建置、中元普渡紙錢集中燒2.餐飲業資料庫維護與新增,油煙防制輔導、評鑑及觀摩3.室內空氣品質巡檢、標準檢測、自主管理、評鑑、示範觀摩等4.露天燃燒案件巡查5.其他宣導活動 101-102 Kaohsiung indoor air quality-cum-restaurant industry counseling program This project is to improve air quality in Kaohsiung city, there are four main items of work. The paper money incineration and air pollution reduction, burning incense sticks and paper money situation be for the major to investigate and establish the basic database and advocacy to improve the concept of air pollution. For restaurant air pollution control and consultation, in addition to the audit, and project to advocacy, counseling, urged industry to implement pollution improvement, maintenance people living environment and reduce the number of public petitions pieces. agricultural waste incineration patrol, not only the audit, but also for the scheduled inspections to deter repeat offenders inspections way people engage in burning behavior. For indoor air quality control, 604 buildings has been tested by handheld instrument; 4 seminars for consulting indoor air quality improvement; 15 standard sampling and testing; 5 case studies, consultation and improvement follow-up; 20 buildings have been selected for establishing self-improvement plan; 10 buildings attend competition for good indoor air quality; 1 demonstration of good indoor air quality place; website maintenance and Indoor air quality advocacy manual. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 stinglin@kcg.gov.tw http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70880
102年度柴油車動力計排煙檢測暨停車怠速熄火稽查計畫 本公司執行102年度柴油車動力計排煙檢暨怠速熄火稽查計畫,自102年2月8日起開始執行,截至102年11月15日止,完成柴油車目視判煙通知檢測1,036輛次;完成站內外檢測柴油車輛數為2,897輛次,其中完成柴油車排煙檢測站檢測1,474輛,非站內檢測共計執行1,423輛,目標達成率為100.0%,柴油車油品含硫量抽測稽查1,144件,送驗166件;柴油車NOx檢測402輛次,目標達成率為100.0%;阿里山檢測工作12次;保檢合一及保養廠稽查18次;機動車輛停車怠速熄火稽查宣導898輛次;內外部稽核2場次;四場次宣導說明會(柴車及怠速);一場次相關性測試及21車次品保測試,並協助環保局民眾陳情案件處理與函覆及其他行政配合作業。 ABC ABC 102 嘉義縣環境保護局 華門工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70879
101~102年度機車排氣檢驗站稽查管理計畫 本計畫執行期程自101年2月17日至102年12月31日止,整體工作進度達成率如表1所示,其各項工作成果摘要說明如下:一、稽查管制使用中機車本計畫於101年及102年寄發之定檢通知明信片數量,分別為1,048,416件及1,107,202件,總計寄發2,155,618件,已超過合約規定2年至少200萬件以上,達成率為100%。針對明信片通知、各稽查作業及機定系統稽查平台下載樣本數,上傳至環保署定檢資料庫進行比對,篩選出逾期未定檢機車,予以寄發限期改善通知書,101年及102年分別為147,363件及279,194件,回檢率分別為64.55%及65.6%。本計畫由稽查、告發處分之方式,有效促使定檢率較去年同期提昇6.9%以上,到檢數居全國之冠,且到檢數約佔全國總檢驗數七分之一,全國排名第五名,五都第二名。二、稽核管理機車定檢站在機車排氣檢驗站稽核管理作業方面,本計畫除了每2月1次的現場查核、實車查核之外,亦會至各檢驗站進行標準氣體比對作業,以有效控管其檢測及服務品質,自101年及102年分別完成2,463站次及2,526站次現場查核作業、2,371站次及2,384站次實車查核作業、892站次及890站次氣體比對作業。氣體比對初驗不合格站數由101年47站減少至102年6站,明顯降低許多,主要原因除檢驗站因氣體比對不合格被強制暫停檢驗,將影響檢驗及耗材更換之收入外,本計畫人員於一般查核時,亦加強輔導檢驗站需於平日養成儀器保養習慣,顯示計畫稽查人員之輔導、篩選檢驗數據異常之檢驗站,予以加強稽查頻率之策略,已有明顯成效。為了確認檢驗站是否有違反管理辦法之情事,乃針對檢驗不合格率偏高或偏低、民眾陳情或檢舉、環保署查核或比對有缺失、攔檢不合格之已定檢機車及環保署檢驗站品質指標平台異常之機車檢驗站進行盲樣實車查核,並針對檢驗程序不符進行處分,101年處分13站次,102年度於盲樣查核導入更多人員喬裝民眾與不定期更換車輛下,102年處分44站次,較去年多增加31站,並查獲SF9春益機車行檢驗中以他車頂替檢驗,懲處暫停一年,另查獲4站非檢驗人員檢驗,罰鍰1,5000元,101年及102年度針對違反檢驗程序記點之檢驗站,其複查結果發現,大部分已改善 三、函覆處理民眾檢舉烏賊車本計畫101年度烏賊車可通知檢測數為23,633件,已通知檢驗數23,633件,其中通過照片複審案件17,314輛次,並已全數發放獎勵金,總計發放檢舉獎金5,194,200元;102年度烏賊車可通知檢測數為13,413件,已通知檢測數為13,413件,其中通過照片複審案件10,809輛次,總計發放檢舉獎金3,221,400元。本計畫民眾檢舉烏賊車案件業務,乃是由專人負責辦理,每天皆會上網查看是否有待辦或未結案件,確保案件辦理及回覆的時效性,102年案件通知檢驗率、應處分案件及處分率案件辦理時效皆為第一組第1名;獎金及獎品發放情形為第一組第3名;環保署廢除網站維護情形,新增獎勵金發放時效第一組第2名。四、污染減量成效推估本計畫減量來源主要來自於機車定檢不合格調修改善、高污染老舊機車繳銷、註銷、報廢、報停、失竊統計數量等項目,依據計算結果,本市101年及102年NMHC削減量為246.5噸及400.4噸,CO削減量為1,459.7噸及2,047.5噸。 101~102年度機車排氣檢驗站稽查管理計畫 This program was implemented from February 17, 2012 to December 31, 2013, with the overall work progress and work achievement rate shown in Table 1, and the various work performance summarized as follows:1. Auditing control of motorcycles being used For the program of 2012 and 2013 there were 1,048,416 postcards and 1,107,202 postcards of regular test notification mailed out to motorcyclists respectively, with a total of 2.155,618 postcards mailed out in these 2 years. The number of postcards mailed out exceeded the target of at least 2 million cases in 2 years as stipulated on the Contract, with an achievement rate of 100%. The postcards of notification, different auditing operations and the number of downloaded samples of machine-fixed system’s auditing platform were uploaded to the regular test database of Environmental Protection Administration to make verification by comparison, sort out the motorcycles that had not taken the regular test before expiration, and mail out notification of improvement before a specified date. In 2012 and 2013 there were 147,363 cases and 279,194 cases of these kinds respectively, with re-test rate being 64.55% and 65.6% respectively. With the ways of auditing, reporting and punishment, this program effectively facilitated a growth of regular test rate by above 6.9% when compared with the test rate in the same period of last year. The number of motorcycles in the City taking the test was highest in Taiwan, accounted for 1/7 of the total number of motorcycles in Taiwan taking the test, was positioned the 5th in whole Taiwan, and the 2nd amongst the 5 metropolitans.2. Auditing management of motorcycle regular test station Regarding the operation of auditing management of motorcycle exhaust test station, the program not only made spot check and real motorcycle check once every 2 months, but also carried out standard gas verification operation at different test stations in order to control their test and service quality effectively. In 2012 and 2013, spot checks were made for 2,463 station-times and 2,526 station-times respectively; real motorcycle checks were made for 2,371 station-times and 2,384 motorcycle-times respectively; and gas verification operation was carried out for 892 station-times and 890 station-times respectively. The number of stations being failed in the first gas verification test was decreased from 47 stations in 2012 to 6 stations in 2013, obviously showing a great decrease. This was mainly because those test stations being failed in gas verification were compelled to suspend offering test temporarily. Such a compelling act affected the income of these stations earned from tests and replacement of parts. Besides, during general checks of test stations the staff of the program also strengthened education of the staff of test stations, asking them to develop a habit of regular equipment maintenance. The strategies of education by auditing staff of the program and sorting out of the test stations with abnormal test data for strengthened auditing, had shown obvious performance.In order to confirm whether there were any test stations having any deeds violating the management methods, real motorcycle check of blind samples was carried out for those motorcycle test stations with excessively high or excessively low failure rate, those being complained or reported by citizens, those found to have incomplete procedures during the checks and verification made by Environmental Protection Administration, those with motorcycles passed their regular test but failed in the tests when stopped by the police, and those of Environmental Protection Administration with abnormal quality index platform. And focusing on those with non-conforming test procedures, punishment was given. In 2012, there were 13 station-times punished. In 2013 more staff were disguised as general citizens to carry out real motorcycle check of blind samples, and motorcycles were changed irregularly. Therefore, there were 44 station-times punished in 2013, with an increase of 31 station-times when compared with the previous year. Besides, SF9 Chun Yi Motorcycle Company was found to have used other motorcycles to replace the original ones to take the test, and was thus punished to suspend its driver’s license for one year. In addition, there were 4 test stations appointing non-testing staff to carry out motorcycle test, and they were fined $15,000. As to the test stations violating the test procedures and being given penalty points in 2012 and 2013, they were finally re-checked, and most of them were improved.3. Letter reply to handling of citizens’ reports of motorcycles with black exhaust smokeFor implementation of this program, in 2012 there were 23,633 cases of motorcycles with black exhaust smoke to be informed to take test, and 23,633 cases of motorcycles with black exhaust smoke being informed to take test. Among them, 17,314 motorcycles of different cases had their photographs passed the re-examination, and the reporters concerned were all given encouragement bonus, with a total amount of encouragement bonus $5,194,200 distributed. In 2013 there were 13,413 cases of motorcycles with black exhaust smoke to be informed to take test, and 13,413 cases of motorcycles with black exhaust smoke being informed to take test. Among them, 10,809 motorcycle-times of different cases had their photographs passed the re-examination, and a total amount of encouragement bonus $3,221,400 was distributed.Regarding the operation of citizens’ reports of motorcycles with black exhaust smoke, the program appointed special staff to be responsible for handling them. Every day they checked online to see if there was any case not handled or resolved yet in order to ensure that cases were handled and replied timely. In 2013, for the rate of cases being informed to take test, the cases that should be punished and the timeliness of handling of the cases to be punished, Division 1 won the 1st prize; for bonus and prize distribution, Division 1 won the 3rd prize; and for abolition of website maintenance by Environmental Protection Administration and timeliness of the additionally increased encouragement bonus distribution, Division 1 won the 2nd prize.4. Estimation of performance of air pollution reductionThe air pollution reduction achieved in this program was mainly caused by improvement of those motorcycles being failed in regular exhaust test via mechanical adjustment and reparation, as well as the statistical data of handing in for cancellation, registration for cancellation, report of revocation, report of suspension and theft of the old motorcycles with high degree of air pollution. According to the calculation results, the NMHC emission reduction amounts of the City in 2012 and 2013 were 246.5 tons and 400.4 tons respectively; and the CO emission reduction amounts were 1,459.7 tons and 2,047.5 tons respectively. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70877
101~102年固定污染源許可管制計畫 高雄市「101-102年度固定污染源許可管制計畫」工作共區分為二年度(101年度與102年度),計畫內容包括協助環保局執行高雄市轄內固定污染源許可審查作業、現場執行許可證查核作業、排放量申報現場查核作業、煙道監督檢測作業、煙道稽查檢測作業、資料庫更新維護作業等,101年度工作量於101年12月底前已全數完成,統計計畫共受理審查701件許可審查案件、核發許可證523張,另配合局內需求對上述審查案共召開6場(共10製程)許可審查會,而外勤作業部分已完成現場許可查核1,186條製程、420家排放量申報現場查核作業、許可現場監督檢測505根次煙道、31製程設備元件檢測與56場次周界檢測、PSN稽查檢測20根次、油品含硫份分析30件次與周界噪音檢測5場次、公私場所定期檢測監督作業153根次、資料庫更新擴充維護1,173製程,另亦完成召開宣導說明會3場次與技術轉移2場次。另統計至101年度高雄市領有許可證列管家數為1162家,共有2443製程受到固定污染源許可證制度列管,而在所有領有固定污染源操作許可證之公私場所中符合排放量申報規模須每年申報排放量共有420家,屬於第一批列管共157家,第二批共263家。而在所有列管排放管道中,共有934根次需要執行定期檢測作業並向環保局申報檢測結果,其中第一批共641根次,第二批293根次。統計高雄市100年度各污染物排放量為粒狀物9750.951公噸、硫氧化物為38178.512公噸、氮氧化物為45506.705公噸、揮發性有機物為15892.07公噸,然隨著現場操作現況改變,其各項管制資料也會有所變化。本年度配合高雄市政府環保局在固定污染源許可證管制作為上,有許多新制度執行,如受理許可案件時會同時會辦給其它科室以統一市府各單位對各公私場所許可核准一致性,另外也開發申請案進度查詢網站供業者上網查詢,並且強化計畫執行人員之教育訓練,使新加入本計畫人員可在最短的時間內完成工作輔導並接受測驗。另本計畫今年度也配合環保局試行林園工業區總量管制作業,受理林園工業區內各廠申請認可排放量作業,並將審查結果供局內、大署參考,先行將未來總量管制執行後可能面臨之問題列出,並嘗試提出解決之方式,讓總量管制制度能夠更完善。 The project of stationary sources of air pollution permission and management in 2012 and 2013 “The Stationary Source Permitting and Management Plan (SSPMP)” of Kaohsiung City was executed from 2012 to 2013 by year. We finished 701 permit applications review, 1186 licenses check operation on site, 505 flue supervision and testing and extended maintenance of database update for 1173 processes etc., To carry out the permitting administration. We accomplished the examination of 283 permitting documents, most of them are operating process and to extend the term of permitting licenses.In 2012, there are 1162 permitted factories with 2443 processes in Kaohsiung city. 402 factories of them have to report pollutant emissions by air pollution control act. We recognized 9750.951 metric tons of particulate matters, 38178.512 metric tons of SOx, 45506.705 metric tons of NOx and 15892.07 metric tons of VOCs of 2011. We implement some new measures like the license applications filed will do to other relevant sections at the same time to ensure the integrity of the various regulations, developing application cases status inquiry website for industry internet query, strengthen the education and training of the executive, and we try to execute Lin Yuan Industrial Zone cap job to approve the emissions to face problems in the future cap after first listed, and try the proposed solution, which allows total control system can be better to EPB and EPA. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70878
農地鉛污染對食用作物影響試驗計畫 為瞭解農地食用作物受到鉛污染之暴露途徑,遂執行「農地鉛污染對食用作物影響試驗計畫」(以下簡稱為本計畫),希冀透過環境介質與稻作試驗,以釐清農地食用作物鉛污染相關途徑,探討食用作物吸收重金屬鉛之影響因子,建立水稻吸收土壤重金屬鉛評估模式,評析國際土壤鉛管制值管理特性,並研擬全國農地土壤重金屬鉛之調查規劃。本計畫之環境介質與稻作試驗工作包含102年第1期作先導試驗與第2期作雙重鉛源吸收試驗,並選定臺中市烏日區同安厝段農地作為雙重鉛源吸收試驗中現地試驗區農地試驗之試驗範圍。葉面吸收鉛盆栽試驗結果顯示土壤及葉面(空氣)雙重鉛源可能皆會影響糙米之重金屬鉛吸收情形,並且當土壤鉛濃度為背景值,糙米的重金屬鉛吸收量約有接近一半之比例(45 %)係來自葉面所貢獻,而土壤鉛濃度接近土壤污染管制標準時,葉面吸收仍至少有約35 %的貢獻比例,顯示出葉面(空氣)之鉛源是糙米吸收之重金屬鉛的重要途徑。現地試驗區農地試驗結果則指出由於臺中市烏日區同安厝段農地之土壤pH值普遍偏酸,再加上土壤質地又是以砂粒為主,皆符合相關文獻與本計畫歸納之鉛污染土壤中水稻容易吸收重金屬的土壤條件,因此推測這些土壤因子的複合影響加上過去遺留鉛污染的加成導致當地成為鉛米的高風險區。依據本計畫建立之水稻吸收鉛預測模式可歸納出各項土壤因子與糙米鉛濃度之關係,利用水稻吸收重金屬鉛預測模式依據歷次計畫樣品數據歸納出之土壤pH值臨界值為6.28,表示當存在鉛污染之土壤pH值小於6.28係較容易種植出鉛米的土壤臨界條件。應用鉛穩定同位素判釋各試驗成果則顯示,接受葉面噴灑硫酸鉛液體之試驗組,其稻葉同位素特徵趨近硫酸鉛特徵,可判定葉面(即空氣暴露)亦為水稻的鉛源吸收途徑之一。由歷年針對臺中市烏日區同安厝段高濃度土壤鉛之同位素調查與比對,背景以外之鉛同位素特徵僅有一種,代表該區域污染特徵已獲初步鑑定。本計畫更蒐集美國、日本、荷蘭、加拿大等國之農地土壤鉛管制值管理特色、管制值訂定依據或原則,結果顯示多數國家土壤鉛管制策略係採行分區管理之形式,而其管制值之訂立,原則上亦多是以風險評估為基礎。以上資料顯示,目前國際環境管理趨勢為針對不同使用分區訂定對應之標準值,該值係依據健康風險評估並綜合經濟、行政考量等因素,此亦可作為我國環保署修正土壤污染管制標準值之重要參考。綜前所述,糙米吸收重金屬鉛亦可能來自空氣之鉛源,後續若面臨農地鉛污染且其周圍有明確空氣污染排放源存在或大型空氣污染事件發生,建議可於發現污染事件之農地坵塊執行總懸浮微粒採樣作業並檢測樣品之鉛濃度,如空氣鉛濃度超出空氣品質標準則表示當地之空氣品質係為異常之狀態,再針對鄰近工廠進行現場勘查並執行排放管道採樣及檢測作業或是執行周界空氣測定作業,以掌握鄰近工廠的煙道排放與粒狀污染物逸散情形。透過排放管道或是周界空氣檢測結果可與土壤及作物檢測結果互相連結,藉此追查污染來源並且釐清污染責任,作為後續污染求償的重要依據。環保署透過歷年計畫已逐步建立多項環境介質鉛同位素檢測技術與分析方法,依據本計畫應用鉛穩定同位素的經驗與成果顯示所需檢測技術與分析方法已臻成熟,可作為一般分析方法難以區別、辨識污染來源時,進一步之環境鑑識輔助工具,惟鉛同位素鑑識技術門檻較高且成本昂貴,需注意僅適用於無機物理性環境介質,但若檢測分析對象為有機生物體,可能會有分化機制而影響同位素研析數值之應用性,亦即若欲藉此做為釐清重金屬鉛在生物體內傳輸機制工具恐會受限,建議後續應用時必須考量適用場合、時機與對象。 The Study of the Impacts of Lead-Contaminated Agricultural Land on Food Crops The purpose of this project is to clarify the routes of exposure to lead contamination in farmland food crops. The lead content in the air was measured and environmental media such as soil, water bodies, sediments, pesticides, and fertilizers were also sampled. In addition, stable lead isotope analysis, sequential extraction analysis, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and statistical analysis methods were adopted to test environmental media and rice crops. Additionally, we explored the pathways of lead into food crops by investigating the factors influencing heavy metal uptake, establishing a model for assessing lead uptake in rice from paddy soil, and assessing the international regulatory soil standards for lead. Furthermore, a nationwide investigation plan for lead in farmland soil was formulated. The results of foliar uptake experiment revealed that lead sources in both soil and foliage influenced lead uptake in the brown rice. In a saturated concentration of experimentally designed lead solution (PbSO4, 40 mg/L), the foliage accounted for the greatest uptake (45%). The results from the farmland experiment in the Tongancuo Section of Wuri District, Taichung indicated that under the influence of lead sources in both soil and air, the foliage uptake of lead was primarily from the air. The results indicated that the lead content in brown rice increased with decreased pH and increased sand content in soil. In summary, the analysis of lead in the plant tissues showed that, besides uptake by roots, foliar route is of similar importance to the soil-root pathway as a route of transport to the exposed parts of the plants. In this project, the results also showed that the sum of soluble fraction, exchangeable fraction, and carbonate fraction from sequential extraction, DTPA extraction, and total lead content were all positively related to lead content in brown rice. A predictive model and a discriminant model were established for assessing the uptake of lead in brown rice from paddy soil. Results of the modeling analysis showed similar results, i.e., the lead content in brown rice increased with increased lead concentration in soil and decreased pH, suggesting that the abovementioned factors may have caused contaminated brown rice in Tongancuo Section of Wuri District, Taichung. The interpretation results of applying stable lead isotope analysis indicated that Tongancuo exhibited characteristics of farmland pollution. Rice crops that were cultivated on soil with high concentrations of lead displayed consistency in isotopic characteristics between each portion of the rice plants and the source of lead in the polluted soil. This indicates that the lead uptake from soil crucially influenced the increase in lead concentration in each portion of the rice plants. Thus, stable lead isotope analysis continues to be a vital tool for identifying sources of contamination. This project examined the management and formulation bases or principles of farmland regulatory standards of the United States, Japan, the Netherlands, and Canada. In principle, the majority of regulatory standards were established based on risk assessments. The aforementioned data revealed that the general process of current international environmental management involves formulating corresponding standards based on factors such as health risk assessments, economic integration, and administrative considerations. Therefore, the findings of this study can be used as a crucial basis for Taiwan EPA in amending soil contamination regulatory standards. In summary, lead uptake that occurred in brown rice can be partially attributed to lead content in the air. Future studies on cases of lead contamination in rice can consider procedures for monitoring lead concentration in the air in conjunction with related administrative units. Through a series of past projects, the EPA has gradually established multiple lead isotope detection techniques and analytical methods for environmental media. Conducting relevant projects to apply lead isotope analysis as a support tool for identifying environmental pollution and thereby promote its application is recommended. 102 土污基管會 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70868
101~102年度機車路邊攔檢暨稽查管制計畫 本計畫最主要目的就是要落實機車定期排氣檢驗及保養制度之推廣,透過平日的稽查、通知與宣導,將定檢的觀念及習慣帶入民眾的生活中,進而改善轄區內機動車輛的空氣品質。為有效改善機車排氣所產生之空氣污染,高雄市政府環境保護局特別針對使用中機車加強稽查管制策略,除加強路邊不定期攔檢車輛外,並於高雄市各行政區執行未定檢機車巡查作業與車牌辨識作業,針對逾期未到檢及不合格未完成複驗改善之車輛進行告發、處分,期能促使車主依照法規規定期限內,完成定檢及不合格調修改善,以達到機車「保檢合一」之目的,有效改善高雄市空氣品質。本計畫執行期程自101年6月29日至102年12月31日止,整體工作進度達成率如表1所示,其各項工作成果摘要說明如下:一、稽查作業管理為了提升本市使用中機車管制比例,本計畫101年度針對停放在騎樓及公共空間之機車執行巡查作業301,177輛次,並針對行駛於路面上之機車進行機車攔檢作業7,517輛次,不合格數達1,248次,執行粒狀污染物檢測作業519輛次,機車車牌辨識配合巡查作業共執行602,084輛次;102年度針對各街道巷弄之機車執行巡查作業425,813輛次,針對行駛於路面上之機車進行機車攔檢作業7,926輛次,不合格數1,018輛次,執行粒狀污染物檢測作業609輛次,機車車牌辨識配合巡查作業共執行718,294輛次。二、函覆處理民眾檢舉烏賊車本計畫101年度烏賊車的檢舉案件數為137,781件,而其中通過照片初審案件23,633件,通過照片複審案件17,314件,共計已發放檢舉獎金4,994,100元;102年度烏賊車的檢舉案件數減少至46,303件,而其中通過照片初審案件11,879件,通過照片複審案件10,809件,共計已發放檢舉獎金3,221,400元。三、污染減量成效推估本計畫污染減量來源主要來自於機車定檢不合格調修改善、機車攔檢不合格調修改善,以及高污染老舊機車繳銷、註銷、報廢、報停、失竊統計數量等項目,依據計算結果,本市101年度度NMHC削減量為883.1噸,CO削減量為3,144.9噸;102年度NMHC削減量為2381.3噸,CO削減量為7,045.5噸。 101~102年度機車路邊攔檢暨稽查管制計畫 This program mainly aimed to practically promote regular exhaust test and maintenance system of motorcycle. Through auditing, notification and promotion regularly, the concept and habit of making regular test could be brought to the daily lives of citizens, and the quality of motorcycle exhaust in this district could be improved. In order to improve the air pollution caused by motorcycle exhaust, Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government especially strengthened auditing and control strategies of the motorcycles being used by citizens. Apart from increasing the frequency of irregular stopping of motorcycles for inspection, Environmental Protection Bureau implemented patrol inspection operation and plate identification operation of the motorcycles not taking regular test in the various administrative districts of Kaohsiung City. Focusing on the motorcycles which had not taken regular exhaust test after expiration, and on those which had not passed exhaust test before but did not make a re-test and improvement, accusation was lodged against the motorcyclists, and punishment was given. It was hoped that all motorcyclists could take regular test within the limited specified period according to the regulations, and that those who did not pass the test could make improvement by mechanical adjustment and reparation in order to achieve the objective of “combining insurance and test in one,” and effectively improve the air quality of Kaohsiung City.The program was implemented from Jun. 29, 2012 to Dec. 31, 2013. The overall work progress and work achievement rate are shown in Table 1, with the work performance of each item summarized as follows:1. Management of auditing operation In order to increase the control percentage of motorcycles being used, the program of 2012 carried out inspection of the motorcycles parked in arcade area and public space for 301,177 motorcycle-times, and sudden stopping of the running motorcycles for inspection for 7,517 motorcycle-times, with 1,248 motorcycle-times not passing the test. The program also carried out particulate pollutant test for 519 motorcycle-times, as well as motorcycle license plate identification and patrol inspection for 602,084 motorcycle-times. In 2013 patrol inspection of motorcycles on different streets, roads, lanes and alleys was carried out for 425,813 motorcycle-times, and sudden stopping of the running motorcycles on the road for inspection was carried out for 7,926 motorcycle-times, with 1,018 motorcycle-times not passing the test. Besides, particulate pollutant test was carried out for 609 motorcycle-times, and motorcycle license plate identification together with patrol inspection were carried out for 718,294 motorcycle-times.2. Letter reply to and handling of citizens’ reports of motorcycles with black exhaust smoke In 2012 there were 137,781 cases of motorcycles with black exhaust smoke reported by citizens. Among them, 23,633 cases passed the preliminary examination of photographs, and 17,314 cases passed the double examination of photographs. Finally, bonuses amounting to $4,994,100 were paid to the various reporters. In 2013 the number of cases of motorcycles with black exhaust smoke reported by citizens was decreased to 46,303 cases. Among them, 11,879 cases passed the preliminary examination of photographs, and 10,809 cases passed the double examination of photographs. Finally, bonuses totaling $3,221,400 were paid to the various reporters.3. Estimation of performance of air pollution reduction The air pollution reduction achieved in this program was mainly caused by improvement of those motorcycles being failed in regular exhaust test via mechanical adjustment and reparation, improvement of those motorcycles, which were stopped on the road and found being failed in exhaust test, via mechanical adjustment and reparation, as well as the statistical data of handing in for cancellation, registration for cancellation, report of revocation, report of suspension and theft of the old motorcycles with high degree of air pollution. According to the calculation results, in 2012 the NMHC emission reduction amount of the City was 883.1 tons, and CO emission reduction amount was 3,144.9 tons; and in 2013 the NMHC emission reduction amount was 2,381.3 tons, and CO emission reduction amount was 7,045.5 tons. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70856
應用環境法醫技術建立市售柴油指紋圖譜調查計畫 隨著加油站開放民營以來,加油站數量快速成長增加,其洩漏污染事件頻傳。同時國內油品市場自由競爭激烈,加油站經營主體更換頻繁,往往洩漏污染事件發生時,其造成污染問題之責任歸屬,難以釐清,產生許多爭議,因此進行汽、柴油污染調查與鑑識技術之建立具有其急迫性。近年來環保署積極進行環境法醫油指紋圖譜對比技術概念應用於油污染調查與鑑識上之業務推展,爰於102年5月開始進行「應用環境法醫技術建立市售柴油指紋圖譜調查計畫」之執行,用以建立市售柴油指紋鑑識技術與資料。本計畫共計完成下列五項主要工作:。一、 完成204篇相關檢測技術文獻及報告的蒐集、文獻Excel簡易資料庫建立、指紋鑑識技術發展初步概述、兩個案例的技術應用說明、20篇文獻內容摘譯,以及初步建立國內市售柴油油品指紋鑑識技術與油品污染鑑識技術程序指引草案。二、 完成包括上機條件篩選、儀器工作範圍線性分析與精密度(再現性分析)等項目分析,並篩選出市售柴油指紋鑑識最佳分析條件與診斷比值參數。三、 完成由中油與台塑煉油廠所提供的72個原油與35個煉製柴油樣品之GC/MS分析與數據處理,以及分別完成中油與台塑兩家供應商之蒸餾、加氫脫硫以及添加2%的生質柴油三種不同的製程對生物標誌物與多環芳香烴(PAHs)的指紋與診斷比值之差異性研析。四、 完成涵蓋北中南東地區由中油與台塑供應的加油站共141個市售柴油樣品之GC/MS分析與數據處理、分析油品化學指紋圖譜資料庫,以及鑑別中油與台塑供應之市售柴油之主成份分析(PCA)多變量統計方法診斷比值篩選。五、 完成4個柴油污染實際場址之10個污染土壤樣品與1個監測井浮油的GC/MS分析與數據處理,以及遭受菌蝕降解作用下仍具指紋鑑識適用性之化合物群組研析與污染鑑識工作。 An investigation plan on applying environmental forensic technology to establish commercial diesel f Gas station oil leakage contaminations increase as rapid growth of private gas stations. Due to frequent change of gas station ownerships and oil suppliers, attribution of leakage contamination responsibility is difficult to clarify and create lots of controversy. Development of forensic techniques for gasoline and diesel pollution investigation has its urgency. Recently the EPA actively promote environmental forensic oil fingerprinting technology concepts and apply to oil pollution investigations. This project:「Apply environmental Forensic Techniques to Establish Commercial Diesel Fingerprint Investigation Plan」started on May, 2013 can fulfill such purpose.In this final report the following contents are accomplished and fulfilled: The first part, regarding the collection of relevant forensic oil spill identification papers:(1) Total of 204 oil spill identification related technologies papers and documents have been collected, analyzed, and edited as an Excel database for easily sorting and review.(2) The oil spill identification methodology and protocol/decision chart are reviewed, explained, and compared (3) Two case studies are explained and over 20 research papers are briefly translated into an easily readable format.(4) Draft version of the procedure of identification of sources of diesel oil spills is developed. The Second part, regarding the development of GC/MS analytical methodology for diesel oil, oil samples taken from gas stations operated by CPC and FPC were performed on a Agilent Model 7890A GC equipped with an Agilent Model 5975C mass-selective detector. System control and data acquisition were achieved with an Agilent Chemstation. The various screening conditions, linearity and accuracy (reproducibility) of instrument working ranges, etc. were carried out and the optimal experimental conditions are determined.The third part is focused on the analysis of chemical fingerprint distributions and biomarker diagnostic ratios of CPC and FPC refinery products. Total of 72 crude oils and 35 refined diesel samples were performed and compared. The major differences caused by distillation process, desulfurization process as well as addition of 2% biodiesel procedure are discussed in detail. The fourth part regarding GC/MS analysis of over 141 diesel samples collected directly from CPC and FPC gas stations with different locations and areas were completed and detailed analytical results are presented. Base on the overwhelming information gathered from GC/MS data such as chemical fingerprints and biomarker diagnostic ratios, the appropriate diagnostic ratios are chosen for the purpose of diesel oil identification.The differences between CPC and FPC diesel oils can be clearly identified and distinguished with the application of principal component analysis (PCA) statistical techniques associated with the most appropriate diagnostic ratios.The fifth part, GC/MS analysis of 10 contaminated soil samples and 1 monitoring wells oil samples collected from 4 diesel contaminated sites were completed and results indicated that, under microbial degradation, fingerprints of some compounds can still be applied in a certain degree for diesel spilled identification. 102 土污基管會 台灣中油股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70777
101-102年固定污染源許可管制計畫 高雄市「101-102年度固定污染源許可管制計畫」工作共區分為二年度(101年度與102年度),計畫內容包括協助環保局執行高雄市轄內固定污染源許可審查作業、現場執行許可證查核作業、排放量申報現場查核作業、煙道監督檢測作業、煙道稽查檢測作業、資料庫更新維護作業等,101年度各項工作均已於101年12月底前完成,相關工作成果請參閱本計畫第二次期中報告,而102年度自1月1日起統計至12月31日止計畫共受理審查1044件許可審查案件、核發許可證868張,另配合局內需求對上述審查案共召開7場(共9製程)許可審查會,而外勤作業部分已完成現場許可查核1170條製程、425家排放量申報現場查核作業、許可現場監督檢測673根次煙道、12製程設備元件檢測與85場次周界檢測、PSN稽查檢測20根次、油品含硫份分析30件次與周界噪音檢測5場次、公私場所定期檢測監督作業165根次、資料庫更新擴充維護1214製程,另亦完成召開宣導說明會3場次、技術轉移2場次與1場次成果發表會,所有102年合約要求工作項目也都已全數完成。另統計至102年度高雄市領有許可證列管家數為1075家,共有2280製程受到固定污染源許可證制度列管,而在所有領有固定污染源操作許可證之公私場所中符合排放量申報規模須每年申報排放量共有425家,屬於第一批列管共155家,第二批共270家。而在所有列管排放管道中,共有964根次需要執行定期檢測作業並向環保局申報檢測結果,其中第一批共676根次,第二批288根次。統計高雄市102年度各污染物排放量為粒狀物10451.792公噸、硫氧化物為37464.415公噸、氮氧化物為45712.898公噸、揮發性有機物為17189.427公噸,然隨著現場操作現況改變,其各項管制資料也會有所變化。102年度除完成計畫合約工作項目之外,本計畫亦配合局內完成102年度第一批溫室氣體申報審查作業,也執行大發、大社工業區總量管制認可量試行工作,且並配合多是轄區內緊急應變行動、資料庫應用整合等。對於未來局內進行固定污染源許可證審查工作,本計畫今年度也協助局內制定相關審查原則,藉由原則的制定可讓未來相關許可審查人員或局內執行固定源相關計畫人員能夠有所依循,降低因人員觀念之不同造成管制標準上之差異。 The project of stationary sources of air pollution permission and management in 2012 and 2013. "The Stationary Source Permitting and Management Plan (SSPMP)" of Kaohsiung City was executed from 2012 to 2013 by year. SSPMP includes assisting the implementation of the EPA stationary source within the jurisdiction of Kaohsiung permit application review, executive the license audit operation, emissions reporting audit work, flue supervision and inspection inspections, database update maintenance etc. The work in 2012 was completed before the end of December in the same year. We finished 1044 permit application review, issuance 868 permits. To fit the EPA's requirement to review the above case holding 7 (9 process) permit review. On field duty, we've completed 1170 licenses check operation on site, 425 executive the license audit operation, 673 flue supervision, 12 equipment components inspections, 85 field perimeter inspections , 20 PSN audits and inspections , 30 oil sulfur content analysis , 5 perimeter noise detection, 165 public and private premises regularly monitored detecting, extended maintenance of database update for 1214 processes etc. In addition, we also completed three guidance meeting, 2 field technology transfer conference, 1 result presentation and all contractual requirements in 2013 have been fully completed.In 2013, there are 1075 permitted factories with 2280 processes in Kaohsiung city. 425 factories of them have to report pollutant emissions by air pollution control act. 155 belong to the first batch and 270 belong to the second batch. There are 964 flue need to regular testing and reporting to EPA among 676 belong to the first batch and 288 belong to the second batch. We recognized 10451.792 metric tons of particulate matters, 37464.415 metric tons of SOx, 45712.898 metric tons of NOx and 17189.427 metric tons of VOC of 2013.In addition to the completion of the project work plan contract in 2013, this project also completed with the EPA completing the first review of greenhouse gas reporting, performed the total amount of regulatory approval trial work in Daihatsu and Dashe industrial zone, coordinated emergency response operations within the jurisdiction of several times, and Integrated database application. For EPA review of stationary sources permits in the future, this project also helped the EPA to review the development of relevant principles in this year. By formulating principles could help permit reviewers"The Stationary Source Permitting and Management Plan (SSPMP)" of Kaohsiung City was executed from 2012 to 2013 by year. SSPMP includes assisting the implementation of the EPA stationary source within the jurisdiction of Kaohsiung permit application review, executive the license audit operation, emissions reporting audit work, flue supervision and inspection inspections, database update maintenance etc. The work in 2012 was completed before the end of December in the same year. We finished 1044 permit application review, issuance 868 permits. To fit the EPA's requirement to review the above case holding 7 (9 process) permit review. On field duty, we've completed 1170 licenses check operation on site, 425 executive the license audit operation, 673 flue supervision, 12 equipment components inspections, 85 field perimeter inspections , 20 PSN audits and inspections , 30 oil sulfur content analysis , 5 perimeter noise detection, 165 public and private premises regularly monitored detecting, extended maintenance of database update for 1214 processes etc. In addition, we also completed three guidance meeting, 2 field technology transfer conference, 1 result presentation and all contractual requirements in 2013 have been fully completed.In 2013, there are 1075 permitted factories with 2280 processes in Kaohsiung city. 425 factories of them have to report pollutant emissions by air pollution control act. 155 belong to the first batch and 270 belong to the second batch. There are 964 flue need to regular testing and reporting to EPA among 676 belong to the first batch and 288 belong to the second batch. We recognized 10451.792 metric tons of particulate matters, 37464.415 metric tons of SOx, 45712.898 metric tons of NOx and 17189.427 metric tons of VOC of 2013.In addition to the completion of the project work plan contract in 2013, this project also completed with the EPA completing the first review of greenhouse gas reporting, performed the total amount of regulatory approval trial work in Daihatsu and Dashe industrial zone, coordinated emergency response operations within the jurisdiction of several times, and Integrated database application. For EPA review of stationary sources permits in the future, this project also helped the EPA to review the development of relevant principles in this year. By formulating principles could help permit reviewers to follow and reduce the differences caused by different concepts on regulation. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70765
101暨102年度空氣品質管理中心維護及操作計畫 為強化大高雄境內空氣污染事件資訊掌握,規劃利用地理資訊系統經由適當的作業程序處理與環境相關的資料,除可提供環保局隨時掌握環境訊息,並能提供環境保護及管理活動之參考。本計畫期能藉由地理資訊系統技術與環境保護工作的結合,開發管制查詢應用系統,除可查詢分析各項相關環境資訊於空間上的關係,作為決策輔助參考之外,並可將相關資訊統一提供其他單位,簡化訊息傳遞作業流程,強化環境保護工作效率。藉由整合現有的空氣品質監測站、CEMs、遠端攝影機(CCTV)、FTIR、固定污染源資料庫、公安測點及擴散模擬等資料傳輸及分析功能,掌握完整大高雄空氣品質即時資訊,作為環境資訊決策系統及緊急預警準備。102年度本團隊完成建置決策支援管理系統,並發展事故應變決策支援子系統,包括後端支援伺服器與終端平板電腦設備,其目的在於災害事故發生時,由相關使用者於後端支援伺服器進行災害成案動作,並將關鍵資訊以無線方式傳送至終端平板電腦,現場應變人員可操作終端平板電腦取得所有應變救災所需知詳細資訊以及快取關鍵資訊如基本資料、污染物判定資料、應變決策、歷史事故等。決策支援管理系統明顯縮短了決策者應變資訊查詢時間,增加事故處理時效:在還沒有決策支援系統前,發生空氣污染事件時,在完成查詢固定污染源資訊、工廠許可證、製程資訊、危害物質特性資訊、調度稽查車、敏感受體疏散移置資訊等,約需花費至少30 分鐘以上時間,方能收集完成;在使用決策支援系統後,以上資訊只要5 分鐘內即可快速產出,有效縮短了應變資訊查詢時間,達到提升決策者事故處理速率,因此降低環境污染風險及人員傷亡風險,因為決策支援系統包括了環域敏感受體資料,而擴散模擬分析後也可以提供必要疏散避難之機制,降低附近人員的傷亡,間接提升經濟效益。 Air Quality Management Center Maintenance & Operation Plan, 2012–2013 To enhance the ability to identify and respond to air pollution incidents in the Greater Kaohsiung area, this project uses a geographic information system to handle environment-related data via relevant operating procedures. In addition to making environmental data instantly available to the Environmental Protection Bureau, the system also provides support to environmental protection-related and administrative activities. This project aims to develop a control query application system by integrating geographic information system technology and environmental protection tasks, which will provide the ability to carry out queries and analysis on a variety of environmental information and their spatial relationships, thus providing support for the decision-making process. In addition, the relevant information can be provided to other units and agencies in a unified fashion, which helps to simplify the information delivery process and enhance productivity in environmental protection work. By integrating the data transmission and analytical capabilities of existing air quality monitoring stations, CEMs, remote video cameras (CCTVs), FTIR, stationary pollution source databases, public safety survey stations and diffusion simulation, we are able to acquire comprehensive real-time air quality information in the Greater Kaohsiung area, which is essential for the environmental decision-making system and emergency warning and readiness. In 2013 our team completed the construction of the Decision Support Management System. We have also developed an Incident Response Decision Support Subsystem, including back-end support servers and terminal tablet devices. The aim is to allow authorized users to designate an incident, if and when it occurs, as an officially monitored disaster at the back-end support server, and to transmit critical information to terminal tablets wirelessly. On-site responders will then be able to operable the tablets and obtain the information required for their response and disaster relief efforts, such as basic background information, data for identifying pollutants, and reports on and responses to past incidents. The Decision Support Management System has significantly shortened the time required for querying incident response data by decision makers, and has thus improved the efficiency of incident handling. Before the decision support system went online, when an air pollution incident occurred, it would require at least 30 minutes to look up and collect and convey the following information: stationary pollution sources, factory permits, manufacturing process information, properties of hazardous materials, inspection vehicle dispatch, and evacuation and relocation of sensitive receivers. Following the deployment of the decision support system, the above information can now be obtained in as little as 5 minutes. This has reduced the time required to look up response information, thus improving the decision maker's efficiency in responding to incidents and lowering the risks of both environmental pollution and casualties. In addition, the decision support system contains information on nearby sensitive receivers, and the dispersion simulation analysis can provide the necessary mechanisms for evacuation. This means that the system is capable of reducing casualties in the vicinity of disaster areas, and which indirect leads to increased economic benefit. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70758
101~102年度大發及臨海工業區監測與採樣計畫 本計畫於大發工業區之潮寮國中及緊鄰臨海工業區之大林派出所依據環保署NIEA A002.10C方法設置固定式揮發性有機物及有害空氣污染物連續監測站及氣象站,遠端連線做全天候長期監測空氣臭異味污染物成分,執行期間為101年7月26日至102年12月31日,監測頻率為24小時連續監測,每5分鐘獲得一次平均濃度資料,定量-定性標準圖譜共計393種,而定性標準圖譜計9190種,101年度潮寮國中監測站完成153天監測日,大林派出所監測站完成137天監測日;102年度潮寮國中監測站完成363天監測日,大林派出所監測站完成363天監測日。 潮寮國中監測站依據現場圖譜與標準圖譜定性比對,除了環境中常態污染物如一氧化碳、二氧化碳、臭氧、甲烷外,本計畫101年8月至102年12月共量測到10類24種化合物,包括:丙烷、丁烷、2-甲基丁烷、環己烷、乙烯、丙烯、乙酸乙酯、醋酸乙烯酯、甲醇、乙醇、丙酮、2-丁酮、二甲醚、氯乙烯、四氫呋喃、環氧乙烷、氯二氟甲烷、二氯二氟甲烷、1,1,1,2-四氟乙烷、三氯氟甲烷、二氧化硫、六氟化硫、氨、氯化氫。目前出現頻率較高之物種包括氨、乙酸乙酯、甲醇、乙烯等化合物,但是濃度超標之現象並不常見。大林派出所監測站依據現場圖譜與標準圖譜定性比對,除了環境中常態污染物如一氧化碳、二氧化碳、臭氧、甲烷外,本計畫101年8月至102年12月共量測到7類18種化合物,包括:丙烷、丁烷、正己烷、環己烷、2-甲基丁烷、乙烯、丙烯、甲基第三丁基醚、二甲醚、甲醇、乙醇、乙酸己酯、氯二氟甲烷、二氯二氟甲烷、1,1,1,2-四氟乙烷、二氯氟甲烷、氨、二氧化硫等化合物。本計畫監測期間,大林派出所監測站幾乎每個月份正己烷都有超過周界標準之紀錄,且甲基第三丁基醚都有超過嗅覺閾值之紀錄。大林蒲大林派出所監測站經常測到的乙烯、丙烷、丙烯、丁烷、正己烷(多碳烴)、環己烷(多碳烴)等污染物,均為石油煉製過程產生之化合物。於潮寮國中及大林派出所固定式監測站即時資料設置高值超標警示功能,並且有立即發送簡訊之功能,在空氣污染物影響民眾健康安全之前,即進行可疑物種高值警示,達到即時預警之目的,進而提高居民生活品質及降低異味陳情案件。本計畫針對固定站監測地點上風處可疑之污染工廠製程進行上、下風連續監測,以瞭解工廠的作業及潛在的污染問題,確實掌握主要污染物的來源及特性。101年度之執行期間共安排9場次工廠廠區FTIR污染源監測,累積監測時數共達1686小時,共計70.2日。臨海工業區執行5場次監測作業,大發工業區共執行4場次監測。以中油大林廠測得17種化合物最多,長春人造樹脂測得14種化合物居次。102年度共安排11場次工廠廠區FTIR污染源監測,累積監測時數共達2432小時,共計101.3日。臨海工業區執行6場次監測作業,大發工業區共執行5場次監測。以中油前鎮儲運所北側測得15種化合物最多,中油大林廠北側測得14種化合物居次。監測結果配合風向資料進行污染來源分析,初步彙整潮寮國中及大林派出所之污染來源,潮寮國中空氣污染來源方向分類為以下三類:(1)西北方小型工廠共約40家,排放乙酸乙酯、氨氣、丁烷為主。(2) 東北及北方的污染源:工業區內:石化工廠(甲醇、乙酸乙酯、環氧乙烷、氨氣、乙烯、四氫呋喃),污水處理廠及廢棄物處理廠(氨氣、甲醇) 。(3) 南方的污染源:以林園工業區的氯乙烯製程及石油煉製程序為主,污染物包括丙酮、氯乙烯、氯化氫、乙烯、丙烯等。大林蒲地區空氣污染來源方向分類為以下四類:(1) 西北~北方~東南方(中油大林廠):烯類、烷類、甲基第三丁基醚MTBE,二甲醚。(2) 東北方(中鋼公司及各型煉鋼廠): 乙烯、氨氣。(3) 東方石化工廠30多家(中石化小港廠、李長榮化工廠):環己烷、1,3丁二烯、甲醇。(4) 西北方碼頭區(碼頭工廠或輪船):氨氣、氟氯碳化合物。上述分類資料以做為污染改善之追蹤建議,以及污染事件發生時之污染源判定之參考依據。本計畫於大發工業區及臨海工業區駐守巡查人員,週間於08:00~17:30進行工業區之工廠周界異味巡查及工廠內異味稽查作業, 101年度大發工業區臨海工業區各累積完成93天次工業區工廠周界巡查作業,兩工業區合計完成186天次。工廠進廠稽巡查紀錄各完成186件次,兩工業區合計372件次。102年度大發工業區及臨海工業區各累積完成249天次工業區工廠周界巡查作業,兩工業區合計完成498天次。工廠進廠稽巡查紀錄各完成498件次,兩工業區合計996件次。大發工業區異味巡查工廠共184家,目前並沒有周界異味發生頻率大於50%之工廠。臨海工業區異味巡查之工廠共有144家,工廠周界常出現異味頻率大於50%的有1家為聚耀低溫食品廠。測站正式運轉前提交本項工作相關作業程序規劃書2份,各項工作均應編訂標準作業程序手冊(SOP)及表單4份,作業程序書,包括固定式連續監測作業、污染源追縱監測作業、臭異味巡查作業、以及內部稽查作業程序共5份。於101年12月7日舉辦技術轉移會議,以「臭異味事件現場多方面緊急採樣設備說明」為主題進行講解及現場操作。於102年4月19日及4月27日各辦理一場次潮寮社區、過溪社區專業訓練會議,以大發工業區空氣品質監測做法及成果說明,以及營建工地及裸露地巡查技巧與嗅覺判定人員訓練為主題進行講解及現場訓練課程。102年8月20日辦理技術轉移會議,主題為:空氣污染分析科技新知-紅外線、層析儀、電子鼻。11月28日辦理監測成果發表會,邀集業者、工業區管理單位或環保署等,說明當地空氣品質現況及污染事件發生程度。合約要求相關公正第三機構執行本計畫所使用之監測儀器設備之功能品保查核作業,乃委請嘉南藥理科技大學醫藥化學系郭玉萍老師執行,101年度完成4場次之品保品管作業,102年度完成8場次,執行之測試包括:均方根雜訊、偵測極限、精密度及準確度。除了102年3月26日大林派出所環己烷的準確度高達117.4%外,其餘精密度查核結果數據有100%在10%以下,準確度數據有100%均在15%上下範圍內,均在品管要求之範圍內。本計畫針對監測成果研擬大發工業區及臨海工業區短、中、長期管制策略與目標。主要內容包括潮寮國中目前已完成原地重建之環境影響評估作業,環保局除提供相關污染來源資訊外,仍須持續進行該校之環境品質監測作業。大發工業區必須進行空氣污染總量管制措施,可首先要求排放量大之廠商執行污染排放量申報模擬試行作業。聘請專家學者針對前鎮區食品冷凍加工廠及小港區金屬零件製造或清理業之工廠進行異味改善輔導作業。高雄港碼頭區輪船運送之化學品,以及輪船本身航行時所排放之廢氣,均可能為大林蒲及小港區之污染空氣貢獻源,需協調相關單位,研擬港區空氣污染防制措施。 Air Pollution Monitoring and Sampling Project for the Dai-Fat and Seaside Industrial Parks in Kaohsiung (2012-2013) This is a continuous project to operate two air pollutant monitoring stations at Chao-Liao Middle School (CLMS) near to Da-Fa industrial area (DFIA) and Da-Lin police station (DLPS) near to Lin-Hai industrial area (LHIA). The instrument of monitoring is Open-Path Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (OP-FTIR) based on the method of EPA NIEA A002.10C, and the targets are volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutants. The monitoring is 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, and the stations are remote connected. The frequency of monitoring data is every five minutes. The standard qualitative and quantitative spectrum database is a total of 393 kinds of compounds, and standard qualitative spectrum database, 9190 kinds of compounds. The execution time of this project is from July 26, 2012 to December 31, 2013. The CLMS has completed 153 monitoring days in 2012 and 363 days in 2013, and the DLPS, 137 days in 2012 and 363 days in 2013.The results of monitoring in CLMS of the project, in addition to the normal environment of air components such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ozone, methane, shows 10 categories 24 compounds are measured, including: propane, butane, 2-methyl butane, cyclohexane, ethylene, propylene, ethyl acetate, vinyl acetate, methanol, ethanol, acetone, 2-butanone, dimethyl ether, vinyl chloride, tetrahydrofuran, ethylene oxide, chlorodifluoromethane, dichlorodifluoromethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, trichlorofluoro- methane, sulfur dioxide, sulfur hexafluoride, ammonia, and hydrogen chloride. The most common compounds are ammonia, ethyl acetate, methanol, and ethylene. The concentration of compounds are rarely excess the lawful air pollutant standards.The results of monitoring in DLPS of the project, in addition to the normal environment of air components mentioned above, shows 7 categories 18 compounds are measured, including: propane, butane, n-hexane, cyclohexane 2-methyl-butane, ethylene, propylene, methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), dimethyl ether, methanol, ethanol, hexyl acetate, chlorodifluoromethane und 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane, dichlorofluoromethane, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide. The most common compounds are ethylene, propane, propylene, butane, hexane, and cyclohexane, the compounds are produced during petroleum refining. During the period of this project, at least one of the measured concentrations of n-hexane is higher than the lawful standard every month, and the records of MTBE higher than olfactory thresholds occur every month.Both CLMS and DLPS stations have set up a pre-caution high-concentration alarm system. As the measured concentration of a certain compound has higher than 0.8 of its lawful standard or olfactory thresholds, the alarm system will immediately send message to the executive team of this project. And an emergency response will be started to prevent any further local air pollution damage. The pre-caution alarm system helps to improve the quality of life of residents and to reduce local foul odor complains cases.Based on the above analysis of air pollutants, the pollution source tracking monitoring tasks, using FTIR technique, were arranged in 2012 to the execution of 9 factories, which 5 factories in LHIA and 4 factories in DFIA. The cumulative time of monitoring is 1686 hours, which is about 70.2 days. Above all, Taiwan Chinese Petroleum Company (CPC) Dalin Refinery has been measured up to 17 kinds of compounds is the largest number, and Chang Chun Plastics Co., Ltd. has been measured up to 14 compounds in the second place. In 2013, 11 factories have been arranged, which 6 in LHIA and 5 in DFIA. The cumulative time of monitoring is 2432 hours, which is about 101.3 days. Taiwan CPC Chen-Jen Storage and Transportation Station has been measured up to 15 kinds of compounds is the largest number, and Taiwan CPC Dalin Refinery has been measured up to 14 compounds in the second place.According to the completion of the CLMS and DLPS long-term monitoring operations, coupled with pollution source tracking tasks with the meteorological data, the initial analysis of the sources of air pollution in CLMS can be classified for the following three categories: (1) Northwest: about 40 small factories - iron and steel processing plants, scrap metal recycling plant, plastic processing plants, plastic recycling plants (computer case). Ammonia, ethyl acetate, and butane will be the major concern. (2) Northeast and north (in Ta-Fa industrial district) - petrochemical plant (methanol, ethyl acetate, ethylene oxide, ammonia, ethylene, and tetrahydrofuran), sewage treatment plants and waste treatment plants (ammonia, methanol). (3) South (Linyuan Industrial Area) - vinyl chloride processes and oil refining processes, the main pollutants include acetate, vinyl chloride, hydrogen chloride, ethylene, and propylene, etc. The sources of air pollution in CLMS can be classified for the following four categories: (1) North-northwest-south-east (Taiwan CPC Dalin Refinery): alkenes, alkanes, MTBE, dimethyl ether. (2) Northeast (the Chinese Steel Company and the steelwork plants): ethylene and ammonia. (3) East (more than 30 petrochemical plants, such as Chinese Petrochemical Development Corp., Siao-Kong Plant, Lee Chang Yung Chemical Corp.): cyclohexane, 1,3-butadiene, and methanol. (4) North-west (Kaohsiung harbor dock facility or ship): ammonia, CFCs. The above information is helpful reference for air pollutant source tracking while air pollution incident occurred.Odor patrolling is conducted in DFIA and LHIA 08:00~17:30 every weekday. The patrol officers inspect any smell outside the factory and need to do at least 2 inside factory inspections every weekday. Odor patrolling has completed 93 days for each industrial area, 186 days in total; and inside factory inspections has completed 186 plants for each industrial area, 372 plants in total in the year of 2012. Odor patrolling has completed 249 days for each industrial area, 498 days in total; and inside factory inspections has completed 498 plants for each industrial area, 996 plants in total in the year of 2012. Total 184 plants in DFIA have been regularly inspected and there is no plant with the frequency of odor greater than 50%. Total 144 plants in LHIA have been regularly inspected and there is one plant the frequency of odor is greater than 50%, which is Glory Oceania Refrigerated Food Processing Co., Ltd. Two standard operation plans (SOP) have been submitted before the air monitoring station in CLMS and DLPS officially started to run. The other work in this project has submitted SOP before it officially started to run, including stationary air monitoring, air pollutant tracking monitoring, industrial factory odor patrolling, and internal auditing procedure.A Technology Transfer Conference was held on December 7, 2012. The topic is “Description to the multiply emergent sampling device in an odor pollution incident.” Professional training sessions were held for community patrols of Chao-Liao District (April , 19) and of Guo-Si District (April 27). The themes include the method and result of local air monitoring, the patrol skill for construction site and bar ground, and olfactory judgment personnel training. A Technology Transfer Conference was held on August 20, 2013, on the topic “Modern technology & air pollution analysis - infrared, chromatography, electronic nose.” Finally, a monitoring result briefing was held on November 28, 2013 for industry, industrial zone management unit, and EPA, etc.A quality assurance audit operations, operated by an impartial third body, of monitoring equipment used in the project is required. With the permission of EPA, Prof. Yu-Ping Guo from Department of Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Chia Nan University of Science and Technology is invited to do the auditing work. Four sessions have been completed in 2012, and 8 sessions, in 2013. The QA/QC test execution include: RMS noise, detection limits, precision and accuracy. Only one exception occurred on March 26, 2013 in DLPS that the accuracy of cyclohexane measured 117.4%, above the range of 15%. The other QA/QC tests are all within the scope of requirement.According the air monitoring result of this project, short-term, mid-term, and long-term pollution control strategies and objectives for DFIA and LHIA have been developed. The main contents include the following topics. The environmental impact assessment (EIA) in situ reconstruction of CLMS has finalized. EPA, in addition to provide relevant information, the continuous air monitoring for the school is needed. Total air pollution control (TAPC) is suggested to operate in DFIA as soon as possible. Especially for the factories with large amount of air emission, the capital of air emission needed to be declared. Experts are suggested to carry the odor improvement counseling for the frozen food processing plants in Qian-Zen District and metal parts manufacturing and cleaning industry in Siao-Gong District. The chemicals transported by ship in Kaohsiung harbor, and the ship itself when navigating the exhaust emissions are likely to pollute of the air of Dalinpu area. To coordinate the relevant units and then to develop Port air pollution control measures will be needed. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 正修科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70794
高雄市政府環境保護局「101-102空氣污染防制費徵收、審查暨查核追補繳計畫」 本工作團隊執行高雄市政府環境保護「101-102年空氣污染防制費徵收、審查暨查核追補繳計畫」,依據本計畫各工作項目之工作執行數量、進度及重要成果摘要條列並檢討如下,以作為後續執行空污費徵收審查作業之改進參考。一、進駐並維護「高雄市固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵審中心」本計畫於簽約日後進駐「高雄市固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵審中心」執行本市空污費徵收徵收、申報建檔、查核、審查結算及相關行政作業。二、依環保署提列之列管家數,完成空污費徵收、申報建檔、查核、審查結算及相關行政作業本計畫執行101年第2季至102年第3季空污費申報資料建檔作業,共列管1,035家,執行情形說明如下:(一)到繳率現況統計統計101年第2季~102年第3季之到繳率則均為100%。(二)申報方式統計依據高雄市102年第3季季最新的申報資料,高雄市由96年第1季使用網路申報的家數本來僅424家,佔全高雄市的44%,至102年第3季公私場所採用網路申報空污費已達1025家,佔全高雄市的99%,顯見本計畫推廣網路申報之成效。(三)徵收額度統計分析統計101年第4季至102年第3季高雄市之SOx、NOx部分之空污費總申報金額共7億4,051萬元,VOCs部分之空污費總申報金額共4億8,189萬元。(四)空污費案件書面審查及現場查核作業1.審查後金額分析統計101年第2季~102年第3季,所審查之案件中,申報總金額為11億9,876萬元,其核定金額為12億6,196萬元,應補繳金額為5,896萬元。2.排放量方面分析統計101年第2季至102年第3季,所審查的案件中,申報排放量SOx部分為58,187公噸,NOx部分為90,924公噸,VOCs部分為21,222公噸;核定後之排放量分別為SOx部分為58,048公噸,NOx部分為74,151公噸,VOCs部分為21,664公噸。3.現場查核作業成果分析本計畫於執行期間現場查核共計完成769廠次之空污費現場查核作業。四、針對本市固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收方式之變革進行檢討分析,作為未來執行業務之參考本計畫彙整分析並針對「空污費現行制度」、「空污費審查及查核」兩方面目前所產生之重要疑義與建議對策以供參考。 2012-2013 Project of collection, review and auditorial of air pollution fee of stationary sources The work team executes,” Project of collection, review and audit of air pollution fee of stationary sources in 2012-2013” for the environmental protection bureau of Kaohsiung City. The numbers of the cases, schedules and important results of this project are summarized and evaluated as follows for future reference.1. Stationed staffs to manage the “ Kaohsiung Stationary Pollutant Source Air Pollution Control Fee audit Center ”Starting from the commencement date of the contract, the project has stationed staffs to "Kaohsiung Stationary Pollutant Source Air Pollution Control Fee audit Center" to work on the collection of air pollution control fee, reporting and archiving, inspecting, final accounting audit.2. Collect the air pollution control fee and help to finish the related administrative works including reporting, achieving, inspecting and final accounting audit from the EPA listed target companies.This project files the air pollution control fee collection works from Q2 2012 to Q3 2013. There are total 1,035 companies on the list, and the results are:(a) The collection percentage:From Q2 2012 to Q3 2013, the collection percentage is 100%.(b) The reporting modeRefer to the Kaohsiung city’s latest report of Q3 2012, the numbers of the reports using the internet in Q1 2007 is 424 companies which is about 44% only (under the average rate of whole country). In Q3 2013, however, the numbers of reports using the internet have reached 1,025 companies, accounting for 99 % instead. (c) The collection amounts of the air pollution control feeIn Kaohsiung City, from Q2 2012 to Q3 2013, the reported amounts of air pollution control fee from SOx and NOx are NT$ 740,510,000; the total amounts of air pollution control fee from VOCs is NT$ 481,890,000. (d) Cases review and on-site inspectioni. The amounts of the air pollution control fee after review Among the reviewed cases, from Q2 2012 to Q3 2013, the reported amounts of air pollution control fee are NT$1,198,760,000 but the amounts after review are NT$1,261,960,000, with a difference amounts in NT$ 58,960,000 needed to be further paid.ii. The amounts of the pollutants Among the reviewed cases, from Q2 2012 to Q4 2013, the reported amounts of air pollutants contain 58,187 tons of SOx, 90,924 tons of NOx and 21,222 tons of VOCs. The amounts after review are 58,048 tons of SOx, 74,151 tons of NOx and 21,664 tons of VOCs.iii. The results of on-site inspectionDuring the execution of this project, we had finished for 769 times for the on-site air pollution inspections of factories.3. Review the changes on the way of collecting the Stationary Source air pollution control fee in Kaohsiung City for future reference.The pooled analysis plan for the "Air Pollution Fee system" significant doubt countermeasures and suggestions of both "Air pollution fee review and audit" currently incurred for reference. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70778
100-102年度高雄市加強街道揚塵洗街計畫 為降低道路車行揚塵造成之空氣污染,本計畫透過加強街道揚塵洗街作業與相關改善措施之執行,以期減少沉降於路面之粒狀污染物再度被揚起的機會,有效降低道路揚塵量及維持市區道路之整潔,改善本市空氣品質。本計畫各項工作執行成果摘要則分述於后:一、道路普查作業本計畫100年度共完成1,451條次道路普查工作,包含29個行政區,總計普查長度為2,182公里。101年度共完成1,440條次道路普查工作,包含29個行政區,總計普查長度為2190.35公里。102年度共完成1,440條次道路普查工作,包含27個行政區,總計普查長度為2,203.93公里。分析高雄地區道路普查分級結果可知,A級道路有提升之趨勢且屬於嚴重髒污程度之C級道路所佔比例亦有減少之趨勢,顯示洗街作業對於減少揚塵,改善道路髒污,有所助益。且依據本統計分析結果可得,高雄市境內道路等級分佈以B級道路居多,且C級道路主要位於車流量大、道路施工及營建工程之區域。二、洗街作業量本計畫100年度洗街作業量累計為121,202.857公里,涵蓋高雄市30個行政區,平均日洗街作業量約572公里;101年度洗街作業量累計為124,197.824公里,涵蓋高雄市29個行政區,平均日洗街作業量約483公里;102年度洗街作業量累計為122,861.758公里,涵蓋高雄市29個行政區,平均日洗街作業量約471公里。三、監督查核作業本計畫100年度共完成自主性查核76次,101年度共計執行自主性查核106次,102年度共計執行自主性查核103次,計畫執行期間洗街監督查核所見缺失多為平常性可立即改善者為多,監導查核人員均已督促工作人員現場改善。四、洗街作業成效1.街塵負荷與削減率分析依據檢測高雄市120條次之道路街塵負荷檢測結果顯示,由作業前後街塵負荷變化之分析結果,計算洗街作業對街塵之去除效率達77%,已優於環保署所規定需70%以上;而洗街作業對於粒徑小於75μm之坋土去除效率達70%,可據以推論洗街作業對於局部性空氣品質應具有相當程度之改善效果。2.道路周邊空氣中粒狀污染物濃度檢測高雄市10條次之洗街作業前後道路周邊空氣中TSP濃度檢測結果顯示,洗街後道路旁TSP濃度均低於洗街作業前之濃度(平均約低15.9%)。3.車行揚塵削減量推估參考行政院環保署對車行揚塵削減量推估之減量公式,可用以計算洗街作業對粒狀物染物之削減成效:100年度洗街作業對TSP及PM10之削減量分別為4181.5及787.82公噸。101年度洗街作業對TSP及PM10之削減量分別為4,284.8及807.3公噸。102年度洗街作業對TSP及PM10之削減量則分別達到4,238.7及798.6公噸。顯示洗街作業可有效削減TSP 及PM10,亦能有效改善空氣品質。五、相關宣導作業本計畫自執行起即著手進行相關宣導作業,將依計畫契約之規定項目執行,配合契約規定,完成製作洗街車動畫宣導片;利用網路平台進行包含了Yahoo奇摩、Google/讚媒王進行宣導,文宣文字鏈結則使用如網路讚媒王BANNER連結宣導;製作國語、台語、客語之三聲廣播宣導帶,並透過電台播放;在高捷接駁公車較高密集度之行經路線,安排路線及車輛廣告露出;並於計畫執行期間發佈新聞稿,且於網路新聞平台亦同步發佈;完成宣導品製作及提送;進行年度雜誌專訪分別於康健雜誌、科學人月刊、遠見雜誌見刊。六、民眾滿意度調查依據問卷調查結果顯示,有92%之調查民眾認為洗街作業可使空氣品質改善,96%之調查民眾對整體洗街作業成效持肯定態度,高達96.9%的受訪者表示贊成洗街車作業,整體而言民眾對於洗街作業成果相當滿意。 2011-2013 Improvement Plan of Fugitive Dust Abatement by Using Street Flusher Trucks in Kaohsiung City For the sake of reducing the air pollution which from the wind-borne dust of moving vehicles, the plan takes the project of Strengthen streets dust washing and sweeping work for important; besides, promoting the quality of the project and relative works. Moreover, this project can prevent the dust of roads be raise again. It is not only reducing the amount of wind-borne dust effectively, but also keeping roads and streets in the urban area. The final target is that improve air quality. The main work and fruitful results in the project are as following:1. General investigation of roads In 2011, 1,451 times and 2,182 kilometers of roads investigation had been carried out in this project, including 29 administrative areas. In 2012, 1,400 times and 2,190.35 kilometers of roads investigation had been carried out in this project, including 29 administrative areas. In 2013, 1,400 times and 2,203.93 kilometers of roads investigation had been carried out in this project, including 27 administrative areas.As can be seen from the analysis of general investigation of roads in Kaohsiung, there was a upward trend in graded A. Similarity, graded C is belong to the extremely dirty degree. And the proportion of dust is also decreased gradually. It shows that the street washing operation is useful and helpful at improving serious dust problem. According to the result of statistical analysis, there is the highest proportion of distribution in graded B roads in Kaohsiung city. Furthermore, graded C roads are usually distributed over heavy traffic area, road construction area and construction area.2. The task amount of street washing In 2011, the task amount for street-washing had carried out 121,202.857 kilometers altogether. The amount of street washing operation is approximately 572 kilometers per day. In 2012, the task amount for street-washing had carried out 124,197.824 kilometers altogether including 29 administrative areas. The amount of street washing operation is approximately 483 kilometers per day. In 2013, the task amount for street-washing had carried out 122,961.758 kilometers altogether including 29 administrative areas. The amount of street washing operation is approximately 471 kilometers per day.3. Supervision examination Totally there had been finished 76 times autonomous examination in this project in 2011. In 2012, there had been done 106 times autonomous examination. In 2013, there had been finished 103 times autonomous examination. During the period of supervision examination, it did not happen any serious human negligence. Even though some personal mistakes, they were fixed and improved immediately. More precisely, supervisions correct various problems through on-site improvements.4. Effects assessment(1)The analysis of dust pollutant decrementAccording to the 120 roads test results, it shows that street washing to make street dust removal efficiency of 77%. Naturally, this data is better than the EPA standard with above 70%. The 70% of dust removal efficiency in the grain of dust which smaller than 75μm. The evidence seems to indicate that partial air quality should have a obvious and considerable improvement.(2) Roadside TPS The result of TPS concentration detection points out that the roadside particulate pollutant concentration is average 15.9% lower than before the street washing.(3) Particulate pollutant concentrations In 2011, the decrement amount to TPS is 4,181.5 metric tons、787.82 metric tons for PM10 in this project. Turning to 2012, the decrement amount to TPS is 4,284.8 metric tons、807.3 metric tons for PM10. The decrement amount to TPS is 4,238.7 metric tons、789.6 metric tons for PM10 in 2013. It can be seen form that data, both TPS and PM10 decreased significantly utilizing the street washing plan. In other words, it can be improve air quality effectively.5. Related guidanceThe project accompany with related guidance since. According to contract provisions, the animated propaganda film about street washing is finished. This film play on several network platforms namely YAHOO﹑Google and Zen Mei Wang to carry out advocacy. In addition, it also provides broadcast advocacy with three types of edition including Chinese﹑Taiwanese and Hakka. And it is played on city bus. Throughout this period, press releases are simultaneous released on internet news websites. Besides the way of internet, press releases also are released on annual magazine interviews namely Common Health magazine﹑Scientific American and Global Views Monthly.6. Public satisfaction survey According to the result of questionnaires, the 92% of respondents agree the city air quality can be change utilizing the washing street plan. 96% of respondents have a positive attitude on street fugitive dust improvement plan. What is more, 96.9% of interviewees approve this project. Overall the most people are very satisfied. 100 高雄市政府環境保護局 倡揚股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70770
101及102年度揮發性有機物稽查管制計畫   煉油、石化等高污染性工廠大多座落於高雄市境轄內,為因應行政院環保署管制趨勢並掌握各工廠運作現況,進而有效改善高屏地區空氣品質,高雄市政府環境保護局乃持續對揮發性有機物(Volatile organic compound,VOCs)進行全面且積極的管制。  高雄市「101及102年度揮發性有機物稽查管制計畫」係為2年度之執行計畫,101年度工作目標已於101年12月31日止完成;102年度工作目標,包括有VOCs排放之虞行業查核共13種行業451家,篩選5個製程進行設備元件清查,於重大工業區進行157日異味巡查,並運用各項檢測工具執行設備元件檢測36,000個、光學氣體成像儀監測200小時、17根次管道VOCs檢測、12場次OP-FTIR監測、5根次廢氣燃燒塔硫化氫檢測、30點次周界異味檢測、25點次管道異味檢測及18個揮發性有機物空氣樣品分析,根據各管制查核及監檢測結果,共舉辦12場次輔導會議;並針對高雄市歷年輔導資料,完成12廠輔導改善追蹤。在加油站管制部分,完成267家加油站基本資料庫更新,並依實際申請案件,完成8件次新設加油站審查,為有效管制執行160站次氣油比檢測及60站次氣漏檢測。其他為全方位宣導VOCs管制,共印製宣導摺頁、宣導手冊(法規)及宣導品共3,000份,並舉辦2場次技術轉移訓練、1場次技術研討會及2場次宣導說明會。  本計畫針對各列管工廠,藉由執行污染源查核及輔導等工作,督促各項排放源符合VOCs相關排放標準之要求,就102年度之管制來看,各行業VOCs排放量以石化業所佔排放量比例81 %為最高,其次為油漆製造業8 %,在法規符合度方面,石化業已由管制初期(102年第1季)的77 %,現階段已改善提升至92 %;102年度透過各項管制作業所達成的VOCs減量共435公噸,確實達成VOCs之減量與管制。 2012~2013 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) air pollution sources Inspection and Control Implementation Project in Kaohsiung City   This project had been implemented on the focus and efforts of applying control measurement since 2012 for the air pollutants in Kaohsiung city to reach the announced VOCs regulations compliance and emission reduction target. The overall project performance up to 2013 could be demonstrated into seven main categories including VOCs emission sources inspection and control, leaking detection of equipment and components and control, the technical assistance for VOCs emission reduction, the odor sources patrolling works and control, vapor recovery functional test of petroleum stations, propagation works for VOCs pollution prevention and organizing the local environmental patrolling group for routine inspection.  With regard to VOCs emission sources inspection and control, the on-site inspection of 451 VOCs emission sources in compliance requirement were conducted. The sources included 101 petrochemical industry plants, one Polyurethane synthetic leather plant, 19 semiconductor industry plants, 7 dry cleaning industry plants, 10 photo-electronics industry plants, 4 tape industry plants, 19 varnishes manufacturing plants, 13 PCB manufacturing plants, 4 Plastics industry plants, 3 surface treatment for mobile vehicle industry plants, 3 printing industry plants and 267 petroleum stations. In order to enhance the performance of regulation compliance, propaganda and on-site technical assistance had been implemented by team specialists. Finally, it came to the result increasing rate of tape industry plants from 67% the very beginning to 100% the end of project and petrochemical industry plants from 34% to 92%, in accordance with overall VOCs regulation.  With regard to leakage detection of equipment and components and control, 30,021 units in production process and 5,819 units in loading and unloading zone were detected by deploying of TVA-1000B detector during project period. The leakage rate was 0.97% by 213 units in process and 0.91% by 74 units in tank zone, and 1.27% by 74 units in the loading and unloading zone. Also Gas Find FLIR was applied by 200 hours process fugitive leakage monitoring with overall screening of 20,000 potential fugitive points and 160 samplings were detected leakage. The emission reduction after repairing and maintenance was estimated 244.7 ton per year. The leakage conc. standard in Kaousiung had been regulated more stringent from 10,000 ppm to 2,000ppm under the authority of Taiwan Clean Air Act since 2012. From this project some action plans were taken to minimize the fugitive leakage and following emission reduction, such as the on-site technical and management education to build up more integrated active repairing and maintenance program by the deploying of FLIR, TVA and PID detectors, and also the penalty was imposed once they were not well maintained according to regulation standard. The effect could be demonstrated by the increasing rate in accordance to the leakage definition standard of 1000ppm from 98.67% to 99.08%, the change rate from 0.43% to 0.1% among 2,000~10,000ppm, and the leakage limitation rate of above 10,000ppm was lowered from 0.47% to 0.11%.  With regard to the technical assistance for VOCs emission reduction, the specialists group was formulated to implement the VOCs emission reduction for important potential pollutants by on-site diagnosis and providing technical consulting and applicable improvement suggestions. Twelve plants were conducted this process and six of them had been traced and found new installation of pollution prevention facilities causing an estimation of 76.4 ton per year VOCs reduction. The other six plants were taking measurements by the operation tuning and maintenance to reach the improvement.  With regard to the odor sources patrolling works and control, 14,310 patrolling records in 157 days had been conducted among the major industries in Kaohsiung, frequent odor complaint roads and plant sites. According to the results of odor intensity and frequency, the odor sampling and analysis were implemented. The VOCs analysis result of two out of 17 stacks were not in accordance with the regulation standard. The odor sampling and analysis at the ambient boundary and stacks of plants showed three and six were not in accordance with the regulation standard, separately. And also the required technical improvement suggestions were provided actively.  With regard to vapor recovery functional test of petroleum stations, the air to liquid tests had been conducted for all stations and found 93.8% in accordance with the regulation. Also for self-control and facility maintenance purpose, technical training, propagation and evaluation works were included to enhance the overall recovery efficiency.  In order to propagate the recent enacted regulation with more stringent leakage limitation standard, 2,000 regulation pamphlets and flyers and 1,000 promotional products had been distributed among a series of technical training and transfer courses and symposium in this project. And also some major topics and project performance were post and announced via local city news or internet webs.  For the prevention of air pollution complaint and maintaining better air quality, this project team took head to recruit 43 more members to the organization of Dalinpu Area Environmental Patrolling Assistance Volunteers to strengthen the local patrolling group for routine pollution inspection and response. The standard procedure and series of technical training were conducted to educate and build-up their ability for better understanding of related knowledge and skills. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 慧群環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70740
環境教育資訊網之系統功能整合、提升、維護及行銷專案工作計畫 過去國內各級政府機關乃依據行政院於八十一年核定之「環境教育要項」,推動環境教育事宜。惟環境保護工作涉及範疇縱深面廣,須就事業、學校、社區、家庭及國民等不同年齡層,讓個人對其所關心之環保事務作有效結合,方能就環保意識及行動全面深化。且考量環境保護是全世界高度關注之議題,為追求國家永續發展、世界接軌,並配合國際推動「永續發展教育十年(2005年至2014年)」之潮流趨勢,許多先進國家均已制定專法,以為因應。有鑑於此,為期提升全民環境道德,並整合環境教育資源,賦予環境教育經費及講習之法源依據,我國於99年6月正式公布「環境教育法」,100年6月5日開始實施,為國內環境教育作業奠定永續發展的里程碑。在環教法未實施以前,過去各個單位在推動環境教育時,許多部門都自行建立環境教育推廣計畫,由於彼此之間沒有橫向的交流或是進行統一的整合,無法明確為認證機構、設施場所和環教人員建立完整的配套措施,以致難以帶給民眾方便使用;而環境教育的教案教材和其他部會的教案系統在規格上有所不同,難以互用。本計畫整合環保署現有三個子系統,包括「環境教育管理資訊系統」、「環境E學院」及「環境教育終身學習網」,並依推動環教產業的需要於103年「數位學習」及「個人終身學習」輔助性網站,建立一個完整、多元、豐富、便捷且有效的資源共享平臺,另透過舉辦「環境教育個人終身學習護照」、「看見台灣創意教案徵選」及「戶外學習樂不思暑」活動,推動國人逐漸建立終身學習護照概念,一起創造永續家園。 The Integration, Enhancement, Maintenance, and Marketing Project Planning for the Functions of Envir The governmental facilities in Taiwan used to promote environmental education according to "Keys to Environmental Education" resolved by Executive Yuan in 1992. Yet environmental education covers a wide and deep range. It is necessary to combine effectively with environmental protection matters concerned by each individual in terms of all walks of life and people of all ages from business, school, community, family, to citizens so that environmental education can be deepened through the reinforcement of environmental protection consciousness and movements. Since environmental protection is an issue highly concerned by the world, in order to pursue sustainable development of Taiwan, connect with the world, and promote The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014), many developed countries have resolved special laws to cope with the trends. Therefore, to promote the citizens' environmental ethics, integrate resources of environmental education, and provide legal basis for environmental education funds and trainings, Taiwan formally announced "Environmental Education Law" in June 2010 and began the implementation of the Law on June 5 2011, which established a milestone for the sustainable development of environmental education in Taiwan.Before the Environmental Education Law was implemented, when promoting environmental education, the relevant departments used to make environmental education promotion plans dependently. Due to the scarcity of horizontal communication between each other, the united integration, comprehensive guideline for certification facility, equipment, location, and environmental protection personnel cannot be specifically established. As a result, causing inconvenience for the general public. It is difficult for circulation and application because the system for the lesson plans and teaching materials of environmental education is different from that for other departments. This project integrates the existing three sub-systems in Department of Environmental Protection, including " Environmental Education Information Management System (EEIS)", "e-School of the environment", and "Elearn"; establishing a comprehensive, diverse, affluent, convenient, and effective resource sharing platform on the auxiliary website for "digital learning" and "personal lifelong learning" in 2014 according to the requirements of environmental education industry. Besides, the citizens' concept of lifelong leaning passport is promoted and gradually established through the holding of events such as " Individual Passport for Environmental Education", "Election of Creative Lesson Plans for 'Beyond Beauty--Taiwan from above'", "Having Fun for Outdoor Learning in Summer". By means of these events, a sustainable homeland is expected to be created by all citizens in Taiwan. 102 綜計處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70748
101-102營建工程巡查管制計畫 本計畫主要針對高雄轄區各類型營建工程進行巡查管制作業,執行期間共協助環保局完成33,852處次營建工地、道路管線工程、河川疏濬工程及污染提報之巡查及建檔作業(其中假日巡查4,476處次、道路管線工程巡查4,558處次)。整體巡查納管率為93.0%;管理辦法符合率為89.4%;TSP產生量總共為12,357.3公噸,削減量為7,153.3公噸,TSP削減率57.9%。巡查發現污染情形向環保局做A、B級提報,提報總數為3,642處次;因稽查而處分之案件計有63件,處分金額合計達3,060,000元整;告發改善完成率100%。在檢測方面,共完成51場次工地周界TSP檢測(測值範圍25~397μg/Nm3)及75個施工機具油品檢測(測值範圍2.6~17ppmw),所有受測工地之TSP及油品均符合標準。另篩選7處污染潛勢大的工地架設即時監控系統,監看中發現2處工地違反營建管理辦法,均提報稽查後告發。計畫執行期間共完成4場次法規宣導說明會、2場次人員法制教育訓練會,並舉辦2場工地評鑑以公開表揚方式並搭配媒體宣導提升宣導之效果,期能強化本市營建工地防制措施之採行,以有效減少粒狀物污染及民眾之不便。 101-102 The project is inspecting and cataloging all kinds of construction sites The main work of this project is inspecting and cataloging all kinds of construction sites in Kaohsiung City. The project has accomplished 33,852 inspection rounds of construction sites, road or pipeline projects, river dredging projects and reported pollution sites including 4,476 inspections for the holidays and 4,558 for road or pipeline projects during implementation period (2012/07/06 to 2013/12/31). The ratio of inspected sites to the total construction sites that report payment of air pollution control fees was 93.0%, and the proportion to meet the “Management Regulations for Construction Project Air Pollution Control Facilities” was 89.4%. The emission reduction rate was 57.9% since the production and reduction amounts of total suspended particulates (TSP) of construction sites in the city were 12,357.3 and 7,153.3 tons respectively. Furthermore, through field inspection we reported a total of 3,462 cases of pollution level A and level B to the Environment Protection Bureau Kaohsiung City Government, and 63 of them were fined a total of NT$3,060,000. However, verification checks have proved the implementation of improvements of all the sixty three sites to be truthful and complete after punishment. With respect to test, the project has executed fifty one TSP tests (results ranging from 2.6 to 17 ppmw) for peripheral boundary of construction sites and seventy five gasoline or diesel composition tests (results ranging from 25 to 397μg/Nm3) for the engines of construction machinery respectively. All results met related standards and limits. Moreover, seven construction sites having great pollution potential were selected to set up real-time monitoring systems, and two sites were reported and fined for violating the management regulations mentioned above. As regards regulation promotion, not only four regulation promotion sessions and two legal educational training workshops were held but two pollution control evaluation competitions plus public recognition for construction sites have been taken place during implementation period. The project also used mass media to enhance the promotion effect. Through eighteen months of efforts, we hope construction projects in Kaohsiung City can strengthen their adoption of air pollution control measures to reduce particle pollution and minimize public inconvenience effectively. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 環佑實業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70764
101-102年度仁大及林園工業區監測與採樣計畫 本計畫於仁大工業區西北側楠陽國小及林園工業區西南側中芸國小,各設立一固定式OP-FTIR監測系統,101年度期間各完成165日監測日數,102年度期間各完成360日監測日數,仁大區共測得28項化合物,其中重點污染物及主要貢獻來源包括:二甲基甲醯胺來自三芳公司,醋酸乙烯酯來自台聚公司,1,3-丁二烯分別來自台橡及國喬公司,乙烯主要來自台聚及中纖公司;林園區共測得45項化合物,其中重點污染物及主要貢獻來源包括:1,2-二氯乙烷及氯乙烯來自台灣氯乙烯,乙烯來自李長榮林園廠、中油林園廠、台灣氯乙烯及亞洲聚合公司,丙烯及1,3-丁二烯主要以中油林園廠貢獻量較大。除上述各區域主要污染物及其來源外,本計畫亦藉由定期巡查作業調查出兩工業區異味好發區域之上風處可能污染源,鎖定工業區重點污染對象,並利用兩組移動式OP-FTIR執行污染追蹤之監測作業,101年度監測數計5場次,共1236小時,102年度監測數計16場次,共2453小時,監測結果屬長時間污染貢獻者,已依據「揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準」第39條,要求業者進行相關污染源檢查作業,並提出改善規劃;此外,並將監測成果橫向傳達予環保局其他有關計畫,藉由VOC管制計畫加強設備元件檢測或辦理輔導減量作業,或由空品綜合管理計畫辦理聯合查驗,或由減量評鑑計畫將高污染潛勢工廠,列為評鑑對象,提供污染減量之專業建議等項作為。計畫執行期間不僅投入大量FTIR監測能量,亦藉由教育訓練、技術轉移及空品說明會等會議提供專業技術支援。此外,更全力配合環保局緊急應變團隊機制,協助林園、仁大工業區及高雄煉油廠緊急事件之應變及監測調查,有效利用各工作能量直接或間接地維護空品環境。經由計畫二年污染源追蹤及督促仁大及林園工業區工廠進行改善,仁大區固定測站102年非甲烷總碳氫化合物,其與101年相較呈現改善情形;林園區102年度除8、9月份中油試車造成大量污染貢獻外,林園區固定測站非甲烷總碳氫化合物亦略較101年度減少;另在污染源改善分析部分,三芳、台橡及中纖公司之指標污染物均有明顯減量,但仍有改善空間,建議應定期追蹤並評估各污染源改善情形,以持續改善空氣品質。 Air Pollution Monitoring and Sampling Project for the Ren-Da and the Lin-Yuan Industrial Parks in Kaohsiung (2012~2013) In this project, two fixed open-path Fourier transform infrared (OP-FTIR) systems were deployed: one was at the Nan-yang Primary School, the northwest side of Ren Da Industrial Park; the other was at the Chung-Yun Primary School, the southwest side of Linyuan Industrial Park. The project had accomplished 165 and 360 monitoring days during 2012 and 2013 respectively. Also, 28 chemical compounds were identified from the monitoring station in Ren Da Industrial Park, and the results showed that Dimethylformamide (DMF) was emitted from San Fang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd, vinyl acetate from USI Corporation, 1,3-butandiene from TSRC Corporation and Gold Choice Co. and ethane from USI Corporation and China Man-made Fiber Corporation mainly; meanwhile, 45 chemical compounds were found in the monitoring station of Linyuan Industrial Park, and the results indicated that key pollutants and main contribution sources contain: 1,2-dichloroethane and vinyl chloride were distributed from TVCM Co., ethylene from Linyuan Plant of LCY Chemical Corp. , Linyuan Petrochemical Plant of CPC Corporation, TVCM Co. and Asia Polymer Corporation and propane and 1,3-butandiene from Linyuan Petrochemical Plant of CPC Corporation mainly. In addition to the primary pollutants and their sources of each area mentioned above, the project also discovered the potential sources in the up-wind side of the odor-exposed areas of two industry parks by periodical inspections, and focused on the key pollution sources; then, monitored and traced out pollutants by using two sets of mobile OP-FTIR. The total monitoring time of mobile stations for 2012 is 1,236 hours for 5 site-times; the number of monitoring time for 2013 is 2,453 hours for 16 site-times. The long-term contribution sources identified by monitoring results were required to inspect related pollution sources and file the improvement plan stipulated by Article 39 of “Volatile Organic Compound Air Pollution Control and Emission Standards”. On the other hand, the monitoring results were fed back to relevant projects of Environmental Protection Bureau Kaohsiung City Government, such as VOC Control Plan for strengthening the process equipment component inspection testing or guiding plants to reduce the quantity of pollution, Air Quality Management Project for arranging the joint inspection, or Reduction Appraisal Project for selecting the high pollution potential plants as evaluation subjects and providing professional advices with pollution reduction, etc.The project not only pumped lots of FTIR monitoring capacity into the source tracing of pollutants but provides professional technical support through educational training, technology transfer and air quality explanation session, etc. Moreover, the project also fully cooperates with the Environmental Protection Bureau’s Emergency Response Mechanism and help Linyuan Industrial Park, Ren Da Industrial Park and Kaohsiung Refinery with emergency response and monitoring investigation so it can efficiently utilize each work capacity directly or indirectly to maintain air quality.By way of a two-year pollution source tracking, the project had enforced the plants in Ren Da Industrial Park and Linyuan Industrial Park to complete improvements. The monitoring results of the fixed OP-FTIR station in Ren Da area indicated that Non-methane Hydrocarbon (NMHC) concentrations in 2013 were lower than in 2012; the monitoring results of the fixed OP-FTIR station in Linyuan area also showed that Non-methane Hydrocarbon (NMHC) concentrations in 2013 were slightly lower than in 2012 except for August and September in 2013 since the test run of CPC Corporation contributed massive pollution then. With respect to the analysis of pollution source improvement, the frequency exceeding the Peripheral Boundary Standards of target pollutant concentrations of San Fang Chemical Industry Co. Ltd., TSRC Corporation and China Man-made Fiber Corporation all decreased significantly but there is still room for improvement. To keep improving air quality, we suggest that there is a need to periodically track and assess their improvement progress. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 環佑實業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70763
101及102年度空品淨化區管理計畫 101及102年度空品淨化區管理計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)延續上年度空品淨化區管理業務,配合高雄市環境保護局及審查委員的指示,在局內長官督導下,除了努力達成量化目標,並在實質的管制效益上精進,以期能達成預期目標。一、建立本市空氣品質淨化區建置申請標準流程及審核機制(一)設置申請空污基金補助宣導說明會之舉辦二場次「空品淨化區設置申請空污基金補助及考合宣導說明會」分別於102年3月28日假國立科學工藝博物館南館階梯教室,及4月11日假高雄市政府社會局旗山社會福利服務中心2F演藝廳,辦理之,與會人數總計188人。本計畫藉由辦理宣導說明會,向與會單位說明空品淨化區設置要點與申請補助程序、考核作業,及空品淨化區資訊網網頁獻上申報操作流程及方式、高雄綠遊通APP下載及功能介紹等。(二)制定申請標準流程及審核機制、協助審查作業102年度由環保局編列空污基金年度經費,各申請機關將空氣品質淨化區設置申請書函送環保局提出申請,本計畫協助進行要件審核,並聘請兩位專家學者協助申請文件審查作業,經初審通過後,再提送高雄市政府環境保護基金管理委員會審議,經審議通過後函請提報單位執行。本計畫制定空品淨化區建置申請標準流程及審核機制,於102年3月4日獲環保局同意。102年度本計畫共計審查9件空品淨化區申請案,包括大寮區公所、美濃區公所、永安區公所、阿蓮區公所、橋頭區公所、高雄市政府文化局(秘書室及岡山文化中心)、環保局總務室、楠梓區公所。以上共計4件申請案通過核定,包括永安區公所、橋頭區公所、環保局總務室、楠梓區公所,總核定經費共計5,406.991仟元。環保局編列10,000仟元補助教育局執行校園空品淨化區計畫,教育局會同環保局、研考會及專家學者、學校代表及本計畫,審查各校之申請計畫書,102年度總計37件申請案,經教育局及委員書面及現勘審查後,共計22件通過核定,總核定經費為10,000仟元,新增校園綠地面積約3.6735公頃。102年度校園綠美化作業,核銷金額共9,080.860仟元,另前鎮區樂群國小因校舍改建,致綠化工程無法如期完成,將另案簽辦,所需經費880.000仟元,而路竹高中因漏列工程管理費9.969仟元,兩項共計保留889.969仟元。本計畫於102年11月18、19、25、26日,陪同教育局評鑑小組至22校進行現勘,核對施作項目與契約書項目是否相符,並拍照記錄及建檔。(三)追蹤空品淨化區設置執行狀況截至103年1月27日,橋頭區公所、楠梓區公所已完成綠美化作業及驗收並辦理核銷,兩案核銷金額為366.103仟元,永安區公所於103年3月6日函文辦理核銷作業,尚由委員複審資料,環保局總務室之案件則保留於103年度執行。二、規劃及進行本市裸露地巡視、調查並輔導改善(一)裸露地調查及面積估算102年度挑選大社、大寮及小港區執行裸露地調查,依據google earth取得三個行政區衛星空照圖,擷取裸露地空拍圖片,藉此提升裸露地的判定,經本計畫由空照圖初估:大社區有15處裸露地,面積約19.43公頃、大寮區有5處裸露地,面積約12.19公頃,小港區有3處裸露地,面積約1.86公頃。第二階段藉由實地巡查,所發現之每處裸露地均以專案進行掌握,每筆裸露地從列管到輔導、改善等等過程,均隨時更新狀態,掌握裸露地改善情形,102年度針對巷弄小路,增加以機車巡查方式,使巡查作業更為落實,讓裸露地改善作業推動達到最佳成效。(二)裸露地輔導改善作業102年度總計共列管31筆裸露地資料,面積為6.18公頃,經本計畫輔導改善後,植生面積為4.429公頃,混凝土鋪面面積為0.36公頃,裸露地面積改善完成率約為77%。三、建立轄內空氣品質淨化區之考核機制,依照維護管理品質加以分級,並依據級別分別進行考核(一)建立空品淨化區分級考核機制及獎懲作業102年度本市共有589處空氣品質淨化區,管考方式分為校園空品淨化區自主管理線上提報及空品淨化區現場通知查核。349處校園空品淨化區需自主管理線上提報,240處基地需進行現場通知查核,且依基地面積大小可分為大型、中型、小型三種等級。本計畫研擬空品淨化區考核機制暨獎懲辦法企劃書並於102年3月12日報局核備。(二)執行空品淨化區考核作業依空品淨化區現場通知查核成績,篩選大型及中型基地各3處、小型基地6處,於11月8、11日邀請五位專家學者進行績優基地決選現勘,決選結果如下:大型基地第一名:社會教育館(95裸露地計畫執行)、第二名:前鎮河綠化計畫,中型基地:第一名:鳳山區新甲里社區(新康街)綠化工作、第二名:公兒19(鳳東兒童公園)、小型基地第一名:鳳山區生明社區閒置空間綠美化工程、第二名:高雄市美濃區祿興社區第二三處髒亂點綠美化工程、第三名:大寮區中庄社區仁愛路段、佳獎:林園區林內社區水岸花園綠化工作、路竹區甲南社區環境死角整治計畫、林園區文賢社區綠化工作,以上獲獎單位將頒發獎勵金及獎牌乙面,第一名10,000元、第二名8,000元、第三名5,000元、佳獎3,000元。依據線上提報之完整度且依面積大、中、小各挑選2處校園空品淨化區,於102年11月11日邀請兩位專家學者進行績優基地決選現勘,經統計分數後,信義國小為績優大型基地校園組第一名、大樹國小為中型校園基地組第一名,皆獲頒獎牌乙面。(三)空品淨化區輔導改善作業本年度分為兩階段辦理輔導改善作業,第一階段選定古文物園區綠籬工程、仁武區赤山社區古文物園區綠化工程兩處,第二階段選定鳳山區垃圾場進場道路綠化、美濃區龍山社區空地髒亂綠美化工程、旗山區清新、廣福、好環境旗山區廣福社區空地植樹綠化計劃三處,做為102年度空品淨化區輔導對象,並於民國102年04月26日及102年10月25日邀請2位專家學者,至現地進行勘查,給予維護管理單位實質上的建議,本計畫針對個案製作輔導改善手冊供各單位做為改善參考,並輔導五處基地完成實質改善作業。(四)配合辦理成果發表會本計畫配合科內於102年12月27日(星期五)於國立科學工藝博物館(南館),辦理「102年度高雄市空氣品質維護改善成效檢討暨成果發表會」,並函邀102年度環保績優授獎單位,其中空品淨化區績優單位共計16個,並於成果發表會中公開表揚頒發獎牌。四、提供民眾空氣品質淨化區及綠美化之相關資訊,協助宣導、推廣空氣品質淨化區(一)維護管理宣導說明會之舉辦102年10月2日假本市橋頭區白屋藝術村辦理「空品淨化區維護管理技術暨環境教育研習會」共計65單位與會,與會人數達78人。本次研習會結合已認證之環境教育設施場所,將環境教育納入議題,針對空品淨化區之環境、植栽綠美化、環境教育議題進行宣導課程,使以瞭解空品淨化區維護管理方法,與環境之倫理關係,增進保護環境之知識、態度,主動瞭解人與環境之相互關係,進而產生對環境負責任的行為模式,以具體行動解決環境問題,達到資源永續利用。(二)優良空品淨化區宣導作業辦理為提升空品淨化區之能見度及曝光率,透過平面媒體或電子媒體(廣播或電視或電子看板)等方式,宣導並推廣本市空品淨化區,使民眾了解空品淨化區及綠美化之相關資訊與設置成果,以達轄內空品淨化區行銷推廣之目的,102年度完成拍攝縮時攝影3處及CF廣告電影1部來做為宣導。本計畫結合定點播放和網路推廣兩種方式,定點播放將以檔案錄製的方式,提供給市府各局處、各工業區及區公所播放,可直接與群眾做視覺接觸。而網路推廣方式,使民眾與遊客能利用智慧型手機、平板電腦等新媒體,下載 5到8分鐘的「CF短片」,或是5分鐘內的手機短片,使民眾於簡短時間或空閒時下載觀賞。102年度選定三處績優空品淨化區:高雄市立社會教育館、前鎮區明正公園及路竹區甲南社區吉祥公園作為拍攝縮時攝影地點,拍攝內容以早晚晨昏的變化色彩、植栽花卉來描繪空品淨化區、整體維護狀況以及民眾遊憩情形;而CF短片選定高雄市立社會教育館、前鎮河綠化計畫及勞工公園做為拍攝場景,影片中透過主角漫步於空品淨化區,表達內心的想法,闡述本市綠化成果及建置空品淨化區,為環境及空氣帶來正面的改變,讓市民能透過柔性的影片,讓關心環保及空氣污染防制相關議題的民眾,更明瞭環保局之作為,以達到空品淨化區媒體宣傳行銷目的。本年度12月四則宣導影片皆已上傳至Youtube供民眾上網觀看,觀看人次達301次以上。(三)製作推廣空氣品質淨化區相關宣導品本計畫依據合約規定,於102年度需製作推廣空氣品質淨化區之相關宣導品至少500份,本計畫著重於「綠色」及「環保」為主,並於102年11月完成保冷袋及魔蛋樹苗之製作,總共製作1,136份,12月5日經科內承辦員點交無誤,將於日後辦理宣導會或相關宣導時發放。五、推廣雨污水回收設施再利用於自動澆灌植栽,以及本市空氣品質淨化區之認養與轄內廠區或公司團體栽種植樹活動(一)雨污水回收推廣102年度因考量審查委員及科內長官皆認為不建議再推雨水回收,因此,經科內長官商討及准予核備後,修正本年度雨水及中水回收再利用設施補助事項。為有效維護校園空氣品質淨化區之植栽、草皮,環保局擬補助設置雨水及中水回收再利用設施,並藉由結合校園內之自動澆灌系統,以有效提升校園植栽養護品質,並達到節水省能之效益。本計畫於102年3月7日向各級學校宣導說明雨水及中水回收再利用設施補助事項,並於102年06月11日,假國立科學工藝博物館南館階梯教室舉辦「推廣空品淨化區認養維護暨宣導苗木作業說明會」,經宣導後,102年度僅有湖內區明宗國小通過核定,核定補助項目包括:密鋪巴西地毯草850m2及自動噴灌系統、雨水回收及廚房中水運用及設置沉澱池。(二)輔導企業認養本計畫於102年06月11日辦理「推廣空品淨化區認養維護暨宣導苗木作業說明會」,但與會之企業因諸多原因而無認養意願。為達成企業認養媒合作業,本計畫調整做法,轉向與小型企業推廣認養空品淨化區,在經本計畫向企業說明認養目的、辦理流程及效益後,有三家企業表示有意願認養鄰里附近之優良空品淨化區,包括:允祺企業有限公司認養燕巢區安招社區髒亂空地綠化工作、竣民事業有限公司認養林園區文賢社區綠化工作及盈甫股份有限公司認養大樹區竹寮社區綠美化計畫,並於102年10月03日及102年10月04日,邀請科內承辦員陪同見證,由社區發展協會及企業共同簽署「高雄市空氣品質淨化區企業認養簽署狀」。另於102年10月11日假高雄市政府環保局空噪科會議室,辦理「空品淨化區企業認養媒合座談會」,會後台灣塑膠工業股份有限公司、南亞塑膠工業股份有限公司高雄廠及中國石油化學工業開發股份有限公司小港廠三間廠家皆表達103年度有意願配合認養,本計畫將持續追蹤及媒合認養空品淨化區。(三)推廣轄內工廠公司團體栽種植樹執行說明 為有效提升空品淨化區之整體品質,本計畫於102年06月11日辦理「推廣空品淨化區認養維護暨宣導苗木作業說明會」,講授空品淨化區之設置效益、認養方式與程序、苗木申請作業,使以了解認養維護管理方法及對環境的正確觀念,增加對環境的關懷。本年度共計16家廠商及社區配合辦理苗木種植作業,總計種植2,300株苗木。(四)歷年工廠公司團體苗木栽植狀況後續追蹤102年度本計畫進行10家工廠苗木栽植狀況後續追蹤,除了聚和國際股份有限公司、永安建材公司、聯成化學科技股份有限公司林園廠外,其他工廠的植栽存活率並不高(低於60%),本計畫給予工廠維護改善與植栽補植之建議,後續持續追蹤輔導,以提升工廠綠化之成效。六、建立本市空品淨化區案件網路化申請機制及定期更新維護本市空氣品質淨化區網頁及資料庫(一)空品淨化區成果現況網頁更新 空品淨化區資訊網網頁於101年7月開始進行網頁後台架構的更新,並配合新架構重新設計及安排網站版面(如導覽列及導覽方式),配合計畫執行更新相關靜態網頁內容,如認識空氣品質淨化區以及計畫介紹、政令宣導等內容,並設立上傳更新最新消息、建置成果、文件下載等公告區,其中本計畫彙整本年度空品淨化區基本資料,主要依照空品淨化區基地類別進行編碼列管,基地類別包括有環保公園、空地(社區)綠化、道路綠帶、自行車道、污染場址復育綠化、裸露地綠化/校園揚塵改善等類別,持續建立新增之空品淨化區,並更新環保署及高雄市空污基金補助設置之空品淨化區相關基本資料。主要更新項目包括有:GPS座標、綠覆率、、樹種、基地現況照片等供民眾透過資訊網更了解空品淨化區,本計畫彙整新設置之空品淨化區資料,上傳最新資料包含設置日期、實際補助或設置經費分析表、相關位置圖、基地施工前中後照片、竣工平面配置圖、竣工植栽平面圖(含植栽表)、喬木清冊(撫育單位、樹種、規格、數量)。(二)建立空品淨化區網路化申請及考核資料上傳機制 102年度線上申請系統建置後,因無強制要求申請機關使用該系統於線上進行申請作業,且大部分申請機關仍習慣以紙本公文送件方式,經宣導後僅橋頭、永安區公所採線上及紙本申請併行方式提出申請,建議於103年度加強宣導並輔導申請機關使用該系統,可請某幾個單位人員先於線上操作試用,並詢問試用感想,將其意見納入修正申請系統之參考,期使該系統便於操作,以提升申請單位使用意願及使用率,期可達E化管考及無紙化申請作業。自102年度起,校園線上提報自主管理系統將全面更新,另因應環保署考核期程,將調整自主管理填報頻率為1次/年,提報期程為每年6月1日至6月30日,原則上每次回報前台僅開放30天,但實際上會保有緩衝15天的「逾期補回報」,彈性回報時間截止後,經管理人員檢核並「資料上鎖」,則回報資料無法再異動,以保有的版本確定性。(三)協助設置本市空品淨化區手機操作使用軟體為便利使用行動裝置民眾可快速取得周邊空品淨化區的資訊,茲提供空品淨化區專用 APP供民眾下載安裝,命名為「高雄綠遊通APP」,提供民眾快速定位服務,利用行動裝置 GPS 功能快速定位,標示周邊的空品淨化區的位置,點選後可查詢其詳細資訊,若該計畫於網站設有影音連結,則一併提供線上YouTube影音導覽服務。另串接周邊公共腳踏車租賃站服務查詢功能,以提供民眾做為旅遊規劃的參考。空品淨化區「高雄綠遊通APP」Android版本已於101年11月05日上架在Google Play,iOS版本亦於102年1月21日完成上架。據統計數值目前下載「高雄綠遊通APP」Android版,下載人數超過1000人次以上。七、建立本市空氣品質淨化區基地綠覆率及使用率、樹木碳匯之量測資料,並估算植樹綠化減碳及污染物淨化量(一)空氣品質淨化區基地綠覆率及使用率、樹木碳匯之量測資料依據行政院環境保護署各綠覆率標準,針對轄區內之空品淨化區,包括環保公園、道路綠帶、空地(社區)、污染場址復育、校園揚塵、自行車道等進行綠覆率及使用率估算,通知查核240處空品淨化區,經統計有152處基地之綠覆率為100%,99%~90%有39處基地,89%~80%共有18基地,79%~70%有7處基地,69%~60%有3處基地,其餘3處低於60%,另20處因土地使用期限已屆滿5年、地主已取回用地、基地已無植栽、補助位置已改建為校舍或建築用地等,而未能評分且無法估算綠覆率,總平均綠覆率為95.89%。另經統計使用率,有74處為每天使用佔33.33%、86處為經常使用佔38.74%、39處為偶爾使用佔17.57%、23處為很少使用佔10.36%。本年度執行70處空品淨化區喬木量測碳匯,環保署補助共19處,環保局補助共51處,統計之喬木數量共5,363株,碳匯量總計為460.011公噸,環保署補助之基地碳匯資料經本計畫彙整後,鍵入至環保署「空氣品質淨化區及環境綠化育苗計畫網站」(http://ivy1.epa.gov.tw/air/s01.asp)建置,網站已內建相關係數與公式,即可計算出碳匯量,另一套公式採用環保署考評辦法中,依綠地面積推估減碳及污染淨化量,上述兩套公式皆為環保署公布之計算方式,但分別有不同的用途,而環保局補助之基地碳匯資料鍵入「高雄市空氣品質淨化區資訊網」,以供備查。(二)估算植樹綠化減碳及污染物淨化量102年度列管之589處空品淨化區,其綠覆面積總計約為226.9公頃,本計畫推估其減碳及污染物淨化量,約可削減CO2排放量5,218.70噸;抑制揚塵部分,削減粒狀污染物(TSP)排放量116.62噸;去除污染物部分,削減SO2排放量1,679.21噸、NO2排放量386.86噸、CO排放量499.18噸、O3排放量2,223.62噸以及PAN排放量38.57噸。八、進行本市河川揚塵巡查及監視設備維護工作。(一)高揚塵季節河川揚塵巡查及通報本計畫配合高屏溪揚塵管理計畫,由高屏溪揚塵管理計畫規劃巡查地點,並本計畫協助巡查大寮區-農場路外堤防及林園區-林園工業區外堤防兩處,由102年1月起開始執行至102年12月兩處巡查點各進行51日的巡查,總計於102年7月2日、7月30日及8月6日發生3次河川揚塵情事,3次揚塵地點皆發生於大寮區農場路外堤防,本計畫推估揚塵情形係因高屏溪河床水位下降,屏東端河床裸露面積增加,造成風吹揚塵,經現場巡視後立即回報高屏溪揚塵管理計畫,並填寫「高屏溪沿岸揚塵事件通報回報單」,後續並配合高屏溪揚塵管理計畫執行巡查至揚塵狀況解除。(二)監視設備維護工作執行自101年度12月3日迄今,遠端監視器系統(CCTV)架設於高屏溪攔河堰管理中心頂樓,再透過網路將監視訊號回傳至環保局空噪科之空品中心(AQMC)監控,可直接從空品中心掌握高屏溪河床裸露地揚塵狀況,本計畫委由亞太科技公司執行CCTV系統維護檢修作業,每月由本計畫協同亞太科技公司至現場進行例行性之清潔維護保養,器材或線路有破損時負責修繕或送修,以有效掌控CCTV之正常運作,本年度至12月止共計9次設備故障維修,並記錄其原因及排除故障。 九、辦公廳舍室內空氣品質淨化區植栽養護工作102年度共計執行51次辦公室植栽維護,並於102年3月12日增設三盞LED照明設備,以提高環境的光度,每週由園藝廠商進行植栽養護,如有生長不佳之盆栽,可即時判斷進行施肥、修剪措施、噴藥,枯死的盆栽則進行換盆,同時提供辦公室同仁植栽養護知識的諮詢。結論與建議事項一、工作執行檢討(一)校園淨化區自主管理提報率再提升 102年度有349處校園空品淨化區需線上自主管理提報,自102年06月04日至12月10日止共計301處完成上網提報,提報率約86.2%,已超過本年度預定目標(目標為80%),針對未提報之基地,本計畫篩選21處基地進行現場抽查,其餘基地以電話訪談紀錄未上網申報原因,並再次宣導及輔導線上申報,期能有效提升下年度提報率。 (二)推廣企業認養空品淨化區 102年度媒合三間企業認養三處空品淨化區,配合認養者皆為鄰里間之小型企業,認養基地也屬小型空品淨化區,其能見度及效益較有限,無法吸引其他大型企業跟進。本計畫除了於6月11日於辦理企業認養及苗木宣導會議外,也積極參與其他計畫相關會議,並於會議中宣導空品淨化區的設置及認養訊息,希望能透過多方的宣導達到宣傳的效果,吸引有意願認養之廠商。另於10月11日辦理「空品淨化區企業認養媒合座談會」,邀請20家企業及3處優良空品淨化區維護單位與會參加,說明認養空品淨化區之辦理方式及程序,並彙整工務局及社教館等估算年度所需維護費用,供各企業做為認養參考,後續得知中國石油化學工業開發股份有限公司小港廠表示有意願認養社教館空品淨化區,本計畫將密切追蹤雙方進度,俟雙方協定後,再由科內與雙方達成媒合認養作業。 (三)裸露地巡視、調查並輔導改善作業 依據101年度執行經驗,實地巡查與空拍圖所掌握之裸露地數量有所落差,且部分裸露地藏於巷弄小路之間,車輛較難抵達,本年度針對巷弄小路,以機車巡查方式,可使巡查作業更為落實,藉此提升裸露地的掌握。針對本年度執行大社、大寮、小港區三個行政區之裸露地調查,共計列管31處裸露地,裸露地總面積為6.18公頃,經本計畫輔導改善後,植生面積為4.429公頃,混凝土鋪面面積為0.36公頃,裸露地面積改善完成率約為77%。 (四)環保署考評成績檢討 檢討101年度考評成績較低之兩項考核項目:空氣品質淨化區維護管理計畫執行品質、自行考評辦理及網路平台資料填報完整性,針對上述缺失,102年度已加強宣導及協助設置告示牌,該基地如有企業或社區認養將於告示牌中呈現、基地認養及各項成果數量將量化數據說明清楚,以展現執行成果,另在自行考評部分,102年度本計畫於網路填報自行考評結果之數據比對提報書面或成果光碟資料,並於提報後電詢環保署及其委辦計畫,以確保上傳之資料對應無誤。強化碳匯填報完整度,並配合今年度之做法以整批上傳、優良空品淨化區之介紹資訊及內容、影片將強化使內容更豐富、成果相片或改善相片已於相片中加入日期,以便比對。二、後續工作建議(一)維護管理宣導會辦理計畫初擬 建議將環境教育納入空品淨化區宣導會之研習議題。(二)加強推廣高雄綠遊通APP下載使用 為推廣APP使用,建議透過多面性宣導加以進行推廣。(三)加強宣導空品淨化區線上申請 今年度正式啟用空品淨化區新網頁,期望將空品淨化區管理網路作業上進行統合,而空品淨化區線上申請作業由於關係到欲申請補助設置空品淨化區之申請機關權益,因此,未來須加強宣傳使用方式及相關規定。(四)提升校園空品淨化區自主回報率 建議對自主管理提報率偏低、經多次輔導後仍未提報、配合度不佳之單位,未來於申請補助時,從嚴把關並審視後續維護管理計畫之可行性,或將列為不優先補助名單,以避免類似狀態發生,期可提升整體品質及提報率。 101 and 102 air quality purification area management plan This plan met instructions of Environmental Protection Bureau and the juror. Under supervision of the bureau executive, we made great efforts not only to achieve the quantification goal but also to forge ahead vigorously the essential benefit of control to accomplish the anticipated target. The executable contents are as follows:I. Establish the construction application of Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) and examining and verifying mechanism for Kaohsiung city the air quality purification area.II. Plan and implement the perambulation and investigation of bare lands in Kaohsiung city before improving.III. Establish examining and assessment mechanism in Kaohsiung city the air quality purification area which are classified by quality of maintaining management according to different levels respectively.IV. Provide the related information of the air quality purification area and Environmental Greenification for the public, and give assistance in propaganda and development of Clean Air Zones.V. Promote recovery and reuse of rainwater and sewage to water trees and plants, adoption of Kaohsiung city the air quality purification area, and tree-planting activities for the factories and companies in these zones.VI. Establish application mechanism of legal case networking in Kaohsiung city the air quality purification area, and update regularly the web page and database of Kaohsiung city the air quality purification area.VII. The establishment of Kaohsiung city air quality purification area base of green cover and utilization of tree carbon sink of measurement data, and to estimate the tree planting to reduce carbon emissions and the amount of pollution removal.VIII. Patrol and investigate rivers Kaohsiung city about raising dust, and maintain surveillance devices.IX. Plant conservation of the office, indoor air quality purification area. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70739
102年烏賊車檢舉案件管理暨機動車輛停車熄火宣導及管制計畫 本計畫主要工作係辦理烏賊車檢舉案件管理及反怠速政策之宣導活動,量化目標包含反怠速熄火造成空氣污染宣導文宣3,000份、辦理6場停車怠速超過3分鐘需熄火政策小型宣導活動、怠速管制及勸導作業3,000輛次,並提供紅外線熱像儀1部,於稽查管制停車怠速未熄火行為專用。 另針對烏賊車檢舉案件管理作業部分,包括民眾檢舉烏賊車案件5,000件/月及複審已審查不通過之案件1,000件/月、不定期抽驗烏賊車檢舉案件至少200件、處理已通知車輛之檢驗結果回執作業、辦理鼓勵民眾檢舉烏賊車抽獎活動1場。另一項重要工作為探討二行程機車青白煙產生機制與改善對策,工作內容為挑選具代表性之二行程機車3輛,探討二行程機車產生青白煙與排氣管阻塞積油、空氣濾清器、機油泵浦、機油供應量及其它等之關聯性,以了解二行程機車青白煙產生機制。 Plan of exhaust visible pollution vehicle reported cases manage plan and Idle-Stop advocacy and Inspection control, in 2013 year The main work of this project go through high - polluting vehicles spotted case management and propaganda activities of anti-idling policies, quantified objectives included anti-idling-stop air pollution caused 3,000 propaganda brochures,held six small parking idling stop policy propaganda activities Idle speed control and persuasion operations 3,000 motorcycles and to provide the Ministry of infrared thermal imager 1, to the inspection and control parking stall idling behavior is not exclusive. Another case for high-polluting vehicles spotted part of management operations, including the public to report cases of high-polluting vehicles 5,000 / month and no cases have been reviewed by the review of 1,000 / month, high-polluting vehicles occasional random testing at least 200 reported cases, treatment has been notified receipt of operating a vehicle test results, for high-polluting vehicles to encourage people to report a sweepstakes games. Another important task is to explore the mechanism of two-stroke motorcycles green white smoke and improvement measures, work content is a representative selection of two-stroke motorcycles three, two-stroke motorcycles to explore and produce white smoke exhaust duct obstruction green product oil, air filter , oil pump, oil supply and other relationships, etc., in order to understand the mechanism of two-stroke motorcycles green white smoke 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70687
101-102年度固定污染源體檢暨減量評鑑計畫 高屏地區主要產業為石化、鋼鐵、電力等能源密集工業,包括仁武、大社及林園等石化專區、擁有鋼鐵工廠密度最高的臨海工業區、3座使用化石燃料之發電廠,近年來亦陸續引進高科技產業,雖帶來當地經濟繁榮及就業機會,也造成當地的環境負荷。爰此,環保局為針對固定污染源進行減量與管理,有效掌握及管理轄區內固定污染源之排放狀況、達成環保局訂定之之環境空氣品質及研擬相關減量管制對策,並配合環保署推動總量管制計畫,則藉由本計畫持續強化空氣污染減量管理與總量管制作業,改善空氣品質,達到空氣污染減量與維護高雄市空氣品質之目標。本計畫主要工作重點分別為:一、 辦理固定污染源空氣污染防制各項評鑑作業。二、 研擬加嚴管制標準及工業區指紋建置作業。三、 推動揮發性有機物行業別清查減量及石化業歲修評鑑工作。本計畫三大工作重點其執行成果,說明如下:一、 辦理固定污染源空氣污染防制各項評鑑作業針對今年度辦理工廠固定污染源空氣污染防制體檢、減量評鑑、行業別減量輔導協談等各項評鑑作業,合計完成48家次,彙整本計畫102年至106年各年度公私場所預計完成之污染改善作為,其可能之污染削減量粒狀物363.48公噸、硫氧化物8,349.3公噸、氮氧化物1,927.78公噸與揮發性有機物191.7公噸。(一) 評鑑資料庫建置計畫中完成評鑑資料庫建置作業,本工作蒐整匯入近五年(98~102年)內固定污染源相關計畫評鑑工廠與輔導結果,共計3,608筆資料,合計有120家工廠資料,俾利未來環保局相關管制計畫或污染減量輔導之參考。(二) 歷年評鑑追蹤作業本計畫已針對過去98~101年之受評鑑對象共計完成62家減量評鑑追蹤作業,近三年之評鑑意見共計1,115項。二、 研擬加嚴標準及工業區指紋建置作業(一) 增訂管制措施或研擬加嚴標準(草案)1. 粒狀污染物目前環保署已公告新的粒狀物排放標準,因此本計畫建議管道中粒狀物污染物依循環保署已加嚴之草案即可,另本計畫建議針對轄內堆置場進行加嚴管制,研擬高雄市堆置場管理辦法(草案),藉以降低粒狀污染物之污染。2. 硫氧化物與氮氧化物由TEDs7.1的統計結果顯示(詳如2.2.2節),高雄市硫氧化物及氮氧化物之排放量與強度均為全國最高,因此本計畫建議同時加嚴硫氧化物及氮氧化物,研擬高雄市工業空氣污染減量管理條例,希望透過限制燃料(使用天然氣)及增設防制設備來降低高雄市之污染量。3. 揮發性有機物本市雖已加嚴設備元件之標準,但就目前公私場所之自我管理維護情形,仍未見較具體之改善措施,因此本計畫乃研修高雄市設備元件揮發性有機物管制及排放標準(修正草案),並建議建置「VOCs申報管理系統」,以提高對洩漏元件的掌握度。(二) 建立工業區揮發性有機物指紋資料本計畫依據契約規定之內容需於101年及102年各建置2座工業區之煙道指紋,本計畫已於101年完成臨廣工業區與岡山工業區及102年完成楠梓加工出口區與高雄科學園區之煙道指紋建置,另亦針對大發工業區、高雄加工出口區進行逐廠之煙道建置作業。(三) 排放管道揮發性有機物物種採樣檢測作業本計畫依據契約規定之內容需完成48根次煙道指紋之建置,本計畫已於101年完成臨廣加工出口區共8根次;岡山工業區共2根次,於102年完成楠梓加工出口區共9根次;高雄科學園區3根次,大發工業區共20根次與高雄加工出口共6根次,共計完成48根次之煙道檢測作業。三、 推動揮發性有機物行業別清查減量及石化業歲修評鑑工作(一) 行業別清查作業本計畫依據契約規定之內容需完成6個非屬法規列管之行業別清查作業及9場次行業別減量輔導協談作業,截至102年12月15號為止已完成合成橡膠製造業(4家)、船舶及其零件製造業(56家)、分類其他運輸工具及其零件製造業(9家)、普通倉儲業之清查作業(12家)、鋼鐵軋延及擠型業(31家)及其他塑膠製品製造業(162家)。(二) 歲修計畫書評鑑暨歲修報告書審查作業本計畫依據契約規定之內容需於11月底前已完成9場次之歲修計畫書評鑑作業,本計畫已完成9場次歲修計畫書評鑑作業,並已完成共24家公私場所進行歲修、提報歲修製程共87條製程均准予備查。本計畫自101年10月24日開始執行至102年12月31日為止,已完成所有工作內容並符合契約規範之工作量。 2012-2013 Stationary Sources Tests and Assessments Program The Kaohsiung and Pingtung region has been the center of heavy industries in Taiwan; petrochemical plants of the Renwu, Dashe, and Linyuan Industrial Parks, steel manufacturing factories of the Linhai Industrial Park, 3 fossil-fuel power plants, and the developing high-tech industry are all located in this region. These industries have promoted economical development and created job opportunities, but also brought heavy environmental burdens upon the Kaohsiung and Pingtung region. For this reason, the Kaohsiung Environmental Protection Bureau has strengthened its effort to manage and reduce the stationary source emissions within its jurisdiction, developing strategies to meet the emission standards set by EPA, and assisting EPA’s total-quantity-control plan to obtain better air quality in Kaohsiung City. The main foci of this project include: 1. Assessment of stationary source emission reduction projects. 2. Strengthening emission regulations and establishing the emission fingerprint database. 3. Reducing VOC emission and assessment of the maintenance of petrochemical plants.1. Assessment of stationary source emission reduction projects Assessment and counseling of emission reduction projects for 48 factories was completed this year. By 2017, Emission of TSP is going to reduce by 363.48 metric tons, SOx reduce by 8,349.3 metric tons, NOx reduce by 1,927.78 metric tons, VOCs reduce by 191.7 metric tons. 3,608 assessment and counseling reports for 120 different factories from the past 5 years (2009~2013) was collected and archived for future reference. Follow-ups of 62 assessments completed between 2009 and 2012 were conducted. 1,115 comments and advices were given over the past 3 years.2. Strengthening emission regulations and establishing the emission fingerprint database. Since the EPA has recently passed a more stringent emission standard for particulate emission from stationary sources, it is advised to simply comply with the EPA standard. The regulation of piling sites was proposed to reduce the dispersion of fugitive dust. According to the statistics from TEDs7.1, Kaohsiung City has the highest total emission and highest emission density of SOx and NOx in the entire nation. More stringent SOx and NOx regulation are required to promote the utilization of cleaner fuels and installation of control devices to reduce the air pollution in Kaohsiung. Even though the regulations to reduce VOC leakage from equipments and components were promulgated, the management and maintenance of these leakage-prone equipments were ineffective. Therefore, revised regulations and a “VOCs Reporting and Managing System” were proposed. The VOC emission fingerprinting of LinGuang and GunShan Industrial Parks was complete in 2012 and emission fingerprinting of Nanzi Export Processing Zone and Kaohsiung Science Park was completed in 2013. The emission fingerprinting of smoke stacks in Dafa Industrial Park and Kaohsiung Export Processing Zone were also commenced. A total of 48 stacks were sampled and analyzed, including 8 stacks in LinGuang Industrial Park, 2 stacks in GunShan Industrial Park, 9 stacks in Nanzi Export Processing Zone, 3 stacks in Luzhu Science Park, 20 stacks in Dafa Industrial Park, and 6 stacks in Kaohsiung Export Processing Zone.3. Cataloging of factories in different industries and the assessment of the maintenance of petrochemical plants. Factories from 6 different industries were cataloged; 6 synthetic rubber manufacturers, 56 ship and parts manufacturers, 9 unclassified vehicles and parts manufacturers, 12 warehousing companies, 31 steel rolling and extruding factories, and 162 unclassified plastic product manufacturer were identified. Assessments of 9 annual maintenances of petrochemical plants were completed by September of 2013. Additional 87 maintenance projects from 24 different companies were archived for future reference. This project was carried out from October 24th, 2012 to December 31st, 2013. All work contents were completed as specified in the contract. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70716
高雄市河川揚塵防制及改善推動計畫 本計畫自102年5月17日執行至103年5月16日,完成期末前預定進度,以下就目前執行成果進行簡要說明:本計畫已完成高屏溪沿岸污染源調查,其中里港大橋及里嶺大橋間的砂石場及疏濬工程,及於里嶺大橋上游、斜張橋下游,高屏溪攔河堰上下游及潭平路外堤防四個區位的河川裸露灘地為高屏溪沿岸主要污染來源,而高屏溪因汛枯水期明顯,於汛水期間,大雨沖刷高屏溪沿岸低灘地,以致於低水位時呈現大幅灘地裸露,於強烈風勢下將造成河川揚塵事件。由歷年空品資料顯示,94年至103年3月底共計發生因河川揚塵事件所造成之空品不良事件共計15站日。整體而言高屏溪沿岸懸浮微粒濃度自民國85年已呈現逐年改善之趨勢,懸浮微粒的高濃度的好發月份仍集中於每年10~12月及隔年1~3月間。統計102年5月至103年4月150天次巡查中,其中共發現4天次河川揚塵事件,日期為102年7/1、7/2、8/6日及103年2/6,揚塵事件日主要揚塵河段為林園區潭平路外堤防、大樹區攔河堰管理中心下游0.5km處及攔河堰上游至斜張橋河段,主要影響區域為大樹區、大寮區,次要影響區域為林園區、旗山區及美濃區。其配合現地巡查作業調查分析指出,與101年度比較特別之處為河川揚塵事件日中,本年度位於林園區潭平路外堤防之裸露地於相似之氣象條件下,現場觀察發現其裸露地揚塵面積、揚塵量及影響範圍皆大幅減少,另從揚塵事件日位於潭平路外堤防裸露地北方之大寮測站所測得之PM10濃度亦大幅降低,由現地裸露地及測站數據判斷造成此現象的主要原因為本年度潭平路外堤防裸露地植生生長狀況良好、植生茂密,當有揚塵事件發生時,此河段植生能有效抑制裸露地揚塵揚起,另七河局於沿岸裸露地施作之工法也都有效抑制裸露地揚塵揚起。本年度除橫向聯繫屏東縣環保局及河川管理單位進行高屏溪揚塵管制之協商會議外,另業已辦理二場次高屏溪河川揚塵預通報演練作業,加強於河川揚塵事件發生後,高屏二縣市的聯繫機制,將有助於未來管制河川揚塵之效。 102 annual the Kaohsiung coastal dust affect the investigation, control and improvement management plan This project since May 17, 2013 execution to May 16, 2014, completed on schedule before the end of the period, the following brief description of the current implementation of the outcome:This project has been completed Kaoping coastal pollution investigations, gravel pits and dredging works in Li- gang Bridge and the bridge between upstream in Li-ling Bridge, the cable-stayed bridge downstream of the weir downstream Kaoping and Tan Ping Road embankment outside the four rivers bare beach location for major pollution sources Kaoping coast, while Kaoping dry season due to flood obvious during the flood water, rain washes Kaoping low coastal beaches that showed substantial at low water beach naked, in the strong winds will cause rivers dust events.Air quality information from the calendar year 2005 to the end of March 2014 due to poor air quality events caused rivers dust events occurred a total of 15 stations in total. Overall, the concentration of suspended particles Kaoping coast has been presented since 1966 to improve year by year, the high concentration of suspended particles predilection month still concentrated in 10 to 12 months and the next year between 1 to 3 months per yearStatistics from May 2013 to April 2014 in 150 days of inspections, which were found in four days time river dust events, dated 2013, 7/1, 7/2, 8/6, and 2014 2/6, the dust event major river of dust outside the park Tam Lin Ping Road embankments, trees District weir at the management center and 0.5km downstream weir upstream to the river-stayed bridge, the main impact area for the Dashu Dist, Daliao Dist, sub-to the affected area as Linya Dist,Meinong Dist and Qishan DistThat comparing with 2013 dust event so special for the river, the year Linya Dist is located outside the Tanping Road in bare ground under similar meteorological conditions observed on site exposed to the dust of their area, dust volume and scope are significantly reduced, PM10 concentrations from another level of dust events, outside the dike north of bare ground measured Daliao stations are also significantly reduced from the current bare-ground station data and determine the cause of this phenomenon the main reason for the current year the lake level road embankment outside the bare ground vegetation grew well, lush vegetation, when a dust event occurs, this river vegetation can effectively suppress dust raised bare ground, and the other along the bare ground Seventh River Management Office applied for the construction method also effectively inhibited exposed to dust raisedIn addition to horizontal linkages year Pingtung County Environmental Protection Bureau and river management units Kaoping dust control of consultative meetings, the other two sessions Kaoping river has been handled dust pre-notification drills operations, strengthening the dust after the river incident, Pingtung II county liaison mechanism will help future regulatory effectiveness of river dust. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70717
101~102柴油車動力站維護管理計畫 高雄市柴油車動力站維護管理計畫分別操作維護高雄市環保局所屬動力計檢測站,包含岡山站、仁武站及小港站執行柴油車排煙檢測作業,針對行駛本市或行經本市之柴油車輛,透過目視判煙、民眾檢舉、自主管理、自動到檢及不合格複驗等到檢來源,利用全負載、無負載、目測判煙及車牌辨識系統執行數量,依據101年度環保署考評要點之使用中柴油車納管比率計算,101年度柴油車納管比率達47.0%,102年度為64.0%。研擬「高雄市固定污染源排放減量抵換柴油車污染改善之政策」,兩個年度清查林園工業區、臨海工業區、大發工業區、仁大工業區等進行車隊屬性調查並邀請加入自主管理,輔導工廠在承攬契約加註或訂定進出之柴油車輛須依規定加入「高屏空品區柴油車客貨運業者自主管理共通規範」,取得污染度分級核可標籤才可進入廠區,已完成8間工廠訂定,分別為台灣中油股份有限公司、東聯化學股份有限公司、聯成化學科技股份有限公司…等公司。101年度共計有145家車隊2,697輛加入自主管理;102年度共計有180家2,063輛加入自主管理。本計畫首次對高雄港區進行管制,研擬「高雄市特定空氣品質淨區柴油車排煙管制」自治條例,透過多場次的港區協調會,主要與台灣港務股份有限公司進行協商,除了協請提供進出港區柴油車輛提供相關資料,並要求於運載貨物及運載之承攬契約,加註車隊應加入自主管理共通規範,分析102年度加入自主管理車輛,有109家車隊公司共計1,235輛加入自主管理,其車輛期別屬三期車最多達35.1%。本計畫另一項主軸為落實檢修確保車輛排煙狀況合乎標準為目標,結合「保養為主、檢驗為輔」之理念,輔導加入自主管理車輛至本局認可保養廠維修保養後,直接由保養廠進行檢測及核發合格標籤;或自主管理車輛至合格保養廠維修保養後,亦可至本局所屬柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢測,合格後核發合格標籤。本計畫完成10家認可柴油車保養廠,分別為英屬維京群島商永德福汽車(股)公司台灣分公司、裕益汽車股份有限公司(民族、仁武廠) …等保養廠,並完成派訓各廠2名技術人員受「柴油車排放煙度儀器檢查人員訓練」,且輔導執行「柴油汽車排氣煙度試驗方法及程序-無負載急加速檢測」之能力。對於三處動力計檢測站品保品管及TAF認證作業皆維持,以確保各站排氣檢驗之品質及檢驗結果具備之公信力。有關站內設備維護包含有柴油車檢測軟體更新維護及周邊硬體增設例如隔間工程、辦公家具設置、監控系統升級、熱水器裝設和綠美化作業等 101 year and 102 year diesel car power station maintenance management plan Kaohsiung diesel power station maintenance and management plans were an operation and maintenance of the dynamometer testing stations belonging to Kaohsiung EPA including Gangshan Station, Renwu Station, Xiaogang station to perform the diesel emissions testing operation. It mainly focused on the diesel vehicles traveling in the city or passing through the city. The testing was through a visual determination of smoke, public prosecution, self-management, automated inspection and retesting for the unqualified vehicles with the executed number by using full load, no load, visual determination of smoke and license plate recognition system, based on the calculation of the ratio of the controlled diesel vehicles in use in 2012 EPA evaluation points. In 2012, the rate of controlled diesel vehicles reaches 47.0%; 2013 64.0%. To draft “The diesel vehicles pollution improvement policy of Kaohsiung stationary pollution source emission reductions tradeoff,” two years were spent to inventory Lin Yuan Industrial Zone , Linhai Industrial Park, Dafa Industrial Zone, Renda Industrial Zone, to name a few and invite them to join the self-management. The counselling factories added the rules that “In Kaohsiung-Pingtung air quality area, diesel vehicles passenger and freight industry self-management common norms" should be added to the traveling diesel vehicles. After obtaining the pollution classification approved label, the vehicles were allowed into the factories. Eight factories have done the addition of the rule, namely CPC Corporation, Taiwan, Oriental Union Chemical Corporation, Union Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. …etc. In 2012, there was a total of 145 motorcade including 2,697 vehicles joining the self-management; in 2013, there was a total of 180 motorcade including 2,063 vehicles joining the self-management. The plan, for the first time, put control on Kaohsiung Port Area by drafting the autonomy regulations on “the diesel vehicle exhaust control in Kaohsiung City specific air purifier area.” Through multiple sessions of the Port Coordination, the consultations were mainly done with Taiwan International Ports Corporation Ltd. In addition to asking them to provide the relevant information of diesel vehicles accessing to the port area, their motorcade should be added to the common standard of self-management on the contract of goods transportation and carriage. The analysis of the vehicles added to the self-management in 2013, including 109 motorcade with 1,235 vehicles, showed the vehicles are with 3-stroke version, reaching up to 35.1%. Another objective of this plan is to implement the vehicle maintenance and inspection to ensure that vehicles meet the standard, combined with the notion of “maintenance first, inspection second.” The vehicles under self-management should be counselled to go to the maintenance factories approved by EPA for maintenance for testing directly and issuance of qualified label by the maintenance factories; in addition, after self-management vehicles went to the qualified maintenance factories for maintenance, they can also be tested in the diesel vehicles emissions testing stations for the issuance of qualified label after approved. Under the project, 10 approved diesel vehicles maintenance factories are Scania Group Taiwan Branch, Sheng Ye Group (Minzu, Renwu factories) …etc. Two technicians from each factory have completed the “the training of inspectors in charge of diesel vehicles exhaust emissions equipment" and the counselling of the execution ability of diesel motor vehicles exhaust emissions testing methods and procedures—unloaded and extreme acceleration detection.” As for three dynamometer testing stations, the quality assurance, quality control and TAF certified operation are all maintained to ensure the quality of the exhaust inspection in the stations and its test results with credibility. The equipment maintenance in the station includes diesel vehicle testing software updates, maintenance and upgrading peripheral hardware such as compartments engineering, office furniture setup, monitoring system upgrades, installation of water heaters and green landscaping operation and so on. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70558
101~102年總量管制暨移動源削減量抵換計畫 本計畫彙整歷年各局處推動之交通政策,進行公車、捷運以及公共腳踏車之效益分析,並製作試算範例提供各局處運用;邀請專家學者藉由層級分析法調查得出權重值,並評選出以大眾運輸相關政策為優先。 2012-2013 EMISSION LIMIT CONTROL AND MOBILE POLLUTION SOURCE MINIMIZING AND EXCHANGING PROJECT In this project, we collected diverse traffic policies promoted by bureaus and analyzed the benefits of buses, MRT and public bikes. We provided a calculation sample for bureaus to apply. The weight value was derived by Analytic Hierarchy Process, and we choose public transportation-related policies as a priority through public appraisal. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70722
101~102柴油車路邊排煙攔檢管制計畫 本計畫執行期程以決標次日起開始執行至102年12月31日止,各項工作皆配合進度規劃執行。以量化目標項目中,目測判煙稽查車輛數計完成6,294輛次;路邊攔檢檢測車次達2,516輛,不合格492輛次;油品含硫量及芳香烴抽油已達922件(含加油站抽驗120站家);船舶目測判煙(含交通船、觀光渡輪、商船等)計執行11場;大客貨車用油列管達117家;加強查緝非法油品車輛數達14輛次。102年不定期排煙稽查數之達成率19%(路攔不合格率)。另計畫中需邀請行政院環保署、學者專家、柴油車客貨運公會、遊覽車商業同業公會、本府代表、社區、停車場業者、工廠或工業區業者,舉辦機動車輛怠速管理辦法說明會2場,已於101年5月30日及102年6月7日各舉辦完成1場;及協助編印機動車輛怠速造成空氣污染宣導單已達5,000份;機動車輛減少怠速行為之電台廣告託播共計撥出272檔次;空氣品質議題專訪、新聞稿及技術轉移皆依規劃進度之時間完成。 101year and 102 year diesel car roadside discharges fume blocks examines the control plan The project implementation scheduled the day after the tender awarding date till December 31, 2013. All the tasks were executed as scheduled. In the quantified target items, as for the visual determination of smoke inspectors, a total of 6,294 vehicles has been completed; the number of vehicles completing roadside inspection had reached up to 2,516 cars, with 492 vehicles unqualified; the sulphur amount and aromatic pumping oil had reached 922 (including 120 testing at the gas stations); as for the ship visual determination of smoke (including transportation boats, sightseeing ferries, merchant ships…etc), there were 11 done; as for big vans, the oil in 117 places had been controlled; the number of illegal vehicles under strengthened investigation had reached 14. In 2013, the achievement rate of the number of unscheduled inspection of the exhaust had reached 19% (road check disqualified rate). Besides, in the project, two conventions of motor vehicle idling management approach were encouraged to be held by scholars and experts from Environmental Protection Administration, diesel passenger and freight associations, tour buses association, government representatives, community and parking lot operators, industry factories or industrial areas operators. There were two conventions held in May 30, 2012 and June 7, 2013 respectively. The advocacy flyers printed on idling vehicles causing air pollution had reached 5,000; the radio broadcast advertising about reducing motor vehicle idling had reached 272 times; interviews on air quality issues, press releases and technology transfer had been completed as scheduled. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70561
101~102年高雄市營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收管制計畫 高雄市「101~102年高雄市營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收管制計畫」自101年4月14日開始執行,執行項目分兩大區塊,空污費徵收作業以及服務作業,兩大作業包含了營建工程開工申報案件審查、營建工程結算申報案件審查、營建工地空污費催補繳獵漏查訪行動、舉辦營建工程空氣污染防制費宣導說明會、製發營建工程空氣污染防制費法規宣導手冊以及進行問卷調查等 2012-2013 Kaohsiung City Construction Air Pollution Fee’s Charge Plan 2012-2013 Kaohsiung City Construction Air Pollution Fee’s Charge Plan started at 2012.4.14, included imposing the air pollution fee of newly and completed constructions, requesting the air pollution fee unpaid, patrolling the construction sites, raising explanation sessions, producing guardian booklets about construction air pollution fee, carrying out questionnaire survey. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70709
101-102逸散性污染源稽查管制計畫 本計畫自101年4月18日起開始執行,主要工作項目包含逸散性粒狀污染物稽巡查作業、逸散性管制作業、認養周邊道路洗掃作業、重大污染即時錄影監控、周界TSP檢測作業、減量輔導、宣導活動、問卷調查及其他相關業務等。 2012~2013 Kaohsiung City fugitive pollution source inspection and control project This project started from 18 April, 2012. The main work items include fugitive particulate matter inspection operations, fugitive control operations, cleaning and washing operation of surrounding roads, instant video surveillance of major pollution, ambient TSP inspection, reduction counseling, promotion activities, surveys and other related issues. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70693
101-102年汰舊二行程機車暨新購電動車輛補助計畫 本計畫主要工作係辦理高雄市汰舊二行程機車補助及汰舊二行成機車並新購新購電動車輛補助工作,目標為2年汰舊二行程機車6萬輛及新購電動車輛5千輛。另辦理針對社區、工業區及學校等辦理相關宣導活動共計10場次,及辦理車輛回收商、電動車輛廠商座談會共計6場次。為加強對民眾之宣導並置製作宣導海報及布條共計6千份,宣導品6千份,辦理2場次大型宣導抽獎活動。鼓勵民眾騎乘電動車輛並規劃於本市各行政區設置50座電動車輛充電站,提升民眾騎乘電動車輛意願。此外,本計畫持續針對本市澄清湖空品淨區進行稽查管制工作,並研擬空品淨區執行可行性評估工作,目的為增加本市其他空品淨區之設置。另辦理縣市觀摩活動計2場次,藉由觀摩其他縣市對於汰舊二行程機車或推動電動車輛有卓越績效之縣市進行參訪。 The plan of Eliminating the old two-stroke motorcycles and New electric vehicle purchase subsidy program in101-102 years The purposes of this project are to eliminating subsidy for Two-stroke motorcycles, eliminate Two-stroke motorcycles as well as provide new subsidy for purchasing electronic cars. The goal is to eliminate 60 thousands Two-stroke motorcycles as well as purchase 5 thousands electronic vehicle in two years. Besides, the Kaohsjung city will hold 10 relevant promotional activities for the community, schools and other industrial areas as well as six seminars for vehicle recyclers and electric car manufacturers.In order to let the public get more understanding in this new policy, the Kaohsjung city will make posters and banners with total amount of six thousand copies and six thousand copies of promotional products as well as hold two draw promotion activities. In addition, for encouraging the public to ride electronic vehicle, the Kaohsjung city will set up 50 charging stations for the electric vehicle.Moreover, this project will continue inspecting cleanzone of Chengcing Lake and evaluate the feasibility of implementing new facilities to protect air quality in other areas in Kaohsiung. Then, Kaohsjung will hold two visiting tours for learning other counties with good experience of eliminating Two-stroke motorcycles. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70686
第二屆環保行動劇競賽專案工作計畫 藉由戲劇競賽,增進社會大眾正確的環保概念,把對環境關懷的種子播種在每個人的心中,宣傳環保理念,配合環保署施政四大策略主軸-節能減碳酷地球、資源循環零廢棄、去污保育護生態、清淨家園樂活化之議題及具有環境教育意義之環保戲劇為主,以實際行動去影響身邊的每一個人。 The 2nd environment drama contest The 2nd environment drama contest is focusing on the PEA vision and the main strategies: saving energy and reducing carbon emissions to cool the earth; recycling resources to achieve zero waste; eliminating pollution to protect the ecosystem; cleaning neighborhoods and promoting lifestyles of health and sustainability. The event is to promote the concept of environment protection to the public. Everyone has a duty to protect the environment. So we are not only concern the environment but also to act and share the idea to everyone.(Interim) 103 綜計處 財團法人公共電視文化事業基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70647
102年度臺南市空氣品質監測站資訊顯示系統操作維護及分析作業計畫 本計畫主要執行目標係藉臺南市空氣品質監測站顯示系統設備維護工作,確保運轉正常及數據品質,同時彙整維修紀錄表及改善建議報告,提供環保局掌握維修狀況。並修訂測站維護之標準作業程序及維護檢查表格以確保維護品質,配合達成環保署監測站考核標準。計畫期程:102年07月05日至103年07月04日計畫執行成果簡述如下:一、自動監測站部分(一)監測站操作維護城西里站及楠西站定期進行包括每週維護(52次)、每月維護(12次)、季維護(4次)、半年維護(1次)及年維護(1次),所有作業皆依工作進度進行,計畫執行期間各設備之妥善率均達到100%。季維護執行之分析儀多點校正,第1~4季之相關係數皆在0.995以上,斜率皆在0.88~1.12之間,截距皆介於±2%F.S.,均符合測站績效查核標準。(二)數據管理102年07月至103年06月為止,各項分析儀及氣象設備之資料獲取率皆符合規範之85%以上。(三)監測結果1.PSI不良日102年07月至103年06月底止新營站有15站日不良,善化站有10站日不良;安南站有19站日不良;臺南站有12站日不良。其間共發生1日的臭氧事件日,發生4日懸浮微粒事件日。2.空氣品質標準比對新營站、善化站、臺南站及安南站歷年PM10與O3超標頻率與PSI>100的頻率。在PM10部分,新營站歷年超標頻率介於5.46%~12.05%;善化站歷年超標頻率介於0.82%~4.93%;臺南站歷年超標頻率介於0.82%~4.97%;安南站歷年超標頻率介於0.27%~7.18%。而在O3部分,新營站歷年超標頻率介於16.99%~37.26%;善化站歷年超標頻率介於16.99%~37.26%;臺南站歷年超標頻率介於32.33%~47.40%;安南站歷年超標頻率介於31.23%~44.66%。二、小西門資訊看板部分(一)定期線路檢查及環境清潔每月份檢查次數皆在1次以上。(二)顯示看板資料更新作業計畫執行期程製作之相關文宣檔統計及撥放內容合計共達334筆,其中環保局共69筆。三、人工監測站部分(一)監測站操作維護每月上、下半月定期進行監測站之操作及維護工作,並於次月10日前提交報表以供備查;計畫執行期間各設備之妥善率均達到100%。(二)校正作業每月一次之單點檢查、每季一次之多點校正,各別於102年07、10月及103年01月及04月執行第1~4季各人工測站多點流量校正,而每半年一次之追溯一級流量校正作業分別於102年07月04日及103年01月03日執行,各項校正結果均符合規範要求。 (三)監測結果本年度TSP監測結果中,自102年07月至103年06月各人工監測站監測結果並無超過空氣品質標準24小時值(250μg/m3);歷年(99年~103年06月)本市TSP監測結果顯示各年度之趨勢大抵一致,均呈現冬季高、夏季低之趨勢;歷年之年幾何平均值均未超過空氣品質標準年幾何平均值130 μg/m3。自102年07月至103年06月各人工監測站落塵量監測屬於極輕微污染122站次(85.0%)為主,屬於輕微污染為21站(15%);另外統計歷年(99年~103年)之各站落塵量平均值,顯示落塵量年均值逐年下降,但103年則有增加之情況,最低測值為101年平均為2.31公噸/平方公里/月。在PM10部分,以102年11月白河區衛生所站測值197 μg/m3為最高,以102年07月學甲區公所站測值10 μg/m3為最低。在PM2.5部分,以新化區公所站測值平均值74 μg/m3為最高,以103年06月白河衛生所站測值3 μg/m3為最低。TSP分析中各成分監測值中氯鹽含量介於0.46~6.22 μg/m3,硝酸鹽含量介於1.01~19.01 μg/m3,硫酸鹽含量介於2.19~38.72 μg/m3,鉛含量介於0.001~0.199 μg/m3。在歷年測值部分,均呈現冬季高、夏季低的趨勢。在PM2.5佔/PM10比例中,各人工測站之比值介於0.09~0.91,而各自動站之比值則介於0.13~0.69,兩者略有差異。另外,針對整體平均而言,人工測站為0.68,自動測站則為0.50,以人工測站比值相對較高,考量人工測站與自動測站之分析原理不同,兩者之比對僅作參考。(四)精密度測試每季依序完成本市12座人工測站的精密度測試,計畫自102年07月至103年06月共完成12站次的併行採樣作業,整體誤差百分比介於1.06%至9.01 %之間,均符合誤差10 %以內之要求。 102 year air quality monitoring stations Tainan information display system operation and maintenance and analysis of operations plans This plan mainly executed the maintenance service of Tainan Air Quality Monitoring Display System to make sure the normal operation and the data quality for equipment, it also collected the log sheet of entire service and the improved suggestions provided to the Tainan Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) to realize the service conditions. Further to this, it offered revised standard of operational procedure and the maintenance test to guarantee the maintenance quality and met the inspection monitoring station assessment criteria from Central Environmental Administration Bureau.Plan of Cheng:From 5th July 2013 to 4th July 2014.The achievement of this project is stated below:First, Automatic Station(1)Monitoring Station’s operation and maintenance Regular Maintenance included weekly maintenance (52 times), monthly maintenance (12 times), and quarterly maintenance (4 times), and half-yearly maintenance (2 times) and yearly maintenance (1 time), all works based on this plan schedule to carry on and all equipments in the execution period led to achieve 100% properly.Quarterly maintenance in analyzers’ of multi-spot calibration, its correlation coefficient all above 0.995, the slope all between 0.88~1.12, the intercept was between ±2%F.S., conformed to the Quality Check of survey Air Monitoring Standard.(2)Data ManagementAll the data acquisition rate of all analyzers were all above 85%, the meteorological equipments were above 85%.(3)Explanation of monitoring result1.PSI for bad days: From July 2013 to June 2014, Sinying station has had 15 bad days, Shanhua station has had 10 bad days, Annan station has had 19 bad days and Tainan station has had 12 bad days. During the time period, ozone events were occurred for 1 days; in a addition, the aerosol event of occurred for 1 day.2. Air Quality Standard: Comparing with PSI index and Air Quality Standard in the ozone portion. Over the years, the PM10, Sinying station was beyond the frequency range from 5.46% ~12.05%, Shanhua station range from 0.82% ~4.93%, Tainan station range from 0.82% ~4.93%, Annan station range from 0.27% ~7.18%. The O3, Sinying station was beyond the frequency range from 16.99% ~32.26%, Shanhua station range from 16.99% ~37.26%, Tainan station range from 32.33% ~47.40%, Annan station range from 31.23% ~44.66%.Second, Xiaosimeng information electronic monitoring system(1)Regular line inspection and environmental cleanEvery inspection is above 1 times per 1 month.(2)Update of display boardThis plan in the execution period with 334 times advertisements was including the EPB took 69 times. Third, the manual monitoring station(1)Operation and maintenance in monitoring stationIt had to conduct the regular service and maintenance in every beginning of the month and end of the month. For the next month, submitting the report and make sure all various equipments led to 100% properly ration before 10th.(2)Calibration ProcessFor single point check before and after sampling, the flow should be between 40 to 60 CFM and the error was between ±7%. For quarterly multi-spot calibration (2013/7.10., 2014/01.10), each error was between ±5%, and the R value was bigger than 0.995. Every half year conducted primary standard calibration (2013/7/4, 2013/1/3) the R value was 0.9999. All the calibration result in this plan met the regulation.(3) Monitoring resultIn this year, TSP monitoring result from July 2013 to June 2014, were complied with the air quality standard 24 hourly value (250 μg/m3). All previous years from 2008 to June 2014 were this city TSP monitoring result showed that consistent tendency, presented the winter was high and the summer was low. Over the years, annual geometric average value has not exceeded the annual geometric average of air quality standard which is 130 μg/m3. In the dust fall of quantity monitoring part from July 2013 to June 2014, each manual station classified as the extremely slight pollution class. All previous years which are from 2010 to 2014 for each station and dust fall demonstrated that reducing the measured values. However, in year 2013 from January to June’s dust fall were also lower slighly. For average value of PM10 station, Baihe middle school is the highest average value which is 197 μg/m3, and Syuejia elementary school is the lowest value which is 10 μg/m3. For average value of PM2.5 station, Shjhs sewage station is the highest average value which is 74 μg/m3, and Baihe clinics station is the lowest average value which is 3 μg/m3. TSP monitoring value of each component which the range in the analysis of chlorine in salt content is between 0.46 ~ 6.22 μg/m3, the range of nitrate content is between 1.01 ~ 19.01 μg/m3, the range of sulphate content is between 2.19 ~ 38.72 μg/m3, and the range of lead level is between 0.001 to 0.199 μg/m3. For measured values over the years, the tendency showed the higher value in winter and lower value in summer. In PM2.5 and PM10 ratios, the range of the manual stations is between 0.09 to 0.91, and the range of the automatic stations is between 0.13 to 0.69. Both of values has slight difference. In addition, for the overall average, the manual station is 0.68 and automatic station is 0.50, so the manual station is relatively higher which is considering the difference between manual and automatic station regarding analysis theory. Thus, the comparison is only for the reference.(4) Accuracy testThis plan completed 12 manual stations for the accuracy quarterly tests in which all the present stage did 12 times parallel sampling work and the whole error percentage was between 1.06% to 9.01%, meets the erroneous within 10% requirement. 102 台南市環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70623
101-102年度CEMS系統管理計畫 本計畫於完成議價後,即根據服務建議書所提出之工作方法與範疇界定內容著手進行各項計畫工作。目前第一批列管連線煙道依其製程別包括:鍋爐發電程序、水泥製造程序及電弧爐煉鋼程序,共有21家工廠,64根次煙道﹔第二批列管連線煙道為廢棄物焚化程序,共有5家工廠,14根次煙道﹔第三批為鍋爐發電程序(80~130公噸/小時)、化學製造程序及鐵礦初級熔煉之煉焦與燒結程序,共有12家工廠,36根次煙道﹔及自行連線4廠10根次連線,高雄市境內共計31家公私場所124根次連線煙道。統計至102/12/31,各年度工作項目皆如期達成,優先查核對象以近年未查核及過去查核結果不佳為主。工作進度表請參閱表4-1,各項查核工作期程摘要表請參閱表4-3。在前置作業方面,依據管理辦法及相關審查規定,修定連續自動監測設施查核及品保作業程序,分別於101年5月18日及102年1月30日提送完成。監測儀器功能查核方面: 101年度共計已完成32根次煙道相對準確度測試查核,完成率100%,除中區P001 HCl未合格外,其餘測項合格率皆為100%,偏移校正因子(BAF)以二氧化硫發生率較高(13%),不透光率校正誤差查核執行30根次煙道,完成率100%,低、中、高範圍合格率均為100%,誤差大部分小於1%﹔而標準氣體查核執行35根次,完成率100%,各測項皆合格,誤差大部分小於5%;二氧化氮查核進行26根次,完成率100%,整體之轉化率為94.38%,與100年度之平均值91.11%相比已提升3.27%。102年度共計已完成38根次煙道相對準確度測試查核,完成率100%,現階段合格率皆為100%,偏移校正因子(BAF)以排放流率發生率較高(34%),不透光率校正誤差查核執行38根次煙道,完成率100%,低、中、高範圍合格率均為100%,誤差大部分小於1%﹔而標準氣體查核執行45根次,完成率100%,各測項皆合格,誤差大部分小於5%;二氧化氮查核進行22根次,完成率100%,整體之轉化率為90.92%;對於轉化率較差之工廠已於查核後建議廠商應自行定期測試,轉化率低時應更換相關耗材,發生BAF之煙道查核後也請廠商留意是否有系統性偏移之情形。監督查核方面: 101年度共計完成26組相對準確度測試監督查核及20組不透光率監督查核,102年度共計完成30組相對準確度測試監督查核及25組不透光率監督查核。由於監督查核工作為工廠自行執行查核時到廠監督,確認工廠是否依法規確實執行,目前皆符合法規之要求。 監測資料品質方面: 每月定期進行月報審查,並完成日、月報傳輸率及有效監測時數百分比統計,部分工廠因資料處理系統軟硬體異常或廠內異常停電,皆可能造成數據遺失或漏傳,目前日報與月報傳輸率皆能達到100%。月報表方面,各多數公私場所皆能依每月的審查意見進行修正,月報缺失比率皆有下降的趨勢,每季有效率除101年第1季台塑仁武P751及102年第1季龍慶鋼鐵低於85%,其餘各廠皆達85%以上,每日檢查各廠上傳日報,目前並無逾限超過管制次數之情形,並持續統計各廠排放量與排放趨勢,除101年中油大林P008 NOx排放量超過10%外,其餘皆符合許可,整體排放趨勢未有環保署公告案例之異常情形。現場評鑑作業方面: 101年與102年各完成15場工廠現場查核工作,完成率100%,已發文告知廠商相關缺失,並將廠商回覆說明彙整完成,101年度缺失已追蹤完成,缺失改善完成率為100%,102年度缺失也將依工廠所提期程進行追蹤工作。法規符合度查核部份:101年與102年各完成51根次與55根次查核作業,完成率100%,而對於查核缺失部分亦持續追蹤輔導改善作業,為了確認各廠改善情形工作小組不定時並至各廠進行追查作業,藉此提昇連線工廠品保品管,增加連線資料之正確性與可靠度,而目前尚未改善缺失多為工廠承辦人員不熟悉相關作業而延遲修正,這兩年主要不符法規之項目皆為有效率不足85%,分別為台塑仁武與龍慶鋼鐵,未來應注意這兩廠有效率符合情形。新增管理作為部份: 由於過去曾有廠商利用監測儀器可寫入公式之方式,規避逾限測值,因此查核中利用高濃度氣體測試監測儀器對於超過排放標準之測值是否能夠正常顯示,目前查核之工廠皆能正常顯示超過排放標準之測值。近年管理成效: 近三年來在CEMS管理上,除法規所規定的項目外,並新增NO2的轉化率查核(目標90%)與高濃度查核(排放標準查核),說明如下:1. NO2的轉化率:100年~102年轉化率分別為91.1%、94.4%及90.2%,整體平均值皆達到預設目標,102年度由於台電南火與台電興達查核狀況不佳導致整體轉化率下降,目前台電南火已完成改善,未完成改善之工廠將持續追蹤,並納入未來查核優先名單。2. 高濃度查核:為確認各監測儀器能正廠顯示逾限值,自101年起使用超過排放標準之氣體進行查核,近2年各監測儀器皆能正常顯示逾限值。維護連線系統功能與通訊環境方面: 為了使環保局主機系統運作順利,對於主機功能與轉檔模組之轉檔效能瑩諮公司定期進行維護與資料備,以提高資料之可用率,使局端連線系統能更加完善。 2012-2013 Annual CEMS System Management Project Five objectives in the project execution:1. to revise the standard operating procedures of CEMS instrument checks and quality assurance2. to review and audit the monitoring facilities and monitoring data accuracy in the factories installed with continuous automatic monitoring equipment3. to help check whether the connection data specification is corresponding to "stationary sources of air pollutants CEMS management approach" in order to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data4. to haveCEMS system on-site evaluation and regulatory compliance inspection operations5. to maintain the database system functions and communication environment Upon completion of this project bargaining, all the tasks were on the go according to the working methods and the definition of the content and scope stated in the service proposal. Currently the manufacturing procedures of the first controlled connected row of the flue pipe include: boiler power generation procedures, cement manufacturing procedures and the electric arc furnace steelmaking procedures. There was a total of 21 factories, 64 times of the flue; the second batch of connected flue tube are waste incineration procedures with five factories and 14 times of the flue; the third batch is the boiler power generation procedures (80 to 130 tonnes/hour), chemical manufacturing procedures and iron primary smelting and sintering procedures, with a total of 12 factories and 36 times of the flue and self-connected four factories with 10 times of the connection. In Kaohsiung City, there is a total of 31 public and private factories with 124 times of the connected flue. Till 2013/112/31, Statistics showed that each annual work tasks have been done as scheduled, priority check fell on those who had poor results from the recent years of the past. The working schedule is shown on Table 4-1, and the summary of the audit work schedule can be seen on Table 4-3. In the pre-operational aspects, according to the review of management practices and relevant regulations, the revision of the CEMS checking and quality assurance operating procedures have been completed the submission, respectively on May 18,2012 and January 30, 2013.Monitoring equipment function checks aspects: In 2012, it have been completed the relative accuracy test audit with 32 times of the flue, with the completion rate of 100%; except P001 HCl is not qualified in the central area; the remaining testing items are qualified all at the rate of 100%. As for the offset correction factor (BAF), the occurrences of sulfur dioxide are at a higher rate of 13%, the error correction opacity performed in the check of the flue with 30 times of the flue with the completion rate of 100%; the low, medium and high range of pass rate is all 100% with the majority less than 1%; the standard gas check executed is of 35 times with the completion rate of 100%, and each measuring items are all qualified with the error mostly less than 5%; nitrogen dioxide checks are carried out for 26 times with the completion rate of 100%, and overall conversion rate of 94.38%. Compared with the average of 91.11% in 2011, it has been upgraded by 3.27%. In 2013, the relative accuracy test audit has been done on 38 times of the flues with the completion rate of 100%. At the present stage, the qualified rate is all at 100%; as for the Bias Adjustment factor (BAF), the incidence of the discharge flow rate was higher (34%), the opacity correction checking has been done on 38 times of the flue with the completion rate of 100%; the low, medium and high range pass rate was 100% with the error less than 1%; the checking and implementation of the standard gas was 45 times with the completion rate of 100%; each measuring items are qualified, and the error was mostly less than 5%; nitrogen dioxide checks have been carried out for 22 times with the completion rate of 100% so the overall conversion rate was 90.92%; as for the factories with poor conversion rate, after the checking, they are suggested to regularly test on their own. During the poor conversion-rate period, the related supplied should be replaced. As for the flue checking of BAF, manufacturers should pay attention to the condition of systematic bias. Monitor audit aspects: In 2012, it has completed a total of 26 sets relative accuracy test audit and supervision and 20 sets of opacity oversight audit. In 2013, 30 sets of relative accuracy test audit and supervision; 25 sets of opacity checks. Because the monitoring the audit was done by the factory itself with supervision to confirm whether the factory actually executed in accordance with regulations. Currently, they are all in compliance with the requirements .Monitoring data quality aspects: Monthly regular review, the completion journal and monthly journal and the valid monitoring hours percentage statistics. Some factories have lost their data due to the hardware and software anomalies in the data processing systems or abnormal power failure. Currently, the transferring rate of daily and monthly data all have reached 100%. According to the monthly report, the majority of public and private factories have done correction according to the monthly review results. The monthly deletion has a declining tendency. The effective rate in every quarter all reached more than 85%, except the first quarter of 2012 of Formosa in Renwu P751 and in the first quarter in 2013 LongQing Steel lower than 85%. The rest of the factories were more than 85%. The plant uploaded daily report has been checked daily. Currently, there weren’t any exceeding the the control times and statistics collected from every factory’s emissions have continued. Except the over emission of P008 NOx in CNPC Dalin by more than 10%, the rest are all in compliance with the license; the overall emission trends haven’t shown any cases of abnormal situations given by EPA announcement .On-site evaluation operation aspects: The on-site evaluation works have been done in 15 factories in 2012 and 2013 respectively with the completion rate of 100 %. Every factory has been informed of the relevant shortcomings and the factories’ feedback has been compiled completely. The shortcomings in 2012 have been followed up and the improvement rate is 100%; the shortcomings in 2013 are also being followed up as factories’ scheduled. Regulatory compliance inspection aspects: There were 51 times and 55 times of flues audit operation completed in 2012 and 2013 respectively. As for the their shortcomings, the follow-up counselling works have been done continuously. To confirm that the factories improved the situation, the work team from time to time traced the follow-up operations to enhance the connected factories’ quality assurance and quality control, increasing the accuracy and reliability of the connected information. However, the places needed to be improved all lied in the personnels are not familiar with the job and then correction delayed. In these two years, the item not inconsistent is the lack of efficiency 85% in Formosa Plastic Corporation Renwu factory and Long Ching Steel Enterprise Co. respectively. In the future, these two factories should be paid attention to. Management administration aspects: In the past, there used to be manufacturers trying to write a program to avoid the checkups. Therefore, in the checking, a high concentration gas monitoring instrument was used to test if the value could be showed normally when testing something exceeding the emission standards. Currently, factories were functioning normal and it displayed the value exceeding emission standards .Recent management effectiveness: These three years, on the CEMS management, in addition to the items specified in the regulation, there have been some items added such as the conversion rate of NO2 checks (target 90%) with a high concentration of checks (emission check standards) as follows:1. The conversion rate of NO2: From 2011 to 2013, the conversion rates were 91.1%, 94.4 % and 90.2% respectivel; the overall average of all reached the expected goal. In 2013, due to Taipower Nan Huo and Taipower Xingda’s bad check results, it made the overall conversion rate decline. Currently, Taipower has completed the improvements. Those factories without improvements will continue being followed up and included in future priority inspection list.2. high concentration checks: To confirm that the monitoring instrument can display the over-limit values, we have been using the over-limit emission gas to do it. These two years, the monitoring instruments have been functioning well displaying the over-limit values.Maintenance connection functions and communications environment aspects: In order to make the EPA host system run smoothly, Envimac environmental solution provider has done maintenance and backup to the host functions and file conversion modules to improve the availability of information and enable the connection system to work more perfectly. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70672
101~102年空氣品質綜合管理計畫 摘要高屏空品區之空氣品質自民國83年以來,已有顯著的改善趨勢,其中改善幅度較大的項目為大氣中懸浮微粒濃度的降低,顯見環保單位對相關污染源的減量與改善工作已有實效,然而對於未顯著改善的臭氧空氣品質,仍需再進一步規劃與減量的實務面上持續努力。本計畫以背景空氣品質及排放量資料的收集與分析為基礎,提出減輕空氣品質惡化之防制策略,並藉由空氣品質模式模擬之工具,用以輔助確認減量策略與措施之有效性,提出適宜本市之空氣污染防制計畫,以利高雄市未來執行空氣品質改善行動之策略研擬依據。為了落實各項管制策略之執行,本計畫更積極加強各項空氣污染改善相關計畫之管考工作,提升各計畫執行成效,並藉由本計畫內之固定污染源減量輔導、空氣品質淨化區維護管理等工作,協助工廠進行減量及改善,並提升本市空品淨化區之品質,以達到整體提升高雄市空氣品質之目的。 2012-2013 Air Quality Management Project AbstractThe air quality of Kao-Ping Air Basin in south Taiwan has been improved since 1994, under the emission reduction actions taken by the environment authorities. Monitoring data of particulate matters shows a significantly improvement, whereas the ozone concentration remain worse. Empirically, more stringent emission reduction actions should be implemented to ease the ozone worse trend.The execution of “2012-2013 Air Quality Management Project (Kaohsiung AQMP)” are based upon data collection and analysis from background air quality monitoring and emissions inventory. The air quality model are also used as a tool to investigate the air pollution control measures and strategies. Finally, the “Kaohsiung Municipal Air Pollution Implementation Plan” were proposed.In order to complete the execution of each controlling strategies, AQMP actively enhances the management and efficiency of each air quality improvement-related programs, and facilitates industries to execute actions for stationary sources emission reduction and air quality improvement in Air Quality Purification Area. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70656
應用在我國環保政策或環保重大開發計畫之聽證程序 本研究計畫將針對聽證法制進行研究與分析,審視此一公民參與之方式與其他參與形式之異同處, 並基於肯認聽證程序係屬較為嚴謹的程序參與, 呼應大法官於釋字709 號解釋所強調憲法之行政正當程序應予落實。此外,更將進一步探討聽證應如何適用在我國環保政策或環保重大開發計畫之決定程序上, 期冀藉由二者之結合, 讓現行影響環境的重大決策能更具民主正當性, 也期待於應用聽證程序下的各項環境決定能更具可接收度, 最終並協助我國環境保護法制得以更臻完善。而依照計劃工作項目,研究團隊亦配合辦理聽證程序之實務演練,使與會人員能透過模擬之方式, 深入熟悉辦理聽證程序時可能遭遇的各項問題或突發狀況。實務演練同時包括課程之教授, 藉此使參與研習的行政機關人員得以知悉、甚至熟悉聽證實務運作之方式, 除了知其然外, 更得以知其之所以然。 The Study of the Application of the Hearing to the Decision-Making Process of Environmental Policy This research project is to study and analyze the legal system of the practice of hearing in Taiwan and to review the differences of the public participation between the hear ing and other formats of participation under differentregulations. The Research Team acknowledges the process of hearing is a formal and more considerable process of participation for the public, which has been recognized, by the J.Y. Interpretation No. 709, as the administrative due process, the one of the constitutional principles.Further, the Team would discuss how the hearing might be applied to the decision making process for environmental policy and development project. By this research, we anticipate that the involvement of the hearing process into thecurrent process of environmental decision-making would enhance the democracy and justification to the final decision of environmental policy and development project. As we believe, for improving the acceptance of environmental decision,the application of hearing to the current legal system would be significant approach. Finally, the adoption of the hearing would better our current legal system of the decision-making process and provide us a promising optimisticfuture for our environmental protection. 102 綜計處 財團法人二十一世紀基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70568
102年度高雄市資源回收查核及管制工作計畫 高雄市早期垃圾多以露天堆置為主,陸續造成垃圾山、高屏溪河沿岸垃圾堆置問題,在80年代為解決垃圾問題,高雄市逐漸以垃圾掩埋安定化、穩定化、衛生化為基礎,實施垃圾衛生掩埋,在90年代更陸續建造岡山與仁武兩座焚化廠,將垃圾資源化再利用。另外在資源回收工作推動上,高雄市自86年起配合環保署『資源回收四合一』政策,陸續辦理清潔隊定點收取回收資源物質;在垃圾收集上為解決過去垃圾子車可能造成景觀與髒亂的問題,實施垃圾不落地政策。國內資源垃圾回收制度在早期為民眾自發性回收有價值之資源垃圾(如鐵、鋁罐、舊報紙等),由拾荒舊貨商沿街價購之「酒矸通賣無」為國內資源回收先驅,政府於77年修正「廢棄物清理法」,明定業者應負回收清除處理責任,資源回收工作由早期完全藉由經濟市場機制,逐步邁入法令管制方式要求業者推動相關工作,之後陸續推動「惜福計畫」、外星寶寶回收點及部分清潔隊協助資源回收工作,一直到民國86年4月環保署大力推廣「資源回收四合一制度」,結合社區民眾、回收商、地方政府(清潔隊)及回收基金等四者,全面實施資源回收、垃圾減量的工作,正式將廢棄物(垃圾)管理由末端管制朝向源頭減量資源回收管理,對於整體資源回收率提升具重大貢獻。高雄市政府環境保護局為配合環保署「垃圾零廢棄」之目標,落實「源頭減量、資源回收」工作,由環保署補助經費辦理「102 年度高雄市資源回收查核及管制工作計畫」,加強轄內回收體系之責任業者、販賣業者、回收處理業者、過度包裝指定事業等4類業者之查核輔導作為,搭配說明會、媒體宣導,落實民眾垃圾強制分類工作。 2013 Resource Recycling Audit and Control Program of Kaohsiung City In order to ensure fairness and consistency of the registration, reporting, and payment of upstream responsible industries in the recycling system, and promote “2013 Kaohsiung Resource Recycling Check and Control Work Program” (hereinafter referred to as the Program), Kaohsiung Environmental Protection Agency, according to the Waste Disposal Act, did not only entrust Protection-Eco Technology & Consultants Co., Ltd. to assist the implementation of the work program, but also assigned four professional staff of the Environmental Protection Bureau to jointly promote this program. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 綠信環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70535
101-102年度戴奧辛、有害金屬暨有害空氣污染物稽查檢測及管理計畫 本計畫主要工作內容為進行高雄市轄區之戴奧辛污染源稽巡查及抽測作業、重金屬污染源抽測作業、戴奧辛污染排放源周邊環境介質分析作業、戴奧辛暴露及健康風險評估作業、辦理法規宣導會、戴奧辛減量輔導評鑑及技術轉移訓練、煙道臭味抽測作業等。101年度之主要成果如下:1. 已完成148根次戴奧辛污染源巡查作業,查核缺失廠家包含福泰保利龍、冠帝興業、詒尉、長潤、在仁成、臺灣氯乙烯、第二殯儀館、灶興,皆請廠家進行改善並提報環保局,大部分廠家已完成改善,未改善廠家將將於下一年度持續追蹤情況。2. 已完成40根次戴奧辛煙道稽查檢測。101年度主要有1根次煙道戴奧辛檢測超標,為鍋爐蒸氣產生程序之福泰保利龍(0.592 ng I-TEQ/Nm3),該廠家製程於稽查檢測時,鍋爐和污染防制設備之操作狀況非正常穩定下持續進行,因而造成本次戴奧辛稽查檢測超標。其餘39根次煙道戴奧辛檢測結果皆符合法規標準。3. 已篩選不同煙道戴奧辛排放源(20根次),進行分析PBDD/Fs、PBDEs及PCDEs。由結果可知各PCDD/Fs排放源廢氣中,亦具有排放PBDD/Fs、PBDEs和PCDEs污染物潛勢,而各煙道廢氣排放戴奧辛類污染物中,皆以PBDEs濃度最高,主要排放源包含發電廠、鋁二級冶煉程序、電弧爐。4. 已稽查檢測35根次煙道重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞)濃度,對象含大型焚化爐2根次、中小型焚化爐8根次、醫療廢棄物焚化爐3根次、煉鋼程序4根次、鋁二級冶煉業6根次、氯乙烯製造程序1根次、鍋爐蒸氣產生程序3根次、鍋爐發電6根次,以及水泥製造程序1根次、含金屬廢料回收處理程序1根次,各廠家檢測結果皆符合法規標準,其中列管類別如大中小型焚化爐及醫療廢棄物焚化爐之檢測結果皆低於或維持歷年檢測值。5. 101年度以大高雄市轄區進行環境介質PCDD/Fs採樣及分析。採樣點包含南區資源回收廠、林園高中、潮寮國中、大社國小、三民高中、岡山農工、路竹高中及仁武高中。周界大氣、植物和土壤總I-TEQ濃度平均值分別為0.0282 pg I-TEQ/Nm3、1.32 pg I-TEQ/g和0.860 pg I-TEQ/g。結果指出小港區(採樣點為南區資源回收廠)之PCDD/Fs採樣點濃度較高。整體高雄市轄區PCDD/Fs環境介質採樣結果明顯低於小港區歷年結果,主要與戴奧辛排放源之活動強度(進料量及排氣量)及排放量有關。6. 計畫中應用AERMOD模式來模擬大氣擴散濃度與HHRAP (Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol)模式來模擬各種介質與暴露途徑的濃度分佈,估算以100年高雄市地區的產銷因子為基礎的暴露情境,及本次檢測的各煙道所排放的戴奧辛及重金屬濃度所造成的危害。致癌風險分佈落範圍於6.25E-10到1.97E-8之間,以小港區、林園區、楠梓區為前三危害區域;非致癌風險則分佈範圍於1.38E-5到8.45E-5之間,苓雅區、楠梓區、小港區則為非致癌風險前三危害區;內門區與美濃區等位於東北方的各區域為風險較低的行政區,以那瑪夏區最低。7. 已完成高雄市轄區煙道臭味40根次之稽查檢測,各廠家檢測結果皆符合法規標準值。8. 已針對轄區內4處固定污染源場所,包含第一伸銅科(銅二級冶煉)、新格發(鋁二級冶煉)、高雄市政府殯葬管理處(火化場)及高雄市政府殯葬管理處第二殯儀館(火化場),由專家學者會同環保局至現場評鑑後,並提供廠方PCDD/Fs減量改善建議。第一伸銅應評估減少製程物料(木炭、除渣劑)含氯成份。新格發應針對進料組成控管及防制設備定期維護。高雄市政府殯葬管理處第一、二殯儀館應檢視火化爐操作條件,以確保完全燃燒,避免燃燒不完全而造成黑煙排放。 2012~2013-Monitoring and management of dioxin, heavy metals and hazardous air pollutants Major works of this project included the emission source sampling of dioxin and heavy metals (Pb, Cd, and Hg), the emission source inquiry of dioxin, the analyses of ambient environment (air‚ leaves and soil), risk assessment, the emission source sampling of odor, regulation-disseminating campaign, guidance meeting of dioxin reduction, and technology transfer. The achievements of this project in 2012 are described as below:1. This project was checked the information of 148 stacks. Most factories were corresponded to the regulation or operating condition of license. However, few factories have some miss, which will be checked in the next year.2. The mean total PCDD/Fs concentration obtained from 39 emission sources are lower than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA. However, the mean total PCDD/Fs concentration of stationary source WFB5-D (0.592 ng I-TEQ/Nm3) is higher than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA (0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3). Because of the boiler and APCDs of WFB5-D were discontinued.3. This project was choice twenty samples from the emission source of PCDD/Fs to analyze the pollutants, including PBDD/Fs, PBDEs, and PCDEs. The results revealed that some combustion sources of PCDD/Fs also contain the emission of PBDD/Fs, PBDEs, and PCDEs. Higher PBDE concentrations were obtained from various combustion sources, including power plants, secondary aluminum smelters, and electricfurnaces.4. The existing emission sources of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, and Hg) were surveyed, including 2 MSWIs, 8 IWIs, 3 MWIs, 4 EAFs, 6 ALS, 1 VCM, 3 WFBs, 6 CFBs, 1 CEM and 1 DUC. The concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, and Hg) from 35 emission sources are lower than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA. Compared with previous results, the concentrations of heavy metals of MSWIs, IWIs and MWIs are lower or constant.5. The mean PCDD/F concentrations of ambient air, leaves and soil were 0.0282 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, 1.32 pg I-TEQ/g and 0.860 pg I-TEQ/g, respectively. The results indicated that the mean PCDD/F concentrations in Siaogang district were higher than other districts in Kaohsiung city. It might be due to the emission intensity and exhaust amount of factory.6. In this project, the AERMOD model was applied to evaluate the concentration of dioxins and their dry and wet deposition in the environment, and then Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol (HHRAP) model was used to calculate the concentration of each environmental media and the amount of exposure in each pathway. By integrating these two models, it is estimated that risk contribution of dioxins and heavy metals emitted from stationary emission sources sampled and monitored in the exposure scenario with calculating site-specific transfer factors in 2011. The cancer risk values are ranged from 6.25E-10 to 1.97E-08, and the top three affected areas are located in Siaogang, Linyuan, and Nanzih districts. Moreover, the non-cancer risk values are ranged from1.38E-05 to 8.45E-05, and the first three affected areas are located in Lingya, Nanzih, and Siaogang districts. The districts located in northeast Kaohsiung are the lower-risk region in which Namasia district is the area accepting least cancer and non-cancer risk.7. The odor samples obtained from 40 stack flue gases were lower than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA.8. The project invited the experts to give some evaluations and suggestions for 4 stationary sources in Kaohsiung city. The experts suggested secondary copper smelters need to reduce the chlorine compositions of feedstocks, such as coal and flux. For ALS, the feedstocks should be managed and APCDs need to maintain regularly. Black smog emmited from the stacks of two cremations would be caused by incomplete combustion. The cremations need to revise the operating conditions of combustion equipments. 101 高雄市政府環境保護局 正修科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70481
101至102年度光化學評估監測站維護計畫 光化站最主要的目的是提供準確、具代表性之臭氧前驅物長期資料,以建立臭氧與其前驅物濃度、氣象條件間之相互關係,找出臭氧的成因,供研擬臭氧控制策略之參考。 The Maintenance and Operation of photochemical assessment stations (PAMS) in 2012-2013 In order to response to the needs of maintenance and operation of this project, staff training focused on the operation and understanding familiar with the equipment, in addition for each equipment, supplies and components, preparation planning, and demand on the job planning work to ensure that the PAMs data of the output can meet the requirements on the use of the quality assurance unit; In addition to routine maintenance job also due to the operating environment conditions should work, assessment tasks related to industrial safety, in order to ensure the safety of operating personnel on the job.Over the years since, Thanks to all levels of Executive and the quality assurance audit unit under the guidance of the operation of the station operation and maintenance has been getting better in general operating standards to reach normal operating rates, can also provide complete data to establish the air various volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere changes in circumstances, judged in accordance with volatile organic compounds as long-term atmospheric trends; for the monitoring of ambient air pollution, in view of the photochemical station data quality improvement and monitors most of the organic volatile powerful features under the premise of the compounds, in the current set of photochemical station planning with northern two PAMs assessment monitoring stations (station in Taipei's Wanhua, Taipei Tucheng station), the central region of three PAMs assessment monitoring stations (Taichung the Tadaaki station, the Yunlin Taihsi Station and the Chiayi Puzih station), the Southern four PAMs assessment of measured station (Tainan Zhongshan station, Kaohsiung Qiaotou station, Kaohsiung Hsiaokang station, the Pingtung Chaozhou station) as a fixed station long-term monitoring the local 's environment to the air quality, and there are still on the 5th of monitoring vehicles and 6 to monitor the car two mobile stations may have generated against the ambient air, industrial plant, or as an investigation and assessment of certain regional ambient air pre-job planning and implementation as a mobile monitoring.Are the EPA has been 11 PAMs monitoring facilities (contains the two monitoring vehicles) As at the so far, For the the the monitoring of the At present air quality to spend considerable made great efforts in, also contributed to the part of areas began to have the the erection of the photochemical monitoring stations, the Kaohsiung City Environmental Protection Bureau also has the same equipment monitoring (later converted into monitoring vehicles to enhance mobility), the Yunlin Formosa Plastics Sixth Naphtha also a nursery upstairs in Taisi erection PAMs monitoring stations, we can see that the central and local governments and civil order to with air quality efforts, and as maintaining the company we will work together in order to maintain the standard of monitoring, quality environment for the future and work hard. 101 監資處 珀金埃爾默股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70336
高雄市102年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 本計畫依契約工作內容,已於102年4月份起,每月5日前完成「土壤及地下水污染資訊網頁」更新維護,民眾可定期接收新的相關資訊,在土壤及地下水監督查核及驗證採樣工作部份,本計畫共完成349點土壤採樣及252口地下水採樣,其中包括42口指定加測TPH-d與12口8大金屬。本年度共完成17處場址污染查證,19處場址驗證調查,8處列管場址例行性監督查核,及5處工業區預警網地下水豐枯水期地下水水質監測。地下水監測井部份,上下半年度井外觀巡查共完成件數為865口次,除部份巡查缺失於現場立即完成改善外,針對外觀有異樣之監測井共完成25口監測井外觀修復、11口監測井井體結構修復、5口井中攝影、7口標準監測井廢井、16口簡易井設置及16口標準監測井設置。本工作團隊聘請合法登記或立案之法律事務機構專業律師,共協助完成8件律師諮詢服務。另針對局內舉行4場次教育訓練,針對轄區內列管之事業單位、加油站業者與8、9條業者辦理3場法規宣導說明會。計畫執行期間內,本市一百多個場址每月至少均巡查一次以上,此外,協助審查各污染場址所提報與土壤及地下水污染整治法相關資料並提供書面審查意見計有115件。另協助加油站業者網路申報,102年第1次、第2次申報率達100%。協助審核加油站設備計畫書或完工報告書審核4件次,並已完成加油站現場查核32站次及20站加油站預防性體檢工作。 Soil and Groundwater Contamination Investigation Project in 2013 Environmental Protection Bureau, Kaohsiung City This project was contracted by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City (Kaohsiung EPB) to control the soil and groundwater contamination in Kaohsiung. The scope of this project was to investigate and identify the soil and groundwater contamination in Kaohsiung, prevent the expansion of any contamination, and to conduct oversight and verification of gas station standard operating procedures. All of the work specified in the contract has been completed. In accordance with the contract, starting from April 2013, the soil and groundwater contamination webpage of Kaohsiung EPB was updated on the 5th of each month, so that the public can regularly receive new information and understand the effectiveness of the work performed. In addition, we continuously updated project content in the soil and groundwater information management system to reflect the status of every monitored site.In overseeing ongoing decontamination programs and verifying completed decontamination programs, we completed 349 points of soil sampling and 252 groundwater sampling, as well as 42 additional groundwater samples for TPH-d analysis and 12 additional groundwater samples for analysis of 8 metals. During this calendar year, we completed 17 site contamination investigations and 19 decontamination verifications, performed oversight of 8 sites with ongoing decontamination, and monitored the groundwater early warning systems at 5 industrial parks.During this year, we inspected the external appearance of 865 groundwater monitoring wells; any minor defects were immediately corrected on-site after the inspection. Twenty-five wells with external damage were repaired. Eleven wells had structural damage and were also repaired. Video inspections were performed on five wells. Seven standard monitoring wells were found unusable and removed from the monitoring list. Sixteen temporary wells and sixteen standard monitoring wells were installed.We hired a registered, qualified lawyer with the relevant expertise to provide legal consulting services in eight cases. Four training sessions in soil and groundwater pollution and remediation issues were held for EPB personnel. Three regulatory guidance meetings were also held to inform business and gas station owners about legally mandated soil and groundwater remediation practices.There were approximately 100 sites in Kaohsiung city; we inspected all sites once a month and assisted in the review of the various contaminated sites report, and provided a total of 115 review comments. We assisted the gas stations with their quarterly reporting, achieving a reporting rate of 100% for the first and second seasons, and also assisted in the review of four gas station equipment plans or completion reports. We completed 32 gas station inspections and preventive inspection work at 20 gas stations. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70430
101至102年度光化學評估監測站操作品保例行性計畫 本計畫主要工作目標包括執行光化學評估監測站儀器品保查核、監測數據標準化處理作業、探討區域污染特徵及評估光化學監測站現有運轉成效。 Quality Assurance and Data Validation on Ozone precursor Monitoring from PAMS in 2011-2012 The main objectives of this program included implementing the quality assurance audits of analytical systems for Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS), standardizing the data processing procedures for the collected results, characterizing the local pollutant profiles of different areas, evaluating the effectiveness of the operation. 101 監資處 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70397
99年度光化學評估監測站操作品保例行性計畫 本計畫主要工作目標包括執行光化學評估監測站儀器品保查核、監測數據標準化處理作業、探討區域污染特徵及評估8站光化學監測站現有運轉成效、測站位置適切性,提出光化測站調整建議。本年度執行成果在儀器品保除完成品保查核作業手冊制定,同時依手冊規範完成各項查核,上半年現場查核缺失以表單記錄未落實為主,下半年各項缺失均已改善完成;數據品質查核除台南站2010年2月、3月及潮州站99年3月、8月數據妥善率未達85%品保要求外,其餘均符合品保規範;系統感應因子查核結果顯示,萬華、台南、潮州及行動三測站於本年度,各有一次n-Pentane偏差超出品管±8%,朴子及行動三測站各有一次Toluene偏差超出品管±10%;年度績效查核結果僅朴子、橋頭及行動五等三個測站所有物種偏差均在品保規範±25%以內,其餘測站各有少數物種(包括Toluene、n-Pentane、Isoprene、n-Dodecane、Styrene)偏差超出品保設定±25%,其餘年度查核項目均符合品保規範。在測站位置適切性部份,綜合各測站歷年統計結果,以台南站、潮州站較無法發揮其監測目標,測站位置調整則建議優先考量仁武測站,本站可能之工業監測目標包含中油、仁武及大社工業區另兼具交通排放源之監測;除污染潛勢區之監測外,另建議參考季節風向於上風處設置背景站,如北部萬里站、南部恆春站。 Quality Assurance and Data Validation on Ozone precursor Monitoring from PAMS in 2010 The main objectives of this program included implementing the quality assurance audits of analytical systems for Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS), standardizing the data processing procedures for the collected results, characterizing the local pollutant profiles of different areas, evaluating the effectiveness of the operation, the appropriateness of the current sites for PAMS, and suggesting future sites for new monitoring systems.A quality assurance auditing manual was established and all the field audits were carried out accordingly. The incidents of non-conformance mostly consisted of incomplete records in the first half-year. The non-conformance was corrected accordingly for the rest of the year. The data quality audits in each PAMS met the quality assurance criteria (85%) except for Tainan PAMS in February and March, and Chiau Jou PAMS in March and August of 2010, respectively. Analytical system audits for the response factors indicated that the standard deviations for n-Pentane exceeded the quality assurance criteria ±8% once in Wan Hua, Tainan, Chiau Jou and mobile laboratory 3, respectively. The standard deviations for Toluene were also found to exceed the quality assurance criteria ±10% once in Pu tze and mobile laboratory 3, respectively. The yearly performance evaluation result indicated that all analytes met the quality assurance criteria ±25% for Pu tze, Chao Tou and mobile laboratory 5. A few compounds, such as Toluene, n-Pentane, Isoprene, n-Dodecane and Styrene, were found to exceed the ±25% limits in other PAMS. Most of the other analytes met the quality assurance criteria.According the statistics of the historical data, it is found that the stations in Tainan and Chiau Jou did not provide a distinct effect. We therefore suggest relocating a station in Jen Wu. A PAMS in this location can be useful in the monitoring of China Petroleum Corp., Jen Wu and Da Sir industrial district as well as the exhaust from the heavy traffic in the area. We also suggest that some monitoring stations be established for background data collection in the upwind locations, such as Wan Li in North and Hen Tsun in South, according to the seasonal wind directions. 099 監資處 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70376
102年度空氣污染綜合防制暨應變計畫 本計畫自102年6月1日執行至103年5月31日,主要工作內容為綜合管理各空污基金編列計畫執行品質之監督及管考,以達到各項管制工作之預期目標,並整合具體成效及特色成果,以達成良好環保署考評績效;另一重點則為掌握及更新本縣環境負荷及污染排放資料,分析境內空氣品質監測結果及空氣品質不良事件日污染成因探討,提供環保局據以檢討修正近程空氣污染管制策略。在分析空氣品質數據方面,分析91-102年空氣品質指標(PSI)發現,自94年起北部空氣品質不良(PSI>100)的比率以臭氧(O3)副指標占多數,102年時比例下降至0.14%,而102年空氣品質良好日數(PSI<50)受大陸境外傳輸影響略降至48%;而各污染物監測值維持二級空氣污染防制區標準。在空污防制計畫之監督管理工作方面,本計畫每月針對各項考評指標,進行各空氣污染防制計畫執行進度及品質查核,彙整各計畫查核結果,呈報環保局並提出建議改善方案。且為確立計畫整體管制方向,共辦理2場次空氣污染防制管理教育訓練會、工作實地督導稽核8場次、內部工作協商會3場次、工作檢討專家諮詢會2場次,以提升各計畫工作績效及執行品質,102年各項考評得分為90.64分,已連續3年達90分以上。在整合媒體宣導方面,藉由大眾媒體宣導,使本縣民眾即時掌握及瞭解環保局為打造潔淨、健康、舒適之環境致力於各項防制工作,計畫期程共發佈10版次平面媒體宣導、4檔次電視廣告,並辦理2場次成果發表活動,由桃園縣政府長環境保護局倪副局長炳雄,公開表揚環保工作有優良貢獻之單位,宣導年度工作成效,提升民眾對環保局工作之滿意度。彙整102年度在空品改善成效方面,PSI>100站日數比例0.14%、PSI小於50站日數比例48%、O3小時平均值103.8ppb,皆達到年度空氣品質改善目標;污染物削減量,SOx削減104公噸、NOx削減128公噸、NMHC削減5,147公噸、PM10削減519公噸,於各項管制工作中皆達成年度目標,唯車輛納管率未達80%,本年度跨局處推動電動巴士及推廣各種低污染運具等管制策略獲環保署肯定,且年度考評已蟬連5年特優,成效良好。 The Integration Plan of Air Quality to Manintain, Improve, and Strain,2013 This scheme was carried out from June 1, 2013 to May 31, 2014, with the main tasks of monitoring, oversight, and evaluation of the execution quality of the air pollution control fund plans. The objectives are to ensure that the expected goals can be met, and the concrete achievements and special outcomes can be integrated to meet the evaluation of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). Other tasks include updating the environmental loading and pollutant discharge data of this county, analyzing the air quality monitoring results, and discussing the causes of the poor air quality incidents. The results are provided to the Bureau of Environmental Protection as a reference for modifying the short-term air pollution control strategies. In terms of air quality analysis, analysis pollutant standards index (PSI) from 2002 to 2013. Since 2005, ozone indicator (O3) accounts for the majority among the ratio of poor air quality in northern Taiwan (PSI>100), while in 2013, the ratio decreased to 0.14%. In 2013, the ratio of PSI<50 slightly decreased to 48%, it is impact of transboundary long-transport. The pollutant monitoring values remained Class 2 control regions of the air quality standards. Concerning the supervision and management of plans of air pollution control strategies, this scheme checked the execution progress and quality of the plans on a monthly basis, compiled the results for the Bureau of Environmental Protection as a reference to propose improvement plans. In order to establish the overall direction of this scheme, two sessions of training seminar on air pollution control and management, eight sessions on field supervision, three sessions on internal work coordination, and two sessions on work review and expert consultation, thus improving the work performances and execution quality. In 2013, all items in the performance evaluation scored an average of 90.64, which is the third consecutive scores of over 90. In terms of media promotion, mass media are used to allow the local residents learning more about the efforts made by the Bureau of Environmental Protection in creating a clean, healthy, and comfortable environment. During the project course, ten times of print media, four TV commercial, and two sessions of achievement presentation were held. Deputy Director of Environmental Protection Bureau, Ni, Bing-Shiung attended the presentation to praise the units that have made considerable contributions to environmental works, and to outline the annual work achievements, thus enhancing the public satisfaction on the works of the Bureau of Environmental Protection. In summarying of the air quality improvement achievements in 2013, the ratio of PSI>100 was 0.14%, the ratio of PSI<50 was 48%, and the hourly average of O3 was 103.8 ppb, they all reached the air quality improvement target of 2013. Regarding the pollutant reduction amount, SOx was reduced by 104 tons, NOx was reduced by 128 tons, NMHC was reduced by 5,147 tons, PM10 was reduced by 519 tons, which all reached the target of the year. Only the vehicle control rate was lower than 80%. In this year, the accomplishments of cross-departmental promotion of electric buses and low emission vehicles have been recognized by the EPA. The annual performance evaluation has remained “excellent” for consecutive five years. 102 桃園縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70360
102年度空品淨化區及室內空品維護計畫 本計畫期程為102年6月12日起至103年6月11日止,主要工作為空氣品質淨化區查核與輔導管理、裸露地調查與輔導改善、室內空氣品質查核與輔導管理等三大主軸。在空氣品質淨化區查核與輔導管理方面,共完成27處空氣品質淨化區之每月現場查核工作達12次•月(總計:319處次),總碳匯量共計938.173公噸/年,並完成民眾認養11處空氣品質淨化區,總認養面積共8.31公頃。執行期間另輔導楊梅市公所與蘆竹市公所向環保署申請新設2處空氣品質淨化區,未來核准設置後將可擴增3.8公頃綠地面積與提升碳匯量達87.4公噸/年。而為提升空氣品質淨化區的使用率,透過辦理親近空氣品質淨化區「桃花源樂活遊」活動,邀請大眾親身體驗轄內特色空氣品質淨化區及環境教育場所,藉由親近大自然,體驗低碳訴求概念,建立環境保護觀念。在裸露地調查與輔導改善方面,共完成6處非營建裸露地調查作業,調查總面積約8.282公頃,並利用植生綠覆完成3處裸露地改善,總綠覆面積共計2.088公頃,有效降低裸露地揚塵污染(TSP削減量:0.7392公噸、PM10削減量:0.3696公噸)及兼具環境綠美化之效。在室內空氣品質查核及輔導管理方面,共完成302處室內場所現場查核輔導與二氧化碳巡檢作業,並針對17處二氧化碳巡檢不合格場所執行複檢與追蹤改善;此外,另委由環保署認證合格檢驗機構並採用環保署公告檢驗方法,針對縣內12家不同類型之室內場所進行室內空氣品質調查工作,以有效瞭解縣內各類型場所的室內空氣品質現況,並執行6家次之專家現勘輔導改善作業,以有效協助室內場所進行室內空氣品質改善;另透過辦理4場次室內空氣品質會議,針對相關現行法規與室內空氣品質維護管理方法等進行說明講授,以有效提升縣內室內場所的室內空氣品質。 Air quality Clarify Zone and Indoor Air Quality Maintenance Plan 2013 This project spanned the period from June 12, 2013 to June 11, 2014, with the main scope of the work covering three major aspects: inspections, consultations and management of air quality clarify zone; investigations on bare grounds and subsequent consultations and improvement; and inspections, consultations and management of indoor air quality.Regarding the inspections, consultations and management of air quality clarify zone, 12 monthly on-site inspections were completed in 27 zones (totaling 319 inspections for the entire project), and 11 zones were placed under the care of the general public. During the project, Yangmei City Office and Luzhu City Office were assisted in applying to the Environmental Protection Administration for the establishment of two new air quality clarify zones. In addition, in order to improve the use rate of the air quality clarify zones, the “LOHAS in Xanadu” activity was organized for the public to be closer to both the zones in their neighborhoods and the affiliated environmental education venues in the hope of enabling the participants to experience low-carbon concepts and thereby cultivate eco-friendliness.In the investigations on bare grounds and subsequent consultations and improvement, six bare grounds were investigated with a total area of 8.282 hectares. Three bare grounds were improved via green coverage, reaching a green coverage area of 2.088 hectares, effectively reducing fugitive dust pollution on the bare grounds, while preparing for landscaping. In regard to the inspections, consultations and management of indoor air quality, 302 indoor sites were investigated and offered consultations; CO2 concentration was also examined. Among these, 17 found to not meet the CO2 concentration standard were re-examined and improved. In addition, 12 indoor sites of different nature were investigated for their air quality by the Environmental Protection Administration-certified labs, with testing methods officially announced by the Administration in order to fully understand the indoor air quality conditions of various sites in the county. Six sessions of on-site investigation, consultation and improvement were completed at the sites to effectively assist in improving indoor air quality. Four sessions of indoor air quality meetings were also held with lectures on current regulations and relevant guidelines for indoor air quality maintenance and management, with the goal of improving the overall air quality of indoor sites across the county. 102 桃園縣政府環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70359
101~102年度空氣品質監測儀器品保查核作業 本計畫執行期限自民國101年5月8日至103年5月7日止,計畫主要目的為針對環保署現有空氣品質監測站,執行不定期績效查核及功能檢查作業,確保監測數據準確度及維護作業品質。本計畫主要工作目標包括:(1)執行監測儀器績效查核作業共80站/年及績效查核複查5站/年、(2)執行監測儀器功能檢查作共486站/年及追蹤缺失改善狀況等。為使查核結果更貼近大氣監測濃度之數據準確度,本計畫要求繼續執行超低濃度查核及測站零空氣查核比對兩項工作。績效查核作業係指對監測儀器產出數據做定量查核,通常以已知濃度氣體、標準液或經校正比對合格之標準設備作為標準件,對測站儀器加以比對量測,其目的在於查驗監測數據與標準值之吻合程度,可用來評估監測儀器數據品質之準確度表現。本計畫2年共完成160站次績效查核(2899查核項次),兩年度查核滿意率分別為97.0%及97.2%,準確度表現良好。功能檢查作業主要針對站房設施設備、站內文件紀錄、監測儀器運轉狀態、氣象儀器設備、及儀器準確度狀況等五大類進行功能檢查,檢查項目依據經環保署核可之功能檢查表單逐項執行,可用來評估測站維護作業品質及儀器校正準確度。本計畫2年共完成972站次功能檢查(138381檢查項次),缺失發生率僅為0.58%,維護作業品質良好。無論績效查核或功能檢查所發現之缺失項,維護單位均須依約在3~7日內完成改善,由環保署及本計畫執行缺失改善追蹤。 Quality Assurance Program for Taiwan Ambient Air Monitoring Network (2012~2013 Year) This project executing period was from May 8th 2012 to May 7th 2013. The main purpose of this project is aiming at non-periodically inspecting all current Environmental Protection Administration’s Air Quality Monitoring Stations to guarantee the quality of maintenance work and monitoring network data. The work content mainly included (1) the execution of monitoring instruments performance audit 80 stations/per year and repeat audit 5 stations/per year, (2) the execution of monitoring instruments functional check 486 stations/per year and track defects. In order to make the audit results more close to data accuracy for lower concentration of atmospheric monitoring, this project continued executing performance audit for lower concentration and zero air purity. The performance audit used independent instruments and standards, primarily inspected the deviation between the monitoring value and the standard value (accuracy), there were 160 stations completed within two years (2899 times), the satisfaction degree of recent two years espectively was 97.0%, 97.2%. The whole result of performance audit demonstrated the quality of monitoring stations’ data was good, and the degree of satisfaction presented escalating trend year by year. The functional check was mainly to focus on non-periodically surveys and assessments on stations house maintenance, facility equipments, the document recording conditions, the monitor operation conditions, the unusual data check and the monitoring instruments accuracy inspection. There were totally 972 functional checks (138381 times) had been finished. The whole result of functional check demonstrated the defect rate only 0.58% ,which presented high quality in sustaining operation and maintenance of monitoring stations.All defects from performance audit and functional check will be require to improve between three days to seven days, The EPA and this project will track situation of defects improvement. 101 監資處 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70322
細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)儀器比對及化學成分觀測網規劃作業計畫 本計畫辦理細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)質量濃度手動儀器與自動儀器精密性及區域性比對,在精密性比對期間,手動儀器量測值彼此間在統計上沒有顯著差異(p<0.05),自動儀器以美國環保署自動儀器第三類型等效方法準則(以下簡稱FEM準則)評估,無法取代手動儀器,惟經由線性廻歸模擬,自動儀器量測值可轉換為手動儀器量測值。在精密性比對期間,Met One BAM 1020 (以下簡稱Met One)和Thermo R&P 1405-F FDMS (以下簡稱Thermo)兩部自動儀器與兩部手動儀器絕對差異百分比平均都是21%。Thermo因為線性廻歸方程式的截距不符合FEM準則,Met One則是斜率和截距都不符合FEM準則,因此,雖然其他項目符合FEM準則,但整體而言還是不符合FEM準則。在區域性比對期間,Met One與手動儀器絕對差異百分比,在新莊站為18%,崙背站為29%,前鎮站為11%,Thermo與手動儀器絕對差異百分比在新莊站則是18%,崙背站為19%,前鎮站為13%。以FEM準則評估,只有Met One在前鎮站全部都符合,Thermo在前鎮站則是很接近符合;其他兩站兩種自動儀器都不符合FEM準則。Thermo和BGI PQ 200手動儀器量測濃度差異和微粒成分揮發濃度有相關,但這個差異無法完全由Thermo量測的微粒成分揮發濃度來解釋。經由手動儀器量測發現,半揮發性NO3-是PM2.5揮發成分中最重要者,當環境溫度低於30℃時,微粒沉積在濾紙後因為Thermo設定的量測溫度30℃較環境高,將導致微粒NO3-的揮發。三站區域性比對期間,Thermo R&P 2300手動儀器量測的季節PM2.5質量濃度平均在新莊站最高為42±21 μg m-3,崙背站最高為42±17 μg m-3,前鎮站最高則為83±24 μg m-3,金門離島在五月份五天採樣PM2.5質量濃度平均為37±8 μg m-3。PM2.5化學成分在三站及金門最主要成分都是SO42- , 其次為修正NO3-或修正有機碳。國際間歐洲和美國對於污染源排放黑碳的管制具有共識,美國環保署推出的模式達標測試軟體(Model Attainment Test Software, MATS)結合手動採樣的PM2.5質量濃度及成分和網格模式模擬結果,可預估挑選的排放源管制情境下未來PM2.5量測質量濃度。針對我國PM2.5成分監測網設計,本計畫建議分別在台灣北、中、南部都市、北海岸、花蓮太魯閣國家公園、金門共設置六個測站,以建立我國PM2.5成分初期監測網。30個空品站PM2.5質量濃度常規手動與自動監測儀器比對大部分有不錯的斜率和相關性,截至2013年8月29日為止,30個空品站手動/自動儀器比值平均為0.82±0.09,但要將自動轉換成手動儀器量測值,最好還是以建立線性廻歸模式進行。 The Operational Project for the Intercomparisons of Instruments on Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) a This project aims to conduct intercomparisons between manual and automated instruments for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) during precision and regional periods. The performance of manual instruments showed no significant difference statistically (p<0.05) from each other during the precision intercomparison period. The automated instruments were found no equivalence to manual instruments based on the assessment made for the equivalence of class III candidate instruments to the U.S. Federal Equivalent Method (hereinafter refer to as “FEM criteria”). However, the measurements of automated instrument can be converted to that of the manual instrument through linear regression modeling. During the precision intercomparison period, the absolute deviation in percentages of PM2.5 mass concentration between the average of the two automated instruments Met One BAM 1020 (hereinafter refer to as “Met One”) and Thermo R&P 1405-F FDMS (hereinafter refer to as “Thermo”) and the average of the two manual instruments were both at 21%. Since the intercept for Thermo and the slope and intercept of the linear regression for Met One failed to comply with the FEM criteria, both automated instruments are considered a failure in complying with the FEM criteria although other items may pass. During the regional intercomparison period, the absolute deviation in percentages of PM2.5 mass concentration between the average of Met One and manual instruments were 18% at the Hsinchuang station, 29% at the Lunbei station, and 11% at the Cianjhen station, respectively. In contrast, those of Thermo and manual instruments were 18% at the Hsinchuang station, 19% at the Lunbei station, and 13% at the Cianjhen station, respectively. At the Cianjhen station, Met One met all the requirements of the FEM criteria while Thermo failed by a narrow margin. The performance of the two automated instruments did not comply with the FEM criteria for the other two stations. The difference of 24-hour averages between Thermo and BGI PQ 200 manual instrument is related to the volatilized species concentration measured by Thermo; however, the measured volatilized species concentration cannot account for this difference completely. Among the volatilized species measured by the manual instrument, the semi-volatile NO3- concentration was found to play the most important role. Deposited particulate NO3- on the Thermo PM2.5 measuring filter will evaporate when the environmental temperature is lower than 300C as the measuring temperature of Thermo is set at 300C. During the study period, the highest seasonal averages in PM2.5 mass concentration at the Hsinchuang, Lunbei, and Cianjhen stations were 42±21 μg m-3, 42±17 μg m-3, and 83±24 μg m-3, respectively. Mean PM2.5 mass concentration of 37±8 μg m-3 was found at the remote Kinmen Island for five days’ collection in May. The dominant PM2.5 chemical species in the three stations and Kinmen is SO42- followed by the modified NO3- or modified organic carbon. For the international aspect, Europe and the United States of America (USA) reached a consensus to control black carbon from emission sources. A Model Attainment Test Software (MATS) developed by the USA Environmental Protection Agency features the combination of PM2.5 mass and species concentrations from manual instrument with simulation results from a grid-cell model. MATS is capable of estimating future PM2.5 mass concentration upon selecting various source control scenarios. For the future PM2.5 speciation monitoring network in Taiwan, this project proposes to install six stations located in the urban area of the northern, middle, and southern part of Taiwan, and northern coastline, Hualien Taroko National Park, and Kinmen Island, respectively, to build up a preliminary PM2.5 speciation monitoring network. The intercomparisons between regular manual and automated instruments are with satisfactory slopes and correlations in the 30 air quality monitoring stations. The average measuring ratio is at 0.82±0.09 between manual and automated instruments in the 30 air quality monitoring stations ended on August 29, 2013. However, a better way to conduct the conversion of automated measurements to manual values is through the establishment of a linear regression model. 101 監資處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70328
運作中工廠土壤及地下水含氯有機溶劑污染潛勢調查及查證計畫(第5期)(乙) 國內使用含氯溶劑工廠遍及各類業別,致癌風險性高,污染洩漏後其移動分佈深受複雜的水文地質變化所影響,其污染流佈與調查整治迥異於重金屬或油品類污染。本計畫為延續性之第5期計畫,分為甲、乙子計畫,計畫目標為:選取100家含氯有機溶劑運作中工廠以兩階段方式進行土壤及地下水調查及查證;配合環保署執行其他場址調查及查證;檢討修正環保署比水重非水相液體調查技術手冊中有關調查工作之內容;建立含氯有機化合物之物性、化性、毒性及健康危害資料等基本性質資料庫等。俾利篩選調查邏輯與成果經驗可回饋後續含氯有機溶劑運作中工廠之調查規劃與技術篩選,以兼具調查及查證之效益與成效。本計畫特以鎖定含氯有機物高污染潛勢業別篩選出114家工廠進行現勘及污染潛勢評估,再針對其中31家工廠進廠調查,其中有17家工廠之土壤或地下水相關污染物濃度超過管制標準,調查場址之土壤∕地下水查證率達54.8%(乙計畫:14家工廠中有6家工廠土壤或地下水超過管制標準)。 Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Chlorinated Solvents Pollution Potential in O Chlorinated solvents are widely used in various industries in Taiwan. Once the solvents leak and spread into the subsurface, the investigation and remediation of these solvents are more difficult than heavy metal and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) contaminants due to their higher mobility in the heterogeneous hydrogeological conditions. The project was the 5th year of continuous project which contained two subsidiary projects (A and B). The following tasks were completed in accordance with the objectives of the project including: conducted the two-stage investigation of soil and groundwater contamination at the chlorinated solvent operating factories selected; assisted the EPA in performing the investigation and verification of contaminations of other potential sites; updated and modified the guidelines of DNAPL investigation issued by the EPA. The final report of this project included the feedbacks of site screening and investigation procedures, in hoping that these will assist the EPA to set up an economical and effective method in processing chlorinated solvent operating cases in the future.With the focus on high potential contaminated facilities using chlorinated solvents, one hundred and fourteen facilities were selected for environmental site assessment phase I and thirty-one priority sites were investigated. The concentration of soil and groundwater contamination of seventeen sites had exceeded the pollution control standards. The enforcement rate of contamination investigation was 54.8 percent in this project. Out of the fourteen investigated sites in subsidiary project B, there were six sites with groundwater or soil pollutant concentration exceeding the pollution control standards. 102 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70222
運作中工廠土壤及地下水含氯有機溶劑污染潛勢調查及查證計畫(第5期)(甲) 國內使用含氯溶劑工廠遍及各類業別,致癌風險性高,污染洩漏後其移動分佈深受複雜的水文地質變化所影響,其污染流佈與調查整治迥異於重金屬或油品類污染。本計畫為延續性之第5期計畫,分為甲、乙子計畫,計畫目標為:選取31家含氯有機溶劑運作中工廠以兩階段方式進行土壤及地下水調查及查證;配合環保署執行其他場址調查及查證;檢討修正環保署比水重非水相液體調查技術手冊中有關調查工作之內容;建立含氯有機化合物之物性、化性、毒性及健康危害資料等基本性質資料庫等。俾利篩選調查邏輯與成果經驗可回饋後續含氯有機溶劑運作中工廠之調查規劃與技術篩選,以兼具調查及查證之效益與成效。本計畫特以鎖定含氯有機物高污染潛勢業別篩選出114家工廠進行現勘及污染潛勢評估,再針對其中31家工廠進廠調查,其中有17家工廠之土壤或地下水相關污染物濃度超過管制標準,調查場址之土壤∕地下水查證率達54.8%(甲計畫:17家工廠中有11家工廠土壤或地下水超過管制標準;乙計畫:14家工廠中有6家工廠土壤或地下水超過管制標準)。 Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Chlorinated Solvents Pollution Potential Chlorinated solvents are widely used in various industries in Taiwan. Once the solvents leak and spread into the subsurface, the investigation and remediation of these solvents are more difficult than heavy metal and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) contaminants due to their higher mobility in the heterogeneous hydrogeological conditions. The project was the 5th year of continuous project which contained two subsidiary projects (A and B). The following tasks were completed in accordance with the objectives of the project including: conducted the two-stage investigation of soil and groundwater contamination at the chlorinated solvent operating factories selected; assisted the EPA in performing the investigation and verification of contaminations of other potential sites; updated and modified the guidelines of DNAPL investigation issued by the EPA. The final report of this project included the feedbacks of site screening and investigation procedures, in hoping that these will assist the EPA to set up an economical and effective method in processing chlorinated solvent operating cases in the future.With the focus on high potential contaminated facilities using chlorinated solvents, one hundred and fourteen facilities were selected for environmental site assessment phase I and thirty-one priority sites were investigated. The concentration of soil and groundwater contamination of seventeen sites had exceeded the pollution control standards. The enforcement rate of contamination investigation was 54.8 percent in this project. Out of the seventeen investigated sites in subsidiary project A, there were eleven sites with groundwater or soil contamination concentration exceeding the pollution control standards Out of the fourteen investigated sites in subsidiary project B, there were six sites with groundwater or soil pollutant concentration exceeding the pollution control standards. 102 土污基管會 瑞昶科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70214
國內標準氣體製備與品質管理制度之建置與評估 經過研發得知,各國都有一套標準氣體管理制度,來支援其環保業務。也都有依據空氣品質監測、固定與移動污染源等法規,來管制污染源排放與能耗等規定。對於監測器或分析儀,在安裝的檢定合格有效使用期間內,規定應定期以追溯驗證之標準氣體進行校正與查核,方可繼續使用於法定檢測。國內因為欠缺完善的環保氣體追溯驗證,與標準氣體產品之登錄、驗證、查核,及後市場管理等制度規範,因此環保執行面,就會衍生出標準氣體品質監督與追溯管理的問題。目前各國大都有一套計量體系,結合環保規範,來支援並達到環保管制法規的標準氣體追溯需求。例如在美國,其環保署利用制定的環保標準氣體議定書登錄查驗制度,達到稽查管制標準與追溯的要求。而日本則透過JCSS品質體系,制定一套登錄查驗體系,大陸也透過計量體系,籌建CNRM的標準參考物質登錄平台。由於標準氣體,在國內環保空氣汙染的檢測與監測領域中,牽涉甚廣也使用量最大,而氣體產業在國內也是涵蓋各經濟生產領域,因此若能建立,與國際接軌,並以環保汙染管制追溯的標準氣體管理登錄平台,將可提高法規執行與查核的公信力,與稽查標準的一致性,更可帶動國內氣體相關產業的經濟發展。 The establishment and evaluation for the certificate preparation and quality-control management syst According to the result of our research, we found that all of the country had a standard gas management system to support the environment protection business. They had the regulation to control the exhaust emission and energy consumption, according to the air-quality monitor and stationary and mobile emission law.All of the installed gas monitor and analyzer could continuously execute the legal measurement, if they had been periodically calibrated with traceable standard gas after qualified verification in the period if the time.All of the problem of the traceable administration and quality supervision would occur in the view of the environment-protection execution, if we don’t have the perfect traceable certificate system of the environmental gas standard and registration and inspection and after-the-market-management.All of the country have a metrology system combined environment-protection code to support the traceable requirement of the standard gas for the regulation control of the environment-protection.For example, US EPA made the EPA Protocol gas system to get the traceable and standard requirement for the audit control. Japan use the JCSS quality system to make a registration and inspection system. China also built the CNRM registration platform through the metrology system.Because of the extensive and quantitative usage of standard gas in the test and monitor field of the environmental air pollution, we could enhance the credibility of the execution and check for the regulation and conformity of the auditing standards, even the promotion of the economic development for the domestic gas-related industries, if we could build the TEPA protocol gas registration platform with international standard. 102 環檢所 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69932
電動車營運與電能補充服務規劃專案工作計畫 本計畫目的在於規劃與發展適合國內的電動車營運與電能補充方式,並推動示範運行,藉由示範運行成果,驅動未來大規模的電動車輛與相關服務的正式營運。期間將以「電動車營運與電能補充服務推動聯盟」作為產官研跨單位溝通平台,藉此促成業者參與電動車示範運行,並推動國內建置電能補充基礎設施。本計畫重要執行成果包括:1.凝聚並獲得產業界共識,完成電動二輪車電池交換系統共通電池審驗規範草案,建立可互通及可互換之介面標準,確保48V/10Ah共通電池品質的一致性,該草案並經環保署於102年12月9日公告。.2.上述規範具有降低成本、延長電池壽命的產業效益,能解決小型輕型電動車輛最關鍵的核心問題,此推動政策獲得國內80%電動自行車及30%電動機車業者支持,可望成為共通電池規格的全球成功首例。3.建立西螺果菜市場電動蔬果運輸車審驗及補助機制,規範車輛性能、操作安全、電氣安全,以符合及保障使用者需求;由於設計「車電分離」商業模式,電動車的使用成本比柴油拖板車更具競爭力,提升運銷商使用意願;未來全數汰換三輪柴油拖板車後,將有效改善市場的空氣品質及噪音。4.環保署促成國內業者共同開發動力模組,提供三輪柴油拖板車電動化換裝方案,首部樣車已實際使用累積行駛11,000公里。5月28日環保署舉辦西螺果菜市場綠色運輸服務啟動說明會,展示最新4部驗證合格的電動蔬果運輸車,提供在地完善保修與電能補充服務,開啟台灣大規模電動車場域實證與動力模組應用新契機。5.於金門完成1輛8人座可電池交換慢速電動車5,000公里示範運行,累計超過250次電池交換,確認可透過換電補充電能方式,提高車輛之使用彈性、便利性及效益,滿足離島旺季大量遊客接駁需求,未來可進一步有效增進短程運輸之環保與經濟效益。6.舉辦12場聯盟會議及1場國內研討會。7.於第27屆世界電動車會議暨展覽會(Electric Vehicle Symposium, EVS)發表論文1篇。 Electric Vehicles Operation and Power Supply Services Planning Project The objective of this project is to plan and develop the suitable operation and recharging models for electric vehicles. Besides, it also aims to promote the pilot runs of electric vehicles so as to push the development of the real large-scale operation of electric vehicles and services in the future. The “Strategic Alliance of Electric Vehicles Operation and Recharging Service”, a communication platform between the industry, the government and research institutes, is organized to encourage the industry to participate pilot runs and to promote the installation of recharging infrastructure.The important implementation achievements of this project include:1.It completed a draft of common battery certification specifications of two-wheel vehicle battery exchange system to establish common and interchangeable interface standard. The draft is announced by EPA in 102 year December 9. It will ensure consistency of quality for 48V/10Ah common battery.2.The industrial benefit of above certification specifications is to lower cost and to extend the battery’s life, and also solve the most critical core issues of small light electric vehicles. These promotion policies obtain the support by 80% of domestic electric bicycles industry and 30% of electric scooter industry. It is expected to become the first global successful case of common battery specifications.3.It established the electric truck certification and subsidy mechanisms at Siluo fruit and vegetable market to set standards of vehicle performance, operational safety, electrical safety, and security. It would protect users and meet users' needs. And because of the designed business model “the separation between vehicle and battery ", the use cost of electric cars is more competitive than diesel tow trucks. Then it would encourage the marketing provider to use electric cars. In the future, after the replacement of all three-wheel diesel tow trucks, the market therefore will effectively improve air quality and noise.4.EPA contributed to the domestic industry to develop power modules, and to offer the electrification scheme of three-wheel diesel tow trucks. The first prototype vehicle has been used actually to accumulate 11,000 km. EPA hold the press conference of “Siluo fruit and vegetable market’s green transport services start” on May 28 to reveal four new qualified electric trucks, and provide perfect warranty and recharging service. It made Taiwan's new opportunities of large-scale electric vehicle actual field test and power module application.5.It completed 5,000 km demonstration runs in Kinmen with eight-seated battery-swappable low speed electric vehicle, and accumulated more than 250 rounds of battery exchange. It confirmed the supplemental energy of battery-swappable can improve of vehicles' flexibility and convenience and efficiency, and to satisfy the large demand of tourists’ transportation in big season. In the future, it would further promote the effective of both environmental and economic benefits for short-range transportation.6.It completed 12 alliance meetings and 1 seminar.7.It published a paper in the EVS(Electric Vehicle Symposium)27. 102 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69708
第2屆國家環境教育獎獎勵表揚規劃與執行專案工作計畫 本計畫配合「國家環境教育獎獎勵辦法」實施,辦理第2屆國家環境教育獎遴選表揚,甄選平日熱心推動環境教育,並有顯著績效之學校、機關(構)、民營事業、社區、團體及個人,予以表揚,以達到充分運用民間環保資源,鼓勵全民參與並獎勵績優人士及團體對環境教育推動的貢獻。本計畫工作項目包括完成修定與印製各獎勵項目遴選表揚原則、報名表格及填寫說明等資料、更新及維護國家環境教育獎網頁與維護、完成各項評審會議、現場實地查訪及決選會議,並辦理頒獎典禮,且針對獲獎者進行獲獎事蹟的拍攝及優良事蹟實錄彙編之製作;另配合辦理兩場次記者會進行活動之宣傳與成果之宣導。 The Second National Environmental Education Awards Planning and Implementation The project has accomplished the works regarding the reviewing of candidates for the second National Environmental Education Awards and the presenting of the awards to the selected winners according to the “National Environmental Education Awards Guidelines”. Winners with outstanding performance were selected from schools, government departments (agencies), private enterprises, communities, non-government organizations (NGOs), and individuals to encourage utmost exertion of environmental resources from private sectors as well as to promote citizen participation with the awards that praise participants’ contribution to the promotion of environmental education. The project work included the correction and printing of the winner selection guidelines, together with the candidate registration forms and the guidelines to fill out the forms, as well as to renovate and maintain the National Environmental Education Awards website, to carry out all review meetings and on-site visits, and to hold the awards ceremony. The project also made photographed publication of the awarded stories, and held two sessions of press conference to promote the activity and its achievements. 102 綜計處 豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69654
細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制策略研擬及減量成效分析 為了解台灣細懸浮微粒之成因並加以管制,本研究先收集國內細懸浮微粒之資料,以了解台灣細懸浮微粒組成與形成機制,並對台灣三十個手動測站,進行全年二十四個案例日之水溶性陰陽離子分析。其事件日篩選準則,包含了風向、季節及高濃度事件日。可由此水溶性陰陽離子之分析結果,進一步探討台灣各地污染物濃度之變化。分析結果指出,台灣細懸浮微粒濃度由北至南有漸增之情況,且中南部測站之銨鹽與硝酸鹽所佔比例較北部測站多,而硫酸鹽所占比例較少,但全年平均濃度,各成分濃度皆為南部測站高於北部。但就同風向之分析案來探討,可發現在北風時段,銨鹽、硫酸鹽與硝酸鹽之濃度由北向南遞增。南風時段,則銨鹽與硝酸鹽除雲林、嘉義與竹苗地區相似,為由北向南遞減,硫酸鹽於雲林嘉義較高。另外,分析大陸塵霾事件日顯示硫酸鹽之比例降低而硝酸鹽之比例上升。各空品區高細懸浮微粒濃度之成因案例探討,則是利用環保署95年至101年之細懸浮微粒及其前驅物濃度之監測資料,以解析高濃度之懸浮微粒時間與空間分布特性,並以CO為大氣擴散因子,以探討高細懸浮微粒之成因,主要可分為人為影響及擴散影響。分析結果與手動分析結果相似,細懸浮微粒濃度由北向南逐漸遞增,且成因分析結果不論是季節、假日或空品區,皆人為影響為主要影響因素。並利用統計檢定去檢視是否有顯著之差異。以三維網格模式模擬分析台灣不同空品區點源、線源及面源之SO2、NOx與NMHC等前驅物對細懸浮微粒濃度之影響,並須擬定SO2、NOx與NMHC等前驅物與點源、面源與線源之管制優先順序,主要分析日期為2007年之4月與10月,由模式模擬結果顯示各類排放源前驅物對細懸浮微粒之貢獻比例以NOx及線源為優先管制。綜合模式模擬之原生性與衍生性貢獻比例及102年手動方法之監測結果,而研擬各縣市於民國109年目標年之細懸浮微粒濃度的管制目標及三維網格模式量化模擬分析於不同空品區使用0.3%低硫量重油、電力業加嚴標準與以天然氣取代煤之成效。 Analysis of PM2.5 Reduction Efficiency and Development of Its Control Program To understand the formation mechanism of fine particle matter (PM2.5) and control them, this study reviews domestic data of the fine particle matter to understand the formation and mechanism of the fine particle matter in Taiwan, and using Ion Chromatography to analysis the samples of twenty event days at thirty stations. It is totally six hundred samples. The selection of event days is including wind direction, season, and high concentration event days. The result point out the concentration of fine particle matter increases from north to south. The concentrations of nitrate and ammonia in south stations are more than north stations, and the proportion of sulfate is less. But the annual average concentrations of the species in southern stations are more than northern stations. The result point out the concentrations of nitrate, sulfate, and ammonia increases from north to south at period of north wind direction. And at period of the south wind direction, the concentrations of nitrate and ammonia in Yunlin, Chiayi, and Hsinchu decrease from north to south. The concentration of sulfate is higher in Yunlin, and Chiayi. And we can use the result of water-soluble ions to compute the ammonium utilization, and develop control program. It uses EPA monitoring data of precursor concentration from 95 to 101 year to resolve high concentrations of fine particle matter distribution of time and space, and using CO as diffusion factor to analysis causes of event days. The result is similar with manual analysis, and the concentration of fine particle matter is increasing from north to south. And it is using statistical tests to check.It uses three-dimensional grid model to analysis sulfate, nitrate, and ammonia effect of point source, line source, and area source in different air basin. And formulate the control program of sulfate, nitrate, and ammonia. The days of analysis are April and October in 2007. The results of model point out NOx and line source need to priority control. 102 空保處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/filedownload.aspx?fid=72485
低碳永續社區推動專案工作計畫 本計畫主要內容包含對既有52個低碳永續示範社區進行減碳成效彙整與新增39個低碳永續示範社區的推動工作。本報告調查22個縣市共52個既有低碳永續示範社區,彙整其近2年的低碳改善措施,評析其減碳成效、並蒐集村里長對推動低碳永續的寶貴意見。既有社區原診斷建議共694個,目前已執行完成136個,達成率為20%;有186個改善方案正在執行,占整體建議案比率約為27%;另外約53%計有372個建議案未執行,大多屬長期規劃或經費考量而尚未執行,如透水鋪面或太陽光電系統等。除診斷建議內容外,社區亦自動自發執行70項改善案,其內容多以髒亂點改善與綠化美化為主。既有示範社區99年度至102年度減碳成效:社區進行的低碳改善措施累計總減碳量為9,042公噸,其中包含環保署補助社區更換節能燈具,減碳量為95公噸。本計畫與各縣市政府召開協商會議,共同建立遴選原則,最後各縣市共推薦39個低碳永續社區,本計畫共完成39份診斷規劃報告;共提出354項建議改善項目供社區參考,預計年節水量為6,959,745噸,節電量為2,028,398度,減碳量達3,153噸。其中,建議改善項目以設備節能最多,共100項,因設備節能最易於社區推動,也最具減碳效益。整體而言以生態綠化、低碳生活與資源循環等三大運作機能在91個社區的執行比例較高,究其原因:1.容易號召志工參與、2.經費需求度低、3.不需大幅度改變社區軟硬體結構的行動項目,較易受到村里社區的青睞與執行。本計畫另根據39個低碳永續社區能資源耗用與當地氣候資料進行迴歸分析,找出用電、用氣與氣候之相關性,建立一套簡便、客觀可行的排碳評估方法。也協助6個社區,進行7案節能績效保證計畫,補助202萬元,項目以照明改善、空調系統改善為主,另補助具有推廣教育意義的太陽能電動機車充電站、太陽光電抽水系統、太陽光電與雨水回收整合示範系統。促成社區自籌110萬元進行低碳改善,突破過去社區等待政府全額補助的心態;節能績效保證專案預計每年可替社區節省245,864度電,82萬元能源費用支出,為國家每年減少132噸碳排放量。北部社區多為集合式住宅,多有物業管理業者進駐,可扮演推動低碳永續社區的關鍵角色,本計畫參考國內外物業管理業法規、制度與文獻,並依國內物業管理業者現況,召開一場產官學專家座談會,討論結合物業管理業者於低碳永續社區推動可行作法與物業管理培訓課程的適切性,並依會議結論,辦理鏈結物業管理推動低碳永續社區人力培訓講習會,講習會共有78個單位與會,152人參加。另輔導4家物管公司導入相關節能巡檢流程,協助社區進行低碳永續工作,此為國內首度以低碳永續角度出發,鏈結物業管理業者共同推動低碳永續家園之活動。 Project of Developing the Low-Carbon Sustainable Community This project contains main parts, including “Existed 52 Low-Carbon Model Communities”, Newly “Established 32 Low-Carbon Sustainable Communities” and “Providing Carbon Reduction Promotion Activities”.On the project of “Existed 52 Low-Carbon Model Communities”, the project visited 52 communities in 22 counties and cities of the nation and reviewed the execution of existed low carbon procedures for the past two years, and collecting valuable opinion form local opinion leaders such like alley or community leaders. The suggestion of all 694 communities had been finished 136 cases with percentage of 20%. The reasons for not being completing resulted from long-term planning or budget concern. Other 70 improvement projects were completed by communities themselves and most concerning greening works. As for carbon reducing, form year 2010 to 2013, total reduction of carbon reached 9,042 tons including 95 tons with EPA grants.On the project of “Established 39 Low-Carbon Sustainable Communities”, consulting Meetings are held with local cities and counties of the nation. Each city and county provided 39 low-carbon communities in total. The 39 diagnostic reports with low-carbon and sustainable suggestions are finished by fieldwork methods, and 354 improvement items have been suggested. The total saving for water reached 6,959,745 tons and electricity of 2,028,398 kilowatt hour is equivalent to annual carbon reduction was 3,153 tons. The suggestions mostly are energy saving with 100 items. Other local climate data and energy resources of 39 communities indicate factors of carbon emission and set up a easy model to calculate.Overall, the 91 communities related to more work on ecological greening, low-carbon life and recycling. It is easier to call more volunteers to join this project and requires lower budget. This project also finished 7 cases on ESCOs projects on lighting improvement and air conditioning improvement. The total budget was NTD$3,120,000 with NTD$2,020,000 from this project and with NTD$1,100,000 from community itself. The total saving on electricity was 245,864 kilowatt hour and accounts carbon reduction for 132 tons which saves NT$820,000.On estate management, global literatures and systems were collected. This project also analyzed the domestic current estate management companies and their conditions and provided solutions for integration on estate management companies and low-carbon communities. Additional seminar with exports from industry, government and academia was held. In the meeting, human power to support the integration of estate management companies and low-carbon communities was discussed and over 78 companies attended the meeting with 152 participants. 101 生態社區推動方案室 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69554
空氣品質模式技術支援與空氣品質維護評估計畫(第三年) 依據空氣污染防制法第六條規定,二級及三級防制區內,新增或變更之固定污染源污染物排放量達一定規模者,其污染物排放量須經模式模擬證明不超過污染源所在地之防制區及空氣品質同受影響之鄰近防制區污染物容許增量限值。第八條第二項:「符合空氣品質標準之總量管制區,新設或變更之固定污染源污染物排放量達一定規模者,須經模式模擬證明不超過該區之污染物容許增量限值」。為了因應上述法規之推動,因而於民國92年12月制訂「空氣品質模式模擬規範」,以規範固定污染源之許可申請。空氣品質模式的發展與應用、必需包括不同專業領域的科技知識與資訊、相互整合與交互支援才能達成其任務。空氣品質模式牽涉空氣污染法規層次之應用時,譬如環境影響評估或是工廠設置許可中的「濃度增量限值」,如何選用適當的模式並在其使用中標準化其程式、須要有一定的規範予以界定、才能以昭公信。空保處在民國91年推動空氣污染防制法裡面「容許增量限值」的管制工作,以及環境影響評估相關的空氣品質模式的法制化標準化需求,支援「空氣品質模式支援中心」的成立,經過多年的努力,已累積相當的經驗與成果,對空氣品質保護決策有實質的幫助。本計畫今年度之主要工作如下:(1)協助進行模式認可審查作業。(2)規劃固定污染源許可審查模式模擬技術審查原則。(3)辦理容許增量限值模式模擬所需相關資料更新與公告。(4)空氣品質模式支援網站維護管理及諮詢服務。(5)協助各項新增污染源環境影響評估案之空氣品質模式模擬審查及分析。(6)協助辦理有關空氣品質模式模擬法規之修訂。(7)規劃污染防制計畫書模式模擬技術審查原則。(8)分析中尺度氣象模式與客觀分析方法在海陸交界地區產生之風場的差異性及合理性。(9)分析達成細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)空氣品質目標所需之排放允許排放量。(10)分析中國大陸各區域長程傳輸對台灣空氣中PM2.5及其成分之影響。(11)運用空氣品質模式進行即時性案例空氣品質影響評估。 Technical supporting for air quality model and assessment of air pollution control strategies (III) According to Article 6, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Air Pollution Control Act, those newly added or modified stationary pollution sources within Class 2 and Class 3 of air pollution prevention regions in which air pollutant emissions quantities reach a certain regulatory scale is required to perform air quality simulation by suitable air quality model and verify the influence will not exceed allowable increment limits of air pollutant concentrations. As Article 8, Paragraph 2 stands, within a total quantity control district that meets air quality standards, those newly installed or modified stationary pollution sources for which pollutant emissions quantities reach a certain scale is required to perform air quality simulation by suitable air quality model and verify the influence will not exceed allowable increment limits within the district. The scientific and technical knowledge and information that the development and application of air quality models need to accomplish their missions spread in all kinds of academic and advisory organizations, which result into the decentralization of resources, duplicate constructions, various qualities, and barriers of information. Taiwan Air Quality Modeling Center (TAQMC) actually is a policy and technique supporting organization with a combination of experts and data resources in the industry, the government and the academics. In 2002, Taiwan EPA enforced the allowable increase limits of air pollution in the air pollution control act, and the standard requests of air quality modeling in the procedure of environmental impact assessment. Therefore, Taiwan EPA supported to establish “air quality model supporting center”. In fact, it belongs to the role of technical supporting for policy determination in order to laterally integrate the knowledge of production and official related to talent and data resource. The tasks accomplished and relative productions are shown as follows according to the sequence of objectives for this year in the project plan.(1)Cooperate in the application and examination of air quality models.(2)Planning the guideline to review the air quality modeling results in application cases of new stationary sources permit.(3)Update and pronounce the relative data for the simulations of allowable increment limit.(4)Maintain and update the website of TAQMC and consultation service(5)Review and analysis of air quality modeling in application cases of environmental impact assessment.(6)Assisting amendment articles in statutes related to the air quality model application.(7)Planning the guideline to review the air pollution control plan proposed by local environmental protection bureau.(8)Analysis of difference and reasonability of wind fields simulated by objective analysis and mesoscale meteorological model at the join zone between land and water body.(9)Estimation of allowable emissions of PM2.5 precursors for PM2.5 air quality standard.(10)The influence assessment of long-range transport pollution from various China district for atmospheric PM2.5 in Taiwan.(11)Assessment of air quality impact for air pollution emergency event using air quality model. 102 空保處 國立雲林科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69471
101-102年度土壤及地下水污染整治費申報、審理、稽核等相關作業計畫(102年度) 本計畫主要目的在於協助環保署辦理整治費申報及退費案件審理、執行現場稽核、研擬及宣導整治費申報繳費等作業;其中申報案件包括:整治費例行申報、免徵比例申請、停業退費申請、出口退費申請、投保環境損害責任險及新投資於預防土壤及地下水污染有直接效益之設備或工程退費申請及匯款手續費補助等。針對各類申報案件目前都已訂定標準審理方式,然面對擴大費基後、例行申報案件倍增情況,為減少審理負荷,本年度開始採分級審理機制,針對較小額繳費業者採用完整性審理,較大費額案件方採正確性審理,以提升審理效能,相關申報案件亦透過複審機制,以確保審理結果無誤。計畫執行期間計共完成17,385件申報及退費案件審理,退費及補助案件審理部分,停業退費申請案件退費28萬餘元、出口退費申請案件退費22萬餘元、投保環境損害責任險及新投資於預防設備或工程退費申請案件46件退費1億1仟719萬餘元;現場稽核共執行完成500件及催繳482萬元,其中稽核對象包括聯合查核7家68萬元;辦理宣導說明會7場次及製作宣導文宣品,共1,727人次與會,業界對說明會都予以正面評價,反應意見均將納入未來執行參考。整治費徵收制度係參採美國超級基金財務籌措方式,自90年11月開始徵收,迄今徵收近88億元,早期徵收對象多以化學物質為主及偏重石化業者,為使費基公平合理及反映國內污染場址現況,自100年7月起,增納鋼胚、煤、13項行業別產生之事業廢棄物、銅、鎳等徵收對象,目前徵收對象已成長至4,500家,近兩年平均徵收金額約9.45億元/年。收費辦法規定出口退費因取消產製出口,大幅降低退費金額,增加實收金額,而投保環境損害責任險及新投資於預防土壤及地下水污染有直接效益之設備或工程退費申請案件數為歷年最多,預期未來仍有持續長成長空間,對土水污染預防應有極大幫助。擴大費基實施迄今三年,在徵收實務上發現,事業廢棄物徵收方式上衍生不少爭議,建議未來進行收費辦法修訂時,應進行檢討、修訂,使整體徵收制度可以達到更簡化、公平、合理目的。 Filing for and Verification of Statements of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees(2013) The scope of this project includes the auditing of soil and groundwater remediation fee, performing site inspections, and promoting the soil and groundwater remediation fee. The auditing process includes the quarterly soil and groundwater remediation fee, exemption ratio, refunds due to closure or export, refunds for investing in pollution prevention projects and insurances, and refunds of bank wiring fees.Standardized auditing process was utilized to reduce errors. To reduce workload, a rated auditing system was utilized this year. Small payments were only audited for completeness, while as large payments were also audited for correctness. A review process was applied to eliminate errors.This year a total of 17,385 applications were audited. 280 thousand dollars was refunded to factories that closed down. 220 thousand dollars was refunded for exported materials. 46 applications for refunds for investing in pollution prevention projects were received, and 117.19 million dollars was refunded. 500 site inspections were conducted and 4.82 million dollars was retrieved, including 7 cases of joint inspections which retrieved 680 thousand dollars. 7 seminars were held with a total of 1,727 participants which provided positive feedbacks.The soil and groundwater remediation fee took reference of the Unites State Superfund Program. A total of 8.8 billion dollars has been collected since November of 2001. The fee was originally collected on the organic chemicals produced by petrochemical companies. However, most of the soil and groundwater pollution was caused by the illegal disposal of industrial wastes, coal ash, and steel slag, instead of organic chemical. To reflect on the cause of pollution, production of industrial wastes, steel, heavy metal and importation of coal were charged for the remediation fee since 2011. Since the revision of the fee collection scheme, the number of fee-payers has increased to 4,500, and 945million dollars was collected yearly.The cancelation of the refund for manufactured goods has raised the net income of the remediation significantly, whereas the refund for pollution prevention projects has reached a new high this year, and expected to grow even more, which is beneficial to the environment. The collection of soil and groundwater remediation fee from industrial wastes has encountered numerous practical difficulties; further revisions would be necessary to ensure a simpler, equitable, and reasonable fee collection system. 102 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69514
臺中市102年度執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫 行政院環境保護署已於101年2月16日訂定「機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法」,並於101年3月1日起施行,環保署為使法規更符合實際情況,於102年6月25日公告機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法第四條、第五條修正內容,將法規放寬修正及新增部分排除條款,排除適用狀況如天氣預報氣溫超過30度、排班候客計程車、停車時正值下雨…等。因此臺中市政府環境保護局透過多元化的宣導方式如製作宣導海報、廣播託播、路口LCD跑馬燈播放相關宣導法令、新聞稿發佈與稽查管制作業方式,加強落實停車怠速熄火相關工作,本計畫執行各項成果如下說明:本計畫工作團隊自102年11月1日至103年5月14日執行停車怠速查核作業,查核數量共計3,175輛次,查核結果以小型車最多達2,969輛次,其比例為93.5%,其次為機車共計185輛次,其比例為5.8%,而大型車共查核21輛次,其比例為0.7%。在查核地點中,以商圈件數最多,共計1,919輛次,占60%,其次為其他地點共計查核701輛次,占22%,再則為運輸轉運站亦為常發生車輛怠速行為之地點,其查核件數為239輛次,占8%,另外市場、學校及機關分別各占5%、3%及2%。為使各級機關與業者知曉法令內容,本計畫配合政策宣導辦理1場研商討論會及選擇45處公家機關及學校及20處在車流量較多之LCD電視牆螢幕播放宣導停車怠速法令內容,以提升宣導成效。 The Taichung City carry out presentation and control program for Parking and Idle Stop in 2013. The “Management Measures of Motor vehicle Idling Parking” was set by the EPA on February 16, 2012, and implemented on March 1, 2012. To make this regulation more conform to reality, on 25 June, 2013, the EPApublished the amendments of the Article 4 and 5 in Management Measures of Motor vehicle Idling Parking to relax regulations and add some exclusive, such as the temperature of nowscast was exceed than 30℃, the taxies in queue which was waiting for customers, and the raining day. Taichung-City EPB was carried out the diversified propagandaabout idling-stop, such as making propaganda goods, broadcasting,played decrees repeatedly on LED digital signage at main intersections, press releases, and inspection. The achievements of this project were including: The inspection of idling-stop in thisproject was carried out from November 1, 2013 to May 14, 2014. Total amount of 3,175 vehicles, the small cars were up to 2,969(93.5%) whichwere most. Secondly, the numbers of motorcycles were 185(5.8%), andthe numbers of large automobiles were 21(0.7%). In the all kinds ofareas, the easiest to found idling vehicles were business district,total 1,919 (60%) cases. The other places were 701 (22%) cases. InAddition, the idling vehicles are also easy be found in transportstation, were 239 cases (8%).To make all government agencies andpeople in the business to know this policy, 45 LED digital signage at government agencies, schools, and 20 screen wall on the heavy trafficcorner were played. 102 台中市環境保護局 思維環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69348
101至103年度垃圾焚化廠經營管理及查核評鑑相關工作執行計畫(102年度,第2年) 為有效督導管理焚化廠之操作營運,環保署自90年起開始辦理查核評鑑相關工作,並於90年4月20日公布「已運轉垃圾焚化廠操作營運輔導查核及績效評鑑實施要點」(嗣於91年4月18日修訂;95年7月26日停止適用),將相關辦理程序法制化,並建立績效指標評量系統,於93年4月13日公布「垃圾資源回收(焚化)廠查核評鑑要點」(嗣於94年7月13日、95年7月26日及98年8月10日修正),提供查核評鑑工作辦理之法源依據。另回顧自92年環保署委辦查核評鑑計畫起,工作內容逐年隨垃圾處理政策演進、目標需要而有所調整,除基本之協助環保署辦理焚化廠查核評鑑所需之幕僚工作及因應需要之焚化廠管理系統(SWIMS)建置維護、焚化廠經營管理方式評估檢討工作外,另隨著焚化廠服務年限增加,新垃圾處理技術之發展,96~99年委辦計畫亦納入焚化廠效能評估準則之研擬及新世代垃圾處理技術之蒐集等工作,以逐步建構因應焚化廠服務年限增加所需之效能檢視評估作業制度,期透過一評估機制進行檢視,以確認廠性能現況並為後續整備規劃之依據。本計畫主要工作即在配合環保署對焚化廠之管理政策,在歷年之成果基礎下,擴大查核評鑑工作成效,並建立因應服務年限增加所需之效能評估制度,以及辦理與焚化廠營運管理有關或衍生之事項,蒐集廢棄物能資源化技術與個案推動規劃等。本計畫為3年延續性計畫,第2年執行期間自102年9月4日起執行10個月,主要工作包括:健全垃圾焚化廠營運管理制度,廢棄物能資源化應用技術蒐集,辦理大型垃圾焚化廠查核評鑑,垃圾焚化廠管理系統(SWIMS)之功能擴充、資料建置及維護管理,以及辦理垃圾焚化廠營運管理教育訓練計畫工作等。 101-103 Annual Project for Management and Appraisal Work of Refuse Incineration Plants(102 annual) In order to ensure the effective supervision of the management of refuse incineration plants, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has conducted following tasks and prepared relevant laws, regulations and systems from year 2001: The propagation of ‘The implementation guidance for operation, examination and performance appraisal of the operated refuse incineration plants’ on April 20, 2001. (amended on April 18, 2002 and abolished on July 26, 2006) The propagation of ‘The essentials of the examination and appraisal of refuse resource recovery from incineration plants for the EPA’ on April 13, 2004. (amended on July 13, 2005 and July 26, 2006 and August 10, 2009)Reviewing the projects for management and appraisal work of refuse incineration plants since 2003, the tasks were usually revised in order to match up the waste treatment policy and target. In addition to the appraisal work, SWIMS maintenance and management work of refuse incineration plants, by the service life increasing, the drafting of performance evaluation criterion for refuse incineration plants and collecting the information of new generation waste treatment technologies etc. are also fit into the project scope between 2007 to 2010, to achieve the goal of establishing the performance evaluation rules gradually of refuse incineration plants. The purpose is to check the plant's performance in order to prepare the plans of relevant measures.The main purpose of this project was to assist the EPA in the promotion of management affairs of refuse incineration plants in accordance with the EPA’s policy, and to expand the effectiveness of the examination and appraisal work based on the findings of this project, and to collect the techniques about waste-to-energy / resources and to plan some cases. The executing period of the third year of this three-year project was from Sep. 4, 2013 to july. 3, 2014 and major tasks included: To strengthen the refuse incineration plants operating and management system  To visit and collect waste energy resource application techniques  To conduct an examination, appraisal and improvement of the supervision of the management of refuse incineration plants  To expand the functions of the “Solid Waste Incinerator Management System”, and to assist in the data input and maintenance To execute the education training of refuse incineration plants operating and management 102 督察總隊 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68776
高雄市低碳永續家園專案辦公室計畫 配合行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)低碳永續家園政策,所賦予之低碳永續家園專責組織任務,本計畫協助成立「高雄市低碳永續家園專案辦公室」,並依循高雄市地理、環境、人文、社會在地特色,以及高雄低碳城市永續發展願景,即「減災防救,營造安心家園、山海共榮;維護生態永續、轉型升級;創造產業契機」,協助高雄市政府在環保署低碳永續家園平台中,規畫出符合高雄市低碳永續發展路徑的「防救災與調適」、「法律財稅經濟工具」、「十大運作機能」三大主題行動項目,並將其成果彙整於「高雄市防救災與調適推動方案」、「高雄市財經法律工具推動方案」與「高雄市十大運作機能推動方案」獨立報告書。故,本計畫主要工作內容包括:(1)針對環保署低碳永續家園十大運作機能之「防救災與調適」主題,進行研討及研擬相關推動方案;(2)針對環保署低碳永續家園十大運作機能之「法律與經濟財稅工具」主題,進行研討及研擬相關推動方案;(3)針對推動低碳永續家園十大運作機能主題,進行研討及研擬相關行動方案;(4)辦理低碳生活圈綜合研討會或論壇;(5) 辦理南部低碳生活圈跨縣市觀摩學習活動;(6) 低碳永續家園或節能減碳相關媒體宣導;(7) 製作低碳永續家園相關宣導摺頁相關資料;(8)研提高雄市推動低碳永續家園之政策目標、行動方案與執行措施 。 Progect of Kaohsiung Low Carbon Sustainable Society Office According to the dedicated tasks from the policy of Low-carbon Sustainable Society (LCSS) of Environmental Protection Agency, the project has set up a Kaohsiung LCSS Project Office, and base on Kaohsiung situation of geography, environment, humanities, social characteristics, as well as low-carbon city vision with "Disaster Prevention and Relief, Safety Society, Sustainable Sea and Mountain, Ecological Sustainability, Industrial Transformation and Upgrading for new Opportunities." to assist Kaohsiung Government to draw the path of low-carbon sustainable development for three topics(Disaster Prevention and Adaptation, Legal and Economic Instruments, Ten Operational Functions) on the platform of LCSS. Meanwhile we will write the associated performance into the report of three topics. Therefore, the main tasks of project include: (1) Studying and Planning the action plans for Disaster Prevention and Adaptation defined by LCSS; (2) Studying and Planning the action plans for Legal and Economic Instruments defined by LCSS; (3) Studying and Planning the action plans for ten operational function defined by LCSS;(4) Holding seminars or forums regarding with low-carbon district; (5) Conducting learning and across country activities on the southern low-carbon district; (6) Doing media advocacy for the issue regarding with LCSS or carbon reduction; (7) Designing and Producing Propaganda of LCSS; (8) Proposing target, action plans as well as measures of LCSS to Kaohsiung Government. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 台灣檢驗科技股份限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69238
102年度高雄市推動低碳生活宣導補助計畫 本計畫主要目的為配合環保署低碳家園政策,協助高雄市政府環境保護局推動高雄低碳生活,力行低碳生活。於宣導教育方面,完成每月調查本市局處、區公所暨所屬單位十大無悔措施落實情形,共40處,並將調查結果上傳至綠網,驗證主管機關平日減碳行為之落實;完成高雄市政府環境保護局綠網部落格每月建置20篇文章達123篇,並推廣分享至社群網站(Facebook及Plurk)達2,111次,且完成推廣Facebook高雄市節能減碳行動粉絲團粉絲達1,026人,藉由網路無遠弗屆的力量,傳播節能減碳的訊息。完成各局處、區公所暨所屬單位執行節能減碳無悔措施5場說明會,進行十大無悔措施及綠網簽署推廣宣導。節能減碳行動標章宣導方面,完成本市南北兩地各辦理3場次節能減碳行動標章宣導會;協助完成輔導民間企業、團體及社區提出102年度「節能減碳行動標章」6家書面輔導審查,並有4家獲選節能減碳行動標章。大型宣導活動方面,完成6場次節能減碳大型宣導活動,參加人數達200人以上,以體驗營隊的方式宣導大眾減碳的概念,並搭配平面海報進行活動宣傳;完成3則電台託播各播放30檔次,期間合計播放逾90檔次。公務單位查核十大無悔措施落實,發現「員工落實上下班搭乘大眾交通運輸工具」及「提供洽公專車,提供民眾節能減碳之觀念」兩項目,未達成率高達92.5%及87.5%;水表簽署部分,本年度未能達成目標,主因為水表簽署目標量太大,本計畫資源有限,又未能成功動員其它資源。建議試辦以「委眾策略」鼓勵民眾簽署水表,採競賽方式,讓中小學生四個水號為一組參加抽獎,鼓勵學生參加的資訊課老師及校方可分享獎金。根據水電資料分析結果:高雄市101年的人均用電量排名第7高,用電量為1,752度,接近全國平均值1,745度;六都中僅高於臺北市的1,750度。每人每日平均用水量為268公升,與全國平均相當,高於聯合國建議的每人每日250公升。分析高雄市101年水用戶用量組成(不包含農業、養殖用水),以售水量高低前幾大依序是普通用水用戶(45.6%)、工業用水(40.0%)、機關用水(5.6%),商業用水再其次(4.7%),而船舶用水僅佔了全市售水量的0.1%。高雄市6樓以上高樓比例與人均用電及總用電量的相關性非常顯著(r =0.61~0.80),尤其是13樓以上高樓的比例相關性更高(r >0.75)。而高雄市13樓以上的住宅比例(15.1%),又是全國各縣市唯一大於6-12樓之比例(12.4%)者,顯示未來高雄市新建大樓可能是以13樓以上的住宅大樓為主,可能應作為推動節約生活用電的重點。原高雄縣地區的生活用水人均配水量高於原高雄市地區,售水率僅有66.7%,低於全國平均的68.4%,也低於原高雄市地區的79.6%,亦即有很高部分的自來水從水廠出來後,沒有抵達用戶端。這些自來水,一樣經過自來水廠的處理,處理過程都有同樣的碳排放,因此雖然不影響環保署指標值,但若能改善這些地區的售水率,亦有實質的減碳成效。高雄市的機關用水逐年增加中,102年10月與前一年同期比較,軍事機關的用水量減少了12%,但非軍事機關則增加了4%,證實高雄市機關用水確實仍在增加中。進一步探討,發現高雄市政府所屬機關101年用水量成長3.1%,但102年則是降低8.7%,已有改善,但仍有其它機關未能確認,因此仍須探討機關用水逐年增加的原因,釐清是哪些原因所造成。環保署的省水評比中,流動人口比例與人均用電量有高度正相關(r = 0.87)。高雄市為人口淨流出城市(淨流出3.12%),雖然可能導致人均用電量計算值較實際值降低55度,但在環保署的省電指標中也會降低約3.12%,顯得省電效益較差。而100年自來水公司調整戶數種類,導致部分認定為民生用水之用戶改為工業或其它用戶,致使部分縣市平均用水量大幅下降,因此當年度環保署省水評比結果無法反應真實情況。本年度辦理大型宣導活動時,多次遭遇報名民眾未到場之情形,未來可考慮透過預收報名費(保證金)、特定團體專車接送、密集聯繫、提高誘因等方式因應。而高雄市申請節能減碳行動標章的單位領域範圍有侷限之趨勢,建議鼓勵大樓管理委員會、社區發展協會、民宿業者參與報名,並優先輔導曾接受過高雄市政府環境保護局節能輔導過之單位參加。 The advocacy program to promote low-carbon life in Kaohsiung City The main purpose of this project is in line with the EPA’s low-carbon homelands policy to help Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government (KSEPB) to practice low-carbon life in Kaohsiung City.We investigated more than 7 departments (totally 40) of Kaohsiung City Government every month during the project timetables, to ensure they all implemented the declaration of energy saving and carbon reduction.We also uploaded 123 articles to the Ecolife website, verify that the competent authorities to implement carbon reduction behavior weekdays; and sharing to social networking sites (Facebook and Plurk) up to 2,111 times, and the completion of the promotion of Kaohsiung City energy saving and carbon reduction action fans group on Facebook to 1,026 people. We completed 5 interdepartmental promotion of energy saving and carbon reduction measures.We completed 6 promotion of the mark of carbon reduction action; assisted and counseled 6 civil societies proposed for "carbon reduction actions mark, 2014”, and 4 of them acquired the mark.We held 6 sessions with a large-scale promotion on carbon reduction, the number of participants more than 200 people.According to hydro and power consumption Data in 2012, capita electricity consumption is # 7 in Taiwan. Capita water consumption is 268 liters per day, it’s higher than the UN's 250 liters per capita per day (LPCD) is recommended. In 2013, the water consumption of military department has decreased 12%. But non-military department has increased 4%.In EPA's water-saving competitions, the proportion of floating population and capita electricity consumption are highly positively correlated (r = 0.87). Kaohsiung City is a net outflow of population (net outflow of 3.12%), although it may result in lower capita electricity consumption, but the EPA's power saving indicator has also reduced about 3.12%. In 2011, Taiwan Water Corporation had modified the number of households’ types, resulting a significant decrease of the average water consumption. It conducted the annual EPA water-appraisal results do not reflect the real situation. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69229
「地下水有害物質環境傳輸調查及管制標準檢討計畫(第二期)」 本計畫為辦理國內新興產業及關切區域地下水有害物質污染潛勢調查,並建立地下水污染管制實施方案,延續第一期計畫成果,本計畫完成研商會及公聽會之辦理,並依法制作業標準作業流程於102年12月18日完成地下水污染監測及管制標準之公告發布,也辦理專家諮詢會議研商氰化物管制適宜性及研擬後續修正方案。此外,本計畫已建立國內139項地下水潛在列管污染物名單,並依其物化特性及危害資料,進行兩階段污染物評分、排序及分類,目前已選取19項資料完整污染物,如丙烯腈、聯苯胺等,作為優先新增列管候選污染物名單。本計畫針對「石油化學與化工業」進行現勘、訪談及兩階段地下水、土壤及底泥調查工作,綜合調查成果與文獻資料,國內地下水實檢出鄰苯二甲酸酯類塑化劑、壬基酚、雙酚A等關切物質,檢出濃度數量級為10-1~10-5 mg/L,未來須持續評估地下水污染管制標準新增列管之必要性。關於濁水溪沖積扇地下水氨氮濃度偏高問題,本工作首先利用雨水、地面水、水利署觀測井地下水之氫氧同位素組成,建立濁水溪沖積扇地下水背景值,並確認北中南三個流域之地下水來源與組成差異,進而比對區域性監測井地下水水質特性與氫氧同位素,並配合補充調查地表各類水體之氫氧同位素值,藉以判斷地下水中氨氮之可能來源,結果顯示淺層地下水明顯受到鄰近水體影響,包括溝渠、田間水、灌溉渠道、民井等,造成氧同位素值變重及氨氮濃度增加。此外,針對特定區域地下水鉻、鎳、氟鹽及硒問題,本計畫已完成地下水調查及水質研析,除劃定花東地區土壤鉻、鎳污染風險潛勢區,也評析南科台南園區地下水氟鹽自然潛勢與人為潛勢區域,並研提未來監測調查規劃,及相關水質管理及法規管制建議,以供各級主管機關實務執行之參考。 Investigation of Hazardous Substances Transformation in Groundwater and Amending Water Pollution The purposes of this project were to investigate the groundwater contamination potential of hazardous materials from sunrise industries and concerned catchments, and to establish the controlling strategies of groundwater pollution. Following the results of the first project, this project held consultation meeting and public hearing, and finished promulgation of Groundwater Pollution Monitoring/Controlling Standards on December, 18th, 2013 according to the official standard procedure. Consultation meeting was also held to review regulatory suitability of cyanides, and to deliberate subsequent revision program. Additionally, 139 potential regulatory groundwater pollutants were established, scored, and classed based on physical/chemical properties and health effects. 19 data-completed pollutants had high priority as monitoring/controlling items, such as acrylonitrile and benzidine.Site inspection, interview, and a two-stage groundwater, soil and sediment quality survey of Petroleum and Chemical Industry were conducted. The results showed that phthalates, nonylphenol, bispehnol A were actually distributed in groundwater, and detected concentrations were between 10-1 and 10-5 mg/L. The necessity of these pollutants to be monitoring/controlling items should be continually assessed in the future.For the elevated groundwater NH4+ concentration of Choshui river alluvial fan, the H and O isotopte compositions of rain water, river water and deep monitoring well groundwater were analyzed to establish the background of subsurface environment. The river water from 3 different chachments were collected to verify the difference of water sources. The results were further adopted for verifying of isotope composition of shallow monitoring well groundwater. The H and O isotope of different water body were also determined, including ditch, paddy field, irrigation channel, private wells to understand the plausible sources of groundwater NH4+ contents. The results indicated that the influences of different surface water on shallow groundwater were significant and lead to the heavier O isotope and increased NH4+ concentration.For groundwater chromium, nickel, selenium and fluoride issue, groundwater investigation and quality analysis were completed. This project already established potential areas for soil chromium/nickel pollution in Hualien-Taitung Valley, and defined naturally-attributed or anthropogenically-attributed areas for groundwater fluoride in Tainan Science Park. Future monitoring plans, quality management and advice on standard revision also presented in this project. Aforementioned results and suggestions could submit to competent authorities as practical implementation references. 102 土污基管會 業興環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69204
102年度臺南市反怠速稽查管制計畫 本計畫工作自102年5月6日起開始執行,計畫期程為一年,計畫重要執行成果如下:(一) 辦理稽查人員教育訓練:於102年6月24日與噪音計畫共同辦理教育訓練,於環保局新營區與東區辦公室辦理,訓練內容為讓稽查人員熟悉稽查設備使用、瞭解修訂後管理辦法差異及因應方式,並進行稽查實務討論,共計有41人參加。(二) 提供紅外線熱像儀:於102年5月6日計畫開始即提供4台紅外線熱像儀供環保局稽查使用。(三) 執行車輛稽查或宣導:本計畫共計執行怠速車輛勸導809輛。(四) 輔導設置告示牌:共計輔導新增101處告示牌地點,分別為50處加油站、21處幼兒園及30處安親補習班,合計102面告示牌。(五) 宣導標語跑馬燈:共計有30處商家、學校及補習班等單位協助播放,並予以錄影或拍照存證。(六) 怠速宣導網頁維護:針對怠速宣導專屬網頁,每日提供氣溫預報之更新,有新聞稿或相關訊息均當月進行更新發佈。(七) 平面及電子媒體宣導:於102年6月、10月、11月及103年2月、3月、4月各發布一篇新聞稿及102年11月30日完成一篇平面媒體宣導廣告。(八) 推廣零怠速自主管理:校園零怠速自主管理的推動,選定億載國小及學甲國小兩所學校作為零怠速示範學校,並設置零怠速示範學校告示牌、辦理大型宣導記者會、成立零怠速宣導小天使,並在學校週邊加強宣導與勸導工作,讓家長及民眾皆能遵守停車即熄火,讓學童能遠離汽機車怠速所造成的危害。於103年4月16日進行新一批怠速小天使教育訓練。(九) 大型宣導活動配合宣導校園零怠速政策,102年11月29日辦理「停車即熄火 共創低碳校園」大型記者會宣導活動,宣示推動校園零怠速政策,記者會內容除了有億載國小學童所表演校園零怠速短劇,亦將兩校新成立怠速勸導小天使,在新聞媒體面前正式亮相,再搭配零怠速示範學校告示牌揭示,爭取到各大新聞媒體採訪與版面,增加校園零怠速方案曝光,使民眾及家長能夠瞭解政策內容,進而於學校周邊皆能停車即熄火,保護學童健康。(十) 小型宣導活動:於103年2月15日搭配「2104全國客家日『簡樸樂活、客家好樣」在文化中心活動現場設置宣導攤位進行宣導。103年4月4日配合103年之地球環境季系列活動之『大煙囪世界之旅-創意寫生』活動,於永康焚化廠回饋設施『水多多』前設置宣導攤位進行宣導。(十一) 平均怠速時間調查:各類別總平均怠速時間為7.3分鐘,怠速率較高者為交通接駁點之6.9%,並以高鐵站怠速率為最高。(十二) 違反管理辦法開罰案件:由環保局稽查科東區小隊在103年2月6日於北門路開出一張小客車怠速違規案件稽查單;103年3月11日及14日,於生產路針對同1輛怠速違規車輛,二日各開出一張違規案件稽查單;總計開出3件怠速違規罰單。(十三) 本計畫執行完畢,相關之建議如下:1. 氣溫高仍應加強勸導天氣熱是會怠速吹冷氣的主要起因,更應該要加強宣導與勸導,才不會使民眾認為超過30度就可以肆無忌憚的怠速,就不會形成管制上的空窗,使管制政策在天氣熱時淪為口號。2. 易怠速地點之計畫性稽查未來建議稽查人員針對易怠速之重點地點,搭配重點時段進行稽查勸導,可增加稽查勸導的減量效益。尤其是怠速比率高的高鐵站臨停接送區,貨車停放中午吹冷氣休息怠速時間長的地點等,這些地點應安排有計畫性的稽查勸導。3. 零怠速之推廣推動低碳城市若能透過教育局協助加強校園零怠速之推動,讓各級學校能夠加強管制接送之怠速狀況,再利用教育學生的方式,進而去影響家長,減少接送怠速之狀況,必可達到進一步的減量效果。 2013 Tainan Idle Speed Monitoring and Control Project Launched on May 6, 2013, the project of idle speed monitoring and control has been executed for a year and concluded with the following major achievements:(一) Training for inspectors was introduced on June 24, 2013 in conjunction with training program for noise control project at the environment authorities’ offices in both Sinying and East Districts. Some 41 inspectors were trained to familiarize with monitoring device and management guidelines and actions, while taking part in discussion on actual inspection practices.(二) Four Infrared thermal imaging machines were provided for environment monitoring officials.(三) A total of 809 vehicles at idle speed were admonished during the project span.(四) Advisory signs were installed in 101 spots, 50 of which are gas stations, 21 are kindergartens, and 30 childcare and cram schools. In total, 102 signs were installed.(五) Tickers promoting the project have been displayed in 30 businesses, schools, and cram schools. They were also filmed or taped.(六) Websites dedicated to the project have been created to provide updates on weather forecast and news on a monthly basis.(七) In June, October, November, 2013 and February, March, April, 2014, one news report was released monthly. A promotion advertisement was published through print media on November 30, 2013.(八) Autonomous management was strongly encouraged. Yizai and Syuejia Elementary Schools were chosen as model schools for project execution, with advisory signs, large-scale press conferences, anti-idle-speed promotion volunteers as well as other monitoring and control tasks corresponding to such project. Parents and citizens have been able to comply with the rule by switching off the engine when having their vehicle pulled over for the safety of their children. On April 16, 2014, a group of new volunteers underwent training in idle speed monitoring and control.(九) Large-scale events:A large press conference was held on November 29, 2013 in accordance with the idle speed control policy on campus, featuring short drama plays performed by Yizai Elementary School students. The little volunteers were also exposed in front of the media with advisory signs posted by schools that pursue zero idle speed. The event won enormous media coverage and enlightened the public with the benefits of cutting back on idle speed, thus facilitating children’s health.(十) Small-scale event:The 2014 Hakka LOHAS Life event was held on February 15, 2014 at the Tainan Cultural Center, where there was a stand for promoting the project. On April 4, a stand was set up at an outdoor creative sketch event held at Super Water resort in front of Yong-kang Incinerator to advocate the project.(十一) Average idle speed survey: The average time of all vehicles idling is 7.3 minutes. Vehicles at idle speed are most seen at major traffic terminals, which accounts for 6.9% of total violations and occurs especially at high speed rail stations.(十二) Violation and fines:An citizen's vehicle was issued a ticket by our inspection squad (affiliated with the City’s Dept. of Environment) based in East District for idle speed on Bei-men Road on February 6, 2014. On March 13 and 14, 2014, one vehicle was given a ticket two days in a row for the same violation. Three tickets in total in violation of the policy were issued.(十三) Further recommendations beyond the current project:1. Reinforced monitoring despite heatIt seems logical to have a car stay idle and enjoy air conditioning inside when it is scorching outside. But it takes extra monitoring and supervision in this condition so that people don’t get out of control and not show any respect for the policy.2. Location-specific inspectionCertain spots and time frames are particularly prone to vehicles at idle speed and require particular attention from inspectors, e.g. designated pick-up zones at high speed rail stations and parking for trucks and trailers especially at noon. Special arrangements are advised to be made.3. Promotion of zero idle speedIt would be highly efficient to promote low-carbon urban planning with the assistance by education officials with advertising zero idle speed on campus and more reinforced control and further training and education. 102 台南市環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68928
102年度桃園縣含氯溶劑污染場址初步污染範圍界定及相關場址後續管制策略計畫 桃園縣境內有多處工業區,管理不易,部分工業區長時間以來有遭含氯有機溶劑污染的問題,然而工業區內污染來源仍屬不明確,尚待釐清,環保局為有效管理地下水污染場址,乃規劃本計畫進行相關污染工廠調查及管制策略研擬工作。本計畫已完成所有合約工作項目,自計畫簽約後完成每兩個月工廠巡檢,每次巡檢與查核桃園縣境內列管土水污染場址14~16處,相關巡檢資料與照片亦已完成上傳並更新至土壤及地下水管理資訊系統;本計畫針對具污染疑慮且有擴散之虞、污染範圍待釐清之場址進行相關調查、文獻與工廠過去運作歷史蒐集與分析,完成中壢工業區過去既設井與廠商自設井等相關設井資料與檢測數據,藉此瞭解中壢工業區污染分布情形,經篩選後選擇K公司中壢廠、T公司、O公司中壢廠以及Y公司等4處場址與其鄰近區域進行地下水污染範圍釐清與調查,除了分析合約項目之揮發性有機物之外,本計畫亦應用化合物專一性穩定同位素分析技術,針對含氯污染物質進行鑑識評析。4家工廠調查計畫書與品保規劃書已依約於第一次期中報告提交,4場址共計12口監測井則於102年11月17日全數完成設置,調查發現中壢工業區之4處場址應屬於3個污染團,同達一與Y公司附近應有廠區外之污染來源、K公司、O公司、與內○國小附近之污染來源應是在O公司廠區西北邊;除此之外,本報告亦針對含氯場址、含氯溶劑使用現況進行文獻蒐集與資料分析於第四章,另對於桃園縣工廠管理現況與策略評析彙整於第五章;其他本計畫行政配合事項摘要整理於第七章。最後彙整本計畫執行成果所做之結論與建議整理於第八章。 FY102 Project of Pollution Delineation and Post Regulation Strategies for Chlorinated Solvents Contaminated Sites in Taoyuan County Many industrial areas were established in Taoyuan with varied manufacturing process. The widespread industrials in these areas generate different and complex pollutants which are not easy to deal with. Some industrial areas were contaminated by organic chlorinated solvents for long period; in particular the presence of chlorinated solvents in groundwater. However, the pollution existed for more than 20 years but the pollution sources have not been clearly identified in some highly concerned sites. For overcoming this problem and trying to clarify the pollution extent in these industrial areas in Taoyuan, the environment protection bureau (EPB) launched a project in 2013 executing by Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), for investigating and identifying the pollution source of chlorinated solvents in groundwater which having priority and controversy. In addition, strategies for managing and handling with contaminated sites are also suggested by the results of this project. All items listed in the contract are completed in this project. The supervision and the inspection of factories controlled by the Law of soil and groundwater were carried out every 2 month. About 14 to 16 sites were evaluated every 2 month to monitor and inspect the status of contaminated sites in Taoyuan. The information collected by each time of inspection were periodically reported, updated and uploaded on-line to the soil and groundwater management system (SGM) maintained by the EPA. The results of factories inspection were concluded in chapter 6 in this final report. An important section of this project is to clarify the pollution extent and try to identify the pollution source. For this purpose, analysis results of groundwater in Chung-Li industrial area in previous investigation were collected and reviewed, 4 contaminated sites, referred as K、T、Y, and O were determined as the investigation target. Totally 12 monitoring wells were hence set-up in Chung-Li Industrial area, and 19 groundwater samples were taken out for the analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Besides, the compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) technique was employed in this project to illustrate the possible location or directions of the pollution sources. The investigation proposals for 4 contaminated sites were submitted in the first midterm report (August, 2013); the results of monitoring wells set up were summarized and exhibited in chapter 3. The results demonstrated that 3 pollution plumes existed among these 4 contaminated sites in Chung-Li industrial area. The pollution sources of T site and Y site were not inside the factory boundaries; T site and Y site were not responsible to the pollution generation. The pollution source of K site, O site and Nei-Ding elementary school were suggested to be the same one, came from the northwest direction of O site. In addition to site investigation, literature reviews of chlorinated solvent operation, and the case studies for investigating of contaminated site by chlorinated solvents were organized in chapter 4. Strategies and suggestions proposed for factories management in Taoyuan were revealed in chapter 5. Others assistance requested by EPB were listed in chapter 7. Chapter 8 concluded and made suggestions of this project. 102 桃園縣政府環境保護局 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69110
環境教育增能計畫之先期規劃專案工作計畫 一、完成研議國際推動環境教育增能相關政策及配套二、完成推動大學設置區域環境教育中心三、完成辦理政策研商會及設置說明會 Advanced Planning Project of Environmental Education Capacity This project is divided into three sections:(1) Collecting information of environmental education promotion in Australia, Korea, Japan and USA,especially, to understand the key points of how to exercise the National Project for Excellence in Environmental Education, by North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), requested by US Environmental Protection Agency; (2) Planning and setting up Regional Center of Environmental Education in Taiwan, based on the understanding above, in oder to upgrade the capability in environmental education; and(3) Assisiting Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan to hold policy research forums and project explanation meetings, for setting up Regional Center of Environmental Education in the near future. 102 綜計處 臺北市立大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69126
102年度臺南市推動室內空氣品質改善計畫 本年度輔導訪查臺南市轄內38家公共場所(33家環保署第一批公告場所與5家非公告場所),並依「室內空氣品質檢測管理法」規定,巡檢各場所可能受管制之民眾常駐足管制區,依據各場所現場巡檢及訪查輔導紀錄及問題,查核輔導可能存在管理問題之公告場所,提供室內空氣品質維護管理之改善建議。冀期藉由初訪輔導(38處)→直讀儀全項巡檢(38處)→公告方法檢測(12處)→專家輔導(8處)之循序漸進流程,確認本市轄內公告場所室內空氣品質現況及管理情形。 本計畫於102年8月15日、102年8月22日與103年3月27日辦理3場次法規說明會,針對環保署公布之第一批列管場所類別進行宣導,並於102年9月起,依工作內容執行38處公共場所(含環保署公告本市33處場所名單)查核輔導,包含大專校院3間、圖書館1間、醫療院所3間、社會福利機構1間、政府機關9間、鐵路運輸3間、商場13間。訪查之際,亦以簡易式直讀式儀器進行7項巡檢,並針對20處公共場所初訪時CO2較高濃度區域進行巡檢複查。標準方法檢測乃依環保署公告場所類型管制室內空氣品質項目執行12處公共場所二氧化碳(CO2)、一氧化碳(CO)、甲醛(HCHO)、總揮發性有機化合物(TVOC)、粒徑小於10微米之懸浮微粒(PM10)、粒徑小於2.5微米之懸浮微粒(PM2.5)、細菌、真菌等總計56點次室內空氣品質公告方法檢測,其中亦包含101年度5處較具室內空氣品質改善空間之公告場所,進行甲醛複測,所有場所檢測結果皆符合室內空氣品質標準。本計畫另於102年11月起進行8場次專家學者輔導改善,並自103年3月起聯同初訪較具問題之20處進行複查追蹤,結果顯示因應環保署室內空氣品質管制期程,部分場所態度轉趨為積極(如: 臺南市政府(永華市政中心)、臺灣鐵路新營車站、好市多臺南店等),已先行進行加強排氣、防漏等改善工程,其室內空氣CO2及細菌濃度有明顯改善。 本計畫初步建置本市室內空氣品質資訊網站,目前已完成官網連結、室內空氣品質資訊及其他資訊等架構內容,即時新增文獻與法規資訊。此外,計畫亦彙整20處第一批公告場所撰寫新版維護管理計畫書,並協助本市10處公告場所設置專責人員。 Promotion of 2013 Project on Improvement of Indoor Air Quality at Tainan City There were 38 public sites (includes 33 the first EPA-announced and five non-EPA-announced public sites) in Tainan City were visited, examined and then tutored within this year. According to the guidelines for examination of indoor air quality, the confined public sites that possibly controlled and residents would frequently visit were visited and examined. Based on the records and questions via on-site visiting, examining and tutoring, checked and tutored the announced public sites that management problems probably occur. Provides the recommendations for improving to maintain and manage the indoor air quality. Via the sequential schedules : preliminary visiting and tutoring (38 sites) → all items using direct-read instruments during visiting and examining (38 sites) → measuring using issued methods (12 sites) → tutoring of experts (8 sites), it is expected to ascertain the current conditions and management of indoor air quality regarding announced public sites within this city. In the current project, three seminars of legislations or laws were held in 15 August 2013, 22 August 2013 and 27 March 2014, respectively. The main purpose was to conduct advocacy for the public sites that were firstly-included of control and announced by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). From September 2013, the checking and tutoring for 38 public sites (includes 33 EPA-announced public sites in this city) has been conducted according to the work contents of this project. These includes three colleges, one library, three hospitals, one social welfare agency, nine government agencies, three railway transportation and 13 markets. During the visiting and checking, seven items for visiting and examining were also conducted employing simple direct-read instruments. Visiting, examining and rechecking were also conducted for the 20 public sites with higher concentrations of CO2 during preliminary visiting. According to the controlled indoor air quality items of Taiwan EPA-announced sites, issued standard methods were then used to measure carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), formaldehyde (HCHO), total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), suspended particulates whose particle size is less than 10 µm (PM10), suspended particulates whose particle size is less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5), bacteria and fungi. A total of 12 public sites and 56 samples were measured for indoor air quality using issued methods. Among them, five announced public sites with higher improving possibility at IAQ were chosen to conduct formaldehyde re-checking in 2012. Results of all examined sites met the IAQ standards. Additionally, eight expert-tutoring were held from November 2013 in this project. Along with the 20 public sites with higher concentrations of IAQ items during preliminary visiting, rechecking and tracking were then conducted from March 2014. Results revealed that some public sectors start to have more positive attitude to response the IAQ schedules built by Taiwan EPA, for examples, Yung-Hua municipal center, Hsin-Yinn station and Costco etc. Their exhausting and leakage-proof systems were improved first, concentrations of CO2 and bacteria of indoor airs have been significantly lowered.The related websites regarding indoor air quality in this city were firstly built in the present project. Currently, the links for official websites and indoor air quality and other information has been completed. Meanwhile, laws and literatures were immediately updated. In addition, the new version of project concerning maintenance and management for 20 firstly-announced public sites has been organized in this project. Also, 10 firstly-announced public sites in this city were assisted to set up dedicated staff. 102 台南市環境保護局 崑山科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69045
水體污染總量管制方式規劃專案工作計畫 環保署為進一步提升水體品質、確保國民健康,擬依水污染防治法精神,將廢(污)水排放總量管制列為後續水質管理之主要策略,而本計畫主要目標為分析國際水污染總量管制及水質用途標準最新資訊,並研擬我國水體污染總量管制方式及大漢溪流域水污染總量管制方式草案。本計畫蒐集彙整美、日、韓、中等各國總量管制執行經驗,後透過各國制度及案例分析之回饋,研擬總量管制整體實施及執行流程。實施內容包括總量管制實施對象評估、水體涵容能力調查分析、容許污染總量分配、總量管制執行及成效評估等,擬透過資料蒐集、分析、評估、策略擬訂及查核等步驟,將水體區分為總量加嚴、總量削減、總量盤查及定期監測等四大類進行管理;另選定大漢溪柑園大橋至浮洲橋河段為總量管制示範流域,並以BOD水質項目為對象,分別進行涵容能力分析、既有整治措施成效分析及擬訂容許污染總量分配草案,彙整提出大漢溪流域總量管制執行方式推動草案,以供地方主管機關後續擬訂污染總量管制計畫之參考。此外,為完善國內總量管制作業之推動,本計畫透過研商、座談、專家諮詢或說明等會議之方式,彙整國内總量管制相關領域之專家學者意見,作為擬定國內總量管制制度及執行作業之依據;另配合建置水體污染總量地理資訊系統,建立相關污染源管理功能模組,作為整體總量管制之輔助工具。 Water Pollution Control Planning by TMDLs   In order to improve water quality of Taiwan river and ensure people’s health, Taiwan EPA follows the Water Pollution Control Act to make Total Mass Daily Loads(TMDL) as the main strategy of water quality management in the future. The target of this project is to collect information of TMDL and water quality standard on international, and develop the process of Taiwan TMDL and complete the draft of TMDL in Dahan river.  This project has collected and analyzed the TMDL implemented experience of USA, Japan, Korea, to develop the standard process of Taiwan TMDL. Including identifying candidates for TMDL development, quantifying the allowable pollutant load, allocating waste load, implementation and monitoring. The water type has been classified to four categories, which result are permit standard raising, pollution reducing, environmental investigating and regular monitoring. In addition, we choose the segment between Ganyuan bridge and Fuzhou bridge in Dahan river as an example of TMDL segment and BOD is the control target. We analyzed the allowable pollutant load of the segment, and compiled existing pollution control measures to determine the wasteload allocation. At last we finished the draft of Dahan river TMDL implementation plan, which is a reference materials of TMDL implementation plans for the official authorities in the future.  Besides, we had held several conferences and meetings to collect the opinions from experts in different region, which can complete the process we develop in the project. In the other hand we have established a GIS with pollutant management model as a tool for implementing TMDL in Taiwan. 102 水保處 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69108
環評審查結論遭法院撤銷案件之國賠可能性探討 本報告以環評案件遭法院判決撤銷之案例為中心,先分析各種環評結論被撤銷之違法樣態。其次,整理與環評審查結論具有相同性質之其他否准申請處分、授益行政處分處分遭法院判決撤銷之案例,分析損失補償與國家賠償制度要件之差異性,並以環評案件為對象設想可能爭議狀態,各該狀態在與賠償及補償適用關係上,並予以類性化整理。再者,以中科三期案及美麗灣渡假村開發案兩焦點案例,環評審查結論撤銷分別適用損失補償以及國家賠償制度之可能問題,包括︰請求權主體、要件該當性、判斷標準、賠償範圍等問題。最後,歸納前述對於案例整理之違法樣態分析、環評案件爭議適用於賠償與補償制度之類型,提出環評審查程序或環評審查結論內容形成,於程序面或實質面,應有作法之建議,以避免環評審查結論遭法院撤銷所面臨損失補償或損害賠償之問題。 A Study of State Compensation for EIA The purpose of this study is to examine the environmental impact assessment (EIA) reports invalidated by court and provide suggestions for Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) on avoiding the compensation issues of illegal EIA reports. First, the patterns of illegal EIA’s evaluation cases invalidated by court were analyzed. Second, the differences between damage compensation and state compensation were summarized. Among the reports, the Central Taiwan Science Park Phase III and the Miramar Development Project were further discussed on whether the EPA might be responsible for the damage compensation or state compensation. Finally, suggestions on how EPA may be able to avoid compensation in the future in terms of the illegal EIA’s evaluation cases. 103 綜計處 國立臺北科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69078
兩岸大氣保護交流工作推動暨環保服務業資訊平臺維護管理計畫 海峽兩岸同處於東亞中心,隨著經濟發展而來的空氣污染問題,需要於空氣品質管理過程中,解析空氣污染來源及特性,以研擬適當且有效的管制策略,逐步加以控制或改善。有鑑於兩岸之間所具有之特殊文化背景因素,以及大陸地區產生之空氣污染物長程傳輸對臺灣空氣品質之影響,提升兩岸大氣環境保護交流合作之成效,落實雙方於大氣環境保護技術與成效之相互交流,以及共同合作以解決跨境污染問題,實為改善兩岸大氣品質、提升污染管制成效之重要關鍵。本計畫藉由分別於臺灣與中國大陸舉辦「海峽兩岸空氣品質管理交流研討會」、「兩岸大氣保護學術研討會」及相關參訪、考察活動,凝聚兩岸專家學者共同探討兩岸於大氣環境保護之差異性與互補性,並研討後續兩岸交流計畫與落實方案。同時希望藉由本計畫提供海峽兩岸相關學者專家一個討論平台,提供產官學界相互觀摩學習、討論及意見經驗交流的機會,分享彼此經驗,亦期望能進一步促進兩岸學者未來持續交流與合作之機會。 Cross-Strait Air Quality Protection and Environmental Service Industry Communication Platform Both Taiwan and China are facing the air pollution problem attributed to the economic development. Owing to the particular cultural correlation between Taiean and China, and the influence of the long range transported air pollutants on the air quality in Taiwan, promoting the cross-Sraits communication and cooperation is crucial to improve the air quality and enhance the efficiency of pollution control. The major objective of this project is to provide a platform for the experts to discuss and communicate with each other. Therefore, two conferences will be held and some visiting activities will be donducted to promote the cross-Sraits communication and cooperation. 102 空保處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69011
臺灣地區車輛生命週期評估   本計畫以美國阿崗國家實驗室之GREET車輛生命週期評估模型為基礎,建置可充份反應本土情況之臺灣地區車輛燃料生命週期評估模型,以進行台灣車輛生命週期評估研究。  本計畫透過研析GREET模型架構與設計特性,確認臺灣相關本土燃料途徑與相關參數和美國之差異,將此模型程式進行修改以符合本土情況,再彙整研析符合臺灣汽油、柴油、油電混合、電力、天然氣、可再生天然氣之小客車參數,與符合柴油、電力之市區公車及柴油大貨車等之本土參數,透過模型運算呈現台灣地區車輛燃料生命週期評估結果,並探討美國與台灣評估結果之差異。  研究結果舉例而言,台灣電動小客車之燃料生命週期耗能與溫室氣體排放分別為汽油小客車之57%與53%;而電動小客車之傳統空氣污染物也多明顯低於汽油小客車,只有SOx排放是電動車略高。在與美國比較方面,台灣汽油小客車之燃料生命週期溫室氣體排放略高於美國,耗能與傳統空氣污染物排放則皆低於美國;而台灣電動小客車之燃料生命週期耗能與排放則都低於美國。  在道路實測可行性的研究方面,已利用實驗室級儀器比對及道路實際測試,初步證實車輛氣狀及粒狀污染物道路實測系統在台灣之運作可行性。同時,本研究利用實際道路測試所獲得的數據進行分析,並建立分析流程及計算範例;未來此研究方法將可以強化後應用於推估本土排放係數,以滿足GREET模式之輸入需求。 Taiwan’s Vehicle Fuel-Cycle Analysis for Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use The GREET model, developed by Argonne National Laboratory, is used for this project to establish localized vehicle fuel-cycle analysis model in Taiwan. For this purpose, the model’s structure, the model’s characteristics and the differences of pathways and parameters between Taiwan and the US were studied. The GREET model was then modified based on Taiwan’s pathways. The parameters for Taiwan’s various types of vehicles and various types of fuels, such as gasoline, diesel, electricity, natural gas and renewable natural gas, were analyzed and inputted into the localized model in order to estimate Taiwan’s fuel-cycle results. The estimates of energy use and GHG emissions of Taiwan’s electric car were 57% and 53%, respectively, of those of gasoline cars, and the regulated emissions of Taiwan’s electric car were significantly lower than those of gasoline cars except SOx. The estimates of energy use and emissions of Taiwan’s gasoline cars and electric cars were lower than the estimates of US cars except the GHG emissions of gasoline cars. This project also focused on the feasibility study of real-world gaseous and particulate emissions measurement systems for Taiwan’s vehicles. After comparison with the estimates of the laboratory-level equipment and on-road tests, the chosen systems were approved to be feasible in this study. In the meantime, the collected real-world data were used to establish analysis process and case studies. In the future, the methodology can be strengthened in order to estimate real-world emission factors for the localized vehicle fuel-cycle model. 102 空保處 財團法人中華經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68892
移動污染源排放總量推估及管制、綠色運輸推廣與地方執行成效考評 本計畫已針對民國101年移動源排放量加以推估驗證,並更新推估參數及來源,而在移動源總量管制策略之部份,本計畫也針對各空品區之主要污染物貢獻來源進行管制建議;另外移動源績效考評作業則是完成1~4季之現場查核,並完成全國環保局柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站之評鑑作業,本年度計畫工作成果項目摘述如下:  總量推估與管制已按合約項目完成總量推估並產出各污染物之101年排放總量,完成測站資料與總量推估之結果進行比對;本年度污染物占比部分,係以99基準年之TEDS 8.0總量之資料進行分析,完成各污染物在不同車種下之占比與空品區占比關係。有關車輛成長對總量之影響觀察,本計畫完成各車種各期車之車輛數分布與污染物分布之評析。SIP縣市考評中創新車速調查之執行,已於102年10月31日前完成,本計畫核對今年調查結果,發現車速普遍較去年為高,兩年車速資料皆彙整至車速調查平台中。總量管制部分則已完成移動污染源減量目標之推算,及與各管制策略之削減量。於合約期間評析北部空品區移動污染源管制成效,並完成二場次之北部空品區交流座談會。車載量測實驗已按照合約工作項目完成所有測試條件,並進行各期車之污染排放實測與實驗室比較與地區之污染排放特性分析。  本計畫已彙整國內外綠色運輸之實際案例於網站,除此之外也陸續增加綠色運輸新聞快訊、綠運輸管理、十大行動方案等功能資訊以宣導相關資訊及成果,並於103年3月24日完成綠色運輸觀摩會,有超過十位專家學者列席指導。  完成102年度1~4季縣市移動源管理工作績效考評作業,包括每季系統數量勾稽查核、異常清單產出及現場查核工作,並將統計後之考評認定數提交給環保署核定,本計畫已完成各縣市考評項目結果統計及分數計算並將排名成果公布於填報系統上,以利環保局未來精進之;二行程機車汰舊補助及烏賊車檢舉政策問卷調查作業,已於102年12月底完成,並於103年1月底進行分析。  完成102年度柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站評鑑,共完成全國19個縣市、19座排煙檢測站之評鑑工作,評鑑結果共有16站評定為A級、1站評定為B級、2站評定為C級,A級排煙檢測站較101年度增加3站,佔全國柴動站84%。 Evaulate and Control the Total Quantity of Automobile Emission、Promote Green Transportation and Surv This project accomplished: estimation and verification of the 2012 mobile source emission; renewed parameter and parameter source; advised Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to control major mobile pollution source in the air quality region; status audits of 2012 local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs) in conducting the mobile source management and control tasks, and performance audits of 19 cantonal dynamometer testing facilities.Our team was estimated total annual emission according to contract, and also contrasted the monitoring stations data with predicted results. The proportions of air pollution have been calculated in different air quality region based on TEDS 8.0. We also evaluated the changes in the pollution of various types of vehicles. The effect of vehicles growth rate and mobile source emission completed included: synthesize the number of all type vehicles and traffic flow rate in Taiwan, and through which we could estimate the mobile source emission. The velocity of SIP auditing works had been finished before 31 Oct. 2013. The results showed that Speeds were higher than last year. The project assembled the two years investigation data in the same platform. In the total quantity controls of Mobile sources, the reductions of different control strategies had been calculated. The project also held 2 forums of "Communicate with North Air Quality Area.” Project team had finished on-board Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) test according to contract.Green Transportation Information Platform had been built on the Mobile source information platform website. This platform not only synthesized global actual cases of Green Transportation, but also added in the green transportation news part, green transportation tip, green transportation management, model living circle corner. The project also held on “Demo exhibit of Green Transportation" on 24, Mar 2014.This project completed the 2013 Mobile Source Management Review included: reviewing seasonal audits of vehicles; onsite verification and a score report for the amount of the control work implemented by county/city. This part of project had carried out a census score and submitted result to EPA.The enforcement of the 2-stroke engine scooter retirement and motor vehicle that generates excessive amounts of visible exhaust emissions (“squid vehicle” in Chinese) were supported by the public as evident through the public surveys. This part of project had completed the survey on Jan. 2014, and statistic analyzed on Feb. 2014. The incentive information of the retirement of the 2-stroke engine scooters was obtained mainly from the motorcycle shops. The incentive information of the report of the squid vehicle was obtained mainly from the internet.Nineteen cantonal dynamometer testing facilities were audited during 2013. The cantonal dynamometer testing facilities ranking were be classified into A to C, and 2 stations were graded as class C. The A-Class dynamometer testing facilities was improved from thirteen to sixteen compared with last year. 102 空保處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68879
102年南區水污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理計畫 一、建立南區域聯防制度(一)協助建立聯防體系啟動及結束機制(二)協助建立水污染應變程序二、協助水污染事件緊急應變作業本年度計畫截至目前共發生兩件水環境污染事件。三、應變器材維護保養成果本年度完成兩次南區5大縣市環保局之緊急應變器材進行盤點、維護與保養作業。四、協助儲油事業清查及防溢堤設置查核作業本年度於計畫針對轄區內的80家貯油槽事業進行查核,並於11月5日完成複查相關作業。五、辦理水污染教育訓練本工作團隊於102年7月23日上午辦理水污染教育訓練1場次,其課程內容主要包含緊急應變通報法令規定說明、通報與聯繫單位之相關資料等。六、辦理緊急應變器材訓練本工作團隊於102年7月23日辦理1場次水污染緊急應變器材訓練,其參訓對象主要以各縣市環保局為主,並委託默利公司負責應變器材之使用方式及實作訓練課程。七、辦理水污染事件緊急應變協同演練102年10月16日下午14時,某事業單位乙輛滿載油品之油罐車,油罐車油槽破裂,油污自橋上流入愛河。演練項目包括有事故發生、通報程序、即時應變及成立緊急應變中、事故現場攔油及汲油、執行沿岸清除作業等。八、其他河川水質維護工作及配合事項部分本團隊駐局人員協助列管事業水污染防治措施計畫定期申報歸檔及協助辦理水污染稽(巡)查。 Private Organization Emergency Responses to Water Pollution Incidents of Southern District of Taiwan One. Establishment of Southern Defense System1. Establishment of the start-up mechanism of southern defense system.2. Establishment of the end mechanism of southern defense system.Two. Assisting Major Water Pollution IncidentsTwo major water pollution incidents happened during the project year.Three. Maintenance of Emergency Response SupplyMaintenance and inventories of the emergency response supply of five major southern cities were completed.Four. Inspection of Oil Spill Embankment 80 industrial units with oil reservoir tank were inspected and the follow up inspections were also completed by Nov. 5th.Five. Water Pollution Prevention Information SessionOne water pollution prevention info session was organized by July 23rd, 2013.Six. Emergency Supply Training SessionOne emergency supply training session was organized by July 23rd, 2013 with all the local EPB emergency handling personnel invited. Seven. Water Pollution Emergency Handling and Cleaning DrillEmergency drill by the scenario of a capsized oil tanker with oil spilled to Ai-He River was scheduled at Oct. 16th, 2013.Eight. Other Matter Deemed RelevantAssisting water pollution permit application processes and pollution investigation matter. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司
高雄市列管事業廢水處理設施功能評鑑、深度查核及暗管查處計畫 高雄市境內共有二仁溪、阿公店溪、典寶溪、後勁溪、愛河、前鎮河、鳳山溪、鹽水港溪及高屏溪等九條重要河川,總流域面積達4,032.4平方公里,列管之排放廢(污)水事業及污水下水道系統約2,111家。為有效掌握及改善各流域水體水質狀況,藉由「稽查管制」及「輔導改善」並行方式,積極管制事業污染防治措施及杜絕非法排放,以降低各流域水質污染惡化情形,有效減輕水體環境負荷。於計畫執行期間共執行979家次稽查、12家次事業單位廢水處理設施功能評鑑及8家次深度查核、共查獲23支不明管線及辦理4場次法規宣導說明會。在經營民眾參與水環境巡守的部分,本團隊共辨理22場次生活污水減量宣導活動、21場淨灘淨溪活動、協助通報276處髒亂點及10支不明管線,並安排1場次媒體專訪河川巡守隊及發布3篇新聞稿。在維護流域環境方面,共清除15.9公噸之垃圾,有助於維護流域環境。 The plan is appraise and audit the wastewater and sewage treatment facilities of registered enterprises in Kaohsiung City, and find the lawless pipelines. There are nine major rivers in Kaohsiung City, where located at the Erren River, the Agongdian River, the Dian-Pao River, the Hou-Jin River, the Love River, the Chian-Jen River, the Fengshan River, the Yanshuei-Gang River and the Kao-Ping River. The total river basin area of them is about 4,032.4 km2 and there are 2,111 registered enterprises and sewage systems in these river basins mentioned above. In order to control and improve the water quality of water bodies of each river basin efficiently, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government restrains the water pollution control measure of enterprises and eliminates illegal discharge actively by inspection control and counseling improvement for mitigating water quality deterioration of each river basin and environmental loadings of water bodies effectively. In the time of this project, we have an achievement, which is auditing 979 registered enterprises and sewage systems, to appraise 12 industries of wastewater treatment, and audit 8 industries of wastewater treatment .we found 23 unknown pipelines, and hold four conference meeting to declare the water pollution regulations. Besides that, our team to hold 22 Sessions of household water usage reduction and 21 river cleanup activities and to assist to announce that there are 276 dirty bulletins and 10 unknown pipelines, furthermore, we also arrange two interviews of mass media and three press releases for KEPB . We clean up 15.9 mt garbage in the river for protecting the river basin environmental. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 環佑實業有限公司
底泥整治評估技術與對策支援 為辦理污染底泥管理工作,擬訂本土化關鍵機制與參數的建置與推估方法,以進行環境影響與健康風險、技術及經濟效益評估。本計畫主要工作目標:(一)研析國內設置底泥整治評估中心必要性評估;(二)依據「底泥之環境影響與健康風險、技術及經濟效益評估方法及撰寫指引」,評估本土化關鍵機制與參數的建置與推估方法;(三)協助規劃辦理「底泥跨領域學術咖啡論壇」。 Assessment tools and Policy Support for Sediment Remediation Technology This is the report for the project “Evaluation technology and policy support for sediment remediation”. The needs for establishing a contaminated sediment research center were highlighted and the organization and missions of the center were proposed, including short-term(1-3years), mid-term(4-6 years) and long-term(7-10 years) research objectives. The funds for every sub-programs had also been proposed. The research needs for physical and chemical characterizations of contaminated sediment for better evaluations of pollutant fate and transport and bioavailability were proposed. For ecological risk assessment of contaminated sediment, the information and tasks required have been identified and the bioindicators and local species that can be used in Taiwan have been evaluated. For human health risk assessment, we have collected and compared methodologies used in Taiwan and in other countries, including the the estimation of exposure populations, identification of exposure pathways and quantification of exposure dosage. For economic analysis of sustainable sediment management, the required parameters, key mechanism and evaluation methods had been critically reviewed. For decision-making network platform, the use of Intelligent Spatial Decision Support System on geography informations and environmental sciences has been reviewed and its application in local sediment management has been evaluated. Two conclusions from two inter-disciplinary contaminated sediment coffee forum (organized in Taipei and Tainan) were also summarized in this report. 102 土污基管會 國立臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68872
102年河川水庫底泥污染傳輸模式應用及研析計畫 本計畫最重要之目的在於應用適當的水理水質模式,進行污染傳輸模擬,依模擬結果提出合適之行動管理策略建議,因此計畫的核心在於水理水質模式。計畫展開後,先進行前置作業,包括國內主要水庫流域背景資料、水體水質污染現況、歷年底泥監測結果等基本資料蒐集,並擇定石門水庫規劃其調查方式,及研擬大漢溪調查計畫。調查計畫經環保署同意後,即展開各項現場調查工作,包含水庫及河床地形測量、底泥品質採樣分析與水質水量採樣檢測等。現場調查完成後,接續回饋予石門水庫CE-QUAL-W2模式之校驗及以模式評估水庫底泥與水質污染傳輸情形,並修正既有之大漢溪WASP傳輸模式,探討大漢溪底泥污染敏感區分布等。石門水庫依本計畫調查結果,庫區內並無明顯或長期持續的污染源排放情形,無論就水質與底泥品質而言,均低於目前所規範之法規限值,並無重金屬與有機毒性物等污染或短期內超標之虞;在模擬結果上,因無明顯的污染排放行為,水質與底泥品質均低於現行法規限值,為一健康水體;在污染情境分析上,考量現有相關參數演算資料以及水體與底泥之管制項目與限值,選定銅為關切污染物,進行各項污染情境分析,其結果顯示上游銅污染排放需達51,840 kg/day以上,且為連續排放,方可使石門水庫大壩處之底泥品質超過下限值。水庫及其上游集水區通常為水質水源水量保護區,並無明顯之重金屬或有機毒性物之污染排放行為,石門水庫底泥之管理,依現有調查結果及底泥管理架構流程,應持續進行定期水質與底泥品質檢測,避免零星或偶發排放事件造成水體與底泥污染。大漢溪依歷年以及本計畫調查結果,底泥與水質之關鍵污染物以銅為主,高污染潛勢區為浮洲橋至新海橋河段,主要來源為塔寮坑溪與湳仔溝等。大漢溪流域短期內應持續監測水質與底泥,並進行生物調查確認毒害風險;中長期應進行污染減量措施,並評估總量管制方式,使水體水質符合涵容能力,改善全流域污染排放情形。本計畫應用底泥模式及情境分析,塔寮坑溪等特定污染排放總量應低於21.70kg/day,或評估污染總量管制(TMDLs)之執行,改善全流域污染排放量達57.95kg/day以下,可有效改善水體水質並減緩污染蓄積於底泥之中,維持長時間良好底泥品質。目前塔寮坑溪等特定污染排水於排入點皆設有截流或現地處理設施,短期內若能妥善運用,全面截流,應可逐年改善底泥品質,若再搭配底泥濬除,可望達到底泥品質下限,並可持續維持三年以上。另外本計畫彙整歷次調查期間之重要颱風、暴雨與重要河情,初步推論這類事件造成大漢溪中上游沖刷現象,並將位於中游之高污染底泥挾帶至下游河口處,導致今年度底泥產生運移與重新分配現象。本計畫另一項工作重點為辦理一場次研習會。殷鑑於底泥污染領域為國內環境保護新領域,各相關法規之宣導推動、目的事業主管機關權責義務及整治工作之推動尚未臻落實完善,故為加強推動底泥品質管理工作與落實法規執行宣導,及協助辦理底泥品質申報事宜,於102年10月17~18日辦理一場次研習會,內容包括現階段底泥管理相關法規架構、底泥申報備查作業辦法說明、採樣計畫書撰寫實例、底泥檢測技術介紹、底泥線上申報操作說明、國外底泥處理及整治技術介紹等,並藉由會議之各方意見回饋,及綜整國內外底泥管理法規與策略,提出未來底泥品質法規研修之相關建議。 Application for contaminated sediment transport modeling in a river and reservoir The main focus of the project is the development of a transmission model framework, which was then used to evaluate a range of sediment restoration scenarios for the select river system and target reservoir. The assessment outcome was then incorporated into the management strategies and recommendations for the sediment clean-up effort.The project work started with data and information gathering and field program development for collecting hydrographic data of the river system and target reservoir. The water quality modeling framework, WASP was adopted as the platform for developing the fate and transport model of the Dahan River in Taipei, selected as the target river system, CE-QUAL-W2 was another one adopted as the platform for developing the transmission model of the Shimen Reservoir in Taoyuan, selected as the target reservoir.Results of Shimen Reservoir from the field program revealed that water and sediment were below the regulatory value, and not found pollution behavior around the reservoir, we take copper for example, define seven different scenario to predict pollution situation. Its results show that the upstream input copper takes up 51,840 kg / day or more, and discharge continuously, sediment quality at Shimen Dam area would exceed the lower limit. Currently, administration agency should continuously monitor water and sediment quality, avoid sporadic or accidental pollution discharge events.Results of Dahan River from the field program revealed that existing levels of copper, zinc, and nickel in the Dahan River sediments exceed the water quality criteria with copper the metal most frequently violating the standard. The river portion between the Fu-Chou Bridge and Xinhai Bridge is still found having the highest metal concentrations in the sediment as a result of the significant metal loads from sources in the watershed. The WASP model simulation results indicated that metal levels in the Dahan River sediments will continue to rise if no actions were taken to reduce the metal input. On-site removal of the contaminated sediments would only be a temporary measure to lower the metal contents in the sediment if the external inputs are not curbed. High pollution loading of the Tahan river pollution contained Nanzaigou ditch, Taliaokeng river etc., they already has sewage interceptor system. So administrator could reduce loading by operating the system in short term. To improve the pollution situation in the whole basin, pollution’s TMDLs (total maximum daily loadings) could be considered to action in the future. If removing contaminated sediments along with control of the external inputs, it would be the preferred strategy to gradually restore the river sediment system to within the metal thresholds in long time. In addition, important river situation such as typhoons or rainstorms, could cause upstream sediment erosion, so we observe sediment transport and redistribution in this program.Another key point of this project is to conduct a training workshop, it was held on October 17 and 18 in 2013, the course content include sediment law framework, administrative procedures of sediment quality recording, example for sampling proposal, sample analysis technologies, sediment management strategies and remediation technologies introduction. After the workshop, one propose sediment quality regulatory adjustment suggestions according the workshop feedback and consolidate domestic and international sediment regulations. 102 土污基管會 美商傑明工程顧問股份有限公司臺灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68866
宜蘭縣102年度細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)高濃度潛勢區域空氣品質監測計畫 PM2.5高濃度潛勢區域空氣品質監測執行工作內容包含探討本縣PM2.5受外來污染物影響之程度,固定等各項污染源排放比例及其排放量。分析歷年PM2.5之變化趨勢,建立歷年PM2.5不同型態之不良事件日分布特性,研擬短中長期PM2.5之管制策略。分析本縣煙道與大氣PM2.5化學組成之實測資料,評析PM2.5來源及對人體與環境之影響。分析衍生性氣膠之時空分布趨勢,規劃PM2.5改善政策。 - - 102 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68801
臺丹水資源暨環境教育國際合作與實務交流專案工作計畫 本計畫旨在借重丹麥水資源整治經驗,於臺灣進行實地場勘以診斷、建議適宜的解決方案,並分享雙邊經驗,令兩國更深入了解彼此於水資源永續發展上之長處,以掌握國際合作契機。近年來由於全球氣候異常水文或水資源之水平衡關係中不論都市洪災、缺水以及地下水均受到氣候變遷之衝擊,進一步影響水資源的供需。臺灣亦面臨先天水環境特殊,降雨量豐枯懸殊,可留用水量有限造成不利水資源利用及防洪治水等挑戰,因此對於水資源探勘技術、監控系統與定位,和永續管理地下水等關鍵領域,實為當前台灣所必須面對之迫切議題。預期借由縝密的計畫規劃與執行、實地場勘、務實檢討、深入交流,將丹麥解決問題的「流程」導入臺灣需改變的現況,研擬出對的解決方案並期能執行之。本計畫之執行要分為三大階段:第一階段為為期3日之場勘,將針對臺灣水資源議題現況進行問題探索與確認,將安排丹麥專家學者參訪臺灣水資源相關機構/設施場所,並提出初步建議;第二階段為國際研討會,將進行實務經驗分享,丹麥專家學者將彙整第一階段場勘之診斷問題,提出相應之解決建議發表於國際研討會中;第三階段為環境教育工作坊,將分享丹麥環境教育與永續概念之課程設計與理念、程序、產出等一貫之思考流程與方式。本計畫之執行績效與研究成果,將有利於申請丹麥環境部綠能科技發展基金,共同研議具合作潛力的Master Plan或可行性研究,作為臺丹國際合作的前導指標。 Taiwan Denmark Technical Exchange and Knowledge Sharing on Water Resource Environmental Education The purpose of this project is to, by drawing on Denmark’s experience in water resource management, conduct field survey, provide solution to Taiwan, share the bilateral experience and suggest the corresponding recommendations that will further mutual understanding to develop the international cooperation opportunities. In recent years, climate change is affecting global rainfall patterns and water distribution that often cause urban flooding, water scarcity and groundwater overdraft which are also the challenges faced by Taiwan. Therefore, hydrogeological mapping, monitoring system and sustainable groundwater exploitation grow into urgent issues for Taiwan. Expecting through meticulous planning and execution, site field survey, pragmatic evaluation, and in-depth exchanges could import Denmark problem solving “process” to Taiwan in order to change the current situation and develop the right solution.The project is divided into three stages. 1st) The 3 day’s field survey: Denmark water experts will be visiting Taiwan water related organization/ facilities to explore the current water issues and have the preliminary proposal. 2nd) The International Seminar: the Danish experts will compile the problem from 1st stage’s diagnostic field survey, then give the corresponding recommendations and share Denmark’s practical water management experience.3rd) Environmental education workshops: The environmental education workshop is design to integrate Denmark’s education concept, philosophy to provide the problem solving processes and consistent way of thinking.The operational performance and research results of this project will be beneficial for both parties to formulate the potential Master plan and apply Denmark environmental development fund as a Taiwan-Denmark international cooperation indicator. 103 綜計處 財團法人中華經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68734
固定污染源連續自動監測設施功能查核及維護計畫 目前宜蘭縣轄區內符合行政院環境保護署第一、二批公告應裝置連續自動監測設施之固定污染源,依其製程別包括:水泥製造程序、鍋爐發電程序及一般事業廢棄物焚化程序,共有8家工廠22根連線煙道,這些煙道的排放量,佔本縣固定源總排量八成以上,故監測數據正確與否攸關重大。本計畫工作重點作業於維護環保局連續自動監測系統及針對各污染源監測設施與資料品質進行功能查核及電位檢核等相關監督查核作業以認證資料合理性及準確性,並持續協助環保局新公告各批應與地方主管機關連線之固定污染源連續自動監測設施進行連線工作。為提昇監測數據可信度與可用率,落實監測設施品質保證制度與監測設施查核作業,本年度共計完成21根次CEMS功能及監測數據查核,本計畫也歸類各項常見之缺失如文件管理、數據管理問題、硬體設置與維護保養問題等。上述缺失皆已彙整提供環保局發文給各廠,並要求其提出說明且訂定改善期限。另外也進行17根次電位檢核作業、28根次RATA監督檢測及8根RATA稽查抽測(全程監督檢測),4根次採用CGA替代每季之RATA查核,透過上述查核方式杜絕了資料可能作假的空間。在監測數據之正確性及可用率之確保,本計畫也針對業者空污費申報資料進行比對,以落實空污費公平徵收制度。在各廠CEMS連線系統的妥善率部份,本年度除台泥因不可抗力因素及東鴻進因去年底火災停工至外,上傳率皆100%。本計畫也挑選信大水泥P301煙道進行分析性複合試行對象,透過公私場所現場操作原始紀錄日報表與CEMS監測數據進行數據比對,由原始紀錄日報表中選定和排放濃度及排放量的成因相關性較大之參數欄位,從本次分析初步發現NOx監測值與熟/煤比較具相關性。 Stationary sources CEMS function checks and maintenance plan There are currently 8 plants with 22 flue pipes in Yilan County that are required by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to install CEMS to monitor the stationary pollution sources they produce. In terms of the manufacturing process, these plants involve cement manufacturing, boiler power generation, and incineration of general industrial waste. Emissions produced by the above flue pipes account for more than 80% of the emissions of stationary pollution sources produced in Yunlin County; therefore, it is important to obtain accurate monitoring data of these pipes. The project focused on maintaining the CEMS of the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB), monitoring electric potentials and data quality of pollutant monitoring facilities to ensure data rationality and accuracy, as well as offering continuous assistance to help public and private premises producing the designated stationary pollution sources complete connection of their CEMS to the local competent authority.To enhance the reliability and availability of the monitoring data and to conduct the quality assurance system of monitoring facilities and the audit projects of monitoring facilities, 21 pipes for their CEMS function and monitoring data inspections of have been completed this year. Additionally, the project has also categorized certain common errors, such as file management, data management, hardware installation and maintenance. The errors mentioned above have been compiled and provided to the EPB who will issue to factories asking for their explanation and the deadline for improvement. Moreover, inspections are also conducted on the electronic potentials of 17 pipes, RATA monitoring check of 28 pipes and RATA auditing spot check (full process supervision) of 8 pipes, and cylinder gas audits (CGA) instead of the quarterly RATA inspection of 4 pipes, whereby the possibility of data fabrication can be eliminated.About the assurance of monitoring data’s accuracy and availability, the project has also compared the monitoring data against those of air pollution control fees reported by responsible enterprises to ensure the proper and fair collection of the fees. About the availability and efficiency of CEMS connection in factories, the uploading rate is 100% except Taiwan Cement due to its force majeure and Dong Hong Jing Incineration Plant due to its fire disaster shutdown.The project has also chosen P301 from Hsing Ta Cement for analytical review trials. Through the daily reported data of on-site operation in public/private areas and the CEMS monitoring data comparison, the parameters which are closely related to the causes of emission density and emission quantity are chosen from the daily reported data. The preliminary result indicates a correlation between NOx monitoring values and the ratio of cement clinker to coal. 102 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68954
機車排氣檢驗站品質管理與資訊應用平台維護專案工作計畫 機車排氣定期檢驗制度自民國85年起,推行至今已邁入第17年。本年度致力於檢驗站查核、檢驗設備管理、電子金流撥付補助款之導入,以及定檢成效分析。計畫主要工作包括檢驗補助款審查核撥、檢驗站查核管理與教育訓練、檢驗設備認證查核作業、檢驗資料庫系統維運擴增,以及定檢數據統計等。102年度全國符合補助條件者計約742萬台,核撥金額計約5.9億;透過照片審查有效降低車號誤植問題,車號誤植率由100年之0.12%降至102年之0.06%。透過特定條件篩選執行實車查核,有效查獲重大缺失檢驗站,要求環保局加強督導。檢驗設備管理部分,檢驗軟體增加檢驗前保養紀錄填報功能,使機車維修保養履歷更為完整;依據標準氣體廠查核委員意見,修訂認證審查標準。系統作業方面,積極導入以電子金流方式撥付檢驗補助款,有效提升補助預算核銷速度。定檢成效分析部分,二行程不合格未複驗機車,報廢率由100年之46%提升至102年之59%。102年不合格複驗改善後,CO、HC分別計減量8,369、1,233公噸;102年因檢驗制度促使機車淘汰、回收或報廢計143,561台,CO、HC分別計減量1,612、676公噸。 The motorcycle exhaust inspection station’s quality management and information application platform The Regular Motorcycle Exhaust Inspection System entered into the 17th year in 2013 since its implementation in 1996. The key programs of the year were dedicated to inspection station audit, test equipment management, introduction of e-Billing (electronic Billing) for inspection subsidy, and performance analysis of regular inspection system. The main tasks included inspection, evaluation and appropriation of inspection subsidy, audit and training programs for inspection stations, inspection and accreditation of test equipment, maintenance and expansion of inspection database system, statistical analysis of regular inspection data, etc.In 2013, there were about 7.42 million inspection records that qualified for the subsidy conditions, amounted to about NT$590 million of appropriated funds. Through full-scale screening of inspection photos, the miskeying of license plate number for inspection record had effectively decreased from 0.12% in 2011 to 0.06% in 2013. With the implementation of on-site motorcycle audit through particular screening conditions, there was an effective seizure of inspection stations with misconduct behaviors. The EPB was thus requested to strengthen the supervision. With regard to test equipment management, the maintenance records filling function for prior-inspection had been added to inspection software to complete motorcycle maintenance resumes. The accreditation evaluation standards had also been revised in response to suggestions proposed by inspection committees of standard gas plants. In term of system operation, the appropriation of inspection subsidy had actively been done through the e-Billing manner as to effectively improve the subsidy budget verification speed.With regard to performance analysis of regular inspection system, the scrap rate of disqualified two-stroke motorcycles that did not go for a re-inspection had improved from 46% in 2011 to 59% in 2013. In 2013, for disqualified motorcycles that had done the re-inspection and made improvement, their CO and HC emissions had decreased 8,369 and 1,233 metric tons, respectively. In 2013, a total of 143,561 motorcycles had been eliminated, recycled or scraped due to the inspection system, and that their CO and HC emissions had decreased 1,612 and 676 metric tons, respectively. 102 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67682
102年台灣兒童土壤/灰塵攝入量與附著因子參數之建立 土壤、灰塵中的有害物質能透過直接吸入、攝入及皮膚接觸進入人體並造成有害的健康效應,之前的計畫已成功地建立了 0~5 歲幼孩童本土化的土壤、灰塵的攝入量的暴露參數。本年的研究將補足 6 歲兒童的土壤、灰塵的攝入量的暴露參數,並開始致力於本土化的皮膚接觸暴露參數的建置。本研究團隊將透過沖水實驗收集身體各個裸露部位的土壤附著量,再透過實驗室模擬得到幼兒吸允手部行為所造成的土壤攝入比率,這些數據加上前兩年的研究成果可以用美國環保署發展的 SHEDS 模式進行台灣本土的嬰幼兒土壤/灰塵攝入及皮膚吸收暴露途徑的風險估算,並據以建立兒童土壤/灰塵攝入量參數及皮膚吸收參數。計畫執行期間本團隊將舉辦一次國際研討會,邀請國外專家學者針對兒童土壤/灰塵攝入及皮膚吸收暴露途徑風險進行相關議題探討,並就計畫累積成果進行雙邊地區差異性比較討論及技術交流。 Year 102 Special report on Child-specific exposure factors of non-dietary ingestion, soil adherence Harmful substances in soil and dust may enter into human body through direct pathways such as inhalation, digestion, and dermal contact causing adverse health effects. Owing to the difference in physical and physiological behaviors, infants and toddlers are less tolerant to toxic substances than adults, and the toxic substances can pose higher risk to children. Soil and dust ingestion thus becomes a critical exposure factor to determine the potential risk to children. The objective of this multiple year project is to establish a soil exposure database for infants and toddlers living around contaminated sites. In years 2011 and 2012, we have successfully obtained the soil/dust ingestion data for 0-5 years old infants and toddlers. One of the major objectives in this year is to complete the database by further examining the soil exposure data for 6 years old children, considering the different definition between Taiwan (children = a person ≤ 6 years old) and other countries (children = a person ≤ 5 years old). Moreover, two key parameters, the adherence to the skin of different parts of a body and the hand-to-mouth transfer ratio will be obtained by gravimetric method for the subsequent dermal contact absorption assessment. The gravimetric method determines the mass of soil washed from different parts of children’s body to examine the laboratory-based hand-to-mouth transfer of soil. The Stochastic Human Exposure and Dose Simulation (SHEDS), a well-recognized soil and dust ingestion rate model developed by the USEPA, will be applied using the Taiwan’s local inputs as model parameters to estimate the risk of soil and dust ingestion and dermal contact absorption for children. The model predictions will then be compared to the measurements upon individuals and to the overall distribution of soil and dust ingestion rates for the study population (i.e., comparison of measurements to the predicted soil and dust cumulative distribution functions). An international conference will also be held in Taiwan with an attempt on information/experience exchange and data comprehension/integration about the children exposure factor establishment and risk assessment between attendee, the external advisors in our team, and invited foreign experts . 102 土污基管會 臺北醫學大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68634
宜蘭縣102年度露天燃燒及餐飲業臭味污染等高陳情事件暨逸散污染源減量改善管制計畫 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局基於為落實國家環境保護政策,有效管制縣內露天燃燒及餐飲業臭異味污染等高陳情事件及防止縣內逸散污染源之情事發生,並提昇污染源稽(巡)查之效率,擬訂計畫推動--宜蘭縣102年度空氣品質改善維護計畫「露天燃燒及餐飲業臭味污染等高陳情事件暨逸散污染源減量改善管制計畫」。依本計畫各項執行作業事項包括【露天燃燒及餐飲業臭異味污染管制】及【逸散污染源管制】二工作部份,【露天燃燒及餐飲業臭異味污染管制】工作部份:本計畫針對易遭露天燃燒之地點及農忙收穫期間加強收割重點區域巡查作業、辦理媒體宣導並且結合農政單位共同辦理禁止露天燃燒宣導活動並持續進行露天燃燒地點於資料庫建檔;於紙錢減量部份,持續針對廟宇祭祀污染減量進行輔導,並於中元節等重大節慶祭祀辦理污染減量協談會議以及辦裡廟宇污染減量示範觀摩活動;於餐飲業臭異味污染管制作業部份,持續針對餐飲業指定行業及觀光夜市資料進行清查並且輔導餐飲業者設置管末處理設備,針對陳情案件官能測定,建立餐飲業及畜牧業臭異味污染源基本資料庫並且彙整/研擬餐飲業空氣污染物可行防制措施並建立查核手冊、辦理餐飲業者污染減量輔導作業及減量成效評估等。【逸散性污染管制】工作部份:本計畫延續歷年(93~101年)持續推動裸露地相關基本資料之建置、裸露地粒狀污染物排放量推估、執行綠化補助作業並持續追蹤受補助綠化之裸露地改善現況;另一方面,同時持續進行本計畫執行之蘭陽溪流域(泰雅橋至出海口)河灘地調查、土石業與疏濬工程稽巡查管制作業、礦場、蘇澳港及道路污染稽巡查管制作業,除清查、更新縣內砂石場、礦場及蘇澳港基本資料庫外,並建立稽(巡)查管制機制、推動逸散性污染防制措施之輔導及宣導、推估粒狀污染物排放量、研擬污染減量措施及成效評估,同時配合環保署考核事項等相關作業內容,以提昇逸散污染管制效率。 - -- 102 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 日揚環境工程有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68958
宜蘭縣102年度資源回收專案作業查核追蹤管制及宣導工作計畫 本計畫依據環保局訂定之目標及工作內容,執行「宜蘭縣102年度資源回收專案作業查核追蹤管制及宣導工作計畫」,相關作業均詳實推動與執行,截至本期末報告止(102年3月26日至102年10月31日),本計畫執行之成果重點說明如下:回收處理業管理輔導及形象改造工作:本縣有18間合法登記之回收及處理業者,已完成126家次巡查作業,另外針對資源回收站巡查部分,共完成155處,均已達成計畫所要求之執行量。責任業者販賣業者稽查管理工作:針對連鎖速食店業、14大販賣業、照明光源業者及其他經環保署公告之販賣業者進行巡查工作,計畫執行期間針對列管名單全面巡查至少一次,每月巡查30家次以上,列管名單以環保署核定名單為主(公布於環保署「資源回收體系管系統」),已完成338家次作業。協助辦理資源回收績效考核工作:已於102年11月28日、12月2~3日完成辦理縣內資源回收績效考核作業。辦理資源回收宣導活動:已於102年9月27日辦理電子電器販賣業者及回收處理業者宣導說明會,共計70位民眾參與。。各鄉鎮市資源回收再利用現況:以循線隨車破袋方式辦理清潔隊資源回收推動現況巡查作業,截至102年10月已完成72條清運路線垃圾破袋稽查工作,共計解包1,157袋垃圾,其中家戶垃圾中夾雜資收物袋數比例為28.44%,不合格袋數比例為3.37%,並以紙容器、塑膠容器及廚餘居多。 2013, Yilan County Province Promotion of Monitoring and Audit Trail Advocacy Work Plan for Waste Recycling Project.” Recycling industry management counseling and image transformation: The county has 18 legally registered recycling and processing industry, has completed 126 inspections operations, in addition to resource recycling inspections part of the completion of 155, have been fulfilled as planned the amount required to perform.Responsible enterprise management vendors who Examiner: For fast food chain industry, the 14th largest vendor, lighting, and other industry vendors announced by the Environmental Protection Agency who conduct inspections, inspections for a comprehensive list tube at least once during the project execution, each inspected 30 times a month or more, out of the list to the EPA for approval a list of the main (published in the EPA "resource recycling system pipe system"), has completed 338 secondary jobs.Performance Appraisal of Recycling Assistance: Recycling performance and appraisal operations in the province were completed on November 29th to December 3th of 2013. Events to Promote Recycling: On September 27th of 2013 an event was held to counsel retailers of electronic products to promote recycling methods. A total of 70 civilians participated.Each township Resource Recycling Status: Truck breaking through the line to go through the bag clean way to promote recycling team to inspect the status of the job, as 102 have been completed on October 72 broken bags of garbage removal route inspection work, a total of 1,157 bags unpacked garbage, where household garbage in bags number of inclusions capital income ratio 28.44%, the ratio of the number of substandard bags 3.37 percent, and paper containers, plastic containers and food waste majority. 102 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 晶淨科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=58485
宜蘭縣101年固定污染源連續自動監測設施功能查核及維護計畫 計畫執行摘要本計畫工作重點作業於維護環保局連續自動監測系統及針對各污染源監測設施與資料品質進行功能查核及電位檢核等相關監督查核作業以認證資料合理性及準確性,並持續協助環保局新公告各批應與地方主管機關連線之固定污染源連續自動監測設施進行連線工作。本年度(101年度)計畫執行目標如下:1.維護環保局連續自動監測系統主機軟硬體及通訊環境。2.落實監測設施品質保證制度與監測設施查核作業,提昇監測數據可信度與可用率。3.於監測數據之正確性及可用率之確保,對於業者空污費申報資料進行比對,以落實空污費公平徵收制度。4.提昇本局連續自動監測設施連線系統功能與連線系統資料品保功能。5.輔導新設公私廠所,與法定時間內完成CEMS 設置及連線。6. 配合環保署數據擷取與處理系統(以下簡稱EPA DAHS)測試,以提供全面推廣之用。各項工作執行依預定進度執行,資料統計至101年10月31日,執行進度如第一章表1.5-1所示。目前宜蘭縣轄區內符合行政院環境保護署第一、二批公告應裝置連續自動監測設施之固定污染源,依其製程別包括:水泥製造程序、鍋爐發電程序及一般事業廢棄物焚化程序,共有8家工廠24根連線煙道。計有信大水泥廠(4根)、台灣水泥廠(7根)、幸福水泥廠(5根)、台化龍德廠(2根)、利澤焚化廠(2根)、潤泰水泥(2根)、東鴻進焚化廠(1根)及羅東鋼鐵廠(1根)。而上述這些煙道的排放量,佔本縣固定源總排量八成以上,故而監測數據正確與否攸關重大, 由下圖可看出CEMS監測煙道近6年NOx總量的變化,在96年為8千多噸, 97年則景氣衰退各廠產銷調節,加上力霸爆發財務危機停工,排放驟降至5千多噸,此為經濟因素導致自然減量;98年潤泰接手力霸,貢獻約2個月的排放量,故總量稍增;99年由於潤泰水泥全年度運轉,故總量亦有增加;101年只統計至10月份粗估到年底,應與100年相去不遠。 註:東鴻進(小型焚化廠),今年3月正式商轉。以下就今年計畫執行內容,做一簡要摘述1.系統軟硬體及資料庫維護作業:頻率:1.定期:至少每週一次進行例行性的備份及維護2.不定期:系統效能調校、專線斷線時的叫修。成效:1.系統在本年度執行期間運作順暢,資料傳輸穩定。2.提高了系統安全的品質。2.目前各廠CEMS連線系統的妥善率:從表3.1-1~3.1-3日報資料上傳量統計表中,可以發現平均上傳率將近100%,顯示在日報傳輸方面的完整性。本團隊在傳輸完整性工作方面,為達資料完整上傳,於事業端申報故障致使事業端日報資料檔內有缺值的情形時,除系統每日自動檢核通知外,並指派專人監控並通知公私場所補傳應上傳之缺失資料,以維護系統資料完備。3.各廠CEMS功能及監測數據查核結果:在本年度的查結果上,共計完成24根次查核,完成率100%,詳細內容請參照附件一及附件二。4. 電位檢核作業:電位檢核作業在確保監測儀訊號傳輸過程的數值正確,數量上共計完成信大水泥南聖湖廠、台灣水泥蘇澳廠、幸福水泥東澳廠、潤泰水泥冬山工廠、台化龍德廠及利澤焚化廠、東鴻進焚化廠及羅東鋼鐵廠共18根次(有運轉煙道,部分煙道因景氣產銷調節暫時停工),每根次5-7日之電位資料收集作業,並進行資料分析。詳細內容請參照第4.2節。5.RATA現場監督檢測作業: 本團隊配合廠家時程於RATA檢測時,指派專業人員進行全程監督,瞭解業者所委託之檢測公司是否依正確步驟執行以確保RATA數據正確性。今年度到101/10/31為止共完成前三季27根次RATA監督檢測及8根RATA稽查抽測;今年亦採取全程監督檢測,杜絕了資料可能作假的空間,在27根次監督檢測的過程中,尚為良好。而在8根稽查檢测中,則皆符合法規規範。6.CGA查核作業: 今年由於部分工廠污染源因產銷調節停工,截至第三季共計有3廠10根次採用CGA替代每季之RATA查核,其中台灣水泥為P201、台化龍德為P115及幸福水泥為P001、P029;由附件五之查核紀錄可看出,在CGA監督查核部分,都符合法規之規定。 註: CGA查核相關評等資料請參閱附件五 Yilan County 101 stationary sources of Continuous Emission Monitor System function checks and maintenance plan The present project focused on maintaining the CEMS of the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB), monitoring electric potentials and data quality of pollutant monitoring facilities to ensure data rationality and accuracy, as well as offering continuous assistance to help public and private premises producing the designated stationary pollution sources complete connection of their CEMS to the local competent authority.There were five primary goals of this year’s project:1. Maintained the software, hardware, and communication environment of the CEMS of the EPB.2. Strengthened quality assurance and inspection of monitoring facilities to enhance the credibility and availability of the monitoring data3. Audited the monitoring data against those of air pollution control fees reported by responsible enterprises to ensure accuracy and availability of the monitoring data and proper collection of the fees.4. Improved the functions and data quality assurance of the EPB’s automated CEMS. 5. Provided guidance for newly established public and private premises to install CEMS and complete the connection of their facilities within the designated time period.6. Responded to the EPA’s Data Acquisition and Handling System (DAHS) test for an overall promotion.All work items were carried out as scheduled. The data were collected up until October 31, 2012. Table 1.5-1 in Chapter 1 shows the progress of the works conducted. There are currently 8 plants with 24 flue pipes in Yilan County that are required by the EPA to install CEMS to monitor the stationary pollution sources they produce. In terms of the manufacturing process, these plants involve cement manufacturing, boiler power generation, and incineration of general industrial waste. They are Hsing Ta Cement (4 pipes), Taiwan Cement (7 pipes), Lucky Cement Corporation (5 pipes), Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation (FCFC) Long De Plant (2 pipes), Li Ze Incineration Plant (2 pipes), Ruentex Cement (2 pipes), Dong Hong Jing Incineration Plant (1 pipe), and Lo-Tung Steel & Iron Works (1 pipe).Emissions produced by the above flue pipes account for more than 80% of the emissions of stationary pollution sources in Yilan County; therefore, it is important to obtain accurate monitoring data of these pipes. The figure below shows the changes in the amount of NOx produce by the CEMS monitored pipes in the recent 6 years. About 8,000 tonnes of NOx were emitted in 2007. The amount produced plummeted to approximately 5,000 tonnes in 2008 because of the production and distribution adjustments made by plants due to economic recession and the shutdown of China Rebar Dong-Shan Cement Plant caused by the company’s financial crisis. In 2009, Ruentex Cement took over the China Rebar Cement Plant and contributed to the slight increase of the emitted amount for 2 months. The year 2010 still saw a little increase because of the full operation of Ruentex Cement. The data for 2012 were collected only up until October 31 of the year, but it was roughly estimated that the amount of NOx produced would be similar as the previous year.Note: Dong Hong Jing Incineration Plant, a small scale plant, has been commercial operation since this MarchThe implementation results are summarized below.1. Maintenance of system hardware, software and database: Frequency: The system executed regular backups and maintenance once a week; the system irregularly performed efficiency adjustments and called for the repair for dedicated line disconnected.Achievement: The system functioned smoothly during the project implementation, data transmission was stable, and system security was enhanced. 2. CEMS availability: As seen in Table 3.1-1 and 3.1-2, the average upload percentage of the daily reported data was at 100%, ensuring the integrity of daily data transmission. The system performs daily inspection and will send out notices to inform enterprises when reporting malfunction on their part lead to missing values in their daily reported data so as to ensure the complete transmission of data. The project team also dispatched personnel to oversee and request these public and private premises re-upload the missed data.3. Inspection of the CEMS functions and monitoring data of plants: Twenty-four pipes were inspected, achieving an inspection completion rate of 100%. For more details please refer to Appendix 1 and 2.4. Electric potential monitoring: Electric potential monitoring was conducted to ensure the accurate transmission of data among monitoring instruments. The data on the electric potentials of 18 operating flue pipes were collected for 5-7 days and analyzed. The monitored pipes are owned and operated by Hsing Ta Cement South Saint Lake Plant, Taiwan Cement Su’ao Plant, Lucky Cement Plant Dong’al Plant, Ruentex Cement Dong-Shan Plant, FCFC Long De Plant, Li Ze Incineration Plant, Dong Hong Jing Incineration Plant, and Lo-Tung Steel & Iron Works (only the operating pipes; some channels were temporarily closed in the off-season). For more information please see Section 4.2.5. On-site overseeing of RATA inspections: The project team sent specialists to oversee the whole process of RATA inspections carried out to make sure that inspectors commissioned by the enterprises perform the inspections correctly and thereby ensure the RATA data accuracy. By the end of October, 2012, the project team oversaw the RATAs conducted on 27 flue pipes and performed random RATA testing on 8 pipes for the first three quarters.Again, all the inspections conducted were overseen this year to prevent data fabrication. The inspection results of the 27 pipes were satisfactory, and the audit inspections of the 8 pipes showed that they are all in accordance with law.6. CGA inspection: Some pollutant-producing plants were temporarily shut down this year due to business cycle fluctuations. By the end of Quarter 3, 10 pipes in 3 plants underwent cylinder gas audits (CGA) instead of the quarterly RATA inspection. Among them, P201 was from Taiwan Cement, P115 was from FCFC Long De Plant; P001 and P029 were from Lucky Cement. The inspection records provided in Appendix 5 shows that the CGA inspection results are all in accordance with law.Note: Please refer to appendix 5 for CGA inspection information 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68693
東部永續生活圈十項方案推動及輔導計畫暨宜蘭縣低碳永續家園專案辦公室計畫 會議行政:1.辦理16場十大機能小組會議2.辦理1場東部生活圈會議3.召開6場宜蘭縣諮詢委員會議,部分「宜蘭縣低碳城市建構計畫書」行動及指標之修正4.於9/9完成辦理「宜蘭縣低碳永續家園民間論壇」1場,共計215人次參與5.依環保署之要求提供宜蘭縣9項行動項目之規劃及意見並登錄6.參與低碳永續家園推動相關會議20場7.完成115個低碳活動logo之申請與登錄社區說明會及輔導:1.召開12場鄉鎮說明會2.舉辦低碳示範社區評選(初選與決選),評選出8個低碳示範社區3.辦理4場願景工作坊4.12社區累計33次社區訪視及專家派遣5.輔導12個低碳示範社區,視每一社區現況及條件完成1-5項低碳行動或規劃6.發展四個低碳亮點社區,並邀請專業團隊進行整體規劃7.完成港邊社區之認證與評等模擬8.輔導結頭份社區建立廚餘及農廢堆肥示範場1處9.11個家戶的碳盤查10.施作大隱社區微型水力發電1處11.完成朝陽社區生態淨化池施作1處12.推動中山社區及童玩節開發電動自行車套裝旅遊行程13.完成進士社區建築立面綠化節能施作1處14.完成東岳活動中心建築節能、大進綠色市集、進士二手市集、中山綠建築、後埤生態進化池及老屋再造..等之規劃及提送課程研習:1.於社大開設4門低碳生活之推廣課程2.辦理一場跨縣市低碳觀摩,針對低碳旅遊、資源回收、堆肥場、再生能源、生態池、假日市集、生態循環農業等主題進行參訪,參與人數73人3.辦理低碳社區客製化課程,總計召開26堂課,累計75小時,共計643人次參與廠商輔導:1.輔導一家電動自行車業者進行租賃及電池交換系統之規劃2.完成越光有機米、上將梨、三星有機蔥、素馨茶等四項農產品之碳盤查 - - 102 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 財團法人仰山文教基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68583
宜蘭縣102年度固定污染源許可及稽查管制計畫 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局配合環保署空污基金專款專用之原則,持續且積極地推動轄內固定污染源許可管制作業,建立詳實之污染源管制紀錄資料,以作為掌握現今公私場所污染物排放之重要依據。為持續執行固定污染源許可及稽查管制工作,以達到改善空氣品質之目的,乃提出「宜蘭縣102年度固定污染源許可及稽查管制計畫」,委託專業顧問團隊執行。 - - 102 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 澤豐工程科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68584
102年度宜蘭縣移動污染源稽查管制及機車排氣定期檢驗服務管理計畫 移動污染源係造成空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,為改善機車排放對於空氣污染所造成的問題,環保局實施多項措施以管制機車排放空氣污染物,包括:執行未定檢機車巡查、機車不定期檢驗、機車排氣檢驗站管理,及淘汰高污染老舊機車等,以有效改善空氣品質。 Moving pollution source inspection control project in 2013 Mobile pollution sources is one of the main cause for the air quality decline, in order to improve the air pollution problems caused by motorcycle exhausted emission, the environmental protection bureau has implemented many projects to control motorcycle exhaust discharge air pollutant, include the execution which locomotive did not make regular inspection, the roadside blocks examines, and management of motorcycle exhausted emission inspection stations, eliminating old motorcycle, to improve air quality efficiently. 102 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68953
102年度柴油車污染管制及排煙動力計操作檢測計畫 根據交通部公路總局台北區監理所宜蘭監理站提供資料顯示,本縣使用柴油為耗能燃料之車輛,設籍數共計為1萬3千餘輛,截至102年11月底止,屬於大型客貨柴油車總數亦達4,511輛次,其所排放的相關污染物對民眾健康影響不容小覷,亦顯見環保單位持續加嚴控管的必要性。由於國道5號通車後所帶來之龐大柴油車流量,尤其是以南北向為主的雪山隧道高架平原段各主要匝道,以及連結各鄉鎮的東西向主要道路,都是本縣移動污染源列管的重點道路,因此如何持續加強管制行駛於縣境,以及以空品淨區概念劃定之區域作業的柴油車輛排放污染,並構思如何持續提高設籍轄區內之柴油車輛,參與自主管理及保檢合一措施之意願,逐年提昇以主動到檢方式檢測之比例,以求在環保單位稽查資源有限之情況下,有效以目視判煙、車牌辨識系統拍攝以及不定期路邊攔檢等相關稽查管制工作,並依據行政院環保署當年度考核要點提昇柴油車納管率,持續列管行經本縣且設籍外縣市之柴油車輛,以降低柴油車整體排放總量,是本計畫執行的宗旨及目標所在。 Diesel vehicle pollution controls and arranges cigarette motive force to count and operate the plan of measuring ' in 102 Fourth, carry out the achievement Relevant environmental pollution that may cause in order to strengthen and is in charge of accusing of the diesel vehicle and discharge the granular pollutant, this plan controls some in diesel vehicle pollution in 96 annual plans, by controlling maintaining and improving with the vehicle not up to standard positively through checking, in order to effectively improve Ilan air quality state of the counties,and not actively because of should expressway, since November 15, 1996, the air pollution may cause ed to open the large-scale passenger traffic vehicle and open to the traffic is struck completely, it is to obtaining for national road five passenger traffic operation right property not second of go on ' pollution not low, the with low noise ' signature of declaration not environmental, expect by give a full account cuttlefish car inform against, roadside is it examine not up to standard to stop, eye is it sentence cigarette is it examine to notify to depend on and other counties and cities move in case is it measure etc. and control the way in pluralism to notify, notify have diesel vehicle time limit, pollution of doubt to arrange cigarette stand and measure, use relevant instrument and equipment to inspect by random samples controlling to the noise which the diesel oil vehicle derives, nitrogen oxygen chemical compound; Make spot check to test some in the oil, the stochastical sampling from reaching the vehicle fuel tank of examining and analysing the thicknes s of sulphur content, in order to control the illegal oil with above standard sulphur content. 102 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68951
整合各縣市空氣污染防制策略及成效 本計畫工作內容主要為彙整評析縣市管制工作之有效性,提出管制對策,提升縣(市)SIP計畫執行績效有效運用空污費。各縣(市)共通性計畫執行空窗期平均在3個月以下,對提高縣(市)計畫接軌與執行品質具正面意義。污染源管制工作成效評析方面,針對空氣品質改善維護計畫、許可證審查、加嚴排放標準、機車保檢合一、柴油車保檢合一、空品淨區管制、推廣電動巴士、營建工程管制、露天燃燒管制與空品淨化區進行分析。在協助執行績效考評作業方面,完成102年陳情資料篩選,102年陳情案件受理件數為82,479件,較101年增加7,041件。「民眾空氣品質改善滿意度」問卷調查3,534份,民眾對環保局在改善空氣品質滿意度比例由101年61.4%下降為60.9%。辦理相關考評會議提供縣市交流與環保署溝通之橋樑,及空污技術諮詢委員提供政策建議之管道。102至103年考評要點改為每二年修訂一次,整併考評指標與簡化考評方式,強化地方環保局執行之成果,修正重點為落實空氣污染防制計畫書之執行與規劃撰寫、強化細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)政策推動、排放量管理計畫、著重縣(市)環保局固定、逸散、移動污染源與空氣品質淨化區之整體表現與強化。「SIP考評資訊應用系統」之資料庫建立與維護方面,採用ASP.NET程式語言重新編撰,進行系統改版規劃並建立雛形系統,以利後續系統擴充增編,此外,為提昇系統使用效益,更新與新增系統功能與內容,使系統使用上更趨完備。 Achievement and Integrated for Local EPBs Air Pollution Against Strategies The scope of this project was to assemble, to evaluate, and to assess the effectiveness of the Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs) in conducting air pollution control work. In addition, this project proposed control strategies for local SIP projects to improve the utilization of their air pollution fee. After review, the between-project time for conducting common projects was less than 3 months for most counties and cities, which showed positively in improving efficiency and project continuation. In order to analysis pollution control effectiveness, this project evaluated areas including the Stationary Pollution Source Installation and Operating Permit system, the stricter standards for electric power industry and the steel industry, the inspection/maintenance program for diesel trucks and motorcycles, the open burning control, the control of fugitive dust from riverbank, the construction dust controls, and the management of the air quality purification area. The number of petition cases in 2013 increased by 7041 compared with The number in 2012. 3,534 copies of “Questionnaire for the Satisfaction Degree of Air Quality Improvement” were surveyed. The ratio of satisfaction reduced from 61.4% in year 2012 to 60.9% in year 2013. Conferences were held for comments exchange between local EPBs and EPA, and to receive recommendations from the air pollution control technology committees.In term of the Auditing Rules for the Effectiveness of Local EPBs, the six audit items in 2012 have been revised into four audit items in 2013. The objective is to strengthen the EPB’s air pollution control performance through combining and simplifying the audit indicators. The new emphasis in auditing the local air quality management plans will require the implementation and planning PM2.5 control strategies and emissions management to be included in the content. This year we have upgraded the “SIP Audit Information System” with the ASP.NET program language and planned the revision steps and its protocol to facilitate for the addition and expansion. In addition, we added new content and functions to the system in order to improve its effectiveness for the uses. 102 空保處 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68447
宜蘭縣102年度空氣品質經營維護管理計畫 (1) 空氣品質維護執行之工作內容包含各計畫執行進度管控、針對各計畫進行資料與現場查核、定期召開工作檢討會議、各項考評會議及協助環保署提報相關資料。(2) 分析縣內污染排放結構與涵容能力,了解本縣環境負荷程度,並檢核本縣空氣品質,統計102 年空氣品質良好比率為81.2%,PSI 年帄均值為40.5,宜蘭測站PSI 帄均值為44.1,冬山測站PSI 帄均值為40.1。(3) 分析本縣102 年之空污陳情案件,包括露天燃燒、揚塵陳情、粒狀物陳情、動物異味陳情和製程異味陳情,掌握民眾主要之陳情原因、對象,同時針對縣內重點污染源進行調查,了解民眾關切之議題,並提出因應之管制方式,期能藉此提升民眾滿意度。(4) 逐月掌控本縣空氣污染防制計畫書,藉此了解各計畫管制工作執行情形與污染削減量,並召開討論會議進行檢討,期能藉此逐步達成「潔淨空氣、幸福宜蘭」之願景。(5) 提出空氣品質惡化緊急應變機制,掌控縣內污染源清單與敏感受體,透過跨局處整合應變能量,減少空氣污染物對民眾帶來之危害。(6) 在空氣品質淨化區管考工作方面,目前已完成62 處空氣品質淨化區查核作業,並10 月份辦理空氣品質淨化區說明會,說明103 年環保局經費補助辦法,另已完成本年度碳匯調查作業,並依環保署要求上傳至相關網站。(7) 本計畫每月會依據各計畫填報之季報表數量,進行「外部查核作業」,以減少資料錯誤之情事,另102 年查核結果有缺失之處,已請各計畫針對查核缺失進行改善作業,同時彙整各計畫回覆改善成果於報告中。(8) 配合環保署考評作業,本計畫配合環保局於102 年1 月和6月,假台北市法鼓大學-德貴學院會議室舉辦「各縣市執行空氣品質維護或改善工作執行成效檢討會議」和「102 年宜蘭縣環保局執行空氣品質維護或改善工作委員諮詢暨座談會」,本計畫協助製作相關簡報及書面資料,102 年管制工作成效檢討會規劃於103 年2 月20、21 召開會議,本計畫已著手整理管制成果資料。(9) 指紋資料庫建置為環保署近年政策方向之一,透過網路隨時掌控工業區歷年監測資訊與工廠基本資料,若發生事故時能以最短時間因應緊急空污事件之應變作業程序之執行。(10) 依據本縣「宜蘭縣環境保護基金收支保管及運用辦法」,每半年需召開一場次定期會議,讓主委與各空污委員了解空污基金執行情形。(11) 辦理空品區交流會議,跨空品區整合管制能量,並提出重點執行工作之交流與檢討方針,期能透過聯合管制機制,以最少之人力、物力達到空氣污染減量之成效。(12) 每月更新雪山隧道車流量與隧道內空氣品質監測資料,主要監測項目包含CO、NO,透過連線系統之建置,讓環保局端能掌控隧道內監測資訊,掌控本縣環境負荷量。 - - 102 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 昱山環境技術服務顧問 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68952
101年度空氣品質經營維護管理計畫暨國道5號雪山隧道空氣品質改善與監控管理計畫 空氣品質維護管執行之工作內容包含各計畫執行進度管控、針對各計畫進行資料與現場查核、定期召開工作檢討會議、各項考評會議及相關資料提交、環保管制策略民意調查等。藉由以上工作執行達到維護空氣污染防制計畫書之管制目標。101 年度宜蘭縣空氣品質,各項污染物濃度均較去年降低,減少比例分別為CO 濃度1.7%、NO2濃度4.9%、O3 濃度5.5%、PM10 濃度6.3%、SO2 濃度11.1%及PM2.5濃度12.4%。且在空氣品質目標方面,PSI 值為39.8,空氣品質良好比例為78.14%,均符合標準;另針對各項管制與污染物削減量目標上面僅SOX 削減量未達成,達成率為64%。空氣品質淨化區維護管理執行工作包含空氣品質淨化區之資料整理、考評、會議辦理及碳匯調查作業,本年度已完成61 處淨化區自評作業,並完成17 處淨化區碳匯調查作業,共計碳匯量為177.76公噸。另主動掌握國有非公用土地供共計47 筆,共計7415.6 平方公尺面積,可作於102 年度計畫評估設置空氣品質淨化區。雪山隧道空氣品質維護管理工作,包含隧道內及隧道外空氣品質監測作業、模式模擬工作及風險評估作業。由隧道內監測結果顯示,在車輛直接排放之污染物(CO 與NO)濃度值遠高於隧道外(10 倍以上),而NO2 為二次反應產生變化趨勢與車流量也相同,濃度約為隧道外之10 倍左右;另PM10 濃度略高於隧道外,整體污染濃度變化趨勢與車流量變化相同,風機啟動可有效降低污染物濃度。若風機啟動使風速在3.5m/s 以上,可以維持CO 濃度在15ppm、NO 濃度在2.5ppm 及PM10 濃度在125 μg/m3 以內。在隧道外空氣品質監測結果顯示出北宜高車流量對於宜蘭地區之NO2 及O3 濃度有影響。 - - 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68580
101年度宜蘭縣工業區空氣污染物對居民健康風險之評估及空氣污染事件緊急應變監測計畫 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50140
宜蘭縣101年度固定污染源許可及稽查管制計畫 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50146
宜蘭縣101年度民有民營街道揚塵洗掃計畫 本計畫主要以宜蘭縣內宜蘭市、蘇澳鎮、冬山鄉、頭城鎮、壯圍鄉、五結鄉、三星鄉等鄉鎮市為街道揚塵沖洗掃區域,依計畫委託說明要求排定39條路線為洗掃作業。統計洗掃街作業自101年7月1日起至102年6月30日止之執行進度洗街作業共執行16,484公里,累計進度100.38%;掃街作業共執行16,484公里,累計進度100.38%。本計畫依環保署執行里程進行推估,101年7月1日至102年6月30日之TSP削減量為454.96公噸,PM10削減量為85.72公噸,其中洗街削減TSP 227.48公噸、掃街削減TSP 227.48公噸。 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 立達環境事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=53984