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飲用水管理資訊系統維護專案工作計畫 本年度主要工作為維護「飲用水管理資訊系統」工作成果包括:新增98年度「自來水蓄水池水塔設備水質抽驗」、「飲用水業務績效考核」以及配合「飲用水水質標準」修訂增加戴奧辛抽驗項目功能等功能。曾發生4起系統異常狀況,而均在當日即查明事件並處理完成,維持系統正常運作,資料庫備份程序均按設定期程正常執行。本系統每日由「環保稽查處分管制系統」轉入自來水水質抽驗紀錄約10,282筆。飲用水資訊網中,每週定期檢查網頁、更新飲用水統計、相關管理法規、相關網站連結、新增水井安全問答集及飲用水井飲用水質安全指引、協助發佈新聞稿等相關網站資料更新及維護並且通過無障礙第一優先(A+)等級之機械及人工檢測,將無障礙網頁標章放置於飲用水網站首頁。另舉辦一場飲用水管理資訊系統操作說明會。 The Drinking Water Management Application Maintenance Project This project developed some results this year in the drinking water management application maintenance. It expanded functions of 2008 water testing of reservoirs and towers of tap water, performance evaluation of drinkwater management of environmental protection bureaus, and added dioxin item to the water testing function and other functions. The application had got failure 4 times during this project and be repaired and recoverd in the same day. The database backup procedures proceed properly. The application transformed tap water testing data from EEMS daily and up to 10,282 records this year. This project also checked the drinking water web pages weekly, updates the statistics data of drinking water management, rules and websites that were related to drink water management. The web expanded new pages of Q & A of safety about drinking water wells, safety guideline about drinking water wells. This web site got the level of diagnosis priority 1 (A+) of the web accessibility service. 096 毒管處 智通工程科技公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=14701
農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器資源回收清除處理體系檢討作業計畫 本計畫提出推動成立跨部會查緝小組、由業者組成調查小組、建置優良農藥商家評鑑制度與農藥販賣管理資訊系統等建議,並彙整環保署歷年委辦相關研究報告,予以歸納建檔及分析相關問題。辦理20場次「農藥廢容器宣導回收說明會」,及「農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器之回收業及處理業說明會」,講授農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器回收清除處理相關法令及實務說明、農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器回收安全與工廠操作安全說明、偽劣農藥辨識與農藥市場現況說明。研擬97年農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器回收清除處理費費率草案,建議費率調幅20.7%,惟若考量基金收支平衡原則,其調幅最高41%、最低0.3%;藉由相關資料彙整分析產業後續發展,鼓勵休閒農業、有機農業的發展,促使農業轉型為高附加價值的休閒產業。彙整國外農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器回收管理策略,大部分採焚化及掩埋進行處理;並檢討課費方式,建議可依原體輸入作為課費之依據;本計畫亦訪談大型銷售單位或地方農會,調查各類型核准販售產品之銷售情形、各容器材質與回收情形等資料。本計畫執行成果可提供環保署日後制定相關法規與執行做法之參考依據,並達到有效管理農藥及特殊環境用藥回收之成效。 Reviewing the Recycling System of Recyced Agricultural Chemicals Waste Containers This project proposes to establish a cross-departmental investigating team and a survey group which consist of vendor for handling recycling related guidance. The project also suggests creating an evaluated system of agricultural chemicals business and agricultural chemicals trade-management information system. Previous Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) reported research results on agricultural chemical waste were corrected and analyzed in detail.The work team has held seminars for “Agricultural Chemicals Waste Container Recycling Guidance.” and “Agricultural Chemicals and Special Environmental Medication Waste Container Recycling and Processing Industry.” The scholars and experts were invited to instruct the related laws and practices, recycling and factory operation safety, spurious agricultural chemicals identifications and the present market situation of agricultural chemicals.Furthermore, the schedule for processing fee on year 2008 agricultural chemicals and special environmental medication waste container recycling was drafted. Under consideration of fund-odd insufficient situation, the fee rate was suggested to rise by 20.7%. Only if consider fund balanced revenues and expenditures principle, the rate modulation could have a maximum of 41% and minimum of 0.3%. The developing road map of the industry development was also analyzed. The government should positively encourage the leisure agriculture and the organic agriculture development and turn the traditional agriculture into high valued leisure business. National related laws and policies of agricultural chemical containers management were collected. Cremates and buries are the major ways to process waste containers. Moreover, we have reviewed issues of tax-levying and processing fee. We proposed the tax levying should be based on import materials. We have interviewed with large-scale marketing department or local farmer associations to investigate various types of approved agricultural chemicals products, the variety of their sale situations and recycling situations. The results could offer a valuable reference for EPA for making related laws and policies which can achieve effective management of agricultural chemical container recycling. 096 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1670
飲用水管理資訊系統維護專案工作計畫 為使全國各級環保機關迅速、確實地掌握飲用水管理相關資訊,提供各環保機關上網登錄執行飲用水管理稽查管制等資料,以落實飲用水管理工作。行政院環境保護署於88及89年度分別辦理『飲用水管理系統開發計畫』及『飲用水管理業務調查與建置計畫』,建立網頁式資料庫架構之「飲用水管理資訊系統」,自民國89年元月起上線使用。為確保系統正常運作,並適時擴充及調整系統功能,俾利隨時快速彙整統計多年的飲用水水質資訊。環保署自90年度起辦理「飲用水管理資訊系統維護計畫」,本計畫則為賡續辦理96年度之維護作業。計畫主要工作為維護「飲用水管理資訊系統」各項業務功能之正常運作及故障排除:本計畫工作內容包含下列各項:1. 確保系統正常運作,提供各環保機關上網建置飲用水管理稽查及查驗等相關資料,落實飲用水管理工作。2. 統計分析飲用水管理稽查資料,作為協助環保機關稽查及其後續追蹤管制工作,並提供作為飲用水管理政策擬定之參考。3. 適時提供飲用水水質查驗、統計及資料分析等資訊供各界查詢,藉以達資源共享的目的。 Drinking Water Management Information System Maintenance Project In order to make the organs of environmental protection at all levels of the whole country grasp the drinking water and manage relevant information rapidly, positively, offer every environmental protection organs to shut network log-in and carry out drinking water management and check the materials of controlling etc. EPA begin to computerize the drinking water management works, and conduct a“Drinking Water Management Application Development”project, and a“The Drinking Water Management Practice Survey and Found”project since 1999. These Projects had developed a“Drinking Water Management System”.The database system worked successfully. EPA proceed to application maintenance works to keep the application running properly and to adjust or aggrandize the application functions in necessary. This is the 7th year (2007) maintenance project. The groundwork of the plan is to maintain the normal operation of every business function and trouble clearing of the Drinking Water Management System. This planning work content includes being following: 1.Guarantee the normal operation of the system, offer every environmental protection organs to shut construction drinking water management of the network to relevant materials of checking and checking etc., implement the drinking water management. 2.The statistical analysis of drinking water , as helping organ's checking and follow-up of environmental protection to track and control working, offer as the reference that management policies are drafted of drinking water management. 3.Offer such information as checking, statistics and analysis of water quality of drinking water,etc. to support all circles inquiry in good time, use to reach the purpose of resource-sharing. 096 毒管處 毒管處 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1668
96屏東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動 摘要本計畫截自期末報告資料統計日期96年11月30日為止,合約各工作項目均依預定進度達成。在量化目標方面:本年度計畫截至期末報告統計日期為止,總計完成機車攔(巡)查15870輛完成率105.8﹪,機車攔檢1758輛完成率175.8﹪;定檢站查核評鑑方面,每兩個月定期查核全縣89站一次共計完成五次,進度達成率100﹪,另外執行不定期查核(含假日)共計55家,氣體校驗共計完成57家、實車查核共計完成24家,另針對不合格率異常及有經常性查核缺失者亦邀請專家學者會同查核,相關查核及評鑑結果亦提送環保局進行獎懲及公告作業;宣導活動方面亦完成免費檢測機車1013輛,目標達成率101.3﹪;大專院校及機關團體服務亦完成免費檢測1038輛,目標達成率103.8﹪;未定檢車輛公文通知至11月底止共寄發70620封公文通知,回檢41472輛;在定檢明信片通知檢測方面,均按時完成寄發共計465128封通知,相關退件之信件亦完成建檔工作後,提送環保署去除無效車籍。在環保署公佈之到檢率方面,本縣11月公告之使用中機車已管制比率為48.68﹪,達到該項進度達69.54﹪(未扣除無效車藉),預估年底扣除無效車籍後之到檢率可達59.4﹪,較95年到檢率55.6﹪,預估至少提升3.8﹪,則計畫結束時可達到該項進度達84.8﹪,預估得分為1.27分。另由考評之評分標準管制比率較前一年提昇者,每提升1﹪總分再加0.1分,本年度至少約較95年度進步3﹪,因此本計畫自評使用中機車已管制比率可得滿分,且本年度各季資料查核完整率皆達100﹪。在非量化目標方面,民眾檢舉案件至96年11月底止,共計接獲民眾檢舉案件共112件(機車91件、汽車21件);經查證後應辦理案件為112件;通知檢測為109件(3輛重複),函覆處理為112件,檢舉案件函覆率為100%,對於陳情案件之處理結果皆以正式公文函覆陳情人;在污染削減方面,根據SIP績效考評空氣污染排放削減量計算原則,至11月止經調修後改善至合格之車輛合計有370508輛,計算後合計之污染削減量為THC:131.6公噸;NMHC:118.4公噸;CO:897.4公噸。在統計分析方面:各項執行方式以攔查作業回檢率較佳,經現場開單通知後回檢率可達70﹪以上,巡查貼單方式回檢率則低於40﹪,兩項作業如再經二次通知(採掛號附照片通知)回檢率則均可提升至80﹪以上,此分析結果顯見本縣民眾守法觀念不足,應加強稽查作業取證明確性或改採車輛辨識系統取證,以提升機車定檢到檢率及減少爭議;各項作業後續公文通知之到檢率,攔查作業平均回檢率達76.85﹪,巡查作業平均回檢率達67.72﹪,公文通知平均回檢率達58.73﹪,經探討回檢率較差之原因可能與車籍通知之寄達率、車輛外移及民眾對於定檢制度之認知尚有宣導不足之處;如以完成定檢之車輛不合格比率而言,以麟洛鄉、屏東市、長治鄉、潮州鎮、萬丹鄉及九如鄉等鄉鎮,機車定檢之檢測結果不合格比例較低,均低於15﹪;不合格比例較高之鄉鎮為春日鄉、滿州鄉、來義鄉、枋山鄉、車城鄉、霧臺鄉、獅子鄉、泰武鄉及牡丹鄉等鄉鎮不合格比例偏高,均高於20﹪。而此結果代表之意義為都市型鄉鎮之民眾對於機車之保養較為用心亦顯見定檢制度執行之重要性,相對的偏遠地區之民眾對於機車定期維護保養之觀念則較為欠缺;另已設定檢站之恆春鎮、高樹鄉、琉球鄉、枋寮鄉等鄉鎮不合格率達18﹪,相對於其他已設定檢站之鄉鎮則屬偏高情形,此情形可能因該鄉鎮車輛未按期定檢及維護所致,針對不合格率較高且車輛較集中之區域應加強攔查檢測,以發揮欄檢之目的。依各項作業檢測不合格率情形來看,攔查作業不合格率最高達19.74﹪,其原因可能為該作業執行地點為各鄉鎮交通要道之地區,而該區域民眾對於車輛定期保養情形較不用心,且未按時完成檢測工作,故其不合格率則有偏高之情形。相較之下,定檢通知回檢作業不合格率則明顯低於路邊攔(巡)查作業,探討其原因可能是作業地點不同所產生,因定檢作業之地點大部分為都市型態之鄉鎮或大專院校且經常性完成定檢工作,而此部分民眾及學生對於定檢活動接受度較高維護情形亦較為用心,故其不合格率較各鄉鎮攔查作業低,而此結果亦顯見攔查作業執行之重要性。在到檢車輛車齡方面:大部分完成年度定檢機車車齡集中於4至10年,到檢率均高於57﹪,車齡到達11年後定檢情況則有明顯減少趨勢,進一步觀看車齡10年以下的機車,統計其平均定檢率達64.9﹪;11年以上之老舊車輛平均定檢率約僅31.1﹪左右,此結果顯示民眾對於新車之維護保養及配合定檢制度之意願較高,相對的對於老舊車輛配合定檢之意願則明顯降低或因害怕定檢不合格會遭受處分而規避定檢。分析其機車定檢之車齡分佈與不合格比率可知,定檢不合格機車隨車齡愈大所排放污染濃度也隨之上升,總計10年以上之老舊車輛定檢不合格之均超過16.29%,已高於縣內定檢車輛不合格率平均值15.46%,此結果顯見加強老舊車輛定檢維護之重要性。因此後續工作重點則應加強高齡機車定檢及宣導,或是鼓勵其機車汰舊換新,如此方可提昇定檢到檢率與降低整體污染物的排放。 AbstractUp to Nov.30th of 2007 when the term paper is due, each and every task listed on the contract is achieved as scheduled. On quantified targets: The project up to Nov. 30th when the term report is due, a total of 15,870 scooters have been stopped and inspected on the road, an achieving rate of 105.8%. A total of 1,758 cars was stopped and inspected on the road, an achieving rate of 175.8%. On inspection and appraisal done in the station conducting regular inspections, regular inspections every two months on 89 stations throughout the whole county, 5 stations per time, the achieving rate is 100%. On carrying out ir-regular inspections ( including on holidays ), 55 stations were inspected. Gas inspections were carried out at 57 stations. Actual car inspection practice was done at 24 stations. With the company of experts and scholars, inspections were carried out at stations reporting abnormal rate of vehicles inspected but failed to meet the standard and with constant faults. The inspection and appraisal results were submitted to the Environmental Protection Bureau for rewared/penalty decision and for announcing to the public. On promotion efforts, free-of-charge inspection was carred out on 1,013 scooters, an achieving rate of 101.3%. This service was also performed in universities /colleges and organizations/agents. Of them, 1,038 scooters received the free-of-charge inspection, an achieving rate of 103.8%. On cars without receiving regular inspections, a total of 70,620 letters were sent to the car owners from the local government up to end of November 2007. And, of them 41,472 cars came back to receive inspections. On the regular-inspection notices sent through postcards, 465,128 postcards were delivered as scheduled. Data on postcards returned is established and presented to the Environmental Protection Department to revoke registration on vehicles which are deemed invalid. On the rate of vehicles receiving inspections proclaimed by the Environmental Protection Department, the announced November controlling rate of scooters in use in Pingtung County is 48.68%, an achieving rate of 69.54% ( without deducting the invalid vehicle registrations ). It is estimated that by end of 2007 the rate of vehicle receiving inspections will reach 59.4% while invalid registration is deducted. Compared with 55.6% of 2006, an improvement of at least 3.8% is expected. In that case, when the project comes to a close the achieving rate will reach 84.8%. Scoring is expected to be 1.27. From the scoring standard by way of the achieving rate, 1% improvement will add a score of 0.1. Then, this year has at least a 3% improvement higher than 2006. Therefore, the controlling rate of scooters in use of this project will receive a full score. Data checking of each quarter this year is also completed 100%.On non-quantified targets:Up to end of November 2007, the total number of cases informed by the public is 112 ( 91 on scooters and 21 on cars ). After verifying, the case to treat is 112 cases. 109 cases are to notify of the inspection. ( 3 vehicles are repeated. ) 112 cases are answered, so the efficiency is 100% on all informed cases. Treatment results to all informed cases are answered to the informers by official letters. On pollution reduction, based on the calculation principle of SIP performance appraisal on air pollution emission reduction, 370,508 cars have been fine-tuned and met the requirement up to end of November 2007. After calculation, the total reduction on pollution is THC: 131.6 tons; NMHC: 118.4 tons; CO: 897.4 tons.On statistical analysis:Of all measures taken, the measure of stopping and inspecting vehicles on the road has created the best rate of vehicles coming back for inspections. If the driver receives the inspection notice on site, the chance that he/she takes the motor vehicle back for inspection is as high as 70% and above. If by placing the inspection notice on the motor vehicle, the chance the driver of the vehicle takes his/her vehicle back for inspection is as low as less than 40%. On both practices, if 2nd notice service is added ( such as through registered mail attached with photo ), the chance that the driver takes his/her vehicle back for inspection can be upped to 80% and more. This data analyzed show that the public in the county are weak in abiding law. Monitoring and auditing efforts should be enforced or employing car identification system to get evident proofs. So that vehicles receiving regular inspections are increased and contentions are lessened. On the rate of vehicles coming back for inspections due to the receipt of the government letter, the average rate in terms of the measure of stopping and inspecting vehicles on the road is 76.85% ; the average rate in terms of the measure of monitoring and inspecting the vehicle on the road is 67.72%; the average rate of vehicles coming back for inspections on the receipt of the letter is 58.73%. Reasons that explain why the rate of vehicles coming back for inspections is low might be that the vehicle registration notice may have failed to reach the notified party, vehicles on the move and the general public’s poor perception of the regular inspection system.In terms of vehicles that have received regular inspections but failed to be deemed meeting the standard, the rate of scooters inspected but not meeting the standard is comparatively low. That rate is lower than 15% in Linlo Township, Pingtung City, Shangtsi Township, Chaochou Township, Wandan Township and Jiourue Township. Rate higher than 20% is found in Tsuengzi Township, Manchou Township, Laiyi Township, Fongshan Township, Checherng Township, Wutai Township, Lion’s Township, Taiwu Township and Mudan Township. The rate difference shows that the general public living in urbanized cities and towns care more about vehicle maintenance. This indicates the implementation of regular inspections is very important. On the contrary, residents living in remote areas show less concern on vehicle regular maintenance.Towns where stations conducting regular inspections are distributed such as Hengchuan Township, Kaoshu Township, Liuchou Township and Fangliao Township, the rate of their vehicles not meeting the standard is 18% which is higher than other towns where stations conducting regular inspections are also distributed. This could be that the vehicles in those townships do not receive inspections and maintenance as they are supposed to. Therefore, it is necessary to enforce the measure of stopping and inspecting the vehicles on the road in places where the rate of not meeting the standard is higher and the traffic is heavier so that the purpose of stopping and inspecting the vehicles on the road is served.The rate of vehicles not meeting the standard found out through the measure of stopping and inspecting the vehicle on the road is the highest which amounts to 19.74%. This could be that that measure is conducted at the main traffic site of every town and city and the public there pay little attention to regular inspections and maintenance for their vehicles. They may have failed to have their vehicles receive regular inspections as required. So the rate of vehicles not meeting the standard is higher. Comparatively, the rate of vehicles not meeting the standard through the measure of regular inspections notice is evidently lower than the rate through the measure of stopping and inspecting the vehicle on the road. The rate difference could be that the places where the two measures are conducted are different. The place where regular inspections are conducted is mostly located in urbanized towns and cities, or in the campus of colleges/universities. And the regular inspections are constantly done and completed. The acceptance rate of the public and the students towards regular inspections is higher. Their concern on vehicle maintenance is more as well. Therefore, their vehicles not meeting the standard have a lower rate than other places where the measure of stopping and inspecting the vehicle on the road is conducted. This result also shows the implementation of stopping and inspecting the vehicle on the road is very important.On the age of vehicles receiving regular inspections:Most vehicles receiving annual regular inspections are aged between 4 and 10 years. The rates of these vehicles receiving inspections are higher than 57%. When the vehicles are more than 11 years of age, they receive less attention and evidently fewer inspections. By statistics, vehicles aged less than 10 have a rate of 64.9% in receiving regular inspections; vehicles aged more than 11 receive have at a rate of 31.1% in receiving regular inspections. This shows that the general public are more willing to give their new vehicles more attention and maintenance which leads to conducting regular inspections. On the contrary, they show less willingness to aged vehicles when it comes to regular inspections. It could also be that they are afraid of their aged vehicles failing to pass the inspections so they choose to avoid receiving the inspections in order not to be fined.By analyzing the age distribution of scooters receiving regular inspections and their rate of not meeting the standard, scooters not meeting the standard emit higher concentrations of pollution with their higher ages. Totally, vehicles aged more than 10 has a rate going beyond 16.29% of failing to pass the inspection. This figure is already above 15.46% which is the average rate of vehicles failing to pass the regular inspection throughout the whole Pingtung county. This result shows the importance of reinforcing regular inspections and maintenance on aged vehicles. Therefore, the future work should either focus on reinforcing the implementation of regular inspections on aged vehicles and the promotion, or encourage vehicle owners to replace the aged with the new ones. By this way, the rate of vehicles receiving regular inspections can be upped and the emission of pollutants can be reduced as a whole. 096 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=532
台灣地區光化學污染之形成、傳輸機制及其影響 本研究係延續自2005年以來之三年計畫的第三年計畫,研究範疇由原先的2003年至2006年的中部地區(崇倫、草屯、竹山)逐步擴大到2006年起迄今的北部地區(萬華、土城)與2006年起迄今南部地區(橋頭、小港、橋頭),於2007年將中部地區測站搬遷至雲嘉南地區(台西、朴子、中山)。在前兩年(2005年與2006年)的研究成果中,已探討中部地區(崇倫、草屯、竹山)的光化指標物種,污染物濃度的日夜變化、季節變化與上下風(崇倫、竹山)關係,主成份分析及聚類分析與急性、慢性、癌症健康風險等議題。本摘要主要內容涵蓋第三年的研究成果,敘述如下:關於雲嘉南測站的資料分析,以2007年吹北風於南風時作為研究案例分析,乙烯與丙烯濃度在台西站與中山站相差了3至10倍左右,顯示東北風直接將六輕工業區的污染物往南傳輸。根據2007年的北部萬華、土城測站資料,探討長距離跨境傳輸之影響,以大陸冷氣團鋒面過境台灣北部的時段作為研究時段,藉由O3滴定效應的現象與ethane/n-butane比值的變化,來判定鋒面來臨時對當地造成的臭氧及VOC濃度分佈的影響。根據2003年至2006年中部都會地區(以崇倫站為中心,一公里範圍的鄉鎮)VOC濃度與心臟疾病之死亡人數資料進行統計分析,當日的TVOC、部分烷類、烯類及芳香族類污染物濃度暴露會導致相對風險為1.02~1.37。而前兩天的SO2濃度和部分烷類污染物濃度暴露會導致相對風險為1.03~2.20。若以十年以上之健康資料及空品測站所監測之污染物濃度分析,則可發現懸浮微粒等污染物對心臟疾病的死亡率仍有顯著影響,因此,以長期影響來看,傳統空品測站的污染物濃度扮演重要角色。 The study of formation, transportation mechanism and effects of photochemical pollutants in Taiwan This is an ongoing 3-year project, performed from 2005 to 2007. In the previous two years, characteristics of each VOC group and trends of selected compounds, indicators of photochemical air masses, diural variation, seasonal variation and acute hazard index, chronic hazard index and cancer risks had been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, the following abstract mainly summarizes the major findings of the third year.The network of three photochemical assessment monitoring stations (PAMS) in central Taiwan havs been operated since 2003 to 2006. In 2006, the network in southern Taiwan and northern Taiwan also started to operate. Due to the increasing concern of pollutants from the largest petrochemical plant at the coast of south-central Taiwan, the three stations orignialy deployed in central Taiwan were relocated to the downwind areas of the plant, i.e. Yulin, ChiaYi, and Tainan Counties in the spring of 2007.As for the stations in northern Taiwan, we developed a technique using PAMS data in Taipei to indicate frontal passages in the springtime. Air masses from long-distance transport were able to be accurately identified using the ratio of ethane/n-butane. During a frontal passage, it was found that ozone level is concurrent with the ratio, and the ozone level maintains as high as 40 ppbv with nighttime level similar to the daytime one, due to weak NOx titration. It poses a sharp contrast to the non-frontal days when ozone level peaks at noon time but drops to nearly zero at night due to strong NOx titration. Ethane/n-butane ratio at this time, however, was decoupled from the ozone cycle. Thus, the PAMS in Taipei can be exploited as a “whistle blower” for signaling the occurrence of cross border transport of air masses.In this study, we analyzed the prilimiary results in 2007 and found that whenever the northterly winds prevaided, the concentrations of ethene and propolene increased dramatically, and can can be three to ten times higher at the Taishi station than at the urban Chungshan station. Futhre study will link these species of high activity to the contribution to ozone formation in south-central Taiwan. 096 空保處 台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1465
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢電子電器及廢資訊物品類)專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)依「廢棄物清理法」第十八條第二項規定,訂定「應回收廢棄物稽核認證作業辦法」,以辦理應回收廢棄物之回收處理量稽核認證,作為環保署資源回收管理基金管理委員會(以下簡稱基管會)支付受補貼機構補貼費之依據。台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司(以下簡稱本公司)執行本計畫廢電子電器及廢資訊物品類稽核認證工作,針對民國96年4月至97年3月期間之14家受補貼機構進行廢電子電器及廢資訊物品類回收/處理量之稽核認證作業,廢電視機601,479台,廢洗衣機308,970台,廢電冰箱331,126台,廢冷暖氣機393,108台,及廢風扇18,384台,總計廢電子電器物品類稽核認證量1,653,067台;本公司彙整96年4月至97年3月間各類廢資訊物品稽核認證量為廢主機1,048,325台,廢監視器766,979台,廢印表機700,579台,廢筆記型電腦31,069台,及廢鍵盤60,788台,總計廢資訊物品類稽核認證量2,607,740台。廢電子電器物品不符允收物品統計廢電視機1,108台,廢洗衣機134台,廢電冰箱1,337台,廢冷暖氣機2,798台,廢風扇26台,總計5,403台,減少補貼費支出金額2,716,101元;廢資訊物品類不符允收物品統計廢主機1,798台,廢監視器532台,廢印表機261台,廢筆記型電腦79台,廢鍵盤21台,總計2,691台,減少補貼費支出金額489,385元,對健全稽核認證作業品質,具有正面意義。本公司於本計畫執行期間,共執行會計稽核168場次;環安衛稽核168場次;作業程序稽核3,433次;CCTV監視系統查核時數52,752小時;稽核認證作業發生之異常狀況共計64件,本公司除呈報主管機關外,亦加強廠商之監督改善。此外,提供環保署執行稽核認證作業改善方向及具體建議,作為相關法規及手冊修訂之參考。本公司執行計畫期間並配合協助辦理以下事項:(1) 新設受補貼機構現勘審查作業;(2) 稽核認證作業手冊修正;(3) 受補貼機構評估及分級管理;(4) 清淨家園全民運動查核計畫;(5) 建立廢電子電器及廢資訊物品不符允收圖鑑;(6)不符允收物品數量及原因調查分析;(7) 有害事業廢棄物產出比例分析等查核作業。 The Third-party Inspection and Certification on Waste Information Technology Appliances and Electrical and Electronic equipment Executive Yuan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) promulgated “Recyclable Waste Auditing and Certification Regulation” based on the Article 18, paragraph 2 of “Waste Disposal Act”. EPA Recycling Fund Management Committee is in accordance with the audited and certificated amount by auditing and certification group to subsidy the subsidized organizations. TUV Reinland Taiwan Ltd. (TUV Reinland) was entrusted by Taiwan EPA to implement the project “ The Third-party Auditing and Certification on Obligated Recyclable Waste Electronic and Electric Appliances (HA)& Information Technology (IT) Equipments ”, from April 01, 2007 to Mar 31, 2008. 14 subsidized organizations were audited and certificated during this period. The certificated amount of HA equipment were 1,653,067 sets including 601,479 sets of TVs, 308,970 sets of washing machine, 331,126 sets of refrigerator, 393,108 sets of conditioners and 18,384 sets of electric funs. The certificated amount of IT equipment were 2,607,740sets including 1,048,325 sets of main stations, 766,979 sets of monitors, 700,579 sets of printers, 31,069 sets of notebooks and 60,788 sets of keyboards. TUV Reinland auditing and certification team found 2,691 sets of unaccepted IT equipment and 5,403 sets of unaccepted HA equipment. Prevented to over subsidy of 489,385 NT dollars of IT equipment and 2,716,101 NT dollars of HA equipment from Management Committee’s issuance to subsidized organizations. It was positive for waste recycling auditing and certification system.TUV Reinland executed 168 times of accounting audit and inventory check, 168 times of environment-safety-health audit, 3,433 times of facility check and 52,752 hours of CCTV monitoring check in the project. 64 major deviation and abnormal events were found during this period. TUV Reinland reported the deviation and events to EPA and also provided the concrete solutions to subsidized organizations. TUV Reinland also proposed several programs to EPA for enhancing the auditing and certification efficiency.TUV Reinland also supported EPA on other related areas: (1) On-site audit for qualification review of new recycling plant. (2) TUV Reinland recommend into EPA for future operation manual developing. (3) Developed program of efficient management on recycling plant. (4) Support EPA to conduct “EPA Cleaning House Project” (5) To establish a noncompliance handbook for IT/HA product. (6) Investigation on reason and quantity of noncompliance product. (7) Auditing on the percentage analysis of hazardous waste generation. 096 基管會 台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1662
96年度科技及施政計畫品質提昇推動計畫 本年度「科技及施政計畫品質提昇推動計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)之年度目標,乃協助環保署達成:規劃環保署98年度科技計畫及4年中程綱要計畫;辦理96年度科技計畫及施政計畫品質提昇之管理工作;以及擴散環保署科技及施政計畫成果等項工作。再透過科技計畫彙整、計畫品質提昇相關會議辦理、成果發表會及檢討會辦理,以及科技成果之擴散,進而提昇環保署科技計畫及施政計畫品質之管理工作,並達成如下之目標。研提未來環保科技及施政計畫─透過認識歐盟科技研發管理機構及綱要計畫,以及環境生物技術、環境科技資訊服務、綠色化學、歐盟如何看待永續發展、奈米科技以及能源科技六大主題蒐集與應用之會議結論,提供我國環保科技發展短、中程(98年度及98年度以後4年)的具體作法建議,及環保署各業務單位參考。提昇計畫管理品質─協助「環保署委託研究計畫作業管理要點」之修正。「委託研究計畫作業管理要點」係為委託研究計畫之編訂及審查、研究成果之審查及應用等相關作業規定,以達有效管理,呈現具體績效。透過辦理5場「環保署與委辦計畫之顧問公司計畫主持人座談會」所得結果,藉由與會人士之參與及討論,提出各群組計畫的具體績效,協助各計畫主持人了解KPI之意義,於報告中展現各計畫對環保施政之實質貢獻,以提升計畫管理品質。擴散施政計畫成果透過彙整並製作環保署86至95年科技計畫及91年至95年空污基金計畫資料庫之光碟200份,發送至各單位。並將資料庫成果上網,供使用者上網查詢或進行下載,以達成施政計畫成果擴散之目的。此外,並透過辦理3場次科技計畫成果發表及檢討會,針對環保署科技計畫提出各種面向之建議,搭配評鑑問卷請委員填寫及彙整結果,歸納出實質建議供環保署未來研擬計畫之參考。 Quality Management for Taiwan EPA’s Projects in year 2007 Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Executive Yuan, Taiwan is the governmental sector in charge of the formulation of national environmental policies, laws and regulations. The Sustainable Science & Technology Office (SSTO) affiliated to Administrator is responsible for the administration and promotion of various environmental technology programs. Thus through the SSTO’s effective management of technology programs, feasible technologies can be provided for the execution of the environmental policies made by EPA.The annual goal of this year’s “Quality Management for Taiwan EPA’s Projects in Year 2007” is to assist EPA to draft it’s technology plan for FY-2009 and to outline a 4-years framework program; carry out the management of quality improvement for technology and administrative programs for FY-2007; and to expand upon the achievements of the EPA’s technology and administrative programs. Through the integration of technology and administrative programs, correlating of quality improvement meetings, appraisals and seminars of results achieved, together with the spreading of technological successes, management of EPA technology and administrative programs can be further upgraded, and the following goals can also be achieved.To fulfil these goals, research on future environmental protection technological and administrative programs is necessary. Through recognising EU R&D management and program outlines; along with conclusions of meetings gathering the 6 issues, which are environmental biotechnologies, environmental technology information consulting services, green chemistry, EU views on sustainable development, nanotechnology and energy technologies, will provide our nation with concrete suggestions on short term and intermediate (for FY-2009 and proceeding 4-years) for environmental technologies and provide reference to various professional EPA units.Besides, revision of the “Guideline of the Management of EPA Commissioned Research Programs” is also considered. The guideline is for compiling, investigating, application and examining of the results with relevant regulations, resulting in effective management to ensure concrete results emerge. The quality of program management will be raised through handling all results of 5 symposiums held between the EPA and contracted consulting firms. Through the discussion of the participants, specific achievements of various groups’ programs are highlighted. Meanwhile, the meanings of KPI were discussed by various program coordinators, and real contributions by the programs on environmental administration are to be uncovered by reports.Third, expand on the successes of administrative programs is required. Through building the database on EPA technology programs between 1997 and 2006 and the funds for air pollution from 2002 to 2006, 200 CDs had been circulated to various departments. The achievements of the databases have been put online to enable the online users to query and download, and therefore to achieve the objective of spreading the achievements of the administrative plans. Moreover, through the sponsoring of three conferences and appraisals relating the successes of technology programs, opinions focussing on the various directions of the EPA technology programs grouping together with evaluation questionnaires filled by committee members, and the results gathered will sum up the substantial suggestions to provide the EPA a reference for future planning. 096 永續發展室 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=935
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢機動車輛類-南區)專案工作計畫 1.認證回收量/處理量稽核執行成果:(1)96年4月1日至96年12月31日執行廢車引擎100%逐一實地稽核,廢車殼清運卸載端實地清運稽核與駐廠稽核。(2) 96年4月1日至96年12月31日引擎實地稽核認證通過廢汽車72,504輛與廢機車106,676輛,處理廢汽車70,641輛與廢機車102,073輛;廢車殼清運稽核共39,231,890公斤。(3) 96年4月1日至96年12月31日執行廢機動車輛粉碎分類處理業(綠化、上啟源、集合成、宏青昌公司及帝壹統公司)駐廠稽核認證作業。共計駐廠稽核進場廢車殼155,356,120公斤,認證量核發111,078,376公斤。2.扣量執行成果96年4月1日至96年12月31日執行彰化縣以南及花東、離島等地區之南區廢機動車輛回收業與全國廢機動車輛粉碎分類處理業之稽核認證作業,累計節省18,322,268元補助金之發放。 The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste (Waste Motor Vehicles-south Region) The execution results of the Project conducted by FTIS during the project executed period, April 01, 2007 to December 31, 2007, can be summarized as following:1.Inspection and certification include certified recycled-disposal quantity․execute 100% engine auditing on site of waste motor vehicle, body clearance auditing of waste motor vehicle, and factory resident auditing.․certified engine quantity:72,504cars and 106,676 motorcycles certified disposal quantity:70,641cars and 102,073 motorcycles certified body clearance quantity:39,231,890kg․factory resident auditing on comminuting classifying disposal enterprises of waste motor vehicles(Green Environment Engineering Incorporation, Sun Chi Yuan E.P.T. CO., Ltd., Gi Ho Chen Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., Clean Up Environment Technology Corp. And Di Yi Tong Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.):disposal quantity 155,356,120kg with certified disposal quantity 111,078,376kg2.Subsidy checkingTotaled 18,322,268 NT dollars subsidy on waste motor vehicles of the recycling enterprises of southern Taiwan and comminuting classifying disposal enterprises nationwide is deducted for disqualified events. 096 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1640
96年南區水污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理計畫 一、區域內相關器材清潔及維護計畫內已針對南區5縣市(高雄縣、高雄市、台南縣、台南市及屏東縣)境內相關汲油器材完成保養作業,共有25台小型河川堰式吸油組、11台發電機、4台高壓清洗機、2台充氣機、2台噴灑器、1台淺灘式充氣浮油回收工作船及1台繩索式吸油機二、辦理緊急應變教育訓練及種子教師教育訓練 (ㄧ)原住民族委員會文化園區管理局教育訓練96年9月11日本工作團隊規劃課程包括室內課程及室外課程,規劃內容包括不同油類的洩漏及其所造成污染現象、毒性化學物質的洩漏、氣候對於污染擴散的影響及其他水污染緊急事件相關教育宣導等為主(二) 屏南工業區種子教師教育訓練97年4月10日辦理本工作團隊規劃課程包括室內課程及室外課程,規劃內容包括水污染相關法令介紹、溢油污染防治技術及實例探討、安全防護設備使用及注意事項、除污設備器材介紹及實務操作及其他水污染緊急事件相關教育宣導等為主(三) 儲油槽設備及麟洛人工生態教育種子教師訓練97年5月10日辦理為了讓本縣巡守隊志(義)工對於水污染防治應變相關器材及發現事故採取之緊急應變措施有基本的了解,故排此次培訓課程,內容包括有貯油場相關法令、觀摩貯油場之防護設施等,另為使巡守隊志(義)工了解溼地對環境的功效,故亦安排麟洛溼地公園參訪活動(四) 水污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理教育訓練97年7月18日辦理針對96年度南區水污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理計畫之 河川及海洋油污染緊急應變演練做相關議題探討、改進,議程中並介紹其他油污染緊急應變方式三、協助建立水污染緊急應變分區聯防體系已初步協助完成聯防體系之建立,依水污染事件緊急應變聯防體系作業要點,將全省分為北、中、南及東四區聯防體系,水污染事件有下列情形之一者,得啟動各區聯防體系運作(1)應變層級中屬第二級以上(2)預估處理時間超過5日或污染有擴大之虞。水污染事件應變處理作業程序則如下列所示。(ㄧ)協助成立區域聯防應變中心及現場應變處理中心於接獲水污染排放事件通報時,本團隊即派員赴事件現場深入瞭解,並依事件污染情節進行研判,若屬重大水污染事件,除通報環保局外,並協助掌握第一時間進行緊急應變措施,以防止污染擴散,並協助連繫相關權責單位,其目的在有效掌握污染來源及減輕降低污染程度及範圍。(二)區內相關器材數量調查水污染事件緊急應變能否有效啟動運作,現場應變指揮官立即掌握應變器材資源,始能快速調度運用所需應變資材及人力進行指揮應變作業,縮短應變處理時間。本工作團隊於計畫執行期間,已針對區域內各縣市相關器材進行統計。(三)協助器材購買為提升南區緊急應變中心之應變能力,本計畫執行至結束前3個月時,若水污染事件提供器材及人力經費尚未支用完畢,得由環保局視情形要求廠商邀集南區聯防體系(高雄市、高雄縣、台南縣、台南市、屏東縣)折換增加辦理相關水污染教育訓練(或演練,或觀摩會,或定期清理該局指定之河岸河面垃圾)或購買水污染緊急應變耗材。因此計畫期間使用水污染事件提供器材及人力經費372,380,剩餘金額為680,416將採購多項緊急應變器材,以備不時之需。四、水污染應變協助作業成果(一) 台南縣長運拾壹號擱淺事件96年12月26日16:36接獲長運拾壹號擱淺於八掌溪口南岸訊息 。經台南縣環保局實地查訪後,發現該船載運約30頓左右的油疑似有洩漏之虞。96年12月26日21:05台南縣環保局便立即通知屏東縣環保局啟動南部緊急應變中心前往現場待命清除油污,並提供吸油棉及吸油索供業者清理油污。相關位置如圖摘-1,因此自12月27日起至12月28日止,動員了7名人力、物資,終於在12月28日將船載運約30頓左右的油抽取出來,該船已無洩漏之虞,現場狀況解除。(二) 台南縣二仁溪二層行橋漏油事件97年5月29日接獲二層行橋有油污染事件訊息 。經台南縣環保局實地查訪後,發現該河段佈滿油污。97年5月29日台南縣環保局據報後,便立即通知屏東縣環保局啟動南部緊急應變中心前往現場待命清除油污,並提供吸油棉及吸油索供業者清理油污。相關位置如圖摘-2,因此自5月29日起至5月31日止,動員了21名人力、物資,終於在5月31日將該河段油污清除乾淨,現場狀況解除。五、河面河岸垃圾清運成果(一) 恆春鎮大灣路出海口河面河岸清理成果於97年1月4日在恆春鎮大灣路出海口附近,發現油污染廢棄物狀況嚴重且屯積於出海口末端,油污染並未擴散,隨即通知海歷公司派員來清除油污現場該處油污現場以清除。而清除之總垃圾清運量約為13,590公斤。(二) 崁頂鄉北勢村後廓橋河面河岸清理成果於97年01月11日在崁頂鄉北勢村後廓橋附近,發現廢棄物堆置狀況嚴重。該廢棄物種類屬一般垃圾,廢棄物除堆放於河岸邊,亦有落於河道上者。因此已於5月1日派運吊車前往處理。而崁頂鄉北勢村後廓橋之總垃圾清運量約為8,700公斤。六、辦理河川油污染緊急應變演練(一)辦理協商會議為了讓本次演練更趨近於實際狀況,本工作團隊在辦理預演之召集各演練單位舉行了1次協商會議及1次場地現勘(分別於3/14及3/18兩日) 096 屏東縣政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=468
「無人載具(UAV)遙測技術應用於海洋污染防治聯合巡查監控專案工作計畫」 本年度無人載具(UAV)遙測技術應用於海洋污染聯合巡查監控專案工作計畫中,業已完成48次無人飛機海上監測任務,其中包含22次海上巡邏任務,21次海陸協同作業任務與5次海空協同作業任務,並擬定海陸空協同作業之執行流程。在協同作業方面,本年度結合了海巡署岸際雷達與港務局VTS系統之船隻監測資訊,在21次的之無人飛機海陸協同作業中,精確定位海上移動之大型船隻29艘,並可根據船隻的動態,進行長時間追蹤。在本年度任務執行期間,並未發現大型船隻非法排放情事。 無人飛機現可藉由輔助資訊,諸如衛星照片、船隻進出清單等,對海上移動點或固定點實施精確之空中監測,定位誤差可達半徑100公尺以下。遠端控制中心可透過無人飛機資料傳遞系統,即時監測無人飛機與海上目標之動態,並可藉由此系統,下達指揮命令。 經過本年度之專案之實施,目前無人飛機之監測涵蓋半徑擴展為20公里,即時影像距離延伸至離岸14公里,並可藉由無線傳輸設備將船隻座標傳遞至無人飛機地面控制站進行追蹤,最遠之操作距離為離岸7海浬。並在本專案執行後,已舉行三次教育訓練,主旨在於說明無人飛機在海洋污染監測的運用結果。 Marine pollution monitoring using UAV In order to find ships and vessels in more precise way, this project cooperated with ROC Coast Guard, which is the executive organization of marine pollution. The Vessel Tracking Management System which is owned by Coastal Patrol Directorate General can provide vessels location information. The UAVs, utilized the information to track ships and vessels。 Base on the objective of this project, 48 aerial surveillance missions are accomplished included 22 marine patrol missions, 21 Aerial-Land cooperation missions and 5 Sea-Aerial cooperation missions. During this project the UAV discover and tracing 29 vessels based on the vessel tracking information system from R.O.C Coast Guard and Keelung Harbor Bureau. No illegal marine dumping was found during this project. The UAV can trace fixed or moving target on the sea according to satellites images or arrival/departure schedule. The UAV now can deliver real time image 14 km away from coast, and the control radius was extended to 20km. The control center can monitor status of UAV and passing commands to GCS via real time communication software. The crew also evaluated the possibility of UAV on board operation on the ship and built a a work flow of UAV sea-air-land cooperation missions. At the end of this project three workshops were coordinated to introduce the UAV marine pollution monitoring capability. 096 水保處 元智大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1463
監測井管理及高污染潛勢地區地下水質調查計畫 本計本計畫主要目標為檢討區域性及場置性監測井水質趨勢,提供監測計畫調整建議,並完成水庫集水區範圍內公有廢棄物掩埋場地下水質調查,提出監測及改善建議,以及蒐集全國地下水監測井相關監測資料,提出整合運用各單位現有井網地下水質監測資訊之建議。主要工作成果包括:一、完成區域性、場置性監測井之地下水質趨勢分析及資料更新作業,並完成「區域性及場置性監測井分類及管理措施」、「區域性及場置性監測井統一編碼原則」、「更新資料卡及標示牌格式」及「調查、查(驗)證所設監測井之後續處理處置原則」等工作。二、完成10處集水區範圍掩埋場及8處歷年地下水質調查曾超過管制標準掩埋場之基本資料蒐集、現勘及地下水採樣工作。查證後發現2處掩埋場地下水「苯」污染物濃度超過地下水污染管制標準。 三、蒐集水利署、工業局、科學園區等單位地下水監測監測資料,提出各單位監測資訊整合格式建議。四、完成25處歷年地下水氨氮監測結果超過監測基準且呈上升趨勢之區域性監測井測站現勘工作,並擇8處於周圍擇3~5點進行土壤、地下水調查工作,調查後顯示氨氮濃度偏高應屬區域性背景普遍情形。五、完成2處廢井、1處區域性監測井補充設置及5口隱藏式地下水監測井之防水井頂蓋更新作業。 The monitoring well management and the groundwater investigation of potential polluted area project This project had four goals. The first was to review the appropriateness and water quality of regional and site-specific groundwater monitoring wells in Taiwan. The second was to research the reasons of high NH3--N concentration of monitoring wells. The third was to complete the investigations of the groundwater quality in public landfill. The fourth was to search and collect the data of monitoring wells in Taiwan. The service period was from February 5th, 2007, to January 31th , 2008. The major work implemented was as follows:1.To analyze 383 regional monitoring wells. According to the results, there were 29 regional monitoring wells which didn’t exceed the Groundwater Control Standards. 298 regional monitoring wells can consider to reduce the monitoring frequency in the feature. 56 regional monitoring wells whose groundwater quality had exceeded the Groundwater Control Standards and the trend of monitoring results kept going up then must to be keep the monitoring frequency. In addition, we also update the data of 1,357 site-specific monitoring wells in Soil and Groundwater Pollution System of EPA in Taiwan. And recommended that there were 20 regional monitoring wells which could also take as site-specific monitoring wells and added the monitoring items listed in Groundwater Control Standards.2.To investigate the reasons that the NO3--N concentration of the regional monitoring wells exceeded the Groundwater Monitoring Standard, Considering the results of those locations of monitoring wells, we found there was only one location of monitoring well could influence the monitoring results and the others should be regional background.3.To investigate the groundwater guilty of public landfill, we updated the data of public landfills in Taiwan and collected the basic data of 18 landfills. In Phase I investigation, we sampled the groundwater of 35 monitoring wells which were originally set in landfills. In result, we found there were 2 groundwater samples of landfills whose benzene exceeded the Groundwater Control Standard. According to investigation results, these 2 landfills were selected to proceed the next step (Phase II). In Phase II investigation, we took 7 groundwater samples of 3 new standard monitoring wells and 4 originally ones. In the result of investigations, the benzene of those 7 groundwater samples still exceeded the Groundwater Control Standard. We recommended to ask the administration of landfill agencies to monitor and improve the groundwater quality.4.Completed to search and collect monitoring data in websites of WRA, IDB and science parks in Taiwan. 096 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1848
廢家具、廢家電及廚餘回收再利用評鑑及統籌評估計畫 國內之廚餘回收再利用工作,經環保署之持續努力推動,回收率已節節上昇,國內巨大回收再利用工作則處於啟動階段,則仍需仰賴環保署之經費補助與持續推動輔導。本計劃完成之工作內容包括以下各項:(1)配合環保署之各項業務聯合評鑑計畫,依評鑑標準進行評鑑。(2)再利用場(廠)效能評估40場次,並協助各廠建立QA/QC。(3)廚餘乾燥再利用與廚餘厭氧消化處理模式評估研究之國內外資料蒐集分析,並配合國內之環境背景特性進行規劃(4)評估25縣市廚餘再利用之處理容量並依照全國北、中、南、東各區分別規劃緊急應變措施。(5)舉辦廚餘及巨大回收再利用業務檢討會。環保署廚餘、巨大廢棄物內部控管系統以及英文網頁製作並定期更新。(6)安排環保署人員赴歐洲考察。派駐人員一名協助本計劃推動各項工作。 Plan to Appraise and Evaluate overall Planning of Recycling and Reuse of Waste Furniture, Waste Electric Home Appliances and Food Waste Through the efforts of EPA, the recycling rate for kitchen waste has been on the rise continuously in recent years; yet the recycling of bulk waste is still at the beginning stage and continues to rely on EPA funding for project implementation and promotional efforts. This project has completed the following tasks:(1) In concert with EPA’s program performance evaluation, conducted assessment based on evaluation standard;(2) Conducted over 40 sites/plants performance evaluation, and offered assistance in establishing QA/QC systems;(3) Collected and analyzed domestic and foreign studies on kitchen waste drying, reuse and anaerobic digestion modes, and conducted planning based on local environmental characteristics;(4) Evaluated treatment capacity for all 25 cities/counties, and planned for emergency measures for the 4 regions of north, central, south and east;(5) Organized kitchen waste and bulk waste recycling/reuse program review meeting; developed and updated EPA’s kitchen waste and large-volume waste internal control system and English webpages;(6) Arranged for EPA officials to visit demonstration sites in Europe; assigned a staff to work in EPA to assist project implementation. 096 督察總隊 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1579
96年度一般廢棄物焚化廠焚化灰渣檢測及輔導專案工作計畫 本計畫為透過對一般廢棄物焚化廠及再利用機構的檢測及現況評析,提升飛灰穩定化物及底渣再利用處理品質。今年度計畫目標有三,分別為:一、完成運轉中大型一般廢棄物焚化廠焚化灰渣之重金屬溶出及戴奧辛總量檢測,掌握現況並協助輔導改善,減少對環境之衝擊。二、完成底渣再利用機構再利用產品之重金屬溶出及戴奧辛總量檢測,掌握現況並協助輔導改善,提升再利用產品品質。三、評估藥劑處理飛灰戴奧辛技術之可行性,提昇灰渣穩定化品質。因此本年度計劃已完成針對目前已完成運轉中大型垃圾焚化廠6次檢測工作,而採樣及分析之基質為焚化廠飛灰處理後之衍生物(即經穩定化處理後飛灰),檢測項目為重金屬溶出及戴奧辛總量等。在本次採樣兩廠再利用機構之再利用產品的分析結果,有2次樣品重金屬鉛含量超過法規標準,其餘重金屬檢測項目皆符合法規標準,戴奧辛部分,兩機構再利用產品中測值均遠低於法規標準。本次計畫藥劑試驗部分,係選用日本所生產之商品化藥劑,由實驗結果顯示出所使用之藥劑,對於減少穩定化物重金屬濃度有效果,在降低戴奧辛總量濃度部分,則效果有限,但由於本次試驗數量及參配比例未能達該藥劑預期成效,如藥劑試驗可行,後續可以再考慮增加不同配比,研究經濟有效之處理方案。整體而言,今年度的執行成果,已掌握現有營運中垃圾焚化廠,穩定化物的管理狀況及底渣再利用廠的產品品質,各受測廠均積極配合調整操作及管理制度,對於提升焚化廠灰渣最終處置的管理品質,具有顯著的成效,藉由各批次的數據分析,亦達到協助各營運單位操作數據管理之依循,使各焚化廠可以持續修正改善營運現況,最終建立最佳化之管理制度與操作條件。 Analysis of the Constituents of the Ash Materials Discharge from Municipal Waste Incinerators and Guide and Assist the Improvement Work to Minimize Environmental Impact The goal of this project was to improve the treatment quality of stabilized fly ash and bottom slag for reuse via analysis and evaluation of municiple waste incinerators and reuse facilities. The project goals of this year included:(1)identified the heavy metal content by the TCLP(Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure) test and determined the total dioxins of the incineration ash, and to audit, guide and assist incinerators with the improvement work to minimize environmental impact;(2)analyzed the quality of the reuse bottom slag products made by the reuse facilities according to the heavy metal TCLP test results and the total dioxins of the incinerator ash, and established the database and the guidance to improve products quality;(3)researched into commercial and technical available treatment additive for reducing dioxins in the incineration fly ash, and evaluated their feasibility of improving the quality of stabilized fly ash product.This project team performed 6 times of sampling and analysis of fly ash treatment derivatives for each 23 mid-to-large scale incinerators to test heavy metals and the total dioxins. Two facilities were selected to conduct the heavy metal TCLP and total dioxins test of their reuse product. Among them, two samples did not meet the regulatory standard for lead while the total dioxins of all samples met the regulatory requirement. In order to evaluate the available treatment additive technology for the incineration ash, the lab scale test experiment were done by introducing the formulation of decomposer and inhabitor additives from Japan. According to this experiment scale of applying additives, it showed effective result of reducing heavy metal concentration, but very limited efficiency for reducing total dioxins concentration. The further research included the experiment with more different mixing condition of additives was recommended to figure out the economically and technically available treatment plan.As a summary, the project team had reached the achievement to investigate and understand the management of currently operated incinerators and the quality of the reused bottom slag. It also included guide and assist related facilities to make the improvement via better operation management and reach the best treatment quality. 096 廢管處 創迅科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1242
96年度屏東縣砂石場、畜牧業及全縣事業具體管制計畫 96年度「屏東縣砂石場、畜牧業及全縣事業具體管制計畫」工作成果摘要,資料統計日期:96.04.30~96.12.22水源保護區稽巡查工作:已申辦拆遷(每六個月一次)實際稽巡查3256件(總積分3256)、未拆畜養(每一個月一次)實際稽巡查223場次(總積分223)、未拆停養(每三個月一次)實際稽巡查542件 (總積分542)、水源保護區排水渠道水質監測九處採樣點完成第一~四季採樣監測作業轄內事業及砂石場背景資料建置及分級查核部分:新增事業清查認定作業進行250件次稽巡查作業、砂石場76家分級查核、事業單位304家分級、第一優先:加油站洗車機全面清查第二優先:社區下水道系統第三優先:高污染及屢遭陳情告發行業;稽巡查管制作業成果:轄內事業單位稽巡查、採樣:土石業76家(實際稽巡查1447件、放流水採樣檢測作業286件次)、不明管線及暗管查核作業、事業列管事業304家(實際稽巡查2002場次、放流水採樣檢測作業356件次、不明管線及暗管封閉作業-宏陽皮革、放流水不符標準處分6家事業單位、事業單位功能評鑑作業:源益農畜、富統食品、國泰皮革;內埔、屏南工業區稽巡查及檢測作業:內埔服務中心稽巡查作業 55次、屏南服務中心稽巡查作業 61次;工業區服務中心採樣檢測作業:內埔服務中心採樣檢測作業18次、屏南服務中心採樣檢測作業18次工業區內水污染源列管事業單位稽巡查作業:內埔工業區事業單位稽巡查160場次、屏南工業區事業單位稽巡查283場次;高屏溪流域分支流污染源及污染量調查:隘寮溪支流浦羌溪、紅橋溪、四支流渠道背景資料調查工作研擬修正高屏溪相關整治計畫、高屏溪流域歷年相關整治計畫彙整、高屏溪流域歷年相關整治計畫彙整、每月(季)彙整高屏溪流域管理委員會及行政院環保局相關測站水質檢測資料、配合河川污染防治及宣導相關業務、配合辦理四場次新增列管事業說明會及加油站洗車機法規說明會,另配合針對縣內貯油槽事業單位辮理全國水污染檢討會議乙場及河川污染緊急應變演練乙場;協辦人工溼地審查工作相關事宜;其他配合及緊急應變事件:520琉球海洋污染除污示範計畫、96.08.24新園鹽埔漁港油污染緊急應變作業、96年河川污染整治考核作業 依行政院環保署所訂本年度計畫中列管事業稽巡查採樣、暗管查核、功能評鑑等項目積點需達3750點以上,本工作團隊截至96.12.22日止已達成積點3788點,達成率101%。另水源保護區拆後復養查核項目亦需另達3750積點,截至96.12.22日止,水源區已達4021積點,達成率107.22%。 096 屏東縣政府環境保護局 環佑實業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1141
96年臺中縣營建工程污染管制計畫 本計畫執行期程一年,自96年3月24日至97年3月23日止,本計畫主要工作重點為協助環保局加強辦理各項營建工地、管線、道路施工之稽、巡查工作,並將列管工地資料建檔管理,透過宣導文件發放及輔導工地座談會之進行,加強工地對污染防範之認知,以落實污染改善之目的。計畫執行期間,本計畫與中科計畫總計列管3,300處工地,累計巡查數達8,871處次(本計畫7,871處次),經由例行性巡查並將工地資料如期建檔外,且過辦理2場次營建工地法規宣導說明會,輔導36處營建工地共認養47條道路,洗掃總長度達15099.4公里,並透過粒狀物及油品檢測當佐證資料(執行30點次TSP檢測、分四季進行5處營建工程落塵桶檢測及四季共20件次油品檢測),逸散粉塵總計削減19,441.5公噸,削減率為48.0%。以歷年排放情形可以看出,平均削減率由94年的37.6%、95年的46.1%到今年的48.0%,削減率已逐年提升,足以呈現環保單位對營建工程管制策略,獲得累積的成效。 Pollution Management Project of Construction engineering in Taichung County, 2007. This project is proceeded in one year from March 24 of 2007 to March 23 of 2008. It focus on assisting the EPB to strengthen checking and inspecting all building sites, pipes and road works for improving the pollutions. We make lists to manage monitorial sites, and strengthen the knowledge for preventing pollutions of building sites by declared documents and forums. In the period of this project, it monitors 3,300 sites with “The project of Central Science Park”. The amounts of inspections are 8,871 times (including 7,871 times in this project). Not only making lists by routine inspections but also holding two forums to announce the laws and regulations. It counsels 36 sites to take care 47 roads, they are cleaned for 15099.4 Km in amount and tested by particles and oil to support (30 times of TSP test, dust test of 5 building sites per season and 20 times of oil test in four seasons). To reduce flying dust for 19,441.5 tones, the rate of reduction is 47.25%.By the emission in these years, the average reduction is 37.6% in 2005, 46.1% in 2006 and 47.25% in 2007. The rate of reduction raises year by year to provide the results of EPB’s controlling strategies. 096 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67
96年度嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗街專案 對於都會區之浮微粒污染,車行揚塵為最主要之貢獻源,因此僅仰賴固定源之控制效果不顯著,故藉由街道清洗作業以減低懸浮微粒污染。嘉義市政府環境保護局為降低本市道路揚塵量及維持市區道路之整潔,使市區內空氣品質不再日益惡化,故申請環保署補助辦理嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗街計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),希能透過街道清洗作業達到改善街道市容之整潔及提升空氣品質之目的。本次報告屬96年度期末報告,計畫執行期間含括96年1月至12月31日止,針對市區內14條主次要道路,進行洗街工作,環保署核定全年洗街總長度10,000公里。執行統計結果顯示,本計畫洗街長度共完成10,994.6公里,累計洗街長度達成率為110%。依洗街平均車速約為13.6km/hr,其各月每公里平均用水量值介於1.20-1.27,總平均約為1.23公噸/公里。今年度進行6次之洗街用水水質採樣分析,結果顯示可符合相關標準。本計畫辦理TSP及PM10檢測,檢測結果並未與洗街工作有明顯的關聯性。另外,檢測結果顯示,先洗後掃較先掃後洗有較高的污染削減率,唯並不明顯。影響空氣中TSP及PM10的因素極多,要了解進行一次洗街作業對特定路段的污染削減率有實際上的困難。問卷調查結果顯示,嘉義市民眾對空氣品質及街道揚塵之感受程度,屬接受度極高。在洗掃街作業方面民眾則維持八成之滿意度。本計畫執行具體績效如下:最具經濟性的計畫96年度計畫委託經費為228.5萬元,TSP及PM10削減量分別為379.3公噸及71.5公噸,亦即投入每萬元可削減TSP 1.66公噸及PM10 0.31公噸,相對於其他計畫而言極具有經濟效益。能見度最高的計畫本計畫執行洗街作業時,本身即具有宣導作用,可立即彰顯環保單位對空氣品質維護與保護的決心,再加上問卷調查的執行,為能見度最佳的一個計畫。高滿意與支持度本計畫連續六年均實施問卷調查作業,六年來,每年平均滿意度及支持度均超過八成。高度的涵蓋率本市轄區內重要道路51.1公里(路寬8米以上者),執行洗街道路共計36.7公里,頻率為每週2~3次,涵蓋率高達42%。其高度的涵蓋率說明,本計畫非常適合在具有地狹人稠特性的嘉義市執行。道路等級提升 環保署原核定本市轄區道路省道A級為100%,縣道A級為84%,B級13%,C級3%;市區道路A級為69%,B級26%,C級5%。經由本計畫的執行及道路普查成果,目前已提報省道A級為100%,縣道A級為86%,B級14%,C級0%;市區道路A級為71%,B級29%,C級0%,不僅為道路等級全面提昇,最重要是轄區內已無C級道路,待環保署核定後,此為本計畫最有力的績效。 Chiayi City’s stepped-up street dust hosting project With vehicle-propelled permeating dust being a major contributing source to the pollution of suspended particles in urban areas, and in light of the insignificant yield relying solely on controlling the fixed pollution sources, consequently curbside hosing has been adopted to reduce the pollution of suspended articles. The Chiayi Environmental Protection Bureau, in a bid to reduce the suspended dust in the city roadways and to maintain the cleanliness of the city roadways, which would curb the city’s air quality from deteriorating, has filed for subsidies with the Environmental Protection Administration to implement Chiayi City’s stepped-up street dust hosting project (the Project), in a move to achieve, through curbside hosing, the objectives of enhancing the cityscape and improving the air quality.With the current report being the 2007 final report, the project covers an implementation period spanning from January to December 31, 2007, and provides curbside hosing work to 14 major and secondary roadways throughout the municipality, with an EPA assessed yearly curbside hosing length at 10,000k. The implementation tally results show that the project has completed a total curbside hosing of 10,994.6km, with a cumulative curbside hosing achievement ratio of 110%.To go by a median curbside hosing speed of approx. 13.6km/hr, the median volume of water consumption per kilometer per month falls between 1.20 and 1.27, with an overall median at approx. 1.23 tons/km.In the current year, a total of six water quality sampling of the curbside hosing water has been take for analysis, and the results show that the screenings have complied relevant standards.The project has staged TSP and PM10 screenings, and the inspection results have not found any significant correlation to the curbside hosing work. In addition, the inspection results reveal that there is a higher pollutant reduction ratio with hosing first followed by sweeping than sweeping first followed by hosing, but it has not been as significant. As many factors affect airborne TSP and PM10, there are practical difficulties in terms of how best to gauge the pollutant reduction ratio of one curbside hosing work to a specific section of the road. Findings derived from the questionnaire survey show that the level how Chiayi City’s citizens perceive of air quality and roadway permeating dust falls under an exceedingly high level. With regard to the curbside hosing work, the general public has maintained an 80% satisfaction level. The project’s tangible implementation results are as follows,1.A most economic projectThe 2007 plan has an underwriting funding of $2.285 million, with TSP and PM10 reduction volumes at 379.3 tons and 71.5 tons respectively, meaning the injection ofevery $10,000 is able to reduce 1.66 tons of TSP and 0.31 ton of PM10 to warrant an economic yield than anyother projects.2.A most visible projectThe project’s an instantaneous campaigning effect alongside the curbside hosing work, highlighting the environmental protection unit’s determination for maintaining and protecting the air quality, coupled with the implementation of the questionnaire survey, has made it a most visible project. 3.A high level of satisfaction and supportWith the project holding questionnaire surveys over six years since it first commences, over the past six years, the average level satisfaction and support every year has exceeded eighty percent.4.A high level of coverage ratioWith crucial roadways within the municipality’s jurisdiction spanning over 51.1 kms (those with a roadway span of 8m or wider), the length of curbside hosing totals to 36.7km, at an interval of 2 to 3 times per week, with a coverage ratio of as high as 42%. The high coverage ratio reaffirms thatthe project is highly ideal for implementation in Chiayi City, characterized by a dense population of limited land resources.5.An enhancement of roadway gradeThe Environmental Protection Administration has initially assess the city’s roadways of provincial roadways at 100%, county roadway class-A as 84%, class-B 13%, and class-c 3%; the inner city roadways of class-A at 69%, class-B 26%, and class-C 5%. Through the implementation of the project and the roadway census findings, the filing made so far comprise of provincial roadway of class-A at 100%, county roadway class-A at 86%, class-B 14%, and class-C 0%; inner city roadways of class-A at 71%, class-B 29%, and class-C 0%, as it not only provides a comprehensive enhancement to the roadway grades, but more important, it eliminates class-c roadways within the jurisdiction of the municipality. And once the EPA approves the filing, the results will become the project’s most dynamic performance. 096 嘉義市政府環境保護局 澄品顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1039
96年鹿林山背景站測試採樣分析與國際合作之參與及推動研究 近年來亞洲地區大氣污染物(包含酸性物染物、亞洲沙塵、生質燃燒、大氣汞等)對我國的長程輸送已受到相當廣泛的注意。基於區域性與跨洲際大氣污染傳送問題釐清,以及我國背景大氣化學基線資料之建立,已於中部鹿林山建構具國際水準之空氣品質背景站,2006年4月13日正式啟用。本計畫整合降水化學、微量氣體、大氣氣膠、大氣汞、大氣輻射等主要領域專長研究者進行相關儀器功能測試、維護、資料分析,建立長期資料庫,截至期末報告監測資料顯示,CO平均為102.8 ppb,O3平均為31.9 ppb,PM10平均為10.0 g m-3,pH值平均為5.33,氣態元素汞(GEM)平均濃度為1.66 ng m-3;氣態二價汞(RGM)平均濃度為14.23 pg m-3;顆粒態汞(pHg)平均濃度為2.12 pg m-3,氣膠光學厚度為0.114,各污染物月平均濃度變化趨勢顯示,鹿林山春季受境外移入之大氣污染物影響顯著,3月份是東南亞生質燃燒好發季節,藉由氣流軌跡分析、污染物成分分析可初步確定高污染事件與生質燃燒有關。推動與美國環保署、太空總署、海洋大氣總署合作,進行技術交流與資料交換。積極參與國際合作,例如聯合國大氣褐雲國際觀測實驗(ABC)、美國太空總署亞洲生質燃燒國際觀測實驗(BASE-Asia)、以及其他有利我國參與之區域合作實驗等,進行實質監測、資料交換、技術交流、參與會議,並爭取會議主辦權。建置與後續維護鹿林山大氣背景站中英文網頁。 Operation and Monitoring at the Lulin Atmospheric Background Station and International Collaboration and Participation in 2007 In recent years the inputs of Asian atmospheric pollutants (for instance, acid pollutants, Asian dust, biomass burning and mercury) to Taiwan via long-range transport have been widely paid attention. In order to clarify the intercontinental and regional transport and collect the atmospheric baseline data, the Lulin atmospheric background station (LABS, 2862 m) at Mt. Lulin in central Taiwan has been operated on 13 April 2006. This project integrates those researchers in the fields of precipitation chemistry, gas chemistry, aerosol chemistry, atmospheric mercury and radiation to test the instruments, conduct data analysis and construct long-term database. Till present time, we have found that the average concentrations of CO, O3 and PM10 are about 102.8 ppb, 31.9 ppb and 10.0 g m-3, respectively. The average pH value of precipitation is 5.33. The average concentrations of mecury such as GEM, RGM and PHg are about 1.66 ng m-3, 14.23 pg m-3 and 2.12 pg m-3, respectively. The average aerosol optical depth is 0.114. To summarize the data results, the maximum concentration of pollutants generally occured during spring time, espically in March, corresponding the biomass burning from SE Asia. We have successfully extended the collaborations with USEPA, NASA, NOAA. We also have participated international experiments such as ABC and BASE-Asia. Most of information can be found at the web site of LABS (http://labs.org.tw). 096 監資處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1820
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢輪胎類及廢鉛蓄電池類)專案工作計畫 1.稽核認證回收量及處理量之執行成果,統計自96年4月1日至97年3月31日為止:一般廢輪胎稽核認證量計109,756,859公斤,廢輪胎特種胎稽核認證量計2,255條;一般廢鉛蓄電池稽核認證量計36,663,668公斤,特用電池稽核認證量計2,454,605公斤,本計畫共執行處理業2,000場次之稽核證作業。2.在稽核認證量不合格情形查核部分,廢輪胎類共扣量1,835,815公斤,合計 補貼費5,874,608元;廢鉛蓄電池類無稽核認證量不合格情形。3.人員訓練之實施成果:已完成每位新進人員40小時之職前訓練及專業考核,亦分別於96年6月22~24日及12月8日共4天完成專業集訓,並於96年8月22日、96年8月28日及96年9月4日辦理現場實地稽核訓練,另藉由每月召開工作會議來辦理定期會議訓練,以培訓現場稽核人員各類之專業技能及溝通技巧。4.處理業作業程序查核結果中,不合格比率以處理業之貯存情形異常為最高,占整體不合格次數之74.61%,分析其原因為多數處理業進料處理時經常廢輪胎搬移及進出廠車次頻繁,致使查核時不符合設施標準規範之頻率較高所致。5.環境稽核查核結果,以廠區環境不合格比例為最高,占整體不合格次數之50.00%。6.異常原因統計成果:廢輪胎處理業之重大異常部分以稽核認證設備異常發生次數最高(如進料電子磅秤及地磅故障/更換印表紙、進廠地磅故障、CCTV監視錄影系統故障及角度調整等異常,共計發生266次),占本計畫總重大異常次數的64.72%。非重大異常部分則以機械設備異常最高,共發生328次,占本計畫總非重大異常次數的78.10%,主要係因廢輪胎處理破碎使機械設備磨損較大,經常需要更換刀具以利處理作業的進行,故較易有設備故障、維修及保養的情形發生。廢鉛蓄電池處理廠所發生之重大異常中均為稽核認證設備異常,非重大異常中則為機械設備異常。7.會計稽核之執行,乃委託專業之勤業眾信會計所人員執行處理業之成品、半成品及原料庫存盤點,並檢視處理業提供之相關憑證,來執行檢視及勾稽其合理性。依據會計師查核結果,顯示查核處理業中其提供之憑證皆屬合理,並未發現任何重大異常情事。另依本計畫契約書規範,針對僅經營應回收廢棄物之處理業,進行財務、營運及繼續經營之假設等進行分析,亦無有發現重大異常事件。8.新設資源處理機構審核部分,本會共配合1家1場次處理機構申請受補貼機構資格及新增/變更審核之現勘作業。9.處理業違規記點成果共計39點,分析記點原因,主要為廢輪胎計量設備故障,即時列印卡紙所致。 The Auditing and Certification Group of Regulated Recyclable Waste ( Waste Tires and Waste Lead Acid Batteries ) 1.According to the auditing and certification results from Apr. 2007 to Mar. 2008, the certified recycled quantity of waste tires was 109,756,859 kg. The certified recycled quantity of waste tires(special types)was 2,255 pieces. The certified recycled quantity of waste lead acid batteries(general types)was 36,663,668 kg. The certified recycled quantity of waste lead acid batteries(special types)was 2,454,605 kg. Total 2,000 field inspections for recycling industry were accomplished during the project period.2.For the auditing disqualified parts, total 1,835,815 kg certified recycled quantity of waste tire was deducted, which is equal to 5,874,608 NT dollars subsidy. There was no auditing disqualified event for waste lead acid batteries.3.For the faculty training part, every new employee received 40 hours training and testing. The professional training was conducted during 22~24 June 2007, 8 December 2007 and 4 field inspection trainings were conducted on 22 August 2007, 28 August 2007 and 04 September 2007. In order to enhance the professional knowledge and the communication skill of inspectors, the routine meeting and training were held monthly.4.For the auditing results of operation process, the major disqualified events were abnormal storage conditions which contribute 74.61% of the total. The causes for the disqualifications were the waste tires displace and the high frequency of entering and exiting trucks.5.For the auditing results of environmental safety, the major disqualified events were the inappropriate environmental maintenance of factories which contribute 50.00% of the total.6.The statistics for the causes of abnormal events in waste tires recycling facilities: Malfunctions of auditing and certification equipments were the main causes of major abnormal events, which contribute 64.72% of the total major abnormal events. Malfunctions of the processing equipments were the main causes of minor abnormal events, which contribute 78.10% of the total minor abnormal events. The frequent blade replacements for the tire cracker were the main reason for the equipment malfunctions.The statistics for the causes of abnormal events in waste lead acid batteries recycling facilities:Malfunctions of auditing and certification equipments were the causes of major abnormal events. Malfunctions of the processing equipments were the causes of minor abnormal events.7.Accounting auditing was carried out by the professional accountants-Deloitte & Touche twice a year. The auditing contents include the inventory of products, semi-products, raw materials and their relative stock records. According to the results of accounting auditing, there was no major abnormal event found. As the same, there was no major abnormal event found during the financial and operation analysis referring to the project contract. 8.During the project period, FTIS helped to evaluate the field inspections of the subsidized qualification for a recycling firm.9.The violation scoring for those recycling facilities were 39 points. The main causes for the violation scoring were the printing paper stuck of the quantity measuring equipment for waste tires. 096 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=874
台南縣「九十六年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」-掃街/洗街民有民營 台南縣環境保護局為有效改善車行揚塵污染問題,並延續歷年施政方針,特專案辦理「96年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫-掃街/洗街民有民營」,本計畫執行期程自96年5月15日起至97年5月14日止,為期一年。本計畫期中進度達成狀況如表一所示,各項工作均順利完成,茲將工作成果摘要彙整為下列8項:(1)本計畫總計完成非重點道路洗街長度合計8,291.6公里,重點道路洗街長度合計5,343.6公里,總計畫執行進度達成率分別為103.6%、111.3%;執行非重點道路掃街長度合計10,453.8公里,重點道路掃街長度合計5,295.6公里,總計畫執行進度達成率分別為104.5%、110.3%;(2)本計畫總計完成洗街長度為13,635.2公里,總計用水量為10,256.86公噸,各月單位長度(公里)用水量介於0.63~1.01公噸之間,平均用水量則為0.75公噸/公里,均大於合約規範;(3)本計畫總計完成掃街作業總集塵量為82.78公噸,每月單位集塵量介於2.0~9.4kg/km之間,平均單位集塵量為5.3kg/km。推估洗街除塵量為71.42公噸,人工掃街為1.16公噸,合計總除塵量達155.36公噸,顯示本計畫確實可有效清除路面積塵,並進而使車行揚塵污染問題得以控制;(4)本計畫總計完成洗街作業長度達13,635.2公里,推估TSP削減量為188.1公噸;掃街作業長度達15,749.4公里,推估TSP削減量為217.3公噸;總計本計畫現階段洗掃街作業削減TSP達405.4公噸;(5)髒污程度普查,96年度6月份時,A級道路佔查核總公里數的24%、B級道路佔60%、C級道路則佔16%,而於97年度5月份時,A級道路比例提升為31%、B級道路亦提昇為69%、C級道路已獲得改善(佔0%),顯示本計畫之作業成效已具正面效益;(6)在街塵負荷部份,現階段本計畫掃街作業執行面積為15.75km2,掃街集塵量為82,780kg,計算後單位面積街塵負荷量為5.26g/m2,低於95年度本縣環保署抽查之街塵負荷平均值(5條重點道路)8.92g/m2,降幅達41%;(7)本年度總計認養長度達13,643.6公里,已大於合約目標數5,000公里之要求(完成率已達272.8%),同時亦達成承諾目標10,000公里(完成率達136.4%),顯示本計畫推動本項作業之用心及努力。同時依據環保署統一削減公式計算,推估TSP削減量約188.28公噸;(8)本計畫96年度執行多項積極管制作業,包括:1.空品惡化緊急應變措施;2.建立髒污道路污染源聯合通報查處機制;3.進行跨局室裸露路緣改善措施;4.協助局內進行宣導作業;5.洗掃機具設備維護更新;6.協助髒亂點通報及建檔作業;7.縣內大型活動週邊道路清潔維護作業;8.撰擬新聞稿提高施政成果能見度。 The project of enhancing street dust sweeping and washing- to sweep /to wash the street privately owned and privately operated for 96 year In order to improve the pollution of car raises dust effectively, and extend all previous years’ administration policy, the Bureau of Environmental Protection Tainan county carries out “The project of enhancing street dust sweeping and washing- to sweep /to wash the street privately owned and privately operated for 96 year ”. The project started on May 15, 2007 and ended on May 14, 2008, lasting for a year. The achievements of this project’s work goal are as shown in Table 1; each work is completed smoothly. The work achievements’ abstract is as follows.(1)So far, 8,291.6km of non-key street washing is executed, and 5,343.6km of key-street. The total rates are 103.6% and 111.3%. As for the street sweeping, the length of non-key street and key street are 10,453.8km and 5,295.6km. The total rates are 104.5% and 110.3%;(2)So far the total length of street washing is 13,635.2km and total usage amount of water is 10,256.86kg. That is 0.63-1.01 kg/km per month, so the average usage amount is 0.75 kg/km. It exceeds the criterion of agreement;(3)So far total dust collection amount of street sweeping work reaches 82.78kg. That is 2.0-9.4 kg/km per month and the average dust collection amount is 5.3kg/km. It is estimated that dust removal amount of street washing is 71.421kg and 1.16kg of street sweeping; total removal amount reaches 155.36kg. It shows that this plan can eliminate road surface’ cumulated dust effectively, furthermore, the dust pollution of automobiles can be controlled;(4)Now the total length of street washing is 13,635.2km; the reduction amount of TSP is estimated to be 188.1kg. And the amount is 217.3kg as the result of 15,749.4km’s street sweeping. So the total amount reaches 405.4kg because of street washing and sweeping project;(5)According to the investigation of degree of pollution, in June of this year, A level road accounts for 24% of totality, and B level 60%, C level 16%. In comparison, to May of 2008 the proportion of A level rises up to 31%, B level rises to 69%, and C level road is improved(only 0%). It reveals the project has already taken on positive benefits. 096 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=538
公告應回收廢電子電器及廢資訊物品環境影響成本推估及相關準則研擬計畫 本計畫主要目的為推估具有理論基礎與費率計算實際可用之環境影響成本,首先探討環境影響成本之理論架構與方法,並依費率訂定之政策目的,選取適當之評估方法;其次為釐清國內廢電子電器及廢資訊物品經處理廠拆解處理,所可能產生的廢棄物與其環境影響,並根據可能造成環境之影響推估環境影響成本。廢電子電器及廢資訊物品可能對環境產生危害物比例最大者為:(1)螢光粉所含之汞(Hg)、(2)各元件拆解過程產生之廢油、(3)重金屬,如砷(As)、鎘(Cd)、鉻(Cr)、銅(Cu)、鎳(Ni)、鉛(Pb)及鋅(Zn)等。可用以推估環境影響成本的方法繁多,根據第一次專家學者座談會結論,以「維護成本法」作為本研究環境影響成本推估基礎,並以其子方法:清運成本、二次污染防治成本、及復育成本等作為可能之推估模式選項。環境影響成本推估結果如下:1. 清運成本:一公斤之廢物品需支出2.4~3元。2. 二次污染防治成本:筆記型電腦7(元/台);主機板23(元/台);監視器30(元/台);印表機18(元/台),各廠資料詳見表4-14。家電物品之污染防治成本為廢電視機35(元/台);廢洗衣機41(元/台);廢電冰箱118(元/台);廢冷暖氣75(元/台)。3. 復育成本:以汞案例為基礎為640元(元/台)、以油案例為基礎為38(元/台)、以重金屬案例為基礎為2(元/台)。本研究所推估各類「環境影響成本」數值,的確將使費率因子中「回收清除處理總成本」此項收入增加,但此時若在「環境影響成本」此項無對應之支出,則收入之增額,將在下一年度費率因子中,為「信託基金結餘攤銷數」所稀釋,對最終費率值之影響有限。本研究之政策建議如下:1.建議以二次污染防治成本推估結果,當作環境影響成本替代變數。2.環境影響成本之收入,需妥善運用於回收體系下防治污染之活動。3.建議環境影響成本推估值必須同時考量基金支出,才具操作實質意涵;若目前暫無法同時考量,則可考慮將環境影響成本自費率公式中移除。4.考慮推動回收處理廠商環境資訊揭露制度。 Environmental Cost of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment: Value and Evaluation Criteria This project aims to evaluate the environmental cost of waste electrical and electronic equipments by the following process: Firstly, we review the methodology and measurement tools of environmental cost. Secondly, we identify the hazards of the waste (e.g. phosphor powder, waste oil, and heavy metal, etc.) and the possible impact path to human health as well as the environment. And finally, we evaluate the environmental cost by collecting quantitative data from interview, questionnaires, and case studies.From previous literature, there are a number of ways to evaluate environmental cost. The methods can be roughly categorized as (1) the cost-based method (e.g. clean-up cost, abatement cost, and replacement cost), and (2) the damage-based method (e.g. hedonic price method, averting behavior method, cost of illness method, health production function, travel cost method, contingent valuation method, and conjoint analysis). For the calculation convenience of Disposal Fee Formula, we use the cost-based method as measuring basis for two reasons: (1) the data are generally available; (2) the data should be easy updated annually. We therefore evaluate clean-up cost, abatement cost, and replacement cost of waste electrical and electronic equipment. Four policy suggestions are derived from this research:1.In Disposal Fee Formula, the abatement cost should be taken as proxy of the environmental cost for waste electrical and electronic equipment。2.The income comes from environmental cost should be exactly used in pollution control and recycle.3.The revenue and the expense of environmental cost should be consistent with each other. Otherwise, the environmental cost should be considered to be excluded from Disposal Fee Formula.4.The government should promote environmental information disclosure system. 096 基管會 中華經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1029
跨機關環境水質監測資訊整合計畫(第三階段) 環境水質監測資料是環保單位賴以瞭解整體水體品質現況及時空變化趨勢之基本資料,也是政府擬定流域保護策略、制定河段整治目標、防治水庫優養化、管制地下水污染、制定海域水質保護等的參考基礎,因此政府單位每年花費許多經費及人力進行環境水質監測與資料蒐集,環保署將多年努力耕耘成果放置在「全國環境水質監測資訊網」供政府單位、專家學者及一般民眾查詢使用,並定期更新水質監測結果。 95年度環保署「跨部會環境水質監測資訊整合計畫(第二階段)專案工作計畫」已完成水質資訊的品保流程與品保輔助功能、水質資料整合及系統管理、外單位水質資料擴充、水質資訊下載與展示等工作。 本年度除維護既有系統功能外,並持續新功能建置及開發,以加強整體水質資料之完整性及豐富度。本專案達成的成果包含推動跨機關交換作業、建置跨機關水環境資訊交流平台、建置環境水質英文網、強化統計分析及資料品保功能輔助工具、增強即時傳輸系統(水質監測行動小精靈)、提昇中文版系統功能及維護工作。 The Project (III) of the Cross-Organization Environmental Water Quality Monitoring Information Integration System The results of water quality monitoring are the preliminary information for understanding water quality status as well as spatial and temporal variation trends. They also play an important role when it comes to the policies relating to the formulation of river basin protection tactics and river remediation scheme, prevention of reservoir eutrophication, groundwater pollution control and protection of maritime space water quality. Therefore, Taiwan government spends huge amounts of money with massive manpower on water quality monitoring and data collection every year. EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) presented water quality data on “Environmental Water Quality Information” website and update monitoring results regularly. Governments, scholars, and the public, etc. are welcomed to inquiry water quality information through this website. The project of 2006, “The Project (II) of the Cross-Departmental Informative Integration Program about Water Monitoring”, has achieved the following goals: the data quality controlling and certified process of water quality monitoring, integrating water quality information of Taiwan, extending database of other apparatuses, and data download and presentation. Except maintaining the existing system function, continuous acquisition and development of new features are necessary to enhance the integrity and diversity of water environment data. The project goals of this year include furthering cross-departmental water quality information exchanging, setting up a platform of water quality data interchanging, establishing English website of “Environmental Water Quality Information”, enhancing of statistics analysis and assistance tools of quality assurance and quality control, improving instant transmission system (water quality monitoring tool), and meliorating the ongoing system function. 096 監資處 千一科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1854
96至97年度北部微粒超級監測站操作品保及數據分析計畫 本計畫目標為辦理環保署北部微粒超級監測站品保查核,每個月針對大部分儀器進行定期查核,每兩個月進行不定期查核;另外,每半年進行微粒粒徑分布儀器查核。查核後儀器若有狀況,即請維護單位進行修護。每個月本計畫均與維護單位進行儀器狀況檢討會議,以確保數據品質。2008年至12月底各項儀器的數據運轉率除了PM2.5硝酸鹽自動監測儀為74.5 %以外,其餘都在87%以上。在自動監測器和人工採樣器的併行比對上,PM2.5微粒質量濃度、PM2.5元素碳、PM2.5有機碳、PM2.5硫酸鹽大致有相同變化趨勢,但在數值上則互有高低;至於PM2.5硝酸鹽自動儀器濃度大多低於人工採樣值。本年度黃沙事件時期的人工採樣與鄰近的新莊、板橋及菜寮空品站PM10微粒質量濃度具有良好的一致性。氣膠粗微粒的監測,以雙頻道採樣器進行粗微粒的人工採集,最有實積;以PM10-PM2.5差異量推估粗微粒濃度也是常用的替代方式。本計畫分別於2008年6月及10月辦理了兩次教育訓練,內容包括儀器運轉原理、儀器查核、數據處理、儀器實地操作。不同監測項目的關聯性分析,顯示有多項儀器彼此間的關聯性佳。對於數據變異的長期分析,PM2.5質量濃度、PM2.5硝酸鹽濃度、PM2.5碳成分濃度在以一年為基期的計算上顯示有逐漸降低的趨勢。然而,PM2.5硫酸鹽濃度則是呈現周期性的變化且逐漸上升。為了能瞭解自動監測儀器與人工採樣分析結果的關係,本計畫彙整列出2002到2008七年來各項自動儀器與人工採樣比對的結果,以方便進行彼此間的轉換。 North Aerosol Supersite Quality Assurance Audit and Data Analysis in 2007 and 2008 The goal of this project is aiming at executing quality assurance audits on the performance of North Aerosol Supersite. The procedures include fixed-term monthly and mobile bi-monthly checks on most instruments. In addition, a half-year check was conducted on particle size distribution instruments. Trouble shooting was required for the maintaining company on instruments not in compliance. Every month, this project held a bi-lateral meeting with the maintaining company to assess instrumental performance for validating the acquired data quality. The data acquisition rates for all instruments were above 87% except for 74.5% for PM¬2.5 nitrate monitor at the end of October in 2008. For collocated comparisons between automated instrument and manual collection, the variations of PM2.5 mass, PM2.5 elemental carbon, PM2.5 organic carbon, and PM2.5 sulfate were consistent. However, irregular high and low values were found for the comparisons. The PM2.5 nitrate from automated instrument was mostly lower than that of manual collection. During yellow-dust event periods in 2008, PM10 mass levels were found a good consistency between manual collections and automated instruments in the nearby Hsin-Chuan, Pan-Chao, and Tsai-Liao air quality stations. For the monitoring of aerosol coarse particles, the dichotomous sampler has long been used; and for the alternative, the subtraction between PM10 and PM2.5 value is also a popular way. Two educational trainings for instrumental measuring principle, instrumental audit, data analysis, and field operation of instruments were held in June and October this year, respectively. Data from selected instruments in the North Aerosol Supersite were found, in general, correlated reasonably well each other. For the analysis of data variation trend, PM2.5 mass level, PM2.5 nitrate, and PM2.5 carbons declined gradually in the calculation of yearly moving average. PM2.5 sulfate, however, had an increasing trend with cyclic variations. The collocated comparisons between automated instruments and manual collections from 2002 to 2008, seven years in total, were listed for easy conversion. 096 監資處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2038
生產者回收責任推動專案工作計畫 本計畫為協助環保署蒐集尚未納入回收體系之產品基本資料,推估各類產品各年度廢棄量及再使用率、再利用率及有害物質回收率標準,規劃產品納入生產者責任回收制之優先排序及推動方案,並協助環保署辦理優先推動方案之研商會及相關作業。在產品基本資料蒐集方面,其成果如下:1.本研究共計針對七大類之電子電器產品及包裝容器類進行基本資料蒐集,但由於產品範圍甚廣,在計畫經費欠缺且相關文獻有限之情況下,已盡力蒐集有關電子電器產品項目包括:果(榨)汁機、電烤箱、微波爐、電磁爐、電熱水器、電話、行動電話、數位相機、攝影機、音響設備、電視遊樂器、吸塵器、排油煙機和開飲機共14項。2.在各項電子電器產品之主要材質比率方面,主要是經由本研究細拆解後,透過訪談可能流向所彙整的結果,本研究的可資源化材質比率,可做為最高之比例要求,其多數產品之再利用比率均達80﹪~90﹪。3.依本研究之調查結果得知,大眾對於廢棄電子電器產品之處置方式仍以交由清潔隊回收為主要管道,除像行動電話、數位相機等產品,因其視為體積小且廢棄後仍屬有價,方多採擱置家中外,其餘產品交由清潔隊回收之比例均為50﹪~60﹪左右。因此未來於政策推動上,如何提供家戶排出的誘因。 有關廢棄量及各式標準推估模式,如下所示:n廢棄量推估模式:(1)年度市場擁有數量(千台)=家戶數×普及率×每百戶擁有台數×0.00001(2)持有數法:年度報廢量 =當年度新銷售量 -(當年度年底持有量-前一年度年底持有量)n焚化掩埋量 = 廢棄重量(噸)× 焚化掩埋重量百分比n再利用量 =廢棄重量(噸)× 再利用重量百分比n再使用量 =廢棄重量(噸)× 再使用重量百分比在規劃產品納入生產者責任回收制之優先排序及推動方案方面,其成果如下:1.藥品容器、平板包裝容器應列為公告應回收項目。2.電子電器方面,業者若有意願,建議以自願協議制度作為未來強化業者責任制的推行方案,但目前在業者沒有意願的情況下,推動公告為責任業者回收物仍應為主要的方向。3.電子電器產品應優先納入回收體系之類別,分別為:有、無線通信器具、氣液體處理機具、家用器具、電熱機器具、影像處理設備及玩具。本研究完成協助環保署辦理優先推動方案之研商會共計六場,並獲得業者之相關意見。 The extended producer responsibility facilitating project For those non- mandatory recycling products, this program collects their basic information and studies the impacts to announce them as mandatory recycling items. Also, this program provides the estimations of waste amounts, recycling rates, and hazardous waste recycling standards for different products. In addition, this program completes a working plan to promote producer’s recycling responsibilities and to set priority. This program assists Taiwan Environmental Administration(TEPA) to organize related activities and negotiation meetings in plan implementation.In the part of basic information collection of products, this program finds the following results:1. Total 14 electrical and electronic products in WEEE six categories are studied, including , blenders(squeezers), electric ovens, microwave ovens, induction cookers, electric boilers, telephones, mobile phones, digital cameras, video cameras, hi-fi equipments, TV game equipments, vacuum cleaner, kitchen ventilators, and water coolers. 2. For those electrical and electronic products, most of them have 80%~90% material are recyclable.3. Currently, the major disposal method of wastes of electrical and electronic products are collected by local EPB cleaning systems, and around 50%~60% wastes are collected through such channels. In the part of promoting and implementing producer’s responsibilities in recycling systems and product priority setting, this program finds the following results:1. Medicine containers and slab packaging containers should be listed as mandatory recycling items by TEPA.2. For electrical and electronic products, we suggest to include “guarantee money mechanism” when developing the working plan to promote and implement producer’s responsibilities. 3. For electrical and electronic products, we also suggest the priority items for strengthening recycling systems are: wireless communication equipments, machines using air pressure and hydraulic pressure, home appliance, electrical heating equipments, image related equipments, and toys. This program organized 6 negotiation meetings to collect opinions from manufacturers to assist TEPA to reach its goals to promote producer’s recycling responsibilities. 096 廢管處 饒河管理顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1644
廢棄物滅菌效能測試程序研訂及醫療廢棄物管理成效提升 本計畫主要的目的在協助環保署研訂廢棄物滅菌效能測試程序及提升醫療廢棄物管理成效,本年度之工作項目包括五大部分:(一)彙集國內外廢棄物滅菌處理技術資料,建立廢棄物高溫高壓滅菌處理最佳化操作條件及實測數據;(二)研訂廢棄物高溫高壓滅菌處理標準、操作規定與滅菌效能測試標準程序,研提環保機關查核措施;(三)編印醫療廢棄物管理作業參考手冊,辦理教育宣導增進醫療機構廢棄物管理知能;(四)擇定不同類型、規模之醫療廢棄物產出事業,檢視其醫療廢棄物產出質、量參數及管理流程,建立提升管理成效作業指引;(五)輔導小型診所提升醫療廢棄物管理成效。工作內容摘要如下: 本計畫彙集國內外測定方法、效能評估指標、歐盟滅菌設備品管方案、分析滅菌與焚化處理成本。使用Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC)方法評估滅菌效能,使用快速判讀生物指示劑 (Rapid Readout Bioloigcal Indicator) 與化學指示劑 (Chemical Intergrator) 進行平行比對。選定六家為檢測對象,分別以空機試驗與填充率試進行檢測。結果顯示袋內袋外之滅菌效能有顯著性差異,滅菌袋會阻絕蒸汽穿透影響滅菌效能;袋內與針筒內滅菌效能無顯著差異;大袋與小袋滅菌效能亦無顯著差異;真空式135℃ 45分鐘與重力式121℃ 60分鐘滅菌效能有顯著差異,真空式135℃ 45分鐘較佳。另外針對針筒、軟袋、軟管的滅菌效能選一家滅菌鍋進行測試,並使用挑戰包之滅菌效能進行比對,兩組實驗結果均顯示使用挑戰包作為滅菌效能測試有其代表性。 本計畫研訂「醫療事業廢棄物高溫高壓滅菌處理操作手冊」,內容中著重真空滅菌鍋及重力置鍋之操作模式,以利操作單位遵循。經實機測試後,參考本土化數據,以及歐美相關規定,研訂「廢棄物高溫高壓滅菌處理滅菌效能測試標準程序」,作為處理單位、環保及衛生單位評估滅菌成效之參考。進ㄧ步研訂滅菌設備查驗辦法「醫療事業廢棄物高溫高壓滅菌設施稽查手冊」,作為環保及衛生主管機關查驗的依據。 本計畫編撰「醫療機構事業廢棄物管理作業參考手冊」,並於97年1月至4月完成辦理10場次教育宣導活動,宣導醫療廢棄物相關法規最新修正內容、介紹新版手冊編撰內容,以及宣導滅菌處理,並彙集各方意見,以提升管理成效;配合教育宣導活動之辦理,提供3則提升醫療廢棄物管理成效相關新聞資料;另製作環保署醫療廢棄物管理資訊網頁資料,以提供各界參考。 本計畫針對區域醫院、地區醫院、中/西/牙醫診所、以及生物安全等級第二級以上實驗室,進行問卷調查,蒐集其一個月之醫療廢棄物產出量,並進一步分析不同科別、病床之廢棄物產出情形,同時亦調查廢棄物清理流程,並建立不同規模、類型醫療廢棄物減廢、分類、包裝、資源回收清理作業指引;本計畫建議醫院評鑑之廢棄物評鑑重點及量化指標,評鑑重點包括文件管理、運作管理與管理組織等,供衛生主管機關辦理醫院評鑑之參考。 本計畫實地訪查100家小型診所,包括洗腎診所與設有三個診療科別以上之診所,並彙整輔導訪查現場與後續追蹤改善情形,以使診所落實醫療廢棄物管理,另提列醫療院所常見廢棄物違規樣態與稽查重點,提供環保機關督導醫療機構落實廢棄物管理之參考;本計畫亦針對非有害之玻璃醫療廢棄物之特性及處理、再利用技術及再生市場、以及再利用管道進行資料調查整理,經彙整共有4家廢玻璃再利用機構表示對醫療廢棄物有回收的意願,且只對無感染性且已妥善分類的點滴瓶、藥瓶有回收意願。 Establishing the sterilization performance test procedure and promoting management efficiency for medical waste management The aim of this project is to assist Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in establishing the performance test process of waste sterilization and promoting efficiency of medical waste management. The main works in this project will include: (1) to collect domestic and foreign literature of the medical waste sterilization technologies, and to establish optimizing operating conditions and real data of the steam sterilization system for sterilizing medical waste. ; (2) to establish the standard of the medical waste sterilization, operating regulations and the performance test process, and to advance the inspection measures for the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) ; (3) to compile the medical waste management handbook and hold educational meetings to enhance the knowledge and abilities for the health care facilities ; (4) to survey medical waste average amounts and management process of different types and scales facilities, and to establish guidelines of promoting management efficiency ; (5) to guide small-scale clinics to promote efficiency of medical waste management. This study collected sterilization performance test methods and indicators, European Union’s equipment quality assurance, and incineration and sterilization treatment costs. The hetrohtophic plate count (HPC) method and rapid readout biological indicator (RRBI) method were used for comparison of sterilization performance efficiency. Six commercial autoclaves were selected, each for empty and filling tests. The results show that there was significant difference in sterilization efficiency between the in-bag and out-bag tests, suggesting steam penetration would affect sterilization efficiency. There was no significant difference in efficiency between the large bag and small bag, and between the in-bag and in-syringe. The sterilization efficiency operated at vacuum-assisted 135 oC for 45 minutes was significantly better than at the gravity 121 oC for 60 minutes. In addition, one autoclave was chosen for the evaluation of syringes, soft bags, and soft tubes. The results showed that the challenge test was capable of simulating the in-bag test. This study proposed a Manual of high temperature and high pressure sterilization operation for medical wastes. The manual emphasizes vacuum-assisted and gravity operating procedures useful to the operators. In reference of the full-scale test data and the information applicable to USA and Europes, this study proposed a Standard operating procedure of performance efficiency for high temperature and high pressure sterilization to be followed by treatment facilities and environmental protection authorities. Furthermore, this study proposed a Manual of inspection for high temperature and high pressure sterilization for environmental protection and sanitary authorities. With respect to compiling the medical waste management handbook and holding ten educational meetings from January to April 2008, the new amended regulations of medical waste, the new contents of the handbook, and waste sterilization were introduced, and many discussions and comunication were collected for promoting efficiency of medical waste management. There were three pieces of news about promoting efficiency of medical waste management. The website of medical waste management information was set up to provide references. In terms of surveying medical waste average amounts and management process of regional hospitals, district hospitals, chinese medicine clinics, western medicine clinics, dental clinics and biosafety level 2-4(P2-P4) laboratories, different departments and hospital beds medical waste average amounts and management process were analyzed. Based on our survey, the quidelines of medical waste reduction, classification, packing, and recycling for different types and scales facilities was established. With the suggestions from experts, the hospital accreditation concerning medical waste was proposed for Department of Health, which including documents management, operating management, and organization management. Regarding guiding 100 small-scale clinics, including more than three deparments clinics and dialysis clinics, the clinics were more improve their medical waste management. The common illegalized conditions and the inspection points about medical waste were proposed for EPB. Additionally, the property, treatment, recycling and reuse technology, market, and channel of the non-hazardous glass medical waste were investigated. There are four facotories of recycling and reuse waste glass willing to recycle medical waste, but they are only interested in non-infectious and properly classified glass drips and glass medicine bottles. 096 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1445
「推動公共場所室內空氣品質管理制度」專案工作計畫 本計畫為環保署為因應行政院消費者保護委員會第126次委員會議之決議所展開之『室內空氣品質管理推動方案』,方案分兩年(95 ~96年)實施,今(96)年為第二年度計畫,計畫目標為:1.推動公共場所室內空氣品質檢測、自主管理制度及室內空氣品質分級標章制度;2.辦理室內空氣品質管理相關訓練;3.健全室內空氣品質改善指引並提供室內空氣改善技術諮詢服務;4.健全我國室內空氣品質管理資訊網站,推動相關宣導工作。「推動公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理制度」部分,本計畫已製作各場所輔導之相關文件及輔導流程,共計輔導之公共場所21家,含政府辦公大樓7家、電影院2家、百貨購物商場2家、學校4家、醫院4家及大型展場2家,其二氧化碳(CO2)濃度巡檢測定的結果,「醫院」場所普遍無法符合現行環保署規範第一類場所建議值標準600 ppm。另外已修訂完成「公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理制度手冊」,提供場所管理人員參考使用。在標章作業部分,選擇台北市進行標章試行計畫,以室內空氣品質自主管理參與程度執行五星級標章制度進行,並成立標章審議小組進行標章的核發工作,於96年底完成36家三顆星的標章核發作業。在宣導講習會與訓練課程方面,今年度共辦理4場次室內空氣品質管理人員訓練課程,分別於台北及台南舉辦,共152人參與,為鼓勵學員學習室內氣品質,經測驗合格後,取得結業證書。於「室內空氣品質自主管理宣導講習」部分,目前已辦理完成北、中、南各1場室內空氣品質自主管理宣導講習,共145人參與。今年度已建置五大類室內空氣品質改善技術指引整合製作一本技術指引,包含室內空氣品質維護策略、診斷及改善措施評估等。建立室內空氣品質改善諮詢服務方面,在網頁中新增「諮詢專線」及「電子信箱」服務,問題統籌由本計畫設置之諮詢服務人員,總計約50~60件詢問問題,將民眾提問分類後,轉交本計畫各專家辦理回覆之內容再回諮詢服務人員,經確認後統一由諮詢服務人員回覆提問之民眾。參考國外有關於建築物通風性能與室內空氣品質管制規定,建議台灣地區相關法令的修訂,應從「通風換氣系統」、「室內裝修材料」以及「建築使用維護管理」等面向進行探討,並且擬議高效率建築自然通風設計技術規範、預防室內空氣污染擴散與疾病傳染設計技術規範、室內甲醛濃度混合控制設計技術規範及建築室內空氣品質維護管理制度四條規範。本計畫持續定期維護更新網站,目前已將本年度各項活動(如管理人員、室內空氣品質維護管理宣導觀摩會等)活動訊息公告於網頁上,提供大眾最新空氣品質自主管理活動資訊。並且增列「室內空氣品質自主管理」,提供民眾瞭解如何進行室內空氣品質自主管理、建立輔導文件及相關專業諮詢管道。在法規或未完成立法前,繼續推動室內空氣品質自主管理有其必要性,同時對於建議值及測定方法亦有需檢討之必要性。 Management of Indoor Air Quality in public spaces This project supports the “Indoor Air Quality Management Introduction” program, which is proposed by EPA following the conclusion of the 126th committee meeting hosted by consumer protection commission, Executive Yuan. This project was implemented between 2006 and 2007 and main goals are:(1) promote indoor air quality testing, self-management, and labeling policies;(2) organize indoor air quality management training;(3) integrate the indoor air quality improvement guide and provide technical consulting services; and (4) integrate the indoor air quality website and promote relevant activities.For the first goal, the project has implemented the testing and self-management procedures on 21 public places, including 7 government office buildings, 2 movie theaters, 2 shopping department stores, 4 schools, 4 hospitals, and 2 large-scale exhibitions. A guidance book was prepared and provided to these 21 public places which contains associated documents and detailed instructions. The testing results of carbon dioxide concentration in the hospitals did not meet EPA’s recommended value of 600 ppm under the first category. In addition, the “Indoor Air Quality Self-management Manual” was revised and provided to all building’s administrative staffs as reference. Furthermore, Taipei City was selected to demonstrate the labeling system by adapting the five-star-grade labeling policies with the extent of participation in indoor air qualityself-management. A Label Deliberation Team was established to manage all works associated with label issuance. By the end of this year, the team has to verify a total of 36 organizations with issuance of three-star-grade labels.For the second goal, the project has organized 4 indoor air quality management training courses in Taipei and Tainan with a total participation of 152 people. Certificates were conferred to students, whom have completed the training course and pass the qualification test. In addition, 3 “Indoor Air Quality Self-management” conferences were organized with a total participation of 145 people.For the third goal, the project has integrated the 5 categories indoor air quality improvement guide, including indoor air quality maintenance strategy, diagnosis and the improvement measures assessment etc. In the aspect of providing technical consulting services to the public, a “consultant special line” and an “e-mail box” services were created and available to access from the webpage. Up to date, an approximately of 60 questions were received and were responded by experts with proper solution.It is recommend to amend Taiwan’s existing regulations on the subjects of ventilation air conditioning system, indoor decoration materials, and building’s maintenance and management by referring to international regulations in related to building’s ventilation performance and indoor air qualitycontrol. Furthermore, it is recommend to draft regulations on the subjects of high- efficiency building natural ventilation, prevention of the indoor air pollution from spreading and infecting, indoor formaldehyde concentration mixture control, and building and indoor air quality maintenance management system.For the fourth goal, the project will continue to maintain and update the website on a regular basis. As of today, all activity information was announced on the webpage to provide the public of the latest IAQ self-management information. In addition, the “Indoor Air Quality Self-management” was posted on the webpage to help people better understand this program and also provide a complete guidance with necessary documents and professional consultation.Prior to the establishment of regulations or legislation, it is necessary to keep promoting indoor air quality self-management and reviewing the IAQ guideline and testing methods. 096 空保處 中華物業管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1045
資源回收費率審議委員會議運作及回收清除處理費率架構檢討計畫 我國資源回收政策及回收清除處理費率制度推動已屆10年(民國86~96年),現行費率制度雖經多次修正,但對於費率公式中部分費率因子的計算方式仍有所爭議,故值此十年之際,實有必要對費率整體架構進行檢討,俾使基金進入成熟運作的軌道。本計畫基於整合性研究之目的,將就回收清除處理費率整體架構進行檢討,包括費率公式、基金運作管理及課費模式等問題;這些問題不僅和費率訂定有所關係,對於費率制度是否能夠永續經營也存在一定影響。為有效達成環保署之研究需求,並具體協助行政單位就現行政策進行檢討分析,根據計畫目標及主要工作項目,本研究分三個主要範圍進行研究:1.公告應回收廢棄物回收清除處理費率整體架構檢討:主要內容包括:(1)費率公式檢討;(2)基金運作管理;(3)課費模式研析,藉由上述回收清除處理費整體架構及重要議題的探討,提出政策修正方向建議。2.資源回收費率審議委員會議運作相關行政作業:協助建立費率審議委員會歷屆相關資訊及會議事務,以提昇委員會議審議效率。3.費率資料庫系統維護與資料更新:提供環保署回收基管會費率試算及信託基金運作監控功能。為具體展現以上研究結果,本報告章節安排如下;第二章首先針對費率制度之現況與問題進行檢討;第三章則就費率因子推估方法加以檢討,並提出費率公式修正及估算準則建議;第四章檢討基金運用用途,並提出基金預警管理模式;第五章則比較國內外課費補貼模式,提出課費補貼模式修正原則及配套措施建議;第六章為費率資料庫系統之更新及操作說明;第七章則為協助費率審議委員會之相關作業說明;第八章則根據研究成果提出相關建議。在各章節除詳細具體呈現研究成果外並附有針對該議題相關之結論與建議,最後並附上研究計畫執行期間舉行之產、官、學座談會會議記錄以供參考。 ssistance to fee committee member's meeting operation and review of recycling-and-treatment fee structure The Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (Taiwan EPA) started a national recycling program after combining eight existing privately-owned recycling organizations in 1998. In the past decade, this program has achieved remarkable recycling performance but also caused critics from domestic environmental groups, academia, industrial producers and the government itself for its efficiency and effectiveness.This project undertakes a comprehensive examination of all the issues relating to the recycling and treatment fees of due waste items in Taiwan. This research divides into three main ranges and carries on research:1. The examination of the issues related to the fee rates, includes: (1)The rate formula is examined; (2)The operation of the fund is managed; (3)The methods, according to which the fee is levied and subsidized, are analyzed. 2. Assist and review the relevant administrative work of fee committee member's meeting in setting the fee rate, including setting up rate and review committee's all previous relevant information and meeting affairs in order to promote the efficiency of committee member's meeting. 3. The database system of fee rate is maintained and upgraded, including the automatic system of fee calculation, the forcasting of fee components, and trust fund operation control. 096 基管會 中華經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1620
桃園縣環境及交通噪音音量監測計畫 為協助桃園縣環保局執行轄境內指定之環境及交通噪音監測點,新紀公司提供噪音監測等相關工作,除定期執行噪音監測、提交相關數據及更新環保局網頁資料之外,並持續觀察本縣噪音之趨勢變化,與鄰近縣市環境音量進行比較分析;依據歷年噪音監測結果,作出趨勢分析與檢討建議方案。 本期報告包含96年第1季至97年第1季之一般環境地區及道路交通噪音共18站次之監測結果。整體而言,桃園縣境內音量不合格地區多為第一類及第二類噪音管制區,尤以一般地區第一類管制區長山寺/黃帝廟測站及道路交通第二類管制區大安國小/大安社區測站不合格比例均為87.5%,經分析小時均能音量及現場環境狀況,多為生物型態、人為行為及車流量大影響因素。97年度起一般地區環境音量長山寺測點變更至黃帝廟測點,交通噪音之大安國小測點變更至大安社區活動中心測點。經第1季次之測量結果,大致減低音量不合格百分比,惟仍需持續監測,以提供更多之資料作為參考。 In order to assist the TaoYuan Government Environmental Protection Bureau executing the environment and the transportation noise monitor in assigned county, Century Engineering Consultant (CEC) provides correlation works in noise monitor. Besides regularly carries out the noise monitor, also submits and renew noise database in Environmental Protection Bureau homepage. Also, continue to observe each noise secular variation, carries on the comparative analysis with the neighbor county city of environment volume. Based on the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) and the TaoYuan County all previous years noise monitor results, analyze the tendency, make the conclusion and propose the improvement suggestion plan. This report contains environment and traffic noise altogether 18 stations monitor results from the 1st season in 2007 to the 1st season in 2008. To summeries, the fail stations in TaoYuan County almost in class 1 and class 2 control zones, especially is Changshan temple/Huangde temple which is class 1 control zones and Da An Elementary School/Da An community activity Center which is class 2 control zones both the unqualified proportion as 87.5%. Analysis the hourly equivalent sound level and environment present situation of these stations, the coursing reasons are about ecological environment, people behaviors and huge traffic flowing.Since 2008,Changshan temple has changed to Huangde temple, Da An Elementary School has changed to Da An community activity Center.After the 1st season of noise measurement, the results shows the lower unqualify proportion percentage. Only still had to continue to monitor and provided more materials to take the reference. 096 桃園縣政府環境保護局 新紀工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1165
台北都會區光化污染物密集監測 台灣地區的指標污染物中,臭氧是造成空氣品質不良的主要污染物之一,根據環保署資料顯示,台灣地區的臭氧平均濃度有上升的趨勢。對臭氧的問題,雖然有臭氧前驅物與臭氧本身的觀測資料,但對屬於光化學二次污染物觀測資料則仍顯不足,因此透過台北都會區二次光化污染物監測,建立長期基本資料,將有助於對臭氧問題的成因分析。萬里及與那國島等大氣背景測站資料顯示,台北都會區的臭氧背景狀況並無明顯的變化,台北都會區中各空品測站之臭氧年平均濃度則有顯著的增加,但從總氧化物的變化不如臭氧上升幅度,氮氧化物與臭氧亦大多呈現負相關,顯示氮氧化物對臭氧有一定的滴定效應存在。二次光化污染的長期變化趨勢,本計畫發現醛酮化合物的濃度分佈與盛行風向相關;而由歷史資料分析,亦發現土城地區主要盛行風向為東風系,但高臭氧則大多出現在風向為西風系時,顯示風向為影響臭氧及醛酮濃度的因子之一。本計畫利用光化學箱型模式模擬臭氧濃度的變化,模擬結果顯示,模式能有效模擬各污染物的初期變化。藉由此模擬結果,利用烷類、烯類、芳香族類及醛酮類等污染物的初始濃度變化,瞭解臭氧主要敏感性物種,模擬結果顯示,在2007年5月3日案例中,芳香族類及醛酮類為主要致臭氧生成物種,2007年7月5日案例中,主要致臭氧生成物種則為芳香族類及烷類。 Secondary Photochemical Air Pollutants Densely Monitor in Taipei Ozone is one of the most important ambient tracers that caused severe problem of air pollution in Taiwan. In this project, the issues of long-term trend of ozone variation and short-term mechanism of ozone episode were explored. In order to study these two problems, long-term monitoring results from Taiwan EPA ambient monitoring stations in Taipei metropolitan region were collected for further analysis the trend of ozone variations. In addition, air samples in Tuchen Station and Shitzi Station were also collected to analyze the concentration levels of some secondary photochemical air pollutants.Our results showed that there is no obvious trend of the background ozone concentration level found according to the long-term data of Wanli Station, which is supposed to be the background ambient station of northern Taiwan. This result was confirmed by the ozone data obtained from the Yonagunijima Station of World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases (WDCGG). On the other hand, the annual averaged ozone concentration of most Taipei metropolitan showed obvious ascending trends. However, the trends of total oxidants (Ozone+NO2) were minor for most stations. In addition, there are obvious negative correlation between ozone and NOx. It is concluded that the ascending trends of ozone concentration level were mainly caused by the descending NOx because the titration effect of NO to ozone. The effect of background ozone was very minor.Observation of secondary photochemical air pollutants showed that the concentration level of carbonyl could be accounted by the wind direction. When the wind came from west (including northeast and southwest), there was more possibility to observe higher carbonyl concentration. When the wind came from east (including northeast and southeast), the concentration level of carbonyl was always low. Analysis of the long-term wind rose data also showed that the higher ozone periods usually happened in west wind while the prevailing wind in Tuchen Station was from east. It is concluded that there was much more possibility of high ozone for west wind than east.The "Taiwan Air Quality Model" (TAQM) was applied in this study to explore the two high ozone episodes happened in May 3rd, 2007 and May 7th, 2007. The simulation results showed that surface ozone concentration in western corridor of Taiwan was largely influence by local emission and background ozone concentration for the first episode (May 3rd). The influence of long-range transported pollution is very minor. However, it is another case for the second episode (May 7th). Ozone is largely influenced by long-range transport while local emission and background still played important roles. We further explored the contribution of chemical species with the help of photochemical box model. Model results showed that aromatics and carbonyl are the two most important classes of chemical species that accounted for the high ozone in the first episode. 096 監資處 台大嚴慶齡工業研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1719
96年桃園縣水源保護區稽查管制計畫(含推動家戶飲用水水質提升) 桃園縣環保局為有效落實劃定保護區內水源水質保護工作,故持續進行縣內稽查管制處分作業,並配合運用污染行為查處作業相關資訊系統建置成果。同時,透過衛星影像變異區域之判釋分析及現勘調查作業,以擴大集水區全面性之污染行為監控作業。桃園縣內自來水雖已相當普及,部份區域仍採用簡易自來水處理方式作為飲用水來源,為維護民眾飲水衛生及安全,縣府針對簡易自來水處理廠之原水水質及直供水水質進行每季一次之抽測作業,作為維持飲用水水質、提供後續改善之參考依據。對於水塔蓄水池等貯水設備及學校之飲用水設備等飲用水水質進行抽驗作業,並加強進行飲用水安全維護之宣導作業,以提昇及維護飲用水品質。本年度已完成飲用水保護區管制作業所需相關輔助資訊系統之更新建置及維護,包括保護區地籍圖建置、衛星影像變異分析、保護區隨身導航稽巡查輔助系統、保護區開發行為位置查詢系統網路版及保護區污染行為查處輔助系統等;同時完成本縣境內之石門水庫飲用水水源水質保護及板新鳶山堰飲用水取水口之一定距離之污染行為稽巡查管制作業,落實已劃定之保護區水源水質保護工作。此外,完成桃園縣簡易自來水處理廠之水質檢驗,以及水塔、蓄水池、飲用水設備等飲用水水質抽驗、檢驗,執行成果資料庫建檔及上網申報,以確保民眾健康,提昇民眾對自來水的信心及國家形象。並蒐集相關單位之水質監測資料進行分析,以供桃園縣環保局業務單位參考使用。 The 96’s Plan about Inspecting Source Water Protection Area in Taoyuan County (Including promotion of improving Household Drinking Water Quality) To effectively implement water quality protection in assigned protection area, EPA continued to inspect in Taoyuan County, and built up information system to examine and regulate water protection areas. Then, we expanded monitoring catchment area pollution by satellite image analysis of variance and on-site field inspection. Although using tap water in Taoyuan County is common, parts of the region still rely on small water treatment facilities for drinking water sources. To safeguard public water drinking health and safety, the county sampled the quality of original water and supply water in these water treatment plants every season. Test results will be used for reference for further water quality improvement operations. By water quality testing of towers, reservoirs and water equipments in schools ,promotion and maintenance of safe drinking water, it can ensure the standard of drinking water is enhanced and the quality of drinking water is maintained In this year, we have completed upgrading and maintained information systems of monitoring drinking water protection area; including building protection area cadastral map, satellite image analysis of variance, water protection area PDA, water protection area information query system and information inspecting systems. In order to implement water protection work, we finished the pollution inspection in water protection area between Shihmen Reservoir and Penhsing Yuanshan Weir water intake point. We also finished water quality testing of small water treatment facilities in Taoyuan County, as well as reservoirs, drinking water equipment, after that, we built the results into databases and web systems. It can ensure people’s health and enhance public confidence in tap water. Finally, we collected relevant units of water quality monitoring data for analysis to Taoyuan County EPB for use and reference. 096 桃園縣政府環境保護局 千一科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=848
96年度臺南縣空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫 一、臺南縣從民國85~96年間人口成長率約為1.6%,呈逐年穩定微幅成長;工廠密度為3.1家/km2,本縣工廠登記數由86年之7,067家減少至92年之6,138家,但隨著南部科學工業園區之設置,96年增加到6253家;車輛數逐年增加,其中機車與汽車成長最顯著,85至96年平均成長率約有47%。二、台南縣空氣品質不良(PSI>100)比例變化,由85年的5.0%下降至92年的2.1%,93年空氣品質不良比例上升至6.1%(44站日),94年之空品不良率也到達5.6%,95年空品不良比例為7.0%,已達歷年最高值,96年空品不良比例為5.9%。三、本計畫以環保署提供之TEDS6.1版排放量資料庫為基礎,檢討更新本縣95年空氣污染排放總量及主要污染源排放來源,並依據污染源特性規劃短中長程管制策略。本縣95年總懸浮微粒(TSP)總排放量約為4萬5千公噸/年,懸浮微粒(PM10)總排放量約為1萬5千公噸/年,硫氧化物(SOx)總排放量約為6仟9佰公噸/年,氮氧化物(NOx) 總排放量約為3萬3仟公噸/年,非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)總排放量約為4萬5仟公噸/年。本計畫依據污染源特性研擬本縣空氣品質管制策略及檢討修正本縣空氣污染防制計畫書,爲了讓各界了解環保局推動之各項環保工作,而辦理技術研討會。協助規劃及推動本縣清潔車輛及大眾運輸系統之使用。建置交通共乘媒合網頁:本計畫已建置共乘媒合網站平臺(網址:http://tainancarpool.org/,亦可由臺南縣環保局網址:http://www.tncep.gov.tw/連結),提供一個交換「共乘」資訊的園地。 2007 Tainan County Air Quality Management Plan 1.Enviromental Burden and ChangesFrom 1996 to 2007, the population increased gradually in Tainan County. In 2007 the population is around 1.1 million. Factories have been decreasing since 1997,and there were 6,253 factories in 2007. Vehicles increased 47% in the recent 12 years.2.Air Quality TrendsThe poor air quality (PSI >100 ) ratio dropped from 5.0% in 1996 to 2.1% in 2003, but increased to 5.6% in 2005 and 7.0% in 2006. The poor air quality ratio is 5.9% in 2007. which is under the control target 6.44.3.Air Pollution Emission(1)TSP emission: 45,343 tons per year(2)PM10 emission: 15,492 tons per year(3)SOx emission: 6,856 tons per year(4)NOx emission: 32,887 tons per year(5)NMHC emission: 44,862 tons per year4.Develop Air Quality Management Strategies and Revise Air Pollution Control Plan.5.Advocating the Use of Low-pollution Vehicles and Promoting the Use of Public Transportation6.Auditing the Projects Supported by the Air Pollution Fee7.Arrange Air Pollution Management Study Meeting and Air Quality Management Discussion Meeting8.Setting a Carpool Web 096 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 中鼎工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=649
辦理民眾檢舉高污染車輛管理暨移動污染源資料庫整合管理 經統計,本(96)年度共受理76,180 件民眾檢舉烏賊車案件,截至97年1 月4 日為止,尚有1,653 件仍在處理中;通知被檢舉車輛至指定地點接受檢驗率約為44%,較95 年度略微提昇2%,通知檢驗率逐年提昇。經計算,96 年度機車約減少93 公噸NMHC 及360 公噸CO 排放;柴油汽車約減少271 公噸TSP 排放;汽油汽車約減少1.2 公噸NOx、0.4 公噸NMHC 及16 公噸CO 排放,由此可知民眾檢舉烏賊車政策在移動污染源各項不定期管制策略中具有相當成效,值得繼續推動。  為獎勵協助檢舉烏賊車之民眾,本計畫於96 年10 月25 日在全國環保機關首長見證下,隆重完成「96 年度鼓勵民眾檢舉烏賊車抽獎活動」,共提供1,127 個獎項,其中包括71 個大獎及1,056 個普獎,總金額超過新台幣70 萬元。  此外,配合使用者對於烏賊車檢舉系統使用之情形及需求,本計畫完成全國環保機關100%以自然人憑證登入系統專區推廣作業,並執行檢舉人滿意度調查活動、辦理線上學習活動、建立線上自動化績效考評系統、修訂標準作業程序及完成網站連線自動偵測功能等系統功能增修工作。為了提昇全國案件辦理效率及凝聚執法共識,本計畫辦理2 場教育訓練及2 場業務聯繫檢討會,讓全國環保機關有機會針對民眾檢舉烏賊車業務進行意見交換並達成多項共識,系統亦配合進行功能操作擴增,有效提昇案件辦理之品質。  本計畫並建置「移動污染源資訊管理系統」,以E 化方式建立環保署各委辦計畫查核方式及查核重點,並將移動污染源各計畫建立的資料庫進行有效整合、統計及分析,該系統可提供各項重要資料予環保署於政策推動時之參考,並使各項成果及污染削減量得以保存及應用。  另本計畫已建立機房管理及例行維護標準作業程序,藉以輔助移動污染源相關專案系統建置或備份於環保署,以利移動污染源資料處理及彙整,使移動污染源具有實體資料,無論現況檢討或未來決策支援,皆為良好之工具平台。 Polluting vehicles appeal cases management system and mobile's non-point pollution database integration project According to statistics, 76,180 suspected cases were reported by the public in 2007, and 1,653 cases are still waiting to be processed till Jan.4, 2008. The rate of suspected vehicles being notified and examined in 2007 is approximately 44%, comparing to that in 2006, the rate increases approximately 2% and increases year by year. As to emission reduction in 2007, in motorcycle sector, the measure of reporting suspected vehicles has contributed 93 tons in NHMC and 360 tons in CO reduction. In diesel vehicles sector, the measure has contributed 271 tons in TSP reduction. In gasoline vehicle sector, the measure has contributed 1.2 tons in NOx reduction、0.4 tons in NMHC reduction and 16 tons in CO reduction. The fruitful results indicated the project performed excellently among mobile pollution sources strategies and the program is worth continuing. To encourage reporters, the lottery ceremony of reporters was held under supervision of all E.P.B.s’ directors on Oct. 25 2007. There were 1,127 awards, including 71 special awards and 1,056 regular awards. The total value of awards was more than NTD 700,000. Besides, according to requirements and needs of system users, the project team achieved the objective that 100% users of environmental protection government organizations login system via Citizen Digital Certificate. Also, in 2007, project team accomplished the satisfaction survey, E-learning system, online E.P.B. performance index reports, web connection monitoring mechanism, and accommodated SOP manual, these were the major functions activated this year. For the purpose of accelerating processes and advancing the overall strategic performance and legal enforcement, two training programs and two conferences were held. Through the programs and meetings, environmental protection government organizations had chances to communicate with each other in polluted vehicle reporting area and came to many common consensuses. Information system functions were also modified and new functions were developed, consequently, quality of process was greatly improved. Last year, the project team built E.P.A. “Mobile Pollution Sources Information system” as well, including 2007 national performance E-report and established intranet to keep the information about important check points and schedules of all programs. Furthermore, project team integrated databases delivered by all the programs and consolidated data to provide integrated information as an important reference for decision making. All the consolidated information could be saved and applied for all the purposes upon different needs. As to system management and daily maintenance, the project team assisted other mobile pollution sources programs to build or backup systems in E.P.A. in order to facilitate data integration and consolidation. Therefore, mobile pollution sources systems could acquire information easily. The system is a great platform either to review state of play strategies or to help making future decision. 096 空保處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2008
工業區下水道系統水污染管制綜合管制計畫 本計畫為以工業區管制規劃為主之ㄧ年期施政計畫,主要內容包括:工業區放流水標準、總量限值、水污染管制區與禁止行為、水污染緊急應變系統、自評與委託查證,網路申請(報),及水質連線監視系統。本計畫完成之執行成果摘要如下:(一)蒐集美、德、日、新、韓相關放流水標準資料、進行資料分析與完成工業區放流水標準修正草案建議(二)完成美、日、中、韓資料蒐集、國內污染現況分析與管制方案比較,並提出工業區總量限值管制作業要點草案建議與範例 (三)進行18個工業區上下游水質或底泥濃度檢測,提出工業區水污染管制區及禁止行為內容建議,提供地方環保局管制參考(四)提出工業區緊急應變設施與方法與許可登記內容建議,並完成1場示範觀摩(五)協助提供委託查證工業區名單及自評表單,並完成相關自評結果分析(六)完成工業區自動連續監測體系規劃、資訊系統開發與作業要點公告、5個工業區連線示範作業,及未來e化管理與查核工具規劃與經費概估(七)完成工業區上網許可申請與定檢申報系統、環保單位收發文與核發許可證系統,及統計報表系統,提升行政效率與資料之可運用性。 The industrial park sewer system water pollution control and management Project This is a one-year master regulatory project emphasizing on the management planning for industrial park,with major subjects on industrial park effluent standards、total mass discharge limit、water pollution control zone and prohibited activities、water pollution emergency response system、independent internal auditing and commission of water pollution self-verification、on-line permit application and reporting system,and on-line monitoring web system.This project has accomplished the following results:(1) gathering effluent standards of USA、Germany、Japan、Singapore、Korea for analysis to provide suggestions for new effluent standards for industrial parks, (2) gathering TMDL relevant data from USA、Japan、China、Korea for analysis and comparison to current pollution situation in Taiwan to provide suggestion and example for industrial park of total mass limit for heavy meatal, (3)sampling and analysis of upstream and downstream river water quality or sediment sludge from 18 industrial parks to provide suggestion for industrial park water pollution control zone and prohibited activities for local EPBs’ control reference, (4) proposing suggestions for industrial park emergency response facilities, protocol and permit registration and held one demonstration conference, (5) assisting to provide the list of independent internal auditor and self-verification checklist, plus completion of self-verification analysis, (6)completing industrial park CEMS on–line monitoring web system、information system development and operation guidance,and connecting these on-line systems to 5 demonstration industrial parks with price estimation for future e management and auditing plan, (7) constructing the on-line permit application and discharge reporting web system,documentation reception and permit approval system for EPBs, and statistics reporting system to enhance administrative efficiency and data application. 096 水保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1252
宜蘭縣96年度「露天燃燒(含稻草再利用輔導)稽(巡)查及紙錢集中處理管制計畫暨餐飲業油煙、加油站油氣回收、揮發性有機物管制及輔導改善計畫」 宜蘭縣政府所設置之公害陳情報案中心,平均每年接獲民眾陳情逾一千四百件,除依程序妥善處理外,並訂定相關規定及建立電腦管理系統,加強對民眾陳情案件之處理。為了配合行政改革新方案、加強為民服務,更積極有效處理民眾陳情案件,提昇陳情處理效率而執行「露天燃燒(含稻草再利用輔導)稽(巡)查及紙錢集中處理管制計畫暨餐飲業油煙、加油站油氣回收、揮發性有機物管制及輔導改善計畫」,希望能透過本計畫發揮為民服務之最大成效。計畫目標:ㄧ、「露天燃燒(含稻草再利用輔導)稽(巡)查及紙錢集中處理管制計畫」(一)加強宣導並提供農民較佳處理稻草之方式,以改善農民露天燃燒惡習。(二)規劃稽巡查計劃,訂定中、長程管制策略,以循序漸進方式改善空氣品質。(三)透過前往污染源資料庫,整理分析資料,做為防制污染源之參考依據。(四)從實際稽(巡)查經驗中,可掌握經常於易遭露燒地點埋伏,期對違規業者產生嚇阻力以減少污染行為。(五)加強宣導並規劃紙錢減量措施,輔導大型廟宇做為示範以便降低污染量。二、「餐飲業油煙、加油站油氣回收、揮發性有機物管制及輔導改善計畫」(一)餐飲業基本資料庫建立並針對油煙污染量較大之餐飲業及被陳情餐飲業,藉由稽巡查方式,再輔以協談減量及現場輔導,促使業者進行污染改善作業,降低污染排放進而提昇本縣環境生活品質。(二)藉由稽查管制及法令宣導,協助餐飲業者建立正確污染防制觀念,與法規動向,避免觸法。 (三)執行加油站油氣回收設施及各行業揮發性有機物排放污染源之稽巡查、防制措施查核、稽查檢測、污染防制宣導及追蹤輔導改善等管制作業,確保加油站油氣回收設施有效操作,督促揮發性有機物排放污染源污染防制工作,避免揮發性有機物逸散污染空氣。(四)石化工業區揮發性有機物排放減量管制,執行歲修、設備檢修及更換維護作業之VOCs排放情形、污染防制措施調查及輔導改善作業。加強設備元件、儲槽及裝載操作設施之稽查管制、石化業法規符合度查核以及石化業臭味陳情問題診斷及輔導改善。(五)行業別VOCs調查,清查轄內排放VOCs的公私場所名單及行業別。清查轄內凹凸版印刷、印刷電路版、表面塗裝(機車、金屬品、機品、紙類等)、塑橡膠製造業等公私場所名單。 096 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 創迅科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=251
96年度廢棄工廠土壤及地下水污染潛勢調查計畫(乙) 本計畫為全國廢棄工廠土壤及地下水污染潛勢調查計畫之第三年度計畫,本年度包含二個子計畫,分別由瑞昶科技(股)公司及美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司執行,計畫執行期間為96年7月至98年1月。本計畫由經濟部工業局停歇業工廠資料庫中,篩選出590家較具代表性工廠,業別涵蓋土水法第9條所列14大事業別及本年度新增木竹製品製造業,經基本資料校正、確認及現場勘查後,篩選出80家建議調查候選名單,再經由量化篩選評分系統選出50家優先調查之工廠。在污染調查階段,針對50家調查之廢棄工廠執行環境場址評估(ESA Phase I)及以直接貫入方式(Geoprobe鑽機)進行土壤及地下水污染調查工作,總計執行417組土壤採樣及141組地下水簡易井之設置工作,其中有33個廠址土壤或地下水污染物濃度超過土壤或地下水污染監測基準或管制標準而進入查證階段;在查證階段,共執行182組土壤採樣及78座標準地下水監測井設置作業。調查/查證結果顯示,50家調查對象中有32個廠址發現土壤或地下水污染,大部份廠址為土壤污染,僅1個廠址為地下水污染;上述場址已建議依土水法第11條或土水法施行細則第8條進行管制。此外,本計畫已建立14大高污染潛勢事業之廢棄工廠污染調查指引,供為爾後執行調查之參考。 Investigating of Soil and Groundwater Contamination of Abandoned Factories (Year 2007 Project) The project was the 3rd year of continuous project for investigation of potential soil and groundwater contamination about the abandoned industrial sites in Taiwan. It contained two subsidiary projects and was carried out by Apollo Technology Co., Ltd and MWH Americas Inc., Taiwan Branch. The execution period of the project was from July, 2007 to January, 2009. Five hundred and ninety sites were screened from the suspended factories database of Industrial Development Bureau based on fourteen high potential contaminated enterprises and one enterprise increased for wood and bamboo products manufacturing. After modification and verification the basic information and site surveyed, eighty sites abandoned before January 1, 2005 were selected to the score and screen system for the fifty priority investigation sites.In investigation stage, Environmental Site Assessment Phase I (ESA I) and the preliminary soil and groundwater investigation was executed for the fifty sites. Four hundred and seventeen sets of soil were sampled and one hundred and forty-one temporary groundwater wells were installed by direct push machine, Geoprobe. Thirty-three sites which soil or groundwater pollutant concentration exceeded soil and groundwater monitoring or control standards were selected to verify. In verification stage, one hundred and eighty-two sets of soil were sampled and seventy-eight standard groundwater monitoring wells were constructed to sample groundwater to analyse.Thirty-two sites were found soil or groundwater contamination in the result. Most of the sites were soil pollution and only one site was groundwater pollution. The sites were suggested to announce as Soil or Groundwater Control Site by article 11 or adopt appropriate measures within a limited time period pursuant to the article 8 by Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act Enforcement Rules.In addition, the investigation guideline of abandoned industrial sites had been setup for the fourteen high potential contaminated enterprises. 096 土污基管會 美商傑明工程顧問股份有限公司台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1331
96年度台南縣固定空氣污染源稽查管制及減量輔導計畫 本計畫工作期程自96年7月17日至97年7月16日為止,各項工作執行進度成果說明如下:一、VOCs法規列管行業查核完成法規列管工廠查核共計84家,包含石化業39家、PU合成皮業3家、半導體業17家、光電業20家及乾洗業5家,大都符合法規項目,其餘未符合工廠將持續追蹤至改善完成;另均已完成資料庫更新建檔作業。依行業別分析:石化業39家1,803.943公噸/年,PU合成皮業3家642.493公噸/年,半導體業17家15.33公噸/年,光電業20家118.12公噸/年,乾洗業5家1.272公噸/年。二、VOCs排放量前20大工廠與排放潛能大之行業清查VOCs排放量前20大工廠之清查作業,包含多種行業共20家4,190.503公噸/年;另共完成94家排放潛能大行業之清查作業,均已完成資料庫更新建檔作業。依行業別分析:表面塗裝業22家254.205公噸/年,乾洗業20家3.989公噸/年,塑膠業21家35.078公噸/年,膠帶業1家1,681.335公噸/年,印刷電路板業8家17.485公噸/年,PVC業2家196.462公噸/年,印刷業20家207.9公噸/年。三、工廠查核有害空氣污染物使用情況目前查核工廠中使用環保署優先調查之21種有害空氣污染物工廠共有42家,所使用之有害空氣污染物質主要為酚、甲醇、甲苯、二甲苯、苯乙烯、甲基異丁酮、二甲基甲醯胺、二氯乙烯、四氯乙烯、苯、二氯甲烷以及醋酸丁酯等12種物質,其中以新力美科技新化廠使用6種為最多,約佔28.57%的比例,而於使用的行業別中,則以石化業27家佔大部分,其比例約佔使用總家數的62.79%。四、指定公告應定期檢測審查及申報管制作業完成定期檢測報告書審查992根次,其中許可制度申報之檢測報告書530根次(非一、二批公告列管)、第一批及第二批公告定檢462根次。由於第一批及第二批公告定期檢測仍需上網申報,其中462根次已全數上網完成申報及審查核可,申報率達100%。五、南部科學工業園區周圍地區空氣中重金屬及落塵量檢測共完成四季16點次南部科學工業園區周界空氣中砷、鉛、鉻、汞等重金屬與落塵量之檢測,目前僅鉛有公告其空氣品質標準,其檢測結果亦符合標準。六、公私場所排放管道重金屬檢測於97年5月14日及15日分別針對奇美實業及南部科學工業園區資源再生中心進行排放管道重金屬檢測,共計完成2根次之檢測作業,檢測結果皆符合規定。七、排放管道之NMHCs檢測作業(一)光電業之NMHCs檢測於97年1月9日完成和鑫光電台南分公司M01製程之P104抽測作業,檢測結果符合法規規範。(二)石化業之NMHCs檢測於97年1月10日完成華寶樹脂M10製程之P004抽測作業;另於97年1月10日完成永捷高分子M02製程之P003抽測作業,檢測結果皆符合法規規範。八、列管工廠設備元件抽測完成11家設備元件列管工廠抽測,共計3,000個設備元件檢測作業。檢測元件中以輕質液法蘭數量檢測1835個為最高,佔所有檢測數量之61.16%,其他元件檢測數量依序分別為輕質液閥868個(28.93%)、重質液閥238個(7.93%)、氣體法蘭18個(0.6%)、輕質液泵浦22個(0.73%)、氣體閥10個(0.33%)、開口管線9個(0.097%),皆未有洩漏情形產生。九、加油站法規符合度查核作業共完成132家加油站之現場查核作業,其中1家為停業中。132站皆完成油氣回收設施自行檢測(包含氣漏與氣油比檢測);另均已完成資料庫更新建檔作業。十、加油站檢測作業共進行21點次(20家次)之氣漏檢測,其中14點次符合法規標準,檢測合格率為66.7%;另共進行50家次之氣油比檢測,共檢測462支油槍,其中檢測合格油槍數共計有403支油槍,合格率達87.23%。針對檢測結果有缺失之加油站,均已告知業者並請盡速完成改善及檢測。十一、噪音監測作業每季針對環境音量與交通音量進行噪音監測作業,共計完成96點次,另配合噪音陳情案件共計執行12點次。十二、砂石場巡查作業執行每2個月一次不定期之稽巡查及清查作業,共計完成6次之巡查作業,其中1場次於12月巡查後已解除列管。十三、臭味污染源巡查(一)臭味巡查作業共計完成90家工廠,271處次之臭味巡查。經巡查員發現有異臭者共20處次佔總巡查數7.38%,其他則入廠確認污染源及建請廠方加強製程區管理及設備操作維護。(二)建議稽查名單共計提報20家工廠為臭味建議稽查名單,目前陪同環保人員巡查共16家工廠,其中4家工廠現場發現有明顯臭味,現場立即執行臭味採樣,檢測結果2家未符合法規空氣品質標準。未符合法規標準者皆已由環保局開單告發。(三)臭味採樣共計執行60點次,期中周界臭味採樣共計31點次,而有13點次未符合法規空氣品質標準;另排放管道臭味採樣29點次,其中有6點次未符合法規空氣品質標準。未符合法規空氣品質標準者皆已由環保局開單告發。十四、OP-FTIR監測於97年4月24日~25日共計完成奇美實業一點次之OP-FTIR監測,監測結果符合規定。十五、餐飲業巡查作業共計完成128家巡查作業,其中32家目前屬停業狀態或無烹飪行為;另為配合環保署最新餐飲業空氣污染管制政策執行宣導作業,共發送宣傳單至本縣餐飲業者約660家。而目前勸導家數共計94家次,已改善完成有81家次,已停業1家次,尚未改善完成12家次。十六、稽查、處份資料建檔及維護更新完成稽查資料建檔共計1071件次,依法告發處分數為108件,處分告發改善完成之公私場所家數為82件,告發改善完成率為75.9%,總處分罰款金額為1,747萬元。十七、監督檢測作業完成指定公告應定期檢測之排放管道共計314根次,其中286根次操作條件為操作許可證登載之許可最大產量或燃(物)料使用量80%以上,而23根次操作條件為應實施定期檢測期間最大產量或燃(物)料使用量90%以上,另有5根次管道為申請操作許可併定檢之監督檢測。十八、空氣品質惡化通報處理共接獲通報49次,巡查73處次,以建請廠方加強污染防制設備操作及維護、周界灑水;另其中有9次的通報為假日,以電話通知廠方注意污染源及其防制設備操作情形。十九、法規宣導說明會於96年11月29日舉辦加油站油氣回收設施維護保養宣導說明會,會中邀請加油站及設備代理商共計235家,其中有177家出席,出席率為75.3%。二十、揮發性有機物法規管制宣導說明會為使光電業者瞭解法規之規範,於97年05月13日,舉辦光電業法規宣導說明會,會中邀請光電業者共計23家,其中有20家出席,出席率為87%。二十一、優良加油站表揚制定優加油站評選之辦法,評選標準則依照各加油站定期申報、檢測及抽測之成績進行評分,並依照評分結果選出分最高之前5 家加油站進行表揚。並於97年03月12日台南縣環保局之成果發表會進行優良加油站之頒獎。二十二、環保新聞共計完成11則新聞稿,分別於96年9月27日刊登有關餐飲業宣導作業於中華日報,96年10月22日刊登有關異味宣導作業於全民電子報,96年11月20日與96年12月25日刊登有關加油站宣導作業分別登於中國時報與民眾日報,97年1月16日刊登優良加油站表揚活動於中華日報,97年4月17日刊登評選優良加油站作業於新新聞報,97年5月7日刊登相關光電業管制於台灣民眾時報,97年6月10日刊登有關石化業設備元件管制情況於中華日報及中國時報,97年7月8日刊登有關餐飲業勸導於中華日報,97年7月14日有關臭味執行作業於台灣時報。二十三、技術轉移訓練會於97年06月04日針對臭氣及異味官能測定法—三點比較式嗅袋法(NIEA A201.11A) 及檢測相關法規及檢測報告書審查作業之技術轉移進行講解,一方面協助局裡能儘早成立官能測定實驗室;另一方面藉以提高執行效率及品質,達成相關管制及輔導之作業。二十四、減量協談作業完成晉通化學、尚多皮革及欣岱實業減量等3家工廠輔導作業,另完成南湘春餐廳、歡樂牛排善化店、嘉美便當廠、水戶日本料理及丹丹漢堡麻豆店等5家餐飲業減量輔導作業,並由環保局發文要求廠商或業者針對委員意見回覆及提出改善期程。 Tainan County VOCs Pollution Management and Reduction Guidance Project This project was commenced to implement on July 17, 2007 and finished on July 16, 2008.The progress for each work task is outlined in detail as below:A.Inspection of the Correspondence with Law and Regulation for Specific Business(completed as 113%, see Ch3 & Ch4)Inspection was performed on 84 plants that are regulated under specific VOCs laws/regulations.Among them, few plants were found failure to meet the requirement regulated.Any firm that is responsible for the misconducts has been officially notified by EPB and be requested to mend its problems within a given time limit.All amendment has been done and confirmed further by this project.B.Inspection of the plants that their VOCs emission is the top 20th in Tainan County(completed as 100%, see Ch03 & Ch04)Inspection was performed on 20 plants. The annual VOCs emission was updated from 6,906.353 tons to 6,458.611 tons after detailed inspection and evaluation.C.Investigation of HAPs PollutionAmong all the inspected plants, there are 42 plants use chemicals that are on the EPA’s priority list of the 21 hazardous air pollutants needed to pay attention to.Twelve HAPs that these plants currently use include: phenol, dichloroethylene, benzene, methanol, methylbenzene, xylene, styrene, dichloroethane, methyl isobutyl ketone, n-butyl acetate, tetrachloroethylene and n,n-dimethylformamide.Among these plants, HsinLiMei Tech. uses as many as 6 HAPs which is the top one.D.Periodical test and declaration control992 root-times of periodical test report were accomplished, of which there were 530 times of test reports for permit system declaration, 462 times of announced periodical test for first and second groups. The declaration rate of Internet declaration attained 100%. E.Tests on heavy metal and dust of Southern Taiwan Science Park perimeter air 16 heavy metal and dust were tested on Southern Taiwan Science Park perimeter air during four seasons. F.Test on Discharge Pipes of Heavy matelTotal of two discharge pipes were selected for heavy metal test. All test results indicated that they all met the discharge standards.G.Test on Discharge Pipes of NMHCsFive points of three discharge pipes were selected for NMHCs test. All test results indicated that they all met the discharge standards.H.Leakage Test for Equipment Units of the Listed Plants3,000 equipment units in petrochemical plants were tested in this project and none of them was found leaking.I.Inspection of the Correspondence with Law and Regulation for Gas StationsInspection was performed on 132 gas stations. Among all the gas stations, one ceased work, others were found meet the requirement regulated.J.Tests on Gasoline Vapor Recovery Systems and Reporting System of Gas StationsThis project has completed 2 Inch WC Static Pressure Performance Test on 10 gas stations with qualified percentage of 66.7%. and A/L Volumetric Ratio Test on 50 gas stations with qualified percentage of 87.23%. Follow-up test were performed on gas stations that failed to pass the two tests and the overall completion percentage of improvement reached 100%.K.Noise Monitoring AssignmentThis project has completed 96 noise monitoring assignment.L.Patrol Assignment For Sandstone FieldsTotal of 6 times of patrol assignment for sandstone fields were conducted. The results for the assignment were recorded in an appointed datasheet and transferred to EPB to be catalogued together.M.Patrol for Smelly Pollution Sources1.Patrol for Smelly Pollution SourceTotal of 271 times patrol on 90 plants were performed and smelly occurrence was found for 20 times among all (7.38%).2.The assistance to submit the priority list for inspection20 plants were submitted to the priority list for inspection of smell.3.Functional Test for SmellFunctional Test for Smell was performed 31 times for circumference and 29 times for discharge pipe. Thirteen of circumference test results did not meet the individual standards regulated by law. All of the unqualified plants were fined by EPB.N.OP-FTIR Monitoring AssignmentThe OP-FTIR monitoring assignment were performed on Chi Mei Corporation during April 24, 2008 to April 25, 2008 O.Investigation on RestaurantsInspection was performed on 128 restaurants. 32 of them were found cease work. 660 pieces handbill were send to restaurants to disseminate EPA's new restaurant regulated.P.Data-building and renewal-maintenance for inspection and treatment dataData-building task of 1470 inspection cases was accomplished. As for treatment data building, there were 82 cases informed of air pollution violation ; the fine totaled 17.47 million NTD. Q.Supervision of Air Pollutant Emissions Testing on Discharge PipesSupervision of Air Pollutant Emissions Testing was accomplished on 314 Discharge Pipes.R.Case Handling for the Notification of the Air Quality DeteriorationTotal of 49 cases were notified during the project period and patrol staffs were then sent out to check on 73 public or private premises. Among these 49 cases, there were 9 times were reported during holidays, and nearby plants closed to the reported region were called by phone to check the operating conditions for their pollution sources and the operation condition of the pollution control equipments.S.Education and Promotion1.Forum Session on the Gasoline Vapor Recovery SystemsA forum session was held on November 29, 2007 for all gasoline stations to introduce the maintenance of gasoline vapor recovery systems. The attendance percentage for this forum was 75.3%.2.Forum Sessions for the Promotion and Promulgation of VOCs Laws & RegulationsA forum session was held on May 13, 2008 optoelectronics industry to introduce the optoelectronics Laws. The attendance percentage for this forum was 87%.3.Awarding Gas Stations with Excellent Performance5 gas stations were selected for their excellent performance and being publicly awarded on March 7, 2008 .4.Meeting for Technology TransferA discussion forum session was held on june 4, 2008 to pass on the experiences to EPB for the method of Functional Test for Smell.5.Environmental protection news11 articles of environmental protection news were posted, containing refusal to enforced refueling, threats of VOCs, promotion for grease and smoke draining in dining-drinking business and prevention technology. T.Instruction on Reduction of Air PollutionThe instruction and guidance for air pollution reduction were performed on 3 plants (for VOCs reduction) and 3 restaurants. Each of them was requested to submit an improving plan on air pollution and their proposed improving schedule to EPB within a limited time in response to EPB. 096 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 慧群環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=448
強化綠島與蘭嶼等離島地區資源回收暨垃圾零廢棄專案工作計畫 2007年綠島鄉居民約3,026人,觀光客為335,380人次。綠島鄉公所清運2,462公噸廢棄物,送往衛生掩埋場處理,當地資源回收商收集524公噸資源回收物品,綠島當地資源回收商以船運將資源回收物品運至台東富岡漁港。綠島地區垃圾主要產生源是觀光遊客,在旅遊旺季時,遊客帶來大量廢棄物,造成綠島環境沉重的負擔。2007年蘭嶼鄉居民約3,950人,觀光遊客數量為57,350人次,垃圾清運量708公噸,資源回收量為336.6公噸,其中86%是其它金屬製品,資源回收管道87%是由回收商、12%是由清潔隊收集,當地資源回收商只收集價格較高的金屬製品,地方政府委託外地廠商收集資源物品,然而蘭嶼鄉公所沒有提供民眾明確的資源回收管道,因此資源回收成效有限。臺灣離島屬於觀光地區,遊客是主要的垃圾產生源,而且當地資源回收商規模較小,並且要負擔船運費,處理成本較高。因此鼓勵遊客減用一次即丟物品、落實垃圾分類資源回收、改善離島地區資源回收補助方式、及協助離島資源回收商降低處理與運送成本,是離島零廢棄目標最重要的工作。 The project of enhancement of Recycling and "Zero Waste" management in Lu Tao (Green Island) and Lan Yu (Orchid Island) in Taitung. Green Island is situated at the South-East side of Taiwan. It covers 15 km2 of land with a population of 3,026 habitants as of 2007. With its multiplicity of ecology, there are almost 340,000 tourists in 2007. In terms of waste treatment, approximately 2,462 ton municipal solid waste is collected from habitants and tourists by local government. The municipal waste is disposed in sanitary landfill near Haisenping. Besides, there are 524 ton recyclables collected by local recycling companies and transported to Fugang Fishery Harbor in Taitung, Taiwan. Lan Yu is an island covering 46 km2 and is at a distance of 90 km to Taitung. The population of Lanyu is 3,950 in2007. And the number of its tourists is 57,000 in 2007. There are approximately 708 ton municipal solid waste and 336.6 ton recyclables collected by local government and local recycling companies. The municipal waste is sent to sanitary landfill and the recycles is transported to Fugang Fishery Harbor in Taitung.As off-shore islands with sparse population, the main source of waste and recyclables in Green Island and Lan Yu are as a result of a large number of tourists. For this reason, recycling operation to be put into effect by tourists and recyclables collection to be carried out by local recycling companies are significant works for local government in Island. Therefore the most important measures for promoting zero waste are as follows: waste sorting of tourists, improving subsidiary methods, as well as reducing transport and recycling cost. 096 基管會 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1363
96年度廢棄物資源化技術暨附加價值提昇專案研究計畫 目前台灣使用之含汞元件甚多,本計畫所調查之對象選定含汞繼電器、含汞開關及車輛含汞元件。水銀繼電器透過水銀之漲落,形成閉合或開斷電路,含汞量約60 g;含汞開關大多將汞封入玻璃管內或是金屬管中,改變為傾斜角度狀態,達到通電及斷電效果,平均含汞量為0.5g;車用高壓氣體放電燈管,利用陰極電子產生動能碰撞燈管內的汞氣體原子,造成氣體原子放電現象而發光,每個單體約含6mg的汞。 全球汞之使用於1970年達到尖峰,於是世界各國政府紛紛限制汞使用於產品上,且對含汞產品之處置採取嚴厲之管制措施,故汞之使用量已較過去減少很多。台灣為世界製造產品大國,過去不免使用汞做為產品原料,例如日光燈管、曝光燈管、紫外線燈管、冷陰極燈管、乾電池、大小型電器產品之開關、繼電器、煞車系統、感應器、溫度計、血壓計及車輛中之含汞元件等,其中國內已處理及管制之元件為:日光燈管、曝光燈管、紫外線燈管及乾電池等。 經本計畫調查相關製造商、販賣商、代理廠商之進出口量以及廢含汞元件排出源,推估2006年水銀繼電器進口量為48 kg-Hg,出口量為35 kg-Hg,廢棄量約1,050 kg-Hg;推估含汞開關進口量為334 kg-Hg,出口量為344 kg-Hg,廢棄量約1,197 kg-Hg;推估車用HID燈進口量0.759 kg-Hg,出口量為0.24 kg-Hg,廢棄量約0.549 kg-Hg。 行政院環保署鑑於終端市場日漸龐大之鋰電池需求,對於廢鋰電池之產出、處理與管理方式已從傳統末段管制朝向源頭管理、流向調查、資源回收再利用技術開發、建立資源化產品規範等管理手段辦理。在源頭管理方面及流向調查方面,本計畫已完成訪視國內產出廢鋰電池事業單位共12家,並完成台灣2006年鋰電池物質流佈分析。顯示年鋰電池總營業量為349.4萬公斤,進入廢棄物回收處理體系為40.5萬公斤。經訪視結果與台灣鋰電池物質流分析所得結論為(1)建議針對新增「廢鋰電池」此項之申報代碼;(2)事業單位收受民眾逆向回收廢鋰電池(屬公告應回收廢棄物)不需申報之法規競合處之檢討,及(3)對於後續在廢鋰電池之回收清除處理之流向應有所管制。 針對廢鋰電池資源化再利用,本計畫參考國外處理廢鋰電池之方法建制實驗,並規劃完成鋰電池資源化流程。實驗結果顯示,處理廢鋰電池時以負載放電較以浸泡鹽水放電之方式為佳;而鋰電池在切碎時易形成隔離膜、陰極、陽極與其他元件黏結,難以傳統的濕式冶金回收處理,故本計畫採用『人工逆向拆解』的方式進行回收,再浸泡熱NMP便能有效分離鋼殼、銅箔、鋁箔及鋰鈷氧化物等有價物質;回收之鋰鈷氧化物,以水熱法於200℃持溫15小時即可使其結構回復以利進一步利用。 筆記型電腦與手工具中,常以6~8顆18650筒形鋰離子電池串並聯為一電池組作為之電源,損壞時可能只是其中少數幾顆電池芯衰退所致。本計畫以200顆廢鋰離子電池進行充放電測試,結果顯示其中71 %之電池性能尚稱良好,若能將其再利用,不僅能提昇期附加價值,且對於環境更加友善,但因此種廢棄電池之性能已略有衰減,因此建議再利用於非電子類商品,如LED手電筒等領域。 A Study of Waste-to-Resource Technologies and the Enhancement of Value Addition Project Mercury, which has bio-accumulative effect is a primary contaminat in the world on the priority list of 129 control toxic contaminations of USEPA. Mercury is widely used in industry. Mercury containing waste are various and complex, they are difficult to process and reclaim by using traditional method. This research project focus on mercury containing product, including mercury relay, mercury switch and mercury containing vehicle components. Electrical and electronic switches, contacts and relays with mercury, including: Level switches in sewer pumps, water pumps, mercury-wetted contacts, Thermo-switches, etc. Mercury relay contains 60 grams of mercury and mercury switch contains 0.5 grams of mercury. High Intensity Discharge (HID) headlights are a recent technology that has potential societal improvements in durability, and safety. Mercury vapor is used in the light sources for headlights.Each light source contains 0.006 grams of mercury 1970 mercury used in pick, many countries made some restrictions to limit mercury used in products. Because these controlling and regulations are followed, mercury are no longer used in products.As a famous industrialized work country, Taiwan in the past, some products were also used mercury, including Fluorescent Lamp, SHPs, Ultraviolet Lamp, Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp, Battery, Mercury Switch, Relay, ABS, Sensor, Thermometer, Sphygmomanometer and Mercury Containing Vehicle Components. Some of these products like Fluorescent Lamp, SHPs, Ultraviolet Lamp and Battery are already regulated to protect environment. To investigate import and export quantity of manufacturers , refailer and agents, and research on sources of Mercury Containing Components and emission. To estimate mercury relays imported amount is 48kg-Hg , exported amount is 35kg-Hg , waste amount to Tiwan 1,050kg-Hg . The estimate amount of mercury switches import , amount is 334kg-Hg , exported amount is 344kg-Hg , waste amount to 1,197kg-Hg. To estimate High Intensity Discharge (HID) headlights import amount to 0.759kg-Hg , export amount to 0.24kg-Hg , waste amount to 0.549kg-Hg. In Taiwan, the market demand for LIB is growing. The Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan has thus changed its policies. The EPA’s wastes management policies are focusing towards source management, flow investigation, recycling techniques and recycling product regulation. Based on source management and flow investigation for waste LIB, the investigation on domestic battery industry company about twelve manufacfurer with basic information and Taiwan’s lithium battery material flow analysis in 2006 has accomplished. In 2006, market demand for lithium batteries amounted to 349.4 ten million per kilogram, flow into waste management amounted to 40.5 ten million per kilogram. The results of lithium battery industry investigation and flow analysis include (1) create a declaration code for “waste lithium battery”, (2)review the regulation that industries received wastes lithium batteries from domestic source does not reguire declaration (3)manage meet and control the flow of wastes lithium battery after treatment. For the waste LIB reusing and resourcing, the reference should to make to experiment conclucted were refer abroad on the study of waste LIB handling, and schemed the LIB resourcing sheet. Experiment results indicated that LIB discharging by loading is better than immersing in the brine. Cutting LIB with cuter causing the aggregation of polymer separator, cathode, anode and other component as pretreatment, results in the difficulty of further conventional hydrometallurgy processing, thus manual inverse tearing were adopted, immersing the spent LIB in heated NMP can separate the valuable steel shell, cupper foil, aluminum foil and lithium cobalt oxide. Recovered Lithium cobalt oxide can be regained to the former structure by 200℃ hydrothermal for 15 hours, as well as better for the further usage. 18650 cylindrical LIBs in laptop and electrical tools often used in series-parallel connection in LIB cases by 6-8 single LIBs. Damage of LIB cases might occur by the failure of only few single LIBs. Thus 200 wasted single LIB were adopted to charge-discharge test, results indicated 71 % of LIBs performed well. Supposing that well-performed wasted LIBs can be reuse, not only the value elevate, also much more friendly to the environment. Due to the slight decay of wasted LIBs, it is suggested to reuse in none electric products like LED torch for alkaline batteries substitute. 096 廢管處 國立台北科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=878
「加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫(第四期)」(乙) 行政院環境保護署為預防土壤及地下水污染,確保土地及地下水資源永續利用,及落實「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之規定,於96年辦理「加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫(第四期)(甲、乙)」,分別由美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司負責執行中北部區域之甲計畫工作,及中興工程顧問股份有限公司負責執行中南部區域之乙計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)工作,預計共完成400站(甲、乙兩計畫各200站)加油站土壤及地下水污染調查工作。本計畫(乙計畫)工作為辦理中南部區域共200站加油站土壤及地下水污染調查工作,以作為後續管制之依據。調查工作分為三個階段執行,第一階段調查為測漏管與土壤氣體檢測;第二階段調查為針對第一階段篩選出之具污染潛勢加油站進行土壤採樣分析及以簡易井進行地下水採樣分析;第三階段調查則為針對第二階段地下水超過管制標準之加油站,進一步設置標準監測井及進行地下水採樣分析。本計畫第一階段調查共完成200站加油站3,616支測漏管基本功能測試及油氣之LEL、PID及FID檢測,715點土壤間氣體之PID及FID檢測。依調查結果顯示,測漏管油氣濃度測值經評估具高污染潛勢者(A級)有7站,次高者(B級)有12站,合計為19站。另依環保署指示,本計畫第二階段之調查對象除前述之19站加油站外,亦針對環保署「95-96年度加油站防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備查核暨網路申報諮詢計畫」中所查核之7站高污染潛勢加油站進行調查,共計有26站。本計畫第二階段調查共完成26站加油站100點土壤採樣及檢測分析、78點簡易井地下水採樣及檢測分析。依檢測分析結果顯示,計有11站加油站之土壤污染物濃度達土壤污染管制標準;有9站加油站之簡易井地下水污染物濃度達地下水污染管制標準。於第三階段調查之9站加油站中,計有5站加油站之地下水污染物濃度達地下水污染管制標準。總結上述本計畫調查結果,共計有11站加油站之土壤污染物濃度超過管制標準,於該11站中有5站加油站之地下水污染物濃度亦超過管制標準,均應依土壤及地下水污染整治法相關規定進行管制。此外,依據本計畫調查之加油站基本資料、加油站防止污染地下水體設施及定期監測申報資料等,與加油站污染之潛勢進行相關性分析,以提供環保機關做為後續行政管制措施之參考依據。 Investigating Soil and Groundwater Pollution at the Gas Stations in Taiwan (the Fourth Project)(B) In order to prevent soil and groundwater pollution, ensure the sustainable use of soil and groundwater, and fulfill the regulations of Soil and Water Pollution Remediation Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (the EPA) planned the Project of Investigating Soil and Groundwater pollution at the Gas Stations in Taiwan(the Fourth Project)- the Plan A and B in 2007. The scope of the Plan A covered central and northern Taiwan and was carried out by MWH Taiwan. The scope of the Plan B (this Project) covered central and southern Taiwan and was carried out by Sinotech.LTD. Plan A and B carried out the investigation of soil and groundwater pollution for 400 gas stations (200 gas stations for each Plan).This Project (Plan B) was to investigate soil and groundwater pollution for 200 gas stations in central and southern Taiwan as reference in the follow up control activities. This project was implemented in three phases. The 1st phase was to measure the oil vapor density of soil vapor monitoring well. Based on the results of 1st phase, the 2nd phase selected gas stations with high pollution potential to conduct the detection and analysis of soil samples. In addition, groundwater samples from simple wells were also detected and analyzed. Based on the results of 2nd phase, the 3rd phase selected the gas stations with the pollutants’ concentration in the groundwater higher than the control standards to install standard monitoring wells and detect and analyze groundwater samples.The 1st phases was to test the basic functions of 3,616 soil gas monitoring wells, measure the oil vapor densities by using LEL, PID, and FID and the soil vapor of 715 samples by using PID and FID in 200 gas stations. The results indicated that the oil vapor density detected by soil gas monitoring wells in 7 gas stations with the highest pollution potential (A Class) and 12 gas stations with secondary pollution potential (B Class), totaling 19 gas stations. According to the instructions from the EPA, except the aforesaid 19 gas stations, the 2nd phase investigated the 7 gas stations listed in the Project of Inspection and Appraisal of Groundwater Pollution Control Facilities and Monitoring Equipment in Gas Stations, and Consultation on Internet Declaration System for 2006 and 2007. Totaling 26 gas stations were investigated at 2nd phase.The 2nd phase conducted the detection and analysis of 100 soil samples and 78 groundwater samples from simple wells in 26 gas stations. As a result, it was concluded that the pollutants’ concentration in the soil of the 11 gas stations had reached the control standards; the pollutants’ concentration in the groundwater from the simple wells of the 9 gas stations had reached the control standards. The 3rd phase was to investigate the 9 gas stations. The pollutants’ concentration in the groundwater of the 5 of them had reached the control standards.As a result, it was concluded that the pollutants’ concentration in the soil of the 11 gas stations were higher than the control standards, and the pollutants’ concentration in the groundwater of the 5 gas stations out of the 11 gas stations were higher than the control standards. All of them should be controlled in accordance with the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. Besides, a correlation analysis of the basic data of the gas stations surveyed in the project, groundwater pollution control facilities, and their periodic declaration reports, vis-à-vis the pollution potential of the gas station was conducted and the results provided as references for the EPA in the follow up activities of administrative control measures. 096 土污基管會 中興工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=293
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢機動車輛類-北區)專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署96年度委辦計畫執行摘要計畫名稱:應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢機動車輛類-北區)專案工作計畫計畫執行期程:民國96年4月1日至96年12月31日止計畫編號:EPA-96-HA13-03-A075執行單位:台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司計畫主持人:伍中流聯絡人:陳建州聯絡電話:(02)2299-3279 ext.3942傳真號碼:(02)2299-2911計畫經費:新台幣16,960,000元整執行情形 : 期末報告執行進度:預定:100% 實際:100% 預定16,960,000元 實際:16,960,000元 支用比率100%執行摘要:行政院環保署自民國86年推動「全民參與回饋式資源回收四合一計畫」,意在透過經濟市場機制,結合產源製造與資源回收體系,完成資源回收清除處理市場制度之整體規畫與管理辦法,藉由結合社區民眾、地方政府、回收拆解商及基金,開創便利且全民參與之回收管道,提高資源回收成效,以保護環境衛生,並維護資源永續利用。行政院環保署依相關規定並經公開甄選程序評選稽核認證團體,依據稽核認證作業手冊執行稽核認證作業。稽核認證作業主要功能與目的如下:一、建立確實有效之稽核方法與程序,俾使回收清除處理工作皆能順利推動。二、針對公告應回收之一般廢棄物,確實認定其回收量與處理量。三、查核並防止回收清除處理各環節中之可能弊端與風險。四、查核並輔導處理機構於回收清除處理作業上符合相關環保規範。本專案計畫回收處理機構計有109家,每次須派2名稽核人員至各回收處理機構進行認證,於96年4月至96年12月共計完成汽車93,754輛,機車122,844輛之稽核認證回收作業。同時本專案計畫亦就處理機構之作業程序與環境方面等執行相關查核,若發現有不符規範的情事,要求受補貼機構限期改善,並追蹤確認改善成效。藉由此項查核與要求,輔導受補貼機構於處理環節亦皆能符合相關環保規定。 The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste (Waste Motor Vehicles-north Region) 行政院環境保護署96年度委辦計畫英文摘要Project of inspection and certification on the recycling waste vehicle (Northern district of Taiwan)ABSTRACTProject title: Project of inspection and certification on the recycling waste vehicle (Northern district of Taiwan)Project code: EPA-96-HA13-03-A075Execution unit: SGS Taiwan Ltd.Project director: Mr. Chung-Liu WuProject period: April 1, 2007~Dec 31, 2007Project budget: 16,960,000 NTDSince 1997, EPA has launched “public participation feed-back recycling four-in-one project”, which integrated market mechanism, the production and recycling system, to achieve the overall planning and management of the resources collection, clearing, and recycling market. By means of adjusting the system and regulations, and with the integration of community public, local governments, collectors, and the recycling fund, it is to create a convenient and public participation collection way to increase resources recycling results for the protection of the environments and the sanitation as well as the sustainable utilization of the resources.In accordance with relevant regulations, EPA, through open selection procedure, evaluates and selects auditing and certification group, and Auditing and certification group execute the inspection and certification operation by the promulgated inspection and certification operation manual. Main functions and purposes of the inspection and certification operation are as under:1. To establish practical, economic, efficient, open, and transparent inspection methods and procedure, so that the works of the collection, clearance, and disposal could be promoted in a fair condition.2. To ascertain the collection and processing quantities of the promulgated general waste to be recovered.3. To inspect and prevent any possible malpractices and risks in the process of the collection, clearance, and disposal.4. To check and facilitate the collection, clearance, disposal operations in recycling organizations to meet related environment protection regulations.There are 109 vehicle-recycling organizations in northern district of Taiwan. This project demands 2 inspectors at recycling organizations for each inspection and certification operation.Until December 31, 2007 there are 93,754 cars and 122,844 motors inspected and certified. In the first half of this year, this project has checked the recycling process and the environment of the recycling organizations. If any irregularities found, the execution unit of this project will require the recycling organizations to improve and follow up the results of their improvement. Thus, the inspection and certification operation could achieve the quantity ascertainment and quality assurance in the collection, clearance, and disposal of the promulgated general waste to be recovered. 096 基管會 業務2組 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1642
運輸部門溫室氣體推估架構、清潔發展機制建立暨車輛二氧化碳減量技術評估計畫 參考UNFCCC(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)制訂之國家清冊規範及IPCC準則,依國內移動污染源管制現況,檢討運輸部門分類方式、建立運輸部門清冊架構;彙整蒐集清冊估算排放係數及活動強度資料,並完成運輸部門2006年溫室氣體排放量更新估算,排放量為38,079,499 CO2e公噸/年。以「溫室氣體減量法(草案)」相關規範、溫室氣體盤查議定書-企業會計與報告標準第二版中所載標準與實務指引,以及溫室氣體盤查議定書倡議行動所提供之移動源計算工具使用指南所載內容為主要依據,建立運輸部門盤查架構。規劃我國減量策略原則及執行架構,分為能源效率、運輸管理、低碳能源、經濟誘因、教育宣導五大主軸,並區分為供給面策略與需求面策略,強調以需求面策略優先。研析歐美等國際碳交易制度蒐集運輸部門清潔發展機制(CDM)方法論及成功登錄案例提供參考。並參考瑞典環保署針對EUETS汽車排放交易可行性進行評估報告,探討我國推動汽車碳交易制度機制的可行性。有鑑於目前汽車碳交易制度尚未成熟,若回歸需求面策略,應以實施能源稅為基礎,達到減少CO2排放的效果。規劃國內推動環保優良駕駛,於初期採取密集宣傳方式,使民眾體認環保駕駛對於環境與經濟的效益;於中、長期則以維持常態性宣傳為原則,以提醒民眾重視環保駕駛,達到長期改變民眾用車習性的效果。蒐集國外補助節能低污車輛策略機制及補助工具,一般而言,補助節能減污車輛在策略方面,可以分為補助購車或補助使用兩種情況,所採用的補助措施又大致可以分為經費補貼、稅賦優惠或其他經濟誘因等三種。本計畫並不傾向建議以補助政策鼓勵廠商生產或獎勵民眾購買節能減污車輛,但可以補助民眾搭乘大眾運輸。蒐集防制汽車二氧化碳排放之技術,顯示改善汽車空調的效率、減少汽車的輪胎或機械磨擦阻力、及駕駛行為的改變等,堪稱對消費者負擔最低的減量措施。分析新車型審驗及新車抽驗之CO2測試結果,初估96年國產汽油汽車使用年限內二氧化碳排放總量約7,546,904公噸。初步研擬規劃我國推動汽車二氧化碳排放減量之最佳策略1. 短期(2008~2015) :短期之推動主要以技術成熟之清潔燃料車輛為主,策略為:(1)5年內增設液化石油氣加氣站150座、(2)推動LPG機動車;並輔以汰舊換新之政策,有效改善與降低我國車輛之排放情況。2. 中期(2015~2030):接續推動複合電動車,使我國車輛排放量能持續降低;推動時並輔以實施效能規範、碳稅或都市塞車稅、降低清潔車輛進口關稅的配套措施,拉近複合電動車推動初期與當時主流車輛之價格差異,減少政府補助經費。辦理完成8場次專家諮詢會議及1場研討會,諮詢專家及各方意見作為本計畫規劃事項修正依據。 The Green House Gas management planning and the CDM establishment for the transportation departments Refer to the national inventory report formulated by UNFCCC and IPCC guideline and, subject to the control over mobile source domestically, discuss the transportation department's classification mode and establish the transportation department’s inventory framework. Summarize and collect the information about emission coefficient and strength estimated by the inventory report and complete the updated estimation of emission of greenhouse gas in 2006, i.e. 38,079,499 CO2e tons/year. Establish the transportation department’s inventory framework based on the “Greenhouse Gas Emission Limits Rule (Draft)”, GHG Protocol-the criteria and guidelines referred to 2nd edition of corporate accounting and reporting standard, and the guidance for the computation means of mobile source provided by GHG Protocol Initiative.Planning for our country’s reduction strategy and framework including 5 main objectives in terms of energy efficiency, transportation management, low carbon energy, economic incentive, and public information. The five objectives and control measures are further categorized into supply side strategy and demand side strategy with emphasis on demand side strategy as priority.Studies were done regarding international emission trade system, also collected CDM methodology and successful example for studies as well as the Swiss research report regarding carbon trade for vehicles. Since carbon trade for vehicles has not been developed in the world, it is suggested to consider the demand side strategy by implementing Energy Tax to achieve CO2 reduction. Preliminarily, it is suggested to implement an intensive promotional program in the short-term followed by continued reminding for eco-drive behavior in the mid and long-term to maintain the program effectiveness. The project studied the mechanism for financial support incentive program however does not suggest governmental funding for individual purchasing of low emission vehicles rather than funding for the use of public transportation.Collection of vehicle CO2 emission reduction technology, showing that improving air conditioning efficiency, reducing friction loss from tires and mechanical parts, as well as driving behavior change, can reduce emission at minimum cost. According to the analysis on CO2 test result of examination and random checks of new vehicles made in Taiwan in 2007, the total CO2 emission volume of new vehicles in usedtimes is preliminarily estimated as 7,546,904 tons.Planning a domestic strategy to decrease CO2 emission is developed and summarized as follow:Short term (2008-2015): focusing on clean vehicle technology development and reducing capital cost. Due to limited production of biomass, it is recommend to promote hybrid car by (1) building 150 LPG stations within next 5 years; (2) promoting LPG automobiles.Intermediate Stage (2015~2030): the available supply of LPG is not able to fulfill current demand in transportation sector, therefore, it is recommended to encourage people to purchase electrical car. In addition, performance standards, carbon tax, and traffic tax will be used as tools to control CO2 emission.Hold 8 rounds of expert consultation meeting and one symposium; the comments provided by advisors and from the various circles will serve to be the basis for amendments to the Project. 096 空保處 中鼎工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=645
河川維持自然機能之正常流量(基流量)檢討計畫 台灣河川受到自然氣候影響甚大,而呈現出季節性之不同雨量及水文特性。然而,河川上中下游之主支流河域,顯然受到不同層面的人為活動,而改變原有的河川流水型態及魚類棲地,其中以水壩蓄水、攔污堰及發電尾水排放之影響極大。而魚類棲地改善,本質屬於水利與生態工程,如果設計、施工與管理妥善,將有助於減緩水資源開發對於河川魚類生態之不利影響。基於上述目標,本報告除針對國內外河川正常流量(基流量)之設定方式進行了解外,並以專章瞭解國內河川正常流量之差異性,以及台灣河川棲地生態指標與生態基流量設計,另訪查新店溪、濁水溪、高屏溪及卑南溪,依各溪之河川壩堰構造物之特性,提出因應不同環境條件之改善措施,並召開公聽會以了解政府部分對於河川基流量訂定之意見,以提供今後政府在水資源開發及水土保持時減輕對河川環境之不自然的生態演替之參考。經由理論闡述、實地訪查、基流量試算比較以及召開公聽會等方式,本研究建議基流量之評估應以Q97與3cms兩者最低值較為合理,且僅於有攔河堰或攔水壩等人為介入時才需進行基流量評估計算,而若無水文站相關資料,則建議在下游必需之水量外另加上以經驗法「每百平方公里流域面積需0.135cms」之生態流量或逕自進行棲地改善以維持河川生態保育。若採用Q97方法計算新店溪碧潭攔河堰、濁水溪集集攔河堰、高屏溪攔河堰以及卑南溪上游新武呂及大崙溪合流處之基流量分別為0.87、2.94、13.50及12.05cms,如欲達到流速30cm/秒、水深30cm之水生生物適合生長條件,上述基流量於拋物線型河寬流道中最大河寬分別為42.7、298.1、225.0及200.8公尺。本研究另建議如以各種配套措施仍然無法達到基流量時建議以束制河道或棲地改善方式使各種水生生物能夠度過枯水期。最後建議河川基流量之計算應納入開發案之環境影響評估。 Review of the Base Flow for Rivers maitaining Natural Functions This study proposed a criterion for baseflow determination by theory discussion, filed investigation, baseflow calculation and comparision, and public hearing convention. The baseflow of certain area of four representative river, i.e. Xin-dian river (northern part of Taiwan), Zhou-shui river (middle part of Taiwan), Gao-ping river (southern part of Taiwan) and Pei-nan river (eastern part of Taiwan), were also determined and compared by Q95, Q97, Tennent, and experimental methods. It was suggested that the lower value of Q97 and 3 cms should be used as baseflow when hydrographic station data was available. Otherwise, the baseflow should be the summation of downstream required flowrate and 0.135 cms/100Km2 when no hydrographic station data was available. The baseflows of above four rivers were calculated as 0.87, 2.94, 13.50, and 12.05 cms by Q97 method, respectively. In addition, the river channel widths of the above river were 42, 298.1, 225.0 and 200.8 m when parabola shape river channel was used to keep a flow velocity at 30cm/s and river depth of 30cm. Furthermore, when the flowrate was lower than the calculated baseflow, river channel constraint or habit improvement should be used to help the aquatic biology to be survived during the dry season. Finally, the calculation of baseflow should be included in the environmental impact assessment. 096 水保處 臺灣水環境再生協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1321
九十六年度「辦理空、水、廢、毒基線資料及申報整合系統規劃計畫」 本計畫執行情間為96年1月起至96年12月止,工作項目共計七大項工作: (一)整合環保排放許可系統將空、水、廢、毒各許可申請整合並經由整合系統-空水廢毒管理資訊系統(EMS)作為單一入口之線上許可申請系統,本系統於96年7月提供測試系統供事業操作,並於96年8月1日正式上線使用,往後如申請各類許可、登記備查之申請、變更/異動,皆由EMS系統提供基線資料,以達成資料之一致性以及簡政便民之效果。(二)維護整合後之基線資料庫,以維持資料之最新狀況持續維護EMS資料庫與各系統資料庫間之資料應用,並提供共用基線資料作為各系統許可申請之來源資料,以維持資料之最新狀況。(三)協助各處推動許可證網路申請、審查、核發化作業協助各處推動許可證網路化作業機制及流程之建議,並協調各網路化作業與EMS銜接,預計空、水、毒各處將於97年度完成許可證網路化之相關作業。(四)協助各處完成整合所需之修法作業針對各處網路化作業所需配合修正之法規提出建議,空保處將修正「固定污染源設置及操作許可證管理辦法」;毒管處亦正進行「毒性化學物質許可登記核可管理辦法草案」、「毒性化學物質許可登記核可管理辦法草案」、「毒性化學物質許可登記核可管理辦法草案」之修正。(五)推動多媒介稽查EMS提供勾稽報表,藉由勾稽報表來讓環保機關檢視該事業基線資料與許可內容是否一致,協助各稽查作業之運行。(六)完成空水廢毒管資訊管理系統之整合,及建置完成一套中央與地方環保局及民間業者均能共用之資訊管理系統已將空、水、廢、毒各系統整合並由EMS單一入口登入,事業可直接於EMS系統進行許可申請、變更/異動作業,中央及環保局可直接於EMS系統檢視事業之資料,並連往各系統進行審查作業,以達成各系統整合之目的。(七)評估單一許可證、單一申請窗口之可行性針對空、水、廢、毒各許可項目、代碼、法規、系統、組織、對象等方面進行資料分析及建議,另外亦收集國內外相關資料作為評估單一許可證、單一申請窗口之參考。 Planning of the Baseline Information and Online Reporting Integration in the Area of Air, Water, Waste, and Toxic Substance The project executive time is starting from January 2007, until December 2007, and there are 7 tasks:(I)Integration of the Environmental Discharge Permit SystemIntegrating the online permit application of air, water, waste, and toxic substance altogether into one system as Environmental Management System (EMS). This system started to enter test stage for on July 2007, and officially became in use on August 1, 2007. EMS will offer baseline information for the task of permit application, registry reference application, and application change in order to achieve all the information in various categories are identical and system use is convenient to the public access. (II)Maintenance of the baseline information database after integration to make the data as most updated We continue the maintenance of the database between EMS and some other system. Also, the mutual baseline information is shared between different databases as the source for permit application to ensure the data is most updated. (III)Assisting other departments to promote permit online application, auditing, and issuing We assist other departments to promote permit online operation mechanism and flow process. Also, we coordinate other internet operations connect with the EMS. The predefined completed schedule of system regarding air, water, and toxic substance is year 2008. (IV)Assist other departments to complete the legal revision We offer suggestion toward any necessary legal revision based on the internet operation. The Department of Air Quality and Protection and Noise Control will amend “Stationary Pollution Source Installation and Operating Permit Management Regulations”. Department of Environmental Sanitation and Toxic Substance Management is amending “Toxic Substance Permit Registry Management”. (V)Promotion of Multimedia Inspection EMS offer auditing report, the environmental protection agency is able to take look at the baseline information and to decide if the information is identical with the permit content. This will facilitates the auditing of the permit and baseline information. (VI)Completeness of the integration of the air, water, waste, and toxic substance information management system, and establishing one system shared by central and local environmental protection agenciesWe already integrated the system of air, water, waste, and toxic substance altogether and login through EMS. Businesses directly apply permit, change permit through EMS. Central and local environmental protection agencies can take look at the information of the businesses in EMS, and the connection of other system is completed in order to achieve the goal of system integration. (VII)Appraisal of the possibility of making one permit and one-stop shopping windowAiming at permit category, waste code, regulation, system, organization, and targets of air, water, waste, and toxic substance, we make analysis and suggestions. We also collect relevant information from other countries to make appraisal of the possibility making one permit and one-stop shopping window. 096 廢管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1183
事業水污染防治專案重點查核計畫 由於目前嘉南大圳河川內硝酸、磷酸、氨氮特高,而溶氧飽和值相對很低,水質不良,顯示河川遭到嚴重汙染,但是大圳的沿線的廣大農田依然在耕作,而位於供水線末端的台南市,農民在枯水期還是使用大圳的水進行灌溉,污染了土地也污染農作。至於大圳的末端,是廣大的魚塭以及養蚵場。嘉南大圳疑遭到台南縣重點事業及台南市和順工業區廢水汙染,雖目前於台南市部份鎖定區內電鍍業,但仍未掌握業者具體違法事證,無法取締業者以改善污染源。行政院環境保護署為落實水污染防治管理工作,特別擬定「事業水污染防治專案重點查核計畫」,期望運用民間專業人力,運用科學稽查儀器設備,積極對台南市和順工業區為優先執行重點區域,並擴大執行範圍至台南市與台南縣重點事業,針對重點事業內水污染源進行稽查管制,以徹底掌握工廠廢水處理情形,並蒐集業者違法事證,俾利日後追蹤管理與取締,終止污染源。計畫執行期間依據技佳公司所擬定之「和順工業區事業廢水(廢液)處理設施查核作業程序」執行工業區重點廠商查核,查核項目包含現場查核及廢水處理設施合理性分析作業,據以研判推定偷排情形,針對有環保犯罪之虞者,進一步以專業污染蒐證技術及先進儀器使用,進行污染源追蹤及查察、水質連續監測工作,與事業污染事證蒐集及保全作業,以最迅速、最有效方式調查污染證據,針對有污染事實之事業單位進一步通報環保機關執行稽查及採樣,取得污染直接證據,以遂行公權力。 Special project of investigation of industrial wastewater pollution prevention Jia-nan water catchment has been sufering from high concentrations of nitric acid, phosphoric acid and NH3-N, which resulted in the low concentration of dissolved oxygen. As seriously polluted as the water qaulity index might suggest, the vast coastal agricultural lands are still under cultivation. Farmers in Tainan city, situated at the end of the catchment, commonly use the catchemtn water for irrigation during dry seasons. It consequently caused the pollution of the farm lands as well as the crop. The large amount of fishing farms nearby are also under threat. Major industrial units in tainan county as well as the wastewater discharged out of he-shun industrila area are allegedly responsible for the deterioration of the catchment water. Although the authority has been focus their attention on some major electroplate factories, concrete evident has not been found yet to legally stop the illegal wastewater discharges. To carry out the pollution reduction plan, “Special plan for major industrial wastewater discharges inspection” was drafted. With the expertise of local professionals and the incoporation of special inspection apparatus, special attention is focused on the He-shun industrial area. With the inspection and regulation of major industrial pollution sources and the collection of illegal discharging evident, it will eventually put an end to the water pollution and ultimately preserve the clean river water bodies.During the project year, Je-ga environmental consulting firm drafted “Inspection of the standard operational procedures of wastewater treatment facilities for He-shun Industrial area”. The industrial working environments were inspected; in addition, their wastewater treatment facilities were analyzed to determine whether illegal wastewater discharges happened. 24-hour water quality monitors were deposited at those factories with alleged pollution behaviors for effectively collecting pollution evidence. 096 水保處 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2034
推動含汞產品禁限用計畫 汞為持久性生物累積物質,即使極微量也可能對人體健康產生高度危害,在「逐步限汞、最終禁汞」之國際趨勢下,世界各國政府紛紛限制汞用於某些產品上且對含汞產品之最終處置採嚴格管制措施。常見含汞產品包括乾電池、水銀溫度計及汞血壓計等民生用品。無論廢棄含汞產品以焚化處理或掩埋處置方式,均有可能流布於環境之中,因此必須針對此類產品之源頭進行有效管制,才能遏止其危害。行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)有鑑於汞對環境及人體健康之危害,除延續含汞乾電池之管制工作外,更進一步評估其他含汞產品以持續推動源頭減量政策。本計畫執行完成之工作內容包括:(一)持續推動含汞乾電池禁限用政策;(二)協助推動汞體溫計及汞血壓計禁限用政策,配合辦理相關配套措施,並研議汞體溫計、血壓計回收再利用方式。(三)協助辦理第二階段含汞產品限禁用政策及相關配套措施之研擬;(四)辦理含汞產品禁限用政策瀏覽網頁及資料庫擴充及維護;(五)辦理相關會議及協助限汞政策相關工作。依執行成果所見,在電池汞含量管制部份,無論業者自行檢測或主管機關抽驗結果,均可見汞含量超過5ppm管制標準之比例逐漸下降(2007年已低於0.5%),抽驗含量最高值亦由2005年之4,240 ppm 降為2007年僅40.1ppm;抽驗結果為無法檢測(N.D.)出者已達98%以上,均顯示管制成效良好。另與歐盟電池指令重金屬含量標準比較,指定電池鎘含量尚有10%(12式)超出歐盟2006年修訂之加嚴管制標準20ppm,建議未來可增加鎘含量之管制限值。經製造輸入業者、醫療機構及醫療器材販賣業者抽樣問卷調查結果顯示,汞體溫計與汞血壓計使用量仍高,以567份有效問卷結果為基礎,推估全國汞體溫計之使用情形約每年52.7萬支,另推估現存於家戶之使用中汞體溫計尚有370萬支。汞血壓計每年約製造、輸入8.5萬台,其中4.5萬台係輸出至國外,餘4萬台進入國內市場。合計每年約有3,032公斤汞進入國內市場。汞體溫計基於替代技術純熟、已建立檢定檢查技術規範、國內業者與使用者已具共識、國外已有立法禁限用經驗之基礎下,顯示管制時機成熟,環保署已完成「限制水銀體溫計輸入、販賣」公告草案,並已於2007年10月完成預告程序。汞血壓計部分,因檢定檢查技術規範尚未建立,且須兼顧在不影響醫療品質之原則下,故建議暫不採行禁限用措施。藉由台美技術交流與國際管理資訊蒐集,已知對其他量測設備、含汞開關、汞齊(補齒劑)等產品;以及學校、醫療院所等使用場所,可作為下階段研擬持續推動含汞產品源頭減量之標的。對於已進入國內市場或使用中之汞體溫計及汞血壓計,因其含汞重量大、純度高(達99.99%以上),具有再利用價值,為利於管理,建議應給予獨立之廢棄物代碼,並宣導醫療機構不要併入感染性事業廢棄物或一般事業廢棄物處理,輔以「事業廢棄物貯存清除處理方法及設施標準」第20條第8項規定,輔導及追蹤促使業者進入熱處理體系,以回收汞元素進行再利用。 Promoting the Project of Prohibiting and Limiting the Use of Mercury Products The mercury is a permanent biological accumulating substance. Even a trace amount of mercury may cause great hazard to the health of human body. Under the international trend of “restricting the mercury progressively, banning the mercury finally”, the government of every nation in the world restricts to use mercury in some products and adopts strict control measures for their final disposal. The common mercury-containing products include people's livelihood articles, such as dry cell, mercury thermometer and mercury sphygmomanometer etc. No matter waste mercury-containing products are treated by incineration or landfill, the mercury may flow and distribute in the environment. So it is necessary to control the source of these products effectively, in order to eliminate its hazard. Upon considering the hazard of mercury to the environment and the health of human body, the Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan (hereinafter referred as EPA) not only continues the control work of mercury-containing dry cell, but also assesses other mercury-containing products to promote the source reduction policy continuously. The works completed by this project include: (1) Promote the restriction policy of mercury-containing products continuously; (2) Help to promote the restriction policy of mercury thermometer and mercury sphygmomanometer, cooperate with the relevant supplementary measures, and propose the recycling way of mercury thermometer and mercury sphygmomanometer; (3) Help to handle the restriction policy of mercury-containing products and propose the relevant supplementary measures for Phase 2 of project; (4) Handle the browse webpage and database expansion and maintenance for the restriction policy of mercury-containing products; and (5) Handle the relevant meeting and help to deal with the relevant work of mercury restriction policy.According to the execution results, as for the control of mercury content in the cell, no matter it is inspected by the firms or tested by the competent authority, the ratio is reduced gradually for mercury content over 5ppm of control standard (below 0.6% in 2007). The maximum value is reduced from 4,240ppm in 2005 to only 40.1ppm in 2007. The ratio of non-detectable (N.D.) is up to 98%, which shows the control effect is very good. In addition, upon comparing to EU Battery Directive for the content of heavy metal, the cadmium content for 10% (12 types) of cell is over 20ppm, which exceeds the stricter control standard revised by European Union in 2006. It is recommended that the control limit of cadmium content can be increased in the future.The questionnaire investigation result of manufacturing and import sector, medical organization and medical device dealer shows that the utilization amount of mercury thermometer and mercury sphygmomanometer is still very high. Based on the result of 567 effective questionnaires, it is estimated that about 527,000 mercury thermometers are used per year in whole country, and about 3,700,000 mercury thermometers are stored in the house at present. About 85,000 mercury sphygmomanometers are manufactured and imported per year. About 45,000 of them are exported to foreign countries, and the other 40,000 of them are consumed in the domestic market. Totally, about 3,032 kg of mercury enters the domestic market per year. Due to the substitution technology of mercury thermometer is mature, the inspection standard and technical specification have been established. The domestic firms and users have common understanding. There is restriction experience in foreign countries. It shows the control timing is mature. The EPA has completed the draft of “Restriction for Import, Sales of Mercury Thermometer”, and the promulgation procedure has been completed in October 2007. As for the mercury sphygmomanometer, it is recommended that the restriction measures will not be adopted temporarily, because the inspection standard and technical specification have not been established, and the medical quality will not be influenced.The products such as other measuring equipments, mercury-containing switch, and mercury amalgam (teeth filling agent), and the places such as schools, and hospitals are the subjects for promoting source reduction of mercury-containing products in next stage, through Sino-American technological communication and collection of international management information. As for the mercury thermometer and mercury sphygmomanometer used in the domestic market, they have recycle value, because the mercury weight is large and the mercury purity is high (above 99.99%). The independent waste code shall be given to it for better management. The medical organization shall be declared that do not incorporate it into the infectious industrial waste or general industrial waste for treatment. Item 8, Article 20 of “Storage, Disposal, Treatment Method and Facility Standard of Industrial Waste” shall be used to help and track the firms to enter the heat treatment system, in order to recycle the mercury element. 096 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1860
以政治、經濟與法律層面探討後京都時期因應方案(二) 本計畫之工作項目包括三部分:(一)探討及研析後京都時期關鍵因素;(二)掌握與參與重要國際及研究機構針對後京都時期之探討;(三)整合及建置國內因應後京都時期制度。各項工作之成果簡述如後: (一) 探討及研析後京都時期關鍵因素 (1)政治層面:(a)完成APP政策和實施委員會於2006年10月通過8個工作組之行動方案重點摘要;完成2007年9月「雪梨APEC領袖氣候變化、能源安全及清潔發展宣言」(Sydney APEC Leaders’ Declaration on Climate Change, Energy Security and Clean Development)之重點說明。(b)完成韓國、印度、新加坡、中國及日本等五個國家因應對策分析。(c)完成彙整G8 Summit宣言「Growth and Responsibility in the World Economy」重點。(d)完成摘要聯合國氣候變化高峰會議及主要經濟體之能源安全與氣候變化會議重點說明。 (2)經濟層面:(a)提供2007年6月至12月國際原油價格趨勢。(b)完成分配額交易(歐盟排放交易制度、澳洲新南威爾斯省溫室氣體減量制度、芝加哥氣候交易所)及計畫別交易介紹,並依據Point Carbon碳市場報告(2007.03)提出市場展望,及說明COP-13針對多邊調適基金(Multilateral Adaptation Fund)全球碳稅之提議內容。 (3)法律層面:(a)已完成第13次締約國大會法律分析,另提出第四次特別工作小組(AWG)期間階段會議重點,及2008-2009年AWG工作會議時程說明。(c)完成GATT/WTO處理與多邊環境協定議題說明、WTO 與後京都方案間的關聯分析,並探討排放權作為貨物貿易的可行性,再以美國與加拿大為例分析排放交易的法律問題。 (二) 掌握與參與重要國際及研究機構針對後京都時期之探討(1)參與聯合國氣候變化綱要公約會議及建立合作國際管道:(a)完成第13次締約國大會暨第3次京都議定書締約國會議2人次國際會議參與。重點包括:氣候變遷長期合作行動對話、巴里島行動方案及主要集團談判立場說明。 (2)國際排放交易制度參與可行性研析:(a)提出芝加哥協議、區域性溫室氣體倡議與溫減法草案之立法比較歸納。(b)提供參加區域性溫室氣體倡議備忘錄之規則,以有從事二氧化碳交易與投資實有更仔細的法律依據。 (三) 整合及建置國內因應後京都時期制度 (1)研析未來承諾方式與排放交易在技術性的符合性:(a)完成國際能源署2005年11月研究報告(New Commitment Options: Compatibility with Emissions Trading)之分析。(b)提出歐盟排放交易體系、區域溫室氣體倡議(RGGI)、芝加哥協議等彈性系統(temporal flexibility system)之比較分析。 (2)碳交易市場監督之研析:針對CER之法律性質、產生、移轉、消滅之規定進行介紹,再對CER可能之交易型態及監管方式進行分析,最後分析CDM計畫可能產生之風險及爭端解決方案。 (3)我國經濟制度與國際接軌方案之建議:(a)說明台灣面臨的國際減量壓力源說明。(b)針對全球碳交易系統進行說明,提出台灣可能參與空間。 The politic, economic and legal analysis on compliance strategic after Kyoto- part II This project includes three parts: first, the discussion and analysis of the key elements after Kyoto; second,participation and getting involved in the Post-Kyoto researches hosted by key international institutes; third,the domestic Kyoto compliance systems integration and capacity building. The findings and efforts are summarized as followings. A. Discussion and analysis of the key elements after Kyoto (a) On International politic level, this project (i) summarized the decisions passed by the Policy and Implementation Committee Meeting of Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP) in September, 2006; and also completed the explanations of the Sydney APEC Leaders’ Declaration on Climate Change, Energy Security and Clean Development. (b) completed the analysis the climate implementation policies of South Korean, India, Singapore, China and Japan. (c) collated the declaration “Growth and Responsibility in theWorld Economy“ announced by G8 Summit. (d) abstracted the conclusions of the Conference of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the results of energy security and climate change meetings of mains economic entities. (b) Economic level: this project (i) provided the trends of global crude oil price from June to December 2007; (ii) completed the introduction of quota transaction of different emission trading systems (EU ETS, New South Wales Emission Trading system, Australia and Chicago Climate Exchange), also estimated the markets based on the research reports from Point Carbon; abstracted the carbon tax mentioned in Multilateral Adaptation Fund in COP13; (c) Legal level: this project (a) completed the legal analysis and decisions of COP13 and 4th AWG meeting, also the 2008~2009 AWG meeting schedule; (b) achieved the explanations the principles adopted by GATT/WTO dealing with Multilateral Environment Agreements, the connection between WTO and Post-Kyoto solutions and the discussion of the possibilities for emission credits traded as goods under GATT. This project also analyzed the legal issues of emission trading between US and Canada. B. Participation and getting involved in the Post-Kyoto researches hosted by key international institutes (a) Participated the Conference of UNFCCC and established the international corporation channels; (i) completed the two persons participation on meetings of COP13 and MOP3; the key points included: the long-term Corporation Dialog of Climate Change, Bali Action Plan and the position explanation of main negotiation groups. (b) The possibility analysis of Taiwan to join the international emission trading systems: (i) the legislations comparative among Chicago Accord, RGGI regulations and Taiwan GHG Reduction Drafting Act. (ii) this project provided the rules and memorandum of RGGI for future reference of CO2 emission trading and investments. C. The domestic Kyoto compliance systems integration and capacity building (a) Analyzed the future commitment measures and the technology capacities for the emission trading scheme: (i) completed the discussion of the report of New Commitment Options: Compatibility with Emissions Trading in November 2005; (ii) the comparisons and analysis of temporal flexibility systems, such as EU ETS, RGGI and Chicago Climate Change. (b) The analysis of monitoring measures of carbon trading market: introduced the legal nature, creation, transfer, retirements of CERs. Further discussed the possible transaction types and monitoring measures of CERs. Finally analyzed the risks and dispute resolution of CDM projects. (c) The suggestions for Taiwan’s economic system proceeds the international regulations: (i) this project explained the reduction pressures of Taiwan within the climate change regime. (ii) this project also provide suggestions for Taiwan’s participation measures based on the explanations of global carbon trading system. 096 空保處 國立清華大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1383
96年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫空氣污染夜間陳情案件處理計畫 本計畫年度各項作業執行至12月31日,共計受理並完成陳情案件稽巡查共1256件以及協助稽巡查1044件,共計2300件,達成本年度目標之575%(2300/400)。其中陳情案件屬於空氣污染類別案件數為562件,佔44.7%(562/1256),各項執行成果摘要如表1 ,各項說明如下:1、民眾陳情案件之受理稽巡查稽巡查各類陳情案件共1256件,其中包括了空氣污染(不含臭味)7件、露天燃燒224件、臭味逸散269件、營建工程62件、噪音案件656件、水污染10件、環境衛生28件。其中以噪音案件數居首,佔總陳情案件數之52.23%,其次為空氣污染陳情案件佔44.7%。統計所受理陳情案件至陳情現場所需花費時間平均15.5分鐘,其中以噪音陳情平均接獲到達現場時間最快為13.1分鐘,空氣污染(不含惡臭)陳情平均為13.6分鐘次之,空氣污染(惡臭)陳情平均為14.4分鐘居第三,露天燃燒陳情平均為16.4分鐘居第四。另外依據「行政院環保署公害陳情系統」民調滿意度調查表所示,本市陳情案件完成調查數共計279件,表示”尚可”者計76件,佔49.67%,其次為”滿意者”計26件,佔16.99%。統計歷年「行政院環保署公害陳情系統」民調滿意度調查結果得知94年至96年民眾回應”非常滿意度”由1.03%上昇至2.39%”,滿意度”由14.38%上昇至16.99%,顯示陳情計畫執行具有良好成效。2、陳情案件分析1.臭味逸散陳情統計分析臭味陳情案件之269件中,民眾陳情以油煙臭味為最多,共計111件佔41.26%,其次為不明情形污染共計53件,佔19.7%,居第三者為動物屎糞味、動物屍體、豬糞味,25件,佔9.29%。以臭味陳情案件發生地點分類,則以則以商家為其主要發生地點,共計 111件,佔41.26%,其次為路口41件,佔15.24%,居第三者為工廠36件,佔13.38%。2.噪音陳情本計畫處理之噪音陳情案件656件中,以噪音的發生源分類,以擴音設施、音樂聲為最多,共計154件,佔23.44%,其次為卡拉OK音響,計125件,佔19.03%,以及機械作業噪音案件,計122件,佔18.57%。以噪音發生地點統計,主要則以商家為其主要發生地點,共計304件,佔46.27%,其次為住家,計125件,佔19.03%。3.露天燃燒陳情分析本計畫受理之露天燃燒案件224件中,露天燃燒發生的地點以不明為最多,計59件,佔26.34%,其次為較空曠無人之空地,計41件,佔18.30%,居第三者為農田計33件佔14.73%。以燃燒物質種類進行分析,其中不明情形為最多計80件,而發現燃燒行為者以露天燃燒燃燒稻草為主要類型,計38件,佔16.96%,其次為廢樹枝葉,計29件,佔12.95%。4.歷年空氣污染陳情案件消長分析彙整本市歷年空氣污染各類陳情案件,其中空氣污染(不含惡臭)由92年207件下降至96年119件,反觀空氣污染(惡臭)由92年160件上昇至96年495件。空氣污染(不含惡臭)以營建工程之陳情案件降幅最大由93年118件下降至96年55件,具管制成效;空氣污染(惡臭)以燃燒行為增幅最大由92年42件增至96年208件,另商業行為之陳情案件也有上昇趨勢,故本市在燃燒行為及商業行為所引起之空氣污染尚有努力空間。3、協助稽巡查管制作業本計畫協助各類案件進行稽巡查1044場次,包含固定源一般性稽查127場次,露天燃燒一般性稽查及複查22場次,露天燃燒重點巡查618場次,噪音一般性巡查209場次,噪音陳情追蹤複查31場次,臭味逸散陳情追蹤複查28場次,營建工程陳情追蹤複查9場次。4、稽巡查改善成果1.露天燃燒重點巡查根據本計畫所擬定露天燃燒重點區域30處,以八掌溪堤防沿岸、自強重劃區大富路與大信路口、彌陀路228紀念碑往嘉義大學方向等此3處稽查發現有廢棄物堆置之外,其餘27處地點皆未發現污染情形,而巡查發現堆置廢棄物處已請清潔隊協助清理。2.空氣污染削減成果本計畫之空氣污染削減量為撲滅露天燃燒行為之削減量,可削減之各項空氣污染物量為TSP:1.82公噸、SOx:0.05公噸、NOx:0.55公噸、CO:12.8公噸、THC:3.45公噸。 Air pollution improvement maintenance plan of Jiayi city for 96 year air AbstractEvery homework is it to December 31, accept and is it give a full account case is it patroll altogether 1256 and help to check and patroll 1044 to check to finish altogether to carry out year such as plan, it is 2300 altogether, reaches 575% of the annual goal of the cost (2300/400). It is 562 that it is counted that the case is the classification case of air pollution that among them give a full account, accounts for 44.7% (562/1256),Several carries out the achievement summary like form 1, several proves as follows: First, the people give a full account the case is accepted and checking patrolling The case amount to 1256 to check all kinds of of patrolling and give a full account, include the air pollution (not include the stink) 7, burning 224, stink ease and distributing 269, building 62 projects, 28 pieces of 10 pieces of 656 noise cases, water pollution, environmental sanitation in the open. Is it occupy piece to count by case with noise among them, is it give a full account 52.23% that the case counted always to account for, secondly give a full account for the air pollution the case accounts for 44.7%. The case spends time for average 15.5 minutes at the necessary scene to giving a full account to count and accept and give a full account, on-the-spot time is most 13.1 minutes fast that among them give a full account and obtain and reach equally with the noise, air pollution (not include stench) Give a full account and take second place for 13.6 minutes on average, air pollution (stench) Give a full account and occupy the third for 14.4 minutes on average, burn and give a full account and occupy the fourth for 16.4 minutes on average in the open. Basis ' executive organ environmental protection administration public hazards give a full account system ' poll satisfaction questionnaire show in addition, this city gives a full account the case finishes investigating it counts and it is 279 altogether, show the one " in line " counts 76, accounting for 49.67%, secondly count 26 for " the satisfied one ", accounts for 16.99%. Count ' executive organ environmental protection administration public hazards give a full account system ' poll satisfaction investigation result learn people react " extraordinary satisfaction " rise by 1.03% from 1994 to 1996 over the years To 2.39% ", satisfaction " rises from 14.38% to 16.99%, show and give a full account that plans to carry out and have good effects. Second, case analysis that give a full account 1.The stink ease breaks up and gives a full account The statistical analysis stink gives a full account in 269 of the case, people is it regard soot stink as most many to give a full account, it is altogether 111 account for 41.26%, add up to 53 for unidentified situation pollution secondly, accounting for 19.7%, it is animal's dung excrement flavor, animal's corpse, pig's excrement flavor to occupy the other person, 25, accounts for 9.29%. The place classification takes place in the case to give a full account with the stink, in order to regard trade company as place of taking place mainly it, it is 111 altogether, take 41.26%, secondly it is 41 crossings, accounts for 15.24%, it is 36 factories to occupy the other person, accounts for 13.38%. 2.The noise gives a full account The noise that this plan deals with gives a full account in 656 cases, with the emergence source classification of the noise, in order to amplify facilities, music sound are for being most, it is 154 altogether, accounts for 23.44%, secondly it is the stereo of the Karaoka disc, counting 125, accounts for 19.03%, and the noise case of mechanical homework, count 122, take 18.57%. Count the place with the noise, regard trade company as it and happen in the place mainly mainly, it is 304 altogether, take 46.27%, secondly it is a household, count 125, take 19.03%. 3.Burn and give a full account in the open The ones that analyse a plan and accept are in 224 open-air burning cases, burn place that take place with most, count 59, take 26.34% in the open, secondly it is more spacious nobody's vacant lot, count 41, take 18.30%, it accounts for 14.73% counting 33 for the farmland to occupy the other person. Analyse in order to burn the material kind, the unidentified situation, in order to count 80 at most among them, and find the person who burns behavior regards burning the straw the main type in the open as, counting 38, accounts for 16.96%, secondly in order to abolish the branch leaf, count 29, take 12.95%. 4.Growth and decline analysis of the case that the air pollution gives a full account over the years Remit whole this city air pollution all kinds of give a full account case over the years, air pollution among them (suck stench) 207 drop to 119 in 1996, review the air pollution from 1992 (stench) Rise from 160 in 1992 to 495 in 1996. Air pollution (not include stench) In order to build to give a full account case to be decreasing amplitude most heavy 118 drop to 1996 55 from 1993 project, in charge of making the result; Air pollution (stench) Increase in order to burn greatest 42 from 1992 of increasing degree behaviors by 208 to 1996, the case of giving a full account of another conduct of business has the tendency to rise too, so the air pollution caused to burn the behavior and conduct of business is still having space hard in this city. Third, help to check and patroll and manage the manufacturing This plan helps all kinds of cases to check and patroll 1044 sessions, include 127 sessions of general check of regular source, burn general check and reexamine 22 sessions in the open, burn and patroll 618 sessions especially in the open, patrolling 209 sessions generally in noise, the noise gives a full account and tracks that 31 sessions are reexamined, the stink ease breaks up and gives a full account to track that 28 sessions are reexamined, build the project and give a full account and track that 9 sessions are reexamined. Fourth, check and patroll the achievement of improving 1.Burn and patroll especially in the open Draft according to this plan that burns 30 key areas in the open, with eight palm small stream dykes, improve oneself person who draw again outside heavy rich way and large letter crossing, Amitabha Buddha way 228 monument is it is it have offal pile and put to find to check by university direction,etc. three this Chiayi, 27 over place its find pollution situation all, is it is it is it put offal office ask cleaning squad to help to clear up to pile to find to patroll. 2.The air pollution cuts down the achievement The cutting down amount of air pollution of this plan, in order to put out the cutting down amount that burns the behavior in the open, the pollutant amount of every air that can be cut down is TSP: 1.82 metric tons, SOx: 0.05 metric tons, NOx: 0.55 metric tons, CO: 12.8 metric tons, THC: 3.45 metric tons. 096 嘉義市政府環境保護局 竫豐工程企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=748
空氣品質監測資料蒐集系統功能提升與整合專案計畫 本年度計畫執行期限自民國95年12月起至96年11月止,本計畫主要分為空氣品質監測網系統功能提昇與南北超級測站系統整合兩部分。空氣品質監測網系統功能提昇主要為改進及新增目前空氣品質監測網之系統功能,其項目包含校正功能提升、資料蒐集功能提升、時間同步、六秒值上傳及整合、使用者權限功能之彈性設定、所有測站狀況總表自動EMAIL發送功能、新增風速風向整小時之向量平均等。其原則為必須在不影響空氣品質監測資料之蒐集、發布,並在符合本計畫目標下,進行各項功能強化或新增。南北超級測測系統整合主要目的為將北部(新莊)超級測站整合至現有之南部超級測站系統中,本系統整合工作項目包含:建置測站伺服器、建置資料蒐集及處理系統、建置資料儲存系統、網頁查詢及設定、資料傳輸至中心端、中心端系統及網頁整合等。其主要目的為將新莊超級測站與現有之輔英、潮州、前鎮及橋頭四個測站整合為一個單一網路查詢介面之系統,使得同一套伺服器可接收輔英、潮州、前鎮、橋頭及新莊超級測站之資料,並提供上網查詢。本計畫執行後之成果已經大幅增進校正功能之成功率及資料蒐集之穩定度,並且將南部超級測站與北部超級測站整合成一個單一的超級測站系統。 Air Quality Data Acquisition System Enhancement and Integration Of South And North Super Site. This project was designed and implemented from December 2006 to November 2007. This project was planned to improve and add new functions to the existing Air Quality Data Acquisition System and integrated the separated North and South Super Site system into one unified system. The enhancements for the Air Quality Data Acquisition System includes calibration function improvement, data collection enhancement, time synchronization, six-second data upload and integration utility, user privilege management, auto email the status of all stations everyday, new Wind-Speed and Wind-Direction vector average for whole hour, etc. The principle of the implementation is any modifications or additions can not influence the operations of the current existing system. The North and South Super Site system integration is to integration north super site with the existing south super site into one server and one web-based system, The main items of this part include to build a local station server, a data collection and processing system, a local database and web server system, and transmit data to center server and integration with the center server’s database system and web-based system. The main purpose of the super sites integration is to integrate the Shin-Juang super site station with the existing Fu-Ying, Chau-Jou, Chian-Jen and Chiau-Tou super site stations. After the integration, all super sites will use the same database and web server and provided the same web-based interface to control and query data. This project promoted dramatically the functionality of calibrations and data collections and successfully integrated the south and north super site system into one united system. 096 監資處 德凌資訊股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1509
96年度各級環保報案中心公害陳情系統功能提昇暨維護管理專案工作(第2年)計畫 本專案維護「環保報案中心公害陳情案件管理系統」,受理全國民眾有關於公害之陳情,透過網路、電子郵件、電話、傳真或書面等方式受理,並將案件即時地交辦至各級環保單位;環保單位列印管制單交由稽查人員到場處理後,將處理結果登錄回系統,並以民眾指定之方式回覆,同時辦理過程限於7日內。 合約期間受理31個環保單位藉由各項管道提出對本系統相關問題,客服人員作出回覆及協助解決操作上之困難,使系統成為各環保單位執行本業務時,依賴之重要工具。以96年度為例,每月各級環保單位之客服次數約為46次,對於各單位之建議修改需求亦即時反應予主辦單位。 本計畫提供各級環保單位良善的操作介面,對於陳情主機軟硬體調整、作業系統更新及維護、並在功能上強化,建置良好的流程控管及提示功能;目前系統儲存民眾陳情案件量共計105萬件以上,96年度截至12月中旬,已受理超過14萬件,各單位使用狀況良好。 本系統亦提供民眾及環保單位友善的操作介面,進行雙向溝通,提供線上滿意度調查及收集民眾對於所陳情之案件處理品質之意見,作為各單位加強服務或改進之參考。 National Environmental protection Agencies Public Nuisance cases Accepting Center MIS Upgrade & Maintenance project of 2007 This project is responsible for the maintenance of 「EPA public nuisance appeal system」. The system is designed to fulfill the acceptance of nuisance cases via web, telephone, facsimile, letter, and any possible sources. All the cases will be delivered to the authorized EPBs through the web instantly. After EPBs receive the cases they will print out the case sheet to designated inspector to perform the on-site examination or collect evidence. The inspected result shall be responded to the reporter. The case from acceptance to the response shall be limited shorter than 7 days. The authorized EPBs and divisions are 31 units. They will suggest all the expectation or improvement on the system to help them a better decision making reference. This project dedicated user service which provides the assistance or improvement towards the suggestion. The customer Service takes 2007 as the spectrum; the EPBs provide approximately 46 requests per month. All the requests and suggestions from the EPBs have been reported to the client rapidly. Project provides a better interface to display system more friendly. Other than that, the mainframe software has been adjusted, o/s updated and maintained, the implementation of function was made to provide better data flow control and process hints, existing databank stores people appeals amounted to 1050,000 cases and above. In 2007 up to Dec. the accepted cases are accumulated to 140,000. All the users are comfortable on applying the system to do the daily jobs smoothly. This system also plays the role of the communication bridge between people and EPBs. The system provides on-line satisfaction inventory and people suggestion collection, which could be viewed as a very important reference to motivate this affair getting improvement. 096 管考處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2024
96年度「空氣品質監測站網臭氧分佈解析」 完整的空氣品質現況及變化趨勢是環保主管機關研擬管制計畫及評估管制成效的重要依據,而空氣品質監測為具體且最直接獲得周界空氣品質現況的方法。本計畫之主旨為目前監測站站址的臭氧監測值,在人為活動及時空條件改變推移之下,相較於區域空氣品質是否有高估或低估的傾向,藉由臭氧模式對區域性空氣品質的模擬研究,解析目前的監測資料與區域性的空氣品質所存在之關聯性。  本計畫目標為建立北部、竹苗、宜蘭空品區臭氧一小時及八小時平均濃度之區域差異特性及評估該三空品區空氣臭氧濃度分佈與污染排放量之關聯性。臭氧模式結果則將分別以臭氧1小時平均及八小時平均濃度之區域性差異特性、臭氧濃度區間分佈之探討、站址與熱點空間之對應關係、各監測站接受臭氧來源比例之分析等方式作解析。  研究團隊針對本期計畫工作成果共作出六項結論。  一、由模擬期程之選定工作成果,特別針對臭氧高污染狀況所發展之模擬期程篩選流程應可提供日後相關研究工作之用,尤其北台灣空品區,發生臭氧時間短,各空品區並非大範圍有高濃度值,故選取個案時,宜提高標準。建議使用大於110 ppb之站數至少兩站為篩選基準,或八小時大於80 ppb亦為兩站為選則期程基準。所選定之為期程一2003年05月07日至2003年05月14日,期程二為2003年08月27日至2003年09月03日,期程三為2003年10月20日至2003年10月27日,期程三為2003年11月05日至2003年11月12日。  二、由氣象場模擬及結果解析工作成果,在高壓籠罩或鋒面暖區、低風速、低雲蓋量、日照強烈時,容易有區域臭氧高污染日的產生。  三、北部地區臭氧發生區域較小,通常不會傳輸跨空品區,若有傳輸跨空品區,大多只發生在空品區交界處。時間大多發生在14點,且在三小時即下降或遠離監測站。  四、由臭氧濃度區間分佈之探討工作成果,四個模擬期程監測站模擬平均濃度均較空品區平均濃度高,監測站標準偏差大多較小,區域平均濃度多介於最高三站與最低三站之間,宜蘭測站較少,無法計算最高與最低三站。  五、由站址與熱點空間之對應關係工作成果,模擬期程一、二之熱點均發生於台北縣市內陸,期程三、四則發生在竹苗附近;期程一、二熱點發生於14時,期程三為13時,期程四為15時;模擬期程一、二熱點發生日天氣型態為副熱帶太平洋高壓區,期程三為大陸高壓出海,期程四為鋒前暖區。  六、由臭氧濃度與區內外排放量之關聯性工作成果,以空品區為單位進行排放量削減,以台北縣市為單位排放量削減對當地臭氧為負面影響,但對鄰近空品區卻有改善效果。此計畫為兩期計畫,簡單歸納兩期計畫共同及差異,所得結論如下:此計畫為兩期計畫,簡單歸納兩期計畫共同及差異,所得結論如下:  整體而言,中南部臭氧發生較為嚴重,時間也較長,發生時間也較北部晚,範圍也較北部廣。台灣北部地區空品區,發生臭氧事件,較集中在當地空品區,除了在空品區交界發生高臭氧事件,一般跨空品區情形較少,尤其宜蘭地區,受西半部影響似乎不大,竹苗雖常受中部或北部影響,但高臭氧發生時,以八小時超標情形較多。若台北縣市氮氧化物減量,反而有助於竹苗的臭氧降低,但並非完全是北部空品區影響,因為敏感度測試,北部空品NOx或VOC減半效果似乎對竹苗空品區都是有利,可做為新的議題。  另北部與南部發生臭氧事件共通性,主要為在高壓出海,在台灣南、北地區都有高臭氧發生,第一期程如5月12~13日,且越近傍晚,越往內陸山區移動。低風速、低雲蓋量、日照強烈,是主要行成高臭氧有利之條件。以下整理出六點結論:  一、由模擬期程之選定工作成果,特別針對臭氧高污染狀況所發展之模擬期程篩選流程應可提供日後相關研究工作之用,南部建議使用法規值,北部建議提高門檻,設定臭氧值為大於110 ppb,較易篩選事件日。  二、由氣象場模擬及結果解析工作成果,在高壓籠罩、低風速、低雲蓋量、日照強烈,容易有區域臭氧高污染日的產生。  三、由臭氧日最大小時及八小時平均濃度之區域差異特性工作成果,南部模擬之監測站值,不論在日最大小時濃度或者八小時平均濃度,監測站模擬值均與鄰近區域之模擬值呈高度相關。北部模擬之監測站不論在日最大小時濃度或者八小時平均濃度,監測站模擬值均與鄰近區域之模擬值相關性低,故改採熱點位置與周圍的相關性,熱點與周邊在9×9公里相關性,在期程一只有77.52%,可見北部高臭氧範圍區域不大。  四、由臭氧濃度區間分佈之探討工作成果,在中南部空品區四個模擬期程監測站模擬平均濃度均較空品區平均濃度高,監測站標準偏差大多較小,最低三站平均濃度與區域平均濃度較為接近。  五、南部地區由站址與熱點空間之對應關係工作成果,模擬期程一、二、四之熱點均發生於屏東縣內陸,期程三發生於台中縣與南投縣交界附近;期程二、三、四熱點發生於15時,期程一為16時;模擬期程一、四熱點發生日天氣型態為鋒前暖區,期程二為颱風外圍環流,期程三為高壓出海。北部地區由站址與熱點空間之對應關係工作成果,模擬期程一、二之熱點均發生於台北縣市內陸,期程三、四則發生在竹苗附近;期程一、二熱點發生於14時,期程三為13時,期程四為15時;模擬期程一、二熱點發生日天氣型態為副熱帶太平洋高壓區,期程三為大陸高壓出海,期程四為鋒前暖區。  六、由臭氧濃度與區內外排放量之關聯性工作成果,南部以空品區為單位進行排放量削減,較以縣市為單位排放量削減對降低臭氧更為有效。北部以台北縣市為重點區域,排放量削減,對北部空品區為負貢獻,對竹苗空品區則是有利的。  本研究團隊共提出三項建議:一、未來若台灣排放量清冊(TEDS)有所更新,可考慮使用更新版排放量資料進行模擬。二、未來可考慮整合全國模式模擬結果之解析成果,更全面性的探討區域外排放量對監測站之影響。三、未來可考慮進行空品監測站網其他主要污染物(如氣膠)分佈解析之工作,更完整探討監測站監測資料與區域空氣品質之差異性。 Ozone concentration distribution of air quality monitoring network. Complete and comprehensive air quality data and trend information are very important for authorities to plan air pollution control strategies and evaluate the effectiveness. Air quality monitoring system is the major method used to understand ambient air quality status. Since Taiwan air quality monitoring network has been setup for years, the characteristics of pollutant emission and meteorological condition are different from before, because human activity and pollution emission pattern have been changed since the deployment of monitoring stations, and therefore the special-temporal ozone concentration distribution may also change. The main objectives of this research are using model simulation to investigate the ozone characteristic relations between air quality monitoring stations and vicinal basin area. This project utilized Taiwan Air Quality Model (TAQM) to simulate ozone concentration distribution of North, Jhu-Miao, and Yilan, air quality basin areas. The objectives of this project are to compare the difference of ozone concentration distribution of air quality monitoring network within related air quality area. Based upon the simulation results and analysis, some conclusions are summarized as following. The first: because the elapsed time of high ozone concentration is short in northern Taiwan, the criteria to select episodes could be different from that in central or southern Taiwan. The second: regional ozone episode could happen when at high pressure/warm front, low wind speed, low cloud cover, and strong solar incidence. The third: area with high ozone concentration is smaller compared with central or southern Taiwan, and it is usually within one air basin. The fourth: the standard deviation of the concentration distribution is small. The fifth: the hot spot of episode I and II is in North air basin, however, that of episode III and IV is in Jhu-Miao air basin. The sixth: reducing NOx emission in greater Taipei area could have negative impact to the ozone problem locally; however it could improve the surrounding air basins. Compared with the results in previous year study, in episode events, the cover area and elapsed time of high concentration ozone in northern Taiwan were smaller and shorter than that in central and southern Taiwan. Since the emission sources and geological characteristics are unlike in different air basins, the control strategies, effectiveness, and impacted areas are also various. Finally, three suggestions were proposed. First, the updated Taiwan Emission Data System (TEDS) can be used to simulate the air quality after they are verified. Second, the whole-Taiwan-wide area and trans-boundary impact can also be simulated. Third, further study extended to other pollutants, such as aerosols, is suggested to estimate the relation between the total air quality and the air quality monitoring network in the future. 096 監資處 國立台北科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2040
九十四至九十六年環境水質南區監測計畫(96年度) 本計畫主要針對南區九縣市各類水體水質監測,掌握各水體水質時間變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。  河川水質計有31條河川主支流,109個監測站,於每月監測一次,今年度監測結果顯示,以曾文溪流域河川水質狀況最佳,而將軍溪及二仁溪流域屬嚴重污染等級佔較高比例。96年1月至5月皆無明顯降雨屬枯水期,河水乾涸,河川污染物濃度偏高,造成嚴重污染比例偏高,6月、8月至10月則因降雨豐沛,懸浮固體偏高,以致未(稍)受污染程度偏低,中度污染程度超過50%。整體而言,今年度河川水水質屬中度污染等級佔最高比例為38.1%,未(稍)受污染等級佔次高比例29.0%,水質狀況與歷年差異不大。  海域水質計有8個沿海區域,42個監測站,於每季監測一次,各季沿岸測站受河口感潮影響,無機鹽類濃度較高,除東港溪出海口各季及大鵬灣灣內二第一季、第三季之氨氮測值外,其餘各季各測站測值均符合其所屬類別之海域海洋環境品質標準。第三季監測期間因颱風過境降雨量增加,水溫、鹽度及部分重金屬測值與歷年略有差異,第四季監測時水質測值已回復至歷史監測範圍。  近岸休憩海域水質計有5個休憩海域,15個監測站,於6月至9月每兩週監測一次,各梯次水質除8月26日、10月1日等梯次受颱風過境降雨沖刷影響,水質呈現普通等級外,其餘各梯次普遍均介於良級至優級,其中高雄市西子灣海水浴場、旗津海水浴場各梯次水質均屬良級至優級為最佳。  水庫水質計有17個水庫,45個監測站,於每月監測一次,除嘉義縣蘭潭水庫、仁義潭水庫、曾文水庫、台南縣之烏山頭水庫及屏東縣之牡丹水庫普遍呈現普養狀態外,其餘各水庫均有超過一半的比例呈現優養狀態,其中以鳳山水庫優養情形最為嚴重。  地下水水質計有9縣市,199個監測井,各縣市超過監測基準之比率介於10%~90%,其中超過地下水第二類監測基準之項目與歷年結果相近,主要以氨氮、鐵及錳為主。各監測井之水質,以Stiff水質形狀圖方式評估,屬HCO3-+CO32-及Ca2+凸出型佔最高比例約為60%,Piper圖解則屬I區佔最高比例約為60%,與近2年評析結果大致呈現一致趨勢。 Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Southern Area of Taiwan from 2005 to 2007 (2007) The main goal of this project is to monitor the water quality of nine cities and counties in the southern area of Taiwan, and to analyze the degree of pollution in various bodies of water so that trends in water quality can be observed. The result of this investigation can provide grounds for policy making to environmental protection authorities.   For river quality, 109 sampling sites covering 31 rivers (including main streams and tributaries) were monitored monthly. The results of 2007 shows that the water quality in the area of Zeng-Wen river were the best, the area of Jiang-Jun river and Er-Ren river were found in relatively high extent of pollution. Since there was a major water shortage this year, specifically, a lack of rainfall from January to May, parts of some rivers were nearly dried up, so test results for most pollutants were high, and thus the percentage of serious pollution would tend to look high. Due to a lot of rainfall in June and August through October, the suspended solids in the rivers tend to be high thus the percentage of unpolluted rivers is low and over 50% of the results indicated the rivers were intermediately polluted. As a whole, the highest percentage of the water quality is 38.1%, it belongs to intermediately polluted rivers ;the next is 29.0%, it belongs to unpolluted rivers, overall water quality in this year is nondifference between the recent years.  For ocean monitoring, 42 sampling sites covering eight coastal areas were monitored quarterly. Since the estuary areas were affected by the river during high tide, the concentrations of the inorganic salts were high. The results of 2007 shows that most monitoring data could meet quality criteria of each category, except the results of ammonia nitrogen monitored at estuary areas of Dong-Gang river and Da-Peng Bay. Because of typhoon coming in 3rd quarter, there are some index including temperature, salinity and some metal ions different with the past results, but there is no significant difference disappeared in 4th quarter.  Fifteen sampling sites covering five beaches were monitored biweekly from June to September. Among the five beaches, The results of 2007 shows that most monitoring data could show good to excellent level. Due to a lot of rainfall at 26th August and 1st October, the results were showed common level. As a whole,His-Tzu-Wan Beach and Qi-Jin Beach had the best water quality.   Forty-five sampling sites covering 17 water reservoirs were monitored monthly. The results of 2007 shows that most results of Lan-Tan Reservoir, Ren-Yi-Tan Reservoir, Zeng-Wen Reservoir, Wu-Shan-Tou Reservoir, and Mu-Dan Reservoir were showed mesotrophic level. The other reservoirs were belong to eutrophic level over 50%, Feng- Shan Reservoir where the water quality was the worst belonged to eutrophic level.  Ammonia nitrogen, iron, and manganese were the major analytes with results that reached the regulatory monitoring criteria in 199 ground water sampling sites for the nine cities and counties being monitored quarterly. The failing rates are between 10% to 90% for different cities and counties. To analyze graphically each monitoring item by Stiff-plotting and Piper-plotting showed a trend as same as last two years, there is no significant difference compared to the past. 096 監資處 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1505
進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章作業專案工作計畫(96年1月至3月) 1、本計畫至3月底共完成汽油車、柴油車及機車共15,873輛進口車驗證核章,以合格證明驗證核章申請件驗證核章15,046輛,以逐車測試報告驗證核章申請件驗證核章827輛。2、進口車數量與95年同期相比,汽油汽車衰退14.1%,其中進口國外使用中汽油車數量衰退53.9%,機車數量負成長36.3%及柴油車數量微幅成長1.3%,其中柴小客之成長趨勢相當明顯。3、本計畫共執行完成8輛實車查驗工作,以合格證明申請驗證核章之查核數量為8輛,與申請文件皆相符。4、加強收件輔導措施有效執行,本計畫至3月底止與95年相比較,退件申請數已有明顯之降低,以申請車輛數統計之平均退件率由95年的0.76%降低至96年的0.20%。5、配合海關透過「創新e化服務-汽車進口服務」系統傳輸汽油車及柴油完稅資料,完稅資料無紙化作業實施,本系統已完成配合接收及傳輸作業,系統透過e政府平台接收海關資料並傳輸核章資料至數據所,每日固定4次傳輸時間及設定即時傳輸之功能。6、已完成驗證核章電子系統,可透過網際網路進入系統申請,配合完免稅資料電子化作業傳輸,透過系統登錄申請者之申請作業時間減半,交通往返時間減半只需完成送件後不必再取件,直接透過電子郵件傳輸完成驗證核章訊息,達到簡化作業及便民措施。 Project for the Certification and Authorization of Imported Motor Vehicle Air Pollutants 1、The project has approved 15,873 applications of the imported motor vehicles which included 15,046 applications applied by the vehicle model compliance verification and 827 applications applied by the individual vehicle compliance verification.2、The number of gasoline engine vehicles has declined for 14.1%, and the number of motorcycles has declined for36.3% and the number of diesel engine vehicles has climbed by 1.3%.3、There are 8 motor vehicles had been practical examined and were complied with the applications.4、According to the effective guidance, the average number of the rejected applications is down from 0.76% to 0.20%.5、To co-operate with the Customs in the project of the “innovation e-Service of imported motor vehicles” and the “e-tax payment certificate”, the e-Service system has been set to increase the times of auto-transmission from two to four times a day and the manual transmission function.6、The project has accomplished the e-approval system which saves the half of time and offers the greater convenience to the people. 096 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1723
96年度臺南市柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫 測。台南市檢測站由89年以來,一直都具有ISO14001認證,維持良好之檢測品質,提高檢測公信力。於96年3月也正式取得目前認證單位全國認證基金會(TAF)之檢測實驗室認證,未來也將在品質方面繼續維持,讓檢測站檢測品質能受到肯定。但目前檢測設備老舊故障多維護不易問題,可能需要環保署盡快補助以利設置新的檢測站,以提高整體檢測品質,並改善舊站之硬體缺失。本計畫執行期間投入人力共9人,具柴油車排放煙度儀器檢測證照者7人、具柴油車目視判煙證照4人。 AbstractStatistics up to the end of January 2008 indicate that the number of motor vehicles registered in Tainan City reached 777,581. According to data provided by the motor vehicle service station, the number of diesel vehicles had declined from roughly 12,000 vehicles at the beginning of 2007 to 8,351 vehicles in 2008, in which 5,472 were large vehicles or trucks and 2,851 were small diesel trucks. The Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City began implementing the Project on Diesel Vehicle Exhaust Emission Inspection in 1999, contracting a professional consultant company for its operations. The purpose of the project was to urge diesel vehicle owners and drivers to truly understand the importance of vehicle maintenance and thus improve Tainan City’s air quality. During regular traffic stops, vehicles were selected for immediate inspections; unqualified vehicles were reported and received fines, preventing vehicles from undergoing inappropriate adjustments before inspections and bringing the most benefits from a limited number of inspections. In addition, diesel oil audits were enhanced to put an end to the use of illegal diesel oils with high sulfur content, preventing air pollution from sulfide.After implementing the diesel vehicle smoke emission control policy for several years, the number of diesel vehicles emitting black smoke on the streets has been reduced significantly. However, having less income in poor economic times has lowered diesel vehicle owners’ willingness to spend a little more money on normal maintenance, and caused them to make abnormal adjustments to the gas pedal or limit engine speed for inspections.Tainan City’s inspection station passed the ISO14001 certification in 2000 and has maintained good inspection quality ever since, which has strengthened public confidence in inspections. In March 2007, it was officially recognized by Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) as and accredited laboratory for inspections, and will continue to maintain its high quality to gain public approval.Yet, the inspection station’s current inspection equipment is old, have high failure rate and are hard to maintain. In order to elevate overall inspection quality and improve hardware problems of the current inspection station, subsidies are required from the Environmental Protection Bureau to establish a new inspection station.Nine people were allocated for the implementation of this project, in which seven had a license for operating diesel vehicle smoke emission measurement instruments and four had acquired certificates of visual determination of smoke 096 台南市環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=641
室內空氣品質自主管理推動計畫 本計畫主要工作內容包含(一)調查國內重要公共場所之室內空氣品質現況。(二)建置室內空氣品質監測儀器驗證體系。(三)建置室內空氣品質自主管理及改善輔導體系。完成之工作成果摘要如下:(一)建置室內空氣品質監測儀器驗證體系1、參考環保署研訂之「室內空氣品質監測儀器管理指引」初稿,建立室內空氣品質直讀監測儀器的驗證體系,包括各種直讀式儀器原理、驗證方法及施行步驟。驗證之方式則是以標準氣體測試直讀式儀器。同時研訂各類型直讀儀器之各項參數允收標準。2、蒐集了9大類23種直讀式儀器,以上述之直讀式儀器驗證體系中規定的驗證方法進行驗證,驗證之結果發現在甲醛及臭氧的部分,本計畫所蒐集到的直讀式儀器皆無法通過允收參數標準。3、在環境模擬實驗室中模擬出不同溫濕度環境,再以上述之9大類23種直讀式儀器,進行空氣污染物採樣,並將直讀儀器採樣結果與同時間以公告方法採樣所得的結果進行比對。比較之後發現兩者數據在甲醛、臭氧、TVOC與懸浮微粒這5種物種的差異頗大。若公告方法之檢測濃度可視為標準氣體,則上述直讀儀器之結果皆無法通過參數允收標準。4、舉辦1場次為期1天「室內空氣品質監測儀器驗證體系說明會」,將本計畫所訂定出之驗證方法,允收參數之標準以及所有之驗證結果對各儀器商、環境檢測業者做說明。(二)調查國內重要公共場所室內空氣品質現況1、建置完成對公共場所建築物及其室內環境品質調查之標準作業程序。同時以此程序針對國內100家重要公共場所之室內空氣品質進行現況之訪查,公共場所依所屬建築物類型不同而分做10大類。並藉由訪查之便向公共場所業主宣導自主管理之概念,並鼓勵各公共空間參與室內空氣品質自主管理。2、建置室內空氣品質檢測之標準作業流程,針對上述之100家其中50家已受訪之公共場所進行檢測,並就訪查與檢測之結果提出分析與建議:(1)結合訪查資料與檢測結果,分析國內各類型場所之主要好發性室內空氣品質污染物,提出各類型公共場所應優先管制之室內空氣污染物種順序建議。(2)就訪查所得之直讀與公告檢測數據作分析,藉此討論直讀式儀器在空氣品質管制上,是否可作為公告方法之替代方案。(3)檢討訪查與檢測之標準流程,並與去年度同性質不同執行方法之計畫做比較,尋求最節省成本,同時最具代表性之作法以供後續相關計畫執行。(三)建置室內空氣品質自主管理及改善輔導體系1、蒐集彙整國外室內空氣品質之自主管理作法,並以「管理因子」、「管理範圍」、「管理時效」、「管理人員訓練」及「分級制度」五個方面對各國之空氣品質管理制度應用於國內時之衝擊性做評估。2、以實際量化的方式來計算目前若國內實施自主管理時所需支付的管理成本,並將管理成本分為「設置IAQ專責人員成本」、「培訓IAQ專責人員成本」及「IAQ檢測成本」三大類作分析。3、蒐集彙整國內外室內空氣品質之處理改善技術,並從「污染源頭控制」及「有效通風稀釋」這兩大分類來評估國內未來可行之改善技術。4、挑選2家公共場所進行室內空氣品質改善工程的實驗驗證,並就改善主體對象之類型、改善工程對室內空氣品質實際提升之影響量,以及整個改善工程所得之效益做說明未來應用上的可行性程度。5、舉辦了1場次為期1天的「室內空氣品質自主管理與改善處理技術評估說明會」,在會中向來自各處對室內空氣品質自主管理有興趣的民眾,就本計畫所進行的2場改善驗證工程作成果的展示,並就改善工程所能得到之效益逐一分析,鼓勵民眾參與自主管理活動。 Promotion in Voluntary Program of Indoor Air Quality This project consists of three parts of tasks: (1) investigating the indoor air quality of the major public domains; (2) setting up the verification system for indoor air quality portable instruments; (3) setting up the self-management and amendment system. The outcome is abbreviated as follow:1. Investigating the indoor air quality of the major public domains(1) The standard procedure of IAQ inspection was established and applied to 100 major public domains. The public domains were classified into 10 categories and were visited for collection of basic data and the encouragement of their participation of EPA’s self-management activities.(2) The standard procedure of IAQ monitoring was also established and applied to 50 major public domains. Our experiences on the investigation and monitoring gave the following aspects of recommendations:a. The priority of IAQ species control for each category of public domains.b. The feasibility of portable instruments used as the surrogate of standard methods.c. Searching the cost-saving monitoring procedure by comparison of the current monitoring procedure with that adopted in the last year.2. Setting up the verification system for indoor air quality portable instruments(1) Referring to the EPA’s “Management Guideline of Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Instrument”, this project have set up the verification system for indoor air quality portable instruments, including the principles, methodologies and procedures for various portable instruments. The method of verification is to test portable instruments using standard span gas and then to determine the allowable standards for each parameters.(2) We collected 23 portable instruments of 9 categories and verified them using the above methods. The results showed that for all portable instruments we collected the formaldehyde and ozone could not pass the allowable standards.(3) The collected 23 portable instruments were also tested in the ‘Environmental Simulation Chamber’, which is able to set up various humidity and temperature, and applied to the realistic public domains, monitoring the indoor air quality with the ‘standard methods’ in the same period. Comparing the monitoring results from portable instruments and standard methods, we found that the differences were significant for formaldehyde, ozone, TVOC, PM10 and PM2.5. If the results of the standard methods were served as the comparative basis, the deviation of this five species did not pass the allowable standards.(4) An ‘workshop of the verification system for indoor air quality portable instruments’ was held for the agents of monitoring instruments and commercial laboratories to demonstrate the verification system and the allowable standards of this project.3. Setting up the self-management and amendment system(1) We collected the foreign self-management documents and analyzed their impacts to our country in five aspects : management, scope, efficiency, training, classification.(2) Using real data to quantify the cost of self-management, which were divided into three parts: employment cost of IAQ inspector, training cost of IAQ inspector and cost of IAQ monitoring.(3) We collected the IAQ treatment and improvement technologies, classifying them as two categories of ‘source control’ and ‘ventilation dilution’, and access their applicability in the future.(4) Two public domains were selected to conduct IAQ improvement engineering. The engineering feasibility is accounted for the types of targets, improvement of air quality and benefits of the improvement.(5) An ‘workshop of the IAQ self-management and amendment system’ were held for people concerning IAQ. The IAQ improvement engineering of two cases in this project is demonstrated for the benefits. The participants are encouraged to join the EPA’s activities of self-management. 096 空保處 景丰科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=10276
南投縣96年度營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收執行計畫 本計畫為「南投縣96年度營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收執行計畫」,計畫執行期間自民國96年3月1日起至民國97年2月29日止共計12個工作月。主要辦理本縣營建工程符合「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」規定之查核及輔導改善工作及協助空污費徵收相關作業。期間共計完成2,442處次營建工程查工作,整體管理辦法符合度達80.03%。協助辦理空污費徵收業務3,832件,徵收件所徵收之金額總計為31,128,029元。共邀集110處工地參與道路認養工作,認養總長度為178,846公尺。粒狀污染物平均削減率為42.15%;削減量達1527.4噸。 Air Pollution Control and Air Pollution Control Fee Levying administration of Construction Site in Nantou County in 2007 096 南投縣政府環境保護局 德眾工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=766
毒性化學物質環境流布背景調查計畫 本計畫於5月份及8-9月份期間完成南崁溪、中港溪、八掌溪、曾文溪、鹽水溪、東港溪、林邊溪及蘭陽溪等8條河川底泥及魚體樣本採樣。完成可氯丹、毒殺芬、總汞、有機錫類物質(包含TBT、DBT、MBT、TPhT、DPhT、MPhT)、鄰苯二甲酸酯類物質(包含DMP、DEP、DBP、BBP、DEHP及DOP)及多溴二苯醚類物質(包含4溴、5溴、8溴、9溴及10溴PBDEs)等6類19種毒化物之底泥樣本931個及魚體樣本462個檢測數據。所有底泥及魚體樣本中可氯丹含量均低於定量範圍或ND。底泥樣本中毒殺芬含量平均值及範圍為3.2(ND-16.6)ug/kg乾重,其中以南崁溪平均值9.8ug/kg乾重為最高。魚體樣本中毒殺芬含量平均值及範圍為10.9(ND-40.6)ug/kg乾重,或2.8(ND-9.2)ug/kg濕重,其中以南崁溪平均19.4ug/kg乾重(4.4ug/kg濕重)為最高。底泥樣本中總汞含量平均值及範圍為0.091(0.015-0.794)mg/kg乾重,其中以南崁溪平均0.281 mg/kg乾重為最高。魚體樣本中總汞含量平均及範圍為0.285(<0.05-2.67)mg/kg乾重(0.060 (<0.013-0.552) mg/kg濕重),其中以中港溪平均1.53 mg/kg乾重(0.318 mg/kg濕重)為最高。底泥樣本中六種有機錫化合物檢測濃度平均值及範圍分別為,TBT, 0.06 (ND-0.22) mg/kg乾重、DBT, <0.05 (ND-0.14) mg/kg乾重、MBT, <0.05 (ND-0.37) mg/kg乾重、MPhT, <0.05 (ND-0.34) mg/kg乾重,TPhT及DPhT均低於定量範圍<0.05 mg/kg乾重或低於偵測極限。其中丁基錫化合物中以TBT之檢出率為最高,苯基錫化合物則以MPhT之檢出率為最高。魚體樣本中丁基錫化合物中以TBT之檢出率為最高,13個檢出TBT之魚體樣本濃度界於0.10-0.17 mg/kg乾重(0.02-0.03 mg/kg濕重)。苯基錫化合物則以TPhT之檢出率為最高,12個有檢出TPhT之魚體樣本濃度界於0.05-1.6 mg/kg乾重(0.01-0.35 mg/kg濕重)。底泥樣本中六種鄰苯二甲酸酯類化合物檢測濃度平均值及範圍分別為,DMP, <0.05 (ND-1.7) mg/kg乾重、DEP, <0.05 (ND-0.14) mg/kg乾重、DBP, 0.15 (<0.05-0.65) mg/kg乾重、BBP, 0.08 (ND-0.29) mg/kg乾重、DEHP, 3.4 (0.23-20.6) mg/kg乾重、DOP, 0.10 (ND-1.0) mg/kg乾重。六種鄰苯二甲酸酯類化合物中以DEHP之檢出率及檢出濃度範圍為最高,DBP次之。本年度8條受測河川中以南崁溪底泥中含量為最高,DEHP及DBP平均值分別為11.1 mg/kg乾重及0.32 mg/kg乾重。魚體樣本中鄰苯二甲酸酯類化合物檢測結果顯示,以DEHP、BBP、DBP濃度較高。魚體樣本中DEHP平均值及範圍為26.0 (0.90-398) mg/kg乾重,5.2 (0.16-75.7) mg/kg濕重,其中以林邊溪平均159 mg/kg乾重(30.6 mg/kg濕重)為最高。底泥樣本中PBDEs總量平均值及範圍為9,895 (177-137,463) ng/kg乾重。整體而言,兩次採樣河川底泥中PBDEs總濃度平均值均以南崁溪為最高,第一次採樣平均值為52,332 ng/kg乾重,第二次為58,898 ng/kg乾重,惟多數底泥樣本中PBDEs同源物因基質干擾問題未完成定量分析,總濃度值計算時可能會受影響而降低。魚體樣本中PBDEs總量平均值及範圍為181,323 (10,822-1,200,223) ng/kg lipid(3,625 (215-18,323) ng/kg ww),其中以南崁溪PBDEs總量平均值及範圍521,030 (160,347-1,200,223) ng/kg lipid(11,077 (1,846-18,323) ng/kg ww)為最高,檢測魚種有吳郭魚及泰國鱧;東港溪321,182 (55,162-742,051) ng/kg lipid(5,886 (2,217-10,631) ng/kg ww)次之,檢測魚種有烏魚、吳郭魚及豆仔。持續蒐集於2006-2007年間發表之環境流布相關文獻,包括可氯丹37篇、毒殺芬6篇、汞45篇、鄰苯二甲酸酯類物質5篇、有機錫類物質15篇及多溴二苯醚類物質49篇,共新增157篇文獻全文電子檔之收錄,及文獻內容中與環境流布相關之測值資料庫建置與資料解析。國內多氯聯苯之人體健康風險評估結果顯示,食用國內河川中野生魚類將大幅提高人體健康危害風險,而其他暴露來源之貢獻量均在安全範圍。顯示在目前國內河川野生生物體內蓄積之多氯聯苯含量程度下,建議應禁止國人食用國內河川野生生物,以預防及控制健康危害的產生。國內汞之人體健康風險評估結果顯示,在接受一般環境中大氣吸入性暴露及食物食入性暴露下,各類暴露來源之貢獻量均在安全範圍,其中以市售大型鹹水魚類之汞暴露量較高,然而此類大型鹹水魚類之汞暴露來源多來自全球性跨領域污染問題,故建議國人降低攝食頻率以預防及控制健康危害的產生。 The Establishment of the Environmental Distributions Survey of Toxic Chemicals There are 252 toxic chemicals in the revised Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) promulgated by Taiwan EPA. The purpose of this project is to establish a practical and appropriate toxic data as the basis of further related policy-making and policy-executing. Three approaches would be applied to accommodate this goal. The first was to conduct field studies and empirical measurements in sediments and fishes of the 8 rivers to explore the concentrations and distribution for those selected chemicals, including chlordane, toxaphene, mercury, organotin compounds (OTCs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and phthalates (PAEs). The second was to collect and analyze the results of survey report sponsored by research institutes and governmental institutes in the past ten years in Taiwan, combining with the data of spatial and temporal distributions, the concentration and allocation profile in various environmental media and humans can be elucidated for these toxic chemicals. In this research, about the environmental fate of the toxic chemical compounds in sediments and fishes of the 8 rivers, we finished the sampling and analysis work of 1,393 samples. We got 157 literatures about the chemical compounds, through the collection and the analysis of survey report sponsored by research institutes and governmental institutes in the past ten years in Taiwan, combining with the data of spatial and temporal distributions, the concentration and allocation profile in various environmental media and humans were elucidated for these toxic chemicals. 096 毒管處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1455
96年度遙測科技應用於公害糾紛處理 台灣地區地狹人稠,資源有限,每當發生重大或突發性公害污染事件,通常必須注意是否會擴大污染範圍,破壞生態環境遭,甚至造成環保抗爭和公害糾紛事件。傳統上,對於此類公害污染事件,大部份是以傳統地面調查的方式進行,通常費時耗工,無法詳細查估。本遙測科技應用於公害糾紛處理專案計畫,計畫內容係利用通過臺灣上空的福衛二號、法國SPOT等衛星以及應用無人低空遙控載具等進行遙測工作。目標為規劃建置遙測科技應用於環境監測調查,並協助公害調查蒐證使用,以有效釐清污染環境責任,及協助損害查估,輔助公害糾紛處理,消弭公害紛爭。下述工作為主要目標:(1)應用遙測科技協助重大、突發或敏感公害事件調查。(2)提昇遙測科技應用於公害鑑定調查工作。(3)提昇環保人員遙測調查科技舉證責任能力。 The application of Remote sensing Technologies to Public Dispute Due to limited resource and high density of population in Taiwan, The large-scale pollution normally is accompanied with public dispute and environmental disaster. It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task to perform ground investigation when a large-scale pollution happens. In order to locate the spread areas of the pollution, this study integrates spatial data collection and processing technologies to help collect evidence of pollution the and monitor the polluted areas. There are three objectives in this project:(1)Apply remote sensing technologies to collect the evidence when the polluted events occur. (2)Improve the application of remote sensing technologies in polluted events investigation. (3)Coordinate the training courses for regional and local EPA personnel to improve their investigtion ability. 096 管考處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1822
96年度包裝減量推動計畫 本計畫藉由宣導活動與提供諮詢,成功協助推動第二階段限制產品過度包裝法令。分析各環保局稽查結果與包裝檢驗機構產品包裝檢驗結果,限制產品過度包裝法令已獲致良好執行成效。此外,本計畫經由辦理綠色設計評選活動與綠色設計研習活動,營造包裝綠色設計風潮。本計畫蒐集分析各國包裝法令與歐盟包裝廢棄物指令基本要求事項實施情形顯示,推動包裝綠色設計時應依循各國國情需求,研擬適合當地包裝設計領域與產業需求的包裝綠色設計推動方式,並兼顧包裝技術的創新與產品市場行銷考量。同時,鼓勵產業自發性的措施有助包裝綠色設計工作的推動與行政管理成本的降低。因此,未來推動我國包裝綠色設計的工作模式上,建議採循序漸進方式,依據歐盟基本要求事項精神,擴大產品供應鏈參與層面,務實策略逐步推動包裝綠色設計,本計畫並提出包裝綠色設計推動方案(草案)與其評估程序,提供未來工作推動參考。 FY2007 Product Packaging Prevention Project To successfully implement the second stage of Excessive Product Packaging (EPR) restriction enforcement, related promotion actions and consulting assistance services are provided. Hence, the local implementation agencies′inspection results and packaging examination records show high conformity of designated product packaging. For further packaging green design promotion, a series of packaging green design campaigns and packaging green design workshops were held to evoke packaging green design trend. Furthermore, the implementation of Essential Requirement of EU’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive is investigated. The studies demonstrate the importance of localized strategy in packaging green design because of different concerns of every nation. A flexible strategy for packaging green design with product marketing and packaging innovation considerations is necessary and importance. Any voluntary measure initiated by packaging industry might be helpful in product packaging green design and reduction of regulation enforcement cost. A step-by-step implementation model under EU Essential Requirement’s framework is recommended for further Taiwan packaging green design work. The implementation proposal and the draft packaging evaluation procedure draft are proposed for further work reference. 096 廢管處 永發環境科技管理有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1800
酸雨監測分析及酸沉降調查評估 有鑑於亞洲地區近年來過度開發與經濟快速發展,所衍生跨區域環境問題日益嚴重,尤以區域大氣污染物跨國長程輸送最為顯著,成為國際焦點與研究重點區域,並已造成對台灣空氣品質及環境的衝擊。本研究承前期計畫(2002-2004)之延續計畫(2005-2007),乃整合過去對東亞大氣污染物相關研究的成果,承攬全國酸雨監測與酸沉降評估,主要成果為:1. 酸雨監測 2007年全國12個採樣站共採集1161個樣本,經過篩選,合格樣本共有1052個,合格率為91%,各站之合格率高於目前世界各國酸雨計畫標準之75%。2007年的降雨之中,pH值分佈仍呈現北部雨水酸化的程度仍較南部顯著,且全國僅嘉義站、台南與恆春站雨水平均在5.0以上,其餘各站均呈現受人為污染之酸雨現象,其中以鞍部站之pH值最低為4.4。酸雨頻率最高的為鞍部站,達89%,其次為中壢站為87%。若以測站的特性來分析,可以發現都市測站中,以台北站(S01)酸雨發生頻率較高,達74%,高雄站次之,為60%。高山離島站當中,彭佳嶼站頻率最高達85%。在市郊之台南站、嘉義站與恆春站酸雨發生頻率皆在31%以下,其中以台南站頻率最低為22%。SO42-濃度在北部的台北、鞍部及中壢三站是明顯較高的地區,在78eq l -1以上。而南部地區以台南站較高,為59eq l -1。而從圖3.5之NO3-濃度全國分佈圖,台北站濃度為48eq l -1 ,中壢站與鞍部站次之,其值為43eq l-1,最低為恆春值站12eq l -1。分析1991-2007年SO42-的全國沉降量,在1991-2000年時期間北部之沉降量皆高於83kg ha-yr-1以上,桃園一帶最高,達96kg ha-1yr-1以上。中部地區約為78kg ha-1yr-1左右,南部以高雄較高,約67kg ha-1yr-1。2003-2007年期間,北部沉降量約在39-63kg ha-1yr-1左右,中部約為37kg ha-1yr-1左右,南部地區亦以台南、高雄附近較高,約34kg ha-1yr-1左右,相對之下,已經明顯降低。台灣北部為主要酸雨發生地區,酸雨其發生頻率高於70 %以上,其SO42-的沉降量,最高達83kg ha-1yr-1以上,為美東最大值之2倍以上。台北、高雄兩大都會區的雨水pH值從90年代初低於4.5,近年來已逐漸上升至接近5.0左右,顯示都會區的雨水酸度已有顯著性的改善,代表環保署對於都會區來自於工業及大型交通工具的硫化物排放管制達到相當不錯之成效。然而雨水中NO3-濃度近年來卻有逐漸增加的趨勢,由於NO3-離子主要來自於交通污染源所排放,顯示未來若要進一步控制酸雨,氮氧化物的排放管制將為一項重要目標。都會區域雨水酸化雖呈現改善或穩定趨勢,但台灣未都市化區域,例如嘉義、恆春及台東,均呈現明顯上升的趨勢,嘉義站近幾年來,可能受當地或鄰近縣市快速開發及重大污染源影響,雨水成分有較大幅度的變動,雨水酸度有偏酸的趨勢,有待後續持續追蹤。至於恆春及台東,在近幾年均呈現明顯持續酸化的現象,這幾個站的均代表背景濃度,相較都會區濃度均較低,極易受到外來污染源之影響,尤其硫化物濃度持續上升,比較當地之排放,均未有此趨勢,很有可能受到境外污染的影響較為顯著。2. 乾沉降觀測2007年1至10月份PM10平均質量濃度在5月份達最高53g m-3,至9份月再出現第二高峰值,趨勢與2006年明顯不同。追蹤5月份高值出現時段,其氣膠微粒主要來源為大陸東海至日本、韓國間區域。2007年1至10月份PM10水溶性離子成分以SO42-為最高,NH4+次之,再其次為NO3-。微粒氣體前驅物濃度以NH3為最高,SO2次之,接著是HNO3及HNO2,後三種氣體濃度明顯低於NH3。SO2及HNO3在5和9兩個月份分別都有尖峰濃度,顯示這兩個月份無論微粒或是酸性氣體都是在高濃度狀態。2007年1至10月份的採樣時段,大氣中的[TA] / 2[TS]比值月平均值在8月份出現最高值3.8,各月份比值平均值均大於1。顯示2007年大氣大部份時間呈現NH3及NH4+較SO42-高的狀態。蓮華池地區氮沉降量來源以微粒中NH4+為主,其次為HNO3,再其次為微粒中NO3-。硫沉降量來源則是微粒硫成分為主,且超出氣體硫成分很多。SO42-是微粒的主要成份,其高濃度及乾沉降通量均發生在天氣系統來自亞洲大陸時段,顯示長程傳輸的影響不容忽視。3. 經濟損失評估由酸沉降的臨界負荷估算台灣酸雨直接經濟損失,至2007年達到11億。而間接的傷害及損失由於沒有確切可供評估的方法,並無法得知其真正造成的影響,若以國外經驗參考法則粗略的推測,則間接的生態上的損失是直接經濟損失的9倍以上,即約在100億左右。4. 酸沉降長程傳輸北台灣有將近52 %硫沈降來自於外來輸送,而其中有85%來自於亞洲七個主要區域,中國即佔85 %,且北台灣受中國污染物長程輸送影響相當顯著;南台灣則受東南亞區域影響較大,高達42 %,中國佔56 %。中國SO2排放成長率對台灣的境外移入硫酸濕沉降之增量,有明顯正相關,顯示中國的排放對台灣的貢獻顯著;而台灣SO2排放減量對台灣之境內產生之硫酸濕沉降減量亦為正相關,甚至在2000-2020年排放減量與硫酸濕沉降減量無任何關聯,顯見台灣未來在削減SO2排放時,可能無法直接反應至本地之硫酸濕沉降,應有飽和的趨勢。嘉義雨水濃度近幾年來開始呈現不穩定常有較高污染值的現象,由觀測數據氣流來源及實際模擬,非常有可能受到鄰近污染源的影響,必須值得留意關注,以免對於農業及自然環境造成嚴重衝擊。5. 酸雨網頁持續更新台灣酸雨網頁,維護更新酸雨部落格,新增即時或近期之全球酸雨及環保相關議題之新聞,使網頁更趨多元化。此外,也將過去所研究之更新資料繪製成圖表,加入網頁當中,以供民眾及相關研究人員參考。6. 國際合作透過國際合作,交換資料分析2003-2005年台灣彭佳嶼測站、韓國濟洲島的日降雨資料,以及日本那霸Hedo岬目前取得1999-2002年之每月平均值進行分析。以濟州島和彭佳嶼較為相近,pH平均值分別為4.77及4.69,但離子濃度以彭佳嶼明顯較高,高出將近4倍,其中海鹽比例,彭佳嶼將近佔71 %,濟州島為58 %,Hedo岬則為87 %,三者都有明顯為海島,因此海水飛沫還是主要的影響因素,而硫酸比例則以濟州島較高,為13 %,台灣次之為8 %,其餘濃度都偏低。參訪東亞酸雨網(EANET)在那霸邊戶岬(Cape Hedo)之酸雨站,學習其運作情形。參加7SEAS (7 SouthEast Asian Studies)第一次規劃會議,提出設立區域酸雨相關監測規劃。訪問中國廣東中山大學環境科學研究所,研擬在廣東設酸雨站,並交換資料。7. 國家報告完成2007國家報告乙本,介紹酸雨之定義、回顧自1970年以來之酸雨研究、探討成因、長程傳輸影響、評估酸沉降之臨界負荷、經濟損失、以及防制策略。 Acid Rain Monitoring and Assessment of Acidic Deposition in Taiwan The goals of this study are (1) to establish an integrated atmospheric modeling system for studying the long-range transport of regional air pollutants in order to predict and assess their impact on Taiwan air quality, and further to provide fundamental information to EPA for air pollution management, (2) to revise the PSI when abnormal air pollution events occur, (3) to plan and establish a new acid deposition net work for conducting a long-term monitoring and data analysis, (4) to develop a localized critical loading of acid deposition for assessing the buffering capacity of the soil in Taiwan, (5) to update and maintain the web site of acid rain study in Taiwan, and (6) to promote regional international collaborations. To date, our achievements are highlighted below:The passing rate of the acid rain samples by the WMO QA/QC standard is 91%, showing the quality of the monitoring network is quite well.The direct impact of economic loss by the acid rain is around 1.1billion NT dollars, and the indirect losses is approximately 10 billion NT dollars.The situation of acid rain in urban cities are slightly improving, but getting much more serious in the countryside.Based on a statistic model, the PSI during the abnormal event of the year of 2007 has been recalculated in consideration of Asian dust impact on PM10 measurements.The web site (http://www.acidrain.org.tw) of Taiwan acid rain study has been updated with more information.The national report of the acid rain reviewed since 1970 had been finished 096 空保處 國立中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2002
環保法規標準化英譯及法規雙語網站檢索系統暨軟體維護 本專案『環保法規標準化英譯及法規雙語網站檢索系統資料暨軟體維護專案工作計畫』係為營造英語生活環境,因應全球化及國際化需求,依行政院頒布之全國法規英譯作業規範辦理環保法規英譯及環保法規雙語網站建置工作,並將環保法規通用術語及專業術語予以標準化納入資料庫,期望因雙語化環境之建置,能與外界建立良好的溝通互動管道,並達到環保法規全球化、無紙化及資訊化之環境。 ROC Environmental Law Standardized Translation and Bilingual Web Search System Data and Software Maintenance Project The Environmental Law Standardized English Translation and Bilingual Law Website Search and Software Project was implemented as part of Taiwan's effort to create an English living environment and address the need for enhanced international communication on environmental topics. Conducted in accordance with national English translation standards for laws and regulations as well as accessibility and bilinguality standards for web development as established by the Research, Evaluation and Development Commission, the project greatly increased the number of ROC environmental laws and regulations available in English and further added to the corpus of standardized terminology. The original Chinese laws, English translations and corresponding lexical data was also put into a database and made available online in a convenient bilingual format. The resulting website is expected to provide an effective channel and information-rich interactive platform for local and international communication on Taiwan's environmental laws. 096 法規會 精粹有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1125
「加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫(第四期)」(甲) 行政院環境保護署為預防土壤及地下水污染,確保土地及地下水資源永續利用,及落實「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之規定,於96年辦理「加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫(第四期)(甲、乙)」,分別由美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司負責執行中北部區域之甲計畫工作,及中興工程顧問股份有限公司負責執行中南部區域之乙計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)工作,預計共完成400站(甲、乙兩計畫各200站)加油站土壤及地下水污染調查工作。本計畫(甲計畫)工作為辦理中北部區域共200站加油站土壤及地下水污染調查工作,以作為後續管制之依據。調查工作分為三個階段執行,第一階段調查為測漏管與土壤氣體檢測;第二階段調查為針對第一階段篩選出之具污染潛勢加油站進行土壤採樣分析及以簡易井進行地下水採樣分析;第三階段調查則為針對第二階段地下水超過管制標準之加油站,進一步設置標準監測井及進行地下水採樣分析。本計畫第一階段調查共完成200站加油站3,360支測漏管基本功能測試及油氣之LEL、PID及FID檢測,468點土壤間氣體之PID及FID檢測。依調查結果顯示,測漏管油氣濃度測值經評估具高污染潛勢者(A級)有9站,次高者(B級)有10站,合計為19站。依環保署指示,本計畫第二階段之調查對象除前述之19站加油站外,亦針對環保署「95-96年度加油站防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備查核暨網路申報諮詢計畫」中所查核之11站加油站進行調查,共計有30站。本計畫第二階段調查共完成30站加油站105點土壤採樣及檢測分析,85點簡易井地下水採樣及檢測分析。依檢測分析結果顯示,計有5站加油站之土壤污染物濃度達土壤污染管制標準;有2站加油站之簡易井地下水污染物濃度達地下水污染管制標準。於第三階段調查之2站加油站中,計有2站加油站之地下水污染物濃度達地下水污染管制標準。總結上述本計畫調查結果,共計有5站加油站之土壤污染物濃度超過管制標準,於該5站中有2站加油站之地下水污染物濃度亦超過管制標準,均應依土壤及地下水污染整治法相關規定進行管制。本計畫另依據本計畫調查之加油站基本資料、加油站防止污染地下水體設施及定期監測申報資料等,與加油站之污染潛勢進行相關性分析,此外,亦彙整目前已經公告列管之加油站場址相關污染改善計畫報告,就場址列管狀態、場址基本資料(包括水文地質條件)、主要污染物質、污染改善工作執行單位及污染改善技術(工法)等資料進行彙整,以提供環保機關做為後續行政管制措施之參考依據。本計畫並另依據環保署要求,完成緊急應變調查工作。 Investigating Soil and Groundwater Pollution in Gas Stations In order to prevent soil and groundwater pollution, ensure the sustainable use of soil and groundwater, and fulfill the regulations of Soil and Water Pollution Remediation Act, the Environmental Protection Administration (the EPA) planned the Project of Investigation of Soil and Groundwater pollution for Gas Stations (4th Phase)- the Plan A and B in 2007. The scope of the Plan A covered central and north Taiwan and was carried out by MWH America Inc., Taiwan Branch. The scope of the Plan B (this Project) covered central and southern Taiwan and was carried out by Sinotech LTD. Plan A and B carried out the investigation of soil and groundwater pollution for 400 gas stations (200 gas stations for each Plan).This Project (Plan A) was to investigate soil and groundwater pollution for 200 gas stations in central and north Taiwan as reference in the follow up control activities. This project was implemented in three phases. The 1st phase was to measure the oil vapor density of soil vapor monitoring well. Based on the results of 1st phase, the 2nd phase selected gas stations with high pollution potential to conduct the detection and analysis of soil samples. In addition, groundwater samples from temporary groundwater sampling wells were also detected and analyzed. Based on the results of 2nd phase, the 3rd phase selected the gas stations with the pollutants’ density in the groundwater higher than the control standards to install standard monitoring wells and detect and analyze groundwater samples.The 1st phases was to test the basic functions of 3,360 soil gas monitoring wells, measure the oil vapor densities by using LEF, PID, and FID and the soil vapor of 468 samples by using PID and FID in 200 gas stations. The results indicated that the oil vapor density detected by soil gas monitoring wells in 9 gas stations with the highest pollution potential (A Class) and 10 gas stations with secondary pollution potential (B Class), totaling 19 gas stations. According to the instructions from the EPA, except the aforesaid 19 gas stations, the 2nd phase investigated the 11 gas stations listed in the Project of Inspection and Appraisal of Groundwater Pollution Control Facilities and Monitoring Equipment in Gas Stations, and Consultation on Internet Declaration System for 2006 and 2007. Totaling 30 gas stations were investigated at 1st phase.The 2nd phase conducted the detection and analysis of 105 soil samples and 85 groundwater samples from simple wells in 30 gas stations. As a result, it was concluded that the pollutants’ densities in the soil of the 11 gas stations had reached the control standards; the pollutants’ densities in the groundwater from the simple wells of the 2 gas stations had reached the control standards. The 3rd phase was to investigate the 2 gas stations. The pollutants’ densities in the groundwater of the 5 of them had reached the control standards.As a result, it was concluded that the detected pollutants’ concentration in soil of the 5 gas stations were higher than the control standards, and the pollutants’ concentration in groundwater of the 2 gas stations out of the 5 gas stations were higher than the control standards. All of them should be controlled in accordance with the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. Besides, a correlation of the basic data of the gas stations surveyed in the project, groundwater pollution control facilities, and their periodic declaration reports, vis-à-vis the pollution potential of the gas station was conducted and the results provided as references for the EPA in the follow up activities of administrative control measures. 096 土污基管會 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1309
南太島國氣候變遷衝擊調適國際合作 繼2006年9月4日我國陳總統與南太平洋六個友邦總統(吉里巴斯、馬紹爾群島、諾魯、帛琉、索羅門群島及吐瓦魯)在帛琉首府科羅市共同簽署「帛琉宣言」,領袖們同意共同舉行臺灣與太平洋友邦環境部長會議。因此臺灣環保署特別於今年7月25日至7月28日在台北圓山大飯店召開「2007臺灣與太平洋友邦環境部長會議」,此次與會的南太平洋國家計有吉里巴斯、馬紹爾群島、諾魯、帛琉、索羅門群島等5國友邦之環境部會首長及資深官員等抵台與會、共襄盛舉。會議期間我國環保署陳署長重信與外賓共同討論有關氣候變遷及永續環境發展相關議題外,並於會後召開中外記者會,由我國環保署長與各友邦部長共同發表會議共識結論。另外,本次會議期間,亦安排多項技術參訪及文化參訪,除令外賓對我國之氣候變遷與環保之推動有進一步之認識,更希望外賓們能感受我國人之文化及熱情。此次部長會議主要是討論在因應全球氣候變遷衝擊、調適與脆弱度及永續環境發展之架構下,推動我國與南太平洋友邦國家氣候變遷與環保之國際合作計畫,以建立國家間環境保護長期對話機制;推展環境資源管理、海洋污染管制、廢棄物處理及永續發展之技術交流與經驗分享;強化因應氣候變遷之能力建構,發展推動衝擊調適合作計畫。因此未來推動臺灣與南太平洋友邦之合作計畫,將著重於廢棄物處理、水質保護及氣候變遷衝擊與調適等三大方向。其中廢棄物處理將包含掩埋、儲存、焚化、資源回收分類、教育訓練等課題;水質保護將涵蓋水質檢測、海洋污染防制等議題;氣候變遷衝擊與調適則注重於探討氣候變遷對於雨水貯集與再利用系統、地下水質與水量、及南島珊瑚之衝擊與調適策略。本計畫已針對南太平洋友邦之地下水資源、珊瑚礁及雨水貯集再利用等議題規劃適切可行之氣候變遷相關合作方案,供環保署參考運用。另外並以SWOT分析臺灣之優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅,提出國際合作策略之建議。 International cooperation program of the South Pacific islands on climate change Six presidents from South Pacific States (the Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Marshall Islands, Republic of Nauru, Republic of Palau, Solomon Islands, and Tuvalu) and President Chen signed the Palau Declaration in Koror City, the capital of the Republic of Palau, on September 4th ,2006. Following the Palau Declaration, the leaders of Taiwan and our allied states thus agreed to launch a Taiwan-Pacific Environmental Ministerial Meeting. The Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration(TEPA) hold the「2007 Taiwan-Pacific Allies Environmental Ministerial Meeting」at the Grand Hotel, Taipei, on July 25th to 28th, 2007. The Environmental Ministers and senior officials from the Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Marshall Islands, Republic of Nauru, Republic of Palau, and Solomon islands all participated in the meeting. During the meeting, Minister Dang of TEPA and Ministers of the Southern Pacific Allies gave statement on issues concerning climate change and sustainable environmental development. A joint conclusion was announced in the post-meeting press release. Besides, some technical and culture tours were arranged to show the honored guests not only the promotion of climate change and environmental protection by Taiwan, but also the culture and hospitality of our country.The Ministerial Meeting focus on discussing the promotion of international cooperation projects of climate change and sustainable environmental development that contains long-term dialogue on environmental protection among the States; sharing techniques and experiences of implementation of environmental resources management, marine pollution control, waste management, and sustainable development; capacity building for climate change response, and development and implementation of cooperative programs on impacts and adaptation. The cooperative projects between Taiwan and the Allied States will focus on waste management, water quality protection, and impacts and adaptation of climate change. The waste management will cover landfill, storage, incineration, recycling and educational training; water quality protection will include water quality testing and marine pollution control; the impacts and adaptation of climate change focus on rain water harvesting system, quality and amount of groundwater, and impacts to coral reef and adaptation strategies.Three cooperative projects concerning the groundwater resources management, coral reef and rainfall harvesting in the south pacific allies are provided. International cooperative strategies are also proposed using SWOT to analyze the strength, weakness, opportunity and threaten of Taiwan. 096 空保處 台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1451
「空氣污染物排放清冊更新管理及空氣品質質損量推估」專案工作計畫 排放量資訊為空氣污染管制上重要的背景資料,為掌握其趨勢,全國空污排放清冊的更新原規劃為每三年進行一次,前一版[TEDS6.1]全國排放量資料庫是以92年為基準年所建置的排放量(去年度完成)。此機制下更新的排放量離現況通常會有三至四年之時差,較無法反應出近況實際排放狀況,故本年度計畫針對此更新機制重新進行檢討,考量排放量的需求目地,將排放量之更新依資料解析度分為短期月排放變化、年度縣市排放量及每三年一次解析至網格之基準年排放量等三類。本年度所執行的更新即是屬年度縣市排放量的修正,概估出前一年度95年的排放量,並據以修正預測未來年排放趨勢,試算比較不同減量情境的減量成效,提供未來管制重點方向之建議。針對下一版本三年一次基準年排放量的更新先期作業上,主要進行重要污染類別排放量不確定性的探討與補充調查,包括車行揚塵與河床裸露逸散排放等類別,以提昇下一版本排放量的完整性及正確性。除排放量資料更新外,本年度其他工作項目尚包括減量控制成本的檢討修正,據以重新計算修正空氣品質質損量;引進美國環保署建立之空氣污染控制成本資料庫系統(ACN),未來可輔助應用於空氣污染管制策略的研擬;提供主計處編撰綠色國民所得帳之空氣品質質損相關資料、縣市SIP考核空氣品質改善指標分數統計及排放清冊查詢網頁資料更新等行政支援工作。 Update and Management of Air Pollution Emission Inventory and Estimation for Air Pollution Degradation Emissions data are essential background information for air pollution control. In order to monitor the trend of emissions data, the National Air Pollution Emission Inventory is updated, as originally planned, every three years. With this schedule, however, even the most recently updated emissions data are three to four years old and do not reflect current air pollution emission conditions. For instance, the last version of the national emissions database (TEDS 6.1) completed last year was based on the emissions data of 2003. Hence, the update schedule for emissions data is revised in this fiscal year and divided according to data resolution into the following three categories to better satisfy the use of emissions data: short-term update for monthly variation of emissions data, annul update for city/county emissions data, and tri-annual update for base-year emissions data in grid resolution. The update program to be executed in this fiscal year is the annual update for city/county emissions data. More specifically, the emissions data of the last fiscal year (2006) was estimated and was used to correct and predict the emissions trend in the coming years. Additionally, the results of emission reduction under different reduction scenarios were compared and served as a reference for drafting control directives in the future. Also, discussions and supplementary survey on the uncertainty of emissions data of major pollution sources, such as fugitive dust from paved roads and from exposed riverbeds, were conducted as a preparatory work for the next tri-annual update for base-year emissions data to increase completeness and correctness thereof. Apart from updating the emissions data, this year’s study also include: review and revision of cost per ton reduced, so as to re-assess air degradation; and introduction of AirControlNET (ACN), a database tool developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for conducting air pollution control cost analysis, so as to assist in the planning of air pollution control strategies. Furthermore, in support of the administrative affairs, data related to air degradation was provided to the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics for calculating the Green GDP and assistance in assessing air quality improvement scores for city/county SIP assessment system and updating the emissions inventory website. 096 空保處 中鼎工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1521
海洋油污染衛星遙測系統監測專案工作計畫 本計畫主要是執行環保署「重大海洋油污染緊急應變計畫」之監測與資料彙整任務,並完成下列工作:1. 維護全天候24小時緊急聯絡處理系統,包含人員、電話及傳真,除接受環保署通知提供技術諮詢服務外,並配合環保署96年度演練或重大海洋污染事件,應用衛星遙測、遙測機具、遙控直升機等先進遙測科技及航照方式,快速蒐集污染事件資料,全年搭配演練共執行7次海洋污染遙測蒐證工作(含演練)。2. 蒐集加拿大與東南亞溢油緊急應變機制及全球港口國管制之備忘錄或協議等相關資訊,以強化台灣地區周邊海域環境工作建議。3. 對於台灣周圍海域進行定期監測,一共發現8次疑似污染情形,並依通報機制進行通報與查證的工作,強化周圍海域的稽查功能與蒐證。4. 維護環保署建置之海洋油污染緊急傳輸系統,並包含系統之模組化、遠端通信化、及視訊資料污染範圍之判釋功能,並應符合環保署作業內容要求。5. 維護行政院環境保護署建置之海難事件電子通報、統計及地理電腦查詢系統,並派專人至環保署蒐集九十六年度海污事件通報紀錄,建立、彙整、統計、與分析海洋污染事件之類別與地理位置,以更新資料庫內容,並增加海污事件公佈欄之功能並於年初將新版網路通報系統上線使用。6. 辦理各應變單位(包括:環保、海巡、港口管理等單位)操作,使用本系統之操作講習與演練,訓練對象共計66人。 The Satellite Monitoring Systems for Marine Oil Pollution The main objective of the project is to use the existing remote sensing technologies and internet communications system to aid the data collection when marine oil pollution emergencies occur. The following tasks are achieved in the project: 1. The NCU project’s team has setup an emergency communication network between NCU and EPA. The team has also used the communication network and remote sensing systems to take part in the marine training and data collection exercise for seven times during the project period.2. With collecting the data of navigation technology and civil cooperation, an appropriate monitoring system for Taiwan marine environment is suggested.According to the foreign case studies of marine monitoring by the recent remote sensing technologies, a standard procedure of collecting remote sensing data for marine pollution is proposed.3. A constant monitoring of the marine enviroment of Taiwan’s surrounding areas has been carried out in the project period. Eight suspectable pollution cases have been detected and transferred for the in situ innestigation. 4. The video data transmitting system has been packed into modules, enhanced with audio equipment, and added with interpretation function for pollution situation. Moreover, the manual for operating the system is provided. 5. The web-based system, which provides an internet environment for reporting marine oil-pollution emergency, has been program revised, functions improved, and data added. The billboard function and new interface of the web-based system are also offered in this year. 6. A workshop is coordinated to introduce the systems developed in the project to the related government organizations. 096 水保處 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1217
環保政策風險管理發展計畫 政府的組織及政策需要保護人民不受傷害,因此風險管理工作,不管是對於民眾安全或是對於組織運作順暢,都有其必要。環境危機促使政府相關單位擬定計畫與政策,以降低風險的產生。本團隊在既有環保政策風險管理發展架構上,持續依循整體緊急風險管理鍊的概念,擬定環保政策風險管理機制與執行程序,辦理輔導訪視與諮詢服務共16場與全國環保機關說明會1場,舉行風險管理中高階主管研習班共126人參加,並進行風險管理資訊系統維護與管理。有鑑於本計畫的執行期程,工作項目上以風險項目範圍辨識及風險分析部份為主體,並明顯感受到署內風險文化的逐步成形。大多數的中高階主管皆認同此新思維推廣的必要性,並表示未來將逐步在各自單位更積極的推動。根據風險觀念之整體性架構,建議未來朝持續強化環保署風險文化、擬定全署政策風險管理標準作業程序與建置風險與危機管理演習體系的主軸發展。 The Study of the Risk Management System to the Environmental Protection Policy The goals of governmental organizations and policies are to protect people from being harmed. Therefore, the risk management works, both for public safety and for the continuity of the organizations, are actually in need. The growing of environmental crises drives governmental agencies to draw plans and policies for coping with possible risks. There are some actual achievements from the operation of this project. According to current structure of environmental protection agency, this study drawn up the risk management mechanism from lining up the structures of emergency management chain, including risk management, disaster management and consequence management. The concepts of hazard-risk-vulnerability analysis and continuity operation are also applied to this study. Besides, 16 counseling meetings of risk management, 2 classes of risk management for middle- and high-levels officials, and one national-wide dissemination meeting for local environmental protection agencies have been held. Furthermore, the maintenance of information system to environmental protection policy risk management was also done in this project.Because of the limitation of project duration and budget, this project was operated fully concentrated on the identification and assessment of risks in the agency. The culture of risk management is growing obviously during the implementation. Most of the section chiefs and leaders aware the importances of this work, and promise to promote it in each section. There are also some suggestions, such as the depicting of SOP of the assessment process and the hold of table-top exercises, are also provided by this study. 096 管考處 瑞鉅災害管理及安全事務顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1349
朴子溪水質改善與生態系生物多樣性變化研析 本計畫採用魚類生物完整性指數及整合型環境生態評估架構在朴子溪8個環保署主要監測測站及參考樣站進行4次魚類調查,本計畫在中上游樣站以二高便道橋樣站的平均魚種數9.3、平均隻數211最多,松竹大橋樣站平均魚種數6.3、平均隻數127.5,竹崎大橋樣站平均魚種數5.8、平均隻數162.3,牛稠溪橋樣站平均魚種數4.8、平均隻數47最少;而下游樣站中以東石大橋樣站的平均魚種數7.5最高、平均隻數34.5,月眉潭橋樣站平均隻數184最高,平均魚種數3.8,介壽橋樣站平均魚種數5.3、平均隻數12.5,朴子溪大橋樣站平均魚種數為4.5、平均隻數為10最少。將本計畫結果與2006年朴子溪監測資料比較;2006年資料僅有牛稠溪橋樣站以下魚種數和捕獲隻數,優勢種為尼羅口孵魚、大肚魚和大鱗鮻,牛稠溪橋樣站平均魚種數1.8、平均隻數7.5,月眉潭橋樣站平均魚種數2.8、平均隻數49.8,介壽橋樣站平均魚種數3.5、平均隻數10.3,朴子溪大橋樣站平均魚種數4.0、平均隻數9.3,以上4樣站中;其魚種數和隻數皆比本年調查少,另下游之東石大橋樣站可能使用不同捕捉方式,因此,2006年平均捕獲隻數為61.8,但是平均魚種數較少為4.3。魚種數及隻數較過去調查資料高,可能反應水質的改善。本計畫所發展之魚類生物完整性指數(Fish IBI)可以反應污染梯度的變化,以不同的採樣資料測試,亦可顯示出與污染梯度的相關性。而生態完整性指數(IEI)方面;以魚類生物完整性指數、水質和棲地三項組成,在中上游以松竹大橋、竹崎大橋樣站於三項的分數較高,牛稠溪橋樣站狀況最差;下游樣站以東石大橋樣站分數較高,月眉潭橋樣站最低。水質改善分析顯示,在溶氧方面有增加的趨勢,在生化需氧量方面有降低的趨勢;在氨氮和懸浮固體方面則改變不明顯。在指標魚種方面,分析中上游樣站資料結果顯示可以臺灣鮠和鯽魚的出現與否區分污染狀況,或是以臺灣石(魚賓)為未或稍受污染的指標魚種,雜交尼羅魚和粗首鱲為中度污染的指標魚種,大肚魚和孔雀魚為嚴重污染的指標魚種;因為下游樣站資料大部份為中度污染,無法區分指標魚種。本計畫依照美國環保署的方法發展並測試適用於本區域的魚類生物完整性指數,而非直接套用國外或其他計畫的測項,以水質和棲地發展環境梯度,選擇出與環境梯度相關的魚類生物完整性指數。本計畫建立環境生態監測取樣系統,調查以魚類為主,輔以溪岸植物,測試並發展魚類生物完整性評估指數及其施行方法,測試並發展適用於朴子溪的整合型環境生態評估架構及其施行方法。本計畫建議未來應測試發展出的指數,測試和改進指標魚種。增加其他生物以增進對它們之間的關係與對生態完整性的瞭解,並探討如何在生態環境復育計畫中,找到能顯示改變的生態指標及促進生態的回復。 Relationship between the Water Quality Improvement and the Biodiversity Change in the Puzih River Ecosystem Sampling was conducted at 8 EPA sampling sites and additional selected sites in four seasons. Fish was the primary sampling organisms and riparian plants were also surveyed. In the middle and upper stream sites, the dominant species were Zacco pachycephalus, Acrossocheilus paradoxus, and Rhinogobius candidianu were sampled. The 2nd highway service road bridge had the highest number of average species, 9.3, and average number sampled, 211. The Shongtsu bridge had 6.3 number of species and 127.5 of individuials caught on average. The Tsuchi bridge had 5.8 number of species and 162.3 of individuials caught on average. The newchoshi bridge had 4.8 number of species and 47 of individuials caught on average. In the lower reach sites, the dominant species were Oreochromis sp., Liza macrolepis, and Hypsibarbus pierrei. The dongshi bridge had 7.5 of average number of species and 34.5 of fish caught. The Yueimeitan bridge had 3.8 of average number of species and 184 of fish caught. The Cheishow bridge had 5.3 of average number of species and 12.5 of fish caught. The Putzih bridge had 4.5 of average number of species and 10 of fish caught. The 2006 monitoring data have only data below the newchoshi bridge and number of fish caught. The dominant species were Oreochromis niloticus, Gambusia affinis, and Liza macrolepis. The newchoshi bridge had 1.8 number of species and 7.5 of individuials caught on average. The Yueimeitan bridge had 2.8 number of species and 49.8 of individuials caught on average. The Cheishow bridge had 3.5 number of species and 10.3 of individuials caught on average. The Putzih bridge had 4 number of species and 9.3 of individuials caught on average. In these four sites, the 2006 survey caught less number of fish and number of species than our project. In the dongshi bridge, the 2006 survey used different sampling mthod and had a higher number of fish caught, 61.8, but had less number of species caught, 4.3.The developed Fish IBI, correlated with environmental gradients, can be used to assess human disturbance. The index of ecological integrity (IEI) was composed of Fish IBI, water quality, and habitat indices. Radar plots was used to exhibit IEI, which provided more complete information on each station. The results of analyzing water quality trend indicated that DO was elevating and BOD was decreasing.The developed fish IBI, followed the protocol of US EPA, was correlated with environmental gradients and can be used to assess human disturbance. The fish IBI gave a satisfactory results after tested with data from different months. The index of ecological integrity (IEI) was composed of Fish IBI, water quality, and habitat indices. Radar plots was used to exhibit IEI, which provided more complete information on each station. The results of analyzing water quality trend indicated that DO was elevating and BOD was decreasing. Only limited fish data were available from past survey, which impeded comparison. Comparing with previous data, our results showed more numbesr of fish species for most sites, indicating a possible response to water quality improvement. Fish monitoring requires the same protocol for data comparison. Monitoring reports need to show tables of fish species and abundance for future analysis. We also derived indicator species with two statistical methods. For future development, this project suggests that developed index and indicator species need to be further tested within the ecoregion, indices of different group of taxa may improve our assessment of stream ecosystems, and evaluation of choices of proper indicators and fascilating recovery for stream restoration projects need to be understood. 096 水保處 環球技術學院環境資源管理系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1267
96固定污染源許可審查及資料庫管理計畫 摘 要本計畫執行期程係自96年3月15日至97年3月14日止,共計12個月。其中主要工作項目包括:資料庫維護更新與管理、執行許可制度、辦理空污費催補繳及查核、執行排放量網路申報審核、辦理專責人員在職訓練及各類宣導說明會等工作項目;各作業項目均已依工作進度規劃期程(如下表)一一進行 (成果摘要詳表1.3-2),量化之工作項目除了新聞稿外各工作進度達成率均已達100%。截至本階段,本縣列管固定污染源共計2,020家,較上年度減少9家,列管製程數為2,607個、污染源有10,813個、防制設備2,986個、排放管道2,671根,列管排放量為粒狀污染物4,264.21噸/年,硫氧化物16,810.27噸/年,氮氧化物30,437.87噸/年,揮發性有機物7,960.68噸/年,探討其變化原因主要為執行清查作業造成的列管家數變化所引起的排放量變化、計算基準修正以及列管廠家其製程、產能變動所致。而自86年至96年以來,臺中縣固定污染源經由各項加嚴管制措施之執行及維護更新作業之持續進行,總體而言列管排放量的變化為:粒狀污染物排放量由5,424噸/年降至4,264噸/年;硫氧化物由83,698噸/年降至16,810噸/年;氮氧化物由28,097噸/年略升至30,438噸/年;揮發性有機物由2,803噸/年大幅增至7,961噸/年。完成250家現場清查及建檔作業,而在清查後列管之製程數減少27%,污染源列管數減少26%,防制設備列管數減少29%,排放口列管數減少16%;在列管排放量變化方面粒狀污染物減少15.93噸,硫氧化物減少232.49噸,氮氧化物增加603.49噸,揮發性有機物減少433.12噸,一氧化碳減少121.09噸。96年7月空污費移撥地方執行後,本計畫協助完成空污費新制相關審核移轉縣市環保局作業規劃,並完成706件的空污費申報資料建檔及掃瞄作業。另外,透過維護更新及空污費查核、催補繳作業新增應申繳空污費之家數共計56家,篩除空污費列管家數共計39家,催得5,138,140元空污費;此外,針對環保署指定名單及繳費對象前30大名單完成47家第一季空污費申報結果與排放量申報資料比對,比對結果有二件為空污費申報錯誤,其餘為計算基準不同(許可為SCC係數,空污費為公告之均化係數);協助未申繳空污費廠家申報輔導,全縣到繳率由期初的60%提升至90%以上。 在執行許可制度之相關作業上,現階段總計核發64張設置許可證及292張操作許可證;分析許可審查日數,設置許可平均審查日數為8.8日,較95年減少0.1日,操作許可平均審查日數為8.8日較95年減少約3日,整體審查日數較往年縮短;掌握確認許可第8批公告應申請名單91個製程,並輔導其於96年底前全數完成申請;完成285張製程許可查核及問題彙整,查核不符率為36.8%(委託機關不符率為41.67%),經輔導後現階段改善完成率為71%,整體查核符合率為89%;完成代申請業者文書品質評鑑共370件,評鑑結果平均分數為78分,評鑑等級以B級最多。96年度配合稽查計畫共執行95家次高MIR工廠的整廠清查作業,而清查後VOCs排放量共增加520.572噸/年,其中屬排放量更新(包含停工、減產、係數變更、重新列管掌握)者共有138.535噸/年(減量),屬於因實際產能增加或操作狀況改變造成實質增量者有639.368噸/年。另外,從高MIR工廠清查結果具有減量空間者計有台玻平板三廠等14廠,其中層層等5廠因排放規模大且尚無有效防制設施,建議應優先列為指定減量對象,另外,港區儲槽雖大都有設置活性碳吸附設備,但因其僅為簡易式設計,業者雖已承諾提高更換頻率,但就其落實度及設備種類之有效處理效率應尚不足以符合VOCs管制規範規定,建議可先透過提高查核強度利用勤查重罰方式先予以管制,後續再逐步要求進行防制設備改善。各項相關作業內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。 附表、96年度固定污染源許可審查及資料庫管理計畫月進度規劃表統計日期:至97.03.14 AbstractThe project spans 12 months, from March 15, 2007 to March 14, 2008. Major works included in the project are: (1) Database maintenance, updating, and management; (2) Implementation of permit application system; (3) Conduct tracking and checking payment of air pollution control fee; (4) Conduct internet application and review of emission amount permit; (4) Organize on-the-job training, promotion and seminar for dedicated personnel etc. All said items are in progress (Summary of Project Achievement 1.3-2) according to schedule (as shown in the following table). All quantified work items have reached 100% completion rate, with the only exception of news release. Up until this stage, a total of 2,020 cases of regular pollution sources (9 cases less than last fiscal year), 2,607 cases of production process, 10,813 cases of random pollution resources, 2,986 cases of pollution prevention equipments, 2,671 cases of discharge pipelines; 4,264.21 ton/year particulate pollutant, 16,810.27 ton/year SOx, 30,437.87 ton/year NOx, and 7,960.68 ton/year VOCs have been listed under the governance of County Environmental Protection Bureau. Major reasons for the change are: execution of thorough checking, resulting in emission amount changes; modification of calculation baseline, resulting in production process and productivity changes of the governed plants. In summing up, emission changes of regular pollutants in Taichung county since 1997 through 2007 are: particulate pollutant emission reduced from 5,424 ton/year to 4,264 ton/year; SOx, from 83,698 ton/year to 16,810 ton/year, NOx, from 28,097 ton/year increased slightly to 30,438 ton/year, while VOCs increased significantly from 2,803 ton/year to 7,961 ton/year.In all 250 plants completing of on-site checking and file compilation, listed production process reduced by 27%, listed pollutants reduced by 26%, listed pollution prevention equipment reduced by 29%, listed discharge outlet reduced by 16%. Regarding governed emission amount, particulate pollutant reduced by 15.93 tons, SOx reduced by 232.49 tons, NOx increased by 603.49 tons, VOCs reduced by 433.12 tons, and CO reduced by 121.09 tons. Since execution of air pollution control fee transferred to local government in July 2007, the project has completed operational plan of related new air pollution control fee system for the bureau, in addition to filing and scanning of 706 cases of air pollution control application. Through maintenance and updating database, and checking and tracking air pollution control fee, an additional 56 plants are listed as applicants for air pollution control fee, another 39 listed plants are screened out, which amount to a total payment of NTD 5,138,140. Moreover, data matching of 47 plants in the 1st quarter have been completed in accordance with the appointed plants designated by Environmental Protection Administration and top 30 pollution resources. Findings show that 2 of them have application error, the others are different in calculation basis (permit is based on SCC coefficient, while air pollution control fee is mean coefficient). By providing assistance to plants in application procedure, the project has increase the county payment ratio to over 90% from the initial 60%. In execution of permit system related operations, a total of 64 installation permits and another 292 operation permits have been issued in the current stage. In analyzing permit reviewing time, average days for installation permit has reduced to 8.8 days, 0.1 day less than that of 2006; operation permit reduced to 8.8 days, 3 days less than that of 2006. Accordingly, total average permit reviewing days have been greatly shortened from all previously years. The project has also provided guidance to 91 production processes on the 8th publication list to help completing application procedures by the end of 2007. Checking and problems compilation of 285 production process permit have found a 36.8% inconsistence rate (inconsistence of entrust institutions amounts to 41.67%). Improvement rate after guidance has reached to 71%, total checking consistence rate is 89%. Document quality evaluation for 370 manufacturers has been conducted, with 78 average evaluation scores, of which most are B class. In 2007, execution of auditing plan on 95 plants of the second highest MIR, total VOCs emission has increased to 520.572 ton/year, among them 138.535 ton/year (reduction) belongs to emission updating class (including shutout, production reduction, coefficient change, rearrangement of governance list), while another 639.368 ton/year comes from practical productivity increase or operation status change. Furthermore, checking conducted on plants with high MIR has found that 14 plants (including 3rd plant of Taiwan Glass Ind. Corp.) have potential for emission reduction. Among them, 5 plants (including Taipei Pack Industries Corporation) have a large emission amount and no effective prevention facilities installed. It is advised that those should be listed and monitored as targets for emission reduction. In addition, storage tank located in the port area, are equipped with simple-devised activated charcoal absorption equipments. Manufacturers have committed to improve by increasing replacement rate. However, realization and efficiency of existing equipment models fall short to meet VOCs code and relevant regulations. Frequently intensive checking and severe penalty should be imposed before subsequent requesting for improvement of prevention equipment is taken. For detailed information and achievements concerning related operations, please refer to each section and chapter of the main report. 096 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=191
區域性噪音地圖繪製計畫-以都會區為範圍 本計畫自96年6月27日起執行至96年12月31日止,已依本計畫預定工作進度執行完成各工作項目,其主要成果說明如下:首先收集歐盟最新法令及歐盟、美國及亞洲主要都市等各國目前進行都市噪音地圖繪製之情形,並進行資料彙整,並提出各國執行情形說明並就其執行過程之困難點及其特色等優缺點,以提供環保署及各環保單位作業未來執行此業務之參考。針對建立噪音地圖所需之各項資料庫進行分析探討,分析歸納出欲執行都市噪音地圖所需之相關資訊。進一步針對各噪音源所需蒐集建立之噪音資料庫參數使用進行說明,包括相關資料庫及噪音源參數等,本計畫中並以歐洲數國如瑞典、西班牙、英國、荷蘭及法國等國實際執行噪音資料庫來源建立之經驗進行彙整說明,以供參考。且針對執行都市噪音地圖之各項噪音源所使用之國際標準法規及其輸入參數進行說明,並就我國常見都市噪音地圖模擬用軟體進行簡略介紹。並就主要之參數如道路交通流量、建物參數、環境量測結果等項目就執行方式及歐盟實際執行之相關建議進行彙整說明。同時本計畫亦進行執行噪音地圖之成本項目及內容分析說明以及噪音地圖之效益說明。另針對我國相關噪音管制策略及噪音地圖之執行提出10年長期之規劃。 本計畫以南高雄市進行共計150點次之環境噪音量測作業,各點次均進行24小時之環境噪音量量測作業,並以此監測結果進行噪音地圖模擬作業之輸入資料。本計畫更進行都會區實際噪音地圖製作規劃,針對南高雄市苓雅、前鎮、旗津及小港等區進行共計122平方公里之都市噪音地圖模擬作業,並分別依高快速道路、省鄉縣道路、重要道路、一般道路、所有道路以及市區包含建物等各種情境,配合Lima模擬軟體進行都市噪音地圖模擬作業,並分別針對如日間音量、晚間音量、夜間音量、全日均能音量及日晚夜音量等其不同參數進行模擬,並結合地理資訊系統(GIS)進行圖資繪製作業,並將此結果進行彙整後將放置於環保署網站中提供各縣市同仁參考。並依據本計畫之各情境模擬結果進一步進行執行模擬效率、影響面積、建物影響差異以及固定點噪音影響等項目進行較詳細之分析作業。 針對本計劃之各項成果已辦理二場次噪音諮詢會議,就歐盟執行噪音地圖之相關法規及實例說明進行經驗交流,以提供國內環保署及各環保局參考。並針對本計畫之模擬成果辦理完成一場次之噪音業務檢討及成果討論會。 Regional Noise Mapping project As the range with City Area From June 27 2007 to December 31 2007, this project has been implemented and the scheduled progress has been achieved. The following is the brief presentation of primary achievements: First, the latest applicable specifications and codes widely used in EU and USA, and the information regarding the making of urban noise maps that have been carried out in EU countries, USA and Asia cities were collected for data summarization. The status of implementation in these countries is presented here in terms of the difficulties during the implementation, features of the implementation and its advantages and drawbacks as well for the reference of EPA and fellow environmental protection agencies in future operations. Secondly, the noise sources and their parameters and relevant data that are required for the analysis and production of noise maps were reviewed with the reference of the guidelines of EU for noise map production to carry out data collection for subsequent feasibility analysis. Using several city’s experience in Europe building noise source databases for reference, such as, Sweden, United Kingdom, Netherlands and French, and make a brief description of common Urban Noise Mapping software in our country. Also, the methods of data conversion for major factors of influence, such as road noises, buildings, and noise measurement, are provided. At the same time, the project is described the costs and benefits analysis of implement Noise Mapping and provided the 10 years long term noise control policy and noise mapping plans. Next, the project had been finished 150 points environmental noise monitoring, each points has monitored for 24 hours , as input source data for noise mapping used. Then, a practical noise map making and planning was carried out at a south Kaohsiung area. In this project, a simulation urban noise map was carried out on an area of 122km2 in Kaohsiung City including Ciangjhen; Lingya; Cining and Sianogang district. The simulation software LIMA was introduced in the urban noise map simulation based on several scenarios, including freeways, expressways, regional roads, major city roads, general city roads, all roads and city blocks with buildings. Moreover, the simulation has incorporated variety of parameters, for example, daytime noise level(Ld), evening noise level(Le), nighttime noise level (Ln),all day equivalent continuous sound level(Leq)and day-evening-night noise level (Lden), and GIS was employed for graphic data processing. The results were summarized and posted on EPA website for the reference of local administrations. For the results of simulation executed in this project, also made the analysis for simulation effects, noise contour area influences, and effect of fixed receipt points. So far two noise counseling meetings have been held to present the achievement of this project, and in the meetings the relevant specifications and codes of EU regarding noise map making were introduced for exchanges of experience and suggestion and for the reference of EPA and fellow environmental agencies. Also, another conference of noise operation reviews and achievement discussion was held for the simulation results of this project 096 空保處 台灣思百吉股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1391
96年度台南縣營建工地及逸散性污染源管制計畫 依據台南縣96年度「營建工地及逸散性污染源管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)甄選須知規定,本計畫各項工作執行摘要如表一,各工作項目成果簡要說明如下:一、分析與討論 營建工程污染管制工作除延續歷年工地污染管制工作外,本計畫因應九十三年七月一日『營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法』的施行,故在稽巡查作業上,特別加強管理辦法的查核及輔導,藉由施行的狀況評選出優良工地加以表揚,此外在宣導說明會上也針對管理辦法加以宣導說明之,另在空氣品質維護上加強洗掃街認養的部份。計畫執行至97年8月8日止之執行成果,達成合約規範應完成工作項目預定目標100%以上。二、主要工作內容1.計畫期間共計執行營建工地巡查7094件(含假日巡查1003件),查核結果相關資料均建置於「行政院環境保護署營建工地污染管制及收費管理資訊系統」中。2.經統計台南縣96/8/1至97/7/31止共計有6,586個工程施工,經推估其所產生的原始排放量總計為6337.27噸,平均月排放量為528.16T/月。經污染管制後實際排放量總計為3547.38噸,平均污染削減率為44.02%;其中列管的2359個工地之排放量佔總排放量之87.69%。3.計畫期間共計完成2場次的營建宣導說明會及印製300份的宣導手冊,「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」九十六年十月二十四日修正,會議中特針對修正部份加以說明。4. 96年8月1日至97年07月31日空污費收入統計,共計有4,895件工程申繳空污費,總收入為55,177,734元,申報金額最高為4,952,527元(R96S4044東西向快速公路臺南關廟線臺南仁德段第C822標2-11號道路至臺1線路段工程。5.目前台南縣環保局延續上年度便民單一服務窗口,平均一件十分鐘即可辦理完成。且於台南縣歸仁縣府南區服服中心有第二個空污費申繳便民窗口。6.計畫執行期間共計有22處營建工地配合進行道路洗掃認養,認養道路總長度為17,175公尺,截至97年7月31日止洗掃執行總長度為8590.38公里(包含洗街4,295.19公里、掃街4,295.19公里),其TSP削減量約為118.55公噸(PM10削減量約為22.33公噸)。7.計畫執行期間(96/08~97/7)針對縣內營建工程施工機具油品進行抽測作業,共計抽驗39台施工機具,其中20台施工機具經本計畫抽驗人員判別油品顏色、氣味有異而送驗分析,其檢測結果共計3台超過法規標準(50ppmw),抽驗不合格率約為7.7%;而送驗不合格率則為15%。8.96年度二期稻作期間露天燃燒發現件數共計有600件(經巡查人員現場撲滅有216件),其中稻草露天燃燒件數為578件、植物-其他類(主要為雜草)為16件、樹枝葉則為6件,其燃燒量為698.14公噸,滅火之抑制量為122.62公噸,抑制率為17.56%。9.推廣勿露天燃燒稻草概念至農會契作班與碾米場,截至97/8共計有芳榮稻米產銷專業區等7個單位已同意配合實施(因德昌米廠需98年1月才納入契作合約中,故不列入統計),稻作面積總計約665.8公頃,契作農戶約577位,其推估可抑制約3994.8公噸之燃燒量。10.今年度計畫執行期間主要是以都會區、人口密集區、重要道路(如台1線及台19線)之裸露地調查為主,目前共計新增調查48筆裸露地,新增列管面積為69.67公頃,TSP排放量約24.67公噸/年。在裸露地改善方面共計完成22筆裸露地改善,其改善面積共計有35.98公頃,其中改幹面積最大者之鄉鎮為永康市之8.53公頃。11.計畫期間共計完成3場次的紙錢減量集中燃燒宣導說明會(1場減量,2場集中燃燒宣導),會中除說明紙錢減量的重要性外,亦推廣中元普渡紙錢集中活動。12.中元普渡紙錢集中活動截至8/17為止,共計有82個單位配合實施(其中包含廟宇7家、營建工地33處、社區17處、公家單位11處、民眾5處、公司行號9處);共計收集運載10980kg。 Management Plan of Construction Sites and Fugitive Emission, Tainan County, 2007. Acoording to evaluation regulation of “Management Plan of Construction Sites and Fugitive Emission” (hereafter called this project), Tainan County, 2007. The execution abstract of this project is listed as Table 1 which issuing the briefly description of each outcome of the project:1. Analysis and DiscussionThe plan of Construction site’s pollution control is not only inline with the project standard, but also assists “Management of Construction site’s Air Pollution preventing facilities” that issues on July 1, 2004. Due to patrol work, we specially enhance on management’s reviewing and counseling. From the condition of progress, we selected the excellent construction site to be awarded. Moreover, we introduced and illustrated the importance of management issue on the propagandist conference. On the issue of maintaining the air quality, we encouraged volunteers to adopt roads and clean the street dust. We have accomplished 100 % execution that is over our expecting tagart during this project to August 8, 2008.2. Main Working Conatins:1. During this project period, we patrolled 7094 times on construction sites (included holiday patrolled 1003 times). Moreover, the result of patrol was filed into “Information System of Constuction Site’s Pollution management and Fee Collecting management, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan”.2. From August 1, 2007 to July 31, 2008, there were total 6586 sites under the constuction in Tainan County. The Estimation of fugitive emission was 6337.27 tons, which averaged 528.16 tons per month. After proceeding the polltion controlling management, the actual amount of emission was reduced to 3547.38 tons, the average percentage of reduction was 44.02%. Among the 2359 constuction sites which under the management plan was contained the 87.69% total emission.3. We held two constuciton prapagadize conference and printed out 300 prapagadize handbook during this project. In the conference, we specially illustrated the amendment according to “Management Plan of Construction Site’s Air Pllution Preventing Facities” which was revised on Oct. 24, 2007 4. The air pollution fees collecting statistic from Aug. 1, 2007 to July 31, 2008 is showed as the followings: Total number of constrcution sites declared the air pollution fees: 4895. Total revenue: 55,177,734 NT dollars. Highest amount of declaration: 4,952,527 NT dollars (R96S4044 Tainan-Rende section, Tainan-Guanmiao. Line of East-West Expressway System No. C822.Starts from 2-11 road in the west and ends at Provincial Highway No.1 in the east.)5. Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan County continue the service window from last year. The average proceeding time is around 10 minutes per cases. Now, Tainan county government’s southern service center is also provided second service window in Gueiren township. 6. There were 22 construction sites assisted on adopting road dust cleaning during this project period. The total length of adoption road are 17,175 meters. The total length of street cleaning is 8590.38 kilometer by July 31, 2008 (included street scrubing 4,295.19 kilomete, street sweeping 4,295.19 kilometer). The amount of TSP reduction is 118.55 tons (amount of PM10 reduction is 22.33 tons). 7. We directed the construction sites in Tianan County for random testing on construction machines’ and tools’ oil. There are 27 construction sites and 39 construction machines and tools under inspection. The inspecting group identfy the unusual oil by the color and small among the 20 machines and tools for the further analysis. Result of the analysis showed 3 machines were over the regulation stardard (50ppmw), the unqualify percentage of random testing is 7.7%, the unqualify percentageof analysis is 15%.8. The total numbers of alfresco combustion were 600 cases which discovered during the second season of rice cultivation in 2007. (216 cases were extinguished by the patrol team members). Among those alfresco combustion, there were 578 straw buring, 16 palnt-others buring (mainly weeds), and 6 tree leaves buring. The total amount of combustion were 698.14 tons, the amount of extinguishing fire were 122.62 tons which made the percentage of restraining alfresci burning to be 17.56%.9. we popularized the concep of non-alfresco straw buring to the contracting and operating uint of farmers’ association and rice husking mill. There were 7 unit agrreded to operated this project up to Jan 1, 2008 which included Fang Rong rice production and marketing. The total contracted farmer were 577 people within 665.8 hectare of farm area. The estimation of restraining combustion amount is around 3994.8 tons.10. This project mainly investigated the uncovered suferace on metropolital area, heavy popullated area, and main road (ex:TAI 1 SIAN and TAI 19 SIAN) during the execuation period. There were 48 uncovered surface added to this project within 69.67 hectares of listed controlling area. The total amounts of TSP emission were 24.67 tons per year. The improvement on the matter of uncover suferace was compeleted up to 22 cases that included improving area of 35.98 hectares. 11. During the project period, there were 3 prapagadize conference which illustrated the importance of reducing the praying cash combustion and centralizing combustion. Moreover, we popularized a acitivity of centralizing praying cash collecting on The Chungyuan Festival (Chinese Halloween). 12. The activity of centralizing praying cash collecting on The Chungyuan Festival (Chinese Halloween).was ended Aug 17, 2008. There were total 82 units cooperated this activity which included 7 temples, 33 constrcution sites, 17 commnunities, 11 pubic orgaizations, 5 people service sites, and 9 corperations. The total amounts of praying cash collecting is around 10980kg 096 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 堃捷工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=623
逸散污染源粒狀物染物管制推動及檢討計畫 懸浮微粒(PM10)及臭氧(O3)為造成我國空氣品質不良的主要污染物種,環保署自93年起推動逸散污染源粒狀污染物管制工作,期藉由行政管制及經濟誘因制度推動,降低粒狀污染物排放,以達改善空氣品質之目的。本計畫協助修正「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」及「空氣污染防制費收費辦法」,並研擬「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」草案及「營建工程空氣污染防制費收費費率」修正草案,健全固定污染源逸散性粒狀物管制相關法令及制度。農業操作建議採積極型活動、被動型活動、農家庭院區、車輛行駛軌跡、未鋪面路面及原料倉等六類管制策略。民俗活動燃燒建議以殯儀館、大型寺廟及靈骨塔為優先管制對象,紙錢燃燒最佳可行性控制技術優先順序為濕式洗滌塔、旋風集塵設備及袋濾集塵設備。台灣地區地表主要裸露區域為河川高灘地, 11大河川高灘地合計為1萬6千公頃,佔河域面積63.3﹪。協助執行環保署96年及97年縣市逸散污染源管制執行績效考評作業,總計查獲51件違反空氣污染防制法案件。協助推動逸散源污染管制工作,有效改善空氣品質及降低民眾陳情案件,全國懸浮微粒年平均濃度自93年62.13μg/m3逐年下降,96年平均濃度為59.11μg/m3;民眾陳情粒狀污染物的案件(比例),亦由93年7,803件(22.4﹪)逐年降低,96年發生7,273件(15.2﹪)。 Control Strategies for the Fugitive Particulate Emissions Particulates (PM10) and ozone (O3) are mainly species of air pollution in Taiwan. The Environmental Protection Administration implemented its control strategies for fugitive particulate emissions in 2004. It is expected to reduce particulate emissions with improve the air quality by impetus to conventional administration and economic inducement.This project assists to revise the “Regulations Governing the Management of Construction Air Pollution Control Installations” and the “Air Pollution Control Fee Collection Regulations”. Also draws up the draft concerning with the “Management Regulation of Air Pollution Control Facilities for Fugitive Particulate Emissions form Stationary Sources” and the “Fee Rates for Construction Air Pollution Control”. To perfect the control the related and act for fugitive particulate emissions form stationary sources. The agricultural operation suggestion picks from six types control strategy: activity, inactive, yard area, track-out, unpaved roads and storage piles. Control targets for traditional religious burning is funeral parlor, large religious temples and work properly the bone tower. The best available control technology orders of priority are packed tower, cyclonic and baghouse from the combustion of joss paper Discussion. In Taiwan, the main of bare area is the river alluvion. The sum of area is 16,000 hectares from top 11 rivers alluvion, the river basin occupy 63.3%.Support to the Environmental Protection Administration has also evaluated the performance of local governments on controlling fugitive particulate emissions in 2007 and 2008. Grand total ferrets out 51 cases to violate the air pollution control act. And support to controlling fugitive particulate emissions of fresh impetus to work for effective improvement to air pollution and petition cases from populace. All over the country, the year average concentration of particulate was 62.13μg/m3 from 2004 to drops year by year. And the year average concentration was 59.11μg/m3 from 2007. The rates of petition cases from populace were decrease, had 7,808 cases (22.4%) from 2004 and 7,273 cases (15.2%) from 2004, respectively. 096 空保處 新紀工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1287
96年度柴油車排煙管制計畫 為改善桃園縣之空氣品質,給予市民乾淨清新之生活環境,桃園縣政府環境保護局本年度也依據「空氣污染防制法」之目標與精神,在柴油車污染方面,透過不定期檢驗管制,以有效提升桃園縣之空氣品質狀況,達成污染減量及環境保護之成效。本計畫以行駛桃園縣柴油車為主,由民眾檢舉、目視判煙等方式,通知轄區內柴油車到站檢測;而油品抽測部分,則以站內採油、路邊攔檢及到客貨運場站稽查方式進行,以管制含硫量過高之非法油品。 In an effort to improve the air quality in Taoyuan County and offer the citizens a clean and fresh living environment and in accordance with the objectives and spirits of 「Air Pollution Control Act」, In this year the Department of Environmental Protection of Taoyuan County Government has irregular emission inspection affair, modification and maintenance ,so that the effective refinement for the condition of air quality and the effect of pollution reduction plus environmental protection in Taoyuan County are achievable. The motor vehicles with diesel engine within the Taoyuan County area were targeted in this project. Through the approaches of citizens’ violation reporting and judgment by visual determination of smoke, motor vehicles with diesel engine were notified to report to the station for testing. As for the sampling inspection of fuel product, the methods of in-station fuel sampling and block-to-test at roadside were carried out for the purpose of controlling the illegal fuel in possession of excessive sulfur content. 096 桃園縣政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=431
土壤及地下水污染整治業務推動、研修及求償諮詢計畫 本計畫主要工作內容係對環保機關所提出之法律問題,予以探討研析,提供法律意見,釐清複雜之法律疑義,俾利土壤及地下水污染整治法相關業務之推動;依據環保署指示,就(1)苗栗縣台灣氯乙烯公司頭份廠污染場址以及(2)高雄市興亞鋼鐵公司污染場址擬具求償規劃報告;另完成具體之土污法之子法修法草案內容,並研究揭穿公司面紗原則與風落果實優先權(Windfall Lien)於土污事件適用可能性,並提出長期農地污染之求償規畫報告。外國法部分則配合環保署業務之需,除就德國巴伐利亞邦對聯邦土壤保護法之施行法及相關子法翻譯外,另有德、美、英、荷、日等國外法令與具體案例之介紹、翻譯與評析,提供借鏡之效並作為我國法令修法建議。實務方面則就土污法歷年來行政函釋予以整理,並蒐集法院實務案例予以分析,使實務運作之輪廓能有更加完整之描述。此外,本計畫並依據土壤及地下水污染整治法與我國相關法令之規定,暨所蒐集之實務案例,編印土壤及地下水污染整治基金求償標準作業手冊,以供環保署及地方環保機關參考,以解決實務上之困難。 Project on the Consultation of the Remediation Affairs Enforcement, the Research & Revision of Law and the Remediation Cost Recovery Concerning the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act The main contents of work in this project include: analyzing the legal issues presented by the environmental agencies and providing legal opinions concerning thereto, so as to clarify the complicate legal ambiguities and discrepancies and facilitate the enforcement of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act ; drafting reports, as per EPA’s instructions, on the recovery plan of remediation costs incurred in the following contamination sites:(1)Tou-Fen Factory of Taiwan VCM Corporation, Miaoli County . (2) Sing-Ya Steel Corporation, Kaohsiung City ; completing the draft of pertinent by-laws of the Revised Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act with substantial contents; researching on the possibility of piercing the Corporate Veil in the soil and groundwater pollution cases and securing remediation costs by the so-called“Windfall Lien”; drafting the recovery plan on remediation costs prepaid by the Remediation Fund for the long-termed pollution of agricultural lands, etc. Concerning the foreign laws, the team, in coping with the work requirements of EPA, has, in addition to the translation of Bavarian State Soil Protection Act and its Enforcement Ordinance in Germany, introduced/translated and analyzed the court judgments on various cases occurred in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, and the Netherlands , so as to provide reference on comparative law and make suggestion on the revision of our laws and regulations. As to the practice aspect, the team has rearranged numerous administrative interpretation letters in the past years concerning the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act and has collected and analyzed pertinent court precedents so as to provide more complete outlines for the practice operation. The project has further completed the edition of the Handbook of Standard Operation Procedure referring to recovery of remediation costs prepaid by the Soil Pollution and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund, based on the Remediation Act, the relevant laws and regulations and the collected court precedents, so that the EPA and local environmental agencies may refer thereto and solve the encountered problems in the enforcement of the Act. 096 土污基管會 立言法律事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1275
常見樹木淨化苯及甲醛能力之調查評估計畫 本計畫主要目的在針對台灣地區空氣品質淨化區主要樹種,進行淨化苯及甲醛能力之評估。供試植物包括樟樹、印度紫檀、烏心石、光臘樹、茄苳、台灣櫸等6種喬木;黃金金露華、杜鵑、馬櫻丹、月桔、仙丹花、朱槿等6種灌木;鵝掌藤、馬拉巴栗、蒲葵、山蘇等4種室內植物。本計畫四項工作及結果如下:(1) 現有植物淨化苯及甲醛資料之蒐集及彙整,已包含影響淨污因素以及淨污樹種之資料。(2) 以儀器量測植物淨化苯及甲醛之能力,結果顯示杜鵑對苯以及月橘和仙丹花對甲醛的淨污力為最佳。(3) 調查光照與樹種等對植物淨化苯及甲醛之影響,已發現部分樹種的淨污力會在遮蔭70%後下降、多數樹種在強光照下的吸收率比黑暗中的吸收率高、不同介質與淨污力彼此間相關性甚小、高濃度CO2對植物的淨污力有抑制作用、多數植物在早上或下午的淨污力高於晚上。(4)綜合評估樹木全年之淨污總量,已依據大氣農度資料完成推估喬木淨污之部份。在各類喬木、灌木、室內植物中,建議對苯淨化最佳之樹種為茄苳、杜鵑、鵝掌藤等,而對甲醛為台灣櫸、杜鵑以及蒲葵。以上所得對於空氣品質淨化區之建構、綠化單位從事行道樹綠化或綠帶綠化者,皆具實際參考及應用之價值。故建議於計畫完成後,適當予以發表於研討會或學術雜誌中,並提供環保署上網公佈,以供各界之應用及參考,以降低都會區之空氣污染。 Evaluation of the uptake rate of benzene and formaldehyde by common tree plants in Taiwan The purpose of this project is to evaluate the uptake rate of benzene and formaldehyde by common trees in Taiwan. The tested plant species include 6 trees ( champhor tree, Burma coast padauk, Formosan michelia, Formosan ash, red cedar, and zelkova), 6 shrubs ( golden dewdrop, azalea, common lantana, jasmin orange, Chinese ixora, and South American wax mallow), and 4 indoor plants( umbrella plant, Malabar chestnut, Chinese fan palm, and bird’s nest fern). There are four major tasks included in this one year project: (1) To review all the related literature, including the environmental factors that affect the pollutant uptake rate and the plant species with high pollutant uptake rates; (2) To measure the pollutant uptake rates of both pollutants by all the 16 plant species with instrument; (3) To compare the pollutant uptake rates when plants are exposed in different shading, light intensity, soil medium, biological clock and carbon dioxide conditions; (4) To estimate the yearly uptake rates of benzene and formaldehyde by the tree plant species in the parks in Taiwan. Results showed that benzene is uptaken most effectively by azalea, and formaldehyde is uptaken most effectively by jasmin orange and Chinese ixora. The effects of environmental factors on pollutant uptake rates are: (1) Both pollutant uptake rates are decreased by shadowing, (2) Pollutant uptake rate under higher light intensity is generally higher than in those in lower light intensity, (3) Potting material does not influence the uptake rate, (4) Both pollutant uptake rates are reduced by the elevation of CO2 concentration, and (5) Most plants show higher pollutant uptake during daytime than those in nighttime. The yearly uptake rates of benzene and formaldehyde by the tree plant species have been estimated on the basis of these data. We therefore recommend that residents can grow these plants with higher pollutant uptake rates, such as red cedar, azalea, and umbrella plant are good for benzene uptake, while zelkova, azalea, and Chinese fan palm are good for cleaning the formaldehyde. The results shown in this report are useful especially for Taiwan EPA and other organizations to select the right tree species for growing in polluted areas and neighborhood parks in Taiwan. We suggest that Taiwan EPA should promulgate all these information to the residents and in the web to promote the application of green plants in cleaning the air pollution in Taiwan. 096 空保處 台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1291
96年度臺南縣海域環境監測及海污緊急應變計畫 本計畫調查範圍為曾文溪以北海域沿海海域水質,北從台南縣海岸北端之八掌溪河口北側,南至網子寮沙洲外南側。本年度三次的水質調查結果與環保署甲類海域水質標準做比較,除了97年3月份、9月份之生化需氧量有部份超出海域水質標準之情形及97年5月、9月份之總磷少數略高出標準外,其餘皆符合甲類海域水質標準。三次水質合格達成率分別為96.7%、98.3%及94.2%,其中97年9月份之合格率較低主要受生化需氧量測值影響,原因可能受到生活與畜牧方面及來自沿海養殖之水質排放影響,導致此處近岸水體中的生化需氧量略微偏高,無法符合甲類海域水質標準。而黑面琵鷺重要覓食區與活動區五次的水質調查結果與環保署甲類海域水質標準做比較,結果顯示在溶氧部份,97年5月份各測點之溶氧明顯低於前四次測值,且低於海域水質標準之情形,依照附近之高密度養蚵情形判斷,溶氧偏低很有可能是因養蚵所造成。而生化需氧量方面,本區域各測點皆超過甲類海域水質標準,由於沿海有很多的養殖漁業,持續地向潟湖排出有機廢水,造成測值明顯偏高。此外氨氮前兩次採樣測值皆超出甲類海域水質標準,污染來源主要來自養殖魚類的排泄物,或由飼料及排泄物中之有機氮轉換而成。 The marine environmental quality and prepare a contingency plan for an oil spill accident and perform a drill Considering the main estuaries, potential input points of pollutants, coastal ecological sensitive areas such as brackish lagoons and wetlands, 10 water monitoring stations were established in order to effectively monitor the marine environmental quality. The transport of pollutants is dominated by the rise and ebb of tides and the convection and diffusion of ocean currents. Therefore, the sampling locations were top and bottom waters at points within 5 to 10 meter bathymetric depth. The marine water quality monitoring were four times per year, roughly once every season. Monitoring items includes pH, water temperature, conductivity, salinity, transparency, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand (BOD), chlorophyll a, suspended solid (SS), coliform groups, total phosphate, orthophosphate, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, oil & grease, and heavy metal copper, zinc, and mercury. The sediment copper, mercury, cadmium, zinc, chromium, and nickel were also monitored during the first season. A simulated oil spill drill was practiced in this project. 096 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=552
飲用水水源及水質中產毒藻種及藻類毒素之研究(第三年) 本計畫目的在於了解國內主要地面水水源以及淨水廠藻類與毒素流佈狀況,並收集及解析先進國家及組織之管制標準及策略,以做為建立國內藻類及毒素流佈資料、相關標準與管制策略等之參考。三年成果包括分析技術建立與應用、環境樣品調查與解析、淨水程序調查及數據解析、我國藍綠菌及毒素管制之建議、藻華及代謝物緊急應變案例探討、藍綠菌與毒素管理與監控人員訓練等。在分析方法建立部分,本研究成功建立固相萃取法,並應用內標的方法,配合液相層析質譜儀或光陣列檢測器,可以一次定性定量十種的毒素,包括Microcystin-LR、-RR、-YR、-LW、-LF、-LA(六種微囊藻毒素)及Nodularin(節球藻毒素)、Anatoxin-a(魚腥藻毒素)及Cylindrospermopsin(柱孢藻毒素)共、及BMAA毒素,並成功應用於環境樣品監測。其中除柱孢藻毒素偵測極限為0.1-0.2 g/L外,其餘均在0.01 g/L附近在微囊藻毒素資料庫建立部分,本計畫三年共完成樣品612件,其中水庫表水樣品172件、水廠原水樣品83件、清水樣品70件、水廠程序水樣品245件、配水管網樣品42件。表水除T水庫藻華外微囊藻毒素濃度介於N.D. -1.20 g/L、原水介於N.D. -0.47g/L、清水與配水管網樣品均小於 0.1 g/L。環境因子對於水中毒素之影響部分,A、B兩水庫長期監測結果顯示,microcystins毒素及2-MIB臭味物質濃度隨著季節有變化之趨勢,在較溫暖之季節,其濃度值也相對較高。T水庫各水質參數相關性分析結果顯示,微囊藻毒素與微囊藻數目和葉綠素-a成顯著性正相關, T水庫歷次原水樣品微囊藻數與微囊藻毒素濃度之相關性,可以初步推估T水庫中微囊藻藻細胞的平均產毒當量約為0.011 pg/cell,此項數值與銅綠微囊藻之產毒當量文獻值比較(0.2 pg/cell)約為20分之1左右。此外,T水庫歷年2-6月(96年延長至9月)幾乎經常性有藻粒斑點或藻華,藻粒斑點濃度在105 cells/ml附近,藻華主要發生在下風處,發生藻華時該處水中微囊藻數 在 106-107 cells/ml。在水體微囊藻數大於105 cells/ml時,微囊藻毒素濃度超過1 g/L機會大增。除T水庫外,本年度(2007)亦發現D、及L水庫,各有一件樣品濃度亦達0.7g/L以上。此外,今年度(2007)T水庫水中2-MIB濃度在各監測水庫最高,多次量測結果均超過10 ng/L,R、C、L、J、B水庫濃度部分時間也大於10 ng/L。淨水廠處理效率部分,三年監測結果顯示,傳統淨水場毒素去除效果平均約在32-65%左右,具慢濾之淨水場去除效率約在48-100%間,高級淨水場去除效果可以達53-96%,平均為75%。相對於毒素,2-MIB去除效果在傳統A則非常低,全部低於3成,因為MIB不易被一般物化處理去除,傳統B具慢濾程序,處理效率遠較傳統A高,可以達6-9成。高級淨水廠則可以100%去除。在藻類去除效果上,三種類型水廠均可以達90%以上。配水管網採樣結果顯示,42個樣品微囊藻毒素濃度均遠低於WHO指引值,但是柱孢藻毒素濃度後續則應加強監測。此外,在部分樣品中採樣中則發現夏季時,臭味物質濃度仍高於民眾嗅覺閾值。在分子生物技術部分,本研究已建立PCR、DGGE、BioMarker、Real Time PCR等分子生物方法,可以應用於偵測現場水樣中毒性藻體基因定量及其族群變化。本研究選擇不同產毒藻種之特異性或功能段之基因區間,做為引子設計的依據,藉由引子與探針的專一性,更有效率地將各產毒藻種之基因濃度定量出來。結果成功應用於金門太湖、榮湖、陽明湖、牡丹水庫及太湖淨水廠與榮湖淨水廠,初步結果顯示可以有效的定量產微囊藻毒藻種之細胞濃度。在法規與應變部分,本計畫已收集、並解析包括十餘個主要單位及國家,在藻類毒素及藍綠細菌之管制及應變方法,並考量國內外狀況,提出國內水庫及水廠藍綠菌及毒素風險評估,考慮藍綠菌藻華及毒素、葉綠素、總磷等主要水質因子,將主要水庫水廠分成低中高三個藍綠菌及毒素風險等級,並完成水庫目視監測指引、及藍綠菌及毒素採樣指引,可供後續參考。研究中並彙整分析澳、法、紐、法等各國案例,然後以國內T水庫為例,針對水庫管理、水處理、後續飲用水應變等,進行應變案例探討探討,並就國內一般性之水庫藻華應變提出應變架構建議。在人員訓練部分,本計畫在三個年度中,共舉辦三次 “藍綠菌與毒素管理與監控技術”研討會,協助環保署訓練水庫、水場及環保相關主管人員。研討會主要內容包括有毒藍綠細菌之監測、控制、及管理技術,並進行實作,以提升相關人員之技術操作與應變之能力,三次累計共有超過240人參加。 Investigation of Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water Systems The objectives of this project include (1) to understand the presence of toxic cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in the source water and finished water in Taiwan, (2) to evaluate the management strategy of international organization and other countries for the control of cyanotoxins in drinking water, and (3) to help the establishment of national management strategies for cyanotoxins in drinking water of Taiwan. The outcomes of this three-ear project include establishment of analytical techniques, monitoring of toxins in drinking water systems and analysis of the data, training of reservoir and water utilities personnel, and proposed national framework for the management of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in drinking water systems.In the project, 612 water samples were collected and analyzed in 6 major drinking water reservoirs and associated treatment plants. A solid-phase extraction (SPE) concentration technique followed by liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometer (LC-MS) was used for the quantification of six microcystin congeners (LR, RR, YR, LA, LW, and LF), anatoxin-a, nodularin, cylindrospermopsin, and BMAA. The concentrations of microcystins were between N.D. -1.2 g/L in surface water samples, were between N.D. -0.47 g/L in raw water samples, and were all < 0.1g/L for finished water samples. A correlation between major cyanobacteria and their metabolites was conducted for the samples collected from A, B, and T Reservoir. The data from Reservoirs A and B indicated that the concentration of microcystins and that of 2-MIB changed with weather, with higher concentration at warmer seasons. The data from Reservoir T suggested that chlorophyll-a concentration is proportional to microcystins concentration, Microcystis cell concentration, and β-cyclocitral concentration, indicating that chlorophyll-a may be a good indicator for the estimation of the algal metabolites in the reservoir. In addition, when the cell number > 105 cells/ml, the microcystins concentration would be very like to exceed 1 g/L.For the treatment efficiency in the waterworks, 32-65% in average of microcystins removal efficiency were observed for the waterworks with conventional treatment processes, 48-100% were for the conventional waterworks with floatation and slow sand filtration units, and around 53 to 96% were for the advanced waterworks. For all the 42 samples collected from distribution systems, all the concentrations of microcystins were smaller that 0.1 g/L. However, both cylindrospermopsin and 2-MIB need to be further investigated. Real time PCR and other molecular techniques suggested that new strains of Cylindrospermopsis were detected in T and J reservoirs. In addition, Microcystis cells were present in the distribution systems at low level. For the management of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in the drinking water systems, four cyanobacteria bloom episodes, including one domestic reservoir, two Australian reservoirs and one New Zealand watershed, were reported and analyzed. In addition, three workshops for the identification of toxic cyanobacteria in drinking water was held, with more than 240 people trained in the workshops. Finally, a national framework was suggested for the management of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in drinking water systems for different responsible agencies. 096 毒管處 財團人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1830
環保型A-PET收縮膜材料配方與設備製程加工技術開發 聚酯(PET)薄膜是一種結晶型材料,普通聚酯薄膜經過特殊加工處理只能得到 30%以下的熱收縮率。若要獲得熱收縮率較高的聚酯薄膜,則必須對其進行改性。以二元羧酸(Acidic)進行共聚改性時,所製得的 PET共聚物,則稱之為A-PET。因加入的第三單體中,可改變聚酯對稱的緊密架構,破壞大分子鏈的整齊性,進而降低大分子間的作用力,使聚酯分子架構變得比較柔順,而難以成核結晶,所以可用來製造高收縮率的薄膜。A-PET收縮膜其生產流程是先將A-PET共聚樹脂進行除濕乾燥處理,然後利用押出機擠出成型、冷卻,再將膜片加熱到玻璃化溫度以上的某一適當溫度範圍內,並在外力的作用下,進行單方向或雙向一定倍數的拉伸,透過拉伸使A-PET大分子鏈沿外力方向取向,接著使之冷卻定型,使已取向的 A-PET 分子架構“凍結"定型。這種外力作用下的高彈性則變得具有熱收縮的“記憶效應",當把這種具有“記憶效應"的薄膜再加熱到拉伸溫度以上時,被凍結了的大分子取向架構開始鬆馳,在我們觀察上則為 A-PET薄膜發生收縮。這種 A-PET薄膜熱收縮主要是由取向的無定形部分所貢獻,這就是為什麼要共聚改性成非結晶性 A-PET的原因。目前達成指標包括: 1. 確定 A-PET為非結晶態,共聚改質後的 A-PET沒有出現結晶峰。2. 試作之薄膜試片,裁成ASTM D-882 薄膜試片,拉伸強度測試結果均達達到 MD:7000psi 以上, TD:20000psi 以上。拉伸率:MD:20%以上, TD:30%以上。3. 試作之薄膜試片,裁成ASTM D-882 薄膜試片,撕裂強度測試結果均達到 MD:0.2kgf,TD:0.3kgf。霧度及光澤度裁成 ASTM D-1003 薄膜試片測試結果均達到 Haze:10%以下。Gloss:100%以上。目前市售的瓶類標籤、電池或電容器、3C產品等包裝,都是使用難以回收處理的 PVC 收縮膜,而本計畫經改質後成為非結晶性之 A-PET收縮膜,可替代高價之進口原料 PETG收縮膜,不但能符合市場上對收縮膜的要求,且更具成本優勢;此創新技術亦將使 PVC套標業者及印刷業者、包裝加工業者,可以在最不影響現有原生產設備狀況下進行 PVC收縮膜的替換,為環保收縮膜之加工和製造,達到低成本、高可行性的技術升級效益,為地球的環保貢獻一份心力。 The Development of Environmental Friendly A-PET Shrinkage Film Materials : The preparation methods , processing equipments and relative technologies Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is a kind of crystalline polymer. In traditional, PET film can get only 30% shrinkage ratio via a special processing. A modification of PET film can reach higher shrinkage. Amorphous poly(ethylene terephthalate) (A-PET) is a copolymer, which was synthesized by adding a diacidic component(the third component) in copolymerization reaction.The third component can change the regular structure of polymer, reduce the inter- and intra- molecular interaction, that can destroy the crystalline of poly(ethylene terephthalate). The film with high shrinkage ratio can be fabricated by using this material.A-PET shrinkage film is prepared by the following steps: A-PET was dried then compounded by an extruder, then molded via a casting die. The film was mono– or bi- axially stretched at a proper temperature (above glass transition temperature), then cooled to freeze the molecular structure , then “memorized”. When the film was heated to the stretching temperature, the memorized macromolecule was relaxation then the film shrink. The amorphous region of PET contribute the shrinkage ratio a lot , that is why we need A–PET to manufacturing the heat shrinkage film.Targets of A-PET shrinkage film:1. A-PET is amorphous polymer since the modified A-PET copolymer has no crystalline pick in DSC analysis.The technology of synergistic effect of fire retardants.2. The tensile strength of A-PET film is above MD:7000psi, TD:20000psi ; and the tensile elongation is above MD:20%, TD:30% , according to ASTM D-882 method.3. The tear strength of A-PET film is MD:0.2kgf,TD:0.3kgf according to ASTM D-882 method. According to ASTM D-1003 method, the haze and gloss of A-PET film are below 10% and above 100%, respectively.PVC shrink film is a major material in present packing market, especially in the bottle labels, batteries, capacitors, and 3C products. PVC shrink film is very difficult to recycle. In this plan, we try to use the amorphous A-PET shrink film to replace the high cost PETG shrink film. This can not only fit the market requirements, also has the low cost advantage. This innovation technology also let the PVC entrepreneur , printing entrepreneur and the packing processing entrepreneur achieved a low cost, high feasible technical promotion benefit, without replacing the existing original production equipments , in processing and the manufacturing the environmental friendly shrink films. This project contributes a lot of efforts for the environmental protection. 096 永續發展室 遠東科技大學精密機械創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=585
嘉義市96年度空氣品質改善維護計畫-逸散污染源稽查管制計畫 本年度計畫開始執行後先清查歷年未完工之工地,先後自營建工程空氣污染防制費收費小組取得營建工程基本資料計3610筆,篩除已完工之工地,列管工地以排放量較大之工程、有污染之虞、曾受民眾陳情、環保局處分及空氣品質測站附近工地為主。另外並於稽(巡)查管制之過程中進行未申報空氣污染防制費之工地清查提報環保局收費查核組進行催繳。本年度共計實際巡查列管820處營建工地。根據各類營建工程施工面積之統計資料顯示,本年度施工之工地面積共計724,755.5平方公尺,其中重大工程東區有嘉義市公道十三道路工程、嘉義市文雅國民小學校舍新建工程、台灣鐵路更新軌道結構計劃(牛稠溪鋼梁橋改建工程)、吳鳳南路雨水下水道工程(第2級)、雲那裡住宅新建工程、溶劑化學品事業部嘉義廠場址改善工程;西區有嘉義市志航國小95年度老舊暨危險校舍整建工程、中山高速公路員林至高雄拓寬大林新營段第531標工程、永鎮汽車旅館新建工程、嘉義市育人國民小學老舊暨危險教室整建計劃工程、宏都建設股份有限公司文化金鑽店舖住宅新建工程、嘉義市劉厝地區一號公園新建工程(第1級)等。市污染量來源主要為RC建築、道路及其他工程,佔全市TSP年排放量之85.52%,故為本計畫管制之重點所在,本年度因有嘉義市公道十三道路工程等重大工程進行作業,故道路工程之TSP排放量為126.58公噸,亦佔嘉義市TSP排放量之21.5%。經由本計畫人員加強巡查及管制,本年度TSP產生量為589.61公噸,削減量為272.24公噸,削減率達46.17%。在資料庫建檔工作方面可分為文書檔案資料、電腦檔案資料庫2部份,以下將分別摘述說明:一.文書檔案資料文書檔案資料,分為4部份: A.營建工地資料 B.承包單位資料 C.發包單位資料 D.追蹤管制資料。其中承包單位及發包單位之資料較為單純,分別涵蓋其基本資料及其所管轄或承包之工地,至於營建工地資料則包含有基本資料,工程作業時段記錄表、污染稽(巡)查記錄表及稽(巡)查檢查清單等。二.電腦檔案資料庫電腦檔案資料庫之相關工作較為複雜,其所涵蓋之範圍除將文書檔案資料輸入建檔外,尚可執行資料之查詢、統計、排放量推估及報表列印等功能。另外,電腦建檔尚需將數量龐大之電子相簿,依管制編號及日期完整建立電腦檔。在宣導作業方面,本年度已完成2場宣導說明會及1場說明會,所邀集之對象為本市工程之營造商及政府機關等單位。第1場宣導會出席人數73人,第2場宣導會出席人數59人,因出席總人數未達150人次,故加開1場說明會,出席人數41人,總人數合計為173人,達目標100.00%(合約出席人數150人/出席總人數173人)。本年度(至96/12/31止)之各項工作目標數與完成情形詳表摘-1與圖摘-1,各項工作成果摘要說明如下:1.巡查列管820處之營建工地。2.依據管理辦法對工地分級列管之標準,對於所列管之工地以完成稽(巡)查2516處次,達成目標100.00%。3.工地資料庫建立2516筆,每筆資料內容包括有工地基本資料、現況作業調查與防制及每次巡查紀錄等。4.共完成3場次之宣導作業。5.已完成20點TSP檢測作業及20點油品檢測作業。6.本年度新申報列管724處工地中,篩選出10處工地進行輔導,已完成10處工地實施專家學者至現場輔導及輔導追蹤作業,並進行後續之輔導追蹤。7.由稽(巡)查管制現場輔導或電話追蹤輔導達污染改善之比率達100%。8.在本計畫稽巡查管制下,因工地違反空氣污染防制法而予處分者計12件,違反廢棄物清理法進行處分者計19件,共計告 發處分31件,目前皆已全部改善完成,並將加強後續之稽巡查管制。9.本計畫96年度TSP排放量管制前排放量為589.61公噸、削減量為272.24公噸,削減率達46.17%。10.本年度統計至12月31日止,本市營建工程空氣污染防制費總申報件數為724件,申報金額共計5,971,162元,已繳6,651,317元,扣除退費197,617元,合計實收金額為6,453,700元。其中本市以東區工地之到繳比例較高有127%,而到繳率高於100%的原因為部分建築工程經結算後需補繳空污費,以致於實收金額高於申報金額。11.本年度申報工地中篩選出6處防制措施較優良之工地,進行評選作業,已完成6處工地專家學者至現場輔導評選,並篩選出3處環保優良工地。12.本計畫為提升執行成效,本市工地進行圍籬綠美化方面,本年度共完成輔導圍籬綠美化39處,其中有15處工地施行圍籬廣告化、2處工地以圍籬其他彩繪化塑造工地特色,進行工地綠美化之推廣,有21處工地以種植花卉方式進行綠美化,1處以種植花卉方式及結合廣告進行綠美化。13.本計畫共持續進行查核及輔導16處的廢土不落地作業,陸續追蹤其後續回填、鋪設狀況共計巡查追蹤26處次,並作為其他工地之示範,以達全面推廣之成效,未來將輔導業主輔導改以CLSM (可塑性低強度)灌漿代替回填土方,以維護道路環境品質。14.本計畫共計輔導完成36處工地進行施工時或完工時部份裸露地植被綠化,總計執行綠化作法之工地其綠化植被面積達42855.66平方公尺。 Air pollution improvement maintenance plan of Jiayi city for 96 year - escape source of pollution examination control plan AbstractAfter this year plan starts the execution first to check all previous years not finished work sites, successively the self-management constructs the project air pollution to guard against the system to spend the charge group to obtain builds the project basic document to count 3,610, screening has finished the work site, arranged in order the plumber by a withdrawal bigger project, has the pollution risk of, once receives the populace state one's case, nearby the environmental protection bureau punishment and the air quality survey station the work site primarily. Moreover and to checking (patrols) looks up process of in the control to carry on had not reported to a higher authority the air pollution guards against the system to spend the work site check to raise the newspaper environmental protection bureau charge to check the group to carry on the urging pays expenses. This year total actually does an inspection row tube 820 to build the work site.According to statistical data of construction area of each kind of builds, the total amount is 1,416,622.5 square meters this year. There are several important project in the east, such as The Chia-yi city justice 13 road engineering, the Wen-ya elementary school new-built construction, the Taiwan railroad renews the track structure plan (rebuild project of Niu Ch'ou Ch'i steel beam), rain water sewer project of Wu Fengna Road (second level), the housing new construction in Yunnei, the solvent chemical enterprise department Chia-yi factories and mines site betterment work, etc. Otherwise, in the west there are Chia-yi city will navigation country small 95 year obsolete and the dangerous school building entire constructs the project, develops the spacious forest Shin-ying section 531st sign project the Zhongshan high speed railroad worker forest to Gaoxiong, forever the town motel new construction, the Chia-yi city nurtures the person national elementary school to be obsolete and the dangerous classroom entire constructs the plan project greatly, all constructs limited liability company culture Jin Tsuantien the store housing new construction, Jiayi city Liu places the local first park new construction (first level) and so on. The main sources of pollution attribution in the city are the RC construction, the road engineering and the other projects, accounts for 85.52%, the whole city TSP year withdrawal, therefore key is at for this plan control. Because of some major constructions, including Chia-yi 13 public road engineering, TSP of withdrawal the demolition is 126.58 metric tons, also accounts for 21.5 % Chia-yi city TSP withdrawal. By way of this plan personnel does an inspection and the control, TSP of withdrawal the demolition declines from 589.61 to 272.24 metric tons originally, and the TSP reduction rate reaches 46.17%.Constructs the files work aspect in the information bank to be possible to divide into the copy clerk reference material, the computer file information bank two parts, below separately will pick states explained:First,copy clerk reference material divides into four parts: A. Builds work site material B. Contract unit material C. Sends package of unit material D. Tracing control material. Contract unit and sends material of the package of unit to be pure, separately covers its basic document and its has jurisdiction over or work site of the contract, as for builds the work site material to contain has the basic document, the engineering work time interval data sheet, the pollution checks (patrols) looks up the data sheet and checks (patrols) consults looks up the detailed and so on.Second, correlation of work the computer file information bank Computer file information bank is complex, its covers the scope besides to construct the copy clerk reference material input the files, inquiry, the statistics, the withdrawal the still permissible execution material push estimates and function and so on report form series printing. Moreover, the computer constructed the files still to have the quantity huge electron book, according to control serial number and date integrity establishment computer files.In the guidance work aspect, 2 guidance meeting and 1 explanation can were hold this year, native constructers and governmental agencies were invited. 73 units attended the first meeting and 59 second. In order to reach 150 units in total, one more explanation meeting had hold and 41 units showed up. Finally, the number of person accumulated 173 people, then achievement were carried out to reach as high as 100% (contract number of persons present 150 people of/two numbers of showings number of persons present 173 people).This year goal quality and achieving rate of each work are described with detailed table-1 and chart-1, abstract explanation of achievement of each work is as follows:First, inspect and administrate 820 work sites.Second, ranked constructions based on the policing method, then patrol and inspect those constructions administrated. 2,516 times were completed, and reaches 100.0 % ratio. Third, the work site information bank establishes 2516, each material content includes the work site basic document, present situation work investigation with guards against the system and each time does an inspection to record and so on.Fourth, altogether completes 3 is next the guidance work.Fifth, has completed 20 TSP and sulfur content examination each.Sixth, In this year new declaration row tube 724 work sites, screens 10 work sites to carry on counseling, has completed 10 work sites to implement the experts to scene counselling and the counselling tracing work, and carries on following counselling tracing.Seventh, by checks (patrols) looks up controls scene counselling or telephone tracing counselling reaches ratio of the pollution improvement to reach 100%. Eighth, Checks in this plan does an inspection under the control, because the work site violates the air pollution to guard against the facture to give the punishment to count 12, violates the reject cleaning up law to carry out the punishment to count 19, total accuses punishes 31, at present all completely improved completes, and will strengthen following checks does an inspection to control. Ninth, 96 year this plan the month TSP withdrawal control front row to one’s limit is 589.61 metric tons, truncates the decrement is 272.24 metric tons, the reduction rate reaches 46.17%.Tenth, This city builds the project air pollution to guard against the system to spend always reported to a higher authority the number of articles is 724, reported to a higher authority the amount total 5,9.71,162 million Yuan, have given 6,6.51,317 million Yuan, deducts draws back the expense 1.97,617 million Yuan, equals the actual receipt amount is 6,4.53,7 million Yuan. East of this city the area work site to gives the proportion high to have 127%, but is higher than 100% reason to giving rate to have to make up for the spatial dirt expense for the partial architectural engineering after the settlement, down to the actual receipt amount is higher than the declaration amount.11th, this year reported to a higher authority in the work site screens 6 to guard against a system measure finer work site, carries on the evaluation work, has completed 6 work sites experts to the scene counselling evaluation, and screens 3 environmental protections fine work sites.12th, this plan carries out the result for the promotion, this city work site carries on fence the green beautified aspect, this year altogether completes counselling fence green to beautify 39, including 15 work sites executions fence advertisement, 2 work sites molds the work site characteristic by fence other colored drawings on pottery, carries on promotion the work site green beautification, some 21 work sites plant the flowers and plants way to carry on the green beautification, 1 plants the flowers and plants way and the union advertisement carries on the green beautification.13th, this plan altogether continues to carry on checks and counsels 16 spent clays not to fall to the ground the work, traces its following backfill one after another, lays down the condition total to do an inspection to trace 26, and takes demonstration other work site, reaches result of the comprehensive promoted, future will counsel the owner to counsel changes by CLSM (plastic low intensity) the grouting replaces the backfill folk recipe, maintains the path environment quality.14th, this plan total counsels completes 36 work sites to carry on the construction now and then finishes when the partial exposed vegetation afforestation, amounts to work site of its afforestation vegetation area the execution afforestation method to reach 42855.66m2. 096 嘉義市政府環境保護局 竫豐工程企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=750
水污染防治許可換發審查計畫(北區) 本計畫為「北區水污染防治許可換發審查計畫」第一年度計畫,負責包括基隆市、台北市、台北縣、桃園縣、新竹縣、宜蘭縣、花蓮縣、連江縣等8個單位之水污染防治措施計畫或許可證(文件)之換發申請。本計畫為執行換發宣導及協助業者填報申請換發作業,完成辦理193場次北區各縣市諮詢宣導說明會,亦利用派駐環保局方式提供業者個別諮詢,共計3,544家之換發對象參與諮詢。審查作業部分,受理466件許可書面審查及221件現場審查案,完成換發家數為655件(含書面審查及現場審查案件),完成率達95.34%。另為瞭解業者對於水污染防治措施管理及許可換發之感受程度,運用「水污染防治措施管理及許可換發問卷調查表」,調查結果發現許可換發服務部分,業者滿意度高達9成,足見本計畫在服務上的重視與用心受到民眾的肯定。 The project of review and issuance of water pollution control permits(North area) This project extends for three years, and divides into A(North District),B(Mid District)and C (South District)sub-programs. Sub-program A refers to change permission for Water Pollution Control Act in North District, Sub-program B refers to change permission for Water Pollution Control Act in Mid District and Sub-program C refers to change permission for Water Pollution Control Act in South District.We executed the project since this year. It’s the 1st year of the sub-program A. 8 permits will be exchanged includes Keelung, Taipei urbans and Taipei, Taoyang, Hsinchu, Yilan, Hualan and Matsu counties. About the proposal, there are 3 lines of phone assistances should be set for consulting. We should also offer the assistance for permit authorized sectors per week since this October to process the affairs related.During this year, we accepted and heared 844 consulting phone calls. We also accepted 466 investigations in paper and 221 investigaions at site. 096 水保處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=16045
移動污染源稽查管制及機車排氣定期檢驗服務管理計畫 移動污染源係造成空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,為改善機車排放對於空氣污染所造成的問題,環保局實施多項措施以管制機車排放空氣污染物,包括:執行未定檢機車巡查、機車不定期檢驗、檢測服務、機車排氣檢驗站管理、鼓勵使用低污染車輛,及淘汰高污染老舊機車等,以有效改善空氣品質。 Moving pollution source inspection control project and locomotive exhaust periodic inspection service management project Mobile pollution sources is one of the main cause for the air quality decline, in order to improve the air pollution problems caused by motorcycle exhausted emission, the environmental protection bureau has implemented many projects to control motorcycle exhaust discharge air pollutant, include the execution which locomotive did not make regular inspection, the roadside blocks examines, the examination service, and management of motorcycle exhausted emission inspection stations, encouraging use the low-emission vehicle, eliminating old motorcycle, to improve air quality efficiently. 096 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=273
加油站油氣回收設施測試及汽車使用液化石油氣燃料推廣計畫 本計畫主要工作內容分別為:1.確保加油站油氣回收設施正常操作。2.維護更新加油站管理資料庫。3.宣導油氣回收法規、設施維護保養與正確加油觀念。4.推廣汽車使用液化石油氣燃料。5.推估加油站污染排放量。一、更新加油站基本資料庫,掌握污染源本計畫更新所有加油站基本資料、油氣回收設備設置與使用現況清查,加油站營運中列管名單有94站,更新資料有37站。二、VOCs減量成效與改善環境空氣品質 60座加油站氣油比檢測,油槍氣油比平均合格率為98%;複查3座加油站,合格率為100%;而未檢測者亦查核加油站自我檢測紀錄,因此本計畫執行VOCs減量成效為85公噸/年。三、油氣回收合格率提升南投縣油氣回收設備設置率為100%,有效減少VOCs之排放量,改善環境空氣品質與保障民眾健康。而今年度加油站氣油比檢測結果,平均合格率為98%,歷年合格率有逐漸提升現象,顯示加油站業者己把油氣回收維護納入例行工作之一。四、油氣回收設備維護保養技術提升及人才培育辦理一場加油站油氣回收設備維護保養說明會,共64站次/66人參加,提升加油站維護保養之技術、宣導正確加油觀念、訓練加油站自我檢測與故障排除,並宣導管理辦法及配合管理辦法加油站相關注意事項,有效與參加之業者進行雙向意見溝通,針對業者反映之問題及建議,已提報環保局未來執行之參考。五、加強民眾正確加油觀念宣導為提升民眾對油氣回收正確之認知,本計畫利用宣導品、夾報與廣播電台之發放或播放,以及發布新聞稿,宣導民眾自動跳停之正確加油觀念,並傳達環保局管制政策,使民眾或加油站業者瞭解環保新知,以帶動所有人民共同參與環境保護,改善空氣品質。六、推廣液化石油氣燃料車協助環保局擬定液化石油燃料車之補助要點,於96年5月30日公告「南投縣政府補助新購或改裝為雙燃料小客車執行要點」,自公告日起至96年11月30日止,已有7位民眾提出申請並已核准補助25,000元整加氣券。七、加油站增設加氣站宣導說明會辦理一場推廣加油站增設加氣站宣導說明會,共64站次/66人參加,特邀請中國石油液化石油氣加氣站協會謝耀陞秘書長擔任講師,為加油站業者講解設置加氣站之流程及政府目前補助措施,及加氣站之未來展望。八、分析設置加氣站可行性評估設置加氣站需考量成本因素、腹地空間及場地位置是否足夠等項評估,若以既存加油站增設地下型(儲氣槽)中型加氣站,每月需115輛以上之車輛加氣,換算成發氣量則約為10公升/月,才可達損益平衡,而以南投現況而言,僅47輛LPG車,較難達到供需平衡,故協助擬定未來加氣站設置推動期程與工作規劃,期望於100年完成第一座加氣站之設置。而為加速加氣站之設置,除規劃設置期程與意願協商外,足夠LPG車之使用率(市場大)才是最重要因素,針對南投縣LPG車推動,依據補助面、技術面、宣導面與策略面,已擬定規劃推動方案,提供環保局執行之參考。 The gasoline vapor recovery facility test and LPG popularize The main targets of this project will be classified into five sections. (1)Ensure the function of the gasoline vapor recovery facility. (2)Regular maintenance and update gas station management database. (3)Holding activities, such as the propaganda of gas station environment rule and gasoline vapor recovery equipment maintain and operate. (4)Building a sub Web-Site of gasoline vapor recovery for EPB. (5)Estimate gas station pollution value. The total 94 gas station had built gasoline vapor recovery equipment, the rate of set-up is 100%. The Air to Liquid Ratio (A/L) test is conducted to 60 gas stations, the average qualified rate is 98%, after we finished reexamining for 3 gas stations, the average qualified rate reach to 100% from 92%, for those which are unqualified had been asked them to improve, if they didn’t perform the reexamining by themselves(Will check the record of self-examining), the total reduce volume will be 85 tons/year According the statistic from Dec 2003 to Jan 2008 Nan-Tou County’s gasoline vapor recovery equipment increase to 98% from 78%, had reduce the VOCs effectively, improve the air quality and protect people’s health. The average of qualified rate of Liquid Ratio (A/L) test of this year is 98%, qualified rate is getting higher each year, that’s mean the outcome of this project is notable. Held one meeting such as maintain operation training and gas station’s rule interpretation, 64 attendant stations/66 members join this meeting. Due to promote the technology for gas station maintain, educate the right fuel up concept, let themselves can check for gas station and the fault eliminate, cover and cooperate mange way for gas station notice matters, guidance and assistance non-set up gasoline vapor recovery’s gas stations set it up immediately. Effective against communicate with proprietor and address the questions and suggest for EPB In order to give the right concept to the people, this project delivers the related information through little gift, web-site, short film making or playing and issue dispatch etc. Assist EPB to examine and check the gas station in suit for gasoline vapor recovery facility proposal, there are three common mistakes for applying of equipment: 1.lack of document 2.incomplete contents 3.the purpose isn’t fit to the original deign. This project includes the procedure and form of gas station auditing, and on the base of plan, execution, result, and control. Consider three ways for administration, technology and law, that be using check, excellent commend, technology propagate and guidance and manage principle clear and definite, in order to positive that expect promote gasoline vapor recovery quality rate, achieve pollution reduction and improve air quality. 096 南投縣政府環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=784
96年度空氣污染綜合防制計畫-溫室氣體盤查減量計畫 桃園縣為台灣地區高科技產業及工業高度密集地區,亦為近年來居住人口高度成長之縣轄區域,為減少高度發展造成之環境衝擊,對於落實溫室效應氣體(Green House Gases,GHG)減量行動積極採取因應對策。透過轄內排放源、排放實體及排放量盤查,全盤瞭解排放特性與掌握排放源,並研擬桃園縣最佳可行減量目標、策略及具體行動方案。依據溫室氣體排放清冊資料,2006年桃園縣溫室氣體排放量為3,658萬公噸二氧化碳當量,吸收量約42萬公噸二氧化碳當量,淨排放量為3,616萬公噸二氧化碳當量,年人均排放量為18.9公噸二氧化碳當量。其中以能源部門排放量所佔比例最多(佔63.3%),其次依序為住商部門佔15.1%,運輸部門佔11.7%,工業製程部門8.1%,環保部門佔1.0%,農林部門排放量最少(佔0.8%),以能源部門、住商部門、交通運輸部門為主要排放來源,為未來應率先執行溫室氣體減量之重點方向。而減量目標之設定必需依據政府政策及減量目的來設定,以先前國內溫室氣體減量法草案立法院審查之版本所研議之減量目標,於2025年至2030年間達成減量迴歸至2005年,研擬可行減量對策及替代方案,以因應桃園縣政府及國家溫室氣體減量策略所需。 096 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台大慶齡工業研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=419
96年度台中工業區及中部科學園區VOC減量輔導與稽查管制計畫暨加油站油氣回收管制計畫 本年度計畫執行期程自96年1月29日至97年1月28日止,統計至96年1月15日,本計畫現階段執行成果如「計畫執行成果摘要表」所示。統計至97年01月15日,本計畫工作執行成果簡述如下:一、共計完成包括台灣菸酒等100家公私場所VOCs排放量清查作業,所有清查結果均於執行日起一個月內鍵入,另配合環保署VOCs空污費徵收,增加執行VOCs空污費排放量清查作業。二、針對本市新設工廠或既存且未列管之排放VOCs工廠進行書面及現場查核,目前已清查43家未列之印刷業,其中從事印刷相關業務(包含印刷模版製作、業務訂單接洽及大圖設計等)且無使用油墨佔15家次、暫停營業有8家次、已搬遷佔4家次、VOCs空污申報量不足一噸佔11家及其他原因者(如:地址不明)佔5家次。整體上並無發現未列管但排放量卻達列管標準,大部分皆屬家庭式小型印刷業。三、共完成164天次計1401件惡臭巡查作業,其中配合民眾陳情查處100天145件次,另配合中區督察大隊及例行性工業區巡查工作合計14天次,並配合風向、區域、時間等各項巡查記錄,有效釐清可疑污染來源。四、異味污染源官能檢測作業共計已執行15點次,其中排放管道異味稽查檢測6點次(1點次不合格)、周界異味稽查檢測9點次(4點次不合格)及自行設備評鑑檢測4點次。未符合標準者均請環保局依法告發並完成後續追蹤改善。五、VOCs排放管道檢測方面,亦已完成2根次石化製程及5根次光電製程,排放管道排放濃度之法規符合度查核,另配合FTIR監測結果,進行一根次東大陳情指定對象漢昶工業管道DMF採樣驗證工作,及配合減量評鑑辦理台灣薄膜管道THC檢測一根次、及展華合成樹脂檢測1根次,結果均符合排放標準規定。六、特殊污染物檢測部分,本計畫今年度乃針對友達光電及康寧玻璃等兩廠家進行管道砷污染物檢測,檢測結果顯示均符合排放標準規定。七、本計畫已於96年7月2日針對工業區周邊空氣品質執行連續5日FTIR監測作業,並依據風向及污染特性釐清可能污染來源。另於96年12月1日起針對中科友達及元禎完成第二次5天連續二十四小時監測作業。八、VOCs污染減量輔導10家次,主要建議業者使用低VOCs含量之原物料,以減少VOCs排放量,並追蹤95年受輔導廠家19家次後續改善成果,除因經濟效益、安全考量或製程流暢性等因素外,整體上均已改善完成,推估可達實際減量93.806ton/yr。九、加油站法規查核已完成109站次,皆依規定定期執行氣油比及氣漏之相關檢測維護。另完成109站之氣油比及氣漏檢測,其中氣油比部分合計檢測槍數為1507支,其中合格者槍數為1355支,不合格者為152支,總合格率為90%,另氣漏檢測部分亦已進行109站之氣漏比檢測,其中2站未符合法令規範(總興加油站、台灣中油進化路加油站),總合格率為98%,有關不合格加油站亦提報環局依法告發。十、為加強宣導加油站「不強迫加油」及96年VOCs空污費首次徵收之相關事宜,於計畫初期即辦理一場「加油站油氣回收法規宣導說明會」及一場「VOCs及異味管制宣導說明會」,並藉由會中問卷調查分析結果,了解與會代表對課程內容吸收程度,以作為後續辦理說明會參考依據。此外,為有效降低東海大學陳情案件,本計畫分別於96年6月15日及11月7日假工業區污水處理廠會議室辦理「工業區周邊空氣品質陳情案協調會」及「異味改善方案協調會」,並於97年1月7日假東海大學基礎大樓求真廳,辦理「台中工業區周邊空氣品質改善方案說明會」,在環保局長官指導之下,對於東海大學異味污染問題後續執行方針與方法,已成功藉由本年度協調會議達成「煙囪增高」及「模式模擬」等改善共識。十一、為能因應東海大學陳情現況及加油站強迫加油行為,本計畫分別草擬「台中市特定管制區域異味管制及排放標準」與「加油站加油槍空氣污染行為公告」,提交環保局審核並協助辦理後續公告事宜。十二、在加油站示範站建置作業部分,本計畫除於96/9/19聘請工研院林志盈研究員,針對台中工業區加油站進行現場評鑑及輔導外,另選定青島路加油站(台灣中油公司台中營業處)進行正確加油步驟示範影帶拍攝及懸掛「本站響應不強迫加油」巨型布條。十三、在加油站加強宣導作業部分,本計畫已依據環保局指示提送1000份面額50元油卷,另完成500份宣導手冊編印,此外配合「台中市加油站加油槍空氣污染行為」公告,印製2000份「不強迫加油靜電貼紙」及於96/11/2邀集市境內六大加油集團辦理一場次不強迫加油簽署活動。十四、為因應97年度「台中市加油站加油槍空氣污染行為」公告實施,並鑑於現行加油站在員工訓練上之不足,本年度計畫特別首創拍攝製作「加油站正確加油訓練示範影帶」,以供加油站進行員工訓練使用,進而落實不強迫加油行為。十五、自96年3月22日統計至11月3日本計畫共計有25則新聞刊登,其中包括平面媒體16則及9則網路媒體,順利達成擴大宣導功效。十六、於97年1月9日辦理技術轉移說明會,針對本年度計畫執行成果及軟體資料移轉於環保局作為管制作業的執行參考。 096 台中市環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=454
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢潤滑油類) 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會於96年4月1日起至96年12月31日止,其執行之成果摘要如下:1.96年4月~96年12月廢潤滑油稽核認證回收量計17,565,348公升2.96年4月~96年12月廢潤滑油稽核認證處理量計17,681,094公升3.回收業採樣油品經化驗水份/沉澱物百分比大於50%僅占0.1%,針對此部分已依據 貴署訂定之補貼費率,不予核發補貼費用4.累計執行稽核場次為408場次,符合契約規範最高級距。 The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste(Waste Lubricants) The results of the project conducted by Foundation of Taiwan Industry service(FTIS) during the project period, April 01, 2007 to December 31, 2007, are summarized as following:1.The certified collected quantity of waste lubricants from Apr. 2007 to Dec. 2007 was 17,565,348 liters.2.The certified recycled quantity of waste lubricants from Apr. 2007 to Dec. 2007 was 17,681,094 liters.3.During the operation period of the field inspection and certification, there were 1,898 samples collected and sent to lab for testing. The overall achieving rate is around 117%. Among all the testing results, the samples’ water/sediment composition over 50% was only 0.1%. As a result, the remediation fund for this part was not approved under EPA regulation.4.Total 408 field inspections were accomplished during the project period. 096 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1047
96年臺中縣固定污染源空氣污染物稽查管制及減量輔導計畫 96年臺中縣「固定污染源空氣污染物稽查管制及減量輔導計畫」自96年3月15日履約日起至97年3月14日止,主要為延續95年度相關計畫工作內容,分別進行煙道、周界、液體燃料含硫量稽查檢測作業、加油站稽查檢測與法規符合度查核、特定行業別法規符合度查核、定期檢測審查建檔作業、監督檢測作業、逸散源及堆置場法規符合度查核、餐飲業清查管制作業、陳情案件追蹤輔導、工廠普查作業、宣導說明會及配合中部空品區執行應變查處等作業。本計畫為爭取環保署考核成績,針對縣內處於停工或半停工狀態下之砂石及混凝土拌合業,進行廠區裸露地表及車行路徑植生綠覆方式為本年度創新作法,依黑麥草及百慕達草之生長特性,其中黑麥草屬於寒帶草型種且適合與其他暖地型草種及亞熱帶的草種混植,故選用百慕達草加以混種以達到長期綠化及減少風蝕逸散揚塵之效果。本計畫工作小組在稽查檢測作業方面,共計已完成55場次稽查檢測作業,其檢測結果有49場次之檢測結果為合格,6場次檢測結果為不合格,依檢測項目分類,煙道檢臭味測不合格1家、煙道戴奧辛不合格1家、液體燃油含硫量檢測不合格4家,以上不合格之公私場所目前為處分及陳述意見階段。此外,為減少揮發性有機物逸散污染,進行加油站氣油比稽查檢測41站次,共計稽查427支汽油加油槍,加油槍氣油比平均合格率達92.5%以上;氣漏檢測10站,各加油站均符合加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法之標準,合格率達100%。在特定行業別法規符合度查核作業部分,共計完成30家次,並針對查核後尚未符合法規標準之業者進行後續輔導;而定期檢測審查作業依公告第1批、第2批及臺中縣公告定檢業者,現已完成292件審查及建檔作業。 為有效管理堆置場空氣污染物排放,現已進行101家次之逸散源法規符合度查核,其中包括港區堆置場及電弧爐煉鋼業廢鐵堆置場20家次,其整體堆置場BACT符合率為95.2%。目前統計至97年3月14日止,共計已完成5家堆置場及臺中港卸貨碼頭1處之改善作業,其粒狀物減量達159.4公噸/年。針對各類地下工廠作業目前共計完成100家普查作業,經普查共計有11家工廠因使用有機溶劑或以重油為燃料,因而需申報空污費,並將查核發現需補申報之工廠名單移交許可計畫(由臺灣曼寧公司承接)進行空污費後續追蹤作業,以達使用者付費及有效控管污染源之目的。而為了讓臺中縣相關公私場所或人員了解相關法規之研訂或實施要點,於計畫執行期間分別辦理臺中縣港區逸散污染源宣導管制、餐飲業臭味油煙防制宣導及加油站「加油自動跳停就好」宣導等5場次說明會。此外,更配合相關考評及局內交辦事項辦理各項事宜,皆已完成所交付之工作,於計畫執行期間,亦持續舉辦各類教育訓練,以提升計畫執行人員素質,使計畫不僅達到量化目標要求,更符合品質上之成效。 2007 Taichung County Fixed Sources of Pollution, Air Pollutant Examination, Control, and Reduction Counseling Plan Taichung County’s 2007 “Fixed Sources of Pollution, Air Pollutant Examination, Control, and Reduction Counseling Plan” since its execution period from March 15, 2007 to March 14th, 2008, is to continue 2006’s related plan to execute examinations and inspections of flute, border, and sulfur content in liquid fuel, to conduct examinations and regulation compliance inspections of gas stations, to conduct regulation compliance inspections of specific industries, to organize routine examinations and inspection filing systems, to monitor inspections, to conduct regulation compliance inspections of mobile pollution source and storage yard, to carry out inspections and control of food industries, to follow up on petition cases, to conduct general survey examinations of factories, to give policy promotional seminars, and to work with Mid-Taiwan Air Quality Region Execution Organization, and other related work.In order to improve Environmental Protection Bureau’s assessment grade of this project, work-suspended or half suspended sand and crushed stone and the concrete mixes gathering facilities in Taichung County were chosen to try out a brand new pollution-reduction method using Black wheat and Bermudan grass to cover the exposed land and driveway within the facilities. Because the black wheat belongs to the frigid zone plant family, which is also suitable to be planted with other warm and subtropics plants, to cover all weather and season conditions. The mix planting of these 2 plants can achieve the long-term forestation effect and to reduce the effect of wind erosion and wind-borne dust pollution.The project execution team had completed 55 cases of air pollutant examination and inspection. Out of which, 49 cases were found to be qualified with testing results within the emission standard. However, 6 cases were found to be unqualified. According to the examination classification, there were 1 unqualified flute odor sites, 1 unqualified flute dioxin site, and 4 unqualified sites with higher than allowed sulfur content in liquid fuel.Also, to reduce volatile organic matter mobile pollution, gas-to-oil ratio examinations were conducted in 41 gas stations. Out of 427 gasoline grease guns tested, 92.5% had results within the allowed gas-to-oil ratio. Gas leakage examinations were conducted in 10 gas stations. All gas stations had results within the gas station gas recycle management control standard, therefore creating a compliance rate of 100%. In the regulation compliance inspection of specific industries, 30 sites with results not in compliance of regulation standards, were inspected and given follow-up counseling. For routine site declarations, 292 businesses were processed, reviewed, and filed according to the businesses and industries specified in Public Notice Number 1, Public Notice Number 2, and Taichung County regular routine inspection and control public announcement. To effectively manage and control air pollutant discharges from storage yards, 100 pollutant discharge compliance inspections were given, including 20 harbor area storage yards plus arc furnaces and scrap iron yards. The overall BACT compliance is 95.2%. As of March 14 th, 2008, improvement works were completed for 5 storage yards and 1 Taichung Port Discharge Dock, resulting in a total reduction of pollutant emission by 159.4 ton per year.A total of 100 illegal factories were surveyed and inspected. Eleven factories, were using either organic solvent or heavy oil as fuel, therefore needed to file and pay air pollution fee. The list of factories violating standards was turn over to the regulating authority for follow-up work and for the purposes of user-pay system and pollution origin control. To let the public and private organizations within Taichung County and its employees to under the related regulations and its implementation standards, 5 such seminars including The Taichung County Harbor Area Mobile Pollution Control Awareness Campaign, The Food Industry Odor, Fume and Smoke Pollution Control Awareness Campaign, and The Gas Station “Fill, Stop, and Go” Awareness Campaign were held. Also, to improve the team’s assessment grade and to further the collaboration with the agency, other assignments that were given were all completed. During the plan’s execution period, the team was given different educational trainings to continuously improve their proficiency. So, the plan not only satisfied the quantitative goal requirements but also fulfilled the results qualitatively. 096 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 康維開發科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=149
環保產品宣導及線上採購網推廣計畫 一、建置環保產品線上採購網:(一)完成網站系統及硬體規劃(二)完成網站內容規劃及建置(三)執行網站營運及行銷工作(四)執行招商工作(五)執行網站宣導工作二、發行綠色消費電子報:(一)完成內容及版面規劃(二)確定單元內容、編輯及發行流程(三)發行電子報及行銷活動EDM(四)不定期修正或更新電子報版面三、推動企業及民間團體上站採購:(一)完成5場對企業「環保產品及綠色消費宣導會議」(二)完成13場對民間團體及一般民眾之宣導會(三)完成綠色合作社推廣計畫草案(四)完成第一次綠色合作社研商會議四、協助推動民間企業與團體綠色採購計畫工作:(一)完成推動民間企業與團體綠色採購計畫說帖(二) 完成民間企業與團體綠色採購文宣摺頁設計(三)完成縣市推動民間綠色採購計畫成果資料彙整分析五、環保旅館推廣計畫:(一)研擬推薦票選活動辦法(二)建立並公佈推廣網站(三)活動宣導與推廣(四)業者意見蒐集與研析 Promotion And Establishment Of Online Green Procurement Website 1) Establishment of an online green products shopping site: a) Completed the design of the website system and hardware installation, b)Completed the planning and setting up of the website contents, c)Implemented the website operation and marketing, d)Accomplished business recruitment, e)Accomplished promotion and advertisement of the website.2) Publication of the Green Buying E-news: a) Completed the drafting of the contents and layout, b)Determined the unit contents and the editing and publication process, c)Published the e-paper and marketing e-DM’s, d)Periodically revised and updated the pages of the E-paper.3) Promotion activities to encourage businesses and non-governmental organizations to shop on the website: a) Convened five “Green Product and Green Buying Promotion Meetings” for businesses, b) Convened thirteen promotion meetings for non-governmental organizations and the general public, c)Completed the drafting of “Green Co-operative Promotion Plan”, d)Convened the first “study and discussion meeting” for the green co-operative.4) Assistance in making the “Plan to Encourage Businesses and Non-governmental Organizations to Buy Green”: a) Drafted the introductory pages for the “Plan to Encourage Businesses and Non-governmental Organizations to Buy Green”, b) Designed a brochure to advertise green buying for non-governmental and business organizations, c) Colleted and analyzed the information on the achievements of counties and cities in promoting the green buying for non-governmental organizations. 5) Environmental Hotels Promotion Plan: a) Design and draft of the hotel commendation and contest method, b) Setup and announcement of the promotion website, c) Advertisement and promotion of the Environmental Hotel Contest, d)Collection and analysis of hotel professionals’ opinions. 096 管考處 管考處 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1599
南投縣96年度「空氣污染陳情案件快速查處及工業區污染監控計畫」 依據環保署公害陳情系統統計,南投縣由96年1月至97年1月,空氣污染陳情案件共478件佔總陳情案件之32%(總陳情案件1493件),其中異味(含油煙)陳情案件355件,佔空氣污染陳情案件的74%為最多,而縣境內異味的主要來源包括畜牧業、餐飲業油煙污染、工廠製程產生的污染,另外還有在稻作收成期間燃燒稻草所產生的重大空氣污染陳情案件為主。近年由於社會型態之變遷,伴隨各種工商業蓬勃發展而來之各項環境公害因應而生,其中又以空氣污染問題最為民眾詬病,所以有效控制與預防惡臭的產生是一重要的課題。有鑑於此,環保局多年來致力於推動南投縣空氣污染管制工作,並已初步呈現績效;為了持續有效的管制惡臭污染源的產生並減少陳情案件的發生,故南投縣環保局持續推動「空氣污染陳情案件快查處及工業區污染監控計畫」;期能藉由本計畫實施以督促廠商確實做好污染防制工作,加強工業區污染排放的監控,期能增進轄內的陳情案件之處理效能,避免空氣品質不再日益惡化,有效改善南投縣空氣品質,還給民眾良好的生活環境。 Nantou County 96 ' air pollution gives a full account the case is investigated and prosecuted fast and industrial area pollution control the plan ' The system was counted to give a full account according to administration's public hazards of environmental protection, Nantou County was from January of 1996 to January of 1997, the air pollution gives a full account altogether 478 cases account for 32% of case of always giving a full account (always give a full account 1493 cases) ,Peculiar smell among them (including the soot) 355 cases of giving a full account, account for air pollution 74% to give a full account case for being most many, and county main source of peculiar smell include animal husbandry, catering trade soot pollution, factory make pollution producing Cheng, have, burn great air pollution straw produce give a full account the case main fact when rice harvest of making in addition. Because of the changes of the social attitude in recent years, it is raw to follow every environmental public hazards that various industry and commerce grow vigorously because of answering, among them condemn for the people the most with the air pollution question, so it is an important subject to control and prevent malodorous production effectively. In view of this, the Environmental Protection Agency has been devoted to promoting the air pollution of Nantou County to control the work for many years, and already the performance has appeared tentatively; And reduce the emergence of case of giving a full account for the production of the continuously effective control stench pollution sources, so the Nantou County Environmental Protection Agency promotes ' air pollution give a full account the case is investigated and prosecuted quickly and industrial area pollution controls the plan ' continuously; One can be implemented in order to supervise the manufacturer to really do pollution well and defend making work with this plan, strengthen the control of disposal of pollutants of industrial area, a treatment efficiency that can promote case of giving a full account while having jurisdiction over, prevent air quality from no longer worsening day by day, improve the air quality of Nantou County effectively, return a good living environment to the people. 096 南投縣政府環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=716
96年度臺南縣固定空氣污染源許可審查及巡查管制計畫 本報告統計期間為民國96年6月28日至民國97年06月27日,共執行12個月,量化進度除空污費到繳率(99.9%)外均已達100%(以上)。 在清查作業方面,本計畫預定對列管工廠進行至少700家次的資料庫更新及維護,計畫期間共完成706家之清查,作業達成率為101%。 在許可制度部分本階段共核發630張許可證,包括設置61張、變更51張、操作144張、異動108張、展延182張、換補發79張、生煤許可5張,協助61件專責人員異動申請案件處理。在許可證查核部份,已完成537張許可證查核作業(包括489張台南縣環保局及48張南科管理局所核發),查核不符張數總計102張,不符率為19 %,針對不符情形者專案小組均立即函請業者改善,目前96件已提出改善(其中48件已取得新證),其餘專案小組尚在審查中,改善率94.1%。 揮發性有機物空污費已自民國96年開始徵收,統計目前臺南縣應申報空污費之工廠家數有678家,專案小組針對96年第1季至97年第1季未繳之公私場所進行電話催繳作業,統計至民國97年06月27日,96年第1季至96年第3季到繳率皆已達到100%,96年第4季則為99.9%(已申報總家次2,706家次/應申報總家次2,707家次)。在空污費查核部份,本年度完成320家次查核作業,申報正確佔235家(73%),申報有誤佔85家(27%)。 目前臺南縣需排放量上網申報的公私場所共有263家(其中第一批96家,第二批167家)。目前96年第1季至97年第1季之申報率達100%。另現場查核264家,申報正確佔205家(77.65%),限期補正資料者佔56家(21.21%),未依規定於期限截止前完成申報者3家(1.14%)。 在稽查檢測作業部分,已完成契約工作量,包括戴奧辛8根次、砷化物2根次、重金屬2根次及其他(硫氧化物、氮氧化物、粒狀物)12根次,由完成的檢測報告來看,只有戴奧辛1根次未符合標準;另專案小組亦完成20點次公私場所液體燃料含硫份抽驗,僅1點超過0.5%,其餘均低於標準值。 在其他配合事項部分,專案小組已依規定完成金屬品加工程序之「許可手冊」且已獲得環保署核備,另配合考核計畫也已提供公私場所相關資料製作排放量地圖,配合相關管制工作,本計畫亦發布10篇新聞稿。另配合環保署修定「固定污染源設置與操作許可證管理辦法」相關說明會部份,本年度已完成2場次許可說明會,並完成2場次技術轉移會議。 南科砷化物管制主要由本計畫掌握南科周圍可能排放源,並彙整相關計畫執行之煙道及南科周圍大氣中砷化物檢測數據,初步分析結果,南科週圍大氣砷化物濃度在2.6~4.1ng/m3範圍,南科園區內則介於2.0~5.5 ng/m3。 2007 Tainan County stable air pollution source permission control project This project was empowered by a contract which issued by the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan County. The project started on June 2007, and ended on June 2008. The percentage of the project is 100%.For the work of emission inventory database update, the data of 706 stationary pollution sources has been checked and updated. The percentage of this work item is 101%. In the management and issuance of permits,630 permits have been issued, including 61 installation permits, 51 modified permits, 144 operation permits,108 change permits, 182 renewed permits, 79 re-issued permits and 5 coal-fired permits. 61 cases of air pollution qualified persons replacement were proposed and approved. Periodic inspection for operation permits has been performed on 537 operation permits. Among them, 102 operation permits didn’t meet the contents of permits, and the discrepancy of inspection was 19%. Further, the plants have been asked to modify and improve the inconformity. 48 plants reported their modification or changes, and got new permits which fit their status quo. The percentage of improvement is 94.1%.Under the air pollution control fee system, we enforce a revised system this year, including the fee rates revision of SOx and NOx and new VOC air pollution control fees collection. A total of678 stationary pollution sources are required to pay the air pollution control fees, and around 17 million dollars of air pollution control fee were collected on a seasonal base in Tainan County. Inspection for seasonal reports of air pollution control fees was performed on 320 plants during this stage. The plants which fail to make payments by the deadline were called by phone to track the payment. The percentage of seasonal application is 100% (from the beginning of 1st season to the end of 4rd season, 2007). 263 stationary pollution sources are required to report annual emissions by regulation in Tainan County(1st batch: 96 plants and 2nd batch: 167plants). The reporting rate of it has reached 100% (from the beginning of 1st season, 2007 to the end of 1rd season, 2008). Inspection for reporting annual emissions was conducted on 264 plants; 77.65% of it proved correct(205 plants), 21.21% of it showed discrepancy(56 plants).Inspection by air pollutant testing was performed to fulfill the requirement, including 8 plumes for dioxin testing, 2 plume for Arsenic compound testing, 2 plume for heavy metals testing, and 12 plumes for SOx, NOx and/or Particle. All results show compliance with emission standards except 1 plumes for dioxin testing. We also took 20 fuel samples from different plants to check if the sulfur in the sample violets the standard (0.5%), and the result shows that 1 sample violets the standard.A reference manual of Metallic processing industry for permit issuance is finished and approved by EPA. A map of stationary pollution sources in Tainan County is made. 10 project progress news were reported by newspaper for now.Arsenic compound in semi-industrial plants of Tainan Science Park has been a hot issue since last year. So we investigate the possible sources of Arsenic compound emissions and perform Arsenic compound testing in both plumes and ambient environment around Tainan Science Park. We find that the ambient Arsenic compound concentrations range between 2.6 and 4.1 ng/m3 outside the Tainan Science Park, and between 2.0 and 5.5 ng/m3 in the Tainan Science Park.For the next stage of the project, we will focus on the remains of work items, as well as keep the work performance and quality. The final goal is to make sure the compliance of regulation of every stationary source, keep the emission inventory updated and manage the collection of air pollution fee under system in Tainan County. 096 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 衛宇科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=217
雲林縣95年度「生質柴油道路試行計畫」期末報告 雲林縣環保局配合行政院環保署推動生質柴油的清潔能源政策,辦理本「生質柴油道路試行」計畫。計畫目標欲達成,經由實車道路行駛測試、污染排放及油耗測試等,完成試行車輛實車測試效益確認與驗證作為各種效益評估的依據;探討生質柴油之油品特質,分析其對柴油車輛、空氣品質之影響,作為未來推動生質柴油政策參考依據;提升空氣品質,達成空氣污染物排放減量目的;調查國內外生質柴油使用現況與經驗,作為日後推動柴油車輛使用生質柴油參考依據。本計畫依工作內容要求,完成購置100,000公升生質柴油,供應雲林縣斗六市、斗南鎮、北港鄉與莿桐鄉等四個鄉鎮市清潔隊,合計54輛清潔車輛之試行使用。本計畫於試行前辦理說明會,向清潔隊說明生質柴油供應方式及配合事項,並於試行後期辦理成果發表會,報告執行成果並邀請工研院藍祺偉博士進行專題報告,更加強清潔隊員使用生質柴油的信念。試行結果配合動力計檢測,分析使用生質柴油對柴油車排放黑煙及馬力影響,顯示煙度值在使用生質柴油之後第一次檢測均普遍下降,但第二次檢測則略為回升,可能與積碳有關,但檢測結果均符合排放標準之內。整體而言,使用生質柴油對柴油車排放黑煙改善明顯,在馬力比方面,則普遍略為下降。進一步分析動力計檢測結果與車種、廠牌、排氣量與車齡之相關性發現,重型柴油車使用生質柴油後的煙度值改善較輕型柴油車更明顯且較穩定。在污染減量效果評估方面,根據參與本計畫試行車輛之行車公里數、車輛數及國內學術研究單位建議之排放係數與使用生質柴油後的排放量削減比例,計算本計畫達成污染減量效果為CO減量332.64公斤、HC減量110.54公斤,而NOx則為增量228.16公斤。問卷調查結果,清潔隊駕駛表示感覺馬力降低,並以行駛山區較為明顯,而耗油量也有明顯增加約20%,但受訪者均普遍表示支援政府繼續推動使用生質柴油政策。宣導及車體美化作業,於車體標示「本車使用生質柴油」,確實有助於民眾認知政府推動生質柴油政策,及感受使用生質柴油對柴油車排放黑煙的改善。由於本計畫要求參加試行車輛接受試行前一次及試行後二次動力計檢測,以致部份車輛無法配合,未來可以考慮調整檢測次數要求,或僅要求部份而非全部車輛檢測。當實車試行達一定車輛數規模時,可以配合空氣品質監測結果,一併探討使用生質柴油與環境空氣品質的相關性,以彰顯生質柴油對空氣品質的改善成效。有鑑於本計畫實施成效良好,而使用生質柴油對於國家環保、能源及民眾健康都有幫助,建議持續推廣使用並普及於各類型柴油車輛。 The 2006 Yulin County Bio-Diesel Pilot Road Test Project - Final Report Yulin County has sponsored the “Bio-Diesel Pilot Road Test Project” in coordination with the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan to promote bio-diesel clean energy policy. The project goal is to investigate the characteristics of bio-diesel and to evaluate the effectiveness of using bio-diesel on vehicle and air quality improvement through on-road vehicle test and emissions and fuel consumption test. The project aims at improving air quality to achieve emissions reduction target and to investigate both foreign and domestic bio-diesel utilization experience for future bio-diesel policy planning references. The project has completed its work requirement including the purchasing and supply of 100,000 liters of bio-diesel fuel to the sanitation vehicle fleet of Douliu, Dounan, Beigun and Tzetung of Yulin County, for a total number of 54 vehicles for test run. At the beginning of the project, a coordination meeting was held to explain the supply of bio-diesel fuel and things to cooperate with. At the end of the project, a project accomplishment meeting was held to present the project results. Dr. Lan from ITRI was also invited to speak at the meeting to give more confidence to the sanitation team regarding the utilization of bio-diesel. Dynamometer test results were analyzed for effect on vehicle smoke and horsepower. Generally, the results showed smoke reading lowered on the first test and slightly increased on the second test which probable has to do with carbon accumulation however the test results were all within emissions standard. Overall speaking, the utilization of bio-diesel fuel improves smoke emission significantly, although it lowers the engine power slightly. Further analysis on vehicle types, makes, displacement volumes, and vehicle ages shows heavy duty diesel trucks demonstrated better and more consistent smoke emission improvement that light duty diesel trucks. Regarding emissions reduction, the project calculated it from vehicle miles traveled, number of vehicles, and emissions factors and bio-diesel emissions reduction ratios suggested by domestic research institutes to find this project achieved a total emission reduction of 332.64 Kg of CO, 110.54 Kg of HC, however with an increase of 228.16 Kg of NOx. Survey shows most sanitation vehicle drivers feel the power was lowered especially when driving in hill area and the fuel consumption increased by 20% however the drivers were all in support of government policy to promote bio-diesel fuel. The banner hanged on test vehicle that says “this vehicle use bio-diesel” has created promotional effect to help people understand government policy to promote bio-diesel and to actually feel the improvement of smoke emissions. Since this project requires vehicles to accept dynamometer tests before and after the test run, some vehicles were not able to comply with this requirement. It is suggested for future project to ask only a portion of the vehicles for two tests instead of all vehicles. It is suggested that when the size of the on-road vehicle test has grown to larger scale, air quality monitoring results can be incorporated into the project analysis to reveal bio-diesel effectiveness on air quality improvement. In view of good results from this project and the benefits of bio-diesel utilization to national environment, energy and citizen health, it is suggested to continue and expand bio-diesel utilization to all diesel vehicles. 096 雲林縣環境保護局 惠元環境資源股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=5057
96年度環工技師簽證案件查核及資料庫加值程式開發維護專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署辦理環工技師簽證案件查核,其目的在於了解簽證技師之簽證品質及缺失情形,進而督促簽證技師改進,以提升環工技師簽證品質。另自95年度起開始執行技師執業機構查核,查核重點為工作底稿。本年度技師執業機構查核發現有17位技師最常出現之缺失為「無簽證案件現場查核照片」,佔缺失率的85%,顯示有高比率的技師未善盡現場查核之責或未留存照片。水污染及固定污染源現場簽證案件查核結果,重大缺失分別佔48%及20%,相較95年度之50%及40%,略有改善。此外,爲了有效管制技師簽證業務,本計畫同時進行環工技師基本資料庫之規劃與建置工作,藉由網路資料庫提供各級環保主管機關了解技師基本資料、簽證狀況、接受查核結果及獎懲等紀錄,以落實技師簽證管考。 2007 Registered environment professional engineer certification case review and database value added program development maintenance project work program Executive Yuan Environmental Protection Agency carries out Registered Professional Environmental Engineer certification case review. The objectives are to understand the certification quality and defects of certification engineers. Than, it may be used to supervise the improvement of certification engineers to upgrade the certification quality of Professional Environmental Engineers. And, starting 2006, it carries out the review of the operation of registered professional engineering organizations. The key areas are on the work drafts.This year, the review of the operation of registered professional engineering organizations discovered that the most occurred defect of 17 registered professional engineers is "no certification cases onsite review photos". It is 85% of the defects. This shows that a high percentage of professional engineers did not carry out proper onsite review responsibilities or did not keep photos. In water pollution and stationary pollution source certification cases, the results of major defects are 48% and 20%, respectively. Comparing against 50% and 40% in 2006respectively, there are improvement.And, to effectively control professional engineer certification business, this program carries out the planning and set up work of Registered Professional Environmental Engineer basic database. Through Internet database, information is provided to different level of environmental control management organizations for them to understand the basic data of professional engineers, certification conditions, results of review and award and punishment etc. records to implement the review and control of professional engineer certifications. 096 管考處 台灣省環境工程技師公會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1191
96年臺中縣河川流域揚塵稽查管制及改善計畫 本計畫執行期程一年,自96年5月1日簽約,至97年4月30日止。本計畫主要工作為降低本縣河川裸露地所造成之揚塵污染。分別以清查本縣河川裸露地之相關資料,以作為日後規劃揚塵防制作業之參考依據、規劃河川裸露地揚塵防制方法,並依規劃使用之工程技術,執行現場污染改善作業、研擬東北季風期間或空氣品質不良季節揚塵污染管制改善設施或措施,並依規劃之改善措施,執行現場污染防制作業、評估對於裸露河川高灘地覆蓋之成效、建立本年度執行之完整執行資料,並於期末提出具體可行之規劃方向,以利後續揚塵防制之規劃等。計畫初期,於7/31與8/16邀請各界專家學者所召開兩場次之「河川揚塵可行性防制會議」彙整、歸納會中各專家學者所提出之建議,產生後續工程施作構想之雛型,並於會議後開始依會議結論著手進行各項作業;計畫末期則於3/31日進行第三場次之會議,主要針對施作成效與後續方向進行研討,共計進行3場次。3場次之「河川裸露地揚塵可行防制方法研擬會議」,廣邀各界相關專家學者蒞臨指教,會議結論事項提供本縣許多規劃與施作之寶貴意見,相關會議結論部分後續將作為 環保局於河川揚塵整治作業的寶貴方針。96年度5、6月份,分別以人力完成58處河川裸露地調查後續為使裸露地調查成果更臻完善,於96年11月19日,以空拍作業作為後續補足人力調查不足之處的二次調查,完成縣境內3大流域之調查作業。評估河川裸露地防制施作先期作業之成效方面,在工程施作前後針對河川裸露地防制施作地點,進行上風兩點及下風三點PM10及PM2.5之監測作業(至少含Al、Fe、Mn、Pb、Zn、V、Ni、Cu、Cr、Cd、Ti、As等12種金屬及陰陽離子之化學成分分析及在下風處延伸縱深面之監測),於施作前後進行一次連續三天監測,共計60點次(施作前後各30點次),分析成果可說明本計畫於施作位址T2之實質成效,重金屬與陰陽離子分析數據,亦可納入 環保局於河川揚塵指紋庫之建立,作為後續相關污染判別之依據。96年創新作法內容為全國環保措施首創之河床護甲化與水覆蓋工程,規劃內容並加入鋪設稻草蓆配合植生作一交錯佈置,以提高其防塵效率。總計於大安溪完成總面積為18公頃之施工作業,內容包含有12公頃水覆蓋、4公頃鋪設稻草蓆配合植生、2公頃河床護甲化作業。河床護甲化覆蓋工法與水覆蓋工法,經空品監測與生態調查成果分析顯示,成效非常良好,且其造成之溼地效應,有益於環境生態之涵養,值得 環保局於後續另行規劃施作與執行。另本計畫亦針對年度執行之防制工程成果,綜合其他縣市之施作地點參觀之方式,於97年1月23舉辦一場次之裸露地改善成果觀摩會。於東北季風期間或空氣品質不良季節揚塵污染改善作業部分,於大安溪社尾堤防旁(近出海口),實施18公頃之水線佈設、2公頃之稻草蓆鋪設,共計實施總面積20公頃之防制工程。此工程因其機動性與材料使用之特性(水線),後續仍可持續供相關計畫於東北季風期間或空氣品質不良季節沿用,達到減低揚塵、增加植生機率的效果。巡查灑水作業方面,統計自進度排定之96年7月份起至97年4月份止,針對河川揚塵巡查灑水工作預計執行200處次,實際執行204點次,達成率達102%;累計灑水水量1,864,200立方米,施作面積為2,157,900平方米,TSP總削減量約49.52公噸,有效的為粒狀物污染的削減工作,達到程度上的助益。針對局內相關宣導與政績呈現之配合,本計畫將各重大工作項目相關議題撰寫成新聞稿,提送環保局供於媒體刊登作業。統計自96年5月份起至97年4月份止,共提交26篇新聞稿,其中有11篇見報,一項工作受中天新聞台專訪,成效良好。 This project was conducted for one year. Its contract was signed on May 1, 2007and ended on April 30, 2008. The main work of this project was to reduce the pollution caused by fly dust from bare land of rivers in this County. The related documents of bare land of the rivers were carefully checked as well as used as basis for planning the prevention of fly ash. Moreover, the methods for fly dust prevention of bare land of the rivers incorporated with engineering technique were conducted to execute improvement for pollution in situ. The equipment and policy for the improvement of fly dust pollution during the period of seasonal north-west wind or in the season with bad air quality were proposed to execute pollution prevention. The efficiency for the coverage of high beach land was evaluated to establish complete data base of execution. Further, solid planning guidance was proposed as the references for fly dust prevention.In the initial stage, on July 31 and August 16, 2007, the professionals and scholars from related fields were invited to attend two meetings “Study on Feasible Prevention of River Fly Dust” and then the comments, suggestions, and recommendations were combined to conclude the prototype of consequent concept of construction. After the meetings, various processes were conducted according to the conclusions. At the ending stage of the project, on March 31, 2008, the third meeting was held to examine and discuss the efficiency and further direction of being conducted construction engineering. Totally, three times of meetings “Study on Feasible Prevention of River Fly Dust” give valuable suggestions regarding prevention of river fly dust to Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung County.Within the two months of May and June, 58 sites of river bare lands were finished investigating with manpower. Thereafter, in order to attain much more perfect for the investigation of river bare lands, two times of aero-shooting by helicopter were complemented to finish the three river systems in Taichung County.To estimate the efficiency of earlier operation for river fly dust prevention, before and after the construction engineering at the two points of up-wind sites and at the three points of down-wind sites, the PM10 and PM2.5 were monitored, at least including Al, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, V, Ni, Cu, Cr, Cd, Ti, and As of 12 metals and the chemical compositions of cations and anions. In addition, monitoring at down-wind sites were extended to longitudinal profile. Because it was three consecutive days for each time monitoring, there were thus 60 point-times (30 point-times each before and after construction engineering). The obtained results showed substantial efficiency at T2 sites. The analytical data for heavy metals and cations as well as anions can be used for the establishment of data base of Environmental Protection Bureau, which can be subsequently used as the base for pollution judgment.The innovative operations in 2007 were “protection by stones crusting of river bed” and “water covering” in addition to pavement by rice-straw mattress matched with planting of vegetations to increase dust prevention efficiency. Totally, 18 hectares of bare lands in Taan River were finished constructing engineering, including 12 hectares of “water covering”, four hectares of pavement by rice-straw mattress matched with planting of vegetations, and two hectares of “protection by stones crusting of river bed”. The engineering performances of “protection by stones crusting of river bed” and “water covering” showed wonderful efficiency via the evaluation by monitoring of air quality and ecology investigation. Moreover, it makes the function of wetland which is beneficial to culture environmental ecology and worth to be used as guidance for future performance by Environmental Bureau.The project also combined its yearly achievement of prevention engineering with those of other Counties to hold a demonstration on improvement for fly dust from bare land on January 23, 2008.The performance of the improvement of fly dust pollution during north east seasonal wind or the season of bad air quality, besides Shi-Wei dyke, water pipelines were arranged in 18 hectares and pavement of rice straw mattress in 2 hectares. This conducted the fly dust prevention engineering in total 20 hectares. Further, because this engineering performance has the characteristics of maneuverability and material usage (water pipelines), it can provide other related projects to use during north east seasonal wind or the season of bad air quality to achieve suppressing fly dust and to increase the growth of plants.Manpower’s patrol for sprinkling performance was conducted from July, 2007 through April, 2008. There were 204 executed site-times which exceeded 200 of planning site-times of sprinkling for bare lands. The achievement was 102%. The accumulated sprinkling water quantity was 1,864,200 m3, executed area was 2,157,900 m2, and total reduced quantity of TSP was 49.52 metric tones, leading to the reduction of pollution by particulate matter and to the improvement of air quality.In order to match related advertisement and presentation of administrative achievements, the related topics of this project’s great events were edited as news manuscript and then given Environmental Protection Bureau to provide media for publication. There were 26 titles of news manuscripts from May, 2007 through April, 2008. Eleven among 26 titles were published by newspapers and one special topic was visited by Chung-Tien Television News, showing excellent achievement. 096 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 朝陽科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=179
奈米微粒感應器 本研究主要在以低壓扁平焰的氣相沉積新穎粉體製備技術進行金屬氧化物(奈米氧化錫,SnO2)感測器材料的製備與以液相沉積法製備奈米金與奈米銀(Au,Ag),以及製備氣相沉積的Pt/未燒結SnO2、Pt/燒結SnO2、Au/未燒結SnO2、Au/燒結SnO2感測器、Ag/未燒結SnO2、Ag/燒結SnO2感測器。研究中的參數包括合成奈米粉體之粒徑、觸媒種類、以及相關的特性分析等。本研究中所合成的粉體特性將利用高解析電子顯微鏡來進行粉體2維形貌、結晶性、晶粒大小與分佈等微結構性質、以X-光繞射進行化學組成、晶形、與平均晶粒大小的分析、以場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡進行3維形貌觀察。研究中亦進行四種感測器的性能量測,結果顯示兩種氧化錫粒徑的Pt/未燒結SnO2感測器的性能如原理所預期,導電度隨濃度上升而呈線性上升的趨勢。相對的,兩種粒徑的Au/SnO2、Ag/SnO2感測器的性能較無趨勢或導電度與濃度成相反的趨勢,推測可能是感測器操作在相當接近奈米銀與奈米金熔點而導致其燒結成長所致。 Nanoparticle Sensors The targets of this project were two-fold: (1) the preparation of nanoparticles for sensors and (2) the preparation of prototype SnO2-based sensors. The mid-term target is involved with the preparation and characterization of tin oxide nanoparticles and nano-thin films, and the preparation and characterization of nano-gold and nano-silver particles from liquid phase method. Experimental results showed the flat-flame prepared tin oxide nanoparticles are spherical and with primary particle diameter of about 5nm. The XRD result indicated the formation of rutile phase tetragonal tin oxide nanoparticles. Gold and silver nanoparticles prepared by chemical reduction method yielded spherical, aggregated, narrowly distributed gold nanoparticles with a primary particle diameter of 10nm. In contrast, the silver nanoparticles are somewhat spherical, well dispersed, more broadly distributed, and with a primary particle diameter of 5-20nm.Gas phase generated nano-gold and nano-platinum were deposited onto tin oxide sensing elements. Tin oxide films were used either as-prepared from the flame or post-heated directly under the flame for sintering growth of the nano-tin oxide particles. The sensor performances of the four propotypes sensor were evaluated. Nano-Pt/SnO2 sensors of both as-prepared and sintered were found to exhibit the expected sensor performance, while nano-gold/SnO2 and nano-silver/SnO2 sensors showed the opposite trend, possibly due to enhanced sintering growth of nano-silver and nano-gold at an operating temperature too close to their melting points. 096 永續發展室 元智大學創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1203
北投垃圾焚化廠排放氣體及粒狀物與關渡平原農田及作物之關係調查研究 分析結果顯示:(1)長期空氣品質未影響關渡平原水稻生長發育;(2)長期焚化廠爐道排放氣體未影響關渡平原水稻生長發育;(3)長期焚化廠爐道排放氣體未進入關渡平原水稻體內;(4)氣候因子是影響關渡平原水稻生長發育與產量;(5)衛星遙測、灰關聯與穩定性同位素是鑑定污染源的有效工具;(6)關渡平原白葉枯病可以預防;及(7)有些農民雜草管理不及格。 Research of the influence of particles and flue gas from Beitou incerator on crop The research shows that crops are not influenced by particles and flue gas from Peitou incerator. 095 台北市政府環境保護局 中華農藝學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15928
「新竹縣鼓勵公民營機構興建營運垃圾焚化廠(BOO)-興建營運商採購設備鑑價及停建合約爭議處理委任律師案」 新竹縣鼓勵公民營機構興建營運(BOO)垃圾焚化廠乙案, 係新竹縣政府依據環保署「鼓勵公民營機構(BOO/BOT)興建營運垃圾焚化廠推動方案」辦理, 經發包予新工環保科技股份有限公司,自得標通知日起至營運開始日後20 年止,由其負責自備土地投資興建、營運及擁有。惟因政府政策變更, 本廠於95.3.15 由行政院核定停建, 為解決停建所衍生之爭議, 爰由環保署協助辦理採購設備鑑價及合約爭議處理等本計畫工作。在鑑價部份, 總鑑價金額為新台幣350,539,184 元(約為新工公司求償金額之34%),全部屬所受損害部份,所失利益部份並未認計。於所受損害鑑價金額中, 工程費用為239,979,208 元, 興建期間用地相關成本及費用為62,189,851 元,得標前之籌辦費用為6,617,616 元, 得標後之籌辦費用為20,040,800 元, 融資費用及興建期間資金成本為21,711,709 元。在合約爭議處理部份, 經執行必要之仲裁程序及行政程序,最終仍經法院判定應按仲裁判斷書執行, 由新竹縣政府賠償新工公司所受損害新台幣571,555,902 元, 該款已由環保署報行政院同意,於98.04.27 撥付新竹縣政府,新竹縣政府則於98.05.07 轉付新工公司。利息部分則經與新工公司協商酌減2 個月為新台幣62,936,395 元, 該款併同應支付仲裁協會之二分之一仲裁費新台幣8,286,767 元, 亦已於98.06.29 撥付新竹縣政府, 新竹縣政府則於98.07.28 轉付新工公司 Equipment Appraisement and Contract Arbitration of Build, Operate and Own (BOO) Hsinchu Refuse Incineration Plant Project was executed by Hsinchu County Government under EPA’s Policy of Encouraging Institution to Build, Operate and Ownor Transfer (BOO/BOT) Refuse Incineration Plants. Hsichu CountyGovernment awarded the Project to Sinkong Envirotech Corp. whoshould be responsible to site acquirement, construction, and own the Plant since receiving the Notice of Award, and then operation of the Plant for 20 years after the Operation Date. However, due toPolicy amendment of the Executive Yuan, the Project was terminated on March 15, 2006, which incurred contract issue to be solved by the assistance of EPA in equipment appraisement and law services.In the part of appraisement, the suggested indemnification of damages is NT$ 350,539,184 which is about 34% of what Sinkong claimed and excludes the amount of expected profits. Among thedamages, there are turnkey cost of NT$ 239,979,208, land cost of NT$ 62,189,851, bid preparation cost of NT$ 6,617,616,construction preparation cost of NT$ 20,040,800, and financialcost of NT$ 21,711,709.In the part of law services, EPA endeavored herself to carryout possible procedures of arbitration and administration in the same time for pursuimg a favorable judgement to the Government.However, according to the final court verdict, arbitration results are still valid. Hsichu County Government shall compensate Sinkong for damages of NT$ 571,555,902, with additional interest of NT$ 62,936,395 which has deducted by 2 months through a negociation. A half of arbitration fee of NT$ 8,286,767 shall alsobe disbursed. Followed by the approval of Executive Yuen, EPA transferred the amounts to Hsinchu County Government on April 27 and June 29, 2009, and Sinkong Envirotech Corp. finallyreceived the amount on May 7 and July 28, 2009 from Hsinchu County Government 095 督察總隊 中興工程顧問股份有限公司、植根法律事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=18244
臺東縣柴油車排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫 (1) 計畫名稱:臺東縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫(2) 主管機關:臺東縣環境保護局  執行單位:鴻圖工程(股)公司(3) 計畫主持人:李佳芳      聯絡人:謝明德(4) 聯絡電話:(02)2506-5977    傳真號碼:(02)2508-2966(5) 期程:民國九十四年二月二十五日至九十四年十二月三十一日(6) 主要執行內容:執行本計畫之工作人員及設備數計:組長1人,檢測人員4人,安全維護人員1人,行政助理1人,駐局人員1人,其綜合成效如下:一、柴油車排煙檢測截至94年12月27日止,計檢測1011輛次,其中不合格143輛次,不合格率14.14﹪,馬力比不足退驗車輛數516輛次,退驗率30.77%。二、目視判煙通知到檢截至94年12月27日止,計執行目視判煙1615輛次,寄發到檢通知1355件。三、油品抽測截至94年12月27日止,採樣920件,送驗數182件,不合格47件,不合格率達成率28.6%。四、辦理操作人員訓練會一場於94年6月24日於本縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測站辦理完成。五、辦理一場柴油車業者宣導說明會於93年6月23日於辦理完成。六、宣導手冊及宣導品印製已製作宣導品750件、宣導海報150份、宣傳文宣共2000份。七、路邊攔查共計300輛次,不合格數19輛次,不合格率6.33%。八、民眾檢舉烏賊車檢舉函覆處理率達100%。九、現有柴油車排煙檢測站各項軟硬體設備之維護校正管理,通過實驗室認證展延評鑑。十、配合環保署評鑑查核工作,以及配合建置柴油車排煙檢測資料庫。十ㄧ、檢測站設備更新購置,包含攝影機,車輛攝影系統,溫度計與壓力計修改。十二、協助環保局進行空氣品質維護改善工作執行績效考評,提交各項考核月報表,估算污染度削減率。十三、於廣播電台、有線電視台進行託播,宣導柴油車相關檢測事宜。十四、推估總污染物削減量達6.6公噸/年。十五、工作進度對照表項次 工作項目 合約數量 達成情形 說明 章節1 目視不合格通知 1350件 1355件 4-22 動力計檢測 1000輛 1011輛 不包含馬力比退驗之516輛次 4-3CH53 油品含硫量抽驗 170件 171件 4-44 路邊攔檢稽查 300輛 300輛 4-55 操作人員訓練會 1場 1場 4-1-26 業者宣導說明會 1場 1場 4-67 宣傳手冊 2000件 2000件 4-78 宣導品宣導海報 750件150件 750件150件 4-79 增設監控設備,增加監控面 4-1-14-12-510 民眾檢舉污染車輛檢測並函覆處理率達99% 4-811 柴油車排煙檢測站各項軟硬體設備之維護校正管理 4-112 持續推動或維持柴油車檢測站CNLA實驗室相關工作 4-1013 量測不確定度評估報告 附件14 配合環保署進行評鑑。 4-915 柴油車檢測站廠房儀器設備更新與購置 4-116 總污染物削減量達6.6公噸/年 5-13 Taitung County Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Smoke Emission and Petrol Quality Monitoring and Testing Plan 1. Name of project: Taitung County Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Smoke Emission and Petrol Quality Monitoring and Testing Plan2. Competent Authority: Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau (Taitung County EPB) Implementation Organization: United System Engineering Co. Ltd.3. Project Manager: Lee Kwei-Fang Contact: Hsieh Ming-Der4. Contact Telephone: (02)2506-6977 Fax: (02)2508-29665. Period: 25th Feb. 2005 to 31st December 20056. Implementation Details: Personnel employed in this project includes: Supervisor 1; Testers 4; Safety and Maintenance 1; Administrative Assistant 1; and Resident Personnel in EPB 1. The achievements are as follows:I) Diesel Vehicle Smoke Emission Tests:1011 vehicles were tested for period ended 27th December 2005, and the number of those failing the tests totaled 71 or 7.09%; those with inadequate horse power 516, reaching a rejection rate of 30.7%.II) Issuing of Notice to vehicle owners arising from Visual Inspection of Smoke :1825 visual inspections were performed for period ended 27th December 2005. the number of notices sent out was 1355.III) Random Testing of Petrol Quality:182 random testings were done for period ended 27th December 2005, with 47 failing the tests or 28.6%.IV) Training Session of Operators:One training session of operators was conducted on 24th June 2005 at the Taitung County dynamometer inspection center.V) Promotion to Diesel vehicle Operators:One promotional conference to diesel vehicle operators was conducted on 23rd June 2005 at the Taitung County Workers Entertainment Center Conference Room situated on the first floor.VI) Printing of promotional Handbooks and Pamphlets:Altogether 2000 pieces of promotional pamphlets/handbooks, 750 pieces of memorabilia and 150 promotional posters were printed and delivered.VII) Roadside Spotcheks were carried out 300 times with 19 failing the tests or 6.33%.VIII) Two sessions of lucky draw for the public complainants of “Black bandit vehicles”. Up to 100% of such complaints were handled and replied.IX) The maintenance, alignment and management of the existing hardware and software for various equipment of the diesel vehicle inspection center was carried out, as well as the maintenance of the center’s CNLA laboratory.X) Worked with the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) on assessment, review and audit of diesel vehicle smoke emission testing center for the setting up of a comprehensive database thereon.XI) The upgrading and purchase of new equipment including cameras, photographic system, thermometers and the modification of pressure meters.XII) Assisted the Taitung EPB to carry out the air quality maintenance and improvement work and implemented the assessment thereon; submitted monthly assessment reports and estimated the rate of reduction of pollution.XIII) Broadcast of promotion for diesel vehicle testing program in local stations including cable television stations.XIV) The estimate for the reduction of air pollution achieved for the period is 6.6 metric ton per year. 15. Work Schedule Comparison Table Item Description Total Number Achieved Explanation Chapter1 Notice to vehicle owners sent on failure of smoke test from visual inspections 1350 1359 4-22 Dynamometer test 1000 vehicles 1002 364 vehicles rejected 4-3CH53 Random test on sulfur in petrol 140 140 115 roadside25 in center 4-44 Roadblock random tests 300 300 4-55 Operators training session 1 1 4-1-26 Promotion to operators session 1 1 4-67 Promotional handbook 2000 2000 4-78 Promotional memorabiliaPromotion Poster 750150 750150 4-79 Addition of monitoring equipment. Increase of monitoring. 4-1-14-12-510 99.74% achieved for action and reply on vehicle pollution complaints.2 lucky draws for the public participants. 4-811 The maintenance, alignment and management of Hardware/software in inspection center. 4-112 CNLA laboratory maintenance work in vehicle inspection center. 4-1013 Report on inaccuracy assessment of measurements. attached14 Coordination with EPA on assessment. 4-915 Purchase and upgrade of instrument and equipment for inspection center 4-116 Reduction of air pollution achieved for year is 6.6 metric ton per year 5-13 095 台東縣環境保護局 鴻圖工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1874
加強砂石場、預拌混凝土廠、瀝青拌合廠及堆置場空氣污染管制計畫 計畫執行成果摘要一、本計畫至12月25日止共巡查386家次,依據本計畫巡查資料顯示,台東縣境內共計列管24家砂石場、22家預拌混凝土廠、5家瀝青拌合廠及3家堆置場,砂石場大部份集中於台東市及大武鄉,以流域而言,卑南溪分佈之家數最多。在預拌混凝土廠部份,台東市7家最多,其次是成功鎮、大武鄉;瀝青拌合廠及堆置場部份,大都集中於台東市區。二、砂石場防制設備情況,顯示場外道路、出入口、物料輸送、場區道路、堆置區之防制設施設置比例分別為92%、83%、42%、100%、54%,因此砂石場部份以物料輸送及堆置區之污染防制為巡查及宣導重點。預拌混凝土廠防制設備情況,堆置區之防制設施設置比例36%。整體而言,砂石場、預拌混凝土廠堆置區防制比率仍偏低,但都已經較去年增加。三、受輔導對象分析:至94年12月為止已完成輔導廠商11家,砂石場有4家,分別是幼林企業有限公司、興東興業有限公司、成林行及東隆砂石場,預拌混凝土廠共有4家,分別是良順有限公司、全豐企業社、東宏行及益昇土木包工業(尚武廠),瀝青拌合廠有1家,為忠鴻瀝青廠(股)公司溪埔廠,堆置場共有2家,分別為?裕開發股份有限公司與澄憶企業股份有限公司,本年度共削減167.44公噸/年之粒狀污染物。四、推動道路認養作業,本年度認養家數成長6家,總認養長度為12210公尺,現階段3至12月總計達成洗街長度為1935.35公里,掃街長度為849.44公里,比去年洗街增加939.14公里,掃街增加309.62公里。五、稽查檢測作業已完成檢測共計43家次,檢測結果顯示各場(廠)測值均低於「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」中TSP周界標準值500μg/Nm3,上、下風數值差距較大者亦已經於4.4節探討。六、本計畫今年綠美化工作與台東縣政府農業局合作,截止12月底,本縣共計有8家砂石場申請植栽綠美化,其申請統計表如表4.6-1所示,主要協助申請對象,如:佛育企業有限公司、太煌企業有限公司、東隆砂石場、春盛企業社、千巨營造有限公司、瑞晟砂石行、東瀝實業(股)公司及幼林企業有限公司等,另外今年度輔導廠商自行植栽綠美化有2家,分別是興東興業有限公司及澄憶企業有限公司。七、已於94年5月2日舉辦宣導說明會及11月3日辦理污染防制檢討會,檢討會辦理之目的主要是與廠商一起檢討過去一年來查核之缺失並提供改善之方式,俾利廠商瞭解在污染防制上的查核缺失及改善之道,同時也再次宣達相關法令規定及環保局公告。 The plan of enhancing aggregate plants, concrete premixing plants,asphalt manufacturing plants and aggregate storage site air pollution control Abstract1. Untile 25 December 2005, 386 inspections have been performed as part of this project. The inspection records indicate that 24 aggregate plants and 22 concrete premixing plants and 5 asphalt manufacturing plants and 24 aggregate storage site are monitored by the Taichung County Environmental Protection Bureau(EPB). Most of these plants are located in Taitung City,Dawu Township and Chenggong Township.2. Compare the percentage of paved ground in aggregate plant and concrete premixing plants, paved ground in aggregate plant is about 42~100%,and about 36% in concrete premixing plants.3. The consulting services on air pollution control have been provided to 4 aggregate plants and 4 concrete premixing plants and 1 asphalt manufacturing plants and 2 aggregate storage site. It is estimated that a total of 167.44 metric tons of particulate emission was reduced during the last year. 4. At the beginning of this project, 6 plants carry out road cleaning on voluntary basis. The number of plants that sign up to the road cleaning program is increased to 23 at the end of this project.5. Ambient air monitoring on TSP has been carried out at 43 plants. All monitoring results are below 500 ug/Nm3 specified in the Stationary Source Air Emission Standard. 095 台東縣環境保護局 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1876
第四屆環境荷爾蒙及持久性有機污染物研討會計畫 本計畫旨在舉辦「第四屆環境荷爾蒙及持久性有機污染物研討會」,希望藉此學術交流的機會,集合國內相關領域之研究學者與政府相關單位以提供最新的資訊以及發表學術研究成果。「第四屆環境荷爾蒙及持久性有機污染物研討會」如期於2006年6月9日假台灣大學集思會議中心舉行,全程順利並圓滿結束,總計參會人數達300人。大會除邀請國際知名的學者進行主題演講外,並另安排國內專家學者15場主題演講。本次研討會發表的論文多總計有36篇,並按其題目與內容分為五大類別1. 環境化學分析2. 環境含量、傳輸、蓄積及流流佈 3. 毒理研究及人類健康之影響 4. 野生生物及生態之影響 5. 日常生活與風險溝通。會議中展現近幾年內在國際間與國內對環境荷爾蒙議題的進展與成果,並提出未來在相關工作或政策規劃上的幾點方向性建議。 4rd Conference on Environmental Hormones and POPs The main purpose of this project was to organize the 4th “Environmental Hormones and POPs Conference”. Through the interaction during the symposium, new information regarding the environmental hormone issue can be gathered from academic, different governmental agencies and environmental groups. The conference was held at GIS convention center, National Taiwan University, Taipei, at June 9, 2006, and was a success. There were at least 382 people participated. There were a total of 16 invited speakers. There were a total of 42 researchers presented in the conference, which covers different research areas, namely toxicology/human level, environmental analysis and detection techniques, ecotoxicology and microbial degradation, and environmental levels and management, and wild life impact with environmental hormones. Several fruitful results were obtained including active interaction between participants. In the future, we hope this conference can be continued on a biennial basis with a full support from government and other institutes. 095 毒管處 陳健民、劉銘龍 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4576
95年度國家永續發展獎 95年「國家永續發展獎」的舉辦,即透過選拔及表揚對永續發展有實質貢獻之單位,作為各界學習之楷模,期望鼓勵全民一起參與永續發展工作,落實永續發展在地化與生活化,進而實現永續台灣之願景。評選活動分為初選、複選集決選三階段。最後,評定出15個具實績貢獻之獲獎單位,包括3個社區、3所學校、3家企業、3個社區以及3個行政單位。本計畫提供95年國家永續發展獎之行政支援包括工作審查、評選及頒獎等活動。本計畫亦製作得獎特輯以介紹獲得永續發展獎之15個單位之績優事蹟。所有得獎單位、不論社區里長里民、學校師生、企業主管員工、社團成員、行政部門上下屬,不分彼此,基於永續發展理念,積極構思及執行適合各領域之永續發展工作,因此能從眾多參賽者中獲得此一殊榮,確實值得作為各界推動永續發展的最佳借鏡及學習典範。 2006 National Sustainable Development Award The 2006 National Sustainable Development Award is conducted so as to recognize organizations that contribute to the cause of sustainable development. The good examples they set should encourage others to join in the sustainable development effort, so that sustainable development can truly be assimilated and adopted in people's lives, making a sustainable Taiwan into reality. The event is divided into preliminaries, semifinals, and finals, In the finals, 15 winners are chosen offer deliberation among the judges. The winners are made up of three communities, three schools, three enterprises, three NGOs and three government agencies. This project provided administration support for the activities including contest review, final selection and award of the 2006 sustainable development award. This project also issued a special edition to present the outstanding performance of these 15 sustainable development award winners. These 15 winners-whether they're community leaders or residents, teachers and students, company managers and staff, members of NGOs, or government employees-have all dedicated themselves in formulating and executing tasks that contribute to sustainable development. Receiving the recognition is not only an honor but more importantly, it is setting an example for others to follow 095 永續發展室 衛室密廢物減量科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4622
95年度包裝及盛裝飲用水水源水質檢驗工作 本計畫之計畫目標乃執行台北縣、苗栗縣、彰化縣、南投縣、高雄縣、屏東縣、宜蘭縣、台東縣、金門縣等縣共24處主要包裝及盛裝飲用水水源水質,並藉由檢測結果瞭解其水質是否符合飲用水水源水質標準,以作為相關單位執行管制工作之依據。本計畫採樣作業係由各縣環保局按排定時程進行,且將所採集之水樣自行送達或寄達中環公司,由中環公司辦理各水質項目之檢測工作,檢測項目包括飲用水水源水質標準第6條規定中41個管制項目,各檢測項目之各項品管分析要求均符合本計畫訂定之品保目標,本年度定期、不定期績效查核結果亦均合格,使本計畫水質樣品分析數據更具深一層之品質保證。由本年度分析結果中發現,僅南投縣LTF-PW-05及屏東縣LTF-PW-16之錳測值(0.534 mg/L、0.140 mg/L)超過飲用水水源水質標準(0.05 mg/L),其餘各縣市水源檢測點,其各檢驗項目測值均符合飲用水水源水質標準。 Inspect the Water Sources Quality of Packaged and Containerized Drinking Water in the Fiscal Year of 2006 The purpose of this project was to determine the quality of a total of twenty-four water sources samples for the packaged and containerized drinking water in the administrative areas of Taipei County, Miaoli County, Changhua County, Nantou County, Kaohsiung County, Pingdong County, Yeelan County, Taitung County, and Kinmen County. The respective governing agencies use the data collected from the inspection to verify if the water quality meets the drinking water regulations. All samples analyzed in this project were collected by respective local Environmental Protection Bureaus according to a preset schedule. Samples were either delivered by the sampling crew or shipped to Cenpro Technology Corporation. The analytical results indicated that all quality control analyses of the target analytes met the quality assurance criteria of the project. The scheduled and arbitrary performance evaluation sample analysis results were all within the acceptable limits as well. The quality assurance of sample analysis data of this project were made more significant by the above measures, where the analyses were performed. Forty-one analytes in the water quality standards for drinking water sources were analyzed. The analytical results indicated that in the twenty-four samples,LTF-PW-05(Nantou County) and LTF-PW-16(Pingdong County) contained manganese at 0.534 mg/L and 0.140 mg/L, which exceeded the water quality standards for drinking water sources(0.05 mg/L). The other samples met the water quality standards for drinking water sources. 095 督察總隊 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4646
第21屆近代工程技術暨第28屆中美工商聯合會議 資源回收再利用方式已由80年代3R(Reduce減量、Reuse再利用、Recycle回收)理念,延伸為6R(3R加上Refuse拒絕、Research研究及Replace替代),因此減量、資源回收與再利用已成為國際環境發展之主流。我國也順應潮流,對於廢棄物的管理,已由妥善處理導向為「全回收、零廢棄」及永續環境的方向推行。 本計畫係辦理「第21屆近代工程技術暨第28屆中美工商聯合會議」,其中「資源回收再利用組」,討論的議題是與「電池」有關的回收處理政策與技術,邀請美洲地區與國內在電池回收再利用、處理技術與政策相關領域之專家學者進行共6項議題演講,國外專家訪台期間在台灣參觀了工研院及國內電池回收廠等,了解台灣資源回收制度與法規已相當完備,技術發展與教育宣導工作也做得很紮實,未來如再強化市場機制的輔導運作,有助於台灣的資源回收再利用成果的提升。本次研討會「資源回收再利用組」是以電池的回收再利用管理政策與技術為主題進行研討,對於乾電池、鉛蓄電池的回收都有深入的討論與交流,期望能對台灣邁向「資源循環型社會」的目標有所幫助。 The 2006 Biennial ROC-USA Business Conference and The Modern Engineering and Technology Seminar 2006 In 1980s, the resource recycle techniques include of 3R concept, namely reduce, reuse, and recycle. And nowadays, the notion has been extended to 6R (3R plus refuse, research, and replace). Along with this global trend in environment protection, the waste management in Taiwan has been devoting the attention to “Total Recycle, Zero Waste” and “Sustainable Environment”. In this project “The 2006 Biennial ROC-USA Business Conference and The Modern Engineering and Technology Seminar 2006”, we have invited three researchers from America as well as some Taiwanese experts to give their presentations in the “Environmental Protection and Resource Recycle Seminar” and to share their experiences on the issues of battery recycling policy and techniques. During the guest speakers’ stay in Taiwan, a visit to ITRI as well as to a battery recycling company has been arranged to recognize the status quo of resource recycling system and regulations in Taiwan. Through this project, we expect to find feasible ways to facilitate a “Recycle-Oriented Society”. 095 廢管處 社團法人中國工程師學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4662
95年度民眾、學生環保知識調查 為瞭解民眾、學生的環境態度,及對環保知識認知與環保行為的落實,辦理本項調查作為規劃環保教育推廣之依據。調查範圍為台灣地區23縣市,調查對象分成民眾及學生,分別採用電話訪問及面對面訪談方式進行,調查期間自95年5月22日起至6月12日止,成功訪問有效樣本為民眾1,628人、大專生1,270人、高中生1,216人、國中生1,226人、國小生1,222人。調查重要結果分述如下:一、多數民眾與學生對各項環保概念持正向態度1. 八成三以上的民眾及學生同意「過度追求經濟發展易導致環境問題」,且有九成六以上的民眾及高中以上學生,認為「我國環境急需保護」(國中小學生未訪問此題)。2. 八成二的民眾及五成五以上的學生同意「為了環保,願意降低生活享受標準」,學生族群中以大專生七成九最高,而國中生僅五成六;七成八以上的民眾、學生認同「依據污染者付費原則徵收環境稅(費)」。3. 八成六以上的國中小學生同意「保護居住環境比經濟建設更重要」,但不同意「比環境污染更重要的問題還有很多」說法的國中小學生僅不到三成七。二、大專生與高中生環保知識最為充分,民眾較為不足1. 一般環境知識正確認知率:(1) 七成九以上的民眾、學生知道使用免洗餐具是違背環保觀念,其中以高中生九成五最高,民眾為七成九。(2) 八成五以上的學生知道「核能發電非再生能源」;六成三以上的民眾、學生知道垃圾強制分類應分為「資源、廚餘、垃圾」三類,其中以大專生七成五最高,民眾為六成三。(3) 七成三以上學生知道「環保標章代表綠色消費」,七成七以上的民眾、學生知道「回收標誌代表須作回收」;八成三以上的民眾、學生知道綠色消費的觀念是指「購買可回收、低污染、省資源的環保產品」。2. 環境問題知識正確認知率:(1) 七成以上的民眾、學生知道油槍「卡」一聲自動跳停後,繼續強迫加油會因「油氣外洩,造成空氣污染」, 七成九以上的學生知道下酸雨的主要原因為空氣污染。(2) 六成以上的大專生與高中生知道集水區因為人類活動污染與其他原因,造成水庫或湖泊水質優養化,使「水質惡化影響飲用水安全」。(3) 八成九以上的民眾與學生知道台灣西部沿海地層嚴重下陷的主要原因為「超抽地下水」。3. 環境行動知識正確認知率:(1) 學生知道學校飲水機應該「一個月」清洗一次的比率不到四成四;六成六以上的民眾與學生知道家中水塔、水池應「半年」清洗維護一次。(2) 九成以上的民眾、學生知道發現紅火蟻時應「通報環保局或農業局」;八成六以上的民眾、學生知道「清除容器積水」是有效防治登革熱的方法。(3) 二成七的民眾知道生活環境公害污染事件可透過全國環保報案服務專線0800-066666或電子信箱、網路www.epa.gov.tw報案。4. 國際環境議題正確認知率:(1) 三成七的民眾聽過「京都議定書」,其中有四成二知道「京都議定書」是因應「溫室效應」而訂定,學生族群中以大專生與高中生知道的比率占五成六較高;知道二氧化碳含量持續升高後會造成「溫室效應」的比率,差距大;高中生知道的比率九成一最高,民眾與國小生知道的比率未達三成六。(2) 四成五的民眾及六成二以上學生知道臭氧層破洞會「使人類曝曬過量紫外線」。三、民眾經常落實環保行為,大專生與高中生落實生活環保的比率偏低(1) 八成以上的民眾經常做到「隨手做好垃圾分類、資源回收」、「將廢棄日光燈管整支進行回收」、「將廢乾電池進行回收」、「隨手關燈或省電、省水」、「發現容器積水時會主動清除」與「落實綠色飲食,不浪費食物」。(2) 六成的國中及七成一的國小生經常做到「隨手關燈或省電、省水」;四成六的國中生及六成一的國小生經常做到「隨手做好垃圾分類、資源回收」。四、電視是影響民眾與國中以上學生環保知識與行為的主要管道,國小生則為家庭成員六成九的民眾和三成七以上的國中以上學生表示影響其環保知識與行為的主要管道為電視媒體,二成四的國小生則以家庭成員為主要管道。 2006 general public and students' environmental protection knowledge survey In order to understand the environmental awareness, attitudes, and behavior among the general public and students at various levels, we have proceeded with this survey. The results from this study will be used as the basis in designing environmental educational programs. We interviewed members of the general public and students in the 23 cities and counties in Taiwan through telephone or face-to-face interviews from May 22nd to June 12th, 2006. The final valid samples included 1,628 members of the general public, 1,270 college students, 1,216 senior high school students, 1,226 junior high school students, and 1,222 elementary school students.Lists of significant results:A. Most interviewees agreed with the idea of environmental protection.1. More than 83% of the interviewees agreed that “overlypursuing economic growth would cause environmental problems”. Moreover, over 96% of the interviewed public and senior high and college students agreed that “protecting our environment is of urgent need.” (Interviewees who are junior high and elementary school students skipped this question.)2. About 82% of the general public and over 55% of the students agreed that “they would rather lower their living standards for environmental protection.” The highest agreeing rate was 79% among college students, while the lowest was 56% for junior high school students. Additionally, more than 78% of the interviewees agreed that “government shall levy environmental protection fees or taxes on people who pollute.”3. More than 86% of the interviewed junior high and elementary school students agreed that “protecting the living environment is more important than economic development. Less than 37% of them disagreed with this statement.B. Senior high school and college students have more knowledge about environmental protection than general public do.1. General awareness of living environment1.1 More than 79% of the interviewees understood that “the one-time-use dinnerware are not good for environmental protection”. Among those interviewees, 95% of senior high school students knew this concept, while only 79% of the general public did.1.2 More than 85% of the students were aware that “nuclear energy is not a recycled resource.” Over 63% of the general public and students understood that “trash shall be classified into three categories: recyclable, kitchen waste, and non-recyclable trash. Among those interviewees, 75% of the college students answered this question correctly while 63% of the public did. 1.3 More than 73% of the students knew that the “Environmental Protection Logo” represents green consumption. Above 77% of interviewed general public and students knew that products with the recycle mark should be recycled. More than 83% of interviewees had an understanding that green consumption means purchasing environmentally friendly products that are recyclable, low-polluting, or resource-saving.2.Awareness of environmental problems2.1 More than 70% of the interviewed general public and students knew that over-pumped gasoline would cause leaking gas fumes and air pollution. Above 79% of the students were aware that the major cause of acid rain is air pollution. 2.2 More than 60% of the senior high school and college students knew that water pollution is a result of human activities. They also knew that because of the eutrophication of reservoirs or lakes, our drinking-water safety is threatened. 2.3 More than 89% of the general public and students realized that over-pumping underground water is the main reason that causes subsidence in the western seaboard of Taiwan.3. Awareness of environmental protection actions 3.1 Less than 44% of the students knew that water fountains in school campuses shall be washed and cleaned every month. Above 66% of the general public and students knew that water towers or water storages in their houses should be cleaned and maintained every six months. 3.2 More than 90% of the interviewed public and students would notify Environmental Protection Bureau or Agriculture Bureau when sighting fire ants. More than 86% of the interviewees knew that the most effective way to prevent dengue fever is cleaning out dirty water in all containers.3.3 Only 27% of the interviewees knew the national environmental protection service phone number 0800-066666, email or website www.epa.gov.tw for filing environmental pollution cases.4. Awareness of international environmental issues4.1 About 37% of the public have heard to the Kyoto Protocol, among them 42% were aware that the Kyoto Protocol is an agreement to reduce signing nations’ emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. About 56% of senior high school and college students knew this agreement and understood carbon dioxide is the cause of greenhouse effect. Compared to 91% of senior high school students who answered this question correctly, only less than 36% of the public and elementary school students did. 4.2 About 45% of the public and more than 62% of students understood that the damage of the ozonolayer would result in skin’s over-exposure to the UV rays.C. Putting into practice environmental protection measures, high school and college students practiced less and the general public did more.1. Based on this survey, more than 80% of the interviewed general public usually practice such environmental protection activities, as sorting and recycling daily trash, recycling the discarded fluorescent lights and dead batteries, turning off electricity and water not in use, cleaning containers with dirty water, and not wasting food to preserve natural resources, etc.2. More than 60% of the elementary and junior high school students usually turned off lights and water not in use. Compared with the general public, senior high school and college students performed much less environmental protection activities in their daily lives. D. Television is the main source for the public and students to obtain knowledge about environmental protection. As for elementary school students, family members are their main sources. 095 統計室 異視行銷顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4666
全國環境衛生與飲用水安全『環境衛生全民動起來!』宣導計畫 為加強民眾對於環境衛生的認知,環保署自94年,即推動環境用藥宣導工作,本年度則將飲用水安全宣導也一併納入。本(95)年度計畫經公開招標後,於民國95年6月7日正式簽約後執行。根據合約內容,本計畫之工作內容分為:(1)舉辦全國環境衛生與用藥及飲用水安全宣導展示活動;(2)製作宣導文宣及短片。經環保署及縣市環保局的指示及協助,擇定10月3日起,於台北縣、台中市及高雄縣舉辦展示。相關展示內容,包括看板60幅、飲用水示範設備、標本30個、生長箱5個、3本宣導手冊各3,000本、自來水餘氯檢測盒7,000個,均於展示前完成製做。此外,亦完成3支電腦動畫製做,並配合展示於捷運媒體播出。為吸引觀眾,展示活動開幕並安排相聲表演,同時規劃專家有約演講、有獎徵答、環保捕蚊罐DIY等活動。展示活動於3個地點均順利舉辦完成,總宣導人數估計約為299萬餘人。本公司提供之服務已能完全符合合約之要求。 Porject of Exhibition on Environmental Sanitation and Drinking Water Safety To increase public awareness and knowledge concerning environmental sanitation, the EPA has held exhibitions of environmental agents since 2005, and drinking water safety was further included in the project this year. On June 7th 2006, the project was conducted after the public bid finished.According to the contents of the contract signed, the work of the project are divided into two parts as followed: (1) to hold a national education month to educate the public about environmental sanitation and drinking water safety; (2) to publish related booklets and animations. With the help and instructions from the EPA and the EPBs, the exhibitions were held in Taipei county, Taichung city and Kaohsiung city beginning on October 3rd. The exhibitions included sixty posters, a demonstration model of water storage tank, thirty specimens, five insect growing boxes, 3000 booklets for each of the three topics, and 7000 chlorine testing kits. All of the above were made before the exhibitions. Besides, three animations were made and broadcast in MRT, tied in with the activities. The total number of people reached by this project is about 2.99 million.To attract more audience, on the opening day of each activity, there were children performing a cross talk, lectures, quizzes with prizes for correct answers, and DIY method on making mosquito traps. The activities and exhibitions in three places were all successfully held. Overall, it is concluded that Hui-Kou Consulting Co. has accomplished the mission and the work in accordance with the contract signed. 095 毒管處 惠國顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4672