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102年度污染土地再利用制度推動及系統建置計畫 為落實「污染土地再利用政策」之推動,使國土永續經營獲得更全面的效益,本計畫依據環保署於前兩期已完成之污染土地再利用政策藍圖與規劃架構為基礎,解析國內土地管理與農業政策之相關法規,進行受污染農地再利用之定義與執行方案之研擬,提出相關補助與獎勵措施,並搭配未來國土政策之農地分級規劃提出整合建議。同時,為執行層面建立必要的執行工具,包括污染場址管理相關必要之審查指引的擬定、民眾參與機制的建立、永續指標的建構以及示範場址再利用之可行性評估等,以完備執行面之整體內容。本計畫也建立一套篩選機制,針對全國污染土地進行篩選分類,提出優先推動之污染場址建議名單,以加速污染土地再利用政策的推行。另外,為增加政策推動的能見度,持續建置「污染土地再利用資訊平台」資訊平台之具體內容,預期未來可供民眾查詢相關場址管理與開發資訊。綜合前述工作成果,整體計畫為環保署後續推動「污染土地再利用政策」完成了階段性的策略規劃內容。 102 Annual Contaminated Land Revitalization Policy Promoting and Establishment of the Information We 102 Annual Contaminated Land Revitalization Policy Promoting and Establishment of the Information Website ProjectTo implement the contaminated land revitalization policy and land sustainable development, the contaminated land revitalization was promoted. Based on the completed contaminated land revitalization policy and planning framework blueprint in the former two phases, this project studied complete domestic land management laws and conducted agricultural policies regulatory analysis. The project established the definition and implementation of the contaminated agricultural land revitalization. To provide suggestions of grants and incentives for contaminated agricultural land revitalization, contaminated agricultural land revitalization is classified according to future agricultural land grading policy and planning. Moreover, in order to establish the necessary implementation tools, we designed contaminated sites management, with the necessary administrative guidelines related to the establishment of mechanisms for public participation as well as the creation of sustainability indicators and the feasibility assessment for demonstration site. In order to accelerate the implementation of contaminated land revitalization policy, the project also set up a screening mechanism to filter contaminated lands for the national classification. We promote the priority list of contaminated sites. In addition, this project hosted a preliminary web site offering contaminated land revitalization information, and the public will be able to search for information in the future. Consolidated results of aforementioned work completed the strategic stage to promote the contaminated land revitalization policy for Taiwan EPA. 102 土污基管會 財團法人中興工程顧問社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65030
推展兩岸因應氣候變遷學術交流與實質合作 本計畫藉由蒐集研析中國大陸因應氣候變遷相關政策措施及發展脈動,及透過舉辦兩岸因應氣候變遷學術研討會,與中國大陸進行氣候變遷相關領域之交流並拓展合作機會。本次研討會由環保署沈世宏署長率領我方代表團一行48人,於102年5月19日~25日赴陸參加第四屆兩岸因應氣候變遷學術研討會及進行參訪。研討會中針對:(1)建構低碳綠色城市、(2)產業低碳技術、(3)氣象監測預警技術與實踐、(4)新能源等四大議題,由兩岸專家學者深入交換意見及經驗交流。本次圓桌會議初步確立未來兩岸因應氣候變遷交流將以四大合作層次(政策、技術、產業、城市)、五大議題(循環型低碳城市、綠色經濟工具、產業低碳策略與技術、氣象監測預警技術與實踐、及強化公眾氣候變遷意識)進行實質合作推動。在圓桌會議後,本計畫邀集國內專家就兩岸合作五大議題進行優劣勢分析,凝聚出我方可提案之兩岸可實質合作建議項目,及未來推動短中長期路徑圖,可望逐步開展兩岸氣候變遷各領域合作計畫。經歸納建議雙方立即啟動合作項目有:1.在我方環保署與中國大陸發改委平台下,強化原有產業交流,尋找更多產業兩岸合作空間。2.我方清碳聯盟與中國大陸低碳產業聯盟交流。3.我方籌組小組與中國大陸碳排放管理標準技術化專家委員會針對碳排放管理標準技術化進行交流。4.於「海峽兩岸標準計量檢驗認證合作協議」之驗證認證工作組下成立溫室氣體專案組,進行兩岸驗證認證標準審核。5.我方籌組小組與中國大陸發改委及國家氣候戰略中心針對溫室氣體減量方法學進行交流。6.雙方針對城市碳盤查/減量方法學進行合作,並推動產業碳揭露,以瞭解雙方減量成效。7.環保服務業(ESCO)相互承認節能實績及專業技師執照。8.促成民間單位(如櫃買中心)與各碳排放交易所交流,進而簽訂MOU。9.擴大雙方低碳城市交流的對象,簽訂社區合作協議。 Boosting Cross-Strait Academic Exchange and Cooperation on Climate Change By collecting the related information of climate change strategies in Mainland China and holding “The 4th Cross-Strait Climate Change Conference”, this project brought up experience exchange and expanded cooperative opportunities with Mainland China. The conference contingent of Taiwan was led by Shu-Hung Shen, director-general of Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), with 47 experts from the government, industry and academic, participated in the conference and academic visits in Mainland China from 19th to 25th, May, 2013. During the conference, participators from both sides discussed and exchanged opinions on four subjects including (1)Establishing low carbon and green cities, (2)Low carbon technologies in industries, (3)Technologies and practices in meteorological monitoring and early warning (4)New energy. In the conclusion of the roundtable discussion, the cross-strait cooperation will be promoted with four levels (policy, technology, industry, and city) and five subjects (low carbon cities, low carbon strategies in industries, green economic tools, early warning of climate change, and civic consciousness). After the roundtable, we invited experts to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of five subjects to seek out potential cooperated projects which were suitable for Taiwan, and drew up the roadmap to promote cross-strait cooperation. Therefore, cross-strait cooperated projects in various subjects could be practiced gradually. The suggested cooperated projects which can be started in soon include:1. Strengthen the existing industry exchange and explore more cooperative opportunities under the pilot of this project (EPA in Taiwan and National Development & Reform Commission (NDRC) in Mainland China).2. Establish the communication between CDM & Carbon Credit Management Alliance (Taiwan) and Low-carbon Industry Alliance (Mainland China).3. Prepare a team to discuss the technology of the carbon emission management standard with “Committee of Carbon Emission Management Standard Technology” in Mainland China.4. Establish the “GHG Group” as a branch under “Cross-Strait Agreement on Cooperation in Respect of Standards, Metrology, Inspection and Accreditation”.5. Prepare a team to discuss methodologies for greenhouse gas reductions with National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) in NDRC.6. Cooperate to develop carbon inventory/GHG reduction methodologies of cities, and promote carbon disclosures of industries.7. Recognize performances and professional engineer license of environmental service industries (ex: ESCO) mutually.8. Promote the communication between non-governmental organizations in Taiwan (ex: GreTai Securities Market) and China Emission Exchanges in Mainland China.9. Extend the exchange of cross-strait low-carbon cities, and sign up cross-strait community cooperation agreement. 102 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人台灣綠色生產力基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64986
原住民族環境智慧教材編撰專案工作計畫 本教材以部落遷移與環境選址、部落農業行事、部落漁獵採集、部落動物物語及部落植物物語等5個篇章共25篇故事及旅程,介紹並敘述臺灣原住民族的環境智慧。這些篇章儘量不再重提坊間類似科普書籍重複書寫過的題材,以避免刻板印象的加強,另外也避免敘述相關研究已有的成果,而希冀能提出新穎的觀點,以刺激多元的看法。其中有些篇章,夾敘詩文幾篇,嘗試以詩意的表達方式描繪某些詩話式的原住民傳統智慧,期望能增加多元的想像與探索。書中為了進一步探索原住民某些傳統知識的作法與理由,極力查考其科學根據,以增加傳統知識的科學向度與基礎,對於許多尚難考察出其科學根據的說法如神話或傳說,則試圖探索並詮釋其在生態上可能的功能與意義以激發並邀請讀者一同思考,為臺灣環境的未來,貢獻一投石問路的嘗試與倡議。 Taiwanese aborigines environmental wisdom The book consists of five parts: tribal movement and environmental site selection, tribal farming, tribal hunting and gathering and fishing, tribal zoology, tribal botanic that makes up 25 chapters to introduce the environmental wisdoms of Taiwan indigenous peoples. These chapters do not repeat what have been over-written or stereotyped themes or topics about indigenous environmental knowledge; neither do they describe literature reviewed but try to provide new perceptions on the knowledge and wisdom to stimulate new ideas. Some of the chapters contain poems to interpret indigenous ideas in a poetic way to explore the poetic thinking of environmental wisdoms.In order to explore the reasons and methodologies which underline the indigenous ways of beings, the book puts efforts to interpret the scientific basis. Otherwise, the book provides information and possible reasons to illuminate indigenous knowledge to bring more perspectives in the translation of indigenous environmental wisdoms. The book is also an initiative on the concern to help better the environmental protection through the indigenous wisdoms on the environment. 102 綜計處 財團法人美化環境基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64953
101年及102年公告指定容器類責任業者營業(進口)量相關帳籍憑證查核計畫-一區 本計畫執行期限自民國101年1月20日起至102年12月31日止,針對行政院環保署資源回收管理基金管理委員會委辦之廢棄物清理法公告列管之容器類責任業者自行申報之營業(進口)量進行查核工作,並分析其查核成果。本計畫目標預計完成1,080家業者之查核,截至102年11月30日止已完成之現場查核家數為1,102家,查核家數之計畫目標達成率為102.04%,現場查核累計查獲應補繳金額為新台幣4億5,941萬9,090元,益本比約為13.51倍。容器類查核計畫已依查核標準作業程序完成之1,102家業者中,查獲短(溢)報之業者有842家,其中短漏報業者為686家,截至102年10月31日止,已有604家受查業者完成補繳申報作業,短漏家數補繳率為88.05%;另累計已補繳金額為新台幣1億0,431萬3,795元,到繳率為22.71%,為本次計畫總經費之3.0681倍。本計畫並蒐集受查業者意見,列入各受查業者之工作執行報告,並加以分類統計分析,以提供未來政策修訂之參考。依據本計畫之執行成果,建議未來持續針對短漏業者列入查核,展現政府推動政策之決心並維持公平性。現場查核時,加強責任業者相關法令之宣導,佐以輔導責任業者上網申報營業量資料正確性,如此將可提升回收清除處理費稽徵成效,並建立完善之管理資料庫。 Announcement to specified plastics container enterprises with the examination project of related ope The purpose of the project was to implement audit on designated enterprises that are responsible for operating or importing containers specified and controlled by the Environmental Protection Administration and to analyze the outcome of examinations. The implement period was from January 20, 2012 to December 31, 2013. Of the 1,080 companies planned to audit, 1,102 companies had been audited by November 30, 2013, indicating completion rate of 102.04% and NT$459,419,090 of accumulated-recycling-disposal fees had been found payable for the audited companies, indicating 13.51 of Revenues to Cost ratio. In addition, of the 1,102 audited companies which had undergone entire standard examination procedures, 842 companies were found to either over-pay or under-pay the recycling-clearance-disposal fees and 686 companies of thus were reported to under-pay the fees. As of October 31, 2013, 604 of the 686 responsible companies or 88.05% had submitted declaration to pay off the delinquent fees. Besides, NT$104,313,795, 22.71% of the total accumulated payable recycling-clearance-disposal fees had been collected by the authorities concerned, indicating 306.81% of the total budgeted professional fees. Comments and opinions were also collected from the audited responsible companies and were presented in the report of this project. They were also sorted and analyzed statistically for future policy- making reference.Based on the result of this project, the study suggested that the Environmental Protection Administration should keep inspecting and auditing those responsible companies which under-paid the fees in order to enforce the government policy and maintain the justice. During the inspections at site, responsible companies should be well-informed and well-educated of related regulations, and should be assisted to improve the accuracy of online declaration of volume or turnover. This will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness in collection of the recycling-clearance-disposal fees and establish completeness of the database for managerial purposes. 101 基管會 誠品聯合會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64963
101年及102年公告指定物品類責任業者營業(進口)量相關帳籍憑證查核作業及責任業者稽催作業計畫 本計畫執行期限自民國101年1月16日起至102年12月31日止,針對行政院環保署資源回收管理基金管理委員會委辦之廢棄物清理法公告列管之責任業者自行申報之營業(進口)量進行查核工作,並分析其查核成果。本計畫目標預計完成1,000家業者之查核,本受委託單位-誠品聯合會計師事務所已完成工作執行報告之家數為1,005家,查核家數之計畫目標達成率為100.50%,現場查核累計查獲應補繳金額為新台幣161,331,410元,益本比約為4.89倍。物品類查核計畫已依查核標準作業程序完成之1,005家業者中,查獲短(溢)報之業者有561家,其中短漏業者為456家,截至102年12月31日止,已有437家受查業者完成補繳申報作業,短漏家數補繳率為95.83%;另累計已補繳金額為新台幣136,867,551元,到繳率為84.84%,為本次計畫總經費之4.15倍。此外,協助執行責任業者短漏回收清除處理費補繳之稽催管控作業,使歷年查核案件累計補繳率達96%,已達90%以上之目標,經本計畫協助歷年欠繳金額之稽催與控管,已實際挹注回收基金總金額達12億元(12億3仟餘萬元)。本計畫並蒐集受查業者意見,列入各受查業者之工作執行報告,並加以分類統計分析,以提供未來政策修訂之參考。依據本計畫之執行成果,建議未來持續針對短漏業者列入查核,展現政府推動政策之決心並維持公平性。現場查核時,加強責任業者相關法令之宣導,佐以輔導責任業者上網申報營業量資料正確性,如此將可提升回收清除處理費稽徵成效,並建立完善之管理資料庫。 Project for examination into bookkeeping of responsible enterprises with relation to volume of opera The implementation period for the project for examination into bookkeeping of responsible enterprises with relation to volume of operation/importation of publicly-announced specified objects started January 16, 2012 and ended December 31, 2013. The purpose of the project was to conduct audit and analyze the operating or import volume of the responsible companies as designated by the Waste Disposal Act. This project aimed to audit 1,000 companies and as of completion date of December 31, 2013, the actual completion rate was 1,005 companies. The achievement rate of the audited companies was 100.50%. The accumulated recycling-clearance-disposal fees to be payable by the audited responsible companies based on the project result was NT$161,331,410, with Revenues to Cost ratio of about 4.89.Among the audited 1,005 responsible companies conducted in accordance with the standard procedures, 561 responsible companies were reported to have either over or under paid the recycling-clearance-disposal fees, of which 456 responsible companies have under-paid the recycling-clearance-disposal fees. As of December 31, 2013, 437 of the 456 responsible companies or 95.83% have submitted declaration to pay off the delinquent fees. Total of NT$136,867,551, 84.84% of the total accumulated recycling-clearance-disposal fees, have been made. This represents 415% of the total budgeted professional fee. This project also assisted enforcement of collecting past-due payment for year 2013 in achieving its target goal of repayment to the fund by over a total of NT$1,200 million(more than 1,230 million), the rate of accumulative total was 96% and also achieving its target goal of above 90%. Comments were also collected and analyzed from the audited responsible companies to be included in the implementation reports for future policy making purposes.According to the examination result of this project, the study suggested that the Environmental Protection Administration should continue to audit those responsible enterprises that had underpaid the recycling-clearance-disposal fees in order to reveal government`s determination on policy promoting and fairness of audit regarding to all related responsible enterprises. In conducting on site audit, the responsible companies will continue to be trained to become familiar with the related government policy to enable them to correctly submit the declarations of the operating or import volume. This will increase the efficiency and effectiveness in collection of the recycling-clearance-disposal fee and at the same to maintain completeness of the database for management purposes. 101 基管會 誠品聯合會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64870
102年度資源回收電子報發行專案工作計畫 本計畫的目標是透過每月編輯方式,將環保法規與政策、基管會各項活動之動態及國外環保回收等相關政策趨勢加以彙整分析,並進一步邀請國內各類回收主題之專家、學者及民間環保人士等專業人士-進行訪談,從政策規劃及推動,再談及各項回收執行現況,讓國內現行的回收推動現況及其成效之全貌浮現。透過國內動態、深入分析、活動看板、多媒體、問與答及國際瞭望等六大單元,以淺而易懂的文字敘述,彙編為網路虛擬雜誌,以網路型態寄送及發行,不受空間及時間的限制,成為提供各界瞭解我國回收施政的便利管道,以宣揚資源回收施政之成果及普及的環境教育及其政策。電子報以網頁編輯方式提供給基管會,由相關單位上傳至基管會資源回收電子報之網頁中。 Release Recycle e-paper of 102-103 Annual The main tasks of this project consist of summarizing environmental regulations and policies, activities organized by the Recycling Fund Management Board (RFMB) and international recycling policy trends and providing analyses through monthly editing works. Experts, scholars and non-governmental environmental activists versed on domestic recycling issues are interviewed. Topics discussed range from policy planning and implementation to current status of resource recycling streams. Overviews on the current domestic recycling promotion and its achievement are therefore conveyed through easily understandable narrations. The outcome are virtual e-magazines on the internet that contain 6 sections: domestic occurrences, depth analysis, activities billboard, multimedia, Q&A’s, and international outlook. These e-magazines are published and distributed in the forms of webpages which can be viewed any time and any where. They have become easily accessible channels for people of different fields to learn about recycling administration of our country. They can also be used to spread our experiences in recycling administration, environmental education and policy. Edited e-magazines are provided to the RFMB in the format of web-pages and then posted to R-paper section of the RFMB official website. 102 基管會 惠國顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64879
固定污染源戴奧辛及重金屬排放調查及管制計畫 本計畫主要工作內容包括:排放資料庫更新與建置、排放檢測與環境監測、高雄地區排放源重金屬汞貢獻比例探討及燒結爐、燃煤汽電共生鍋爐汞物種流布機制及排放減量策略規劃等四大部分。推估101年戴奧辛排放量為32.9~129 g I-TEQ/年,帄均值51.4 g I-TEQ/年々重金屬鉛排放量約為15.9噸/年(12.9~25.6噸/年)、鎘排放量約為0.880噸/年(0.686~2.63噸/年)、汞排放量約為1.85噸/年(1.34~4.47噸/年)、砷排放量約為4.20噸/年(3.04~10.7噸/年),歷年排放量變化幅度小。戴奧辛排放檢測以氯乙烯製造、添加廢棄物之水泥窯、瀝青拌合業、燃油鍋爐及小型燃材蒸氣鍋爐為主,檢測發現小型燃材鍋爐排放濃度值超過排放管制標準值,由於WHO2005-TEF與I-TEF相較其中部分毒性當量係數下降,故大部分行業冸以WHO2005-TEF換算之毒性當量濃度低於以I-TEF換算者,帄均毒性當量濃度降為96%,PCBs對毒性濃度影響小,約佔2%~17%,帄均7%。重金屬檢測部分發現,瀝青拌合業以刨除料為原料,部分重金屬排放係數高;半導體及光電業被認為是砷主要排放源,但檢測結果顯示,光電業排放係數較高,而半導體業檢測濃度小於偵測極限,顯示二業冸雖均使用相同原料,但排放情形仍有差異。過去所火化場均引用美國汞排放係數,本次檢測顯示因防制設備可有效降低汣染物排放,實際檢測汞排放係數遠低於美國係數。環境空氣戴奧辛監測,本年度除延續過去一般空品站及排放源集中區測點外,新增3個交通測站,監測結果顯示,一般空品站監測濃度帄均值與101年接近,為近5年內較低者;排放源集中區之水美測點、鋼聯測點及全興測點均有較其他相同性質測點高,主因這些測點附近有重大排放源,監測濃度易受本身排放影響。環境空氣重金屬監測結果顯示,102年鉛、鎘、鎳及砷監測年帄均濃度均未偏高。大氣汞部分,以高雄地區濃度較高,主要原因在於重大汣染源集中所致。本年度對行業冸汞物種流布調查行業為燒結爐及燃煤汽電共生鍋爐,燒結爐檢研究顯示,經由混雜料進入之總汞8%經由ESP的飛灰產出,經由燒結礦總汞約佔11%,大部分(81%)則經由煙囪排放至大氣,惟廢氣二價汞比例約佔82%,且該製程目前已進行SCR後端增設FGD工程,預期完成後,應可大幅降低總汞排放濃度。燃煤汽電共生鍋爐調查顯示,對總汞去除率達95%,最終排放至大氣汞物種以元素汞和二價汞為主,顯示該所裝設之袋式集塵器之集塵效率佳,減少附著於粒狀物上之汞的排放。高雄市汞排放量占國內比例甚高,本計畫以所有排放源汞排放量資料進行擴散模擬顯示,移動源對大氣環境中汞濃度貢獻比例低;濃度分部顯示以高市南部區域較高,北部較低,模擬結果值與過去各研究監測濃度值十分相近;主要高濃度區域有二,包含臨海工業區與火化場附近,其中火化場為批次式操作,空氣汣染防制設備操作難度,煙囪低、擴散不易,對附近區域影響較大;臨海工業區因電弧爐林立及中鋼公司一貫作業煉鋼製程排放量大,排放擴散後對區域有顯著影響。除此,本計畫於高雄市唐榮鐵工廠架設汞自動連續監測設備分析汞物種組成,監測結果顯示,帄均元素汞濃度為5.27 ng/m3,與過去監測結果相符。且由二價汞來源方向顯示,可能來自燒結爐,與流布調查結果可互相印證。法規研修、整合方面,本計畫協助修訂「煉鋼及鑄造電爐粒狀汣染物管制及排放標準」,本項標準於102年11月19日正式發布,可有助於煉鋼及鑄造電爐粒狀物排放控制,並可進一步減少重金屬排放;目前固定源戴奧辛排放標準均已生效,本計畫協助督察總隊稽查監督檢測及報告審核,計畫執行期間共計完成30座次監督檢測工作。102年(統計至11月底)總計環保單位(含環保署與縣市環保局)完成稽查檢測129座次,稽查檢測數量佔煙道數的19%。檢測結果共有14座次檢測不符排放標準,與過去相仿。近幾年稽查結果顯示,傳統之鋼鐵業及大型廢棄物焚化爐等重大汣染源已較少超標,顯示排放標準管制生效後,已有顯著管制成效,故今年度稽查對象偏重於過去之非主要排放源(如燃材鍋爐及火化場等)。此類排放源因操作情況不如傳統大戴奧辛排放源穩定,較易有超標情形。 Emission Investigation and Draft Control Strategy for Dioxin and Heavy Metals from the Stationary So The scope of this project includes: 1) Establishing and updating of the emission inventory; 2) Monitoring for the stationary emission and the ambient environment; 3) Investigating the contribution of mercury emission in the Kaohsiung metropolis; 4) Investigating the speciation changes of mercury in sintering plants and coal-fired cogeneration boilers and emission reduction strategies.The total dioxin emission quantity in Taiwan is estimated to be 32.9~129 g I-TEQ/year in 2012 with an average of 51.4 g I-TEQ/year. As for the heavy metal emissions in 2012, the total lead emission is 15.9 metric tons/year, cadmium emission is 0.880 metric tons/year, mercury emission is 1.85 metric tons/year, and arsenic emission is 4.20 metric tons/year. The changes are small over the years.The emission of dioxins is primarily from manufacturing of vinyl chloride, cement, asphalt mixing, oil boilers, and small wood-burning boilers. Statistics shows that the emission from small wood-burning boilers has exceeded the emission standards. Since the toxicity equivalence coefficients for some substances in the I-TEF are lower the WHO2005-TEF, conversion from WHO2005-TEF to I-TEF has reduce the equivalent toxicity by 96%. PCBs only accounts for 2~17% of toxicity equivalence, with an average of 7%.The monitoring of heavy metal emission shows that asphalt mixing with reclaimed asphalt pavement can produce high concentration of heavy metals. Manufacture of semiconductors and optoelectronics were believed as major sources for selenium emission. However, our monitoring data showed that the emission from optoelectronic manufacturers were high, whereas the emission from semiconductor manufacturers were under detection limits. Indicating that, even though, the manufacturing of semiconductors and optoelectronics uses the same materials, the composition of pollutant is different. Our monitoring data also showed that the pollutant control devices have successfully reduced the emission of mercury. The actual detected of mercury emission coefficient is much lower than the U.S. coefficient.In addition to the existing monitoring stations, 3 mobile source monitoring stations were set up this year to monitor the ambient dioxins. The monitored concentration was close to last year’s, reaching the five-year low point. Concentrations of dioxins were high at Shuimei, Ganglien, and Quanxing monitoring stations due to the surrounding major emission sources.The monitoring of ambient heavy metal showed that the average concentrations of lead, cadmium, nickel and selenium didn’t rise comparing to last year. However, the concentration of mercury was higher in Kaohsiung area due to multiple major emission sources.This year studies were done on the fate and transport of mercury in steelsintering plants and coal-fired cogeneration boilers. In sintering plants, 8% of total mercury was in the fly ass collected by the ESP, 11% was in the sinter, and 81% was emitted to the atmosphere through stacks in the form of Hg(II). FGD were installed after the SCR control devices to reduce the emission of mercury. In coal-fired cogeneration plants, 95% of total mercury was removed. The mercury released from the stack are mostly in the form of elemental mercury and mercury(II), indicating that bag houses have good removal rate for mercury attached on particulate matters.The amount of mercury emitted from the Kaohsiung area accounts for majority of mercury emitted in the entire country. Modeling showed that the Linhai industrial zone and the crematorium were major hot spots. The crematorium is working as batch operation; therefore, the operation of the control devices is difficult. Linhai Industrial Zone consists of several electric arc furnaces and the China Steel Corporation; all of them are major emission sources. The continuous monitoring system installed in the Tang Eng Iron Work factory shows that the average concentration of elemental mercury is 5.27 ng/m3, consistent with past monitoring results. The mercury(II) also comes from the direction of sintering plant, which is consistent with the findings from the fate and transport study.The “Steelmaking and Casting Furnace Particulate Pollutants Control and Emission Standards” was promulgated on November 19th, 2013, hoping to reduce the emission of particulate matters and heavy metal from the steelmaking and casting furnaces. Currently, stationary source Dioxin Emission Standards have been taking effect. We have supervised the 30 of 95 inspection assignments out last year. 14% of all emission sources were inspected. 11 inspections had failed to meet the emission standards, the number is similar to past years. 102 空保處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64923
102年臺中市固定污染源許可、空污費及揮發性有機物管制計畫 本計畫執行期程自102年2月1日至102年12月31日止,主要工作項目包括:許可審查、空污費審查、連續自動監測設施管制、揮發性有機物管制、定期檢測監督管理及法規符合度查核等工作項目,各作業項目均已依工作進度規劃期程辦理,計畫總進度達成率已達100%,無落後之項目。許可審查作業延續ISO9001標準化作業,並採簡訊方式通知申辦進度,計畫執行期間計核發49張設置許可證與376張操作許可證。為落實空污費申報稽核,今年度抽查原物料揮發性有機物成份20點次,其中13件樣品與申報數值差異逾10%,已辦理空污費重新核算及追繳。本計畫每日檢核連續自動監測數據,計畫執行迄今計有2廠監測數據超出排放標準,已提報予環保局告發處分。另執行11根相對準確度稽查檢測、10根標準氣體查核及10次訊號平行比對測試,測試結果皆符合規範。今年度現場查核採全廠法規符合度查核方式辦理,計已查核509廠次,查核符合率為96.4%,查核不符者皆已移由環保局查處。今年度推動臺中港區固定污染源管制方案,並指定10家區內公私場所於8月底前完成排放量認可,本計畫已於7月26日辦理說明會,並輔導業者申辦排放量認可。 2013 Control plan on permits to stationary pollution source, air pollution fees and VOCs This project has a period of execution from February 1,2013 to December 31, 2013, with main tasks including permitreview, air pollution fees review, control of CEMS, VOCcontrol, management of periodic tests, and checking on legalcompliances. All operations have begun and are going asplanned and scheduled; percentage of achievement iscurrently 100.0%, which fulfills the predefined progress. Theoperation of permits review extends the standardized ISO9001 operation and involves notification of progress ofoperations to applicants by texts. The execution, over itsperiod, issued all 49 permits to installation and 376 permitsto operation. To fully carry out the audit over thedeclaration of air pollution fees, the project takes 20sample checks on VOC components in raw materials this year,of which 13 samples have been subjected to re-calculationand re-payment order for being in excess of the declaredvalue by over 10%. This project also exercises daily checkof data of CEMS; till date it has uncovered two plants withsuch figure exceeding the criteria for emissions and hasreported to EPB. It also exercised 11 checks on flumes RATA,10 checks in standard gases and 10 checks in signal parallelcomparison, and found them all compliant. On-site check thisyear is conducted by the method of overall plant legalcompliance, and has run 509 times, which found a rate ofcompliance at 96.4%, where the noncompliant cases have beenreported to EPB for disposal. This year sees the launchingof control program of stationary pollution sources inTaichung Harbor, which requires ten plants, to complete emission approval by end of August. This project has givenpresentation on July 26 and given counsel tothe industries in applying for emission approval withinprescribed dates. 102 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63036
2013資源回收國際研討會專案工作計畫 本計畫為展現我國資源回收十餘年來的具體成果並行銷推廣我國獨創的資源回收制度,特分為以下三部分進行:(一)本年度邀請國外國際級講者以及政府單位代表針對城市廢棄物之回收處理以及永續發展為題進行分享,資源回收國際研討會已於2013年12月18日至19日假交通部集思會議中心舉辦,參與人數合計共437人,現場反應熱烈,會議順利圓滿完成。從宣傳期到活動次日媒體報導達8篇。(二)為使社會各界及國際人士能瞭解台灣資源回收工作的努力與成果,並且根據讀者對象差異分為中文與英文兩種版本進行編制,年鑑內容呈現資源回收體系設計的獨特之處與歷年資源回收的成果,除了讓國人瞭解資源回收體系運作之演進外,並呈現資源回收工作的環境效益,以鼓勵全民共同投入,創造資源回收之新契機。(三)為行銷推廣我國資源回收成效與制度,本計畫持續收集國外基本資料與相關廢棄物政策與制度,以及國外專家之相關聯絡資訊,做為日後在國際相關資源回收交流活動的重要參考依據。 2013 International Conference on Resource Recycling In order to highlight Taiwan’s concrete achievements in resource recycling for the past decade and promote our unique resource recycling system, there are three aspects of concern in this project: (1) This year we invite the domestic to discuss How to build recycling and sustainable cities. The 2013 International Conference on Resource Recycling was held at the GIS International Conference Hall in December 18th-19st, 2013. It amounts to 437 people to participate in this conference. The conference responds enthusiastically and was finished satisfactorily. The relevant media report reaches 8 during this activity. (2) In order for the public and international stakeholders to understand that resource recycling efforts and achievement of Taiwan, we divide the 2011~2012 Biennial into Chinese and English edition. The content of the Biennial presents the unique of our resource recycling system and achievement of resource recycling over the years. Let compatriots find out about the gradual progress of Taiwan’s resource recycling system operation mainly and the environmental benefit of the work appears. We hope to encourage the whole people to join this work together and create the new opportunity of resources recycling. (3) In order to market and promote our resource recycling achievements and system, we have already finished investigating relation countries, including national basic information and relevant waste management policy and system. We hope that these achievements will become bases of the international exchange activity of resource recycling in the future. 102 基管會 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64774
應回收容器責任業者基線資料建置暨回收推廣專案工作計畫 本計畫執行期程為102年2月6日至102年12月31日,主要工作內容分別為「建置國內應回收容器責任業者基線資料」、「建立應回收容器材質之基線資料,強化列管材質判釋基礎」與「收集並盤查廢容器製成再生料之碳足跡」,相關執行成果說明如下: 彙整101年度各容器材質申報營業量前20%之責任業者,分析其責任業者營業申報量前50%商品,建置基線資料共計126件,並彙整相關基線資料分析其判釋指紋。 建置「非塑膠廢容器判釋流程」、「應回收廢塑膠容器簡易判釋流程」與彙整平板容器與非平板類免洗餐具之成分與成型資料,供後續執行機關與回收/處理機構之判釋參酌。 彙整歷年針對回收相關標誌疑義案例共計22件,其中常見之疑義案件為特殊塑膠材質與複合材標示編碼,其次依序分別為回收標誌標示位置與廢塑膠容器責任物歸屬。針對地方環保機關諮詢輔導管道方面,本年度執行期間分別對於「未發泡PS材質容器類型與判釋方式」與「OPS材質容器材質特性與回收處理」等問題進行輔導與說明。另本計畫已配合環保署針對印表機耗材墨水匣、碳粉匣納入列管範圍與PVDC材質之食品包裝材納入列管範圍進行調查說明。 完成PVC、發泡PS與未發泡PS等三種材質之盤查作業,且各項材質之稽核認證量均達到75%以上,故盤查獲得之數據實有其代表之可信度,可作為後續減碳效益量化之基礎數據。另盤查上述三種材質之應回收廢容器製成再生料之碳排放量與原生材料之碳排放量進行比較後發現,使用廢容器再生料較使用原生料,可減碳76%至85%。 完成鐵、鋁、玻璃等三種材質之國內碳足跡排放係數建置之相關行政作業事宜;因我國已建立主要能耗包括電力、柴油等相關碳排放係數,經數據品質評核系統之計算後,鐵、鋁、玻璃之數據品質均達高品質。 The Baseline Data Establishment and the Collection Promotion for the Responsible Producers of the An The project period was from February 2nd, 2013 to December 31st, 2013, the main subjects included “database establishment of recycled container responsible enterprises”, “database establishment of announced recyclable items and enhancement of material distinguishing”, “collecting and investigating carbon footprint of the secondary production”, and the results were summarized as the following: According to the recycled container sales volume reported by responsible enterprise in 2012, the database was established by the best-selling goods in all range of material taking a half of the top 20% amount of reported sales volume. In total, 126 data was set up for checking out undeclared enterprises in the future. In addition, establishment of distinguishing process on non-plastic waste containers and announced recyclable waste plastic containers could provide a standard for enforcement authorities and recycling enterprises to follow. However, there were 22 uncertain cases about recycle symbol counted from sales database system (managed by EPA), such as particular plastic and complex plastic, recycle symbol marked at inconspicuous place, and unclear category. This project had built local environmental protection authorities counseling access, and during the project, we collaborated with EPA to help local environmental protection authorities and environmental groups to learn more about non-foamed PS container distinguishing technique and treatment of OPS. Besides, we carried out a feasibility analysis and investigations on additional announced regulated containers which environmental groups claimed to add. Such as printer supplies, toner, and food packaging which contained PVDC. This project has completed inspection of carbon emissions on PVC, PS and non-foamed PS, and auditing and certification volume of each material was up to 75%, therefore, these data was reliable for further study. Through the inspection of carbon emissions on secondary products compares with original materials, especially on PVC, PS and non-foamed PS, carbon reduction reaches 76% to 85% when using secondary products. Furthermore, the carbon footprint coefficients for three materials (iron, aluminum and glass) had been established. Because we already had the electric power and diesel carbon emission coefficients. After inspection, the coefficients of three materials all meet the high data quality by calculation. 102 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64864
固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測設施及數據管理計畫 本計畫旨在因應「固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測設施管理辦法」(管理辦法)修正,檢討掌握國內公私場所及地方主管機關對於CEMS之操作、營運及管理之狀況,協助環保署修訂相關查核手冊、建置CEMS DAHS管理系統,提升空氣污染管制作業及掌握應設置固定污染源連續自動監測設施並協助地方主管機關管理公私場所監測設施操作維護情形、電腦程式及監測數據是否屬實,據以提升CEMS相關業務承辦人員應用管理專業能力。為避免設置CEMS公私場所偽造申報不實排放數據,需瞭解CEMS監測數據與系統參數之管理機制,並蒐集瞭解國內外CEMS管制作業發展歷程做為制度建立之參考,藉此研擬相關CEMS管制制度。故持續101年CEMS計畫之建立本土化排放特徵,篩選環保署已公告1~3批共9根次管道,分析各參數與排放數據之相關性、變化趨勢等排放特性剖面(profile),同時比較國內同類型、相同規模之污染源排放性差異,且與國內外相關文獻比較其差異與合理性。並蒐集彙整美國40CFR63 NESHAP各行業別有關CPMS相關規定,與國內某家光電公司之RTO燃燒室溫度與NMHC CEMS監測數據,分析比較CEMS與污染防制設備處理效率操作參數之相關性。與參考美國環保署PS-17草案與40CFR63各章節及國內CEMS管理辦法性能規範,研擬空氣污染物防制設施操作參數之規範。並挑選5家公私場所進行速度場係數之實廠測試作業,與配合TTLA及TSIA功能小組協助進行連線率之實廠測試,驗證CEMS管理辦法修正草案之速度廠係數相關法規內容與評估光電業及半導體業因應管理辦法公告連線率管制標準之可行性。而為提升CEMS管制工作效率,本工作團隊除修正現場查核及法制文件審查程序相關手冊與輔導手冊,使手冊可因應未來法規公告後之適用性與便利性,亦建立易懂與易於作業原則之監測設施安裝標準程序及輔導手冊供CEMS業務相關人員於審查與查核作業之參考,並開發行動查核工具與後端資料管理系統,使CEMS相關查核工作更為快速有效,節省繁複作業時間以提升查核效率。並完成建置CEMS DAHS管理平台,包含DAHS設計程式碼上傳管理制度及機制與資料庫及加解密機制設計,與結合自然人憑證及系統帳號作為電子化管理平台之通用帳號管理,藉由自然人憑證的雙驗證及不可否認性,加強CEMS DAHS系統之整體管制與整合建立電子化文件管理平台,藉以提升主管機關CEMS管理之效率並達到便民之目的。為強化CEMS整體查核工作之執行暨管制成效,本計畫完成半導體業CEMS設置輔導15根次、光電業檢測期程進行校正誤差測試查核(RATA)現場監督查核10根次、一般及事業廢棄物焚化爐之設輔導5根次,並完成與空污費查核計畫聯合稽查CEMS系統功能查核及法規符合度查核15場次及標準氣體之濃度查核作業5根次。藉由本次查核工作,了解半導體業與一般及事業廢棄物焚化爐(4~10 ton/hr)之CEMS設置現況、光電業RATA執行情形與問題及驗證國內監測設施標準氣體濃度之準確性,作為日後標準氣體管制及管理辦法修正之參考。為提升CEMS相關業務承辦人員之專業應用管理能力,本工作團隊依據101年度所規劃之CEMS應用管理訓練班教材包括監測設施分析技術原理、CEMS法規介紹、監測設施之系統查核、數據品保應用與防弊及監測設施確認程序輔導與自主管理檢核等五門教材,並因應環保署需求與調查各CEMS相關業務承辦人員較迫切了解之業務內容而調整相關課程,共辦理6場CEMS相關研習會與研商會。並為掌握地方環保局CEMS管理品質,亦針對16地方環保局之文件記錄審核、自主管理系統和系統資料庫進行訪查。並協助環保署修訂「公私場所固定污染源揮發性有機物監測設施性能規範參考原則草案」內容,與辦理2場次之研商會與提供法規、管理系統使用及現場技術支援等諮詢服務及協助辦理法規釋疑及研修等相關作業。 The project of CEMS installation guidance and management for the stationary sources. The purposes for this project are focus on review and control the system operation, running and management of the effects for CEMS. The targets of this project also included that helping Taiwan EPA to amend audit manual and CEMS DAHS system development. We improve the air pollution control operations and grasp that should be set the stationary sources continuous monitoring facilities and assist local competent authority in the management of public or private premises monitoring facilities operation and maintenance situations, computer programs, and monitoring data whether is true. Based on these results, we promote the specialized ability of applied management for CEMS business contractor personnel.To avoid public and private premises falsify CEMS emissions data, we need to understand the management mechanism between CEMS data and the system parameters and the development process of home and abroad CEMS control operations, then we develop CEMS control regime as these reference. We continued to build the localized emission characteristics for screening 9 stacks which were announced 1-3 batches by EPA, analyzing the correlation, trends and other emission characteristics profile between the various parameters and emissions data. Simultaneously, we compared emission differences of the same type and scale sources, and compared the differences and rationality between the domestic and foreign reference. We also collect 40CFR63 NESHAP regulations relating CPMS, then we compared the correlation of CEMS and pollution control equipment operational parameters with RTO combustion chamber temperature and NMHC CEMS monitoring data which were belong to a domestic optoelectronics company. We develop standard of air pollution control facility operating parameters by referring to the U.S. EPA PS-17 draft, 40CFR63 and domestic CEMS management practices performance specifications, then we pick 5 public and private premises to conduct velocity coefficient test, and assist the real plant to test the connection rate with TTLA and TSIA, and verify the feasibility between the speed coefficient in CEMS amendment draft and the assessment of in response to the announcement management approach connection rate control standards in optoelectronics industry and the semiconductor industry. We not only amend to the site inspections, legal document review procedures manuals and guidance manuals, but also establish the standard installation procedures of monitoring facilities and counseling manual for CEMS business to refer, and we develop action audit tools and back-end data management system that allows CEMS audit more quickly and efficiently. We complete the build CEMS DAHS management platform, including DAHS design code management system to upload the database and encryption mechanism design, and combined with natural system account credentials and account management as a generic electronic management platform. With natural credentials dual authentication and non-repudiation, we strengthen CEMS DAHS system and integrate electronic document management platform, to enhance the efficiency of the authority CEMS management and achieve the purpose of convenience.In view of all previous counselling and audit work, we develop the counselling question registers, establishment quantity as well as fitting in law control index of public or private premises. The semiconductor industry CEMS for 15 stacks and the general industrial waste incinerators for 5 stacks have set counseling. The optoelectronics industries for 10 stacks have carried out relative accuracy test audit on site. We audit 15 sessions with the plan of air pollution fee checking, and then we select 5 flues to test the standard gas concentration. By this audit work, we assess the ability to confirm the domestic monitor facility standard gas by the domestic standard gas authentication organization, which can be used as the basis for future standard gas control and repair method.In order to enhance the specialized ability of applied management for CEMS business contractor personnel, we held 6 sessions CEMS seminars which were based on CEMS application management curriculum teaching materials in 2012. To grasp the quality of the management for EPB, we visit the 16 counties EPB for checking records, Self-management system and database. We also assist EPA to revise the "public and private premises stationary sources of volatile organic compounds monitoring facility performance specifications reference draft", conduct public hearings for 2 sessions and provide regulations, management systems manual, on-site technical support and other consultancy services. 102 空保處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64175
雲林縣低碳永續家園專案辦公室計畫 本計畫於102年3月5日開始執行,工作規劃內容包括辦理運作機能小組會議、製作低碳社區發展策略報告、訂定低碳社區甄選辦法、推動社區取得低碳社區標章、辦理低碳社區說明會、補助社區執行行動項目、辦理永續家園研討會、辦理跨局處低碳家園推動工作相關進度協調會議、辦理跨縣市觀摩活動及製作雲林縣低碳家園推動政策白皮書等。期末報告期間各工作項目執行成果,主要如下:(1)邀請專家委員辦理8場次運作機能小組會議,增加專業諮詢及技術支援,於會議中研擬討論本縣未來低碳永續方向及政策。(2)辦理雲林縣低碳社區甄選活動,藉由活動辦理,讓社區居民一同響應並且參與,也可讓低碳永續觀念深植民心。(3)以本縣社區現有狀況,並參考國內外相關低碳資訊,製作低碳社區發展策略報告,做為未來推動本縣低碳社區之參考。(4)為辦理低碳社區甄選活動,本計畫除訂定甄選辦法外,亦辦理低碳社區說明會,並於說明會中鼓勵社區參與甄選,最終甄選出5處績優低碳社區,且補助社區執行行動項目,藉由小金額的補助,可加速推動低碳社區,並凝聚社區居民向心力。(5)為讓社區居民能更為理解低碳永續家園理念,本計畫辦理6場次永續家園研討會,藉由低碳社區營造的心得分享及交流,讓社區居民了解營造低碳社區並不難,而動手施作。(6)低碳社區並非單一面向推行,因此辦理跨局處低碳家園推動工作相關進度協調會議,增加專業諮詢、技術支援,且請各局處提供相關低碳永續方面計畫,用以彙整未來本縣低碳永續政策推動方向。(7)本計畫規劃辦理1場次跨縣市低碳城市觀摩活動,以低碳城市性質及組成考量,預計觀摩縣市為宜蘭縣,藉由觀摩活動,可從中學習經驗,並作為未來執行低碳城市相關作業之參考。(8)參考國內外低碳城市案例,並收集溫室氣體相關資料進行彙整分析,並規劃低碳永續家園策略,完成雲林縣低碳家園推動政策白皮書,以提供本縣作為低碳永續家園推動施政之參考。(9)每月定期提交月報,並依預定進度控管計畫。 Low-Carbon Sustainable Project Office in Yunlin County This project was initiated on March 5, 2013. Its working plans include organizing the meetings of operation groups, the production of low-carbon community development strategy reports, formulating low-carbon community selection criteria, assisting communities in passing low-carbon community certification, holding low-carbon community policy briefings, subsidizing communities to execute carbon reduction, organizing sustainable-home seminars, organizing cross-departmental coordination meetings to monitor the progress of low-carbon-related jobs, holding a cross-city/county observation program, compiling Yunlin County Low Carbon Home Policy Blueprint, etc. The results of each focal point for project implementation during the final are mainly as follows: (1) Invite experts to organize meetings of operation groups, in order to acquire more professional advice and technical support. In the meetings, the County’s future sustainable low-carbon directions and policies were discussed;(2) Conduct an activity to select low-carbon communities in Yunlin County in the hope that community residents’ response and participation can enable the low carbon and sustainability concepts to be rooted in their awareness; (3) Compile the low-carbon community development strategy report in reference to both the County’s current situation and the low carbon information from domestic and international sources, and take it as a reference for promoting the County’s low-carbon community policies in the future;(4) To conduct the low-carbon community selection activity, the project not only formulated selection criteria, but also held low-carbon community policy briefings to encourage the communities present to participate in the selection. The final top five low-carbon communities were selected and subsidized for low carbon reduction effort in the communities. It was hoped that through the small amounts of subsidies, low-carbon community promotion as well as community cohesion could be facilitated;(5) To help community residents better understand the concepts regarding low-carbon sustainable homes, seminars were included in this project. By sharing and exchanging experiences of developing low-carbon communities, it was proven that community residents could easily understand relevant concepts and put them into practice;(6) The low-carbon community policy is supposed to be implemented with a think tank, so cross-departmental meetings were held to promote the progress and coordination of related jobs, to acquire professional consultation and technical support, as well as to request each department involved to provide their low-carbon sustainability plans that would constitute a basis for the County’s future execution of low-carbon sustainability policies;(7) The project will organize a cross-city/county observation program and in consideration of the characteristics and elements of a low-carbon city, Yilan County will be chosen for the program. It is expected that through the observation program, we can be equipped with related knowledge and employ it for the implementation of low-carbon City policies in the future;(8) Take domestic and international low-carbon cities as the subjects for case study, collect and analyze relevant data of greenhouse gases, plan low-carbon sustainable home strategies, and complete the Yunlin County Low Carbon Home Policy Blueprint, so that these may provide the County with references to promote low-carbon sustainable home policies; and(9) Submit the monthly report and put the plans for control in accordance with predetermined schedules. 102 雲林縣環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64805
102年「臺中市移動污染源稽查暨停車怠速管制計畫」 本年度計畫目標主要針對臺中市轄區內執行機車定檢之宣導與管制,以達成民眾了解機車定檢相關政策及自主前往檢驗,進一步有效管制移動源排放之污染,繼而達到共同維護空氣品質獲得改善之目的。計畫執行期程自簽約日102年2月1日起至102年12月31日止,整體工作完成度達100%。在未定檢機車管制作業中,車牌辨識作業共執行293場次,共計辨識710,506車輛數,其中未定檢機車占10.1%,本市占75.9%、外縣市占24.1%,經通知後回檢率為79.4%。為加強機車停放集中區的管制,共巡查臺中市14個行政區,查獲未定檢車輛數共計11,517輛,回檢率為81.9%。未定檢機車攔查作業共計攔查2,138輛次,未定檢機車205輛次,經通知後回檢率達86.3%。在高污染機車管制作業,路邊不定期攔檢作業共計攔檢3,028輛次,其中不合格車輛數為612輛次,經通知後複驗合格率為98.1%。 The Mobile Source Inspection and Idling Management Project of Taichung City, 2013 Project objectives for 2013, for Taichung City area locomotives regular inspection of propaganda and control, to achieve the public understanding the locomotives regular inspection of relevant policies, further effective control of emissions from mobile sources, and improvement maintenance of air quality. This project from February 1, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013, the overall degree of completion was 100%. In undetermined seized control locomotive operations, performed 293 LPR(License Plate Recognition) of screening, a total of 710,506 vehicle identification number, which accounted for 10.1 percent undecided locomotive inspection, the city accounted for 75.9%, 24.1% out of the county, after notice to pick up rate 79.4%. In order to strengthen the control of locomotive parked concentrated area of Taichung 14 administrative inspections, seized undetermined number of vehicles seized a total of 11,517 vehicles, to pick up rate of 81.9%. Locomotive stopped to check operations totaled 2,138 motorcycles were stopped, pending inspection locomotive 205 motorcycles were seized by the notification rate of 86.3% return. Motorcycle at high pollution control operations, roadside inspection operation stopped occasionally seized a total of 3,028 motorcycles were stopped, including the number of vehicles is 612 motorcycles were unqualified, after notice re-inspection pass rate 98.1%. 102 台中市環境保護局 思維環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63303
臺中、雲林地區農地作物含重金屬鎘污染成因調查及查證計畫 本計畫合約期程是自101年10月29日至102年12月31日止,主要工作內容是針對臺中后里及雲林虎尾兩處進行農地及作物受重金屬鎘污染原因調查工作,以釐清農地污染成因與傳輸途徑。本計畫工作項目已完成合約規定之農地環境勘查、農地土壤、渠道底泥、渠道水質、周界大氣、排放管道、農作物植體等調查作業,並運用空污模式及各項介質的同位素進行污染源評估,計畫工作目標已全數達成。臺中后里地區主要以豐興鋼鐵廠列為調查對象,依據所調查蒐集之各類環境樣本分析結果,顯示后里地區農地遭受鎘、鋅污染的原因與豐興鋼鐵逸散粉塵有關,污染傳輸途徑研判為二:(1)由豐興鋼鐵廠廠內后里圳一支線12給水與暫存池溢流至鄰近后里圳第二支線渠道,再經引灌流入鄰近農地,造成農地土壤鋅、鎘含量的累積;(2)經由空氣擴散沉降於周邊農地造成污染。雲林虎尾地區主要將台灣色料廠列為調查對象,結果顯示廠內集塵灰、地表粉塵、污泥、引道(虎尾小給2-4渠道)底泥檢測出含有高量重金屬鎘,研判該廠為造成鄰近渠道底泥富含鎘、鉛的操作源。雲林虎尾地區其污染成因包括(1)廠內粉塵經逕流水帶往排溝排放,造成下游農地引灌後導致污染;(2)棋盤厝中排因暴雨滿溢淹沒農地;然渠道(虎尾小給2-4渠道及棋盤厝中排)底泥富含鎘來源與台灣色料有關。依本計畫調查結果研判台中后里地區農地主要污染來源為豐興鋼鐵廠,雲林虎尾地區則為台灣色料廠,建議後續將上述事業列為求償對象,並規劃預防策略,以讓兩處區域的民眾能安心過生活。 Investigation and verification for causes of cadmium contaminated crops in Taichung and Yunlin The duration of the contract to this project is between October 29th, 2012 and October 28th, 2013. The main job of this project is to investigate and verify the cause of the emerging problem of cadmium rice in an endless stream at Houli, Taichung and Huwei, Yunlin.The investigation works on farmland environment inspection, farmland soils, sediments in irrigation ditches, irrigation water quality, ambient air quality, emission channels and plant tissues, and the assessment on pollution sources via air pollution model and isotopic analysis on all kinds of transportation media have been accomplished.At Houli, Taichung , Feng Hsin Iron Co., LTD. is the top priority of investigated subject. According to all kinds of collected environmental samples and the analytical results, it appears that the fundamental reason for the contaminated farmlands with zinc and cadmium concentration above controlling standards is the diverged dust created from steel manufacturing. There are two transportation pathways. First, the over-loaded waste water and the water from the 12th supply ditch of Houli 1th branch irrigation tunnel, which pass through Feng Hsin Iron and Steel manufacturing factory, enter Houli 2nd branch irrigation tunnel and are used as irrigation purpose that results in accumulation of zinc and cadmium in farmlands. Second, the zinc and cadmium-contained dust diffused and precipitated through air and eventually accumulated in farmlands.As for the investigation at Huwei, Yunlin, Taiwan Colors & Chemicals CO., LTD. is the top priority of investigated subjects. The investigation result shows that dirt, dust, sewage sludge and No. 2-4 drainage have been measured with high concentration of cadmium. Hence, based on the assessment and judgement Huwei, Yunlin, Taiwan Colors & Chemicals CO., LTD is the source of cadmium accumulated in drainage ditch. The emerging problem of cadmium-contaminated farmlands at Huwei, Yunlin is attributed to two reasons. First, the dust was carried by surface runoff into drainage ditch and that results in pollution of farmlands downstream. Second, the sediments in are full of cadmium. Once the torrential rain comes the water flow out of drainage ditch and enter farmlands. Those cadmium in sediments is correlated with Taiwan Colors & Chemicals CO., LTD.In terms of the investigation results, the judgment has been made that the pollution source at agricultural area in Houli, Taichung is Feng Hsin Iron and Steel Co., LTD. And the pollution source at agricultural area in Huwei, Yunlin is Taiwan Colors & Chemicals CO., LTD. The further works in the future will be planning prevention strategy for pollution and prosecuting these two companies for environmental contamination. Also, compensation will be required in order to return a secured environment to local residents. 101 土污基管會 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62334
加強異味風險潛勢污染源改善工作計畫 近幾十年來由於工商業的快速發展,工業區及科學園區到處設立,帶動人潮的遷移,同時都會區的發展及生活型態的轉變,皆造成汽機車數量及外食人口快速增加,間接導致加油站及餐飲業林立,再加上近幾年來國人環保意識的抬頭,經常衍生環保相關之公害陳情及糾紛事件,其中又以異(惡)臭味陳情為最受民生關注之議題;異(惡)臭味產生之來源非常廣泛,異臭味除讓人產生不悅及不良感受外,若是屬於揮發性有機物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)或半揮發性有機物(semi-volatile organic compounds,SVOCs)者,長期吸入對人體健康可能會造成更大的危害。本計畫包括加油站、餐飲業、高異味潛勢污染源及民俗活動與露天燃燒等工作項目;根據101年全國各加油站油量規模及近兩年是否曾進行過稽查檢測等篩選原則,選定並完成15座加油站汽(機)車加油作業時油氣洩漏情形之觀察,根據調查結果解析車輛廠牌、種類、排氣量及加油槍廠牌等因素與油氣逸散情形是否有所關連,發現氣油比(或有無後處理設備)為影響油氣逸散之主要因素,並提出以車載型油氣回收系統、自閉式加油口及減少加油作業之空隙等短(人員操作習性)、中(提高氣油比)、長期(ORVR及自閉式加油裝置)等方案來解決油氣逸散問題之建議。在餐飲業空污陳情案件調查及設備效能評估部分,根據101年及102年「公害陳情受理系統」之資料,完成30件餐飲業相關空污陳情案件之現場勘查成果陳情原因解析,並在餐飲業現場進行96點次防制設備處理效能檢測及評估,發現不論是靜電集塵器、活性碳吸附或是紫外光臭氧等既有設備對總懸浮微粒及異味之處理效能普遍不高;另外協助環保署調查各縣市環保局執行餐飲業稽查管制所面臨之問題及資源需求,並根據分析各項調查及檢測結果,研議未來可考慮制定餐飲業排放標準及參考加州、美國及中國推動防制設備認證制度等相關管制措施來解決餐飲業空氣污染問題。強化民俗活動空氣污染調查及防護宣傳工作上,完成鹽水蜂炮及大甲媽祖遶境活動現場懸浮微粒採樣,並針對微粒之微毒性及所含重金屬成分進行分析,雖然以重金屬成分所進行之健康風險評估結果顯示無急性健康風險之疑慮,但在活動現場懸浮微粒(PM10)濃度高於24小時空品標準值數十倍,顯示短時間暴露仍是對健康有危害的;最後根據分析結果檢討修正參與民俗活動民眾及鄰近居民應注意的空氣污染事項之宣傳與告知作業,並撰寫新聞稿提供環保署發布相關訊息。在許可制度強化高異味風險潛勢污染源相關管制可行性評估部分,根據篩選自「固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統」及「環保稽查處分管制系統」之資料完成16家高異味風險潛勢污染源污染物排放相關資料彙整,並對其中6家污染源業者之排放管道進行12點次臭味濃度判定、6點次排氣成分分析,以及各6點次周界之氣體成分分析及臭味濃度判定,根據檢測結果進行既有排放管道排放標準與周界標準對應關係之合理性探討,並完成高異味風險潛勢污染源強化許可制度管制所需包含「法源依據評估」、「陳情資料項目」、「判定納管準則門檻標準」、「異味自主管理方案項目及內容」及「異味自主管理方案審查重點指引」等相關配套措施之研擬。在其他配合事項部分,完成一場次「強化加油站油氣逸散減量管制策略」專家諮詢會議之舉行、「加油站法規」及「餐飲業稽查」管制宣導座談會各一場次及協助環保署發布新聞稿與彙整分析地方主管機關包括:(1)民俗活動空氣污染改善措施,(2)歷年紙錢集中焚燒數量,(3)中元普渡期間提供民眾符合環保祭祀服務活動訊息,(4)「加油站管制工作」、「餐飲業異味管制及環保祭祀」及「露天燃燒管制」等工作推動成果彙整。 Potential sources of risk to enhance odor improvement plan Due to rapid economic development in Taiwan in the last few decades, many industrial zones and science-based industrial parks are set up. Growth in commercial and industrial sectors changes life style of Taiwanese. People own more and more cars and motorcycles and they do not cook by themselves. To satisfy the demand of food for people and fuel for vehicles, a lot of gas stations and restaurants are opened to be easily accessible. This unavoidably caused serious environmental problems and constantly induced tensions between service providers and resident in the community. Among those pleading statements to government, unpleasant odor is the most frequently cited subject. In addition to causing people uncomfortable, these odors could be hazardous to health of human being if these odors are VOC(Volatile organic compounds) or SVOC(Semi-volatile organic compound).This plan contains the sections of gas station, catering industry, potential highly-odorous pollution sources, folk activities, and open-air combustion. Based on whether a certain gas station was ever inspected in the previous 2 years plus the volume of sales of that station, we have picked 15 gas stations and surveyed how they collected the leakage during the gas filling process. We tried to find out the connection between vehicle brand , vehicle type, fuel truck nozzle brand and gas leakage by the findings of investigation. Then the result showed that gas-oil ratio(or post treatment equipment) was the main factor of gas leakage. We also offered advices such as short-term (personnel operating habits), med-term (raise gas-oil ratio), long-term (ORVR and self-closing refueling installation) etc. to solve this problem.We have pinpointed 30 cases in catering industry, according to the pleading statements to EPA in 2012 and 2013, to examine the facilities they were using to collect odors and smell of cooking. And evaluated 96 cases in air pollution control equipment performance. We found that TSP (Total Suspended Particles) and odors removal efficiency by electrostatic precipitator, activated carbon adsorption, or UV-Ozone system are not good. In addition, we helped EPA to investigate the difficulties and requests from every environmental protection bureau in catering industry regulations management. Develop catering industry emission standard and take the certification system experiences which from California, America and China as our reference.We sampled the suspended particulates in the air in the events of Yanshuei Beehive Rockets Festival and Dajia Mazu Procession. We analyzed heavy metal components and micro-toxicity in these particles. Although the health risk assessment showed that heavy metal components are no acute risk, the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 were higher than 24 hour air quality standard over ten times. It meant there is hazardous to health in short term exposure. At the end, we should remind participants or residents to care about air pollution issues.We got data and information from "Stationary air pollution management information system" and "Environmental enforcement management system", then collected 16 cases in potential highly-odorous pollution sources emission. We determined 12 odor concentration and 6 emission component with regard to six of sixteen cases. We also completed complementary measures such as "law basis assessment", "petition items", "control standard limitation", "odor autonomous management content" and "odor autonomous management examination guidelines".In another working plan, we hold a conference which is about strengthening the guidance of gas station management regulations and catering industry investigative control. Collected and organized the information about folk-activity-caused air pollution improvement measures, paper money burning quantity and environmental protection worship activities by competent authority simultaneously. We also help local competent authority to collect information which include (1)plan target, (2)working items and contents, (3)schedule and checking points. 102 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64611
車用汽、柴油品質現場查核計畫 本計畫執行期程為102年2月26日至12月31日,主要工作內容為依據『空氣污染防制費收費辦法』辦理移動污染源空氣污染防制費初審作業、依據『車用汽柴油販賣進口許可及管理辦法』及『車用汽柴油成分管制標準』,對製造者及進口者之廠(場)區、成品儲槽、油庫、銷售地點或其他公私場所,查核相關資料及檢測汽柴油品質以及持續蒐集國內外油品(含生質燃料)管制相關資料。本計畫統計102年1~12月全國共計徵收汽油空污費約19.2億元,柴油空污費約9.1億元,全國計徵收汽柴油空污費約28.3億元,汽柴油月平均申報量與101年比較均呈下降趨勢,根據歷年平均油價來看,95無鉛汽油已從100年31.80元/公升上漲至102年34.89元/公升,超級柴油也從100年29.12元/公升上漲102年32.25元/公升,推論部分民眾因油價持續調漲,改搭乘大眾運輸系統,或近年油電車、電動機車及電動自行車之銷售使用量增加亦為可能影響因素,使得市場需求量減少,進而影響空污費申報金額下降。空污費網路申報系統方面,本計畫除針對微軟例行性發布進行更新,另進行弱點掃瞄查核,根據弱點掃瞄結果顯示,系統並無存在任何潛在風險。本計畫彙整歷年空氣污染指標與不良日數比率作為污染防制績效指標,施政績效指標則採用歷年環保施政意向調查之「民眾對空氣品質改善之滿意度」與「空氣污染困擾源來自汽機車廢氣比例」,根據對稱性比較結果,94年、96年、100年及101年分別降低汽、柴油硫含量管制值之施政績效已確實反映於94~101年之污染防制績效,且移動污染源之空氣品質逐漸改善且獲致民眾肯定。另依據總用油量分配比例推估結果計算,96~101年汽油車、機車及柴油車之徵收金額占比約為57%、10%及33%,而單一費率實施期間,100年及101年汽柴油之歲計賸餘為正值,顯示目前實施單一費率之費基、費率制度可穩定移動污染源空污費基金之收入來源。另分析業者汽油硫含量,各煉油廠1~12月檢驗結果介於2~9 mg/kg,各煉油廠1~12月柴油硫含量檢驗結果介於4~9 mg/kg,均符合管制標準。於現場查核方面完成2~11月煉油廠108組、供油中心之182組及加油站120組之汽柴油採樣,其中1組供油中心柴油硫含量與1組加油站汽油硫含量超出管制標準,相關檢驗報告及品保品管資料已送交環保署,其餘樣品檢驗結果均符合「車用汽柴油成分管制標準」;6~7月份並完成6家生質柴油業者現場查核,根據查核結果生質柴油廠商中僅有台灣新日化股份有限公司、承德油脂股份有限公司、靖騰能源股份有限公司及昇暘生質能源股份有限公司4家進行生質柴油生產,另已針對台灣新日化公司及承德油脂股份有限公司2家公司進行B100生質柴油抽檢,檢驗結果符合管制標準。國外管制規範方面,歐盟燃料品質規範之重點包含禁用含鉛汽油及降低燃料硫含量,美國環保署則依據各項評估計畫(如新配方汽油計畫、汽油硫含量限制計畫、移動源空氣污染物計畫等)研擬相關管制規範,亞洲國家如日本、南韓、香港特別行政區及我國多遵循歐盟相關規範,汽、柴油硫含量均已加嚴至10mg/kg。2場油品稽查管制業務成果座談會議已分別於6月17日及11月12日辦理完畢,會議中除說明非法油品送驗基準外,並針對目前油品稽查程序與成果進行交流,同時就國內外生質燃料發展趨勢及推動現況進行說明,根據會議結論,雖然地方環保局之車用柴油稽查不合格率已日趨下降,仍建議持續就柴油車動力計檢測站及路邊攔檢加強稽查,以達嚇阻作用,另目前國內生質柴油料源約80%來自廢食用油,進口來源部分則概分為國外生產之生質柴油或能源作物,惟國內政策仍以使用國內廢食用油為優先。102年全國非法油品稽查案件數達76,363件,不合格件數51件,不合格率為0.07%,除漁業署持續調整漁船用油優惠政策及稽查管控漁船用油量外,環保署及各縣市環保局歷年推動非法油品加強稽查抽驗機制亦獲明顯成效。1~12月份地方執行機關已提供6組非法油品之樣品,6組非法樣品之硫含量均超出標準值10mg/kg,多環芳香烴含量均符合標準值11%,另經GC/FID及GC/MS分析圖譜比對後判定為漁船用油及添加溶劑等異常情形共計2組。 The Field Inspection for the Quality of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels The project period was from Feb 9, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013. The tasks included prior auditing the air pollution control fee for non-stationary pollution sources based on the “Air Pollution Control Fee Collection Regulations”, inspecting the data and testing the quality of gasoline and diesel fuels in producers/importers’ refineries, storages, depots, retails and other distribution places based on the “Selling and Importing Permit Management of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels” and the “Standards for the Composition of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels”, and collecting and analyzing the foreign and domestic regulations of fuels(including bio-fuel). From January to December, the air pollution control fees of gasoline and diesel collected were 1.92 billion and 0.91 billion NT dollars, respectively. The total was 2.83 billion NT dollars. The monthly average volumes of gasoline and diesel were declined comparing to 2012. According to the average fuel prices, the price of 95 unleaded gasoline had raised from 31.80 NT/liter in 2011 to 34.89 NT/liter in 2013, the price of diesel had raised from 29.12 NT/liter in 2011 to 32.25 NT/liter in 2013. The reason for the air pollution control fee declined may result in people switching to the mass transportation or hybrid cars, electrical motorcycle and electrical bicycle because of the fuel price rising. About the web reporting system of air pollution control fees, excepting the routine update from the Microsoft, the vulnerability scanning results showed no existing risk. From January to November, The average sulfur contents of gasoline and diesel produced by domestic refineries were between 2~9 mg/kg and 4~9 mg/kg respectively. For the field inspection, the sampling number of gasoline and diesel fuels was 108 for refineries, 182 for depots, and 120 for gas stations. There were 2 samples’ sulfur contents exceeding the standard. One was sampled from the fuel depot and the other was sampled from the gas station. The samples’ testing results and quality assurance data had been sent to EPA. All the other testing results complied with the “Standards for the Composition of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels”. Besides, the field inspections of 6 bio-diesel entities had been finished during June to July. Only 4 bio-diesel entities were in operation. In the aspect of foreign fuel regulations, the main purposes of the fuel quality regulations in European Union were unleaded gasoline and low sulfur content. US Environmental Protection Agency promulgated fuel regulations based on the various evaluation projects including Reformulated Gasoline project, Tier 2 project, and Mobile Source Air Toxics project. Asian countries like Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan are following the fuel regulation of European Union mostly. The sulfur content in gasoline and diesel had been restricted to 10 mg/kg.2 fuel inspection tasks and achievements forum had been hold on 17th June and 12th November. Even though the unqualified rate of automobile diesel had been decreased in recent years, the diesel vehicle emission testing station and curbside inspections should keep operating to stop the illegal activities. There were 76,363 inspections for illegal fuel from first quarter to third quarter in 2013. 51 samples were found unqualified. The unqualified rate was 0.07%. The illegal fuel inspection systems of EPA and municipal EPB had achieved the effective result. The municipalities provided 6 illegal fuel samples for testing during the project time. All the samples’ sulfur contents exceeded the standard 10mg/kg but PAH contents complied with the standard 11%. Those samples had been analyzed by GC/FID and GC/MS equipment, and there found 2 abnormal samples which were confirmed as fishing vessels fuel and waste solvent added fuel by the spectrum comparison. 102 空保處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64589
廢機動車輛源頭減量分析規劃暨廢車粉碎廠監督營運專案工作計畫 茲說明本計畫之執行成果摘要如下:(一)調查分析基金收支及回收率狀況完成廢機動車輛類基金合理安全存量必要支出項目研析,並試算基金應保留數額為31.18億元,可做為妥善運用基金賸餘量之參考。另完成以「保三總隊廢車出口檢收數」及「實際使用率修正係數」修正廢車回收率項次研析,可提昇廢車回收率公式之合理性,以更合理反應廢機動車輛回收情況。(二)推動廢機動車輛回收處理業之產業提昇作業完成廢車殼重量上下限調整、提高廢車冷媒抽取量、調整引擎拆解破壞規範等規範研擬,並完成2場次業者研商會,依照手冊規定格式研提廢車回收業稽核認證作業手冊修正草案,以務實推動廢車回收相關管理策略。(三)研擬廢車回收粉碎處理產出碎鐵之碳足跡計算模式完成研擬廢車回收拆解之廢鋼碳足跡計算模式,並執行6家回收業拆解製程廢鋼碳排放係數調查;完成上啟源公司廢鋼碳足跡盤查(每一公斤廢機車為0.31 KgCO2e,廢汽車為0.35 KgCO2e)。另完成10場次回收業現場節能輔導作業,可掌握回收業主要能耗設備,後續作為研提減碳策略參考。(四)考察國外廢車回收機制並建立交流合作管道參訪美國加州廢車回收組織,並與之建立交流合作管道,蒐集美國加州境內廢車回收處理相關資訊。(五)觀音廠監督營運完成觀音廢機動車輛粉碎分類廠績效評估作業及促進民間參與公共工程訪視作業,並完成其動產與不動產估價作業(委由3家民營估價公司進行估價),可作為觀音廠後續處置方案規劃參考。 Waste Vehicles Reducing Analysis and the Supervising of Shredding Plants. The implementations were summarized as the following,After evaluating the expenditure of ELVs funding, the project proposed the rational funding deposit should be 3.118 billion to ensure the ELVs recycle system functioning properly. Besides, to reflect the real ELVs recycling situation, the project suggested to revise the factors of ELVs recycling formula, including adding the data of ELVs exporting number checked by police and the actual utility rate revising coefficient.The project completed the range adjustment of the ELVs’ shell weight, raising the ELVs’ refrigerant extracting quantity, drafting the ELVs’ engine disassemble rules, and holding two industry discussion forums. Then proposed draft of ELVs auditing and certification handbooks to supervise the operation of ELVs recyclers more efficiently. The project developed a model to calculate the quantity of waste steel carbon footprint produced by ELVs recycling entities, and investigated the carbon emission coefficient of waste steel for six ELVs recycle entities as well as the carbon footprint investigation for Guanyin factory had been completed. (the coefficient of waste motorcycles was 0.31 KgCO2e/Kg, and waste cars was 0.35 KgCO2e/Kg) The project also finished the energy saving counseling and assisting for ten collection entities. After the interrogation, the project had collected the characteristics of energy consuming equipment, and related data for proposing the suggestions of the carbon reduction. The project has finished visiting the ELVs recycle organization in California, American. During the visiting, the project established the communication and cooperation relations with it. Furthermore, the project has collected the information of ELVs collection and recycling in California.The evaluation of the Guanyin ELVs recycling factory’s operating efficiency had been completed as well as a conference for inspecting the achievement of private participation in infrastructure construction. The price of the movable property and real estate of Guanyin factory had been appraised by three private evaluation companies, the assessment result could be consulted for the later operation strategy. 102 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64507
臺中市室內空氣品質稽查管制計畫 室內空氣品質計畫工作進度統計至12月1日,各項進度皆符合環保局預定進度,包括已彙整歷年巡檢及檢測不合格名單,統計CO2巡檢不合格場所共有82家次,四項巡檢累計為29家次,公告方法檢測不合格場家統計以甲醛項目不合格較多,共有10家次。統計二氧化碳巡檢共檢測110家次,共計2,174點次,超過標準值(1,000 ppm)有34家次(共計有168點次),以幼兒園居多,其次依序為展覽場所及醫療機關,CO2檢測值介於363~1,943 ppm;幼兒園真菌相已檢測10處,針對室內/室外比率值分析探討;公共場所室內空氣污染物統計已檢測10處,10處檢測結果顯示有一場所甲醛測項超標,但經改善複測後以符合標準值,其餘場所部分數值接近標準值,以二氧化碳檢測結果顯示公共場所因民眾出入頻繁,通風設備無法調整換氣率,導致測值偏高,且部分場所檢測結果,其總細菌值接近標準值,推測主要為人數進出影響所致。本團隊為協助改善公共場所室內空氣品質,已執行公共場所現場專家學者輔導協談8場次,後續將執行追蹤調查,對輔導場址進行複測。並辦理室內空氣品質法規暨輔導改善說明會3場次及完成宣導文宣印製500份,經室內空氣品質政策推動說明與常見缺失改善方式,可提升公共場所對室內空氣品質管理專業知識,以達宣導成效。 The inspection and control of indoor air quality for Taichung City in 2013 Schedules of plan regarding indoor air quality (IAQ) have met the requirements regulated by Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung. Lists of unqualified public sites via examination and measurements have been included. Statistical results indicated that there were 82 unqualified public sites via examination of CO2. Notably, four parameters (CO2, HCHO, TVOC and CO) of IAQ were all examined sequentially at 29 public sites. Among the unqualified public sites examined employing the standard method announced by Taiwan EPA, they were higher up to 10 unqualified public sites for formaldehyde (HCHO).There were 110 public sites of a total of 2174 points examined for CO2. Among them, CO2 concentrations for 34 public sites of 168 points exceeded standard (1000 ppm). At kindergartens, the sites where their CO2 concentrations exceeded standard were at the most. Next to kindergartens, exhibition sites and hospitals were the second and third many. Their CO2 concentration ranged 363-1943 ppm. Total Fungi Concentration (TFC) in 10 kindergartens has been examined and the I/O ratios (indoor TFC concentration/outdoor TFC concentration) were also analyzed and investigated. The examination for indoor air pollutants in ten public sites indicated that, concentration of HCHO of one public site exceeded standard. After improving and re-examining, it met the standard eventually. Parts of measurements for the other public sites were close to the corresponding standard. Results of CO2 measurements implied that, devices for ventilation could not properly adjust the gas exchange rate due to residents frequently come and go from public sites. This will also result in the higher concentrations of CO2. Results for parts of public sites revealed that, concentrations of Total Bacterial Concentrations (TBC) were close to standard, meaning that this could result from residents frequently come and go from public sites.In order to improve IAQ of public sites in Taichung, eight forums (25 public sites contained) with scholars and experts on site has been proceeded by the present team. Track, investigation and re-measurements will be continually conducted for the target (unqualified) public sites. Regulation, three public hearings and 500 copies of flyers concerning IAQ will be completed. By means of announcing the strategies and common drawback improvement concerning IAQ, professional knowledge for management of IAQ about public sites could be promoted. Furthermore, the effectiveness of propagation and instruction for IAQ could be enhanced. 102 台中市環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=59057
兩岸資源回收與廢棄物管理環保服務業交流平臺專案工作計畫 依環保署「兩岸資源回收與廢棄物管理環保服務業交流平臺專案工作計畫」委辦案評選須知內容,本計畫之目標為:一、搜集整合兩岸資源回收環保服務業相關資訊,並據以更新維護兩岸環保服務業平臺網站。二、搜集整合兩岸廢棄物管理環保服務業相關資訊,並據以更新維護兩岸環保服務業平臺網站。三、調查及搜集大陸地區投資情資、市場分佈情形,研提資源回收及廢棄物清除處理業投資進廠分析報告。四、組團赴大陸地區參加環保服務業相關學術研討會、展覽或論壇活動,協助本署人員赴大陸地區相關事宜。 Environmental Service Industry Cross-Strait Communication-the resource recycling and waste clearance To popularize the related works of resource recycling and waste management in cross-strait, this project was to mainly carry out the tasks which are shown as below by collecting and analyzing information, exchanging experiences and visits, and symposium.1.Collecting the enactments related to resource recycling and waste management that were announced by central and local governments in China as well as classifying the stratum of Act published by ministries and compared to the laws of Taiwan.2.Gathering and organizing the information about timings of activity, locations, and hosts of the conferences, exhibits, and other visits of resource recycling and waste management in China 2013-2014.3.Updating the website, The Platform of Environmental Service Industry Cross-Strait Communication - the resource recycling and waste clearance, every two weeks. It should be renewed 145 times.4.Completing the investment analyzed report in industries of resource recycling and waste clearance with purpose of providing previously reference for that Taiwanese companies invest mainland market. Moreover, discussing obstacles of investment issues and providing with strategies 5.Attending 4 conferences held in China.6.Holding two sessions of resource recycling and waste clearance and disposal organizations conference to understand the difficulties of industrial circles to invest in China and specific problems needed to government’s assistance.7.Assisting EPA in conducting external communication tasks of the “Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services”. 102 基管會 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64431
應設置資源回收設施業者及回收處理業補貼範圍評估分析 本計畫執行期間為102 年1 月18 日至102 年12 月31 日止,工作項目分為三大項,成果摘要如下:一、評估推動新增應設置資源回收設施業者範圍,本計畫藉法規彙整、現況分析及會議決議,並參採123 家業者、與1067 位民眾調查結果,完成擴大列管之方案評估與修法草案,擬擴大至「連鎖餐食販賣業者」為應設置對象,並以「提供座位」與「內用使用免洗餐具」為納管範圍。此外,本計畫完成辦理北、中、南區6 場販賣業者法規說明會。二、評估調整廢容器回收處理補貼方案,本計畫已分析現行3 種回收清除處理補貼費撥付現況與撥付作業方式之差異,針對所提方案進行利害關係人衝突分析,及方案執行之風險評估,且完成調查回收處理業對方案的支持度與意見,據以提出建議方案及相關配套措施。三、推動建立再生料驗證機制方案,本計畫完成辦理業者說明會與專家座談會,確認最適再生料驗證機制為利用稽核認證電子化申報系統資料庫產出廢塑膠容器再生料驗證作業所須資訊,以利處理廠提供第三方驗證機構進行駐廠查核及相關文件勾稽作業等程序使用,並有效節省處理廠配合驗證作業所需人力與時間。最後,本計畫依簽約前會議調整出國參訪主題,以農藥及生質塑膠廢容器為議題,安排實地訪查美國西岸,了解其回收處理之機制與技術,供環保署參考。 The Evaluation and Analysis of Subsidized Scopes for Resource Recycling Facility The project was conducted from Jan. 18 2013 to Dec. 31 2013.The achievements for three main tasks were shown below:Evaluating and promoting the newly expanding scopes of container fast-food restaurants required to install resource recyclingfacilities. By compiling information, analyzing regulations and the results of meetings, and adopting the survey results of 123 enterprisesand 1,067 people, the plan evaluation and draft revision for the expansion of controlling have been completed. It is expected that“dining restaurant chains” should be included as controlling members, and the controlling scopes would involve “seats provided” and“disposable cutlery for stay in.” Additionally, 6 symposiums for restaurant business regulations were held in north, central, and southTaiwan.The adjustment of waste containers recycling subsidy plans was evaluated. The project has analyzed the difference among the currentthree recycling clearness subsidy payment situations and operations.For the plan proposed, the stakeholder conflicts were analyzed, and the risk of conducting plans was evaluated. In addition, the recyclingbusinesses’ supports and options of the plan were surveyed, whereby the suggestions and related supporting measures are raised.The plan to establish reusing material verification mechanism was promoted. The project has organized enterprise and expert symposiums,confirming that optimal recycling material verification mechanism is applying e-application database of auditing certification to produce theverification information of waste plastic containers recycling materials,whereby the related auditing files and operation can be provided to third party verification institutions for on-site auditing effectively.Finally, the project, based on the meeting before the agreement signed, has adjusted the abroad visiting topic. With the pesticides and BiomassPlastics as the topic, on-site visiting to the US West Coast is arranged to realize recycling mechanism and technique and provided to the EPAfor reference. 102 基管會 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64451
氣候變遷調適專案工作計畫 IPCC報告指出人類社會使用化石燃料排放溫室氣體極可能(95%)就是造成氣候變遷的原因,因此我們有責任也有義務來面對氣候變遷。本計畫工作內容包含氣候變遷調適國際資訊蒐集分析、編撰氣候變遷調適教育手冊以及維護氣候變遷調適資訊平台等三大部份,本年度計畫亦赴英國參與國際研討會發表發表論文:Consensus on Climate Change Adaptation among Government and Populace,說明並分享我國在氣候變遷調適議題上,與民眾溝通的方式、發現及心得,並安排英國氣候變遷調適相關組織之參訪活動,與英國氣候衝擊研究計畫(UK Climate Impact Program, UKCIP)團隊、調適次級委員會(Adaptation Sub-Committee , ASC), City of London Corporation, HR WallingFord公司,以及環境署(Environment Agency, EA)等,透過與不同立場組織的討論,全面了解英國政府由上而下如何推動氣候變遷調適,中央與地方、NGO與政府如何對話、推動時遭遇之困難及解決方式。氣候變遷調適教育手冊編撰之目標為建立氣候變遷調適基礎知識,進而願意由自身著手推動調適相關工作,今年度使用者設定為未來環境資源部相關單位人員,使其具備氣候變遷調適及脆弱度評估基礎能力,手冊內容藉由闡述氣候變遷成因、模擬未來氣候趨勢以及氣候變遷衝擊,再闡釋如何面對氣候變遷,清楚介紹調適與減緩的差異與簡介調適方法、案例,讓使用者對於氣候變遷調適具備基礎知能,以利後續調適工作之推動與運行。藉由國際資訊蒐集與參訪共同探討氣候變遷調適之發展方向與進程,藉由國外經驗,統整分析以供我國政府作為未來執行氣候變遷調適工作方向與目標之參考建議。 Climate Change Adaptation Project The report of IPCC pointed out that it is at least 95 percent likely that human activities are the main cause of warming since the 1950s. So we have responsibility to confront climate change, and adapt to climate change.The aims of this project are to: 1) collect and analyze the latest promotion and implementation of adaptation plans of the United Nation and the international community, compose the “Climate Change Adaptation Guidebook,” and maintain adaptation information platform and building a climate change adaptation education platform. This year, we have also attended the international conference “Consensus on Climate Change Adaptation among Government and Populace” in UK, and visited UKCIP, ASC, HR WallingFord and EA for discussing the adaptation roadmap, difficulties and strategies.In order to promote basic knowledge of officers on climate change and vulnerability assessment, “Climate Change Adaptation Guidebook” was set for staffs of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. This guidebook contents causes of climate change, future climate projection and scenarios, impacts of climate change, mitigation and adaptation, adaptation methods introduction, and adaptation case study.Based on compilation of development and process on climate change adaptation from international information and UK governments’ experiences, adaptation works are analyzed and summarized for the future administration of our government as a reference. 102 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 環興科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64143
102年臺中市特定污染源管制計畫 本計畫執行期間於餐飲業方面,目前已針對317家業者進行油煙防制設備查核及輔導,且完成印製宣導摺頁3000份,配合於查核時進行發送,並成功推動設置及改善空氣污染防制設備41家次,迄今均未再發生民眾陳情案件,另完成屢遭陳情業者改善調查30家次,周界異味官能檢測完成30點次,油煙污染防制宣導說明會或座談會完成3場次,低油煙餐飲示範對象辦理觀摩活動1場次;紙錢集中燒及源頭減量方面,紙錢集中清運共計2558.3公噸,比去年同期增加633.59公噸,淨爐法會完成9場次,印製宣導海報3,000張、宣導摺頁5,000張與彩色布條2,000幅,提供清潔隊及區公所等單位供民眾拿取。辦理紙錢集中清運宣導說明會已完成3場次。集合式住宅、樓管公司、公寓大廈訪談完成302家,調查結果顯示目前社區大樓紙錢集中清運有167家已實施,136家未實施,而其中有103家共計23762戶今年開始實施集中清運,預計削減量可削減TSP 130.17公斤、SOx 23.23公斤、NOx 12.48公斤。推動LED燈具更換、一爐一香或封爐完成30家。露天燃燒方面,好發季節現場查核完成451件,地籍資料查詢完成354處,總控制面積達177,624.54m2,而在污染削減量部分,以排放係數估算分別可消減TSP 768.82公斤、PM10 379.41公斤、SOx 5.77公斤、NOx 268.16公斤、CO 6724.47公斤、THC 609.27公斤、NMHC 297.74公斤。 The 2013“Taichung City Specific Pollution Source Control Project” During the implementation period of this project, in terms of food and beverage industries, verification and guidance of soot control equipment are currently carried out with 317 operators, and 3000 promotional brochures have been printed, where they are being given out as verification is being performed. This has successfully promoted the installation and improvement of air pollution control equipment in 41 industries, and until now, public petition cases have no longer occurred. Also, improvement surveys have been completed for 30 operators, who have been petitioned repeatedly, and functional detections for odors in the perimeter have been completed 30 times, three soot pollution prevention guidance meetings or seminars have been held, and one demonstration activity for low-soot catering have been held. In terms of gathering and burning paper money and decreasing the sources, a total of 2558.3 metric tons of paper money were gathered and removed, which is an increase of 633.59 metric tons compared to the same period last year. Nine incinerator cleansing rituals were held, 3,000 promotional posters, 5,000 promotional brochures, and 2,000 colored banners were printed for the public provided at units such as the cleansing squads and district offices. Three guidance meetings on the processing of the gathering and removal of paper money have been held. 302 interviews have been completed at collective housing projects, building management companies, and apartment buildings, the survey results show that currently 167 have already implemented the gathering and removal of paper money at community buildings, which 136 still haven’t implemented this, among which in 103, there are 23,762 households who have started implementing the gathering and removal this year. The estimated reduction of TSP is 130.17 kg, of SOx is 23.23 kg, and of NOx is 12.48 kg. The promotion of the changing of LED light fixtures, one censer one incense, or sealing the censer have been completed in 30 operators. In terms of open burning, 451 on-site inspections have been completed during the peak season, cadastral information inquiries have been completed in 354 locations, with a total control area reaching 177,624.54 m2. While in terms of pollution reduction, with emission factor estimates, TSP can be reduced by 768.82 kg, PM10 by 379.41 kg, SOx by 5.77 kg, NOx by 268.16 kg, CO by 6724.47 kg, THC by 609.27 kg, and NMHC by 297.74 kg. 102 台中市環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63011
102年度基隆市固定污染源許可審核及空污費徵收作業稽查管制作業 一、加強基隆市固定污染源管制工作,藉由稽查取締及輔導改善並行之方法,減少固定污染源所排放之污染源,以期達到改善基隆市空氣品質之目標。二、持續推動固定污染源許可制度,落實事先防範污染機制,並加強查核許可申報資料,有效掌握基隆市固定污染源排放狀況及減量空間,以作為研訂未來基隆市固定污染源管制計畫及達成減量目標之依據。三、辦理基隆市空氣污染防制費徵收、催補繳與查核工作執行,協助公私場所申報年排放量,並整合工廠排放量,以做為管制依據。四、掌握及確認基隆市揮發性有機物污染源及排放量資料,並建置高陳情污染源之污染指紋資料,以利提供污染事件發生時研判作業所需之背景資料。五、加強基隆市臭異味污染陳情案件之查處及彙整分析作業,以期瞭解基隆市臭異味污染類型及發生原因,並作為後續研擬管制計畫之參考依據。 102 基隆市環境保護局 衛宇檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64353
推動我國溫室氣體排放量申報工作與建立減量管理機制 環保署鑑於溫減法(草案)尚在立法院審議中,但考量溫室氣體減量工作刻不容緩,故將溫室氣體納入空氣污染防制法(簡稱空污法)方式,以執行溫室氣體減量管理政策,待未來溫減法(草案)通過後,即回歸溫減法管理。本計畫延續環保署自93年度之豐碩執行績效,於現行研訂之產業溫室氣體盤查、登錄、查驗、減量之本土化制度基礎上,掌握國際溫室氣體排放量登錄/申報管理趨勢及推動排放標準或標竿值訂定技術資訊,且考量我國產業推行條件,持續推動空污法下相關溫室氣體管制工作,以支援未來整體國家政策之推行。本計畫完成之工作項目,經歸納執行結果扼要說明如下:一、掌握國際溫室氣體強制申報制度,包含美國聯邦、美國加州、歐盟、加拿大、日本、英國及澳洲等法源及依據條文、實施時間、申報目的、範疇、層級、溫室氣體類型、對象、頻率、期限、查驗機制及納管涵蓋程度。二、參酌國際經驗完成溫室氣體排放量申報管理辦法法制化作業,包含環保署「溫室氣體排放量申報管理辦法」及「公私場所應申報溫室氣體排放量之固定污染源」;此外,於2013年2月~3月間完成10場次溫室氣體排放量申報作業相關說明會議,加強制度之宣導工作,並建立溫室氣體排放量申報作業指引與問答集及主管機關溫室氣體排放量申報作業手冊等配套工具。現階段順利協助環保署匯集共計145家第一批公私場所應申報對象提交之溫室氣體排放資訊,且已於頭三季達100%申報率,其範疇一固定排放型式累計排放量為136.35百萬公噸CO2e;範疇二為17.93百萬公噸CO2e,已掌握我國工業及能源部門燃料總排放量之88.9 %。第四季提交之申報資訊則持續累積中。三、持續掌握我國溫室氣體登錄平台自願登錄現況,截至2013年12月底止,累計共488家登錄其盤查結果,以2010年登錄排放量最大,該年度登錄排放量為209.68百萬公噸CO2e,範疇一能源固定排放量為150.10百萬公噸CO2e,占能源局統計(2010年)工業及能源部門燃料燃燒排放量的73.71%;就查驗情形而言,掌握自2000年到2011年間於國家登錄平台上登錄排放量(範疇一及範疇二),其查驗情形皆超過八成,平均查證比例為88.6 %。;此外,藉由完成50場次輔導作業,使平台公開資訊之正確性提升15%,現階段自願揭露碳盤查資訊之整體正確性可達94.7%。四、完成溫室氣體排放量公私場所之即時查詢功能之建置與排放量申報查詢及管理應用程式與溫室氣體排放量申報作業審查管理系統,藉此協助主管機關即時管理與資料運用,並提供業者先行自我檢核資料正確性,提高申報數據可用性。五、完成運用空污法推動溫室氣體管制工作之整體架構,且蒐研國際許可制度、排放標準、查驗機構管理資訊,參酌國際作法提出我國許可制度研訂方向,並完成「固定污染源溫室氣體排放許可證管理辦法」(草案)及「公告公私場所應申請溫室氣體排放許可證之固定污染源」(草案);另參酌美國電力業新設電廠溫室氣體排放標準研訂作法(美國環保署針對電力部門提出燃氣1,000~1,100磅CO2/MWh及燃煤1,100磅CO2/MWh/年或7年平均1,000~1,050磅CO2/MWh之排放標準),完成我國電力業排放標準研訂方向(初稿),其考量不同CCS補集效率針對燃煤電廠提出0.012 ~ 0.862噸CO2e/MWh,及90%燃氣電廠普遍可達成之建議排放標準值0.410噸CO2e/MWh;此外,依據空污法第21條第2項,訂定溫室氣體查驗機構管理辦法(草案),現階段草案已進入預告,準備召開公聽會議。六、針對會議辦理部分,本計畫符合委辦目標於民國102年1月4日起至11月30日間完成辦理18場次專諮會議共計邀集110名專家委員參與。 Promote greenhouse gas emissions declaration in Taiwan and establish the mechanism of reduction mana The project of “Promote greenhouse gas emissions declaration in Taiwan and establish the mechanism of reduction management” (the Project), while meeting the contracted objectives according to the commissioned project guideline, represents the accumulation of work stretching from the continuing policy development of domestic GHG accounting, registration, validation, verification and project reductions for industries since 2004 to 2012. The Project has successfully delivered the following outcomes:1. To develop domestic mandatory GHG reporting scheme and tools.The Project has summarized the mandatory GHG reporting schemes applied by U.S. federal Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and local California EPA, European Union, Canada, Japan, U.K. and Australia including their design elements such as legislature basis, implementation date, reporting purposes, scope, reporting level, greenhouse gases, emission sources, reporting frequency, timeframe, verification approach and expected emission coverage under the scheme or program. 2. To assist the implementation of mandatory GHG reporting scheme.The Project, as following the international principles, has assisted Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (the EPA) to develop domestic mandatory GHG reporting scheme, “Regulations of Mandatory GHG Reporting” and “Public and Private Premises under Regulations of Mandatory GHG Reporting”. In order to enhance public awareness in regulations of mandatory GHG reporting, the Project also arranged 10 explanation meetings and developed guideline and frequently asked questions. The Project has successfully collected 100% the first 3 seasons of GHG reporting data from the first mandatory group, with 136.35 million tCO2e direct emissions and 17.93 million tCO2e indirect emissions, contributing an overall 88.9% of total GHG emissions from power and industrial sectors, while the 4th season emission data continuous to be submitted.3. On-going assisting domestic voluntary GHG reporting management in the industry level.The Project has continuously assisted the EPA to maintain the National GHG Emissions Registry (the Registry). Based on latest figure in December 2013, there have been 488 entities (mainly manufacturers and utilities) reported its emissions information in total of 209.68 million tCO2e (150.1 million tCO2e from direct emissions), contributing 73.71% CO2 emissions from fuel combustion in energy and industrial sectors, and more than 88.6% of all reported emissions on the GHG Registry have taken third-party verification. In addition, the Project has consulted 50 entities to complete review and correction of their GHG emission data, making these voluntarily disclosed emissions reports 94.7% accurate by 15% increasing. 4. To develop an online GHG emissions reporting and management system.The Project has developed an online GHG emissions reporting system (the system) serving as a platform and calculation tool supporting the mandatory scheme. The system has presented several important functions from emissions entry, data checking and searching to immediate following up and review process by the EPA officers.5. To assist GHG policy and regulation prior the draft GHG Reduction Act passed.The Project has analyzed international GHG policy and regulations in permitting, emission standard, and the management of accreditation, validation and verification bodies. In addition, the Project proposed GHG policy plan pursuant to Air Pollution Control Act, in order to continuously reduce GHG emission before the draft GHG Reduction Act passed. The Project has drafted the emission standard setting plan for Power Generation, drawing experience from US EPA (1,000-1,100 lbs CO2/MWh for coal-fired power plants and annual average of 1,100 lbs CO2/MWh or 7-years average of 1,000-1,050 lbs CO2/MWh for gas-fired power plants), suggested Taiwan EPA recommended values of 0.012-0.862 tCO2e/MWh for coal-fired power plants under scenarios of 100% to 0% CCS capture rates and 0.41 tCO2¬¬e/MWh for gas-fired power plants, as well as the regulation drafts of “Emission Permit Management for Stationary GHG Pollution Source” and the draft “GHG Pollution Source Emission Permit for Public and Private Entities”. The Project has completed preliminary policy direction of the emissions performance standard for the power sectors based on the U.S. approach on new power plants. In addition, the Project has assisted the completion of the draft “Management Regulations of GHG Validation and Verification Bodies (the V/VBs regulation)”. The draft V/VBs regulation is currently pending for public hearing and is planned to be announce by the end of 2013.6. To host conferences and conduct meetings associated to GHG issues at both international and domestic settingsThe Project has successfully held 18expert consultation meetings and total 110 experts been invited through the year as the contracted objectives required. 102 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64218
雲林縣環保局101年度沿海地區空氣汙染物及環境健康世代研究計畫 雲林縣政府為了解座落在台灣雲林縣麥寮鄉的六輕工業區對於其周遭環境之空氣汙染與居民健康的影響,自民國98年起委託國立台灣大學連續四年執行「沿海地區空氣汙染物及環境健康世代研究計畫」。今年為計劃執行的第四年。本計畫之研究區域為六輕工業區周遭的10個鄉鎮,包括麥寮鄉、臺西鄉、褒忠鄉、四湖鄉、東勢鄉、崙背鄉、二崙鄉、莿桐鄉、元長鄉與虎尾鎮。根據距離六輕工業區之遠近,我們將10個鄉鎮分為距離六輕10公里內之麥寮鄉與臺西鄉,以及距離六輕10到20公里之四湖鄉、東勢鄉、崙背鄉與褒忠鄉,還有距離六輕20到30公里之虎尾鎮、二崙鄉、莿桐鄉及元長鄉。本研究採用跨領域之方法來執行此計畫,工作內容包含環境監測與流行病學世代調查。在環境監測部分,利用台西測站資料,藉由汙染玫瑰圖的方法來剖析六輕開始運轉後對週遭鄉鎮空氣中二氧化硫(SO2)濃度的影響情形。利用台西光化測站與光化監測移動車的資料,來了解鄰近六輕工業區之鄉鎮所受揮發性有機物(VOCs)的暴露程度為何。本團隊於距離六輕10公里內之區域完成了兩季各40個採樣點位的空氣採樣。以哈佛衝擊器採集懸浮微粒(PM10)樣本以進行重金屬分析以及細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)樣本以執行多環芳香烴(PAHs)分析,並Ogawa被動式採樣器以實行二氧化硫與氮氧化物的分析。本團隊針對過去已建立共3230人之流病世代,分析其健保資料與B、C肝炎篩檢,執行空氣汙染物濃度與暴露劑量之相關分析,且完成2934人的尿中重金屬與2781人的1-羥基芘(1-OHP)分析,並針對高、低暴露族群進行代謝體學之分析。在高敏感世代的部分則是收集到147名新個案,其中包含90名孕婦與57名新生兒,並追蹤到滿1歲過去已收案之嬰幼兒68名以及滿2歲之嬰幼兒33名。環境監測方面的重要結果包括有:(一)距六輕10公里範圍內之SO2監測結果顯示,距離六輕不到3公里的監測點之SO2濃度高於距離較遠之監測點。六輕開始運轉後對台西與麥寮等週遭鄉鎮空氣中SO2濃度的提高有顯著貢獻,且六輕下風地區的SO2濃度從六輕開始運轉時就已經超過美國環保署所訂定之SO2小時值為75 ppb的標準。(二)六輕工業區的乙烯、丙烯、丙烷、丁烷與苯的濃度明顯影響到鄰近的鄉鎮包括雲林縣麥寮鄉與台西鄉以及彰化縣的大城鄉。來自於六輕工業區的苯汙染高於當地交通汙染之貢獻,且濃度因風速增加而上升並主要在白天會有高汙染的現象發生。(三)距六輕10公里範圍內之重金屬與PAHs的監測結果顯示,距六輕5公里範圍內之監測點的Ant、Chry、Fl、Phe與Pyr等五種PAHs濃度皆高於全年度的95百分位濃度,而砷(As)、鋇(Ba)、鈷(Co)、鉻(Cr)、鋰(Li)、錳(Mn)、銣(Rb)、鍶(Sr)等八種元素濃度高於整年度之90百分位濃度。流行病學世代方面的重要結果包括有:(一)距離六輕10公里內之流病世代居民,其2008-2010年間的全癌症粗發生率是1999-2001年間的4.07倍,且較同時期10至20公里與20至30公里區域之流病世代居民來的高。(二)有尿中高濃度釩(V)與1-羥基芘(1-OHP)之高暴露流病世代居民與對照之低暴露流病世代居民,在脂蛋白、脂質、胺基酸、碳水化合物代謝之中間產物以及糖蛋白代謝物的表現上有著很明顯的差異性。(三)流病世代居民在控制擾因子後,其居住地每增加1 ng/m3的空氣釩(V)暴露會造成其尿中釩濃度上升0.38 μg/g-creatinine。流病世代居民在校正相關因子後,其居住地每增加1個對數轉換後的空氣芘(pyrene)暴露(ng/m3)就造成其尿中上升0.39個對數轉換後的1-羥基芘(1-OHP)濃度(μmol/mol-creatinine)。今年的研究結果發現距離六輕越近,空氣汙染物濃度、居民體內汙染物暴露及居民的健康衝擊都越嚴重。 Air pollution and health among residents near a petrochemical complex in Yunlin County:a cohort study (2012-2013) The Yunlin County Government has contracted National Taiwan University (NTU) to conduct a cohort study on air pollution and health among residents near the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex, which is located in Miliao Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan since 2009. This is the fourth year of this series of four-year study. The study areas are 10 townships surrounding the petrochemical complex, including Baojhong, Taisi, Sihhu, Dongshih, Mailiao, Lunbei, Erlun, Citong, Yuanchang and Huwei. These townships are classified as three zones based on their distance to the petrochemical complex. Zone A includes Mailiao and Taisi which are within 10km radius of the petrochemical complex; Zone B includes Baojhong, Sihhu, Dongshih and Lunbei, townships which are located 10-20km radius of the petrochemical complex; and Zone C includes Erlun, Citong, Yuanchang and Huwei townships which are located within 20-30km radius from the petrochemical complex.The NTU research team adopted a multiple-disciplinary approach to conduct this study, including environmental monitoring and epidemiological cohort study. For environmental monitoring, we used the pollution roses to analysis the data of Taisi air monitoring station for investigating how SO2 pollution varies between different wind speeds, times of day, and periods of No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex development in Zone A. We used the data of Taisi photochemical monitoring station and photochemical monitoring mobiles to understand the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex’ exposure impact of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Zone A. We conducted PM10 samples for heavy metals, PM2.5 samples for polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by Harvard impactor, and SO2, NO, NO2, and NOx samples by Ogawa passive sampler from 40 locations in Zone A in two seasons. For the established epidemiological cohort with a total of 3,230 residents, we analyzed their health insurance data and detected their HBsAg and Anti-HVC. We analyzed the relationship between air pollutants levels and exposure dose for the epidemiological cohort, and completed biological monitoring of 2,781 residents’ urinary 1-hydroxypyren (1–OHP) and 2,394 resident’s urinary heavy metals, and conducted the metabolomics analysis for high and low exposure groups in the epidemiological cohort. We recruited a susceptible cohort of 147 new subjects, including 90 pregnant women and 57 new-born babies, and followed up 68 1-year babies and 33 2-years babies.The main findings of environmental monitoring are: (1) The results of SO2 monitoring in Zone A showed that the SO2 levels in sampling sites less than 3 km from No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex were higher than those in farther sampling sites. The operation of No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex has influenced the SO2 pollution in Zone A. The EPA has regulated a new 1-hr SO2 standard of 75 ppb, and the downwind areas of the No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex have been exceeding this level since operations at the complex began. (2) The No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex impacted on the concentrations of ethylene, polypropylene, propane, butane, and benzene in Zone A. The contribution of benzene pollution from No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex in Zone A is higher than that of local traffic, and the high concentration of benzene is usually caught on day time with high wind speed. (3) The results of metals and PAHs monitoring in Zone A showed that the Ant, Chry, Fl, Phe, and Pyr of PAHs and the As, Ba, Co, Cr, Li, Mn, Rb, and Sr of metals levels in sampling sites less than 5 km from No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex were higher than those of 90 percentile levels in whole year. The main findings of epidemiological cohort are: (1) The crude incidence rate of all cancer of residents in Zone A during 2008-2010 was 4.07 times of that during 1999-2001, and it was higher than that of residents in Zone B and Zone C during 2008-2010. (2) The significant different intensity on the metabolites of lipoprotein, lipid, amino acid, intermediate compound in the metabolism of carbohydrates, and glycoprotein were found between the residents of high exposure group with high levels of urinary V and 1-OHP and the residents of matched low exposure group. (3) After adjusting for confounding factors, multiple regression analysis showed that residents’ urinary V levels were elevated by 0.38 μg/g-creatinine with a 1 ng/m3 increase in ambient V concentrations at their addresses, and residents’ log-transformed urinary 1-OHP levels (μg/g-creatinine) were significantly elevated by 0.39 with the increase of 1 log-transformed ambient pyrene concentrations (ng/m3) at their addresses.Our main findings of this year conclude that the air pollution, exposure and health effect all show a distance-to-source trend surrounding the No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex. 101 雲林縣環境保護局 台大公共衛生學院職業醫學與工業衛生研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63228
100年度沿海地區空氣汙染物及環境健康世代研究計畫 雲林縣政府為了解座落在台灣雲林縣麥寮鄉的六輕工業區對於其周遭環境之空氣汙染與居民健康的影響,自民國98年起委託國立台灣大學連續三年執行「沿海地區空氣汙染物及環境健康世代研究計畫」。今年為計劃執行的第三年,報告內容整合了民國98年7月至民國101年7月期間共三年的結果。本計畫之研究區域為六輕工業區周遭的10個鄉鎮,包括麥寮鄉、臺西鄉、褒忠鄉、四湖鄉、東勢鄉、崙背鄉、二崙鄉、莿桐鄉、元長鄉與虎尾鎮。根據距離六輕工業區之遠近,我們將10個鄉鎮分為距離六輕10公里內之麥寮鄉與臺西鄉為A區,以及距離六輕10到20公里之四湖鄉、東勢鄉、崙背鄉與褒忠鄉為B區,還有距離六輕20到30公里之虎尾鎮、二崙鄉、莿桐鄉及元長鄉為C區。本研究團隊採用跨領域之方法來執行此計畫,工作內容包含環境監測、生物偵測、健康檢查,肺功能檢測以及問卷調查。針對與石化工業相關之環境及健康議題,本團隊已進行了完整之文獻回顧。本團隊並蒐集了民國93年至100年台灣環保署在雲林縣臺西、崙背與斗六三個空氣品質監測站的二氧化硫(SO2)、一氧化氮(NO)、二氧化氮(NO2)、氮氧化物(NOx)、臭氧(O3)與PM10微粒等空氣品質資料以進行空氣汙染分析。本團隊於研究區域之10鄉鎮中的14所學校以矽塗層真空不鏽鋼採樣筒採集到207個揮發性有機物樣本、以哈佛衝擊器採集了192個懸浮微粒(PM10)樣本以進行重金屬分析與152個細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)樣本以執行多環芳香烴(PAHs)分析。本團隊更建立了一個居住在此10鄉鎮至少滿5年且參與問卷調查、肺功能檢測與健康檢查的流行病學世代共3230人並完成此流行病學世代中2176人的尿中1-羥基芘(1-OHP)、1906人的尿中重金屬以及1195人的追蹤,本團隊亦建立了一個由132位孕婦與其80位嬰幼兒所組成的高敏感世代。環境監測方面的重要結果包括有:(一)A區的二氧化硫(SO2)與氮氧化物(NO, NO2, NOx)在受六輕影響之風向且風速大於3 m/s時,其濃度會顯著的增加,而且隨著過去這些年六輕持續地擴建與營運,A區二氧化硫(SO2)與氮氧化物(NO, NO2, NOx)的濃度也隨之增加。且距離六輕10公里內的大氣環境中二氧化硫的小時濃度已達有害健康的程度,而二氧化氮濃度的小時濃度也已超過模式預估的小時最高值。(二)許多只會或是主要從石化工業所排放之揮發性有機物,包括1,3-丁二烯(1,3-Butadiene)、丙烯腈(Acrylonitrile, AN)、氯乙烯(Vinyl chloride)、1,2-二氯乙烷(Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-, EDC)、二甲苯(m/p/o-xylene)、甲基第三丁基醚(Propane, 2-methoxy-2-methyl-, MTBE)與乙酸丁酯(Acetic acid, butyl ester, NBA),只有在A區會被檢測到或是被量測到有較高之濃度,尤其在受六輕影響之風向下更為明顯。(三)許多與燃煤電廠或是石化工業相關之金屬與多環芳香烴,包括釩(V)、鍶(Sr)、砷(As)、鎳(Ni)與銅(Cu)以及苯(a)駢蔥(Benzo[a]anthracene, B(a)A)、苯(k)苯駢苊(Benzo[k]fluoranthene, B(k)F)、苯駢苊(Fluoranthene, Fl)、芘(Pyrene, Pyr)與二苯(a,h)駢蔥(Dibenz(a,h)anthracene, DBA),在受六輕影響之風向時,A區會量測到較高之濃度。本團隊自98年度起三年來沿海地區空氣汙染物及環境健康世代研究計畫中,自2006年12月至2012年6月總共整理出21件重大空汙事件,並且深入探討100年5月12日大火所引發的空汙事件。鄰近六輕工業的麥寮鄉與臺西鄉附近的學校於六輕公用流體管線破損外洩燃料液化石油氣火災後,可以偵測到六輕工業區製程中指標性揮發性有機物的乙烯、丙烯、1,3-丁二烯、丙烯腈、氯乙烯、1,2-二氯乙烷與苯,這些污染物平時就會發現到的污染物在六輕發生工安事故時更會有大量的排放,且當順風從六輕吹向內陸時,對於麥寮鄉及臺西鄉附近學校與居民健康和生計的影響更嚴重。當地居民暴露包括氯乙烯、苯與1,3-丁二烯等人類確定的致癌物之下會增加癌症風險,而六輕石化工業大量的乙烯排放則可能對當地農作物成長造成衝擊。本研究團隊所建立之流行病學世代的基本特性包括有:平均年齡為46.4±21.8歲、男性比例為41.5%、抽菸比例為(9.9%)、喝酒比例為(10.1%)以及嚼檳榔比例為(4.7%)。此流行病學世代在三區分別收集到之人數為A區1016人、B區1007人以及C區1207人。尿中重金屬的結果顯示,636位A區之民眾其尿中鍶(Sr)、釩(V)、砷(As)、鎘(Cd)濃度皆顯著高於1088位B區與C區之民眾。尿中1-羥基芘(1-OHP)的結果則發現,524位A區之民眾其尿中1-OHP濃度顯著高於1527位B區與C區之民眾。在肺功能方面的重要結果則有:(一)898位A區之民眾其最大中段吐氣流量(FEF25-75%)預測百分率以及一秒率(FEV1/FVC)都低於1109位C區之民眾。(二)518位A區之健康民眾(沒有抽菸且無疾病史)其用力時肺活量(FVC)預測百分率及第一秒用力吐氣體積(FEV1)預測百分率顯著低於551位B區之健康民眾。(三)A區民眾之尖峰呼氣流量(PEF)預測百分率則低於其他兩區之民眾。健康檢查之結果發現到:(一)989位A區之民眾的BMI、血中之血小板、尿素氮、天門冬胺酸轉胺酶、丙胺酸轉胺酶、總膽固醇、低密度脂蛋白之異常率明顯高於2174位B區與C區之民眾。(二)複迴歸分析之結果顯示,460位A區之民眾的血中尿素氮濃度與其尿中砷濃度有顯著之相關性。根據過去三年的世代研究得到以下幾點結論:(一)六輕工業區的營運確實造成鄰近地區尤其是10公里範圍內之區域的空氣品質下降,包括了傳統空氣汙染物(二氧化硫與氮氧化物)以及致癌性空氣汙染物(揮發性有機物、重金屬與多環芳香烴)。(二)住在距六輕10公里範圍內至少滿5年的居民,其尿中某些石化工業的指標金屬以及1-OHP之濃度都有增加的現象。(三)住在距六輕10公里範圍內至少滿5年的居民其肺、肝與腎功能以及血液與心血管系統都有受到影響。本研究團隊表示,必須加強六輕工業區內所有製造工廠的污染防治以降低鄰近區域之空氣汙染承載,並且建議藉由增加世代的樣本數以及檢測其血中之生物指標來擴大並深化本世代研究才能早期偵測到居住在六輕工業區附近民眾之潛在健康影響。 Air pollution and health among residents near a petrochemical complex in Yunlin County:a cohort study (2011-2012) The Yunlin County Government has contracted National Taiwan University (NTU) to conduct a cohort study on air pollution and health among residents near the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex, which is located in Miliao Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan since 2009. This is the third year of this series of three-year study and this report summarizes findings over the three years from July 2009 to July 2012. The study areas are 10 townships surrounding the petrochemical complex, including Baojhong, Taisi, Sihhu, Dongshih, Mailiao, Lunbei, Erlun, Citong, Yuanchang and Huwei. These townships are classified as three zones based on their distance to the petrochemical complex. Zone A includes Mailiao and Taisi which are within 10km radius of the petrochemical complex; Zone B includes Baojhong, Sihhu, Dongshih and Lunbei, townships which are located 10-20km radius of the petrochemical complex; and Zone C includes Erlun, Citong, Yuanchang and Huwei townships which are located within 20-30km radius from the petrochemical complex.The NTU research team adopted a multiple-disciplinary approach to conduct this study, including environmental and biological monitoring, health examination, lung function tests and questionnaire survey. We have conducted a comprehensive literature reviews to update our understanding of environmental quality and health issues related to petrochemical industries. We also performed pollution analysis of existing air quality data of SO2, NO, NO2, NOx, O3, CO, and PM10 measured at three air monitoring stations operated by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration from 1994-2011. We conducted new air measurements of 207 canister samples for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 192 PM10 samples for heavy metals and 152 PM2.5 samples for polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by Harvard impactor from 14 schools located in the 10 townships of the study areas. We have established an epidemiological cohort with a total of 3,230 residents who lived at those 10 towns and villages at least 5 years, and completed all survey questionnaires, lung function tests and health examinations. We completed biological monitoring of 2,176 residents’ urinary 1-hydroxypyren (1–OHP), which is a metabolite of PAHs, and 1,906 resident’s urinary heavy metals, and followed up 1,195 residents among the cohort. We successfully recruited a susceptible cohort of 132 pregnant women and 80 new-born babies by these women.The main findings of environmental monitoring are: (1) The concentrations of SO2, NO, NO2, and NOx in Zone A were significantly elevated during the time period when the wind direction was from the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex and the wind speed was higher than 3 m/s, and were increased chronologically with the expansion of manufacturing capacity of the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex over the years. Furthermore, hourly SO2 concentrations have been above the US standard of 75 ppb and hourly NO2 concentrations have been above the hourly maximum levels predicted by dispersion models. (2) Several VOCs emitted either only or mainly from petrochemical industries can only be detected or measured at elevated concentrations at Zone A, especially during the time period when the wind direction was from the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex. These VOCs include 1,3-Butadiene, Acrylonitrile (AN), Vinyl chloride, Ethane, 1,2-dichloro- (EDC), m/p/o-xylene, Propane, 2-methoxy-2-methyl- (MTBE) and Acetic acid, butyl ester (NBA). (3) Several metals and PAHs related either to coal-powered plants or petrochemical industries were measured at elevated concentrations in Zone A when the wind direction was from the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex, including V, Sr, As, Ni and Cu, and Benzo[a]anthracene (B(a)A), Benzo[k]fluoranthene (B(k)F), Fluoranthene (Fl), Pyrene (Pyr) and Dibenz(a,h)anthracene (DBA). We also documented 21 major air pollution events between Decemner 2006 and June 2012 and conducted an in-depth analysis of air pollution after the big fire of May 12-13, 2011. We found that index air pollutants of the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex, including ethylene, propylene, 1,3-butadiene, acetylnitrile, vinyl chloride, 1,2-dichloroethane and benzene, all showed exceedingly high levels in Taisi and Mailiao townships, the downwind areas of the complex, for one day. Potential cancer risks of residents attributable to exposures to vinyl chloride, benzene, and 1,3-butadiene, known human carcinogens, and crop damanges attributable to ethylene, a plant hormone, can not be overlooked in these two township.。The basic characteristics of the established epidemiologic cohort are: age (46.4±21.8), gender (male 41.5%), smoker (9.9%), alcohol drinker (10.1%) and betel quid chewer (4.7%). The numbers of three Zones were 1016 residents in Zone A, 1007 residents in Zone B and 1207 residents in Zone C. The main finding of urinary metals is that urinary concentrations of V, Sr, As, Cd, for 636 residents in Zone A were higher than those for 1088 residents in Zone B and Zone C. The main finding of urinary I-OHP is that urinary concentrations of I-OHP for 524 residents in Zone A were higher than those for 1527 residents in Zone B and Zone C. The main findings of lung function are (1) FEF25-75% percent predicted and FEV1/FVC for 898 subjects in Zone A were lower than those for 1109 residents in Zone C. (2) FVC percent predicted and FEV1 percent predicted for 518 health residents who are non-smokers and have no history of disease in Zone A were lower than those for 551 health residents in Zone B. (3) Residents who lived in Zone A had lower PEF percent predicted than the other two Zones. The main findings of health examinations are: (1) The abnormal rates of BMI, platelet, BUN, GOT(AST), GPT(ALT), cholesterol(CHOL) and LDL-C for 989 residents in Zone A were significantly higher than those for 2174 subjects in Zone B and Zone C. (2) Multiple regression analysis shows that concentrations of BUN in blood were significantly correlated with urinary arsenic levels for 460 residents in Zone A.The main conclusions of this three-year cohort study are: (1) The operation of the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex has deteriorated air quality of both traditional (SO2 and NOx) and carcinogenic air pollutants (VOCs, metals, and PAHs) in the nearby areas, especially the radius of 10 km from the complex. (2) Residents who have lived within 10 km radius from the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex for at least 5 years had elevated urinary levels of some index metals for petrochemical industries and 1-OHP. (3) Lung, liver, renal function, and blood and cardiovascular system were all compromised for residents who lived within 10 km radius from the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex for at least 5 years. We recommend strengthening pollution controls of all manufacturing plants in the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex in order to reduce burdens of air pollution to the nearby communities. We also strongly recommend expanding and deepening this cohort study by increasing size of cohort and examining biomarkers in blood in order to early detect potential health effects for individuals who live near the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex. 100 雲林縣環境保護局 台大公衛學院職業醫學與工業衛生研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63230
102年度基隆市營建工程污染源稽查管制及空品區淨化計畫 一、營建工地稽巡查管制。二、營建工程空污費徵收作業。三、粒狀污染物與油品檢測作業。四、空氣品質淨化區經營維護管理。五、粒狀物排放量及削減量推估。六、營建工程宣導及輔導作業。 102 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64158
固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收作業檢討暨法規制度研修計畫 第二階段空氣污染防制費(以下簡稱空污費)開徵至今已逾14年,相關徵收制度及配套措施均已建制完成並順利運作,為整合空氣污染管制相關工作,提昇便民服務,環保署自96年7月將空污費徵收相關之申報、核算業務陸續移轉直轄市、縣(市)主管機關執行,期藉由中央與地方權責分工之調整,俾使徵收制度因時制宜。為完備空污費徵收制度及強化外部稽核之管制機制,本年度主要工作重點包含:1.強化固定源空污費查驗、監督作業,2.執行縣市作業成效評鑑、考核及建立審查人員認可制度,3.評析空污費執行成果掌握污染排放現況,4.協助空污費徵收制度檢討修正,5.執行會計帳目查核作業。6.強化更新空污費網路申報系統。本計畫完成監督查核標準作業流程之增修與強化,建立完善之外部稽核程序,執行250件地方環保局空污費申報案件之審查品質書面查驗、10家VOCs現場查核輔導作業及18家次連續自動監測設施法規符合度查驗,經由全國25場次地方環保局之現場輔導,掌握執行面之缺失,研擬審查技術手冊及標準作業程序,提供地方環保局審查作業遵循之準則。為有效解決地方環保局審查人力素質差異之問題,本計畫協助建立空污費審查人員認可制度,並完成訓練教材之編撰,亦於10月辦理完成兩場次之審查技術應用訓練研習會及成果測試,建置現階段審查人才資料庫。此外,針對徵收制度之完備性進行檢討,檢視VOCs排放量計算相關法令,研擬修正建議,另為擴大經濟減量誘因,評析粒狀物徵收之可行性,並完成空污費申報審查系統之強化與更新,落實簡政便民之政策目標。 The review and enhancement study project in air pollution control fee for stationary pollutant sourc The Phase 2 Air Pollution Control Fees (hereinafter referred to as “the Fees”) have been imposed for over 14 years. The relevant imposing system and responsive measures have been established and smoothly operated. In order to integrate relevant work of air pollution control and prevention and to improve Convenience services, the Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) since July, 2007, transferred the operations of declaration and calculation of the Fees to the Environmental Protection Bureau(EPB) of each city and county. It was expected that through the labor division of the central and local governments, the Collection system could be enhanced to complete the system and strengthen the management mechanism of the external auditing. The main priority work of this year include: 1. strengthening fees verification and monitoring operation of stationary sources of air pollution; 2. executing effectiveness evaluation of operations in EPBs and evaluating and establishing investigator qualification system; 3. evaluating the executing effectiveness of fees execution to grasp current pollution emission; 4. Assisting the reviews and modification of fees Collection system; 5. carrying out the work of accounting auditing; and 6. enhancing online fees declaration Management system..The project completed the modification and enhancement of supervision and monitoring standard operational procedure, established sound external auditing procedure and executed examination of air pollution control fee operation quality of 250 local declaration cases , ten VOCs onsite auditing and consultation, and the verification of 18 cases according to Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems . Through the onsite consultation of 25 screening in EPB, we examined the drawbacks of execution and enacted technical manual and standard operational procedures the guidelines to the EPB for examination work . In order to effectively solve the lack of human qualities issue for auditing, this project assisted to establish investigator qualification system and completed the compiling of training materials. In October, we conducted two seminars on the training of technical application to demonstration the achievements. We also established the database of existing auditor talents. Additionally, we reviewed the completeness of Collection system and examined relevant rules and regulations of VOCs calculation for the studies and enactment of modifications. To expand economic incentives for reduction, we analyzed the feasibility to impose fees for particulate pollutants and completed the enhancement and updates of declaration review system of air pollution control fees to realize the public policies based on the convenience. 102 空保處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64125
兩岸環保服務業交流平臺節能減碳分組之行政支援與管理 在全球各國紛紛積極合作以因應氣候變遷之際,鑑於臺灣與中國大陸兩岸企業合作日趨廣泛綿密,加上在全球邁向碳限制的願景主導下,兩岸企業所共同面對的碳減量壓力日增,因此,建構兩岸環保服務業交流合作機制更是刻不容緩。行政院環境保護署於101年8月21日啟動「兩岸環保服務業交流平台」,擬透過交流平台建立兩岸環保服務業交流合作機制,並蒐集彙整兩岸環保服務業相關法令、政策、投資障礙,以期促進兩岸環保服務業合作。本計畫分組在「節能減碳」議題下,負責(1)蒐集評析中國大陸「節能減碳」領域產業、制度與政策,(2)研析中國大陸於十二五期間節能減碳領域相關產業發展現況與走向及「節能減碳」領域相關外商於中國大陸市場發展現況,以及(3)建立兩岸「節能減碳」產業交流管道等工作,協助兩岸環保服務業合作推動。 Cross-Strait Environmental Service Industry Communication Platform - Energy Saving and Carbon Reduct While the carbon constraint goes to be a global vision, the global cooperation becomes a main stream to deal with climate change. Considering the industry cooperation is getting more and more frequent and tight between Taiwan and China, and both of sides face an increasing pressure of carbon emission reduction, establishing a cooperative mechanism of cross-strait environmental service industries is imperative and important. Therefore, Environmental Protection Administration established “the Platform of the Cross-strait Environmental Service Industry” on the 21st of August, 2012. Through the platform, we would like to build a cooperative mechanism of cross-strait environmental service industries, collecting information such as laws, rules and investment barriers between China and Taiwan, and in the end, to promote practical cooperation of environmental service industries between Taiwan and China.This project was under the branch “Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction” of the platform and aimed to promote the cooperation of environmental service companies between Taiwan and China. The project dealt with subjects related to energy saving and carbon reduction including (1) collecting and analyzing institutions, policies, and industries in China; (2)analyzing the current development and situation of foreign investors in China during the period of “China’s 12th Five-Year Plan”; and (3) making contact with industries from cross-strait to promote industry exchange. 102 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人台灣綠色生產力基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64190
101年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫 本年度計畫目標主要針對臺中市轄區內執行機車定檢之宣導與管制,以達成民眾了解機車定檢相關政策及樂於接受檢驗,進一步有效管制移動源排放之污染,繼而達到全民共同維護空氣品質獲得改善之目的。計畫執行期程自簽約日101年3月24日起至102年1月31日止,統計期程自101年3月24日至102年1月31日,已執行11個月。整體工作完成度達100.0%,有關本計畫之各工作項目完成數量及達成率,詳如表1所示。在未定檢機車管制作業共計執行25個行政區,車牌辨識作業共執行166場次,共計辨識418,676車輛數,其中未定檢機車占10.8%,本市占8.3%、外縣市占2.5%,經通知後回檢率為78.5%,為加強機車停放集中區的管制,共巡查臺中市21個行政區,18所大專院校,26家工業廠商,未定檢車輛數共計30,070輛,各大專院校之定檢情形皆良好,定檢率皆有達到95%以上,定檢率較100年度有明顯提升。特定園區未定檢車輛數833輛次,經通知後回檢率達77.8%。未定檢機車攔查作業共計攔查6,066輛次,未定檢機車563輛次,經通知後回檢率達92.0%。在高污染機車管制作業,路邊不定期攔檢作業共計攔檢2,016輛次,其中不合格車輛數為350輛次,經通知後複驗合格率為83.7%,辦理烏賊車照片複審會議178場,針對民眾陳情有污染之虞之烏賊車逕行通知並要求於期限內進行複驗。並委託臺中市轄區內汽車代驗廠58家,執行汽油烏賊車代檢作業。經各項稽查管制及烏賊車複驗通知後,針對未依規定進行機車排氣定檢或複驗遭到處分告發案件,總計663件。烏賊車青白煙檢測作業,共通知849輛遭重複檢舉之烏賊車至指定地點接受青白煙檢測,共檢測488輛遭檢舉烏賊車粒狀污染物檢驗不合格共149輛,占31%,平均煙度為53.3%,已完成111輛烏賊車改善,另經向受檢車主調查顯示,有217輛(44.5%)的車主於進行檢測前,有先針對機車進行保養維護。在其他工作執行成果,新聞稿共計提供3篇,透過網路通訊媒體發布電子新聞稿、平面媒體共計4篇,各大專院校、區公所、公務機關、醫院等單位之LED跑馬燈進行機車定檢宣導標語播放作業,共計完成30處之查核作業,每季提交1式交通管理措施彙整報告,並針對二行程機車汰舊推動措施進行問卷調查及配合環保署執行車速調查作業。針對本年度計畫執行成果進行量化成效統計推估,依車籍統計到檢率達62.3%、依定檢站統計到檢率達68.0%,使用中機車納管比例經統計為83.4%,針對空氣污染排放減量成效,老舊機車汰舊、不合格機車調修排氣複驗合格、路邊攔檢不合格機車調修複驗合格及大眾運輸使用人次年增數等,共計減量SOx為0.4公噸/年、NOx為106.1公噸/年、CO為2,259.0公噸/年、PM10為15.1公噸/年、NMHC為698.8公噸/年。 101 台中市環境保護局 思維環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64136
101年度低碳城市先期推動計畫-低碳家園建構計畫 本計畫主要工作內容包括:(1)建構低碳永續家園協助低碳永續措施,並辦理臺南市低碳計畫進度追蹤檢討會議以及低碳生活圈會議;(2)成立臺南市低碳診所提供節能減碳諮詢服務;(3)執行溫室氣體盤查、碳中和及碳足跡推廣作業;(4)協助機關執行低碳城市、永續家園相關宣導、輔導、訓練、績效管考等作業;(5)維護及管理臺南市低碳城市網站;(6)彙整國內外因應氣候變遷調適資料,協助修訂臺南市相關政策及法令;(7)辦理碳資產或溫室氣體管制相關議題宣導。以下將針對前述工作執行成果進行說明。(一)建構低碳永續家園配合環保署低碳永續家園政策,本計畫協助臺南市召開南區低碳生活圈相關會議,並完成16項低碳永續家園行動項目之研議與規劃,包含都市及建築設計節能準則在地化行動、舊建築節能改善診斷行動、行動項目認證專案維護行動(低碳永續志工培訓)、行動項目認證專案維護行動(低碳永續志工培訓)、定期檢視及公布永續發展推動成效、好望角巧佈點社區草原農園行動、屋頂太陽能光電系統設置推廣行動、巨大廢棄物預約收集再生、家戶分類廚餘回收、二手跳蚤市集活動及交換平臺推廣、掩埋場活化及裂解回收廠、省水器材推廣、機關及企業綠色採購推廣行動、樂活環教場所設置、與社大學校社團合作推廣樂活行動、推動地區民間組織參與。(二)成立臺南市低碳診所協助臺南市政府於4月22日成立臺南市低碳診所,提供公共區域電力系統、空調系統、照明系統、綠化量、再生能源及節約用水等項目之節能健診服務,本計畫總共完成56處健診服務與41本健診報告書。另外,協助臺南市行動項目改造計畫,完成溪北及溪南兩場次的「臺南市低碳社區節能減碳改造推動」說明會。(三)執行溫室氣體盤查、碳中和及碳足跡本計畫依據環保署「縣市層級溫室氣體盤查計算指引」進行臺南市縣市層及溫室氣體盤查作業(轄區盤查年度為100年、行政機關盤查年度為101年)。行政轄區之溫室氣體盤查結果顯示,臺南市溫室氣體總排放量為2,294.15萬公噸,能源部門(能源工業、能源交通、能源住商)排放1,908.15萬公噸(83.17 %)為大宗,其次為工業製程部門排放266.31萬公噸(11.61 %)、廢棄物部門排放73.76萬公噸(3.22 %)、及農業部門排放45.93萬公噸(2.00 %)。另外,在政府機關溫室氣體排放總量為93,339.02公噸,以固定式能源排放源為70,131.11公噸(75.14 %)為大宗,其次為交通運輸為21,212.64公噸(22.73%)、逸散排放源排放量為1,986.26公噸(2.13 %)、農業排放量為9.01公噸(0.01%)。 在碳中和工作上,本計畫使用PAS2060及ISO14064-1組織層級溫室氣體排放減量與移除之量化與報告附指引之規範,作為進行組織碳排放量計算方法學之依據,並針對臺南市永安國小導入ISO 14064-1 組織型溫室氣體盤查管理系統,完成基準年溫室氣體盤查作業,其101年溫室氣體總排放量為44.194公噸,並依照此排放量訂定減量目標,預計103年11月達到碳中和。此外,針對產品碳足跡,本計畫依據「產品與服務碳足跡計算指引」、「PAS 2050: 2008」、「PAS 2050: 2011」要求,辦理產品碳足跡及碳標籤推廣作業,遴選出4項臺南在地產品(水性白膠、LED路燈、自然白玉子、紫心冰烤蕃薯),作為產品碳足跡之輔導對象,其磐查結果依序為1.14 kg CO2e / 每包1kg、07.37 kg CO2e / 每盞Yacht 70W LED、161.68 gCO2e / 1顆自然白玉子、861.95 g CO2e / 每500g,並分別於10月-11月取得環保署碳標籤證書。(四)推動低碳城市本計畫於102年協助臺南市成立「臺南低碳城市專案辦公室」,其核心工作為統整與修訂臺南市各項低碳建構政策,包含訂定低碳城市推動主軸(12項降為10項),包含「打造永續低碳社區」、「推展低碳文化觀光」、「應用多元綠色能源」、「擴增生態城市機能」、「建置高效低碳運輸」、「營造全民低碳生活」、「建構循環利用社會」、「引領低碳環境校園」及「全民教育國際交流」,共聚焦45項推動措施、91項具體做法。並藉由7場次低碳城市滾動式檢討會、研商會及低碳城市推動委員會議的召開,建立臺南市施政減碳具體指標( 8大面向、29個指標),作為低碳轉型政策之追蹤機制。(五)建構低碳城市網站建構維護「臺南市咱ㄟ低碳城市網」,並以「簡單、便捷、分享、生活」的知識交流平台呈現大臺南地區在節能減碳推動的現況,將低碳永續相關資料、資訊、文件、活動等逐步有計畫性的蒐集及整合,作為後續推廣及推動的堅固後盾,並方便民眾立即瞭解臺南市當年度針對低碳所做的重點工作及各項活動。(六)制定臺南市氣候變遷調適綱領依據聯合國近年推動調適政策之核心議題,本計畫彙整了國際調適領域主要課題、技術、法規等政策,包含 5個主要國家(英國、荷蘭、中國、日本、印度)之國家調適策略與計畫,以及8個城市(倫敦、多倫多、鹿特丹、墨爾本、開普敦、東京都、新加坡、胡志明)調適計畫與行動方案,歸納出國際上推動氣候變遷調適政策之思維與推動軸心。另外,本計畫亦參考經建會「國家氣候變遷調適政策綱領」與「地方氣候變遷調適計畫規劃作業指引」,針對臺南市因應氣候變遷八大調適領域,完成社會經濟研析、自然環境研析、氣候變遷影響初步分析、中央與臺南相關推動計畫彙整,並於12月3日召開第一次臺南市政府跨局處平台會議,確認八大領域各主協辦單位與規劃調適計畫內容,完成臺南市氣候變遷八大領域綱要初稿。(七)宣導碳資產或溫室氣體管制相關議題在碳資產或溫室氣體管制相關議題宣導上,本團隊完成5篇新聞稿之低碳資訊刊載及天下雜誌臺南市低碳節能診所宣導訊息刊登,並在透過網路管道定期製作、寄送與網路刊登3篇臺南市低碳電子報,透過多元化媒體管道宣導臺南市低碳措施與新訊,強化民眾對低碳生活之概念,提高臺南市在低碳推動的能見度;本團隊製作的相關文宣品,配合環保局或市政府相關節能減碳活動,發放低碳診所宣導摺頁設計與印製2000份,以及低碳宣導品之1000份隨身碟及1000份memo便利貼。 2012 Early Action Project of Low -Carbon City for Low Carbon Society Establishment There are seven main tasks in this project, including(1) assisting Tainan City Government to develop low-carbon sustainable actions, to track the progress of actions and to convoke southern low-carbon living district for the low-carbon sustainable society co-prosperity,(2) establishing Tainan Low-carbon Clinic to provide energy saving advisory services for the public,(3)estimating inventory of country GHG emissions, carbon neutral of campus and carbon footprints of products,(4)assisting institutes to implement low-carbon and sustainable society associated affairs, including advocacy, counseling, training and management,(5)maintaining and operating Tainan Low-carbon City website,(6)collecting international and domestic strategies of adaptation and assisting Tainan City Government to plan the adaptation policy , (7) handling the advocacy affairs of carbon assets and GHGs control. The achievements of above tasks are described as below:1.Establishing Low Carbon Society and Sustainability Society:According to the dedicated tasks of Low-carbon Sustainable Society (LCSS) policy from Environmental Protection Agency(EPA), this project has held associated meeting of southern district area and finished 16 LCSS action plans over 10 operational functions, including the action of urban and architectural design guidelines for energy efficiency, action of old building energy diagnosis, action of maintenance of certification project, action items certified project maintenance action (low carbon and sustainable volunteer training), action over regularly review and publish the performance of sustainable development, action over community plant(cape ,prairie, farms), the promote action of rooftop solar photovoltaic system, collecting and regeneration action of huge waste, household food waste recycling action, promoting action for second-hand markets and exchange platform, activation and cleavage landfill recycling plant, promotional action for water-saving devices, promoting action of green product for agencies procurement, happiness action with schools and communities, promoting action of participation of non-governmental organizations.2.Founding carbon clinic of Tainan City:Assisting Tainan City Government to set up low-carbon clinic which provides the counseling services for energy saving, including air conditioning systems, lighting systems, the amount of green, renewable energy devices, water conservation and other items on April 22. In the summary, the project has provided 56 counseling services, 41 advised reports and finished 2 seminars for energy saving and transformation in low-carbon communities. 3.Estimating inventory of country GHG emissions, carbon neutral and carbon footprints of products:According to the “Guidelines for calculating county-level GHG “from EPA, this project investigated the GHGs inventory of Tainan city (the target year of administrative area is 2011and administrative institute is 2012). The results display GHGs total emissions is 2,447.48 million tones CO2-e ,in which energy sector(of which the energy of industry 60.45%, energy of transportation 12.93%, household energy 10.85%) contributes 84.23%, industrial processes sector contributes10.88 %, waste sector contributes 3.01 % and agricultural sector contributes1.88 %.In the carbon neutral, this project used PAS2060 and ISO14064-1 as methodology to evaluate the emission of targets, including finishing the preparation (imported ISO 14064-1 and made carbon neutral report) of carbon neutral of Young-An elementary school. Furthermore, the project also use "PAS 2050: 2008"and "PAS 2050: 2011" as carbon footprint guidelines to estimate carbon footprints of 4products,including water-based white glue(1.14 kg CO2e / per 1kg), LED lights(07.37 kg CO2e / per lamp Yacht 70W LED), natural Baiyu Zi(161.68 gCO2e / per item), purple heart ice roasted sweet potatoes(861.95 g CO2e / per 500g), and assisted above firms to gained the carbon footprint labels of products. 4.Promoting low-carbon city:Assisting Tainan City Government found the project office of Tainan Low Carbon City which is responsible for integration and revision the low-carbon policies and formulate the 10 (merged from original 12) constructional strategies(contains 45 measures and 91 specific actions, including creating sustainable low-carbon communities, promoting low-carbon culture and tourism, the application of multivariate green energy, amplification eco-city function, establishing the efficient low-carbon transport, creating a universal low-carbon life, constructing recycling society ,promoting low-carbon energy-efficient buildings, leading the low-carbon environment campus, conducting education for international exchanges. Moreover, This project also hold 7 meetings (Low-carbon city rolling meeting and low-carbon city council meeting) to establish specific carbon reduction index (8 Large-oriented, 29 indicators) as a tracking mechanism to reach a low-carbon transition.5.Set up and maintain low-carbon city website:Based on "simple, convenient, and sharing life" to set up and maintain Tainan Low-carbon city website as knowledge exchange platform which integrates the associated information included carbon reductions, low-carbon sustainable development and to be the open databases for the citizen.6.Developing Tainan adaptation program of climate change:According to the adaptation issues from United Nations, the project compiled the core issue in the field of technology, regulations and other policies. Furthermore, we also arrange adaptation policies over worldwide, including five major countries (UK, Netherlands, China, Japan, India)and eight cities (London, Toronto, Rotterdam, Melbourne, Cape Town, Tokyo, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh) , and summarize the thinking and axis of climate change adaptation policies. In addition, the project also refer the CEPD "National Climate Change Adaptation Policy" and "Local Climate Change Adaptation Plan Planning Practice Guidelines" to plan Tainan City climate change adaptation program, including socio-economic research and analysis, the natural environment research analysis, preliminary analysis of the impact of climate change. After consult by Tainan City Government Platform Meeting (hold on December 3), the details contents of eight field of Tainan adaptation program of climate change was made and to be the adaptation blueprint as Tainan City Government.7.Conducting Advocacy of carbon assets or GHGs related issues:This project has completed five advocacies on Common Wealth magazine and internet, and send three network publish to Tainan citizen for promoting the public's concept in low-carbon life and the visibility. Moreover, the project also coordinate with EPB to produce low-carbon promotional materials, including 2,000 copies of carbon clinic advocacy brochure, 1000 low-carbon flash desks and 1000 memo sticks. 102 台南市環境保護局 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62362
產業溫室氣體排放趨勢及減量成本分析計畫 本計畫包含四大工作項。在第一工作項目中,研究團隊先透過國內外排放趨勢推估報告之彙整分析,以辨別適用不同層級尺度下的排放趨勢推估方法,及釐清各種管制策略對排放趨勢變化之可能影響。進而,研究團隊採用得以刻畫整體經濟互動關聯性的經濟模型,並配合實證資料模擬各種管制策略對總體經濟之潛在衝擊,以期能夠做為主管機關做為未來決策之參考基礎。在第二部分的工作項目中,本計畫蒐集彙整國際減量專案投資分析方法、研析投資分析流程所需的關鍵決策指標,並進一步考量我國產業特性,研擬適用我國的減量專案之投資分析決策參考原則,提供主管機關及申請單位做為未來審查抵換專案投資外加性之參考。此外,本年度亦協助主管機關完成8件減量專案之投資資料分析及10件國際減量方法之研析。在第三個工作項目中,本計畫共協助47件環評開發行為之個案審查及分析,內容包含個案背景分析(含製程技術分析)及案件之審查意見,確認資料完整性與正確性,並依據溫室氣體排放量化評估、減量措施分析量化及溫室氣體盤查、查證、登錄之規劃等三大方向進行審查作業,並要求開發單位依據上述規範提出具體承諾及期程以利後續監督追蹤作業。而在第四個工作項目中,研究團隊協助3件環評溫室氣體減量及抵換個案之現場追蹤檢點作業,包括溫室氣體減量期程、溫室氣體減量效益、溫室氣體減量措施現況、相關佐證資料、盤查查證登錄作業情形及後續查核事項之確認等,並研提各案件之查核報告書。此外,本計畫針對與本計畫相關之工作項目,共針對溫室氣體管理議題舉辦7場次教育訓練課程,及派員出國2人次以建立國際交流管道。 Industrial Greenhouse Gases Emission Trend and Abatement Cost of Emission Analysis The first part of this project collects the existing literature of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission trend forecasting and then sums up the suitable methodology for emission forecasting to each emission entity level. Furthermore, economic impact analysis (EIA) was applied to assess the economic impact of implementing the emission standard of performance from new stationary sources. Thus, the policy applications were suggested based on the assessment results.In the second part, the international decision making procedure of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) on investment additionality is investigated. The localized industrial benchmarks are then established based on the empirical data. Furthermore, eight cases of investment analysis of Offset Project applications and ten international CDM methodologies have examined by this project to facilitate the work of Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) .To assist with analysis and review the individual case of GHGs emissions evaluation and management, this project has examined 47 cases of environment development activities under the principles of validity and completeness. Three key-points principles of review are emphasized, they are quantitative emissions assessment, reduction measures planning, and emission data reporting.Aside from that, three tracking cases have been checked with report and on-site survey for each individual case so as to make sure each case whether completes the commitment or not. Finally, a series of training programs and international visiting are held so as to support the issues about the GHGs management. 102 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人中華經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64048
102年度基隆市逸散污染源稽查管制計畫 一、加強本市祭祀紙錢減量宣導工作及辦理紙錢集中焚燒活動,以減少本市祭祀紙錢之使用量及露天焚燒紙錢所造成的空氣污染。二、加強本市露天燃燒廢棄物行為之稽查取締及宣導工作,以減少本市露天燃燒空污行為之發生及其污染排放。三、加強基隆港區逸散性空氣污染行為稽查管制工作,輔導港區相關業者落實「固定污染源逸散性污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」規定,以減少港區逸散性空污行為之發生及其污染排放。四、加強本市臭異味污染陳情案件之稽查取締及輔導改善工作,以減少本市臭異味污染事件,維護民眾生活環境品質。 102 基隆市環境保護局 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64018
高雄市大坪頂污染土地永續利用可行性評估計畫 為延續101年「高雄地區大坪頂特定區土壤及地下水品質整體評估及後續管制策略研擬計畫」成果,規劃後續展開與推動大坪頂特定區污染土地永續利用與綠色整治的長期策略與行動方案。本計畫完成高雄市大坪頂特定區現階段土地使用與污染背景資訊、環境背景、地區空間規劃調查、高污染潛勢區位與對策、民眾生活形態問卷調查等共計1000份,並完成標示270個約442.9公頃的高污染潛勢區域,土地使用分區以住宅區較高,由於傳統全數移除整治之作法難以適用於本特定區,褐地再利用將是解決本區污染土地問題之主要選項。國內目前尚未有相關褐地再利用案例,為參考國外褐地永續利用情形,工作團隊並彙整國外大型污染場址土地永續利用案例作為後續規劃依據。本區域後續的土地開發規劃評估應納入前述270筆高污染潛勢土地,以最大化土地價值 (活化有價值的土地利用型態)、最小化清理整治費用與最佳化永續環境貢獻度。至於整治工法方面則建議採用以配合健康風險為基準進行規劃,將整治工法與土地使用分區歸為高風險疑慮使用的土地之整治工法及低風險疑慮使用的土地之整治工法。前者清理所有有害事業廢棄物,後者以局部表層清理與污染圍阻整治併行。基於配合整體發展策略所解析之各項需求元素,本工作團隊提出相關的建議推動先期行動方案以及預期產出。其中最為關鍵的應屬整體願景規劃工作,在該項建議計畫中原則上將以土地再利用的方式為出發點,建立整體開發與土地利用模式以及各項基礎建設初步設計,並據此作制度法規研擬與財務的評估。至於綠色整治示範模場屬技術面向的推動工作,考量技術發展上的時間需求,為能對於長期整體發展扮演適切的角色,應盡早執行以利配合整體發展的期程。本計畫並擬定推動「綠色整治示範模場規劃與設置」與「大坪頂特定區土地永續利用願景規劃」二項方案內容建議。 Feasibility Study for Sustainable Development of the Contaminated Land in the Dapingding Specific Ur The objective of this work is to generate a long term action plan for green and sustainable remediation of the contaminated land in the Dapingding specific urban planning area, Kaohsiung City. The results would be used to plan economic development, remediated technologies utilization, risk control alternatives, and regulative requirements for the follow-up policy making in this area. In this work, we have investigated the status of the land use, background of environment, sites of probable concern for illegal dumping, community status and urban plan in this area. Within the Dapingding specific urban planning area, 3,281 hectares of the area were investigated for contamination potentials. After topological comparisons, 270 sites, approximately 422 hectares, of the area were marked as sites of probable concern for illegal dumping. Unfortunately, most lands on those sites have been designated to be residential areas. Since it is not possible to simply clean-up all of those solid wastes, brownfield redevelopment will be the only way to solve the problem of contaminated lands in this area. Some examples of successful brownfield redevelopment will be useful for evaluating the relationship between risk and financial returns, sustainable development and re-use decision of large contaminated lands. In order to maximize the profit of re-using contaminated lands, to minimize the cost of the risk and development and to achieve the goals required by green and sustainable remediation, all of those 270 sites need to be taken into account in planning the Dapingding specific urban planning area. For remediation alternatives, they need to be planned based on the decision generated under health risk evaluation. Sites with higher risk potential or lands for residential use, all of hazard industrial solid wastes needed to be clean-up to minimize the risk of human health. On the contrary, sites with lower risk potential or lands not for residential or crop-growing use, solid wastes at surface layer needed to be clean-up and deeper layer will be confined with barriers. In this work, a preliminary action plan and a framework of integrated elemental projects had been proposed. The key elemental project is regarding to the comprehensive land use strategy for entire Dapingding specific urban planning area that links relations of economic realities, policy making and different stakeholder perspectives. The components delivered by that elemental project will be a model of overall development and land use, a preliminary design of public constructions and evaluation of regulation requirements and financial plan. To support technological requirement, another elemental project in building a green remediation demonstration site will also need to start as soon as possible. The components will be delivered by this elemental project were also proposed in this work. 102 土污基管會 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64031
102年度基隆市柴油車排煙稽查管制計畫 為管制本市柴油引擎為主之移動性污染源,降低其污染排放量,以減少空氣污染對基隆市民造成之健康危害,特制定本計畫管制稽查本市柴油引擎為主之大型客、貨車、卡車等,以提升本市空氣品質。基隆市環保局持續於本年度執行「102年度基隆市柴油車排煙稽查管制計畫」,持續執行各項相關業務,其主要工作為排煙檢驗站管理、柴油車稽查管制油品管制作業,今年度並執行清潔車裝置後處理器(濾煙器)示範計畫,以評估實體運作測試及定期檢驗評估改善成效。102年度柴油車稽查管制油品管制作業工作進度摘要說明:站內檢驗共817輛,路攔共執行檢測車輛數共計775輛次,攔獲高污染車輛26輛次,高污染車輛攔獲率為3.3%。油品管制作業共送驗硫含量80件,其中9件加驗芳香烴,本計畫持續辦理清潔車裝置後處理器(濾煙器)示範計畫之安裝前後測試,平均處理效能分別達57%及82%。 102 基隆市環境保護局 得眾環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63483
推動我國產業溫室氣體自願減量與成效查驗管理 本計畫主要延續2004~2012年度之執行績效,遵循「推動我國產業溫室氣體自願減量與成效查驗管理」計畫甄選須知所規範之目標,於現行研訂之產業溫室氣體減量、額度管理與查驗制度基礎上,掌握國際溫室氣體減量關鍵策略及減量管理機制。同時考量我國產業推行條件,持續深化我國溫室氣體管理制度,以支援環保署及整體國家未來政策之推行。本計畫主要重點工作如下:(一) 研提我國溫室氣體自願減量策略:蒐研美國、日本、英國、韓國及中國等國家之溫室氣體自願減量工作推動目的與執行重點(含:基線建立方式、績效認定、外加性簡化探討及未來減量額度使用之延續及銜接) ,作為未來推動自願減量工作之參考,期能落實國內自願減量認定機制。(二) 研提先期專案及抵換專案修正建議:本項工作主軸為研提先期專案及抵換專案修正建議、未來先期專案及抵換專案推動策略與減量額度使用規劃、溫室氣體公告排放強度之修正建議與5個產品或製程別溫室氣體公告排放強度(草案),期能擴大並落實國內自願減量認定機制。(三) 辦理減量專案及減量方法審議工作:本項工作為協助環保署進行國內減量專案或減量方法之審議工作,迄今累計共受理190件先期專案,18件抵換專案註冊申請,30件新減量方法申請;今年度完成63件先期專案審查、7件抵換專案及7件新減量方法認可審查工作。(四) 追蹤溫室氣體減量額度流向:完成7家公司法人減量額度帳戶開立,審查32件次減量額度使用申請之審核作業、協助核發減量額度16,035,198公噸CO2e。本計畫亦每季提供減量額度帳戶之統計報表,與進行國內減量額度供需分析,以達確實掌握國內減量額度流向與強化額度帳戶管理功能。(五) 管理溫室氣體認查驗機構作業:完成辦理34件查驗機構申請案審查作業(已高於契約10件案件審查要求),其中包含8件業務項目增列申請、11件展延申請、3件查驗基本資料變更申請、15件人員異動申請及2件查驗作業計畫書變更申請;另完成1場認證機構監督查核、9件查驗機構監督追蹤,並執行查驗機構評比作業檢、討認查驗機構管理制度、研提評鑑報告、規劃提升查驗機構及人員專業素質策略,與研修查驗技術規範等,期藉由辦理認證及查驗機構監督管理工作,落實監督追蹤我國認查驗機構及人員管理工作。(六) 擴充更新國家平台管理功能:主要工作為配合減量專案與減量方法審查作業,建立內部審查管理系統、持續更新與維護國家登錄平台主網頁內容與資訊、強化網站安全防護等,期提升國家登錄平台功能,藉此逐步邁向全面電子法管理作業目標。 Promoting Taiwan voluntary GHGs reduction in industry and verification performance management The project of “Promoting Taiwan voluntary GHGs reduction in industry andverification“(the Project), while meeting the contracted objectives according to thecommissioned project guideline, represents the accumulation of work stretching fromthe continuing policy development of domestic GHG accounting, registration,validation, verification and project reductions for industries since 2004 to 2013. TheProject has successfully delivered the following outcomes:1. To envisage the Taiwan voluntary GHG mitigation strategyThe project has studied voluntary GHG mitigation objectives and approaches(including baseline setting, performance determination, simplification ofadditionality test and carried over of credit uses) in major countries such as theUnited States, Japan, United Kingdom, Korea and China mainland as futuredesign references for Taiwan voluntary GHG mitigation policy.2. To improve the mechanisms of the Early Action and the Offset ProgramsThe Project has proposed recommendations and strategies for promoting theEarly Action and the Offset Programs, credit uses, and modified designatedemission intensities. 5 preliminary designated emission intensities in eitherproducts or manufacturing scope have been provided from the Project.3. To assist program deliverance of the Early Action, Offset Programs and new methodologiesThe Project has in total received 190 Early Action projects, 18 Offset projects and 30 new methodologies applications, where 21 Early Action projects had passed preliminary assessment. 63 Early Action projects, 7 Offset projects and 7 new methodologies have completed the review process within this consecutive year. 4. To track the GHG reduction credit movementThe Project has reviewed 32 applications for account opening with 7 accounts been officially opened. The Project also provides credit account reporting and supply-and-demand analysis periodically to track the movement of GHG reduction credits, ensuring a robust integrity of credit tracking and management. Currently, 16,035,198 tons CO2e of emission reduction credits have been issued.5. To assist the management of accreditation body and validation/verificationbodiesThe Project has completed reviewing process of 34 validation andverification bodies (V/VBs) qualification applications, 1 accreditation body (AB)performance inspection, 9 V/VBs performance assessments. In order to improvethe quality of validation and verification, the Project has also completed theV/VBs performance assessment report, proposed verifiers management strategiesby examining the current scheme of accreditation, validation and verification. Inaddition, the Project has revised the Verification Guidelines according to thelatest practices.6. To expand and upgrade for the GHGs RegistryThe Project has developed review progress monitoring subsystem, keptupdating the contents and improved the security system of the GHG Registry. 102 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63904
102年度臺中市河川、海域水體水質監測計畫 臺中市政府環境保護局積極推動境內河川水體水質污染整治相關工作,除了加強各類水污染源稽核管制外,亦特別針對境內各種事業單位及新開發杜區污水下水道系統其水污染源之排放許可執行查核管理,並對其水處理設施操作之實際狀況進行查核及輔導。為評估污染整治之成效,長期之河川水質監測工作仍為整個水體水質污染整治工作之重要環節。臺中市政府環境保護局為達上述目標,委託德眾工程顧問股份有限公司執行本市五條主要河川(旱溪、筏子溪、食水嵙溪、頭汴坑溪與草湖溪)及區域排水(綠川、柳川、梅川、麻園頭溪、黎明溝支線、潮洋溪、北屯圳、南屯溪、溫寮溪、梧棲大排、安良港大排、龍井大排及仁民中排)共計38處水質測站之水質監測,並對河川水質變化進行評估。 Monitoring Project for the River & Ocean Water Quality of Taichung City in 2013 To achieve the goal of cleaning river water, several pollution control actions had been enforced by the Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung Government in recent years. It included industrial wastewater and municipal sewage discharge inspection, wastewater discharge permit evaluation and river water quality monitoring program. In the river water quality monitoring program, periodic river water sampling from 28 monitoring stations on 5 rivers and 13 drainage systems have been performed. Analytical data are used to evaluate river pollution index (RPI) and water quality index (WQI). These indices are also served as the criteria for pollution control reinforcement. 103 台中市環境保護局 吉磊工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61655
102年度「臺中市強化海洋污染緊急應變能力及港區污染熱區稽查管制計畫」 本計畫藉由辦理海洋污染緊急事件應變演練及器材實作訓練,可提昇應變人員專業性,有效整合各單位資源,以共同達成安全、即時、且協調之應變作業,並能將意外事故所引發之災害損失減到最低程度;另配合辦理港口、船舶、污染源稽查及海洋污染防治計畫之公私場所作業是否符合許可內容規範查核,以確實掌握漁港及沿岸污染排放情形,建立海洋資料庫,達區域內資料共享目的。其執行成果如下說明:一、建置海洋污染應變能力,提昇應變人員專業性於計畫執行期間,已接獲環保局通知及協助處理緊急應變事件共計6件,皆於事故發生後3小時內派員抵達污染現場進行初步勘查及回報污染情形,並妥善將污染事件處理完成。本計畫已辦理完成102年度「海安七號演習及海洋文化活動」暨「臺中市海洋污染緊急應變事件災害防救演練」、「海洋污染事件應變器材實作訓練」各1場次,使與會人員確實瞭解其應變分工權責,並加強各相關機關及單位熟悉海洋污染緊急應變之通報程序,以強化整體救災能力。於計畫執行期間,已依環保署針對應變器材維護所訂定之維護項目,完成40處次應變器材維護保養。二、海洋污染稽查管制於計畫執行期間,共計完成210處次之港口稽查作業,並無發現重大港口污染情形。且針對商港船舶完成50艘船次之稽查作業,依查核結果顯示,各船舶皆備有廢油及廢棄物之相關文件紀錄。於計畫執行期間,已完成20家次環保署核可之各項許可、緊急應變計畫、海洋污染防治計畫等稽查作業,其稽查結果大致與核定內容相符。三、沿海污染熱區專案管制於計畫執行期間,已針對海線行政區列管事業執行95家次稽查作業,放流口水質採樣檢測31家次,並發現13處不明管線,本計畫已依水污染防治法相關規定,要求業者立即改善,後續將持續追蹤及複查改善情形。四、推動民間主動參與海洋污染防治工作本計畫已辦理1場次「臺中市大甲區松柏巡守隊成立大會」,協助成立1隊港區巡守隊,並針對參與巡守隊之隊員於執行港區巡守工作期間投保意外險,使各巡守隊員人身安全獲得最基本之保障。為推動海洋環境保護之觀念,本計畫已於辦理2場次淨灘活動,共計清理2,349公斤之大小型垃圾(含可回收垃圾75公斤);並針對漁民及國小師生分別辦理2場次海洋環境保護教育宣導活動,引導民眾了解海洋維護的重要性。本計畫已辦理1場次102年度臺中市「海岸線環境清潔及污染事件應變權責單位協商說明會」,就前年度執行檢討、本年度港口查核重點說明及各緊急應變權責分工進行說明與討論,以協調海岸管理單位進行後續海岸線環境清潔維護工作。五、其他行政配合事項於計畫執行期間,本工作團隊配合相關法令政策及管制作業推動,共計協助發布4則與海洋污染防治有關之新聞稿。本工作團隊依據環保署「102年度河川污染整治及海洋污染防治考核計畫」考評(核)指標項目進行評估及配分,並依考核內容據以執行,以協助環保局爭取考核績效,依目前本計畫工作執行進度試算,已得分數為89分,預估可得分數為108分。另已配合環保署進行應變器材清點及保養維護作業,及「海洋污染應變設備器材整備評鑑考核」作業。後續預計於102年12月31日前完成環保署本年度海洋污染考核報告及簡報資料。 102 台中市環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=60577
102年臺中市營建工程空氣污染管制暨營建空污費收費管理計畫 執行期間(102年2月1日至102年12月31日),已蒐集分析營建工程徵收、管制、污染排放削減情形及執行成果資訊進行探討,現階段成果摘要說明如下。一、辦理營建工程空氣污染防制費開工申報及完工結算等案件共有11,426件(開工申報6,132件、完工結算5,294件),另本市營建工程空氣污染防制費總徵收金額為183,473,918元,網路申報營建空污費申報率48.55%。二、已辦理2場區域開發高空遙控飛機拍攝,並輔導10處大型營建工程舖設稻草及植生進行污染防制,總舖設面積701,472平方公尺,每月約可削減16.62噸的TSP粒狀污染物排放。另管理辦法符合度平均為90.65%,平均削減率為62.04%,納管率76.15%。三、蒐證作業中,揚塵污染129處次、管理辦法21處次、路面污染129處次及露天燃燒1處次;經裁決中心處分告發共計189處次,污染改善189處次,改善率約100%。四、營建工程宣導作業方面,舉辦輔導座談會7場次,包營建工程污染防制、噪音污染管制、三仙膠裸露地防制;另辦理網路有獎徵答活動1場次,3月已完成規劃及7月完成網頁設計,9月完成活動並通知得獎人。五、統計102年02月01日至102年12月31日環保署EEMS環保稽查處分管制系統陳情案件1件,較去年同期7件減少,顯示工地管制有一定成效。 Taichung City Air Pollution Control Construction Engineering Construction Engineering cum air pollution fee charging management plan in 2013 1.Apply for air pollution control fee for construction projects started and completed settlement of cases reported a total of 11,426 pieces (6,132 pieces start reporting, the completion of the settlement 5,294 pieces), and the other city construction projects total air pollution control fee amounting to 183,473,918 yuan, Internet reporting construction reporting air pollution fee rate 48.55%.2.Regional development has handled two games shooting aerial remote control aircraft and counseling 10 major construction projects carried laying straw and vegetation pollution control, with a total area of 701,472 square meters laid month about 16.62 tons of TSP can be reduced particulate emissions. Another management approach in line with the average degree of 90.65%, with an average reduction rate of 62.04 percent, 76.15 percent sewer rate3.Evidence collection operations, dust pollution 129 times, 21 times management approach, road pollution 129 times a second and open burning; punishment denounced by the ruling center totaling 189 times, 189 times the pollution to improve, improve the rate of about 100% .4.Advocacy operational aspects of construction projects, organizing seminars seven counseling sessions, including construction engineering Pollution, noise pollution control, xanthan gum bare ground control; another handle network activity a quiz sessions, March has completed the planning Web design and completed in July, September and notify winners to complete the activity.5.Statistics 102 years on February 1 to December 31 102 years EEMS EPA environmental control system inspection disposition of cases a petition, representing a seven-year decrease, indicating the site control to a certain extent. 102 台中市環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63359
102年「中部科學工業園區空氣污染物稽查管制計畫」 為掌握中部科學工業園區空氣品質變化,針對園區內各公私場所進行空氣污染源排放資訊更新、稽查檢測作業,於計畫期程內完成園區內公私場所清查作業30家次、排放管道無機酸檢測15根次、CC-FTIR連續監測8根次、揮發性有機污染物防制設備效率驗證10根次、排放管道磷化氫檢測5根次,並針對園區周界敏感地點進行揮發性有機物採樣64點次、重金屬(懸浮微粒、總砷及陰陽離子之成分分析)及戴奧辛採樣分析作業。為提升民眾陳情事件處理效率,設置4套自動採樣設備及簡易氣象站設置,可全天候進行污染排放之即時監測與蒐證以判讀污染來源。統計至102年12月1日止,本計畫共完成30家次區內公私場所清查作業、排放管道無機酸檢測15根次、CC-FTIR連續監測8根次、揮發性有機污染物防制設備效率驗證10根次、排放管道磷化氫檢測5根次、周界敏感地點進行揮發性有機物採樣64點次、重金屬(懸浮微粒、總砷及陰陽離子之成分分析)分析24點次及戴奧辛採樣分析4點次,並針對有疑慮之公私場所皆已進行輔導改善作業,確實掌握區內空氣品質狀況。 The Air Pollution Control Plan for Central Taiwan Science Park in 2013 The project, “The Air Pollution Control Plan for Central Taiwan Science Park in 2013,” is aimed to monitor the air quality in Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP). The works of this project include: 1.air quality inspection of 30 locations, 2.sampling and analysis of inorganic acid from 15 flue gas sources, 3.CC-FTIR continuous monitoring from 8 flue samples, 4.VOCs removal efficiency proof for 5 VOCs pollution control devices, 5.measurement of phosphine from 5 flue samples, 6.the qualitative and quantitative analysis of VOCs and composition (heavy metal, arsenic, cations and anions etc.), 7.concentration measurement of dioxin at 64 environmental sensitive locations nearby CTSP. Four sets of the mobile air quality auto-sampling equipment with weather monitor were installed on the selected spots. It could monitor the real-time air pollution and recognize the air pollution source, which can provide the air pollution events to residents. At the end of this project (Dec. 1, 2013), it has finished the works include: 1.air quality inspection of 30 locations, 2. sampling and analysis of inorganic acid from 15 flue gas sources, 3.CC-FTIR continuous monitoring from 8 flue samples, 4.VOCs removal efficiency proof for 5 VOCs pollution control devices, 6.the qualitative and quantitative analysis of VOCs and composition analysis (heavy metal, arsenic, cations and anions etc.) for 64 spots and 24 spots, respectively, 7.concentration measurement of dioxin at4 environmental sensitive locations nearby CTSP. In addition, the specialists were invited to give suggestions to air pollution of factories to improve their air pollution control device and air quality policy for the purpose of air quality enhancement in CTSP. 102 台中市環境保護局 思維環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63634
台灣空氣品質決策支援系統先期作業建置計畫 配合台美雙邊合作計畫,提供改善國內空氣品質所需整合性之資訊,本計畫主要目標在於導入目前國際上所開發的先進技術,利用科學及資訊化工具進行空氣品質決策資料之提供,以因應中央及各縣市在制定空氣品質政策時之有效參考。空氣品質決策支援系統(Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment System,ABaCAS)結合排放清冊、控制技術與控制成本、空氣品質模式以及健康效益評估的系統。此系統可依據國家空氣品質目標,進行不同空氣品質情境之改善評估,並提供所需要的控制技術與成本,且能進一步評估不同情境下民眾健康效益改變的狀況。本計劃主要工作項目為先期建置結合台灣排放清冊、控制設備成本、控制操作成本推估示範調查之台灣排放控制成本分析系統系統(TECAS)及其標準操作程序;進行大量的氣象與空氣品質模式模擬,建置空氣品質情境模式(RSM);加上彙整台灣空氣品質與健康效益(BenMAP)的評估,包含相關人口及社經參數資料,進行台灣空氣品質決策支援系統的先期建置。 The Preliminary Establishment of Taiwan Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment System(ABaCAS As a bilateral cooperation project between Taiwan EPA and USEPA, this project aim to provide integrated information for improving air quality in Taiwan. The main objective of this project is to import the current international advanced technology using science and information tools to help policy decision-making in air quality improvement. “Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment System (ABaCAS)" combined emission inventory, control technology and cost, air quality modeling, and health benefit assessment. This system could modify and evaluate different air pollution emission and control scenarios to simulate air pollutants levels for cost and health benefit assessment. Those information could support the policy making in control strategies. The first year of this project aim to establish the demonstration Taiwan Air Benefit and Control and Assessment system (Taiwan-ABaCAS) which include (1) Taiwan Emission Cost Analysis System (TECAS), (2) Response Surface Modeling (RSM), and (3) The environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program (BenMAP). 102 空保處 長榮大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63482
102年「臺中市柴油車動力計排煙檢測及非法油品檢測計畫」 臺中市爲降低轄內柴油車排放黑煙造成空氣污染問題與危害,持續辦理「柴油車動力計排煙檢測及非法油品檢測計畫」,主要各項專案執行成果如下:推動客貨運業自主管理2664張;市公車「排煙分級識別標章」1273輛次;動力計排煙檢測站全負載檢測8779輛次,不合格率3.4%;路邊、場站與港區攔檢無負載檢測1011輛次,不合格率25.4%;目測判煙高污染車通知檢測2020輛次;使用中車輛油品含硫量與多環芳香烴抽測送驗660件,含硫量7件不合格(14~205ppm),不合格複驗全數合格;停車熄火稽(巡)查150輛次;推動實施「環保駕駛-不怠速」16家次;臺中港區船舶油品含硫量送驗40件,分析結果皆低於9000ppm;清潔車加裝濾煙器新增加裝5台;配合實施特定地區柴油車自主管理-台中火力發電廠與中龍鋼鐵共計573輛次;保檢合一之保養廠評鑑6場次(1家未通過評鑑);中部空品區聯合稽查4場次不合格率25.0%;中部及雲嘉南空品區聯合稽查1場次(不合格41.7%);實驗室品管與品保措施、檢測設備操作與維護等。臺中市政府環境保護局持續推動柴油車黑煙污染管制與減量措施,以維護國民健康、生活環境及提升居住空氣品質。 The 2013 years" Taichung at diesel emissions testing and detection of illegal oil plan " The Taichung City Government Environmental Protection Agency strives to lower diesel exhaust, which causes air pollution, by conducting " the diesel emissions testing and Illegal Oil Testing Plan" continuously. The updated results from each project go as below:There were 2,664 self-management of passenger and freight industries; 1,273 grading marks were sent to city buses;8,779 vehicles were diesel emissions tested diesel which counts a failure rate of 3.4%;. It included road bar ∕ station∕harbour district load emissions testing of 1,011 vehicles which counts a failure rate of 25.4%;visual high-pollution diagnose of 2,020 vehicles were seized;the diesel car vehicle automotive oil testing 660 vehicles, 7sample of the 660pcs which completed the test is failed(15~205ppm).However those 7pcs are regular when they are retested Parking stall ban idle inspections is150 vehicles;16 industries are able to coordinate for parking stall;newinstall and check diesel engine particulate filter is 5 garbage trucks;573 diesel vehicles which belong to Taichung Power Plant & DragonSteel were signed to self-management;6evaluate tire and lube express which (1 is failure);4 diesel vehicles inspections of Taichung Harbor with failure ratio at 25%;1 diesel vehicles inspections of central region(failure ratio is 41.7%);laboratory quality control and quality assurance measures, testing equipment operation and maintenance.The Taichung City Government Environmental Protection Agency keeps pushing diesel exhaust control and emission reduction plan forward. The agency aims at improving people's health, air quality, and making Taichung a better place to live. 102 台中市環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63689
檢討空氣污染物排放清冊及排放趨勢與分佈查詢更新計畫 為掌握全國排放量趨勢作為管制之參考,國家空氣污染物排放清冊之更新制度為每三年進行一次基準年總檢討計算,並在歷年間做局部更新。本計畫今年度以99年排放量為基準進行修正及確認,並同時推估100年排放量,且蒐集102年相關活動強度,為下一基準年版本做準備。本年度計畫工作成果如下:(一)檢核已完成之99年基準年空氣污染物排放量,配合國家主計單位之統計資料修訂作業同步修正排放量,針對部分污染源依最新研究成果重新推估,並由縣市環保局做最後確認動作,包含:TSP、PM10、PM2.5、SOx、NOx、NMHC、THC、CO、Pb、NH3。修正後差異最大之物種為TSP,原因為車行揚塵之公式修正。(二)延續99基準年版本推估架構,完成100年排放量推估,並蒐集實際活動強度推估排放量結果,並解析至分配至縣市。相較於99年,粒狀污染物與硫氧化物排放略微上升,氮氧化物及NMHC排放量略微下降。(三)完成102年排放量大型面源相關活動強度蒐集,依據福衛二號拍攝之衛星影像資料,判讀及繪製全台灣16條重要具揚塵潛勢之河川,並估算可能揚塵之裸露地總面積。(四)完成清冊TEDS 8.1版之建置方法程序書,內涵QA/QC之標準作業方法與步驟記錄,程序書為排放資料之一部分,供使用者做檢核或再現重製之依據。(五)完成固定源防制設備成本調查表單設計,並依據設計表單完成12間公私場所實際訪查作業,並依據現場經驗記錄修正表單,以範例製作防制設備調查指引規範,其架構包括:(一)調查規範指引架構說明;(二)電訪作業;(三)實地訪查;(四)資料驗證;(五)單位減量比例計算;(六)訪查遭遇之問題及解決方法。(六)舉辦排放量管理計畫教育訓練會及說明會計4場,除預告明年度縣市工作項目外,並就去年縣市提報與清冊應用成果進行報告。。(七)完成縣市排放量提報制度推動及網路系統提報功能檢討:1、技術協助縣市執行102年排放量管理計畫工作;2、審查縣市102年排放量管理計畫執行工作成果,評定相關分數並給予建議;3、研擬103年排放量管理計畫工作項目、作業方法及評分標準。(八)完成101年綠色國民所得帳編制,配合主計處編製101年綠色國民所得帳,進行空氣品質質損資料之估算及資料提供。(九)配合執行環保署進行相關網頁資料更新、技術與行政支援作業,升級網頁至網際網路通訊協定第6版(IPv6)架構。(十)於102年9月隨同環保署及縣市環保局組團參訪,前往美國南加州空氣品質管理局,建立聯繫管道及合作機制,主要針對項目為國外空氣污染物排放清單估算方式、成本效益資料建置方法。 Air pollutant emissions inventory and distribution inquiries renewal plan As a reference for emission control, the updated regulatory requirement of Taiwan Emission Data System (TEDS) calls for a 3-year baseline evaluation, and updates are made throughout the years. The present research uses the 2010 emission data as a baseline for correction and confirmation, while forecasts the emission amount for 2011. The activity intensity data is also collected for 2013 in preparation for next “baseline” year evaluation. For the current year, the research results are as follows:1. Emission of air pollutants for the baseline year 2010 has been reviewed. Based on newest research results, prediction of emission level for various pollutants is redone, in conjunction with updating the emission amounts of the statistical data maintained by the National Comptroller Office. And final confirmations are made by the city/county-level environmental protection agencies. The pollutants being looked at include total suspended particulate (TSP), particulate matters (PM10, PM2.5), sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), NMHC (non-methane hydrocarbons), total hydrocarbons (THC), carbon monoxide (CO), lead (Pb), and ammonia (NH3). Based on the revised figures, TSP turns out to have the biggest before-and after difference. This difference is due to the revision of equation for calculating dust discharge of traffic exhaust.2. Continuous work is done for the forecasting model of the baseline year 2010, for the completion in predicting emission amounts of 2011. The actual activity intensity data is also collected to forecast emission amounts across various counties. In comparing to 2010, emissions of particulate matters and sulfur oxides show a slight increase, while the emissions of nitrogen oxides and NMHCs experience a slight decrease.3. For 2013, activity intensity of non-point source pollution emission has been collected. Based on satellite images provided by FORMOSAT-2, evaluation and graphical illustrations are prepared for 16 rivers in Taiwan that have major dust dispersion potential. The total bare land area of the river bed that has dust dispersion potential is also calculated.4. The setup procedure of TEDS 8.1 is completed. This procedure includes the SOPs for QA/QC and a list of steps. The procedure is part of the emission data and acts as a basis for audit and regeneration by the user.5. A stationary source pollution control equipment cost survey form is set up. Site visit of 12 public or private places are made with the survey form. The form is revised in accordance to the field experience, and a sample form is used to create survey criteria guidebook of the control equipment. This guidebook includes: (1) an overview of the survey criteria; (2) telephone survey; (3) field survey; (4) data verification; (5) calculation of unit reduction ratio; and (6) findings and resolutions.6. Four emission management plan technical trainings/seminars were held. Besides announcing next year’s city/county level work items, last year’s city/county reports and application results of TEDS are presented.7. City/county emission reporting is promoted and the internet reporting performance is reviewed. The topics include: (1) provision of city/county level technical assistance for implementing 2013 emission management plan; (2) performance review of the 2013 emission management plan, scoring, and comments; and (3) proposal of 2014 emission management plan work items, procedures, and evaluation criteria.8. The 2012 green national product (GNP) is prepared. In conjunction with the Comptroller Office for preparing 2012 GNP, the air quality damage data is estimated and provided.9. Worked with environmental protection administration for webpage update, technology advancement, and administration support. The webpage is upgraded to internet protocol version 6 (IPv6).10. Visited South Coast Air Quality Management District in United States with National Environmental Protection Agency and city/county level environmental protection agency members. Cross-boundary communications and cooperation are established. The main focuses include emission calculation methods employed by foreign countries and ways to establish cost effectiveness database. 102 空保處 景丰科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63581
澎湖縣移動污染源稽查管制暨停車怠速熄火宣導計畫 1.依環保署公佈統計至102年12月,通知應到檢車輛數為52,714輛,回歸車籍計算完成檢驗車輛數33,291輛,機車定檢到檢率回歸車籍計算為63.15%,回歸定檢站完成檢驗車輛數26,062輛,回歸定檢站到檢率計算為49.44%(12月份),今年由於空窗期時間過長,未定期郵寄定檢通知單,以致於本縣到檢率排名,在全國22縣市中排名為第10名,比去年度全國排名退步許多。2.今年度正式將車牌辨識稽查作業納入未定檢車輛的稽查工作中,從4月開始正式執行,至12月底已成功辨識25,539輛次的車輛,未定檢比率平均為17.97%,設籍本縣的車輛稽查數佔總稽查數的85.34%,設籍本縣的未定檢車輛數佔總稽查未定檢車輛數的80.69%,由於本計畫空窗期過長,扣除剛寄出的車辨催檢通知單,回檢率約有66%左右,低於以往回檢率80%。3.移定車服務本年度在上個計畫102年1月至4月有執行435輛,102年計畫從102年4月12日計畫開始至102年12月底共計檢測4,504輛,合計完成4,939輛次,今年平均月檢測數約412輛次。4.依102年度環保署提供之車籍資料分析及計畫要求,預計郵寄40,000輛次通知明信片,已完成寄出47,332件完成比率達100%。5.完成巡查作業計4,005件,102年巡查目前的完成比率為100%,礙於本計畫空窗期間較長,回檢率達52.8%。6.路邊執行攔檢機車591輛(包含已定檢機車56輛),合格450輛、合格邊緣128輛、不合格14輛,整體不合格率為2.37%。7.根據定檢站查核管理,其中以新志成機車行(X12)、鴻隆機車行(X02)、光億車業行(X01)、東泰車業行(X04)及勁揚機車行(X11)表現較佳;全能機車行(X10)及鈤立車行(X03)表現欠佳。8.統計至102年12月底,已於縣內柴油車較常出入之重要路段,完成柴油車目視判煙稽查352輛次,經目判人員判煙認定後,所有受目視判煙稽查之車輛,其目判排煙不透光率皆落在20%至30%之間,其中以20%最多佔83%。辦理非漁用船舶排煙稽查,計畫目標為80艘,目前已完成81艘,完成率100%。9.統計至102年12月底,辦理柴油車排煙檢測,計畫目標為250輛次,目前已完成251輛次,完成率100%;本年度以參加柴油車自主管理之車隊為主,車輛檢測前大多先進行維修保養,因此不合格數只有3輛次。10.本年度路邊攔檢抽油,計畫目標為100件,目前已檢查柴油送交化驗100件,完成率100%;已檢驗完成報告數100件,不合格數4件,不合格率為4.6%。加油站或油罐車抽驗完成11件,完成率100%;自主管理車隊者油品抽驗完成10件,完成率100%;非漁用船舶抽驗油品含硫量抽驗完成31件,完成率100%。11.至12月底為止,本團隊已完成1場二行程汰舊宣導活動,共計73人次參加;2場次綠色駕駛宣導會,共計90人次參加;7場怠速熄火宣導會,共計485人次參加;1場大型宣導活動「102年澎湖縣低碳樂活路跑好生活」,約240人次參加;2場次定檢站教育訓練;1場保養廠訪談宣導活動。12.配合環保署停車怠速熄火宣導,本團隊除辦理7場次宣導活動外,每個月巡視固定看板,進行維修保養,且設置2處LED看板以增加宣導成效;並利用紅外線溫測儀進行稽查,開立勸導單,截至12月底為止,共開立42輛次勸導單。13.本團隊已完成11處高頻及19處低頻,共計30處非游離幅射檢測,檢測結果皆符合標準。 2013 Penghu County Mobile Pollution Source Control and Turn off Idling Engines Promotion Project Project name: 2013 Penghu County Mobile Pollution Source Control and Turn off Idling Engines Promotion ProjectExecuting period: From April 12, 2013 to December 31, 20131. In the tasks of inspection, notice number was 52,714, checking number which returns to the vehicle registration place was 33,291, and the rate of participation was 63.15%; checking number which returns to the inspection stations were 26,062, and the rate of participation was 49.44%. Because blank period was too long, in the government performance assessment, calculate the rate of participation for those data that return to the vehicle registration place, this county is tenth in the country. It’s less than last year.2. In the tasks of the identification system, this project has completed 25,539 cases and the rate of non-inspection was 17.97%; the rate of the motorcycles that was registered in Penghu County was 85.34%, in which the rate of non-inspection was 80.69%; as the blank period was too long, the rate of participation for those motorcycles that when they received the notice with picture and go to inspect was about 66% during the period of performing, it was less than before.3. In the tasks of mobile inspection van, this project has completed 4,939 cases, and the monthly average was 412 cases.4. In the tasks of notice, this project has completed delivering 40,000 postcards, so far, this project has delivered 47,332 postcards; the rate of completion was 100%. 5. In the tasks of the patrolling, this project has completed 4,005 cases and the rate of completion was 100%. As the blank period was too long, the rate of participation was 52.8%.6. In the tasks of the inspecting motorcycle on the roadside, this project has completed 591 cases (Include 56 cases that have been inspected), in which, the qualified number was 450, margin number was 128, and unqualified number was 14; the total unqualified rate was 2.37%. 7. In the tasks of inspection station management, most of them were doing well, except X10 and X03.8. In the tasks of diesel vehicle inspection on the roadside, there were 352 cases that have finished the visual judgment of the smoky diesel vehicle. In the survey, the opaque rate ranges between 20% and 30%, in which, 20% is most than else that is 83% of all cases. In the tasks of inspection of smoke boat (non fishing boats), target number were 80, so far, this project has completed 81 boats, the rate of completion was 100%.9. In the tasks of inspection in the diesel vehicles inspection station, target number was 250 cases. This project has completed 251 cases; the rate of completion was 100%. The major item was self- management vehicles for this task, most of them have finished maintenance before inspection; therefore, only 3 cases were unqualified. 10. In the tasks of spot check on the sulfur content, target number was 100. This project has submitted 100 cases to inspect, and the rate of completion was 100%. All of them have finished inspection, in which, three were 3 cases unqualified, the unqualified rate was 4.6%. Moreover, this project has finished 11, 10, and 31 cases inspected, for gas stations or tank truck, self-management vehicles and boats respectively, the rate of completions were 100%.11. This project held a promotion for 2-stroke motorcycles and there were 73 people participated, 2 promotions for green drivers and there were 90 people participated, 7 promotions for ”Turn off idling engines” and there were 485 people participated and one big promotion for “ 2013 Running Festival of low-carbon & LOHAS life” and there were 240 people participated. Furthermore, this project also held two educational training programs and 1 promotion for maintenance plants.In the tasks of promotion of “turn off idling engines”, this project held 7 promotions, monthly inspections of fixed signage, maintenance and repair, and set two LED billboards to increase the effectiveness of promotion. In addition, this project has opened 42 warning tickets by using infrared thermal imager (FLIR).13. In the tasks of noise control, this project has completed 11 high-frequency and 19 low-frequency inspections of non-ionizing radiation, which total inspection amount were 30, the test results are in compliance with standards. 102 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 新研綠能科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63826
全國重金屬高污染潛勢農地之管制及調查計畫(第2期) 環保署於99年辦理「全國重金屬高污染潛勢農地之管制及調查計畫」,建立「農地重金屬污染潛勢評量與預警管制系統」及「農地土壤重金屬高污染潛勢篩選機制」,評估結果達危害等級及污染等級區域約占全國農地2.65%,估計其中約1.5萬公頃應有需調查或整治之迫切性,為儘速制訂管制策略及推動調查、整治作業,環保署特辦理第二期計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)。 本計畫主要目的為制訂國內重金屬高污染潛勢農地之管制策略,透過修訂高污染潛勢農地篩選機制及建置全國農地污染管理系統,劃定應優先關注區域及開發決策支援系統之前期工具,奠定後續管制策略之基石。並辦理桃園農田水利會轄區四個灌溉小組之環境介質調查及新增農地土壤鉻(總鉻及六價鉻)土壤調查、彰化縣和美鎮農地擴大調查,回饋修訂篩選機制及調查作業模式,結合現場調查實務經驗及農地污染防治需求,建立一致性之調查方式及標準化作業流程,彙整編撰農地土壤重金屬污染調查作業手冊及改善整治技術手冊,茲供相關從業人員參考。 本計畫於桃園農田水利會轄區四個灌溉小組,計採集完成土壤1,130組樣品、底泥60樣品及於新街溪設置3處水質自動監測系統等工作,兩階段調查結果顯示,土壤共計354組樣品超過管制標準,超標率達31.3%,面積為45.4公頃;底泥共計有40組樣品之銅、鋅及鉻超標,其中22組為銅、15組為銅及鋅、2組為鋅與1組為鉻、銅、鋅;新街溪水質自動檢測結果無明顯異常。本計畫另針對彰化和美鎮農地辦理擴大調查,合計44公頃超過土壤污染管制標準,第一階段土壤抽樣之34組土壤,計有29組樣品超過管制標準,第二階段調查採集398組土壤樣品,其中223組達管制標準,兩階段調查結果之污染項目主要為鎳、鉻、銅及鋅,另第二階段調查中有6組樣品鎘超過管制標準。 Control and Investigation Program for National Agricultural Land with High Potential of Heavy Metal The EPA program results of “Control and Investigation Program for National Agricultural Land with High Potential of Heavy Metal” in 2010 established “the system for potential assessment and early warning control of heavy metal contamination of agricultural land” and “ the mechanism for screening process of the heavy metal contamination of agricultural land”. According to the results, there were about 2.65% of agricultural lands (15,000 hectares) in Taiwan reaching hazardous levels that require urgent investigation and remediation. In order to speed up the pollution control regulation and actions, EPA continued to implement the second-phase Control and Investigation Program for National Agricultural Land with High Potential of Heavy Metal (abbreviated as “2nd Control and Investigation Program”). The aim of the “2nd Control and Investigation Program” was to establish the national control regulation strategies of agricultural lands with high potential of heavy metal by revising the mechanism for pollution screening process and building the management systems. It needed to prioritize investigation areas and develop early tools of decision support system for the foundation of the following control strategy. Moreover, there were several regional investigations conducted as the following: the environmental survey and additional chromium (total Cr and Cr (VI)) soil survey of agricultural lands for four groups of the irrigation association in Taoyuan, and expanded soil survey of agricultural lands in the township of Chunghwa Hemei. Combining actual survey practices and pollution control requirements in agricultural lands, the investigations provided feedback to the screening process and operational procedures to establish consistency standard processes. Eventually soil investigation and remediation manuals of heavy metal pollution in agriculture land were compiled as reference for associated practitioners in this specialized area. In the four groups of the irrigation association in Taoyuan, the total amount of 1,130 soil samples and 60 sediment samples were collected and 3 automatic water quality monitoring devices were set in Sinjiesi River. The results showed that there were 354 soil samples (over-limit ratio: 31.3%, 45.5 hectares) and the concentrations of copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn) and chromium (Cr) in 40 sediment samples were over control standards. However, there were no obvious abnormal readings in the result of automatic water quality monitoring. In addition, there were 44 hectares of agricultural lands exceeding soil control standards in the survey results in the township of Chunghwa Hemei. This part of investigation was divided to two stages. In the 1st and 2nd stages, the agricultural lands exceeding soil control standards were found in 29 out of 34 samples and in 223 out of 398 samples respectively, where target compounds were Ni, Cr, Cu and Zn. The concentrations of cadmium (Cd) in 6 soil samples were found over the limit in the 2nd stage. 101 土污基管會 瑞昶科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63799
節能減碳與氣候變遷調適行動 根據聯合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會( Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC) 於102年9月底公布科學報告指出,人為影響氣候變遷已無庸置疑,如何因應氣候變遷下的衝擊,及確保國家安全與永續發展,為世界各國所必須面對且須積極解決的問題。因此,如何透過「調適」的方式,調整既有的生活型態及社會經濟運作模式,適應因「全球暖化」下所造成各項極端環境的衝擊,並持續謀求生存與發展,是與「減緩」同等重要的工作。 為了讓全民能夠對於氣候變遷進一步的瞭解,因此透過活動辦理方式,讓民眾能在參與活動的過程中培養對氣候變遷的素養,提升知識與技能與因應氣候變遷的態度進而帶動面對氣候變遷的風潮。因此結合國際環保節日與國際議題鏈結喚起社會大眾對於減緩調適之關注,藉此宣導節能減碳與氣候調適之間的關聯性。並且引進國外紅十字會氣候遊戲,培養民眾在遊戲過程中了解氣候變異所造成的氣候風險決策與風險評估。為了持續推廣節能減碳凝聚社會減碳風氣,持續辦理環保署節能減碳行動標章申請活動,鼓勵及肯定國內各單位對於節能減碳行動的努力和成果,進而增進社會上節能減碳之風氣鼓勵社會大眾於日常生活中持續落實節能減碳行動。 The Plan of Carbon Reduction and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption in 2013 According to IPCC scientific researches released in 2013, the fact that anthropogenic activities have hastened the climate change is unquestionable. In view of that, actions to cope with environmental shocks resulted from the climate change and to ensure national security and sustainable development have become front burners that challenge state governments worldwide. In addition to reducing carbon emission, adapting the general lifestyle and the entirety of socioeconomic mechanism to the altering global environment and climatic conditions could be a crucial gateway towards sustainability and lasting existence. The aim of this project is to increase public understanding of climate change and subsequently foster their knowledge and skills in respect of it, to raise public awareness regarding the necessity of adaptive actions against climate change, as well as to widely convey the causality between carbon emission reduction and climate change.The project reaches its objectives by means of holding activities. For example, by holding the ‘World Environment Day’, the project appealed the masses for more concerns about climate change and thereby formed a tendency continuingly affecting the general life.And introduce from American Red Cross will introduce gaming experience climate risk and climate risk managementMoreover, the project continued holding the ‘Action Mark’ application to approve more domestic companies of their active efforts to energy saving and low carbon actions. The approvals could be seen as an encouragement that urges more individuals and businesses as well to carry out greener actions or strategies that consequently are transformed into a widespread fascination. 102 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63536
空氣污染成因分析與推動改善策略工作計畫 本計畫定期分析民國102年最新空氣品質監測結果並製作周報及月報提供署內參考,102年全國一般測站PSI>100比率為1.53%,主要污染物PM10、PM2.5、O3濃度均較101年同期微幅上升,但較近五年同期濃度下降。102年1~11月全國PM2.5手動測站年平均濃度為23.8μg/m3,由比對30座PM2.5手動與自動測站所得之截距與斜率,結果顯示僅有8站符合美國聯邦等似方法(FEM)中斜率與截距項目之規範。分析雲林懸浮微粒不良成因,分為境外沙塵、本土沙塵及PM2.5惡化三大類。判定102年1~11月本土沙塵事件共計21站日,其天氣類型以颱風外圍環流及東北季風為主。以光化測站分析102年臭氧事件日,在事件日清晨臭氧潛勢污染物種多以甲苯、正丁烷或間,對-二甲苯為主。本計畫完成點線面源排放抽樣檢核、與排放清冊執行單位進行檢核會議並提出修正建議。透過統計模式及時間序列,解析全國石油消費、觀光人口、汽車數等因子與PM10濃度具高度正相關性,降雨量、降雨日數及相對濕度則與PM10濃度具有高度負相關。取得世銀推估臺灣城市之PM10年平均濃度資料據以計算美好生活指數。彙整國際重大新增與加嚴法規提供策略研擬參考;完成101年空氣污染防制總檢討報告、修訂空氣污染防制計畫書指引及研提我國空氣品質改善計畫書。以民國109年全國PM2.5年平均值達標為前提,完成空品區達標年度分析,規劃未來重大開發案因應措施,結合既有涵容總量規劃分析不同管制策略之污染物減量成效。使用空氣品質模式進行管制措施成效分析,如實施重大管制策略對於西部地區懸浮微粒可有明顯改善。探討氣象場及排放量對於空品之貢獻比例,本計畫臭氧案例以氣象影響權重較高,懸浮微粒案例則以排放量影響權重較高。透過BenMap完成96~99年全台PM2.5測站空氣品質變化造成全死因死亡率健康衝擊變化。 完成102年度南部陸空聯合稽查,共通報18件疑似污染案件並告發2件;聯合環保局舉辦竹苗空品區交流會;提供102年環境空氣品質分析簡報。研擬判定本土性沙塵暴影響日之原則,提出扣除方法建議,並協助召開研商會議。檢討「空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急防制辦法」之修訂方向,研擬「PM2.5預警惡化通報查處標準作業程序」,更新各環保單位空品嚴重惡化預警應變體系聯絡資料,完成應變通報工作。彙整美國EPA設置專家諮詢委員會之方法,提出我國籌組PM2.5空氣品質標準訂定及管制專家諮詢委員會之建議,並協助完成業務單位交辦之事項及相關網頁更新。 Causes of air pollution analysis and to promote improvement strategy plan This project provided the weekly and monthly reports by analyzing air quality monitored data for the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration. In 2013, the ratio of PSI>100 was 1.53% with higher PM10、PM2.5、O3 concentrations as comparing to the last year’s. However, the concentrations were still lower than those averages of the recent five years. The FRM monitored PM2.5 concentrations has an average of 23.8μg/m3 in the period of January to November, 2013. The slopes and intercepts of 30 paired FEM and FRM monitors were tested against the US EPA FEM protocol, and 8 FEM monitors met the requirements for the regression analysis of testing specification..The cause analysis of PM air quality in Yun-Lin County showed the trans boundary PM transport, regional high wind dust, and the worsening PM2.5 air quality were the major contributors. There were 21 monitor-days caused by the regional high wind dust under the meteorological conditions such as the outer circulation of typhoons and northeast monsoon during January-November 2013. The 2013 ozone data from the Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations, PAMS were analyzed during the air pollution episodes. During the ozone episodes, toluene, n-butane, m-xylene and p-xylene were the potential ozone species and occurred in the early morning of the episode day. The audits of emission data were accomplished for the point, area and line sources, the meetings with the emissions inventory workgroup were conducted and the suggestions and recommendations were provided.In the cause analysis of the PM10 concentrations, the gasoline consumption, number of tourists, number of cars showed positive correlation; the rainfall volume and rainy days, relative humidity showed negative correlation with PM10. The PM10 concentrations from the World Bank, predicted for the cities in Taiwan, were obtained to calculate “Your Better Life Index”. The important international air pollution regulations were reviewed and organized to assist EPA developing future strategies. “The Guidelines for Air Pollution Control Plan and Protocols” was revised and “The Annual Assessment Report of Air Pollution Control in Taiwan for 2011” was proposed. Aiming the goal to reach PM2.5 annual standard in year 2020, this project performed the air basins analyses including: possible year of attainment, plans for the impact of future development, and analysis of the effectiveness of control strategies within the capped emissions.This project utilizes the air quality models to simulate control strategies and to measure the effectiveness of control; the west region of Taiwan would have a significant improvement in PM concentrations if major controls were implemented. The influences from meteorological conditions played important roles in ozone episode. In PM episodes, the magnitude of emissions would be the major influence. Using the BenMap and the monitored 2007-2010 PM2.5 data, the all-cause mortality due to air quality changes was estimated for its impact.Other tasks of this project included: completed the Land/Air Compliance Inspections and reported 18 suspected cases, and 2 enforcement cases; held information exchange workshops with the local Environmental Protection Bureaus in Hsin-Chu County, Hsin-Chu City and Mao-Li County; proposed the guidance to screen out the influence days from dust storms; assisted the Emergency Management for the Prevention of Air Quality Deterioration meetings and proposed future revision; proposed the SOP for the Alert and Inspection Criteria during PM2.5 Episodes; updated the contact information for the emergency management system and reported to all contacts during the episodes; reviewed the structure of the US Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, CASAC, and proposed the similar advisory committee to review/establish the ambient air quality standards and control strategies in Taiwan; completed other tasks as required and updated the EPA web pages. 102 空保處 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63630
102年度屏東縣空氣品質監測站操作維護及品保品管計畫 本計畫執行屏東縣空氣品質自動監測站一座(鹽洲國小)及二座人工空氣品質監測站(屏東縣政府及萬丹國中)之儀器設備運轉維護及品保品管作業,並將結果分析彙整。由於本計畫於民國102年1月24日至102年12月31日止共執行自動空氣品質監測站週維護52次、雙週維護24次、月維護12次、季維護4次、半年維護2次、年維護1次;人工空氣品質監測站TSP取樣24次,每月落塵採樣與清理維護12次,高量採樣器流量單點校正12次,高量採樣器流量多點校正4次。所有的監測儀之每月資料擷取率皆達90%以上。由圖1鹽洲測站與鄰近環保署的自動測站(大寮、林園及潮州站)月平均濃度平行比對了解,鹽洲測站之監測品質狀況與環保署測站監測結果差異不大,顯示鹽洲測站數據品質具代表性。另外鹽洲測站因受高雄地區固定污染源(林園工業區)下風處影響,而導致其背景濃度略較其他測站為高。人工測站102年1月至102年12月監測結果,萬丹國中TSP平均測值為94μg/m3、落塵量為7.49噸-平方公里/月,屏東縣政府TSP平均測值為83μg/m3、落塵量為4.12噸-平方公里/月。 102 屏東縣政府環境保護局 台灣綠碁科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63034
車輛二氧化碳排放管制計畫 首先透過國外車輛二氧化碳排放數據及排放因子蒐集,了解國內車輛二氧化碳排放因子及國內外技術水準;建置二氧化碳管制查詢平台,了解國內廠商排放現況;蒐集國內外管制策略並考量國內現況,提出重型車輛二氧化碳管制先期準備工作,並彙整國內車輛未來可行之二氧化碳減量策略方針。為避免五期標準實施後,現今雙軌制測試程序會造成二氧化碳管制上的不一致性,採用轉換係數廠商也可無須額外測試造成成本負擔,選定20輛五期車進行歐盟及美國測試程序轉換係數研究,研究結果顯示轉換係數不隨著不同耗能車型分類(小客車及小貨車)、不同排氣量等級、是否為GDI引擎車輛而有所差異,建議轉換係數以單一數值做為基準。考量油電混合車車型日益增加,進行40輛次研究測試,除建立國內法規實驗室對應美國SAE J1711及歐盟ECE R101測試程序之檢測能力外,也建立國內油電混合車基礎排放數據。另自民國98年推動國內小客車自願性減量協議以來,已有13間廠商簽署,預估102年底將有8間廠商提前符合協議目標值,累計透過該協議簽署,四年來共計減少50,188噸二氧化碳排放,減量成效顯著。透過八場次節能減碳訓練課程的舉辦,導入環保駕駛概念,將車輛相關節能趨勢與節能方法提供給民眾參考,進而改善國人對於車輛能源使用習慣。同時藉由環保署、六地方環保局也同時與企業及法人代表簽署環保駕駛協議,期能由公部門帶頭,透過環保駕駛手段減少車輛二氧化碳排放。近年來,國內法規逐步與國際調和,移動污染源訓練班檢查人員培訓教材之修訂刻不容緩,透過教材修訂與整合除可節省國家資源外,更可加強國內檢驗人員之專業知識。最後透過國際論文投稿,闡述國內機車管制政策,在提升我國國際能見度同時,並可宣示我國持續推動車輛污染管制之決心。 Vehicle carbon dioxide reduction technology assessment program First, through surveying and collecting of international vehicle CO2 emissions data and analyze the emission factors to comprehend the current status of domestic CO2 emissions from vehicles, global technology level on CO2 reduction, and to establish an information inquiry platform for the Public. This project also surveyed current domestic and abroad CO2 control strategies with consideration of domestic conditions to propose initial preparation tasks for CO2 emissions control from heavy duty vehicles; this project also aggregated future viable control strategies for emissions from vehicles in Taiwan.To avoid inconsistent test results caused by implementing dual available test procedures after the stage 5 emission standards enter into force, a conversion factor is proposed for these two different procedures’ test results to avoid additional test cost burden for manufacturers. Twenty stage 5 compliance vehicles were selected to perform both the EU and the US test procedures to study the conversion factor for these two procedures’ test results. The study showed that the conversion factor will not be varied by different vehicle type (passenger car and light duty truck), different engine displacements, whether engine is equipped with GDI or not, and in the end a single conversion factor was proposed for these two test procedures. Consider the increasing number of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) being sold in Taiwan, 40 HEV were selected and performed emissions tests to establish domestic regulatory test laboratories’ inspection and test capability correspond to the US SAE J1711 and the EU ECE R101 test procedures and also to establish basic HEV emissions data in Taiwan.Since the initial promotion of the “Voluntary Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction Agreement” in 2009, there are 13 manufacturers and importers already signed the agreements and 8 of them were projected to achieve their reduction targets in advance by the end of 2013. The effect of CO2 reduction from light duty passenger vehicles through voluntary agreements is significant, estimated 50,188 tons of CO2 emissions were reduced in 4 years.Through holding 8 sessions of energy saving and carbon reduction training courses to introduce the concept of eco-driving and providing the latest energy saving trends and tips to improve the Public's driving habits. Meanwhile the Environmental Protection Administration and 6 local Environmental Protection Departments have co-signed agreements with enterprise and corporate representatives to perform eco-driving, leading by Public sector to reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles through eco-driving. In recent years, regulations implemented in Taiwan were harmonized with international regulations step by step, and it is urgent to revise the training materials for mobile source emissions inspection personnel. Through revision and integration of training materials could save national resources and enhance the domestic inspectors’ expertise. Finally, through submit papers to international conferences and to be published on the topics of describing the implemented motorcycle emissions control strategies in Taiwan, our international visibility could be increased and also declare our determination to continuous promoting vehicle emissions control strategies. 102 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63602
102年臺中市空氣品質維護綜合管理計畫 102年計畫工作大項有蒐集、調查、彙整及評析空氣品質及環境背景資料;協助環保局管制對策規劃研訂及檢討;執行環保署考核及辦理空污計畫考核;會議、宣導及民眾滿意度;計畫管理(含系統維護及本計畫管考措施),工作項次總計54大項。計畫簽約金額為842萬元,契約規定專任人力含計畫經理、專案工程師8位,非專任人力為計畫主持人及協同主持人。年度成果101年環保署考評績效榮獲直轄市特優等級(榜首)及獎金100萬元;空氣品質改善成效102年1月1日起臭氧及懸浮微粒改列為二級防制區,符合空氣品質標準。重要政策為規劃臺中港區總量管制及配合低碳城市自治條例研訂溫室氣體管理與減量辦法。102年環保局考核對象計有18項計畫參與,考核項目包括計畫管理(權重25%)其下分4項指標;環保署考核(權重40%)其下分7項指標;環保局考核(權重35%)其下分4項指標及加分項目(權重4%)其下分3項指標。會議辦理已完成「空氣污染防制基金管理委員會」等23場次。模式模擬,臭氧管制屬VOCs控制,依案例日及目前管制策略尚無法達成空品目標,需鄰近縣市共同管制;懸浮微粒管制,以營建工地與街道揚塵減量對懸浮微粒改善頗有助益可達空品目標,但減少NOX、SOX等前趨物對境內懸浮微粒改善相當有限。 2013 Project of Air quality maintenance management in Taichung City This project for 2013 includes the following main works:gathering, investigating, organizing and compiling air quality and environmental background data in this city; assisting in the planning, drawing up and review of major EPB measures regarding controls; assisting in EPA’s annual audits and in Bureau’s audit on air pollution projects; meetings, ropaganda and people satisfaction; and project management (incl. system maintenance and the controlling & evaluation measures of the Project). There are all 54 works. The funds of this project is NT$8.42 million. Dedicated human power specified by the contracts include a project manager and eight project engineers, and non-dedicated human power are project leader and co-host.The results of the stage are Extraordinary grade (the top ranking) for special municipalities in 2012 and prize money at NT$1 million awarded by EPA. In the improvement on air quality, Taichung City was reassigned as Class 2 control regions for ozone and total suspended particles since Jan. 1, 2013, meeting the standard of air quality. Important control police is to plan on total quantity control operation of Taichung Harbor area and to assist in drawing up regulations on greenhouse gas control & reduction to be in line with the autonomous regulations regarding low carbon. The subjects of 2013 EPB evaluation involve participation in and evaluation of 18 projects; evaluations include project management (with 25% weight), which involves four indices; EPA evaluation (with 40% weight), which involve seven indices; EPB evaluation (with 35% weight), which involve four indices; and extra-point items (with 4% weight), which involve three indices. Completed meetings are 23 sessions by the "Committee for management of air pollution control funds". According to the results of Model simulations, the control of O3 precursors concentration indicated that O3 formation is VOCs-limited in this city. In order to achieve the O3 air quality standards, the cities and counties are necessary to reduce VOCs emission in center Taiwan. Reduction emissions of road dust and construction sites contribute to decrease total suspension particle concentration. Total suspension particle concentration does not significantly decrease with decreasing the NOX and SOX emission. 102 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63531
酸雨及有害物質溼沉降監測分析調查專案工作計畫(三) 本報告研究目的為 (1) 維護台灣酸雨監測網,進行長期監測與資料分析;(2) 持續進行大氣汞溼沉降及重金屬監測網,估算其沉降量,並與國際現況比較;(3) 應用區域大氣模式整合系統,掌握、預警及評估台灣環境受局部或區域大氣污染物輸送之衝擊,提供環保署進行空氣品質管理與進行國際跨境污染傳輸責任歸屬評估決策之參考;(4) 針對空氣品質異常事件,修正事故發生時之空氣品質統計數值; (5)酸雨對台灣生態環境系統影響評估;(6)更新與維護台灣酸雨資訊網;(7) 積極推動及參與區域大氣污染相關議題之國際合作與技術交流。研究成果如下: 全國15站共收集到1162個樣本。pH值分布上,全國各測站所有樣本的平均pH值為5.55,高於酸雨pH值之標準(pH < 5)。 今年全國雨水酸化情況已見改善,全國各測站pH年平均值皆超過5.0,唯南北兩地雨水酸化的程度差異仍然存在。 模擬酸雨實驗結果顯示,虎皮蛙表皮的自由基生成量,可反應受酸雨影響的程度,並發現和附生腎蕨的反應相同,在pH 3.5-4.5之間為不利反應發生的臨界值,這可做為未來評估酸雨對動植物影響的重要參考指標。 更新台灣酸雨網頁(http://www.acidrain.org.tw),新增即時或近期之全球酸雨及環保相關議題之新聞等更多資訊。 持續推動參與國際合作與技術交流,持續進行聯合國品保品管計畫合作、參與美國NADP/MDN全球資料品保品管比對計畫與聯合國全球降水化學及沉降科學評估資料庫。 Acid Rain Monitoring and Assessment of Acidic Deposition in Taiwan (III) The goals of this study are (1) to maintain acid deposition net work for conducting a long-term monitoring and data analysis, (2) to maintain the integrated atmospheric mercury and heavy metals monitoring network, estimate the mercury deposition and compare with the other countries’ monitoring data, (3) to establish and maintain an integrated atmospheric modeling system for studying the long-range transported air pollutants or local air pollutants in order to assess their impact to Taiwan air quality, and further to provide fundamental information to EPA for air pollution management, (4) to revise the PSI data when abnormal air pollution events occur, (5) to update and maintain the web site of acid rain study in Taiwan, and (6) to promote international collaborations and technical exchanges on regional air pollutant issues. To date, our achievements are highlighted below: The 1662 samples in 15 stations all over Taiwan were obtained in 2013. The average pH for all the samples is 5.55.  The situation of acid rain in Taiwan is slightly improved. Annual average pH values for all sites are greater than 5.0. The north Taiwan is still worse than the southern Taiwan.  The acid rain simulationexperiment revealsthat the suddenlyraised level of free radicalsof Indian Bullfrog’s skin can reflect its response to acid rain.It also shows that there seems a critical value between pH 3.5-4.5, as the same as the result of Tuberous Sword Fernexperiment. Itcan be used as an important environmentalindicator of future assessmentof acid rain effects on plants and animals. The web site (http://acidrain.epa.gov.tw) of Taiwan acid rain study has been updated with more information  We have continued to promote and participate international collaborations and technical exchanges, for example, Quality Assurance Science Activity Center of UN, the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/Mercury Deposition Network QA/QC program, and the World Meteorological Organization Global Precipitation Chemistry and Deposition Science Assessment. 102 空保處 中央大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63549
碳捕集及封存技術與溫室氣體減量相關技術推動工作專案工作計畫 本計畫工作內容主要分為二大領域,一是推動碳捕集及封存(Carbon Capture and Storage, 以下簡稱CCS)技術策略專案工作,第二部份是建構非二氧化碳溫室氣體(以下簡稱Non-CO2 GHG)管理策略。為使順利推動國內CCS的工作,本計畫將整合國內技術平台、持續修訂或研擬未來法規需求及進行CCS民眾教育宣導等工作。在CCS技術評估方面,本年度將持續對石灰石加速風化法(Accelerated Weathering of Limestone,簡稱AWL)進行研究。在推動產業非二氧化碳溫室氣體減量工作,本年度主要是協助建立本土化減量方法,協助國內產業降低溫室氣體排放。 Carbon capture and storage and GHG reduction technologies promotion plan The project work is divided into two major areas of content, should promote carbon capture and sequestration (Carbon Capture and Storage, hereinafter referred to as CCS) technology strategy project work, the second part is to construct non-CO2 greenhouse gases (hereinafter referred to as Non-CO2 GHG) management strategy. In order to promote domestic CCS work smoothly, the project will integrate domestic technology platform, continuous amend or develop future CCS regulatory requirements and conduct public education advocacy work. CCS technology assessment in the current year will continue to accelerate the weathering limestone Act (Accelerated Weathering of Limestone, referred AWL) were studied. In promoting industrial non-CO2 greenhouse gas reduction work is to help build this year mainly localized reduction approaches to help the domestic industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 102 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63530
四機買新汰舊推廣活動專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署為提升廢四機(廢電視機、廢洗衣機、廢電冰箱及廢冷暖氣機)回收與再利用成效,避免部分業者額外收取回收費用,及廢四機因任意棄置造成環境汙染等。自100年7月1日起實施「廢四機回收政策」,販賣業者在賣出新四機時,應提供「消費者權益須知確認單」並開立「回收清除作業管制聯單」,向消費者宣達所載權益與回收事項,並免費回收廢四機。 本工作計畫為具體呈現廢四機回收新政策與措施,以「買新汰舊 4機而動 百萬好獎抽不完」為主軸,運用「廢四機兒歌篇」30秒宣導短片,於台中、台南及宜蘭地區的地方有線電視台託播2,306檔,於臺北及高雄捷運月台電視託播3,161檔,並加值贈送網路媒體宣傳,總曝光量超過百萬人次。以凝聚社會大眾對政策印象與關注力。 此外,為提昇活動曝光度與民眾參與誘因、加強販賣業者推動廢四機回收政策,除規劃558項環保節能家電作為抽獎獎項,規畫20場巡迴活動,共吸引上千人次參與,並印製主題式海報10,000份等,藉由多元化行銷方式與製作物,讓全民皆可清楚瞭解政策實質內容。 資源回收是不退流行的全民運動,也是減緩地球暖化、創造資源永續的重要工作,每個人都應身體力行,本工作計畫藉由活動策劃、媒體推廣與實體文宣的宣導,有效擴展政策訊息範圍與觸及人數,引領消費者與經銷販賣業者對新政策有相當程度的瞭解,增進對資源回收政策與回收管道的瞭解與支持,提昇全民環保意識,共同維護環境整潔、資源永續。 The Renewal of the Four Household Appliances Promotion Event Program In order to promote the recycling and reuse of the “Waste Four” (derelict TVs, Washing Machines, Refrigerators, and Air Conditioners), prevent some dealers from charging extra fees for recycling, and avoid environmental pollution caused by random abandoning of the “Waste Four”, from 1st July 2011 onward, the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan (EPA) stipulated that all vendors of these four household appliances must provide their customers with a “Confirmation Note of Consumer’s Rights”, and issue a “Manifest for Recycling and Disposal Management”, while informing customers of their rights and recycling the four appliances free of charge.To comprehensively present the new policies and measures pertaining to the recycling of the Waste Four, the “Million Dollar Lucky Draw for the Renewal of the Four Household Appliances” was the underpinning theme for the following activities: 30-second promotional videos titled “Nursery Rhyme for the Waste Four”, 2,306 screenings of a 30-second commercial advertising on Cable TV in Taichung, Tainan and Ilan area, 3,161 creenings of a 30-second commercial advertising on Platform TV in Taipei and Kaohsiung MAR Station, and bonus network media promotion. All in all, more than a million people were exposed to these promotional events, which aided in the fostering of goodwill and interest of the general public toward the EPA’s policies.In addition, to enhance the activity’s publicity and public participation, and strengthen vendors’ willingness to cooperate with the recycling policies, the following events were planned: 558 environmental-friendly appliances were set aside for a lucky draw and 20 itinerant activities. These publicity activities garnered thousands of people to participate. Further, 1,000 copies of thematic posters and 10,000 copies of DM were printed for distribution. It is hoped that through this multi-directional marketing method, the general public could be made aware of the actual contents of EPA’s new policiesThis project aimed to increase consumers’ and vendors’ awareness of the EPA’s new policies through careful planning, media promotion and concrete advertising materials. By maximizing the number of people reached and the scope of the campaign, we could increase the public’s understanding and support of the policies and avenues of resource recycling, thereby enhancing our environmental consciousness as a whole in the pursuit of a clean, sustainable living environment. 102 基管會 奧蘭朵公關顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62907
102年度資源回收管理資訊系統(RRMS)新增功能建置整合暨維護專案工作計畫 本計畫的目標有3項,本團隊歸納後整合成4項理念與目標,分別是整合、維護、加值、安全,而本計畫的定位就在於達到這4項目標以後,滿足回收基管會的資訊需求,這資訊需求可以分成三種層次:作業層次、管理層次、決策層次。 2013 Project on Incorporation and Maintenance of Newly Added Functionsof the Resources Recycling Man The project this year aimed to strengthen and maintain the Resources Recycling Management Information System (RRMS) with emphasis on “integration”, “maintenance” “value-added”, and “security”On the aspect of system integration, in response to Information System Integration, Business Report System and Business Volume Management System were integrated, by providing single entry service function, making Business Volume Management System as the extended sub-system of RRMS, whereby users are able to manipulate the functions in two systems at the same time effectively without logging in twice.On the aspect of system maintenance, Subsidized Facilities Management Subsystem was adjusted the functions in response to waste recycling business and the qualification application of subsidized institutions. Also, in response to the requirement of Audit Certificate Management, End-of-life Vehicles Management System was planed and established for the uploading and searching of engine number drawing files.On the aspect of value-added, virtual counter was established for the application of recycling and disposal enterprises, providing users with the on-line system operating guide service. Moreover, for the rapid development of mobile devices, the mobile web of resource recycling website was developed, providing users with a more convenient browser platform.About system security, in addition to provide and maintain Digital Citizen Certificate login verification, we also assisted the EPA to organize mock drills for information security.According to the above four goals, the project established and maintained resource recycling management information system, actually achieving a variety of performance indicators. Through horizontal information connection, it is convenient to share information, enhancing decision-making quality, thereby providing pre-operation with the information needed and improving a more information-rich resource recycling system. 102 基管會 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63485
廢農藥容器回收處理製程產生空氣污染之防制及改善 農民使用過的農藥塑膠空瓶,常有因為回收去化管道受阻造成農藥空瓶罐遭任意棄置,危害環境。保境公司為解決農藥廢容器去化問題,積極接受環保署輔導進行農藥廢容器回收處理廠設置,並與財團法人台灣產業服務基金會共同合作,透過實場試驗針對異味/VOCs進行檢測,並建立適當的污染防制處理方式。本計畫試驗各防制處理流程之成效,由(1)廢氣水洗後導入活性碳,THC入口為74ppm,出口為38ppm,處理成效約50%。(2)廢氣導入水洗設備,因檢測當日儀器突發失常,故由下午測值推估廢氣THC入口約>500ppm,出口測值為519ppm,水洗設備處理前後THC值接近。(3)廢氣直接導入活性碳,THC去除率約65.2~73.7%,排放管道之異味介於55~412,遠低於法規標準1,000。針對廢氣導入活性碳設備,本計畫建議活性碳之更換頻率,應於穩定操作與處理濃度變化小的原則下,輔以安全係數1.5,推估50公斤活性碳約可處理40公噸廢農藥容器產生的空氣污染物。在環保法規符合度方面,該廠已具水污染防制措施許可,產生之廢水排入芳苑工業區污水廠並符合納管標準。另檢測該廠排放管道之21種VOCs,測值均為ND;周界異味於廠區內上風處為16、下風處分別為16與21,遠低於法規標準50;檢測周界60種VOCs有18種物質被檢出,測值介於0.0007~0.059mg/m3之間,遠低於法規標準0.0046~99 mg/m3。 The Prevention and Improvement of Air Pollution Generated from the Processing Recycled Waste Pestici The empty plastic pesticide bottles used by farmers have no where to go now, which may result in environmental hazards due to abandonment of empty bottles at will. To solve the problems of disposing waste pesticide containers, Bo Jing Co. actively establish the waste pesticide container recycling field with counseling of Environmental Protection Administration as well as cooperate with Foundation of Taiwan Industry Service to conduct on field tests aiming at odor/VOCs to the expectation of establishing pollution prevention treatment methods as appropriate. The effects of different prevention treatment processes under this projects: (1) Waste gas through into water wash and activated carbon absorption, the input of THC is 774ppm while the output is 38ppm, with processing effect around 50%; (2) Waste gas through into the washing equipment, the estimate of waste gas THC at inlet >500ppm based on the value tested in afternoon since the instrument was malfunctioned in morning and 519ppm at outlet. The THC value is similar before and after washing process; (3) Waste gas through into activated carbon absorption, the THC elimination rate is around 65.2~73.7% while the odor discharged in the pipe is between 55~412, which is far below the statutory standard 1,000. Aiming at the introduction of activated carbon equipment, this project suggests that the replacement frequency of activated carbon should follow the principle of stable operation and small variation on processed concentration. And the operation of replacement frequency considers by the safety coefficient 1.5. It is estimated that 50kg activated carbon may process 40 tons of air pollutant generated from waste pesticide container. In term of environmental regulations compliance, the water pollution prevention procedures of said plant have been approved and the waste water discharged to Fangyuan Industrial Park is satisfactory to the control standards. In addition, the test values of 21VOCs in drainage channel are all ND. The perimeter odor at the windward position of plant is 16 while 16 and 21 at the downwind position, which are far below the statutory standard 50. There are 18 materials detected as testing the perimeter 60VOCs with test value between 0.0007~0.059 mg/m3 and far below the statutory standard 0.0046~99 mg/m3. 102 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63468
0800-085717資源回收免費服務專線專案工作計畫 一、規劃建置「資源回收專線」之作業程序、方法、標準等規範,及提供完善之通報作業軟、硬體等各項設施。另配合本署教育宣導及受理案件追蹤管考工作,提升資源回收績效。二、提供全國民眾及各界公告列管回收項目之資源回收相關資訊之免費查詢、諮詢、檢舉、陳情及通報案件等服務;建立本署與地方環、警單位、協力廠商之作業模式,有效辦理民眾檢舉路邊廢車案件之相關作業。 0800-085717 toll-free resource recycling service hotline project The project is comprised of the operating process, method and criteria by which the‘Resource recycling hotline’is developed and instilled by; various software and firmware facilities necessary to provide a comprehensive reporting system; as well as services of free inquiry, consultation, tip-off, grievance filing and reporting cases relating to resource recycling under general recyclable mandates. The efforts are intended to instill an operating mode among the Environmental Protection administration, local environmental enforcement agencies and the operators that would poise to facilitate the public’s reporting abandoned roadside vehicles and/or subsequent case follow-ups, in addition to supporting the EPA’s environmental awareness promotion and follow-up and monitoring on cases already lodged in that would poise to improve the resource recycling yield. 101 基管會 台灣優勢客服科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62757
綠色設計之環保型爪蓋產品開發計畫 本計畫以環保無毒之液態矽膠,經材料改質後取代現有金屬爪蓋之內襯PVC墊片。改質後的液態矽膠不但可改善PVC長久以來食品安全與環保的議題,並可在加工上符合PVC原有的製程要求,在現今罐頭食品廠針對爪蓋所要求的規範中,矽膠本身無任何塑化劑與重金屬之添加,因此在可塑劑溶出(EN14372)、重金屬溶出(EN13130-1)、食品安全規範試驗(EN1186-1)中均可完全通過各項歐盟檢測規範標準,達到零檢出(N.D.)。在材料黏度測試部分,混合膠料配方經調整後測試結果可控制在7500cps以下,以符合旋轉塗佈的既有生產線設備。在矽橡膠材料熟化的時間上亦控制在150秒以內,以匹配現行製程站點之生產流程。另外,一般矽膠材料的耐熱可達200℃高溫,所以可完全符合充填食品時125℃90分鐘高溫滅菌的環境要求,墊圏不致於剝落、老化。最後導入配方設計的混膠技術提升其膠體強度與潤滑性,因此在旋蓋扭力測試(以ø:63mm爪蓋為例)可符合品檢規範為30~40kgf.cm之結果。期望藉由塑膠中心之技術研發能力,將此材料推廣應用至現行爪蓋製造業者,並導入食品包裝產業,逐漸取代現行之PVC金屬爪蓋墊片材質。 Green Design, The Development Project of Environmental Friendly Lug Cap In this project, we used the environmental friendly Liquid Silicone Rubber(LSR) by modified, to replace Poly vinyl chloride (PVC) gasket of lug cap. Modified Liquid Silicone Rubber(LSR) could not only solve the problems of food safety and environment, but also correspond the manufacture process now. In cannery, Silicone itself without adding any plasticizers and heavy metals, so they can completely pass the plasticizer leaching testing(EN14372), heavy metal leaching testing(EN13130-1), and food safety specific(EN1186-1) of lug cap. In viscosity testing, After modifying the viscosity could be controlled in the following 7500cps(centipoises). so it could correspond to the spin-coating process. And we still could control the crosslinking reaction time is within 150 seconds in.Otherwise, heat-resistant properties of silicone rubber can be up to 200℃, and it could stable in the high temperature sterilization for 90 minutes at 125℃. Finally, we modified the prescription to improve physical property and lubricating, so it could meet the specification of goods, torque testing in 30~40kgf.cm. We hoped the new materials can be popularized to lug caps by Plastics Industry Development Center (PIDC), and gradually replaced the Poly vinyl chloride (PVC) gasket products in the future. 102 基管會 財團法人塑膠工業技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63350
廢鉛蓄電池處理廠廢水中的重金屬鉛去除及回收之技術研究(2年計畫之第1年) 在以往廢鉛蓄電池處理廢水處理流程,使用傳統混凝沉澱技術,需要加入混凝沉澱藥劑,而形成鉛汙泥,而鉛汙泥含鉛量常常為1-8 wt %,因此無法視為一般事業廢棄物掩埋處理。為解決傳統混凝沉澱在處理含鉛廢液有無法再利用的缺點,本計畫發展出流體化床結晶除鉛技術,一方面減少汙泥量,另一方面所得到的鉛鹽結晶可再次成為純原料再利用,符合廢棄物減量技術以及資源化再利用精神。本研究第一年發現人工合成含鉛廢水適合用流體化床結晶技術,能將水中溶解性鉛離子反應形成碳酸鉛或硫酸鉛結晶,以流體化床碳酸鉛結晶技術處理10 ppm、40ppm和200ppm的含鉛廢水,處理後廢水中的鉛濃度能夠達到<1 ppm的排放標準,去除結晶率達80 %以上;另硫酸鉛結晶技術雖能產生結晶但放流廢水無法達到排放標準<1 ppm。以鉛蓄電池處理廠為例 以鉛蓄電池處理廠為例 以鉛蓄電池處理廠為例 以鉛蓄電池處理廠為例 -- 設備運轉 設備運轉 50 噸/天;比較初設成本與操 天;比較初設成本與操 天;比較初設成本與操 天;比較初設成本與操 作成本 差異,可清楚比較流體化床設備與混凝膠沉澱的作成本 差異,可清楚比較流體化床設備與混凝膠沉澱的作成本 差異,可清楚比較流體化床設備與混凝膠沉澱的作成本 差異,可清楚比較流體化床設備與混凝膠沉澱的作成本 差異,可清楚比較流體化床設備與混凝膠沉澱的作成本 差異,可清楚比較流體化床設備與混凝膠沉澱的作成本 差異,可清楚比較流體化床設備與混凝膠沉澱的作成本 差異,可清楚比較流體化床設備與混凝膠沉澱的作成本 差異,可清楚比較流體化床設備與混凝膠沉澱的作成本 差異,可清楚比較流體化床設備與混凝膠沉澱的作成本 差異,可清楚比較流體化床設備與混凝膠沉澱的作成本 差異,可清楚比較流體化床設備與混凝膠沉澱的差異有 230 萬的差異 萬的差異 , 流體化床設備日後運轉成本也較低。 流體化床設備日後運轉成本也較低。 流體化床設備日後運轉成本也較低。 流體化床設備日後運轉成本也較低。 流體化床設備日後運轉成本也較低。 流體化床設備日後運轉成本也較低。發展固態電解還原硫酸鉛技術,可將結晶產物與拆解電池的硫酸鉛資源再生為鉛金屬,轉化率達95%以上,這項技術與火法冶金比較有初設成本低的優點。本研究第二年與另一委託研究案第一科大陰離子滲透膜回收硫酸研究,如能串連處理回收後20%的廢液,含鉛量50-100ppm,更能凸顯開發此技術的價值。 Removal and recycle of lead from wastewater of waste lead-acid battery treatment plants Lead acid batteries are commonly used in the automobiles. The Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan (EPA)has estimated that about 50,000 tonnes of lead acid battery waste were created every year. Recycling process of lead-acid batteries causes a lot of interest in the issues of the environmental protection.Precipitation and sedimentation are the common techniques used to remove lead from solution. However, coagulation and flocculation require large amounts of coagulant chemicals, and generate sludges that were consisted of lead with around 1-8 wt% concentration. Generally, these sludges cannot be regarded as an industrial waste for landfill.The fluidized bed crystallization (FBC) technology can substantially reduce the sludge and recycle the lead from waste lead acid batteries. In FBC, inorganic carbonate is used as the precipitant to recover lead by forming the lead carbonate crystal. The products of lead crystal in FBC can be used as a raw material in future electroplating process.This work adopts 10,40 and 200mg/L lead as a synthetic waste water from lead acid batteries, and aims to achieve an effluent level lower than 1 mg/L lead, which can meet the Taiwan EPA standard.The lead carbonate crystal product from FBC can be treated with electrode position in acid to recover lead. 42 g/L lead crystal was dissolved in 0.6 M nitric acid solution, which resulted in 99% lead removal efficiencyafter 4 hours. Lead metal will be recovered on the cathodeand lead oxide will be generated on in the anode. 102 基管會 國立成功大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63196
低碳永續家園之低碳生活策略推動專案工作計畫 為達全球永續發展,除考慮溫室氣體減量外,生活環境之永續發展亦是必然趨勢,並且實現全民減碳,需營造一個低碳化的生活環境,引導民眾依循。目前國際上許多先進國家己著手推動低碳生活與永續發展策略,我國行政院環境保護署為落實建構我國低碳生活環境,提出十年內完成打造低碳家園的願景,透過政府、民間企業與各環保義志工的共同參與,以低碳城市及低碳消費為基礎,結合低碳能源與低碳產業,形成低碳生活圈並分規劃階段性的推動,配合我國推動低碳永續家園行動方針,整合中央及地方資源,以統合全國一致推動方式,得以發揮最大減碳效益,以及貫徹低碳永續家園與低碳生活行動項目的推動,進而建構低碳友善生活環境,實現在臺灣打造美麗的低碳永續家園。 Low Carbon life policies of Low Carbon Sustainable Society Global sustainable development is not only to consider the reduction of greenhouse gases, but also consider the living environment towards sustainable development that has become an important trend. The project focuses on with low-carbon sustainable society action to promote on low-carbon living strategies, and analyze policy evaluation and the practical implementation, understanding of low-carbon living on the practical implementation and the policy. Through experts Advisory Group of low-carbon living technology and information Committee, they give advice. The central government assists city governments to promote on low-carbon living, and integration with central and local resources on promotion, integration nationally consistent approach, mutual support, and maximize carbon reduction benefits. The implementing low-carbon life actions of low-carbon sustainable society promote the project to establish a low-carbon environment-friendly living to make Taiwan the beautiful low-carbon sustainable society.The project was completed, including that the operation mechanism of information and technology advisory group for low-carbon living of low-carbon and sustainable society of on functions, objectives and tasks, and completed two jointed meetings of central and local low-carbon living, and conduct a joint meeting of technology and information advisory group of low carbon sustainable society. The two conference will be completed before the end of December; complete the collection and analysis of foreign countries (United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, China, Canada, New Zealand, etc.) for energy conservation and low related carbon life short, medium and long-term plans focus on the content of policy and implementation, as well as the completion of a certification system and promotion of low-carbon life strategies and practical implementation of the policy side analysis, and completed the content of low-carbon sustainable society news reported results and related updates jobs, all of the meetings have been completed for low carbon demonstration; complete the counseling expert consultation meeting to promote low-carbon life action project demonstration sites and demonstration of a point, and low-carbon life coaching certification level consulting job. 102 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 天氣風險開發管理股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63358
澎湖縣102年度空氣品質管理發展暨細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)化學指紋特徵污染及來源解析計畫   本計畫執行內容包含二大項工作範疇,其一為執行空氣品質管理發展計畫(以下簡稱SIP) 以提昇本縣空氣品質改善並協助環保局考評各子計畫之作業品質管考作業與研擬符合空氣品質標準的管制對策、其二為負責細懸浮微粒PM2.5來源解析並擬定改善管制策略。  期間配合環境保護局推動各項空氣污染防制計畫,藉由本計畫之執行加強對於各子計畫之考評管制及協調,整合其它各子計畫之執行成效,使減量及稽查管制作業可確實執行,並依據空氣品質現況及未來發展趨勢,擬訂本縣空氣污染管制對策,提供未來貴局參考運用。(一)在 SIP 成果摘要方面:1.依據環保署空氣品質自動監測站資料,本縣102年1-12月空氣品質良好日數(PSI值<50日數)為158天,占總監測日數的43.2%,普通日數(PSI值51~100)有207日,占總監測日數的56.7%,較往年空氣品質良好日數則變動波動不大,惟經環保署發佈警示資訊11、12月空氣品質不良5日,其PSI值均介於79-86間,工作小組依據空氣品質惡化應變措施,及時發佈4則跑馬燈及1則新聞稿、1則電話簡訊,適時提醒鄉親作好應變措施,避免在戶外從事劇烈活動,後續並驗證各子計畫相關污染防制暨削減作為。2.另比較歷年PSI值指標物為臭氧及粒狀污染物,所佔天數比例分為56.46%及43.54%,且仍未肇生不良日(PSI>100),顯示本縣指標污染物從懸浮微粒轉變成臭氧,亦代表懸浮微粒、二氧化硫、二氧化氮等逐年下降,另有67%以上的民眾對於澎湖空氣品質的維護感到滿意,故未來除了賡續加強懸浮微粒之管制外,針對臭氧前驅物之污染源頭管制作業亦是爾後努力的重點方向。3.協助完成環保署各項考核準備工作,包括整合各子計畫實際執行地方特性作法且具宣導效益,如怠速熄火、加油跳停、油氣回收、禁止露天燃燒及推廣空氣品質淨化區等17項活動內容及第一季~第四季環保署季報等書面查核文件上傳作業,並依據102年空氣污染防制計畫書,查核各子計畫空氣污染源減量之工作目標與實際執行成效,經查核許可證法規符合率等12項特定污染源改善目標,僅逸散計畫餐飲業油煙防制措施設置率評估及移污計畫油品抽測尚不足,餘10項均達成102年改善目標值,故提出「維持現有良好空氣品質、逐年削減污染排放量」為目標,再針對不同類別污染源訂定減量目標之各項管制對策,提供各子計畫未來污染防制之重點。4.針對17處空氣品質淨化區,工作小組循維護管理和主動行銷等層面確實執行各項工作,期間有效解決尖山南段3具大型儲水桶移除和木造涼亭損壞更新並協助製作各園區告示牌等案,另完成「淨化室內空氣品質」及「空氣品質淨化區維護管理」等3場次宣導活動;且先後完成11處園區之環境設施教育導覽牌製作,辦理小朋友寫生畫畫及環境教育學習,和揪團騎乘自行車,以鐵馬低碳方式讓鄉親認識「空氣品質淨化區」,感受低碳、環保和養生樂活諸多好處。(二)在細懸浮微粒PM2.5來源解析及改善管制策略擬定方面:1.針對澎湖區所設置之細懸浮微粒採樣站,以化學質量平衡受體模式(CMB8),進行懸浮微粒(PM2.5)之污染源解析。執行9點次細懸浮微粒採樣,就PM2.5之污染源貢獻量而言,澎湖地區採樣站之主要污染源為汽機車尾氣排放(5.8~17.1%)、硫酸鹽(10.2~19.1%)、硝酸鹽(7.3~12.1%)、工業製程之鍋爐燃燒(5.4~13.6%)、海鹽(8.6~15.3%)、柴油車尾氣排放(1.7~7.5%)、土壤揚塵(8.5~15.3%)、街道揚塵(9.4~21.5%)及農廢燃燒(1.1~7.3%)。2.細懸浮微粒之最主要成分包含NO3-、NH4+、nss-SO42-、EC 以及OC。由四季NR比值結果顯示空氣中懸浮微粒主要為酸性氣膠微粒。另空氣品質模式模擬結果顯示細懸浮微粒之成份組成為原生性、衍生性與海鹽。因此管制策略應包括減少原生性細懸浮微粒之直接排放和減少衍生性細懸浮微粒之氣相前驅物之排放量。 2013 Penghu County Air Quality Management This project carrying out two major scopes, one for the air quality management development project (hereinafter referred to as SIP) to enhance Penghu County to improve the air quality and control the working quality of each sub-project and developing the control measures base on the air quality level, the other is to analyzise the source of PM2.5 and develop the improvement strategies.1. Achievements in SIP(1)In Penghu County, according to data of EPA Air Quality Automatic Monitor Stations, the level of PSI 50 is 158 days (43.2%) form Janeray to December at 2013, 51 PSI 100 is 207 days (56.7%), there is no significant difference between last year, only the EPA Published alert at November and December the PSI 100 is 5 days, and the average PSI is 79~86, in accordance with the deterioration of air quality contingency measures, project group published the LED, press releases and messages in time, remind peoples to avoid outdoor activities.(2)Comparing PSI in the past years, the most content is ozone and TSP, the ratio of each is 56.46% and 43.54%, indicate that the component in PSI of Penghu County is TSP became ozone, it’s also mean that the TSP, SO2, NO2, ...etc. are declining these years. And over 67% people are approve of the air quality in Penghu County.In addition to increase the control of TSP continuously, the precursor for ozone are also the most important issue in the future.(3)To assist EPA to accomplish the assessment, including each sub-project implementations integration, such as idling stop, refueling autostop, gasoline recovery, outdoor combustion, and air quality purification areas promotion, ... etc.,total of 17 activities, and EPA quarterly, and also according to the pollution control plan of 2013, all the work item are accomplished and meet the target. Proposed "to maintain the existing good air quality, reduce pollution emissions," as the goals, sets the reduction targets by different categories of each pollution for each sub-projects as the main objective of the future.(4)About the 17 air quality purification areas, project group accomplished each work item, environmental Maintenance and air quality purification areas billboard updates, conducts the painting event and environmental education activities, and ycling Events for the peoples in Penghu get closes to nature life.2. Achievements in PM2.5 source developing and improvement strategies.(1)The project aims to execute for PM2.5 sampling and chemical composition analysis, in order to discern the physical and chemical characteristics and to explore the ontribution of pollution sources and analysis the feasible transmission paths by backward trajectory.(2)Establish the distribution characteristics of PM2.5 in air quality unhealthy event in the past year, and analyze trends variation between seasonal and PM2.5 concentrations, PM2.5 sampling, chemical composition analysis, fingerprint data establishment, path sources and to develop analytical and PM2.5 contribution and measures. 102 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 新研綠能科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63302
全國工業區土壤及地下水品質管理計畫(第二期) 有鑒於工業行為易造成土壤及地下水污染,環保署自99年起推動工業區管理四年行動方案,並由三項計畫分工分期辦理。本計畫為其核心主軸,主要工作分為三大部分,包括:(1)研修推動分級燈號預警管理制度,提供各單位資源投入順序參考準則,並以燈號變換成果搭配建置工業區品質管理專區系統,透過資訊公開及風險管理,建立與民眾溝通管道,彰顯施政績效;(2)研商整合各單位監測資源,篩選三項工業區計畫調查名單執行調查評估工作,並依執行成果提供行政管制及燈號變換建議;(3)研議工業區相關法規命令或行政規則,及工業區品質管理之短中長期實施策略及管理方案。在推動分級燈號預警管理制度方面,本計畫延續第一期計畫執行成果,持續更新評析全國編定工業區基本資料,並評析分級燈號管理制度推行成效,研修管理制度內容促成各單位落實推動,本期計畫除維持以紅、橘、黃、綠4級燈號進行分級,並規範各燈號之管理對策、行動方案及各單位分工要項內容,使各單位有所依循外,更進一步以行政管制及風險管理工作作為燈號調升降條件,避免燈號制度過於僵化,藉以提升各單位積極作為。目前共計有5處紅燈、27處橘燈、71處黃燈及48處綠燈,未來可依燈號管理制度及定期發佈更新機制,作為跨單位協商分工之基礎,並督促各單位逐步落實各級燈號工業區管理工作。在調查工業區土壤及地下水品質方面,本計畫依燈號分級與污染潛勢評量結果,透過資源整合研商機制篩選工業區名單,統籌分配工業區三項計畫調查資源,分工辦理各工業區背景調查、預警監測及調查查證等工作,並依其調查評估結果提供後續燈號變換及行政管制建議。本計畫首先針對區內污染潛勢較高且曾未有監測資訊之6處工業區(桃園科技、桃園下陰影窩段、太平、霧峰、仁化及大德),先行透過環境場址評估程序掌握區內高污染潛勢區域,並以協助完備監測井網方式進行調查工作,其中太平及大德均有土壤或地下水達管制標準情形,應調升其燈號並接續辦理行政管制作業。此外,並針對區內曾有土壤或地下水檢測超標之14處工業區(土城、中壢、頭份、大甲幼獅、台中關連、全興、彰濱、田中、民雄、頭橋、新營、永安、仁武、屏南),針對過去異常點位進一步確認污染現況、污染擴散範圍及可能污染來源,其中土城、田中、永安、仁武及屏南經確認未再有污染情事,可逕行調降燈號;頭份、台中關連、彰濱、頭橋及新營則均已釐清污染範圍及來源,將責成相關單位辦理公告列管及移除改善工作;全興及大甲幼獅原監測超標點位雖已釐清,惟本次調查中新增有地下水超標項目,連同中壢及民雄目前仍未釐清污染情形,則待後續計畫辦理調查查證工作。在研議工業區法規命令及行政規則方面,本計畫首先彙整評析備查作業辦法執行成效,提出加強推動作法及修法建議,並因應工業區背景異常狀況,檢討修正目的事業主管機關及各級環保機關通報處理及分工應變之標準作業程序。再配合修訂地下水監測井商借歸還原則及地方環保機關工業區管理績效考評作業指標。最後協助研議有關長期推動工業區品質管理所需配套策略,包括:地下水污染公害分擔機制、綠色整治策略及短中長期管理目標與實施策略,可供主管機關賡續執行之參考。綜上,本計畫辦理完成後所獲致具體成效包括:(1)掌握全國151處工業區基本資料,並透過燈號分級及潛勢評量機制分級管理,申報備查率已達77.5%;(2)加強高污染工業區管制作為,具體達成工業區燈號調降目標;(3)達成各單位資訊資源整合共享目標,建立監測異常通報及分工處理程序;(4)評析備查推動成果,提出修法建議草案,並配合現行法令及管制需求,提出各項法令配套措施建議。 Soil and Groundwater Quality Management of National Industrial Parks(the second project) The industrial behavior often leads to soil and groundwater pollution, and thus the EPA has promoted the action program, divided into three projects, of soil and groundwater quality management for the industrial parks since 2010. The project is the core of the action programs,the main tasks of this project were to revise and promote the light classification system of early warning and management of soil and groundwater pollution in industrial parks and to set up an online system of quality management. The monitoring resources among the government agencies was coordinated and allocated through consultation. This project also had set up a priority list for high potential polluted industrial parks and investigated their soil and groundwater qualities, and then the adminidtraive control and transition of early warning lights were suggested based on the results. Furthermore, this project drafted the related laws and regulations, executive strategies and plans of soil and groundwater quality management for industrial parks.With regard to promoting the classified lights system of early warning and management, this project didn’t only continuously update and analyze 151 industrial parks’ basic and environmental information, but reviewed the benefit of the promotion of the management system. Moreover, the measures of administrative control and risk management were taken into consideration to determine the transition of early warning lights, which enhanced the active action of the government agencies. At the present, there are 5-red light, 27-orange light, 71-yellow light and 48-green light industrial parks. The work and goal of soil and groundwater quality management for industrial parks will be carried out on the basis of the inter-agency collaboration by means of the classified lights system of early warning and management as well as the announcement of the status of each industrial park on a regular time schedule.Regarding the investigation of soil and rgroundwater quality, this project had set up a priority list for high potential polluted industrial parks and coordinated the resources of the EPA’s 3 projects to carry out the background investigation of the soil and groundwater qualities, early warning monitoring of groundwater quality and pollution verification. According to the results, the adminidtraive control measures and the transition of lights were suggested thus.In this project, 6 industrial parks with high polluted potential but without monitoring history were selected, including Taoyuan High-Tech, Taoyuan Sia-yin-ying-wo, Taiping, Wufeng, Renhua and Dade industrial parks, to be investigated by Environmental Site Assessment and setting up monitoring well networks. Among them, Taiping and Dade industrial parks were confirmed that the concentrations of pollutants exceeded those in soil or groundwater pollution control standards. The early warning lights of both industrial parks would be adjusted up and the administrative control measures should be taken.In addition, there were 14 industrial parks with abnormal soil or groundwater monitoring history, including Tucheng, Jhongli, Toufen, Taichung Youth, Taichung Harbor Related, Chuansing, Changhua Coastal, Tianjhong, Minsyong, Touciao, Sinying, Yongan, Renwu and Pingnan industrial parks, to be investigated so as to confirm the current status, expansion area and possible sources of the pollution. Among them, Tucheng, Tianjhong, Yongan, Renwu and Pingnan industrial parks were found to have no existing abnormal conditions and their early warning lights would be proposed to adjust down from orange light to yellow light. Besides, the scope and sources of the soil or groundwater pollution in Toufen, Taichung Harbor Related, Changhua Coastal, Touciao and Sinying industrial parks were confirmed, and the process of site-listing and remediation should be implemented successively. However, more investigation and verification shall be performed for Chuansing, Taichung Youth, Jhongli and Minsyong industrial parks in the following project(Phase III).Regarding the development of the laws and regulations related to the management of industrial parks, this project reviewed and analyzed the results and benefits of “Local Industry Competent Authorities Regularly Testing Soil and Groundwater Quality for Future Refence Regulations” and thus proposed the promotion enhancement measures and law amendment suggestions. This project also revised the standard operating procedure for dealing with abnormal monitoring incidents, the rules for borrowing and returning the groundwater monitoring wells and local authorities’ performance evaluation index regarding the management of industrial parks. As for other related administrative tasks, this project assisted the EPA to review and draft related regulations and administrative approaches for the soil and groundwater quality management of industrial parks, such as groundwater pollution nuisance sharing mechanism, green remediation and short-term and long-term goals and executive strategies.In summary, after the completion of this project, we gain the specific results including: (1) the basic information of the 151 industrial parks and potential through light grading and evaluation mechanisms hierarchical management, and the rate of monitoring and reporting for reference reaching 77.5%; (2) strengthening the controlling action of the high pollution potential industrial parks, and reaching the goals of lowering the light grading; (3) promoting the monitoring information and resources sharing, establishing reporting and monitoring abnormal division process; (4) analyzing the promoting results of the monitoring and reporting for reference, proposing the revised draft law, and proposing the supporting measures and suggestions based on the requirements. 101 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=70289
2013年亞太土壤及地下水污染整治工作小組交流暨國際環保合作推動計畫 本次「2013亞太土壤及地下水污染整治工作小組交流暨國際環保合作推動計畫」計畫案,除與美國合作舉辦講習會引進土壤及地下水污染整治技術及分享實務經驗,聚集國內外相關領域的人才達到訊息交流及經驗共享之目的,更透過本計畫各項活動,來促進我國與亞太國家之國際環保交流,尋求國際合作新契機,並協助東南亞國家提升土壤及地下水污染整治技術,與其他國家分享法規、技術、管理策略及相關經驗,除進一步提升我國土壤及地下水污染場址調查、整治與管理之技術能力,各項努力更對國際社會環境保護工作達到實質貢獻,持續推動臺灣成為亞太土壤及地下水資訊交流中心。本案期末工作成果為:1.已於2013年6月24日於臺北市辦理一天「亞太土壤及地下水污染整治工作小組第四次事務會議」,參加人數包含外賓15人及國內長官與專家學者8人。2.已於「亞洲土壤及地下水污染整治工作小組第四次事務會議」促成紐西蘭加入,成為第12個新會員國。3.已於2013年6月25日辦理一天「農試所臺灣土壤陳列館與中油林園廠」參訪活動,外賓參加人數為16人。4.已於2013年6月26-27日於高雄市辦理兩天2013年臺美環保合作計畫之「污染場址透水性反應牆整治法講習會」,報名人數為334人,出席人數為265人。5.已協助辦理2013年7月28日至8月1日環保署土基會率團參訪泰國活動。6.已協助辦理2013年8月1日至8月3日環保署土基會率團參訪越南活動。(本計畫增辦項目)7.已於2013年9月30日至10月11日於臺北市辦理兩週「亞太土壤及地下水會員國專業人士技術訓練課程」,課程總時數70小時,參訓外賓14人,共邀請國內長官與學者專家28人擔任講師。8.已於2013年10月5日辦理一天「舊台金場址及國立故宮博物院」參訪活動,外賓參加人數14人。9.已於2013年11月18日於臺北市辦理「臺韓土壤及地下水環境保護領域合作備忘錄事務會議」,參加人數包含10位韓國代表,並邀請7位國內長官及學者專家與會。10.已於2013年11月19日於臺北市辦理一日「2013年臺韓土壤及地下水產業發展論壇」,參加人數包含韓國代表10位及國內人士50人。(本計畫增辦項目)11.已於2013年11月20日辦理一天「舊台金場址及國立故宮博物院」參訪活動,外賓參加人數9人。12.已協助辦理2013年12月1-4日環保署土基會率團參加於越南峴港舉辦之戴奧辛研討會。(本計畫增辦項目) Technical Experience Exchange for the Working Group on Remediation for Soil and Groundwater The project is to conduct (1) 4th Business Meeting of Working Group on Remediation for Soil and Groundwater Pollution of Asian and Pacific Region to be held on June 24, 2013; (2) Study Tours on the National Soil Exhibition Center of TARI and the Ling-Yuan park of CPC contaminated site in Taiwan to be held on June 25, 2013; (3) 2013 Taiwan-United States Workshop on Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs) for Contaminated Sites to be held on June 26-27, 2013; (4) Taiwan EPA and WG ReSAGPAPR organized a team to visit Thailand on July 28- Aug 1, 2013; (5) Taiwan EPA and WG ReSAGPAPR organized a team to visit Vietnam on Aug 1-3, 2013; (6) 2013 International Training Courses on Survey and Remediation of Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Sites to be held on Sep 30 to Oct 11, 2013;(7) Study tour on Taiwan Metals Mining Corporation Site and National Palace Museum to be held on Oct 5, 2013; (8) Steering Committee Meeting of MOU between Taiwan EPA and Korea MOE to be held on Nov 18, 2013; (9) 2013 Taiwan-Korea Industry Development Forum on Remediation of Soil and Groundwater Contamination to be held on Nov 19, 2013; (10) Study tour on Taiwan Metals Mining Corporation Site and National Palace Museum to be held on Nov 20, 2013; and (11) Taiwan EPA and WG ReSAGPAPR organized a team to visit Vietnam on Dec 1-4, 2013. 102 土污基管會 社團法人台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63290
102年度澎湖縣營建工程稽查管制計畫 澎湖縣政府環境保護局於八十六年七月一日開始營建工程污染管制計畫,為了使空氣品質得以確實改善,本計畫已在澎湖縣執行了有十六個年度,已讓澎湖縣轄內營建工程業者深入地瞭解施工過程中可能會發生的污染行為以及營建工地可推動的污染防制措施,對於整個澎湖縣的空氣品質有相當正面的幫助,為延續本計畫在過去執行的成效,持續的推動本計畫並進一步改善澎湖縣空氣品質。本年度計畫在執行期間,推動營建空污費徵收作業、營建工地稽巡查工作、營建工地輔導作業、宣導作業、營建工地粒狀污染物檢測作業相關工作,自102年3月29日起至102年12月31日止,本工作團隊完成各項工項目執行說明如下:一、計畫執行日102年3月29日起至102年12月31日執行期間,累計巡查次數為3,049處次。統計本計畫量化目標巡查件數以1,800為基準,目前進度達成率約為100%。二、每月篩選縣內營建工程繳交空污費用在1萬元以上工地辦理開工前之個別協調會,截至12月31日共辦理9場次營建業工程開工前協調會。三、自102年3月29日起至102年12月31日執行期間,目前已輔導10處工地於工程開工前提送替代污染防制設施申請。四、自102年3月29日起至102年12月31日執行期間,共執行15處營建工地周界TSP檢測、12處落塵量監測站的設置及2處營建工地上下風檢測。五、自102年3月29日起至102年12月31日執行期間,在營建工地施工之柴油機具進行油品抽測含硫量,目前已完成8件油品含硫量的的抽測,檢測結果符合法規標準。六、自102年3月29日起至102年12月31日執行期間,已完成提報總共212件有嚴重管理辦法缺失之工地給環保局作後續行政處理。七、自102年3月29日起至102年12月31日執行期間,營建工地完成認養道路總長度已達到7,350公尺。八、自102年3月29日起至102年12月31日執行期間,環保新聞宣導目標數27篇,已完成30篇。九、營建工程稽查管制民眾滿意度問卷調查完成435份有效問卷,其中營建承包商問卷117份,318份營建工地周邊民眾隨機抽樣問卷,於102年7月15日及11月15日完成。十、完成規劃因應地方特性規劃具體作法及營建工程噪音管制計畫規劃書。十一、於102年5月27日辦理一場次營建工程法規宣導會、102年6月2日完成辦理200人次以上大型宣導活動、102年8月27日完成辦理一場次小型營建工程法規及三仙膠使用說明會以及102年10月30日營建工程空氣污染防制法規宣導會。十二、於102年5月27日辦理一場次營建工程噪音管制協談會、102年8月27日辦理一場次營建工程噪音減量協談會以及102年10月30日營建工程噪音管制協談會。十三、於102年12月12日提交地方特性規劃具體作法執行成效報告。 For improving air quality, the “Construction Engineering Pollution Control Project” has been performed for 16 years from 1997 by Environmental Protection Bureau, Penghu County. For this reason, let local construction engineering owner can understand deeply that contamination accident during the course of construction and related pollution control method for building site. The effectiveness of the planfor the continuation of execution in the past. the project will keep promoting, and improving air quality in Penghu County. This project has to complete promoting Air Pollution Control Fees collection; inspecting & patrolling for the building site; providing guidance for the building site; promoting air pollution control; inspecting particulate contaminant of the building site ; and other related tasks during the period of performing.1.This project has patrolled the building site for 3,049 times, target number is 1,800 times, and accomplishment rate is 100%2.This project handle 9 sessions for construction engineering owner who pay above NT$ 10,000 for air pollution control fees before start date.3.Guide 10 building sites to submit application cases for substitute contamination control equipment before start date in 2013.4.This project has completed 15 TSP inspections near building sit; set up 12 monitoring stations for dust falling, and 2 monitoring stations for upwind and downwind in the building sit.5.This project has completed spot checking 8 cases of the sulphur content of diesel equipment and the result was regulation.6.This project has finished submitting 212 cases for violating the laws of regulation to EPB in 2013.7.The Building site owner adopted road was about 7,350 meters.8.Complete submit 30 items the environmental advocacy news.9.the tasks of degree of satisfaction, this project has completed 116 questionnaires on the degree of satisfaction of administrative institution for building site owners and contractors, and 318questionnaires on the degree of satisfaction of building site for those who live near the building sit.10.Complete submit planning specific characteristics of practice and construction engineering noise control project.11.Complete organized three promotions and one big promotion for 200 people. Respectively, in May 27, June 2, August 27, October 30.12.Complete Construction engineering noise counseling conference. Respectively, in May 27, August 27, October 30.13.Submit the results of specific characteristics of practice in December 12. 102 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 新研綠能科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63218
102年度澎湖縣固定污染源稽查管制暨室內空氣品質自主管理推動計畫 澎湖縣『102年度澎湖縣固定污染源稽查管制暨室內空氣品質自主管理推動計畫』 (以下簡稱本計畫)延續上年度「澎湖縣固定污染源稽查管制計畫」,在局內長官督導下,除了努力達成量化目標,並在實質的管制效益上精進,以期能達成預期目標。至102年12月31日為止,本計畫之成果量化如表一所示,以下針對各項工作項目逐項摘要說明。一、執行許可申請審查發證作業1.計畫執行期間合計受理申請許可申請案27件,已完成22件申請案之審查作業、3件駁回申請,目前審查中的許可證尚有2件申請案件廠方補正中,詳如表3.2-5所示,另彙整本計畫執行期間受理之各件許可案件申請情形一覽表如表3.2-6所列。2.本縣目前有效的許可證總件數為37件,以「引擎發電程序」製程別的24張許可證占多數;其次為「混凝土拌合程序」及「瀝青混凝土製造程序」之製程別合計的14件,如表3.2-7及圖3.2-5所示。二、固定污染源稽巡查作業1.計畫執行期間共執行本縣列管與非列管工廠現場巡查作業,共進行巡查104家329件次之固定源工廠,各項巡查作業統計如表3.5-1所列,依巡查作業類別比例分析,以一般例行性巡查為主,本項類別主要進行列管工廠之清查、許可證查核及防制設備巡查等作業。2.若依巡查頻率依行業別來區分的話以非金屬礦物製品製造業(82件次)最高頻率,其次分別為石油製品燃料批發業(69件次)、船舶維修業(29件次)、洗衣業(24件次)、電力供應業(23件次)、政府機關(23件次)、學校單位(21件次)、加油站業(13件次)、,主要為配合加強砂石堆置場管制作業加強巡查,藉由高頻率之巡查減少陳情及污染情事產生,除此之外,因應室內空氣品質管理辦理,本年度在幼兒園及政府機關巡查件數有較晚年多,而上年度計畫空窗期期間本工作團隊亦配合進行65件次巡查作業,協助環保局進行固定源業者之污染防制查核輔導作業。三、資料庫維護更新及擴充調查1.計畫執行期間共進行11家列管之固定污染源清查作業,清查對象包括第1~2批應申報排放量對象及許可1~8批對象,清查時針對已清查廠家書面資料之完整性、合理性以及電腦資料庫與書面資料之相符性主動進行校核作業,並進行資料庫檢核及修訂。四、法規符合度檢測作業1.本年度計畫執行期間協助執行煙道檢測8根次、粒狀物周界檢測8場、加油站氣油比檢測12家油槍83支、燃料油或柴油含硫量採樣檢驗抽測16件、非第一批場所公告方法檢測及資料建檔5件次,上列檢測作業相關工作委託環保署認可之檢測公司佶川環境科技有限公司(環署環檢字第146號)協助,已執行8根次煙道之粒狀物、SOx及NOx檢測採樣作業、粒狀物周界檢測10處次、加油站氣油比抽測作業12家次(全數合格)、固定污染源油品含硫量稽查檢測16件次(其中一件為改善後補檢測),相關檢測分析結果於章節3.6進行說明,僅權耀工程行旋轉爐日用油槽之燃料油(重油)檢測值達0.6wt%,超出法令標準值(0.5wt%),經限期輔導改善後補檢測以符合法規,相關資料已提報環保局並依局內指示進行相關輔導改善追蹤作業。非第一批場所公告方法檢測檢測結果全數皆符合法規。五、協助空氣污染防制費徵收作業1.102年度第1季至第3季空污費共有52家次使用網路系統提出空污費繳費及申報(繳交情形如表3.10-1所列),使用網路系統申報率100%,統計102年度第1季至第3季之繳交情形,空污費總收金額6,093,510元,分別為SOx及NOx徵收5,886,174元、VOCs徵收207,336元到繳率100%。此外,並進一步整理102年度第1季至第3季102年度第1季至第3季空污費申報污染物排放量,SOx與NOx排放量各別為410.6公噸、631.44公噸及VOCs排放量19.07公噸六、固定源歷年排放量差異分析1.本計畫透過環保署固定污染源資訊管理系統及空污費申報系統進行各類排放量之數據統計分析後發現98年度至102年第1季至第3季硫氧化物排放量稍高於101年度第1季至第3季硫氧化物排放量但從99至102年度期間氮氧化物排放量卻明顯下降。而揮發性有機物等空氣污染物排放量變化不明顯。澎湖歷年氮氧化物主要的排放量貢獻源90%以上來自於台電-尖山發電廠所排放,而近年氮氧化物排放量明顯下降的最主要原因是因為台電-尖山發電廠自99年度起因製程中添加尿素使用量防制NOx並有效控制NOx排放,使得NOx排放量有大幅下降之趨勢(如圖3.8-3所示),而102年度雖台電-尖山電廠雖然燃料使用量略高於101年度,但因台電總公司要求台電-尖山電廠降低空氣污染物排放量,故要求再提高尿素使用量且增加SCR(低氮燃燒器)設備維護頻率並已導致氮氧化物排放量大幅下降。七、砂石廠及砂石車作業場所污染自主管理1.目前承諾進行道路認養之業者共計16家,累積每月洗、掃長度為98.4公里,而業者每清掃1公里路面預估可削減0.0138噸之粒狀物,因此預估每月可減少1.35公噸之粒狀物,全年可減少16.3公噸之粒狀污染物。八、企業道路認養追蹤作業1.目前本縣各公私場所認養道路之長度及頻率如表3.12-1所示,本年度共計有豪信預拌混凝土有限公司等16家公私廠場所持續執行污染防制措施及週邊道路認養作業,每月累積約掃街58.51公里及洗街41.63公里。2.統計102年4月至12月31日止,各家業者均依承諾頻率進行道路認養及清洗掃作業,累積共完成483.9公里道路清掃及330.1公里道路洗掃作業,總洗掃長度達814公里,相關統計結果如表3.12-2所列,推估削減TSP量達16.3公噸,週邊道路清潔狀況已有改善,道路泥沙拖出的陳情事件亦減少許多,對維護本縣之空氣品質有一定之成效。九、室內空氣品質自主管理推動作業1.室內空氣品質自主管理推動作業主要包括有法令宣導、公共場所自主管理承諾、專責人員訓練及設置、室內空氣品質調查及污染源頭管理等策略,目前已初步擬定” 公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理分級制度”規劃報告已提送環保局核定並執行。2.為有效推動各公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理制度,執行期間將邀請25處公共場所參與室內空氣品質自主管理及27處次公共場所輔導參與室內空氣品質自主管理皆針對全數公共場所進行室內空氣品質自主管理制度直讀式儀器CO2巡檢作業,透過與該場所管理人員於現場巡檢過程進行協調討論,擇定具代表性之採樣位置及採樣點數,經由簡易型直讀式檢測儀檢測,掌握各代表性檢測地點之CO2濃度值,並針對其中6家公共場所,委託檢驗機構進行更進一步的室內空氣品質管理調查之相關檢測分析作業。3.為配合環保署於8月14日公布的「102年度直轄市、縣(市)政府配合推動室內空氣品質管理法執行績效考評要點」之建立縣內所轄場所室內空氣品質現況以公告方法執行室內空氣污染物檢測及第一批未來優先針對政府機關大專院校圖書館及圖書館等對象優先列管之對象,優先篩選出6處室內空氣品質調查名單,針對上述6處進行室內空氣品質調查發現澎湖縣政府環境保護局CO2的8小時值已超出法規濃度值的3.4倍,PM10及PM2.5的24小時值僅澎湖縣圖書館等於法規規定值,其餘公共場PM10及PM2.5所皆超出法規標準值。真菌檢測結果則是澎湖縣政府消防局超過室外最大值1.3倍以上並超過法規標準,建議後續計畫將這些公共場所優先列入室內空氣品質管理改善對象。4.本年度第一場次之室內空氣品質自主管理宣導會已於4月18日在澎湖縣觀音亭休閒園區舉辦,當日宣導會主題為”澎湖縣「我愛澎湖灣」室內空氣品質管理宣導活動”,活動當日參與的民眾超過400人,當日活動現場透過有獎徵答活動、宣導文宣、宣導人員進行講解等方式進行室內空氣品質管理之重要性進行民眾宣導。5.本年度第二場次之室內空氣品質自主管理宣導會已於6月18日在澎湖縣縣政府廣場前舉辦,當日宣導會主題為”「世界環境日」環保宣導活動”,當日活動仍透過現場有獎徵答活動、宣導文宣、宣導人員進行講解等方式進行室內空氣品質管理之重要性進行民眾宣導。6.本年度第三場次之室內空氣品質管理宣導會已於8月14日在澎湖縣馬公市光明里國教輔導團會議室針對一般民眾辦理室內空氣品質管理環保宣導活動,宣導內容為室內空氣品質管理法說明、如何淨化室內空氣品質、室內空氣品質自主管理、節能減碳暨低碳蔬食幾大重點與民眾分享相關訊息7.本年度第四場次之室內空氣品質管理宣導會已於10月12日澎湖縣政府第三會議室(馬公市治平路32號)辦理澎湖縣第一批室內空品輔導對象空氣品質管理宣導會,主要說明環保署公布的室內空氣品質管理法及室內空氣品質管理未來推動的方向之外,針對室內空氣污染物來源及種類說明、如何淨化室內空氣品質、室內空氣品質自主管理推動進行說明,活動當日共分送了100盆植栽希望讓與會的人員能共同為了室內空氣品質管理一同努力。當日活動照片如4.4-4所示。8.本年度第五場次之室內空氣品質管理宣導會已於11月22日於縣政府招標會議室(馬公市治平路32號)辦理102年澎湖縣縣政府公務單位室內空氣品質管理跨部會說明會,藉由主動與縣內各公部門說明未來環保署即將施作的室內空氣品質管理推動方式,讓縣內各公部門能及早因應後續室內空氣品質管理法所公告之第一批室內空氣品質管理之公私場所,透過各公部門的分工推動並共同輔導縣內未來即將被列管的公私場所,讓室內空氣品質於縣內得以順利推行。十、固定污染源管制其他配合作業1.計畫執行期間每月提交2則宣導新聞稿,至計畫結束前一共需協助18則媒體宣導新聞刊登,計畫執行期間共提供環保局12件次新聞稿,其中12篇新聞稿獲環保局同意採用,統計見報則數有12則,跑馬燈6則,累積達成目標數共有18則已達成合約規範數量,各篇新聞稿提供情形以及刊登情形如表5.2-1所示。2.計畫內部人員教育訓練部分,第一季教育訓練於102年4月9日辦理,邀請環保署空污費查核計畫之計畫經理鍾有賢先生進行本年度計畫人員教育訓練,第一場次教育訓練課程表如表5.4-1,而教育訓練照片如圖5.4-1所示。第二場教育訓練於102年7月5日辦理,邀請102年環保署室內空氣品質計畫委員崑山科技大學環境工程系許逸群助理教授擔任講師進行本年度第二次計畫人員教育訓練。第二場次教育訓練課程表如表5.4-2所示,而教育訓練照片如圖5.4-2所示,此次宣導會與以往教育訓練的模式不同,此次教育訓練為配合局裡的考量特別邀請公私場所業務負責人或環保專責人員一同參與此次教育訓練,希望能充實執行人員的專業能力並強化落實相關縣內環保業務推動。第三場次及第四場次教育訓練已與環保局協商加強本年度室內空氣品質管理相關宣導以因應環保署未來針對第一批可能公告之對象了解並且提前準備後續管理的事宜,所以將教育訓練的部分進行了工作量抵換,室內空氣品質管理法規宣導會辦理情形如圖4.4-4、4.4-5所示,詳細內容如章節第4.4.4、4.4.5所示。 4.道路巡查作業部分,巡查重點為機場、港口、砂石場或車流輛較大之道路。統計計畫執行期間共執行18天次道路巡查作業,而道路巡查里程合計為390.6公里,各月份巡查長度彙整如表5.6-1所列,巡查期間除少部分路段有發現些許碎石於道路邊緣,經養護單位派員進行清潔維護後恢復清潔外,巡查路段大致均維護良好。5.為加強宣導”砂石要覆網減少揚塵”及”室內空氣品質自主管理方法”進行相關宣導”本年度特別於工作項目之外編制2大項宣導主題並已於戶外大型LED電子看板宣導,並於11月20日至11月22日期間連續播放(請參閱圖5.3-1),設置地點位在車流眾多的台灣馬公市204縣道撥放,藉此提高民眾觀閱率達到宣導成效,平日預估閱覽人潮平均約為6000人次,故LED看板刊登期間曝光率推估達1萬8千人次閱覽。6.本年度創新作法推廣”砂堆加層膠、空氣無塵擾”已於102年8月27日(星期二)下午14時於澎湖縣政府環境保護局一樓視聽教室結合「澎湖縣固定污染源逸散管理辦法法規宣導暨三仙膠推廣說明會」,相關宣導對象將邀請固定源逸散性粒狀污染物之列管業者及結合縣內營建業者共同針對粒狀空氣污染物防制辦理大型法規宣導及現場試作三仙膠的法規說明會,宣導會過程中除再次提醒業者固定源逸散管理辦法及營建業者營建空氣污染防制相關規定,並實地示範三仙膠噴灑及成果展示。依據TEDs7.0的裸露地面源的TSP及PM10係數計算,每公頃的裸露地會造成TSP排放約0.35408公噸及0.17704公噸的PM10,200公斤之三仙膠全數噴灑完畢,則可削減TSP排放量112.26公噸及56.65公噸的PM10排放量。7.為維護本縣路面清潔,提升環境生活品質並配合環保署環境品質提升之政策,輔導及鼓勵轄內村里長登錄”環保署清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網”,並邀請村里長針對逸散性粒狀物污染源、露天燃燒、營建工程污染、道路污染及裸露地等污染行為之綠網通報作業,透過與村里長攜手合作共創菊島乾淨好環境。並於102年8月15日邀請馬公市里長及一般民眾在馬公市公所簡報室進行宣導說明,當天共有40名村里代表與會,而宣導會之宣導內包括有”環保法令宣導”、”Eco Life(綠網)介紹”、”村里通報作業說明”及”節能減碳宣導”等等,透過本次宣導會向與會代表說明村里逸散污染通報機制,藉由通報機制,強化路面清潔巡檢,並加強企業自主管理成效,提升本縣道路清潔度,並可加強露燃好發地點查核,以有效降低露天燃燒行為之發生,以達到提升本縣「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網(綠網)」績效之目的。8.本年度於102年10月1日與中國石油股份有限公司湖西供油中心進行聯合「空氣污染事件緊急應變演練」,模擬中國石油股份有限公司湖西供油中心因泵房區管線破裂引燃火災事故,導致產生大量濃煙侵襲。澎湖縣政府環保局接獲通報後,立即成立緊急應變小組,進行後續蒐證、監控及復原等作業,藉由環境監(檢)測、民眾訪談及敏感受體調查管控污染來源,掌握事件周圍空氣品質及污染範圍,維護民眾健康安全,緊急應變的活動照片請參閱圖5.1-3所示。9. 本年度第一場次法規宣導會宣導內容主要分為兩大部分,第一階段為讓固定源列管之業者能獲取及掌握環保署最近公告之固定源相關法令,第二階段將針對環保署及環保局所推動的節能減碳及室內空氣品質淨化議題進行說明與討論,並希望透過相關宣導除了讓業者及一般民眾能於生活中落實環保。10.本年度第二場次法規宣導會已於102年8月27日(星期二)下午14時於澎湖縣政府環境保護局一樓視聽教室(澎湖縣湖西鄉大城北6-1號)舉辦「澎湖縣固定污染源逸散管理辦法法規宣導暨三仙膠推廣說明會」,相關宣導對象將邀請固定源逸散性粒狀污染物之列管業者及結合縣內營建業者共同針對粒狀空氣污染物防制辦理大型法規宣導及現場試作三仙膠的法規說明會,宣導內容提醒業者固定源逸散管理辦法及營建業者營建空氣污染防制相關規定,並實地示範三仙膠噴灑及成果展示。11. 本年度第三場次法規宣導會為固定源空污費申報系統操作說明會此次宣導會宣導內容大綱主要可以分為3大部分,包含了固定源空污費網路申報說明、固定源空污費網路申報流程及步驟說明及固定源空污費網路申報實機操作,透過本場次宣導會,讓空污費申報業者進行實機操作及將平日操作問題點提出討論,相關業者也可於本場宣導會時,同時完成空污費申報作業,相信可較單純簡報說明獲得更佳之效果。 2013 Year Fixed Air Pollution Examination And Indoor Air Quality Self-management Plan Examination Project Executive period: from March 24, 2012 to February 31, 2013Project budget: NTD 3,460,000Penghu 『2013 Year Fixed Air Pollution Examination And Indoor Air Quality Self-management Plan Examination Project』 extension previous year 『Fixed Air Pollution Examination and Controlling Plan』, the coordinate environmental. Protection bureau and examines committee member's instruction , the senior official directs under the bureau, except achieves the quantification goal diligently, and strives in the substantive control benefit, can achieve the anticipated target by the time. On December 31 stops to 102 years, achievement of quantification as shown in Table this plan one, following work of project item by item abstract explanation in view of this plan. 102 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司
廢輪胎橡膠瀝青應用技術推廣及輔導使用計畫 本計畫工作內容主要涵蓋三個部分:(一) 廢輪胎橡膠瀝青技術推廣方向研析:據國內外文獻顯示,橡膠瀝青材料及製程對環境影響無害外,另具提升車行安全、提高工程服務效益及改善交通噪音等優勢,有推廣使用的說服力。目前國內廢輪胎再利用仍以膠片作為輔助燃料為主,為提高國內廢輪胎物質再利用比率及提升廢輪胎處理技術和廢棄輪胎市場價值評估橡膠瀝青國內市場導入量能,根據調查結果,初期設定廢輪胎資源轉移至物質再利用比率為1.3%;長程估計可轉移達12.4%。導入橡膠瀝青技術,雖材料成本估算3,764元/公噸,高於一般瀝青混凝土價格,但就生命週期成本約2年後即可開始展現成本效益。經評估國內應朝高速公路及快速公(道)等高交通量、重載重道路養護工程進行推動,最能展現工程及經濟效益。(二) 國內廢輪胎橡膠瀝青再利用產製技術分析及技術導入準備:橡膠瀝青拌製設備的引進至為關鍵,其他產製過程包括廢輪胎膠粉處理、瀝青拌合廠拌製、現場施工與橡膠瀝青刨除回收再利用,國內已具技術能力。另彙編工程標單、機關推動作業要點、工程施工規範及設計圖說等文件,以及就推動相關法令搭配編修建議,並針對廢輪胎回收處理分級補貼機制與鼓勵道路工程使用方式擬定配合方案,以增加道路主管機關未來採用橡膠瀝青之意願。(三) 廢輪胎橡膠瀝青再利用方式二氧化碳減排效益評估:計算橡膠瀝青每噸二氧化碳排放量為34,995.7kg,雖高於以相同廢輪胎量作為輔助燃料的7倍,但若將橡膠瀝青鋪面替代,以6年使用時間來評估,一般及改質瀝青鋪面的二氧化碳排放量係橡膠瀝青鋪面的2倍及4倍,因此使用橡膠瀝青將有效提昇二氧化碳減排效益,有助於達到國內綠色工程的推動目標。 Research and analyze the promotion of the scrap tire-based asphalt-rubber technique The project covers three dimensions: (1) Research and analyze the promotion of the scrap tire-based asphalt-rubber technique. Both the domestic and international literatures show that the materials and manufacturing process of asphalt-rubber will not have the detrimental influence on the environment. Even more, the asphalt-rubber has the advantage of increasing the driving safety, improving the engineering service efficiency and reducing the traffic noise, all of which are the convincing evidence in the promotion of asphalt-rubber. Nowadays, the prepreg (pp) is still the commonly-used auxiliary fuels in the recycling of scrap tires in Taiwan. The asphalt-rubber technique is introduced in order to increase the reusing rate of scrap tires domestically, improve the scrap tire processing technique and increase the market value of scrap tires. Although the cost of materials is estimated to be 3,764 dollars/ metric ton, higher than the cost of general asphalt-concrete, the cost benefit will begin to develop after 2 years in terms of its life cycle. Moreover, it is estimated that the maintenance project of the freeways and express ways with the high traffic volume and heavy loads will be promoted internally, showing the engineering and economic benefits. An assessment of the influence of asphalt-rubber after introduction to the domestic market is also conducted. According to the result, the transferring rate of renewable energy is set to be 1.3% at the initial stage. It is expected to reach 12.4% in the long term, leading to the feasibility of promotion. (2) Analyze the reusing and manufacturing technique of the asphalt-rubber from the domestic scrap tires and the preparation for the technological introduction. The introduction of the asphalt-rubber mixing equipment plays the key role. The manufacturing process also includes the processing of the rubber powder of the scrap tires, blending in the asphalt mixing plant, construction on the field and the excavating, recycling and reusing of the asphalt-rubber. The domestic plants are equipped with the technique. The tender document, guideline of promotion by the authorities, regulation of construction, blueprint and construction manual are also compiled. The supporting plan is formulated based on the relevant regulations and suggestion in conjunction with the class-based subsidy mechanism of the recycling scrap tires and the encouragement method of using road construction in order to elevate the willingness of promotion in the future. (3) Evaluate the efficiency of carbon dioxide emission reduction through reusing the asphalt-rubber from scrap tires. The carbon dioxide emission of asphalt-rubber per ton is 34,995.7/kg. Although the figure is 7 times higher than the emission produced by the same amount of scrap tires as auxiliary fuels, it can reduce the carbon dioxide emission if the asphalt-rubber is used as the paving materials instead of normal or modified asphalt based on the evaluation of 6-year utilization period. Therefore, the asphalt-rubber is helpful to reach the goal of the internal green project. 101 基管會 財團法人台灣營建研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63256
102年推動焚化底渣再利用計畫 1.收集彙整以往辦理底渣再生粒料應用案例及相關工程規範,並研提工程應用實務作法建議,並於102年11月15日召開「底渣再生粒料應用於公共工程相關問題研商會議」,廣邀各界共同研商底渣再利用於公共工程面臨之問題及對策建議。2.協助檢討研提「底渣再利用管理方式」修正草案;建置完成「底渣再利用網路申報系系統」新增使用地點地政資訊、檢核警示產品累積量超過6個月等功能;協助辦理縣市提送底渣再利用計畫與請款文件審查;研提底渣緊急暫存及應變措施與潛在地點(掩埋場)規劃建議。3.檢討評析底渣再利用採少量分散使用及大量集中使用面臨之挑戰,研提因應對策及配套措施建議,提高再生粒料應用性。4.配合垃圾底渣使用於道路之試辦計畫,進行試辦路段之土壤及地下水環境品質監測工作,驗證確認底渣再利用之環境安全性。 Promoting Incineration Bottom Ash Recycling of Year 2013 1.Collected and compiled past cases of application of bottom ash recycled aggregates including related technical specifications, and studied and provided suggestions on actual application of such aggregates in engineering works, as well as held a Seminar on the Use of Bottom Ash Recycled Aggregates in Public Works on November 15, 2013, involving the participants from various fields to discuss the related issues encountered and their countermeasures.2.Assisted in reviewing the draft amendments to “The Management of Incineration Bottom Ash Reuse”; realized the extension of functions of the established “Internet-based Reporting System of Refuse Incinerator Bottom Ash Reuse" with additional cadastral information, validation and alert for product accumulated for more than 6 months; assisted in reviewing the bottom ash recycling plans and application document of financial subsidy submitted by the cities/counties competent authorities; provided planning and suggestions for temporary bottom ash storage and countermeasures in emergency, and potential sites for storage (landfills).3.Reviewed and analyzed the problems encountered in either the wide spread use of small quantities or the concentrated use of large quantities of recycled bottom ash, and proposed responsive strategies and supplementary measures to enhance the applicability of aggregates recycled from bottom ash.4.Conducted environment quality monitoring of the soil and groundwater in the road sections using bottom ash recycled aggregates in coordination with the Pilot Project of Road Construction with Usage of Recycled Incineration Bottom Ash, and verified the environmental safety of such construction material. 102 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63187
重大污染源空氣污染物排放管制查核暨光學量測技術調查專案工作計畫 隨著國人對生活環境品質要求日漸高漲,一般民眾對於工廠排放或逸散廢氣中所含物質,以及工安事件衍生排放之污染物對健康危害之影響高度重視,尤其近年來民眾呼吸道疾病,特別是兒童氣喘、上呼吸道過敏比例的增加,更是造成民眾對生活週遭環境之空氣污染提出抗議或陳情的主因,甚至不惜採取激烈的圍廠抗爭手段。揮發性有機物(volatile organic compounds, VOCs)的排放不僅是造成大氣中臭氧濃度增加的元兇,更是許多呼吸道、循環系統疾病、腫瘤的成因。因此,本署大力推動相關揮發性有機物排放之管制,期望減少各類污染源之VOCs排放量,藉以提升民眾生活周遭環境空氣品質。本計畫執行成果,在彙整分析二處石化工業區OP-FTIR連續監測結果,分別完成歷年六輕(2002~2012年)和林園(2001~2012年)工業區鄰近村落各21處次OP-FTIR監測結果彙整,包含OP-FTIR監測結果、氣象資料,以及鄰近測站監測資料,綜合分析歷年二處主要石化工業區周界的量測結果顯示,在VOC管制法規逐步加嚴及稽查管制技術越來越精進的情形下,工廠在污染改善和污染減量方面均有顯著的成效。在石化工業區周邊敏感區域有害空氣污染物監測,六輕工業區周邊的敏感區域的監測結果顯示主要的有害空氣污染物包括丁二烯和汽油;林園工業區的有害空氣污染物包括丙烯、乙烯、氯乙烯、丁二烯、正己烷、氯仿、甲醇、四氯化碳、醋酸乙烯酯和1,2-二氯乙烷。在石化工業區VOCs空氣污染來源追查暨督導改善,本年度依環保署指示提供資源協助新竹縣和台中市環保局調查“屢遭陳情”之異味陳情案件的污染來源,其中台中關連工業區陳情經輔導後工廠已著手進行防制設備效能提升,而新竹縣紡織廠陳情經輔導後陳情次數已大幅下降,後續仍將持續追查兩處之異味陳情情形與工廠的改善進度。在減量協談及污染改善,針對前一年度南部煉油廠之汽油浮頂槽的逸散進行改善減量追蹤,總計減量成效達143公噸;另六輕工業區海豐區聚丙烯廠回收大部分的廢氣燃燒塔進流廢氣後,依據其廢氣燃燒塔流量資料估算其減量效果達167公噸,本年度減量合計達310公噸。在廢氣燃燒塔廢氣排放擴散傳輸軌跡調查,六輕工業區海豐區聚丙烯廠的煙流經大氣擴散傳輸到下風處770公尺處的稀釋倍數達50萬倍以上;然而,由台西光化測站的量測分析,除非釋放大量的追蹤氣體,否則flare排出的追蹤氣體經大氣擴散稀釋後,以無法再光化測站偵測到。在石化工業區熱排放源排放成分篩選監測,在頭份工業區的量測結果顯示,熱影像儀無法量測印刷廠之水洗塔煙囪的廢氣排放情形,以及常溫下的煙流軌跡;林園工業區的研究調查顯示,結合紅外線成像儀和被動式FTIR,可以在工廠外針對工廠的熱源煙囪進行煙流和VOC成份(如甲酸)的量測,未來可朝著以紅外線成像儀量測煙流的溫度進而進行煙流傳輸的量測,藉以描繪出煙流擴散的情形及著地位置,另由研究調查結果說明了該技術(紅外線成像儀+被動式FTIR)的可行性和未來的發展潛力,對於工廠在熱排放源的稽查和管制方面,仍具有一定的遏阻效果。在重大污染源工廠查核及排放量合理性查驗,共完成八廠次工廠查核作業,查核項目包含操作許可證、排放量申報及行業別法規符合度,8廠次工廠皆屬於石化業,針對許可證查核共發現八大類別(共18項)問題,而排放量申報查核共有4項問題,法規符合度查核共有2項問題,並針對相關問題提出改善措施,另完成八廠次工廠VOCs排放量合理性計算,結果顯示普遍存在排放量少報之現象。在重大污染源工廠排放管道或防制設備效率檢測,共完成15點次之排放管道排放量或防制設備處理效率檢測作業,各廠檢測結果皆符合許可規範之排放標準。在美國南加州及國內核發操作許可證差異探討,對於國內正式核發操作許可證缺少部份,其中「修訂版次」可納入封面中,而「設備描述和設備特性條件」、「管理條件」及「承諾計畫及期程」三項則應新增頁面納入。另操作許可證各個項目及內容皆應列出其相關法源依據,除上述缺少項目外,本計畫額外建議應將空氣污染物排放限制和防制設備關鍵設計因子、採用公式及其計算流程說明納入操作許可證中。在法規符合度查核結果,2座石化工廠無重大不符規範情事,僅各有3項及1項未完全符合規範,追蹤改善成果後,對於不符合之處也大致完成改善。在冷卻水塔冷卻水中VOCs檢測,2座石化廠冷卻水中VOCs含量皆在法規標準之內。設備元件抽樣檢測工作,4廠次完成4,050點之抽樣檢測,發現2廠合計10件洩漏點,A廠有7件,D廠有3件,另彙整抽樣結果顯示,D廠有2類元件與申報「不相符」,此外,對於洩漏點之改善成效追蹤,10件洩漏點均已完成改善,改善後檢測值均低於100 ppm。在紅外線氣體成像儀設備元件與儲槽洩漏篩檢方面,設備元件完成4廠計9,000點之洩漏篩檢,僅於A廠發現5件洩漏點,其中2件洩漏濃度大於10,000 ppm,均為製程排洩口,屬於「非習知」洩漏位置,該廠進行改善後洩漏濃度已低於10 ppm,另儲槽洩漏篩檢結果,A廠發現2座儲槽通氣孔洩漏,B廠洩漏點則為儲槽消防管線與緊急排放閥,追蹤改善成果後,B廠已完成洩漏點相關零組件更換,A廠則將洩漏之儲槽優先列為下年度維護對象。在設備元件VOCs洩漏率圍封檢測與排放量估算方法探討,總計完成46件設備元件圍封檢測,並彙整歷年檢測結果完成推估四種型式元件之排放係數,此外,完成探討四類排放係數於設備元件排放量估算之差異,結果顯示以相關方程式法估算設備元件之排放量能較接近真實的情況。在篩選石化業HAPs納管製程優先性,完成確認國內石化業製程項目,依據環保署「固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統」中之”附表六、製程分類及代碼表”,目前國內石化業製程共有231個,其中國內僅有152個製程在運轉操作,另79個製程於國內則是沒有任何工廠具有這些製程,另依據國外資料及國內現有資料,考量「物種排放量」和「物種致癌性(IARC分類)」二項因子,進而排序出國內石化業HAPs納管製程優先性順序,並建議區分三階段分批納管,如此亦不會造成地方環保局太大負擔,且為循序漸進增加工廠管制家數。在檢討國內石化製程之最大可達控制技術,完成美國聯邦環保署之最大可達控制技術(MACT)認定及分析流程資料翻譯及彙整,另列舉三個MACT案例說明MACT分析流程,並彙整美國聯邦環保署有關石化業製程主要排放源(管道)之MACT標準。在建立高危害潛勢區域環境濃度基線,於E工業區一處敏感受體點之六大類有害空氣污染物採樣分析結果顯示,六大類有害空氣污染物皆存在於E工業區鄰近大氣環境中,其中以揮發性有機物、戴奧辛、重金屬、多環芳香烴有機物為較常存在於此區域大氣環境中,此外,修訂及強化101年研擬之「敏感受體大氣環境中有害空氣污染物檢測調查標準作業程序(草案)」內容,強化內容包含氣象資料蒐集、納入酸性氣體檢測、目標污染物種選定等三項。 The plan for audit of air pollutant emissions from major sources and investigate of optical measurem The public perception toward the routine emission or the accidental release of air pollutants from stationary sources or fugitive emission sources has attracted a great deal of attention under the circumstances of increasing demands on the quality of life in our society. Among those air pollutants, Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), not only are the important triggers for a variety of health problems, including aggravated asthma, reduced lung capacity and increased susceptibility to respiratory illnesses like pneumonia and bronchitis, but also are the most frequent causes of environmental nuisance complaints. Furthermore, VOCs are the main pollutants resulted in the rise of ozone level in the atmosphere causing a variety of adverse health effects on the respiratory system, the circulatory system or even leading to the formation of tumor in human bodies. Consequently, Taiwan Environment Protection Administration (TEPA) applied several air pollution control strategies, such as permit system, emission standards, fugitive emission control, and economic incentives, on stationary sources to reduce VOC emission and improve air quality.The project has completed analyzing and comparing OP-FTIR data collected from several neighboring sites of Linyuan industrial park and Mailiao industrial park from 2009 to 2012. The monitoring data used for the analysis included results of OP-FTIR measurement, meteorological data, and measurements of nearby EPA stationary monitoring stations. We have conducted fenceline monitoring campaigns in the Mailiao industrial park and the Linyuan industrial park by setting up six OP-FTIR systems in the nearby villages of the industrial parks. Thousands of FTIR spectra have been collected from these six fenceline monitoring sites, and a number of hazardous air pollutants including 1,3-butadiene, vinyl chloride, n-hexane, chloroform, methanol, carbon tetrachloride, vinyl acetate and 1,2-dichloroethane were identified. Nevertheless, the yearly monitoring data indicated a significant reduction in VOC concentrations, which is believed highly associated with the reinforcement of VOC emission standards and the advance of regulatory measures in recent years Odor nuisance complaints in Hsinchu county and Taichung city were targeted for emission sources investigation in this year. A polyurethane coating factory in the Kuanlan industrial park (Taichung City) and a fabric factory in Hsinchu County were identified as the major emission sources contributing to odor pollution problems in the surrounding regions. Through optimizing abatement efficiency and conducting leak detection and repair programs, the endeavors of the two factories were magnified by a dramatic decrease in the petition of odor nuisance in the nearby area. In additions, 143 tons of VOCs reduction was estimated for the fugitive emission from oil storage tanks located at CPC Dai-Lin Plant, which was identified as a major emission source in the previous year. A flare emission reduction of 167 tons VOCs was achieved through redirecting process waste flow gases from flare inlet to fuel supply systems. A total of 310 metric tons of VOCs emission reduction was achieved through this study. A tracer study was conducted at the south part of the Mali industrial park where SF6 (as tracer gas) was released into one of the flaring stack to simulate the behavior of plume transportation and dispersion. It was noticed that the tracer gas was able to travel all the way from the source to the location of 770 meters downwind. A dilution ratio of 500 thousand times was calculated accordingly by the distance traveled. Remote measurement of heat emission sources by passive-FTIR (PFTIR) and gas imaging detector was performed at Tofan industrial park and Linyuan industrial park, where ammonia, formic acid, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide were detected from 260 meters to 1400 meters away from the measurement sites. The hybrid system, a standoff remote sensing technology with the combination of PFTIR and gas imaging detector was proved to be an effective and efficient tool to assist with pollution auditing in the future.The compliance status and emissions quantities of 8 petrochemical factories are reviewed and audited, in which 18 problems involving operating permits, 4 problems involving emission reporting, and 2 problems regulatory compliance are identified. For these problems, this study provides remediation measures. Additionally, the underreporting of emissions quantities is the most common phenomenon in inspection results of VOC emissions. Chimney inspections or evaluation of control equipment efficiency of 15 points reveal that the emission standards of each factory comply with the permit limits. Based on a comparison of the operations permit system of the South Coast Air Quality Management District with that of the Environmental Protection Administration of the Republic of China, Taiwan, we recommend incorporating their amendments into the formal cover of operating permits. In particular, the operating permits should incorporate “Equipment Description and Equipment Characteristics,” “Management Conditions,” and “Committed Plans and Schedule”. Moreover, the related legal basis should be established in each item and contents of the operating permits. The operating permits should also incorporate the air pollutant emission limits and the key design factors, calculated formulas, and calculated processes of air pollution control equipment.For two petrochemical factories, inspection results of regulatory compliance indicate no non-compliant items; the VOC contents of cooling water comply with VOC standards. Also, sampling inspections are also performed for equipment components of a total of 4,050 points from 4 factories, revealing 10 leaking points; the detection values are also all below 100 ppm after improvement. Additionally, the leak detection and repair (LDAR) program of 9,000 points of equipment components and two storage tanks is implemented using optical gas imaging instrument. While factory A contains five leaking components, two detection values are decreased from 10,000 ppm to 10 ppm after improvement. Experimental results further reveal the vents leaking of two storage tanks in factory A and the fire pipeline and emergency discharge valve leaking of storage tanks in factory B. Although factory B has already replaced related components, factory A has tentatively scheduled the maintenance of leaking storage tanks for next year. Forty six equipment components have already been detected. Exactly how the four emission factors of equipment components differ in emission quantities has already been estimated. According to those estimates, using related equations to estimate emissions may more accurately reflect actual situations.Although the Taiwan petrochemical industry has developed 231 processes, only 152 are currently implemented. While considering related factors of species emissions quantities and species carcinogenicity, this work compiles a prioritized list of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)-related processes in petrochemical industries, as well as identifies three phases to control them. The definitions and analysis processes of maximum achievable control technology (MACT) programs from the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States (USEPA) are translated and compiled. Three MACT cases are also cited to illustrate MACT analysis processes. Moreover, the MACT standards of the main emission sources of petrochemical industry processes from the USEPA are compiled. Furthermore, the concentrations of six HAPs categories in the sensitive receptor points of industrial park E are sampled and analyzed. Experimental results reveal six categories of HAPs in the atmosphere near this industrial park. Contents of “Meteorological Data Collection,” “Acid Gas Detection,” and “Target Pollutants Selection” are also revised in the “101 Years of Standard Operating Procedures for HAPs Detection and Investigation in the Atmospheric Environment of Sensitive Receptors (Draft)”. 102 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62860
固定污染源空氣污染物危害影響評估暨消費性產品揮發性有機物管制推動計畫 本計畫工作成果包括(1)完成國內有害空氣污染物(hazardous air pollutant, HAP)管制工作分析,結果顯示戴奧辛管制於法規及排放調查皆有績效,有害揮發性有機物管制己建構初期規劃,並於3項行業別標準訂有物種排放標準,重金屬及酸性氣體亦於部分行業別標準管制,多環芳香烴化合物排放清冊與管制則有提升空間;惟整體管制急切性與優先性尚未精確掌握。(2)國外HAP管制策略多採技術基礎與風險基礎等二大主軸,辦識HAP物種、排放清冊及環境監測等為推動管制基礎。(3)研擬固定源HAP管制策略及推動架構乃參採國際經驗,優先採技術基準訂定行業排放標準,並以滾動式方式推動,已具物種排放資料之排放源(製程)優先檢視。(4)完成提出46項優先評估物種名單並完成有害揮發性有機物監測檢測技術建議、非反應性製程(印刷油墨製程)及反應性製程(苯乙烯製程)之排放係數工作流程、推動排放量申報作業規劃等近程階段管制工具評估。(5)以層級評估方式研提國內固定源有害空氣污染物危害影響評估作業程序,並以石化業、鋼鐵業及光電業等三行業為例試算,顯示方法可行,惟尚須建構基本資料才能有效推動。(6)建築塗料及消費商品揮發性有機物管制採訂定產品揮發性有機物含量限值為主要策略,並須依用途設定適當之含量限值。 Pollutants Emissions from Stationary Sources and Consumer Products VOCs Control System. The results of this project includes: (1) Completion of hazardous air pollutants (HAP) control progress analysis in Taiwan. The results show that the control and regulations of dioxin are achievement. Some emission standards have been conducted and the control strategy is established for volatile organic toxics. Heavy metals and acid gases are also regulated in emission standards for some industries. But the emission and control of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons did not show progress. (2) Air toxics control strategy of US Federal Government, Germany, Netherlands, China, Japan have been collected as well as state/local program, i.e. California, Texas, and South Coast. The results shows that the technology-based and health risk-based are two strategies which used in HAP control. Target pollutant list, emission inventory, and ambient concentration monitoring are the basic elements in HAP control. (3) HAP control strategy for stationary source has been established. Control technology-based will be conducted in Stage I to reduce regulated air toxics emissions, and then to review the residual risk by following health-based strategy in Stage II. The control stages are promoted a rolling manner which means if the air toxics emission data is integrated then the control can be conducted early. (4) 46 priority evaluation air toxics species list has been proposed in this report. The methods of inspection, emission factors development, and reporting system for air toxics are also evaluated in this project. (5) A tiered approach for air toxics risk assessment which is promoted in CARB was conducted to establish the facility prioritization procedure of in this project. The results of case study of three industries showed that the procedure can be work and species emission data of each facility is critical. (6)Volatile organic compounds control strategy of architectural coatings and consumer products is established by following US and California strategy. Setting the VOC limit of product is the main control measure. 101 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63025
提升中部及雲嘉南空品區空氣品質及六輕工業區污染減量管制計畫 本計畫積極改善中部及雲嘉南空品區空氣品質,工作成果包括(一)空品區減量行動計畫: 以沙鹿站分析顯示, 粗顆粒受鄰近逸散源影響顯著,其臺中港區逸散設施管理辦法落實度係為臺中市101 年改善PM10 二級防制區關鍵因子, 可提供其他縣市規劃PM10 二級防制區目標之參考減量方案, 而斗六站及嘉義站分析顯示,移動源及固定源(含逸散源)需一併實施減量。(二)臺中港管制專案: 明訂管制權責分工及建立跨部會溝通平台(如交通部、航港局、港務公司、經濟部及環保局等), 協調固定源排放總量管理及移動源自主管理等管制作為,交通部已責成港務公司對全國港區移動源提出一致性管制作法,將持續召開成果及檢討會議。(三)六輕管制專案: 27 根次有常態排放之燃燒塔, 多數於101 年底完成改善,僅塑化烯烴廠於102 年底完成改善;VOCs 標準新增納管儲槽37 座皆於101 年改善完成;洩漏濃度大於一萬ppm 之設備元件申報洩漏比例降為100年之0.04%, 將持續依VOCs 標準施行期限追蹤改善。(四)檢討修訂固定源相關標準:已協助修正發布「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」及「煉鋼及鑄造電爐粒狀污染物管制及排放標準」, 持續協助研修電力設施及玻璃業等標準, 其中電力業標準預估研修後全國各地PM2 .5 年平均濃度降低0.4 ~ 2.0 μg/m3。 The Implementation Plan to Improve Air Quality in the Central and Yun-Chia-Nan air basin. This project includes the emission reduction in air qualityzones, emission control in Taichung Port area and Sixth NaphthaCracking plant and revision of emission standards regulations.Data from Shalu monitoring site indicate that control of成果摘要摘-3fugitive dust in surrounding area has significant impact on coarseparticulate matter. Thorough fugitive dust emission managementis the key for the Taichung Control Region to upgrade to a PM10Class 2 region. The same management will be applied to otherClass 3 regions. Data from Douliu and Chiayi monitoring sitesalso showed emission reduction in mobile, stationary and fugitivesources are all required.A communication platform was established among all therelevant agencies to clearly understand their responsibilities, andto discuss control actions and difficulties encountered. TheMinistry of Transportation and Communications also demand theTaiwan International Ports Corporation to come up with emissioncontrol strategies for all the ports in Taiwan.Improvements for all of the 27 flare stacks owned by theFormosa Petrochemical Corp. were completed by the end of 2012except for the flare stacks in the alkene plants, which will becompleted by the end of 2013. Additional 37 storage tanks areregulated by the newly published VOCs emission standard and allof them have completed their improvements. The percentage ofequipments which have more than 10,000ppm of leakage hasdecreased from 0.13% in 2008 to 0.04% in 2011. The new VOCsemission standard passed in 2011 should initiate further emissionreductionThe emission standards for stationary sources andsteelmaking and casting furnaces were promulgated this year.The emission standards for electrical facilities, and glassfurnaces were continuously being revised. With the morestringent emission standards for electrical facilities, the ambientPM2 .5 concentration can be reduced by 0.4~2.0μg/m3 . 102 空保處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62912
國際PV回收制度發展現況研究專案工作計畫 全球綠色消費興起,各公司採購與民間消費時,會優先選擇對生態衝擊較低及對環境友善的商品。新廢電器及電子設備指令(WEEE, 2012/19/EU)及新電器及電子設備使用某些危害物質限制指令(RoHS 2.0, 2011/65/EU)已經歐盟會議修正及公告。前者目的為減少電器廢棄量,增加廢電器之再使用、回收再利用率。後者以預防汙染及污染者付費為原則,限制新設備中使用有害物質及其含量,減少廢棄產品對環境的衝擊。目前市面上矽晶及薄膜等太陽光電模組的回收系統建置尚未符合WEEE指令的精神,而薄膜太陽能產品中,有害物質含量仍高過RoHS 的規定。國內在「陽光屋頂百萬座」政策大力推動之下,太陽光電系統設置量逐年增加,未來太陽光電產品廢棄物處理在國內將成為重要議題。本計畫將分析現有國際回收政策、太陽光電產品生命週期及廢棄物回收方式,並參考現有歐盟PV CYCLE體系建置經驗及各民間公司PV廢棄物回收運作模式,做為我國太陽光電產品回收體系建置可行性評估及國際合作之策略。結論中建議不僅須加速更新我國廢棄物回收法源,將太陽光電產品納入;可先建置由非營利第三方機構(或基管會)管理的PV回收平台,統籌及規劃國內太陽光電產品回收事宜,並與國際相關回收機構接軌(如歐盟PV Cycle)。期使我國在發展再生能源的同時,創造環保與經濟雙贏機會 PV CYCLE REACH Due to the trend of green consuming, eco-friendly products are preferably selected by organizations both in public and private sectors. WEEE (2012/19/EU) and RoHS (2011/65/EU) have been announced by EU Communique already. The first is to decrease the waste amount of electrical equipment include PV panel, and increase the rate of re-use, recovery and recycle each other. The later one is based on the principle avoiding pollution and polluter payment rule. To decrease the environmental impact, RoHS limits all new equipment to use the hazardous substance inside such as Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr6+, PBDE and PBB. Currently c-Si and thin-film PV products do not follow all WEEE and RoHS principles to do waste recovery and recycle. Especially for the thin-film products, the percentages of hazardous substance still are out of the specification of RoHS. Since Taiwan focused on export trade and developed the renewable energy policy of PV over 10 years, Ministry of Economic Affairs “Million Rooftop PVs Promotion Project’ is expanding PV system capacity locally soon. Therefore, the amount of waste of PV modules hereby will be high and to impact environment and Taiwan’s branding in coming future. This work addressed the current PV recovery and recycle policy globally include life cycle and the waste handling process for each commercial PV modules worldwide. Furthermore, we also consult the experiences of European Union (EU) PV CYCLE organization and study their management system and summary the work of those voluntary companies which recovery and recycle their waste products in details. This can assist Taiwan government to develop waste policy and regulations for PV module include components. Results also recommend not only to update waste product laws, but also to accelerate the speed to build up PV CYCLE system locally soon, which can leverage and handle all waste PV products at Taiwan by Non-Profit Third-Party or Recycling Fund Management Board. The other key points are to cooperate with PV CYCLE organization globally (e.g., EU PV CYCLE), and to train industry company and end user for recycle or reuse issues continually 102 基管會 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62927
健全國內固定污染源行政管制措施暨建立審查人員資格認證計畫 為強化與落實我國固定污染源管理制,依據台灣空氣清淨計畫之近程減量控制對策,本計畫執行項目分為四大工作重點,包括:1.許可制度強化與排放量整合。2.污染預防管理與排放減量。3.地方督導與深化落實。4. 資料品質提升與系統更新。針對許可制度強化與排放量整合部分,本計畫協助完成「公私場所固定污染源空氣污染物排放量申報管理辦法」、「公私場所固定污染源空氣污染物排放量計算方法規定」2項法規修訂及發布作業,完備實際排放量整合之法制作業,期將簡化行政程序,避免業者重複申報實際排放量、主管機關重複審核之行政負荷;經評估結果,預計將有2,523家公私場所受惠,統計第3季申報結果,比較法規修訂前後實際排放量差異,氮氧化物實際排放量申報差異改善率為90%、揮發性有機物達99%;在許可管理制度強化部分,本計畫分析彙整國際間(美國、歐盟、中國大陸)近期固定污染源管制新聞及相關制度執行現況,評析公民參與許可審查、整廠許可管制方式,並對應我國空氣品質管制政策,研析區域涵容總量管制方式,期藉由更進一步精進許可排放量管制方式,藉由涵容總量管制策略的推動達成空氣品質改善目標。污染預防管理與排放減量部分,本計畫協助執行「固定污染源設置與操作許可證管理辦法」、「生煤、石油焦或其他易致空氣污染之物質販賣或使用許可證管理辦法」、「半導體製造業空氣污染管制及排放標準」、「光電材料及元件製造業空氣污染管制及排放標準」等法規修訂作業;於許可管理辦法部分,本年度針對公會、公私場所、地方主管機關,回收807份許可制度問卷調查結果,預先掌握制度執行現況問題,並爰以作為法令修訂之參考,本次修訂內容包含強化不法利得嚴正性與證據力、審查費及證書費收取與繳納時機、強化試車審查與規範事項、許可證有效期間規範、排放量計算等要項,並同時檢討第一批至第八批許可公告條件與新增第九批對象,評估納管土壤污染整治、非金屬電鍍、河川疏濬等對象,經評析結果,粒狀污染物、揮發性有機物面源納管率將提高5%;在生煤管理辦法部分,修正販賣與使用許可證預防管理事項,預計管制281家生煤販賣、使用許可對象、納管600萬噸生煤販賣及使用流向;在高科技產業(半導體)排放標準部分,加嚴管道排放標準、提高控制效率,預計該產業揮發性有機物排放減量達23.1%、氫氟酸排放減量達27.8%、鹽酸排放減量達29.7%。地方督導與深化落實部分,本計畫針對鍋爐燃燒廢棄物、活性碳控制設備查核、環境影響評估核定區域、空污費自廠係數核定後查核等4項制度項目,實際完成226件查核作業、受委託機關許可證核發評鑑22家,依查核發現事項,召開3場次研商會議,俾利於中央主管機關適時督導地方主管機關遂行污染管制作業;另為根植地方主管機關污染預防審查技術,編撰4科門標準教材、完成2場次許可審查種子人員訓練課程、合計培訓176名許可審查種子人員,期藉由種子人員的擴散,根實地方主管機關污染預防能力。資料品質提升與系統更新部分,因應資訊安全與個人資料保護法之必要,完成許可制度管理系統、檢測作業管理系統、排放量申報及權限管制等共計4項子系統改版作業;在資料品質提升工作項目,完成資料品質檢核模組,執行21,398家公私場所、15萬個污染源管制資料品質檢核作業,資料品質正確性逐月提升,截至102年12月止,資料檢核符合率已達97%、管道座標以及公私場所大門座標正確性可達99%以上,另配合空水廢毒資訊系統整合(EMS系統)之作業,截至目前為止執行21批次重複管制編號確認與480家管制編號轉換作業。 Advance Stationary Air Pollution Control Strategy and the Certification for Auditor Program In order to strengthen and put the stationary sources management into effect, this project divided into 4 major parts in accordance with emission control of Taiwan Clean Air Act. The 4 parts are 1) revision of permitting policy and emissions integration, 2) pollution prevention management and emission reduction, 3) supervision and enforcement by local component authorities, 4) improvement of data quality and upgrade management system.In the part of revised permitting policy and integrated emissions, this project accomplished the amendment and promulgation of 「Stationary Source Air Pollution Emission Reporting Regulations」and 「Measures of Stationary Source Air Pollution Emission Calculation」 and also integrated of air pollution control fee system and emission report system to decrease the examination of double-reporting. Comparing the 3rd season emission quantity while system integrated, the improvement ratio of NOx and VOC are reaching to 90% and 99% respectively and 2,523 stationary sources were affected. For permitting strategies development, the project is based on latest information of control measures and regulations in America, European Union and China, accomplished assessment of public participate permitting program, and Title V permits to recommend whole–quality control strategies to achieve the improvement of air quality. For pollution prevention management and emission reduction, carried out the amendment of 「Permitting of stationary sources of air pollution」,「air pollution control policy of coal, coke and other fuels」,「air pollution control policy and emission standard of Semiconductors」,「air pollution control policy of Optoelectronic Materials and Components」regulations. To amend the permitting policy about strengthen the principle of economic benefits, examination fees and certificate fees charged separately, strengthen the examination of testing facilities, the valid date of permits and the calculation of emissions in accordance with the feedback of 807 questionnaires filled out from association, stationary sources and local component authorities. To review the 1st to 8th batch of permitting facilities, and estimate the possibility to increase 5% of control rate for particle, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by expanding the 9th bacth of permitting facilities for soil pollution remediation, non-mental electroplating and river dredging. 281 permitting facilities of selling and using coal and flow tracking 600 million tons of coal would be controlled when the regulation of「air pollution control policy of coal, coke and other fuels」amended. VOCs, Hydrofluoric acid (HFs) and Hydrogen chloride (HCl) emissions would be reduced to 23.1%, 27.8% and 29.7% respectively when the amended the emission standard, raised the control efficiency of semiconductors.To supervise stationary sources management of local component authorities, the project held in 3 demonstrations on results of examination for 226 stationary source facilities, 22 permits issued by science park administrations in relation to waste combustion, activated carbon air pollution control systems, environmental impact assessment (EIA) area and reexamination coefficients. To improve reviewing skill of local component authorities and strengthen pollution prevention management, the project edited 4 teaching materials and training 176 inspectors in 2 demonstrations.To enhance the quality and upgrade management system, the project accomplished the demand of Personal Information Protection Act and Information Security Policy for permit applying online system, testing reporting system, emission reporting system and administrator restriction. Furthermore, to increase data currency rate to 97% by reviewing 21,398 factories about 150 thousands database until December 2013, 99% currency rate of Transverse Mercator (TM2) of discharge tube and factory. Moreover, in order to coordinate with the integration of EMS system, the project confirmed 21 batch of double-registered facilities and switched 480 factories database. 102 空保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62747
回收廢鋰電池再生資源之研究 國內目前營運中的廢電池回收廠僅處理鋅錳電池與鹼錳電池,回收的鋰電池係採境外輸出處理。以往之化學沉澱法應用在新型三元系鋰電池回收時,因鈷、鎳、錳三金屬共沉澱,導致回收金屬資源之純度與價值大減。因此本計畫第一年研究探討三元系(LiCoO2/LiNiO2/LiMn2O4)廢二次鋰電池正極材料之最佳回收再生技術參數,各項回收程序之最佳參數,包括浸漬液、萃取液、反萃液之濃度、pH值、溫度、時間等。完成鈷酸鋰與三元系二次鋰電池之正極材料組成的檢測分析與比較,正極材料酸溶提取金屬的最佳浸出液為硫酸與雙氧水。萃取程序則分段以溶劑萃取與反萃分離Mn、Co、Ni。正極材料浸出溶液萃取分離Mn/Co/Ni溶液為Mn萃取油相及Co/Ni萃餘水相,再以酸將Mn反萃至水相回收。Co/Ni萃餘水相萃取分離為Co萃取油相及Ni萃餘水相,再以酸將Co反萃至水相電解回收,Ni萃餘水相亦可分離回收。不同正極材料與回收程序之電解鈷的全量分析比較結果,顯示本計畫開發的萃取技術,可大幅提升廢二次鋰離子電池回收鈷金屬的純度與價值。 Resource recovery from spent secondary lithium ion battery At present there was only one battery recovery factory in Taiwan which reclaimed mercury from manganese batteries and alkaline zinc-manganese dioxide batteries. The spent lithium-ion batteries are all exported outside the border. When chemical precipitation method was employed to recovery metals from the new type of NCM (Nickel, Cobalt, Manganese) lithium-ion batteries the three metals co-precipitated and produced a low value material. The first-year project of this research studied the best parameters of reclaiming technology employed to recovery the anodic materials from spent lithium-ion battery. These parameters included types of leaching solution, extraction solvent, concentration of stripping solution, solution pH, bath temperature and operation time. The project had accomplished analysis of the composition of NCM (LiNiO2/LiCoO2/LiMn2O4) and lithium cobalt oxide batteries. The best acid solution for dissolution of anodic materials (NCM and lithium cobalt oxide) was a mixture of H2SO4 and H2O2. Two extraction stages were used to separate Manganese, Cobalt and Nickel, respectively. Acid leaching liquor of anodic material was extracted by solvent and separated into Mn extracting oil phase and Co/Ni raffinate solution. The Co/Ni raffinate solution was extracted by another solvent and separated into Co extracting oil phase and Ni raffinate solution. Mn extracting oil phase and Co extracting oil phase were respectively stripping by acid solution. The final electrowinning films of cobalt prepared by different anodic materials and different recovery processes revealed the extraction process improved the purity and value of the recovered cobalt. 102 基管會 朝陽科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62768
102年臺東縣固定污染源稽查管制計畫 臺東縣固定污染源列管177家,其中以加油站業51家最多,其次為砂、石及黏土採取業26家及洗衣業23家,納管主要空氣污染物總排放量分別為粒狀污染物3,434公噸、硫氧化物213公噸、氮氧化物776公噸、揮發性有機物120公噸。期藉由本計畫之執行,達成污染防制減量及維護空氣品質之目的。本計畫主要工作項目包括:(一)執行固定污染源之許可證管理、法規符合度、稽巡查、檢測及資料管理等工作。(二)固定污染源相關檢測工作。(三)固定污染源空污費徵收工作。(四)工業區管制工作。(五)加油站油氣回收管制工作。(六)烹飪油煙及異味管制作業。(七)露天燃燒管制工作。(八)管制工作宣導作業。(九)應配合行政院環保署相關管制、考核業務及依期限格式規定,提報所需管考資料;辦理其他有關固定污染源管制業務。(十)其他。計畫執行之主要工作成果:(一)本計畫協助執行固定污染源設置及操作許可證申請審查工作,審查平均時間為14日,較法規規定的審查日數30日縮短許多;又計列管57家公私場所、85條製程固定污染源操作許可證。(二)列管符合環保署公告「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」之公私場所計有33家。(三)列管應每季申報繳納SOx及NOx空污費之公私場所計49家,應每季申報繳納VOCs空污費之公私場所計有70家,經本計畫執行審查及催繳工作,申繳率及網路申報率皆達100%。(四)公告應按季上網登錄全廠(場)排放量之公私場所計39家,本(102)年度第3季排放量皆已全數上網登錄,並已完成確認審查。(五)本(102)年度總計達成洗街長度為4,412.8公里,掃街長度為602.5公里,洗、掃總長度達5,015.2公里,粒狀污染物(TSP)削減量推估為69噸/年、懸浮微粒(PM10)削減量推估為13噸/年。(六)已完成3家次異味污染物採樣官能測定,檢測結果皆符合排放標準。(七)已完成10家次加油站氣漏檢測及加油槍氣油比檢測,檢測結果皆符合排放標準。(八)目前完成10家次催繳作業,催繳率達100%,總申繳率亦達100%,催繳金額共計7,650元整。(九)緊急應變實兵演練工作演練規劃模擬中華紙漿(臺東廠)發生臭味外洩事件,透過通報、研判、查證及人員救護等,建立空氣污染事件應變處理作業模式。(十)本年度執行露天燃燒巡查工作,經勸導後各燃燒物質減量成效,粒狀污染物(TSP)削減4,909公斤,懸浮微粒(PM10)削減1,787公斤,硫氧化物(SOx)削減295公斤,氮氧化物(NOx)削減1,820公斤,一氧化碳(CO)削減26,097公斤,揮發性有機物(NMHC)削減8,901公斤,已將相關減量成效說明補充於摘要。(十一)完成執行加油站業查核66站次(列管51站)。(十二)辦理完成8場次教育訓練。(十三)辦理完成1場次「固定污染源相關法規與污染防制說明會」,本說明會擬邀請對象為砂石場、土石方堆置場、瀝青廠、預拌混凝土廠業之業者,課程內容包括固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法之法令規範及熟知法規內容進行污染預防與管控等。 102 台東縣環境保護局 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61980
河川揚塵協調管控專案工作計畫 本計畫主要目的在於協助環保署推動「河川揚塵防制及改善推動方案」,透過相關補助、考核辦法的建立,來管控各地方環保單位的計畫執行效率,並彙整各地方單位計畫執行成果,分析優缺點,做為研議河川揚塵防制工作流程執行參考。同時選定示範性河川揚塵防制地點進行人文與歷史變遷之調查,以掌握河川變遷及揚塵變化的關聯性,並將調查成果彙編成冊,製成影音資料供環保署進行教育宣導使用。全案主要工作成果如下:1. 統整已核定執行之各縣市河川揚塵計畫彙報資料及追蹤管考。2. 協助研修國內河川揚塵防制推動及執行規範。3. 選擇示範性河川揚塵防制地點進行影像紀錄與分析。4. 擇一示範性河川進行人文與歷史變遷之調查記錄彙編,並編製影音紀錄資料。 Plan of River Fugitive Dust Management This project assists EPA to integrate approved counties and cities with their river fugitive dust management plans, to develop strategies of river fugitive dust control and improvement, and to record and analyze selected exemplary control sites.Major accomplishments are:1. Integration and evaluation of counties’ and cities’ river fugitive dust reports.2. Assisting EPA to revise their rules and regulations on “improvement of river fugitive dust control and implementation standard”.3. Selecting river fugitive dust control sites for image recording and analysis.4. Selecting exemplary river to record and inventory it’s cultural and historical changes as well as making video records. 102 空保處 太倉規劃顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62626
102年臺中市環境品質監測站操作維護工作計畫 本計畫執行期間為102年1月18日至102年12月31日,執行至今皆能完成環保局交付之各項任務與職責,主要工作內容包括空氣品質人工測站之採樣分析與保養維護、自動測站之定期維護、電子看板維護、固定式噪音監測站校正維護、移動式噪音測站監測、噪音管制系統維護與噪音相關報表提交、空品監測資料電子交換作業評估與建議等。空氣品質人工測站方面,每月針對臺中市9座測站進行1次落塵採樣與分析、2次TSP採樣與分析及維護保養、1次流量單點校正與每季執行1次流量多點校正。豐原人工測站原設置於衛生局,因該局防水工程施工之故,已於2月20日搬遷至豐原高中。此外,梧棲人工測站已於5月7日完成樓梯間防水工程,改善滲水問題,目前各測站儀器設備狀況尚能正常運轉。102年平均測值與101年同期比較,各測站TSP平均值略低於101年。各站102年迄今歷次TSP濃度介於35~194μg/m3,均符合環保署空氣品質標準(250μg/m3)。季節變化以冬季TSP測值較高、夏季較低,TSP已分析之成份(硝酸鹽、硫酸鹽、氯鹽、鉛及正己烷抽出物、Na+、Mg2+、K+、Ca2+、NH4+、砷、汞、鐵、錳),分析的陰離子中以硝酸鹽及硫酸鹽比例較高,而陽離子以Na+及NH4+之比例較高,分析的四種重金屬中則以鐵之比例較高。102年臺中市落塵平均為4.2公噸/平方公里/月,分級屬於極輕微污染,與去年同期之4.4公噸/平方公里/月差異不大。在空氣品質自動測站部份,經由定期之每週、月、季、半年與年度維護保養,各測站各監測儀器皆能正常運作,且資料可用率均達90%以上。測站硬體修繕部份,文山自動測站於5月28日完成鋼瓶室大門修繕;后里、大甲、太平、霧峰等自動測站則於11月完成氣象鐵塔改裝工作,維護工程師不必爬上鐵塔即可進行維護校正,以增加安全性。在空品自動測站數據方面,SO2整體以臺電之清水、梧棲、大肚測站濃度較高,應受發電廠污染排放影響,經由歷年各種管制措施之執行,各測站長期則有逐年下降趨勢。NO2濃度明顯以夏季較低、秋冬較高,整體濃度以霧峰站、烏日站、忠明站、大里站較高,主要受鄰近測站之移動污染源影響,長期大致呈現持平趨勢。O3濃度呈現春、秋較高之典型季節變化,大部分測站臭氧濃度大致呈持平趨勢。PM10濃度呈現冬、春較高之典型季節變化,長期呈現下降趨勢。依據環保署豐原、沙鹿、大里、忠明、西屯測站之監測資料,102年臺中市之空氣品質不良率為0.98%。今年至12月底止中部空品區各縣市不良率,以南投縣(1.23%)最高,臺中市次之(0.98%),彰化縣(0.41%)最低。而統計臺中市所有空氣品質監測站(含環保署、環保局、臺電測站)之監測資料,山、海、屯三區則以屯區之空氣品質不良率(1.42%)最高,海區(0.82%)次之,山區(0.47%)最低。在噪音監測方面,固定式噪音監測站之校正維護作業及移動式噪音測站監測皆依預定進度執行,固定噪音站之資料可用率均達90%以上。固定式噪音測站以第二類噪音管制區之環境音量測站之不合格率較高,移動式噪音測站則有少數環境音量測站部份時段有不合格情形。在軟體操作維護與資料更新部份,除每月提送管制考評表、每季提交季報表、更新「噪音管制系統」之監測資料庫之外,並協助更新環保局網頁相關資料。 2013 Taichung City Environmental Quality Monitoring Station Operation And Maintance Project This project was implemented from Jan. 18, 2013 to Dec. 31, 2013. All the tasks defined in the contract had been completed including the sampling analysis, maintenance of the Manual Operation Air Monitoring Stations, regular maintenance of Auto-Monitoring Stations, calibration and maintenance of Fixed Noise Monitoring Stations, Noise Monitoring of Mobile Noise Stations, regular maintenance of Electronic Billboard, Noise Equipment Management, and Assessment of air quality and noise monitoring system, et cetera. In the section of Manual Operation Air Monitoring Stations, there are monthly sampling and analysis of dust fall, monthly one-point flow rate calibration, every half months TSP sampling analysis and maintenance, quarterly multiple-point flow rate calibration. All equipments in Manual Operation Air Monitoring Stations are in good working conditions. In contrast with year 2012, the mean concentration of TSP in year 2013 was lower than year 2012. The TSP geometric means of nine Stations all meet the air quality standard in 2013. The concentration of TSP in winter was higher than in summer. There was a declining trend for a long time, in the TSP ingredient is high by the nitrate proportion. The dustfall in Taichung City in 2013 was equally 4.2 ton/square kilometer/month, the graduation was extremely slightly pollute.In the section of Auto-Monitoring Stations, all measurement items were functioning well under weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual maintenance scheme. The data validity all achieved above 90%.The PM10 analyzer and the HC analyzer intalled on January 18 in Holi Station. In the project, we invited experts to perform functions verification and QA check, and we had improved instruments based on critical comments. In 2013, the ratio with PSI (Pollutant Standards Index) over 100 of Taichung City revealing in Taiwan EPA report was 0.98%. As to the Maximum Index Pollutants, ozone contributed the big part. The monitoring data for the mid-Taiwan, the worst one was Nantou County standing for 1.23%, followed by Taichung City (0.98%), and then Changhua County (0.41%). Among Shan, Hai, and Tun, three districts of Taichung City, Tun district had the worst air quality from its highest ratio with PSI over 100(1.42%)and Hai had the best air quality.In the section of Noise Monitoring, the regular calibration and maintenance of Fixed Noise Monitoring Stations were completed according to the contract. The calibration report and monitoring data were submitted monthly and the data validity was above 90%. In the section of the Noise Monitoring of Mobile Noise Stations, that took twice quarterly monitoring tests at each spot, and according to predetermined progress execution.In the section of the Software Operation/Maintenance and Data Update, apart from submitting the self- evaluation forms and updating the database of the Noise Control Information System monthly, it provided EPB with the assistance of calculating and uploading the self-evaluation results to EPA’s Noise Control Information System quarterly. 102 台中市環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62489
澎湖縣102年度逸散污染源稽查管制暨低碳島抑制揚塵專案計畫 102年「102年度澎湖縣逸散污染源稽查管制暨低碳島抑制逸散揚塵專案計畫」期程自102年3月26日起至102年12月31日止,主要工作重點包含餐飲業稽查管制作業、推動紙錢源頭減量、露天燃燒管制作業、裸露地調查改善作業及敏感污染源輔導等。茲將執行至102年12月31日之各項作業說明如后:一、 餐飲業稽查管制作業執行成果目前已針對121家業者進行油煙防制設備查核及輔導工作,並完成600份宣導文宣之印製,配合於餐飲業查核宣導時進行發送,並已成功推動30家餐飲業者配合污染改善工作。並於102年7月18及19日共2天於辦理「餐飲業油煙減量宣導作業」,透過該場活動之辦理,促使餐飲業者落實自主管理,改善過去油煙瀰漫情形,提升餐飲空氣污染防治成效。此外,亦完成2家露天燒烤業者之改善。改用環保燃料及使用錫箔紙,來減少油煙之產生。二、 推動紙錢源頭減量作業執行成果,在寺廟訪談作業部分,已完成41家次寺廟訪談作業。並本計畫特辦理「102年度澎湖縣環保寺廟示範推廣活動」,透過環保廟宇觀摩活動辦理,使境內廟宇瞭解其他環保廟宇推動狀況及執行方式(如紙錢、香燭減量、推動環保金爐及LED燈泡使用等),進而提升廟宇環保措施及污染減量觀念,以作為推動環保寺廟輔導方向及依據。此外,本計畫為推廣寺廟節能減碳,已發送640顆LED燈泡。三、 露天燃燒管制作業執行成果,計畫為使露天燃燒管制績效提升,並有效防止露天燃燒行為,本年度針對易發生露天燃燒之區域,進行定位巡查,共執行270處巡查。四、 裸露地調查改善作業,計畫執行期間,改善裸露地面積為7,127 m2。五、 敏感污染源輔導,計畫執行期間,共進行108件次之逸散污染物易發源巡查及清掃作業,期能減少道路揚塵情形及民眾陳情件數。 The 2012 "Penghu County Annual Fugitive Pollution control and Suppression The Dust With Low Carbon Island Project" The 2012 “Penghu County Annual Fugitive Pollution control and Suppression The Dust With Low Carbon Island Project” started from Mar. 26 2013 to Dec. 31 2013 . The main job focus on the auditing and control of dining business, promotion of ritual money reduction from source, exposed burning control, to survey and improve of bare ground ,and the sensitive to pollution control. Works done by Dec. 31 2013 are described as follows: 1. Achievement of auditing and control of dining business. Auditing on cooking exhaust control equipment was performed and consultation provided to 121 businesses, and 600 brochures were prepared and distributed during the auditing on these dining businesses. Assistance in pollution improvement was provided to 30 stores . A presentation of “Promotion activity for catering cooking gas reductions” on Jul. 18 and 19 2013, through the activities of the handle to significant improvement of meandering cooking exhausts and air pollution control performance of the dining business. In addition, the completion of two open-air barbecue industry improved. Switch to cleaner fuels and the use of aluminum foil, to reduce the cooking exhausts . 2. The implementation results about promotion of ritual money reduction from source . For interview with temples and shrines, have been completed to interviews with 41 temples , to accepted assistance for establishment of environmental protection measures. Also, a presentation of“ Demonstration of environmental temple observation activities”. This activities was organized to help the temples and shrines which in the county administration. To understand what to do for the environment-friendly temples and how they work (such as reduced use of ritual money, incense and candles, environment-friendly ritual money furnace and use the LED bulb ) through visits of environment-friendly temples, hoping to improvement the environmental protection and pollution reduction concepts of temples and shrines and point the direction for the consultation of environment-friendly temples. In addition, It’s already sent 640 LED bulbs for the promotion of energy saving and carbon reduction temple.3. Achievement of exposed burning control . This project is to improve the performance of open burning control, and effectively prevent open burning behavior. Area for open burning occurs easily during the year, positioning inspections of the implementation of 270 inspections. 4. To survey and improve of bare ground. During the implementation of this project, to improve the bare area of 7,127 m2. 5. The sensitive to pollution control. During the execution of this project,To do the easy originated place about fugitive pollutants inspection and cleaning operations 180 times. Expected to reduce road dust and the public petition occurred. 102 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62490
廢鉛蓄電池廢酸液回收技術模廠試驗計畫 本計畫設置日處理量200L以上之廢酸液回收處理模廠,以連續處理之方式,探討各項操作條件及進行經濟效益評估,以做為推動廢鉛蓄電池處理廠建立廢酸回收處理系統之依據。本計畫收集各國之廢硫酸回收法進行評計,最後選定擴散透析法及樹脂吸附法作為廢酸液之回收方法,兩者在硫酸回收率的部份,皆有80%以上,鉛及鐵之去除率也相當,但在反應槽體大小上,樹脂吸附法具有極大之優勢,以相同處理量之反應槽體來比較,樹脂吸附法之槽體僅為擴散透析法的1/5,對寸士寸金的台灣而言,應是較佳之選擇。因此在考慮反應槽體積後,本計畫之現場模廠採用樹脂吸附法進行後續試驗。200L級樹脂吸附法模廠之操作結果證實,在流量為100 mL/min之操作條件下,樹脂吸附法在硫酸濃度10-20%間皆可穩定操作,回收酸之硫酸平均濃度較廢硫酸液約低2%,鉛及鐵之去除率則在70-85%間。且降低脫附流量時,在脫附初期可得到較高之硫酸濃度。綜合各項實驗結果,利用樹脂吸附法確實可回收鉛蓄電池廢酸液中之硫酸,同時在經濟效益方面,可減少66%的液鹼使用量及40%的污泥產生量,顯示本程序確實較現有處理程序節省操作費用及降低環境負荷。 The pilot plant test of the recycling technology for the electrolyte solution from waste lead acid b Lead-acid battery are widely used in everywhere, such as for storage in backup power supplies, because they are very inexpensive compared to newer technologies. Lead-acid battery are made up of Lead, plastic case and 35% sulfuric acid electrolyte solution. Most of Lead and the plastic could be reused as a secondary raw material, but the electrolyte solution are not recycled in the present processes in Taiwan. Therefore, it is necessary to find a suitable recovery procedure for these electrolyte solution in the lead-acid battery recycling plants.In last year, we investigated the characteristics of these waste electrolyte solution. According to the results, the sulfuric acid concentration of the waste electrolyte solution was 4.3 – 20.3 % and the higher metal ions were Fe and Pb. The Pb concentrations were 1,670 – 7,020μg/L and the Fe concentrations were 13,700 – 402,000μg/L. Because lead is the main composition in lead-acid battery, Pb concentrations were higher than others metal ions in the waste electrolyte solution. And the Fe ions was from the waste lead-acid battery dismantling process, the sulfuric acid could corrode the dismantling tools and these tools were made of steel. For recycling sulfuric acid from the waste electrolyte solution, the metal ions had to be separated from sulfuric acid.According to the references, several processes were developed for recycling sulfuric acid in foreign waste lead-acid battery recycling plants. The diffusion film process and adsorption resin process were selected for recycling sulfuric acid from the waste electrolyte solution in this study. An experimental scale of the diffusion film process and adsorption resin process were used to evaluate the feasibility. The experimental results show that the recovery rate of the sulfuric acid from the waste electrolyte solution was more than 80%. The removal rate of the Pb ion and Fe ion were more than 80%, respectively. These two system have the same efficiency for recycling sulfuric acid, but the reactor volume of the adsorption resin process was only 20% of the diffusion film process. Therefore, the adsorption resin process was selected as the pilot plant in next stage.The experiment results of the 200L scale pilot plant of the adsorption resin process show that the recovery rate of the sulfuric acid from the waste electrolyte solution was more than 80% and the average concentration of recovery concentration was lower about 2% than the concentration of the waste electrolyte solution. Therefore, the feasibility of this process had been validated in this study.On the other hand, if the factor uses of adsorption resin process, the amount of NaOH for neutralization could be reduced to 66% and the amount of sludge for waste electrolyte solution treatment also could be reduce 40% than without it. This result shows the sulfuric acid recovery system could saves operating costs and reduce environmental impact. 102 基管會 國立高雄第一科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62382
101年度臺中市低碳城市發展推動及管考計畫 本計畫協助成立推動中部生活圈低碳永續家園之任務編組及協助維持臺中市低碳城市推動辦公室之正常運作,並規劃推動相關低碳措施,包含綠色運輸、法律與經濟財稅工具、社會行為科學與評比工具等三面向工作共計完成6項行動項目,並分別就財務及技術的可行性、可複製性等分析,完成4季專案報告書。調查並參與中部生活圈其他縣市執行低碳永續家園之成果,及配合及參與環保署相關會議建立中部生活圈與中央推動低碳永續家園政策之整合平台。為吸取國、內外之低碳城市建構經驗,特辦理低碳城市論壇,邀請中國大陸、新加坡專家及國內四個低碳示範城市進行研討交流;為提升臺中市府低碳相關局處承辦人員低碳智識,依市府低碳推動需求,規劃辦理低碳相關產業(風力發電、太陽光電及智慧綠建築)、各縣市低碳政策推動交流活動(電動公車、綠建築及及低碳休旅)、推廣宣導與低碳城市參訪觀摩,以學習增長低碳永續之概念、相關專業技能並建立與各推動低碳城市之縣市、產業之交流合作平台,因活動規劃及市府行政期程無法配合,已完成8場次活動,剩餘2場次已完成規劃建議後續持續辦理。另為推動市民有感之低碳城市建構作為,透過記者會、新聞稿發佈、專屬網站建構、說明會辦理及每季座談會辦理向市民及相關人員宣達本市推動智慧建築之決心及相關政策。此外,本計畫針對臺中市轄內高中職以下學校,研提「低碳校園標章認證」及「照明節能方案」兩大主軸相關規範,並提出「臺中市低碳學校認證作業規範」及「學校節能績效保證專案」,彙整能源技術服務產業(ESCO)技術驗證合作模式內容,期間完成30所學校能源診斷規劃書,內容包含量化節能效益評估及提出後續維護及驗證機制等,落實推動後每年將可節電1,619,475kwh減碳991,119kg就技術面,ESCO的推動應為可行,惟市府財會部門的認可及預算編列,透過校際整合擴大改造經濟規模吸引ESCO業者投入,為後續落實推動的重點工作,本年度未完成相關行政配套措施,協助10所學校簽訂節能績效保證專案部分無法如期完成,但已建置完成30所學校用電雲端績效管理平台,可為學校推動節能績效保證專案之依據。為鼓勵學校推動低碳校園作為以為臺中市建構低碳城市之基礎,輔導轄內64所學校(國小33所、國中20所、高中11所)參與低碳校園認證評比作業,協助校方進行作業規範之評比作業、現場勘查、評定報告書製作及後續相關輔導諮詢服務等活動,預估所輔導之64所學校,每年可總節電量為199,075KWh,減碳量121,834kg;若轄內309所學校全數推動,預估每年總節電量將為1,532,649KWh,減碳量937,981kg。因規劃作業期程無法配合,故此部分工作量無法如期完成,提供目前階段性成果供後續執行之基礎資料。 The plan of Taichung Low-carbon city developments promotes and assesses in 101 year. This project assists the Promotion Office of Low Carbon City in Taichung in operating and designs the related measures, including 6 completed actions from 3 directions: 1.) green transportation, 2.) the tools of law, economics and finances, and 3.) the science of social behavior and evaluation tools. Four seasonal project reports, regarding the analyses of feasibilities of technology and finance, the analyses of reproduction, etc., have been finished. We coordinated with Environmental Protection Administration to build a integration platform which implement the central living circle and promote the low carbon sustainable policies. To learn from the experiences of building low carbon cities, we held low carbon city forums. Experts from China and Singapore and 4 low carbon cities of Taiwan were invited. We also have many plans to promote the low carbon ideas for the government officials dealing with the related businesses, to drive the low carbon industries(wind energy, solar energy and intelligent green buildings), and to exchange the experiences with other local governments(electrical bus, green buildings and low carbon tours). All of these plans could help citizens understand the ideas of low carbon and built a communication platform for low carbon cities and industries. Eight activities have been accomplished, and two more activities have been scheduled. We suggest these two activities should be held in the future. Furthermore, for the purpose of citizens' realization, we propagated the related policies and the determination to citizens of Taichung and related staff by ways of press conferences, press releases, website constructions, public meetings, and quarterly discussion meetings.Moreover, this project proposed two major related measures for the high schools and elementary schools in Taichung city: "Accreditation of low carbon campus" and "Proposal for saving energy in lighting". We also proposed "Guidance of applying for accreditation of low carbon campus in Taichung city" and "Project for performance guarantee of saving energy in schools". We gathered the content of the technology verification from energy service companies(ESCO) and completed 30 diagnostic proposals for saving energy in school, including the performance assessment of saving energy, the following maintenance, and the verification systems. After these measurements are put into practice, 1,619,475kwh of electricity will be saved and 991,119kg of carbon emissions will be reduced. Technologically speaking, the implement of ESCO is feasible, but it requires the permit from financial and accounting departments of the authorities and the budget to implement the following key work. Due to the lack of coordination, we cannot assist 10 schools to sign the "Project for performance guarantee of saving energy" timely. However, we have built the management platform which help 30 schools with the performance of electricity usage. This could be used as a basis to implement "Project for performance guarantee of saving energy" for schools. For the sake of encouraging schools to implement low carbon campuses, this project assisted 64 schools in Taichung city to apply for the accreditation of low carbon campus. We help schools with the self-evaluation, on-site inspection, assessment reports and the following consultations. It is estimated that the 64 schools we assisted will save 199075KWh of electricity and reduce 121834 kg of carbon emissions per year. If all the 309 schools in Taichung city could implement these measures, it is estimated that 1532649 KWh of electricity will be saved and 937981 kg of carbon emissions will be reduced in total. Because the planned schedule could not be accomplished, these goals still remain unfinished. Therefore, we provide the achievements of current phase to be used as references to the following work. 102 台中市環境保護局 財團法人臺灣建築中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62358
回收系統中社會福利最佳化之費率制定及補助政策分析 本計畫分析整個回收體系參與者的決策時間點,包含政府機關、消費市場以及回收市場所有參與者。政府機關為回收基金管理委員會(先行者)先釋出回收清除處理費率與處理補貼費率之訊息,責任業者與回收業者(跟隨者)接收訊息後,分別決定最佳製造量與收購金。上述兩階段政策工具能夠有效減少環境的負面外部影響,而臺灣利用兩階段政策工具運行資源回收系統已行之有年,由政府單位向相關責任業者進行課稅,提供補助給資源回收業者。現行制度應用收支平衡的概念進行回收基金的操作與管理,然而,對非營利組織而言,其應就整體系統收益做考量,因此本計畫以最佳化整體系統收益的觀點上,求取基管會所應訂定之回收清除處理費率與處理補貼費率,與現行制度比較,並擬以產業實際現況說明本計畫所得到之管理意涵。本文主要有2個貢獻:(1)系統收益最佳化的提議概念提供環保署一個訂定清除處理費與處理補貼費一個不同的方法,(2)補貼費率和回收量之間的關係於現行模式中可能造成市場的扭曲。 The analysis of welfare-maximized tax/subsidy fee determination and subsidy impacts on recycling sys This study presents a Stackelberg-typed model to determine the socially optimal subsidy and advanced recycling fees in decentralized reverse supply chains where each entity independently acts according to its own interests. Our model consists of the government, as a leader, and two followers, a group of manufacturers, importers, and sellers (MIS), and a group of recyclers. Two-part instrument (2PI), where the government taxes manufacturers, imports, and sellers (MIS) and subsidizes recyclers, plays a key role in driving or giving incentives to the flows of recycling items. The current recycling system in Taiwan considers the fund balance between the subsidy and advanced recycling fees. This study maximizes the profit of the whole system, and the government determines the advanced recycling fee paid by the MIS and the subsidy fee subsidizing recyclers when MIS firms sell or recyclers process a unit of products. This study investigates the difference in the interested performances of the system optimization model and current practice under the identical tax revenue, and draws the managerial insights by examining numerical examples in the personal computer industry in Taiwan. This research makes two important contributions to the literature: (1) the proposed concept of system maximization providing the EPA with a different tax/subsidy instrument, (2) quantifying the possible relationship between the subsidy fee and collected quantities, which demonstrates a market distortion in the current practice of the fund balance model. 102 基管會 國立臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62365
推動高屏空品區行動減量與空氣污染管制計畫 本計畫主軸工作包含:各期總量管制制度之研修及推動、高屏空品區行動減量計畫與空氣污染防制計畫追蹤查核、空氣污染物削減量差額管理平台維護及空氣品質改善策略行政支援作業。一、研修及推動各期總量管制制度,並評估相關減量效益。1.參酌現行地方政府所提空氣污染防制計畫內容,並依現行指引範例手冊為基礎完成因應總量管制之部分章節修訂,主要新增指定削減及削減量差額管理作業及增量抵換作業方式、新增或變更固定污染源審核作業方式等。2.完成現行中部、雲嘉南及高屏空品區之PM2.5自動監測結果與排放標準之符合度分析,並翻譯有關PM2.5及其前驅物控制措施之相關文獻(Lists of Potential Control Measures for PM2.5 and Precursors),彙整國際間PM2.5控制經驗資料(International Experience on PM2.5 Control,資料來源:第八屆中國城市空氣品質管理研討會),將前述資訊可作為我國PM2.5控制策略擬訂之參考。3.完成查訪對象於總量管制下指定削減之可行性分析,於考量業者改善意願下,估算潛在削減量空間,四類主要污染物削減空間約有0.4%(以高屏空品區試算認可排放量147,278公噸為分母),與高屏總量管制計畫(初稿)之第二期程指定削減目標(5~10%)尚有相當距離,建議應持續分析其他污染源之削減空間,另評析結合適當誘因機制提高業者願意投資改善之可行性。4.地方指定削減原則研訂上,除列出建議指定削減對象外,並針對指定對象進行削減成果試算,以高屏地區電力業加嚴標準草案之排放濃度作為指定削減目標應達之排放濃度目標,假設其他相關操作參數皆相同下估計其減量空間,約可降低高屏空品區排放總量之8.7%左右(以高屏地區排放清冊之排放總量為基礎),然因該草案將會實施,顯示高屏電力業指定削減空間將更為有限,未來須再檢視電力業第二期指定削減原則。5.許可制度係固定源整合管理之工具,故總量管制相關規定應整合納入,初步規劃先以許可申請及審查指引加以規範,但建議倘明訂於固定污染源設置與操作許可證管理辦法將更為妥適,初步完成許可辦法建議增修條文(草案),作為未來許可規範修訂之參考。6.協助地方環保局完成3場次總量管制相關宣導說明會議辦理,另因應台中市環保局需求,試行台中港區10家公私場所認可排放量申請審查,其中9家公私場所皆以環評審查結果申請,建議未來可依縣市需求,擴大高屏地區外之其他縣市進行總量管制相關試行作業。7.依據中部、雲嘉南空品區既存固定污染源排放量認可試算結果,顯示中部空品區之SOx及VOCs總認可排放量試算結果約占總許可核定量的九成以上,TSP和NOx總認可排放量試算結果約占許可核定量七至八成不等;雲嘉南空品區各污染物總認可排放量試算結果約占總許可核定量四成到六成不等。二、進行高屏空品區行動減量計畫與空氣污染防制計畫追蹤查核。1.建置排放量認可標準作業程序與相關表單,作為地方環保局未來輔導業者總量管制推動試行之依據,未來可持續推動其他地區或空品區之行動減量計畫,另於試行階段透過複核機制確認地方環保局是否已具備相關執行能力。2.本年度20家查訪對象中,有14家業者未來無減量規劃,5家業者近年已進行減量,1家業者未來有減量規劃。3.查訪作業同時收集各廠防制成本資訊,估算各污染物防制設備在不同廢氣處理量下的年減量初設成本及年減量耗材及維護成本,以提供作為業者未來減量成本參考評估。4.透過20家現場查訪,收集147座防制設備相關資訊,透過相關性分析,初步顯示部分設備之設置成本與廢氣處理量呈正相關,但各防制設備單位減量成本差異很大,然因各項防制設備樣本數不足,代表性稍嫌不足。另相較美國防制成本資料,國內防制設備單位減量成本相對偏低許多。建議可持續收集業者防制設備成本相關資訊,有助於完備國內空污防制成本資料庫,亦可作為防制設備正常操作之稽查輔助資訊。5.比對高屏地區查訪對象於2012年度SOx、NOx排放量及空污費申報數據,顯示有4成業者有落差,另於去(2012)年修正公告將排放量及空污費申報計量方法改為一致後,比對2013年前兩季數據,顯示部分業者仍有落差,探討分析其差異原因主要為人為誤差及系統尚未整合所導致。本計畫已提供給固定源計畫執行單位進行後續追蹤,未來隨著時間拉長,排放量認可與實際排放量之差距應會逐漸消失。6.比對查訪對象2012年度各污染物排放量申報與認可排放量差異情形,顯示部分業者其2012年排放量申報大於認可排放量,比值從 1.01 至 4.27倍不等,其中以 SOx差異最大,而各污染物差額加總佔高屏地區457家總認可排放量比例0.79%,顯示認可排放量變化差異不大。7.排放量認可試行作業於管理平台之登錄情形,目前共145家業者提出排放認可年申請,已有78家已經地方主管機關審核認可通過,尚有66家業者等待審核,1家業者以環評申請量作認可。8.完成蒐集彙整101年度高屏地區固定源、逸散源及其他相關空氣污染防制措施具體執行成果,並提出102年度預計執行推動之工作方向。9.為有效掌握地方主管機關管制措施之有效性,未來於環保署SIP計畫中可列明管制對策預期減量計算方式,可作為環保署相關管制策略於規範擬訂與推動期程之參考,並可檢視管制措施與減量成果之推動歷程,可定期滾動式檢討實施成果並回饋修正。三、維護空氣污染物削減量差額管理平台。1.完成掌握及試算中部及雲嘉南空品區認可列管對象及排放量有1,072家,並新增二空品區管理平台入口路徑,及更新認可名單。2.持續掌握固定污染源相關系統之改版期程與現況,並針對程式語法改寫造成排放資訊導入錯誤進行人工除錯,以維持管理平台正常運作。3.除維護管理平台系統功能正常運作,依固定污染源相關系統之程式語言改寫進度,提出未來管理平台維護管理建議。四、推動空氣品質改善策略行政支援作業1.結合本計畫各項工作已辦理及配合協辦工作交流研商/說明/現場查訪會議,共計31場次。2.蒐集更新最新空氣污染防制各類相關法規,且因應環保署需求進行印製作業。3.完成更新維護總量管制及細懸浮微粒相關網頁資訊,並定期披露最新相關消息及相關檔案下載提供。 Project for air pollutant management and reduction action in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung air district This project consists three major parts with their respective results listed as follows: 1.Review and revision of the total quantity controls as well as the evaluation of its possible reduction effectiveness.(1)The project took reference from current local government air pollution control plans and current guidelines as the basis for the revision of the air pollution control plans. The major revision includes the addition of designated reduction and the management of the reduction credits, the off-set of increased emission, as well as the review process for new stationary source.(2)The project has completed the PM2.5 monitoring results analysis for regulation compliance in the central, Yun-Chia-Nan and Kao-Pin air districts. The project also did translation of the reference material-“Lists of Potential Control Measures for PM2.5 and Precursors” into Chinese language and collection of the reference material-“International Experience on PM2.5 Control”. Sources for the above mentioned reference materials came from the 8th air quality management conference of Chinese cities. The collected information can provide reference for our national PM2.5 control strategy planning.(3)The project conducted a feasibility study for designated reduction by visiting 20 companies according to their willingness to cooperate. It is estimated that about 0.4% pollutants can be reduced from the 4 major categories of air pulltants (based on the total emission calculated for the Kao-Pin air district to be 147,278 tons) which is still relatively far from the designated reduction goal (5-10%) for stage 2 reduction. It is suggested that further ananysis be carried out for the reduction of other pollutants as well as the feasibility of incentive mechanism to increase industrial willingness to invest for improvement.(4)Regarding the principle for designated reduction, the project has processed trial estimation for the reduction besides the listing of possible reduction. Take Kao-Pin air district for example, it is estimated that by strengthening the emission standards for power industry under the same operation parameters, could achieve a designated reduction reduction of 8.7% (calculated based on the emission inventory for Kao-Pin air district). However, since the draft regulation will be implemented in the future so the room for reduction could be limited. It is suggested for the future to further investigate the principle for designation for the second stage reduction.(5)Since permit system has been an instrument to integrate stationary source management, it is suggested that the total quantity controls be included into future permit application review. The project has completed the draft regulation for future reference. (6)The project has assisted EPB to complete 3 sessions of workshop for the total quantity controls. In addition, the project also conducted trial emission allowance review for 10 companies. Among them, 9 companies applied according to EIA results. It is suggested for the future to expand the total quantity controls to counties and cities beyond the Kao-Pin air district.(7)It is estimated for the Central and Yun-Chia-Nan air district that about 70-80% of stationary sources could be selected from those registered after 2007 since some companies do not have air pollution fee records. Besides the emission for SOx and VOCs occupies about 90% of the total permitted amount of air pollutants, and about 70-80% for TSP and NOx, while it is about 40-60% for the Yun-Chia-Nan air district. 2.Follw-up investigation of the Kao-Pin air district reduction action plan and the air pollution control plan(1)The project established emission allowance approval procedure and the relevant documentation forms to provide local bureaus for future consultation to the industries. It is suggested for the future to further promote reduction action plan for other area and other air district, as well as to assure whether local bureaus are ready for the implementation by a cross check system. (2)The result shows 14 out of the investigated 20 companies do not have future reduction plan; while 5 companies have implemented reduction in recent years, and 1 company has future reduction plan.(3)The investigation process also collected air pollution cost information to estimate annual air pollution reduction cost for different level of treatment capacity as well as the cost for operation and maintenance.(4)Through site visiting of 20 companies to collect information for 147 facilities for correlation analysis, positive correlation is found for treatment capacity and equipment cost however there are large differences between the costs for different facilities. In comparison to the cost information for local versus USA facilities, the local cost is relatively lower. It is suggested to futher collect information for cost to provide supplementary information for inspection.(5)The investigation compared the result of the visited companies in 2012 and found inconsisitency between the reported air pollution fee and the reported air emission for SOx and NOx with 40% of the investigated companies showed obvious difference mainly due to difference in calculation and man-made errors. This project has provided information for the stationary source project to follow-up this issue. It is expected that the difference between permitted emission and actual emission could be reduced in the long run.(6)The project compared and found difference between permitted emission and reported emission for the investigated companies in 2012. It is shown that the reported emission was larger than the permitted emission at a ratio of 1.01 to 4.27. Among them, the difference for SOx was especially large. The difference for other pollutants came to a total of 0.79% of the permitted emission for the 457 companies in Kao-Pin air district therefore the variance in permitted emission is not large. (7)The pilot study for emission allowance approval shows 145 companies have registered at the management platform for appling emission allowance. Among them, 78 companies have been approved by their respective local authority while 66 companies are pending for review, and 1 company is approved for EIA emission allowance.(8)The project has completed the collection of air pollution control results for Kao-Pin air district in 2012 and provided suggestion for future promotional work direction.(9)In order to effectively control the effectiveness of local government control measure, it is suggested for EPA SIP project to list all strategies and calculation methodology for the estimation of reduction that can be provided for EPA future design of control strategy as well as for periodical rolling review of actual results that could feedback to the revision of control measures. 3.Maintenance for the air pollution reduction management platform.(1)Completed the calculation of emission for 1,072 companies in the central and Yun-Chia-Nan air district. Add new links to the management platform for the two districts and updated the listing of permits.(2)Continue updating the system for stationary source and manually removed errors from the system due to the rewriting of the system program to maintain normal operation of the platform.(3)In addition to maintaining the management platform for normal operation, the project also reprogramed the stationary source system and made suggestion to future management.4.Administrative support on Promotion for air quality improvement strategy.(1)The project has conducted 31 sessions of work related meetings and site visits to integrate every work items included in this project.(2)The project has updated information regarding air pollution control and regulation in the form of electronic files to provide EPA for the printing of regulation manual.(3)Completed the maintenance and updates of the website for the total quantity controls and fine particulate matter with periodical release of new information and electronic files for download. 102 空保處 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62062
廢家電PUR與3C電子殼材回收再製環保輕質強韌建材之技術製程整合計畫 目前國內廢冰箱發泡聚氨酯(PUR)之資源再生管道尚未成熟,以致掩埋、焚燒成為最主要的處理方式,然而傳統的處理方法,不但無法達成廢棄物減量且亦有污染環境之虞。除此之外,丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物( ABS )是3C電子產品中,用途最廣且用量最大的塑膠材料,ABS除了具有極佳的剛性、韌性與硬度等優良機械性質外,亦包含良好的耐化學藥品性、尺寸穩定性等優點,故為了避免與日俱增的廢棄物造成生態環境沉重的負擔,有效的回收再利用PUR與ABS,將是本研究重點所在。故本研究旨在進行PUR回收技術開發,而後透過配方技術、改質技術、混練技術、押出成型技術等方式,進而提升回收ABS/PUR塑木複材的物性,並開發其回收再製綠塑木建材,達到廢棄物回收再生的目的,藉由本計畫之PUR資源回收技術系統,可生產出高品質的質輕、高強韌回收ABS/PUR塑木複材產品。其產品不僅保有天然木材特性,且改善其易受潮變形、蟲菌腐朽等缺點,既環保又健康,可完全取代天然木材,符合綠色環保趨勢。計畫內建置廢冰箱處理流程,包括:冷媒回收→人工拆解→粗破碎→細破碎→磁選→震動篩選→風選等工序。而後將回收的廢PUR經機械研磨,使其平均粒徑可達100 μm以下,並以1:1之比例,與木粉進行混拌,另選用N-2(氨乙基)3-氨丙基三乙氧基矽烷( APTES )進行木粉-PUR( W-PUR )表面偶合處理。此外,搭配回收ABS,選擇苯乙烯-乙烯/丁二烯接枝馬來酸酐( SEBS-g-MA )進行相容性最適化改質,另完成阻燃母粒及色母粒製備,可分別依產品需求,進行最佳比例應用,並在40 % W-PUR的添加下,提升衝擊強度達40 %,且增加熱變形溫度4.5 ℃,最終完成計畫設定之6.5 * 1.5 cm發泡扶手板材與14.5 * 2.5 cm止滑地面板材兩項產品。 The Technology and Process Integration of Eco-lightweight and High Toughness Building Materials 「The Technology and Process Integration of Eco-lightweight and High Toughness Building Materials by Using the PUR of Waste Refrigerator and the Recycled Electronic Housing」 The regenerate methods for foamed polyurethane (PUR) resource from waste refrigerator are not mature now, so that burying and burning are the major processes in Taiwan. However, the traditional processes can not reduce the waste PUR, but cause the environmental contamination. Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer (ABS) is a widely used resin in 3C product. It has high modulus, high toughness, high hardness, good chemical resistance and good dimensional stability. In addition to reduce the quantity of waste, it is important to recycle and reuse the waste PUR and ABS effectively, and it is also the key issue of this project. This study is devoted to develop the recycling technology of PUR. Recipe design, coupling technology, compounding technology and extrusion molding integration is the know-how of this project. From this recycling and reusing technology, we can produce high quality, light-weight and high toughness product of ABS/PUR wood plastic composite. The ABS/PUR wood plastic composite has the properties of natural wood; furthermore, the weakness of natural wood, which is moisture creep and not bugs and turmoil free, was modified and improved. We can not only replace the natural wood but fit the green eco-trend. The recycling process of refrigerator developed in this project is (a) recycling of refrigerant; (b) coarse crushing; (c) fine crushing; (d) magnetic screening processes; (e) vibration screening; (f) wind screening processes. After grinding, the particle size of waste PUR is below 100 μm, and then mixed with wood flour. The coupling agent, aminal propyl triexothysilane (APTES), was surface modified with wood flour. Also, the compatibilizer, styrene-ethylene-butadiene-styrene copolymer grafted maleic acid ( SEBS-g-MA ) was added to ABS for modification. In addition, the flame retardant masterbatch and color masterbatch was prepared, and then added to product by the optimum ratio. Adding 40 % W-PUR can increase the 40 % impact strength of composite, and raise 4.5 ℃ heat deflection temperature of composite. The final product of this project, a 6.5 * 1.5 cm foaming armrest sheet, and a 14.5 * 2.5 cm anti-slip decking sheet, are prepared successfully. 102 基管會 遠東科技大學(弘光環保有限公司) http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62303
廢鋰電池回收處理技術研究 有鑑於國內廢鋰電池之回收數量與比例逐年提升,如何有效回收處理這些廢鋰電池更顯重要。因此,本研究應用熱處理技術進行廢鋰鈷電池與鋰鐵電池之熱處理實驗,探討不同操作條件之影響,以及熱處理過程中金屬與污染物之流向分佈,藉以建立最適操作條件以及回收處理程序。本計畫目前已完成預期工作進度,研究結果顯示,鋰鈷電池之主要組成比例為金屬箔(正極) 30~50%、石墨(負極) 16~27%、隔離膜 3~5%、金屬外殼 2~7%、外部包裝(含電極) 1.5~4.5%,鋰鈷電池內部所含金屬種類與含量為鋰(4-7%)、鋁(7-10%)、鈷(40-65%)、鎳(0-1.2%)、銅(20-45%)。鋰鐵電池之主要組成比例為金屬箔(正極) 52%、石墨(負極) 25%、隔離膜 8%、金屬外殼 10%、外部包裝(含電極) 0.7%,鋰鐵電池內部所含金屬種類與含量為鋰(5%)、鋁(15-20%)、鐵(38%)、銅(37-41%)。 廢鋰電池熱處理溫度偏低時(400℃)無法將隔離膜等雜質完全分解,影響金屬之回收效果,熱處理溫度為600℃時之處理效果最佳,污染物排放濃度亦最低。不同進氣組成(氣氛)影響廢鋰電池熱處理效果與金屬成分組成,綜合考量廢鋰電池中所含金屬之回收率,熱處理操作氣氛仍以空氣較適合。鋰鈷電池之金屬回收率分別為鋰95.38%、鈷93.99%、銅96.24%、鋁85.28%,鋰鐵電池之金屬回收率分別為鋰90.01%、鐵85.49%、銅83.72%、鋁73.75%。 廢鋰電池於熱處理過程中,廢氣中之HCl和HF濃度約為2-16 ppm,故需注意酸性氣體之控制去除,廢氣中重金屬以鋰、銅、鋁、鐵為主,其濃度則大多介於N.D.~ 0.4 mg/Nm3,屬於中低範圍,金屬氣固相分布結果顯示,99.9%以上之金屬成分仍存在於燃燒後殘留物中(固相)。 Recycling Technology of Spent Lithium Battery With the annual amounts and percentages of recycled lithium batteries being increased significantly, how to recycle these spent lithium batteries effectively is very important and urgent. Therefore, this study aims to use the thermal treatment technology for recycling the spent lithium batteries and investigating the effects of different operation conditions on the recycle efficiency of valuable metals. The fates and distributions of different metals in solid and gas phase are also evaluated. The optimal operation conditions and the feasible treatment process for the recycling of spent lithium batteries will be proposed.The scheduled tasks and progress of this study has been finished. The experimental results indicate that the major compositions of lithium-cobalt battery included metal foil (anode, 30-50%), graphite (cathode, 16-27%), separation film (3-5%), outer covering metal (2-7%), and packing materials (1.5-4.5%). The contents of different metals in the spent lithium-cobalt battery were lithium (4-7%), aluminum (7-10%), cobalt (40-65%), nickel (0-1.2%), and copper (20-45%). The major compositions of lithium-iron battery included metal foil (anode, 52%), graphite (cathode, 25%), separation film (8%), outer covering metal (10%), and packing materials (0.7%). The contents of different metals in the spent lithium-iron battery were lithium (5%), aluminum (15-20%), iron (38%), and copper (37-41%). The optimal thermal treatment efficiency was obtained when the operating temperature was controlled at 600 oC. At lower temperature (400 oC), the combustible materials such as the separation film can’t be decomposed completely and the recycle efficiency of metals were decreased. The emissions of air pollutants were relatively lower when the operating temperature was controlled at 600 oC. Different feed gas compositions provided different combustion atmospheres and influenced the recycling efficiency and species compositions of metals. To comprehensively consider the recycling efficiencies of different metals and operation cost, air was the best feed gas. The recycling rates of different metals in lithium-cobalt batteries were lithium 95.38%, cobalt 93.99%, copper 96.34%, and alumina 85.28%. The recycling rates of different metals in lithium-iron batteries were lithium 90.01%, iron 85.49%, copper 83.72%, and alumina 73.75%. The concentrations of HCl and HF in the flue gas of lithium batteries treatment furnace were 2-16 ppm, the control of acid gases should be careful. The concentrations of heavy metals in the flue gas were relative low and the range was N.D.~ 0.4 mg/Nm3. More than 99.9% metals were presented and remained in the residuals (solid phase) during the thermal treatment of spent lithium batteries. 102 基管會 弘光科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62338
廢液晶面板中液晶再利用之可行性評估 隨著液晶顯示器逐漸取代傳統陰極射線管成為主流顯示裝置,其生產量及使用量日益增多,導致廢棄量與日俱增。以現行處理模式雖然可將廢液晶顯示器簡單拆解成數個單元並依材料別進行回收,然而對於廢液晶面板卻礙於無適合的處理方式僅能委託廢棄物處理廠進行掩埋處置。由於台灣是液晶顯示器的主要生產國之一,據統計每年必須處理的線上面板不良品高達5300 噸,而液晶面板中除了液晶外,尚含有銦、錫和鉬等重金屬,這些為數不少的重金屬埋在地底實在難保其不會對環境產生危害,因此亟需開發相關的回收處理技術以解決此日趨嚴重的問題。 其中,最關鍵的問題當屬液晶的處理模式,液晶材料主要是由苯環、環己烷、氧、氮和鹵素構成,整體結構穩定且耐酸、耐鹼、沸點又高,無論以掩埋或焚化的方式處理都可能對環境造成危害,再加上它具有高單價的特性,因此,最佳的處理模式莫過於再利用於液晶面板製程。故本計畫的主要目的是將液晶自廢液晶面板中取出,並進行調配、純化後,重新灌入液晶面板中,再藉由該液晶面板的顯示性能以評估液晶再利用的可行性。 Evaluation on reuse feasibility of liquid crystal from waste LCD LCDs have replaced CRTs as the main display devices recently. Tosatisfy the increasing demands, billions of LCDs are manufacturedannually. However, as more LCDs are produced and used, the amount of LCD waste is increasing at an alarming rate. LCD waste can be simply disassembled into a numerous parts, most of which are commonly recycled, but the LCD panels typically are not. Waste LCD panels are generally disposed of in a landfill or by incineration. An increasing number of countries are prohibiting such treatments, because waste LCD panels are potentially hazardous and detrimentally affect health. It is important to create a viable LCD disposal solution.In order to avert a growing environmental problem which was caused by discarding LCD panels, a method that offers an efficient way to separate liquid crystal from waste LCD panel was developed. However, the recyclability of the liquid crystal needed further confirmation. In this study, the liquid crystal which is collected from waste LCD panel, after it had undergone extraction, purification and blending, was utilized to produce 100 pieces of LCD panel. The product yield, and the display performance and reliability of the panels were used to evaluate the feasibility of the method. 102 基管會 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62346
102年度「關渡自然公園水磨坑溪人工溼地操作維護計畫」 本計畫於契約辦理期間,執行人工溼地場址之各項操作維護工作,並按月定期提送月報資料、環境教育宣導相關工作、解說涼亭及平台老舊木板更新作業、抽水泵浦馬達汰換更新及配電盤檢修作業、按月定期水質採樣及檢測、生態調查作業、外來種移除作業、單元間土堤維護及連通管清淤、操作維護手冊修訂及操作維護人員教育訓練等事項。確保場址引入流量可有效維持至少2,000 CMD以上(除相關設施維修與測試、颱風與豪雨警報需調節水位、清淤作業等因素暫停引水外),使人工溼地系統可有效運作,改善水磨坑溪水體水質。場址水質定期檢測結果統計,其入流及出流之平均水質變化,溶氧由4.2 mg/L提昇為5.3mg/L (提昇率26.19 %;設計目標:達3.0mg/L以上)、生化需氧量由6.8 mg/L下降至2.3 mg/L(移除率66.18 %;設計目標:達8.0mg/L以下)、氨氮由0.9 mg/L下降至0.08 mg/L (移除率91.11 %;設計目標:達3.0mg/L以下);而場址年度最大之污染移除總量,生化需氧量約為2,183.3 kg、氨氮約為305.9 kg、懸浮固體約為11,639.8 kg。對於污染之移除,已達到原設計之目標,並成為環境教育展示場所,促進關渡自然公園之永續經營。此外,透過解說導覽、宣導、體驗等活動方式,辦理環境教育宣導活動及環境教育4小時研習課程體驗活動,總計有1,635人次參加;另外本年度非計畫之民眾參訪及體驗活動人數,共計約有247場次、7,543人次進入場址溼地,有助於參訪民眾更深入瞭解本場址相關設施、功用及污染淨化效益,亦讓人工溼地更具吸引力,藉此達到環境教育宣導之效果。 The tasks of this project were proposed to maintain the normal operation for the constructed wetland at Guandu Natural Park, to promote environmental education for wetland, and to adjust the affiliated instruments in wetland. The duration of tasks was assigned for one full year since May 19 of 2013 to December 31 of 2013. After the completion of this project, there are several accomplishments as following:The constructed wetland may function as a water treatment site on daily 2,000CMD treatment capacity normally, which reduced the concentration of BOD from 6.8 mg/L to 2.3 mg/L (removal rate 66.18 %), ammonia from 0.9 mg/L to 0.08 mg/L (removal rate 91.11 %), and enhanced dissolved oxygen from 4.2 mg/L to 5.3 mg/L (DO 26.19 % enhanced). The total removal of assigned pollutants has been reached as 2,183.3 kg of BOD, 305.9 kg of ammonia, and 11,639.8 kg of suspensed solids during one year operation.There were 1,635 persons engaged in environmental education program. They have visited the wetland site and realized this new instrument for wastewater treatment. This experience has helped them to cooperate with nature to make environment better. 102 台北市政府環境保護局 財團法人台灣水利環境科技研究發展教育基金會(TIIWE) http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62215
102年度嘉義市節能減碳宣導推動計畫-低碳生活營造計畫   嘉義市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為積極推動節能減碳相關工作,並配合行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)低碳家園發展策略,推動「低碳永續家園推動方案」十大運作機能項目中之「低碳生活」運作機能,透過推動各局處、各鄉鎮市區暨所屬單位執行節能減碳無悔措施、辦理節能減碳宣導活動、執行低碳永續家園推動方案、廣播宣導、行動標章推廣及住商節能省水診斷輔導等,達到推動節能減碳生活的社會運動,讓民眾主動參與,並於日常生活中落實節能減碳之作為。  本年度協助環保局於「102年度直轄市及縣(市)環保機關推動低碳生活執行績效評比」中,獲得「低碳生活執行績效」特優之殊榮,相關推動成果摘要說明如下:一、輔導企業及社區參與行政院環保署辦理之節能減碳行動標章遴選,共輔導8個單位參加,其中嘉義市頂庄社區發展協會、嘉義市磚瑤社區發展協會榮獲社區組「績優獎」、劍湖山世界股份有限公司嘉義分公司-耐斯松屋百貨、嘉義商旅管理顧問有限公司獲得企業組「績優獎」,鈺通大飯店股份有限公司、嘉強電子股份有限公司榮獲企業組「特優獎」。二、為推動低碳生活行動項目,鼓勵里、社區落實,提供2個低碳示範社區,8個非低碳社區補助經費,執行低碳生活行動項目,各村里、社區推動之低碳生活方案,在低碳飲食、低碳旅遊、推廣低碳生活課程與活動方面,總計減少807.052公斤之碳排放量。另外各村里、社區積極營造環境綠化,利用社區空地,或改善社區髒亂點,種植樹木,增加之環境綠化面積及植樹,增加101,037.4公斤之固碳量。三、成立節能輔導團診斷,提供包含社區大樓、醫院、旅館、賣場、交通場站等共10處之免費節能診斷輔導,由輔導團依據現場診斷結果撰寫低碳診斷報告書,針對受輔導單位提出具體之節能省水改善建議方案,並估算改善之成本效益、減碳效益等,提供受輔導單位參考。建議之節能省水改善項目包含合理契約容量的訂定、照明設備改善、屋頂隔熱、設置省水設備等,10處受輔導單位若依據低碳診斷報告書之建議進行改善,預估改善投資經費為196.03 萬元,可達成之節能效益為404,877 KWh/年,可減少之碳排放量為213.98公噸/年。四、鼓勵受輔導單位進行實際之節約能源改善,本年度補助財神帝王大樓及盧亞人醫院,完成包含汰換節能照明燈具、省水設備,以及設置電動車充電站等改善工程,二處完成改善後減少碳排放量29,053.03kg/年(約29.05公噸/年)。五、辦理低碳生活、節電省水宣導活動,並以符合低碳活動方式規劃,於活動中不提供紙本資料、不提供一次性使用之杯子及瓶裝水,請與會人員自行攜帶環保杯等總計完成18場次活動之辦理,並於「綠網」登錄活動訊息及成果。辦理之活動包括「節能減碳行動標章甄選活動說明會」、「綠網節能減碳平台」操作說明會與「住商省電省水宣導說明會」各2場,以及「低碳生活宣導與自我用水量管理」宣導活動12場。六、於「綠網」發佈節能減碳、再生能源、資源回收、環境綠化、綠色運輸等相關訊息共165篇,發佈之文章共被分享2,922次。七、配合環保局低污染運具之推廣,完成汰換二行程機車之廣播宣傳761檔次(30秒/次)。八、未來建議推動事項:1. 透過環境教育課程之規劃,將節能減碳課程納入學校環境教育課程、志工訓練課程中,讓學生從小建立節能減碳觀念,志工了解正確之電力、水資源使用方式並協助進行推廣,讓正確之用電、用水習慣融入日常生活中,達到更大之節能減碳成效。並因應網路、3C產品之發達,建議把資訊平台之應用納入環保志工培訓課程或國中小電腦課程中,讓更多不同年齡層的市民都能透過節能減碳平台,學習或獲得相關節能減碳資訊。2. 推廣、教導民眾正確之用電、用水習慣,改變使用習慣可獲得之減碳效益大於設備改善、汰換之減碳效益。3. 培訓節能診斷志工,建議可招募具水電背景之志工,或對節能輔導具有熱枕之環保志工進行訓練,未來可協助推動節能診斷服務,解決技術人力資源及經費問題,並可協助更多單位進行節能改善之評估。4. 推廣再生能源使用,推廣家戶使用太陽能熱水器,減少電力使用需求,減少碳排放量。 Chiayi City Environmental Protection Bureau (hereafter refer to as the Bureau) in order to promote mission of energy saving and carbon reducing, and cooperate with Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (hereafter refer to as the Administration) Low-Carbon homeland development strategy, actively promote “Low-Carbon Life” section from 10 operation actions of “Low-Carbon and Sustainable homeland promotion plan”. The plan was executed by promoting each office and department undertaking energy saving and carbon reducing plan、holding activities of energy saving and carbon reducing propagation、executing Low-Carbon homeland plan、playing broadcasting、promoting action medal and assisting energy saving diagnosis on business and residents. In order to let people get involved with energy saving and carbon reducing promotion, and actually undertaking in their daily life.This year the Bureau obtained the best in “Low-carbon Life executing achievement” from “2013 municipality and county environmental protection department undertaking Low-Carbon Life competition”, and the execution results of each task were as follows:I. Assisting 8 units to enter the selection of energy saving and carbon reducing action medal held by the Administration, and in the end Dingzhuang Village received the best in neighborhood group, Nice department store and Chiayi business hotel both acquired best in business group, and then Uton hotel and MIPRO company obtained the best honor in business group.II. In order to promote Low-Carbon life actions and encourage neighborhood to follow, providing funding to 2 Low-Carbon villages and 8 non Low-Carbon villages to undertaking actions. The promotion of Low-Carbon actions including Low-Caron food、Low-Caron travel、Low-Caron lessons and activities, and the total number of carbon reduction is 807.052 kilograms. Furthermore, the villages also undertook planting and environment cleaning, increasing the number of trees and greening in neighborhood, and the total amount of carbon fixing is 101,037.4 kilograms. III. The energy saving guidance group was established, and it assisted 10 units including department、hospital、hotel and transportation section. The group produced Low-Carbon diagnosis reports based on the observation on-site, and provided improvement strategies and benefit analysis to the units. The improvements included making appropriate electricity contract、improving light equipments、blocking heat on rooftop and equipping with water saving. If these 10 units undertake all suggestions from group, then the estimated investment would be 1960.3 thousands, and energy saving is 404,877KWh/year, reducing carbon emission is 213.98 tons/year. IV. Encouraging the units to take energy saving improvement, and choosing King Community and Yaren hospital as the targets to receive subsidies. The improvement included replacing light、equipped with water saving and establishing electricity charging, the total reduction of carbon emission is 29,053.03 kilograms/year (almost equal to 29.05 tons/year). V. Holding Low-Carbon Life and energy saving propagation with Low-Carbon way, which means that no paper information provided during activities、no cup and bottle water supple、requesting people to bring their own cups. There were totally 18 activities held, and published related information and results on green net. The activities included “marks for energy saving and carbon reduction action explanation”、 2 “operation of Eco Life energy saving and carbon reduction platform”、 2 “guidance of energy saving and water conservation for residence and business” and 12 “guidance activities of low-carbon life and self-management of water use”. VI. Publishing 165 messages including energy saving and carbon reducing、renewable energy、resource recycling、environment greening and green transportation, were issued on “Eco Life” website and were shared 2,922 times. VII. In order to promote replacing low pollution vehicles, the plan completed 761 times (30 seconds/time) of polluted motorcycles by broadcasting announcements. VIII. Suggestions of future promotion1. Arranging environmental protection education lesson, and combining normal courses with energy saving and carbon reducing concepts for students and volunteers, in order to let them understand the correct views on energy saving and carbon reducing, which can make all these concepts get connected in daily life. And as now the website and 3C products are popular, suggesting that putting related information into students’ computer courses and volunteers’ training sessions, let many people can learn these useful information by the platform on net. 2. Propagating and teaching people the correct habit to use water and electricity, cause the change of habit can lead more benefit than replacing equipments. 3. Suggesting that recruiting volunteers with water and electricity fixing background, or environmental protection people with highly passion. In the future, they can assist in promoting energy saving diagnosis, reducing the cost for hiring others, and undertaking more missions of energy saving improvement analysis. 4. Promoting renewable energy, like residents can equip with solar heaters, which help in reducing energy cost and carbon emission. 102 嘉義市政府環境保護局 傳閔工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62182
2013兩岸土壤及地下水環境保護領域交流工作計畫 籌辦兩岸土壤、地下水環境保護領域研討會及論壇會議,強化兩岸因應土壤及地下水環境保護之實質交流與合作;協助本署參與於中國大陸舉辦之環境保護相關學術研討會;為推動我國土水整治產業,研析於海峽兩岸經濟合作架構下我國土壤地下水產業因應措施及計畫。 2013 Cross-Strait Program for Soil and Groundwater This project by collecting regulatory regimes cum industrial promotion of soiland groundwater environmental protection related to Mainland China Research andAnalysis , and Management organized way Symposium through the Office ofopportunity related fields at the turn of liquidity and expand cooperation inthe Mainland China conducted with , and successfully in before the end of Decemberthis year to complete . Through conduct seminars way , and MEP Mainland Chineserelevant departments communication, cohesion strait experts together to discussdifferences and complementarity between strait soil and groundwaterenvironmental protection, and discuss follow- strait exchanges meter paintingand implementation methods. While also providing each other to learn fromindustry, government and academia to discuss and exchange views on theopportunity to experience . The project also compiled Mainland China prevailingsoil and groundwater regime results achieved environmental regulations ,available relevant government departments , academic and research institutionsand business related units in the practice of important reference .The project includes three tasks :(1)in handling a domestic screenings do "cross-strait soil and groundwaterregime Symposium environmental regulations " and " Expert Forum " meeting ,invite professionals to join Mainland China .(2)go to Mainland China to participate in regional environmental soil andgroundwater related seminars, and conducted site visits and exchanges .(3)to promote my homeland water remediation industry , research and analysisin the " cross-strait economic cooperation framework (ECFA) of soil andgroundwater under the workaround and industrial projects.(4)real-time updates of the Department of Soil and Groundwater grouping ofcross-strait exchange platform for environmental services ( includingwastewater treatment ) related messages. 102 土污基管會 台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62356
臺北市101年度營建工程空氣污染管制計畫 本年度計畫以設施管理辦法之查核為主軸,輔以推動5S潔淨運動、圍籬綠美化、周邊道路洗掃認養、宣導會及訓練觀摩等方式,強化營建工程之污染管制工作。本年度計畫自101年4月8日簽約執行,至102年3月31日止,共完成12,088處次之工地巡查作業(包含假日巡查600處次),並針對未符合設施管理辦法之工程進行輔導改善。本年度持續推動營建工地5S潔淨運動,以「工地綠化願“整理”」、「施工期間勤“整頓”」、「周圍環境常“清掃”」、「機具油品保“清潔”」、「營建工地有“紀律”」為主軸,針對大型工程推動由內而外之環境維護作業,從施工面、施工機具之空氣污染防制,工地圍籬之綠美化,到工區周界環境的維護工作等,涵蓋整個施工區域污染的範圍,歷年共有106處工地參與營建工地5S潔淨運動,參與5S潔淨運動工地均已完成圍籬綠美化作業,5S潔淨運動執行期間粒狀物削減率66%,較全市營建工程粒狀物之削減率約高10%為了改善營建工地給予外界「外觀生硬、內部髒亂」之刻板印象,本年度更積極推動營建工地環境綠美化作業,讓民眾感受到不一樣的工地風情,也讓民眾有「原來工地也可以很乾淨、漂亮」之新感受。101年4月~102年3月共推動新增108處營建工地完成圍籬綠美化作業,其中74處工地使用綠籬或掛設壁盆掛設花槽綠化方式、19處工地使用帆布或彩繪美化方式,另有15處工地同時使用植栽綠化及圍籬彩繪美化,完成綠化面積62,300M2。加強道路及管線工程施工管理亦為本年度重點工作,本年度推動「施工污染,非『管』不可」作業,除研訂管線工程施工作業程序,於進行小型管線工程之巡查時,推動廢土不落地政策外,並要求做好清掃及污染防制措施;計畫並掌握衛生下水道工程施工狀況,確保管線工程施工不致產生太多污染。目前小型管線工程施工過程採行廢土不落地措施之比例約為88%。此外本年度持續推動營建工程周邊道路洗掃認養,101年4 ~102年3月共推動新增49處營建工程參與道路認養活動,累積認養長度為31.03公里,累積洗掃里程數為33,620公里。除對營建工程粒狀污染物之管制外,本年度持續對營建工程施工機具污染排放之管制,完成160點次營建工程施工機具使用油品之採集作業並完成40點次送驗,督促業者使用合法油品,以及針對營建工程周界TSP完成35點次抽測作業。營建工程空污費之申繳勾稽作業方面,完成2,041件之決標工程案件清查及1,867件完工工程末期空污費申繳勾稽,已有80%之決標工程及50%之完工工程完成空污費之申報;本年度已完成第50~55期營建工程空氣污染防制電子報之製作及發行,加強宣導營建工程相關政策及法令。計畫透過完善之巡查、輔導及宣導作業,以確保本市營建工程之污染得以受到有效之控制,本市營建工程之粒狀物削減率維持至55%以上,本(101)年度約57%之削減率,第1、2級營建工程設施管理辦法之符合率為91.8%,營建工程之管理已達一定之水準。 Year 2012 Air-pollution Control Plan / Year End Report on Construction Project of Taipei City This year, the plan is focused on the examination of the facility management methods and supplemented with 5S Cleaning Movement ("5S" was invented in Japan, and stands for five Japanese words that start with the letter 'S': Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke.), green railings, surrounding road cleaning and adoption, introductory seminars, training and visits, to strengthen the pollution control on construction projects. The plan this year started from the contract signing date of 8 April 2012 to 31 March 2013. During this period, 12,088examinations (including 600examinations conducted on public holidays) have been carried out. Counseling to improve the facilities that do not qualified the Construction Facility Management Regulations.This is to encourage the industry to improve through face-to-face communication. This year, the Workplace 5S Cleaning Movement is further expanded with "Green Workplace", "Frequent Tidying-up in the Work Process", “Frequent Cleaning of the External Area”, “Clean Machine and Fuel” and “Disciplined Construction Workplace”. It is aimed to promote eco-friendly operation from the internal to external environment for large construction projects. It covers the whole pollution area of the construction zone, and takes care of the air-pollution prevention of the work surface and construction tools, planting for the railings of the construction site, and the maintenance of the external environment of the site. There are 106 sites participating in the Workplace 5S Cleaning Movement and all the sites have completed planting for the railings. The particulate reduction rate was 66% during the movement, which is around 10% higher than the particulate reduction rate of all the construction projects in the city. 33620 km of road has been cleaned. Around464 tons of TSP has been reduced. Diesel vehicles voluntarily turned up for examination380times. The general public generally views construction sites as having “Uninteresting Appearance with Messy Content”. In order to improve this image, green construction sites are highly promoted this year. This is aimed to show the other side of construction sites and nourish the new “clean and beautiful image" in people’s minds. From April 2012 to April 2013, railing beautification for 503 sites has been conducted. Of which 326 sites using the green planting methods, 92 sites to use canvas or fake flowers and landscaping, with a further 55 sites simultaneously and fence painted green planting beautification.Strengthens the path and the pipeline project construct control also for this year key point work. Impetus pipeline construction pollution management operational procedure. When carries on doing an inspection of the small pipeline project. Impels the spent clay not to fall to the ground outside the policy. And requests to complete sweeps clear and pollutes against system measure. We grasp the health status of sewer construction, to ensure that pipeline construction will not produce too much pollution. Completion of 267 pieces of small-scale pipeline projects inspections. Until 2013April pipeline project the proportion of waste soil is not ground has been raised to 88%.In addition, construction projects continue to promote this year's road sweeping around the crisis.During April 2012 to April 2013, statistics of 49 new construction projects to promote participation in activities of road adoption. The accumulation recognizes raises the length is 30.16 kilometers, the wash and sweep mileage as 33620 kilometers. The plan continued to control the particulate pollution of construction site, and the pollutant emission of construction machines. 160 inspections have been conducted randomly on the fuel of the construction machines,40 times the sulfur content of oil for testing. And punishment has been imposed on 1 business owners who failed the inspection. Further guidance was also provided for these 1 owners to use the fuel legally. On the application for air-pollution relief for construction projects, examination has been completed on 1,830cases of final bid projects, and revision has been done on 1,649 applications of the final relief for completed projects. Air-pollution relief application procedures have been completed for 80% of the final bid projects and 82.7 % of the completed projects. Issues 50~55 of the electronic newsletter of air-pollution prevention for construction projects have been created and published this year. This is to promote the policies and laws for construction projects. Through comprehensive inspection, consultation and promotion, the plan aimed to exercise effective control on pollution from construction projects in the city. The compliance rate of the 1st and 2nd levels of the management method of facilities on the construction site is 91.8%. It shows that construction project management has obtained a good standard. Follow-up to strengthen the focus on promoting 5S Cleaning Movement continues to expand and strengthen public construction green landscaping fence operation. Construction of the city without a fixed location for the project to strengthen pollution control, such as the pipeline excavation, sidewalk renovation, repair and Arcade leveling works, to the owners take the initiative to control the direction of the main guidance. Elevated under the ground, often due to sun and rain can not reach the bare land caused by grass grows, and then generate dust pollution in the air and cause people's lives change, so the bare ground under the elevated road, proposed to conduct investigations and counseling work, counseling management units to cover the ways to improve the situation exposed to mitigate fugitive dust particulate matter the circumstances. 101 台北市政府環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62001
100年度營建工程空氣污染管制計畫 本年度計畫以設施管理辦法之查核為主軸,輔以推動5S潔淨運動、圍籬綠美化、周邊道路洗掃認養、宣導會及訓練觀摩等方式,強化營建工程之污染管制工作。本年度計畫自100年4月8日簽約執行,至101年3月31日止,共完成23,311處次之工地巡查作業(包含假日巡查727處次),並針對未符合設施管理辦法之工程進行輔導改善。本年度持續推動營建工地5S潔淨運動,以「工地綠化願“整理”」、「施工期間勤“整頓”」、「周圍環境常“清掃”」、「機具油品保“清潔”」、「營建工地有“紀律”」為主軸,針對大型工程推動由內而外之環境維護作業,從施工面、施工機具之空氣污染防制,工地圍籬之綠美化,到工區周界環境的維護工作等,涵蓋整個施工區域污染的範圍,共有78處工地參與營建工地5S潔淨運動,78處工地均已完成圍籬綠美化作業,5S潔淨運動執行期間粒狀物削減率69.4%,較全市營建工程粒狀物之削減率約高15%;15,962.17公里,約削減220公噸TSP。為了改善營建工地給予外界「外觀生硬、內部髒亂」之刻板印象,本年度更積極推動營建工地環境綠美化作業,讓民眾感受到不一樣的工地風情,也讓民眾有「原來工地也可以很乾淨、漂亮」之新感受。100年4月~101年4月共推動新增128處營建工地完成圍籬綠美化作業,其中93處工地使用綠籬或掛設壁盆掛設花槽綠化方式、19處工地使用帆布或彩繪美化方式,另有14處工地同時使用植栽綠化及圍籬彩繪美化。加強道路及管線工程施工管理亦為本年度重點工作,本年度推動「施工污染,非『管』不可」作業,除研訂管線工程施工作業程序,於進行小型管線工程之巡查時,推動廢土不落地政策外,並要求做好清掃及污染防制措施;計畫並掌握衛生下水道工程施工狀況,確保管線工程施工不致產生太多污染。目前小型管線工程施工過程採行廢土不落地措施之比例約為82%。此外本年度持續推動營建工程周邊道路洗掃認養,100年4 ~101年4月共推動新增78處營建工程參與道路認養活動,累積認養長度為30.16公里,累積洗掃里程數為30,139公里。除對營建工程粒狀污染物之管制外,本年度持續對營建工程施工機具污染排放之管制,完成202點次營建工程施工機具使用油品之採集作業,40點次營建工程施工機具使用油品之抽測作業,督促業者使用合法油品。營建工程空污費之申繳勾稽作業方面,完成1,812件之決標工程案件清查及3,408件完工工程末期空污費申繳勾稽,已有75%之決標工程及82.7%之完工工程完成空污費之申報;本年度已完成第44~49期營建工程空氣污染防制電子報之製作及發行,加強宣導營建工程相關政策及法令。計畫透過完善之巡查、輔導及宣導作業,以確保本市營建工程之污染得以受到有效之控制,本市營建工程之粒狀物削減率維持至55%以上,本(100)年度約58%之削減率,第1、2級營建工程設施管理辦法之符合率為91.1%,營建工程之管理已達一定之水準。 100 台北市政府環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62126
低碳永續家園資訊網維運與功能擴充專案工作計畫 為配合民國 98 年第三次全國能源會議中已提出我國建構低碳家園之具體期程,在民國100年環保署已與各縣市政府共同評比擇定52處低碳示範村里社區,並藉由各減碳面向之專家協助社區診斷減碳潛力,以規劃長期具體可行減碳措施。同時,遵循馬總統「建構公平競逐機制並鼓舞縣市參與動力,選定適當城市,推動節能減碳策略,作為發展示範重點城市」指示,也規劃公平競逐機制,辦理低碳示範城市競逐遴選,並優選出新北市、臺中市、臺南市及宜蘭縣為北、中、南、東4區生活圈低碳示範城市,以發展具在地特色低碳生活圈。再加上澎湖及金門低碳島建設規劃,將全國納入低碳家園建構範圍。民國101年環保署更進一步於北中南東4區及中央成立十大運作機能技術與資訊諮詢小組,由產、官、學、研等專家代表組成共計50個技術與資訊諮詢小組,同時也建置低碳永續家園資訊整合平台(http://lcss.epa.gov.tw),將各運作機能技術與資訊諮詢小組的規劃研究成果建置於低碳永續家園資訊整合平台,提供民眾了解目前我國在低碳永續家園推動的成果及願景。本計畫執行期間自民國102年4月起至102年12月底為止,本團隊主要目標為資訊系統建置,本年度除提昇操作功能及介面友善度及針對首頁與前導頁進行改版之外,並建置低碳永續家園資訊網英文版網頁,同時配合本計畫之上位計劃「推動低碳永續家園建構及評等考核計畫」,建置行動項目執行成果輸入介面、評等認證規則、行動項目輸入介面、分數取得機制及計算原則、低碳永續家園資訊運作管制考核系統與行動項目執行參考資訊內容格式之建置。 Work plan for the maintenance, management and function expansion project of Low-Carbon and Sustainab The implementation period of the project takes place from April 2013 to December 2013. The main goal of our project team is the implementation of the information system. During this year, in addition to enhancing the operating functions and user-friendliness, and revising the home page and the guide page, we will implement the English version of the Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland website. We will also work in co-ordination with the upper-level project, “Action Plan for Promoting the Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland - Establishment and Ranking Evaluation Project”, setting up the input surface for the implementation results, the scoring mechanism and calculation principle, and the supervision and evaluation system for information operation of the Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland. 102 生態社區推動方案室 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62206
推動金門低碳島建設與執行成效評析專案工作計畫 本計畫將持續進行「建置金門低碳島計畫(草案)」之滾動修正,並針對草案各旗艦計畫研議配套措施與協助各旗艦計畫推動。同時為加速低碳島生活圈之形塑,將以鄉鎮為單位,因地制宜選擇適合當地條件之低碳措施行動項目,實地執行低碳社區建置工作。另外,為進一步研析達零碳島願景,本計畫也將進行金門獨立型電網低碳與零碳情境之模擬分析,評析規劃智慧型儲能與區域能源供應系統(冷、熱、電供應)之最佳模式與成本效益。而強化行政體系運作。透過教育宣傳讓低碳作為融入民眾生活,也是低碳島建構推動成功的重要因素。 Action Plan for Promoting the Low-Carbon Kinmen Island - Establishment and Evaluating Implementation This project will continue "to build low-carbon Kinmen Island Plan (draft)" rolling correction, and deliberations on draft flagship program supporting measures to assist flagship program to promote. To accelerate low-carbon the Island living area of shaping, in the township as a unit, according to local conditions appropriate to the local conditions of low-carbon measures action project implementation in the field of low-carbon communities Maung. In addition, further research and analysis up zero carbon Island vision, this project will also Kinmen independent grid of low-carbon and zero-carbon scenario simulation analysis, Comment on planning intelligent energy storage and regional energy supply system (cold, heat, electricity supply ) model and cost-effectiveness. And strengthen the operation of the administrative system. Low-carbon as integration into the life of the people, through education and promotion of low-carbon Island construction to promote the important factors for success. 102 生態社區推動方案室 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62232
TFT-LCD廢玻璃鹼激發再利用為環保防火隔熱板之研發 近年來資訊產業發展迅速,使得TFT-LCD面板出貨量大量增加,屆時將大量廢棄,TFT-LCD廢棄玻璃亟待處置。因TFT-LCD廢玻璃主要組成為SiO2與Al2O3,適合作為環保防火隔熱板合成之鋁矽酸鹽原料,故本計畫利用TCLP溶出分析及歐盟BSEN 12457-2之試驗方法,以建立本土化LCD廢玻璃資源化之安全性背景資料。TFT-LCD廢玻璃以固液比為0.8及鹼性溶液中SiO2/Na2O之莫耳比為2.0,變化TFT-LCD廢玻璃取代量 (0-40%),並添加不同發泡劑量 (0-2.0%),製成環保防火隔熱板;並評估TFT-LCD廢玻璃鹼激發再利用為環保防火隔熱板之潛力。本計畫主要係利用抗壓強度及抗彎強度來探討添加TFT-LCD廢玻璃對環保防火隔熱板機械強度發展之影響,並輔以初終凝、FTIR及SEM觀察其微結構變化;而環保防火隔熱板則以火焰槍噴燒試體板,測其背板溫度,以瞭解試體板之防火隔熱效果。結果顯示,各材料之毒性特性溶出試驗(TCLP)皆符合法規標準,故具資源化再利用之潛力。高嶺土之主要晶相物種為氧化矽及高嶺土,偏高嶺土主要晶相為氧化矽。另外,TFT-LCD廢玻璃主要晶相為無定形非晶結構。經由材料基本試驗結果得知,TFT-LCD廢玻璃可進一步作為鹼激發再利用為環保防火隔熱板之潛力。 Research and Developmenton Recycling TFT-LCD Waste Glass Alkali-activated as Eco-Fireproof/ Thermal The amount of Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) waste glass dumped into landfills was approximately 9.8×106 tons in Taiwan in 2013. The problem is that TFT-LCD waste glass is not suitable for disposal in landfills, by incineration, or in compost; this makes recycling and re-utilization the best treatment method for its disposal. TFT-LCD waste glass comprises mainly SiO2 and Al2O3 and can be used to prepare cellular geopolymers. The study investigated the effect of the amount of foam agent (0-2%) and waste glass replacement (0%- 40%) on cellular geopolymer. In this investigation, samples underwent a series of tests to determine their quality, including their setting time, compressive strength and flexural strength. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were also carried out. During the fire resistance tests, a 10 mm thick geopolymer panel was exposed to an 1100°C flame. The reverse-side temperature of the panel was measured and recorded. The TCLP leaching concentrations for the materials met the EPA’s current regulatory thresholds. The main crystalline phases of kaolinite were SiO2 and Al2O3. The main crystalline phases of metakaolin and waste glass were SiO2 and entirely non-crystalline, respectively. These results indicated that the waste glass-based cellular geopolymer can be used as an eco-thermal insulating board. 103 基管會 國立宜蘭大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62181
102年度空氣品質管理發展計畫 本計畫之目的主要在於協助屏東縣環保局管制各子計畫執行內容、進度與方法,透過計畫的執行協助環保局處理空污相關會議資料,檢討年度空污執行計畫成效與方向,有效整合各計畫力量以達到改善空氣品質之目標,此外,配合現階段環保署推動之涵容總量管制計畫及將推動之總量管制規劃,研擬空氣品質改善方向,規劃短中長程管制目標,提供屏東縣環保局未來執行空氣污染管制之建議方針。本計畫自102年1月29日簽約完成後執行至102年12月31日止,執行摘要說明如下。102年1~12月環保署於屏東縣設立之空氣品質監測站,臭氧及懸浮微粒空氣品質不良站日數為43站日,較101年同時期增加13站日。屏東縣設立之鹽洲測站,102年1~12月空氣品質不良站日數為15站日,較101年同時期空氣品質不良站日數相比減少2站日。主要以臭氧及懸浮微粒為主要指標污染物。當空氣品質趨於不良時,啟動空氣品質不良通報及回報作業,並透過各計畫之測站認養機制及重大污染源之掌握工作進行查處回報,空氣品質不良通報後進行加強防制行動,總計共進行128日通報作業,於此些作業中計畫配合管制作業並削減TSP 86.57公噸、SOX 0.2公噸、NOX 4.86公噸、NMHC 14.58公噸,整體空氣品質預報不良回報率為96%。102年屏東縣辦理之空氣品質改善維護計畫共計21項,依計畫類型可區分為固定源、移動源、逸散源、綜合管理及監測與研究地方特性計畫,整體管制工作之架構及管制策略推動係依據屏東縣空氣污染防制計畫訂定(如下圖Ⅰ所示),主要重點包括加強地方特性及重點議題改善、配合環保署規劃推動各項作業並更新102~103年空氣品質改善目標PSI分別應達<4.0%及<3.8%。配合環保署考核作業推動,本年度地方特色作法將延續上一年之重點著重於天羅地網捕砂計畫、低碳雙島健康新空氣及推動低碳蓮霧園區等三大措施推動。依本年度發包進度、工作重點及執行期程,各計畫作業進度介於20~100%,總執行平均達84.3%,管制成效評析平均為90.7分,統計至12月底總懸浮微粒、硫氧化物、氮氧化物為及非甲烷碳氫化合物削減量分別為4323.57、4.65、60.44、423.65公噸,已達總規畫目標之100 %。而在空氣品質淨化區及樹木銀行之推動方面,已完成既有空氣品質淨化區118處次考核作業,並透過淨化區補助、各計畫裸露地植被及種樹宣導管制作業,本年度綠地新設及裸露地改善達1.0962公頃。此外,為加強探討污染成因、評析及提昇管制成效,落實各項空氣污染管制工作、加強空氣品質環境負荷資料分析、修訂空氣品質惡化緊急應變手冊、辦理空氣污染管制工作民眾滿意度調查、辦理外縣市空氣品質改善維護業務及優良創新作法觀摩、配合高屏空品區管制工作推動、空氣品質淨化區及樹木銀行推動及低污染運具、綠色路網規劃與推動及空品淨區推動為本年度之努力重點。 102 屏東縣政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62079
土壤及地下水資訊系統功能增修與維護計畫  為持續維謢土壤及地下水管理資訊系統(以下簡稱SGM)程式與資料之運作與修正,維持系統之工作協助效益,配合各項現有系統維護及小部分修正工作。本年度完成SGM帳號單一簽入程序面整合,帳號權限以身分群組分為主要及次要,依據不同身分別給予不同的使用權限,並保留權限可彈性修改的空間,可達到快速且有效率的進行帳號開通作業。將場址資料修改為頁籤操作模式,讓使用者可依據場址資料的類別,快速查詢所需資料,並可於該頁面顯示該場址所在之地理位置。延伸發展土水申報管理及技師簽證系統,並配合檢修土壤及地下水對外網站,強化其資料維運管理及服務功能。監測井管理系統,增加監測井相關欄位及其對應之系統功能,並依據行政流程需求,增加量測數據之歷史紀錄表,藉此提升監測井管理效率。技師簽證歷程文件知識庫,可於單一系統即可查詢正常執業及曾受懲戒技師名單,並可有效掌握各技師在土壤及地下水相關計畫簽證數量,確實縮短承辦人員作業時間。已完成30筆土水網中英文網頁失效連結網頁修正,及包括3筆網頁資訊超過時效性需修改,並持續進行失效連結及網頁內容時效性檢核作業。持續協助土壤及地下水各項計畫圖資申請與匯入作業,並提供GIS主機土壤及地下水圖資子節點管理服務。本年度進行檔案室整理,整理出重複書籍共910本,於9月初將重複書籍送至銷毀,檔案室約空出10%之空間,另自4月起新增之書籍共450本,故目前檔案室共有6,595本書籍。針對新進與資深人員,完成辦理4場次系統操作使用說明會,共計121人參訓。本計畫以Google網頁使用情形分析功能,藉以瞭解使用者之使用情形。較多數使用者以IE瀏覽器進行系統操作,土水網的工業區備查系統及場址與計畫管理系統的場址功能操作,為最多人使用之系統功能。 The Enhanced and Development of the Soil and Groundwater Management system In order to maintain the operation and revision of the software and data of soil protection and ground water management information systems (hereinafter referred to as SGM), maintain the working assistance benefits of the system and collaborate with the maintenance and a few of the revisions of current systems, this year we completed the SGM account single sign-on procedural integration. Account permission was separated into two levels, primary and secondary, according to the corresponding identity groups. Different identities are given different levels of permission, and permission levels can be flexibly adjusted, in this way we can quickly and effectively complete account creation operations. Site information revision was changed to tab-mode operation which allows the user to quickly search for needed information according to the different site info and for the geographical location of the site to be shown on screen.We extended the development of the soil and water report management and technician certification system and completed an overhaul of the soil and groundwater external website to enhance its information management and service functions. We added a well-monitoring column and other corresponding system functions to the well-monitoring management system. We also added a historical records chart of measurement data according to the needs of administration procedures to improve the effectiveness of well-monitoring efforts. The technician certification history file repository can produce a list of technicians in good standing as well as a list of those who have previously been punished. The file repository can also allow one to see how the number of soil and groundwater certificates that each technician has, significantly shortening the search process. We have already completed the correction of 30 faulty links on Chinese and English pages of the soil and water network, including 3 instances of web pages timing out. We will continue to perform necessary inspection and revision on outdated links and webpage content.We will continue to assist all of the soil and groundwater information reporting and import operation projects and also provide GIS main computer soil and ground water info node management service. This year we reorganized the file room and found 910 duplicate books. In September the duplicate books were sent to be destroyed which resulted in a 10% increase of space in the file room. Starting in April we have added 450 more books bringing the total books in the file room to 6,595.We have carried out 4 systems operations learning seminars for new and veteran personnel, a total of 121 people participated in those seminars. This plan uses Google’s user analytical function to understand the users and their situations. As opposed to a majority of users who use Internet Explorer to perform systems operations, the industrial area search system as well as the site function operations of the site and plan management system are the most widely used system functions. 102 土污基管會 環資國際有公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62211
空氣品質淨化區調查評估暨後續追蹤考核專案工作計畫 空氣污染防制是環境保護工作中重要的一環,因此,行政院環境保護署將其部分空氣污染防制費之經費用於推動設置空氣品質淨化區,來改善台灣地區之空氣品質。自推動以來,經環保署核定之空品淨化區共計909處,綠化面積共計約1,628.71公頃、自行車道長度約246.06公里。本計畫內容屬持續性工作,主要是對空氣品質淨化區進行調查評估暨後續追蹤考核之工作,協助環境保護署有效推動空氣品質淨化區之建立,以改善並提昇我國的空氣品質,進而提供全國一優質的生活環境品質。 本計畫已完成相關要點及準則之修訂作業(提供空氣品質淨化區及環境綠化育苗計畫申請作業與SIP考評作業執行使用,以促使空污費能有效應用),並進行空氣品質淨化區各項調查現勘、追蹤督導及考核作業,並建立考核標準及評定準則,同時輔導2基地進行改善(以督促地方空氣品質淨化區設置相關作業,提升整體執行效益),定期更新相關資料,同時進行「空氣品質淨化區及環境綠化育苗計畫」網站更新維護工作(以掌控最新執行進度,提升執行效率及管理效能),已建置自行車綠色路網推動平台資訊補強及推廣(提供自行車使用者ㄧ完善、便捷的路網及相關資訊查詢系統),並完成碳匯樣區之追蹤調查、監測及維護管理。 已協助環保署辦理102年度之空氣品質淨化區及環境綠化育苗計畫績 效考評作業,並於會後辦理一場成效檢討會,以督導各地方單位確實改善,進而提昇下一年度之空氣品質淨化區及環境綠化育苗計畫執行成效。同時以照片比對方式呈現環保署歷年執行空氣品質淨化區成果、維護空氣品質淨化區電子資訊系統、完成空氣品質淨化區宣導品之製作,並辦理相關活動(包括:宣導推廣活動十場、業務檢討會一場、學術研討會一場、網路平台教育訓練會議一場)及提供其他行政協助。 Air quality purification area inventory、assessment and maintenance evaluation project Air pollution control is one of the important works to protect environment. Therefore, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has used a portion of air pollution control fund to establish the air quality purification area(hereinafter called the Aquapu Area)for improving the air quality of Taiwan. Since then, EPA has approved a total of 909 Aquapu areas covering an area of about 1,628.71 hectares and the bike trail length of about 246.06 kilometers in total. The content of this project is a continuous work to provide the inventory, assessment and monitoring related works of the “air quality purification area” for assisting the EPA to establish a quality living environment in Taiwan. The outcomes of this project include (1) the revision of relevant guidelines and criteria used as the basis of aquapu area and plant nursery programs, application process and SIP evaluation works (2) completion of on-site inventory, monitoring and assessment works with the establishment of assessment criteria, (3) provided improvement guidelines for 2 sites which can be used as examples for local governments to install Aquapu Area effectively. (4) updating related information regularly, updating and maintaining Aquapu Area website and plant nursery website (controlling latest progress in implementation as well as to upgrade the performance and management efficiency). (5) established Green network of Bicycle website reinforced information and promotion (to provide cyclists with a perfect and convenient network and a query system about related bicycle ways data. (6)inviting and arranging evaluators for on-site visitation. (7)continued carbon survey, monitoring, and maintenance of selected carbon sink areas. Our working group have provided EPA all required administrative assistance, such as evaluation of Aquapu areas and plant nurseries in 2013, and held a round table conference to review the evaluation results and demonstrate how local governments may improve their performance next year. And also have completed the photo comparison work (i.e. before and after construction, and existing status) of each Aquapu Area, and also maintained the Aquapu Area electronic information system; designed promotional materials; held ten promotional activities, one review meeting, one academic conference, one network educational training conference, and aside from provided other administrative assistance. 102 空保處 中華民國永續發展學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61925
鋼鐵金屬工業區適合之高淨污及快長樹種篩選實測 本二年計畫主要目的在篩選適合鋼鐵金屬工業區之高淨污及快長樹種,以供日後鋼鐵及金屬工業區綠化推薦樹種之參考依據。今年第二年係針對其他金屬工業區進行五項工作,包括(1) 蒐集其他金屬工業區高淨污及快長樹種相關資料, (2) 調查並篩選3個以上現有其他金屬工業區高淨污及快長樹種,(3) 實測與篩選適合其他金屬工業區具高淨污及快長樹種,(4) 綜合評估選列其他金屬工業區適合之高淨污及快長樹種。(5)彙編「我國鋼鐵金屬工業區適合高淨污及快長樹種」手冊。其中包括以儀器實測常見其他金屬工業區樹種淨化污染之能力,並篩選適合於濱海其他金屬工業區之淨污及快長樹種。其研究測定之污染物對象為HCl、O3、C2H4三項及鹽沫一項。目前已增加相關文獻,至2013年年底,已到高雄臨海工業區第一伸銅、唐榮鋼鐵、屏南工業區、宜蘭利澤龍德工業區、高雄永安工業區、台南官田工業區、台南安平工業區等調查常見耐污樹種,進行繞廠之樹種調查。另已經由繞廠調查各工業區現有常見樹種,選取具優勢之樹種,包括榕樹、茄苳、春不老等喬木,內含多種優選原生樹種,並以2-4年生植栽進行金屬工業區直接或間接污染氣體C2H4、HCl、O3三項之耐受性及淨污能力,結果發現在C2H4淨污能力上此25種樹種,以茄苳、苦楝、木麻黃、小葉南洋杉、白千層、海棗吸收效果最佳,顯著高於其他樹種,在HCl淨污能力上,發現木麻黃、尾葉桉、黃連木、茄苳顯著高於其他樹種,對於O3的淨污能力方面,則以檉柳、黃連木、小葉欖仁、檸檬桉等具有較高之吸收能力。另已測試其耐鹽沫之能力,以供同時篩選適合於濱海其他金屬工業區之淨污及快長樹種。有關「我國鋼鐵及金屬工業區適合高淨污及快長樹種」手冊之編印項目,已收集相關資料及圖片,並已完成架構及初稿。本計畫可評估適合鋼鐵金屬工業區種植之高淨污及快長樹種,以供環保及工業區單位未來植樹造林之參考,亦可供未來各環保單位設置空品淨化區選擇樹種之參考。此些研究所得,皆具實際參考及應用之價值,故擬於計畫完成後,適當予以發表於研討會或學術雜誌中,並提供環保署上網公佈,供各界之應用及參採,以降低鋼鐵金屬工業區之空氣污染,提升周遭環境品質。 Screening and Evaluation of Fast-growing and High-pollutant-uptake Trees for Steel Industrial Parks The purpose of this two-year project is to screen and evaluate the fast-growing and high-pollutant-uptake trees for steel industrial parks in Taiwan. The second-year study is focusing on industrial parks with other metal smelter factories. There are five major tasks in this second-year project: (1) To review all the literatures related with fast-growing and high-pollutant-uptake trees in other metal industrial parks; (2) To investigate and identify all tree species growing well in at least three other metal industrial parks; (3) To measure the pollutant uptake rates of major tree species belonging to fast-growing and high-pollutant-uptake group with instruments; (4) Comprehensive evaluation and grading all the fast-growing and high-pollutant-uptake trees species tested in this study for future application in other metal industrial parks in Taiwan; and (5) Editing the “Handbook of fast-growing and high-pollutant-uptake trees for steel industrial parks in Taiwan “. The measurements of pollutant (including C2H4、HCl、O3) uptake rates by tree species were conducted in bag branch enclosure chamber. The tolerance of these tree species to salt spray were also tested for evaluating their performance in inland or coastal areas. The recent literatures were reviewed for these topics. After a series of field investigation around many steel and metal industrial parks in Taiwan, a total of 25 tree species were selected and listed for detail measurements of pollutant uptake rates and salt spray tolerance. From Second year’s results, we found that Autumn maple tree, China Berry, Iron-wood, Norfolk island pine, Cajeput tree and Taiwan Date Palm have higher uptake rates for ethylene. For HCl uptake measurement, Iron-wood, Timor Mountain Gum, Chinese pistache, and Autumn maple tree showed the higher uptake rates. To Ozone, the higher uptake rates were found on Chinese Tamarisk, Chinese pistache, Madagascar Almond, and Lemon Eucaly. Results showed that Norfolk island pine, Iron-wood, Taiwan date palm, Chinese Tamarisk, silvery Messerschmidia, Poongaoil Pongamia and Formosan Nato Tree are salt tolerant species. In conclusion, we recommend the better tree species for inland other metal industrial parks are Autumn maple tree, camphor tree, Chinese pistache, Timor Mountain Gum, and Cajeput tree. While the better tree species for coastal other metal industrial parks are iron wood, Chinese Tamarisk, China Berry, Linden Hibiscus, Norfolk island pine, Marabutan and Taiwan date palm. The editing of “Handbook of fast-growing and high-pollutant-uptake trees for steel industrial parks in Taiwan “ was accomplished, and the results of these studies will be useful for greening works in the furure in Taiwan. 102 空保處 國立臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62144
生態綠化社區示範計畫 本計畫就環保署指定之10項國內優先推行之社區生態綠化行動方案進行策略撰寫與略評,配合低碳永續家園認證標準,加以整合後提出10個行動方案之評分方式。之後於國內5個社區進行行動方案評鑑與評分表的修訂。 本計畫經多次會商以及社區現場的調查,完成:(1)10個行動項目的行動策略;(2)生態綠化領域10項行動方案的評比標準;(3)挑選全國5個社區,以新訂定的生態綠化評分標準對社區進行體檢,並提出未來綠化行動的建議;(4)針對社區評比中成績落後的新北市野柳社區,協助社區進行生態綠化工作,並將其綠化提案作為社區申請綠化補助的範例;(5)利用社區綠化評鑑優良的新竹市湳中里以及苗栗縣塭內社區,舉辦兩個場次的社區生態綠化觀摩,邀請全國生態綠化社區的組織成員參與。利用這兩個相異的生態環境(都市與鄉村)範例,說明及展示各種生態綠化實施方式的可能性。 Green ecological community This study mainly focuses on reviewing and revising ten action plans of “Green Ecology” of Environmental Protection Agency and the way of applying for local community as well as demonstration the achievements of assessment at two local communities. After several meetings and surveying at the local communities, this study has achieved the original missions on: (1) 10 revised action plans for green ecological community; (2) Setting up different level of main parameters for assessment of green ecological community; (3) Assessing the achievement of green ecological engineering works; (4) Trying to promote the concept of green ecological community; (5) Demonstrating the achievements of two local communities at different ecological environments. The green communities of Nanchung community of Hsinchu city and Wennei community of Miaoli were chosen for demonstration. This report also demonstrates the way of promoting the concept of green ecological community. The results show also the potential way of promoting green community in Taiwan. 102 空保處 國立臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62131
固態生質廢棄物衍生燃料之綠色設計、技術開發與環境效益評估(2年計畫之第1年) 臺灣地區對於進口能源之依賴程度高,故開發新能源與節能減碳遂成為政府當前重要的施政目標,其中以固態廢棄物衍生燃料(RDF-5)之生質能源較具發展潛力,且有利於溫室氣體減量。基於國際間環保意識高漲,生命週期評估已逐漸成為產品環保化設計重要評估工具,可作為改善產品設計以達污染防治與永續發展之目標。本研究計畫針對行政院環境保護署規範之應回收廢棄物生質塑膠,使其與生質廢棄物及廢甘油拌合轉製成RDF-5,並藉由產品生命週期技術評估整體製程,以找出符合綠色設計理念之最佳合成RDF-5的操作條件。本研究計畫產製七種不同配比之RDF-5成品,成品之直徑及長分別為0.8 cm與3 cm、發熱量達3,000 kcal/kg、水分小於10 %、可燃分大於70 %且灰分小於20 %,皆符合日本TS Z0011之RDF-5規範,同時符合國內實廠鍋爐業者之熱值需求,對於未來實際應用具有可行性。本研究於生命週期階段評估,可得知在成本、能源及環境等三方面因子評估下,三種配比中的配比C為較佳的製備條件,生產每噸RDF產品需要花費約24,316元,其中約有過半的金額17,500元耗費在原料添購,而為解決臺灣生質塑膠廢棄物之處理問題,以及降低對進口燃煤之依賴度,此原料成本為必然之開銷。本計畫第一年利用LCA方法並依據識昌公司提供該廠製程操作能力(工作12小時產1.6噸)資料,對以生質塑膠製造RDF之成本進行初步推算,研究結果顯示與花蓮廠5年前之RDF廠的營運成本相較不遠。本計畫之第二年將利用工程經濟方法來計算設廠之成本;其中將針對原物料端、製造端、運輸端及使用端之成本效益進行評估,使產品能對環境衝擊小,並能使廠商獲得最佳利潤。而本年度針對溫室氣體排放之環境效益部分,CO2當量則總量約為366 kg;整體投入的熱值約為5,980 MJ/ton,而產出的熱值為18,920 MJ/ton,能源產出投入比值則約為3.16,由此結果顯示發展RDF除具有減碳的效果外亦具有能源效益。第二年之計畫將陸續搭配多目標模糊規劃模式及實廠進行RDF之燃燒所獲得之數據製備最低碳排及最低成本之產品,此方法應可應用於各種產品製程,以使未來研發產品之碳排及成本有效降低,使資源回收之再生產品能降低環境衝擊及較低之開發成本。 Green Design, Technology Development, and Environmental Benefit Green Design, Technology Development As the energy crisis and resource shortage continue, hence the development of new energy, energy conservation and carbon reduction have become important objectives of the current policy for the government. The usage of solid waste derived fuel (RDF-5) assisted in reducing the emission of greenhouse gases so as to possess high potential to be used as the biomass energy. Based on the international environmental consciousness, the life-cycle assessment (LCA) has become an important product design environmental assessment tool for improving product design to achieve goals of pollution prevention and sustainable development. The objectives of this project were to manufacture solid refuse derived fuel (RDF-5) from waste bioplastics, biowastes, and waste glycerol by means of green design and environmental benefit assessment. In addition, the induced green design concept of LCA assisted in the search for the optimum operating parameters.The results showed that the size of the resulting RDF-5 products was around at a diameter of 0.8 cm and a length of 3 cm. The products satisfied the RDF-5 specification of Japanese (TS Z0011). In addition, the heating value of the products has been met the needs of boilers in Taiwan, which showed that the usage of products as fuel is feasible. In this study, the cost, energy and environmental were used as main factors in LCA. The production cost per ton of RDF product requires approximate NTD$ 24,316.12, in which about NTD$ 17,500 was spent on raw materials. Furthermore, in the aspect of the environmental benefit for the greenhouse gases emission in this year, CO2 was equivalent to 366 kg. The overall invested heat value of 5,980 MJ/ton was around a third of thermal output heat value of 18,920 MJ/ton. The results showed that the development of RDF has benefits of reduction in carbon dioxides emission and high energy benefit. In the near future, the engineering economics approach will be used to calculate the whole cost benefit for a new factory, including manufacturing, transport and usage of the raw materials and products. In addition, the lower cost of manufacturing and less emission of carbon dioxides will be achived by using the tool of fuzzy multi-objective planning model. 102 基管會 東海大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64180
102年度宜蘭縣水污染源稽查管制暨流域管理計畫 本計畫之執行重點在於協助環保局推動轄區內水污染源稽查管制工作以及水質監測工作,確實掌握宜蘭縣轄區內水污染源之水污染防治現況,透過計畫之稽查管制工作,督促轄內列管之事業單位落實水污染防治設施之操作維護,達成轄內各流域測站水質改善之目標。期末報告統計自102年3月7日至102年10月31日之執行成果如下。一、協助水污染源列管事業稽查工作1.累計執行水污染源稽查795家次,包括工業區稽(清)查、採樣及送樣共計633家次,其中工業區清查有153家次,協助水質採樣送驗作業238家次,稽查家數已達成年度目標值100%。2.各水污染列管事業稽查,以畜牧業(一)最多佔總稽查數之23.32%;其次為依序為食品製造業,化工業,土石採取加工及堆置業、下水道及石油化學專業區以外之工業區。3.針對環保署公告之本縣得子口溪及蘭陽溪熱區水污染源列管事業單位,共計稽查192家,累計執行382家次,熱區稽查管制率已達81%(192/236)。計畫將於年度結束前完成熱區稽查管制率達100%。4.執行水污染源稽查違反水污法告發處分者共計裁處70件次,總罰鍰金額為新台幣501.3萬元整,以得子口溪流域遭處分者最多,佔24.6%。5.期間共查獲4根次之不明管線,已協助完成4支封管拆除作業。6.完成4家水污染源廢水處理設備功能評鑑,並持續追蹤複查改善。二、辦理水污染防治許可審查及資料庫建置1.辦理許可審查件數共263家377件次,許可審查平均天數為7.7天。2.辦理水污染防治許可文件資料庫管理、建置、維護、更新作業,共計執行1,089件,包含稽查記錄單計795件,許可申請案件(排放許可、水污染防治措施計畫、營建工地逕流廢水削減計畫)計214件,另處分案件完成建檔70件。三、河川水質、支流排水水質水量調查及湖泊監測作業1.年度完成河川水質採樣檢測共計13站39點次(河川水質監測13點),進度達成率為100%,2.河川水質合格率分析,除安農溪水源橋、健隱橋、大洲橋、農行橋及羅東溪埔林圳排水、歪仔歪橋各為90.9%為最低,其他各站均合格率皆達100%。3.完成五大湖泊水質監測採樣30點次,檢測結果均為優養化。4.執行得子口溪支流排水水質水量調查共10點位,共計20點次,推估得子口溪流域區內BOD總污染量為5,189.74 kg/D,SS總污染量為5,432.24 kg/D,污染源以生活污水為主。四、河川水域生態調查1.延續101年測站並新增五峰旗及大忠橋共7處測站,完成2次調查共14處次,結果顯示愈往下游的樣站,底棲大型無脊椎動物的Shannon-Weaver多樣性指數和均度(隨著上游至下游而減少,有著明顯的趨勢,也較魚類的變化為明顯。2.歷年得子口溪底棲大型無脊椎Hilsenhoff科級指數顯示,美慶山莊的值有較大的變化,屬水質狀況較好的樣站;值的變化包括昆蟲之外的大型無脊椎動物所造成的。七結橋為環境狀況較差的樣站,與二龍河和七結橋相似。時潮橋和舊竹安橋為感潮河段,潮汐會造成經常性的水質環境的改變。五、水污染事件緊急應變1.完成列管港口巡查204件,以列管港口巡查以烏石漁港為最多佔13.7%,其次為梗枋漁港佔12.3%。2.辦理1場次台北港船舶登船檢查觀摩活動,並協助進行船舶稽查管制共計55件 ,查核結果均符合相關規定。3.每月執行兩次水污染緊急應變器材清點保養作業及操作維護。4.與宜蘭縣政府警察局共同辦理102年度蘇澳港港安、國際船舶與港口設施保全暨海洋、河川油污染緊急應變演練,召開2次協調會、3次預 演及1次正式演練,總共動員船艇共計有4,參加演練人員達64人。5.辦理海洋、河川污染緊急應變教育訓練1場次。六、宣導作業1.協助辦理5場次教育宣導活動,針對巡守隊、一般民眾、學生等進行河川、海洋污染防治教育、生活污水減量、環境保護巡守宣導、水質檢測DIY教學宣導及生態調查教學等,總參與人數共2,656人。2.辦理1場次法令宣導說明會,共計133家,總出席人數123人。 2013 Yilan County water pollution sources investigation controland water quality monitoring work. The focus on the implementation of this project is to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to promote the inspection and control of water pollution, as well as the monitoring of water quality, in order to precisely learn about the situation of water pollution prevention and control in the administrative region of Yilan County. Through the inspection and control of this project, it is expected to urge the businesses under the jurisdiction and administration of Yilan County to implement the operations and maintenance of water pollution prevention facilities to achieve the goal of improving river water quality. The implementation outcome in the period from March 7, 2013 to October 31, 2013 as summarized in the final report is as follows:1. Assist water pollution inspection work(1)We performed a total of 795 times of water pollution inspections including 633 times of industrial park inspections, sampling and sample presentations; we conducted 153 inspections of industrial parks, and assisted water quality sampling and sample presentation for 238 times. The number of inspections of enterprises has accounted for 100% of the annual goal. (2)Regarding water pollution inspections by industry, inspections of husbandry (1) are the most, accounting for 23.32% of the total, followed by food manufacturing, chemicals, quarrying, processing and heaping, sewage, and industrial zones other than the petrochemical industrial zones. (3)Regarding businesses located in the Dezikou Creek and Lanyang Creek and listed on the water pollution watch list of EPA, we inspected 192 enterprises for a total of 382 times, and the hotspot inspection and control rate has been up to 81%(192/236). The hotspot regulation and control rate is expected to reach up to 100% by the end of the year. (4)We handled 70 cases in violation of water pollution regulations, and the total fines amount to 5.013 million NTD. Most punished enterprises are located in the Dezikou Creek river basin, accounting for 24.6%. (5)We found four unknown discharge pipelines and helped the disassembly of the four pipelines. (6)We completed the evaluation of the wastewater treatment equipment in four water pollution source plants, and have been continuously tracking them for improvement. 2. Implement water pollution prevention review and database building(1)We handled the approval review of 236 enterprises with a total of 377 cases, and the average time for approval review is 7.7 days. (2)We handled 1089 cases for the management, establishment, maintenance and updating of water pollution prevention approval documents including 795 inspection records, 214 approval application cases (discharge permit, water pollution prevention measures, and construction site runoff wastewater reduction plan) and the files of 70 disposition cases. 3. River water quality, tributary water quality and quantity survey and lake monitoring operations(1)We completed river water sampling tests in 13 locations for 39 times (13 sites of river water quality monitoring), and the progress is reached by 100%, (2)Regarding the river water quality compliance rate analysis, besides the compliance rate in Shuiyuan Bridge of Annong Creek, Jianying Bridge, Dazhou Brigde, Nongxing Bridge, Pulinzhen of the Luodong Creek, and Waizaiwai Bridge at 90.9%, the compliance rate in other locations has been up to 100%. (3)We completed water quality monitoring for 30 times in locations of the five major lakes, and the testing results indicate eutrophication. (4)We performed the Dezikou Creek tributary water quality in 10 locations for 20 times. The BOD total pollution load of the Dezikou Creek river basin is 5,189.74 kg/D, the SS total pollution load is 5,432.24 kg/D, and the main source of pollution is sewage. 4. River waters ecological survey(1)Besides the observation stations in 2012, we newly established 7 observation stations including Wufengqi and Dazhongqiao and implemented two surveys in 14 locations. As the survey results have suggested, the diversity index and uniformity of benthic macro invertebrate Shannon-Weaver reduces from the upstream to the downstream in a significant trend. The changes are more significant than changes in fishes. (2)The indices of benthic macro invertebrate Hilsenhoff in Dezikou Creek over the years suggest that the values of the Meiqing Villa changed more significantly, indicating the water quality is relatively better; the changes in the values are caused by large scale invertebrates other than insects. Qijie Bridge is the sample station with poorer environmental conditions similar to the Erlong River. The Shichao Bridge and Old Zu’ang Bridge are the river sections with tidal reach and the tides can often result in frequent changes in water quality environment. 5. Water pollution incident emergency response(1)We completed 204 inspection tours of the ports and harbors under administration, and most of the inspection tours were conducted in Niaoshi fishing port (13.7%) followed by Gengfang fishing port (12.3%). (2)We implemented one shipboard inspection and observation tour in Taipei Port, and helped to complete 55 cases of ship inspection and control with the all the inspection results being in compliance with relevant regulations. (3)We performed semi-monthly water pollution emergency response materials and equipment check and operational maintenance. (4)We cooperated with Yilan County Police Bureau to jointly perform the 2013 Su’ao Port security, protection of international vessels and port facilities and the ocean and river oil pollution emergency drills by holding two coordination meetings, 3 trial exercises and 1 official drill. We mobilized a total of four vessels and 64 people in the drill. (5)We completed an education training session for river and ocean pollution emergency response. 6. Public education and promotion operations(1)We helped to complete five sessions of public education and promotion activities targeting at patrolmen, general public, students in river and ocean pollution prevention, sewage reduction, environmental advocacy, water quality inspection DIY and ecological survey with a total of 2656 participants. (2)We conducted a session of regulation advocacy and guidance meeting with a total of 133 enterprises and 123 people in attendance. 102 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62146
以碳酸氫銨溶液處理廢鉛蓄電池回收業硫酸鉛膏之再利用技術研發 廢鉛蓄電池回收物料中鉛膏含有大量硫酸鉛成份,其回收率高低直接影響廢鉛蓄電池再利用成本及市場競爭力。有鑑於此,本研究乃針對廢鉛蓄電池的鉛膏進行回收處理技術的探討。目前廢鉛蓄電池中鉛膏處理技術主要利用碳酸鈉、碳酸銨、氫氧化鈉、氯化鈉等,將鉛膏中鉛置換出來,而本研究係採用碳酸氫銨為新型脫硫劑,達成提高鉛膏脫硫效率的目標。尤其本計畫碳酸氫銨的製備係利用氨水捕集煙道廢氣中二氧化碳,不但可以製備碳酸氫銨,還可降低廢氣中溫室氣體的排放量,並利用此套資源再利用循環系統,提高鉛產品純度及價值、提升廢鉛蓄電池再利用比率、降低污染排放、改善管線腐蝕現象、減少能源消耗及改善異味污染等問題。本研究已透過實驗獲得碳酸氫銨可作為鉛膏的脱硫劑並有很好的脱硫效果。氨水捕集二氧化碳生成的碳酸氫銨可用於鉛膏的脱硫。鉛膏脫硫後的濾液中硫酸銨可與氫氧化鈣反應,並通入二氧化碳再生碳酸氫銨脫硫劑。碳酸鉛還原與傳統火法相比,可在850℃溫度下冶煉出鉛錠。 Technology Development of Lead Sulfate Paste Reusing for Waste Automotive Battery Recycling Industry During the waste battery recycling process, lead paste is abundant of lead sulfate whose recovery rate highly influences the profit of battery recycling and the capability of market competition. This project tends to improve the existing battery recycling technology for lead paste in the waste automotive batteries. Current available technologies for waste automotive battery recycling use sodium carbonate, ammonium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, and sodium chloride, to substitute lead sulfate to lead carbonate and chloride in the lead paste. This project firstly apply ammonium bicarbonate as desulfurization reagent, which can be produced by absorbing carbon dioxide in the flue gas with ammonia solution. This innovative technology can not only produce ammonium bicarbonate, but also reduce the emission of greenhouse gases from stacks. The advantages of this innovative technology include high purity and price of lead products, high recycling efficiency of waste automotive battery, low emission of air pollutants, less corrosion problems of pipelines, low energy consumption, and no odorous pollution problems. Experimental results indicated that ammonium bicarbonate can be used as lead paste desulfurization desulfurization agent and have a good efficiency. This project apply ammonium bicarbonate as desulfurization reagent, which can be produced by absorbing carbon dioxide in the flue gas with ammonia solution.This innovative technology can produce ammonium bicarbonate. Ammonium sulfate can react with calcium hydroxide and carbon dioxide to produce ammonium bicarbonate. Compared with the traditional fire assay, the smelting temperature of lead carbonate reduction process, can be reduced to a temperature of 850℃ for lead ingots. 102 基管會 國立中山大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62166
應用淨化空氣植物綠美化社區公共空間之宣導推廣 本年度計畫蒐整社區公共空間空氣污染物相關資訊,並實際測量植物改善空氣品質之能力。於臺北市某社區交誼室、大廳、健身房、瑜珈室、梯廳、鄰里辦公室、鄰里視聽教室、髮廊、鄰里會議室及影印中心進行二氧化碳、甲醛及懸浮微粒濃度取樣及數據分析。結果顯示二氧化碳濃度以鄰里視聽教室最高,超過環保署公告之標準每8小時平均值1000 ppm,其次為影印中心、鄰里辦公室,健身房較低,為488 ppm。交誼室、瑜珈室及鄰里會議室有較高甲醛濃度,且超過環保署公告之標準值每小時0.08 ppm,以大廳之甲醛濃度較低。大廳、梯廳及鄰里會議室之PM2.5、PM10及總懸浮微粒濃度稍高,所測之10個場所24小時平均懸浮微粒濃度皆未超過環保署公告之建議值。於所測社區大廳及影印中心,擺設植物後二氧化碳濃度顯著下降,其餘多數場所之平均二氧化碳濃度未顯著變化。於交誼室及鄰里會議室擺設植物後甲醛濃度顯著下降,其他8場所擺設植物前後甲醛濃度無顯著差異。於交誼室、大廳、瑜珈室及影印中心擺設植物後,懸浮微粒PM2.5、PM10及總懸浮微粒濃度顯著下降。蒐集市場上常見之積成板、木心板、密集板、麗光木心板、五層單板心合板及矽酸鈣板等建材樣品(長50 cm×寬30 cm×高1.8 cm),置於容積128 L封閉壓克力箱內7天後,箱內甲醛濃度分別為1.11、1.10、0.94、0.60、0.53及0.13 ppm,以積成板、木心板及密集板之甲醛釋放量最高,矽酸鈣板最低。測量長50 cm×寬30 cm×高1.8 cm木心板、混凝土模板用合板及五層單板心合板之甲醛釋放,以混凝土模板用合板之甲醛釋放量較高,5天箱內甲醛濃度達13.7 ppm,而木心板及五層單板心合板則較低,分別可使箱內甲醛濃度達3.8 ppm及1.4 ppm。將白鶴芋‘帕拉斯’、火鶴花‘熱情’、山蘇花、波士頓腎蕨及盆菊與木心板或混凝土用合板共置於密閉壓克力箱中,未擺放植物之木心板第5天時箱內甲醛介於0.6-6.4 ppm,擺放植物者則降低至0.003-0.2 ppm;未擺放植物之混凝土模板用合板第5天時箱內甲醛濃度介於0.2-11.2 ppm,擺放植物者則降低至0.002-1.3 ppm。於2013年5/17、5/23、5/30、6/3、6/13、7/4、7/16、7/30、8/27、9/3、9/12、9/23、10/17、10/24及10/28在臺灣北中南東各主要都會區共舉辦15場「室內植物淨化空氣種子教師研習會」。共1176人出席,課後測驗到考1103人,1086人通過測驗,及格率98%。 Using indoor plants to reduce air pollutants of community interior places The aim of the project was to study the indoor air pollutants in ten community locations. Carbon dioxide (CO2), formaldehyde, particulate matter (PM) concentrations were monitored at cafeteria, lobby, gym, yoga room, atrium, community head office, community media classroom, barber, community meeting room, and copy center. Results showed that community media classroom had the highest CO2 concentration, exceeded 1000 ppm as recommended by EPA, and followed by copy center and community head office, whereas gym had the lowest concentration at 488 ppm. Cafeteria, yoga room, and community meeting room had higher formaldehyde concentrations, and exceeded 0.08 ppm as recommended by EPA. Lobby had the lowest formaldehyde concentration. Lobby, atrium, and community meeting room had higher PM concentrations, but all 10 tested locations did not exceed PM concentrations recommended by EPA. Installation of indoor plants reduced CO2 concentrations of lobby and copy center. In most other locations, CO2 concentration did not change after plant installation. Reduced formaldehyde concentrations were measured in cafeteria and community meeting room after plant installation, whereas other locations had no significant changes of formaldehyde concentration. Plant installation reduced PM concentrations of cafeteria, lobby, yoga room, and copy center. Samples (50 cm × 30 cm × 1.8 cm) of market bought particle board lamina, lumber core board, medium density fiberboard, polyester lumber core board, veneer core plywood, and calcium silicate board were placed in sealed 128-L chambers and were monitored for formaldehyde concentrations. At day 7, the chamber formaldehyde concentrations were 1.11, 1.10, 0.94, 0.60, 0.53, and 0.13 ppm, respectively. Each pieces of 50 cm × 30 cm × 1.8 cm lumber core board, veneer core plywood, plywood for concrete form were also monitored for formaldehyde concentrations. At day 5, plywood for concrete form had the highest formaldehyde concentration of 13.7 ppm, where lumber core board and veneer core plywood had 3.8 and 1.4 ppm formaldehyde. One potted plant of Spathiphyllum ‘Palas’, Anthurium ‘Passion’, Asplenium nidus, Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Bostoniensis’, and Dendranthema grandiflorum were placed with one piece of lumber core board or plywood for concrete form. Chambers with plants placed within had lower formaldehyde concentrations, as compared to those without plants. Fifteen tutor conferences were held on May 17, 23, 30, June 3, 13, July 4, 16, August 27, September 3, 12, 23, October 17, 24, and 28 in main towns and cities of Taiwan for promoting community greening. A total of 1,176 people joined. 102 空保處 國立臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61649