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94年度廢棄物焚化爐有害空氣污染物及惡臭物質管理輔導計畫 本計畫為「廢棄物焚化爐有害空氣污染物及惡臭物質管理輔導計畫」三年(2003~2006)中程計畫之第三年計畫,其執行方式係參考第一、二年計畫之作法,並依據第二年計畫的結論與建議事項規劃和執行。本計畫共清查66座桃園縣境內之焚化爐、電弧爐或以一般或事業廢棄物作為燃料或輔助燃料之固定污染源,目前有33座持續運轉,29座停止運轉,3座固定污染源變更製程不使用廢棄物做為輔助燃料,故解除列管,1座尚未開始正式運轉。運轉中之焚化爐及電弧爐法規符合度大致良好,僅有光炫環工與長庚醫院林口分院焚化爐因超出戴奧辛排放標準目前正在進行改善中。本計畫選定勁錸科技股份有限公司、東和鋼鐵企業股份有限公司桃園廠、中國石油股份有限公司煉製事業部桃園煉油廠為實廠輔導與戴奧辛減量規劃對象。在經過實廠輔導及焚化爐改善工程後,勁錸科技與中國桃煉M33焚化爐之戴奧辛排放濃度已由原先超過排放標準降低至符合排放標準之範圍,估算戴奧辛的減量比例分別約為60%、50%,顯示實廠輔導之作法產生具體成效。本計畫分別於於桃園縣七大工業區、1處都會區、及3處具有污染潛勢地區進行周界空氣戴奧辛、重金屬調查工作。由調查結果顯示,在桃園縣特定地區(勁錸科技公司鄰近地區、平鎮工業區、觀音工業區、大園工業區及中壢工業區)之周界空氣戴奧辛濃度水準高於台灣地區之一般平均水準(~ 0.1 pg I-TEQ/Nm3),東和鋼鐵公司電弧爐之戴奧辛排放已對鄰近地區空氣中戴奧辛濃度造成影響;在周界空氣重金屬的調查結果中,所有調查地區周界空氣中的鉛、鎘濃度均遠低於周界標準。由周界空氣戴奧辛及重金屬調查數據所進行之風險評估結果,發現桃園縣各特定地區來自大氣的戴奧辛暴露量對於成年民眾或孩童的暴露風險是屬於可接受的範圍。桃園縣特定地區周界空氣中5種可能致癌重金屬(砷、鈹、鎘、鎳、鉛)的平均致癌風險約為百萬分之0.30,其中砷的平均貢獻度達57%,由於平均致癌風險低於百萬分之一,尚屬在可接受之範圍內。在具污染潛勢地區所進行之地表土壤戴奧辛、重金屬調查結果中,發現東和鋼鐵股份有限公司之廠區內外地表遭受戴奧辛與重金屬污染,應持續追蹤相關污染現象是否有擴大趨勢,並對桃園縣其他二處煉鋼業電弧爐地區進行類似之調查,以瞭解是否有相同的污染情形發生。在戴奧辛稽查檢測的7座焚化爐中,長庚醫院林口分院焚化爐與宇鴻科技公司固體廢棄物焚化爐(P001)之戴奧辛排放皆超過排放標準,長庚醫院林口分院焚化爐已自報停工,目前尚在進行改善中;宇鴻科技公司固體廢棄物焚化爐已完成改善,改善後之檢測結果符合戴奧辛排放標準。桃園縣焚化爐(電弧爐)戴奧辛推估排放量從92年至93年間共削減了6.80 g I-TEQ/年,削減幅度達到38%,主要削減貢獻來自超過130家以上的小型焚化爐停止運轉,以及煉鋼業電弧爐戴奧辛管制及排放標準的施行。93年至94年間,桃園縣焚化爐(電弧爐)戴奧辛推估排放量削減了0.76 g I-TEQ/年,整體降幅僅為7%,其整體降幅遠低於92年至93年間之降幅,主要原因是自從93年以後,桃園縣運轉中的焚化爐(電弧爐)座數變化不大,並且都已符合戴奧辛排放標準,所以業者對於進一步提升污染防制效率的意願不高,減量空間有限。桃園縣目前列管之戴奧辛排放源以電弧爐所佔的戴奧辛排放貢獻量最高,可達95%以上,故煉鋼業電弧爐的戴奧辛排放管控,實為影響桃園縣戴奧辛排放量高低之重要因素,也是攸關戴奧辛減量成效的關鍵。 Waste Incinerator and Odor Control Project in 2005 This project is the 3rd year of a three-year medium-range project (2003~2006) “Management and Assistance of hazardous air pollutants from solid-waste incinerators and odorous materials”, which was carried out according to the methods used in the 1st and 2nd year. In addition, the conclusion and recommendation from the 2nd year project were also fully taken into consideration with corresponding actions being taken. We have checked 66 incinerators, electric arc furnaces or stationary air pollution sources using general or industrial waste as fuel or auxiliary fuel located, all located in Taoyuan County. Currently, 33 are in operation, 29 stop operation, 3 stationary air pollution sources are relieved of restrain after changing process and not using waste as fuel, 1 is yet to start operation. In general, the operational incinerators and electric arc furnaces cohere to regulatory requirements, except the incinerators of GuangXuan Environmental Engineering Technologies Co., Ltd., and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (Linkou branch) are currently under improvements due to exceeding dioxin effluent standard. We have targeted Jin Lai Technologies Co., Ltd., Tung Ho Steel (TH) Enterprise Cooperation (Taoyuan branch), Petroleum Refinery (Taoyuan branch) of the Refining Division of Chinese Petroleum Cooperation (CPC) as candidates for field assistance and dioxin abatement. After field assistance and incinerator improvement plan, the dioxin emission form Jin Lai and M33 incinerators of CPC become accordance to regulatory requirements. The abatement amount was estimated to be 60% and 50%, respectively, indicating the concrete effects of field assistance.We have surveyed levels of ambient dioxin and heavy metals in 7 industrial parks, 1 metropolitan region, and 3 potentially polluted regions. The survey results indicate that ambient dioxin concentrations in certain specific region of Taoyuan County are higher than the average in Taiwan (~ 0.1 pg I-TEQ/Nm3). The electric arc furnace of TH has effected the ambient dioxin in neighboring area. The ambient Pb and Cd concentrations in all surveyed region are well below the ambient standards. Risk assessment results indicate that dioxin exposure for Taoyuan adult and children are within acceptable range. The average cancer risk from exposure to cancer-causing heavy metals (As, Be, Cd, Ni, and Pb) is estimated to be 0.30x10-6. The contribution from As is about 57%. The cancer risk is below 10-6 and is within the acceptable range.We also found that the soil in and out the TH plant is contaminated by both dioxin and heavy metals. We suggest continuing the survey to find out if the scope of contamination is being broadened or not. Furthermore, we also suggest conducting similar investigations on the other two electric arc furnaces in Taoyuan, aiming to understand if there were similar contaminations. The dioxin emission in Taoyuan is estimated to reduce 6.80 g I-TEQ from 2003 to 2004, mainly from the shut-down of over 130 small solid waste incinerators and the implementation of Steel Industry Electric Smelting Furnace Dioxin Control and Emission Standard. Only 0.76 g dioxin was reduced from 2004 to 2005, which is about 7% and far lower than that in 2003~2004 period. Presumably due to the number of incinerators and electric arc furnaces remained about the same and all cohere to Waste Incinerator Dioxin Control and Emission Standard, Small and Medium Sized Incinerator Dioxin Control and Emission Standard, and Steel Industry Electric Smelting Furnace Dioxin Control and Emission Standard. The private sector has no incentive to further improve efficiency of air pollution abatement devices. The amount for further dioxin reduction is limited. Currently, electric arc furnaces contribute the most (~95%) to the dioxin emission among restrained dioxin emission sources. The control of dioxin emission from electric arc furnaces is critical to the overall dioxin emission and dioxin abatement efficiency in Taoyuan County. 094 桃園縣政府環境保護局 凌永健 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4654
國家永續發展政策配套措施可行性之探討 為落實永續台灣的理念,陳總統於94年7月5日與環保團體座談會上,允諾將召開國家永續發展會議;另依據行政院國家永續發展委員會第20次委員會議決議,有關國家永續發展會議召開事宜,請行政院環境保護署規劃後由該會辦理。本計畫工作目標為完成「國家永續發展會議」討論題綱及預擬解決對策;舉辦北、中、南、東分區座談會、預備會議及「國家永續發展會議」以及完成「國家永續發展會議」成果報告與行動方案。本次會議結合民間團體與政府部門力量及資源,帶動各地相關團體熱烈參與,初步估計超過4,000人以上的參與,蒐集1272項的議題,並於全國大會發表「267項共識結論」、「53項未達共識結論」、提出「2006國家永續發展會議--邁向永續台灣宣言」及行動方案,本計劃將相關文件以及檢討事項公佈上網,期盼全國各界在此共識的基礎上,朝國家永續發展的目標大步邁進。 The feasibility study of National Policy and related Strateges for Sustainability Developent. In response to the call from environmental groups in Taiwan, President Chen promised on 5th July 2005 that government would convene National Conference on Environmental Action Plan towards Sustainability. Consequently, the National Council for Sustainable Development in the Executive Yuan passed the resolution during the 20th committee, and requested Environmental Protection Agency to be in charge of the organization of the Conference.Major objectives of the project include: formulating agenda and the possible strategies and action plans of the conference; convening four regional forums, preparatory meeting, National Conference and final report. To sum up, this project involved above 4,000 participants, collected more than 1,272 commands, convened about 100 county and regional conferences and published 267 items of conclusion with a common consensus, 53 items of conclusion with a non-common consensus, declaration of sustainable development—National Conference on Environmental Action Plan towards Sustainability in 2006 and the action plan. This project also published all of related documents in Internet. It is expected that the whole country makes great strides in the way of sustainable development starting from achievements and foundation of this reference. 094 綜計處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4658
加油站暨餐飲業揮發性污染源管制計畫 隨著油品市場之開放,近年來加油站如雨後春筍般的開設,根據本計畫清查之結果,桃園縣加油站高達270站,為全國第1,而且總發油量則為全國第2。以加油站數量逐年增加之趨勢,必須加以管制,否則其逸散揮發性有機物污染情形也將越嚴重,造成臭氧惡化問題;另加油站多位於交通繁忙、人口集中之地區,所排放之揮發性有機物對周遭居民健康造成之危害亦益形顯著。為加速推動環境空氣品質改善工作,桃園縣政府環保局於90年度著手推動加油站污染管制工作,已建立一套完整之加油站管制制度,成效良好。行政院環保署於民國94年9月13日修正公告「加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法」,預定將於95年1月1日,全面納管全國之所有加油站。本計畫現階段工作,除持續推動加油站朝100%完全設置油氣回收設施外,並充分發揮油氣回收設施功能,100%達到符合法規標準之目標努力外,並配合新公告之法規,執行相關宣導及管制、稽查作業,落實加油站污染管制,並開始施行油氣回收標章,以有效降低加油站對環境造成之負面影響。另外,污染物同為揮發性有機物之餐飲業油煙,近年來由於國人對生活環境品質之要求日漸高漲,且餐飲油煙乃是近年來民眾陳情檢舉案件主因之一,環保署已列為管制重點。故本計畫將針對桃園縣餐飲業建立污染物排放及排放資料後,藉以宣導、輔導改善、改善追蹤及稽查等方式達到管制桃園縣餐飲業污染之排放情形及改善桃園縣空氣品質。各項工作之成果摘要說明如下:一、新設加油站審查結果自91年2月27日至93年底前,提出申請設置加油站共有19處新設加油站,其中19站均已完成設置第1階段審查,17站完成設置第2階段審查, 15站完成「油槍油氣回收設施及功能測試報告書」,並提送環保局備查。94年度至今則有10處新設加油站提出設置申請,分別為北海等10家加油站,其中有8家加油站完成設置第1階段審查,2家加油站未通過設置第1階段審查,需再行重新提出申請;另5家加油站完成設置第2階段審查,均未提出「油槍油氣回收設施及功能測試報告書」,以完成營運階段審查。二、既設加油站清查與油槍油氣回收設備功能查核本計畫本年度持續對桃園縣所有加油站進行全面性清查,並對尚未裝設油槍油氣回收設施持續進行追蹤。結果顯示本縣270座加油站均已於95年3月底前,完成油氣回收設施裝設,並已達成100%裝設率之階段性任務。本計畫進行所有油槍之氣油比測試,共測試了259站,5,772枝油槍,回收氣油比測試合格之油槍數量為4,393根,全縣初測平均合格率為76.11%,比起去年度58.74%,呈現相當大之進步。本計畫進行氣漏測試之結果,在所測試之33座加油站中,有全鋒大吉站等9座加油站之氣漏測試屬於不合格。三、落實加油站管制法規環保署已於94年9月13日進行「加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法」修正公告。因此,目前本計畫為因應「管理辦法」修正公告實施。(一)管理辦法修正公告前1.本計畫已於94年6月2日邀請未裝設油氣回收設施之加油站進行設置作業協談,當時未裝設之忠德等5家加油站,除永安海濱1家加油站外,均簽有設置同意書及預計設置期程。2.本計畫於加油站查核測試期間,即已將管理辦法即將修正之訊息以及相關內容,預先告知加油站,輔導加油站如何因應並請站方做好維護保養工作。3.本計畫已於94年7月28日辦理油氣回收設備保養維護講習、法規及油氣回收標章說明會,邀請全縣加油站參與,會內加強宣導加油站相關管制法規,以及94年9月13日公佈之法規修正方向內容,並對加油站業者提出本縣加油站未來的管制方向。(二)管理辦法修正公告後1.本計畫於94年10月20日發文未裝設油氣回收設施加油站要求儘速裝設,併同發文其餘已裝設油氣回收設施加油站,要求維護油氣回收設施功能正常,以及按時執行相關檢測,並保存建檔備查,以符合管理辦法規定。2.本計畫針對未裝設油氣回收設施加油站,進行裝設後之後續追蹤調查,除了永安海濱加油站之外,其餘所有未設置油氣回收設施之加油站,均已於管理辦法修正公告實施前(94年12月底)完成裝設,並且於95年1月前完成測試,唯有於95年3月底前完成裝設。因此,本計畫將該站列為95年4月管理辦法緩衝期過後之優先稽查名單,並於95年4月17日配合環保局承辦進行稽查工作,另外對於回收設施故障情形,本計畫亦於95年5月18日配合進行中油三民路站稽查。3.本計畫於94年12月針對初測結果較差之加油站進行複查工作以及氣漏測試,將複查之結果,請各加油站留底,並要求「無改善」、「稍有改善」、「惡化」及「氣漏測試不合格」之加油站進行改善;對於上述3種情形之加油站,本計畫將其列為建議稽查名單內。(三)本計畫並完成7家未裝設油氣回收設施加油站之查核確認工作7家均已完成裝設且功能正常;進行2家受陳情加油站污染查核。四、加油站宣導及相關會議(一)新設加油站審查及加油站巡查作業事項教育訓練會本計畫舉辦訓練會,提供自本縣加油站管制以來,執行上所遇之相關實務及案例,與環保局各區承辦人員進行技術交流。(二)油氣回收設備保養維護講習、法規及油氣回收標章說明會對加油站管制法規內容及未來管制方向作說明,提出桃園縣未來管制重點;推廣本縣推動之加油站「油氣回收標章」;另外並進行油槍油氣回收設備維修保養訓練。(三)國際無車日宣導本項活動於新屋鄉福興宮環保局攤位配合辦理宣導。本計畫製作宣導海報;現場發送「不強制加油」宣導面紙;播放不強制加油宣導短片;另外本計畫將相關內容,提出有獎問答,現場民眾踴躍參與有獎問答活動。(四)不強迫加油宣導活動本活動於94年12月21日正式展開,為期一個月,94年12月27日當天邀請環保局陳局長嘉興到中油武陵加油站現場參與宣導,並有南、北桃園及北健有線電視媒體新聞記者作採訪;聯合報、中國時報、自由時報,隔日分別刊出此宣導活動新聞報導。本年度「不強迫加油宣導」推動由縣府公務車率先帶頭響應落實「加油到跳停」,且由環保局長帶頭示範。另外也希望藉由本次活動養成本縣加油員看到貼紙直接「加油到跳停」的習慣。(五)油氣回收標章設計頒獎、頒發典禮暨環保優良加油站示範觀摩會本宣導說明會於95年5月30日假桃園縣公務人員訓練中心,邀請本縣所有加油站代表參加。會中由桃園縣朱立倫縣長先對「油氣回收標章」圖形入選者進行頒獎,並對獲得認證之加油站進行授證之工作;接著本計畫進行加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法修正暨相關新增標準檢測方法說明、本縣油氣回收標章申請說明;邀請本次「油氣回收標章」獲得認證之加油站進行經驗交流;另外邀請到工研院林志盈先生,進行加油站污染防制設施維護保養及自主管理訓練;最後則到本次受認證加油站之全國鶯歌交流道加油站,進行現場觀摩。(六)宣導手冊手冊內容主要包括下列幾項:基礎篇:1.油氣回收設施維護之正確觀念。 2.油氣回收設施簡易維護及故障排除。進階篇:1.加油站油氣外洩的危害。 2.油氣回收設施。 3.油氣回收設施維護保養。 4.設備維護管理及檢查重點。 5.加油站維護管理之必要性。法規:加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法(94.9.13修訂,95.1.1施行)。五、加油站排放量推估總計本計畫查核測試之各加油站與輔導新裝設油氣回收設施之既設加油站,所得到之總削減量為183.3公噸/年(以本計畫查核之發油量計),削減率為21.60%。六、推動油氣回收標章本計畫辦理油氣回收標章圖形徵選活動,選出桃園縣獨有的油氣回收標章。另根據上一年度已研擬完成「油氣回收標章推動辦法草案」,與環保局進行研商討論,修正名稱為「油氣回收標章作業要點」,最後完成定案公告,並已完成執行首次13座加油站加油站標章認證之工作,並於進行完成標章授證儀式。七、餐飲業查核及測試(一)建立完成表單及相關作業程序,並以實際執行稽巡查方式,來檢討修正查核表單及相關作業程序。(二)進行本縣餐飲業名單清查工作,結果顯示本縣餐飲業總共有2,233家餐飲業。(三)進行301家餐飲業之現場查核工作,分析本縣餐飲業之空氣污染防制情形及排放情形。(四)進行5家餐飲業者之稽查工作,並執行8點次餐飲業臭味官能測定採樣分析,結果顯示8家受測之餐飲業均超過周界關能測定標準。八、餐飲業空氣污染防制相關資料(一)餐飲業油煙及臭味管制資訊:我國及國外餐飲業油煙及臭味管制(二)餐飲業污染物質資料:餐飲業空氣污染來源、一般污染物、揮發性有機物(油煙)對人體健康之影響。(三)餐飲業油煙污染防制設備資料彙整及分析:前處理設備、管末處理設備(四)餐飲業油煙污染防制設備設計(五)餐飲業油煙污染防制設備廠商名錄九、餐飲業宣導(一)編輯1,500份餐飲業宣導手冊(二)辦理餐飲業油煙廢氣污染防制及法規宣導會於95年1月23日辦理,邀請本縣餐飲業參加。會中由先對餐飲業管制法規內容及未來管制方向作說明,同時亦針對桃園縣未來管制重點提出預告;另外邀請講師,進行餐飲業污染防制訓練。(三)辦理桃園縣餐飲業污染防制績優餐廳評選作業鼓勵餐飲業重視環保工作,辦理本縣第一屆「嗆嗆滾」餐廳評選活動,鼓勵餐飲業者重視污染防制工作,並藉由宣導活動鼓勵民眾前往優良餐廳用餐。評鑑結果包括古華飯店-明皇樓中餐廳等7家餐飲業者,獲選為桃園縣第一屆「嗆嗆滾」餐廳,進行公告並籌備未來宣導促銷活動。十、餐飲業輔導(一)餐飲業空氣污染防制輔導協談會本輔導協談會於95年1月5日辦理。會中先對餐飲業管制法規內容及未來管制方向作說明,同時亦針對桃園縣未來管制重點提出預告;另外邀請北市廚具工會理事黃國全先生,做為本次輔導協談會的技術諮詢講師。(二)辦理餐飲業改善輔導本計畫對30家受陳情餐飲業者進行輔導,並協助提供「餐飲業污染減量輔導改善建議書」,並要求業者逐步進行改善。本計畫並進行追蹤,已有8家餐飲業完成改善工作。(三)餐飲業最佳可行控制技術規劃餐飲業最佳可行控制技術時,除考量餐飲業類型及規模外,並針對陳情案較常反應的餐飲油煙惡臭問題,擬定建議採用之控制技術。本計畫將資料蒐集及洽詢專業廠商結果,整理完成餐飲業最佳可行控制技術。(四)建立餐飲業技術諮詢網頁本計畫已建立完成「桃園縣餐飲業空氣污染防制宣導及線上諮詢」網頁,提供本縣餐飲業油煙污染防制技術諮詢管道。(五)餐飲業線上諮詢輔導為了提昇餐飲業輔導之諮詢服務,本計畫提供線上諮詢輔導管道,並將諮詢輔導作成紀錄。建置完成有︰1.專線電話輔導。2.網路諮詢輔導(包括建立網頁及電子郵件帳號或留言板)。十一、資料庫完成6座新設加油站基本資料建檔,264座加油站之基本資料及259座油氣回收設施之測試結果等工作成果輸入加油站資料庫中。完成301餐飲業之查核資料建檔,檢討餐飲業資料庫建置及比對固定源資料庫,及完成餐飲業回饋EPA97資料庫檢討如下:1.餐飲業無固定污染源許可制度核發之情形,以進行列管。2.無法進行申報查核。3.無法進行餐飲業法規符合度查核。4.無法進行餐飲業法排放量及管制申報。5.排放量資訊與實際情形不符。6.飲業查核項目與固定源巡查作業、許可查核項目不同,需進行整合。 Pollutant sources controlling plan of source gas stations and restaurant businesses in Taoyuan County in 2005 There are 270 gas stations in Taoyuan County that is the champion in the nation. And total consumption of oil quality is second. The situations of VOCs evaporation get more and more serious by increasing numbers of gas stations year by year. And it makes deterioration of ozone concentration. In addition locations of gas stations is in the regions of busy traffic and centers, their VOCs emissions cause the health of neighboring residents harm. The purpose of proposals is for pushing recycle of oil gas ceaselessly. Besides working hard to comply with the regulation, cooperating with pollution control measures and operating recycling marks of oil gas. It is for decreasing the negative influence that is caused by gas stations.The soot pollution of restaurant businesses is another VOCs pollutant, and it is the major factor of public nuisance petitions in the recent years. EPA has listed them as important controls. So the proposal is for building the pollutant emissions data of restaurant business in Taoyuan County, it can control the pollutant emissions of restaurant business by ways of public awareness, guidance, follow-up improvement, investigation, and so on.Abstract of proposal items summary in 2005 shows as following:1. Reviewing results of newly installed gas stations.10 newly installed gas stations have submitted installed applications until the year of 2005. There are 8 gas stations that have approved by reviewing of first stage and 2 gas stations that have not approved.2. Checking existing gas stations thoroughly and investigate oil gas recovery systems.This proposal checks all gas stations in Taoyuan County comprehensively, and the result showed that there are 270 gas stations have already finished installing the oil gas recovery systems. So the present missions have completed fully. Processing all Air/Liquid ratio test of all grease guns. The work includes test of 259 stations and 5,772 grease guns. The result shows 4,393 grease guns are passed by the test and the qualification rate on average is 76.11% in the initial survey of the whole county. The results of oil gas recycle test show there are 9 gas stations not up to the standards among test of 33 gas stations.3. Implementing the management regulation of gas stations(1) Before the announcement of controlling method revises Processing discussions of installing-work, and asking gas stations to sign a consent document of installation and make schedules of expectations. Letting the gas stations know the information that it will revise the management regulations and relevant contents. And assisting gas stations with doing the work of safeguarding and maintaining well during investigations of tests. The purposes of handling explaining meeting are for declaring the management regulations of gas stations and proposing this county the controlling direction in the future(2) After the announcement of controlling method revisesSend the documents to ask gas stations have not installed the oil gas recovery systems to install as quickly as possible and the oil gas recovery systems to work normally. Carrying out checking them on time and file the records for future reference in order to conform to the management regulations. Investigating gas stations that have not installed the oil gas recovery systems, the one test unsatisfactorily and the cases of public nuisance petitions. And cooperating with Taoyuan County Environmental Protection Bureau to audit.4. Handling public awareness and relevant meetings(1) Investigating councils of the newly installed gas stations and the training councils of patrol work.(2) Councils of oil gas recovery systems maintenances, the regulations, and the oil gas recycling marks.(3) Public awareness of “International Car Free Day”.(4) Public awareness of filling up the gas without force.(5) Awarding design prize of oil gas recycling marks, and holding the ceremonies and demonstrations of fine gas stations.(6) Publishing 600 copies of public awareness manuals.5. Estimating the emission of gas stations The proposal checks distinctions of amount of VOCs emission between every gas stations and gas stations have newly installed oil gas recovery systems. The result shows that the amount of reduction is 183.3 metric tons per year and the rate of reduction is 21.60%.6. Promoting recycling marks of the oil gas Handling evaluating activities of marks to select unique recycling marks of the oil gas in Taoyuan County. Revising and announce “The important list of oil gas recycling process”, and finish authentication work of marks of 13 gas stations and ceremony of awarding authentication for the first time.7. Investigation and test of the restaurant businesses(1) Finishing setting up and forms and relevant operation procedures.(2) Checking up the list of the restaurant businesses.(3) Auditing 301 restaurant businesses in the site for analyzing the situation of air pollution control and emission in this county.(4) Processing auditing the restaurant businesses, and carrying out 8 times of odor testing analysis. The result shows that pass all tests.8. Restaurant businesses relevant information of the air pollution control (1) Restaurant businesses information of the soot pollution and noxious odor control.(2) Restaurant businesses information of pollutants(3) Collecting and analyzing restaurant businesses information of soot pollution control system.(4) Designation of restaurant businesses soot pollution control system.(5) The vendor list of restaurant businesses soot pollution control system. 9. Public awareness work for restaurant businesses(1) Editing 1,500 copies of public awareness manuals.(2) Handling public awareness councils of restaurant businesses soot pollution control and the regulations.(3) Handling evaluating work of soot pollution control for finding good performance restaurants.For encouraging the restaurant businesses to pay attention to the environmental protection, handling the evaluating activity of the restaurant in first time. And encouraging the people to go to the fine restaurants to dine by the activity. 7 restaurant businesses win evaluating activity in first session in Taoyuan County, and announcing and prepare for the future public awareness of advertising campaign.10. Guidance of the restaurant businesses(1) Coaching councils of restaurant businesses air pollution control.(2) Processing coaching 30 restaurant businesses and help offer “Suggested proposals of coaching and improving restaurant businesses”. There are 8 restaurant businesses that have finished work of improvement.(3) Collecting information and consult the professional manufacturer to finish making up the best available control technology of restaurant businesses.(4) Finishing setting up the webpage that offers consultation platform of soot pollution control technology in this county.(5) Building the special telephone line and the network service (including setting up the webpage, E-mail account number and message board) and consult and coach on-line.11. DatabaseFinishing filing new data of 6 gas stations. And putting working achievements of data of 264 gas stations and testing results of 259 oil gas recovery systemss and so on into the database of gas stations. Besides finishing checking the data file of 301 restaurant businesses to review the database construction and compare with the database of stationary pollution source. 094 桃園縣政府環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司
94年度台南縣固定空氣污染源許可及巡查管制計畫 本報告統計期間為民國94年5月13日至民國95年5月12日,多數工作均達到預定進度。在資料庫更新擴充方面,本計畫預定對列管工廠進行至少350家次的資料庫更新及維護,本年度共完成364家之清查,包含45家聯合清查作業,作業達成率為104%。此外完成粒狀物、氮氧化物及揮發性有機物各前30大之減量空間潛勢計算。在許可制度部分本年度共核發416張許可證,包括許可展延核發數91張,協助36件專責人員異動申請案件處理。在許可證查核部份,已完成732張許可證查核作業(包括680張台南縣環保局及52張南科管理局所核發),查核不符張數總計127張,不符率為17.3%,大都為原物料超過許可核發值。統計目前臺南縣應申報空污費之工廠家數有536家,近幾季的收款金額多接近壹仟柒佰萬元。在空污費查核部份,本年度完成220家次查核作業,而在催繳部份,專案小組針對93年第4季及94年第3季未繳之公私場所均發文通知,總計121家次,後續針對發文後仍未申報之公私場所進行電話催繳,總計163家次;統計至民國95年4月30日,94年第1季至94年第4季之平均申報率為99.1%(已申報2,145家次/應申報2,171家次)。目前臺南縣需排放量上網申報的公私場所共有253家(其中第一批89家,第二批164家)。目前93年第4季至94年第4季之申報率為100%。另在198家現場查核結果方面,申報正確佔70家(35%),限期補正資料者佔128家(65%),無建議再次現場查核者。舉辦固定源相關說明會部份,已完成排放量上網申報說明會1場次、許可制度及法規說明會2場次、專責人員複訓說明會1場次、戴奧辛法規說明會1場次,每場出席率均達70%,配合說明會辦理亦完成6次新聞稿刊登及1000份許可宣導摺頁;另外完成2場次技術轉移作業,作業完成率為100%。此外,計畫執行期間完成20家次建議稽查名單提報,建議檢測名單10根次及25家次含硫份檢測,針對大型堆置場每季亦完成34家次巡查作業,一般巡查71家次,及空品不良日應變巡查148家次。專案小組除依循各項內部教育訓練及品保作業外,在計畫執行中亦配合環保署、環保局各項現場書面查核及委員查核,以提升計畫的執行品質。 2005 Tainan County stable air pollution source permission control project This project was empowered by a contract issued by the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan county, which started on 13th, May, 2005, and ended on 12th, May, 2006. Most of work items on the contract were finished.The emission inventory database of 364 stationary pollution sources have been updated, including the top 45th plants. The percentage fo performance reached 104%. The reducted emission rate of the plants that their emission of Particulate matter, Nitrogen Oxides and VOCs are the top 30th have been estimated.In permit system, 416 permits which comprise installation permit and operating permit have been issued. Those that apply for the extension of a permit have been reviewed and 86 permits have been renewed during this period project. 36 modification application of dedicated air pollution control personnel have been approved. Inspection for operating permit has been performed on 732 permits. Among them, 127 permits were found failure to meet permit contents. There was 17.3% of discrepancy that mainly caused by exceeded the permit value of raw material and fuel. 536 stationary pollution sources were required to pay the air pollution control fees in Tainan county. Around 17 million dollars were collected on a seasonal base in Tainan county. Check was performed on 220 plants for reporting of air pollution control fees. Total of 121 plants that fail to make payments by the deadline have been officially notified by EPB, and 161 plants were called by phone to track the payment. The percentage of reporting is 99.1%. Those public and private premises possessing stationary pollution sources designated and officially announced by the central competent authority shall report the annual air pollutant emissions quantities of their stationary pollution sources for the previous year to the local competent authority before the end of January each year. 253 stationary pollution sources were required to report the emissions quantities in Tainan county (batch I and batch II). Total of 253 reports have been reviewed, the percentage of reporting is 100%. Inspection was performed on 198 plants for air pollutant emissions quantities with qualified percentage of 35%.Five conferences were held for the purpose of regulation announcement, with the topic of the report for air pollutant emissions quantities, permit regulations, training for dedicated personnel and regulations of dioxin. The attendance percentage for all conferences exceeded 70%. Presses that attach to the conference were publicly announced, and 1000 guidance handbooks were finished. Two discussion forum sessions were also held to pass on the experiences to EPB.The assistance to submit the priority list for investigation has been done including 20 investigations of proposal, 10 tests for discharge pipes, 25 tests for surfur content of fuel during this project period. Total of 34 times patrol on huge piling sites were performed on a seasonal base in Tainan county. Total of 37 cases were notified during the project period and patrol staffs were then sent out to check on 148 public or private premises.This project complied with the quality assurance and audit plan, and performed the best among all projects by the committee of audition conducted by the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan county. Therefore it can enhance the quality of this project. 094 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 衛宇科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4664
九十四年度空氣污染綜合防制計畫 空氣污染綜合防制計畫(本計畫)主要目的,為協助環保局督促及控管各項管制工作之執行進度及品質,並規劃桃園縣空氣品質目標及管制策略。本計畫參酌國內外相關研究、縣市較佳做法與委員建議,透過所建立方法進行各空污子計畫之控管(協調會、工作檢討會、現場查核等),追蹤協調各計畫成效與互動關係,達成管制計畫之縱向及橫向聯繫,並不斷檢討修正執行方法、提昇各計畫之減量成效。管制策略研修上,透過空品分析及本縣排放量查核更新,規劃空品目標及制策略,並訂定減量目標與檢討達成情形,使本縣空氣品質除能符合既定目標外,甚至能超越國家環境保護計畫所訂之管制目標。以下針對本計畫94年度之執行情形摘要如下:一、各項污染源管制計畫控管成效為落實各計畫之執行方法,本年度依據空污基金子計畫管考標準作業程序書,控管各項污染源管制計畫之執行方式、彙整其創新做法,並評估其計畫執行成效及探討減量效益,以落實各項管制措施的執行。94年度各項污染物之減量除了TSP略低於目標外,其餘污染物均達成全年目標,其主要由於94年營建工程自然成長量低於預期,及本年度防制措施削減率較去年下降所致,建議營建計畫未來應持續加強輔導管制。然在94年環保署整體考核成績本縣則為甲等,其中固定污染源管制,於許可證核發及展延、資料擴充及維護處理、污染改善有效性、應申繳空污費工廠掌握率皆為考評成績較落後部分。移動污染源部份94年度未針對本縣轄區內大客貨車業者進行車輛用油管制。建議本縣固定污染源未來在許可審查時應注意審核作業程序之控管,加速審查時間,以及與申報查核等方面,應加強查核正確性,並加強資料庫建檔時效時與正確性,固定源各計畫間宜加強協調與彙整,共同呈現整體績效。二、污染負荷排放分析在PM10方面,主要來源為車輛行駛揚塵,約佔40%之比例,其次為工廠(20%)、運輸車輛(16%)、土木施工(9%);SOX則主要來源為工廠,約佔87%之比例,車輛運輸約佔6%;NOX主要來源為車輛運輸,約佔58%之比例,其次為工廠(33%)、航空器(5%);而NMHC方面,主要來源為工廠,約佔33%之比例,其次為運輸車輛(28%)、工業溶劑使用(13%)。三、空氣品質現況分析自84年度空氣污染防制費開始徵收以來,臭氧因受氣象因素及跨區域污染傳輸之影響,導致91及94年濃度有上升之趨勢(北部空品區亦然)。懸浮微粒則呈現穩定之趨勢,惟94年懸浮微粒惡化日數相較90~93年有明顯上升之情形,主要可能受到大陸沙塵襲台影響及94年3~4月份高壓迴流及混合層高度下降致污染物排放不易擴散有關,而其餘各污染物,包含二氧化硫、二氧化氮及一氧化碳之濃度皆有逐漸下降或趨於平緩之趨勢,並均符合空氣品質標準,故未來本縣在污染物之管制上應以懸浮微粒及臭氧為重點。四、空氣品質惡化成因分析由歷年空品惡化日天氣類型分析發現,最易發生PM10惡化的天氣類型為WR5及WF1,而臭氧除受桃園縣境內與鄰近縣市之污染源排放之外,天氣類型(WR1及WL1為高臭氧惡化發生率)及大尺度風場之影響亦為形成臭氧惡化之主因。在空氣品質模式模擬分析方面,透過CAMx模式模擬2003年5月案例結果顯示,本縣污染源對本縣境內測站高臭氧濃度之貢獻比例約為17%~41%,另台北縣污染源對本縣境內測站高臭氧濃度貢獻比例均約有30%以上,另VOCS貢獻濃度又較NOX貢獻濃度為高。綜合顯示若要有效降低臭氧濃度值,現階段除加強本縣境內污染源之排放管制,未來亦須以加強空品區內鄰近縣市及跨空品區之共同稽查管制。五、惡臭聯合稽查專案管制成果專案小組於93年度共選定四家屢遭民眾陳情之工廠及重複陳情率偏高之工廠,加強管制作業。本年度在「協佳興科技股份有限公司蘆竹廠」、「傑泥環保科技有限公司」、「路盛實業股份有限公司」陳情數已有明顯減少,可視後續檢測結果,判定是否解除惡臭陳情專案列管。而「中華映像管股份有限公司桃園廠」陳情案件居高不下,建議應成立專案計畫或長期派員住廠。六、溫室效應氣體推估結果由各部門之溫室氣體排放量推估結果顯示,歷年來本縣在運輸、住商以及工業三部門,呈現上升趨勢,其中又以住商部門之成長最為顯著,工業部門方面,就2003年與2004年相較,一年間增加了33.8%。故未來桃園縣溫室效應氣體排放量管制上應以住商部門與工業部門,並列於本縣未來溫室氣體管制之第一優先順位。七、管制目標與策略擬定在管制目標之制定上,本計畫主要依據本縣地方污染特性及考量空氣品質變化及自然成長增量之影響,及配合未來中央法規之修訂,研擬各項可行之管制對策,並評估經由管制策略之執行,各污染物近程預期可達成之減量,與達成本縣近程空氣品質目標之允許排放量進行確認與比較,以確保未來近程各項管制策略之執行能達到本縣設定之空品改善目標。 A Synthetic plan of air pollution control in Taoyuan-2005 In Taoyuan County’s many control work sought in air pollution prevention and control implementation for 2005, the nature of the subprojects and that many are independent from each other has hindered the effects to be achieved in vertical coordination. There is a necessity to instill an air pollution surcharge subproject implementation procedure through an integrated air pollution prevention and control plan to assist the environmental protection bureau in spearheading and monitoring the progress and quality of various control world, and to achieve vertical and lateral communication, follow up and coordinate the implementation yield and correlation among the many subprojects through staging a variety of meetings.It is a necessity to routinely review and adjust the control strategy, which calls for updating the audit for air quality analysis and emission volume in the county by developing a county air quality objective and control strategy. In TSP , traffic permeating dust, transportation vehicles and industry are the main source of pollution; in SOX and NOX, industry discharge has taken up the bulk; in NMHC, transportation vehicles and the use industrial solvent have dominated the discharge. In response to the focus of future control, given that ozone has been a pollutant conveyed in a large area, an air quality model simulation analysis found that in a May 2003 case, the county’s ozone readings are most susceptible to the pollution source found in Taipei County while the impact of the pollution source in Taoyuan County alone was recorded at around 17% to 41%. Furthermore, the contribution of VOCS concentration was found higher than that of NOX. All of which indicate that in order to effectively curtail the ozone concentration, there is also a necessary to stage plenary cross-county and – municipality collaboration meetings in the northern air quality control region by stepping up the joint audit and control in nearby counties and municipalities in order to achieve ominous results.This plan has also had an integrated 2005 air pollution prevention plan compiled. Moreover, the county’s specific local pollution source has been identified by drafting a specific pollution source improvement , and public service performance objective. The assessment of the overall control strategy rests on evaluating the required funding and technical feasibility in compliance with the existing bulk reduction stipulations set by the Environmental Protection Administration, and on distinguishing the work into three major segments of fixed pollution source control, mobile pollution source control and permeating source control. Which are sought in anticipation of fully utilizing the Environmental Protection Bureau’s existing funding to promote a host of relevant control subprojects to achieve optimal management efficiency and the objectives of bulk reduction and air quality improvement. 094 桃園縣政府環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2078
94年度重大污染源連線監測與查核計畫 本計畫之計畫期程自94年7月23日起至95年7月22日止,計畫目的在於提昇環保局現有通訊架構,解決公私場所連線所遭遇之困難、配合環保局端系統功能之提昇,輔導協助業者傳輸模組之更新、驗證連續自動監測設施之監測數據可信度,並輔導建立品質保證作業制度、落實監測品保制度與查核作業,提升監測數據可信度及可用率、執行相對準確度測試(RATA檢測)查核,比對監測數據與檢測數據之相關性及提昇環保局連續自動監測系統運作速率、品保、現場查核之工作。計畫執行期間,各項工作皆依預定進度執行,各項工作內容及成果詳如表1.4-1。計畫執行期間除定期執行局端之資訊系統維護及協助環保局審查各類文件外,於現場查核部分共計完成監測設施功能查核15根次,相對準確度測試查核30根次(包含RATA平行比對查核6場次),各廠之查核缺失亦逐一輔導追縱;本團隊除例行之查核之外,亦針對公私場所之特別問題進行訪談輔導,計已針對大園汽電、中油桃煉廠及南亞錦興廠、永豐餘、華亞汽電、欣榮焚化廠、長生電力、國光電力、台電大潭廠進行9場次品質輔導作業,協助公私場所解決監測設施及書面報表相關疑問。統計結果顯示,各廠第94年第3季及第4季之有效監測時數百分比皆大於75%,而95年第1季之有效監測時數百分比亦皆高於85%,皆可符合現行CEMS管理辦法規範(94/1/1~94/12/31需達75%,95/1/1起需達85%);而上傳率部分除長生電廠外,各廠之逐月上傳率皆達90%以上,而長生電廠已於95年2月完成軟體汰換作業,上傳率由53.63%(94年10月)提昇至100%(95年2月),改善成果顯著。府前廣場之大型顯示看板在本團隊維護下,目前狀況十分良好,除了提供空品資料及CEMS監測數據外,更於94年11月加入7根新連線煙道資料,同時也配合播放各類政令宣導資料共112則;而空品監測資料則可由程式自動定期更新,目前運作正常。 The great pollution sources line monitored and checked the plan in 2005 Term of this project started on July 23rd 2005 and ended on July 22nd 2006. Its purpose was to promote the Environmental Protection Bureau’s current communication framework, solve connection problems that encountered in plants, cooperate to promote system functions at the Environmental Protection Bureau site, guide and assist industries to update transmission module, check and prove the trustiness of monitoring data from the continuous emission monitoring systems, guide and assist to build a QC assurance work procedure, carry out QC monitoring and inspection works, enhance the trustiness and usability of monitoring data, execute the RATA test for inspection purpose, find the correlation between monitoring data and examination data, and promote the operation efficiency, QC, on-site inspection works for CEMS. While executing the project, all works were carried out in accordance with the projected progress. Works contents and achievements were detailed and listed on Table 1.4-1.While the project was carrying out, besides periodically maintaining the information system at the Environment Protection Bureau site, for on-site inspection, 15 system and operation audits on the CEMS and 30 RATA tests (including 6 RATA parallel comparisons) were carried out during project implementation period; the inspection-found defects in all plants were separately guided, improved and traced. Our team, besides regular inspection works, interviewed, provided guidance and assisted in all special problems incurred in plants. Now we have helped Da-Yuan Power (大園汽電), CPC Taoyuan Plant (中油桃煉廠), Nan Ya Plastic Jinsing Plant (南亞錦興廠), YFY (永豐餘), Huaya Power (華亞汽電), Hsin Rong Incinerating Plant (欣榮焚化廠), Chang Sheng Power (長生電力), Kuo Kuang Power (國光電力) and Taipower Datang Plant (台電大潭廠) with 9 QC counseling works and assisted plants by solving monitoring system and written report related questions. According to the statistical results, the effective monitoring hour proportion in 2005 3Q and 4Q for all plants all exceeded 75%, and in 2006 1Q the effective monitoring hour proportion was also higher than 85%; such results were all in conformity with current CEMS administration standard (in which states that at 94/1/1~94/12/13 must reach 75%; from 95/1/1 must reach 85%). For data uploading, except the Chang Sheng Power (長生電力), all plants have monthly uploading rate more than 90%. The Chang Sheng Power (長生電力) also completed software updating works in February 2006 and the uploading rate was also promoted from 53.63% (in October 2005) to 100% (in February 2006), showing significant improvements. On account of our maintenance works, the large size screen in Fucian Plaza has fairly good condition. In addition to provide air quality information and CEMS monitoring data, 7 newly connected CEMS data were even added in November 2005. At the same time, to cooperate with governmental orders announcements, it also broadcasted 112 various kinds of governmental orders announcements. The air quality monitoring data is programmed to update automatically and periodically; currently it is under normal operation. 094 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司
我國陸地碳匯潛力評估及管理策略 本研究案為延續上年度「台灣地區陸生圈最佳碳量評估、管理策略及監測計畫」的研究計畫案。為進一步落實我國能透過「土地使用、土地使用改變與森林」(LULUCF)的方式減少我國空氣中溫室氣體的排放總量,本年度之研究案除持續收集整理國際間最新的LULUCF相關議題與文件外,亦評估分析國際間代表性國家土地使用及森林政策、研擬如何應用於我國碳匯統計的方法,以及研擬我國最佳碳匯計算與經營管理的策略。此外,本計畫並依「國際政府間氣候變化委員會」(IPCC)提出之規範及參考方法,實際應用於台北市的碳匯估算,以求得台北市陸生圈碳匯的年總改變量。該項操作方法期能提供未來我國其他縣市應用之參考。環保署利用「空氣污染防制基金」推行「空氣品質淨化區」的設置已有十年,並有相當的成效,因此,本研究案亦針對空氣品質淨化區對碳量及碳匯上的貢獻進行調查分析,藉以擴充應用到類似的集居區和都會區的綠地碳量及碳匯的調查上,並依IPCC對陸地生物圈的碳量及碳匯調查統計上的專業要求繼續對去年六個樣區的碳匯進行追蹤調查,其成果除可建立本土的資料庫外,並提供未來空氣品質淨化區在植物選種上之參考,以擴及應用在全國的碳量管理策略依據。 Strategic Plan for Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration Evaluation and Management in Taiwan Following the project from last year, ”The Optimum Carbon Assessment, Management and Supervision for Terrestrial Biosphere in Taiwan”, the continuous project of this year aims to provide substantial strategy to evaluate and reduce the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through implementing the “LULUCF” framework. This project has focused on the following aspects: 1. update the latest international key documents and strategies (particular on United States and Australia) on biosphere carbon sequestration, calculation, land use and forest policy; 2. Suggest the approaches to evaluate terrestrial biosphere of Taiwan carbon sequestration, and the optimum management strategy. The project also applies IPCC’s spirit and approaches to evaluate the annual change of carbon sink in Taipei City in order to establish a reference model for other counties and cities in Taiwan, so as to help achieve the goal of reduction of greenhouse gas emission. EPA has successfully given impetus to establish the “air quality purification area”, i.e. AQUAPU, for many years. In addition to quantify the contribution and the added values of carbon sequestration in AQUAPU, and furthermore apply such statistics to all green areas in settlements and urban regions, this project also continues to investigate the trees in parks and AQUAPUs and estimate their carbon amount and growth in the same six sample plots since last year. The result of the investigation will not only help set up the local database, but also provide suggestions for potential selection of species and layout of trees in AQUAPU to maximize the benefits of carbon sink in the future. 094 空保處 財團法人台灣發展研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4670
推動車輛使用酒精汽油替代燃料可行性策略分析及成本效益評估專案工作計畫 一、前言近年來世界各國皆積極推動車輛使用酒精汽油,已推動的國家包含巴西、美國、加拿大、瑞典、中國、澳洲、墨西哥、泰國、印度、歐盟等,而目前尚在規劃中的國家有秘魯、巴拉圭、阿根廷、日本等,主要是因為酒精汽油之使用可減少對進口原油的依賴與增進能源安全、增加農村就業機會、替代化石燃料及減少溫室氣體排放等益處。目前生質酒精佔全球生質燃料使用量的90%以上,為應用最為普遍的生質燃料,因此全球已有許多國家具有生產生質酒精的經驗,未來大多數國家之生質酒精年產量有逐年增加的趨勢,根據IEA預測世界生質酒精年產量至2020年約為現今產能的4倍左右,屆時生質酒精作為車用汽油替代燃料之比例亦會由目前的1.5%提升至6%,此顯示酒精汽油確實為未來車用替代燃料的重要發展方向。二、執行方法本研究為有效掌握目前國內推動酒精汽油所面臨的關鍵議題、可行性評估與因應對策,進而研擬我國酒精汽油之推動策略與最適方案,本計畫將分成六個章節進行討論,各章節的內容包括第一章緒論,第二章國內外酒精汽油推動經驗,包含國外推動酒精汽油之政策工具與推動經驗、執行瓶頸與效益分析,以及過去國內推動清潔交通工具之經驗,以作為我國推動酒精汽油之借鏡;在第三章國內車輛使用酒精汽油之可行性評估部分,將利用幾個章節分別針對國內製造酒精之最佳可行原料評估、國內使用酒精汽油之最適作業方式與成本效益分析、國內汽油車使用酒精汽油之適用性與競爭力評估、車輛使用酒精汽油排氣及性能測試、國內使用酒精汽油最適混合比例、使用潛量及經濟規模分析、酒精汽油對空污排放、健康影響及溫室氣體排放之評估等議題進行研究與評估。第四章則將就國內推動酒精汽油之最適方案與成本效益分析,進行國內相關單位對於推動生質酒精之規劃、環保署與能源局、農委會共同推動酒精汽油最適策略與方案之研擬、空污基金補助及退場機制、以及成本效益評估等議題,與國內相關部會在政策措施之合作與推動方案進行搭配,以評估出國內推動酒精汽油之最適方案;第五章則將本研究計畫執行過程諮詢各領域專家與酒精汽油應用宣導研討會等資料進行彙整,並於第六章進行結論與建議。三、結果(1)國外酒精汽油推動經驗根據國外文獻之探討,各國在推動初期皆給予酒精汽油價格補貼、或是給予生產者及使用者稅賦上之獎勵措施,並研擬相關的配套措施,包含強制使用,政府與國營機構車輛強制使用酒精汽油,或是要求新出廠的車輛必須能使用酒精汽油,除此之外,政府積極投資基礎建設,建置完備的酒精汽油後勤供應及配銷系統,並要求業者加速建造酒精汽油加油站等。國外在推動酒精汽油所面臨到的障礙普遍包含消費者習慣不易改變、接受度與宣傳不夠、料源的價格與數量不穩定、酒精消耗高度依存於國際原油價格、酒精汽油在夏天蒸汽壓過高需進行調整等因素。此外,在德國及日本因酒精作物料源有限需仰賴進口,在泰國則有蔗農與糖廠之間利益分配合約無法協調等問題。(2)國內製造酒精之最佳可行料源評估在國內製造酒精汽油之最佳可行料源方面,在綜合考慮單位土地面積生產量、較高的能量產出/能量輸入值及較低的生產成本後,國內應以甘蔗與甘藷等糖質及澱粉原料應用於酒精生產較具有可行性。另以國內種植環境進行比較,甘藷較甘蔗具備不怕風災且全省均可種植之優點,若以自產30萬公秉酒精而言,約需投入6萬公頃土地種植。另本研究亦與農糧署進行意見交換,鑑於早期農委會推動離蔗政策,在政府推動策略不宜違反過去推動目標因素下,國內應以種植含澱粉量高之甘藷作為主要推動生質酒精之能源作物。至於纖維素原料生產酒精之技術目前雖尚未成熟,但纖維素已被視為未來最具有潛力的酒精原料開發方向,根據能源計畫辦公室參考RIS(Research and Information developing Countries)報告進行推估,2004年國內農業廢棄物年產量約219萬噸,若採用纖維素酒精技術依不同廢棄物之酒精轉化率估計,國內使用農業廢棄物生產纖維素酒精約可年產72萬公秉。(3)國內使用酒精汽油之最適作業方式與成本效益分析酒精生產成本為國內推動使用酒精汽油是否成功之關鍵因素之一,因此,本研究分別就國外進口酒精、國外進口原料生產酒精、及國內種植作物生產酒精等三種方案,進行酒精成本及售價分析,以E3為例,國外進口酒精價格在關稅3%下,其價格為24.1元/公升(考量熱值酒精售價為36.2元/公升)在徵收進口關稅20%考量合理利潤後酒精價格為27.6元/公升(考量熱值酒精售價為41.3元/公升)、進口原料玉米生產酒精價格為43.0元/公升(考量熱值酒精售價為64.5元/公升)、進口原料糖蜜生產酒精價格為28.9元/公升(考量熱值酒精售價為43.4元/公升)、國內種植甘蔗及甘藷生產酒精價格分別為26.7及24.5元/公升(考量熱值酒精售價分別為40.1及36.8元/公升)。若直接從價格來看,在運用休耕補助之政策工具下,以自產酒精之價格最低,甘藷酒精售價約為24.5元(酒精工廠出廠價僅20.5元/公升),同時可獲得最大之綜效。另若將纖維素酒精技術納入考量,在纖維素酒精技術商業化成熟後, 2005年美國纖維素酒精製程技術生產成本保守推估為23.31元/公升(考量熱值酒精售價為35元/公升),若樂觀以2010年價格推估則為19.11元/公升(考量熱值酒精售價為28.7元/公升)。(4)國內車輛使用酒精汽油之適用性與競爭力評估關於未來汽油車使用燃料之可能變化,目前國際上運輸燃料及未來可作為運輸用燃料包括化石燃料、生質燃料及氫/燃料電池。現階段則以酒精汽油為運輸燃料較受到各國青睞並廣泛使用中,至於使用氫能引擎及氫/燃料電池等作為運輸燃料雖已有國家開始示範運行,但仍在發展階段尚未商業化;若以未來發展之競爭力進行分析,使用酒精汽油作為運輸燃料較具短期發展性,氫能引擎及氫/燃料電池則具有長期之推廣效益。關於國內車輛對酒精汽油之適用性,本計畫針對國內各車廠及代理商對於車輛使用生質燃料適用性設計問卷,並將各車廠回覆意見彙整為「車輛使用酒精汽油問卷調查報告」送交委辦單位,另亦參考台灣區車輛工業同業公會及台北市汽車代理商業同業公會針對自2001年出廠之國產車及2003年出廠之進口車車輛進行調查,結果顯示目前國產及進口車輛分別約有118萬輛及16萬輛可適用E3酒精汽油,另適用E10之進口車約為13萬輛。另在機車部份,由於有化油器引擎適用性之疑慮,因此在評估機車對E3酒精汽油適用性時,僅可將噴射引擎機車納入考量。為考量國內車輛使用酒精汽油之適用性,故推動酒精汽油初期建議以E3為最適推動方案。此外,配銷通路為因應酒精汽油所需調整有酒精儲槽、輕質移除成分、混摻系統、油罐車、加油站油槽轉換酒精儲槽等項目,其中輕質成份移除、混摻系統等須視油公司與各配銷體系而定,根據中油及台塑建議於配送中心進行酒精汽油之摻配,故需新建無水酒精及酒精汽油之儲槽,若以國內各加油站油槽均需更換為不鏽鋼油槽170萬元/槽(未估算施工費用及施工期間停業損失),以及一個配送中心需2.26億元增設油槽之成本進行估算,其儲運調整成本約需85.5億元。(5)車輛使用酒精汽油排氣及性能測試為了解國內車輛使用E3酒精汽油對於車輛排氣及性能影響,本計畫委託車輛研究測試中心依「汽油車測試程序與測試方法」,選取符合二期及三期管制標準之5輛測試車進行小樣本車輛排放、燃油經濟性及車輛加速性能之測試,在考量測試數據之準確度,該項測試均以FTP-75全程採樣之樣本進行比較,共取得10筆數據。該項測試結果顯示,國內使用E3酒精汽油後污染及油耗均有變劣趨勢,其中以HC、NMHC及CO升高最為明顯,CO2排放量則無明顯變化。另在不同管制期別車輛在性能影響測試結果上亦有明顯差異,如三期車之新車影響甚微,舊車則因車輛車況老化且引擎未經調校下造成性能變劣。由於新舊車況不一,包含觸媒、污染控制系統劣化,不同車輛引擎狀況在加入酒精汽油後,引擎燃燒狀態變劣,而後處理系統又無法抑制,因而造成污染升高。由於國內目前尚無酒精汽油規格標準,E3測試用油為符合CNS規範,已將油品內之輕質移除,使油品成份重質比例大增,故該項測試結果無法直接對國內車輛使用E3之污染排放進行結論。本研究建議在國內酒精汽油之油品規格標準和空污排放標準訂定後,應進行大規模且精確之實車測試,作為國內車輛對酒精汽油空污排放影響之參考。若未來進行大規模E3或E3以上油品實車測試結果,對空污排放並無正面效益,或有變劣趨勢,則建議國內不應推行酒精汽油作為替代燃料,或不應由空污基金進行補助。但若具正面環境效益,車輛使用酒精汽油之推動策略於推動初期考量不適用酒精汽油之機車及老舊車輛,建議除供應E3外仍應供應一般油品。(6)酒精汽油最適混合比例、使用潛量及經濟規模為推估國內酒精汽油之最適經濟規模,在供給面部分,假設將國內所有休耕地(一年兩期作約22萬公頃)皆投入種植甘藷酒精作物,最大可生產110萬公秉。首先在需求面部份,應先就使用中車輛適用性進行分析,以推估最大使用量及較高比例酒精之推廣,隨老舊車輛逐漸汰換至所有汽車皆可適用E3,機車部份則需視噴射引擎機車市場推廣情形,此時國內最大酒精使用潛量可達28萬公秉,但若政策之長期規劃為全面推廣E10,並鼓勵導入適用E10車輛,則國內酒精最大使用潛量可達103萬公秉。(7)酒精汽油對空污排放、健康影響及溫室氣體排放之評估根據IEA研究指出以E10酒精汽油為例,車輛使用酒精汽油後除氮氧化物增加1-10%外,可減少一氧化碳之排放量約18-32%,碳氫化合物之排放量減少10-18%,苯、甲苯、二甲苯及丁二烯等毒性污染物之排放量分別可減少27%、30%、27%及19%等(澳洲資料)。另考慮車輛使用酒精汽油CO2減量效益,以生命週期觀點每公秉減少1.71公噸,若以E3酒精汽油來推估,使用30萬公秉的酒精,約可減少51.45萬噸的CO2,參考國際碳交易平均價格約新台幣672元/噸,約可產生3.46億元的減量效益,若與我國2003年移動污染源CO2排放量3,686萬噸相較,則E3酒精汽油之CO2約可減少移動污染源1.4%。四、結論國內發展生質酒精所需料源,短期可運用已成熟之澱粉酒精製程,使用適合國內大量推廣的甘藷作為料源,為自產30萬公秉生質酒精,約需利用休耕地6萬公頃,以國內目前約一年二期作合計22萬公頃之休耕地而言,有足夠發展潛力。中長期則可運用纖維素酒精技術,運用農業廢棄物或推廣高纖作物作為料源。本研究所研擬之國內推動酒精汽油最適方案係基於國內能源供應多元化、活化農村經濟、發展生質能源產業、降低國內二氧化碳排放等多重目的作為規劃之前提,故提出三大目標(1)確立生質酒精產業二十年之穩定發展;(2)運用休耕農地推廣能源作物,2015年自產30萬公秉;(3)發展纖維素酒精技術,於2015年達商業化量產,2025年量產100萬公秉為推動目標。並依此提出推動策略,推動策略將分成三大階段:(1)示範運行階段(2007-2010年)。(2)市場導入階段(2011-2024年):2011-2012為擴大供應95E3少量供應E10,目標10萬公秉/年; 2013-2014年完成E3市場滲透、部分供應E10,目標為20萬公秉/年;至2015年完成自產30萬公秉目標;並進行E10之市場滲透。(3)強制執行階段(2025年以後強制添加E10)。有關車輛使用酒精汽油之規劃,因國內尚無酒精汽油對車輛測試結果研究,故建議國內酒精汽油油品規格標準訂定後,宜進行大規模實車測試,以進一步確認國內車輛使用酒精汽油對空污排放及車輛性能之影響。若未來大規模E3或E3以上油品實車測試結果,對空污排放並無正面效益,或有變劣趨勢,則建議國內不應推行酒精汽油作為替代燃料,或不應由空污基金進行補助。但若具正面環境效益,車輛使用酒精汽油之推動策略於推動初期考量不適用酒精汽油之機車及老舊車輛,建議除供應E3外仍應供應一般油品。在機車方面不推廣使用E3依其使用年限自然汰換時直接導入E10;汽車部分由E3開始導入,不適用E3者讓其依使用年限自然汰換為適用E10車輛。另本計畫就所研擬之最適方案進行成本效益分析,國內推動酒精汽油從2007年至2015年預計投入的總成本包含直接資本投入及稅收減徵,整體社會共需投入193億元,但所創造400億元之高效益,包括可替代石油進口而節省之外匯支出、創造農業產值、創造酒精工廠產值,以及可降低CO2減量效益等直接效益,且預計於2012年累計經濟效益即可超過投入成本。此外,若達成自產30萬公秉酒精,可增加農村就業7.6萬人,減少國內CO2排放量51.5萬噸。 The Feasible Plan by Using Ethanol for Vehicles Strategy Analysis and Cost-Effective Evaluation According to the estimation from Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, sweet potato is the most feasible feedstock in Taiwan. Based on the forecasting by this project, 30 thousand myrialiters fuel ethanol are produced from the sweet potatoes production by using 60 thousand hectares fallows. In addition, the capacity of agricultural residuals is around 21.9 hundred thousand tones. They will be produced the cellulosic ethanol about 72 thousand myrialiters. Through the summary of other countries’ researches, it is statement that the air pollution will be improved by using E10 and CO2 emission will be decreased 17.2 tones / myrialiter based on the environmental life cycle assessment. To consider the feasible of cars with adding ethanol, the first development phase is promoting 3% ethanol. The potential ethanol demand is 28 thousand myrialiters. When the aim is promoting E10, the ethanol demand is 103 thousand myrialiters. In the future, the short-term competition of fuels is ethanol fuel but the long-term competition is the hydrant engine and hydrant/ fuel cell. In this project, for emission test, there are 5 cars with 10 times with E3. The result states that the new cars have less effect for emission test but used cars with the emission of HC, NMHC and CO are increased obviously but CO2. We suggest holding the large scale emission test to more vehicles by using E3 or more than E3. When using E3 can not have the positive effect to prevent from air pollution, then we won’t suggest promoting fuel ethanol or without using subsidy of the air pollution fund. On the contrary, when the result is positive effect, government imposes energy tax and the fuel ethanol price is competition, air pollution fund will be not used, too. However, when the government does not impose energy tax and the fuel ethanol price is also not competition, air pollution fund is suggested to be used for subsidy.For the optima plan with promoting fuel ethanol, based on the objectives of using ethanol include diversifying energy supply, increasing rural economy, building the biomass industry, lowering the carbonic emission, we propose three important phases for ethanol development. Phase I is demonstration from year 2007 to year 2010. Phase II is supplying E3 fully in 2013 and the aim of supply is 10 thousand myrialiterss of ethanol. Domestic producers can produce the 30 thousand myrialiterss of ethanol in 2015. Phase III is promoting E10 and cars will be added coercively in 2025 For the instance of cost -effective evaluation, when producing the 30 thousand myrialiterss of ethanol, the accumulative cost will be NTD 193 millions from year 2007 to year 2015 and accumulative effective will be NTD 400 million. 094 空保處 台經院蘇美惠、台經院楊純欣、台經院陳心儀 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4668
九十四年度空氣固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催繳稽查管制計畫 本計畫之執行期程自94/06/22 至95/06/21 止,共計12 個月。本期末報告中各項作業進度及成果分析之統計期間,係自94/06/22 至95/06/21 止,各單項作業皆依預定執行進度執行,達成本計畫之工作目標。於許可審查核發,計畫執行期間合計核發了918 張許可證,依據固定污染源料庫統計,截至95/6/21 止,桃園縣有效操作許可證合計為2,168 張,所核發排放量分別為粒狀污染物:26,866.92 公噸/年,硫氧化物:72,421.68公噸/年,氮氧化物:105,888.03 公噸/年,揮發性有機物:54,338.00 公噸/年。於許可制度方面,現場查核之531 個製程,經查核結果不符合許可核可內容者,有239 個製程,不符合率約為45%,屬「未依許可內容操作」者,有182 個製程(佔34.3%),屬「現況與許可內容不符」者有57 個製程(佔10.7%)。排放量申報之審查查核,不符合率為54.37﹪;定期檢測申報之排放管道1385 根次,經審查核可939 件,未核可件數446 件,(主要為文件書寫缺失佔24%、原物料及設備紀錄單位引用錯誤佔5.4%、未填寫設備操作紀錄佔3.8%居次)。應徵收空污費之公私場所共計717 家(95年第1 季),94 年各季之申報率皆已達100﹪,實際徵收空污費金額共計148,589,558 元。固定污染源資料庫維護管理工作,主要執行重點污染源之清查工作、許可申請資料、稽查處份資料(稽查2,051、處份220 件)建檔、各項管制規範管對象之維護,並配合環保署每月資料檢核作業,進行資料庫關鍵欄位之修正補強工作。後續固定空氣污染源之稽查管制重點,建議應朝「中小型工廠專案稽查」、「電子相關產業(例如印刷電路板與面板製程)法規符合度查核」、重大污染源(大型汽電蒸氣鍋爐)減量及粉粒狀物堆置場之防制措施等幾個方面著手。分年分階段進行查核管制,並配合相關之減量獎勵措施,提升工廠改善投資改善意願,以有限之稽查管制人力提升整體之管制績效。 The plan of stationary air pollution source permitting and inspection and air pollution fee pressing on paying in 2005. The duration of this project was twelve months, started on June 22 2005 and ended onJune 21 2006. On the final report of this project, data from June 22 2005 to June 21 2006 wasdrawn for analyzing statistics on the progress of every single works and also their results. Allindividual works had been executed in accordance with projected progress and had met theobjectives of this project.In the aspect of issuing approval certificate, during the execution period the projectissued 918 certificates. According to statistics from the stationed pollutants databases, therewere totaled 2,168 effective operation certificates in Taoyuan County at the end of June 212006. And the approved emission amount was: granule pollutants 26,866.92 tons/year,oxysulfide pollutant 72,421.68 tons/year, oxynitrogen 105,888.03 tons/year, and volatilityorganic matters 54,338.00 tons/year.In the aspect of approval system, within 531 on-site inspected working procedures, 239procedures were found unqualified, accounting for 45% un-qualification percentage; 182procedures (34.3%) were found of 「operation did not conform to approval contents」; 57procedures (10.7%) were found of 「current status did not conform to approval contents」.Inspection works on the reported emission amount discovered that the un-qualification ratewas 54.37%. There were 1,385 emission channels that were under periodical inspection andreport, and among which 939 were certified and 446 were unauthorized (24% was documentimperfection, 5.4% was because of incorrect counting unit recorded for materials andequipment, 3.8% was missing equipment operation records). There were totaled 717 plantsthat should be charged with air pollution charges (for 2006 1st quarter). The quarterlyreporting rates in 2005 were 100% and the actual air pollution charge collected was totaled$148,589,558.Main works on maintaining and manage the stationed pollutant database were toexecute the checks on major pollutants, give approval on applications, inspect and file penaltyinformation (2,051 inspections and 220 penalties), keep all restrained plants update andcooperate with the Bureau of Environmental Protection to revise and enhance key informationcells in the database.For the future inspecting and controlling works on the stationed air pollutants, it issuggested that emphasis should be put on 「plants inspection projects」, 「inspection onelectronics related industries (such as PCB and panel board procedures) for the conformity tothe regulations」, reducing major pollutants (large size cogeneration steam boiler) andprecaution on the granule matters depots. Inspections and controls should be divided intodifferent phases in different years. Besides, it should cooperate with associated rewardingpolicies for pollutant decrease to promote plants’ willingness to invest in plant improvements,so that limited inspecting and controlling manpower can be utilized to increase the overallcontrolling performance. 094 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問有限公司
逸散污染源粒狀污染物管制計畫 本計畫係屬延續性計畫,工作內容係除延續九十三年度執行成果外,今年度全國性的粒狀污染物管制工作範圍,擴大納入砂石場、裸露面及堆置場等逸散污染源管制,並對各縣市街道揚塵洗掃作業進行效益評估,執行成果說明如下:營建工程管制部分,94年度營建工程空氣污染防制費總申報件為71,366 件,徵收金額約為10億元,粒狀污染物(PM10)總排放量約為3萬公噸,管制後之粒狀污染物削減率為40%,較92年提升約5%。營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法全國查核符合率至95年6月底止達68%,另針對執行上所遭遇問題,檢討修正管理辦法相關規範。在街道揚塵管制方面,針對各縣市執行街道揚塵洗掃作業彙整成效,並進行改善效益評估。逸散污染源管制策略研擬部分,進行雲嘉南及高屏地區懸浮微粒成分分析,並以受體模式模擬各污染源的貢獻強度,並蒐集彙整中國大陸、新加坡及英國逸散污染源管制法規及經驗,經多場次專家學者諮商說明會討論後,研擬固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法(草案),供環保署未來政策推動之參考。 Control Strategies for the Fugitive Particulate Emissions This project is an extended research which, in addition to the results from the precedented 2004 project, includes Fugitive Particulate Emissions Control of mining fields, exposed land, and piling sites. It also evaluates the effects of street sweeping and cleaning operations. The results are as followed: In the respect of air pollution control on construction sites, the 2005 Air Pollution Control Fee of Construction Sites amounts to NT$ 1 billion, totaling 71,366 cases. The volume of PM10 emission is 30,000 tons. The air pollution control measure effectively reduces 40% of PM10 emission, a 5% increase from the 2003. Until the end of June, 2006, 68% of construction sites inspected met the requirements of Air Pollution Control Regulations for Construction Sites. To address the difficulties for enforcing the Regulations, amendments must be made. In the control of street sweeping operation, is conducted by analyzing local governments’ street sweeping procedures and reported results.In order to form the strategy of fugitive pollution source control, comparison of particulate concentration, ion species analysis, metal concentration, and carbon contains in particulate had be finished. By referencing the regulations of fugitive pollution source control and experiences in China, Singapore, and the United Kingdom, and by holding public hearings, the Management Regulations of Air Pollution Control Facilities for Fugitive Particulate Emissions of Stationary Source will be drafted as a reference for the future policy-making of Environmental Protection Agency. 094 空保處 新紀工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4674
空氣品質監測站網臭氧分佈解析 掌握空氣品質現況及變化趨勢是環保主管機關研擬管制計畫及評估管制成效的重要依據,而空氣品質監測資料為具體且最直接獲得周界空氣品質現況的方法。本計畫之主旨為目前監測站網的臭氧監測,在人為活動及時空條件改變推移之下,相較於原先設置時的空氣品質特性或有變異,其在區域空氣品質污染濃度分佈是否為較高或較低的傾向,藉由臭氧模式對區域性空氣品質的模擬研究,解析目前的監測資料與區域空氣品質之間的關聯性。本計畫目標為建立全國臭氧1小時及8小時平均濃度之區域差異特性及評估臭氧濃度分佈與污染排放量之關聯性。今年度研究範疇為中部、雲嘉南及高屏三空品區。臭氧模式結果則將分別臭氧日最大小時及八小時平均濃度之區域差異特性、站址與熱點空間之對應關係、各監測站接受臭氧來源比例之分析等方式作解析。本研究團隊針對工作成果共作出六項結論。一、由模擬期程之選定工作成果,特別針對臭氧高污染狀況所發展之模擬期程篩選流程應可提供日後相關研究工作之用。二、由氣象場模擬及結果解析工作成果,在高壓籠罩、低風速、低雲蓋量、日照強烈、盛行風為東北風時,容易有區域臭氧高污染日的產生。三、由臭氧日最大小時及八小時平均濃度之區域差異特性工作成果,監測站不論在日最大小時濃度或者八小時平均濃度,均與鄰近區域呈高度相關。四、由臭氧濃度區間分佈之探討工作成果,四個模擬期程監測站模擬平均濃度均較空品區平均濃度高,監測站標準偏差大多較小,最低三站平均濃度與區域平均濃度較為接近。五、由站址與熱點空間之對應關係工作成果,模擬期程一、二、四之熱點均發生於屏東縣內陸,期程三發生於台中縣與南投縣交界附近;期程二、三、四熱點發生於15時,期程一為16時;模擬期程一、四熱點發生日天氣型態為鋒前暖區,期程二為颱風外圍環流,期程三為高壓出海。六、由臭氧濃度與區內外排放量之關聯性工作成果,以空品區為單位進行排放量削減,較以縣市排放量個別削減對降低臭氧更為有效。本研究團隊共提出三項建議:一、未來若台灣排放量清冊(TEDS)有所更新,可考慮使用更新版排放量資料進行模擬。二、未來可考慮整合全國模式模擬結果之解析成果,更全面性的探討區域外排放量對監測站之影響。三、未來可考慮進行空品監測站網其他主要污染物(如氣膠)分佈解析之工作,更完整探討監測站監測資料與區域空氣品質之差異性。 Ozone concentration distribution of air quality monitoring network. Air quality monitoring network is used to estimate the regional air quality. After the characteristics of pollutants’ emission and meteorological condition changed, the special-temporal ozone concentration distribution may also change. This project utilized Taiwan Air Quality Model (TAQM) to simulate ozone concentration distribution of Central, Yunj-Ja-Nan, Kao-Pin air quality basin areas. The objectives of this project are to compare the difference of ozone concentration distribution of air quality monitoring network within related air quality area.The result showed that the ozone concentration characteristics of the air quality monitoring stations and nearby region were similar. Most of the hot spots, three of four episodes, were located in Pingtung County. The frequencies of ozone concentration distribution of air quality monitoring stations compared to the air quality basin area did not fit to certain pattern. The influence of area emission decrease to the air quality stations was estimated.Finally, three suggestions were proposed. First, the updated Taiwan Emission Data System (TEDS) would be used to simulate the air quality after they are verified. Second, the whole-Taiwan-wide area included in the fourth grid-size domain to simulate the ozone concentration distribution is suggested. Third, further study extended to other pollutants, such as aerosols, is suggested to estimate the relation between the total air quality and the air quality monitoring network in the future. 094 監資處 國立台北科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4682
餐飲業空氣污染防制技術評估建立及示範推廣計畫 由於工商業快速發展及國人飲食習慣改變,台灣地區外食人口逐年增加,大小餐廳到處林立,數量持續增加的餐廳,設在人口稠密的住宅區和住宅商業混合區之中,其烹調過程所排放之油煙如未經妥善處理,經常導致鄰近居民不良感受。在民眾追求快速、便利美食餐飲服務的同時,也衍生了許多噪音、污水、油煙等環境問題。依據環保署環境保護年報統計,空氣污染陳情之污染類別中,惡臭(含油煙)佔陳情案件的54%,主要來源為餐飲業油煙污染、比工廠排放惡臭等都多。進一步分析,可以發現針對餐飲業的廚房油煙異味或其他公害之陳情案件,亦有逐年增多的趨勢,顯示餐飲業對民眾的生活品質影響日趨嚴重。本計畫於94年度檢測各類型餐廳之空氣污染物排放濃度顯示,餐廳油煙粒狀物每年每家平均之單位排放量以日式燒烤的排放量最高,其次為西式牛排、中式餐廳、速食餐廳;總碳氫化合物每年每家平均之單位排放量則是以中式餐廳的排放量最高、其次為西式牛排、日式燒烤。為解決油煙擾民的問題,草擬完成「餐飲業空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」,根據草案初步規劃,以烘、烤、煎、炒、炸等烹調方式處理食材,在同一場所總爐台數六台以上,或爐台總面積達六平方公尺者,都必須安裝油煙廢氣之空氣污染防制設備,及相關之集氣設備、排風管、瀝油槽、集油容器等。小型餐飲店方面,草案也納入連續三十日內遭五位民眾具名陳情,經環保機關查證屬實且未改善者,也須強制安裝。在排氣口的規定部分,也要求業者須將廢氣中的油煙及臭味處理妥善後始可排放,同時廢氣排放口不得連接至下水道或溝渠中,且不得直接吹向鄰近住家之窗戶、門或其他入氣口。有關餐飲業空氣污染防制設備的裝設,針對餐飲油煙及臭味之特性,可分為油滴、油煙粒狀物以及臭味等三部份來處理。以濾網、檔版或水洗式煙罩等前處理設備,去除大顆粒之油煙,除可保護管末處理設備外,並使管末處理設備能夠發揮最大之功用;油煙粒狀物的去除,市面上普遍採用「水洗機」、「靜電機」等設備來進行微小油煙顆粒的去除;在臭味去除的部份,則通常採用活性碳吸附設備用以去除油煙氣味。目前市面上已經有許多商用化的餐飲業空氣污染防制設備可供選擇,業者可以洽詢各縣市的廚具公會提供進一步的防制設備裝設資訊。本設施管理辦法草案,目前已研擬完成,草案經公聽會、公告程序後,預計既存業者自公告後一年內起就須符合相關規範。各類餐飲業者應及早針對餐廳本身的污染排放特性,妥適規劃有效的油煙及臭味防制設備,除提供民眾快速、便利的美食之外,也為環境盡一份心使鄰近住戶也能享受舒適美好的生活環境。 Air Pollution Control Technology Review and Promotion Demonstration of the Restaurant Cooking Operation Due to the rapid commercial development and the variety of the food type, eating-out in the restaurants is getting popular in Taiwan. The booming of the new restaurants located in the densely populated areas all around the cities in Taiwan. Pollutions come from restaurant operation process which include noise pollution from the air-condition, air pollution from cooking fume, and water pollution from kitchen. The problems become much intense and prominent in the urbanized region where restaurants are sited remarkably close to dwellings. All these pollution will lead the nuisances of the neighborhoods.Residents nearest to the restaurants are prone to nuisances attributed from cooking fume emissions. Complaints of the cooking fume and cooking odors are dramatically increase in these years, and according to the EPA statistic an approximately 50 % of oily cooking fume and odor in whole air pollution complaints. It is consider necessary to take appropriate actions to control the emissions to a level that it would not cause nuisance from an environmental perspective. Thus promulgating a new regulation about restaurant is an urgent work.The newly regulation about “Air Pollution Control Facility Management of the Restaurant Cooking Fume” is proposed by this project. In the new regulation, restaurants with deep frying, charbroiling, roasting, stir-frying or other similar operations and with more than 6 cooking stoves should install air pollution control system in the kitchen, there is a variety of cooking fume control equipment available in the marketplace to reduce cooking fume emission, such as hydro vents, air washers, packed tower scrubbers, electrostatic precepetators, etc.The new regulation also request the owner of the restaurants to regularly clean and maintenance the relative air pollution control equipment. The exhaust ducts serving the cooking stoves should be properly setting away from the ventilation entrance of neighborhood buildings, and connection of the exhaust ducts with sewers is also prohibited.The new proposed restaurant cooking fume regulation will be promulgated recently after the process of public hearing and official public announcement. The restaurants that be regulated should meet the regulation by installing new equipment. The EPA hopes, with the continual efforts, certain success will achieved by the decline in complaints figures and provide a better environment of the neighborhood. 094 空保處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4706
95年度屏東縣固定空氣污染源許可管制及空污費催補繳計畫 摘 要固定污染源管制計畫一直以來為各地區針對公司場所進行持續性之各項工作管理,管理工作包括:(1)許可審查與許可證核發作業、(2)許可查核作業、(3)空污費現場查核作業、(4)空污費催補繳作業、(5)排放量申報查核作業、(6)定期檢測現場監督檢測作業、(7)污染源現場抽查檢測、(8)連續監測系統之相對準確度查核(RATA)與標準氣體查核(CGA)、(9)民眾滿意度調查作業、(10)污染源現場巡查作業、(11)資訊系統更新與擴充維護作業等,藉由各項工作執行已輔導各污染源降低對屏東縣內空氣品質之危害程度。關鍵詞:固定污染源、許可審查、許可查核、空污費、排放量申報、定期檢測、連續監測、準確度查核(RATA)、標準氣體查核(CGA)、滿意度調查、巡查、更新與擴充維護作業、空氣品質 Stationary Sources Permit and Air pollution Fee project in Pintung ABSTRACTThe main work items of Stationary Sources Permit and Air pollution Fee project are: (1) Stationary Sources Permit application documents exam and issue, including permit inquisition and elaboration conference. (2)Pollution sources control, including patrol, stack inorganic content inspection, sulfur content inspection of fuel oil, regular inspection surveillance, accuracy reviewed of CEMS and dioxins inspection of incinerators. (3) Database establishment, system function upgrade and data QA/QC. (4) Air Pollution Fee payment review and audit. (5) Training for Air Pollution Responsibility Personnel and so on.In permit program, there are 31 processes for new located applications, 73 for operation permit and 10 for permit extension in the year. By on-site checking, 28 processes do not pass the examination. These companies were asked to correct their documents to follow the Air Pollution regulations.Pollutants inspection also held in this program. We inspected regular air pollutants of 45 stacks, 41 sulfate components of oil and 30 odor test, they would get the penalty when these samples exceeded standards. And we take RATA and CGA inspection for CEMS too. By this way, we can give the right data to the companies that they can modify the CEMS programs.This year, the main conferences were held for introducing the eighth-batch permitted regulations. We invited environmental personnel to have re-education lessons for new regulations, modeling criteria, BACT and the declaration of pollutants emission quantity and etc. al, these teachings would improve those people’s acquaintance on their routine works. In emission quantity update, we renewed 211 factories’ data. The results showed the particulate emissions totally are about 2928 ton/year, SOx 347 ton/year, NOx 569 ton/year and VOC 920 ton/year.Keywords:Stationary Sources, permit inquisition, CEMS, Database, Air Pollution Fee payment. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2110
移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動 摘 要本計畫履約期程為自簽約日95年2月20日至95年12月31日止,截至期末報告資料統計日期95年11月30日為止,各工作項目均已符合契約要求,以下針對執行成果進行說明:在攔(巡)查、攔檢方面:總計完成機車攔(巡)查16,805輛,機車攔檢共1,897輛,合計完成量為18,702輛,其中經由本計畫攔查、攔檢作業,完成回檢之車輛共15,654輛,回檢率達93.15﹪;宣導活動方面亦完成9場次,其中包括:縣內大專院校、大型工廠、機關團體、租車行、中古車行及偏遠地區等區域之巡迴免費檢測工作,活動中並免費檢測機車共1,007輛;在定檢站查核評鑑方面,共計完成5次定期查核、12家氣體檢驗及9家實車查核,查核結果並無重大缺失,相關查核及評鑑結果亦提送環保局進行獎懲工作;在定檢站教育訓練方面亦按進度規劃於10月完成教育訓練並配合定檢站聯誼會於12月加辦一場次;而在定檢通知方面,計畫期間共寄發91,000封公文通知及452,652封機車定檢明信片通知,且寄發之程序均按環保署之規定按時完成寄發及退件信件之建檔工作;另民眾檢舉案件方面,則依規定完成查證及函覆工作,本年度共接獲民眾檢舉案件共80件,告發件數共為4件。整體而言,在環保署公佈之到檢率方面本縣11月份到檢率為48.89﹪,比較本縣94年度及95年度同期之1月至11月定檢率之提昇之結果,以本年度增加幅度最大到檢率上升2.9﹪,由此結果顯見本計畫之執行,對於督促車輛使用人注意車輛保養、維護管理,有明顯提升之成效。 Mobil source emission examination control plan–locomotive exhaust inspection and guidance activity ABSTRACTThe performance period of this plan is from the signing date of the agreement Feb. 20 2006 to Dec. 31 2006. By Nov 30, 2006, the date for the final report data collection, all tasks had been conformed to the requirements of the original agreement. The achievements of this year are described as follows:In the aspect of inspection and examination: we have accomplished 16,805 vehicles for inspection and 1,897 vehicles for examination. Final, there are 15,654 vehicles finished the regular inspecting process and the re-checking rate reached 93.15%.In the aspect of advertised activities, we had also completed 9 courses which were held in college campuses, plants, government organizations, car & motorcycle leasehold stations, secondhand car & motorcycle shops and remote country areas respectively ,and there were 1,007 vehicles taking free inspection.As for checking the regular vehicle inspection stations, we have accomplished 5 rounds of regular checking, 12 stations of gas-test and 9 stations for real-car test. The results indicated there were no significant problems existed. The relative check and evaluation reports have already committed to the department of environmental protection (DEP) to issue rewards or punishments. In the aspect of education-training for the workers on regular vehicle inspection stations, we had held two courses in October this year and added one in December to co-operate the station’s federation. We also had sent 91,000 official documents and 452,652 postcards for regular inspection to remind the receivers to inspect their vehicles on schedule. All messages were sent before the deadline set by the DEP, and recorded those unclaimed messages that were sent back. At the mention of popular impeachments, we had got 80 cases and replied 4 cases of them were indicted. According to the reports from DEP, the registration rate of Ping-tung County in November was 48.89% and had the highest raised rate (2.9%) which was compared with those from Jan to Nov in the last two years. It could indicate distinctly this project had good effects to press drivers and bikers pay their attention on vehicle maintenance. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2106
土壤及地下水污染整治資料整合與建置計畫 本計畫執行期間為94年7月起至95年7月止,共有6項主要工作,第1項工作為持續擴充及整合建置「土壤及地下水污染整治資料庫」,計畫執行期間除須整合環保署其他委辦計畫資料(包含數值圖層)、協助納入地方環保局補助計畫成果、登錄公告函、納入各級環保機關所執行之土壤及地下水檢測數據及登錄10件以上地方專案計畫成果之文書資料外,亦針對資料審查及建檔業務進行品保品管查核作業。第2項工作為規劃及建立「土壤及地下水污染整治相關資料登錄機制」,計畫期間除規劃污染場址相關資料登錄機制及作業程序外,最後亦完成資料登錄標準作業手冊之研擬。第3項工作為提昇「土壤及地下水污染場址資訊管理系統」資訊查詢與統計分析功能,計畫期間除提升地理資訊系統之功能、擴充圖資,為提升系統友善度完成系統改版,同時辦理地方環保局需求訪談作業,並依使用者之需求設計查詢統計功能。第4項工作為彙整94年度土壤及地下水污染查證、調查及整治執行成效;除彙整地方環保局執行計畫之成果外,亦檢討各計劃之執行成果,最後完成94年度土壤及地下水污染整治年報之編撰。第5項工作為加強各級環保人員訓練建立各級環保機關資訊交換體系,計畫期間除辦理北、南2場次地方環保局說明會及土基會說明會外,亦隨時提供電話諮詢服務,即時排除使用者疑難。第6項工作為其他事項及評選承諾之增辦事項;除規劃民眾查詢功能、定期檢視軟硬體功能,並排除故障外,亦針對學者專家進行需求訪談及提升系統效能,最後規劃並建議未來計畫方向。 Integration and Establishment of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Information The project executive time is starting on July 2005 until July 2006. There are 6 major tasks associated with this project. The first task is to continuously enlarge the scope of “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Database” by integration. This integration includes integration of various sources like data from other project including numerical layer data, result of local environmental agency subsidy project, key-in regulatory documents, soil and groundwater survey data and record more than 10 pieces of project result documentations. We also maintain the quality control of the report data auditing and documentation filing. The second task is to plan and establish the personnel log-in mechanism for soil and groundwater pollution remediation data recording. We also completed the planning of pollution site data recording mechanism and operation procedure; finish writing of the standard operation manual for data recording.The third task is to upgrade the performance of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Site Information Management System. The performance of the data inquiry, statistical analysis, mapping information function has to be upgraded within the project execution period. We expand the scope of photo data stored and changed the web page display, designed the inquiry function by accommodating the demand gathered during the visit of local environmental protection bureau; to make the web system use as much “user-friendly” as possible. The fourth task is to integrate the performance review of soil and groundwater pollution remediation, pollution investigation result, and survey content in year 2005 altogether. We also review the result of each project and complete the editorial of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Annual Report in Year 2005. The fifth task is to reinforcing the environmental personnel training and establishing environmental information exchange system. During the project execution time, we held 2 training sessions in local environmental protection bureau located in north and south regions and one session in Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund Foundation. We also offer telephone consultation service to instruct users on how to use the system.The sixth task is to manage other tasks not included in the above-mentioned tasks, including additional tasks assigned during appraisal meeting. We will regularly review the performance of hardware and software running, fix their problem occurred, visit the scholars and review their suggestion on hardware and software operation, upgrade the system operation performance, and making suggestion on future planning of this system. 094 土污基管會 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4828
台南縣九十四年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫-掃街/洗街民有民營 台南縣環境保護局為有效改善車行揚塵污染問題,並延續歷年施政方針,特專案辦理「94年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫-掃街/洗街民有民營」,本計畫執行期程自94年10月18日起至95年10月17日止,為期一年。各項工作均順利完成,茲將工作成果摘要說明如下。一、道路普查作業道路普查作業執行成果,本計畫總計完成627.9公里道路普查作業,其中A級道路142公里,;B級道路431公里;C級道路54.9公里,所佔比例分別為A級22.6%;B級68.7%;C級8.7%。由此可知,本縣道路髒污比例甚低,顯示環保局歷年推動本計畫已初具績效。二、街道揚塵洗掃作業街道揚塵洗掃作業執行成果,本計畫總計完成洗街15630.5公里;掃街15940.2公里,其中非重點道路洗掃長度均大於10000公里,重點道路部份則為每週執行1次,均順利達成合約目標。另依據每月集塵粒徑分析結果之揚塵(坋土+塵土)比例約36.7%計算,總計本計畫洗掃街作業削減揚塵量達189.9公噸,對於改善本縣車行揚塵排放污染甚具效益。三、企業道路認養企業道路認養推動成果,共有9家參與本計畫道路認養作業,其中6家為延續去年度計畫認養企業;3家為本計畫新增認養企業。總計企業認養道路洗掃長度為10592公里。為感謝並肯定企業認養道路作為,本計畫依據各家查核績效評等,篩選三家執行績效優良企業,於95年4月7日辦理94年度成果發表會中予以表揚。四、民眾問卷調查民眾問卷調查作業分前、後期進行,主要對象為例行洗掃之重點道路附近民眾。總計完成300份問卷調查,調查結果8成以上民眾表示知道環保局辦理執行洗掃街計畫,並普遍認為加強街道洗掃作業有助於本縣空氣品質改善,此外7成以上民眾支持本計畫繼續辦理,亦建議擴大辦理,顯示環保局多年推動本計畫已具明顯績效。五、其他支援事項1.空氣品質惡化應變措施:本計畫總計配合執行86件空品惡化應變洗掃街作業,總計執行空品測站附近道路洗街395.4公里;掃街58公里,依據環保署訂定之洗掃街TSP削減公式計算,本計畫配合空品惡化緊急應變措施,共計削減TSP達6.25公噸。2.建立髒污道路聯合通報查處機制:為整合環保局委辦計畫資源,加強道路污染源(營建工地、混凝土廠等)查處工作,本計畫總計通報21處髒污道路污染源,供相關計畫加強查處列管,並回報本計畫備查。3.協助本縣大型活動週邊道路洗掃作業:台南縣政府近年來廣為辦理大型娛樂活動,包括世界糖果文化節、國際蘭花展、鹽水蜂炮活動等,為有效維護活動辦理前後週邊道路清潔,本計畫乃配合加強活動週邊道路清潔維護工作,以提昇活動整體形象。4.配合縣府「清潔、秩序、綠美化」髒亂點調查:本計畫為配合縣政府推動「環境清潔、秩序、綠美化-清潔方案」,自95年5月起協助環保局調查本縣各鄉鎮主次要道路附近髒亂點,並提報縣府網站由各鄉鎮清潔隊負責清理及回報改善情形,總計調查提報髒亂點案件數達195件。 The project of enhancing street dust sweeping and washing- to sweep /to wash the street privately owned and privately operated for 94 year In order to improve the pollution of car raises dust effectively, and extend all previous years’ administration policy, the Bureau of Environmental Protection Tainan county carries out “The project of enhancing street dust sweeping and washing- to sweep /to wash the street privately owned and privately operated for 94 year ”. The project started on October 18, 2005 and ended on October 17, 2006, lasting for a year.each work is completed smoothly. The work achievements’ abstract is as follows.1.Street census workThe achievements of street census work: This project achieved 627.9 kilometers of street census work in total, which included 142 kilometers of A level path; 431 kilometers of B level; and 54.9 kilometers of C level, accounting for 22.6% of A level, 68.7% of B level and 8.7% of C level respectively. It would be known, the proportion of dirty path in this county is very low, showing that the effort of environmental protection bureau to promote the project in past years is already effective now.2.Washing and sweeping street workThe result of carry out the work of washing and sweeping the street: This project completes washing street for 15630.5 kilometers totally and sweeping street for 15940.2 kilometers. The length of non-key street washing and sweeping is longer than 10000 kilometers; the key path part carries out the project once a week. Both of them achieve the contract goal. In addition, the dust particle size analysis results of each month reveal that the proportion of dust is approximately 36.7%. Calculating by this proportion, washing and sweeping work of project achieves 189.9 metric tons of dust reduction.3. Enterprise street adoption The result of promoting enterprise street adoption: There are nine enterprises to participate this adoption street project totally, six of which are continuous to last year’s project, and three of them are newers. The total length of street which enterprises recognize to wash and sweep is 10592 kilometers. In order to gratitude and affirm the behavior of the enterprise to the road, this project examines the results of each one; filtrates three enterprises with good results, and gives praise in the result presentation for 94 years on April 7, 2006. 4.The populace questionnaire survey workThe populace questionnaire survey work includes earlier stage and later stage, the main object were the populace who live near the key path for routine washing and sweeping. 300 questionnaire surveys are completed, and investigation result shows that above 80% populace know the environmental protection bureau implements the washing and sweeping street plan, and generally agree that to enhance the washing and sweeping street plan would improve air quality of this county. In addition, above 70% of populace support this plan to continue, also suggest the project expanded. It demonstrates the effort of the environmental protection bureau for many years to impel this plan has already achieved obvious performance.5. Other supporting work(1)Urgent emergency measures for the aggravation of air qualityThis plan cooperates to carry out 86 cases of Urgent emergency measures for the aggravation of air quality, and totally carries out washing street of 395.4 kilometers near the Air Quality Automatic Test-Site, and sweeping street of 58 kilometers. Calculated by the TSP reduction formula for street washing and sweeping made by EPA, the project reduces 6.25 tons of TSP.(2)Set up dirty road feedback systemIn order to gather the resources of plans conformity by environmental protection bureau, and enhance street pollution source examine work, the plan totally notifies 21 dirty pollution source of dirty path to strengthen check and management for the correlation plan, and feed back to this plan for future reference.(3)To assist street washing and sweeping work near large-scale activityIn recent years, the Tainan county government celebrates large-scale recreational activities frequently, including the world candy culture festival, the international orchid exhibition, the salty hornet artillery activity and so on. To maintain cleanness of peripheral path, this plan cooperates to strengthen peripheral path’s clean maintenance work, so as to promote overall image of activities.(4)To assist「Cleanness, Order, Virescence and beautification」plan for dirty areasThis plan cooperates government to promote 「Environment Cleanness, Order, Virescence and Beautification-Cleaning Act」. The plan assists environmental protection bureau to investigate dirty and disordered areas near the primary and secondary streets in each towns and report to the websites. Cleaning teams in each town takes charge of clean-up work and reporting improvement. The total case investigated reaches 195. 094 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 台南縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2014
屏東縣砂石場清查列管及裸露地管制計畫 屏東縣環保局成立砂石場清查列管專案計畫,全面執行砂石場(廠)清查列管,針對無適當防制措施致引起塵土飛揚或污染空氣之砂石場(廠),加強技術輔導改善,繼而依據空氣污染防制法規定,加強執行稽查告發處分作業,以遏止其空氣污染情事。經多年努力,屏東縣環保局針對縣內所轄的砂石業進行輔導改善,在業者的配合下,獲致多項改善成果,包括削減率的提升、聯外及車輛進出口道路舖面與灑水、過車水道的設置、完成二十條聯外道路認養…等,均獲得業者善意的回應,目前全部業者均已設置污染防治措施,其中多數正常營運中的砂石場更採行灑水設施、洗車臺、車輛出入口鋪設鋼板柏油等三項基本設施,並有效運作,此為本縣較突出的輔導改善成效。經『屏東縣砂石場(廠)清查列管專案計畫』近年來的執行下,屏縣列管的砂石場每年產生的粒狀污染物,已由以往的5千噸以上,降至今年度的2168.6公噸,平均控制效率為56%。 Control Plan for Checking and Managing Pingtung County’s Sand Quarries and Bare Grounds Pingtung County Environmental Protection Bureau has produced the special plan for sandstone field evaluation and control, which carries out sandstone fields (factories) evaluation and control thoroughly, enhances technological assistance for sandstone fields (factories) without any proper preventive measures to avoid dust emission or air pollution, and attaches more importance to check, prosecution and punishment in accordance with the Air Pollution Control Act so as to minimize air pollution.After years of hard work, with sandstone field owners’ cooperation, Pingtung County Environmental Protection Bureau has succeeded in increasing the dust decreasing rate, paving transfer roads and vehicle entrances, building sprinkling and vehicle watercourses, and finishing adoption tasks for twenty transfer systems…etc., and got good responses from sandstone field owners. Till now, all sandstone field owners have taken pollution control measures, and most of sandstone fields have successfully utilized the three basic facilities, including sprinkling unit, car washing table as well as steel sheet and mineral pitch paved in vehicle entrances. This is one of the most outstanding achievements in assistance improvement in Pingtung County. After the Special Plan for Sandstone Field (Factories) Evaluation and Control in Pingtung County has been enforced for several years, the sandstone fields under the management of Pingtung County Government reduced the granular pollutants from over 4,700 tons to 2,100 tons in this year. 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 屏東縣環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2124
94年臺中縣逸散面源及營建工程污染管制計畫 臺中縣環境保護局於八十五年度開始執行營建工程污染管制計畫,為使空氣品質得以確實改善,並期待執行本計畫後有效管制營建工程之污染行為與減少公害發生,確切提昇生活環境品質。此計畫於執行八個年度後,已讓本縣境內營建工地深入瞭解施工過程中可能發生之污染行為及其可推動之污染防制措施,對於本縣空氣品質乃至於整體環境都有相當正面的幫助;為延續過去本計畫執行的成效,並更進一步改善維護本縣空氣品質,持續推動本計畫是必要的。本年度計畫在本年度各項精進做法為首要工作,同時在計畫執行期間並持續推動營建空污費徵收作業、催補繳作業、工地稽巡查工作、工地輔導作業、宣導作業、工地落塵檢測作業等相關工作。一、營建工地查處:本工作團隊自簽約日起至95年1月31日止,累計巡查次數為3,325件次,以本計畫量化目標巡查件數3000件為基準,達成率為110%。達成率超過原本之工作量規劃,截至報告撰寫時,巡查作業仍持續進行中。本縣第一級營建工地管辦符合率逐月提升由計畫初期之9.20%提升至95年1月之28.1%;另從逐月削減率來看,削減率亦逐月提升由計畫初期之37.13%提升至95年1月之44.15%;由此可顯示各個工地對污染防制設施之設置有增加,在局內長官和本工作團隊的努力下,工地現況已獲得相當大的改善,且逐步改善當中,但仍有相當的改善空間。另提報污染工地117處及管理辦法缺失嚴重之工地,亦已提報至 貴局,由 貴局發文通知業主改善,本計畫將持續追蹤輔導。二、資料庫建立及維護:本計畫推估自簽約日至95年1月31日,本縣營建工程施工的逸散粉塵產生量為75034.72公噸,削減量為30573.16公噸,整體的平均削減率為40.75%。各月份原始排放量的變化會依據列管工地數、營建工地的開發面積及工程進度而改變。各月份原始排放量最高為95年1月的5192.32公噸,最低為94年5月的2555.78公噸。各月份削減率最高為94年12月的44.54%,最低為3月的37.13%。由各鄉鎮市分析結果可以得知烏日鄉的原始排放量7229.57公噸最高,其次為梧棲鎮4676.68公噸,太平市4053.44公噸。這三個鄉鎮市的原始排放量佔全縣總原始排放量之42.54%。三、宣導說明會:本年度計畫於94年4月28日、94年6月27日舉辦了二場次之宣導說明會,會議內容除針對管理辦法內容規定、現場查核方式、扣點原則及罰則、替代方案申請及審核等相關問題做說明,並與工地業主及承包商進行問題討論,針對參與各員之問題,做一詳盡之解說外,另分別在兩場次中邀請到國立聯合大學鄭文伯教授及中國醫藥大學江鴻龍教授針對空氣污染議題作專題研討。四、營建工地輔導:本年度已完成40處營建工地輔導,例行性之輔導工地現場作業,輔導人員視工地不同施工階段或工地現況提出建議實施之污染防制或改善措施,並將輔導內容、工地施工進度、污染情形及查核是否符合計畫書內容之結果,填寫『營建工程輔導改善追蹤查核表』。工地輔導期間,將以拍照及書面紀錄方式查核工地污染事實,並對照其改善完成結果,展現輔導成效、相關輔導工地建議及改善情形。五、執行營建工程空氣污染防制費催補繳工作:本年度自簽約日起至95年1月31日共執行未確實申報空污費進而進行催補繳共計40處,實際到案結算工地40家次。包含開工未申報、施工期程申報不實之營建工地共計7家次;另對於營建工地已申報未繳費及已完工未結算者,共有33家次之催補繳作業;未申報營建工地催補繳金額為24,164,117元,末期未結算營建工地補繳金額為1,952,005元;兩者共佔淨收繳金額99,525,828元之26.24%。六、裸露地揚塵改善面積本年度本工作團隊共計完成21處10.06公頃裸露地調查,皆已完成改善,且標定大甲溪出海口河床裸露地共計389.05公頃。七、道路認養洗掃工作:本團隊執行計劃迄今,目前已輔導36處營建工地提出道路認養計畫書,共執行營建工地洗掃長度為12,365 km。 094 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 上境科技(股)公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=69
94年度桃園縣高科技產業暨揮發性有機污染物調查及管制計畫 The survey and control of VOCs emission from Taoyuan county high technology industry. 094 桃園縣政府環境保護局 慧群公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2102
南投縣政府九十四年度「小黑蚊防治示範區計畫」 本年度計畫進行南投縣埔里鎮、魚池鄉、鹿谷鄉、竹山鎮與草屯鎮小黑蚊調查區與防治區之探勘。分別配合縣政府環保局及各鄉鎮清潔隊人員,擇定竹山鎮秀林里、埔里鎮蜈蜙社區、鹿谷鄉秀峰村、草屯鎮中原里及魚池鄉大林村為本年度小黑蚊防治之宣導防治示範區,以及密度監測區。其中竹山鎮、埔里鎮、鹿谷鄉三鄉鎮選擇一處防治區,另外選擇一處對照區,以期作為防治成效評估之參考。密度調查依進度每兩週調查一次,八月份則由於連續下雨,因此調查時間已作調整。評估六到十一月的密度變化,顯示溫度與雨量具有正相關,而雨量的相關性較高。小黑蚊防治宣導講習會於五月十八日在鹿谷鄉秀峰村及秀峰國中舉辦兩場,另於埔里舉行一場。本年度製作完成的防治教育宣導捲軸,可提供各環保活動會場宣導,另依各地環境製作防治建議書提供相關單位參考。測試昆蟲生長調節劑百利普芬(Pyriproxyfen)、克福隆(Chlorfluazuron)、氟芬隆(Flufenoxuron)對小黑蚊二與四齡幼蟲之藥效,結果發現百利普芬有最佳的藥效。田間測試百利普芬之防治效果結果顯示有76.6 % 的防治率,但藥劑的田間施用策略與頻度仍有待探討。 Demonstration program of biting midge control in 2005 in Nantou 094 南投縣政府環境保護局 國立中興大學昆蟲系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1785
94年移動污染源稽查管制及機車排氣定期檢驗服務管理計畫 移動污染源係造成空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,為改善機車排放對於空氣污染所造成的問題,環保局實施多項措施以管制機車排放空氣污染物,包括:執行未定檢機車巡查、機車不定期檢驗、檢測服務、機車排氣檢驗站管理、鼓勵使用低污染車輛,及淘汰高污染老舊機車等,以有效改善空氣品質。 Moving pollution source inspection control project and locomotive exhaust periodic inspection service management project Mobile pollution sources is one of the main cause for the air quality decline, in order to improve the air pollution problems caused by motorcycle exhausted emission, the environmental protection bureau has implemented many projects to control motorcycle exhaust discharge air pollutant, include the execution which locomotive did not make regular inspection, the roadside blocks examines, the examination service, and management of motorcycle exhausted emission inspection stations, encouraging use the low-emission vehicle, eliminating old motorcycle, to improve air quality efficiently. 094 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=277
桃園縣政府環境保護局94年度移動性污染源稽查管制計畫 一、機車稽查管制成果本計畫共執行路邊機車攔查33426輛(含尖峰時段9884輛),針對未定檢機車執行排氣檢測7146輛。為加強攔檢作業,藉以提高汰舊換新,二行程攔檢3692輛,佔總攔檢數52%,不合格數共為700輛,不合格率為9.79%,複驗率69%,複驗合格率98.96%,顯示許多攔檢車輛在經過複驗之後皆能符合合格標準,因此仍需加強機車族群保檢合一觀念,提高複驗意願。二、機車通知到檢成果明信片通知定檢自1月至12月共寄發686408件,尚針對逾期未到檢機車寄發明信片二次通知100000件,回覆率約34.27%,本計畫大量寄發通知到檢目的乃在提醒車主到檢外,並促使幽靈車主進行報廢,以減少本縣機車應到檢數進而提升到檢率。回覆率分析的部分,車齡五年內其回覆率較高,隨車齡增加,車主參與定檢意願越低,推測原因可能是平時沒有保養,經調修後仍無法達到合格標準,或已經很少使用不願定檢,或不復使用也不願花時間報廢等,因此須持續推動汰舊換新制度。而依據鄉鎮市來看,回覆率與定檢站設站數有正比關係,推測便利性是民眾回檢意願的主因。三、定檢站查核、教育成果在定檢站查核成果方面每站查核6次,針對定檢站缺失做現場輔導改善,並於次月進行複查追蹤,以落實監督之效。實車查核部分已查核356站,檢視檢測人員執行流程並無重大缺失。藉由定期/不定期定檢站品質稽核,為民眾做服務與檢測之把關工作,期能共同提升轄區到檢數,宣傳執行層面由點擴大為面。辦理3場次教育訓練,邀請環保署與工研院針對檢測品質、法規等做專業講解,此外為提升本轄區到檢數,教育訓練新增行銷課程,激發檢測站商業競爭力。本計畫已辦理2場評鑑活動,並選拔本縣95年度優良定檢站9站(縣內5%站)。四、宣導活動成果為加強宣導,本計畫已辦理27場宣導活動,活動皆為假日或配合其他活動擴大辦理,主要宣導主題為:保檢合一、打擊烏賊車、環保局實施政策或推廣活動等。五、機車定檢削減量成效本計畫攔檢作業削減成果:CO 8.52公噸/年、HC1.13公噸/年;而桃園縣機車定檢體系削減成果:CO 859.71公噸/年、HC 113.42公噸/年。六、機車定檢統計分析分析桃園縣機車定檢資料,推估欲削減50%的CO污染量時,訂定其CO的排放標準為3.46 ~ 3.79%,即可削減50%之排放量。若欲削減35%的HC污染量時,訂定其HC的排放標準為5854 ~ 6596 ppm,即可削減35%之排放量,此提供環保署參考數值。若以排氣量、二四行程及出廠年份來看,可知不合格率偏高的機車,以50cc、二行程和出廠年份超過五年以上者為主,歸納上述特點後,發現新車的污染較低且車主保養的意願較高,並隨著出廠時間越久,老舊機車之污染量較高,故應持續推動汰舊換新政策,並搭配不定期稽查與定檢通知作業,以期能有效降低污染的程度,而自92年起出產之新車皆為四行程,由源頭管制應可有效降低二行程之污染量。七、柴油車稽查成果本計畫路邊柴油車攔檢共計執行623輛次,進度達成率已達100%,其中不合格車輛數為31輛次,不合格率約為5%。八、柴油車目視判煙成果為了能更有效的找出桃園縣境內高污染車輛,本計畫派員至各重要路口篩選行駛中高污染車輛,截至95年12月29日止,本計畫已執行高污染柴油車目視判煙9,506輛次,其進度達成率已達100.0%。為了因應環保署變更了通知到檢的對象,除了合約規定之數量外,將擴大執行的點與面,以有效管制行駛中的高污染車輛,來加強計畫執行的效益及民眾之觀感。九、柴油車主動到檢成果本計畫特別擬定主動到檢專案呈報環保局,在經由環保局同意認可後,已於95年3月9日起推動主動到檢相關措施及規定,並開始實施主動到檢作業。本計畫共計檢測1,378輛,不合格162輛,不合格率11.8%。十、考評成績統計至95年12月桃園縣到檢率為70.36%。另針對攔檢不合格與逾期未到檢車輛開立處分書952件,其中608件完成改善,改善完成率為63.87%。民眾檢舉烏賊車案件函覆處理率為85%、平均處理日方面已結案案件為23天,達環保署考評標準,而案件給獎比率為100%。十一、專案部分(一) 柴油車通知到檢成果本計畫特別擬定主動到檢專案呈報環保局,在經由環保局同意認可後,已於95年3月9日起推動主動到檢相關措施及規定,並開始實施主動到檢作業。本計畫共計檢測1378輛,不合格162輛,不合格率11.8 %。(二) 北區擴大聯合稽查桃園縣環保局配合北區擴大聯合稽查,稽查強度1.2倍以上,稽查數量佔全年50%,北部空品區4-8月空品不良(PSI>100)站日數,93年為151站日數,94年為105站日數,95年4~8月為91站日,空氣品質已有明顯提升。(三) 推動校園自主管理制度環保局與大專院校推行自主管理制度,納管機車數共10535輛,5所學校(國立中央大學、長庚大學、龍華科技大學、開南管理學院、國立體育學院)實施未定檢機車禁止申請停車證作業,4所學校(清雲科技大學、新生醫護管理專科學校、元智大學、中原大學)下學期納入實施。並於95年11、12月辦理宣導活動6場次,由移動式定檢站至校區內服務機車排氣檢測共155輛。(四) 推動定檢站認養巡查環保局為擴大推廣機車定檢層面,結合定檢站推動認養巡查,於10月份起由6站配合的定檢站巡查抄錄未定檢車輛共1339輛,環保局進行篩選寄發逾期到檢通知單652輛,並針對期屆仍未到檢車輛開立213件處分書。 Taoyuan County EPB's Year 94 Inspection and Control Plan for Mobile Sources of Air Pollution 094 桃園縣政府環境保護局 昌信環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=5172
監理單位機動車輛報廢及回收聯合櫃檯諮詢服務、回收管制專案工作計畫(北區)專案工作計畫 自94年6月起,環保署與交通部合作在台灣地區各監理站設置服務櫃檯,協助民眾進行車輛之報廢工作,輔導完成車輛回收以提升回收數量。本計畫之北區計畫由環資國際有限公司負責派駐北區二十個監理站所之廢車回收服務櫃檯專責人員,而南區由豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司派駐南區十五個監理站所之廢車回收服務櫃檯專責人員,以進行相關廢車回收之服務與宣導工作,本計畫工作時間為期19個月。在台灣地區35個監理站所中,北區計畫負責彰化以北(包含南投及花蓮)20個監理站所派駐37位專職服務人員,而南區計畫負責雲林以南(以及澎湖)15個監理站所派駐26位專職服務人員,共計35個監理站所派駐63位服務人員。運用環保署機動車輛報廢回收處理資訊管理系統之櫃檯配車功能,北區已完成80,633輛廢車(汽車11,180輛、機車69,453輛)的配撥與相關聯繫服務,另南區計畫完成24,588輛廢車(汽車5,071輛、機車19,517輛),共計完成105,221輛廢車(汽車16,251輛、機車88,970輛)的配撥與相關聯繫服務;全區計畫對於配出車輛的後續處理情形,採用電話與拖吊現場方式進行追蹤:共計約14萬2千餘通電話完成回收商與車主聯繫,並向車主確認拖吊服務完成。此外,全區計畫共計現場512次的拖吊現場拍照,以確保廢車車體有正常合法的流向。回收櫃檯服務人員並利用在各監理站所地利之便,向前往洽辦監理業務的民眾進行廢車報廢及回收輔導宣導等相關工作,其中全區櫃檯人員輔導作業共計45萬9千餘件,宣導作業共計20萬5千餘件,而便民服務事項共計8萬1千餘諮詢件數。 Project of the recycle waste motor vehicles for Motor Vehicles Office and united consulting services and recycle management Starting on June of 2005, Environmental Protection Administration. (EPA) worked together with Ministry of Transportation and Communication (MOTC) to set up service counters in each motor vehicle supervision office. The service counter assists public to register their vehicles as end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) and guides them to complete adequate recycling. Environment Resource & Information Co. Ltd. has staffs in 20 motor vehicle supervision offices in northern region to assist ELVs registration and offer guidance on ELVS recycling. Environmental Technology Management Corp has staffs in 15 motor vehicle supervision offices locate in southern region to carry out the same task. This project took 19 months to complete the services. Among 35 motor vehicle supervision offices, the northern region includes 20 motor vehicle supervision offices in north of Changhua, Nantou, and Hualien. There were 37 staffs in these 20 motor vehicle supervision offices. The southern region includes 15 motor vehicle supervision offices locate in south of Yunlin and Penghu, with totally 26 staffs. Combining northern and southern regions, there were 63 staffs in 35 motor vehicle supervision offices. Northern region completed ELVs hauling service; motor recycler contacting service, and follow-up ELVs dismantled vehicle part tracking for 80,633 ELVs (11,180 automobiles and 69,453 motorcycles) by using ELVs recycling and treatment system established within EPA information system. Southern region completed the same services for 24,588 ELVs (5,071 automobiles and 19,517 motorcycles). Both regions completed services for totally 105,221 ELVs (16,251 automobiles and 88,970 motorcycles). The staffs use telephone confirmation and onsite inspection to track the dismantled vehicle parts. There were around 142,000 phone calls made to assist ELVs owners contact ELVs recyclers and ensure ELVs were taken into recyclers’ plants for recycling and recovery. Besides, the staffs made 512 onsite inspections by taking photographs to ensure dismantled parts are properly recycled or treated. Service counter staffs educated citizens whenever going to motor vehicle supervision offices about the importance of proper recycling of their ELVs. The staffs completed around 459,000 services, 205,000 educational propagandas, and 81,000 consultations. 094 基管會 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1856
九十四年臺中縣固定空氣污染源稽查管制計畫 工作摘要本報告統計期間為民國94 年3 月11 日至民國95 年3 月10 日, 共執行12 個月, 量化進度平均達109%。在清查作業方面, 本計畫預定對列管工廠進行至少250 家次的資料庫更新及維護, 資料庫擴充至少50 家次, 本階段共完成338 家之清查, 作業達成率為113%。在許可制度部分共受理444 件申請案件,其中268 件已發證、15 件製證中、檢還及駁回89 件及審理或試車中72 件,核發308 張許可證,協助94 件專責人員異動申請案件處理。應提出操作許可展延其名單共有125個製程, 其中70 個製程許可證已核發, 產量未達公告條件而不需再申請者有16 個製程, 停工或遷廠有14 個製程, 審查中有13 個製程, 停用或撤銷許可證有4 個製程, 遭駁回的8 個製程主要因其補正時間超過法令要求,專案小組亦告知業者僅能重提申請以符法規。已核發許可證查核執行282 家/420 張許可證, 查核無誤有323 張, 查核不符有97 張, 不符率約23%。另外配合契約要求針對第一批至第三批許可資料內容進行書面文件(含申請文件及許可證首次頁內容)與資料庫檢核作業, 已完成349 張。統計目前臺中縣應申報空污費之工廠家數有642 家, 近幾季的收款金額多接近兩千五百萬元。在整個申報作業中, 專案小組針對93 年第4 季及94 年第3 季未繳之公私場所均發文通知, 總計240 家/417 家次, 後續針對發文後未於7 日內申報之公私場所進行電話催繳, 總計75 家/120 家次;統計至民國95 年1 月31 日,93 年第4 季至94 年第3 季之平均申報率為99.8%( 已申報2,568 家次/應申報2,571 家次)。定檢管理部分,94 年度第一批公告定檢應申報191 根次,統計民國94年3 月12 日至民國95 年3 月10 日申報率達85.3%( 應申報191 根次/已申報163 根次); 94 年度第二批公告定檢應申報109 根次, 統計民國94年3 月12 日至民國95 年3 月10 日申報率為88.8%( 應申報107 根次/已申報95 根次)。本計畫共需執行80 根次之定檢無預警查核,目前執行80根次, 作業達成率為100%。另協助審查書面檢測報告書634 件, 其中屬第一批公告定檢有134 件次, 第二批公告定檢48 件次, 而屬本縣公告定檢439 件次居多, 未屬公告而自行進行檢測有13 件次。稽查檢測預計完成煙道30 根次及周界10 場次,已完成煙道30 根次及周界10 場次,作業達成率為100%。本年度環保署考評需進行法規符合度查核, 在一般法規度查核部份至少應完成Par、SOx、NOx 及VOCs 四種污染物總量前500 大排放量名單篩選至少250 家進行法規度查核,目前已執行250 家查核作業;在特殊行業別法規度查核部份需查核汽車表面塗裝業1 家、聚氨基甲酸酯合成皮業5 家、半導體製造業5 家、乾洗業3 家、揮發性有機物14 家及加油站64家,合計共94 家,本階段完成230 家;戴奧辛法規查核10 家,有1 家未具備監控設施已完成改善,其餘皆符合戴奧辛管制及排放標準;目前臺中縣主要之收割季節分布於每年之7 月及12 月為主, 專案小組於計畫執行 094 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 衛宇科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=187
94台中縣汽機污染源管制計畫 094 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 華門工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=203
台南市94年餐飲業空氣污染物管制與輔導改善暨環保餐飲街示範計畫 摘要台南市政府環境保護局為提昇市民生活空氣品質,遂積極推動『台南市餐飲業空氣污染物管制與輔導改善暨環保餐飲街示範計畫』,希望藉由餐飲業油煙污染稽查管制及輔導改善雙管齊下的策略,積極解決逐漸顯著並造成民怨之困擾。本公司自94年4月承辦執行本計畫至95年3月止,均已按預定進度完成各項工作。工作成果摘要說明如下:一、建立餐飲業基本資料庫工作,自執行計畫至民國95年3月本公司已完成1,077家餐飲業基本資料建置,完成率107.7%。二、自建立之餐飲業基本資料庫,已完成篩選500家餐飲業進行現場巡查及建檔。建檔資料包括基本資料、餐飲業座位數、爐台數、烹飪形式、食用油用量、油煙污染收集及處理設備形式與去除功能等,並將其資料建檔於餐飲業污染防制之資料庫系統中。三、配合環保局取締油煙專案計畫,除辦理餐飲業一般及陳情案件巡查作業及輔導業者裝置污染防制設備外,並追蹤業者改善進度及成效。自民國94年4月執行計畫開始至民國95年3月止,累計完成改善之餐飲業供50家,完成率100%;此外配合前述稽巡查工作的執行,針對遭受民眾陳情之案件﹑有污染之虞或是改善完成之餐飲業者,執行該場之周界臭氣採樣並送環保署認可之檢測機構進行官能測定聞臭分析(NIEA A201.10A),累計完成10點次抽測(包括9家餐飲業者及1家工廠) 。在抽測之10家餐飲業者即使部分已裝設水洗設備或是高效率之靜電設備,對油煙已有不錯之減量,但是在異味部分仍有很大的空間值得改善,此為往後執行本計畫需要努力之目標。四、辦理餐飲業者污染減量宣導作業(一)辦理餐飲油煙廢氣污染防制及法規宣導二場次。目前已於7月15日、9月22日,假勞工育樂中心各舉行第一場次法規宣導會。完成率100%。(二)完成建置餐飲業減量技術輔導諮詢網頁,提供餐飲業油煙污染防制線上諮詢輔導,部份相關防制技術資訊及諮詢專線已建置於網頁中。(三)已於94年12月24日完成辦理全國性環保餐飲觀摩會及台南市餐飲業污染防制績優廠商評選並進行表揚。有關觀摩會活動成果詳見本報告第五章內容。六、須建置至少30處以上之裸露地資料(含面積、使用現況、所有人……等。)。截至95年3月份已建置完成32處,總掌握之裸露地面積為385,232.2m2,經追蹤複查完成改善之面積達300,946.85 m2,改善率達78.12%。由前述工作事項之執行及統計,南市之餐飲業以中小型規模(85座位數以下或是爐台數5個以下之業者)為主,佔有75%或是半數以上之比例,因此對於油煙污染改善之認知並不十分足夠。以本年度巡查輔導之500家業者而言,僅有少數約四成業者設置處理設備,而設置較理想之管末處理設備僅有一成五。對於輔導改善之部分,由於欠缺法規之強制,本計畫針對連鎖性餐飲進行宣導,包括麥當勞(共計6家分店)、竇爸雞腿王(共計3家分店) 、太師傅中式便當(共計2家分店) 及維琪媽媽拉麵館(共計2家分店)等,累計完成50家之輔導改善,有效達到污染減量之效果(包括TSP總削減量達27.5公噸/年,NMTC總削減量達5.2公噸/年,THC總削減量達9.2公噸/年。)。 094 台南市環境保護局 群翔工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=599
94年度中部空品區氣象與污染成因調查及改善策略研擬計畫 本計畫共進行兩次高污染採樣觀測作業,在採樣佈點方面,第一次採樣點為臺中縣豐原市國民小學及南投民宅,第二次採樣點為臺中縣豐原市國民小學及彰化縣二林鎮國民小學。第一次採樣之時間點為95年5月10日至95年5月16日,第二次採樣時間為95年9月30日至95年10月6日,共計14天,採樣期間的天氣型態,主要受到大陸高壓、鋒面帶及颱風外圍環流三種天氣型態影響,而在5月及9~10月兩次採樣出機時間點透過氣象條件之預測皆有順利掌握到台灣地區高污染事件日之發生時間點,採樣期間空氣品質依據環保署測站污染物濃度顯示9~10月間之污染濃度較5月分略高;以下茲扼要說明本計畫執行之重點成果。在氣象場觀測方面可發現第一次採樣期間與第二次採樣期間高污染日的分析中發現主要受到大陸高壓出海、鋒面帶和颱風外圍環流三種天氣型態所致,於5月10日~11日受到大陸高壓與鋒面的影響導致環境風場變強使得污染物不易累積,地面風場為南風,而9~10月份豐原監測點與二林監測點的地面風場變化比較相似,在白天有東北方向的海風,在晚上轉變成西北方向的陸風當高壓系統出海後強度明顯減弱,台灣地區出現比較混亂且微弱的風場,則有利於污染物累積,且於較乾燥之氣候條件亦有利於臭氧污染物增加;在無機物方面NO2變化的趨勢,在日間光化作用NO2轉化為O3,因此NO2減少,午後光化作用減弱及巧遇下班期間,移動源排放NOx於大氣中使NO2濃度升高,日落後近地面之O3受NO之滴定效應及沉降作用影響使NO與O3濃度下降,NO2濃度增加;早晨上班時段移動源貢獻之NOx,使NO2濃度升高;揮發性有機物方面,TVOCs分布濃度由山區向海邊遞減,伴隨風場變化污染物呈現累積現象,BETX濃度變化及累積趨勢受到風場結構影響而改變,於95年10月2日依風場結構來看,大里地區風速相當小,再加上熱島效應,不利於污染物消散且污染物有明顯聚集之趨勢;在粒狀污染物監測方面,二林測站的PM10平均濃度為最高,其PM10濃度約為南投及豐原測站的1.2~1.4倍,且三個測站的PM2.5/PM10比值均介於0.51 ~ 0.60間,顯示豐原、南投及二林測站的懸浮微粒皆以細粒徑為主。豐原測站密集觀測Fs平均值為0.36~0.41,南投測站及二林測站密集觀測Fs平均值為0.44,Fs平均值南投測站及二林側站均略高於豐原測站;在Fn值方面,豐原測站密集觀測Fn之平均值約為0.13、南投測站及二林測站之Fn值分別為0.17及0.13,觀測結果南投測站Fn高於豐原,顯示南投站氮氧化物及硫氧化物仍是以境外傳輸為主要污染來源。有關模式模擬部分,本計畫以CMB模式進行模擬結果得知,中部地區污染來源最主要為移動污染源,此外本計畫亦以TAPM進行94年高污染事件日之模式模擬作業,模擬93年4月26日~30日、94年4月3日~7日、94年9月15日~19日及95年5月9日~14日臭氧濃度之模擬結果與實際監測臭氧濃度趨勢相符合,白天海風發展時會將台中海區所排放之臭氧前趨物往都會區傳送,都會區產生之臭氧前趨物亦受海風及西風系之影響,將臭氧前趨物再傳輸至內陸地區,受到光化學作用及氣團之影響,臭氧前趨物則會反應生成臭氧,導致內陸地區於此段期間發展為高臭氧事件日,而PM10部份由於其生成化學反應機制較為複雜因此模擬趨勢較不佳。本計畫兩年4次採樣均透過專業氣象預估掌握高臭氧事件,本計畫統計歷年相關資料後發現從1994年至2006年間,台灣共發生225天高臭氧污染事件日,其中有140日為台灣2000公里內有颱風或熱帶低壓之天數,而利用HYSPLIT之逆軌跡,推估可能受颱風或熱帶低壓影響之天數佔了81日,顯示無論颱風或熱帶低壓,其形成的位置及移動路徑若位於台灣與海南島間均會造成中部空品區高污染形成,因此若能建立一天氣預警系統,將有助於環保局提前進行預防工作;此外,本計畫亦針對採樣分析結果佐以模式模擬,結果顯示,中部空品區於衛宇科技股份有限公司 IGLOBAL-ENTECH CO., Ltd摘要 臺中縣政府Abstract Taichung County Government臭氧高污染事件日發生時,最主要之貢獻源為移動污染源,其貢獻量佔77%,本計畫已提出相關管制策略,其中短程策略包括大眾運輸工具興建,配合停車費增收以降低民眾開車意願、觀光景點交通管制及接駁系統規劃及接駁車等待期間應熄火減少污染物排放等,可由四縣市環保局著手規劃進行,中程策略及長程策略等均需藉由各相關部會協助加強推動。依本計畫所提供之管制策略評估推動,短期可執行之策略應結合中部空品區運作平台落實優先執行。除上述作業外,本計畫於採樣執行前亦邀集各界專家學者辦理完成1場次採樣前置規劃座談會,同時亦已經辦理完成2場次檢討會議,此外,為了讓各界了解本計畫及便於各學術單位進行同步採樣監測作業,本計畫亦設計一專屬網頁提供各界查詢使用。 The 94 annual plan of the pollutant origin investigation and the improvement strategy to draw up at the air quality of center Taiwan The project has monitored 2 high air-polluted episodes in central Taiwan. In first episode (from 2006, 5, 5 till 2006, 5, 16), 2 sampling sites of vertical profiles of air pollutants were located in FongYuan City, Taichung County and Nantao City, Taichung County. In second episode (from 2006, 9, 30 till 2006, 10, 6), 2 sampling sites of vertical profiles of air pollutants were located in FongYuan City, Taichung County and Erlin town, Changhua County. The weather patterns observed during two episodes were continental high pressure, frontal zone and outer typhoon circulation. We monitored high PSI values episodes as we expected.Three weather patterns, continental high pressure, frontal zone and outer typhoon circulation were considered to play important roles in two monitored high PSI values episodes. The monitored results show several patterns of air pollutants. NO2 transformed to O3 during daytime because of photo-chemical reaction, then NOx emmited from mobile sources caused the increase of NO2 concentration. The concentration distribution of TVOCs were higher in mountain area and decreased on the sea, the concentrations variation and accumulation trend of BETX were changed with windfield structure. In Particulate Matters, the average monitored values from Erlin town was the highest, about 1.2~1.4 times the average monitored values of Nantao and FongYuan. PM2.5/PM10 were around 0.51~0.60, showing that fine PM was the main contributor of total PM. The average Fs for FongYuan City were between 0.36~0.41, for Nantao City and Erlin town were around 0.44. The average Fn for FongYuan City, Nantao City and Erlin town were 0.31, 0.17 and 0.13, respectively. It showed that the sources for NOx and SOx in Nantao city were cross-regional transportation.Ozone simulation used TAPM model in 4 past high PSI episodes between 2004 and 2006. The modeling patterns were close to the observed values. CMB model was used to find the possible sources of the high PSI values, and we conclude that mobile sources are main sources of high PSI episodes, the contribution may be as high as 71%. The possible solution for improving mobile source emissions would be the mass transportation system which is still not well-established in central Taiwan. We also suggest a “turnoff vehicle while waiting or stopping” policy to reduce the unnecessary pollution while vehicles were still. Four local EPBs should also use the communication platform to cooperate in this issue to build a better transportation system, thus encourage people to use it. of four local EPB toWe collected high PSI episodes between 1994 and 2006, and found that 140 days of high PSI episodes out of 225 days companied with typhoons or tropical depression within 2000 km around Taiwan. We employed HYSPLIT anti-trajection model and found that 81 days were affected by typhoons or tropical depression. It indicates that a pre-warning system using weather forecasting method would help the EPB to take proper pre-cautious action before possible high PSI episodes.One pre-monitoring planning meeting was held, and two examination meetings were held during the project. One website providing the instant information of this project was available for everyone who was interested in this project to find the progress and provide suggestions. 094 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 衛宇科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=231
94屏東縣固定染源及露天燃燒排放戴奧辛之檢測分析計劃 本計畫執行屏東縣固定污染源及露天燃燒排放戴奧辛之檢測分析計畫,包括調查轄區內固定污染源排放戴奧辛之篩選工作,並篩選出三座排放戴奧辛潛勢之特定固定污染源,依行政院環境檢驗所公告之標準方法進行戴奧辛採樣分析工作。此外亦進行農廢燃燒廢氣中之戴奧辛進行採樣及分析,以求得農廢燃燒廢氣之戴奧辛特徵。並由農廢露天燃燒前後之周界大氣戴奧辛特徵,解析其對周界大氣戴奧辛之影響。主要成果如下:1. 二次鋅精煉廠A、灰鐵鑄造廠B 及灰鐵鑄造廠C 之煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 濃度分別為0.0499 、0.00738 和0.0690 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,皆低於九十六年一月一日起固定污染源戴奧辛排放標準 2.0 ng I-TEQ/Nm3。而煙道廢氣總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放係數分別為0.137、0.0638 和0.668 μg I-TEQ/ton feedstock。2.蓮霧枝與稻草焚化廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 濃度分別為0.318 和3.47 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,而總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 排放係數分別為2.69 和54.3 μg I-TEQ/ton feedstock。與國內18 座大型都市垃圾焚化爐平均排放係數相較,露天燃燒稻草和蓮霧枝排放係數分別為大型都市垃圾焚化爐之216 倍和10 倍。推估露天燃燒稻草和蓮霧枝之戴奧辛年排放量則分別為0.272 和0.0348 g I-TEQ/yr。3.蓮霧園A和B農廢燃燒前背景大氣總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ分別為0.0516和0.0595 pg I-TEQ/Nm3,而農廢燃燒皆導致大氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 濃度分別增高至0.406 和0.510 pg I-TEQ/Nm3。4.稻田C 農廢燃燒前背景大氣總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 濃度為0.110 pg I-TEQ/Nm3,農廢燃燒亦導致大氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ 濃度增高至0.409 pg I-TEQ/Nm3。稻田D 農廢燃燒前背景與燃燒時大氣總I-TEQ濃度分別為0.185 和0.120 pg I-TEQ/Nm3,因背景大氣採樣期間0.185 pg I-TEQ/Nm3)發現附近有農民斷斷續續以露天燃燒處理農廢,導致濃度高於農廢燃燒時(0.120 pg I-TEQ/Nm3)。5.整個農廢露天燃燒對屏東縣戴奧辛年毒性排放量之貢獻,以目前露天燃燒情形(情境一-模擬屏東縣農業廢棄物稻草和蓮霧枝年產量以稻草10%和蓮霧樹枝20%之燃燒比例)推估戴奧辛年排放量為0.306 g I-TEQ/yr,可知對屏東縣戴奧辛年毒性排放總量有顯著貢獻。6.露天燃燒問題需加以重視,應積極輔導農業廢棄物處理及破碎代工機制,以導正農民處理農業廢棄物之方式,有效防堵廢樹枝葉露燃之行為。建立完整稽巡查通報系統,當發生露燃情形時,能立即到場處理,防杜污染擴大。 094 屏東縣政府環境保護局 正修科技大學超微量研究科技中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=476
臺中縣溫室氣體調查研究及減量評估計畫 本計畫執行期程自94.10.12起至95.10.11止,主要量化工作為1場次之「溫室氣體盤查與減量」宣導座談會及10廠次之溫室氣體現場調查分析與減量輔導,宣導座談會已於95.3.15舉辦完畢,現場調查分析與減量輔導業已於95.6.29完成10家工廠的作業量,其餘工作項目(如蒐集國內外溫室效應研究資料、蒐集溫室氣體排放推估方式、蒐集溫室氣體減量技術、國內外相關減量獎勵文獻、建置台中縣溫室氣體排放清單及建議台中縣管制可行方向與期程等)也多於計畫期程內陸續完成,整體而言進度皆依工作期程執行完成。本計畫於95年3月15日假臺中縣環境保護局舉辦一場次之「台中縣溫室氣體盤查與減量」宣導座談會,本次座談會會前共邀集二十一家廠商,出席廠商共十五家,篩選原則主要依據溫室氣體排放六大行業別(電力業、鋼鐵業、造紙業、石化業、水泥業及半導體業)、工廠資本額、工廠員工人數、九十四年空污費繳交情形及其他空氣污染物排放情形等參數進行篩選。座談會中邀請台灣產業服務基金會綠色技術發展中心侯萬善博士與台灣電力公司台中發電廠化學工程師吳年芳進行專題演講與盤查經驗分享,其中侯博士針對於國際溫室氣體管制規定、溫室氣體盤查技術及溫室氣體減量技術等進行介紹,台電吳工程師針對台電本身溫室氣體的盤查過程進行詳細說明,並提出該廠之減量方案與各廠商共同討論。由問卷調查結果得知,本次參與座談廠商已有六家廠商完成盤查,三家正進行盤查,三家未來將進行盤查,而六家尚未進行盤查;由座談會前與會後的調查結果得知,大部分廠商對於盤查的相關規定已有初步瞭解,但對於溫室氣體減量法草案的瞭解程度較低。在未來,廠商也希望增加溫室氣體盤查技術座談會(61.1%)、空氣污染防制法宣導說明會(50%)及固定污染源相關法令說明會(27.7%),並希望能獲得其他相關廠商的溫室氣體之盤查成果與經驗,此部分可供貴局未來舉辦各種類座談會之參考。本計畫共調查與分析臺中縣境內10家工廠,包含電力業1家、石化業1家、造紙業3家、鋼鐵業3家、半導體業1家及印染整業1家,除印染整業外皆為環保署目前積極盤查之行業別對象。於本計畫所調查的10家工廠中,其中8家工廠已自行盤查九十三年度或九十四年度之溫室氣體排放清冊,2家工廠尚未做任何盤查作業。由調查結果可知,臺中縣主要溫室氣體排放源為台電台中發電廠部分,總排放量約31,466千公噸CO2-e,其主要排放源為燃燒煙媒所產生,屬於為固定式燃燒排放源(99.5%);在3家造紙業方面,總排放量約1,061千公噸CO2-e,而大部分排放皆屬固定式燃燒排放源(85.5%~99.8%)(鍋爐蒸氣產生程序),若依各範疇區分,由於正隆后里廠本身具有鍋爐汽電共生程序,因此外購電力部分(範疇2)僅佔0.8%,而其它兩家工廠外購電力部分皆佔40%左右;在3家鋼鐵業方面,總排放量約1,224千公噸CO2-e,而大部排放皆為固定式燃燒排放源,若依各範疇區分,外購電力為鋼鐵業主要排放源(佔52%~69%);在半導體業方面,本計畫以矽品做為主要盤查對象,其排放總量為191千公噸CO2-e,半導體業之溫室氣體排放幾乎皆為外購電力部分(範疇2佔96.5%);在石化業方面,本計畫以中美和為主要盤查對象,總排放量約223千公噸CO2-e,主要排放源為固定式燃燒排放源(71.6%)及製程排放源(28.3%),若依範疇區分,主要排放仍屬直接排放部分(範疇1佔78.5%),外購電力佔21.5%;最後印染整業方面,大鐘印染總排放量約48千公噸CO2-e,主要為直接排放源(範疇1佔77.5%),雖然印染整業未包含於環保署重點溫室氣體排放行業別之一,然熱煤鍋爐及蒸氣鍋爐之大量使用,此部分之溫室氣體排放仍不可輕忽。在建置台中縣溫室氣體排放清單方面,由推估結果可知,能源部門共排放12598.91千公噸CO2當量,其中以用電部分為主要能源消費,共排放8137.65千公噸CO2當量(佔64.6%);第二部分各部門推估中,溫室氣體排放量大小依序為工業部門>住商部門>運輸部門>廢棄物部門>農業/森林部門,其中以工業部門為排放大宗,共排放6,557.14千公噸CO2當量,而台中縣由於林地面積及保安林地面積廣大,因此森林部分可吸收8350.54千公噸CO2當量。綜整本計畫各項工作執行成果發現,要評估溫室氣體減量前,必須先進行溫室氣體排放盤查作業,就座談會問卷調查結果發現,目前台中縣各固定源已進行溫室氣體盤查作業的比例相當低,因此台中縣目前首要執行的工作是調查、輔導甚至強制要求列管工廠進行溫室氣體的盤查(建議可於操作許可資料中要求業者補列說明溫室氣體排放量),尤其針對具一定規模之固定源。沒有盤查結果及排放基準年的定訂,就無法進一步的規定溫室氣體的減量目標。在完成大部分盤查作業後,由於各產業別性質的不同及溫室氣體排放結構的不同,因此可依行業別訂定不同之減量期程,逐步達成台中縣固定源溫室氣體排放之減量目標。 094 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 僑光技術學院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=197
桃園縣南崁溪等流域(含社子溪)河川污染監控及稽查管制計畫(含水環境清理) 本計畫之計畫目標主要加強南崁溪(含社子溪)流域廢水排放量500 CMD以上事業或污水下水道系統之放流水查驗管制,以促使其符合現行法令、許可履行義務及妥善操作其廢水處理設施;另針對觀音工業區內之雨水道及排放至承受水體前之雨水道排放口進行巡查,以避免工業區內廠商偷排廢水及偷倒廢液至雨水道管線之情形。並透過辦理法令宣導說明會,以促使水污染源之各項作為能符合法令之規定,進而主動進行污染削減工作,逐步減少污染物排出,而有助於水體環境品質之改善。而環保局於本(94)年度計查獲暗管偷排或重大水污染事件有31家。以行業別分析結果,以印染整理業佔36%為最多,其次為印刷電路板製造業佔27%、再者為電鍍業佔10%;以處分事實分析結果,其中以未採行水污染防治措施36%為最多,其次以事業排放廢水未符合放流水標準及事業管線洩漏未採取緊急應變措施各佔29%。 tyepb 094 桃園縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1299
監理單位機動車輛報廢及回收聯合櫃檯諮詢服務回收管制專案工作計畫(南區) 環保署與交通部合作,自94年6月起在台灣地區各監理站設置服務櫃檯,協助民眾進行車輛之報廢工作,輔導完成車輛回收以提升回收數量。本計畫負責派駐南區十五個監理站所之廢車回收服務櫃檯專責人員,以進行相關廢車回收之服務與宣導工作。本計畫工作時間為期約19個月,在台灣地區35個監理站所中,雲林以南(以及澎湖)15個監理站所派駐26位專職服務人員,運用環保署機動車輛報廢回收處理資訊管理系統之配車功能,共計完成24,588輛廢車(汽車5,071輛、機車19,517輛)的配撥與相關聯繫服務;對於配出車輛的後續處理情形,採用電話、拖吊現場與赴回收商場地勘查方式進行追蹤:計約9萬6千餘通電話完成回收商與車主聯繫、向車主確認拖吊服務完成,同時進行2萬4千人次滿意度調查;330次的拖吊現場與51次的回收商場地的抽查,以確保廢車車體有正常合法的流向。回收櫃檯服務人員並利用在各監理站所地利之便,向前往洽辦監理業務的民眾進行廢車報廢及回收宣導工作,估計期間櫃檯人員提供民眾現場諮詢及協助廢車相關事務的人次約1萬7千餘次,而各站設立的專線電話,也有近3萬5千餘通的廢車回收與獎勵金諮詢話務,而在95年下半年更因應廢車回收管制聯單電子化以及獎勵金發放規定的調整,加強對民眾的宣導,因而能提高老舊車輛報廢的意願且縮短後續申請回收獎勵金的申請與審核時間,使車主更滿意政府所提供的服務。 Project of the recycle waste motor vehicles for Motor Vehicles Office and united consulting services and recycle management (southern area of Taiwan) Since June 2004, EPA co-work with MOTC to setup the service counter ofwaste vehicle recycling at motor vehicle service offices island-wide to provideassistance and guidelines of vehicle revocation and waste vehicle recycling.During 19 month project period, 26 dedicated professionals stationed at 15motor vehicle service offices in southern Taiwan . With the support of MotorVehicle Scrapping and Recycling Services Information System of EPA, 24,588of waste vehicles(5,071 motor vehicles and 19,517 motorcycles) were assignedand dispatched for recycling services. In addition, 96,000 telephone interviews,24,000 people satisfaction survey, 330 dragging site and 51 recycling vender on-site inspections were conducted to ensure waste vehicles were process edlegally and properly.On-going communications and education to general public were conductedat motor vehicle service offices as well . More than 17,000 people were servicedand consulted at counters and 35,000 phone calls were made for waste vehiclerecycle consultation .In addition, overall satisfaction level and willingness to recycle wastevehicles were increased since the adjustment of the waste vehicles recycling andpremium and implementation of electronic of the vehicle recovery controlduplicate in 2nd half of Y2006. 094 基管會 豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1844
94年度「永康市鹽行段1418等34筆地號之地下水受污染使用限制地區應變措施計畫」期末報告 本計畫場址之地下環境污染揭露,源於民國九十年環保署所執行之「地下水潛在污染源調查計畫」,意外發現中油永交站(原中正加油站)測漏管疑有油品污染現象。然而根據後續歷年的調查,包括「地下水潛在污染場址調查與應變計畫」、「加強基層環保建設辦理地下水污染防治工作計畫」、「永康交流道中正加油站調查計畫」等一系列相關調查工作,發現主要之污染物除一般加油站油品洩漏常見之燃油類污染物(如TPH、BTEX)外,尚有四氯乙烯(PCE)和三氯乙烯(TCE),且範圍不僅限於中油永交站。本工作計畫針對場址污染源特徵進行調查。(1)根據檢出MIP-ECD反應之可疑區域顯示:地面至地表下3公尺以內主要分佈計有兩處地帶。分別位於中正北路南側和利汽修廠至中正北路北側有誌、振發、源德、銳安及福神等商家間之地帶,以及中正北路317巷棋揚驗車,具有汽車修護事業之共同特徵。地表下4~8公尺之間則主要分佈在和利汽修廠前後方、一富成起重行後方、永安加油站北方與空地(地號1494)交界處。其中,地表下2至4.5公尺間之濃度反應,有向正北擴散之趨勢。而地表下5至8公尺之濃度反應,則轉為北偏西約27度之方向擴散。且污染濃度反應似有循較低電導度之分佈方向擴散之趨勢。(2)由監測井內之地下水採樣分析結果顯示:四氯乙烯及三氯乙烯之淺層(4.5公尺以內)污染濃度最高點出現於中正北路南側(和利汽修廠前方),深層(4.5公尺至8公尺間)污染濃度最高點出現於中正北路北側(福神企業前方空地)。 (3)由9處18個土壤樣品採樣化驗顯示,四氯乙烯及三氯乙烯僅於MW9監測井測出,但濃度低於土壤污染管制標準。順-1,2-二氯乙烯在多數監測井均有測出,但濃度均低於土壤污染管制標準。另根據MIP-ECD調查結果,於地號1495空地、一富成起重行及永安加油站等三處具有較高濃度的反應區進行不同深度土壤採樣及分析,於地號1495空地測點深度7.5公尺的樣品濃度超過管制標準值。另,依據本計畫調查之濃度分析結果與各物質之推估濃度分佈顯示:最近(95年11月21日)一次採樣化驗之四氯乙烯及三氯乙烯最高濃度位置為設置之監測井EPB-MW1(深層井),此處採樣點位於場址地下水下游邊界以外,永安路與永安一街交叉路口汽車修護廠前方永安路之道路旁。其四氯乙烯濃度為0.694mg/L(超標約14倍),三氯乙烯濃度為1.57mg/L(超標約31倍),氯乙烯濃度為1.55mg/L(超標約77.5倍)。若依本計畫最初推估之污染洩漏來源位置為中正北路北側之中油永交站與福神企業間,距離下游位置EPB-MW1約190公尺,且經由本場址之地下水流速、上中下游各種污染物之特徵及排水溝走向等因素交叉比對查驗後,顯示EPB-MW1與其他各監測點之濃度及位置均無直接相似關係存在,因此初步推估其污染來源與本計畫場址中之來源並非相同,初步研判疑為又另一獨立污染事件所致,惟污染範圍空間與深度不明,有待後續計畫進行追蹤調查。 The Emergency Response of Contaminated Groundwater of Yan-Hang,Yong-Kang,Tainan County,Year 2005 094 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 冠誠環境科技工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=5149
二行程機車機油效能研究評估專案工作計畫 一、完成市售20種二行程機車機油廠牌、售價、規格之蒐集,及黏度指數、閃火點、殘碳量、含水量、旋轉氧化性、起泡試驗、總酸價及熱烈解測試,結果顯示以三陽金帝2T 、埃索2T 、 GIBSON等機油之物化性能較佳。二、完成10款二行程機車搭配20種機油共200輛次之行車型態、惰轉狀態及白煙不透光率測試,並依據測試結果探討二行程機車產生白煙與引擎轉速、負載、機油種類及機油供應量等之關係,了解二行程機車白煙產生機制,分析得知半合成機油平均煙度低於礦物油平均煙度,低煙環保機油平均煙度低於礦物油平均煙度,但半合成機油平均煙度與低煙環保機油則無顯著差異。三、蒐集日本及我國CNS機車機油標準規範,並調查分析二行程機車車主購買更換機油之地點、價格等偏好習慣。四、考量國內各車廠及實驗室目前檢測能力,建議機車製造廠及機油油品公司考量將現有市售之單一品牌二行程機車兩款機油重組及調配改良,銷售品質較佳之單一種二行程機車專用機油。 The Evaluation of Efficiency on Two-stroke Motorcycle Engine Oil 1、According to the brand, the price and the standard, we collect 20 different kinds of two-stroke motorcycle engine oil in the marketplace. The result of testing on viscosity index, flash point, foam test, total acid, carbon residue rame, oxidation and water content indicates that 三陽金帝 2T, Esso 2T and GIBSON have better materialization performances.2、Implement the total up to 200 times of the model of the vehicles’ movement, idle capacity and white smoke opacity that arrange 10 kinds of two-stroke motorcycle with 20 kinds of engine oil. In accordance with the result of tests, we can probe into the relation among white smoke, rotational speed of the engine, load, engine oil’s type and the supply of engine oil. In addition, we can analyze and realize the white smoke produce mechanism then find out that the average smoke degree on both half-synthetic engine oil and environmental protection engine oil are less than the mineral oil. Nonetheless, there is not a big difference in the average smoke degree between half-synthetic engine oil and environmental protection engine oil.3、Collect the standards of CNS motorcycle engine oil in Japan and Taiwan. Furthermore, we not only investigate but also analyze the hobbies of where the two-stroke motorcycles’ owners change their engine oil and how much they spend on it.4、After considering the measuring ability in every domestic manufacturing and laboratory at present, we recommend that the motorcycle manufacturing and the companies of engine oil could not only blend but also ameliorate two different kinds of two-stroke engine oil into one in one single brand to sell a better quality of two-stroke engine oil for a special purpose in the marketplace. 094 空保處 國立高雄第一科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2138
大型垃圾焚化廠周界空氣、植物及土壤中戴奧辛含量調查計畫 基隆廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.0293 pg I-TEQ/Nm3、1.34與0.875 ng I-TEQ/kg。藉由四季大氣PCDD/Fs濃度之等位軌跡圖顯示,位於基隆廠上、下風處採樣點其濃度變化與風瑰圖並無明顯關係。由上可知顯示基隆廠試運轉階段對周界環境PCDD/Fs之影響並不顯著。利澤廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ濃度平均濃度分別為0.0649 pg I-TEQ/Nm3、1.75 與0.779 ng I-TEQ/kg。藉由四季周界大氣採樣點所得濃度之等位軌跡圖與風瑰圖顯示,由於各季盛行風向不同,但大氣PCDD/Fs高濃度之分佈一致,可知利澤廠試運轉階段對周界大氣PCDD/Fs之影響並不顯著。岡山廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.0792 pg I-TEQ/Nm3、3.91 與1.67 ng I-TEQ/kg。崁頂廠大氣、植物及土壤PCDD/Fs總I-TEQ平均濃度分別為0.0630 pg I-TEQ/Nm3、2.07 與0.988 ng I-TEQ/kg。將焚化廠各採樣點周界大氣與岡山廠、崁頂廠及其他固定污染源及移動污染源煙道廢氣PCDD/Fs特徵剖面進行主要成分分析,結果顯示周界大氣PCDD/Fs與各焚化廠無明顯關聯性。 Investigation on dioxin level of ambient air, vegetation and soil nearby large-scale municipal solid waste incinerators The mean PCDD/F concentrations in ambient air nearby Keelung, Lize, Gangshan and Kanding municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs) are 0.0293, 0.0649, 0.0792 and 0.0630 pg I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively. The mean PCDD/F contents in Ficus leaves nearby these three MSWIs are 1.34, 1.75, 3.91 and 2.07 pg I-TEQ/g, respectively. The mean PCDD/F contents in soil nearby these three MSWIs are 0.875, 0.779, 1.67 and 0.988 pg I-TEQ/g, respectively. By comparing the PCDD/F concentration of maximum ground concentration sampling sites, upwind sampling sites and downwind sampling sites, the distribution of the PCDD/F concentration isopleths in the atmosphere and the result of PCA, the PCDD/F influence from MSWIs on nearby ambient air, vegetation and soil is not obvious, however, some sampling sites which are around by other stationary emission sources are found with elevated PCDD/F level.After four year’s operation, the dioxin level of ambient air, vegetation and soil nearby Gangshan and Kanding MSWI still maintain in the same level. By analyses with the t test, there is no significant difference on the dioxin level after four year’s operation. 094 空保處 正修科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2162
台南市環境保護局九十四年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫--民有民營方式辦理 根據環保署台南市自動測站(台南及安南測站)統計資料顯示,各測站之PSI>100天數中,大多由於懸浮微粒所造成,並來自於車行揚塵及營建工程所產生。台南市政府環保局為配合環保署空品計畫中「加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」,並延續上年度「台南市加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」執行,針對全市測站周邊及人口稠密處、交通流量大及具嚴重揚塵地區,優先執行洗掃街及改善措施,期能達到空氣品質中懸浮微粒改善之目的。 Strengthen the wind-borne dust of the washing and sweeping street plan for Tainan in 2005 According to the statistical data of the EPA auto-monitoring stations (the station of Tainan and Annan) in Tainan, the days of PSI>100 of the two stations mostly caused by the suspend particle in air. The Environmental Protection Bureau of government in Tainan city in order to cooperate with in EPA’s air quality plan ‘strengthen the wind-borne dust of the washing and sweeping street plan’, extend and carry out in the year before last ‘strengthened the wind-borne dust of the wash and swept street plan in Tainan city’, it is aimed at around the stations and populous place, traffic flow heavy and have serious wind-borne dust areas, have priority to carry out and improve the measure of the washing and sweeping street plan, to achieve the purpose of the improvement of the air quality. 094 台南市環境保護局 群運股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=629
94年臺中縣公有民營街道揚塵洗掃計畫 摘 要94年度臺中縣公有民營街道揚塵洗掃計畫,自94年3月16日簽約完成後,即展開先期之規劃作業、開始進行相關設備硬體增購與人員教育訓練等作業,並於94年4月1日正式開始執行洗掃作業,計畫工作項目包括:洗掃街及查核作業、鄉鎮公所查核與協調工作、成效評估、問卷調查、企業洗掃道路認養,實際工作成果分述如下:ㄧ、洗掃作業及查核:1. 規劃之洗掃路線在經環保局同意後,自94.4.1日開始正式執行洗掃作業,至95.3.25止,執行期間共辦理三次路線變更及一次路線增加,完成洗街15672.0公里,計畫用水量共計25,935.8公噸,單位里程之用水量為1.65 噸/公里,計畫執行52週,平均每週執行量為301.4公里;掃街共計執行15415.8公里,平均每週執行296.5公里,總垃圾清運量為195,000公斤,平均每公里收集之垃圾塵土量為12.6公斤,總進度達成率皆已達100%。2. 洗掃作業現場查核作業執行量方面,自94年4月計畫執行開始至95年3月止,共計洗街執行181條次路段之查核,掃街亦執行181條路段。由查核結果顯示,各次洗掃現場查核均符合查核要求。二、鄉鎮公所查核與協調工作:1. 為整合具有洗掃機具鄉鎮公所之洗掃路線與環保局路線以達洗掃最佳效率,本計畫已於94年4月15日、94年7月21日及94年10月28日辦理鄉鎮公所工作協調會共三場次,並且於95年1月5、6日舉辦鄉鎮公所之外縣市觀摩活動,透過縣市交流與經驗分享來提升縣內洗掃作業之成效。2. 本年度針對鄉鎮公所洗掃作業進行查核工作(有洗掃機具者為每月一次,無洗掃機具者為每年一次),並提供網頁申報系統供鄉鎮公所上網申報。截至目前為止,各鄉鎮公所均有依其提報資料進行洗掃作業,而上網申報作業之時間於計畫初期因公所之作業人員外務繁雜等因素而多有遲延,經本公司加強於申報期限前以電話提醒後,於計劃後期皆已獲得改善。三、成效評估:本年度主要針對鄉鎮公所機具洗掃路線選10條代表路線辦理街塵負荷量檢測分析,在已執行之十個路段之分析結果發現,洗掃前之坋土負荷量為0.05g/㎡~0.83 g/㎡,平均0.42g/㎡;洗掃後為0.02g/㎡~0.10 g/㎡,平均0.06g/㎡,其坋土負荷量於洗掃作業後有明顯之降低。若依據環保署之道路等級分類標準來看,本次進行檢測之路段,其洗掃前之路面髒污等級為A(乾淨)~C級(髒污)不等,而洗掃後之路面髒污等級皆達A級(乾淨)之水準。四、問卷調查:本年度針對具有機具洗掃街車之鄉鎮公所洗掃路線預定執行份數為1,000份有效問卷,目前已全數完成,並且針對公有民營之洗掃路線部份增加調查500份之問卷,合計共1,500份。其結果顯示民眾對整體空氣品質觀感不佳,但對街道揚塵則有改善的想法,且對於鄉鎮公所執行洗掃作業有較高的滿意度,顯示鄉鎮公所執行有其成效,故建議環保局可進一步協調整合各鄉鎮洗掃作業相關工作,以有限經費作最佳之統籌運用,使洗掃能獲得最大的效益。五、企業洗掃道路認養:本年度持續上年度之工作,辦理企業洗掃道路認養之資料彙整工作,共有21家企業參與本項道路認養活動,但94年8月起有10家企業已納入固定污染源查核管制計畫一併執行,僅餘11家仍由本計畫列管查核。統計94年4月至95年2月為止,本計畫認養道路洗掃長度為洗街2,516.0公里、掃街1,120.8公里,合計3,636.8公里;若以環保署考核污染減量計算公式計算,則計削減TSP 50.19公噸及PM10 9.46公噸。本年度參與企業道路認養之行業包括有砂石業、混凝土業、發電業及土方資源堆置場等四類。 094 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 東禾工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=233
94年度台南市加油站油氣回收設施輔導及查核管制計畫 執行摘要本計畫之工作期程為自94.8.1起至95.3.31止,茲將各項工作成果說明如下:一、輔導加油站設置油氣回收設施本計畫針對台南市加油站油氣回收設施設置情形,共進行70站加油站清查,皆已完成裝設油氣回收系統並正常使用中。二、加油站油氣回收功能檢測本計畫第一階段(初檢)共進行70站加油站之氣油比及氣漏檢測,該70站加油站之無鉛汽油總槍數為1,421槍,本計畫總檢測槍數為721槍,第一階段氣油比檢測總合格率91.3%,而氣漏檢測總合格率94.3%。針對上述氣油比合格率低於70%及氣漏檢測不合格之加油站,工作團隊隨即輔導其進行改善並進行複檢,複檢時除針對第一階段氣油比檢測不合格之加油槍進行檢測外,同時對於其餘加油槍進行抽檢,檢測結果5站氣油比合格率均為100%,顯示各加油站均已確實完成改善。複檢後整體檢測合格率達96.3%。另氣漏檢測有4站(5.7%)不合格,經輔導其改善後進行複檢,皆已符合標準。三、管制資料庫建檔及維護與更新針對台南市裝設加油槍油氣回收系統之加油站進行訪查,首先進行基本資料更新與系統型式設備檢查,以確認是否與原申請裝設系統基本資料一致性,基本資料更新與統計內容如下:(一)加油站基本資料調查/更新加油站基本資料調查與更新內容包括:公司名稱、管制編號、公司地址、站名、隸屬單位、負責人職稱及姓名、聯絡電話及地址等加油站設站資料、發油量資料、加油設施單元資料等。(二)各項油氣回收設備型式檢查本計畫對於加油站之油氣回收設備,現場進行各項資料完整性與正確性之核對。加油設施單元資料為瞭解最新加油站之硬體設施,如油槽、加油座及加油槍等資料現況。四、VOCs減量第一階段(初檢)共進行70站加油站之氣油比檢測,總合格率為91.3%。藉由檢測及督導不合格加油站改善結果估算,以94年8月~95年3月與93年8月~94年3月做比較,NMHC減量成效達3.25公噸,有效降低VOCs排放量,維護環境空氣品質,充分顯示輔導改善機制及各項宣導工作執行效果。五、法規及維護保養訓練會及現場觀摩會為提供加油站業者油氣回收設備維護保養技術,及對「加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法」實施之宣導作業,本計畫於95.3.21日假中油台南成功加油站會議室召開油氣回收設備法規說明及設備維護保養訓練會,共有58家加油站業者出席,出席率達83%。會議中進行簡易維護保養技術及操作說明和意見交流,並提供站方「加油站員工簡易維護保養技術手冊」供參考。對於現場加油員者則以養成良好加油操作習慣之『五不五要』作為教育宣導目標。六、加油站聯盟減量協商會為有效提高油氣回收設備合格率,本計畫藉由聯盟協商,督促聯盟重視油氣回收與落實企業環保責任,以有效降低VOCs污染物排放量。本計畫於95.3.31日假台南市環保局第一會議室召開油氣回收加油站聯盟減量協商會議,共有12家加油站聯盟出席,出席率達100%。會議結論如下:(一)各聯盟同意輔導旗下加油站盡量配合環保局進行加油站周圍道路認養。(二)各聯盟同意協助宣導/配合不強迫加油。(三)提升氣油比及氣漏檢測合格率,降低NMHC排放量。(四)各聯盟加油站除需確實執行油氣回收各項維護工作外,每日並確實執行油氣回收設備檢查並記錄之。(五)依管理辦法進行各項定期檢測並記錄之,對於檢測不合格之設備確實進行改善。七、各項工作進度如表1所示,顯示各項工作皆符合或超出合約要求。 094 台南市環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=597
垃圾焚化廠排放氣體及粒狀物沉降累積量對附近農作物影響之監測研究 垃圾焚化廠與火力發電廠之興建與運轉在台灣都已超過十五年之久;而以高煙囪排放廢氣的私人工廠之數量及歷史,更遠超過焚化廠與發電廠。飛灰(排放氣體及粒狀物)與底灰為任何燃燒後之殘餘物。隨著環保意識之高漲,民眾對生活環境品質、食物營養品質、潛毒物質之殘留量等之要求標準勢將越來越嚴格,民意監督政府在此方面之立法控管及執行落實勢必越來越嚴緊。因此,尋求與建立快速鑑定污染源的方法是需要而必要且急切的。本研究過程使用衛星遙測技術、灰關聯分析與穩定性同位素示蹤術三大核心技術,似缺一不行,所得到的結論可在不同時空範圍內相互印證,毫無矛盾衝突之處,完全符合科學的嚴謹論證。其優點分別為:1、衛星遙測技術可以監測大尺度且不易或無法到達的空間範圍,在時間上且能回顧到焚化廠運轉前的地面作物或植物生長狀況,因為很多焚化廠運轉前地面生物與非生物的現象都仍然儲存在衛星資料中,這是其它技術做不到的。2、穩定性同位素示蹤術可以追蹤汙染源在食物鏈(網)原子層次的移動流佈,並且可以追蹤到焚化廠運轉前的地面作物或植物生物分子,因為很多焚化廠運轉前地面生物的新陳代謝產物都仍然儲存在其組織中,這是也其它技術做不到的。3、灰關聯分析則可以解決排序問題,進而解決各種可能影響因子的直接排名,故能很明確地釐清責任歸屬,這是其它傳統數理分析無法做到的。因此,此三種技術可成為未來台灣(甚或國外)鑑定相似污染源的必備核心技術,若能建立標準作業程序(SOP),對於爾後發生類似事件時,將能既快速又經濟的找出污染源。又從理論上,此三個核心技術應可應用在諸如戴奧辛的污染源之鑑定上。 Remote sensing research of the influence of inceratior flue gas on crop The results of satellite remote sensing and grey relation analysis show that crops are not influenced by inceratior flue gas. 094 台北市政府環境保護局 中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=15926
臺北市內湖、木柵及北投垃圾焚化廠周界空氣及土壤中戴奧辛濃度和臭味指紋資料建立計畫(第二期) 計畫摘要依據本計畫所規劃之三座焚化廠周界半徑約2~5 km範圍內之採樣位置點(各廠8點),三廠周界空氣採樣分析結果介於0.002~0.114 pg-TEQ/m3之間,與 前期計畫測值範圍相近(0.010~0.071 pg-TEQ/m3 未含停爐期間樣品),低於日本環境空氣中戴奧辛年平均濃度標準值0.6 pg-TEQ/m3,屬於都會區的分佈型態。(註:目前國際間僅日本訂定空氣中戴奧辛濃度管制標準)本計畫三廠土壤平均濃度分佈在2.13~2.78 pg-TEQ/g d.w. 之間,除木柵動物園第一季所採樣品之測值14.68 pg-TEQ/g d.w.和其他各點比較之下數值較高之外,其餘各點濃度屬於一般都市背景值土壤。與九十二年度結果相較之下有偏低的現象(九十二年度濃度介於1.00~8.16 pg-TEQ/g d.w.(不含南港高工),總平均值約3.20 pg-TEQ/g d.w.),現行土壤中戴奧辛含量管制標準為1000 pg-TEQ/g(乾基),本計畫兩期(九十二~九十三年)所有土壤檢測值皆低於此標準。以本計畫所得之結果而言,各廠不同季節的分析結果中,僅北投廠有相對較明顯的差異-周邊下風處空氣中的戴奧辛濃度較上風處高。各廠周界土壤中的戴奧辛濃度似乎不受上下風的影響。在臭味指紋特徵部份,各採樣點空氣中都普遍含有甲苯、二甲苯、1-丁醇(1-butanol)、Limonene(檸檬油精)、2,4-二甲基己烷(2,4-Dimethyl hexane)等化合物。第一季時於木柵廠內傾倒平台發現高濃度的2-Propenylhydazone propanal(二丙烯基丙醛腙)、Octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane(八甲基環四矽氧化烷),但第二季時則未偵測到該化合物。綜合比較三廠Odor meter的偵測結果可發現三廠廠區內的臭味物質以Limonene(檸檬油精)被偵測到的頻率最高,尤其是廠內垃圾貯坑、廚餘回收等生垃圾出現的地方。在偵測結果中亦發現,廠區外的臭味與風向及當地特定污染源有極大的關聯。綜合本研究計畫兩年成果顯示,三座焚化廠在正常營運期間空氣中戴奧辛濃度值相近,且於上風與下風各點數值未發現明顯上升或下降之趨勢,土壤中戴奧辛濃度變化亦相同。因此,建議焚化廠持續沿用現有的燃燒操作條件,並持續進行周界各介質中戴奧辛濃度檢測,不僅可了解周界戴奧辛濃度變化且可降低周邊居民對環境污染與身心健康的疑慮。綜合問卷調查結果,約有六成以上的居民無聞過異味/臭味的經驗,有聞過異味/臭味的經驗居民中,對於異味/臭味型態的反應主要以焚燒垃圾的味道與燃油汽、機車之廢氣味道占多數。對於焚化廠所引起的臭味問題,有超過六成以上居民認為焚化廠需加強廠內的臭味逸散稽查與管制。臭味檢測數據亦顯示,廠區內的臭味來源大多來自垃圾傾倒平台與灰渣貯坑,但廠區外的臭味特徵與焚化廠內臭味並不相似,大多由其他臭味來源所逸散。由於臭味物質來源鑑定屬於較複雜的分析工作,且易受天候條件的影響,因此,建議焚化廠針對本計畫調查結果氣味濃度較高的地區、焚化廠作業流程以及民眾提出的臭味來源持續進行調查以及加強廠內的臭味逸散的作業管理,並可藉由宣導活動加強周邊居民對臭味物質之了解與雙方意見的溝通。 Investigation on dioxin level and odor fingerprint in ambient air , leaf and soil in the vicinity of ABSTRACTAccording to the dioxin concentrations of the sampling points (each incinerators has 8 sampling points) within 2-5 Km radius from the stack of this project’s three planned incinerators, all the measured dioxin concentrations are between 0.002 and 0.114 pg-TEQ/m3 which are similar to those of last year (0.010 ~ 0.071 pg-TEQ/m3, excluding samples while the incinerators were shut down). These concentrations are lower than the standard value, 0.6 pg-TEQ/m3 , in the air in Japan. The average dioxin concentrations of the soil samples are between 2.13 and 2.78 pg-TEQ/g d.w. . All these dioxin concentrations are within the range of background dioxin level in soils in urban area, except the sample of the first sampling time of the Taipei zoo with a higher concentration of 14.86 pg-TEQ/g d.w.. The current dioxin regulation in soils is <1000 pg-TEQ/g d.w., all the measured Dioxin concentrations in soils of this project are lower than this control standard.According to the results of different sampling times, only Pei-Tou has relatively significant difference with respect to the dioxin concentrations in the ambient air, the dioxin concentration in the downwind area is higher than that of the upwind one. It seems like the dioxin concentrations in soils are not affected by the direction of wind.As for the fingerprint characteristics of odor, the following compounds were detected in the air in most the sampling locations: toluene, xylene, 1-butanol, limonene and 2,4-dimethyl hexane. High concentrations of 2-propenylhydazone propanal and Octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane were detected in the refuse dumping station of the Muzha incinerator in the first sampling time; however, these two compounds were not detected in the second sampling time.Among the odor material detected by odor meter, the limonene was present most often in these three incinerators; especially in the refuse bunker and refuse recycle station where the raw garbage are present. The results also show that the odor outside the plants is closly related to the wind direction and the pollution sources in that area.The research results of the past two years show the dioxin concentrations of all the incinerators are similar during the routine operation period; besides, no significant increasing or decreasing tendency for dioxin concentrations in upwind and downwind are found for both ambient air and soils. Therefore, it is suggested that the incinerators continue to use the current operating conditions and monitor the dioxin concentrations in the media around them. It will help us to understand the variation of the dioxin concentrations in the ambient air and reduce the doubt of environmental pollution and health for the residents.According to the survey results, the majority residents feel the odor resulting from the garbage combustion and the exhaust by the automobiles. More than 60% of the residents don’t have the experience of smelling of the odor. As for the odor problems caused by the incinerators, more than 60% of the residents think it’s necessary to increase the inspection and control of the odor emission inside the plants. The measured odor data show most of the odors come from refuse dumping station and ash bunker inside the plants. However, the characteristics of the odor outside the plants are different from those of inside the plants; they are caused by other emission sources. Since it’s a complicated analysis task to identify the sources of the odor materials, it’s also influenced by the weather conditions; therefore, it is suggested that the plants continue to investigate the locations with higher odor concentrations, the operating processes of the incinerators and the sources of the odor materials addressed by the residents, as well as to improve the management processes of the odor emission. Moreover, it is also suggested that the plants enhance the understanding of odor materials of the residents and the communications between two parties by proclaims. 093 台北市政府環境保護局 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=17143
「公共服務擴大就業計畫-環境美化及資源回收工作小組三項計畫(環境清潔、資源回收、事業廢棄物源頭管理及末端處理管制)督導考核、人力管理、媒體宣導及推動改善方案」專案工作計畫 為落實行政院 「公共服務擴大就業計畫」,本署推動環境美化及資源回收工作,執行「環境清潔維護」、「資源回收」及「事業廢棄物源頭管理及末端處理管制」三項計畫,協助中高齡失業者、身心障礙者、原住民及低收入戶者得以就業。本案經費約十九億元,進用六千五百八十六人,進用名單統一由各公立就業服務機構推介,經各地方環保局及用人單位面談後擇優錄用。為瞭解各地方環保局推動情形,本署成立督導考核小組,邀請專家學者、民間團體及本署相關單位,共同赴各地進行實地督導考核,考核結果,第一期工作,環境清潔維護部份,優等七縣市、甲等十七縣市、乙等一縣市;資源回收部份,優等二縣市、甲等二十縣市、乙等二縣市;事業廢棄物源頭管理及末端處理管制部份,優等二縣市、甲等二十二縣市。此外,各項工作績效均大幅提昇,如水溝清理績效提昇57﹪、道路清潔維護績效提昇65﹪、小廣告清除績效提昇61﹪、登革熱容器量清除績效提昇61﹪、清除空地髒亂點績效提昇49﹪;公共場所資源回收工作績效提昇16﹪、資源回收宣導及稽查績效提昇54﹪、應設置資源回收行情稽查件數績效提昇58﹪、宣導使用購物袋及免洗餐具限制使用績效提昇47﹪、宣導及稽查垃圾不落地暨分類政策績效提昇54﹪、其他資源回收工作績效提昇47﹪;列管應上網申報事業現場清查輔導家數績效提昇88﹪、列管應檢具清理計畫書事業現場清查輔導家次績效提昇成長79﹪、全面進行事業廢棄物現場稽查告發及處分績效提昇22﹪、非連線六聯單資料建檔績效提昇73﹪、稽查單處分單及告發單建檔績效提昇15﹪、配合督導焚化廠或掩埋場進場管制措施績效提昇27﹪、清理計畫書複審管制系統建檔績效提昇88﹪、其他相關資料建檔績效提昇成長30﹪、清運車輛查核績效提昇19﹪、協助清運合約書檢覈績效提昇53﹪。本計畫執行成果,備受行政院肯定(三項計畫,行政院評核二項優等、一項甲等),除了各地方環保局推動有功外,環保公服人員亦貢獻良多,各縣市除了提昇環境品質外,亦建立地方環保特色,創造生態觀光價值,各地方環保特色詳如下表。地方環保局 業務執行特色台北市 廚餘回收計畫高雄市 市容除痘廣告拆除計畫基隆市 與居民互動髒亂點清除新竹市 公廁清理計畫台中市 小黑蚊防治計畫嘉義市 違規廣告拆除計畫台南市 忍者龜清溝計畫及資源回收計畫台北縣 左岸八里及二重疏洪道環境清潔維護計畫桃園縣 再見復興鄉—風景區環境清潔綠美化計畫新竹縣 觀光景點環境清潔維護計畫苗栗縣 田寮圳清除計畫台中縣 髒亂點清理及空地管理計畫彰化縣 廣告物除斑計畫南投縣 觀光路線環境綠美化計畫雲林縣 觀光路線環境綠美化計畫嘉義縣 山區環境清潔維護計畫台南縣 社區改善環境綠美化計畫高雄縣 登革熱病媒蚊孳生源清除計畫屏東縣 墾丁國家公園環境清潔維護計畫宜蘭縣 河川綠美化計畫花蓮縣 風景區環境清潔維護計畫台東縣 空地髒亂點清理計畫澎湖縣 青青草原計畫金門縣 海岸環境清潔維護計畫連江縣 戰地風情本計畫透過督導考核結果,辦理績優單位頒獎表揚、計畫推動說明會、勞工陳情調處、平面媒體報導以及公服人員徵文活動。同時針對六千五百名公服人員進行工作滿意度調查,藉此瞭解公服人員需求與期望,提出人力管理分析與建議,做為未來延續性計畫規劃之重要參考。公共服務擴大就業計畫之施行,乃為暫時性提供中高齡失業勞工短期工作機會,環保公服人員能藉此謀求第二專長訓練及充實職場工作能力,做為重新投入就業市場之準備。鑒於各地方環保局環保人力不足及環境品質提昇的強烈需求,本署配合行政院推動「公共服務擴大就業-環境美化及資源回收工作小組三項計畫(環境清潔、資源回收、事業廢棄物源頭管理及末端處理管制)」日見績效與成果,未來各地方環保局將可藉由「公共服務擴大就業計畫」經驗,善用環保公服人力,結合社區與志工,推動「生活環境改造,建立永續家園」願景,建立「公共服務、全民參與」機制,營造一個舒適、寧靜的生活環境。 Three Plans of the Environmental Beautification and Recycling Group (environmental cleaning, recycling, industrial waste source management and endpoint processing management)” “Public Service Employment Development Plan – Three Plans of the Environmental Beautification and Recycling Group (environmental cleaning, recycling, industrial waste source management and endpoint processing management)” aims to provide employment assistance to middle-age and elder individuals, disabled individuals, and indigenes. The qualified candidates are selected and recommended by employment service centers, then screened by employment fund to be hired as government workers under the administration of county/city environment protection bureaus. To investigate the plan execution approach and competence, the auditing group formed by the investigation bureau conducts field research to learn about whether the performance meets the expected results of the public service jobs. Furthermore, through reward offered to units passing the first phase performance review, performance and results seminar, labors’ petition analysis, press coverage, and writing competition for government workers, the contribution and flaws of the plan could be reviewed and commented. The results serve as a guideline for the continuation of future plans. 093 綜計處 中華民國勞務派遣服務協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2824
九十三年推動環境保護有功學校、教師及學生遴選表揚 獎勵推動環境保護績效優良、表現卓越之有功學校、教師及學生 FY93 outstanding performance of educational institutions, schoolteachers, and students for promoting environmental protection TO reward the educational institutions, the schoolteachers, and the students who have excellent achievements in promoting environmental protection. 093 綜計處 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2870
九十二年度台中市河川水體水質監測計畫 本計畫中之主要工作內容為對本市兩條主要河川(旱溪及筏子溪) 及四條排水渠(綠川、柳川、梅川及麻園頭溪) 之水質進行監測,及利用QUAL2E河川水質模式推估筏子溪支流水質水量,並評析支流削減量對水質改善的影響。每一河川或排水渠均分別設置三個採樣監測站,共18個測站。每月定期採樣及分析,檢驗之項目包括水溫、導電度、pH、溶氧、生化需氧量、化學需氧量、懸浮固體量、氨氮、總氮、總磷、大腸桿菌、重金屬等項。 分析結果發現梅川之漢口梅測點相較於各測點有較差之檢測結果,其中以導電度、BOD、COD及氨氮最為嚴重。筏子溪在過去水質狀況一般皆較旱溪為佳,但近年水質檢測結果有愈來愈差的現象,尤其是BOD、COD、SS及總磷等項目。倡和橋及筏子溪橋之重金屬分析方面其Enrichment factor值出現多種金屬偏高情形,顯示可能有受到來自工廠之污染,其中又以Cu、Cr及Zn較為明顯。綜合觀察,旱溪水質除3、4月份出現過不良及筏子溪10月份因牛埔橋河水乾枯造成惡劣外,皆介於中下到中等。然本年度亦發現水質狀況較佳之測點發生在旱溪上游,此現象並不如預期的筏子溪上游會有較佳之水質,推測可能與今年降雨變化及筏子溪逐漸受到污染有關。今年度3月至11月份之合格率為67.7%比去年69.0%偏低一些,顯示河川之水質改善在旱季時並不明顯。整體而言,今年水質之合格率並不如91年為佳,尤其是BOD及氨氮等項目,目前台中市政府正全力推展筏子溪等之親水淨化活動,若欲改善台中市兩條河川之水質狀況,建議應先從BOD及氨氮等兩項目來著手。 A detective project of water quality of rivers in TaiChung city in the year of 2003 The main tasks of this project are to detective the water qualities of the two main rivers (Han-His and Fa-Tau-His) and four offtakes (Lu-Chuan, Liu-Chuan, Mei-Chuan and Ma-Yuan-Tou-His) in TaiChung, to estimate the volume of Fa-Tau-His branch by using QUAL2E river model, and to estimate the influence of deducing the volume of branch to the water quality. 093 台中市環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2952
環境資料庫資料交換及供應作業專案計畫(93年度) 環境資料庫資料交換及供應作業專案計畫主要由四大項工作組成,分別為『環保署環境資料庫持續整合規劃及建置作業』、『本年度環境資料庫整合規劃及建置作業』、『詮釋資料資訊系統相關維護及協助資料建置作業』、以及『規範制定、技術轉移及人力派駐作業』,專案重點摘要如下:(一)環保署環境資料庫持續整合規劃及建置作業針對三版查詢系統(民眾、環保局、以及環保署)進行改版,並協助新版系統於93年10月於署內先行上線;在資料更新作業方面,截至93年10底止,環境資料庫共約有980萬筆資料,與去年年底已建置約850萬筆資料相比,不含更新的資料,已新增約130萬筆資料。(二)本年度環境資料庫整合規劃及建置作業在系統訪談作業後,進行以下列出之12個標的資料庫系統的實際整合作業,用以擴增環境資料庫範疇並建置相關圖層資料: n 環境水體水質監測資料n 環境用藥許可證資料n 經濟部工業局再利用許可資料n 其他部會再利用許可資料n 空氣固定污染源管制清查資料n 空氣固定污染源管制許可資料n 事業水污染源許可管制資料n 工業區下水道水污染許可管制資料n 社區下水道水污染許可管制資料n 公害糾紛敏感地區環境資料n 『水利署』河川水文資料n 『水利署』地下水水文資料另一方面,開發93年度環境資料供應系統,提供包括n 提供上述各主題細部資料查詢功能n 結合環保署監資處提供的水質監測資料、水利署提供之水文資料相互查詢的加值功能n 建置河川水文測站以及地下水水文測站位置圖查詢功能(WebGIS)n 開發環境用藥成份查詢毒理特性資料的加值功能n 開發空品測站、河川測站周界範圍之污染廠(場)所加值應用功能(三)詮釋資料資訊系統相關維護及協助資料建置作業對詮釋資料資訊系統功能進行強化及維護作業,開發詮釋資料轉WORD格式的之轉印功能。另一方面,在協助詮釋資料建檔作業方面,完成超過3500筆之詮釋資料之中文標題翻譯為英文、補強詮釋資料之其他資料項目,並環保署指定下新增3500筆環境資訊資源以及其實體檔案資料。(四)規範制定、技術轉移訓練、以及人力派駐作業完成開發空氣品質以及河川水質資料之XML資料格式網頁、以及水利署水文資料之XML資料格式制定;辦理一場技術轉移訓練;並完成二位資訊專業人員派駐環保署,在監資處督導下,協助署內進行程式開發作業以及各類資料匯入工作。環境資料的整合作業,除了需要不斷地整合新的題材與內容,對於已建置資料的部分也需持續營運與操作,才能維持這項重要基礎資產的建置作業,如此一項長遠的建置工作,需有更穩定的機制予以持續維護及建置。而在整合資料至一定程度後,更需將資料導入一般的生活或是策略規劃、管制追蹤的作業中,使之達到建置資料之最大用途,故建議應用系統在未來應進一步地結合GIS或環境模式等工具,開發特定需求的應用系統。 The Environmental Information System Data Exchange and Supply Operation Project The Environmental Information System Data Exchange and Supply Operation Project consists 4 major tasks, namely “the EPA environmental information system integration planning and building operation”, “current year (2004) environmental information system integration planning and building operation”, “the Environmental Information Resource management system maintenance and building operation”, “the specifications writing with technology transfer and manpower supply operation”. The project’s key achievements are summarized below:(1) the EPA environmental information system integration planning and building operation(2) current year (2004) environmental information system integration planning and building operation(3) the Environmental Information Management System maintenance and building operation(4) the specifications writing with technology transfer and manpower supply operation. 093 監資處 財團法人 中技社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2982
地方環境資料建置計畫(基隆市、宜蘭縣、花蓮縣) 地方環境資料庫係指由各縣(市)政府相關單位產生之環境資料庫,這些以環保局為主要產生單位之環境資料不僅為環保署全國性環境資料之主要提供者,亦為各縣市掌握轄區內環境現況之重要基礎。然而建置完整之地方環境資料庫,需要大規模之人力與經費投入,因而本計畫以「基隆市」、「宜蘭縣」與「花蓮縣」三個縣市為示範區,協助地方建置部分環境資訊,讓地方有一個基礎架構,亦能讓民眾了解一部分的環境資訊,然後再交由各縣市環保局持續改善及發展成完整的地方環境資料庫。本計畫已完成基隆市、宜蘭縣與花蓮縣環境區位與發展、自然環境、人文社經、環境品質及環境敏感地區等五大類資料之蒐集整理,並建置查詢網頁,可納入環保署網站中「環境資訊系統」之「地方環境資料」中提供查詢。兩示範縣市之環境資料均分別以縣尺度及鄉鎮市尺度為資料範圍細目呈現。另本計畫已蒐集基隆市、宜蘭縣與花蓮縣各十個專案計畫以上成果內容,依環保署專案計畫詮釋資料登入方式,登入於環境資訊管理系統之詮釋資料庫,可供查詢。地方環境資料庫目前已開啟背景資訊、環境基本資訊收集及彙整先端,亦先行滿足民眾部分環境資料查詢之需求,未來可循由「環境資訊建置規範」、「資料需求」、「資料生命週期」三大主軸分析方式,在符合規範要求下,逐步滿足民眾與縣市政府業務需求,並在完整之資訊生命週期體系下永續發展。 Demonstration Plan for Local Environmental Database Construction (Keelung City, Yilan County , Hualian County) This plan has already finished the collections and constructions of five major subjects of environmental database, the environmental position and development of the county, natural environment, society and humane environment, environmental quality and environmental sensitive area, for KeelungCity, YilanCounty and HualianCounty Counties. Those data were put in order, and can be inquired on WebPages, can be brought into the Environmental Protection Administration#s website and offer inquiring about in the local environmental. The environmental materials of two demonstration counties were constructed by each of villages and towns as the detailed catalogue of materials and appeared separately. Furthermore, this plan has already collected each ten project reports for KeelungCity, YilanCounty and HualianCounty counties, and has filled the projects’ contents into the metadata materials in accordance with the administration#s special format, providing for inquiring about. The local environmental database has already started the collection work for background information and basic environmental information at present, also meet some demand for environmental materials of the people and inquiring about in advance, can follow and analyze the way from three major main directions of the construction norm of environmental information, the demand of the materials, the database life cycle in the future. Under according with the request of standardizing, meeting the people and county demand progressively, local environmental database can be developed sustainablely under the intact information life cycle system. 093 監資處 千一資訊有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2980
九十三年度民眾、學生環保知識調查 為瞭解民眾及學生對環保知識、環保政策及教育宣導管道之認知,並蒐集其環保態度及行動等相關資訊,特別辦理本項調查,以作為規劃環保教育推廣之依據。本調查對象分成民眾及學生,調查範圍包含21縣市及台北市、高雄市。重要發現描述如下:一、資源回收與垃圾處理方面(一)願意配合「垃圾強制分類」或「廚餘回收利用」的民眾及學生約九成五及九成三。(二)在家會做資源回收工作的民眾達八成一,高於學生族群(約五成至七成)。(三)知道使用過之廢乾電池可拿到各連鎖超商、超市、量販店等地回收的民眾為七成六,低於學生族群(約九成)。(四)外出購物時會自行攜帶購物袋的民眾比例達六成八,高於學生族群(約五成)。二、水質保護及飲用水衛生方面(一)民眾及大專生主要以不丟棄垃圾到河川裡的方式來配合河川整治,分別有六成四及八成六。(二)民眾家中的淨水器(濾水器)三個月內會至少清洗維護一次的比例有四成八。三、空氣品質改善及噪音防制方面(一)知道加油站油槍使用不當會造成空氣污染的民眾及學生約五成。(二)民眾及學生有七成六以上在家中從事休閒娛樂活動時,會留意音量,配合改善噪音污染。四、環境衛生及毒化物管理方面(一)有九成二以上的民眾及學生正確知道是白線斑蚊和埃及斑蚊會傳播登革熱。(二)會主動清除積水容器以預防蚊蟲孳生的民眾為九成七,高於學生族群(約七成至八成七)。五、空氣品質及紫外線預報方面平常有收看或收聽空氣品質(PSI)及紫外線指數(UVI)預報的比例,以小學生為七成四最高,當紫外線指數很高時出門會採取防曬措施的比例,以民眾為八成最高,二者皆以高中生最低,僅四成二及五成五。六、環保標章方面在價格及品質功能相近的情況下,會優先購買具有「環保標章」產品的民眾及學生約八成。七、環保知識及行動方面(一)民眾及學生獲得環保知識的資訊,主要來自電視,各約有八成八以上。(三)環保教育(營隊)活動型態中,民眾有三成三較想參加「生態之旅」,學生族群較想參加「夏令營」,平均比例為三成七。 Report on the 2004 R.O.C. Environmental Protection Knowledge Survey The objectives of this survey are to learn the knowledge level of adults and students about environmental protection and education channels, and the relationships between their environmental protection knowledge and practices. The population of this survey includes in Taiwan. The survey period was from May 31 to June 30, 2004. Major findings of this survey are summarized as follows:I、Solid waste management and recycling:1. 95% of the adults and 93% of the students supported recycling. 2. 90% of the students and 76% of the adults knew that used battery could be recycled at convenient store, supermarkets or warehouse stores.II、Water quality protection and drinking water safety:1. Most adults and students would stop litter garbage into rivers as their most important action to help river clean-up.2. 48% of all households cleaned up their water purifier periodically every 3 months.III、Air quality improvement and noise control:1. 50% of the adults and students knew that improper use of gasoline pump could cause air pollution.2. Over 76% of the adults and students would turn down volume when they were singing, watching TV or doing other recreation activities at home to improve noise pollution. IV、Environmental sanitation and toxic materials management:1. Over 92% of adults and students knew that the media of dengue fever were Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.2. 97% of the adults and 70% to 87% of the students cleaned up water in containers actively to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes.V、Air quality and ultra-violet ray forecast:When the UVI was very high, the percentage of high school students would do something to prevent sunburns lower than other groups.VI、The environmental protection knowledge and actions:1. Over 88% of the adults and students learned the knowledge of the environmental protection mostly from TV.2. Ecological tours or summer camps were more popular than others in the activity types of protection education. 093 統計室 故鄉市場調查股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3006
推動我國產業環境會計制度(九十三年度)計畫 產業環境保護支出對國家及企業而言均是重要的環境管理決策參考資訊,因此建立適用於我國的環境會計制度,成為目前國內環境保護及產業永續發展過程中重要及必要的議題。行政院環境保護署已於89至91年完成本制度之架構及內容,92年起開始推廣及輔導試行,各項努力並已獲致良好的成效。<br>有鑑於產業環保支出的統計與分析,對政府規劃新興產業或企業未來投資發展均是重要參考指標,環保署於本(93)年度委託國立交通大學辦理「推動我國產業環境會計制度(九十三年度)計畫」。環境會計制度日前發展仍未臻成熟,一方面本制度的架構、內容及作業方式須更多的分析及討論,以作更好的應用;另一方面也須加強對企業及民眾的推廣,在推廣過程中累積經驗,以作調整修正本制度的重要基礎。而透過本制度所產生的環境活動財務資訊,有助於產業環境保護支出衡量問題的解決,提供企業內部決策管理所需,提升形象與競爭力以永續發展,政府亦可提升綠色國民所得帳編製之正確性,並作為相關政策參據。本次計畫延續去年工作項目,除擴大環境會計制度推廣的規模與範圍外,更針對已施行之相關配套作業進行更周全的檢討,並納入相關法規之研究,以期環境會計制度在環保署的努力下更臻完善並為企業所接受。<br>本計畫計有下列工作項目:<br>一、 維護更新「行政院環保署環境會計制度」網站(http://www.epa.gov.tw/statistics/環境會計制度):網站內容將隨環保署各項相關活動或議題而更新,並利用美工排版使網頁畫面更加活潑簡潔清楚。<br>二、 舉辦二場高階主管研習會:本活動加強對中南部產業的宣導,位於高雄的中國鋼鐵公司受此推廣活動影響,於今(93)年9月開始建置,由此可見環保署推廣活動之具體成效。<br>三、 舉辦二場環境會計人員種子營:兩場次地點分別在廣源造紙(台中)及裕隆汽車製造(三義)舉辦,透過課程講授、實例操作及實地參訪等活動,加強企業之種子專業人員事前的瞭解及演練,進而加速環境會計制度在企業之推廣。<br>四、 輔導廠商試行環境會計制度,並追蹤檢討﹙92﹚年度試行廠商之施行結果:尚志半導體與穎西工業為今年度輔導建置環境會計制度的廠商,藉由環境會計制度的建置均能逐項檢討公司現有且重要的環保措施及未來努力的方向。另外,亦追蹤去年度建置環會制度之二家廠商,包括富積電子公司及台電公司。富積公司自92年建置以來,目前各項相關作業流程及配合措施均能與環境會計制度密切結合,且能定期產生報表提供管理者作永續經營決策時重要的依據。台電以興達廠作示範,除了環境保護的分類仍為環境會計之主要輔導外,另外加入工業安全及衛生的分類。<br>五、 檢討修訂環境會計手冊:此項工作分別於93年7月26日與93年8月13日召開會議邀請廠商及產、官、學界先進討論修訂手冊內容。<br>六、 舉辦一場環境會計制度推動之成果觀摩會:今年輔導之廠商於會中提供建置環境會計的心得與經驗,以及許多推動環保的具體表現。本次活動參與廠商迴響熱烈,顯示了企業已漸漸感受到環境會計制度的重要性。<br>七、 蒐集國內外環境活動財務資訊相關法令規範:本研究重點在於北歐三國環會制度的法規,比較項目包括受規範之公司、公司數量、閱讀環會報告的對象、所需資訊、審計要求、評估結果等。國內對於環境會計雖仍無任何相關規範,但建議與國內現有環保法規的獎勵項目作一結合,現有環保獎勵補助優惠等相關法規條文整理於內文中。<br>八、 統整環境會計之相關問答:分類整理與環境會計相關之問答,置於環境會計網站上,以提供民眾與企業瞭解環境會計制度,幫助環境會計制度在國內的推廣。<br>本計畫除完成上述工作外,並針對去年以及本年度之工作結果提出三項結論,包括環保署應延續這二年所做的研究項目,如檢討修訂環境會計作業手冊的及推動加強各項推廣活動。另外,本計畫針對若干重要議題提出了五項建議,包括主導環境報告書的規劃並與環境會計作整合等之後續推動方法與事項等,以供後續推動參考。 Promote & Develpo of Industry Environment Accounting System(2004) The spending for environment protection is important reference for environment management and decision of a nation and industries. Environment Protection Agency had accomplished the framework and content of the environment accounting system between the year 1990 and 2002, and started to promote and implement this system in 2003.<br>The environmental financial information generated by this accounting system helps enterprises to solve the problems of environmental management and decision, besides, government gets access to know better about the statistics of spending for environmental protection and the problems of green gross domestic product could be improved.<br>The work items, which have been accomplished this year, are followed.<br>First of all is to maintain the website of Environment Protection Accounting system, and renew it along with the latest news and activities of EPA.<br>Second is holding two workshops for chief executive officers. The result has effect on the China Steel Cooperation, which is influenced by those activities and started to implement such system this September.<br>Third is holding two training camps of the environment accounting system, helping more staff familiar with this system by lectures and shop tours for the participants to boost the population of this system.<br>Fourth, we assisted two companies, Shang jr(尚志)Corp. and Jing (穎西)Shi Corp., to implement this system; both companies can examine their environmental protection activities and think about their future work. We also keep tracks on the companies, Taiwan Power Company and Fuji Electronic Company, which got assistances to implement the system in previous year.<br>Fifth is to edit and revise a manual of the environment accounting.<br>Sixth, we held a demo for the environment accounting system, sharing the experiences and results of the implementation of this system and some environmental protection activities among the companies.<br>The seventh work item is to search and collect the laws and standards worldwid 093 統計室 交通大學管理科學系(所) http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3010
地方環境資料建置計畫(雲林縣、嘉義縣、嘉義市、台南縣、台南市) 在環保署多年的努力之下,國內整體的環境品質已呈逐漸改善之趨勢,除了環境保護與環境管理之外,為了提供國家永續發展之研究與管理決策工作及一般民眾對於環境資訊之殷切需求,因此,必須發展一個健全而完整的環境資料庫系統架構與建置體系,以建置一個能夠即時提供完整、正確且有效資料與資訊的環境資料庫。本次計畫選取雲林縣、嘉義縣、嘉義市、台南縣、台南市作為建置地區,進行資料現況蒐集與分析,預定蒐集環境區位與發展、自然環境、人文社經、環境品質、敏感地區等資料,經由資料的建置,藉由設計整合性網頁查詢系統,提供各界查詢及下載,並將各縣市環保局專案計畫成果內容登入環境資訊管理系統之詮釋資料庫,並對環境變遷與環境管理決策提供客觀、重要的資訊,有效提昇我國於環境保育之管理能力。本計畫共蒐集雲林縣、嘉縣縣市及台南縣市5個縣市及77個鄉鎮市之環境區位與發展、自然環境、人文社經、環境品質、敏感地區等環境資料並完成建置本地區地方環境資訊共2252個網頁,為配合行政院研考會營造推動無障礙網頁環境,本計畫之雛形網站http://epaemi.yuntech.edu.tw/index.htm採用自我認證之檢測方式,驗證全網站符合無障礙網頁規範,本雛型網站已全網站經過檢測程式測試通過,並提出無障礙網頁標章申請。除此之外,拜訪雲林縣環保局、嘉義縣市環保局、及台南縣市環保局等五個環保局,並取得五縣市之環保局委辦計畫期末報告電子檔共計52個,本計畫整理數位化之期末報告並濃縮中文摘要及翻譯英文摘要後,上傳至環保署環境資訊管理系統之詮釋資料庫 Local Environment Database Construction Program(Yunlin, Chia-Yi, Tai-Nan) The overall environmental quality has experienced improvement under the efforts of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). In order to provide research needs and management decision-making as well as public information, we must develop a comprehensive environmental information databank to promptly offer a complete, correct and effective data and information.This project was to establish the information for Yunlin County, Chia-Yi City and County, Tai-Nan City and County. The data and information include zone development, natural environment, socio-economic conditions, environmental quality and environmental sensitive area. From collection, analysis, and selection to integration, the information was integrated into designed web pages for viewing, searching, and downloading. In addition, the project also required to collect the reports from these cities and counties and to integrate into the comprehensive databank in order to provide unbiased, objective information for effective decision-making in environmental changes and management. This project assembled the environmental information from 5mcities and counties and 77 townships on 2252 web pages, which passed the web accessibility test and was applying the registration by the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan. The web site was located at http://epaemi.yuntech.edu.tw/index.htm.In addition, this project visit the Environmental Protection Bureaus of counties and cities to collected 52 electronic report files. Both condensed Chinese and English abstracts of these reports were uploaded to the Meta Databank of EPA 093 監資處 銳(人弟)科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3020
九十三年度環保施政意向調查 本年辦理二次調查,以各縣市二十歲以上的民眾為調查對象,採電話訪問方式進行調查。第一次調查結果顯示:四成六的民眾認為空氣品質與去(九十二)年相較,為維持現狀。五成三的民眾認為政府應優先改善的空氣污染源為汽機車等交通工具。九成五的民眾知道機車排氣定檢措施,高達九成九的民眾表示願意配合。四成六的民眾表示不知道近鄰噪音處理方式。二成五的民眾認為河川水質較去年改善,五成七的民眾認為市售禮品過度包裝情形嚴重;四成九的民眾認為居家周遭環境清潔較去年改善,四成四的民眾認為目前最嚴重的環境污染問題為空氣污染之移動污染源(汽機車等)。第二次調查結果顯示:八成八的民眾贊成裝設油氣回收設備,八成二的民眾表示油槍自動跳停後不強迫加油,不會造成困擾。七成七的民眾支持低污染噴射引擎機車補助措施;而未來機車排氣定檢需自付檢驗費,五成五的民眾表示並不會影響定檢意願。六成一的民眾知道環保機關持續稽查違反限用塑膠袋規定的商家,八成的民眾表示支持。八成六的民眾支持政府推動冷氣機任意滴水經勸導未改善,將會予以罰款的措施。八成的民眾表示推動垃圾強制分類不會造成困擾,五成九的民眾贊成垃圾處理費全面改採隨袋徵收,八成的民眾贊成垃圾跨區域合作處理。 2004 R.O.C. Public Opinion Survey on Environmental Policies Two surveys were conducted in this year and the qualified respondents are those who aged over 20 years old and live in Taiwan, and the telephone interview. The first research findings, 46.0% of them believe that the quality of air is the same as last year. For all the origins of air pollution, 52.7% of interviewees believe that the government should reduce the pollution from motor vehicles as the highest priority. 95.2% of motorcycle owners or users know about the rule of periodical emission inspection. 98.6% of them are willing to have this inspection. 45.5% of interviewees do not know how to deal the noise from their neighborhood. 24.9% of interviewees believe the river quality is better than last year. 57.1% of interviewees believe that gift merchandise are over packed. 49.0% of interviewees believe there is improvement of hygiene in residential area. 43.9% of interviewees believe that the most serious environmental pollution problem by now in Taiwan is air pollution, which is a dynamic source. The second research findings, 88.4% of interviewees who agree that gas stations should be equipped with oil recycle system. 81.7% of interviewees express that they won’t be bothered when gasoline nozzle stop fueling automatically. 77.2% of interviewees correspond the grant policy for purchasing a low-polluted jet engine motorcycle. In the future, vehicles emission will charge. 54.6% of interviewees express that this charge won’t affect their willingness to have the inspection. 60.8% of interviewees know that EPA keeps on checking violation on using plastics bags. 79.7% of them go in for this measure. 86.3% of interviewees correspond EPA’s policy that the persons should be fined for not fixing the dripping problem on their air conditioners after counseling. 80.1% of residents have not been bothered by the garbage classification policy. 59.2% of residents agree that paying the toll within garbage bags. 80.5% of interviewees look with favor on multi-area cooperation to clear out trash to ensure the better process. 093 統計室 異視股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3018
臺中縣中部空品區高空氣象資料觀測與污染物採樣前置規劃計畫 近年來由於PSI不良日數多以粒狀污染物及臭氧為主,由於空氣污染物多有跨區傳輸之特性,因此若以單一環保局之管制方式已不敷需求,故本計畫主要工作內容係建立起中部四縣市之合作機制、彙整其他空品區機制、進行歷年空氣品質資料分析、召開四縣市協商會議及協助規劃中部空品區污染物採樣工作等;而於本計畫為中部空品區第一年總SIP計畫後,在四縣市的資料交流及協助聯合稽查等工作亦為重要之工作內容。在協助規劃未來中部空品區的氣象觀測與污染物採樣內容前,專案小組亦於計畫執行期間加強相關文獻資料的蒐集,針對粒狀污染物、臭氧及揮發性有機物等研究重點來加強說明,並將過去南高屏地區所提出之管制策略中符合縣市可執行之部分加以統整進入本報告。在中部空品區背景資料整合部分,有關九十三年PSI不良日百分比管制目標以臺中縣百分比目標1.57%最嚴格、彰化縣2.05%居次,但分析今年空品不良站日數已較九十二年多,故本年度各縣市皆無法達到預定之PSI管制目標;在環境污染量負荷方面,以三項環境負荷指標看來,無論在人口數、工廠數及機動車輛數方面,臺中縣均較其他三縣市的負荷沉重,特別是工廠數部分更較南投縣多出11餘倍,因此臺中縣在整體污染管制上會備感艱辛;在分析八十八年至九十二年空氣品質資料部分,專案小組除進行歷年資料分析外,並加入九十三年中部空品區空氣品質資料一同分析,分析後發現今年的空氣品質明顯較前兩年差,且指標污染物幾乎皆為臭氧,此外專案小組亦將地面氣象資料、中部空品區重大固定污染源近幾年排放量變化及污染源分佈圖一併納入本報告;在規劃中部空品區合作進行污染物高空採樣部分,雖專案小組已透過積極諮詢專家學者後規劃出未來中部地區污染物採樣合作之工作內容及經費需求配置,但因所需工作內容及經費需求龐大,加上近幾年各縣市空污基金皆逐年短收,因此四縣市局長無法取得共識同意編列執行經費,並傾向應由四縣市空污基金歲入居中區四縣市之冠的臺中縣優先做起,故專案小組後續亦協助環保局修正並規劃相關之內容以供環保局參考;在彙整其他空品區合作機制方面,由於現在已有高高屏及雲嘉南空品區的合作機制,因此專案小組於計畫執行中乃整理上述兩個空品區過去召開會議之內容、推動減量之方式及跨區域合作部份來協助規劃出中部空品區之合作模式;有關中部四縣市合作協商會議之辦理部分,專案小組已分別辦理完成二場次四縣市局長層級及四場次課長層級之協商會議,並於會議中達成多項聯合稽查管制作業之共識及其他協議。有關九十四年度中部空品區總SIP計畫之建議工作內容,專案小組亦依本年度之推動經驗提供相關內容及具體之建議以供九十四年空品區總SIP計畫執行參考,並期藉中部空品區總SIP計畫之推動可提昇中部地區互動及整體管制成效。 The pre-pilot-study planning plan of atmospheric data collection and air pollutants sampling in central Taiwan The main purpose of the first year air quality improvement project is to establish the mechanism of cooperation among four districts in central Taiwan, including Taichung county, Taichung city, Changhua county and Nantao county.For the pre-pilot-study planning plan of atmospheric data collection and air pollutants sampling in central Taiwan, we review related literatures of the subject, especially those who emphasized on particulate, ozone and volatile organic compounds. We also examine the air pollution control policies of Nan-Kao-Ping area in southern Taiwan, and conclude the suitable ones for central Taiwan area in the report. We also consult with the experts in related field and provide the proper procedures and expenses of atmospheric data collecting and air pollutants sampling. But the original fund-raising idea from four districts is in vain due to the air pollution protection fee is declining for four districts recently.For central Taiwan area, the allowed percentage of the PSI deterioration of 2004 is 1.57% for Taichung county, also the strictest one among four distrcts, and 2.05% for Changhua county. But all of the four districts fail to achieve their allowed percentage of the PSI deterioration of 2004. Also, we find that the burden of the environment is growing for four districts, such as population, factories and vehicles, especially in Taichung county. The number of factories in Taichung county are eleven folds than that in Nantao county. And this fact makes the air pollution control policies even harder to enforce in Taichung county. 093 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3016
參與亞太經濟合作(APEC)海洋資源保育工作小組 「海洋環境永續性」和「私人部門參與」,業已被亞太經濟合作會議(APEC)列為重要政策。本計畫旨在回應上述政策,並蒐集與傳布海洋保育相關資訊,其工作成果包括:(一)編輯發行四期平面刊物(APEC Bulletin)並建構APEC海洋資源保育網頁;(二)積極參加二○○四年於智利召開之第十七屆APEC海洋資源保育工作小組會議及養殖研討會;(三)籌辦APEC架構下私人部門參與海洋環境永續性之圓桌會議;及(四)編撰APEC海洋保育工作組特刊供編輯小組進一步修正後上網。 The Project on the Participation in the APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group Sustainability of marine environment and involvement of the private sector have been the major policies in APEC. In response to these policies and promoting the concept of marine resource conservation, this project obtained the designated results as follows: (1) Editing and publishing four issues of APEC Bulleting on Marine Resource Conservation and establishment of a web on the activities of marine resource conservation initiated by APEC and other international organizations; (2) Participation in the 17th Meeting of APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group and Workshop on Aquaculture; (3) Organization of APEC Roundtable Meeting on the Involvement of the Business/Private Sector in the Sustainability of the Marine Environment; and (4) Drafting the APEC Special Issue on Marine Resource Conservation for further review by the editorial board. 093 永續發展室 海洋台灣文教基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3026
飲用水水質標準中較難檢驗項目抽驗計畫 本計畫主要針對25個行政區164個自來水供水系統及26個簡易自來水檢測點進行飲用水水質中較難檢驗項目之抽驗,其分析項目包括重金屬(砷、鉛、硒、鉻、鎘、鋇、銻、鎳、汞、銀)、揮發性有機物(三氯乙烯、四氯化碳、1,1,1-三氯乙烷、1,2-二氯乙烷、氯乙烯、苯、對-二氯苯、1,1-二氯乙烯)、農藥(安殺番、靈丹、丁基拉草、2,4-地、巴拉刈、納乃得、加保扶、滅必蝨、達馬松、大利松、巴拉松、一品松、亞素靈)、氟鹽、總三鹵甲烷(三氯甲烷、二氯一溴甲烷、一氯二溴甲烷、三溴甲烷),共計33項水質項目。本年度針對各供水系統之需求不同,各縣市檢測點之規劃略有差異,其中自來水供水系統方面,包括宜蘭縣等13個縣市,每一縣市篩選8個檢測點,計有104個檢測點,檢測項目(含農藥)計有33項,其餘12個縣市,每一縣市篩選5個檢測點,計有60個檢測點,檢測項目(未含農藥)計有20項,而簡易自來水,包括宜蘭縣等10個縣市,每一縣市篩選2~4個檢測點,計有26個檢測點,檢測項目(未含農藥)計有20項。本年度監測結果發現,自來水供水系統之抽驗點中自來水供水系統之抽驗點中揮發性有機物(三氯乙烯及1,1-二氯乙烯除外)及農藥(巴拉刈除外)等18項,以及簡易自來水之抽驗點中揮發性有機物(四氯化碳除外)等12項之檢測結果皆為ND。至於水質抽驗合格率,以縣市而言,各抽驗點之水質合格率為100.0%,而就抽驗點而言,各分析項目之檢測點合格率為100.0%。 A survey of drinking water for certain specific analytes in the water quality standard The purpose of this project is to examine the water quality of the pre-chosen 164 drinking water systems and 125 simple tap-water systems of the 25 municipal counties(or cities). The items being tested include heavy metals (As, Pb, Se, Cr, Cd, Ba, Sb, Ni, Hg, Ag), volatile organics (trichoroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, vinyl chloride, benzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, 1,1-dichloroethene), pesticides(Endosulfan(I & II), Lindane, Butachlor, 2,4-D, paraquat, methomyl, carbofuran, MIPC, methamidophos, diazinon, parathion, EPN, monocrotophos), fluoride and THMs , a total of 33 items.This year, the systems to be tested were chosen in accordance with the demand of each water system. In 13 municipal counties (cities) including Yilan County, eight systems were selected in each municipal county (city), a total of 104 systems were tested for 33 items. Five systems were selected for testing from each of the rest 12 municipal counties (cities). A total of 60 systems were tested for 20 items which did not include pesticides. The simple tap-water systems in 12 municipal counties (cities) including Yilan county were tested for 20 items as well. Two to four systems were selected in each municipal county for the test. A total of 26 systems were tested.The analytical results indicates that most of the analytes were found to be not detected in the drinking water systems except very low concentrations of trichoroethylene, 1,1-dichloroethene and paraquat were detected in some systems. All of the analytes were found to be not detected in the simple tap water systems except trace carbon tetrachloride were found in one system. The results indicated that all water tested met the current drinking water quality standards. 093 毒管處 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3024
南部地區氣膠組成與分布特性實測計畫 微粒超級測站之目的為探討大氣氣膠物化特性、受體與來源的關係、衍生性反應機制及微粒的健康風險評估、人體暴露評估與量測方法之比較等,而其量測結果則提供空氣品質模式之驗證與應用等。本計畫工作已完成南部微粒超級測站之規劃與建置,核心站在高雄縣大寮之輔英科技大學,輔助衛星站則是位於高雄縣橋頭鄉之鄉公所,高雄市前鎮區之獅甲國中,屏東縣潮州鄉之潮南國小。規劃監測之項目包括微粒PM2.5與PM10之質量濃度、PM2.5之化學成分、SO42-,NO3-與EC/OC、微粒之粒徑分佈,前驅物NH3、光化學產物H2O2、NOy與吸光/散光係數等。新購儀器之平行比對目前已完成RP8400N與RP8400S之採樣分析工作,結果中發現四台8400N與其平均值之相關係數與絕對誤差百分比分別為0.98~0.99與-12%~14%,四台8400S與其平均值之相關係數與絕對偏差百分比分別為0.96~0.99與4~12%。以Dichotomous之人工採樣方法與RP8400N與RP8400S之相關係數分別為0.78與0.89,而絕對誤差百分比分別為67%與22%。RP2000對RP8400N與RP8400之相關係數均為0.80,而絕對誤差百分比分別為71%與24%。於安南站、楠梓站以及大寮站之每六日一次的例行性採樣分析,結果顯示三站之PM10與PM2.5濃度均是以大寮站最高,而三站之主要化學成分組成均是為SO42-、NO3-與NH4+。顯示衍生性氣膠為主要的貢獻來源之一。分析-gauge之空白濾紙以及採樣後之樣品的化學成分,結果顯示僅SO42、NO3-以及Cl-三種離子之樣品濃度可達統計意義,其他成分均與空白背景值相似。監測民俗活動對當地空氣品質之影響顯示大甲媽祖遶境對空氣品質之影響顯著而主要來源為增加之移動排放源,基隆中元普渡活動對空氣品質則僅略有影響。 Measurements of Aerosol Compositions and Their Distributions in Southern Taiwan. The purposes of this project are to setup the PM supersite in southern Taiwan, to compare the consistency among monitors to be used in the supersite, to measure the PM concentrations and chemical compositions in southern Taiwan, to evaluate the feasibility to analyze the particle compositions from the β–gauge filter, and to evaluate the impact of festival on the local air quality. The PM supersites in sourthern Taiwan include four monitoring stations with the core site at DaLiu, Kaohsiung and three auxiliary sites at ChoTao, Kaohsiung, ChanJen, Kaohsiung, and ChiuChou, Pingtung. The monitoring items include PM2.5 and PM10 mass concentrations, particulate sulfate, nitrate, and EC/OC concentrations, particle size distributions, precursors NH3, photochemical products H2O2, NOy and nephelometer. The intercomparisons showed that the correlation coefficient and relative absolute difference percentage between RP8400N and their average were 0.98 to 0.99 and 12 to 14% and those for RP8400S were 0.96 to 0.99 and 4 to 12%. Therefore, good agreements were found among the four RP8400s. The correlation coefficient between dichotomous and RP8400N and RP8400S were 0.88 and 0.94 and those for RP2000 were both 0.89. However, the relative absolute difference percentage between dichotomous and RP8400N and RP8400S were 67% and 22% and those for RP2000 were 74% and 24%. Among the three routine monitoring sites, the greatest PM concentration was at DaLiu and the major chemical species were all the same at three sites and they were sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium, implying the significant contributions from secondary aerosol. For the feasibility of analyzing the β–gauge filter, only sulfate, nitrate, and chloride showed statistically significant results; the results for other species were not statistically different from blanks. The effects of the traditional festival for DaChi MaZu on air quality were due to the increase in mobile sources and the PM concentrations could be twice greater and those for CO and NO concentrations were 093 監資處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3028
巨大廢棄物回收再利用效益評估及設施評鑑 【動機】「永續循環型社會」為環保署重要之施政目標,因此包括家庭日常生活所產生之垃圾及「巨大廢棄物」等,皆應鼓勵回收再利用以符合資源有效利用之目標。所謂「巨大廢棄物」係指體積龐大之廢棄家具、庭院之修剪樹枝或經主管機關公告一般廢棄物,實際上包括:大型家電、彈簧墊、桌椅廚櫃、大型家具、沙發、腳踏車等。【背景】為加速建立巨大廢棄物之回收管道,環保署於91年度起即陸續補助若干縣市執行巨大廢棄物清除處理及回收再利用計畫,並設置廢棄家具之修繕再利用以及巨大廢棄物破碎處理設施。【緣起】環保署為輔導受補助縣市發揮處理設施功能,增強效益以提高巨大廢棄物回收成效,乃於93年委託工研院執行「巨大廢棄物回收再利用效益評估及設施評鑑專案工作計畫」。【成果】本計畫依據需求完成之各項工作,將其結果說明如下,(一)、於巨大廢棄物基本資料建立方面:(1)依據各縣市所提報之清運回收資料及以十個進行評鑑縣市所提供之資料分析,巨大廢棄物產生量平均約為一般垃圾之3.2%。以十個縣市(1300萬人)之產生量約14萬噸推估,換算全國之年產生量應約為24萬噸。(2)仿美國及日本對於巨大廢棄物產量推估法,推估出國內92年度之產生量約為15~18萬噸。(二)、在教育宣導方面之執行成果包括,(1)完成兩場說明會及現場觀摩,參加人員為各縣、市環保局和各鄉、鎮、市公所人員,參加人數每場次皆六十餘人。(2)完成巨大廢棄物回收再利用網頁內容提供環保署建置於督察總隊網站上。(3)完成宣導短片5分鐘及15分鐘兩版本製作。(三)、在再利用模式效益評估分析方面,建立多元化之效益評估模式,分別為:(1)效益類別方面,經濟效益:包括直接經濟效益、間接經濟效益、衍生經濟效益等效益;環保效益:環境衛生改善、廢棄物減量、資源回收、二氧化碳減量等效益;社會效益:創造就業機會、社區參與提供、提高環保意識與惜福觀念,(2).在產生效益對象方面,包括:環保機關、從業勞工、參與民眾、投資業者。(四)、在回收再利用設施永續經營之可行性分析方面,建議應採不同之營運模式,(1)清運回收分類:政府負責。(2)修繕再利用廠:政府負責設置,編列經費委託民間機構營運管理,經費核算採收支並列方式。(3)破碎處理廠:政府負責設置,公開招標委由民間機構承攬營運。由政府保證處理量,民間機構可充份發揮其處理性能,並自行負責產品通路。(4)再生產品製造工廠:鼓勵民間自行設置,政府提供行政協助、土地取得及協助環保標章或綠建材標章產品認證之取得,以協助拓展產品通路。(五)、於回收再利用相關配合措施方面,(1)求巨大廢棄物回收再利用完整體系,建議研訂「巨大廢棄物回收、清除及再利用管制要點」,以積極督導各縣市加強辦理巨大廢棄物之回收及清除工作。(2)建立回收再利用管制流程,包括登錄管制、數量統計、流向追蹤、符合法規、資訊公開【結論】依據本計畫之執行成果有以下重要結論,(一)、巨大廢棄物推動策略應依據資源回收再利用法之精神,應以減少產生(Reduce)以延長家具之使用年限、再使用(Reuse)、再生利用(Recycle)等3R之原則,多方面推動。(1)減少產生方面:民眾DIY自行修繕是成本最低者,且對整體減廢貢獻最大的,此部份之努力重點在宣導,以及提供民眾自行修繕之技術器材。(2)再使用方面:目前的修繕即屬之,效益多元性,宜與教育、民政等各機關結合,以彰顯其成效。(3)再生利用方面:以破碎為主,包括粗碎及細碎兩部份,應以破碎後產品之出路來考慮破碎程度。破碎至何等程度應考量其終端用途,以及有確使用者才進行,不宜冒然設置破碎設備。【建議】依據本計畫之執行結果,對於環保署以及各縣市推動現況以及未來之推動方向,建議如下:(一)、與各機關之政策配合:(1)與內政部正推動之再生綠建材政策結合,鼓勵業者使用破碎後材料生產再生建材。(2)與勞委會或職訓單位合作,利提供永續就業勞工習得一技之長。或與教育機關合作,提工職業學校學生實習。(3)各地所設置之修繕展示中心可以與觀光或文化業務結合,提供民眾休閒參觀寓教於樂之功能。也可以作中小學校外教學之用途。(二)、區域性合作:不論是修繕或破碎再利用,皆有其最小之經濟規模,故清運可以各縣市、鄉鎮分別清運,但處理或再利用似可區域性辦理,城鄉與衛星都市間皆應交流分工。(三)、推動實務建議:(1).建制管制系統方面:從通報、登錄、數量統計、各再利用量及再利用後流向確認等,應建立完整之管制系統,在資訊公開之前提下,確保符合法規。修繕家具,可仿一般商品之進出管制,再生產品應編碼,並標註其為「再生家具」,避免不肖業者購得再生產品後卻以新品名義轉售。(2).加強清運回收方面:巨大廢棄物體積大,清運困難度較高,不易併入一般垃圾清運,所需之清運費用比一般廢棄物之清運成本高。因此分類收集清運回收是正確的做法,清運車輛機具之加強應為未來可考慮之補助重點,清運之便利性是民眾感受最深刻之部份,因此應加強機動性,及建立便捷之通報系統,提供民眾最佳之清運服務。但是對於清潔隊員而言,應有獎金制度,否則笨重的回收工作增加其負擔,意願可能較低。(3).加強修繕再利用效益方面:應儘量降低成本,提高價值,以做到收支能平衡,以免造成地方政府長期之財政負擔。可以儘量雇用地方閒置人力,或與地方慈善機構、義工組織結合。本計畫本年度剛起步推動,獲民眾之熱烈支持家具回收之舊家具可修繕比例頗高,但是若持續推動,未來可供修繕之家具將越來越少。可以家具診所之模式,提供民眾修繕服務或許為未來的可方式。(四)、各縣市評鑑之綜合結論與建議:(1)本計畫大多數縣市本年度皆為初次辦理,因環境差異性大各有優缺點,優劣不易遽下論斷。綜合而言,各縣市都很努力,且具極高之意願繼續推動,因此皆值得鼓勵。(2)縣與院(省)轄市在編制上差異很大,院(省)轄市從收集清運至回收再利用,決策做法皆可貫徹,而縣必須與鄉鎮配合,困難度較大。(3)在縣市計畫提報方面,建議各縣市應以區域作考量,且計畫要有完整性避免切割,必要時可提跨年度計畫,分年發包執行以彰顯整體成效。 Project for the Assessment of Reclamation of Large-sized Domestic Wastes and Recycling Facilities “Huge domestic wastes” are practically too huge so that they are difficult to treat and dispose probably. They are arbitrarily disposed in country sides, open grounds of valleys and river beds etc. The landscape is not ruined but the river area can be severely threatened. Huge domestic wastes compose of large qualities of wooden materials, metal materials and others; moreover, they can be recycled and reused with appropriately recycling treatment. EPA had been carrying out regenerated scheme of huge domestic wastes in certain counties and cities and relevant budgets were used to promote the tactics of treatment facilities and regeneration of huge domestic wastes. In order to increase the recycling efficient of huge domestic wastes and achieve the sustainability of treatment of huge domestic wastes, EPA had committed ITRI to carry on the project since 19 March 2004 to 31 December 2005.The project focuses on collecting relevant internal/external information, investigating any possible recycling methods, trying to produce feasible products, assessing the benefit of investments and possibility of operation. Besides, based on regenerated scheme of huge domestic wastes in 2002 and 2003 fulfilled by certain counties and cities, ITRI was carried on on-site validation. For this move of on-site validation, it can be recognized the performance of implementation and provided suggestions.For recycling and reuse approaches of huge domestic wastes, relevant criteria will be researched to supervise the achievement of counties’/cities’ EPA. Complete management system, registered control, quantitative account, qualitative trace and compliance will be also studied. 093 督察總隊 工業技術研究院 環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3034
噪音管理系統資料建置及後續維護專案工作計畫 為推動e化政府,環境保護署於92年度辦理「噪音管理系統開發計畫」,完成系統開發與程式撰寫。復自本年度辦理系統維護及功能增修,同時進行「噪音管制全球資訊網」維護更新,以落實噪音管理工作及提供民眾噪音各項施政成果。本計畫以維護系統中基本資料、噪音陳情、稽查、監測、設備管理、車輛噪音管制、決策支援…等各項業務穩定運作及故障排除為首要工作。並配合業務需求或法令修正,建置資料、擴充或修正查詢、統計分析功能。本年度系統新增【噪音審驗合格證核發紀錄及明細】、【資料確認】、【低頻噪音量測】、【固定噪音源管制】、【振動量測管制】…等功能項,並協助輔導環保局完成多項資料建置工作,如:機關基本資料、人員資料、匯入163,000件陳情暨回覆紀錄、294個噪音監測站及其紀錄、134筆噪音設備資料、89件噪音管制法解釋函…等。另召開二場使用說明會,會中針對公務報表模擬製作、常見系統操作問題提出詳細說明。本計畫建議明年度將航空噪音管制業務納入系統中,另加強推廣車輛噪音審驗合格證於系統中申請核發,且於計畫期中、期末報告前,分別辦理教育訓練課程,以利系統有效運用。同時於正式啟用環保局監測紀錄、績效考評資料確認之功能後,建議統計室自本系統中直接匯出數據資料,以提高行政效率。 The Noise Control Management Application Maintenance Project In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in Noise Control management. EPA begin to computerize the Noise Control management works, and conduct a “Noise Control Management Application Development” Project.The database system worked successfully. EPA proceed to application maintenance works to keep the application running properly and to adjust or aggrandise the application functions in necessary. This is the first year (2004) maintenance project.This yearly maintenance project includes 5 tasks: (1)Keep the applications runing properly; (2)Aggrandise the application query and statistic functions in necessary; (3)Adjust the application functions in necessary; (4)Update the application user guidbook and hold one user training class; (5)Assist EPA maintatence the Noise Control web site. 093 空保處 智通工程科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3032
九十三度廚餘清運與回收再利用措施輔導及評鑑 動 機廚餘平均佔一般家庭垃圾量的23.7%, 90年度每每日產生之廚餘量約為4,500公噸。由於廚餘屬高濃度有機廢棄物,掩埋時臭味與滲出水污染問題嚴重。若以焚化處理,因為水份高,降低可回收之熱能,不利焚化廠之營運,且更有廢氣排放處理之問題。因此,將廚餘之有機資源回收,除可避免焚化或掩埋所衍生的二次污染外,更符合資源永續經營,及廢棄物減量與多元化處理之政策目標。緣 起近年來環保署投入可觀之經費補助各縣市進行廚餘回收再利用工作,而大部份的再利用方式皆採養豬(約75%)與堆肥(約25%)兩種方式。藉由本計畫之執行,對廚餘回收後之各種再利用方式之技術效益與經濟效益皆進行比較評估。同時針對各縣市之推動成效評鑑,可發現所採行的各種多元化回收再利用方式已可將回收量提昇到達每天900噸之成果。基於以上之執行成效,本計畫提出廚餘回收推動策略建議,將可作為後續採行參考。背 景廚餘清運回收再利用目前所面臨最嚴重的問題是政府機關間政策之不一致。雖已於92年3月間由行政院召集農委會與環保署協商已獲初步之解決,然而農委會對此仍持保留態度。廚餘清運回收為廢棄物清除處理工作之一環,因此不能沒有整體性之思維,因為無法提供適當誘因讓民眾願意熱心地來參與。但廚餘回收除了回收資源化物質外,更具有教育意義。然而在推動廚餘回收時,因各縣市地理環境不一,無法應用制式方式進行回收及處理作業,須由主管機構進行推廣及宣導。各縣市及地方,依最終可再利用方式,以決定回收及再處理方式。成 果本計畫已完成合約所要求之工作內容,包括廚餘產生量及回收量之關連性等資料之蒐集分析以及廚餘推動回收再利用之策略方針之建立等,皆已充份掌握。各種廚餘回收再利用方式之直接及間接效益評估亦已完成,各級學校、監獄及軍事機構配合推動廚餘回收再利用工作之方案亦已完成調查研擬。對於設置集中式廚餘高溫蒸煮工廠之可行性,在農委會對廚餘養豬政策持續持反對態度下,業者不敢冒然投資設置。本計畫已完成之相關規劃,可為業者設置設施之參考。針對所擇定的既有10個堆肥場成品之採樣分析方面,共採取37個樣本,發芽率方面大致皆符合要求,而重金屬亦無超過之情事。若要能永續推動廚餘回收工作,鼓勵民間參與將是成功關鍵,因此特擬定「鼓勵公民營機構參與廚餘再利用推動方案」,以為後續推動之參考。至於各縣、市廚餘清運與回收再利用計畫的評鑑工作,先制定各縣市推動成效評鑑標準,再邀請17位委員分赴全國25縣(市)進行現場評鑑,分別收集整理各縣市分別建議、各委員綜合建議,並擬定評定總結論及建議,以供施政之參考。結 論近年來廚餘回收再利用工作倍受各界重視,而在環保署持續努力及與各縣市、鄉鎮緊密配合下,已卓有成績,回收率更已逐年、逐月提昇。由收集、清運、回收、處理與再利用等完整系統已充份建制,及民眾的共識大抵建立的情況而論,主客觀條件已漸趨成熟,因此達成96年度的回收目標應可預期。在各縣、市廚餘清運與回收再利用計畫執行現場評鑑。整體而言可發現:(1) 各縣市皆已建立較明確推動策略,且努力推動成效已展現。(2) 各縣市普遍已能清楚掌握廚餘回收之效益,較有積極主動意願推動廚餘回收工作,宣導時民眾配合度已顯著提高。(3) 各縣市分別有處理設施之設置,回收後之廚餘去處問題大抵可以獲解決。在再利用方面,目前大多數尚以養豬為主要之再利用方式;而堆肥設施方面,合乎理想的尚罕見,而處理成本又偏高,廚餘堆肥化將是一段艱辛的歷程。建 議(1) 為提昇廚餘回收再利用工作之效率,中央與地方進行合理之分工,包括:l 中央應協調其他部會署,提出權責分工建議。l 中央依各種獎勵投資措施,協助民間業者,解決處理場設置之用地取得問題;地方提供各項行政措施之協助解決。l 中央協調各縣市廚餘產生源與處理場之配合,並規劃清運回收路線,解決跨縣市清運之問題。l 地方應建立廚餘產生量、清運量及處理場可處理容量之基本資料,制定分年之回收目標量及達成目標之策略措施,再據以提報中央申請補助。(2) 為達成96年日回收量1600噸之目標,對於處理場方面應加強以下措施:l 各縣市加強既有處理場之監督管理,掌握其處理量及產品之通路。l 協調各縣(市)、鄉鎮互相支援,建立跨縣市合作之清運處理機制。l 與農委會合作,改善既有之堆肥場提昇其性能,以接受廚餘處理。l 鼓勵民間投資設置各種有機廢棄物資源化處理廠,利用民營業者企業化經營之效率,發揮資源化效益。(3) 再利用產品通路方面,廚餘回收再利用,不論是養豬或堆肥皆屬農政單位之專業權責,因此應與農政機關緊密合作,以解決通路問題。堆肥化或乾燥飼料化之產品,應與大型商業化之肥料廠或飼料結合,提供其作為產品之中間原料,可解決技術、管理及市場行銷之問題。(4) 為提昇回收率,未來應加強清運機具與人力,以提高清運量:l 各縣市配合推動目標,擇適當時機公告推動廚餘強制分類回收。l 無法於轄區內就地處理者,應強化轉運設施及清運車輛之清潔維護。l 配合各再利用場之前處理設施,以決定應採取之分離回收方式及機具。l 制定措施,獎勵地方清潔隊員,以促使努力投入廚餘清運回收。l 與各事業主管機關配合,加強營業餐廳、軍事機關、各級學校、監獄等廚餘產生量龐大且集中之場所之配合清運回收工作。(5) 有鑑於堆肥與養豬各有其優缺點,建議應另發展多元化之清運、處理再利用模式,其中廚餘厭氧醱酵回收沼氣生質能源方式,在先進國家已有成功先例,而國內之厭氧處理技術成熟應值得鼓勵採行。 The 2004 project on the assistance and assessment of the clearance and reuse procedure of food waste. The portion of kitchen waste in the municipal solid waste was estimated to 25% in Taiwan, most of which are perishable and result in disagreeable odor because of high content of biodegradable matters. Obviously it is not an adequate strategy to dump in landfill because of high concentration in leaching wastewater. On the other hand, incineration will result in the decreasing of energy recovery because of low heating values. Despite the drawback in the treatment, rich organic content of kitchen waste was taken as valuable resources to be recovered. Recently EPA has spent a lot of budget to encourage the local Counties and Cities to recover the kitchen waste for reutilization, most of those efforts were focus in pig feeding (about 75%) and composting process (about 25%). From the implementation of this project, the technical and economic effectives were evaluated through the comparison of several kind of utilization. Meanwhile, by the assessment of the local Environment Protection Bureaus, variable approaches were found to improve the recycling ratio, and was amount to 900 tons per day. Base on the achievements mentioned above, the strategies of kitchen waste recycling were proposed as a guideline for further promotion. 093 督察總隊 工業技術研究院 環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3052
九十三年度毒性化學物質運作資料處理及申報輔導計畫 1.本計畫順利完成建置許可證、登記備查、少量核可等證件之登記資料的電子化作業,並新增複合查詢與使用歷程紀錄系統。稽查系統部分,也已完成新增、修改、套印及查詢等功能並與罰款催繳系統相容,同時新增上下游買賣之申報許可勾稽功能;另於申報端完成運作紀錄離線申報系統之建置與釋放量申報系統之自動計量推估功能。2.針對電子化作業之宣導工作,已完成二場次環保單位系統操作說明會,亦協助各縣市環保局辦理毒化物法規及網路申報說明會,目前已完成四縣市共計七場次的說明會,網路申報率已提昇至84%。3.現有之毒性化學物質系統資料庫已全面清查完成,並修正、更新、統計、列印毒化物運作登記資料,已建檔之許可證資料計有689件、登記備查資料1,466件、少量核可文件資料16,901件,其基線資料已全數清查完成,確實提昇許可系統資料品質。 Toxic Chemical Substance Operation Data Reporting Instruction and Management in Year 2004 The project in this year completed electronic permitting, registering, and limit quantity permitting. Compound inquiry and user-log history record system are new features added into the system. Data addition, amending, printing, and inquiry system for auditing part are also completed. Penalty payment reminding system is compatible with the aforementioned functions. Auditing system based on information of bushiness between chemical manufacturers and end-users adds in to assist environmental agency have deeper insight of the toxic chemical management. Off-line reporting and automatic quantity estimation function included in the quantity releasing reporting system are other new features. Aiming at the propaganda on the electronic reporting, 2 symposiums for the operation training are completed and totally 7 training sessions held in 4 cities are completed, this helps toxic chemicals internet reporting rate raises up to 84%.Existing toxic chemical database is thoroughly checked. The data are being amended and updated. The toxic chemicals operation record is being statistically analyzed and printed. There are totally 689 permits are filed, 1,466 cases are recorded and wait on auditing, 16,901 cases are classified as “limit quantity permit”. Total baseline information is completed with the auditing and the data reliability is upgraded. 093 毒管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3050
市售環境用藥噴霧劑(防治蟑螂)藥效評估計畫 本研究以美洲蟑螂、德國蟑螂為對象測試市售防治蟑螂之環境用藥噴霧劑。進行台北、台中及高雄品系蟑螂對環境用藥噴霧劑感藥性之比較。購買十種藥劑以殘效性測試、玻璃箱法、玻璃筒法、玻璃室法、驅出性試驗進行測試,並計算各種藥劑之30分鐘擊昏率、24小時死亡率、半數擊昏時間(KT50) 、95%擊昏時間(KT95)、半數驅出時間(FT50)。 十種市售防治蟑螂之環境用藥噴霧劑之藥效試驗,發現以藥劑G試驗台北品系德國蟑螂之30分鐘擊昏率(0﹪)、 24小時死亡率(0﹪),及以藥劑J試驗高雄品系德國蟑螂之30分鐘擊昏率(0﹪)為最低,由於市售環境用藥噴霧劑外包裝標示殺蟑效果以殘效為主,故應對於此兩種殺蟲劑之殘效性殺蟑效果進行再一次的檢驗。在各項試驗中,台中地區的美洲蟑螂、德國蟑螂在各項試驗中對於環境用藥噴霧劑之感受性較高,蟑螂接觸到藥物之後30分鐘擊昏率與24小時死亡率都較台北、高雄品系高。研究中以殘效性測試、玻璃箱法、玻璃筒法、玻璃室法、驅出性試驗進行測試來比較各種檢驗方式,發現殘效性測試、玻璃箱法、玻璃筒法試驗結果並無顯著差距,以玻璃室進行試驗,發現多數30分鐘擊昏率為0﹪,半數擊昏時間、95%擊昏時間大於30分鐘,由於玻璃室空間較大,藥劑噴灑較易逸散於空間中,故不建議以此方式進行環境用藥噴霧劑之試驗。驅出性試驗中,藥劑的驅出效果多數大於30分鐘,顯示藥劑驅出效果不佳。 本研究購買之十種市售防治蟑螂之環境用藥噴霧劑,其有效成分(附件五)及副成分不只一種,故難以判定單一成分之藥效。將本研究結果與環保署申請登記時之藥效試驗結果(附件 六)進行評估比較發現藥劑A、B、C、F結果均與登記時試驗結果相同,藥劑J殘效14天的原登記結果(100﹪)與此次研究結果(33.33±49.33﹪)不同。關鍵詞:噴霧劑、半數擊昏時間、半數驅出時間、死亡率、玻璃筒法、玻璃室法、殘效試驗法、德國蟑螂、美洲蟑螂 The efficacy reevaluation of commercial aerosols products for cockroachcontrol . The simulated methods of exposure to insecticides were developed to ascertain the relationship between the mortality, knockdown effect, flushing effect and residual interval of commercial aerosols by field-application rates. The adult German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.) and the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana (L.) from cohorts of Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung in Taiwan were tested with 10 commercial aerosols. The active ingredients included tetramethrin, d-tetramethrin, cyfluthrin, permethrin, ipiprothrin, pyrethrin, d-allethrin, cypermethrin, s-bioallewthrin, cyphenothrin, deltamethrin and propoxur etc. varied in different products. The KT50, KT95, FT50, FT95, 30 minutes knockdown and 24 hours mortality were recorded during the tests. Among the 10 products the residual effect of products G and J on German cockroaches showed that KT50 longer than 30 minutes. American cockroaches were tested by glass cylinder method, the KT50 of product I longer than 30 minutes with low 24 hours mortality (6.67%). The glass chamber test showed the good efficacy on American cockroaches most tested products resulted 100% knockdown in 30 minutes and 100% mortality in 24 hours except product H and I. The Taichung strains of German cockroaches and American cockroach showed more susceptible to the aerosols than Taipei and Kaohsiung strains. The A, B, C, and D products showed the similar results as their original reiterated data, but the J product was lower mortality at 14 days residual effect. There were no significant different on residue effects between glass chamber method and glass cylinder method. There were significant different of knockdown effect on space spray in glass room test. The results were examined with registered data, there no significant different among A, B, C, and F products. But product J was less residual activity compared to registered data. Key words: Aerosol, KT50, FT50, mortality, glass cylinder method, glass chamber method, residue method, German cockroach, American cockroach 093 毒管處 國立台灣大學昆蟲系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3048
毒性化學物質災害防救技術支援體系建置計畫-南區毒災應變諮詢中心專案工作計畫 本計畫已於九十三年一月二十日完成簽約程序,至今已完成下列工作事項:在執行毒化物外洩控制操練工作事項方面,完成毒化物外洩控制系統的建置並辦理各縣市毒災模擬演練之實地操練十場次,其能確實達到針對地方環保單位、與會人員訓練及教育宣導目的。 在開發高階擴散軟體本土化,執行毒化物運作場所事故後果分析,完成高階擴散模擬軟體本土化的開發及40廠家的擴散模擬。南區毒災視訊影像監控與錄存系統,將持續執行視訊影像監控與錄存功能。在毒化物運作廠所周遭空氣中毒化物污染密閉式FTIR的檢測分析工作,完成13種毒化物之標準圖譜與半定量分析標準的建立及30家毒化物運作場所,每一場所20筆、共600筆以上採樣分析及資料建檔工作。毒化物運作場所週遭水及土壤之環境採樣與分析工作,完成家數為50家、每一家運作廠所至少五件分析樣品、共完成250件以上分析資料建檔。在毒災資訊建置方面,已建置智慧型應變資料庫查詢與傳送系統一套,並完成1000家廠商建置與更新列管編號一至五十四號之毒化物應變資料。毒災應變第一階段技術人員訓練教材已完成更新,教材之主要結構不變,教材內容則請環安系教授以其專業領域針對教材不同之章節進行更新動作,此外亦針對製作毒性化學物質事故應變與善後處理標準作業程序。在協助環保局進行毒化物運作場所無預警測試方面,本年度已完成32場次,在辦理各縣市毒災模擬演練部分,已於各縣市規劃辦理十一場毒災模擬演練。中心今年度發行三期簡訊,三期簡訊已於五月、八月、十一月份發行,每期將發行1,500份。中心亦與辦南區毒災聯合防救小組組訓二場;各縣市環保局、消防局及軍事單位等動員講習2場,並於十一月十九、二十日與北、中毒災中心共同舉辦一場次之毒災事故應變、化學武器攻擊與案例分析研討會,針對三區今年度所實際參與之事故做分析、檢討。在毒化物運作廠場應變輔導方面,中心已完成42家廠商之輔導,並已ALOHA擴散模式推估其工廠所運作毒化物發生事故時可能產生範圍。在收集國內外毒災相關案例方面,分為三種不同方向進行資料蒐集與分析檢討,在國內外毒災案例方面,已完成10件國內毒化災案例之分析檢討;在蒐集國內外化學武器攻擊應變資料案例方面,已蒐集化學武器相關資料並彙整整理;在蒐集國外含環境賀爾蒙及其他各種化學品管制有關資訊案例中,將進行文獻蒐集(資料來源:www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov),並蒐集曾於國外期刊上發表的相關資料。 今年至93年12月7日為止,一般諮詢案件共計有13件,電子媒體監控記錄共計有101件,毒災應變事故到現場諮詢案例共計有20件。綜合以上所述,南區毒災應變諮詢中心本年工作盡度順利完成,未來將持續發揮輔導、宣導、訓練等工作項目,能有效降低事故的發生率,並期有效協助並配合政府單位強化毒性化學物質災害應變能力。 Setup Project of Disaster Mitigation Technology and Supporting System for Toxic Chemical Substances Incidents - Southern Center for Emergency Response of Toxic Substance Project This project contract initiated at January 20th 2004 and has completed the following work:In toxic chemical release control, a toxic chemical release control system has been setup and 10 drills were held in different counties, ensuring the local EPA office and relevant staffs fully aware of the function of the system.A dispersion model incorporating fire and explosion models was developed and consequence modeling was performed for 40 toxic facilities.The center has setup a media new monitoring system and will continue to monitoring and recording incident news.The Center also completed the setup of a closed-cell FTIR system for online air monitoring and performed background monitoring of 30 facilities operating with toxic substances, each with twenty measurements and total of six hundred measurement and spectra. The Center also setup a laboratory of environmental analysis of toxic incident to provide prompt sampling and analysis of polluted water and soil. The laboratory also has built up of analytical methods for 96 toxic substances and performed the analyses of environmental background for 50 toxic facilities each with 5 set of environmental background data.In the information system for toxic substance, the Center has built a search and automatic fax transmission system for toxic substances database. The response resources from a total of 1000 facilities operating with toxic substances were collected and built into a resource list. The response information for listed No 1 to No 54 toxic substances was also updated and error-corrected.Training materials for level-one responders were updated by specialists in the emergency response. The standard operating procedures for disaster cleanup for EPA officers, fire fighters, on-scene coordinators were developed. The Center has help local EPA officers in performing no-warning response testing. A total of 32 testing were done. The Center also helped local counties in drills of toxic substance incidents. A total of 11 drills has been done this year. Both work 093 毒管處 南區毒災應變諮詢中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3046
推動環保科技創新育成中心 「環保科技育成中心計畫」計畫為行政院環境保護署為協助國內環保產業提昇環保技術,加速改善國內環境品質,所大力推動之創新研發計畫。計畫執行期程自92至96年度,為期5年。藉由補助部分經費的方式,協助國內各創新育成中心與廠商,共同開發創新或具實用性的環保技術或設備。本年度補助項目包括「有害廢棄物創新處理技術或設備」、「土壤及地下水整治創新處理技術或設備」、「資源回收再利用創新處理技術或設備」及「具前瞻性環保創新技術或設備」等4大類別之計畫。  本年度分別於3月及5月各辦理1次計畫徵選公告,分別有12所及7所創新育成中心與合作廠商共同提出申請。經過「技術審查委員會」審查後,共計2次公告分別補助8項與4項環保科技創新育成計畫,進行創新技術或設備之研發工作。其中,第1階段所補助的8項計畫已於11月29與30日完成期末審查。至於第2階段的4項補助計畫,因計畫執行期程需至94年3月31日方結束,故目前僅完成期中審查,預計將於94年2月底辦理期末審查,完成本年度所有補助計畫之創新研發工作。此外,本年度計畫亦彙整國內外育成中心相關資料,並參酌計畫執行實際狀況,針對計畫的制度面提出改善建議。 Promotion for Environmental Technology Incubator Porgram “The Plan for the Promotion of Environmental Technology Incubators” is a five-year (2003-2007) project that was launched under the leadership of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the Executive Yuan to facilitate the technological upgrading in the environmental industries and speed up the improvement of domestic environment. Grants are made available for local incubators and companies to develop innovative or workable environmental equipment or technologies. The 4 major categories of this year’s grant scheme are for the “hazardous wastes treatment”, “remediation for soil and underground water polluted sites”, “resource recycling and reuse” and “foreseeing environmental issues”. This year, 12 and 7 incubators applied for the grant separately on March and May. Later, after reviewed by a Technology Review Committee, 8 and 4 incubator teams were approved for granted. In summary, the 8 projects of the 1st announcement have already met their final qualification on November 29th and 30th, while the 4 projects of the 2nd announcement have to wait until next March. Besides, information about running and promoting the incubators has been collected from US, Japan and Europe, which is compared with domestic incubation plans. Moreover, through the comparison above and checking of this year’s project, system review has been made to bring out some improving suggestions for “The Plan for the Promotion of Environmental Technology Incubators”. 093 永續發展室 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3044
從銀/氧化鋁(Ag/Al2O3)複合材料中分離銀金屬—高溫電漿熔融技術之開發研究 銀/氧化鋁(Ag/Al2O3)觸媒之用量隨著世界環氧乙烷及乙二醇之用量增加而大幅提升,傳統資源回收技術已不易因應衍生複合性廢棄物中之貴金屬回收及純化。為簡化製程和提昇回收技術與經濟效益,本計畫採用高溫熔融爐進行銀/氧化鋁(Ag/Al2O3)觸媒回收銀金屬之試驗。銀/氧化鋁(Ag/Al2O3)觸媒經過重金屬總量分析測得銀之含量約為8.16wt%。進一步對觸媒進行SEM-EDS之定性半定量分析,觸媒中Ag之含量約為8.19%。使用SEM電子掃描顯微鏡觀察分離出之金屬圓球表面細微結構,可觀察到圓狀粒子被整體熔融物質包覆,顯示經過高溫熔融過程後金屬物質如Ag已被分離出來。而使用XRD進行熔渣之結晶相分析,結果顯示熔融物均已達到玻璃化。經過計算後實驗Ca10Ag10CS、實驗Ca15Ag5CS、實驗Ca15Ag5CS-2、實驗Ca20Ag5CS與實驗Ca25Ag5CS之回收率分別為64.2%、12.5%、59.8%、86.7%與79.5%。針對電漿熔融爐之經濟效益評估,以每天操作10小時,1小時可處理100公斤進料量,一個月操作21天,ㄧ個月可處理含銀廢觸媒21公噸進行估算。經過計算後,每個月處理成本為4,134,650元,每公噸處理成本為196,888元。假設廢觸媒為免費提供,所回收之銀以1公斤20,000元賣出,則每個月廢觸媒所回收之銀可營收6,720,000元。扣除每個月處理成本後,處理廢觸媒每個月稅前獲利為2,585,350元。針對高溫電漿熔融技術應用於印刷電路板與鈷鉬觸媒內之貴金屬回收,經實驗驗證於印刷電路板應可行,鈷鉬觸媒之適用性仍有待商榷。 The Investigation of Recovery Silver Metal from Ag/Al2O3 Non-Fresh Catalyst by the Plasma Techeque The epoxidation of ethylene with oxygen (O2) was catalyzed by using Ag/Al2O3. Recently, the demand amount of ethylene epoxy and ethylene glacial were creation year by year in the word. The traditional recovery methodology of heavy metal could not deal with the complex waste materials. As a result, we investigated the new method by plasma to recover the silver form the non-fresh Ag/Al2O3 catalyst. The non-fresh Ag/Al2O3 catalyst contained 8.16% of silver by the heavy metal analysis method. The silver contain was 8.19% in catalyst by conforming with SEM-EDS method. When the experimental samples were scanned by SEM, we found that most of silver was concentrated below the bottom and partly silver was covered in the slag. Since, we believe the non-fresh Ag/Al2O3 catalyst was fully fused at the high temperature (~1500 oC) in plasma oven. The recovery ratios individual were 64.2%、12.5%、59.8%、86.7% and 79.5% in the Ca10Ag10CS, Ca15Ag5CS, Ca15Ag5CS-2, Ca20Ag5CS and Ca25Ag5CS batches. Following the results, silver was separated with alumina oxide from the non-fresh catalyst. We calculated the recovery benefit by basing on the handle amount of 100 kg for one day and the 21 working days in one mouth. The economic profits of the recovery of plasma technique, 21 tons of non-fresh catalyst could be handled and N.T. 2,585,350 was obtained in one mouth. We have tried to apply the plasma technique in the waste PCB and non-fresh Co/Mo to recover the heavy metal (Cu and Co/Mo). Following the experiment result, the plasma technique could be applied in the recovery of waste PCB to recover copper. For the recovery of non-fresh Co/Mo, the reaction condition and parameters would be modified in the future. 093 永續發展室 國立成功大學暨光洋應用材料科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3038
飲用水管理資訊系統維護專案工作計畫 為使全國各級環保機關迅速、確實地掌握飲用水管理相關資訊,提供各環保機關上網登錄執行飲用水管理稽查管制等資料,以落實飲用水管理工作。行政院環境保護署於88及89年度分別辦理『飲用水管理系統開發計畫』及『飲用水管理業務調查與建置計畫』,建立網頁式資料庫架構之「飲用水管理資訊系統」,自民國89年元月起上線使用。為確保系統正常運作,並適時擴充及調整系統功能,俾利隨時快速彙整統計多年的飲用水水質資訊。環保署自90年度起辦理「飲用水管理資訊系統維護計畫」,本計畫則為賡續辦理93年度之維護作業,主要工作為維護「飲用水管理資訊系統」各項業務功能之正常運作及故障排除。本計畫工作內容包含下列各項:1.維護「飲用水管理資訊系統」各項業務功能之正常運作及故障排除。2.配合各項業務功能之需要,擴充資料查詢、統計分析功能。3.配合環保署業務需求(如自來水蓄水池、水塔清潔維護網路宣導及自來水各淨水場水源取水口圖片等基本資料之建檔)或法令修正(標準施行期程),擴充並修正系統功能,以符合實際需要。4.更新系統操作手冊常見問題問答集,並辦理一場次教育訓練。5.配合環保署監資處規定之時程修正或更新「飲用水全球資訊網站」各網頁通過無障礙網頁之檢測,並協助維護「飲用水全球資訊網站」資料。 The Drinking Water Management Application Maintenance Project In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in drinking water management. EPA begin to computerize the drinking water management works, and conduct a “Drinking Water Management Application Development” project, and a “The Drinking Water Management Practice Survey and Found” project Since 1999. These Projects had developed a “Drinking Water Management Systyem”. The database system worked successfully. EPA proceed to application maintenance works to keep the application running properly and to adjust or aggrandise the application functions in necessary. This is the 4th year (2004) maintenance project.This yearly maintenance project includes 5 tasks: (1)Keep the applications runing properly; (2)Aggrandise the application query and statistic functions in necessary; (3)Adjust the application functions in necessary; (4)Update the application user guidbook and hold one user training class; (5)Assist EPA maintatence the Drinking Water web site. 093 毒管處 智通工程科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3060
九十二及九十三年度微粒超級監測站操作品保及數據分析計畫(九十三年度) 本計畫進行微粒超級測站操作運轉的每月定期查核和每兩個月不定期查核,並彙整監測數據,在大陸沙塵影響期間進行微粒的人工採樣,然後比對人工採樣結果與連續監測數據。結果顯示:超級測站各項儀器監測數據的資料可用率除了RP8400S 硫酸鹽監測儀及PAS2000 PAH分析儀外,其餘均在85%以上。但,RP5400 和RP8400S監測數據低於偵測極限的數目偏多。在本年度沙塵影響期間,RP1400 PM2.5質量濃度監測值與人工採樣結果有很好的一致性。比較2002~2004年歷年黃沙時期人工採樣器與自動監測儀(RP1400)在PM2.5濃度監測值,全部呈現變化趨勢及濃度值的一致性。在微粒成分的比對方面,RP5400碳分析儀持續低於人工採樣結果,該儀器在2004年的比對普遍低估50%以上,有折耗及劣化現象;RP8400N硝酸鹽濃度比人工量測值來得低但趨勢變化相當一致;RP8400S硫酸鹽濃度比人工採樣也是低估,這是由於該儀器有洩漏的情形。為瞭解各儀器的狀況,未來持續的儀器比對仍有其必要。本年度持續彙整更新微粒監測技術,評估設置超級測站效益,並針對超級測站的運轉,提出後續營運規劃,期望超級測站能夠繼續提供有效的微粒特性資料。 Quality Assurance and Data Validation on Aerosol Monitoring from Supersite in 2004. This work performs monthly scheduled and bi-monthly random inspections on the maintenance and operation of Taiwan aerosol supersite. Also, the monitored data are acquired and stored in a fixed format in this work. During the Asian dust affecting period, aerosols were collected manually and analyzed to compare with the monitored data from automated instruments. The results show that data availability from most automated instruments is above 85% except for RP8400S sulfate analyzer and PAS2000 PAH analyzer. Also, the numbers of monitoring data below detection limit from RP5400 carbon analyzer and RP8400S are abnormally high. It is noted that the contrast between automated RP1400 monitor and manual PM2.5 collection method is in excellent agreement for Asian dust affecting period in 2004.For the comparisons of automated monitoring data and collocated manual collections from 2002 to 2004, RP1400 PM2.5 shows excellent agreement with manual method both in trend and concentration. However, the values from RP5400 carbon analyzer are consistently lower than the ones from manual method. The measurements of this carbon analyzer are even underestimated for more than 50% this year, which indicates a downgrade and wear in instrument. The values from RP8400N nitrate analyzer are also persistently lower than that from manual method but the correlation is moderately good. Similarly, the sulfate monitored from RP8400S is also lower due to fail to pass the leak test. To validate instrument performance, a continued intercomparison between automated instrument and manual method in the future is still considered a necessity. In addition to instrument-related subjects, new monitoring progress, the benefits of setting up aerosol supersite, and suggestions for instrument renewal are also proposed in this work. It is expected to provide effective monitoring data continuously from aerosol supersite. 093 監資處 環工所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3058
環境用藥管理資訊系統維護及查核抽驗網路系統建置計畫 貴署為因應即時性、時效性及方便性,將本計畫持續數年執行擴展,今年計畫涵蓋範圍已由初期所建構之「環境用藥管理資訊系統」擴展至「環境用藥管理網站」、「環境用藥許可證及病媒防治業網路查詢系統」、「環境用藥電子報製作及發行系統」、「環境用藥廣告管理登錄介面」、「環境用藥管理網站影音宣導」、「環境用藥電子問卷製作及發行系統」…等等系統模組,使其更趨完善外,並於增加建置「環境用藥查核抽驗網路系統」,以方便各地方縣市政府的環保單位,透過網路方式線上登錄查核抽驗的資料。本年度「環境用藥管理資訊系統維護及查核抽驗網路系統建置計畫」為使「環境用藥管理資訊系統」、「環境用藥許可證及病媒防治業網路查詢系統」、「環境用藥管理網站」、「環境用藥電子報製作發行軟體」、「環境用藥影音宣導網站」、「環境用藥廣告管理」及「環境用藥電子問卷製作發行軟體」更趨完善,本計畫依原先計畫書之提案,提供民眾可透過環境用藥管理網站查詢取得各類環境用藥之相關資訊,透過網際網路即時查詢到環境用藥許可證、病媒防治許可執照及販賣業許可執照之資料,以提供便民服務與透明化資訊,增進行政服務效率,達到環境用藥管理電子化、網路化的目標外,並由 貴署透過環境用藥電子報製作及發行系統發行環境用藥電子報及相關訊息。且因以上之系統模組的功能,使得「環境用藥管理資訊系統」更趨完善,並依 貴署之需求新增建置「環境用藥查核抽驗網路系統」,以方便各地方縣市政府的環保單位,透過網路方式線上登錄查核抽驗的資料,其中包括環境用藥製造業查核、販賣業查核、病媒防治業查核、市售環境用藥標示查核、環境用藥有效成分查核系統模組以及環境用藥管理查核的報表、統計資料,另外並加入各級環保機關人員資料管理模組,依最佳整合及利用現有資料庫資源運用,完成建置以上系統。並協助環境用藥管理資料庫之建置及更新及製作「環境用藥製造、輸入許可證一覽表」及「環境用藥製作、許可證查詢光碟」之製作及郵寄。 Plan for Maintenance of Environmental Biocide Management System and Establishment of Search, Audit and Random Test Network System To cope with the concerns of imminence, timeliness and convenience, your Administration has been expanding the scale of this project for the past few years. This year, its scope is further expanded from the originally constructed “Environmental Biocide Management Information System” to “Environmental Biocide Management Website,” “Environmental Biocide Certificate and Pathogenic Media Prevention Industry Network Enquiry System,” “Environmental Biocide e-News Edit and Issue System,” “Environmental Biocide Advertising Management Registration Interface,” “Environmental Biocide Management Audio-Visual Promotion Website,” and “Environmental Biocide e-Questionnaire Design and Issue System” etc., in which all these system modules have made the original project more complete. In addition, “Environmental Biocide Search, Audit and Random Test Network System” is made available to the environmental departments of various local county and city governments, ensuring them to search, check and inspect testing data through internet online registration. 093 毒管處 采威國際資訊股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3054
臺中縣烏日垃圾資源回收廠周界環境中戴奧辛濃度資料建立計畫 烏日垃圾資源回收廠順利於九十年五月十一日上午十一時於烏日同安預定廠址舉辦開工,由倫鼎股份有限公司負責興建及營運,目前已於九十三年八月十三日正式啟用,是全國首座規範以BOT模式推動的焚化廠興建計畫。為確切明瞭環境中PCDD/Fs之來源,亦須對焚化爐周界可能之PCDD/Fs來源做一調查、瞭解及鑑定。烏日廠煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ平均濃度為0.0183 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,低於國內大型都市垃圾焚化廠法規值0.1 ng I-TEQ/Nm3。24個烏日廠周界大氣樣品PCDD/Fs之總I-TEQ平均濃度為0.142 pg I-TEQ/Nm3,若與日本法規規範之大氣PCDD/Fs濃度(0.6 pg I-TEQ/m3)來看,烏日廠周界大氣之PCDD/Fs濃度低於其法規規範值。24個周界植物樣品PCDD/Fs之總I-TEQ平均含量為5.07 ng I-TEQ/kg;24個周界土壤樣品PCDD/Fs之總I-TEQ平均含量為1.60 ng I-TEQ/kg。若以本計畫中土壤中PCDD/Fs含量最高之幸記工業採樣點(3.57 ng I-TEQ/kg)而論,其土壤仍可無限制使用(以德國法規而論)。根據大氣樣品主要成分分析,顯示十二個大氣採樣點皆跟烏日垃圾焚化廠煙道廢氣之PCDD/Fs特徵剖面無關,而部分濃度較高之採樣點特徵剖面與移動性污染源及金屬冶煉業相近,附近有許多其他固定污染源之採樣點,其周界大氣及植物、土壤中PCDD/Fs含量亦較高。由本計畫兩季之最大落地濃度、上風處及下風處採樣點相比較,並藉由PCDD/Fs濃度之等位軌跡圖及主要成分分析結果顯示,烏日廠對其周界大氣及植物、土壤中PCDD/Fs之影響並不顯著。以ISCST3模式模擬烏日焚化廠對實際周界大氣PCDD/Fs之貢獻比例,其值介於1.43~4.80%,故可知烏日焚化廠對於周界大氣PCDD/Fs影響輕微。此外,經由多介質健康風險之評估,烏日焚化爐所排放PCDD/Fs,對鄰近地區居民的致癌風險並無影響。 Investigation on dioxin level of ambient air, vegetation and soil nearby Wooz municipal solid waste incinerator The mean PCDD/F concentration in ambient air nearby Wooz municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWIs) is 0.142 pg I-TEQ/Nm3. The mean PCDD/F content in Ficus leaves nearby this MSWI is 5.07 ng I-TEQ/kg. The mean PCDD/F content in soil nearby this MSWI is 1.60 ng I-TEQ/kg. By comparing the PCDD/F concentration of maximum ground concentration sampling sites, upwind sampling sites and downwind sampling sites, the distribution of the PCDD/F concentration isopleths in the atmosphere and the result of PCA, the PCDD/F influence from MSWI on nearby ambient air, vegetation and soil is not obvious, however, some sampling sites which are around by other stationary emission sources or mobile source are found with elevated PCDD/F level. From the above result, the influence of PCDD/F emission from Wooz MSWI on surrounding environment is not obvious. 093 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 交通部中央氣象局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3064
直昇機航空噪音管制策略、管制措施及防制方法之建立 直昇機市場開放後,直昇機及其起降場產生之噪音對周圍地區民眾產生干擾及影響環境安寧,行政院環境保護署藉由本計畫針對國內外民用及軍用直昇機之現況、相關法令、管制措施進行資料蒐集,並參考國際民航組織及美國聯邦飛航總署之規定,擬定我國未來在直昇機航空噪音管制可行之措施、規範及防制方法。除民用直昇機及其起降場之噪音管制外,對於飽受民眾陳情之軍用直昇機場噪音問題,亦期透過本計畫蒐集世界各國軍用機場噪音管制策略及措施,以擬定適合我國國情之最佳方案,落實航空噪音防制工作。同時,對桃園龍潭、台中新社及台南歸仁等三座直昇機機場周圍設置航空噪音自動連續監測系統,並配合相關法令規定,定期校正及維護。計畫中以擬定我國未來在直昇機航空噪音管制之措施、規範及防制方法;建立適用我國直昇機航空噪音標準量測方法、推估模式及評估指標及建置直昇機航空噪音監測站監測資料判讀及查驗標準作業流程,提供予機場所在地縣市環保局作為劃定三級航空噪音防制區之依據,及處理陳情案件之參考意見,並舉辦成果發表會發表為工作目標。本計畫工作共分成七大項:一、蒐集國際直昇機航空噪音管制法令、政策及防制措施相關資料,以及各種直昇機航空噪音測量與評價標準,並加以較分析。二、評估國內直昇機航空噪音之影響,並推估可能之陳情型態,研擬我國管制之措施、規範及防制方法。三、探討影響直昇機航空噪音量傳遞及衰減之原因,規劃適用我國之噪音推估模式。四、研擬我國直昇機航空噪音標準量測方法,並規劃評估適用我國之直昇機航空噪音評估指標,以及對人體、建築物之影響。五、協助行政院環境保護署於九十三年三月五日前完成桃園龍潭、台中新社及台南歸仁等三座直昇機機場,進行監測值穩定性及監測資料正確性之判讀及查核。六、協助行政院環境保護署於九十三年六月五日前完成前述三機場之等噪音線圖初步劃定,並與監測資料進行比對修正。七、舉辦三場諮詢會議或座談會,以廣納各界意見,並舉辦成果發表會發表。 Formulation of Control Strategies, Control Measures, and Prevention Methods on Helicopter Noise Anticipating the disruption of and impact on the environmental tranquility of the surrounding public to be caused by the noise derived from helicopters and heliports after the opening of the local helicopter market, through the implementation of this project, the EPA of the Executive Yuan plans to draw up practicable control measures, regulations, and prevention methods for future helicopter noise control in our country by collecting information on current situations, related laws and regulations, and control measures concerning the civil and military helicopter operations home and abroad and making reference of the related rules and regulations adopted by ICAO and FAA. The work of this project is divided into 7 parts: 1) collecting and comparatively analyzing the information on international helicopter noise control laws and decrees, policies, and prevention measures, as well as various helicopter noise measurement and evaluation standards; 2) evaluating the impact of helicopter noise in our country and estimating the possible petition forms and drafting the control measures, regulations, and prevention methods suitable for our country; 3) exploring the causes that influence helicopter noise transmission and attenuation and drawing up the noise estimation models suitable for our country; 4) drafting the standard measurements of helicopter noise for our country, drawing up helicopter noise evaluation indicators suitable for our country, and evaluating the impact of helicopter noise on human body and buildings; 5) assisting EPA in conducting the interpretation and validation of monitoring values for stability and monitoring data for correctness at the three heliports in Longtan, Xinshe, and Guiren; 6) assisting EVA in conducting preliminary delimitation of noise profile and comparison and correction of monitoring data for the above 3 heliports; 7) holding 3 consulting meetings or forums (to collect views and opinions from related communities) and a results announcement campaign for this project. 093 空保處 台灣永續工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3062
執行非屬原子能游離輻射-高壓輸電線、變電所或行動電話基地台鄰近學校產生電磁場之量測及其對學童健康評估 在2004年4月至11月間,本研究總共完14所暴露組校園與18所對照組校園之環境極低頻磁場測量,101名暴露組校園學生與123名對照組學生之個人24小時隨身測量,6所暴露組校園與9所暴露組校園之射頻輻射測量,以及暴露組與對照組校園各1,117與2,204名學童的健康問卷。主要發現摘要如下:目前我國環保署所公告的環境極低頻電磁場與射頻輻射管制規範與國際間多數國家的管制規範一致,而目前並未有國家特別針對兒童經常活動的場所(如幼稚園、小學校園等)訂定特別的管制規範。校園遭受高壓輸電線跨越校園上空或鄰近高壓輸電線或變電所的確會在特定的校園室內仍遠低低於我國環保署所建議之管制規範數值(833 mG)。整體而言,暴露組與對照組校園之環境極低頻磁場與射頻輻射強度平均值並無顯著差異。個人量測數據也顯示暴露組與對照組學童的平均磁場暴露強度,無論在校內或校外並無顯著差異。暴露組校園雖有較高的射頻輻射暴露,但其值仍遠低於目前環保署所公佈之規範建議值(0.45-0.90 mW/cm2)。對照組學生在受訪前一個月內整體就醫的比率上顯著高於暴露組,看過西醫的比率也顯著較高。多數家長或主要照顧者並不知道其孩子所就讀的學校校園是否鄰近高壓輸電線或變電所,但多認為校園鄰近高壓輸電線或變電所會對學童健康造成某些或很大影響。在擔心的程度上,對照組之家長或主要照顧者反而比較擔心孩子就讀鄰近高壓輸電線或變電所的學校會影響孩子的健康。 Non-ionizing radiation-measurements of campus electromagnetic fields emitter from nearby transmission lines, substations, or base stations as well as assessment of their potential health effects on sc Between April and November, 2004, we completed environmental ELF measurements in 14 exposed campuses and 18 control campuses. A total of 101 students from exposed campuses and 123 students of control campuses completed continuous personal dosimetry for 24 hours. Measurements of RF were also completed in 6 exposed campuses and 9 control campuses. Besides, parents of 1,117 students from exposed campuses and 2,204 students of control campuses returned to us the information regarding the health status of their children. The main findings of this study are listed below.The EFL and RF regulation guidelines proposed by Taiwan EPA has been consistent to the exposure guidelines adopted by most of the countries in the world. To the best of our knowledge, there are no national guidelines in the world specifically set for regulating EMF exposure in certain sensitive areas, such as kindergarden and elementary school campus. The ELF magnetic field intensity was observed to be higher in certain areas inside the exposed campuses, but it is not as high as the EPA criteria (833 mG). Generally, there are no significant differences in ELF between the two groups of campuses.There is no signiffiecnt difference in personal dosimetry betweem the two groups of campuses, irrespective of the dosimetry was performed inside campus or outside campus.The RF exposure is higher in exposed campuses than in control campuses, but it is still much lower than the exposure criteria set by Taiwan EPA (0.45-0.90 mW/cm2).The students from control campuses had higher incidence of clinical visits than those of exposed campuses. A majority of parents have no idea about whether or not the schools attended by their children are close to HVTL or substations, but many of them believe that there would be potential adverse health effects from such exposure. Additionally, compared to parents of exposed campuses, parents of control groups are even more worrying about the adverse effects of their children from such exposure. 093 空保處 台灣流行病學學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3086
機動車輛污染檢驗機構查核計畫 國內空氣污染物中,來自移動性污染源(亦即機動車輛)之項目為主要污染物之一,環保署為有效管制每年各車廠(汽、機車廠)所出廠新車之排放量,以降低對空氣品質的影響,遂依機動車輛排放空氣污染物及噪音檢驗測定機構管理辦法,認可授權各車廠之檢驗室自行進行品管測試,而為使各檢驗室之運作能達一定之品質,故需每年針對各檢驗室進行查核作業。本年度共完成包括(1)對已許可十四家十六間機動車輛檢測機構實驗室執行查核及複檢(2)協助環檢所督導機動車輛污染測定機構年度相關性測試四十六場次(3)配合環檢所品質系統基本規範公告內容,個別協助輔導十四家十六間機動車輛檢測機構實驗室修訂及編撰實驗室管理手冊十六場次(4)辦理二場次機動車輛污染檢測機構業者座談會及一場次現場評鑑專家研習會(5)辦理機動車輛污染控制技術理論及實務研習(6)推廣機動車輛檢測量測不確定度評估(7)協助機動車輛污染測定機構管理行政規則之修訂,等七項工作項目。 Checking on motor wehicles emission testing institutions In the aspect of the air pollution of this country, the pollutants emitted from motor vehicles are mainly. Environmental Protection Administration(EPA)has intended to control the amounts of pollutants from motor vehicle and reduce the influences to environment. The motor vehicles manufacturers they perform the quality control testing which were approved and be authorized by EPA. Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) check on the laboratories annual and ensuring they will follow the regulations which were issued by EPA . We set the following goals and tasks to be carried out in this year: (1) To carry out checking on the motor vehicle testing laboratories that have been authorized by the EPA (2) To witness the laboratories to perform the correlation test. (3) To assist the laboratories to establish the quality system document. (4) To carry out the conferences including the laboratories and specialists. (5) To hold a seminar for automotive emission control technique theory. (6) To expand the assessment of measurement uncertainty for vehicle testing. (7) To assist the amendments and revisions of the relevant regulations governing the management of emission level testing institutions for motor vehicles. 093 環檢所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3084
九十三年環保罰款催繳管理系統功能提升暨維護管理 本系統以三年之時間規劃及建置,目前於環保署及各縣市環保局已建置完成並開始上線運作,本年度計畫執行重點為系統功能提昇及維護管理,並規劃本系統更新程式下載安裝機制與其他環保系統之匯入(出)模組,減少環保機關因重複建檔所增加之人力負荷等相關功能,並派遣專人至各縣市地方環保局輔導系統之維護及操作使用,同時整合各環保局系統使用者對本系統功能提昇之建議,經環保署管考處評估後進行系統功能提昇,促使本系統符合各方之要求,並提昇整個環保罰款催稽作業之效率。 Plan and lmplementation of the Environmental Protection Penalty Follow-Up Management System of 2003 This system was established in 3 years period, and it is used by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) and localb environmental protection bureau nationwide. The proposed scheme in this year is to maintain and upgrade its functions, by developing new features like programming renewal download mechanism and data input/output/transferring between this system and other environmental management system. Such arrangement will save the manpower on repetitive data key-in. Professionals are sent to local environmental protection bureau for system maintenance and operation, and adopt various comments on the system. Through EPA’s evaluation on these comments, we upgrade the system according to the comments and raise the overall efficiency of hastening of environmental violation penalty overdue payment. 093 管考處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3082
九十三年度環境影響評估研討及相關法規與資源保育宣導計畫 環境影響評估法公佈實施至今已屆滿九年多,平均每年約有300件開發行為的環評說明書及評估書初稿,透過目的事業主管機關轉送各級環保主管機關的環評審查委員會公開審查,其在公害防治、環境維護及生態保育等方面具有相當重要的功能。隨時空及環境之變遷,環境影響評估相關法令陸續公布,其包括環境影響評估法施行細則、開發行為環境影響評估作業準則、環境影響評估審議規範、及環境影響評估技術規範等,均顯示出我國環境影響評估制度也不斷地修正調整,以符合社會及自然環境之需要,並追求環境影響評估制度之合理性。為達本計畫之年度目標,本會執行辦理環境影響評估研討及相關法規與資源保育宣導會,並進行環境影響評估相關法令及資源保育相關資訊收集彙整,作為宣導解說之基礎資訊。加強開發單位及環境影響評估相關之工程顧問(公司)機構對於環境影響評估法令及制度的了解與重視,並提供政府機關與開發單位及環境影響評估相關之工程顧問(公司)機構之雙向溝通機會。為加強資源保育觀念的宣導,特別在宣導會中結合當地特有之生態景觀,進行戶外解說導覽,使與會者能親身體會、瞭解自然生態的多樣性,並進一步認識人和自然與開發建設的互動關係,以達宣導資源保育觀念,並喚起大家對資源保育工作的共識與尊重。 The plan of The Environmental Impact Assessment regulations and ecological conservation promotion seminars in Fiscal Year 93 The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Act has been enacted for nine years and there is an average of 300 EIA statements or draft reports each year from the newly developing projects. The important function of the public review by the EIA committees under different local provinces or counties is to prevent pollution, maintain our environment and ecology.With time, relevant EIA regulations have been announced under the Act including EIA implementation process, guidelines, review specifications and technical specifications. This demonstrates that the EIA system is constantly updated to cope with the needs of social and natural environment, and also aiming at developing a rational EIA system.To achieve this year’s target, Taiwan Environmental Management Association (TEMA) organized EIA regulations and ecological conservation promotion seminars. The relevant data collected in these areas will be the basic materials used in the promotion seminars. At the same time, these promotion seminars could reinforce concepts of the project developing organizations and EIA consultants on EIA regulations and system, and also provided the communication channel between government and the project developing organizations and EIA consultants.To emphasize the concept of ecological conservation, TEMA organized the promotion seminars at the local ecological resource areas with outing and briefing so as to let participants to experience the biodiversity of nature by themselves. At the same time, participants can understand the relationship between people, nature and developing projects, hoping to achieve a common consensus and respect on ecological conservation. 093 綜計處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3080
生態旅遊環境監測機制檢討與實務講習 本計畫執行內容包括:調查國內生態旅遊地環境監測辦理情形、辦理生態旅遊地環境監測實務研習會及探討現行「生態旅遊地環境監測機制」之施行成果。第一階段,利用問卷調查各生態旅遊地環境監測辦理情形,彙整資料後,進行現況分析及探討。第二階段,辦理生態旅遊地環境監測實務研習會,成立環境監測工作坊,進行戶外實作及室內課程研討,增進與會人員對於生態旅遊地環境監測機制之瞭解,進一步核定生態旅遊地環境監測項目。第三階段,進行生態旅遊地環境監測機制之施行成果分析,根據書面調查結果、工作坊核定之監測項目及課程研討等,針對現行之「生態旅遊地環境監測機制」,提出部份修正及調整之建議,並重新研擬出一套具體可行的生態旅遊地環境監測機制,提供政府機關未來執行生態旅遊地環境監測之參考資料。 self-criticism for the mechanism of environmental monitoring at ecotourism sites and study meetings on implementation. The project was completed with three stages: 1) Surveying the current progress of environmental monitoring at ecotourism sites in Taiwan. 2) Organizing meetings and workshops on implementation of environmental monitoring for ecotourism. 3) Analyzing the efficacy of “mechanism of environmental monitoring at ecotourism sites”.In the first stage, we used questionnaires to survey various ecotourism locations on their current practices in environmental monitoring. The collected data were analyzed and results discussed.In the second stage, we held several study meetings and workshops to let the members study indoors and practice outdoors on the issues of environmental monitoring. The goals of these meetings and workshops were to have members understand and become accustomed to environmental monitoring at ecotourism sites, as well as to establish adequate parameters for environmental monitoring In the third stage, based on the conclusions of survey questionnaires and workshops, and the results of actual monitoring data, we made recommendations on the present mechanism of environmental monitoring. In addition, we presented this improved. 093 綜計處 社團法人中華民國永續生態旅遊協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3078
政府政策環境影響評估制度之檢討與修正 自1970年美國國家環境政策法(NEPA)實施以來,環境影響評估制度歷經數十年的發展與應用,已成為各國在環境保護領域上的利器。但受限於其適用時點較晚、層級較低等特性之功能限制,與常受限於不同政經社文條件,而迭有功能不彰的情形發生。因此,近年國際間推動的政府政策環境影響評估(Strategic Environmental Assessment, SEA)便是要彌補傳統環境影響評估的不足之處。為此,本研究針對我國現行政策環境影響評估制度發展與實施經驗,與國際經驗趨勢進行比較分析,藉此針對我國政策環評制度面與執行面進行檢討,以提昇政策環評制度之功能性,並對我國現行政策環評相關法令制度之修正,提出具體之建議如下。一、歐、美、紐、澳等國政府政策環境影響評估制度相關資料之收集、分析。在本報告書所摘錄的資料中,加拿大與歐盟對於政策環評的積極態度與發展速度,值得我國效法;澳洲的政策環評制度流程顯得十分清晰,相當值得我國在未來修法與增訂相關規則的參考;此外,紐西蘭與我國同為海島,對於海洋相關政策的政策環評也值得我國參考。二、本計劃邀集產官學界與民間環保團體專家舉辦公聽及座談會。在歷次公聽及座談會中,對於若干議題,與會者多有共識;但就涉及單位權責之處,若干行政單位則有不同意見。與會者之共識,值得環保署、政策環評相關權責單位與學術界參考;而討論中呈現之爭議,亦值得後續研究。三、在國際制度發展資料蒐集分析與國內各界相關意見之系統化收集、釐清之後,本研究團隊以此為基礎,對於我國現行政府政策環境影響評估法令進行原則性之制度改進描繪,並對現行環評法第26條條文、政府政策環境影響評估作業辦法與應實施政策環評之政策細項均提出具體修改建議案。並建請主管機關能藉本研究之成果,即時進行現行制度之調整,尤其是增列政策環評法源內涵與政策環評適用政策細項範疇應定期每兩年加以通盤檢討為宜。 The Reviews and Perspectives of Strategic Environmental Assessment in Taiwan Since the National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA)was implemented in the United States in 1970’s, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has become one of the major strong tools for protecting the environment after decades of development and applications. However, because of the limitations such as later timing of initiation, lower levels for applying, and different economic, social, and political situations, it was possible that the EIA could not function as expected. Thus, the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) implemented and promoted in the international society was employed for solving those possible problems brought about by traditional EIA. 093 綜計處 國立臺灣大學環境工程研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3076
稻草收割時期加強巡查及宣導管制計畫 臺中縣環境保護局為有效管制露天燃燒行為,使民眾了解露天燃燒對環境及健康之衝擊,並持續推廣收割後稻草處置之替代方案,遂辦理九十三年度「臺中縣稻草收割時期加強巡查及宣導管制計畫」,期藉由計畫之執行,達成降低露天燃燒行為、改善露天燃燒習慣及建置後續管制作業三大計畫目標。本計畫內容包括環境背景分析、文獻資料的蒐集、加強稽巡查管制作業、多元化宣導作業、農事清單資料庫及專屬網站的建置,除了各項作業規劃及具體成果說明之外,針對各項管制工作亦提出成效分析檢討及結論建議事項,提供來年計畫作為參考。 Halm harvests period strengthen patrol and propaganda control plan In order to act for control exposed to the weather burn behaviours effectivelly, make civilian understand the impact to environment and health, and abidingly popularize halm dispose alternative plan , Taichung county Environmental Protection Agency transacts in 93 "Taichung county halm harvests period strengthen patrol and propaganda control plan ".By means of by plan execute, reach three chief plans aim,including debasing exposed to the weather burn behaviours, ameliorating exposed to the weather burns custom and building documents for follow-up control work.The plan includes environment background analysing, referrence and document data gathering, strengthen patroling work, multiplication propagandaing work, farm work bill data base and own website#s building.Besides each item work layout and concrete illustrates, direct to each item control job bring up effect analysing and conclusion and suggestion , supply referrence to the next year plan. 093 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3074
奈米技術於環保領域之應用計畫 本計畫收集美、加、英、法、德、日、韓、臺及中國大陸等九個國家奈米技術環境影響及健康危害相關資訊,構建奈米技術環境應用網站資料庫,涵蓋空氣污染防制、水污染防治、廢棄物處理、土壤及地下水污染處理、奈米技術對環境及健康危害與監測技術等六大主題。今年資料庫已收錄了40個研究機構、新聞及期刊連結、70篇研究論文摘要及110位國內外學者專家的背景資料。並收集國內外相關技術的相關資訊, 2002年美國環保署邀請了數百位的科學家與工程師,針對奈米技術於環保領域應用等相關議題進行座談後,認為奈米技術在奈米結構材料設計、奈米尺度製造技術、生物化學及偵測應用都具有重大的挑戰性。根據以上資料,環保署研擬了36項奈米技術應用於環保領域應用發展趨勢主題。計畫中透過搜尋網路、期刊論文及國內相關技術發展資訊,完成了32項奈米技術於環境領域應用開發趨勢報告及環境奈米技術國際現況報告,並排定相關技術可能執行之先後優先順序,供環保署及各界參考。本計畫已建立建立了奈米碳管、碳黑、富勒烯、二氧化鈦、鐵氟龍、白金微粒、奈米銥微粒、聚苯乙烯、二氧化錳及奈米銀微粒等十種奈米材料的物質的清冊資料庫。並依據收集相關資訊,評析奈米碳管及奈米二氧化鈦的生產製造與應用、人員暴露、環境逸散、產品販售及廢棄物處理等可能產生之衝擊,進而研擬擴大毒理性質研究、廢棄物回收、鼓勵開發奈米相關量測、監測設備與系統…等11項相關之因應對策。另外,透過實地進行奈米粉體製程暴露評估,瞭解製程中機台維修及取得產品時奈米微粒暴露的濃度,值得相關人士注意,並進一步研擬了奈米粉體製程作業人員防護準則與奈米製程廢氣排放規範,保護作業人員安全及周遭的環境。在氧化銅及氧化鐵觸媒去除NOx技術研發中,發現氧化銅觸媒在200 ?C時對NO轉化率可達95%以上,反應溫度較現行商業觸媒低100-150 ?C。今年度辦理了一場國內奈米技術論壇及國際研討會,藉由邀請學者專家演講,瞭解國內外相關奈米技術的發展現況,以及創造國內外學者專家交流的平台,並探討奈米技術及相關產品可能潛在的健康風險。 Study in Nanotechnology Application on Environmental Protections In this project, an Internet databank of the environmental nanotechnology has been established. Fields of air pollution control, waste water treatment, soil and ground water pollution treatment, environmental impaction and health risk of nanotechnology, and sensing technology are classified in this databank. There are introductions of 40 research institutes, news, related journals and 70 research papers, and introductions of 110 international and domestic researchers in the databank.In 2002, USEPA invited more than 100 scientists and engineers to conferences of environmental nanotechnology and related issues and many important conclusions have been reached. Taiwan EPA adapted these important conclusions and complied into 36 topics that are related to environmental nanotechnology. 32 topics have been collected and written for the references of Taiwan EPA and publics. A priority list of possible environmental nanotechnology projects was suggested by an assessment of Taiwan’s research and development capacities.Differential analyses of bulk and nano materials are used to construct MSDS for some nanomaterials, such as CNT, CB, C60, TiO2, Teflon, Pt, Ir, polystyrene, MnO2, and Ag nanopowder. Moreover, exposure evaluations of two pilot nanopowder processes have been evaluated on-site to assess nanoparticle emissions. The results showed the stages of product collections and machine maintenances released high concentrations of nanopowder into the work environment. According to these findings, protective guidelines and operational protocols for the operators of nanopowder processes were drafted.A forum and international symposium were held in this year. The current developments of environmental nanotechnology were elaborated and discussed as well as the academic and industrial collaborations between domestic and international professionals were achieved and established during these conferences. The suggestions of these conferences showed researchers should investigate the potential risk of nanotechnology on environmen 093 永續發展室 工研院環安中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3072
亞太經濟合作-亞太海洋衛星遙測資訊系統 本計畫擬透過主動傳播我國的小型衛星地面站的接收與資料處理的技術,建立亞太地區的海洋衛星遙測資料網絡與國際交流的管道,及實質主導亞太經合會(APEC) 海洋資源保育工作小組(MRCWG) 的海洋環境資料的監測工作,以實際工作關係維護我國應有的國際地位。工作的內容包括與其他APEC會員體的科學家共同執行APEC的計畫,共享衛星海洋環境資料。我們與越南學者在胡志明市所合作設立的衛星接收站可收集到涵蓋南海全部的衛星資料。目前交換的衛星資料,已經超過300GB,可充實我國的海洋基本資料庫。目前雖受限於越南的網路資源不足,但是在完成資料交換機制後,將可提供我國學者即時的衛星海洋資料,其範圍涵蓋我國與鄰國的海疆。我國衛星接收站無法接收到南海南部的衛星海洋資料,當地學者又無能力自行接收衛星資料,所以本計畫所獲得的部份資料是互惠的,也是無可取代的。 APEC -Asia Pacific Satellite Remote Sensing Data System OMISAR project is a way to actively share our technology of small satellite ground station and data processing, and to build a network of satellite oceanographic data in the APEC region as a channel for scientific exchange of people and data. It is also a way to promote the project that we proposed in 1996 to the Marine Resource Conservation Working Group (MRCWG). This project is executed jointly with scientists in APEC member economies for sharing the satellite observed marine environmental data. The satellite station that was jointly established in Hochiminh City can receive NOAA and Fengyuen 1D satellite data covering the whole South China Sea. So far, we have exchanged over 300GB of satellite data with Vietnamese and Filipino partners. These data will enrich the basic data bank on our “blue territory.” Because of the limitation in the internet resources in Vietnam, we can only exchange data through DVD. After establishing ftp site for data exchange, our scientists may have real time satellite data for use over every part of our surrounding seas. Before establishing the satellite data network, there was no local satellite receiving station in Vietnam and Manila, and we can not receive satellite data in the southern South China Sea, therefore, this project is mutually beneficial to every participant and is irreplaceable by satellite stations located on Taiwan. 093 永續發展室 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3070
環保共識網路論壇 本計畫主要工作內容包括:一、篩選環保議題,二、建置共識網站,及三、辦理一場共識會議(公民會議)。環保共識會議尤為本計畫之最主要任務,為我國環保界首次以公民會議形式(仿效丹麥模式),匯集民意所辦理的政策建議會議。為籌備此次會議,需事先挑選適合的環保議題,進一步架設論壇網站開放網友對議題發表意見,本次網路論壇共選出四項議題,每題由一位主談人及十位與談人負責回應及跟隨討論,過程中曾引起相當迴響並有許多精彩內容,其中第四項議題屬最熱烈討論議題,因此經挑選核定為共識會議的題目,為「環境污染防制費(稅)應否擴充?」。共識會議隨機篩選13位一般非專業民眾,經四星期日上課討論最後完成「共識結論報告」,其結論為「在不以財政收入為主要目的與相關財務收入公平公開有效運用之情形下,贊成擴充環境污染防制(治)費。」公佈結論報告採記者會型式,後續並有十多篇平面媒體報導此次會議,其內容多屬正面報導,成果豐碩並可作為後續環保政策之參考。 Environmental Consensus Internet Forum This project could be divided as 3 major parts:(1)To select the proper environmental issues(2)To construct a web site forum for these issues(3) To hold a consensus conference. This is the first time to hold a environmental consensus conference in Taiwan. The purpose is to form a bottom up strategy for collecting opinions from the laypeople. For preparing the conference, to select proper issues and construct a web site forum is necessary for better warm-up and clear focus. At the beginning of this project, many issues are discussed, then, four of then were selected as the priorities on the web forum. After two months, the 4th issue concentrated more attentions from people who visited the web forum. Therefore, this issue titled “Should we increase the environmental fee/tax?” was selected to be the issue of the consensus conference. The consensus conference was held through 4 Sundays from Oct.17 to Nov.7. Thirteen laypeople were selected randomly to attend this conference. After 4 days education and discussion, they finally made a decision report about this issue. They agree to increase the environmental fee/tax but under two situations: 1. It is not for the national financial purpose. 2. It is used effectively, transparently and fairly. After this conference, there are more than 10 news reports related to this decision report. All are positive and affirmative. The consensus conference become a new model which not only to collect the information from laypeople but also a good reference for the government to make better decisions. 093 永續發展室 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會、台灣環境資訊協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3068
臺中縣逸散性面源清查及污染減量管制計畫 本計畫共計需完成八大項目之工作,而本計畫之主要工作項目是調查臺中縣境內產生逸散性粒狀物的祼露地,調查範圍包含有學校、河灘及一般裸露地,共計完成34所學校調查、20筆裸露地調查及3筆河灘裸露地調查。由於各項工作之間均有其關聯性,因此實際執行上為多項工作合併執行並填寫於相同之記錄表中,各項工作之說明、報告書對應頁數及完成度如摘要表所示。此外,各項作業及相關文件電子檔,亦依合約書燒錄成十份光碟片,轉交環保局收存,以利環保局資訊整合。 Taichung county emitting pollution source research and pollution decrement control plan. This plan must complete eight projects. This plan was investigation of fugitive particulate from exposed surfaces in Taichung. Investigate the scope containment school, beach areas and general exposed surfaces. The plan were completes 56 inquisitions of schools, 20 inquisitions of exposed surfaces and 3 inquisitions of beach areas. Because between each work has its connection, therefore actually carries out for many work merge and fills in the same data sheet. The report correspondence number of pages and the complete rate was showed as abstract table. In addition, each work and related document also recorded ten discs. 093 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3066
毒性化學物質災害防救技術支援體系建置計畫-中區毒災應變諮詢中心 本年度(93年)為中區毒災應變諮詢中心成立之第三年度,提供中區縣市政府及事業單位毒化物防災諮詢、教育訓練與宣導、兩小時內立即到場的協助緊急應變、救災諮詢、監測採樣及災後除污等工作,以降低及減少毒性化學物質災害與影響為設立目標。本年度已完成成果包括:1. 完成更新中區毒災應變諮詢中心網頁(http://yeric.yuntech.eud.tw),並配合組訓及動員講習之課程完成e-Hazmat School(http://e-hazmatschool.yuntech.edu.tw)之雛型網站建置及發送四期中心電子報。2. 評估中區毒化物運作廠商之TIM化學品使用為國內恐怖攻擊的可能性,並蒐集國內外關參考資料。整理美國化學工程師學會化學程序中心(CCPS)-事業安全弱點分析工具進行安全弱點分析之內容及分析表格。摘要『恐怖攻擊對供應鏈的衝擊』相關評估報告。協助毒管處完成毒化物恐怖攻擊應變處置作為報告、毒化物恐怖攻擊處置方案及支援全民防衛動員工作。並完成POPs及REACH相關資訊摘要翻譯共計54篇。3. 辦理中區專家應變研習會議、組訓及動員講習活動各2場次,並協助辦理中部各縣市環保局毒性化學物質災害防救技術演練共計9場次。4. 中心全年無休二十四小時執勤待命,本年度案例:一般諮詢70件、到場支援17件、事故環境監測17場次,運作場廠環境監測37場次,運作場所檢核53場次及運作場所後果分析51場次,並配合中區各縣市環保單位完成39場次無預警測試。5. 更新編號55-105列管毒性化學物質MSDS,並配合雙語化作業期程提供英文版之MSDS。24小時視訊影像監控與錄存國內、外有線新聞電視,本年度共計收集104件影訊並確認後陳報轉送環保署。完成更新毒性化學物質運作場廠防救資料共計1013家,資材共計20260筆。6. 本年度全民防災教育及宣導事項,委託本校設計中心設計海報、DM及演練光碟等文宣品,海報文宣品共8種,其中「學校化學實驗室意外災害之預防、處理及急救措施介紹」宣傳海報共印刷1,000份,DM文宣品共4種,「毒化災資訊小常識-家庭篇」、「毒化災資訊小常識-工廠篇」、「毒化災資訊小常識-實驗室篇」及「毒化災資訊小常識-GHS圖示篇」共印刷12,000份,演練光碟製作500份,並製作「252種毒化物快速查詢表」共印刷1000份,總計印製14,500份,已發放6,320份。7. 完成民間物資協商廠家徵調原則及資材網建置,與10家廠商及六輕簽定援協定。完成包括國內外運輸槽車規範及國內駕駛員訓練相關法令資料收集,完成裝卸事故緊急處理程序、槽車毒性物質洩漏事故緊急處理程序、易燃性物質槽車洩漏事故緊急處理程序、槽車翻覆事故緊急處理程序及鋼瓶槽桶止漏作業訓練等之教材資料。收集整理美國加州特別訓練(CSTI)所訂定加州現場訓練設施的標準、美國加州洛杉磯市消防隊火場訓練及國內台塑石化火場訓練設施製作實廠規劃草案。針對台中港運作毒化物以ALOHA及 RMP*Comp進行廠外後果分析模擬。 The 2004 Annual Report for the Middle Region Information Center of Emergency Response for Toxic Chemical Incident This is the third year of the establishment for the Emergency Response Information Center at the National Yulin University of Science and Technology . The services include consultation and advising on prevention and mitigation; assistance and monitoring (sampling) during emergency response; and training, public education and promotion on general knowledge. The achievements of this year include the follows.1. Updated the information and contents on the Center’s web-pages (http://yeric.yuntech.eud.tw), planning and established a proto-type of e-Hazmat school (http://e-hazmatschool.yuntech.edu.tw) to enhance the training and education purposes.2. Evaluated the operation of Toxic Industrial Chemicals in the service area to eliminate the possible use by the terrorist; formulated response guidelines; collected and translated 54 articles on POPs or REACH; and assisted in preparing anti-terrorist report and plan.3. Holding two each of expert meeting, mutual-aid member meeting, and governmental meeting, and assisted in 9 exercises of incident response for 8 counties.4. Completed On-duty 24 hours with 70 general advising, 17 on-site emergency service, 17 emergency site monitoring tasks, 37 sites of environmental sampling and analysis, 53 site-visits and 51consequence analysis as well as 39 emergency tests.5. Updated 52 items of Chinese and English MSDS, 24 hour monitoring 8 television news channels, collected and reported 104 incidents, collected and updated basic information for 1013 operation plants. 6. Designed 8 items of propaganda documents or posters produced 500 VCD of exercise records, and printed 1000 copies of “quick reference for 252 toxic Chemicals.”7. Set up the information network of emergency logistical chains of material and vehicles, singes the cooperation agreements, complete several emergency procedures for tank car accidents, assembled the first phase of training ground plan, and evaluated the worse and probable scenarios for tank zones of the Tai-Chung Habor. 093 毒管處 國立雲林科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3110
毒性化學物質災害防救技術支援體系建置計畫-北區毒災應變諮詢中心 本計畫於九十三年二月十一日完成簽約程序,經環保署認可追溯至一月二十日。截至目前為止,完成毒性化學物質災害防救技術支援體系建置計畫(Master Plan),建置二十噸毒災處理設備;建立槽車事故早期預知系統已監控車輛每天八十車次以上;蒐集毒災應變大型機具等應變資材並上網建置。建立視訊會議系統加強三中心與環保署間的聯繫管道。收集歐洲與美國等風險管理計畫與訓練機制,規劃國內最嚴重毒災事故的情境與後果分析。北區主導建立智慧型應變資料庫查詢與傳送系統,每天上網人次達100人次以上; FTIR監測與背景值的完成443筆資料以上;毒性化學物質運作場址週遭水及土壤採樣分析154個樣品。協助北區縣市辦理毒災演練部分,共完成十場次。「2004全國毒災應變案例研討會」舉辦方面共計參加人數208人。今年度1010家廠商資料建置工作。已完成四十場次臨廠輔導的輔導工作,並進行擴散模擬與後果分析。北區毒災應變諮詢中心共監控國內毒、化災事故達220件。綜合以上成果,本計畫執行進度符合計畫預期規劃,佔總執行進度的百分之百,符合計畫期末進度報告查核點。 Plan for Northern Taiwan Center of Consultation on Response to Disasters Caused by Hazardous Chemical Materials The 24-hour emergency consultation service is continuously available in the entire year. Since the beginning of the year, the emergency consultation service has been provided without interruption. To date, a total of 21 cases of emergency consultation service for hazardous chemical disasters have been handled. The objects that have received the above services included such organizations as environmental protection, fire brigade, and harbor bureau. Afterwards, this Center conducted survey, compilation of data and analysis on the cases of field response support. On Nov 19 and 20, 2004, this Center convened year 2004 National Conference on Toxic Incident Response. Number of phone call for non-emergency consultation service ranged from 4 to 5 times per week. Contents of the service included description of toxicity of toxicants, introduction to the relevant laws/regulations, description of installation of alarm system, and key points of hazardous prevention as well as emergency responsive actions. To assure safety and effectiveness in disaster prevention and rescue, by end of Nov 2004, this center has completed to update the card for hazardous chemical materials (HAZMAT) under file No. 107-164 on the list for follow-up actions, manual on prevention and rescue of disasters, the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and other data on toxicity.With respect to preparation of teaching materials for technicians at the 3rd phase training in prevention of hazardous chemical materials, this center is scheduled for completion of chapter 12 on training materials in this year that shall be prepared by the scholars, the concerned manufacturers and the competent authorities of the government that shall be reviewed by the editors, which shall be completed by Nov. 16, 2004 and be submitted to EPA in the latter part of Nov. 2004. 093 毒管處 工業技術研究院 陳范倫,工業技術研究院 林冠謂,工業技術研究院 曾獻弘,工業技術研究院 陳碧婷,工業技術研究院 周文怡 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3108
行政院環境保護署全球資訊網站更新建置計畫 資訊時代的進步,為提高行政院環保署的整體工作效率及建置一套完備的整合機制和統一的查詢窗口,以提供民眾更有效率且迅速的服務,因此將整合現有的環境保護署全球資訊網站,並且將各處室子網重新規劃網站架構,訂定完善的管理維護機制,以行院院研考會的網站設計規範為指標,將網站建置成為國際性的網頁,並加強瀏覽效率與即時資訊更新率,以提供廣大民眾更方便而完整的電子化服務。 Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan and Web Site Renew Plan In coping with the advanced information era, promoting general work efficiency of EPA Executive Yuan, building up a package of sound integration mechanism and uniform enquiry window to provide more efficient and more prompt services for the public, the existing EPA global information website will be integrated; sub-networks in each division and office renewed with their website configuration; a sound management and maintenance mechanism redefined by referring to the website design specifications set forth by Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission Executive Yuan as the guidepost to present global website pages and improve browsing efficiency and updated real time information for providing even easier access and complete e-services for the general public. 093 監資處 先得利資訊科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3106
飲用水水質標準中影響健康管制項目(戴奧辛、農藥、含鹵乙酸)之評估 本計畫致力於飲用水水質標準中戴奧辛、農藥、含鹵乙酸管制項目及標準之評估;調查國內飲用水中之相關背景值,檢討納入管制之可行性。同時,對於先進國家已有使用但國內尚未公告之抗腐蝕劑與除垢劑之相關資料進行蒐集與彙整,提供給環保署做為未來訂定相關藥劑規範之參考。在戴奧辛管制標準部分,本研究參考各先進國家對戴奧辛之風險評估分析所訂定之管制標準,依據歐盟的食物科學委員會戴奧辛的TWI為14 pg WHO-TEQ/kg body weight之限制,且假設每日的戴奧辛攝入約20%來自於飲用水,可計算並建議出飲用水中戴奧辛的限制值為12 pg-TEQ/L,於民國98年公告施行。農藥法規標準方面,本研究參考美國、世界衛生組織、澳洲、紐西蘭、日本、歐盟、韓國、加拿大等國家的管制標準與制訂原則;根據國外農藥管制情形、台灣使用量、相關背景分析、毒性分類等資料,將各種農藥項目做分類,並依據WHO的假設與計算方式,又各農藥的ADI反求出各農藥在飲用水水質標準中之建議管制標準值。對於應優先列管之農藥項目(培丹(Cartap)、陶斯松(Chlorpyrifos)、大滅松(Dimethoate)、嘉磷塞(Glyphosate)、五氯酚(Pentachlorophenol)、福瑞松(Phorate) 、托福松(Terbufos)),本研究分別建議其管制標準值及合理之管制期程;對於台灣已有標準,且持續有使用農藥項目(丁基拉草(Butachlor)、加保扶(Carbofuran)、2,4-地(2,4-D)、大利松(Diazinon)、安沙番(Endosulfan)、滅必蝨(Isoprocarb)、達馬松(Methamidophos) 、納乃得(Methomyl) 、巴拉刈(Paraquat)),建議應保留,並重新評估計算其標準值及提出合理之修改期程。在鹵乙酸部分,本研究依據金門及國內中、南六座淨水場鹵乙酸之例行採樣結果,以及蒐集各國之檢驗項目、管制標準、管制策略、以及背景資料,分析彙整後建議出五種鹵乙酸之管制標準為0.06 mg/L,於民國96年公告施行。在藥劑方面,本研究比較各先進國家之飲用水水質處理藥劑規範、飲用水處理藥劑中不純物限制量之計算方法,並收集其用於飲用水水質處理中抗積垢與抗腐蝕藥劑之種類與使用劑量,可作為環保署未來增定飲用水水質處理藥劑之參考。 Evaluation of health-related regulation items (dioxin, pesticides and HAAs) in drinking water quality standards For the concern of improving the drinking water quality, this project is dedicated to review and modify the pesticides in the current drinking water quality standards, and to assess the feasibilities of adding regulation items, such as dioxins and HAAs in the drinking water quality standards in Taiwan.The results of this project suggested that the maximum contamination level (MCL) of dioxins is set as 12 pg-TEQ/L, and the regulation is being effective in 2009.For the aspects of pesticides, we suggest to revise and augment the current items in the drinking water quality standards by adding seven pesticides (Cartap, Chlorpyrifos, Dimethoate, Glyphosate, Pentachlorophenol, Phorate, Terbufos), and the regulation is being effective in 2008. Meanwhile, the pesticides which are currently used and regulated in Taiwan Drinking Water Quality Standards, (Butachlor, Carbofuran, 2,4-D, Diazinon, Endosulfan, Isoprocarb, Methamidophos, Methomyl, Paraquat) are reevaluated and modified, and the regulation is being effective in 2007. On the other hand, for the pesticides seldom used or being forbidden for a long time, but still listed in Taiwan Drinking Water Quality Standards, i.e. EPN, Lindane, Monocrotophos, Parathion, can be expelled from the standards.As for the HAAs, it is suggested to follow the criteria of the stage 1 D-DBP Rule of USEPA: five haloacetic acids (HAA5) should not exceed 0.06 mg/L, and the regulation is being effective in 2007.For the concern of corrosion control and anti-scale chemical agents, we collect the regulations of additives types, allowable dosages, and impurity calculations in four advanced countries. The information can be taken by the Taiwan EPA for revising and augmenting the water treatment additives for water treatment industries in the future. 093 毒管處 國立台灣大學 環境工程學研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3104
台灣地區垃圾採樣及樣品分析工作 垃圾組成採樣及分析工作對於垃圾適當之管理極為重要,尤其是垃圾組成受到季節、生活習慣、地理型態、人口及法規等因素之影響,同時上述因素之變動性亦將影響正確及具代表性之垃圾組成樣品。因此,本計畫將採集足夠之樣品數量進行分析,以確保本計畫之統計分析結果。有鑑於此,本計畫之主要目的包括(1)確定垃圾之組成比例;(2)分析垃圾之物理、化學及生物性質;(3)作為資源回收可行性之評估;(4)提供處理技術與設備設計之參考依據。本年度仍為延續性計畫,執行期限自民國93年5月起至93年12月止,台灣地區共計52個(含住宅區及辦公大樓,各兩處)採樣地點,每季每鄉鎮市採集樣品一次,並分析其物理及化學性質。根據本年度之採樣分析結果顯示,長期之採樣分析有助於減少分析結果之誤差,並提供台灣地區垃圾性質分析之完善資料庫,同時本計畫結果亦可提供未來垃圾管理趨勢之重要參考依據。 The Sampling and Analysis Project of Municipal Solid Waste in Taiwan Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) composition established studies are important to the proper management of waste in municipalities and communities. The composition of generated waste is extremely varied due to seasonal, lifestyle, geographic, demographic, and legislative impacts. These variations make it difficult to obtain an accurate and representative waste composition sample. In order to ensure the statistical significance of project results, a sufficient number of samples must be sorted and a sufficiently large sample weight must be correctly collected for sorting. The objectives of this project were to (1) identify composition of component generation; (2) analyze physical, chemical, and biological properties of wastes; (3) estimate materials recovery potential for recycling; (4) aid in the design of processing equipment. To accomplish this objective, a composition and property project was designed and implemented continuously for Taiwan, from May 2004 to December 2004. This project was planned to sample 52 MSW sources, including residential and institutional (office buildings) areas, in Taiwan, once a season for every source and to analyze the physical and chemical compositions of MSW samples. Based on observations during the Taiwan waste composition analysis project, it was concluded that a well-established database of MSW using the results of long-term sampling and analysis projects could reduce bias in results. This project also provided important information regarding consideration of trend in MSW management. 093 督察總隊 逢甲大學環境工程與科學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3102
台灣地區空氣長程傳輸中微粒微生物調查與健康效應評估計畫 有鑑於沙塵中生物性成份可能對台灣地區民眾健康及空氣品質造成影響,本研究配合環保署之相關沙塵研究計畫,進行大台北地區生物性微粒監測調查、評估長程傳輸對生物性微粒成份與濃度的影響,並瞭解長程傳輸事件的可能健康危害。根據大台北地區生物性微粒的監測結果顯示,戶外最常見、濃度最高的真菌為Non-sporulating Fungi、Cladosporium、Penicillium、Aspergillus以及Curvularia。而可能影響真菌濃度變化之因素包括季節、空氣污染物及氣象因子。為進一步瞭解總真菌濃度及重要真菌菌屬與環境因子之相關性,我們利用統計模式評估其相關性。結果顯示,影響真菌濃度的主要環境因子包括採樣地點、溫度、降雨量、O3等等。由於相關性複雜,在評估真菌濃度變化時,應考慮多項氣象因子及空氣污染物間的交互作用。彙整2003年和2004年的沙塵期間前後監測結果發現,有多種真菌種類在沙塵期間的濃度高於非沙塵期間,包括Acremonium、Aspergillus (A. niger和other ) 、Coelomycetes、Rhinocladiella、Sporothrix及Verticillium。而只出現於沙塵暴期間之真菌為Botrysporium及Trichothecium。此結果顯示,沙塵暴事件確實會影響到北台灣地區的真菌種類及濃度,不過造成真菌濃度成份和濃度變化的機制則需進一步探討。在易感受族群監測網方面,本研究根據環保署發佈之沙塵暴來襲確實時間,於2004年2月份沙塵暴來襲期間及來襲前後2日,徵求了102位台大醫學院內科部心臟科之門診病人,完成其心電圖量測、心跳速率變異性(Heart rate variability, HRV)相關參數計算以及基本資料包括年齡、性別、身高、體重、血糖濃度、血中膽固醇濃度、用藥狀況及過去病史等資料收集,並結合微粒超級測站及環保署空氣品質監測資料進行易感受族群空氣污染物與HRV相關性之統計分析。本研究在控制年齡、性別、身體質量指數、時間、用藥狀況以及大氣溫度等參數後,我們發現在受測者於沙塵暴事件日及高壓迴流事件日期間,空氣污染物濃度的提高與HRV下降有顯著相關性。在急診病例監測網方面,本研究計畫收集1997-2002年環保署監測站空氣品質資料及台大醫院急診室資料,依照疾病及年齡分層後逐一配適最佳迴歸模式。此外,我們選取台大醫院建立急診監測網,於今年沙塵暴來襲時,配合環保署所發佈之沙塵暴預警進行收集急診電子資料與空氣污染監測資料,經由急診醫師檢視並補正錯誤後,應用多層次及個案相關模式分析2004年沙塵暴對急診病患健康之影響。本研究配適出7個不同的統計模式,分別為:46歲以上年齡層之心臟疾病、0~18歲年齡層之輕微呼吸道疾病、0~18歲年齡層之嚴重呼吸道疾病、19~64歲年齡層之輕微呼吸道疾病、19~64歲年齡層之嚴重呼吸道疾病、65歲以上年齡層之輕微呼吸道疾病以及65歲以上年齡層之嚴重呼吸道疾病。研究結果顯示懸浮微粒及氣候因子為影響46歲以上年齡層之心臟疾病及各個年齡層輕微及嚴重呼吸道疾病急診人數的重要因子。2004年2~4月沙塵暴來襲對46歲以上心臟疾病、65歲以上年齡層之嚴重呼吸道疾病、0~18歲年齡層之輕微呼吸道疾病、19~64歲年齡層之輕微呼吸道疾病的急診人數有影響,其他年齡層的疾病急診人數在沙塵暴日與平常日差異較不明顯。 Biological compositions and health effects of long-range transported pollution in Taiwan We conducted a one-year study to evaluate the effects of Asian dust events on the composition/concentration of biological particulates in Taipei, and to assess the potential health impacts of long-range transport events. According to our results, the most prevalent outdoor fungi in the Taipei area included Non-sporulating Fungi, Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus and Curvularia. Sveral fungal taxa had significantly higher concentrations during Asian dust periods, including Acremonium, Aspergillus, Coelomycetes, Rhinocladiella, Sporothrix and Verticillium. It is apparent that Asian dust events would influence fungal compositions and concentrations in northern Taiwan. To investigate the health effects of air pollution resulting from Asian dust events, we recruited 102 cardiac patients from February 12th to 20th, 2004, and measured subjects’ 24-hour HRV (Heart rate variability) by ECG. After adjusted for sex, age, body mass index, hour of day, medication and temperature, the patients showed significant decreases in HRV during the dust storm periods. To evaluate the impacts of air pollution on emergency visits, we collected daily emergency admission for cardiovascular diseases, severe and mild respiratory diseases to a medical center and air pollutant data from April 12, 1997 to December 31, 2002. Time series analysis of daily emergency admission counts was performed to establish prediction models. The results showed that daily numbers of cardiovascular admissions among people over age 46 years, mild respiratory diseases among people age 0-18 years, and severe respiratory diseases among people age 0-18 and 19-64 years rose with increasing daily PM levels in Asian dust events. 093 監資處 台北醫學大學公共衛生學研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3100
前瞻技術於環境領域之應用 本計畫提出以介電泳分離晶片配合拉曼光譜的應用於環境樣本隱孢子蟲之檢測。結果顯示介電泳晶片偵測與分離隱孢子蟲之可行性。惟不同樣品隱孢子蟲之介電泳力可能與所處環境有關,因而使介電泳晶片分離條件之最佳化困難度提高。未來將已具有高濃度隱孢子蟲之樣品作測試,以利介電泳晶片分離條件最佳化之尋找。另外,本計畫並應用原子力顯微鏡量測隱孢子蟲之形狀特性以利介電泳晶片偵測與分離隱孢子蟲條件之最佳化。在隱孢子蟲拉曼光譜分析方法之建立方面,目前以福馬林固定之隱孢子蟲樣品進行偵測。研究結果與文獻之隱胞蟲圖譜對照可發現同在1525 cm-1附近有明顯的訊號存在,顯示未來應用拉曼光譜分析隱孢子蟲之可行性。 Application of advanced technology on environmental engineering This project applied advanced technology of dielectrophoresis and Raman spectrum in detecting Cryptosporidium in environmental samples. The results indicated that the possibility of using dielectrophoresis chips to isolate Cryptosporidium, but different environmental samples might need optimization of differentiation conditions. For the Raman spectrum methodology, the signal of 1525 cm-1 was observed in Cryptosporidium-enriched samples and this was also mentioned in the literature. 093 環檢所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3098
地方環境資料建置計畫(台中縣、台中市) 近年來,「知識經濟」潮流企圖將有限的資料與資訊,經由人腦轉化為無限的知識與智慧,藉以提昇資產及競爭力。因此,環保署於民國89年開始,規劃健全的環境資料庫系統架構與建置體系,據以建置即時提供完整、正確且有效資料與資訊的環境資料庫。另一方面,配合制度與組織之推動,並規劃一個可持續運轉的環境資料庫建置及管理體系。故此,本計畫蒐集台中縣與台中市之環境區位與發展、自然環境、人文社經、環境品質、敏感地區等資料,以設計整合性網頁查詢系統,提供各界查詢及下載,並將專案計畫成果內容登入環境資訊管理系統之詮釋資料庫。因此,本計畫之目標為:(一)蒐集及建檔台中縣及台中市最新環境資料(含歷史資料),包含環境區位與發展、自然環境、人文社經、環境品質、敏感地區位置。(二)開發整合性網頁查詢系統,提供各界查詢及資料下載,並作為未來建置其他縣市環境資料庫資料整體規劃及資料更新介面。(三)將蒐集及建置之專案計畫成果,登入「環境資料庫之詮釋系統建置、管理及公開規範制定、地方環境資料庫調查及規範暨教育宣導計畫」之環境資訊管理系統詮釋資料庫。本計畫之研究範圍為台中縣及台中市地區,計畫項目如下:(一)計畫區環境資料(含歷史資料)之蒐集及建檔:1.環境區位與發展:含地理區位、發展沿革等。2.自然環境:地形、地質、土壤、氣候、水文、生態資源、礦業及能源等。3.人文社經:人口及社經指標、農林漁牧業現況、土地利用情形、交通運輸、產業活動、景觀遊憩、文化古蹟、都市計畫等。4.環境品質:居住環境、空氣品質、廢棄物、土壤品質、水體環境、環境噪音、環境衛生等。5.環境敏感地區:生態敏感地區、景觀敏感地區、資源敏感地區、天然災害敏感地區。(二)開發整合性之網頁查詢系統:將上述環境資料,設計整合性之網頁查詢系統,提供各界查詢及資料下載,並可作為未來建置其他縣市環境資料庫資料整體規劃及資料更新介面之用。(三)計畫成果完成後,登入環保署「環境資料庫之詮釋系統建置、管理及公開規範制定、地方環境資料庫調查及規範暨教育宣導計畫」環境資訊管理系統之詮釋資料庫。 A project of the establishment of the local enviornmental database (Taichung county and Taichung city) In recent years, the knowledge-based economy has attempted to transfer the limited data and information into the unlimited knowledge and wisdom by human intelligence. In year 2000,therefore, the EPA has started to layout a comprehensive environmental information database in order to support a comprehensive、correct and efficient environmental database. At the same time, they also aim to layout a environmental database system which is sustained and operational with the help of the push of the system and organizationThe objectives of this project include:(1) To collect and to build the latest environmental data.(2) To develop a comprehensive web-page query system.(3) To collect the productions of the special projects, and to establish those data into the environmental database.The content of this project includes Taichung county and Taichung city. 093 監資處 台中縣市環保局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3096
事業廢水許可及資料庫管理計畫 配合水污染防治法規修正發布,及許可換發作業之推動,完成下列工作,重點如下:編印15000份許可換發宣導文件、5000份事業廢(污)水管理指引,並提供事業法規諮詢,搭配辦理法規說明會,指導業者更熟悉法令規定,已促使4700家事業申請換發。辦理250人次環保單位法規講習、書面複查50家許可審查資料,提升審查作業品質及法規認知;完成許可收費辦法之公告及其他5項相關辦法之草案研訂,針對許可申請、試車、變更及委託處理等規定進行修正。完成5項水污染源管制資料管理系統之程式開發及增修,提供許可審查進度查詢、逕流廢水管制資料建檔、考評稽核作業執行、檢測申報管理資料網路化等功能,配合5場系統操作講習,提昇地方環保人員操作正確率達95%;按月進行15600家管制資料之異常查核、更新維護及統計運算,並回饋修正,已完成1547項異常資料之修正。辦理功能評鑑,以抽查方式執行5家事業之評鑑程序、查核點建立、採樣評估及現場確認等作業,其中查獲1家非法暗管並執行斷管;另藉由協談機制督促業主具體改善,建立後續執行功能評鑑之模式。 The Industrial Wastewater Permit Management and Data Bank Management Project Due to the revisal of The Water Pollution Control Act and to fit the renewing of the water pollution permits. Our project is to execute and help the administrations of the industrial wastewater management.First, we have finished editing, publishing and delivering 15,000 copies of the guideline for renewing of the water pollution permits to related governmental departments , and we also established a special phone line for solving related questions. In order to rise the quality of the permits investigation, we chose 50 permit cases to double check by written form. And we sponsor 10 training programs for local Environmental Protection Bureau officers.Following the new Act, we have edited, published and delivered 5,000 copies of industrial wastewater management guideline to local Environmental Protection Bureaus. The contents of this guideline include application forms of permits and the discharge monitoring reports, Effluent Standards, and the related management rules.Helping the related administration business is to organize the meeting for negotiation and public hearing, e-mail replying, phone line consulting, and to direct ten meetings by the local Environmental Protection Bureaus for factories.For developing the computer system, we have finished the degree of progress checking of the permits investigation system, renewing of the run-off wastewater control information system, correcting of the auditing wed system in 2004, renewing the DMR web system, storing and analysis of some projects statistic datum for water pollution control, and we sponsor 5 computer work training programs for local Environmental Protection Bureau officers.The last part of the project is to assess the capability of the wastewater treatment by choosing 5 factories. After that, we checked the unusual points and design the procedure of this work. By the way, we used the available analysis system to find the wrong data for correcting by local Environmental Protection Bureaus. 093 水保處 財團法人中技社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3094
建立預鑄式建築物污水處理設施審定登記、功能測試審查基準及資訊系統 完成整體管理制度檢討分析及建議,分四階段完備管理制度,第一階段完成本計畫工作目標;第二階段修訂管理辦法,提升行政效率;第三階段水污染防治法增訂罰責;第四階段定期評鑑建築物污水處理設施操作維護,推動生活污水污染減量。蒐集彙整日本對淨化槽之管理,依據「預鑄式建築物污水處理設施審定登記申請文件」並參考日本相關功能測試作業內容及相關污水處理設施設計參數並彙整經濟部標準檢驗局CNS標準等資料,建議國內功能測試作業與相關材質規範及檢驗方法,完成建立功能測試執行及審查基準。開發建築物污水處理設施技術規範中功能設計參數電腦試算表軟體程式,並辦理三場試算軟體操作使用說明會,協助審查者驗算送審資料,或申請者自行驗算,以加速審查時程。開發、建置及維護預鑄式建築物污水處理設施審定登記管理及查驗資訊系統以及離線查驗系統,完成610件已審定登記案件之建檔工作,同步掌握審定登記型號之設施規格及查驗結果,辦理三場操作使用說明會,以利後續系統之管理。檢討申請審定登記相關表單文件及功能測試作業流程,依填寫之必要性、合理性及管制需要修正,符合管理之目的;建立預鑄式建築物污水處理設施查驗標準作業程序,明確功能測試、製造、安裝及運轉四階段之查驗內容,提升查驗效率;完成問答集及資訊公布網頁製作與維護,提供相關資訊之查詢管道。 To establish the pre-casting building sewage treatment facilities application and registration,the basis for functional tests and inspection protocols and information management system Reference materials regarding management of building sewage treatment facilities in Japan were collected and gathered for studies, such as “the application documents for pre-casting building sewage treatment facilities”, relevant Japanese facilities design criteria and CNS materials, to establish the basis for functional tests and inspection protocols.A computer trial balance software was developed according to the building sewage treatment facilities specification to enhance future application and auditing efficiency. Three promotional seminars were held to provide information regarding the software to the public.The project also developed the internet website for pre-casting building sewage treatment facilities application and registration information management and inspection system with off-line inspection system available. Some 610 approved and registered cases have been keyed-in the database system which can provide real-time data management of registered models, specifications and inspection results. Three seminar meetings were held to the public for the use of the website to facilitate future management.In accordance with the necessity and rationality, we have revised the application document for pre-casting building sewage treatment facilities, and set standards for the operation procedure for the 4 inspection stages, as the testing stage, the manufacturing stage, the installation stage and the operation stage, respectively to enhance inspection efficiency. The Project has also completed the Q&A for the webpage update and maintenance to provide for public information and consultation service. 093 水保處 財團法人中技社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3092
亞太經濟合作-海洋模式國際合作 「亞太經濟合作--海洋模式國際合作」計畫,主要是配合環保署於亞太經濟合作組織海洋資源保育工作小組(APEC/MRC WG)中所爭取的OMISAR計畫,此計畫在於推動亞太地區海洋資訊交流及資料交換,以達到海洋資源保育的目的。藉由實質推動APEC/MRC/OMISAR計畫,使我們能在APEC各會員體間建立人脈,並且在後續的APEC/MRC/OMISAR計畫維持主導地位,扮演積極保護海洋資源的角色。海洋環境保護是目前國內外應積極採取行動的議題,而從事海洋環境保護的方式可從多方管道進行,如加強對民眾的宣導、隨時掌握海洋環境狀況等。本計畫藉由各會員體的共同討論,獲得高精確度的作業化海洋環境預警系統,進而了解即時的海洋環境狀況。因此本計畫今年分別於中國與中華台北召開與海洋環境相關的學術研討會(WOM-12與WOM-14),會中分別以波浪模式與海洋模式為主題,為作業化海洋環境模式提供了學理上、經驗上的資訊交流。 APEC-Regional Cooperation on Ocean Models The Marine Resource Conservation Working Group (MRC WG) of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) betakes itself on the promotion of sustainable development of ocean resources. The goal of the project “Ocean Model and Information System for the APEC Region (OMISAR)” of APEC/MRC WG lays on the encouragement of the exchange of marine data between the members of APEC. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Chinese, Taipei had strived and currently is in charge of the project. The present project “APEC--Regional Cooperation on Ocean Models” assists EPA dealing with the affairs within the OMISAR project. By active participating in the OMISAR, it is possible for us to establish the relationship with other member economics. Moreover, hence we can keep our leadership in APEC/MRC/OMISAR and hold the dominative position. The Ocean Environmental Protection is an issue, which are of priority importance to every economics. Diverse approaches could be implemented to achieve the goal, i.e. strengthen the advertising of the issue to the public, monitoring the ocean environmental factors and such like. By the open discussion and collaboration among the economics, a high accuracy operational warning system for ocean environment has been yielded. This year, we have two workshops correlated with ocean environment and they were hold in China and Chinese Taipei respectively (WOM-12 and WOM-14). In the workshop, the subjects of wave model and ocean model were discussed respectively by each economic, and provide the exchange of theories and experience for the operation model of ocean environment. 093 永續發展室 成功大學近海水文中心 高家俊教授 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3090
高干擾水體之重金屬檢測技術改良計畫 本研究依據環檢所「高干擾水體之重金屬檢測技術改良計畫」委託計畫工作內容,分別建立GFAAS直測技術與線上雙Chelex 100管柱濃縮匹配ICP-MS儀器測定技術,以期能達成高干擾水體中重金屬濃度準確分析測定的目標。研究中曾針對CASS-4、SLEW-3和BCR CRM 609等標準環境水樣進行分析測定,經由實際分析結果與確認值比對的相一致性,可據以提供本計畫所建立分析方法具備相當可靠性的有利佐證。對於線上雙Chelex 100管柱濃縮匹配ICP-MS儀器測定技術而言,相關銅、鉛、鎘、錳和鋅等元素的偵測極限,分別為0.09 ppb、0.12 ppb、0.012 ppb、0.21 ppb和0.09 ppb;至於GFAAS直測技術,則相關銅、鉛、鎘、錳、鉻和鋅等元素的偵測極限,分別為0.21 ppb、0.12 ppb、0.015 ppb、0.39 ppb、0.093 ppb和0.051 ppb。另於計畫執行期間已陸續完成的工作項目,包括有(1)完成腐質酸可能干擾效應及去除條件的探討,另並建立一套腐質酸去除效率的評估方法。(2)完成GFAAS直測條件的探討,並針對高鹽度水樣及標準參考樣品進行分析測定。(3)建立線上雙Chelex 100管柱濃縮匹配ICP-MS儀器測定技術,並應用以進行高鹽度水樣及標準參考樣品的分析測定。(4)完成2000年至2004年期刊文獻中,相關Cr(VI)分析方法的收集(共收錄三十七篇論文)。(5)完成實驗室現場技術輔導工作項目。綜合上述已執行和完成的工作項目,可得知本計畫所執行完成的工作項目,完全符合環檢所委託計畫所規劃工作內容。 The Improvement of Analytical Techniques for Trace Metals Determination in High Salt Contents Waters According to the purpose of the project entitled “The Improvement of Analytical Techniques for Trace Metals Determination in High Salt Contents Waters”, two analytical techniques, including direct GFAAS measurement and the coupling of on-line dual chelex 100 columns preconcentration with ICPMS detection, have been established in this work to allow the accurate determination of Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb, Cd and total Cr. The validity of the two proposed methods had been checked with three certified reference waters (CASS-4, SLEW-3 and BCR CRM 609) and the results were found to be in good agreement with the certified values. The detection limits of dual chelec 100 columns preconcentration with ICPMS based on a sample volume of 10 ml for Cu, Pb, Cd, Mn and Zn were 0.09 ppb, 0.12 ppb, 0.012 ppb, 0.21 ppb and 0.09 ppb, respectively. Moreover, the detection limits of GFAAS for Cu, Pb, Cd, Mn, Cr and Zn were 0.21 ppb, 0.12 ppb, 0.015 ppb, 0.39 ppb, 0.093 ppb and 0.051 ppb, respectively. Several main items of this project were achieved, which involved the evaluation of humic acid removal through means of microwave digestion method and XAD-2 column method, direct determination of trace metals in waters by GFAAS, on-line dual chelex 100 column preconcentration of trace metals from waters followed by determination by ICPMS, up to 37 papers related to Cr (VI) species was collected in the period of 2000-2004 during the literature search, and on-site analytical practice has been conducted in three laboratories. As discussed above, it is showed that the contents and requirements of the project have been completely accomplished. 093 環檢所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3124
車用汽柴油油品查驗及空氣污染防制費查核 本計畫完成1至10月車用汽柴油空氣污染防制費之受理申報、審查及催補件作業,中油因申報的錯誤須補繳4,924,048元,台塑因申報等級的錯誤須退繳20,000元。8月抽驗中油高雄廠柴油,結果含硫量為533ppmw,高於輸出標準,經查核確認是樣品標籤的錯誤造成,此事件促使高雄廠加強採樣與樣品保存管理的制度。因此本計畫的執行可確保汽柴油空污費的徵收,亦因為監督抽驗讓業者加強內部的品質與作業管理。全國累計銷售的汽油數量為846萬公秉及柴油數量為340萬公秉,一、二、三級汽油比例分別為38%、54%、8%,繳納汽油空污費為6.52億元及柴油空污費為5.53億元。抽驗完成302個汽油及206個柴油的油槽與加油站樣品的採樣與分析,比較油槽與加油站以及直營與加盟加油站樣品的成分檢驗結果差異不明顯。本實驗室已取得環保署環境檢驗所認證許可,認證項目包含「車用汽柴油成分及性能管制標準」中汽柴油成分的檢測,目前是國內執行汽柴油油品相關法規最完備的NIEA認證實驗室。協助環檢所修訂油相關檢驗方法,並提出建議的仲裁方法及法規實驗室所須具備的資格。參加國際比測顯示人員檢驗技術的能力具有國際水準。蒐集並分析相關資料提供環保署參考,協助環保署修定「空氣污染防制費收費辦法」及「車用汽柴油成分及性能管制標準」;完成辦理「汽柴油改善技術研討會及採樣查核訓練」,對於參與研討會之人員,已達到充分之交流,有助後續油品管制政策之持續推動。 Monitoring the Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Quality and Auditing the Air Pollution Fee The auditing of air pollution fee collected from gasoline/diesel during Jan. to Oct. 2004 were completed and the results were quite satisfied. The total quantity of gasoline and diesel are 8.4 millions and 3.4 millions kiloliter, respectively. The shares of primary, secondary and third grade gasoline are 38%, 54% and 8%. The air pollution fee attributed to gasoline and diesel are 652 and 553 million NT$. CPC need to pay 4.9 millionNT$ for amendment and EPA need to return 20 thousand NT$ to FPC. 300 gasoline and 208 diesel random samples, taken from fuel storages and gas stations, were analyzed. The comparison of quality of fuels between fuel storages and gas stations were no difference.Our laboratory has been certified by NIEA which is the only laboratory can effectively analyze the petroleum samples regarding EPA law. This project revised “Measures of collection of air pollution fee” and “Control Standard of characteristic and performance on gasoline/diesel for vehicle use”. Two workshops “Gasoline and diesel quality improvement and sampling training course” have been hold by this project. Many people join these workshops include industrial, expertise, professor etc. It’s help to discuss many subjects about gasoline and diesel and to give chance to improve the ability of Implementing of Agency. 093 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院化學工業研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3122
台灣地區臭氧與懸浮微粒預報模式建立及生成與傳輸機制分析 本計畫主要的研究目標在於增進對台灣地區臭氧及懸浮微粒生成與分佈機制的瞭解,最終的目的則是為環保署發展臭氧及懸浮微粒控制策略提供關鍵的資訊。本計畫的主要成果包括:(1)確認2002-2004年間台灣地區受亞洲大陸沙塵傳輸影響的時間及區域。(2)獲知東北季風盛行期間空氣污染物長程傳輸的機制及特徵,有助於環保署判別及評估遠方污染源影響對本地空氣品質的影響。(3)確認影響高屏地區臭氧生成率的關鍵前驅物種,以及各物種對臭氧生成率之貢獻度。(4)成功發展一空氣品質模式,可正確預測高屏地區臭氧濃度之變化趨勢。此一模式將可提供環保署做為預測空氣品質及研擬臭氧防治策略的工具。(5)建立兩座氣膠光學厚度觀測站(位於台北市及台南市),提昇研究空氣污染物對台灣地區大氣輻射影響的能力。 Formation and Transport of Ozone and Particulate Matters in Taiwan The objective of this project to investigate the controlling processes of the formations and distributions of ozone and particulate matters and to develop a forecast model in Taiwan. The ultimate goal of this project is to provide the Taiwan-EPA critical information for the development of control strategies of ozone and particulate matter.The major achievement of this project includes: (1) Identification of the periods and impacted areas of Asian dust transport events in Taiwan during 2002-2004 (2) Improvement in our understanding on the transport mechanisms and characteristics of long-range transported air pollutants during the periods of prevailing northeasterlies of winter monsoons. This will be helpful to the EPA in identification and assessment of the air quality impacts due to the distant sources. (3) Identification of the critical chemical species in the formation mechanisms of ozone in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area, and estimating the contributions of the respective species in the ozone production rate. (4) Successful development of an air quality model that can correctly forecast the variations in the ozone levels over the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area. This model can be used to make air quality forecast and to develop ozone control strategies. (5) Setting up two aerosol optical depth (AOD) stations (located in Taipei and Tainan, respectively), and enhancing our capability to study the effects of air pollutants on the atmospheric radiation budget over Taiwan. 093 監資處 中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 劉紹臣等 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3120
空氣品質移動式監測之功能測試、規劃及數據驗證 移動式監測具備增進空氣品質監測時間空間之解析性與機動性,進而可供瞭解空品區污染可能之熱點特性、並探討污染物在大氣中之宿命。本研究執行期間兩個年度,計畫之主要目的為測試候選移動式監測儀器之功能特性,規劃移動式空氣品質監測車之設備、功能、規格,協助移動式空氣品質監測車進行實車功能測試,並提供監測資料驗證事項之技術協助。本計畫辦理移動式空氣品質監測車之設備規格了解規劃,蒐集傳統空氣品質物監測儀器之性能規格,計有氮氧化物分析儀、二氧化硫分析儀、臭氧分析儀、一氧化碳分析儀、HC分析儀、PM10分析儀等,整理其廠牌及監測範圍、線性範圍、最低偵測極限、精密度、零點飄移、間距飄移等規格;並初擬監測車設備內容,包括監測儀器設備、校正系統設備、資料擷取系統設備、其它週邊設備、監測車體設備、功能查核設備等。在空氣品質監測站網監測數據、報表驗證及資料分析方面,配合環保署空氣品質監測站網資料中心端軟體開發,辦理空氣品質監測站網監測數據、報表驗證及資料分析,已針對整個資料庫系統由原始資料提供的格式,資料有效性認定及相關統計分析之方法,進行全面性完整的規定。針對即時式 (real-time) 懸浮微粒監測儀器進行實驗室功能測試,利用低壓衝擊式微粒分徑儀來作測試,發現不論在微米或次微米粒徑範圍內之測值對大氣微粒或本計畫測試之液態、固態微粒與微粒電移動度掃瞄分徑器及氣動微粒分徑器均有良好之對應關係,顯示在靜態下其測定結果良好,且振動測試亦顯示振動環境均不會對微粒分徑濃度測值造成影響。當微粒濃度變化時,低壓衝擊式微粒分徑電子分析儀測值在第二秒至第三秒即開始產生變化,而其測值穩定所須時間則約需一分鐘時間。ELPI具有解析短時距微粒分徑濃度變化之優點,且與Beta-Gauge大氣監測比對所得二者所測得發生懸浮微粒濃度尖峰值之時間大致相符,但ELPI之小時平均測值與Beta-Gauge測值比較結果顯示兩者線性相關程度不佳,各種大氣懸浮微粒濃度下ELPI測值與Beta-Gauge測值比較結果, ELPI測值多產生正偏差。 Mobile air quality laboratory planning, performance verification and monitoring data verification Mobile laboratory can enhence the analytical quality and mobility of temporal and special resolution in air quality monitoring. Furthermore, it can provide the understanding where the phot spots are in the air basin and the fates of pollutants in the atmosphere. The goals of this project are to test the performance of candidate instruments to be used in a mobile laboratory, to suggest the equipments speculation for EPA’s monitoring vans, and to assist air quality data verification.In this project, information about speculations of commercial monitoring vans is obtained and compared. Speculations of different brands’ equipments for regulatory ambient air pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides, surfur dioxide, ozone, carbon mono-oxide, hydrocarbon, and particulate matters, are obtained, including standard ranges, lowest detection limit, response time, zero drift, span drift, etc. The equipments, monitoring instruments, calibration system, data retrieving system, vehicle size and structure, instrument auditing system, and accessories, of monitoring van are also proposed. Air quality monitoring data/table verified and information analysis are conducted collaboration with EPA air quality monitoring network information center software developing. The format of raw data, related tables and report, and the procedures of validation and ststistical analysis are discussed and determined.A real-time particulate measuring instrument, Electrical Low Pressure Impactor (ELPI), is used as a candidate to serve in mobile laboratory. The performance of ELPI has been tested in controlled laboratory and ambient atmosphere. In the laboratory tests, the results show ELPI is capable to measure different size range of particles and has good comparison to other instruments. A shaker is applied to understand the effect of vibration to ELPI, and the output shows insignificant impacts. In ambient condition, ELPI shows good sensitivity to concentration evolution and has certain correlation with beta-ray particle measurement instruments. 093 監資處 國立台灣大學嚴慶齡工業發展基金會合設工業研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3118
推動環保科技園區設置專案計畫 「環保科技園區推動計畫」(以下簡稱推動計畫)於91年9月9日經行政院(院台環字第0910044329號)核定在案。環保署為積極辦理本推動計畫,於92年1月21日甄選北區花蓮縣及南區高雄縣共同推動。環保署復於92年8月底公告新增園區設置許可申請須知,並於93年3月23日完成第3座及第4座園區之甄選,分別為桃園縣及台南縣。目前全國共有4座環保科技園區。推動計畫核定後環保署成立環保科技園區指導委員會及園區推動小組,定期舉辦審查以及工作檢討會,積極督導主辦之縣政府推動設置園區。本年度舉辦5場指導委員會、16場推動小組會議。討論議題包括土地取得、用地變更、園區整體規劃設計、研究發展區規劃設計、教育訓練展示區規劃設計、量產實證區規劃設計、招商計畫與循環生態城鄉規劃設計等8大項,並達成多項共識包括各項建築規劃符合綠建築評估指標、園區為低(零)污染排放、潔淨能源再利用、本園區有別於一般工業區建設、資訊公開化等共識,並積極拜訪錨定廠商邀請進駐園區。為順利進行招商作業,環保署也積極協助主辦單位辦理國內外招商作業,今年度國內招商說明會包括到各工業區說明推動本計畫,前後共舉辦15場說明會。此外環保署也另案舉辦國外招商說明會,包括新加坡、德國、日本、澳洲、加拿大等。目前已經指導委員會核准入區計有7家,皆位於高雄環保科技園區內,其中有1家工廠已經完成工廠建築作業,目前進行機械設備安裝作業中,另有3家積極進行工廠興建作業中,其餘3家正進行工廠興建規劃作業中。本報告將計畫執行過程研訂之相關資料詳細說明提供各界參考,藉此讓各界更深入了解環保科技園區之意含以及政府為提昇國內環境之積極作為。 Environmental Science and Technology Parks Project Because of the global sustainable development trend and the aim to become a recycling society, many countries have recently selected appropriate areas to establish ecological or environmental science and technology parks. The concept is to allow the industry to make a connection between input and output, thereby expanding to connect the living circles of cities. The final objective is to infuse industrial development into ecologically recycled systems. Countries such as Denmark, Canada, Spain, the Netherlands, and Japan have all implemented such projects.To comply with the global sustainable development trend and the aim to become a recycling society, the Taiwan EPA is in the process of establishing four environmental science and technology parks (ESTPs)。For the purpose of quickly setting up these ESTPs, The ESTP Guidance committee have held 5 committees,and the EPA have held 16 work shops on the ESTPs design, construction & invitation of investors this year(2004).To actively invite prospective investors, the project team has completed the necessary documents. And 15 Seminars on the ESTPs were held around Taiwan so far this year。A total of 570 attended the seminars. Moreover, local visitations were made to more than 77 firms with follow-up work to be carried out. Now there are 7 companies approved into the Kaohsiung ESTP。In order to let members of various sectors know about the ESTPs, this report has collected informations on environmental science and technology parks for reference.We hope by this way, people of all sectors can get to know the ESTP and contribute their valuable input so as to advance Taiwan’s environmental technology and raise the quality of the environment. 093 廢管處 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3116
海洋油污衛星遙測系統監測專案工作 本計畫主要是執行環保署「重大海洋油污染緊急應變計畫」之監測與資料彙整任務,並完成下列工作:前言以國內目前對海洋環境的監測而言,還未達整體性及全面性的規模,當務之急應是以處理海洋重大污染緊急事件為主。同時於2000年十一月一日實施的海洋污染防治法也在第十條第二項明示:「為處理重大海洋油污染緊急事件,中央主管機關應擬訂海洋油污染緊急應變計畫」,因此,本計畫是針對當重大海洋污染緊急事件發生時,緊急應變中心如何運用和整合遙測科技及利用網路通報系統掌握污染在空間上的變化情況其目的是運用目前可茲應用之各種航遙測技術(包括衛星影像、航空照相、無人載具、現場調查等)透過持續演練建立蒐證機制,以提供緊急應變中心快速研判重大海洋污染位置與支援決策。另一目的是透過網路通報系統以有效整合政府、產業團體及社會團體的各項資源,達成即時、有效、協調的應變作業,建立共同使用機制。此計畫並兼負教育宣導及訓練,和蒐集各國與本計畫相關技術發展近況的資料。研究方法1.維護全天候二十四小時緊急聯絡處理系統,包含人員、電話及傳真(應於決標後三日內提出確認版),除接受環保署通知提供技術諮詢服務外,並配合環保署九十三年度演練或重大海洋污染事件,應用衛星遙測、遙測機具、遙控直升機等先進遙測科技及航照方式,快速蒐集污染事件資料,全年搭配演練應執行至少三次海洋污染遙測蒐證工作(含演練)。每次作業內容應包括:(1)啟動與作業流程紀錄;(2)蒐證紀錄衛星影像照片、遙測照片與錄影帶、蒐證圖資分析書面說明等;(3)前列資料應製作成光碟片,蒐證後應於一週內作檢討改進分析報告提供環保署,並上傳至環保署「海洋重大汙染緊急應變系統」。2.維護環保署建置之海洋油汙染緊急傳輸系統,並包含系統之模組化、遠端通信化、及視訊資料污染範圍之判釋功能並製作操作手冊。3.維護環保署九十一及九十二年度建置之海難事件電子通報、統計及地理電腦查詢系統,並派專人至環保署蒐集九十三年度海污事件通報紀錄,建立、彙整、統計、與分析海洋污染事件之類別與地理位置,以更新資料庫內容,並增加海污事件公佈欄之功能。4.辦理各應變單位(包括:環保、海巡、港口管理等單位)操作,使用本系統之操作講習與演練,訓練對象以六O人計。5.彙整各部會重大海洋油汙染緊急應變遙測、衛星影像蒐證及與數位化地圖之短、中、長程整體工作內容。6.蒐集分析各國海洋污染各項監測技術之最新發展趨勢及成功案例。結果本年度共進行了四次實際情況的緊急連絡及資料蒐證的狀況,也參與了一次演練預演及正式演練。並維護海洋油污染緊急傳輸系統,完成模組化、遠端通信化及視訊資料污染範圍的判釋功能,也於今年度製作完成本系統的操作手冊。持續維護九十一及九十二年度建置的海難事件電子通報、統計及地理電腦查詢系統,更新了資料庫內容,並增加海污事件公佈欄之功能。召開座談會彙整各部會重大海洋油污染緊急應變遙測、衛星影像蒐證及與數位化地圖彙整之需求。期末舉辦了教育訓練,讓相關單位了解本計劃所建置的即時動態視訊傳輸系統及污染事件網路通報系統。參與人員經系統實際示範,與本計劃產生相當多的互動,達到宣導及訓練的目的。本計畫也收集及分析各國海洋污染各項監測技術之最新發展趨勢及成功案例,並嘗試了解國內華衛二號衛星影像未來運作及使用之機制。結論本計畫於重大及緊急海洋油污染事件發生時,主要是提供遙測相關資料以供各單位進行大範圍污染的研判,並保全重大污染時遙測資料的証據。為輔助衛星資料之不足,同時也建置動態視訊資料傳輸系統以進行及時傳輸。為增加遙測科技於海洋事件發生時能發揮實際效益,本年度共參與了一次演練預演及正式演練。同時也進行了四次實際情況的緊急連絡及資料蒐證的狀況。結果顯示及時傳輸系統經本年度的演練及整合後,已能達到預期的功效,另外在與環保署人員及空中勤務總隊直昇機的合作也建置協調的機制。另外本計劃針對污染事件之通報規劃所建置的網路系統已進入運作程序,反應良好,並持續進行功能維護及增強以呼應使用者的需求。同時也召開座談會彙整各部會重大海洋油污染緊急應變遙測、衛星影像蒐證及與數位化地圖彙整之需求。計劃期末所舉辦的教育訓練,主要目的是讓相關單位了解本計劃所建置的即時動態視訊傳輸系統及污染事件網路通報系統。參與人員經系統實際示範,與本計劃產生相當多的互動,的確達到宣導及訓練的目的。本計劃也收集及分析各國海洋污染各項監測技術之最新發展趨勢及成功案例,並嘗試了解國內華衛二號衛星影像未來運作及使用之機制。建議事項1.本計畫所研發的即時動態視訊傳輸系統經多次演練後,已具實用的價值。在整個傳輸過程,本系統只負責將動態視訊從直昇機上傳輸至船上或岸上,另外還與衛星通訊系統整合傳輸至環保署。本系統已整合成較為方便使用的系統,唯在直昇機上的天線系統還有待改善為隨機掛載的系統。此外,衛星通訊費用相當貴,宜有彈性經費的規劃。2.實際演練的過程可發現現場操作的問題,同時也提供計劃研發人員實際與現場人員互動溝通的機會,對系統之改善有相當助益,計劃如要發揮實際作用,演練有其必要性。3.及時動態視訊傳輸系統目前由參與本計畫之研究生上直昇機操作,為學生的安全考量,未來應考慮如何將此系統轉移至相關的使用單位。此外,此系統仍屬研發階段的產品,建議相關單位參考國外的商業產品進行了解及長期規劃。4.各部會於重大或緊急海洋油污染事件發生時,的確有遙測、衛星影像等資料之需求,國內華衛二號衛星影像已漸進入日常運作階段,未來可與相關單位協商以規劃華衛二號衛星影像取得之機制。5.先進國家系統性的應用各項監測技術於海洋污染的作法,值得國內借鏡。建議蒐集國內遙測技術於海洋污染應用的案例,集結成冊以供參考。6.污染事件網路通報系統目前已進入運作階段,反應良好,但系統未來的維護及功能增加,應持續維持以使此系統發揮最大效益。 The Satellite Monitoring Systems for Marine Pollution The main objective of the project is to use the existing remote sensing technologiesand internet communications system to aid the data collection when marine pollution emergencies occur. The following tasks are achieved in the project:1.The NCU project’steam has setup an emergency communication network between NCU and EPA.The team hasalso used the communication network and remote sensing systems to take part inthe marine training and data collection exercise for five times during the project period.2.The videodata transmitting system has been packed into modules, enhanced with audioequipment, and added with interpretation function for pollution situation. Moreover,the manual for operating the system is provided.3.The web-based system, which providesan internet environment for reporting marineoil-pollution emergency, has been programrevised, functions improved, and data added.The billboard function is also offered this year.4.A workshop is coordinated to introduce the systems developed in the project to the relatedgovernment organizations. 5.The short, intermediate, and long-term strategies for using remotesensing technologies and digital maps in different levels of government organizations arecollected to aid marine oil-pollution emergency plan. 6.The information about the recentdevelopment of remote sensing technologies applied to environmental monitoring in foreigncountries is collected, and their successful stories are also presented in the project. 093 水保處 國立中央大學太空遙測中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3114
毒性化學物質環境流布調查分析 本計畫之工作內容包括四大項,一、完成十溴二苯醚、氧化三丁錫﹙TBT﹚、氫氧化三苯錫﹙TPhT﹚、鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯、鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯及多氯聯苯等毒性化學物質,在一般環境共370個以上底泥及魚體樣本之實地量測調查資料,以瞭解、研判其一般環境之暴露濃度含量分布。二、完成硫酸二甲酯及甲醛毒性化學物質,12廠次之運作工廠廠內及周界環境流布共380個檢測樣品之實地量測調查資料,以瞭解、研判運作工廠周界可能存在之環境介質含量分布。三、依據各種介質之量測結果,分析其在一般環境中之流布情形,研判可能之釋放來源及途徑,以及瞭解毒性化學物質廠內製程運作情形與可能之釋放源。四、針對前述進行實地量測調查之毒性化學物質,蒐集、更新、分析及歸納其在過去十年中,由各行政或研究機構所委託於台灣地區進行環境介質或生物體量測資料之收集。本年度兩季河川72個底泥樣本中DBP及DEHP檢測濃度分布,枯水期底泥中Phthalates含量(平均濃度,DBP,0.18 ug/g dry wt.;DEHP,4.5 ug/g dry wt.)高於豐水期(平均濃度,DBP,0.15 ug/g dry wt.;DEHP,1.4 ug/g dry wt.),可能與本年度接連幾個颱風導致底泥大量沖刷至河口河岸有關。以本年度12條主要河川Phthalates檢測結果,與過去90年度及91年度其他9條主要河川底泥樣本中DBP及DEHP檢測結果比較,DBP濃度分布為北部>中部>南部>東部,中游>下游>上游,且各河段平均檢測值差異性較小;DEHP濃度分布為南部>中部>北部>東部,下游>中游>上游。24個河川魚體樣本中6種Phthalates以DEHP之檢測濃度最高,其中,以林邊溪新埤大橋之大鱗?(豆仔)濃度最高263.6 ug/g dry wt.。此外,魚體中BBP之檢測濃度亦高,以秀姑巒溪崙天大橋之溪哥28.2 ug/g dry wt.最高。72個河川底泥樣本中12種共平面多氯聯苯同源物檢測結果顯示,兩季採樣之上、中游河段樣本檢測濃度多為ND值或<0.1 ng/g dry wt.,下游河段均以東港溪東港大橋底泥樣本12種共平面多氯聯苯同源物之檢出率為最高,且檢出濃度亦為最高。河川底泥樣本中23種非共平面多氯聯苯同源物檢測結果顯示,上、中游河段以北港溪石榴班橋(枯水期)及東港溪龍東橋(豐水期)之檢出率最高,下游河段以東港溪東港大橋(兩季)及烏溪大肚橋(豐水期)檢出率最高。26個河川魚體肌肉樣本多氯聯苯檢測結果顯示,以烏溪中彰大橋黑鯛之多氯聯苯同源物檢出率最高,且23種非共平面同源物總量亦最高(62.9 ng/g dry wt.),北港溪雲嘉大穚環球海鰶(22.7 ng/g dry wt.)次之。以本年度12條主要河川多氯聯苯檢測結果,與九十一年度其他9條主要河川檢測結果比較,底泥樣本中12種共平面PCBs濃度分布為南部>北部>中部>東部,下游>中游>上游。72個河川底泥樣本中PBDEs總濃度檢測結果,與國外數據比較,除八掌溪外均較國外河川底泥含量為低,在同源物分布上,由高至低依序為以BDE-47、BDE-99、BDE-183、BDE-100,在同族物分布上,以TeBDE、PeBDE、HpBDE為主。港口環境樣本TBT及TPhT檢測結果顯示,28個底泥樣本中TBT含量以旗津漁港最高,28個底泥樣本TPhT測值則均為ND值。28個魚體樣本中以旗津漁港之魚體TBT含量為最高,將軍漁港次之;28個魚體樣本中TPhT濃度分布差異不大,均界於<0.05-0.84 ug/g dry wt.。綜合90-93年度共21個港口,包括4個國際港、12個第一級漁港、個第二級漁港及4個第三級漁港,底泥及魚體樣本中TBT及TPhT量測資料,顯示港口底泥樣本中TBT量測值分布為,第二級漁港>第一級漁港>第三級漁港>國際港,TPhT量測值分布範圍較小,均低於0.5 ug/g dry wt.,其中以國際港為最高。港口魚體樣本中TBT量測值分布為,第二級漁港>第一級漁港>國際港>第三級漁港,TPhT量測值分布範圍為,國際港>第一級漁港>第三級漁港>第二級漁港。運作工廠環境檢測結果顯示,所有廠區周界空氣中硫酸二甲酯或甲醛含量均符合固定污染源空氣污染物排放周界標準(硫酸二甲酯,0.002 ppm,0.01 mg/m3;甲醛,0.2 ppm,0.24 mg/m3)。廠內作業場所環境空氣檢測結果顯示,恆誼化工在洗滌塔附近硫酸二甲酯逸散量較高,同時幫浦軸封可能有洩漏,應加以檢修。長春高雄廠甲醛製造製程之吸收塔幫浦處兩次採樣均有甲醛檢出,且桶裝工作區域第二次採樣之檢測值已超過勞工作業環境有害物質容許濃度標準(1 ppm,1.2 mg/m3),建議應檢討灌裝作業,改以密閉式作業以減少逸散。台塑新港廠於甲醛儲槽頂呼吸閥處,兩次採樣均有甲醛之測出。勝一化工本年度檢測結果與89年度檢測結果比較,本次檢測結果濃度值較低,顯示已有改善。水體中甲醛檢測結果顯示,台塑新港廠放流口下游水體樣本在第一次採樣下午時段有甲醛之檢出(5.4 mg/L),且測值有超過放流水甲醛排放標準(3.0 mg/L),第二次採樣則無甲醛之檢出。勝一化工在第一次採樣下午時段之放流水,水中甲醛含量(3.4 mg/L)亦已超過放流水標準,與89年度檢測結果比較,同樣在下午時段之最終放流水中甲醛含量(8.6 mg/L及10.0 mg/L)有超過放流水標準之情形。所有甲醛運作工廠環境土壤中甲醛檢測濃度範圍為ND-8.7 ug/g wet wt.,污泥餅樣本甲醛測值範圍為ND-10.9 ug/g wet wt.,目前尚無管制標準值。 The Establishment of the Environmental Distributions Survey of Toxic Chemicals The purpose of this project is to establish a practical and appropriate toxic data as the basis of further related policy-making and policy-executing. Three approaches would be applied to accommodate this goal. The first was to conduct field studies and empirical measurements in sediments and fishes of the 12 rivers and 7 harbors to explore the concentrations and distribution for those selected chemicals, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), tributyltin (TBT), and triphenyltin (TPhT). The second was to conduct field studies and empirical measurements in various environmental media of the factory fields and nearby residents to explore the concentrations and distribution for those selected chemicals, including dimethyl sulfate and formaldehyde. The last was to collect and analyze the results of survey report sponsored by research institutes and governmental institutes in the past ten years in Taiwan, combining with the data of spatial and temporal distributions, the concentration and allocation profile in various environmental media and humans can be elucidated for these toxic chemicals. In this research, we investigated the environmental fate of the toxic chemical compounds in the factory field, including dimethyl sulfate and formaldehyde. We finished the sampling and analysis work of 475 samples. About the environmental fate of the toxic chemical compounds in sediments and fishes of the 12 rivers and 7 harbors, we finished the sampling and analysis work of 498 samples. We got 89 literatures about the chemical compounds, through the collection and the analysis of survey report sponsored by research institutes and governmental institutes in the past ten years in Taiwan, combining with the data of spatial and temporal distributions, the concentration and allocation profile in various environmental media and humans were elucidated for these toxic chemicals. 093 毒管處 國立成功大學環境微量毒物研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3112
永續發展與環保國際合作-貿易與環境相關議題研究分析 為因應貿易與環境議題日益糾葛,甚至可能相互衝突的問題,世界貿易組織(WTO)不僅在其建立WTO的馬拉喀什協定的前言中揭示永續發展與環境保護的重要;並為相關之決議,包括決定「為臻永續之發展,確認貿易與環境措施間的關聯性」並且「對是否需要修改多邊貿易體系相關條文提出適當之建議, 惟所提之建議必須與多邊貿易體系所揭櫫之公開、公正及不歧視原則相符合」,世貿組織中之貿易與環境委員會(Committee on Trade and Environment, 簡稱CTE)便是依據這兩項原則的精神而成立。CTE初期將其工作及討論內容計分為十大議題;在2001年的杜哈宣言中,更將貿易與環境議題的討論焦點集中於第31至第33段;主要內容為WTO貿易規則與多邊環境協定(MEAs)所設特定貿易義務的關係;環境商品與服務業;環境措施對市場進入之影響;以及環境標示等等。我國因政治地位因素,無法參與多數MEAs之規則訂定,若因此影響我國身為WTO會員之合法利益,透過參與WTO/CTE的運作,應可提供我國與其他WTO會員商討解決相關問題的途徑。本計劃主要的研究成果包括了:一、出席WTO貿易與環境委員會例會(CTE Regular Session)以及特別會議(CTE Special Session, CTESS),就杜哈宣言第31至第33段及第51段等議題,蒐集研析主要國家或區域組織之立場、研擬我國對相關議題之立場文件,並協助環保署有效參與有關會議和談判;二、蒐集整理有關上述相關議題之中英文文件,並做重點摘譯;三、評估WTO技術性貿易障礙協定(TBT)有關環保相關議題之最新發展趨勢,並研析環保署對相關議題之立場及因應;四、完成WTO與含有貿易措施之重要國際環保公約的相容性分析及我國之因應立場分析;五、協助環保署在雙邊或多邊自由貿易協定中關於環保相關議題之擬訂及因應等;六、就我國環境政策與法規與WTO貿易規範相容性分析;七、邀請國內相關專家學者與機關代表舉行會議,就我國應持之立場提出建議;以及,八、維護環保署中文貿易與環境之網頁等。 Research on Trade and Environment Issues Faced with an increasing potential of conflicts between free trade and environmental protection, the World Trade Organization (WTO) began to pay more attention to the relevant issues. The Preamble to the WTO Agreement emphasizes the significance of protecting the environment and underlines the goal of sustainable development. The 2001 Doha Declaration further provides negotiation mandate to the issues of trade and environment in paragraph 31 to 33, including, the relations between specific trade obligations set out in Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and the existing rules of the WTO; the liberalization of trade in environmental goods and services; the influence of environmental measures on market access; and eco-labeling etc.The main results of this research project include: 1st, participating three CTE/CTESS meetings in 2004 and taking note of the latest development in those meetings, assisting the drafting of our position papers and negotiating strategies, and supporting EPA officials to effectively participate relevant meetings and negotiations. 2nd, keeping the latest development of issues relating to trade and environment. 3rd, assessing the latest development of environmental issue under in TBT Agreement, and assisting the EPA to respond to related issues. 4th, analyzing the relations between the WTO covered agreements and four MEAs containing trade measures. 5th, assisting the EPA in preparing negotiation strategies in bilateral and multilateral free trade negotiation. 6th, examining the consistency of domestic environmental laws and regulations with the WTO trade rules. 7th, holding an expert meeting to examine the adequacy of our related positions and provide suggestions. And, 8th, updating the EPA’s global information website regarding trade and environment issues with any latest development. 093 永續發展室 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3152
優先行業指紋資料建置計畫(光電材料及元件業、半導體業) 依據環保署92年度委辦「環境污染物指紋建檔綱要計畫」規劃內容,環保署擬以三年期間(93年至95年),逐步建立國內主要事業別有害事業廢棄物指紋成分資料檔,並發展為環境污染物指紋檢索系統,以便日後能協助環保署及全國各縣市環保單位稽查鑑定非法棄置事業廢棄物的來源。光電材料及元件製造業、半導體製造業均被列為環保署本年度(93)優先執行指紋資料建檔的行業。本計畫的工作內容主要分兩部份:廢棄物特性與化學組成之指紋建置及辦理調查實務之人員訓練課程。在行業廢棄物特性與化學組成指紋建置方面,本計畫以環保署廢管處管制中心(Industrial Waste Control Center)清理計畫書為主,收集彙整國內電子管製造業廠家之原物料、製程、污染防制設施、廢棄物產生種類和數量等資料,篩選具代表性製程廠家光電材料及元件製造業31家及半導體製造業35家,共採集超過160件樣品,選擇其中134件樣品,依上位計畫的規劃流程完成檢測工作,將檢測結果鍵入環境指紋資料庫,並完成光電材料及元件製造業及半導體製造業產製程之廢棄物指紋採證,特性及化學組成指紋評析報告。在人員訓練方面,於12/10針對環保機關負責相關業務人員完成一場次「環境污染物指紋資料庫之建置與使用」之訓練課程。 The Fingerprints Database project of priority industry(opto-electronics material and components industry, semi-conductor manufacturing industry) The EPA Taiwan has planed from 2004 to 2006 to stepwise build up the fingerprints database of the Taiwan major industrial sectors. This fingerprints database will be developed to be the environmental pollutants fingerprints searching system to assist EPA Taiwan and the local city or county environmental protection units to track the origin of illegal dumping of industrial waste.The Fingerprints for the wastes of opto-electronics material and components industry, semi-conductor manufacturing industry will be built up in 2004.The major works of this project consists of two parts: The fingerprints build-up of the waste characteristics and chemical compositions of opto-electronics material and components industry & semi-conductor manufacturing industry. And the trainingof the relevant personnel. With regard to the fingerprints build-up of the waste characteristics and chemical compositions, this project relies mainly on the waste clean up proposal made by the Industrial Waste Control Center, EPA Taiwan and aims to collect and organize the relevant data. This relevant data includes the categories and amount of raw materials, processes, pollutant prevention facilities and waste generated of the opto-electronics industry & semi-conductor industry in Taiwan. This project then screens 31 representative manufacturing process plants of opto-electronic industry and 35 of semi-conductor industry. In total, there are more than 160 samples are collected and from this total samples 134 samples are selected for the completion of the testing works in accordance with the planned process of the precedent project. This testing results are then keyed into the environmental fingerprints database.As to the second part, a training session(with the title of “The Estabilishment of Environmental Polluents Fingerprints Database System and Usage of the System”)are given to the relevant personnel of the EPA and the environemntal protection divisions/ bureaus of the county and city goverments. 093 環檢所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3150
發行英文環保政策月刊專案工作計畫 本計畫的目標是經由熟悉環保法規及政策人士等蒐集整理,將國內環保法規動態及未來政策趨勢加以彙整分析,並進一步採訪環保政策的參與者及執行者-環保署各業務處主管等-進行施政訪談,從人事變動,再談到預算編列及執行現況,讓政策的全貌浮現。並經專業之翻譯後,以英文的模式,藉平面雜誌之發行及張貼網路的方法,提供各界瞭解我國環保施政的便利管道,以宣揚我國環保施政之成果及普及環境政策。本計畫英文環保政策月刊之平面月刊發行:至本年度十二月份止,每期共發行1000份;在郵寄部分,國內寄發658份,國外寄發224份,合計共882份。電子月刊部分,共寄發330份。綜合平面及電子月刊部分,目前固定讀者已達1212位。 Environmental Policy Monthly By the promulgation of English periodicals, the project is to provide the trend of Taiwan’s environmental protection policy for foreigners, minimizing barriers of foreign investment and also enhancing Taiwan’s capability. In addition, since many of environmental protection control measures play an important role in the international trade, the publication of the news monthly intends to give foreign companies relevant information about Taiwan’s environmental protection regulations to comply with while still allowing companies making profits. To meet the aim of the project, the dynamics and policy trend of Taiwan’s environmental protection regulations are gathered, analyzed and translated by experts. English is used as the language in the news monthly. By utilization of papers and Internet website measures, this will provide a channel allowing all circles to understand the current situation of Taiwan environmental protection, and so as to publicize its achievement. 093 永續發展室 惠國顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3148
環境影響評估推估模式與環境基準之建立 本計畫建立水質總量管制之流程與評估方法,以提供環境影響評估審查水質衝擊時之參考依據。研究中透過水質模式與優化模式,在考量環境承載力與累積性衝擊的影響下,推估各個土地利用之單位面積負荷,以作為環評審查依據。研究中蒐集國內外常用之水質模式,並探討其模式之應用於環評適用性。並以HSPF、QUAL2E與GWLF模式,分別應用於頭前溪、鹽水溪與高屏溪評估其水質狀況,用以說明累積性衝擊與總量管制評估方法。最後並依據分析案例,建立河川水體水質模式技術規範,規範中說明模式所需資料與分析流程做,技術規範除了主要規範本文,附件中尚包含模式特性說明、模式所需資料與處理方式、模式結果後處理以及水質模擬查驗清單等,規範中並詳列模式中所需各項參數與使用範圍,未來可提供環評開發者做為參考依據。本計畫係延續九十二年度「累積性環境影響評估審查基準與地理資訊系統之整合研究(二)」計畫建置成果,地理資訊查詢系統除了將92年以後的環評案件持續納入資料庫中,並新增部分功能,包含線上下載QUAL2E模式的輸入檔及輸出檔的功能,並提供QUAL2E線上模擬之功能,目前完成已三個研究區域的資料庫,提供開發單位可以統一由系統獲得資料以模擬。系統並提供HSPF模式,模擬所需之資料檔下載,並提供HSPF水質模式建置時,資料轉換處理之輔助工具。本研究企圖提供環評分析中處理輸入資料、參數檢定、模擬、結果分析、及建立管理基準之標準流程。 Establishment of Environmental Impact Assessment Models and Environmental Standard The purpose of this study is to establish the procedure and evaluation methods for total mass control in water quality, which can be applied to environmental impact assessment. This study uses water quality simulation and optimization models to develop unit area pollutant load for different land uses with considering environmental carrying capacity and cumulative impacts. Different water quality models are reviewed. The HSPF, QUAL2E, GWLF models are further applied to three watersheds, Touchien river, Yenahui river and Kaoping river, as examples to state how to develop total mass control strategies. According to the case studies, a guideline to apply water quality models is established. The guideline describes required data and analysis procedure. Besides, characteristics of water quality models, analysis of simulation results, checklists of simulation, and detail descriptions of range of values of parameters are also included in appendixes. This study also extends last year’s results. The EIA reports of 2003 are added to the GIS database. The function of GIS database is enhanced, which provides functions to download input data files for QUAL2E and HSPF models and to run QUAL2E online. This study has complete input files for three study watersheds, more for other watersheds need future studies. The database also provides some tools to translate row data to input data for water quality models. This study tends to define standard procedure to prepare input data, calibrate parameters, run simulation models, and analysis of results to develop management standards for environmental impact assessment. 093 綜計處 國立台灣大學生物環境系統工程學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3146
九十三年擴大參與世界水質監測日活動計畫 為鼓勵民眾關心環境水質,進而保護水體環境,環保署今年持續並擴大舉辦水質監測活動,將計畫執行分二階段辦理,第一階段主要在培訓領隊教師〈於暑期進行培訓〉;第二階段則由領隊教師帶領隊員與全球同步於世界水質監測日檢測水質。執行方法包括了成立輔導團隊、編制教材與研習場次擬訂、媒體宣傳及報名規劃、建立流域伙伴關係、架設水資源監測網站等以順利推動此次活動。總計共舉辦了十場領隊教師研習營,分別在台北、新竹、臺中、嘉義、台南、屏東、台東、花蓮、高雄等地,並且在活動過程中完成研習營教材乙本、水質監測教學光碟乙份、墊板乙份。另外也在綠色伙伴學校網站下架設了水質監測網站,供領隊教師提報監測數據與參考資料,網站內容包括觀念區、教材區、測站資料提出、網網相連、討論區及九十二年成果展等七部分。活動共有644組報名參加,570組完成培訓。隊伍除了國小、國中、高中職及大專院校老師外,並吸引許多國內民間團體的參加,有助於推廣河川水質監測及提升台灣河川保護意識。第二階段的水質監測活動從九月十八日開始為期一個月,於十月十八日結束,共吸引全國近二千五百民眾參與,使用的器材為美國清潔水基金會提供之監測試劑。由回報的資料顯示,監測隊伍普遍分佈在河川中下游,河堤大多為人工整治的河岸,有七成左右的隊伍不想觸摸水體,河川流經的區域住宅區型態也以緊密為主,監測地點附近的土地利用型態以田園為主。在此次監測的溶氧、酸鹼值、濁度及溫度等四項數值上,溶氧量以4ppm、酸鹼值在pH7~8、濁度為40JTU、溫度分佈在24~30℃為主,與去(九十二年)年相較,並無太大差異。最後,在研習營的問卷調查部分,九成以上的領隊教師對課程安排、編制教材、行政人員工作態度等持好以上之意見,亦希望以後能有此類行的進階訓練活動。另外提出水環境志工培訓計畫之建議,希望將水質監測活動帶入社區居民的生活中,共同力行監測河川,保護水質的工作。 Project of Extended participation in World Water Monitorning Day Active 2004 The Environmental Protection Administration maintained a high level of enthusiasm from previous participants this year, building on last year’s experience in sponsoring the 2003 World Water Monitoring Day activity, to encourage people to concern about river issues and interest in working together to better understand their rivers.A total of ten training camps were held in Taipei city, Hsinchu city, Taichung City, Chiayi City, Tainan City, Taitung County, Pingtung County Hualien County, Kaohsiung City. During these training camps, we offered a handbook and water monintoring teaching cdrom and a biological index of water quality brocher to each leader. We also build a water monitoring website where leaders can upload their water monitoring data. There are 644 teams, more than 2,500 people, joined this meaningful activity and conducted water monitoring during the period from September 18th to October 18th. This year we adopted biological indicators of fish and invertebrates in addition to the four physical-chemical indicators (DO, pH, water temperature, and turbidity). According to the data report, most teams choosen the down stream as their monitoring site, and these sites surrounding land use were high-density residential areas, factories, and agricultural land. The result of DO is 4 ppm, pH is 7~8, turbidity is 40 JTU and water temperature is 24~30℃.Through this activity questionaires, there are 90% of training leaders satisfy with training camp, more students and residents gained a deeper understanding of water quality and the skills required in water monitoring .At last, we suggest that The EPA and local environmental protection bureaus should organize voluntary river protection teams to monitor rivers regularly and stop illegal behavior. 093 監資處 中華民國環境教育學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3144
沙塵監測及影響評估之科學管理 本計畫主要在管理整合環保署東亞沙塵暴密集觀測研究計畫的科學成果,並製作相關網頁提供參考,以及整合建議適當之因應對策。過程中各召開對內三次與對外二次研討會議與檢討會議。相關資料彙整於實驗計畫網頁(http://www.epa.gov.tw/monitoring/weather/ Welcome.html)。 2003年12月~2004年5月,共出現11次東亞沙塵抵台情形,其中沙塵影響達1級者,僅七次,而出現在春季者僅有二次。今年的特色就是冬季沙塵事件多,這在過去是非常少見的。其影響所及,就是環保署應自每年12月就開始注意東亞沙塵影響臺灣空氣品質的預報工作。 今年的沙塵密集觀測共進行過三次;第一波監測期的沙塵影響時間為2/5 10am ~2/7 10am (雙高峰),爾後8、9日下雨,高壓迴流造成的明顯本地污染高峰是在2/11 9pm前後。第二波的沙塵影響時間為2/14 2pm ~2/16 8am(單高峰),爾後高壓迴流造成的明顯本地污染高峰是在2/19 2am前後。第三波的沙塵影響時間為4/2 2am ~ 4/3 1pm(首峰),次峰出現在4/4 6pm,但已減弱,爾後高壓迴流造成的明顯本地污染高峰是在4/7 2am前後。 今年內共召開五次會議,分別為沙塵暴密集觀測協調會(2/13 3pm)、第一次檢討會(4/17 10am)、2004年第一次沙塵研討會(6/16)、科顧室審查意見討論會(8/4)、亞洲沙塵暴研討會(10/15)等。除進行相關成果與意見交流,尚與中國、日本與韓國學者交流。 有關東亞生質燃燒影響研究,顯示除金門、馬祖與馬公易受中國PM10污染影響外,臺灣各測站似不易分離出東亞生質燃燒影響訊息。或可藉助模擬分析,但可信度低。研究中,另進行臺灣地區露天燃燒事件分析,發現:各地每個月份均會發生燃燒事件,民國87~91年間露天燃燒事件平均每年發生7,414.4次,每天發生20.3次,以民國89年的總露天燃燒次數最多;其中,89年北部空品區之露天燃燒事件的發生總次數,共3,022件,為7個空品區中最多。89年下半年至91年間,中部空品區則取代了北部空品區,成為全台露天燃燒次數最多的空品區。生質燃燒似非主要原因,垃圾燃燒不容忽視,但缺乏細節資料,無法有明確的結論。 本報告提出明確之沙塵影響分區分級制度,整頓各子計畫成果,並建議持續進行生物、懸浮微粒、雨水等採樣分析,以及衛星遙測、光達遙測、數值模擬等工作。 Scientific Management of dust storm monitoring and assessment This project is to organize the scientific findings of the monitoring group projects, to set up a project web site and to propose adaptation strategies. Details can be found in http://www.epa.gov.tw/monitoring/ weather/ Welcome.html. During December, 2003 ~ May, 2004, a total of 11 dust storms affect air quality in Taiwan. Among them, only seven events reach a dust influencing rank of one. Only two events occur in spring. The most noteworthy situation is a lot of dust influencing events appears in winter, which is quite unusual. Due to such experience, it is better that EPA starts watching Asian dust storms from the beginning of December. A total of three intensive dust observing experiments were executed in this year. The first one is during 2/5 10am ~2/7 10am with two peaks but low levels. The second one is during 2/14 2pm ~2/16 8am, a local pollution event occurs around 2/19 2am. The third one is during 4/2 2am ~ 4/3 1pm, a local pollution event occurs around 4/7 2am. A total of five meetings are organized in this year. Three are internal discussion meetings. Two are workshops open to general public. On Oct. 15, we have invited scientists from China, Japan and Korea to exchange scientific findings with local scientists. This project has checked into the influence of Southeast Asia biomass burning on local air quality. It appears that air pollutants from mainland China affects Kingmeng, Marzo and Markuon very frequently, but not so easy to detect similar signatures in data collected at Taiwan stations. This project also analyzes the local open-field burning events. It appears that such events occur every day and are not caused just by biomass burning. Garbage burning seems to occupy the major portion. However, the information collected by local EPB are not sufficient enough to reveal more details. This report has proposed a detailed dust ranking methodology and an eight-region PSI ranking system. Also, this project has integrated findings from other projects and proposes to continue support all mo 093 監資處 國立臺灣大學全球變遷研究中心 柳中明 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3142