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宜蘭縣101年節能減碳輔導及減碳種子教師培訓計畫 藉由複式動員機制,推廣至各級政府機關、企業、學校、民間團體、村里長、民眾共同來落實節能減碳;未來將透過學校教育,培養節能減碳意識,配合種子教師及物業管理單位協助,促使民眾在個人日常生活中,鼓勵落實生活環保,做到每人每天至少減碳一公斤,讓台灣加速邁向「低碳社會」。 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 醒吾科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=47214
101年度宜蘭縣反怠速停車熄火宣導暨稽查管制計畫 摘 要一、計畫簡介計畫名稱 101年度「反怠速停車熄火宣導暨稽查管制計畫」執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司計畫期程 101年4月1日至101年12月31日期末報告(正式定稿本)統計期程 101年5月29日至101年12月31日計畫執行經費 新台幣2,260,000元整計畫主持人 林逸塵 職稱 技術負責人 電話 02-8511-0701#31計畫經理 李志弘 職稱 計畫經理 電話 02-8511-0701#25計畫執行人員 陳昱全 職稱 執行人員 電話 02-8511-0701#26計畫執行人員 陳詠忠 職稱 稽查員 電話 03-9603492計畫執行人員 林韋辰 職稱 稽查員 電話 03-9603492立法院於100年4月8日三讀通過修訂空氣污染防制法部分條文的提案,增定停車怠速熄火相關規定,並制定「機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法」,自101年3月1日正式施行,為宣導車主配合,3月至5月定為宣導及勸導期,6月1日起正式開罰。依據交通部機動車輛統計月報資料顯示,宜蘭縣交通工具依據交通部統計月報資料顯示截至101年9月底止,機動車輛登記總數為440,043輛,已對本縣空氣品質造成一定的影響,因此如何持續加強稽查縣境內機動車輛停車怠速所造成的污染,並構思如何持續宣導機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法及相關政策,讓駕駛及民眾達到停車即熄火之良好習慣,以利在環保單位資源有限之情況下,有效並持續稽查本縣之機動車輛怠速行為,以降低排放污染,是本計畫執行的宗旨及目標所在。本計畫契約期程,自101年4月1日起至101年12月31日止,共計9個月,期末報告(正式定稿本)統計期程,自101年5月29日至101年12月31日,在人力及設備的投入情形如下表所示,共計投入計畫執行人力4名(含計畫經理),另本計畫執行各工作項目,所需之儀器及設備如下表所示。二、執行人力及設備項次 項目 合約要求 目前執行 備註1 執行人力(人) 3 4 2 電腦設備(套) 1 1 3 聯絡電話(組) 1 1 4 機動車輛怠速紅外線攝像儀(套) 1 1 5 通訊傳輸網址(個) 1 1 6 行車紀錄器含衛星導航(台) 1 1 7 專屬辦公室(間) 1 1 8 數位照相機(台) 1 1 9 數位攝影機(台) 1 1 10 公務車輛(台) 1 1 三、期末報告執行成果本(101年度)計畫各項工作項,量化達成數及預定執行期程說明,已詳述於本期末報告(正式定稿本)第4章4.1節,為持續加強宣導稽查於本縣轄內有怠速行為之車輛造成之污染,在稽查管制部份,針對縣轄內人口較多及車潮較密之鄉鎮市地區中較容易有怠速行為的地點加強宣導及稽查作業,來有效提昇本縣之空氣品質狀況,進而透過強力的管制作為,降低機動車輛怠速所產生的空氣污染並提昇二氧化碳削減量,亦持續針對如國中小導護人員及志工、鄉鎮市公所、客運業者等舉辦教育訓練會議及成果說明會議,透過以上人員將本政策及法令規範散播,讓駕駛及民眾更能清楚了解反怠速相關資訊。此外本計畫規劃印製相關宣導單、宣導文宣以及宣導品至轄內各大轉運接駁站、公私立停車場及學校等處發放,並以多元化方式宣導反怠速政策及法令,如以空中廣播及電視宣傳的方式,播放施行本政策的好處及重點方向。而本計畫亦將不定期發布新聞稿,散播有關反怠速政策的最新資訊,並透過專屬網站的設立,讓民眾能在日常生活中吸收本法令政策相關資訊。四、執行成果為有效落實環保署機動停車怠速管理辦法,對本縣機動車輛停車有惰轉行為未關閉引擎者進行管制。本計畫執行人員依照每日排定行程表,依照暨排定之時間、地點進行機動車輛怠速宣導暨稽查作業,除周一至周五上班時間外,並於每月例假日針對縣轄內熱門風景區停車場進行稽查宣導作業,利用假日人潮車潮眾多特性,向車主進行宣導及勸導,以達到直接宣導之效果。並以媒體宣導、文宣發放、辦理大型活動及舉辦教育訓練說明會議等方式,積極宣導反怠速政策及法令等方式,截至101年12月31日為止,主要工作執行量化成果分述如下:(一)停車怠速熄火宣導暨稽查作業本計畫自101年5月29日至101年12月31日止,於縣轄內各地區進行反怠速停車熄火宣導暨稽查作業,共計完成2,183輛次,其中包含有較嚴重怠速車輛1,103輛次。(二)縣內年度大型活動配合辦理宣導為使至本縣遊憩的觀光遊客及縣內民眾,能夠了解怠速熄火的法令,本計畫規劃於計畫執行期間,規劃辦理或配合其他縣內或環保局宣導活動辦理2場次。(三)印製宣導文宣及宣導品為了讓本縣更多的民眾、學童家長及遊客,能更瞭解到「機動車輛停車怠速熄火管理辦法」本計畫擬製作宣導文宣及宣導品於於火車站、轉運站或風景區進行宣導時發放。。(四)製作宣導短片媒體托播為加深民眾對於停車怠速熄火管理辦法的印象,本計畫以拍攝宣導短片的做法,並透過宜蘭地區當地有線電視公益頻道播放本短片,讓民眾熟知本管理辦法,以避免不必要的罰責。合約項目 合約數量 執行數量 達成率(五)新聞稿發佈透過新聞稿刊登方式,讓民眾很快瞭解環保局相關工作執行方式及相關法令規定。截至101年12月31日止,共計完成5篇新聞稿發佈作業,進度達成率為100%,希冀以網路散播方式使民眾更清楚本法規及政策。(六)鄉鎮公所及客運業者宣導及成果說明會議本計畫於101年10月23日上午10時舉辦第一場次說明會議(如圖4.5-11所示),並邀集縣內各鄉鎮市公所清潔隊、客運、貨運業者及ㄧ般民眾與會,並於舉辦會議當日說明本政策法規及發放宣導紅布條讓清潔隊懸掛於清潔車及資源回收車上,讓宣導效果更為彰顯,而於11月28日舉辦成果發表會,將本年度反怠速之執行成果及未來法規修改方向提供給各鄉鎮市公所及客運業者分享及參考。(七)學校導護人員宣導教育訓練會議於101年9月7日上午9時,及101年11月1日上午9時,假文化局2樓演講廳辦理2場次教育訓練會議,邀集轄內溪北及溪南地區國民小學及國民中學導護人員及學生等來賓與會。會議議題針對溪南地區進行相關法規及問答說明,並提供教學簡報供到場教師或導護人員索取,以達散播環保教育之效。 (八)製作及更新專屬網站為了服務更廣大的群眾,本計畫亦設計製作停車熄火專屬網站,並附掛於環保局柴油車動力計專屬網站頁面內。本計畫專屬網站已於6月20日完成掛附作業,並持續更新中,目前進度為100%。(九)規劃風景區設置常態性宣導看板為加強觀光客及當地民眾的反怠速理念,本計畫規劃於蘭陽博物館及大溪漁港設立反怠速宣導看板,設計上採淺顯易懂、大方美觀為原則,能有效加深本政策對於民眾的映象,並於12月25日完成設置。(十)學校電子跑馬燈播放作業透過校園內電子設備的輔助,來擴大整體停車怠速熄火宣導的效益,進而讓學童、家長乃至校務人員,熟知現行停車怠速熄火的相關法令。本計畫截至12月30日前,完成規劃關於停車怠速熄火的宣導標語,並協請學校單位協助於該校電子佈告欄或LED跑馬燈網,截至101年12月31日已回收12所學校設置跑馬燈之照片。 The 101 annual Yilan County anti-idling stop the flameout propaganda cum inspectors control plan AbstractFirst, the Plan DescriptionTitle 101 annual anti-idling stop flameout propaganda cum inspection and control plan "Implementation units spring Di Enterprise Co., Ltd.April 1 plan period away 101 to 101 years 12, 31, 2010Final report (officially finalized this)With statistical process May 29, 101 years to 101 years 12, 31, 2010Funding for project implementation NT $ 2,260,000 $Project Director Lin Yichen person in charge of the titles of technical phone 02-8511-0701 # 31The program manager Li Zhihong titles program manager Tel 02-8511-0701 # 25The Program Executive Foebe full titles Executive Tel 02-8511-0701 # 26The Program Executive Chen Yongzhong titles inspectors Tel 03-9603492The Program Executive Linwei Chen titles inspector telephone 03-9603492Legislative Yuan at 100 Third Reading on April 8 by the proposal to amend some of the provisions of the Air Pollution Control Act, increasing fixed parking idle flameout related provisions, and the development of motor vehicle parking idling management approach, which came into effect on March 1, 101 years advocacy owners with as propaganda and persuasion period, from March to May, and June 1, the official opening of the penalty. Ministry of Transportation motor vehicle statistics monthly report data to display, Yilan County transport according to the Ministry of Transportation Statistics monthly report data show ended end of September 101 years, the registration of the total number of motor vehicles to 440,043 vehicles, has been the county air quality caused by certain influence, and therefore how continuing to strengthen the pollution caused by the inspectors County motor vehicle parking idling, and the idea of ​​how sustained advocacy motor vehicle parking the idle management approach and related policies, so that drivers and people to parking that is the flameout of good habits, in order to facilitate environmental agencies with limited resources , effective and sustained in motor vehicle idling behavior of the inspectors in this county to reduce emissions pollution, is the implementation of the purposes and objectives of this project lies.This project, the period of the contract process, since April 1 101 years until 101 years, a total of nine months, the final report (officially finalized), the reference period away May 29, 101 years to 101 years December 31, in the situation of manpower and equipment investment in the following table shows, a total investment in the project implementation of human 4 (Program Manager) In addition, the plan is working, the instruments and equipment required for the following table shows.Second, the implementation of human and equipmentItem project contract requirements currently perform RemarksImplementation of human (people) 34Computer equipment (sets) 113 Contact Telephone (group) 114 motor vehicle idling Infrared Camera (sets) 115 the communication transmission Website (a) 116 tachograph including satellite navigation (Taiwan) 117 the exclusive office (between) 1111 of the 800 digital camera (Taiwan)11 of the 900 digital camera (Taiwan)11 of the 10 official vehicles (Taiwan) Third, the end of the report on the implementation of the outcome ofThis (101-year) plan of the work items, quantify reached number and scheduled execution of process description, has been described in detail in the final report (officially finalized), Chapter 4, 4.1, and jurisdiction in the county continued to strengthen advocacy inspectors location within the pollution caused by vehicles idling behavior, part of the inspection and control, easier dense region Township for county Xianei larger population and tide of cars idling behavior strengthen advocacy and auditing jobs, to effectively enhance air quality conditions in the county, and then through the strong control as to reduce the air pollution generated by motor vehicle idling and enhance carbon dioxide reductions also continued to organize, such as elementary and junior high guidance counselors or staff and volunteers, township offices, passenger transport, etc. Training Conference and results illustrate the meeting via the above spread of the policies and laws and regulations, so that drivers and people more clearly understand the anti-idling information.In addition, the project planning printed propaganda Single promote propaganda and advocacy products to Xianei major transporter interchanges, public and private car parks and schools, etc. issued diversified propaganda anti-idling policies and decrees such as air radio and television propaganda, player benefits and focus on the direction of the purposes of this policy. This project will also be occasional press release, spread the latest information about the anti-idling policy, through the establishment of the website, so that people can absorb the Act policies related information in their daily lives.Fourth, the implementation of resultsFor the effective implementation of the EPD motor stop idling management approach, the county's motor vehicle parking control the idle behavior does not shut down the engine. This project executive officers in accordance with the daily scheduled itinerary, propaganda cum inspectors operating a motor vehicle idling follow-cum-scheduled time, place, in addition to working hours Monday to Friday, and monthly holidays for the counties within its jurisdiction Popular Scenic Area parking inspectors propaganda operations, take advantage of the many features of the holiday crowds tide of cars and car owners to carry out propaganda and persuasion, to achieve the effect of direct advocacy. And media propaganda, propaganda issued, to handle large-scale activities and organizing educational training instructions conferencing, active propaganda of anti-idling policies and decrees, as of December 31, 101 years, the main job execution quantify results are as follows:(A) Parking idling-stop propaganda cum inspectors jobThis project since May 29, 101 years to 101 years, in the county within its jurisdiction regional anti-idling parking stall propaganda cum inspection job, completed a total of 2,183 motorcycles, which contains more serious idling vehicles 1,103 vehicles.(B) The county annual events with the handle promotionTo enable tourists to the county recreation and county people, it is possible to understand the idle flameout of the Act, the project planning during the project execution, planning or to cooperate with other county or the Environmental Protection Agency in the promotion activities for 2 sessions.(C) printed propaganda propaganda and advocacy goodsIn order to let more people in the county, school children, parents and visitors better understand motor vehicle stop idling-stop management approach to the project, making propaganda propaganda and advocacy goods in the railway station, transfer station or Scenic issued at the time of the promotion. .(D) produced propaganda video media for broadcasting toThis project to deepen the impression of the people for parking idle flameout management approach to shooting practice propaganda video to play the clip, and local cable TV public service channels through the Ilan area, people familiar with the management approach, in order to avoid unnecessary Penalties .Contract number of project contract execution rate reached number(E) press releaseThrough a press release published so that people can quickly understand the the EPA work performed and related laws and regulations. Ended December 31, 101 years to complete a total of five press releases publishing operations, the the progress ratio at 100%, hoping to network spread way to make people more aware of the regulations and policies.(VI) in town halls and passenger transport industry advocacy and achievements MEETINGSThis project held at 10:00 on October 23, 101 years the first screenings Description (as shown in Figure 4.5-11), and invited the towns and townships and cities clean team, passenger and freight operators and react to the general populace participants will be published, and was held the day of the meeting description of the policies and regulations and disseminate propaganda red cloth to clean team hung on clean cars and resource recovery car, so the the propaganda effect more highlight, and the result was held on November 28, implementation results and the future of this year anti-idling regulations modify the direction provided to the township offices and passenger transport industry to share and reference.(Vii) school guidance counselors or staff advocacy training conferenceAt 9:00 on the September 7, 101 years and 101 years 11 1 day morning 9 pm, Auditorium, 2nd Floor, fake Department of Cultural Affairs for the 2 sessions of training meeting, invited of its jurisdiction Sibei and Sinan elementary and junior secondary school guide nursing staff and students and other guests attended the event. Conference topics for areas south of the river related regulations and quiz instructions, and provide teaching presentation for the scene teachers or guidance counselors Request up to spread the effect of environmental education. (8) producing and updating exclusive websiteTo serve the wider masses, the plan is also designed parking stall dedicated Web site, accompanied by hanging in the the EPA diesel car power meter dedicated website page. Hanging attached to the job, the website of this project was completed on June 20 and in the continuously updated, the current progress of 100%.(9) Planning Scenic propaganda billboards set normalityTo strengthen the anti-idling philosophy of tourists and local people, the plan is planning to establish anti-idling propaganda billboards at the the Lanyang museum and Dasi fishing port, mining design easy to understand, generous and beautiful principle effectively deepen this policy for people the mapping, and the set was completed on December 25.(10) School Electronic Marquee player jobsThrough the campus auxiliary electronic equipment, to expand the benefits of the overall parking idling-stop propaganda, thereby allowing students, parents, and school personnel, familiar with the current parking idle flameout Act. The plan as of December 30, the completion of the planned parking idle flameout propaganda slogans, and co-school units to assist in the school bulletin board or LED Marquee network of 12 schools have been recovered as of December 31, 101 years Set Marquee Photographs. 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50630
宜蘭縣101年度逸散污染源減量改善及室內空氣品質輔導管制計畫 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局基於為落實國家環境保護政策,有效管制及防止縣內逸散污染源之情事發生,提昇污染源巡查之效率,擬訂計畫推動--宜蘭縣101年度空氣品質改善維護計畫「逸散污染源減量改善及室內空氣品質輔導改善計畫」。本計畫延續歷年(93~100年)持續推動裸露地相關基本資料之建置、裸露地粒狀污染物排放量推估、持續追蹤受補助綠化之裸露地改善現況。另一方面,同時持續進行本計畫執行之土石業與疏濬工程巡查管制作業、礦場、蘇澳港及道路污染巡查管制作業,除清查、更新縣內砂石場、礦場及蘇澳港基本資料庫外,並建立巡查管制機制、推動逸散性污染防制措施之輔導及宣導、推估粒狀污染物排放量、研擬污染減量措施及成效評估,另自民國98年起新增室內空氣品質現況調查及推動室內空氣品質自主管理等關事宜,同時配合環保署考核事項等相關作業內容,以提昇逸散污染管制效率。 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 日揚環境工程有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=50384
101年度露天燃燒及餐飲業臭味污染等高陳情事件稽查管制與污染減量行動計畫 101 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 日揚環境工程有限公司
101年度空氣污染綜合防制暨應變計畫 本計畫自101年6月1日執行至102年5月31日,主要工作內容為綜合管理各空污基金編列計畫執行品質之監督及管考,以達到各項管制工作之預期目標,並整合具體成效及特色成果,以達成良好環保署考評績效;另一重點則為掌握定更新本縣環境負荷及污染排放資料,分析境內空氣品質監測結果及空氣品質不良事件日污染成因探討,提供環保局據以檢討修正近程空氣污染管制策略。在分析空氣品質數據方面,分析91-101年空氣品質指標(PSI)發現,自94年起北部空氣品質不良(PSI>100)的比率以臭氧(O3)副指標占多數,101年時比例下降至0.14%,而空氣品質良好日數(PSI<50)方面,100年首度突破50%,101年更升高至55%,為94年以來空氣品質最好,各污染物監測值維持二級空氣污染防制區標準。在空污防制計畫之監督管理工作方面,本計畫每月針對各項考評指標,進行各空氣污染防制計畫執行進度及品質查核,彙整各計畫查核結果,呈報環保局並提出建議改善方案。且為確立計畫整體管制方向,共辦理1場次空氣污染防制管理教育訓練會、工作實地督導稽核6場次、內部工作協商會2場次、工作檢討專家諮詢會3場次,以提升各計畫工作績效及執行品質,101年各項考評得分為92.29分,為近年最高。在整合媒體宣導方面,藉由大眾媒體宣導,使本縣民眾即時掌握及瞭解環保局為打造潔淨、健康、舒適之環境致力於各項防制工作,計畫期程共發佈11版次平面媒體宣導、7檔次廣播宣導、2檔次電視廣告,並辦理1場次成果發表活動,由桃園縣長吳志揚、蘆竹鄉長褚春來等貴賓,公開表揚環保工作有優良貢獻之單位,宣導年度工作成效,提升民眾對環保局工作之滿意度。彙整101年度在空品改善成效方面,PSI>100站日數比例0.14%、PSI小於50站日數比例55%、O3小時平均值102ppb,皆達到年度空氣品質改善目標;污染物削減量,SOx削減6,130公噸、NOx削減2,303公噸、NMHC削減1,338公噸、PM10削減633公噸,於各項管制工作中皆達成年度目標,唯車輛納管率達目標90%,本年度使用紅外線熱顯像儀掌握不法排放管道、跨局處推動電動巴士、設立空品淨區等管制策略獲環保署肯定,且年度考評已蟬連4年特優,成效良好。 The Integration Plan of Air Quality to Manintain, Improve, and Strain,2012 This project was carried out from June 1, 2012 to May 31, 2013, with the main tasks of monitoring, oversight, and evaluation of the execution quality of the air pollution fund allocation projects. The objectives are to ensure that the expected goals can be met, and the concrete achievements and special outcomes can be integrated to meet the evaluation of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). Other tasks include updating the environmental loading and pollutant discharge data of this county, analyzing the air quality monitoring results, and discussing the causes of the poor air quality incidents. The data are provided to the Bureau of Environmental Protection as a reference for modifying the short-term air pollution control strategies. Regarding the pollutant standards index (PSI) analyze. Since 2005, ozone indicator (O3) accounts for the majority among the ratio of poor air quality in northern Taiwan (PSI>100), while in 2012, the ratio decreased to 0.14%. In 2011, the days of good air quality (PSI<50) reached 50% for the first time, and increased to 55% in 2012, which was the best record of air quality since 2005. The pollutant monitoring values remained Class 2 control regions of the air quality standards. Concerning the supervision and management of air quality prevention plans, this project checked the execution progress and quality of the plans on a monthly basis, compiled the results for the Bureau of Environmental Protection as a reference to propose improvement plans. In order to establish the overall direction of this project, one session of training seminar on air pollution control and management, six sessions on field supervision, two sessions on internal work coordination, and three sessions on work review and expert consultation, thus improving the work performances and execution quality. In 2012, all items in the performance evaluation scored an average of 92.29, which is the highest in the recent years. In terms of media promotion, mass media are used to allow the local residents learning more about the efforts made by the Bureau of Environmental Protection in creating a clean, healthy, and comfortable environment. During the project course, eleven times of print media, seven times of radio, twice of TV commercial, and one session of achievement presentation were held. Magistrate Wu Chih-yang of Taoyuan County, Chief Chu Chun-lai of Luchu Township, and other distinguished guests attended the presentation to praise the units that have made considerable contributions to environmental works, and to outline the annual work achievements, thus enhancing the public satisfaction on the works of the Bureau of Environmental Protection. In summary of the air quality improvement achievements in 2012, the ratio of PSI>100 was 0.14%, the ratio of PSI<50 was 55%, and the hourly average of O3 was 102ppb, which all reached the air quality improvement target of 2012. Regarding the pollutant reduction amount, SOx was reduced by 6,130 tons, NOx was reduced by 2,303 tons, NMHC was reduced by 1,338 tons, PM10 was reduced by 633 tons, which all reached the target of the year. Only the vehicle control rate was 90% accomplished. In this year, the accomplishments of using infrared thermal imager to detect illegal discharge sources, cross-departmental promotion of electric buses, and establishing clean air quality zone, have been recognized by the EPA. The annual performance evaluation has remained “excellent” for consecutive four years. 101 桃園縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68552
102年度土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料申報審查與查核計畫(甲) 本計畫為協助環保局執行「土壤及地下水污染整治法」第8、9條備查與審查相關工作。本計畫共受理332件備審查案件,平均審查天數為4.3天,平均案件同意通過率為79.2%,協助完成299件電子化作業。本計畫依事業申報採樣案件比例進行抽查,已完成85場查核,102年度現場查核缺失率(54%)較101年度(45%)上升,主要因為本年度新增查核缺失項目,針對行程申請資料加強查核。本計畫負責區域為基隆市、臺北市、新北市、桃園縣、新竹縣、宜蘭縣、連江縣、新竹市、苗栗縣、臺中市、金門縣等11個縣市。 The audition and review plan on evaluation,investigation and testing results reports of potential po The purpose of this project was to assist local environmental protection bureaus on reviewing and auditing Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation and Test Data, which were mandated by Artcle 8 and 9 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. We reviewed and audited 332 application files, an average of 4.3 days were needed to review one file. 79.2% of them were finalized. We also helped 299 finalized Data entry. In order to find out how the soil sampling performed, we paid 85 times on-site visit to enterprises when they were performing soil sampling for the purpose of Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act according to their filing schedules. We found that 54%of the sites were not complying with on-site audit principles, it was lower compared to that of last year. It was because that one new on-site audit principle was added, auditing the applying information of the site. This project were in charge of assisting the review and auditing the Data for 11 administrative regions, including Keelung City, Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County and Ilan County, Lienchiang County, Hsinchu City, Miaoli County, Taichung City, Kinmen County. 102 土污基管會 駿興工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68504
102年度土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料申報審查與查核計畫(乙) 本計畫為協助環保局執行「土壤及地下水污染整治法」第8、9條備查與審查作業相關工作。本計畫共受理270件備審查案件,平均審查天數為4.2天,平均案件同意通過率為77.8%,協助完成255件電子化作業。本計畫依事業申報採樣案件比例進行抽查,已完成85場查核,102年度現場查核缺失率(45%)較101年度(23%)上升,主要因為本年度新增查核缺失項目,針對行程申報資料加強查核。本計畫負責區域為彰化縣、南投縣、雲林縣、嘉義市、嘉義縣、臺南市、高雄市、臺東縣、屏東縣、花蓮縣及澎湖縣等11個縣市。 The audition and review plan on evaluation, investigation and testing results reports of potential p The purpose of this project was to assist local environmental protection bureaus on reviewing and auditing Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation and Test Data, which were mandated by Article 8 and 9 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. We reviewed and audited 270 application files, an average of 4.2 days were needed to review one file. 77.8% of them were finalized. We also helped 255 finalized Data entry. In order to find out how the soil sampling performed, we paid 85 times on-site visits to enterprises when they were performing soil sampling for the purpose of Article 8 and 9 of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act according to their filing schedules. We found that 45% of the sites were not complying with on-site audit principles, it was higher compared to that of last year. It was because that one new on-site audit principle was added, auditing the applying information of the site. This project were in charge of assisting the review and auditing the Data for 11 administrative regions, including Chunghwa County, Nantou County, Yulin County, Chiayi City, Chiayi County, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, Pingtung County, Taitung County, Hualien County and Penghu County. 102 土污基管會 衛宇科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68024
102年全國地下水監測評析及管理規劃計畫 本計畫主要協助環保署有關地下水監測井之相關管理規劃工作,包括區域性及場置性監測井之功能評估及維護工作,並研訂最適監測管理建議與檢討監測井查核管理,此外為全面性檢討監測井井網分布,已研擬監測井網設置規劃並於基隆市及南投縣等地區完成區域性監測井補充設置作業,並提出監測井性質調整規劃。此外,由於近年來沿海地區地下水鹽化問題,本計畫已提出屏東平原沿海地區地下水鹽化監測規劃建議,並依據工作成果,檢討規劃資訊整合系統,以延續環保署地下水資訊平台之建置,並完成監測資訊整合運用之具體作法及宣導。有關區域性監測井功能評估及維護,本計畫共完成20口區域性監測井井況評估、15口再次完井、完井後水質採樣分析、7口基座改善、7口異物排除、10口監測井重新設置作業、6口監測井廢井作業;而場置性監測井功能評估及維護則完成121口場置性監測井外部巡查維護、內部功能檢查、井中攝影作業成果,另額外完成9口場置性監測井再次完井、再次完井前後水質採樣分析。地下水鹽化預警範圍調查與規劃工作完成15口屏東平原沿海地區既有井鹽化豐水期及枯水期之地下水水質採樣分析成果,並藉由相關水質評析及空間推估方式,提出地下水鹽化預警監測方式。有關監測井井網檢討及規劃,本計畫已完成基隆市7口及南投縣12口之區域性監測井補充設置作業,並已完成評估全國十大地下水分區之監測井井網密度適宜性,亦已研擬監測井性質調整規劃之建議。地下水管理及監測資訊整合規劃已完成評析各單位現有地下水井之資料及異常狀況,並因應環評之土水資料納入土壤及地下水監測資訊整合作業要點,提供相關研修內容建議,亦已提出相關系統平台欄位擴充建議,並額外提出建置「地下水整合地理資訊系統-嘉義縣」之模型概念。 Project of Taiwan Groundwater Monitoring, Assessment and Management The purpose of this project is to manage and planning the groundwater monitoring network, including the assessment and maintenance of regional and site-specific monitoring wells, status investigation and assessment of monitoring wells for establishing appropriate management strategies and reviewing the efficiency of monitoring wells usage. The distributions of monitoring wells are evaluated to conduct the planning of monitoring network set-up. The monitoring wells of Keelung and Nantou counties are installed in this project. Besides, the monitoring network for groundwater saline warning is proposed to observe the potential of groundwater salinalization of coastal area. The integrated management information system (MIS) is discussed to complete the groundwater GIS of Taiwan EPA and to plan the procedures of data integration and application.The status assessment of 20 regional monitoring wells, redevelopment and groundwater quality analyses of 15 regional monitoring wells, foundation repair of 7 regional monitoring wells, obstruction of 7 regional monitoring wells, rebuilding of 10 regional monitoring wells, abolishment of 6 regional monitoring wells are completed in this project. The external maintenance, internal function assessment, boreholes records of totally 121 site-specific monitoring wells are conducted. Additionally, obstruction and groundwater quality analyses of 9 site-specific monitoring wells are also evaluated. For the issue of groundwater saline warning, the groundwater quality analysis of 15 Pindong monitoring wells in wet and dry seasons are determined. The network of groundwater saline warning is proposed by water quality evaluation and spatial estimation approaches. Besides, totally 7 and 12 regional monitoring wells in Keelung and Nantou counties, respectively, are installed. The spatial densities of monitoring wells of 10 catchments in Taiwan are also calculated to propose the adjustment of monitoring wells distribution. In this project, the format and difference of observation data of monitoring wells in different department are compared. The modification methods of data integration are revised in this report. Moreover, the conceptual model of integrated GIS (Chiayi county) is proposed in this project. 102 土污基管會 業興環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68495
102年度全國農地污染之環境資料蒐集與污染關聯性分析計畫 我國土壤及地下水污染整治法(以下簡稱土污法),自民國89年2月2日公布施行以來,確立以污染者付費為最終之目的,然因考量現實情況,污染情形往往對於國人有健康危害甚至對於當地居民有立即性危害,抑或有污染擴大之疑慮等,要求污染者付費才辦理整治作業,通常緩不濟急,甚至導致更嚴重之污染危害。為此,土污法設有代為支應之規定,針對污染情形有導致當地居民健康危害,以及污染有擴大之虞等情形之土地,由土污基金先行支應污染整治工作,以確保污染危害不致進一步擴大,此概念在農地污染危害管理上尤為適用。為因應實務案件之多樣性,並完備土污法對應相關案件之能力,土污法在99年2月修正,確立於土壤及地下水之污染案件中,增加潛在污染責任人與污染行為人共同負擔整治義務之相關規定,更趨近歐美先進國家之環境使用者負擔整治義務之思維。本計畫蒐集全國373筆場址(桃園縣、新竹市、苗栗縣、台中市、彰化縣、嘉義縣與屏東縣)與其污染途徑相關之農田水利小組背景與營運資料,包含引灌水源、農田水利灌區、工作站分區、小組分區、各類渠道分佈(含灌溉專用渠道、排水渠道、灌排併用渠道、回歸利用渠道等)、既有之灌溉水質測站位置、近年水質監測資料、歷年渠道底泥清除狀況,以及排入渠道的污染源名單,水利會搭排戶、排洩戶及水污染列管事業相關資料,進行關聯性探討,以作為未來釐清責任歸屬求償之參考依據,因此,本計畫最主要工作為收集與分析農地污染之相關環境資料,並比對灌排系統與農地污染其間之關聯性。本計畫所列場址中以彰化縣、桃園縣數量最多,其污染型態皆為農地污染之最典型,引灌水中混入工業廢水,經長期累積進而危害農地案例,整理比對環境資料之後,其中326筆位於水利會灌區內,與全國農地高污染潛勢分區比較,位於危害等級潛勢有140筆;有60筆位在污染等級潛勢;有92筆位在警戒等級潛勢;有34筆位在安全等級潛勢,反映出污染現象並非個案,而是呈現區域性且系統性的污染問題。本文第四章亦蒐集目前土基會對於農地污染事件積極的做法,透過有系統的主動蒐集並保留證據,有效鎖定污染來源,針對污染行為人進行確認與求償,亦可追究潛在污染責任人應負之責任。然而既往的案例因污染證據之監測與保存不盡完整,但經本計畫之蒐集、彙整與分析,已經可達計畫設定之目標,協助土基會後續之作為。 Environmental Data Compilation and Pollution Causes Analysis of Agricultural Land Pollution in Taiwa Based on the “polluter pays principle”, the polluter, potential polluter, have to be identified and asked to take the liability to cover the expense. However, it is very difficult to find out who is the polluter, except for few cases as north of Changhwa County. In most cases the characteristics of heavy metals in soil exhibited complex spatial variations and patterns, and the pollutants came from many sources with a long period of time, caused it very difficult to identify attribution of liability.The remediation of soil pollution in contaminated sites, located in Taoyuan County, Hsinchu City, Miaoli County, Taichung City, Changhwa County, Chiayi County and Pingtung County have been completed through carried out many remediation projects funded by government. The main purpose of this project is to unravel environmental factors at contaminated site using a combination of different approaches, and trying to figure out the liability of irrigation associations as the potential polluter. After collecting and summarizing the related documents in terms of environmental factors, surrounding geological features, the relevant historical investigation records, irrigation system information, and spatiotemporal data, a task-oriented geographic information systems (GIS) database was built. Among the 373 cadastral lots, 326 paddies belong to Taoyuan, Taichung and Changhwa Irrigation Associations. Using the potential pollution index to analysis where are the vulnerable pollution locations, and judge the surrounding irrigation system as the path way to cause the farmland pollution. In general, irrigation has been proved as a major route of pollutants transportation and in consequence of agricultural soil pollution. By the law, the irrigation associations take responsibility in charge of the safety of irrigation water quality and quantity. Obviously, improper management of irrigation system occurred in soil pollution process, and the irrigation associations should take the liability as potential polluter. 102 土污基管會 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68470
公私場所室內空氣品質重點輔導改善計畫 由於民眾每天約90%的時間會處於室內的環境中,室內空氣品質良窳會影響到人體健康,有效改善室內空氣品質,可促進環境管理並保護人體健康。工作團隊根據室內空氣品質管理法第6條所列管之國內各公私場所,參考不同類別場所之研商會建議與各方意見後,研擬第一批預先公告場所包含9大類別場所,規劃原則是以公部門和場所規模大者為優先考量,建議的場所名單計有490個場所。不同類別的公告場所具有不同的管制規模與管制區域,以降低對未來公告場所的衝擊。考量場所類別和使用特性及污染物的特性,提出第一批預先公告場所之特徵污染物,作為室內空氣品質標準之管制建議項目。特徵污染物分成通風指標及污染指標兩種,再依照場所類別和使用特性進行評析。建議在第一批預先公告場所皆將二氧化碳、甲醛及粒徑小於等於10微米之懸浮微粒納入特徵污染物;總揮發性有機化合物、真菌、粒徑小於等於2.5微米之懸浮微粒及臭氧暫時不列入預先公告場所的特徵污染物;一氧化碳及細菌則依照場所類別和使用特性進行場所特徵污染物建議。對於暫不列入公告場所特徵污染物的項目,建議在法規正式公告前的緩衝期限內,持續進行專案輔導彙整分析檢測結果,以修訂不同類別場所的特徵污染物項目。依據第一批建議預先公告場所名單,由環保署選定40處輔導場所進行環境檢視和空調換氣評估,其中包含巡檢式儀器量測或公告方法檢測。輔導場所類別包含社會福利機構、交通運輸、大專院校、醫療機構、圖書館、展覽館、商場及百貨公司。計畫評估多數輔導場所,皆具有能力可達成室內空氣品質標準規範項目,包含二氧化碳、一氧化碳、甲醛、總揮發性有機化合物、細菌、真菌、粒徑小於等於10微米之懸浮微粒、粒徑小於等於2.5微米之懸浮微粒、臭氧的要求。少數輔導場所之換氣現況在特定條件下未達需求,本計畫已協助評估如何施行改善,包含篩選7處場所進行長時間詳細檢查與量測,量測項目包括較長時間的二氧化碳濃度、溫度、溼度,建構電腦模擬氣流場評估,依據篩選環境區域提供室內空氣品質之改善方案,做為未來場所進行室內空氣品質問題改善作業程序參考。本計畫完成室內空氣品質問題診斷及維護管理文件建構,此管理文件是和既有的室內空氣品質維護管理計畫文件整合並加以歸納簡化。重新檢視後的維護管理計畫文件是依照室內空氣品質管理法施行細則第6條規範建立,包含10份表單和1份自我檢查表,並完成室內空氣品質維護管理計畫文件撰寫指引,協助場所發現通風換氣、潛在污染源及污染源控制問題,以有效進行室內空氣品質自主管理。此外,計畫也以自主管理認證作業方法為基礎,加入室內空氣品質管理法規定,並加入輔導改善機制及精神予以優化,提出「室內空氣品質優良場所標章(草案)」之作業辦法,提供國民識別良好室內空氣品質公共場所之參考依據。對於幼兒園部分,建議以宣傳教育代替未來的法規管制,計畫是針對幼兒園設計室內空氣品質改善技術手冊(折頁),維護室內空氣品質的執行步驟文字化且設計成標語,並導入環保署的減碳雙熊導引幼兒學習維護室內空氣品質的重要性。折頁內容是以ㄅㄆㄇㄈ四法寶進行口訣設計,分別對應到室內空氣品質改善方法的「通風改善」、「控制污染源」、「維護清潔」及「淨化空氣」,以輔導幼兒園教師教育幼童之室內空氣品質維護方法。 Field Assessment and Improvement of Indoor Air Quality in Public and Private Premises Project The quality of indoor air will influence the human healthy because of spending most of time (>90%) per day staying in the indoor environment. Therefore, improvement the indoor air quality would enhance the environmental management and protect human health. Team works are based on article 6 of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Act announce of the public and private premises, refer to different kinds of premises to list 9 kinds including 490 of public premises. Different counseling premises should have specific management scale and area to reduce the impact of pre-announced premises. Team work listed characteristic pollutants on the basis of kinds of premises, usage and pollutants properties for the first pre-announced premises. Characteristic pollutants are divided into ventilation index and pollution index for further estimating premises and characteristic. The first pre-announced premises are suggested to announced carbon dioxide (CO2), formaldehyde(HCOH) and airborne particles with a diameter of 10 micrometers or less (PM10) to characteristic pollutants. Total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), fungi, airborne particles with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less (PM2.5) and ozone (O3) temporarily not list characteristic pollutants. As to carbon monoxide (CO) and bacteria depend on which and what premises and characteristic are. In addition, those not listing as characteristic pollutants at the present stage are processing project counselling to obtain and establish database during IAQ regulation announced. For the first pre-announced public premises, EPA examined randomly 40 premises to view and estimate the air conditioner exchange system with portable equipments or announced method examination. Counselling premises are including social welfare institutions, mass transportation, universities and colleges, medical institutions, libraries, exhibition rooms, markets and shopping malls. Most of counselling premises can make demand of the IAQ regulations including CO2, CO, HCOH, TVOCs, fungi, bacteria, PM10, PM2.5, O3. Team work also counselled a few premises which did not make the demand of air conditioner exchange. According to the results from field tests, team work selected 7 premises to detect long term CO2 concentration, air humidity, and temperature for assessing computer modeling and improving the indoor air environment. It could provide specific environmental improvement project as the reference materials according to the establishment of database and standard operation procedure in the future.IAQ checklists are including maintaining documents and diagnostic documents. Maintenance and management plan documents are on the basis Article 6 of IAQ Act including 10 documents and checklists. Writing guidelines of maintenance and management plan documents also offer information for premises inspecting ventilation, potential pollutants, controlling pollutant source through self-management by themselves. In addition, propose the draft Act of “Outstanding Indoor Air Quality Mark”, which as representative outstanding IAQ public premises for rewarding self-management certification and conforming IAQ regulations, provide people to recognize good indoor air quality premises.Team work suggest not to list kindergarten as a counseling premise, publicity education instead of regulation in order to make sure the health of children. This year focus on design IAQ brochure (folder pages) taking the EPA of Less Carbon Two Bears, the draft brochure is including standard execution steps and the slogan of maintaining the IAQ. Folder pages are design to the Chinese alphabet for children to read and learn. Alphabet slogans are correspond to “Improved ventilation”, “Control pollution”, “Maintenance Cleaning” and “Clean air”, respectively. Kindergarten teachers educate children to maintain IAQ for further self-management for children themselves health. 102 空保處 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68410
101年度空氣污染綜合防制暨應變計畫-空品淨化區及室內空品維護計畫 桃園縣「101年度空氣污染綜合防制暨應變計劃-空品淨化區及室內空品維護計畫」執行期程自101年6月11日起至102年6月10日止,計畫主要工作為空氣品質淨化區查核與輔導管理、裸露地調查與輔導改善、室內空氣品質查核與輔導管理等三大工作主軸。在空氣品質淨化區查核與輔導管理方面,本年度計畫共完成26處既有空氣品質淨化區之每月現場查核與維護管理工作達306處次,並輔導完成民間認養5處空氣品質淨化區。本計畫執行期間除協助完成中壢市文小12空氣品質淨化區(現名中壢市龍岡森林環保公園),自設置工程施作至完成設置之相關追蹤與輔導工作設置期間(中壢市龍岡森林環保公園)之各項相關列管追蹤工作外,此外另完成輔導新屋鄉公所向環保署申請1處空氣品質淨化區的新增設置補助,待環保署核准設置後則將成為本縣第27處空氣品質淨化區。而為積極提升本縣空氣品質淨化區的使用率及吸引大眾關注空氣品質淨化區相關議題,本年度計畫則透過辦理「桃園縣空氣品質淨化區創意寫生活動」藉以有效吸引大眾親近空氣品質淨化區,期使大眾瞭解推動設置空氣品質淨化區所能帶來的空氣淨化與環境綠美化效益,促使大眾共同致力於環境保護工作,進而提昇本縣整體環境品質。在裸露地調查與輔導改善方面,本年度計畫共完成非營建裸露地調查計11處,總面積約7.23公頃,並針對上述1處裸露面積最大的裸露地場址,同時利用植生綠覆與稻草蓆鋪面方式進行裸露地改善達2.32公頃,以有效降低裸露地揚塵污染及兼具環境綠化之效。在室內空氣品質查核及輔導管理方面,本年度計畫共完成室內場所之現場查核輔導與二氧化碳巡檢工作達205家,並針對二氧化碳巡檢不合格之17家室內場所完成輔導與追蹤改善;此外,本年度計畫亦委託環保署認證之合格檢驗機構並採用環保署公告檢驗方法,篩選縣內7家不同類型之室內場所進行室內空氣品質調查工作(調查項目包含:二氧化碳、一氧化碳、甲醛、臭氧、總揮發性有機化合物、細菌、真菌、PM10及PM2.5等,共9項),以有效瞭解縣內各類室內場所的空氣品質現況,並邀請相關室內空氣品質維護管理之專家學者執行5家室內場所的現場勘查與輔導工作,以有效提升其室內空氣品質;而為協助室內空氣品質管理法之推行,並使公告場所積極落實室內空氣品質維護管理工作,本年度計畫則透過辦理2場次室內空氣品質法規宣導說明會議,並委請室內空氣品質相關專家學者就相關現行法規與室內空氣品質維護管理方法等,針對與會的公告場所人員進行輔導說明,以有效提升縣內公告場所的室內空氣品質,並降低新法對於公告場所所帶來之衝擊。 Taoyuan County’s “Integration Plan for Maintaining and Improving Air Quality 2012 : Clean Air Zones and Indoor Air Quality Maintenance Plan” Taoyuan County’s “Integration Plan for Maintaining and Improving Air Quality 2012 : Clean Air Zones and Indoor Air Quality Maintenance Plan” was implemented for the period from June 11, 2012 to June 10, 2013. The plan focused on the three areas of Clean Air Zone inspection and management counseling, bare land surveys and improvement counseling, and indoor air quality inspection and management counseling.In terms of the Clean Air Zone inspection and management counseling, 306 instances of monthly on-site inspections and maintenance for 26 existing Clean Air Zones, and counseling for the private adoption of 5 Clean Air Zones, were completed in this annual plan. During the implementation of this plan, in addition to assisting with the completion of the Zhongli City Wenxiao 12 Clean Air Zones (now named Zhongli City Longgang Forest Conservation Park), as well as the tracking and counseling of the construction from start to finish (Zhongli City Longgang Forest Conservation Park), the counseling of Xinwu Township Office in applying for new establishment subsidies for one Clean Air Zone from the Environmental Protection Administration was also carried out; after approval for its establishment by the Environmental Protection Administration, this will become the 27th Clean Air Zone in the County. In order to substantially elevate the usage rates of Clean Air Zone in the County and to draw public attention to issues related to Clean Air Zones, the “Taoyuan County Creative Sketches in Clean Air Zone” program was organized to effectively encourage the public to embrace Clean Air Zones, so that they can appreciate the air purification and environmental beautification benefits of establishing Clean Air Zones. This is expected to raise public awareness to devote people’s efforts to environmental protection, thereby elevating the overall environmental quality of the County.In terms of bare land survey and improvement counseling, surveys of 11 not-for-construction bare land sites, with a total surface area of about 7.23 hectares, were completed in this annual plan. For the largest bare land site, 2.32 hectares were improved using plant cover and hay mat cover to effectively reduce bare land dust pollution and to add greenery to the environment.In terms of indoor air quality inspection and management counseling, on-site inspection and counseling, and CO2 inspection work for 205 indoor locations, as well as the counseling and tracking for improvement at 17 indoor locations that failed the CO2 inspection, were completed in this annual plan. In addition, qualified examination institutions approved by the Environmental Protection Administration were commissioned, with the planning and examination methods publicized by the Environmental Protection Administration adopted, to survey indoor air quality at seven different types of indoor locations in the County (for 9 items: CO2, CO, methane, ozone, volatile organic compounds, bacteria, fungus, PM10 and PM2.5), in order to better understand the current air quality conditions at various indoor locations in the County. Furthermore, experts and scholars in the field of indoor air quality maintenance and management were invited to conduct on-site examinations and counseling at five indoor locations to effectively improve their indoor air quality; in order to facilitate the promotion of Indoor Air Quality Act so that officially announced premises can proactively implement indoor air quality maintenance and management, two sessions of indoor air quality promotional and explanatory meetings for air quality regulations were held, in which indoor air quality experts and scholars were invited to provide counseling in regard to existing regulations and indoor air quality maintenance and management methods to personnel from officially announced premises. This is expected to effectively improve the indoor air quality at such premises, and to lessen the impact on them by the new Act. 101 桃園縣政府環境保護局 新系環境技術有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68339
102年固定污染源連續自動監測設施(CEMS)數據防弊分析比對系統建置計畫 為順利推動整體連續自動監測管制作業,藉由本計畫固定污染源連續自動監測設施(CEMS)數據防弊分析比對系統建置,達到精準、省時及省力,落實CEMS 防弊工作之執行成效。本計畫完成了建置資料分析系統,掌握防制設備監測資料參數及確認數據計算準確性,並藉由資料檢核系統之建置以發現數據之特性以提昇現有連續自動監測系統之品質及節省使用單位人工時間。本項工作建立了數據品質指標及資料檢核功能,同時藉由汰換老舊之CEMS 主機替換為HP高階伺服器,並搭配以.NET framework 4.0 開發之CEMS 管理資訊系統、整合ASP.NET 的帳號管理及https 的加密傳輸,強化連續自動監測系統資訊安全與資料保密性。藉由執行團隊提供使用單位的技術轉移訓練,協助使用者使用管理資訊系統來發掘問題並追蹤改善,同時針對公私場所承辦人辦理公私場所說明會,協助公私場所熟悉新版系統之部分功能,了解公私場所上傳之資料結果進行自主管理,來達到提昇數據品質目標。在法規符合度方面藉由執行團隊的輔導以提昇公私場所之法規符合度,落實空氣污染防制法有關固定污染源管制規定。雖然本計畫達到預期目標,但是後續仍需要藉由資訊系統的維運,及使用單位與公私場所的配合,方能使系統運作順暢。建議未來亦持續納入外部資料,同時藉由巨量資料(Big Data)之概念,進行監測資料採礦的作業。持續發掘隱藏的資訊。 The plan of 2013 continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) Data Validation System In order to promote the control plan for Continuous Emission Monitoring System (known as CEMS), the data analysis and validation process was established, achieving data accuracy and saving the operation time and procedure. In this project, establishing data analysis system, two tasks were accomplished, including taking control of the operating parameters for control facility and ensuring the accuracy for data calculating. In addition, via building the data validation system, the data characteristics were discovered, therefore enhancing the quality of the CEMS and saving the operating time per person. Furthermore, data quality indicators and data validation have been set up in this project; meanwhile, in order to strengthen information security and data privacy of CEMS, the old CEMS host was replaced with HP high-end servers, the management information systems was developed with NET framework 4.0, combining with the ASP. NET account management and the https secure transfer system. The executive team in this project provided the users with the technology transfer training courses, assisting the user to use the management information system to discover the problems and solve the problems. At the same time, the explanation meetings were held for the related people working in public and private sectors, assisting them to be familiar with the new version of CEMS and understand the results of the data uploading in public or private premises to work on self-management in order to reach the goal of enhancing data quality. In terms of the ordinance, due to the guidance of the CEMS provided by the executive team, the related people working in public and private sectors have understood how to manage the new CEMS properly in order to meet the requirement of the stationary pollution source control, regulated in Air Pollution Control Act. In spite of the completeness of the project expected goals, in order to operate the CEMS sustainably, the follow-up maintenance of the CEMS should still be implemented. In the future, it is recommended to keep adding external data into CEMS, and to carry on monitoring data mining with the concept of Big Data in order to keep discovering the hidden data. 102 桃園縣政府環境保護局 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68334
屏東縣鹽埔鄉地下水細密調查計畫 針對鹽埔鄉地下水揮發性有機物異常偏高情形,進行污染來源、污染範圍與污染程度調查,藉由地下水污染模式推估及地球物理方法來達成調查目的,作為後續改善作業及策略擬定之依據。 Yanpu fine Township, Pingtung County groundwater investigation plan The plan for the volatile organic compounds Yanpu Township unusually high groundwater situations, be sources of pollution, contamination survey scope and degree of pollution, groundwater contamination by model simulation and geophysical methods to achieve objectives of the survey, as a follow-up to improve operations and strategy formulation the basis. After investigation by the groundwater pollution simulation model simulation results show that the groundwater from the eastern side of the area and the northeast Ailiao injection aquifers, groundwater flows west to southwest to flow to the downstream. Salt Po flows through monitoring a small country and San Wai Elementary groundwater, Ailiao in the area near the northeast coast of the riverbed is more likely to groundwater sources; another reverse particle tracking model simulations based on the results of the perimeter path suspicious sources, with aerial photographs compared sentenced identification, inspection visits and operations, and other geophysical survey results show that the planned regional sources of chlorinated volatile organic pollutants unclear. 101 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68335
102年臺中市河川揚塵防制計畫 102年本計畫工作大項包括蒐集環境背景資料;更新維護河川揚塵預警及通報系統;河川揚塵監測分析;建立河川高灘地植被示範區;落實合作平台;會議、宣導及民眾滿意度;計畫管理等。計畫簽約金額為820萬元,契約規定之專任人力要求含計畫主持人、專案經理、專案工程師及駐局行政人員共5人。年度成果為購置4季衛星空拍圖資,河川揚塵好發管制點巡查共408點次。更新維護河川揚塵自動預警通報系統及應變機制。完成1場次河川揚塵應變防護演練。完成4次河川揚塵監測採樣分析。建立河川高灘地植被示範區3.55公頃。落實合作平台,辦理環境清理作業5個月共2391.8公里。辦理3場聯繫會議及4場教育宣導說明會,宣導人數1024人。完成民眾滿意度調查1192份。PM10減量共20.61公噸。 2013 Project of Prevention and control the riverbed fugitive dust in Taichung City The main tasks of this project in 2013 are as followings: collect the environmental background data, update and maintain the early warning system of the fugitive dust from riverbed; monitoring and analysis the fugitive dust; establishment the pilot zone for vegetation in floodplain; establish the cooperation platform; conduct the meetings, propaganda and public satisfaction surveys; and project management. The budget of this project is 8.2 million NTD. Dedicate manpower requirements of the contract project leader, project management, project engineers and administrative staff in- bueau total of five people.Annual outcomes included purchase the data of satellite empty shot map for four quarters. Perform the dust monitoring by the patrol in hotspots total of 408 points times. Update and maintain the early warning system of the fugitive dust from riverbed. Conduct emergency drill of river dust event. Implement sampling and analysis of river dust four times. Establishment the pilot zone for vegetation in floodplain total of 3.55 ha. Establish the cooperation platform. Environmental clean-up operations in the five-month period a total of 2,391.8 km. Handle three games and four games conference on education and awareness seminars, advocacy number of 1024 people. Completion of public satisfaction survey 1192 copies. Reduce the PM10 emission by 20.16 tons. 102 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68287
綠網(Ecolife)節能減碳平台推廣專案計畫 102年度除了延續以往將節能減碳理念推廣的網站經營方向之外,更積極的以培養大專種子及地方種子教師等實體活動及舉辦網路有獎活動的方式配合環境教育的理念,推動節能減碳教育,更配合環保署低碳永續家園政策為推廣重點,輔導地方單位逐步落實低碳生活行動,朝打造低碳永續台灣的目標前進。一、辦理活動行銷與推廣氣候變遷及節能減碳等概念為吸引不同族群一同關注相關議題,規劃了「終結暖化文創作品徵選活動」邀請全民一起發揮創意,並利用網路投票的有獎活動,有效行銷環保署政策。在實體活動部分,舉辦3場次的「低碳永續家園先鋒團」邀請推廣專職人員參訪落實低碳生活表現優異的場域。及深耕大專生的「青年減碳夢工廠」培訓營2場次,提供青年學子發揮創意、提供想法的舞臺。活動深受參與者喜歡,透過問卷調查活動滿意度高達96%及100%,在低碳生活的了解與能夠執行的信心有顯著的提升。以上活動共吸引超過900人次參與實體活動,78,141人次訪客造訪活動網頁,有9家媒體協助報導,有效協助議題曝光,經過歷年活動經驗分析,若想達到良好的宣傳成效,應以淺顯易懂、貼近生活的活動方式吸引民眾的興趣,再逐步增加議題推廣的深度,能達到較好的議題曝光成效。二、協助地方環保機關逐步落實低碳永續家園並協助推廣延續101年推動環保機關確實落實減碳行動,102年度則是將其落實經驗推動至轄區內相關單位之作為,102年度地方評比當中,成功推動地方相關單位共同響應,鼓勵641個單位響應落實單位內部減碳;也因為持續推動節能減碳,在評比期間內,有15個縣市在住商用電部分較去年減少。除了持續推動地方落實減碳之外,103年度更配合「低碳永續家園」政策,在經過專家諮詢會,邀請專家針對草案提出建言,確保方向正確及評比的公平性後,邀集22縣市承辦人員舉辦研商會議,確認辦法於地方落實之可行性,協助擬定「103年度直轄市及縣(市)環保機關推動低碳生活執行績效評比辦法」。三、擴增節能減碳平台功能綠網節能減碳平台持續維護輕鬆、活潑及親民的推廣界面,協助環保署減碳訊息曝光,作為民眾減碳知識取得之媒介也整理了食、衣、住、行減碳作法,同時每日更新國內外減碳訊息,彙整國內政府機關落實低碳蔬食執行成果,及時提供地方減碳活動推動訊息。理念的推廣需要多管道經營,才能將正確的理念、落實的動力確實的推廣到家庭及個人,本年度除了增加「食在低碳」專區,希望提供更多資訊,讓一般民眾了解選擇食物時只要多一分考慮,就能有效的減少溫室氣體的排放,也建置「節能減碳教材推廣」專區,幫助深耕於地方的種子教師能更有動力的推廣,希望能提昇全民減碳行為潛力,藉此協助推動低碳永續願景。 The plan of Advocacy to promote The Cooler platform of the Ecolife Website The following tasks were completed under the project:In 2013, in addition to continuing the website's goal which is about the promotion of energy saving and carbon reduction, we have keenly promoted energy saving and carbon reduction education by creating interactive activities to foster college students and local seed teachers and holding online activities with prizes based on environmental education concepts. Moreover, corresponding to Environmental Protection Administration's (EPA) low-carbon and sustainable policy, we have guided local institutions to gradually conduct low carbon lifestyle, looking forward to creating a sustainable goal for Taiwan.1. Organize activities for marketing and promoting the concepts of climate change, energy saving and carbon reductionTo attract a variety of groups to focus on the related environmental issues, we have organized "Eliminating Global Warning Writing Competition," inviting citizens to present creativity and use online voting activities with prizes for an effective promotion of the EPA's policy.About interactive activities, "The Pioneer Group for Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland" has been organized three times, inviting full-time members to visit places where low carbon policy is conducted. Additionally, " Yong Dream Carbon Reduction Factory" has been organized twice, providing the young people with a stage to show creativity and ideas. The both activities, which achieve 96% and 100% of satisfaction respectively, are highly satisfied and can effectively enhance the understanding on low carbon lifestyle and the faith to achieve the goals.The interactive activity has attracted more than 900 people joined and the online activity has 78,141 visitors, both of which have been assisted to report the news by 9 media, effectively making the issues be spread out. After the analysis based on the activity experiences in previous years, we have realized that, to make a better promotion achievement, the activity should be easy to understand and close to people's lifestyles, and then gradually broaden the difficulty of topics.2.Assist local environmental protection bureaus to gradually conduct low carbon and sustainable homeland, and help promotionBy continuing the carbon reduction activities promoted by environmental bureaus in 2012, the activity in 2013 was to promote the experience learned in the last year to the related local departments. From the 2013 local evaluation, it is shown that the promotion has been successfully passed on to local departments and encouraged 641 departments to follow and conduct inside. Due to energy saving and carbon reduction being continued, during the evaluation, there are 15 counties/cities whose living and business electricity consumptions are less than the last year.In addition to continuing the promotion of carbon reduction in local areas, corresponding to "Low Carbon and Sustainable Policy", we have assisted to draft "2014 Performance Evaluation of Low Carbon Living in Special Municipalities and Counties/Cities Environmental Protection Bureaus" after the counseling meeting which experts have suggested and confirmed that the direction is correct and the evaluation is fair. Also, we have held a conference inviting responsible members in 22 counties and cities to make sure the regulations are doable in local areas.3.Add the Function on Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction PlatformEcolife maintains its platform featuring in a pleasure, lively and populist style for promotion, assisting the EPA to release carbon reduction information. As the platform for the public to receive new knowledge, it integrates carbon reduction actions on food, clothes, living, and transport. Meanwhile, it upgrades domestic and international carbon reduction information every day, integrates low carbon and vegetarian food lifestyle achievements that the domestic government institutions conducted, and provides local areas with information on carbon reduction activities in real time.The promotion of ideas needs to be operated by multiple channels whereby correct ideas and conduct can be actually promoted to families and individuals. In addition to adding "Low Carbon Diet" category on the platform this year, we hope to provide more information, allowing the public to realize that the emission of greenhouse gas can be reduced as long as people think twice before purchasing food. Additionally, "Teaching Materials for Carbon Reduction and Energy Saving" category has been set up to help local seed teachers have more motivation for promotion and hope to enhance the public's potential on carbon reduction thereby assisting the vision of low carbon homeland coming true. 102 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68551
102年度桃園縣營建工程空氣污染防制費催繳稽查管制計畫 本計畫執行期間自102年3月1日起至103年2月28日止,工作項目包括:營建工程空污費收費作業、工地稽查管制作業、建置網路申報及多元化繳費系統、推動工地自主管理及城市美化等輔導作業,以及預警管理等工作。在營建工程空污費徵收部分,本年度空污費申報案件達4,804件,其中免徵收空污費件數38件,實際徵收金額110,129,856元,每月平均空污費徵收率約達86.7%,各申報案件皆已全數完成資料建檔列管,今年度催繳空污費金額達16,828,144元,催繳達成率約96.2%,申報完工案件共計1,952件,總完工面積達1,601,281平方公尺。在巡查列管工地方面,計畫執行期間完成工地稽巡查作業14,873件,巡查排放量之掌握上達95%,巡查納管率達74.4%,至103年2月止污染物排放量削減率為52.0%。本計畫已完成50點次施工機具油品檢測,均符合含硫量標準50 ppmw, max。在營建工程空污費網路申報及多元化繳費系統方面,網路申報件數共381件,網路申報率約7.9%,其中以網路申報較多的行政區為觀音鄉、中壢市、楊梅市及龍潭鄉,各占13%,又以第二級工程申報較多,占網路申報總件數65%,網路申報金額約6,627,255元。在推動工地自主管理及城市美化方面,工地周邊道路認養總共推廣26處,道路洗掃總長度則達42,287.72公里,並配合營建工程較易產生污染階段之出土工程,共進行40處次盯睄作業。本計畫輔導3處營建工程,鋪設3,130平方公尺生態化植生舖面,施作方式為草籽植生。在預警管理作業,本年度完成40站次落塵監測,並完成各項輔導說明會共7場次,參與人數達384人,說明相關法規與防制設施,確實達到宣傳及輔導的效果。本計畫合約內之工作項目均已於期程內完成。 The pollution preventing of building engineering 2013 The project, spanning from March 1, 2013 to February 28, 2014, included: charging construction works air pollution control fee, construction site inspection management, the establishment of an online registration system and diverse-payment system, the promotion of construction site autonomous management and city beautification, as well as alarm system management.The charge of construction works air pollution control fee: This year, up to 4,804 air pollution control fee registrations have been made, of which only 38 cases were exempt from being charged. The value of those charges adds up to a total of NTD 110,129,856. The monthly average air pollution control fee levy rate reached approximately 86.7% and the data of the cases registered have all been archived. The charge of overdue fees this year totaled NTD 16,828,144, reaching a levied rate of approximately 96.2%. 1,952 construction cases were completed and registered, with a total completed construction area of 1,601,281 square meters.Construction site inspection management: 14,873 construction site inspection cases have been conducted during the project. 95% of pollutant discharges have been inspected and controlled, and 74.4% of related sectors have been listed in the inspection targets. Pollutant discharge has dropped by 52.0% as of February, 2014. The project has already completed inspections (50 times) of construction equipment, all of which met the sulfur content standard of 50ppmw, maximum.Online registration of construction works air pollution control fees & diverse-payment system: 381 cases, 7.9% of all required to register, have completed the online registration. Guanyin Township, Zhongli City, Yangmei City and Longtan Township took up the largest proportion of registration, with 13% each, and Class B engineering cases outnumbered other cases with a proportion of up to 65%. The total control fee registered amounted to NTD 6,627,255.The promotion of construction site autonomous management and city beautification: 26 roads around construction sites have been adopted for beautification, with a total length of 42,287.72 kilometers cleaned. Also, inspection has been carried out 40 times during the pollution-prone excavation stage. The project assisted three construction sites in creating an ecological planting design area of 3,130 square meters using the grass seed planting method.Alarm system management: The project has completed 40 stations of dustfall monitoring this year, and seven consultation briefings have been held to explain related regulations as well as preventive measures with an attendance of 384 participants, thereby achieving the expected effects of promotion and consultation. All of the items covered in this project contract were completed within the period prescribed therein. 102 桃園縣政府環境保護局 新紀工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68223
執行液化石油氣氣價補助及查核 本年度計畫主要工作內容可分為四個部分,第一個部分係執行補助申請案件之受理、審查、查核及撥款工作;第二個部分係操作管理氣價補助資料庫,完成資料建檔並進行統計分析;第三個部分係蒐集國內液化石油氣車及加氣站相關資訊;第四個部分係辦理業務聯繫會議,計畫成果說明如下:(一)辦理本年度補助款申請案件受理、審查、查核作業,經由電腦全面審查及交叉比對,並利用資訊系統自動產出核銷彙整表,可確保核撥資料正確無虞。(二)資訊系統建置可彙整各資料庫資料,透過交叉比對並進行全面檢查,可提升審查之作業效能。加氣站業者亦能透過資訊系統得知申請案件之退補件資訊、氣價補助浮動調整單價公告資訊、有加氣紀錄之車籍查詢(包含車號、燃料別、有效及檢驗日期)以及相關之統計分析。(三)申請補助案件之加氣紀錄匯入資料庫,可進行相關統計分析呈現現行推動成效或供後續推動參考,其中氣價補助政策自100年起調整為浮動單價補貼方式,彙整97至102年度補助審核通過資料,其中氣價補助政策調整除可大幅降低推動成本,且由能源局提供發氣量可知仍維持一定趨勢,顯示補助方式調整仍可維持液化石油氣使用意願、氣價補助維持之油氣價差具經濟誘因。(四)彙整交通部提供設籍LPG車數及能源局提供發氣量,可知102年起環保署改裝補助不再續辦,設籍LPG車輛數有緩降趨勢,但發氣量仍維持一定趨勢,另統計每車月平均發氣量,其維持於410~540公升,表示市場維持一穩定加氣使用機制。(五)截至102年12月底國內共設置65座加氣站,其中停歇業加氣站計8座,因此營運中加氣站共57座。經與業者詢問,停歇業加氣站表示因不堪長期營運虧損而決定停止營業。停歇業加氣站之特徵為非中油直營之純加氣站、所在縣市加氣站氣量排名最後段、全國加氣站氣量排名中後段。(六)本計畫分析停歇業加氣站之加氣車輛使用狀況,平均每停歇業1站則該站有8.9%加氣車輛不再使用,而其他車輛多轉移至鄰近加氣站加氣使用。(七)能源局於103年1月6日修正發布加氣站設置管理規則,鬆綁加氣站多角化兼營與附屬設施規定,彙整各縣市營運狀況較佳之加氣站業者,除設置地點繁榮便利、推出加氣優惠,另設有附屬設施(簡易保養設施、洗車設施等)或兼營(便利商店、停車場等)。(八)本計畫為瞭解民眾意見及建議,針對加氣站業者、改裝廠業者、改裝車主進行現場訪查。其中加氣站及改裝廠業者建議持續提供氣價補助以維持穩定油氣價差,另加強宣導油氣雙燃料車優點。(九)彙整歷年氣價補助執行成果,可知油氣雙燃料車推廣之加氣量約可取代1%之汽油使用量,顯示氣價補助可分散部分能源之使用。(十)依據交通部調查計程車之年平均行駛里程,可藉由車輛耗能推算車輛使用可節省之燃料費成本,由102年度未補油氣價差計算約可節省62,621元/年,加上環保署氣價補助可額外節省5,380元/年,計程車改裝為油氣雙燃料車每年約可節省68,001元。(十一)油氣雙燃料車之推廣目的分別為降低高油價對民眾帶來之衝擊、分散能源使用、以及改善空氣品質。民眾以經濟誘因為主要考量,可知計程車每年約可節省6.8萬元,因此短期內仍需藉由氣價補助維持穩定油氣價差,以降低高油價對民眾帶來衝擊。然就中長期推動而言,後續交通部宜研議燃料稅隨油徵收等措施,除可落實節約能源政策及符合污染者負擔社會成本原則外,亦可使車主為節省燃料費而改用較經濟的運輸工具。(十二)本計畫已分別於102年12月辦理3場次氣價補助審查及查核業務聯繫會議,透過業務聯繫會議辦理與與會人員進行雙向溝通。 The Inspection Project of the LPG Price Subsidy Program Main work content can be divided into four parts of this annual program. Part one relates to implementing the acceptance, review, audit, and appropriation of funds regarding applications. Part two is about operating the LPG database, completing the data files, and doing statistical analysis. Part three is about collecting information of domestic Hybrid-LPG vehicles and gas refuel stations. Part four is about business contacting meetings. The efforts described below:(1)Conduct the implementing the acceptance, review, audit, and appropriation of funds regarding applications. Through comprehensive check by computers and cross-checking and using the information system to automatic verification of output tables compiled to ensure information is correct.(2)Build up the system that to collect all types of information database, and through cross-checking, to raise the efficiency of review. Gas refuel station operators can known the status of applications of refunds of the prior pieces of information, the gas price subsidy float-adjusted price bulletin information, there is a record of the car refueling membership inquiries (including number, fuel types, and testing effective date) and related statistical analysis through the LPG information system.(3) Subsidy applications of gas filling record are entered in database that can proceed with related statistical analysis and promote existing outcome or serve as reference for future promotion. Of the compiled 2008 to 2013 subsidiary approved information, in addition to the adjustment policies can greatly reduce promotion costs, the gas amount issued by the Bureau of Energy (BOE) can be known to maintain a certain trend. This indicates the adjustment method of the subsidy and continues to maintain the willingness to use LPG, and the economic incentive of price difference maintained by the subsidy.(4)Compiling the Ministry of Transportation and Communication (MOTC) provided Hybrid-LPG vehicle numbers and the amount of gas provided by the BOE, can known the registered number of Hybrid-LPG vehicles has gradually fallen since the EPA has decided not to continue to provide subsidy for modification. However, the amount of gas provided still maintains a certain trend. In addition, the average gas used per vehicle monthly is maintained between 410-540 liter, showing the stable use of gas in the market.(5) There are a total of 65 gas refuel stations domestically at the end of December 2013, including the 8 that stop operating. Those operating are 57. After inquiring with operators, they indicate their decision to stop operating because of long term losses. These are characterized by not being the directly operated pure gas refuel stations of CPC so rank in the bottom in county, city, and annual rankings.(6) Analysis of the impact of the gas refuel stations ceasing to operate show that 8.9% of vehicles no longer use it when one station stop operating nearby, while the other vehicles move to neighboring gas refuel stations.(7) The BOE amended the gas refuel station management rules on Jan 6, 2014, loosening the diversification of operations and its related facilities of gas refuel stations. Compiling the status of better operating gas refuel stations, in addition to the convenience of in a prosperous location, promotion of discounts, also there are related attached subsidies (Easy maintenance facilities, washing facilities, etc.) or concurrently operating (convenience stores, parking , etc.).(8)To understand public views and recommendations, on-site visit to gas refuel station employer, refitting factory employer, and Hybrid-LPG vehicle owners. The gas refuel stations and refitting factory recommend continue to provide gas price subsidy to maintain the price gap between LPG and gasoline. In addition, promotion should be strengthened on the advantages of Hybrid-LPG vehicle.(9)Compiling the outcome from past years of price subsidy, the promotion of Hybrid-LPG vehicles can replace 1% of gasoline used, indicating gas subsidiary can diversify the use of energy.(10)According to MOTC’s survey of vehicle kilometer travelled (VKT) by taxis, the consumption amount of fuel costs saved can be deducted. In 2013, the unsubsidized price difference of LPG and gasoline can save NT$62,621 per year. With the EPA subsidy, an additional NT$5,380 can be saved. Hybrid-LPG vehicle use can save NT$68,001 per year.(11)Hybrid-LPG vehicles promotion purposes are to lower the impact of high gasoline price on the public, diversify the use of energy, and improve air quality. Economic incentive is the main consideration, knowing that taxis can save about NT$ 68,001 per year. Thus, in the short term, gas price subsidy is still needed to lower the impact of high gasoline price to maintain a stable difference of LPG and gasoline. In the medium to long term, the MOTC is studying measures such as collecting fuel taxes. In addition to implementing energy conservation and conforming to lower pollution to reduce social cost, it can also save fuel taxes of car owners and change to more economic form of transportation.(12)The current program has conducted two way communications with participants from the three gas price subsidy review and verification of business and communication meetings. 102 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67941
102年度臺南市空氣品質考核及管理計畫 本計畫自102年1月22日執行至102年12月31日,主要工作內容為綜合管理各空氣污染防制基金編列計畫執行品質之監督及管考,達各項管制工作之預期目標,並整合本市具體成效與地方特色成果,以達成環保署考核績效;另重點為掌握更新本市環境負荷及污染排放資料,分析境內空氣品質監測結果及空氣品質不良事件日污染原因探討分析,提供環保局據以檢討修正空氣污染管制策略。臺南市空氣品質不良比例,自95年7.62%下降至101年0.68%,改善幅度達91%;102年空品不良比例為3.08%,45站日,較100年及101年增加。各項空氣污染物濃度,近幾年至101年為呈現下降之趨勢,但102年PM10、PM2.5、SO2、NO2等呈現濃度回升,而O3、NMHC、CO仍舊呈現逐年下降趨勢,其中O3小時平均第八大值已連續六年低於法規標準值,從長期變化趨勢來看,顯示近年臺南市施政方向正確且空氣品質改善策略奏效。在分析各類排放源結構部分,依據TEDS 8.0排放量資料庫及本計畫檢討更新結果,TSP 44,229(公噸/年)、PM10 15,342(公噸/年)、SOx 4,444(公噸/年)、NOx 27,633(公噸/年)、NMHC 45,514(公噸/年)、CO 62,391(公噸/年)。臺南市PM2.5以交通排放及硫酸銨為主要貢獻源,而原生性PM2.5排放源則以車輛行駛揚塵、柴油車及裸露地為主,高濃度及高超標頻率區域皆為臺南測站。故,臺南市PM2.5管制策略將以建置PM2.5基本資料、推動基礎管制工作(衍生性、原生性)及熱點區域管制工作(高危害風險區、高污染潛勢區),分階段逐步推動。管理空污防制計畫辦理品質及成效部分,擬訂「102年度臺南市空氣改善維護計畫管理及考核評分辦法」,對各計畫實施管理及考核評分;在執行性重點計畫中以「柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫」得分最高;另在環保署考評成績檢討部分,101年度環保署所公佈之考評成績獲得90.71分,在五都評等中獲得特優。空污防制策略為三個面向17項管制策略與63項工作目標推動以點擴展線、面方式,達成整體目標,包含空品符合率(PSI<100)在105年<97.8%;110年<98.76%、維持臭氧為二級防制區、懸浮微粒及細懸浮微粒在110年時提升至二級防制區。 2013 Tainan City Air Quality Assessment & Management Plan This Project is executed from January 22, 2013 to December 31, 2013 and the main work content is to administer various air pollution control funds compilation plans and to supervise and assess the quality of execution and to achieve the expected goal of various control works. In addition, it also integrates the substantial result of this city and the local characteristics result so as to achieve the assessment result of the Environmental Protection Administration. Another point is to master and update the information of the environment loading and pollution emission of this city and to analyze the air quality monitoring result of the city and to investigate and analyze the reason of pollution in bad air quality incidents days. This information is provided to the Environmental Protection Bureau so that air pollution control strategy reviewed and modification. The percentage of bad air quality in Tainan City falls to 0.68% in 2012 from 7.62% in 2006 and the scale of improvement reaches 91%. The percentage of bad air quality in 2013 is 3.08% in 45 stations days and this is an increase compared with 2011 and 2012.The concentration of various air pollutants shows a descending trend from recent few years to 2012. However, in 2013 the concentration of PM10, PM2.5, SO2, and NO2 rises again and O3, NMHC, CO shows a descending trend year by year still. The hourly average 8th maximum value of O3 is lower than the regulated standard value for six consecutive years. Looking from the long-term change trend, it shows that the administration direction of Tainan City Government is correct and the air quality improvement strategies are proven as effective.In the analysis of the structure of various emission sources and according to the TEDS8.0 emission volume database and the review update of this project, TSP is 44,229(tons/year), PM10 is 15,342(tons/year), SOx is 4,444(tons/year), NOx is 27,633(tons/year), NMHC is 45,514(tons/year) and CO is 62,391(tons/year)。The main contribution source of PM2.5 of Tainan City is traffic emission and ammonium sulphate and the original PM2.5 emission source is mainly flying dust from driving of vehicles, diesel vehicles and bare lands. High concentration and high overrun frequency zones are all Tainan monitoring site. The PM2.5 control strategy in Tainan City will include establishment of the basic data of PM2.5, initiation of basic control work (derivative and original) and hot zone control (highly hazardous zone, highly polluted potential zone) and will be initiated in stages step by step.In regard to the processing of quality and result in the management of the air pollution control plan, the 「Management and Assessment Grading Method for the 2013 Tainan City Air Improvement & Maintenance Project」 is formulated and management and assessment grading is conducted on various plans. In the execution of key projects, the score of the 「Diesel Vehicle Dynometer Smoke Emission Detection Project」 is the highest. In addition, in the Environmental Protection Administration Assessment Result Review, the appraisal result of 90.71 points announced by the Environmental Protection Administration in 2012 is the highest and high distinction is obtained in the assessment amongst five special municipalities.The air pollution control strategy is in three aspects and seven control strategies and initiation of sixty three work goals in the form of using points to expand to lines and planes to reach the overall goals including Air Quality Coincidence Rate (PSI<100) reaching <97.8% in 2016 and <98.76% in 2021, maintaining ozone as Class II Control Region and raising the suspended particulates and fine suspended particles to Class II Control Region in 2021. 102 台南市環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67007
102年度臺東縣空氣污染等陳情案件快速查處管制計畫 (1)廠商應每月25日前提報下月份巡查人員輪值表。(2)廠商陳情案件處理巡查人員應依規定相關程序執行並建檔。(3)陳情案件處理巡查人員應於每一機關上班日報備勤務,並接 受指派勤務。(4)應每月10日前提報上月份有關陳情案件之相關分析資料,作為機關管制 參考。(5)每月指派計畫經理進行「陳情人滿意度意見調查」,每月至少兩件次。(6)應於103年1月10日前應提送102年度臺東縣公害陳情處理白皮書初稿予 機關辦理審查。(7)辦理專責人員教育訓練至少2場次(8)辦理「公害陳情電話接聽禮貌及業務檢討說明會」、「102年度陳情案 例分析與檢討說明會」各1場次。(9)執行設於臺東縣機場之航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核工作。(10)102年10月31日前提出期中報告。(11)103年03月31日前提出期末報告。(12)應辦理本計畫相關教育訓練至少分4場次及至少12小時。(13)每月參與機關辦理之工作檢討會及工作月報各1場次。(14)計畫主持人每月應至機關針對每月月報結論及工作檢討會決議提出解 決問題之指導會議。(15)配合機關通知參加行政院環境保護署召開之相關會議最多5次為限。(16)每月提供機關相關業務之新聞稿內容至少1則。(17)提供機關網站之新增或更新相關業務資訊。 102 years Taitung air pollution petition cases quickly dealt control plan (1)The vendor shall report next month on the 25th January premise inspection staff roster.(2)manufacturers petition cases handled inspection staff should be performed and documented in accordance with the relevant procedures.(3)petition case processing inspection staff should be prepared to work daily service in each organ, and then Assigned by the service.(4)should be reported on a monthly premise January 10, 2009 analysis of nformation related to the case of petitions related to regulatory authorities as Reference.(5)Assign project manager for a month, "Mr Valentine Satisfaction Survey," at least two times a month.(6)should be in 103 years on January 10 should submit 102 annual Taitung public nuisance petitions to draft White Paper Authority for review.(7)apply for specialist staff training sessions at least 2(8)apply for "public nuisance telephone answering politely and business intelligence briefings review", "102 years petition case Cases and review of the briefing, "each one sessions.(9)the implementation of aviation noise monitoring stations located in the center of the audit and monitoring of Taitung Airport.(10)On 31 October 102 proposed interim report.(11)103 years on March 31 presented the final report.(12)should handle this project related to education and training of at least four sessions and a minimum of 12 hours.(13)involved in the work of the review will be monthly and monthly work sessions handled each one of authority.(14)PI solution should be made monthly to the authorities for the resolution monthly monthly review will be concluded and the work Decision guidance of the Conference of the problem.(15)with the relevant authorities to participate in the meeting notice of up to 5 times the EPA limit.(16)provides a monthly press release of at least one organ-related businesses.(17)provide added or updated agency websites related business information. 102 台東縣環境保護局 聯聖工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68136
港區空氣污染物減量策略推動與成效評估計畫 (一)完成彙整出國際港口國對於污染物的管制措施及經驗,使用的工具主要包括價格(誘因)、污染檢驗監測、港區使用權管制、環境法令規範。(二)協助環保署執行臺美合作計畫美方官員來臺行程規劃,研商亞太地區區域性港區空氣污染管制訓練教材。(三)結合中央環保單位及地方環保單位所致力於港區空氣污染排放減量之政策推動,同時配合臺灣港務公司之綠色港群計畫之規劃期程進行多方單位協商,從各縣市政府環保局到各港務分公司及交通部航港局,與各單位單獨協商,設法將本計畫與各方單位獨立執行之相關計畫整合。(四)執行商港空氣污染防制成效評鑑工作,邀請專家學者、地方環保局及航港單位針對港務操作行為、非港務操作行為及其他加分項目進行評比,評鑑結果三大要項表現績優者分別為安平港、臺北港及臺中港,各港執行商港空氣污染防制之成效皆比98年度評鑑結果有明顯之提升,後續仍須針對各港缺失及建議改善情形持續追蹤。(五)蒐集國外港區清冊最新現況,更新遠洋船舶之主、副引擎和鍋爐排放係數、負載係數,港區船舶、裝卸設備和鐵路火車頭之排放係數和建置貨物裝卸設備及逸散性粒狀物基本資料本土化程序。(六)完成輔助港99年及各商港100年及101年遠洋船舶、港區船舶、貨物裝卸設備、重型車輛和逸散性粒狀污染物之空氣污染物排放量推估,各港主要空氣污染物排放量皆為船舶所貢獻,其中又以遠洋船舶佔最大比例,其比例約在59%~87%;100年及101年空氣污染排放量皆以高雄港最高,其次為臺中港。(七)預估102年至115年港區空氣污染物排放量,並將各種減量方案組合成A、B、C三種減量情境,三種減量情境之最大效益分別為50%、65%和65%,三種情境皆以SO2減量效益高於其他空氣污染物。 Implementation and Effectiveness Evaluation Plan of Port Air Pollutants Reduction Strategy 1. Compiled pollutant regulations and management experiences of countries having international ports. The main topics include pricing (incentives), pollution inspection/monitoring, management of port access authority, and environmental codes/regulations. 2. Assisted EPAT in planning business visit by U.S. government officials to Taiwan for the Taiwan-U.S. collaboration plan. The port air pollution control training materials for the Asian region are also discussed.3. Combined port emission reduction efforts done by the central and local environmental protection administrations. Coordinated multi-party communications to support the green port plan sponsored by Taiwan International Ports Corp. (TIPC). The contacted parties included county-level environmental administrations, TIPC branch offices, and Maritime & Port Bureau under Ministry of Transportation and Communication (MOTC). Each party was met separately to integrate individual plans into the program.4. Evaluated air pollution control effectiveness for commercial ports. The work included inviting professionals/experts, local environmental administration officials, and TIPC personnel to evaluate port-related operations, non-port-related portions, and others. The top three finishes are Anping Port, Taipei Port, and Taichung Port, respectively. All the ports showed significant improvements in air pollution control as compared to 2009. However, identified deficiencies and suggested corrective actions will be tracked continuously. 5. Based on up-to-date port emission inventory from countries of abroad, the emission forecasting parameter of each pollution source is updated. Also updated included the emission and load coefficients of the main engine, auxiliary engine, and boiler for the ocean-going vessels. The emission coefficients for docked vessels, freight handling equipment, and locomotives are also updated. Furthermore, a procedure is set up to tailor the load handling equipment and fugitive dust data to Taiwan based condition. 6. Emission forecasts of ocean-going vessels, docked vessels, freight handling equipment, heavy-duty vehicles, and fugitive dust for the auxiliary ports of the year 2010 and all commercial ports of the year 2011 and 2012 are completed. For all the ports, the main contributor of emission is the vessels. Of these vessels, the ocean-going vessels make up the largest percentage, which ranges approximately 59 ~ 87 %. For the year 2011 and 2012, Kaohsiung Port has the highest emission and is followed by Taichung Port. 7. The annual port emission forecasts from year 2013 to 2026 are completed. Each emission reduction plan is grouped into three scenarios, namely A, B, and C. And the reduction performances are 50 %, 65 %, and 65 %, respectively. All three scenarios showed the reduction performance in sulfur dioxide (SO2) exceeded other pollutants. 102 空保處 景丰科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=68148
102年臺中市低碳城市減碳策略執行計畫 本計畫為配合臺中市低碳城市推動辦公室推動低碳政策,進行彙整國內、外低碳相關政策,管考臺中市各局處低碳計畫,辦理低碳業務會議,成立臺中市低碳推廣中心及節能減碳輔導團,推動國際低碳交流事務及各項推廣低碳之宣導活動。 藉由低碳政策彙整,蒐集國內、外推動低碳經驗,分析其成效,針對其發展特性,提出對臺中市可行之方案以供參考。低碳業務管考部分,定期彙整及檢討各局處低碳計畫執行之情形,針對其預算、減碳量、時程及績效等進行管考,並藉由辦理低碳業務會議,了解各局處低碳計畫現況及問題,協調各局處低碳業務之分工。 藉由成立臺中市低碳推廣中心,建立便民的窗口,提供諮詢服務,辦理低碳推廣課程及活動等,以將低碳概念傳達至市民。另藉由成立臺中市節能減碳輔導團,提供節能輔導申請,藉由專家委員現場診斷,給予改善對策。國際低碳交流事務部分,協助加入國際環保組織,積極推動國際相關低碳議題之交流與參與,促進國際接軌工作,以利了解國際環保最新資訊及提升臺中市在國際環保事務之知名度。 最後,透過報紙、雜誌、廣播等媒體宣導臺中市低碳城市政策,辦理臺中市低碳城市推動論壇、成果發表會,以宣導民眾共同響應建構臺中低碳生活圈。 The plan of Taichung Low-carbon city execute carbon reduction strategies in 102 year This project, cooperating with Low-Carbon City Promotion Office of Taichung City promoting the low-carbon policy, is made to compile domestic and international low-carbon-related policies, evaluate the projects from every bureau of Taichung City, have low-carbon-affair meetings, set up a low-carbon extension center and energy conservation and carbon reduction service, promote international low-carbon activity exchanges, and make propagandas for low-carbon. By compiling the low-carbon policies, domestic and international low-carbon promotion activities are collected to analyze effects on them, and create feasible schemes for Taichung City for reference according to their development features. Concerning to low-carbon-affair evaluation, the project regularly compiles and examine the state of how every bureau of Taichung City execute the low-carbon project, evaluate the budget, the amount of carbon decreased, and the effects of the project. Furthermore, the project finds out the situation and problems of executing the low-carbon project from every bureau of Taichung City as well as coordinate the distribution of low-carbon affairs of every bureau of Taichung City by having lowcarbon-affair meetings. The Low-Carbon Extension Center of Taichung City is set to create contact windows for citizens’ convenience, provide consulting services, low-carbon promotion classes in order to convey the concept to citizens. Besides, Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Service Group is established to provide the application of energy conservation consulting and strategies for improving energy conservation given by the professionals’ diagnosis on site. With regard to international low-carbon activity exchanges, the project assists in participating in international environmental organizations, actively promote the participation and exchanges of related low-carbon issues, and bring in line with international standards to get the latest international environmental information more easily and enhance the prestige of international environmental affairs of Taichung City. At last, promoting the low-carbon-city policy of Taichung City, holding low-carbon-city promotion of Taichung City forums and wrap-up presentations through the media, like newspaper, magazines, radios, to publicize the idea of building up a low-carbon living circle in Taichung City to the citizens 102 台中市環境保護局 財團法人台灣建築中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64225
102年臺中市固定污染源稽查及有害空氣污染物管制暨應變計畫 本計畫乃協助環保局辦理各項固定污染源稽巡查管制作業,藉以掌握空氣污染排放狀況,總計完成197家次稽查檢測作業,包括工廠管道121根次、廠區周界20點次、液體燃料含硫份40家次、設備元件洩漏檢測9,152點次,其中違法空污法規標準6家次。高污染區域環境重金屬及戴奧辛監測調查,工廠VOCs排放指紋更新擴充12家總計100點次,配合污染蒐證分析10點次;異味陳情熱區OP-FTIR監測調查5場,可疑來源排放管道CC-FTIR連續監測7家共12場,透過科學性採樣、檢測、蒐證及鑑別,據以掌握環境污染案件之主要來源。三高案件巡查作業437家次,協助推動污染源VOCs減量38.85噸,掌握工廠製程和原物料,有效地降低污染事件發生,督促工廠符合空污法規標準;於特定區域派駐查處強化固定污染源之管制精準度,同時確認蒐集空氣污染證據。此外,於特定區域召開陳情座談會與民眾業者對談,採區域管理方式實施專案管制,督促固定污染源改善及提昇民眾滿意度;另持續推動空污事件應變決策支援、建置空污事件應變能量與辦理應變演練,藉以降低空污意外事件發生可能。另完成環保局工業區污染管制執行績效考核工作,並協助統整環保局執行成效。 The 2013 “Taichung City Fixed Pollution Source Audit and Harmful Air Pollutant Control and Response Project” This project assists the Department of Environmental Protection in handling the verification and inspection control operations of the various stationary pollution sources so as to grasp the status of air pollution emissions. This project in total completed 197 inspection and testing operations, including 121 in the factory pipelines, 20 in the perimeter of factories, 40 in the sulfur content of liquid fuels, and conducted 9,152 leak detections of equipment components, among which 6 violated the standards of the Air Pollution Control Act. In the monitoring survey of heavy metals and dioxin in the environment of high pollution regions, the discharge fingerprints of factory VOCs have been expanded to 12 factories with a total of 100 times, 10 times in coordination with the analysis of pollution evidence collection. There were five OP-FTIR monitoring surveys in petitioned hot spots with odors and seven continuous CC-FTIR monitors of suspicious sources of emission channels, which total to 12 monitoring surveys. Through scientific sampling, detection, evidence collection and identification, the major sources of environmental pollution cases are grasped. The patrol operations of the three highest cases were performed 437 times, which assisted in the promoting of the 38.85-ton decrease of pollution source VOCs and grasped the manufacturing process and raw materials of plants. These effectively decreased the number of pollution case occurrences and supervised the factories so that they are in accordance with the standards of the Air Pollution Control Act. Also, investigative branches are stationed in specific areas to strengthen the control accuracy of stationary pollution sources, and, simultaneously, verify and collect air pollution evidences. Furthermore, petition forums are held in specific areas to communicate with the public and business operators, regional management is used to implement project control and supervise stationary pollution sources, so as to improve and enhance public satisfaction. Also, the air pollution case response decision support is continuously promoted, the air pollution case response energy is established and the response drill is conducted, so as to decrease the possibility of air pollution accident occurrences, complete the pollution control execution performance assessment of the Department of Environmental Protection industrial zones, and assist in the effectiveness of implementation integration of the Department of Environmental Protection. 102 台中市環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62897
碳中和標準研修及建構推廣機制專案工作計畫 本計畫為延續往年碳中和成果,持續針對國際碳中和發展趨勢與進行相關案例分析、推動碳中和國際組織交流及參與國際標準研修、制訂推動碳中和之配套措施與政策,及開發與更新推動碳中和及低碳活動之輔導工具。本計畫彙整截至103年3月31日之成果,說明如下:(一)掌握國際碳中和發展趨勢與進行相關案例分析1.針對不同層級推動碳中和之策略及方法,本計畫歸納整理國外可以參採之作法,說明如后:(1)國家層級推動碳中和 目前國際碳中和政策發展現況,已有多國提出全國達成碳中和之目標,其碳中和減量目標,則多結合國內溫室氣體減量目標期程進行,減量之策略則多為採用發展再生能源及植林。 本計畫所蒐集之資料中,以英國、澳大利亞發展碳中和最為快速且健全,英國以中央機關首先推動,澳洲則以產品做為推動對象,其英國標準協會並發展出全球第一份碳中和規範(PAS2060),均可作為國內借鏡。(2)城市層級推動碳中和 綜觀目前城市推動碳中和之案例與策略,大多將重點放在提高民眾對於氣候變化之意識、將綠色概念融入公共工程建設的內涵中以及政府組織率先投入節能減碳作為等方面,可見如何建立民眾知的概念是很重要的,唯有當民眾對於環保議題與概念產生認同後,政府所訂定之政策才有推行的空間,另外國外政府在進行公共工程之建設與都市計畫時將環境因素納入考量,也可作為國內實行之參考。 (3)民間層級推動碳中和 分析國外民間團體推動情況,就體制架構而言,可分為四種推動面向:組織、活動、產品、服務等。主要步驟係透過盤查用戶本身的排放總量,並分別按直接、間接及其他間接進行分類,以掌握各範疇型態的碳耗,隨後採減量措施,儘可能降低企業用碳總量,而無法削減的部份則採用國際碳交易市場所認可的碳權進行抵換。2.英國、澳洲之碳中和作法係以部門別為區分,分為學校、政府部門、住宅部門等,並制定不同年度欲達成之碳中和目標。此種循序漸進且分不同階段施行的方法,較為接近我國政策推動特性,可作為我國參採之策略。(二)推動碳中和國際組織交流及參與國際標準研修1.本計畫已於今(102)年度6月18日及7月4日召開兩次PAS 2060研修工作討論會議,分別針對研修流程、專家學者規劃、預定產出及預期效益進行確認,並綜整我國各機關單位(政府機關、研究機構、顧問公司、驗證單位)對於PAS 2060研修改版之相關問題、意見與評論,於第一次團隊會議時提供各專家學者參閱。2.本計畫已於7月13日至19日,由台灣科技大學化學工程系顧洋教授及英國標準協會台灣分公司黃雪娟協理赴英國參與碳中和標準PAS 2060研修「啟始會議」,並參訪Carbon Clear及British Standards institution(BSI) London,了解英國碳中和執行作法及案例,並探討EUETS與BSI查證員管理/查驗技術等相關議題。3.於11月5日由產基會黃先節經理、英國標準協會亞太分公司高毅民博士及英國標準協會台灣分公司劉謹銓博士赴英國參與研修「第一次指導團隊會議」,並參訪英國能源與氣候變遷部門(Department of Energy and Climate Change, Decc)、Ecofys及The Carbon Neutral Company,了解英國政府機關之減碳策略及碳中和成功案例,並蒐集與更新國外碳中和發展現況和策略。同時於國內召開電話concall會議,與英國、澳洲、香港、大陸、日本等國之指導團隊成員共同討論PAS2060第2版草稿。4.公開諮詢草案版亦已於11月22日BSI官網上線(http://drafts.bsigroup.com/Home/Details/52170)公開諮詢,並同步於我國「國家溫室氣體登錄平台」、「碳中和登錄管理平台」及「環保低碳活動平台」之最新消息提供連結,進行全球意見諮詢一個月。5.於12月底完成全球公開諮詢之研修意見蒐集(共計40項),並由指導團隊成員投票共同凝聚研修共識,於2月7日產出修正初稿,於2月21日召開第二次指導團隊會議,現正進行最後一版草案確認。6.已完成PAS 2060:2014中英文版之封面設計及美編。7.3月24日於環境訓練所辦理「碳中和技術交流研討會暨PAS 2060(中文版)發表會」,除由署長與BSI共同發表PAS 2060 :2014中文版(碳中和實施參考規範)外,亦由署長頒發碳中和證書予翡翠水庫、友達公司、台灣晶技公司;另邀請國內專家學者、企業針對極端氣候、低碳活動、碳中和經驗等進行分享。成果於經濟日報、中國時報3月26日B1版登載。8.已掌握ISO 14067 TS版之內容,釐清其與ISO 14067 TS版及PAS 2050:2011之差異,後續將持續掌握ISO 14067之發展,以提出修訂「我國碳足跡計算指引」之建議。9.已掌握PAS 2060:2014研修內容,並提出修訂「碳中和查驗與技術指引」之建議。(三)制訂推動碳中和之配套措施與政策1.我國公共工程節能減碳相關規範、國外大型公工程規範與相關案例作法,因考慮台灣與國外之氣候環境及民俗風情不同,本計畫建議,於設備上採用高效能機具,選用生質燃油,並減少機具的怠轉,可於住宅或建築鋪設太陽能板以提供室內用電,減少過度依賴非再生能源,參考國外建築自然採光及自然通風之設計,以減少白天使用照明設備及可在冬天室外溫度低於28度時,採自然通風,以減少空調使用,建材盡量使用天然材料(碎石,木頭等)、當地材料、再生材料(再生瀝青,再生混凝土),環保建材及設備(節能設備,省水設備)及資源再利用(廢輪胎取代碎石鋪設於橋面基底等)。2.本計畫已針對我國主要之大型活動「101大樓跨年煙火晚會」,計算其歷年晚會活動之溫室氣體排放量,分析主要排放來源,並研擬煙火、交通、垃圾廢棄物之替代方案及相關減量配套措施。並已於8月23日與台北市政府觀傳局綜合行銷科活動股召開節能減碳討論會,確認現階段減量執行作法、後續減量方案執行策略,及煙火秀搭配煙火施放之可行性。並計算歷年101大樓跨年煙火晚會之碳排放量,研提相關減量措施。3.本計畫已依據我國碳足跡產品類別規則,及101年度訂定之「我國本土活動或會展碳足跡計算技術指引(草案)」,將盤查表單細分為展館管理單位、主辦單位、參展廠商基本資料、參展廠商裝潢、參展廠商印刷、展示商品運輸之盤查表及參觀者交通資訊調查表,期透過完整之盤查表單建立,推動我國本土活動或會展碳足跡計算。於10月15日辦理「我國本土活動或會展碳足跡計算技術手冊」專家諮詢會,並依據專家建議進行修改,以完善本指引之內容。4.為因應「永續能源政策綱領」之政府部門「政策規劃應具有碳中和(Carbon Neutral)概念,以預防、預警和篩選原則進行碳管理」目標,並加速落實各部門節能減碳策略措施並達到碳中和之最終目的。本計畫已於8月16日邀集各縣市地方環保局召開說明會,介紹「環保機關推動碳中和」之內容及相關配套措施,並商討未來推動碳中和之構思與方向,並依循各縣市環保局之意見將「環保機關碳中和推動原則(草案)」改為「環保機關推動碳中和參考手冊(草案)」,以作為環保機關推動碳中和之參採。5.為配合推動全民節能減碳及碳中和現況交流,本計畫已於2013年5月14日參訪新竹縣峨眉鄉六寮步道,於2014年1月7日辦理桃園角板山交流座談會,期透過實質下鄉之參訪,促使中央長官與地方有所交流、進行意見交換與分享,實踐低碳作為,以提昇民眾之環保意識,落實低碳永續家園目標。6.延續101年度輔導之碳中和案例「福容大飯店淡水漁人碼頭店」及「臺北翡翠水庫管理局」,本計畫持續追蹤其推動減量並進行設備汰換,「福容大飯店淡水漁人碼頭店」及「臺北翡翠水庫管理局」皆已於2014年2月底達成碳中和,並於2014年3月24日發表會當天頒發碳中和證書。7.已完成10場次「自我查證」之碳中和案例,除分析其活動辦理之溫室氣體排放量外,更釐清其透過何種日常生活行為達成減量,並公開相關資訊登錄於環保署「碳中和登錄管理平台」,供民眾參考。8.本計畫已考量環保低碳活動規模,研提減碳措施,並公告於環保低碳活動平台供參。9.本計畫已針對我國10大運作機能中再生能源之第十項「建立全區碳盤查及減量策略」進行資料蒐集,後續將利用過往協助村里之執行經驗,協助建立全區碳盤查,以協助地方擬具目標及符合地方發展情形之減量策略規劃。(四)開發與更新推動碳中和及低碳活動之輔導工具1.本計畫統計自環保低碳活動登錄平台99年8月16日啟用以來至103年3月31日為止,環保低碳活動平台已經有1,818個個會員單位以及9,188案次的登錄活動。本計畫為了要進一步地推廣碳中和理念,並期許將環保低碳活動透過活動外的減量措施升級成自我認證的簡易版碳中和活動,所以本計畫除提供碳中和過程的計算工具,讓主辦單位能夠計算其活動與會展的碳排放以及活動外減量措施的減排效益外,亦已建立活動碳中和專區並與環保低碳活動平台連結,期許環保低碳活動透過活動外的減量措施升級成自我認證的簡易版碳中和活動。2.為擴大環保低碳活動平台之宣傳效果,本計畫已完成「手機版環保低碳活動網頁」之設計與製作,包含「最新消息」、「活動簡介」、「申請教學」及「標章申請」等部分,以增加民眾使用之便利性及使用率。3.為了使宣導層面可更為廣泛,除碳中和管理登錄平台、環保低碳活動平台外,本計畫本年度並製作以低碳活動、碳中和概念為主之互動遊戲「兒童版環保低碳活動平台-減碳雙熊低碳生活日誌」,包含「環保低碳活動」、「碳中和」、「碳足跡」、「低碳飲食」及「冰冰黑寶來闖關」五大部分,期望透過此兒童版平台,以遊戲方式建立學齡兒童對於低碳活動、碳中和、碳足跡及低碳飲食之概念,進而融入日常生活當中,達寓教於樂之功能。4.本計畫已依據過往維護更新「碳中和登錄管理平台」及「環保低碳活動平台」之經驗,彙整兩平台使用之相關問題並提供相關意見回覆,並於兩平台增設「Q&A」子系統,提昇兩平台使用之友善度。 Carbon Neutral standard training and the construction of the promotion mechanism This project is the assisting tool to continue the past achievements of Carbon Neutral and the analysis of developing trend in international Carbon Neutral. This project is also applied in promoting international organization exchange about Carbon Neutral, participating in international Carbon Neutral standard training, developing supporting measures and policies for Carbon Neutral, developing and updating assisting tools for Carbon Neutral and low carbon activities. Relevant achievements until March 31, 2014 are collected in this project and described as follows:I. To control the developing trend in international Carbon Neutral and analysis of relevant cases. 1. Referable foreign examples regarding strategies and methods for different levels of Carbon Neutral promotion are organized hereunder:(1) National-level Carbon Neutral promotion In regard to the present development of international carbon neutral policy, many countries have raised their national goals on carbon neutral issue, which often combines national greenhouse gas emission reduction goal and are executed under the strategy of developing renewable energy and forestation. Among the collected information, the United Kingdom and Australia are the two countries with the fastest and the soundest carbon neutral development. The United Kingdom started carbon neutral promotion from its central authorities, while Australia started with their certified carbon neutral products. We shall refer to the first carbon neutral standard worldwide (PAS2060) developed by BSI (British Standards Institution).(2)City-level Carbon Neutral promotion Throughout the present examples and strategies of city-level carbon neutral promotion, mostly focused on the public awareness of the climate change, integration of the green concept into public construction, and government's leading action in energy saving/carbon reduction measures.It is essential to build the public's concept towards environmental protection. The government could promote their policies only if the public identify the issue and concept of environmental protection. Our government could also refer to foreign practice that foreign governments take environment factor into consideration for public construction and urban planning.(3)Civic-level Carbon Neutral promotion Analyze the promotion result of foreign civic groups by four aspects: Organization, activity, product and service. Check the total emissions of the entity and categorize the data by three scopes: Direct emissions, energy indirect and other indirect to control the carbon consumption data of each scope then adopt the greenhouse gas emission reduction. Each enterprise should reduce as much as possible their total carbon consumption. For the irreducible emission, each enterprise could adopt carbon offset approved by the international carbon market. 2. The UK and Australia have had their carbon neutral policies divided by department, such as schools, government departments, residence departments, etc..., and they set different goals for each year. This kind of step by step and executed by stage policy is similar to our policy in promoting carbon neutrality, which could also be a good reference for our government.II. Promoting international organization exchange about Carbon Neutral and participating in international Carbon Neutral standard training1. We held two meetings for PAS 2060 Carbon Neutral standard training (On 2013/06/18 and 2013/07/04) to confirm specifically about the training flow, experts' planning, expected production and expected benefits, and we also integrated every relevant questions, suggestions and comments regarding PAS 2060 revision brought up by various organizations, including our government authorities, research institute, consulting firm and verify unit, which would be provided to the experts and scholars during the first group meeting.2. From 2013/7/13~7/19, Professor Ku Young of Chemical Engineering Department, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and Ms. Hwang Hsueh-Juan, Assistant manager from BSI Taiwan both participated in the "Initial Meeting" of PAS 2060 Carbon Neutral standard training. They visited Carbon Clear and British Standards institution (BSI) London to understand the UK's execution and real cases regarding carbon neutrality. They also discussed about issued in regard to EUETS and BSI inspector management/inspection skill.3. On 2013/11/5, Mr. Hwang Hsian-Jieh, manager of Foundation of Taiwan Industry Service, Dr. Kao Yi-Min from BSI Asia-Pacific, and Dr. Liu Jin-Chuan from BSI Taiwan participated in the first group meeting in UK.They visited Department of Energy and Climate Change, Decc, Ecofys and The Carbon Neutral Company to learn about the UK government low-carbon strategies and successful cases. They collected and updated the present carbon neutral development and strategies. Meanwhile, they held concall meeting to discuss about the draft of version 2 with the UK, Australia, Hong Kong, Mainland China and Japan.4. The public draft was released on BSI official website on 11/22.(http://drafts.bsigroup.com/Home/Details/52170) for public consultation, also synchronized with connections to our platforms: "Taiwan National Greenhouse Gas Registry", "Carbon Neutral Registration" and "Low-Carbon Activity" for global opinion consultation for one month.5. Finished collecting global opinions (total 40 items) at the end of December, the group meeting members voted for training consensus. First revision draft was made on 2/7. Second group meeting was held on 2/21. Now under approval for the first draft.6. PAS 2060 finished: Cover design and graphic design for 2014 Chinese / English version7. 2014/3/24 "Carbon Neutral Technology Seminar & PAS 2060 Chinese Version Presentation" was held by Environmental Analysis Laboratory EPA. Executive Yuan, R.O.C. The director of EPA and BSI jointly presented PAS 2060:2014 Chinese version (Carbon Neutral Standard). The director also awarded carbon neutral certificate to Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration, AUO and TXC. In addition, domestic experts, scholars and enterprises were invited to share their experiences on topics of extreme climate, low-carbon activity, and carbon neutrality. More details were published on Economic Daily News and China Times B1 on 3/26.8. The difference between the content of ISO 14067 TS version and PAS 2050:2011 was clearly clarified. We will continue to control further development of ISO 14067 and suggest to revise "Carbon Footprint calculation".9. PAS 2060:2014 Chinese version training content is clear and we will suggest to revise "Carbon Neutral Verification and Technology Guide".III. Developing supporting measures and policies for Carbon Neutral1. The standards of energy conservation and carbon reduction for our public construction, the cases and standards of overseas large public construction. It is suggested that we should use highly efficient tools on our facilities due to the different climate and culture in Taiwan. We should use biofuels and reduce machine idle run. Use solar panels on residence or other buildings to provide power source and reduce excessive dependence on non-renewable energy. We should refer to the natural lighting and ventilating designs from foreign architectural design to reduce the day time lighting and to adopt natural ventilating to cut down air conditioning time in winter while the outdoor temperature is under 28 degrees. Use mostly natural building materials (gravels, woods), local materials, recycled material (recycled asphalt, recycled concrete), eco-friendly building materials and equipments (Energy saving equipments, water saving equipments) and recycling resource (Use scrap tires to replace gravels making the bridge base, etc).2. Calculate the greenhouse gas emission for the past big activities like the 101 building new year fireworks party, analyze what were the main emission sources, make substitute plans for the fireworks, traffic and wastes or garbage and supporting measures for greenhouse gas emission reduction. Held energy saving and carbon reduction meeting with the activity unit under general marketing section of the Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government on 8/23 to confirm the reduction method at present stage, the future reduction plan and strategy, the feasibility of constructing future fireworks show, to calculate the greenhouse gas emission of each past 101 building new year party and to plan for emission reduction plans.3. Based on our carbon footprint product regulation, and the draft regulation of "Domestic activity or exhibition carbon footprint calculation guide" set in 2012, the check list are divided into categories of exhibition hall management, host management, exhibitors profile, exhibitors decoration, exhibitors printing, transportation of display products and visitors traffic information surveys. We wish to promote the carbon footprint calculation for our domestic activities and exhibitions through these complete check lists. Held "Domestic activity or exhibition carbon footprint calculation guide" expert meeting on 10/15 to modify the content based on the experts' advices.4. In response to "Sustainable Energy Policy Guide Line" and "Policy Arrangement must has Carbon Neutral concept to prevent, alarm and screen the carbon management" from government departments, as well as to excel the energy saving and carbon reduction strategies and actions to reach the final goal of carbon neutrality, the environmental protection agency of county / city held presentation on 8/16 to introduce "Environmental protection agency promote carbon neutral" and its supporting measures, they also discussed about the future plans and execution directions, and changed "Drafted Principle of carbon neutral promotion by environmental protection agency" to "Drafted Reference guide of Carbon Neutral Promotion by Environmental Agency" as the reference for environmental protection agency to promote carbon neutral.5. In order to promote Public Action in Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction, as well as to understand the present condition of carbon neutral action, a visit to Liu-Liao footpath in Eh-Mei Vil., Hsin-Chu county was made on 2013/5/14, a forum is held in jiaoban mountain, Taoyuan county on 2014/1/7 to excel the opinion exchange and thoughts sharing between the officers from central authorities and the local residents and to promote low-carbon actions and raise the public awareness about environmental protection issues, to reach the ultimate goals of forming a low-carbon, sustainable homeland.6. Extend 2012 assisted case of carbon neutral "Fullon Hotels Danshuei Fishermen's Wharf" and "Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration", we will continue to follow their further promotion and equipment replacing. Both "Fullon Hotels Danshuei Fishermen's Wharf" and "Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration" had reached their goals of carbon neutrality at the end of February, 2014 and were rewarded with carbon neutral certificates on the presentation on 2014/3/24.7. Finished 10 cases of "Self Verified" carbon neutral case, they not only analyzed its greenhouse gas emission, but also cleared on how to reduce the emission and registered relevant information public at the carbon neutral registration platform as the reference for residents.8. Considering the scale of low carbon activities, research carbon reduction actions, and made public announcement at low carbon activity platform.9. Information was collected for the 10th regulation "Establish whole area carbon verification and reduction strategy" of Renewable Energy of the top 10 operation functions. We will use our past experience in assisting the carbon reduction execution in villages to help establish whole area carbon verification for local governments to set their goals on carbon reduction strategy matching their local development.IV. Developing and updating assisting tools for Carbon Neutral and low carbon activities1.Accoring to the statistics, since starting the low-carbon activity platform on 2010/8/16 until now 2014/3/31, there are already 1,818 members and 9,188 cases registered on the low-carbon platform. In order to further promote the carbon neutral concept, and to upgrade low-carbon activity to a self-verified easy carbon neutral activity with outside carbon reduction actions, this project not only provide calculating tools for carbon neutral process for the organizers to calculate the emission during the activities and exhibition and the reduction result outside the activities. They could also establish a carbon neutral area during the activity to connect with low-carbon activity platform to upgrade low-carbon activity to a self-verified easy carbon neutral activity with outside carbon reduction actions.2. To maximize the promotion result of low-carbon activity platform, the mobile version low-carbon activity webpage is already designed and ready to use, functions including "Latest News", "Introduction to Activity", "Application Tutorial" and "Label Application" for easy access and more usage rate to the public.3. To broaden the promotion result, beside the carbon neutral management and registration platform and low-carbon activity platform, interactive games based on the concept of low-carbon activity and carbon neutrality "Low-carbon activity platform for children - Low-carbon diaries for low-carbon bears" is designed, including five sections: "low carbon activity", "carbon neutral", "carbon footprint", "low carbon diet" and "Bing-Bing Black Bears' Adventure". These activities are made aiming to build correct concept of low-carbon activity, carbon neutral and low-carbon diet for school-age children. 4. Based on the past experiences in maintenance and updating "carbon neutral registration platform" and "low-carbon activity platform", we integrated relevant questions regarding the two platforms and provided feedback reply. We also established "Q & A" subsystem for these two platforms to increase easy access between the two platforms. 102 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67983
我國再生能源應用與零碳策略評估暨推動參與經濟合作與發展組織工作計畫 本計畫針對國際再生能源應用及零碳推動策略資訊、經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)相關議題資訊蒐集、再生能源技術應用專題講座及澎湖縣再生能源利用方式探討及推廣、署長與民有約等工作進行。在彙整歐、美再生能源應用及零碳推動政策等資料方面,依照再生能源之政策目標、推廣策略及應用成果等項目進行系統性匯整。亦針對國際上提出零碳推動政策之國家蒐集相關資訊報告,以及歐美國家再生能源應用及提升能源效率技術新知,包括太陽光電、風力發電以及生質能等最新應用技術之介紹,並據此評估我國再生能源技術水準與應用。此外,並完成18篇國際再生能源應用及零碳推動策略資訊翻譯及其它再生能源現況資料蒐集分析、5國(美國、澳洲、英國、日本、比利時)再生能源模型分析應用。在蒐集OECD資訊方面涵蓋永續物質發展、奈米廢棄物、環境政策、綠色能源等OECD關注議題,同時也將資訊彙整後提供署內相關業務單位參考。再生能源應用專題講座主要探討沼氣生質能技術發展趨勢、應用厭氧化處理廚餘及纖維之能源技術開發,此類技術目前在台灣仍有發展空間,故也是未來政府再生能源可再多投入的發展方式。澎湖縣是離島推動再生能源的主力,其離島生質能中心與低碳島計畫推動多年,目前也已呈現不錯的成效,藉由中央與地方的合作,此經驗亦可做為其它縣市推動再生能源之參考。 Evaluation of Renewable Energy Applications and Zero-Carbon Strategies in our Country and Promotion The task of this project consists of compiling information on international renewable energy applications and zero-carbon promoting policies, collecting information on Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) related topics, organizing a renewable energy technologies application workshop, investigating and promoting renewable energy applications in Penghu, and organizing an informal discussion meeting between the Minister of EPA and people in Penghu County. Regarding the compilation of the information on European and American renewable energy applications and zero-carbon promoting policies, a systematic compilation was carried out according to the topics such as renewable energy goals, promoting policies, application achievements etc. The project also collected information on zero-carbon promoting policies set out in the international community, and updated on European and American renewable energy application and energy efficiency enhancement technologies, including the newest application technologies for solar, wind and biomass energies. This information was also used to evaluate the level of renewable energy technological expertise and application in our country. Regarding the collection of OECD information, topics on OECD's attention such as sustainable material development, nanowaste, environmental policies, green energies were covered, and information was further compiled before referring them to different departments of EPA. The renewable energy technologies application workshop mainly explored the development trend of biogas energy technologies, technology development for the application of anaerobic digestion on food waste and fibers. These technologies can still undergo much development in Taiwan and are the renewable energies the government can dedicate more efforts in developing in the future. Penghu County is the leader in promoting renewable energies among the offshore islands. Its offshore island biomass energy center and low-carbon island projects have been promoted for many years with considerable achievements. The success was an example of collaboration between the central and local governments, which can serve as a lesson for promoting renewable energies for other counties or cities. 102 能資方案室 財團法人環境與發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67958
102年度國家重要濕地(大樹舊鐵橋人工濕地)保育計畫 (一)濕地場址及周界環境調查監測1.截至102年12月15日,已完成4次水質監測、4次水文量測、3次底泥監測及2次生態調查工作,水文監測結果,A、B系統水力負荷量介於0.4-0.9 m/day及0.4-0.5 m/day,A、B兩系統平均水力停留時間約7.2天及1.3天。A系統相較於B系統穩定,B系統之部份由於主要來自於竹寮溪溝導入,竹寮溪溝及水區涵蓋竹寮村大部分山坡地水源,除農牧廢水、生活廢水、零星小型工廠廢水及大部分雨水,故竹寮溪溝水量較不穩定。2.水質監測結果平均懸浮固體物A系統進出流為6.2-5.1 mg/L,B系統33.3-16.0 mg/L,其中無論是進流或出流,B系統整體皆高於A系統。生化需氧量A系統進出流濃度平均濃度分別為5.7及7.0 mg/L,B系統分別為12.8 mg/L及9.5 mg/L,兩系統整體平均為8.8 mg/L,化學需氧量兩系統變化趨勢相似於生化需氧量變動,監測結果A系統進出流濃度平均濃度皆約為25 mg/L,B系統分別為85 mg/L及39 mg/L,兩系統進流水B系統COD濃度亦較高於A系統。A系統正磷進出流濃度平均濃度分別為0.03及0.07 mg/L,B系統分別為0.24 mg/L及0.12 mg/L,兩系統整體平均為0.12 mg/L。就結果顯示,兩系統進流水B系統濃度較高於A系統。總磷部分趨勢亦相似。氨氮監測結果兩系統整體平均監測值為2.1 mg/L,以六月份監測值最高。葉綠素a結果,A系統進出流濃度平均濃度分別為4.2及5.0 μg/L,B系統分別為15.5及13.2 μg/L。大腸桿菌監測結果顯示經濕地處理後,皆達到一定程度之去處效果,A系統進出流濃度平均濃度分別為1.5×106及1.4×105 CFU/100mL,B系統分別為3.5×106及1.3×106 CFU/100mL。3.底泥監測結果,兩系統六個監測點平均pH值於枯水季6月之7.7略低於豐水季7月之7.9。有機質分析調查結果顯示,兩次採樣有機質含量平均約為3%,總磷顯示兩次採樣平均值約為1,217 mg/kg,並產生累積現象,總氮之兩次監測值差異不大,平均值約480 mg/kg,而B系統率高於A系統。重金屬部分,8種金屬中Cd及部分Pb低於偵測極限,其中以Fe的含量最高,平均值為38,386 mg/kg,Zn平均為273 mg/kg次之,Mn平均則為235 mg/kg。4.舊鐵橋現況之鳥類記錄以舊鐵橋南側之物種較多,其餘生物之數量變化則呈現舊鐵橋下樣區較少於其他兩樣區之趨勢。目前本區域之物種組成仍在重建初期,但是兩棲類、爬行類及特別是魚類,已呈現入侵外來物種物種數與數量有增加之情況,建議主管單位對此宜及早進行數量限縮及移除之管控。雖調查期間捕獲之入侵外來魚種均未回放原捕捉環境,有部分移除之效果,但是,大規模移除工作(如抽水清池進行「清池」),需要經費與人力支援。對於仔稚個體、卵等階段之個體,則可能必須以放水清池或毒殺等手段,方能較有效地降低其數量。不過,這些方法也均有對非目標生物造成負面衝擊的可能。要增加舊鐵橋濕地物種多樣性之方針,初步可採取增加濕地矮灌叢之種類與面積,以提供鳥類與蝶類棲息環境。(二)濕地種子教師培訓與民眾導覽解說成果目前計畫執行團隊結合鄰近民間團體(高雄市舊鐵橋協會、大樹文史協會、瓦窯協會等)、社區(竹寮和久堂社區發展協會等)、學校(九曲國小、大樹國中、輔英科大、樹德科大、中山大學、屏科大等),共同進行濕地維護管理、導覽解說和種子教師訓練等工作。1.濕地保育與管理維護藉由社區民眾及地方志工合作推動舊鐵橋濕地園區之管理與維護作業,需進行6次或至少24處的維護管理作業,截至12月31日已完成32場次,達成至少24次(處)的計畫目標,參與人數達255人次。社區協會與民間團體志工踴躍參與濕地保育與管理維護工作,清除園區內雜草、落葉與大型樹枝垃圾等,且維護人員和志工積極宣導垃圾不落地,因此園區內不設置垃圾桶,希望民眾養成習慣,將垃圾帶回家,保持濕地園區環境整潔,此優質場域廣受遊客好評,更是政府單位和公民營企業及學校團體舉辦各式活動的好所在。2.濕地管理維護單位教育訓練研習舊鐵橋濕地園區面積廣達120公頃,期望能以辦理維護單位教育訓練的方式,使在地志工與社區民眾了解與學習對人工濕地的維護管理方式,提升參訓人員日後協助濕地管理和維護作業之能力與知識。依合約規定需辦理12場次濕地管理維護單位教育訓練研習,截至12月31日已完成12場次,達成計畫進度,參與人數訓練研習達414人次,部分受訓人員已實地參與管理和維護工作,並協助大專和國高中學生參與志工體驗活動。3.濕地保育種子教師與導覽解說訓練結合附近社區發展協會與民間團體共同參與舊鐵橋濕地園區的導覽解說訓練活動,藉由本訓練可培育導覽解說之種子教師,以便能更深入到校園或其他單位進行教育宣導活動。依合約規定需辦理12場次,截至12月31日已完成12場次,參與人數達307人,受訓種子教師已有能力擔任遊客溼地導覽解說員並至鄰近中小學推廣濕地保育課程。4.民眾參與濕地園區生態及環境教育活動解說導覽由種子教師及志工進行舊鐵橋濕地園區之導覽解說,帶領參與民眾團體親身體驗人工濕地生態保育及環境教育的功能,並解說濕地如何淨化水質及動植物在濕地中所扮演的角色。目前皆依合約規定每個月執行2梯次以上的民眾解說導覽,依合約規定需辦理12場次,截至12月31日已完成38場次,達成計畫進度35場次,共有1619人熱情參與,本項解說導覽工作主要由受訓之種子教師擔任,實際參與解說導覽活動,以印證課堂上所學得的知識。5.濕地復建過程影音紀錄為使民眾及遊客了解人工濕地之蛻變歷程、環境維護與管理效益、環境教育、生態保育等成果,編製舊鐵橋濕地教育園區濕地環境教育與生態保育影音紀錄,已完成腳本和配音工作,目前正積極進行剪輯、配音等後製作業,預計於102年12月10日完成。審核通過後,將送母片至專業工廠壓製,提交400片光碟,以完整忠實呈現本年度舊鐵橋濕地園區濕地保育與管理維護、教育研習與導覽解說訓練、環境教育活動解說導覽等工作之成果。6. 申請環境教育法之認證場址依據高雄市舊鐵橋協會於101年1月12日向環保署環訓所申請及環訓所於101年1月20日來文告知需補正事項,本團隊針對環境教育設施場所認證相關問題進行討論與輔導,於102年8月30日、9月11日、11月8日共計輔導三次。並於102年11月26日由環保局會同經濟部水利署第七河川局、高雄市政府水利局、高雄市大樹區公所、高雄市政府環保局、高雄市舊鐵橋協會於舊鐵橋志工小棧召開環境教育設施場址土地使用同意會議。本團隊已輔導舊鐵橋協會完成撰寫環境教育設施場所認證申請書,內容包含申請書、單位機關核准設立證書、環境現況及自然或人文特色、環境教育專業人力配置、環境教育教案、經營規劃管理書。申請書內土地使用同意書仍在會商各有關單位積極取得中,其他資料皆已備妥完整,預計於102年12月11日前備文送達環保署環訓所。 2013 National Wetland (Da-Shu Old-Iron-Bridge Artificial Wetland) Preservation Project (One). Wetland Site and Surrounding Area Monitoring 1. 4 water quality analysis, 4 hydrological measurements, 3 sediment analysis and 2 ecological surveys have been completed by Dec. 15th, 2013. The hydrological measurements indicated that hydraulic load for system A and B is between 0.4 to 0.9 m/day and 0.4 to 0.5 m/day, respectively. The average hydraulic retention time for system A and B is 7.2 and 1.3 days, respectively. System A is more stable than system B, with the water of system B partially originates from ZhuLiao river. ZhuLiao river covers most of the hillside water sources for ZhuLiao village, in addition to wastewater from farming, household, small factory and rain water, thus ZhuLiao river provides less stable water source.2. The water quality analysis results show that the average influent and effluent SS content for system A are 6.2-5.1 mg/L, and 33.3-16.0 mg/L for system B, with system B higher content than system A. The average BOD content for influent and effluent for system A are 5.7 and 7.0 mg/L, and 12.8 mg/L and 9.5 mg/L for system B’s influent and effluent. The COD content of both systems show similar trend as the BOD content, the influent and effluent COD content is around 25 mg/L; 85 and 39 mg/L for system B, with system B higher COD content. The influent and effluent orthophosphate content for system A is 0.03 and 0.07 mg/L respectively, and 0.24 and 0.12 mg/L for system B. The result of orthophosphate and total phosphorus all indicated higher content for system B than for system A. The average ammonia content for both systems is 2.1 mg/L with June monitoring value the highest. The influent and effluent chlorophyll a content for system A are 4.2 and 5.0μg/L, respectively; 15.5and13.2 μg/L for system B. The E. Coli content for both systems show promising result of its removal; the influent and effluent E. Coli content for system A are 1.5×106及1.4×105 CFU/100mL, respectively; 3.5×106and 1.3×106 CFU/100mL for system B.3.The sediment monitoring results indicated that the pH value during dry season of 6 monitoring spots by two systems is 7.7, which is slightly lower than 7.9 of wet season. The organic matter analysis indicated that the average organic matter is 3%, the average total phosphorus amount is 1,217mg/kg and accumulating, the average amount of total nitrogen is 480 mg/kg; and all the results indicated higher concentrations for system B in comparison to system A. For heavy metal levels, cadmium and lead levels are undetectable, iron has the highest level, average 38,386 mg/kg, average zinc level is 273 mg/kg and 235 mg/kg for manganese. 4. Old-iron-bridge wetland bird recording shows higher number of bird species at the southern part of the wetland; for all the other biological species, it shows that the number is higher at under plot of the wetland in comparison to the other areas. At the present, the species in this district are still under reconstruction, but regarding amphibians, reptiles and especially fish, the number of invading species increases. Suggestion has been made for their forced removal. During the project year, the invading fish species had been caught and removed, but large scale of removal required some budget and manpower support. Larvae and eggs of the invading species can be removed more effectively by draining the pool or releasing poisons. But the abovementioned method might cause impact to non-targeting species.(Two). Wetland Seed Teachers TrainingNeighboring local NGOs (Kaohsiung Old-Iron-Bridge Association, Da-Shu History Association and Wa-Yao Association), local communities (Zhu-Liao and Ziou-Tang community associations) and schools (Ziou Qu Elementary School, Da-Shu Junior High School, Fu-Ying Technology College, Sun-Yat-Sen University and Ping-Tung Technology University) help organize wetland management and preservation work.1. Wetland Management and PreservationIn regarding the wetland management and preservation, 6 maintenances over 24 sites had to be completed according to the contract. 32 maintenances by the end of Dec. had been completed with 255 participants. Local community associations and NGO volunteers actively participated in the work to clean up the fallen leaves, large tree branches and garbage. To promote “no garbage on the ground”, no garbage bins were present at the park to better train the habit of park goers. The park has become the activity site for governmental and local organizations. 2. Wetland Management and Preservation Training SessionsOld-Iron-Bridge Wetland Park covers 120 acre of land, management and preservation training sessions were held to local communities and park volunteers. 12 training sessions were held in accordance to the contract with 414 participants.3. Wetland Preservation Training SessionsTraining sessions were organized with the participation of local communities and NGOs to cultivate seed teachers. 12 sessions were organized in accordance to the contract with 307 participants. The trained seed teachers work as the wetland tour guides to promote wetland environmental education and preservation program to neighboring elementary and high schools. 4. Public Participation of Wetland Ecology and Environmental Educational Guided ToursOld-Iron-Bridge Wetland guided tours by seed teachers and park volunteers enhance the eco-preservation and environmental education of the park and help explain how wetland purifies water quality. 2 guided tours per month were held in accordance to the contract. 38 tours were held at the project year with 1619 participants.5. Audio and Video Recording of Wetland Rehabilitation ProcessesFor better understanding the wetland rehabilitation processes, audio and video recordings were completed and the post-production work such as editing and dubbing were in the process of completing. Dec. 10th is set to be the finishing date. Upon approval, 400 DVD will be made and submitted to Kaohsiung EPB to showcase the project accomplishment.6. Application of Certified Environmental Educational SiteFrom the official notice received by Old-Iron Bridge Association, Kaohsiung City from Environmental Professionals Training Institute, EPA by Jan. 20th, 2012, regarding the application status and missing documents. 3 consultation sessions were held at Aug. 30th, Sept. 11th and Nov. 8th in regarding to the application processes and the Q&A sessions. Kaohsiung EPB, together with Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs Seventh River Management Office, Kaohsiung City Government Water Conservancy Bureau, Da-Shu District Office and Kaohsiung City Old-Iron-Bridge Association, held a conference regarding land use for the abovementioned application. The application form has been completed with relevant documents, such the application form, authority approval certificate, site background and characteristics, educational certifiable personnel, environmental education lesson plan, etc. Land usage consent form is in the process of being issued. All relevant documents have been set to Environmental Professionals Training Institute by Dec. 11th. 102 高雄市政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司
南投縣102年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫 本計畫各項工作項目包括未定檢機車巡查、車牌辨識作業定檢站查核(包括實車查核)、戶外定檢站宣導、二行程汰舊補助、宣導作業、日月潭淨區管制、其他行政配合工作等。本計畫各項工作項目至12月31日止各項工作項目成果摘要如下:未定檢機車巡查作業總計56,717輛機車,其中未定檢機車15,120輛,已定檢機車34,134輛及新車數7,463輛;第一季至第四季氣體查核與環保署允差標準CO:7%、HC:6%、CO2:8%比對,各站氣體比對結果第二季有8站超出標準,第三季有6站超出標準,但經手動校正後,各站皆符合允差標準。受理民眾檢舉烏賊車案件共計1,890件,初審通過1,625件,複審通過1,083件,通知複驗888件,複驗合格率78.53%。另複驗合格污染物CO削減量為12.68公噸及HC削減量3.61公噸。協助發放獎勵金約179,700元。接受車輛淘汰申請案件數為1,979件。通過審查並核發補助件數有1,936件,核發金額共2,904,000元整。電動機車換購申請為3輛,通過審查並核發補助件數有3件,核發金額共9,000元整。其削減量CO削減40.14公噸,HC削減11.62公噸。完成24場次之戶外定檢服務,戶外定檢服務活動檢驗數以名間鄉名松路檢測數為最高達403 輛最高,佔所有比例之50.12 %﹔以有線電視跑馬燈方式進行媒體宣導作業,為有效達到宣導效益,以9-12月不同時段連續撥放方式進行宣導,撥放頻道有三立都會台、東森戲劇、TVBS-G、TVBS、三立台灣台、東森綜合、八大戲劇、中天新聞等8頻道撥放。進行27處LCD螢幕宣導工作,27處皆為洽公頻率高之公務機關、學生出入校園、人潮較易逗留處,播出『出廠滿五年之機車,請每年於行照發照月份前後1個月其間實施排氣定期檢驗,違者處新台幣2仟罰鍰。』等有關機車定檢、二行程汰舊、定檢抽獎活動宣導標語。 Mobile sources, Nantou County 102 annual inspection control plan The project includes the work plan pending inspection locomotive inspections, license plate recognition operations scheduled inspection station checks (including real vehicle checks), outdoor advocacy scheduled inspection station, the old two-stroke eliminating subsidies propaganda operations, net of Sun Moon Lake area control, other administration with the work. The project work plan summary of the outcome of the December 31, 2011 ended the following work items:Total operating locomotive inspections undecided seized 56,717 locomotives, of which 15,120 units undecided seized motorcycle, has given a new car seized several vehicles and motorcycles 34,134 7,463 vehicles; gas in the first quarter to the fourth quarter of audit standards and EPA tolerances CO: 7%, HC : 6%, CO2: 8% than the right, gas stations compared to the second quarter results exceeded the standard 8 points, 6 points in the third quarter has exceeded the standard, but after manual correction, the stations are in compliance with tolerance standards. Accepting people report a total of 1,890 pieces of squid car case, the trial by 1,625 pieces, 1,083 pieces of review by informing retest 888, retest pass rate of 78.53%. Another reinspection qualified pollutant reductions of 12.68 tonnes of CO and HC reduction in the amount of 3.61 tonnes. Assist approximately 179,700 million incentive payment. The number of cases accepted applications for the elimination of 1,979 vehicle parts. Review and issuance of grants by the number of pieces have 1,936 pieces issued totaling 2,904,000 yuan a whole. Motor vehicle redemption application is 3, the number of grants issued by the review and has three parts, the entire issued totaling $ 9,000. Which reduce the amount of CO reduction of 40.14 tonnes, HC reduction of 11.62 tonnes.Completion of the 24 outdoor screenings scheduled inspection service, outdoor activities scheduled inspection services to name a few test Township name Pine Road detection up to 403 number is the highest, accounting for 50.12% of all proportion; Marquee way to cable media advocacy job for effective advocacy to achieve efficiency, September-December period of continuous playback in different ways advocacy, broadcasting three channels will stand, Eastern theater, TVBS-G, TVBS, three set Taiwan, Eastern consolidated, eight plays, Sky News, 8 channel playback. Conducted 27 LCD screen advocacy work, 27 are placed by the frequency of high public office, student access to the campus, the crowd is easier to stay at the broadcast "factory motorcycles for five years, make an annual trip is reproduced according to the month before and after 1 months during the implementation of the exhaust regularly inspected, and offenders fined at NT $ 200 thousand. "Other relevant locomotive inspection, eliminating the old two-stroke, regular inspection sweepstakes promotion slogan. 102 南投縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67725
南投縣河川疏濬土石運輸道路委託加強洗掃專案計畫 期末報告內容說明期程自履約日 101 年 3 月 13 日起至 102 年 3 月 12 日止,共歷時近 12 個月,係由仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司受委辦執行。南投縣環境保護局特別指定加強濁水溪疏濬工程周邊運輸路線-河川疏濬土石運輸道路(砂石專用道)0k~15k 作為本執行計畫之主要洗掃作業路段。計畫執行內容主要針對道路洗掃工作、街塵負荷分析、道路洗掃成效等作業進行評估,並配合局內逐月管制策略或重大政令施行時機動調整洗掃路線,其各項量化執行成果請參閱後續章節之說明。 截至本年度 3 月 12 日為止共計執行了洗街作業 60,370.8 公里、洗街總用水量為 64,262.7 噸、平均用水量為 1.06 噸/公里、平均作業日數為 251 天;掃街作業 17,544.4 公里、總集塵量為 152.2 噸、平均集塵量為 0.009 噸/公里、平均作業日數為 257 天;路邊積土清除 26 次、共清除 171.3 噸;人力掃街作業 210.15 公里;洗掃街作業巡查 120 天次;TSP 削減量共 1075.2 噸;PM 10 削減量共 202.6噸,並配合相關通報作業即刻配合機動參與執行,因此本計畫執行迄今之預定進度為 100.0 %,而實際總執行進度為 100.2 %。 在特色性作法方面,本計畫為強化洗掃之成效,除了沿用 GPS 衛星定位行車監控管理系統作為監督人員平日巡查管理之輔助工具外,本年度計畫更將其監控設備升級,結合「雲端即時監視系統」設備,使監督單位及巡察人員以更有效的遠端即時監視方式(如 iphone、ipad 或其他 3C 產品)可以最清楚即時瞭解洗掃街車之行車動態、作業狀況及執行道路現況,也讓監督人員得以有效監控要求執行品質。 另本計畫為了解洗掃作業執行過程與方式中,對於作業路線周遭之鄰近居民所造成之影響,並以「顧客導向」之服務精神為依歸,因此於每季定期拜訪村民代表進行洗掃街作業成效訪談,藉以瞭解本計畫作業執行成效、民眾觀感與需求,並協助各村里執行洗掃街作業等,做好敦親睦鄰之工作。 此外,本年度計畫為降低因道路揚塵所造成的空氣污染,目前配合南投縣環保局及他相關計畫(如 101 年街道揚塵洗掃綜合管理計畫、101 年汛期後濁水溪上游沿岸揚塵環境清理計畫、疏濬工程及土石加工業稽查管制計畫…等),針對河川疏濬砂石運輸週邊道路(砂石專用道路與台 16 線道)執行主要污染源(主要為砂石場、裸露地及工區出入口)之調查與評估,除藉此評估各路面污染之可能來源外,並可作為道髒污狀況之預警功用,後續也將藉由洗掃作業資源之整合規劃及各種管制策略與相關計畫之橫向通報聯繫系統的推動,以有效控制逸散粒狀物污染與維護道路環境,並建全本計畫之洗掃效能。 none none 101 南投縣政府環境保護局 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67703
南投縣102年度減少露天燃燒宣導管制計畫 有鑑露天燃燒為目前空氣污染公害糾紛中最為常見的問題之一,本計畫主要藉由露天燃燒的巡查管制、紙錢集中燃燒及相關宣導等工作推動,提升縣境內環境空氣品質。此外,本計畫亦配合轄境內兩期稻作收割期露天燃燒陳情案件即時查處,達成嚇止露天燃燒現況,提升民眾滿意度。相關執行成果摘要如下:本計畫自102年01月22日起,統計至102年12月31日止,查獲露天燃燒案件426處次(含一、二期稻作收割期),總控制面積達399,849.4 平方公尺,估算巡查時滅火後未燃燒之部分換算削減量,共計削減TSP 3.993 公噸、CO 34.855 公噸、THC4.689 公噸、SOX 0.038 公噸、NOX1.265 公噸。在紙錢集中燃燒作業部份,統計今年紙錢集中成效,統計配合單位達72 家次,至102 年12 月31日止集中焚燒噸數達222.96 公噸。 本計畫團隊自102 年01 月22 日至12 月31 日期間,輔導縣內7個家大型寺廟成環保寺廟,辦理2 場次『寺廟環保措施與紙錢減量宣導說明會』,由廟方代表分享環保措施與紙錢減量之推廣心得,並成功推廣草屯鎮區域性紙錢專用爐設置。本年度為擴大宣導成效,除透過電子跑馬燈、廣播電台媒體,刊載禁止露天燃燒新聞稿外,且針對高露燃地區結合社區辦理2 場次「稻草再利用勿露天燃燒宣導說明會」,及1 場次「稻草多元化再利用(綠肥作物)實作示範宣導活動」,以減少露天燃燒稻草之情形。 Advocacy to reduce open burning control plan, Nantou County 102 years In view of air pollution from open burning is one of the most common nuisance dispute issues Currently, the project mainly by open burning control inspections, burning paper money and related advocacy focused on work to promote and enhance the county of ambient air quality. In addition, the project also fit within the jurisdiction of two open burning of rice harvest instant petition cases investigated, reached the status of open-air burning scare ended, improve public satisfaction. Related to the implementation of the results are summarized as follows:102 years of the plan since January 22, ending 102 years of statistics on December 31, and seized 426 cases of open burning times (including one second rice harvest period), with a total area of 399,849.4 square meters control, after estimating fire inspections unburned portion of the translation reductions totaling cut TSP 3.993 tonnes, CO 34.855 tonnes, THC4.689 tonnes, SOX 0.038 tonnes, NOX1.265 tonnes.Burning paper money concentrated in the part of the job, this year focused on the effectiveness of statistical paper money, the statistical unit with up to 72 times, ending 102 years Dec. 31 tonnes of concentrate reached 222.96 tonnes incinerated. The project team since 102 years between January 22 to December 31, counseling County 7A large temple to temple environmental protection, for two sessions "temple of environmental protection measures and reduction advocacy briefing paper money", to promote the sharing of experiences by the temple on behalf of environmental protection measures and the reduction of paper money and paper money successfully promote regional Caotun special furnace set .Year to expand the effectiveness of propaganda, except through electronic marquees, radio media, the press release published outside prohibit open burning and burning areas for high dew handle two sessions with community "not to open burning straw recycling advocacy briefings", and a screening "straw diversified recycling (green manure crop) to implement demonstration advocacy activities" in order to reduce the case of open burning straw. 102 南投縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67568
南投縣102年街道揚塵洗掃綜合管理計畫 共執行洗掃作業22,167.5公里,推估TSP、PM10與PM2.5削減量分別約為305.9噸、57.6噸與13.5噸。此外,機動支援作業共61車次748 km,以掃街車為主,主要是颱風過後各地之清理以及竹山、集集鎮公所定期支援作業等。目前各取水點SS測值在0~13.2 mg/L之間、濁度測值在3.3~22.4 NTU之間、溶氧測值在4.5~7.9 mg/L之間,均符合洗街用水水質目標。洗掃作業對於TSP削減率介於12.1~48.2%之間,對塵土負荷的削減率約在67.2~95.3%之間,洗掃作業後道路髒污等級均可改善至A級。此外,先掃後洗(台16線0K)與先洗後掃(台16線3K及7K)之TSP與街塵負荷削減率差異不大,因此可依民眾需求調整作業方式而不使洗掃效能有明顯下降。另由近年台16線7K與7.5K之塵土測值變化,顯示環保局針對台16線進行之各項管制與洗掃作業規劃已有成效。已執行道路髒污調查作業1,507.1公里,其中A級道路1,353.1 km佔89.8%,B級道路154 km佔10.2%,無C級道路,而污染源調查則於9月份發現2處砂石場為C級狀況,均已立即橫向通報相關計畫,並次日督促污染源完成改善;路段污染源為B級者135處次則於次月彙整後通報相關計畫,其餘路段污染源為A級或無污染源。本計畫針對25處列管空品淨化區查核,以南投縣農產運銷(股)公司環境綠化美化計畫、日月潭文武廟後山綠化植草計畫、碧峰社區髒亂點整頓環境綠美化維護工作、魚池村環境綠美化工程(2處)及草屯地政事務所民眾洽公停車場綠美化工程等5處基地為最佳;而碳匯調查結果列管淨化區共有5,942株喬木,合計二氧化碳吸存總量約83.8公噸kg CO2。綜上所述,本計畫除已達成合約工作內容外,亦提供民眾颱風後清理與平時的支援,並確保洗街用水水質良好;此外,了解洗掃作業可有效削減鄰近區域TSP濃度,並將道路髒污等級改善至A級,而在環保局歷年執行街道洗掃與污染源管制下,南投縣整體A級道路比例已提升至約90%,而洗掃作業規劃亦朝向以民眾為導向的執行方式,同時積極推動空品淨化區的設置與喬木的植栽,期望提供民眾乾淨的環境與清新的空氣。 Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Project of Nantou City in 2013 In this project, washing and sweeping works were total 22,167.5 km , estimated TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 reductions were approximately 305.9 tons , 57.6 tons and 13.5 tons . In addition, a total of 61 times maneuver support operations 748 km, the supports mainly clean up after typhoon,and regular support for Chushang and Chi-chi town.SS measured values between ​​0~13.2 mg/L, and turbidity measured values ​​between 3.3~22.4NTU, and dissolved oxygen measured values ​​between 4.5~7.9 mg/L, in accordance with the street washing water quality objectives.Washing and sweeping job removal for the TSP rate between 12.1 ~ 48.2%, and removal about 67.2~95.3% for street dust.After Washing and sweeping job road dirty rank can be improved to A-level grades. In addition, sweep first or wash first of TSP and street dust load reduction rate is similar, so we can change the washing and sweeping sequence for people's needs. The Improvement of measured values shows that the polution control been successful by Environmental Protection Bureau.To survey soiled of rodad have been performed 1,507.1 km, of which A-level roads accounted for 89.8% of 1,353.1 km , 154 km of road grade B accounted for 10.2 %, no C -class roads ; road sources as Class B by 135 times the notification related projects compiled after month , and the remaining sections of the A -level pollution or no pollution.This project checks 25 air quality purification areas, The best areas are Nantou city husbandry specialty , Wen Wu Temple of Sun Moon Lake , Bifeng community , Yuchi Village and Caotun Land Administration Office ; and carbon sinks findings total 5,942 trees in air quality purification areas, total carbon dioxide absorption total deposits of about 83.8 tonnes kg CO2. 102 南投縣政府環境保護局 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67520
南投縣102年汛期後濁水溪上游沿岸揚塵清理計畫 計畫執行洗街作業36,360.4公里,總用水量為43,743.5公噸,平均用水量為1.20公里/公噸。另執行3次教育訓練,包含計畫執行、車輛故障維修及車禍處理。洗街用水水質SS測值介於1.5~9.6之間mg/L,皆小於標準50mg/L,濁度測值介於4.50~25.71 NTU、溶氧測值介於6.04~8.98 mg/L,用水水質情況良好。共執行每季一次路邊鏟土作業,共去除12.4噸積土。無法執行洗街作業因素主要為天候不良、維修保養及司機請假,上述情況不多。執行期間,共發生7次需通報環保局處理之污染情況,上述情況經通報後皆已改善。每月進行道路污染源調查,每月將調查結果彙整後通報環保局,做為管制參考。針對道路進行洗街作業前後之街塵負荷檢測,得知洗街後街塵負荷之削減率可達六成五以上,顯示洗街作業對降低道路污染是有一定成效。推估洗街作業TSP削減量達501.78噸/年及PM10削減量達94.54噸/年。今年度計畫執行重點除洗街作業外,另執行當地居民代表訪談作業,藉由訪談作業來了解當地居民對於道路污染情況的看法,以及了解真正需要加強執行作業的地點,讓本計畫之洗街作業更能貼近民意。 none none 102 南投縣政府環境保護局 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67565
101年度南投縣工業區空氣污染物排放調查、指紋建置及稽查管制計畫 101年南投縣工業區空氣污染物排放調查、指紋建置及稽查管制計畫 (以下簡稱本計畫),執行期程係自101.01.18至101.12.31日止,計畫經費為新台幣440萬元整,由台灣曼寧工程顧問(股)公司副總經理卓啟弘擔任計畫主持人,含計畫經理及執行人員共3人(方寶國、陳江翎、鄭乃元)派駐環保局專案執行計畫主要執行工作項目包括工業區定期巡查、陳情案件處理、工業區空品監測、污染源監檢測作業、高風險工廠評鑑/體檢作業等項目。本計畫除掌握縣內南崗及竹山2座工業區污染排放現況外,並因應環保署考評要點執行相關管制作業,各項工作重點及成效如下:一、本年度執行225次南崗工業區巡查及141次竹山工業區巡查作業,發現異常排放進廠執行查核122廠次,並執行105廠次五年未更新工廠資料庫更新作業。二、在空污陳情案件部分,統計本年度(101.1.1~101.12.19)南崗工業區空污陳情案件數173件次,與100年188件次差異不大,但本年度新設之卜蜂公司調理食品廠達陳情48次,為遭陳情次數最多之工廠。該廠因異味污染物稽查檢測超過排放標準,遭環保局告發處分,經增設靜電集塵器、洗滌塔及臭氧機後,自行檢測異味污染物濃度309,已符合排放標準,但後續仍應持續觀察其運作情形。三、本計畫定期監控氣象站網頁確保其正常運作且與局端保持連線外,另以簡易型氣象儀器於事業廢棄物處理專區進行15次連續24小時氣象條件調查,並與既有氣象站比對發現與劍麟測站之監測結果相符,建議尚無遷移之必要性。四、本年度執行工業區空品監測部分,監測期間測得物種濃度除O3有超過空氣品質標準情形外,其餘均符合排放標準。在工廠之管道或周界廢氣成份分析共計執行12廠20根/處次,測得物種經比較工廠使用物料後,建立各廠之排放指紋物種。五、工廠管道異味污染物執行10根次稽查檢測,其中卜蜂公司調理食品廠、輝懋公司及昶笙福公司等3廠異味污染物濃度超過排放標準。上述3廠均已進行製程改善且經自行檢測異味污染物濃度均已符合排放標準。六、以PID及gas find IR(FLIR)偵測儀器分別執行工廠VOCs濃度及洩漏源偵測部分,共發現5家工廠有明顯VOCs濃度較高或洩漏之情形,目前均已完成改善。七、本計畫已完成20廠次高風險工廠評鑑體檢作業,並完成100年度10廠指定工廠之改善結果追蹤,並提報101年度10廠指定污染源對象,提出改善建議,後續應追蹤其改善進度及結果。八、在空污突發事件應變機制部分,已協助5家工廠建置空氣污染突發事件預防管理制度及自主檢查作業。在環保局端已於101.12.11辦理1場次空氣污染突發事件之緊急應變演練作業,並運用ALOHA模式模擬空氣污染突發事件可能發生之情形,做為危害影響範圍及可能之避難疏散研判依據。 a a 101 南投縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67638
101 年度固定污染源許可及空污費審查暨土石加工業稽查 「101年度固定污染源許可及空污費審查暨土石加工業稽查管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),執行期程為101年3月19日至102年3月18日止,計畫經費為新台幣870萬元整,派駐環保局執行人員共8人,派駐人員6人具甲級空氣污染防制專責人員資格。主要工作項目包括:資料庫維護更新、許可管理、空污費催補繳與查核、重點污染源輔導減量、稽查檢測作業及土石加工業(含砂石車)污染管制等;各項作業內容與進度均依原規劃執行並符合合約要求。本年度已將土石加工業(含砂石車)污染管制納入固定源管制計畫執行工作項目之一,在污染管制及成果呈現皆由專人專職及專章執行;其餘各項工作項目均依據環保局推動施政重點擬定執行配套做法,計畫執行期間重點工作具體成果簡述如下,細部執行成果於本報告各章節詳述。 101 年度固定污染源許可及空污費審查暨土石加工業稽查 Air pollution fee 101 南投縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67519
101年度南投縣汛期後濁水溪上游沿岸揚塵環境清理計畫 計畫執行洗街作業36,190.9公里,總用水量為39,819.6公噸,平均用水量為1.1公里/公噸。另執行3次教育訓練,包含計畫執行、車輛故障維修及車禍處理。洗街用水水質SS測值介於1.5~5.7mg/L之間,皆小於標準50mg/L,濁度測值介於1.17~24.81 NTU,用水水質情況良好。共執行每季一次路邊鏟土作業,共去除9.4噸積土。無法執行洗街作業因素主要為天候不良、維修保養及司機請假,上述情況不多。執行期間,共發生4次需通報環保局處理之污染情況,上述情況經通報後皆已改善。每月進行道路污染源調查,每月將調查結果彙整後通報環保局,做為管制參考。針對道路進行洗街作業前後之街塵負荷檢測,得知洗街後街塵負荷之削減率可達七成以上,顯示洗街作業對降低道路污染是有一定成效。推估洗街作業(含道路認養)TSP削減量達598.74噸/年及PM10削減量達112.80噸/年。今年度計畫執行重點除洗街作業外,另執行當地居民代表訪談作業,藉由訪談作業來了解當地居民對於道路污染情況的看法,以及了解真正需要加強執行作業的地點,讓本計畫之洗街作業更能貼近民意。 none none 101 南投縣政府環境保護局 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67567
102年臺南市揮發性有機物稽查管制及空污費催補繳計畫 執行成果報告成果摘要如下:一、揮發性有機物查核、審查及建檔作業執行80家資料庫更新建檔及維護,有效掌握轄區VOCs專法列管業別之排放量(853公噸/年)變化。另外,因應轄區石化業執行設備元件檢測10,000點次,本年度抽測場所中,查得三廠各測得一點元件有洩漏情形,高於法規定義之洩漏值1,000ppm,已現場要求業者完成修復,分別為新力美公司(法蘭1,880ppm)、台灣神隆(幫浦1,860ppm)及東展興業(管線末端,>10,000ppm);其中,東展興業因超出法規規範標準(>10,000ppm),現場立即要求業者進行修復,並進行後續裁處作業。為查驗空污費是否有短報情形,比對設備元件稽查抽測濃度比例區間與空污費申報是否相符,經比對顯示,整體空污費申報情形與稽查相符,故未重新核定。本年度初期執行石化業法規符合度查核,尚有21廠經查仍有缺失情形,經持續監督與現場查驗,截至計畫截止,已督導18廠完成改善,缺失率由49%,下降至7%,改善率達86%,僅餘三廠尚有缺失,分別為成功化學工業股份有限公司、華音企業股份有限公司及南寶樹脂化學工廠股份有限公司第一廠。因應103年1月1日廢水池加蓋法令施行,計畫期間持續複查業者執行進度,經查,截至103年2月截止,僅餘4廠尚於改善中。建議列為103年優先查核重點。二、加油站查核及抽測作業本計畫共完成的201站的加油站法規查核及污染行為查核,透過持續查核、監督與宣導,轄區各站法規符合度及污染行為查核,均符合規定,合格率達100%。另外,執行抽測75站次,675支加油槍,其中,僅29支加油槍抽測不合格,不合格油槍已提報改善完成,推估造成揮發性有機污染物削減16.67公噸/年,倘若依油槍改善後至102年止期間作為實際削減量計算,推估造成揮發性有機污染物削減10.50公噸/年。本計畫於102年3月19日辦理1場次加油站油氣回收設施暨法規宣導說明會,針對未出席業者,除查驗現場法規符合度及排放量更新作業外,亦加強宣導法令規範,提醒業者應定期辦理氣油比及氣漏檢測作業,提升宣導效益。另外,本計畫於102年12月19日於辦理102年度臺南市環保績優單位表揚典禮,予以表揚。三、監督及檢測作業本計畫總計協助環保局建置7,118筆稽查資料、89筆稽查處分資料於環保稽查處分管制系統(EEMS 系統),統計尚未完成改善者總計10廠,已彙整提報環保局。另外,針對轄區應公告定檢業者,執行100根監督檢測作業,其中,以電子廠所執行之NMHC檢測佔最大宗,約佔57%,57根次。監測作業中,各廠均能依據環檢所公告檢測方法執行,檢測情形均符合法令規範。網路定期檢測申報審查部分,本計畫小組依執行定期檢測網路審查之程序,已完成檢測報告332件次網路申報、667件書面報告之審查作業。本年度審查作業中,書面審查缺失中,以排放單元與許可證不符所佔比例最高,佔28.57%,其次為與網路不一致或未完成網路申報,佔11.64%。而在網路審查作業部分,主要缺失以排放單元與許可不符為主,佔19.84%,其次為排放標準有誤,佔9.92%。四、餐飲業污染管制及輔導改善作業102年度餐飲業透過普查、輔導及追蹤管制,除了掌握本市餐飲污染排放情形外,亦有效降低民眾陳情數量。(一)污染改善:統計近3年輔導及補助業者,其總陳情數由322件下降至42件,改善率達87%。其中,輔導業者裝設防制設備,促使污染物削減11.15公噸/年。(二)專家現勘輔導:本年度餐飲輔導15家業者,透過專家現場勘查輔導,有10家未再接獲民眾陳情,顯示改善成效顯著。剩餘5家業者,陳情數量亦大幅下降, 103年度建議納入該5家業者污染防制設備操作情形追蹤。五、配合空污費徵收及催補繳作業本年度計畫小組完成409家次現場查核;計畫期間透過嚴格審查及現場查核,總計查獲261件應補繳金額為1,234萬6,206元(金額計算不列入含自廠係數核定中之台灣明尼蘇達公司)。管制成果摘要如下:(一)透過審查、查核與便民措施並行,追補繳成果顯著1.近6年追繳4,539萬元,102年追得354萬元。2.102年補繳率達89%,歷年新高。(二)透過輔導業者申報疑義及審查人員教育訓練1.業者申報正確率由99年78%,逐年攀升至今年82%。2.空污費考評成績由100年93%,逐年提升至96%。六、CEMS管制作業於計畫初期提送CEMS查核及品保作業標準程序一式一份,並於3月25日針對轄區連線工廠辦理一場法規宣導說明會,出席率達100%。相關管制成果摘要如下:(一) 102年度轄區CEMS連線管道法規符合度查核率100%。經查,永康焚化廠RATA排放標準錯誤,已要求修正。(二) 針對設備較老舊及往年查核結果較差者,執行各項功能查核(包含RATA抽測、標準氣體查核、OP及平行比對)。經查,東展因設備老舊查核結果相對較差,但仍符合法規規定,建議納入下年度查核重點。七、氣象站維護作業本計畫執行期間,每月定期更換氣象站鋼瓶,並配合陳情案件,協助3處簡易氣象站及1處連線自動採樣設備移動及設置。計畫小組於102年8月13日於臺南市安平港舉辦「102年度臺南市海洋油污染、毒性化學物質洩漏暨空氣污染事件緊急應變演練」,模擬發生空氣污染突發事件,強化臺南市應變強度。另外,於102年11月29日,假臺南市政府環境保護局東區辦公室2樓會議室辦理一場兵棋推演會議,會中針對空氣污染事件應變處理查詢系統操作說明及固定污染源空氣污染突發事件應變設備介紹與操作說明。八、高污染陳情區域監測作業本年度執行OP-FTIR監測作業4測線及CC-FTIR監測排放管道6根次。監測廠所分別為榮星電線電纜公司污染監測及工業區污染調查作業(南科外環道路及鄰近三廠工廠),皆屬屢遭民眾陳情區域。榮星電線電纜公司監測所測得之污染物因未超過周界法規標準及嗅覺閾值,故建議倘若能屢遭民眾陳情,可執行管道異味檢測查驗,本次監測結果,已將監測結果建置於污染指紋地圖。另外,工業區污染調查作業(南科外環道路及鄰近三廠工廠),CC-FTIR監測中,瀚宇彩晶P117管道測得5種化合物,異丙醇及乙醇為該公液晶顯示器製造程序之製程原料,乙酸乙酯及乙酸異丙酯推測為製程副產品,其中乙酸乙酯超過嗅覺閾值11次,乙醇超過嗅覺閾值11次,推測管道排放之異味仍可能造成附近區域之異味污染,已建議該公司加強廢氣處理之污染防制設備。九、相關宣導作業本年度計畫小組已提交刊登10則新聞稿,並依環保局要求提送電子賀卡及動畫小遊戲個1則,各項提報期程及規定皆符合契約規範。本計畫小組於計畫執行期間,102年7月5日中午12時辦理一場教育訓練,會中邀請環保署空污委員吳義林教授及章裕民教授討論現行空氣污染管制推動方向及檢討作業。 Abstract According to “102 annual Tainan VOCs and air pollution fee reminders work program”, the project goals include the following seven items:1. Handle stationary sources of volatile organic compounds emissions survey, checking and archiving operations, maintenance, update the management information system of fixed sources of air pollution.2. Check the gas station the periodic testing operations, and random testing on the oil and gas recovery facilities function Steering does not match the test specifications for operators to improve oil and gas recovery facilities.3. To master the situation of public and private premises with stationary pollution sources that emit, the implementation of the supervision of an investigative test operations, and tracking control of major pollution sources to improve the progress and urge the public or private premises to comply with the Act.4. To assess the stationary sources of volatile organic compounds reduction space, perform the operations of fixed sources of pollution reduction counseling, and develop workable reduction strategy, and track the progress of improvement.5. Investigation, and master of the city catering air pollutant emission reduction counseling job, repeated the public petitions or air pollutant emissions from large food and beverage industry.6. The implementation of air quality related projects in the city, with the Environmental Protection Agency (hereinafter referred to EPD) the implementation of air quality improvement project plan (including motor inspections) and evaluation of policies to achieve air pollution reduction and maintenance of this the purpose of air quality.7. The stationary sources of air pollution control fee levied reporting recipient and data archiving, auditing, reminders in back and check the operational matters, to implement the spirit of the polluter pays, and to ensure complete fairness and reasonableness of the charges object. 102 台南市環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67087
使用中柴油車污染調查及保檢制度推動專案工作計畫 移動污染源係造成都會區空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,也是環保及交通主管單位加強管制重點,其中柴油車排放之黑煙最令民眾所詬病。為使全國柴油車管制業務更臻完善,提升各縣市柴油車排煙檢測站檢測品質,本計畫除持續推動柴油車保檢制度,亦研擬使用中柴油車推動調修複驗補助機制,針對檢測不合格車輛至認證保養廠調修複驗合格者,始可獲得部分補助費用,期建立優良保養廠認證制度,落實車輛正常維修保養習慣,健全我國使用中柴油車保檢合一制度。為持續提升全國各縣市柴油車檢驗線之相關性測試品質,本計畫彙整近幾年相關性測試及複測常見問題,並設計「全國柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站自我檢查表」,提供站內檢測人員於品管測試、能力比對測試、全國相關性測試時,檢查儀器設備各項是否符合規範。另比較102年與101年度相關性測試結果之離群記點,本年度離群記點大都集中1點以下,顯示相關性測試已逐步提升檢驗人員專業素質,並持續維持檢測站檢驗品質及公信力。另辦理柴油車新版檢測程序先導實地測試結果顯示未來正式實施後,預估84.2%無須再執行舊版檢測程序,可減少43%檢測時間。另為避免爭議,程序中亦增訂「103年12月31日前出廠之使用中車輛,依本程序檢測不合格者,試驗車輛…依柴油汽車排氣煙度試驗方法及程序之煙度試驗規定辦理(不含全負載定轉速排氣煙度試驗法之馬力比量測),並以此試驗結果為檢測結果。」鑒此,修訂後之檢測程序計有7成以上車主感到滿意。 Established in use diesel vehicles pollutant improvement and examination system plan Mobile pollution source is one of the main causes that generated air quality deterioration in metropolitan areas, and it is also the control focus strengthened by environmental and traffic authorities. Therein, the black exhaust from the diesel vehicles is highly condemned by the public. In order to make the business of controlling nationwide diesel vehicles more complete and enhance the inspection quality of inspection stations on diesel emissions in Taiwan cities and counties, this project will not only continue to promote diesel vehicle insurance system but also draft a plan to adapt a subsidy mechanism for the using diesel vehicles to be repaired and reinspected. Only vehicles that failed in inspection but passed the re-inspection after being adjusted and repaired by the accredited maintenance factories will be granted with the subsidies. The purpose is to complete the integration of our national maintenance and insurance system for the using diesel vehicles by establishing an excellent maintenance factory certification system and implementing normal vehicle maintenance and repair habits.To continue improving the relevant test quality of nationwide diesel vehicle inspection process, the common problems from relevant tests and re-inspection in recent years were compiled by this project to work out the “self-examination table for exhaust inspection stations to conduct diesel chassis dynamometer tests.” This is to provide the inspectors of inspection stations to check whether or not all instruments and equipment are conformed to specifications while conducting quality tests, capability comparison tests and nationwide relevant tests. Based on the demerit point comparison on relevant test results in 2012 and 2013, the demerit points of this year were mainly found to be less than 1 point, indicating that the relevant tests have gradually improved the professional quality of inspectors and continued to maintain the inspection quality and credibility of inspection stations.In addition, based on the pilot field test results on diesel vehicles that underwent the revised inspection procedure, 84.2% of diesel vehicles are expected to exempt from going through the old inspection procedure and able to reduce 43% inspection time after it is officially implemented in the future. To avoid controversy, the procedure has been updated with the provision that “For vehicles released before 31 December, 2014, if they are failed in this test, they will undergo diesel vehicle exhaust inspection method and procedure as required in the exhaust inspection specifications, excluding horsepower ratio measurement on full load fixed rpm exhaust test method. This test result will be determined as the inspection result.” In view of this, more than 70% of vehicle owners will be expected to be satisfied with the revised inspection procedure. 102 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67666
使用中汽油車排氣檢驗及保養制度推動 本計畫致力於國內約600萬輛使用中汽油車之污染管制策略研擬,本年度工作項目包括OBD定檢制度研擬、使用中車輛污染排放調查、車廠OBD保修應用現況訪查及歐美OBD管制現況文獻蒐集。於計畫期間已彙整歐美針對設備所訂定之功能規範,同時研擬我國設備認證程序。今年度共取得3,392組OBD檢驗試行數據,由統計分析結果顯示,具故障碼車輛中以動力系統相關之DTC比例最高,準備就緒狀態異常者中以觸媒及含氧感知器未達就緒狀態比例最高。依今年試行成果,建議可先導入MIL狀態之目視檢查,待車主與相關單位認知成熟後,再陸續擴增檢驗設備、項目與標準。本計畫併同歷年使用中四期車之行車型態抽測結果進行分析,結果顯示CO與THC之實際劣化係數較指定劣化低,然NOx則隨里程劣化加劇;另由16部OBD異常者之惰轉排氣檢測結果均合格,行車污染超標率卻為56.3%,顯示OBD檢驗較惰轉檢測更能有效查獲行車污染超標者。經原廠標準檢修工序排除OBD異常問題,對於污染排放有明顯地改善成效。由國內4大車廠訪查成果顯示,所有車廠均未規定須儲存各車OBD檢驗結果,且檢修工序與檢修系統之技術均仰賴母廠。目前僅少數車廠人員瞭解準備就緒狀態之定義及其回復正常做動條件。部分車廠已將OBD檢驗列入定保項目。 Work plan of project to promote the Emission Inspection & Maintenance System for gasoline-fueled veh This Plan has aimed to discuss and formulate relevant pollution control strategies specific to about 6 million gasoline cars in our nation’s use, with work items of this year including:Develop OBD system of regular inspection, make driving pattern tests on engaged vehicles met Environmental Protection IV emission standards, make investigations on relevant OBD examining lead-in conditions in car factories and archive OBD current control documents in European and American area.During the implement of this plan, we have already archived functional specifications stipulated on OBD examining equipments in European and American area, and tried to discuss and formulate procedures which could be certified by our equipment system. In this year, we have obtained 3,392 sets of OBD examining data from supervision organs and agent factories, and as shown in outcome of statistical analysis, among those vehicles with diagnostic trouble codes, vehicles with dynamical system related diagnostic trouble codes have the highest percentage. As for vehicles under abnormal readiness status, not-ready vehicles under Catalyst and O2 Sensor monitoring have the highest percentage. According to the current-year on-trial outcomes, we suggest to lead into Malfunction Indicator Lamp visual examination items firstly, and gradually add other examining equipments, items and standards when car owners and relevant units have matured understandings.This plan has also made statistical analysis on driving pattern test results of vehicles met Environmental Protection IV emission standards in recent two years, and outcome shows that CO and THC actual deterioration factor are lower than specified ones, but NOx emissions are on the rise among with the mileages; moreover, running down exhaust test results for 16 vehicles with abnormal OBD are all qualified, but with driving pollution over-limit ratio being 56.3%, which shows that OBD examining has a better assessment on driving pollution over-limit vehicles compared with running down exhaust test. Eliminate OBD abnormal problems through original factories’ standard maintenance processes, could have more obvious effects on pollutant emissions.A investigation results from our nation’s four major car factories show that each factory under investigation has failed to specify OBD examining items and keep files. Some factories have not listed OBD into regular maintenance items. Most vehicle maintenance personnel for OBD monitoring devices how to get ready for the practice of the state do not understand, with maintenance procedures and system techniques supported by parent factories. 102 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67368
低污染車輛補助審查專案工作計畫 本計畫主要協助環保署進行電動輔助自行車及電動自行車補助申請案件之審核、查核等相關工作,102 年1月統計至12月31 日,已完成電動輔助自行車補助申請案件之審核及建檔作業共計9,196件,撥付補助款9,143件;電動自行車補助申請案件之審核及建檔作業共計22,526件,撥付補助款21,577 件,現場查核共158件。經估算因補助申請促進使用電動輔助自行車及電動自行車替代原有傳統化石燃料之機車,提供將近有65.38噸移動源污染物的削減量,與歷年補助金換算污染削減成本比較,有下降之趨勢與成果。本計畫內設置免付費專線電話(0800-050-058),回覆並服務民眾關於低污染車輛相關問題,同時設置維運低污染車輛補助資訊網頁(http://mobile.epa.gov.tw/lowpoll/index.aspx),供民眾及廠商查詢補助進度並提供相關文件下載。本計畫電動輔助自行車及電動自行車補助申請案件之資料庫建檔作業,包含申請文件資料建檔、審核及查核作業資料建檔、撥款作業資料建檔,同時為避免案件有重複申請狀況,於資料庫系統中設定警示功能,申請人身份證、車架號碼若重複鍵入,系統自動跳出訊息視窗,同時強制該案件無法存檔,提醒建檔人員注意。本計畫協助環保署進行台北捷運車站電動機車充電站之管理維護,以及電費繳納工作,統計102年度01月至103年3月31日之電費共已繳納15,862元。 Completion of subsidy verification for low-pollution vehicle The major target of the project was to check and review the subsidy application of purchase on electric assisted bicycles and electric bicycle. Accumulated the applications from Jan. to Dec.31 2013, 9,196 electric assisted bicycle subsidy cases had been proved and filed, 9,143 subsidy cases had been accomplished; 22,526 electric bicycle subsidy cases had been proved and filed, 21,577 subsidy cased had been accomplished, 158 on-site validations were accomplished. According to the elimination calculation, the total pollutants were reduced 65.38 tons based on the applicants replaced the low-polluting vehicles in stead of the traditional motorcycles. Compared with the previous years, the elimination output had been increased which caused the subsidy policy net-cost had been decreased. This project provided toll-free number (0800-050-058) to serve for the public as information service center. Also via the web-site http://mobile.epa.gov.tw/lowpoll/index.aspx, users could search the application procedure status and FAQ. Through the web, provided the function of download including the application forms and necessary documentation. The management information system of the project included the application data, examination and verification data, subsidy management data. In order to except the duplication of applications by the regulation, the automatic alarm function was designed in the system, the occurrence of applicant identification, bicycle plate number duplication, the system would deliver the alarm message, and the data would not be accepted in the beginning of data input step . This project also provided the maintenance of Taipei Metro-Line electricity charge stations and responsible of the electricity fee, the annual electricity fee was NT$15,862 dollars. 102 空保處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67522
農工異味及餐飲業油煙管制計畫 本計畫主要工作項目分別為:1.農牧異味管制作業。2.餐飲業油煙異味管制作業。3.加油站油氣回收設施管制作業。各工作計畫執行進度與成果說明如下,總計完成461家次巡查、資料庫更新與建立異味量化指標、辦理30家專家學者輔導,有效改善污染排放、30座加油站氣油比檢測,減少油氣逸散、辦理3場說明會共159人次參與,提升環保觀念, Livestock and catering smoke odor control plan This project work items are as follows: 1. pastoral odor control operations. 2. restaurants smoke odor control operations. 3 oil and gas recovery facility control operations. Each work plan implementation progress and results described below, to complete a total of 461 inspections, database update and build odor quantitative indicators, for 30 experts and scholars counseling, effectively improve the pollution emissions, 30 gas stations A/L testing, reducing oil and gas fugitive, for three seminars of 159 people participated in briefings to enhance environmental consciousness. 102 南投縣政府環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67516
農工異味及餐飲油煙管制計畫 本計畫之工作重點在於處理本縣空氣異味污染的問題,藉由針對畜牧業及餐飲油煙等污染進行各項管制作業,期使掌握污染源排放情形、落實污染源防制與改善、預防污染發生,並藉由稽巡查與空氣污 染檢測作業,追蹤與輔導改善,達成維護全縣環境空氣品質、提高民眾生活滿意度等目標。並同步執行相關空氣污染稽巡查、檢測作業與 輔導改善工作,藉以掌握污染重點熱區,有效改善及維護環境空氣品 質。本計畫執行期間為 101 年 4 月 9 日起至 101 年 12 月 31 日止,目 前各工作項目在與環保局良好溝通與協調下,計畫執行逐步進展。以 下針對本年度目前之執行成果說明如下。 一、畜牧業巡查管制作業成果(一) 畜牧業一般巡查統計成果執行至目前為止共完成畜牧業巡查 169 家次,其中農工異味 為 200(121 家)件次,夜間巡查為 62(48 家)件次。在一般巡查 中養雞業 74 家次(佔 61.2%)比例最多、養猪業巡查 42 家次(佔34.7%)、猪雞共養巡查 2 家次(佔 1.6%)、其他(羊、鵝)巡查 3 家 次(佔 2.5%)。經巡查發現畜牧業裝設的防制設施絕大部分為帆布 與黑網,只有 16 家有裝設較完整的污染防制設施(如除臭噴霧設 施),所佔比例約 13.2%。經巡查發現,畜牧場中較易產生惡臭味的地方與臭味強度由強至 輕分別為畜舍、堆肥場、污水處理場與廚餘堆置區。大多數養猪業者 因考量清洗畜舍水量之經濟成本導致畜舍較少清洗產生臭味,而高床 式蛋雞舍或傳統直立式蛋雞畜舍則為了節省人力或為了等待雞糞乾 燥皆久久才清運一次雞糞,而傳統平飼肉雞畜舍則皆等待出雞後才一次出清雞糞,故出雞前一個禮拜為惡臭異味逸散的高峰期。(二) 屢遭陳情畜牧業巡查成果南投縣 100 年屢遭陳情之畜牧業者亦為本計畫進行農牧異味巡查管制時的重點巡查對象,至 12 月底前已針對陳情次數較多 的敦正養雞場、順耕畜牧場、裕興畜牧場及傑強畜牧場等異味污染 源重點進行巡查,直至 12 月為止遭陳情的次數相較去年也已大幅 降低。二、餐飲業巡查作業管制成果計畫執行至 101 年 12 月 31 日,共完成 109 家餐飲業巡查工作, 巡查原則主要以曾遭陳情之餐飲業為主。巡查發現,本縣餐飲業多屬 中小型規模經營型態,業者對於油煙污染防制設備的設置觀念缺乏及 經濟考量不敷成本,且餐飲業法規仍停留在草案階段,而讓業者無改 善或增設防制設備意願,使得計畫執行人員在巡查中勸導餐飲業者增 設污染防制設施顯得額外困難。除非是類似餐飲陳情案件等有讓業者 迫切改善的原由時,業者才有意願去增設新的污染防制設施。三、加油站巡查作業管制成果統計至 101 年 12 月底,南投縣目前營運中的加油站共有94座,有 6 座加油站目前停止營運,而目前仍維持營運中的加油站已全數設置有油氣回收設備。本計畫執行期間執行 30 站加油站,共完成油氣回收設備檢測 436 槍的檢測,計畫中委託有合格檢驗證書的上準環境 科技股份有限公司進行加油站氣油比檢測。 Agricultural workers and catering smoke odor control plan This plan focuses on handling the county air pollution odor problem by making the control of animal husbandry and food and beverage operations for soot pollution, control of pollution sources to make the case, the implementation of pollution prevention and improvement, prevention of contamination, by verifying the inspection and testing operations and air pollution, improve tracking and counseling, and reached the county maintenance of ambient air quality, improve people's life satisfaction targets. And synchronous execution-related air pollution verifying the inspection, testing and counseling to improve work operations, in order to grasp the focus of pollution hot spots, improve and maintain ambient air quality. 101 南投縣政府環境保護局 華門工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67518
執行柴油引擎汽車新車型審驗、新車抽驗及使用中車輛召回改正調查測試 行政院環保署為改善國內空氣品質,加強柴油汽車污染管制,已訂定完整之各項污染管制法規,如「柴油及替代清潔燃料引擎汽車車型排氣審驗合格證明核發撤銷及廢止辦法」等,藉由本計畫之執行,完成審查及核發343件柴油新車型合格證明函及合格證明,並執行24家車廠新車抽驗、2車型(各5車次)使用中柴油車召回調查測試及各項品質管制查核等工作。為順應法規調和之潮流等國內外情勢,本計畫適時增修訂相關法規規定,並為因應電子化趨勢另行建立柴油車審驗合格證明電子化作業系統,以提昇合格證明申請作業流程行政效率。此外另分析國內外柴油車各污染物排放水準及管制制度,及研擬適用於我國之OBD相關管理措施,俾作為各項柴油汽車污染管制策略成效評估及決策之參考。 Special Implementation Project for New Diesel Vehicle Model Certification, Conformity of Production In order to improve domestic air quality, the Environmental Protection Administration in Taiwan has strengthened the emission control over diesel vehicles and developed comprehensive regulations, such as "The Procedure of Rebelling and Abolishing the Certificate of Emission Inspection for the Types of Diesel and other Alternative Fuel Engine Vehicles." This project completed several targets to enforce the regulations, including 343 cases of new diesel engine and vehicle certification approval, conformity of production for 24 vehicle manufaturers, and 2 vehicle models (5 vehicles for each model )of in-used diesel vehicle confirm investigation tests, etc. For domestic and international situations, such as the trend of complying with the regulation and mediating, this plan revised the relevant rules and regulations timely. The electronic operating system is build to execute compliance certification of emission inspection for diesel vehicles, which can make the administrative procedures more effectively. In addition, we analyzed emission level and control strategies of pollutants in diesel vehicles, and drafted OBD relevant restraint methods applying to our country. Those will be bases to evaluate the effects of various diesel vehicle control strategies in the future. 102 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67166
101年度南投縣空氣污染防制工作綜合管理計畫 主要工作內容包括協助南投縣綜合管理各空氣品質維護或改善計畫之執行進度與品質,並整合具體成效或提升滿意度之做法提報予環保署爭取較佳的考評績效;另一重點則為掌握並更新本縣環境負荷及污染排放資料,分析境內空氣品質監測結果及空氣品質不良事件日污染成因探討,據以檢討修正近程空氣污染管制策略。 none none 101 南投縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67481
南投縣102年度營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收暨疏濬工程污染管制計畫 南投縣地處台灣正中央,為唯一不靠海之縣市,隨著觀光產業的蓬勃發展,都會化的趨勢相當快速,對於對居住及交通運輸之需求相對增加,加上轄內擁有濁水溪流域、烏溪流域兩大流域等,相對亦帶給本縣豐富之土石資源,因此營建、道路、管線及其他雜項工程逐年成長,近三年度各類營建工程申施工中工地皆高達超過5,000件,突顯出本縣工地污染管制的重要性。依據南投縣政府環保局對於營建工程污染管制之期待,計畫規劃四大工作方向(空污費徵收、巡查管制、專案輔導、宣導作業)推動本縣營建工程空污費徵收及污染管制作業,主要執行成果摘要如下。一、空污費徵收以落實污染者付費為目的,計畫期間協助本縣營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收。統計102年1月至102年12月31日共計申報4,497件,共徵收34,733,071元,其他類工程佔總新徵金額50.4%,其次為道路工程佔總金額27.1%,整體新徵收工程金額較去年同期增加約27.8%;另催辦2,583處次應辦理完工結算工程;今年在便民服務上係朝向建立以顧客為導向之服務品質SOP,並加強服務人員之教育訓練,希望透過多元管道及合宜的親切服務,拉近與民眾之距離,塑造優質的機關形象,並透過民意調查,來了解民眾之需求並研析滿意度之趨勢,以作為檢討改善之方向。為提升營建工程空污費徵收處理案件之效率,本計畫積極配合環保局「營建工程空氣污染防制費網路申報系統建置計畫」,完成營建工程空污費網路線上申報系統之建置工作。另因應行政院環境保護署開發「營建工程污染管制及收費管理資訊系統」將A2003改版為A2010系統,本計畫業已於102年10月1日完成「多元繳費系統」軟體更新(含系統條碼繳費單、批次對帳作業、櫃台條碼對帳等),並配合該署作業於102年10月7日同步完成作業系統上線工作。二、巡查管制以現勘管制減少污染為目的,自102年3月25日至102年12月31日止共巡查3,006處次工程,已達成本計畫合約預定巡查目標率120%。各鄉鎮市巡查分配件數以南投市590件最多;總污染量管制巡查比例達全縣工程污染量93.7%,其中判定無污染情事佔91.6%,無重大污染情形的案件(記點8點以下案件)7.5%;污染情形嚴重的案件(記點10點以上案件)佔0.9%。三、專案管制協商750處道路管線工程簽屬廢土不落地承諾書,簽署比例達道路管線工程申報比例之81%;另期間查核607處次管線工程,遇有嚴重缺施工地則隨每月管制輔導後工地缺失皆維持在輕微缺失以下。列管33處重大污染疏濬工程,輔導力求工地確實符合管理辦法,出入口清洗設備有效操作,運輸車輛嚴密覆蓋,工區周遭道路保持整潔無胎痕,並限制車速於安全限速之內。期間總計查核輔導264處次。 在推廣工地形象改造上,以中興新村為推廣工地圍籬綠化美化之示範區,主要區域以省府路、中正路、中興路、東閔路,所組成的環狀區塊及周圍重大建設工程列為推廣對象,總計有9處工地配合施行。配合環保署清淨家園綠網推動,每月受理民眾針對營建工程髒污上網通報,期間現勘輔導完成74處工地出入口污染改善作業。另推行簽立道路認養書之營建工地共計144處,總計認養里程2819.27公里,約可削少TSP 38.91公噸、PM10 7.39公噸。四、疏濬工程管制102年度列管疏濬工程共33處,其中包含施工中6標,停工5標,未出料2標,已完工20標,申報土石量為795萬6,572立方公尺,自102年3月25日至102年12月31日止巡查件數共完成264件,其中無缺失有214件,「有缺失情形,立即改善」為25件,「輕微缺失」24件,「嚴重缺失」為1件。濁水溪疏濬工程河床運輸便道,核有4處維護管理工程標案,全長37公里,主要污染之熱區為疏濬工程與一般道路之銜接處共同出口(台16線10.2K及9.6K),透過本計畫與河川管理機關多次協商後,102年12月已獲得南投縣政府工務處於該兩處出口完成設置自動洗車設備並啟用。本計畫以符合「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」觀點,經實際檢測估算,當道路揚塵TSP達到周界排放標準(500 µg/Nm3)時,每日可行駛最大砂石車流量約為3,000輛/日,據此估算濁水溪系每年最大疏濬總量每年以不超過780萬M3為原則。調查本縣轄內土石加工業者年處理量約為1,200萬M3,並比對近5年本縣總疏濬土方量,初步評估疏濬土方就地洗選不外運,可試推行。為維護本縣空氣品質,本計畫辦理疏濬工程自動洗車設備規格調查、效能審視(包括洗車台形式、洗車台環境、洗車後車行路徑、洗車台規格、抽水馬達功率、噴嘴頭規格、取水井水質、查驗儀表及廢水處理等),並於102年10月完成自動洗車設備規格修訂,以提升疏濬工程洗車台之效能。在砂石車污染管制上,已完成20標疏濬工程運輸流向去向調查並建立各標疏濬工程運輸流向污染地圖資料,統計自102年4月1日至102年12月31日止,總計辦理執行20次及641輛次之砂石車定點錄影查核,合格率為96.3%;本計畫於101年度已與經濟部水利署第四河川局疏濬工程管制站完成網路連線作業,計畫執行期間連線盯睄計345輛次砂石車輛,發現72輛次砂石車未覆蓋防塵網,合格率約79.13%。五、宣導作業辦理1場次營建工程三方輔導座談會,邀請縣內12處位於中興新村營建工程業主、旗下12處包商及監造單位,針對營建工程鼓勵營造業者進行工地圍籬綠美化。辦理1場次疏濬工程三方輔導座談會,邀請南投縣境內各級河川管理主管機關、砂石公會等單位,希冀從維護空氣品質之觀點來進行疏濬工程之總量管制,並研議就地洗選不外運之可行性,以減輕疏濬工程運輸所造成之污染負荷,另為有效提升洗車台效能,同時亦辦理疏濬工程洗車台設備規格之修訂,並擬定於開工前提送空氣污染防制計畫書等預警管理機制,請疏濬工程業主配合辦理,共同維護南投縣之空氣品質。辦理3場次營建工程及疏濬工程個案專家輔導會,透過專家學者委員,針對工區之空氣污染防制措施部分,提出加強改善之建議,以降低營建工程及疏濬工程空氣污染對環境之衝擊。順應電子化政府時代的來臨,將業務推展的成果以電子網頁方式呈現,內容包括發送法令宣導、訊息新聞稿4則。六、檢測分析油品抽驗依宣導期程規劃,每月於協助環保局於稽查過程辦理油品抽測作業,計畫期間完成抽測8點次皆合格;另為瞭解工地管制成效,每月排定1處大型工地進行工地周界TSP測定,目前計畫執行期間共計完成4處工地周界粒狀物檢測,檢測結果皆於法規標準之內。七、污染削減估算南投縣102年全年度營建污染削減量試算之結果,其中總逸散粉塵之削減量平均每月達513.7公噸/月;總懸浮微粒(TSP)之削減量平均每月約143.3公噸之削減量;PM10之削減量平均每月之削減量為79.6公噸,102年度共削減逸散粉塵量6,164.8公噸,達總削減率51.2%。 102 Year of Construction Engineering, Nantou County Pollution Control and air pollution fee levied cum Dredging pollution control plan Taiwan's Nantou County is located in the center, near the sea are not the only counties, with the vigorous development of the tourism industry, the trend will be quite fast, the relative increase in the demand for housing and transportation, plus jurisdiction has LTK basin, two Wu River watershed, the relative also brings a wealth of debris in the county resources, construction, roads, pipelines and other miscellaneous projects to grow year by year, nearly three years the application of various types of construction works in construction sites are up more than 5,000 pieces highlights the importance of the county site pollution control.Nantou County Government in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency to look forward to pollution control construction projects, the project work plan of the four directions (air pollution fee collection, inspection control, project counseling, advocacy jobs) to promote the county air pollution fee levied on construction projects and pollution control operations , The main implementation results are summarized below.First, air pollution fee leviedTo implement the polluter pays for the purpose of assisting the county construction projects during the air pollution control fee plan. Statistics 102 in January to 102 in December 31 a total of 4,497 pieces of declaration of levy of $ 34,733,071, other types of engineering for 50.4% of the total amount of the new levy, followed by the total amount of 27.1% of road projects, the overall amount of the previous year a new collection of works an increase of approximately 27.8% over the same period; another 2,583 reminders should be handled at the time of completion clearing works; This year the Department of the convenient service towards the establishment of a customer-oriented service quality SOP, and strengthen education and training service personnel, hope cordial diverse pipeline and expedient services closer to the people, the authority to shape the image of quality and, through polls to understand the needs of the people and to analyze trends in satisfaction research, as the direction of the review for improvement. To enhance the construction project efficiency air pollution fee levied to deal with cases of this project, and actively cooperate with the EPA, "air pollution control fee for construction projects online reporting system implementation plan" to complete the construction works air pollution fee Internet online reporting system build job.Another development in response to the EPA "pollution control construction projects and toll management information system" will be revised for the A2010 A2003 system, this project has been in 102 years on October 1 completed "Multiple Payment System" software updates (including barcode payment system single and batch reconciliation operations, counter bar code reconciliation, etc.), and with the department operating in 102 years on October 7 operating system synchronization is completed on-line work.Second, regulatory inspectionsIn the current survey control for the purpose of reducing pollution of inspections from 3,006 at the time the project ended March 25 102 years to 102 years on December 31, has reached the pre-contract cost planning inspections target rate of 120%. City inspections of parts of the township in Nantou number up to 590; The total amount of pollution control inspections proportion of 93.7% in the amount of pollution county project, which determine pollution violations accounted for 91.6% of cases (cases in mind the following points 8:00) no significant pollution cases 7.5%; pollution situation serious cases (10 demerits points or more cases) accounted for 0.9%.Third, project controlNegotiation 750 road sign pipeline project is waste land without landing undertaking, signed by the proportion of 81% the proportion of road pipeline project reporting; checking 607 times after another pipeline project during construction in the event of a serious lack of control over the site monthly counseling deletions are maintained at slightly missing the following.Tube 15 major pollution dredging site meets seek counseling management practices, access to clean equipment and effective operation, transport vehicles tightly covered, kept clean and tidy work area around the road no tire marks, and limit the speed of the vehicle in the safe. Total audit during counseling 217 times.Image transformation in promoting the site to promote the site Zhongxing Village fence beautify the demonstration area, the main area to Shengfu, Zhongzheng Road, Zhongxing Road, Minhang Road East, which consists of a ring around the block and major construction projects as the promotion of an object, a total of six sites with implementation.EPA clean their homes with green mesh push for public construction projects receiving monthly online bulletin dirty now completed 58 exploration site entrance counseling pollution and improve the working period.Another implementation of the road construction site to execute a total of 144 letters of adoption, adoption total mileage 2819.27 kilometers, about to cut TSP 38.91 tonnes less, PM10 7.39 tonnes.Fourth, the dredging project control102 annual maintenance dredging of tube 31, which includes the construction of eight standard, stoppages 6 standard, not the material 3 standard, has completed 14 standard, to declare the amount of debris 5,890,000 6,572 cubic meters, from 102 in March 25 102 years until October 31 the number of inspections completed 218 pieces, of which there are 168 non-missing "are missing cases, immediate improvement" to 24 "minor defect" 25, "serious deficiencies" as one.LTK sidewalk maintenance dredging river transportation, maintenance and management of the nuclear project has four standard case, length 37 km, major pollution hot spots for the dredging project and general roads converge at a common outlet (station 16 lines 10.2K and 9.6K), through after this project, several rounds of consultations with river management agencies, has been Nantou County Public Works Department agreed to set up automatic car wash equipment exports to the two, and has been included in contract contract processed.The plan to comply with the "stationary sources of air pollutant emission standards" perspective, the actual detection estimates, when TSP reached the perimeter road dust emissions standards (500 μg/Nm3), with daily traffic of about 3,000 largest sand vehicles / day, pursuant to estimate the maximum amount of dredging LTK pa system to no more than 7.8 million M3 principle.Jurisdiction of the county survey debris processing industry processed approximately 12 million annual M3, and for the past five years than the total amount of earthwork dredging of the county, a preliminary assessment of dredged earth does Sinotrans washing place, you can try to implement.To maintain air quality in the county, the plan handle Dredging automatic car wash equipment specifications surveys, performance review (including washing station forms, car wash station environment path after washing car dealers, car wash station specifications, pumping motor power, the nozzle head size, water well water quality, inspection instrumentation and wastewater treatment, etc.), and in October completed 102 automatic car wash equipment specifications revised to improve the performance of maintenance dredging washing station.On the gravel trucks pollution control, has completed 20 standard transport flows dredging project to investigate and establish the whereabouts of each standard flow of pollution transport Dredging map data, statistics from 102 years ended April 1 to 102 of October 31, total, execution 6 stare Xiao operations of gravel trucks and 235 motorcycles were fixed video verification, a pass rate of 93.6%; this project in the year 101 and the Water Resources Agency River Management Office dredging fourth control point network connection to complete the job, during the project execution count 345 motorcycles connection stare whistle gravel vehicles, 72 motorcycles were found in the gravel car air filter is not covered, the pass rate of about 79.13%.V. advocacy jobApply for a tripartite counseling sessions Construction Engineering seminar for the county 12 construction projects located in Chung Hsing New Village property owners, contractors and supervision of its 12 manufacturing units for construction projects to encourage the construction industry who carry out site fence green landscaping.Dredging handle a tripartite counseling sessions seminar for domestic Nantou County river management authorities at all levels, gravel Association and other units, hoping to maintain the air quality from the point of view of the total dredging works to control and deliberation in situ processing Sinotrans is not feasible to reduce the pollution load caused by the dredging project transportation, and the other is to effectively enhance the performance of the car wash station, also apply to amend dredging washing device specifications and draw on the premise started sending air pollution control plan books and other early warning management mechanism, please handle with the dredging project owners to jointly maintain air quality in Nantou County.3 sessions handling construction projects and dredging works will be the case for counseling through experts committee for air pollution control measures as part of the work area and make recommendations for improvement to strengthen in order to reduce the impact of construction projects and maintenance dredging of air pollution on the environment.Comply with the advent of the era of e-government, business website promotion outcomes presented electronically, including sending decree advocacy message press release 4.Sixth, detection and analysisOil sample testing according to advocacy of process planning, monthly audit process in assisting the EPA conduct oil sampling tests on job completion times are 8:00 sampling tests during qualifying plan; another to understand the effectiveness of site control, monthly scheduled a large TSP site for site perimeter measurement, completed a total of four sites currently perimeter detection of particulate matter during program execution, the test results are within regulatory standards.Seven, pollution reductionNantou County 102 years to estimate the full amount of the annual construction pollution reduction results of the trial, in which the total amount of fugitive dust was reduced an average of 513.7 metric tons / per month; total suspended particulates (TSP) in the reduction of approximately 143.3 tonnes of the average monthly amount of reductions ; PM10 reduction in the amount of the average monthly reduction in the amount of 79.6 tonnes of annual reduction of 102 metric tons of fugitive dust volume 596.2, up to a total reduction of 51.2%. 102 南投縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67410
102年度「柴油車排煙檢測暨停車怠速熄火管理計畫」 爲降低南投縣柴油車輛排放黑煙對空氣品質影響,南投縣政府環境保護局持續推動「柴油車排煙檢測暨停車怠速熄火管理計畫」,執行柴油車輛排煙檢測、油品管制、停車怠速熄火管制及相關工作。本計畫以提升檢測及服務品質為本年度執行原則,計畫工作項目包括動力計排煙檢測、路攔排煙檢測、目判高污染車輛、怠速熄火稽巡查、油品管制、柴油車自主管理、日月潭風景區之管制及推動縣轄保養(修)廠業者保檢合一等工作,均已完成合約之工作量。本年度完成柴油車動力計全負載排煙檢測1,282輛次、路攔/場站無負載排煙檢測604輛次、目測判煙通知到檢1,511輛次、柴油車車輛之車用油品篩選1,704輛次、油品檢測數共100件、怠速熄火稽巡查3,007輛次、自主管理簽署17家、停車怠速熄火業務宣導活動2場次及1場次宣導說明會。加強日月潭風景區管制亦為今年的重要工作項目之一,除每月一次針對進入日月潭風景區大客車之攔檢外,也不定期執行停車怠速巡查作業,本年度共執行攔查大客車72輛次,攔檢18輛次,不合格3輛,攔查不合格率4.1%,攔檢不合格率16.6%,完成659輛次怠速巡查及宣導作業,除此之外,今年也配合日月潭管理處,針對日月潭上之船舶執行聯合稽查作業,共執行44艘船舶之稽查作業。今年的創新作法為「推動縣轄保養(修)廠業者保檢合一專案」,共分為輔導、評鑑及評比三個階段,102年執行第一階段輔導作業,103年則針對輔導之保養廠做評鑑作業,104年則針對已參加保檢合一之保養廠進行評比作業,以評比出績優之保養廠進行頒獎,本年度有6家保養廠參加輔導,包含3家原廠(NISSAN、HINO、FUSO),2家民間企業及1家客運公司。除此之外,也將顧客導向導入動力站檢測程序中,並透過主動以電話提醒民眾檢驗期限或辦理展延工作、車輛檢驗結束後做檢驗程序之滿意度調查及車主進站檢測時專人解說服務等,以大大提升民眾之滿意度。 102 years' diesel smoke detection cum idling-stop parking management plan. " 不須 102 南投縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64709
102年度南投縣工業區空氣污染物排放調查、指紋建置及稽查管制計畫 102年南投縣工業區空氣污染物排放調查、指紋建置及稽查管制計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),執行期程係自102.1.22至102.12.31止計畫經費為新台幣433萬元整,派駐環保局執行人員含計畫經理共3人,派駐人員全具甲級空氣污染防制專責人員資格。本計畫主要工作項目包括配合巡查,掌握工業區污染排放現況,執行陳情案件處理、工業區空品監測、工廠廢氣成分分析、工廠異味污染物稽查檢測、洩漏偵測、空污緊急應變演練等,各項重點工作執行成效如下:1.本年度推動工廠污染分級,加強B、C級工廠查核頻率,其中歷月曾列為C級工廠共有9家,經加強查核後已有4家工廠分級提升為B級。另推動環民連線機制,建構15處環民連線聯繫對象,共接獲13次通報污染排放情形,均已進行相關處置作業並回報聯繫對象處置結果。2.執行20根(處)次廢氣採樣分析作業,依分析結果確認工廠可檢出之排放物種,並將分析結果鍵入排放物種資料庫;8根(處)次工廠異味污染物稽查檢測濃度均符合排放標準;以紅外線熱顯像儀偵測4廠有明顯洩漏源,業者均已完成改善。3.執行20廠次工廠評鑑體檢作業,依許可及法規符合度進行查核,確認工廠原物料、污染源及防制設備運作條件是否符合法規,並評估工廠可能造成異常排放原因,另邀請專家學者進行4家工廠的現場輔導作業。4.102年度南崗工業區空氣污染陳情案件數128件次,較101年173件減少,顯示各項管制工作對於降低空氣污染陳情案件數下降具有一定成效。5.102年度竹山工業區空氣污染陳情案件數29件為近五年最多,主要為富成二廠遭陳情19次,經告發處分限期9月完成改善後,遭陳情次數已有明顯下降(10-12月1件)。6.本年度於南崗工業區上下半年度各執行三處次空品監測,其中臭氧8小時平均濃度超過空品標準,其他污染物種濃度均符合空品標準。在繫留氣球混合層高度觀測作業,發現清晨混合層高度均低於100公尺,中午時段混合層高度超過600公尺,顯示夜間及清晨時段混合層高度低,將不利大氣擴散。7.持續進行工業區背景資料更新,完成工業區周邊敏感受體(學校、醫院及避難場所)聯絡人資料建立,並協助環保局於7月30日辦理空污突發事件緊急應變實廠演練,提升相關單位之緊急應變能量。本年度依各項管制工作篩選10家屢遭陳情、風險潛勢大或具減量空間之工廠列為指定污染源改善對象,至102年12月31日止,共有8家工廠已完成改善,另2家工廠將於103年3月前完成改善。各項作業執行成果於本報告各章節詳述。 a a 102 南投縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65411
102年固定污染源許可及空污費審查暨土石加工業稽查管制計畫 102年度「固定污染源許可及空污費審查暨土石加工業稽查管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),執行期程為102年3月20日至102年12月31日止,計畫經費為新台幣865萬元整,派駐環保局執行人員含計畫經理共8人,派駐人員全具甲級空氣污染防制專責人員資格。主要工作項目包括:資料庫維護更新與擴充、許可管理、辦理空污費查核與催補繳、重點污染源輔導減量、稽查檢測作業及土石加工業(含砂石車)污染管制等;各項作業內容與進度均依原規劃執行並符合合約要求。本計畫除延續歷年固定污染源管制策略及經驗成果外,並由專人專職負責土石加工業(含砂石車)污染管制工作,各項工作項目均依據環保局推動施政重點擬定相關配套做法,執行期間重點工作具體成效如下:一、 執行環保局「顧客導向之公共服務」政策,完成許可審查為民服務標準作業程序並訂定16種行業20類製程審查完成日數。另辦理許可證親自送達服務措施,本年度已完成19家工廠親自送達及許可證核定內容說明服務。二、落實環保局「簡政便民」服務方向,空污費申報新增預先檢視及到廠(至局)輔導申報服務,本年度已完成預先檢視26家、線上協助53家及到廠(至局)協助16家工廠空污費申報,提升申報正確性。另執行87廠次行業別法規申報前簡訊通知,降低逾期申報率。三、落實土石加工業污染分級管理,每月更新分級結果並追蹤後續改善情形,本年度共輔導15家C級待加強工廠改善22項空氣污染防制設施,經輔導後C級提升至A級或B級改善率達69%。另完成1家砂石場周界綠美化工作。四、持續推動減量並簽署「自願減量協議」,本年度完成3家簽署自願減量並確認完成改善,另包含土石加工業新設及改良污染防制設備,減量成效粒狀物4.585公噸/年、硫氧化物減量6.974公噸/年、氮氧化物減量3.777公噸/年、揮發性有機物減量11.294公噸/年,減量成效符合空氣污染防制計畫書設定目標。五、達成本縣空氣污染防制計畫書有關固定污染源管制各項量化目標數,包括排放量掌握率、輔導減量等。 102 南投縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64153
南投縣節能減碳宣導推動計畫-低碳生活營造計畫 近年來全球暖化、氣候變遷及溫室氣體管制等議題,已成為全世界共同關心的焦點,聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第15屆締約國大會所提出哥本哈根協議,亦初步達成共識,全球將致力於控制全球溫度上升不高過2℃為目標,溫室氣體減量已是刻不容緩的工作。現今全球各主要國家均積極推動溫室氣體管制與減量,為使我國未來發展為永續社會,我國於2008年9月核定「永續能源政策綱領-節能減碳行動方案」,以實踐整體節能減碳目標;並宣告2010年為「節能減碳年」,確立國家「節能減碳總計畫」十大標竿方案,並提高減碳目標,因此各行政部門應劍及履及,儘速採取具體行動予以落實;有鑑於此,南投縣政府環境保護局積極推動節能減碳宣導相關工作,並配合環保署低碳家園發展策略。本計畫係對應環保署102年度「直轄市及縣(市)環保機關推動低碳生活執行績效評比」,主要工作項目分六大項推動之,各項工作執行成果包括:(1)執行地方政府具體落實無悔措施專案:完成辦理南投縣地方政府具體落實節能減碳無悔措施專案說明會1場次、推動轄區各政府機關進行19項節能減碳具體落實無悔措施,並進行相關查核輔導作業,共計25處;(2)執行節能減碳行動標章專案:完成辦理節能減碳行動標章申請宣導說明會2場次、輔導台一生態休閒農場等9家企業、民間團體、村里及社區,參加環保署「節能減碳行動標章」評選,有8家獲獎,其中埔基醫療財團法人埔里基督教醫院更獲選為民間團體組之特優獎,其餘為績優獎;(3)執行低碳永續家園推動行動方案:完成辦理南投縣住家節能減碳講座2場次、南投縣低碳飲食宣導講座1場次、彙整本縣「低碳社區」及「非低碳社區」之低碳永續家園推動成果,共計10件,將專案實施成果登錄於「低碳永續網站」;(4)低碳生活推廣專案:每月定期更新南投縣政府環境保護局綠網部落格,新增發布篇數103則、推廣民眾使用社群網站分享各綠網部落格內容2,521次、經營各南投縣政府環境保護局Facebook粉絲團,粉絲人數達10,222人次、推廣民眾運用「綠網節能減碳平台」進行減碳簽署並查詢自我用水量,完成簽署及自我用水量查詢之累計部落格數達17,819筆、完成辦理政府機關、社區、村里及學校之低碳生活宣導推廣活動,共計9場次,合計參加人數達878人次;(5)其他配合事項:提出首長推動事項、其他節能減碳作為及執行績效,並積極配合環保署推動相關工作;(6)結合地方特色,推動節能減碳作為:完成辦理「住商省水、省電」網路有獎徵答抽獎活動1場次,共有2,376人作答,其中2,243人挑戰成功(答對5題以上),獲得滿分(答對10題)則有1,410人、完成節能減碳宣導廣播,播放期程為期2個月,總播放檔次達292檔。本計畫已完成相關工作項目及內容,透過節能減碳相關宣導活動辦理,將溫室氣體減量之重要性、節能減碳觀念及意識傳遞與民眾,並宣導與生活息息相關節能省水手法,民眾反應熱絡,藉此讓民眾知道如何從日常生活中,自發性的進行節能減碳,進而達到全民落實生活節能減碳的目的,在南投縣民眾積極參與節能減碳相關活動過程中,已逐步將節能減碳觀念傳播於南投縣每一角落,每位縣民均能成為節能減碳之推手,使南投縣加速邁向低碳、永續、樂活的宜居城市。 102 南投縣政府環境保護局 翔科事業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63887
102年度柴油車排煙檢測暨停車怠速熄火管理計畫 爲降低南投縣柴油車輛排放黑煙對空氣品質影響,南投縣政府環境保護局持續推動「柴油車排煙檢測暨停車怠速熄火管理計畫」,執行柴油車輛排煙檢測、油品管制、停車怠速熄火管制及相關工作。本計畫以提升檢測及服務品質為本年度執行原則,計畫工作項目包括動力計排煙檢測、路攔排煙檢測、目判高污染車輛、怠速熄火稽巡查、油品管制、柴油車自主管理、日月潭風景區之管制及推動縣轄保養(修)廠業者保檢合一等工作,均已完成合約之工作量。本年度完成柴油車動力計全負載排煙檢測1,282輛次、路攔/場站無負載排煙檢測604輛次、目測判煙通知到檢1,511輛次、柴油車車輛之車用油品篩選1,704輛次、油品檢測數共100件、怠速熄火稽巡查3,007輛次、自主管理簽署17家、停車怠速熄火業務宣導活動2場次及1場次宣導說明會。加強日月潭風景區管制亦為今年的重要工作項目之一,除每月一次針對進入日月潭風景區大客車之攔檢外,也不定期執行停車怠速巡查作業,本年度共執行攔查大客車72輛次,攔檢18輛次,不合格3輛,攔查不合格率4.1%,攔檢不合格率16.6%,完成659輛次怠速巡查及宣導作業,除此之外,今年也配合日月潭管理處,針對日月潭上之船舶執行聯合稽查作業,共執行44艘船舶之稽查作業。今年的創新作法為「推動縣轄保養(修)廠業者保檢合一專案」,共分為輔導、評鑑及評比三個階段,102年執行第一階段輔導作業,103年則針對輔導之保養廠做評鑑作業,104年則針對已參加保檢合一之保養廠進行評比作業,以評比出績優之保養廠進行頒獎,本年度有6家保養廠參加輔導,包含3家原廠(NISSAN、HINO、FUSO),2家民間企業及1家客運公司。除此之外,也將顧客導向導入動力站檢測程序中,並透過主動以電話提醒民眾檢驗期限或辦理展延工作、車輛檢驗結束後做檢驗程序之滿意度調查及車主進站檢測時專人解說服務等,以大大提升民眾之滿意度。 102 南投縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63851
南投縣101年度營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收暨疏濬工程污染管制計畫 南投縣地處台灣正中央,為唯一不靠海之縣市,隨著觀光產業的蓬勃發展,都會化的趨勢相當快速,對於對居住及交通運輸之需求相對增加,加上轄內擁有濁水溪流域、烏溪流域兩大流域等,相對亦帶給本縣豐富之土石資源,因此營建、道路、管線及其他雜項工程逐年成長,近三年度各類營建工程申施工中工地皆高達超過5,000件,突顯出本縣工地污染管制的重要性。依據南投縣政府環保局對於營建工程污染管制之期待,計畫規劃四大工作方向(空污費徵收、巡查管制、專案輔導、宣導作業)推動本縣營建工程空污費徵收及污染管制作業,主要執行成果摘要如下。一、空污費徵收以落實污染者付費為目的,計畫期間協助本縣營建工程空氣污染防制費共徵收3,871件。另統計101年全年度共計徵收4,119件,共徵收27,173,124元,其他類工程佔總新徵金額57.1%,其次為道路工程佔總金額19.2%,整體新徵收工程金額較去年同期減少約19.2%;另催辦2,200處次應辦理完工結算工程;今年在便民服務上係朝向建立以顧客為導向之服務品質SOP,並加強服務人員之教育訓練,希望透過多元管道及合宜的親切服務,拉近與民眾之距離,塑造優質的機關形象,並透過民意調查,來了解民眾之需求並研析滿意度之趨勢,以作為檢討改善之方向。二、巡查管制以現勘管制減少污染為目的,自101年3月21日至101年3月20日止共巡查5,442處次工程,已達成本計畫合約預定巡查目標率100%。各鄉鎮市巡查分配件數以草屯鎮1,153件最多,總污染量管制巡查比例達全縣工程污染量94.2%,其中判定無污染情事佔97.3%,無重大污染情形的案件(記點8點以下案件)2.3%;污染情形嚴重的案件(記點10點以上案件)佔0.4%。三、專案管制協商817處道路管線工程簽屬廢土不落地承諾書,簽署比例達道路管線工程申報比例之77%;另期間查核954處次管線工程,遇有嚴重缺施工地則隨每月管制輔導後工地缺失皆維持在輕微缺失以下。列管33處重大污染疏濬工程,輔導力求工地確實符合管理辦法,出入口清洗設備有效操作,運輸車輛嚴密覆蓋,工區周遭道路保持整潔無胎痕並限制車速於安全限速之內。期間總計查核輔導452處次。 推動工地形象改造計畫,宣導推動7處轄區內大型裸露地工程鋪設稻草蓆,累計改善裸露地面積15.0公頃,執行成果置亦於環保局網頁呈現以達拋磚引玉之效。配合環保署清淨家園綠網推動,每月受理民眾針對營建工程髒污上網通報,期間現勘輔導完成95處工地出入口污染改善作業,提昇市容及減少民怨產生。推動259處營建空污費20,000元以上工地簽立道路認養書,總計認養里程482.837公里,累計總洗掃長度為1,805.339公里,約可減少TSP污染物24.91公噸、PM10削減4.69公噸。四、宣導作業辦理4場次三方輔導座談會,邀請縣內4處污染嚴重工程業主、旗下11處包商及監造單位,針對工程常見缺失項目進行輔導改善。辦理1場次營建空污費徵收說明會及1場次污染管制法規說明會,邀請對象係為縣內新申報大型工程及查核缺失之工地,包含業主、承包商、監造單位、代辦單位等,講習內容包括營建工程空氣污染防制措施管理辦法、空污費申報計算及法令、工地圍籬綠美化及裸露地改善、周邊道路認養及噪音管制法規等進行教育宣導,總計135人次出席參與。順應電子化政府時代的來臨,將業務推展的成果以電子網頁方式加以呈現,內容包括發送法令宣導、訊息新聞稿13則。五、檢測分析油品抽驗依宣導期程規劃,每月於協助環保局於稽查過程辦理油品抽測作業,計畫期間完成抽測24點次,抽測結果皆合格;另為瞭解工地管制成效,每月排定一處大型工地進行工地周界TSP測定,計畫執行期間共計完成12處工地周界粒狀物檢測,其檢測結果皆於法規標準之內。六、污染削減估算南投縣101年全年度營建污染削減量試算之結果,其中總逸散粉塵之削減量平均每月達229.5公噸/月;總懸浮微粒(TSP)之削減量平均每月約64公噸之削減量;PM10之削減量平均每月之削減量為35.6公噸。101年度共削減逸散粉塵量2754.5公噸,達總削減率56.7%。 Nantou County 101 years of construction engineering and pollution control air pollution fee levied cum Dredging pollution control plan Taiwan's Nantou County is located in the center, near the sea are not the only counties, with the vigorous development of the tourism industry, the trend will be quite fast, the relative increase in the demand for housing and transportation, plus jurisdiction has LTK basin, two Wu River watershed, the relative also brings a wealth of debris in the county resources, construction, roads, pipelines and other miscellaneous projects to grow year by year, nearly three years the application of various types of construction works in construction sites are up more than 5,000 pieces highlights the importance of the county site pollution control.Nantou County Government in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency to look forward to pollution control construction projects, the project work plan of the four directions (air pollution fee collection, inspection control, project counseling, advocacy jobs) to promote the county air pollution fee levied on construction projects and pollution control operations , The main implementation results are summarized below.First, air pollution fee leviedTo implement the polluter pays for the purpose of assisting the county air pollution control fees for construction projects during the program has collected 3,871 pieces. Another statistical full year totaled 101 levy 4,119 pieces of levy of $ 27,173,124, other types of projects and 57.1% of the total amount of the new levy, followed by the total amount of road works 19.2% reduction in the overall amount of the new collection of works by approximately 19.2% over last year; another 2,200 reminders should be handled at the time of completion clearing works; convenient service on this line towards the establishment of a customer-oriented service quality SOP, and strengthen education and training service personnel, through multiple channels and expedient want friendly service, closer to the people the distance, shaping the image quality of organs and, through opinion polls, to understand the needs of the people in the study analyzes trends and satisfaction, as the direction of the review for improvement.Second, regulatory inspectionsIn the current survey control for the purpose of reducing pollution of inspections from 5,442 at the time the project ended March 21 101 years to 101 years on March 20, the cost of project contracts were scheduled inspections reached the target rate of 100%. Each township inspections of the number of parts to Caotun up to 1,153 pieces, the total amount of pollution control inspections ratio reached 94.2%, the amount of pollution county project, which determine pollution violations accounted for 97.3%, no significant pollution case scenario (remember the point 8:00 the following cases) 2.3%; pollution situation serious cases (more than 10 points points in mind cases) accounted for 0.4%.In three, the project controlNegotiation 817 road sign pipeline project is waste land without landing undertaking, signed by the proportion of 77% the proportion of road pipeline project reporting; checking 954 times after another pipeline project during construction in the event of a serious lack of control over the site monthly counseling deletions are maintained at slightly missing the following.Tube 33 major pollution dredging site meets seek counseling management practices, access to clean equipment and effective operation, transport vehicles tightly covered, kept clean and tidy work area around the road no tire marks and limit the speed of the vehicle in the safe. Total audit during counseling 452 times.Promote the transformation of the image of the site plan, promote advocacy within the seven districts of large straw mat laid bare to the project, a total area of 15.0 hectares improve nudity, implementation of the outcomes set at the EPA website also showed up to start a discussion of the effect.EPA clean their homes with green mesh push for public construction projects receiving monthly online bulletin dirty now completed 95 investigations during counseling to improve job site entrances pollution, improve amenity and reduce grievances arise.Promote 259 construction air pollution fee of $ 20,000 or more to execute road construction site adoption book, adoption total mileage 482.837 km, washing and sweeping the cumulative total length of 1,805.339 km, about 24.91 tonnes of pollutants can reduce the TSP, PM10 reduction of 4.69 tonnes.Fourth, advocacy job4 counseling sessions go through tripartite forum, inviting the county 4 polluting project owners, contractors and the supervision of its 11 manufacturing units, counseling for engineering improvements common missing items.Conduct a screening air pollution fee levied construction briefing sessions and a description of pollution control laws, inviting target for the county Department declared the site a new large-scale projects and the lack of checks, including owners, contractors, construction supervision unit, agency units, workshops including air pollution control measures in construction engineering management methods, calculation and reporting of air pollution fee ordinance, site fencing and bare green landscaping improvements, the surrounding roads and noise control regulations adopt education advocacy, participating in a total of 135 people attended.Comply with the advent of the era of e-government, the business forward to the results of the electronic way to render web pages, including sending decree advocacy message news release 13.Fifth, the detection and analysisOil sample testing according to advocacy of process planning, monthly audit process in assisting the EPA conduct oil sampling tests on job completion times during the 24-point plan sampling tests, sampling tests and the results are qualified; another to understand the effectiveness of site control, monthly scheduled a large site for site perimeter TSP determination, completed a total of 12 site perimeter detection of particulate matter during project execution, the test results are within regulatory standards.Sixth, pollution reductionNantou County 101 years to estimate the full amount of the annual construction pollution reduction results of the trial, in which the total amount of fugitive dust was reduced an average of 229.5 metric tons / per month; total suspended particulates (TSP) for the reduction of the average monthly amount of approximately 64 tonnes of reductions ; PM10 reduction in the amount of the average monthly reduction in the amount of 35.6 tonnes. 101 annual reduction of fugitive dust quantity of 2754.5 tonnes of the total reduction rate of 56.7%. 101 南投縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67405
餐飲業排油煙管正確裝置的調查與宣傳計畫 餐飲業如果未將排油煙管做好防污設置,仍會排出粒狀污染物、非甲烷碳氫化合物、少許硫氧化物和氮氧化物等污染空氣;實際上已有一些餐飲業者將排油管尾端做好防制設備。本計畫將以大專相關環保科系學生在北、中、南、三區在夜市、餐飲業共1500家作調查,並給予文宣傳達正確理念。並將調查結果公佈,喚起國人和餐飲業界注意並積極改善,在空氣污染、噪音等環境保護工作上作一些改善貢獻。 Catering hood tube correct device investigation and publicity plan Catering If you do not do antifouling hood tube set, will exhaust particulate pollutants, non-methane hydrocarbons, a little sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides air pollution; actually there are some food and beverage industry will drain pipe trailing well control equipment. This project will be related to environmental protection departments college students in northern, central, southern and three districts in the night market, catering for a total of 1500 surveys and giving propaganda to convey the right idea. The findings will be announced, evoking people and catering industry attention and positive improvements in air pollution, noise and other environmental work to make some contribution to the improvement. 103 空保處 財團法人環保媽媽環境保護基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67185
進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章作業暨新車污染管制資料庫整合 本年度計畫之工作項目,主要分為進口車核章作業、國產車核章作業、系統維護操作及政策配合工作等4個工作方向進行進口汽車空氣污染物及噪音驗證核章作業。2013年完成進口汽車申請驗證核章核定件數共計23,858件,包含汽油車94,499輛、柴油車19,800輛、機車10,379輛及電動車43輛,合計共124,721輛,2014年1~3月完成進口汽車申請驗證核章核定件數共計5,762件合計共29,543輛;國產車驗證核章申請共計919,690輛,包含汽油車240,483輛、柴油車15,274輛、機車657,023輛及電動車6,910輛,2014年1~3月完成國產車驗證核章申請共計240,193輛。以落實各項新車管制作業,確保所有掛牌上路車輛皆符合空氣污染物排放標準及噪音管制標準,有效管制國內移動污染源之污染排放。有關政策配合工作事項方面,為使汽車驗證核章工作順利推動,本計畫協助更新「進口車驗證核章管理系統」、協助建置「國產車驗證核章管理系統」、整合完成「新車污染管制資料庫」,並編修相關核章須知及系統操作手冊,以使申請核章業務民眾與相關單位了解核章業務推動內容,有助於本計畫各項工作推行。本計畫持續配合研考會「創新e化-汽車進口服務」建置專案,進行系統維護,完成核章繳費電子化系統,實施正式電子化繳費系統後,民眾可省去現行至郵局繳費的不便,達到簡政便民及提升行政效率的目的。 Project for the Certification and Authorization of Imported Motor Vehicle Air Pollutants & Integrate The main four objectives for the project include implementing the process for imported vehicle emissions compliance certification application; domestic made vehicle emissions compliance certification application; vehicle information system maintenance and operations; and providing EPA assistance on policy required actions. As to the implementing the process for imported vehicle emissions compliance certificates applications, in 2013 total 23,858 cases were applied for imported vehicle exhaust and noise emissions certificate, which include 94,499 gasoline vehicles, 19,800 diesel vehicles,10,379 motorcycles and 43 electric cars, total 124,721 vehicles. In 2014, 1 to 3 months total of 5,762 cases were applied for imported vehicle exhaust and noise certificate total number of 29,543 vehicles ;. The implementation of certification requirements could be provided to ensure the compliance of exhaust and noise standards for every registered and enter into service vehicles and control the mobile emissions from vehicles effectively.As to the work item of implementing the process of domestic made vehicle emission certification application. The system transmits emissions compliance vehicle’s information to the Motor Vehicle Service Stations, Ministry of Transportation and Communications periodically to ensure the registered vehicles could comply with exhaust and noise emissions standards. The total number of domestic made vehicles in 2013 is 919,690 which include 240,483 gasoline, 15,274 diesel, 657,023 motorcycles and 6,910 electric cars .In 2014 from 1 to 3 months totaled 240,193 vehicles. This action could ensure all the registered domestic made vehicles could comply with the EPA emissions and noise standards and fulfill the completeness of new vehicle control requirements.As to providing EPA assistance on policy required actions, the project assisted to upgrading the “Imported vehicle certification management system”, established ”Domestic made vehicle certification management system”, and integrated the “New vehicle emissions data achieve” .Eedited the guidelines for certification process and system operation manuals which could provide references to the applicants and competent authority to understand the application process and to facilitate to promote working items for this project. This project also coped with the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission establishing and maintaining the innovative electronic process for imported vehicle services, finished planning on the procedures for electronic certification fee payment process. In the future, the implementation of electronic certification fee payment process, will provide public a convenience environment and save a lot of time as the currently requirement on personally attendance to the post office for certification fee payments. The electronic certification application process could simplify the application process and improve the administration effectiveness. 102 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67077
公民參與環境決策新書編輯出版專案工作計畫 為呈現我國環境決策及公民參與之案例,擬藉由專書出版,以說故事方式闡述公民參與基本原則原理、科學衝擊協調員定位,並藉由案例導讀及篇章分類說明,將相關經驗介紹給國人,進而成為大家學習典範。 Working plan for editing the new book on citizen participation of decision-making process on environ Public policies in a democratic society should be made within a legal structure. Within the legal scope, there are two extreme ends of legal authorizations: one made by the head of the institution – approval based on the professional judgment by the governing authority, and the other made by referendum in which each citizen has one vote in the final decision. However, there are several decision-making processes that fall between the two ends. Examples include representative system and approaches advocated by Environmental Protection Administration that involve citizen participation, including World Café meetings, consensus meetings, expert meetings, review meetings, or public hearings. The book compiles the works by Environmental Protection Administration of Ministry of Economic Affairs on promotion of policies and projects on environmental issues during the five-year period from 2008 to 2012. More specifically, the book provides 17 case studies with significance in citizen participations as reference for readers in understanding citizen actions in relevant issues. 102 綜計處 台灣赫斯特出版股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67240
蒙特婁議定書管制物質削減與含氟溴物質庫排放管控方案研擬與宣導專案工作計畫(二) 本計畫為第二年計畫,執行內容包括非政府組織參與蒙特婁議定書相關會議與活動、檢討我國氟氯烴管理策略與協助核配作業、檢討我國溴化甲烷與其他列管化學物質管理策略及協助溴化甲烷核配作業、推動含氟溴物質庫排放管控執行方案、協助辦理列管化學物質查緝走私和緝獲物質處理相關業務、研析國際間管制與替代技術發展及臭氧層保護之宣傳等6大類。參與蒙特婁議定書國際相關活動方面,本計畫持續掌握國際管制動態並向國際友人展現我國積極參與國際環保事務的決心,分別於6月24至28日參加於泰國曼谷召開的第33次蒙特婁議定書不限成員工作小組會議(OEWG-33),以及於10月21至25日協助行政院環境保護署組團假泰國曼谷參加蒙特婁議定書第25次締約方大會,並於6月1~11日赴歐洲(奧地利與義大利)參與由聯合國組織(UNEP與UNIDO)分別舉辦之國際冷媒替代技術研討會,並參訪奧地利IIASA組織,蒐集國際公約管制趨勢外,也與UNEP臭氧秘書處、TEAP各國專家、英國、韓國、新加坡等國交流,以作為後續管制諮詢的管道。本計畫也計算我國2012年ODS消費量,除了仍允許進口或生產的HCFCs與溴化甲烷以外的ODS之消費量皆已削減為零,其中HCFCs消費量(153.093 ODP公噸)仍依循蒙特婁議定書的規範,已削減控制在基準量之25%(即159.539 ODP公噸)以下。目前HCFCs進口僅剩HCFC-22為2,764公噸(為152.020 ODP公噸)、少量的HCFC-123為140公噸(為2.8 ODP公噸)、及少量的HCFC-124為4公噸(為0.088 ODP公噸),而溴化甲烷進口作為QPS用途之數量為31.516公噸。本計畫於102年度持續協助環保署向臭氧秘書處申報我國ODS消費量資料,以向國際展現我國努力成果,並可檢視我國符合規範的情形,以及檢討各種ODS之輸出入管制規定,提出適當改善建議供環保署與國際貿易局參考。由於我國「蒙特婁議定書列管化學物質管理辦法」中對於列管化學物質之名詞定義未明確說明包含純物質與混合物,因此部分列管化學物質之混合物並未有輸入規定,因此建議後續研擬管理辦法修訂作業時應將此納入。在我國氟氯烴管理策略與協助核配作業方面,102年度持續協助行政院環保署辦理102年氟氯烴(HCFCs)全年實際核配量與下半年預購量、103年全年初估核配量與上半年預購量等之核發作業,協助國內53家使用廠商與10家進口廠商取得進口核配量。此外,為因應蒙特婁議定書要求於2015年應再將HCFCs消費量由目前的25%削減至10%以下,本計畫於102年研擬「氟氯烴消費量管理辦法」修訂規劃,並辦理3場邀集專家、廠商、部會等之討論會議,且訪視國內使用廠商,以蒐集各界寶貴建議。多數同意於2015年起禁止使用HCFC-22於生產新設備與建置新系統,於2020年才禁止充填HCFC-123於新設備與新系統,並禁止發泡用途使用HCFCs。對於特定廠商之替代問題,本計畫建議後續持續與該廠商溝通配合的時程,並提供替代因應的方案。在溴化甲烷與其他列管化學物質管理策略及溴化甲烷核配作業方面,本計畫仍持續協助環保署辦理廠商申請溴化甲烷進口與使用許可作業,對於廠商仍持續使用溴化甲烷之問題,本計畫透過訪視作業,向廠商說明溴化甲烷之正確用途與安全注意事項,以減少不當使用溴化甲烷。另外,本計畫持續與國際專家聯繫,建立專家網路平台,並辦理一場網路研討會,與各國專家(包括歐盟、日本、澳洲、紐西蘭、哥倫比亞等)分享彼此經驗,並共同討論溴化甲烷最佳管理方案。另本計畫針對航空用途仍有使用海龍滅火設施之必要,檢討與協助環保署辦理「蒙特婁議定書列管化學物質管理辦法」修訂作業,以協助特定用途輸出入。在推動含氟溴物質庫排放管控執行方案部份,本計畫於2012年已研擬連鎖超商或大型超市之冷凍冷藏設備使用階段冷媒管理檢查程序。本年度持續研析冷媒管理方案,與國內連鎖超商或大型超市商議實施與檢討冷凍冷藏設備使用階段與棄置階段之冷媒排放定期檢查、回收、純化及處置作業程序,以檢討如何推動執行方案。此外,今年也針對國內大型百貨與辦公大樓空調設備使用階段之冷媒排放情形進行訪視,蒐集冷媒管理現況與排放量資訊,以作為後續研擬冷媒管理方案時參考。另,為推動國內海龍與含氟氣體回收再利用,以減少排放量,本計畫持續協助我國海龍與含氟管理中心運作,回收小型滅火設施中之海龍氣體,並予以純化與貯集。在協助ODS走私查緝與處理方面,今年持續作為行政院環保署、海關、海巡等單位之溝通橋樑,協助相關單位處理沒入之ODS,並研議銷毀方案。此外,有鑑於查緝人員職務流動性較大,本計畫於5月16日假財政部關務署基隆關辦理一場次「冷媒辨識及其查緝走私專業訓練課程」,強化我國查緝人員對破壞臭氧層物質之查緝能力。在臭氧層保護宣導部份,今年持續透過網際網路的方式,每月更新臭氧層保護中英文資訊網站的資訊、發行兩期中英文電子報,推廣宣導最新相關新聞與管制進展。同時編製我國因應蒙特婁議定書管制成果之文宣品,包括溴化甲烷管理策略及替代品推廣成果、我國因應蒙特婁議定書管制策略與行動方案簡報,預計於參與國際會議或國際友人來訪時發送,展現我國遵循蒙特婁議定書的努力成果。 Enacting Consumption Reduction Strategy for Ozone Depleting Substances Controlled by Montreal Protoc This is the second year project of the two-year program. This project categorized into 6 tasks,1.participating in the international meetings related to the Montreal Protocol as an NGO observer; 2.overviewing and assisting the Government to implement the ODS management measures following the national policy to compliance with the Montreal Protocol;3.gathering and analyzing the alternative technologies to ODS on the global development and market availability; 4.developing the ODS management measures for the existing equipment contained the substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol and disposal phase;5.assisting the related government agencies in tackling ODS smuggling and developing the seized ODS destruction process;6.strengthening the information dissemination and education on the issues relating to ozone layer protection. Regarding to the participating in the Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol and propagating our achievements, this project continuously keeps monitoring the global controlling measures on ozone depleting substances (ODS), communicates with the Ozone Secretariat, experts from TEAP and represents from UK, Soouth Korea and Singapore, and also expresses Taiwan’s proactive participation of international environmental protection to our international friends. Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) participated in the 33rd OEWG, Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in June and participated in the international refrigerant alternatatives technology conference hold by UNEP, UNIDO and EU commission and visited IIASA in Austria in June. ITRI also assisted the Taiwan EPA to participate in the 25th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in November. Furthermore, this project also assisted the Taiwan EPA in reporting the 2012 ODS consumption in Taiwan to the UNEP Ozone Secretariat for showing our resolution of compliance with the Montreal Protocol. The HCFCs consumption in 2012 in Taiwan was 153.093 ODP metric tons, accounting to 24% of the amount of the HCFCs reduction baseline 638.156 ODP metric tons, well controlled within the target controlled by the Montreal Protocol, 25%. Now the HCFC-22 is the major ODS to be imported, accounting to 2,764 metric tons, equivalent to 152.020 ODP metric tons. A few amount is imported including 140 metric tons HCFC-123 and 4 metric tons HCFC-124. Moreover, there is 31.516 metric tons Methyl Bromide imported only for QPS purpose.In the issue of ODS allocation, this project assisted the Taiwan EPA to finalize the domestic allocation process on Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) for year 2013 and the first half of 2014 for 53 users and 10 importers, as well as finalize statistical data on the amounts used by the manufacturers in 2013. In addition, this project also finalized the allocation on methyl bromide for the second half of 2013 and the first half of 2014 on the usage in the quarantine and pre-shipment treatment. For compliancing the reduction target for HCFCs in 2015 in the Montreal Protocol, this project develop the draft revised regulation, HCFCs consumption management regulation, and hold three discussing meetings with experts and industries for gathering suggestions to revise the HCFCs managing regulation. For sharing information about control measures on Methyl Bromide and alternatives, this project gathers international experts from Columbia, EU, Austria and Japna to hold an internet web conference, webinar, to discuss “How to Reduce Use of Methyl Bromide”. On the other hand, this project also assists the EPA to develop the draft revised regulation, ODS management regulation under Montreal Protocol, for an exemption on importation/exportation of halon extinghuishers used only for aircrafts. To promote in-use emission reduction of ODS in air constioners and refrgerations, this project develops the checking process for refrigerant management in chain stores, supermarkets, buildings and department stores. About the ODS exchange management, this project assist the government to manage abandoned Halons and CFCs and transfer to needed organization. For tackling ODS smuggling and developing the destruction process, this project assisted the Coast Guard and the Customs units in educational training of seizure of ODS smuggling, provide the ODS seizure operational mode to enhance the capability of customs officials in handling ODS seizure in the future. On publicity for protection of the ozone layer, this project edited and emailed two issues of the Chinese and English electronic newsletters of Ozone Layer Protection in Taiwan and irregularly updated the information website Ozone Layer Protection in Taiwan, and publicized to various circles via internet on the model and efforts of Taiwan in compliance with the Montreal Protocol. 102 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67281
102年度臺東縣隨車破袋稽查資源回收物工作計畫 臺灣地區垃圾問題,已成為保問題之首,為解決嚴重垃圾問題及進行生活環境品質之改善,環保署近年來積極宣導資源回收觀念,期能將垃圾中可回收之物質加以回收再利用,以減少進入掩埋場或焚化爐之量、延長其使用年限。並於95年1月1日起全國實施垃圾強制分類,從家戶垃圾減量、分類回收開始,加強提升資源回收成效。環保局近年致力於推動資源回收宣導及管制相關工作,為落實資源回收及垃圾分類,於102年再度加強執行「隨車破袋稽查資源回收物」,以協助垃圾資源回收率提高。本計畫自民國102年8月5日簽約完成開始執行相關工作,至11月30日止共完成162條隨車破袋路線(臺東市110條,其餘13鄉鎮市52條)、完成製製作宣導單及發放、一篇新聞稿等。在8月至11月之執行中整體可發現廢紙容器及廢紙類(893件)、廢塑膠容器類(459件)仍為民眾主要未分類及棄置於圾中之回收物,另臺東市執行110條隨車破袋路線合格率為78%,主要未分類項目為廢紙容器及廢紙類(973件);成功鎮執行4條隨車破袋路線合格率為55%,主要未分類項目為廢紙容器及廢紙類(37件);關山鎮執行4條隨車破袋路線合格率為60%,主要未分類項目為廢紙容器及廢紙類(29件);卑南鄉執行4條隨車破袋路線合格率為76%,主要未分類項目為廢紙容器及廢紙類(17件);池上鄉執行4條隨車破袋路線合格率為58%,主要未分類項目為廢紙容器及廢紙類(19件)、鋁箔包(19件);延平鄉執行4條隨車破袋路線合格率為77%,主要未分類項目為廢紙容器及廢紙類(14件);金峰鄉執行4條隨車破袋路線合格率為81%,主要未分類項目為廢紙容器及廢紙類(16件);長濱鄉執行4條隨車破袋路線合格率為65%,主要未分類項目為廢紙容器及廢紙類(29件);太麻里鄉執4條隨車破袋路線合格率為66%,主要未分類項目為廢紙容器及廢紙類(13件);東河鄉執行4條隨車破袋路線合格率為58%,主要未分類項目為廢紙容器及廢紙類(35件);達仁鄉執行4條隨車破袋路線合格率為74%,主要未分類項目為廢紙容器及廢紙類(19件);鹿野鄉執行4條隨車破袋路線合格率為76%,主要未分類項目為廢紙容器及廢紙類(24件);海端鄉執行4條隨車破袋路線合格率為76%,主要未分類項目為廢紙容器及廢紙類(18件);大武鄉執行4條隨車破袋路線合格率為81%,主要未分類項目為廢紙容器及廢紙類(13件)。本案工作計畫前後差異為與101年臺東縣相較之下得8月合格率整體成長8%(101年8月合格率為68%,102年8月合格率為76%),9月合格率整體成長9%(101年9月合格率為66%,102年9月合格率為75%),10月合格率整體成長12%(101年10月合格率為66%,102年10月合格率為78%),11月合格率整體成長15%(101年11月合格率為63%,102年11月合格率為78%)。另本計畫執行結果如下:一、102年資源回收情況較近2年有成長趨勢(約2.11%)。二、隨車破袋執行自8月至11月皆較101年成長8%以上三、本年為提升資源回收率,所以加強勸導作業,自8月至11月執行開單勸導加強度較101年成長9%以上。四、本縣「非家戶」隨車破袋執行得隨車破袋合格率平均為72%,本縣「家戶」隨車破袋執行得隨車破袋合格率平均為77%。五、綜合100年至102年資源回收率成長為正值的鄉鎮市有大武鄉、太麻里鄉、池上鄉、卑南鄉、金峰鄉、鹿野鄉、達仁鄉、關山鎮、蘭嶼鄉。資源回收率成長為負值的鄉鎮市有成功鎮、延平鄉、東河鄉、長濱鄉、海端鄉、綠島鄉、臺東市。六、執行隨車破袋時,針對「家戶」勸導上不易進行開單勸導作業(會被民眾覺得是來找麻煩,且不達到警惕及勸導效果),多僅能以口頭勸導。針對「非家戶」勸導易進行開單勸導及可進行後續管制追踨。七、 與資源回收工作計畫相較之下,資源回收工作計畫執行臺東縣隨車破袋合格結果率為70%,而本計畫執行臺東縣隨車破袋合格率結果為77%,初步發現獨立之隨車破袋計畫有助於提升隨車破袋合格率(較101年成長約11%)。八、 從本計畫及資源回收工作計畫102年執行下發現隨車破袋不合格及未分類原因主要和「廢紙容器及廢紙類」、「廢塑膠容器類」、「鋁箔包」有關。九、 原本開立之勸導單因無法律效力,故需修正勸導單,以提升臺東垃圾分類及資源回率。未來建議上為加強各鄉鎮市之隨車破袋路線合格率除加強稽巡查作業外,另可透過相關社區或公所競賽活動等,使民眾確實了解垃圾分類用意及好處,以利提升臺東縣之資源回收率及減少垃圾清運量。另執行隨車破袋危險性及顧慮多,要顧慮隨車人員安全,要擔心民眾觀感及天氣情況,所以在執行上應維持執行人員之儀容裝備、對理性民眾或非家戶進行巡查,以宣導方式讓民眾多加了解。因應天氣情況,則應該設立雨天備案之執行方式,以解決遇到雨天就可能無法執行之問題。再者為加強宣導效果,應針對勸導單進行修正,以符合法規。 102 台東縣環境保護局 綠森環境工程技師務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=58622
執行汽油引擎汽車新車型審驗、新車抽驗、使用中汽車召回改正調查測試與相關措施研訂 為降低汽油引擎汽車空氣污染物排放,本計畫目的在協助環保署執行汽油車新車排放管制相關工作,包括:新車排氣管制業務、持續推動審驗電子化、研訂汽油車排放管制加嚴標準、及辦理低污染環保車評選推廣等四項工作。2013年,汽油車新車型審驗核發363張合格證明,有332個引擎族782個車型的新車量產或進口,為確保新車排放均符合管制規定,查核廠商自行品管測試資料計1,999輛,並協助101輛新車抽驗工作,確認新車符合排放標準。召回改正調查測試依汽車新車排氣管制資訊,選取10個引擎族50輛車進行初步調查排放測試,依規定判定各引擎族排放均符合排放標準。國外進口使用中汽車排放檢測,計有7,272輛國外進口使用中車輛辦理核章,佔汽油新車同期銷售數量的2.2%,行車型態測試有6,737車次,因多數由美國進口,故有89%選擇FTP-75檢測。審驗電子化工作推動部分,於推動審驗電子化之相關功能修訂上,依審驗業務需求,對審驗管理系統進行六項功能增修;在整合汽車排放相關管制資訊系統上,結合相關管制資訊,建置環保車自動評選功能,以利定期更新汽油新車環境友善程度,提供民眾參考。研訂汽油車排放管制加嚴方向,已彚整歐盟及美國有關汽油車排氣相關管制規定,並與國內管制現況比較,提出排放標準及審驗辦法修訂草案建議。另為確立國內車輛實驗室汽油車蒸發檢測能力,本年度執行14車次本項重覆性測試,測試差異均在合理預期範圍;並彚整蒸發排放系統相似車型資料,確認蒸發測試延伸的可行性。由符合汽油車五期排放標準之OBD行車型態測試,發現該車於觸媒失效時, NOx排放接近Euro 6-2 OBD門檻值,而由彚整OBD認證資料亦相同發現,50%會超過該門檻值定,為因應OBD門檻值加嚴,廠商應須導入更新的NOx排放控制技術。辦理低污染環保車評選推廣工作上,已依2013車型年相關管制資料,評量2014車型年之新車型環境友善程度,評選出複合動力汽油車8款、傳統引擎汽油車11款,並定期更新低污染環保汽油車相關資訊至網站,以為民眾選購新車的參考。 Implement of the new model certification, conformity of production and the recall relative investiga The main objective of this project is to reduce emissions from vehicles that equipped with gasoline engines by helping EPA to implement new gasoline vehicle emissions control related tasks which include: implementation of new vehicle emissions control measures; continuous promote the electronic certification professes; draft more stringent emissions standards; select and promote low emission green vehicles and host the award ceremony.In 2013, 363 new gasoline vehicle emission certificates were issued, which include 332 engine families, cover 782 new models that being mass production domestic or imported. To ensure the compliance of all new vehicles, 1999 new vehicles were performed the Conformity of Production tests by the manufacturers and audited by this project, 101 new vehicles were being random selected and performed compliance tests. As to the recall investigation and correction task: according to new vehicle emissions control information to select 10 engine families covered 50 vehicles to perform emissions tests and to determine whether they are in compliance with the related standards. As to the imported in-use vehicles compliance check, 7272 emissions compliance certificates were being issued which accounts for 2.2% of new gasoline vehicle sales in that model year and within which 6737 vehicles were performed the driving cycle tests, 89% selected FFP-75 test because of being imported from US.As to the task of promote the electronic certification processes: for the functionality adjustments, six functions were added to the certification management system; as to the integration of vehicle related control information systems, related control information were combined and added the function of green vehicle evaluation to create a user friendly periodically updated green vehicle information system accessible to the Public and provided as reference for new vehicle purchase.As to the task of tightening the emissions standards, this project has surveyed the European and the US emissions control measures for gasoline vehicles and compared with domestic emissions control status to propose a draft of new emissions standards and revisions to the certification processes. In addition, to verify the capability for domestic vehicle test laboratories to perform the Evaporation test, 14 repeated tests were performed and the results differences were deemed reasonable; this project also surveyed vehicle’s information with similar Evaporation systems to evaluate the viability of certificate extension for Evaporation compliance test. The driving cycle test results for the Stage 5 emission standards compliance vehicles have showed that when a vehicle’s catalytic converter has failed, its NOx emission would be close to the Euro 6-2 OBD standard’s threshold limit. From the survey of current OBD certificates information, 50% vehicles’ NOx emission are over the limits, hence manufacturers should adopt updated NOx emission control technologies to respond the tightening of OBD standards limits.As to the selection and promotion of low emissions green vehicles, according to the 2013 vehicle model’s emissions related control information to evaluate the 2014 vehicle model’s degree of environmental friendly and 8 hybrid electric vehicles, 11 conventional gasoline engine vehicles were being selected as green vehicles, the related information are periodically updated to the low emissions green vehicle website as reference to the Public for new vehicle purchase. 102 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65963
美國棄置物污染土壤處理程序及究責制度研析計畫 我國非法棄置場址,如台中現有石業及屏東赤山巖場址,就場址有害事業廢棄物之處理,面臨應依適用「廢棄物清理法」或「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之法律適用選擇問題。本計畫以美國法之「綜合環境反應補償與責任法」(Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, CERCLA)及資源保存及回收法(Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, RCRA)對非法棄置場址處理適用之規定為研究重點。研究結果,發現二法並未就非法棄置場址污染土壤選擇適用法律有所明文。因此,美國就非法棄置場址適用RCRA或CERCLA行動計畫之協調,乃成為重要課題。目前美國EPA原則上係「RCRA矯正行動與CERCLA整治行動計畫均等原則」,然而由於CERCLA之程序相對較為繁瑣、僵化且曠日廢時,實際上美國EPA更為普遍之處理方式乃是採取「RCRA計畫優先原則」。我國實務上地方機關為處理效率明快,原則上亦係以廢清法為優先適用,與美國EPA普遍奉行之RCRA計畫優先原則,不謀而合;然而廢清法適用時,可能有地方機關資源不足之困境,此一問題於以整併廢清法與資源回收再利用法為背景之資源循環再利用法草案,建置了事業廢棄資源清理基金後,可望得以解決。因此,該草案未來於立法院審議階段時,此基金主管機關宜注意相關之立法動態。此外,本團隊亦介紹美國永以認定有害廢棄物的「混合規則」及「衍生規則」,此將對於我國處理棄置物污染土壤問題有很大助益。 Project on the Research of American RCRA & CERCLA Procedures and its Framework in Pursuing Liabiliti In dealing with the hazardous industrial waste in illegal dumping sites in Taiwan, such as Hsien-Yu Stone Industry at Taichung and Red Mountain Rock at Pingtung, the choice-of-law issue concerning the application of Waste Disposal Act and the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act has arisen. This project focuses on the research of RCRA(Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) and CERCLA(Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act) procedures in dealing with soil contamination by illegal Waste Disposal. We have found that neither act has a precise provision concerning the choice of law between these two acts in dealing with soil contamination by illegal Waste Disposal. Therefore, it has become very important in the United States to coordinate between RCRA and CERCLA actions. Although the EPA of the United States abides by the principle of parity between RCRA and CERCLA actions, in practice RCRA has the priority in most cases because the procedures of CERCLA are relatively complicate, rigid and time-consuming. For efficiency purpose, local authorities in our country likewise give Waste Disposal Act priority in dealing with soil contamination by illegal dumping. The concurrence in the choice of law is a coincidence without prior discussion. However, in applying Waste Disposal Act, some local authorities face the awkward situation of lack of sufficient resources. The problem shall be resolved after establishing the Fund for Disposal of Waste Resources through the promulgation of the proposed “Resources Waste recycling and Reuse Act”, which shall merge the Waste Disposal Act and the Waste Recovery and Reuse Act. Accordingly, when the proposed bill is at the stage of discussion in the Legislative Yuan, the competent authorities of the new fund shall pay more attention on the status and development of its legislation. In addition, we also introduced the “Mixture Rule” and the “Derived –From”Rule in the identification of hazardous waste in the United States, which shall be very helpful for us in dealing with the soil contamination by illegal Waste Disposal. 102 土污基管會 立言法律事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66284
102至104年度公有一般廢棄物處理設施營運管理監控及輔導改善委託專案工作計畫(102年度,第1年) 102年度計畫分四大工作項目,包含一、建立及推動掩埋場三級檢查制度暨查核工作,二、掩埋場管理資訊平台系統維護及資料勾稽,三、協辦稽查收受事業廢棄物公有掩埋場與四、建立掩埋場挖除活化推動模式及指南。計畫執行已完成:1.協助環保署召開三級查核計畫1場次縣市環保局說明會,以及1場次三區環境督察大隊督察收受事廢掩埋場說明會,總計完成2場次;2.完成協辦22個縣市環保局與轄區68個營運中掩埋場三級查核工作;3.完成掩埋場資訊平台功能維護及擴充,新增一級與二級檢查表單上傳功能;4.完成彙整102年度1月份至103年度2月24日由「事業廢棄物申報與管理資訊系統」蒐集之公有掩埋場收受指定公告事業產生之一般事業廢棄物進場資料以及勾稽掩埋場資訊平台內公務報表資料工作;5.彙整三區環境督察大隊督察掩埋場結果;6.完成制定掩埋場挖除活劃經濟效益評估參數及計算式。 各項工作執行結果:1.推動掩埋場三級檢查制度暨查核工作,完成協助環保署召開2場次說明會,以及完成協辦22個縣市環保局與轄區68處營運中掩埋場三級查核工作;結果顯示透過一級自主檢查表單,掩埋場管理單位可每月檢查場內需進行改善之法規規定項目,進行改善工作並記錄成果,但仍需由環保局二級檢查確認一級檢查辦理正確性及缺失改善情形,環保署三級查核工作可督促環保局輔導轄區內掩埋場持續辦理缺失改善以符合法規要求。2.掩埋場資訊平台系統新增環保局上傳一級與二級檢查表單功能,協助環保署追蹤掩埋場營運管理現況及缺失改善情形。3.彙整擷取「事業廢棄物申報與管理資訊系統」之公有掩埋場收受指定公告事業產生之一般廢棄物進場資料,勾稽比對掩埋場資訊平台公務報表填報收受事廢之場次,並比對掩埋場剩餘容量,達到讓環保署確實掌握收受一般事廢之公有掩埋場資料。4.彙整三區環境督察大隊執行兩次督察掩埋場工作紀錄內容,結果顯示8場收受事廢掩埋場於第2次督察時已完成改善場內違法缺失,仍有5場掩埋場需持續進行改善以符合法規規定。5.與移除活化工程較相關之有關法規為環境影響評估法之開發行為應實施環境影響評估細目及範圍認定標準第28條、廢棄物清理法第28條及促進民間參與公共建設法,克服法規問題後,可加速活化之辦理程序。6. 掩埋場挖除活化之主要費用為土地租金(台糖土地)、可燃物焚化清除處理費、掩埋場挖除篩分費、掩埋場設置工程費及後續營運管理費等,收入來源為篩分資源回收物販賣所得及處理費,而訂定處理費收費標準參數範圍相當大,藉由現勘調查彙整單價分析後定計算基準應可縮小進場收費標準的差距,目前初估活化後成本進場收費約500~3,000元/噸(依收受依收受一般事業廢棄物種類而異),具有經濟效益誘因。 Project of Operation Management Monitoring and Improvement Assisting for Public Waste Treatment Faci The project content in 2013 can be divided into four sections. First, constructing and promoting landfill inspection with three level examinations. Second, conducting the maintenance of landfill site information platform online and reviewing and evaluating information. Third, to assist EPA (Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan) to inspect public landfills which accept and treat wastes producing from industries. Fourth, to build a model and guideline for landfill reusing procedure.The completed tasks in this project have shown as follow:1. Assisting EPA to conduct one presentation of three levels inspection project for Environmental Protection Bureau in local government and one presentation about industrial waste landfill for Northern, Central, and Southern Branches of the Bureau of Environmental Inspection of the Environmental Protection Administration.2. Assisting 22 local environmental protection bureaus completed three levels inspection tasks in 68 operating landfills.3. Landfill information platform system maintenance and update. Level 1 and 2 landfill checking list forms have been uploaded successfully.4. The information of general and industrial wastes transporting to public landfills are collected from ‘Industrial Waste Report and Management System’ and working report collected from landfill information platform system from January 2013 to 24th February in 2014 had been summarized. 5. The summary of landfill inspection results conducted by three area of Environmental Inspection of the Environmental Protection Administration had been completed.6. Establishing the economic efficiency formula and relative coefficients for landfill reuse procedure.The achievement of this project in 2013 include assisting EPA to conduct two presentations and assisting 22 local environmental protection bureaus to implement the three levels inspection task in 68 operating landfills. Each local environmental protection bureau has well control to general waste, also all wastes are treated properly. Especially in Yunlin county, Hualien county and Taitung county, general wastes in these three counties all end up in landfill and others are transferred to incinerators. Furthermore, landfills can be evaluated whether the condition complies to the regulations or not by first level self-checking list and then improve it based on results. However, it still requires local county environmental protection bureaus using second level examination to confirm the result of first level examination and then improve it. About the third level examination of EPA, this method is used to supervise local governments and assist landfills to improve their deficiency and satisfy regulations.Landfill information platform system contains first and second level self-checking lists. This function can help EPA to follow up the current landfill condition and its improvement. The data of general waste disposal in public landfill are collected from ‘Industrial Waste Report and Management System’ compare to the number of waste transporting to landfill which generated from landfill information platform system and landfill remaining capacity. Then, EPA can control the public landfill conditions effectively based on those reports. The summary of two landfill inspection results completed by three area of Environmental Inspection of the Environmental Protection Administration which reveal that eight industrial landfill improved its deficiencies before the second inspection. However, the five landfill sites still require continuing improvements.There are variety of operation fee during landfill reusing procedure that will be charged. It contains waste sorting fee, surplus earth and gravel disposal fee, waste medium disposal fee and operation management fee. A standard calculation method will assist to minimize the expense differences. According to the investigation of current landfill reusing experience in some counties, although there are economic incentive, people still concern the effect of industrial waste disposal. Moreover, there is not appropriate legislation to regulate it. Therefore, this method has been suspended currently. 102 督察總隊 尚竑工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67125
金門低碳島整體行銷規劃專案工作計畫 地球日漸暖化,節能減碳已成為國際間共同的責任。在人類面對全球氣候挑戰的同時,低碳生活已成為低碳經濟與低碳社會的關鍵。因此,國內外不少政府以及城市積極推動各項低碳生活圈策略與措施,以邁向低碳經濟,減少能源使用與二氧化碳排放。本計畫針對政府所推動的節能減碳總體計畫含十大標竿型子計畫中之「金門低碳島建置計畫」,透過整體行銷活動的執行,讓地方、在地居民與企業瞭解低碳島發展策略的目的及後續成效,並透過座談會與產業交流活動的舉辦凝聚全島的共識與參與,營造樂活永續的生活文化,配合金門豐富的生態與觀光資源,創造金門心魅力,豐厚島嶼競爭力,邁向綠經濟的永續發展,達成金門低碳遠景。 The Marketing Planning for Kinmen Low Carbon Island Owing to fierce global warming, carbon reduction and energy saving approach has become the common responsibility of the international communities. Facing the global warming problem, low-carbon city or low-carbon living circle has gradually become the key point to low-carbon economy and low-carbon society. Thus, governments and cities start to advance all kinds of low-carbon living circle policies and measures to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. To effectively execute the Kinmen low carbon island development project based on the green policy of government, the marketing planning to promote the concept of low-carbon island, and to reach the consensus on low-carbon living for all the local people and companies will be conducted in this plan. The local features and ecological resources for ecotourism in Kinmen will be further investigated to develop the attractive factors of Kinmen low carbon island. The forums gathering the local people and experts will also be held to create the effective strategy for building Kinmen low carbon island to implement the goal of sustainability 102 生態社區推動方案室 國立高雄師範大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66833
101年度執行怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫 摘 要全球面臨氣候變遷與全球暖化,各國開始意識到環境遭受的危機。再者,科技產業發達的時代下,汽機車數量亦逐年成長,使得都會區的交通問題益形嚴重。車輛怠速(引擎空轉)狀態,不僅浪費油料,更因引擎燃燒不完全,導致積碳增加,比一般行駛狀態產生更多廢氣,加速引擎機件磨損。立法院院會已於100 年4 月8 日三讀修訂空氣污染防制法部分條文的提案,增訂「機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法」,並已於101 年6 月1 日正式執行。本計畫主要目標為規劃推動停車怠速熄火政策相關管制措施,工作項目包括執行停車怠速熄火之稽查作業及辦理停車怠速熄火政策之宣導活動,期望提升民眾怠速熄火之環保意識,達到減少黑煙及各項氣狀污染物排放,有效降低溫室效應氣體產生,進而提升轄區內空氣品質。本計畫工作項目包括機動車輛停車怠速熄火稽查管制作業及機動車輛停車怠速熄火宣導作業,兩大重點工作。稽查管制作業之重點稽查勸導地點,主要包括火車站、各行政機關、各國中小學、便利商店、各風景區或其他民眾常發生怠速情況的地點。截至12 月31 日,共計完成稽巡查勸導作業2,000 輛次,其中包括有停車未熄火狀況,但未逾三分鐘,且經勸導配合熄火之案件,1,199 輛次;及有停車未熄火狀況,且逾三分鐘之案件801 輛次。本計畫採多元化之停車怠速熄火宣導作業,包括宣導活動、宣導品、電子傳播宣導、新聞稿及種子教師訓練會議等。本計畫已配合台東縣政府等單位,圓滿辦理怠速熄火宣導活動四場次。活動中藉由與民眾互動的遊戲方式,達到機動車輛停車怠速熄火政策之宣導工作,並提供活動宣導品共計4,300 份(含計畫宣導品500 份),宣導成效共計1,994人次。怠速熄火新聞稿,本計畫自計畫執行開始,已逐月完成新聞稿提送,且發布於台東縣環保局網站之環保新聞發布區,可提供民眾了解機動車停車怠速熄火政策之最新資訊。電子傳播宣導作業,本計畫已另用環保署製作之停車反怠速影帶,分二階段密集於6 月及7 月重點宣導,共計完成240 次之怠速熄火影帶託播。種子教師訓練會議,本計劃已於6 月及11 月,由國立大學車輛工程系教授擔任講師,圓滿完成二場次。 101 year promotion and implementation of an idling-stop control plan Abstract Facing global climate change and global warming, countries began to suffer from environmental awareness to the crisis. Furthermore, under the age of advanced technology industries, number of steam locomotives has grown year by year, making the metropolitan area Equity-heavy traffic problems. Vehicle idling (engine idling) status, not only waste oil materials, because more Incomplete combustion engine, resulting in increased carbon, driving behavior than the general state produces more gas to accelerate Engine mechanical wear and tear. Legislative Yuan Yuan was 100 years April 8 three readings to amend the Air Pollution Control Some of the provisions of the law proposal, updating "idling motor vehicles parking management approach", which was 101 years June 1 formally executed. The main objective of this project is to promote the car idling-stop planning policy related control measures, work Projects include executive car idling stop the inspectors to do the job and stop propaganda handling car idling stop policy Activities, expected to enhance the public's environmental awareness idling stop, to reduce smoke and the air pollution status Emissions of pollutants, effectively reduce greenhouse gases, and thus enhance the area of ​​air quality. The project work includes motor vehicles stalled car idling motor vehicle inspection and control operations Idling-stop vehicles parking advocacy work, two major priorities. The audit focused on inspection and control operations to persuade Guide sites, including fire stations, each executive agency, national schools, convenience stores, each wind Scenic or other public place usually idling happening. As of December 31, completed a total of protracted 2,000 motorcycles were inspected persuasion operations, which include car did not stall condition, but not more than three minutes, And with the flame of the case by persuasion, 1,199 motorcycles;, and there is not parking stall condition, and more than one-third 801 cases of Bell's vehicles. The diversified mining project car idling-stop propaganda operations, including promotional activities, promotional products, Electronic dissemination of propaganda, press releases and seeds teacher training meetings. This project has been with the Taitung County government Government and other units, the successful office manager idling-stop promotional activities four sessions. Activities by interaction with the public Gameplay, advocacy work to achieve motor vehicles stalled car idling policies, and provide activities A total of 4,300 copies of promotional products (including product promotion plan 500), a total of 1,994 effective advocacy People. Idling-stop press release, the project execution plan from the beginning, has completed a press release submitted monthly, And environmental news release posted on the EPA website Taitung area, providing the public understanding of motor vehicles Car idling stop the latest information policy. Electronic dissemination of advocacy work, this project has another environmentally-friendly Produced by the Department of Anti-idling car video, divided into two stages dense in June and July focused on advocacy, total 240, followed by the completion of idling-stop video playback care. Seeds teacher training conference, the program was in June And in November, the Department of National University professor vehicles lecturer, successful completion of the two sessions. 101 台東縣環境保護局 得眾環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67113
執行機車新車型審驗、新車抽驗、使用中機車召回改正調查測試與污染排放管制措施研究 本年度計畫主要工作內容可分為四個部份,第一個部份是執行機車新車型審驗、新車抽驗等管制工作。第二個部份是推動機車審驗作業電子化系統建置。第三個部份是執行使用中機車召回改正調查測試作業相關事宜,第四個部份是配合環保署相關政策之實施,協助環保署研擬相關排氣管制措施及進行相關基礎研究。本計畫已全部執行完成,有4個引擎族新車抽驗之污染初測不合格,有10個引擎族於新車污染控制元件查驗不合格,自行品管部份,有許多測試不合格情形,顯示品質一致性有待改進,2014車型年環保機車評比,初步篩選結果有13個引擎族入選。在電子化審驗系統方面,審驗系統對於合格證規費廠商自付手續費調整、新增各車型與製造國的對應、兩證合一製發進度查詢、電子化系統IPv6的對應與環保車自動評選,均已完成並上線使用。在使用中機車召回改正調查測試方面,已完成50輛車之測試,結果都合格。現有五期車輛污染排放數據,約二成以下可符合未來類六期法規;歐盟2013年認證數據分析,約六成可通過我國機車五期法規標準,日本2013年認證數據都無法符合我國機車五期法規標準;國內法規部份,環保署已公告修正「機車廢氣排放測試方法及程序」與「交通工具空氣污染物排放標準」第二條、第六條、第七條內容;美國2013年機車耐久數據轉換我國數據後,有18%~25%的劣化係數大於1.4,顯示國內指定劣化係數=1.4,相較於美國的車輛劣化係數並不嚴格,是合理數值;國內一萬五千公里下之CO、HC與NOx實車耐久劣化係數平均值分別為1.117、1.082與1.114,推估至二萬公里時,平均值分別為1.177、1.137與1.233,推估至三萬五千公里時,平均值分別為1.305、1.214與1.296; WMTC與五期行車測試型態污染排放比較測試顯示,CO與HC主要排放污染在第一階段(冷車),HC尤其明顯,NOx的主要排放污染在後半階段(熱車),尤其在較大排氣量車輛高速階段更為明顯;使用中大型重型機車之污染排放現況調查測試,超過保證里程以上車輛,排放污染易偏高,甚至遠高於排放標準,認證值接近或相同於排放標準者,使用中也易於超過排放標準,HC不合格比例較高;使用中機車污染控制元件查核,全部都合格;老舊車輛之CO與HC排放值經車輛保養後有下降的趨勢,部份車的CO與NOx劣化明顯高於認證之劣化係數。綜合本年度執行成果,有以下幾點建議:(一).本年度新車抽驗仍有2個引擎族待進一步複測或召回改正,後續須再持續追蹤複測結果與召回改正進行進度。(二).目前部份進口車業者自行品管部份,除了品管數量不足外,亦有多筆品管測試不合格情形且未針對此檢討原因及改善,業者執行自行品管較不積極,建議對此業者如於通知期限內仍未完成者,以暫停核章作為處罰,促使其確實依規定完成品質管制。(三).對於污染控制元件不一致的廠商,除要求廠商更正外,亦請廠商將此項工作列入品質計畫書的一部分,落實自主管理,主動自行抽樣檢查是否一致並記錄,同時將列入明年度查核重點,此外,針對此元件查核不合格之引擎族,建議可適度調整該公司新車抽驗的比例,促使各公司能更專注於法規執行面的落實。 (四).目前市面上車輛有改裝污染控制元件的情形,建議主管機關應聯合各地方環保局與警政單位應加以取締,以杜絕不合法竄改歪風,維護空氣品質。(五).目前紙本合格證明的核發,包含新引擎族、修改、延伸、沿用目的,數量不少,兩證合一後,單方面變動(污染或噪音),仍須再重新核發紙本合格證明,紙張使用量大,建議未來改以電子證書型式,作為流通證明,取消紙本合格證明,以符合節能減碳需求。(六).本計畫研究顯示,老舊車輛之CO與HC排放值經車輛保養後有下降的趨勢,建議主管機關能敦促業者落實車輛保檢制度,以有效控制車輛污染排放。 Implement of the new model motorcycle certification, C.O.P inspection, the in-used motorcycle recall This year, four major tasks were being set as this project’s major work contents which include: 1: implement new motorcycle new model certification and Conformity of Production (COP) emissions control measures; 2: promote to establish motorcycle electronic certification process; 3: implement in-use motorcycle recall and correction investigation tests; 4: cooperate with Taiwan EPA to implement motorcycle emissions control related control measures and help EPA to draft exhaust emissions standards and related basis researches.This project has finished all tasks and according to the test results: 4 engine families failed the preliminary emissions tests; 10 engine families failed the inspection of emission control devices. As to the COP tests, many new motorcycles failed the tests which indicates that it is necessary to improve the consistency of quality for manufacturing of new motorcycles. As to the evaluation of 2014 model year green motorcycles, there were 13 engine families being preliminary selected.As to the electronic certification process, the system being upgraded with the following functions: adjusted the application fee for manufacturers; added motorcycle type with correspond to its country of origin; progress inquiry for emissions and noise combined certificate application; electronic certification system corresponds to IPv6 with the function of evaluate and select green vehicle automatically, all of the previous mentioned functions are available on-line.As to the in-use motorcycle testing, 50 motorcycles being tested and all in compliance with the standards.According to the emissions database for stage 5 compliance motorcycles, less than 20% motorcycles could comply with the future stage 6 standards; from the EU 2013 emissions certification database analysis, about 60% of motorcycles could comply with the stage 5 standards; according to 2013 emissions certification database in Japan, none motorcycle could comply with our stage 5 standards; As to the emissions control regulations, the EPA has announced revisions to “Motorcycle Cold Driving Cycle Exhaust Pollution Testing Methods and Procedures” and revised contents of Article 2, 6, and 7 of “Vehicular Air Pollutant Emission Standards”; the average DF values of CO, HC, and NOx for domestic motorcycles with 15,000 km on-road durability travel mileage are 1.117, 1.082, and 1.114, for motorcycles estimate to 20,000 km are 1.177, 1.137, and 1.233, estimate to 35,000 km are 1.305, 1.214, and 1.296; the test results being performed by using WMTC and Stage 5 driving cycle have shown that CO and HC emissions mainly emitted during the first period (Cold Driving) more obvious for HC, the NOx emissions mainly emitted during later stage (Hot Driving) more obvious for large engine size motorcycles; the investigation tests for current in-use median and large engine size heavy motorcycles have shown that motorcycles with travel mileage exceed their warranty mileage tend to emit more emissions, sometimes far exceed the standards, motorcycles with certification emissions values close to or the same as their applicable standards, prone to exceed the standards during in-use period, HC failed rate were higher; as to the inspection on emissions control devices for in-use motorcycles, all inspections were in compliance; for old motorcycle, the CO and HC emissions tends to decrease after maintenance being performed, some motorcycle’s CO and NOx deteriorated higher than the certified DF values.Suggestions:(一). This year, two engine families failed to comply with the new motorcycle model random selection tests, and waiting for further testing or being requested to perform recall and correction program, the progress of subsequent repeat tests or recall and correction program should be traced and monitored.(二). Currently, for some importers, the execution of self C.O.P tests is unsatisfactory, this project suggests EPA to suspend their certificates as punishment and provide as a measure to push them to finish their quality control program in accordance with regulations.(三). As to the manufacturers with unsatisfactory emissions control performance, besides to request manufacturers to correct their defects, this project also suggests that this task should be included in the manufacturer’s quality control program, their manufactured emissions control devices should be random selected, inspected and recorded to check the consistency of quality by manufacturers, this task should be focused and to be checked in this project next year. In addition, as to the engine families with failed emission control devices, the ratios of their new motorcycle random selection tests should be increased to push the manufacturers to implement and comply with regulations.(四). Currently, there are some motorcycles with modified emissions control devices and being found in the market which should be banned.(五). For energy saving and carbon reduction purpose, in the future, paper emission certificate should be replaced by electronic version and to be circulated as supporting documents.(六). From the research of this project, the CO and HC emissions for old motorcycles tend to decrease after proper maintenance, this project suggests, the competent authority should establish an inspection and maintenance system to ensure proper maintenance being performed regulary. 102 空保處 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66503
102年度臺南市紙錢減量集中燒管制計畫 本計畫執行期間(102年03月20日至102年12月31日),共計有745處單位參與紙錢集中燒政策,其中以集合式大樓(含社區)245次最多、其次為寺廟140次,而整體總收運量則為747.99公噸,削減總懸浮微粒7,465公斤、一氧化碳81,449公斤;至於在「以功代金」方面,今年度結合教育局、社會局、瑞復益智中心、臺南北區家扶中心、臺南家扶中心、德蘭啟智中心、蘆葦啟智中心、鴻佳啟能庇護中心、蓮心園基金會、創世基金會;結合社福團體在15處納骨塔宣傳,同時搭配全家便利捐款模式,並推廣32處集合式大樓配合,截至12月底共有2,106人響應,其累計捐款達759,700元,減少二氧化碳25,070公斤,較101年度成長四成。另外,執行期間共計進行845件次寺廟訪查,211間採用足百紙錢、355間使用LED光明太歲燈、461間有一爐一香,並新增27家寺廟配合「以米代金」政策,結合原有和節慶推廣年度減少7,664公斤紙錢用量,碳排約減少11.5公噸。統計1,515間廟宇紙錢燃燒量約每年10,319公噸、燃香量每年約325公噸,臺南市有60間廟宇設置金爐防制設備,推估年度總紙錢燃燒量約2,728公噸,占全市廟宇燃燒量26%,可減少總懸浮微粒23,219公斤。至於在相關宣導方面,已辦理完成1場次跨局處協商會、2場清明時期紙錢集中宣導說明會、1場以功代金宣導說明會、2場中元時期紙錢集中宣導說明會、2場淨爐儀式和1場祈福法會;另在媒體宣導方面,則完成2場記者會、發佈相關環保新聞新聞稿8則、進行跑馬燈播放3次以及電台廣播3次。 Tainan City 102 annual reduction centralized paper money to burn control plan “2013 Tainan City Management and Control Project of Ghost Money decrement & converge-burning”(the project), executed from March 20, 2013 to December 31, 2013(the period), completed objectives whithin the arranged schedule. During the period, there are 745 units participated in the converge-burning acitivity (the acitivty). Most of them are from apartment building and community 277 times, followed by the temple 140 times. The total weight of converge-burning Ghost Money is 747.99 ton, reduced TSP 7,049 kg and carbon monoxide 7,645kg. In order to maximazed the project’s publicity, the project encourage citizens to replace the ghost money with charity donations. The project conbined Family Mart convenience donations system and invited several organizations, such as Education Department, Socail Welfare Department, St. Raphael Opportunity Center, Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, St. Theresa Opportunity Center, Luway Opportunity Center, Hung-Chia Sanctuary Center, The LSY Organiztion, Genesis Social Welfare Foundation, to prmote charity donations instead of buring ghost money at 15 Grave Towers and 32 apaterment buding. The acitivity is not only attracted 2,106 people to participat but also accumlated donation amout of NT$ 759,700. Camparing to year of 2012, the reducing amount of carbon dioxide grew 40 percent to 25,070 kg from such activity. Meanwhile, the project also conducted 845 times temple visiting, 211 units using environmental ghost money, 355 units having LED Taisui device, 461 units reducing incense quantities, and 27 units joined the policy of “God bless rice instead of ghost money”. Combined with all policy participating temples, the project reduced 7,664kg of paper weight and 11.5 ton of carbon dioxide. Statistic shown, there were 1,515 temples that conducted ghost money and incense burning, the estimated number was 10,319 ton of ghost paper and 325 ton of incense. Now, there are 60 temple the implanted burner with air pollution control facilities, estimated amount is 2,728 ton, 26% of Tainan City’s amount, it can reduced 23,219 kg TSP. In the part of advocacy, the project held 1 session for cross-bureau coordinate meeting, 2 converge-burning explanatory conferences during the Tomb Sweeping period, 1 explanatory conference for denotation instead of burning ghost money, 2 converge-burning explanatory conference during the The Chungyuan Festival, 2 clean process ceremonies on the incinerator, and 1 award ceremony. Moreover, held 2 press conferences, released 3 times of broadcast and 3 times of television marquee, and published 8 news 102 台南市環境保護局 堃捷工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67023
102年度環保集點制度規劃及建置專案工作計畫 近年來,為因應全球暖化與氣候變遷,各國政府也開始重視環境維護為發展之重要議題,如何在維護經濟利益的同時,又不與環境保護相互牴觸,是企業與各國政府所必須面對的棘手課題。環保集點制度推動是一個環保行為有價化的概念,是一個金融與行銷的推動制度,針對不同對象分別建立具體環保行動誘因,由政府、企業及民眾共同參與實踐。「環保行動有價」即是指透過環保集點制度,政府各部會攜手合作,給合民間資源,共同獎勵選購綠色產品及參與環保行動者。制度推動之初,規劃以綠色產品(服務)製造商、販售商做為主要綠點提供者,輔以環保署提供綠點加碼提高誘因,啟動環保集點制度,擴大整合公部門相關部會與民間資源,可供後續綠色消費使用,以點數交換、扣抵環保產品費用,支付公共交通費用捐款等形式回饋給消費者。引領民眾力行綠色生活,並藉由乘數效果,擴大綠色消費市場,帶動綠色經濟循環。本計畫借鏡韓國(Green Card)、日本(COCOCA、ECO AP)、中國(綠色信用卡)等國綠點相關制度及我國現行集點制度(相關載具、電子發票、紅利積點、綠色商店等),並由各機關單位訪談內容強化可能情境研析。本計畫完成六十家單位訪視,蒐集並研議對於民眾及企業之誘因方案;研析完成綠色產品減碳計算規劃及綠點兌換減碳計算平台規劃;完成三場次綠色產品識別及集點運行方式研商會議,並收集相關單位意見調查問卷;最後,完成環保集點LOGO徵選活動。 2013 Green point system planning and building project plans In recent years, governments around the word have begun attaching the importance of environmental maintenance issue to promote environmental protection in the global context. The thorny issue that a government must face is how to safe the economic interest to be not in conflict with environmental protection. Green point system to promote environmental protection is a valuable environmental behavior of the concept, is a financial promotion and marketing of the system, namely the establishment of specific incentives for different objects environmental action by governments, businesses and the public to participate in practice."Environmental Action valuable," which means the set point system through environmental, government ministries will work together to close private resources together to award the purchase of green products and actors involved in environmental protection. System to promote the beginning, planning to green products (services) Manufacturers, Vendors, as the primary provider Green Point, Green Point overweight supplemented by EPA to provide improved incentives, environmental set-point system to start and expand the integration of the public sector related ministries and private resources available for subsequent use of green consumption, to exchange points, imputed cost of environmentally friendly products, pay for public transport costs back to consumers in the form of donations. Lead people to practice green living, and through the multiplier effect, expand the green consumer market, driving the green economy cycle. This project learn Korean (Green Card), Japan (COCOCA, ECO AP), Chinese (green credit card) and other relevant national Green Point system and our current set-point system (related to vehicles, electronic invoices, bonus points, green shops ), and interviews by the departments and units to strengthen research and analysis of possible scenarios. This project is completed sixty units of visits, gathering and deliberation incentives for people and businesses in the program; research analysis completed for green products is calculated carbon reduction plan and Green Point Carbon computing platform conversion plan; complete three sessions of green product identification and collection point operation mode to study and meetings, and collect relevant units opinion survey; Finally, to complete the green point LOGO environmental levy election activities. 102 管考處 汎宇電商股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66931
101、102年應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體監督查核評鑑專案工作計畫 本計畫主要研修稽核認證監督管理制度及協助執行相關監督查核評鑑作業;規劃透過稽核認證監督查核評鑑制度,制定相關管理規範,防止稽核認證作業中產生弊端、提高稽核作業效率;完成規劃導入各項稽核認證管理系統,包含資源回收(RRMS)系統中稽核認證監督作業業務管理資訊功能、受補貼機構交通位置圖監督平台電子化、稽核認證團體監督業務e化管理平台與監督計畫現場查核電子題庫。檢討應回收廢棄物稽核認證監督制度及實體標準流程作業內容,並導入實廠觀摩,分析稽核認證監督作業執行成果,由查核評鑑缺失及稽核人力、稽核作業重點、稽核認證量核算等關鍵查核要點,以評估有效之稽核認證作業改善項目、查驗模式與計畫工作等,研擬提升監督作業成效方案,並提出稽核認證專案具體建議需求。101及102年期間協助委員完成應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體之實廠觀摩9場次、查核作業共112場、評鑑作業16場及7場以上相關會議之檢視與研析,提出修正建議。透過以上本計畫作業內容,可強化整體稽核認證制度面、執行面及系統面之作業效能及品質。 2012-2013 Project on the Monitoring, Checking and Evaluation of Auditing and Certification Groups an The project mainly aims to design and devise the auditing and certification monitoring system, and conduct related monitoring, checking and evaluation of auditing and certification operations. Through this auditing and certification monitoring system, the underlying management regulation will be set up, and irregularities occurred in auditing and certification procedure will be prevented, thereby the operation efficiency of auditing will be increased. The project has completed an introduction of various auditing and certification management systems, including the management information function of auditing, certification and monitoring in Resources recycling information management system (RRMS), e-management platform of monitoring businesses for auditing and certification groups, e-map for subsidized businesses, and e-question bank for on-site checking of monitoring project.The executive unit of the project also reviewed the auditing, certification, and monitoring regulations for recyclable wastes and the contents of concrete standard operating procedure; furthermore, the executive unit started to introduce factory on-site visiting, analyzing the result of auditing, certification, and monitoring operations;by checking some critical auditing items such as drawbacks evaluation, labor power evaluation, main points of auditing operations, and the quantity of auditing and certification, the project has evaluated the improvement items and the checking modes and plans to effectively boost up the result of auditing and certification operation. A proposal of the enhancement of monitoring efficiency will be studied and specific suggestions for auditing certification program will be proposed.In 2012 and 2013, the executive unit of the project has assisted the committee members to complete 9 on-site visits for recycled recyclable wastes auditing and certification groups, organizing 112 checking operations, performing 16 evaluation operations, and holding at least 7 relevant reviewing and analysis conferences, in which some corrective suggestions were proposed. Through the contents of this project briefly described above, the project may enhance auditing and certification efficiency in the aspect of institution and execution and system. 101 基管會 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66383
102年臺東縣空氣品質管理計畫 空氣在人們生活的環境是無法分割的,好與壞也會深深影響生活品質及國民健康,早在民國64年就對空氣污染防制制定公告,陸續也不斷與時俱進的修正,環保意識不斷抬頭是世界潮流,亦是近幾年來政府所積極努力方向,並長期投入各項空氣污染防制作為,為達到改善空氣品質之目的。臺東縣(以下簡稱本縣)自85年度起在空污費的補助及各級相關單位努力下,訂定各項空氣污染管制工作計畫,並且配合行政院環境保護署推動執行「空氣品質管理計畫」,為各項空氣品質或 改善相關計畫之間橫向聯繫、管理執行品質、整合分析及研擬管制策略等。依據本縣地方特色之空氣污染排放源之掌握程度,由相關資訊之蒐集與分析,針對不同污染問題及其發生原因,研訂不同減量方案,綜合考量各項減量對策之行政執行性、技術可行性、經濟成本效益等因素,適時提出建議事項,做為未來管制策略研擬與年度空污計畫執行方向規劃。為積極有效運用空污費以改善本縣空氣品質,並於行政院環境保護署制定的績效考評制度中爭取成績,對於各項空氣污染防制基金補助執行之「空氣品質改善」的監督管控工作實為重要,因此本計畫擔任綜合彙整辦理之職責,協助環保局執行各計畫查核管制,整合各計畫之成果及展現,並協助臺東縣空氣污染防制基金之運作執行。本計畫自民國102年4月22日簽約完成開始執行相關工作,至期末計畫工作執行成果說明如下:一、空氣品質計畫執行本計畫執行皆依合約規定執行,至102年12月31日止計畫執行情形皆符合合約規範。二、臺東縣空氣品質維護情形及空氣品質維護或改善相關計畫績效管理(一)各計畫估算自評下,扣除環保署及「空氣污染防制技術諮詢小組」評定之項目,查核結果102年1月至12月PSI小於50站日數比例增加率1.41%,PSI≦50站日數(87.12%)比例已達102年污防書訂定之目標值(85.5%),自評成績總合為81.86分。(二)自5月開始執行各計畫工作執行之查核作業至103年1月止,查核過程中5月至8月,查核時經常發現問題,故本計畫加強查核方式,除執行每月之查核作業外,本計畫會隨時提醒子計畫,增加討論及確定資料正確定之次數,及不定期追踨執行成效。(三)因氣候變化大,使得維護良好空氣品質為一向具挑戰性之工作,在102年10月3日發生了1件空氣品質不良之事件日,為此在空氣品質管理計畫結合相關空氣污染防制計畫共同為空氣品質不良之緊急應變流程進行調整及工作項目具體化之工作,使得在後續102年10月陸續幾個颱風靠近臺灣時,雖仍為造成產生揚塵緊急應變之啟動,但目前為止空氣品質(PSI值)尚且保持102年1件事件日,並使各空氣污染防制計畫人員在揚塵污染發生時,有充足之應變作業時間。三、細懸浮微粒及臭氧管制102年由文獻、相關模式模擬結果、排放量、測站地理位置、氣象資料及相關測站資料進行分析主要污染成因及來源推估。(一)臺東要執行細懸浮微粒及臭氧之主成分、污染成因及來源探討,其數據量缺乏,需建置完整之在地資料庫。(二)102年止東部地區(宜蘭測站、花蓮測站及臺東測站) 細懸浮微粒每日最大小時平均濃度明顯超法規標準值(35μg/m3)現象出現在11月。歷年臺東地區(關山測站及臺東測站)細懸浮微粒每日最大小時平均濃度明顯超法規標準值現象曾出現在3、9、11、12月。歷年臭氧月平均濃度為最大值臺東地區之臺東測站及關山測站資料顯示皆為4月。(三)由臺東測站之臭氧濃度最大值發生時間、UVB濃度最大值發生時間、日照時數之相互比較可得臭氧與UVB濃度最大值之好發時段約差1至2小時。另由前述統計分析臺東臭氧濃度最大值常出現在4、10月,再與日照時數比對,發現兩者無顯著關係。(四)細懸浮微粒與污染行業別中發現臺東地區細懸浮微粒之年排放量與車輛、工業及燃燒行為有關。臭氧與污染行業別中發現臺東地區臭氧之年排放量與移動污染源有關。(五)在102年模式模擬結果中得臺東縣河川揚塵尖峰排放事件及露天燃燒減量對境內細懸浮微粒空氣品質不良影響顯著。臺東縣移動源增量會增加尖峰臭氧濃度,但顯著性小。(六)未來細懸浮微粒污染減量可由具顯著性之面源加強著手,例露天燃燒管制、揚塵管制。未來臭氧污染減量可由具顯著性之線源加強著手,例觀光季節時尖峰車輛管制。四、模式模擬依據「空氣品質模式模擬規範」之「網格模式使用規範」第七條第五項規定「模擬期程應使用中央主管機關公布於網站之案例日」。且依據「空氣品質模式支援中心」公告之空氣污染模擬案例日,因其公告之案例日為2007年中的案例,所以本計畫使用的人為源排放量為以2007年人為源排放量做基準的TEDS7.1(模式使用參數部分:(1)使用模式為CMAQ4.6版,(2)化學模組設定為AERO4搭配CB-05,(3)氣象參數方面為中尺度氣象模式(Mesoscale Model ver. 5, MM5)所模擬之三維網格氣象場資料,(4)人為源排放量(臺灣)使用臺灣排放量資料庫(Taiwan Emission Database System,TEDS)7.1,(5)人為原排放量(東亞)使用東亞人為源排放量REAS(Regional Emission inventory in Asia)資料庫,(6)生物源排放量(臺灣)使用臺灣生物源排放推估模式(Taiwan Biogenic Emission Inventory System, TBEIS),(7)生物源排放量(東亞)使用東亞生物源排放量推估模式(East Asia Biogenic Emission Inventory System, EABEIS))。並以性能評估(驗證)的部份做為測站測值之比較及結果分析。模擬結果為:(一)臺東縣最大造紙廠關閉,對縣境內臭氧空氣品質影響輕微。(二)臺東縣因觀光所造成之移動源增量,會增加縣境內臭氧尖峰空氣品質濃度及PM之濃度,但影響並不顯著。(三)臺東縣河川揚塵尖峰排放事件對境內PM空氣品質不良影響顯著。(四)臺東縣露天燃燒減量對境內PM空氣品質改善顯著。建議:(一)臺東縣尖峰臭氧濃度在合格範圍,依現有法規執行即可。(二)臺東縣河川揚塵及露天燃燒對PM空氣品質影響顯著,為本縣之管制重點。五、臺東縣排放量管理由資料集及分析統計,得到臺東地區主要污染來源為營建/道路、工業及車輛,故管制重點在固定污染源方面在總懸浮微粒可由粒狀物許可排放量高的工廠(場)或申排放量高的工廠(場)著手,如久明企業有限公司大武廠、佛育企業股份有限公司吉林廠、俊發砂石場二廠等之「堆置場作業程序」開始管理。硫氧化物可由紙漿廠著手,如中華紙漿股份有限公司臺東廠;氮氧化物可由許可排放量高的工廠(場)或申排放量高的工廠(場)著手,如臺灣電力股份有限公司臺東區營業處蘭嶼發電廠與綠島發電;揮發性有機物可由許可排放量高的工廠(場)或申排放量高的工廠(場)著手,如臺灣電力股份有限公司臺東區營業處蘭嶼發電廠。在移動污染源方面主要可由汽油車、柴油車、船舶著手加嚴管制,另因移動污染源與人口密度有關,所以也可由臺東市及鄰近鄉鎮開始著手加嚴管制。在逸散污染源方面營建工程可由太麻里、臺東市、卑南鄉開始著手加嚴管制。六、 空氣品質涵容能力臺東地區普遍屬二級空品防制區,參考「空氣污染防制法」、「行政院環境保護署 空氣品質改善維護資訊網 空氣品質分區管理」公告資料,臺東地區可事先預防由容許增量限值了解,雖然臺東至102年為止沒有需要以「容許增量限值」規範之固定污染源,因尚未達一定規模。但「空氣污染防制法施行細則第七條」規定污染物之容許增量限值,可供參考。使臺東地區之污染物排放量不超過法規訂定之「容許增量限值-懸浮微粒、二氧化硫、二氧化氮、臭氧」。臺東縣之「容許增量限值推估結果」懸浮微粒「年平均」容許增量限值為2.00μg/m3,硫氧化物「年平均」容許增量限值為7.30 ppb,氮氧化物「年平均」容許增量限值為11.20ppb,臭氧「八小時平均」容許增量限值12.40 ppb。七、 宣輔導室內空氣品質自主管理本計畫巡檢23家及定檢6家公私場所之二氧化碳,並針對二氧化碳有超過法規標準值之場所,持續輔導改善,定檢後有發現部份場所之濃度有下降,今年本計舉辦理之2家宣輔導說明會,發現相關公私場所也開始注意本項法規,但若要到公私場所自主管理,則需進一步輔導及調查執行意願。未來執行建議包括:一、 空氣品質維護要執行空氣品質維護及總量管理,則排放量之資料庫之建置需完整,且臺東地區長期仰賴臺東測站及關山測站之監測數值進行空氣品質維護工作,然因氣候變遷,使得氣候極端化,所以不可沒有事前預防之準備,加上102年之細懸浮微粒年平均值較前年高,故相關污染防制工作,除列行工作加強行外,也需準確實際化學分析及檢測,以協助臺東維持好空氣。二、PSI、污染物維護除臭氧小時第8大值、細懸浮微粒年平均值、細懸浮微粒小時第98百分位累計高值濃度外,其他已達成102年之目標,建議應針對歷年臭氧、細懸浮微粒濃度超過法規標準之好發月份加強污染減量作為。三、 污染防制執行除機車納管率-NMHC外,其他已達成102年之目標。建議未來規劃「污染防制執行」之工作項目應納入合約,及針對環保署及地方考評要求規劃,並檢視歷年達成情況。四、 空氣品質維護或改善相關計畫績效管理查核工作維持提前告訴各計畫需注意事項,及建議未來可以做到污染氣象預報或預測及結合緊急應變作業,使得空氣品質可提前維護;加強執行品質可將環保署現場查核事項及記錄過程錄影,建立相關計畫專責人員教學系統,逐一提高執行績效及考評成績。五、 排放量管理除固定污染源外,其他污染源資料都有不足情況,尤其是移動污染源至102年為止尚只能由臺東縣TEDS 7.1推估排放量。提供建議如:(一)移動污染源:可由二種方式(車種用油分配推估、車行分佈推估)綜合推估有效之移動污染源排放量。(二)逸散污染源:因針對裸露地污染估算較為缺乏,所以建議執行裸露地污染估算,且可針對揚塵好發時間加強防制工作。六、宣輔導室內空氣品質自主管理公私場所之自主管理需結合跨局處會議相關單位執行推動室內氣品質管理輔導,及結合環境教育,輔導建立室內空品自主管理示範場所,建立室內空氣品質自主管理之標章方案及室內空氣品質自主管理競賽或奬勵方案,使公私場所可以提高執行意願。 102 台東縣環境保護局 綠森環境工程技師務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=62587
102年度高屏溪河川揚塵防制及改善推動計畫 根據高屏溪流域現地調查及衛星影像圖資分析結果,萬大大橋到里嶺大橋河段有較大面積裸露地,其於102年6~10月間發生7天次河川揚塵事件。有鑑於此,本計畫彙整多處揚塵潛勢區供水利單位做為工法施作之選址參考,102年度第七河川局已改善24.3公頃河床裸露地,建議未來仍應持續掌握防制工法、疏濬作業及外租耕地施作情形,以了解高屏溪裸露地改善狀況。在現地揚塵影響狀況之掌握部分,除分別於高屏溪中、下游(屏東市六塊厝污水廠及萬丹鄉新興國小)各設置一套懸浮微粒即時監測設備,以掌握現地即時PM10濃度與氣象狀況外,並解析高屏溪沿岸測站及十處落塵量監測結果,界定出高度影響區為里港鄉及萬丹鄉沿岸村里。此外,預警通報標準除依高屏兩縣市共擬之三層級標準外,在本計畫解析歷次河川揚塵事件日之氣象條件後,另增訂三項揚塵預警通報標準:(1)吹拂南風系且林園測站風速達4.8m/s時,將發送預警簡訊予應變單位及新園鄉與萬丹鄉下游受體單位;(2)若持續吹拂南風系且林園測站風速達5.7m/s或大寮測站風速達4.8m/s時,將發送預警簡訊予應變單位及屏東市-里港鄉中上游受體單位;(3)針對吹拂北風系時,玉田國小測站風速達3.3m/s,立即發送預警簡訊予應變單位及里港鄉、九如鄉及屏東市區受體單位。建議未來仍應持續修正預報程序,讓相關單位及下風處受體能提前進行應變及自我防護程序。防護演練辦理部分,先於102年6月11日於里港鄉玉田國小辦理第一場中級河川防護演練,主題以受體應變為主,參加人數共200餘人;再於102年11月18日辦理高屏兩縣市聯合防護演練,主要呈現高屏兩縣市環保局及相關單位之橫向聯繫及應變情形,參加人數共200餘人。宣導作業方面,102年9月25日分別於曾受河川揚塵影響之萬丹鄉興華國小與及屏東市前進國小,各辦理1場次學校教育宣導活動,與會師生共計190人;另於102年11月9日及12月23日,分別於萬丹鄉及里港鄉辦理村里及社區宣導活動,與會村長及民眾共計120人。上述宣導活動均搭配問卷調查作業,以利了解辦理成效。為研議可行之揚塵改善及管理策略,特於102年7月31日舉辦高屏兩縣市河川揚塵防制圓桌會議;另於103年1月2-3日辦理外縣市技術轉移活動,偕同環保局長官至濁水溪現地了解雲林縣環保局在揚塵防制工法施作方面之成果。媒體宣導方面,截至103年3月底止,特委託有線電視台機動性播放29天次之跑馬燈宣導,以及24天次廣播防護宣導。同時,為擴大防護宣導效益,本計畫在環保局協助下,也向屏東縣政府觀光傳播處新聞行政科申請利用LED跑馬燈播放揚塵防護內容。其他單位橫向聯繫部份,環保局空污科結合本計畫與相關計畫推動「天羅地網捕砂計畫」,102年度已完成道路洗掃作業13,804 km,推估可減少35.9噸PM10。本計畫另橫向聯繫第七河川局調派灑水車機動性進行揚塵抑制,並就沿岸工法施作、揚塵應變及CCTV即時監測資料等內容進行研討。而在環保署現地輔導及考核方面,已將環保署長官及委員所提供之改善建議納入後續執行參考,期能提升本計畫執行之實際效益。 - - 102 屏東縣政府環境保護局 環佑實業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66417
102年度台東縣流域水污染管制暨緊急應變處理計畫 本計畫由102年4月15日起執行至102年12月15日為止,工作重點主要為進行水污染巡查管制及採樣檢測作業、水污染列管事業之功能評鑑作業、水污染防治計畫及許可申請文件申請審查、辦理水污染法規政策說明會及稽查管制教育訓練、設計製作宣導品與撰寫新聞稿、資料庫更新及河川水質改善分析探討、辦理水環境巡守隊淨溪與宣導教育活動、辦理本縣水環境巡守隊縣外觀摩活動、協助水環境巡守隊運作經營、辦理水及海洋污染事件緊急應變演練、海洋污染事件緊急應變教育訓練、海洋油污應變設備器材整備、港口污染及漁港漁船污染加強巡查、推動綠色港口措施及配合計畫相關績效考核等事項,執行工作內容概述如下:一、水污染巡查管制及採樣檢測作業截至目前本計畫已完成230家次水污染巡查管制,以及81家次之水污染事業採樣檢測作業,後續將完成契約書規定之230家次水污染巡查管制。另外,配合環保局調度完成17家次、26 家數假日或夜間稽查,並提出因應管制措施供 貴局參考。二、水污染列管事業之功能評鑑作業依據環保署公布之篩選原則,並依其行業特性及操作現況等條件篩除不適任之對象,本年度功能評鑑之事業為中華紙漿股份有限公司台東廠及鹿野鼎開發股份有限公司,本計畫於102年7月完成初評,於102年8月與專家學者進行複評稽查採樣作業,完成初步功能評鑑報告,並於102年9 月邀請2 家業者召開協談會議,協談會議中針對業者缺失進行詳細討論,業者承諾於102年9 月30 日提送相關缺失改善計畫,目前持續至現場進行改善進度追蹤。三、水污染防治計畫及許可申請文件申請審查作業截至102年11月8日止,共進行131次(76家)之許可審查,依申請案件類別統計,水污染防治措施計畫設置審查8家,排放地面水體許可證申請審查25家,其中包含新設6家、展延5家、展延及變更8家、變更6家,簡易排放許可文件申請審查43家,其中包含展延40家、展延及變更1家及變更2家。四、辦理水污染法規政策說明會及稽查管制教育訓練本計畫於102年5月27日邀請高雄市政府環境保護局 邱賢緯先生擔任講師,分享多年來在水污染稽查之經驗;此外為精進環保局相關人員之實務經驗,亦到馬偕紀念醫院台東分院進行現場稽查要點說明。另外,本計畫於102年6月26日辦理一場次水污染法規相關政策宣導說明會,特邀行政院環境保護署水保處 林秀珠秘書擔任主講人,提供在場蒞臨之飯店或旅館業者作為水污染許可相關文件申請之參考。五、設計製作宣導品與撰寫新聞稿本計畫已於102年5月31日提交400份水環境保護相關宣導品,後續將配合活動及會議辦理時發放。本計畫已完成7則水環境相關新聞稿發布於台東縣縣政新聞,分別為102年6月4日巡守隊淨溪活動、102年6月26日水污染法規政策相關宣導說明會、102年6月24~25日巡守隊縣外觀摩活動、本年度辦理海污緊急應變器材教育訓練、102年8月28日巡守隊教育訓練、102年10月17日巡守隊經營輔導會議、及102年10月23日綠色港口協調會等新聞稿。六、資料庫更新及河川水質改善分析探討本計畫將持續進行水污染等相關資料庫更新作業,同時持續針對縣內重點河川水質改善進行分析探討等作業。七、辦理水環境巡守隊淨溪與宣導教育活動本計畫分別於鹿野新良人工濕地及利吉辦理淨溪淨川活動,2場次參與人數總計140人次,合計清理垃圾量約1噸;宣導教育活動分別由里壠及利吉巡守隊協助辦理,由巡守隊隊員帶領進行生態導覽活動,2場次參與人數總計136人次。八、辦理水環境巡守隊至縣外參訪觀摩活動本年度巡守隊二天一夜縣外觀摩活動已於6月24~25日辦理完成,參與人數共32人。本次活動邀請高雄市茄萣舢筏協會分享其經營及管理經驗,提供境內河川守護團隊了解及學習其運作經驗,亦邀請民眾、環保志工與巡守隊隊員共襄盛舉,一起為河川守護努力,並增進民眾愛護家園與環境保護的意識。九、協助水環境巡守隊運作經營本計畫已完成巡守隊通報案件登錄共計41件及填報清理日誌,並於102年6月1日協助環保局與鹿野巡守隊簽訂認養鹿野新良人工濕地同意書,訂定不定期進行溼地周遭環境之巡檢作業;另外本計畫於102年10月17日辦理水環境巡守隊經營輔導會議1場次,並協助巡守隊將相關會議及活動成果等登錄於「水環境保育網」。十、水及海洋污染事件緊急應變演練本年度水及海洋污染事件緊急應變演練活動配合東巡局「岸際聯合救生救難」演練擴大辦理,分別於102年5月16日、6月5日、6月11日及6月13日等配合進行海污緊急應變演練預演,並於102年6月14日完成海污緊急應變演練。十一、海洋油污應變緊急應變教育訓練本計畫分別於102年8月14日(台東場)、9月4日(蘭嶼場)及9月日(綠島場)辦理海洋油污緊急應變人員器材教育訓練,召集當地應變單位(包含鄉鎮公所及海巡單位)成員參加,課程包含水污染緊急應變器材操作維護、現場除污作業技巧講習、水上摩托車教育訓練含功能驗證及實務訓練等,使相關應變人員充分瞭解應變設備之操作與保養流程,讓轄區內應變團隊達成安全、即時、有效且協調的應變作業。十一、海洋油污應變設備器材整備本年度海洋油污應變設備器材清查及保養維護已完成3次,分別於102年5月完成第一次、102年7月完成第二次及102年10月完成第三次。十二、港口污染及漁港漁船污染加強巡查本年度已完成台東縣本島8處港口各18次及離島6處港口各6次巡查,在14 處港口中,新蘭漁港常有釣客製造之垃圾散佈於港區內燈塔下方及堤防旁,造成環境髒亂;富岡(伽藍)漁港兼具漁業、觀光及交通之多元化港口,易有垃圾堆積或掉至海面;成功(新港)漁港兼具漁業及觀光,亦常有垃圾堆積於港區內。漁港船舶污染調查共完成165船次,包括27船次離島漁港船舶污染巡查,查核結果船舶廢油回收至當地廢油回收設施占59%,漁民自行帶回家再利用占15%,無廢油產生占26%;垃圾產生量回收至當地漁港垃圾暫存設施占66%,自行帶回家分類或丟至村內垃圾桶占22%,無廢棄物產生占12%。十三、推動綠色港口措施本計畫於102年10月23日辦理船舶廢油及廢油污水排放管理各機關協調會1場次,邀請台東縣政府農業處、轄區漁會、海巡署所屬轄區單位(如東巡局、各大隊及安檢所人員等)及鄉鎮公所等單位與會,會中討論包括廢油、廢污水及廢棄物之排放及處理情形;綠色港口宣導摺頁8,000份(繁體中文4,000份、英文2,000份及印尼文2,000份),已於102年月日提送,配合港口及船舶巡查時發予漁民,並放置於各港口安檢所及漁會辦公室供漁民參閱。十四、其他配合事項配合102年度「海洋油污染應變設備器材整備評鑑考核計畫」海洋油污染應變設備器材整備評鑑現場查核,本計畫已於102年6月11日前提出102年度臺東縣海洋油污染應變設備器材整備業務推動執行成果簡報乙式7份。同時將配合派5名(含)以上人力至海洋油污染應變設備器材整備評鑑查核現場,協助應變設備器材展示現場佈置與示範操作,以利工作推動。並於102年11月8日提送「102年度河川污染整治(含流域管理)計畫」及「102年度海洋污染防治考核計畫」成果報告及簡報。 102 台東縣環境保護局 元律科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=56580
臺東縣低碳永續家園專案辦公室計畫 依2009年全國能源會議決議,環保署規劃並推動於10年內建構「低碳社區」、「低碳城市」及「低碳生活圈」的具體目標及時程。短期將由規模較小的社區開始做起,逐步推動建構低碳示範社區,於2011年建構52個低碳示範社區,中期則由低碳社區逐步成長而形成低碳城市,由個人的低碳作為開始,逐步擴大為低碳社區、低碳城市而達到最終之低碳生活圈目標。本計畫自2013年4月22日簽約完成開始執行相關工作,至期末計畫工作之執行重點項目與成果說明如後,各項工作達成進度彙整如表0-1:一、 專案辦公室與盤點計畫:召開五次專案辦公室會議,經由三次會議調查各局處低碳相關計畫,瞭解各局處相關科室業務職掌及低碳工作推動,並成立專案辦公室組織與委員會,推動低碳相關計畫與政策,權責分工十大運作機能行動項目,俾利後續經由專案辦公室會議定期召開工作聯繫會議。另兩次會議針對社區與跨局處單位會議進行低碳旅遊與氣候變遷調適的經驗分享,俾利後續推動低碳生活、防救災與調適等相關政策推動。二、 東區跨縣市幕僚會議:召開生態綠化、低碳生活、防救災與調適三大運作機能共12場技術與資訊諮詢小組會議,經由此次會議得到東部三縣市委員與縣政府局處科室的意見與建議,將納入專案修正部分,利用四次會議持續修正認養三大運作機能之六個行動專案,將專案修正至可執行專案,利用可執行行動專案向中央爭取經費,推廣低碳,推動行動專案。三、 觀摩活動:東部跨縣觀摩學習活動已辦理完成,藉由參訪花蓮深層海水教育館、豐田三村知名低碳社區,並邀請東部生活圈、專案辦公室成員、社區發展協會一同參與此參訪活動,瞭解低碳運作機能,俾利後續專案辦公室與社區推動低碳措施與政策。四、 各項社區活動:區域防救災組織活動兩場、綠色低碳社區三場、低碳永續家園巡守隊活動兩場皆已辦理完成,於活動中邀請不同專任講師教育暨宣導低碳運作機能與相關概念,並以有獎徵答方式鼓勵民眾專心聽講,得到實際宣導效益。五、 宣導短片:宣導短片以低碳永續生活為出發點,盼能經由社區生活方式,發掘社區本身擁有的低碳作為,如生態綠化、低碳生活、設備節能、建築節能、資源循環、綠色運輸、再生能源等七大運作機能之低碳執行措施,藉由宣導短片將低碳永續家園概念推廣至全縣,,並納入今年環保局推動之電動機車,讓宣導短片更加完善,已將宣導短片成果提交審核完成,於11月7日成果晚會上播放。 報告並無英文摘要 報告並無英文摘要 102 台東縣環境保護局 綠森環境工程技師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=61999
102年全國社區大學氣候變遷環境教育推廣專案工作計畫 因氣候變遷所造成的全球環境危機,已是這個世紀全體人類最大的挑戰和必須共同面對的嚴肅課題。為因應全球危機,各國政府開始積極推動各種有關氣候變遷的調適方案。我國雖非聯合國成員,但作為地球村生命共同體的一員,自當無法置之事外。 Summary of the Plan of Promoting Environmental Education Concerning Climatic Change among all Commun The global environmental crisis caused by climatic change has become the biggestchallenge for all human beings this century; it is a serious problem that we all must facetogether. To cope with this global crisis, the governments of all countries have begun toactively promote all kinds of climate-related programs. Although Taiwan is not amember of the UN, as a member of the global village, we cannot keep out of the affair. 102 綜計處 社團法人社區大學全國促進會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66878
102至104年度環保設施品質查核督導委託專案工作計畫(102年度,第1年) 本工作計畫之主要執行項目,除研擬本年度中央查核縣(市)政府執行環保設施工程施工品質等相關業務成效之作業流程、表單及後續追蹤外,於環保署所指定之50場次工程查核中,依契約邀請具有環保設施工程專長之專家或學者擔任外聘查核委員(應為公共工程委員會「工程品質查核小組」成員或環保署推薦公共工程委員會查核委員並接受相關講習)至環保署所指定場次之工程現場進行工程品質查核作業,並彙整前項查核結果,對施工中環保設施工程就工程主辦機關、技術服務廠商與承包商分級予以量化評鑑。本計畫迄今已完成50場次之工程品質查核中甲等15場次,乙等為34場次,丙等為1場次,目前品質查核結果大多數皆為乙等,大部分工程品質中等;另有關安全衛生查核甲等為11場次,乙等為36場次,丙等為3場次,安全衛生查核結果以乙等場次居多,占總場次之72%,甲等場次居次,占總場次之22%。本計畫於102年度之主要達成工作項目除前述外亦於7月5號委由BSI完成ISO 9001外部稽核通過複驗工作、完成工程材料檢驗8處次、彙整環保設施常見缺失並依工項類別影像紀錄以及於11月13、14日假國立中興大學辦理環保設施工程品質研習會一場次。 Auditing Project of Construction Quality of the Environmental Protection Facilities (2013-2015) The main objective of this project is to evaluate the construction quality of environmental protection facilities in Taiwan. For each on-site inspection, at least two engineering experts were invited to evaluate the construction quality of 50 construction sites and to administer the construction material testing. All funding agencies, consultants, and contractors of those facility construction projects were quantitatively evaluated. As result, 15, 34, and 1 sites were rated as level A, B, and C, respectively. For occupational safety and health evaluation of these 50 sites, 11, 36, and 3 sites were rated as level A, B, and C, respectively. In addition, this project also included an external recertification of ISO-9001 to this facility inspection taskforce granted by British Standards Institution in July. 5.2013, a conference on the quality management of environmental protection facilities construction in National Chung Hsing University from November 13 to November 14., and 8 random core sampling and testing of construction materials. 102 督察總隊 國立中興大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65542
102年度屏東縣柴油車檢測計畫 計畫名稱: 102年度「屏東縣柴油車檢測計畫」委託單位:屏東縣政府環境保護局執行單位:瑩諮科技股份有限公司計畫主持人:林慈儀 聯絡人:吳明蒼聯絡電話:(07)8151591 傳真:(07)8151590計畫期程:自102年2月27日起至103年2月28日止經費:新台幣肆佰肆拾柒萬元整計畫執行概述:一、 柴油車檢測作業自102年3月1日截至103年2月28日,共計執行柴油車動力計檢測890輛次,無負載檢測492輛次,路邊攔檢615輛次(含6輛直上動力計全負載),場站檢測228輛次,合計執行2,219輛次,累積達成數量100%,總不合格數275輛,不合格率12.4%。二、 非法油品稽查管制計畫期間需配合環保署102年度加強辦理交通管理措施推動暨非法油品查緝計畫,計執行路邊攔車稽查油品採樣87輛次,動力站抽油37輛次,配合地檢署國土小組抽油1輛次,共計完成油品採樣125件,油品皆合格,累積達成數量100%。三、 民眾檢舉案件處理102年1月1日統計至102年12月31日為止,共接獲檢舉柴油車污染156件,因資料不全等原因而不辦案件55件,可通知案件101件,回覆96件。另已完成到檢回覆數為156件。另針對有提供照片或影片之複審評定會議,則採取每月召開2次之方式,現階段統計至12月底,共計通過複審並完成核發檢舉獎勵金17件。四、 柴油車自主管理結合高屏空品區訂定「柴油車客貨運業者自主管理共通規範」,以分級管理為原則。現階段完成117家完成簽訂,列管車輛數達988輛。五、 自主管理及保檢合一推動為推動柴油車自主管理及保檢合一,工作團隊分別於於102年4月30日邀請環保署張和中技師,針對本縣清潔隊,召開「柴油車加裝濾煙器說明會」,會議中針對 大署欲推動柴油車加裝濾煙器及環保駕駛執行宣導,會議中並要求各公務單位柴油車輛全數納入柴油車自主管理系統;102年5月2日則召開「柴油車保檢合一暨環保駕駛說明會」,針對本縣各車隊及保養廠宣導本縣今年度推動之柴油車認證保養廠評選及辦理方法,另外也宣導駕駛習慣的改善能有效達到節能減碳之目的;並依據縣府工商科及蒐集至柴油車動力計檢測站執行排煙檢測之車輛,維修及調修之保養廠業者名單,共歸納328間保養廠,並逐一電話訪問結果,僅有76間屬於柴油車保養廠,經過初步篩選及現場訪查之後,共有4家保養廠進入第二階段評鑑作業,並於102年10月7日邀請專家學者及局內長官完成評鑑作業,其評鑑結果依序名次為優先評選出2家柴油車認可保養廠,分別為裕益汽車股份有限公司屏東分公司及屏東客運修配廠。另於11月7日針對兩家保養廠人員辦理柴油車認可保養廠教育訓練,課程安排包含柴油車排煙檢測原理及儀器設備介紹,另外針對「柴油汽車排氣煙度試驗方法及程序」說明及現行法規之排放標準規範等課程,並且安排人員實際操作演練及現場進行考核測驗,以確認認可保養廠技術人員具備執行檢測能力。六、 停車熄火宣導工作團隊於路邊攔檢與動力站檢測時,除標準解說流程外,亦宣導停車熄火政令並給予宣導貼紙;另至各公務機關、車輛公會及各宣導會進行政令宣導。為因應停車熄火政策,使車主於熄火時能有妥善休息空間,本計畫於102年7月已與瑪家鄉台灣原住民文化園區及墾丁貓鼻頭停車場達成協議,增設司機休息室提供司機休息之區域,進而降低車輛怠速之行為發生,於11月墾丁貓鼻頭停車場已設置完成。七、 削減量推估本計畫執行之削減量,估計102年1月至12月TSP削減20.0公噸,PM10每年削減20.0公噸。 2013 Pingtung County Diesel Vehicle Inspection Program Project title: 2013 Pingtung County Diesel Vehicle Inspection ProgramClient: Pingtung County Environmental Protection BureauExecuted by: Envimac Environmental Solution ProviderPI: Lin Ciyi Contact Person : Wu TsangTel: ( 07 ) 8151591 Fax: ( 07 ) 8151590Project Period: February 27, 2013 until February 28, 2014Funding : NT$44,70,000Project Executive Summary :1. Diesel vehicle inspection operations Since March 1, 2013 to February 28, 2014, there had been a total of 890 diesel vehicle-times inspected, 492 vehicle-times with unloading inspection, 615 vehicle-times inspected at roadside checkpoints (including six vehicle-times with dynamometer at full load), 228 vehicles-times tested at stations, which is a total of 2,219 vehicle-times, with the cumulative number reaching 100%; 275 vehicles failed with a failure rate of 12.4%.2. Inspection and control of illegal oil During the project, in compliance with the EPA, to strengthen the 102 traffic management measures and to promote illegal oil investigation project, there were 87 vehicle-times oil-tested at the roadside checkpoints; 37 vehicle-times oil-pumped at the power stations; in accordance with Homeland office at Kaohsiung District Prosecutor Office, one vehicle-time was oil-pumped. In total, there were 125 samples of oil, which were all qualified, with the number reaching 100% accumulatively.3. The public report case processing From January 1 to December 31, 2013, there were a total of 156 reported cases on diesel vehicle pollution. Due to incomplete information, 55 cases weren’t dealt with. Among 101 notifiable cases, 96 cases were replied. The number of cases responding to checkup were 156. Besides, re-checkup evaluation meetings were held for the cases with photos or videos provided twice a month. Till the end of December, there was a total of 17 cases posing the review and awarded with report incentives. 4. Diesel vehicle self-management In combination with the setting of "Diesel Passenger and Freight Industry Self-management Common Norms “ for the Kaohsiung-Pingtung air quality area, with hierarchical management principal, there were 117 places completing the signing with the number of vehicles reaching 988.5. Self-management and insurance checkup two-in-one promotion To promote diesel vehicle self-management and insurance checkup two-in-one, on April 30, 2013, our team invited technician Mr. Zhang Hezhong gave speech to our county clean team on "diesel vehicles with soot filter installation. In this meeting, we promoted diesel vehicles to install soot filters and eco-friendly driving; we also required all the diesel vehicles owned by the public service offices to be included in the diesel vehicle self-management system; on May 2, 2013, "Diesel vehicle insurance and inspection two-in-one and eco-driving convention” was held to promote the selection handling measures of the diesel vehicle certification maintenance factories in every motorcade and maintenance factories that year. Besides, the improvement of the driving habits was advocated to of effectively achieve the purpose of energy saving and carbon reduction; according to the vehicles from industry branch, Kaohsiung City Government and from diesel vehicle power emission testing stations, on the list of the maintenance factories, there were 328 factories. From the results of one by one telephone interviews, there were only 76 factories belong to diesel vehicle maintenance factories. After initial screening and on-site visits, there was a total of four factories going into the second stage of evaluation operations. On October 7, 2013, experts as well as scholars and executives from bureau were invited to complete the evaluation operations. According to the evaluation results, two approved diesel vehicle maintenance factories were selected from the priority ranking order: Yu Yi Motor Company Limited Pingtung branch and Pingtung passenger transport repair factory respectively. On November 7, the education training were held for these two approved diesel vehicle maintenance factories. The curriculum includes principles on diesel vehicle emissions testing and equipment introduction. Besides, as for the "Diesel vehicle Exhaust Emissions Testing Methods and Procedures,” the curriculum includes emission standards and other existing regulations courses. Some personals were arranged to do practical exercises and on-site assessment tests to confirm the technicians in the approved maintenance factories with the testing skills. 6. Parking stall advocacy When our team inspected vehicles at the roadside bar examination and power stations, in addition to the standard interpretation process, we also advocated parking stall decree and gave propaganda stickers; we also advocate in various public institutions, vehicle unions and other advocacy conventions. In response to parking stall policy, to make vehicle owners have a proper rest at flameout, with the project an agreement has been reached with the Taiwan Aboriginal Culture Park in Majia township and Maobitou, in Kenting parking lot in July, 2013. An additional drivers’ lounge has been built to offer drivers a rest area and thereby reduced vehicle idling condition occurring. In November, the Maobitou parking lot in Kenting has been set.7. Reductions estimate In this project, from January to December, 2013, the amount of TSP reduction has reached 20.0 metric tons, and PM10 reduction of 20.0 tons per year. 102 屏東縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66759
屏東縣汛期高屏溪沿岸揚塵環境清理計畫 摘 要 本工作團隊執行「屏東縣汛期後高屏溪沿岸揚塵環境清理計畫」,執行期程為自102年4月1日至103年3月31日止,本年度截至103年2月23日為止,計畫工作內容執行進度成果摘要如下列說明: 一、推動道路認養制度  輔導高屏溪河川疏濬工程,道路認養5路段,認養長度62.0公里,洗掃作業總長度4,497公里,積土清除作業90路段次,成效查核34處次,其中屬良好有22處次, 12處次列為普通。輔導高屏溪砂石場道路認養5路段,長度16.5公里,洗掃作業總長度為6210.1公里,成效查核99處次,其中59次良好,40次為普通。整體道認養洗掃街長度總計10430.2㎞,TSP削減量為143.9公噸,PM10削減量為27.1公噸。二、疏濬工程裸露地揚塵調查計巡查件數為53處次,工作進度達>100%。三、疏濬工程道路髒污情形調查執行高屏溪12處12個河川疏濬工程,7條周邊運輸道路,完成156處次髒污情形調查。102年度調查結果與101年度比較,道路髒污情形有明顯改善。四、砂石場裸露地調查與空品區規劃  完成高屏溪流域53家砂石場廠區裸露地調查,總裸露地面積為148,103 m2。各廠裸露地面積介於327 m2至9600 m2。另完成10家砂石場小型空品凈化區規劃設計,本計畫與業者溝通規劃設計內容並進行設計圖定稿作業,推估10家砂石場裸露地完成綠美化後,TSP削減量為0.40公噸。五、砂石場稽查管制與輔導作業  列管69家砂石場,運作中54家、暫時停工15家。總巡查件數為531件,工作進度達>100%。輔導砂石場符合管理辦法之符合率,由4月份8.3%提升至103年2月份85.4%;缺失記點數由4月份376點降低至103年2月份 30點。六、砂石車路邊攔檢及攝影跟拍作業  執行14次427輛砂石車攔檢及攝影跟拍作業,符合率介於7%至97%,整體符合率為70%。七、高屏溪疏濬期間聯合稽查作業  執行8次聯合稽查作業,其中執行2次告發處分。八、推動村里長污染巡檢與通報機制  完成訪談疏濬工程所在地村里長計有14村里(次),共完成污染通報32件次,經持續追蹤輔導完成改善。九、排放量與削減量  列管69家砂石場排放量7,787.4公噸,平均707.9公噸/月,推估年總排放量約為8,495.3公噸/年。TSP削減量為328.3公噸,平均每月TSP削減量為29.9公噸。十、民眾滿意度調查  有近8成民眾認為環保局管制砂石場作業及砂石車運輸污染改善有進步,惟仍有2成的民眾期待污染管制能夠再加強,方能符合民眾日常生活品質上的要求。 - - 102 屏東縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66890
102年度基隆市空氣品質綜合管理暨室內空氣品質管制計畫 本計畫工作執行期間,皆依據合約相關規定辦理,並以達成績效指標、環境指標及民意指標為三大努力方向,積極有效運用空氣污染防制經費,改善基隆市空氣品質,並以爭取行政院環境保護署績效考評佳績為目標,協助執行各子計畫查核管制,並整合及展現各項計畫成果,達成空氣品質綜合管理之目的。相關重點摘要分為以下兩類說明:一、工作量化成果:在計劃期間,已依規定完成各3場次之空氣污染管制、港區污染管制、陳情案件處理相關工作檢討會議。每月針對基隆市主要道路進行道路目視普查共執行208段次,通報髒污8件、另配合環保署道路髒污通報完成回報共5件。協助完成辦理1場基隆市環境保護基金管理委員會議,並配合貴局、環保署等相關行政資料或會議之資料撰寫及提報與參與。在環境負荷方面,人口數仍持續呈現下降情形(102年374,914人,較101年減少2,239人)、商業登記家數總數為11,208家、工廠登記數為271家,較101年大致持平;轄區車輛總數280,121輛,主要污染源以機車、小客車為主,合計占96.95%,在全國車輛密度排名第4,屬於中高負荷。在空氣品質方面,102年空氣品質指標(PSI)年平均為44.7,不良比率(PSI>100)為0%;良好比率(PSI≦50)為69.3%,指標污染物為臭氧。基隆市歷年皆優於國家長期改善目標(PSI>100為1.5%)。本年度已針對歷年空氣污染物法規超限情形進行探討分析,主要空氣污染物之超限情形已逐年改善,將以此作為未來空氣污染防制計畫書修訂相關空氣品質目標之調整依據。在推動基隆市室內空氣品質管理方面,皆已依據環保署室內空氣品質考評相關規定,完成預公告場所輔導20處次及配合相關宣導7處次、5處細懸浮微粒檢測;2場次宣導及1場次跨局處協調與宣導會議。民意調查結果,在環保局改善空氣品質工作滿意度有51%(101年50.4%)傾向滿意,34.3%(101年35.8%)傾向不滿意。整體來說,有五成以上市民對於環保局改善空氣品質之工作成效感到滿意。未來建議應針對市民認為應加強管制之標的,朝向解決民眾陳情原因來努力,結合多元化宣導,提升民眾環保意識與知識,進而提高民眾好感與認同。二、未來方向建議:有關基隆市各項空氣污染防制暨空氣品質維護改善工作之相關未來可行推動方向及作法,綜整重點建議如下:(一)細懸浮微粒污染掌握:未來可進一步編列相關模式模擬分析,以釐清基隆市細懸浮微粒濃度成分、來源比例,瞭解轄區內細懸浮微粒境內境外之污染比例,以進一步掌握污染來源與對象。(二)重點污染源管制推動:基隆主要污染源除協和電廠之外,以移動污染源為另外一主要排放來源,尤其以機車為主,應以管制為主、搭配持續汰舊及低污染運具設置推廣為主,以降低移動污染源負荷為重點管制目標。(三)污染排放量管理掌握:本年度依據環保署排放量資料,針對來源、對象進行解析,建議未來應要求相關計畫針對其管制對象之排放量進行清查與推估,釐清污染來源,與環保署排放量清冊比對,以掌握實際排放量。(四)空氣污染管制計畫網路資訊整合:為提升基隆市空氣污染管制工作成果與法令宣導效益,應有效利用網路平台的即時性,建議可規劃整合相關網頁資訊,進行網路資源整合,強化及展現空氣污染管制工作成效。(五)基隆港區未來管制建議:臺灣港務股份有限公司於102年提出「臺灣港群綠色港口推動方案」,為因應基隆港轉型,建議可針對基隆港轉型可能所帶來之相關影響擬定專案計畫進行分析(例如:轉型後港區及港區周遭道路車流量轉變、轉型對基隆港各面向帶來之效益…等),以作為未來港區污染管制策略方向研擬之參考。 102 Keelung year integrated management of air quality of indoor air quality control plan cum During the execution of this project work , are handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the contract , and to achieve performance indicators, environmental indicators and indicators of public opinion for the three endeavors , active and effective use of air pollution control spending, improve air quality , Keelung , and to gain administrative EPD hospital performance appraisal success as the goal, assist in the implementation of each subproject audit controls and integration and to show the results of the project , to achieve the goal of integrated management of air quality . Highlights divided into the following two categories related instructions :First, the work to quantify the results :During the plan period , have been completed in accordance with the provisions of this three screenings of air pollution control, pollution control , Minato , case processing petitions related work review meetings . Keelung month for road main road to perform a visual survey of 208 Paragraphs , informed dirty 8 , another dirt road with the EPA notified the completion of the return of five . Help complete the processing of a field of Keelung Environmental Defense Fund Management Committee meeting , and with information relevant administrative data or the meeting of the Council, such as writing and reported to the EPA and participation.In terms of environmental impact , the population continued to show a downward scenario ( 102 years 374,914 people, a decrease of 2,239 compared to 101 people ) , business registration number of the total number of 11,208 family home , factory registration number is 271 , compared with 101 the year roughly flat ; area of the vehicle total 280,121 vehicles, major sources of pollution to locomotives, passenger cars based, together accounted for 96.95% , ranked fourth in the national vehicle density , belong to the high load .In terms of air quality , air quality index was 102 (PSI) an average of 44.7 years , poor ratio (PSI> 100) was 0% ; favorable ratio (PSI ≦ 50) was 69.3 % for the index pollutant ozone . Keelung calendar year are better than the national long-term improvement goals (PSI> 100 1.5% ) .For the calendar year from air pollution regulations be overrun scenario analysis discussed , major air pollutants overrun situation has gradually improved , will serve as the future of air pollution control plan amendments related to air quality objectives adjusted basis .Keelung in promoting indoor air quality management, have switched in accordance with EPA regulations indoor air quality evaluation , complete the pre- announcement counseling 20 times and places associated with the promotion seven times , five fine suspended particles detected ; 2 sessions advocacy screenings and a cross-departmental coordination and advocacy meetings.Survey results , the Environmental Protection Agency to improve air quality and job satisfaction , 51% ( 50.4% in 101 years ) tend to satisfaction , 34.3% ( 35.8% in 101 years ) tendency dissatisfied. Overall, there are over half of the people working for the Environmental Protection Agency to improve the effectiveness of air quality satisfaction. Future proposal should address the public think should strengthen the control of the subject , toward solving the public petition to try to reason , combined with diverse advocacy to enhance public environmental awareness and knowledge , and to improve public goodwill and recognition.Second, the future direction of the recommendations:Keelung about the air pollution control air quality maintenance -cum- related improvements to promote viable future direction and practices , integrated whole key recommendations are as follows :( A ) fine suspended particles of pollution control :Future models may be further restated related simulation analysis to clarify Keelung fine aerosol concentrations ingredients, proportions sources to understand the proportion of fine suspended particles of pollution in the area outside the territory , in order to further understand the sources of pollution and objects.(B ) to promote the focus on pollution control :Keelung major source of pollution in addition to Concord plant to move to another one of the major sources of pollution emission sources , particularly in the main locomotive should be control -oriented , with a continuous replacement of old and polluting transport has set up to promote mainly to reduce the load of mobile sources focus on control objectives .( C) the amount of pollution emitted management master :Year based on EPA emissions data for the source object for analysis, recommendations for future requirements related projects should be carried out for the control of emissions from the object of their inventory and estimate clarify sources of pollution , and EPA emissions inventory compared to control actual emissions .(D ) Air Pollution Control Program Network Information Integration:To improve the outcome of Keelung and the Air Pollution Control Act advocacy work efficiency , efficient use of network platform should be immediate , it is recommended to plan the integration of the relevant pages of information , for network resource integration, strengthen and demonstrate the effectiveness of air pollution control .(E ) the future regulatory proposal Keelung area :Port Co., Ltd. of Taiwan proposed in 102 years , " Hong Kong Taiwan group to promote the Green Port Program" , in response to the transformation of Keelung , Keelung proposal for restructuring related to the impact might be brought by the proposed project plan for analysis ( for example : the transformation Hougang Port traffic areas and surrounding roads change , transformation efficiency for each of Keelung brought ... etc ) , in order to develop as a reference for future strategic direction of the harbor pollution control . 102 基隆市環境保護局 新紀工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66813
102年度基隆港港區船舶排煙影像辨識技術可行性評估及港區PM2.5監測管理計畫 本計畫主要目標係應用視覺影像進行船舶排煙影像即時監控與蒐證,針對船舶污染源迅速採取應變管制與稽查措施,同時應用遙測技術監控港區污染情形,評估污染源管制措施之效益、進行船舶油品含硫量調查,以及調查研究基隆港區PM2.5 排放特性並規劃有效之管制策略。本計畫應用CCTV 影像監控系統進行船舶排煙監看作業,自102年度4 月至12 月底,記錄異常排煙情形共有130 件,並針對7 件異常排煙情形(6 件異常、1 件民眾陳情)進行通報基隆市環保局及基隆港務分公司,現場人員判斷不透光率未超過40%,無違規不當冒煙情事,皆已列入後續主要追蹤對象。另追蹤本年度排煙船舶之後續進出港及排煙情形顯示,港區主要排煙情事仍以麗星郵輪及海軍艦艇為主。另配合港區船舶油品含硫量採樣分析,主要為瞭解船舶油品使用情形,至10 月底止完成20 樣本分析(重油10 件,柴油10 件),結果顯示,受測油品之含硫量均在中油販售油品規範範圍內,並遠低於MARPOL 73/78 公約之規範。本年度新增排煙影像辨識作業,利用影像辨識技術,對於船舶排煙進行辨識評估。船舶影像辨識系統對於船舶排煙的辨識與目測判煙相比對的正確度已可達到八成五左右,並且設有自動通報系統,在偵測到煙霧後可以即時得到訊息以做相關因應,運用自動辨識系統將可增進人工目測的效率,並提升儀器檢測的自動性,對於未來的船舶判煙將有一定的幫助。彙整UV-DOAS 監測結果顯示,港區二氧化硫(SO2)與二氧化氮(NO2)日平均濃度與基隆測站相較,硫氧化物(SO2)部分,基隆港區較空品測站平均高2.3 倍;氮氧化物(NO2)部分,基隆港區較空品測站平均高28%,另苯(Benzene)、甲苯及對-二甲苯(p-Xylene)之濃度趨勢均無顯著相關性。在各異常事件日中,透過上風處方位及影片確認,船舶排煙對二氧化硫(SO2)有顯著影響。針對現階段監測結果及盛行風向顯示,船舶排煙對氣狀污染物SO2、懸浮微粒PM10 及PM2.5來源有顯著影響。細懸浮微粒PM2.5 監測,包含自動採樣分析儀及手動採樣兩部分, PM2.5 自動及手動採樣分析成果,與環保署同時段手動監測結果與本計畫測值相較,兩者趨勢尚相近。另分析監測期間盛行風向顯示,船舶排煙對氣狀污染物SO2、懸浮微粒PM10 及 PM2.5 來源有顯著影響,以盛行風向而言,主要造成港區污染濃度上升因素,以港區周遭活動為主要來源;二次衍生氣膠部份,以SOR 值及NOR值來看本年度執行之檢測(5 月27 日至7 月28 日)主要來自當地產生之污染物轉化;依NH4+利用率指標J 值及I 值進行解析, I 值大於2,J 值小於1 表示當地污染之硫酸鹽大多與NH4+中和完,硝酸鹽無中和完,故應管制硝酸鹽,管制硝酸鹽除可減少PM2.5 之形成,對於本市臭氧問題的解決亦有幫助。藉由UV-DOAS 監測、PM2.5 成分分析、風速風向推估及與港區內船舶進出數等進行交叉比對,推估港區內活動(含船舶進出港及車輛進出等)明顯影響港區內SO2 之測值變化;國際上趨勢,未來2020年後油品含硫量將加嚴降低至0.5%以下,以目前油品測值,皆遠高於此標準。綜上述,為維護港區環境空氣品質,未來除加強船舶油品管制作業,應同時對港區內出入船舶行進速度、船舶排煙行為、港區周邊移動污染源行為等進行管制,並推行港區岸電使用等,進而降低港區內空氣污染事實,維護市民良好空氣生活品質。 102 years Keelung harbor ship smoke image recognition technology feasibility assessment and monitoring of PM2.5 harbor management plan Application The main objective of this project visual images of ships exhaust system real-time monitoring and video evidence collection , control and audit quickly implement contingency measures against ship pollution , while applying remote sensing technology to monitor the harbor pollution situation , assess the effectiveness of pollution control measures , a shipping sulfur content of oil surveys and research PM2.5 emission characteristics of Keelung area and plan effective control strategies.The project application CCTV video surveillance system to monitor ship operations smoke , 102 years since the end of April to 12 , recording a total of 130 abnormal situations smoke and smoke for seven abnormal situations ( six exceptions, a public petition ) be informed of the EPA and Keelung Keelung Harbor Branch , field personnel to determine opacity does not exceed 40% , non- smoking violations improper circumstances , have switched to include follow- main track objects. Another follow-up work for the year and out the exhaust port and ship exhaust situation shows that smoke -compliance is still the main harbor and naval -based Star Cruises . Another oil with sulfur content of ship Port sampling and analysis , to understand the main ship oil usage , until the end of October to complete the 20 samples analyzed ( 10 heavy oil , diesel 10 ) , the results showed that the sulfur content of oil under test Petroleum oils sold in volume within specification range and far below the MARPOL 73/78 Convention norms .New Year smoke image recognition task , the use of image recognition technology to identify the ship exhaust be assessed . Ships accuracy of image recognition system for ship identification and visual exhaust smoke sentence has been compared to about 85% can be achieved , and with automatic notification system detects smoke can instantly get the message to do the relevant response , the use of automatic identification system will be able to enhance the efficiency of artificial visual and enhance automatic detection of the instrument for the future of the ship determination of smoke will have some help.Archives UV-DOAS monitoring results show that Port Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and the daily average concentration of Keelung station contrast, sulfur oxides (SO2) part , Keelung area air quality monitoring stations compared to the average height of 2.3 times ; nitrogen oxides (NO2) part , Keelung area air quality monitoring stations compared to an average high of 28% , and the other benzene (Benzene), toluene and on - the concentration trend xylene (p-Xylene) of no significant correlation. Japan and China in various unusual events , and videos through the upwind direction confirmed a significant impact on ship exhaust sulfur dioxide (SO2). Monitoring results for the present and the prevailing wind direction display , ship smoke on gaseous pollutants SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 sources of suspended particles have a significant effect .Fine suspended particles PM2.5 monitoring, sampling analyzers with automatic and manual sampling of two parts , PM2.5 automatic and manual sampling and analysis results, while manual monitoring results section and the measured value of the project compared with the EPD , the two trends are still similar. Another analysis of the prevailing wind direction during the monitoring period showed that the ship had to exhaust gaseous pollutants SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 sources of suspended particles significantly affect to the prevailing wind direction , the main factors causing increase in pollutant concentrations Port to Port activities around as the main source ; secondary aerosol derived part to NOR SOR value and value terms during the year to perform the detection of ( May 27-July 28 ) primarily from the conversion of local pollutants generated ; according to NH4 + utilization index J value and I value parsed , I value greater than 2, J value of less than 1 indicates that most of the local pollution sulfate and finished with NH4 + in nitrate -free medium and finished, it should control nitrate , in addition to control of nitrate reduction in PM2. 5 of the form , for solving the problem of ozone will also help the city .Monitored by UV-DOAS , PM2.5 component analysis, estimate wind speed and direction and the number of ships entering and leaving the harbor , such as cross- comparison, estimated within the port activities ( including the ship out of port and vehicle access , etc. ) significantly affect Hong Kong changes in the measured value of the SO2 in the region ; international trends, future oil 2020 tightened to reduce the sulfur content to 0.5 % or less, the current measured value of oil , were much higher than this standard.Above, to maintain the quality of ambient air , Minato , in addition to strengthening the future of ship oil control operations , should also be on the road within the port speed access to the ship , the ship smoke behavior , Minato surrounding behavior to regulate mobile sources of pollution , and implement Minato such as the use of shore power , thereby reducing air pollution within the port fact , maintaining good air quality and public life . 102 基隆市環境保護局 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66816
102年度基隆市機車排放空氣污染物稽查及定檢站管理計畫 機車屬於高污染之交通工具,又不易加裝昂貴的防制處理設備,而一般車主對於本身愛車多半是欠缺定期保養與維護的觀念,僅注意車輛本身的性能而忽略了排放廢氣的問題,若加上車輛因為使用年限過高,無形中更會加速空氣品質之惡化,因此車輛數量一多,所排放出的CO 與HC 等氣狀污染物就會影響到他人與自己的健康問題並且會破壞環境的清新。而本計畫執行最主要目的就是落實機車定期排氣檢驗及保養與檢驗合一制度的推動,利用平日的稽查手段以及透過通知與宣導方式,將定期檢驗觀念及習慣帶入民眾的生活當中,進而改善轄區內機動車輛的空氣品質。本計畫執行期程自102 年4 月29 日至102 年12 月31 日止,期程8 個月,本階段報告統計期程102 年4 月29 日至102 年12 月31 日日止,期末整體工作進度達成率皆以符合預定進度,其各項工作成果茲摘要說明如下。為提升本市使用中機車納管比例,本計畫針對停放在路邊的執行機車巡查作業作業5,222輛;針對行駛於道路上之機車進行不定期攔檢作業2,503輛;另外為了稽查到更多的使用中未到檢車輛,本計畫持續進行車牌辨識稽查作業,共辨識55,353 輛次機車,其中屬未到檢車輛為2,572 輛,均以納入未定檢機車資料庫中進行後續管控;除了上述稽查管制手段外,為了提醒車主按時定檢,本計畫於每月提前一個月寄發機車車籍定檢明信片及逾期一個月未完成定檢車輛寄發二次戶籍通知,共寄出94,194 份件明信片及44,645 件二次通知。而在定檢率偏低之行政區部份,本計畫將加強進行車牌辨識稽查,藉由調整時段、頻率等方式,能有效管制使用中未到檢車輛。本計畫藉由以上稽查,通知到檢之手段,使本市納管率達82%,機車定檢率62.97%,目前排名全國第十一名。另外在機車定檢站稽核管理作業方面,本市已設置機車定檢站共31站,計畫除了透果每個月的定期查核之外,計畫年度內亦會至各定檢站執行至少一次標準氣體比對作業及二、四行程標準車測試,來有效控管其檢測數據及服務品質;另外為了提升機車定檢站業者對法規的熟悉度及服務品質,本計畫已於102 年11 月6 日辦理定檢站評鑑工作,並於同月26日辦理一場次教育訓練及102 年度評鑑優良定檢站表揚工作,將選出前五名公開進行表揚。為了提升民眾汰舊二行程及購買使用低污染運具之意願,本計畫於102年度公告補助辦法,針對汰舊二行程、汰舊二行程換購電動機車及新購電動機車等三個項,在汰舊二行程部分原提供申請補助名額700 名額,本年度於9 月份時核撥數量已達總補助名額87%,由於申請踴躍另在與環保署申請300 名額,汰舊二行程名額共1,000 輛,已全數完成核撥1,000 輛。另在淘汰二行程換購電動機車部份,共有24 輛名額,目前以核撥10 輛;在新購電動機車部分,共有20 輛名額,目前已核撥4 輛。而在活動期間為了向民眾宣導各補助方案,本計畫目前配合辦理5 場次宣導活動、印製宣導品、海報等相關文宣外,也於第四台中進行宣導訊息託播,另外製作了圖檔於本市電子看板宣導並於交旅處交通資訊看板上,發佈相關等訊息。 102 Keelung annual emissions of air pollutants locomotive inspection and regular inspection station management plan Locomotive is a high pollution transport , and easy to install expensive control processing equipment , and general car owners themselves are mostly for lack of regular maintenance and maintenance concept , pay attention only to the performance of the vehicle itself, while ignoring the issue of emissions , if plus vehicles because life is too high , virtually but will accelerate the deterioration of air quality , the number of vehicles more than one, the CO and HC emissions of gaseous pollutants , etc. will affect others and their own health problems and will destroy fresh environment. The main objective of this project is to implement execution motorcycle exhaust inspection and periodic maintenance and inspection to promote the unity of the system, the use of inspection weekdays and by means of notification and promotion methods , concepts and periodic inspection will bring people's living habits among , thus improving the air quality in the area of motor vehicles .The project implementation period ending 102 years away from 29 April to 31 December 102 years , eight months of the process , at this stage of the process ended report statistics 102 years April 29 to 102 days in December 31 , the overall rate of progress begin with the end to reach accord on schedule , the results of its work hereby summarized as follows .In order to enhance the city's sewer use locomotives proportion of the project for the implementation of motorcycles parked on the roadside5,222 inspections of vehicles operating jobs ; unscheduled inspection operations 2,503 vehicles stopped on the road traveling for the locomotive ; addition to audit the use of more yet to come to check the vehicle , the license plate recognition program ongoing audit work, a total of 55,353 vehicles identification second locomotive , which is not yet reached 2,572 vehicles seized vehicles , motorcycles are included in the inspection database undecided subsequent control ; addition to the inspection and control means , in order to remind the owners time inspection, one month in advance of the planned monthly despatch locomotive vehicle registration and regular inspection postcards month overdue scheduled inspection of the vehicle is not completed secondary domicile despatch notice , sent 94,194 copies of postcards and 44,645 pieces of pieces of secondary notification. In the administrative part of the fixed low detection rate , the project will strengthen inspection license plate recognition , by adjusting the time , frequency , etc., can effectively control the use of seized vehicles yet to come . This project by more inspectors , inspection of the means of notification to make the city sewer rate of 82 % detection rate of 62.97% fixed locomotive , currently ranked eleventh in the country .Also in the locomotive regular inspection station audit management operations , the city has set up a total of 31 locomotives scheduled inspection station station project in addition to fruit every month through regular checks , the program year will be given to each inspection station to perform at least compared to a standard gas operations and two, four-stroke vehicle testing standards to effectively control their test data and service quality ; Also scheduled inspection stations in order to enhance the locomotive industry familiarity and service quality regulations, the plan was 102 years November 6 handle regular inspection station evaluation work and handled in the same month 26, 102 of a second annual evaluation training and regular inspection station praised the excellent work of the top five will be elected in public recognition.In order to enhance the public eliminating the old two-stroke and willingness to purchase clean alternative transportation modes , the annual announcement of the project at 102 Subsidies for eliminating the old two-stroke , eliminating the old two-stroke motor vehicles and redemption new motor vehicles purchased three items , in eliminating the old two-stroke part of the original application for grants to provide 700 places places appropriated number has reached 87% of the total subsidy ended in September this year , due to the application enthusiastically with the EPD for another 300 places altogether, eliminating the old two-stroke vehicles 1,000 , has been fully completed appropriated 1,000 vehicles. Also in the elimination of two-stroke motor vehicle part to redeem a total of 24 places , currently appropriated 10 ; purchase motor vehicles in the new section , a total of 20 places , has been appropriated 4 . And during the event to the public advocacy for each grant program , the project is currently handling five sessions with promotional activities , printed promotional materials, posters and other related propaganda , but also carried out in the fourth Taichung care advocacy message broadcast , in addition drawing on the city produced a promotional signage and on the cross at the traffic sidebar trip , publish and other information. 102 基隆市環境保護局 得眾環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66815
推動離島地區興設生質能源中心專案工作計畫 為落實節能減碳政策及解決離島垃圾處理問題,行政院環境保護署遂於100年起研擬「離島地區興設生質能源中心報院計畫」報院案,業於民國102年1月23日同意核定在案;惟該報院計畫就所提各項產出物再利用之效益,仍應進行滾動式檢討。爰此,為妥善規劃離島地區垃圾處理方案及兼具發展生質能源,本計畫藉由調查生質料源、能資源產品需求、再利用效益,蒐集生質技術(厭氧消化/高效堆肥/熱裂解)以及為滿足地方發展特性,據以規劃最佳處理技術組合。同時,為提高設施運轉規模及考慮料源集運問題,生質能源中心開發應循「擴大生質料源」及「分階段擴建模式」兩大原則。最佳技術組合規劃如下:澎湖縣為「垃圾分選廠(另案興建,設計量70公噸/日)+厭氧消化廠(新設,設計量80公噸/日(第1階段50公噸/日+第2階段30公噸/日))+堆肥廠(新設,設計量25公噸/日)」;金門縣為「垃圾分選廠(新設,設計量40公噸/日)+厭氧消化廠(新設,設計量100公噸/日(第1階段60公噸/日+第2階段40公噸/日))+堆肥廠(新設,設計量40公噸/日)」;連江縣為「垃圾分選廠(新設,設計量10公噸/日)+生質物燃料錠廠(新設,產品量4公噸/日)+轉運對岸)」;至於熱裂解技術,建議應視離島現況及國外技術發展動態,進行滾動檢討、調整。經濟效益評估假設不考慮初設成本(悉由中央補助)、土地成本(由地方政府自籌)及不攤提設備折舊情況下,以經濟效益淨現值經濟指標評估營運20年的收益,並與現行垃圾處理方式(轉運+焚化)比較。若沼氣規劃燃氣發電利用,澎湖、金門離島生質能源中心分別具3.589億元及4.117億元效益;若沼氣規劃CNG燃料利用,澎湖、金門離島生質能源中心分別具4.477億元及4.473億元效益;若沼氣規劃供蒸汽利用,金門離島生質能源中心具5.861億元效益。連江離島生質能源中心具0.793億元效益。推動生質能源中心每年約減少7,809公噸碳排放。為減少工程介面、確保施工品質及建立最佳化操作條件,生質能源中心宜採統包方式辦理(含細設/製造/安裝/測試/訓練/一定時間的維護或營運),並採「公有民營」操作營運模式,方能提昇營運效能及確保永續經營。另外,本計畫完成相關工作及配合交辦事項,包括離島天然資源調查、邀請國外專家就八里污水處理廠廚餘厭氧共消化試辦計畫進行技術指導、於離島地區辦理1場次辦理生質能源中心技術研討會、涉及環境影響評估及海岸線、海流影響監控機制法令研析,以及提供生質能源中心工程計畫書範本等工作。 The Project Of Promoting Offshore Islands Region To Establish Bio-Energy Center In order to implement the carbon reduction policy and solve the offshore islands solid waste disposal problems in Taiwan, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) thus promoted 「The Project Of Promoting Offshore Islands Region To Establish Bio-Energy Center」to the Executive Yuan and it was approved on January 23, 2013. However, the benefits from outcome resources should be reviewed gradually.For the purpose of proper plan waste disposal solutions and the offshore islands region renewable energy development; therefore, the project team planned the best treatment technology assembling by investigating biomass material, resources product demand, utilization benefits and collected biomass technical information (Anaerobic Digestion, High-effective Compost, Pyrolysis); moreover, met the local development feature. Meanwhile, for increasing facility operation scale, considering biomass material collection and transportation problem, the offshore islands biomass energy center should be followed ‘widen biomass material’ and ‘installment expansion method’ principles. The best technology treatment assembling as below, Penghu County was 「waste sorting equipment treatment (constructed, design capacity 70 tons per day), Anaerobic Digestion treatment (new, design capacity 80 tons per day) and high-effective Compost (new, design capacity 25 tons per day)」. Kinmen County was 「waste sorting equipment treatment (new, design capacity 40 tons per day), Anaerobic Digestion treatment (new, design capacity 100 tons per day) and high-effective Compost (new, design capacity 40 tons per day)」. Lianjiang County was「waste sorting equipment treatment (new, design capacity 10 tons per day), Biofuel (new, product capacity 4 tons per day) and transport to Chinese mainland」. Pyrolysis technology was recommended to ongoing review and adjusted regard to the offshore islands current situation and abroad technology development.Economic profit evaluation was based on the assumption of non-considering first cost (central government grants) land cost(local government grants) and equipment depreciation, which adopts Net Present Value (NPV) indicator to evaluate the operating benefits for 20 years,and operational benefits was compared to currently waste disposal methods (transportation and incineration) . If the biogas used as electricity generation, Penghu and Kimen has NTD 358.9 million and NTD 411.7 million benefits , respectively; If the biogas used as compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel, Penghu and Kimen has NTD 447.7 million and NTD 447.3 million benefits, respectively; If the biogas used as steam fuel, Kimen has NTD 586.1 million benefits. Lianjiang has NTD 79.3 million benefits . Aspect of greenhouse gas reduction, the offshore islands biomass energy center might be reduced approximately 7,809 metric tons of carbon emissions annually. To decrease the engineering interface and ensure construction quality and establish an optimized operating mode, the offshore islands biomass energy center should adopt turnkey package (including detail design/manufacture/install/test/train/maintenance or a period of operation). By public-private operation mode can enhance operating performance and ensure sustainable management.In addition, the project has completed relevant tasks, including offshore islands natural resources survey, invited a expert to provide technical guidance regarding Bali wastewater treatment plant co-digestion with food waste pilot project, held a technical seminar in offshore island, involved the environmental impact assessment, coastline and ocean current control mechanism, as well as provided biomass energy center plan template as references. 102 督察總隊 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66124
102年度基隆市餐飲業污染管制計畫 餐飲業污染管制為基隆市環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)歷年來持續且積極推動之作業,本年度計畫執行期程為102年4月至12月底,共進行基本資料調查402家次;稽巡查件數816件(含陳情案件277件);輔導餐飲業完成防制設備改善共33家;進行餐飲業檢測共11家次;辦理餐飲業污染減量說明會4場次及1場次之教育訓練。除執行合約要求之各工作項目外,本計畫亦延續過去推動之餐飲業源頭管理創新作法及熱區主動巡查,目前有17家新設立餐飲業經與產發處合作方式而進行納管;另於熱區主動巡查作業中,現階段主要以中正區、安樂區及仁愛區為主要區域,共執行285家佔主動巡查58.3%,建議未來依據各行政區陳情案件統計資料,持續修正高陳情潛勢之熱區路段巡查規劃。在陳情案件處理情形,統計102年度共接獲277件陳情,其中包含公害陳情案件共184件,陳情案件或其它陳情案件共93件;整體陳情案件以稽查結果進行分析,主要為勸導改善共155件(約佔56.0 %),未發現污染現象者有92件(約佔32.1 %)。另針對餐飲業基本資料調查,統計計畫期間102年4月至12月底,統計共完成402家次,餐飲業類別以中式餐廳為最多,佔整體之54.2 %,其次為速食店,佔整體之31.6 %。防制設備裝設情形以中式餐廳最多,共有67家(裝設比例為31%);其次為速食店,共有43家(裝設比例為34%),總計共有147家裝設污染防治設備,裝設比例為37%。為達到改善空氣品質之目的,建立餐飲業陳情案件處理要點,作為未來餐飲業稽查管制依據,並配合輔導改善稽查紀錄表,輔導餐飲業者裝設相關防治設備及定期維護。 102 years Keelung catering pollution control plan Catering for the Keelung Pollution Control Environmental Protection Agency ( hereinafter referred to as EPA ) over the years and continue to actively promote the jobs plan process for the 102 year implementation period of April to the end of December , a total of 402 times the basic survey data ; JI inspections pieces 816 ( petition containing 277 cases ) ; counseling control equipment to improve the food and beverage industry completed a total of 33 ; conducted a total of 11 food and beverage industry to detect times ; handle the catering industry pollution reduction instructions and training sessions will be four sessions of 1 .In addition to the implementation of the work program contract requirements , the project also continues to promote the food and beverage industry over the last source management practices and innovative initiative to inspect the hot zone , there are 17 new restaurants already established cooperation with production carried out at the hair nanotube ; another in the hot zone initiative to inspect the job , at this stage mainly in Zhongzheng District , Lok area and benevolence region is the main area of the implementation of 285 accounted for proactive inspections of 58.3% , suggested the future based on various administrative petition cases statistics , sustained correction of high petitions potential the hot zone road patrol plan.In the petition case handling situation , statistics 102 years received a total of 277 petitions , which includes public nuisance cases of 184 petition cases or other petition cases of 93 ; whole petition cases to audit the results were analyzed , mainly for persuasion improvement of 155 pieces (about 56.0% ) , those who have not found the contamination 92 (about 32.1% ) .Another basic information for the food and beverage industry survey , statistical plan period 102 to 12 by the end of April , a total of 402 times to complete statistics , Chinese restaurants catering to a maximum category , accounting for 54.2 percent overall , followed by fast food restaurants , the total of 31.6% . In the case of control equipment installed at most Chinese restaurants , a total of 67 ( 31 percent installed ) ; followed by fast food , there are 43 ( installation ratio of 34%) , a total of 147 home improvement design pollution control equipment , installation ratio of 37% .To achieve the goal of improving air quality , the establishment of food processing industry petition cases point , the restaurant industry as a future basis for inspection and control , and improve audit record table with counseling , tutoring catering industry related control equipment installation and regular maintenance. 102 基隆市環境保護局 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66814
逸散污染源粒狀污染物管制策略檢討及排放減量計畫 造成我國空氣品質不良之主要指標污染物為臭氧(O3)及懸浮微粒(PM10),環保署並已於101年5月14日將細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)納入空氣品質標準管制項目。為改善空氣品質,環保署乃辦理本計畫,期藉由檢討逸散性粒狀污染物管制策略,以健全相關法令制度,並落實執行粒狀物染物逸散源管制相關法規,達到實質減量目的,此外,推動工業區道路揚塵防制評鑑工作及協助環保署對各縣市空氣品質維護或改善執行績效之考評作業,提昇地方環保機關污染管制執行成效,以達到改善空氣品質之目標。本計畫協助完成營建工程空氣污染防制費收費費率修正公告及營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法修正發布工作,新增疏濬工程之費率及費基,期藉由提高經濟誘因,促使營建業主設置或採行空氣污染防制設施,減少粒狀物排放。另完成粒狀污染物三級防制區改善至二級防制區之策略檢討工作,檢討加嚴三級防制區之營建工程空氣污染防制設施標準,亦完成國內7處工業區之道路揚塵防制先期評鑑工作,督促工業區道路管理機關建立環境保護管理制度,加強區內道路揚塵減量。又本計畫完成各縣市重點道路之巡查工作,長度共1,655公里,查獲污染案件共357件,已通報當地環保局及相關主管機關完成改善。在營建工程方面,於資訊系統新增疏濬工程之營建工程空氣污染防制費計算功能,將已完工之營建工程轉移至歷史資料庫,以提升效能。並執行10處重大公共工程法規符合度查核作業,以掌握重大污染源之現況;在砂石車污染管制方面,研發、設計砂石車污水阻隔設施,完全解決砂石車引起之路面污染及車行揚塵污染問題,並配合交通部完成該部主辦之院頒101年道路交通秩序與交通安全改進年終視導實施計畫;在結合村里長通報污染方面,於低碳永續家園建置結合村里建構逸散污染源粒狀污染物管理制度認證專案,做為村里長之執行參考依據;在地方執行績效考評方面,查核304處公私場所法規符合情形,查有6處空氣污染行為及121處污染防制設施有缺失者,已請地方主管機關督導業者完成改善。 Control Strategies Review and Reduction Plan for Fugitive Particulate Emissions The main characteristic pollutants causing poor air quality in Taiwan consists of ozone (O3) and particulate matter (PM10). On May 14, 2012, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) included fine particulate matter (PM2.5) among air quality standard control items. With the aim of improving air quality through this project, the EPA reviewed fugitive particulate emissions control strategies and thereby put relevant legal and regulatory systems on a solid footing, implemented laws and regulations controlling fugitive sources of particulate pollutants, and achieved the goal of reducing fugitive particulate emissions. In addition, this company also performed assessment of airborne particulate matter control from roads in industrial areas and assisted the EPA in evaluating air quality maintenance and improvement performance in all counties and cities in order to boost the pollution control effectiveness of local environmental authorities and achieve the goal of improved air quality.This project helped complete revision and announcement of construction project air pollution control fee collection standards, construction project air pollution control facility management regulations, and the fee rate and fee basis for new dredging projects, which provide increased incentives for the construction industry to install or employ air pollution control facilities reducing particulate matter emissions. In addition, this project also completed review of strategies for upgrading Class III particulate pollutant control zones to Class II control zones and review of strength and air pollution control facilities standards for construction projects in Class III control zones, completed preliminary assessment work for control of airborne particulate matter from roads in seven domestic industrial areas, and supervised the establishment of environmental management systems by road management agencies in industrial areas in order to improve measures to reduce road airborne particulate matter in these areas. Furthermore, this project completed inspection patrols over a total of 1,655 km of key roads in all cities and counties, and observed a total of 357 pollution cases; local environmental protection bureaus and relevant competent authorities have been notified to complete improvement in these cases.With regard to construction projects, to improve efficiency, the information system's construction project air pollution control fee calculation function for new dredging projects was revised to transfer completed construction projects to the historical database. To gauge the current status of major pollution sources, legal compliance audits were performed of 10 major public projects. In the area of dump truck pollution control, this project designed and developed a dump truck wastewater containment facility, fully resolved the problems of road surface pollution from dump trucks and airborne particulate matter from trucks in motion, and completed the Ministry of Transportation and Communications' Executive Yuan-sponsored 2012 road traffic order and traffic safety improvement year-end inspection plan. With regard to pollution notification by village heads and borough wardens, this project established a fugitive pollution source particulate pollutant management system certification program in conjunction with villages and boroughs under the Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Plan. This certification system will guide implementation by village heads and border wardens. As for evaluation of local implementation performance, this project audited legal compliance at 304 public or private premises, and found that six premises had air pollution behavior violations and 121 premises had pollution control facility shortcomings; the local competent authorities have been requested to supervise completion of improvement in these cases. 102 空保處 新紀工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66807
土壤及地下水污染整治費徵收制度檢討暨調整、規劃計畫(第二期) 第一章「緒論」說明計畫背景、前期計畫重要結論、以及本期計畫工作目標與內容。第二章「土污整治費徵收正當性及問題討論」從憲法及環境行政法的角度探討土污整治費徵收的正當性問題,並且說明土污整治費如何達成特別公課之課徵正義,及點出土污基金代支整治費用之法律追償問題。第三章「成本效益分析與土污基金需求檢討規劃」利用第一期所建立的成本方法探討土污主要制度變因(污染土地再利用、健康風險管理原則、農地污染責任人追償)對土污基金需求的影響性以及各政策年程(15至30年)下的可能土污基金需求總額;並且利用第一期所建立的效益方法論,探討四大類污染場址整治的單位淨效益。第四章「土污整治費徵收制度修訂研析」說明土污基金支用政策目標下土污整治費的年度徵收總額,並依據國內目前主要的土水污染途徑,研擬土污整治費課費比例,以及費率可能調整方向的規劃,最後並提出土污整治費率調整的四種可能方案。第五章「土污整治費徵收與土污基金支出之經濟影響評估」則針對研擬中土污整治費徵收制度,進行收入面及支出面的可能經濟影響分析,並比較目前收費制度與新收費制度的可能產出及就業之影響。第六章「以系統動力學架構分析土壤及地下水政策成效」完成「土壤及地下水整治政策動態影響模型」之收入支出模組、成本效益模組、與經濟影響模組之模型設定,並初步以不同政策目標年數下之基金收支對環境、經濟的影響進行模擬分析。第七章「污染土地再利用政策分析與個案研究」彙整英、美、加污染土地再利用之相關個案、政策措施、以及財務誘因,作為未來國內污染土地再利用政策規劃之參考。 Project of review and adjustment on the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees collection s This project attempts to deliver specific and available suggestions for the amendment of the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees levy system. Chapter 1 declares the background and main aims of the project. Chapter 2 investigates the justification of the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees levy system and points out the potential problems of funds’ recovery. Accounting for the methodology built in former project, Chapter 3 analyzes the effects of proceeding relevant adjustments on the required amounts of the soil and groundwater pollution remediation funds and estimates the possible required amounts in four scenarios. Also, Chapter 3 does the cost and benefits analysis on the basis of methodology built in former project. Chapter 4 examines the possible amounts the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees levy. And then Chapter 4 suggests the burden shares and fees of substances and wastes with consideration of current pollution circumstances. Chapter 5 simulates the economic impacts of the adjustment of the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees levy system, and then compares the effects with the status quo. Chapter 6 builds a system dynamic model composed of fee module, cost and benefit module, and economic impact module to simulate the impacts of fees levy on environment and economy in different policy scenarios. Chapter 7 does study the successes of brownfields regeneration in the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, and then deliver suggestions for future policy planning. 101 土污基管會 財團法人中華經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66463
屏東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動計畫 移動污染源稽查管制計畫,對於機車應落實定期檢驗制度、加強未定檢機車稽查工作,配合環保局辦理各項宣導活動及協助環保局輔導查核民間機車檢驗站,經由這些措施之配合,達到督促車輛使用人加強車輛保養維修管理及配合推動保檢合一政策,並且教育車輛駕駛人正確之操作觀念,進而減低車輛廢氣排放之污染,有效改善空氣品質。 Pingtung County mobile pollution source inspection control plan - Exhaust detection cum advocacy activities planned Mobile sources of pollution control plan inspection, periodic inspection should be implemented for the locomotive system, strengthen pending inspection locomotive inspection work, with the EPA handle all promotional activities and counseling to assist the EPA locomotive inspection stations to check folk through with these measures, to urge vehicles using human strengthen the management and maintenance of vehicles with check-in-one insurance policy to promote and educate motorists correct operation of the vehicle concept, thus reducing vehicle pollution emissions, improve air quality. 102 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66064
102年臺中市固定逸散源管制與洗掃街管理計畫 本計畫於102年2月1日至102年12月31日執行期間,有關各項工作重要成果包括:固定逸散源337家次法規符合度現場查核作業;企業道路認養24家次;神秘客不強迫加油查核執行175站次共318件,加油站法規符合度查核331站加油員「正確加油」訓練4656位;加油槍抽氣量與加油量比率(氣油比)檢測1515槍支62站次;油氣管線壓力衰減洩漏(氣漏)檢測50站次;揮發性有機物洩漏測定檢測42站共216點次,街道揚塵洗掃作業總累積達228,352公里,總達成率為100%,依環保署污染削減係數計算,可得TSP削減3,151公噸,PM10為599公噸,街道髒污程度調查及分級作業,總調查長度為4,225其中A級道路佔80%、B級道路為18%及C級道路為2%本計畫並分別於大新文化中心及港區藝術中心辦理二場次固定逸散法規宣導說明會及一場次里長協助通報機制宣導會;另於大雅區公所辦理加油站種子教師教育訓練及環保局大型會議室辦理3場次,各區隊洗掃相關教育訓練。 The 2013 “Taichung City Fixed Permeating Source Control and Street Hosing Management Project” The project’s critical results of various work during its implementation period spanning from February 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 encompass: a total of 337 fixed permeating source audits found to conform to the onsite audit work; corporate roadway adoptions of 24 enterprises; mysterious visitor’s non-coercive fuel vapor audit executions at 175 stations, totaling 318 cases, with 331 gas stations audited to meet the gas station law and regulations, and 4656 gas station handlers found with “correct ways of refueling”; the gas refueling gun vapor emission and refueling ratio (the vapor/fuel ratio) has a total of 1,515 refueling guns tested at 62stations; the fuel vapor pipework pressure deterioration leak (vapor leak) has 50 stations tested; vapor organic compound leak testing has 42 stations tested totaling 206 locations, the street permeating dust hosing work totals to 228,352km cumulatively, with a total achievement ratio at 100%, which as calculated according to EPA’s pollution reduction index derives a TSP reduction of 3,151 tons, PM10 at 599 tons, and of the street dirty level survey and grading work, the total survey length is at 4,634 km, of which level A roadways account for 80%, level B roadways 20% and level C roadways 2%. The plan has held two sessions of the fixed permeation law campaigning presentation and one session of Chief of Village assisted reporting mechanism campaign held at Daxin Cultural Center and Seaport Art Center; another gas station at Daya district office handling seed teachers training and three sessions each held at Environmental Protection Department conference room, offering various district teams with street cleaning-related orientation training. 102 台中市環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66072
應回收廢棄物稽核認證電子化即時連線系統及資料庫建置暨遠端監控機制規劃 為有效提升稽核認證制度及其相關作業程序,簡化作業程序、減少長期偏重人力執行稽核認證作業之成本支出及提升稽核認證效率等目的,訂定以各項電子化系統強化與輔助稽核認證作業之短、中長期規劃改善方案;第一階段沿續「99、100年稽核認證團體監督查核評鑑暨稽核認證作業檢討改善計畫」中,規劃各項稽核認證電子化系統架構,建置CCTV即時監控系統與計量設備連線系統等查核工具,內容包含舉辦業者說明會與CCTV暨計量設備連線系統8大類材質處理廠共85廠次之試辦作業,期望透過試辦作業,確認系統架構之可行性與效益,藉由試辦期間發生之異常事件,分析其發生原因與收集改善方案,事先於系統正式上線前,排除所有異常情形,建構穩定運作之連線系統;第二階段進行各項電子化系統應用於遠端稽核認證研究,並發展連線系統各項附加功能;第三階段導入受補貼機構內控制度與遠端與不預警稽核作業模式,達成降低整體稽核認證作業成本之目標,故本計畫成功執行,對認證制度精進作業具重要之意義。 The Project of Real-time Connection E-System and Database Construction for Recycled Waste Auditing C To effectively enhance the audit certification regulations and related procedures, reduce the long-term reliance on human resources of auditing operation and improve the efficiency on auditing certification, a variety of short- , mid- and long-term improvement projects of e-systems for strengthening and assisting auditing certification have been established. At the first stage, “2010-2011 Project on the Monitoring, Checking and Evaluation of Auditing and Certification Groups” has been continuously conducted. A variety of e-systems structures of auditing certification have been organized, and auditing tools like CCTV real-time monitoring system and evaluating facilities connection systems have been established. More specifically, enterprise symposiums and 85 test operations of CCTV and evaluating facilities connections of factories in 8 categories, are organized in the hope of the confirmation of feasibility and efficiency. By the abnormal events occurred in the test operations, the reasons of the occurrence have been analyzed and the solutions have been collected, whereby abnormal events can be ruled out in advance to construct a stable operation connection. At stage two, the study of a variety of e-systems applying to far-end auditing certification has been conducted and additional functions for the connection have been developed. At stage three, the inner-control regulations and far-end and non-warming auditing mode of subsided institutions have been introduced, whereby the goal of reducing the cost of whole auditing operation has been achieved. Over all, the project has been successfully conducted and is meaningful for the improvement of certification regulations. 101 基管會 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=67004
102年土壤及地下水污染整治費徵收及退費複審、稽核工作計畫 本計畫主要目的係透過複審及現場稽核作業以加強納管土壤及地下水污染整治費徵收業者並分析其查核成果。本計畫之執行期限自民國102年2月27日起至103年2月26日止,透過執行團隊縝密規劃及專業分工已達成本計畫要求之各項目標。成果列示如後:(一) 完成民國101年第4季至102年第3季整治費徵收案件計3,097件。(二) 完成民國101年第2季至102年第3季出口退費申請案件計48件。(三) 完成民國100年及101年度之保險退費申請案件計52件。(四) 完成民國100年及101年度之工程退費申請案件計47件。(五) 免徵比例申請案件計2件。(六) 現場稽核案件200件。複審稽核家數之計畫目標達成率為100%。本計畫期間「查獲短漏、未申報金額」、「初、複核誤差金額」及其它經環保署認可屬「查獲短漏、未申報金額」或「初、複核誤差金額」項目金額為新臺幣6,346,124元,益本比約2.2倍。後附本團隊執行複審稽核工作後之建議事項,並加以分類統計分析,以提供未來政策修訂之參考。依據本計劃之執行成果,本團隊將針對複審稽核後有爭議之繳費業者列入持續追蹤。加強對繳費業者宣導相關法令,並輔導繳費業者正確地上網申報(請),藉以提升土壤及地下水污染整治費複審稽核工作之成效,並建立完善之資料庫管理。 2013 Reexamination and Auditing of Statements of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remedation Fees The main purpose of this project is through the reexamination and site audit to strengthen managing soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees payers and analyzes the results of our audit. This project has been implemented from February 27, 2013 to February 26 2014, and has fulfilled each of its objectives. The results are as follows. We completed the reexamination for the following cases. (1) 3,097 declaration cases of remediation fees paid from the fourth quarter of year 2012 to the third quarter of year 2013. (2) 48 declaration cases of export refund of remediation fees from the second quarter of year 2012 to the third quarter of year 2013. (3) 52 declaration cases of insurance expenditure refunds for the year 2011 and the year 2012. (4) 47 declaration cases of construction expenditure refunds for the year 2011 and the year 2012. (5) 2 declaration cases of exemption ratio. (6) 200 cases of site audit. The achievement rate of reexamination and auditing was 100%. During the execution period of this project, we found the total amount of NTD $6,346,124 including differences between preliminary examining party and us, underpaid and overpaid amount of remediation fees, with a benefit-cost ratio of 2.2. After performing reexamination and site audit, we attached recommendations and statistical analysis to provide the guidance and reference for future strategy amendments. Based on the results of execution of the project, we will continue to track those disputed remediation fees payers. In order to promote the efficiency and quality of the reexamination and site audit, and establish and improve the database management, we will strengthen the announcement of the related regulations of remediation fees, and assist remediation fees payers to submit statements of the manufacturing volume or import volume into internet filing system correctly. 102 土污基管會 立本台灣聯合會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66329
102年度「清淨家園推廣計畫」 規劃「清掃學習活動競賽計畫(102~104年)」,依據各縣市提報之計畫進行書面審查及實地查核,統計各縣市清掃學習推廣情形並給予奬勵,藉此激勵各縣市之榮譽感及使命感,透過良性的競賽,讓各縣市的清掃學習種子教師更加精進及確實,製作環保清潔劑及室內外植栽整理教學影片,不但可在活動過程中教導學員自製環保清潔劑,更可在清掃學習活動網站及環保署相關影音平台播放宣導,最終讓環境為本的觀念深植於生活之中,並轉換成實際環保行動。102年度辦理第四屆「綠厝邊之美」攝影比賽及建置活動網站,透過民眾的鏡頭,以14項環境衛生永續指標為攝影主題,捕捉各示範區自然景觀、人文風情、環境改造等影像,依評選結果辦理頒奬典禮。透過建置「綠厝邊之美」美術館彙整歷屆得奬作品,且拍攝環保示範區成果影片,經由影像、影片託播及燈箱廣告對全民宣導,讓民眾能夠一覽環保示範區環保的美麗,更讓全民有感於環保署對環境的用心與努力,發揮母雞帶小雞的效果,傳承及推動環保示範區,達到遍地開花的成效,讓全國環境永續發展,期望達成全國各地都是環保示範區。 2013 Clean Neighborhood promotion plan The project of cleaning-learning activity competition which has been planned by each city and county since 2013 will have conducted by 2015. Rewards are proposed to evaluate each site for their respective cleaning-learning efforts. The friendly competition will inspire each city. The awards will give the respective city a sense of honor and mission. The seeded teachers of cleaning-learning competition will encourage each site to work hard. A documentary will demonstrate how to grow plants. It also teaches the trainees how to make the eco-friendly detergents. This documentary will link the cleaning-learning activity website, the video media website and the EPA website. The objective is to build a positive lifestyle that is environmentally friendly with realistic actions of environmental protection. The 4th Eco Community Photo Contest was held in 2013. A website was set up to promote the related activities. The topic of the photo contest was 14 environmental sanitation sustainability criteria. The public was invited to take photographs of the natural landscapes, cultural customs and environmental modifications from the Model Environmental Protection Districts. Winners were awarded during the ceremony after the friendly competitions. The website of the Eco Community Museum compiles all previous award-winning photographs and the film of the Model Environment Protection Districts. It was to showcase the achievements by using images, video streaming and light-box. The EPA shows the beautiful scenery of the Model Environment Protection Districts and the efforts which has been implemented. The EPA strives to uphold and conduct the environmental sustainable development by building model environmental protection districts all over the country. 102 環管處 社團法人台灣環保生活協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=66085
容器回收流布及體制運作探討 一、調查101年廢容器流向分布,並試算101年及102年回收率,以反映廢容器實際回收狀況。二、採樣檢驗容器商品之瓶蓋墊片是否使用PVC材質,並勾稽申繳費率,以維持稽徵繳費公平性。三、探討PET容器收縮標籤膜之易撕線設計事項,以提升廢容器回收處理效益。四、研訂廢鐵容器及廢鋁容器解除列管之評估指標,並研提相關配套作業或措施,以活絡資源回收管理體制。五、評估廢容器補貼費率採行浮動調整機制之可行性,據以精進補貼制度。 Project of container recycling of distribution and functioning of the system This project was executed from January 26th 2012 to December 31st 2012. the major purpose of this project focus on five aspects which are “investigating the distribution of the waste containers”, “PVC content inspection on cap pad of the containers”, “investigation and design for cutting line on PET bottles”, “assessment criterion for de-regulating waste iron and aluminum containers”, “The feasibility assessment on adjusting fee rate of waste container by the market price” and the outcomes of the implementation are summarized as following paragraph. By visiting over 30 recycle enterprises in 2012, proportion of un-certified containers had been investigated to estimate the total volume of disposal. Also, the proportion of un-recycling waste containers had been investigated to calculate the amount of recycling. Moreover, some of recycling points, such as the recycling industry, government organizations, schools, communities and other places, had been surveyed for calculating its proportion in recycling channels and recycling volume. According to the result of detected sample, we illustrated a description about attached moisture and scenario of the attachment on waste containers for further studies. By surveying recycling enterprises and wholesale-retailers, cap pads, we established a database including cap type, market share, pad materials and responsible enterprises to make a completely checking system. There are more than 150 caps pads sent to Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) for detecting PVC contents. Furthermore, those disqualified enterprises will be reported to EPA for requiring a payment. This project has collected the domestic and overseas information of PET label removers treatment, equipment and design, and investigated the remove rate domestically. The result was approximately 80.1%. This project has investigated the holes of the shrink label cutting line on PET bottles. Developing the optimal standard of cutting lines, such as the hole diameter, number of lines and interval distance. This project has taken off the effectiveness rates of the PET containers designed due to the policy. And give the suggestions for the subsequent management. This project has planned the operation steps on commercial PET containers labeled design at least 100 goods, and established the 53 basic data which was not using easily removal design. Auditing the due payment, and sent the list to EPA for illegal. This project has investigated iron and aluminum containers information for de-regulating, and referred the management system, and provide the de-regulated index. This project has analyzed Fe and Al containers fund deficit trends and assess the expected benefit of the coordinated sets of measures.This project has collected the governmental implementation indicator of sliding price adjustment. This project has analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of waste container subsidies policy then drawing the speaking note. This project has been promoting the separation of waste glass container measures the difference between the subsidized rate for 101 years, analyzing the effectiveness of its implementation and subsequent management of the research program suggestions. The project has collected and compared the price of raw and recycling materials on 2012. This project has surveyed the 76s recycling and treatment industry, and calculating the cost on recycling and treat parts. In order to evaluate an appropriate fee rate at present, recycling costs data, the fund balance of payments and other information will use to be assessment tools and also can make a suggestion for adjust fee rate in the future,One of seminars was held on 27th of November, 2013, and the participants including experts, professors and recycling industrial managers, and the other one held on 20th of December, 2013. 102 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65451
強化廢液晶顯示器回收處理及再利用體系運作暨技術推廣計畫 本計畫執行期間為2013年1月25日至2013年12月31日,調查、蒐集近5年國內外廢液晶顯示器回收處理現況及基線資料,發現不論國內外液晶顯示產品已成為市場主流,市佔率高達90%以上,我國公告應回收之液晶監視器、筆記型電腦及液晶電視等液晶顯示產品,每年製造、輸入量超過400萬台,而液晶顯示產品自1993年筆記型電腦應用開始,就有相關產品進入市場,依調查文獻指出其平均報廢年限為7年。經實際拆解發現,廢液晶顯示產品中含有大量可再利用的有價金屬及塑膠物質,而目前液晶面板(約占10%)仍多採用掩埋處理,並無法有效再利用。另為確認液晶面板中內含組成,本計畫透過重金屬檢測過程計測出11項金屬物質及微量有機化合物。綜上分析,這些廢液晶顯示產品具有極高的再利用價值,若未妥善回收處理,除造成資源浪費外,也會有大量的垃圾問題。調查分析國外近年來液晶顯示器創新研究文獻資料,發現國外著手針對廢液晶收集、銦錫氧化物回收、面板玻璃與偏光膜再利用技術進行研究,其中銦錫氧化物(ITO)之純化、精煉為主要研究重點。再者,進一步調查國內外(美國、歐洲、大陸、日本、歐盟及韓國等)商業化或實廠化相關文獻,顯示國外無將廢液晶面板之液晶分離的技術,係以一般廢棄物處理,且處理成本高於我國現行掩埋及物理處理費用。綜上評估後,本計畫提出具體可行廢液晶及廢玻璃基板分離技術,係採用財團法人工業技術研究院開發之連續式液晶萃取系統,可將廢液晶面板之液晶與玻璃基板完全分離(液晶回收成效達99%以上)。該試驗系統包含7項設備,經過實際運作後,已完成廢液晶面板每日處理250公斤之技術試驗線。依據上述階段性之試驗成果,於102年10月30日完成1場次「廢液晶面板創新處理再利用技術研討會」,邀請與廢液晶顯示器技術相關上、中、下游產官學界之專家學者參與。對於技術試驗線之成果,與會人員多給予高度評價,且部分業者對於液晶分離回收技術深感興趣,表示此技術具開發價值,有投入經費提升技術設備之意願。102年度試驗線成果已可將液晶與面板完全分離,為開啟廢液晶顯示產品高附加價值的再利用技術,本計畫103年將跳脫廢玻璃只能再利用於製磚之傳統思維,並考量國內市場可行規模,規劃開發廢玻璃基板高值化再利用技術。本計畫接下來將持續進行廢液晶面板材料的創新再利用技術開發及推廣,開創高附加價值資源化產品的通路。 Enhanced waste liquid crystal displays recycling system and technology promotion plan During the execution of this project, we have already finished investigating the current status of waste liquid crystal display (LCD) recycling and baseline during nearly five years. We found out that LCD products had become mainstream which share more than 90% market. The LCD produces, include LCD monitors, notebook computers and LCD TVs, annual manufacturing more than 4 million units In Taiwan. Since 1993, Notebook came out and began to use the LCD. According to the survey literature indicates that the life-cycle was 7 years. Based on the dismantling result, there could produce a lot of reusable metal and plastic, but the LCD panel (about 10%) still disposal by landfill. Through TCLP testing, we found out the LCD monitor include 11 kinds of metals, and trace amounts of organic compounds. Because the waste LCD product has a high recycling value, if it won’t be recycled that will not only waste resources, but also cause lots of garbage problem.Investigating the current foreign LCD innovative research literature, we found the ITO recycling technology was the mainstream. Surveying the foreign literature, we find out 13 LCD monitor treatment plant. The results show that all the plant only focused on mercury element (CCFL) recycling, and never recycled LC. In addition to comparing different treatment technologies, the LC collection process has more economic than others, so the project decided to focus on the liquid crystal recovery and development the LCD panel separation testing line.After analysis, we propose the feasible waste LCD panelseparation technology. The LCD panel separation testing line is using the ITRI's patent, which uses solvents to extract and collect the LC from the surface of LCD panel. The testing line could make all of the LC separate from LCD panel, and through detect the LC was no more residues. The testing line includes seven units. After practice, the test line has completed treatment 250 kg of waste LCD panel daily.We held an announcement campaign and invite specialist, recycle enterprise and LCD Manufacturers to participant at the end of October. All of the participants against the LCD panel disposal by landfills, and interested in this new LCD recycling technology.All of the participants gave high marks, and some of them were interested in this new recovery technology, and said if this technology had the development value, there was willingness to enhance the technical equipment.After the process of LCD panel separating, the LCD panel glass can be used as raw material of various glass products.Next year, this project will focus on material recycling technology develop and promoting which come from waste LCD panel, and create high value of recycled products. 102 基管會 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65595
102年臺中市溫室氣體減量暨低碳社區推動計畫 氣候變遷對全球永續發展及人類物種存續已造成威脅,因而引起國際社會的重視,並紛紛將「節能減碳」納為施政新思維。然當國家面臨金融風暴或政治考量等因素而無法做出承諾或提出具體作為的同時,以城市為主體對抗氣候變遷成為一關鍵趨勢。大臺中市自100年8月4日獲選為環保署「建構低碳示範城市」的優選名單後,已依據臺中市城市特色訂出其低碳城市建構白皮書,本團隊承接「102年度臺中市溫室氣體減量暨低碳社區推動計畫」旨在協助環保局順利執行溫室氣體減量及推動低碳社區,以建構低碳城市之基礎。主要重點工作項目包含:低碳社區節能補助改善、低碳社區認證、低碳商店認證、商圈商店能源使用盤查評估、整合臺中市101年度各部門別溫室氣體排放資料、辦理能源及工業部門源溫室氣體盤查、配合環保署辦理節能減碳績效評比作業及進行節能減碳宣導說明會等。上述項目皆自100年度開始執行至今,每年檢討並修正,力求完善。 The Promotion of Taichung Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Low Carbon community Project Climate Change has endangered all species on earth, thus causing the attention of the international community. More and more countries have made the new policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, when the country faced financial crisis or political considerations and other factors cannot make commitments, the city can play an important role in combating climate change. Taichung City has been chosen to develop a model of low-carbon city by Environmental Protection Agency on the year of 2011.    Taichung city considered its needs and all possibilities to develop 6 main greenhouse gas reduction action plans. Our team is in charge of “The Promotion of Taichung Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Low Carbon community Project” for Taichung Environmental Bureau Agency aims to help Taichung citizens to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Main focus items include: financially incentivize for low carbon community, low-carbon community certification, low-carbon stores certification, energy inventory assessment on stores, inventory of Taichung city greenhouse gas emissions, GHG inventory on energy and industrial sector and son on... Since the above mentioned projects all started from the year of 2011, they are reviewed annually to get the better results. 102 台中市環境保護局 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63293
空氣污染事件應變決策支援系統專案工作計畫 本計畫主要目的為強化空氣污染事件應變體系,並提供地方環保機關必要之應變人力、物力等相關資源,以提升應變能力。主要成果包括:(1)參考國外美、英、日等國空污應變機制,並檢視國內空污應變體系,提出預防管理階段應強化之具體建議做法,逐步完備空污應變體系。(2)完成空污應變聯絡清冊更新,增加南科台南園區與新竹工業區之支援清冊建置,提供中央及地方環保機關於空污事件發生時緊急聯繫使用;另以仁大工業區為例,規劃重大空污事件發生時民眾疏散及管制方案,提供地方環保局參考辦理。(3)空污小組主動通報地方環保局之空污案件共58件,協助地方即時應變;另提供空污事件常用設備及人力,供台中及高雄毒災應變隊使用以協助處理空污事件。(4)以無預警方式測試地方環保人員通報(聯繫)管道之暢通性,以確保空污事件發生時,能迅速、即時通知相關人員到場應變。(5)辦理1場次研習及交流會議,說明環保署空污應變業務現況及未來工作、地方應變常見問題、空污應變系統操作使用,以及地方應變處理案例之經驗分享,使應變作業相關人員熟悉應變程序及可取得之應變資源,提昇地方環保機關應變能力。 Evaluation of the decision supporting system for air pollution incidents The purpose of this project is to strengthen air pollution incident response resources for Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) and local Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB). The results of this project include: (1) The demands of accident prevention management are analyzed based on the information which collected from United States, United Kingdom, and Japan, as well as domestic air pollution response system. (2)The contact information of environmental agencies and other organizations have been updates with additional supporting information for two large industrial parks, i.e. Southern Taiwan Science Park -Tainan Park and Hsinchu Industrial Park, in this project. The evacuation plan for major air pollution incidents was developed by using Ren-Da Industrial Park as case and provided local EPB as reference. (3) 58 air pollution incidents were notified to local EPB by Air Pollution Team, in order to assist local EPA instant response. Moreover, we provides a set of air pollution equipment with3 team members for two Environment Incident Response Teams, respectively, to assist local EPB in air pollution sampling and monitoring during the air pollution incident. (4) No warning test was conducted to ensure the local EPB staffs will do emergency response immediately and quickly during an air pollution incident. (5) A workshop of air pollution incident emergency response was conducted on December 23, 2013. The purpose of this workshop is to enhance the ability of local EPB staffs on emergency response. The topics included emergency response status and future task of air pollution incidents of EPA, common problems of local EPB, operating instructions of the Air Pollution Incident Response System, as well as three case studies of local EPB. 102 空保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65434
全國高污染潛勢工業區地下水質預警監測井網規劃建置計畫(第二期) 本計畫主要工作為(1)研修工業區地下水質預警監測井網規劃建置程序及後續監測管理方式,辦理補充調查及地下水質監測工作;(2)依據環保署工業區燈號分級及污染潛勢評量結果,優先篩選高污染潛勢工業區,評估既有監測資源效益,規劃建置整體地下水質預警監測井網,辦理地下水質調查工作;(3)依調查評估結果,提供後續分級監測管理、污染源調查查證及應變處理建議,且配合環保署需求,辦理污染擴大調查。第一項工作具體成果係依據第一期執行成果回饋,本期納入垂直向污染傳輸模擬及先期調查機制,以掌握區外污染概況,建置整體地下水質預警監測井網。後續分級監測管理方面,直轄市、縣(市)環保機關可視工業區污染現況及經費運用情形,彈性調整監測數量及頻率,建議至少針對曾檢出異常情形之監測井及其依地下水流向研判具污染潛勢之井位加強預警監測,並維持每2年至少監測1次全管制項目。另配合環保署要求,辦理第一期工業區預警網補充調查,採滾動式管理,補足地下水流場缺口及修正井網距離,篩選中壢工業區、新竹科學園區、台中加工出口區、南崗工業區、林園工業區及楠梓加工出口區等6處共計新設5口監測井及納入11口既設井,均檢出微量管制污染物質,經過本期補充可使預警防線更為完備。此外,本計畫亦篩選第一期工業區預警網檢出異常之監測井監測地下水質,協助地方環保局完備分級監測管理工作,其中中壢工業區及楠梓加工出口區持續檢出含氯有機污染物達管制標準之情事,監測管理建議維持第一級(每1年至少2次監測異常項目)並依各單位權責加強應變作為,避免污染擴大。第二,依據環保署工業區燈號分級及監測管理現況,優先篩選6處高污染潛勢工業區(含樹林工業區、大園工業區、觀音工業區、桃園幼獅工業區、永康工業區及臨海工業區),評估既有監測資源效益,規劃建置整體地下水質預警監測井網,辦理地下水質調查工作。經有效整合各單位監測資源,在不擴編計畫經費額度及執行期程的前提下,新增3處工業區(含大甲幼獅工業區、民雄工業區及大發工業區)納入執行,以提早達成工業區預警管理目標。9處工業區共新設置60口監測井及納入25口既設井,總計85口,各區井網監測效益(可監測範圍面積/工業區範圍面積)可達81.6%~91.4%,有效監測範圍均可涵蓋已知區內污染區位。計畫執行期間已就地下水質調查成果,回饋污染模擬檢視污染現況及監測效益評估,尚無需求補充井位。本期9處工業區預警網之地下水質調查結果顯示,有3處工業區區外檢出達管制標準的情形,包括桃園幼獅工業區檢出三氯乙烯,臨海工業區檢出氯乙烯及大甲幼獅工業區檢出鎳;多處工業區均有一般項目(主要為氨氮、鐵、錳等項目)超出監測標準及檢出微量管制有機化合物(主要為含氯有機物)等情形,地下水污染管制項目檢出率達29%(25/85),應定期監測,掌握區外污染變化。第三,針對區外檢出污染達管制標準之工業區,本計畫已完成桃園幼獅工業區之監測異常區位污染擴大調查工作,已確認污染擴散範圍並據此補充1口新設井調整預警防線;上游補充調查成果顯示,區內地下水存在三氯乙烯及四氯乙烯,且檢出四氯乙烯達管制標準,研判區外預警監測井之污染應來自區內,建議環保機關進一步查證污染來源,並依土污法相關規定執行行政管制及應變措施;另於計畫執行後期檢出污染達管制標準之大甲幼獅及臨海工業區則已完成擴大調查規劃並責成主管機關優先執行風險管理作為,其擴大調查現場作業待下年度第三期計畫辦理。依各工業區預警網調查評估結果,桃園幼獅工業區、臨海工業區及大甲幼獅工業區因檢出達污染管制標準,後續分級監測管理建議列為第一級(針對異常項目應每1年至少2次加強監測),各單位分工執行污染源調查查證及應變處理工作;樹林、大園、永康及民雄工業區因檢出微量污染管制項目,建議列為第三級(針對異常項目應每1年至少1次持續監測);觀音工業區及大發工業區均無檢出污染管制項目,後續分級監測管理建議列為第四級(針對全管制項目應每2年至少1次定期監測)。 Early Warning Groundwater Monitoring Well Network Planning Project for High Potential Polluted Indus The main work of this project included: (1) revising the procedure of the planning and establishment of early warning groundwater monitoring well networks for industrial parks; (2) assessing the efficiencies of the existing monitoring resources of the selected high potential polluted industrial parks based on the results of the Environmental Protection Administration’s light classification and polluted potential estimation of industrial parks, establishing the early warning groundwater monitoring well networks and carrying out the groundwater investigation; (3) proposing the recommendations of classified monitoring management, pollution investigation and verification and response measures according to the results of the groundwater investigation as well as carrying out the additional investigation for groundwater pollution.Firstly, the modification of the vertical pollution transportation and the mechanism of investigation in advance were brought into the procedure of the planning and establishment of early warning groundwater monitoring well networks. Regarding the classified monitoring management of the well networks, the local environmental protection bureau may adjust the monitoring quantities and frequencies based on the groundwater quality of the industrial parks as well as their budget application. It was recommended that the groundwater monitoring wells with abnormal monitoring results and their surrounding wells should be chosen to be intensively monitored especially for the concerned pollutant items and the overall items listed in the pollution control standards should be tested once in every 2 years, as well.In this phase, the additional investigation were implemented for the industrial parks which were investigated in the first-phase project, including Jhongli, Nangang, Linyuan, Hsinchu Science Park, Taichung Export Processing Zone and Nantze Export Processing Zone, to complement the breach of the groundwater flow field and amend the well networks allocation by establishing or including groundwater wells. Besides, this project assisted the local environmental protection bureau in regularly monitoring the groundwater quality of the monitoring wells with abnormal monitoring results in the first-phase project. Among the selected industrial parks, the pollutant concentrations of the early warning monitoring wells in Jhongli Industrial Park and Nantze Export Processing Zone continuously exceeded the pollution control standards.Secondly, Shulin, Dayuan, Kuangin, Taoyuan Youth, Yongkang, Linhai, Taichung Youth, Minsyong, and Tafa industrial parks were selected to establish the early warning groundwater monitoring well networks in this project. A total of 60 newly-established monitoring wells and 25 existing wells were included in the planning of early warning groundwater monitoring well networks. The effective monitoring efficiency for each networks ranged from 81.6 to 91.4%. All the monitoring area of each well network was capable of covering all known contaminated hot spots.The groundwater sampling results indicated that Taoyuan Youth Industrial Park had trichloroethylene detected over the pollution control standard; Nickel was detected in Taichung Youth Industrial Park; Vinyl chloride was detected in Linhai Industrial Park. The percentage of the monitoring wells with the regulatory-listed pollutant item detected was 29% (25/85).Thirdly, this project conducted additional pollution investigation activities in Taoyuan Youth Industrial Park to evaluate the scope and extent of the contamination and established one more groundwater monitoring well to amend the well networks. The additional investigation for Taichung Youth and Linhai Industrial Parks will be carried out in the next phase of the project.In addition, according to the investigation results of each industrial park, Taoyuan Youth, Linhai and Taichung Youth Industrial Parks were graded the first level owing to their pollutant concentrations exceeding the pollution control standards and the concerned pollutant items shall be tested twice a year at least. Shulin, Dayuan, Yongkang and Minsyong Industrial Parks were graded the third level and the concerned pollutant items should be tested once a year. Kuangin and Tafa Industrial Parks were graded the fourth level and the overall pollutant items listed in the regulatory pollution control standards should be tested once in every 2 years.Finally, this project also proposed the recommendation of response measures and additional activities that should be taken by the environmental protection agencies and the industry competent authorities for future enforcement references. 101 土污基管會 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65481
應回收廢棄資源物循環再生利用創新技術評估與推廣規劃專案工作計畫 隨著經濟發展與工商業活動頻繁,連帶產生大量的固體廢棄物資源質 超限利用情形,已成為臺灣地區目前急需解決的問題。因應日益嚴重垃圾問題,並有效分配資源物質之使用冀能將廢棄中可回收加以再利用,環保署特委託本研究計畫針對臺灣現行公告應回收廢棄資源物循再生利用及創新技術進行評估與推廣。 本計畫首先調查應回收廢棄資源物循環再生利用產業類別目前發展現況與 技術特性,針對 13 類 33 項公告應回收廢棄 物目做一完整理。並針對項公告應回收廢棄 物目做一完整理。並針對資源物循環再生利用創新技術之可行性進評估,依據目前研究結 果,應回收 廢棄物如鉛蓄電池及資訊品之國外創新技術應用於內,根據面、政策面、執行環境以及經濟做為評估指標要項。並針對國內不易清除回收之項目(如:冷媒、錐管玻璃廢液晶螢光粉等),整理前所遇到瓶 收之項目(如:冷媒、錐管玻璃廢液晶螢光粉等),整理前所遇到瓶 頸與未來之可能處理方式。研究期間已完成舉辦兩場專家者座談會,並擬將擬之創新技術成果作為後續研發及市場商業化推動,並建立網路平台加以廣。 Recyclable waste resources using innovative recycling technology assessment and promotion. Due to the economic development and commercial and industrial activities, solid wastes are increasingly produced and resource materials are unlimitedly utilized. It has become an important issue needing to be solved promptly. Thus, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) entrusted this project to National Taipei University of Science and Technology (NTUST) to assess the innovative recycling technology and investigate the status of solid waste resources recycling for further promotion. It is expected that the results of this project could provide the way to solve the serious solid wastes problem and redirect the utilization of recycling resource materials. This project firstly investigated the present status of recyclable wastes at industrial categories and their technology characteristics. Recyclable wastes of 13 categories and 33 items were selected for investigation according to Regulated Recyclable Wastes Program (Taiwan EPA). In particular, innovative technologies were assessed for application feasibility for several items. Indicators for performance evaluation for some items such as lead acids batteries and waste information technology equipment were assessed. Evaluation indicators covered several aspects including technology, policy, execution, environment and economic aspects. We also focused on the difficult recycling materials such as refrigerant, cone glass, waste LCD, fluorescent powder for case studies to understand the bottle neck of present conditions and the improvement of treatment in the future. Two workshops have been taken place during the study period. Results of this study and the opinions of scholars and experts have been integrated for further innovative technology development and commercial promotion. A website platform was also constructed for further promotion and communication in the future. 102 基管會 國立臺北科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64944
102至104年度一般廢棄物最終處置前組成採樣及分析工作委託專案計畫(102年度,第1年) 本計畫主要目的在於延續歷年全國各縣市之垃圾採樣及分析工作,透過縝密之採樣規劃與分析結果,建立長期連續性之垃圾基本特性資料,並掌握垃圾性質之長期變動趨勢;並期藉由本計畫之執行成果,作為未來制定未來垃圾處理政策、研發新穎資源回收與再利用技術、評估規劃安全性處理處置技術之重要參考依據。根據今(102)年度採樣分析結果顯示,垃圾濕基組成中紙類、廚餘類及塑膠類約佔總物理組成比例之93.71%,其中紙類含量最高,約佔垃圾組成中41%,其次為廚餘類之36.53%及塑膠類16.18%,至於金屬類及玻璃類則分別佔0.45%及0.61%。皮革橡膠類、纖維布類及木竹落葉類含量之總和,約佔垃圾物理組成之3.80%。就本年度紙類及塑膠類之物理組成比例變化趨勢可知,均較近三年之移動平均值為高,分別由近三年平均值之38.7%及15.6%,增加至今年之41%及16.18%,亦即上述物理組成之比例,呈現逐年增加之趨勢。本年度廚餘類、金屬與玻璃類之組成比例,均較近三年之移動平均值為低,且呈現逐年降低之現象。此外,依據本年度採集垃圾中紙類之種類,主要以紙製衛生用品之其他紙類含量佔總垃圾之19%為主,至於紙張則約佔總垃圾之7%。垃圾中平均含水量為54.95%;由於垃圾中金屬、玻璃及其他無機成分含量較低,因此,可燃分均佔垃圾之40.86%以上;垃圾之平均低位發熱量為1960 kcal/kg。至於五個採樣縣市之垃圾中可燃物重金屬分析結果顯示,鋅、鉛、銅、鉻及鎘之平均含量,分別為20.2 mg/kg、4.94 mg/kg、11.0 mg/kg、10.1 mg/kg及0.656 mg/kg。根據長期垃圾採樣分析結果,有助於建立全國地區垃圾性質分析之完善資料庫,同時本計畫結果亦可提供未來垃圾管理策略之重要參考依據。 The Sampling and Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Composition in Taiwan (2013) The objectives of this project were to establish the database of long-term physical and chemical characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW) and to evaluate the variation of MSW composition and property by careful sampling, sample preparation and the analytical techniques. Therefore, this project was designed and implemented continuously for the sampling and analysis of municipal solid waste composition in Taiwan, from March 7, 2013 to March 6, 2014. This project was also well-planned to sample 22 MSW sources generated from municipalities in Taiwan (including 25 sampling points) once a season for every source and to analyze the physical and chemical compositions of MSW samples. In this work, the main analysis items were including physical composition, proximate analysis, ultimate analysis, energy content and heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cr, Cd, and Pb) of combustible, respectively. In summary, according to the performance of this project, it can be useful in adopting the strategies of municipal solid waste management, developing the innovative technologies of recycling and recovery, and assessing the safe technologies of MSW disposal. 102 督察總隊 逢甲大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65365
102年度臺中市機車排氣檢驗站管理計畫 「102年度臺中市機車排氣檢驗站管理計畫」,工作期程於102年2月1日起至102年12月31日止,各項工作執行成果說明如下:機車排氣檢驗站查核部分,定期品質查核共1280站次、標準氣體比對640站次、無預警查核650站次、跑馬燈維護101站次;機車排氣檢驗站相關會議部分,完成檢驗站人員教育訓練3場次、業務聯繫會議2場次、檢驗站表揚大會1場次;改裝移動式排氣檢驗車,並辦理偏遠地區及梨山地區戶外定檢42場次,檢驗車輛數達375輛;推動保檢合一方面提供宣導海報、布條、建置保檢合一資訊系統及辦理示範站人員教育訓練1場次,保檢合一服務共計26,469人次參與;製作廣播廣告2則,播放900檔次;新聞稿公布5篇;定檢明信片印製及郵寄通知單完成10個月,共寄發1,143,774件;增設機車排氣檢驗站工作方面,已提交甄選計畫1式、甄選說明會3場次、申請文件審查作業1式、抽籤決選會1式、現勘作業1式,共計完成11站增設機車排氣檢驗站之甄選工作。執行交通(環境)噪音陳情案件監測11點次、公私場所周界噪音查核或量測16點次、非游離輻射電磁波監測6點次、通知機動車輛原地噪音量測35場次及夜間機動車輛攔檢作業之原地噪音量測12場次;完成機場噪音管制中心及監測站查核2場次;辦理航空噪音防制區劃分研商會、協調會事宜1場次;完成依本市特性修訂噪音管制法第8條及第9條修正草案1式;完成量測儀器檢定及送校工作1式,其執行成果摘要如表一。 2013 Taichung City Motorcycle Emission Inspection Station Management Project. “2013 Taichung City motorcycle Emission Inspection Station Management Project” had begun from Feb.-01- 2013 to Jul.-31-2013. Its implementation timetable is 6 months. The results as below:In the tasks of inspection station, this project has finished 1,280 cases of regular quality inspection, 640 cases of standard gas comparison, 650 cases of unannounced check, and 101 electronic marquee maintenances. In the tasks of related meetings, this project held two meetings of education training and a “The Best Inspection Station of the Year” award ceremony. In the tasks of outdoor inspection, this project completed 42 outdoor inspections for remote areas by the mobile modified exhaust inspection car, in which, there were 375 motorcycles participated. In the tasks of maintenance and inspection, this project completed promotion posters, banners; build-up ”Maintenance and Inspection Information System” and held an education training for the demonstration station staffs. Furthermore, this project for the vehicles of maintenance and inspection service were 23,535 people participated. In the tasks of promotion, this project finished 2 radio advertising articles, which there were 900 times broadcasted; moreover, this project also published 5 press releases. In the tasks of notification, this project sent 1,143,774 postcards. In the tasks of adding inspection station, this project proposed an “Inspection Station Selection planning report” and held 3 seminars of selection. In addition, this project also proposed an “application document examination procedure report” and held a meeting of lots to decide which should be new inspection stations. This project completed 11 new inspection stations of site reconnaissance and acceptance.In the tasks of noise control, this project completed 11 times of monitoring for enforcing traffic(environmental) noise complaint cases, 16 inspection/measurement for perimeter noise of public or private premises, 6 times of monitoring for non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, 35 in-situ noise measurements for notified motor vehicles, and 12 in-situ noise measurements for intercepted inspection at night. In addition, this project also completed 2 inspections for the airport noise control centre and inspection station. Furthermore, this project completed 1 consultative meeting of “Aircraft noise control zone delineation” and revised “Draft Amendments of Noise Control Act Section 8 and 9” and finished inspection/ calibration for measuring instruments. 102 台中市環境保護局 新研綠能科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64191
102年電動車輛推廣計畫 「102年度臺中市電動車輛推廣計畫」,計畫期程自簽約日102年2月1日起至102年12月31日止,執行期程共11個月,各項工作執行成果說明如下:完成調查蒐集有關六都相關資料,完成蒐集國外電動車、充電模式及低污染車輛推廣現況與特性現況調查;辦理老舊二行程機車報廢審核、汰舊換購低污染車輛審核、油氣雙燃料車審核,並發送已撥款簡訊通知;完成製作大眾運輸付費卡8,000張,及寄送大眾運輸付費卡;完成建置二行程汰舊補助資料庫。完成102年度電動機車充電站巡查及維護,電動汽車充電站巡查,設置電動機車充電站指示牌;完成綠能交通推廣白皮書撰寫;辦理電動機車電池交換及記者會1場;協助經濟部工業局智慧電動車先導運行計畫相關事項;內燃機機車廠綠美化植栽巡查一次;辦理兩場次補助案件說明會、三梯次綠能交通宣導夏令營,辦理電動汽車及電動機車體驗試乘活動82場次;完成宣導摺頁4,000份及宣導品5,000份製作;廣播電臺廣告播出及主持人口播;完成問卷調查;完成平面媒體刊登,每週更新綠能交通網業資訊。 2013 Electric Vehicles Promotion Project in Taichung City "2013 Electric Vehicles Promotion Project in Taichung City" project of the process since the signing date of February 1 2013 until December 31, the implementation period of 11 months away, the implementation of the outcome of the work described below :Completion of the investigation to gather all relevant information on the six complete collection of foreign electric vehicles, charging mode and low-pollution vehicles to promote the status of the current situation and characteristics of the survey; handle scrap the old two-stroke motorcycles audit, audit and eliminating the old redemption cleaner vehicles, oil and gas dual-fuel vehicles audit and send the funds SMS notification; complete the production of 8,000 public transport payment cards, payment cards and send mass transit; finish building the two-stroke eliminating the old subsidy database.2013 completed the annual motor vehicle inspection and maintenance of the charging station, electric car charging stations inspections of the motor car charging stations signs; completion of the White Paper on the promotion of green energy transportation writing; handle motor vehicle battery exchange and press conference a field; assist the Ministry of Economic Affairs Industrial Development Bureau of wisdom electric cars run pilot programs related matters; engine locomotive factory green landscaping planting an inspection; handle two times a subsidy cases briefings, three echelon green energy transportation advocacy camp, for electric vehicles and motor vehicle test ride experience activities 82 sessions; completed folding advocacy and promotion 4,000 5,000 goods produced; radio broadcast advertising and host port broadcast; complete the questionnaire; completion of the print media published updated information on green energy transport industry weekly. 102 台中市環境保護局 新研綠能科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=64352
102年空品淨化區巡查管理及裸露地調查改善計畫 102年本計畫工作大項計有蒐集及調查本計畫相關環境背景資料;辦理本市空氣品質淨化區巡查及裸露地調查改善重要管制;協助執行環保署年度考核及配合本局空污計畫考核;會議、宣導、便民措施及民眾滿意度;計畫管理(含系統維護及管考),工作項次總計41大項。計畫自2月1日簽約,統計至12月31日,整體進度達成率為100%。計畫簽約金額為1368萬元,契約規定之專任人力要求含計畫經理及專案工程師5位,非專任人力為計畫主持人。階段成果為完成25.33公頃裸露地輔導改善、5.13公頃工廠植樹綠化、35處空氣品質淨化區碳匯量測作業、45處校園及60處工廠植樹綠化後續追蹤、召開16場次綠化申請案初複勘及經費審查會議、辦理空氣品質淨化區評比作業、推動5處基地認養作業、研擬103年度空氣品質淨化區評比原則、建置空氣品質淨化區喬木履歷及語音導覽系統、辦理空氣品質淨化區夏令營活動、攝影比賽及塗鴉寫生比賽、使用航照圖完成裸露地資料建置與每月例行查核作業等、輔導一處空氣品質淨化區申請環境教育設施認證、補助綠肥及綠化施作403公頃。 2013Maintenance & Management of Clean Air Zone and Investigation & Consulting Improvement for Generalized Bare Lands This project in 2013 involves 41 tasks, including gathering and survey of the project-related environmental background data; patrol on the clean air zone of the City, and survey and improvement of exposed lands; assistance in the annual EPA evaluation and the evaluations according to the Bureau’s air pollution project; meetings, propaganda, people-convenient measures and people satisfaction; and project management (including maintenance and evaluation of systems). Since the signing on Feb. 1 till Dec. 31, the percentage of achievement of the Project is 100%. The Project executed contracts for NT$13.68 million, and involves dedicated human power, specified by contracts, including project manager and five engineers, and non-dedicated project leader.Currently the results are the completion of counseled improvement on 25.33 hectare of exposed land, 5.13-hectare forestation in plants, carbon measurement at 35 places in clean air zones, follow up on forestation in 45 schools and 60 plants. The results also include 11 meetings given to re-survey of forestation applications and fund review, rating of clean air zones, voluntary care of five bases, and formulation of principles for 2014 clean air zone rating. Those finished further include the implementation of tree resumes and voice guide system in clean air zones, summer camps of clean air zones, contests of photography and drawings, as well as data creation of exposed lands by aerial maps, and monthly routine checks. Counselling a Clean Air Zone certification for environmental education facilities, Subsidies for Agricultural Land with Green Manure There are a total of 12 administrative regions with 403 acres planted with cosmos green manure this year. 102 台中市環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65196
公告應回收廢棄物費率結構檢討及電子電器暨資訊物品回收體系成效評估計畫 本計畫依工作契約完成(1)檢討公告應回收廢棄物費率架構,協助費率審議委員會相關行政作業。(2)探討國內外回收管理制度發展趨勢,推動國際合作交流模式。(3)評估責任物列管範圍及退場機制,檢討研修國內綠色設計指標規範。(4)辦理提升廢電子電器及廢資訊物品回收成效工作等4大項工作內容。公告應回收廢棄物費率架構檢討方面,完成下列工作:(1)透過國內外資料蒐集、專家學者面訪及諮詢座談會,完成3項費率結構焦點議題及補貼費率調整原則探討,並提出調整建議。(2)完成以廢冷暖氣機及廢鉛蓄電池進行浮動費率試算作業,並提出可行性評估。(3)提出以冷媒收集量研擬差別補貼費率方案。(4)完成12場次費率審議委員會召開及辦理,並完成第9屆費率審議委員會改選作業。國內外回收管理制度蒐集及推動國際合作交流方面,完成下列工作:(1)完成歐盟(德國、荷蘭、比利時、瑞典、英國、瑞士及挪威)、澳洲、日本、美國、加拿大、韓國、中國大陸等13個國家回收管理制度資訊蒐集。(2) 完成3篇國外管理趨勢專題資料蒐集,包含電子廢棄再使用管理趨勢、日本小家電回收政策實施情況及歐盟會員國因應WEEE指令修訂之管理變革。(3)完成出訪美國參與第3屆國際電子廢棄物回收管理夥伴會議。(4)彙整10個區域夥伴國家(越南、泰國、馬來西亞、印度、奈及利亞、迦納、巴西、阿根廷、薩爾瓦多、哥倫比亞)電子廢棄物回收處理系統現況。(5)完成修訂11篇101年度廢電子電器與廢資訊物品回收管理訓練課程及中英文版教材內容。責任物列管範圍檢討及綠色指標探討方面,完成下列工作:(1)依法制面、環境面、經濟面及作業進行電風扇解除列管可行性評估。(2)完成11項電子電器及資訊物品(電視機、電冰箱、洗衣機、冷暖氣機、電風扇、顯示器、個人電腦元件(主機板、硬式磁碟機、電源器及機殼)、印表機、鍵盤、可攜式電腦之平板電腦及筆記型電腦)責任物列管範圍檢討。(3)完成彙整7種國內外綠色標章責任業者取得情形、透過25家次業者電話訪談及3場次諮詢座談會,提出綠色差別徵收費率實施檢討及建議。推廣廢電子電器及廢資訊物品回收成效工作方面,完成下列工作:(1)完成電子電器及資訊物品回收宣導海報選擇,並寄發至交通場站、各級學校及經銷販賣業者, 兩款海報共寄發9,752張。(2)以廢筆記型電腦回收為主題,完成1支宣導短片拍攝。(3)透過網路發布回收宣導插畫,總計瀏覽次數達4萬7百多次。(4)結合販賣業者完成辦理4場次回收宣導教育活動。 Reviewing of recycling fee rate calculation formula and evaluating the effectiveness of recycling pr In respect of the contract, this project has completed the following objectives:(1) Reviewed of the calculation formula of the recycling fee rate, and supported the Recycling Fee Rate Review Committee (RFRRC) for administrative operation. (2) Compared foreign and domestic e-waste collection and recycling system and promoted the international cooperation. (3) Reviewed the items of Regulated Recyclable e-waste and its corresponding exit mechanism; reviewed the standards of product green design. (4) Held public campaigns for promoting the e-waste collection.As for the calculation formula of the recycling fee rate, the following objectives have been completed: (1) Proposed 3 suggestions for the recycling fee rate calculation formula and 2 principles in setting subsidy rate. (2) Calculated the Floating Recycling Fee Rate of the air-conditioner and lead-acid batteries, and conducted feasibility assessment. (3) Proposed the project of Differential Recycling Fee Rate with refrigerant collection. (4) Held 12 conferences of the RFRRC working group, and updated the data of fee rates database. As for the comparison of foreign and domestic E-waste collection, the following objectives have been completed: (1) Analyzed and compared the recycling system in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Australia, China, Japan, and South Korea. (2) Analyzed 3 reports of e-waste management, including “The Reuse of Old Appliances, Small Electrical Electric Equipment Recycling Policy in Japan” and “The Challenge of Transposing Recast of The WEEE Directive”. (3) Attended 2013 International e-waste Management Network (IEMN) Meeting. (4) Analyzed and compared the recycling system in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Nigeria, Ghana, Brazil, Argentina, El Salvador, and Colombia. (5) Revised 11 teaching materials of e-waste recycling program for future e-waste management training.As for the review of regulated recyclable e-waste items and the standards of product green design, the following objectives have been completed: (1) The feasibility assessment of fans from legislative, environmental, economic, operational perspectives. (2) Reviewed 11 items from Regulated Recyclable e-waste. (3) Proposed the reviews of green differential fee rate after compiling opinions from current green label owners and participating companies of the phone interviews or workshops.As for the public campaigns for promoting the e-waste collection, the following objectives have been completed: (1) Selected 2 posters and sent to the transport stations, schools and retailers for promoting thee-waste collection, 9,752 posters were sent out in total; (2) produced a short film for promoting notebook collection; (3) Published the online comics of e-waste recycling whish has reached 47,000 hits; (4) Held 4 recycling awareness workshops with retailers. 102 基管會 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65152
廢電子電器及資訊物品販賣、回收處理體系回收流向調查、管理及效能提升專案工作計畫 本計畫完成之工作內容包括:(一)本計畫透過電話與實地訪查民眾、經銷販賣業、古物商、回收商、清潔隊、處理廠進行廢電子電器及資訊物品流布調查分析,其廢電子電器進入受補貼機構為80.14%,廢資訊物品則為70.46%。另針對未進入認證體系之廢物品,建議應持續加強資源回收宣導工作,讓民眾確實瞭解正確之回收管道,而自行拆解處理之狀況,仍須透過強力稽查作業,方能杜絕非法拆解之情形。(二)蒐集國外處理相關技術資料,於現場輔導時將相關建議提供業者參考,未來可延伸進行國外參訪了解國外處理技術,並引用至國內受補貼機構之處理技術。而針對再利用業者進行實際衍生物流向調查,其中印刷電路板因多為境外處理且為有害物質,故本計畫調查所有受補貼機構衍生物之流向,以了解去向。依據現場輔導過程中調查各受補貼機構處理效能及資源再利用比例,發現國內受補貼機構冷媒收集率效果不佳或抽取環保冷媒時有易爆之情形,建議於設施標準中可增設氧濃度偵測設備(含惰性氣體導入設計);此外本計畫針對銅鋁再生料分選情形,進行完成1家廠商改善銅鋁篩網孔徑設施,改善後銅鋁再生料中銅鋁比例可上升至72.3%,整體分選成效約上升10%,建議未來應妥善分離產出鐵、非鐵及塑膠等物質,以有效提升資源再利用比率。(三)研擬重量補貼作業模式:針對廢電子電器及資訊物品缺件物品補貼範圍及項目進行探討,經評估可納入補貼之缺件物品項目共7項,並進行5家規模較大之處理業者,現場瞭解採重量計費之廢物品項目、進廠作業規定及爭議處理。根據研擬之重量補貼認證作業流程內容,擇3家處理廠實地模擬相關作業,以評估作業時間、缺件物品雜質情形及作業流暢度,並確認認證作業模式。並以2012年度稽核認證量估算缺件廢物品納入補貼對基金支出影響,經評估試算,整體廢電子電器缺件物品總支出約占年度補貼費支出0.34%,整體廢資訊物品缺件物品總支出約占年度補貼費支出0.18%。(四)檢討廢四機回收制度及提升管理效能:為落實廢四機回收制度宣導作業,本計畫完成21場教育訓練、20場到戶輔導及結合公會辦理3場次之說明會,另本計畫陪同環保署、環保局抽檢稽查販賣業、回收處理業共計22家,共開立19張勸導單,另因應系統使用者所需共完成9項功能及報表開發。檢討廢四機回收成效,其2013年透過廢四機制度共回收95,892台,以4~12月作為比較區間,2013年度較2012年度增加了12,277由此可見由本制度回收之廢四機於穩定成長。本年度計畫持續協助制度推動,建議未來除了針對不同對象加強宣輔導,亦可以專案輔導方式,提升整體廢四機制度成效。 Flow investigation, management, and elevate efficacy of waste home appliances and waste IT equipment The purposes of this project included: (1) The purpose of this project was to analyze the flow circumstance investigation of waste home appliances and waste IT equipment via telephone and on-site investigation of publics, dealers, collection and recyclers, and cleaning team. The waste home appliance into the treatment plant was 80.14%, as compared with 70.46% for waste IT equipment. For those waste appliances beyond the certification system, such as those are forgotten at home or those with unclear delivery flow, we suggested continually enhancing public awareness of recycle, and informed the public correct recycling venues. For those are dismantled privately, we recommended to keep active inspection to eradicate the illegal situation.(2) Overseas information of relative processing technology had been collected and will be provided to recycling industries while proceeding on-the-spot counsel. In the future, overseas visits of the processing technologies can be planned, and adopt the techniques to the domestic subsidized organization. We aimed at the investigation of the actual derivative flow in recycling industry, especially the printed circuit boards because they are hazardous substances and offshore processing. During the counsels, the recyclers encountered poor rate of refrigerant collection and serious industrial safety issues (i.e. explosions) in recent years when environmentally friendly refrigerant are involved. We suggested an oxygen concentration detector, (including an inert gas) can be added in the standard facility installation to handle and shred the waste pentane-containing fridges properly. In addition, according to the sorting results of improved mesh aperture, the ratio of copper and aluminum compound in recovered resources could be rose to 72.3%, about 10% increase in the overall effectiveness. During the counsels, we surveyed the proportion of processing efficiency and resources recycling, and discovered the poor rates of recovered resources sorting of copper and aluminum. We suggested the recyclers should enhance their recycling techniques in order to separate iron, non-ferrous and plastic materials properly to effectively improve the ratio of resource recovery.(3) Develop the process of allowance of weight: we has discussed the scope subsidies and items of missing elements. After discussion with the auditing and certification unit, 7 missing elements could be incorporated into the subsidies. We went to 5 of the larger recycling industries to check the items of waste appliances weighted for bill, the regulation of operations, and dispute resolution. Following the process of allowance of weight, 3 recycling industries were chosen to proceed the simulation to analyze processing time, impurities of missing elements, and fluency of operation to confirm the model of certification. We predict the impact of open-up the allowance of weight on our foundation expense based on last year (2012) auditing certified amounts. Overall expenditure of missing elements of waste home appliance is 0.34% of annual contribution fees; total expenditure of missing elements of waste IT equipment accounts for 0.18% of the annual contribution fees. (4) Review of waste appliances recycling system and to improve management performance: We held 21 sessions of education and training, 20 on-site counseling, and 3 seminars with electronic associations to disseminate waste appliances recycling system. Spot-checking 22 regulated industries and wrote 19 persuasion tickets with EPA and EPB. Moreover, according to the users’ need, we developed 9 functions and statements for take-back web system. Inspecting the result of waste appliances recycling: This year (2013), the waste appliances collected through take-back system were 95,892. The waste collection numbers increased 12,277tems and compared with the same period (from April to December) last year, it shows a contribution to stable waste items growth. We assisted to promote system this year, and suggested advocating for different industries, and project counseling to enhance the effectiveness of waste appliances recycling system. 102 基管會 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65125
室內污染物分布特性及採樣分析技術與改善策略評估暨室內空氣品質標準值修訂 為釐清室外環境的變異對於室內空氣品質之影響,本團隊利用前期時序性資料的整合分析探討環境變遷對於室內各項汙染物的濃度分佈情形,彙整自1998年以來,累計共764筆不同建築物之實場監測資料,將其整合採樣時間相對應之環保署大氣汙染物一般空氣測站的監測資料,及場所建築特徵和室內外潛在污染源之問卷調查資訊,並利用GEE或GLM統計模型進行估算。研究發現大氣汙染物濃度變化對室內汙染物分佈情形均有顯著影響,若在模式中考量大氣溫度之影響,亦發現每單位溫度的增加會顯著影響汙染物室內外關係。進一步加入時間變項後,除CO2以外,各式室內汙染物濃度每年的beta值比起基準年份多呈負值,說明相較10年前,室內空氣品質較為理想;然而,近5年室內O3和真菌濃度的中位數相較於過去有顯著的增加,在時間模式中也發現,室內濃度的beta值有隨年份增加的趨勢,顯示室內環境有逐漸惡化的現象。本研究利用學界罕見之寶貴資料,首次整合長達15年不同類型建築物之室內監測數據,釐清影響室內各式空氣汙染物濃度的因素,進而評估大氣汙染物變異對室內濃度的影響,定量出各自的影響程度。本研究團隊完成公告方法與非公告方法監測值的比對,並發現 personal environment monitoring (PEM) 採樣器適合用於實場PM2.5濃度的監測,研究團隊也研擬「微粒直讀式儀器的使用規範與查驗制度」。在懸浮微粒組成與健康效應部份,研究發現鋁、鈣、鐵和鈉是國內辦公空間PM2.5與PM10的優勢元素,道路或裸露地面則是可能的貢獻源;本研究所調查的元素濃度偏低,尚無足夠證據證實會增加人體的健康危害風險,未來應擴展至其他類別場所,以深入瞭解國內公共空間的懸浮微粒特性與潛在健康危害。本研究於國內7處室內公共場所進行半揮發性有機化合物(以鄰苯二甲酸酯PAEs與萘等PAHs)氣態、懸浮微粒(PM2.5、PM10)、地板灰塵採樣。PAHs結果顯示,各採樣點氣相總PAHs均高於PM2.5及PM10,氣相PAHs最高濃度為萘,其中各採樣地點氣相萘與國際間研究室內環境濃度相仿。PAHs於懸浮微粒中,菲最常測出,其他較常測出者為苊烯及蒽。PAEs方面,氣相總PAEs濃度高於懸浮微粒相PM2.5及PM10,分子量較低(<300 g/mol)之PAEs於氣相大部分均有測出,其中以DBP濃度較高;分子量300-400 g/mol之PAEs如DEHP檢出率達100%;分子量400 g/mol以上之PAEs如DINP與DIDP於氣相中大部分均低於偵測極限。懸浮微粒PM2.5及PM10方面,被檢出者較集中於分子量300-400 g/mol之PAEs,且大部分PM10高於PM2.5之濃度,主要分布於粗微粒(coarse, PM2.5-10)部份。地板灰塵結果顯示,DIBP、DEHP及DNOP檢出率均達100%,濃度主要以DEHP佔最高比例,其次為DNOP與DINP。為探討室內真菌暴露對健康之影響,從Pubmed搜尋 2009-2013年之研究發表,經題目及摘要、全文、研究設計等原則層層篩選後獲得7篇關於潮濕/真菌暴露對近期氣喘影響之英文全文文獻以進行統合分析,隨機效應模式分析之結果顯示潮濕、霉斑及霉味分別可增加近期氣喘風險40.1% (95% CI=0.921-2.133)、60.1% (95% CI=1.264-2.027) 及79.9% (95% CI=1.268-2.553),然潮濕之影響未達統計顯著 (p > 0.05)。另外,本研究亦藉由比較培養法與qPCR之真菌檢測結果以評估非培養技術qPCR之環境可應用性。在10點次空間中,培養法測得之真菌及Aspergillus日平均中位數濃度分別為456 和55 CFU/m3,qPCR測得之濃度則為9,233與77 spore equivalent/m3;但兩種方法測得不論是真菌或Aspergillus之濃度均不具顯著相關性 (p > 0.05)。若進一步加上過去分析之5個光電廠樣本,則真菌濃度便呈現顯著正相關 (r= 0.408, p=0.043)。此相關性不一致之情形可能是由於不同場所特性會影響真菌的生理特性,亦即提高或降低真菌的可培養性;然此也顯示了兩種方法所得之真菌暴露資料可能連結至不同之健康效應,然此部分仍須未來進一步結合健康資料才能獲得更清楚之結論。本研究團隊在彙析國內外生物性污染的生成因素等相關文獻後,發現溫度、濕度和有機質為影響微生物生長的重要因素,因此控制溫度等因子有助於降低室內的生物性污染問題。研究團隊也完成2個室內生物性污染改善案例,並整併入「室內生物性污染控制技術指引」。 Distribution characteristics of indoor air pollutants, sampling and analysis techniques with strate This study is aimed to integrate the database of indoor air indicators and pollutants established by our research team over the past 15 years to evaluate the primary climatic impacts on IAQ in Taiwan. Since 1998, we have continuously collected monitoring data of IAQ in a total of 764 buildings in different indoor environments. We further integrated the profiles of ambient pollutants from EPA atmospheric stations according to the sampling area and specific time. Building characteristics and potential indoor and outdoor sources were summarized as well. Generalized Linear Model (GLM) or Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE), depending on the distribution of data format, were selected to evaluate the impacts of ambient pollutants and climate variations on IAQ. Results show that variations of ambient pollutants had significant impact on IAQ. Besides, these relationships are affected significantly by the change of ambient temperature. Taking into account the factor of “sampling year” in the examining models, current IAQ seems to be better than a decade ago since lower values of beta coefficients in each year are found compared to that in baseline year, except the pollutant of CO2. However, higher median value and beta of indoor O3 and fungi were found after the year of 2005 compared to the levels before 2004, demonstrating a worse situation of IAQ starts to occur. In conclusion, our study is the first to evidence a series of impacts of ambient pollutants and climate variations on indoor air pollutants by using a 15-years dataset of field investigations. We have clarified the factors contributing to the change of levels of indoor air pollutants and quantified the degrees of these impacts.This study has also conducted a comparison between data of real-time monitor and standard sampling method for PM2.5 and PM10, and suggested that personal environment monitoring (PEM) instrument could be used to monitor the levels of PM2.5 in the fields. We also draft a document for “standard usage method for real-time monitors for PM2.5 and PM10”. Moreover, we investigated the characteristics and health effects of PM2.5 and PM10 in office spaces, and found that aluminum, calcium, iron and sodium elements were major compounds in study spaces. Road and uncover land were potential contributors for the elemental compositions of PM2.5 and PM10 by PCA, and total Cr has higher hazard risk by risk assessment. In the further, we need to investigate the characteristics and health risk of PM2.5 and PM10 in different kind of public spaces.This study sampled the semi-volatile organic compounds (such as phthalates PAEs and naphthalene PAHs), gas, suspended particulate (PM2.5 and PM10), and floor dust, in seven domestic indoor public places. PAHs showed that the gas phase of PAHs in every sampling site is higher than the PAHs in PM2.5 and PM10, the gas phase of naphthalene concentration is similar to the indoor environmental concentration in the international research. In the aspects of suspended particles PM2.5 and PM10 of PAHs, phenanthrene was mostly detected; acenaphthylene and anthracene were also frequently detected. The result of PAEs, the total gas phase concentration is higher than the suspended particles PM2.5 and PM10. For PAEs in gas phase, molecular weight (<300 g/mol) were mostly detected, in which DBP was with the highest concentration; molecular weight (300-400 g/mol) such as DEHP were detected 100%; molecular weight over 400 g/mol such as DINP and DIDP in the gas phase mostly were all below the detection limits. For PAEs in suspended particles PM2.5 and PM10, The concentration of PAEs in PM10 is higher than PM2.5, mainly distribute on coarse, PM2.5-10. The analysis of floor dust shows that DIBP, DEHP, and DNOP reach the detection rate of 100%. In the dust concentration, the concentration of DEHP has the highest proportion; Followed by DNOP and DINP.In order to assess the impacts of fungal exposure on human health, a systematic search of the Pubmed database was conducted (2009-2013). Seven full papers about the associations between dampness/visible mold/mold odor were selected for meta-analysis according to the selection criteria. The results of random effects model shows that dampness, visible mold, and mold odor can increase the risk of current asthma by 40.1% (95% CI=0.921-2.133), 60.1% (95% CI=1.264-2.027), and 79.9% (95% CI=1.268-2.553), respectively; however, the effect of dampness was not significant (p > 0.05). Moreover, this study also tried to evaluate the applicability of qPCR to airborne fungal monitoring by comparing the fungal exposure determined by culture assay and qPCR. In 10 tested spaces, the daily concentrations (median) of fungi and Aspergillus detected by culture assay were 456 and 55 CFU/m3, respectively, whereas qPCR quantified 9,233 sp-eq/m3 of fungi and 77 sp-eq/m3 of Aspergillus (median). Although there were no significant correlation between culture assay and qPCR in concentrations of fungi and Aspergillus both (p > 0.05), the positive correlation was showed after further combining the results detected from five spaces of a photonic fabrication factory (r= 0.408, p=0.043 for fungi). Such discordant findings may be because the characteristics of spaces would affect the metabolic activity of fungi, i.e. decrease or increase in the culturability of fungi. These findings also implied that the fungal exposure examined by culture assay and qPCR might link to different health impacts; however, this need a further study of investigating the associations of fungal exposure determined by the two methods and health outcomes.Previous studies, in summary, have shown that temperature, humidity and organic material are important influence factors in microbiological growth, therefore controlling these factors is helpful for preventing biological contamination. This study had performed two of biological pollution improvement cases, and results of improvement were synthesized into 「A guide to control technology of indoor biological contamination」. 102 空保處 國立成功大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65099
辦理民眾檢舉高污染車輛管理暨移動污染源資料庫整合管理專案工作計畫 根據環保署101年度「環保施政意向調查」針對目前戶外空氣品質所作調查結果顯示,民眾最近一年遭受空氣污染困擾的比率以汽、機車排(冒)煙為41.4%。究其原因為台灣地區經濟發達,民眾活動依賴汽機車比例相對偏高,平均每1.08人就有一輛汽機車。且依據「空氣污染排放資料庫 TEDs 7.1」排放量資料庫統計,98年機動車輛所排放的CO(一氧化碳)佔全台污染量的71.5%,HC(碳氫化合物)與NOx(氮氧化物)分別佔25.6%與47.0 %,因此若能妥善管理高污染車輛,將有助於改善目前空氣污染情形。為能在有限的公務資源下,有效管理高污染車輛;環保署自民國89年即建置民眾檢舉烏賊車案件管理系統並陸續擴充該系統,本(102)年度除針對環保單位需求擴增功能與維護系統,建立親和、實用並富教育的介面外,另一方面辦理總獎項超過新台幣100萬元之「102年度鼓勵民眾檢舉烏賊車暨噪音車抽獎活動」,為充分進行橫向與縱向溝通,本計畫辦理2場業務聯繫會議及2場業務檢討會議,使全國環保機關業務人員有機會針對本業務進行意見交換並達成多項共識,系統亦配合進行功能操作擴增,有效提昇案件辦理之品質。本計畫並建置「移動污染源資訊管理系統」,以e化方式建立環保署各委辦計畫查核方式及查核重點,並將移動污染源各計畫建立的資料庫進行有效整合、統計及分析,該系統可提供各項重要資料予環保署於業務現況檢討或未來決策推動時之支援,並使各項成果及污染削減量得以保存及應用。經統計,本(102)年度迄12月31日為止共受理265,006件民眾檢舉烏賊車案件,在空氣污染物削減成效方面,機車因民眾檢舉而減少污染物排放削減約263.17(噸/年)(二行程257.1、四行程2.16與汽油車3.91)NMHC(非甲烷碳氫化合物)及920.8(噸/年)(二行程859.13加上四行程29.93與汽油車31.74)CO排放;柴油汽車因民眾檢舉而減少污染物排放削減約73.66(噸/年)TSP(總懸浮微粒)排放;汽油汽車因民眾檢舉而減少污染物排放削減約0.95(噸/年)NOx。由此可知經由民眾檢舉烏賊車政策在移動污染源各項不定期管制策略中具有相當成效,值得繼續推動,而檢舉獎勵辦法以獎勵金作為民眾檢舉的誘因,有鑑於檢舉佐證的判定直接相關民眾可否領取獎勵金,故另隨機抽驗251件以了解各環保局的案件煙度判定之辦理情形。 High pollutant emitting vehicles reporting management system and mobile pollution source database in According to the report from “Civil satisfaction investigation for environmental protection policy” in 2012, the consequence of research of outdoor air quality indicated that the citizens were persecuted with the air pollution which caused by high polluted vehicles in the last year was 41.3%. Due to the high density of population and lack of the buffered areas between different land uses, the average vehicles owned per person was high. An average of 1 vehicle (motorcycle or automobile) was owned by each 1.08 person. In terms of statistical figures from A.Q.M.C (Air Quality Model Center) in 2009, CO pollutant resulted from motorcycles was 71.2 percent of all CO emission in Taiwan. HC and NOx were 25.5% and 46.8% respectively. Therefore, if we have a proper strategy to control and eliminate the high-pollutant emitting vehicles, the air quality could be improved effectively. In order to manage all high-pollutant emitting vehicles with limited inspectors, we established the high-pollutant emitting vehicles reporting system in 2000. This year, new functions were added and system was maintained, and total rewards worth more than one million NT dollars lottery event for tipsters was held. Above all, two training programs and two conferences took place during the duration of the project. Through the programs and conferences, environmental protection government agencies had communicated with each other and exchanged successful experience in polluting vehicle reported area and came to many consensuses. Information system functions were also modified and updated consequently, and processing quality was greatly improved. The project team developed E.P.A. “Mobile Pollution Sources Information system”, included national performance E-report, and established intranet book system to maintain the information and schedules. The book system contained important check points and schedules of all projects or events. Furthermore, project team integrated databases delivered by all the projects and consolidated data to provide integrated information as an important reference for line pollutants, decision making platform. All the consolidated information could be saved and applied for all the purposes upon different needs. According to statistics, 265,006 suspect vehicles were reported by Dec. 31, 2013. It has effectively contributed to emission reduction in 2013. In motorcycle category, emission was reduced approximately259.26 tons in NMHC and 889.06 tons in CO emission. In diesel vehicles category, it was reduced 73.66 tons in TSP emission. In gasoline vehicle category, it was reduced 0.95 tons in NOx emission, 3.91 tons in NMHC emission, and 31.74 tons in CO emission. The fruitful results indicated the project performed excellently among line-source pollutants strategies. The program has shown it’s valuable and should be developed further. The incentive rule addresses NT.300 dollars for a valid case, which is highly interested by the people. People get the reward depending on the evidence presented via the program. Through the project selected 251 cases to be reviewed to ensure that EPB’s processed the equal screening evaluation. 102 空保處 振興發科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65110
102年度臺南市節能減碳計畫-低碳生活營造計畫 為協助推動節能減碳低碳生活營造計畫,本計畫於執行期間協助推動臺南市政府單位具體落實無悔措施、推廣節能減碳行動標章、低碳活動、辦理氣候變遷相關媒體宣導及「夏月節電不浪費 低碳省錢好利high」活動。辦理一場次辦公廳舍節電說明會,進行市府所屬25個公務單位現場查核作業。辦理三場次節能減碳行動標章說明會,參加人數共730人,協助各單位進行行動標章申請相關事宜,共有14個單位提出申請,經環保署審查有13個單位取得節能減碳行動標章。定期維護管理臺南市環保局「綠網」部落格之節能減碳資訊,統計至12月10日環保局Facbook粉絲專頁累計粉絲團人數達2,386人,部落格推廣累計達2,157次。辦理節能減碳宣導活動15場次,登錄水號數量51,275個。辦理2場次夏月節電政策宣導說明會,分享節水省電經驗,參加人數約計160人。辦理3場次低碳校園環境教育交流會,擴大推動低碳城市及低碳示範校園理念,參與人數共220人。辦理「中秋不烤肉、減碳新生活」音樂會,宣導「不烤肉」、「不放煙火鞭炮」、「不買過度包裝的禮盒」三不政策,約有超過300位民眾共襄盛舉。辦理臺南、高雄2場次低碳觀摩活動,共有180人參加。應遠見雜誌邀請賴清德市長參加「第11屆華人企業領袖高峰會」,特刊於12月出刊。藉由平面媒體宣導節能減碳相關議題,媒體露出共計8則。製作拍攝有關低碳生活、低碳旅遊、夏月節電等12集低碳永續家園宣導片。辦理「夏月節電不浪費 低碳省錢好利high」節電競賽,並公開抽獎及表揚。配合環保局於活動時設置節能減碳攤位宣導、協助環境教育專案計畫,進行環境教育場所宣導,結合低碳回收行動列車,進行節能燈具巡迴宣導,合計宣導人數達1,595人。 2013 Tainan Promotion Energy Conservation and CO2 Emission Reduction - Low Carbon Life Project In order to assist in the promotion of energy conservation and CO2 emission reduction in the low carbon life project, this plan assisted the Taiwan City Government to implement the practical ways, promote the energy conservation and carbon emission reduction action logo, low carbon activity, process relevant media publicity in climatic change and the 「Summer Season Electricity No Waste Low Carbon Money Saving and Good Benefit is High」 activity. One session of office electricity conservation explanation meeting was conducted as well as site audits on 25 government units of the city government. Three sessions of energy conservation and carbon emission reduction action logo explanation meeting were held with 730 attendees. Assisted various units to apply for the action logo and all together 14 units applied and upon examination by the Environmental Protection Administration, 13 units acquired the energy conservation and carbon emission reduction logo. Periodically maintained and managed the energy conservation and carbon emission reduction information in the 「Eco life」 blog of the Environmental Protection Bureau, Tainan City Government. Up to December 10, the number in the Facebook fans page of the Environmental Protection Bureau reached 2,386 and the blog promotion reached 2,157 times. Fifteen energy conservation and carbon emission reduction publicity activities were held and the number of registration was 51,275. Two sessions of Summer Electricity Conservation Policy Publicity Meeting were held to share the experience of water and electricity conservation and the number of participants was about 160. Three sessions of low carbon campus environment education exchange meeting were held and expanded the promotion on the philosophy of a low carbon city and low carbon demonstration campus with 220 participants. Held the 「No Barbecue During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Carbon Emission Reduction New Life」 Concert and publicized the three no policies including 「No Barbecue」, 「No Fireworks and Firecrackers」, 「No Excessive Packaging Gift Box」 and about over 300 citizens jointed this grand occasion. Two sessions of low carbon observation and study activities were held in Tainan and Kaohsiung respectively with 180 participants. In response to the invitation by Time Magazine Mayor Lai Ching-Te participated the 「11th Annual Global Views Business Forum」 and the special edition was published in December. Through plane media to publicize the issue relevant to energy conservation and carbon emission reduction, there were all together eight media exposures. Twelve episodes of low carbon sustainable homeland publicity films were produced and the contents included low carbon life, low carbon travelling and summer season electricity conservation. The electricity conservation contest entitled 「Summer Season Electricity Conservation No Waste Low Carbon Money Saving Good Benefit is High」 was held with open prize draw and commendation. Coping with the Environmental Protection Bureau, the energy conservation and carbon emission reduction booth was set up to publicize and to assist in the environmental protection project, environmental education site publicity and combine with the low carbon emission recycle action train to conduct energy conservation light fixtures publicity tour and all together the number of person publicized reached 1,595. 102 台南市環境保護局 立境環境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=63528
推動我實質參與聯合國氣候變化綱要公約之策略研析與規劃 本計畫掌握德班平台談判發展與因應策略,從建構法制基礎做起,輔落實部門減量、善用市場機制、強化教育宣導、促進國際合作等面向,結合跨部會及產業科技等力量,推動重點標竿型計畫。本計畫共六項工作:1.研析KP第二承諾期、ADP進展、SBSTA方法論議題、執行因應措施所可能產生不利的影響、UNFCCC第六條氣候變遷教育、訓練及公眾意識等議題;並就2015年新協議可能方案做進一步的探討。2.協助環保署參與SB 38及COP19/CMP9會議,建立國際合作管道,其中COP19/CMP9行政院代表團由環保署副署長葉欣誠擔任團長,國內各部會代表與專家學者與會,實地掌握全球氣候談判的最新動態及國際交流活動。3.研析國際碳市場之最新發展,透過建立國際組織交流管道,尋求我國參與國際碳市場之機會。提出國際碳市場發展對我國產業之影響。另由環保署執行秘書簡慧貞參加COP19/CMP9會議時波蘭之周邊會議;及工研院與IETA合辦周邊會議。4.研析國際因應氣候變遷與能源政策及立場、聯繫IETA工作組、分析國際碳權MRV管理機制及掌握德國看守協會氣候變遷績效指標。另,赴歐盟參與IEW會議及氣候變化行動署考察。COP19/CMP9會議時以工研院名義,與臺灣永續能源研究基金會合辦周邊會議。5.掌握公約溫室氣體清冊報告,完成溫室氣體國家體系平台設計、召開3場審議會、完成2012年溫室氣體排放清冊及辦理「國家節能減碳總行動方案」102年度工作計畫彙整評析。6.更新改版「推動台灣參與氣候變化綱要公約」中英文版網站及 UNFCCC推案文宣;協助UNFCCC推案施政及建置NGO對話機制舉辦5場會議。 The strategy of Taiwan’s promotion to participate in the mechanism of UNFCCC- This project’s content is established from legal basis along with multi aspect strategies of sectoral mitigation, market mechanism, education propagation, and international collaboration to further cross link achievements of governmental ministries and industrial technologies. This project includes six main tasks: 1. Analyze topic development trend in the 2nd commitment period of KP, negotiation progress of ADP, methodology topics of SBSTA discussion, possible disadvantage influences on implementing response actions, and the topics of climate change education, training and public awareness enhancement under code 6 of the UNFCCC. The project further discussed possible results for the new agreement in 2015.2. Assist Taiwan EPA participates in meetings and activities to the UNFCCC (SB38, COP19/CMP9), and establish collaboration and communication opportunities. The deputy minister of Taiwan EPA, Dr. Shin-Cheng Yeh, leads Taiwan Executive Yuan Delegation to participate in the COP19/CMP9 with representatives from ministries. The delegation managed the latest moves on global climate negotiation.3. Analyze multi measures to practically join in the carbon market mechanism through international organization channels. The project analyzed international carbon market mechanism and its influences on Taiwan industry.4. The research has researched and collected information of and energy policy and stand in response to climate change in main countries or groups. This project links with the WG of IETA, analyzes management mechanism of international carbon credit MRV, understands CCPI and GCRI announced by the Germanwatch, participates in EU’s IEW meeting, and visits DG-CLIMA. In the COP19/CMP9 meeting, the ITRI and TAISE co-organized a side event.5. The project has accomplished an analysis report of national GHG inventory. The platform accomplished functional design and website construction for National GHG Inventory Registry Platform. The project organized 3 times of “national GHG inventory consulting meeting”. The project has completed “2013 National Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Master Plan” annual research work, and the 2013 plan analysis.6. The project has accomplished new designs and functions of “Promoting Taiwan participation in the UNFCCC” website in Chinese and English versions. The project accomplished propagation materials in paper and electronic styles. The project organized 5 consulting meeting for UNFCCC participation promotion and the NGO talk mechanism. 102 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65062
101年及102年公告指定容器類責任業者營業(進口)量相關帳籍憑證查核計畫-二區 本計畫主要目的係透過現場查核作業以加強納管公告指定容器責任業者,提升各類資源回收基金稽徵成效,以符合廢棄物清理法執行之公平性及一致性,並蒐集責任業者對於現行法令及回收基金徵收制度之相關意見,以作為環保署未來營業量查核政策方向之參考。本計畫之執行期間為101年1月20日至102年12月31日,透過執行團隊縝密規劃及專業分工已達成本計畫要求之各項目標。成果列示如後:(一) 公告指定容器責任業者之查核:發文並執行查核1,082家責任業者,達成率為100.19%。查獲短漏金額計新台幣277,753,266元,益本比為7.72倍(277,753,266/36,000,000),達成率為192.88%。(二) 輔導成果:有關法令宣導工作項目,係就本計畫之受查業者宣導廢棄物清理法相關規定,計1,082家。(三)研訂並印製「公告指定責任業者登記、申報及繳費等宣導手冊」2,000冊。另本計畫共辦理四場次查核作業之教育訓練及研討會,使本計畫全體人員充分了解本計畫之內容、相關法令及查核作業流程等,有效地提昇本計畫之查核效率及品質。 Announcement to specified container enterprises with the examination project of related operation/im The main objective of this project was to strengthen supervision over various types of announcement to specified container enterprises and raise the efficiency of various resource recycling funds in order to ensure the fairness and consistency of the Waste Disposal Act. Also, part of the main objective was to collect opinions about the current legislation and recycling funds systems from the registered responsible enterprises designated by the notice in order to provide the guidance to future strategy by the Environmental Agency. This project was implemented from January 20, 2012 to December 31, 2013, and has fulfilled each of its objectives. The results were as follows: (1) audit of announcement to specified container enterprises: 1,082 announcement to specified container enterprises were given notice and audited, achievement rate was 100.19%. The audited shortfall amounted to NTD $277,753,266, with 7.72 times of fee and an achievement rate of 192.88%; (2) counseling results: educating the 1,082 responsible enterprises audited in this project about waste disposal related legislation;(3) 2,000 booklets were printed and distributed, explaining the registration, reporting and fee collection process. Four other seminars were held to educate about the audit process, the contents of this project, and the related regulations and laws,which effectively raised the audit efficiency and quality of this project. 101 基管會 立本台灣聯合會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65076
廢乾電池及廢照明光源回收處理體系調查分析暨執行成效檢討評估 本計畫執行期程為102年1月22日至12月31日, 97~102年市售照明光源檢驗結果,符合歐盟相關規範有123組,佔總樣品數72.4%。分別於7/8~7/10完成1家非直管乾式處理(宏青公司)及7/15~7/17完成1家直管濕式處理(明鴻公司)汞流布現場監檢測工作,工作內容包含環境汞濃度監測、排放煙道檢測、廠區總懸浮微粒檢測以及再生料與廢棄物採樣等。根據CATI調查結果,有一成民眾不會將廢燈管回收,而未回收的原因以不知道要回收的比例較高,多數民眾會將拆卸後的廢燈管以原紙套(盒)或容器做好盛裝或包覆,且民眾對於破損廢照明的危害程度認知度高,但可回收之認知度尚待提昇,另近七成的民眾沒有打破燈管(泡)的經驗。廢乾電池流布調查統計結果,認證體制內佔63.97%;認證體制外(已回收未分類、已回收已分類)佔5.41%;而直接排入垃圾中數量佔30.62%。10組市售乾電池檢測除二次鹼錳電池汞含量符合「限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣」5ppm及「歐盟電池指令」5ppm相關規定,其餘各類鈕釦型電池之汞含量約介於158ppm~25,000ppm之間,另已依各類乾電池成本調查及估算之結果提出費率與補貼費率草案並分別於12月3日及9月30日公告實施,錳鋅/筒型鹼錳電池徵收費率、鎳氫電池與鎳鎘電池徵收及補貼費率暫不調整。為加深民眾廢乾電池須回收之觀念,本計畫已針對廢乾電池回收及近年新興產品「行動電源」設計2款回收宣導海報,並結合廢家電及廢資訊物品之廣告刊登方式進行宣導。另針對清潔隊規劃廢照明光源防破教案內容重點。101年應回收廢棄物回收處理創新研發成果發表會已於102年3月25日在集思台大會議中心辦理完成,並製作計畫成果摘要手冊。102年度評選作業統計申請件數共有56件,符合初審資格者有52件,複審核定者有18件,其中申請方式以獨立申請者共有14件(學術單位10件、研究機構4件)。 Inspecting and Analyzing the Collection and Recycling systems of Waste Batteries and Waste Lamps The project period was from Jan 22, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013. The testing result of lamps from 2008 to 2013 showed that there were 123 samples complied with the EU regulation, about 72.4% of total samples. For the mercury distribution within the waste lamp recycling plant, the investigations of Hong Chin Corp. (dry technology for non-linear fluorescent tube) and Ming Hong Corp. (wet technology for linear fluorescent tube) had been completed in July 8 to July 10 and July 15 to July 17, respectively. The work included the environmental mercury concentration monitoring, emission during processing, and the total suspend particles monitoring. According to the CATI surveying result, about 10% people wouldn’t collect waste lamps because most of them didn’t know waste lamps should be recycled. Lots of people would put the waste lamp into a new or the original package for protection. However, people recognized the danger of broken waste lamps but didn’t know the broken waste lamps should be recycled, too. And there were 70% people didn’t have the experience for breaking lamps. For the result of waste batteries distribution, the auditing and certification volume was 63.97%, outside the auditing and certification system (collected but not sorting, collected and sorted) volume was 5.41%, and volume discarded in the municipal solid wastes was around 30.62%. The testing result of 10 battery samples showed, only the secondary alkaline battery complied with the standards 5 ppm of both domestic and EU battery directive regulations, the other samples’ mercury contents were between 158ppm to 25,000ppm. Besides, the draft of fee rates and subsidy rates for waste batteries had been completed and announced on 3rd December and 30th September, respectively. The fee rates of Mn/Zn, Ni-MH, and Ni-Cd batteries and the subsidy rates of Ni-MH and Ni-Cd batteries would not be adjusted. In order to enhance the concept of battery recycling, the project already designed 2 posters for battery and “power bank” recycling. Those 2 posters were exerted on advertisements which combined with waste electronics and computers recycling. Besides, the project proposed the educational material of the waste lamps breakage prevention for municipal cleaning crews. The 2012 exhibit of the achievement for subsidizing the inventing and researching of regulated recyclable wastes collection and recycling was held in NTU Convention Center on 25th Mar, 2013. And the summaries of all the developments had been passed to the academics and related businesses through meeting data. There were 56 cases applied in 2013, and 18 of them passed the auditing and qualified for the subsidy. There were 14 cases applied by individual units. 102 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=65040