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國道及觀光車潮對南投縣空氣品質影響之調查計畫 「國道及觀光車潮對南投縣空氣品質影響調查計畫」自民國95年3月1日起執行,至民國96年2月28日為止。計畫各項工作進度簡述如下,詳細內容則分別列述於內文各章:在觀光車流量變化調查部分,本計畫已執行完成非假日、一般例假日及連續假日等三次車流量同步監測,即於95年5月7日(一般例假日)、95年8月3日(參考用)、8月23日(非假日) 及12月30日(連續假日)之上午七時至下午七時,分別進行中二高草屯交流道(進出南投部分)及台十四線(南開技術學院)、台十六線(地震紀念公園) 、台三線北(中正加油站)、台三線南(僑興國小)及台三丙線(集集攔河堰)等六個監測點之交通車流現場測定;並將測定流量與二高通車前(民國八十五年)之實測南投地區車流量進行比較,完成二高興建後進出南投地區車流量變化分析。結果發現,,主要省道台十四線及台十六線交通流量平日以工作進出為主,觀光為輔;一般例假日則以一日或二日遊之觀光車流為主;連續假日則以一、二日或多日遊之觀光車流為主;二高通車後進出南投之觀光車流絕大部份改為利用二高進出,可以看出二高對南投觀光產業的大幅影響。分析亦發現,國道三號草屯交流道交通量佔了台十四線公路往來車流量的七成五左右,同時間從草屯交流道進出之車流量約佔了名間收費站之近四成,顯示草屯交流道為引導國道觀光車流進出南投之最近、最直接的重要孔道,也顯示國道三號系統為引導台十四線觀光車流進出之主要動脈。其次,比較85至95年十年來之實測車流量發現,進出南投之平日車流量十年來似乎增長不大,都在每日八萬多輛上下,但假日則從每日近九萬輛增加到十一萬輛,增加之觀光車流相當可觀。同時發現台三線十年來交通流量從每日三、四萬輛降為一萬輛,已轉為地區性交通型態。空品監測方面,配合車流量監測,分別於95年5月6日(一般例假日)、95年8月22日(平日) 及12月29日(連續假日)之當日下午七時至次日下午七時進行台十四線兩側之旭光高中與環保公園兩個監測點(使用兩部空品車)之連續廿四小時、七項空氣品質(包括CO、NMHC、NOx、SO2、O3、PM10、TSP,另自行加測苯)之同步現場測定各一次。在以Caline-4模式模擬國道及其引導之主要省道觀光車流對南投縣空氣品質擴散結果顯示,車流引起之空氣污染集中在與國道及台三平行延伸成帶狀分佈、再伸出台十四、台十六兩線,最嚴重處在國道沿線草屯至南投、名間至竹山處,其次在台十四線的福龜、雙冬、柑子林一帶與台十六線社寮附近。空品項目則以NOx與CO較為明顯,但增量均不大。風向對觀光車流之空品影響甚大,南投測站受南北偏東之風向影響最大,竹山測站受南北偏西之風向影響最大,埔里則離交通動線較遠影響不大。健康風險評估方面,急性健康風險評估結果,要留意O3對呼吸系統與眼睛之急性危害,NO2次之。慢性健康風險評估結果,不預期會對目標器官產生不良的慢性健康影響。在致癌風險評估方面,推估於草屯與竹山兩測站苯濃度之個人致癌風險分別為6.36×10-5與5.92×10-5,皆低於10-4,但已高於10-6,值得持續密切觀察與追蹤。評估結果二高及其所引導主要省道之觀光車流對南投縣空氣品質之影響屬局部性且影響不大,因此暫無交通控管之必要。從南投觀光車流之車型分析顯示,絕大部分均為小型車。因此要減少車流應提升大型車比率,可由鼓勵類似九族文化村提供遊園專車等方式,研究轉乘系統之可行性。草屯交流道車流量未能隨國道車流之增加而比例提升,及台十四線假日擁擠情況,建議及早規劃改善,興建國道六號是極有助益的方式。唯本計畫限於經費與時間,無法進行衍生性污染物之擴散推估,因此模式模擬部分僅限於原生性污染物。 Effects of Formosan freeway and traffic pattern on air quality in Nantou County 095 南投縣政府環境保護局 逢甲大學環境與安全衛生教育技研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1389
95年資源回收宣導活動專案工作計畫 為有效減少垃圾量,增加資源再利用比例,本專案計畫主要為協助環保署資源回收基管會,以環保署公告應回收項目為主軸,藉由媒體的高曝光率及兼顧創意性與活潑性的宣導活動,加深民眾對於資源回收的印象,達到資源回收的成效,並強化資源回收之深度意涵,讓民眾能夠體認到為什麼要做回收,又該如何做回收,更進一步的內化到民眾的日常生活當中,成為民眾的生活習慣及意識,如此便能將資源回收觀念體現出來。資源回收宣導計畫方面,包含了電視、廣播、報紙、雜誌、網路廣告製作與露出,整體宣傳效益超過五千萬,網路遊戲贈獎活動的參與人數也將近三萬人,戶外rap show競賽,不僅報名踴躍、也有數以千計的民眾到場參與活動,另外,基管會的十年成果紀實,中英文簡介,也在層層把關的嚴謹審核下誕生,不過鉅細靡遺的說明了資源回收基管會成立十年來的所有工作成果,更代表了台灣在資源回收政策上的一大進步。有關辦理『九十五年度資源回收宣導專案活動計畫』相關工作方面,所有規劃項目都已執行完畢,經過評估之後,本次宣導活動具有相當成效,可作為未來宣導計畫之參考,除繼續宣導資源回收概念之外,終極目標是要讓全民體認【零垃圾、全資源】的概念,真正做到垃圾零廢棄,地球永續發展的目標。 Publicity Project for-Imagination of Resources Recycling 2006 In order to reduce the amount of garbage and increase the percentage of resource reuse, this project aims at assisting Recycling Fund Management Board(RFMB), Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), focusing on recycling items that the EPA announces. This project intends to make a deep impression about recycling on the general public, achieve the expected results, and strengthen the profound meaning of recycling by a high exposure of media and creative and lively promotion activities. Therefore, the general public will realize the importance of why and how to recycle and internalize this concept in daily life. In this way, recycling will be a part of the general public’s habits and consciousness, and the concept of recycling will be realized.The recycling promotion project includes the exposure and production of media such as TV, broadcasts, newspapers, magazines, and internet advertisements. The total benefit is over fifty million dollars, and the number of the participants of the on-line game-free gift activity is over thirty thousand people. In addition, the outdoor rap show was well received with a lot of people sign up and thousands of people present themselves to join the activities. Besides, the Record of Ten-year Achievements of RFMB with introduction of both English and Chinese version is born after a conscientious examination. It not only illustrates every single fruitful result of RFMB since it was founded ten years ago, but also stands for a big step of recycling policy of Taiwan.As to conduct “2006 Recycling Promotion Project”, all the planned items have been completed. After evaluation, this promotion activity is regarded as a very successful task which can be served as a reference for future promotion projects. Apart from continuing to promote the concept of recycling, the ultimate goal is to make the general public realize the concept of “No Garbage, All Resource”; hence, the ideal of none discarded garbage can be put into practice, and the goal of earth sustainable development can be achieved. 095 基管會 台視文化事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=974
南投縣柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫 爲降低縣內柴油車輛排放黑煙對空氣品質以及民眾之影響,南投縣政府環境保護局持續推動「柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫」,執行柴油車輛排煙檢測及油品管制工作,以維護本縣之懸浮微粒空氣品質。 「95年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫」計畫期程為95年3月20日至96年2月28日,為期一年整。截至96年1月31日,各項工作包括檢測站軟硬體更新改善工程、動力計排煙檢測、路攔排煙檢測、目判高污染車輛以及油品管制等工作執行成果如下:1.完成檢測站遮雨棚工程、散熱風扇工程及更新維護排煙檢測軟體。2.完成柴油車動力計排煙檢測1891輛次。其中檢測不合格計168輛次,不合格率8.5﹪;馬力比不足退驗數313輛,退驗率14.2%,其中以自用小貨車退驗率最高。 經統計自用小客貨與自用大客車屬污染度較大之車種。3.路攔排煙檢測方面,共完成302輛次路攔排煙檢測。其中檢測不合格計43輛次,不合格率14.2﹪,覆驗37輛次,1輛次覆驗不合格,路欄覆驗率86﹪。無負載檢 測高污染地點為草屯鎮中興路、名間收費站。而曳引車與大貨車屬高污染車種。4.目判高污染車輛通知到檢作業共計完成2526輛次,扣除車輛報廢、地址不明、拒收等無法回檢212輛次,已到檢為2314輛次,通知到檢率為91.7﹪。經統計草屯 鎮中正路沿線附近為本縣高污染路段。5.油品管制方面共計抽測313件油品(包含路攔抽測262件、排煙站抽測36件及場站抽測15件),其中不合格油共計23件,不合格率7.3﹪。油品採樣車種以營業曳 引車最多;不合格油品車種則以營業大貨車最多,使用不合格油品之車輛車籍以苗栗縣較高。6.轄區大客貨業油品管制作業已執行轄區大客貨業油品管制13家,抽測44件,管制率10.3%;不合格1件,不合格率2.2%。7.辦理2場次外縣市(桃園縣、台北市北投)動力計排煙檢測站運作觀摩會。主要運用於本計畫之項目及做法如下:檢測站整體環境整潔及教育人員工作態度、吸功 器風扇設置及杜絕檢測黃牛公告張貼。8.柴油車檢測網站更新維護完成,附掛於環保局網站。網站功能包括:網路預約檢測、目判照片查詢、相關表單下載、排煙檢測站簡介、相關法規說明及檢舉烏賊 車管道。9.本縣於94年度後期採取盧昭輝委員之建議於國道收費站率先執行柴油車無負載檢測。利用收費站地磅旁之緩衝腹地實施柴油車無負載急加速排煙檢測工作,除將 有全面管制效果外,較一般道路有更佳之宣導警惕效果,人員執行安全也較一般道路之攔檢點為優,執行效果佳,本局林課長受邀至環保署進行國道攔檢作業解 說,故環保署研擬出「加強高速公路柴油車排放污染稽查管制計畫」,選擇南投縣為中部觀摩對象,於95年10月3日於高速公路名間收費站實施「全國同步加強 執行高速公路柴油車污染排放稽查管制計畫」之示範活動並推動全省進行此管制方案。10.後續建議執行方案: (1)檢測結果分析顯示自用小客貨、自用大客車平均不合格率較高,故未來後續宣導會時建議加強宣導輔導免費定期檢測服務,以利車主更了解車輛狀況提早保 養維修減輕環境污染負荷。 (2)因應96年度SIP考評項目轄區客貨運業者自主管理柴油車排煙及油品比率,為鼓勵客貨運業者自主管理,建議訂定相關針對業者所屬車輛之檢測服務,並加 強宣導合法油品使用觀念,及正確車輛保修觀念,政府單位主動加強與業者互動交流,進而提升轄區客貨運業者參與自主管理之意願。 Nantou County Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Smoke Emission and Petrol Quality Monitoring and Testing Plan 095 南投縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1439
環境資源部相關機關重要業務回顧與展望 行政院於93年9月15日確定成立「環境資源部」,以前瞻性、整體性的理念,透過環境組織再造、提高環保單位層級,進行環境保護事權一元化的領導,並結合社會資源,整合水、土、林、空氣等資源之利用、保育、防災及管理等工作。「環境資源部」之成立主要係整合我國相關環境資源,扮演環境保護政策指導與管理的角色,依據「環境資源部組織調整規劃報告(草案)」擬整併之機關為環保署、內政部(國家公園管理)、經濟部(水利、礦業、地質)、交通部(氣象、觀光)、農委會(農業用水、生物保育、水土保持、林務)之部分業務,其業務執掌範圍涵蓋空氣品質、水質保護、噪音管制、廢棄物、環境衛生與毒物、環境監測、水利、礦業、地質、地政、國土規劃、國家公園、國家風景區、氣象、林務、水土保持、生物保育及核能管制等18項。為因應環境資源部之成立,本計畫主要依據該規劃報告草案,進行整併部會辦公室空間與現有資源之調查、整合及評估,以及回顧與環境資源部有關之施政重點等,經由資料之彙整研析及相關會議之召開,進而加以規劃及研擬出未來環境資源部之施政主軸及職權分工等,以供主管機關之參採。 The Retrospective and Prospective of The Environment Resources Department On Sep 15th, 2004, the Executive Yuan decided to establish "The Environment Resources Department". The vision and ambition of the department is to build up and enhance the area of environmental protection through organization, leadership, and unification for the purpose of protecting the water, soil, forest, air, and other natural resources. "The Environment Resources Department" was established mainly for the integration of our national related environment resources, and for playing the role in directing environmental protection policy, as well as the management policy. It transfers the plans or drafts which were planned by the Environment Resources Department organization into different institutions, such as Environmental Protection Administration, Ministry of The Interior (national parks management), Ministry of Economic Affairs (water resources, the mining industry, geology), Ministry of Transportation Communications (meteorology, sightseeing), Council Agriculture (agricultural water used, biological care, soil and water conservation, forestry) part service, its service wields the scope to cover air quality, water quality protection, noise control, reject, environmental sanitation and the poison, environmental monitoring, water resources, mining industry, geology, land administration, national territory plan, national parks, national scenic area, meteorology, forestry, soil and water conservation, biological care and nuclear power control and so, total 18 items. Due to the establishment of the Environment Resources Department, this project was mainly drawn up for investigation, combination, and valuation on those draft plan reports and current resources, as well as the review of administrative key points that the Environment Resources Department had contributed. After the process of organizing all the information and data, and having relative meetings, its purpose is to analyze as well as to plan out to future key points of the Environmental Resources Department, to authorize the division of labor, and some other relative aspects then to make the superior organizations have enough reference for final approval. 095 綜計處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2150
「事業廢棄物查核輔導及管理技術整合提昇」第1年專案工作計畫 本年度計畫目標為執行1,000家事業及廢棄物再利用機構之廢棄物流向與營運管理之追蹤查核工作,並進行有關事業廢棄物管理相關法規、妥善清理技術、申報實務等宣導及輔導工作。蒐集及更新國內外有關事業廢棄物產出相關資料、產出因子推估及編纂行業或製程稽查技術參考手冊。蒐集調查各類現行使用之事業廢棄物稽查管理相關資源或資料庫特性及應用領域,評估參考使用價值,並規劃建置查詢索引系統及設計建置資源管理應用系統,以作為全國事業廢棄物稽查管制之整合應用。本計畫已完成1,000家事業及廢棄物再利用機構之廢棄物查核與輔導改善或追蹤及必要之採樣分析工作,並從查核行業別中,推估廢棄物的產出與原物料及產品的關係,進而推估其產出因子模式;亦完成10種行業類別之「事業廢棄物行業製程技術稽查參考手冊」編纂,同時將相關成果建置於事業廢棄物查核與輔導計畫專案管理系統,提供主管機關隨時下載使用。此外,為強化事業廢棄物稽查管理實務之應用性及便利稽查人員查詢稽查管理相關資訊,本計畫已建置一「事業廢棄物稽查管理資訊查詢索引系統」,將所蒐集之書面資料、網站資料,予以系統化分類,樹狀化結構設計,將相關分類資料藉由簡易文字說明,期盼能更有效協助相關稽查人員查詢相關資訊與參考使用。 The Project of Providing Consultation with the Evaluation on Waste Management of Enterprise and Designing Integral Information System for the purpose of Upgrading Inspective technique on Waste Managem This annual project attempts to inspect waste flow at 1000 enterprises and waste recycling centers, public education and consulting services with regard to the waste management act and the technology used to treat waste. Furthermore, national and international data was updated for waste-producing companies and factors affecting waste production were analyzed. Finally, reference material for inspection of industries and manufacturing processes was compiled. Current application of resources were analyzed a database for waste generated by enterprises. The value of utilizing the references was determined.An indexing and querying system combined with resource management is employed to achieve integrated administration of national regulations and company inspections and 1000 companies along with the consultation services were completed data was analyzed. Via an inspection of different industry categories, the relationship between waste production, raw materials, and the resulting products can be estimated, such that assessments based on model factors can be performed. The Reference Manual of Waste of Enterprises and Inspection Techniques for Manufacturing Process, which utilizes 10 industry categories, has been completed. Additionally, related achievements have also been filed in the project management inspection system to enable inspectors to download data at any time. Furthermore, an index and query system for management and inspection of enterprise waste has been established to enhance management and inspection of enterprise waste and facilitate searches for relevant information. The hardcopy data and website information has been classified systematically using a tree-structure information system that presents relevant information in the form of simple language so inspectors can easily search for related information and references. 094 廢管處 財團法人工業技術研究院、中興工程顧問股份有限公司、財團法人台灣綠色生產力基金會、台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4226
廢乾電池之危害性管制及提昇回收處理成效規劃及驗證 本研究之主要目的在於研修我國廢乾電池處理廠之設施規範以及研擬提昇廢乾電池回收成效之策略。首先,為避免廢乾電池處理不當,導致國內嚴重的環境污染問題,在處理廠設施規範的研修上,其關鍵因素在於有害重金屬的管制、整體金屬資源回收比率以及衍生廢棄物的處置方式。此外,本研究團隊亦蒐集OECD國家對於廢乾電池處理之設施規範及重金屬最終處理概況,俾供我國主管機關擬定相關政策之參考。另外,國內處理廠之回收處理成本調查為本研究的另一項重要工作項目;由於不同的廢乾電池處理技術,其處理成本自當有所差異,故本研究針對目前正申請處理許可的三家業者進行實際訪談與設計問卷的方式,以瞭解其成本結構。最後,本研究規劃廢乾電池短、中、長期回收策略,除要求業者參與回收處理外,最關鍵的仍是如何教育消費者積極參與廢乾電池之回收工作,以提昇回收率。 Waste Battery Recycling Project - Toxic Heavy Metal Management and Effective Promotion Strategies The purpose of this project is to review the toxic heavy metal management and effective promotional strategies in Taiwan. First of all, the law and government regulations regarding the setting up of factories that deal with waste batteries should be reviewed. There are three key issues: (i) the toxic heavy metal management regulations; (ii) the manner of disposing of residual waste; and (iii) the treatment of and management regulations governing dioxins. The present project in addition seeks to inspect the specific standards for recycling waste batteries and the recovery of materials in some major OECD countries. The cost of dealing with waste battery recycling is another research target, because different treatments involve different cost structures. Finally, the present project has worked on the establishment of basic and effective strategies for promoting waste battery recycling in Taiwan. The management target for such effective strategies has been focused on production, sales and import business, as well as on the domestic household sector. 094 基管會 中華經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2190
環境資料庫資料交換及供應作業專案計畫(94年度) 環境資料庫資料交換及供應作業專案計畫主要由三大項工作組成,分別為『環保署環境資料庫持續整合規劃及建置作業』、『詮釋資料資訊系統相關維護及協助資料建置作業』、『人力派駐作業』、以及『開發匯入新的資料庫系統之資料內容』等工作,專案重點摘要如下:(一)環保署環境資料庫持續整合規劃及建置作業l 整合性環境資料交換系統之維護l 三版之環境資料供應系統之維護l 持續進行本署及其他機關之環境資料庫匯入、整合及品保l 資料品質控管管理資訊系統維護本計畫展延期間,持續匯入91年度~93年度已建置之環境資料庫,截至94.03.15止,環境資料庫共約有1040萬筆資料匯入,與93年度期末報告中所列出之980萬筆資料相比,不含更新的資料,已新增約60萬筆資料。(二)詮釋資料資訊系統相關維護及協助資料建置作業1.詮釋資料資訊系統及資料庫維護作業2.詮釋資料以及相關檔案轉換以及匯入作業(三)人力派駐作業1.派駐二位資訊專業人員於監資處協助處理資料庫建置之相關作業環境資料的整合為一項長遠的建置工作,需有更穩定的機制予以持續維護及建置。建議未來系統應加強決策支援應用並結合GIS或環境模式等工具,強化系統功能。 The Environmental Information System Data Exchange and Supply Operation Project in 2005 The Environmental Information System Data Exchange and Supply Operation Project consists 3 major tasks in this period, namely “the EPA environmental information system integration planning and building operation”, “the Environmental Information Resource management system maintenance and building operation”, and “manpower supply operation”. The project’s key achievements are summarized below:(1) The edition of environmental information search system (for the publics, the EPBs and the EPA internal system) has been maintained. The environmental information system continues to integrate the data, which are built in other departments. In the other hand, the EPA environmental data integrated system and data quality control system have been maintained. At the end of March 2005, the environmental information system contains a total of 10.4 million sets of information data in comparison to the 9.8 million sets build in the end of October 2004. If updates of information are excluded, the newly added information is about 0.6 million sets.(2) The Environmental Information Management System has been maintained. New data sets or files have appended and provide to the audience.(3) Two computer engineers were stationed at EPA under supervision by the Monitoring and Information Bureau to assist the program design and data transfer operation. The environmental information integration operation is a long-term operation that needs a stable mechanism for its maintenance and growth. Upon the achievement of the information integration to certain degree, further strategic planning and follow-up operation are necessary to lead the information into our daily life for its utmost utilization. Therefore, it is suggested that GIS or environmental modeling tool can be further integrated into the application system. 094 監資處 財團法人 中技社 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3462
九十四年度「廢機動車輛回收清除處理成效研討會」專案工作計畫 在歷經二天的研討與座談後,與會各界均針對「廢機動車輛回收制度成效探討」、「廢機動車輛流向通路現況分析」以及「廢機動車輛回收改造工程規劃」等三大主題進行充分之交流,其中發表之十篇專篇演講說明了過去十年來國內推動廢車回收處理工作在環保、經濟等之意涵與實質成效,亦將目前國外之推動措施與經驗提出供來賓參考。最重的是針對環保署目前積極推動之「廢機動車輛回收改造工程」內容向所有業者進一深入之說明、分析,並聽取業者意見以修正改造工程之執行方向。 2005 Workshop on Recycle and Recovery of Waste Vehicles Managemen This two-day workshop was exactly aimed at the purpose to provide face-to-face discussion among participants from industrial, researching and governmental sectors. Three topics were set in the agenda: policy and performance of the ELV system, current status of waste vehicles material flow, and plan of the retrofit project for waste vehicles. Ten reports were arranged to cover the domestic works and foreign experiences for ELV management from different aspects in the last ten years. 094 基管會 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3502
94年度「永續發展推動績優獎」專案工作計畫 本專案「94年度國家永續發展獎」自簽約日至九十三年六月止,計畫內容已執行完畢,包含(一)『社團永續發展獎』初選審查;(二_)由複評委員進行『社區永續發展獎』、『永續教育獎』、『企業永續發展獎』、『社團永續發展獎』、『行動計畫執行獎』五大類之複審實地訪查;(三)召開前述五大類決審會議;以及(四)辦理「94年國家永續發展獎」頒獎典禮。「94年國家永續發展獎」經過初複決三階段審查作業,選拔『社區永續發展獎』、『永續教育獎』、『企業永續發展獎』、『社團永續發展獎』與『行動計畫執行獎』各三名,共十五名得獎單位。得獎名單出爐後,「94年度國家永續發展獎」頒獎典禮業於九十四年六月三日假行政院大禮堂隆重舉行,各獲獎單位非常重視此得獎榮耀並且踴躍熱情參與外,由李應元秘書長代院長致詞並頒獎各類獎項得獎單位,並請各類獎得獎代表發表感。永續會葉執行長及兩位永續會委員亦出席此次盛會,葉執行長並於閉幕時致詞,鼓勵各界共同投入永續發展推動工作,實現永續發展美好未來。 Taiwan Sustainable Development Awards The project of “2005 Taiwan Sustainable Development Awards” has been completed beginning from the contract date to the end of June, 2004, including: (1) the preliminary review of the “Sustainable NGO Award”; (2) the semifinal reviews of “Sustainable Community Award”, the “Sustainable School Award”, “Sustainable Enterprise Award”, “Sustainable NGO Award”, and “Execution of Sustainable Development Action Plan Award”; (3) final review meetings of all five awards; and (5) the holding the ceremony of the “2004 Taiwan Sustainable Development Awards”.Through the three-tiered reviewing system, the “2005 Taiwan Sustainable Development Awards” awards 15 winners: three for the “Sustainable Community Award”, three for the “Sustainable School Award”, three for the “Sustainable Enterprise Award”, three for the “Sustainable NGO Award”, and three for the “Execution of Sustainable Development Action Plan Award”.The ceremony of the “2005 Taiwan Sustainable Development Awards” was held in the Executive Yuan Assembly Hall on June 3, 2005. The Secretary General Yi-Yuan Lee attended the ceremony to give the opening remarks and present each winner with a plague. The representatives of each award were also invited to give a short speech. Dr. Jiunn-Rong Yeh, the Executive Chief of the National Council for Sustainable Development, and many members of the Council also attended the ceremony. The Executive Chief encouraged the public in his closing remarks to take part in the implementing of sustainable development to create a better future. 094 永續發展室 財團法人美化環境基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3506
94年度包裝及盛裝飲用水水源水質檢驗工作 本計畫之目標乃檢測台北縣、新竹縣、苗栗縣、彰化縣、南投縣、高雄縣、屏東縣、花蓮縣、台東縣等縣共22處主要包裝及盛裝飲用水水源水質,瞭解其水質是否符合飲用水水源水質標準,以作為相關單位執法及施政之依據。本計畫由各縣環保局採樣,並將水樣送交中環公司辦理各水質項目之檢測工作。檢測項目包括飲用水水源水質標準第6條規定中41個項目。檢測結果測值均符合標準。 Inspect the Source Water Quality of the Bottled and Potable Water in the Fiscal Year of 2005 The purpose of this project was to determine the quality of a total of twenty-two water supply samples for the bottled and potable water in the administrative areas of Taipei County, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County, Changhua County, Nantou County, Kaohsiung County, Pingdong County, Hualien County and Taitung County. The respective governing agencies use the data collected from the inspection to verify if the water meets the drinking water regulations. All samples analyzed in this project were collected by respective local Environmental Protection Bureaus according to a preset schedule. Samples were either delivered by the sampling crew or shipped to Cenpro Technology Corporation, where the analyses were performed. Forty-one analytes in the drinking water regulations were analyzed. The analytical results indicated that all samples met the drinking water supply regulated standards. 094 督察總隊 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3508
溫室氣體管制之整體因應策略 近年來,全球暖化的問題備受各界注意,在1992年12月於日本京都簽訂議定書之後,確立各界對溫室氣體過量排放所可能引發的氣候變遷,而我國為因應京都議定書之簽訂,行政院針對各部會重新檢討或加強執行溫室氣體排放有關之政策,並於1998年5月26、27日舉行第一次之全國能源會議。京都議定書在2005年2月16日正式生效。 本計畫目標主要為我國在2005年6月21-22日舉辦第二次全國能源會議,以因應京都議定書生效之擬定溫室氣體相關策略,提供行政院環保署作為參考;此外,並召開溫室氣體減量及管制論壇,凝聚各界對於我國管制溫室氣體之共識,並提出我國環境保護機關對於溫室氣體管制及減量之因應對策。 本計畫即回顧我國過去之環保、能源、產業政策,對國外相關政策、達成減量進行蒐集歸納,並對87年全國能源會議作檢討,提出我國之七大問題,針對七項問題提出五項策略及八項行動方案,提供環保署作為施政之參考。 本計畫於南、北兩地產、官、學、研之專家學者參與召開三次之溫室氣體減量及管制論壇,獲得之結論建議包含溫室氣體減量之時程建議、環境影響評估之溫室氣體審查原則以及建議建立溫室氣體減量成效評量機制。 The whole system approach to GHG control. In recent years, global-warming has been caught attention by mankind fully. After signing the Kyoto protocol in December 1992, it established firmly a global agenda to deal with the excessive climate change by greenhouse gas (GHG). To be in conformity with the Kyoto Protocol, the Executive Yuan carries out plans and programs to strengthen related administrative policies. The first national energy conference was held on the 26, 27th of May, 1998. The Kyoto Protocol comes into force formally on February 16, 2005.The main goal of this project is to provide assistance to the EPA by drafting responsive strategies of the GHG to the second national energy conference on the 21st - the 22nd of June, 2005. Policy direction of the environmental protection administration was studied and evaluated. In addition, forums were hold on discussion about the reduction and control the greenhouse gas in order to reach the common understanding of the issue.This project reviews national policies of environmental protection, energy, and industry in the past, collects relevant policies in foreign countries, decrement of reaching, and makes a self-criticism to the first national energy conference of 1998. Seven major problems and five strategies are concluded. We propose eight action plans to do and suggest the schedule of emission reduction, the GHG principle of EIA and the mechanism on performance evaluation of GHG reduction. 094 空保處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3528
94年度民眾、學生環保知識調查報告 為瞭解民眾及學生對環保知識、環保政策及教育宣導管道之認知,並蒐集其環保態度及行動等相關資訊,特別辦理本項調查,以作為規劃環保教育推廣之依據。本調查對象分成民眾及學生,調查範圍包含21縣市及台北市、高雄市。<br>重要發現描述如下:<br>一、資源回收與垃圾處理方面<br>(一)80%以上的民眾及學生知道「垃圾強制分類」的好處,而表示在家中或宿舍會(含一定會及經常會)做資源回收,以民眾的比例(91%)高於學生族群(約55%~65%之間)。<br>(二)正確處理使用過之廢乾電池或日光燈的民眾及學生皆達80%以上。<br>(三)外出購物時會自行攜帶購物袋的民眾比例達69%,高於學生族群(約40%~45%之間)。<br>(四)高達97%的學生知道資源回收的標誌。<br>二、水質保護及飲用水衛生方面<br>(一)民眾及大專生主要以不丟棄垃圾到河川裡的方式來配合河川整治,分別有80%及82%。<br>(二)民眾家中的淨水器(濾水器)一至三個月內會至少清洗維護一次的比例有45%。<br>三、空氣品質改善及噪音防制方面<br>(一)知道加油站油槍使用不當會造成空氣污染的民眾及學生約40%~50%之間。<br>(二)僅32%的民眾知道自7月1日起,針對水塔馬達、冷氣機等所產生的噪音未符合管制標準者,環保單位將處以罰鍰。<br>四、環境衛生及毒化物管理方面<br>(一)有90%以上的民眾及學生正確知道是白線斑蚊和埃及斑蚊會傳播登革熱。<br>(二)會主動清除積水容器以預防蚊蟲孳生的民眾為95%,高於學生族群(約70%~80%之間)。<br>五、空氣品質及紫外線預報方面<br>平常有收看或收聽空氣品質(PSI)及紫外線指數(UVI)預報的比例,以小學生為59%最高,當紫外線指數很高時出門會採取防曬措施的比例,以民眾為81%最高。<br>六、環保標章方面<br>在價格及品質功能相近的情況下,會優先購買具有「環保標章」產品的民眾及學生約80%~90%之間。<br>七、環保知識及行動方面<br>(一)民眾及學生獲得環保知識的資訊,主要來自電視,各約有87%以上。<br>(二)環保教育(營隊)活動型態中,民眾及大專生有30%以上較想參加「生態之旅」,而高中、國中及國小生較想參加「夏令營」,比例為35%~40%之間。<br> Report on the 2005 R.O.C. Environmental Protection Knowledge Survey The objectives of this survey are to learn the knowledge level of adults and students about environmental protection and education channels, and the relationships between their environmental protection knowledge and practices.<br> The population and samples of this survey includes five segments: (1)20 years or older (1,637samples), (2)Universities students (1,208samples), (3)Senior high school students (1,286samples), (4)Junior high school students(1,343samples), (5)Primary school students, 4th to 6th graders(1,200samples).<br>I、Solid waste management and recycling<br>1. 91% of the adults always conducted recycling at home; with only 55% to 65% of the students did so.<br>2.Over 80% of the adults and students knew the correct way to recycle the battery and daylight lamp.<br>II、Water quality protection and drinking water safety45% of all households cleaned up their water purifier periodically every 3 months.<br>III、Air quality improvement and noise control<br>40%~50% of the adults and students knew that improper use of gasoline pump could cause air pollution.<br>IV、Environmental sanitation and toxic materials management<br>1.Over 90% of adults and students knew that the media of dengue fever were Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.<br>2.95% of the adults cleaned up water in containers actively to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes,70% to 80% of the students did so.<br>V、Air quality and ultra-violet ray forecast <br>1.The percentage of elementary school students who watched and listened to the air quality and ultra-violet ray forecast was higher than other groups.<br>2.When the UVI was very high, 81% of the adults would do something to prevent sunburns higher than other groups.<br>VI、The Green Mark <br>80% to 90% of the adults and students would prefer purchasing products with Green Mark logo.<br>VII、The environmental protection knowledge and actions<br>1.Over 87% of the adults and students learned the knowledge of the environmental protection mostly from TV.<br>2.Ecological tours 094 統計室 故鄉市場調查股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3532
九十四年推動環境保護有功學校、教師及學生遴選表揚 對於平日熱心推動環境保護事務,並有顯著績效之學校成員,予以公開表揚,藉以鼓勵各級學校落實校園環保工作及產生主動積極的環境維護行動,並提昇校園環境品質。工作內容如下:一、實地查訪91個熱心推動環境保護事務之學校、教師及學生其所 提環境保護工作項目執行情形。二、製作獲獎者事蹟實錄及光碟,提供各界參考學習。三、辦理頒獎典禮及晉見總統事宜,對於績效優良、表現卓越之學校、教師及學生予以公開表揚。 FY94 outstanding performance of educational institutions, schoolteachers, and students for promoting environmental protection. To reward the educational institutions, the schoolteachers, and the students who have excellent achievements in promoting environmental protection.Through public commending to encourage all levels of schools for practicing environment protecting works in schools,and inspiring active environment-protecting movements,meanwhile,increasing the quality of surroundings in schools.The work including:1.To investigate 91 warm-hearted units of the educational institutions, the schoolteachers,and the students that impetuse environmental protection business on-the-spot, and the situations about how they carry out the project of environmental protection work.2.To edit the factual records and the discs about the prize-winners for all walks of life to imitate.3.To handle an awarding ceremony and call on the president as an open praise to the educational institutions, the schoolteachers, and the students that perform remarkable and act outstanding. 094 綜計處 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3534
環境影響評估實務研習 財團法人資源及環境保護服務基金會(以下簡稱資環基金會)接受行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)之委託,於今年8月在台北市舉行三天環境影響評估實務研習會。資環基金會與環保署研商後,決定於94年8月17日、22日及26日,在台北市國立台灣大學水工試驗所舉辦三天之94年度環境影響評估實務研習會。資環基金會於本年6月初向政府各機關、工程顧問公司、技師事務所以及企業單位發函徵詢對環評法令規範以及本年環評研習會之研習課程等意見。於7月參考各方諮詢意見及與環保署研商後,決定環評研習會之日期、六大單元研習課程與時數以及講座之聘定。8月17日之研習課程上午為環境影響評估程序及審查;下午為噪音調查及評估,各為三小時。8月22日之研習課程,上午為動、植物生態之環境評估;下午為土石挖填與水土流失防治及評估,各為三小時。8月26日之研習課程,上午為環評替代方案與生態補償;下午為公眾說明、溝通與協調,各為三小時。參加三天六單元環評實務研習者,有專業技師16人、公務機關環評工作人員107人、公民營企業與技師事務所、顧問公司環評工作者71人,並由資環基金會發給每人研習訓練證明書一紙。 Special Project for a Workshop in Environmental Impact Assessment Practice The Foundation on Resources and Environmental Protection Service (FREEPS) was entrusted by the Environmental Protection Adiministration (EPA) with a special project: “A-three-days Workshop in Environmental Impact Assessment Practice” (Workshops) which to be held at Taipei city.Time scheduals and title of lectures and the lecturers was decided after the consaultation between EPA and FREPS.The lectures of 17th Aug. were “Process and Evaluation of EIS” (AM) and “Noise Impact Assessment” (PM) with 3-hours respectively.The lectures of 22th Aug. were “Environmental Assessment of Animal and Plant Ecology”(AM) and “Environmental Assessment of Earth Moving and Loss Control of Soil and Water” (PM) with 3-hours respectively.The lectures of 26th Aug. were “Alternative Plans and Ecological Compensation of EIA” (AM) and “Public Hearing, communication and Coordination” (PM) with 3-hours respectively.The attendants of this Workshops include 16 professional engineers, 107 government officers, and 71 EIA staffs from enterprises and engineering consaulting firms. FREPS gave every attendant a certificate recorded the title and hours of lectures who participated. 094 綜計處 財團法人資源及環境保護服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3540
空氣品質移動式監測之功能測試、規劃及數據驗證 移動式監測具備增進空氣品質監測時間空間之解析性與機動性,進而可供瞭解空品區污染可能之熱點特性、並探討污染物在大氣中之宿命。本研究執行期間兩個年度,計畫之主要目的為測試候選移動式監測儀器之功能特性,規劃移動式空氣品質監測車之設備、功能、規格,協助移動式空氣品質監測車進行實車功能測試,並提供監測資料驗證事項之技術協助。本計畫第一年度辦理移動式空氣品質監測車之設備規格了解規劃,蒐集傳統空氣污染物監測儀器之性能規格,計有氮氧化物分析儀、二氧化硫分析儀、臭氧分析儀、一氧化碳分析儀、HC分析儀、PM10分析儀等,整理其廠牌及監測範圍、線性範圍、最低偵測極限、精密度、零點飄移、間距飄移等規格;並初擬監測車設備內容,包括監測儀器設備、校正系統設備、資料擷取系統設備、其它週邊設備、監測車體設備、功能查核設備等。在空氣品質監測站網監測數據、報表驗證及資料分析方面,配合環保署空氣品質監測站網資料中心端軟體開發,辦理空氣品質監測站網監測數據、報表驗證及資料分析,已針對整個資料庫系統由原始資料提供的格式,資料有效性認定及相關統計分析之方法,進行全面性完整的規定。針對即時式 (real-time) 懸浮微粒監測儀器進行實驗室功能測試,利用低壓衝擊式微粒分徑電子分析儀來作測試,發現在次微米粒徑範圍內之測值不論對大氣微粒或本計畫測試之液態、固態微粒與微粒電移動度掃瞄分徑器均有良好之對應關係,顯示在靜態下其測定結果良好。當微粒濃度變化時,低壓衝擊式微粒分徑電子分析儀測值在第二秒至第三秒即開始產生變化,而其測值穩定所須時間則約需一分鐘時間。振動測試顯示均不會造成微粒電移動度掃瞄分徑器粒徑分布測值之影響。本年度將協助移動式空氣品質監測車進行實車功能測試,並繼續提供監測資料驗證事項之技術協助。本計畫已完成93年10月起到94年10月份之資料驗證工作;採用Horiba APHA-360所架設之移動式揮發性有機物監測系統進行七次移動式環境監測;此外,另選定不同類型之測站進行56種VOCs之監測。 mobile monitoring test and data analysis of air quality In this year, the main objectives include assisting Taiwan EPA in selecting and installing monitoring vans and equipments, continuing air quality monitoring data/table verified and information analysis, and testing measurement performance of VOCs monitoring instrument in laboratory as well as atmospheric environment. The air quality monitoring data from October 2004 to October 2005 have been verified. The new continuing VOCs monitoring system set up by Horiba APHA-360 instrument has been applied to measure the VOC concentration in different streets.In addition, the work of mitoring the 56 kinds of VOCs at different kinds of monitoring stations is also finished. 094 監資處 台灣大學嚴慶齡工業研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3554
94年度環保施政意向調查 第1次調查主題為「國人環保感受面」,調查結果顯示:有四成五的民眾認為目前的空氣品質較過去三年惡化;民眾認為造成最大困擾的空氣污染源為交通工具排放的廢氣;五成六民眾認為汽機車等交通噪音對生活作息影響最大,可見汽機車等交通工具對環境品質影響很大。<br>  三成二的民眾認為目前的河川水質較過去三年改善,而民眾認為應優先進行河川污染整治工作為加強管制工業廢水排放、清除河面及河岸垃圾及加強管制畜牧廢水排放。<br>  六成七的民眾認為居家環境清潔和去年相較情況有改善;有七成八的民眾認為「家戶垃圾清運」與去年相較情況有改善。針對營建廢棄物非法任意棄置情形嚴重程度,民眾的意見分歧。<br>  民眾認為政府應致力改善的環境污染問題為「空氣污染」及「河川污染」。<br><br>  第2次調查主題為「環保政策面」,調查結果顯示:多數民眾贊成限制產品過度包裝,且有六成五的民眾表示不會購買過度包裝的產品。<br>  近六成的民眾知道將全面實施垃圾強制分類,且多數民眾表示願意配合垃圾強制分類。贊成與反對取消有店面的餐飲業不能免費提供購物用塑膠袋規定的民眾比率相近,各占四成五左右。<br>  另外,針對特定廢棄物品之回收處理方式及相關看法:就廢(舊)電池回收方面,民眾對「強制規定須以廢(舊)電池才能換購新電池」這項規定的贊同度雖較「預付押金才能購買電池,並於電池回收後才可退回押金」高,惟仍有四成七的民眾不贊成,因此宜再審慎評估,並制定相關配套措施,以利提升廢電池回收率。<br>  目前分別有三成六及一成六的民眾主動將廢棄的光碟片及廢棄的行動電話交給清潔隊或其他回收站回收;但95年若將廢光碟片或廢行動電話列入公告應回收項目,皆有九成以上的民眾表示願意配合交給清潔隊或其他回收站回收。 2005 R.O.C. Public Opinion Survey on Environmental Policies The topic in the first survey was "the people#s experience with environmental protection". 45% of the public believes that air quality is getting worse compared to the past 3 years. The public takes the exhaust of transportation as the main pollutant in air pollution. 56% take traffic noise from cars and motorcycles as the major threat to their daily lives. <br>  32% of the public perceives quality of river water is better than that of 3 years ago. Top 3 of priorities on river pollution prevention to be implemented by the government is: enhance controls against industrial wastewater dischargers, cleaning garbage on water surface and on the banks of the river, and enhance discharge control of the pasturage wastewater.<br>   67% of the public perceives that household surroundings are cleaner compared with last year; additionally, for the "household refuse collection" issue in comparison with the last year, 78% perceive an improvement. Addressing the severity of illegal discarding of construction waste, the public opinions diverge. <br>  The public deems the government shall endeavor to improve the environment against pollution, with the top 2 opinions in "improvement on air pollution caused by cars and motorcycles" and "improvement on river pollution".<br><br>  The second survey topic was "Environmental protection policies of government". Most people agreed to limit the amount of packaging on goods. 65% would not purchase goods that had been overly packaged. <br>  Nearly 60% were aware of the comprehensive compulsory sorting of garbage, most people were willing to sort their garbage. The percentages were 45% between those either for or against repeal of law on not freely giving out shopping bags.<br>  Regarding used battery recycling, the public were more in favor of "compulsory regulation of exchanging used batteries to purchase new ones" than "pay deposit first then purchase batteries, deposit could be refunded after batteries were returned for recycling". There were still 47% not in favor, this required furthe 094 統計室 全國意向顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3556
烏日、溪洲及林內三座焚化爐污染物排放影響區域監測資料分析與空氣品質模擬計畫 本計畫藉由分析中部地區五縣市(台中縣、台中市、南投縣、彰化縣、雲林縣)之空氣品質監測資料,以了解空氣品質現況。並對於烏日、溪洲及林內三座焚化爐空氣污染物擴散情況進行模擬,探討不同條件下之模擬結果,期能在空氣品質維護及改善工作上有一參考價值。本計畫利用ISCST3進行三座焚化爐污染物擴散模擬,繪成等增量濃度圖,以看出增量濃度之分佈。模擬結果解析顯示,不同年份氣象資料下所模擬之各污染物增量濃度略有差異,最大著地增量濃度位置也略有改變。不同探空測站氣象資料對於模擬結果並無明顯之影響,同一年不同探空測站對於污染物擴散之趨勢皆相同。可能原因為ISC模式使用之氣象資料大多以地面氣象測站為主,只有混合層高度是利用探空測站求得,故不同探空測站之氣象資料中大多數資料皆相同。不同季節模擬結果顯示污染物濃度會隨著不同季節有不同之擴散結果,而最大著地增量濃度也隨著季節的變化而略有增減的趨勢。若將焚化爐空污量增減(調為原來之90%、110%及200%)進行模擬,結果顯示污染物擴散隨著增減量的不同而有增減之趨勢。對於林內焚化爐進行全年風向皆為西風之情境模擬,結果顯示風向對於污染物濃度擴散有明顯之影響,全西風條件下對於竹山地區有較顯著之影響。以實際排放參數與環說書中之設計排放參數模擬結果進行比較,烏日及溪洲焚化爐本團隊模擬值與環說書中之模擬值結果並不一致,可能原因為環說書模擬係以推估之排放量,本團隊模擬係以實際檢測值平均進行模擬而造成。以模擬值與臺中縣環保局93年度烏日焚化爐周界大氣戴奧辛採樣濃度值比較,結果顯示,烏日焚化爐對於附近學校大氣中戴奧辛的貢獻並不明顯。監測站監測資料分析方面,由監測站O3高污染事件日逆軌跡線分析結果研判,焚化爐空氣污染物之排放可能不是監測站O3高污染事件日之主要貢獻源。分析ISC模擬增量濃度佔監測站測值之比例,結果顯示不論季節,焚化爐污染物增量濃度佔監測站測值之比例都相當低。忠明站及西屯站之組合除SO2日平均濃度及日最大小時濃度無明顯相關性外,其餘4種PSI指標污染物均具有明顯之相關性。本團隊提計提出三項建議:一、林內焚化爐未來營運後可利用實際空污量進行模擬。二、未來三座焚化爐周界可進行污染物濃度採樣,與模擬值相比較可粗略取得焚化爐對周界污染物濃度之影響。三、模擬計畫可以持續進行,匯集多年之模擬結果後,以看出較長遠之趨勢。 Monitoring data analysis and air quality simulation of Wujih, Hsichou and Linnei incinerators. This project utilized ISCST3 to simulate the air pollutants diffusion, and concentration distribution of three incinerators at Wujih, Hsichou, and Linnei. The ground and high altitude meteorological data were obtained from Air Quality Modeling Center. It was found that similar simulation results were got with different year’s meteorological data and different high altitude meteorological data.The following results were simulation by using 2003 meteorological data. The concentration increases of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and dioxins for Wujih incinerator were maximum in winter and minimum in spring. The concentration increase of sulfur dioxide was maximum in summer and minimum in spring. The concentration increases of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and dioxins for Hsichou incinerator were maximum in winter and minimum in spring. While those for Linnei incinerator were maximum in winter and minimum in winter. Different scenarios of pollutant emission amounts from the incinerators were tested. The results showed the maximum concentration increase landing-location was the same, but the maximum concentration increase depended on the change of emission. From the comparison of simulation results and dioxin sampling data, it showed that the contribution of incinerators was not significant in the vicinity.From the analysis of backward trajectory line, it was found that there were not obvious connection between incinerators and monitor stations in episode periods. The ratios of simulated concentration increase from incinerators to the data from monitoring stations were very small.Finally, three suggestions are proposed. The first is to use the real measuring data from the emission to simulate its impact on the air quality after Linnei incinerator starting operation. The second is to sample air pollutants near the incinerators and compare with simulations. The third is to continue model simulation and realize long-term trends. 094 監資處 國立台北科技大學環境規劃與管理研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3558
地方資料庫建置 ( 桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市、苗栗縣 ) 環保署於民國89年開始,規劃健全的環境資料庫系統架構與建置體系,據以建置即時提供完整、正確且有效資料與資訊的環境資料庫。另一方面,配合制度與組織之推動,並規劃一個可持續運轉的環境資料庫建置及管理體系。故此,本計畫蒐集桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市及苗栗縣之地方環境資料,以設計整合性網頁查詢系統,提供各界查詢,並將專案計畫成果內容登入環境資訊管理系統之詮釋資料庫。因此,本計畫之目標為:一、蒐集及建檔桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市、苗栗縣最新環境資料(含歷史資料),包含環境區位與發展、自然環境、人文社經、環境品質、環境敏感地位置。二、開發整合性網頁查詢系統,提供各界查詢及資料下載,並作為未來建置其他縣市環境資料庫資料整體規劃及資料更新介面。三、將蒐集及建置之專案計畫成果,登入「環境資料庫之詮釋系統建置、管理及公開規範制定、地方環境資料庫調查及規範暨教育宣導計畫」之環境資訊管理系統詮釋資料庫。本計畫整理桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市、苗栗縣境內的環境地理資訊,經由最新資料的蒐集、彙整和數化建檔,將可充分掌握現有環境資源的分配與利用現況,是提昇產業水準、改善經濟條件、促進生活品質和確保資源永續利用的重要決策依據與指標。 A project of the establishment of the local enviornmental database (Taoyuan county and Hsinchu county and Hsinchu city and Miaoli county) In the year of 2000, the EPA has started to layout a comprehensive environmental information database in order to support a comprehensive、correct and efficient environmental database. At the same time, they also aim to layout an environmental database system which is sustained and operational with the help of the push of the system and organization. Therefore, the project aimed to collect and to build the latest environmental data, which included ‘Environmental position and development’, ‘Natural environment’ and ‘the humane society’, etc. In order to develop a comprehensive webpage query system that could allow adults to query. The objectives of this project include:(1) To collect and to build the latest environmental data, which included ‘Environmental position and development’, ‘Natural environment’, ‘The humane society’, ‘Environmental quality’, and ‘Environmental sensitive area’ (2) To develop a comprehensive web-page query system.The environmental materials mentioned above should be collected into a comprehensive web-page query system which can allow people to inquire and download. In addition, this system can also be used to be the interface between different counties in the future.(3) To collect the productions of the special projects, and to establish those data into the environmental database.This project organized the geographical information of environment within the territory of Taoyuan county, Hsinchu county, Hsinchu city and Miaoli county, this can fully grasp the distribution of the existing environmental resources and use present situation via the collection , gathering together the whole summation to file of the latest materials, it is an important decision basis and index of promoting industry#s level , and to improve the economic condition , to promote the quality of the life and guaranteeing resource continuous utilization. 094 監資處 台灣景觀建築管理學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3560
空氣品質淨化區調查評估暨後續追蹤考核專案工作計畫 (一)研究目的本委託計畫主要是對空氣品質淨化區進行調查評估暨後續追蹤考核之工作,以協助環境保護署建立完整的空氣品質淨化區體系,以改善並提昇我國的空氣品質,進而提供全國唯一優質的生活環境品質,本計畫可概分為14項工作。(二)研究工作內容、方法及結果包含下列各項:1.修定空氣品質淨化區設置申請補助辦法,並將上述資料提供環保署上網。2.空氣品質淨化區基地調查現勘與追蹤考核(1)新提報空氣品質淨化區基地之調查及評估(共完成84處基地)(2)已核定空氣品質淨化區基地之計畫執行進度進行追蹤、督導與查核(共完成84處基地)(3)已完工空氣品質淨化區之維護管理、使用情形進行追蹤、督導與查核(共完成70處基地)3.研擬提昇空氣品質淨化區實質發展計畫及效益評估4.檢討修訂「直轄市及縣市空氣品質會或改善工作執行績效考評要點」5.辦理各縣市考評作業6.修正環境綠化育苗申請補助辦法。7.追蹤考核評估公有苗圃之現況並探討日後之執行方案。8.計畫相關資料建檔及網頁資料更新9.建置網路平台10.協助輔導網路平台及執行作業要點之教育訓練11.協助安排專家學者實地現勘活動12.辦理空氣品質淨化區設置及環境綠化育苗成果研討會一場13.辦理學術研討會一場14.辦理空氣品質淨化區維護管理說明會二場 Air quality purification area inventory、assessment and maintenance evaluation project. 1. Project purpose: The purpose of this project is to provide administrative assistance to EPA for establishing air quality purification area (hereinafter called aquapu area) system and related works, and also evaluate each aquapu site for their planting, construction and maintenance quality. This project includes 15 items of work.2. Project content、method and results: This project has to produce following results:1.Revise the working manual of application and subsidy for Aquapu Area, and upload such information onto EPA website.2.Aquapu Area site inventory and evaluation(1) Inventory, and assessment of newly applied sites of Aquapu Areas (84 sites)(2) Supervise and evaluate the implementation schedule of approved sites of Aquapu Area (84 sites)(3) Inspect and evaluate the condition of maintenance and execution of accomplished sites of Aquapu Area (70 sites)3.Propose the Aquapu Area action plan and efficacy evaluation 4.Review and revise the ”Key Points of efficacy evaluation for Special Municipalities, Counties and Cities for Aquapu Area Maintenance and Improvement”5.Organize the evaluation in each county and city6.Revise the working manual of application and subsidy for seedlings cultivation7.Supervise and evaluate existing public nurseries condition and explore potential implementation plans8.File datum and update webpage information9.Establish internet platform10.Assist training programs setup for internet platform users and project implementation11.Assist arranging on-site inspection activities for project-related advisors and experts12.Hold one symposium on Aquapu Area and public nursery mainly for experience exchange among all participants13.Hold one academic seminar14.Hold two Aquapu Area maintenance/management briefings 094 空保處 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3562
台東縣加強砂石場ˋ預拌混凝土廠空氣污染管制計畫 計畫執行成果摘要一、本計畫至12月22日止共巡查371家次,依據本計畫巡查資料顯示,台東縣境內共計列管27家砂石場及27家預拌混凝土廠,砂石場大部份集中於台東市及大武鄉,以流域而言,卑南溪分佈之家數最多。在預拌混凝土廠部份,台東市七家最多,其次是成功鎮、大武鄉。二、砂石場防制設備情況,顯示場外道路、出入口、物料輸送、場區道路、堆置場之防制設施設置比例分別為78%、81%、37%、100%、22%,因此砂石場部份以物料輸送及堆置場之污染防制為巡查及宣導重點,卸料坡道應加設鋪面及自動灑水設施,堆置場應覆蓋防塵網及加設自動灑水設施。預拌混凝土廠防制設備情況,顯示場外道路、出入口、製程設備、物料輸送、場區道路、堆置場之防治設施設置比例分別為96%、96%、100%、85%、100%、15%,整體而言,預拌廠污染防制表現比砂石場好,但其堆置場進行防制比率仍偏低,此部份仍須加強宣導。三、比較砂石場及預拌廠之廠內鋪面比例,砂石場之場內鋪面比例平均介於10~50%,預拌廠之廠內鋪面比例介於10~90%。四、工廠輔導與污染物減量方面,完成共計六家砂石場及四家預拌混凝土廠輔導作業,全年粒狀污染物削減量達170.93公噸,為本年度固定污染源污染物削減量之主要來源。五、本計畫亦進行再減量潛勢討論,討論內容包含各場(廠)未來可以再加強之污染防制設施及未來可以透過防制措施增設達成之污染減量,依據估計,砂石場未來仍有631.88公噸減量之空間,預拌廠未來仍有57.11公噸減量之空間。六、截至十二月底目前台東縣砂石場列管等級情況,其中第一級(經清查發現無設置污染防制措施或巡查中發現防制措施已失效而未改善者)共計十三家、第二級(僅採行部份防制措施或已採行防制措施惟未有效運用者)十四家,本縣並無第三級(已採行適當污染防制措施之業者,包含灑水、洗車台、鋪設鋼板或柏油)之管制對象。七、於計畫初期道路認養之業者數量為15家,本計畫配合巡查作業將所有營運中之業者列入推動配合之對象,積極宣導道路認養作業,目前有提報道路認養承諾書之業者已經增加為23家,總認養長度為9810公尺,現階段4至11月總計達成洗街長度為996.21公里,掃街長度為539.82公里。八、稽查檢測作業目前已完成檢測砂石廠22家次及預拌廠3家次,檢測結果顯示各場(廠)測值均低於「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」中TSP周界標準值500&micro;g/Nm3。九、本計畫量化目標執行情形如表一所示,表二及表三為工作計畫書審查及期中審查意見回覆及期末階段執行情形。 Inspection Plan on aggregate plants and concrete premixing plants in Taitung Abstract1. Untile 22 December 2004, 371 inspections have been performed as part of this project. The inspection records indicate that 27 aggregate plants and 27 concrete premixing plants are monitored by the Taichung County Environmental Protection Bureau(EPB). Most of these plants are located in Taitung City,Dawu Township and Chenggong Township.2. Compare the percentage of paved ground in aggregate plant and concrete premixing plants, paved ground in aggregate plant is about 10~50%,and about 10~90% in concrete premixing plants.3. The consulting services on air pollution control have been provided to 6 aggregate plants and 4 concrete premixing plants. It is estimated that a total of 170.93 metric tons of particulate emission was reduced during the last year. 4. This project also addresses the possibilities of further air emission reduction, which include the installation of air pollution control equipment and implementation of air pollution control plan. It is estimated that aggregate plants have the potential of reducing 631.88 tons and concrete premixing plants have the potential of reducing 57.11 tons. 5. Until the end of December, 13 aggregate plants are rated as Group I Plant (plants without pollution control device or effective control measures); 14 aggregate are rate as Group II Plant ( only part of pollution control measures are implemented). There are no Group III Plants in Taitung County. 6. At the beginning of this project, 15 plants carry out road cleaning on voluntary basis. The number of plants that sign up to the road cleaning program is increased to 23 at the end of this project.7. Ambient air monitoring on TSP has been carried out at 23 aggregate plants and 3 094 台東縣環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2050
污染源同位素分析鑑識技術建立之研究及應用 建立法規管制項目污染物經環境因素影響後產生同位素比值變化或不變性。選取產生或處理選定污染物之業者或場址,採集代表性樣品,以穩定性同位素質譜比較環境因素影響後樣品之同位素比值,並與對照組樣品比較,建立以穩定性同位素分析技術應用於環境法醫鑑定技術之標準化作業模式,並評估以穩定性同位素分析技術進行污染案件產源追查或關聯性鑑定之可行性及具體做法,以提升國內環境法醫鑑定技術的層次與能力。配合94年度廢棄物指紋資料庫建置計畫樣品,將安定性特徵比值,以適當格式納入資料庫中。 The development of stable isotope of analysis techniques and its application for polluting source apportionment English Abstract (short version)EPA ROC has planed to executive 3 years environmental protecting action project since 2004, including environmental pollutant decreasing project to set up the ability of contaminant source identification, it was called environmental forensic or environmental science. There are three goals in the project: 1. Set up ability of pollutant identifies under regulation and control after weathering effect. 2. Collects representative sample from selected contaminant plume. d13C value after weathering effects were compared with reference by GC-IRMS to set up standard operation procedure of environmental forensic source identification technology for promotion domestic ability of environmental forensic technology. 3. Cooperate industry waste fingerprint database construction project, the resulting d13C value bring into database with the proper form. The project has collected 31 CSIA literatures and reports, proved that 13C CSIA technology can identify pollution sources and evaluate the effect of natural attenuation effectively. There are 19 kinds of organic solvents and 103 solvent samples have been collected totally in this project, including 10 pollutants (dichloromethane, benzene, toluene, chlorobenzene, chloroform, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, p-dichlorobenznen, cis-1,2-dichloroethylene, 1,2-dichloroethane) under current regulation control and 54 samples totally. Use GC-IRMS to carry on 10 pollutants 13C CSIA analysis and set up standard operation procedure of d13C determination method. Use One Way ANOVA model to statistic d13C value of sample and judge the difference between samples. If p<0.05, there is difference between two samples under 95% confidence level. Comparing two injection method:SPME(Solid Phase Micro Extraction) dip in mode and split injection mode, there is no difference between two injection methods for trichloroethylene (bp. 86.9℃) but there are difference between two injection methods for toluene (bp. 110.6℃) and tetrachloroethylene (bp. 146.5℃) under 95% confidence level. The detection limit of 6 solvents in water are 107.8mg/ml(399mV, trans-1,2-dichloroethylene), 122.8mg/ml(665mV, cis-1,2-dichloroethylene), 117.2mg/ml(360mV, 1,1,1-trichloroethane), 131mg/ml(427mV, trichloroethylene), 156mg/ml(300mV, tetrachloroethylene), 99.2mg/ml(191mV, p-dichlorobenzene) respectively. We have collected underground water samples from monitoring wells of upstream, middle stream and downstream at RCA contaminant plume Taoyuan, Taiwan. The enriched d13C value of trichloroethylene, cis-1,2-dichloroethylene were observed on the site, the same results as simulation weathering test. We infer biodegradation on the site. Probe into the influence weathered in simulation and set up weathering method based on biodegradation and find out relationship between weathering and biodegradation by statistic method. It is proofed that 1. Dehalococcoides ethenogenes from RCA contaminant plume can dechlorinated tetrachloroethylene to their metabolites, such as trichloroethylene, cis-dichloroethylene, vinyl chloride and ethylene, quickly and completely. It will be a powerful tool of natural attenuation. 2. Enrichment factors (e) were obtained from Rayleigh-type evolution model and used as standard of tracing pollutant source.We cooperates with NIEA industry wastes fingerprinting information database setting up project 2005 to choose 20 industry waste samples of every profession and determinate 13C value of characteristic components of sample. Set up pretreatment, detection method and identification procedures of industry wastes fingerprint. 90% 10 kinds of Different sources were identified. We selected 43 more than 80% similarity characteristic components from 35 industry waste samples from different sources after NIST database components comparison. They can divide into 6 kinds to sum up after removing the same components accord with the anticipated result. The d13C value of 20 industry waste samples, can be used to identify source from comparison d13C solvents database or other sample from same profession to narrow the source range.This study verifies that can there is effects and is evaluated for the pollution sources and renovates in GC-IRMS 13C CSIA technology. We have to control the factors, which cause d13C value variable carefully. Because there are a lot of influence factors that can effect the environment weathers and no d13C value of the initial pollutants, it is difficult to identify pollution sources, but still can offer the information of pollutes flowing direction, understand the relationship. Propose the ability that is established of this plan in the future, cooperate with other pollution sources identification plan, offer d13C value to help the pollution source to confirm. Using GC-IRMS 13C CSIA in the final affirmation tool that the pollution sources appraised. GC-IRMS 13C CSIA might be a powerful tracing tool for monitoring contaminant groundwater flow direction and evaluating the effect of natural attenuation. We plan to study 15N , 18O CSIA to execute the project in the future and remedy the deficiency of 13C CSIA. 094 環檢所 邵震茹 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=3980
訴願審議管理資訊系統建置專案工作計畫 訴願是乃指人民因中央或地方機關之行政處分,認為有違法或不當之情形,致損害其權利或利益者,得依訴願法之規定提起行政救濟之制度。當人民對行政院環保署所屬各行政機關的「行政處分」不服或覺得合法權益受到損害時,人民就可以依照訴願法規定,以書面的方式經由原行政處分機關向環保署訴願審議委員會提起訴願。為達成訴願審議業務資訊化,提昇行政效率,並加強無紙化、電子化之目標,訴願審議委員會全面實施訴願業務電腦化作業,將公文收發、訴願審議書、決定書製作、議事、檔案及研考等,全部納入最新電腦系統作業,以縮短作業、提昇辦案效率。本專案的執行方法採專案開發方法。現已完成訴願審議管理資訊系統建置專案工作,計有收發作業、承辦人作業、查詢作業、議程管理、主管作業、報表作業、資訊交流、系統維護、系統管理、網站設計等十項子系統。經過6個月的時間,已成功實施下列項目:1.規劃、開發「訴願審議管理資訊系統」之作業。2.建置、充實環保署網站「訴願審議委員會網頁」之內容。3.整合、傳遞環保署「公文管理系統」之資料。 EPA-94-L104-03-001 The Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan of R.O.C.(EPA) are making great efforts to shake off the traditional nest, meet the new standard of new era - speed, convenient , efficiency , variety , and elasticity , in order to march toward more competitive and vigor. However, how to satisfy outside people"s expectation are very important to the growth of the organization. In view of the situation that people appeal to organization frequently, How to handle these appeal rapidly and effectively become more and more important. This project is to develop an information system for Administrative Appeals Commission of EPA to integrate the procedure of appealing completely, in order to finish outside people"s appealing rapidly, and meet appealing and serving the need of outside people better. This group reaches the goal combined through the information system to the procedure of appealing of the EPA, not only set up a integrated system of appealing, the more important thing is setting up to use information system reaching a fluidized , elasticity , intact melting , transparence , consistent mechanism of appealing that meet the demand of serving the people of the Republic of China.Through 6 months , we have already succeeded in implementing the following projects: 1. Planed and developed the “Appealing and Reviewing Management Information System”. 2. Construction and substantiating the contents of websites pages of “Administrative Appeals Commission of EPA”. 3. Integrate and transmit the data with “Official Document Management System” of EPA. 094 訴願會 環域科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4056
93年度新竹科學園區廢(污)水排放水稽查及管理計畫期末報告 新竹市環境保護局鑑於園區內各產業製程中所排放的污染物日益累積而工業廢水所含之污染物質亦日趨複雜,其中包含微量有機物及酸鹼廢液等污染物。有鑑於此,新竹市環保局除已於91年度針對園區主要放流水體-客雅溪及隆恩圳之環境現況進行水體水質、底泥及生態之採樣調查分析,92年度並執行自動連續監測系統之設置,同時配合92年度之調查計畫,探討查核園區內各工廠廢污水處理情況,及配合緊急稽查管制作業。93年度則延續92年度之工作成果,進行自動連續監測、工廠廢水稽查及排放口和河川之水質採樣工作,以有效針對科學工業園區之廢污水進行污染排放監控與管制,減少廢污水對於環境生態的衝擊,以達到流域水質保護的目的。藉由此計畫之執行,持續建立科學園區之相關水質污染資料,以加強科學園區之排放水管理。其內容成果如下:一、排放水及河川水質分析二、稽巡查作業三、自動連續監測系統基本操作維護四、氨氮污染評析五、河川水質變化評析 The check and manage for abolish (dirty ) water and discharge water in the Hsinchu Science Park Environmental Protection Agency of Hsinchu had except that already mainly put and flowed the water body- guest"s environmental present situation of refined small stream and grand ditch between fields of kindness and carried on the water quality of water body to the garden in 91, bottom mud and ecological sample investigate and analyse , carry out automatic continuous establishment of monitoring system one year, cooperate with the planning of survey of 92 at the same time , probe into and check in the garden every factory abolishes the sewage disposal situation, and cooperate and check and manage the manufacturing promptly. 094 新竹市環境保護局 新竹市環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1930
柴油車排煙檢測站檢驗維護計畫 移動污染源稽查管制計畫最主要的目的在於推廣機車排氣定期檢驗的觀念,並藉由路邊未定檢機車巡查通知到檢與不定期檢測之方式加以稽查管制。為了推廣定檢制度,採取寄發二次通知、移動式定檢車排氣檢測與宣導、協助定檢站外移工作、至各工廠進行宣導檢測與舉辦宣導活動等方式進行宣導,此外亦設計提醒機車車主進行排氣檢測日期的小標籤供定檢站黏貼於完成檢測之車輛。計畫內容及結果如下所示:一、執行柴油車排煙檢測依工作之計畫目標,柴油車排煙檢測數為2800輛次,(包含動力計檢測數1,800輛次,路邊攔檢煙度計檢測1,000輛次),目視高污染車輛執行目測判煙數2,000輛次。二、建置及維護排煙檢測管理系統此計畫於檢測站開始啟用前於系統加裝車牌攝影系統(CCD),於實施『柴油車檢驗程序及辦法』檢測時進行拍攝,照片將立即傳入電腦中存檔,以建立受測車輛完整資料。三、執行相關宣導作業新竹市環境保護局已於民國93年6月29日辦理一場次業者說明會,並印製宣導手冊4000份於宣導說明會及檢測站發放。 A maintenance plan for the cigarette measuring station of diesel vehicle The detecting plan of moved pollution sources is to popularize the idea of motorcycle exhausting regularly to lie in to control to check, and examine the motorcycle to patroll and notify it to examine checking and controlling with the irregular way to measure uncertainly with the roadside. In order to popularize and examine the system definitely, adopt and despatch the notice two times, , is it remind motorcycle car owner to is it is it measure little label of date is it is it is it paste on vehicle that measure of finishing to stand to examine definitely to support to exhaust to go on to design also. 094 新竹市環境保護局 新竹市環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1932
九十四年度機車排氣分析儀巡迴查核檢校專案計畫 本計畫依據工作契約書之規範,已完成預定之各項工作,對於本計畫,工作小組提出之結論如下:一、本年度之總查核檢校數為2049站次,其中初檢2010站,5站停站,不合格39站,不合格比例為1.9%,初檢不合格率已從91年的15.9%下降至今年度的1.9%,顯見定檢站對於分析儀之檢測品質之維繫觀念已落實,而初檢不合格之定檢站均已完成複檢,複檢結果全部合格。二、本計畫實施增加複檢頻率之再查核工作,查核對象為初檢不合格與合格邊緣之定檢站、環檢所外部查核不合格之定檢站與自九十一年度起曾經不合格定檢站共400站,再查核結果有3站仍不合格,工作人員已現場開立改善建議書並已完成複檢,複檢結果均合格。三、本計畫實施標準氣體比對作業2005站,主要分布在0-2%之間,約占所有校正氣體的八成。四、初檢查核不合格原因分析,屬於儀器本身問題(包含採樣系統問題與線性偏差)之數量為35台,占全體不合格數量比率之89.7%,屬於人為校正不確實之問題有4台,占全體不合格數量比率之10.3%。五、建議修訂相關法令或制度,藉由相關行政措施的適宜裁罰,達到不良定檢站的良好管理,進而全面維繫定檢站檢測服務之公信力。 2005years vehicle emission analyzers audit and calibrate project This project according to the standard of the contract, and various works that have already completed to schedule. For the conclusion is as follows: 1. This year we audited and calibrated 2010 motorcycle emission analyzers, the total work is 2049 times. The result shows the 4 stations that applicant for nonworking, and 39 stations are unqualified, unqualified rate is 1.9%. From 2002-2005 year, the unqualified rate is from 15.9% to 1.9%, it clearly shows motorcycle emission analyzer station for analysis instrument of examination quality have already carried out. The audit unqualified station all have already completed the recheck, and the re-audit result is all qualified. 2. This project increases the re-audit frequencies, that contain the beginning-audited unqualified stations, and NIEA audited unqualified stations and the deviation stations which was ever from 2002 year are total 400 stations. The recheck result has 3 stations still unqualified, the staff members had already drawn improvement suggestion and had already completed the recheck, which the result was all qualified.3. This project carries out the standard air compare to 2005 stations, the error mainly distributes between 0-2%, about have all 80%. 4. The analysis by the beginning-audited unqualified stations that is belong to the instrument problem that include sampling system and the line deviation is 35 sets, account for 89.7% of unqualified quantity ratio of all, and belongs to the problem that the factitiousness corrects the incertitude to have 4 sets, account for 10.3% of unqualified quantity ratio of all.5. Suggest the related ordinance or system of the emendation, by the related administration measure of feat cut to punish, reach badly and certainly the good management of motorcycle emission inspection stations, the public"s trust that then support to settle the examination service completely. 094 環檢所 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4068
地方資料庫建置(台北市、澎湖縣、金門馬祖地區) 本計畫除依照徵選須知工作內容外,並針對地方環境資料庫業務需要,進行相關環境資料需求分析,以作為日後地方環境資料分階段匯入環保署環境資料庫之參考依據。本計畫將主要工作事項分為:1.計畫區(台北市、澎湖縣、金門馬祖地區)環境資料蒐集及建檔(含歷史資料):(1)環境區位與發展:含地理區位、發展沿革等。(2)自然環境:地形、地質、土壤、氣候、水文、生態資源、礦業及能源等。(3)人文社經:人口指標、土地利用、交通運輸、產業活動、景觀遊憩、都市計畫等。(4)環境品質:空氣品質、廢棄物、土壤品質、水體環境、噪音、環境衛生等。(5)環境敏感地區:生態敏感地區、景觀敏感地區、資源敏感地區、天然災害敏感地區。(6)專案計畫成果內容登入至環保署環境資訊管理系統之詮釋資料庫:將環保局之專案計畫成果內容依業主專案計畫詮釋資料登入方式,登入於環保署環境資訊管理系統之詮釋資料庫(每一縣市至少十個專案計畫以上)。2.整合性之網頁查詢系統建置:將本案所蒐集之地方環境資料,建置至整合性之網頁查詢系統,於網路上提供各界查詢及資料下載,且本系統應與環保署已建置其他縣市環境資料庫資料整合規劃。3.將本案所彙整之環境資訊相關資料及地理資料相關主題圖等,提供電子檔交付環保署。 Demonstration Plan for Local Environmental Database Construction(Taipei City, Kinmen County, Penghu County, Matsu County) Except following the working content of the selected notice, this plan also analyses the demand of the business requirement of the local environmental database in order to be regarded as the reference basis to upload the local environmental materials to Environment Protection Administration"s environmental database stage by stage, in the future.  This plan divided the groundwork item into the followings:1.Search, collecting and filling the environmental materials (including the historical materials) of plan area(Taipei City, Penghu County, Matzu and Kinmen area) . 2.Constructing an search inquiring system of the webpages: Construct those local environmental materials gathered during this case on an intergrated search webpages system and allow any person to search and download. Furthermore, this system should be intergrated and planed with environmental database materials of other counties and cities that the Environment Protection Administration has already constructed.3.Provid electronic file of the related materials of environmental information and geographical relevant theme picture of materials, etc., which are gathered during this plan, to the Environment Protection Administration. 094 監資處 開群實業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4072
進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章作業 1 、 依據「進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章辦法」辦理進口車輛污染驗證核章, 管制進口車輛均符合排放標準,至本年1 2 月15 日底止:A、 排氣合格證明驗證核章審核計6 5 , 9 1 7 輛。B、 排氣逐車測試合格證明審核及驗證核章計5 , 5 5 9輛。2 、 依計畫合約要求, 辦理進口車輛污染驗證核章之相關業務, 至本年十月底止:A、 對申請驗證核章車輛進行實車查驗:a . 依排氣合格證明驗證核章車輛, 計完成5 3 輛車實車查驗。b . 依逐車測試合格證明驗證核章車輛, 計完成3 輛車實車查驗。B、 就廠商申請驗證核章所檢具文件與原廠聯繫查核, 計抽查5 家代理商及5 家貿易商。C、 廠商請資料均抽存乙份, 並與海關及交通監理單位資料連線,進行資料核對與完成核章資料傳送。D、 安排六名審查人員, 於台北市辦公室及環保署,辦理進口車輛驗證核章審核及資料連線。3 、 辦理一場進口汽車驗證核章作業說明會, 並編印「進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章須知」5 0 0 冊, 以便利民眾申請。4 、 進口汽車空氣污染物電子驗證核章作業系統的建置, 分別於7 月及11 月辦理系統操作說明會, 11 月15 日起上線與舊系統併行作業,於1 2 月15 日開始正式上線。5 、 一併辦理車輛噪音驗證核章業務, 至本年12 月15 日底止, 完成噪音合格證明驗證核章計6 6 , 7 0 6 輛, 完成噪音逐車測試報告驗證核章計6 , 2 7 3 輛。 Air Pollutant Inspection Label of Imported Car 1.Based on “Method For Air Pollutant Inspection Label Of Imported Car” to carry out the inspection label for the pollution of imported car, so as to control the imported car to meet the emission standard:There are 65,917 imported cars with the accepted air emission certificate and inspection label. There are 5,559 cars with the accepted certificate and inspection label for the test of each car.2.Based on the requirements of contract to carry out the related tasks about the inspection label for the pollution of imported car:A.To carry out field inspection for the car applied for the inspection label:Based on the cars with accepted air emission certificate and inspection label, there are 53 cars which have been completed for field inspection.Based on the cars with the accepted certificate and inspection label for the test of each car, there are 3 cars which have been completed for field inspection.B.The documents submitted by the applicant have been checked with the original manufacturer, 5 distributors and 5 dealers have been checked randomly.C. A copy of application information has been kept, and it is connected to Customs and Traffic authorities to carry out information checking and the information transmission of inspection label.D. Six reviewers are designated to Taipei Office and EPA (Environmental Protection Administration)to carry out the review for the inspection label of imported car and information connection.3.To hold a demonstration meeting for the operation of the inspection label of imported car, and print 500 volumes of “Outline For Air Pollutant Inspection Label Of Imported Car”, so that people can apply it conveniently.4.To set up electronic inspection label operation system for air pollutant of imported car,in Jul. and Nov., held meeting to introduce how to apply by the system. The system began to operate with the used system on 15-Nov., performed at 15-Dec. 094 空保處 工業技術研究院機械工業研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4076
亞太經濟合作-亞太海洋衛星遙測資訊系統 今年是海洋模式與資訊系統計畫(OMISAR)計畫之最後階段,OMISAR的目標在於發展分享海洋環境資訊與海洋模式的系統,以便於預報與經濟活動相關的海洋環境變化,在海洋環境資訊系統中,衛星地面接收站為交換跨區域海洋資料的工具,在這個計畫中,在越南胡志明市(西貢)的南部水資源研究所(Southern Institute of Water Resource Research, SIWRR),越南科技研究院應用力學所 (Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Center of Science and Technology, IAM/NCST)以及菲律賓大學(University of the Philippines, UP) 海洋研究所 (Marine Science Institute, MSI) 等地建立了NOAA衛星地面接收站,目前交換的NOAA衛星資料,已經超過300GB。今年計畫的主要目標,延續並加強辦理OMISAR計畫,在互惠原則下,協助越南及菲律賓維護與提昇其衛星站的功能、衛星資料處理分析等相關技術,更發展新的衛星資料處理技術,藉由整合不同的衛星資源提高其空間及時間上的覆蓋率與解析度,使得衛星資料可以更廣泛的應用於海洋研究之上,以建立東亞海域的衛星海洋環境資料,促進APEC區域內國家合作關係。因應APEC新的4項原則,我們在2006年度提出新的計畫「Satellite Application in Knowledge-based Economies (SAKE)」,將知識經濟(Knowledge-based Economy) 作為新計畫的主題,該計畫主要在於推廣福衛二號衛星資料的應用。福衛二號的衛星影像因為具有高解析度,使得能夠在幾年來OMISAR計畫內建立的衛星海洋資訊之外,能再更進一步提供一個詳細監測海岸環境及陸源污染等較小尺度活動的研究方向,以促進APEC會員國的環境保護與資源永續利用,將OMISAR拓展到新的里程碑。 APEC – Asia Pacific Satellite Remote Sensing Data System This year is the final stage of project OMISAR (Ocean Models and Information System for the APEC Region). The goals of OMISAR are developing information systems to share data and sharing ocean models to predict the change of marine environment that is related to economic activities. On the part of ocean information system, satellite ground receiving system was selected as the tool for promoting scientific and technological exchanges on cross boundary marine data. Through this project, NOAA satellite ground receiving stations were established in Ho Chi Minh City by Southern Institute of Water Resource Research and by Institute of Applied Mechanics of National Center of Science and Technology, and in Manila by the Marine Science Institute of Univ. of the Philippines. This capacity-building process bear fruits of exchanging 300 GB of NOAA satellite data. The objectives of this year are, under the principle of mutually beneficial, continuing the maintenance of the network of satellite ground receiving stations in Taipei, Ho Chi Minh City and Manila, sharing collected satellite data and sharing the process in capacity building (jointly developing software), and integrating various satellite data on monitoring marine environment. We proposed and promoted the 2006 APEC proposal “Satellite Application in Knowledge-based Economies (SAKE)” in responding to the new requirements on APEC proposals. The theme of SAKE is to promote the application of high-resolution Formosat-2 satellite images to develop new technology in helping local economy of users of Formosat-2 data through the application on monitoring of marine resources and in the mean time, extending our influence in APEC through science and technological exchanges. To exemplify, Formosat-2 data may be used for monitoring land-based pollutants or oil spills, for assessing damages from disasters, for mapping the distribution and health of coral reefs, and for assisting the design and monitoring marine parks and coastal development. Formosat-2 data are useful for the sustainable use of marine resources. 094 永續發展室 國立台灣大學 海洋研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4074
亞太經濟合作--海洋模式國際合作 「亞太經濟合作--海洋模式國際合作」計畫,主要是配合環保署於亞太經濟合作組織海洋資源保育工作小組(APEC/MRC WG)中所爭取的「亞太地區海洋模式與資訊系統」計畫(Ocean Models and Information System for the APEC Region,以下簡稱OMISAR)。此計畫在於推動亞太地區海洋資訊交流及資料交換,以達到海洋資源保育的目的。藉由實質推動APEC/MRC/OMISAR計畫,使我們能在亞太經濟合作組織各會員體間建立人脈,並且在後續的APEC/MRC/OMISAR計畫維持主導地位,扮演積極保護海洋資源的角色。海洋環境保護是目前國內外應積極採取行動的議題,而從事海洋環境保護的方式可從多方管道進行,如加強對民眾的宣導、隨時掌握海洋環境狀況等。本計畫藉由各會員體的共同討論,獲得高精確度的作業化海洋環境預警系統,進而了解即時的海洋環境狀況。因此本計畫今年於印尼召開與海洋環境相關的學術研討會(WOM-15),會中分別以波浪模式、海洋模式與海嘯預警為主題,為作業化海洋環境模式提供了學理上、經驗上的資訊交流。 APEC-Regional Cooperation on Ocean Models The Marine Resource Conservation Working Group(MRC WG) of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) betakes itself on the promotion of sustainable development of ocean resources. The goal of the project “Ocean Model and Information System for the APEC Region (OMISAR)” of APEC/MRC WG lays on the encouragement of the exchange of marine data between the members of APEC. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Chinese, Taipei had strived and currently is in charge of the project.The present project “APEC-Regional Cooperation on Ocean Models” assists EPA dealing with the affairs within the OMISAR project. By active participating in the OMISAR, it is possible for us to establish the relationship with other member economics. Moreover, hence we can keep our leadership in APEC/MRC/OMISAR and hold the dominative position.The Ocean Environmental Protection is an issue, which are of priority importance to every economics. Diverse approaches could be implemented to achieve the goal, i.e. strengthen the advertising of the issue to the public, monitoring the ocean environmental factors and such like. By the open discussion and collaboration among the economics, a high accuracy operational warning system for ocean environment has been yielded.This year, we have one workshop correlated with ocean environment and it was hold in Indonesia (WOM-15). In the workshop, the subjects of wave model and ocean model were discussed respectively by each economic, and provide the exchange of theories and experience for the operation model of ocean environment. 094 永續發展室 財團法人成大水利海洋研究發展文教基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4078
巨大廢棄物回收再利用效益評估及設施評鑑輔導專案 巨大廢棄物包括廢家具、廢樹枝、廢腳踏車等,甚多廢家具使用天然珍貴的之木質材料,購買時非常昂貴。因此若僅局部破損,應可經修繕後再使用,或者回收其材料再利用。在環保署經費補助下,近年來國內已有若干縣市正積極推動巨大廢棄物回收再利用工作,進行廢家具修繕再使用及破碎回收材料再利用。本計畫對於修繕完成之環保再生家具,進行市場和申請驗證分析,規劃出市場行銷制度及環保再生家具標章驗證系統。此外,經由專家委員之現場查訪評鑑,發現家具修繕已獲致不錯之成效。但對於巨大廢棄物經再利用處理所產生之材料(如木粉屑…),其後續應用市場則有待努力。因此藉由各縣市推動得失之瞭解,彙整完整之建議作為環保署及各縣市未來推動之參考。 Promulgating, assessing and counseling Project for the Recycling and Reuse of Bulky Waste Bulky wastes include used furniture, waste branch and spent bicycle. Among the refused bulky waste, there were valuable materials for recovery and utilized. For the spent furniture with partly deficient, repairing is a simple and worthwhile method to obtain a renewed product. Other while, the wooden bulky waste can be crushed to recover the wood chip as wooden material for reuse. Recovery and reuse of bulky waste has become a very important issue in Taiwan. Recently, EPA provided a lot budget to the local government for the improvement of equipment for the recycling of bulky waste. This project was focused in the estimation of the total quantity and the recycle efficiency of bulky waste in Taiwan. By the investigation of the promotion in local government, we find it had achieved a great deal in furniture repair. But for the market of recycling wooden material, it needs more efforts for the exploration of market. By the evaluation of local government’s achievement, we provided some suggestions for them, and proposed a guideline for EPA as a reference for the adjustment of future strategy. 094 督察總隊 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4084
大氣氣膠化學特徵觀測 本計畫的主要目的包括瞭解台澎地區大氣氣膠的化學特徵,以及東北季風盛行期間沙塵及粒狀污染物的長程傳輸對台澎地區空氣品質的影響。本計畫在2005年於台灣地區的七個觀測站進行大氣氣膠採樣,觀測站的位置分別在富貴角(台灣最北端)、台北、台中、台南、屏東、花蓮及澎湖,分析的項目包括大氣氣膠(PM10/PM2.5)的質量濃度和化學組成。主要的研究結果包括:(1)瞭解台灣地區空氣品質在2005年春季受到亞洲沙塵事件及汙染物長程傳輸影響的期間及區域分佈。(2)獲知台灣各地區大氣氣膠的主要組成物種。(3)獲知台灣各地區大氣氣膠質量濃度及化學組成的季節變化與區域分佈。(4)獲得各地區氣膠濃度的相關性,以及控制區域氣膠濃度的氣象機制。(5)瞭解台灣地區PM2.5佔PM10質量濃度比例的空間分佈特徵。 Chemical characterization of atmospheric aerosols in Taiwan The objectives of this project is to improve our understanding of the chemical characteristics of the atmospheric aerosols over Taiwan, and to investigate the air quality impacts due to the long-range transported dust and particulate pollutants during the periods with the prevailing northeasterly of winter monsoons. In 2005, atmospheric aerosol samples were collected at seven observatories in Taiwan. The observatories are located at the FuGuei Cape (the northernmost tip of Taiwan) and in Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, PingTong, Hwalian, and Penghu, respectively. Mass concentration and chemical composition of the aerosol (PM10/PM2.5) samples were measured. The main results include: (1) Identification of the periods and impacted areas of the Asian dust events and the long-range transport of air pollutants in the springtime of 2005. (2) Identification of the major chemical species in the atmospheric aerosols in the respective areas over Taiwan. (3) Understanding the seasonal variation and spatial distribution of mass concentration and chemical constituents of the atmospheric aerosols in Taiwan. (4) Identifying the correlation among the aerosol concentrations of respective areas in Taiwan, and the meteorological mechanism for those correlations. (5) Identifying the spatial distribution features of the ratios of PM2.5/PM10 in terms of mass concentration. 094 監資處 中央研究院環境變遷研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4082
南部地區氣膠組成與分布特性實測計畫(94年度) 本計畫於本年已經完成協助南部懸浮微粒超級測站之設置與運轉及查核制度之建置,台南縣鹽水蜂炮與台中縣大甲媽祖繞境民俗活動對空氣品質影響之監測與分析及人工手動方法與自動監測方法之平行比對。南部懸浮微粒超級測站已經建置完成,共計設置四站分別為位於高雄縣大寮鄉輔英科大學之核心站與高雄縣橋頭鄉公所、高雄市前鎮區獅甲國中及屏東縣潮州鎮潮南國小之三個衛星站。衛星站均緊鄰環保署之空氣品質監測站,因而監測項目為懸浮微粒質量濃度、化學成分濃度與前驅物NH3;核心站之監測項目則尚包括奈米與微米之微粒粒徑分佈,光譜儀H2O2與NOy等光化反應指標及微米之吸光與散光作用。南部懸浮微粒超級測站之運轉記錄主要區分為站房進出記錄,例行性操作/維護記錄與異常記錄,以同時追蹤儀器運轉狀態及建置儀器病歷資料。儀器零件待料與熟悉程度不足為目前造成正常運轉率偏低之主要原因,例如SMPS+C、EC/OC與H2O2監測儀等;另外,天災與停電等意外停機與後續處理應有詳細紀錄。未來之運轉建議以單機正常運轉時為規範並且將紀錄與操作/維護之落實度納入。無論是鹽水蜂炮或是大甲媽祖繞境之民俗活動均造成空氣污染物濃度的增加,而且增加比例均大於二倍,有時PM1之小時平均濃度可達1000g/m3以上;造成空氣品質劣化之污染源包括有拜香、鞭炮施放與衍生之車潮。鹽水蜂炮施放時所排放之粒狀物的主要化學組成其成分依序為硝酸鹽、鉀與碳,而有亮光之蜂炮尚包括有鎂。鹽水蜂炮活動時增加之粒狀物主要為次微米粒徑範圍,大甲媽祖繞境時由於有較多之車行,因而大粒徑亦有顯著的上升,尤其是位於路邊之監測結果。由平行比對之結果顯示不同儀器之監測結果的相關性甚高,有的達0.91以上,但是由於監測原理不同,因而監測結果有系統性的差異;未來應藉由較多之比對數據建立不同儀器之間的關係式。由於微米粒徑監測儀之採樣進口長度之影響,造成次微米粒徑監測儀有達15%以上的低估,而且粒徑愈大,差異愈顯著。南部懸浮微粒超級測站目前之監測結果顯示PM2.5之主要化學成分組成依序為硫酸鹽、有機碳與硝酸鹽,而且比例於高污染季節時較高,顯示衍生性氣膠前驅物於高污染季節之管制的需求性。硫酸鹽濃度於四測站均無顯著的日夜變化,硝酸鹽濃度則於下午2~4點時最低,元素碳濃度則於早上8點左右最高,而有機碳濃度則是於早上~10點與夜間9點左右較高;原生性污染物NH3濃度於潮州站有顯著的日夜變化,而且高濃度發生於早上7~8點左右。由十月份案例分析顯示高屏空品區形成之懸浮微粒與空品區外傳輸之貢獻均甚重要,而且貢獻比例因日而異。例如10月15日之主要貢獻源為傳輸,而21日與27日則有顯著的空品區之貢獻比例。由粒徑分佈與化學成分組成濃度變化顯示11月29日之高污染PM事件日為沙塵暴所致。 Particle Compositions and Distribution in Southern Taiwan The purposes of this project are to setup the PM supersites in southern Taiwan, to audit the operation/maintenance of supersites, to evaluate the impact of traditional festival on air quality, and compare different measurement instruments by parallel samplings. The PM supersites including four measurement locations have been setup and run in southern Taiwan. The measured items include three categories: size distribution and chemical compositions of particle, precursors of particle formation, and products of photochemical reactions, to study the sources and formation pathways for the ambient particles.The records of operation/maintenance include entrance to site, routine operation/maintenance, and measurements for abnormal. Therefore, the performance of each instrument can be traced. In order for each instrument to be operated normally, the operation percentage should be for each instrument instead of the average of all instruments at each sites.The ambient air pollutant concentrations increases significantly during the traditional festivals and the increments are greater than twice with the PM1 hourly concentrations greater than 1000 um/m3 sometimes. The sources during festivals include both the incense and fireworks burnings and mobile sources. Submircron particle concentrations increases more significantly for Yuanshone festival because the major sources are incense burnings and fireworks; there are more increments for supermicron particle for Dachun because of the traffic flow.The measurement results are highly correlated among the different instruments for parallel samplings; but, there are systematic differences for concentrations due to the different measurement methods. The size distributions measured by Grimm 1.108 are underestimated by at least 15% due to the effects of long sampling inlet. 094 監資處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4080
九十四年河川環境水體整體調查監測計畫〔東港溪、急水溪、曾文溪、新店溪、淡水河本流、鹽水溪流域〕 本計畫主要針對新店溪、淡水河本流、急水溪、曾文溪、鹽水溪及東港溪流域進行河川水體與底泥之基本性質調查及分析水體與底質之污染物含量,並進行包括螺、貝類及底棲生物等之種類及族群分佈調查,建立相關生物圖鑑資料,同時應用統計方法探討污染物的污染潛能與可能的污染來源,以提供河川污染管理之參考。藉由流域污染程度評估,來瞭解河川環境水體之背景現況,其中水體品質部分參考河川污染程度評估(RPI),底質部分引用美國紐約州環保局之重金屬危害評估等級,以最低影響標準及嚴重影響標準作為污染認定之準則,生物部分則利用魚類及大型甲殼類、水棲昆蟲(Shannon 種岐異度指數)作為指標生物來判斷水質階級。同時利用多變數統計分析方法,瞭解河川水體環境因子與生物群聚之相關性,以及時間與空間之變異性。針對各測站之水質、底質與生物調查等監測結果,進行污染區段等級區分,訂定各河段之指標污染物及指標生物,作為後續監測之參考依據。 Integrated Investigation and Monitoring for the Water Quality of Dong Gang River, Ji Shuei River, Zeng Wen River, Shin Dian River, Tan Shuei River and Yan Shuei River(2005) The main purpose of this project is to investigate the basic background for the water and sediment of Dong Gang River, Ji Shuei River, Zeng Wen River, Shin Dian River, Tan Shuei River and Yan Shuei River, and to analyze the concentration of pollutant in the river water and sediment. These investigations also include findings of the distribution and varieties of conches in the area, and a biological graphic illustration is established. A statistical method is used to study the possible potential pollution and most possible source of pollution, these findings can serve as a guideline for the management of pollution control of this area.In order to understand the environmental background of the river basin under investigation, degree of pollution of these rivers were being estimated, RPI method was used for the water quality, and the degree of potential hazard of heavy metal issued by EPB of NY State was used for sediment evaluation. The minimal and most stringent influential standards were used as the criteria for the evaluation. Fishes, crustacea and aquatic insects was used for the biological evaluation. The multi variable statistical method was used to understand the relation between water quality and biological species, also time and space dependence were studied. According to the results of the above findings, we were able to identify different degree of pollution for the whole river basin under investigation, and the prior pollutant and major bio species were identified for various section of the river, and will serve as the guideline for future monitoring. 094 監資處 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4098
第十四屆中華民國企業環保獎行政作業及獲獎績優廠商觀摩研討會 第十四屆中華民國企業環保獎是為了鼓勵並表揚國內推動環境保護工作績效優良的企業而設立,是企業推動環保的最高榮譽獎項。評選項目包括(1)環境保護規劃與管理;(2)減廢工作推行;(3)製程污染管末(防治)處理成效;(4)廢棄物處理與最終處置及(5)環保觀念之推行教育宣導。自民國81年設立迄今已辦理十四屆,包含本屆獲獎企業在內,計有151家(其中第一屆20家,第十三屆11家,其餘各屆各10家)環保績優企業陸續接受表揚。為鼓勵致力於環保工作之企業,環保署特設立「環保榮譽獎座」,只要企業連續三年獲得中華民國企業環保獎,即可獲頒此項獎座。中華民國企業環保獎獲獎廠商包括國瑞汽車股份有限公司觀音廠、聯華電子股份有限公司FAB8E廠、旺宏電子股份有限公司力行廠、力晶半導體股份有限公司、中鴻鋼鐵股份有限公司熱軋廠、世界先進積體電路股份有限公司、世界先進積體電路股份有限公司、正隆股份有限公司台中廠、台灣飛利浦建元電子股份有限公司、台灣電力股份有限公司興達發電廠等10家廠商。本屆獲獎企業中,國瑞汽車股份有限公司觀音廠及聯華電子股份有限公司FAB8E廠及旺宏電子股份有限公司力行廠獲得「環保榮譽獎座」之殊榮。為能將獲獎企業之各項績優環保事績全面推廣至企業界,本計畫編輯「第十四屆中華民國企業環保獎績優廠商優良環保事績彙編」並舉辦獲獎績優廠商觀摩研討會,藉此以提供企業界推動環保工作之參考,並建議各行業推動環保工作的典範和模式,全面提升我國的環境品質,以及增加企業之國際競爭力。 Fourteen Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection Award and Demonstration Seminars Since 1992, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has sponsored the “Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection (EEP) Award of the Republic of China (ROC)” for fourteenth consecutive year. Each year, ten of the best organizations are honored for their outstanding performance in promoting environmental protection.The EEP Award is the most honored award for the promotion of environmental protection, and is regarded as a model of excellent environmental performance by various business sectors. The criteria for the selection of the Twelfth Annual EEP Award includes five items, which are: (1)environmental protection planning and management, (2)promotion of ”clean” production, (3)management and maintenance of pollution prevention measures, (4)waste treatment and disposal, (5)promotion of public awareness of environmental protection.The ten recipients of the Fourteenth Annual EEP Award were: (1)Kuozui Motors-Kuan Yin Plant, (2)United Microelectronics Corp.-Fab 8E, (3)Macronix International Co.,Ltd.-Li-Hsin Plant, (4)Powerchip Semiconductor Corporation, (5)Chung Hung Steel Co.,Ltd.-Hot-Rolling-Dept, (6)Vanguard International Semiconductor Corporation, (7)Super Textile Corporation, (8)Cheng Loong Corp.-Taichung, (9)Philips Electronic Building Elements(Taiwan) Ltd, (10)Taiwan Power Company-Hsinta Power Station.Among the award winners, Kuozui Motors-Kuan Yin Plant, United Microelectronics Corp.-Fab8E and Macronix International Co.,Ltd.-Li-Hsin Plant, have also won the Distinguished Honor Award for being consecutively honored EEP Awards in 2003,2004, and 2005.Striving to enhance environmental quality in Taiwan, the EPA has published the “Summary of Excellent Performance in Environmental Protection by the 12th Annual EEP Award Winners,” which introduces these organizations’ experience to various business sectors. In addition, the EPA will also sponsor demonstration seminars and site visits to some of the award winning organizations’ facilities, allowing industries to share their experiences in promoting environmental protection. 094 管考處 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4096
地方環境資料建置計畫(高雄市、屏東縣、台東縣) 本計畫共蒐集高雄市、屏東縣、台東縣3個縣市及60鄉鎮市之環境區位與發展、自然環境、人文社經、環境品質、敏感地區等環境資料並完成建置本地區地方環境資訊共1459個網頁,本計畫並使用地理資訊系統,展現高雄市、屏東縣、台東縣3個縣市及60鄉鎮市之地理區位、地形、地質、土壤、氣候、水文、土地利用、交通運輸等相關資料展現,並連結環保署環境資訊系統,以方便使用者能了解最新、最即時之環境資訊,此外,為配合行政院研考會營造推動無障礙網頁環境,本計畫之雛形網站http://ivy2.epa.gov.tw/envdb/採用自我認證之檢測方式,驗證全網站符合無障礙網頁規範,本雛型網站已全網站經過檢測程式測試通過,並提出無障礙網頁標章申請。在環保署多年的努力之下,國內整體的環境品質已呈逐漸改善之趨勢,除了環境保護與環境管理之外,為了提供國家永續發展之研究與管理決策工作及一般民眾對於環境資訊之殷切需求,因此,必須發展一個健全而完整的環境資料庫系統架構與建置體系,以建置一個能夠即時提供完整、正確且有效資料與資訊的環境資料庫。本次計畫選取高雄市、屏東縣、台東縣作為建置地區,進行資料現況蒐集與分析,預定蒐集環境區位與發展、自然環境、人文社經、環境品質、敏感地區等資料,經由資料的建置,藉由設計整合性網頁查詢系統,提供各界查詢及下載,並將各縣市環保局專案計畫成果內容登入環境資訊管理系統之詮釋資料庫,並對環境變遷與環境管理決策提供客觀、重要的資訊,有效提昇我國於環境保育之管理能力。除此之外,拜訪高雄市環保局、屏東縣環保局、及台東縣環保局等五個環保局,並取得三縣市之環保局委辦計畫期末報告電子檔共計34個,本計畫整理數位化之期末報告並濃縮中文摘要及翻譯英文摘要後,上傳至環保署環境資訊管理系統之詮釋資料庫。 Local Environment Database Construction Program(Kaohsiung, Pingtung, Taitung) This project assembled the environmental information from Kaoshiung city, Pingtung county, Taitung county and 60 townships on 1459 pages. This project uses geography information system to exhibit the related data about section, topography, geology, soil, climate, hydrology, how to use of the ground, and traffic transportation…etc. And connect with EPA’s environmental information system to be convenient for user to understand the latest and immediately environment information. Besides, this website has passed the web accessibility test and was applying the registration by the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan. The web site was located at http://ivy2.epa.gov.tw/envdb/..The overall environmental quality has experienced improvement under the efforts of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). In order to provide research needs and management decision-making as well as public information, we must develop a comprehensive environmental information databank to promptly offer a complete, correct and effective data and information.This project was to establish the information for Kaohsiung City, Pingtung County and Taitung County. The data and information include zone development, natural environment, socio-economic conditions, environmental quality and environmental sensitive area. From collection, analysis, and selection to integration, the information was integrated into designed web pages for viewing, searching, and downloading. In addition, the project also required to collect the reports from these cities and counties and to integrate into the comprehensive databank in order to provide unbiased, objective information for effective decision-making in environmental changes and management. In addition, this project visit the Environmental Protection Bureaus of counties and cities to collected 34 electronic report files. Both condensed Chinese and English abstracts of these reports were uploaded to the Meta Databank of EPA. 094 監資處 雲林科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4094
94年度環境水質監測評核管理計畫 行政院環境保護署為能隨時掌握水質況狀,以作為水資源規劃、利用及污染防治政策擬訂之參考,統一辦理環境水質監測工作,並以委託計畫方式,分北、中、南三區發包以監測河川、地下水、水庫、海域及休憩海域等環境水體。因錯誤之監測數據,會導致錯誤之環境政策,故如何確保監測數據品質係監測工作中不可或缺之一環,為此環境保護署於91年開始辦理「環境水質監測評核計畫」,針對「北、中、南三區環境水質採樣監測計畫」進行監測過程及結果之評核工作,希望藉著此計畫之實施能確認並提升監測數據品質。本計畫今年除延續往年環境水質監測數據評核及編製年報外,並執行現場採樣工作查核、檢驗技術確認及測試比對等相關工作。已完成各項水質年報送交貴署,在現場採樣查核上,為確保採樣品質,先後進行採樣現場測定儀器功能確認、建立合格儀器清單、辦理採樣人員河川採樣技術評鑑、建立合格人員清單,並完成95天/143人天之採樣現場查核工作,而由前後期查核結果之比較,顯示採樣技術有相當程度之提升;監測數據評核方面,本年係採全面性核對、計算確認及合理性審核,提出甚多評核意見供相關檢驗室參考改善,並依據評核意見,視需要至檢驗室進行數據查核並觀察實作狀況,以確認該機構是否具有檢測能力,本年檢驗技術確認重點包括清華BOD,台檢氨氮、總磷等。為確認地下水檢測技術,本計畫辦理10口監測井之測試比對,其結果顯示部分檢驗室檢測技術仍有改善空間,已將測試結果提供各檢驗室作為改善之參考。 Auditing of Environmental Water Quality Mnitoring Data The purpose of the water quality monitoring project, conducted by Bureau of Environmental Monitoring and Data Processing of EPA, is mainly to clearly delineate EPA QA policy, management structure, and procedures which will be used to implement the QA requirements necessary to document the reliability and validity of the river, the ground water, the reservoir, the sea area, recreational coastal areas. Improper policy of environment results from improper monitoring data, to ensure the monitor data quality is indispensable in monitoring work, and therefore, in 2002, EPA conducted 094 監資處 正修科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4092
空氣品質監測儀器功能驗證品保查核作業 行政院環境保護署至94年度止已於全國各地陸續設置了76個空氣品質監測站、 2輛移動性監測車及阿里山紫外線監測站,除此之外,各地方環保局亦於各縣市轄區內設置共26站自動監測站。為提昇環保署及地方監測站監測數據的準確性,環保署委託專業儀器維護公司及品保查核公司對監測站儀器進行維護及查核作業。本計畫委託瑩諮科技股份有限公司執行監測站品保查核作業,計畫執行期限為94年3月4日執行至95年12月31日止,本報告為94年度總執行成果。自94年3月執行至94年11月,總計完成90站次環保署空氣品質自動監測站績效查核作業、26站次地方環保機關空氣品質自動監測站績效查核作業、50站次地方環保機關空氣品質人工監測站績效查核作業;另至94年11月止,以每站每月執行一次儀器功能檢查,總計完成9個月750次功能檢查作業。 Air Quality Monitoring Equipments Assurance project “Taiwan Air Quality Monitoring Network (TAQMN) of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established 76 Air Quality Auto-monitoring Stations, 2 moveable vans and 1 ultraviolet ray monitoring station located in A-Li Mountain. To evaluate the monitoring data form, EPA and EPB Air Quality Monitoring Stations is reliable and accurate. EPA has an authorized regular performance organization and an independent private sector to enforce quality checking for Air Quality Monitoring. The executing period has been started from March,2005 to December, 2006.There were four main working items of this project to be achieved in this year:1. Annually performance audit of TAQMN (90 monitoring stations, including moveable vans).2. Monthly performance regular check-up of TAQMN (from March to November,2005, this project has achieved 750 monitoring stations).3. Annually performance audit of manual TSP Monitoring Stations for the local environmental protection bureaus (50 manual TSP monitoring stations).4. Annually performance audit of air quality auto-monitoring stations for the local environmental protection bureaus (26 monitoring stations). 094 監資處 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4774
環境用藥管理相關資訊系統維護及擴充計畫 環保署為因應即時性、時效性及方便性,將本計畫持續數年執行擴展,今年計畫涵蓋範圍已由初期所建構之「環境用藥管理資訊系統」擴展至「環境用藥管理網站」、「環境用藥許可證及病媒防治業網路查詢系統」、「環境用藥電子報製作及發行系統」、「環境用藥廣告管理登錄介面」、「環境用藥管理網站影音宣導」、「環境用藥電子問卷製作及發行系統」…等等系統模組,使其更趨完善外,並於增加建置「環境用藥查核抽驗網路系統」,以方便各地方縣市政府的環保單位,透過網路方式線上登錄查核抽驗的資料。本年度「環境用藥管理資訊系統維護及查核抽驗網路系統建置計畫」為使「環境用藥管理資訊系統」、「環境用藥許可證及病媒防治業網路查詢系統」、「環境用藥管理網站」、「環境用藥電子報製作發行軟體」、「環境用藥影音宣導網站」、「環境用藥廣告管理」及「環境用藥電子問卷製作發行軟體」更趨完善,本計畫依原先計畫書之提案,提供民眾可透過環境用藥管理網站查詢取得各類環境用藥之相關資訊,透過網際網路即時查詢到環境用藥許可證、病媒防治許可執照及販賣業許可執照之資料,以提供便民服務與透明化資訊,增進行政服務效率,達到環境用藥管理電子化、網路化的目標外,並由 環保署透過環境用藥電子報製作及發行系統發行環境用藥電子報及相關訊息。且因以上之系統模組的功能,使得「環境用藥管理資訊系統」更趨完善,並依 環保署之需求新增建置「環境用藥查核抽驗網路系統」,以方便各地方縣市政府的環保單位,透過網路方式線上登錄查核抽驗的資料,其中包括環境用藥製造業查核、販賣業查核、病媒防治業查核、市售環境用藥標示查核、環境用藥有效成分查核系統模組以及環境用藥管理查核的報表、統計資料,另外並加入各級環保機關人員資料管理模組,依最佳整合及利用現有資料庫資源運用,完成建置以上系統。並協助環境用藥管理資料庫之建置及更新及製作「環境用藥製造、輸入許可證一覽表」及「環境用藥製作、許可證查詢光碟」之製作及郵寄。 Plan for Maintenances of Environmental Biocide Management System and Expand System To cope with the concerns of imminence, timeliness and convenience, your Administration has been expanding the scale of this project for the past few years. This year, its scope is further expanded from the originally constructed “Environmental Biocide Management Information System” to “Environmental Biocide Management Website,” “Environmental Biocide Certificate and Pathogenic Media Prevention Industry Network Enquiry System,” “Environmental Biocide e-News Edit and Issue System,” “Environmental Biocide Advertising Management Registration Interface,” “Environmental Biocide Management Audio-Visual Promotion Website,” and “Environmental Biocide e-Questionnaire Design and Issue System” etc., in which all these system modules have made the original project more complete. In addition, “Environmental Biocide Search, Audit and Random Test Network System” is made available to the environmental departments of various local county and city governments, ensuring them to search, check and inspect testing data through internet online registration. 094 毒管處 采威國際資訊股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4090
環境檢驗測定機構檢驗室及採樣檢測作業系統績效查核 本計畫乃依據環保署環境檢驗所推動環境檢驗測定機構管理政策,藉由專業查核方式,以提昇檢驗機構檢驗室系統檢測數據品質。專案查核工作執行方式包括「檢驗室系統運作查核」、「現場採樣作業查核」及「盲樣績效測試」,並辦理座談會與檢測機構充分交流。本計畫自民國九十四年三月起執行,迄九十四年十二月底止,共計完成60家次檢測機構檢驗室系統運作查核(含10家次複查),查核11場次現場空氣類檢測作業,執行40家次現場盲樣測試(項161次盲樣測試)並辦理一場次查核一致性說明會、兩場次查核委員工作會議、十二次工作會議與一次期末查核說明會。「檢驗室系統運作查核」執行檢測機構檢驗室結果顯示,多數檢測機構檢驗室管理手冊已修訂為ISO 17025品質規範,執行各類別檢測品保/品管作業皆具水準,僅少數檢測機構未能符合規範,甚或存在重大缺失,建議加強管理,以提昇檢測數據品質一致性。「空氣類檢測作業現場查核」完成11場次現場採樣查核(6場次煙道現場及5場次空品車現場)結果顯示,半數以上檢測機構現場採樣作業人員對檢測方法整體流程瞭解程度尚可,但非十分熟悉;現場作業品保/品管之確實執行程度有待加強。持續加強煙道與周界空氣現場查核頻率對提昇作業品質應屬必要。「盲樣測試」完成40家次(161項次)查核結果,本年度空氣類盲樣測試(40項次)不合格比率(約10.0%)比去年度測試結果(不合格率約10.8%)差異不大;水質類盲樣測試(121項次,不合格比率約9.1%)比去年度測試結果(約3.2%)稍微退步。本計畫執行檢測機構查核已有三年的經驗,歷年由查核委員依據標準查核表單進行檢測機構檢驗室系統或現場採樣檢測查核工作,結果顯示檢驗室系統運作與盲樣測試分析而言,大多維持在方法要求之分析水準。整體而言,檢驗室內部管控情形較現場採樣工作為佳,主要原因可能為例行工作之穩定性與品保品管程序較易掌控及現場採樣人員流動率偏高。盲樣項目是現場委員隨機選擇結果,經由現場盲樣測試查核可直接檢視分析人員之平時訓練與執行過程,達到檢測機構實際執行業務之查核效果。檢測機構檢驗室系統或空氣類採樣現場於本計畫執行查核所見缺失大多數都能於複查時完成改善,顯示本年度執行環境檢測機構查核過程對檢驗室系統或空氣類採樣現場之檢測數據品質具有正面效益。 Performance audit and evaluation of NIEA certified laboratories and sampling/analysis operation processes The main purpose of this project is to promote quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) programs of certified laboratories issued by National Institute of Environmental Analysis (NIEA). Through laboratory programs and onsite inspection, proficiency evaluation (PE) samples and communicable conferences, supervision of certified laboratory management can be fully reinforced.Among ninety-seven laboratories certified by NIEA (included air, water, drinking water, waste, toxics and noise-vibration categories), 39 laboratories, 11 onsite inspection, 40 PE samples (161 items) have been facilitated in this project. Two conferences and two inspection committee meetings also accommodates the goals of this project.The inspection result indicated that the QA/QC programs and management system in most certified laboratories were satisfactory. However, there are some minor mistakes and possible problems, which should be further monitored and corrected to ensure the overall environmental sample analyses.For air category, the 11 onsite inspection (5 stack and 6 ambient air) indicated that more than half stack sampling personnel understand sampling protocols, but not familiar with QA/QC requirements. Besides, the investigation of source characteristics and factors influencing stack gas sampling should be reinforced, such as sampling under positive or negative pressure. The ambient air monitoring encountered major problems in instrument maintaining and inspection. Further supervision by NIEA on mobile ambient air monitoring station was suggested.Forty laboratory PE tests (161 items) were also conducted this year. In the air category (40 item), 10.0% unqualified result revealed a stable condition comparing to that of the previous year (10.8%). In water category (121 items), 9.1% unqualified result revealed a significant retrogress comparing to that of the previous year (3.2%). 094 環檢所 成大環工系 蔡俊鴻、輔大公衛系 劉希平 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4088
地下水中含氯碳氫化合物之現地氧化技術開發與驗證 現地氧化技術 (In-Situ Chemical Oxidation, ISCO) 由於使用快速、方便、加上可以氧化DNAPL污染物,導致該技術具有對於含氯碳氫化合物具有極大之處理潛力。研究探討過硫酸鹽 (persulfate) 和過錳酸鹽 (permanganate) 兩種氧化劑,在不同P/T莫耳濃度配比下,添加/不添加緩衝溶液下之TCE處理效能及氧化劑消耗量。另一方面,溶液系統中之pH值和OPR也被監測。研究顯示,添加緩衝溶液之系統,可以有效維持系統之pH值,避免土壤及地下水酸化,造成進一步傷害。高莫耳濃度氧化劑與TCE(P/T)比之氧化劑具有較高之TCE去除率。溶液系統中有機物之存在(此處為甲醇),會明顯影響TCE之氧化動力,其他陰離子,如氯離子、溴離子或硝酸根等存在時,會對氧化劑效能產生不同程度之抑制現象。溴離子之抑制現象最嚴重,依序為氯離子,硝酸根之壓抑程度則不明顯。而越高濃度陰離子所產生之抑制現象也越嚴重。批次實驗結果顯示,相同的高錳酸鉀濃度下,高濃度的TCE,生成的二氧化錳顆粒越大,低濃度配比形成的顆粒則呈細微膠羽,模型槽實驗結果則顯示,高錳酸鹽在砂箱中經過3天後,固體物經XRD分析結果顯示,有二氧化錳、高錳酸鉀等成分,但沉澱物造成之阻塞效果並不明顯,應該與TCE在系統中濃度不高有關。此外,實驗與模式結果顯示,模型槽中氯化鈉追蹤劑與氧化劑移動途徑類似,顯示可以以追蹤劑作為氧化劑移動之參考。 In-Situ Chemical Oxidation of Chlorinated Solvent in an Artificial Aquifer Two oxidants, persulfate and permanganate, were employed to explore the performance of in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) of chlorinated solvent in an artificial aquifer. To evaluate the effectiveness of the oxidants of destroying TCE contaminant in an artificial aquifer, the batch-scale experiment was first conducted in this project. The kinetics of heat-assisted persulfate and permanganate oxidation of trichloroethylene (TCE) in aqueous solutions at various oxidant concentrations, ionic strength and anionic species was studied. It is found that the systems with buffered solution have a nearly constant pH value during the experimental period. A higher oxidant/TCE molar ratio in the oxidation experiments resulted higher efficiencies of TCE destruction by persulfate and permanganate. The presence of organic compounds (methanol in this case) may significantly slow the oxidation kinetics of TCE by persulfate. The TCE oxidation kinetics was also influence by the presence of three anions, nitrate, chloride, and bromide, at different extent. For nitrate, the influence is the smallest and may be attributed to the effect of increasing ionic strength. For both chloride and bromide, in addition to the ionic strength effect, it is speculated that the two anions were radical scavengers that caused additional reduction of reaction rates. In addition, the effect is more substantial for permanganate that persulfate. The formation of small particles during permanganate oxidation was monitored in both batch and sand-box experiments. At the same permanganate concentration, larger particles formed at higher TCE concentration in the batch experiments. This is also observed in the sand-box experiments, in which only very small amount of precipitates were observed, perhaps due to low TCE concentration in the system. After analyzed by XRD, the precipitates were mainly potassium permanganate and MnO2. In addition, the flow pattern of tracer and oxidants were similar, suggesting that the tracer may be used to simulate the flow of the oxidants in the sand box system. 094 永續發展室 國立成功大學創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4086
廢電鍍塑膠解電鍍回收再利用新製程 本計畫乃在研發如何將廢電鍍塑膠,透過微波加速技術、超音波輔助回收廢電鍍塑膠,分離電鍍金屬技術新製程,新製程具快速解離電鍍層特性,並透過塑膠改質技術、精密混練加工造粒技術之開發,產生一種新的合膠及其複合材料,應用於板材或射出品(如電腦外殼)。本計畫研發團隊已針對鍍鋁車&#28783;與鍍鎳塑件之解電鍍回收技術研究並完成10項申請中之發明專利;針對塑膠安全鏡片表面高分子覆膜之分離與回收PC,申請下列8項發明專利;針對回收塑膠再製塑粒添加安定劑/抗氧化劑均勻分散之技術,計畫團隊申請2項專利。本計畫建立電鍍塑膠解電鍍分離金屬鍍膜製程,並建立塑膠回收與再利用之製程系統,進而開發各種合膠與複材,本計畫所建立之技術已轉移4家廠商,金額達90萬,並已應用於量產製程,顯示專利與技術具備商業化價值。 A new process developed to recycle wasted metal-plated plastics The objective of this project is to recycle wasted metal-plated plastics.The release of bonding between the coated metal and plastic substrate is accelerated by the aid of microwave and supersonic wave ( MSW ) in acid or basic solution . It takes very short time to debond coated metal with the aid of MSW , so that plastic substrate is only slightly altered . The recycled plastic substrate is modified by polymer blend compounding formulations and process to develop new polymer alloys or composites , which can be extruded to make sheets or injected to make computer outer covers . The technology to recycle the Al-plated lamp cover and Ni-plated injected part has been developed . 10 patents related to this technology have been finished and applied to the National Patent Office . The project team has also developed the technique to recycle the polymer film-coated plastic glasses . 8 patents have been accomplished to debond the polymer film from transparent plastic glass . Besides , 2 more patents enhance the homogeneous mixing of additives in plastics during polymer blending. This technology provides a good opportunity to separate the plated metal or coated film from plastic substrates . The recycled substrates are then blended to deueloped polymer alloys/composites . This project deserves intensive research and development with high renewability . The technology outputs generated by this project have been transferred to four companies and used in mass-production processes. It’s obvious that the patents and technologies of this project are of great commercial values. 094 永續發展室 遠東技術學院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4118
雲嘉地區高污染特性監測研究計畫 本計畫自九十四年三月十五日起開始執行,於十二月完成期末報告,共執行:(1) 懸浮微粒監測比對:共完成四季於二崙鄉之義賢國小及於僑平國小完成三季之懸浮微粒監測比對工作;(2) 完成揮發性有機氣體採樣分析共十二次,約380點次;(3) 完成高污染懸浮微粒採樣工作共四次,共120點次;懸浮微粒方面並完成陰陽離子成份分析、金屬元素分析及碳成分分析。(4) 利用空氣品質模式,解析高污染之成因及其對環境之影響。茲分別簡要說明本計畫之執行摘要如下:1. 懸浮微粒污染源比較:於雲林縣二崙鄉之義賢國小利用懸浮微粒自動監測器,其結果和崙背測站之間測結果進行監測比對。同時於於嘉義市之僑平國小進行監測比對。其結果顯示,濁水溪揚塵對義賢國小之空氣品質有明顯之影響。而僑平國小監測結果顯示,嘉義測站可能有其他污染源而使其PM10高於僑平國小,但必須進一步進行確認。2. 揮發性有機氣體採樣分析:共完成十二次採樣,每次三個測點。於前六次採樣中,每個測點由早上7:00至下午16:00進行每小時10分鐘之採樣。其結果顯示,於雲嘉南地區揮發性有機氣體濃度雖然於平時不高。但是某些時段會有突然上升之現象。尤其是於早上6~9點間。後六次採樣時間提前到早晨三點起至下午三時止。其結果顯示,主要揮發性有機物種包括甲苯、二甲基苯、乙基苯以及丙烷、異丁烷、異戊烷和2.3-二甲基丁烷、3-甲基戊烷等三大族群為台西測站、新港測站及朴子測站之主要揮發性有機物種。其濃度於平時只有1~2 ppb,但於某些時段,甲苯可以測得10~15 ppb,而烷類可以測到5~10 ppb 之濃度值。3. 懸浮微粒採樣分析:共完成四季採樣,每季於四個監測點採樣三至四天。分白天和晚上兩個時段,共約120個樣品。由粗細粒徑分佈之情況推測,於雲林崙背測站及義賢國小,其粗粒徑比例較嘉義地區之僑平國小和新港測站為高。顯示獨水溪揚塵對雲林地區有影響。而由碳元素分析之結果顯示,嘉義地區有機碳成份較高,對PM10之濃度造成影響。4. 光化模式模擬分析:臭氧污染事件期間,雲嘉點源、台灣線源、雲嘉面源對雲嘉地區尖峰O3污染之影響分析結果歸納如下:(1) 雲嘉點源排放對尖峰O3污染之影響最顯著區域主要位於嘉義市右側與嘉義縣交界處,最高可達42-48 ppb,整體影響區域可延伸至南投縣、雲林縣以及台南縣。雲嘉測站整體受影響幅度,平均約有5%,最高達9%。(2) 台灣地區整體線源對模擬範圍之影響,主要為南投、彰化、雲林縣交界區域以及台南縣市與高雄縣交界區域,最高可達30-40 ppb,而並不僅侷限於嘉義縣市有高幅度降低。整體雲嘉地區測站受影響幅度,約達16%。(3) 雲嘉面源排放之影響區域與雲嘉點源排放之影響區域相當類似,但其影響幅度並不如點源,最高約達18-24 ppb,但由於面源分佈較廣,使得其影響範圍較廣,明顯延伸至南投、雲林以及高雄縣。雲嘉整體測站受面源排放影響程度平均約5%,最高達到7%。 High Pollution Characteritics Sampling Research Project for Yun-Chia Area This project began from March 15, 2005, and finished at the end of December of 2005. During this period, the project had finished: (1) Comparison of particulate concentration at I-Shan Elementary School and Chiao-Pin Elementary School, (2) Particulate sampling and ion species analysis, metal concentration, and carbon contains in particulate, (3) Finishing volatile organic carbon sampling for 380 points, (4) Analysising the pollution sources of O3 and its effects by TAQM model. 094 監資處 國立聯合大學環安系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4116
河川及海洋水質維護改善計畫與斯德哥爾摩公約計畫-毒性化學物質環境流布調查 本計畫分別於三月份及八月份期間完成淡水河等7條河川第一季(枯水期)及第二季(豐水期)之底泥及魚體樣本採樣,完成可氯丹、環氧氯丙烷、汞、有機錫化合物、多溴聯苯醚類物質及鄰苯二甲酸酯類物質等毒化物之底泥及魚體樣本檢測分析,樣本總數共1,061個。可氯丹檢測結果顯示,在部分採樣地點有4.4-5.3 ng/g乾重(底泥)及1.0-35.9 ng/g濕重(魚體)之檢出,其他則均低於檢量範圍或為ND。河川底泥及魚體樣本中環氧氯丙烷檢測值均為ND,主要係因環氧氯丙烷之物化特性顯示,其不易吸附於水中懸浮微粒或沈積物,且生物濃縮可能行低所致。總汞檢測結果顯示,河川中底泥濃度分布以三爺宮溪永寧橋為最高,淡水河次之;魚體樣本總汞檢測結果則顯示,以大甲溪之魚體汞濃度最高,北港溪次之,未與底泥分布情形一致,此可能受魚種生活習性差異所影響。有機錫類化合物檢測結果顯示,僅在少數地點的底泥樣本中有TBT或TPhT檢出;魚體樣本檢測結果則顯示,秀姑巒溪在高寮大橋一帶區域採集的魚體樣本中三苯基錫含量較其他流域或採樣地點明顯偏高。PBDEs檢測結果顯示,22種多溴聯苯醚類同源物在底泥樣本中含量以十溴二苯醚(De-BDE, IUPAC #209)為最高,其次濃度分布較高之同源物有4溴之BDE-47、5溴之BDE-99、8溴之BDE-197及BDE-196。根據PBDEs總濃度測值顯示,7條河川中以淡水河底泥濃度為最高,二仁溪次之。魚體樣本檢測結果則顯示,以4溴之BDE-47、5溴之BDE-100、6溴之BDE-154及十溴二苯醚BDE-209為魚體樣本中主要分布之同源物,其中又以4溴同族物總量最高,十溴二苯醚次之。鄰苯二甲酸酯類化合物檢測結果顯示,6種鄰苯二甲酸酯類化合物在底泥及魚體樣本中含量均以DEHP為最高,且枯水期檢測結果高於豐水期,其中兩季底泥檢測濃度最高之採樣地點均為三爺宮溪永寧橋,7條河川底泥中DEHP平均值則以淡水河及北港溪較高。根據本年度河川底泥樣本中可氯丹、總汞及鄰苯二甲酸酯類之檢測結果,與國外底泥參考基準比較顯示,淡水河之忠孝橋及關渡橋、三爺宮溪永寧橋底泥中總汞測值已超過美國環保署底泥恕限值0.13 ppm(相當於130 ng/g)。鄰苯二甲酸酯類測值超過美國環保署訂定之底泥顯著性效應產生下限值(AET-L)之採樣地點在枯水期有21處,在豐水期則降低至5處(淡水河3處,二仁溪及三爺宮溪各1處),且以豐水期之測值較低,顯示河川在豐水期流量較大、沖刷力較強之情形下,使環境中毒化物有降低之趨勢。根據環境中汞濃度與代表民生污染源之流域人口數指標呈現統計上顯著之正相關,以及環境中TBT濃度則與代表民生污染源之流域人口數指標及垃圾掩埋量均有高度的相關性,顯示「流域人口數」及「流域垃圾掩埋量」均可為未來釋放源評估之可行指標。而TPhT在流域人口數及垃圾掩埋量之相關統計分析結果雖未達統計上顯著差異,且呈現負相關,可能是因TPhT主要用於農業用途,而無法在民生指標上呈現顯著的相關性,未來應針對農業方面的考量建立可行之評估指標。環境中DEHP污染源之貢獻確實與代表民生來源之指標資料「流域人口數」、「垃圾塑膠及橡膠成分量」有強烈的相關性,顯示這些資料均可應用於未來之釋放源評估依據。環境中PBDEs總濃度與「流域垃圾場掩埋量」、「流域人口電視機及電腦擁有量」均具高度相關,顯示環境中PBDEs的釋放來源主要來自於民生污染源之貢獻,其上述指標資料為可行之釋放源評估依據。毒化物環境流布文獻蒐集共計355篇,並收錄有2,691筆環境流布測值資料及348個文獻電子全文檔,進行毒化物環境流布趨勢分析及文獻資料庫檢索系統建立。有機錫類物質之環境流布趨勢分析結果顯示,台灣沿岸水中、沿海港口底泥及沿海魚肉中之三丁基錫檢測濃度均高於國外地區測值,且台灣沿海魚體魚肉中三丁基錫含量有逐漸增加之趨勢。三苯基錫在台灣沿海水中雖並未檢出,但底泥中測值僅次於德國,沿海魚體內三苯基錫含量亦高於其他國家。汞之環境流布趨勢分析結果顯示,台灣河川水中汞含量較其他國家為高,但有逐漸降低之趨勢;河川之底泥含汞量則僅次於義大利,魚肉含汞量僅次於美國。海洋之底泥含汞量僅次於日本,且魚肉中含汞濃度有上升的趨勢。多溴聯苯醚類物質之環境流布趨勢分析結果顯示,河川底泥中多溴聯苯醚類物質濃度以台灣與比利時為最高,其中,十溴二苯醚濃度以日本底泥中濃度最高,其次為比利時,台灣河川底泥含量較低。根據樣本檢測結果顯示國內一般環境中DEHP蓄積量已達ppm level,顯示釋放至環境中的DEHP濃度已高於環境自淨能力所能承受之負荷量,應提高對此毒性化學物質之管理層級,避免其在環境介質中蓄積情形之惡化。底泥及魚體樣本PBDEs檢測結果顯示,除十溴二苯醚為濃度較高同源物外,其他如4溴、5溴、8溴同族物亦為樣本中含量較為顯著之溴數化合物,有鑑於多溴聯苯醚類物質對環境的危害已受到國際間的重視,國內對於4溴、5溴及8溴等重要溴數化合物亦應加快腳步,推動管理政策之進行。秀姑巒溪高寮大橋一帶區域之魚體樣本中三苯基錫含量較其他流域或採樣地點明顯偏高,與相關研究指出花蓮縣及台東縣境內水田灌溉圳底泥中之三苯基錫檢出率偏高的情形有一致性。此外,根據三苯錫濃度明顯高於二苯錫或單苯錫之濃度分布情形顯示,環境中苯基錫應來自近期污染,而非環境中長期之蓄積,應加強追&#36394;該區域之可能污染來源,以避免環境污染情形之惡化及擴大。環境中毒化物釋放來源評估指標建立的資料蒐集過程中,發現目前尚缺乏許多輔佐評估之相關環境指標資料(例如運作工廠排放水量、釋放量、重要污染來源之民生用品使用量,如日光燈、水銀溫度計等),且目前已完成建置的資料中(例如毒性化學物質管理系統),資料登錄錯誤的機會頗高,建議相關單位應加速推動指標資料之建置,並加強資料核對的正確性,以提高資料之利用價值。 The Establishment of the Environmental Distributions Survey of Toxic Chemicals There are 252 toxic chemicals in the revised Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) promulgated by Taiwan EPA. The purpose of this project is to establish a practical and appropriate toxic data as the basis of further related policy-making and policy-executing. Three approaches would be applied to accommodate this goal. The first was to conduct field studies and empirical measurements in sediments and fishes of the 7 rivers to explore the concentrations and distribution for those selected chemicals, including chlordane, epichlorohydrin, mercury, organotin compounds (OTCs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and phthalates (PAEs). The secondd was to collect and analyze the results of survey report sponsored by research institutes and governmental institutes in the past ten years in Taiwan, combining with the data of spatial and temporal distributions, the concentration and allocation profile in various environmental media and humans can be elucidated for these toxic chemicals. In this research, about the environmental fate of the toxic chemical compounds in sediments and fishes of the 7 rivers, we finished the sampling and analysis work of 1,061 samples. We got 355 literatures about the chemical compounds, through the collection and the analysis of survey report sponsored by research institutes and governmental institutes in the past ten years in Taiwan, combining with the data of spatial and temporal distributions, the concentration and allocation profile in various environmental media and humans were elucidated for these toxic chemicals. 094 毒管處 成功大學環境微量毒物研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4114
二氧化碳通量監測先導性計畫 環保署為瞭解台灣本身的環境變遷問題及其與生態系之間的關係,積極推動二氧化碳通量之監測。二氧化碳通量先導觀測站(棲蘭山)位於鴛鴦湖長期生態研究站,已於2005年3月開始觀測並進行測試。目前觀測項目包括CO2、H2O濃度、三維風速及一些相關的氣象因子。所使用的儀器主要是一個三維風速計及一個開路式二氧化碳及水氣分析儀,二者均置於一24 m的鐵塔頂。資料的取樣、貯存及傳輸目前均在測試運轉中。通量的計算是以渦度相關法進行觀測,相關的CO2、H2O濃度、三維風速及由音波計算之溫度是以10 Hz 取樣,每筆資料儲存於桌上型電腦,再做後續的分析。棲蘭山二氧化碳通量先導觀測站以台灣森林所分布的地形而言屬於緩坡(14°),但以渦度相關法而言,棲蘭山通量測站卻屬於較陡坡的試區,因此通量的計算仍有相當多的問題需要研究。為推動台灣二氧化碳通量觀測網之建立,本計畫於九月下旬邀請德國Univ. of M&uuml;nster 之Otto Klemn 與Thomas Wrzesinsky教授來台主講通量觀測技術訓練課程,隨後並前往中、南部可能設置通量監測站之地區勘察。目前初步建議可能之設站地點為:農業試驗所嘉義分所溪口農場(水稻田)、玉山國家公園塔塔加長期生態站(雲杉、高山箭竹叢草地)。不過若由對碳吸存貢獻的意義而言,台灣森林Flux觀測則以仍在持續生長的人工林列為優先考慮。由此觀點而言,人倫工作站之柳杉人工林及華林林場均可試行觀測。本計畫亦已擬訂二氧化碳通量監測站相關設備規格草案,以供環保署參考。 Pilot study of Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurement from Terrestrial Ecosystems in Taiwan In order to understand the relationship between environmental change and terrestrial ecosystems, the Environmental Protection Agency is promoting a network of carbon dioxide flux monitoring station in Taiwan. The first pilot flux monitoring station (ChiLan) was set up at the Yuanyang Lake long term ecological site on March, 2005. Fluxes of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and sensible heat fluxes were measured by the eddy covariance method. A 3-D sonic anemometer and an open-path analyzer were mounted on top of a 24-meter instrument tower over a natural regenerated stand consists mainly of the tree species of Taiwan cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana). Synchronized analog signals from the open-path analyzer and 3-D sonic anemometer (3 dimensional wind speeds and the sonic temperature) were digitalized with an sampling rate of 10 Hz. All digital data were recorded by computer and stored in hard disc for later analysis. With a relatively flat slope of 14° , the Chilan site is still considered as steep slope station in existing FLUXNET sites. Further study is still needed on the calculation of fluxes at such a difficult site. Professor Otto Klemm and Thomas Wrzesinsky from Univ. of M&uuml;nster, was invited to host a training workshop on eddy covariance measurement in September, 2005. Together with a group of local scientists, Professors Klemm and Wrzesinsky visited several potential flux monitoring sites in central Taiwan. Possible sites are Tatachia long term ecological site (alpine bamboo thicket spotted with spurs trees) at the Yushan National Park and the Chiko farm (paddy rice field) of Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute. If, however, consider the contribution to carbon sequestration, plantation with growing potential should be chosen as flux measurement sites. The Hwaling experimental forest and the plantation around Zenlun station then could be tested as next flux measurement sites. Protocol of flux monitoring station was also submitted to the EPA for their evaluation of future deployment of Taiwan’s FLUXNET stations. 094 監資處 國立東華大學自然資源管理研究所,夏禹九,張世杰,林佩蓉,賴正偉,國立台灣大學生物環境系統工程系,謝正義 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4112
九十四年度環保支出統計調查報告 本調查目的為推估政府及產業部門之環保支出,藉以瞭解環境與經濟間關係的資訊,以供衡量綠色國民所得帳及相關決策之參考。調查對象為政府部門(包括中央及地方各級行政機關、公營事業單位及公立大專院校)與產業部門(包括公民營製造業及水電燃氣業機構)。<br>  本調查環保支出採經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)之污染防治支出定義,即「為防止、減少或消除生產與消費過程中所帶來的污染或公害所做活動之支出」,並衡酌國情增列環保相關研究發展支出。環保支出為資本支出與經常支出之合計,推估母體資料分析彙整如下:<br><br>一、93年我國環保支出為1,021.3億元,占GDP 0.95%<br>  93年我國環保支出為1,021.3億元,其中政府部門環保支出為537.0億元,產業部門環保支出為484.4億元。環保支出占GDP的比例為0.95%,其中政府部門占0.50%,產業部門占0.45%。平均每人用於環保上之支出為4,510元。<br><br>二、93年政府部門環保支出為537.0億元,以廢棄物處理約占六成最高<br>  93年政府部門之環保支出共計537.0億元,其中資本支出為174.1億元,經常支出為362.9億元。資本支出中,九成九為污染防治機具設備支出(172.4億元)。按支出用途分,以廢棄物處理315.0億元(占58.7%)最高。按政府級別分,地方機關支出470.9億元,遠大於中央機關之66.1億元;地方機關中,則以台北縣支出126.4億元(占26.8%)最多。<br><br>三、93年產業部門環保支出為484.4億元,以空氣污染防制占四成最高<br>  93年產業部門環保支出為484.4億元,其中資本支出為178.5億元,經常支出為305.9億元。資本支出中,新購設備支出158.0億元(占資本支出88.5%)較高;經常支出中,以操作維護費用266.4億元(占經常支出87.1%)較高。按支出用途分,空氣污染防制支出194.4億元(占40.1%)最高,水污染防治150.8億元(31.1%)次之,二者合占七成一。各行業中以電子零組件業支出119.1億元(占24.6%)最高。 2005 Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures The objectives of this survey were to estimate the environmental protection expenditures by both government sector and manufacturing industries and to understand the relationship between environment and economics. The findings of this survey were needed for estimation of Green GNP and for other government policy making reference.<br>  This survey is based on Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD) to the environmental pollution protection definition Major findings.<br><br>1.The environmental protection expenditures by the government sector and the industry sector totaled NT $102.1 billions, accounts for GDP 0.95%.<br>  Average each person uses in the environmental protection expenditures is NT $4,510.<br><br>2.The environmental protection expenditures by the government sector totaled NT $53.7 billions.<br>  The environmental protection expenditures can be divided into two sectors: capital expenditure, and current expenditures. Government"s capital expenditures totaled NT $17.4 billions, and current expenditures totaled NT $ 36.3 billions. Based on pollution abatement items, we found that the solid waste management NT $31.5 billions (58.7%) was ranked first.<br><br>3.The environmental protection expenditures by the industry sector totaled NT $48.4billions.<br>  Industry"s capital expenditures totaled NT $17.9 billions, and current expenditures totaled NT $ 30.6 billions. Based on pollution abatement items, we found that the air pollution treatment NT $19.4 billions (40.1%) was ranked first and the wastewater treatment NT $15.1 billions (31.1%) was ranked second. 094 統計室 故鄉市場調查股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4110
廢污油創新生物處理技術開發與油脂分解菌生態指標建立 將廢污油用生物處理取代原使用焚化或濃縮掩埋,免除對環境造成二次污染且較具經濟效益。油脂為具有高濃度COD廢棄物,若使用厭氧生物處理將COD轉化為氫氣或甲烷,回收生質能具有相當發展潛能,為創新並具前瞻性技術。然而油脂或長鏈脂肪酸對厭氧微生物具抑制性,在本研究中設計好氧流體化床(AFB),為一公噸槽體並使用下流式噴射流(JET)系統,油脂部分氧化,去除油脂對厭氧生物之抑制性後,後續經由第二、三段厭氧酸化槽及厭氧甲烷槽,回收生質能源。並引入分子生物檢測技術,作程序控制,或菌種定性分析。 好氧槽連續操作五個月,體積負荷為2 kg COD/m3-day,操作期間COD去除率約為40~60 %,油脂轉化率可達70~80%。隨著油脂持續好氧分解,推估揮發酸濃度最高峰為油脂達最高β氧化速率,後續將再配合厭氧能源化測試,驗證以揮發酸作為油脂部分氧化指標可行性。部分氧化沙拉油廢水及含油廚餘食品廢水具酸化產氫及甲烷化潛能,高濃度之油脂廢水對於厭氧菌有抑制作用,並發現厭氧菌亦有降解油脂的能力。分子生物方法DGGE成功分析各食品油脂廢水系統為生物多樣性。好氧醱酵槽模型場操作期間微生物生態有變遷現象,具有多樣性,尚待選殖鑑定菌種。T-RFLP也可應用於厭氧酸化及甲烷菌檢測,高濃度廚餘及食品油脂廢水甲烷化、酸化槽分析結果,可見系統中具有Clostridium (cluster I, II, III),而甲烷菌則有Methanosaetaceae及Methanosarcinaceae,為可生存於含高濃度油脂系統中菌群。 本研究所發展三段式生物程序可應用於任何食品產業及廚餘處理產業及廚餘處理產業之中油脂濃度廢水,目的在生質能源回收再利用。經由兩年模型場驗證後,將落實於食品廠之能源回收在利用工程化。台灣地區食品廠含油脂廢水至少30家,每家每日廢油產量2 m3油脂,相當生質能源產量3,200 m3CH4/day,已具能源回收再利用之規模。本技術也可應用於廚餘油脂生質能源化,至少10處廚餘厭氧發酵廠。第三推廣產業為生技公司,可技術移轉將油解菌商品化。首創分子生物檢測技術為廢污油生物處理程序之監測系統,為國內外首創技術,絕對具有國際競爭力,可歸屬技術領域為分生監測環保生物技術(Molecular Biomonitoring Process Technology,MBPT)。 Development of Innovatory Biotreatment Process for Waste Oil and Grease and Ecology Index of Degrading Bacteria Oil and grease wastewater were always treated with acidification and dissolved air flotation process. The concentrated greasy sludge should be separated and disposed to the sanitary landfill or combustion. This secondary oil treatment process attributed to high cost and the residual pollution. In this study, an innovative design of aerobic fluidized bed (AFB) bioreactor, was achieved with a pilot plant of one cubic meter volume and a down-flow jet aeration system. The volumetric loading rate of 2 kgCOD/m3-day and the oil inflow concentration of 600-1,000 mg/L associated with 2,000-3,000 mg/L of COD was applied to the first stage of AFB reactor. Supplement of diatomaceous earth carrier adsorption enhanced the oil attachment and biodegradation with partial oxidation. 0.19 to 0.22 kg oil/grease/m3-day was attained with good removal efficiency of 70 to 80% of oil and grease. The residual organic substrate was utilized by the acidogene associated with hydrogen production in the second state. Then the methanogene degrade the volatile fatty acids to produce methane in the third stage of anaerobic process. Two molecular biomonitorings of DGGE and T-RFLP methodologies were established for the ecological indicates of these three-phase microorganisms. With the long-term biomonitorings data base, the integrate bioprocess for oil and grease wastewater treatment could be controlled for the performance optimization. This wholesome biotechnology will be transferred to food industry as a Molecular Biomoniforing Process Technology (MBPT). 094 永續發展室 國立成功大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4108
廢光碟片回收再利用處理技術 廢光碟片在處理與再利用階段屬於有害事業廢棄物,如能回收再利用將減少其對環境造成的危害。目前主流技術僅能處理單層的CD-R光碟片,對DVD廢光碟片處理雖有許多研究團隊投入研究,但並無適切的技術提出,本研究團隊經過十個月的努力已完成可處理各種形式光碟片的處理法。這個光碟片回收處理方法以清潔生產為最高指導原則,不僅不用有毒之原料且沒有有害物質的排放,同時PC塑膠回收率達95﹪以上。大致流程為首先將廢光碟片破碎後分別投入食鹽水、硫酸及氫氧化鈉中浸泡,再至清水徹底清洗後脫水風乾即為PC塑膠成品。這些PC塑膠經檢測後,幾乎可符合製造DVD之PC塑膠原料規格,可見本製程對PC塑膠物理性質影響不大。目前本製程已完成模廠運作階段,未來本研究團隊將考慮設廠或進行技術轉移,希望將來廢光碟片回收的產製過程都能符合清潔生產原則,建立與環境和諧的永續產業。 The recycling technology of waste Compact Disks Waste compact disks are identified to be hazardous waste in Taiwan. If we recycle the waste compact disks, their impact will be reduced Up to now commercial technology can used to recycle single layer CD only. Although many researches have interested in the treatment of waste DVD, there is no any appropriate technology to be addressed yet. Our team has accomplished the method to recycle all forms of Compact Disks through our efforts for ten months. The waste compact disks recycle method is follow to the principle of cleaner production. The method does not use toxic raw materials and discharge hazardous materials. The steps are shred the waste Compact Disks, soak them into NaCl,H2SO,liquid alkali reactor and aerate to approximately strip off the printing layer, the reflective layer and the dye layer. After clearing them completely in cleaning tank, waste CD were dehydrated and air-dried to be polycarbonate plastics. The of recycled rate polycarbonate plastics is 95% and the physicochemical properties is nearly the test norms for DVD gradation. It is perceived that the method to recycle compact disks influenced on physicochemical properties of polycarbonate plastics is low Now, pilot planet operating step is completed. In the future, our team will consider to establish a factory or to sell the technology. We hope the producing procedure of the reclaiming waste Compact Disks is conforms to the principle of cleaner production. We also like to establish the industry in harmony with our environment. 094 永續發展室 國立屏東科技大學薩支高,裕山環境工程公司莊政文 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4106
94年參與第三屆世界水質監測日活動計畫 水是地球最寶貴資源,人類及其他地球生物所不可或缺的物資。台灣雖四面環海、降雨豐沛,但因降雨在時間及空間之分佈極為不平均,導致豐、枯水期季節河川洪水量有明顯差異。由於人口密度高、工商業發達、河川水質受到不同程度污染情形普遍,使得台灣成為世界水資源匱乏的國家之一。因此,關心水質、整治河川污染,除了政府機關的努力外,有賴民眾的積極參與。世界水質監測日活動係一個全球性關懷水環境品質的活動;想要傳達一個訊息:透過全球同步檢測環境水質活動,讓每一位大人小孩都有乾淨、安全的水可以使用;希望藉此活動讓世界上每一位用水人都能持續關心及保護地球珍貴的水資源。環保署自2003年(第一屆)起參與世界水質監測日活動,前二屆參與成果豐碩,在參與活動國家中,因連年名列前茅而備受囑目。今年亦不例外!藉由該活動,讓台灣民眾於世界水質監測日活動期間與世界各國民眾同步檢測水質,已成功將台灣進步形象推向國際舞台;亦提供一個機會及窗口讓其他國家認識台灣,分享台灣在參與世界水資源保護方面努力的成果與經驗。 2005 World Water Monitoring Day Activity in Taiwan Water is essential for life. It sustains all living things. Absent water, life ceases. Water is not only one of the most precious but also the most necessary sustainable resources on earth. Taiwan is an island country. Although the annual rainfall in Taiwan reaches 2,500mm which is 2.5 times the world average, because 3/4 of annual rainfall concentrates in the wet season, yet people in Taiwan face water shortages regularly, especially in the dry season. As the nation’s economic activities keep increasing, so does the population. As a result, Taiwan cannot sustain an ever-increasing use of water. It has reached the limits of available water resources. Taiwan now is considered as a country with severe problem encountered with the shortage of water resources. As individuals in Taiwan, people are encouraged to help protecting and conserving their precious water resources.World water monitoring day is a global educational and outreach event designed to promoted personal care and individual involvement in the protection of our world water resources. The event wants to deliver a simple message that it is not only the responsibility of governments to assure clean and safe water for every single adult and child. It is up to us, the citizens of the world, and all the users of water, to get involved and stay involved in the protection of the waters of the world. The efforts for Water Monitoring Day fit Taiwan’s current needs in protecting our precious water sources. As a community on earth, Taiwan EPA broadly inviting school teachers and kits, NGOs and general public to join the WWMD event since 2003. For these efforts, Taiwan ranked second (only next to U.S.) within the world for number of registered monitoring sites and number of participants for WWMD in 2003, and 2004. Taiwan is well recognized for its outstanding success in joining the international educational outreach. 094 監資處 國立台灣大學水工試驗所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4104
廢麥粕合成奈米孔徑吸附劑之技術開發與應用 本研究以廢麥粕為起始原料合成具有微孔/奈米孔徑之吸附劑,並以甲苯為吸附質,評估廢棄生質合成多孔徑吸附劑並去除VOCs之可行性。研究結果顯示以農業廢棄物作為起始原料,利用水蒸氣活化法 (50%H2O/50%N2) 配合適當之活化時間可以合成具有高比表面積之活性碳 (360~950 m2/g),但過長之活化時間將導致活性碳結構遭受破壞造成比表面積與孔體積下降,而活性碳之結構由微孔分佈轉變為中孔分佈,並使微孔產生擴孔現象。由元素分析之結果顯示活性碳之氧含量隨活化時間增加而增加,此結果顯示水蒸氣活化法能夠使活性碳表面含氧量增加,進一步增加表面含氧官能基之含量。由表面官能基分析結果顯示,產氫廢麥粕與稻殼活性碳之官能基主要以酸性官能基 (例如:氫氧基、羰基、羧基)為主,隨著活化時間增加含氧官能基之含量也越高。在吸附實驗方面,甲苯濃度介於50~600 ppmv,實驗溫度40℃~80℃,實驗結果顯示吸附量隨甲苯濃度增加而增加,但隨著實驗溫度增加而降低,而利用吸附實驗數據可以求得Freundlich與Dubinin-Radushkevich (DR)方程式之參數,藉由此參數能獲得不同溫度時之等溫吸附曲線。模擬結果顯示利用Freundlich與DR模擬實驗數據可獲得較佳之模擬結果(R2 > 0.96),所求得之Freundlich與DR參數可用來預測不同溫度與濃度時活性碳之甲苯吸附量。 Development and Application of Nanoporous Adsorbent from Waste Wheat Husk Four agriculture residues, including raw wheat husk, bio-treated wheat husk, rice husk, and pistachio shell, were used as starting materials to produce activated carbons with diverse physical and chemical properties. The adsorption behavior of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for resulting adsorbents was tested with toluene as an adsorbate. Results showed that with adequate steam activation time, activated carbons with a surface area between 360 and 950 m2/g were developed. Further increases in the activation time destroyed the pore structure of activated carbons, which resulted in a decrease in the surface area and pore volume. Elemental analyses and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy examination suggested that the oxygen content of activated carbons increased with increasing activation time. Furthermore, the amounts of oxygen-containing functional groups, including hydroxyl, carbonyl, and carboxyl groups also increased. These results indicate that H2O molecules react with the carbon surface to form those oxygen-containing acidic functional groups. Results from adsorption of toluene (inlet concentrations between 50 and 600 ppmv) at 40 to 80℃ showed that the adsorption capacities increased as the inlet toluene concentration increases, and decreased with increasing adsorption temperatures. Furthermore, these results were successfully fitted with Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich (DR) isotherms (R2 > 0.96). The obtained Freundlich and DR constants can then be used to predict equilibrium adsorption capacities at various adsorption conditions and to calculate other important thermodynamic constants, such as heat of adsorption. 094 永續發展室 衛司特科技公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4102
使用中汽車排氣定檢管理規劃及系統整合作業專案工作計畫 為協助環保署瞭解目前使用中汽車檢驗業務執行情形,本計畫調查彙整目前使用中汽車檢驗單位基本資料,包括人力、設備、檢驗方式、檢驗量及成本等。同時與目前檢驗業者及相關單位進行溝通協調工作,瞭解目前汽車定檢執行體系及實務細節,作為環保署於各項相關配套法規研擬時之依據。針對未來環保署對於汽車排氣檢驗業務之推行,提出三項可行性方案,並分別從認可制度、管理制度、檢驗方式、成本因素等方面,研析評估各項方案之優缺點。同時規劃94至96年分年分階段之具體工作項目,並提出相關法規之修正建議,俾作為環保署對於汽車排氣定檢業務推動方向參考。本計畫協助環保署開發汽車排氣檢驗連線系統,將汽車排氣檢驗資料納入環保署直接管理,提供環保署、各級環保單位及全國汽車檢驗站使用,第一時間將檢驗資料上傳至環保署,提供車籍資料查詢及檢測資料之匯集,俾使環保單位能掌握各檢驗站執行狀況。此外,環保署為能有能力整合各項移污專案計畫,計畫中規劃環保署移動污染源資料庫軟硬體架構,俾進行資料庫彙整工作。建立車籍資料庫及檢測資料庫平台,可提供各級環保單位即時及批次大量查詢,俾利於各項勾稽、管制考核或學術研究方面應用。 The project of the periodic vehicle exhaust inspection management and system integrating work In order to assist the Environmental Protection Administration to realize vehicle inspection status used currently in inspection units, this project will enable the EPA to integrate various inspection requirements of the vehicles emission. It investigates and combines the basic information of the vehicles currently used in inspection units, including staffs, equipments, inspection methods, quantity and cost, etc. At the mean time, it shall coordinate with Motor Vehicle office and the contractors, to understand details of the present vehicle emission inspection system and procedures.In view of the promotion of EPA on vehicle emission inspection affair in the future, this project will provide all kinds of possible suggestions from different angles, such as the accreditation, management system, inspection methods, cost factor, etc., to assess pros and cons of each proposal. It shall identify 3 tangible proposals with details regulated within 2005 till 2007 by annual and stage wise basis for EPA as guideline reference to promote vehicles emission inspection affairs.This project will assist the EPA to develop a periodic vehicle emission inspection on line system, to manage all the vehicle emission inspection information directly by the EPA enabling all environmental units and vehicle inspection Stations Island wide to apply. Every local station shall upload inspection data during event for vehicle license query and inspection data collection to improve the quality of inspection. EPA will be able to monitor the status of every inspection station. In addition, the EPA is eager to have the capability for integrating all pollution transfer projects. The project designs also the soft and hard ware of databank over pollution transfer projects for the EPA to handle those data. It will establish vehicle license databank and vehicle inspection databank platform for all environmental units to inquire real time via batch wise and massive wise. It shall be very valuable also for all audits, management controls or academic researches. 094 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4148
推動負責任的奈米科技研發及生產環境計畫 本計畫訪查奈米研究及生產單位共有20個,由訪談發現不論在防制設備、防護具及防護設備的設置均不足。訪談後,建議研究人員均應配戴口罩、手套等防護具,需製程禁食,設置作業環境中的抽氣設備,奈米相關廢棄物需要集中處理與標識清楚,以及安全教育與宣導。另外完成奈米粉體製程奈米微粒暴露之標準作業程序,個人防護具操作標準程序及奈米粉體製程控制設備之標準操作程序,可提供環保署及相關的研究機構參考。選定新竹四個場址進行環境奈米微粒濃度監測,研究結果顯示,食品路與西大路口有最高的奈米微粒數目濃度 (5.58×105#/cm3), 湖口工業區是第二高 (3.64×104#/cm3), 光復國宅第三高(1.27×104#/cm3), 寶山水庫最低(1.07×104#/cm3)。另外針對台灣日光燈、東陶公司、台塑冬山廠三家工廠實施作業環境奈米微粒濃度檢測,實驗發現現場奈米微粒數目濃度分別為2.1×105、3.6×104、1.3×104 #/cm3。透過實地量測大氣環境、奈米粉體製程作業環境及相關防制設備的奈米微粒濃度情形,瞭解這些條件下的奈米微粒的濃度分佈,研究發現交通要道附近存在高濃度的奈米微粒,最高時可達住宅區的100倍以上。在奈米粉體作業環境中,仍有部份的奈米微粒逸散,而防制設備部份,則發現洗滌塔對奈米微粒的去除效率低於20%,而濾袋屋可高達90%。這些成果可供相關政府機關擬定奈米粉體逸散管制法規的參考依據。完成美國NIOSH 42 CRF Part 84測試標準之N95、通過歐盟標準EN 149:2001之FFP2,以及日本國家檢定合格之JIS DS2等級濾材效率測試,奈米微粒的防護效率大小分別為3M N95>三暉>TRUSCO,而呼吸阻抗大小:三暉> TRUSCO > N95。塗佈型奈米材料剝落測試實驗的結果發現,TiO2 print測試樣品在實驗經過30分鐘後,開始有200 nm以下的奈米微粒逸散,多集中在100nm以下,最高濃度可達22.8 #/cm3(@55.2nm)。此項研究建議,奈米材料產品上市時,政府相關部門應該要求廠商驗證奈米微粒的逸散量。本計畫今年完成舉辦一場技術論壇及六場學者專家座談會,同時更新既有之網頁資料庫,同時藉由文獻資料收集與分析,完成一份國內推動負責任奈米科技研發及生產環境的規劃報告,將來可供政府機關與研發單位參考使用。 Promoting responsible R&D and manufacturing environments of nanotechnology. In this project, 20 nanotechnology research institutes and manufacturing companies were visited. Based on the visiting results, the results strongly recommended that the researcher or operator should wear mask and glove whenever necessary. Eating and drinking should be prohibited in the working place. In addition, standard procedure of exposure assessment, PPE and control equipment operation was established in this project. They can be used as reference document for Taiwan EPA or other related institutes.Four sampling sites were selected to study environmental nanoparticle number concentration and size distribution. She-Ping and Si-Ta road site is the highest one (5.58×105#/cm3), and Bau-Sang reservoir site is the lowest one. Based on field measurement of ambient environment, nanopowder process environment, and particle control equipment, the size distribution, number concentration, and collection efficiency of nanoparticle emission have been studied and reported. The results show that there are very high concentration of nanoparticle near the cross section of busy roads, it can be as high as 100 times of the concentration in residential area. In nanopowder working environment, there are still some nanoparticle emission. It is recommended that the worker should be trained and wears suitable personal protective equipment. As far as control equipment is concerned, the removal efficiency of nanoparticle for baghouse is 90%. The results can be used as a reference to draft regulation for nanopowder manufacturing process.Thirty respirators selected from three commercial companies were evaluated based on the testing standards of NIOSH 42 CFR Part 84 and CNS 14755 Z2125, they have shown to meet the certified standard. For nanoparticle emission measurement from nanomaterial splitting, TiO2 print material were found to be the highest one (22.8 #/cm3@55.2nm) in the three selected nanomaterial. Nanomaterial nanoparticle emission should be performed for new material development. Government and research institutes can use the report for future development reference. 094 永續發展室 財團法人工業技術研究院 環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4146
海洋油污染衛星遙測系統監測專案工作計畫 本計畫主要是執行環保署「重大海洋油污染緊急應變計畫」之監測與資料彙整任務,並完成下列工作:1. 維護全天候二十四小時緊急聯絡處理系統,包含人員、電話及傳真,除接受環保署通知提供技術諮詢服務外,並配合環保署九十四年度演練或重大海洋污染事件,應用衛星遙測、遙測機具、遙控直升機等先進遙測科技及航照方式,快速蒐集污染事件資料,全年搭配演練共執行七次海洋污染遙測蒐證工作(含演練)。2. 維護環保署建置之海洋油污染緊急傳輸系統,包含系統之模組化、遠端通信化、及視訊資料污染範圍之判釋功能並應符合環保署作業內容要求。3. 維護環保署九十三年度建置之海難事件電子通報、統計及地理電腦查詢系統,並派專人至環保署蒐集九十四年度海污事件通報紀錄,建立、彙整、統計、與分析海洋污染事件之類別與地理位置,以更新資料庫內容、增加海污事件公佈欄之功能,並於年底將新版的海洋重大污染緊急應變系統上線。4. 辦理各應變單位(包括:環保、海巡、港口管理等單位)操作,使用本系統之操作講習與演練,訓練對象共計68人。5. 蒐集彙整各國結合航運管理新科技及民間力量,依海域特性、船舶 航線及可能污染情形,建置適當之監測機制,並做成強化台灣地區周邊海域環境品質監測工作建議。6. 依據各國海洋污染各項監測技術之最新發展趨勢及成功案例,建置 國內海洋油污染衛星遙測系統監測蒐證標準作業流程及手冊。 The Satellite Monitoring Systems for Marine Pollution The main objective of the project is to use the existing remote sensing technologies and internet communications system to aid the data collection when marine pollution emergencies occur. The following tasks are achieved in the project: 1. The NCU project’s team has setup an emergency communication network between NCU and EPA. The team has also used the communication network and remote sensing systems to take part in the marine training and data collection exercise for seven times during the project period.2. The video data transmitting system has been packed into modules, enhanced with audio equipment, and added with interpretation function for pollution situation. Moreover, the manual for operating the system is provided. 3. The web-based system, which provides an internet environment for reporting marine oil-pollution emergency, has been program revised, functions improved, and data added. The billboard function and new interface of the web-based system are also offered this year. 4. A workshop is coordinated to introduce the systems developed in the project to the related government organizations.5. With collecting the data of navigation technology and civil cooperation, an appropriate monitoring system for Taiwan marine environment is suggested.6. According to the foreign case studies of marine monitoring by the recent remote sensing technologies, a standard procedure of collecting remote sensing data for marine pollution is proposed. 094 水保處 國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4144
飲用水管理資訊系統維護專案工作計畫 為使全國各級環保機關迅速、確實地掌握飲用水管理相關資訊,提供各環保機關上網登錄執行飲用水管理稽查管制等資料,以落實飲用水管理工作。行政院環境保護署於88及89年度分別辦理『飲用水管理系統開發計畫』及『飲用水管理業務調查與建置計畫』,建立網頁式資料庫架構之「飲用水管理資訊系統」,自民國89年元月起上線使用。為確保系統正常運作,並適時擴充及調整系統功能,俾利隨時快速彙整統計多年的飲用水水質資訊。環保署自90年度起辦理「飲用水管理資訊系統維護計畫」,本計畫則為賡續辦理94年度之維護作業,主要工作為維護「飲用水管理資訊系統」各項業務功能之正常運作及故障排除。本計畫工作內容包含下列各項:確保系統正常運作,以供各環保機關上網建置飲用水管理稽查及查驗等相關資料,並落實飲用水管理工作。統計分析飲用水管理稽查資料,作為協助環保機關稽查及其後續追蹤管制工作,並提供作為飲用水管理政策擬定之參考。透過良好使用界面,適時提供飲用水水質查驗統計等相關資訊供各界查詢,藉以達到資源共享的目的。 The Drinking Water Management Application Maintenance Project In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in drinking water management. EPA begin to computerize the drinking water management works, and conduct a “Drinking Water Management Application Development” project, and a “The Drinking Water Management Practice Survey and Found” project Since 1999. These Projects had developed a “Drinking Water Management Systyem”. The database system worked successfully. EPA proceed to application maintenance works to keep the application running properly and to adjust or aggrandize the application functions in necessary. This is the 5th year (2005) maintenance project.This yearly maintenance project includes 3 tasks: (1)Keep the applications runing properly; (2)Aggrandize the application query and statistic functions in necessary; (3)Adjust the application functions in necessary. 094 毒管處 智通工程科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4142
應用整合型復育技術處理受燃料油污染之土壤及地下水 在受油品污染土壤及地下水場址中,燃料油具有含碳數高且不易衰減及揮發之特性。因此,燃料油污染之土壤及地下水之整治,困難度高於受汽油及柴油污染之地下環境,不易使用單一整治技術達到預期目標。故本計畫以較新穎的整合型復育技術或是整治列車(treatment train)之概念作為設計燃料油污染土壤及地下水之整治方向。本計畫所提出之整合型復育技術依整治期程可分三階段之整治工作。第一階段以界面活性劑之沖排(surfactant flushing)為主,當處理效率降低後,即進行第二階段之類Fenton(Fenton-like)氧化反應,以氧化殘留於土壤顆粒中之碳氫化合物。第三階段之整治工作為現地自然生物分解或自然衰減(natural attenuation)。在本計畫中,我們以批次試驗評估界面活性劑沖排及Fenton-like反應最佳之操作參數。實驗結果發現,當界面活性劑(SIMPLE GREEN, 本計畫簡稱SG)配製成5 wt% (型態為Type III)時,其對土壤中總石油碳氫化合物(Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon ,TPH) (初使濃度為10,000 and 50,000 mg/kg)之移除可達到預期之60%之去除率。燃料油污染土經界面活性劑沖排後,由掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察可發現SG與燃料油之乳化產物有阻塞土壤孔隙之現象,而此阻塞現象可由水之沖排及後續之Fenton-like氧化而改善。在Fenton-like批次試驗中,H2O2為系統中氧化力的來源,在與鐵氧礦物反應後會被分解並形成對有機物具有強氧化效果的氫氧自由基。研究結果顯示,H2O2濃度愈高,TPH之去除效果愈佳。當H2O2及鐵氧礦物(總鐵)濃度為6%及17.6 mg/kg時,TPH由初始之5,000 mg/kg降至1,544 mg/kg。在土壤管柱試驗中,我們發現第一階段水及界面活性劑之沖排可達到70%至90%之TPH去除率;而第二階段之Fenton-like氧化最高仍可再去除17%之TPH,殘留之TPH將可由第三階段之自然生物降解或自然衰減之機制去除,使燃料油污染之介質達到完全整治之目標。不論是批次或土壤管柱試驗,經兩階段物化處理後,TPH濃度最多可由50,000 mg/kg降至991 mg/kg,其可由第三階段之自然衰減機制達到持續降解之目標。綜合上述結果可知,界面活性劑沖排系列接續Fenton-like氧化技術所形成之整治列車,其TPH可達到90%以上之去除效率,使污染濃度降低到現地微生物可有效降解之範圍(TPH<5,000 mg/kg)。針對受重油污染之土壤與地下水所建立之整合型復育技術的設計研發,不僅是一條可行的方向,亦是普遍受到業界認同。因此,未來在市場上應有相當不錯之佔有率。此外,就其設計理論推斷,此技術對整體環境之負面影響應是相當低,故此技術在市場上應有相當程度之競爭力。 Treatment of Fuel Oil Contaminated Soils and Groundwater by Integrated Remediation Technology The objective of this study is to assess the potential of combining three different treatment processes to clean up fuel oil contaminated sites. In this study, a concept of “treatment train” has been proposed. The first remedial phase applies surfactant flushing to remove the major amount of petroleum hydrocarbons in the soils. Thus, more than 50 to 60% of the total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) can be reduced in soils.The second phase is the chemical oxidation process applying Fenton-like technique. Approximately 20 to 30% of the remaining TPH could be reduced after the oxidation process. The residual 10 to 20% of the TPH would be appropriate for the third natural bioremediation or natural attenuation process. Results from the bench-scale study indicate that 5 wt% of the applied surfactant (Simple Green) is able to remove 60% of the initial TPH (10,000 and 50,000 mg/kg). Results from the Fenton-like study also reveal that approximately 60% of the initial TPH (5,000 mg/kg) can be reduced via the oxidation process.Results from the column experiment indicate that approximately 70 to 90% of TPH could be removed after the water and surfactant flushing. The Fenton-like oxidation is able to remove 17% of the remaining TPH. Thus, more than 90% of initial TPH could be removed using the three-stage treatment scheme. Results of this study will aid in designing a system for field application.The proposed treatment scheme would be expected to provide a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to remediate fuel-oil contaminated sites.This developed remedial scheme can also be applied for other non-aqueous phase liquid contaminated sites.Because the developed integrated remediation system is able to remediate the fuel-oil contaminated soil and groundwater effectively, this system would be accepted as a sound technology in the remediation market. Moreover, this system would not cause any adverse impact on the subsurface environment, and thus, it would be a more environmentally friendly technology compared to other technologies currently in use. 094 永續發展室 國立中山大學育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4140
前瞻奈米科技相關環境議題研究 本計畫收集前瞻奈米科技(包括分子、奈米、生物、資訊及趨同科技等)之期刊與研討會論文,透過文獻回顧的方式,瞭解目前國際間前瞻奈米技術相關研究發展趨勢與現況,並將技術延伸至環境應用上,結合環境效益議題的探討,發現前瞻奈米科技具有環境領域面的應用潛能。另外,進行透過網路搜尋(奈米型國家計畫、政府GRB系統、經濟部科技專案計畫..),瞭解國內有關前瞻奈米技術的研發現況,其中仍以感測與監測技術的研發居多。在未來研究的規劃及建議上,本研究認為在未來三年內奈米吸附劑、奈米標識劑與奈米感測器等三項技術,配合台灣的研究環境,並進一步規劃三項技術的實施時程,如按部就班地落實相關規劃,將較有機會在台灣落實與實現。對於生物奈米技術、奈米生物技術、分子奈米技術…等在環境領域的應用上,則需要較長時間的醞釀與研究,除了需要政策及資金上的導引,還需要政府做好技術通報、鼓勵創新、培育人才及產業服務等相關規劃,並依不同階段執行技術發展調查與通報、技術地圖、獎勵創意開發、鼓勵培訓相關科技人才、建立相關人才資料庫…等工作,才有助於各領域技術的合作與整合,激盪出更多前瞻奈米技術環境相關應用的研發創意與商機,而在環境領域開花結果,供環保署及相關單位參考。 Study in Environmental Issues of Prospective Nanotechnology This study demonstrates the global research trends and current results of advanced nanotechnology by reviewing pertinent literature relating to nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and conversion technology. These research results indicate some potential for application to environmental issues. Additionally, current research conditions about related fields in Taiwan were obtained by searching websites, such as the website of the National Technology Program for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, GRB system, and Department of Industrial Technology. Analytical results show that nano-adsorbed materials, nano-markers and nano-sensors have significant potential for development over the next three years in Taiwan. Some changes are required to generate new technologies and eliminate local pollution problems in Taiwan. For bio-nano-technology, molecular nanotechnology, and convergent nanotechnology, policies and foundations are needed to promote research into environmental applications. The government needs to construct channels for exchanging technical information, innovations, knowledge, and industry services. Analysis results indicate that promoting large research projects involving researchers from various fields would encourage cooperation, and would increase innovations and market success. 094 永續發展室 工研院環安中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4138
空氣品質監測站網系統及資料整合管理 行政院環境保護署於82年9月設置66個空氣品質自動監測站針對人體健康有影響的重要空氣污染物質進行監測,提供民眾各地空氣品質資訊,並提供空氣污染管制措施成效評估重要資訊。87年擴增為72個測站。92年開始進行測站儀器更新,至94年完成,並擴增為76個測站。除即時自動空氣品質監測系統外,環保署於近10餘年間陸續建置光化學評估測站,微粒超級測站,逆溫儀站,光達站等遙測監測系統,並建置各類預報輔助分析系統。歷經這些階段性演進,陸續建置之系統架構與資料分散,整合分析不易,管理複雜,加以自動空氣品質監測系統剛完成更新。在本計畫中針對運轉中之空氣品質監測站網系統進行調查,就整體系統與作業進行品質查核,提出改善建議,於計畫執行期間提供專業顧問協助空氣品質監測站網系統之改善。同時提出資料整合與作業查核規劃,以作為後續整合建置之參考。除了查核與規劃外,本計畫並設計空氣品質監測站網簡介及建置兩個WEB應用系統,以滿足現階段空氣品質監測系統管理與應用之需要:1.空氣質監測站網系統資料目錄檢索系統:提供高彈性架構,可供環保署自行依據管理要項及系統特性自行定對系統目錄架構,並提供便利檢索界面,以提供系統組態管理功能。2.自動空氣質監測歷史資料統計查詢系統:將自82年開始之監測資料加以統計分析提供統計柱狀圖,風花圖,風玫圖及污染濃度分布風羽圖分析。 Plan of Air Quality Monitoring Network System and Data Integration Management One of the objectives of this project is to provide a systematic quality review of the Air Monitoring Systems of EPA Taiwan and the consultancy of the improvements can be made to enhance the quality of EPA’s Air Monitoring Systems.We use 6 attributes to define quality: capacity planning, monitoring and management, availability, reliability, maintainability and integrity. First this project surveyed the current systems profile, and then reviewed each system using the defined qulity attributes. Each system is reviewed, and a review report and improvement suggestion is produced. This project made the improvement of the most critical weakness of the system architecture.In this project, we also provide the backup and restore suggestion to improve the overall system availability and the data integration roadmap for the ongoing air quality data integration program.Two web applications are built to meet the system management and data analysis needs.A highly adjustable structure is used to design the Air Monitoring Systems registers management system in order to be tailored to adjust for different system features. And the Automatic Air Monitoring System history data statistic analysis system uses the air quality data since 1993 and provide the statistic analysis of the data to provide box-whisker, wind-rose, pollutant-rose and windbarb chart for the analysis of air quaity trend.Besides the application systems, this project also amend the Air Quality Monitoring in Taiwan brochure to provide the introduction of current achievements of the air quality monitoring of EPA Taiwan. 094 監資處 長城安全網有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4136
毒性化學物質災害防救技術支援體系建置計畫-北區毒災應變諮詢中心 於94年3月30日起承接本計畫,在規劃毒性化學物質災害防救技術支援體系建置計畫方面(Master Plan),已完成未來四年(96至99年)國內毒災體系之規劃初稿,規劃建置國內應變隊,強化事故現場應變能量,並於6月份下旬提交北區三組應變隊之設置位置規劃草案;強化北區毒災應變實場操練,在建立高科技廠場毒災應變訓練場與認證制度方面,已完成高科技廠訓練廠址相關設施建置,並於11月15日進行人員操作訓練,總計完成訓練人數20人。在強化三區毒災應變諮詢中心應變技術能量方面,已完成衛星訊號傳輸系統設備建置,於11月份20日完成影像傳輸及FTIR分析結果即時傳輸測試;熱影像傳輸系統已完成購置與應變人員操作訓練課程,正式列為災害現場熱危害監控,防止現場2次火災爆炸發生之儀器設施。設備器材車完成規劃與建置工作,並於12月中旬正式加入現場應變車輛之一。在強化北區毒災應變諮詢中心整備與操練能量上,FTIR監測與背景值的建立總計完成18場次,每場次收集10筆資料以上,共計完成788筆監測資料;毒性化學物質運作場址週遭水及土壤採樣分析104個樣品。演練部分已完成辦理新竹市友達光電L5廠、清華大學、錸寶科技、東南技術學院、大潭電廠恐怖攻擊、中華紙漿毒化物洩漏及台北市國父紀念館恐怖攻擊之毒災觀摩演練,共有約1,000人次參與觀摩。在毒化物運作廠場資料調查方面,已完成今年度437家廠商的篩選及公文寄發工作,並完成網路鍵入程式之開發,於本年度總計新增223家廠商之資料建置工作,並完成更新1,060廠商之資料,總共完成1,283家廠商資料更新及建置。完成更新107到164類毒性化學物質的緊急應變卡、防救手冊及物質安全資料表等。在臨廠輔導方面,完成30場次的輔導工作,部分廠區可能產生污染的部分亦同步進行採樣分析。在動員講習方面分別於6月9日、11月8日完成二次訓練講習工作,總共105人次參與,內容針對恐怖攻擊、危機處理與媒體關係等事項進行介紹,提供各相關救災單位平時預防與整備資料;於毒災聯防小組組訓則在6月7日與11月9日進行,總計共571人次參與,議題針對毒化物第三責任險規範、GHS雙語標示及國內現況毒災聯防體系相關技術等進行介紹。因應國內五月份所發生之千面人下毒事件,北區毒災應變諮詢中心配合桃園縣環保局進行氰化物列管運作工廠之稽查工作,共完成6場次之輔導工作;輔導期間更發現一家廠場已廢棄無運作,然其毒化物卻遺棄於原廠址,且未申報廢棄與處理,故北區毒災應變諮詢中心同仁與環保局啟動毒災聯防小組機制,請氰化物運作工廠暫存,後續將追蹤該業者依有害事業廢棄物處理。本年度截至目前為止(94.01~94.11.30),北區毒災應變諮詢中心共監控國內毒、化災事故達260件。其中接獲支援要求緊急到場協助災害處理與環境採樣分析共35件(台北縣異味事故及台北縣輔仁大學火災事故等),以上案件皆完成到場應變時序表與初步災因調查工作。 Plan for Northern Taiwan Center of Consultation on Response to Disasters Caused by Hazardous Chemical Materials This study includes information concerning domestic and foreign systems for avoiding and effectively responding to toxic and chemical. More than 788 monitor data and 104 samples were obtained from air pollution concentration surveys to strengthen the mobilization and handling capacity of the Northern Center for Emergency Response to Toxic Substances. Instructions on sampling were given at the site of the accidents. Basic data on 1283 operating factories that exceeded limits on levels of toxic substances were collected for the northern emergency response of toxic substances, and were input into a digital format. The emergency response card, disaster prevention and rescue manual, substance safety data and toxicological data for the toxic chemical substance (control number 107-164) were completed. Thirty (30) factories operating with toxic substances were visited, and were given consultations at the end of November. The northern expert pool is still being updated, and at least two experts or consultants are working for each county or city. Two seminars about the northern mobilization were held on 9 June and 8 November. Two training sessions for the toxic substance joint task force were held on 7 June and 9 November. Shifts were arranged to ensure 24-hour uninterrupted emergency response, and consultations have been provided since the beginning of the year. Thirty-five cases have been supported at the accident sites up to now. Additionally, data collection and handling was undertaken on 260 cases. 094 毒管處 工業技術研究院 陳范倫, 工業技術研究院 林冠謂, 工業技術研究院 曾獻弘, 工業技術研究院 陳碧婷, 工業技術研究院 周文怡, 工業技術研究院 張嘉真 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4134
高科技產業含低濃度有機溶劑廢水之高級處理設備研發 本研究主要設計一實驗與模場系統來建立高級氧化程序對於高科技產業含廢溶劑廢水處理之技術。首先,確認實驗室的基本分析工作及高級氧化程序之操作模式,然後針對實際廢水之試驗與模場組裝測試進行後續加強研究,以獲得有用之操作參數,並據以建立此技術之相關資料。實驗室測試分析主要針對溶劑(異丙醇)、光阻劑(PGMEA、PGME)、去光阻劑(DMSO、NMP)等化學有機物質,本研究在實驗室中首先進行各單一溶液的配置(濃度控制於0.1~3%之間),同時使用本實驗室的批次高級氧化反應槽來進行不同高級氧化程序的組合(包括臭氧、臭氧/UV、過氧化氫/UV、臭氧/過氧化氫、臭氧/過氧化氫/UV等)。將實驗室所得最佳操作參數套用至模廠試驗,以求得不同高級氧化程序的降解情形,並據以推估技術或設備應用的可行性。 由實驗結果可知:當初始濃度為3%的異丙醇、恆溫25℃下,單獨使用臭氧降解結果,發現每克臭氧可分解6.5克異丙醇。在H2O2/UV氧化程序中,不同的溶液酸鹼值對異丙醇之降解效果並沒有顯著的影響,若以單純降解3%異丙醇的結果分析來看,H2O2/UV、UV/O3、H2O2/ O3、H2O2/ O3/ UV這四種高級氧化程序皆可達50%~60%去除率。當異丙醇的初始濃度降為0.1%時,H2O2/O3/UV及UV/O3在反應時間90分鐘內已可完全氧化異丙醇,且H2O2/O3/UV在中性溶液下可去除90%的總有機碳,達到相當高程度的礦化目的。在不同的溶液酸鹼條件下,使用H2O2/UV結合處理程序對PGME及PGME氧化的影響並不顯著,而H2O2添加劑量對於去除效率則有明顯的影響。本研究發現2 g/l是過氧化氫對PGME和PGMEA降解之最佳加藥劑量,提高過氧化氫劑量反而不利氫氧自由基的生成,因而減低其氧化效能。單獨臭氧和UV/O3研究顯示對PGME和PGMEA的氧化並不適合在pH值為5的條件下進行,當pH為10的鹼性情形下,本研究發現有較佳的去除效率,主要原因以氫氧自由基之氧化機制為主。對DMSO及NMP的氧化而言,在pH分別為3及10的情況下皆有較佳的去除效率,顯示臭氧分子的直接反應或是氫氧自由基的作用均能對DMSO和NMP產生相同的氧化降解能力;然而TOC的去除效率則在鹼性下較佳。在模廠測試試驗中,在不同高級氧化程序中針對所有的化合物 (IPA、DMSO、NMP)所獲得的降解效率,發現UV/O3/FeOOH及H2O2/O3/UV/FeOOH兩程序明顯優於H2O2 /O3/FeOOH。以模廠處理實際廢水而言,使用H2O2/O3/UV/FeOOH程序(臭氧及過氧化氫添加劑量均為1.05 g/L)對溶劑中的IPA、DMSO、NMP分別可達48%、50%、50%的降解效率,而COD的去除率則可達60%。針對日月光半導體含有機溶劑廢水之處理,本研究預期使用6000 g/day的臭氧劑量配合UV、過氧化氫及FeOOH觸媒將可以達到95% COD的去除,並可併入目前的放流水而不影響其放流水濃度,而整體處理成本較目前委外燃燒的方式每年可節省60%以上的處理成本。 Development of Advanced Oxidation Processes Treatment Facility for Wasted-solvent Wastewater Generated from High-tech Industry This study was to design a bench-scale experiment and fabricate a pilot-scale treatment plant to treat the industrial wastewater with wasted solvent using advanced oxidation processes. The investigation works in the laboratory were focused on the oxidation of some major solvents including IPA, PGME, PGMEA, DMSO, and NMP. To better comprehend the oxidation efficacy of using advanced oxidation processes, such as ozone, ozone/UV, hydrogen peroxide/UV, ozone/hydrogen peroxide, and ozone/hydrogen peroxide/UV, on the individual solvent component, batch oxidation reactor was used to facilitate the experimental operation. According to the results, it is found that 6.5 grams of IPA with initial concentration of 3% at 25℃ could be decomposed by each gram of ozone dosage. In addition, the processes of ozone/UV and ozone/hydrogen/UV used in this research show a significant removal of IPA for 50 ~ 60 percent. It does not show any difference at various pH values using hydrogen peroxide/UV to oxidize PGME and PGMEA. Ozonation and ozone/UV at alkaline pHs show a better reduction on target organics by the attacks of hydroxyl radicals. Due to the unsaturated functional group bonded on the chemical structure of DMSO and NMP, it was found the direct attack by ozone molecules or indirect reaction by OH radicals would have the identical decomposition ability. However, TOC removal shows that it has a better reduction under alkaline condition.During pilot scale test, the chosen processes, such as UV/O3/FeOOH and H2O2/O3/UV/FeOOH, were demonstrated to have better removal for all three compounds. The COD removal rate would be 60 percent. For the treatment of wasted-solvent wastewater in Zi-yuei-kuang semiconductor manufacturer, it is suggest that using ozone dosage at 6000 g per day plus UV, hydrogen peroxide, and iron catalyst should eliminate 95 percent of COD and satisfactorily meet the effluent standard by incorporating the discharge of other wastewaters. The annual disbursement will be saved for more than 60 percent comparing with the current contract of incineration treatment. 094 永續發展室 逢甲大學創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4132
環境檢測類盲樣配製技術研究及應用計畫 檢測能力評估計畫 (Proficiency Evaluation Program,PEP) 在行政院環保署環境檢驗所對於環境分析檢驗室的管理是一個非常重要的步驟。本盲樣配製計畫主要依據環保法規標準之管制項目,研究水質類、廢棄物類及土壤類盲樣配製技術。配製之水質類、廢棄物類及土壤類實際盲樣,供應環境檢測機構及各級環保單位盲樣測試所需之樣品,俾持續監督管理及有效輔導各檢驗室之檢測能力,確保檢測數據之品質。計畫主要工作重點及成果簡要說明如下:1.完成水中懸浮固體、總溶解固體、pH、真色色度等四項盲樣三年穩定性測試。2.完成廢棄物TCLP重金屬之砷、鎘、鉻、銅、鉛、硒、汞及六價鉻等 8 項次之 2 批次 60 組盲樣製備。3.完成水中硬度、硫酸鹽、導電度、氯鹽、氟鹽、氰化物、硫化物等 7 項次之 13 批次 710 瓶盲樣製備。4.完成土壤中重金屬砷、鎘、鉻、銅、鎳、鉛、鋅、汞等 8 項次之 2 批次 200 瓶盲樣製備,並完成庫存樣品三年穩定性測試。5.協助環檢所盲樣配製技術建立,辦理水中硫酸鹽、導電度、氯鹽、氟鹽、氰化物、硫化物等 6 項盲樣配製及濃度確認技術轉移。6.協助環檢所盲樣配製技術建立,辦理水中懸浮固體、總溶解固體、pH、油脂、化學需氧量、生化需氧量、氨氮、硝酸鹽氮、亞硝酸鹽氮、總磷、酚類、砷、硼、鎘、總鉻、銅、鐵、鉛、錳、總汞、鎳、銀、硒、鋅、濁度、陰離子界面活性劑、六價鉻、真色色度等 28 項盲樣濃度確認技術指導。 Research of Performance Evaluation Sample Preparation Technology and Application for Environmental Analysis "Proficiency Evaluation Program (PEP)"is a very important program for managing the environmental analysis laboratory of the National Institute of Environment Analysis (NIEA) in ROC. This year’s project involved five tasks:1.Continuing third years stability of testing of Suspended Solids, Total Dissolved Solids, pH and Color PE samples.2.Preparing PE samples for TCLP PEP testing, including Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Selenium and Arsenic (eight elements), with two batches of samples being tested and at least 60 bottles being prepared for each batch.3.Preparing PE samples for water PEP testing, including [testing for : Hardness, Chloride, Fluoride, Sulfate, Conductivity, Cyanide and Sulfide in water. At least 13 batches, and 710 bottles of PE samples were prepared. 4.Preparing PE samples in soil for PEP testing, including Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Nickel, Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, Zinc (eight elements), with two batches of samples being tested and at least 200 bottles being prepared for each batch.5.Transferring the established PE sample preparation technique to NIEA, with a total of six items being included in the first stage transference, including]: Chloride, Fluoride, Sulfate, Conductivity, Cyanide and Sulfide.6.Offering technical assistance in measuring concentrations for 28 PE sample items, including: Suspended Solids, Total Dissolved Solids, pH, Oil & Grease, COD, BOD, Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrate, Nitrite, Total Phosphorous, Phenol, Arsenic, Boron, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Silver, Selenium, Zinc, Turbidity, ABS, Hexa-valent Chromium, and Color. 094 環檢所 工研院環境與安全衛生技術發展中心 吳堉鑾 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4130
飲用水水源及水質中產毒藻種及藻類毒素之研究 本計畫目的在於了解國內主要地面水水源以及淨水廠藻類及毒素流佈狀況,並收集及解析先進國家及組織之管制標準及策略,以做為建立國內藻類及毒素流佈資料、相關標準與管制策略等之參考。計畫中首先建立並應用液相層析質譜儀(LC/MS)於水源及水廠中進行流佈調查。本年度10座水庫及相關水廠調查結果顯示,因為豪雨及颱風之緣故,水源中藻類毒素濃度普遍低。其中兩水庫長期監測結果顯示,主要藻類代謝物如microcystins毒素及2-MIB臭味物質濃度等,隨著季節有變化之趨勢,在較溫暖之季節,其濃度值也相對較高。金門水源短期密集採樣分析結果顯示,取水口代表性藻臭物質2-MIB濃度日變化僅約20%以內;相對而言,微囊藻毒素則明顯隨著時間變化有高達數倍的差距。微囊藻毒素濃度與葉綠素、藍綠細菌濃度、臭味物質2-MIB等之相關性不高,但是與微囊藻數成正相關。淨水程序調查結果顯示,傳統淨水廠之各淨水流程幾乎對於微囊藻毒素均有去除效果,但是仍以加氯後到混凝沉澱前去除效果最為明顯,去除效率在低濃度下,微囊藻毒去除率平均約在於50%、高級淨水程序在較高濃度下去除效果約可以達到95%,但是今年度因濃度低及操作條件改變情況下,約有70%去除效果。具有浮除及慢砂濾單元去除效果約為46-76%左右。計畫中並建立與應用不同分子生物技術,研究中已建立PCR、DGGE、BioMarker、Real Time PCR等分子生物方法,並應用於國內主要水庫中,後續將可以持續應用於偵測現場水樣中毒性藻體基因定量及其族群變化。在水質標準及管制策略部份,本計畫已收集、並解析世界上十餘單位及國家,在藻類毒素及藍綠細菌之管制及應變方法。並以澳洲水質中心藍綠菌管理架構為參考,初步修改提出我國管理架構建議。 Investigation of Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water Systems Two major groups of cyanobacteria metabolites, microcystins and 2-MIB, and their associated toxin producers were monitored in 10 major drinking water reservoirs and corresponding waterworks nation-wide. Monitoring results from chemical analysis suggested that the algal metabolites monitored were present in most of the source water. Long-term monitoring data for two of the reservoirs indicated that the concentration of both 2-MIB and microcystins followed the trend that higher concentrations were present in warmer seasons. Strong correlations among 2-MIB concentration, microcystin concentration, and ambient temperature were found in the water samples. For the sampling in Tai Lake, Kin-Men Island, no strong correlations were observed for most of the algae and algal metabolites measured. However, a good correlation between microcystis sp. and microcystins concentrations was found.For the treatment efficiency in the waterworks, an up to 60% of microcystins removal efficiency for the waterworks with conventional treatment processes, 46-76% for the conventional waterworks with floatation and slow sand filtration units, and around 70 to >90% for the advanced waterworks.To identify the microcrocystin producers in the source waters, water samples from several reservoirs were analyzed following the procedures of DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) screening, DNA sequencing, and comparison with DNA database. Some of the reservoirs were also confirmed to have microcystis aeruginosa and microcystis sp. in the water. These techniques will be employed in the future for monitoring the community and quantity of toxic microcystis.For the management of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in the drinking water systems, documents relevant to regulation, guidance and early warning and response were collected from more than 10 countries or organization. Based on the information, a framework was suggested for the management of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in drinking water systems for different agencies. 094 毒管處 財團法人成大研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4128
94及95年度微粒超級監測站與光化學評估監測站操作品保及數據分析計畫 (a) 光化學評估監測站光化學評估監測計畫主要分為兩部份,一為對於所有測站數據品質監測與保證,二為對於高臭氧地區闡明臭氧形成機制。經過三年多操作經驗的累積,數據品質的監控有如標準作業程序已建立在中台灣光化學測站網且持續實施中,並累積出四年品質控管的數據累積。今年也已經在南部架設完成兩光化監測站,並將於明年度加入光化學評估監測站計畫內。 數據品保及品管方面,製作由分析系統注入56種混合標準品的所得之數據品管圖,使2005年中台灣資料完整度高於90%,顯示出測站維護與操作的成功。由2005年1月至10月氣象與量測資料顯示發生逆溫現象時會降低混合層高度而左右量測物種濃度的高低,低風速狀態下同樣會幫助一次污染物的累積。 光化現象則由夏季及秋季VOC氣團老化指標ethylbenzene/xylene進行探討,夏季臭氧濃度與ethylbenzene/xylene有極高的相關性,而秋季則有不一致的現象產生,推估存在其他與臭氧相關聯的因子必須被探究。(b) 微粒超級測站本計畫執行北部微粒超級測站操作運轉的每月定期和每兩個月不定期查核,此外,還包括硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽、微粒粒徑分布儀器每半年一次的儀器校正、儀器運轉與相對應人工監測方法比對、監測數據確認、數據彙整及分級等。在儀器運轉率方面,截至11月底,超級測站各項儀器除RP 8400N硝酸鹽監測儀和PMSP-CASP次微米粒徑分布儀外,其餘儀器均在85%以上。RP 8400N硝酸鹽監測儀由於自四月起有氣流洩漏問題,於十月更換新的閃火片底座後,儀器方恢復正常;PMS P-CASP是由於送回原廠解決零濃度雜訊問題。另外,在RP 5400碳監測儀方面則有監測數據明顯低估的現象,環保署已於十二月裝置新的Sunset碳監測儀取代原有的舊儀器。在微粒人工採樣比對方面,除了八月人工採樣與自動儀器在微粒質量濃度有絕對量的差異外,大致上PM10和PM2.5均有相當不錯的一致性。一般來說,人工採樣所獲得的質量濃度會比自動儀器略高,此原因可能為自動監測儀監測溫度稍高,以去除溼度的干擾,但也可能造成揮發性微粒物質的損失。RP 8400S硫酸鹽監測儀則與人工採樣有相當好的相關性,至於RP 5400碳成份分析儀監測濃度嚴重低估。本年度持續彙整新的微粒監測技術,並針對設置超級測站的運轉,提出後續的規劃,希望超級測站能夠持續提供有效的監測數據。 Quality Assurance and Data Validation on Aerosol and Ozone precursor Monitoring from Supersite and Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMs) in 2005 and 2006 (a) PAMsThe objectives of the PAMS project are two fold, first to quality assure all the PAM stations and, second, to elucidate the ozone formation mechanism in seasonal high O3 area. After more than 3 years of operation experience the quality assurance plan as well as the standard operation procedure (SOP) have been designed and executed in the PAMS network deployed in central Taiwan and 4 years worth of data has been accumulated and quality controlled for data analysis. Monitoring data of 2005 has been examined for the relationship between meteorology and concentrations. It is found that strong inversion in fall augments the concentration by reducing the degree of mixing. Slower wind speed also facilitates the build-up of primary pollutants. Excellent correlation between ozone levels and ratios of ethylbenzene/xylene was observed for the summer months. Nevertheless, inconsistency between ratios and ozone levels was found for the fall months, suggesting there exists other ozone contributors that needs to be further explored. (b)SupersiteThis project performs monthly scheduled and bi-monthly random inspections on the maintenance and operation of Taiwan Aerosol Supersite (Supersite). In addition, half of the year instrument calibrations for sulfate, nitrate and aerosol size distribution, collocated instrument intercomparisons between automated and manual methods, data validation, and data classification, etc. are also included in this project.Different monitoring techniques were also intercompared between automated and manual methods this year. For aerosol mass concentration. In general, the results from manual collection were a little bit higher than the automated method. It was probably due to the higher temperature setting than ambient air in automated method to circumvent the interference from air moisture which would evaporate semi-volatile species in the collected aerosol.To provide effective monitoring data persistently, new aerosol monitoring techniques are updated and the future operation planning is also proposed in this year. 094 監資處 國立中央大學王家麟教授、李崇德教授 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4126
污染源鑑識之統計分析技術之建立 目前國內有一些地下水污染場址,其污染源未知或不明確,且對於找出污染者或污染源的方法,目前尚未有一套完整且詳盡的調查方法。本計畫利用三個多變量統計方法,包括主成分分析、區別分析、及群聚分析,針對環境檢驗所提供的檢測數據,進而評估其應用於污染案件產源追蹤之可行性。本報告係依據工作合約,於完成成果後,提送期末報告,計畫執行成果包括:1. 蒐集並分析國內外相關文獻資料2. 使用主成分分析、區別分析、群聚分析法及其他統計方法,利用環檢所提供之污染場址資料,評估其應用在污染特性分類及污染源鑑別之可行性,並加以比較各統計方法的優缺點3. 提出上述統計方法評析時所需之因子,如檢測項目、數量、檢測數據之準確度及精密度,並提出數據前處理之原則4. 選取國內三種地下水污染的案例資料,說明與比較上述統計方法在地下水污染調查之助益,以及可能帶來之偏差5. 根據上述案例研究的結果,提供利用環境統計工具進行分析時,所需要之監測項目及適用條件 6. 舉行教育訓練及技術轉移課程 The identification of contaminant source using statistical techniques There are many groundwater pollution events were reported and investigated in Taiwan within recent ten years. Yet, a serious problem involved in some of those pollution events is that the sources of pollution were not cleary identified. The purpose of this project is to analyze those groundwater sampling and analyzed data using multivariate statistical analysis, including principal components analysis, factor analysis, and cluster analysis and to explore the possible pollution sources and to assess the feasibility of these methods in goundwater source identification. The achievements of this project include:1. To review the related literatures.2. To assess the feasibility of principal components analysis, factor analysis, and cluster analysis for exploring the possible pollution sources, and compare the results of these methods.3. To provide the necessary information including the items, the quantity, the accuracy and the precision for detection data required in those statistical analyses, and to provide a guideline for the preprocess of the data.4. To explain their strengths and the liminations of those statistical methods in analyzing three groundwater pollution cases happened in Taiwan.5. To provide the necessary sampling items for the pollution source identification and the conditions for the use of these statistical methods.6. To give trainning courses and provide related data and documentation regading those statistical analyses in case studies. 094 環檢所 國立交通大學環境工程研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4124
我國環境服務業國際競爭力分析 本研究計畫之重點主要有兩部份,包括我國環境服務業之國際競爭力分析以及WTO貿易與環境相關議題最新發展趨勢掌握及我國之因應及立場研擬。研究結果顯示: 一、 推估之RCA指標顯示,目前中國大陸與東南亞各國中,除印度、泰國與新加坡之國際競爭力優於我國外,中國大陸、馬來西亞、印尼、越南以及菲律賓均不如我國。二、 迴歸結果顯示,台灣對東南亞各國的直接投資與環境服務業出口成長間呈顯著關係,因此加強東南亞國家投資應有利於環境服務業競爭力提升與發展;此外,台灣對香港與越南的直接投資,最能用來解釋台灣環境服務業出口值成長,為主要原因之一。三、 我國環境服務業競爭力綜合分數為57.6分,屬於「不佳」等級,其中相關產業支援性僅獲得9.4分,最不具競爭力;其次是生產要素指標僅獲得13.8分,均是未來提升環保服務業競爭力之努力方向;而管理與市場效率,獲得最高分(18.4分),是我國環境服務業競爭力的來源;若進一步檢視生產要素競爭力因素,本研究發現企業研發支出表現不佳是未來企業著力重點。 The International Competitiveness of Taiwan's Environmental Service Industry This research mainly includes the analysis of international competitiveness of Taiwan’s environmental service industry; report on WTO and environmental issues and trends, and the stance of our country and related strategy. This research reveals three main points as follows:(1) According to RCA index, Taiwan precedes Mainland China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines;while India, Singapore and Thailand are ahead of Taiwan.(2) The regression analysis shows the significant correlation between the direct investments on Southeast and the export expansion of environmental service industry. Cases of direct investments in Hong Kong and Vietnam are two most persuasive proofs to show the export expansion of Taiwan’s local environmental service industry. (3) The general score of Taiwan’s environmental service industry is 57.6, which ranks “poor.” Among the evaluations, the most disadvantaged part is the supporting of related industries, which scores only 9.4, and the index of production factors precedes above one, which scores only 13.8. Improving these two dimensions will be the main direction for advancing competitiveness of Taiwan’s environmental service industry. The management and marketing efficiency posits the highest rank for the mark of 18.4, apparently contributing to the competitiveness of Taiwan’s environmental service industry. By probing into the competitiveness of production factors, this research also discovers that future enterprises should make more efforts in order to improve the poor performance on R&D. 094 永續發展室 財團法人台灣經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4122
發行英文環保政策月刊 本計畫的目標是經由熟悉環保法規及政策人士等蒐集整理,將國內環保法規動態及未來政策趨勢加以彙整分析,並進一步採訪環保政策的參與者及執行者-環保署各業務處主管等-進行施政訪談,從人事變動,再談到預算編列及執行現況,讓政策的全貌浮現。並經專業之翻譯後,以英文的模式,藉平面雜誌之發行及張貼網路的方法,提供各界瞭解我國環保施政的便利管道,以宣揚我國環保施政之成果及普及環境政策。本計畫英文環保政策月刊之平面月刊發行:至本年度十二月份止,每期共發行1000份;在郵寄部分,國內寄發630份,國外寄發213份,合計共843份。電子月刊部分,共寄發798份。綜合平面及電子月刊部分,目前固定讀者已達1641位。 Environmental Policy Monthly By the promulgation of English periodicals, the project is to provide the trend of Taiwan's environmental protection policy for foreigners, minimizing barriers of foreign investment and also enhancing Taiwan’s capability. In addition, since many of environmental protection control measures play an important role in the international trade, the publication of the news monthly intends to give foreign companies relevant information about Taiwan's environmental protection regulations to comply with while still allowing companies making profits. To meet the aim of the project, the dynamics and policy trend of Taiwan’s environmental protection regulations are gathered, analyzed and translated by experts. English is used as the language in the news monthly. By utilization of papers and Internet website measures, this will provide a channel allowing all circles to understand the current situation of Taiwan environmental protection, and so as to publicize its achievement. 094 永續發展室 惠國顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4120
九十四年度資源回收再利用推動計畫 本計畫工作分為四個部分:(一)落實推動資源回收再利用:完成跨部會執行之資源回收再利用推動計畫93-94年之成果彙整,以及95-96之執行規劃、協助再生資源回收再利用促進委員會運作,並提供四件分析報告;(二)展現我國資源回收再利用成果:完成93年度資源再利用年報資料填報說明、彙集及編撰、94年度年報格式規劃及資料收集、彙編63-93年資源回收體系沿革相關資料,以及全國資源回收再利用資訊網之建制、維護及更新。(三)政府應優先採購推動研析:擬訂三個執行應優先採購採取之最適化方案、針對目前資源回收再利用法第22條之不足,以及實際執行之困難,提出四項修法具體建議、協助應優先採購項目批次公告項目及公告條文之法制作業;(四)規劃延長生產者責任及延長產品壽命相關制度及立法建議:完成國外EPR彙整報告、訂定碳粉匣回收再利用方案(一項獎勵性措施(政府優先採購),以及三種管制性措施)、提出國內資源回收雙軌式EPR制度─以改良現行運作體制為主,輔以業界可自主成立回收處理體系之彈性。 Project on Promoting the Recycling and Reuse of Resources in year 2005 This work project consists of the 4 main components listed below.1. The implementation of recycling and reuse of resources- compiling of achievements performed by the various government departments in their participation in the project of recycling and reuse of resource in the year 2003-2004 and project planning for the year 2005-2006.- assisting the functioning of the committee for the promotion of resource recycling and reuse and provided 4 analytical reports.2. Exhibition on the achievements of the recycling and reuse resources- Accomplishing data submission guidelines, compiling and editing of the 2004 yearbook.- Information collection and format drafting of the 2005 yearbook.- Compiling and editing of information concerning the development of the resource recycling system from year 1974 to 2004.- Establishing, maintaining and updating of the national resource recycling information website.3. Promotion of the government priority procurement of environmentally preferable products- Formulating 3 different working plans in overcoming the obstacles faced the existing priority procurement system.- Formulating 4 regulatory amendment suggestions to counter the insufficiency in the article 22 of the resources recycling act and difficulties in implementation.- Assisting the official announcement of the designated items of government priority procurement.4. Planning on the systems relating to the extended producer responsibility and extending product lifespan with legislating suggestions.- Compiling overseas reports on “Extended Producer Responsibility, EPR”- Establishing the working plan consisting one incentive and three restrictive measures for the recycling and reuse of printer cartridges.- Formulating the duals system for the recycling of domestic resources which focus mainly to improve the existing system, with the flexibility in assisting the private sectors in the establishing the recycling and treatment system. 094 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4172
94年度環保署委託計畫檢測數據品保查核計畫 1.完成委託計畫檢測數據品保查核、評鑑及數據資料查核30件,10件複查,完成率100%。2.舉辦品保座談會2次。3.輔導高雄縣及高雄市環保局委託計畫品保查核。4.完成提出品保規畫書內容項目及相關查核文件之修正建議,以及提出範本。(詳見期末報告附件八、附件九及附件十)5.完成有關本計畫之分析、統計等工作,詳列於工作計畫書中,並敘明預期成果與效益。6.定期(每月一次)召開內部協調、溝通、諮商會議10次。 94 Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Environmental data is very important in the policy-making process. EPA has contracted lots of projects for monitoring, collecting, and analyzing the environmental data. In order to obtain high quality data, series of control processes should be conducted including sampling, sample storage and handling, instrument calibrations and measurements and data processing.The primary goal of Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) is to ensure that all environmental data, derived by contracted project, are of sufficient quality to support the data"s intended use. An audit program is necessary to make sure that the quality of QAPP has been fulfilled. This project has been conducted to evaluate the data quality of EPA contracted projects.30EPA projects were audited for 33 times, including 10 re-audited projects. The first seminars were held on 4/6 at EPA , R.O.C 5F First Meeting room. The second seminars were held on 11/22 at International Conference Center, National Taiwan Normal University.One sample plan had been developed by using the format of USEPA 2002「Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans」. The goals of this project have been fulfilled after all. 094 環檢所 鑫聯網國際股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4170
地下水中揮發性有機物調查與評析 本計畫為因應土壤及地下水污染飲用水水質事件,及為更周全保障飲用水的安全,故急需檢討作為人使用地下水為飲用水水源時,其飲用水水質之揮發性有機物管制項目,並建議修訂之必要性的管制項目與合理管制標準,主要研究之項目包括:苯(Benzene)、1,2-二氯苯(1,2-Dichlorobenzene)、1,1-二氯乙烷(1,1-Dichloroethane)、1,1-二氯乙烯(1,1-Dichloroethylene)、1,2-二氯丙烷(1,2-Dichloropropane)、乙苯(ethyl benzene)、甲基第三丁基醚【Methyl-butyl ether (MTBE)】、四氯乙烯(Tetrachloroethylene)、甲苯(Toluene)、三氯乙烯(Trichloroethene)、順-1,2二氯乙烯(Cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene)、苯乙烯(Styrene)、氯乙烯(Vinyl chloride)、二甲苯(Xylenes, total)等14種標準性有機物。本計畫已彙整世界衛生組織、歐盟、美、日、英、澳、加國家地下水中揮發性有機物管制現況,及國內污染場址中及周界地下水,及鄰近之其他水源中揮發性有機物流布資料。並已針對國內9處污染場址鄰近民井地下水以及鄰近之5處自來水、10處簡易自來水水源中揮發性有機物進行流布資料,執行完成71個水樣中14種揮發性有機物檢驗工作。流布調查成果發現,部分污染場址鄰近非供人飲用民井部分水樣確有揮發性有機物之存在,而在45個自來水淨水廠及簡易自來水設施水樣中,僅3個測得揮發性有機物之樣品,而其檢測值遠低於我國現行地下水污染管制標準或美國環保署之飲用水水質標準。在所有樣品中,共60個水樣所有14種揮發性有機物檢測值低於偵測方法極限。本計畫並已彙編與評析完成14種飲用水中揮發性有機物管制項目之影響健康毒理等基本資料。並邀集學者專家及業界代表完成三次研商會,對增列飲用水中揮發性有機物管制項目可行性,及研擬地下水中揮發性有機物具體管制策略,進行充分討論。本計畫使用「多介質環境污染評估系統」套裝軟體計算地下水中揮發性有機物之健康風險,對標的有揮發性有機物進行致癌及非致癌性分析。綜合風險評估成果與現有毒理資料,並考量國內檢測方法已公布,供水業者也可負擔檢測成本的情形下,考量部分揮發性有機物國內用量極大,且污染場址中曾有測得其分布,並曾發生非法棄置或洩漏污染飲用水案件等種種因素考量之後,本計畫依我國地下水污染管制標準、世界衛生組織、美、日、澳等標準,建議飲水中增加四氯乙烯、二氯甲烷、甲苯、乙苯、順、反1,2-二氯乙烷等 6種揮發性有機物管制優先列管,另有8種揮發性有機物管制建議未來分階段逐步列管。在管制策略方面,建議於污染飲用水事件發生時。於可能受影響地區加強監測,以保障民眾健康及去除疑慮。平日一般淨水廠則無須監測,以節省水廠成本。而飲用水井管理方面,則加強宣導及查察,並參考日本的制度進行公告及管理。本計畫亦建議比照美國及日本作法精神,於檢討中及可能列管之有機物進行背景監測調查。 Investigation and Evaluation of Groundwater Volatile Organic Compounds To manage risks form soil and groundwater pollution incidents, and to enhance drinking water protection, this project evaluate the necessity for 14 volatile organic compounds (VOC) to be regulated or to be re-evaluated in ROC drinking water regulations in groundwater served as drinking water sources. Studied volatile organic compounds included Benzene, 1,2-Dichlorobenzene, 1,1-Dichloroethane, 1,1-Dichloroethylene, 1,2-Dichloropropane, ethyl benzene, Methyl-butyl ether (MTBE), Tetrachloroethene, Toluene, Trichloroethylene, Cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene, Styrene, Vinyl chloride and total Xylenes. For VOC, this study summarized drinking water protection measures and maximum contaminant levels of WHO, EU, USA, UK, Japan, Australia, and Canada. In addition, historical data for domestic VOC investigation in contaminant sites were also reviewed. To establish background information for current domestic VOC distribution, this study measured 14 VOC’s concentrations of 71 samples from 9 wells within or neighboring contaminant sites, 5 major drinking water treatment facilities and 10 on-site drinking water treatment facilities. VOCs were found existed in ground water samples from certain wells, for non-drinking water supply, within or neighboring contaminant sites. In 45 samples from 5 major drinking water treatment facilities and 10 on-site drinking water treatment facilities, very low concentrations of VOC’s were detected in just three samples, in addition, the above detected concentrations were barely above detection limit and much lower than USEPA or other existed guideline values. Overall, the detected values of 60 samples were below detection limits for studied VOC’s.In combination with risk analysis conducted in this study, we recommended to regulate 6 VOC’s, including tetrachloroethylene, ethyl benzene, toluene, trans and cis-1,2-dichloro ethylene, according to guideline values of WHO, USEPA, Australia and Japan. This study also suggested regulation for eight other VOC’s in next phase for near future. 094 毒管處 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4168
推動我國產業環境會計制度(94年度)計畫 本計畫係延續環保署過去在環境會計努力的推動,其內容分為兩大主軸,包含研究規劃及宣傳輔導,以期廣泛及深入的研究及推廣環境會計制度,營造實施環境。本計畫完成以下九項工作。<br>  第一項工作為維護更新環保署「環境會計制度」網站:「環境會計制度」網站係於92年建置,為使用者提供一良好溝通平台,將本(94)年蒐集資料及工作成果上網更新,包括數則國內外案例,並提供諮詢服務。<br>  第二項工作為舉辦四場環境會計制度研習會:參加人數計246人,平均每場約62人,超過預計目標。研習會講授內容包括環境會計制度介紹、內容、架構、效益、如何獲得高階主管支持之方法、如何建置並達成企業需求。此外,並就已建置環境會計制度的廠商進行實地的參訪。透過研習會,一方面對環境會計產生宣導的效果,另一方面也同時瞭解廠商之意見,以作為後續推動環境會計制度之參考。<br>  第三項工作為舉辦一場環境會計制度成果觀摩會:參加人數70人,超過預計目標。內容包括已實施環境會計制度廠商(中油公司等)簡報建置推行環境會計之過程,以分享經驗及成果。<br>  第四項工作為印製環境會計制度宣傳小手冊3,500份:手冊內容包括環境會計之意義、功能、範疇、架構、國際與國內現況、未來發展與實際案例等之介紹與說明,並將印製完成之宣導手冊寄送於各產業工會、會計師公會及其他相關企業或專業團體,以擴大宣導環境會計制度。<br>  第五項工作為輔導試行環境會計制度,並追蹤檢討上(93)年度試行廠商:本計畫原規劃以環保科技園區之廠商作為優先輔導選擇對象,惟因目前進駐環保科技園區廠商不多,且多在成立階段,故納入未來考量。本年除選一家製造業(士林電機公司)為輔導對象外,鑑於不同行業特性,環境會計制度也會隨之變更,故本年先擇杏一醫療用品公司為輔導對象,做為未來零售服務業實施之參考。此外,並對93年輔導廠商﹙尚志半導體、穎西工業﹚追&#36394;調查,以重新檢視現行制度並予以改進。<br>  第六項工作為蒐集國內外環境會計制度發展現況及相關法令規範:目前環境會計制度發展及法令最完整的國家為日本,從環境會計草案(Draft)、綱領(Guideline)到配套措施法令(Law)都有完整的文件,本研究已搜集2005年日本環境省公布之法律,對國內未來發展環境會計相關法令提供重要之參考。<br>  第七項工作為針對2家已配合政府機關(如環保署、經濟部工業局等)進行相關CO2盤查或減量計畫之廠商,進行環境成本因素評估及試算:本項工作經與台電公司、旺宏電子、永光化學等三家已實施溫室氣體盤查企業作個別研討,並研究國內目前溫室氣體盤查相關文獻,建立環境會計與溫室氣體排放之關聯模式之可行性。<br>  第八項工作為研(修)訂環境會計作業內容:完成新增商業(批發零售業)環境分類項目及相關作業程序、新增環境資產及負債之定義及內涵、新增企業環境報告書編製原則、範圍等作業方式及研訂環境財務績效指標評量方法。<br>  第九項工作為提出本年度工作檢討,並評估後續推動方法與事項。本研究已對今年度所執行的工作提出評估及檢討,也研擬未來後續的推動方法,以供環保署參考,共提出八點結論與建議,希望透過這些努力,使得環境會計制度未來的發展更加廣泛及順利。 Promote & Develop of Industry Environment Accounting System(2005) The Environment Protection Administration started a three years project- Research of Establishing the Industry Environmental Accounting System in Country from year 2000 to 2002. The architecture of this system is accomplished in year 2002. In year 2003 and 2004 the project focus is to expand the plan gist from establishment to promotion. Therefore the content of this project has promotion activities and also the continuing consultant activities for industry trial run the system.<br>  The effectiveness of agreement in Kyoto City and the Government policy for Environment protection activities is information open to public and all citizen participation. Therefore the administration project in year 2005 is not only to continue the environment protection promotion and propagation, but also to expand the content of Environmental Accounting from system construction to application. That is for the purpose of completeness of content and value of management application of this Environmental Accounting system. 094 統計室 國立交通大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4166
空氣品質預報與中解析度影像接收系統維護及資料分析 本計畫針對台灣地區的空氣品質之例行性預報作業進行方法之研發與改進,並提供作業上必要的協助。工作包括:維護現有「空氣品質預報輔助系統」,更新系統資料庫,以利每日進行次日空氣品質預報作業。配合本署東亞沙塵影響台灣地區之預報作業,進行東亞沙塵起沙及傳輸預報模擬,綜合預報模式與氣象預報之結果,推估沙塵侵台時間、影響範圍及濃度分布狀況,對可能侵台的東亞沙塵事件提供24至48小時之預警。同時也協助發展空氣品質動力預報模式,以模擬包括生質燃燒等等本土以及外來空氣污染物濃度,提供24至48小時預測,以輔助例行性空氣品質預報作業。同時利用本年度高污染事件之空氣品質(PSI>100)資料分析,以及環保署逆溫儀所得之觀測資料,以瞭解邊界層大氣穩定度與污染物濃度之關係,作為預報改進之參考依據。本年度研究颱風與高污染事件之相關性,初步分析觀測資料,並利用動力化學模式模擬個案並分析討論。同時應用動力化學模式預報模式結果以及逆溫儀觀測資料改善客觀預報法內之統計迴歸法。本計畫也負責環保署MODIS衛星資料接收系統之維護與保固,確保相關影像產品之例行性輸出,並應用影像產品於輔助空氣品質預報作業與結果驗證。 Development and verification of forecasting models for air quality and maintenance of the MODIS data receiving system and data utilization In this project, we provide technology development and support for the routine forecast of air quality and ultraviolet intensity over the Taiwan area. The main tasks are: (1) Provide hardware and software maintenance of EPA’s “Air Quality Forecast Auxiliary System” and update relevant database in order to facilitate the operation of daily forecast of air quality; (2) Perform daily simulation of atmospheric dust deflation and transport from East Asia to the Taiwan area, predict the arrival time, duration, concentration and extent of dust incursion so as to provide a 48-hr advance notice; (3) Develop a dynamic air quality model to provide simulations of local and foreign air pollutants including those from biomass burning, provide 24 to 48 hr forecasts to assist routine operation of air quality forecasts; (4) Analyze observational data of air pollution episodes as well as boundary layer temperature profiler data, understand the relationship between atmospheric stability so as to help the improvement of air quality forecasts; (5)Analyze observational data of air pollution episodes and use the air pollution model output to research the relationship with typhoon and air pollution episodes; (6) Utilize the temperature profiler data and the air pollution model output to improve the statistical forecasting of daily air pollution; (7) Provide hardware and software maintenance of EPA’s “MODIS” data system and the production of daily image product, as well as utilize the staellite data in improving air pollution forecast and for result vefirications. 094 監資處 國立台灣大學 大氣科學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4164
環境水質採樣監測檢驗室品保查核計畫 為配合環保署監資處規劃推動之「北、中、南三區環境水質監測計畫」,環境分析學會受委託執行本「環境水質採樣監測檢驗室品保查核計畫」,針對實際參與環境水質監測計畫之實驗室進行品保系統及檢測能力(績效)的查核,以確保其所提供之監測數據與資料的正確性與公信力,俾可作為環保署政策制定的參考依據。本計畫已依甄選須知及合約之相關規定完成下述主要工作:1.完成三區承包商品保規畫書之審查並依修正結果進行後續之追&#36394;及查核工作。2.完成三區承包商部分標準作業程序之審查並提出初步建議。3.完成數據品質目標擬訂。4.採用無預警方式完成38次實驗室查核,並進行原始數據審查。5.採用無預警方式完成72次採樣現場查核及9口監測井維護防護,並進行相關記錄審查。6.完成4次盲樣測試及水庫比對測試。7.完成12名種子查核員之訓練。8.完成監測井採樣錄影帶拍攝。9.進行微量重金屬分析技術輔導並比較低污染與傳統採樣技術之差異。10.完成河川溶解性及總重金屬之比較。藉著現場查核及數據審查,提出相關意見供檢驗室採樣及檢測工作改進之參考,經由後續之查核結果,發現在採樣現場技術性缺失減少,檢驗室數據審查技術提升,今年各項目之方法偵測極限亦有相當程度之降低,惟由盲樣測試結果顯示,如欲符合環境低濃度樣品之特性及品質要求,檢驗室之人員訓練、內部查核、缺失改善相關措施及微量重金屬分析之技術、設備均有相當多之改善空間,尤其以品管樣品符合度作為唯一品質要求之觀念更應作大幅度之修正。 quality assurance audit project The purpose of the water quality monitoring project, which is conducted by Bureau of Environmental Monitoring and Data Processing of EPA, is to collect surface water quality data needed for water quality assessments. In order to ensure the data quality collected by those environmental testing laboratories are reconciled to original purpose, this “Data quality assurance project plan” is conducted to verify, by examination and evaluation of objective evidence, that applicable elements of the quality system are appropriate and have been developed, documented, and effectively implemented in accordance and in conjunction with specified requirements requested by the monitoring project.The purpose of this QAPP is mainly to clearly delineate EPA QA policy, management structure, and procedures which will be used to implement the QA requirements necessary to document the reliability and validity of environmental data. An audit program including sampling, analytical performance, blind sample and data audit has conducted to evaluate the data quality of those environmental testing laboratories and to make sure that the quality of original objectives has been fulfilled. In order to provide opportunity for give-and-take, several seminars and symposiums about audit results, sampling and analytical techniques were held and opened to all participants of the monitoring project. The present project has fulfilled all of the assigned works in 11 months. In this report, the inadvisable and inevitable cause of shortcomings about QA implementation are discussed and some suggestions are also made. 094 環檢所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4162
環境污染物指紋資料庫之建置 本年度為環境污染物指紋資料庫建置三年計畫(93~95)之第二年,本計畫係定位為上位之管理計畫,進行與本計畫相關委辦計畫進度管理與規劃修正事宜。目的在協助有效管理與整合指紋資料庫建置計畫之分項與子項計畫的執行成果,並完成署內指紋相關委辦計畫資料建置的執行與成果整合。本年度計畫之工作內容,以協助環檢所建立行業指紋建置相關之作業程序、93~94年度環檢所委辦計畫以及91~92年度環保署相關委辦計畫之指紋資料審查與彙整工作為主。同時,協助執行資料庫整合及維護案單位修改軟體。並協助及指導環保單位利用「環保署指紋資料庫」追查不明廢棄物污染源。本計畫執行成果(1)修訂/建立指紋建置相關之作業程序/準則包括指紋建置工作規劃、指紋分級原則、工作規劃執行成果評估等。(2)彙整完成91~92年環保署相關委辦計畫之144件樣品指紋資料。(3)逐筆審查/評估93年度建置完成之7種行業廢棄物指紋資料。(4)查驗執行中子項計畫品質及審查本年度建置完成之6種行業廢棄物樣品之指紋資料(5)協助環檢所針對兩起非法棄置案利用指紋鑑定技術及資料庫追查廢棄物產源。 The Establishment of the Fingerprinting Database for the Environmental Pollutants This project is defined as an upper management project that is in charge of the revision of the management and plan of the other fingerprint-related projects contracted by Taiwan EPA.The goal of this project is to assist the effective management and synergism of the accomplishments of the other fingerprint-related projects contracted by Taiwan EPA. The content of this project is to help Environmental Analysis Laboratory (EAL) of Taiwan EPA to establish (1) the operation procedure of the fingerprint establishment and application for Environmental Pollutants of different industrial sectors; (2) the data review, collection and classification of the projects contracted by EAL of Taiwan EPA from 2004 to 2006; (3) the data review, collection and classification of the projects contracted by Taiwan EPA from 2002 to 2003; (4) to assist the use, maintenance, and software revision of the fingerprinting database; (5) to assist the environmental agencies how to use this fingerprinting database to identify the origin of the illegal dumping of the wastes. The accomplishments of this project include: (1) revision and establishment of the fingerprints of the related operation procedures and guidelines includes the project plans of the fingerprint’s establishment and application, the principle for grading the fingerprints, the evaluation of the project plan,etc; (2) to collect and classify the fingerprint’s information of 144 samples of the contracted projects of Taiwan EPA from 2002 t0 2003; (3) to review and evaluate the establishment and application of the fingerprinting information of the 7 industrial sectors of 2004; (4) to audit the fingerprinting information of the wastes of 6 industrial sectors of fingerprint-related projects contracted by Taiwan EPA of 2005; (5) to assist EAL of Taiwan EPA to use the fingerprinting technology and this established fingerprinting database to identify the origin of two real case studies of the illegal dumping of wastes. 094 環檢所 工研院環安中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4160
工業園區環境(污泥及河川底泥)中特殊污染物調查分析研究 依據環保署92年度委辦「環境污染物指紋建檔綱要計畫」規劃內容,環保署擬以三年期間(93年至95年),逐步建立國內主要事業別有害事業廢棄物指紋成分資料檔,並發展為環境污染物指紋檢索系統,以便日後能協助環保署及全國各縣市環保單位稽查鑑定非法棄置事業廢棄物的來源。本計畫的工作內容主要是廢棄物特性與化學組成之指紋建置。在行業廢棄物特性與化學組成指紋建置方面,本計畫以環保署廢管處管制中心(Industrial Waste Control Center)清理計畫書為主,收集彙整國內皮革及皮毛整治業、合成樹脂及塑膠製造業及合成橡膠製造業廠家之原物料、製程、污染防制設施、廢棄物產生種類和數量等資料,篩選具代表性之皮革及皮毛整治業、合成樹脂及塑膠製造業及合成橡膠製造業相關製程廠家共29家,採集60件樣品,依上位計畫的規劃流程完成檢測工作,將檢測結果鍵入環境指紋資料庫,並完成皮革及皮毛整治業、合成樹脂及塑膠製造業及合成橡膠製造業產製程之廢棄物指紋採證,特性及化學組成指紋評析報告。結果顯示各行業不同產品製程所產生之廢棄物間其組成特性不盡相同,可區分其間之差異性。 The Study of Industrial park area environment (sludge and river sediment) special pollutants Investigation According to the“To Establish the Plan Structure of Environmental Pollutants Fingerprints Database System Project”which was contracted by Taiwan EPA in 2003, Taiwan EPA has planned to stepwise establish the fingerprinting database from 2004 to 2006 for Taiwan’s major industrial sectors. This fingerprinting database will be developed to be the fingerprint’s searching system of environmental pollutants and will be used to assist Taiwan EPA and local (county or city) environmental agencies to identify the origin of the illegal dumping of the wastes.The content of this project is mainly to establish the fingerprints of the characteristics and chemical compositions of the wastes. The fingerprint’s establishment of the characteristics and chemical compositions of the wastes will be mainly based on the cleaning project documents of the Industrial Waste Control Center of Taiwan EPA. This project will (1)collect the information of the raw materials, processes, pollution control facilities, the categories and quantities of the wastes; (2)screen 29 factories of the representative processes and factories of Leather and Fur Manufacturing Industry, Synthetic Resins and plastics Manufacturing Industry, Synthetic Rubbers Manufacturing Industry; (3)complete the sampling of 60 samples; (4)complete the analysis of these samples with the procedures that are regulated by“The Establishment of the Fingerprinting Database for the Environmental Pollutants Project”(5)key-in the analysis data into the Fingerprinting Database; (6)complete an evaluation report about the fingerprints, characteristics and chemical compositions of the wastes for Leather and Fur Manufacturing Industry, Synthetic Resins and Plastics Manufacturing Industry, Synthetic Rubbers Manufacturing Industry. 094 環檢所 工研院環安中心陸瑩 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4158
檢討研修固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準及可行性評估計畫 固定源排放標準自八十一年四月十日發布以來,雖然歷經多次的小幅修正,其數值與架構並未有大幅的檢討及修正。因應各項檢測與申報數據資料庫漸趨完整,污染源防制技術趨於成熟,廠商及民眾的環保觀念及水準逐年提昇,實應檢討修正固定源排放標準。本計畫為檢討過去固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準的合理性與適切性,並參照國內外數據資料研提標準的修訂草案,進行研提草案對業界造成的衝擊與可行性評估,將做為政策擬訂與專家會議之內容之外,也是面對業界公開說明會的佐證資料。對於硫氧化物、氮氧化物及粒狀污染物排放標準之修訂建議如下:(一)硫氧化物,液體燃料的濃度主要受到燃料含硫份的影響,建議含硫份限值為0.5%,並取消誤差值的規定,對應的排放標準則為250ppm。(二)氮氧化物排放管道排放標準依據設立日期及縣市別而有既存及新設標準。隨著燃料含硫份的統一,建議氮氧化物排放標準統一調整為新設標準。(三)粒狀污染物排放標準為排氣量的函數,較為複雜,而國情較為接近的日本及韓國採用排氣量級距,單一數值標準的作法。專家學者座談會中,委員建議採用韓國1999年排放標準。排氣量大於100Nm3/min者,排放標準為50mg/Nm3;排氣量小於100 Nm3/min者,排放標準為150mg/Nm3。 The Review of the Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard The Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard has promulgated since April 10, 1992. The emission standard and control guidelines had only little modified during those years. Based on the completeness of stack test and inventory of emission database, the maturity of technology of pollution control technology and the enhancement of the environmental concepts from industrials and public. It is necessary to revise the Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard.The objectives of this project are to review the existing Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard, to collect the Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard of the other country, to formulate the drafted newly Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard and to evaluate the impact of the drafted new Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard. The suggestion of the newly Stationary Pollutant Emission Standard for SOx, NOx and particulate are as follows:The SOx concentration is influenced by the sulfur content of fuel. It was recommended that the sulfur content should not exceeded 0.5% and eliminated the guideline of error value.The existing of NOx standard had distinguished between the existing and newly installed facilities. According to the same baseline of sulfur content of fuel in the near future, it is recommended that all of the emission standard should adopted to the newly installed. The existing particulate standard was calculated by different exhaust volume. It is recommended that the emission standards of particulate will be referred that the exhaust volume exceeds 100Nm3/min, the standards will be 50mg/Nm3; the exhaust volume is smaller than 100 Nm3/min, the standards will be 150mg/Nm3. (based on Korea’s guideline) 094 空保處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4156
居家環境資訊系統開發專案 居家環境資訊系統開發專案主要由六大項工作組成,分別為『建置居家環境地理資訊系統』、『環境共用地理資料庫相關作業』、『環境資料庫查詢系統維護及更新』、『持續整合資料至環境資料庫』、『資料品質控管作業』、以及『技術移轉、駐署人力作業、以及其他配合協助作業』,專案重點摘要如下:(一)建置居家環境地理資訊系統結合環保署已建置的環境資料,整合開發Web版的環境資訊系統查詢入口。本系統建置成果分為下列四部分:建置環境資訊系統入口網、地圖查詢居家附近環境資訊子系統、用行政區查詢居家附近環境資訊子系統、以及購屋篩選居家附近環境資訊子系統。(二)環境共用地理資料庫相關作業本團隊已完成環境共用地理資料庫圖資分類規劃及歸類作業、環境共用地理資料庫資料調閱系統功能增修、開發地理資訊圖資管理系統三大項作業。(三)環境資料庫查詢系統維護及更新更新環境資料庫查詢系統十二項功能,並改寫直接取用環境地理資料庫圖資。而在資料整合部分,環境資料庫約有1200萬筆(本年度新增約220萬筆)。規劃系統與資料庫備份及復原機制作業,並協助環保署完成十台電腦主機之作業環境均改為Windows 2003,並重新整理主機內之系統以及資料庫。(四)持續整合資料至環境資料庫依評選須知,需匯入五個主題資料,本團隊已實體匯入十個主題資料,並開發對應的查詢系統。(五)資料品質控管作業資料品質控管作業包括共用地理圖資新增及檢核作業(勤崴電子地圖的更新、以及十項點位資料檢核作業)、污染源場(廠)所座標與所在鄉鎮檢核作業、以及1500筆環境資訊資源資料(詮釋資料)補登作業。(六)技術移轉、駐署人力作業、以及其他配合協助作業訂定空氣污染、水體水質、環境用藥資料三套資料標準格式,提供資料來源的業務單位將資料依標準格式匯出後,交付環境資料庫進行資料整合作業。在得到監資處許可下,協助產出環保署其他業務處執行專案時所需之地理圖資。另辦理二場不同主題的技術轉移訓練;並完成二位資訊專業人員派駐環保署,在監資處督導下,協助署內進行程式開發作業以及各類資料匯入工作。 Living environmental information construction using Geographic Information Systems The Environmental Information System Data Exchange and Supply Operation Project consists 6 major tasks, namely “Establishment of living environment information system”, “Environment shared geographic database operation”, “Maintenance and update of environment database enquiry system”, “Continuing to integrate information into the environment database in current year (2005)”, “Information quality control operation”, and “Technology transfer, deployment of manpower and other assistance coordination”. The project’s key achievements are summarized below:1. Establishment of living environment information system 2. Environment shared geographic database operation3. Maintenance and update of environment database enquiry system4. Continuing to integrate information into the environment database5. Information quality control operation6. Technology transfer, deployment of manpower and other assistance coordination 094 監資處 千一資訊有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4154
94年度環境保護服務業狀況調查 環保署為瞭解環保服務業發展現況以作為後續研擬訂定輔導政策參據,於94年2月25日至10月15日辦理本調查,計畫經費計新台幣玖拾萬元整。本調查旨在建立環境保護服務業基本服務能量及業務狀況統計資料,並分析環保服務業所提供之服務能量、財務營運、管理等現況及發展趨勢,作為未來擬訂環保服務業發展政策與輔導措施之依據。<br> 調查範圍以全國於民國93年底前經主管機關核准登錄有案之病媒防治業、廢棄物清除處理業、資源回收業、廢(污)水處理業、環境檢測服務業、環境(工程)顧問業、其他環境衛生及污染防治服務業,為調查對象,採郵寄問卷全查方式辦理。<br> 調查內容為上述環保服務業7個業別之93年經營概況、員工概況、各項收入、各項支出、資產價值、使用電腦設備或運用電子商務行為及經營瓶頸等項目。共寄出2,728份問卷,回收1,944份有效問卷,回收率為71.3%。其中,病媒防治業回收308家;廢棄物清除處理機構回收969家;資源回收業回收424家;廢(污)水處理業回收170家;環境檢測服務業回收69家;環境(工程)顧問業回收127家;其他環境衛生及污染防治服務業回收272家。並且針對7個業別分別做未回卷之調整。<br> 經過調查結果之統計分析後獲得以下重要結論:<br> 一、以小型經營規模之民營企業為主<br> 環保服務業以小型經營規模為主;93年底各行業別之受雇員工人數24人以下企業均占六成九以上;環保服務業平均每企業受雇員工人數為9.5人,其中以環境檢測定機構平均每企業受雇員工23.8人最多,屬勞力密集產業;環境(工程)顧問業15.5人次之。<br> </p><p style="word-spacing: 0; line-height: 150%; margin-top: 10; margin-bottom: 10" align="justify">二、93年底受雇員工2萬4,006人,較上(92)年底增加11.2%<br> 93年底環保服務業受雇員工人數為2萬4,006人;按各行業別觀察,以廢棄物清除處理業8,673人(占36.1%)居首;其他環境衛生及污染防治服務業4,553人(占19.0%)次之;環境(工程)顧問業2,710人(占11.3%)再次之;廢(污)水處理業1,009人(占4.2%)最少。<br> </p><p style="word-spacing: 0; line-height: 150%; margin-top: 10; margin-bottom: 10" align="justify">三、環保服務業93年收入總額為711億9,803萬元,全年支出總額為315億9,075萬元,整體利潤率為18.6%<br> 環保服務業全年收入總額為711億9,803萬元;就行業別觀察,以資源回收業302億9,301萬元(占42.5%)最多,病媒防治業14億4,715萬元(占2.0%)最少。<br> 93年支出總額315億9,075萬元,以廢棄物清除處理業129億3,671萬元(占41.0%)最多,資源回收業93億8,967萬元(占29.7%)居次,病媒防治業8億6,513萬元(占2.7%)最少。<br> 93年環保服務業整體利潤率為18.6%,其中以病媒防治業利潤率27.5%最高,廢棄物清除處理業19.1%次之。<br> </p><p style="word-spacing: 0; line-height: 150%; margin-top: 10; margin-bottom: 10" align="justify">四、93年環保服務業整體產值526.7億元,以廢棄物清除處理業230.2億元(占四成四)最多<br> 93年環保服務業整體產值526億6,692萬元,按各行業別觀察,以廢棄物清除處理業230億2,243萬元(占環保服務業43.7%)最多,資源回收業191億3,507萬元(占36.3%)次之;反之,病媒防治業9億6,064萬元(占1.8%)最低。<br> </p><p style="word-spacing: 0; line-height: 150%; margin-top: 10; margin-bottom: 10" align="justify">五、三成六環保服務業者認為93年營運狀況較92年衰退,三成一認為沒有改變,二成九認為成長<br> 93年與上(92)年比較,有35.7%的環保服務業業者認為衰退,31.2%認為沒有改變,僅28.7%認為成長。認為營運狀況成長的企業中,有62.8%企業的成長幅度在10%以下;認為營運狀況衰退企業中,有45.1%企業的衰退幅度在20%及以上。<br> </p><p style="word-spacing: 0; line-height: 150%; margin-top: 10; margin-bottom: 10" align="justify">六、員工訓練支出與研究及開發支出仍普遍偏低<br> 環保服務業在員工訓練支出與研究及開發支出占營業支出及支出總額皆不到1%,顯示環保服務業在員工訓練與研究及開發等方面的發展仍屬萌芽階段。<br> 就業別觀察,「員工訓練支出」以廢(污)水處理業、其他環境衛生及污染防治服務業及病媒防治業者投入較多;「研究及開發支出」以廢(污)水處理業及環境檢驗測定業投入較多。<br></p><p style="word-spacing: 0; line-height: 150%; margin-top: 10; margin-bottom: 10" align="justify">七、環保服務業最困難的經營瓶頸為「市場及業務開拓」<br> 環保服務業在經營上面臨的主要瓶頸以「市場及業務開拓」困難壓力最大,其次為法規配合,再其次依序為人才培訓、技術研發、土地取得、資金融通、技術應用、技術移轉、產業市場資訊建立及技術資訊建立。<br> </p><p style="word-spacing: 0; line-height: 150%; margin-top: 10; margin-bottom: 10" align="justify">八、三成環保服務業者預期其94年營運狀況較93年成長;認為成長的主要原因為「公司經營體質改善,並加強營運管理」<br> 30.3%環保服務業者主觀預期其94年較93年營運將成長(成長幅度為未滿10%及以下者20.4%,10%~未滿20%者4.5%,20%以上者2.6%)。<br> 94年環保服務業之營運狀況預期會成長的主要原因為「公司經營體質改善,並加強營運管理」,其次依序為「國內經濟景氣好轉」、「國內市場尚未飽和」及「引進新技術」。<br> </p><p style="word-spacing: 0; line-height: 150%; margin-top: 10; margin-bottom: 10" align="justify">九、三成七環保服務業者預期其94年營運狀況較93年衰退;認為衰退的主要原因為「業者削價競爭,相對減少顧客需求」,因削價競爭可能致使服務品質(如檢測數據)降低<br> 36.9%環保服務業者主觀預期其94年較93年營運將衰退(衰退幅度為未滿10%及以下者16.9%,10%~未滿20%者6.3%,20%以上者9.1%)。<br> 94年環保服務業之營運狀況預期會衰退的主要原因為「業者削價競爭,相對減少顧客需求」,業者認為在削價競爭下,可能致使服務品質(如檢測數據)降低,在市場需求變小及削價競爭雙重壓力下,使服務品質好的業者生存空間變小許多。<br> </p><p style="word-spacing: 0; line-height: 150%; margin-top: 10; margin-bottom: 10" align="justify">十、六成五的環保服務業者認為加入WTO對環保服務業的影響不大或完全沒有影響<br> 65.3%的環保服務業者認為我國加入WTO對環保服務業營運衝擊的影響不大或完全沒有影響(影響不大51.3%、完全沒有影響14.0%),僅28.2%的業者認為加入WTO對環保服務業的衝擊甚大,其中以環境檢測服務業及病媒防治業者認為衝擊甚大的比例(33.3%及31.72%)較其他業別高。<br> The Environmental Protection Service Industry Survey, 2005 The Environmental Protection Administration held this survey during Feb. 25, 2005 to Oct. 15, 2005 in order to learn the current development of the industry and to obtain reference material for the use of further policy making. The range of the survey objects included, nationwide, the pathogen controlling services, waste disposing and collecting services, resource recovery services, wastewater (sewage) treatment services, environment test services, environment (engineering) consultation services, and other sanitary and pollution controlling services which were authorized by and registered at the administration authority before late 2004. 2,728 questionnaires were issued, the return ratio was 71.3%.&nbsp;<br> The substantial conclusions obtained after the statistical analysis of the survey results include: Small private enterprises mainly. More than 69% of the relevant services employed less than 24 employees in late 2004. The average employee number of a single enterprise was 9.5. 24,006 employees in late 2004, 11.2% more than in 2003. The waste disposing and collecting services were in first place with an employee number of 8,673 people, i.e. 36.1%.&nbsp;</p> <p style="word-spacing: 0; line-height: 150%; margin-top: 10; margin-bottom: 10" align="justify"> The environmental protection industry in 2004 had a total revenue of NTD $71.2 billion; total expenditure of NTD $31.6 billion; and net profit margin rate was 18.6%. The production value of the whole environmental protection industry in 2004 was NTD $52.7 billion. The waste disposing and collecting services had the highest of NTD $23.0 billion, i.e. 44%. 36% of the enterprises in the environmental protection industry considered their operations worse in 2004 than in 2003; 29% considered them better. Expenditures for employee training and research and development in the whole environmental protection industry consisted of less than 1% of either the operation expenditures or the total expenditures. 30% of the enterprises in the environmental protection industry expected to have business growth in 2005. <br></p> 094 統計室 全國意向顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4152
地下水污染擴散模式建立之研究 計畫之目的即為根據現場地質鑽探資料、水文地質分析及地下水檢測結果,利用三維地下水污染傳輸模式,模擬評估污染物於地下水系統中之可能傳輸情形及未來分布狀況,據以建立地下水污染源鑑定方式、評估場址污染之危害性及因應之整治方案,並以實例驗證其應用於地下水污染案件產源追蹤之可行性,期能達到保護水資源之目的。本計畫利用三維地下水污染傳輸模式,建立地下水污染源鑑定程序,以國內地下水污染實際案例驗證其應用於地下水污染來源追蹤之可行性。並建立地下水污染傳輸模式之使用手冊及地下水污染源鑑定之標準操作程序手冊及辦理相關教育訓練與技術轉移。主要工作包括收集相關文獻資料、發展地下水污染擴散模式之應用程序、建立地下水污染物來源之追蹤程序、完成三個實際污染案之污染源追蹤與提供傳輸模式使用手冊與地下水污染源鑑定之標準操作程序手冊。 Apply groundwater flow and contaminant transport models to optimize the identification of the pollution source and release history The purpose of this project is to develop a methodology to optimized identify the groundwater pollution source and contaminant release history. To achieve this main goal, groundwater flow and contaminant transport models are used to forward simulate pollution transport underground in the beginning; and together with an optimization method, the inverse problem are solved by repeating solving the forward problem with different parameters, source locations, and release history.Several works had been down, including: related paper review and report collection, establish the procedure to assess groundwater models, create an optimization model to identify the pollution source and contaminant history, apply the source identification method to real pollution cases to prove its practicability. In the end, the standard operation procedure for source identification is given for further application in soil and groundwater remediation and environment protection. 094 環檢所 國立台灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4150
海岸重大計畫對於生態環境衝擊關聯性之研析專案工作計畫 為釐清國家建設計畫與海域生態環境之關聯以及海岸政策之執行,首先應掌握海岸環境與管理現況,對過去發生之課題進行檢討並提出建議,以供行政院海洋事務推動委員會擬定海洋政策與規劃之參考。本研究以課題分析為導向,深入探討三個海岸開發案件-台北港、雲林離島工業區及彰濱工業區,歸納課題發生原因,再將範圍擴及海岸地區其他類型之開發行為,依課題發生頻率及影響程度分類,兼以參考國內外文獻與案例,提出具體建議與對策。研究發現,目前環境影響評估制度僅針對單一開發行為進行評估,無法整體考量累積性環境衝擊;環境基本資料的調查缺乏整合造成資源浪費,資料的可信度也頗受質疑;而開發行為的追蹤監督則因資料龐大且審查人力不足而成效有限。為解決海岸開發所產生的環境問題,本研究建議相關單位應就海岸地區之環境承載力,提出海岸政策環境影響評估;重大開發行為必須辦理預審與諮詢方能提出,並建立影響評估規範或技術手冊供開發單位依循;此外基本環境調查與監測計畫應予整合,並建立分析系統協助監督作業進行;更刻不容緩的是海岸法立法及國土綜合開發計畫之推動,方能邁向「生態、安全、繁榮之海洋國家」願景。 The Analysis on the Relation of Coastal Development and Ecological Environment Impact The purpose of the project is to evaluate the coastal environments and the administrations of coastal developments in order to make suggestions for the coastal policy to the Ocean Affair Committee, Executive Yuan.The project evaluates 3 case studies, Port of Taipei, The Yunlin Off-Shore Industrial Zone and Chung Hua Coastal Industrial Park .It begins with the issues of the impact to the coast, including the impact frequency and degree, it also refers other domestic and overseas cases and records to complete the suggestions .The followings are the results of the project:1. The current environmental assessments are too simplex to conclude the accumulated coastal impact.2. The in-coordinate information of the coastal environments is not reliable and needs to be integrated.3. The administrations of the coastal developments are ineffective due to the lack of overall information.In order to solve the ecological environment impact which comes with the coastal developments, some suggestions are borough as the following items:1. The sectors in charge of the coast affairs should consider the environment capacity during the proceeding of the Environmental Impact Assessment.2. The sectors in charge of the coast management should improve the standards and rules of the Environmental Impact Assessment. This affords the coastal developers a clear guide-line prior to improvement of EIA.3. The environmental administrations should be more coordinated. It also needs to establish the environment analysis system to strength the administrations.In conclusion, the establishment of the National integrated Development Plan will lead the country to be wonderful and maritime. 094 水保處 台灣大學地理環境資源學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4180
94年度廚餘回收再利用宣導及評鑑輔導專案工作計畫 國內的廚餘產生量約佔家庭垃圾之23.7%左右,由於含有大量水份及易腐爛有機質,因此容易發臭,且易造成處理上之困擾。若棄置於掩埋場,將由於高濃度滲出水增加污水處理場之負荷。而若送到焚化廠更將因為水份高,熱值低,降低焚化之能源回收效益。然而廚餘中含豐富的有機質成份,因此具資源回收再利用之價值。本計畫已完成全國各縣市廚餘計畫評鑑及進行20場次堆肥場技術輔導,提供正確操作技術及改善規劃建議。此外,對於廚餘應用厭氧或乾燥後飼料化再利用之可行性亦進行評估及分析等。為加強教育宣導,本計畫另編撰廚餘回收再利用操作管理參考手冊,供各縣市執行人員參考,以及錄製電視宣導短片並於電視台播放,鼓勵民眾配合廚餘回收再利用工作。由各縣市之努力,目前全國廚餘回收已達1200噸/日,已達成本年度預定目標,因此後續應規劃妥善再利用及降低二次污染方案,以使廚餘回收再利用工作得以永續推動。 The 2005 project on the assistance, assessment of the clearance and reuse procedure of food waste The portion of food waste in the municipal solid waste was estimated to 23.7% in Taiwan, most of which are perishable and result in disagreeable odor because of high content of biodegradable matters. Obviously it is not an adequate strategy to dump in landfill because of high concentration in leaching wastewater, and recycling is believed to be a better strategy. This project has finished several tasks as required by EPA, such as: assessments in kitchen waste recycling of the local government, technique assessments of twenty composting plant, to provide the knowledge for adequate operation. Meanwhile, for the improvement of the effectiveness in utilization, anaerobic digestion and drying as feeding was also investigated. On the other hand, a guidebook of operation and management was edited for the reference of the executors in kitchen waste recycling. To encourage citizen comply with the requirement of kitchen waste recycling, an education video program was produced and broadcasted in TV. Thanks to the efforts of every counties and cities, the total amount of recycled kitchen waste was attained 1,200 ton/d, which reaches the target of 2005. For further promotion, it is very important to study an adequate strategy in utilization, and minimize the pollution emitted. 094 督察總隊 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4178
廚餘回收再利用操作管理參考手冊 廚餘回收再利用最基層及第一線作業人員,將直接影響廚餘計畫之成效,已完成廚餘回收再利用操作管理參考手冊之製作,作為執行之依據與參考。將達到提高分類、回收及再利用效率,降低過程中可能發生之二次污染目的。 The guide of food waste for recycle and reuse The guide book for food waste recycle and reuse contains the classification of food waste, compost, pig feeding and anaerobic digestion to produce methane gas for energy. It could be a reference book for all the job including food waste reuse. 094 督察總隊 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4176
衛星等遙測科技應用環保與公害糾紛處理(第二年)專案工作計畫 台灣地區地狹人稠,資源有限,每當發生重大或突發性公害污染事件,通常必須注意是否會擴大污染範圍,破壞生態環境遭,甚至造成環保抗爭和公害糾紛事件。傳統上,對於此類公害污染事件,大部份是以傳統地面調查的方式進行,通常費時耗工,無法詳細查估。因此為因應公害污染事件發生時,如何協助環保相關單位,了解當地整體環境狀況,並確定污染物出處、影響範圍、及迅整蒐集保全相關證據,本年度計畫為三年計畫的第二年,下述工作為主要目標:1. 公害污染事件空間資料及相關查詢管理資訊系統之建置。2. 重大、突發或敏感性公害污染事件之機動性遙測資料獲取。3. 各項衛星遙測影像即時傳輸機制之建置。4. 敏感公害糾紛設施鄰避變遷評估及探討分析。5. 遙測技術應用推廣與教育訓練。 The application of Remote Sensing Technologies to Environmental Protection and Public Dispute Due to limited resource and high density of population in Taiwan, The large-scale pollution normally is accompanied with public dispute and environmental disaster. It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task to perform ground investigation when a large-scale pollution happens. In order to locate the spread areas of the pollution, this study integrates spatial data collection and processing technologies to help monitor the polluted areas. There are five objectives in this year’s study which is the second year of a three-year project:1. Establish a database system for the use of pollution events and background information quarry.2. Use remote sensing technologies to collect the evidence when the polluted events occur. 3. Propose various transmitting devices for transferring remote sensing data.4. Produce and analyze the spatial data for Not-In-My-Back-Yard utilities. 5. Coordinate the training courses for regional and local EPA personnel. 094 管考處 國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4202
垃圾焚化灰渣再利用廠及最終處置場設置推動專案 為配合行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)持續推動灰渣再利用廠及最終處置場之設置工作,本年度計畫執行成果摘述如下:一、協助「設置計畫」核定後審查或辦理相關事項(一)訂定縣市灰渣再利用申請計畫書審查作業程序,並協助環保署針對縣市政府所提出之灰渣再利用申請計畫書進行審查。(二)協助進行灰渣再利用廠委託處理補助款審查作業,並統計再利用量、補助金額及執行進度。二、彙整最終處置場設置計畫之推動成效(一)配合行政院「擴大公共投資提振景氣方案」,鼓勵民間投入資金總額投入此設置計畫,並彙整本計畫達成成效。(二)記錄本年度相關紀錄、事蹟檔案資料報告書包括各縣(市)辦理方式、核定補助量、技術顧問機構、執行現況(經費支用比例、進度)、計畫過程摘要。三、其他幕僚記錄(一)摘錄彙整「設置計畫」之推動執行記錄。(二)成立本計畫及相關要點規範說明等部分提供諮詢專人專責服務窗口,並建置計畫網頁。(三)彙整各目的事業主管機關事業廢棄物處理設置規劃及執行情形。(四)協助環保署召開與本計畫有關之事業廢棄物業務協調聯繫會報。(五)協助掌握追蹤應置廢棄物專業技術人員之事業,其廢棄物專業技另術人員之設置情形及自行清除處理許可申請情形,彙整統計專責人員設置情形,另針對專責人員設置與自行清除處理許可管理提供建議。 Project on the Establishment of Refuse Incinerated Ash Reuse Plants & Terminal Disposal Plants In line with the project on the establishment of ash reuse plants and terminal disposal plants (hereinafter referred to as “establishment project”) launched by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (hereinafter referred to as “EPA,” the execution summaries of this year are given as follows. 1.Assist in the examination upon approval of the “establishment project” or handle related issues: (1)Formulate the examination procedures for provincial and municipal ash reuse application proposals and help the EPA examine the ash reuse application proposals submitted by the provincial and municipal government;(2)Assist in the subsidy examination of ash reuse plants and compile statistics on usage volume, subsidy amount, and execution progress. 2.Organize the Implementation Results of the Project on the Establishment of Terminal Disposal Plants: (1)In line with the “Project on Expanding Public Investment & Promoting Prosperity” of the Executive Yuan, it encourages private investment in this establishment project and summarizes the implementation results of this project. (2)Record related documents, events, files, and reports of this year, including: provincial (municipal) management procedures, approval of subsidies, technical consultancies, implementation progress (expenditure ratio, progress), and project summary. 3. Other Taskforce Records:(1)Summarize the implementation records of this “establishment project.” (2)Formulate this project and related guidelines and stipulations for consultation in service windows and develop this project website. (3)Organize the establishment project on refuse disposal and its execution summary of different targeted central industry competent authorities. (4)Help the EPA call coordination meetings for industrial refuse service providers related to this project. (5)Control and track the businesses of refuse technicians, conditions for the employability of refuse technicians and self-management of disposal applications, conditions of the employability of statistics personnel. 094 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4200
國際環保動態資訊蒐集及趨勢分析專案工作計畫 環保署科顧室自民國八十七年二月,即開始規劃利用網路,推動定期蒐集國際環保訊息工作。本年度計畫經公開招標後,於民國九十四年三月二十四日正式簽約日起執行。根據合約內容,本計畫之工作內容分為:(1)蒐集、篩選、摘譯國際資訊;(2)分析國際環保趨勢;(3)協助傳播國際環保資訊等三部分。經統計至2005年11月28日止,共計35週執行成果,共篩選並摘譯國際環保訊息計1341則(35週),平均每週提供約38.41則譯稿,每週提報國際訊息週報共35次,每日發送國際訊息予訂閱之讀者,配合永續發展委員會開會提出國際訊息報告1次,依環保署指定題目完成專題報告8篇及完成國際環保趨勢分析季報2次﹙第三次季報編印中﹚等,本公司提供之服務已能完全符合合約之要求。 International Environmental News Collecting and Trend Analysis Project According to the contents of the contract signed, the work of the project are divided into three parts, as follows: (1) collection, selection and translation of international environmental news from the internet or websites; (2) analysis of the trend of international environmental protection and the environmental regulatory and policy; (3) Assistance in distributing international environmental protection news. So far, during the 8-month project implementation (from March 24th 2005 to November 28th 2005), there were in total, 1341 pieces of international environmental news selected and translated, and there were 35 issues of international news weekly published. On average, 38.31 articles (news) translated were provided for the EPA each week. Daily international news was distributed to subscribers, one report on the news were presented in coordination with the meeting of the Sustainable Development Committee as well as 8 different project reports which were assigned by each specific environmental topic. Moreover, two issues of analysis periodical of international environmental protection trend were published (another one issue of analysis periodical of international environmental protection trend are under prepared. And that one will be published and be submitted to EPA by the end of the contract period). Overall, it is concluded that Hui-Kou Consulting Co. has accomplished the mission and the work in accordance with the contract signed. 094 永續發展室 惠國顧問(股)公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4198
94年一般廢棄物清除處理體系規劃及推動專案工作計畫(第一年) 本計畫主要工作項目包括推動一般廢棄物之「清運系統民營化」、「清除處理費隨袋徵收工作」、「清理跨區域合作」及「協助規劃我國廢棄物清除處理體系」等四部份,茲將執行成果摘要說明如下:(一)、推動一般廢棄物清運系統民營化:本計畫完成307個鄉鎮市之一般廢棄物清運基本資料及委託民間清運意願調查之問卷統計,並蒐集分析我國及各國垃圾清除處理狀況及清運民營化相關資料,同時研擬「垃圾清運民營化推動計畫(草案)」及相關範本與規範。(二)、推動一般廢棄物清除處理費隨袋徵收工作:本計畫針對國內外一般廢棄物清除處理費之徵收方式及問題進行檢討,並研擬推動隨量徵收標準作業程式、宣導計畫、補助方式、查核評鑑要點、實施計畫及政策說帖等文件及範本。(三)、推動一般廢棄物清理跨區域合作:本計畫針對目前各縣市執行垃圾焚化處理跨區合作之現況、遭遇問題及獎勵補助原則等進行檢討,並訂定採不同條件級距計算跨區合作獎勵補助金之方案及獎勵補助要點修正建議供環保署酌參。此外,本計畫亦完成垃圾清理區域合作之查核評鑑實施要點、合作計畫書、合作協議書(行政契約書)及政策說帖等文件及範本。(四)、協助規劃我國廢棄物清除處理體系:本計畫依據行政院核定「垃圾處理方案之檢討與展望」所訂目標,針對未設置焚化廠或焚化處理餘裕量不足之縣市,初步完成偏遠地區不進掩埋場之規劃方案(含跨區調度),並就我國未來一般廢棄物處理設施之需求進行研析。 The Planning and Promotion for the First Year of the General Waste Clearance and Treatment System Project The purpose of this project was to perform the following 4 major tasks for the General Waste Clearance and Treatment Project.And its results are outlined as below:1.The draft of “The Privately Operated Waste Clearance and Conveying Promotion Plan” and relevant examples and regulations.2.The documents and exemplars of the standard procedures, the dissemination plan, the subsidy methods, the key points of examination and determination, the execution plan and policy description were prepared based on the study of the domestic and foreign methods and issues for collecting fees. 3.The methods for encouraging and subsidizing the inter regions cooperation on waste clearance and treatment and the amendment to the subsidy method were prepared for the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in accordance with the study of the current status, the encounter issues, and the encourage and subsidy principles in the counties and cities for the inter regions cooperation. 4.In accordance with the aim of “The Prospect for and Investigation of Waste Treatment Methods” which was approved by the Executive Yuan, the following assignments were accomplished.(1).The compilation of the preliminary plan (including the inter regions dispatch) for waste clearance and treatment without landfills for remote regions with no incineration plants or incineration plants with insufficient capacity.(2).The study of the future requirements of general waste treatment facilities. 094 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4196
水質檢驗方法檢討修訂工作計畫 本計畫依環境檢驗所公告「水質檢驗方法檢討修訂工作計畫」之委辦內容,針對較早(民國八十六年以前)公告之水質檢驗方法,篩選部份使用較為廣泛且有法規管制項目之方法,蒐集相關資料、數據,參照美國環保署公告水質檢驗方法、APHA最新版方法或國內最新公告之「環境檢驗室品質管制指引通則」等品質管制規範,適當予以修訂。本計畫執行期間,共完成12種方法之修訂,分別為水中六價鉻檢測方法-APDC螯合MIBK萃取原子吸收光法(W321.50A) 、水中餘氯檢測方法-分光光度計/DPD法(W408.50A)、水中氰化物檢測方法-分光光度計法(W410.50A)、水中溶氧檢測方法-疊氮化物修正法(W421.54C)、水中酚類檢測方法-比色法(W520.50A)、水中硬度檢測方法-EDTA滴定法(W208.50A)、水中硫化物檢測方法-分光光度計/甲烯藍法(W433.50A)、水中色度檢測法-鉑鈷視覺比色法(W201.50T)、水中硝酸鹽氮檢測方法-分光光度計法(W419.50A)、水中臭度檢測方法-初嗅數法(W206.50T)、水中硒檢測方法-硒化氫原子吸收光譜法(W340.50A)及水中真色色度檢測方法-ADMI法(W223.50B)等,在部份方法中並增列國內實驗室品管分析數據,俾使用者有更多參考數據得以比對,統一方法格式,補充早年方法公告時未列入之事項,儘量使方法完備,以便使用者有所依循,並符合各業務單位的需求。 The Review and Revision of some water Analytical Methods Following the requirements of the project for “The Review and Revision of some Water Analytical Methods” which was administered by the National Institute of Environmental Analysis (NIEA), the water analytical methods that were put in use before 1997 were screened and reviewed. Some of the methods which were either widely used or had regulated analytes were selected for updating, revising or validating. Methods were updated and revised according to the most current edition of the analytical method from USEPA, APHA standard method, and the “Quality Control Guidelines for Environmental Laboratories” by NIEA. Twelve method revisions were implemented in this project. These methods were Hexavalent chromium analysis – APDC chelation/Atomic Adsorption method (W321.50A), Residual chlorine analysis – DPD Colorimetric method (W408.50A), Cyanide analysis – Colorimetric method (W410.50A), Dissolved oxygen analysis – Iodometric method/Azide modification (W421.54C), Phenolics analysis – Colorimetric method (W520.50A), Total Hardness analysis – EDTA Titrimetric method (W208.50A), Sulfide analysis – Methylene Blue method (W433.50A), Color analysis – Platinum-Cobalt Colorimetric method (W201.50T), Nitrate analysis – Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Screening method (W419.50A), Odor analysis – Threshold Odor Test (W206.50T), Selenium analysis – Hydride Generation/Atomic Adsorption method (W340.50A) and True color analysis – ADMI Tristimulus Filter method (W223.50B), respectively. In order to assist the analytical method user, the quality control data of single laboratory validation were also included in some of the methods. The format of the methods was also standardized for easier reading. Certain essential facts that were left out in the previous edition were added as well to ensure the method was complete as possible and to meet the needs of various EPA Divisions. 094 環檢所 中環科技事業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4194
環境資料庫標準系統推動、跨部會資料庫整合及環保知識庫規劃暨教育宣導計畫(94年度) 本專案於94年度推動工作重點在於建立環境資料標準系統、跨部會資料庫整合規劃、規劃環保知識庫、並將成果進行教育宣導等重點工作。在環境資料標準系統之推動上,主要為規劃跨業務處環境資料之管理、環境辭彙審核作業、規劃設計具空間尺度之環境資料標準及規劃地方與跨部會環境資訊整合方案。本案將歐盟的GEMET詞彙資料庫進行中文化並進行定義審核作業,共完成2500餘筆環境辭彙;參考國土資訊系統規範,針對具空間尺度之環境資料建置共通之標準,並完成81個圖檔資料之標準訂定,其訂定的環境資料元素標準格式,可為未來跨業務處、地方與跨部會的資料進行整合管理之基礎。在跨部會資料庫整合規劃方面之資訊品質系統部份,以系統分析之概念,參考美國環保署之品質系統,規劃我國環境資訊品質之管理體系與架構,本年度重點在提高環境資訊品質管理系統之完整性與有效性,及規劃環境資訊品質驗證制度,配合環保署現有之相關制度與作法提出近期之推動方案。在環境資訊資源之整合與交換制度規劃方面,依據事件化物件導向模型及XML交換格式,修訂更易於管理使用之詮釋資料屬性項目;其中地理資料詮釋部分則參考94年『國土資訊系統詮釋資料修訂』草案及依循國際ISO19115規範建議方向研訂,同時記錄資料描述項目與『環境資料庫詮釋系統』與『國土資訊系統詮釋資料庫』的對應關係,便於日後進行詮釋資料交換作業。並進一步規劃數位物件登錄流程,與資料整合之標準作業程序。在環保知識庫之規劃上本年度根據中央與地方需求,規劃包括環境保護計畫應用系統、污染源整合分析系統、地方環境保護計畫應用指標、及一般民眾環境資訊加值應用系統等案例,將各級環境資訊進行加值應用。為推廣本計劃之成果與目標,本年度亦舉辦多項教育宣導工作,包括二場座談會以及一場成果發表會。整體而言,除達到計畫工作事項之要求外,並逐步達成環境資料庫觀念與應用的推廣。 The establishment of environmental information standard mechanism, the development of environmental information integration across government departments, planning environmental information applicatio The project focus on the setting up environmental information standard mechanism, developing environmental information resource and data quality system across government departments, and planning environmental information application system, and advertisement, etc.The task provides over 2500 environmental vocabularies including the Chinese version definitions of the term and explanation with examining and announcement. The common spatial environmental data standard is established referring to the rules from National Land Information System, and 81 map files data standards has been accomplished. For the environmental metadata integration and exchange system planning, setting the events as the relationship between different types data which occurred or been set from the same events, and proposing the procedures of digital objects register and data integration system. Comparing the new revised environmental geographic metadata system with the currently used「Meta Data System of Environmental Data Base」and being developed 「Meta Data Base of National Land Information System」 for the advantage of meta data shifting. Developing the data quality certification system includes. processes of QA/QC in the data production procedure and a simplified procedure for data quality had been proposed for recent implementation.Three applications of EPA environmental information database were suggested. There are the systems for central and local authorities and public use, which are the “National environmental protection plan system”,“Integrated pollution source database analysis system”, “Indices system of local environmental protection plans”, and a consulting system of “Environmental data window to your home live” for public use.For publicizing the targets and goals of this project and promoting the concept and application of environmental database, two panel discussions and one conference had been held. All the demands and goals of the project should been accomplished in conclusion. 094 監資處 國立中央大學環境工程研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4192
印染顏料業之事業廢棄物清理技術調查評估計畫 本計畫之主要成果為,針對印染整理業(1050)及塗料、染料顏料製造業(1810) 兩個行業別完成以下事項:(一)針對國內廢棄物91-93年申報數據作分析,參考現訪結果,對數據變化進行說明;(1)申報量逐年遞增之趨勢,讓人以為產業廢棄物持續增加中,實際上是因為焚化爐排放標準提高所致。可知申報數據之分析需搭配廠商現訪;(2)另,廠商實際再利用比例高於申報比例,此為廠商對有價物資不視為廢棄物所致。(二)現行廢棄物製程代碼,易讓廠商產生誤解,如高達67.3%之業者因不知或無法找到合適之代碼,採用“其他印染整理業加工程序(1050-099)”作申報。因此建議部分代碼修改其名稱,並新增製程代碼。(三)製作製程代碼與廢棄物關聯:完成印染整理業(13個製程代碼,16種製程代碼)和塗料、染料、顏料業(15個製程代碼,4類製程)各製程單元原物料與產出廢棄物之對照表,可供未來勾稽之用;(四)完成廢棄物進行採樣及檢測:發現本行業別所產生的污泥,以TCLP所得重金屬含量不高(低於有害認定標準)。但若參考ICP/AES測試結果,分析之5樣污泥類廢棄物皆不符合「土壤管制標準」與「肥料管理法」之「肥料種類品目及規格」之重金屬含量管制標準,故在廢棄物再利用方面應特別注意。(五)調查具行業別特色廢棄物或量大者(如污泥、煤灰、廢木材、廢纖維、DMF、溶劑)之流向,檢討其適當性,並提出推動零廢棄與後續管理之具體建議。 Project on the investigation and evaluation of waste disposal technologies in both the printing and dyeing, and pigments and dyes manufacturing industries The list of achievements accomplished in this project for both the printing and dyeing and the pigments and dyes manufacturing industries are as listed below:1) Evaluation and analysis of the reported data on the production of waste in the past 3 years (2002-2004) with reference to the information collected during onsite investigation2)The inadequacy of the existing manufacturing process code has led to the unsatisfactory accuracy of the reported data. As much as 67.3% of the business operators has difficulty selecting the appropriate code and chosen the code of 1050-099 which stands for “other printing and dyeing processes”. Therefore the revision of the manufacturing process code, which is primarily the changing of name and addition of new codes, has been suggested.3) Compilation of table mapping the raw materials required and the waste produced in each processing unit, with relation to the existing manufacturing process codes.4) Through the sampling and testing of waste within the industry, it was discovered that the sludge tested has managed to pass the TCLP test are therefore considered as non-hazardous, however the ICP test show 5 of the samples failed to pass the heavy metal content in the “Soil restriction .standard” and the “fertilizer specification” in the “fertilizer management standard, which means extra attentions is required in the recycling and reuse of such wastes.5) Investigations on wastes associated with the industry or large in quantity such as are sludge, coal ashes, waste wood, waste fiber, dimethyl-formamide (DMF), waste solvents, are carried out to examine the legitimacy and suitability on the recycling and reuse of such wastes followed by the recommendation in the promotion of zero-waste and management related policies. 094 廢管處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4190
一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄專案整合工作計畫 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)為檢討我國垃圾處理方式,納入以源頭減量與資源再生利用精神,並針對相關環境政策、法律、策略及教育等進行修正與檢討,並推動全分類零廢棄之政策,擬定三年行動計畫—「垃圾全分類零廢棄群組行動計畫」,並委託執行多個研究調查計畫,以規劃執行並落實「垃圾全分類零廢棄」,本計畫即為三年行動計畫中之一環,本計畫執行之工作內容包括:l.推動一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄整合工作2.推動廚餘及巨大垃圾再利用工作3.規劃有害垃圾回收清除處理體系與管理工作4.一般廢棄物分類成份調查工作5,建置及整合一般廢棄物基線資料相關申報系統,並建置、擴充及 維護「一般廢棄物全分類零廢棄」宣導網站 The integrated plan on complete sorting and zero-waste for general solid waste In order to review our garbage treatment way, to involve the spirit of source reduction and resource reclamation, and to promote the policy of complete sorting and zero disposing based on the revision and review of related environmental policy, law, strategy and education etc., the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Executive Yuan proposes a 3-year action plan – “Group Action Plan for Complete Sorting and Zero Disposing of Garbage”. Several research and investigation projects are entrusted to excuse “Complete Sorting and Zero Disposing of Garbage”. This project is one of 3-year action plan. The contents of this project include:l.To promote the integration task for complete sorting and zero disposing of common garbage2.To promote the reuse of kitchen refuse and huge garbage3.To plan recycle/disposal/treatment system and management task of hazardous garbage4.The investigation task for the sorting components of common waste5.To set and integrate related reporting system for the baseline information of common waste, and set, expand and maintain “Complete Sorting and Zero Disposing of Common Waste” promulgation website 094 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4188
以二氧化氯做為飲用水水質處理藥劑之評估 本計畫以二氧化氯為對象,探討其做為飲用水水質處理藥劑公告對象時所須考量及評估之藥劑主成份與不純物等相關特性,以提供環保署對飲用水水質處理藥劑進行公告作業程序時之重要參考依據。依據所收集的資料,目前僅有美國環保署、世界衛生組織及德國有對二氧化氯的相關規範。製造二氧化氯會伴隨產生無機副產物亞氯酸根及氯酸根,其中亞氯酸根的毒害性較大。為了減少無機副產物的產生與其他不純物的汙染,本計畫建議公告氣態二氧化氯。並參考國外規範,建議最大添加劑量為1.4 mg/L、添加後最高殘餘濃度0.8 mg/L及添加後亞氯酸根濃度限值1.0 mg/L。 The Assessment on Using Chlorine Dioxide as Treatment Chemical for Drinking Water Quality The purpose of this research is to study the related characteristics on proper major component and impurities of chlorine dioxide, which is considered to be an allowable treatment chemical for drinking water quality, in order to offer some important consideration and concerns to EPA for the legal announcement process. According to those collected information, USEPA, WHO and Germany are the few organization or countries who have established the related regulation on the use of chlorine dioxide at the present time. The generation of chlorine dioxide may produce some inorganic by-products at meantime, such as chlorite and chlorate. It has been noted that the toxicity of chlorite is more obvious. In order to minimize the production of inorganic by-products and the pollution from other impurities, it is suggested by this research that only gaseous chlorine dioxide can be used and added into the drinking water, and 1.4 mg/L and 0.8 mg/L are set as the maximum applied dosage and maximum allowable residual concentration, respectively, according to those referred regulations. Moreover, 1.0 mg/L as the upper limit or the residual chlorite concentration is also suggested. 094 毒管處 國立中興大學環境工程學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4186
94年社區環境改造專案管理 本計畫之工作項目包括四大部分:(一)辦理六場次直轄市及縣市執行「社區環境改造計畫」輔導會議;(二)甄選及安排赴日本訓練觀摩,回國後召開訓練觀摩成果說明會三場次;(三)製作94年社區環境改造計畫成果專輯及更新社區環保行動網;(四)評量社區環境改造前後環境民眾滿意度及家戶資源回收提升度。工作內容摘要如下:一、辦理直轄市及縣市執行「社區環境改造計畫」輔導會議於六月中、七月初及七月底舉辦六場次輔導會議,並將專家學者所提出的綜合建議整理以成為本年度提案社區提供相關推動方向及執行過程中重要的參酌依據。二、甄選及安排赴日本訓練觀摩,回國後召開訓練觀摩成果說明會甄選作業以書面審查之方式進行,以「推動社區環境改造計畫執行績效」及「推薦赴日人選說明」為審查主題,甄選會議於94年5月25日召開。獲選人員於94年6月19日至94年6月25日赴日本訓練觀摩推動造町計畫具成效之市町。在出國受訓結束後,本計畫團隊於94年9月22日、94年9月27日,以及94年10月4日辦理北、中、南三場次的經驗交流會,三場參加人數總計487人。經驗交流會中將在日本受訓的成果、感想,以及學員本身在推動社區環境改造的經驗,與從事社區環境改造相關者一同分享。三、製作94年社區環境改造計畫成果專輯及更新社區環保行動網成果專輯部分為從現有從事環境改造經驗的三百個社區中,依其執行成效、社區特質及配合意願作為篩選主要機制,挑選三十個社區作為成果專輯的主體。積極聯繫社區單位,並懇請社區提供相關文字內容與相片,成果專輯內容的適宜性為與委辦單位承辦人員確認。94年社區改造成果專輯內容包括社區基本介紹、社區近年概況、社區發展的重點、以及社區希望進行改造的動機與期望、執行的成果與整個社區未來的展望、當地文化特色、對環境改造有貢獻者的故事等。社區環保行動網的資料新增部分,更新90、93及94年社區環境改造成果專輯共83個社區,更新第十三屆環保模範社區22個、社區導覽部分將增設到日本參訪的5個社區,以及參與伙伴部分增加40個社區之資料,共計150頁網頁。四、評量社區環境改造前後環境民眾滿意度及家戶資源回收提升度 本工作項目乃以問卷調查方式執行,問卷設計以「民眾滿意度」及「環保行動」作為訪問項目的兩大主軸,以現訪及電話抽樣調查。抽樣調查的對象為今年全國近300個提案社區中抽出的30個社區,本計畫團隊派員於十月至十一月親自到現場做電話訪問抽樣調查50人次,達到層層抽樣,以期問卷的有效性,共訪問1500人次。分別統計與分析環境改善工作的人口比例、居民感到有改善社區環境之人口比例、感到滿意的社區改造工作以及資源回收次數提升之人口比例,其數據可作為全國各地區執行成果的參考。 Project for Environmental Enhancement and Management of Community in 2005 The main works in this project included four parts:(1)After completing the prepared arrangement, six successive meetings were held from the middle of June to the end of July in 2005. In principle, the assistant meetings were based on the two-way communication between experts and representatives from various communities. Practical suggestions and advices were provided by these attendant experts in terms of problems occurred during the implementation of environmental enhancement in community. (2)With respect to the promotional visit to Japan, the selection of members was carried in the beginning. To sum up, 17 participants from local cities and counties were chosen at the selection meeting held on May 25th this year. The promotional visit to Japan was taken place from 19th to 25th in June. In order to share the invaluable experiences of visiting to Japan, three conferences with 487 attendants were held after this visit to Japan. (3)In terms of compiling the publication of the achievement in the environmental development of community in 2005, 30 communities were selected to be the main part of this specific publication. The contents of this publication include basic introduction to community, the current situation of community, the priority of community development, and future prospect ion. For upgrading the information about the Community Environment Action Website, total 150 pages of website including excellent and model community in 2001 and 2004 were completed. (4)Concerning evaluating the effectiveness of environmental enhancement, it was carried out by questionnaire associated with telephone investigation in community. In consideration of the impartial analysis, all samples of questionnaire were randomly selected. Overall, the main result indicated that 74 % people investigated considered improvement in environment was achieved in 2005. 094 綜計處 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4184
重大污染源指紋建立技術之研究 依據環保署92年度委辦「環境污染物指紋資料庫建置綱要計畫」規劃內容,以建立塗料、染料及顏料製造業(1810)、原料藥製造業(1821)、農藥及環境衛生用藥製造業(1826)廢棄物指紋成分資料,建構於環境污染物指紋檢索系統中,期能協助環保署及國內縣市環保機關稽查鑑定非法棄置事業廢棄物來源。本計畫工作內容為事業廢棄物特性及化學組成之指紋資料建置。首先,收集環保署廢棄物管制中心清理計畫書申報資料,彙整廠家原物料、製程、污染防治設備、廢棄物產生種類及數量等資料,依據製程及廢棄物特性,篩選塗料、染料及顏料製造業、原料藥製造業、農藥及環境衛生用藥製造業代表性廠家,進行工廠實地訪查及採樣,共訪查34家廠家、採集85件樣品;依上位計畫規劃之樣品檢測流程,共完成80件樣品分析;將行業製程文獻資料、廠家訪查取得資料再與樣品分析結果進行研判比對,完成廢棄物指紋成分資料,進而鍵入環境指紋資料庫中;最後完成行業產製程廢棄物指紋採證,特性及化學組成指紋評析報告,以及建立不同行業/製程別廢棄物採證、分析的標準作業程序。塗料、染料製造業中,塗料廠使用溶劑主要有松香水及高沸點之石油醚類化合物,有些來自回收再利用者,成分多半複雜且不穩定。針對不同廠家使用之溶劑,藉由GC/MS分析石油醚與松香水中之芳香烴,酯類,酮類,醇類化合物比例,可比較出廠家之異同。光碟染料製造業產出廢溶劑,樣品組成為CD-R與DVD-R製程混合廢液,無法以單一LC分析條件判定成份。原料藥業製造廢棄物,組成多為水溶性佳且為非揮發性有機物,無法以傳統GC/MS方法檢出,選擇產製程資料完整,且基質相對乾淨之樣品,以LC/MS 採SIM mode方式,針對特定分子予以分析。衛生署強制管制藥品類物質,如麻黃鹼類化合物可以GC/MS衍生化法予以檢出。農藥及環境衛生用藥製造業,國內各廠產品同質性低,分析結果差異性大;本行業採集之污泥廢棄物,其有機成分與原物料及產品成分相關性差,顯示製程效率高,並無原料浪費或產品殘留廢棄物的情形。 Establish the Environmental Pollutants Fingerprints Data-base The purpose of this project was to work together with the governmental responsible team to establish a database of environmental fingerprints of primary pollutant sources, which could be used to search, recognize or compare characteristics of environmental pollutants. Specifically focusing on paint, dyes and colors industry(code:1810), active pharmaceutical ingredients industry(code:1821), as well as insecticide industry(code:1826), on-site surveys and process waste analyses were conducted. The works included (A) Collecting and analyzing data of these industries(B) Selecting specific manufacturers and processes (C) On site sampling and investigation (D) Lab testing (E) Establishing the fingerprint data of pollutants (F) Fingerprint data commentaryAfter screening, 25 representative manufacturers in paint, dyes and colors industry (1810) were chosen and 56 samples were collected while 8 representative manufacturers in active pharmaceutical ingredients industry (1821) were chosen and 23 samples were collected. As for insecticide industry (1826), 3 representative manufacturers were chosen and 6 samples were collected.Regarding the results in this research, for samples from paint, dyes and colors industry (1810), we could distinguish one from another by using GC/MS to analyze their ratio of aromatic, ester, ketone compound in benzene and resin. On the other hand, traditional GC/MS methods were not applicable to those better water-soluble and non-volatile samples from active pharmaceutical ingredients manufacturers (1821). Thus, focusing on specific molecules, LC/MS with SIM mode was used while PE compounds was analyzed by GC/MS derivative method.As for samples collected from insecticide industry (1826), high divergence was observed in the assay results. Moreover, low correlation between organic composition in the waste and raw material/products indicated that the processes applied in this industry were highly efficient so that nearly no raw material or product compositions were left in waste. 094 環檢所 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4182
九十四年「事業廢棄物清理管制─管制中心整體管理資訊系統功能提升、整合及決策支援專案計畫」 本計畫之工作目標,係延續過去網路申報之成果,持續多項便民及快速之申報制度規劃,並提昇有關申報系統及管制系統的各項服務功能。為因應管制中心龐大的資料需求,本計畫除以建置完成的管制系統協助篩選資料之外,亦協助管制中心維護功能強大的OLAP工具解決管制中心繁複、即時、多樣化的需求。除藉由定期分析、勾稽作業以得到申報異常機構名單及其趨勢外,為大量提昇勾稽作業之效能,今年度開發多各自動化的勾稽作業功能,提昇勾稽能量,有效防止不法情事發生,並提供作為政策擬定之參考。開發完成可使用GPRS或3G無線上網 PDA等行動裝置查詢基本及申報、勾稽、稽查資料之IWMS專屬網頁提供稽查現場立即察看業者即時申報資料、以提升環保單位稽查之速度、即時杜絕不法。此外,為因應大量使用者登入系統進行相關資料申報或查詢作業,而導致系統效能降低之問題,本計畫亦協助環保署調校系統效能,並建立緊急應變替代系統,加強環保署不可斷線之申報系統,以解決於斷線時所遭受民眾對於政府公信力之質疑。評估分析RFID於事業廢棄物之管理應用,本年度已於醫療廢棄物處理機構進行現場電子標籤整批讀取率實驗,並初步開發RFID與現行申報系統結合之雛型介面。未來對於事業廢棄物管制,透過RFID技術、衛星定位系統(GPS)與網路申報三者科技應用的結合,將可有效掌握事業廢棄物的流向資料,快速精確掌握清運行為。 The Management of Industrial Waste Clean and Treatment ─The Management Information System of Industrial Waste Control Center Upgrading, Integrating and Policy Revision Support Project in Year 2005 The objective of this project is to continue promotion on convenient and friendly reporting mechanism and upgrading the existing service on both Industrial Waste Report System (IWRS) and Industrial Waste Management System (IWMS).To satisfy huge information demand from the Industrial Waste Control Center, we assist the Center to maintain powerful OLAP system and existing IWMS in order to supply complex and versatile information in timely fashion.We develop automatic inspection function to increase the online inspection power. These automatic systems will assist the human operated regular inspection to promptly and accurately catches up illegal activity and offers policy revision reference.GPRS or 3G off-line and PDA portable devices joined to the existing system. Report, audit, and inquiry functions are developed for these new features. These features offer prompt monitoring on illegal activity. We assist the EPA to adjust the efficiency of the system. This is necessary due to the large number of users will cause lower system efficiency when doing something at the same time. We also establish emergency response report system for the Industrial Waste Control Center in case if any emergency happens.Through professional customer service on toll-free 080 consulting and other service, The FAQ for the online reporting and telephone toll-free service recording are completed within this year. These features assist public on make online report and increase mutual interaction between the government and the public, and offer convenient government service to the public. To analyze the RFID applicability on the industrial waste management, we proceeded with the on-site electronic label reading rate analysis in medical waste treatment facility. We joined the existing online reporting system with the RFID. Through RFID technology joining with the Global Positioning System (GPS) and online reporting, industrial waste flow tracking will be effectively and promptly managed. 094 廢管處 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4776
事業廢棄物貯存清除處理方法及設施標準與有害事業廢棄物認定標準研修計畫 本計畫於「有害事業廢棄物認定標準」與「事業廢棄物貯存清除處理方法及設施標準」的修正上,歷經30多場次的小型座談會和大型說明會舉辦後,已初步完成了與會業者意見的彙整,本次標準修正重要事項包括有:1.重新檢視製程有害事業廢棄物管制清單、混合五金廢料管制清單及溶出試驗管制項目等,並完成增列、文字修正或次序調整等各項要件,並已於期末說明會中和業界完成溝通。2.重新檢視現行設施標準管制之不足,完成增列條文、文字修正和建立衛生掩埋場進場管制標準等各項管制要件,藉由本次標準之調整,亦研議出三年後之事業廢棄物採衛生掩埋場之管制標準值,藉由該標準值的設定期望能提升國內事業廢棄物中間處理成效,以利後續事業廢棄物零廢棄策略之推廣。3.完成整體管制之緩衝條款與相關配套措施之研議,考量事業廢棄物代碼的變更、事業廢棄物清理計畫書審核及事業廢棄物貯存設施之變更設施等因素,建議以一年為緩衝期限,以利業者之因應。 Revision to the Hazardous Waste Identification Rule and the Methods and Facilities Standards for the Storage, Clearnace and Disposal of Industrial Waste This project, aiming to the modification of the recognition standards of industrial hazardous wastes and the methods and facilities standards for the storage, clearance and disposal of industrial waste, has hosted more then 30 explanation meetings in large and small scale and has preliminarily collected the opinions of the attendants from industries. The important modifications of standards include:1.A new check to the control list of industrial hazardous waste in manufacturing process, the control list of the mixed hardware wastes and the control items of test of toxic characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP). The increase of content, word correction, and order adjustment of each key items are also completed and have been communicated with industry in the final meeting of explanation.2.A new check of the control shortage of the existing facility standards and the completion of new articles, word correction, and the build-up of the each entrance standards of a sanitary landfill. This result of standard modification will lead to the set-up the control standard of industrial waste three year later, which are adopted from the control standard of a sanitary landfill. Moreover, this control standard is expected to enhance the intermediate treatment effectiveness to promote zero industrial waste in the future.3.Completion of the study of the buffer articles of overall control and the companion measures, consideration of the change of industry waste code and the evaluation of the industrial waste clear-up proposal and the factors of facility change of the industrial waste storage facility. It is suggested the buffer period to be one year as a favorable condition for industries to response. 094 廢管處 工研院環安中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4224
環工技師簽證案件查核及資料庫加值程式開發維護專案 簽證,查核,資料庫 Registered enviromental protection professional enfineer certification case revjiew and database value added program development maintenance project work certification,review,database 094 管考處 台灣省環境工程技師公會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4222
建置環保產品線上購物網專案工作計畫 本計畫結合環保署「環保標章資訊站」,為推動國人對環保產品的認知,並建立環保產品的線上購物管道,以提高環保產品的購買與使用率,進而促進全民綠色消費理念,特規劃建置「環保產品線上購物網站」,以網路新興科技帶動民眾使用環保產品的風潮,並建立國人在生活中實踐環保的消費習慣。 本網站舉辦3次招商說明會,目前共有26家環保廠商進駐,並於94年12月5日於環保署召開網站啟用儀式記者會,且將本網站命名為「環保產品綠色採購網」,網址為 http://green.yam.com。 根據本計畫進行的環保廠商電子商務狀況調查,顯示在領表的28家環保廠商中具有電子商務服務僅有 5 家,其餘 23 家並無電子商務服務。在國內環保廠商經營不易,慘澹經營的現況下,運用電子商務無疑是邁向全民綠色消費的最佳模式。 Building online shopping website program for green consumption Green consumption is already a global trend. Combing with the broadband internet pervasion, the project is aimed to launch a green procurement website to facilitate a online distribution channel of green products, which have long suffered from a suitable promotion and demonstration place. Green consumers are often well educated and conduct a ration-based buying behavior in daily life. Internet websites are a good match to green consumers because websites tend to be catalyst of reason-based and educated buying.Funded by EPA and supervised by Consumers Protection Organization, the famous portal company Yam Digital implemented the website with the assistance of Digicell. The website was successfully launched on Dec. 5 and received vast media attention.The launch was an end of this year’s project but also symbolized a beginning of a new era where green consumption pervades everywhere through the anytime, anywhere Internet. Most of the manufacturers recruited in this campaign are SME. It is a great financial and technical barrier for them to deploy brick-and-mortar distribution channels or open an online store. This project fosters synergy by putting all these businesses together and form a online mall so that customers can enjoy apleasant one-stop shopping for green products in many categories. Although the budget is little compared to commercial companies building an online transactional website, there are 26 merchants and more than 450 itemslisted for online green shopping with the many anonymous volunteers from Consumers Foundation.The challenges faced in the project are that many participating merchants have little experiences using IT as corporate development strategies, nor do they have enough knowledge of electronic commerce. This means extra education and training are in order yet teffects will only surface slowly if any. Is also means extra working staff have taken greater efforts than planned in putting all the pieces together. 094 管考處 財團法人中華民國消費者文教基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4220
排放管道粒狀污染物檢測比測執行計畫(Ⅲ) 環保署環境檢驗所為了提昇我國之環境檢測能力,除了不斷地改善環境檢測機構之認證制度以及推展品保、品管制度外,還進行環境檢驗室查證評鑑工作。對於煙道採樣之查證評鑑而言,現場比測是一項重要的工作,因此,環保署環境檢驗所與台灣大學環境工程研究所以及台灣大學職業醫學與工業衛生研究所合作建置一座粒狀污染物排放模擬煙囪。該粒狀物排放模擬煙囪於八十六年度完工,並完成性能測試,同時於2001~2004年間完成進行資料庫的建置,而且利用所收集之實驗數據建立風扇轉速與粉塵供應率這兩個變項與煙道內粒狀物濃度之推估模式,在操作範圍內設定這兩個變項以預測煙道內粒狀物的濃度,藉此對檢測機構煙道檢測之品質管制及品質保證進行查驗。除了操作與維護該粒狀物排放模擬煙囪之外,延續「煙道粒狀物檢測比測系統維護與資料庫建置」計畫,累積實測數據,對目前導出的模式做驗証與修正並藉此提升統計模式的解析力。本年度工作計畫是利用此模擬煙道配合環檢所分批進行檢測機構年度的盲測工作,並以2001~2004年的迴歸模式設立一標準,判斷檢測機構煙道檢測水準的好壞,並協助檢測機構找出量測值離群的根本原因以協助檢測機構提升其煙道檢測品質。在氣體分析部份準備標準氣體(混合CO2、O2、CO等三種氣體)有三種不同濃度組合以供檢測機構進行現場盲測。以往在評估煙道粒狀物濃度時,都是直接將採樣頭伸入煙道內採樣,但由於煙道內溫度較高,排放的污染物一旦離開煙道本體,很可能因為空氣溫度降低造成過飽和,產生同質或異質核化 (Nucleation),因此若在煙道內高溫狀態下直接採樣則粒狀物濃度可能會有低估的現象,文獻指出在染整業煙道排氣採樣特別有此類的現象發生,因此本年度計畫另針對染整業作實地的採樣研究,探討其排氣水分含量對染整業煙道粒狀物採樣之影響,同時探討在水分含量測定裝置中,不同填充材質的凝結效果,以評估運用於其他可凝結物質量測的可能性。 Proficiency Analytical Testing Program of Stack Sampling The main objective of the present study is to operate a pilot stack system to establish a database of measurements of stationary sources. This database was subject to further statistical analysis for performance proficiency. Other objective is to improve, operate and maintain a device (simulating a stack) for validating the measurement of particulate from stationary sources. According to the analysis of variance, the duct velocity and dust feeder rate were two of the most influential factor in determining the aerosol concentrations in the stack and evaluating the sampling performance of the private certified laboratories by the statistical analysis model of 2001~2004 year. In gas, we prepare three kinds of mixing gas of different concentration (CO, CO2 and O2) to provide measurement.Assessing the particles concentration in the stack in the past, the sampling sensor directly stretched into the stack and sampled. The temperature of the stack is relatively high and the pollutant discharged the stack, temperature of air reduces and caused saturation, and then produces homogeneity or heterogeneous nucleation. If sample directly under the high-temperature state in the stack, there may be phenomenon underestimated in the particles concentration. In the same time, conferring the device of moisture in the different coagulation result of materials and the other condense of materials evaluated possibility. 094 環檢所 台灣大學環境工程研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4218
空氣中揮發性有機化合物檢測干擾之研究(二) 八十八年環保署公告「排放管道中氣態有機化合物檢測方法-採樣袋採樣之氣相層析法」以來,取得空氣中揮發性有機化合物檢測許可之檢驗室亦有漸增之趨勢,這些檢驗室執行檢測所產生之數據往往成為政府單位施行政策或環保單位執行公權力之依據。考量排放管道煙氣特徵、檢測干擾與樣品保存之時效,該方法於不同溫度對VOCs分析之準確度變化,以及不同煙氣含水量致分析結果之干擾影響,實有評估之必要。本研究執行並彙整十家獲得此方法許可認證的檢測公司及兩處研究單位之問卷調查,並將問卷結果納入實驗測試設計,完成檢測濃度最大適用範圍、採樣袋清洗適當方式、容許進樣體積評估、不同室溫及含水量對檢測及樣品保存測試、三處排放管道煙氣現場實測、以及擴增acetone、methyl ethyl ketone、methyl acetate檢測項目評估等計畫工作內容,達成當時計畫預期所需。研究結果顯示,於550-1500 ppm最高檢量濃度狀況下,氣相層析儀對各項VOCs線性程度良好,影響檢測濃度最大適用範圍的參數應在於方法所建議以水浴或油浴方式的標準品加熱汽化裝置,配製500ppm的濃度狀況下,苯環類VOCs(例如:styrene、m-xylene以及o-xylene)殘餘濃度均高過10ppm,殘餘百分比為2.5-3.0%不等,注入過多的液體標準品,會導致汽化不及而有所殘留。而採樣袋清洗適當方式方面,未經使用的採樣袋清洗次數以80%容積氣體置換兩次即可將VOCs控制低於其方法偵測極限以下;高濃度(300-500ppm)經60-80℃清洗後,殘餘濃度也只有1.9-6.5 ppm ,其相對殘餘量僅為0.27%-0.92%不等。汽機車尾氣之採樣袋置入60℃烘箱,經兩天54次零級空氣置換後,多數VOCs尚有10%不等的殘餘,因此建議採集過高濃度(200ppm以上)工業源或移動源尾氣樣品之採樣袋,實不宜清洗再使用。再者,不同溫度及含水量對VOCs衰減影響顯示,煙氣含水率過飽和程度對VOC濃度貯存影響頗大,未飽和(0%、2%)及過飽和(10%)濕度下之VOCs模擬煙氣衰減趨勢較為相似,明顯與超量過飽和(25%)濕度VOCs煙氣之衰減曲線不同。高濃度VOCs (70~150ppm)模擬煙氣於25℃過飽和(10%)濕度下,除了部份o-xylene、styrene外,其他15項成分24小時衰減率皆小於20%。35℃與25℃較高室溫貯放下較15℃適合貯放VOCs採樣袋。此外,依美國環保署對方法十八的建議檢測項目,擴增acetone、methyl ethyl ketone、methyl acetate等酮酯類VOCs。於方法建議的分析條件下,不同進樣體積(0.25及1mL)之不分流與分流測試亦顯示, 3成份與A722.71B原有17項成份分離效果實屬良好,除acetone受過飽和溼度衰減影響外,檢量線線性、偵測極限、準確度及精密度等品管內容亦能達到A722.71B要求。整體計畫執行內容符合當時計畫規劃。 Interferences of analysis for the volatile organic compounds in the exhaust gas from the stacks(Ⅱ) NIEA A722.71B, widely used for the analysis of the gaseous organic compounds from the stacks, was modified in 1999 to include new QA/QC procedures as part of the method. Considering the complicated VOC characteristics and varying moisture contents in the exhaust gas, it is necessary to estimate the interference, the variation of accuracy and the preservative period for the VOCs samples. Consequently, this study was undertaken to collect the relevant information from 10 certified environmental laboratories and 2 research institutes.The results show that a better calibration is feasible when the concentration below 500 ppm. Because of the insufficient vaporized temperature for the more liquid standard in the water bath, the residual percentages for some aromatics (styrene, m-xylene and o-xylene) was 2.5-3.0% under the higher concentration conditions (>500ppm). As for Tedlar bag, the twice cleaning frequency of the new Tedlar bag with the zero air of 80% bag’s volume should be sufficient. The residual percentages of 17 VOCs was only 0.3%-0.9% for the samples with higher concentration (300-500ppm) after 18 times cleaning at 60-80℃. However, the bag for mobile tail gas samples is difficult to clean since more than 10% residuals remaining for some VOCs after 54 times cleaning at 60℃. For this reason, it is suggested that the Tedlar bag not be reused after sampling higher VOC concentrations (>200ppm) of the exhaust gas. The influence of moisture content in the Tedlar bag on the decrease of VOCs is significant. The trends of VOC decay during the storage period are similar for humidity up to 10%, but they are different at higher humidity (25%). The data for Tedlar bag storing at higher temperatures (25℃ or 35℃) are better than the results at 15℃. In addition, the QA/QC results for acetone, methyl ethyl ketone and methyl acetate conform to the norm in their calibration, accuracies and precisions. 094 環檢所 許逸群 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4216
鍍鎳製程整合奈米薄膜/電透析程序回收有價金屬之研發計畫 本計畫主要以研究開發「奈米薄膜/電透析程序」取代電鍍製程清洗廢水傳統化學沉澱處理程序為主要目的,本案選定工業製程中常見的「鍍鎳程序」水洗水為研究對象,期望回收資源物質(如鎳離子、水),利用「線上回收」觀念,開發電鍍程序清潔生產之方法,減少廢水處理及污泥處理成本,達到(1)資源回收/清潔生產(2)大幅減少污泥量(3)廠區清潔(4)提升環保形象(5)提升經濟效應之五大目的。本研究之回收程序主要分為兩單元,第一單元先以奈米薄膜分離濃縮二價鎳離子並去除其他雜質(如氯離子、氨基磺酸、小分子量有機物),達到含鎳離子溶液濃縮純化目的,第二單元則以電透析裝置進行低濃度鎳回收及水再生。本回收程序計畫鎳離子濃縮率之最佳化條件為系統回收率90%,濃縮倍數可達9.3倍以上或相當於質量回收比率約為93%,且有效分離單價離子。由於奈米薄膜濃縮所需壓力較低(數十psi),能量消耗不多,且電鍍廢水之濁度低、pH低,較不會有fouling、scaling及濃度極化現象影響流通量。此外,電透析由於適用低濃度之廢水,可將奈米薄膜之濾液進一步純化至放流,或於廠內進行回收使用;電透析濃縮液則可進入源頭,並回收剩餘約10%之質量,達到資源回收及水再生之雙重目的。與傳統程序比較,估計約操作17.7個月後NF/ED之經濟性將大於傳統物化沉澱方法。 Study of nickel recovey from nanofiltration combined with electrodialysis processes from nickel plating industry The purpose of this study is to propose a nanofiltration /electrodialysis process for nickel recovery from a metal plating industry. Nickel recovery in the metal plating industry has been studied widely by other process such as chemical precipitation and ion exchange. However, the complication of sludge and resin regeneration has been a problem and is not feasible for the industry, resulting in the high operating cost. The cooperation company in this project is Concert Environment Technic Company, which is a consultant company who work with traditional metal plating industry. The nickel waste has been presented in their waste stream and ion-exchange process was not successful for them. Nanofiltration was typically used for multivalent ion removal; thus the separation of monovalent and multivalent ions can be achieved. Electrodialysis is a membrane separation process based on the selective migration of aqueous ions through ion-exchange membranes under electrical driving forces. It has been commercially used for desalination, wastewater treatment and electrolyte separation for electroplating wastewater. In order to recover the nickel and water, this study designs a model which has nanofiltration combined with electrodialysis. In the first stage, nanofiltration was proposed to retain Ni2+ in the concentrate stream but other monovalent such as sulfamate, chloride and small organics, can be removed by passing through membrane. Thus in the electrodialysis stage, nickel can be concentrated. The optimum mass recovery is about 93% with system recovery of 90 % or 9.3 times of the initial concentration increase. Electrodialysis is able to recover the reamianing 10 mass % of nickel and also to meet the discharge standard. This research will be able to reduce their operating cost by recovering nickel and water, also solve their current problems for their wastewater containing nickel and also for many similar metal plating companies in Taiwan. Comparing to the traditional process, the NF/ED will be more economical after 17.7 month of operation. 094 永續發展室 國立台北科技大學中小企業創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4214
紫外線系統維護與沙塵科學管理 本計畫為結合既有之紫外線監測及沙塵暴監測平台,透過資料庫及網際網路之應用,進行紫外線系統維護與沙塵科學管理工作,整合國內紫外線預報系統與沙塵暴監測系統,提高預報與監測之正確性,以利評估紫外線與大陸沙塵暴之影響與衝擊。為達成整合國內紫外線預報系統與沙塵暴監測系統之目的,計畫年度內主要完成之工作內容包括:(一) 進行紫外線預報模式系統之軟硬體維護。(二) 評估模式預報結果,並依評估結果改進預報模式。(三) 驗證紫外線監測系統之觀測資料,以確保資料品質。(四) 進行紫外線年度監測資料及預報成效分析,探討指數是否出現異於長期氣候的現象,以瞭解紫外線變化趨勢。(五) 維護實驗室「參考標準」 (二級標準),建立「工作標準」(三級標準) 輻射計。(六) 建立測站輻射計定期維護計畫,校驗環保署紫外線測站現場輻射計。(七) 維護實驗室品保系統。(八) 進行環保署紫外線測站現場輻射計比對工作,收集與分析比對資料。(九) 建置紫外線輻射計校驗實驗室專責網站,提供校驗結果等資訊。(十) 更新歷年大陸地區沙塵暴之資料,包括氣象測站、衛星遙測、空氣品質及沙塵暴相關之預報狀況與學術研究等。(十一) 配合前述沙塵暴資料庫及環保署空氣品質監測結果,進行台灣地區受大陸沙塵影響程度分析,並更新沙塵暴網站內容。(十二) 彙整1995-2002年台北地區空氣污染監測、氣象及台大醫院急診病例數資料,釐清中國大陸沙塵暴與沙塵暴導致高壓迴流之高污染事件對台北地區醫院急診病例數變化之差異。 Maintenance of UVI Forecasting System and Scientific Management of the Dust Storm Monitoring This project combines the UV-Index forecasting system and the monitoring program of the dust storm. In all, following results are obtained: Maintain the equipment of the UV-Index forecasting system. Assess and improve the predicting system of UV-Index. Prove the observation, so as to ensure the quality of the UV-Index monitoring. Analysis the results of UV-Index monitoring and predicting, in order to find out UV variation tendency. Maintain a third-level working standard; Close contact with EPA to execute the calibration task; Maintain a reliable calibration system and QA/QC operational procedure; Calibrate of all on-site UVI instruments. Compare the calibration result, and set up a QA/QC operational procedure on site; Upgrade the continents of dust storm monitoring over the years. Upgrade the website of the dust storm database. Case study on the dust storms and the emergency admissions in Taipei, Taiwan from 1995-2002 094 監資處 國立臺灣大學全球變遷研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4212
各類型排放管道中粒狀污染物粒徑分析研究(III) 粒狀污染物為台灣地區空氣污染品質好壞判定之重要參考指標之一,為提供業者在污染防制上之改善方法,和有效的選擇適合的空氣污染防制設備,以符合空氣污染物排放標準,及探討法規之合理性,實有必要性探討排放管道排氣中之微粒特性(如粒徑分析與組成);另因隨排放管道微粒特性之檢測方法,所得到之測值略有差異,且對環境之影響與貢獻量亦無法充分予以掌握,本研究乃彙整前兩年依美國與日本所公告之粒徑分析標準方法,所進行粒狀污染物排放量前十大行業排放管道測試之分析結果,建立排放管道粒狀污染物排放特性與工廠周界粒狀污染物特性(含粒徑與濃度)間關係,以瞭解排放管道所排放之污染物對空氣品質之影響,且藉ISC高斯擴散模式進行模擬以得知各行業鄰近測站最大濃度位置後,以供本年度周界測站採樣研究之進行,另藉受體模式CMB探討工廠排放管道所排放粒狀物,對周界所量測微粒之影響程度。本研究於工廠周遭所使用之微粒採樣儀器至少含總懸浮微粒採樣器(TSP)、懸浮微粒採樣器(PM10)及粒徑分析儀(至少含十種粒徑,分別為18、5.6、3.2、1.8、1.0、0.56、0.32、0.18、0.1及0.056μm)。所利用之受體模式為接受度較高之化學質量平衡(Chemical Mass Balance, CMB7)受體模式,以進行污染源比對與追蹤,且根據受體點所量測污染物特性,配合污染源特徵指紋資料,用統計分析方法評估受體點所接受的不同行業別污染源的貢獻量,以建立工廠周遭受體點污染物濃度與污染源排放濃度之間的關係;本研究並彙整代表性工廠周遭一、二與五公里內污染源(含移動源、固定源與逸散源等)位置與排放特性,即背景資料調查,以驗證評估結果之正確性。本研究乃藉由系統方法建立ISC3高斯擴散模式進行TSP濃度之模擬結果,其中以鋼鐵業最大小時粒狀物濃度模擬結果最大,高達194.9 μg/m3;造紙業模擬結果最小,僅為3.3 μg/m3。另最大著地濃度發生位置距離廠址最近為陶瓷業(I)與鋼鐵業(G),兩者最大著地濃度距離廠址皆僅為252 m;而最大著地濃度發生位置距離廠址最遠者為水泥業(E公司),最大著地濃度距離廠址高達2082 m。由周界檢測結果可知,磚窯業、瀝青業、油煤業、紙漿業、水泥業、電力業、鋼鐵業、化學材料業、陶瓷業與食品業臨近測點之TSP以磚窯業最低,僅介於32 ~53 mg/m3之間,而水泥業則為最高,可高達93.2 ~121mg/m3之間;十大行業之臨近測點PM10濃度以磚窯業臨近測點濃度最低,僅介於12.4~32.4mg/m3之間,而水泥業臨近測點濃度則最高,各高達45~78mg/m3之間;其PM2.5濃度則以瀝青業臨近測點濃度最低,僅介於6.0~8.0mg/m3之間,而水泥業臨近測點濃度則最高,高達11~47.8mg/m3之間。磚窯業、瀝青業、油煤業、紙漿業、水泥業、電力業、鋼鐵業、化學材料業、陶瓷業與食品業臨近測點空氣中微粒粒徑主要分別分布於在0.32 ~2.5、1 ~ 20、0.1 ~ 1.5、0.2 ~ 10、0.2 ~ 1.5、0.4 ~ 2、0.2 ~ 2、0.05 ~ 2、0.2 ~ 2和1 ~ 20m之間;主要粒徑之濃度分別為29.1、70.35、45.58、80.8、50.9、40.52、48.62、68.39、38.8與89.6 g/m3。 Study on the In-stack Particulate Size Distribution in Different Plant The targets of this research is to study on the particle size distribution with two standard test methods American Method 201A and Japanese JIS K0302 and establish particle emission characteristics of stack flue gas in nine industries. This research examined the differences between two standard test methods American Method 201A and Japanese JIS K0302 of particle diameter analysis and compared the merit and shortcoming of the two methods. Moreover, this research further explored the influence of particulate emission in flue gas on the atmospheric PM10. To rationalize the standards and regulations of air pollutant emissions, it is necessary to examine the particulate emission characteristics of flue gas. The sampling method used sampling probe to extract fine particles in the flue gas and then employed gravimetric method to calculate the concentration of discharged particles. The contribution of PM10 emission from stack was also determined in this study. Results showed that the food industry had the highest PM10 concentration, 114.7 mg/Nm3, whereas the cement industry had the lowest PM10 concentration, 15.2 mg/Nm3. Furthermore, papermaking industry had the highest PM10/TSP ratio, 0.88 and the brick kiln industry has the lowest PM10/TSP ratio, 0.67. The ratio of using Japanese standard sampling method was little smaller than that of using American standard sampling method. The PM10 variation at cement plant with USEPA Method 201A and JIS K0302 is the smallest, as small as 13% and 5%, respectively. 094 環檢所 張章堂 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=4210
九十四年度臺中市街道揚塵洗掃計畫 一、計畫名稱:九十四年度「臺中市民有民營街道揚塵洗掃計畫」二、計畫經費:新台幣玖佰伍拾萬元整三、執行期程:自簽約日94.6.10日起至94年12月底止,約7個月四、計畫內容:1.洗街總長度至少為42,000公里。2.由執行單位應負責提供本計畫所需之洗街車一輛以上3.洗街作業方式:利用加壓洗街車沖洗街道兩側路面塵土,清洗時之出水量至少需達到每公里1.2公噸以上。將洗街作業前、作業中及作業後之結果分別拍照存證。4.成效評估作業:(1)TSP/PM10檢測作業:篩選重要道路進行洗掃前、後之TSP/PM10檢測作業,共計執行20點次,以評估洗掃作業執行對空氣品質之改善成效。(2)街塵調查分析作業:篩選本市重要道路分別於洗掃街作業前、後與下次洗掃前進行街塵收集與分析粒徑作業,共計執行60點次,以評估洗掃作業對街塵之去除情形及本市道路之塵土累積率。(3)水質分析作業:針對洗街車及其取水水源進行採樣分析作業,共計分析「總懸浮固體物(SS)」及現場濁度分析八十處次(水源四十處次、洗街車水箱四十次),並對照分析以瞭解洗街用水水質狀況,若取水水源為自來水或地下水則免進行檢測。(4)分期進行至少一千份問卷調查,瞭解市民對洗街之感受與建議。5.街道揚塵洗掃作業資料核對與彙整:(1)針對洗掃街作業執行單位所提供之每週、每月報表進行核對、彙整與建檔工作,並需填寫書面檢查表後一併送交本局查核。(2)每週二次不定點、不定時進行洗街現況調查(洗掃時段、路段、出水量、行車速度、警示設備等)。(3)針對洗掃單位之衛星定位監控系統進行使用狀況及資料庫內資料核對,並定期填寫查核表後連同行車記錄檔案一併送交環保局查核。6.行政管理與人力支援:(1)配合本局所定會議報告工作進度、成效及改善建議並提供必要人力支援會議資料整理。(2)本計畫承包廠商需於簽約後隨即向本局提報所有工作人員名冊資料,且於人員異動需於十日內向環保局報備。五、現階段工作執行成果:一、執行本市主要街道揚塵之洗街工作,累計執行42354.6公里,工作進度達100%,已達成42,000公里目標,同時並建立洗街前、中、後檔案數位式資料及定期提報洗街報表等相關文件資料,以期確實掌握洗街狀況與成效。二、執行洗街作業成效評估作業1.完成10條道路20點次之TSP/PM10檢測作業,工作進度達100%。2. 完成20條道路60點次街塵調查分析之檢測作業,工作進度達100%。3.完成83點次取水點及洗街車內水質檢測(SS及濁度),工作進度達100%。4.進行問卷調查1,020份,並完成問卷統計分析,工作達進度100%5.執行每週2次之道路查核共62次(340條)道路之洗街現況調查作業。 The street sweeping and street washing in Taichung City for fiscal year2005 NONE 094 台中市環境保護局 臺中市政府環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1880