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青潭堰集水區以上污染源調查及水質管理計畫 本計畫針對台北水源特定區中之南勢溪集水區進行現勘調查,內容包括各種形式之點源與非點源污染發生源,重要成果摘要如下:(一)已完成現地調查,對於水質有影響的商家共173家,其中混合式溫泉經營共有44家,餐廳有78家,民宿有10家純湯屋有10家,露營區有4家,小攤販等共有27家,並進行GIS空間定位。(二)污染量經分析BOD點源污染年輸出量約為212千公斤,佔總輸出量65.23%;總磷點源污染年輸出量約為6.4千公斤,佔總輸出量35.35%;總氮點污染年輸出量約為56千公斤,佔總輸出量28.78%,本區最重要的水質管理項目為BOD、氨氮與大腸菌類,污染處理廠之操作在本區有顯著的功效。(三)經子集水區分析,烏來地區之溫泉廢水產生21.9千公斤之BOD,佔烏來地區之總輸出量23.85%;未納戶產生41.7千公斤之BOD,佔烏來地區之總輸出量45.49%。(四)經由94年度航測資料分析,完成本區土地使用數值建檔,原始土地面積佔93.35%(闊葉林、灌木林、針葉林、針闊竹混交林、竹林),人為開發使用佔1.68%。(五)南勢溪為川流式河川,水力停留時間短,水質受到氣象影響大,當乾季時流量較少,河川水質受到未接管家庭廢水、溫泉混合餐飲廢水、遊憩人口之影響,點源污染(BOD5)可達到總污染量的80%~90%,而當雨量充足時,河川水質受到自然背景輸出量影響較大,點源污染僅佔有30%~40%之間,最大差異可達60%,增加水質管理的困難。此外對於南勢溪之管理層面上,應當特別著重削減BOD、氨氮與大腸菌等人類造成之負荷,以保護水質安全。 Pollution Sources Investigation and Water Quality Management Planning for Cingtan Watershed In this study, We have analyzed the information available about the “ District of Taipei Water Management office “, addressed water quality concerns regarding point and non-point source pollution, and some conclusions can be made as following. (1) There are 173 shops have been investigated and identified as point pollution sources, including 78 restaurants and 44 Hot spring resorts.(2) Point source discharge BOD annually contribute 65.23% in total, discharge TP annually contribute 35.35% in total, and discharge TN annually contribute 28.78%. Both BOD, and E coli, are most important items concerned.(3) In Wulai sub-watershed area, hot spring resort discharge BOD contribute 23.85%, and household without sewage service discharge BOD contribute 45.49% in this area.(4) According to latest landcover data analysis shows that forest landuse contribute 93.35%, constructed area only 1.68%.(5) Nan-shih creek is flow-through river, water quality is highly influenced by hydrology condition. During dry season, human activities contribute 80%~90% of BOD, while in wet season is 30%~40%. This cause the difficulty of water quality management, and more attention should be put on BOD, and E coli, when deal with the Nan-shih creek. 095 水保處 國立台灣大學生物環境系統工程學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2158
95年度紙錢集中燒成果報告 為減少燃燒紙錢所造成之空氣污染,讓市民可以無虞地呼吸新鮮空氣,台南市政府於今年度首度推動中元普度「紙錢作伙燒,健康擱環保」,由於是第一年推動,深怕台南市民一時之間無法扭轉傳統燒紙錢的習慣,原預定目標為載運單位100個單位、紙錢收運量30公噸。為了推動紙錢集中燒政策,市政府團隊於95年2月份即展開相關局處協調會議,並陸續辦理了九場次宣導活動、一場起跑活動以及焚化爐淨爐儀式,希望取得民眾信任與支持,環保局亦於6月26至30日委託民調公司辦理台南市民電話問卷訪查工作,有效問卷數為1067份,百分之95信心水準,抽樣誤差為正負3.0%以內,調查結果有60.5%的民眾表示願意配合政策集中焚燒紙錢,13.1%的民眾則表示不願意配合,另外26.4%的民眾表示不知道或無意見;另外73.3%的民眾表示同意集中焚燒紙錢地點為經過淨爐儀式宣告後的城西焚化爐,11.0%的民眾則表示不同意,另外15.7%的民眾表示沒意見;以上顯示有六成以上台南市民願意配合政策集中焚燒紙錢且於經過淨爐儀式宣告後的城西焚化爐進行焚燒。台南市政府透過市政府跨局室通力協調合作,於95年度共收運188.1公噸的紙錢,遠遠超出原預期目標30公噸,是首年推動縣市第一名,95年則為全國第4名,總空氣污染物削減量達25.84公噸,其中以減少一氧化碳22.76公噸佔最多;另載運單位超過200個單位,亦為今年預計目標量之2倍以上,由實際收運成果顯見台南市民非常贊成並以行動支持紙錢集中燒政策,這對整個市府團隊是相當大的鼓舞。95年度辦理中元普度「紙錢作伙燒,健康擱環保」已告一段落,未來市政府團隊將持續推廣以使民眾養成不露天燃燒紙錢的習慣,96年度預計擴大辦理推動紙錢集中燒活動,除中元普度外,其餘春節、清明、建醮等特殊節日外,初一、十五亦將加強宣導推動,96年目標訂為500公噸。為使紙錢焚燒量下降,將與禮儀工(公)會展開協商,討論以大面額紙錢取代小面額紙錢的具體可行做法,而未來長期目標將設置一座專燒紙錢且具有防制設備的專用環保金爐。 095 台南市環境保護局 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=631
家戶及社區水污染防治費徵收調查及規劃作業計畫 本計畫工作重點為調查及建立家戶之名冊資料檔,以供徵收水污費,提出徵收水污費作業方式,調查社區專用污水下水道操作管理情形,及辦理8場次相關會議。為調查社區專用污水下水道操作管理情形,本計畫共寄發2,712個社區作問卷調查,共回覆214份問卷;請自來水水機構提供2,712個社區用戶資料,共蒐集287,175戶資料。為估算水污費金額,需建立用戶名冊資料檔,公共污水下水道納管用戶合計417,127戶;自行申報繳費事業合計13,185戶;工業區專用下水道用戶合計13,118戶;社區專用污水下水道納管用戶合計287,175戶;未使用自來水地區用戶合計457,115戶。其使用自來水地區水污費估算為58億8,028萬元,未使用自來水地區用戶水污費為4億1,140萬元。為規劃水污費徵收模式,本計畫已規劃使用自來水地區及未使用自來水地區水污費徵收作業方式,及資訊平台規劃評估,俾利後續水污費徵收。為瞭解家戶及社區水污費徵收之困難點,邀請自來水供水機構、台灣電力公司、內政部戶政司、縣市環保局、縣市工務局、工業區環境保護中心、工業局管理局、新竹科學工業園區、中部科學工業園區及南部科學工業園區、金融機構及代徵機構等單位,召開8場會相關會議進行意見交換。 Collection of Households and Communities water pollution Fee Project The plan to focus on the surveyed and established of household data, for levying water pollution control fees, impose water pollution fees projects, a survey of community sewage treatment system operating and management, and has held 8 seminars.To investigate the community sewage treatment system operating and management, the planned to mail questionnaires to 2,712 communities, and 214 communities were answered. The 2,712 communities has 287,175 households.In order to estimate of water pollution control fees, we need to establish of data. The public sewage systems have 417,127 households, the enterprises waste water management on law have 13,185 households, the industrial park sewage systems have 13,118 households, the community sewage systems have 287,175households. On water areas, The water pollution control fees has income about 58 billion. On waterless areas, The water pollution control fees has income about4.1 billion.Planning for water pollution control fees, The plan has been planning to water pollution control fees collection process on water areas and waterless and the draft regulation for of collection water pollution control fees, planning and assessment information platform, so that follow-up water pollution control fees of profits. We rose 8 seminars to answer difficult point of water pollution control fees of the household and community, ask Taipei water department, Taiwan Water Supply Corporation, Taiwan power company, Department of population of ministry of interior, Bureau of environmental protection, Sewage systems office of Department of public works, Center of environmental protection in industrial park, Administration of science park, bank, and organization. 095 水保處 社團法人台灣環境管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1557
機動車輛報廢回收處理資訊管理系統維護更新計畫 透過資訊系統全面整合方式,針對目前各執行單位獨立運作之資料庫數據,進行有效管理整合及應用分析,並採取回收作業流程E化模式及多維統計分析,來解決以往在執行面上尚存許多問題並有效提升目前回收作業各項辦理時程讓使用者更加便利,透過整合後使廢車回收中各種角色能有效管理整合並操作更加方便,而本計畫產生相關成果及效益如下:1.廢車回收處理資訊系統整合及維護作業。廢車回收處理相關資料庫彙整機制,彙整之資料庫包含廢車回收獎勵金資料庫、稽核認證資料庫(南、北兩個計畫)、聯合櫃檯配車資料庫、流向管控作業資料庫。2.電子化聯單辦理計畫透過E化模式使處理速度提升。3.規劃路邊棄置廢車拖吊查詢機制及進行可行性評估來減少棄置廢車問題。4.提升、維護廢車回收處理資訊管理系統,使操作更加友善。5.新增廢車回收處理入口網站功能。6.建置使用者統計分析查詢功能,讓統計資料能及時且正確的呈現。此外產生出主要效益為:節省費用支出、人力節省獎勵金審查人力及經費、疑似非法車輛通報,協助警政查贓、提升權限管理嚴謹性及抑制非法業者,防止環境污染等項目。 Waste Vehicle Scrapping and Recycling Services Information System, Maintenance and Update Project Through the integration of the information system, based on the database used by each independent executive unit, we integrated and analyzed the system by e-mobilization of the recycling operation and multi-dimensional analysis. Such resolution would resolve the existing operational problem and effectively promote better recycling efficiency to make the users feel more friendly when using this system. After integration, each person participates in the waste vehicle recycling operation will feel more convenient. The benefits achieved in this project are in the followings:1. Waste Vehicle Recycling and Management Information System Integration and Maintenance The waste vehicle recycling and management database integration includes waste vehicle recycling reward fund database, auditing and confirmation database (southern and northern region), united front desk vehicle assignment database, and vehicle flow tracing control operation database. 2. E-mobilization of the electronic manifest will upgrade the management speed. 3. Planning of the abandoned waste vehicles hauling inquiry mechanism and appraisal of its proceeding possibility to reduce the problem of waste vehicle abandonment. 4. Upgrade and maintain the waste vehicle recycling and management information system to make the operation more friendly.5. Adding new functions to the waste vehicle recycling and management information system entry. 6. Establish user statistic analysis inquiry functions to make the statistic data promptly and correctly displayed to the management staff. The other major benefits are: the cost saving of managing waste vehicle recycling, manpower saving of auditing of the reward of encouraging waste vehicle recycling, increase suspicious vehicle finding reporting, assist police investigation, promote access authorization of the system, prevent illegal activities associated with the waste vehicle management and environmental pollution. 095 基管會 環資國際有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1269
農業廢棄物稻穀、稻草清理調查及實地驗證評估專案工作計畫 本計畫主要工作重點為了解國內稻草、稻殻產生數量與分布,實地驗證可行的收集、清除、處理或再利用方式,進行成本效益分析,提供環保署及相關單位未來管制之參考。另須針對目前尚未列管應上網申報事業廢棄物流向之農業廢棄物,規劃及建議合適的管制措施。一、完成調查國內稻草、稻殻產生數量與分布,完成實地驗證可行的收集、清除、處理或再利用方式,並進行成本效益分析,以提供環保署及相關單位未來管制之參考。(一) 完成調查國內稻草產生數量、處理方式及現有問題,研析可行之清理技術與管理措施。(二) 完成蒐集國內各縣市過去10年稻草、稻殻數量及其清理方式。(三) 完成蒐集、分析國內外各種稻草、稻殻的收集、清除、處理或再利用方式、途徑,並完成各種方式的異同、經濟效益與優缺點之比較。(四) 完成至各縣市調查了解現有稻草、稻殻以農地現地處理方式及其衍生環境問題。(五) 完成研議國內產生之稻草、稻殻離開原農地之處理方式,包含收集、清除、處理或再利用方式與管道,並完成包括大型都市垃圾焚化廠混燒稻草及堆肥之實地驗證工作,研擬配合稻米收割、收集方式,評估各種方式的優劣、經濟效益等,提供具體可行的建議。二、完成調查目前尚未列管應上網申報事業廢棄物流向之農業廢棄物產出與管理現況,做為未來是否列為環保署公告應上網申報管制之參考。(一) 針對目前尚未列管應上網申報事業廢棄物流向之農業廢棄物,完成調查其廢棄物種類、數量與管理現況,配合目前農業主管機關管理方式規劃及建議合適的管制措施。(二) 完成辦理三場次農業廢棄物管理座談會,了解現階段稻草、稻殻處理方式及其它農業廢棄物申報、清除、處理及再利用所面臨的問題與困難,並研提建議方案。(三) 完成辦理一次與本計畫有關之農業廢棄物業務協調聯繫會報(二天一夜),參與對象為相關部會、縣(市)環保局及環保署相關單位人員。 Investigation and Field Verification of the Disposal of the Agricultural Waste (Rice Hull and Straw) This project was to investigate the quantity of production and distribution of rice straw and hull in Taiwan, and to conduct field verification of practicable collection, removing, treatment, or reuse methods, in order to carry out cost-benefit analysis and to submit the result to EPA and related agencies for their reference. Besides, this project planned and proposed suitable control measures for the agricultural wastes which have not been regulated as hazardous enterprise wastes and declared to the authorities of their logistics on-line.1. To investigate the quantity of production and distribution of rice straw and hull, and to conduct field verification of practicable collection, removing, treatment, or reuse methods, in order to carry out cost-benefit analysis and to submit the result to EPA and related agencies for their reference(1) To survey the quantity of production, treatment method, and existing problems of rice straw in Taiwan, in order to analyze practicable treatment technology and control measures(2) To collect quantity data and treatment methods of every city and county in Taiwan in the past 10 years(3) To collect domestic and foreign methods and approaches for rice straw and hull collection, removing, treatment, and reuse, and to compare the similarities and dissimilarities, economic benefits, and advantages and disadvantages of the methods(4) To investigate the existing on-site treatment methods of rice straw and hull in every city and county in Taiwan, and environmental problems emanated from these treatment methods(5) To study methods to have the rice straw and hull treated at sites off the farms, including methods and channels of collection, removing, treatment, and reuse, and to complete the field verification of combining the rice straw for incineration in large-scale urban refuse incineration plant and making the straw into compost. Finally, in conjunction with rice harvest and collection methods, this project assesses the advantages and disadvantages and economic benefits of various methods to provide practicable suggestions2. To investigate the production and management status of the agricultural wastes which have not been regulated as hazardous enterprise wastes and declared their logistics on-line yet; the investigation result will serve as reference to the EPA for deciding if they should be regulated and declared on-line in the future(1) To survey the kinds, quantities, and management status of the above-mentioned unregulated agricultural wastes, and to plan and propose suitable measures for their control in accordance with current practices of agricultural authorities(2) To hold 3 seminars on agricultural wastes management to discuss the present treatment methods of rice straw and hull, problems and difficulties on declaration, removing, treatment, and reuse of them and other agricultural wastes, and recommend on the countermeasures for their control(3) To hold 1 coordination workshop on agricultural wastes related to this project, to be participated by relevant authorities, environmental protection bureaus in the cities and counties, and personnel from relevant offices of EPA 095 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1503
應用光觸媒於二氧化碳減量及揮發性有機物去除之技術開發 本研究主要目的為光觸媒反應器開發及光觸媒改質提升反應效率,本研究分別利用環狀光反應器、新開發之陣列式新型光纖反應器及新型陣列式含pt之光觸媒反應器進行UV/光觸媒程序分解揮發性有機氣相污染物。本研究也利用添加白金、銀來進行光觸媒改質,期以降低光觸媒之電子-電洞結合趨勢,進而促進光觸媒之光利用率,探討改質光觸媒在光觸媒催化程序的影響,依據實驗結果顯示添加白金、銀均能有效提升分解效率。在連續式環狀反應器之反應系統的部分,分別針對氣相污染物異丙醇,探討有關UV光強度、反應物濃度、濕度等操作因素對反應物的轉化率及礦化程度之影響情形,實驗結果顯示以UV/TiO2程序在連續式環狀反應器中進行氣相揮發性有機物的光催化分解研究時,處理效率則主要受UV光強度、氣相有機物進料濃度、相對濕度大小等因素的影響。另外在氣相光還原部份,則針對相對溼度、不同起始濃度、滯留時間及濕度效應等實驗因子,經實驗分析及鑑定結果後確定光還原產物為甲烷,其主要受到紫外線光強度、濕度、滯留時間及反應物起始濃度等影響。此外,本研究嘗發展出一陣列式新型光纖反應器,並以處理氣相丙酮、甲醛、異丙醇為污染物探討陣列式新型光纖反應器之可行性及其光量子產率。分別改變異丙醇、丙酮、丁酮及甲醛的初始濃度(30-180ppmv),實驗結果顯示在丙酮初始濃度為30 ppmv時去除率可達61%,隨著初始濃度增加至180 ppmv,去除率下降至約31%,丁酮的去除率也是隨著初始濃度增由52%降低至25%,甲醛去除率為82-46%、異丙醇去除率則為67-42%。實驗結果顯示連續式微分光纖反應器、陣列式新型光纖反應器之量子產率均比環狀反應器高。但是因為拆裝不容易,此外,若發生觸媒毒化現象,需耗費較大的成本更換光纖,因此,利用光纖反應器的設計原理,開發完成新型陣列式含pt之光觸媒反應器,將改質後之光觸媒直接批覆於陰極燈管表面,如此將能增加光強度,更有效的利用光源。相較於其他有機廢氣處理技術而言,陣列式光觸媒反應系統主要之差異為提高紫外光的利用率與光觸媒氧化能力的提升與維持,為了因應未來實廠的汙染物排放濃度,因此將異丙醇之初始濃度提高至550ppmv,其去除率仍然可以保持在67%;此外,在設備體積上,傳統廢氣燃燒或生物氧化程序須進行燃料提供或曝氣溶解,其質傳床高備受限制,體積也較大,而本項設備則具有空間優勢。 Photocatalytic Process development for VOCs removal and CO2 reduction Various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have been emitted from numerous industries process, many of which in common use are toxic and some are considered to be carcinogenic or mutagenic. Recently, a variety of photocatalytic processes have been studied for treating gaseous streams containing VOCs. However, recombination between electron/hole pairs resulted in low quantum yields for most photocatalytic reactions. Various methods were developed to modify the structural and morphological properties of TiO2 catalyst by doping several metals, such as Pt, Ag, and Au to enhance the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 due to the increase of electron transfer rate to the oxidant and enable visible light absorption by providing defect states in the band gap. The gaseous 2-propanol (isopropanol, IPA) which was decomposed by UV/TiO2 process in an annular photoreactor was influenced by UV light intensity, initial gaseous concentration, relative humidity and so on. In the gaseous photoreduction, the experimental parameters were focused on relative humidity, differential initial concentration, retention time and light intensity, etc. Experimental results obtained in this study demonstrated that UV/TiO2¬ photocatalytic process is capable of carrying the reduction of carbon dioxide in gaseous steams. The primary reduction products from the reduction of carbon dioxide were determined to be methane and methanol.The objective of this research was to investigate the reaction behavior of both the photooxidation of gas-phase volatile organic compounds and the reduction of carbon dioxide in the presence of titanium dioxide, and to develop a photoreactor. A new-type optical fiber photoreactor was investigated for treatment of gaseous acetone, formaldehyde and IPA. After changing the initial concentration of acetone, methylethylketone (MEK), formaldehyde and IPA, from 30 ppmv to 180 ppmv, the degradation rate of these pollutants were from 61 % to 31 %, 52 % to 25 %, 82 % to 46 % and 67 % to 42 %, respectively.In this study, experimental results indicate that the deposition of 0.04 wt% Pt on TiO2 film exhibited the highest photocatalytic activity among all the composition investigated.The new photoreactor was introduced as a superior photoreactor to decompose VOCs. Experimental results showed higher apparent quantum yields were obtained compared with the annular reactor.In order to simulate the actual discharge of factory, the array-photocatalytic reactor was developed and the initial concentration of IPA was increased to 550 ppmv. However, the photodegradation of IPA remained at 67 % in an array-photocatalytic reactor. The results indicated that new photoreactor seems to be more energy-efficient than the annular reactor, which suggested an appropriately designed reactor could be a potential alternative in photocatalytic gas-phase organic compounds treatment. 095 永續發展室 立曄股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1167
因應溫室氣體管制檢討研修電力設施、鋼鐵業及石化業空氣污染物排放標準及可行性評估計畫 我國固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準自81年發布,電力設施及鋼鐵業等行業別標準則自83年及82年發布,雖然歷經多次的小幅修,其數值與架構並未有大幅的檢討。因應溫室氣體管制潮流、污染源檢測數據資料庫漸趨完整、防制技術趨於成熟、廠商及民眾的環保觀念及水準逐年提昇,故就上述排放標準加以檢討。本計畫完成空氣品質模式模擬、蒐集行業別溫室氣體管制策略、彙整國內外排放現況、比較國內外管制資料,以研擬排放標準修正草案。並透過專家諮詢會及業者座談會,凝聚共識,以利草案推行。此外,也訂定電力設施單位發電量之排放量,來整合污染物排放濃度及熱效率,並增加管制彈性,污染源可藉由降低排放濃度或增加發電效率來符合該標準。修正案說明如下:(一)固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準1.硫氧化物:規範下一階段低硫燃料油含硫分限值為0.3%,對應排放標準為150ppm。未來將以公告適用該限值的縣市別來逐步推動。2.氮氧化物:要求既存污染源限期符合新設污染源標準。3.粒狀污染物:針對固體燃料及非固體燃料分別訂定標準。固體燃料標準依規模大小分別為50及150mg/Nm3。非固體燃料則為40、50、100及150mg/Nm3。4.一氧化碳排放管道標準:燃燒以外製程,得以模式模擬,不超過空氣品質標準為原則,來核定一氧化碳排放標準。5.第七條至第十條之修改:建議刪除第九條第一項及第二項,調整第八條及第十條之規定。(二)電力設施空氣污染物排放標準1.汽力機組:65年1月1日以後設立之機組,固體燃料SOx及NOx標準為70ppm及100ppm,液體燃料SOx及NOx標準為60ppm及60ppm,氣體燃料NOx則為40ppm。粒狀物排放標準則為20mg/Nm3。2.複循環機組:燃油機組NOx必須符合120ppm,燃氣機組則為40ppm。3.增訂電力設施單位發電量之排放量:汽力機組硫氧化物標準為0.65 g/kwh(固體燃料)及0.51 g/kwh (液體燃料)。汽力機組氮氧化物標準為0.65 g/kwh(固體燃料)、0.39 g/kwh (液體燃料) 及0.26 g/kwh (氣體燃料)。複循環機組氮氧化物標準為0.52 g/kwh(氣體燃料)。(三)鋼鐵業燒結工場空氣污染物排放標準1.規定粒狀污染物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物標準分別為50 mg/Nm3、100ppm及100ppm。2.增訂燒結工場單位產量之排放量:硫氧化物為0.52克/公斤燒結礦,氮氧化物為0.36克/公斤燒結礦。(四)研擬石化加熱爐空氣污染物排放標準草案1.規定粒狀污染物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物標準分別為50 mg/Nm3、125ppm及180ppm。2.由於石化加熱爐使用燃料之成份變異較大,包括油氣混燒,使用製程氣等,燃燒控制較為困難。此外,由於石化產品種類繁多,故訂定單位產品污染物排放量有其困難,建議僅採用排放濃度標準來管制。 The Review of Air Pollutant Emissions Standards of Power Plant、Steel Industry Sintering Plant and Refinery The Stationary Pollution Source Air Pollutant Emissions Standards 、Emissions Standards of Power Plant and Emissions Standards of Steel Industry Sintering Plant has promulgated since 1992、1994 and 1993, respectively. The emissions standards and control guidelines had only little modified during those years. Based on the control of green house gas, the completeness of stack test and emission inventory, the maturity of technology of pollution control technology and the enhancement of the environmental concepts from industrials and public. It is necessary to revise the Air Pollutant Emissions Standards.The objectives of this project are to evaluate environmental impact of pollutants by model, to collect the green house gas mitigation strategy, to review the existing Emission Standard, to compare the Stationary Pollutant Emissions Standards with the other country, to formulate the drafted newly Emission Standard and to evaluate the impact. The suggestion of the newly Emissions Standards includes,(1)Stationary Pollution Source Air Pollutant Emissions Standards(a)It was recommended that the sulfur content of residual oil should not exceeded 0.3% in the future and the SOx emission concentration should meet 150 ppm.(b)It is recommended that all of the emission standard should adopted to the newly installed.(c)It is recommended that the emission standards of particulate depend on fuel type. The standard of solid fuel will be 50 and 150 Nm3/min and non-solid fuel will be 40、50、100 and 150 Nm3/min referred to exhaust volumn scale.(d)For the special process, it is recommended that CO emission standard could be applied by model simulation under no significent effect on CO air quality.(e)For the Article 7 to Article 10 : It is suggested that part of Article 9 to be deleted, and the Article 8 and Article 10 to be modified.(2)Emissions Standards of Power Plant(a)It is recommended that the emissions standard of SOx and NOx from coal-fired power plant will be 70pppm and 100ppm espectively, emissions standards of SOx and NOx from oil-fired power plant will be 60ppm and 60ppm respectively, emissions standards of NOx from gas-fired power plant will be 40ppm. Emission standard of particulate matter will be 20 mg/Nm3.(b)It is recommended that the emissions standard of NOx from oil-fired and gas-fired GTCC will be 120pppm and 40ppm respectively.(c)It is recommended to regulate the pollutant emission unit power generated:SOx standard will be 0.65 g/kwh and 0.51 g/kwh for coal-fired and oil-fired power plant respectively. NOx standard will be 0.65 g/kw、0.39 g/kwh and 0.26 g/kwh for coal-fired、oil-fired and gas-fired power plant respectively. NOx standard will be 0.52 g/kw for gas-fired GTCC。(3)Emissions Standards of Steel Industry Sintering Plant(a)It is recommended that the emission standard of particulate、SOx and NOx of sintering plant will be 50 mg/Nm3、100ppm and 100ppm respectivly after one year of the regulations announcement.(b)It is recommended to regulate the pollutant emission unit sinter produced:SOx and NOx standard will be 0.52 g/kg sinter and 0.36 g/kg sinter respectively.(4)Emissions Standards of Heating Facilities of Petrochemical ProductionIt is recommended that the emission standard of particulate、SOx and NOx of heating facilities will be 50 mg/Nm3、125ppm and 180ppm respectively。 095 空保處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1365
空氣品質分析及空品區空氣品質改善推動計畫 本計畫完成94年度空氣污染防制總檢討報告編撰,並逐月解析95年空氣品質變化,完成全國各空品區95年一般測站PSI>100之統計分析,並列出歷年變化趨勢,至95年12月底全國及高屏空品區PSI>100百分比,經扣除3~4月份3次沙塵暴影響站日數後,分別為3.8%及8.2%,全國95年較93~94年同期已有明顯改善,高屏空品區在94年達到9.4%的高峰後,95年亦有明顯改善,其中PM10達2.74%、O3達5.49%。針對「空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急防制辦法」完成修訂草案對照表,增列PSI>150之準備級管制濃度限值並訂定該限值發生時之污染源查處準則。針對雪山隧道進行空氣品質監測,發現CO及NO為隧道內主要指標污染物,在南北兩端隧道出口處,因氣流活塞效應污染物累積之故,而使濃度達到最高。本計畫進行高屏空品區營建工地現勘及污染回報,完成120處次現勘並有36件污染告發;完成十餘趟次之農廢露天燃燒現勘,發現12件案例,並針對農民進行禁止露天燃燒之宣導及勸導;完成粒狀物料堆36家工廠70處次之現勘並告發13件,完成8次高雄港區散裝碼頭逸散揚塵之現勘及改善進度督導;完成12次陸空聯合稽查行程,通報38處疑似污染案件並告發15件;配合南區督察大隊及三縣市環保局進行非法柴油抽驗作業計22次(含三縣市聯合攔查4次)。探討高高屏臭氧潛勢較高之污染源,彙整臭味問題之成果,完成20家VOCs工廠的現勘,另針對石化廠廢氣燃燒塔所提出之使用報告書進行資料彙總,參考美國南加州法規,建議國內廢氣燃燒塔未來管制方向。由環保署召開5場次本計畫相關議題之研商會,另參與4場次高高屏區域交流會議,並與環保局進行『VOC及臭味問題訪談及現勘』,為與高高屏三縣市環保局及委辦單位有更密切的聯繫及合作,本計畫亦彙整完成三縣市95年各項計畫之發包狀況及計畫相關人員之通訊錄名單 Air quality analysis and the air quality improve action in air basin The plan finish ‘Air Pollution Control Examination Report in 2005’ , analyses the air quality changes for each month in 2006. Beside the statistic analysis of PSI >100 percentage for general monitoring stations in 2006, the plan also lists a tendency to annual changes in nation-wide air quality areas. The KaoPing and nation-wide PSI >100 percentage (from January to December in 2006) needs to deduct the percentage of three-sandstorm values which has affected the station days during March and April. The results are 3.8% and 8.2%. According to this, the nation-wide PSI >100 percentage shows the obvious improvement in 2006 (compares it with 2004-2005). The PSI >100 percentage apparently shows the improvement after it reached its peak to 9.4%. Within it, PM10 is 2.74% and O3 is 5.49%. Therefore, an additional density limitation of PSI >150 preparatory control rule should be added to the amendment of “The Emergency Control Regulation for Bad Air Quality”. Such limitation should list the rules of inspection for pollution sources. ‘Air Quality Monitoring and Inspection in Syueshan Tunnel’ find CO and NO are the major index pollutants. The pollutants concentration reach the hightest on Tunnel south and north outlet sampling point which airflow piston cause pollutants accumulate.The plan performs inspections of the construction sites and the pollution reports in KaoPing areas. It completes 120 inspections and reports 36 pollution cases. The plan examines open burning of agricultural waste more than 10 times. There are 12 open burning cases of agricultural waste. The EPA has issued the dissuasion and prohibition especially to farmers. The plan examines 36 factories which pile up granular material outside for 70 times and reports 13 cases. The plan completes 8-time dust spreading inspections in Kaohsiung harbor area. The process and conduction of the fractional packs in the docks have been improved. The plan completes air and land way investigations for 12 times. There are 38 suspect pollution cases and 15 of them have been reported. Furthermore, the plan checks illegal diesel oil randomly for 22 times with southern patrol and the EPA bureaus in KaoKaoPing counties (including united inspections for 4 times in KaoKaoPing counties).The plan discusses the pollution sources for higher ozone tendencies in KaoKaoPing area. According to the results of foul smell sources, the plan completes the inspection for 20 VOCs factories. It also collects operation reports from petroleum refinery flares. Refer to the Southern California regulations in USA, the plan suggests the future control prospect for domestic refinery flares.The EPA has conducted 5 conferences which are related to this plan. The plan staff attended four communication conferences in KaoKaoPing area. They interviewed the EPA and examined VOC and foul smell problems. For the purpose of closer connection and cooperation with three EPA bureaus and other organizations in KaoKaoPing area, the plan collects the information of project sending and the personnel’s address books for each project in 2006. 095 空保處 中鼎工程公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1834
中北部地區10年以下加油站(82-86年設立)之土壤及地下水污染調查計畫 本計畫主要目標為進行站齡在10年以下加油站(82-86年設立)之土壤及地下水污染潛勢調查及查證,另依據本計畫調查之加油站基本資料、加油站防止污染地下水體設施及定期監測申報資料等,與加油站之污染勢進行相關性分析,以提供環保署做為後續行政管制措施上之參考依據。計畫工作內容將分成三個階段執行,分別為第一階段測漏管與土壤氣體檢測;第二階段則針對第一階段篩選出具污染潛勢之加油站進行土壤採樣調查、簡易井設置及地下水採樣調查;第三階段則針對第二階段地下水超過污染管制標準之加油站,進行標準監測井設置與地下水採樣檢測分析。本計畫共完成200座加油站第一階段調查工作,包括2445支測漏管油氣及功能檢測;以及819點土壤氣體油氣檢測。完成28座加油站第二階段調查工作,包括148點土壤採樣及樣品檢測分析;以及18站共55口簡易井設置及地下水採樣檢測分析。完成19座加油站第三階段標準監測井設置調查工作。在第二階段調查之28座加油站中,共有5座加油站之土壤檢測出污染物超過土壤污染管制標準。而有9座加油站之簡易井地下水污染物濃度超過地下水污染管制標準。在第三階段調查之19座加油站中。共有5座加油站,地下水污染物濃度超過地下水污染管制標準。 Soil and Groundwater Investigation for Northern and Centrual Taiwan Gas Stations under 10-year-old (establish during 1993~1997) This project focus on soil and groundwater investigation and potential contaminated verification of those gas stations under 10-year-old (established during 1993~1997). The investigation results and collected gas station data including basic information, groundwater pollution prevention facilities and periodically submit environmental monitoring data will be carefully reviewed then carried on for the following administrative control.The investigation was conducted in three Stages. In first Stage, the on-site activities focused on in-situ soil vapor analysis around storage tank area, and soil gas survey in other potential area of gas station by using portable instruments, including LEL, PID and FID. The results exceeding screening criteria made by EPA were selected for further investigation. In Stage II, according to the investigation of Stage I, soil sampling and temporary monitoring wells were installed at the selected stations. Then soil and groundwater samples were collected for laboratory analysis. The soil and groundwater samples analysis results of laboratory were compare with “Soil Control Standard” and “Groundwater Control Standard”. In third Stage, it focuses on the station that groundwater quality exceeding Groundwater Control Standards. The activities including standard groundwater monitoring well installation and groundwater sampling and analysis in the laboratory.In total of 200 gas stations were investigated in Stage I. The activities including inspection of 2445 soil vapor monitoring wells and 819 soil gas analysis. In Stage II, 148 soil samples were collected and analyzed. Furthermore 55 temporary groundwater monitoring wells were installed and sampled for analysis from the selected 28 gas stations. Five gas stations were detected that on-site soil samples exceeding Soil Control Standards, the major contamination including BTEX and TPH, and nine gas stations were detected that on-site groundwater samples exceeding Groundwater Control Standards, the major contamination including benzene and methylbenzene. In third Stage, 19 gas stations were selected and five gas stations were detected that groundwater exceeding Groundwater Control Standards, the major contamination was benzene. 095 土污基管會 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1262
事業廢棄物相關法規研修及配套公告措施研擬計畫 行政院環境保護署為了因應國內產業結構的變化與配合國際廢棄物輸出入管制與事業廢棄物管理走向,於95年12月14日同時修正發布了「事業廢棄物貯存清除處理方法及設施標準」與「有害事業廢棄物認定標準」,對於事業廢棄物貯存清除處理的管理與廢棄物危害性的判定,有了重大的改變。本計畫工作重點即配合上述兩項標準之修正,研擬相關公告及配套措施,同時研修「有害事業廢棄物檢測及紀錄管理辦法」及辦理事業廢棄物相關法規宣導。本工作團隊已如期完成有害事業廢棄物標誌之研擬、一般事業廢棄物與有害事業廢棄物貯存審核基準的研訂、有害事業廢棄物之六聯單格式之檢討、有害事業廢棄物焚化處理設施之試運轉計畫及試運轉報告格式之研修、衛生掩埋場進場管制基準之規劃、委託清除處理採共同簽訂契約之事業規模研擬、表列排除判定程序及排除標準值研擬、「有害事業廢棄物檢測及紀錄管理辦法」之研修與11場次法規宣導說明會之辦理。派駐行政院環境保護署的人員亦協助完成法規執行疑義電話諮詢服務、相關研商會議庶務及計畫聯絡等事宜。 The study plan of the research and modification of industrial waste related regulations and the accompanying published implementations In accordance with the changes of the domestic industrial structures and the international restraints for exporting and importing industrial wastes and their management trend, the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan simultaneously revised and issued the “Methods and Facilities Standards for the Storage, Clearance and Disposal of Industrial Waste” and “Standards for Defining Hazardous Waste” on Dec. 14, 2006. This has brought significant changes regarding the management of the storage, clearance and disposal of the industrial wastes and the determination of their harmfulness. In coordination with the above two revised announcements, this plan will be focused on research and modification of the related regulations and the accompanying implementations, as well as revising the “Management regulations for the testing and recording of hazardous waste” and managing the public awareness of the industrial waste related laws and regulations. As scheduled, our team has completed the scheme of the labels indicating the characteristics of the hazardous industrial waste type, the verification standards for storage of general and hazardous industrial wastes, the review and modification of the formats of a delivery manifest in sextuplicate for hazardous industrial wastes, the formats revision of the trial operation plan and trial operation report for hazardous industrial waste subjected to incineration treatment equipments, the planning of the control standards governing the entry of waste into sanitary landfills, the specification of the size of the enterprises that could sign a joint written clearance and disposal contract, the study of the determined process and standard values for delisting, the modification of “Management regulations for the testing and recording of hazardous waste”, and the holding of 11 explanation meetings for the public awareness of the laws and regulations. Our co-worker stationed in the Environmental Protection Administration has also assisted in telephone consulting service to answer the questions about implementing the laws and regulations and aided in general affairs for related conferences and connections among all related projects. 095 廢管處 工業技術研究院能源與環境研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1163
聯合國氣候變化綱要公約整體因應策略研析 本計畫各項工作業已順利完成,參與國際能源會議(IEW),UNFCCC第24、25屆附屬機構會議,並協助環保署以工研院(ITRI)非政府組織方式,邀請國內各界菁英組團參與公約第十二屆締約國會議暨京都議定書第二屆締約國會議,順利與中美洲及吐瓦魯等邦交國、肯亞國會議員、瑞士談判代表、國際能源總署(IEA)、國際排放交易協會(IETA)、Climate Focus、Hunton & Williams、日本國立環境研究所(NIES)等主要國際組織進行雙邊會議,在氣候變遷與溫室氣體減量倡議上尋求合作機會,並持續參與IETA在公約會場所舉辦周邊會議發表我國推動溫室氣體減量經驗,Carbon Finance月刊報導我國「溫室氣體減量法」推動資訊,藉此讓國際間瞭解我國努力。並業已持續更新溫室氣體排放清冊、英文文宣,3期資訊報導及7期電子報及網站內容,協助環保署舉辦日本溫室氣體管制座談會,邀請慕尼黑再保公司介紹其氣候災害風險指標管理,配合推動中美洲環境環境部長會議及全民二氧化碳減量運動。同時,本計畫亦強化MARKAL模型資料庫以探討溫室氣體減量法、全國能源會議、國家永續發展會議、經濟永續發展會議各部會所提措施與各層面政策模擬情景研究,評估台電興達廠減量計畫及不確定性分析。此外,持續與國際氣候變遷專家保持良好互動,針對全球能源趨勢、後京都議題、溫室氣體減量法、CDM與碳交易市場、能源政策、國家溫室氣體清冊、MARKAL模型、調適與減緩技術等議體題討論超過40次。行政院環保署研擬多時的溫室氣體減量法(草案)也於今(2006)年2月16日正式出爐,並依法制作業程序規定報請立法院審議。由官方與民間共同制訂的「溫室氣體減量法」針對溫室氣體排放效能、新增排放源增量進行規範,同時也明訂相關罰則。此法的推動,對外可彰顯我國願意參與國際減緩氣候變遷相關行動,善盡地球村成員責任;對內則可建構溫室氣體滅量的法源依據,落實依法行政。由於目前國際情勢變化快速,後京都之規範方向仍以低碳經濟社會的建構為目標。為因應這一波溫室氣體減量的壓力,本計畫亦規劃溫室氣體減量及因應氣候變遷推動方案(草案),將透過外部成本內部化、建立溫室氣體管制機制、規範產業最清淨有效技術與強化科技運用等四項機制,以創造環保、能源與產業三贏的經濟發展模式,也是台灣邁入環保先進國家的關鍵。 The Study on the strategies to UNFCCC The work tasks of this project have been completed smoothly, for examples: participating IEW, the 24th and 25th subsidiary body meetings (SBI and SBSTA), on behalf of ITRI, assisting Taiwan EPA to invite relevant experts and organizations to participate COP12/MOP2, organizing bilateral meetings with diplomatic relation countries, Kenya legislator, Swiss delegation, IEA, IETA, Climate Focus , Hunton & Williams and NIES, seeking related greenhouse gas reduction cooperating opportunities with important international organizations, reporting implementation of national greenhouse gas reduction and inventory experiences in IETA side event during the conference, Carbon Finance reports on greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction act , which help the world to understand the works that Taiwan have done for the greenhouse gas reduction.This project also complete English version brochure, three issues of theme reports and seven issues of electric news, as well as updating the GHGs inventory and relevant web sites, ITRI assisted Taiwan EPA to organize Japan GHGs reduction trend, inviting Munich Re to introduce the Natural Disaster and Risk Management, promoting the Central American Environment Ministers’ Meeting the National CO2 Reduction Campaign. At the same time, improving the database of MARKAL Model, also including the discussion on greenhouse gas reduction laws, the proposed measures from each department during the national energy conference, the National Sustainable Development Conference and Conference on Sustaining Taiwan’s Economic Development . This project also evaluate the CO2 emission reduction potential of the power company and uncertainly analysis. In addition, ITRI is keeping in touch with international climate change experts on the issues about global energy, post Kyoto Protocol, greenhouse gas reduction, CDM and carbon trading market, energy policies, national greenhouse gas inventory, MARKAL Model, adaptation and reduction technologies. On September 20, 2006, the Executive Yuan passed the draft Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act (“Act”), which was then submitted to the Legislative Yuan for deliberation. Jointly developed by the government and the private sector, the Act establishes a framework to regulate GHG emissions based on emission efficiencies and new-source emissions, as well as penalties for non-compliance. In addition to serving as the legal basis for developing and implementing domestic GHG emission reduction measures, the Act can also demonstrate to the international community Taiwan’s willingness to participate in global actions to reduce GHG emissions and to fulfill its responsibilities as a member of the international community. As international development is speeding up, the direction of post Kyoto is trying to set low carbon economic society as the target. Base on the action plan of GHGs reduction and mitigation climate change(draft), emission reduction measures will be implemented through the four mechanisms of internalizing external costs, establishing GHG control mechanism, regulating adoption of best available technologies, and enhancing applications of technologies, so as to create the all-win development model for the environment, energy, and the economy, use this as the key to become one of advanced environmental protection countries. 095 空保處 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2032
二仁溪、鹽水溪河川巡守管理計畫 為協助及加速大台南地區河川之污染整治工作,91年起長榮大學河川保育中心在行政院環境保護署補助下,執行一系列促進民眾參與河川污染整治的計畫。不同於91-94年直接經營河川巡守隊,今年度河川保育中心定位調整為協助角色,重點工作在:(1)協助縣市政府推動民眾參與水環境巡守及污染檢舉通報;(2)河川環境教育推廣;(3)推動志工巡守網路通報;(4)評析河川巡守志工投入參與維護水質淨化設施之可行性;(5) 研擬民眾對河川污染簡易評估指標。此一系列民眾參與河川污染整治計畫已建立起民眾參與河川保育機制,並促進民眾污染陳情,檢討污染通報及查察系統,達到具體污染削減成效。歷年來運作模式除受各界肯定,也由各縣市環保局採取,運用於河川污染整治工作中。為傳承這些經驗,河川保育中心將五年來運作經驗,透過網頁、種子教師培訓、手冊編撰等方式,推廣作為縣市經營河川巡守隊時的參考。本計畫開始發展的實作型河川環境教育模式、青鱂魚生物指標、河川感觀指標,則是在為未來推動民眾參與發展更多元的工具。 Management of River Watch Activities in Erhjin and Yenshui Rivers To assist and speed up river pollution cleanup tasks in the Grant Tainan Area, River Restoration Center in Chang Jung University has conducted a series of public participation projects since 2002 under the sponsor of Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration. Unlike the previous years in which the River Restoration Center directly coordinated River Watch activities to involve people in schools, communities, and environmental NGOs, this year we emphasized our role on assistance and tool development. The tasks we focused this year included: (1) assisting Environmental Protection Bureaus of Tainan County and Tainan City in training and organizing their River Watch programs; (2) promoting environmental education for river restoration; (3) promoting web-based pollution reporting system; (4) evaluating the feasibility to involve the River Watch volunteers to assist the maintenance of artificial wetlands; (5) developing tools for public participation activities in river restoration.The whole series of public participation projects have established a mechanism to involve people in river pollution cleanup projects. Illegal wastewater discharges were better controlled by promoting River Watch activities, strengthening the reporting system, improving communication between river volunteers and environmental inspectors. Due to its successfulness, this public participation model has been adopted by Environmental Protection Bureaus nationwide. To provide our experience and tools developed over five years for other River Watch programs, we established a public participation website, held seed teacher training workshops, and published program management guideline and volunteer manual in this year’s project. Environmental Education Patch system, medaka egg test kit, and visual perception indicator system developed in this project can be applied elsewhere to involve people in river restoration activities. 095 水保處 長榮大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2188
臨近縣市焚化爐排放廢氣對南投縣空氣品質影響調查研究計畫 南投縣西臨台中都會區,東臨中央山脈,當西邊的戴奧辛隨氣流往東傳輸後,易累加於南投縣境內。此外因近年鄰近南投縣之大型焚化爐已有二座完成運轉,焚化爐又為戴奧辛的污染源之一。因此為瞭解南投縣境內的戴奧辛污染特性和來源,本研究藉由實際採樣結果和GTx模式模擬結果,共同分析南投縣是否可能受臨近縣市焚化爐影響和境內的戴奧辛特性。 草屯測站、竹山測站和惠蓀測站戴奧辛濃度分別為0.11、0.17和0.0095 pg I-TEQ/m3。利用三測站採集結果所得之特徵指標可知,草屯測站除可能受焚化爐的影響外,也包含二次鋁精煉廠;竹山測站則以含焚化爐、燒結爐、電弧爐、二次鋁精煉廠、柴油車和汽油車為主要來源。模式顯示當北風或東北風盛行時,容易使污染物從此缺口灌入,因此當北風盛行時,也易使戴奧辛傳輸至南投縣竹山、水里一帶而增加濃度。 The impact of air quality on Nantou County by the plumes from nearby The Nantou County locates on the eastern site of Taichung city and on the western site of Central Mountain Range. Thus, it is easily to accumulate dioxin in Nantou with the air parcel transferred from western sources. Additionally, two incinerators have already operated in west Taiwan recently, and these also are important dioxins sources. For understanding dioxins characters and sources in the Nantou County, this study analyzes impact range and dioxins characters of near incinerators by measurement and GTx modeling. The dioxins concentrations in Tsautuen, Chushan and Huisun were 0.11, 0.17 and 0.0095 pg I-TEQ/m3, respectively. The characteristic index could be founded that Tsautuen station was not only impacted by incinerators, but also impacted by secondary aluminum plants. For Chushan station, the main sources were incinerators, sinter plants, electric arc furnaces, secondary plants, diesel-fueled vehicles and unleaded gas-fueled vehicles. The model also showed that pollutants were easily transferred into Chushan in north and northeast wind system. Therefore, the north wind system would facilitate the dioxins transporting into Chushan and Shuili, and leaded the dioxins concentrations increasing. 095 南投縣政府環境保護局 國立中興大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1531
空氣品質模式模擬增量管制策略效益檢討及未來新增污染對空氣品質長期衝擊評估計畫(二) 依據空氣污染源依據空氣污染防制法第六條(適用於屬二、三級防制區的行政區),或者是空污法第八條(必須施行總量管制),在其申請「新設污染源設置許可証」,或已有許可證但工廠製程異動、以致其排放的污染物種類或是排放量達一定規模以上者,必須採行兩項空氣污染防制措施。然而,與空氣品質管理有極大關連的「容許增量限值管制工作」,自實施以來,已經發現有許多在制度上的問題。所以各縣市在核發許可証之前,應就其空氣品質監測結果,先研判那些污染物或前驅物分屬於二或三級防制區所必須加嚴的管制程序與標準。依據空氣污染防制法第七條,這項適法性研析工作,本來屬於各縣市每二年依法必須研修訂的「空氣品質維護改善計劃」(簡稱SIP,State Implementation Plan)的重要內容。然而,實況是這些計劃書缺少較為嚴謹的核備程序,以致各縣市的計劃書並沒有發揮預期空氣品質維護改善策略規劃之功能。本計畫運用空氣品質模式,並配合空氣品質及氣象觀測資料,模擬評估現行及未來不同管制情境對策對空氣品質之長期影響與衝擊之定量分析。本年度完成之工作項目及相關成果依據計畫目標順序分別敘述如下:(一)有關『空氣污染防制法』第六條,推動「容許增量限值」制度及「相關行政支援」部份1. 協助縣市環保局模式模擬之技術審查:已針對全國各地環保局與中技社的許可申請彙報資料,篩選58件的申請個案。其中,有44件較完整的資料回覆。因此,實際進行審查的案例共計44件,有進行模式模擬的製程總計有12件,故本計劃對此12件製程進行模式重製。本年度另外選出前10大排放量的堆置場程序,並針對其中5件堆置場程序,進行粒狀污染物濃度之模擬,瞭解這些堆置場會對附近地區空氣品質可能造成的影響。2. 評估容許增量限值管制策略之實際效益:本計劃針對法定空氣污染物的歷年監測結果進行分析,且將臺灣地區分成北中南東四個地理區域。在排放量方面,建立一個定性的排放量指標,來推估歷年排放量的趨勢。另外,本計劃使用CALPUFF模式來進行容許增量限值的相關分析,藉以評估管制措施實施的適當性。3. 辦理模式模擬認可審查作業:已建置完成模式認可所需使用之文件及資料庫且部份資料亦完成更新,並由主管機關完成發佈作業;目前GTx軌跡模式已完成認可作業,後續將加強宣導及訓練作業。4. 空氣品質模式背景資料庫之蒐集、整理與分析:本計畫將2004及2005兩年的ISC氣象資料輸入檔整理上網,故目前在ISC3模式氣象資料部分,已經有2000~2005年總計六年的氣象資料可供國內各單位使用。另外,目前所彙整的資料是2006年8月15日前通過環境影響評估的固定污染源排放增量資料,並將彙整統計後之排放源增量資料與基準年(2000年)所增加的排放量相比較,之後將持續彙整環境影響評估案件之排放源資料至2010年。5. 空氣品質模式支援中心網站之維護更新及諮詢服務:截至2006年8月底止註冊成為會員的人數為1,236人,平均數為每日265位訪客,大部份都以參閱、下載資料庫以及操作線上模擬系統為主,會員多來自學校研究生、顧問公司、及本中心工作人員。空氣品質模式支援討論區可區分為十類,包含空氣品質模式、氣象資料與模式、排放源與排放模式、空氣品質觀測、教育訓練、策略評估、科技發展與國際交流、模式支援中心站務、測試區以及問題與答覆;討論區中文章總數為312篇,主題總數為129篇。(二)有關『空氣污染防制法』第七條,模擬評估空品區及縣市現行及未來不同管制對策對空氣品質之長期影響與衝擊之定量分析部份1. 建立並評析至少六個月之長期氣象模擬資料庫:已完成利用MM5模擬2003年5、6、8、9、10及11等六個月之長期氣象模擬資料庫,並配合空氣品質模式的長程傳輸討論,已完成個案之軌跡計算與分析。以氣象局所屬測站為標準,蒐集台灣觀測資料進行比對,並利用空氣品質管制區域分區進行模式結果驗證;另外,也完成改寫RAWINS原始碼以及重組台灣觀測資料的格式,並完成測試比對。2. 評估北部、中部空氣品質區之空氣資源涵容度:評估北部、中部空氣污染防制區之空氣資源涵容度評估結果顯示,以NOx:NMHC = 1:4進行減量,要達到2011年目標,中部地區NOx及NMHC兩者削減量各約是2000年基準排放量的2.5%、5.6%,亦即NOx允許排放量約103,375 T/yr,NMHC允許排放量約178,500 T/yr;北部地區則各須削減至2000年基準量之5.0%、15.3%,亦即NOx允許排放量約109,345 T/yr,NMHC允許排放量約126,980 T/yr。3. 收集分析北部、中部縣市空氣污染防制計畫之管制對策及其減量:已完成蒐集並解析北部空品區、中部空品空氣品質管制相關計畫管制策略、法規修訂及減量資料。北部空品區VOCs管制後排放情形,至民國100年VOCs排放量仍以面源及點源所佔比例最高,且面源排放較點源為高,為達空品目標仍需持續推動汙染源減量。中部空品區管制後排放情形同北部空品區,至民國100年VOCs排放量仍以面源及點源所佔比例最高,且面源排放較點源為高,為達空品目標仍需持續推動汙染源減量。4. 模擬分析縣市管制對策達成空氣品質改善之有效性:以六個月期程進行模擬分析北部、中部縣市管制對策達成空氣品質改善之有效性,分析結果顯示:以2011年管制前後臭氧污染發生率(O3>120ppb)相比較,北部空品區之臭氧污染改善比例達90%左右。中部空品區臭氧污染改善比例約為70%。雲嘉南空品區臭氧污染改善比例約為80%。高屏空品區臭氧污染改善比例則約50%。5. 模擬評估新設置大型污染源對不同地區空氣品質之影響:若以六個月模擬期程之臭氧污染(O3>120ppb)空間時數暴露量結果來看,於2000至2005年期間,北部空品區之臭氧污染空間暴露量比例約增加24%,而中部、雲嘉南及高屏空品區則分別增加16%、55%、19%;將四空品區合計,則約增加23%。於2000至2023年六個月期程模擬結果中,則四空品區之臭氧污染(O3>120ppb)空間時數暴露量分別增加103%、67%、186%、79%。由此可知,至2023年時EIA的排放量對各空品區之空氣品質影響較大,其中又以雲嘉南空品區之影響最為嚴重。6. 綜合北部、中部、雲嘉南、高屏四個我國臭氧污染較嚴重之空品區模擬六個月之結果,境外傳輸影響我國月平均濃度約為8.5 ppb,影響每日尖峰濃度平均為8.8 ppb,影響臭氧事件日之平均濃度為8.3 ppb,具相當高度之一致性,東亞人為源排放影響我國臭氧濃度約在8 ppb 左右,顯示我國污染仍以本地排放量所致為主。境外傳輸影響我國以5月及6月最嚴重,影響約10 ppb,8月幾乎無影響,10月則影響約為5 ppb,11月則下降到1.6 ppb。而境外傳輸影響我國區域而言,以北部平均10 ppb為最嚴重,由北向南遞減,中部空品區及雲嘉南為9.0 ppb及 8.0 ppb,高屏空品區則為7.6 ppb。 Effectiveness evaluation of increment concentration control strategy and long-term air quality impact assessment of future new sources using air quality model(二) Air quality models are playing vital roles in tasks concerning the air quality planning and regulatory compliance checking. As the content of air quality models becomes more sophisticated, both in their scientific mechanisms and in their data input, a successful job requires different aspect in supports and specialties. Taiwan EPA urged by this requirement has established the Air Quality Modeling Center (TAQMC), which recruits expertise and data resources in different institutes over the Island and is connected over the Internet platform to carry out its missions.In this project, it is intended to layout the organization and operation of TAQMC. As an answer to please from the air pollution community, TAQMC’s operation is aimed to serve the community needs in three major areas, namely the expertise in advanced air pollution modeling, the data acquisition needs in model input and the computational platform needs. Furthermore, to meet the continuous challenge of both the scientific and legal advancement in the community, TAQMC also serves as the forum for new ideas and cooperative endeavors for future Air Quality.TAQMC supported in this project has been inaugurated for over four years. Six universities have been involved in hardware, software and data bank supporting tasks. Through the web site contents and online information retrieving services, TAQMC has achieved its minimum function required by its goals. Both the reduction in task duplications and improvement in service and job quality are widely noticed by the community. The prospective of a final dynamic air quality managing system through the daily operation of TAQMC is the consensus among the common participating members.According to the sixth and seventh terms in the air pollution control act, the sources applied to emit or change pollutant, which the quantity is larger than a certain value, have to demonstrate that their impact on air quality is below the tolerance values by air quality model. Therefore, air quality model become a necessary tool to determine the permit of stationary source. Besides, air quality model traditionally can be used on air quality management plan, air quality impact assessment, and state implement plan, and et al. The project of air quality modeling center is designed to support various air quality models in needs of regulation, administration, and development. The results are shown briefly as follows.1. Assisted the technical examinations of air quality modeling for Environmental Protection Bureau of local government. On the basis of emission permit database, established by China Technical Consultants, this project screened 58 applications and completed 44 cases with detailed information. Twelve cases those performed air quality modeling were reproduced for confirming the accuracy of related information and air pollutants’ concentrations. This year also selected the first ten storages piles with particulate emissions simulated, and cited five cases to simulate the particulate concentration over neighborhoods receptors. 2. Assess the benefits of the “Allowable incremental limits” strategy. This project analyzed the time series data of criteria air pollutants over four distinct regions and examined the benefits of the “Allowable incremental limits” strategy. This study also created an emission index for estimating the trend of emission over varied regions with air pollutant’s concentration and meteorological parameters. Besides, this research utilized CALPUFF model to evaluate the appropriate emission scales of air pollutants. 3. Examination of air quality modeling proof. The required documents and database were established and updated. The GTx trajectory model was validated, and further training and announce of this air quality model would be continued. 4. Collection and analysis of emission, meteorological, and ambient air database for air quality model. The formatted meteorological databases for ISC3 model were uploaded at web site of TAQMC from 2000 to 2006. The databases of emission, meteorological and ambient air quality for year 2000 and 2003 were gathered. The incremental emissions data of stationary sources those have passed EIA and will precede development before year 2010 were collected and compared with base year (year 2000). 5. Maintained, updated and consulted services of TAQMC. Until now, the members of TAQMC were 1236 persons, average guests were 265 persons per days. The major tasks for visiting TAQMC were reading, downloading and performing on-line simulations. The discussing fields were categoried into ten types as air quality models, meteorological models, emission models, air quality obsearvation, educations, strategies evaluation, technique development and international exchange, routine tasks, tested and FAQs. The total articles and topics were 312 and 129 for discussing fields. 6. Using air quality model to evaluate the amount of allow emission in the middle part and the north part air basins. The results can provide the reduce emission that to improve the air quality in these basins in Taiwan.7. Evaluation of long-term air quality impact assessment of 2011 new sources using air quality model in Northern、Central、Kao-Kao-Ping and Yun-Chia-Nan air basins. The results can be used for making and adjustment control strategies to improve ozone air quality in Taiwan.8. The impact of the emissions allowed by Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of future (2023) new source on air quality have been evaluated and quantified by long-term simulation of six months in 2003 using photochemical grid model. The results show that the high ozone (greater than 120ppb) days of North, Central, Yun-chia-nan, and Kao-pin air basins might be increased 103%, 67%, 186%, and 79% respectively. It is implied that total emission allowed by EIA might result in serious impact on future air quality without furthermore control strategy.9. During 6 months simulation period, the influences of East Asia anthropogenic emission on ozone concentration are about 8.5 ppb for monthly average and 8.3 ppb for period average of high ozone days (ozone > 120 ppb). 095 空保處 雲林科技大學 環境安全衛生系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2076
應回收廢棄物回收清除處理成本調查分析及費率訂定計畫 本計畫基於整合性研究之目的,將廢物品與廢容器材質之各項問題集中探討,期能利用一致的定義及方法計算廢物品及廢容器各項材質之相關費率。本計畫也進一步針對制度問題方面加以研究,包括進、退場機制對資源回收體系衝擊、垃圾全分類對資源回收體系影響?以及再生資源體系調查分析等問題。這些問題不僅和費率訂定有所關係,對於費率制度是否能夠永續經營也存在一定影響。另外,本計畫亦針對廢容器及廢物品費率資料庫系統進行更新。為了有效達成本研究計畫目標之需求,並具體協助行政單位就目前之政策內容進行規劃,根據計畫目標及主要項目,本研究分三個主要範圍進行研究:1. 費率訂定相關議題;2應回收廢棄物特定材質深入調查研究;3. 關鍵制度議題探討。為具體展現以上研究結果,在章節上,本報告進行以下之安排;第二章主要針對民國96年回收清除處理費費率建議值計算加以說明,並依照環保署基管會要求格式呈現。第三章就各個費率因子之合理性進行探討。第四、五章針對單位回收清除及處理成本之調查結果予以分析,內容分為廢物品及廢容器兩類。第六章為回收清除處理費費率相關議題探討。第七章為費率資料庫系統之更新及操作說明。第八章就部分本年度指定須深入調查研究之材質加以分析。第九章為資源回收體系關鍵制度議題探討。第十章則根據研究成果提出相關建議,並計算民國97年回收清除處理費費率建議值。在各章節除詳細具體呈現研究成果外並附有針對該議題相關之結論與建議,最後並附上研究計畫執行期間舉行之產、官、學座談會會議記錄以供參考。 A Study of Investigation for Recycling and Treatment Cost for Waste Recycling Items and Disposal Fee Rates Settings. Guided by the principles of integrated research, this project undertakes a comprehensive examination of all the issues relating to the recycling and treatment of waste objects in Taiwan. The aim is to use consistent definitions and methods to calculate the disposal fee rates that should be applied to different types of waste objects and to containers made from different materials. The project also involves research into institutional issues, such as the impact to recycling system when announcing new and countermanding items, the effect to recycling system as applying complete sorting for general solid waste, and the update of responsible proprietors. Also the investment and analysis of recycling system is proceed.In addition to the examination of issues relating to disposal fee rates, which includes surveys, estimates and recommendations for solving the various problems, the research project also covers the reconstruction of the waste disposal fee rates caculating system, and updating/maintenance of a database for related factors. Otherwise, the investigation for operating cost for recycled and treated proprietors and further to derive the unit cost for various materials is also involved. 095 基管會 中華經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1601
95年度二手電腦回收轉贈作業 電腦資源為推動數位工作的基本需求,如何幫助沒有能力購買電腦的民眾或團體可以擁有電腦,善用二手電腦資源為一最佳解決方案。配合行政院「縮減數位落差計畫」,行政院環境保護署委託財團法人資訊工業策進會執行「95年二手電腦回收轉贈作業」,本計畫以二手電腦的回收、整測組裝、捐贈為主體,輔以媒體廣宣提高回收量,並建置資訊平台,登錄回收及捐贈流向,作為後續成效追蹤的參考。二手電腦以政府單位、企業團體為主要來源,二手電腦按作業流程管控,經整測組裝及軟體安裝,貼上合格標籤成為再生電腦,依據行政院研考會提供名單,本年度以(高)偏鄉學生家庭及偏遠地區弱勢族群為捐贈對象,轉贈目標為3,800台。本計畫將環保、公益、科技結合,創造社會永續發展的機會,除倡導資源回收的正確觀念,落實環保署垃圾減量(reduce)、資源回收(recycle)、重覆使用(reuse)之「三R」回收再利用的價值,更帶動企業、政府、民間力量投入社會公益,同時又可彌補(高)偏遠地區資訊設備不足的問題,使弱勢族群、原住民及(高)偏鄉地區也能擁有電腦設備,達到縮減城鄉數位落差的目標。 Donation of Recycle Used Personal Computer in 2006 Computer resource is a basic element to give impetus to digital work. Used computer is the best solution to help people and organizations that are not able to buy computers to have their own one. In order to match up the plan of minimizing digital divide formulated by the Executive Yuan, Environmental Protection Administration authorized Institute for Information Industry to process the ‘Task of Recycling and Transferring Used Computers in 2006.’ The main jobs of this task are to recycle, re-arrange, test and re-assemble used computers, and to transfer them to someone who needs them. These jobs will accompany with propagating through media to increase the amount of recycling. Moreover, the establishment of information platform top can be used to record the source of recycling and the result of transfer that will be the reference of latter tracing. The main source of used computers is from government and private organizations. With the control of operational process that re-arranges, tests and re-assembles used computers and then pastes qualified marks on them, used computers become reprocessed computers. According to the list provided by Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission, the target of transfer is set for students who live in remote country and for minority who lives in remote areas. The expected amount of transfer is 3,800.Our project will combine environmental protection, public welfare and technology together and will try to create opportunities for sustainability. Besides advocating correct viewpoints of recycling, we will put Environmental Protection Administration’s object ‘3R’ into practice; those are to carry out garbage reducing, recycling and reusing. Through this drive, we hope to inspire our government, private organizations and the public to engage in social welfare and at the same time to solve the problem of lack of IT equipment in remote areas. That can achieve the target of reducing digital divide between city and country and make the minority, aborigine and people living in remote areas have their own computer equipment. 095 基管會 財團法人資訊工業策進會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1747
水源保護區養豬戶(場)依法拆除補償作業後續稽查管制作業 本計畫執行期程自2006年3月30日契約簽約日起執行至2006年12月19日止。針對高屏溪水源保護區依法拆遷補償後養豬戶(場)進行稽巡查作業,在已辦理拆遷補償養豬戶(場)方面,目前已配合拆遷總戶數為1609戶,另有19戶養豬戶(場)未配合辦理拆遷,但已將畜舍自行拆除改建無復養之虞,且本年度稽巡查並未發現有拆後復養情事。另外在未配合拆遷補償養豬戶(場),截至2006年12月19日止,此部分養豬戶為207場,其中仍畜養中為35場;停養戶數172場,執行至2006年12月19日止未拆停養中養豬戶實際執行四次稽巡查,分別為4月、6月、9月、11月;未拆畜養中養豬戶則每月進行稽巡查作業,目前區內尚有35戶養豬戶畜養少量豬隻,工作團隊仍持續加強勸導停止畜養。排水渠道水質監測中,本年度計畫中於水源保護區內排水渠道九處採樣點進行每季乙次水質採樣檢測分析,執行至2006年12月19日止已完成四季採樣檢測分析。內埔、屏南工業區稽巡查及檢測作業中,本年度自計畫執行日2006年3月30日起至2006年12月19日止共計稽巡查內埔、屏南工業區服務中心分別為26、27場次,聯合污水處理場採樣檢測作業共計採樣檢測19次。另外,區內事業單位稽巡查作業,內埔工業區內水污染源列管事業單位22家及屏南工業區內水污染源列管事業單位33家,共計完成115場及165場次稽巡查作業。此外,在計畫執行中並認養東港頂頭角、萬巒(成德、五溝)、萬巒(泗溝、鹿寮、硫黃)、春日、莎卡蘭等五隊水環境守望相助河川巡守隊,聯繫環保單位與巡守義工間之良性互動,除於計畫交辦之初至各隊辦理相關教育訓練暨座談會外,亦配合辦理相關活動。 The headwaters sanctuary the piggery (field) tore down an in expiation of follow-up auditor the work result summary of the control project by law The project was carried out from March 30, 2006, the contract date, to December 19, 2006. The pig farmer (piggery) inspection and patrol work in Kaoping River Water Source Protection Zone after the compelled removing and indemnification works by operation of law.Pig farm (piggery) that already moved and applied for indemnification. Presently there were already 1,609 pig farms co-operating with the law and moved out of the area. On the side, 19 pig farms (pigsties) did not match up to move but have dismantled the pigsty and reconstructed for other uses,having no concern for re-breeding. Pig farm (piggery) that did not co-operate to dismantle and move. As of December 19, 2006, there were 207 pig farms under this section, among which 35 were sill in operation and 172 had stopped operation. As of December 19, 2006, four inspection and patrol were actually carried out on in April, June, September and November, in connection with pig farmers that did not dismantle pigsty but have stopped operations. For pig farmers that did not dismantle their pigsty and still kept operations, the inspection and patrol work were carried out monthly. In the most observed statues, inside the Protection Zone, there were still 35 pig farmers breeding a small quantity of pigs. Persuasion works for stopping pigsty operations were still reinforced by the work team.Drainage pipelines water quality monitoring work. In this year’s project, a sampling water quality inspection and analysis in nine sampling drainage pipeline points inside the Water Resource Protection Zone was carried out each quarter. Up until December 19, 2006, it had completed the planned sampling inspection work analysis for four seasons. Neipu & Pingnan Industrial Park Inspection, patrol and testing work, During the project execution period from March 30, 2006 to December 19, 2006, 26 and 27 inspection and patrol works were carried out in Neipu Industrial Zone and Pingnan Industrial Zone respectively. During the project execution period from March 30 , 2006 to December 19, 2006, 19 sampling works in Service Center Combined Wastewater Treatment Plant were carried out. The inspection and patrol work on business units inside the Zone Aiming at 22 business units in the water pollution control list inside the Neipu Industrial Park and 33 business units in the water pollution control list inside the Pingnan Industrial Park, In a total of 115 and 165 inspection and patrol works.This year adopted Donggang (Dingtoujiao), Wanluan (Chengde, Wugou), Wanluan (Sihgou, Luliao, Liouhuang), Chunrih, and Sagaran five volunteered river watch teams to enhance a good communication in-between environmental protection organization and the volunteered watchmen. Except holding associate training and seminars at the initial stage, the work team also helped to hold related activities. During the project execution period, as of November 30, 2006 the work results were summarized in the following table. 095 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2120
『環境事件救災資源整合管理資訊系統』專案工作計畫案 災害事故發生後,往往會對環境造成很大的衝擊,甚至會造成人民生命、財產的損失,為此環保署近年來陸續建構了許多救災應變管理系統,例如針對天然災害應變處理的「天然災害環境污染防治管理資訊系統」、處理海洋重大污染的「海洋污染緊急應變系統」、處理空氣污染防治的「重大空氣污染事件應變處理網路查詢系統」等救災應變系統。本計畫為降低既有救災應變系統的負擔,有效提升既有救災系統對於救災聯絡人以及救災資源的可利用性,因此將整合環保署現行重大空氣污染、水污染事件、海洋重大污染、毒性化學物質災害及天然災害系統等災害應變處理資訊系統,救災聯絡人以及救災資源分佈資料。提供各層級救災指揮官及相關業務人員於環境災害事故發生後,利用既有救災緊急應變系統及本整合查詢系統進行緊急應變作業。當使用者在進行應變作業時,原救災系統提供了使用者進行緊急應變處理的決策支援,本系統則導入空間資訊觀念,查詢救災所需的應變能量查詢,以輔助原系統對於救災聯絡人及救災資源提供上的不足。 Building of Resource Management Information System of Response to Environmental Pollution Incidents and Disaster After the calamity accident happens, will often cause very great impact to the environment.It will even cause the losses of people's life,property. EPA has built and constructed a lot of administrative systems of emergency providing disaster relief successively in recent years for this environmental protection administration, the management information system of environmental prevention and control of pollution of the natural calamity dealt with that for example meet an emergency to the natural calamity.It deal with ocean great ' marine pollution urgent emergency system ' that pollute, deal with such systems of emergency providing disaster relief as ' the contamination accident of great air meets an emergency and deals with the network to inquire about the system ' of the prevention and cure of air pollution. Plan this for is it is it is it meet an emergency systematic burden to provide disaster relief to have already to reduce, raise and have systems providing disaster relief that have got in touch with people and resources providing disaster relief in providing disaster relief effectively but use nature, so will combine administration's current great air pollution of environmental protection, such calamities as ink contamination accident, ocean great polluting, toxicity chemical material calamity and natural calamity system,etc. Meet an emergency and deal with the information system, provide disaster relief and get in touch with people and resource providing disaster relief and is distributed the materials.Offer to the commanding officer providing disaster relief of every level and relevant business personnel it after the environmental calamity accident happen, utilizing already has urgent emergency systems of disaster relief and this merger to inquire the system carries on the urgent emergency and works.When the user is carrying on the emergency homework, the original system providing disaster relief offered users and met an emergency promptly the decision support that dealt with, system this channel space information idea into, inquire about disaster relief necessary emergency energy inquiry, get in touch with people and resource providing disaster relief to offer the deficiency on in rescuing holding in place with a net with the auxiliary original system. 095 毒管處 群琁地理資訊顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2066
加強砂石場、預拌混凝土廠、瀝青拌合廠、堆置場、露天燃燒、祭祀用品焚燒空氣污染管制計畫 一、截至12月底止共巡查334家次,依據巡查後資料統計顯示(如表4.1-6),台東縣境內目前實際列管數為砂石場24家、預拌混凝土廠21家、瀝青拌合廠4家及堆置場5家,共計列管家數為54家。由整個分佈情形分析,此四行業大部分集中於台東市共有20家,依序為太麻里鄉7家、大武鄉6家分居第二及第三。若以流域而言,卑南溪分佈之家數最多共計有11家。由以上分佈情形分析,亦可做為巡查比例分配及路線規畫的參考依據。二、在污染防制措施的設置比例方面(如表4.1-7~10),整體而言,惟有砂石場在卸料坡道及堆置區防制措施設置比率上有較其他行業偏低的情形產生,約為48%及69%,顯示在這部分需再加強輔導管制作業,但若與去年度(94年)的42%及54%相比較則有提昇。三、在輔導改善方面:至95年12月止已完成輔導廠商5家,砂石場有4家,分別為鹿原砂石場、久明企業有限公司、灝業採石場、俊發砂石場等,預拌混凝土廠共有1家,分別是東宏行,其輔導改善項目為堆置區原物料堆置覆蓋防塵網(布)、廠區內外道路或裸露地面設置噴灑設施及出入口設置洗車設施等,各家改善情形如表4.2-1及圖4.2-1所示。在輔導改善的部分推估其削減量共削減了67.59(公噸/年)之粒狀污染物。四、推動道路認養作業,本年度預計參與認養家數為30家,總認養長度為13.64公里,現階段3至11月實際認養洗、掃總長度為2222.82公里(洗街1835.01公里、掃街為387.81公里),TSP削減量推估為30.67(噸/年),PM10削減量推估為5.78(噸/年)。五、稽查檢測作業已全數檢測完成共計26家次,其中包含砂石場(含土方堆置廠)16家次、預拌混凝土廠8家次及瀝青拌合廠2家次。檢測結果顯示各場(廠)測值均低於「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」中TSP周界標準值500µg/Nm3。檢測結果彙整情形如表4.6-1所示。六、今年度綠美化工作持續與台東縣政府農業局合作,截止12月底止,共計有17家業者參與本項工作,樹苗共申請4120株,種植面積為15183平方公尺,TSP削減量為0.446(噸/年),其彙整情形如表4.7-2所示。本執行小組並在今年度選出綠美化較優良之工廠(如圖4.7-1所示),拍成相片提供尚未申請之業者參考,以提昇工廠環境品質。 七、於95年4月28日針對砂石場、預拌混凝土廠、瀝青拌合廠及堆置場等業者舉辦一場次宣導說明會,透過完整的法規宣導及污染防制措施輔導,使業者正確且迅速了解應配合之事項,以利各項管制作業之推行,另於11月21日辦理一場空氣污染防制檢討會,檢討會內容主要是與廠商共同檢討本年度現場巡查之各項優缺點,並提供可行之改善方法於業者,以提昇本縣空氣污染防制之成效。八、在農廢露天燃燒輔導改善作業,台東縣為農業立縣,依據農委會農業改良場統計每期種稻面積約6500公頃,全年約有13000公頃,每年5、6月及11、12月為收割期農民為了處理稻草大部分都採用焚燒方式,致產生大量煙塵常為人所詬病,本計畫為改善此現象,於是在第一期及第二期稻作收割前規劃了4場次的宣導說明會,深入鄉村與農民溝通,而且製作宣導車到各村落做6天次廣播宣導,並95年11月4日配合池上鄉農會95年度休閒農業優質旅遊體驗活動中,辦理一場稻草現地再利用相關技術示範及研討,使農民更加了解稻草現地再利用的好處及方法,因而降低農廢露天然燒情形。但為了防止部份農民及一般民眾之露天燃燒行為,本專案小組人員加強巡查作業共查獲103件之燃燒行為,皆採勸導後撲滅方式處理。推估其各污染物減量為TSP4.90公噸、PM10為4.58公噸、硫氧化物0.04公噸、氮氧化物1.08公噸、一氧化碳33.88公噸、揮發性有機物5.04公噸。另為讓農民能處理有病蟲害之稻草及整地不易清運之植物,本年度共受理23件消防局會辦之山林田野引火燃燒申請案件。九、在紙錢焚燒宣導業務方面,採道德勸說的方式先要求減量,並中元普渡前製作宣導海報、傳單及利用傳播媒體加強對公務機關、民間廠商及民眾宣導響應「心誠則靈、不燒金紙」之政策。十、本計畫執行進度皆已完成合約量。 Strengthens the sandstone plants, ready-mixed-concrete plants, domestic asphalt concrete plants, dumping sites, open burning, and worship goods burning’s air pollution control project 1. We did 334 times of patrols before Dec, 2006. The statistics of our inspection data demonstrated that there are 24 sandstone plants, 21 ready-mixed-concrete plants, 4 domestic asphalt concrete plants and 5 dumping sites, the total is 54. By entire distributed situation analysis, the four professions most concentrated in Taitung City ( 20 plants ), in order is 7 in Taimali Shiang and 6 in Dawu Shiang. If says by the basin, the maximum is Benan river, 11 plants. Above the distribution situation analysis result may take does an inspection reference which the propotional distribution and the route plans.2. In pollution control measures installation proportion ( as table 4.1-7~10 ), only sandstone plants have lower proportion at unloaded slope way and dumping area in whole, about 48% and 69%, demonstrated this part needs again to strengthen the counseling control work. But compared with 42% and 54% last year, it has some promotion.3. In counseling improvement aspect, we completed 5 counsels, that is 4 sandstone plants ( Lu-Yuan, Jiou-Ming, Hao-Ye and Jyun-Fa ) and 1 ready-mixed-concrete plant ( Dong-Hong-Hang ) before the end of Dec, 2006, their improvements is material piles cover the dust screen, paths inside and outside the factory or exposed ground established devices sprinkling water, and established the vehicle washing facility at the entrance. The improvement situation of each plants is showed in table 4.2-1 and figure 4.2-1. We estimated this part’s emission reduces about 67.59 ton/year of particulate matter.4. This year we have 30 participants on road care, the total length is 13.64 km, actual wash and sweep length is 2222.82 km ( 1835.01 km for wash, 387.81 km for sweep ). The TSP emission reduced about 30.67 ton/year, PM10 emission reduced about 5.78 ton/year.5. We completed 26 plants’ inspection examination, which including 16 sandstone plants, 8 ready-mixed-concrete plants and 2 domestic asphalt concrete plants. The result showed each factory’s measured value is lower than TSP emission standard of peripheral boundary testing, 500 mg/Nm3, like figure 4.6-1.6. We carried on cooperating forestation and beautification with Taitung government agriculture bureau, before the end of Dec, 2006. We total have 17 participants, they applied for 4120 sapling and sown area is 15183 m2, TSP emission reduced 0.446 ton/year, like table 4.7-2. The work team selected some finer factories this year, and taken some pictures which will offer to other factories have not applied.7. We held a promulgation conference for dealers of sandstone plants, ready-mixed-concrete plants, domestic asphalt concrete plants and dumping site. We hoped they can correctly and rapidly understand the coordinate item through the integrity regulation guidance and pollution control system counseling. We also conducted an air pollution control self-criticism meeting, discussed each good and bad points together with dealers, and provided the feasible improvement methods for enhancement of Taitung County’s control effecs.8. Taitung is a agriculture county, rice sown area is about 6500 ha/period, 13000 ha/year. In harvest season, May to June and November to December every year, the farmers burning straw which produce the massive mist and dust. In order to improve this situation, we held 4 conferences before first and second harvest, and broadcasted six days by the propaganda car to various villages. We held a straw on-site usage technology conference at Chisang Shiang leisure agriculture and high quality traveling experience at Nov 4, 2006. In order to prevent open burning of some farmers and populace, we strengthened the patrol and ferreted out 103 burnings, advised them extinguish the fire. We estimated each pollutant’s emission reduction is TSP 4.90 ton, PM10 4.58 ton, SOX 0.04 ton, NOX 1.08 ton, CO 33.88 ton, VOC 5.04 ton. Moreover, we accepted the fire department to examine the wooded mountain field ignition burning application case, for the farmers’ needs to handle sick straw or plant not easy to transport.9. In promulgation of worship goods burning, we requested their reduction on moral grounds, and we used placard, flyer, and mass media for promulgation before universal salvation.+10. This plan carried out progress to complete the contract quality. 095 台東縣環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2052
宜蘭縣九十五年度固定污染源許可及稽查管制計畫 本計畫自九十五年九月十一日完成簽約並執行相關作業至九十六年八月三十日止,主要工作項目包括,落實法規制度、推動許可制度、更新固定源排放清單、空污費催補繳及查核、加油站法規符合度查核作業及稽巡查輔導作業。宜蘭縣轄內列管家數共計508家,列管行業以加油站業、洗衣業、預拌混凝土製造業及印刷業為主;空氣污染物年排放量分別為:粒狀物6,678公噸、硫氧化物7,185公噸、氮氧化物12,200公噸、揮發性有機物437公噸。目前本計畫完全依計畫目標及預定進度執行各項作業,其成果摘要說明如下:一、資料庫維護更新作業:本計畫完成120家次的資料庫更新維護及10家固定源二氧化碳排放量推估;並依環保署所下傳的檢核資料內容進行資料庫QA/QC,執行進度100%,可有效提昇資料庫的正確性及完整性。二、執行許可制度:本計畫共受理107件(含簽約前13件、生煤許可展延4件)申請案件,其中已發證79件、審查中12件、通知檢測5件、通知繳費2件、駁回16件(15.0%)。本計畫共計查核203個製程,其中查核不符21個,不符合率10.3%。三、排放量申報查核作業:宜蘭縣排放量上網申報共列管107家(其中第一批70家,第二批37家);針對應申報排放量共計現場查核65家,申報正確率約86%。四、定期檢測作業:宜蘭縣列管第一批應定檢申報固定污染源有79家(208根次),第二批有29家(37根次/年)。分析95年度定期檢測申報狀況,皆依規定完成定期檢測及網路申報;。計畫期間共計完成84根次現場監督檢測查核工作。五、空污費申報作業:(一)針對95年第2季至96年第1季未繳費名單進行電話及現場催繳與輔導申報,本計畫總催繳金額計55,884元;並完成79家空污費查核作業。(二)配合環保署政策已完成空污費審查系統主機端軟硬體建置,主機置於環保局資訊室,使用端為Web版,可透過網路連線進行申報資料建檔與審核作業。六、加油站法規符合度查核作業:宜蘭縣轄區內列管加油站共有62家,油槽總列管286座、各式加油槍1,329支(含柴油),其中有油氣回收功能共1,044支,油氣回收設置率100%。其中有2站為漁船加油站,不需設置油氣回收設施。七、稽巡查管制作業:(一)巡查作業:本年度共計執行427家次查核作業,包含焚化爐業8家次、加油站240站次行業別法規度查核作業及一般行業巡查179家次。(二)稽查檢測作業:完成煙道稽查檢測8根次、戴奧辛煙道檢測2根次、17點次官能測定(其中有8點次送環保署認可實驗室分析)。(三)砂石場管制作業:完成17家次查核作業及17家次清查作業。(四)社區污水處理設施巡查:完成60家次稽巡查作業,現場查核時並未聞有臭異味。(五)稽查單建檔作業:共完成稽查資料之電腦及文書建檔總數共1049筆,分析稽查類別以陳情案件最多,共1,025件佔97.7%;其次以一般性稽查,共24件佔1.3%。(六)處分書建檔作業:本計畫完成處分書建檔計有11件,其罰款金額共計壹千肆百伍拾萬元整。八、其他配合作業:本公司依評選會議及工作範疇界定會議規範,分別完成一場次「宜蘭縣砂石、土石堆置、混凝土及瀝青混凝土場之空氣污染防制宣導及ISO14001推廣說明會」;針對台化纖維龍德廠進行臭異味製程進行1廠次工廠評鑑作業,及一場次「固定空氣污染源污染防制暨減量技術說明會」。 The project for permit and checking controlling of stationary sources in Ilan County in 2006. The project started on September 11, 2006 and In this project, which includes: fulfill the laws and regulations, promote the allowance system, update the regular resources emission list, remindering and inspecting of air pollution tax, tests on Gasoline Vapor Recovery Systems and Reporting System of Gas Stations, and guiding procedure inspection. The concrete outcomes include of listing of 508 fix point source emission, and re-estimation of point source emission like particulate 6,678 tons, sulfer oxides 7,185 tons, nitrogen oxides 12,200 tons and volatile organic compounds (V.O.C.s) 437 tons etc. 095 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 衛宇科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=263
鹵烴冷媒流佈調查與海龍管理中心建制管理專案工作計畫 (1)鹵烴冷媒在空調與冷凍冷藏管理策略規劃:經蒐集國內主要空調設備製造商的各種空調設備的生產量及冷媒使用量資訊,提出建立鹵烴冷媒的有效管理機制,降低鹵烴冷媒洩漏的方法及建立填充與換裝鹵烴冷媒的注意事項,減少鹵烴冷媒對環境的衝擊。並建立一個符合國際趨勢的管理策略(參見4.1.4節),作為行政院環保署研擬相關管制法規的參考。歷年三大類冷媒用量變化,HCFCs維持平穩,CFCs用量逐年下降,其用量由HFCs所取代。車用空調改用HFC-134a已有十年歷史,因此維修用途大多亦用於車用空調機。但管制HFC冷媒的使用,不易彰顯整體CO2減量的成果,且對民生工業影響甚鉅,其管制優先順序應放在其他氣體之後。(2)海龍管理中心之建置規劃及運作推動工作:完成研修臭氧破壞物質管理辦法所訂之海龍管理條文,未來將依此規範持續協助海龍使用場所進行海龍的替換與補充。在海龍回收機之建置程序工作,已完成10項檢測結果,做為本計畫試運作的基本資訊需求,另外亦協助其它機構進行海龍及其替代品檢驗約800樣品。並經由拜訪全球最大海龍庫,對受污染海龍藥劑最終處置建立合作管道。(3)辦理大氣層保護國際交流暨教育宣導活動:完成舉辦為期兩天之2005年台灣大氣層保護國際研討會,並辦理我國大氣層保護成果展示活動,內容包括我國防制破壞臭氧層物質非法走私、破壞臭氧層物質削減成果、本土替代技術研發、產業自願減量具體行動等工作 Survey of Halogen carbon Refrigerant Distribution and Build up of Halon Management Center :Information on refrigerant production and use patterns in air-conditioning and refrigeration sectors was assembled through system manufacturers, and a much up-to-date outline in distribution of these types of refrigerants could be estimated and drawn. Mechanisms and guidelines that could much effectively manage the uses were proposed, to promote the rationale use of halogenated carbon refrigerants and to minimize the unwanted leakage of substances. A management strategy that is more conforming to the international control regime were proposed to the Environmental Protection Administration, further descriptions and details could reference to chapter 4.1.4.Survey findings show trends in use of 3 main types of refrigerant in the past 3 years, HCFCs remained stablised, CFCs decrease year after year, and such decrease was almost replaced by the use of HFCs. Majority of HFCs was used in motor vehicle air-conditioner, and the demand for HFC-134a in servicing increased gradually in the recent years. Considering the effects in greenhouse gas reduction is less significant, but the impacts to economy could be much bigger, restricting the use of HFCs in transportation sector is placed as the much long term option.The project has completed the framework of halon banking management in the previous year, and this year project focused on the detail rules and procedure for dissembled halon, which is based on the amended regulation of ozone depleting substances management. More than 10 testing have been conducted on the development of halon recovery systems and around 800 testing samples of recovered halon and alternatives were collected, the result will be used as required parameters for future operation. A visit to the Australia national halon bank was also arranged this year in order to establish a channel of cooperation on treatment of contaminated halon stocks.A two days forum on atmospheric protection was held in 2005, and an exhibition on the achievements for the past years efforts was displayed to general public parallel with the forum, which including ODS consumption reduction, illegal trade prevention, domestic alternative technology development, industrial voluntary action programme. 095 空保處 工研院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1739
95年度臺南市空氣品質監測站資訊顯示系統操作維護及分析作業計畫 本年度計畫執行成果,在城西里自動測站部分,各項分析儀之資料獲取率皆在91%以上,氣象設備為98%以上。彙整城西里測站與環保署臺南及安南站懸浮微粒(PM10)監測結果,顯示季節對PM10影響十分明顯,在夏季時明顯較冬季為低。同時,城西里站、安南及臺南站,3測站之趨勢趨於一致;計畫執行期間(自95年2月至96年1月)PM10事件日,計22日,其中安南站計8站日數最高,臺南站及城西里站各7站日數,各事件日中最高濃度值達207μg/m3。彙整城西里測站與環保署臺南及安南站臭氧(O3)監測結果,顯示各測站之測值相近且趨勢趨於一致;計畫執行期間臭氧事件日,計40日,其中臺南站計22站日數最高,安南站計10站日數次之,城西里站計8站日數為最低,各事件日中最高濃度值81.6ppb,發生時期以夏季為相對較多,分析生成原因,研判與日照強烈有明顯關係,形成臭氧(O3)主要前驅物為NOX與NMHC,而此兩者主要來自於汽、機車排放,因此以位於市區的臺南站出現事件日最高。人工監測站總懸浮微粒(TSP)監測結果,皆符合空氣品質標準;彙整歷年(87年~96年) TSP監測結果,顯示各年度之趨勢大抵一致,均呈現冬季高、夏季低之趨勢。TSP成分分析部分,正己烷抽出物含量介於0.36~6.85μg/m3,歷年測值以88年測值7.91μg/m3相對較高,而95年測值3.26μg/m3相對較低;氯鹽含量介於2.04~21.38μg/m3,歷年趨勢大抵一致,呈現冬季略高的現象,以93年測值14.56μg/m3相對較高,87年測值4.3μg/m3相對較低;硝酸鹽含量介於為3.01~14.60μg/m3,歷年測值呈現冬季高、夏季低的趨勢,年度測值以90年15.42μg/m3相對較高,87年4.73μg/m3相對較低;硫酸鹽含量介於4.82~23.73μg/m3,歷年測值以88年測值20.39μg/m3相對較高,94年測值11.23μg/m3相對較低;鉛含量介於0.016~0.056μg/m3,歷年測值以87年0.526μg/m3相對較高,94年0.030μg/m3相對較低,各站測值均遠低於空氣品質標準之月均值(1.0μg/m3)。人工監測站落塵量監測結果,各站測值趨勢大抵一致,歷年測值以93年測值11.69(噸/平方公里/月)為最高,90年測值4.23(噸/平方公里/月)為最低。環保署測站查核部分,本年度城西里自動測站查核,滿意度為89%,共計2點缺失,均於查核當天完成改善;人工測站之查核,選定地點為南區區公所站及民德國中站,查核結果為全數滿意。資訊看板部分,彙整本計畫執行以來製作之相關文宣檔統計及撥放內容計達197筆,其中環保局計148筆,比例高達75.13%,其次為稅捐稽徵處37筆,另外尚有臺南市政府、國稅局等,為環保政策宣導提供另一有效途徑。 Management of Air Qual The achievements of this annual project are stated as below: For Chencily Auto-Monitoring Station, the data obtaining rates of the analyzers were all above 91%, whereas those of the meteorological equipments were above 98%. For the PM10 monitoring reports, Chencily, EPA Tainan and EPA Annan stations showed the significant season influences on PM10. The readings in summer were obviously lower than those in winter and the trends of the three Stations were identical. During the project period, from February 2006 to January 2007, PM10 counted for 22 episode days in total: 8 days at Annan station, 7 days at both Tainan station and Chencily station. The highest value reached 207μg/m3. For the ozone (O3) monitoring reports, Chencily, EPA Tainan and EPA Annan stations had similar readings and the trends were also identical. During the project period, O3 counted for 40 episode days. Among them, Tainan station had the most of 22 days, Annan station stood at the second with 10 days, and Chencily station had the least of 8 days. The highest value reached 81.6ppb and mostly happened in summer, which showed the impact of sunshine. NOX and NMHC are the two major factors that form ozone (O3). Since they are mainly from the discharge of motor vehicle and motorcycle, it explains why Tainan station, which locates in urban area, had the most episode days.The TSP results at the Manual Operation Monitoring Stations were complied with the air quality standard. From year 1998 to 2007, TSP values have been showing an identical trend, high in winter and low in summer. As for the analysis of TSP constituents, the concentration of n-Hexane extract was between 0.36~6.85μg/m3. During those years, the highest of 7.91μg/m3 occurred in 1999 and the lowest of 3.26μg/m3 did in 2006. The concentration of Cl- was between 2.04~21.38μg/m3. The trends were identical, slightly higher in winter. The highest of 14.56μg/m3 occurred in 2004 and the lowest of 4.3μg/m3 did in 1998. The concentration of NO3- in TSP constituents was between 3.01~14.60μg/m3. The measurements over the past years showed a trend of high in winder and low in summer. The highest of 15.42μg/m3 occurred in 2001 and the lowest one of 4.73μg/m3 did in 1998. The concentration of SO42- in TSP constituents was between 4.82~23.73μg/m3. The highest of 20.39μg/m3 occurred in 1999 and the lowest of 11.23μg/m3 did in 2005. The concentration of Pb in TSP constituents was between 0.016~0.056μg/m3. The highest of 0.526μg/m3 occurred in 1998 and the lowest of 0.030μg/m3 did in 2005. The measurements of all stations were below the monthly mean (1.0 μg/m3) in accordance with the air quality standard.The trends of dust fall at the Manual Operation Monitoring Stations were all similar. In the past years, the highest value was 11.69 tons/square km/month in 2004 and the lowest value was 4.23 tons/square km/month in 2001.EPA inspection report showed that Chencily Auto-Monitoring Station achieved 89% in the satisfaction survey. Two flaws were pointed out and improved on the day of inspection. The stations at South District Office and Tainan Municipal Min-De Junior High School were selected for the inspection of Manual Operation Monitoring Station. The outcome was 100% satisfactory. For the electronic billboard, a total of 197 advertisements were broadcasting. Among them, 148 were for Tainan EPB, which counts for 75.13%; 37 were for the Revenue Service Office; the rest was for Tainan City Government, National Tax Administration, etc. It certainly has provided an effective way to publicize the environmental protection policies. 095 台南市環境保護局 空氣噪音防制課 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=633
翡翠水庫集水區污染源削減計畫 本計畫提出翡翠水庫水源保護區污染相關議題與可行性措施及削減量。計畫成果包括幾項:1.人口成長限制策略方面,落實清查戶政、地政工作,並依法徵收水庫集水區保護帶私有土地與檢討水源特定區計畫、土地利用成長要加以限制。污水管路系統處理普及率需提升,另應強化對住宅區偏遠地區合併式淨化槽之設置。2.茶園為非點源污染首要之削減對象,各鄉鎮推行設置植物醫生制度輔導農民正確農藥使用與合理化施肥量,達到控制污染產生之目的。提升茶葉文化與品質,除了推動產銷履歷的發展,並鼓勵茶園設置最佳管理作業(BMPs),可有效控制氮磷污染之發生。3.國道五號通車前後交通流量整體而言,於雪山隧道未通車前假日與平日車流量分別約20,000(輛/日)與11,000(輛/日),於95年6月16日通車後,車流量平日約35,000(輛/日)與未通車前相差高達3倍之多,假日約50,000(輛/日)則相差兩倍之多,顯示通車後小客車行經雪山隧道通往宜蘭數量暴增,出坪林交流道限制在每日4,000(車次/日)以下,較以往並無增加。假日部分遊憩車潮以其他替代道路進入坪林市區遊憩賞景,未來遊憩人口仍可能回籠,建議有關單位持續監測。4.點源與非點源污染負荷量比例,總氮(20:80),總磷為(28:72)。5.由於非點源污染型態為分散式且伴隨降雨事件發生,故難以預測。本計畫提出土壤沖蝕污染關鍵區潛勢指標模式(PI)。優點能快速評估非點源污染高潛勢關鍵區,其藉由土壤因子(K)、土地利用因子(U) 、坡度因子(S)及水道因子(W)尋得集水區內高潛勢之茶園計有1035公頃,而其中位於河岸50公尺內之高潛勢茶園計有368公頃。6.提出可行之污染削減方案為「鄰近河道高潛勢茶園收購,50m以內茶園恢復為原始林地,加上其他茶園設置BMPs(使用茶園10%之面積,去除率可達80%)」,共可削減4,644公斤/年,可削減總磷負荷量之27%,計需經費約39億元整,若以改善水質工程之計畫經費轉嫁至水價上分七年攤還,則水價須調漲1.101元/度。7.翡翠水庫集水區內無法限制遊客進入,應當倡導低衝擊旅遊方式,包括(1) 符合低衝擊旅遊活動行為:觀光攝影、生態遊客等;(2) 解說導覽系統的建立;(3) 教育宣導;(4) 增加本區環境抗衝擊之能力8.翡翠水庫為重要水源區域,應設置水質自動監測設備與預警系統,配合網際網路地理資訊系統(Web-GIS)連線共享,以強化各管理單位之效能,確保水質安全。9. 坪林污水處理廠放流水質量與背景比較,貢獻北勢溪污染 TP 7%及 TN 1%偏高,宜設置BMPs。10. 國外案例著重危險區判釋、土地利用整合系統、防治沖蝕措施、BMPs之設置、畜牧排泄物與廢棄物管理、教育宣導及生態水文與生物操控之整合。 The program for reduction of pollution sources in Fei-Tsuei Reservoir watershed. In this project, the issues related to water resource conservation area of the Fei-Tsuei Reservoir, feasible practices and the quantity of reduceable pollution are proposed. Tasks completed in this project are itemized as follows.1. Strategies for restraining the population growth include: Domiciliary Censuses and Land Possessions Registration need to be thoroughly conducted, personally owned lands in the conservation areas of the reservoir watershed need to be procured by the government according to the regulations, the plan of water resource area needs to be reexamined, the growth of landuse needs to be restrained. Rate of the sewage systems needs to be increased, installation of combined purification tank at remote residential areas needs to be enhanced.2. Non-point source pollution from tea garden needs to be reduced firstly, Plant Doctor needs to be promoted to each county or town so that farmers could be instructed to use pesticides and fertilizers correctly and reasonably, and accordingly, the goal of controlling the pollution yield could be achieved. Culture and quality of the tea need to be elevated, in addition to promotion of the development of Food Traceability System, application of best management practices (BMPs) is also encouraged to effectively control the pollution of nitrogen and phosphorus. 3. As for the traffic discharge of the NO.5 National Highway, in general, before the Shei-shan Tunnel was open for use, the vehicle discharges during holidays and non-holidays were around 20,000 (units/day) and 11,000 (units/day) respectively. Since June 16, 2006, after the tunnel was used, during non-holidays, the traffic discharge was around 35,000 (units/day) which was about triple of that before the tunnel was used; and during holidays, the traffic discharge at the outlet of Pin-Lin interchange was limited at 4,000 (unit˙time/day) and was no more than that before. During holidays, certain amount of vehicles for recreation gets into the downtown of Pin-Lin from other reads. In the future, travelers might return, and it is suggested that the government officials keep monitoring. 4. For total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP), the loading ratios of point source pollution to non-point source pollution are evaluated to be 20:80 and 28:72 respectively.5. Because the types of non-point source pollution are Sepatate and they occur with the rainfall events. Therefore, they are difficult to be evaluated. In this project PI model indicating the critical areas polluted because of soil erosion is proposed. The advantage of this model is that high potential critical areas of non-point source pollution can be quickly evaluated. It is found that 1,035 hectares of tea garden in the reservoir watershed are categorized as among them, 368 hectares of tea garden are within 50 meters to the river banks. 6.Practical pollution reduction plans are proposed as follows high potential tea gardens adjacent to the river banks need to be procured, tea gardens within 50 meters to the river banks or reservoir need to be recovered to be virgin forest land. Aside from these, BMPs are applied to other tea gardens.(If 10% of the tea garden area is used, the reducing rate could be as high as 80%). If the above-mentioned plans are carried out, the TP can be reduced by as much as 4,644 kg annually, i.e. 27% of the TP loading. The cost for this is evaluated to be 3.9 billions of NT dollars in total. If the cost for the improvement of water quality is transferred to the water price and to share in seven years, the water price needs to be increased as much as 1.101 NT dollars/m3. 7.It is unable to restrain the travelers from entering the Fei-Tsuei reservoir watershed. Accordingly, LID is suggested. LID includes (1) Low impact traveling activities;(2) Establishment of guiding and instruction systems;(3) Education;(4) Increase of the capacity of environment in this area against the impact.8.It is necessary to install automatic monitoring and warning systems for water quality control. Apart from these, Web-GIS is also suggested to connected and shared, and the safety of water quality may be insured. 9.Based on the constituent analysis of contamination in Bei-Shi stream, 7% TP and 1% TN were contributed by the effluent from Pin-Lin sewage treatment plant, so we should set up some BMPs. 10.The foreign case study focus on hazard zone identification, land use integrated systems, prevention measure of erosion, BMPs application, livestock excrement and waste management, propaganda and education, and the integration of Ecohydrology, phytotechnology and biomanipulation. 095 水保處 國立台灣大學生態工程研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2172
95年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫 一、擴大機車定期排氣檢驗廣告宣導,加強民眾對機車排氣檢驗印象觀念及養成,已達政令宣導效果。二、加強儲存柴油地點及柴油車油品抽檢並進行油品含硫量檢驗工作。三、對於柴油車部份,執行柴油車路邊攔檢或民眾陳情高污染車輛。四、加強推動本縣電動自行車之使用,降低移動污染源之排放。五、加強機車定期排氣檢驗站宣導,使本縣機車定檢率達50%。六、積極推動公共汽車及垃圾車定檢制度,以落實柴油車管制工作。 095 金門縣環境保護局 昶臣實業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=21803
以甲烷菌轉換無機碳源之新穎性技術開發 CO2之處理與資源性利用已成為全球新興環境技術研發方向,利用甲烷菌資源化已封存於深地層中之CO2無機碳源並生產甲烷能源是一項值得研發之新穎性技術。本計畫之第一年度研究目的在開發於高壓100 atm環境下甲烷菌轉換無機碳源生產甲烷之基礎技術。依據實驗所設計進度與內容,目前已獲得成果如下:1、已獲得5個淡水性甲烷產生菌FJ01、03、07、10和14,以及4個海水性甲烷產生菌KM1、2、3、5和9,其中甲烷產生菌FJ10選為本研究後續之實驗用。2、利用fractional fractorial design實驗設計方法,發現yeast extract 表現高顯著正向影響甲烷產生菌FJ10利用CO2生產甲烷。而yeast extract在濃度5.0 g/L時,甲烷產生菌FJ10利用CO2有最高之甲烷生產量。3、甲烷產生菌FJ10在pH為8.0、生長溫度40oC時有最高之甲烷生產量。4、在含有150 ml培養基之250 ml培養瓶中,甲烷產生菌FJ10利用CO2之最佳甲烷生產率為1.452 μmole-CH4 /ml-medium/day。5、在含有29.7 ml培養基之30 ml培養瓶中,甲烷產生菌FJ10在100 atm和1 atm下培養之甲烷生產率分別為1.075μmole-CH4/ml-medium/day和0.976μmole-CH4/ml-medium/day。 Development of Novel Bioconversion of Inorganic Carbon Sources Using Methanogens Treatment and utilization of carbon dioxide have globally been an innovative direction of environment technologies. It is a worthy innovative technology that carbon dioxide stored inside deep geological reservoirs is converted to energy methane by methanogens. In the first year, the project is aimed to develop the basic technology of conversion of carbon dioxide to methane under 100 atm condition. According to the project, some results have been obtained:1. Five freshwater methane-producing cultures FJ01、03、07、10 and 14 as well as 4 marine cultures KM1、2、3、5 and 9 were obtained in the project. The methane-producing culture FJ10 was chosen for further studies.2. By fractional fractorial design yeast extract was identified to be a positively significant factor for FJ10 affecting the conversion of carbon dioxide to methane. Methane-producing culture FJ10 was found to had the optimal methane production when grown at the concentration of 5.0 g/L of yeast extract.3. The methane-producing culture FJ10 was found to had the optimal methane production when grown at pH 8.0 and temperature 40oC.4. When grown in the 150 ml-vessel with 150 ml medium, the methane-producing culture FJ10 had the optimal methane production rate of 1.452 μmole-CH4 /ml-medium/day.5. When grown in the 30 ml- vessel with 29.7 ml medium, the methane-producing culture FJ10 had the optimal methane production rate of 1.075μmole-CH4/ml-medium/day and 0.976μmole-CH4/ml-medium/day under 100 atm and 1 atm, respectively. 095 永續發展室 輔仁大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1151
非點源污染削減技術試驗計畫-MCTT多槽處理技術 基於非點源污染對於水體水質有顯著衝擊影響,非點源污染控制以最佳管理措施也成為國內水質管理的重要手段。在一些地表不透水鋪面為主的特殊區域,其暴雨逕流之污染物質主要以重金屬、固體物甚至毒性物質為主,這些區域定義為熱點區域,其主要為停車場、加油站、車輛維修站等,該地區的暴雨逕流夾帶平日累積的重金屬,成為高重金屬濃度的污染逕流,通常不經處理即排放到承受水體。雖然這些特殊區域的集水面積較小,但這些零散未處理的高濃度逕流匯流後,卻可能會造成水體在暴雨初期的瞬間衝擊,影響水質與水生生態。本計畫於坪林行控中心停車場設置MCTT暴雨逕流處理設施,自96年5月完工,經歷操作運轉及水質監測成果檢視,系統操作已逐步穩定,就設計、施工及水質評估而言,整體功能初步已達預期成效。坪林行控中心MCTT場址操作約3個月,蒐集6場暴雨資料,經比較精確之質量平衡方法估算MCTT對各種污染物的平均去除效率分別為,SS 89%、COD 44%、E. Coli 66%、NH3-N 61%、TP 52%、Pb 64%、Cu 65%、Zn 85%,Oil 44%。坪林場址實測初步的結果顯示,MCTT是控制〝熱點〞暴雨逕流污染的一個有效設施,且其為地下設施,可配置為下水道系統之一,故在人口密集、地價昂貴之地區較為實用。 An experimental project of non pollution sources reduction technology-Multi-Chambered Treatment Train In view of the great impact of the NPS (Non Point Source) pollutant on water quality BMPs (Best Management Practices) used to control NPS pollutant become a significant strategy. The major pollutants in runoff of the impervious area are heavy metal and solid substance most of which involve the toxicity. This kind of area, mainly including parking lots, gas station, vehicle service facilities and equipment storage and maintenance area is named Hot Spots. Because the area accumulates a mass of heavy metal in its storm runoff, it becomes a seriously polluted runoff with high heavy metal and the runoff tends to be discharged into the water body without treatment. Although the area of watershed is small, during the storm event, the non-processed thick runoff aggregate and are likely to affect water quality and ecosystem. According to the present project, MCTT (Multi-Chambered Treatment Train) was set up at the parking lot of Ping-Lin Expressway Management Station. The whole process had gone through different steps, from operating the machine to evaluating water quality and completed in May 2007; the system increasingly becomes stable. When it comes to evaluating the system in its design, construction, and water quality, the results meet the goal. This system has run for three months and has collected the data of six storm events; researchers calculate mass flux via MCTT and then estimate reduction efficiency of MCTT for pollutants. MCTT provided reductions of SS for 89%, COD for 44%, E. Coli for 66%, NH3-N for 61%, TP for 52%, Pb for 64%, Cu for 65%, Zn for 85%, and Oil for 44%. Moreover, the outcome showed that MCTT is an effective measure to control runoff pollutant of hot spots. Because MCTT can be designed as an underground facility, it can be applied to the crowded area where the landuse tends to be more expensive. 095 水保處 國立臺北科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1260
彰化縣電鍍及金屬表面處理業水污染防治專案重點查核計畫 彰化縣境內的電鍍業及金屬表面處理業散佈於農業用地之間,而區域排水系統未臻完善,灌溉渠道與污水排水系統混雜分布,造成含重金屬之廢水直接排入灌溉系統中,導致農地遭受重金屬污染。本計畫主要針對電鍍業及金屬表面處理業之產業特性,研擬「電鍍業及金屬表面處理業查核作業規範」,此查核作業規範共分為三個階段執行,分別為「執行現場查核及合理性分析作業」、「科學儀器蒐證作業」及「後續取締作業」,於計畫執行期間依此「查核作業規範」執行查核作業,依據查作業所獲得之相關經驗予以修正後,作為環保單位查核蒐證作業之參考。計畫期間共完成49件現場查核案及40件合理性分析作業,並查獲4件涉及刑責之重大污染案件及15件違反水污染防治法案件。計畫期間針對彰化縣內重金屬污染現況及污染問題進行調查及分析,並針對此調查分析結果研擬「彰化縣重金屬污染源削減計畫」,主要削減機制包含落實重金屬污染預警機制、以科學搜證方式打擊非法業者、執行聯合管制計畫、廠內改善及其它管制措施等五個部份,有效削減重金屬污染。另外針對農地污染預防之部分,建立「電鍍及金屬表面處理業重金屬污染預警機制」,透過24小時連續監測、每月定期採樣檢測及不定期巡查,有效掌握污染現況,對於污染行為發生時可有效掌握污染來源並於第一時間有效遏止污染行為,採取相關保護措施,使意圖不法之業者無所遁形。 Special project for investigation of wastewater treatment facilities of Changhua County electroplate and metal surface industries The electroplate industry and metal surface industry within changhua county are spreading out on agricultural lands. Due to the fact that the regional sewage systems can not function sufficiently, the irrigation channels and wastewater discharge systems are often intertwined. The wastewater containing heavy metals is thus discharged directly into the irrigation systems, resulting in the heavy metal pollution of farm lands.This project analyzes the production characteristics of electroplate and metal surface industries, “Standard procedures for factory inspection regarding electroplate and metal surface industries” is drafted. Three phases of inspection are carried, “Factory inspection and standard operational procedures analysis”, “Pollution evident collection by scientific monitors” and “The follow up strategies”. During the project period, 49 factory inspections and 40 standard operational procedure analyses were accomplished. Four major pollution cases and 15 cases against water pollution prevention law were found and properly punished.During the project period, the sources of pollution and how heavy metals affect the water bodies were investigated and analyzed. “The reduction project of heavy metal pollutants” was drafted. Five reduction strategies employed include prevention mechanism of heavy metal pollution, scientific monitoring methods for combating industries’ illegal activities, the cooperation of authorized agency for pollution prevention and verification, factorial environmental improvements and some other strategy. As for prevention of farm land pollution, “The heavy metal pollution prevention mechanism regarding electroplate and metal surface industries” was drafted. It is carried out by means of 24-hour continuous monitoring, monthly water sampling and unexpected factory inspections to effectively control and prevent potential pollution sources. 095 水保處 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1361
微量汞吸附劑合成之實廠技術開發與應用 本研究利用兩種不同基質(椰殼與煤炭)之商用活性碳做為起始原料,配合兩種含浸技術(氣相與液相含浸)以開發具有不同物化特性之表面改質活性碳吸附劑,最終達到量產之目的。結果顯示硫含浸造成活性碳物理性質之改變,在低濃度氣相硫含浸時,含浸程序類似一種化學活化行為,除了可造成硫分子含浸於活性碳表面外,也具備了生成新的微孔之功能。當實驗室批次放大,氣相硫含浸造成孔徑堵塞之效果更為明顯,顯示硫含浸對於活性碳微孔結構之影響包括擴孔現象與或堵塞孔徑兩種。液相含浸程序並無類似於氣相含浸之活性碳化學活化行為,微孔表面積與體積隨著硫含浸量提升而呈現下降之趨勢。實廠規格成品之比表面積與微孔表面積下降程度均較實驗室規格含浸實驗所得結果明顯。含浸活性碳之汞飽和吸附量隨著硫含量的增加而呈現提升的趨勢,但相關性並不顯著。此結果暗示硫含量並非控制汞吸附量之唯一因素,其他因子,例如微孔結構,亦可能影響汞吸附量。實廠製程可成功開發出具有 >1,000 μg/g 吸附量之活性碳吸附劑。未來應著重於活性碳表面含硫與含氧官能基之定性與定量分析,配合物理性質之探討,或可勾勒出活性碳吸附機制,以改善現有製程條件。 Development and application of full-scale low-concentration mercury adsorbent production Activated carbons from two precursors (coal and coconut shell) were used to produce low-concentration (i.e., ppb level) mercury adsorbents with various physical and chemical properties via gas- and liquid-phase sulfur impregnation. The goal is to achieve a full-scale production of mercury adsorbents. Results showed that sulfur impregnation altered the physical properties of activated carbons. Sulfur impregnation assembled chemical activation, which created new porous structure as well as sulfur doping. When the impregnation process was scaled-up, gas-phase sulfur impregnation significantly blocked the porous structure, indicating that sulfur impregnation simultaneously causes the pore opening and blocking. Liquid-phase impregnation did not act as activation, the resulting surface area and pore volume thus decreased as the sulfur amount increased, which was more significant in full-scale samples. Mercury adsorption capacity was proportional to the sulfur content of resulting samples, however, with an insignificant correlation. This result suggests that other factors, beside sulfur content, controls the adsorption behaviors as well. The full-scale carbon products had an adsorption capacity > 1000 μg/g. Further study should be focused on evaluating the relationship between surface functional groups, physical properties, and mercury adsorption capacity. The adsorption mechanism of mercury onto the activated carbon surface may be depicted, which may help to improve the current production protocols. 095 永續發展室 國立高雄第一科技大學創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2152
非屬原子能游離輻射一全國地理資訊系統之建立及發射源抽測計畫 一、相關基本資料蒐集分析(一)蒐集歐、美、日(含世界衛生組織)等先進國家對非屬原子能游離輻射管理法規、措施及生物效應相關研究。1.蒐集國際間相關研究資料,如:世界衛生組織之相關報告(第296及304號報告)、瑞士及義大利之相關管制規定、丹麥研究手機與致癌無關之研究資料,並將其整理後,彙整於報告中。2.本計畫今年度選定台北市為輻射環境模擬之示範區域,蒐集整理前期檢測結果全台北市共166站檢測資料,進行模擬分析作業。(二)蒐集前期檢測之非游離輻射發射源報告檔案資料約2400份,檢測對象包括基地台、高壓電塔、電台等,並將報告檔案(PDF或Word檔)中的位置以及檢測結果,逐一建檔並數化建置於今年度開發之資訊庫內;已完成資料建檔作業,共計2410份資料。(三)蒐集歷年非游離輻射檢測相關報導,最新消息11則、國際報導11則、媒體報導118則,並彙整至系統中公佈。二、發射源抽測作業及檢測作業培訓(一)依據環保署發布之檢測規範,再參考實際作業及檢測方式,制訂檢測作業方式、流程,完成現場作業文件。(二)本年度812站檢測作業,檢測對象為行動電話基地台(含培訓縣市)(696站)、高壓輸配電線(6站)、無線寬頻接取盒(6站)、中小學校(80站)、公共區域(40)與居家環境(12)之發射源檢測;共完成840站,已符合合約規定之812站的數量。(三)協助民眾陳情之檢測作業達12站(包含於840站內),並與陳情民眾直接宣導非游離輻射相關知識與法規內容。(四)完成苗栗縣、嘉義縣、台南縣、屏東縣、花蓮縣、基隆市、嘉義市、台南市共八縣市非游離輻射培訓作業,除檢測方法培訓外,亦予地方環保局實際檢測作業上之輔導。三、場強度空間分佈模式(一)本團隊選定台北市中正區、信義區、大安區為示範場強度空間分佈模式之區域,整理全台北市276站的歷史量測資料,以進行模擬演算模式。(二)模擬結果與地理空間資料結合,可於系統展示模擬結果。四、全國地理資訊系統網站建置(一)完成地理資訊系統網站系統開發建置,並與署內監資處環境理資訊系統結合,提供民眾查詢檢測結果。(二)建置行動電話基地台之量測資料輸入作業之重點及流程,將可利用本團隊全新開發完成的檢測資料管理系統,提供多角度查詢方式,查詢符合條件的資料。(三)完成最新消息系統功能建置,管理者可利用系統後台功能,於線上直接新增相關新聞或報導。(四)整體資訊系統已移轉至署內,並與署內既有資訊環境加以整合,提升系統效率及功能五、完成電磁波研討會完成辦理為期2天之業務研討會,邀請環保單位、環保團體、專家學者、一般民眾及相關機關,與會人員86人。研討會中包含專家講解、環保署執行計畫情形、民間觀點分享,並於會中進行綜合討論以交換各項經驗。 Non-ionizing radiation is a nuclear country geographic information system and the establishment of the sources of sampling tests plan 1. Collection and Analysis of Related Information Collection of regulations, measures, and biological effects of non-ionizing radiations from the developed countries such as Europe, America, and Japan (Including WHO). Collections, such as WHO reports (No. 296 and No. 304), Swiss and Italian relevant regulations, Denmark’s research report on the correlation between cell phones and cancer-causing, are put into the brief of the Environmental Protection Administration.  The initial testing data includes the data of base transceiver stations, high voltage towers, and radio stations. All of these are digitalized before archived, which now are 2410 copies in all.  Analyze testing reports over the years and take the result down to the brief of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA)2. Random Testing and Testing Operation Training  Distribute the documents of testing standards, methods, and process at the site in line with EPA’s regulations.  Testing objects of the year are base transceiver stations (including related counties and cities) (696 stations), high voltage cable (6 stations), WiMAX box (6 stations), middle and elementary schools (80 stations), the public area (40 stations), residential districts (12 stations), 840 stations in all, the figure higher than the required number of 812 stations. 12 stations (part of the 840 stations) are to help pleaders do the testing and make them know about the knowledge and regulations of non-ionizing radiations. Testing training and guidance are done in 8 counties or cities. 3. Space distribution of the electromagnetic field (EMF)Space distribution of the field strength in Zhongzheng and Xinyi District, Taipei, is analyzed. Data of 276 stations is computed and the result will be demonstrated by the system. 4. Establishment of Geographic Information System (GIS) WebsiteTo accomplish the system development and than integrate it with the EPA’s GIS for reference 5. Close the EMF Seminar 86 attendants discussed and shared experiences in the seminar. 095 空保處 千一資訊有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1427
上流式厭氣污泥床(UASB)串聯二段式人工溼地淨化生活及養豬廢水污染之河川水質 UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) 屬高效率的厭氣生物法,具省能及初步去除污水中膠體及SS 之功能,可取代傳統生活污水處理程序初沉池,但其出流污水仍含部份有機物及氮磷等營養鹽,故通常再以喜氣處理進一步淨化,「UASB 串聯喜氣法」已用於處理生活污水。人工濕地(constructed wetland, CWL) 是一種自然淨化程序,將受污水導入由土壤、礫石、水生植物、微生物及水所組成的生態系統,利用自然物化及生物程序,以淨化污水。結合「UASB-人工濕地」處理受污水兼有UASB 及人工濕地之優點,屏東縣境河川污染染原主要為養豬及生活廢水。因此,本研究探討以「UASB 串聯二段式人工溼地」處理受養豬及生活廢水污染之武洛溪水,依污水不同之水力停留時間進行試驗,探討污染物之去除效率,並評估其性能以利推廣。試驗系統分二組試驗組為UASB-CWL1-CWL2 串聯UASB 反應槽內尺寸100 cm×140 cm×300 cm H ,有效容(,) 積為4 m3,其溢流水以重力方式流(,) 至CWL1 處理槽進流口。CWL1 底部填15 公分厚之土壤,初始種植水蠟燭30 株,有效容積為4.8 m3;CWL2 種植水芙蓉,初始種植20 顆,有效容積為5.4 m3。對照組污水不經UASB ,僅為CWL1-CWL2 串聯,CWL1 、CWL2 之規格與試驗組相同。供試進流水取自屏東縣武洛溪注入高屏溪之武洛溪中。試驗分三階段,污水經UASB 反應槽之HRT 為9.6 小時(Phase I) 、4.8 小時(Phase II) 、3.2 小時(Phase III) ;污水在CWL1 及CWL2 之水力停留時間分別為11.5 、13.0 小時(Phase I) 、5.8 、6.5 小時(Phase II) 、3.8 、4.3 小時(Phase III) 。1. 進流水水質(單位mg/L) 範圍(平均值)分別為總COD (CODT) 9-124 (34) 、水溶性BOD (BODS) 5-51 (14) 、SS 10-540 (100) 、氨氮3-36 (16) 、硝酸氮0-34.5 (8.7) 、亞硝酸氮0.3-2.3 (1.2) 、總氮 11.0-164.2 (33.2) 、磷酸鹽磷0.5-5.9 (3.3) 、總磷0.03-14.8 (3.6) 、Cu 0.02-0.36 (0.09) 、Zn 0.04-0.57 (0.20) 、DO 1.7-6.2 (4.3) 、pH 值 6.5-7.8 (7.4) 。因抽引武洛溪水進行處理,其污染物濃度變化幅度大,當進流濃度低於平均值時,污染物去除率會下降。2. UASB 出口水質平均值(單位mg/L) 分別為CODT 23、BODS 7、SS 33 、氨氮16、硝酸氮6.0 、亞硝酸氮0. 7 、總氮25.7 、磷酸鹽磷3.6 、總磷3.8 、Cu 0.14 、Zn 0.13 、DO 4.4 、pH 值 7.2 。UASB 作為前處理,可去除進流水中SS、Zn、Cu 等50%以上,並穩定廢水性質。但對營養鹽(氨氮、硝酸氮、總氮、磷酸鹽、總磷)之去除率均小於30% 以下,效果不及人工濕地之植物系統。Phase III 之UASB 停留時間縮短為3.2 小時,使有機負荷增加,SS、COD 、Cu、Zn 去除率亦隨之增加。六個月操作期間,UASB 底泥累積60 公分深。UASB 具有較佳之SS、Cu、Zn 去除效果,並具有易操作及清理之優點,是純植物系統所不及的。3. 試驗組CWL2 出口水質平均值(單位mg/L) 分別為CODT 19、BODS 6、SS 33 、氨氮 13 Abstract Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) is a high efficiency anaerobic method to remove biocolloids and suspended solids in wastewater. In this study, the UASB install before constructed wetland system to remove river containments from farm wastewater and sewage. The UASB can remove suspended solid, zinc and copper at least 50% of the river water. The constructed wetland system can remove nitrogen and phosphate nutrient from the river water. 095 屏東縣政府環境保護局 國立中山大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2074
資訊改造整體規劃 為配合政府組織改造,以未來整併後之新組織為基礎,建立資訊集中式共享式服務維規劃方向,規劃未來環資部資訊組織架構、共用性資訊服務、資訊治理以及委外管理以及後續建置之規劃。本計畫主要包含六個主題,八本規劃報告,各主題之規劃重點如下:(一) 行政院環境保護署現況細部調查研析PMO調查報告,彙整相關規劃之問題,製作問卷輔以訪談,之後整理回收之內容,作為後續規劃之依據。(二) 資訊改造有關資訊組織任務編組(假編成)規劃透過問卷調查與深度訪談完成未來環資部之組織設計、各資訊處室之人員配置以及制定業務運作之原則。(三) 共同性服務項目規劃由於環資部整合之部門眾多,因此規劃建立共同之入口,選定以應用程式簽入驗證為環資部之共用功能,據此規劃建立單一入口平台。而以及公文管理系統為部內之共同機制,整體為共同公文平台。以漸進的方式進行資訊架構之改造,並注重平台功能之擴充性,讓整併機關在未來資訊整併過程,能夠比較平順的進行,並顧及未來系統功能與效能之擴充。(四) 共同性服務軟硬體設施規劃分析各機關之現有資訊設備、網路建設與資訊安全議題現狀,規劃未來環資部之共構機房、階層式的網路架構、VPN、DNS 以及電子郵件之規劃。(五) 資訊治理與委外服務分為四大主要項目:資訊管理規劃部分,總結針對環保署ISO 20000相關文件之評估工作,共用性資訊服務與系統安全及資訊安全監控中心(SOC)規劃與管理、委外服務管理規劃以及參酙國外案例,提供EA規劃之相關建議。(六) 建置階段之先期規劃針對環資部資訊改造之三個階段進行推展,分別是短期以提供良好的資訊發展、維運環境為主體,中期則著重於整合GSP(Government Service Platform)共用服務平台、配合行政院研考會電子化政府的推動計畫、提升服務品質等,而長期之規劃則應參考世界先進國家的電子化政府計畫以為我國發展之借鏡,例如美國聯邦政府EA(Federal Enterprise Architecture- FEA)、英國eGIF(e-Government Interoperability Framework- eGIF),並且參與國際間會議、參訪等經驗交流與互動。 Information reengineering、Share services、Organization design、Common services、IT Governance Due to government organizational streamlining and restructuring effort, initiated by the Executive Yuan, there exists urgent need for IT organizational realignment. As a result, it is inevitable for IT related resources to undergo the necessary mergers and consolidations. The IT related resources within an organization could include its human resources, either regular staff or outsourced staff; all software and hardware; underlined IT infrastructures, including network; data centers; standard operating procedures; and the related management processes. This project is to plan the reengineering of the above for the future Ministry Of Environment and Resources Affairs (MOEA). The required project deliverables included 8 Plans containing 6 major topics. Following is the summary of each topic:1. The Survey of Current IT Status: Analyzed the result of the questionnaire issued by PMO; designed and reissued a second questionnaire as a supplement to collect additional necessary information in few different aspects. Detailed analysis was then performed and the result was reported.2. The Restructure of the IT Organization: Based on the above survey results and the interviews with the IT staff members of each department to be merged and realigned, this Plan recommended the possible structure of the future IT organization; its required manpower, resources, and training; and the operation principles. 3. The Design of Shared Services: Various departments from different Minister Offices will be merged into and realigned with MOEA when the organizational restructuring occurs. Due to this high level of complexity, it is, therefore, a must to maximize the effectiveness and minimize the impact of the IT service integration in the restructuring process. This Plan focused on 3 items having the most widespread impact to the organization - Integrated Portal, Single-Sign-On, and Official Document and Exchange Management. The recommendation is to design, build, and migrate these shared services to function as the underlined application information exchange service platform. This approach not only could make the future service integration achievable but also could ensure a smooth transition.4. Common System and Hardware Design: The system and hardware design was based on the current implementation and the future integration was also discussed. The most important contribution in this Plan was to design the shared data center, the hierarchical network architecture, the VPN, and the e-mail and DNS services. 5. IT Service Management and Outsource Management: This Plan consisted of four major subjects: 1. IT Service Management – Assessed ITSM process capability maturity, reviewed EPA ISO20000 related documentation, and provided suggestions for possible improvement. 2. Security Operations Center (SOC): Defined the scope, service items, and standard operation procedures for SOC. 3.Outsource Management: Focused on "End User Services"; the operations and the management of servers, network infrastructures, and data center. 4. Enterprise architecture (EA): Referenced FEA of USA Federal Government and devised the EA development model for MOEA. 6. Early Planning for Implementation: A 3-phased approach is recommended for future implementation of MOEA IT reengineering. The short-term goal is to focus on providing a sound operational environment for information development. The mid-term goal is to emphasis on the integration with Government Service Platform (GSP) to operate cohesively with RDEC for the e-government project. And the long term goal is to build a better and more sustainable IT architecture based on the reference of Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) or e-Government Interoperability Framework (eGIF). 095 監資處 財團法人資訊工業策進會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1473
南部區域海洋污染防治管理及緊急應變中心建置專案工作計畫 由於台灣四周環海,海岸線總長達1,500公里以上,而且台灣海域也是國際海運重要航道,因此如何防止船舶廢油污水污染,為當前重要課題之一。環保署自95年起積極推動建置區域跨行政區域河川及海洋污染應變機制,統籌調度整合區域各行政機關及民間企業緊急應變人力、能量,達成應變資源共享並提升污染除污之成效。本計畫主要工作:規劃海洋環境污染防治計畫,並推估海洋環境污染源成長趨勢及分析海域水質問題與排放特性;辦理海洋環境相關會議;規劃建置南部區域海洋污染緊急應變中心;研擬各項海洋環境永續發展指標;建置南部區域海洋環境資訊系統。目前南部五縣市各流域內事業廢水污染源之污染物排放狀況,BOD、COD、SS之污染排入量皆以高屏溪較多,近年來離牧政策的施行而有部分改善,仍需持續加強。海域水質分析結果,其中曽文溪口之測站、阿公店溪口之測站及林邊溪之測站均曾發現營養鹽濃度過高之情形;各河川出口處水樣之氨氮、總磷及亞硝酸鹽含量常被發現有異常偏高之現象。為結合民間機構及團體的力量及資源,共同來維護海洋環境、保護海域資源。本計畫於95年9月29日,假 高雄福華大飯店會議室,辦理「南部區域海洋環境改善研討座談會」,邀請民間機構及團體參加,出席單位佔南部區域除污團隊之70%。亦於11月6日假南區環境督察大隊會議室,辦理「南部區域海洋環境改善成果發表會」,主要邀集環保單位進行海洋污染防治相關計畫之交流。本計畫依據「重大海洋油污染緊急應變計畫」建置南部區域海洋污染緊急應變中心,規劃南部5縣市之海洋污染緊急應變機制,以整合政府機關及民間團體之除污能量,負責第二級海洋污染事件之「指揮應變、負責調度」,即時應變處置污染事件,降低污染影響,並持續監督後續生態復育及監測作業。另本計畫完成「南部區域海洋污染緊急應變及除污作業標準程序」,作為發生海洋污染緊急事件時之除污及應變參考。海洋環境永續指標,係從「海域環境產業及生活休閒等活動,對於環境及自然資源產生需求、污染負荷、環境改善等正負面壓力」,「自然生態、資源及環境狀態之改變」,「政府機關、團體及企業回應之決策、措施與行動」等三個層面,來分析海洋環境永續發展,並可利用代表指標變化趨勢,研判海洋環境的問題所在,以擬定有效的因應措施與具體的改善策略。海域環境資料庫建置相關氣象、海象、水文、河川、港灣、海岸特性及環境敏感區等海域環境資料,可提供海域環境管理所需參考數據,亦可即時查詢特定海域環境條件,因應污染事件之需求。 Water Pollution Control, Management and Response Center of Southern Coast Water of Taiwan Taiwan is surrounded by sea; the coastline is more than 1,500 kilometers and the marine water of Taiwan is the important channel for the international ocean shipping. Therefore, to prevent the wastewater or sewage of ship from being emitted into the sea, become one of the significant topics. Since 2006, the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) established the mechanism of marine and river pollution response, and integrated the participating response personnel and equipments of support to promote the marine pollution handling.The main work of this project:making a plan of marine pollution control and to estimate the growth trend of water pollution; to hold conferences about marine environment; to establish “Management and Response Center of Pollution in Southern Coast Water”; to plan some marine environment sustainability indicators; to build the system of marine environmental information in Southern Coast Water.The current pollution from the industrial wastewater or sewage discharge into the basin of rivers in 5 counties in southern area, Kao Ping River got the most of quantity in BOD, COD, and SS. The policy for reducing wastewater from the swine industries still needs some improvement. From the analysis of marine water quality, we found the nutrients concentration are higher in monitoring stations in Zeng-wun River, Agong-dian River and Lin-bian River; the abnormal high consistency of ammonia nitrogen, TP and nitrite usually discovered in the estuary.In order to combine the resources and energy from adjacent counties, municipal governments, industry's unit and public organizations, to safeguard the marine environment and protect resources of ocean simultaneously. On September 29, 2005, we hold a meeting about 「The improvement of marine environment in Southern Coast Water」, and invited municipal governments, industry's unit and public organizations to joint at a conference room of Howard hotel in Kaohsiung. The attendance organizations consist of 70% of the major groups at southern region. On November 6, we invited the environmental protection unit to exchange the experiences of marine pollution control and some relevant plan about marine protection to join the meeting about 「The improve achievement of marine environment in Southern Coast Water」. The project stands on 「Major marine oil pollution emergency response plan」to establish “Management and Response Center of Pollution in Southern Coast Water”, in order to plan mechanism of emergency response in 5 southern counties and cities. It’s on the combination of resources and emergency energy that collect from adjacent counties, municipal governments, industry's unit and public organizations, and that is responsible for the second marine oil pollution incidents of 'command response and take charge of deployment'. It needs to handle the marine pollution incidents immediately and supervise the tasks about ecological rehabilitation and monitoring.The Marine environmental sustain indicator base on three parts of analyzing. These three parts are「positive or negative pressure about marine environmental industry and leisure activities, demand of nature resources、pollute load、environmental improvement」,「natural ecology、changes of resource and environment situation」,「the decisions、measures and strategies from government、organization and industry」. We can use the mutative trend of indicators to figure out the major marine pollution, make useful strategy to response and meliorate.The database of marine environmental combine the data, such as walrus, hydrology, rivers, harbors, coast characteristic and the area of environmental sensitivity, etc., it can offer the necessary reference data about marine environmental management. The database can also inquire about the specific environmental condition of ocean immediately; cater to the needing of pollution incidents. 095 水保處 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1547
95年嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫-移動污染源稽查管制計畫 本計畫工作項目包括攔巡查12,000輛次,機車攔檢4,000輛次,大型宣導活動一場次,小型宣導活動二場次,宣導免費檢測1,200輛次,每月查核定檢站一次,每季實施氣體比對一次。1、截至95年12月31日已完成15,344輛次,其中攔查5,714輛次,巡查回覆9,630輛次,進度達成率為127.9%。2、截至95年12月31日已完成4,336輛次,進度達成率為108.4%,不合格數為1,154輛,不合格率為26.6%,已完成複驗為1,000輛,複驗率為86.7%。3、截至95年12月31日已完成360家次之查核,進度達成率為100%。4、截至95年12月31日已完成25,000份通知到檢,已回覆數為11,469輛,回覆率為45.88%。5、截至95年12月31日已完成6次180家次之儀器氣體比對,進度達成率為150%。第1次比對有5家儀器偏差率超過,第2次比對有4家偏差率超過,第3次比對全部符合規定,第4次比對有2家偏差率超過,第5次比對有2家偏差率超過,第6次比對有2家偏差率超過。經實施重新校正後全部合乎規定值。6、截至95年12月31日已完成1場大型、6場小型宣導活動,共計免費檢測1,336輛次,不合格274輛次,複驗242輛次,複驗率為90%。7、3月份第一次檢驗站實車查核,共執行29家檢驗站查核,各站實車查核記錄已呈報環保局並於5月11日舉辦各檢驗站輔導教育訓練。另一次為9月份進行檢驗站實車查核,29家檢驗站其中有2家違反規定(依空氣污染防制法第40條第3項及檢驗站管理辦法各處新台幣1萬5,000元罰鍰)8、於4月份進行29家30站檢測儀器進行儀器漂移測試查核,經測試結果有4家檢驗站儀器有嚴重漂移,該儀器已請廠商維修並完成複檢合格。另一次為10月份29家30站檢測儀器進行儀器漂移測試查核,全部符合規定。9依據95年度嘉義市空氣品質維護改善計畫移動污染源稽查管制計畫工作執行績效考評自評表空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評指標及評分標準,在移動污染源機車部份可掌握分數應得6%,目前實得5.99%。 2006 Chiayi city air quality promote and maintain project- Moving pollution source inspection control project. This project is including round of inspection 12000 cars, block 4000 motors, one large announce activity, two small activities, and 1200 inspections for free. 1. Till December 31, 2006, there were 15,344 motorcycles been inspected, among which 5,714 vehicles were stopped and inspected, and 9,630 vehicles were trailed, inspected and replied. The achievement rate of accomplishment is 127.9%. 2. Till December 31, 2006, there were 4,336 vehicles that have been checked. The progress rate of accomplishment is 108.4%. The unqualified number is 1,154 vehicles with the unqualified rate of 26.6%, in which there were 1,000 vehicles that have been rechecked. The recheck rate is 86.7%. 3. Till December 31, 2006, there were 360 inspection stations that have been assessed. The progress accomplishment rate is 100%. 4. periodically inspected by authoritiesTill December 31, 2006, there were 25,000 copies of notifications been sent, in which there were 11,469 vehicles that have replied. The reply rate is 45.88%. 5. Till December 31, 2006, there were six instrumental matches of exhausts from 180 inspection stations. The progress accomplishment rate is 150%. In the second match, there were 4 stations whose deviation rates were over. At the third time, all met the requirement. At the fifth, the deviation rates from two stations exceeded. At the sixth match, the deviation rates from two stations exceeded. After readjustment had been made, all stations are in accordance with the required value. 6. Till December 31, 2006, there was one large-scaled and six small-scaled announcement activities been held. In total, there were 1,336 vehicles been inspected free of charge. There were 274 vehicles that were not qualified. 242 of them been checked again. The recheck rate is 90%. 7. In March, the first Double Inspection of Random Vehicles at Inspection Stations was held. There were 29 inspection stations been assess. The record for Double Inspection of Random Vehicles at Inspection Stations was reported to EPB, and on May 11, a Guidance Educational Training was held for all inspection stations. The other occasion was made in September. Among 29 inspection stations, there were two stations violated regulations. (A penalty of NT$ 15,000 dollars each as per Article 40.3. of Air Pollution Prevention Act and Management Regulation for Inspection Stations). 8.Inspection StationsIn April there was an Evaluation of Drifting Tests by Analysis Instruments made at 30 inspection stations in 29 companies. After the tests, there were 4 inspection stations that had serious drifting problems. Those instruments had been maintained and gone through a second evaluation. In October, there was another Evaluation of Drifting Tests by Analysis Instruments made at 30 inspection stations in 29 companies. All of them met the requirement. 9. According to 2006 Achievement of Inspection Control Project of Mobile Polluting Sources for Maintaining and Improving Air Quality in Chiayi City, in terms of Achievement Effectiveness of Evaluation Index and Grading Standard on Maintaining and Improving Air Quality, which are listed on Self Appraisal Table for Working Achievement, 6% is the controllable mark that must be made in the portion for mobile polluting sources of motorcycles. Actually, it is 5.99% been achieved. 095 嘉義市政府環境保護局 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1850
95年度「資源回收工作暨資源回收責任業者與販賣業者管理、回收業處理業重點稽查取締計畫」 The plan on the investigation and interdiction for resource recycling work,resource recycleing responsible enterprise, vendor management, recycling enterprise, and disposal enterprise in 2006. 095 南投縣政府環境保護局 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1563
事業廢棄物焚化灰渣整合性管理計畫(3/3) 由事業上網申報結果顯示,國內事業廢棄物上網申報量約為1,461萬噸,其中採自行處理者約為112萬噸,佔上網申報量之7.6%,由本計畫調查結果顯示,事業廢棄物焚化設施因環保法規之管制日趨嚴格而有大幅減少的趨勢,雖然焚化方式具減容、減積與降低危害特性(有害廢棄物焚化)的效能,但如何解決灰渣後端處置的問題,亦常是主管機關注意的焦點。另外本計畫調查結果顯示,國內仍正常運作之中小型廢棄物焚化爐合計72座(含公有小型垃圾焚化爐9座、公民營廢棄物處理機構15座、一般事業36座及醫療機構12座),停爐者計283座,拆除的有19座;目前各運轉中焚化爐之許可處理之廢棄物類別,主要包括:一般廢棄物、塑橡膠混合物、污泥、油泥、廢液及醫療廢棄物等。由此可見處理的事業廢棄物種類差異性極大,且具焚化設施數量多、焚化設施規模小及地點分散性大等特性。由民國95年度本計畫之調查資料顯示,目前運轉中的事業廢棄物焚化爐處理量約87.9萬噸/年,產生17.6萬噸/年灰渣,依據本計畫採樣分析結果顯示,其中屬有害性之灰渣超過溶出試驗標準之比率為28%,且大多交岡聯可寧衛公司與中聯爐石公司等進行固化處理後進行衛生掩埋處置,而性質穩定之非有害灰渣則採掩埋處理。如何將這些焚化設施予以統合管理,並進行加強推動事業廢棄物先分類再進行焚化處理及追蹤事業廢棄物焚化爐之灰渣最終處置情形,則為本計畫執行之重點。本年度計畫目標完成80座次以上運轉中事業廢棄物焚化設施及10座以上申報停爐設施之現勘查核並進行100件樣品之採樣分析。合計實際完成94座次之現場調查,其中包含運轉中之中小型廢棄物焚化爐81座次,已申請停爐之中小型廢棄物焚化爐13座,其中9座灰渣經本計畫判定為有害而實際為直接進行掩埋,需複測確認其有害屬性進行持續追蹤。本計畫除了追蹤進行灰渣最終處置情形,同時輔導十座事業廢棄物焚化爐加強推動先分類再焚化處理,以檢測結果評估其分類效益,結果顯示先分類再焚化處理可以減少有害灰渣之產生;本計畫採樣分析的樣品數共100件樣品,樣品由工研院實驗室分析人員完成各檢測項目分析,達成計畫目標。 Integrated Management of Ash and Residue from the Industrial Waste Incineration (3/3) This study aims to improve understanding of the current operation of industrial waste incineration facilities, while also tracking the treatment flow of the ash and residue thus produced. The project is currently in the last year of a scheduled three. Incineration sites were visited to study the quality and quantity of treatment ash and residue. During the project period, basic data of 374 industrial waste incinerators were checked and updated; 94 sites were visited, including 81 operating and 13 stalling; 100 samples taken from various sites were analyzed for heavy metals and dioxin compounds; and TCLP(Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure) was applied to check for the existence heavy metals on samples of site ash. Additionally, a geographical database of sites was devised. The data are used to evaluate the performance of the waste assortment, the future strategy and modify regulations of EPA.The investigation demonstrated that a large proportions of small capacity incinerators were actually not operating, alternatives incineration were also adopted. Overall, 72 facilities were operating, 283 were not operating, 19 had been dismantled. The total number of operating facilities was 16 fewer than in the previous year, and the amount of industrial waste incineration is about 0.879 million tons per year, 20% ash and residue is produced.The analytical results demonstrated that 28% of ash and residue exceeded the TCLP standards, with lead (19%) and cadmium (16%) were the most common contaminants. Furthermore, tests for 17 dioxin compounds in ash and residue sample were also revealed high levels, with around 33% of samples exceeding 1ng-TEQ/g. However, most facilities treat the ash and residue according to the regulations, and solidify and landfill treatment were the most widely practiced methods, with only a small proportion of the ash and residue being reused. 095 廢管處 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1335
95年度土壤及地下水污染防治調查及監督驗證查核工作計畫 本計畫工作範疇界定會議於簽約當日召開,確定本計畫相關工作。後續依計畫需求指派常駐工程師1人,並提供1輛小型汽車供計畫執行專用。本計畫工作進度與摘要如表1~表2、圖1,各項工作執行情形及結果說明如下:一、土壤及地下水污染查證及監督驗證查核工作:(一) (二) 96年1~2月執行包含遠大加油站等12家加油站第一階段之測漏管篩選調查工作,其中福懋新營加油站、六甲頂加油站及南昇加油站等3家加油站檢測結果呈現具有高污染疑慮。(三) 96年3月執行仁德鄉嘉仁加油站地下水監測工作,總計12口次地下水採樣分析工作,分析結果地下水中甲苯、苯、萘及總酚檢出超過管制標準值。(四) 96年3月完成山上鄉掩埋場2口標準監測井及將軍鄉棄置場4口簡易井設置作業,並進行地下水採樣分析工作。山上鄉掩埋場地下水檢出錳、氨氮及總有機碳超過第二類地下水污染監測基準值。將軍鄉地下水檢出砷濃度超過地下水污染管制標準;鐵、錳、砷、氯鹽、氨氮、總硬度、總溶解固體物及總有機碳超過地下水污染監測基準值。(五) 96年5月執行新營市福懋新營加油站、永康市六甲頂加油站及仁德鄉南昇加油站等3家加油站第二階段之土壤污染調查及簡易井設置作業,並進行地下水採樣分析工作。調查結果南昇加油站土壤中檢出苯、二甲苯及總石油碳氫化合物濃度超過土壤污染管制標準;地下水中(簡易井)檢出苯、甲苯及奈濃度超過地下水污染管制標準。(六) 96年5月執行仁德鄉二橋段597、597-1、597-2地號及車路墘段940地號土壤污染查證工作。由10組土壤樣品的調查結果顯示均未超過土壤污染監測基準。(七) 96年6月執行仁德鄉南昇加油站第三階段之標準監測井設置(2口)及地下水採樣調查。由調查結果該站地下水中苯及總酚濃度超過污染管制標準,建議應公告為污染控制場址。另依據「土壤及地下水污染控制場址初步評估辦法」初評後應列為整治場址,建議環保局報請環保署審核公告列為整治場址,或依「土壤及地下水污染控制場址初步評估辦法」第六條發函通知南昇加油站得申請辦理健康風險評估。(八) 96年7月執行仁德鄉二橋段595-1~595-4地號及車路墘段950地號土壤污染查證工作。由7組樣品的調查結果顯示二橋段595-1~595-4地號重金屬鉻濃度超過土壤污染監測基準;車路墘段950地號鋅濃度超過監測基準(食用作物農地)。(九) 96年8月執行麻豆鎮埤頭段565-2、567、611等3筆地號及善化鎮善化段2818地號土壤污染查證工作,調查結果麻豆鎮埤頭段611地號重金屬鋅濃度超過監測基準(食用作物農地)。(十) 配合污染範圍界定於96年9月執行新營市長榮路加油站(1口)及仁德鄉南昇加油站(2口)等簡易井設置及地下水採樣分析工作。由調查結果顯示南昇加油站地下水中苯、甲苯及萘濃度超過第二類地下水污染管制標準。本計畫已將南昇加油站歷次調查結果提供給環保局,並協助環保局進行後續場址公告及評估作業。(十一)96年9月執行新營市福懋新營加油站及永康市六甲頂加油站共計3口次簡易井封井工作。二、土壤定期監測場址監測工作(共21筆土地):本年度車路墘段950地號中心點之鋅、入水口之銅、鉛、鋅,以及善化段2818地號之鋅濃度等超過食用作物農地管制標準的狀況,其餘監測結果與歷年類似並無明顯異常。本計畫後續依環保局指示,分別針對車路墘段950地號及善化段2818地號進行污染查證。由調查結果車路墘段950地號鋅濃度超過食用作物農地監測基準值;善化鎮善化段2818地號則由於旭成公司承租後,經由以客土墊地、翻轉稀釋方式改善,本次查證重金屬分析結果皆低於食用作物農地監測基準值。三、地下水定期監測場址監測工作:本年度定期監測的結果與歷年結果類似,大都屬於鐵、錳與氨氮等濃度偏高的狀況。此與區域性的監測結果相符,推測地下水中鐵、錳偏高的原因主要與區域性的地質因素有關,而氨氮可能與區域性的農業的活動與人類活動等相關。其中北門鄉及將軍鄉因靠近沿海地區,研判受海水影響,致地下水中氯鹽、導電度、硫酸鹽及總硬度超過監測基準。四、本計畫於95年11月完成36口區域性地下水監測井維護。針對維護時調查水力傳導係數偏低及泥砂淤塞程度篩選出菁寮國小、宅港國小、官田國小、北門高中及善化國小等5口區域性監測井,於96年5月執行氣提法洗井之功能性維護。五、GIS系統資料庫已完成本計畫總計175筆調查資料之匯入(監督驗證查核採樣數據72筆、土壤定期監測調查數據45筆及地下水定期監測調查數據58筆),並已上傳至環保署土壤及地下水污染場址GIS資料庫。六、地下儲槽系統「防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備」之定期監測申報資料審查及管理資料庫建檔工作,共計已完成462件。七、配合環保署「土壤及地下水污染整治法」第8、9條指定公告事項之修正,96年4月30日於台南科學工業園區管理局一樓演藝廳舉辦1場次之法規宣導說明會。 The project of soi and groundwater pollution prevention, Investigation, supervising, and verification in 2006 The project definition and work classification meeting was taken place on the date of signing and the proceedings included the supervision of this project and tasks of investigation, the examination fields of soil and groundwater regular monitoring, establishment of database and assistance of inspection, details of public symposiums, etc. Moreover, according to the contrast, a project engineer was designated in EPB (Environmental Protection Bureau) to assist the project, and a car was offered as well. The schedules and work summaries of this project are shown as Table 1, Table 2 and Figure 1. The execution and results of each work classification are illustrated as follows:一、Verification and certification of the soil and groundwater pollution:(一)(二)In January and February, 2007, the examination of gas leaking at 12 gas stations was executed. The results showed that Formosa Sin-Ying Gas Station, Liou-Jia-Ding Gas Station and Nan-Sheng Gas Station had highly possibility of gas contamination.(三)In March, 2007, the investigation on groundwater at Ga-Zen Gas Station in Ren-De was accomplished (12 samples) and the results revealed that toluene, benzene, naphthalene and phenols were above the groundwater pollution control standards.(四)In March, 2007, the construction of 2 monitoring wells at Shan-Shang Landfill and 4 temporary wells at Jian-Gjyun Township Landfill was completed, and the sampling of groundwater was carried out later. The results demonstrated that Mn, NH3-N and TOC at Shan-Shang Landfill and Fe, Mn, As, Cl-, NH3-N, Hardness, SS and TOC at Jian-Gjyun Landfill were above the second category groundwater pollution monitoring standards. Additionally, as examined at Jian-Gjyun Landfill was also above the second category groundwater pollution control standards.(五)In May, 2007, the second investigation of soil contamination, construction of temporary wells and sampling of groundwater at gas stations (Formosa Gas Station in Shin-Ying City, Liou-Jia-Ding Gas Station in Yon-Kang City and Nan-Shan Gas Station in Ren-De) were finished. The results of Nan-Shan Gas Station in Ren-De showed that benzene, xylene and TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) in soil were above the soil pollution control standards and toluene, benzene and naphthalene in groundwater were above the second category groundwater pollution control standards.(六)In May, 2007, the examination of soil contamination on parcel 597, 597-1, 597-2 at Er-Ciiao Section and on parcel 940 at Che-Lu-chien Section in Ren-De was completed (10 samples) and clarify that no contaminants exceeded the soil pollution monitoring standards.(七)In June, 2007, the establishment of 2 monitoring wells and sampling of groundwater at Nan-Shan Gas Station in Ren-De was executed. The examination illustrated that benzene and phenols were above the second category groundwater pollution control standards. Therefore, Nan-Shan Gas Station in Ren-De should be declared as a pollution control site. In addition, according to “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Site Preliminary Assessment Regulations”, the site was defined as a pollution remediation site via preliminary assessment. It was suggested that EPB should send the site report to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to be reviewed and declared as a pollution remediation site, or notice Nan-Shan Gas Station to apply for a health risk assessment according to “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control Site Preliminary Assessment Regulations” article 6.(八)In July, 2007, the investigation of soil contamination on parcel 595-1 to 595-4 at Er-Ciiao Section and parcel 950 at Che-Lu-Chien Section in Ren-De was accomplished (7 samples). It was found that Cr was above the soil pollution monitoring standards on parcel 595-1 to 595-4 at Er-Ciiao Section and Zn was above the farmland soil monitoring standards on parcel 950 at Che-Lu-Chien Section.(九)In August, 2007, the inspection of soil contamination on parcel 565-2, 567 and 611 at Pi-Tou Section in Ma-Dou and on parcel 2818 at Shan-Hua Section in Shan-Hua was carried out. The results revealed that Zn was above the farmland soil monitoring standards on parcel 611 at Pi-Tou Section in Ma-Dou. (十)In September, 2007, the construction of temporary wells at Nan-Shan Gas Station in Ren-De and Chang-Jung Rd. Gas Station in Shin-Ying was built (total was 3 wells). Besides, the sampling of groundwater was also carried out. The results showed that benzene, toluene and naphthalene in groundwater were above the second category groundwater pollution control standards at Nan-Shan Gas Station.(十一)In September, 2007, total 3 temporary wells were sealed at Formosa Gas Station in Shin-Ying City and Liou-Jia-Ding Gas Station in Yong-Kang City. 二、Regular soil monitoring: In the work classification, the results indicated that Zn (in the center of farmland and at the water entrance), Cu (at the water entrance) and Pb (at the water entrance) on parcel 950 at Che-Lu-Chien Section and Zn on parcel 2818 at Shan-Hua Section were even above the farmland soil pollution standards. In accordance with the request of EPB, the following step was to investigate the soil contamination of parcel 950 at Che-Lu-Chien Section and parcel 2818 at Shan-Hua Section. The investigation indicated that Zn on parcel 950 at Che-Lu-Chien Section was above the farmland soil monitoring standards and all heavy metals were under the farmland soil monitoring standards on parcel 2818 at Shan-Hua Section because of the soil remediation via excavation and dilution by Hsu-Cheng Ltd in their lease.三、Regular groundwater monitoring: In this year, 2 times of regular groundwater monitoring were carried out and the results showed that high concentration of Fe, Mn and NH3-N was often examined which is similar to the regional groundwater monitoring. It was supposed that the reason for high concentration of Fe and Mn was associated with the regional geology and NH3-N was related to the agriculture or other human being activities in the region. Besides, the results of high chlorite, EC (electric conductivity), sulfate and hardness in groundwater in Pei-Men and Chian-Chun above the groundwater pollution monitoring standards were inferred from the vicinity of coast.四、The first conservation of 36 regional monitoring wells was carried out during November 9 to November 20 in 2006 and the second was during May 23 to May 28 in 2007. While making the second maintenance, 5 low hydraulic coefficient and silty monitoring wells (Ching-Liao elementary school, Chai-Kang elementary school, Guan-Tian elementary school, Pei-Mem high school, Shan-Hua elementary school) were washed via air stripping.五、The 72 investigation and sampling data, 45 regular soil monitoring data and 58 regular groundwater monitoring data were updated and uploaded to the EPA GIS database of soil and groundwater pollution sites.六、Total 462 files about regular monitoring reports were created and updated in the database of groundwater pollution prevention and monitoring facilities in UST (underground storage tank) system.七、Association with the declaration of the implementation of revisions of article 8 and 9 in “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act”, a legislation symposium was held in the auditorium in Southern Tainan Science Park Administration on April 30, 2007. 095 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局) 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1173
推動公共場所室內空氣品質管理制度計畫 本計畫為環保署為因應行政院消費者保護委員會第126次委員會議之決議所展開之『室內空氣品質管理推動方案』,第一年規劃之四大目摽包括:1.建置公共場所室內空氣品質檢測、自主管理制度及室內空氣品質分級標章制度;2.建置室內空氣品質檢測及管理專責人員認證制度;3.建置室內空氣品質改善指引,並提供室內空氣品質改善技術諮詢服務;4.蒐集國際資訊及建置我國室內空氣品質管理資訊網站,推動相關宣導工作。室內空氣品質檢測、自主管理制度及分級標章制度之建置部份,本計畫搭配專責人員及查證人員課程訓練,針對20家公共場所進行規劃之自主管理優良認證流程。主要參考美國及香港之採樣區、採樣點選取原則及最低代表性採樣點數之建議,先以直讀式儀器選取場所空氣品質最差的點位,再以我國環檢所公告室內空氣品質標準檢測方法進行檢測,並擬依此結果進行優良管理之認證。分級標章部分則參考國外作法建議出兩種方案,一為將國內兩類建議值比照香港分級標章,分為良好級及卓越級;另一為結合綠建材標章、及ISO14000管理精神分級,結合參與程度及濃度分三級,建立建築物室內空氣品質管理優良標章。建置室內空氣品質檢測及管理專責人員認證制度的部份,依據環保署擬定之室內空氣管理法草案中規劃之專責人員及查證人員制度,本計畫收集香港、美國、中國及日本之室內空氣品質管理專業人員訓練規劃之資料,參考美國及香港的作法規劃我出國之室內空氣品質「專責人員」及「查證人員」之「資格、訓練、講習以及許可方式」,並辦理專責人員及查證人員訓練班各一班驗證前述制度之適用性,以作為未來制度修訂時之參考。建置室內空氣品質改善指引,提供室內空氣品質改善技術諮詢服務的部份,本計畫完成辦公大樓、醫院、商場、電影院、及一般住家室內空氣品質改善指引,另因應推動方案,本計畫針對各部會相關法規及執行事項提出增修建議。蒐集國際資訊及建置我國室內空氣品質管理資訊網站,推動相關宣導工作的部份,除蒐集九大國家或國際組織對室內空氣品質相關之管理情形,並且建置完成室內空氣品質管理資訊網站。並舉辦一場國際研討會,會中邀請日、港、台灣之專家進行交流及指導。藉由此研討會以及多次專家諮詢會、部會協商逐漸擬定出未來室內空氣品質管理之策略。 Project Plan for Indoor Air Quality Management in Public Place This project supports “indoor air quality management introduction program” proposed by EPA regarding to the conclusion from 126th committee meeting by consumer protection commission, Executive Yuan. The main goals for the first year are to:1.develop indoor air quality testing, self-management and labeling policies;2.develop IAQ specialist certification procedures for indoor air quality testing and management;3.develop indoor air quality improvement guide and provide technical consultant service;4.collect international information and build up indoor air quality website to facilitate promotion on indoor air quality management.For the first goal, the project has implemented the testing and self-management procedures on 20 public places along with the specialists who were trained by the certification courses from this project. The sampling area, sampling location selection criteria, and lowest sampling numbers recommendation were chosen according to information from US EPA and Hong Kong. Potable or direct-reading devices were first utilized to find the worst location within the indoor air quality section. Standard sampling methods announced by Environmental Analysis Laboratory were then utilized for certification of good IAQ management. As for the labeling system, the project proposed two program according to international information:one is to use the value recommended by EPA as the classification method used in Hong Kong which divided into good and excellent classes. Another one is to integrate green material labeling information, ISO14000, and indoor air pollutant levels into one labeling system with three levels.For the second goal, according to the role of “IAQ Dedicated person” and “IAQ Inspector” in the draft indoor air quality management act, two classes of training courses have been held for both roles refer to the training plan implemented in USA and Hong-Kong. For the third goal, the project has developed indoor air quality improvement guide for office buildings, hospitals, shopping mall, movie theaters and residential home, and also provided suggestion for future management and regulation development or amendment for different responsible sectors.For the fourth goal, besides the indoor air quality website has been built, an international conference was held in October which gathered IAQ professionals from Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan to share experiences. Through the conference and several consultant meetings and sectors coordination meetings, strategies have been gradually developed for future IAQ management. 095 空保處 中華物業管理協會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1703
半導體業研磨廢水及光電業廢水水質特性分析及管制標準探討計畫 台灣經濟發展以高科技產業為主,半導體業製程之研磨廢水及光電業產生氮、磷廢水,若未妥善處理將對環境造成嚴重衝擊,本計畫由現場調查與現行市面上廢水處理技術之探討,研提相關管理資料以利環保署參考管理。全國半導體業者共計226家,受水污染防治法管制者計有183家,約佔81%,每日排放之總廢水量197,138 CMD,且以積體電路(IC)為大宗。光電業者共計133家,其中有126家是受水污染防治法管制者,約佔95 %,光電業每日排放之總廢水量高達194,877.37 CMD,就產品與排放廢水量來看,以光電顯示器占83.34 ﹪最多。在管理方式就半導體業與光電業之管理,分別針對管制與不管制進行分析。在半導體業方面,近年國內業者已對研磨廢水多有處理或回收再利用,而致使承受水體渾濁現象已不復見,民眾所擔憂河川之不明白色混濁狀之液體現今已不存在,因此建議對於半導體業之研磨廢水暫且不需特別進行管制。光電業方面,本計畫之執行成果發現有必要針對其氨氮、正磷酸鹽廢水進行管制,以階段性訂定標準,促使廠商改善,以利檢測資料之建立及解決業者之反彈之溝通。目前建議氨氮及磷酸根之標準應可分別訂在10 mg/L及4 mg/L,標準與水源保護區者同,但可擴及非保護區之水體。 Wastewater quality characterization and effluent standard study of semiconductor industry and optoelectronics industry The development of Taiwanese economics relies mainly on hi-tech industry. If the grinding wastewater generated from the semiconductor industry and the nitrogen, phosphorus wastewater generated from the photovoltaic industry is not treated suitably, it will cause severe impact to the environment. This plan will propose the relevant management information to the Environmental Protection Administration for its management reference through field investigation and the study of current commercial wastewater treatment technology.There are 226 semiconductor firms in the whole nation. Among them, 183 firms are controlled by the Water Control Act, which account for about 81%. Total wastewater discharged is 197,138 CMD every day, and it is mainly discharged from the integrated circuit (IC). There are 133 photovoltaic firms. Among them, 126 firms are controlled by the Water Control Act, which account for about 95%. Total wastewater discharged is up to 194,877.37 CMD. As considering the products and amount of wastewater discharged, it is mainly discharged from the photovoltaic display, which accounts for 83.34%.As for the management way of the semiconductor industry and the photovoltaic industry, the control condition and un-control condition are analyzed, respectively. As for the semiconductor industry, the domestic firms have treated of recovered or reused the grinding wastewater, and the turbid phenomenon of water body is unable to be seen again. The unknown white turbid liquid worried by the people in the rivers does not exist any more. Therefore, it is recommended not to control the grinding wastewater generated from the semiconductor industry temporarily. As for the photovoltaic industry, the execution result of this plan finds that it is necessary to control to its ammonia-nitrogen, orthophosphate wastewater. Stipulate the standard in stages, motivate the manufacturer to conduct the improvement, in order to create the inspection and test data and resolve the communication of rebounding manufacturers. At present, it is recommended to set the standard to be 10 mg/L and 4 mg/L for ammonia-nitrogen and phosphate group, respectively. It is the same as the standard in water resource protection area, but it can be extended to the water body of non protection area. 095 水保處 鋒騰科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1628
廢棄物(高汞燈及集塵灰)資源化技術暨附加價值提昇研究計畫 本計劃賡續「94年度廢棄物資源化技術暨附加價值提升研究計畫」之工作內容,進行高汞燈管及煉鋼集塵灰資源化技術之研究,於前一年計畫中蒐集國內外高汞燈管及煉鋼集塵灰資源化技術之文獻,決定最佳可行資源化技術後,本年度乃規劃建置實驗設備、確立最適實驗操作條件並依據實驗成果提出建議。高汞燈管之研究成功處理曝光燈與UV燈及日光燈排氣管中之汞,處理效率高達99.9%,日光燈含汞螢光粉中汞之處理效率亦能達80%以上,而較為棘手之冷陰極燈管螢光粉經由實驗室分析之後,發現處理效率不佳之原因為製程中之汞齊所致,未含汞齊之純冷陰極燈管螢光粉加熱200℃即能將大部份汞去除,而含汞齊之冷陰極燈管螢光粉雖加熱至700℃仍持續有汞揮發出來。本研究建議未來除應加強管制冷陰極燈管廢棄物外,冷陰極燈管廢棄物與汞齊更應分開處理。 在煉鋼集塵灰之研究方面,本研究已成功由碳熱還原法之尾氣中收集晶粒大小分布在80 nm ~ 2 μm且晶型完美之氧化鋅棒,並以處理後集塵灰粉末製備合成BaFe12O19磁性材料,未來將以適當之添加物及控制燒結條件,以提昇其矯頑磁場及殘餘磁化強度,而純化過程中之副產品如還原鉛、鎘沉澱物,因國際基本金屬包括鉛、鎘價格均上揚,其儲存、利用及管理未來亦應加以考慮。 本研究並訂定汞及氧化鋅產品之資源化品質規範以協助國內環保產業技術升級,回收之汞產品其純度若能達到99.99%,則可完全再利用,另煉鋼集塵灰經處理後,其產品中氧化鋅之純度若能達55%以上,亦可視為產品販售,朝向「資源全回收零廢棄」之目標邁進。 A Study of Waste-to-Resource(Mercury-Containing Lamps and Electric Arc Furnace Dust) Technologies and the Enhancement of Value Addition Project Investigating the advanced recycling technology of waste, this project is a serial study about mercury-containing lamps and electric arc furnace dusts. By reviewing and deciding on BACT last year, equipments for recycling experiment were established this year. The dates through the different operating conditions were identified and proposed suggestions to Taiwan’s EPA. The efficiency of treating SHPs, fluorescent lamp tailpipe, fluorescent tubes containing mercury/fluorescent-powder is higher than 99.9%, and CCFLs containing mercury/fluorescent-powder is higher than 80%, respectly. The low efficiency condition can be as a result of the complexity of the mercury compounds. Even at a temperature 700℃, mercury still can be vaporized constantly. This project suggest that mercury-contained lamps and amalgam should be separated before treatment. For municipal incinerator fly ashes, 1D ZnO rods with perfect crystal form and size of 80nm~2μm were successfully collected from EAFD treated with the carbon-thermal reduction process, and BaFe12O19 magnetic material was also synthesized from pre-treated EAFD in this study. The adjustments of dopants and sintering conditions are necessary in order to enhance the coercive field and remanent magnetization in the future. Since the prices of base-metals is continuing to be on the rise, the storage, usage and management of the by-products, such as Pb and Cd, from the purification of EAFD should be take into account. The project also makes the product regulations and resource recovery product quality standard of mercury and ZnO. Mercury purified at a level higher than 99.99% can be seen as a product. For municipal incinerator fly ashes, ZnO purified at a level higher than 55% can be seen as a product. 095 廢管處 國立台北科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1469
中部地區河川揚塵對空氣品質影響之調查評估專案工作計畫 本計畫之研究目標,包括對中部大安溪、大甲溪、烏溪及濁水溪河口之飛砂特性展開觀測工作,期能瞭解影響該區域飛砂發生之因素,除建立適用於該區飛砂量推估之模式外,並將建置高解析中尺度之氣象數值模式,提高河川揚塵日預報之準確性,以便於河川揚塵期間進行大氣懸浮微粒之採樣作業。另將配合懸浮微粒之化學組成分析及受體模式,評估河川揚塵日其沙塵對大氣懸浮微粒之貢獻量。潛在揚塵發生區位可藉由遙測影像判釋、航照圖以及數位高程資料劃定,本年度計畫實際調查濁水溪自強大橋至濱水大橋間,其凸槽段河最易產生河床揚塵現象,配合實地量測風蝕深度與河床質粒徑調查,可推估河川揚塵對PM10之貢獻量,調查結果其最大揚塵作用對PM10之總貢獻量為84085m3。本研究藉由河床裸露地之實地調查及施作,發現以跳島式植生自然入侵環境,能有效的營造出自然之植生草帶,且為最經濟有效之河床裸露地復育方式;扦插牧草以及自然入侵之田根仔草,則可作為河床揚塵潛在區位之防風定砂用草,並提供揚塵發生區位植生自然入侵之種源。中部地區四條河川之河床質地分析結果,以大甲溪砂粒之中值粒徑最小,濁水溪最大。在形狀係數方面,大安溪之砂粒校接近圓球狀,大肚溪、大甲溪與濁水溪較為扁平。而砂粒起動風速分別為:大安溪3.21 m/sec、大甲溪3.0 m/sec、烏溪3.21 m/sec及濁水溪3.73 m/sec,可作為往後河床防風定砂之參考值。在摩擦速度方面以濁水溪最高顯示其風力梯度愈大,易造成嚴重之風蝕問題,對於當地之揚塵災害愈嚴重。經風洞試驗得知,濁水溪飛砂運動型態以懸浮為主,而滾動與跳躍之運動落於集砂盒中之砂量顯得較少,顯示濁水溪之風速大於砂粒起動風速之條件下,易發生大量之揚塵現象。利用算術平均、複迴歸模式及二次曲線之最小值處理空品測站歷年懸浮微粒與風速間之相關性,結果發現由算術平均所求得之第Ⅰ象限(高風速及高PM10區間)與第Ⅱ象限(低風速及高PM10區間)之切點很接近複迴歸模式及二次曲線之值,此結果顯示利用簡單之算術平均即可獲得適當之第Ⅰ象限與第Ⅱ象限之風速切點。在高風速及高PM10區間(象限Ⅰ),其PM10濃度與風速呈顯著正相關,扣除大陸沙塵暴之影響,此區間可視為受到河川揚塵影響區。由各空品測站之PM2.5/PM10比值,發現該比值與風速呈顯著負相關。亦即風速愈大,各測站懸浮微粒之粒徑愈大,顯示風速較大其揚塵現象愈明顯。在空品、河床底泥及街道成土之化學性質分析方面,除硝酸根離子外,其餘離子其河床中之含量均明顯高於街塵中之離子含量。在金屬元素中則呈現相反之現象,大部份之金屬元素其街塵之含量均高於河床中之含量,其中又以Fe、Mn、Zn、Pb及Mo等元素最明顯。這些結果顯示部份之陰陽離子及金屬元素能作為河床之指紋資料,並可將河床揚塵及街道揚塵之影響加以區別出來。利用不同污染源之指紋來製作模擬樣本,並使用CMB與PMF兩種模式去比較其分析結果的好壞。由模式分析出來的結果,可以比對污染源指紋分析出隧道、海水飛沫、交通、鋼鐵廠、中部河川等污染源;而河川揚塵對所有的測站之貢獻量都很大,尤其在伸港(sample29,2/1)的貢獻量為最高。藉此證實中部地區的許多測站都有受到河川揚塵的影響。 Character of aeolian dust from the rivers and main factors leading to high dust concentrations in the air The purposes of this study are to observe the character of aeolian dust from the rivers of Da An, Da Jia, Da Tu and Zhou Shui, and try to find out the main factors leading to high dust concentrations in the air of the areas studied. Furthermore, a model by which the amount of aeolian dust in those areas may be calculated has been established), and a high resolution meso-scale meteorological model to enhance the accuracy of weather forecasting has also been created. Finally, receptor models were applied to chemical components of aerosols to evaluate the river dust contribution to aerosols.The section from bridge Zih-jiang to Si-bin of Zhou Shui River was selected as the study area. Image interpretation derived from SPOT imagery coupled with the aerial photos and the sites of the convex bank were used to delineate the potential areas along the riverbanks which are most susceptible to wind erosion. The amounts of PM10 emission potential can be estimated from the wind erosion depth and particle size distribution investigated at the potential areas of dust emission. The suitable vegetation sites for the potential areas of dust emission on the riverbed can be categorized into the bare sites along the main channel and the uncultivated areas at the flood plain. Rows of grass or other vegetation should be set up at the southern rims of cultivated areas along the northern bank to act as wind buffers during monsoons. For uncultivated areas at the flood plain, rows of sowed grass can be arranged at the downwind areas of the soil dust emission places for sand fixation and to form a dune for increasing the probability of natural plant invasion. With a goal of decreasing wind erosion, the dunes formed by rows of sowed grass become so-called “step-islands”, which are bases for providing seed pools for natural seeding at the potential areas of dust emission.The physical characteristics of the river sand collected from Da An, Da Jia, Da Tu and Zhou Shui Rivers were measured. The results showed that diameter of the sand at the Da Jia River was the smallest while that of the Zhou Shui River was the largest. The shape of coefficient was somewhat spherical at Da An River, but was more flat at Da Tu, Da Jia, and Zhou Shui Rivers. The threshold velocities for aeolian sand were:3.21 m/sec at Da An River, 3.0 m/sec at Da Jia River, 3.21 m/sec at Da Tu River and 3.73 m/sec at Zhou Shui River. The Zhou Shui River had the highest gradient of wind velocity, showing that the wind erosion phenomenon was most serious there. A wind tunnel experiment showed that the major motion of sand was suspension for the Zhou Shui River. This indicates that aeolian dust easily occured at the Zhou Shui River site. Arithmetic mean, multiple regressions and the minimum of conic section were used to find out the optimum cutoff points of wind speed between quadrantⅠ(high wind speed, high PM10) and Ⅱ (low wind speed, high PM10). The results showed that the wind speed threshold determined by using arithmetic mean was close to the data by using multiple regressions and conic section methods. This meant that the simplest method of arithmetic mean is acceptable to obtain the optimum cutoff points of wind speed between quadrantsⅠand Ⅱ. Data from the air quality monitoring stations showed significant positive correlation between PM10 concentration and wind speed in quadrantⅠ (high wind speed, high PM10). After the episodes of Asian dust storms during the sampling times were excluded, the remaining episodes in quadrantⅠcould be attributed to the effects of dust episodes from riverbeds. Furthermore, a significant negative correlation between PM2.5/PM10 ratio and wind speed in the data of the air quality monitoring stations was found, indicating that aeolian dust did contribute to the aerosols in the study areas. Except for NO3-, the ionic concentrations in the riverbeds were all higher than those in the street dust. However, the concentrations of metals, especially for Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb and Mo, in the street dust were all higher than those in the riverbeds. These data show that the ionic and metal concentrations could be used as fingerprints to separate dust from riverbed sources from street dust in aerosol samples.In order to compare the capability of CMB and PMF, we made some artificial samples from known source profiles. The simulation results showed that PMF can easily be used to determine sources such as tunnels, sea spray, traffic, steal mills or riverbanks. When PMF was applied on real samples collected in the study, it was found that riverbeds were the major contributing source of particular matter, especially for samples collected in Shen-Kang (Chang Hua County). 095 空保處 中山醫學大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1207
推動含汞乾電池、汞體溫計及汞血壓計禁限用計畫 隨著科技進步,電子儀器及消費性電子產品蓬勃發展,例如含汞乾電池、汞體溫計及汞血壓計等。部分產品中含有對環境有害之汞,如未妥善回收處理,若流布於環境中將可能造成生物體內累積及環境污染,致危害人體。行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)有鑑於汞對環境及人體健康之危害,故針對含汞乾電池、汞體溫計及汞血壓計推動禁限用計畫,而本計畫執行完成之工作內容包括:(一)推動「限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣」政策方面1.已協助本項政策實施前相關準備工作與配套措施(1)自95年4月起完成辦理20場次以上之宣導說明會,達517家次業者參加會議。(2)自已完成123家956式之指定電池確認文件核發,保障合法業者之權益。(3)於95年8月完成制訂「限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣稽查作業原則」,並完成9場次稽查人員訓練,計517人次參訓。(4)編製稽查作業手冊300冊,提供各縣市執行機關辦理稽查作業使用。2.業者多已配合本項政策實施(1)業者汞含量自行檢測結果達562式(59%)之測值為N.D;385式檢測值為0.5ppm以下(不含N.D值者),僅約1%之指定電池式樣汞含量自行檢測值達管制限值之十分之一(0.5ppm)以上,顯示國內市場確已導向低汞電池商品3.主管機關配合執行稽查工作情形良好(1)經主管機關自95年9月起積極辦理稽查作業成果顯示,至96年1月列管之製造、輸入業者為209家;販賣業者達20,005家(含執行期間新增1067家及篩除950家),累計稽查製造、輸入業者310家次;販賣業者21,536家次,稽查率均已達100%以上,顯示環保局配合本政策執行狀況良好。(2)販賣業者之違規比例僅0.26%且呈逐月下降趨勢(以附指定電池物品無確認文件為主,研判為少量隨附指定電池物品夾帶進口或政策實施前之既存商品所致),已告發36家次並追查上游來源19家次。4.附指定電池物品及無確認文件者仍須加強稽查(1)依據送驗結果顯示,500式樣品中,有28式樣品(佔5.6%)超過5ppm標準值(最高值為99.2ppm),其中3式為已取得確認文件者。其販賣型式以附指定電池為主,佔75%。就產地而言,不合格之樣品中係以無標示者14式佔多數(不合格率42%);製造國為中國者計13式(不合格率3.6%)。(2)五大都會區之夜市及週邊攤販或低價商品店稽查結果顯示,附指定電池物品種類繁多且商品販售期較長(部份為政策實施前之既存商品),相對販售電池者較易見少量無確認文件之違規情形。整體而言,攤販夜市之販售家數、數量少且違規情形並未如預期嚴重。 5.綜合上述,在指定電池汞含量管制政策方面,由列管業者比對、環保局稽查及本計畫抽驗結果顯示,已初步達成政策目標。(二)研擬汞體溫計及汞血壓計禁限用公告草案及配套措施方面 1.蒐集歐盟、瑞典、美國等先進國家或其地方政府之管理方式,均以禁限用政策為主,已明確查得採立法限制或禁止製造、輸入及販賣等管制方式進行體溫計/溫度計管制。 2.推估汞體溫計年使用汞物質重量為0.6公噸及血壓計年使用汞物質重量為1.6公噸,合計為2.2公噸。另依環保署毒管處掌握之汞運作申報資料顯示,國內95年度汞申報運作量為5.48公噸,主要用於工業用催化劑、日光燈及螢光燈之製造、水銀開關之製造及體溫計、壓力計之製造。其中用於體溫計、壓力計之製造為3.0公噸,約佔總量之55%,顯示汞體溫計及血壓計確為國內汞主要排放源之一。3.本計畫已完成研擬汞體溫計禁限用公告草案,並建議優先建立含汞產品最適化之清理體系及再利用管道,同時規劃對使用中之含汞產品採行鼓勵回收措施。4.因汞體溫計及汞血壓計等均屬衛生署依藥事法管制之醫療器材,需申請製造或輸入許可證後始得為之。同時,本署毒管處已公告自97年1月1日起禁止用於溫度計之製造。故有關擬訂汞體溫計及汞血壓計之禁限用政策管制方式與權責時,尚需考量相關單位法規之競合與配合執行方式層面,以確保政策可行。 Promoting the Project of Prohibiting and Limiting the Use of Mercury Dry Battery, Mercury Thermometer and Mercury manometer With the scientific and technological progress, the development of electronic instrument and consuming electronic products is very prosperous, such as mercury dry battery, mercury thermometer and mercury manometer etc. Part of products contains the mercury which is harmful to the environment. If it is not recovered and treated properly so that it is released to the environment, it may cause the environmental pollution and be accumulated in the organism, which may endanger the human body. Due to the mercury is harmful to the environment and human health, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to prohibit and limit the use of mercury dry battery, mercury thermometer and mercury manometer. The content of work completed by the execution of this project includes:(一)As for promoting the policy of “Restriction of the Manufacture, Import, and Sale of Mercury-containing Dry Cell Batteries”1.Help finish relevant preparation works and supplementary measures before the implementation of this policy(1)Since April of 2006, more than 20 promulgating demonstration sessions have been completed, and 517 companies have attended the session.(2)The appointed battery confirmation documents for 956 types of battery have been issued to 123 companies, in order to protect the rights of legal companies.(3)In August of 2006, the establishment of “Audit Operation Rules for the Restriction of the Manufacture, Import, and Sale of Mercury-containing Dry Cell Batteries” has been finished, and 9 sessions of auditor training has been completed, and 517 persons attended the sessions.(4)Edit 300 audit operation manuals, which are submitted to the executive authorities of counties and cities for implementing audit operation.2.Almost all companies have to cooperate with the implementation of this policy(1)As for the self measuring results by the companies, the value is N. D. for 562 types (59%); below 0.5ppm for 385 types (excluding N. D. value), the measuring value of only about 1% of battery type is above one tenth of limited value (0.5ppm). It shows that the domestic market has already led to the low mercury battery merchandise.3.The competent authority cooperates and carries out the audit work well(1)From September of 2006 to January of 2007, the audit results of the competent authority show that there are 209 manufacturers, importers, and 20,005 (including 1067 newly added and 950 screened out during the implementation period) vendors. The manufacturers and importers were audited for 310 times, and the vendors were audited for 21,536 times. The audit rate has reached 100% already. It shows that the Environmental Protection Bureau has cooperated and carried out this policy well.(2)The violation rate of vendors is only 0.26% and it is decreasing month by month (no confirmation document for the designated battery attached to another goods mainly, it might be the battery accompanied with importing goods or the existing goods before the implementation of policy). 36 companies have already been denounced and 19 upstream source companies have been traced.4.The designated battery attached to another goods and without confirmation document shall be strengthened(1)According to the test results of 500 types of sample, the value of 28 types of sample (5.6%) exceeds 5ppm (maximum value is 99.2ppm) which 3 types of sample have got confirmation document. Its selling type is attached designated battery mainly, which accounts for 75%. As for the producing country, 14 types of rejected sample have no label in majority (42% of rejection rate). Where 13 types are manufactured in Mainland China (3.6% of rejection rate).(2)The audit results for evening markets, peripheral street peddlers or low price stores show that there are many kinds of appointed battery and the sales period is quite long and appointed battery to be article various in style to enclose and goods sell issue long (part of them is the existing goods before the implementation of policy). It is easy to find that a small quantity of merchandise violates with no confirmation document. Generally speaking, the merchandise sold in street peddlers and evening markets is small in quantity and the violation is not serious as anticipated.5.From above-mentioned description, as for the control policy for the mercury content in designated battery, the policy goal has been achieved primarily through the results of the comparison of controlled companies, the audit of Environmental Protection Bureau and the sampling inspection of this project.(二)As for the preparation and drafting on the announcement draft and supplementary measure for prohibiting and limiting the utilization of mercury thermometer and mercury manometer1.Collect the management way of the advanced country, such as European Union, Sweden, U.S.A. etc. or other local government, their policy relies mainly on prohibiting and limiting the utilization. The control way is to legislate the limitation and prohibition for the manufacturing, import and sales of thermometer/manometer.2.It is estimated that the consumption of mercury is 0.6 tons for the mercury thermometer and 1.6 tons for the manometer every year, which is 2.2 tons totally. According to the reporting information grasped by the Department of Environmental Sanitation and Toxic Substance Management of EPA, the consumption of mercury was 5,048 tons in 2006, which was mainly used in the industrial catalyst, sunlight lamp and fluorescent lamp mercury switch, thermometer and manometer. Where 3.0 tons were used in the manufacturing of thermometer and mercury manometer, which accounted for about 55%. It shows that the mercury thermometer and manometer is really one of the emission sources mainly for the domestic mercury.3.This project has already finished the preparation and drafting on the announcement draft for prohibiting the utilization of mercury thermometer, and recommended to create the optimal disposal system and reuse channel of mercury products, and planned to adopt the encourage measures to the recovery of mercury products.4.Due to the mercury thermometer and mercury manometer etc. belong to the medical device controlled by the Medicine Law of National Health Administration, it is necessary to apply the manufacturing or import license. Meanwhile, the Department of Environmental Sanitation and Toxic Substance Management of EPA has announced that the mercury is prohibited for the manufacturing of thermometer since January 1, 2008. So upon preparing the control policy and responsibility for prohibiting and limiting the utilization of mercury thermometer and mercury manometer, it still needs to consider the integrated and cooperative way of relevant regulations, so as to ensure the feasibility of the policy. 095 廢管處 康城工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1624
固定污染源毒性空氣污染物(戴奧辛及重金屬)管制規範 本計畫研究對象為戴奧辛及重金屬,主要工作內容包括:排放清冊更新,排放檢測及環境監測、法規檢討與研訂及提供行政與技術支援;針對各項工作成果說明如下:戴奧辛部份,推估94年度戴奧辛排放總量為101.9 g I-TEQ/年,較93年度減少42.1 g I-TEQ/年,減少29%;最大污染源仍為台灣鋼聯公司。「煉鋼業集塵灰高溫冶煉設施戴奧辛管制及排放標準」於94年10月12日發布實施,95年度稽查結果顯示戴奧辛排放濃度皆符合排放標準;預期國內戴奧辛排放量將會持續下降。總計完成全國62站次、兩次環境空氣戴奧辛監測工作(分別於95年8月至95年10月、95年12月至96年1月),監測結果戴奧辛平均濃度分別為0.032 pg I-TEQ/m3及0.043 pg I-TEQ/m3(不含國家公園測站),環境空氣戴奧辛濃度以中部空品區及高屏空品區較高;國家公園測站濃度最低。由於國內戴奧辛排放量持續下降,環境空氣戴奧辛濃度與91、92年度調查數據相較(平均值0.089 pg I-TEQ/m3),也已經明顯降低許多。排放稽查部份,共完成燃煤電廠、電弧爐、焚化爐及台灣鋼聯公司等五座次污染源戴奧辛排放稽查檢測,稽查結果皆可符合排放標準值。重金屬部份,推估94年度各類別重金屬排放量發現,.鉛排放量為24.3噸/年;最大排放源為二級鉛冶煉製程,排放量為8.93噸/年。其他業別依據實際檢測數據推估發現,主要排放源為燃煤發電、燃煤汽電共生鍋爐、電弧爐和水泥窯。鎘排放量為0.946噸/年;燃煤發電鍋爐和燃煤汽電共生鍋爐是主要排放源,其次是水泥窯和電弧爐。汞排放量約為1.36噸/年;以水泥窯及垃圾焚化爐為主,各佔26.0%及20.0%,其次是電弧爐、燃煤發電鍋爐。砷排放量約為5.64噸/年;燃煤發電及燃煤汽電共生鍋爐為主要排放源,其次是水泥窯。研擬「半導體及光電業重金屬砷排放及管制規範」部份,以風險評估為基準,推估最大容許排放濃度並考量控制技術可行,建議砷排放標準為0.0015 mg/Nm3;檢討「固定污染源重金屬排放標準」部份,建議各類別重金屬排放標準分別為鉛及其化合物1.5 mg/Nm3、鎘及其化合物0.6 mg/Nm3、汞及其化合物1.6 mg/Nm3,及砷及其化合物重金屬排放標準值為0.1 mg/Nm3。 The project of draft control stratgy, control technology evaluation and emission investigation for air toxic pollutants (Dioxins and heavy metals ) from the stationary sources The objects of this project are dioxin and heavy metal, the scope of work for this project includes: 1) to update and establish the emission inventory of dioxin and heavy metal; 2) to execute the emission investigation from the stationary sources and environmental dioxin monitoring; 3) to assist in drafting the heavy metal emission standard and to review and amend the existing emission standard of dioxin; 4) to provide the technique and administrative assistant for the EPA . The achievements of this project are described as below:As dioxin parts, estimation of the total dioxin emission in Taiwan area is 101.9 g-TEQ in 2005. And less 42.1 g-TEQ than 2004( 29% less than 2004). The largest pollution source is still the Taiwan Union Steel. The”Dioxin control and emission standard of the ashes thermal refining facility for steel industry” was stipulated on October 12, 2006. According to all of the emission test data in 2006, it was showed that the dioxin emission from the Taiwan Union Steel can meet the standard. It is expected that the total dioxin emission will be lower in the future.There were a total of 62 sampling sites of the dioxin air monitoring and the executed sampling twice during this project (the monitoring was performed from Aug. 2006 to Oct. 2006 and from Dec. 2006 to Jan. 2007, respectively) it were showed that the overall average dioxin air concentration 0.032 pg I-TEQ/m3 and 0.043 pg I-TEQ/m3, respectively. (The national part monitoring stations were not included.) The Central air quality control area and the Kao-ping air quality control areas which were highly dioxin concentration. The national park area dioxin concentration was lowest. Due to the total dioxin emission was reduced yearly; the dioxin air concentration in 2006 was lower than 2002 and 2003(the average dioxin air concentration 0.089 pg I-TEQ/m3).There are a total of five points of pollution sources testing conducted in this project, which include coal electric utility, electric arc furnace, incinerator and Taiwan Union Steel. It was found that all of the emission from the pollution sources can meet the dioxin standard.As the heavy metal parts, estimation of the total lead emission in Taiwan area is 24.3 metric tons in 2005. The largest lead emission source is the secondary lead smelters which is 8.93 metric tons in 2005. The other major emission sources are the coal electric utilities, coal industry boilers, electric arc furnace and cement kiln.Estimation of the total cadmium emission in Taiwan area is 0.893 metric tons in 2005. The major emission sources are still the coal electric utilities, coal industry boilers, electric arc furnace and cement kiln. Estimation of the total mercury emission in Taiwan area is 1.36 metric tons in 2005. The major emission sources are cement kiln and municipal waste incinerators. The other major sources are electric arc furnace and coal electric utilities. Estimation of the total mercury emission in Taiwan area is 1.36 metric tons in 2005. The major emission sources are cement kiln and municipal waste incinerators. The other major sources are electric arc furnace and coal electric utilities. Estimation of the total arsenic emission in Taiwan area is 5.64 metric tons in 2005. The major emission sources are coal electric utilities, coal industry boilers, and cement kiln.Based on risk assessment and technology feasibility, the draft” Arsenic control and emission standard of the semiconductor manufacturing industry” was prepared. It was recommended that the arsenic emission standard was 0.0015 mg/Nm3. The heavy metal emission standard of the stationary sources was reviewed and the recommended revised standards are prepared in this project. The recommendations are: the lead emission standard is 1.5 mg/Nm3,the cadmium emission standard is 0.6 mg/Nm3 , the mercury emission standard is 1.6mg/Nm3 and the arsenic emission standard is 0.1 mg/Nm3. 095 空保處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1453
推動公民營廢棄物清除處理機構管理、處理技術評析及環評追蹤改善工作計畫 本計畫主要為辦理公民營機構之環評追蹤考察、技術輔導改善及督導評鑑等工作,本年度主要工作成果摘要說明如下:(一) 完成辦理99家公民營廢棄物處(清)理機構查核輔導工作(含10家公民營機構掩埋場之專家學者及環保團體查核輔導),有效督促公民營廢棄物處(清)理機構確實依廢棄物清理法及相關法令規定妥善處理事業廢棄物。(二) 完成調查及彙整營運中之10家公民營機構掩埋場監測設備之設置情形,及相關環境監測報告,並提出相關管制規範檢討建議。(三) 完成10家營運中之公民營機構掩埋場相關水質採樣分析及檢驗結果探討分析。(四) 完成辦理10場次與推動公民營廢棄物清除處理機構管理業務相關之說明會、座談會及業務檢討會,充分進行各界意見溝通與交流。(五) 完成6家環保署列管之通過環境影響評估之公民營廢棄物處(清)理機構之環評追蹤考核工作,督促業者依據環評承諾事項進行營運,並輔導業者持續改善,提升營運績效。 Managing, Tracking and Reviewing the Technologic Waste Disposal and Environmental Impact Assessment in Public and Private Waste Clearance and Disposal Organizations The purpose of this project was to conduct follow-up inspections of environmental impact assessments, to provide guidance on technology improvement, and to provide inspections of the public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations. The services provided for this year were the followings:1. To conduct inspection and provide technical guidance for 99 public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations (including 10 public and private sanitary landfills inspected and verified by experts and environmental organizations). It was to make sure that the public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations follow the Waste Disposal Act and other laws related to waste disposal.2. To survey and compile the status of the monitoring equipment of the 10 public and private sanitary landfills, to prepare environmental monitoring reports, and to provide suggestions on related control standards.3. To conduct sampling analysis of the water quality at the 10 public and private sanitary landfills, and review the analysis results.4. To conduct 10 seminars and meetings related to enhancing the management of public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations.5. To conduct follow-up environmental inspections for 6 public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations monitored by the EPA. It was to urge them to follow the items agreed in environmental impact assessments and to assist them in improving their works and enhancing their operation efficiency. 095 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1433
屏東縣執行水污染許可登記及建檔管理計畫 為了有效控制屏東縣內之水污染源,主管機關乃透過排放許可制度、水污染源管制資料管理系統、現場查核及水污染防治法規說明會等各項措施的施行,使轄縣內的事業單位能夠確實遵循法令的相關規定,期使屏東縣之環境品質向上提升為最終目的。於計畫期間協助環保局完成電腦資料庫建檔及更新筆數達2,377件,其中包括事業定期檢測申報資料1,684件,事業許可申請275件。於計畫期間(至11/20止),共協助審查許可申請及換證之案件達289件。相關的文書資料所建立的檔數約為2,024件。為配合環保署宣導業者相關法規說明,計針對轄區內所有業者辦理水污染防治法規暨設施輔導說明會共7場。畜牧單位出席率為54%事業出席率為57%。 Ping-tung county wastewater discharges permit registration and database compilation project For better control the Ping-tung county’s water pollution, the authority is enforcing the wastewater discharge permit regulation, administration of water pollution database, factory inspection and water pollution regulations information sessions. The aim is to make sure the industries within ping-tung county can follow the related regulations for enhancement of the environmental quality. During the period of the project, the followings are completed: 2377 cases of database compilation: including 1684 cases of dual-annual industrial declaration, 275 cases of industrial wastewater discharge permit application. Up to Nov. 20th, 289 cases of permit applications were processed. 2024cases of related data compilation were also completed. 7 information sessions related to the water pollution regulations for county industrial representatives were taken place. The attendance rates are 54% and 57% for livestock industries and industrial representatives, respectively. 095 屏東縣政府環境保護局 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2116
編製94年度綠色國民所得帳(廢棄物部分)專案工作計畫 綠色國民所得帳是一套整合環境與經濟之社會會計帳,它以數字帳的方式表現出環境與經濟之間的關係。藉由綠色國民所得帳的估算可提醒大眾在耗損或破壞環境資源及自然生態時,社會所需付出之代價。本計畫根據管制中心資料加以編撰而估算出廢棄物產生量,並藉由了解廢棄物污染與經濟活動間之關係,及衡量廢棄物產生對經濟所造成之損失,進而提出有效的廢棄物污染防治措施建議。 Project on the compilation of 2005 Green National Income (waste section) Green National Income (Green NI) is a social accounting balance illustrating the environmental and the economic integration. Green NI indicates the social cost in the case of environmental damage and natural resource lost due to social consumption. The Green NI reminds the public to perform wise utilization of the limited resources in achieving economic development while preserving natural resources. Data from the Waste Control Centre is used in calculating the statistical data required. The data provides an insight on waste pollution V.S. economic activities, and the capital lost incurred by the waste generation. The data can also be used to provide statistical background for effective strategies on waste prevention. 095 廢管處 中華經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1240
離島工業區即時環境監測及預警系統建置計畫 本計畫主要工作目標為:1.進行離島工業區即時空氣品質監測及預警系統查核作業,並督導其改善缺失以確保各系統符合查核要求,提昇監測系統可信度。2.落塵事件之預防措施及建立沉降物成份資料。3.監測六輕周圍環境VOCs之濃度,並建立各季節之成份濃度資料。4.建置污染指紋資料,提供污染事件發生時研判作業所需之背景資料。5.分析監測資料以提昇監測數據之應用。6.離島工業區緊急意外事故或污染排放之即時監測搜証程序。 Formosa Plastic Industry Real-time Measuring and Preventive System Setting up Formosa Plastic Industry real-time measuring and preventive system setting up 095 雲林縣環境保護局 祥威環境科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=555
以生態工法淨化水庫水質控制優養化研究計畫(2) 本研究「以生態工法淨化水庫水質控制優養化研究計畫(2)-以生物鏈方式淨化水庫水質」為第一年之延續計畫,主要利用生物鏈方式來淨化水庫水質。計畫目標為收集分析資料,提出國內外水庫以生物鏈方式淨化水庫水質之作法、研究結果及生物鏈中生物之關聯性。同時,選擇一座水庫調查生態,提出以生物鏈方式淨化水庫中氮磷水質項目之評估結果及相關工作。本計畫蒐集和分析國內外有關利用生物及相關方法於控制水質優養化,並歸納和陳述一些可供削減水庫水質優養化程度之策略,可供國內之參考。其中包括,國內、澳洲、美國、西班牙所使用的人工濕地去除營養鹽,日本及以色列利用水生植物吸收氮磷物質,印度與加拿大使用藻類吸收水中營養鹽,印度使用魚類攝食藻類。還有歐美許多國家,如巴西、挪威、德國、瑞士、瑞典等,利用鯉科魚類捕撈減量的方式,來達到水庫優養化的控制。依卡爾森指數與藻類優養指數來看,新山水庫已屬於一輕度優養化之水庫;腐水度指數亦顯示其以受相當程度的有機污染。由今年3次採樣調查分析結果發現,會造成新山水庫優養化的主要原因是由於磷與氮的大量輸入。尤其是當磷的輸入量越高時,越容易促使藍綠藻類的生長,甚而造成微囊藻藻華的現象,而直接或間接地影響了物種組成或食物鏈的結構。由今年三次的調查亦得知,新山水庫藻類群落仍以藍綠藻類為最優勢。浮游動物方面,各採樣點都是以甲殼類的水蚤為最多,甲殼類出現最多的為橈腳類及枝角類,其數量在不同的地點可分別達每噸水有2002、1940及123隻,若再包括其egg、nauplius及copepodite,則數量更是豐富。關於水生昆蟲與底棲生物部分,綜合三次的採樣,即知其季節性變化不大,兩者的生物相都很貧瘠。由魚介類的組成調查結果可知,新山水庫是以大眼華鯿、餐條、吳郭魚、大肚魚、蝦虎及石田螺為最常見。這些魚介類中有專吃水草的草魚,偏好浮游藻類的大眼華鳊、豆仔魚等,有專吃微細動物的幼苗及體型較小的大肚魚、蝦虎,有喜好浮游動物的鳙及餐條,有專吃小魚小蝦的肉食性魚類如泰國鱧及鰻魚,有雜食性的吳郭魚,有刮食附於表面的石田螺等,充分顯現一個較為穩定、多樣且成熟的水生生態系。觀察溫度及溶氧等濃度曲線圖可以看出新山水庫大約在4月份開始逐漸形成分層,至10月份之後水體又漸漸混合,8、9月為新山水庫分層最明顯的時期,且在分層明顯時新山水庫底部溶氧幾乎低於2 mg/L。溶氧低的情形除了造成營養鹽累積,間接造成每年3、4月藻類濃度的高峰,亦對於浮游動物及底棲生物之生存造成威脅,是不容忽視的問題。以捕撈鯉科魚類的方式進行水質改善,已在歐、美國家得到成功的驗證。當鯉科魚類減少後,浮游動物便隨之增加,藻類被取食的效率提高。底泥所受干擾亦因鯉科魚類的移除而減少,營養鹽溶出減緩,再懸浮現象降低,水體能見度提高,水生植物可以大量生長與藻類競爭營養鹽或釋放排它物質,因而水質漸獲改善。在研究魚類相及胃內容物的分析,得知水庫內可適度放養黑鰱及草魚甚或淡水珍珠貝,亦可生產珍珠增加收益。而新山水庫的主要汙染係來自基隆河,由八堵抽水站不定時自基隆河抽取輸送至水庫。故要削減此污染,可針對進水以人工濕地的方式進行營養鹽去除後,再輸入至水庫之中。預計可利用構築人工濕地方式,栽植挺水性或浮水性水生植物、微生物分解及底泥吸收等,來減少進流水之氮、磷等營養鹽和污染物。而水庫中的營養鹽、邊坡的陸源性輸入、底泥釋放及魚類代謝等,可利用箱網養殖和/或浮島栽種水生植物、及貝類捕撈等方式來削減。至於增加水庫底部溶氧但盡量不造成底部擾動的方法,可以使用深層曝氣循環機,使底層水的溶氧增加,保持好氧狀況,以抑制底泥營養鹽(尤其是磷)的溶出,但不破壞湖水的分層。本年度計畫以3個模式進行水庫模擬,包含Vollenweider零維總磷質量平衡模式、WASP水庫水質模式,以及Ecopath生態模式等三種模式。由Vollenweider與WASP模擬水質的結果可發現,模擬值與實測兩者有相同的趨勢,顯示此模式適用於新山水庫,生態模式Ecopath模擬得知新山水庫是一個相對接近成熟的生態系統,水庫中族群變化相對的穩定。本研究進一步將Ecopath結合WASP模式,模擬放置珍珠貝於水庫中,利用其攝食藻類的特性,來改善新山水庫的水質狀況之效果。 Project of eutrophication control for reservoir water quality by ecological engineering This project was a continuity of ‘‘Eutrophication control for reservoir water quality by ecological engineering”, focusing on the topic of improving the water quality by means of food chain technology. Following a review of the literatures, various methodologies, results, limitations and conditions for employment the food chain technology were summarized. For practicing, the Hsin-shan water reservoir was chosen as the experimental site. Over this year, sampling in three seasons, were done to collect the data including physico-chemical variables of water quality, compositions and structures of planktons, benthos, invertebrates and fishes in the water reservoir. The results showed that this reservoir was in meso- to eutrophic state of -mesosaprobity indicated by phytoplankton as well as zooplankton. Various forms of pollutants originated from Keeling River were the main factors resulting in the eutrophication of this water reservoir. Phosphate was identified as the key nutrient related to the growth of the primary producer. In zooplankton assemblages, Cladocera such as Daphania, Bosmin, and Diaphaosoma were the most dominant genus over others. Of Crustacea, both the Cladocera and Copepoda dominated, up to 2002, 1940, and 123 at three different localities. There was little change in the amount and composition of insects and benthos, suggesting that a low density and low seasonal succession of them. The fish assemblages were composed by some common species such as Sinibrama macrops, Hemiculter leucisculus, Oreochromis sp., Gambusia affinis, and Rhiogobius spp. Of shellfish, Sinotaia quadrata dominated. The feeding of fishes was investigated from the kind of ingested food in stomach. All of the data suggested that this reservoir was a mature ecosystem. In late summer, from August to October, thermo-stratification occurred. This has resulted in oxygen deficiency with dissolved oxygen lower than 2 mg/L in hypolimnic layer. The Microcystis-blooming in spring was considered to be a result of increase in nutrients owing to the upwelling from the anaerobic hypolimnion occurred in late-winter, March to April. In addition, the anaerobic environment was disadvantageous for survival of zooplankton as well as benthos. Some strategies of bio-manipulation, such as wet land, submerged macrophytes, control of herbivorous fish, and shellfish-culturing, were suggested as the applicable technologies to this water reservoir. Particularly, fishes such as Ctenopharyngodon idellus and shellfish such as Anodonta woodiana, were recommended as the potential culturing organisms for removal of algae with pearl as by-product in the future. The wetland was suggested as the potential methods to remove both the phosphorus- and nitrogen- containing pollutants originated from Keelung river. The runoff from the surrounding of the reservoir can be lowered by floating island vegetated with water plants and culturing of shellfish. Furthermore, moderate hypolimnic aeration without destroying the thermo-stratification was suggested to enhance the dissolved oxygen of hypolimnion and to inhibit the release of nutrients, particularly phosphate.The simulation of the variables of water quality by Vollenweider and WASP water quality models gave the similar tendency for both the measured and simulated data, suggesting that either model was applicable to this aquatic environment. The simulation by Ecopath model indicated that the aquatic ecosystem in this water reservoir was in mature status. Basing on the combined model of WASP-Ecopath, it was attempted to estimate the amount of mussels required for improving the water quality of this water reservoir. 095 水保處 國立臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2184
空氣污染物排放清冊更新管理及空氣品質質損量推估計畫(第二年) 排放量資料為管制工作執行主要參考的背景資料之一,環保署為有效整合推估全國污染排放量狀況,目前規劃為每三年進行一次全國排放量更新工作,前一版所完成之全國排放量資料庫為以89年為基準年之排放量資料庫[TEDS5.1],本計畫為兩年度計畫,主要目標為進行以92年為基準年之排放量資料庫建置,並據此版本(92年)排放量回溯修正歷年排放量及預測未來年之趨勢,去年度(九十四年度)初步完成[TEDS6.0]版資料庫之建立,今年度(九十五年度)主要進一步針對[TEDS6.0]資料庫中較為異常之排放量或有問題之資料進行檢核檢討修正,並針對後續模式模擬應用時所需之時間變化序列、指紋成份資料進行彙整更新,完成[TEDS6.1]版排放量資料庫的建置,同時更正完成76~91年歷年排放趨勢及檢討預測93~110年未來成長趨勢。除進行[TEDS6.1]排放量資料庫的推估外,本年度並持續進行短期可能影響排放量變化之相關活動指標的蒐集掌握與月排放量變化趨勢之推估,至期末報告階段所蒐集到已有較為完整活動強度統計量之時間係至95年10月。另配合主計處年度綠色國民所得帳編制時程,本年度持續利用[TEDS5.1]排放量補充推估至94年之空氣品質質損量提供給主計處。 Update and Management of Air Pollution Emission Inventory and Estimation for Air Pollution Degradation(II) In order to grasp the variation of domestic air pollution emissions, EPA had planned to update national emissions by a 3-year cycle. 2000 base year Emissions were finished in year 2003, and Emissions for 2003 is updated by year 2006. This project is a 2-year period continuity project for preparation of the 2003 emissions. [TEDS6.0] version’s databank of Taiwan emission data system for 2003 draft emissions has been prepared in 2005 and is finalized in 2006, which is called [TEDS6.1] version databank. The major works in this year are to review the extraordinary emissions data and to modify the errors in [TEDS6.0]. Time series data and speciates data for emission sources in recent years are also collected, which can be used to support the temporal, and speciation of emissions for modeling.Besides the estimation of 2003 emissions, updating emission trends for 1987~2002, projecting emission growth from 2004 to 2021 base on year 2003 and comparing the emission reductions of different control scenarios are also parts of the work items of this year’s project. Totally 3 reduction scenarios are compared. The evaluation results could be used as a reference for control strategy planning for future years.In support of EPA’s administration affairs, such as air degradation estimation(base on [TEDS5.1] version’s emissions) for 1994~2005, air quality improvement score calculation for SIP assessment of local BEP and modification for emissions web page are also conducted in the project. 095 空保處 中鼎工程公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1701
空氣品質淨化區主要六種樹種全年淨化空氣汙染物總量評估專案工作計畫 本計畫主要目的在評估空氣品質淨化區主要六種樹種,實際測量其淨污總量,並提出高淨污優良樹種之選擇及建議,有效降低都會區嚴重之空氣污染。目前已蒐集並彙整空氣品質淨化區主要六種樹種﹙茄苳、樟樹、台灣櫸、光臘樹、烏心石、印度紫檀﹚淨化空氣污染之相關文獻及資料。已評估設計「塔架技術」,用於進行田間之測試,共已進行六種大樹之實測,發現大樹之淨污力普遍較小樹為低。在朝、午、晚、夜4個時段之吸收能力測試方面,已完成基本測試,確定植物之淨污能力與時間極有關連。於春、夏、秋、冬4個季節進行比較測試,已求取四季之平均淨污速率。有關乾燥與噴濕對植物淨污之實驗,已進行過基本之實驗,可知噴濕對植物之淨污力有提升之作用。 有關植物淨化鹽酸氣之能力,已進行過空箱及六種樹木之測試,其Vd值約與臭氧及二氧化氮相當。對六大樹種葉片實際滯塵、相對滯塵、背景滯塵之研究已有十足之進展。已採樣測試比較六種樹,可知台灣櫸一般有較佳之滯塵能力。 已採樣測試樹葉無雨兩日及四日之實際滯塵量,發現「兩日滯塵量」或「四日滯塵量」皆做為全年推估之標準。已擬妥總葉面積估算方法,在求取總葉面積後,已對六種樹木進行年株淨污量及年公頃淨污總量之推估與計算,結果為一公頃之大樹森林每年除可固碳約15公噸,造氧約10公噸之外,可滯塵2~21公噸,同時吸收15~54公斤之二氧化氮、12~42公斤之臭氧及概估約2~16公斤之鹽酸毒氣。本計畫自民國九十五年四月十九日開始執行,迄九十六年五月已依進度完成100%之進度。 Yearly evaluation of total pollutant uptake amount for six common trees in Environmental parks This project is to evaluate the total pollutant uptake amount for six common tree species in Taiwan’s Environmental parks. The target pollutants include NO2, O3, HCl, and particulates. Totally there are ten study items for this project. They are (1) literature review for total pollutant uptake amount for six common tree species, including Bischofia javanica, Cinnamomum camphora, Zelkova serrata, Fraxinus formosana, Michelia compressa ,and Pterocarpus indicus. (2) establishing the measuring technology for adult trees. (3) measuring the total NO2 and ozone uptake amount for different ages of trees. (4) measuring the total NO2 and ozone uptake amount at different time periods in a day. (5) measuring the total NO2 and ozone uptake amount at different seasons. (6) measuring the total NO2 and ozone uptake amount under different light intensity. (7) measuring the total NO2 and ozone uptake amount under different humidity conditions. (8) measuring the total HCl uptake amount for six common tree species. (9) measuring the total particulate uptake amount for six common tree species. And (10) yearly evaluation of total pollutant uptake amount for six common tree species. Results showed that the pollutant uptake rates were different for different ages, different time periods in a day, different seasons, different light intensity, and different leaf wetness. The four-day dust deposition rate measured in non-rainy days was found to be ideal for estimating the yearly deposition rate of dust. Generally the big trees for a hectares can uptake 15~54 kg of NO2, 12~42 kg of O3, estimated 2~16 kg of HCl, 2~21 tons of dust, approximately 15 tons of CO2, and emit about 10 ton of oxygen. These data would be useful for Taiwan EPA and other organizations to select the good trees for planting in polluted areas in Taiwan. 095 空保處 國立臺灣大學植物病理與微生物學系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1303
執行汽油汽車新車型審驗、新車抽驗及使用中車輛召回改正調查測試暨相關管制制度之研究專案工作計畫 於本年度計畫之中包含相當多的工作項目,如車輛排放污染管制工作的執行、管制制度的修訂與未來法規推動之先期研究等。例行性之車輛排放污染管制工作包含執行新車型管制作業與召回改正調查測試兩大部分。新車型管制作業部分包含審驗、新車抽驗、耐久計畫與品質管制等工作。審驗工作部份,本年度車輛業者申請審驗合格證明核發數,共核發333張審驗合格證明,包含908個車型。實車八萬公里耐久計畫審查部分,本年度申請八萬耐久計畫有三個引擎族。而採用指定劣化係數,申請量產後八萬公里實際路跑污染追蹤計畫的有2家業者共3個引擎族。執行新車抽驗作業部分,已完成199輛次之新車抽驗。而於94年度新車抽驗結果發現兩筆新車抽驗數據,由於測試不合排放標準導致新車抽驗不符合之狀況,並於今年度計畫中執行相關後續管制工作。新車品管查核工作上,在國產車方面已全數確實執行品管測試,而進口車尚有8家廠商未落實執行該品管檢測數量。執行使用中車輛召回改正調查測試工作,今年度共選取 10個引擎族進行調查測試,並完成50輛車之測試,其測試結果有2輛車不符合排放標準,但該引擎族之測試平均值仍符合排放標準,因此無需進行確認調查測試,所有引擎族皆符合排放標準。在蒐集95年度國外召回改正資料部份,藉由包含美國環保署與澳洲交通部所公告的召回改正案例,來確認國內車輛相關污染控制元件修改的狀況。於管制制度改進工作上,主要工作便是推動審驗作業系統電子化,使合格證申請作業與核備作業系統整合。今年本計畫已順利新增審核作業與E-Mail自動通知功能,並完成測試環境之建置。而新程式開發部分,包含【入口網站】程式、【帳號管理作業】程式、【資料維護作業】程式、【合格證申請作業】程式與【審核作業】程式之開發。並完成「模組測試」、「整合測試」與「平行測試」等測試工作。最後也是最重要之工作即是未來法規推動之先期研究,此部份之研究結果,將有助於中央主管機關於相關管制工作推動上之參考。包含進行國內環境影響排放係數之參數分析及汽油汽車行駛特性調查等在地化研究。並完成台灣地區汽油汽車排放總量模式操作軟體建置,與進行汽油汽車排放量估算與相關管制政策成本效益分析。再者,為因應四期法規的順利推動,於OBD管制制度上研擬汽油汽車OBD管制作業執行細則,包含新車型審驗認證、新車抽驗、品管測試、使用中車輛召回等階段。另,研擬合適之OBD測試報告格式,並依照我國OBD測試規範完成OBD研究測試,並出具研究報告。此外,亦針對我國汽油汽車蒸發排放之管制制度進行評估研究,與汽油汽車粒狀污染物(PM2.5)之來源分析及調查研究。此兩方向的研究皆是未來我國可加以推動之管制工作,藉由相關先期研究來協助環保署於相關管制決策上更加科學與明確。推動我國汽油汽車排氣污染管制工作對於國內環境空氣品質是相當重要的,而這樣長久持續的環境保護工作,可以有效降低我國汽油汽車之排氣污染對環境的衝擊,其成效也是有目共睹的。因此本計畫工作的多元化,主要是將有限資源作精確的分配與管理,讓整體產業與環境共存共榮。 Implement of the new model certification, conformity of production and the recall relative investigative test for in-use vehicle The plan of this year includes many work items, such as the execution of vehicle emission pollution control work, revision of the control system and preliminary study on the promotion of future regulations etc. The regular vehicle emission pollution control work includes the execution of new vehicle model control operation and the recall for corrective investigation and test. New vehicle model control operation includes the certification, new vehicle inspection, durability plan and quality control etc.As for the part of certification work, 333 certificates were issued to the motor companies, which included 908 models. As for the part of reviewing 80,000 km durability plan, three engine families were applied in this year. Two companies with three engine families were traced for the pollution of 80,000 km actual road test by adopting the designated degradation coefficient. As for the part of new vehicle inspection work, 199 vehicles have been finished. In 2005, the result of new vehicle inspection data showed two vehicles were rejected due to the failure of test. The relevant follow-up control work will be executed in the plan of this year. As for the check for quality control of new vehicles, the quality control test has been executed for all domestic vehicles, but 8 companies still have not completed the check of quality control of imported vehicles.As for the recall for corrective investigation and test work of using vehicles, 10 engine families were selected for the investigation and test in this year. 50 vehicles were tested, and the result showed 2 vehicles did not meet the emission standard. Bus the average value of said engine family still complied with the emission standard, so the investigation test did not have to be confirmed, and all engine families complied with the emission standard. Upon collecting the foreign recall corrective information in 2006, the corrective situation for relevant pollution control elements of domestic vehicles was confirmed through the recall correction cases issued by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the United States and Ministry of Transportation of Australia.As for the improvement work of control system, the major work is to promote the electronic certification system, in order to integrate the application operation and approval operation of certificate. In this year, the review operation and automatic E-Mail notification functions have been added smoothly in this plan, and the test environment has been set completely. As for the development of new program, the “Entry Website” program, “Account Number Management Operation” program, “Data Maintenance Operation” program, “Certificate Application Operation” program and “Review Operation” program have been developed. And the test works such as “Module Test”, “Integration Test” and “Parallel Test” have been finished.The final and the most important work is the preliminary study on the promotion of future regulations. The study result of this part will help the central competent authority for the promotion of control work. It includes the local study on the parameter analysis of emission coefficient with domestic environmental impact and the characteristic investigation for the driving of gasoline vehicle. The setup for the operation software of total emission amount of gasoline vehicle in Taiwan area has been finished, and the evaluation of gasoline vehicle emission amount and the cost-effective analysis of relevant control policy have been conducted.Furthermore, in order to respond the smooth pushes of Phase 4 regulations, the reinforcement of gasoline vehicle OBD control operation is proposed in OBD control system, which includes the certification of new vehicle model, new vehicle inspection, quality control test, and the recall of using vehicle etc. Besides, propose suitable format of OBD test report, complete OBD study test according OBD test standard of our country, and submit the study report. In addition, conduct the assessment study on the control system of gasoline vehicle evaporation emission in our country, and carry out the source analysis and investigation study of gasoline vehicle particulate pollutant (PM2.5). Both studies are the control works which can be promoted in our country in the future. The relevant preliminary study can be used to help the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to determine the relevant controls more scientifically and clearly.The promotion of gasoline vehicle emission pollution control work is very important for the air quality of domestic environment in our country. Such long-term and continual environmental protection work can reduce the environmental impact of gasoline vehicle emission pollution effectively in our country. The achievement will be very obvious to all people. So the works of this plan are diversified, which mainly make accurate distribution and management of limited resources, so that the whole industry and environment can coexist prosperously. 095 空保處 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1664
宜蘭縣95年度空氣品質改善維護計畫--宜蘭縣逸散污染源管理暨疏濬工程土石運輸道路及砂石場污染稽查管制計畫 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局基於為落實國家環境保護政策,有效管制及防止縣內逸散污染源之情事發生,提昇污染源稽(巡)查之效率,擬訂計畫推動--宜蘭縣95年度空氣品質改善維護計畫「宜蘭縣逸散污染源管理暨疏濬工程土石運輸道路及砂石場污染稽查管制計畫」。本計畫延續近年(93~94年)持續推動裸露地相關基本資料之建置、裸露地粒狀污染物排放量推估、執行綠化補助作業並持續追蹤受補助綠化之裸露地改善現況;另一方面,同時進行本計畫首次執行之土石業與疏濬工程稽巡查管制作業,除再一次清查縣內砂石場及建置砂石場基本資料庫外,並建立砂石場稽(巡)查管制機制、推動砂石場逸散性污染防制措施之輔導及宣導、推估砂石場粒狀污染物排放量、研擬污染減量措施及成效評估等,本計畫同時配合環保署考核事項等相關作業內容,以提昇逸散污染管制效率。 095 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 日揚環境工程有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=257
95年度環保科技育成中心計畫-整合厭氧醱酵技術於造紙污泥資源化 造紙事業的廢棄活性污泥富含有機質,是經常性且大量產生的再生資源,值得善加利用。若只是直接掩埋或燃燒處理,不祇可惜且易衍生環境污染及公共衛生問題。本研究希望透過分子生物技術去進行污泥中微生物族群分析與醣化菌種之篩選,進一步污泥醣化反應器設計,以進行污泥能源化、資源化技術開發。利用微生物進行醱酵作用來進行污泥生物處理,除了要篩選優勢的微生物,以微生物遺傳學或分子生物學的方法來改良菌種,進而提升污泥資源化的效率與產率外,藉由厭氧醱酵技術的操作與控制會產生生質氫能,更重要的意義或價值應該是能利用廉價的原料甚至廢棄物來生產具有再利用價值的工業原料,例如:乳酸、丁酸、乙醇等,並且剩餘出流液體富含多樣的益生菌相,可提供農林養殖業大幅改善土壤、底泥環境,生長促進以及生態平衡的貢獻。至此,一方面可降低成本,同時解決因處理廢棄物而衍生的環境污染問題。維護地球環境的保全將促使社會系統與生活意識的變革,帶動產業結構的改變,藉著能源與資源生產力的倍數提升以及零排放的實現,持續推動綠色企業文化才是走向永續經營之道。本技術確實有別於傳統紙廠污泥用高溫高壓的耗能分解方式以及強酸強鹼的化學醣化處理方式,不但在醣化處理的過程中節能環保,資源化後的最終副產物仍是具有應用價值無毒無害之產品。不但創造了廢棄物的新程序,其處理方式在環保與經濟的考量下都比傳統方法來的優勢,是產業環保化的代表創舉,不但環保產品具有市場的需求性,本技術市場需求性也具有競爭力應是各產業爭相採用的新策略。 Integrated Anaerobic Fermentation Technology for the Reuse of Pulp Pludge The active sludge of abandonment of the paper mill is rich in the organic matter. It is a regular and large amount of regenerated resources. It is worth to utilize properly. Bury or punish to burn directly just not only it's a pity and apt to derive environmental pollution and public health question. This research hopes to carry on microorganism ethnicity's analysis and screening of the hydrolysis bacterial in the mud through molecule biotechnology, the reactor of further hydrolyze mud is designed, in order to carry on mud energy, recycle treatment technological development.Utilize microorganism to set aside the function of the ferment to carry out a biological disposal upon the mud, except should screen the microorganism of the advantage, improve bacterial with microbial science of heredity or the molecular biology method, improve efficiency, mud of recycle treatment and outside the person who produce, by anaerobic fermentation operation, ferment of technology and it will produce the bio-hydrogen by operation control, more important meaning or value should make use of low-priced raw materials even offal to produce the industrial raw materials with value again, for example: Lactic acid, butyric acid, ethanol, etc., and the surplus product also looks of probiotic in variety of liquid, it can offer the agriculture and forestry feeding to improve the soil, bottom sludge of the aquafarm environment, the contribution of growing and promoting and ecological balance by a wide margin. So far, it can lower costs, solve the problem of environmental pollution derived because of dealing with the wastes at the same time. Maintain the saving from damage and impelling the change of the social system and life consciousness of the earth environment, drive the change of the industrial structure, is making use of the realization of multiple improving and zero emission of energy and resource productivity, promote the green corporate culture to move towards continuing the management strategy forever continuously.This technology is really different from the mud of traditional paper mill in chemical treatment way of resolving the way and strong alkalinity or strong acid to dissipation energy of the high-temperature and high pressure, not only energy- conserving but also environmental protection among hydrolysis course by treatment, final accessory substance after the recycle treatment to worth using nonpoisonous harmless product. Not only create new procedure of offal, it deal with way in between environmental protection and economic consideration that do in the test than traditional advantage, industry representative invention that environmental protection take, not only environmentally safe product have demand nature of market, it should be the new tactics that every industry fall over each other to adopt that this technological market demand is competitive. 095 永續發展室 國立高雄第一科技大學創新育成中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1224
垃圾焚化廠經營管理方式評估檢討及查核評鑑相關工作執行計畫(第2年) 為有效督導管理垃圾焚化廠之操作營運,環保署自民國90年起開始辦理垃圾焚化廠查核評鑑相關工作,並於民國90年4月20日公佈、民國91年4月18日修訂「已運轉垃圾焚化廠操作營運輔導查核及績效評鑑實施要點」,將相關辦理程序予以法制化,並建立績效指標評量系統,於93年4月13日發佈「行政院環境保護署垃圾資源回收(焚化)廠查核評鑑要點」(94年7月13日及95年7月26日修正),提供爾後查核評鑑工作辦理之法源依據。本計畫主要工作即在於配合環保署施政政策,協助推動焚化廠營運管理事宜,並延續歷年辦理成果,擴大查核評鑑工作成效。本計畫為3年延續性計畫,本(95)年度為第二年計畫,所辦理之主要工作包括:垃圾焚化廠經營管理方式評估檢討後續工作;辦理大型垃圾焚化廠查核評鑑;「垃圾焚化廠管理系統」之功能擴充、資料建置及維護管理;配合行政院公共工程委員會建立垃圾焚化廠公共工程維護管理制度(第2年);垃圾焚化廠轉運設施營運查核及經營管理方式探討;辦理垃圾焚化處理相關技術論壇等。 Project for Management Method Valuation and Appraisal Work of Refuse Incineration Plants In order to ensure the effective supervision of the management of refuse incineration plants, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has conducted following tasks and prepared relevant laws, regulations and systems from year 2001:1.The propagation of ‘The implementation guidance for operation, examination and performance appraisal of the operated refuse incineration plants’ on April 20, 2001. (amended on April 18, 2002)2.The propagation of ‘The essentials of the examination and appraisal of refuse resource recovery from incineration plants for the EPA’ on April 13, 2004. (amended on July 13, 2005 and July 26, 2006)The main purpose of this project was to assist the EPA in the promotion of management affairs of refuse incineration plants in accordance with the EPA’s policy, and to expand the effectiveness of the examination and appraisal work based on the findings of this project.The major tasks in the second year of this three-year project included:1.To continue reviewing and evaluating the management methods of refuse incineration plants 2.To conduct an examination, appraisal and improvement of the supervision of the management of large size refuse incineration plants 3.To expand the functions of the management information systems of refuse incineration plants, and to assist in the data input and maintenance4.To establish the public engineering maintenance and management systems in refuse incineration plants in accordance with the guidance of the Public Construction Committee (2nd year)5.To examine the operation and study the management methods of refuse transportation plans6.To convene symposiums on related treatment techniques for refuse incineration 095 督察總隊 中興工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1279
河川水質淨化工法設計研究計畫 經匯整環保署補助25處不同工法河川水質淨化場址監測與實驗分析資料,及相關國內外資料蒐集,以及台北新海橋和渡南橋人工濕地之生態調查,和水磨坑溪人工濕地與前述2處場址之水質與水量長期現地監測分析,並透過2場近246位參與人員出席教育講習會之技術交流與分享,提出建議台灣水質淨化工法設計操作與維護考量如下: 1. 水質淨化成效主要以BOD、 SS、TP與NH4為對象,其平均濃度去除百分率分別為51.2%,3.3%,43.5%與50.3%,其中BOD、TP與NH4的淨化效率與國外水質自然淨化的效率接近,但是SS的淨化效率較低與水生植物密度較高、水力停滯時間較久有關。2. 表面流、地下流、礫間接觸工法,建置完工驗收後營運操作歷經一年、兩年、兩年以上,甚至過了工程保固期,仍然發揮水質淨化果效。比較2006、2005、2004年設置之自然淨化場址,其水質處理成效逐年增加,證明三年來環保署對於水質淨化執行與管理有顯著進步。3. 人工濕地底層防漏無論是用皂土或黏土晶化,在台灣人工濕地的阻水效果皆不顯著,建議人工濕地應多建造在土壤較具細質地的環境中,或是設計使用皂土或黏土晶化之場址,應在施工過程中,要確實施作夯實土壤的動作,並以每鋪設30公分厚度時,進行土壤夯實作業。4. 現場調查福壽螺、蚊子與鼠類的生長狀況,水生植物生長太高,水深低於30cm,水力停滯時間過長易滋生,因此人工濕地每年至少二次砍伐生長過密的水生植物,持續捕捉鼠類,以免造成公共衛生的困擾。5. 各類工法宜在入、出流處,加設量水設施(如三角堰),以作日後管理與評估成效的重要依據。6. 若干場址SS去除率仍在負值,應該優先加建沉澱池,以作前處理。7. 表面流人工濕地場址處理面積越小,其處理效益不易顯著,建議未來表面流人工濕地水域面積在1ha以上才考慮。8. 普世水質自然淨化的技術發展已由野外,發展向人口稠密區,礫間處理是可考慮的技術。9. 場址設在學校、軍區,由於污水量變化很大且管理不易,建議以後較少考慮這些地區。10. 污染負荷量與污染移除量應同時兼顧,而非祇考慮後者。11. 人工濕地的生物多樣性與水質有關,水質愈乾淨,在昆蟲、水鳥、蛙類之生物多樣性Shannon Index愈高;不過在淨化污水的人工濕地,具有生物性棲地的功效。而對於研擬水質淨化工程規劃及設計人員素質提升制度,與編修增訂「水質自然淨化工法操作維護彙編」內容,分別完成作業如下:1.完成「水質自然淨化程規畫設計專業人員」訓練制度機制內容,提出訓練課程共分為基礎篇、工程篇、案例介紹及野外實察之分類內容,共計30個小時訓練時數,並透過4位專家編審,完成共計41章節之訓練講習課程講義教材內容及相關簡報資料;並完成其評選制度策略機制提出,及評鑑制度評分建議依據內容;2.依據本年度25場址現勘評估及1次案例討論會,完成增修訂93年度環保署「水質自然淨化工法操作維護彙編」,內容共為四大篇,分別為第一篇總綱、第二篇水質自然淨化工法之簡易操作維護、第三篇水質自然淨化工法操作維護之管理、第四篇水質自然淨化工法操作維護之原理。 Study of Purification Technology to Improve Stream Water Quality. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the treatment efficiencies and management of 25 wastewater natural purification sites. 1. The treatment efficiencies were evaluated based on the data of the removal rate of BOD, SS,TP and NH4; and their average removal rate was 51.2%, 3.3%, 43.5% and 50.3%, respectively. The treatment efficiency of BOD, TP and NH4 are similar to the data of other countries; however, the treatment efficiency of SS is lower due to high density of aquatic plants and longer hydraulic retention time.2. After the completion of surface flow-, subsurface flow-, contact bed- artificial wetland techniques, with operations over 1-year, 2-year, or even beyond the guarantee period, it still functions well.From the data of the natural purification sites from 2004 to 2006, it is clear that the treatment efficiency is increasing; and on the implementation and management of water purification, EPA has made a significant progress.3. Whether by artificial liner or clay liner, the result for seepage prevention is rather limited. It is recommend that artificial wetland should be constructed in the soil with fine materials; or with the artificial liner or clay liner, below the liner, soil compacting must be implemented and repeated for every 30 cm of soil.4. On-site investigation of the growth and spatial distribution of pomacea doliodes, rats and mosquito were conducted. They tend to multiply in numbers with water depth lower than 30 cm, longer hydraulic retention time, and overgrowth of aquatic plants. Thus, to manage an artificial wetland, it is necessary to cut the high density of aquatic plants twice a year (May and Nov.) and to trap rats all-year-round thus not to be a threat to public health.5. It is recommended that at the inlet and outlet of the site to set up water-measuring devices, such as triangular weir, for future management and evaluation purpose.6. The SS value of several sites is negative, and it is recommended to set up sediment pond for pre-treatment.7. The smaller the area of surface flow artificial wetland is, the less significant its treatment efficiency is; it is recommended that the area of surface flow artificial wetland should be at least 1 ha.8. The water quality natural purification technique has been developed and implemented from the country side to the urban area, and contact bed treatment is an option worth considering.9. It is recommended not to set sites at school or military districts due to its large volume of polluted water and inconvenience to manage. 10. It is recommended to take both the pollutant total load and pollutant removal amount into consideration, not just the latter.11. The bio-diversity in artificial wetlands is related to the water quality: the cleaner the water is, the higher the Shannon Index is for insects, water birds and frogs; however, it does possess the habitat function in the polluted wastewater treatment artificial wetlands. The design of water purification technique and its training system is proposed. The scheme and preliminary teaching material for the water quality natural purification technique is presented in the report as well. Based on the results of field survey and evaluation of 25 sites, ‘Guidelines on operations and maintenances on water natural purification technique’ was revised. 095 水保處 國立台灣大學生態工程研究中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2148
中部河川保育中心義工巡守及檢舉 本計畫之目的乃結合學校、社區及團體資源、人力,成立涵蓋台中縣、台中市、彰化縣、南投縣之「中部河川保育中心」,啟動義工團體參與烏溪流域巡守及檢舉機制,並鼓勵其進行河川河段認養、監測工作,參與河川環境管理及污染巡守,以降低污染排放量及改善河岸面髒亂情形。中部河川保育中心的角色乃作為巡守義工與地方環保局之運作平台,善盡告知與監督之責。在成果方面,本年度共成立4隊學生隊,定期監測河川水質並定期巡守固定河段;另輔導6隊民間巡守隊,增進其巡守技巧並加強河川污染案件通報檢舉。因此,本年度共有5件檢舉案件獲得獎勵,佔全國獎勵案件5/23。 The Promotion Program for Volunteer Watch and Report Mechanism of Central River Conservation Center The objectives of this project are listed as follows. The “ Central River Conservation Center” (CRCC) in which the Taichung County, Taichung City, Changhwua County and Nantou County are involved is established by combining material and human resources of universities, communities and groups. Then the participation of volunteer group to watch Wu River and report mechanism are activated. The adaptation and monitoring of river sections, the participation of river environment management and pollution watching are encouraged to reduce the pollution emission and improve the landscape of river.CRCC which takes the informing and supervising responsibility is the platform between the local environmental protection bureau and watch volunteers. In the aspect of achievement, 4 student volunteer watch crews are established to monitor river water quality and watch specific river section regularly in this year. 6 civil volunteer watch crews are guided by the CRCC to enhance their watching skill and the reporting of pollution events. Thus 5 reporting events are patronized in this year, it is 5/23 of all nationwide events. 095 水保處 朝陽科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2166
95年度桃園縣環境及交通噪音音量監測計畫 為改善桃園縣環境品質,精湛公司提供噪音監測及改善建議方案之服務,執行噪音監測點之定期監測及相關資訊更新。計畫依據環保署所公告之「噪音管制法施行細則」及「環境音量標準」內規範事項執行,噪音測量方法則採用環境檢驗所公告之「環境噪音測量方法」。本計畫自95年6月10日起執行至96年6月9日止,共完成142站次之連續24小時噪音監測作業,累計執行百分比為100 %。監測結果分析發現95年度中一般地區環境音量不合格百分比為18.8 %,稍落後國家環境保護計畫之中程目標,而道路交通地區之不合格率與其他縣市地區相較為高,原因為大安國小測點位於重要聯絡道路旁,往來車流量大。本計畫執行期間民眾陳情案件較以往有增加趨勢,因此需特別注意噪音擾民及後續陳情處理問題,建議縣政府內道路主管及相關單位可先行研議土地使用區分規定、管制區劃分、車輛噪音管制、教育宣導、交通疏運規劃等噪音防制措施。另桃園縣境內許多重大交通建設陸續完工通車,相關聯絡道路系統之環境與以往相較已有改變,建議道路主管單位持續注意交通量變化情形及道路服務情形,並討論現行公路系統規劃,以利後續噪音管制區劃分採行。 The Environmental Noise Monitoring Project in Taoyuan County of 2006 For improving Taoyuan County's environmental quality, the "Best Environment Co. Ltd." provides the service of noise monitoring and improvement suggestion, executes periodical noise-site monitoring and update related information. The Project executes by EPA's "Noise Control Act Enforcement Rules" and "Environmental Sound Level Standards", the noise monitoring method by EAL's "Environmental Noise Measurement method".This project executes from 6/10/2007 to 6/9/2006, achieves 24 hours continuous monitoring of 142 noise-sites, achieving rate is 100 %. The result analysis shows the unqualified rate of environmental noise monitoring points is 18.8 %, behind the intermediate target of "National Environmental Protection Project", and the unqualified rate of traffic noise monitoring points is higher than neighboring county, the major cause is that the Da-An elementary school, traffic noise monitoring point located by the side of main road and the traffic is heavy.The petitions during the project executive period gets more than before, so need to pay more attention to the noise nuisance and the follow-up. One suggestion is that the major authority may make a study of land use, noise control zone's classification principles, vehicle noise control, educate and public awareness, traffic control plan etc. And some important traffic infrastructures finish continually, the connected road system's environment varies, so advises the traffic authority takes notice of the transportation variation and the road service level, then discusses the current highway system plan affords noise control zone's classification principles. 095 桃園縣政府環境保護局 精湛環境股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1327
酸雨監測分析及酸沉降調查評估 有鑑於亞洲地區近年來過度開發與經濟快速發展,所衍生跨區域環境問題日益嚴重,尤以區域大氣污染物跨國長程輸送最為顯著,成為國際焦點與研究重點區域,並已造成對台灣空氣品質及環境的衝擊。本研究承前期計畫(2002-2004)之延續計畫(2005-2007),乃整合過去對東亞大氣污染物相關研究的成果,承攬全國酸雨監測與酸沉降評估,主要成果為:酸雨化學方面 2006年1至10月,全國12個採樣站共採集1034個樣本,經過篩選,合格樣本共有900個,合格率為87 %,高於目前世界各國酸雨計畫標準之75% 2006年1至10月止中,酸雨頻率最高的為鞍部站,達86 %。 其次為中壢站82 % 與成功站72 %。若以測站的特性來分析,都市測站中,以高雄站酸雨發生頻率較高,達70 %,台北站次之,達69 %。都市及市郊測站除台南及恆春站與嘉義站頻率較低以外,其餘各站頻率則達40 %以上。高山離島站中,鞍部站頻率大於70 %。若以區域特性而言,北部測站相較於南部測站,其酸雨發生之頻率較高。 至於發生酸雨pH極端值方面,若以小於4.0做為顯著酸化之基準值,則易發生為鞍部測站,機率為11%,其餘台北、中壢、成功及彭佳嶼也將近有7-9%。若以大於6.0做為偏鹼標準,則以嘉義、台南較高,分別佔18%及16%,顯示在農業環境下,鹼性離子如NH4+及Ca2+具重要影響。 彭佳嶼與台中站重要因子為(Cl-,Na+,Mg2+),主要來自海鹽所貢獻。台北、恆春站則是以(NO3-,SO42-,NH4+)為最重要的因子。高雄站以Ca2+與NH4+,SO42-為重要的因子,顯示出硫酸銨微粒與土壤塵土混合。 本年度1-9月SO42-與NO3-溼沈降量之平均值為25及14 kg ha-1,僅2005年度之一半,乃因雨量偏少之故。 以1990-2000年及2004-2006年共14年的資料進行比對,顯示台北站雨水酸度有逐年改善的趨勢,相較於1990年代初期明顯轉好,而主要致酸因子SO42-濃度大幅度下降,應與收取空污費抑制硫化物排放有關,具有明顯的效益。而NO3-濃度則無明顯下降,可能與近幾年汽車數量成長有關。至於其他離子,則無明顯變化趨勢。高雄則和台北類似,整個雨水酸度有微幅上揚趨勢,硫化物也明顯下降,至於硝酸變化則不明顯,顯示未來若要控制酸雨,氮氧化物的排放則為一個重要的目標。 分析嘉義測站之酸雨化學極端值個案顯示,明顯受台灣西半部島內硫化物污染所影響。乾沉降方面 蓮華池地區各季HNO3季平均乾沈降量範圍為 0.19 – 0.65 kg ha-1,SO2的沈降量介於0.14 – 0.65 kg ha-1之間,微粒中NH4+、SO42-及NO3-的季平均沉降通量範圍分別是: 0.07 – 0.55 kg ha-1 、 0.20 – 1.26 kg ha-1與0.04 – 0.83 kg ha-1。氮沉降來源以微粒中NH+4為主,HNO3與微粒中NO3-的貢獻相當。硫沉降來源則是微粒硫成分超出氣體硫成分較多。SO42-是微粒的主要成份,其高濃度及乾沈降通量均發生在天氣系統來自亞洲大陸時段,顯示長程傳輸的影響不容忽視。 比較2004年、2005年及2006年1月的PM10/TSP比值,2004年PM10/TSP平均為82 %,2005年PM10/TSP平均為86 %,2006年1月的平均為88 %,顯示PM10可以代表微粒濃度變化。 比較2004-2006年PM10微粒各年平均質量濃度,分別為36,48,36 g m-3,顯示2005年台灣中部承受環境微粒負荷較前後兩年為高。酸沉降之臨界負荷 過去十多年來各個湖泊對於酸沉降的臨界負荷量皆明顯下降,對於酸性污染物的可能緩衝能力減低,並且大多低於一般對於生態系敏感性評估的標準;例外是福壽山天池及明池。 湖泊水樣pH長期趨勢並無法確切了解湖泊在近二十年來產生哪些變化,但是若從致酸性或致鹼性離子組成的差異及其對於酸性緩衝能力的改變,卻可以清楚明白台灣高山地區湖泊在人類長期發展過程中所導致的污染或干擾的影響。大氣污染物長程傳輸 東亞地區硫溼沉降量較硫乾沉降來得多。大陸性質的區域 (中國與南韓) 硫乾沉降量佔總沉降量的比例較硫溼沉降量大;島嶼性質的區域 (日本與台灣) 則相反。 整體而言,硫乾沉降量的趨勢與雨量趨勢明顯相反,高值出現在春季及秋冬之際 (十一、十二月),低值出現在雨量最多的七、八月。硫溼沉降量與雨量具明顯的正相關性,高值在七、八月;低值則在冬季與春季。 台灣的硫乾沉降受到境外移入的影響不大,且所佔比例與季節變化之間也沒有明顯的關連性。硫溼沉降就明顯的受到境外移入的影響,且所佔比例與季節變化之間也有明顯的關連性,高值出現在晚秋、冬季以及早春 (47-63%),低值則是在夏季 (6-9%)。 除台灣酸雨網頁外,成立酸雨部落格,新增即時或近期之全球酸雨及環保相關議題之新聞,使網頁更趨多元化。此外,也將過去所研究之更新資料繪製成圖表,加入網頁當中,以供民眾及相關研究人員參考。國際合作 透過國際合作分析2003-2005年台灣彭佳嶼測站、韓國濟洲島的日降雨資料,以及日本那霸Hedo岬目前取得1999-2002年之每月平均值進行分析。以濟州島和彭佳嶼較為相近,pH平均值分別為4.77及4.69,但離子濃度以彭佳嶼明顯較高,高出將近4倍,其中海鹽比例,彭佳嶼將近佔了71%,濟州島為58%,Hedo岬則為87%,三者都有明顯為海島,因此海水飛沫還是主要的影響因素,而硫酸比例則以濟州島較高,為13%,台灣次之為8%,其餘濃度都偏低。 第二屆東亞酸雨專家會議於12月5日召開,邀請日、新加坡與加拿大等國專家與會。空氣品質異常事件扣除 已完成本年度空氣品質異常事件日之空氣品質數值修正,本年度共92站日數符合扣除標準。 Acid Rain Monitoring and Assessment of Acidic Deposition in Taiwan The goals of this study are (1) to establish an integrated atmospheric modeling system for studying the long-range transport of regional air pollutants in order to predict and assess their impact on Taiwan air quality, and further to provide fundamental information to the EPA and local EPB for air pollution management, (2) to revise the PSI when abnormal air pollution events occur, (3) to plan and establish a new acid deposition net work for conducting a long-term monitoring and data analysis, (4) to develop a localized critical loading of acid deposition for assessing the buffering capacity of the soil in Taiwan, (5) to update and maintain the web site of acid rain study in Taiwan, and (6) to promote regional international collaborations. To date, our achievements are highlighted below: The modeling system has integrated the meteorological data from CWB and NCEP, and subsequently performed daily simulations. Predicted trajectories originated from the major source points of air pollutants in East Asia have been provided on the website for precaution of the long-range transport. Meanwhile, backward trajectories starting at four locations of Taiwan are also provided for tracking the potential source regions. Based on a statistic model, the PSI during the abnormal event of the year of 2006 has been recalculated in consideration of Asian dust impact on PM10 measurements The web site (http://www.acidrain.org.tw) of Taiwan acid rain study has been updated with more information.  The second Acid Deposition Workshop had been held at 12/5. We start to establish a Pacific Rim region network for information sharing and exchange of acid deposition data. 095 空保處 國立中央大學 大氣物理研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2016
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢資訊物品類)」專案工作計畫 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)依「廢棄物清理法」第十八條第二項規定,訂定「應回收廢棄物稽核認證作業辦法」,以辦理應回收廢棄物之回收處理量稽核認證,作為環保署資源回收管理基金管理委員會(以下簡稱基管會)支付受補貼機構補貼費之依據。台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司(以下簡稱本公司)執行本計畫廢資訊物品類稽核認證工作,針對民國95年4月至96年3月期間之13家受補貼機構進行廢資訊物品類回收/處理量之稽核認證作業,共計稽核認證廢資訊物品類稽核認證量為2,056,119台,其中,廢主機1,021,846台、廢監視器280,846台、廢列表機735,411台及廢筆記型電腦18,016台,不符合品管作業規定遭判退共計3,532台。防止溢領補貼費達新台幣674,687元,對健全稽核認證作業品質,具有正面意義。本公司於本計畫執行期間,共執行會計稽核142次;環安衛稽核142次;自動計量系統及專用電表查核2,938次;CCTV監視系統查核時數44,253小時;稽核認證作業發生之異常狀況共計40件,本公司除呈報主管機關外,亦加強廠商之監督改善。此外,提供環保署執行稽核認證作業改善方向及具體建議,作為相關法規及手冊修訂之參考。 The Third-party Auditing and Certification Project on Obligated Recyclable Waste (Information Technology Equipment) Executive Yuan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) promulgated “Recyclable Waste Auditing and Certification Regulation” based on the Article 18, paragraph 2 of “Waste Disposal Act”. EPA Recycling Fund Management Committee is in accordance with the audited and certificated amount by auditing and certification group to subsidy the subsidized organizations. TUV Reinland Taiwan Ltd. (TUV) was entrusted by Taiwan EPA to implement the project “ The Third-party Auditing and Certification on Obligated Recyclable Waste Information Technology (IT) Equipments ”, from April 01, 2006 to March 31, 2007. 13 subsidized organizations were audited and certificated during this period. The certificated amount of IT equipment were 2,056,119 sets including 1,021,846 sets of main stations, 280,846 sets of monitors, 735,411 sets of printers and 18,016 sets of notebooks. TUV auditing and certification team found 3,532 sets of unaccepted IT equipment and prevented to over subsidy of 674,687 NT dollars from Management Committee’s issuance to subsidized organizations. It was positive for waste recycling auditing and certification system.TUV executed 142 times of accounting audit and inventory check, 142 times of environment-safety-health audit, 2,938 times of facility check and 44,253 hours of CCTV monitoring check in the project. 40 major deviation and abnormal events were found during this period. TUV reported the deviation and events to EPA and also provided the concrete solutions to subsidized organizations. 095 基管會 台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1602
台灣南部油污染擴散風險評估及模式檢討建置專案工作計畫 台灣四面環海又地處東南亞海運主要航道,加上國際貿易興盛,各類船舶經常通行四周海域,而國內使用大量石油也都依賴船舶載運進口,任何船舶的意外事件,都可能造成台灣附近海域及海岸的重大油污染災害。因此藉由專業的溢油模擬軟體,配合高高屏海域的海洋環境資料以及主要進出口油品種類,建立該海域專屬的風險評估與溢油動態資料庫,以利平日應變能量配置與事故發生時的緊急應變指揮參考,使未來發生溢油事故時,能使溢油產生的環境衝擊減為最少。本計畫工作內容主要分為四項:一、檢討分析污染擴散模式,包括目前國內環保機關現有模式OSIS、國際上使用率高達70%的溢油模式OILMAP及美國NOAA研發的溢油模式ADIOS等三種油污染擴散模式。二、建立南部海域溢(洩)油動態資料庫,包含收集南部海域各季節的海洋環境資料、建立通過南部海域的油品資料庫及運用溢(洩)油擴散軟體與前述海洋環境與油品資料,模擬出溢(洩)油經歷各時段後可能的漂移特性及擴散影響範圍,以建立一完整的溢(洩)油動態資料庫。三、南部海域溢(洩)油風險評估,包含建置敏感區域地圖、由溢(洩)油動態資料庫推估各季節、各地點發生溢(洩)油事件的風險衝擊高低。從歷史案例分析,整理出各季節各海域的風險頻率。根據油品資料庫與全球溢(洩)油事故資料評估風險頻率。結合風險衝擊與風險頻率,針對高風險區域提出應變能量配置建議,包括應變所需時間及可能遭遇的溢(洩)油量。計畫期間若附近海域發生溢(洩)油事故,須提出溢(洩)油動態模擬,以供應變參考。依據評估結果繪製風險地圖。四、成果展示與教育訓練,包含將各種溢(洩)油模擬情景作成電腦動畫,錄製成光碟,提供環保署所需之數量。本計畫相關之技術移轉至環保署或其指定機關,並依環保署指定地點辦理3場教育訓練。本計畫已完成此四項主要工作內容,其結果分別說明於報告中。本年度所執行的成果,可推估應用至台灣四周各海域,提供未來溢油事故發生時,實施應變作業的重要參考依據。 Risk Assessment and Model Evaluation of Oil Spill in the South of Taiwan 095 水保處 國立高雄海洋科技大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2136
和順工業區雨水下水道不明管線及人孔位置清查 本計畫運用各類電子儀器設備,針對台南市和順工業區政安路、政安路57巷及安和路二段318巷之雨水下水道進行檢視及人孔探測,獲得以下成果:1. 以金屬探測器及磁力棒尋獲被覆蓋人孔R3、R4、R6、R7、L8、M7、M10共7座,均已開啟並進行提升。進行管內電視攝影檢視時,則尋獲被覆蓋人孔R7-1、R9、L7-1、C3、D6、E3共6座。2. 管內電視攝影檢視共檢視側溝1,852公尺,發現118處不明管線。進入側溝之不明管線可分為三類:插管進入(包含PVC插管及溝壁開孔)共81處、橫越管共6處及水溝接入共31處。分析各插管所屬工廠排放事業廢水之可能性,可分為三級:(1)綠燈級:插管屬民宅、空地,或可判斷為雨水落水管者,無排放事業廢水之可能性。(2)黃燈級:插管屬工廠,但檢視時並未發現有排水現象。此級工廠包括:開銘、亞田不銹鋼、特裕精密、金牌鍛鐵廠、福明車料、鋒研研磨。(3)紅燈級:插管屬工廠,且檢視時發現有排水現象,此級工廠包括:台灣開億、合興研磨、保吉紙業、南台機電、利泰實業、東佑典實業、東陽、敦陽化工、名冠宏、敬修、豐丞機電、嘉泰鋼模、勝斌、中一電鍍、嶸光電器、政安路57巷1號及3號。3. 管內電視攝影檢視共檢視政安路雨水箱涵分支管16處,未發現任何插管,但發現R5支管管底有液體腐蝕導致之礫石出露現象。4. 探查318巷雨水箱涵流向,結果發現該箱涵由318巷巷底向南轉入開億公司廠區內,經數處轉折後,最後接入政安路雨水箱涵。5.完成調查區內道路街廓、廠區、雨水人手孔、箱涵轉折點等TM二度分帶座標實測,並繪製成果圖。 Detection of Unknown Drainage Pipe and Manhole Position in Hoshun Industry Park. The purposes of this project are to inspect the drainage and detect the covered manhole under the Cheng An Road,57 Alley Cheng An Road,318 Alley Sec.2 An Ho Road in Hoshun Industry Park.The results of this project is:1.We use metal detector and magnetic flux meter to find the covered manhole R3、R4、R6、R7、L8、M7、M10., besides we use CCTV system to find the covered manhole R7-1、R9、L7-1、C3、D6、E3.2. The length of road’s side ditch CCTV inspection is 1,852m. We detect 118 unknown pipes, including 81 protruding pipes , 31 ditches and 6 cross pipes.The protruding pipes are classified into 3 types:(1) Green type:The protruding pipe belongs to residential house.(2) Yellow type:The protruding pipe belongs to factory,but no draining when we inspected.(3) Red type:The protruding pipe belongs to factory,and is draining when we inspected.3. The number of drainage branch CCTV inspection is 16. We didn’t find any protruding pipe , but in R5 branch pipe , We found its bottom has corroded by unknown liquid.4. The drainage under 318 Alley Sec.2 An Ho Road turn to the factory area of Taiwan Kai Yih Co., then connected with the drainage under Cheng An Road.5. We finish the measurement of road , street , factory , manhole in target area and plot the map by 2 degree wide Transverse Mercator projections. 095 水保處 財團法人工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1529
95年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫-空氣品質改善維護之執行追蹤檢討計畫 嘉義市從民國86年至95年間之環境負荷變化,人口數及車輛數(大客車、自用小客車、小貨車及機車)皆呈現逐年增加之趨勢,而人口密度更是雲嘉南各縣市中最高者,人口成長率僅次於台南市。在工商業部分,嘉義市近幾年工商業登記家數雖呈現成長趨勢,然列管工廠數卻呈現負成長。隨著本市人口及型態之發展,顯示人口增長所帶來的交通及逸散性污染所佔比例會越來越高。統計過去12年雲嘉南空品區PSI 大於100 之比例,已由83年之5.3%降至92 年之2.9%,由此可知空氣品質改善措施於此段期間有發揮一定之成效。然93、94 年卻上昇至6.0%、6.3%( 93 年度全國各測站不良日普遍提高),95年更高達8.2%,顯示整體空氣品質於近3年有惡化之趨勢。嘉義市從83年至95年,SO2濃度下降40.6%;NO2濃度下降44.5%;CO濃度下降50.0%,惟PM10及O3濃度分別上昇0.5%及28.2%。雖然SO2、NO2及CO年平均濃度變化呈現下降趨勢,然整體的空氣品質仍較鄰近的嘉義縣不良,歷年來只有臭氧的年平均濃度值低於鄰近縣市,由此顯示,嘉義市主要重點污染物為懸浮微粒。依固定污染源資料庫資料彙整,截至95年12月底止,各類污染源之排放量為粒狀物120.4公噸、硫氧化物28.1公噸、氮氧化物210.3 公噸、揮發性有機物為359.4公噸及一氧化碳83.0公噸。各行業佔各污染物之百分比如以總量來看,以廢棄物處理業之總排放量196.91公噸/年為最高;石油煉製業為148.46公噸/年次之;鋼鐵鑄造業及金屬熱處理業分別為80.61公噸/年及60.31公噸/年居三、四。營建工地方面,依95年12月底之統計資料顯市, 95年度各類工程平均削減率約為42.0%。本市營建工程排放逸散粉塵以RC工程為最大宗,其次為道路工程,削減率則以橋樑工程之削減率約為64.8%成效最好,RC工程之削減率為47.3%次之。在移動污染源部份,依95年12月底之統計車輛數,嘉義市目前總車輛數約為270,178輛,其中機車數為187,079輛,約佔總車輛數之69.2%,其次為小客車數,約為69,683輛,佔總車輛數之25.8%。另以單位面積之車輛數而言,嘉義市每平方公里約有3,118輛之機車,每平方公里約有1,161輛小客車,遠高於台灣地區每平方公里之375輛機車及157輛小客車。嘉義市固定污染源之特點為小而多,餐飲業、加油站、洗染業林立。雖然總排放量雖不大,但其排放結構卻相當複雜,另外也由於嘉義市的幅員不大,因此容易形成污染源集中,單位面積的排放量,容易形成污染源的熱點。移動污染源方面,汽機車之總數量雖遠低於雲嘉南各縣市,但由於嘉義市之幅員較小,因此就密度而言則是高居雲嘉南之冠。在面源方面,由於嘉義市屬都會型態,因此裸露地面不多,營建工程於95年每平方公里TSP排放量即有8.44公噸,由此可見加強營建工程的管制亦是刻不容緩。環保署按照縣市現行空氣品質監測資料,計算各類污染物空氣污染物濃度與空氣品質標準比值,由於本市之PM10未達空氣品質標準,因此該項目列為三級防制區,有鑑於此,本市空氣污染防制規劃之重點則在於如何在5年內降低空氣污染物濃度,並從三級防制區降至二級防制區為目的。96、97、98年空氣品質不良率目標值分別為6.2%、5.7%、5.1%。 Chai-Yi Air Quality improvement maintenance and administration project ChiaYi city ‘s environmental loading change from 1997 year to 2006 year is below: the number of population and vehicle is raise year by year, and the population density is highest between another county or city from Yun-Chia-Nan air region. The incorporated in control factory number display downside . all investigation display the pollution emission ratio from population and floating dust will higher more and more.The statistic data for psi>100 ratio from Yun-Chia-Nan air region past 12 year, it show the ratio is gradually down from 1994 year’s 5.3% to 2003 year’s 2.9%, but the last 3 years (2004~2006 year) is raise more and more to 2006 year’s 8.2%, this result indicate the air quality is go down. Else, from 1994 year to 2006 year, the SO2 concentration is decreased 40.6%, NO2 concentration is decreased 44.5%, CO concentration is decreased 50.0%, only PM10 and O3 concentration are arise 0.5% and 28.2% separately. Though the SO2、NO2 and CO average concentration/year gone down, but entire air quality is bad than Chia-Yi county,only O3 average concentration/year is lower than near county. All investigation display Chia-Yi city have main pollution from suspension pollution.According to fixed pollution source database, to Dec,2006 end, each pollution emission quantity is below: suspension pollution has 120.4 ton, SOx has 28.1 ton, NOx has 210.3 ton, VOC has 359.4 ton and CO has 83.0 ton. The emission quantity from line of business, deal with junk has highest pollution quantity to 196.91 ton/year, petroleum industry is second .The characteristic of fixed pollution source is small and many. Though total emission quantity is not many, but emission structure is complex. In the moved pollution source,though total quantity of motor vehicle and motorcycle is lowest than another county and city from Yun-Chia-Nan air region, but density is the highest. In the area source, Chai-Yi city has not many uncovered ground, but the TSP emission quantity from construction site is 8.44 ton/Km2 in 2006 year, that show to control the construction site is brook no delay.The goal is reduce air pollution concentration in future 5 year, and get up to two-grade control region. 2007、2008 and 2009 year air quality bad ratio is down to 6.2%、5.7% and 5.1%. 095 嘉義市政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1407
95年臺中縣街道揚塵洗掃計畫 摘 要95年度臺中縣街道揚塵洗掃計畫,自95年5月3日簽約完成後,即展開先期之規劃作業、開始進行相關設備硬體增購與人員教育訓練等作業,並於95年5月15日正式開始執行洗掃作業,計畫工作項目包括:洗掃街及查核作業、鄉鎮公所查核與協調工作、成效評估、問卷調查,實際工作成果分述如下:ㄧ、洗掃作業及查核:1. 規劃之洗掃路線在經環保局同意後,自95.5.15日開始正式執行洗掃作業,至96.05.03日止,執行期間共辦理七次路線變更及四次路線增加,完成洗街12,152.8公里,計畫用水量共計21,883.5公噸,單位里程之用水量為1.8噸/公里,計畫執行49週,平均每週執行量為329.4公里,與預計規劃公里數相較,總進度達成率為101.3%;掃街12,543.7公里,與預計規劃公里數相較,總進度達成率為104.5%,平均每週執行331.8公里。總垃圾清運量為171,360公斤,平均每公里收集之垃圾塵土量為13.7公斤。2. 洗掃作業現場查核作業執行量方面,自95年5月計畫執行開始至96年5月3日止,共計洗街執行284條次路段之查核,掃街亦執行284條路段。由查核結果顯示,各次洗掃現場查核均符合查核要求。二、鄉鎮公所查核與協調工作:1. 為整合具有洗掃機具鄉鎮公所之洗掃路線與環保局路線以達洗掃最佳效率,本計畫共辦理四場工作協調會,除與各鄉鎮公所進行各項洗掃街作業事項協調外,也提供本年度最具成效之工作項目與各鄉鎮公所交流,透過經驗分享來提升縣內洗掃街作業之成效。2. 本年度針對鄉鎮公所洗掃作業進行查核工作(有洗掃機具者為每月一次,無洗掃機具者為每年一次),並提供網頁申報系統供鄉鎮公所上網申報。截至目前為止,各鄉鎮公所均準時依其提報資料進行洗掃作業。三、成效評估:本年度主要針對報署之洗掃路線選14條代表路線辦理兩次街塵負荷量檢測分析,目前工作進度達100 %。依檢測結果顯示,洗掃後總街塵負荷量為0.22g/㎡~4.76g/㎡之間,依前、後期檢測結果顯示,長期持續性的進行洗掃街作業可有效提升道路乾淨度,並於後期檢測結果相符,如:大里國光路、德芳路二段、德芳南路、沙鹿屏西路、沙田路與梧棲港埠路等路段其道路髒污等級已提升至A級道路(乾淨),其餘道路則為B級道路(普通髒污)。 四、問卷調查:本年度針對環保局洗掃路線預定執行份數為2000份有效問卷,已全數完成。結果顯示受訪民眾對環保局執行之洗掃街作業感到滿意等級之上的百分比從73.6%提升至80.3%,且有95.%之居民認為洗掃街道作業需持續進行,但仍有約七成以上之民眾認為需增加洗掃頻率,表示對民眾而言環保局之洗掃作業仍有改善空間。五、在中央分隔島改善方面,從95.08~95.10止,本計劃針對洗掃路線經由豐原巿公所提供木塊,由本工作團隊先行試辦清水港埠路分隔島裸露地舖設木塊,計長度2.5km,其面積600 m2,揚塵削減量約1898.64公斤/年。六、污染源改善及縣道髒亂點調查方面,從95.05~96.05止,總計列管22個污染源,於8月底解除5個列管點、10月解除2個列管點與96年1月解除3個污染源,至今仍有12個污染點持續進行列管;另34個髒亂點則已提供鄉鎮公所及環保局廢管課分別配合修正洗掃頻率及查處。 Taichung County Street Dust Cleaning and Washing Program AbstractAfter a contract signed on May 3, 2006, Taichung County Street Dust Cleaning and Washing Program for the fiscal year of 2006 started the preliminary stage of planning and proceeded with equipment purchases and personnel training. On May 15, 2006, the program began with planned work projects including: cleaning and washing streets; inspection and coordination of the administrative offices of villages and towns; results evaluation; survey; and the actual work achievement as follows:1. Cleaning and washing operation, and inspection:1) After the Environmental Protection Bureau approved the planned routes of cleaning and washing, the operation officially started on May 15, 2006. During the program, there were seven route changes and four additional new routes added. A total of 12,152.8 km in length of streets was washed with 21,883.5 tons of water usage and an average of 1.8 ton/kilometer. The duration of the program was for 49 weeks, averaging 329.4 kilometers every week; compared with the original plan, the total achieved percentage was 101.3%. With 12,543.7 kilometers in length of street cleaned, compared with the original plan, the total achieved percentage was 104.5%, averaging 331.8 kilometers of streets cleaned every week. Total garbage cleared and transported was measured 171,360 kilograms, averaging 13.7 kilograms of garbage dust collected for every kilometer of street.2) As to the inspection of the cleaning and washing operation, during the period of May 2006~May 3, 2007, a total of 284 sections of roads were inspected for the washed streets and 284 sections of roads were inspected for the cleaned streets. Judging from the inspection results, every street cleaned and washed meets the inspection standards.2. Inspection and coordination of village and town hall:1) In order to integrate the routes of the village and town halls which facilitate cleaning and washing machines and the Environmental Protection Bureau’s routes for achieving best efficiency, there were four job coordination meetings held for this program. Except for the coordination in details of cleaning and washing operations with every village and town offices, the meetings provided the most effective work projects and communication with every administrative offices. By sharing the experiences, it promoted the effects of streets cleaning and washing operation in the County.2) To proceed with the inspection for the cleaning and washing operation of village and town offices in this fiscal year (once every month for those have cleaning and washing machines; once every year for those do not), website report system was provided for reporting the progress. As of now, every village and town office proceeded with the program on schedule according to their reported information.3. Evaluation of effectiveness: Fourteen representative routes were selected for test and analysis of street dust capacity. Current rate of progress reached 100%. According to test results, the total street dust after cleaning and washing was between 0.22g/m2 and 4.76g/m2. The before- and after- tests show long-term continuous operation of street cleaning and washing can effectively improve street cleanness and the results are consistent. For example: In Dali, there are Guoguang Road, Defang Road Sec.2, Defang S. Road; in Shalu, there are Binghsin Road and Shatian Road; in Wuqi, there is Gangbu Road. The above-mentioned sections of roadway are improved to the A level roadway (clean) while the rest of roadways are B level roadway (ordinary dirty.)4. Survey: Two thousand copies of effective questionnaire were administered focusing on the cleaning and washing routes of Environmental Protection Bureau for this fiscal year; and the results show 80.3% of the interviewed residents expressed their satisfaction towards cleaning and washing operation, compared with 73.6% in the previous data; 95% residents indicated that the operation should continue and more than 70% considered the frequency should be increased, meaning there is still space of improvement for cleaning and washing operation of Environmental Protection Bureau.5. As to the improvement of central separation island, from August 2006 to October 2006, our work team in this program started to spread, on bare ground, woodblocks provided by FengYuan City at the central separation island on GangBu Road in QingShui with a total of 2.5 kilometers in length and 600 square meters in area measure, which sharply reducing the dust by 1898.64 kilograms per year.6. For improvement of the pollution source and investigation of dirty spots on county roads, during May 2006~May 2007, there were 22 pollutants monitored among which five listed locations were removed by the end of August, 2 were removed by October and 3 removed by January 2007. At least twelve pollution spots continue to be listed for monitoring and another 34 dirty spots were submitted to village and town offices and Environmental Protection Bureau Pollutant Management Division for increasing the frequency of cleaning, washing and inspection. 095 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 東禾工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=235
各縣市底盤動力計排煙檢測站查核、評鑑及使用中柴油車排氣定期檢驗制度建立專案工作計畫 移動污染源係造成都會區空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,也是環保及交通主管單位加強管制重點,其中柴油車排放之黑煙最令民眾所詬病。環保署為有效管制柴油車污染排放問題,於各縣市廣設柴油車排煙檢測站,由民眾檢舉及稽查人員目視判煙等方式,通知有污染之虞柴油車輛到站受檢,藉以有效管制柴油車黑煙排放。為使全國柴油車管制業務更臻完善,提升各縣市柴油車排煙檢測站檢測品質,環保署特執行柴油車排煙檢測站評鑑暨查核作業、全國排煙站相關性巡迴測試、各縣市柴油車業務季報考核,以及研擬柴油車相關管制策略,期有效掌握各縣市柴油車檢驗業務執行品質。定檢業務部分,則依不同角度提出各項可能之方案,分別從認可制度、管理制度、檢驗方式、成本因素等方面,研析評估各項方案之優缺點。為有效解決目前重複通知到檢、外縣市代驗檢測資料回傳、以及各縣市線上預約系統整合問題,本計畫修正94年度環保署建制之柴油車排煙檢測資料庫系統,同時整合全國各縣市柴油車線上預約系統,以提供環保署全國柴油車檢測資料電子化,便利民眾及各縣市環保局相關行政作業。其他相關工作包括各項會議辦理、以及宣導品印製等,各項成果均於報告中有詳盡說明。 Project for Auditing and Evaluating Chassis Dynamometer Smoke Test(CDST) stations in Counties and Cities Mobile pollution source is the main cause for the urban air quality decline, the diesel vehicle exhaust emission is concerned by both environmental and transportation departments as control priority. In order to control the issue of diesel vehicle exhaust, the EPA has set up diesel vehicle emission inspection station in each local authority and together with public reported the emission fact and visual inspector to inform those may contain high level of pollutant vehicles to take. Above all is to reduce the diesel vehicle smoke emission situation.For better inspection quality in every counties and cities, the EPA has implemented an evaluation project on diesel vehicle exhaust emission inspect station, correlation test for confirm the inspect result from each station were the same, the examination of archive in every diesel vehicle exhaust emission inspect stations, and development of the control policies of diesel vehicles, to effectively confirm the quality of examination on diesel emission inspection affair. On diesel regular emission inspection affair, this project will provide all kinds of possible suggestions from different angles, such as the accreditation, management system, inspection methods, cost factor, etc., to assess pros and cons of proposal.To effectively resolve the issues of repeated notifications for inspection, feedbacks of inspection data for vehicles inspected in other local stations and the integration of online reservation systems of local stations, this project intends to revise the diesel vehicle emission inspection system established in 2005 and integrate the online reservation system to provide EPA with digitalized inspection data and allow easy access for the public and EPB. Other related works include arrangement of various meetings and publication of promotion materials. Other related works include the arrangement of various meetings and the publication of promotion materials. The results will be presented in the report in detail. 095 空保處 春迪企業股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=5168
無腹地河川污染整治可行性工法研究 自經濟及操作便利性考量,河川水質淨化廠場址設置於離污染河段之地點越近越好,然而,台灣地區有許多污染河川之四周往往缺乏可興建處理廠之用地;本研究即提出適用於腹地有限之河川的水質淨化處理系統。研究成果顯示,礫間接觸氧化工法(水力停留時間HRT為8小時)可去除BOD、SS及NH3-N達60%,另一種工法為氧化渠處理系統(HRT為2天)則可去除此類污染物達90%以上。本研究係採用一種淺床式礫間接觸氧化工法,包括兩種床深模式:50及60公分高,礫間接觸槽充填10至20公分之天然礫石,礫間槽之孔隙率約40%。為克服河川腹地有限之問題,礫間接觸槽設計成狹長型以利設置於河堤上,其中1至1.5公尺寬之槽體部分,係設置於由懸臂鋼樑支撐而伸向河面之平台上,懸臂鋼樑之另一端固定於河堤之擋土牆上。礫間接觸氧化系統之進流量設計自1500至10000 cmd。本研究亦提出另一種傳統工法-氧化渠處理系統,渠道內裝置轉動式曝氣機循環流動污水,渠道深為1.5公尺。由於無腹地,氧化渠則設置於特別設計之河面鋪蓋板上。本研究之氧化渠工法可處理進流BOD負荷達300 mg/L,SS達200 mg/L,本處理系統之設計進流量自5000到10000 cmd。 Feasibility Study of River Water Treatment Methods for Land-limited Conditions For economic reason and operation convenience, the river water treatment plant is better siting by the location of polluted stream as near as possible. However, the surroundings of some polluted streams in Taiwan have no available lands for construction of conventional water treatment facilities. This study is attempted on developing the feasible treatment methods for polluted river water in case of land-limited condition. The removal of BOD, suspended solids, and NH3-N in the influent of river water, with hydraulic retention time of 8 hours, are up to 60% by a gravel-contact oxidation process and more than 90% removal (HRT is 2 days) by the oxidation ditch system. The gravel-contact oxidation chamber is selected with a shallow bed in two patterns that is 50 and 60 cm in depth, respectively. Natural gravels sizing from 10 to 20 cm are filled in the gravel-contact bed with porosity around 40%. To overcome the land-limited problem, the gravel-contact oxidation chamber is designed a long-and-narrow tank for availably placing it along the riverbank. 1 to 1.5 m in width of the chamber is designed to be constructed on a platform supported by particular cantilever steel-beams. One end of the cantilever beam is fixed to the retaining wall, while the other end is free above the river. The influent flowrates of gravel-contact oxidation system are designed from 1500 to 10000 cmd. This study also provides another conventional treatment system-oxidation ditch. It consists of an oval-shaped channel in 1.5 m deep with rotor aerators across the ditch. Due to the limitation of land area surrounding the river, the oxidation ditch is constructed on a special decking system across over the river. The oxidation ditch can treat polluted water in this study with a loading of BOD up to 300 mg /L and SS up to 200 mg /L, and designed flowrates are from 5000 to 10000 cmd. 095 水保處 國立中央大學(永續環境科技研究中心) http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1387
95年度破壞臭氧層物質與含氟溫室氣體管理策略規劃專案 本計畫以協助政府因應蒙特婁議定書持續修正的管制規定為主,工作重點包括:參加2006年蒙特婁議定書相關國際會議;提報我國2005年蒙特婁議定書破壞臭氧層物質(ODS)消費量資料;提供物質管理之行政支援與技術諮詢;規劃我國因應蒙特婁議定書策略。而基於蒙特婁議定書與京都議定書的列管物質有替代之關連性,因此也將含氟溫室氣體(PFCs、HFCs及SF6)的管理規劃工作納入計畫執行項目。國際相關活動推展方面,以聯合國環境規劃署臭氧秘書處認可之非政府組織(NGO)名義,分別於7月與11月組團參加蒙特婁議定書第26次不限小組成員會議與第18次締約國大會。同時也協助產業(TSIA與TTLA)參與含氟溫室氣體排放減量國際諮商談判,使我國得在合理分攤國際環保責任下發展,避免顯著的經濟衝擊。現行臭氧層保護相關管理法規包括︰氟氯烴消費量管理辦法、公告蒙特婁議定書列管化學物質、列管產品及相關輸出入管制規定等,本年度持續檢討整合,提出法規修改建議草案,並協助召開法規草案研商會議及公聽會,達成最終公告行政程序。行政支援工作成果則包括:提報我國消費量數據給臭氧秘書處;協同中華民國大氣層保護協會進行氟氯烴(HCFCs)配額、氟氯碳化物(CFCs)庫存配額、溴化甲烷配額之核發;並依據施政需求實地訪查超過30個使用或替代ODS之場所;也協同關稅總局與海洋巡防署舉辦3場緝私人員辨識ODS之訓練講習,加強打擊走私。為便利列管物質的申報作業,本年度開始推展ODS核配申請/申報/審核之電子化作業,召開產業說明會來檢討試行情形,提升介面操作之便利與實用性。並以國內現有CFCs與HCFCs冷媒流佈調查數據,依各次部門物質使用的特性、經濟重要性以及貿易活動量進行分析,重新檢視各次部門的可行技術與措施選擇項目,建議署內研擬CFCs汽車的停止使用年限。對於含氟溫室氣體調查工作,則完成我國2005年的進口量、使用量及排放量調查作業,協助辦理光電半導體產業全氟化物年度排放量申報查核,並提供含氟溫室氣體產業排放減量技術資訊諮詢服務。數據也提供給署內「國家溫室氣體清冊建立」計畫,進行我國溫室氣體排放清冊更新。另外也建立光電半導體產業溫室氣體排放量提報資料查証(Verification)機制與作業程序,並推動該產業溫室氣體排放減量方案的確證(Validation)及績效查證作業。為了解光電半導體產業PFCs在CVD/Etch之使用比例與PFCs處理設備之機台安裝率,本計畫調查各家半導體光電產業的安裝情形,並依據IPCC Tier 2b管制規範,估算產業PFCs排放係數約為1.1 kg CO2/ cm2晶圓面積。本計畫也實地訪視電力事業六氟化硫(SF6)使用場所及維修業者,辦理電力事業SF6回收管理座談會議(北、中、南各乙場次),提供業界技術資訊諮詢服務。透過環保署提供回收機本土化開發工作,並於台電變電廠回收1公噸SF6,相當於減少22,200公噸CO2排放。同時也與鎂合金協會辦理實廠測試SF6替代技術觀摩會。為加速推廣臭氧層保護與含氟溫室氣體排放減量資訊的傳播,本計畫彙整臭氧層保護國際管制動態、ODS替代技術研發評估資訊,登載於國內相關產業報導刊物共8篇,並彙整國內外資訊及我國推動成效,編撰「臭氧層保護在台灣(Ozone Layer Protection in Taiwan)」及「台灣含氟溫室氣體排放減量報導(Abatement of Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Emission in Taiwan)」中英文電子報,發送予國際友人及國內產官學界參考。 Developing national strategy in response to the control measures of the Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol on fluorinated compounds The Project is to act as the main policy and measures implementing support of Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency in response to the Montreal Protocol control regime on ozone depleting substances (ODSs). Major tasks are:1) Establishing international communicating channels among the ozone family, 2) supporting drafting of domestic policy and measures in management of the substances, 3) disseminating information related to the ozone layer protection and strengthening the relevant personnel training. Concerning the Fluorinated Greenhouse gases (PFCs, HFCs and SF6) were often used as replacement of ODS, the project also takes management issues related to these three gases into account.Regular work to be carried out every year include: compiling and reporting national consumption data to the ozone secretariat, assisting allocation of HCFCs and methyl bromide importing quota, assessment of application for CFCs stocks. Apart from that, personnel were assigned to attend to the 18th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol,and the 26th Open-ended Working Group meeting, Key reports compiled include the national measures implemented by developed countries; technology development in replacement refrigerants for chiller and mobile air conditioner; and impacts of greenhouse gases abatement for semiconductor industry sectors. The compiled information was disseminated through 3 issues of newsletters and 8 papers to different journals.Revising the existing ODS regulations and guidelines were another focus of the project. A much comprehensive version to accommodate control substances was drafted, and it has also gone through the public hearing stage in the end of 2006.More than 9 training workshops for customs and coast guards on stopping illegal trade of ODS, and abatement technologies for magnesium casting and electric supply industries on fluorinated greenhouse gases were held this year, hoping to strengthen the capability of the frontline officers and dissipation of information of alternative technologies, to fulfill the commitment of safeguarding the ozone layer and mitigation climate change by Taiwan government. 095 空保處 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1707
推動我國產業環境會計制度(95年度) 由於環境保護和永續發展的需求,不論是政府或產業部門皆需要環境相關資訊做為決策的參考依據,環境會計(environmental accounting)便是因應此一需求而生的工具。我國產業環境會計在行政院環保署主導下,從2000年開始規劃輔導廠商試行環境會計系統。現行我國企業導入之環境會計系統概以環保署之產業環境會計實施原則和架構為基礎,以日本環境省2000年環境會計指引中之環境成本分類為藍本,引進之時,僅作數項成本項目的調整,未依台灣環境特性、環境政策、產業結構,以及企業需求進行系統性的調整,且缺乏環境保護效益和收入等相關內容。 因此,本研究乃追蹤多家已導入產業環境會計之廠商,瞭解我國既有環境會計系統之利弊。另外蒐集日本、聯合國等國際上有關環境會計最新資訊,並配合我國環境保護法規與產業特性,擬定我國產業環境會計指引草案。我國產業環境會計指引草案中除有環境會計架構以配合我國外,並逐項針對各會計科目提出界定與說明,同時納入環境收入與效益之相關內容,以使我國產業環境會計系統更為完整,俾供做為企業導入環境會計之參考。 為宣傳與推廣產業環境會計,本研究除輔導二家廠商導入環境會計系統外,並擴大舉辦結合產官學界之觀摩研討會,溝通各界對環境會計之共識,同時全面翻新現有環境會計網站架構及內容,以提供更為可親易讀之網站介面。 On Developing Taiwan's Industry Environmental Accounting System(2006) To meet the needs of environmental protection and sustainable development, both government agencies and industry need environment-related information for decision making. Environmental accounting is one of the tools that has been developed to meet this need. In 2000, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) began for the adoption of environmental accounting systems on a trial basis. Today, most of the companies in Taiwan that have adopted environmental accounting are following the guidelines and framework established by the EPA. This framework is almost identical to the framework given in the Environmental Accounting Guidelines published by Japan's Environmental Agency. Some adjustments were made to individual environmental cost items, but there was no systematic revision of the framework to meet the needs of Taiwan's environmental policy and industrial structure, or the needs of Taiwanese business enterprises. Furthermore, the content relating to benefits and revenue from environmental protection activities was neglected. The present study follows up a number of companies that have adopted environmental accounting, with the aim of gaining a clearer picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the environmental accounting system that is currently in use in Taiwan. Information has also been collected on the environmental accounting systems adopted by Japan and by the United Nations. This information is used, in light of the current state of environmental protection in Taiwan and the special characteristics of Taiwanese industry, as the basis for formulating draft environmental accounting guidelines for Taiwan. Besides making adjustments to the existing environmental accounting framework to allow for the circumstances actually existing in Taiwan, the draft guidelines also include clear definitions and explanations of each individual environmental cost item. In addition, the draft guidelines incorporate content relating to environmental benefits and revenue, with the aim of making Taiwan's environmental accounting system more comprehensive. It is anticipated that these draft guidelines will provide a useful reference to business enterprises when introducing environmental accounting system. So as to promote the adoption of environmental accounting, the present research project included the provision of guidance to two companies to help them adopt environmental accounting systems, as well as a conference bringing together representatives of government, industry and academia, which provide a venue for building consensus on environmental accounting issues between different sectors. At the same time, the organization and content of the existing environmental accounting website were revamped to make the site easier to use. 095 統計室 財團法人台灣經濟研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1679
臺中縣溫室氣體及室內空氣品質宣導管制及調查計畫 本計畫執行期程自95.12.01起至96.11.30止,各項量化與非量化工作皆已達工作進度。在溫室氣體排放調查部分,共完成34家工廠溫室氣體排放調查(合約數30家次)、34處所公部門(住商部門)非110 V電力使用推估與溫室氣體排放情形(合約數30處所)、農業部門超過20種之溫室氣體排放處所與排放機制(排放源)(合約數為20處所,以超過20種不同之溫室氣體排放處所與排放機制完整計算臺中縣農業部門之溫室氣體排放量)及5處所廢棄物部門溫室氣體排放情形(合約數5處所),而運輸部門包含客運業者柴油使用情形、航空用油、漁業用油及台鐵及高鐵用電量等資料皆已完成調查,其餘各部門溫室氣體排放皆已推估計算至2006年資料,完成台中縣2006年溫室氣體排放清冊之更新。另外於96.06.22舉辦一場次之「臺中縣溫室氣體盤查與我國未來管制趨勢」宣導座談會(合約數1場次),由座談會問卷調查結果得知,此次座談會已達一定之宣導成效。其餘溫室氣體相關之各工作項目包含蒐集溫室氣體相關文獻研究調查資料、問卷調查公部門之溫室氣體管制作業及建議台中縣溫室氣體管制作為與方向等工作皆已於計畫期程內陸續完成。另外在室內空氣品質相關工作項目方面,各項量化工作同樣於計畫期程內如期完成,包含於96.4.27針對台中縣第1類及第2類室內空氣品質管制場所各舉辦1場次之「臺中縣室內空氣品質宣導座談會」(合約數為第1類及第2類室內空氣品質管制場所各舉辦1場次),由座談會問卷調查結果得知,此2場次座談會皆已達一定之宣導成效。量化工作尚包含現地檢測台中縣第1類及第2類室內空氣品質管制場所各5處所之室內空氣品質現況(合約數第1類及第2類各5處所),檢測項目包含溫度、CO、CO2、O3、甲醛、總揮發性有機物、細菌、真菌、PM10及PM2.5共10項,10處所之採樣分析工作已於8月份陸續完成。於室內空氣品質檢測工作完成後,為使臺中縣第1類及第2類管制場所民眾能對目前臺中縣之室內空氣品質現況有所了解,本計畫於96.9.21舉辦1場次之「臺中縣室內空氣品質檢測結果說明會」(合約數1場次),說明此次室內空氣品質檢測結果,現場討論熱絡。其餘室內空氣品質相關之非量化工作,包括建置臺中縣境內第1類及第2類管制場所名單、蒐集室內空氣品質檢測方法及對人體健康之危害等相關文獻研究資料及台中縣室內空氣品質管制方向建議等工作同樣皆已於計畫期程內陸續完成。相關量化與非量化工作成果摘要表次頁說明。 the global warming gases in Taichung County This project is executed from December 01, 2006 to November 30, 2007. All quantifiable and un-quantifiable works are on schedule. For the global warming gases, 34 factories and 34 public offices are investigated (30 factories are required by the contract). Investigations focus on total generated global warming gases for factories and uses of in-door 110 Volt electronic generated global warming gases for public offices. Based on the contract, 20 and 5 gases samples are required from 20 different agriculture departments and divisions and 5 waste materials departments and divisions respectively. There are total 20 different global warming gases identified from the agriculture departments and divisions and 5 different global warming gases found at the waste materials departments and divisions. The investigations also include the burned gases by diesel and airplane fuels by the transportation departments, such as bus companies, airplane companies. Also the total electricity-consuming by the Taiwan Railway Company and Taiwan High-Speed Train Company are determined. The conference for “the investigation of global warming gases in Taichung County and its eliminating strategy and direction in the future” is held on June 22, 2007. Based on the survey obtained from the conference, it is found that all participants are positive with this conference. Besides, all literature review works, survey, and suggestions regarding to control global warming gases are completed these days.In addition to above, the investigation works related to outdoor air quality are finished on time. The conference of air quality control in Taichung County is held on April 27, 2007. Based on the survey results, all participants are positive with this conference. All quantifiable goals for global warming gases include temperature, carbon oxide, carbon dioxide, and ozone, formaldehyde, evaporated organics, bacterial, fungus, PM10 and PM2.5. Total is ten subjects for the investigation. All sample-gases are collected in the field in August. Once this in-door air-quality control investigation finished, another conference is held on September 21, 2007 to introduce such concepts to general publics. All topics are fully discussed. In addition, the non-quantifiable goal is also suggested. The lists of first degree and second degree air-quality control locations are investigated and recorded. All contract-based research works have been completed and they are summarized and listed in the following page. 095 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 私立僑光技術學院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=195
台東縣加油站油氣回收、揮發性有機物及餐飲業油煙管制計畫 本年度台東縣加油站油氣回收、揮發性有機物及餐飲業油煙管制計畫自95年3月3日開始執行,主要的工作包含台東縣轄內加油站VOCs污染源查核管制作業、加油站以外VOCs污染排放源查核管制作業、製程排放管道或周界臭(異)味檢測作業、其他相關宣導作業與餐飲業油煙污染查核管制作業等。茲將成果摘要說明如下:一、今年度計受理3站4件次加油站申請案件,分別為豐工加油站(完成第一階段)、東屏加油站(完成第二階段及第三階段)及金崙加油站(完成第二階段),均已審查通過。二、本計畫執行加油站功能檢測及污染管制作業,係針對台東縣境內所有加油站進行加油槍氣油比檢測及氣漏檢測。今年度檢測站數計36站。氣漏及氣油比檢測結果,第一次檢測時,氣漏測試36站全數合格,氣油比測試亦均符合法規要求(油槍合格率達70%以上),然其中有12站油槍合格率未達100%,此12站經發文要求改善並執行完成改善後複檢結果,皆已合格,業者亦提報改善後檢測報告至環境局核備。三、而台東縣轄內加油站於94年底前仍未完成設置油氣回收設施者,僅餘兩站,分別為太峰加油站及瑞豐加油站,經本計畫持續輔導追蹤後,已於95年3月1日完成設置,目前全縣油氣回收系統設置率已達100%。今年度清查之50站加油站95年全縣月平均銷售量約為7,829.13公秉/月。縣轄內加油站清查作業成果已更新於環保署「固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統」,該系統自動推算VOC排放量約為145噸/年。四、為擴大宣傳效果在宣導作業方面,已完成執行的計有:印製加油站油氣回收設備操作維護暨法規宣導手冊50冊、海報80張、網站固定刊登1則與提供新聞稿刊登宣導5則、委請電台廣播(連續一周,每日三時段)及於台東火車站等地撥放加油站宣導短片與走馬燈。並完成舉辦管制法規及操作維護宣導說明會及加油站管制工作成果與檢討說明會。五、為落實行政院環保署長期推動之「加油不加滿、不強迫加油」政策,本計畫今年更提出創新作法,以訂定「加油站油氣回收工作自律公約」,要求各加油站業者及所屬員工共同簽署,截止95年12月31日止,轄內47站需設置油氣回收設施之加油站已全數完成自律公約簽訂(100%),並提交環保局以示配合政策決心。六、針對加油站以外其他VOCs排放源,今年查核管制目標量為30家。為了瞭解人口較密集地區之VOCs排放現況,因此今年度計執行乾洗業清查25家,汽車保養維修業7家,氣體燃料供應業2家,發電業1家(2座發電廠),合計共36家,此外為有效掌握台東縣之VOCs揮發性有機物之實際排放狀況,今年亦主動進行124件次之VOCs污染源公私場所(含加油站)巡查工作。七、本計畫已於95年9月29日及11月22日完成3廠次檢測,採樣分析工作委由環保署認證通過之台宇環境科技股份有限公司(環署環檢字第054號)及上準環境科技股份有限公司(環署環檢字第018號)執行。檢測對象分別為鴻進汽車有限公司(周界臭味、甲苯、二甲苯)、逢欣實業有限公司(周界臭味),檢測結果鴻進汽車有限公司其臭味測值高達24(排放標準為10),超過排放標準,已將檢測報告提交台東縣環保局進行後續告發作業。八、本計畫今年度針對台東縣50家大型餐飲業者進行污染排放現況調查與建立台東縣餐飲業基本資料,調查結果, 5家未裝設油水分離器且未裝設任何防制設備,而大部分業者所裝設之防制設備均為檔板或濾網。本計畫亦輔導協助2家有污染之虞的餐飲業者完成防制設備設置之改善工作,改善內容分別為歐香牛排館:包含增設檔板、水幕、油水分離器等;豪堂企業社:包含設置檔板與濕式洗滌塔。並針對餐飲業者辦理油煙防制技術及輔導改善成果示範觀摩會,另安排與會者參觀經輔導且設置防制設施之兩家完成改善的餐廳進行現場觀摩,會後並製作餐飲業相關管制法規及污染防制技術參考手冊及郵寄予餐飲業者參考。 Taitung County oil gas recovery at the gasoline station, volatile organic compounds and restaurant industry’s oil fumes control plan Taitung County oil gas recovery at the gasoline station, volatile organic compounds and restaurant industry’s oil fumes control plan was started from Mar 3, 2006. In the main works includes to check and gorvern gasoline station’s VOCs sources, outside station’s VOCs pollution sources, measurements of emission pipes in stationary pollution sources or foul and noxious odors of periphral boundary testing, orther related promulgation, and restaurant industry’s oil fumes’check.This is as follows the achievement abstract explanation:1. This year, we accepted 3 gasoline stations’ applications, including Fong-Gong station ( Stage 1), Dong-Ping station ( Stage 2 and 3), and Jin-Lun station ( Stage 2), they all examined pass.2. This plan governed gasoline stations’ function tests and pollution control, we administered the A/L test and Leakage test to all gaoline stations in Taitung County, which totals to 36 stations. When fist examination, 36 stations all passed in Leakage test and A/L test ( Qualified rate is bigger than 70% ), but 12 stations’ oil guns qualified rate have not reached 100%. After epb dispatched official documents to request they to improve, they all passed 2nd test, and dealers all submited the test report after their improvements.3. Tai-Fong station and Ruei-Fong station still not completed the establishment of oil gas recovery equipements before 2006 year’s end, so we ciunseled with them and traced their progresses, finally, they completed the establishments in Mar 1, 2006. Taitung County’s oil gas recovery system establishment rate has reached 100%. 50 gasoline stations we checked thoroughly this year average sales volumes are 7,829.13 KL/month. The work achievement renewed to the epa’s air pollutant management information system, the system automatic computation VOCs emission is about 145 tons/year.4. In order to expand the propaganda effect, in promulgation aspect we printed 50 copies of the gasoline station oil gas recovery system operarion and maintenance and regulations guidance handbooks, 80 sheets of placards, the website published 1 news and provided 5 piece of news releases, asked the broadcasting station continuously to broadcast a week, every day three time intervals, and in places such as Taitung train station broadcasted the gasoline station guidance short film and the galloping-horse lantern. We also conducted the control regulations and the operation maintenance guidance explanation conference and the gasoline station control work ahievement and the self-criticism conference.5. In order to carry on the epa long-term policy to refuel does not add fully and does not force to refuel, we proposed subscribes decides the gasoline station oil gas recovery work autonomy joint pledge the innovation method, and requested various gasoline stations industry and the respective staff signs together. Stops up to December 31, 2006, all 47 gasoline stations which needs to establish oil gas recovery system all signed the pledge and submited the epb to show to coordinate the policy determination.6. Outside gasoline station, our check scalar of other VOCs emission sources is 30. To understand the present VOCs emission situation at population more crowded area, we checked 25 dry cleaning industry, 7 car care service industry, 2 gasseous fuel supply industry and 1 electricity generation industry ( 2 plant ), euqaled 36. Besides, we carried on 124 times of VOCs source ( including gasoline station ) patrols on own initiative to effectively hold actual VOCs emission condition.7. This plan has already completed 3 times of examinations at Sep 9 and Nov 22, 2006, the objects of examination are Hong-Jin motor corporation ( odors, benzene and toluene of periphral boundary testing ) and Fong-Sin industry Co. (odors of periphral boundary testing ). The result of examinations was Hong-Jin motor corporation’s odor concentration exceede emission standard, we submited the report to epb for carring on accuse with the punishment.8. This plan investigated 50 restaurants’ emission inventory and established the basic documents. The result of investigation was 5 restaurants did not install oil-water separator or any air pollution control devices, and most restaurants only installed baffles or screens. We helped 2 restaurant which have the risk of pollution to complete improvement of pollution control devices installation. Their improvement contained the installation of baffles, water screens, and oil-water separators in Ou-Siang chophouse, and the installation of baffles and packed tower in Hao-Tang business Inc. We also held a oil fumes control technology and improvement result conference for restaurant dealers, and arranged 2 improved restaurants’ scene visit.After the conference, we made the reference manual of regulations and pollution control technology, and we mailed it to dealers. 095 台東縣環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2054
95年度「科技及施政計畫品質提昇推動計畫」 本計畫乃依據「計畫品質管理」、「計畫成果推廣及檢討」及「未來計畫規劃」等3 大主軸為核心的執行架構,協助環保署執行本計畫,主要計畫產出及實質貢獻包括:1.計畫品質管理方面:本計畫共辦理40 場研析會議,其中「環保署與委辦計畫之顧問公司計畫主持人座談會」係提供環保署在施政政策(policy)、實施措施(measure)及計畫管理(management)各方面的建議;永續政策、台加合作、歐盟國情認識及亞太經濟合作等議題之會議,則協助環保署瞭解國際議題及加強與國外之互動;環境科技規劃研討會係推廣綠色科技等相關知識,強化署內同仁將前瞻科技應用於環保領域的規劃能力;另配合國家型奈米計畫召開的奈米委辦計畫規劃會議,則為環保署廣徵建言,提供未來計畫修正及執行之方向。2.計畫成果推廣及檢討方面:為推廣環保署科技計畫成果,並透過討論提供環保署未來研擬計畫之參考,本計畫係召開3 場次科技計畫年終成果發表會,與會委員之評鑑結果認為環保署94 及95 年度科技計畫選題妥適性為佳,延續性計畫有不錯之關連強度及產出區隔,各項計畫主題中以民生議題最為重要,會議結論並建議環保署未來優先辦理與民生及前瞻科技相關之計畫。3.未來計畫規劃方面:本計畫彙整各項研析會議及科技計畫成果發表會之結論,將各界意見提供環保署作為未來計畫規劃之參考。又有關環保署科技及施政計畫管理相關法規,皆已配合現行作業情形完成修正及研商,各項法規未來應與時俱進地進行修訂,以符合作業需求。 Quality Management for Taiwan EPA’s Projects in year 2006 This Project is based on the framework consisted of three measures, which are “qualitymanagement for the on-going projects”, “review and dissemination of project achievements”and“project planning in the future”. Through assisting the Environmental Protection Administration,Taiwan, ROC (Taiwan EPA) to execute this Project, fruitful outcomes and virtual contributionsare accompanied as the followings:1. Quality Management for the On-going Projects: Totally 40 seminars or meetings wereheld during this Project, and valuable suggestions and comments were also brought out.For example, administrational policy, practical measures and project management werebroadly discussed in the issue of “Dialogue between Taiwan EPA and the project executor ofentrusted consultant company”. While referring Taiwan EPA to international cooperation andenvironmental issues, the Country’s sustainable policy, as well as the cognition andcooperation with Canada, European Union (EU) and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) were mentioned as the high priority. Meanwhile, the “Environmental TechnologyPlanning Seminar”generalized the importance to promote the green-technology basedknowledge, and to strengthen the programming ability of Taiwan EPA’s staffs to adopt theinnovative technology in the field of environment. Moreover, the “Entrusted NanotechnologyProject Planning Seminar”provided advices for amending the aspects and contents of the“National Science and Technology Program for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”in thefuture.2. Review and Dissemination of Project Achievements: In order to disseminate theachievements of Taiwan EPA’s environmental technology projects and to provide TaiwanEPA references for drafting the future programs, 3 annual technology achievementspublishing and evaluation meetings were convened. The evaluation results showed that, the project topics of FY-2005 and FY-2006 were targeted relatively suitable, while strongcorrelation and clear demarcation were displayed among the consecutive projects. Theconclusion referred that the civil environmental and innovative technology should be bothlisted in Taiwan EPA’s top funding priority for technology projects and programs.3. Project Planning in the Future: This Project compiled the conclusions and comments fromall the meetings and seminars above for Taiwan EPA to draw up the future technologyprogram and policy. Besides, drafting and amendment for regulations of Taiwan EPA’smanagement of technology project and administrational program were also accomplishedon the base of current operational process. In the mean time, these regulations should becontinually amended to meet the requirement of the future operation. 095 永續發展室 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1751
空氣品質監測網資料中心系統資安防護及功能加強 本計畫主要工作為提升空氣品質監測中心主機資訊安全防護功能、強化空氣品質系統資料處理功能、充實空氣品質資料庫內容,以強化空氣品質監測網資料中心系統於資訊安全、資料處理及資料完備等各面向的機能。  為避免網際網路使用者直接存取中心端資料庫伺服器資料,可能造成的資訊安全風險,本計畫建立與監測網資料隔離的資料發佈資料庫,並設計完備的資料發佈機制,以安全的方式進行內外網段空氣品質資料庫同步。此外,在使用者管理上,透過強化使用者登入安全管理、增加稽核功能、重新設計權限管理系統等設計,解決日益繁複系統權限管理需求。  為因應評估新一代空氣品質指標AQI對台灣得適用性,增加AQI空氣污染指標計算及報表功能,可計算小時、日、區域等AQI值並進行各項統計計算,並新增各式AQI相關報表。  為使系統具備空氣網站主題的風貌,重新設計網站風格,使網站風格呈現具環境保護概念的視覺效果。在改善使用者操作介面上,以重新設計的選單操作方式、單視窗的查詢介面、三項輸入選擇器及新設計的趨勢圖等使用者親和的設計,讓使用者操作更易上手。  署內的其他相關空氣監測站資料於本計畫中亦一併納入整合該共同網站入口,包括紫外線現況、世界各地空氣品質現況、Modis-衛星遙測影像、逆溫資料查詢、光化測站、光達站、鹿林山背景站、及超級測站等。  對於風向、風速、溫度、雨量、雨強、UVB、UVA、酸雨等氣象相關測項的資料驗證處理,分別依照其物理意義及統計需求,重新設計資料處理驗證程式,規劃儲存資料表,安排定期計算排程作業,與原始系統計算作業流程結合,定期產生特殊測項計算資料,提供空氣品質預報作業使用。  關於充實空氣品質資料工作分為三個方面,第一項為分析原儲存於PDP11系統,自民國71年至82年8月共19站16項之各監測項目之小時值備份資料,逐筆轉入空氣品質監測資料庫,轉入後的歷史資料可在系統環境下執行各項相關資料查詢、統計分析等功能,使資料庫涵蓋資料上溯至民國71年。第二項為匯入上一代空氣品質資料庫儀器校正資料,自82年9月迄93年共計11年的歷史校正資料,可和資料庫中的空氣品質歷史資料相對照,具極高的參考價值。第三項處理行動測站的資料,行動測站除了各監測項目監測資料外,還具有監測座標的資料屬性,於整合匯入中介伺服器的行動站資料後,透過署內地理資訊伺服器提供圖層資訊,將行動測站的監測位置及鄰近空品氣象、測站以地圖方式整合展示。 Information Security and Function Reinforcement of Air Quality Monitoring Network Center Plan The major works of this project are improving the information security of sever of air quality monitoring center, reinforcing the process of system data of air quality, replenishing the database in content, to consolidate the functions of air quality monitoring network, data security , data processing and data completeness.  To avoid the internet users access data from the EMC server directly, may result in the danger of information security, this plan build up information announcement with isolation data of EMC database server, and design a complete system for information announcement, to carry air quality information synchronicity on both nets of inside and outside in secure way. Besides, on user’s management, via strengthen user’s login security management, increase auditing efficacy, redesign the authority of management system, to resolve the more and more complex demand of authority management.  For assessing the applicability of new generation air quality index (AQI) in Taiwan, add the calculation and report function for AQI. That could calculate the AQI by hour, date and area, to compile various statistics, and set up all sorts of AQI related report.  In order to provide topical subject of this system, devise a new vision effects style to display environmental protection concept on the air website. To improve the user operation, we redesign menu operation, single window query form , three input selectors and newly trend chart to make user easily to use.   Other related monitoring stations data are also integrate to the portal; include the UVI monitor data, international present air quality data, Modis- satellite remote survey, microwave temperature profile system, photochemical assessment monitoring stations, MPLNET systems, Lulin mountain background site and supersite.   Regarding to the requirement of data process of weather monitor items, included wind direction, wind speed, the temperature, rainfall, rain strong, UVB, UVA, we redesign the new test and verify program of data processing, data schema store planning, periodical computing assignment, and link with original computing operation, design the data schema, generate all necessary and special computation batch to provide air quality forecast work in regularly.  The work to enrich the air quality data could divide into three dimensions: The first, analyzes the archived data of PDP 11 system, which collected air quality data from 19 stations of 16 items , from 1982 to 1993, then transform the data format and insert into EMC system row by row, the imported data could be query and report in EMC system which made the EMC air quality would originate to 1982. The second is to import the calibration data from the first generation air quality database. That include the history calibration data from 1993 September to 2004, users could make a comparison with the air quality history data for reference. The third is to processing the data of mobile stations. The monitor data of mobile stations contain coordinates data attributes. After integrate the mobile station data from middle server, through the GIS service in EPA, system could show the weather station and the air quality station near the mobile station in the map. 095 監資處 德星國際股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1201
室內植物減低懸浮微粒與二氧化碳宣導手冊 根據估計,現代人每天約有80%~90%的時間是在室內度過。近年來,常有報導指出,長時間置身於密閉性的建築物內,會出現過敏、頭痛、眼、鼻或喉嚨感染、易感冒、皮膚乾燥發癢、嗜睡、噁心、無法專注、易疲勞、對氣味敏感等症狀,稱為「病態建築症候群」(Sick Building Syndrome, SBS)。許多研究顯示,除了以物理性或化學性的方法來減低SBS的發生之外,最自然的方式是在室內擺設植物。本計畫藉由實際測試臺灣常見之50種室內植物滯塵與減少室內二氧化碳之能力,並將此常見室內植物之維護管理方法,撰寫成室內植物減低懸浮微粒與二氧化碳宣導手冊。試驗結果顯示,參試植物中滯塵能力最佳之前十名分別為:非洲菫、鐵十字秋海棠、皺葉椒草、大岩桐、薜荔、嫣紅蔓、麗格秋海棠、長壽花、盆菊、白網紋草。這些植物共通點為葉片表面具有絨毛,或是具有較不平整的葉片結構。在室內光線明亮處(光強度約40 μmol m-2 s-1),當二氧化碳濃度高於1000 ppm可擺放聖誕紅、印度橡膠樹、非洲菊、嫣紅蔓、龜背芋、波士頓腎蕨、心葉蔓綠絨及非洲菫,幫助移除二氧化碳。 Guidebook of Indoor plants reduce particulate matter and carbon dioxide According to estimation, modern people spend about 80% to 90% their time indoor everyday. In recent years, many reports reveal people under airtight buildings for a long time may have allergy, headache, eyes, nose or throat infects, easily catch a cold, skin dry and itch, feel sleepy, disgusting, difficult to concentrate, easy to feel tired, sensitive to the smell and so on. These are so called Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). Many research demonstrate that besides chemical or physical methods to decrease SBS, the most natural way is to use the indoor plants. This project is to test suspended particulate matter and CO2 reducing ability of 50 common indoor plants in Taiwan. All data were collected and their managements were also gathered into a guidance handbook. According to the results, the top 10 plant species to reduce dust are africa violet, iron cross begonia, emerald-ripple peperomia, gloxinia, climbing fig, pink polka, rieger begonia, kalanchoe, pot mum and nerve plant. The leaves of these plants are covered with trichome or corrugated on leaf surface. In bright indoor area (light intensity about 40 μmol m-2 s-1), poinsettia, rubber plant, gerbera, pink polka, cheese plant, boston fern, heartleaf philodendron or africa violet is helpful to remove high CO2 concentration of 1000 ppm or higher. 095 空保處 國立臺灣大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1840
95年度各級環保機關執行公害陳情處理滿意度調查 本調查之調查對象為全國地區,於95年1~9月曾經向各級環保機關陳情公害污染案件之民眾,成功訪問3,119個受訪者。本專案採取電腦輔助電話訪問(CATI,Computer Assisted Telephone Interview)方式進行。調查結果如下:公害陳情案件類型中,以「空氣污染─惡臭」(33.3%)的比率最高,其次為「噪音」(30.6%) 近八成八(87.7%)的受訪者對公害陳情專線接聽電話人員的服務態度有正面評價,不滿意的受訪者有一成一(11.0%)。近四成二(41.5%)的受訪者對環保人員處理的結果感到滿意,不滿意的受訪者有五成五(55.2%)。近三成三(32.9%)的受訪者會會同環保人員前往現場勘察,有六成七(67.1%)的受訪者則否。近七成四(73.6%)的受訪者對環保人員由受理陳情開始至實際到場處理所花費的時間表示滿意,近二成一(20.8%)受訪者不滿意。近八成(79.6%)的受訪者對環保人員處理陳情案件的服務態度感到滿意,近一成六(15.9%)受訪者不滿意。近六成五(64.8%)受訪者認為環保人員所表現出來的處理能力夠專業,近二成二(21.6%)受訪者認為環保人員不夠專業。 有六成四(64.0%)的受訪者對環保機關回覆處理結果的速度感到滿意。近三成一(30.9%)受訪者不滿意。有八成(80.0%)的受訪者對環保機關在回覆所陳情案件時的態度感到滿意,不滿意的受訪者約有一成五(14.7%)。近四成六(45.5%)的受訪者表示曾經針對過同一個陳情原因再度陳情。 The Post-Satisfaction Survey of Local Environmental Administration that Processing Citizen’s Complains of 2006 To understand the satisfaction of local environmental administration that processing citizen’s complains, the EPA has commissioned E-Strategy Research Center to investigate the satisfaction of different levels of environmental administration case in dealing with complains cases.The samples of this survey were collected from person who had called 0800-066666 to EPA during January to September in 2006 in Taiwan. And the total interviewers in this survey were 3,119 applicants successfully. During this investigation, CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) system is applied to survey the data. 095 管考處 異視行銷市場調查股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2146
環保法規標準化英譯及法規雙語網站檢索系統暨軟體維護專案 本專案『環保法規標準化英譯及法規雙語網站檢索系統資料暨軟體維護專案工作計畫』係為營造英語生活環境,因應全球化及國際化需求,依行政院頒布之全國法規英譯作業規範辦理環保法規英譯及環保法規雙語網站建置工作,並將環保法規通用術語及專業術語予以標準化納入資料庫,期望因雙語化環境之建置,能與外界建立良好的溝通互動管道,並達到環保法規全球化、無紙化及資訊化之環境。 ROC Environmental Law Standardized Translation and Bilingual Web Search System Data and Software Maintenance Project The Environmental Law Standardized English Translation and Bilingual Law Website Search and Software Project was implemented as part of Taiwan's effort to create an English living environment and address the need for enhanced international communication on environmental topics. Conducted in accordance with national English translation standards for laws and regulations as well as accessibility and bilinguality standards for web development as established by the Research, Evaluation and Development Commission, the project greatly increased the number of ROC environmental laws and regulations available in English and further added to the corpus of standardized terminology. The original Chinese laws, English translations and corresponding lexical data was also put into a database and made available online in a convenient bilingual format. The resulting website is expected to provide an effective channel and information-rich interactive platform for local and international communication on Taiwan's environmental laws. 095 法規會 精粹有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1441
事業排放水汞污染調查計畫 為清楚掌握國內含汞事業汞之流佈與推動事業排放汞減量之目的,行政院環保署現階段正推動「汞污染排放減量三年行動計畫」,希望運用源頭管制、加強稽查及環境中汞污染移除三者並進的方式,來達到全面減量的目的;因此藉由本年度「事業排放水汞污染排放調查計畫」(第二年)來持續瞭解或掌握國內各類汞及其化合物之使用運作型態、廢料(液)之處理情形與事業排放水排放情形等,並進行汞排放量之統計分析。本計畫共完成環保署認定可疑汞污染量較大之50處事業對象調查,並依行業別進行各事業單位潛在含汞廢污水處理設備現況調查、使用情況及現場水質採樣,並以調查結果與採樣數據來擬定汞污染削減目標,希望藉由調查成果與建議措施促使用汞事業單位能妥善處理,以防止環境遭受污染。 The investigation of potential mercury-contained industrial wastewater discharges. In order to investigate Taiwan industries which potentially produce heavy metal mercury during their operational processes and to reduce the amount of mercury concentrations being produced. Taiwan EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is in the process of putting the project “The three-year mercury reduction plan” in action. Three strategies are simultaneously taking into actions to thoroughly reduce mercury pollution : the controlling of the original polluters, investigation of potential mercury-contained industries and mercury reduction from the environment. Therefore, on its second year phase “The investigation of potential mercury-contained industrial wastewater discharges”, it is to continue understanding the various usage of mercury and its compounds and the subsequent shipping and handling of the waste. Statistical analysis is utilized for the final results. This project focuses on the investigation of the 50 potential mercury-polluting industries determined by Taiwan EPA. Main strategy focuses on the check up of the wastewater treatment facilities and their operational procedures of categorized industries, and wastewater samplings were also undertaken. The results can be further analyzed to help to achieve the mercury reduction goal. Resulting data are also to be provided to those potential mercury-polluting industries to persuade the proper handling of the mercury waste to prevent its subsequent pollution in the environment. 095 水保處 技佳工程顧問有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1676
區域性噪音地圖繪製可行性之研究 本計畫自95年9月18日起執行至96年5月31日止,已依本計畫預定工作進度執行完成各工作項目,其主要成果說明如下:首先收集歐盟最新法令及歐盟各國目前進行都市噪音地圖繪製之情形,並進行資料彙整,並提出各國執行情形說明並就其執行過程之困難點及其特色等優缺點,以提供環保署及各環保單位作業未來執行此業務之參考。其次則分析建立噪音地圖所需各項音源及其相關參數資訊,並參考歐盟噪音地圖繪製指南之規範進行資料收集之可行性分析,並針對主要之影響參數包括道路噪音、建物、噪音量測等參數提供資料轉換之參考方法。並接著進行小區域實際噪音地圖製作規劃,本計畫中針對台北市進行一25平方公里之都市噪音地圖模擬作業,並分別依高速公路、快速道路、重要道路、一般道路、所有道路以及市區包含建物等六種情境,配合Lima模擬軟體進行都市噪音地圖模擬作業,並分別針對如日間音量、晚間音量、夜間音量、全日均能音量及日晚夜音量等其不同參數進行模擬,並結合地理資訊系統(GIS)進行圖資繪製作業,並將此結果進行彙整後將放置於環保署網站中提供各縣市同仁參考。針對本計畫執行之模擬作業結果,並增加以小區域1平方公里之模擬結果進行大區域及台北市推估其執行噪音地圖所需之模擬作業時程及成本。針對本計劃之各項成果已辦理二場次噪音諮詢會議,就歐盟執行噪音地圖之相關法規及實例說明進行經驗交流,以提供國內環保署及各環保局參考。並針對本計畫之模擬成果辦理完成一場次之噪音業務檢討及成果討論會。 Research Project on Feasibility of Regional Noise Maps From Sep 18 2005 to May 31 2007, this project has been implemented and the scheduled progress has been achieved.The following is the brief presentation of primary achievements: First, the latest applicable specifications and codes widely used in EU and the information regarding the making of urban noise maps that have been carried out in EU countries were collected for data summarization. The status of implementation in these countries is presented here in terms of the difficulties during the implementation, features of the implementation and its advantages and drawbacks as well for the reference of EPA and fellow environmental protection agencies in future operations. Secondly, the noise sources and their parameters and relevant data that are required for the analysis and production of noise maps were reviewed with the reference of the guidelines of EU for noise map production to carry out data collection for subsequent feasibility analysis. Also, the methods of data conversion for major factors of influence, such as road noises, buildings, and noise measurement, are provided. Next, a practical noise map making and planning was carried out at a small area. In this project, a simulation urban noise map was carried out on an area of 25km2 in Taipei City. The simulation software LIMA was introduced in the urban noise map simulation based on 6 scenarios, including freeways, expressways, major roads, general roads, all roads and city blocks with buildings. Moreover, the simulation has incorporated variety of parameters, for example, daytime noise level(Ld), evening noise level(Le), nighttime noise level (Ln),all day equivalent continuous sound level(Leq)and day-evening-night noise level (Lden), and GIS was employed for graphic data processing. The results were summarized and posted on EPA website for the reference of local administrations. For the results of simulation executed in this project, the result of simulation on smaller area of 1km2 was added for larger areas and Taipei City to estimate the simulation schedule and costs needed for the implementation of noise maps. So far two noise counseling meetings have been held to present the achievement of this project, and in the meetings the relevant specifications and codes of EU regarding noise map making were introduced for exchanges of experience and suggestion and for the reference of EPA and fellow environmental agencies. Also, another conference of noise operation reviews and achievement discussion was held for the simulation results of this project. 095 空保處 必凱科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1425
固定污染源稽查管制暨空污費催補繳計畫 本(95)年度本計畫作業項目包含:(1)許可審查、核發、許可查核及專責人員設置審查、(2)協助環保局巡查、煙道抽測、周界臭味測定、定檢監督檢測作業及審查、(3)污染源輔導改善追蹤作業、(4)稽查處分資料建檔等作業項目、(5)資料庫擴充更新與維護、(6)辦理空氣污染防制專責人員複訓、(7)空污費催補繳及查核作業、 (8)排放量申報查核、(9)臭味陳情案件及建築物污水處理設施巡查、(10)民眾對陳情臭味案件不滿意原因調查及臭味陳情案件之來源原因分析及改進作法研礙。本報告分為七個章節,第一章概述計畫緣起與本計畫各項作業項目、內容;第二章計畫執行背景分析;第三章敘述許可制度目前執行情形;第四章說明本計畫針對固定污染源管制工作之執行情形,包含稽查、檢測、處分及巡查等作業情形;第五章說明資料庫維護更新/擴充情形;第六章說明固定污染源其他相關配合事項;第七章則針對本計畫作業成果做結論並提建議。茲將成果摘要說明如下:一、 許可制度作業(一) 許可審查本年度自1月起至12月31日止受理各種類別許可案件申請 47件,其中已發證42件,尚有2件審查中2件駁回,1件撤銷,許可審查平均日數操作為21天,設置為15天,審查時間符合率為98%。(二) 許可查核許可發證後並查核33條製程,查核率為57%,查核不符者有6條製程,經通知改善後追蹤結果改善完成率為100%。(三) 排放量申報查核及審查確認一定規模網路申報排放量本縣95年第1至3季以應申報66件次,已申報66件次,申報率100%,排放量申報查核18家,2家不正確,正確率89%。(四) 定檢監督及申報審查在定檢作業上應定檢根次為21根次,已完成15根次之檢測申報及審查,在加上可替代輪流檢測的6根次,共計21根次。(五) 空氣污染防制專責人員在職訓練專責人員在職訓練於11月3日辦理完成,調訓29人,到訓28人,參訓率為97%。二、 稽巡查及檢測作業(一) 稽查處分建檔本年度止共完成185件稽查單及25件處分書之建檔,其中一般性稽查有165件,陳情案件佔20件,告發處分數25件,稽查後改善完成率為100%。(二) 污染源巡查管理巡查件數完成354件次,巡查進度達322%,總巡查率為138%,巡查比例較高之行業依序為砂石、預拌混凝土、加油站、洗染業等,瀝青拌合業等,由整體的巡查比例分配,符合本年度重大污染源管制策略,為配合陳情案件之巡查,共執行了10件的巡查。經過整體的巡查作業後完成了砂石場、預拌混凝土場、瀝青拌合廠及土置場的污染防制情形調查。(三) 稽查檢測經由稽巡查完成煙道抽測有6根次,配合上年度重做項目臭味檢測1場次及環保局另行委託臭味檢測1場次,檢測結果均符合排放標準。 三、 輔導改善作業本年度共計完成5家公私場所輔導改善,永豐餘造紙(股)公司台東廠改善汽電共生程序所屬之流體化床鍋爐P004排煙狀況,改善內容包含於節煤器增加風道,提高流速,提昇熱傳效率,降低排氣溫度,以提昇EP集塵效率,鍋爐煙道外殼洩漏檢修降低排氣風量及EP極板、極線距離校正等,改善結果排煙不透光率符合管制標準。益昇土木包工業、展憲企業有限公司、堃裕開發股份有限公司等三家改善堆置場逸散情形,計採防塵網覆蓋及設置圍籬,共削減粒狀物24.428公噸/年,另一家為生産剝皮辣椒工廠,製程所産生之油煙,加設水洗及吸附設施,估計油煙可增加40%之去除率,異味可達到60%至80%去除效率。四、 資料庫更新、擴充及維護作業(一) 資料庫更新、擴充本縣EPA97資料庫經132家之更新及8家擴充後,總排放量更新率92%,各污染排放量異動後,計粒狀污染物減少1254.6噸/年,減少主要原因為東砂西運減緩、礦區禁採致原料短缺而影響產能;硫化物減少了38.934噸/年,減少原因主要是使用0.5%含硫份燃油;氮氧化物減少了10.713噸/年,主要原因為燃料用量減少;揮發性有機物質減少了36.523噸/年,其減少原因主要為加油站發油量減少。(二) 資料庫檢核在資料庫QA/QC作業上共完成清查資料庫642筆及許可資料庫302筆之檢核,總檢核完成率為100%。五、 空污費催補繳及查核作業(一) 空污費催補繳本年度共完成94年第4季至95年第3季催繳,應申報家數計199家次未申報家數52家次經由公文催繳52家次及現場催繳9家次後完成195家之申報,申報率98%,總徵收金額874,408元,申報排放量SOx 114.114公噸,NOx147.009公噸。(二) 空污費查核空污費經查核7家發現永豐餘公司硫氧化物申報量超過許可核定量,已通知辦理變更或異動。全日盛實業(股)公司94年度空污費排放量小數點標錯位置致排放量超過許可量,已通知修正,初鹿牧場則因NOx費用計算未乘以0.69致有溢激情形。六、 臭味陳情案件及建築物污水處理設施巡查作業本年度止共進行了22件次的巡查,其中包含了7件次的陳情案件,由調查結果發現建築物污水處理設施較無臭味情形,畜牧業臭味逸散情形較明顯,但在臭味防制投資上,畜牧業花較多心血改善,其改善內容包含建設水濂式豬舍、高床飼養、設置香精噴霧設施及於飼料中添加微生物抑制劑等。七、 民眾對陳情臭味案件處理不滿意原因調查(一) 本年度完成65件問卷調查,計有14件不滿意,其中6件因被陳情對象未改善而不滿意,3件為對被陳人未有強勢取締作為及改善情形未達陳情人要求標準而不滿意。(二) 另從陳情案來源分析,一般住家因堆置垃圾、露天燃燒而被陳情佔總調查數21%最高,其次為菓園施用雞糞肥佔18%,流動攤販所産生的油煙佔12%,但應重視的是有機資源回收再利用中心所産生的臭味,已逐漸被民眾所關心。 Stationary audit control and air pollution fee repaying plan We accomplished 47 permitting documents, 1 has already issued, 2 were still in reviewed period, 2 rejected, 1 cancellation. The average reviewed period is 21 days for installation permit, 15 days for operating permit, and review time coincidence rate is 98%.After permit issuance, we check 33 processes and 6 not tallied with permit, they all competed the improvement after our notice. We checked 18 plants for its annual air pollutant emissions report on website. There were 21 exhaust pipes performed regular analysis this year. We handled air pollution control personnel training curriculum at Nov 3, 2006.We carried on 354 times of patrols of sandstone plants, ready-mixed-concrete plants, gasoline station, dyeing industry, we also completed 6 pipes’ sampling analysis and 2 odors tests, they were lower than emission standard.We helped 5 factories to complete improvement, including EP collection efficiency enhancement, installation of water-wash and adsorption devices, material piles covered dust screen and built fence around dumping area. We estimated their improvements reduce particulate matter emission about 24.428 ton/year, and the odors removing rate is about 60% to 80%.We urged 52 companies to pay air pollution fee, the amount of money is NT $874408, SOX reported emission is 114.114 ton, and NOX is 147.009 ton. We completed 65 questionnaire surveys, the improvement result won’t satisfy 14 participants. 095 台東縣環境保護局 元科科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2060
屏東縣地下水暨不明棄置場址地下水水質調查計畫 本計畫主要針對屏東縣地下水進行調查,包括甲級非法棄置場址之場置性監測井、附近民井、附近鄉鎮地下水採樣分析及加油站調查,以了解屏東縣地下水水質狀況及污染影響程度。主要工作包括地下水水質調查、縣內加油站測漏管調查、加油站定期網路申報說明會、污染潛勢加油站調查、東港山隆加油站查核工作、緊急應變案件、標準監測井補充設置及赤山嚴、大鼎兩場址巡查工作等。並針對調查結果進行後續資料建檔更新並作為水質長期監控及污染預防與整治之依據以保障居民用水。 The investigation groundwater quality of groungwater and unknow-source polluted area at the Pingtung Country This project mainly aims at the Pingtung County ground water to carry on the investigation, which including Regional Groundwater Monitoring Wells of polluted site, soil Vapor of all gas station, general wells and groundwater around all county, all that we can understand the groundwater quality and the potential of water pollution at this county. The investigation was conducted in several survey method, including groundwater analysis, investigate the pipe of storage tank of gas station, investigate the polluted gas station, emergency response case, standard Groundwater Monitoring Wells compensative construction, and patrol two polluted site .The investigate result can provide to construction and update of the basic database, otherwise, according to the result we can made the long-term monitored system and the reasonable method to prevent and management the water pollution all for protect our water resources. 095 屏東縣政府環境保護局 裕山環境工程股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1117
95年度勘察我國廢棄物輸出境外接受國處理及管理情形 我國自民國82年1月29日環保署訂定發佈「有害事業廢棄物輸入輸出許可辦法」起至目前為止,輸入部份於2005年起核准輸入不含油脂廢電線電纜共10,000噸,實際輸入共371噸;輸出部分,由民國85年起截至95年12月底止核准約682,539噸之有害事業廢棄物輸出處理,主要為PCB、混合五金廢料、廢印刷電路板和電鍍污泥等廢棄物。本年度計畫針對國內有害事業廢棄物輸出量較大之中國持續進行勘察,包括杭州大洲物資再生利用有限公司、上海鶴教金屬有限公司、煙台長延金屬有限公司、煙台旌風企業有限公司、亞美磁帶有限公司、清遠市銀田再生物資工貿有限公司、清遠市億寶物資回收有限公司、從化市雨新金屬製品有限公司、廣州市佛力有色金屬回收有限公司、廣西省梧州市賽力工貿有限公司等十家處理機構,執行目標包括勘察我國歷年輸往境外處理之有害事業廢棄物,在國外處理機構接受處理情形、二次污染防治情形及過去操作營運相關紀錄。另接受國中央環保主管機關對於有害事業廢棄物輸入處理之相關管理規定及管理情形,處理機構所在地環保主管機關過去對於該機構之管理情形,亦為本計畫執行之重點。本計畫完成重要成果包括:1. 完成勘察中國境內十家處理機構之處理情形,評估境外接受國之處理廠接受處理情形、二次污染防治情形及過去操作營運相關紀錄,提出後續勘察與管理之重點。2. 完成彙整國內合格輸出機構及廢棄物輸出狀況,以研析歷年國內事業廢棄物輸出趨勢。3. 完成勘察接受國中央環保主管機關與處理機構所在地環保機關對於過去相關有害廢棄物處理機構之管理情形,並探討我國廢棄物輸出入政策及許可辦法,及參考國內外對棄物輸出入政策及許可辦法之不同,提出修正我國有害廢棄物輸入輸出提出具體建議。4. 完成評析我國歷年主要輸出境外處理之有害廢棄物之處理及營運管理情形,提出環保署於審核國內業者輸出有害廢棄物時,可立法限制具較 複雜性之高有害性廢棄物(PCB與集塵灰等)應嚴格限制送至先進國家之處理廠處理,以確保我國輸出之廢棄物能獲得妥善處理;而具資源價值高之廢棄物與低有害性廢棄物則可留在國內、或送至開發中國家或技術先進國家等處理廠處理。5. 持續瞭解接受國之有害廢棄物之管理策略,與加強有害事業廢棄物輸出之追蹤查訪,確認廢棄物確實依法妥善處理。 Transboundary movement inspecting to the treatment facilities of waste-export accepting country in 2006 On the 29th Jan. 1993, Taiwan EPA issued the “Hazardous Industrial Waste Import and Export law”, the total amount permitted to be imported, oil-free electric wires and cables since 2005 is about 10,000 tons, actually 371 tons was imported;total amount exported is about 682,539 tons for the disposal of hazardous industrial waste from 1996 to the end of Dec. 2006, mainly PCB, mixed metal scrap, waste printed circuit board, galvanic sludge etc.. Due to the hazardous waste and other wastes transit and transboundary there is deep concern internationally. All countries should reduce the related problems as minimum as possible, and the transportation of hazardous industrial waste overseas should be properly controlled.This project is specifically made for China which exports large quantity of hazardous industrial waste, including Qingyuan Yibao Recyling of Material Co, Ltd. (China), Hang Zhou Da Jou Metal Industry Co. Ltd. (China), Shanghai Hu Jiau Metal Industry Co. Ltd. (China), Yan Tai Chang Ting Metal Industry Co. Ltd. (China), Yan Tai Sheng Feng Co. Ltd. (China). , Ya Mei Tsz Dai Co. Ltd. (China), Chin Uen City Ying Tian Recycling Resources Co. Ltd. (China), Buddha Power metal Recyle Co. Ltd. (China), Tsung Hua City Yu Shin Metal Recycling Co. Ltd. (China), Guang Jou City Fou Li Metal Recycling Co. Ltd. (China) and Guang Xi Sheng Wu Zhou City Sai Li Work Trade Co. Ltd. (China). The purposes of executing this project is for the exportation of hazardous industrial waste overseas over the years and those treatment facilities that undertook it, the pollution control condition and the past related records of operation. The exporting country’s responsible agency (EPA) at the central government level, the related management law and condition for the treatment of hazardous waste moreover the past management record of the local treatment facility were also audited. The plan to achieve the aim of this project is as follows:1. 10 treatment facilities that deal with the organization had already been assessed, they are in Germany, France, South Africa, Korea. and China, also the condition of treatment the facilities of in foreign countries, the pollution control measures, the past record of operation and propose follow-up survey and management was studied.2. Finish analyzing the certified import organization, waste export condition and the trend of domestic industrial waste over the years.3. Finish assessment of the management situation of hazardous waste organization in China SEPA and treatment organization, confer upon domestic level waste import export policy and permission resource and refer to the different between domestic and overseas waste import export policy and permission resource, propose revising the harmful offal of our country and defining and revising the direction suggested.4. Finish evaluation and analysis of our country•s hazardous waste treatment and management, offer outside the border dealing with to fail manage the situation mainly over the years. Propose that government legislate and exercise in having environmental protection.Prpose the government legislate and exercise to restrict high hazardous waste,sush as PCB and ash,should strictly restrict export to developed countries for treatment,to make sure that the waste from our country can well managed.The waste high value and low hazardous content, can be stored or exported to developed countries for treatment.5. Continue to understand the exporting country strategy of hazardous waste management, enforce monitoring evaluation and examination of the hazardous waste export, and confirm proper treatment of waste according to the law. industrial 095 廢管處 國立台北科大學 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1355
95年臺中縣固定污染源空氣污染物稽查管制及減量輔導計畫 臺中縣95年「固定污染源空氣污染物稽查管制及減量輔導計畫」自95年3月15日履約日起至96年3月14日止,主要為延續94年度相關計畫工作內容分別進行煙道、周界、液體燃料含硫量稽查檢測作業、加油站稽查檢測與法規符合度查核、特定行業別法規符合度查核、定期檢測審查建檔作業、監督檢測作業、逸散源及堆置場法規符合度查核、餐飲業清查管制作業、陳情案件追蹤輔導、工廠普查作業、宣導說明會及配合中部空品區執行應變查處等作業。本計畫為爭取環保署考核成績,於95年度提報臺中縣加油站-不強迫加油稽查方式為創新作法,以數位攝影機拍攝稽查加油員加油情況,主要目的為可提出相關有效佐證資料予現場加油站業者及加油員核對,以釐清責任歸屬,且當發現加油員有強迫加油情形時,開立勸導單予該加油員以示警告,若第2次違規之體系將依行政程序進行告發處分,本年度有強迫加油行為共計8站,其中已告發處分1站,在開立勸導單方面,95年較94年所開出之勸導單件數有明顯降低之成果。本計畫工作小組在煙道及周界稽查檢測作業方面,稽查檢測結果均符合排放標準;抽驗公私場所液體燃料含硫量50家,其中2家抽測結果因超出法規標準,已告發處分,並進行後續改善作業。在餐飲業清查管制作業方面,以現場查核方式,調查油煙排放情形及進行追蹤輔導改善污染嚴重之餐飲業者,目前餐飲業後處理空氣污染防制設備比例分布,清查結果發現由於成本及相關法令未臻完善下,有高達81.8%之餐飲業未裝設後處理設備。對於未裝設後處理設備之業者,將自管制面著手,以加強進行輔導改善而達到減少油煙污染之目的。此外,為減少揮發性有機物逸散污染,進行加油站氣油比稽查檢測60站,稽查577支汽油加油槍,加油槍氣油比平均合格率可達95%;氣漏檢測15站,除氣漏檢測有1家不合格外,各加油站均符合加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法之標準,合格率可達87%。在特定行業別法規符合度查核作業部分,共計完成40場,並針對查核後尚未符合法規標準之業者進行後續輔導;而定期檢測審查作業依公告第一批、第二批及臺中縣公告定檢業者,現已完成625件建檔作業。 為有效管理堆置場空氣污染物排放,現已進行100場次之逸散源法規符合度查核,並已輔導部分業者進行操作許可證展延及推動道路認養作業;電弧爐廢鐵堆置場作業,遵循BACT模式,已完成22場之港區逸散源巡查工作,其整體堆置場法規符合度查核之符合率,由輔導前89.2%提升至輔導後93.1%。另針對電弧爐廢鐵堆置場及廠區逸散污染源之法規於95年6月26日重新公告,新增車行路徑管制;並於95年8月7日查核豐興鋼鐵(股)公司,該廠廢鐵堆置場卡車運輸時產生粒狀物散布於空氣中,依法開單告發後,該廠於該區舖設RC路面400平方公尺,年削減量為0.719公噸。於空氣污染物減量方面,已各針對縣內砂石場、老舊鍋爐、改善製程減少用油量及提升加油站氣油比合格率方面著手,TSP減量70.1公噸/年;SOx及NOx各減量42.4及26.6公噸/年,VOCs減量最多,可達137.4公噸/年。為配合環保署管制方向,針對各類型非法(地下)工廠目前共計普查254家,已發現5家具有明顯空氣污染之虞場所,以完成後續清查並提報許可計畫列管;另對惡臭陳情案件追蹤調查5家、屢遭陳情案件之追蹤輔導改善計持續巡查70家次,經多次巡查輔導後,陳情案件改善率佔總數55.3%,並已對無法立即改善完成之被陳情場所已提報目的事業主管機關共5廠。而為落實法規宣導及達到有效管制之目的,於計畫執行期間分別辦理揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準宣導說明會、高雄港及臨海工業區縣外觀摩及固定污染源空氣污染物稽查管制及減量輔導技術轉移會議共3場。此外,更配合相關考評及局內交辦事項辦理各項事宜,皆已完成所交付之工作,於計畫執行期間,亦持續舉辦各類教育訓練,以提升計畫執行人員素質,使計畫不僅達到量化目標要求,更符合品質上之成效。 Year 2006 Taichung County Fixed Sources of Pollution, Air Pollutant Examination, Control, and Reduction Counseling Plan Examination, Control, and Reduction Counseling Plan since its initiation date from March 15, 2006 to March 14th, 2007, is to continue Year 2005’s related plan to execute examinations and inspections of flute, border, and sulfur content in liquid fuel, to conduct examinations and regulation compliance inspections of gas stations, to conduct regulation compliance inspections of specific industries, to organize routine examinations and inspection filing systems, to monitor inspections, to conduct regulation compliance inspections of spread source and storage yard, to carry out inspections and control of food industries, to follow up on petition cases, toconduct general survey examinations of factories, to give policy promotionalseminars, and to work with Mid-Taiwan Air Quality Region Execution Organization,and other related work.In order to improve Environmental Protection Administration’s assessment grade of this plan, a new method was proposed in 2006 to inspect Taichung County gas stations by using digital cameras to record the inspection process of the gas filling process conducted by gas station operators. The main purpose is to provide effective related evidence for the gas station owners and operators to examine, to clarify and to assign responsibility. When discovered certain gas station operators had forced extra gas on consumers, persuasion notices were given to those operators for warning. If second violation has been discovered, the gas station in question would be processed and reported judicially according to the related administrative process. This year, 8 gas stations were found to be involved in situations where gas were forced on consumers, out of which 1 gas station has been reported to the authority. However, fewer persuasion notices were given this year compared to last year.The plan execution team had found all inspection results were within the emission standards for the sulfur content examination and inspection of flutes and borders. When 50 public and private facilities were inspected for sulfur content in liquid fuel with sulfur, 2 organizations with sulfur contents higher than the allowed standard, were reported and followed up with improvement assessment. For food industries, inspections were conducted on-site, in order to investigate fume and smoke emission and to follow-up on facilities with serious pollution to provide counseling. The inspection results showed 81.8% of food facilities did not have post-process equipments or plans, because of cost issues and loop holes on current regulations. Increased counseling and follow ups were given to these organizations to improve their self-awareness in order to reduce overall fume and smoke pollution.Also, to reduce volatile organic matter spread pollution, gas-to-oil ratio examinations were conducted in 60 gas stations. Out of 577 gasoline grease guns tested, 95% had results within the allowed gas-to-oil ratio. Gas leakage examinations were conducted in 15 gas stations. Only 1 gas station had excessive gas leakage result. Fourteen gas stations tested all had results within the gas station gas recycle management control standard, therefore creating a compliance rate of 87%. In the regulation compliance inspection of specific industries, 40 sites with results not in compliance of regulation standards, were inspected and given follow-up counseling. For routine site declarations, 625 businesses were processed, reviewed, and filed according to the businesses and industries specified in Public Notice Number 1, Public Notice Number 2, and Taichung County regular routine inspection and control public announcement. To effectively manage and control air pollutant discharges from storage yards, 100 pollutant discharge compliance inspections were given. The team also helped some businesses to extend their permits and to start public roads adoption processes. Inspections of the arc furnaces and scrap iron yards were conducted according to the BACT standard. Twenty-two harbor area spread pollution inspections were completed. The overall compliance rate for the arc furnaces and scrap iron yards had increased from the pre-counseling percentage of 89.2% to the current percentage of 93.1%. Also, according to the updated regulations and compliance standards on the arc furnaces and scrap iron yards published in June 26th, 2006, truck route inspections and controls were also initiated. On August 7, 2006, Feng-Shin Steel Incorporated was found not in compliance of the new regulation, since its trucks were emitting pollutants in air during its operation in their scrap iron yard. After citations were given, Feng-Shin had added a reinforced concrete road of 400 square meter to their site to reduce their pollutant emission by 0.719 ton per year.With regard to the reductions of air pollutants, improvements in the fuel consumption in the process and plans to increase gas-to-oil compliance rate of gas stations were initiated for sand mills and old boilers located within the county. TSP is reduced by 70.1 ton per year; SOx and NOx were reduced by 42.4 ton per year and 26.6 ton per year respectively, and VOCs was reduced the most - by 137.4 ton per year.To follow Environmental Protection Administration’s pollution control direction, 254 of all types of illegal factories were surveyed and inspected. Five factories, that were found to be obvious sites of air pollutants, were processed and followed-up with application of inspection control plans. For serious odor petitions, 5 cases were investigated. 70 cases were followed-up with improvement counseling. The improvement rate of the petition cases was 55.3%. The 5 sites that failed to provide immediate improvement were reported to the according authority. To sustain regulation compliance promotion campaign and to achieve the purpose of effective control, the following 3 events were held: The Volatile Organic Matter Pollution Control and Emission Standard Seminar, The Kaohsiung Harbor and Proximity Harbor Industrial Area Observation Tour, and The Fixed Sources of Pollution, Air Pollutant Examination, Control and Reduction Counseling technology Transfer Conference. Also, to improve the team’s assessment grade and to further work with the bureau, other assignments that were given were all completed. During the plan’s execution period, the execution team was given different educational trainings in order to continuously improve their quality. So, the plan not only satisfied the quantitative goal requirements but also fulfilled the results qualitatively. 095 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 康維開發科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=151
行業別事業廢棄物清理技術調查評估及管理制度檢討計畫 本計畫主要為辦理包括「調查建置國內製紙業、酒類釀造配製業、廢(污)水處理業、用水供應業及金屬製品製造業(金屬表面處理業除外)等5大行業別產業體系完整基本資料庫」、「編纂5大行業別之相關廢棄物處理技術手冊與行業製程技術稽查參考手冊」及「檢討修訂公民營廢棄物清除處理機構之許可管理制度,研訂網路核發之標準作業程序及建立審查技術指引」等三項工作,本年度主要工作成果摘要說明如下:(一) 完成2000家非列管事業之問卷調查工作,回收有效問卷628份,並完成100家列管事業之現勘調查工作,及建置本計畫行業別事業廢棄物清理技術調查資料管理系統網址http://。(二) 完成建置5大行業之產業完整基本資料,內容包括製程、廢棄物性質、產出與管制方式,並彙整探討5行業委託之國內15項主要處理與再利用技術與相關機構處理效能,及研提行業別推行零廢棄之策略,可提供相關行業業者參採。(三) 完成辦理5場次「事業廢棄物管理、處理與再利用技術實務講習會」,使業者與環保人員熟悉環保法規及稽查規範。(四) 完成製紙業、酒類釀造配製業、金屬製品製造業(金屬表面處理業除外)、廢(污)水處理業及用水供應業等5行業之事業廢棄物行業製程技術稽查參考手冊及事業廢棄物處理技術手冊。(五) 完成檢討研修公民營廢棄物清除處理機構許可管理及審查制度,研訂公民營廢棄物清除處理機構設置與處理許可之核定內容、申請、審查及核發相關管理標準作業程序及表單與網路核發之標準作業程序。並完成研訂公民營廢棄物清除處理機構之營運記錄及操作紀錄規範與建置查核標準作業程序及查核表單。(六) 完成建立公民營廢棄物清除處理機構之許可審查技術指引及營運、操作紀錄之查核技術指引。(七) 完成2場次「公民營廢棄物清除處理機構許可管理制度座談會」、4場次「公民營廢棄物清除處理機構許可管理制度研商會」、5場次「公民營廢棄物清除處理機構許可管理制度說明會」及1場次「公民營廢棄物清除處理機構許可管理制度工作檢討會」,廣納各單位意見,以利推動公民營許可管理新制度。 Survey and Assessment of Industrial Waste Clearance Technology and Review of the Management System for Different Industries The purpose of this project was to conduct the following three works: (1) Survey and Establish a Complete Basic Database of the Five Major Industries -Pulp and Paper, Wine and Liquor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Supply, Metal Products Industries (excluding metal surface treatment industry), (2) Prepare a Waste Treatment Technology Manual and an Inspection Manual of Treatment Technology for the Wastes Produced from the Five Major Industries, and (3) Review and Modify the Permit Management System, Formulate Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) of Online Issuance of Permit, and Prepare Technical Guidelines of Review System for the Establishment of Public and Private Waste Clearance and Disposal Organizations. 1. To conduct questionnaire survey of 2,000 non-listed enterprises of which 628 were returned, conduct in-situ investigation of 100 listed enterprises, and establish a web query system for data management of waste clearance and treatment technology of the Five Major Industries.2. To establish a complete basic database (including process, waste characteristics, products and control mechanism) of the Five Major Industries, compile and review 15 domestic major waste treatment and reuse technologies entrusted by the Five Major Industries and the treatment efficiencies of waste clearance and disposal organizations, and study and propose strategies of zero waste for different industries’ references. 3. To hold 5 symposiums on practices of industrial waste management, treatment, and reuse technologies to familiarize the enterprises and environmental protection specialists with the environmental protection regulations and inspection specification.4. To prepare an Inspection Manual of Process Technology and a Waste Treatment Technology Manual for the wastes produced from the Five Major Industries.5. To complete the review of Permit Management and Review Mechanism for the Establishment of the Public and Private Waste Clearance and Disposal Organizations, including study and prepare the required contents and application and review procedures for the establishment of the public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations, approve the SOP and related forms and tables for on-line applications, and study and prepare the contents of management and operation records of the public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations and establish the SOP and related forms and tables of the checking procedures thereof. 6. To prepare technical guidelines of permit review and records checking of management and operation for the establishment of public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations.7. To hold 12 seminars for interacting with related organizations to promote permit and review mechanism for the establishment of public and private waste clearance and disposal organizations. 095 廢管處 中興工程顧問股份有公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1285
執行柴油車新車型審驗、新車抽驗及召回改正調查測試專案計畫 根據中華民國交通統計月報(2006年9月)最新資料顯示,台灣地區機動車輛數已超過2200萬輛,車輛使用密度每平方公里接近626輛,為歐、美、日等先進國家2~20倍,因此,機動車輛污染排放已成為國內都會地區重要的空氣污染來源。其中柴油汽車總數量雖不到五十萬輛,對氮氧化合物(NOx)及粒狀污染物(PM)等卻佔移動污染源整體近百分之五十之貢獻度。環保署為改善國內空氣品質,加強柴油汽車污染管制,已訂定完整之新車及耐久保證里程內之使用中柴油汽車污染管制法規,藉由本計畫之執行予以落實。同時為提昇合格證明申請作業流程行政效率,配合WTO入會及順應法規調和之潮流等國內外情勢,適時增修訂相關法規、作業規定以及規劃電子化系統加以因應。此外並發展柴油汽車污染排放總量之推估模式,俾作為各項柴油汽車污染管制策略成效評估及決策之參考。 Special Implementation Project for New Diesel Vehicle Model Certification, Conformity of Production Auditing and the Surveillance Test of Vehicle Recall and Correction The number of motor vehicles in Taiwan area was over 22 million according to the 2006.09 statistics of Ministry of Transportation and Communication. With the density of nearly 626 vehicle per square kilometer, which was about 2 to 20 times of those in developed countries in European, US and Japan, motor vehicles became the primary source of air pollution in urban area. Although the total number of diesel vehicle was less than 500 thousand, diesel vehicles were responsible for about 50% of both NOx and fine particulate emissions from mobile sources.Environmental Protection Administration has been strengthening the emission control over diesel vehicles to improve air quality by developing comprehensive regulations from new vehicles models to in-use diesel vehicles in the warranty period and enforcing the regulations through the implementation of this project. Measures were taken to increase the administration efficiency by streamlining the procedure of applying diesel engine and vehicle certificate. Diesel engine and vehicle emission control related regulations were continuously reviewed and amended in line with the policy of accession to World Trade Organization and global trend of emission regulations harmonization. Models for estimating pollution from highway vehicles were studied and their basic methodology was referenced to set up the model for domestic diesel vehicles pollution estimation. The pollution estimation model was developed as a reference tool to evaluate the effectiveness of various diesel vehicle control strategies in the future. 095 空保處 財團法人車輛研究測試中心 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1743
95年臺中縣空氣品質維護綜合管理計畫 摘 要本計畫執行期程一年,自95年5月6日簽約,至96年5月5日止。本計畫主要工作重點為協助環保署考核工作推動、空污計畫督導查核作業(包含例行性查核工作、工作協調會、督導考核會議等)、空品淨化區維護管理、空品不良應變作業及其他之空氣污染防制計畫書追蹤檢討、滿意度問卷調查、空污成果專輯編製、空品課白皮書及業務SOP檢討修訂等計17大項工作內容。各作業項目均已依工作進度規劃期程(表1.3-1)推動各項作業(成果摘要詳表1.4-1),量化之工作項目進度達成率100%。95年環保署考核成績為88.94分較94年88.93分進步,有9項執行優點及5項建議事項,優點包括空氣污染防制計畫管理良好,考核制度完整;落實地方自治精神;推動台電承諾自願減量:補助購置液化石油氣車及設置加氣站為全國楷模等。依「臺中縣環境保護局空氣污染防制業務委辦計畫考核作業要點」之評分結果,共通性計畫以「汽機車污染管制計畫」得分最高,88.9分;專案性計畫以「露天燃燒及減少紙錢焚燒稽查管制計畫」得分最高,86.2分。第四屆空氣污染防制基金成果專輯,主要紀錄93-94年空氣污染管制計畫執行績效,內容包括五大主題:一、臺中縣好山水,空氣最清新;二、清淨山海屯,環保大進步;三、驗收成果,空氣污染管制績效;四、永續發展,齊心齊力作環保;五、空氣污染管制紀實,涓流延展。 為民服務滿意度調查結果,在許可申請工廠業者調查結果部份,業者對臺中縣許可證之發證、查核、補正、審查及發證時效、人員服務態度、審查人員專業度,整體評價達87.5%滿意度。在一般民眾問卷調查結果,目前發布之空氣污染指標(PSI)數值,民眾表示的瞭解只有25%左右,民眾最常靠肉眼來觀察空氣品質的變化(佔了70.8%)。對於未完成機車定期檢驗的人,最主要的原因為很少使用機車(36.3%),而其次是沒時間,或機車即將報廢等。至於宣導並探詢民眾對於改裝LPG(液化石油氣)/汽油雙燃料車意願部分,約有25.1%的民眾有意願改裝LPG(液化石油氣)/汽油雙燃料車。營建工地部分,民眾對於住家附近營建工地空氣污染防制工作是滿意的比例約四成,相反的,不滿意的有17.2%,多數(42.8%)認為其住家附近的營建工地空氣污染防制工作做的「普通」。在檢舉意願方面,民眾多數都知道如何正確的檢舉,但卻只有二成五的人願意檢舉。 The air quality maintain and manage project of Taichung Country EPB AbstractThe project’s duration was one year from May 6, 2006 to May 5, 2007. The content of the project included 17 major categories, which were to assist and help in promoting EPA auditing works, supervision and inspection of the air pollution project (including routine inspection, job coordination meeting, and supervision/auditing meeting), maintain and manage the air quality sanitizing area, operate the air pollution reaction plan & tracking and review of other air pollution prevention project, conduct satisfactory survey, edit the air pollution control achievements, and review and editing of the air quality project master plan and operation SOP. All operation had all been running according to the work schedule (Table1.3-1 and the results listed in table 1.4-1); the level of completion for the quantified working progresses had reached 100%.The score for 2006 EPA assessment had advanced from 88.94 to the 88.93 in 2005, which included 9 operation advanatges and 5 recommendations. The advantages were better management of the air pollution control project, complete assessment system, solid practices of the regional environment control autonomy, and so forth. The project is also targeting Taiwan power company’s commitment in their voluntary pollution reduction, supplements for procurements of the LPG vehicle, and set up the national model gas station.According to the assessment results based on the Taichung County EPA Air Pollution Control Act, the “Automobile and Motorcycle Pollution Control Project “ had the highest score of 88.9 in the common project and the “Outdoor Burning and Reduction of Worshiping Money Burning” had the highest score of 86.2 in the case study project.The achievements of the fourth air pollution control foundation mainly documented the achievements of the air pollution control projects during 2004~2005. The content included five major themes: 1 Fresh Air and Beautiful Scenic Views in the Taichung County, 2 Cleansing Taichung County and Huge Steps in the Environmental Protection Advancements, 3 Outstanding Results and Achievements in the Environmental Pollution Control, 4 Continuous Developments and Joining Efforts for Our Environmental Protection Project, and 5 Solid Practices of the Air Pollution Control are Here to Stay.In the results of the civil service satisfactory survey, Taichung County permit applying plants’ overall satisfactory level had reached 87.5% in permit issue, inspection, correction, review, permit issuing time, personnel service, and specialties of the review personnel. In the survey of the general public, there were only about 25% of the people knew about the currently published PSI vaule, 70.8% of the people usually eyeball the changes occurred in the air quality. For people who fail to complete their periodic motorcycle inspection had claimed that first, they seldom use the motorcycle(36.3%); second, they don’t have the time, and third, they were about to scrap their motorcycle.As for promoting and inquiring people’s willingness in converting gasoline powerd into the LPG/gasolin hybrid automobile, there were roughly 25.1% of the interviwee willing to make the conversion. For the construction site, the satisfaction level for air polluton control near their house was about 40% and on the contrary, 17.2% were not satisfied with the air pollution control condition near their house. Most of the people (42.8%) thought that the air pollution control condition were only “average”. In the willingness of reporting the unsatisfactory condition, most people knew how to correctly report to the authorities but only 25% would actually take it into real action. 095 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局) 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=91
資源回收管理資訊系統及資料庫建置計畫 行政院環保署依相關規定並經公開甄選程序評選「資源回收管理資訊系統及資料庫建置計畫」,本公司經甄選程序取得本計畫之建置工作,其計畫目標如下:(一)、整合建置「資源回收管理資訊系統」,提供正確、一致、易於操作維護使用的資源回收相關基本資訊,做為研訂資源回收相關政策、制度等之參考。(二)、掌握責任業者、回收處理業者等回收體系資料,對受補貼機構申請案件有效管控其進度,及彙整建立歷年資料檔案以利相關調閱審核作業。(三)、建立統一資訊窗口,可提供地方環保機關及稽核認證團體上傳報表,有效掌控最新回收、處理量等資訊。(四)、定期編列各項數據報表,以瞭解各材質之回收體系運作情形。 The resources recycling management information system and the Data Base establish the plan The project goals are as the following: A. To integrate and build “the management information system of resource recovery,” which is correct, unanimous, apt to operate and maintain and offer the basic information of resource recovery for being the reference that research or legislate the relevant policies or system.B. To grasp the recovery system data of responsibility proprietors and recovery and treatment proprietors for control effectively the applying cases progress of subsidized organizations and to integrate and build data or files over the years for looking up.C. To unify the information window for offering the local environmental protection organ and auditing and certification groups to upload report forms and control effectively the latest information of recovery and treatment volume.D.To make data report for finding out about the recovery system operation situation of every material. 095 基管會 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1359
95年度「戴奧辛環境流布整合管制之規劃與執行研析計畫」 本計畫主要包括五大工作成果:(一)彙整與評析國內外戴奧辛之各介質管制現況和法令架構本計畫已蒐集國內外戴奧辛之各介質管制策略和相關法令資料(至少包含美國、日本、歐盟國家、世界衛生組織等),彙整分析國內外戴奧辛於各環境介質之流布資料與因應策略,蒐集國內外戴奧辛之各介質整體減量目標設定及推行方式與成效,並評估分析國外戴奧辛之各介質管制法規、策略應用於國內戴奧辛管制之可行性。(二)規劃未來國內戴奧辛之各介質總體管制策略及方向本計畫已彙整並檢討國內戴奧辛管制法規、策略,探討國內戴奧辛產生源排放情形、環境戴奧辛流布、經濟效益等面向,並檢視國內現有戴奧辛管制方式,規劃未來國內戴奧辛之各介質總體管制策略,並規劃5年之執行目標及工作內容,彙整撰擬及提送「環境戴奧辛管制與減量方案」(草案),並已規劃及架構權責單位間之溝通平台及協商管制機制。(三)規劃國內戴奧辛排放、產生之整合性資訊管理系統本計畫已依據上述總體管制策略,提出國內戴奧辛排放、產生之資訊管理方式,並架構其資訊管理系統,該系統預期可呈現點源污染源管制與區域管理之支援功能,並且彙整國內戴奧辛排放、產生之相關資料,據以研析資訊管理系統運作可行性及進行必要之調整,並研訂資訊管理系統之資料庫格式,完成5個行業別之建置工作。(四)本計畫執行期間應邀請學者專家與權責單位參與相關之意見交流及座談會共2場,並配合業務單位進行整合工作所需之協商工作。本計畫已於95年8月及95年10月舉辦2場次學者專家與權責單位之意見交流及座談會,座談議題為前述「環境戴奧辛管制與減量方案」(草案)內容,並配合環保署進度,完成前述「環境戴奧辛管制與減量方案」(草案)內容之修訂及提報。(五)協助環保署處理各種突發緊急狀況(如戴奧辛污染事件等)之相關管制、評估及研析等事宜,並適時蒐集國際戴奧辛相關管制資訊摘譯予環保署參考本計畫於執行期間,已適時蒐集國際戴奧辛相關管制資訊摘譯予環保署參考、協助環保署草擬相關新聞稿、其他交辦事項之回應與紀錄,並且為有效搜尋並摘譯國內外戴奧辛最新訊息及報導,已建立國內外戴奧辛相關網址清單,張貼於「戴奧辛整合性資訊管理系統」網頁供環保署參考,另亦已協助環保署彙整IPEN-egg report、提供戴奧辛於環境介質中衰解說明、彰化縣線西鄉毒鴨蛋事件評估分析及最近發生之八里鄉羊肉污染事件週遭環境介質戴奧辛歷史檢測數據收集彙整,同時嘗試建立戴奧辛指紋特性比對之檢測資料展示方式。 Planning and Analysis of the Execution of the Integrated Control of Dioxin Flow and Distribution in the Environment for 2006. The 5 major outcomes of this project are stated as below:1.Compilation and Analysis of the current methods for controlling Dioxins in the environment and compilation of the worldwide framework of laws and regulations concerning DioxinsThis project collected, compiled, evaluated and analyzed the following information:-The strategies, and relevant laws and regulations for controlling Dioxin (including information from the USA, Japan, EU, WHO, etc.)-The flow and distribution of Dioxin in the environment, and the strategy for countermeasures-The setting of Dioxin reduction goals, the methods for promoting these goals and effectiveness of these methods -The feasibility studies on the adoption of the strategies from abroad for use in Taiwan and the feasibility studies on the relevant laws and regulations 2.A general strategy for controlling Dioxin in the environment This project prepared a general control strategy, proposed a five-year target and its scope of work, drafted “The Environmental Dioxins Control and Reduction Plan”, and designed a communications platform and negotiation management system for the authorities by carrying out the following works:-Investigating and compiling the laws and regulations for control methods, and strategies in Taiwan-Studying the Dioxin emission sources, the Dioxin flow and distribution, and the influence on the economy-Reviewing the current Dioxin control methods3.Planned the integrated information system for the management of the Dioxin emissionsBased on the general control strategy, the information management rules and system were implemented for the management of Dioxin emissions. The functions and the capabilities of this system are listed as below:-Presentation of the spot pollution source control records and the regional pollution control records -Compilation of the relevant Dioxin emissions data In addition, the feasibility study of this system was carried out and some adjustment to the system was also conducted. Lastly, the data format was prepared and a pilot system of 5 industries was established at this stage.4.Two seminars were held for the exchange of opinions, and to provide the supporting affairs for the government agencies on the environmental Dioxins control and reduction plan. These seminars were attended by experts, scholars and personnel from the relevant government agencies.Two seminars discussing the draft contents of the “Dioxins Control and Reduction Plan” were held in August and October, 2006, the seminars were held in accordance with the EPA’s schedule and requirements for fulfilling the modification of the plan and submitting it to the EPA.5.The EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) was assisted in the treatment methods such as relevant control, evaluation and analysis of the emergency situations (Dioxin pollution events), and collection of the relevant information on Dioxin control from abroad for the EPA’s referenceThe following works were performed during the implementation of this project:-Collection of the related Dioxin control information from abroad and translation of that information for the EPA -Assisting the EPA in drafting Dioxin related news, and provision of countermeasures for the EPA on other supporting affairs and to record these activities-Posting of a list of Dioxin related websites in the “Dioxins Integrated Information System” for effective searching, selecting and translating information for the EPA-Assisting the EPA in the preparation of the compilation of the IPEN-egg report, the statement of Dioxins attenuation and decomposition in the environment, the evaluation report on the poisoned duck eggs event in Shensi township, Chunghwa county, and the collection and compilation of the test data from the area adjacent to the polluted mutton event in Bali township-The establishment of a testing data demonstration method for the cross checking of Dioxin fingerprints 095 毒管處 中興工程顧問公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2180
易發生噪音設施設置及操作許可管制 近年來環保意識提昇,噪音陳情案件逐漸升高,目前每年陳情案件已達38000餘件,為環保公害陳情案件的第一位。從90年起營建噪音申訴案件快速攀升,93年起台北市營建噪音申訴案件已超過娛樂(營業)場所。  本計畫延續前一期「易發生噪音設施設置及操作許可辦法研修及配套措施建置專案工作」計畫之結論,研訂公告第一批易發生噪音設施、並辦理政策宣導與說明相關業務,邀請各縣市環保局代表、營建署、公私營建業主、營造廠、環保團體、專家學者參與討論研商。1. 96年4~5月在國內北、中、南、東4區各辦理1場第一次說明會。2. 96年10月在國內北、中、南、東4區各辦理1場第二次說明會。第一批公告之易發生噪音設施優先考慮「衝擊性噪音源」、「營建噪音陳情案件比例較高」者。營建規模則考慮建築工程規模7000m2以上者,與中型以上公共工程。 配合第一批公告易發生噪音設施之推動,本計畫完成下列配套工作:1. 擬定便於推動申請與管制相關之作業申請與審核表格2. 建置網路申報、查詢、審核、與管制資料資料庫管理系統。3. 配合易發生噪音設施,本計畫綜合說明會與各界意見,檢討現行易發生噪音設施相關法令,針對現行噪音管制法與易發生噪音設施設置及操作許可辦法提出修訂建議。 Control of the permit of installation and operation for the high noise emission facilities Recently, due to the promotion of public sense of environment protection, the number of noise complaints are increased year after year, it reaches to about 38000 cases per year also holds the first place of environmental pollution complaints, which is greater than air pollutions. Since 2001 the number of construction noise complaints climbs very fast. In 2004 the number of construction noise complaints in Taipei has become the first place and over the noise cases for entertainment and business. This project extended the conclusions and suggestions from the previous project. Study on the draft of declaration for first batch of high noise emission facilities were examined, and the opinions from different organizations were collected. Eight conferences for the clarification and publicity of this declaration of noise control policy were held.1. In 2007 April and May, the first conferences in Nord-, East-, South- and Mid-regions of Taiwan were held, respectively.2. In 2007 October the second conferences in Nord-, East-, South- and Mid-regions of Taiwan were held, respectively.  For the declaration for first batch of high noise emission facilities, the impact noise sources and the construction facilities with high proportion of noise complaints are considered as the proposed priority facilities. About the scale of construction site for noise control, a building construction case with floor area larger than 7000m2 and also the medium size of public construction site are taken into consideration. To realize the outcome of the noise control for the declared high noise emission facilities, following necessary measures were established:1. Draw up the necessary tables of application and approval, which provides a convenient way to complete the establishment and operation permit business.2. Establish a network database system for application, enquire, and approval tasking for permit of establishment and operation, and also for monitoring of distribution of high noise emission sources.3. To cooperate to the declared high noise emission facilities, the opinions from different organizations were summarized, and some amendments of the noise regulation policies have been proposed. 095 空保處 中華民國振動與噪音工程學會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1254
95年度發行國家永續發展年報及國家永續發展資訊網站更新維護 本報告內容共分為8章,包含計畫目標與效益、發行95年版國家永續發展年報、更新維護國家永續發展資訊網、協助辦理行政院國家永續發展委員會會議庶務、協助永續會秘書處研擬議案及撰寫背景資料、工作成果、結論與建議及審查意見回覆等主題。本計畫自95年3月31日開始執行,至96年3月底止,共完成國家永續發展中英文網站改版及資料更新、編印95年度國家永續發展年報及永續發展委會庶務工作協助,彙整專案計畫成果如下:1. 年報編印方面:完成永續發展委員會本身及各分組資料彙整,並對績優縣市及民間團體進行專訪,文稿英譯、美編後,編印成冊,寄送至國內外相關單位。2. 網站改版及資料更新方面:完成永續發展委員會資訊網改版及資料更新工作,並加強英文版網頁內容,增加國際永續發展新聞等、重要文件、永續發展績優獎等單元,並持續進行網站更新工作。3. 庶務工作:駐署人員於秘書處進行全年度永續會工作協助,包含各次委員會議及工作會議,各項永續會活動,年報資料整理。 Publishing National Sustainable Development Annual Report and Project for maintaining National Sustainable Development Information Website This project, lasting from March 2006 to March 2007, accomplished several assignments including the publication of the annual report on National Sustainable Development for the Year 2006, reorganization and maintenance of the National Council for Sustainable Development website, and assistance to the work of the Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development. The results are summarized below:1. Publication of the Annual ReportInformation was collected from each NCSD working group and interviews were conducted with counties, cities and NGOs with outstanding performance in the area of sustainable development. This information was carefully reviewed, translated and compiled into the 2006 Annual Report. After publication, the report was sent to related domestic and international organizations.2. Website reorganization and maintenance:The website has been completely reorganized and updated with improved English content and more international sustainable development news. Important documents and the Sustainable Development Award page have been added to the website as well.3. Assistance to the work of NCSD SecretariatEquivalent manpower of one full-time worker was assigned to assist the Secretariat in organizing meetings of the second National Sustainable Development Commission and various activities, as well as compiling information for the Annual Report. 095 永續發展室 惠國顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1709
東港溪及林邊溪流域河川水質改善及污染削減具體行動計畫 摘 要本計畫除延續東港溪管制方向外,亦納入林邊溪沿岸事業單位,加強事業水污染源之偷排及暗管查核作業,並全面執行事業單位稽查及放流水質採樣檢測作業,利用輔導及告發等方式並行,以改善東港溪及林邊溪流域內事業單位違法偷排行為,計畫執行期間共計完成列管畜牧業430家/1,210件稽查作業,其中包含污染源衛星定位430家,放流水水質採樣檢測430家/489件亦完成5家放流水超過排放標準依法告發處份,養豬戶沈降率SV30測試492件,污泥查核作業430件,同時完成430家一戶一卡資料建制及更新工作並執行分級稽查管制制度。執行期間共計發現疑似不明管線或繞流排放畜牧業39處及放流水水質不佳25處,共開立勸導單65件。經複查後不明管線及繞流情形已移除或封堵者有38件,目前停養狀況1件。另本計畫亦查獲20家畜牧業有偷排現象及15處疑似有暗管排放情形,查無暗管主人經環保局公告封管2處,其餘13處畜牧業由本計畫輔導後自行封管。計畫期間協助認養6支水環境河川巡守隊,並辦理7場教育訓練會,並協助辦理8場次協助巡守隊參與宣導相關系列活動,包括巡守經驗交流會議、愛護河川珍惜水資源午時水活動及95世界環境日-河川巡守及六星社區志工Happy Go參訪人工濕地活動…等等。另參與屏東縣環保局辦理「海洋及河川緊急應變演練及設備操作講習會」及「南部區域海洋污染緊急應變演練」,藉由講習會的辦理預計能提升工作團隊對於油污染事件的處置及應變能力,藉由對設備器材使用方式與時機的認識與瞭解能有效縮短油污染事件的處理時程及減少污染範圍。 The Specific Action Project on Tungkang River and Linpien River for Water Quality Improving and Pollution Reducing ABSTRACTIn addition to continuation of the control directions for Donggang River, this plan covers the business units along the bank of Linbian River to strengthen the control of unlawful discharge of business water pollution source and the inspection of concealed pipes, and carry out the work of business unit inspection and effluent water quality sampling and testing in an all-around way by means of counseling and prosecution, so as to reduce the business units' unlawful discharge in the drainage basins of Donggang River and Linbian River. During the period of the plan, inspection was conducted for totally 430 business units in stockbreeding/1,210 cases, including pollution source satellite positioning for 430 units, effluent water quality sampling and testing for 430 units/489 cases, 5 of which were prosecuted according to law due to unconformity to the discharge standards, 492 cases of settlement rate SV30 test for pigsties, and 430 cases of sludge inspection; meanwhile, the one-family-one-card data input and updating was finished for 430 units and the hierarchical inspection and control system was carried out. During the period of execution, totally 39 sites of suspected unknown pipeline or bypass discharge and 25 sites of bad effluent water quality were found, and advice notes were produced for 65 cases. After reexamination, 38 sites of unknown pipeline or bypass discharge were removed or blocked, and 1 site stopped the operation. Besides, it was found 20 stockbreeding operators conducted unlawful discharge, and there were 15 sites of suspected discharge through concealed pipeline. Among them, 2 sites of unclaimed concealed pipeline were closed by the Environmental Protection Bureau with a public notice given, and the other 13 sites were closed by the stockbreeding operators themselves with assistance provided by the Bureau. During the period of the plan, 6 River Watch Teams were adopted and 7 training meetings were held, and 8 times of assistance was provided to help the River Watch Teams participate in the propaganda-related activities, including experience exchange meetings, “Love Rivers, Cherish Water Resources” noontime water activity, the 2006 World Environment Day-River Watch, and the “Happy Go”visit to artificial wetland organized by the volunteers of Liousing Community, and the like. Additionally, the teams also participated in the Ocean and River Emergency Response Exercise and Equipment Operation Lecture and the Southern Taiwan Ocean Pollution Response Exercise held by the Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County. It is expected that, through the organizing of lectures and exercises, the work teams can improve their abilities to respond to the oil pollution incidents, and effectively shorten the time of oil pollution disposal and reduce the range of pollution with better understanding the operation of equipment. 095 屏東縣政府環境保護局 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2108
環境地理資訊系統資料交換及供應專案工作計畫 環境保護署為配合國土資訊系統推動作業,經過多年的努力已完成多項圖資與系統建置。為提升圖資使用率以及奠定決策支援系統之基礎,因此建置環境地理資訊系統,希望透過圖資交換、申請,提供各單位單一圖資供應窗口及圖資儲存平台,以避免圖資重複建置,同時縮短各系統開發時的圖資取得時間。除了建置環境地理資訊系統外,亦針對制度面制訂相關作業程序與發展規劃,以利圖資流通共享。本專案達成的目標有:1.建置系統,成為單一的入口網站,針對署內各項圖資,透過展示介面,將環保署近年建置圖資之成果,對外界展示,並且透過主題圖的展示,讓使用者可以瞭解地理資訊系統對於環境資訊的幫助。2.建立制度,建立圖資共享機制及標準作業程序,明訂署內及署外不同的使用者如何取得、使用圖資,以利圖資流通。並針對未來環保署地理資訊之發展,進行中長程規劃,供未來發展參考。3.整合圖資,針對環保署相關單位生產之圖資,進行整合,以力其他單位使用,促進資料流通共享。4.加盟推廣,利用Web Map Service技術加盟內政部國土資訊系統,提供圖資瀏覽服務,並進行相關推廣工作,讓各界瞭解本專案之成果。 The Project of the Data-Exchanging and Applying about Environmental Geographic Information System Following the action of NGIS, EPA has finished several map data and system setting after many years striving. To avoid data redundancy and shorten the time of data request of system, Environmental GIS has been established, which is designed be a supplying portal and platform as storage to work by map data exchanging and applying, and it can help arise utility rate and be the base of decision making. Besides of system development, this project set up operation procedures and plans of developing to enhance data sharing. The mains of this project are,(1)System setting and being the portal of service provided the products of data manufactured by EPA in recent years, by using web-based interfaces. Project helped users realize the assistances of GIS by theme map.(2)Making up policies of data sharing and SOP. Regulating the ways of obtaining data of users from EPA and out of EPA, it could make data interchanging more smooth. It also gave a midterm to long-term plan for GIS development of EPA as reference of future system developing.(3)Integrating data and maps. The project integrated data manufactured by EPA and enhanced data interflowing and sharing.(4)Joining and promotion. By applying technique of web map service and join NGIS alliance of MOI, service provided service of data viewing and system promotion, which will introduce harvest of this project to public. 095 監資處 銳俤科技 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2142
0800-085-717資源回收免費服務專線專案工作計畫 專案執行二年期間專線組共承接266,044通進線量,專人應答率高達 99% 以上,為更深入瞭解資源回收專線提供的服務與內容是否符合民眾需求及「0800客服專線」整體滿意情形,專線組執行「資源回收專線來電民眾滿意度調查」研究專案,以做為即時改進服務品質之參考,調查內容包含資源回收專線整體滿意度、語音系統服務滿意度、專人服務品質滿意度、資源回收提供服務整體滿意度等四大項指標,由調查結果可知,來電民眾對0800專線的專員服務滿意度均維持在9成以上,語音系統的滿意度也維持在八成左右,顯示專線人員素質與語音系統皆有一定水準,民眾對環保署0800專線的服務堪稱滿意。為能提昇資源回收服務之便利性及民眾滿意度,資源回收專線定期彙整來電者最常詢問事項,適時調整語音系統主選單架構及內容,期能引導民眾快速取得所需資訊或依民眾需求迅速轉接服務專員處理。 0800-085-717 toll-free resource recycling service hotline project During the two-year project implementation period, the resource recycling 0800 service hotline received a total volume of 266,044 calls, where the call answered rate by service representatives reported a 99%-plus success rate. To gain further in-sight into deciphering whether the content of the resource recycling service hotline does indeed meet the public’s demand, and the level of satisfaction toward the ‘0800 toll-free service hotline’, the project team had conducted a survey study featuring ‘Resource recycling hotline caller satisfaction poll’, as references for real-time service quality improvement. The content of the survey is comprised of four indicators - the overall satisfaction toward the resource recycling hotline service; satisfaction toward the IVR (Interactive Voice Response); satisfaction toward the service representatives; and the overall satisfaction toward the resource recycling system. Survey findings yielded that over nine out of ten callers were satisfied with the proficiency of the 0800 service representatives; and eight out of ten were satisfied with the IVR system, which showed that both of the service representatives' proficiency and the IVR system had been kept to a respectable level, and that it would be fair to indicate that the public were satisfied with the 0800 service hotline. To enhance the efficiency of the 0800 service hotline, the project team has also regularly reviewed and modified the IVR structure by including the most frequently-asked questions as the first tier voice prompts and continuously updating their contents in real-time, in order to help callers to quickly access the information they needed or connect them to live service representatives as desired. 095 基管會 台灣優勢客服科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=804
電動機車技術發展現況及推廣模式評估 燃油機車近五內年成長狀況從2002年的1,198萬輛,累計至2006年八月增至1,342萬輛,全台灣平均每兩人及擁有一部燃油機車,每年產生一氧化碳33萬噸與碳氫化合物9萬噸,分佔全國總排放量的12%與8%。為抑制燃油機車成長,協助國內順利推動電動機車產業,進而達到電動機車普及化以降低空氣污染,本計畫就國內外電動機車發展現況、性能及技術成果、主要發展電動機車國家的推動計畫與成果、民眾接受度與使用環境調查等進行初步評估。本計畫研究發現,消費者對於電動機車之要求,除了經濟實惠,更要滿足充電方便、續航力佳的需求。近年來車用鋰電池技術發展逐漸成熟,其輕薄短小、高容量的特性,成為電動機車未來發展的主要方向,也滿足民眾對充電及續航力的需求。因此現階段之電動機車推廣方向有二,第一為針對現有電動機車使用者進行獎勵措施,第二則為小區域電動機車試行,納入鋰電池機車、電池交換機制、與使用費補貼等,以找出適合未來電動機車推廣的最佳模式。本計畫之研究成果將可提供環保署作為往後擬定電動機車推廣策略及補助方案之重要依據。藉由電動機車普及化,達到降低燃油機車污染排放、改善空氣品質的目的。 The technologic development and promotional evaluation of electric scooter In 2002, there were 11.98 million petrol-based scooters in Taiwan, and the number has increased to a total of 13.42 million in August 2006. In total, these are responsible for 330,000 tons of carbon monoxide and 90,000 tons of hydrocarbons emission every year, representing 12% and 8% of the total national emissions. In order to improve the air quality, this is necessary to reduce the number of petrol-based scooters and increase the number of electric scooters used, moreover, assist the domestic electric scooter industry even more. Overall, this project is to evaluate this industry by reviewing the oversea market tend, technology, riding environment, and users’ satisfaction.Users expect electric scooters to be economical and easy to charge, as well as to have a long range before requiring recharge, amongst others. Recently, the Lithium-ion battery technology has matured to a point where its higher energy-to-weight ratio, greater capacity and longer battery life cycle meet the demands of consumers.In summary, the marketing promotion can be divided up into initiatives: firstly, to reward present users of electric scooters, secondly, to perform intensive tests with the lithium-ion battery electric scooters. EPA can use the result of this project as an important reference on forming the prospective strategies for electric scooters in order to reduce pollution. 095 空保處 工業技術研究院 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1567
臺南市95年度固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳計畫 本計畫延續上年度「固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳計畫」,配合環保局及審查委員的指示,在局內長官及空氣污染防制工作查核督導計畫的督導下,除了努力達成量化目標,並在實質的管制效益上精進,以期能達成預期目標。一、固定污染源許可管制配合各公私場所許可申請案件全數審查,目前執行117 件次並核發許可證78 件次。審查時間平均為14 天,皆符合法令規定之審查期限天數;固定源操作許可證現場查核之合約工作量為200件次,計畫結束時共查核全市列管操作許可證公私場所148 家202張證,並加強不符項目之追蹤,輔導工廠完成改善;宣導說明會合約工作量為4 場次,計畫結束完成5 場次說明會;針對屬公告應定檢對象,完成現場監督檢測、檢測報告審查及建檔共計33 件次,均達成目標數。二、資料庫維護更新及擴充調查臺南市列管公私場所更新擴充及建檔工作計畫目標數為500件次,計畫結束時共計巡查502 家次,超過合約工作量,經本年度資料庫之更新作業後,目前列管固定污染源之公私場所計778 家,污染總排放量多集中於安南區及南區;目前臺南市工廠應申報排放量之根次更新為24 根次,95 年第1 季其中19 家公私場所已排放量完成申報及審查,目前尚有申報資料補件1 家次,申報中1 家次,95 年第2 季其中20 家公私場所已排放量完成申報及審查,目前尚有申報資料補件1 家次,申報中1 家次,95 年第3 季其中22 家公私場所已排放量完成申報及審查,目前尚有申報資料補件1 家次,尚未申報1 家次,95 年第4 季其中22 家公私場所已排放量完成申報及審查,目前尚有申報資料補件1 家次,尚未申報1 家次,另排放量申報現場查核作業年度合約量為19 根次查核,計畫執行期間已完成合約工作量,現場查核皆符合網路申報內容,加強後續追蹤,輔導廠商完成申報。未列管公私場所擴充及建檔項目合約工作量為30 家次,計畫執行期間已完成合約工作量,工廠新增列管之原因為使用重油、柴油或工業區之工廠(如總頭寮、安平工業區、和順工業區),並將工廠之基本資料、查核之原物料使用量及設備細項資料彙整,鍵入固定污染源資料庫以利 貴局排放量之控管。三、固定污染源稽巡查作業計畫期間共計執行臺南市公私廠場巡查作業1376 家次;露天燃燒巡查共計123 件次,均達成合約工作量;計畫執行間之稽查資料建檔作業累計建檔2022 件,包含列管稽查187 件及非列管稽查1835 件,已全數建檔;告發處分資料建檔分析共完成34 件處分文書歸檔及電腦建檔作業。四、配合第二階段空污費徵收作業95 年度臺南市應申報固定源空氣污染費之廠家計有88 廠家,計畫期間共執行35 場次工廠空污費現場查核作業,並新增列管23家需申繳空污費之廠家,均已超過合約工作量;目前臺南市領有工廠登記證之公私廠場進行非空污費列管工廠排除作業已全數查核(2362 家),共計完成2481 家次,其中包括無工廠記證之工廠及洗衣店,本工作項目已超過合約規定的750 件次之工作量。五、辦理工廠煙道稽查檢測本項目年度工作量為協助執行煙道檢測9 根次、油品含硫量抽測20 件次、戴奧辛稽查檢測2 根次及惡臭官能測定20 點次,至96 年03 月31 日為止,各項檢測工作為9 根次工廠煙道稽查檢測、20 件次液體燃料含硫量檢測、20 件次惡臭污染源官能測定及2 根次戴奧辛稽查檢測,均達成合約工作量,而檢測結果,液體燃料含硫量檢測有3 件次不符標準及惡臭污染源官能測定有4 件次不符標準,均已處分告發,其餘檢測案件皆符合排放標準。六、工廠減量協談輔導為有效減少本市公私場所污染情形,及輔導協助污染改善作業,本計畫針對台南市VOCs 排放量較大之公私廠場為主要減量目標,另配合本年度現場查核資料及民眾陳情案件,邀請專家學者完成16 家次公私廠場之現場輔導,並由委員提出相關查核改善重點做為廠家污染防制方針,本計畫亦於後續持續追蹤各公私場所改善情形;並於查核後舉辨「重大污染源減量協商會議」,由中山大學周明顯教授「空氣污染物減量及防制技術」及環保局各廠依據專家提供之改善方式提出自廠改善狀況及評估情形、問題討論,並利用空污費、防制設備輔助辨法做為減量誘因。。七、配合執行環保署空氣品質改善及污染源減量之專案計畫計畫執行期間完成砂石場清查列管工作,並進行14 家次之巡查作業;空品惡化通報巡查作業目前共執行36 天147 家次空品不良日巡查,通知業者目前空氣品質惡化,加強防制設備操作維護工作;媒體宣導新聞共提供 貴局14 件次之新聞稿,見報共計8 件次。八、加強連續自動監測系統之查核工作本計畫於95 年第二季至第四季各進行一次現場連續自動監測系統查核臺南市焚化廠P001 及P002 煙道,平行比對結果之相關係數方面除P001 之SOx 主機房及中控室端之濃度比對訊號異常,其偏移率達21.6%為中控室主機當機以致顯示異常,已要求廠方進行確認並立即進行維護,其餘項目濃度偏移比對結果無異常情形;針對分析儀器與現場設備進行訊號濃度比對,其中P001 煙道之HCl 項目數據偏移率及P002 煙道之CO 項目數據偏移率較高,尚在可接受範圍值內,經亂碼比對現場及中控室接收數據後顯示,P001 及P002 煙道各項目比對數據結果良好,針對即時反應數據偏移率較高之情形,已要求廠方落實維護保養工作;另於相對準確度測試查核方面,P001 煙道之RATA 之稽查檢測,檢測結果除氮氧化物評等為C 級外(RA 值落於8~15%之間),其餘項目皆為B 級以上,排放流率及氯化氫評等則為A 級,查核當時除要求廠方需依規範進行定時維護保養外,廠方於96 年初以提送進行CEMS 設備汰換,以提升監測設施效率,96 年第一季查核已於96 年3 月2 日進行,查核當時未發現明顯不符情事。 AbstractThe tern of the project administration: April, 2006~March, 2007An expense of the project: 3370 thousand NT.The personnel of the project administration: hsin ju, Ch’en、ta ch’eng,Liu、chia ling,Li、wen lung,Huang、yi hsia,Hhung, yi t’ing ,Huang.This project extended the last project at 2005 ’’the stable pollution project include permit and inspection system and to press and repay the air pollution fee”,to cooperate the indication with the investigators and the employees at the bureau. Not only to reach the goal which the project of the work load, we improved the efficiency at the air pollution control, we expect to reach the anticipant goal.1. The stationary air pollution source of permit controlTo audit all of the permit from industry applying. Till now, 117 permits ofapplication were audited, and 78 permits were issue of certificate. The average of the inspect times were 14 days, and these agreed the law dictating.200 permit had been inspected in the locality in target loading. Till now, there were 203 permits had been audited. And kept fol lowing un-degree items by audit the industry’s permit, guided the industry improving. This project need 4 public awarenessconference, and we done five; the numbers of Monitoring the industrial regular testing、inspecting the report and data keyin were 33 units. All of these were already done.2. To maintain、renew and amplify the database While carrying out this project till March 31, 2007, 502 factories were inventoried, and these were over the target loading. While carrying out this project till March, 31, 2007,778 industries had been controlled, the most emission distributed on An Nan zone and Nan zone; Till now, the number of the flue reporting were 24.19 industries were already reported the emission and had been audit in the first and second quarter at 2006, and finished the target loading.There still one unit need audit and one unit wasn’t report.30 non-controlledindustries had amplified to the database and we have already reached the target number. The reason for controlling were use the heavy oil、diesel or the industry located in industrial park, we inventoried the industrial inside, and updated the database.3. The stationary air pollution source of audit and inspection The number reached during the project carrying out, we did 1376 times industrial audit and inspection; 123 audits of Burning in open air; 2022 data updated to the database include 187 controlled data and 1835 non-controlled data;34 accusation had updated to the database and filed the documents.4. To urging and reminding the industry need Air Pollution Fee ReportingThere were 88 industries need reporting in Tainan city at 2006, 35 industries had inspected for the fee reporting till March 31, 2007, and we added 23 industries that need to report; all the factory had inspected that had industrial registration(2362 industries), the number we did were 2481 times, include they hadn’t industrial registration and laundry,5. Inspecting and auditing for proceeding the industrial testingThe project target need 9 flue tests、20 samples for the sulfur content testing、2 dioxin testing、20 sampling for Ambient air pollutants testing. Till March 31,2007, all the testing had done, the result of testing, 3 samples of the sulfur content testing standard and 4 samples of Ambient air pollutants testing were failure, all the failure case had accused.6. To negotiate the pollution source reducingFor the reducing industrial pollution, we invited expert to inspect 16 factories,and provided the air pollution improvement, the guidance of these industries werefollowed the degree of improvement; and we set one conference for reducing thepollute by tech, the invited expert name was Ming Hsien Chou, all the industrieswe invited accepted the improvement and provided their assessment, and madethem reduce the pollute by fee reporting.7. Proceeding the air pollution improving and the pollution sourcereducing We finished the inventory of cement, and we did the 14 times ofinspection; we did 36 days and 147 times when the PSI over the standard. And we provided 14 numbers of news and 8 numbers of news appearing from newspaper.8. CEMS system inspection The flues of P001 and P002 had CEMS inspected at second quarter and fourth quarter. The inspection result shown abnormality including the SOx pollute from P001 caused excursion rate of 21.6%, the reason was the PC dumb. The excursion rate of the HCl from P001 and the CO for P002 were higher, but still within the range.The RATA from P001, the testing result, beside the evaluation of NOx was Cgrade,others were B grade. The emission of flow rate and HCL test were C grad. The industry had already applied to change the CEMS system to improve the efficiency. 095 台南市環境保護局 上境科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=613
南投縣95年度固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫 本計畫執行期程係自95年3月1日至96年2月28日止,共計12個月;主要工作項目包括:資料庫維護更新與擴充、執行許可制度、辦理空污費催補繳及查核、執行重大污染源整廠管制及執行各類稽查檢測作業等工作項目;各項作業內容與進度均依原規劃執行並符合合約要求。截至目前為止,本縣列管固定污染源共計597家,較上年度減少9家,列管行業以金屬製品製造及加工業、木竹製品相關行業及橡/塑膠製品相關行業等傳統工業為主;本縣固定污染源空氣污染物年排放量分別為:粒狀污染物為2,108.8公噸、硫氧化物為428.248公噸、氮氧化物為348.808公噸、揮發性有機物為2,139.541公噸今年延續於94年推動之「重點污染源認養制度」,再執行認養30家重點工廠,透過定期訪查,掌握可行減量空間,進一步推動簽署自願減量協議並執行改善完成確認,簽署家數有7家,確認完成改善5家,實際減量成效包括SOx:1.235公噸/年(國慶新增蒸氣回收設備減少重油用量)、NOx:0.875公噸/年(國慶新增蒸氣回收設備減少重油用量)、VOC:62.31公噸/年(樺昌、協裕防制設備,輝懋、固滿德製程改善),減量成效豐碩。另於廢棄物處理再利用業之廢氣成分分析方面,已完成「協裕」、「瑞油」、「台灣卜蜂」等3家防制設備前後之廢氣成份分析。透過檢測結果顯示,「瑞油」及「台灣卜蜂」二家工廠之空污防制設備有必要再進一步加強輔導改善,提昇設備功能減少污染排放。其它具體工作成果包括:完成300家的維護擴充更新作業、完成175件許可審查並核發123張許可證、完成102個製程許可查核作業、完成100廠次法規符合度查核作業等,各項相關作業內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。 Stationary air pollution source Permit system and Air pollution Fee system control and inspection plan ,Nantou City ,95 year 095 南投縣政府環境保護局 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=5103
能源、經濟與環境整合策略之評估(二) 本計劃旨在後京都議定書時期與台灣非核家園政策背景下,以能源、經濟與環境3E達到台灣永續發展為前提下,研究各主要國家(包括美、日、韓、英、德、荷蘭、歐盟等)、研究機構(如EMF、MIT、AIM、WorldScan、GREEN、 美國德拉瓦大學能源與環境政策研究中心與澳洲MONASH大學政策研究中心等)結合能源技術與總體經濟之作法,推動國際合作,並建立以二氧化碳減量衝擊影響評估為分析重點,結合能源技術與總體經濟兩面向之評估方法與模型,推估2005年至2030年國家總體經濟與產業經濟關聯互動與環境政策、能源結構與產業結構調整對總體經濟之影響與能源別二氧化碳排放量趨勢,亦即預測CO2排放基線。透過本計劃所建立之能源經濟模型與符合永續能源及環境策略,以永續發展為原則,評估我國因應聯合國氣候變化綱要公約及京都議定書之溫室氣體減量彈性方案, 95年度則建立聯合JISEEF與TAIGEM-E兩模型為台灣能源經濟整合模型。本計畫回顧能源與溫室氣體排放減量政策之國內外現況、趨勢及相關研究及探討國內外能源情勢,分析比較目前國內外能源供需情形及未來趨勢;並且介紹國際間IPCC與FCCC常見之模型與EMF、MIT及由美國德拉瓦大學能源與環境政策中心 (Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, University of Delaware) 與韓國相關研究單位所合作發展出的 JISEEF (Joint Institute for a Sustainable Energy Future) 能源模型。JISEEF 所發展出的能源、經濟與環境的分析方法與研究結果,對於韓國能源與環境政策的制定,產生很大的影響,對於本研究的模型與資料庫建置,甚具參考價值。 本研究建構TAIGEM-E模型與JISEEF模型之間軟連結,並進行台灣基線預測和針對溫室氣體減量法草案與第二次全國能源會議之結果進行五種政策模擬。而根據基線預測結果顯示,台灣未來經濟將逐漸邁入成熟經濟體,對於二氧化碳排放與能源使用的降低需有更有效的作法,也才有可能逐漸符合京都議定書之減量要求。另一方面,由於台灣並無官方之BAU資料,則整理國內各模型CO2排放基線預測之結果與本模擬結果相比較,以作為環保署因應策略之決策參考;另一方面,根據溫室氣體減量法草案與第二次全國能源會議之結論的五種政策模擬情境,若政府以部門自願自行減量方式降低能源密集度、提高能源使用效率或提高電價,確實可降低二氧化碳排放總量與其成長率,且對於實質GDP並無不妥影響,而自願減量為廠商與個人均在誘因下採用新節能技術、設備、製程以生產產品,個人在政府宣導下,個人節約能源,使用節能家電、購買綠建築等各部門的累積自發性節能效果,長期下對進口能源依賴程度降低,降低生產成本,資源重新配置在最有生產效率之產品,長期下對經濟反而有利,由模擬結果(排除課徵碳稅)實質GDP成長率均高於基線預測可證明。即使是提高電價99%對實質GDP影響也僅約0.1%,影響幅度有限但減量效果很高。 惟觀察二氧化碳排放總量部分,本研究基線預測至2030年總排放為655.9億噸,模擬結果分別達到全國能源會議結論部門自行減量1.7億噸目標之34.59%與68.26%,其減量效果非常好,如此可知,若再輔以能源價格調整、再生能源與新能源之大量推廣、電力部門裝置容量與能源結構之調整、輸配電效率損失之降低等配合,可能不需課徵碳稅即可達到預期的目標,這也表示以碳稅管制二氧化碳排放仍是最後手段。 An Assessment of Integrated Strategies incorporating Energy, Economics and Environment(II) Under the background of Kyoto Protocol, Taiwan’s non-nuclear policy and its strong commitment to sustainable development, this project aims to study the practices and policies that combine energy, environment and economics (3E) of some major countries (including America, Japan, Korea, the United Kingdom, Germany, Holland, European Union,etc.). This research also explores the research results of some key research institutions (such as EMF, MIT, AIM, WorldScan, GREEN; Energy & Environmental Policy, University of Delaware; the Centre of Policy Studies of Monash University) and tries to find a way to promote international cooperation with them. How to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and to set up the impact assessment is one of the key goals of this analysis.The assessment model in this study combining energy, technology and economic components estimates the macroeconomic effect and the trend of CO2 emission that are caused by the interaction among national macroeconomics, industrial economy, environment policy, energy and industrial restructure from 2005 to 2030, namely the CO2 emission baseline forecasting. This project sets up the energy -environmental- economic model that accords with requirement of sustainable development and environment policy to assess the flexibility mechanism of the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions according to the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol. In 2006, this study tries to set up the basic framework of the Taiwan energy economic integrated model.The project broadly reviews the situation, trend and researches of domestic and foreign countries’ experiences about energy and mitigation policies of greenhouse gas emission. Moreover, this study analyzes domestic and foreign countries’ energy situation and compares domestic and foreign countries’ energy supply and demand situation at present and their future trends. This study also introduces IPCC 's and FCCC 's international well-known models, e.g., EMF, MIT and JISEEF models. The CEEP in US and its cooperative research institutes in Korea develop the JISEEF model. Researchers of the JISEEF model develop the analytic path among energy, economics and environment, and its results have significant effect for Korea to set up its energy and environment policies. The result of JISEEF is valuable for this study in helping to set up the model and database.This study makes a soft link between TAIFEM-E model and JISEEF model, then forecasts the baseline of Taiwan and carries on five kinds of policy simulations. According to the baseline forecast, Taiwan’s economy will reach the stage of maturation, which will force Taiwan to have much efficient arrangements or reduction for its CO2 emission and energy consumption, and may just accord with the decresing demand for Kyoto Protocol gradually. On the other hand, there are no official BAUs in Taiwan. This study put together those results from different domestic CO2's baseline forecasting in order and compare with their simulation results. The simulation results of five kinds of policies demonstrate that voluntary reduction from different electricity sectors will reduce CO2 emission and does not have negative effects on real GDP. With incentives for voluntary reduction at hand, industries and individuals choose the following approaches to reach the CO2 reduction goals: new energy saving technologies for industrial production, housing energy saving programs and purchasing green buildings for individuals, and etc. In the long run it is very helpful for Taiwan economy since Taiwan will decrease its dependence on foreign oils import and cut production cost. Resources will be efficiently reallocated to the most productive goods. However, even though electricity prices are expected to increase by 99% in the future its impact on real GDP is only 0.1%. It demonstrates that the negative impacts are very limited; on the contrary, the positive effects are enormous.According to the baseline forecast in this study, the total CO2 emission at 2030 is 65.59 billion tons. Simulation results show that we can reach 34.59% and 68.26% reduction of 0.17 billion tons respectively, which is the voluntary reduction amount from the conclusion of the Taiwan’s Second National Energy Conference. The mitigation results are significant. Accompanying with the restructuring of energy prices, the introduction of renewable energy, adjustment of energy structure and installment capacity of power sector, and etc., Taiwan probably does not need to levy carbon tax. It also means from this research that carbon tax is the last means to reach our goals. This shows that it is still the last resort to control the carbon dioxide emission with the carbon tax. 095 空保處 台灣大學農業經濟系 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1399
南投縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫 本計畫自95年3月1日簽約後,積極展開各項準備工作,自95年3月1日起開始執行未定檢機車巡查、機車不定期檢驗、戶外定檢服務等稽查作業及各項行政作業;並辦理外縣市移污業務觀摩、機車排氣定期檢驗抽獎活動、定檢站在職訓練講習會、定檢站查核作業以及業務會議等。為避免機車路邊攔查引發民眾對於路邊攔查合法性之質疑,及對民眾造成時間上的延誤及造成民怨,本年度以路邊巡查拍照方式進行。本年度巡查通知數為26,389輛次,回檢數為25,861輛次,回檢率98%;此外為了能夠適時的有效督促機車車主定期參加機車排氣檢驗及提供偏遠鄉鎮機車使用人排氣檢測服務,因此針對南投縣交通密度高之道路以及偏遠鄉鎮進行免費檢測服務,共執行機車不定期檢驗1,256輛以及辦理53場次戶外定檢服務,共檢測3,025輛機車;在未定檢公文通知方面,為了補強環保署的通知作業及輔導定檢站執行戶外服務,篩選出未參加定檢之機車,以公文通知方式通知車主限期前往機車排氣檢驗站進行參加檢測,在95年度共寄發20,231輛機車,回檢7,081輛次;在本年度每季舉辦一場機車排氣定檢抽獎活動,抽獎軟體結合了定檢即時系統,將即時傳輸資料彙整後辦理4場抽獎活動;為確實達到吸取外縣市執行經驗以提昇南投縣機車到檢之成效,因此工作小組舉辦外縣市移動污染源業務觀摩會,共辦理2場次。本計畫辦理2場機車排氣檢驗站在職訓練講習會以及4季機車排氣檢驗站查核評鑑作業,主要為了強化機車排氣檢驗站人員品保品管之觀念,以提升本縣機車排氣檢驗站之檢測品質,有效管理機車排氣檢驗站,以提供民眾良好的檢則品質與服務。為了監督各家機車排氣檢驗站檢測情形程序是否合乎標準,因此本計畫共執行10站次之不定期查核,以了解常見缺失為何加以輔導。為提高定檢站服務品質與榮譽感並建立民眾信賴感,鼓勵定檢站提昇本身服務品質,因此於年終舉辦一場次優良機車排氣檢驗站表揚大會,以提升競爭力。南投縣65家定檢站於95年度在環保署的品保品管查核成績為全國第一,分數高達98分。依據工研院統計南投縣95年度1~12月機車回歸車籍到檢率為73.47%,較全國平均到檢率(67.36%)高出6%以上,且排行中部四縣市第一名,整體定檢率排全國第七名,若與去年同時期定檢率比較,到檢率較去年同時期高出約2%,可顯示出南投縣推行機車定檢制度之成效。 Nantou County Mobil source emission examination control plan 095 南投縣政府環境保護局 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1341
大氣環境中一般空氣污染物與生物性氣膠健康影響評估 為探討氣象因子、空氣污染及大氣中生物性過敏原在模式分析上三者之影響角色,本案透過整合台灣地區空氣污染資料監測資料、氣象監測資料、大氣中生物性氣膠長期監測資料、各類疾病就診率以及特定易感受性族群長期追縱調查,以進一步探討大氣中一般空氣污染物與生物性氣膠暴露對整體國人健康危害之影響。94年度第一階段之研究結果已發現,大氣之汙染物包含生物氣膠等皆對各類疾病的症狀表現有明顯之影響,本年度利用目前正持續追蹤之出生世代研究族群進行追蹤調查,探討估算居家室內空氣品質、大氣空氣污染物暴露與生物性氣膠暴露對於孩童罹患氣喘、過敏及相關呼吸道疾病之風險。延續94年度之工作項目進行每日真菌孢子之收集以及鑑屬工作,有以下重點發現(一)延續上一年度之分析模式並重新針對該模式進行修正及討論,證明了真菌孢子的暴露與門診氣喘患者人次之增加有顯著且具有兩天的延遲效應之相關性;另分枝芽胞黴菌屬及鏈格菌濃度之增加具有明顯之年齡相依效應 (age-dependent effect),對於0-14歲族群氣喘門診人次之增加影響最為顯著,而在空氣污染物同時暴露下,亦將會惡化其影響程度。(二)有關大氣中每日真菌孢子濃度與氣喘孩童每日肺功能變化之間的關係,發現晚上的尖峰呼氣流速值 (NPEFR)與三天前的真菌孢子濃度呈顯著的負相關 (r=-0.387),亦與氣喘相關症狀嚴重程度呈現負相關 (r=-0.230),顯示真菌孢子暴露可能直接誘發氣喘患者呼吸道功能之改變而進一步誘發氣喘相關症狀產生。95年度開始本研究利用目前正持續追蹤之出生世代研究族群,進行室內、室外環境對於孩童等易感性族群呼吸道健康影響之評估探討。主要研究成果包含:(一)父親具有過敏性疾病史對於日後孩童具有過敏性疾病及症狀扮演重要之角色,若孩童出生後家中又有環境的誘發因子,則會增加孩童具過敏性疾病或症狀之風險,高達2~8倍的風險值不等。(二)家中牆面上若出現霉斑或潮斑,對於孩童過敏症狀 (IgE>250 EU/mL)具有較高的風險 (OR=4.19, 95%CI:1.57-12.63)。(三)室內較高之二氧化碳濃度對於肚子痛及喉嚨痛的孩童症狀表現有顯著影響;室內總真菌孢子濃度較高,似乎孩童呼吸道症狀如鼻塞、流鼻涕及咳嗽的表現之頻率也較為頻繁。另外,患有過敏性鼻炎及結膜炎之孩童家中,其家中溼度顯著高於無症狀之孩童;若家中總細菌濃度較為高,其醫生診斷過敏指數大於等於六之孩童比例較高;室內溼度高易導致細菌、黴菌的滋生,將是改善室內環境的一大重點。在相關室內空氣品質標準及管制方案彙整上,本研究配合93年度之前期研究,彙整2004-2005年空氣污染暴露之主要健康危害;同步也更新回顧世界各國之室內空氣品質標準,以及各國室內空氣品質的管理現況,該資料可作為我國室內空氣品質法案進一步擬定與推動之參考依據。另外,在計畫執行期間承辦「室內空氣品質國際交流學術工作坊」,會中除了邀請亞洲相關領域之專家分享研究及管理經驗外,亦邀集國內室內空氣品質相關領域之先進為未來推動室內空氣品質管理共同會商討論並凝聚共識。 The impacts of ambient air pollutants and bioaerosols exposure on human health A few major findings with respect to the associations between exposures to atmospheric fungal spores and health effects, including (1) fungal spore exposures appeared to result in a two-day-delay/lag effect on the number of clinic visits for asthma, (2) exposure of airborne Cladosporium and Alternaria spores might have posed the highest risk for increased hospital admission, compared to that of Basidiospores, (3) the data analyzed was the first to present an age-dependent effect of fungal spores on asthma hospital admissions, and (4) a potentially synergistic effect resulting from concurrent exposure to ambient fungal spores and particulate matter pollution was found to pose an elevated risk on asthma admissions, (5) a significantly negative correlation was observed between NPEFR and 3-day lag fungal spores (r=-0.387), (6) a 2-day-lag of NPEFR was also negatively associated with asthmatic symptom scores (r=-0.230), and (7) daily concentrations of sulfur dioxide, the only ambient air pollutant, were found to be negatively associated with NPEFR of the same day. Overall, our study demonstrated a consistent effect of fungal exposures on decreased pulmonary function and asthmatic symptoms.Another major component of this year was to investigate the risk factors in indoor environment from a birth cohort study. Paternal atopy could be an important hereditary factor for developing childhood allergic diseases, and such an effect could be far more significant, about 2~8 times of risk, with the concurrent presence of other environmental risk factors. The risk for children presenting IgE levels of more than 250 EU/mL was about four times (OR=4.19, 95%, CI: 1.57-12.63) for those observing visible mold at home. Higher carbon dioxide levels were found to be a risk for reporting stomach-ache and throat-ache in study children. Furthermore, higher fungal spore concentrations indoors appeared to be another potential risk, though without statistical significance, to result in higher frequency of respiratory symptoms found in study children. Children reporting allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis were from houses with higher relative humidity, compared to those symptom-free children. For those children confirmed by pediatricians as having allergic index of greater than 6, significantly higher total bacteria concentrations were found in their houses.We also continue to update the scientific literatures and reports around the world on the new findings on risk assessment and health effects of indoor pollution exposure. Newly modified or published standards of indoor air quality, and the management system adopted in different parts of the world were also collected and summarized. As part of the project commitments, we invited experts of IAQ from 4 Asian countries to participate in the “International Workshop on Indoor Air Quality”, held on April 27th, 2006 at the National Cheng Kung University. A series of prominent lectures were offered by these renowned experts while a historical “Memorandum of understanding (MOU)” was also signed among respective Societies of Taiwan, Japan and Korea. 095 空保處 國立成功大學環境醫學研究所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1798
南投縣95年度營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收執行計畫 1.執行工地巡查管制,統計至96 年2 月28 日達2,140 件,超過目標值1,980件,達成率為100﹪。2.宣導文宣部分,共計完成300 份宣導品,1000 份宣導手冊,達成率為100﹪。3.分別於96 年2 月1 日及96 年2 月2 日完成工地評鑑作業,達成率為100%。4.分別於96 年2 月13 日、96 年2 月15 日假南投縣婦幼館,分別完成辦理一場次「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」宣導說明會及一場次營建空污費徵收協調會,每場次出席率均達70 % 以上,達成率為100%。5.推動道路認養作業,共計辦理認養單位120 家,超出目標值93 家(空污費超出2 萬元之單位共計185 家x50%),達成率為100﹪。6.完成95 年1 月至95 年12 月營建工程巡查排放量暨削減量推估,TSP 累積削減量為1,254.42 公噸 (達成率為92.92﹪),平均削減率約為41.5﹪(大於41%、達成率為100﹪)。7.協助空污費徵收作業,累計徵收件數4,124 件,金額為21,863,633 元。8.96 年2 月1~2 日舉辦外縣市營建工程業務觀摩會一場(台北市環保局),符合合約規定,達成率為100﹪。 Air Pollution Control and Air Pollution Control Fee Levying administration of Construction Site in Nantou County in 2006 095 南投縣政府環境保護局 騰美環境資源股份有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1535
95年度環保科技創新研發推動工作第二年 「環保科技育成中心計畫」為行政院環境保護署為協助國內環保產業提昇環保技術,加速改善國內環境品質,所大力推動之創新研發計畫。而本「環保創新科技研發推動工作」,即負責辦理前開計畫的管理工作。「環保科技育成中心計畫」的計畫執行期程自92至96年度,為期5年。藉由補助部分經費的方式,協助國內各創新育成中心與廠商,共同開發創新或具實用性的環保設備或技術。「環保創新科技研發推動工作」於92、93年度時,計畫名稱為「推動環保科技創新育成中心計畫」;自94年度起,方更名為目前之計畫名稱。本計畫之工作項目包括協助修正「環保科技育成中心計畫」中相關表格與作業辦法;控管各補助計畫之執行進度、經費核銷與成果彙整;協助研提未來優先補助環保技術或設備領域;歷年補助計畫執行成果追蹤與彙整;同時,蒐集國外育成組織的發展資料,做為國內發展之借鏡。95年度所補助之13項計畫,則因95年度立法院預算凍結之故,方於96年8月底前執行完畢。計畫類別共計補助「有害廢棄物創新處理技術或設備」、「土壤及地下水污染整治創新處理技術或設備」、「資源回收再利用創新技術或設備」、「具前瞻性環保創新技術或設備」、「環境檢驗創新技術開發研究」及「廢棄物/廢水之代操作/管理/處理創新技術或設備」等6大類。財團法人台灣產業服務基金會(以下簡稱本會)從本計畫開始建置起,即連續4年負責計畫執行迄今。在往年的執行過程中,已協助環保署建立完善嚴謹的作業機制與管考制度。4年期間,共計通過44項補助計畫,其中政府補助經費共計7,470萬元、廠商自籌經費共計8,375萬元。本計畫主要計畫產出及實質貢獻包括:一、透過本育成中心補助計畫,可協助各校育成中心與契約廠商共同研發環保科技創新技術,善加利用環境資源,並促進環保科技產業發展。二、自92年至95年期間(4年),已補助之44項研發計畫,獎勵具前瞻性廠商透過產學合作,培育環保科技研發之種子,開啟環保創新科技之門。三、國內各部會所補助之育成中心計畫範圍較廣泛,並無針對「環保科技」相關之育成補助計畫。透過本補助計畫,將補助範圍侷限於「環保科技」領域,有助於與國內其他育成中心計畫作區別,並可協助國內環保科技創新之推動與協助。 The Impetus Task of Environmental Protection Innovative Technology Research and Development, 2nd Year “Environmental Protection Innovative Technology Incubation Center Project” is a five-year (2003-2007) project that was launched under the leadership of Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Executive Yuan to facilitate the technological upgrading in the environmental industries and speed up the improvement of domestic environment. Meanwhile, “The Impetus Task of Environmental Protection Innovative Technology Research and Development” plays a managerial role in operating the Project above. Grants are made available for local incubators and companies to develop innovative or feasible environmental equipment or technologies.“The Impetus Task of Environmental Protection Innovative Technology Research and Development, which is also named “Promoting Plan for Environmental Protection Innovative Technology Incubation Center Project” during 2003 to 2004, was renamed since 2005. The main tasks of this Project including amendment of administrational procedures; control of funding projects’ execution schedule, budget account, and achievements compiling; draw up of grant scheme; tracing and compiling of the past years; and collecting information of foreign incubators.In Year 2006, 13 granted projects were funded. Due to the freeze of the budget by Legislation Yuan, this project could not finish until August 2007. The 6 major categories of this year’s grant scheme are for the “hazardous wastes treatment”, “remediation for soil and underground water polluted sites”, “resource recycling and reuse”, ”foreseeing environmental issues”, “R&D of innovative environmental inspection” and “waste/wastewater acting operation/management/treatment”. Foundation of Taiwan Industry Service (FTIS) endeavored to execute this project ever since it is funded. In the past four years, FTIS has assisted Taiwan EPA to establish mature running mechanism and administrational system. Moreover. 44 innovative technologies or equipments were produced since then. In summary, the grant practically issued is for the past four years is NT$ 74,700,000, and the budget raised by manufacturer is NT$ 83,750,000. The main outcome and contribution this year including the followings:1.Through the implementation of “Environmental Protection Innovative Technology Incubation Center Project”, academic incubators and industry could joint together to co-develop environmental innovative technology, to make the most rational consumption of resources, and to accelerate the booming environmental industry.2.For the past four years (2003-2006), 44 incubation plans have received the grant. And this practically leads to the cooperation between the foreseeing manufacturers and the academic. Furthermore, spread out the seeds of environmental technology research.3.So far, domestic funding for incubators is somehow broader, and the issue of environmental technology is not specified. Through this Project, the field of environmental technology is focused, and this differentiation would make a great effort in promoting the development of environmental innovative technology. 095 永續發展室 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1250
應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢輪胎類及廢鉛蓄電池類) 執行廢輪胎及廢鉛蓄電池處理業之稽核認證作業,稽核認證查核內容主要包括:回收量、處理量稽核;作業程序稽核;環境稽核及會計稽核等工作。茲將本計畫95年4月1日起至96年3月31日止,其執行之成果摘要如下。1.稽核認證回收量及處理量之執行成果,統計自95年4月1日至96年3月31日為止:一般廢輪胎稽核認證量計102,744,535公斤,廢輪胎特種胎稽核認證量計343條;一般廢鉛蓄電池稽核認證量計37,200,040公斤,特用電池稽核認證量計2,162,160公斤,本計畫共執行處理業1,800場次稽核證作業。2.在稽核認證量不合格情形查核部分,廢輪胎類共扣發1,564,260公斤,共防止5,005,632元之補貼費用遭溢領;廢鉛蓄電池類無稽核認證量不合格情形。3.人員訓練之實施成果:已完成每位新進人員40小時之職前訓練及專業考核,亦於95年5月18~20日共3天完成專業集訓,並於95年6月22日、95年6月28日及95年12月08日辦理現場實地稽核訓練,另藉由每月召開工作會議來辦理定期會議訓練,以培訓現場稽核人員各類之專業技能及溝通技巧。4.處理業作業程序查核結果中,不合格比率以處理業之貯存情形異常為最高,占整體不合格次數之95.28%,分析其原因為多數處理業進料處理時經常廢輪胎搬移及進出廠車次頻繁,致使查核時不符合設施標準規範之頻率較高所致。5.環境稽核查核結果,以廠區環境不合格比例為最高,占整體不合格次數之50.00%。6.異常原因統計成果:廢輪胎處理廠之重大異常部分以稽核認證設備異常如進料電子磅秤及地磅故障/更換印表紙、進廠地磅故障、CCTV監視錄影系統故障及角度調整等異常共282次,占本計畫總重大異常次數的60.78%。非重大異常部分則以機械設備異常最高,共發生223次,占本計畫總非重大異常次數的73.84%,主要係因廢輪胎處理破碎使機械設備磨損較大,經常需要更換刀具以利處理作業的進行,故較易有設備故障、維修及保養的情形發生。廢鉛蓄電池處理廠所發生之重大異常中均為稽核認證設備異常,非重大異常中則為機械設備異常。7.會計稽核之執行,乃委託專業之眾信會計所人員執行處理業之成品、半成品及原料庫存盤點,並檢視處理業提供之相關憑證,來執行檢視及勾稽其合理性。依據會計師查核結果,顯示查核處理業中其提供之憑證皆屬合理,並未發現任何重大異常情事。另依本計畫契約書規範,針對僅經營應回收廢棄物之處理業,進行財務、營運及繼續經營之假設等進行分析,亦無有發現重大異常事件。8.新設資源處理機構審核部分,本會共配合6家8場次處理機構申請受補貼機構資格及新增/變更審核之現勘作業。9.處理業違規記點成果共計33點,分析記點原因,主要為廢輪胎計量設備故障,即時列印卡紙所致。 The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste (Waste Tires and Waste Lead Acid Batteries) 1.Results on inspection and certification amounts․Certified recycled-disposal quantity on:waste tire:102,744,535kgwaste tire(special types):343pieceswaste lead acid battery(general types):37,200,040kgwaste lead acid battery(special types):2,162,1601kg․Inspection on site:1,800trips2.Auditing results on disqualified events․1,564,260kg certified recycled-disposal quantity on waste tire is deducted for disqualified events which is equal to 5,005,632 NT Dollars.․0kg certified recycled-disposal quantity on waste lead acid battery is deducted for disqualified events.3.Results on training All inspectors are required to fulfill 40-hour training and examination. Pro training was held during 18〜20 May 2006, and on-site inspection training was held on 22 June, 2006 , 28 June, 2006 and 08 December, 2006. In addition, routine training and special training were held through workshops monthly.4.Auditing results on operation process of recycling and disposal enterprisesThe major disqualified operation process is abnormal storage condition which contributes 95.28% of the total. 5.Auditing results on environmental safety and healthThe major disqualification on environmental safety and health is environmental maintain(50.00%).6.Auditing results on abnormal eventsWaste Tire: Facility abnormal is totaled 282 times which is the highest of major normal events(60.78%). Mechanical abnormal occurred 223 times and is the highest of the minor abnormal events(73.84%).Waste lead acid battery: Facility abnormal is the highest of major normal events(100%). And mechanical abnormal is the highest of the minor abnormal events(100%).7.Results on accounting auditAccounting audits were carried out by professional accountants twice a year on inventory and its relative records. None major abnormal event was found from the accounting audits.8.Examination on newly set up recycling and disposal enterprisesDuring the project period, FTIS totally carried out 8 trips on site including 6 recycling and disposal enterprises on subsidized enterprise qualification application.9.The scoring penalty for those disposal enterprises that violated regulations are totally accumulated 33 points. 095 基管會 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1495
工業區專用下水道系統查核評比暨管理問題診斷追蹤改善計畫 台灣已開發完成之工業區超過100處,其中有51處設有污水處理廠,分別由行政院國科會、經濟部工業局及相關縣市政府進行管理。本年度「工業區專用下水道系統查核評比暨管理問題診斷追蹤改善計畫」以各污水廠申報基本資料為基礎,針對環保署水污染資料庫4萬筆記錄整理,除蒐集污水廠基本現狀外,亦針對原有績效指標如:納管率、BOD削減率、COD削減率、SS削減率及放流水水質標準差距率分析(也包括衍生性指標),此外配合50處污水廠放流水及117處雨水道採樣口進行檢測結果,整合為評比基礎資料。又以電話及電子問卷對於94年評比缺失改善項目進行追蹤,統合50份問卷近500多點缺失項目之改善追蹤,才得以用最完整基礎資料進行95年度之評比。 評比結果在雨水道方面,95年雨水道檢測不合格率為24.7%,相較94年之34.5% 已有大幅改善。但是為杜絕繞流排放及不法傾倒,相關稽查與巡查仍須重視與執行。此外納管廠商方面,目前各工業區納管率約在100%~85.2%,仍有工業區前處理廠商未正常運作,或設備運作效能不足致使廢水問題更嚴重,這點仍須相關單位督促加強。執行迄今本計畫在於污水廠污染管制上已有明顯效果,如稽查次數增加導致告發率由94年的2.4%提升到3.5%,而陳情告發率則由25.2%降到16.4%,可以了解到藉由行政體系的稽巡查執行,目前非法問題正逐步受管制,而民眾對於工業區水污染陳情,則逐漸轉變為主觀感受而非現實污染問題。尤其在污染減量成果中,以新竹工業區的改善為最明顯。所以本計畫之執行確實有污染減量效益,但有些改善並非一夕可成,所以環保署應針對評比後彙整之相關問題,以長期循序漸進方式執行相關管制管理。 The evaluation, management's problem diagnosis and amendment trace plan of the specified wastewater server system of industrial parks Out of all the fully developed industrial parks in Taiwan, which amounts to over 100 in total, 51 of them have waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) set up, and these plants are managed separately by National Science Council of Executive Yuan, Industrial Development Bureau of Ministry of Economic Affairs, or relevant municipal governments. Based upon the reported fundamental information form individual WWTPs, this year’s “Industrial Parks’ Designated Underground Drainage System Investigation Evaluation Assessment and Management Problem Diagnosis Follow-up Improvement Program” has sorted 40 thousand records in the water pollution database of Environmental Protection Administration. Besides collecting the baseline conditions of these WWTPs, the research team has conducted standard deviation analyses for the original performance indicators and their derived indicators including piping rate, BOD reduction rate, COD reduction rate, SS reduction rate, and effluent water quality. Moreover, in conjugation with sampling points from 50 WWTP effluents and 117 rain water culverts, result detection was conducted in order to integrate basic evaluation information. Telephone and electronic surveys were also implemented to follow up on defect improvement items in 2004. Incorporating the most complete fundamental information from improvement follow-ups of over 500 defect items on the 50 questionnaires, the 2006 evaluation assessment is then able to proceed as planned.In respect of the rain water culverts, the evaluation assessment results show that the unacceptable rate of the 2006 rain water culvert check is 24.7%, which is a great improvement from the 34.5% in 2005. In order to eliminate detoured discharges and illegal dumping, relevant investigation and patrol need to be emphasized and enforced. In regards to piping manufacturers, the current piping rate in each of the industrial parks is between 100% and 85.2%. Some pre-treatment manufacturers of the industrial parks are still not properly operating, or having insufficient facility operation efficiency that results in more severe waste water issues. Relevant authorities should insist on its enforcement. From the beginning of the execution of this program up to now, the WWTP pollution control has had apparent outcomes. For instance, charge/impeachment rate has increased form 2.4% in 2005 to 3.5% due to increased investigation while petition rate has declined from 25.2% to 16.4%. These statistics show that through the enforcement of investigation and patrol by the administrative system, illegal situations have progressively come under regulation control, and petitions from the general public against water pollution in industrial parks have gradually become reflections of subjective experience rather than that of actual pollution issue. Particularly among the achievements of pollution reduction, improvements in Hsinchu Industrial Park Service Center have been the most apparent. Therefore, implementation of this program is certainly beneficial to pollution reduction, though some improvements can not be accomplished overnight; and the Environment Protection Administration should progressively put into practice the relevant control management in the long term in connection with related issues compiled through the evaluation assessment. 095 水保處 鋒騰科技有限公司 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=2182
95年度公告指定容器類責任業者營業(進口)量相關帳籍憑證查核計畫 本專案計畫目標預計完成500家業者之查核,另依據95年12月18日環署基字第0950097959號函同意本計劃執行期間延至96年3月31日止,並增加查核家數75家之範圍內,調整計劃經費。本報告內容涵括受查業者595家,共計有357家之受查業者有短漏申報之情形,短漏申報家數佔總查核家數約60.00%,短漏金額合計新台幣239,775,710元,整體工作進度已達成合約之目標。本報告並蒐集受查業者意見,並列入各業者之工作執行報告,並加以分類統計分析,以提供政策修訂之參考。 Examination project toward the Operation/Importation Accounts of the Specified Container Enterprises. The original objective of this project is to examine around 500 companies. An extension of execution time period from December 31, 2006, to March 31, 2007, has been granted by Environmental Protection Agency and the project fee has been adjusted accordingly, which is limited to 75 companies. The final report of this project covers the results of examination of total 595 companies during the project period. 357 recycle-fee evaded companies which is 60.00% of total companies being examined were noted. We have fulfilled the project requirement and the recycle-fee evaded amount discovered is NTD 239,775,710. The above year-end project report also incorporates with the comments from companies being examined and related work reports. We also analyze those comments in order to provide additional information for future policy amendments. 095 基管會 致遠會計師事務所 http://epq.epa.gov.tw/project/FileDownload.aspx?fid=1614